aia Dyaerrey des Rais SS TEP, 3 5H tose Hee ORIN ‘ 4 ett vat, fal er’ dante be it eee : Rt ee ar ENE He ty ahs pS af ax stat et 2 feasts Res y hte a neat sy! mee > th Riv aie nrear STAN i i ™ Len qelbagihes ey sagt niin ohy HEE Pe en ie the) bi Ltt et hee : Ae a si * ; ft eis iere ined Manta te tah ties crite gsi Nt) SEYEPee teens st ie re itd Site WEVA ep Shh ig fy Holt ts ene mt Tz ip be fd ae i, — Ly ; ' ‘Vy r ; coy ; - . 1 } Ai “ae 7 Pie ya hee 7 j nM, ee | hy _ ry if “1S oes a PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 1882. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE: JosEPH LeErpy, M. D., Gro. H. Horn, M.D., Epwarp J. Nouan, M.D., THomas MBEHAN, JOHN H, REDFIELD. Epirorn: EDWARD J. NOLAN, M.D. » al PHILADELPHIA : ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, S.W. Corner Nineteenth and Race Streets, 18853. AOADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, February 28, 1883. I hereby certify that printed copies of the Proceedings for 1882 have been presented at the meetings of the Academy, as follows :— - Pages 9to 24 April 18, 1882. ¢ 6-25 to ©40 April 25, 1882. ‘Alto 66 May 2, 1882. “ 57 to 88 May 9, 1882. *¢ 89 to 104 June 6, 1882. * 105 to 186 June 27, 1882. “ 137 to 194 July 25, 1882. “¢ 185 to 216 August 29, 1882. “ 217 to 282 October 17, 1882. ‘¢ 233 to 250 October 24, 1882. ‘¢ 251 to 266 December 12, 1882. ‘* 267 to 282 January 2, 1883. ‘¢ 283 to 314 January 16, 1883. * 315 to 330 February 6, 183838. «< 331 to 346 January 30, 1883. ‘347 to 362 February 13, 1883. ‘© 363 to 378 February 20, 1883. GH (7 PHILADELPHIA: EDWARD J. NOLAN, Recording Secretary. W. P. KILDARE, PRINTER. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. With reference to the several articles contributed by each. For Verbal Communications see General Index. Allen, Harrison. The Muscles of the Limbs of the Raccoon (Procyon DEO) SAG So Alods S08 OCI SAIN DCIS DECC a5 Sere Beret ery One eee 115 Arango, Rafael. Descriptions of new species of Terrestrial Mollusca aE REM ete ange Sic lacs ens cols Sibel wis wee aisrale winlmig s ace kisrea's 105 Cope, E. D. On Uintatherium Bathmodon and Triisodon........... 294 Day, L. T. The species of Odontomya found in the United States.... 74 Eastlake, T. W. Conchologia Hongkongensis................-2++-- 231 Heilprin, Augelo. On the Relative Ages and Classification of the Post-Eocene Tertiary Deposits of the Atlantic Slope.......... 150 On the Occurrence of Nummulitic Deposits in Florida and the Association of Nummulites with a Fresh-water Fauna........ 189 On the Age of the Tejon Rocks of California and the occurrence of Ammonitic Remains in Tertiary Deposits.................. 196 On the Value of the ‘‘ Nearctic”’ as one of the Primary Zoological MeN oracle SO gp his'cis at 30's Nas sailors dace vipeuciale mee als ape sks 316 Julien, Alexis A. The Genesis of the Getatien fron-Oress (i o.3<.: 330 MevemeiaAs. Litaniferous Gare... Mig Lilie pln QO Ge ral Bl Cae OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES oF PHILADELPHIA. JANUARY 3, 1882. The President, Dr. Jos. Lempy, in the chair. Twenty-six persons present. Fruiting of Ginko biloba.—Mr. THoMas MEEHAN referred to some specimens of this plant (Salisburia adiantifolia of Smith and other authors subsequent to Linnzeus) which had been borne by a tree on the grounds of Mr. Chas. J. Wister, of Germantown. The tree was far removed from any other flowering tree, which afforded good grounds for the belief that this specimen was hermaphrodite. In botanical classification the genus was accepted as of dicecious character. Sexual characters were, however, among the most unreliable. There would be nothing improbable in a tree bearing wholly male or wholly female flowers as a general rule, changing so far as to have both on one tree. Cases of this kind were not uncommon in Acer dasycarpum, and other decid- uous trees, and, he believed, probable in the red cedar, Juniperus virginiana, an ally of the Ginko. In this cedar there were often trees met with which were wholly male in most seasons, but on which occasional berries might be seen; while other trees, usually so abundantly fertile as to be almost covered with blue berries, would occasionally have many more male flowers than usual. In Rubiaceous plants, where dimorphic flowers were so common— the short-styled ones and the short-stamened ones being on distinct plants, and practically dicecious—there were cases of change at times. The white-berried Mitchella repens which were growing on his grounds, apart from the red-berried variety, had not produced a 2 10 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE ACADEMY OF [1882. berry until last year, when a few were produced; and the short- styled Bouvardia, so common in greenhouses, and with short styles, had produced a branch on one plant under his observation the past winter, which had the styles projecting beyond the corolla. In annual plants the variation in sexual characters was well known to vary, even with external conditions. Ambrosia artemisizfolia, the common rag-weed, produces mostly male flowers in poor soil, or when growing thickly together in wheat fields after the grain is cut; but when growing in the richer soil of potato or Indian- corn fields, the increase of female flowers is very marked. Sometimes plants under these conditions are found wholly female. Indian-corn also varies through some innate law. Male flowers are not uncommon on the spikes which bear the grain, while grain among the males, or ‘‘ tassels,”’ showed the occasional presence of female flowers there. It is more than likely that complete dicecism, claimed for some Asiatic conifer, does not really exist. Prof. Angelo Heilprin remarked that fruit had been found on this tree recently in the Central Park, New York; and that bees might carry the pollen long distances, and fertilize female flowers. It did not follow that the presence of fruit on isolated trees involved monecism. Mr. Redfield observed that pollen from the large male tree, three-quarters of a century old, at the old Hamilton homestead, now Woodlands Cemetery, and but six miles away in a direct line, might be wafted by winds to Mr. Wister’s tree in Germantown. The President, Dr. Joseph Leidy, remarked that pollen from coniferous trees was known to be carried by winds to enormous distances. Remarks on some Rock Specimens.—Prof. Lerpy remarked in relation to the rock specimens presented by him this evening, that most of them he had collected last summer on South Mountain, ten miles from Wernersville, Berks Co., Pa. The ridge consists of azoic rocks, mainly compact gneiss, often obscurely stratified and regular or not folded or contorted. With this is associated granite with little or no mica, and black syenite mostly composed of hornblende with feldspar ‘and quartz in fine grains. The rocks in two localities of the vicinity are traversed by dykes of basaltic trap. Potsdam sandstone flanks the mountain on the eastern side, and this at the base is overlaid by the lower Silurian limestone of the Lebanon Valley. The specimens collected from exposures of the Potsdam sandstone consist of quartzite, remarkable for their sharply defined character, resembling ina manner cleavage fragments of orthoclase. The form is due to jointing, which is rhomboidal, usually in two directions crossing the planes of stratification, but also frequently parallel with the latter. Occasionally the jointing presents other 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 11 planes; thus one of the specimens, the size of an ordinary brick exhibits planes due to jointing in five different directions. Incidentally to the foregoing, Prof. Leidy said that it would be an interesting subject of investigation to trace the source of the materials of the gravel on which our city is built. Everywhere of a red color due to the peroxidizing of the iron of the rocks from which the gravel has been derived, the basis of this latter is mainly siliceous. Many of the siliceous pebbles, from a small size to boulders approximating a ton in weight, appear to have heen derived from the Potsdam sandstone, north of the city. They commonly have the same quartzite constitution; and in their irregularly rectangular and rhomboidal form, with borders and angles rounded by attrition, they exhibit the jointed condition of the Potsdam rocks. In earlier days when he learned that quartz belonged to the rhomboidal system, but exhibited no disposition to cleavage, he thought that the rhomboidal quartz pebbles of our gravel were examples showing a tendency to crystalline cleavage. Some of the quartzite pebbles, like portions of the Potsdam rocks, are of so compact a character, and banded in structure, that when polished they look like chalcedony, as exemplified by a specimen picked up on the Delaware shore. Other pebbles of milky, smoky, and other quartz appear to have been derived from quartz veins of our neighboring gneiss rocks. Black pebbles found in the gravel used in the construction of the bed of the junction railroad just north of the city, and collected as specimens of basanite or touchstone, appear to be hornstone or chert, like that in the lower Silurian limestone at Easton. Numerous pebbles of the same kind are found on the Delaware shore at the latter place. Limestone itself appears to form no conspicuous element of our gravels. Though abundant in the same sources of supply of the common ingredients of the gravels, its fragments have been completely dissolved away. ‘Occasionally he had seen in the interior of a freshly broken pebble of black hornstone, such as one presented this evening, minute rhombohedrons of calcite, while on the exterior minute cavities of the same form show where similar crystals have been dissolved. Pebbles of ted sandstones and shales are frequent elements of our gravel, and have evidently been derived from the triassic rocks, so abundantly exhibited north of the city. Pebbles of compact quartz conglomerate are less frequent, and may probably have been derived from the same source, or perhaps from the coal measures farther north. Irregular pebbles of various sizes, of a variety of granite, consist- ing of quartz with conspicuously large crystals of muscovite mica, occur in some localities, as in West Philadelphia, but a similar rock in place is unknown to him. The exposed sides of the mica erystals, worn into hollows of the quartz, appear so compact, 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. that one would hardly suspect their character without seeing the cleavage surfaces. Fossils of any kind are extremely rare in the gravel of our immediate vicinity, and in the course of a lifetime he had picked up less than half a dozen quartzose pebbles pseudomorphiec of a coral like Favosites,and with some obscure brachiopod impressions. In the locality, from which the jointed specimens of quartzite of the Potsdam sandstone presented this evening were collected, he looked in vain for Scolithus linearis, viewed as a characteristic fossil of this formation. Some miles further off, near Sheridan Station, where an exposure of the same rock was less metamor- phosed, and in part consisted of friable sand, he picked up a single specimen which contained the fossil. JANUARY 10, 1882. The President, Dr. Lrrpy, in the chair. Twenty-six persons present. Three more Fresh-water Sponges.—Mr. Epw. Ports had de- scribed in the Proceedings under date of July 26, 1881,a new species of Carterella, C. latitenta; his later identified findings during that year are here mentioned. MEYENIA CRATERIFORMA. This sponge, first found during Sep- tember, 1881, in the Brandywine, near Chadd’s Ford. is of very delicate structure. Its framework of skeleton spicules is exceed- ingly meagre and slightly bound together, scarcely amounting to a system of meshes and polyhedral interspaces as in most other sponges ; and as a consequence we find the numerous small white statospheres lying in recesses far larger than themselves, freely exposed to view from the upper or outer side of the sponge. This trait is only seen in the thinnest of encrusting sponges. The skeleton spicules may be described as acerate, gradually sharp-pointed, sparsely and very minutely microspined. With — these were mingled smaller and more slender forms, which may be an earlier stage of the same, or perhaps are dermal spicules; but beside these may be seen upon the undisturbed surface of the sponge two other forms—one, cylindrical, slender, with truncate ends—the other similar in all respects to the long birotulates which surround the statospheres. The last have most probably been misplaced from their normal position. The birotulate spicules surrounding the statospheres, as com- pared with those of any other described sponges, and with the diam- eter of their own rotules, are relatively very long. The diameter of the completed statosphere is to that of the contained chitinous body, about as 10 to 7, and the diameter of the rotules, while per- 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. .- 13 haps double that of the shaft, is only from one-fifth to one-seventh of their length. A number of long, sharp spines occur near each extremity of the shaft. These bir otulates are disposed, as is usual, very regularly and densely upon the surface of the chitinous body ; one end of each being thus supported, the other forming a second or outer coat or surface. One peculiarity, however, of their arrange- ment has suggested the specific name now given. In most other species the length of the foraminal tube is fixed, or approximately indicated, by the thickness of the spiculiferous ‘coat, which closes up around and against it. In this, however, on account of the unusual length of the spicules and their necessary radial direction, a space is left about the foramen, in the centre of which the tubule appears as an elongated cone; the whole having the appearance ofa volcanic crater. In mounted specimens, probably as a result of violence in making sections of the statoblasts, these spicules frequently deviate from a direct radial position and cross each other’s lines in a curious manner. This sponge has also been found in the Schuylkill River and in some of its smaller branches. HETEROMEYENIA Rypertl. This beautiful green sponge has, as yet, only been found in a branch of Cobb’s Creek, a small stream whose waters reach the Delaware River below Philadelphia. It occupied the upper surface of large stones in the bed of the stream; some of the patches being four or five inches in diameter and about one-fourth of an inch thick. The surface is somewhat irregular, occasionally rising into rounded lobes. The efferent canals are deeply channeled in the upper surface of the sponge ; five or six sometimes converging to a common orifice. The skeleton spicules are stout, cylindrical, slightly curved, gradually sharp-pointed, conspicuously spined, excepting at the extremities ; spines conical, sharp-pointed ; when largest often curving for ward or towards the adjacent ends of the spicules. As is generally the case with spined skeletcn spicules, they are but slightly fasciculated ; being mostly arranged in a simple series, single spicules meeting or diverging from other spicules, thus forming a delicate network, supporting the sponge flesh. With these are mingled a few, more slender, smooth spicules which may be immature, or the true dermal spicules of the sponge. The statospheres are numerous, rather small, surrounded first by a series of birotulates, short, stout, the rotule about equal in diameter to the length of the shaft. The shafts are cylindrical or somewhat wider toward the rotules , having frequently one or more long spines near the centre. Margins of the rotule marked with an infinity of shallow cuts not amounting to notches. The second series of birotulates, which, more than in either of the other species of this genus, marks this asa deviation from the familiar Meyenia type,are very different from the first. They are nearly double the length of the former, much fewer in number, rather regularly interspersed among them ; the rotules are repre- l4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. sented by six, eight or more short recurved hooks, at each end of the shaft, which i is cylindrical and studded with numerous spines, equal in length to the hooked rays of the rotul, and curving like them from the extremities. This species is respectfully dedicated by the discoverer to his friend, Mr. John A. Ryder, in acknowl- edgment of much excellent advice, assistance and encouragement. TURELLA PENNSYLV\NICA. The genus Tubella, as established by Mr. H. J. Carter, Feb. 1881, was represented by four species, three originally described by Dr. Bowerbank (as Spongillas), and ove by Mr. Carter—all collected in thie ree River, South America. It does not appear that any have been described from other localities. It was therefore with much pleasure and some surprise that while examining material collected at Lehigh Gap, Pa.,in November last, Mr, Potts came upon undoubted specimens of the same genus. It differs from Meyenia in the fact that the rotule of the. spicules surrounding the statospheres are of unequal diameters ; the larger one being “placed next the chitinous coat. This species, whose peculiarities do not tally with those of any of the four above mentioned, may be thus described : Sponge minute, encrusting, thin; the skeleton spicule arranged in a simple series of single non-fasciculated spicules, in the inter- spaces of which the statospheres are abundant. Skeleton spicules very variable in size and shape, but all entirely and coarsely spined ; rounded or abruptly pointed at the extremities. Dermal spicules absent or undetermined. Statospheres, numerous, small; granular coating thin but extending to or somewhat beyond the outer ends of the birotu- lates. Leneth of the inequibirotulates about equal to the diameter of the larger disk, which is placed against the chitinous coat. Margin of larger disk generally entire, sub-circular ; outer surface flat, table-like, the margin sometimes slightly incurved. This surface is not infrequently warped or twisted into an irregular out- line. The outer disk, in the great majority of cases, is about one- fifth the diameter of the inner, but varies from, say, one-sixth to equality, which is, however, rarely observed. Its margin also appears to be gener ally entire, but it is undoubtedly sometimes divided into six or eight rays. The inner surface of the larger disk is also occasionally marked with rib-like rays and still more rarely the margin between the rays is wanting. These, as before stated, are all the species whose novelty has been definitely determined; but amongst the large amount of material collected are doubtless others, belonging to the genera Spongilla and Meyenia, whose distinguishing peculiarities are less obvious, and where close study will be needed to define them. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 15 JANUARY 17, 1882. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Twenty-six persons present. The following papers were presented for publication : “New Crinoids from the Rocks of the Chemung Period of New York State,” by Henry 8. Williams, Ph. D. “The Species of Odontomyia found in the United States,” by fret. EF: Day. “* A New Station for Corema Conradii,” by Aubrey H. Smith. J ANUARY 24, 1882. The President, Dr. Lrtpy, in the chair. Twenty-four persons present. The death of M. Jules Putzeys, a correspondent, was an- nounced. The thanks of the Academy were ordered to be forwarded to Mrs. 8. J. Haldeman Haly, for the gift of a portrait in oil of the late Prof. S. S. Haldeman, by Waugh. Notes on Monazite.—Prof. Grorcr A. Konia announced the identification of Monazite from the mica mine at Amelia Court House, Va. It has occurred in several large masses, from fifteen to twenty pounds in weight. One in the collection of Mr. C. 8. Bement exhibits two crystals, monoclinic combinations of Po. «oP . oPo, with sides over 5 inches in length. Such gigantic masses of this rare mineral have not heretofore been reported. It occurs together with equally huge crystals of microlite, fine crystals of columbite, of manganese tantalite, amazonite, albite, apatite, smoky quartz, and beryl; of the last mineral a crystal was found, 25 inches in diameter and over 12 feet long. This monazite was supposed to be microlite or scheelite. Two varieties have been identified by the speaker ; one possessing an amber or brown color (transparent finely blood-red), and giving a straw-colored powder like microlite. The other variety is gray, with honey-yellow color in thin splinters, and yields a greenish gray powder; of the former the specific gravity is 5.402 and 5.345; of the latter it is 5.138. When finely pulverized and mixed with two to three parts of 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. concentrated sulphuric acid, the mineral is decomposed very quickly as soon as the temperature is brought to the boiling point of sulphuric acid. The mass becomes a dry paste and dissolves in water. The solution is turbid from a quantity of basic phos- phates, varying between two and eighteen per cent., according to the excess of acid present. The acid solution may be boiled without the forming of a precipitate; thorium is therefore not contained in the mineral. Two determinations of the phosphoric acid gave 25.82 and 26.3 per cent., one being by phosphomolybdic acid; the other in the usual manner, after precipitating the bases first by oxalic acid, and the filtrate by ammonic hydrate. Fluorine is not present. The following is given as a preliminary result, pending the tedious separation of the oxides: (Ce, La, Dy, Y), O, = 73.82 (Y, Fe, Ca), O,; = 1.00 1 88 = 26.05 Volatile by ignition — 0.45 101.52 Supposing the oxides to be all cerous oxide, or in other words having the atomic weight of 92, the highest of the group, then the ratio obtains Po: so Sem) <1 ogetntch: which is not reconcilable with a normal phosphate. The speaker suggests, therefore, the possible presence in the group of a metal with a much higher atomic weight than cerium. He is engaged at work with a large enough quantity of the oxides to decide this question in time. JANUARY 31. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Highteen persons present. Messrs. Wilson Mitchell, Chas. H. Hutchinson, Rev. W. G. Holland, Able F. Price, Alfred C. Harrison and Robt. B. Haines were elected members. Dr. A. Baltzer, of Zurich,and Prof. Robt. Collett, of Christiania, were elected correspondents. The following were ordered to be published :— PEt PROC. ACAD. NAT. SCI. PHILADA. 1882. WILLIAMS ON NEW CRINOIDS. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 17 NEW CRINOIDS FROM THE ROCKS OF THE CHEMUNG PERIOD OF NEW YORK STATE. BY HENRY S. WILLIAMS, PH. D. Hitherto the rocks of the Chemung period have furnished only imperfect traces of crinoids. Joints of the stems are frequently met with, in some places in great numbers, but we find mention of only three crinoids in condition sufficiently perfect for specitic identification. Cyathocrinus ornatissimus was described by Professor Hall in 1843 (Geol. Rept. of 4th Dist. N. Y. State, p. 247), from the Portage group at Portland, shore of Lake Erie, N. Y., but the description and figures leave the generic and family relations of the species in doubt, and we find no mention of the name in the exhaustive “ Revision of Paleocrinoidea,”’ of Wachsmuth and Springer, 1879-1881. Taxocrinus (Forbesiocrinus) communis Hall and Whitfield, is recognized in a specimen from the Chemung group at Forest- ville, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. (see Paleontology of Ohio, vol. ii, p. 170). The original locality for the species is the shales of the Waverly sandstone of Richfield, Summit Co., Ohio. A third species, Platycrinus Bedfordensis Hall and Whitfield, is described from the upper part of the Erie shales of Ohio, which are regarded by some good authorities as equivalents of the Portage and Chemung rocks of New York. These three are the only crinoids specifically identified from rocks of the Chemung period, or their equivalents, up to the present time. The specimens from which the following species have been determined are mostly in the condition of moulds from which the original substance of the fossil has been entirely removed, and in such cases, casts of wax or gutta percha have been used in the description of the species. Ina few cases the material is in such an imperfect condition that a proper specific diagnosis is impossible, and accordingly no specific name has been assigned, although mention is made under the generic name of such new characters as could be observed. In other cases a large number of individuals has been found in a single locality, among which certain variations are noted, and 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. by comparison of all the specimens these variations are found to be pure variations and not marks of distinct species. Crinoids are generally so rare in individual specimens that it is believed that any contribution to our knowledge of the direction and extent of the variations among the individuals of a common species is of value to paleontologists. The author expresses his thanks to Mr. Charles Wachsmuth for valuable suggestions and assistance in the identification of genera, and to Profs. John M. Clarke and S. G. Williams for the loan of specimens, The types of the species, not otherwise designated, are from the author’s collection, and will be placed on deposit in the museum of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Poteriocrinus Co nelliaaus n.s, PI. I, figs. 1, 2 and 3. Calyx cup-shaped; arms very long; stem pentagonal and expanding at the top, under the calyx. Underbasals small, difficult to distinguish from the final segment of the stem; junction between the several plates indistinct and in line with ridges of the stem. Basals large, hexagonal, height and breadth subequal. Radials large, broad, longitudinally convex, and incurving toward the vault, the edges of two adjacent radials forming a deep grooye which terminates upon the upper part of the basals. The broad convex ridge, which begins on the radials, is continued in the brachials and arms up to the first bifurcation, and is in direct line with the five angular carinations of the upper part of the stem. The upper margin of the radial, straight, broader than the first brachial. The radial is succeeded by a single series of eight (or nine) plates, of nearly uniform size, and dorsally with no lateral expan- sion, strongly convex, the last plate angular above, and presenting two oblique faces from which proceed two smaller arms. These arms bifurcate a second time in the course of their length. The general appearance is that these first eight plates above the radial are brachials. But, we observe, from the ventral part of the sides © of each of these plates arise pinnules on alternate sides, beginning with the third or second plate of the series. If, therefore, we regard the presence of pinnules as a mark of the arm-plates, in distinction from brachials proper, we have 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 19 here two or three brachials followed by a single series of arm- plates, six or seven in number (the number of these plates varies for the rays ofa single specimen), with strong pinnules from each plate; from the last of this series branch off two subequal rays which again bifurcate. The arms above the bifurcation are long and thickly beset with pinnules, one from each joint ; occasionally a plate is intercalated without a pinnule, but the pinnules retain their alternate order. In the middle and upper part of the arm the joints are some- what produced on the side where the pinnules arise. Anals, three within the calyx ; the lowest touches two basals, the right posterior radial and the second and third anals. The second anal lies upon the left of the first and touches the left posterior radial. The third anal is directly above the first, and touches the radial on the right, the second anal on the left, and is succeeded by a series of plates very similar (on the dorsal view) to the lower arm-plates, but with no pinnule and with straight articular faces. This is the ventral tube. This ventral tube is very long, apparently as long as the arms, but more even in size throughout. In the typical specimen, what is preserved of this tube is one- third the length of the arms; laterally it is beset on both sides by a fringe, about the width of the plates themselves, of narrow ridges and furrows perpendicular to the axis of the tube. There are four to six of these furrows in the length of each plate, and they continue uninterruptedly the whole length of the tube. In another specimen the tube has been preserved lying mainly out- side the arms, and thirty-one plates can be distinctly seen, making a tube whose length is six times the diameter of the calyx; the final plate is about half the size of the first one. A study of the specimens at command—although all but one are in the condition of moulds in fine sandstone from which the original material is entirely removed, has enabled us to make out the general external details of structure of this ‘‘tube.” (PI. I, fig. 3, a, b, ¢, d.) The dorsal aspect is that of a cylinder, from a little below the centre of which extend outward and downward lamellz which on each side are continuous; the junction at each joint of the plates is not visible, and transversely they are marked by narrow furrows. A section shows these fringe-like lamellz to be lateral expansions of the axial plates, thickened at the outer margins and on the ventral side terminating at a narrow, medium, longitudinal 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. keel, which appears to be composed of two series of minute plates alternately arranged. The transverse strive do not continue over the outer margin to the ventral side, but reappear in the furrow at the base of the ventral keel. This is all that can be determined from the specimens, which show only the outside cast of the tube. Whether the transverse strie are marks of external furrows, or of narrow perforations, or whether this be the whole of the tube, which was hollow, or an axis upon which softer tissues were engaged,are indeterminate from these specimens. Dimensions.—Stem, diam. at top,3.0 mm., below, 2.8 mm.; calyx, diam., 7.0 mm.; arm at base, diam., 2.0 mm.; primary radial series, length, 5.1mm.; arms, length, 45.0 mm.; arms, first five joints at base, 6.—6.6 mm. Locality.—Ithaca, N. Y. Horizon.—Chemung group, 200 ft. above base. One of the finest specimens of this species was collected by Mr. A. H. Cowles (C. U.,’82), of Cleveland, Ohio, and presented to the author. It is taken as the type of the species. The species is not uncommon, in the condition of stems and fragments, in Cornell University quarry, and in the same stratum at other outcrops, but the heads or even arms are very rare. 1 Poteriocrinus ‘sp. prima). Two nearly perfect arms were found by the author on a fragment of rock, from cliffs of the upper Portage, which differ from any species known, but are not enough for specific diagnosis. The sizeand general appearance are those of Poteriocrinus Cornel- lianus, but it differs in the arrangement of pinnules, which appear regularly on each side from every fourth joint. The pinnules are shorter and more slender than those of P. Cornellianus. Locality.—Ithaca, N. Y. Horizon.—Portage group (?); from slab not in place but prob- ably from this formation, or just above. ' To avoid the necessity of establishing new specific, or varietal names upon inadequate evidence, use is made of the denominations species prima, sp. secunda, etc., under the appropriate genus, and varietas alpha, var. beta, etc., under the appropriate species as a means of designating new facts, whose taxonomic relationship cannot be satisfactorily determined from the material at command. 1882. j NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 21 Poteriocrinus Clarkei n.s. PI. I, fig. 4. Calyx obconical, small, gradually expanding from the top of stem, which also gradually expands and the calyx continues evenly the rate of increase in size begun in the stem. . The radials are very convex in the centre, making a conspicuous enlargement at this point. . Underbasals of medium size, pentagonal, as high as wide. Basals large, hexagonal, higher than wide, and twice the height of the underbasals. Kadials of medium size, truncate above, irregularly pentagenal, smaller than the basals, wider than high, externally quite gibbous. Brachials, two for each ray. The first brachial short, cylindrical, with a straight margin above and below, height and width equal, much narrower than the radial; second brachial cylindrical, and at the base the same size as the first brachial, but near the top it suddenly expands to nearly double width, angular above, bearing two arms which do not bifureate. In one specimen one of the second brachials bears three arms each of equal and normal size. The joints between the primary radial plates gap, as do also, in some specimens, those of the arm-plates. The brachials are free, parallel, and separated by a space as great as their diameter. The surface of the calyx is marked by two rows of depressions ; the first is elongate, longitudinally, its bottom lies along the suture between contiguous basals, takes in the point of the under- basal and the lower part of the radial; near the top of this groove isa horizontal ridge not reaching the general surface, but uniting the two walls of the groove, and it is more prominent in some specimens than in others. . In the second row, the depressions are smaller, triangular, pointed below, and have their centres over the angle of meeting of the basal and two approximate radials; each cavity extends upon the edges of each of these three plates. Stem.above pentagonal with thin disks, below gradually becomes cylindrical, and the disks elongate till their length equals half the diameter, are not convex but form a smooth cylindrical stem ; from this part cirri are frequent, standing at right-angles to the stem. Anals not known. This species resembles Pot. (Scaphiocrinus) Whitei Hall, ’61, 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. p. 306, but differs in the longer body, column more rapidly expand- ing at the top, larger calyx, the basals being larger in proportion, and in the presence of two brachials instead of one ; also, the arms do not branch, so far as determined from the specimens, and the plates are not conspicuously prominent at the offset of the pinnules. The surface markings are much alike in the two species, but there are several other species similarly marked. Dimensions.—Calyx, height, a 4.5 mm.,b 4.4 mm.; width. @ 5.1 mm.b5 mm.; stem, diam. at base of calyx, a 2.4 mm., b 2.4 mm. ; diam. lower down, a; primary radial series, height, a 5.2 mm., 6 4.1 mm.; first brachial, diam. a 1.3 mm., 6 1.2 mm.; first arm-plate, diam., a 1.1 mm., 6 0.9 mm.; first five arm- plates, length, a 7.9 mm. Locality.—Haskinsville, Steuben Co., N. Y. Horizon.—Chemung group. Collected by, and named for, Prof. J. M. Clarke, of Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Poteriocrinus Clarkei, var. alpha n. v. PI. I, fig. 5. This variety is based upon the impression of part of a calyx found by the author at Ithaca, N. Y,, in the lower part of the Chemung group. It is about twice as large as the Haskinsville specimens, and the pittings of the surface are more strongly marked. The cross- bar in the upper part of the long grooves is particularly strong in comparison, but in shape and proportion of plates, the differences are so slight that we provisionally regard this as a variety of P. Clarkei. Locality.—Ithaca, N. Y. Horizon.—Chemung group, lower part. Poteriocrinus (Decadocrinus) gregarius n.s. PI. J, figs. 6, 7; 8. Underbasals minute. Basals hexagonal, twice the size of the underbasals, as wide as high, the angles not sharply defined, Radials about same height as basals, but broader and pen- tagonal, with the upper margin only slightly concave. First brachial four-sided, longer than broad, and expanding toward the top, the upper margin conspicuously concave; base, same width as upper edges of radial. Second brachial pentagonal, base convex and narrow, breadth 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 23 increasing to the top, where the width is equal to the total height of the plate, the two upper edges standing obliquely at about a right-angle, and subconcave. Surface of calyx and arm-plates smooth and gently convex. The rapid enlargement of the consecutive series of plates up to the brachials forms a low,expanded cup. The first plates of the arm are a third smaller than the terminal part of the stem just under the calyx. The arms are long, ten in number, and do not branch ; each arm- plate bears a pinnule. Pinnules are arranged alternately on each side of the stem, and occasioaally a plate appears without pinnule, but the alternate order of the pinnules is not broken. The first five or six arm-plates are cylindrical, about the length of the last brachial, and, dorsally, show little extension, either laterally, or longitudinally at the point where the pinnules are attached, but after the fifth, the side from which the pinnule starts is slightly higher and extends laterally more than the other. The centre of length of the arm of the fully developed individual is at the tenth or twelfth plate, and here the plates are a third longer than their average diameter, and the pinnules are strong, gradually tapering to a point and composed of ten or twelve plates (or six to eight in the shorter pinnules) ; the first one is about half the size of the base of the arm-plate, from which it springs. The arms are spreading, and an occasional specimen is found spread out radiately upon the surface of the slab. The anals, and succeeding plates of the ventral tube, are not apparent on all specimens, but from examination of all the material at hand, we conclude that the arrangement of the prox- imal plates of the series is that normal to the genus Poteriocrinus, as defined by Wachsmuth and Springer, but the origin is frequently higher upin the calyx. In several specimens the anals do not reach the basals, but begin on the slopes of the two adjoin- ing radials, which meet under them; but one specimen, which appears very well preserved, without distortion, has the normal arrangement of anals, three plates being in contact with calyx plates; the lowest lies a little to the right, between the adjacent, upper, sloping edges of two basals; above these anals can be distinctly seen, three or four plates in each of the two series of the ventral tube. The irregular position of the anals among the calyx plates possibly may be accounted for by distortion of the 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. specimen by pressure, but this is not self-evident, but inferred to explain what appears to be abnormal. Attention is drawn to the fact to show that species or genera established upon single or few imperfect specimens are not always to be relied on. The stem is composed of discoid segments, externally convex and serrate at their union; arranged in two sets, one thinner than the other, in alternate order. The difference is greatest near the base of the calyx, where also the plates are thinnest; the thick- ness (or length) of the individual joints increases with distance from the calyx; the size of the stem slightly diminishes, and the difference between the two sets becomes obliterated, until the joints reach a length equal to their diameter, and the serrate union is inconspicuous, the outer surfaces becoming very convex. This latter is the common character of the central part of the stems, the joints being subglobular and of uniform size. Slender cirri proceed from all along the stem; they have been observed within an inch of the calyx, and are generally found rather closely coiled at their ends. The upper part of the stem appears slightly pentagonal, but the angles are rounded and within an inch of the base of the calyx all trace of them is lost. Dimensions of type specimen—which are a little greater than for the average of the specimens examined: Stem, diameter, 1.3 mm.; calyx, width, 2.3 mm.; arms and body together, total length, 21.6 mm. ; primary radial series, height, 3-3.3 mm.; second brachial, width, greatest, 1.4 mm., average, 1.2 mm.; first five arm- plates, length, 4.1 mm.; second five arm-plates, length, 5.1 mm. Locality.—Ithaca, N. Y. Horizon.—Chemung group, 130 feet above base. Three varieties are noted among the numerous specimens and fragments taken from the same stratum with the type specimen. Var. alpha is distinguished by its smaller size, and the arms shorter, and composed of fewer, more slender plates. Those characters of the stem, peculiar to the terminal portion, just under the calyx, are seen for only a very short distance. The calyx and its plates do not differ, to any appreciable degree, from those of the specific type, in number, arrangement, relative size or shape. Var. beta. The calyx is large, the plates well developed, the stem as large as in the typical form, and up to the base of the 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 25 arms this variety appears identical with the type of the species, but the arms are exceedingly short—not more than six plates appearing in the longest arm preserved. One of the arms begins with two full-size plates, starting out, and in shape, like the typical form, but these plates are followed by three very slender plates, the base of the first not filling completely the facet at the top of the preceding one. The arm adjoining it has one normal-sized plate, followed by four slender plates. The other arms, as far as they can be examined, show a like arrangement, and the explanation is unavoidable, that the original arms were broken off, and were being replaced by new arms not fully developed when growth and life were stopped and the hard parts buried, and thus preserved to tell the story. Var. gamma. Lest. —_—— JANUARY 26, 1880. Some New Pennsylvania Mineral Localities—Mr. Cuas. M. WHEATLEY reported, through Mr. Lewis, the following localities not mentioned in Dr. Genth’s Report on the Mineralogy of Penn- sylvania: Jones Mine, Berks Co., Pa.; Aurichalcite, Melaconite, Byssolite. Upper Salford Mine, Montgomery Co.; Azurite. Pseudomorphs of Serpentine after Dolomite.—Mr. H. CARVILL Lewis drew attention to some specimens of associated serpentine and dolomite which he had found within the city limits, and which appeared to be pseudomorphs. He had found them in the Twenty- second Ward, on Paul’s Mill Road, near the Wissahickon Creek. A range of serpentine and steatite here crosses the creek, being the same which crosses the Schuylkill at Lafayette and continues through Montgomery County in a southwestwardly direction. It here appears to conform closely, both as to strike and dip, with the adjoining gneiss, whatever its origin. All along its northern edge the steatite is filled with hard nodules of dark serpentine, which Mr. T. D. Rand has shown to be pseudomorphous after staurolite.! ; At the locality mentioned, this peculiar rock contains veins or lenticular beds of massive, cleavable dolomite. This dolomite is frequently traversed in the three directions of its cleavage-planes by thin seams of serpentine, while irregular masses of steatite or serpentine also run through it or protrude into it from without. When the interpenetrating serpentine is ina thin seam it may frequently be observed to assume a pseudomorphic character. It may assume the shape and external characters of dolomite, while retaining the color and composition of serpentine. It then possesses both the rhombic cleavage-planes and the jointed structure of the dolomite, and often, also, its characteristic trans- verse strie. In some of the specimens collected the serpentine presents a. step-like appearance, and when it coats successively 1 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1871, p. 308. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 37 alternate blocks of dolomite, rising one above the other, it might be compared to a flight of tiny white marble steps, covered by a green carpet. At times, whole blocks of dolomite are replaced by serpentine. Transverse striz have been noticed only on very thin seams, yet here they are quite as distinct as upon the adjacent dolomite. Rhombie cleavage-planes, however, are very common throughout the serpentine, although, unlike the dolomite, these markings are generally only superficial. In very exceptional cases the eminent rhombohedral cleavage of the dolomite is retained by the serpentine. While the serpentine has thus acquired the external form of dolo- mite, it possesses its identity as serpentine. When broken it shows the irregular or conchoidal fracture characteristic of true serpentine. When a fragment is immersed in warm acid, a momentary effervescence often takes place, owing to the adherence of thin scales of dolomite, as proven by the microscope. No actual passage of dolomite into serpentine has been observed on the specimens collected. The two minerals are distinct. The line of demarkation between them is always sharp; pure serpentine lying in juxtaposition with pure dolomite. The dolom- ite is the white, glassy, cleayable variety, containing about one and one-half per cent. of carbonate of iron, as determined by volumetric analysis. From the description which Professor Dana has given of the serpentine pseudomorphs found at the Tilly-Foster iron-mine,! it appears that in several particulars those of the Wissahickon are quite similar. In the use of the term pseudomorph, it must not be understood that itimplies an actual alteration. The specimens here described may be classed as pseudomorphs by substitution. It appears that the dolomite has not been altered into serpentine, but has been replaced by it. Asis probably the case with all pseudomorphs by substitution, the original material is more soluble than that which is substituted. Whole rhombs of dolomite appear to have been dissolved and simultaneously replaced by the deposition of serpentine. That this is a case of pseudomorphism by infiltration and replacement, is indicated by the fact that in one specimen a rhomb of dolomite is replaced by magnetic chromite. The chro- mite occupies the full width of the narrow seam of serpentine for a short distance, and was evidently deposited from the same solution which held the serpentine. In discussing the origin of these and similar pseudomorphs, it is important to bear in mind the fact of the sharp juxtaposition of the two substances, and the consequent possibility of their having been formed contemporaneously. It must also be remembered that the dolomite, which contains the pseudomorphs of serpentine, ' Amer. Jour. Science, vol. viii, 1874, p. 371. 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. lies itself in a bed of serpentine, and that it is therefore possible that the pseudomorphs were formed at the very time of the original crystallization of the dolomite. If we grant that the dolomite, and the bed of serpentine which contains it, were formed simul- taneously, it may readily follow that the minute pseudomorphous seams of serpentine within this dolomite were enclosed during the very act of crystallization of the dolomite. With this view, we might regard these pseudomorphs by substitution as having been deposited, not by an infiltrating solution from without, but by asolution which was being expelled from the interior of the dolomite by the crystallizing power of the latter. If such were the case, the serpentine would readily assume the habitus of the dolomite, and the same crystallizing force which caused the cleavage-planes and the transverse strize upon the dolomite would superinduce them upon the enclosed serpentine. Contemporaneous pseudomorphism implies a pseudomorphism by association. True pseudomorphism by substitution, like epigenesis, is subsequent. While not attempting in the present case to determine the relative time and, therefore, the kind of pseudomorphism, the foregoing remarks are offered merely as suggestions in reference to a subject already so fully discussed by eminent writers. New Localities for Barite.—Mr. LEwts contributed the following new Pennsylvania localities for barite : 1. Bridgeport, Bedford Co. It occurs here in small tabular crystals in red Catskill sandstone (No. IX). 2. Broad Top Mountain, Huntington Co. Thin transparent coatings of barite frequently cover the fossil ferns and calamites which occur in the carboniferous shales and fire-clay adjoining the semibituminous coal-seams of Broad Top Mountain. 3. Lancaster Station, Franklin Co. It occurs here in large white cleavable masses. FEBRUARY 23, 1880. New Localities for Chabazite——Mr. LEwis PALMER announced two new localities for chabazite. It occurs in red erystals in a hornblendic gneiss at Waterville, near Chester, and also at Upland, Delaware Co. On a New Ore of Antimony.—Mr. H. C. Lewis described an oxide of antimony found at Senora, Mexico, which he had been unable to identify completely with any known mineral. Under the supposition that it was a tin ore, it was sent to him by Mr. T. H. Shoemaker for examination. The mineral generally occurs as a massive, compact, hard sub- 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 39 stance, with an imperfectly conchoidal cleavage and of a pale grayish yellow color. It also occurs as minute colorless octa- hedral crystals of glassy lustre. The crystals often occur in druses in the massive mineral,and are sometimes modified. Their form can only be distinguished with the microscope. Neither the crystals nor the massive substance show any colors in polar- ized light, and the mineral is therefore isometric. Special care has been taken to prove the identity of the octahedral crystals with the massive mineral. So far as could be determined with such minute crystals, their hardness and their behavior in the open tube were identical with the massive mineral. » The mineral here described has the following physical characters: Isometric. Habit octahedral. Generally massive. Hardness, 6.5-7. Specific gravity, 4.9. Lustre of the crystals glassy; of the massive mineral sub-resinous or sub-vitreous. Color, pale grayish yellow. Streak uncolored. Transparent in crystals, opaque when massive. Fracture sub-conchoidal. A thin section of the purest mineral examined under the microscope shows an entire absence of any foreign admixture. The structure is banded, the bands consisting of more or less opaque material, and the general appearance of the section recall- ing a section of muscular fibre. It has the following blowpipe characters : On charcoal before the blowpipe, it is fusible with difficulty and decrepitates strongly. It gives a white coating of oxide of antimony, and fuses to a.gray or bluish gray slag and is partially reduced to metal. With carbonate of soda on charcoal it is more readily reduced. In the borax and salt of phosphorous béad the slag dissolves and gives it generally a blue color, due to a trace of cobalt. In the closed tube it gives off water, decrepitates with violence, turns deep yellow when hot and becomes white when cold. It does not fuse or give a sublimate in either open or closed tube. When the slag formed by fusion on charcoal is moistened and placed on turmeric paper, it forms a brown stain, The following are its chemical characters : It is partially dissolved by digestion in concentrated hydro- chlorie acid, and by the addition of water to the yellow solution thus obtained white oxychloride of antimony is precipitated. It is decomposed with great difficulty, even after fusion with sodic carbonate and sulphur. On account of the difficulty of getting it into complete solution, no quantitative analysis has as yet been made. It has been found to consist mainly of oxide of antimony and to contain small percentages of lime, iron and water, and traces of arsenic cobalt, and lead. It has 3.1 per cent. of water. Until an exact analysis is made it will not be possible to determine its mineralogical equivalent. Several tests indicate that the antimony exists mainly in the state of antimonious oxide. It differs from senarmontite and 40) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. valentinite in hardness, in fusibility and in solubility ; from stibic- onite in greater hardness, in its decrepitation, and in its occurring in crystals; from cervantite in its fusibility and in its behavior in the cpen tube; and from volgerite in the amount of water. The massive mineral frequently contains crystals and small veins of quartz,and sometimes contains also small seams of a soft reddish yellow mineral which is probably stibiconite,a product of alteration. Menaccanite from Fairmount Park.—Mr. Joun Forp exhibited a fine specimen of menaccanite (ilmenite), found by Mr. G. Howard Parker in mica schist that had been quarried from the tunnel near Girard Avenue Bridge, Fairmount Park. Though associated with many others of like character, this specimen is probably the largest and most beautiful of any found in or near the locality named. It is quite lustrous in appearance, and measures about one-third of an inch in thickness by one inch in width. Its general form is that of an almost perfect half-circle, the whole being partly imbedded edgewise in a matrix of quartz. It seems probable that the circular form of the crystal is due to its having been bent by the curving of the bed of schist in its earlier stages; but, of course, this can be little more than a sup- position. The entire length of the crystal, measured around the curve, is about four inches. MarcH 22, 1880. On a Fault in the Trias near Yardleyville, Pa.—Mr. H. C. Lewis remarked that it was not often that a section of a well- defined fault was exposed for study. Frequently a fault starts a line of erosion which obliterates all trace of it, and the actual junction of the faulted measures is either occupied by a stream or is so covered by talus that it can only be inferred from adjoin- ing outcrops. He therefore thought that it might be of interest to describe a finely exposed fault which he had recently observed on the line of the Bound Brook Railroad. Less than half a mile west of Yardley Station on the Bound Brook Railroad,a deep cut exposes a fine section of lower triassic¢ shales and conglomerates. The fault occurs in about the middle of this cut. It may be seen on both sides of the railroad, but is finest on the north side. It isa fault between the lower white conglomerate and the overlying, but here adjacent, red shale. The fault runs north and south, or nearly at right-angles to the strike of the strata. The east end of the cut exposes conglom- erate and sandstone, and the west end red shale, both of which are more or less decomposed and dip gently to the north. These formations are separated from one another by the nearly perpen- dicular walls of a trap-dyke, which occupies the line of fault, 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 41 The trap is entirely decomposed into a soft, clayey material of a black color, with specks of white, and is about 54 feet in width. Surface drift. Yellow sandstone. White conglom- erate. eM Ny WE Red shale. ef [> Trap. D1IaGRAM OF FAULT NEAR YARDLEYVILLE. The contact of the two differently colored formations with the black trap-dyke is very distinct, and is an instructive example of geological structure. There has been apparently a downthrow of red shale and an upthrow of conglomerate, while an outburst of eruptive trap has forced its way along the line of fracture. It is of interest to observe that some strata of shaly yellow sandstone, overlying the red shale, have their edges turned up where adjacent to the trap, as though the fault had been caused by the pressure from below of the molten trap. That trap frequently exercises great mechani- cal force in its effort to break through to the surface, is shown by the fact that at several localities in Pennsylvania, the triassic shales in the neighborhood of a trap-dyke have their dip altered or even completely reversed. Near Taylorsville, for example, the writer has observed the dip of the red shales changed in the vicinity of a trap-dyke, from 20° N. 10° E., the normal dip, to 18° 8. 80° W. Near Harleysville, also, a dyke below the surface has metamorphosed the strata into black argillite and reversed the dip to the south. It is probable, therefore, that the trap has been the direct cause of the fault which encloses it in the case here described. ' 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. May 24, 1880. NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY OF RADNOR AND VICINITY. BY THEO. D. RAND. There has recently been published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (January to March, 1880; vol. xviii, No. 105) a paper read before the Society, January 2, 1880, by Charles E. Hall, on the Relations of the Crystalline Rocks of Eastern Pennsylvania, some of the conclusions in which so differ from my own observations that a statement of the latter may not be without interest, especially as regards the middle serpentine belt in Radnor, which I have been studying for some time. Mr. Hall describes seven series of rocks and two serpentine horizons. Of these I have carefully examined but the second, fifth and seventh series and the serpentines. The second, he describes as ‘¢ A series of syenitic, hornblendic and quartzose rocks, extending westward from Chestnut Hill, and covering a greater part of the northern portion of Delaware County.” These rocks, locally known in Delaware County as “ Radnor Rocks,” from their prevalence in that township, are in abundant outcrops in very many places, perhaps the most remarkable of which is a hill in the form of a truncated cone, perhaps 400 * 800 feet on the summit, with steep but not precipitous sides, 80 to 100 feet in height, situated in Chester County nearly south from Reeseville, and a prominent object in the landscape. North of these rocks occur those called by Prof. Rogers in the Geology of Pennsylvania, vol. 2, p. 72, primal older slates, and well described by him as follows: “ Metamorphosed with characteristic white streaks of imper- fectly crystallized feldspar, and dark hornblendic material, with roundish specks of semicrystallized feldspar.” They are in fact gneiss, composed generally of thin layers of most varied character, feldspar being abundant, mica, hornblende and quartz varying in the layers from almost nothing to great abundance of one or the other; and many of these layers often appearing in an inch, giving at times a schistose character to the rock, but the mica or hornblende never so abundant that it can 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 43 | properly be called schist. The minerals composing this rock closely resemble those of the gneiss on the south; so close is the resemblance of certain strata in the one, to some of the other, the difference being chiefly in mode of aggregation, that it seems to me not improbable that the northern are but upper strata of the southern gneiss. The fifth group of Mr. Hall is described as “ Hydromica schists, quartzose schists, chloritic schists and occasional beds of quartzite and sandy beds, and serpentines,” of which he says, page 436: ‘“‘ These are the Hudson River shales and flank the Chester Valley on the south * * * the entire length of the Valley. They extend south to the syenitic rocks of the second group.” Mr. Hall does not mention the schistose gneiss, nor is it possible to include it under his description of either the second or fifth groups which he places in contact. On page 441 he says: “ The serpentines of Radnor Township, Delaware County, and those of eastern Willistown, east and west Goshen, are undoubtedly altered beds of the South Valley Hill slates or Hudson River slates. They lie unconformably upon the syenitic rocks of the second group.” There are, as I have heretofore shown (Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sci., Philada., Nov., 1878), three approximately parallel beds of serpentine in Radnor Township. Presuming, as seems from the connection with the Chester County outcrops, that the middle and most conspicuous belt is intended, I cannot agree with Mr. Hall in his conclusions. This middle belt is the largest of the three, and north of the syenite hill appears first on the Mattson’s Ford or township line road, on the westerly side of a small affluent of the Gulf Creek, one-quarter mile northeast of Radnor Station, with a strike nearly E. and W. The serpentine forms a large hill, which begins abruptly and closely resembles in lithological character that of the Lafayette or Rose’s quarry belt. The next or second outcrop is nearly west of this and is inconspicuous. The third, northwest of Radnor Station, is about 1000 feet in length. Its centre is nearly due west from the first ; the strike is not far from N. 60 E. This outcrop ends abruptly. About 400 feet north is a small outcrop appearing as if the end of the ridge had been removed 400 feet northward. Beyond this I believe no outcrops have been described until we reach those near Paoli, but several exist: the fifth, nearly S. from Eagle Station,small and the strike indistinct ; 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. the sixth, S. W. of Eagle, is 8. 70° W. from the fifth, with a strike S. 40° W., dip about 75° to 80° S.; the seventh is nearly due Wis from the fourth, its strike N. 50° to 60° E.; the eighth is a little S. of W. of the seventh, strike and dip not distinct; the ninth, that crossing the road running 8. E. from Berwyn, and about a mile from that station, is at its eastern end 8. 10° W. from the eighth, its strike is S. 40° W. The outcrop near Paoli is nearly W. from this, and extends thence as the wide and well-known belt passing one mile north of West Chester. Now, examining the first outcrop, that on the Mattson’s Ford road, we find on the S. the rocks of group one without doubt, but on the N. we find almost identical rocks—hornblendic gneiss, porphyritic gneiss and feldspathic gneiss. It is difficult to con- ceive that these are altered Hudson River shales. Beyond them are the primal older slates of Prof. Rogers, before referred to, then the northerly belt of serpentine, then gneiss, and occasionally (to the westward frequently) garnetiferous mica schist, then limestone, then trap, and then, fully one-quarter of a mile from the serpen- tine, the schistose rocks of the South Valley Hill, agreeing accurately with Mr. Hall’s description of the fifth group. These intermediate beds thin out westwardly, until the serpentine, the trap and the hydromica schists of the South Valley Hill appear to come in contact. The strike of the trap and of the southerly border of the schists, with which, in Radnor, it appears in contact, separating them from the primal older slates, being about S. 70° W., the serpentine and the schists are much closer at the western end of the Radnor Station outcrops, the intermediate strata thinning out as stated, and the serpentine perhaps crossing them in part; but even here, there is at least 800 feet of the schistose gneiss between them, with some garnetiferous mica schist, which seems to con- tinue in a narrow belt close to the trap to near Paoli. It will be noticed on the map accompanying Prof. Hall’s paper, that this serpentine belt is made continuous from near West Chester into Delaware County in a straight line, except at the eastern end, where a marked southerly curve occurs near the line of Montgomery County, carrying the serpentine well into the rocks of group one. If my observations are correct, this line should be a series of disjointed lines, the easterly end of each more northerly than the westerly end of the succeeding; but, in 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 45 any event, if the map is correct as to the eastern extremity, the text is not so. Mr. Hall’s seventh series, page 436,is “ The mica schists of Philadelphia * * * talcose schists, with soapstone and serpentine. They rest unconformably upon the first, second, third and fourth groups. * * * There are, besides these groups, probably two serpentine horizons, which are undoubtedly unconformable deposits above the second group. I think the northern belt of serpentine may be considered as altered Hudson River rock, while the southern belts are doubtful.” Page 441-442: “Dr. T. Sterry Hunt insists that the serpen- tines of the Schuylkill are below the Philadelphia schists. * * * At present I am inclined to place these serpentines above the Philadelphia rocks, and by so doing assign the Philadelphia series to a higher group than the Hudson River. * * * To all appearances the serpentine belts which are visible on the Schuyl- kill River at Lafayette Station, Montgomery County, and at a point just north of them, are above the mica schists of Philadel- phia. The southern belt extends inan almost unbroken line from Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, to Bryn Mawr, Montgomery County. A less prominent belt extends from the Schuylkill River to the neighborhood of Rosemont Station, on the Pennsylvania Rail- road, in a parallel line to the first belt.” The meaning of the author in the two opinions first quoted, from pages 441-442, is not altogether clear. If there is depend- ence to be placed on lithological characteristics, the southern or soapstone belt continues far to the southwestward; as to it, I believe, belong the outcrops on Meadow Run, on both sides of Darby Creek, near Moro Phillips’ chrome-mine, in Radnor Town- ship; thence southwestwardly continuously through Newtown and Marple Townships.. In this belt there is one rock described by me many years ago characteristic of it, and, so far as my knowl- edge extends, confined to it (except outcrop at Rosemont here- after referred to) a steatite filled with crystals of serpentine pseudomorphous after staurolite. This rock is very abundant and prominent from Chestnut Hill to a point a short distance west of Mill Creek, and is found also, but not abundantly, west of Darby Creek. The northeasterly portion of this belt contains very little serpentine; steatite and chlorite constitute the greater part of its mass. Its strike is about S. 52° W., its bounding 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. rock is the well-known wood-like garnetiferous schist ; partially altered rocks found at the soapstone quarry on the Schuylkill seem to show that it has arisen from the pseudomorphism or metamorphism of interstratified hornblendic and micaceous gneiss and schists. It contains quite a number of minerals. The northerly belt, on the contrary, is little else than a very dark, almost black serpentine ; except chrysotile and asbestos, and some tale and chlorite, it is almost destitute of minerals, and at Rose’s quarry has undoubtedly been formed ,not from Hudson River shales, but from a hard, compact enstatitic rock visible there in place, and this rock appears to be unstratified. It extends from the Schuylkill S. 59° W. 13 miles to a point on Barr’s farm, where, as a hill, it suddenly ends, but it may be traced by fragments to an outcrop in the Conshohocken road, near the house of William Schalliol, and to the south of the former line of strike. Thence it crosses the road to Bryn Mawr east of a small stream, with a course about 8S. 35° to 40 W., and after crossing seems to curve even more southwardly, but this is on a hillside and is probably due to creep. About 400 yards beyond, in the same direction, fragments are abundant in a field, Through this portion the rock on the north appears to be a very thin bedded compact gneiss, with two, and often three, easy cleavages, together with a peculiar schistose feldspathic gneiss, in which the mica is in small masses or isolated crystals, generally with curved surfaces, remaining brilliant on exposure. On the south the rock is a schist, micaceous or chlor- itic, but garnets are almost and perhaps wholly absent. North of this about 250 feet, just at the crossing of two roads, is an out- crop of serpentinous rock, or a hornblendic rock partially altered to serpentine, very different from that in the southerly outcrop, and about 1400 feet 8. 60° W. a similar rock appears in quantity forming a small hill. East of the Gulf road, and about 8S. 43° W. from the last, fragments are found in the soil. West of the Gulf road is a conspicuous bluff of serpentine dipping south- wardly, and 8. 45° W. an outcrop at Rosemont Station, where it has been quarried. At this point the rock resembles that of the soapstone belt, and is wholly unlike that of any other part of this, which elsewhere closely resembles that near Radnor Station. Mr. Hall makes no mention of the Potsdam sandstone on the south side of the Chester Valley, further than in his fifth group mentioning sandy beds. 5882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 47 Finding, as we do, as has been described by Mr. H. C. Lewis and myself, extensive deposits along the base of the South Valley Hill, not only of a remarkably white sand, but of large masses of compact sandstone, very closely resembling that of the North Valley Hill, and the same rock, much decomposed, being found in the valley south of the South Valley Hill, accompanied by iron ore as at other places, and finding it nowhere else in the very great exposure of the-hydromica schist rock of the South Valley Hill, it would seem more likely to be the Potsdam found in the same position east of the Schuylkill than mere accidental beds of sandstone, intercalated in the schists just at those points. A trap-dyke has been referred to as lying between the hydro- mica schists of the South Valley Hill and the rocks on the south of it. This is prominent from the Schuylkill for about three and one-half miles to the farm of Mr. Frank Fennimore, near Wayne Station. Here it appears to widen out, and perhaps to divide into two branches, one crossing the railroad and turnpike between Wayne and Hagle,and being very prominent south and southwest of Eagle store, with a strike approximating S. 60° W. and com- pletely within the gneiss; the other branch, or a distinct dyke, accompanying the serpentine in a more nearly due west direction. A mile southeast of Berwyn, the latter can be seen almost if not quite in contact with the serpentine, the trap, however, being on the south of the serpentine. The same is true south of Paoli, except that the trap appears to be on the north side. Prof. Rogers, page 168, speaks of this trap as “occurring along and outside the northern edge of the serpentine, in a succession of narrow elongated dykes, ranging more N. E. and S. W. than the serpentine.” These I have not examined, but such structure agrees precisely with what I have observed of the serpentine further east. South of the serpentine, perhaps from a bed in the Radnor gneiss, occur in the fields, often abundantly, a white quartz, weathering yellow on the surface, except certain portions which remain white. The form of many of these seems to forbid the idea of mere accident, and to suggest that they may be due to the remains of organic material which have deoxidized the contained irons and thus facilitated its removal. Note on Damourite from Berks Co., Penna.—Mr. F. A. GENTH, Jr., remarked that a short time ago Mr. H. W. Hollenbush, of 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. ‘Reading, Pa., gave him a specimen of a shaly mineral having a talcose to serpentine-like appearance, but which, when examined chemically, proved to have the composition of a damourite or mica. It is found at Rockland Forges, Rockland Township, Berks Co., about three miles northeast from Friedensburg,and occurs as. a massive pale grayish-green to light brown mineral with a more or less pearly lustre. Prof. Prime has also sent it from a locality about two and one-half miles south of Blandon; this specimen is of a pale green color with a somewhat silky lustre, H = 2 — 2.5. G = 2.85, streak white; feel smooth, sometimes slightly greasy ; odor argillaceous ; massive, lamellar; translucent in thin fragments. An analysis of the Blandon specimen by Dr. Genth gave him : Ignition, : : : : . ‘ 1) ee K,0, : : : : : : ; 9.53 Nas: : F : : : : OSG Fe,O;, . : ‘ ; ; : 5 et et ALO;, |. ‘ : ° ‘ . : . 82.11 MgO, . ° : : : : ; : tr. 99.40 An alkali determination of the specimen from Rockland Forges, gave H,O = 5.60, K,0 = 10.32, Na,O — 0.36, which proves the mineral to be a variety of mica or muscovite. Associated with it is found a grayish to reddish white opaque mass of quartz, in the Rockland, and rounded grains of quartz in the Blandon specimen, the latter having a somewhat conglomerate- hike appearance. JUNE 28, 1880. On the Stalactites of Luray Cave.—Dr. A. E. Foote gave a description in detail of a cavern near Luray, Va. He gave a sketch of the geology of that region and described his visit to the cavern. A number of remarkably symmetrical white and translucent stalactites were exhibited. The rapid growth of the stalactites and stalagmites, and their enormous size, were men- tioned. Curled and twisted stalactites slightly resembling Flos- ferri were exhibited. It was shown that the curling and twisting was due to the fungi which, in the remarkably damp atmosphere of this cave, grew upon the surface of the stalactites and caused the water to deviate from its natural course. Over the surface of the fungus knob-like excrescences and even long lateral branches of carbonate of lime were formed. New Localities for Gypsum.—Mr. Lewis reported two new localities for gypsum: Smith’s quarry, Easton, where it occurs in tabular crystals; and Richmond coal-field, Chesterfield Co..,. Va., where it occurs in crystals and in snow-white masses in triassic strata. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 49 ‘ SEPTEMBER 27, 1880. A New Locality for Sphene.—Dr. A. E. Foore described the new locality for sphene and associated minerals at Kganville, Renfrew Co., Canada. The sphene occurs in immense crystals, weighing from 20 to 80 lbs., in a vein of apatite 20 feet wide. Many other veins of smaller size occur in the same county. The rock is principally Laurentian gneiss and granite. . A solid mass of sphene, very highly cleavable (5 X22 feet), was observed in the side of the vein. It yielded several hundred pounds of sphene. Close by it doubly-terminated crystals of scapolite, weighing over 50 lbs., and crystals of pyroxene, weigh- ing from 12 to 30 lbs., were found. Phlogopite and zircons, some of them twinned, occur at the same locality. From the enormous size of all the crystals found in this county, it must rank as one of the most remarkable mineral localities known. . When the vein, 20 feet wide, spoken of above, was discovered, a doubly-termina- ted crystal of apatite, weighing 500 lbs., and bright upon the surface and ends, was said to have been found. OcroBER 25, 1880. A New Locality for Hyalite—Mr. H. C. Lewis reported that he had found hyalite forming green, glassy coatings on horn- blendic gneiss at a quarry on Mill Street, Germantown. The mineral has the usual mammillary or botryoidal surface, is perfectly transparent, and has a beautiful light green color. The color is due to the presence of copper, as shown by blowpipe tests. Note on Autunite-—Mr. H. C. Lewis remarked that he had recently investigated the optical character of the Fairmount autunite. His examination confirmed the orthorhombic character of autunite. The bissectrix is normal to the main cleavage- plane, and parallel to the secondary diagonal planes. The optic axial divergence is 24°. The autunite from Limoges, France, has an optic axial divergence of about 38°. DECEMBER 27, 1880. Crystalline Cavities in Agate—Mr. Toro. D. RAND exhibited three specimens of agate, locality unknown, in the centre of each of which was a cavity with plane sides, and casts of these cavities showing them to have been calcite crystals. The method of taking these casts, the sides of the cavities being rough with re-entering angles, was explained. A solution of glue, with about one-fifth of glycerine, of such consistence as to form a thick, firm jelly when cold, but to be perfectly fluid when hot, was prepared and heated. The specimen was then cooled to about 32°; a rough splinter of wood was inserted in the cavity which was previously moistened with cold water. A drop or two of the glue solution 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. —hot—was poured in and allowed to become firm. The wood was then carefully moved until the glue was detached from the stone, but not removed, or if removed the splinter marked so as to be returned to the same position. More glue was then poured in and the operation repeated. A mould was then made of the glue in plaster, and from this type-metal casts obtained. JANUARY 24, 1881. Note on Halotrichite—Mr. Lewis described two localities of halotrichite in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, and exhibited specimens. It occurs in fine incrustations on hornblendic gneiss on the river drive below Strawberry Mansion, Fairmount Park, and it occurs as an impure efflorescence at the West Jersey marl- pits, where it is mixed with sulphatite and melanterite. On Twin Crystals of Zircon.—Dr. A. E. Foore recorded the discovery of perfect twin crystals of zircon,near Eganville, Renfrew Co., Canada. He had obtained small but imperfect twin crystals over four months before, but sufficiently distinct to establish the character of the twinning at that time. As in cassiterite and rutile, the twinning plane is 1 —i. It is doubtful if twins of zircon have ever been seen before. APRIL 25, 1881. Note on the Drift of Lycoming County, Pa.—Mr. ABRAHAM Meyer contributed some observations on the rocks and drift of Lycoming County, and especially of that portion in the vicinity of Lycoming Creek. He described the exposures on Lycoming Creek and commented on the various theories proposed to explain the geology of the county. He drew attention to the ridges of drift (‘stony batter”) on Lycoming Creek and on Hogelan’s Run, which he supposed were formed by glacial action. He had found pebbles of granite and of hornblendic gneiss with magnetite in several places in Lycoming and Tioga Counties, and hoped that a careful study would be made of that region. Dises of Quartz between Lamine of Mica.—My. Tuxo. D. Rand exhibited a curious form of quartz occurring between the lamin of muscovite, from Amelia Co., Va. Part of it was crystallized in the common form, but part was in discs, one-tenth of an inch in diameter and less, which, with polarized light under the microscope, showed a black cross which rotated as the analyzer was rotated. He stated that these disks were much like those from Swaim’s quarry, Chester Co., Pa., hitherto undetermined, but much larger than the latter, and that it was probable those from Swaim’s were also quartz. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 51 On Two New Localities of Columbite.—Prof. H. Carvinn LEwIs announced two new localities for the rare mineral, Columbite. Only a single specimen of this mineral has been described from Pennsylvania. An imperfect crystal was found in Nivin’s quarry, Chester County, by Mr. Tyson, and noticed by Dr. Genth in his Mineralogy of Pennsylvania (p. 137). Attention is now drawn to a beautiful doubly-terminated crystal which was found at Mineral Hill, Delaware County, and which is now in the cabinet of W. S: Vaux, Esq. The crystal is black, with a slightly iridescent surface, and is of about seven- eighths of an inch in length and half an inch in width. The fol- lowing planes are present and have been determined by a hand goniometer, viz.: the macropinakoids 7 7, the brachypinakoids ? @, the prisms J, the brachydiagonal prisms 7 3, the basal pinakoids O, the brachydomes, 27%, and the brachydiagonal pyramids 1 3. The second locality is the well-known Dixon’s quarry, Dela- ware. There is a large fragment of a crystal in the collection of the Academy marked on the authority of T. Fisher as from this locality. The specimen weighs over half a pound. Its nature was determined by its physical and blowpipe characters. The occurrence of columbite at these localities is of some geological interest in connection with the determination of the age of the formation containing it, since the associated minerals are similar to those at the columbite localities of Massachusetts and Connecticut. On the Occurrence of Fahlunite near *Philadelphia.—Prof. LeEwis stated that he had found Fahlunite at two localities in the belt of hornblendic gneiss which crosses the northern part of the eity. This belt of hornblendic gneiss, especially at its exposures at Frankford and near Germantown, has already yielded many minerals of interest, but fahlunite has not hitherto been noticed in Pennsylvania. Fahlunite occurs disseminated in irregular masses in orthoclase at McKinney’s quarry, Rittenhouse Street, and at Nester & Shel- mire’s quarry,on Wayne Street, Germantown. Only one specimen was found at the latter place. At McKinney’s quarry it occurs in small, pale green masses, somewhat after the manner of the apatite of that locality. It has a sealy structure and a felspathic cleavage. It has a hardness of about 2.5. Its color is pale apple-green, and when heated it turns dark gray. It fuses at 4.5 toa dark grayish green opaque glass. It is nearly insoluble in acids. A rough analysis, made by fusing the mineral with sodic carbonate, showed that it consisted principally of silicaand alumina, while containing small quantities of iron and magnesia and traces of lime and soda. It contains 2.8 per cent. of water. Although less hydrous, it resembles the variety of fahlunite 52 BROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. known as chlorophyllite, and is per bape intermediate in character between pinite and fahlunite. All the specimens as yet collected have the aspect of pseudo- morphs by alteration, Frequently there is no distinct line of demarkation between the fahlunite and the surrounding ortho- clase, as though one passed into the other. At the line of junction the orthoclase sometimes becomes dull, while the fahlunite, which has its normal character in more central portions of the mass, becomes hard and resembles a greenish orthoclase. These features may be seen in the specimen presented to the Academy. May 23, 1881. On the Fossil Ores of Lycoming County.—Mr. ABRAHAM MEYER described some outcrops of fossil iron ore in Lycoming County. He stated that the ore of Larry Creek formed veins having an average width of 2 feet, but occasionally being 4 feet thick. Those veins which are inclined at a high angle (70°-80°) show slickensides on their surfaces, while the more horizontal veins have an oolitic structure. They yield 40 per cent. of metallic iron, although stated by the Geological Survey (Report F, p. 235) to contain only 16 per cent. Nodules of ore from Beatty’s Run frequently contain a nucleus of carbonate of iron. SEPTEMBER 26, 1881. On a Mineral resembling Dopplerite from a Peat-bed at Scran- ton, Pa.—Prof. H. Carvitt Lewis called attention to a very interesting substance recently found in a peat-bog at Scranton. In an excavation for the new court-house at that place, below a bossa of peat, “ swamp-muck,”’ and fallen trees, at a depth of some 25 feet from the surface, there occur veins of a black elastic substance which, when first excavated, was a stiff black jelly, but which after drying becomes brittle and nearly as hard as coal. The dried mineral resembles jet, having a brilliant lustre and a conchoidal cleavage. The peat-bog in which this substance was found is said to have been formerly a swamp or lake, which has been filled up in the extension of the town. The deposit of peat, which is covered by about 10 feet of rubbish, is over 15 feet in thickness and is said to burn well. Near the bottom of the peat, in a carbonaceous clay or “ muck,” the black jelly-like substance is found. It occurs in irregular veins, sometimes nearly perpen- dicular, throughout the lower portion of the peat, and these veins vary in ' thickness from a mere stain to 24 inches. Immediately below this deposit,and underlying the whole peat-bog, is a deposit of glacial till or “hardpan.” This peat-bog, therefore, like the others so numerous throughout the glaciated region, is of post- glacial age. When the substance here described was first received, last July, » 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 53 it was soft, black and elastic, having a hardness of less than one, and being almost jelly-like in consistency. After partial drying it was nearly as elastic as india-rubber. When a very thin slice was cut by a knife and examined under the microscope, it appeared brownish red by transmitted light, and was nearly homogeneous in character. It was imbedded in and surrounded by peaty matter, the latter being filled with plant remains. Occa- sional oval seeds are imbedded both in the peat and in the jelly-like substance. After drving for three months in the air the mineral was found to have a hardness of 2.5, and to have become brittle. The dried substance has a brilliant resinous lustre and a con- choidal fracture. It has a specific gravity of about 1.036. It is jet-black in the mass, but its powder has a dark brown color. In the closed tube it yields water and abundance of brown oil and empyreumatic vapors. The air-dried substance burns with a yellow flame while held in the flame of a Bunsen burner. In its natural elastic state it burns slowly without giving a yellow flame. It does not dissolve in ether or alcohol, but is entirely dissolved by caustic potash ; and from the dark brown solution thus formed may be precipitated in reddish brown flocculent -masses by the addition of acid. The filtrate from this precipitate has a pale yellow color. These are the properties of humic acid, and it is probable that this substance is an acid hydrocarbon closely related to that acid. It is evident that this substance is the direct result of the decomposition of the surrounding peat. It may be of quite recent formation. It is of special interest in’ that it appears to be an intermediate product between peat and true coal, and it illustrates one method of change from the former into the latter. In many of its characters this substance closely resembles dopplerite. Dopplerite is a black jelly-like substance, occurring in the peat-beds of Austria and Switzerland. In its method of occurrenee it is precisely similar to the Scranton mineral. On exposure it hardens to a hard jet-like substance, which, however, unlike the Scranton mineral, does not, burn with a flame. Dop- plerite has been regarded as a truly homogeneous peat, and has been shown to have the same composition as that substance. It has never been identified in America. Whether the mineral from Scranton is to be regarded as dopplerite can only be determined after analysis. It is worthy of careful examination. 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. TITANIFEROUS GARNET. BY H. A. KELLER. At Darby, in an almost horizontal rock-stratum, I found the following very interesting occurrence of what seemed at first sight black garnets. The stratum itself isa very much weathered mica schist, 6 to 7 inches in thickness, which contains this often very much decomposed mineral as harder aggregations. The stratum is enclosed by two layers of milky quartz, each about 2 inches in thickness, to which harder less decomposed crystals of a rhombic dodecahedral shape firmly adhere. These very hard crystals are usually of a jet-black color, with vitreous, sometimes metallic lustre, passing however often into the very characteristic reddish-brown garnet substance. The specimens I found are therefore of two kinds: 1. The very much decomposed aggregations found in the midst of the mica schist. These consist of loose granules of still unaltered garnet mixed with the separated SiO,. They are only imperfectly held together by cohesion. 2. The hard, jet-black, sometimes partly brown crystals (« 0) firmly attached to the quartz lying above and below the hydromuscovite. Their hardness is 7, sp. gr. 4.25, they have no streak and are not magnetic, but possess a most remarkable cleavage parallel to the dodecahedral faces. Their composition, Sve : : : : 3 : ret 36092 8G Flag 3 . 4 : ° : F Lotz Re@) 2s . 5 : ; : Be Pela peste ot 6 Pa ; : 3 ‘ . i R 3.74 WAC, 3 AS ON ia ae Oe heat” Aires ae MnO . : : : P i iY : joa Caer. 7 : i . : : 3 2.76 MgO . ; : 4 : : « | 166 100.45 together with their appearance under the microscope, shows that there is a very intimate dissemination of a Ti Fe mineral in the garnet substance. Many of these crystals have from within become partially altered, so much so as to have often formed inside of even the hardest ohes small but well-crystallized sphenes, others have changed into asbestos, mica, quartz, and even pyrite. a 1882.] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, 55 Their outer shape has generally by transformation become par- tially lost in the surrounding hydromuscovite. The Ti has probably been furnished by the two quartz strata, as I have observed, only a few feet distant, many other pieces of quartz impregnated with the same black mineral, while the enveloping strata were perfectly free from it, or had it only partly remaining as the more insoluble FeS,. OcToBER 24, 1881. Pyrophyllite and Alunogen in Coal-mines.—Mr. Eur 8. REIN- HOLD made the following communication : About two years ago the writer discovered in the coal slates of the North Mahanoy colliery, near Mahanoy City, Schuylkill County, an interesting mineral which, in its determination, defied the ordinary tests based on physical characters. A chemical analysis by Dr. F. A. Genth proved it to be an interesting variety of pyrophyllite. His report to the American Philosophical Society gives the results of the analysis, together with information as to occurrence, ete. Attention is here called to that report for two reasons: First, for the purpose of making a correction ; and, second, for a possi- ble connection between pyrophyllite and the recently discovered alunogen. When the writer furnished Dr. Genth with information regard- ing the pyrophyllite, he stated that it was found in but one vein, of only one mine. He has since found it at four different collieries, and coming from, at least, three different coal-veins. Alunogen.—In a valley extending northeast from Mahanoy City, a distance of about a mile, are a number of collieries. A stream of water flows through it, receiving the mine-water from several of these collieries. During heavy rains the stream overflows its banks and covers a large area with the sulphur-water. The writer noticed, last spring, after the water had subsided, a white mineral coating the surface recently inundated. This mineral proves to be alunogen. In this efflorescent form it has been more abundant this summer than before. As foreign mineralogists have noted the occurrence of this min- eral in the coal-slates of Bohemia, Bavaria and England, and as the same mineral is common in our own State, as an efflorescence where iron-sulphide comes in contact with clay,its discovery here in the anthracite coal region may be regarded quite natural rather than surprising. However, there is a hint at a different origin of the alunogen found here from that ordinarily given. Instead of it being the result of the sulphur contained in the mine-water uniting with the alumina of the slate, the writer is inclined to think that the latter constituent is furnished by the 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. rapidly decomposing pyrophyllite, which contains fully 27 per cent. of alumina. This opinion is based on two facts: 1. Only since pyrophyllite has become abundant has this efflor- escence been noticed. 2. Only at collieries where pyrophyllite is found, can traces be found of the alum deposit. I propose to make some experiments that may throw further light on the subject; but facts, as far as observed, point to this origin of a mineral not heretofore credited to this locality. It adds one more to the extremely limited list of minerals found in the anthracite coal-field. New Locality for Mountain Cork.—Tueo. D. RAND announced a new locality for mountain cork, about one-third of a mile north- west of Radnor Station, P. R. R., Delaware Co., Pa., where it was found by him in the soil overlying the serpentine belt. A New Locality for Aquacreptite—Mr. G. Howarp PARKER announced a new locality for aquacreptite. He had found it as a seam or vein in partially decomposed micaceous gneiss on Lans- downe Avenue, 14 miles west of Hestonville, Philadelphia. Note on Aquacreptite.—Prof. Lewis remarked that as bearing upon the genesis of aquacreptite, it was of interest to observe that at each of the three localities where that mineral had been dis- covered the rock enclosing it was different from that at either of the other localities. Aquacreptite was first found at Strode’s Mill, Chester County, by Mr. Jefferis, as long ago as 1832. It was known by local mineralogists under various names until described by Prof. Shepard, in 1868, as a new mineral. At this, the original locality, it occurred in serpentine. The second locality, near Marble Hall, Montgomery County, was discovered by the speaker in 1872, and is mentioned in Dr. Genth’s Report on the Mineralogy of Pennsylvania. It here occurs in a pocket in limestone. At the third locality, West Philadelphia, now reported by Mr. Parker, it occurs in gneiss. From the existence of aquacreptite in these diverse rocks, it seems probable that its origin cannot be ascribed to any direct alteration, but that, as in clays, it is in part mechanical. Aquacreptite is a variety of bole, differing from other varieties in the greater degree of decrepitation which it undergoes when placed in water. Some time ago the speaker had made some experiments to determine the cause of this remarkable decrepita- tion. He had found that it was a purely mechanical action due to capillary attraction. When the porous mineral is suddenly immersed in water or any other liquid, the liquid enters its pores so rapidly as to split it open. If, however, it is gradually moistened and the enclosed air is replaced slowly by liquid, no decrepitation takes place upon subsequent immersion. That no 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. a7 chemical action takes place is shown by the fact that if, after the decrepitation of the mineral, the fragments are dried, these frag- ments will again decrepitate when immersed in liquid, and this operation can be repeated as long as any fragments of sufficient size remain. Decrepitation takes place, whatever liquid is used, varying in degree with the mobility of the liquid employed. While very energetic in boiling water, it takes place with great slowness in sweet oil. The decrepitation of the aquacreptite of the three different localities varies also with the density of the specimens. The West Philadelphia mineral decrepitates and gives out bubbles the most rapidly, and the Chester County mineral the most slowly of the three. In some of the Chester County specimens decrepitation takes place very slowly in cold water, being most slow in the most compact specimens. The aquacreptite from Marble Hall falls to the smallest fragments. The hardness varies in different specimens from the same locality, the most variable, being however, at the Chester County locality. In general, the aquacreptite of the three localities has the follow- ing ‘hardness, viz.: Chester County, > 2; Marble Hall, — 2; W. Phila., < 2. The emission of air-bubbles, and the phenomenon of ‘decrepita- tion when immersed, may be observed in a less degree in several of the varieties of bole; and it is questionable whether a greater amount of a purely mechanical action entitles a substance of probably mechanical origin to a special mineralogical name. Quartz Crystals from Newark, Del.—Mr. W. W. JErFFERIs stated that he had found a number of doubly-terminated quartz crystals lying loose in the soil at a new locality, near Newark, Delaware. NoveEMBER 27, 1881. Some Ochreous Deposits of Kentucky and Indiana.—Prof. R. B. WARDER made the following communication : At the village of Francisville, Boone Co., Ky., a ferruginous mass crops out in the road; and a specimen of it is herewith exhibited. It consists chiefly of sand, clay and ferric hydrate, with smaller quantities of manganese and lime. A few rods north of this outcrop are many drift pebbles and some boulders ; but the largest grain of sand observed in the ochreous mass was less than four millimetres in diameter. The whole bed seems to consist of rather finely pulverized siliceous drift materials, cemented with a considerable amount of iron; it resembles bog iron ore in appear- ance, but it probably contains too small a percentage of iron to rank as an ore, and the bed is of very limited extent. In the neighboring parts of Indiana, very similar deposits occur at several points in Dearborn, Ohio ‘and Switzerland Counties, ~ ”o 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. which I described in 1872.1 These outcrops resemble that at Francisville, not only in the character of the materials, but also in their topographical situation and in the character of the neigh- boring soils, being found in most cases in the portions designated as “ broken upland,’’? about 300 to 400 feet above the level of the Ohio River. The question naturally arises whether these various beds are of separate origin, or whether they are detached remnants of exten- sive bog deposits, stretching across the area now occupied by the river and its bottom. The beds just described may be compared with certain masses of sand and pebbles, firmly cemented with ferric oxide, which oceur in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, and are known as “ Bryn Mawr gravel.” These beds (as I was told by Prof. H. C. Lewis) occur on both sides of the Delaware, at an elevation of at least 400 feet above that river. The Bryn Mawr gravel, then, resembles the ochreous deposits described in this paper in the general character of the materials, the topographical situation, and the mode of occurrence; but differs in containing much coarser drift, more firmly cemented, and probably contains a less percentage of iron. Some Philadelphia geologists regard these scattered deposits of cemented gravel as fragments of one extensive bed. Further study of the ochreous deposits described above, may yield an interesting chapter of recent geological history. A New Mineral from Canada.—Dr. A. E. Foore called atten- tion to some very peculiar olive-green crystals which he had noticed associated with the remarkable white garnet found by him in Hull, Province of Quebec, Canada. From the few tests he had applied he thought it might be new, and had sent the material to Mr. E. S. Dana for examination. A Peculiar Twinned Garnet.—Mr. W. W. JEFFERIS exhibited a curious twinned garnet, in which the smaller crystal fitted loosely into a cavity in the larger. The smaller crystal was of lenticular shape, and could be detached from the larger one, whose dodecahedral outline it seemed to complete. He had found it at Avondale, Chester County, a locality which has furnished several hundred good crystals of garnet, from one to three inches in diameter. 1 Geol. Survey of Ind., 1872, pp. 419, 420. 2 Geol. Survey of Jnd., 1872, pp. 389 and 423, 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 59 . DECEMBER 23, 1881. ON DIORITE. BY ELI S. REINHOLD. Several years ago I received a box of minerals from Placer County, California, which contained a specimen marked “ Horn- blende,” so peculiar in appearance, that I laid it aside for special examination. I herewith send the specimen, which proved to be diorite, a rock of volcanic origin. The arrangement of the hornblende and feldspar is different from that of any trap-rocks of same com- position in the Eastern States, with which I am familiar. The centre of each nodule is composed of crystalline granules of the two minerals, hornblende and feldspar; this is enveloped by a zone of clear white feldspar, followed by another of both minerals in which the crystals are radiately arranged, at least sufficiently so to make it apparent to the unassisted eye. Another band of feldspar, less pure, however, than the first, is followed by a zone of hornblende which shades off into the coarse, crystalline, granu- lar matrix of hornblende and feldspar of no defined arrangement. Not having access to any lithological collection, nor even to the books descriptive of all the varieties of greenstone, I may over- estimate the interest of this California rock. A description before me of a diorite found in the Island of Corsica, known as Napoleonite, answers to many points in this specimen. The nodular masses of the Corsican greenstone are described as globular, while in the California rock they are oblate- spheroidal. It would be a matter of interest to ascertain what member of the feldspar group is represented in this rock. All my books agree in assigning the mineral in diorite (generally) to the triclinic feldspars; but some give labradorite, others oligo- clase and albite; while another author calls it a mixture of anorthite and albite. Either the feldspar in diorite from different localities varies, or else opinions in reference to it are very diverse. Locality is marked on specimen label. 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. A New Locality for Allanite—Dr. Isaac LEA presented a specimen of allanite and zircon, in quartz rock, which he had found at Yellow Springs, Chester County; this being a new locality for allanite. A New Locality for Copiapite—Mr. E. 8. Rre1nnoup presented a specimen of copiapite which he had found at Mahanoy City. It had been identified by Prof. Lewis, and is now announced as from a new locality. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, 61 NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY OF LOWER MERION AND VICINITY. BY THEO. D. RAND. Of much interest to those interested in mineralogy and geology in Philadelphia is the last volume, C°, published by the Geological Survey, covering the geology of Philadelphia County, and of the southern parts of Montgomery and Bucks, by Chas. E. Hall, with a letter of transmittal by Prof. J. P. Lesley, but I think those acquainted with this region must regret that the publication was not delayed until the adjacent parts of Delaware County were examined, and until more time could be given to the work reported on, that it might be as near perfection as possible. Mr. Hall’s conclusions are at variance with all our preconceived opinions; but that is no reason for their rejection. If his data are correct, his conclusions seem almost necessarily to follow ; but it is impossible for any one familiar with the district to examine the map and text without a feeling that longer study might have modified the author’s views. All will agree with him as to the difficulties to be encountered; but this should have induced the greater care. In Mr. Hall’s letter he states (p. xvii), “It has been my object to locate accurately the areas of the differ- ent belts of the metamorphosed rocks.” And in Prof. Lesley’s letter of transmittal (q. v), ‘“‘ Mr. Hall has not only studied every individual exposure at least once, and the more important ones repeatedly, but has obtained from them several thousand hand specimens.” If, as a test, we examine upon the map the serpentine outcrops, which are generally so easy of identification, we shall be disap- pointed. For instance, tracing the steatite belt westward from the soapstone quarries on the Schuylkill, the very distinct out- crop at the corner on Hagy’s Ford road, at the road crossing, one mile from the Schuylkill, is wholly omitted. The outcrop on the Black Rock road is represented as extending of a width of about 200 feet for about 900 feet eastward of the old Gulf road, 14 miles from the Schuylkill, while it is, at that point, over 1000 feet in breadth, and extends, though probably narrowing rapidly, fully 2000 feet eastwardly. West of this road, its location on the map is southward of its true position. This portion of the belt is made to end a short distance east of the Roberts road; whereas, on that road, it appears in place, with the garnetiferous schists 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. bounding it on the north, a most distinct outcrop of over a hundred feet in width. Beyond this it is not shown until the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Bryn Mawr, is reached, where a very distinct outcrop 400 feet wide and 1500 feet long is delineated, just below the bridge at Penn Avenue. The outcrop on the Roberts road can be followed by abundant fragments in the soil to a point where the southward course of the Black Rock road changes to W.S. W., just north of which a very distinct outcrop is visible in the side of the road. T am quite familiar with the railroad cut at Bryn Mawr, which is through decomposed mica schists. I have searched in vain for the slightest evidence of steatitic or serpentine rocks in it. Recently the eut was widened. Taking advantage of the fresh exposure, I obtained specimens below Penn Avenue about every ten feet from 150 feet to 400 feet, including a light-colored stratum differing from the bright-colored decomposing schists elsewhere. All, without exception, were unmistakably decomposed mica schist with quartz. I believe, therefore, that serpentine and steatite do not there exist at or near the surface. Examining the more northerly belt, that north of Lafayette Station, we find it represented as ending about 2000 feet west of the Schuylkill. There is, it is true, an apparent break in the belt at this point, and, as it were, a fault, throwing the westerly con- tinuation southward; but the break is small, and the belt can be traced by abundant surface fragments to a point between 3000 and 4000 feet from the river, where another fault occurs (or a change of direction more northwestward) and an outcrop in plaee appears east of a road about a mile from the Schuylkill. Thence, on the map, the outcrop appears continuous; whereas, at the next road, where there is a gap through whieh.a stream passes, there appears to be a fault, the westerly continuation of the belt being, as it were, shifted northwardly more than its width, show- ing ona small, but very distinct scale, the echelon structure so marked in the belt north of the syenite. The outcrop is repre- sented as ending east of the old Gulf or Conshohocken road ; whereas it can be traced by fragments, and one outerop in piace, to the new road to Bryn Mawr at the crossing of a branch of Mill Creek, on the lands of Yocum and Shalliol, where a large distinct outcrop in place occurs, whence it can be followed by surface fragments in a more southwesterly direction (8. 34° W.), than the Jia 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 63 easterly part of the belt, (S. 40° to 50° W.), probably 1000 feet. About 250 feet northward from this, and eastward of its ending, is another outcrop of serpentinous rock (another instance of echelon structure?). About 1400 feet S. 60° W. is another out- crop, forming a distinct small hill not upon the map, and other minor outcrops further westward. The character of rock in the outcrops adjacent, narth and south, above mentioned, is different ineach. The southerly is taleose and chloritic, the northerly a hornblende-like rock altered into serpentine or some allied mineral. The outcrop at Rosemont, Pennsylvania Railroad, from which much stone has been quarried, is not upon the map. An outcrop of serpentine is delineated northeast of the cross- ing of the Gulf road and the Mattson’s Ford road, or Township Line road, and (p. 3) located northwest of Mechanicsville.’ The rock at the point indicated on the map, which is within one- eighth of a mile southeast of Gulf Mills, and over one-half mile southwest of Mechanicsville, is altered hydromica schist. It bears a remarkable resemblance to the decomposed schists in the cut of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Bryn Mawr. There are out- crops of serpentine, one in place on the Gulf road, about.500 feet 8.8. E. of the cross-roads ; the other, fragments in the soil, about 700 feet southeast. There is also an outcrop of similar serpentine, ’ with steatite, on the Mattson’s Ford road, just east of the Dela- ware County line. This is not upon the map. These outcrops, and another westward, were described in the Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sci., 1878, page 402, as belonging to a then undescribed northerly belt. Mr. Hall (page 89) connects that on the Gulf road with the great belt passing through Radnor and through Chester County. He evidently has not examined the westerly outcrops. The limestone in Upper Merion, just north of Gulf Mills (the south end of the Gulf), interesting in connection with that a mile farther up the Valley, is not upon the map, nor the eurite and the garnetiferous schists southeast. Turning to the text, we find it stated (page ix) that ‘ The ser- On the map the name Mechanicsville appears to be given to the settle- ment at the south end of the Gulf, correctly Gulf Mills, which name it has borne for much over a century. Gulf Mills, on the map and in the text, is applied to McFarland’s Mills at the north end of the Gulf. Mechan- icsville is a small town, formerly known as Rebel Hill, in a gap over one- half mile south of the Gulf. 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. pentine belt of Bryn Mawr, instead of passing in a straight line southwest through Delaware and Chester Counties towards Mary- land, swings around southward in a curve towards Chester, on the Delaware, not in an unbroken line, but in a series of projections, like the teeth on a circular saw, some of which reach Chester Creek.” Without a map of these outcrops the precise meaning is not clear, but if a line be drawn upon the map,! connecting the Schuyl- kill soapstone quarries with the westernmost outcrop on the Black Rock road, and be produced southwestwardly to Chester Creek, the outcrop on Meadow Brook will be found three-quarters of a mile northwest of this line; that on Darby Creek, one mile north- west; that on the West Chester road, one-half mile northwest ; that on the road from Newtown Square to Palmer’s Mills, upon it, or very little northwest; that at Blue Hill, upon it; that on Dismal Run, thirteen miles from the Schuylkill, a quarter of a mile southeast; that at Lenni on Chester Creek, about a mile southeast. If, in like manner, we produce a line passing through the Lafayette belt, from the Schuylkill to Rosemont, the Meadow Brook outcrop will be found upon it; that on Darby Creek, quar- ter of a mile northwest; West Chester road, less than a quarter of a mile southeast; Palmer’s Mills, one mile southeast ; Blue — Hill, one mile southeast; Dismal Run, 1} miles southeast ; Lenni, about two miles southeast. Page 12, we find, “The primal * * * is not recognizable west of the Schuylkill river, south of the south edge of the auroral limestones of the valley in the South Valley Hill.” Page 32, ‘“ West of the Montgomery County line, near the southern margin of this group” (the South Valley Hill schists), “we find garnetiferous mica schists.” Page 36, “ West of West Conshohocken the Potsdam does not exist, and the limestone rests directly upon the Laurentian ;” but we find no mention of the sandstone and beds of sand, result- ing from its decomposition, flanking the Chester Valley on the south, described by Prof. H. C. Lewis, in the Proceedings of the Mineralogical Section of the Acad. Nat. Sci., No.1, page 93. 1T have used map of Delaware County, by G. M. Hopkins & Co., of Philadelphia, 1876, which I believe to be the most accurate map of the County. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 65 West of West Conshohocken, a rock wholly indistinguishable from the eurite of Barren Hill, which Mr. Hall considers proved to be Potsdam, does occur at several (at least three) Jocalities, viz.: southeast of Mechanicsville, in Radnor just west of the county line, and at Wayne, P. R. R. That the limestone rests directly upon the Laurentian is more than doubtful, for while they cannot be observed between the two adjacent outcrops near the river, yet if the lines of the two be prolonged, mica schists, garnetiferous mica schists, and the pecu- liar thin-bedded feldspathic gneiss with crystals of hornblende found south of the syenite between the serpentine and steatite, can be seen, having a breadth of probably over three hundred feet, within a thousand westward of the limestone exposure. There are three facts tending to prove that Cream Valley on the south side of the South Valley Hill is, though very narrow, similar in structure to the Chester Valley : I. The presence of limestone. II. The existence of iron ores resembling those of the Potsdam. III. The presence of eurite. On page 27 the Manayunk mica schists and gneisses are stated to extend from the vicinity of Haddington on the south to Ardmore on the north. There is no mention made of the porphyritic gneiss which begins eastwardly as a narrow belt at the Falls of Schuylkill, this rock by its superior hardness causing the “ falls.”” It widens out westwardly until at the Pennsylvania Railroad it attains a width exceeding a mile, and occupies fully one-half the limits above quoted. It extends southward to Market Street; south of this I have not examined. It is too important a belt, not only in its extent, but also in its uniformity throughout its whole limits, to be ignored in a study of the region. The same may be said of the Frankford gneiss which appears to extend as a distinct and characteristic belt, but with a strike much more east and west than the other rocks, from Frankford to the Wissahickon. That the syenite belt south of the South Valley Hill is an anti- clinal seems beyond question. Now both on the north and south of it occur thin-bedded micaceous gneiss and hornblendic gneiss, succeeded by garnetiferous mica schist. In the syenite, or very close to it in the micaceous gneiss, both on the north and south occur beds of serpentine,of almost identical appearance, and in 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. the mica schists, steatite, tale and serpentine very similar in character on both sides of the anticlinal. So nearly vertical are all the dips that no very cogent argument can be derived from them. North of the schists is eurite, almost undoubtedly Potsdam sandstone, then altered schists, limestone, trap, and then the South Valley Hill. My view of a section along a line from Bryn Mawr northwest to a point in the north line of Radnor Township, Delaware County, about a half mile west of the east line, that is west of Mr. Hall’s line H, and bearing a few degrees more northeast and southwest in order to connect one of the limestone outcrops in Cream Valley with the Rosemont serpentine outcrop, is given herewith. Out- crops of all the rocks are exposed within little over a half mile of this line, and all save the eurite, and the southern steatite belt, almost or quite upon it, though the characters of the rocks can in some cases be better studied in more distant outcrops, of undoubtedly identical rocks. 1. Syenite. NORTHWARD. SOUTHWARD. Thin bedded micaceous gneiss. 2, Serpentine. 2’. Serpentine. ( Thin-bedded gneiss. (Mica schist and thin-bedded | Micaceous gneiss. a) gneiss with crystals of horn- 3. | Feldspathic gneiss with crystals é | blende. | of hornblende. | Hornblendic gneiss. | Hornblendic gneiss. 4, Steatite with serpentine. 4’, Steatite with serpentine. 5. Mica schists and garnetiferous 5’. Garnetiferous mica schists. mica schists. Eurite. Schistose gneiss. Limestone. Schistose gneiss. Trap. South Valley Hill hydromica schists. Now if this succession occurs, if of 2 and 2’, 4 and 4’, each most closely resembles the other, and 3 and 3’, 5 and 5’, are not unlike, is it not strong evidence that the structure is a simple anticlinal ? I submit herewith a map of the region showing most of the outcrops mentioned. 1882.] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, 67 ee = ee oo ——— Lafayelte 5 Ss SpringtGills Bas rices P Villa Nova at we ane Fe MAP or OUTCROPS or SE, PENT; INE TRAP &<: LowerMerion and Kicinity S : Serpentine && L : Zimestone 7 : Zray £: Eurite G :Ganettferous Schists 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. On Phytocollite,a New Mineral.—Prof. Lewis reported that, having made a further examination of the black jelly-like sub- stance from the Scranton peat-bog, to which he had drawn atten- tion at the September meeting, he had found that it had characters differing from those of any other mineral heretofore described. By dissolving it in a standard solution of alkali he had found that it had an acid reaction, and was, therefore, to be regarded as an organic acid. It is probably related to some of the varying forms of humie acid. The following analysis, kindly made by Mr. J. M. Stinson, of Harrisburg, was made upon material which was carefully separated from the surrounding earthy matter, and which, before analysis, was dried at a heat of 212° F. C 28.989 C 30.971 H 5.172 H 5.526 N 2.456 or without ash, O + N 63.5038 O 56.983 ae Ash 6.400 100. 100. This analysis would yield the empirical formula C,,H..0,,. In its composition, this substance is remarkable for the low per- centage of carbon which it contains. It ditfers from dopplerite principally in its composition (dop- plerite having the formula C,,H.,O0,,), and also by its partial solu- bility in alcohol and its burning with flame. Instead, however, of giving this mineral a specific name, it is now suggested to group together, under one generic name, all those jelly-like substances produced by vegetable decomposition which are found in nature. The name Phytocollite (gut «iida), signifying plant-jelly, would include the mineral from Scranton, the dopplerite of Austria and Switzerland, the jelly-like mineral from Finckenbach, St. Gall, which Deicke describes as burning with a bright flame, and all similar minerals of like origin. Each of the above minerals would, therefore, be classified as varieties of phytocollite. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 69 FEBRUARY 7, The President, Dr. Lretrpy, in the chair. Twenty-two persons present. Filaria of the Black Bass.—Prof. Lripy stated that he had been told that the black bass, Micropterus nigricans, in some localities is much infested with a red thread worm. One procured in market a few days since for his table, was found to be greatly infested. The worms were coiled in oval masses from the size of a pea to that of a large bean, and were situated beneath the skin, in the muscles and under the membrane lining the abdomen. The worm is cylindrical, slightly narrowed and obtusely rounded at both ends, minutely annulate and otherwise smooth, pale red, bright red, or brownish red, translucent, with the darker red) or brownish intestine and the white cesophagus shining through. Mouth a small pore, unarmed ; anus a transverse elliptical pore, terminal. (Esophagus long, capacious, cylindrical, straight or somewhat tortuous, slightly expanded below where it is constricted from the intestine, which is likewise expanded at the commence- ment, and ends ina short, more translucent rectum. Ovarium and ova indistinctly seen. Length from 3 to 6 inches by half a line in diameter. The worm appears to be a Filaria, but the determination of the species was left for more extended observation. FEBRUARY 14. Mr. MEEHAN, Vice-President, in the chair. Twenty-six persons present. Sponges from the neighborhood of Boston—Mr. E. Ports ex- hibited some fragments of fresh-water sponges collected in the Cochituate Aqueduct and sent to him by the Superintendent of the Boston Water Works. Alluding to the deleterious effects recently attributed to this sponge, as the cause of the pollution of the Boston water-supply, he said he was not prepared either to affirm or deny it. While he was well aware that a decaying fresh- water sponge was one of the foulest things in nature, in his own experience he had never met with it in sufficient quantities, locally, to suppose it capable of tainting, in its decay, ae of gallons of water, as now represented. An examination of the sponge as to its specific noe revealed some peculiar facts. Primarily it was evident that the sponge was 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. much ‘* mixed”; the presence of two or more species being very apparent. One of these, with long branching finger-like processes, smooth skeleton spiculze, no appearance of ‘dermal or flesh spicule, while the abundant smooth statospheres retained few if any acerate spicules, bore a sufficiently close resemblance to the description of Spongilla paupercula as given by Dr. Bowerbank from speci- mens collected in the same or a neighboring locality before 1863. With this form was found another, probably altogether sessile, consisting of an intertexture of stout fusiform acerate skeleton spicules, abruptly pointed, coarsely spined, except near the ex- tremities, spines subconical, acute; dermal spicules absent or un- discovered ; statospheres without oranular coating, some of them exhibiting a few misplaced, irregular, or malformed birotulate spicules, the distinguishing feature of which is the prolongation of the familiar boss upon the outer surface of each rotule into a long acuminate spine, in line with, and a continuation of the shaft. He suggested for this species, provisionally, the name Meyenia acuminata. The exceptional features referred to above,as marking this collec- tion of sponges were: First,the fact thatall thestatospheres,whether belonging to the genus Spongilla or Meyenia, were smooth, that is without a granular or cellular “ crust;” second, the apparent absence of dermal spicules in both and the abnormal character of those belonging to the statospheres. The appearance is not infre- quent, but has, so far as known, heretofore been limited to the genus Spongilla. The recurrence of the same feature in the associated genus Meyenia, coupled with the fact that many of the birotulates upon its statospheres, were imperfect, the rays being more or less aborted, approximating their shape to that of the spined fusiform acerates of Spongilla, gave rise to the suggestion that here, possibly, had been, not merely a mechanical mixture by inter- or super-position of species, but an organic hybridization produced by the flowing together of the amceboid particles of which the sponges are composed, or even by a fertilization of the ova of one by thé spermatozoids of the other. Several facts indicative of the probability that such hybridiza- tion may take place were adduced, and the further discussion of the subject deferred until an examination of the living sponge in its native locality, or experiments upon those germinated in con- finement, could be made. It is important to notice that the specimens received were col- lected in February, when the sarcode matter had nearly all been washed away, with, probably, accompanying changes in the pres- ence or numbers of the smaller spicule. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 71 FEBRUARY 21. The President, Dr. Letpy, in the chair. Twenty-five persons present. The deaths of John W. Draper and Theo. Schwann, cor- respondents, were announced. The death of Robert Bridges, M. D., having been announced, Dr. W.S. W. Ruschenberger was appointed to prepare a biograph- ical notice for publication in the Proceedings. FEBRUARY 28. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Thirty persons present. On Tourmalines.—Prof. Letpy said, in absence of other mat- ters of more importance, he would exhibit a collection of tourmalines which belonged. to him, and which he thought from their variety would interest the members. He remarked that while black tourmalines are the most common, white ones are rarest. Recently, good-sized crystals of the latter had been found at De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., New York. From a broken crystal he had obtained a fragment, from which the beautiful gem pre- sented was cut. This is of brilliant form, highly lustrous, transparent, flawless, and nearly colorless, or with only the faintest yellowish tint, like that of a so-called ‘ off-color ” diamond; and weighs 398 millegrammes. Some remarkable black tourmalines were brought to this city, a couple of years ago, by Lieut. Wm. A. Mintzer, U.S, N., who obtained them at Niantilik, Cumberland Gulf, Arctic America. They are generally three- or six-sided crystals, with a single three- or six-sided pyramidal termination, of various sizes. A large one in Prof. Leidy’s possession is thirteen inches long and one and three-quarter inches at the pyramidal extremity. Perhaps the most beautiful black tourma- lines, recently discovered in abundance, are those of Pierrepont, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. They are remarkable for their perfec- tion; occurring as doubly-terminated crystals, of large size and brilliant lustre. Fine brown tourmalines, often of large size and frequently doubly.terminated, with one extremity much modified from the usual form, have also been found in abundance in late years, at Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co.,N. Y. It may be said that this State is pre-eminent for the beauty of its black, white, and brown tourmalines. 12 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE ACADEMY OF [1882. The chief localities for colored tourmalines, other than the varieties mentioned, are the Urals, Ceylon, Elba, Brazil and Maine. Of the collection, those from the latter two localities most resemble one another ; crystals of the same ordinary tourma- line green color, others of ‘a green color and garnet red-axis, and some with different parts of the prism colored pink and green, of varied depth. The pink is sometimes as delicate as that usual in Elba tourmalines, and sometimes as deep and bright as that of the deepest-hued pink topazes of Brazil. The Maine tourmalines exhibit a wonderful variety of shades of green and red, ranging from the darkest hues to the transparent colorless variety called achroite. The largest and finest achroites seen by Prof. Leidy, have been derived from the Mt. Mica locality. Among the Maine tourmalines in the collection, chiefly obtained through Dr. A. C. Hamlin, of Bangor, the following were especially indicated : 1. A three-sided prismatic crystal with one end flat, the other a trilateral pyramid, four inches long, and ten lines wide, One half towards the pyramidal end is green, dark and nearly opaque at first, but becoming transparent apple-green; the other half is green on the exterior, but has a garnet-red axis towards the flat end, passing into pale pink towards the middle of the crystal. The specimen is broken into five fragments, a condition quite common in the larger Maine tourmalines, and supposed to be due to the action of frosts. 2. Two fragments of a crystal, an inch and a half in diameter, of a bright, rose-topaz color, becoming nearly colorless and then ending in an apple-green plate, forming a flat termination of the cry stal. 3. A fragment of a three-sided erystal, an inch long and an inch and a half wide, consisting of transparent achroite, with one end covered with Cookeite. 4. A dark green three-sided crystal with trilateral pyramid, an inch and a quarter long, and three-fourths of an inch in diameter. The base was occupied with a spherical nodule of achroite, from which was cut a beautiful gem, of brilliant form, flawless, perfectly transparent, and weighing 400 millegrammes. It is nearly color- less, but has a faint pinkish hue. Among the Brazilian tourmalines were the following: 1. A large, three-sided crystal, with pyramidal termination, rich tourmaline-green, transparent and flawless. It was originally two inches and a half long, and is eight lines wide. From its base a fine brilliant was cut, weighing 5980 millegrammes. 2. Two small green crystals with pyramidal termination, one pale red at the terminal end; the other of the same color at the base. 3. Two large six-sided crystals with flat termination, green externally, with garnet-red axis, One an inch and a half long, and three-fourths of an inch thick ; the other an inch and a quarter long, and an inch thick. 4. A rubellite of garnet-red color; a three-sided crystal with pyramidal termination, an inch long, and seven-eighths broad. 1882. } NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 73 Brilliant cut specimens of rose-red tourmaline from Maine and Brazil were alike in color. An Elba tourmaline about an inch in length was six-sided with a three-sided pyramid. The base is yellowish green; the upper extremity pale pink. A Ural rubel- lite, garnet-red, was six-sided with a six-sided pyramid. Frank E. P. Lynde was elected a member. Robert Hartmann, of Berlin ; W. Kowalewsky, of Moscow, and K. Martin, of Leiden, were elected correspondents. The following was ordered to be printed :— ‘74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. THE SPECIES OF ODONTOMYIA FOUND IN THE UNITED STATES. BY DR. L. T. DAY. In this paper I have confined myself exclusively to the descrip- tion of the species found in the United States. O. limbipennis Macq. I have left out entirely, for the following reason: on page 255 of Baron Osten Sacken’s valuable catalogue of N. A. Diptera, note 57, he says: ‘*The label in Macquart’s handwriting in Mr. Bigot’s collection bears America, with a query ; the query is omitted in the Dipt. Exot. I doubt that this is a North American species.”” Of-the Canadian species O. ( Sérat- iomys) canadensis Walk., and O. tnequalis Loew, Hudson Bay Ter., only the latter has been identified; probably the former never will be. Of the Mexican species none have been identified. Of the Cuban, O. rufipes and O. scalaris Loew are marked as being identified. Olivier, in the Encycl. Method, viii, gives the following generic characters, which I insert in the original, as they may be of service to some: Antennes 4 peine de la longueur de la téte, filiformes, termineés en pointe; articles courts, presqu’égaux. Trompe courte; gaine recourbée sendue et renflée a son ex- tremité. Trois soies inégales ; lévre supérieure courte, échancrée. Antennules courtes, biarticulées, en masse. Ailes avec une cellule centrale, petite, polygone. In the following table I have included only those species which are new, and those identified in my collection. Those species of Loew not in the table, and of Say, Walker, Wiedemann and Olivier, I have inserted at the end of the descriptions represented in the table. Synopsis of Species. Head black, . : : : : : : : Head with yellow or green markings, . A. Dorsum of thorax pubescent, : : Dorsum of thorax pilose, . , : : : : B. Face with an eminence below the base of the antenne, nigra, sp. n. Face gently arched without eminence. . plebeja Loew. Qrar 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 75 C. Face of male small, . ( ; : ‘ flava sp. n. Face of male of usual size, . : ‘ 5 : ; D. D. Femora black, ; : d : ‘ . ptlosus sp. n. Femora not black, ‘ : , : : : ‘ K. E. Second joint of antenne shorter than the first, pubescens, sp. 0. Second joint as long or longer than first, americana, sp. n. F. Dorsum of thorax with lateral stripes, ; . itn! Eh. Dorsum with spots on the posterior angles, - : G. G. Color markings luteous, : : . microstoma Loew. Color markings greenish, . : - : bicolor sp. n. H. Face with distinct black spots, . : . Willistont sp. n. Face without black spots, . ; . ‘ ‘ ; 13 J. Dorsum of thorax with two spots on the suture, megacephala Loew. Dorsum of thorax without spots on the suture, extremis sp. nN. Odontomy a nigra sp. n. Q Black. Head black. Occipital disk black. Front shining black, in the central groove a stripe of a golden hue. Antenne ferruginous red, the first two joints of nearly equal size, the third longer than both and tipped with brown or black. Face promi- nent, black, and sparsely pubescent with golden pile; a well- defined eminence is situated beneath the antenne. Oral aperture small, proboscis black, so also labii and palpi. Thorax black, covered with golden pubescence. Scutellum concolorous, also clothed with the pile, the terminal bristles brownish yellow. Halteres green. Abdomen dark yellow; the median stripe black and forms a triangular spot in each segment, the base anterior. Venter brownish yellow. Legs luteous. Wings hyaline; third longitudinal vein simple; the discal cell emits two veins. Long. corp. 4 lin., long. al. 3 lin. Hab.—Kansas (KE. W. Guild). Notr.—In one of the specimens the abdomen is black, with a feeble attempt at markings near the incisures by way of golden pile; the antennz are black, and the terminal joints of the middle and posterior tarsi. Odoutomyia plebeja Loew. @Q. 36. Black; the whole head concolorous; face not prominent, gently arched and clothed with golden yellow pile. Antenne reddish at the base, the terminal joint being black. Thorax black 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. and clothed with golden yellow pubescence. Scutellum concolor- ous, the apical spines yellowish. Halteres green. Abdomen green, with a black irregular stripe, extending almost to the posterior margin of the fifth segment. Venter green, immaculate; legs wholly yellow. Wings hyaline, the veins yellow, the third longi- tudinal simple, the discal cell emits two veins. @. Front black with irregular spots of subaureous tomentose. Face and thorax clothed with subaureous tomentose in place of the golden yellow pile in the male. Long. corp. 34 lin., long. al. 3 lin. Hab.—Kansas (Guild); Mass. (Williston) ; Conn. (Norton). Odontomyia flava sp.n. @ Black; head concolorous, antenne black. Face small, black, clothed with yellowish pile; borders of the mouth slightly reddish. Thorax black, clothed with golden pile. Scutellum black, the terminal spines concolorous. Halteres yellow. Abdomen yellow, with black median stripe, the yellow running in at the incisures, thus forming connected quadrangular black spots in the segments. Venter yellow, immaculate; legs yellowish; femora brown; tarsi black; anterior and middle tibizw with a solitary brownish ring. Wings hyaline, veins yellow, third longitudinal simple, the discal cell emits three veins, the posterior being rudimentary. Long. corp. 54 lin., long. al. 4 lin. Hab.—Wyoming (Dr. Williston). Norr.—This is described from a single specimen, and the rudimentary vein emitted from the discal cell may not hold as a good character for distinguishing species. Odontomy'a pilosus sp.n. ¢@ Black. The whole head concolorous. Antenne black. The face prominent and thickly clothed with long yellowish pile. Thorax and scutellum black and also thickly clothed with the long yellowish pile, the terminal spines of the scutellum yellow. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, and sparsely clothed with the yellowish pile, laterally are triangular yellow spots running in transversely at the incisures. Venter yellow, with small brown spots in the median line, situated in the middle of each segment. Legs blackish; femora black, the under side covered with a thick growth of yellow hair; the distal half of all the tibie black, the proximal portion being yellow; tips of tarsi black. Wings hya- 1882. } NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 17 line, the veins reddish brown, third longitudinal simple, the discal cell emits two veins. Long. corp. 6 lin., long. al. 44 lin. Hab.—California (Baron). Odontomyia pubercens sp.n. ¢ 9 @. Black. The whole head concolorous. Front sparsely golden pubescent. Antenne black, the first joint longer than the second. Face prominent and covered with golden pubescence. Proboscis black. Thorax black, with golden pubescence. Scutellum black, also pubescent, the apical spines yellow. Halteres green. Abdomen black, with lateral transverse yellow stripes at the incisures. Venter yellow with irregular brownish spots. Legs brownish yellow. Wings hyaline, veins brownish yellow, third longitudinal vein simple, the discal cell emits two veins. Long. corp. 44 lin., long. al. 4 lin. Hab.—New York (Dr. Willisten). 6. Black. The face covered with a thick yellowish pile, as also the thorax ; the apical spines of the scutellum yellow. Halteres yellow. The yellow spots at the incisures of the abdomen more prominent than in the female. Legs yellowish brown, femora tipped with black. Hab.—California (Baron); New York. Nore. - In one of the male specimens the halteres are green, in another from the same locality yellow. Ido not consider the change of color of any value; in the living specimens they were probably green. Odontomyia americanasp.n. @. Black. Head black. Antenne reddish brown, the second joint as long or longer than the first. Face small, not prominent. Proboscis black. Thorax black and covered with a yellowish white pubescence. Scutellum the same, the apical spines being yellow. MHalteres green. Abdomen green, with a median black stripe of nearly equal breadth throughout. Venter green, immacu- late. Legs yellow. Wings hyaline, veins yellow, the third longi- tudinal simple, the discoidal cell emitting two veins. Long. corp. 4 lin., long. al. 3 lin. Hab.—Cal. (Baron). Odontomyia microstoma Loew. Q. Black-yellow. Head yellow; occiput yellow. Front widens slightly anteriorly, about the centre or on either side is situated a 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. brownish spot, anterior to this it is clear, posterior sparsely mottled; ocellar triangle black, and on each side is a brownish spot. Antenne brownish black ; the first two joints cylindrical, brownish; the terminal end of the second darker; the third black, tapering to a point. Face not prominent, moderately convex and clothed with dilute yellow pile. Oral aperture small; proboscis black ; labii brownish ; palpi yellow. Dorsum of thorax black, subaureous pubescent, posterior angles yellowish. Scutellum yellow, the apical spines tipped with black. Abdomen brownish yellow, the central black stripe is interrupted by median yellowish spots. Venter dilutely yellow, laterally with two dark stripes. Legs dark yellow; posterior tarsi obscurely brown. Wings hyaline,veins yellowish, third longitudinal simple ; the discoidal cell emits two veins. Long. corp. 5 lin., long. al. 4 lin. Hab.—Mass., N. Y. (Dr. Williston). Norr.—‘‘ The last two segments of the third joint of the antennz in this species form a sufficiently acute style, as may be shown; the antenne of this are not dissimilar to those of Clitellaria, but the downward course of the veins in this species demonstrates its place in the Odontomyiz.’’ —LoEw. Odontomyia bicolor sp.n. @. Black-green. Head large, yellowish green. Occiput yellowish green. Antennze reddish brown, the terminal segment of the third joint tipped with black. Face prominent, green, sparsely pubescent with yellow. Proboscis brownish black. Thorax black, the posterior angles yellow, the lateral borders clothed with yellow pile. Pleurze green and clothed with yellow pile. Base of scutellum black, bordered with yellow; the apical spines yellow, tipped with black, Halteres green. Abdomen green, with a median black irregular stripe. Venter green, immaculate. Legs reddish, the femora being yellowish towards the body, the tarsi black. Wings hyaline, veins brownish, the third longitudinal simple; the discal cell emits three veins. Long. corp. 6 lin., long. al. 43 lin. Hab—Cal. (Baron). Odontomyia Willistonisp.n. Q. Green. Head and occiput green. Front broad, green, with two brownish spots on each side near the orbit, also a central brown spot just anterior to the ocellar triangle. Antennz black. Face greenish, prominent, with an irregular black spot on each 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, 79 side extending from the base of the antennze downward. Probos- cis black. Thorax black, sparsely pubescent, bordered laterally with yellowish green, extending to the posterior angles. Pleurve yellowish green, with a central narrow black stripe extending to beneath the halteres. Scutellum green, apical spines yellowish. Halteres green. Abdomen green, with a central black irregular stripe, which terminates in the middle of the last segment. Legs yellowish, concolorous. Wings hyaline, veins yellow, the third longitudinal simple; the discal cell emits three veins. Lone. corp. 4 lin., long. al. 3 lin. Hab.—New York (Dr. Williston). The above species is respectfully dedicated to Dr. S. W. Willis- ton, to whom I am greatly indebted for the use of his extensive collections in the preparation of this paper. Olontomyia megacephala Loew. ¢ Q 6. Black-green. Head and occiput yellowish green; the head very large. Antenne reddish, the terminal joint being almost black. Face yellowish green, immaculate, not prominent, receding towards the oral aperture. Proboscis black. Thorax black, pubescent with yellow, the lateral borders and posterior angles green; there is also a greenish spot on each side of the thorax near the median line crossing the transverse suture. Pleure green, clothed with yellowish pile. Scutellum yellowish green; the apical spines yellow, tipped with black. Halteres green. Abdo- men green, with a black median stripe; the posterior half of the terminal segment green. Venter wholly green. Legs reddish; the anterior and middle tibie markedly tipped with black, the posterior obscurely so; all the tarsi tipped with black. Wings hyaline; veins yellow; third longitudinal simple; the discoidal cell emits three valid veins. Long. corp. 54 lin.; long. al. 4 lin. ?. Green. Head and occiput green. Frent green, widening anteriorly with two well-marked transverse black stripes, the superior being the broader, extending from orbit to orbit just beneath the ocellar triangle; the lower extends irregularly trans- verse across the whole front a short distance above the base of the antenne. Antenne reddish brown, the third joint tipped with black. Long. corp. 7 lin., long, al. 5 lin. Hab.—Kansas (Guild); Cal. (Baron). 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Odontomyia extremis sp.n. Q ?. Green-black. Head and occiput green. Front green; on each side, midway between the ocellar triangle and the base of the antenne, is a large round black spot. Antenne brownish ; the terminal segments of the third joint black. Face green, prom- inent, pubescent with yellow. Thorax black, subaureous tomen- tose, bordered laterally with green, extending to the posterior angles. Scutellum green ; the apical spines yellow. Halteres green. Abdomen green, with a central black stripe widening posteriorly ; at the incisures the black extends quite to the lateral borders. Legs brownish yellow; tarsi blackish. Wings hyaline; veins yellow; the third longitudinal simple; the discal cell emits three veins. 6. The only difference from the females is that the male: possess a black occiput. Long corp. 6 lin., long. al. 44 lin. Hab.—Conn.; Cal. (Baron). Nore.— Related to O. cincta, but differing in the abdominal markings quite strongly. QOdont-myia ercuata Loew. Q Cent. x, 4. Greenish yellow; occiput except orbit, vertex, unequal band of tue front, base of antenne, dorsum of thorax and abdomen black; lateral spots in the median line of the abdomen almost united, and venter wholly yellow. Legs luteous; two submarginal cells; four posterior. Long. corp. 5} lin., long. al. 44-42 lin. Head pale yellow. Face obtuse, immaculate. Occiput, except the orbit, black. Superior third of the front black; in posterior margin two obsolete luteous dots ; in front the unequal black band is seen, composed of two large spots running into the sides. Antenne black; base reddish brown. Dorsum of thorax, except the humeri and posterior angles, black, aureous tomentose, toward the borders thickly clothed. Scutellum yellow; base black ; apical teeth small, subapproximate, toward the apex black. Pleurz wholly immaculate, greenish yellow, in life without doubt green. Abdomen black; second, third and fourth segments each with a single yellow triangular spot; or greenish yellow, concave anteriorly, and the acute angle extending nearly to the middle of the abdomen; posterior and lateral margins of the fifth segment yellow, yet the transverse smearing black and more pronounced ; sixth segment yellow. Venter wholly yellowish green or green, 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 81 immaculate. Legs luteous; tarsi, from the apex of the first joint, brownish black. Wings pure hyaline; veins strongly ochreous ; third longitudinal with branch; discal cell emits two veins. Hab.—California (H. Edwards). Odortomyia binotata Loew. @ Cent. vi, 22. Green. Dorsum of the thorax, except the lateral borders and two disks, punctate; metanotum and abdominal stripes black ; only one submarginal cell, five posterior. Long. corp. 54 lin , long. al. 4} lin. Vertical triangle black; base green; frontal triangle minute, black. First two joints of the antennz cylindrical, subequal, of ferruginous red. Face totally gréen, not prominent, toward the oral aperture strongly receding. Keel moderately convex and obtuse. Proboscis pale; palpi concolorous, labelli black. Dorsum of thorax black; two small spots and lateral borders green. Pleure green; breast grayish black. Scutellum totally green ; metanotum black. Abdomen green; the stripe towards the base of the first segment strongly dilated, in the second and third segments profoundly emarginated, and the two points in the angle of the fourth segment black. Venter wholly green. Legs ferruginous red; the first half of the femora and base of the tibiz yellow; the apex of the anterior femora, the apex of the anterior tibiz and all the tarsi black, but the posterior metatarsus except the apex and base of the anterior, ferruginous red. Wings purely hyaline; veins strongly ochreous; third longitudinal with- out branch; the discal cell emits three equal veins. Hab.—Illinois (Le Baron). Odo*tomyia l*siopnothalma Loew. g- Cent. vi, 23. Black, varied green, eyes strongly pilose, second joint of the antenne half as short as the first. Legs luteous, femora except the apex black, one submarginal cell of the wings, five posterior. Long. corp. 4% lin., long. al. 34 lin. Head black; face concolorous, shortly conical, two transverse spots constituting narrowly interrupted bands, and two lesser at the anterior margin of the eye pale yellow. Eyes clothed with compact long hair. First two joints of the antenne dark yellow, toward the apex obscure, the second one-half, and the last longer than the first ; the third joint is wanting in this specimen. Dor- sum of thorax with rough sub-luteous black hair, posterior angle yellowish green. Pleure concolorous, whitish hair, two spots of 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. a yellowish green, the larger ones of a broken angular form, the smaller oblong ovate. Scutellum black, narrowly bordered with yellowish green. Abdomen black, the whole margin and spots both a third part green, in the second segment a spot large and triangular, not reaching to the anterior margin: the third mod- erate and transverse, the fourth narrow. Venter wholly green. Legs luteous or luteo-ochreous, femora except the apex black. Wings hyaline, veins thickly ochreous, third longitudinal without a branch, the discal cell emits three equal veins. Hab.—New York; New Jersey. Note.—This species on account of the first joint of the antenne being longer than the second strongly distinguishes between Stratiomyiz and Odontomyiz, and as it were intermediate on account of the simple straight third longitudinal vein refers this genus to the Odontomyia rather than Stratiomyiz. Odontom’ian gerrima Loew. Q Cent. x, 6. : Black, bare, scutellum toothed, apex of femora and tibi, and base of tibiz and tarsi testaceous ; second abdominal segment, third and fourth posterior margins near the border and all of the fifth lutescent ; face protuberant, extraordinarily prominent, first joint of the antennz longer than the second, veins of the wings strongly fuscous, four posterior cells and two submarginal. Long. corp. 4 lin., long. al. 34 lin. Black, shining, bare, whitish, short pubescent. Head concolor- ous, longitudinal fossa of the front and both margins testaceous. Face extraordinarily prominent, protuberant, obtuse, lateral margins of the mouth strongly dilated. Proboscis black, stock drawn out, head long and very thick. Antenne drawn out, black, first joint once and a-half as long as the second. Scutellum wholly black, teeth fusco-testaceous. Posterior margins of the second abdominal segment, third and fourth toward the side of the abdo- men of a lutescent color, thus three narrow bands are seen, broadly interrupted; the posterior margin of the fifth segment wholly lutescent. Venter black, a broad disk unequal and darkly lutes- cent. This abdominal picture in living specimens I suspect to be wholly green. Legs black, apex of the femora, base and apex of the tibie and first and last joints of the tarsi except the apex fusco- luteo-testaceous. Wings hyaline, veins strongly brownish black, costal and third longitudinal subfuscous toward the apex, third longitudinal vein with erect branch, discoidal cell emits two veins. Middle States. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 83 Odottomyia nigrirostris Loew. @. Cent. vi, 19. Black and yellow varied, scutellum without teeth, two sub- marginal cells, five posterior. Long. corp. 52 lin., long. al. 4? lin. Black and yellow varied, clothed with pale pubescence. Head yellow; lateral frontal stripes black, broad, abbreviated anteriorly, posteriorly with a black spot cohering with the vertex; a large black spot on the face. Antenne black, first joint a little longer than the second. Proboscis wholly black, palpi concolorous. Dorsum of thorax black, margin of the posterior angles pale yellow. Pleurve pale yellow, black maculated; breast black. Scutellum shortened, pale yellow, toward the base black. Abdomen broad, subplanum, black, from the angle of the first segment, a spot extends laterally from the anterior to the posterior margins, narrow in the third and fourth margins posteriorly and in the abdominal margin, all pale yellow. Venter wholly pale. Legs black, apex of all the femora, first half of anterior tibiew and base of anterior and poste- rior tarsi dilute yellow or whitish. Wings pure hyaline, veins strongly ochreous, third longitudinal with branch, thus is made two marginal cells; discal cell emits three veins of which the one preceding the last is much shorter. Hab.—N orth Wisconsin (Kennicot). Note.—The number of posterior cells in distinguishing Odontomyia causes note, which is greatly relied upon; less is determined by making out the number of submarginal cells, in those species where there is only one submarginal cell, which does not happen rarely, as the third vein may be with a branch; or where two submarginal cells are found, this branch may be wanting. Odontomyia pilimava Loew. @Q_ Cent, vi, 27. Black, antennze red, dorsum of thorax in both sexes aureous tomentose, abdomen green, median stripe black, legs luteous, anterior and posterior tibia and metatarsus hairy beneath; four posterior cells, one submarginal. 6. Thoracic pile shorter than in known species. @. Front near the ocelli luteous bipunctate. Long. corp. 4—47% lin., long. al. Bys—B 75 lin. 6. Head black, face scattered with white hair, obtuse bicarinate, below the antenne prominent, toward the oral abeiiee receding. Antenne red, apex of third joint black. Proboscis thick, black. Thorax wholly black; dorsum more lutescent, thin in real male species and clothed with short aureous tomentose; pleure white 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. pilose. Scutellum black, teeth and apical margin greenish. Abdomen green, black median stripe, moderately dilated poste- riorly. Legs wholly luteous; anterior and posterior tibize and metatarsus clothed beneath with long pallid pile. Wings hyaline, veins strongly lutescent, third longitudinal with branch, discal cell emits two veins. ?. Similar to the male. Front anterior to ocelli luteous bi- punctate, and on both sides ornamented with an aureous tomentose spot. Above posterior to the orbit aureous tomentose, below covered with white. Dorsum of thorax closely aureous tomentose, pleuree white pilose. Black abdominal stripe in third and fourth segments more dilated than in the male. Hab.—Illinois (L. Baron). Odontomyia varipes Loew. S- Cent. vi, 21 Green, dorsum of thorax except the posterior angles, triangu- lar spot at the base of the scutellum, and except the large lateral spots of the abdomen and border of the fifth segment black. Legs brownish, first half of the femora and base of tibise yellow, apical half of tibize and tarsi brownish black; two submarginal cells, five posterior. : Long. corp. 5! lin., long. al. 32 lin. Related to Odontomyia megacephala, but the head is smaller and diverse other markings on the abdomen. Vertical triangle black, yet the base green; frontal triangle minute black. First two joints of the antenne cylindrical, equal; the first brownish black; the second ferruginous red; the third joint in this de- scribed specimen is wanting. Face green, superior margin black, not prominent; towards the oral aperture strongly receding, obtuse carinate. Proboscis dilute yellow, palpi concolorous, labelli black. Dorsum of thorax black, posterior angles green. Scutellum green, black spot of the base broadly triangular. Pleure green, a moderately dilute subfuscous spot. Abdomen black, angle of the first segment, a large lateral spot in the second and third, extending to the anterior and posterior margins, sepa- rated from the anterior margin by a black band, a lesser subrotund spot in the fourth segment, and the posterior and lateral borders of the fifth segment green, Venter wholly green. Femora dilute yellow, second half of anterior, last third of middle, and apex of posterior ferruginous red; tibie ferruginous red; apical half of anterior, apex of posterior, brownish black ; tarsi brownish black; 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 85 first joint of posterior, except the apex, reddish, and base of the lowest anterior, brown. Wings pure hyaline, valid veins obscurely ochreous, third longitudinal with branch; the discal cell emits three equal veins. Hab.—Carolina. Odontomyia vertebrata Say. $- Mouth deep, black, pale within; hypostoma with an elevated testaceous knob; antenne deep black, terminal joint beneath dusky, testaceous ; thorax blackish, with hardly perceptible hairs; scutellum dull testaceous, black at base; tip a little hairy ; spines horizontal, white; wings. white; poisers white, with a whitish glaucous capitulum; feet yellowish white ; abdomen subquadrate, much depressed, white; tergum with a series of large black spots almost connected together. Length ¢ rather more than three-tenths of an inch. Hab.—N orthwest Territory. Say, Complete Writ. i, 251; Long’s Exped., App., 369. Wied. Auss. Zw. ii, 73, 20. Bellardi, Saggio, ete., i, 38. Odontomyia Paron Walker. @Q. 6. Body black; head as broad as the chest, clothed in front with short whitish hairs, red about the feelers; eyes reddish bronze ; facets of the fore-part larger than those elsewkere ; mouth black ; feelers black, red at the base; chest and breast thickly clothed with tawny hairs ; scutcheon armed with two tawny teeth; sides and under side of abdomen tawny, sometimes yellow and tinged with green; legs tawny; wings whitish; wing-ribs tawny ; veins yellow; poisers tawny, with apple-green knobs. ?. Head and chest bronzed; head black about the base of the feelers. Length of body 8 lin., long. al. 6 lin. Hab.—Trenton Falls. Walker. Li-t iii, 536. Odontomyiaintermedia Wied. Q. Fiihler schwarz, erstes Glied nur halb so lang als das dritte. Untergesicht schwarz, fast silberweisz behaart. Stirn mitten rost- gelblich, an beiden Seiten schwarz, mit zwei fast silber- schimmernden Flucken; am Scheitel erstreckt sich das Gelbe bis zu den Augen. Riickenschild schwarz, sehr kurz kiesgelb behaart; Brustseiten hingegen silberweisz behaart ; Rand und Darmen des Schildchens gelblische. Ainterleib kaum weiszlich behaart; an 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. der Spitze der Abschnitte 2-4 an jeden Seite ein linienartiger rost- gelblischer Fleck oder eine breit unterbrochene Binde; der Hin- terrand des funften Abschnittes tiberall lehmgelJblich und mit dem Gelblichen des Seitenrandes zusammenfliesend. Bauch gelblich. Fliigel wasserklar; Rippe und die zweite Ader bis zur Spitze des Rippenfeldes lehmgelblich; das Randmal und die mittlere Zelle umgebenden Adern rein braun; Schwingen schon griin. Beine lehmgelblich; Schenkel fast bis zur Spitze pech- schwarz. In meiner Sammlung. Linge 34 Linien. Aus Nordamerika. Wied. Auss. Zw. ii, 64, 5. Odontomyia Virgo Wied. @. Der europiiischen Str. viridula auszert ibnlich. Fuhlerwurzel rostgelb, das dritte Glied ist verloren gegangen. Kopf schwarz. Untergesicht schneeweisz behaart. Ruckenschild schwarz, mit greiser Behaarung; Brustseiten schwarz, schneeweisz behaart ; Dornen des Schildchens lehmgelb. Hinterleib papageigrun, mit breiter schwarzer, an der Spitze jedes Abschnittes wenig ver- engerter, an der Wurzel des letzten Abschnittes abgebrochener Strieme. Bauch grun, an der Spitze jedes Abschnittes ein braun- licher nicht scharf begrantzter Fleck. Flugel sehr wasserklar, mit lehmgelb Adern; Schwinger lehmgelb mit grunem Knopfe. Beine tiberall lehmgelb. In meiner Sammlung. Liinge 4 Linien. Von Savannah. Weid. Auss.. Zw. ii, 69, 13. Odoniomyia brevipennis Oliv. Odontomyia scutello subbidentato nigra, abdomine maculis lateralibus flavis acutis. Elle ressemble aux précédentes. Les antennes sont noires avec les deux premiers articles jaunes. La téte et le corcelet sont noiratres, couverts d’un léger duvet d’un gris un peu rousseatre. L’ecusson est noir, et armé de deux petites épines rapprocheées, i peine apparentes, jaunes. L’abdomen est noiratre en dessus, avec une suite de petites taches jaunes sur les cOtés, triangulaires, avec leur angle interne trésaigu. Le dessous est d’un-jaune un peu livide. Les cuisses sont noirs, avec l’extrémité jaune. Les jambes et les tarses sont jaunes. Les ailes sont transparentes, avec les nervures légérement jaunes; elles sont courtes, et dépassent a peine l’abdomen. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 87 Elle se trouve dans la Carolina, d’ot elle a été appartie par M. Bose. Encycl. Method, viii, 454, 13. Odontomyia cincta Vliv. O. scutello bidentato, viridis, thoracis dorso nigra, abdomine nigro, fasciis tribus interruptis, flavis. Elle est presqu’aussi grande que l’odontomyie fourchue. Les antennes sont jaunatres. Le téte est verte ou jaunatre, avec trois points noirs sur le vertex. Le dos du corcelet est noiratre. Les cétés et ’écusson sont verts ou jaunatres; celui-ci est armé de deux petites épines. L’abdomen est noir en dessus, avec trois bandes interrompues et un peu amincies au milieu, d’un jaune plus ou moins vert. Le dessous du corps est jaune ou vert. Les pattes sont jaunes. Les ailes sont transparentes, avec les nervures jaunes. Elle se trouve en Carolina ;. Illinois. Encycl. Method, viii, 482, 3. Macquart, Dipt. Exot. i., 2, 189. Odontomyia flavicornis Oliv. O. scutello bidentato, nigra, capite scutelloque flavis, abdomine maculis lateralibus argenteis. Ella a un peu plus de trois lignes de longueur. Les antennes sont jaunes, avec l’extrémité noire. La téte est jaune,avec les yeux noirs. Le corcelat est noir, avec quelques raies formées par un duvet argenté. L’écusson est grand, jaune, armé de deux fortes épines de laméme couleur. L’abdomen est large, court, un peu aplati,noir, avec quatre taches de chaque cOté, formées par un duvet argente. Les pattes sont noires, avec les genoux et le premier article des tarses blanchatres. Les ailes sont transpar- entes, avec les nervures d’un jaunne-brun. Les balanciers sont jaunes. Elle se trouve dans l’Amerique septentrionale. Encycl. Method, viii, 433, 9. Macquart, Hist. Nat. Dipt., i, 248, 4. Odontomyia hieoroglyphica Oliv. O. scutello mutico viridi, abdomine nigra, maculis lateralibus viridibus. Elle est de la grandeur de l’odontomyie hydroléon. Les an- tennes sont noires. La téte est verte, marquée d’une tache noire, assez grande, a la partie antérieure; de deux autres un peu au dessus, sinueuses, et d’une triangulaire, anterieurement dentée, sur le vertex. Le corcelet est noirdtre avec le cétés et l’écusson verts ; celui-ci est mutique ou armé de deux epines a peine appar- 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. entes. L’abdomen est noir, avec trois petites taches verdatres sur les cétes, et une sur l’anus. Le dessous du corps est vert ou d’une vert-jaune. Les cuisses sont noires, avec l’extrémité jaune. Les jambes et les tarses sont jaunes, tachés de noir, Les ailes ont une légére teinte d’un brun-rousseatre, surtout vers le bord exterieur. ; Carolina and Dist. Columbia. Encycl. Method, viii, 434, 11. Odontomyia interrupta Oliv. O. scutello bidentato, nigra, abdomine fasciis tribusinterruptis, anoque flavis. Elle est de la grandeur de l’odontomyic tigrine. Les antennes sont noires. La téte est noire avec une petite tache oblongue, jaune sur le vertex. Le corcelet est noir, couvert d’un léger duvet court, argenté. L’écusson est de la méme couleur, et est armé de deux petites épines jaunes. L’abdomen est noir, avec trois petites taches sur les cOtes, d’une égale épaisseur, et une sur anus, d’un jaune-verdatre. Les pattes sont jaunes, avec les cuisses presqu’éntiérement noires. En dessous la poitrine est noire, et l’abdomen est verdatre. Les ailes sont transparentes, avec les nervures d’un brun-rousseatre. Carolina. Encycl. Method, viii, 433, 8. Odontomyia obscura Oliv. O. scutello flavo mutico, nigra, capite flavo punctato. Elle est de la grandeur de l’odontomyie tigrine. Les antennes sont noires, avec la base d’un jaune-obscur. La téte est noire, avec quelques points et le bord postérieur jaunes. Le corcelet est noir, couvert d’un léger duvet d’un gris-rousseatre. L’écusson est jaune, sans épines, ou voit seulment quelques cils qui tiennent lieu d’épines. La poitrine est noire avec un peu de jaune sur les cétés. ‘L’abdomen est noir, avec quelques taches triangulaires peu appar- entes sur les cétés, formées par un léger duvet argenté. Le dessous est noir, avec tache verte ala base. Les cuisses sont noires, avec les genoux jaunes. Les jambes et les tarses sont jaunes. Les ailes sont transparentes, avec les nervures legérement jaunes. Carolina. Encycl. Method, viii, 433, 7. Macquart, Dipt. Exot., i, 2, 189. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 89 Marcu 7, 1882. The President, Dr. Lrrpy, in the chair. Thirty-five persons present. The death of Joseph Pancoast, M. D., was announced. The Relation of Heat to the Sexes of Flowers.—Mr. THOMAS MEEHAN observed that the best fields for biological research ‘were to be found amongst objects with which we have already a more or less familiar acquaintance. One fact observed will prove a stepping-stone to higher knowledge. His first new discoveries in Acer dasycarpum, the common silver maple of our streets, were communicated to the Academy and published in the Proceedings for 1868, and there had been interesting observations made on this species in the line of those discoveries on many occasions since that time. In that paper it was noted that the tree was not polygamous, as stated in the text-books, but strictly moncecious or diceecious. There were no hermaphrodite flowers, but each tree was either male or female, though occasionally the separate sexes were found on the same tree. The male flowers have no trace of a gyvneecium, but the female flowers have well-formed anthers, but never have pollen, or even perfect themselves by lengthening filaments, as in the perfect male flower. Notwithstanding the perfect form of the anther, the stamens in the femule are abortive. But the chief physiological fact of importance noted in the paper of 1868, was that a tree which for ye:rs would produce nothing but female flowers would sometimes change the sex, and bear only male flowers; while no instince could be found of a male tree eventu- ally producing female-bearing branches. During the fourteen years since this discovery was recorded, Mr. Meehan said lie had found frequent instances of change from female to male as at first observed, but not one instance of change from male to female. There could be no doubt of the order in which the sexual change occurred. While the maple was growing vigorously it followed the rule with all trees and made no attempt to flower. With some check to the vegetative force, the reproductive power asserted itself, and flowering began; this is the second st ge. With a greater check to the vegetative force, only male flowers resulted. This was the third stage. Since that time he had shown to the Academy that when a maple-tree pissed from the vegetative to the reproductive condition, and bore at once male flowers only, it was a leap down from the first to the third stage, missing the second or female—for he had round that though the amount of vital power exerted in the production of seeds, and the immense loss of leaves which the production of seed implied (as 7 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. all know who are familiar with the silver maple after bearing a heavy crop of seeds), the female trees of the same age and under the same circumstances, were usually as large as the males which had no such strain on their nutritive powers. He desired the members to pause here a few minutes, while he called their attention to another matter which he had recently brought to the notice of the Academy. It was in relation to the influence of heat on flowei-buds. About the time of the fall of the leaf, there is little to distinguish a flower-bud from a leaf-bud. But the flower-bud continues to grow at a comparatively low temperature at which the leaf-bud remains stationary. Even when the thermometer was several degrees below the freezing point, flower-buds would increase in size, though naturally much more rapidly when above this line. In the peach, the growth of the flower-bud was very rapid between 32° and 40° Fahr., until by early spring they will have reached often as much as three-fourths larger in size. Indeed, a peach-bud will often have its flowers fully expanded before the leaf-bud has scarcely begun to grow. We learn from this lesson that it takes less heat to develop a flower-bud than a leaf-bud. In the light of these observations, he had been watch- ing during the past winter the behavior of the buds on the silver maple. These advanced gradually until, by February 23, they commenced to expand—the leaf-buds remaining as they were at the fall of the leaf. They had been expanding continu- ally as the days were warmer or colder, up to the present date (March 7), but the expanding blossoms have been wholly.male flowers. Only to-day, as noted in the specimens exhibited, were the purple tips of the pistils visible through the parting bud-scales. It was obvious that here we had reached another important stage in the life history of the maple-tree. First, it requires less heat to induce growth in a maple flower-bud than a leaf-bud ; secondly, it requires less heat to induce growth in the male flower than in the female. Comparing the male with the female trees, Mr. Meehan noted differences in their habits of growth. Taking a twig of the last season’s growth, in a flowering condition, one or two blossoms might appear alongside of the leaf-bud, in trees of either sex. So far we could find no difference. But in the female tree the central or leaf-bud, when it pushed into growth in the spring, made a shoot of several or many mches in length according to the vigor of the tree or parent branch. In the male tree, on the contrary, the central growth was not more than perhaps a quarter of an inch, forming a mere tuft of leaves on the top of what was a head of male flowers. In fact these branches were reduced to mere spurs, and weak spurs at that. He had measured these little branches or spurs which had been bearing male flowers for ten successive years, which were not more than from three to five inches in length, and not thicker than wheat straws. It was from these spurs that the great mass of opened flowers appeared. The male 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 91 flowers on the shoots of last year did not advance as did the flowers on the spurs. It is very important to note this fact. These are only now opening, and are cotemporaneous with the opening of the female flowers which, like them, are sparsely arranged around the axillary bud of the past season. The immense amount of pollen from the early flowers, forming the great bulk of all the pollen produced by the tree, is scattered before the female flowers open, and is absolutely useless for any purpose of fertilization, or useless for any purpose of individual benefit to the tree or to the race, so far as we can see. These later-opening flowers, formed on the wood of last year, are evidently the chief reliance, if not the only reliance, of the female flower for its reproductive energy. Just here an objection may be raised. If it be heat alone which advances the male flowers on the spurs, why does it not advance them on the wood of last year? If it take less heat to bring forward a male flower than a female flower, why is not this power exhibited when the separate flowers happen to be on branches both apparently alike in vital conditions? Here we may return to the point we diverged from. We have seen that there are successive stages from a high vegetative, but unproduc- tive condition, to one of fertility ; and again one lower than this, lower in comparison with vegetative power, in which the purely male or sterile condition is reached. In other words, a highly vital condition is more closely allied with those attributes which characterize the female sex than with those characteristic of the male, and we may therefore reasonably look for some influence in the female direction on the male flower where these conditions exist. Therefore male flowers on a shoot characterized by a highly vitalized condition, would be likely to resist influences to which they would be otherwise subjected. In short a male flower on a strong branch ought not to yield as readily to the excitement of heat as one growing on a Weak branch. At any rate the fact that the whole of the weak spurs of the maple-tree produce nothing but male flowers, and that these male flowers expand at a lower temperature than the females do, is conclusive as to the law, whatever answer the objection mnay receive. This law, thus demonstrated, will be of great practical value to culturists. So far as the single point of the advancement of the flowers by a low temperature is concerned, the peach-grower will be interested in keeping the temperature cool so that there shall be no advance of the flower until the temperature is high enough to bring forth the leaf-buds as well. Now we can go further and understand why some amentaceous plants so often produce no fruit or imperfect seeds. It is well known that isolated trees of birch, though producing abundance of male and female flowers, very often have not a perfect seed. We may now see how the catkins may be brought forward by a low temperature not suffi- cient to excite the female flowers, and thus lead them to mature 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. and shed their pollen before the weather is warm enough to bring forward the female blossom to receive the necessary pollination. In seasons where the weather is cool till the regular springtime comes, or in climates where there is little very exciting warmth till the regular growing time arrives, there is not likely to be so great a period between the opening of the male and the female flowers. That this is the case with the common European hazel or filbert as grown in this country, an examination to-day clearly indicates. The catkins have attained their full length, and the anthers are ready to shed their pollen with another day’s sun, but there is no sign yet of the little purple stigmas bursting through the scales of the buds which form the female flowers. Should the anthers disperse their pollen to-morrow, as they doubt- less will if the temperature rises to 45°, there certainly can be no fertilization, and consequently no hazelnuts from the trees in question next year. It was a well-known fact that the European hazel-nut often failed to bear nuts in this part of Pennsylvania, and we have clearly the explanation in the facts now developed. In Europe there were seldom such failures, the climate being prob- ably favorable, more favorable to the simultaneous production of male and female flowers. Mr. Meehan then briefly referred to the influence which these new facts must have on questions of dichogamy. There need not necessarily be any constant rule in the production of proterandrous or proterogynous flowers. We might expect to find proterandry prevailing to a greater extent in plants growing where there was a more constant succession of warm and cool days, than in the same species growing where the climate is not what is called changeable, that is to say, where the temperature was regularly low until the regular spring season had arrived, in which case there would not be much difference in time between the advance of stamens or pistils. In conclusion he said, if he might be allowed to generalize from this experience with the maple-tree, the following principles seem proven :— Maile flowers do not appear on female maple-trees till some of its vital power has become exhausted. Branch-buds bearing female flowers, have vital power sufficient to develop into branches. Branch-buds bearing male flowers, have not vital power enough to develop into branches, but remain as spurs, which ever after produce male flowers only. Buds producing male flowers only, are more excited by heat than females, and expand at a low temperature under which the females remain quiescent. A few warm days, succeeded by cooler ones, will therefore make a corresponding difference in time between the opening of the male and the female flowers, and possibly in the proportionate advancement of the stamens and pistils in hermaphrodite flowers. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 93 Professor HEILPRIN remarked that in the south of France there were often warm days in winter, much as we have here, but he believed there were no failures in the hazel-nut there. Mr. Meehan said that when he used the word Europe, he had England in his mind, as his own personal experience was chiefly drawn from there. In that country, he believed, the catkins were never brought on by warm days in winter, so as to mature before there was warmth enough to develop the female flowers. The President, Dr. Josepa Lerpy, inquired whether the Amer- ican species (Corylus Americana) exhibited the same character- istics as the English species ? Mr. Meehan replied that he believed it would be found todo so, in some degree. On Balanoglossus, etc.—Prof. Letpy stated that in a recent trip to Atlantic City, he had observed the singular worm, Balanoglossus aurantiacus. It occurs in moderate number along the shore of a pond between the beach and the lighthouse. In the same position he had collected Solen ensis, specimens of which were presented this evening. As this occurred in considerable number, he had procured a sufficient quantity to try it as an article of food, and had found it to make excellent soup. In the vicinity he had picked up anumber of specimens of Actinia rapiformis, which had been recently thrown upon the beach. On a former occasion, at Atlantic City, he had observed another Actinia, the Bicidium parasiticum, which is parasitic on the large jelly-fish, Cyanea arctica, so frequently thrown on shore during the summer. Scolithus in Gravel.—Prof. Letpy remarked, that since making the communication on sume rock specimens, he had been led to suppose that if the quartzite pebbles of our gravels were largely derived from the Potsdam sandstone, the characteristic fossil, Scolithus, would be found as an occasional associate. With this view he had recently taken an opportunity of examining a gravel bank on the University ground, and had there picked up the three specimens exhibited, with well-marked Scolithus, which were broken from as many boulders. He also directed attention to specimens presented by Mr. John Ford. These consist of pebbles of a chalky white porous siliceous rock, with impressions of brachipod shells, which were picked up from the gravel of the reservoir at Fairmount Park. Marcu 14. The President, Dr. Lrrpy, in the chair. Twenty-three persons present. 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF , 1882. The death of Geo. B. Dixon and that of James Lanman Harmer, members, were announced. On the Occurrence of Ammonites in Deposits of Tertiary Age.— Professor ANGELO HEILPRIN stated that he desired to place on record the discovery of the remains of ammonites in deposits of tertiary age. Hitherto the members of this group of cephalopod mollusks were considered to have become extinct with the creta- ceous ‘mesozoic) period, no form having thus far been found either in Europe or America, or in any other country whose geology had been worked.up, that could with positiveness be stated to have transgressed the limits of this period. The speci- men particularly referred to (now in the possession of the Academy ) was found imbedded in a rock fragment belonging to the so-called Tejon group of Fort Tejon, California, a series of rock deposits considered by the late Mr. Gabb and Prof. Whitney, of the Cali- fornia Survey ,torepresent the uppermost member of the cretaceous deposits of that State. Mr. Heilprin stated that having recently had occasion to carefully study the fossil urganisms contained in the Tejon rocks, and the types of the gollection (deposited in the Academy Museum) which form the basis of Gabb’s important work on the paleontology of California, he had arrived at the conclusion that these so-called cretaceous deposits were unques- tionably tertiary, a view which had likewise been maintained for some time by the late Mr. Conrad, but which. in the absence of positive evidence, appears to have been subsequently abandoned. Mr. Heilprin further remarked that, with the exception of one solitary fragment of an ammonite, there was, to his knowledge, not a single distinctively cretaceous type of organism to be found in all the rock fragments, but, on the contrary, several genera, distinctively tertiary, and not known anywhere to have appeared before that period, were characteristic of these fragments. Furthermore, these last contained a few species undistinguishable from forms found in the tertiary deposits of the eastern United States. In answer to certain remarks made by Dr. Horn, as to the stratigraphical position occupied by the rocks whence the specimens were obtained, Prof. Heilprin stated that he was aware that the deposits in question had been described as lying conform- ably with the cretaceous, but that stratigraphical position by itself was no criterion for determining the geological age of a horizon, the only true test being the facies of the contained organic remains. The discovery of ammonitic remains in tertiary strata need not especially surprise the geologist, since recently Prof. Waagen, of Vienna, had announced their discovery in the carboniferous of India, two degrees lower in the geological scale than the deposits they had up to that time been supposed to characterize. 1882; ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 95 Marcu 21. Mr. MEEHAN, Vice-President, in the chair. Twenty-seven persons present. On the Condylarthra.—P rofessor Cope made some observations on the characters of the newly-discovered group of Perissodactyle ungulates, which he had called the Condylarthra. He defined it as follows, comparing it with the typical Perissodactyla, which he referred to a suborder, under the name Diplarthra: Astragalus with one uniformly convex distal articular face ; humerus with epicondylar foramen. Condylarthra. Astragalus with two truncate or concave distal articular facets for the cuboid and navicular bones; no epicondylar foramen of humerus. Diplarthra. The Condylarthra have as yet been only found in lowest horizon of the Eocene period, the Puerco and Wasatch, and only on the North American Continent. Appropriately to this position in time, its structure indicates that it is the most primitive type of the order of the Perissodactyla. A number of genera and species belong to it, and these fall into two families, which are defined as below. ‘They conform to the definitions of the order, in possess- ing an alternating arrangement of the carpal bones, and a third trochanter of the femur. The approximation to the Hyracoidea is greater than that of any group of the Perissodactyla. That order agrees with the Condylarthra in the simple articular extremity of the astragalus, which is, however, less convex ; but it has a very peculiar articulation with the anterior face of the distal extremity of the fibula, seen in no other group of ungulates, In the manus the lunar bone is very peculiar, not being divided below into two facets as in other ungulates, and articulating with the carpals of the trapezoides series (the intercalare) as well as with the unciform. In these points the Condylarthra agree with other Perissodactyla. In Hyrax there is also no epicondylar foramen. The two families are defined as follows : Dentition bunodont; toes 5-5; premolar teeth different from the molars above and below. Phenacodontide. Dentition lophodont, with crescents and deep valleys; pre- molars partly like molars below; toes ? Meniscotheriide. The bunodont dentition and five toes on all the feet, give the Phenacodontide the lowest place in the suborder and order, as the most generalized type known, The Meniscotheriidx have a quite specialized dentition, and until I learned its condylarthrous character, I was at a loss to account for the presence of such per- fection in so old a type. The number of the toesis yet unknown, but I suspect from the large size of those I have seen, that they 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY ‘OF [1882. are less numerous than in the Phenacodontide. It appears to have had no descendants, and is a good illustration of Dr. Kowalewsky’s views as to the persistence of the * adaptive” over the ‘“‘non-adaptive ” types of articulation. Kowalewsky observed that the type of Ungulata which have the carpo-metacarpal, and tarso- metatarsal articulations, simple and not alternating, have become extinct. In those which persisted, the metapodials articulate with two bones of the carpal or tarsal series. ‘The same rule has generally applied in the Ungulates to the distal astragalar articu- lation. The Diplarthra and Amblypoda, with the double articu- lation, have left descendants, while the Condylarthra, with the single articulation, have disappeared without leaving a trace. The Proboscidea, which have the same simple distal articulation, still remain, however, to show an exception to this generalization. The Condylarthra are distributed as follows : : PHENACODONTIDS. Puereo. Wasatch. Anacodons) as so =. & wiok tikes PR CANCHAUG nn ee aka wo ME oaks ee Ie 8 SUDLORONTON en ho) Ups incictetth) aiveas bat PACOUVINUAG el ore ce. eee) Weloaat hae 1 CUMIN GUR EAST re ee a eee 3 AEIONENULG Aen teh eemtatts Mein kee ae ne ee Haploro nia, i) iis per sbs baneeen oS PEMD CI U8, is tig 56m ea Lee MENISCOTHERIID&. Mentscotheriumyan.. cist gs Pete Se eS 15 9 The genera of Phenacodontide are distinguished as follows : I. Fourth superior and inferior premolars with an internal cusp. Last. superior premolars with two external cusps ; inferior molars with well-developed cusps. Phenucodus. Inferior molars with flat grinding faces ; no cusps. Anacodon. Last superior premolar with but one external cusp; inferior molars with Va, Protogonta. Inferior premolars consisting of an anterior V and a posterior longitu- dinal crest. Pantolambda. II. Fourth superior premolar with a high internal cingulum concentric with the single external cusp. a. Superior molars with intermediate tubercles ; fourth premolars with internal cusps. Posterior inuer tubercles of the superior molars not cut off; several superior premolars with internal cingulum. Catathleus, aa, Superior molars wi h intermediate tubercles forming branches of a V with the anterior inner; posterior inner distinct and cut off by a groove ; inferior premolars without inner cusps; first inferior true mo'ar tubercular. Third superior premolar with elevated internal crest. Anisonchus. Third superior premolar a cone without inner c:est. Huploconus. aaa. Superior molars unknown; inferior true molars with anterior lobe ; the first with a transverse heel instead of opposite tubercles. Anterior external lobe of inferior molars forming a cutting edge. Periptychus. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 97 The only genus of the above, in which the structure of the feet is well known,is Phenacodus. It is partially known in Catathleus. The only genus of Meniscotheriide is distinguished as follows : Inferior premolars consisting of two Vs. Meniscotherium. Variation in the Nest Forms of the Furrow Spider, Epeira stria.—Rev. Dr. H. C. McCook remarked that he had observed that some of the orbweaving spiders had a marked tendency to vary the forms of their nests. The spinning work of spiders may be classified as (1), the snare, spun for the capture of prey; (2), the enswathment, by which insects are disarmed and prepared for food; (3), the gossamer, used for purposes of aqueous or aerial locomotion; (4), the cocoon, spun for the-propagation and protec- tion of the species; and ‘5), the nest, which is a domicile more or less elaborate and permanent, within or under which the aranead dwells for protection against enemies and weather changes, Asa rule, the great groups of Orbweavers differ from each other and agree within themselves in the characteristic form of nest. The form prevailing in each family is substantially the same; each species appears tu adhere quite steadily to one characteristic form; but there are some marked variations in the habit of certain species, the most decided of which have been observed in the case of Epeira strix. Some examples of this were given. 1. The ordinary nest of Strix when domiciled in the open field or wood, is a rolled leaf. A single leaf is taken, the edge pulled up, drawn under and fastened by adhesive threads into a rude eylinder, within which the spider hides during the day-time.” A thread connection with the foundation lines of the snare is main- tained ; but rarely with the centre of the orb by a taut trap- line as is the habit of the Insular spider, Hpeira insularis, 2. A second form of nest varies from the rolled leaf nest, in having the edges of two adjacent leaves bent towards each other and lashed together on the exterior at the juncture by silken cords, and on the interior by adhesive tissue-web. An oval opening is left at the united points of the leaves, through which the connect- ing line passes to the snare. The spider domiciles within the leafy cavern thus formed. 3. Again, the spider avails herself of small holes in wood or stone, openings in fences, the interspace between curled bark on the trunk of old trees, or some like cavity, which she appropriates as a nesting-place. A slight lining will generally be found upon the concave surface, Dr. McCook had noticed that in such cases the snare is sometimes diverted from its normal shape in order to give a covenient approach thereto from the den, One such example was found spun between a side of the Peace Fountain in Fairmount Park (Philadelphia) and the stone wall adjoining, 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. In order to pitch her tent within a hole in the rock, the spider diverted one of the radii from the plane of the orb and extended it backward to the hole. The spirals which passed over this radius thus made an elbow or angle, which was indeed nearly a right angle, and gave the orb an odd, broken appearance. The radius, of course, served as the bridge-line by which Strix passed from her den to her snare. 4. Another variation was due to an accident in the environment of the web. A half-grown Strix had woven a snare in the hollow of a decayed tree (at New Lisbon, Ohio), within two feet of the ground, A colony of the Pennsylvania carpenter ant ( Campo- notus Pennsylvanicus) had quarters in the tree, a squad of black workers were busy excavating their wooden galleries. These dumped their chippings from openings just above the spider’s orb, whose viscid spirals retained goodly quantities of the brown saw- dust. In course of time a ball of chippings as big as a walnut had accumulated, or, perhaps had been purposely massed by the spider. However that may be, the ball was utilized as a nest; its centre had been pierced, a spherical cavity formed by silk-lining the interior, which was entered by a circular door bound around the edge by spinning-work. This quaint domicile was pendant from one of the strong upper foundation lines, and herein Strix rested, while the emmet carpenters worked away above her, con- tinually dropped chips upon the roof of her den, and the orb beneath, until one side of the snare was quite covered with them. In this case the position of the nest, as well as its form was excep- tional, as the nest site of Strix is well nigh invariably beyond the limits of the web, sometimes, indeed, several feet. In these points the spider was evidently led to an intelligent variation of her nest-building by circumstances. 5. Another variation, or rather a series of variations, was noted upon the side of Brush Mountain at Bellwood, Pennsylvania. Several young pine-trees had been cut away and tossed from the mountain to the banks of the Juniata River below. The foliage had withered and fallen from the boughs, whose branches stretched out dry and bare, and among them a colony of young furrow spiders had pitched their tents and spread their snares. One specimen happened to spin her web near the axil of several goodly sized branches, which were formed into a natural shelter by the inverted position of the bough. The spider had recognized this vantage, and made her nest at the point of juncture, or rather took shelter there, for there was very little artificial nesting beyond a faint tissue spread over the bark at the point where she sat. A second specimen had lodged ata point near the tip of a small branch whose delicate dry twigs gave no sufficient shelter, and besides, were directed upward. Accordingly a silken tube, funnel- shaped, was spun between the twigs, within which young Strix nested. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 99 A third spider lodged in a similar site, had made a silken sack for a tent, whose mouth had apparently originally opened directly toward the snare. Buta saltigrade spider had fastened a parasitic tubular nest upon one side of this sack, and accordingly the mouth was found closed and the door shifted to the opposite side, as though to avoid interference with a troublesome neighbor. A fourth individual had woven a simple silken cover or screen, behind which she lodged. A fifth had pitched her tent upon a Stray leaf beneath which a similar cover, a small rectangular piece of silk canvas (suggestive of the military bivouac or ‘‘ dog tent’) was stretched by lines attached to the sides and corners, and fastened to the leaf surfaces and surroundings. Between this sheet and the leaf the spider was ensconced having the usual bridge-line connection with the orb. 6. Two of the above colony had established nests in tufts of a parasitic moss fastened upon the dead limbs, One of these was _ very pretty and ingenious. The moss grew in a bunch about the “size of a hickory-nut; this was pierced at the top, and the filaments pushed aside sufficiently to allow an interior cavity large enough to house a spider. An oval door or opening was formed near the top by bending and binding back the fibres of the plant. A secure and tasteful retreat was thus obtained at the only really available spot in the vicinity of the snare. 7. When the furrow spider weaves her orb upon the exposed surfaces of human habitations, as the cornices of porches, out- houses, etc., her nest takes a form quite different from any of the above. A tube of stiff silken fibre is spun against the surface to which it is lashed at all sides. This cylinder is about an inch long and half-an-inch thick, and at the end toward the orb has a circular opening about a quarter of an inch in diameter. The stiff texture of the nest appears to be necessary to make the walls self-supporting, inasmuch as there are no supports like the twigs and leaves found at hand in arboreal sites. Moreover, the open position of the domicile exposes the spider very freely to the assaults of the mud-daubers who frequent such localities, to birds and other enemies, so that a canvas is needed of tougher texture than that required in sheltered sites. It may be remarked that in old buildings, which present cracks and crannies convenient for nesting, woven nests of this sort will rarely be found. It is thus seen that while there is a general regard to protection of the spider’s person, there is a modification over a quite wide degree of variation in the form of the protective nest. Further, that this modification appears to be regulated more or less, by the accidental environment of the domicile, and in such wise as to show no small degree of intelligence in adapting the ordinary spinning habit to various circumstances, and to economizing labor and material. 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. Marcu 28. The President, Dr. Lrrpy, in the chair. Forty-one persons present. The death of R. S. Kenderdine, M. D., and that of Solomon W. Roberts, members, were announced. Mr. Isaac C. Martindale offered the following, which was adopted and ordered to be printed :— This Academy having learned with deep regret of the death of its worthy member and curator, Robert S. Kenderdine, M. D., and desiring to place upon record the regret we feel in thus having to part with his valued services as an officer and his agreeable company as a member, a regret increased by our recollection of the geniality and open-heartedness which always characterized his association with us, therefore ftesolved, That realizing the loss which has been sustained, we tender to his family our sincere sympathy in this hour of affliction. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, signed by the Presi- dent and Recording Secretary, be forwarded to his family and that they be entered in full upon the minutes and published in the Proceedings. Art. XIV, Chap. V, of the By-Laws, was amended by striking out all of the article after the word ‘‘ meetings” in the third line, and inserting “ and with like approval may change the same.”’ Geo. Taylor Robinson, M.D., Eugene M. Aaron, and John Edgar were elected members. An American Locality for Helvite—Prof. H, Carvitt Lewis remarked that among some minerals which he had recently obtained from the mica mine near Amelia Court House, Virginia, a locality already well-known for its microlite and other rare minerals, was a yellow crystalline substance, which upon exam- ination had proved to be Helvite. The mineral occurs in crystals and friable erystalline masses imbedded in bluish white orthoclase, and is generally associated with pale red topazolite. While no crystals were found sufficiently perfect to allow of measurement, the absence of any action upon polarized light proved their isometric character, The mineral has a hardness of about 6, a specifie gravity of 4.306, a sulphur-yellow color, a somewhat resinous lustre, and is partially translucent. It fuses at about 4 with intumescence to a 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 101 brown glass, gives no water in the closed tube, and with the fluxes gives the reactions for manganese. Fused on charcoal with soda, it gives a hepar. It is soluble in hydrochloric acid, evolving sulphuretted hydrogen and leaving a residue of gelatinous silica. Its composition, as kindly ascertained by Mr. Reuben Haines, is as follows : SIO; >. : ‘ : ‘ 23.10 BeO : - : 3 11.47 MnO. é é : : 45.38 Re, >: 2 : : 3 2.05 ALOE * : : : < 2.68 CaQes:.: Te ae : : 64 KO: 305, ‘ ; , ‘ 39 Wa@: 5. 2 : : , 92 8 : : 3 3 5 4.50 Gangue ; : : 9.22 100.35 In the analysis the glucina and manganese were first separated from alumina and iron by long boiling with ammonium chloride, and were then separated from each other by repeated precipitation by ammonia, the manganese being thrown down by sodium phos- phate and weighed as pyrophosphate. The mineral was separated from the associated impurities by placing upon a filter the total silica, which had been separated by evaporation with acid in the usual manner, and. washing it seven or eight times with a hot concentrated solution of sodium carbonate. By this means all the soluble silica of the mineral was separated from any particles of quartz, orthoclase, or other insoluble sili- cates. Regarding a part of the manganese as combined with sulphur, and deducting a proportionate amount of oxygen from the analysis, it will stand ; SiO, . 23.10 or, without gangue, SiO, . 25.48 BeO . 11.47 BeOe'. 12.68 MnO . 35.40 MnO . 39.07 Al,O;. 2.68 Awe Ss. 4/2.95 Fe,O;. 2.05 FeO,°. 2.26 CaO . 64 CaO . 1 1 Se .o9 1550) 76. 43 Na,O . 92 Na,O. 1.01 Mas st) Rivto Mn ._ 8.66 Ss . 4.50 8 =) HE OG Gangue 9.22 98.10 98.16 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. This result differs considerably from the analyses of Helvite heretofore published, and does not lead to the formula usually given to Helvite. It is desirable that further investigation should be made when more material is discovered. Helvite has not previously been found in America. APRIL 4. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Twenty-nine persons present. On Sagitta, etc.—Pror. Leipy stated, that in a recent trip to Atlantic City, N. J., he for the first time met with the singular worm Sagitta. It occurred in large number in the same pond in which he had previously noticed Balanoglossus. Whether it was there at the time of his former visit he was unable to say, as the animal is as transparent as the water in which it lives, and may easily escape observation. His attention was accidentally directed to its discovery. Along the edge of the pond there were numerous linear white bodies, flaccid and motionless, which he at first took for fragments of a bleached alga. From the uniformity of their size he stooped to examine them more closely, when he noticed: others in the water, more transparent, lying on the sand and occasionally moving suddenly and so actively as to send a little spray above the surface. On transferring some of these bodies to a vial he detected their nature. Subsequently the water wus seen to swarm with the little creatures. They are excved- ingly sensitive and quickly die after removal. In life they are perfectly transparent and colorless, and move actively at intervals with a sort of spasmodic jerk, bending the tail downwards and darting forward. Afcer death they become flaccid, dull and white, and hence the appearance of the multitude of dead ones on shore. The Sagitta is interesting as being one of those peculiar ani- mals which have puzzled naturalists as to its exact relative posi- tion. It isnow usually regarded as the representative of an order of worms with the name of Chetognatha. A species, Sagitta elegans, has been described by Prof Verrill, as occurring at Wood’s Holl, Vineyard Sound, and Gay Head, on the New England Coast, and he refers to a second undeter- mined species occurring in Vineyard Sound. The Sagitta of Atlantic City appears to differ from the former, and also from all other described species found elsewhere, and may be readily distinguished from them by its greater number of mandibular hooks. It may be characterized as follows : SAGITTA FALCIDENS. Animal transparent, colorless ; body compressed, elongated fusiform, with two pairs of lateral hemielliptical fins, separated by intervals from each other and the broad obcordate caudal fin, which is truncated posteriorly. Head obcordate, about as broad as it islong. Pre- 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 103 oral series of spines, 6 or 7 in each, minute ; postoral series 18 in each, successively decreasing. Mandibular hooks, from 11 to 14 in each series, usually 12, besides an immature one, scythe-shaped, yellowish brown in color, Length, about three-fourths of an inch; width, 14% to 2 mm. Head 1 mm. ; caudal fin 1.5 to 1.75 mm. wide. Mandibular hooks 0.75 mm. long. At the same time, as previously, numerous mounds of the Balanoglossus aurantiacus were observed. There were also noticed in the same pond, many projecting tubes of sand, which were found to contain Clymena torquata. Further, several specimens of Glycera americana were collected. On the shore of the pond in one place Donax fossor appeared to have its residence; and among Solen ensis, a single living Solecurtus gibbus was found. APRIL 11. Mr. 8. FisHer Cortes in the chair. Twenty-three persons present. | A paper entitled “ Description of new species of Terrestrial -Mollusea of Cuba,” by Rafael Arango, was presented for publi- cation. APRIL 18. Dr. W. S. W. RuscHENBERGER in the chair. Thirty-four persons present. Orthite from Amelia C. H., Va.—Prof. Grtorck A. KOnTG com- municated the discovery of orthite among the minerals occurring at the mica mine of Amelia Court House, Va. The speaker has seen only two fragmentary crystals, a large one, nearly four inches long by one inch wide and one-fourth of an inch thick. Both ends were broken. It presents the combination of a flat prism with the brachypinakoid. In the position of epidote the prism will be equal to a series of brachydomes. There is a pronounced cleavage parallel to the macro- and brachypinakoids and to the basal plane. The crystal is enveloped by a thin reddish brown crust of soft altered material, while the interior is pitch black and hard. Fracture uneven. A plate was cut parallel to the basal plane which only became green translucent at a thickness of 75°55 of aninch. It was found that a number of opaque small spots were scattered through the leek-green mass on a few spots showing strong polarization, which are probably hydromuscovite. This section behaves like a uniaxial substance; it is dark with crossed prisms, and light when their position is parallel. The plane of the optical-axes is therefore parallel to the basal plane. 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Specific gravity at 17 C° = 3,368. A thin splinter boils up in the strong flame of a blow-pipe, and fuses to a dark blebby slag. With borax in O. Fl. a manganese bead. Decomposed by con- centrated hydrochloric and also by moderately dilute sulphuric acid. Its composition is Sid, = 32.90 ALO; = 17.80 FeO, = 1.20 CeO, — 8.00 La.O, Dy 0,5 = 14:20 CaO = 11.32 MnO = 1.00 H,O = 3.20 99.66 Yttrium and glucinum are not present; but a trace of uranium was determined. APRIL 25. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Thirty persons present. The death of M. W. Dickeson, M. D., a member, was announced. The death of Chas. R. Darwin, a correspondent of the Academy. having been announced, the following were unanimously adopted: Wuereas, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, has heard of the death of Charles R. Darwin, F. R. S., of Down, Kent, England, be it Resolved, That the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia hereby expresses its sense of the great services which have been rendered to science and scientific thought by Mr. Darwin, and of the great loss which it in common with the entire scien- tific world has sustained in his death. Resolved, That the Academy desires to express its sympathy with the family of Mr. Darwin in their bereavement. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of Mr. Darwin. Dr. Chas. R. Schiffer was elected a Curator to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Robt. 8. Kenderdine. Dr. Thos. Moore was elected a member. The following was ordered to be printed :— 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 105 DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES OF TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSCA OF CUBA. BY RAFAEL ARANGO. Chondropoma deceptor Arango. Testa umbilicata, oblongo-turrita, tenuiscula, costis longitudi- nalibus lirisque eleyatis confertis decussata, pallide aurantiaea, fasciis interruptis rubris fere, sepius obsoletis ornata; spira regulariter attenuata, sublate truncata; anfractus superstites 5 convexi, ultimus circa umbilicum angustum distincte spiraliter striatus; apertura verticalis, angulato-ovalis; peritrema duplex, internum nitidum, externum late patens, concentrice striatum ad anfractum contiguum angustatum, umbilicum lamina lata fornicata fere tegens. Operculum flavescens. Longitudo teste truncate 22-25 mill., diam. 10 mill., cum peritremata 15 mill.; apertura 7 mill. longa et 5 mill. lata. Simile quoad umbilicum et teste formam Chondr. canaliculato, sed bene distinctum ab hoe et echinulato atque sinuoso sculptura non asperata. Habitat —‘ Mogote de la Iagua” prope La Palma in Provincia Pinar del Rio in agris D. Rafael Azcui. Chondropoma Hamlini Arango. Testa umbilicata, oblongo-turrita, tenuis, nitens, liris spiralibus et costulis longitudinalibus ezeque distantibus echinatim decussata, rubella, fasciis interruptis rubro-fusciis (in ultimo anfr. 7) ornata ; spira regulariter attenuata, late truncata; anfr. superstites 4, ultimus circa unbilicum angustum spiraliter substriatum ; apertura verticalis, angulato-ovalis; peritrema simplex, nitidum, leve, expansum, sed ante anfractum contiguum angustatum eumque non attingens. Operculum rubellum. Longitudo teste truncate 15 mill., diam. 11 mill., cum peritre- mate 19 mill. ; apertura 4 mill. longa, 3 mill. lata. Habitat.—‘ Cerro de Cabras, vega de los Franceces dicta” prope oppitum Pinar del Rio. Cylindrella triplicata Arango. Testa subrimata, cylindraceo-turrita, solidula, remote filoso- striata, straminea ; spira elongata, medio paulo ventrosior, apice plerumque truncata; anfr. 15-16 planinusculi, ultimus breviter 8 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. solutus, non carinatus; apertura subcircularis; peritrema album, undique equaliter reflexum; sutura profunda, non crenulata. Longitudo teste integre 14 mill., diam. 3 mill. Columna interna fortis, lamellis 3 validis eequalibus parallelis munita. Differt ab omnibus Cylindrellis cubanis forma columne interne. Forma testze similis est C. lirate Jim. et mixta Wr. Habitat.—* La Jagua” prope La Palma in Provincia Pinar del Rio in agris D. Rafael Azcui. Cylindrella atropurpurea Arango. Testa rimata, subcylindrica, tenuiscula seepe breviter truncata, arcuatim costulato-striata, atropurpurea, nitens; sutura impressa, non crenulata, anfr. teste integre 13 vix convexiusculi, sube- quales, ultimus breviter solutus, non carinatus ; apertura subcircu- laris, intus fusca; peritrema continuum album, tenue, breviter expansum. Longitudo teste integre 19 mill.; diam. 4 mill. Columna interna simplicissima. Comparata cum C. pruinosa Mor. differt magnitudine minori, colore, costulis confertioribus, peritremate magis expanso et pre- cipue columna interna simplici. Habitat. La Jagua” prope La Palma in Provincia Pinar del Rio in agris D. Rafael Azcui. Cylindrella colorata Arango. Testa vix rimata, fusiformi-cylindracea, tenuis, oblique obsolete costulata, fuscula, basi fascia filari rufo-brunnea, in parte inferiori prope suturam in omnibus anfractubus conspicua ornata; spira elongata, spe breviter truncata, sutura subcrenulata ; anfr. 13-14 planiusculi, ultimus fortius costulatus, solutus ; apertura subovalis, plica columellari coarctata; peritrema album, expansum, non flexuosum. Longitudo test integre 24 mill., diam. 4 mill. Habitat.—* La Chorrera ” in Provincia Pinar del Rio. Cylindrella infortunata Aranyo. Testa non rimata,subfusiformi-turrita, tenuis, diaphana, chordato- costata, albida; spira breviter truncata, sutura profunda non crenulata; anfr. superstites 12, planiusculi, ultimus basi obsolete carinata ; apertura et peritrema ? (unicum specimen fractum est ). 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 107 Longitudo teste sine anfractu ultimo imperfectz 10 mill., diam. 3 mill. Columna interna 3-plicata, plica superiori ampliori. Habitat— La Chorrera ” in Provincia Pinar del Rio. Cylindrella prima Arango. Testa rimata, cylindraceo-turrita, solidula, subconfertim obso- lete costata, albida; spira supra medium sensim attenuata (in specimine unico) truncata; sutura crenulata ; anfractus superstites 13, planiusculi, ultimus basi carinatus, antice breviter solutus ; apertura obliqua, subcircularis; peritrema breviter expansum antice ob carinam subsinuatum. Longitudo teste truncate 174 mill., diam. 4 mill. Columna interna plicis 2 descendentibus ornata. Habitat.—Cuba. Cylindrella confusa Arango. Testa rimata, cylindraceo-turrita, solida, confertim striata, albida ; spira supra medium sensim attenuata, breviter truncata ; sutura non crenulata ; anfractus superstites 13, planiusculi, ultimus basi carinatus, antice breviter solutus; apertura subcircularis ; peritrema breviter expansum. Longitudo testze truncate 16 mill., diam. 4 mill. Columna interna lamellis 2 validis, superiori fortiori, lente descendentibus munita. Habitat.—Cuba. Cylindrella difficultosa Arango. Testa rimata, cylindraceo-turrita, solidula, nitens, obsolete costulata, pallido-straminea; spira breviter truncata, sutura non crenulata ; anfr. superstites 10, planiusculi, ultimus basi subcari- natus, non protractus; apertura ovalis; peritrema breviter et in margine sinistro minus expansum. Longitudo teste truncate 11 mill., diam. 2? mill. Columna interna plicis 2 fortioribus ornata. Differt a Cyl. concreta costulis, ultimo anfr. non soluto, columna internz forma. Halitat.—C uba. Cylindrella consanguinea Arango. Differt a precedenti testa opaca, ultimo anfractu basi carinato et columna interna laminis 2 debilibus descendentibus munita. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. * Numerus anfractuum et longitudo teste equalis sunt illis. speciei precedentis. Habitat.—Cuba. Cylindrella crassilabris Arango. Testa rimata, subcylindrica, solidula, oblique remote lirata, fuscescens ; spira breviter truncata; sutura subcrenulata; anfr. superstites 11, planiusculi, ultimus obsolete carinatus, breviter solutus ; peritrema album, reflexum, precipue in margine dextro- Longitudo teste truncate 124 mill., diam. 3 mill. Columna interna inferne lamina una debili munito. Habitat.—Cuba. Cylindrella conferta Arango. Testa rimata, subcylindrica, solidula, subconfertim striata, albida; spira breviter truncata; sutura impressa, non crenulata ; anfr. superstites 10 planiusculi, ultimus obsolete carinatus, bre- viter solutus; apertura subcircularis; peritrema reflexiusculum. Longitudo teste truncate 10 mill., diam. 25 mill. Columna interna simplex. Habitat.—Cuba. Cylindrella imparata Arango. Testa non rimata, fusiformi-cylindracea, solidula, nitens, sub- confertim obsolete striata, albida; spira regulariter attenuata, integra; sutura profunda, non crenulata; anfr. 17 planiusculi, ultimus subangulatus, breviter solutus; apertura subcircularis ; peritrema reflexiusculum. Longitudo testz 16 mill., diam. 24 mill. Columna interna lamellis 2 tenuibus circumvoluta. Habitat.—Cuba. Cylindrella propinqua (Gundl. Teste subrimata, cylindraceo-turrita, solidula, sublevigata, albida; spira plerumque truncata; sutura subcrenulata; anfr. superstites 11-12 planiusculi, ultimus basi non carinatus, antice striatus, breviter solutus, apertura subcircularis; peritrema reflexiusculum in margine dextro ob plicam interiorem plerumque subsinuatum. Columna interna 3 plicata, plica superiori ampliori. Propinqua Cyl. cristallina testa forma et sculptura, sed columna interiori omnino diversa. Habitat.—Vinales in eodem loco cum Cyl. capillacea. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 109 May 2. The President, Dr. Leidy, in the chair. Thirty-three persons present. The death of Edw. Desor, a correspondent, was announced. On Some Entozoa of Birds.—Prof. Lerpy directed attention to some specimens presented by Joseph Willcox, recently collected by him in Florida. One of the specimens is the head of a Snake- bird, Plotus anhinga, with a worm in sight, lying upon the brain ; while several other detached worms of the same kind lay at the bottom of the vial. The worm in its singular habitation was discovered by Prof. Wyman, in Florida, in 1861 and 1867, an account of which is given in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, volume 12,1868. Prof. Wyman had kindly presented Prof. Leidy with a specimen of the head of the Snake-bird, with the worms lying on the brain. This he had valued as a memento of his friend, but it had, unfortunately, been lost in the fire at Swarthmore College, last autumn. Prof. Wyman states that the parasites were found coiled on the back of the cerebellum between the arachnoid and pia mater. The number varied from two to six or eight, or even more. In nineteen birds they were detected in seventeen. Mr. Wilcox found the parasite in four out of six birds examined. In the present specimen of a head, a single worm is enclosed between the two lamine of the dura mater over the position of the interval of the cerebrum and:cerebellum. As the parasite appears not to have been named, it was suggested that the name of its discoverer should be associated with it under the name FrnartA WyYMANI. The accompanying four vials contain numbers of worms obtained from the stomachs of the Snake-bird, the Cormorant, Graculus dilophus, the White Pelican, Pelecanus trachyrhynchus and the Brown Pelican, P. fuscus. All prove to be of the same species, the Ascaris spiculigera. Specimens of these were also formerly obtained by Samuel Ashmead, in Florida, from the White Pelican, (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. 1858, 112). The same, likewise, have been submitted for examination by Dr. Elliott Coues, who procured them from the White Pelican, on the Red River of the North. See Birds of the North West, 1874, 587. On a Coprolite and a Pebble resembling an Indian Hammer.— Prof, Leipy further exhibited a specimen which he had picked up from a pile of the irregular phosphatic nodules brought from Ashley River, South Carolina, for the manufacture of a fertilizer, The nodule, of several pounds weight, is a flattened oval black 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882- mass, which he supposed to be the coprelite of a zeuglodont or cetacean. He also exhibited a quartzite pebble, from a gravel bank in the University ground, West Philadelphia, It has a near resemblance to the stone hammers, with a groove around the middle, found in the ancient copper mines of Lake Superior. Notwithstanding this resemblance it is evidently a water-rolled pebble, the groove resulting from action on a softer stratum of the quartzite. Historical Notes on the Arbor Vite—Mr. THomMAS MEEHAN noted in detail the reasons given by various authors for the name Arbor Vite in connection with Thuja occidentalis —reasons unsatisfactory even to the authors who advanced them. He referred to the statement of Ray in his ** Historia Plantarum ” that the tree was first introduced from Canada to France and named Arbre de Vie, by King Francis the First. Francis died in 1547. The seeds from which these plants were raised could scarcely have been obtained in any other way than through Jacques Cartier’s expedition, say in 1534, and we may, therefore, conclude that Thuja occidentalis was among the first, perhaps the first North Ameri- can plant to become known in Europe. Parkman, in his “‘ Pioneers of France,” graphically describes the sufferings of Cartier’s band during the winter of their encampment near the junction of the River Lairet with the St. Charles. Twenty-five died of scurvy and the rest were sick but two. A friendly Indian told him of an evergreen which they called “ Annedda,” a decoction of which was sovereign against the disease. In six days the sufferers had drunk a tree as large asa French oak, Quercus tlex ?, “ the distemper relaxed its hold and health and hope began to revisit the hopeless company,” (p. 195). This Annedda seems to have been identified with the White Spruce, Abies alba, and is, as i am informed by Dr. W. R. Gerard, the same as the Mohawk “ Onnita,” and the Onondaga ‘‘Onnetta.” According to Rafinesque, the spruce beer of the Indians was made of the young tops and young leaves of this tree boiled together with maple sugar, and was one of their famous remedies for scurvy. Rafinesque also says that a decoction of the leaves of the Arbor Vitze was an Indian remedy for scurvy and rheumatism; besides the leaves with bear’s grease being used externally. Rafinesque, however, believes it was the White Spruce which saved the lives of Cartier’s band, and if the * Annedda” of the Indians is really the White Spruce, the evidence through the statement made so soon after Cartier’s expedition that the health- giving plant was the “ Annedda,” is strong. But spruce beer could not have been made in the winter season—the leaves only were used. There is no evidence that the White Spruce was known in Europe till towards the end of the 18th century. Itis but natural that whatever the tree might have been, it was a veritable tree of life—an Arbre de Vie, to the voyagers. They would certainly make every effort to take with them to their native land 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 11] so valuable a tree. But we have no reason to believe that they attempted to introduce the White Spruce. There is, as we have seen, good reason to believe that Cartier took the Thuja occi- dentalis to Europe, and it is on record that his royal patron, a few years afterward, distributed the tree as the Arbor Vite, and, notwithstanding the seemingly positive evidence that the tree was the White Spruce, Mr. Meehan thought the Thuja had some ground for disputing the claim. At any rate, whatever may have been the real tree, he could not help suspecting that the name Arbor Vitz had some relation to this touching episode in the history of the Cartier expedition. May 9. The President, Dr. Leidy, in the chair. Twenty-seven persons present. A paper, entitled “The Muscles of the Limbs of the Rac- coon (Procyon lotor)” by Harrison Allen, M. D., was presented for publication. The death of Chas. M. Wheatley, a member, was announced. The death of Mr. Wm. 8S. Vaux having been announced, Dr. Ruschenberger read the following resumé of his services as an officer and member, and offered the appended resolutions, which were adopted :— I sincerely regret to announce that Mr. William S. Vaux, the senior Vice-President of the Academy, died at his residence in the city, May 5, 1882, very near the close of the seventy-first year of his age. He was born May 19, 1811. Mr. Vaux was elected a member of the Academy, March, 1834, and during more than forty-eight years served the Society effectually and generously. He was an Auditor thirty years, from December, 1856; a Curator forty-three years and four months, from December, 1838; a member of the Publication Committee, of which he was treasurer more than forty-one years, from Decem- ber, 1840, and a Vice-President twenty years and four months, from December, 1860, excepting the year 1875. His annual re-election to these important offices during all this time, implies that he discharged all his official duties satisfactorily to the Society. During the construction of the hall,at the corner of Broad and 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Sansom Streets, in which the Society held its first meeting, Feb- ruary 18, 1840, he was an active member of the Building Com- mittee. He served in the same capacity when the building was extended in 1847, and in December, 1851, when it was determined to raise and improve the previously enlarged hall, a work which was completed December, 1855, he was elected a member of the Building Committee, and discharged all his duties efficiently. In December, 1865, he was appointed a member of the Com- mittee of Forty to solicit subscriptions for the erection of the hall now occupied by the Society, and in January, 1867, he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of the Building Fund, and by it Treasurer of the Fund, and a member of the Building Committee, positions which he held when he died. In all these building enterprises he was earnestly interested, gave liberally to all of them himself, and by his invitation and example influenced others to give. To the present building fund he contributed seven thousand dollars, the largest sum given by any individual. Besides his gifts to the Building and other Funds, he con- tributed liberally to the museum, especially to the departments of mineralogy and ethnology, in which he was particularly interested, and also to the library. This brief outline of his long and useful services and bounty to the Society is suflicient to indicate that the Academy has sus- tained a heavy loss by the death of Mr. Vaux. As a token of the Society’s estimation of his worth, I submit the following resolu- tions : Resolved, That the members of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, deeply regret the death of the senior Vice-President, William 8. Vaux, who was an experienced officer, a prudent adviser, and a steadfast and beneficent friend of the Society. That in his death students of the natural sciences have lost a benevolent patron who contributed liberally to the means and facilities of study in possession of the institution. That, as a message of condolence, a copy of these resolutions, attested by the President and Recording Secretary, be trans- mitted to his family. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 113 May 16. Mr. MEEHAN, Vice-President, in the chair. Twenty-eight persons present. Influence of Heat on the separate Sexes of Flowers.—Referring to his former observations, in which it was noted that less heat was required to advance flowers than leaves, and still less for male than for female flowers, Mr. MEEHAN called attention to a commu- * nication in an English scientific periodical, showing that the same facts may exist in the English climate as in our own. It appears that this season, according to the correspondent of Hardwicke’s Science Gossip, the male flowers of the hazel-nut, Corylus Avel- lana, had been brought forward and perfected, before any signs of the female flowers appeared. Liquid Exudations in Akebia and Mahonia.—Mr. Wn. M., CANBY called attention to the exudation of moisture from the tips of the leaflets in Akebia quinata, a plant twining over a trellis near his porch dripped moisture enough to make the floor look as if sprinkled. An examination of the leaflets by Prof. Rothrock disclosed an arrangement of the tissue at the apex of each leaflet, evidently adapted to such an exudation. Mr. MEEHAN had been led by Mr. Canby’s observations to watch closely a plant growing over a trellis on his house, confirming Mr. Canby’s experience. The liquid globules on each leaflet were of the size of ordinary pin-heads. Their appearance was not constant, nor did there appear any regular period for the emission of the fluid. It was as likely to appear when the atmosphere was dry as when moist, or at midday as at evenings. The close relationship of Lardiza- balacee to which Akebia belonged, to Berberidaceex, led him to examine Mahonia aquifolia, flowering at the same time, and he found in many flowers just before expansion a small globule at the apex of the pistil, and in the same bud globules pressing through the divisions of the corolla. These would collect as they flowed out, and globules as large as peas, and of a quicksilvery hue, were not unfrequently found among the mass of flowers forming the densely fasciculated head. The fluid was of a viscid character. Only a few flowers exhibited the exudation at each examination, and he was led to believe that the flow in each flower was soon over. In Vhuja there was also this sudden appearance ofa small globule at the open mouth of the naked ovule, and which seemed to disappear very soon after its formation. Ina large number of flowers examined only a few with globules at the -apex were found at each examination. The liquid in this case did not disappear by evaporation, but seemed to be absorbed by 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. the nucleus. Sachs suggests a use for the exudation in conifere. The pollen is brought to the globule by the winds, and, as the moisture sinks within the vesicle, the pollen grain is carried to the nucleus, and fertilization is effected by actual contact. It would be extremely difficult for the pollen to affect the nucleus in Thuja, and some other coniferz, as in ordinary flowers, in the absence of this liquid exudation. Individual Variation in Species.—Mr. MEEHAN remarked on the prevailing tendency to look on striking variations in species as the result of hybridization. To his mind there were few species that did not exhibit a wide range of individual variation in some par- ticulars, if we had good opportunities to look for them. He exhibited a series of cones taken from different trees of Pinus rigida, all gathered in Atlantic County, New Jersey, and pointed out how they each varied. Some double in length of their width, others conoid with a flattish base, others perfectly globular being rounded at both ends. Some had very narrow scales, and some half as broad as long, and again, some reflexed to a wonderful : extent in drying, while some with the broad scales would only open toa very slight degree. Some trees would have cones several inches in length and width, while others had cones barely an inch long, and yet with perfect seeds. The cones were in a regularly graded order, the typical P. rigida at one end, at the other the cone would scarcely be distinguished from P. serotina. The intermediates then taken away from the central one left it to appear as a ‘“‘hybrid”’ between the two. Mr. Meehan said there was evidently a law of nature providing for individual variation. Whether this law of individual varia- tion is distinct from that law of variation which resulted in the evolution of distinct species, might well be a question. It was at least well to recognize the two classes of variation for practical purposes. Prof. Heilprin, Rev. Dr. McCook and Mr. Redfield discussed points suggested by Mr. Meehan’s communication. The following was ordered to be printed :— 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 115 THE MUSCLES OF THE LIMBS OF THE RACCOON (PROCYON LOTOR). BY HARRISON ALLEN, M. D. The genus Procyon is known to be one of the most ancient as well as one of the most generalized of the carnivora. The study of such a form when made in comparison with the more recent and more specialized genera, presents many features of interest. The following account of the muscles of the limbs has been undertaken with a view of ascertaining more especially what differences exist between these muscles° and those of Felis domesticus,'and of man, Occasionally references to Nasua fusca were also made. Many variations in the human subject were found to correspond to the normal arrangement in Procyon, Since the subjects of nerve and muscle are intimately associated, not only anatomically but physiologically, it is stated from which nerve trunk each muscle derived its supply. The material for dissection consisted of two adult females, obtained through the courtesy of Prof. Alexander Agassiz, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, and of Mr. Arthur E. Brown, Superintendent of the Zoological Garden, Philadelphia. THe MUSCLES OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY, (a) Extrinsic Set. The Cephalo-humeral Muscle is a broad, flat, fleshy muscle arising from the occiput at its crest for a distance of eight lines, and from the ligamentum nuche for one inch and a quarter, that is to say, for a distance equal to one-half the length of the dorsum of the neck. The muscle passes obliquely downward over the front of the shoulder, and is narrowed gradually to be inserted by fleshy fibres into the linear ridge on the anterior surface of the humerus. It blends with the tendon of the Pectoralis Secundus —and indeed may be said to be inserted by fleshy fibres upon the lower part of the fibrous portion of this muscle. A tendinous inscription passes through the muscle opposite the head of the humerus. Connected with the under surface of this inscription 1 When the domestic cat is referred to in the text the word “ Felis’ is used. 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. is a stout fascia, which passes ower the head of the humerus and is lost on the acromion and the metacromion. This fascia em- braces the lower third of the Levator Anguli Scapule and appears slightly at the lateral aspect of the Cephalo-humeral muscle. The rudimentary clavicle is in close relation with this muscle. The under surface of the bone is occupied by a stout membrane ‘which passes downward and forward to the axilla, where it is lost on the fascia covering the Subscapularis muscle. This mem- brane seems to support the Supraspinatus muscle, and separates the nerves of the arm from those of the region of the Scapula. The Trapezius.—The upper division arises from the occiput at the median third of the superior curved line, and from the liga- mentum nuche at its lower half. It is inserted upon the border. of the spine of the scapula for its anterior three-fourths, and is continuous by an aponeurosis with the lower division over the remaining fourth. The lower division arises from the last cervical and the nine upper dorsal spinous processes, and is inserted directly upon the middle two fourths of the scapular spine, at the lower border, and indirectly (by reason of a union with the Infraspinatus aponeurosis) upon the remaining half of the spine. It is supplied by branches of the third and the fourth dorsal nerves. The Levator Clavicule arises from the occiput beneath the origin of the Splenius, passes downward along the side of the neck to be inserted upon the under surface of the tendinous inscription of the Cephalo-humeral muscle for its entire length, as well as upon the clavicle for its entire length. Its nerve-supply is by branches of the first trunk of the brachial plexus. The Levator Anguli Scapule arises from the anterior half of the corresponding side of the body of the axis. It passes down the side of the neck to be inserted on the acromion, where its fibres are continuous with those of the Trapezius. It is supplied by branches from the first trunk of the brachial plexus. The muscles usually called Trapezius and Levator Claviculex, in Procyon form parts of a single muscle, each of which bears to the whole a relation somewhat analogous to that which the different parts of the Pectoralis muscle bear to one another. As in the Pectoralis, they all influence the movement of the humerus, and like it many of the fibres are not inserted directly into the humerus, but indirectly through the advent of membranous, fibrous extensions. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 117 But in addition to this the Levator Scapule and at least one part of the Trapezius, are inserted into the spine of the scapula, while the Levator Anguli Scapule, so called, is inserted into the acromion, so that the group is even less specialized than is the Pectoralis group, inasmuch as it is inserted into two bones of the anterior extremity, the scapula and the humerus. The Levator Anguli Scapule becomes superficial between the Cephalo-humeral and the scapular fibres of the Trapezius, while the Levator Clavicule lies deep-seated beneath the Cephalo-humeral, and while being inserted at the tendinous inscription of the latter is in close relation to a thin fascial expansion that lies directly over the shoulder-joint. The Levator Anguli Scapule and the Cephalo-humeral muscles in their turn terminate in part apon an aponeurosis which passes over the Deltoid muscle and is lost on the Infraspinatus, the Teres Major and the Triceps muscles, and with which the epitrochlear slip of the Latissimus Dorsi is in intimate association. This single great muscle, therefore, can draw the scapula and the humerus forward; through its traction on the clavicle make tense the subscapular fascia ; through the fibres of the Levator Anguli Scapulzee make tense the sheath of the muscles of the extensor surface of the arm,and through the agency of the dorso-epitroch- lear slip of the Latissimus Dorsi, the fascia of the rest of the upper extremity. The Rhomboideus arises tendinously from the occiput seven lines from the median line. It arises, also, from the ligamentum nuchee its entire length, and from the five upper dorsal spines. It is inserted with the Serratus Magnus at the upper bordér of the scapula for nine lines. The posterior third of the fibres at the ver- tebral border are coarser than the remainder. Some of the fibres pass upward upon the dorsum of the scapula. It is supplied by branches of the cervical plexus at the middle of the lateral border. The Serratus Magnus arises from the transverse processes of the fourth, the fifth; the sixth and the seventh cervical vertebrze and from the first seven ribs. It is inserted into the vertebral border of the scapula its entire length.! Its nerve-supply is from the long thoracic. ‘The vertebral border is separable from the anterior by being twice its thickness, and in being limited anteriorly by the triangular base of the spine. 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. The Latissimus Dorsi arises from all the dorsal spines, from the vertebral aponeurosis, and from the twelfth, the thirteenth and the fourteenth ribs. It is inserted into a linear rugosity on the shaft of the humerus, placed to the median side of the deltoid ridge, and behind the tendon of the endo-pectoral portion of the Pectoral muscle. The dorso-epitrochlear slip equals in width the Latissimus at its insertion. It arises by a broad origin from the Latissimus, just prior to the formation of its tendon, and is tendinously inserted upon the median margin of the olecranon for its entire length. The internal dorso-epitrochlear slip seen in Felis is here absent. A long, slender slip of the ventral border of the Latissimus is inserted upon the central axillary tendon. It is supplied by numerous branches from the intercostal nerves, and at the axilla by a branch of the brachial plexus. The Pectoralis Major muscle is divided into two portions. That portion which is superficial at the ventro-anterior aspect of the thorax (Ecto-pectoral of Wilder) arises from the sternum, a little more than one-half its length, also from an intermuscular septum between it and the muscle of the opposite side, extending thence four lines from the sternum along the median line of the neck. It is inserted into the deltoid ridge of the humerus, and into the triangular space lying between this ridge and the head of the bone. At its distal end this muscle is inserted with the Cephalo- humeral. This portion is fleshy throughout, except at the under surface at its insertion. It represents the P. primus, P. secundus and P. quintus of other mammals. An imperfect attempt is made at the separation of the P. guintus, but none of the P. primus. That portion which is deep-seated at the ventro-anterior aspect of the thorax (Endo-pectoral of Wilder) embraces a broad and imperfectly differentiated sheet of fibres pertaining to the Pannic- ulus, and to a sternal mass. The two divisions fuse intimately, so that they need not be separately described. They together represent the P. quartus of other mammals. The usual plan of description of a muscle may here with propriety be reversed, and the insertion described before the origin. Lying beneath the fibres of insertion of the superficial portion of the muscle is a thin fibrous sheet that is attached to the deltoid ridge, to the median side of the insertion of the superficial portion. It extends from this line upwards over the scapular tendon of the Biceps, and is lost in the capsule of the 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 119 shoulder-joint and in the fascia over the coracoid process, as well as that beneath the Subscapular muscle. It passes downward beyond the ridge, where it receives a few fibres from the superficial portion and is lost in the antebrachial fascia. It is nearly as broad as long, and in every part is distinct from the superficial portion of the Pectoral. In this description of the Pectoral group the membrane will receive the name of the fibrous membrane of insertion or the central axillary tendon. The pannicular division of the deep mass arises as a broad sheet from the superficial fascia of the trunk, its dorsal portion from the sacrum to over the scapula, and the ventral portion from over the middle line of the thorax. Its fascicles converge toward the axilla, some of them fusing with the lower margin of the sternal sheet, and others ending on the posterior margin of the fibrous mem- brane of insertion. Others yet are inserted about the middle of the under (ventral) border of this membrane of insertion.—The sternal sheet arises from the sternum at the lower border of the superficial portion, which overlaps it, to the base of the ensiform cartilage, as well as from the subcutaneous tissue at the przecor- dium. It is a ribbon-shaped, fleshy muscle, and ends on the membrane of insertion by distinct fibres, and is continued over it to the deltoid ridge. These fibres are free from the membrane at the upper half of the line of insertion. Placed between the pannicular and the sternal sheets, a third fascicle is received, viz., a marginal slip from the Latissimus Dorsi. Arising from the lower margin of the membrane of insertion, is the median dorso-epitrochlear slip. It fuses with the Trapezius at its distal half. It is inserted on the median margin of the ole- cranon, and contributes to the formation of the antebrachial fascia. Muscular fibres thus approach the aponeurosis of insertion of the deep portion of the pectoral from the skin of the back and abdomen, from the sternum and from the Latissimus Dorsi. The lower margin of the membrane receives more fibres than the remaining portions, while the proximal parts receive none. The sternal sheet at its upper half tends to be specialized from the membrane, and throughout can be said to adduct the humerus. The pannicular sheet, together with the Latissimus slip, may be described as a tensor of the sheath of the Biceps and of the capsule of the shoulder-joint. The median dorso-epitrochlear slip protects the nerves of the upper arm. 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. The Pectoralis Minor (P. Tertius) arises from the second to the fifth costal cartilages inclusive, to the outer side of the sternum, and is inserted tendinously into the bicipital border of the great tuberosity of the humerus. It here forms the anterior part of the capsule, and is united with the Supraspinatus muscle. This muscle has been described in human anatomy as being inserted on the Supraspinatus, or as being continuous with it. In Procyon no portion of either the Pectoralis Major or Pecto- ralis Secundus is inserted into the antebrachial fascia, The Pectorals are supplied by branches of the brachial plexus and of the intercostal nerves. (b) Intrinsic Set. The Supraspinatus and the Infraspinatus Muscles do not present sufficient points of difference as compared with the same muscles in other mammals to deserve special description. The Supraspinatus is, in great part, bilaminated, the interlaminate space tending to open forward. The origin of the Deltoid and the insertion of the Trapezius largely conceal the Infraspinatus. The nerves are received from the suprascapular nerve. The Subscapularis is composed of three main sub-divisions. The most anterior of these arises from the anterior border of the scapula for its entire length, and the intermuscular septum between it and the Supraspinatus muscle. It is inserted into the humerus. It yields fibres of origin to the Coraco-Brachialis. Its fibres are parallel with those of the last-named muscle, and may be said to be physiologically in continuity with them. The tendons of the remaining subdivisions of the Subscapularis underlie the tendon of the first division. The muscle is entirely free from insertion into the delicate cap- sule of the shoulder-joint. It is supplied by three nerves, each of which is a branch of the brachial plexus. The Teres Major arises from the aponeurosis of the Infraspinatus, from the lower margin of the Subscapularis near the scapular angle, as well as from a small portion of the scapula at the upper end of the vertebral border. The muscle is tendinous where it overlies the humerus and is inserted beneath the Pectoralis Secundus, on the median side of the bicipital groove. Directly back of the origin of the Teres Major lies the insertion of the Rhomboideus. The muscle is supplied by a branch of the brachial plexus. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 121 Teres Minor.—This muscle is so intimately fused with the Infraspinatus as not to demand a separate description. Deltoid.—The fascicle from the fascia over the Infraspinatus muscle joins the fascicle from the acromion at the distal half of the latter. The two fascicles thence continue as a single muscle to the humerus. The nerve-supply, which is from the anterior circumflex, is abundant. The most important fascicle would appear to be from the Infraspinatus fascia. The tendon receives the terminal fascicle on its outer surface, and its tendon of insertion lies in contact with the tendon of origin of the outer head of the Triceps. The Triceps possesses four heads. The first arises from the scapula, as in man, by a thin tendon as broad as the muscular belly, and is inserted into the tip of the olecranon. The second, or lateral humeral portion, from the lateral aspect of the neck of the humerus by a flat, thick tendon, one-fourth the greatest width of the belly. It is inserted into the tendon of the preceding, and into the olecranon on the lateral border, and into the ulna at its upper fourth, where it becomes continuous with the Profound Flexor as it arises from the posterior edge of the ulna. The second portion receives an accession of mus- cular fibres from the posterior median portion of the neck of the humerus. It joins the belly half way down the humerus.—The third portion arises by a flat, thin tendon from a median surface upon the humerus at its upper third. It merges in part with the small Coraco-Brachialis. It also arises from a distinct broad surface upon the border of the humerus between the epitrochlea and the upper border of the epitrochlear foramen. This slip is inserted into the olecranon and is merged with the origin of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. This is quite a frequent human anomaly. The scapular head of the Triceps, with the internal humeral fasciculi, form parts of a single bilateral laminated sheet. The dorsal portion of this sheet is aponeurotic at and near the olecra- non, and is continuous with the antebrachial fascia. The external humeral head from the proximal end is bilaminate one-half its entire length.! ‘In Felis the internal humeral head is distinct from the scapular, and the bilaminate arrangemen' is in all parts of the muscle less evident than in Procyon. ) 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Nerve-Supply.—The nerves of the Triceps enter the interlami- nate spaces, there being one nerve for the scapular and the internal humeral heads, and a second for the external humeral head. It is worthy of note that in Procyon the Triceps is inserted not only behind the elbow, but, by an aponeurosis, into the ulna in Front of the elbow. Since the-ulna cannot move and the insertion is chiefly on the lateral border, the bone, after being extended, is with the humerus rotated inward at the shoulder. Ina word, the Triceps is an inward rotator of the entire extremity. Anconeus arises upon the posterior surface of the humerus from the triangular space at the lower half of the bone. Its firmest attachment is on the lateral border. It also arises from the epicondyle, one line below the tip, directly to the outer side of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. Its fibres are inserted into the entire lateral surface of the olecranon, and the whole muscle keeps well to the lateral half of the joint. Nerve-supply: The long nerve to the Anconeus sends a branch to the external humeral head of the Triceps. Biceps Cubiti arises by a single stout head from the coracoid process of the scapula. The muscle presents on the proximal half of both its anterior and posterior aspects a thin, glistening, fibrous surface, but at the distal half it is free from superficial fibrous tissue. The tendon of insertion is but one-third the length — of the tendon of origin. It is inserted into the tubercle of the radius. This entire muscle is composed of a sheet which is so folded upon itself as to produce the effect of a pair of lamine, joined at the lateral border. Three separate branches from the brachial plexus enter the muscle in the interlaminate space, as well as a fourth, which, indeed, supplies the muscle, but since it lies in the position of the musculo-cutaneous trunk of Felis and most mammals, may be identified with this nerve. It does not, how- ever, pierce either this muscle or the Coraco-Brachialis, as in man. Coraco-Brachialis arises from the coracoid process by a narrow tendon which winds across the ventral surface of the tendon of the Subscapularis muscle. The muscle increases in width as it descends, and is inserted by fleshy fibres into the humerus distally to the tendon of the Latissimus Dorsi. The fibres of insertion are in close connection with the fibres of origin of the median head of the Triceps muscle. It receives a long slender nerve from the subscapular group of nerves from the brachial plexus. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 125 Brachialis Anticus arises by penniform fleshy fasciculi from the entire lateral surface of the humerus. It lies in juxtaposition with the Biceps. No fibres whatever arise from the front or median surface. The upper fibres are nearly vertical and the lower nearly horizontal. Its tendon passes beneath that of the Biceps, and is inserted upon the median surface of the ulna, below the elbow-joint. The Brachialis Anticus keeps the ulna in contact with the trochlea, while the Biceps flexes the forearm. It also assists the Biceps in this movement and keeps the ulna within the tract of flexion. The Brachialis does not arise from all the surface of the humerus which it covers ; the muscular fibres are connected with the bone along the margins of the muscle only. The slips extend the entire length of the median, but for a shorter distance on the lateral margin. It is inserted upon a smooth surface on the median aspect of the ulna below the coronoid process. It is thus seen that this is chiefly a lateral muscle as related to the axis of the humerus, and by its insertion on the innermost and posterior portions of the two bones of the forearm, pursues an oblique direction as a whole, from the origin to the insertion. A variation in man consists in the union of this muscle with the Supinator Longus. Pronator Radii Teres.—This muscle arises trom the front of the epitrochlea, a surface which it exclusively occupies, the remain- ing flexors lying below it. It is aponeurotic in origin, inferiorly, and is wholly tendinous at its insertion. The distal border of the tendon reaches the middle of the shaft of the bone. The Pronator is to the radius what the Brachialis Anticus is to the ulna. The nerve-supply is derived from a small branch of the median nerve. Flexor Carpi Radialis arises in common with the Flexor Sublimis Digitorum, and with the fine fasciculi with which it is intimately fused. It is inserted into the base of the second meta- carpal bone, beneath the origin of the Metacarpo-Phalangeal Flexors. It receives its nerve-supply from the median nerve. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris arises by two heads; the first arises from the depression on the median side of the olecranon, where it is continuous with the aponeurotic slip from the median humeral head of the Triceps. and is inserted by a long and narrow tendon into 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. the pisiform bone. The second head arises from the epitrochlea of the humerus, passes down parallel to the foregoing, and is inserted into the pisiform bone to the median side of the first portion. The second head also arises from the epitrochlea in common with the Flexor Sublimis Digitorum. The muscle lies entirely upon the Flexor Profundus, and does not touch the ulna. The nerve-supply of the first head is very minute, and confined to the extreme proximal end of the belly. That for the second head is larger, branches being received from the ulnar nerve at three different points along the proximal half of the belly. It is evident that in Procyon the two divisions of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris usually described are equivalent to distinct muscles. Unlike the arrangement seen in Felis, no attempt at fusion between the ulnar and humeral heads is seen, while the tendency for the humeral head to fuse with the superficial flexor is seen in both forms, though to a much less degree in Procyon than in Felis.! Palmaris Longus.—The Palmaris Longus was double in one specimen, both portions arising in common with the Flexor Sublimis Digitorum.? In the other specimen it was found to be single, and the nerve-supply little or none. Flexor Sublimis Digitorum.—This muscle arises from the epitrochlea. It soon divides into two portions. One of these passes without division to the Flexor Profundus Digitorum ; the other, the main muscle, divides into two parts, one of which is inserted into the first and the second toes, and the other on the third and the fourth toes. The slips for the first and the second toes divide into two slips, one for each side of the sheath of the deep flexor at the first phalanx. In one specimen, the first toe received no slip. The nerve-supply is from a small branch of the median nerve. ‘The connection between the insertion of the muscle and the fifth metacarpal bone is much less decided than between the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris and the same bone. Such connection has been omitted as part of the essential description of the muscle. The Extensors lie successively along a ridge (supracondyloid ridge). The flexors are collected in a ‘‘bynch”’ at a process (not a ridge), the Pronator Radii Teres excepted. This muscle lies by itself above and in front of the ‘‘bunch.”’ 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 125 The failure of the superficial flexor to support the sheaths of the third and fourth digits, may occur as an anomaly in man.! The Flexor Profundus Digitorum arises in a penniform manner from the ulna, as follows: Ist, from the concavity on the median surface of the olecranon; 2d, from the posterior border of the ulna at the upper third; and 3d, from the median surface of the ulna at its middle third, near the distal end. The second portion derives some fibres from the membranous expanse of the Triceps on the lateral surface of the olecranon, and the intermuscular septum between it and the Extensor Indicis. Its tendons pass to the four outer toes. The under part of the tendon at the wrist is smooth. Macalister? does not mention the union with the Triceps tendon. This might be found to vary in man. The nerve-supply of this muscle is from the median nerve. The Flexor Longus Pollicis is composed of two separate por- tions, a superficial and a deep. The superficial portion arises in common with the Flexor Carpi Radialis from the epitrochlea. It is fleshy for the upper third of its course, and joins the Flexor Profundus Digitorum at the lower border of the annular ligament. Just prior to the formation of the tendon, muscular slips join the bellies of the Flexor Sublimis Digitorum and the Flexor Pro- fundus Digitorum. Below the annular ligament the tendon for the thumb leaves the Profundus and passes to the second phalanx. From this tendon arises a Lumbrical muscle. A large slip passes from the fleshy portion tothe tendon of the deep flexor just above the annular ligament. The deep slip is penniform in character. It arises from the radius at its upper third, and joins the conjoined tendon at the _ upper border of the annular ligament. The last-named slip is evidently homologous with the anthropodean muscle of the same name. The nerye-supply is from the median. It is interesting to note that the variations of this muscle in the human subject include in essential features the above arrange- ment. Mr. Carver? describes as arising partly from the Profundus 1In Nasua fuscus the slips of union between the superficial and the deep flexor are three in number, and are inserted on the conjoined tendon above the annular ligament. The union of the Sublimis with the Pro- fundus occurs below the tendon. * Trans. Royal Irish Acad., xv, 1872. * Jour. of Anat. and Phys., iii, 260. 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882- and partly from the Sublimis, a small muscle which became tendinous, and, just above the annular ligament, divided into two portions, one for the Flexor Pollicis, and one for the Profundus slip for the index finger. Excepting the slips from the Sublimis, this follows the plan in Procyon, the division in the latter oceurring higher up. The lumbrical slip also is repeated as an anomaly in human myology (Wood and Macalister). The origin of the muscle from the epitrochlea, instead of from the radius, is a common human variation. The origin in common with the Flexor Carpi Radialis is, so far as I know, not repeated in man. The Extensores Carpi Radiales Longior et Brevior, are as im man; the Brevior is the stronger of the two, and is confluent above with the Extensor Communis Digitorum. It is supplied by the posterior muscular branch of the musculo- spiral nerve before it pierces the Supinator Brevis. The nerves spread on the under surface by short, single trunks at the prox- imal end. The Supinator Brevis arises from the orbicular ligament by a narrow tendon, and is inserted upon the upper third of the radius. This is the arrangement in Gruber’s Tensor Ligamentum Orbicu- laris Anterior of Man. He found it in fifteen cases in one hundred. This muscle is pierced by the posterior muscular branch of the musculo-spiral nerve, and receives from it its nerve- supply. *The Supinator Longus, much narrower than in Felis, arises muscularly from the upper end of the upper third of the Supra- condyloid ridge, and is inserted tendinously upon the distal end of the radius. Its sparse nerve-supply is confined to a single small branch to the proximal end, derived from the posterior muscular branch of the musculo-spiral prior to its piercing the Supinator Brevis muscle. The Extensor Communis Digitorum arises from the supra- condyloid ridge between the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevior, and the Extensor Minimi Digiti, and is in common therewith. It soon, however, separates from them, and, forming a tendon, divides beneath the annular ligament into four small tendons. These reunite upon the dorsum of the carpus to again separate and pass to the dorsal surface of the first phalanx of each toe. It is supplied from the posterior branch of the musculo-spiral nerve. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris arises from the external condyle of 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 127 the humerus by a relatively broad tendon. The flat, weak belly terminates obliquely on a broad, stout tendon of insertion, which is attached to the lateral border of the pisiform bone at the base of the fifth metacarpal bone. The connection with the pisiform bone is more exact than in Felis, but in addition to fixing the pisiform the tendon seems to make tense the dorsal aponeurosis. It is largely ligamentous in action, and probably protects both the elbow and the wrist-joints. Nerve-Supply.—Nerves are received on the median border by three distinct trunks. They are thus more numerous than those to the flexors of the carpus and of the fingers. The nerves arise from a little close network which also supplies the Extensor Communis Digitorum, and is derived from a branch of the musculo-spiral, which penetrates the Supinator Brevis. Extensor Ossi Metacarpi Pollicis occupies the interval between the ulna and the radius, and arises from the proximal end of the distal half of the latter, and along the shaft of the former from the side of the olecranon to near the distal extremity. The muscle below the oblique ligament is penniform, the long oblique ulnar fibres joining the medianly-placed tendon, which winds around the distal third of the radius, lying in the pronounced groove at the wrist-joint, and is inserted into the median aspect of the proximal end of the first metacarpal bone. In one specimen the muscle was bi-penniform, the muscular fibres arising from the radius being inserted into the tendon to the median side. The weak nerve- supply of this muscle is derived from the posterior branch of the musculo-spiral, the nerves entering upon its upper free surface. The Extensor Minimi Digiti arises from the supracondyloid ridge to the outer side of the preceding muscle, which it resembles in its general features, also from the orbicular and external lateral ligaments of the elbow-joint, and passes beneath the annular ligament by a distinct sheath, viz., over the distal end of the ulna. The tendons do not reunite after the first separation, but are inserted upon the lateral surfaces of the first phalanges of the three outer toes. The slip to the fifth toe is not distinet from the rest of the muscle as in Felis.' ‘In Nasua fuscus the E. M. Digiti tends to unite with the Extensor Communis Digitorum, but subsequently separates therefrom before inser- tion. 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. The Extensor Indicis arises from the lateral aspect of the ulna just below the olecranon, and, for a slight distance, from the septum between it and the Flexor Profundus. Its tendon passes parallel to the ulna, and reaches the manus by running beneath the tendon of the Extensor Communis Digitorum beneath the annular ligament. The tendinous slips are inserted upon the first, the second and third fingers to the lateral side beneath the three tendons of the Extensor Communis. The muscle receives a tendinous slip from the Extensor Minimi Digiti, and is thus an abductor, and assists the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris and the Extensor Minimi Digiti. It receives two branches from the posterior muscular branch of the musculo-spiral nerve. Pronator Quadratus extends from the middle of the forearm to the proximal border of the distal epiphysis of the radius and of the ulna. It is broader toward the wrist than toward the elbow where its fibres are pale and inconspicuous. The radial fibres are not concealed by the stout aponeurosis so conspicuous in Felis. The nerve-supply is from a deep branch of the interosseous. Palmaris Brevis arises as a single slip from the annular liga- ment and is lost over the base of the fifth toe. The Intrinsic Muscles of the Manus embrace the following :— The Opponens Hallucis.—This insignificant fascicle arises from the fibrous tissue over the sheath of the Flexor Carpi Radialis, and is inserted into the proximal end of the first metacarpal bone. It is upon the same plane with some of the fibres of origin of the first Metacarpo-Phalangeal Flexor. The Palmar Interossei.—These muscles are three in number. The first and the third, passing respectively to the first phalanx of the hallux and the first phalanx of the annularis, are twice as broad as the second, which goes to the first phalanx of the index finger. These all arise from the fibrous tissue over the proximal ends of the metacarpal bones. Opponens Minimi Digit arises in common with these muscles to the lateral aspect, and is fused at its proximal third with the third muscle. It is inserted into the distal end of the metacarpal bone. Flexor Brevis Minimi Digiti arises from the annular ligament and is inserted into the sheath of the Flexor Profundus Digitorum by a structure exactly similar to that found in the pes. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 129 Abductor Minimi Digiti arises from the pisiform bone and ends by a long aponeurotie tendon upon the sheath of the first phalanx of the fifth toe in its lateral aspect. The muscle receives an accessory slip from the connective tissue beneath the deep flexor. The Metacarpo-Phalangeal Flexors.—Each arises from the met- acarpal bone of the corresponding toe and is inserted into the sesamoid bone of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint. The fifth toe alone possesses the Dorsal Interosseus, and even in this instance the muscle is in great part fused with the flexor muscle. For the remaining toes the Dorsal Interosseus is undifferentiated, yet latero-dorsal slips of tendon connect those parts of the flexor muscles seen from above ia the intercarpal spaces, with the sides of the sheaths of the digits. As in the pes, so in the manus the divisions between the two portions of the flexors are more pro- nounced in the hallux and annularis than in the remaining toes.! Tue Muscies oF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. (a) Eatrinsie Set. Quadratus Lumborum.—This muscle has not been differentiated from the vertebral series in Procyon. On the ventral aspect a flat slip is seen arising from the second lumbar vertebra on a line with the origin of the transverse abdominal muscle. It passes upward and outward to be inserted on the last rib at about its middle. A second flat slip, lying a little below the preceding, and on a deeper plane, appears to be a cleavage from the internal oblique abdominal muscle. It arises from the ventral aspect of the Longissimus Dorsi, and is inserted into the last rib at its ‘The Lumbricales, Palmar and Dorsal Interossei muscles of Procyon may be described as inserted into the sheath of the digit. In the manus of the Macaque this was seen to be the case also. It will be remembered that in human anatomy the Dorsal Interossei are described as having their insertions into the extensor tendons of the digits as well as into the base of the first phalanx of each finger. It is probable that the simplest ex- pressions of these muscles in mammals are as tensors of the sheaths of the digits on the dorsal and lateral surfaces, and that their connection with the tendons of the extensors of the fingers is not an essential one. Indeed the extensor tendons themselves may be said to end upon the same sheath, the latter being described as enveloping each digit like the fingerstall of a glove. It is freeeverywhere between the interphalangeal joints above and at the sides, but is closely incorporated with the capsules of the last-named joints as well as with the sheaths of the flexor tendons. 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. ventral third. These two slips are, perhaps, representative of the costal fibres of the Quadratus. The ilio-vertebral fibres are represented by an imperfectly differentiated slip, extending from the ventral aspect of the iliac crest to the transverse processes of the last lumbar vertebra. The Longissimus Dorsi is very conspicuous from the ventral aspect of the trunk, and doubtless affords the generalized mass from which the Quadratus Lumborum of human anatomy has been evolved.! Psoas Minor arises from the ventral surfaces of the bodies of the first three lumbar vertebre, and is fused with the Psoas Magnus. It is inserted by a broad, glistening aponeurosis into a pronounced ridge of the ilium, directly above the ilio-pectineal eminence. Psoas Magnus arises from the bodies of the third, fourth and fifth lumbar vertebree, and the anterior surface of the corresponding transverse processes. After being joined by the Iliacus Internus, its tendon is inserted, after winding around the neck of the femur, into the trochanter minor. _ Both the Psoas muscles are perforated by a branch of the lumbar plexus, the Psoas Magnus being more particularly supplied by a number of short filaments from the anterior crural nerve. Iliacus Internus arises by a long slip the entire length of the iliac fossa, and by a broad sheet of fibres extending across the venter of the ischium below the attachment of the ilio-lumbar tascicle of the Quadratus Lumborum, and also by a thin slip directly above the origin of the Rectus Femoris. The muscle is not confined to the pelvis. The anterior margin overlies the origin of the Tensor Vaginze Femoris and of the Rectus Femoris. It is fused with the Psoas Magnus at the upper margin of the acetabulum. The Psoas Magnus: and the Psoas Minor unite with the verte- bral mass, from which they are imperfectly differentiated, in forming a powerful vertebral flexor, which can be traced upward behind the pleura as far as the body of the ninth dorsal vertebra. The Psoas Magnus can be divided into several imperfectly defined lamin, the interspaces between which carry the branches of the lumbar and sacral plexuses. ! The muscle last named is here included, for while acknowledged to be a trunkal mnscle it has important relations to the innominate bone. 1882.'] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 131 Gluteus Maximus.—The Gluteus Maximus arises from the ilium, the vertebral aponeurosis, the lateral margin of the sacrum and the transverse process of the first caudal vertebra. The iliac origin is membranous, its under surface being in intimate union with the Gluteus Medius. The sacral origin is musculo-tendinous, as is that from the first caudal vertebra. The common sheet formed by the union of the two surfaces last named, affords origin for a slip of the Lateral Caudal muscle. The margins of the Gluteus are muscular throughout their entire length, but the muscle becomes tendinous as it overlies the trochanter major. It is in close connection if not continuous with the upper margin of the Quadratus Femoris at its insertion. The Gluteus Maximus is inserted into the third trochanter, which lies rather upon the anterior than upon the lateral surface of the femur, and by a well- defined slip into the fascia lata. The anterior border of the Gluteus Maximus is inseparable from the corresponding border of the Gluteus Minimus. The nerve-supply of the Gluteus Maximus is derived from branches piercing both the Gluteus Medius and the Gluteus Minimus near their anterior borders: the longest branch (arriving from the great sciatic nerve) lying on the under surface of the muscle, corresponding pretty accurately to that portion arising from the sacrum and the first caudal vertebra. In addition to these nerves the muscle receives several branches of the Inferior Gluteal nerve. The entire muscle easily resolves itself into two portions, which, however, cannot be separated by the knife. The anterior portion, of iliac origin, receives nerves by distinct Glu- teal branches, and becoming fused with the Gluteus Medius, rotates the femur inward; while the posterior portion arises entirely from the sacrum and first caudal vertebra, fuses with the Tenuis- simus, and, receiving the distinct and very long gluteal branch already mentioned, rotates the femur outward. The last-named muscular portion is extrinsic to the posterior extremity, while the firstmamed is intrinsic.! 'That portion of the Gluteus Maximus described as the second part in Felis, was not present in Procyon. The caudal or ventral origin of the Biceps Femoris would appear to compensate for its absence. The second part of the Gluteus Maximus of the cat is, in all probability, the same as the high origin of the Biceps Flexor, since it can be traced directly to the intermuscular septum between the Vastus Externus and the Adductor Magnus, and is continued thence to the capsule of the knee-joint. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882.: Gluteus Medius.—The Gluteus Medius arises from the dorsum of the ilium, the under surface of the aponeurosis of the G. Maxi- mus, and, by a separate set of fascicles, from the lateral border and the anterior surface of the sacrum. Fibres pass downward to be inserted into the great trochanter. Posteriorly this muscle is divisible into two planes which anteriorly are fused. The ante- rior portion is iliac in origin, and is inserted into the trochanter major. Superficially it is supplied by nerves in common with the G. Minimus. Its interior is fibrous. The posterior portion, slightly overlapped by the anterior, arises from the sacrum and is supplied by nerves passing directly from the sciatic at the great sacro-sciatic foramen. It is also supplied on the dorsal surface by a nerve escaping from the great sacro-sciatic foramen in common with the superior gluteal, but distinct from it. This portion of the G. Medius is inserted into the great trochanter as it borders on the digital fossa, It is evident that a parallel can be here instituted between the G. Maximus and the G. Medius. The sacral part of each muscle can easily be distinguished from the iliac portion. In the case of the G. Medius the division has gone so far as to form the outline of two distinct muscles, but which are not completely separable the one from the other. Gluteus Minimus.—The Gluteus Minimus arises from the dorsum of the ilium below that surface occupied by the G. Medius, It fuses anteriorly with the @. Maximus. This fusion enables the observer to classify the G. Minimus as a deep lamina of complex muscle, of which the G. Maximus is a superficial lamina, the two planes of cleavage being in this instance so remote from one another posteriorly, as to permit so large a muscle as the GQ, Medius to be received between them. The same disposition toward planal cleavage witnessed in the G. Medius is also found in the G. Minimus; the superficial lamina, however, is quite rudi- mentary, and is confined to the anterior fifth of the dorsal surface. Between the two lamin passes a large trunk from the superior Gluteal set of nerves which supplies both the G. Medius, G. Mini- mus and ultimately the anterior part of the G@. Maximus. The G. Minimus is inserted in the anterior edge of the trochanter major by a narrow glistening tendon, and is in close relation to the hip-joint. Tensor Vagine Femoris.—The Tensor Vaginwe Femoris arises 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 133 trom the ventral edge of the ilium ona line with and immediately posterior to the Sartorius. It arises by a,thin membranous tendon on a level with the great trochanter at the middle of the thigh, and ends in the fascia lata. It does not fuse with the muscles of the Gluteal group. The structure last named is continuous with the fibres of inser- tion of the Biceps Femoris at the side of the knee, but is not in a line with the head of the tibia, but rather with the side of the patella. The nerve-supply is probably from the inferior gluteal ; the dissection did not permit of an exact identification. (b) Intrinsic Set. The Biceps Femoris.—The Biceps Femoris arises by a broad stout aponeurosis from a spine of the sacrum,' and by a musculo- tendinous mass from the tuberosity of the ischium. The muscle forms a broad sheet of fibres over the outer side of the thigh and ends in a second aponeurosis at the lateral margin of the patella, and the head of the tibia. Ata point about on a level with the head of the tibia, a slender fascicle is given off that passes over the leg superficially and joins the Soleus, and with the last-named muscle contributes to the formation of the Tendo-Achillis. Beneath the Biceps lies the Tenuissimus. This arises from the under surface of the Gluteus Maximus, and passing down over the sciatic nerve is lost over the fascia of the leg. The Biceps was found in one dissection to present variation from the above description. The body of the muscle as it arose from the ischium divided into two portions, an anterior and a posterior. The anterior, larger—and at the ischium the more superficial portion—was inserted entirely upon the side of the patella and the external tibial condyle. The posterior portion became superficial about six lines below the tuberosity, and was inserted by a broad, thin surface on the fascia of the leg, and, finally, instead of joining the Soleus, was continuous with the Gastrocnemius at the beginning of the tendo-Achillis. The Tenuissimus instead of arising from the Gluteus Maximus, arose from its tendon of insertion into the third trochanter. It passed to the posterior division of the Biceps, along the hinder border of which it descended to the fascia of the leg. 1In Ursus, according to the figure in Cuvier and Lieutaud, this slip is absent. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. An examination of the variations of the Biceps Femoris (Biceps Flexor Cruris) results in adapting the above description in its several parts to human anatomy. Sdmmering describes the muscle with a second long head from the tuberosity of the ischium ; Meckel with a third head from the upper portion of the linea aspera; Wood describes a head arising from the fascia beneath the Gluteus Maximus. This is evidently the same as the Tenuis- simus. A slip continuous proximally to the sacrum, has been recorded by Theile and Macalister. .curta. ee elevata. Terebra Carolinensis, SHOE Mitra Carolinensis, S. C. ‘¢ _unilineata, 8. C. Murex umbrifer, 8. C ‘¢ neglecta. ‘¢ globosa. Tornatina cylindra. Natica heros, 8. C. Trivia pediculus, 8. C. ‘« . duplicata, S.C. Turritella Burdenii, 8. C. ‘6 canrena, 8S. C. “ Etiwensis, 8. C. “fragilis. ee constricta. *« percallosa. Turbonilla reticulata. «¢ Emmonsii. Trochus philantropus, Se. Nassa vibex, S.C. YVoluta mutabilis, 8. C. ‘“ trivittata, S.C _ & — Trenholmii, S. C. ‘¢ obsoleta, S.C. ‘“¢ obtusa. ‘« (Tritia) multilineatum. Helix tridentata. - ‘¢ moniliformis. “© Jabyrinthica. e *« bidentata. Planorbis bicarinatus. Obeliscus arenosa, S.C. Paludina subglobosa. Oliva literata, S.C. A comparison of the two preceding tables shows, that of the 74 South Carolina forms no less than 52 (or 70 per cent.) are common to the deposits of North Carolina, a proportion very nearly identical with that which obtains in the case of the acepha- lous mollusks (74 per cent.). This very close agreement leaves but little, if any, room for doubt as to the contemporaneity of the formations of the two States. In North Carolina the number of specific forms described is considerably in excess of that from the former State, and consequently, as must almost necessarily follow, the percentage of common forms is here very materially reduced. 12 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. Thus of 100 species—4 of which are non-marine—only 52, as above stated, also occur in South Carolina, or just 52 per cent. It is but fair to presume, however, that were the number of species described from South Carolina equal to that from North Carolina the proportion of forms common to the two States while it would not probably differ very materially from what we now find it in the former State, would be considerably raised for the latter. On the other hand, just the reverse result presents itself when a com- parison is made with the Virginia fauna, which comprises a far greater number of species than is to be found in any other State: VIRGINIA. Amycla reticulata. Actzon (?) milium. Adeorbis (Delphinula) costulata. an coneava. (A. lipara). e “e Anguinella Virginiana. Bela Dedalia. Buccinum Tuomeyi. fe frumentum. Crepidula costata, Ss. C = fornicata, S. C.; N.C. a spinosa, 8. C.; N. C e ponderosa. es cornucopie. “f cymbiformis. Crucibulum costatum, 8. C.; N. C. (Calyptrea pileolus). a: ramosum, §. C.:; N. C. £ grande. Cemoria oblonga. Capulus lugubris. Cancellaria perspectiva. ee plagiostoma. Cerithium clavulus. ie curtum. Cerithiopsis annulatum, Chiton transenna. Cylichna cylindrica. J Virginiana. Chemnitzia (Pasithea) subula, N.C, - a exarata. A AE eburnea, obliqué-striata. nS, Dentalium thallus, 8, C.- NAG - attenuatum, §.C.; N.C. — D. dentale. Delphinula trochiformis. fi (Carinorbis) arenosa. “ lyra. Ecphora quadricostata, §.C.; N.C. Eulima (Pasithea) levigata, N.C. ‘¢ eborea. “¢ migrans. Eulimella (Pasithea) ovulum. (E. diaphana). Fasciolaria parvula. a rhomboidea, BU Ce Se = F. distans. Fissurella redimicula, 8. C.; N. C. cs catilliformis. Fulgur carica, 8. Ci: aC: ‘¢ _ canaliculatus, 8. C.; N. C. ‘¢ ineile (Conradi), Sa Om ‘c. _ tritonis. ‘¢ filosus. ‘¢ earinatus. ‘¢ maximus. Fusus (Neptunea) exilis, &.:C.- ae «« strumosus. ‘¢ (Neptunea) trossula, Marginella limatula, 8. C.; N. C, - perpusilla, ss conulus, sf exilis. 1882. ] Marginella eburneola. Mangelia Virginiana. Menestho limnea. Melampus (2) longidens. Nassa trivittata, S. G.s N.C. «« — impressa, ‘« (Tritia) altilis. * bilix. se - laqueata. Natica duplicata, SAIN AC: «¢ heros, SC. NG: ‘¢ aperta, N.C. (N. fragilis ?). ‘¢ spherula, IN: CG; (N. percallosa ?). «¢ perspectiva. Niso lineata. Oliva canaliculata, N. C. “« ancillarieformis, N.C. ** Carolinensis. = Q. literata, §.C.;N.C. “* eborea, Obeliscus arenosa, BS: Ce Not. (Pyramidella suturalis). Odostomia (Actzon) granulatus. 3 (?) globosus. 5S turbinatus. angulatus. glans. sculptus. nitens. Patella acinaces. Petaloconchus sculpturatus, 8. C.; N.C. Pleurotoma lunata, es pyrenoides. ce (Drillia) multisecta. re aS arata. bella. distans, dissimilis. eburnea. impressa. 9 (Sureula) engonata. Be wt nodulifera. 8. C.; N.C. NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 171 Pleurotoma (Surcula) tricenaria. S Virginiana. Pyramidella elaborata, Ptychosalpinx porcinum, Se Nee. Rotella nana. “¢ subconica, «¢ earinata. «¢ lenticularis. “« — umbilicata. Scalaria clathra, S. C.; NEG. us = 8. angulata. ss acicula. “¢ micropleura. ee microstoma (S. cornigera ?). & pachypleura. $f procera. Solarium nupera. ; Trochus philanthropus, 8.C.; N.C. . armillus. = conus. “ lens. fs torquatus, as Ruffinii. a bellus. 4 labrosus. ee Mitchelii. Turbo rusticus. “¢ _ (Monilea) caperata. Trophon tetricus. Turritella variabilis. &f indenta. ae plebeia. se alticosta. 66 flexionalis. te terstriata. oh bipertita. Trochita (Infundibulum) concentrica. Triforis (Cerithium) monilifera. Urosalpinx cinerea, Vermetus conyolutus. Voluta mutabilis, ae Opes s Cm OF Vivipara (Turbo) glaber. NoTE.—Several species described by H. C. Lea (Amer. Philos. Trans., 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. new ser., vol. ix), considered to have been founded on insufficiently deter- mined characters, or on the immature forms of previously described species, have been intentionally omitted. We find that of the 141 species here enumerated only about 26 are found in the deposits of South Carolina, which would give to that State a comparatively low percentage of common forms (35), and one considerably less than that (42) which was found to exist when the acephalous mollusks were taken as the basis of com- parison. Nor is the number of Virginia forms (31) occurring in North Carolina much more numerous, and here, likewise, the per- centage (31) is markedly lower than was found to be the case (46) in the first method of comparison. Taking these various facts together they are abundantly conclusive as to the correctness of the inference drawn from the testimony of the lamellibranchs, that the Virginia deposits represent a horizon different from that indi- cated by the South and North Carolina formations. From the Maryland deposits taken as a whole, 7. e., as com- prising both the “ newer ” and “ older” groups, there have thus far been described about 105 species of gasteropodous mollusks ; of these, as will be seen from the following table, about 21 (20 per cent.) also occur in South Carolina, and 26 (or 25 per cent.) in Virginia. While the proportion of forms common to the two States is thus shown to be very limited in either case, and decidedly less than was found to exist among the lamellibranchs, there is yet (as was also indicated in the lamellibranch comparisons) a slight advantage in favor of Virginia. MARYLAND—NEWER GROUP. Actzeon ovoides. as melanoides. Bulla (?) acuminata. Cancellaria corbula. re lunata. ee alternata. Cassis (Semicassis) calata. Crucibulum grande, Va. “ tubiferum. cr costatum, 3. C.; N.C.; Va. B.C.N, C; Conus diluvianus, ‘© Marylandicus. Columbella communis. ee avara, Shee Dentalium thalloides. ae attenuatum, SiGe NP Gi Vanz = D. dentale. Ecphora quadricostata, S. CeSNe Gi Vag Fusus (Neptunea) parilis. ce Ae errans (rusticus), «¢ sulcosus. ‘¢ strumosus, Va. Fissurella alticosta. HL nassula. fe redimicula, 8. Ci: NGA Va. Fulgur rugosus ? 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 173 Pleurotoma gracilis. sé dissimilis, Va. Ranelia centrosa, 8. C.? N. C.? = R. caudata ? Scalaria clathra, S. C.; N.C.; Va. = 5. angulata. =e expansa. Terebra simplex. “ eurvilineata. «« loxonema. Trochus humilis. sc _reclusus. « — Bryanii. Turbo (Monilea) distans. Fulgur coronatus. “¢ eanaliculatus, peCu No@:: Vaz «« tuberculatus. Ss ) wenrica.. 1 8..C.:.N..C.: Va. ‘« fusiformis. «¢ alveatus ? Ficus? (Pyrula) sulcosa. Marginella denticulata. Melanopsis (Bulliopsis) ovata. ss integra, as Marylandica. Natica interna. “« duplicata, 8. C.; N. C.; Va. Va.? ‘« heros, p. G2 N. Cl: Va. ie eborea. “« fragilis, N.C.; Va. Turritella plebeia, Va. Nassa trivittata, §.C.; N.C.; Va. ‘¢ _-variabilis, Va. ‘* obsoleta, SOs Nae. ‘¢ laqueata. ‘¢ junata, 8.,.C: ss solitaria. “* quadrata. oe alticosta, Va «< prerupta. ne octonaria. «« porcinum, S. C.; Va. 'Turbinella demissa. ee atau. Turbonilla perlaqueata. Pleurotoma bicatenaria. Trophon tetricus, Va es limatula, N. C Typhis acuticostata. as communis, NaGe Urosalpinx cinerea, S.C. -aVia. “tC parva. Voluta mutabilis, §. C.; N. C.; Va. cs rotifera. “¢ solitaria. MaryYLAND—OLDER GROUP. Buccinum ? protractum. Pleurotoma Marylandica. at lienosum. cc bellacrenata. Bulla subspissa. oe rugata. Cancellaria biplicifera. Scalaria pachypleura, Va. engonata. Crucibulum ramosum, S.C.; N. C.; Va. Solarium trilineatum, Sigaretus fragilis. Trochita (Infundibulum)perarmata, ‘f constrictum. Turritella indenta, Va. Dentalium thalloides. oe exaltata, 8. C. Fissurella Marylandica. ee perlaqueata. Fusus migrans. Trochus peralyeatus. ‘¢ (Neptunea) devexus. Valvula iota. Voluta mutabilis, S. C.; N. C.; Va. Marginella perexigua. Niso lineata, Va. ‘* solitaria. Taking each of the two Maryland divisions, already referred to, 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. by itself, we find that of the 21 forms occurring also in South Carolina, 19 belong to the deposits of the “ newer” group, which comprise in all about 78 species ; the percentage of forms common to the two formations—25—is thus considerably above that which was found to obtain when the State formation was considered as a whole. And the same increased percentage is determined when the Virginia forms are considered. Of the 26 indicated in the preceding enumeration, 22 belong to the “newer” group, of whose fauna they consequently constitute 28 per cent. The 27 species belonging to the “older” group have only 3 (or 10 per cent.) common with South Carolina, and 5 (or 18 per cent.) common with Virginia. In comparing the gasteropod faunas of the two Maryland divisions with each other, we find that there are only three species whose range embraces the deposits of both series. From the preceding data it will be seen that very strong confirma- tion is lent to the conclusions derived from the examination of the lamellibranch fauna as to the non-contemporaneity of the South Carolina (et conseg., North Carolina) deposits with those of Vir- ginia and Maryland, and to the existence of two well-marked faunal horizons in the last named State. No conclusive evidence is, however, afforded relative to the position which the Virginia and Maryland deposits hold in respect of each other; for the determination of this point, as well as for the determination of the several horizons, testimony must again be sought in the rela- tions which the extinct faunas bear to the fauna of existing seas. Species still living found in the South Carolina deposits : Dentalium attenuatum = D. dentale. Crepidula fornicata. fs spinosa — C, aculeata. sy plana = C. unguiformis. Natic heros (N. catenoides). ‘¢ duplicata. ‘« canrena (N. plicatella). Littorina irrorata (L. Carolinensis). ® Solarium perspectivum. Scalaria multistriata. cf clathrus = §. angulata. Obeliscus arenosa. Trivia pediculus. Nassa vibex. ‘ trivittata. ‘¢ obsoleta. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 175 Dolium galea. Columbella avara. Oliva literata (O. Carolinensis). Ranella (Bursa) caudata. Cancellaria reticulata (C. Carolinensis). Fulgur carica. ‘¢ perversum (F’. adversarium). ** eanaliculatum (F. canaliferum). ‘s ppyrum. Urosalpinx cinerea (Peristernia filicata). Fasciolaria distans (F. rhomboidea) = F. tulipa. Notr.—Three or four additional species, for several reasons here omitted, may, on further examination, be found to be identical with recent forms. Thus out of a total number of 74 species about 27 are still found living at the present day; the percentage of recent to extinct species—37—is therefore not very different from that which was found to obtain among the acephalous mollusks. The following recent species may be considered to occur in North Carolina : Dentalium attenuatum — D. dentale. Crepidula fornicata. fe spinosa — C. aculeata. as plana = C. unguiformis. Natica heros (N. catenoides). ‘¢ duplicata. Natica canrena (N. plicatella). Scalaria multistriata. clathrus — §. angulata. Obeliscus arenosa. Trivia pediculus. Nassa vibex. ‘¢ trivittata. * obsoleta, Olva literata (O. Carolinensis). Ranella (Bursa) caudata. Cancellaria reticulata (C. Carolinensis). Fulgur carica. ‘¢ perversum (F. contrarium). “¢ canaliculatum, «¢ pyrum (F. spirata), Fasciolaria distans — F. tulipa. All of the above 22 species, which constitute 22 per cent. of the 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. gasteropod fauna of the State, are found also in South Carolina. We have here, just as in the case of the lamellibranch fauna, a decided decrease when compared with the last mentioned State in the proportion of living forms, but yet, as before, the very well marked correspondence or identity existing generally between the two faunas would preclude the supposition of the representation by them of two distinct horizons. In Virginia and Maryland the number of recent species is considerably less than in either South or North Carolina, and the proportion these bear to extinct forms is also very materially reduced. Thus of about 141 Virginia species only 12 (or 83 per cent.) can be considered as being identical with living forms, namely : Dentalium attenuatum — D. dentale. Crepidula fornicata. ss spinosa = C. aculeata. Natica duplicata. “¢ heros (N. catenoides). Fulgur carica. “¢ canaliculata. O. Carolinensis = O, literata. Scalaria clathra — 8. angulata. Nassa trivittata. Obeliscus arenosa (Pyramidella suturalis). Urosalpinx cinerea. The number of recent species occurring in the Maryland deposits is about equal to that from Virginia; but here, owing to the limited extent of the fauna, the proportion to extinct forms is considerably increased. It is a significant fact that all the recent species belong to the “newer” group, and none to the “older.” They are as follows : Columbella avara. Fulgur carica. ‘“ ceanaliculata. Urosalpinx cinerea. Dentalium attenuatum — D. dentale. Nassa trivittata. «* obsoleta. Natica duplicata. ‘« heros (N. catenoides). Scalaria clathra — 8. angulata. ? Ranella centrosa = R. (Bursa) caudata ? 1882.] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 177 The percentage of recent forms is here, therefore, brought up to fourteen, or very nearly that (15), which obtains among the Vir- ginia lamellibranchs, and 4 per cent. below that which was found to characterize the lamellibranch fauna for the same group of deposits. Summing up the results obtained from the examination of the gasteropod fauna. we find that— Of about 74 South Carolina species— 52 are found in North Carolina — 70 per cent. 26 are found in Virginia — 35 per cent. 21 are found in Maryland — 29 per cent. 27 are recent — 37 per cent. Of about 100 North Carolina species— 52 are found in South Carolina — 52 per cent. 31 are found in Virginia — 31 per cent. 18 are found in Maryland — 18 per cent. 22 are recent — 22 per cent. Of about 141 Virginia species— 26 are found in South Carolina — 19 per cent. 31 are found in North Carolina — 22 per cent. 26 are found in Maryland = 19 per cent. 12 are recent — 84 per cent. Of about 105 Maryland species— 21 are found in South Carolina — 20 per cent. 18 are found in North Carolina — 17 per cent. 26 are found in Virginia — 25 per cent. 11 are recent — 11 per cent. Of about 78 Maryland “ Newer ”’ group species— 19 are found in South Carolina — 25 per cent. 17 are found in North Carolina — 22 per cent. 22 are found in Virginia — 28 per cent. 1] are recent = 14 per cent. Of about 27 Maryland “ Older ” group species— 3 are found in South Carolina — 10 per cent. 2 are found in North Carolina — 8 per cent. 5 are found in Virginia — 19 per cent. 0 recent. 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. It will be readily perceived from the preceding summarized statement, that the general results obtained from the examination of the gasteropod faunas abundantly confirm the conclusions drawn from the study of the acephalous mollusks. Combining the results obtained from the two methods of comparison, we find that : Of about 177 South Carolina mollusca— 128 are found in North Carolina — 72 per cent. 69 are found in Virginia — 39 per cent. 55 are found in Maryland = 31 per cent. 61-67 are recent — 35-38 per cent. Of about 206 North Carolina mollusca— 128 are found in South Carolina — 62 per cent. 79 are found in Virginia — 38 per cent. 54 are found in Maryland — 26 per cent. 54 are recent — 26 per cent. Of about 250 Virginia mollusca— 69 are found in South Carolina = 28 per cent. 79 are found in North Carolina — 32 per cent. 67 are found in Maryland — 27 per cent. 28 are recent — 11 per cent. Of about 203 Maryland mollusca— 55 are found in South Carolina — 27 per cent. 54 are found in North Carolina = 27 per cent. 67 are found in Virginia — 33 per cent. 24 are recent — 12 per cent. Of about 144 Maryland ‘ Newer ” group mollusca— 52 are found in South Carolina = 36 per cent. 49 are found in North Carolina — 34 per cent. 59 are found in Virginia — 41 per cent. 23 are recent = 16 per cent. Of about 59 Maryland ‘“ Older ” group mollusca— 7 are found in South Carolina — 12 per cent. 9 are found in North Carolina — 15 per cent. 13 are found in Virginia — 22 per cent. 2 are recent — 4 per cent. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 179 Summary. The following points in stratigraphy, it is believed, may be considered as being conclusively demonstrated through the fore- going comparisons : 1. That the South and North Carolina deposits represent ap- proximately the same geological horizon ; 2. That the Virginia deposits indicate a horizon lower (older) in the geological scale than that of either of the formations just mentioned ; 3. That the Maryland deposits indicate two well-marked faunal horizons, of which the upper one is the correspondent of the Virginian. Remark.—It will be seen from the last table that the corre- spondence existing generally between the Maryland deposits taken as a whole (i. e., including both “ newer” and “ older ”’ groups) and those of Virginia, is greater than that which obtains between the last and the deposits of the ‘“‘ newer” group (upper Marylaud horizon) considered alone, and, hence, it might readily be concluded that the Virginia and Maryland formations are ab- solutely equivalents of each other. But, as it has already been shown, the Maryland deposits almost unquestionably represent two well-defined faunal horizons, and, therefore, unless such is likewise found to be the case in Virginia—which appears to be highly probable, although evidence proving the same is still in- sufficient—no general correlation can be insisted upon. Having ascertained the relations which the deposits of the several States hold towards each other, it remains lastly to deter- mine what are the horizons,as generally recognized by geologists, that they represent. The low percentage of living forms which characterizes the molluscan faunas of the Maryland and Virginia deposits leaves no doubt as to the miocene age of these last; the “older” group of Maryland, therefore, represents the base of the miocene series. As for the North and South Carolina deposits, their position is somewhat more difficult to pronounce upon. The percentage of recent forms occurring in South Carolina is 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. such as to permit, according to the original Lyellian classification of the tertiary strata, of the deposits of that State being referred to the pliocene period. The North Carolina deposits, on the other hand, would according to the same system of classification be relegated to the miocene period, and yet, as has already been seen, the identity existing between the faunas of the two States is altogether too great to admit of any reasonable doubt as to their contemporaneity. Nor is the difficulty of determination lessened when an appeal is made to European deposits of nearly similar age, which have served to elucidate the principles of the Lyellian classification. Thus in what might be considered to be the two typical areas for the occurrence of marine pliocene deposits in Europe—Italy and England—the percentages of recent forms characterizing the contained faunas vary within very broad limits. Foresti has shown (vide Fuchs, Die Gliederung der Tertidrbildungen am Nordabhange der Apenninen von - Ancona bis Bologna, Sitzb. d. k. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Ixxi, p. 177, Vienna, 1875) that the so-called pliocene of the Bolognese Apennines may be divided into four faunal hoxizons, the deposits belonging to which are characterized by the following percentages of recent forms: Total number Percentage of of species. Living. living forms, av. 141 112 79.4 itt. 332 144 43.3 Il. 183 @ 38.8 (Oldest) I. 78 24 30.7 Nos. I and II, therefore, correspond very closely in the propor- tion of living forms with the North and South Carolina deposits. But just this division of the sub-Apennine formation, or its equi- valent, is by many Italian geologists referred to the upper miocene, and, indeed, it would appear more natural, if the percentage of living forms is to remain the principal basis for the classification of the tertiary formations, to group the doubtful deposits here, and thereby increase the latitude of the miocene, than where they have very generally been placed, unless, as would seem from the observations of Pareto (Les terrains tertiaires de l’ Apennin sep- tentrional, Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 2d ser., vol. xxii, 1864-5, p. 237, et seqg.), and Fuchs (loc. cit.), strati- 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 181 graphical evidence is decidedly contrary to such an approximation. ' In the English pliocene faunas the percentages of recent forms are very much higher than in the Italian just referred to” The fol- lowing table exhibits the numerical relations of the living and extinct species, which together constitute the crag molluscan fauna (Lyell, ‘ Student’s Elements of Geology,” 1878, p. 183, emend) : NEWER PLIOCENE. Total number Percentage of of species. Living. recent forms. Chillesford beds, 88 74 84.1 Norwich, (Fluvio-marine), 112 94 84 OLDER PLIOCENE. Red Crag, (exclusive of derivatives), 248 179 12.2 Coralline Crag, 396 252 63.6 It will thus be seen that the number of recent forms occurring in the oldest division of the British pliocene deposits is, propor- tionately to the extinct species, very much greater—in fact, not far from twice as great—than that which has been found to exist ' A direct continuity between the upper miocene (Tortonian) and the Bolognese sub-Apennine (pliocene of most authors) formations is main- tained by Capellini (Sui Terreni Terziari di una parte del versante setten- trionale dell ’Apennino, Mem. Accad. Scienze, Istit. Bologna, ser. iii, vol. vi, p. 618, 1876). Under the strata designated as the mio-pliocene (‘‘Messinian”’ of Mayer), corresponding in a general way with the ‘Sar- matian”’ and ‘‘Congerian”’ of the Austrian geologists, and consequently comprising (as generally recognized by geologists) deposits of both miocene and pliocene age, are included I and II of Foresti’s faunal horizons—the lower sub-Apennine marls and sands of Capellini (upper Messinian of Mayer). The upper marls and sands (III and IV) are referred to the ‘‘Astian’’ (or pliocene proper of Capellini). This classification appears to be more in consonance with the facts presented by paleontology than the one usually followed. * Foresti has called attention (Catalogo dei Molluschi Plioceniei delle Colline Bolognesi, Mem. Accad. Scienze, Istit. Bologna, ser. ii, vol. vii, p. 548, 1867) to the much greater relationship which the fauna of the Bo- lognese sub-Apennine formations bears to the fauna of the Vienna basin than to that of the British crag, and from this circumstance draws the inference, that the Italian deposits represent a horizon very close to the miocene (‘‘ rapresentano un plano geologico vicinissimo al miocene,”’.. .). 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. in the case of the South Carolina deposits. While it may be safe to affirm, from this disparity existing between the American and English faunas, that the formations represented by them are in no way equivalents of each other, (an equivalency, as has already been stated, that had been assumed by Lyell), it may yet be rash to conclude from this reason alone that, broadly measured, they do not belong to the same period (pliocene) of geological time, the more especially, since (as will be seen from a comparison of the British and Italian faunal tables) a nearly equal disparity obtains between the faunas of the Crag and some of the sub- Apennine deposits considered to belong to the same period. Nor would it be safe to affirm conclusively, although the evidence in this direction may be considered to be sufliciently strong, that the American deposits in question are correlative of that portion of the sub-Apennine formation, which, by some geologists, has been referred to the upper miocene, or classed as mio-pliocene. While it may thus be difficult to determine absolutely whether the South Carolina deposits (and, consequently, also the North Carolinian) ought to be classed as pliocene or miocene, yet, in view of the fact that thus far no tertiary beds have been discovered in that State, nor probably anywhere else along the Atlantic coast, whose fauna more closely approximates that of the present day, and the broad hiatus that is thus created between them and the succeed- ing post-pliocene, in which, as determined by Holmes (‘“ Post- Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina,” 1860, Introduc., pp. 3 and 4), the recent forms make up fully 99 per cent. of the molluscan fauna,! it would appear more natural to group them in the same series with the deposits of Virginia and Maryland, to which, as has been demonstrated by the tables of comparisons, they bear a strong relation. For these reasons the author has preferred to consider them as being of miocene age, and as representing the uppermost member of the series.2 The miocene deposits of the Atlantic slope would, according to this determination, be divisible into three groups: 1 | have had no opportunity as yet of verifying this statement. * But very little evidence as to stratigraphical position is afforded by direct comparisons made between the European and American faunas, since the number of equivalent, or even representative forms is compara- tively limited, and these are about equally divided between the European miocene and pliocene. The following South Carolina lamellibranchs may 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 183 Upper Atlantic miocene, represented by the South and North Carolina deposits. Middle Atlantic miocene, represented by the whole, or the greater part of the Virginia deposits, and those of the Maryland “newer” group. Lower Atlantic miocene, represented by the deposits of the Maryland “older” group, and possibly the lower portion of the Virginia formation. To these three groups, commencing with the oldest, it is proposed to apply the designations of ‘‘ Marylandian,” ‘“ Virgi- nian,” and “ Carolinian,” respectively. The sequence of the tertiary formations along the Atlantic and Gulf slopes of the United States would, therefore, be approxi- mately as follows: be considered to occur, or to have their analogues in the crag (pliocene) deposits : Anomia ephippium. Ostrea Virginiana, represented by O. edulis. Lucina filosa — L. borealis. ‘¢ crenulata. Lucina dentata? Nucula obliqua — Nucula nucleus ? Astarte bella, represented by Astarte gracilis. ‘¢ undulata, represented by A. Omalii. Artemis intermedia, represented by A. lentiformis. Mactra lateralis, represented by Mactra ovalis. Solen ensis. Pandora trilineata — P. inequivalvis ? The following may be said to occur, or to have their analogues in the deposits of the Vienna basin : Anomia ephippium, represented by A. costata. Arca plicatura, represented by A. diluvii. Nucula obliqua — N. nucleus ? Lucina squamosa = L. pecten (reticulata). ‘6 filosa — L. borealis. ‘¢ anodonta — L. Miocenica ? divaricata, represented by L. ornata ? Chama corticosa, represented by C. gryphina. Cardium magnum, represented by C. Kiibeckii. Artemis intermedia, represented by A. lentiformis. Pandora trilineata = P. inequivalvis ? c (1882. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF 184 —— $$ gueyouryqy, ¢ uemMmopuo'yT ‘(UBISIIBg) soUvI JO ., AOISSSOIQ) aITBoTVD,, 04} Jo ody 6 puvyAIeyy JO speq suss0—q = “040 ‘euleqe[y Ul solies Arv1V.107, 944 JO eseq ou} 4B peyenqis sXv[o pu ‘spurs ‘oqyaSrry ‘1ddis “SISSTT JO (pavesyiyy) ,,eusroqre[g snovo “IIIS,, *090 ‘074g oY) Jo yavd uxroTMOs ‘OILINDIT-07F | ‘s}eoneg puv ueusogy jo sunyry oy} JO pur ‘sysISojoeds uvtaysny oy} Jo « UBOULLIOIPITY JSINT,, OY} JO quope ~AInbo oy (ATTeIg.1ed qsvoz 4v J0) Alqeqorg ‘OUIvINO], JO SUN[eF ot} JO pue ‘syst50 -[005 uvlaysny oy} Jo ,, UvOURIIOJIPOTW puooeg,, ef} Jo ode ayy jo ATquqorg | | . oUF JO « SII ATPGO,, “oar vuequry | pene! S| 9} UO URIMIOGIVID eNnIy 94} MOlEq spagT ‘ANOLSUHOG | ‘Oyo “epy ‘our0q “IRD JO yisodop snosovuare snosoztpISsso,T ‘NVINYOAIVT | "VURqe[y JO ,,ouojsomrT i} OVUM »,—IddississtjqT Jo speq uosyour “NVINOSHOV( “oqo ‘spoq eVplo,, ‘spoqd SmaqsyorA ‘040 ‘sap207 | 2940 Jo soroods Aq poztiojovreyo vyey4g ‘OILIOLIAUG | “ANDOODIIO || ‘(wueq jo 4ied ur | | iy ‘qoode ,, UMOJYIOX ,,) VIULSAT A Jo spoq *(QUSD0IT sUBDOTW TOMO, oY} ATqissod pue ‘pur, joyurpyy IOMO'T) -Aivy Jo dnois ,, 1op[Q,, oy jo sysodeqg| ~ NVIGNVIAUYV]V *‘(eueg jo 4red ut *(eudD0IT, ; il ‘qooda ,.uM0q410 X,,) purpArvyq Jodnors joyuepyy orppryy) ee || British crag: VIENNA BASIN. Saxicavar ugosa (bilineata) — 8. arctica, Panopea An: ericana, represented by P. Menardi. Venus latilirata, .® oe by V. scalaris ? Isocardia fraterna, re,? resented by I. cor. Chama corticosa, represc “ented by C. gryphina. Lucina anodonta — L. Mioceu nica? ‘¢ contracta (filosa) — L. bore. ~alis. ‘¢ divaricata, represented by L. 01+! -nata, ‘¢ squamosa (speciosa) = L. pecten (retica: ‘culata). Nucula obliqua — N. nucleus ? — Arca plicatura, represented by A. diluvii. \ Ga Myoconcha incurva, represented by Mytilus Haidingeri - - Perna maxillata — P. Soldanii. Fs < a. CRAG. pals 5 | Ostrea Virginiana, represented by O. edulis. Lucina filosa (contracta) — L. borealis. ‘¢ crenulata (Conrad) — L. crenulata (Wood) ? «¢ dentata. Nucula obliqua — N, nucleus? Erycinella ovalis. Astarte undulata, represented by A. Omalii. Panopzea Americana, represented by P. Menardi. ‘¢ porrecta — P. gentilis? Pandora arenosa (trilineata pars ?), represented by P. pinna. Saxicava rugosa. Isocardia fraterna, represented by I. cor. ' It is not improbable that the age of the beds of this period will be most nearly represented by that of the deposits of the lower (‘‘ Black’’) Antwerp Crag (Diestian), considered by most Belgian geologists to form the base of the pliocene series of that country (Dewalque, Prodrome @ une Description Géologique de la Belgique, 1880, p. 254), and by Lyell (‘‘Student’s Elements,”’ p. 185), as the ‘‘first links of a downward passage from the strata of the pliocene to those of the upper miocene period.’”’ The percentage (46) of recent molluscan forms characterizing the fauna of these Belgian deposits, as determined by Lyell in 1852 (‘‘On the Tertiary Strata of Belgium and French Flanders,’’ Journ, Geol. Soc. London, VIIL., p. 293), is, however, considerably higher than that which has been shown to be the case with the Carolinian fauna. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 187 JUNE 20. The President, Dr. Lripy, in the chair. Twenty-nine persons present. A paper entitled ‘‘On the occurrence of Nummulitic Deposits in Florida, and the association of Nummulites with a fresh-water Fauna,” by Angelo Heilprin, was presented for publication. JUNE 27. Rev. Henry C. McCook, D.D., Vice-President, in the chair. Twenty-two persons present. The following papers were presented for publication :— ‘“On supposed Tertiary Ammonites,” by J. 8. Newberry. “On the age of the Tejon Rocks of California and the occur- rence of Ammonitic Remains in Tertiary Deposits,’ by Angelo Heilprin. The death of Mrs. Eleanor P. Long,a member, was announced. Distribution of Nerves.—Dr. Harrison ALLEN called attention to the nerves as they were found in birds and other animals. He had detected that the arrangement of the follicles for the feathers (pteryls), an account of which Nitzsch has elaborated in his memoir on Pterylography, was associated with peculiarities of distribution of the cutaneous nerves, and it was held by the speaker that a careful study of these nerves, in mammals as well as birds, would result in the elucidation of some interesting . points in connection with the trophic nerves of the integument. He further spoke of the arrangement of the nerves in the anterior extremity of the mammal. He had found the deeper muscles, such as the Pronator Quadratus and Anconeus, supplied by long nerves, while the superficial muscles were supplied by much shorter ones. In Menopoma he had detected a branch of the ulnar nerve passing into the natatorial fold of skin present on the ulnar border of the forearm. He had found in this genus the musculo- spiral nerve and the ulnar nerve to arise from the same trunk, and suggested, as probable, that the deep conjunctions of these nerves in the brachial plexus of man would be found to be a constant one. The ulnar nerve is one of the most interesting in the series, and might be called the manal nerve since it is distributed entirely to 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF | [1882. the hand and the muscles influencing it, and is well developed in forms in which the median is undeveloped. The muscles of the forearm, to which the ulnar nerve goes—the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, and the ulnar portion of the Flexor Profundus Digitorum—are among the most interesting muscles in the limb. Both muscles are singularly constant. They are the most effective muscles in the backward movement of the manus in swimming and in walking, and in the case of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, in making tense that portion of the wing membrane of the bat lying between the manus and the side of the body. The course of some of the cutaneous nerves of the manus in the bat is indicated by raised folds of the integument, which, when present, have systemic significance. Mr. Henry Howson was elected a member. JULY 4. Mr. Meenan, Vice-President, in the chair. Eleven persons present. The death of Chas. L. Sharpless and that of Joseph Swift, members, were announced. The following were ordered to be published :— 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 189 ON THE OCCURRENCE OF NUMMULITIC DEPOSITS IN FLORIDA, AND THE ASSOCIATION OF NUMMULITES WITH A FRESH-WATER FAUNA. BY ANGELO HEILPRIN. Beside the so-called Nummulites Mantelli of Morton (“ Synop- sis Org. Rem. Cretac. Group,” p. 45, 1834), a species now known to belong to the genus Orbitoides, only one other form of sup- posed Nummulite has been recorded as occurring fossil in any North American formation. This is the Nummulites Floridanus from the ‘upper Eocene limestone” of Tampa Bay, Florida, described by Conrad in Vol. II (new series) of the American Journal of Science and Arts ” (1846). The species is there said to be abundant, and is referred to the subgenus Assilina’ of D’Orbigny. The description given is brief, but at the same time very broad, and no reference of any kind is made to the internal chambers or the partitions of the test; nor does the figure appended to the description, which resembles a nummulite only in the circumferential outline, give the faintest indication of these characters. In fact, if Conrad’s figure is at all carefully drawn, it would much more nearly indicate a species of the genus Orbi- culina than of Nummulites. In the “ Catalogue of the Eocene Annulata, Foraminifera, Echinodermata, and Cirrepedia of the United States,” prepared by the same author (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences of Phila., vol. 17, p. 74, 1865) the form in question ( Cristellaria? Floridana of D’Orbigny, Prodrome de Paléontologie, vol. II, p. 406) is referred to the new genus Nemophora of Con- rad, the characters of which are not stated, and whose relations to Nummulites, if any such exist, are left to the imagination of the reader to determine.2- In numerous specimens of rock frag- ments that have been kindly furnished from different parts of the State of Florida by Dr. Eugene A. Smith, State Geologist of 1 By some authors the members of this group are considered to have dis- tinctive characters sufficient to separate them as a genus apart from Nwm- mulites (La Harpe, Etude sur les Nummulites du Comté de Nice, Bulletin de la Soc. Vaud. des Sc. Nat., vol. XVI, p. 211. 1879). 2 As is the case with a very large proportion of Conrad’s genera, no diag- nosis of the ‘‘ genus’? Nemophora appears ever to have been furnished ; at least, it has not been the good fortune of the writer to discover an $ such, 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AUVADEMY OF | 1882. Alabama, and Mr. Joseph Willcox, of this city, the writer has carefully searched for foraminiferal remains that might with any amount of positiveness be identified with the form above referred to, but without success. While the Operculina (Cristellaria ’) rotella, stated by Conrad (loc. cit.) to occur with the so-called Nummulite, was found in sufficiently great abundance in some of the rock fragments—in fact, largely entering into the composition of their incoherent masses—no trace of anything answerable to the latter could be detected, unless certain associated disciform bodies, measuring a quarter of an inch or more in diameter, and ornamented on the external surface with regular concentric lines of prominent granules, were actually the objects sought after.’ But in these the spiral volutions represented by Conrad could not be detected, nor does that author make reference in his species to any external ornamentation consisting of granules. On the whole, we believe, it may be safely affirmed that the Nemophora had nothing in common with the genus Nummulites beyond a resemblance in outline, and the general community of character that would place all similar organisms in the one class of the foraminifera. The existence, therefore, of any fossil North American Nummulites may be considered to have been thus far at best but very doubtful. But whatever doubt may have hitherto existed as to the occurrence of North American Nummulites, none such can any longer remain. From an examination of rock specimens that were recently obtained by Mr. Willcox from the western shore of the peninsula of Florida, the writer has been enabled to determine positively not only the existence there of these organisms, but their occurrence (locally) in such quantities as to constitute by their masses a true nummulitic rock. The rock in question is a white or yellowish-white friable limestone, found in the immediate neighborhood of the Cheeshowiska River, Hernando County, a few miles (4) from the coast line. The rock whence the fragments were obtained occupies a level not more than two feet above tide- water of the Gulf. All the specimens of Nummulites appear to belong to a single species, and to the sub-genus Nummulina, in which, as distinguished from Assilina, the individual whorls 1 These bodies appear to represent a new form of foraminiferal test, but their imperfect preservation precludes the possibility of a satisfactory diagnosis. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 191 completely envelop each other, and to which the most character- istic foreign representatives of the genus—N. levigatus, N. com- planatus, N. planulatus, N. intermedius, 1 etc., belong. The tests, varying in size up be @-_4 to about 3 inch in diameter, are in an ie i excellent state of preservation, and may be readily sliced open so as to show the internal structure. A central initial cham- ber is distinctly visible. To this species, belonging to the group of the plicate of D’Archiac, I would propose, from the name of its discoverer, the specific designation of N. Willcoxi.'! As to the age of the formation represented by these nummu- litie deposits, there might appear to be at first sight no question of doubt. The presence alone of Nummulites in any formation is almost positive indication as to the eocene or oligocene age of that formation, and the more especially when the remains of these organisms occur in any abundance.” Admitting the supposition of this age, we should naturally look to the associated fossils for further confirmatory evidence bearing on this point. Singularly enough in the case of the Florida nummulitic rocks—at least in 1 Nummulites Willcovi : Test regularly rounded, tumid (more especially in the earlier stage), and measuring in the largest specimen about 4 inch in diameter ; external surface distinctly marked by the arcuate, and some- what wavy outlines of the septal prolongations ; volutions about 5, completely enyeloping ; septa close set, about 35-45 in the last whorl, and well flexed ; central initial chamber distinctly visible. While on further investigation this species may be found to be identical with one of the numerous forms described from the nummulitic deposits of Eur-Asia, from several of which it scarcely appears to differ, yet in the absence of actual specimens with which to institute direct comparisons, and the difficulty that attaches to the specific determination of this class of organisms, I have preferred to follow the safer course, and to describe it as distinct. According to Carpenter, Kitchen Parker and Rupert Jones, all the various “‘specifically distinct’’ forms described as belonging to the sub- genus (or genus), Nummulina, of which, up to 1853, 55 were recognized by D’Archiac and Haime, are referable to a single species, which is conse- quently co-extensive with the genus (Carpenter, ‘Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera,’’ Roy Soc. Rep., 1862, pp. 273-4). ? Nummulites are excessively rare in deposits newer (miocene or pliocene) than the oligocene. 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. ‘ the fragments that have been placed at my disposal—with very few exceptions all the molluscan remains belong to a period much more recent than the eocene, and to species that ave still living at the present day. And what may appear still more singular, they are referable in principal part to land and fresh-water genera— Glandina, Paludina, Ampullaria.! From this association, and the circumstance that Nummulites are still met with in existing seas, it might readily be inferred that there has been here a co-mingling of contemporaneous marine and fresh-water organisms, and that the deposits in question were laid down under such conditions— proximity to the mouth of a river—where a co-mingling of this kind could take place. Indeed, it would be difficult from paleon- tological evidence alone to disprove such an assumption, were it not that almost incontrovertible proof to the contrary in addition to that furnished by the abundance of Nummulites, is afforded in the presence of the remains of Orbitoides,3 a genus which attained its greatest development in the upper eocene (“‘ Nummulitic’’) and oligocene periods, and which does not appear to have survived the miocene. There can, therefore, be little or no doubt that the rock fragments marked by this admixture of an older and newer (post-pliocene or recent) fauna, and comprising both marine and fresh-water types of organisms, have derived their faunal charac- ters in great part from the deposits of a more ancient formation, which formation represents, and is the equivalent of a portion of the European ‘‘Nummulitic” (whether eocene or oligocene). The exact locality or localities which these Florida nummulitic deposits occupy in situ has not yet been ascertained, but it is fair to assume that the beds lie along the Gulf border (possibly in great part submerged), where, through the disintegrating action of the oceanic surf, their fragments have at a comparatively recent period been washed together with the material that at the same time was being carried out by the fresh-water streams. The ‘The recent species Glandina parallela, Paludina ( Vivipara) Waltonit (Tryon), and Ampullaria depressa have been identified by Mr. Tryon. * Very rare ; all the forms are referable to the type WV. planulatus (Car- penter, op. cit., p. 275; Zittel, Handbuch der Paléiontologie, vol. 1, part 1, p. 100, 1876), of the same group (plicate ; radiate of Carpenter) to which NV. Willcoxt belongs. * Resembling in outline the European 0. ephippium. 1882.] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 193 precise position which the formation holds in the nummulitic scale as fixed by Hantken or La Harpe (Htude sur les Nummulites du Comté de Nice, Bull. de la Soc. Vaud. des Se. Nat., vol. XVLI., pp. 223-4, 1879), cannot be positively determined from our present data, since exceptionally the group of the Nummulites plicatez is represented as well in the oldest as in the newest of the tertiary deposits marked by the members of this class of organisms. Ficures. Nummulites Willcozi. 1, Natural size; 2, Same, enlarged. 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. ON SUPPOSED TERTIARY AMMONITES. BY J. S. NEWBERRY. In the last issue of the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences (1882, Part 1, p. 94), Prof. Heilprin announces the dis- covery of Ammonites in rocks of tertiary age, viz.: the Tejon group of California. Inasmuch as the verification of this statement would abrogate one of the most important distinctions between the cretaceous and tertiary fauna, I would ask Prof. Heilprin to reconsider his conclusion and review carefully the accessible facts bearing on the case. Undoubtedly the succession of living organisms on the earth has been unbroken, and somewhere there are connecting links between the faunas of all the different geological systems. A scheme of geological classification is, however, not only a con- venience, but a necessity, and that at present in general use has been established by such an amount of concurrent testimony that modifications of it should only be accepted on the most undoubted evidence. The question of the age of the Tejon and Chico groups of California is not a new one. In 1855 Dr. Trask made the announcement in the first volume of the Proceedings of the Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences, now repeated by Prof. Heilprin, that is, the discovery of Ammonites in tertiary rocks. These he con- sidered tertiary because they contained two fossils, pronounced by Mr. Conrad identical with his Mactra albaria and Nucula divaricata. In my report to Lieut. Williamson in the Pac. R. Road Rept., vol. vi, Geol. p. 24, I question the accuracy of the conclusions of Dr. Trask, and the thorough investigation of the subject afterward by Mr. Gabb and Mr. Meek left no doubt whatever that the Chico Creek deposits—those in question—were of cretaceous age, as they were found to contain Ammonites, Baculites Inoceramus and other indisputable cretaceous fossils. The Tejon group in which Prof. Heilprin now records the existence of Ammonites overlies the Chico beds, and forms, according to Mr. Gabb, the summit of the California cretaceous series. But there are many species common to the Tejon and Chico groups, and where one goes the other must follow. After years of study on the spot and in the light of a greater array of facts than have been | 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 195 before any other paleontologist, Mr. Gabb was decided in his reference of the Tejon group to the cretaceous system. The material which Mr. Conrad had on which to base an opinion was less abundant, but it was sufticient to satisfy him that his original classification of the rocks in question was erroneous. I would therefore ask in the interest of geological truth, that Prof. Heil- prin would give to a question so important as this, very full consideration, and, if possible, make a study of the facts in the field before discarding the conclusions of Prof. Whitney, Mr. Gabb, Mr. Conrad, and Mr. Meek. 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. ON THE AGE OF THE TEJON ROCKS OF CALIFORNIA, AND THE OCCUR- RENCE OF AMMONITIC REMAINS IN TERTIARY DEPOSITS. BY ANGELO HEILPRIN. The controversy which for a long time was maintained between Conrad and Gabb as to the age of the Tejon rocks of California, referred by the former to the eocene series, and by the latter considered to represent the uppermost member of the cretaceous (Division B of the California Report), can scarcely be considered to have settled the question at issue.! Both paleontologists appear to have maintained their respective positions to the last, and to have permitted no considerations to outweigh the mass of proof that at the same time was bearing in both directions.” The essence of Conrad’s views briefly stated is: That a portion of the rocks, that of Cafada de las Uvas, included in the cretaceous, fails “to show one cretaceous fossil,” whereas, on the contrary, it is held to contain at least two representative, and at the same time highly characteric tertiary forms—‘ Venericardia planicosta and Aturia zic-zac ;” and that, where in other deposits referred to the same horizon, an association between tertiary and creta- ceous species obtains, such an association has been brought about as the result of the breaking up of the materials of an older formation, and the mixing up of their contained remains with those”of a newer period. By Gabb, on the other hand, it is main- tained that many of the forms referred to as tertiary species are in reality not such; that a repeated admixture between what have been considered to be strictly tertiary forms and cretaceous species manifests itself throughout the entire Californian (so- called) cretaceous series; and that no such breaking up and re-formation, as has been claimed by Conrad, are anywhere apparent. ‘Conrad, Amer. Journ. of Conchology, I (1865), pp. 362-5 ; II (1866), pp. 97-100; Amer. Journ. of Science, new ser. XLIV (1867), pp. 376-7. Gabb, Amer. Journ. of Conchology, II (1866), pp. 87-92; Amer. Journ. of Science, new ser. XLIV (1867), pp. 226-9 ; Proc, California Acad. Nat. Sciences, III (1867), pp. 301-6. *The writer is informed by one who was intimately acquainted with both parties, that Conrad finally yielded his position, but he has been unable to discover the evidences of such a change of opinion in any of that author’s writings. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 197 The most elaborate defense of Gabb’s position is that published in the “ Proceedings ” of the California Academy of Natural Sciences for 1867 (pp. 301-6), in a paper entitled “ On the Subdi- visions of the Cretaceous Formation in California.’’ In this paper the author essays to show, by means of comparative tables, the close relation that exists between the faunal characters of the upper and lower members of his cretaceous group (Divisions B and A of the California Report), and to prove by this relation- ship the fallaciousness of a classification that would relegate the deposits of the group to two distinct eras in geological chron- ology. The following table of organic remains representing the fauna of the Tejon group (Division B), with the various localities of their occurrence, is there appended :! Inver-| Upp.r Division | medi- (B) ate | Lower Divisiuns and Remarks. Beds, Calianassa Stimpsonii, Cok: Chico. Aturia Mathewsonii, MAC se | Martinez. Nautilus Texanus, C. Shasta Co. Ammonites, n. s., C.M. Curry’s; Benicia; Marti- Typhis antiquus, M.T. [fez. Fusus Martinez, M.T F. Mathewsonii, M.C Curry’s. F. Diaboli, C. F. aratus, M. F. Californicus, Cyn: LL. Hemifusus Hornii, T. H. Cooperii, C.D. H. Remondii, M.C.T.G ? Neptunea supraplicata, OlD: N. gracilis, M. Perissolax brevirostris, LL. |Many localities. P. Blakei, M.C.T, Turris Claytonensis, Oe be T. raricostata, C. (Varicostata by error in Cordiera microptygma, Aly [Rep.) Tritonium Hornii, CT. ' A few species occurring in beds said to be intermediate between B and A, but not properly belonging to the Tejon Group, are here included. In addition to the 107 (112, inclusive of those from the ‘‘ intermediate ”’ beds) species enumerated in the list, a small number of other forms have been described in vol. II (1869) of the ‘‘ Paleontology’ of the California Survey. The different localities in the above table are designated by let- ters, as follows : M, Martinez; C, Clayton to Marsh’s , T, vicinity of Fort Tejon ; G, a locality 10 miles west of Griswold’s, near New Idria ; I, New Idria ; D, San Diego ; LL, Lower Lake Village, 1 mile southeast of the town. 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. ee —<—<—<—————— T. Diegoensis, T. paucivaricatum, T. Whitneyi, Buccinum liratum, Nassa cretacea, Pseudoliva lineata, P. volutformis, Olivella Mathewsonii, Ancillaria elongata, Fasciolaria leviuscula, F. sinuata, F. Io, Mitra cretacea, Whitneya ficus, Ficus mamillatus, Natica Uvasana, Lunatia Shumardiana, L. Hornii, L. nuciformis, Gyrodes expansa, Neverita secta, ING 105 he Naticina obliqua, Amauropsis alveata, Morio tuberculatus, Sealaria (Opalia) Mathewsonii Niso polita, Cerithiopsis alternata, Architectonica cognata, A. Hornii, Margaritella crenulata, Conus Remondii, C, Hornii, C, sinnatus, Rimella canalifera, R. simplex, Aporrhais angulata, Cyprea Bayerquei, Turritella Uvasana, T. Saffordii, T. infragranulata, Galerus excentricus, Spirocrypta pileum, Gadus pusillus, Dentalium Cooperii, D. stramineum, Bulla Hornii, Cylichna costata, Megistostoma striata, Martesia clausa, Solen parallelus, Solena Diegoensis, Corbula Hornii, Inter- Upper Division medi- (B). ate | Lower Divisions and Remarks. iD: 'E: TD: M. LL. M.T.G. M. ty, M.T.G.C. C.D. C. LL. TD, T. M. itp ue die LL. |Martifiez and elsewhere. T OLED) LL. |Almost everywhere. T. Gait iu) Delle M.C.T.G.D.|LL. |Curry’s; 5. of Mt. Diablo. M.T.C.G.D. M. Men. M.C. M.C.T. i j05 M.C.T.D Ve Ty M.D. C.D. M. M.C. M.C.T.G. LL. |M. and Solano Co. M. M.C.T.D.1. \LL. Tei LL MGT. M.D. Curry’s; S.of Mt. Diablo. M.D. Curry’s;S.of Mt. Diablo. ‘i M.C.T.D M.; Texas Flat and many M. [other localities. G. Pence’s; Texas Flat, ete. M.C.T \D. (liv 1882. | NATURAL C. parilis, Newra dolabreformis, Mactra Ashburnerii, Gari texta, Tellina longa, T. Remondii, T. Hoffmaniana, T, Hornii, T. Californica, Meretrix Uvasana, M. Hornii, M. ovalis, Dosinia elevata, D. gyrata, Tapes Conradiana, T. quadrata, Cardium Cooperii, C. Brewerii, Cardita Hornii, Lucina cumulata, L. cretacea, Mysia polita, Crassatella grandis, C. Uvasana, Mytilus ascia, Modiola ornata, Septifer dichotomus, Crenella concenirica, Ayicula pellucida, Area Hornii, Cucullea Mathewsonii, Barbatia Morsei, Axinea sagittata, A. Veatchii, Nucula (Acila) truncata, Leda protexta, Placunanomia inornata, Flabellum Remondianum, Urper Division SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Inter- medi- ate Beds. 199 | Lower Divisions and Remarks. 4 _ lon QZAAABORN i io SSS Sao: OOnRRO 8 Hao a4 iG” Q° Hae 4 ta nl = Lae Ll ZoOnBeHE (ap) OR 4 4 Q - i ‘onion ans 20 LL. -like marks, the apex of each joining the lower limb of the one in advance; head green; dorso-caudal spine black. 3. Grass-green, smooth, with lateral white V-like marks as in No. 2; the oblique bands bordered above by blackish or brownish ; upper part, especially in front, more or less dotted with white ; head green, with a pair of black bands on each side; dorso-caudal spine black. 4. Yellowish green, annulated with narrow black lines; with lateral white V-like marks, the oblique bands bordered above with black; head bright pea-green ; dorso-caudal spine red. 5. Dull green, with more or less brown dorsally and dotted with white, the dots more or less tuberculate, but otherwise smooth ; with lateral white V-like marks, the oblique band bordered above with brown ascending to the dorsal median line; head green with a lateral pair of black bands; dorso-caudal spine black. 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. 6. Chocoiate-brown to nearly black, smooth, with white dots dorsally and anteriorly, with lateral white V-like marks; head shining black on each side; dorso-caudal spine shining black. 7. The same as No. 6, with lateral red V-like marks. Among these more marked varieties others were noticed which were more or less of an intermediate character. The most common variety was that which was least distinguishable in color from the animal’s location, the tobacco-leaf, so that it was especially favored in its preservation. Prof. Leidy further remarked that the past season had appeared to be favorable to many of the Lepidoptera. Our shade-trees had been greatly ravaged by the Orgyia; many of the poplars had suffered from the Clostera inclusa, and he had observed an unusual quantity of the Ailanthus silk-worm, Afttacus cynthia, upon the Ailanthus-trees. The latter was introduced here in 1861, by Dr. Thomas Stewardson. Dr. Wm. M. Gray was elected a member. OctToBER 3, 1882. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Twenty-seven members present. Apparent Bird Tracks by the Sea-shore.—Mr,THoMAs MEEHAN called attention to what appeared to be the track of a three-toed bird in the sand, near low-water mark, at Atlantic City. They were generally regarded by observers as bird tracks. While looking at them, recently, he noted that there were no birds about to make such recent tracks, and also that the tracks would have to be made in every case by a bird facing the water, which, in the nature of things, would be improbable. While reflecting on this, he noted on the face of the smooth receding waves, spots where the water sparkled in the light, and he found this was caused by little riplets as the wavelet passed down over the half exposed bodies of a small crustacean, Hippa talpoidea, and that the water in passing over the bodies, made the trifid marks which had been taken for impressions of bird’s feet. This little creature took shelter in the sand near low-water mark, and entered head fore- most in a perpendicular direction downwards, resting just beneath the surface. The returning wave took some of the surface sand with it, and thus the lower portions of the bodies, uppermost in the sand, were exposed. Often the creatures would be entirely washed out, when, recovering themselves, they rapidly advanced in a direction contrary to the retreat of the wave, and entered the wet sand again as before, their sides being parallel with the shore. The body terminated in a caruncular point which, with the posi- 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 239 tion of the two hind-legs, made a tridentate obstruction to the sand brought down by the retreating wave, and the water passing around the points made the three toe-like or ooves which resembled a bird’s foot from one and a half to two ‘inches long. The crea- tures in their scrambles for protection beneath the sand , managed to keep at fair distances from each other, and hence ‘there was considerable regularity in the tracks as if they had really been produced by birds. ‘He added that he presented the observation as a mere trifle, but he could not help remarking that if by any means these trifid impressions should get filled with mud, and the deposit become solid rock, it would be very natural for observers, ignorant of their origin, to mistake marks like these for the tracks of birds. Scent Organ of Papilio.Mr. H. Skinner remarked that the larvee of Papilio turnus and P. troilus when irritated, project from a slit in the prothoracic segment, an orange-colored bifid organ. The apparatus is a scent organ, and gives out a strong and disagreeable odor perceptible at some distance, and seems to be designed to defend the caterpillar from numerous enemies. The anatomy of the organ seems to have escaped investigation, as most authors merely mention its existence, one describing it simply as fleshy. It has the appearance of being a solid organ, but it is in reality hollow throughout the entire extent, and of very thin texture, tapering oradually toa point. It is drawn in by invagination, and is protruded after the same method. If the larvee be held so that the sunlight may pass through the extended organ, the process of intussusception may be distinctly seen. Asymmetry of the Turbinated Bones.—Dr. HARRISON ALLEN, in the course of remarks on the asymmetry of paired structures in mammals, invited the attention of the members to asymmetry in the inferior turbinated bones of the human subject. This asym- metry may exist independently of the deflection of the nasal septum, and may involve the entire length of the bones. The nasal chamber may also be asymmetrical, and even the choana of one side be much smaller than the space of the opposite side. It was thought that such asymmetry involving the pterygoid pro- cesses of the sphenoid bones, was due to early and probably pre-natal influences, as opposed. to the asymmetry due to acquired deflection of the septum. Some peculiarities of the floor of the nose which have not been described, were defined. Among these was mentioned the eleva- tion of the premaxilla as it lies on the floor of the nose above the level of the horizontal plate of the superior maxilla. This eleva- tion tended to conceal the inferior turbinated bone from inspection from the anterior nares. Some forms of obstruction to nasal respiration in man were thought by the speaker to be due to the conformation of the parts as described. A peculiar thickening of 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. the horizontal plates of the palatal bone, which was thought to be within the range of normal variation, was next mentioned. The erectile character of the mucous membrane of the nasal chambers, while best developed upon the middle and turbinated bones, is also present about the organ of Jacobson. This phase of the erectile tissue, while rudimental in the human subject, is highly developed in the lower mammals, and is especially conspic- uous in the domestic cat. Microscopical sections of the organs with their related erectile masses were exhibited, and attention invited to the probable use of the masses in guarding the anterior orifices of the nasal chambers. The erectile tissue may be said to open or close the orifices from within as the adductor and the abductor muscles of the wings of the nostrils may close or open them from without. The following were ordered to be printed :— 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 241 VERIFICATION OF THE HABITAT OF CONRAD’S MYTILUS BIFURCATUS. BY ROBERT E. C. STEARNS. In the late Dr. Philip Carpenter’s Report to the British Asso- ciation (1856) on the Mollusca of the West Coast of North America, paragraph 39, occur these words : “During the years 1834-5, Thomas Nuttall, Esq., for many years Professor of Natural History at Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S., visited the then almost unsearched shores of California, by a journey across the Rocky Mountains, under the escort of a trading company. Although his object was principally botanical, his love of natural science induced him to collect all the shells he could meet with; and with such good success, that many of his species have not to this day been again discovered. The peculiar interest attaching to his researches is, that he did not visit any part of the coast north of Oregon or south of San Diego. There is no danger, therefore, of any admixture with the shells of the Gulf district ; and his collections may be regarded as the type of the Californian fauna strictly so-called. Leaving the American shores, Mr. Nuttall visited the Sandwich Islands, whence he only brought one species belonging to the American fauna, viz., Hipponyx Grayanus, on a Pinna. “On his return to the United States, via Cape Horn, the description of the marine shells was undertaken by Mr. T. A. Conrad, and the land and fresh-water species by Mr. Lea. The latter gentleman communicated his paper to the American Philo- sophical Society, where it will be found in the ‘ Transactions,’ vol. vi; Mr. Conrad read his paper before the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, in January and February, 1837. It is published in the second part of the ‘ Journal’ of the Society, vol. vii, pp. 227-268. * * * * * * * “The work bears the appearance of undue haste, * * * the localities cannot always be depended upon, * * * and the descrip- tions being in English would not have been entitled to claim precedence, were it not that they are accompanied by tolerably recognizable figures.” ! 1 Jour. Ac. N.S., v. 7, Pl. 18, f. 14. Sp. 2184, Jay’s Cat., p. 77, 4th ed., 1852. 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. On page 109 of the same (1856) report of Carpenter’s, he gives Mytilus bifurcatus, Conr., Jay, 2184, “ Sandwich Is.”—“ on rocks, bare at low water—Conr.”; and adds; “ No knowledge of the locality of this shell exists, except the statement of Conrad, which alone is not binding, and its appearance among the Mexican War shells, the collectors of which brought home nothing from the Sandwich Islands.” On page 563,in paragraph 62, of Carpenter’s second report (1863), in commenting on the species and figures in Reeve’s “Conch. Ic.,” he prints as follows : “41, Mytilus bifurcatus, Conr., J.A.N.S. Phil., Hab.? [Conr. assigns his Nuttallian species to California; but it is the common Sandwich Is. species, teste Pse. The Californian shell, with the same sculpture, is a Septifer, and is the S. bifurcatus of Mus. Cum.]” So far as regards the Sandwich Islands form, at this moment I am without specimens for comparison, and am satisfied with Pease’s identification as to close resemblance. While Conrad was very often somewhat careless in his work, in the case before us he was correct, and Carpenter’s criticism in this instance was not deserved, as both Septifer and Mytilus, that is to say both Reeve’s and Conrad’s species, are found at San Diego, and an examination of numbers of specimens collected by different parties during the past ten years, shows that an examination of the interior of the valves is necessary in order to determine to which group specimens belong. I have been unable, after the most careful inspection, to find any external differences by which I could separate them. ‘ The Septifer from the Gulf of California, in the Xantus col- lection No. 118 = 169 of the Mazatlan Catalogue, I am not familiar with, and would suggest its comparison with S. bifurcatus, but Carpenter’s Mytilus multiformis, No. 117 of the Xantus list = 169 of the Mazatlan Catalogue, I should regard as the southern form of Conrad’s Mylilus bifurcatus. Specimens of.the two species are contained in my collection, in that of the Philadelphia Academy, and in the National Museum, Washington. PEA OF ACAD.OF NAT_SCI. PROC VORAX DICTYOPHORA ANNULATA / c INQUIETUS A Jt 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 243 ROTIFERA WITHOUT ROTARY ORGANS. BY PROF. JOSEPH LEIDY. The Rotifera or Wheel-animalcules, form a small class, abundant in kind and found almost Serr iers in association with Alge, and with Infusorians to which they were formerly panei to belong. Later they have been recognized as not having the simple cell structure of the latter, and for a time were regarded as pertaining to the Crustacea. They are now commonly looked upon as belonging to the group of Worms, but their relative position cannot yet be considered as positively determined. They generally possess a chitinous integument with a more or less annulate disposition or tendency to articulate division ; but they are destitute of limbs. Some are provided with a carapace and recall crustacean forms, but in other points they exhibit but little likeness to them. Their usually striking characteristic, the rotary disks, from which they are named, is not possessed by any well- marked Crustacean. Among the Rotifera, however, there appear to be some which do not possess the rotary organs, at least in the mature condition, and yet in all other respects the animals conform in structure with ordinary forms. Dujardin (Infusoires, 1841, 653, Pl. 22, fig. 2) was the first to describe a Rotifer destitute of rotary organs, to which he gave the name of Lindia torulosa. It is a free, swimming, worm- pe telescopic form, common in the class. Gosse (@oeals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1851, viii, 199) described an allied form, without rotary organs, ace the name of Taphro- campa annulosa. Cohn (Zeits. f. wissens. Zoologie, 1858, 287, Taf. xiii, fig. 1, 2) described a Rotifer resembling Lindia, but possessing rotary organs. He supposes it to be the same; and suspects that in the animal observed by Dujardin, the rotary disks had been withdrawn, in a manner common to the class. He remarksithat the existence of a Rotifer, without vibratile cilia, would be a rude abnormity in the class, the more so because the possession of cilia is the most important character which separates the Rotifers from the Crus- taceans. In a marginal note I find that some years ago, at Newport, 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. R. I., I observed a Rotifer apparently devoid of rotary organs, which I took to be the Lindia of Dujardin. However, even previously to Cohn’s communication (see these Proceedings, 1857, 204), I described an animal which I regarded as a Rotifer, without doubt entirely destitute of the characteristic rotary organs or any trace whatever of vibratile cilia. It was named Dictyophora vorax ; and it is quite different in form from the preceding animals. It is spheroidal, inarticulate, without carapace, or jointed tail; and possesses a large protractile and retractile pouch or cup, as a substitute for the ordinary rotary disks. It is attached to fixed objects, and has been observed on several occasions adherent to stones and the glass of an aquarium. The description of the animal, unaccompanied by illustration, seems never to have attracted attention. Some years subsequently, Meczinchow (Zeits. f. wis. Zoologie, 1866, 346, Taf. xix) described a similar Rotifer to mine, under the name of Apsilus lentiformis. It was found, at Giessen, attached to the leaves of Nymphza lutea. It is larger than Dictyophora, and differs mainly in the possession of bristled tentacles (“‘ Geftihlorgane ”) and a ganglion to the pouch, neither of which were observed by me in Dictyophora. The following year, Claparede (An. d. Se. Nat,, 1867, viii, 12, Pl. 4, figs. 3, 4) described another Rotifer, without the charac- teristic organs, under the name of Balatro calvus. It resembles the earlier described forms, and was observed to be parasitic on worms, in the River Seime, Canton of Geneva. A short time since, Mr. S. A. Forbes (Am. Month. Micros. Jour., 1882, 102, 151), of Normal, Illinois, described a Rotifer, destitute of rotary disks, with the name of Cupelopagus bucinedaz. It was found attached to the glass of an aquarium, and it appears to me to be so nearly like Dictyophora voraz, that I suspect it to be the same. More recently, while examining some Plumatella diffusa from the Schuylkill River, below Fairmount dam, my attention was attracted to several groups of Megalotrocha alba, attached to the tubes of the former, and surrounding another animal of strange and novel character. This on examination proved to be another remarkable Rotifer, without rotary organs, and it is the interest which attaches to this discovery which has led to the present communication. As with many analagous things, I had not the 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 245 leisure to give it due study, and yet I felt that if I reserved it for future investigation, I might never meet with a more favorable opportunity for the purpose. The new Rotifer I propose to name Acyclus inquietus, from its being destitute of wheels, or ciliated disks, and from its apparently restless habit. It is considerably larger than Megalotrocha, measures nearly a half line long, and can readily be distinguished, in groups of the latter, with the naked eye. It was observed in eight instances, in each, alone and always enclosed in a group of the Megalotrocha, above which, from its greater size, it towered like a giant in a crowd. In its constitution, for the most part it resembles Megalotrocha, and is attached in the same manner. In its movements it bends rather abruptly in different directions and curves downward so as to bring its prehensile mouth on a level with the currents produced by the rotary disks of the surrounding Megalotroche. Sometimes alone or in company with the latter, it suddenly contracts and then more slowly elongates and resumes its bending motions, scarcely for a moment appearing in an erect attitude. Occasionally it will even double on itself to such a degree that the extremities are approximated, or as the motion is commonly expressed, the head nearly touches the end of the tail or point of attachment. The movements of the creature recalled to me those of the avicularia of some of the marine Polyzoa, or of the pedicellaria of Echini. At one time I had the opportunity of seeing an individual of Plumatella with outspread arms, and in its immediate vicinity a group of Megalotroche with open disks and an Acyclus in its midst, together with two worms of the genus Dero, with extended and expanded branchial tails, all acting together in concert, apparently perfectly regardless of the presence of one another— messmates partaking of the same repast. Acyclus is translucent whitish with the thicker part of the body yellowish or brownish, due to the color of the capacious intestine shining through the integument. It was difficult to obtain a clear and accurate view of the exact mode of attachment and the internal structure of the animal, from its incessant motions, its becoming wrinkled in contraction, and from its being obscured by the surrounding bunch of Megalotroche. In the attempt to remove these, the Acyclus was detached and then would contract to such a degree, that nothing could be determined as to the arrangement 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. of its organs. Under the circumstances the accompanying figure 1, Plate II, of the animal, is to be regarded as only approx- imately correct. Most of the individuals seen were naked, like Megalotrocha, but had adherent a profusion of eggs. In two instances the animal was included in a copious colorless gelatinous sheath, as represented in the figure, but had also adherent a large bunch of eggs, in one of which bunches I counted upwards of fifty. The head of Acyclus substitutes the rotary disk of the Megal- otrocha and other Rotifers provided with this organ. It is in the form of a cup prolonged at the mouth into an incurved beak, as rep- resented in figures 1-4. It is retractile and protrusile, contractile and expansile. When protruded and expanded the mouth gapes widely, and the beak becomes more exteuded, but always remains incurved. The mouth is bordered by a delicate membrane extending to the rounded end of the beak and presenting a festooned appeagance. In contraction of the mouth the marginal membrane becomes inflected, the orifice constricted, and the beak more incurved. In contraction of the head or oral cup, it is reduced to half the bulk of its expanded condition, while the mouth is constricted and the beak is rolled in a single spiral inwardly as seen in figures 2, 3. The extension of the head below forms a narrowed and trans- versely wrinkled neck which expands into the body. The expansion and contraction of the head appear to be due to the flow of a milky liquid between the coelum or body-cavity and intervals in the walls of the oral cup or head. The retraction of the latter is produced by longitudinal muscles, which may be seen in the wall of the cup extending from the wall of the body just below the neck to the festooned membrane bordering the mouth. The movements of the mouth with the partial extension and involution of the beak, together with the general movement of the animal, were strongly suggestive of those of the proboscis of an elephant. The oral cavity converges in a funnel-like manner to a pouch occupying the neck. The pouchis seen to contract and expand from time to time, but it was indistinctly defined. At the bottom of the pouch there is a small mastax or muscular pharynx provided with minute jaws. These parts were but indistinctly seen, and indeed the jaws could be detected only after compressing the animal and examining it with the 75 objective glass of the micro- 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 247 scope. The jaws are composed of a parallel series of about twenty teeth. The body of the animal is fusiform or elliptical and narrows into a long tail, attached by the end. In contraction, the body and tail become more or less wrinkled transversely, as in Megalo- trocha. The tail is occupied by retractor muscles extending from the walls of the body. The cavity of the latter is occupied by a eapacious stomach, elliptical in shape and extending from the mastax to the root of the tail, but its mode of termination I did not detect. The anal aperture occupies a position near the latter, but its exact character I also failed to determine. The interval of the stomach and wall of the body is occupied by the ovaries and ova. In the vicinity of the lower extremity of the stomach there were several yellow spherical balls; a large one with concentric layers, and several small ones apparently of the same nature. The character of these I could not make out. An ovum was observed to be discharged in the vicinity of the anal aperture, but its outlet was not distinguished. The ova are large and oval, and exhibit no signs of segmentation at the time of extrusion. The embryo, figs. 5, 6, developed in the egg exterior to the parent, at the time of its escape is a soft worm-like body, with a blunt head end and tapering behind to a rounded tail end in the dorsal view. The head end, not distinct from the body, is retractile; and the terminal mouth is furnished with vibratile cilia, which are also retractile. The posterior part of the body is indistinctly divided and is retractile in a telescopic manner. In the lateral view the tail end appears slightly notched or furcate, with one branch longer than the other. The head exhibits a pair of minute red eye-points, and a short distance behind, it presents a minute pointed papilla, with a still more minute bristle at the summit. The embryo swims and moves about very much in the manner of the common Rotifer, often adhering by the tail end, retracting head or tail and successively elongating. The chief distinctive characters of the animal thus described are as follows : Acyclus inquietus. Body fusiform, tapering behind into a long narrow tail-like appendage, by which it is attached, not distinctly annulated, but becoming transversely wrinkled in contraction. A non-ciliated cup-like head prolonged into an incurved digitiform appendage 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. (as a substitute for the usual trochal disk), contractile and retractile. Length of the animal from 1:2 te 15 mm.; breadth of body 0°15 to 0:°21mm. Length of head, with moderate extension of the digitiform appendage, 0°216 to 0°27 mm.; breadth, 0°15 to 0:18 mm. Ova, 0-1 to 0°133 long, by 0°06 to 0°09 mm. broad. Embryo, 0°36 mm. long by 0°06 wide at the head end. With the figures of Acyclus, for comparison with this and other Rotifers devoid of trochal disks which have been described, I have given one, fig. 7, of Dictyophora, drawn from observation of the animal some years subsequent to its discovery. The creature was attached to objects in, and to the inner surface of, an aquarium and could not be examined advantageously; and I had deferred my investigation of the animal to a more favorable opportunity. Under the circumstances the drawing must be viewed as only approximately correct. As previously indicated, the original description of Dictyophora vorazx occurs in these Proceedings for 1857. Since then I have had several opportunities of observing it, and it appears readily to be introduced and reproduced in an aquarium with water and aquatic plants from the rivers of our vicinity. Dictyophora is oval or ovoid, with the narrower pole, corre- sponding with the position of the mouth, truncated, and it adheres by a small disk or sucker to one stde of the broader pole. The animal has the power of turning on its point of attachment, but whether it has the power of detaching itself at any time I did not ascertain, though the same individual appeared after some days not to have changed its position. The body is transparent, colorless, and even, and exhibits no signs of annulation, nor does it become transversely wrinkled by contraction. The external chitinous wall presents an appearance of scattered granules or minute tubercles. The interior exhibits the digestive apparatus and other organs, mostly more or less obscured by an accumulation of eggs in various stages of devel- opment. From the truncated extremity of the body, the animal projects a capacious delicate membranous cup, forming more than half a sphere and more than half the size of the body. At will the cup is entirely withdrawn into the body and the orifice of this becomes contracted and puckered into folds radiating from a central point 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 249 or orifice. When protruded the cup expands outwardly like an opening umbrella, and when fully expanded equals the breadth of the body with more than half its depth. It is provided with an irregular reticulation of delicate muscles, mostly longitudinal and .a few transverse, and scarcely distinguishable from wrinkles. Other muscles, acting as retractors, extend from the membranous cup to the inner wall of the body of the animal. The cup or net substitutes the ordinary trochal disks of Rotifers and appears as a most efficient means in catching the animalcules which serve as food to Dictyophora. The prehensile cup opens into a capacious sac which is within the body and occupies a good portion of its upper half. The sac at bottom communicates with a mastax nearly central in position. This is provided with a pair of jaws each consisting of a larger tooth and a vertical series of four smaller ones. he jaws are observed to be in frequent motion, as usual in Rotifers. The mastax opens into a capacious sacculated stomach of a brownish or yellowish color. The outlines of the different por- tions of the alimentary apparatus are difficult to make out from their being more or less obscured by the ova with embryos con- tiguous to them. Muscular fibres pass from the viscera to the outer wall of the coelum, or body-cavity. Adherent to this wall there are situated at different points whitish bodies, similar to those seen in other animals of the class, the nature of which is unknown. Numerous ova, in all conditions from the earliest to those which contain fully developed embryos, occupy the body-cavity of Dictyophora, sometimes in such numbers as to obscure every- thing else from view. Various specimens of Dictyophora with extended cup measured from 0°6 to 1 mm. in length. Closed specimens from 0°35 to 0°6 min. long by 0°28 to 0°5 mm. broad. Ordinarily the body measured from 0°45 to 0°6 mm. long by 0°35 to 0°5 mm. broad. The cup in several ranged from 0°26 to 0°6 mm. both in height and breadth. The animal is exceedingly sensitive, and with the slightest disturbance withdraws its net. It feeds especially on smaller animalcules, and in one instance upwards of fifty of these were squeezed from the stomach. From Apsilus lentiformis, which Dictyophora closely resembles, 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. it differs especially in the absence of the lateral antennz, and the conspicuous ganglion of the cephalic cup. While Lindia, Taphrocampa and Balatro may be open to the suspicion of possessing ciliary rotiform disks, which perhaps were concealed when the animals were observed, the same cannot be the case with Dictyophora, Apsilus and Acyclus. As remarked by Mr. Forbes, the former name had _ been pre- occupied ; and thus if the Cupelopagus should prove to be the same, this name may properly supply its place. REFERENCES TO PLATE II. Figs. 1-6. Acyclus inquietus. Fig. 1. The animal extended, enclosed with eggs, in a gelatinous sheath. Magnified 96 diameters. Figs. 2, 3. Different degrees of contraction of the head-cup. Magnitied 96 diameters. Fig. 4. Anterior view of the head-cup. Magnified 166 diameters. Figs. 5, 6. Front and side view of the embryo. Magnified 80 diameters. Fig. 7. Dietyophora vorax, Animal with its head-cup extended. Mag- nified 75 diameters. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 251 OcToBER 10. The President, Dr. LErpy, in the chair. Twenty-three persons present. A paper entitled “Snares of Orb-Weaving Spiders,” by the Rey. Henry C. McCook, was presented for publication. OcroBeER 17. The President, Dr. Lretpy, in the chair. Twenty-six persons present. On the Mode of Entrance of the Sporidia of Parasitic Fungi.— Mr. Tuomas MEEHAN exhibited specimens of Panicum sanguinale L., the “ Crab-grass” or “ Fall-grass” of the Northern States, which were infested with a species of smut, according to Mr. Ellis allied to Ustilago juncei,! but which were of interest chiefly for the light they might throw on the still disputed question, whether the sporidia of the lower forms of fungi were introduced to the infested plant from the outside, or in some way through the circulatory system. There seemed to be some difficulties in the way of the belief that the introduction could be through the roots, and the spores find their way through the plant-structure to the surface—-and yet there were some positive facts on record, which, unless controverted, showed, impossible as it might seem from a physiological and structural point of view, that there were good reasons for that belief. He referred to papers by Dr. E. Queckett, in the “ Transactions of the Linnean Society,” especially the one published in vol. xix, p. 137, detailing experiments with potted plants of rye and other grains watered with water in which the sporidia of the ergot had been infused. The plants so watered in every case reproduced the ergot in the grain of the growing plants—and in no case did ergot appear in the plants which had ordinary water applied to them. The case now exhibited tended to strengthen the observations of Queckett. Usually specimens of affected grass might be found where the herbage was growing in a mass, and a person could not tell whether the specimens were all from one plant or not. In this ease the specimens of Panicum were all growing in a cultivated field, and in tufts distinct from one another. The plant from * Since this communication was made, Mr. Ellis identified the fungus with Ustilago Rabenhorstiana. fy 252 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. which these specimens were gathered, was surrounded by others, the culms of these surrounding ones interlacing those of the plant exhibited, but only this one plant was infected. He did not count the number of culms, but felt safe in saying there were over fifty. In walking through this field among many “hundreds of plants of this Panicum, he saw only one other plant, which in like manner was infested. This had one perfect panicle only among the numerous infested ones—the interlacing branches of surrounding plants of the same species being free, as in the other instance. It was scarcely credible that sporidia of the Ustilago, floating through the atmosphere, settled on, fifty separate culms of one plant, and not one on the culms of adjacent plants which were growing in and among them. Again, the leaves of the Panicum have a large spathaceous sheath, two or three inches long. The Ustilago attacked the panicle while closely swathed in this sheath, and fully perfected its growth entirely therein. He had indeed to unfold the sheath in order to detect the mass of “smut” to which the embryonic panicle was reduced, in order to detect its presence. Only the peculiar appéarance of the grassy tuft having no inflorescence as in the case of its neighbors, drew attention to the plant in the first instance. If it seemed incredible that fifty culms interlocked with as many from other plants, should each receive a germinating spore alone, it was still more incredible that the spores should have found their way from the outside to the interior of these tightly twisted sheaths. These observations did not prove that the sporidia entered the plant by the roots, and made their way in some incomprehensible manner through the structure to the inflorescence; but they did render the external-entrance hypothesis doubtful, and, in connection with Queckett’s experiments, are possibly of some worth. Dr. Lerpy made some remarks on Mr. Meehan’s communication, showing that the tendency of modern observations rather favored the view that the entrance of the sporidia of microscopic fungi wa from the outside. Sexual Characters in Cephalotarus.—Mr. MErEHan exhibited some fruit of Cephalotarus Fortunii, a Chinese tree, this plant growing on the grounds of P. J. Berckmans, at Augusta, Georgia. This tree had for many years produced male flowers. only. During 1882, it produced abundance of fruit. It showed that the genus was not truly dicecious, and further it afforded an illustration now not uncommon, that trees a long time of one sex only, would sometimes change to another. Sex is not an invariable char- acteristic in an individual tree. A New Infusorian belonging to the Genus Pyxicola. —Prof. Lerpy exhibited drawings of an infusori ian, aspecies of Pyxicola, which appeared to be different from those previously described. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 253 Sa It is of frequent occurrence, attached to the tubes"of P/ umatella, Urnatella and Cordylophora, on stones, in the Schuylkill River, below Fairmount dam. In shape it resembles Pyxicola pusilla and P. affinis, fresh-water forms of England, but is annulate as in P. socialis, a salt-water form. It is represented in figs. 8 and 9, PI. II, and presents the following characters :— PyXIcOLA ANNULATA. Lorica urceolate, slightly curved, inflated towards the middle, tapering below, cylindrical and feebly con- tracted at the neck, and with the aperture oblique and circular ; variably annulate, mostly at the neck, often at the middle; color chestnut-brown, but colorless when young; pedicle short, always colorless. The contained animalcule is of the usual shape; with an attached operculum, which is of the same color as the lorica, and is protruded beyond this when the animal is fully extended. Length of lorica, 0.52 to 0.792 mm.; breadth, 0.02 to 0.0264 mm. ; length of pedicle, .004 to .008 mm. The following was ordered to be printed :— 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. SNARES OF ORB-WEAVING SPIDERS. By Rev. Henry C. McCook, D.D. The characteristics upon which the true spiders should be classified into principal groups have not been agreed upon by araneologists. Without entering upon the discussion I have . accepted the arrangement of Prof. Thorell of Upsala, which is sub- stantially that of Latreille, and is based upon the spinning habits of the animal. That it is open to objection, can readily be shown ; but on the whole it appears more satisfactory than any other. In accordance with this arrangement we have two great groups or divisions; first, the Sedentary Spiders, whose habit is to remain (for the most part) upon or in their web and capture their prey by means of snares; second, the Wandering Spiders, who hunt their food upon the ground, the water or trees. The first division is subdivided into sections according to the general character of the web; the second, according to the chief peculiarity of the spider’s action or gait. . The following tabulated statement will present this arrange- ment :— CLASS ARACHNIDA. ORDER ARANEA. 1. First Division. Sedentary Spiders. Section 1. Orbitelariz, Orb-weavers. “« ~—- 2. ~-Retitelarize, Line-weavers. « 3. Tubitelariz, Tube-weavers. “4. Territelariz, Tunnel-weavers. II. Second Division. Wandering Spiders. Section 5. Citigrade,! Citigrades. “ 6. Laterigradz, Laterigrades. “« 4. Saltigrade, Saltigrades. 1 Prof. Thorell assigns the Laterigrades to the 5th section, the Citi- grades to the 6th. Ihave ventured to so far change this arrangement as to reverse the positions of the Laterigrades and Citigrades. The Citigrades appear to me to approach the Tubeweavers, both in structure and economy, - more nearly than the Laterigrades. So also the step from the Citigrades to the Laterigrades though the genus Dolomedes appears more natural 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 255 This arrangement, based in the main upon the economy of the animal, will be found to harmonize closely with the classification into families, genera and species based upon structural character- istics. I propose in this paper to apply this principle of arrangement according to economy to the first section of the Sedentary Spiders—the Orb-weavers. It should be understood that the classification proposed is simply tentative, and in its present form is incomplete. It is given with the hope that it may lead to something better by fixing the attention of the very few students of our spider-fauna, among whom no such grouping has hitherto been proposed. Moreover, it is hoped that the arrangement may have some interest to naturalists generally as bearing upon the correspondence between structure and economy and the value of habit as a factor in classification. An orb-web may be defined as a series of right lines radiating from a common centre, and crossed at intervals by other right lines attached at the points of contact and covered by viscid beads. Orb-webs are divided generally into Vertical snares and Horizontal snares, according as they are perpendicular to, or parallel with, the plane of the horizon. The Vertical snares I have subdivided into (1) Full Orb, (2) Sectoral Orb, (3) Actinic Orb, (4) Orb Sector; the Horizontal Snares into (5) Plane Orb, (6) Domed Orb. I present the following table :-— ORB-WEAVERS’ SNARES. I. VERTICAL SNARES. Snare spun vertically; spider hanging at the centre of the converged radii, or in a silken or silk-lined den. 1, Full Orbs. Lines crossing all the radii spirally. (Forming complete circles.) i. Simple Snares.—Simple orb of radiating straight lines and concentric circles. a. The hub meshed. Epeira insularis, E. strix.' b. The hub open; central space ribboned or tufted. Acrosoma rugosa, A. spinea, A. mitrata, Gasteracantha cancer. than the reverse, as Thorell has it; and the step to the Saltigrades from the Laterigrades is quite as, if not more, natural than from the Citigrades. From the standpoint of economy alone the passage is certainly easier. ' These are representative species of a large group. 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. c. The central space ribboned, cocoons and debris attached to the ribbon. Cyrtophora caudata. ii. Compound Snares.—Orb partly surrounded by an irregular mass of crossed lines. a. Central space sheeted or ribboned ; wings or guards of crossed lines. Argiope riparia, A. fasciata. b. Hub meshed; mass of line-weaving above containing the spider’s home and cocoons. Epeira labyrinthea. 2. Sectoral Orb. Radii crossed by lines forming nearly complete circles. i. Simple Snares. a. Hub meshed (7); the beaded spirals divided into bands by an unbeaded line and space. Nephila plumipes. ii. Compound Snares. a. Hub meshed; tubular den or tent in the retitelarian web. Epeira globosa, E. thaddeus.* 3. Actinic Orb. Snare composed of several rays or orb-sectors bound together into an orb. i. Simple Snares. a. Hub wanting; a large, ‘irregular, open central space. The radii prolonged into a trap-line. Epeira radiosa. 4, Orb Sector. Snare, a sector of an orb. i. Simple Snares. a. Sector composed of four radii converging upon a single trap-line ; radii crossed by notched lines. Hyptiotes cavata. II. HORIZONTAL SNARES. Snare spun horizontally ; spider usually hanging beneath. 5. Plane Orb. Snare, a circular. plane. i. Simple Snares. a. Hub open. Tetragnatha extensa; T. grallator, b. Hub finely notched; central space ribboned. Uloborus riparia. ii. Compound Snares.—A maze of crossed lines spun below the orb. a. Hub open. Epeira hortorum; E. gibberosa. 1 The generic classification of Hentz is here retained. bo ~ 1 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 6. Domed Orb. Snare elevated into a dome by a pyramidal mass of crossed right lines. Concentric lines all notched; spider hanging beneath the centre. Epeira basilica Several technical terms in this table, which I have been com- pelled to invent, require explanation. I have divided an orb-web into three parts. /7rst, beginning at the outer margin, the Foundation Space, the open space between the foundation lines or frame, and the beaded spirals ; second, the Spiral Space, that partcovered by thespiral lines ; third, the Central Space, the central circle enclosed by the Spiral space. The central space is subdivided into three parts, rh a LUFT | | m@ first the hub, the small open Ex or meshed circle upon which the radii meet; second, the Notched Zone, a series of un- beaded spirals lying next to the hub which do not cross the radii directly, but a little FS=Foundation space. SS=Spiral space. CS=Central space. above the point of contact; (eee Pe one and third, the Free Zone, a + NZ=—Notched zone. E F : ( H=Hub. part free from crossed lines between the notched zone and the spiral space. 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. OcToBER 24, 1882. Mr. Jacos BINDER in the chair, Hight persons present. On the Habits of the Ant-Lion—Rev. Dr. H. C. McCook remarked that, through the kindness of Mr. C. H. Baker, he had had an opportunity to observe closely some of the habits of the larva of Myrmeleon obsoletus Say. Several of these grubs had been taken from the sandy soil of New Jersey during the month of July, and brought to the Academy at Philadelphia in a large bowl. Their pits were of the usual character—an inverted hollow cone—but were sharper at the apex than usually repre- sented. The pit is sometimes made by a backward movement of the grub upon a spiral line which gradually closes upon the centre. The body is just under the sand during this movement; and the grains of sand which fall upon the head are continually thrown upward by a sharp jerk of the head; this motion is somewhat lateral, not unlike the ‘“ butting” of ‘a sheep or goat. A pit is also formed by the ‘erub while stationary, the violent ejection of the sand by the toss of the head, causing a vortex towards which the surrounding sand runs from all sides, thus naturally forming the concavity. Within this the creature lies concealed, and at once begins to toss the sand when the surface at the margin is agitated by a crawling insect. Sometimes the | head and jaws are exposed; they are ‘aid flat (as observed in these cases at least), extending horizontally and not vertically upward as is usually shown in figures. The habit may vary in this respect. Dr. McCook believed that the popular impression that the grub throws sand after or at an ant when it appears to be escaping from the pit, is without foundation in fact. The sand is thrown up, more or less violently ; so vigorously at times that it appears to boil. This motion causes agitation of the superincumbent sand, which begins to move toward the centre, carrying the ant with it into the jaws of the grub. The sand was tossed up with force enough to throw it out of the bowl to the distance of seven inches on the table, even pellets as large as grains of rice being thus ejected ; but it flew in all directions, on the side opposite the ant, or upon the ant quite indiscriminately. The smallest ants introduced had oreat difficulty in moving over the wall of the pit, as the sand crumbled and’ rolled away from beneath even the light emmet tread. One ant which escaped had a little ball of minute pellets attached to a hind foot, as though caused to adhere by moisture or some viscid substance within the pit. Others had minute grains adhering to the delicate 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 259 hairs of the body at many points. The inquiry was suggested whether there is any secretion or excretion from the orub ‘which may produce this effect and so contribute to secure e the victim. The ants show a strange fascination for the pit, even after they have escaped, A large “Carpenter ant (Camponotus pennsylva- nicus) was seized , escaped, rushed out of the hole, then in and around it again and again, as though verily dazed. There is a vast deal of themibsul Pry” in the emmet nature, but the ants were rarely observed to deliberately walk into the pit. They stopped upon the edge, when they reached it in course af their rambles about the bowl, threw up their antenne and waved them restlessly, sometimes stretched a fore-foot over the brink, some- times retreated, sometimes turned and began to circumambulate the pit. The agitation upon the sand, slight as it was, generally (not always) aroused the grub to action, and by the process already described, the sand was withdrawn from beneath the feet of the insect, who slid along with the tiny sand-avalanche into the apex. There it was seized unless, as sometimes occurred, it was fortunate enough to make its escape. The use of the long hooked mandibles of the grub appeared in the act of seizure ; the ants were held off “ at arm’s length,” so to speak, and the orub thrashed or jerked them violently “until they were exhausted. Me anwhile, the efforts at defense were made futile by the distance from any vital point at which the victim was held. Tetramorium cespitum, the Pavement ant, which has a sharp sting, and tried eagerly to use it, was thus prevented from doing so and made quite defenseless. So also the formidable pincer mandibles of the Carpenter ant, by which she excavates her wooden galleries and decapitates her v rictims with the facility of a guillotine, are rendered entirely useless. This defenselessness is completed by the position of the grub beneath the sand. A Carpenter worker-minor seized by a hind leg bowed her body under to snap at hercaptor; but her jaws grasped only the gritty pellets of sand which covered the ant-lion’s head and out of which the long hooks alone projected. The point of greatest importance which Dr. McCook observed, was the confirmation of the statements of M. Bonet, concerning the behavior of the grub when its movements are obstructed by pebbles too large to be tossed out by the head. This statement having been seriously questioned,!' the matter was tested by first dropping three pebbles, each larger and heavier than the larva within the centre of the pit. The grub having attempted to remove these in the usual manner, and failed, proceeded in this wise: It backed up to a pebble, and placed the posterior of the abdomen against, and a little beneath it, so that the sand readily dropped over the apex of the abdomen and lay between that and ‘ Rennie, Insect Architecture, p. 202. ‘* We may be pardoned for pausing before giving full credence to these details.” 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. the stone. A little adjustment was required to balance the pebble by getting its middle part against the end of the body, and then the animal began to back out of the pit, so pushing the pebble before, or rather behind it, up the side, and to a point a short way beyond the margin, where it wasabandoned. A small furrow —two to three inches long—was described in the sand by the moving stone, which furrow was curved from the point of departure. The stone was kept perfectly balanced during the entire progress, which was quite rapid. Each of the three pebbles was thus removed, the grub returning each time and backing it out of the pit. The experiment was repeated a number of times and always with the same result. Some well-rounded stones were selected in order to make the difficulty of balancing greater, but this made no difference in the action of the larva, a round pebble being balanced and removed quite as readily as a flat one. It was a curious and amusing spectacle to witness the odd little creature thus backing the accurately poised impediments out of its domicile, and then returning to put its house in order once more. The correctness of the early observations of M. Bonet is thus fully confirmed by Dr. McCook’s experiments. OcToBER 31. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Thirty-six persons present. The resignation of Dr. Chas. Schaeffer as Curator was received and accepted. Actinospherium Eichhornii.—Prof. Lemy remarked that he had noticed in an aquarium what appeared to be eggs, adherent to the edges of the leaves of Vallisneria, from the Schuylkill River. On examining the egg-like bodies with a lens, they were observed to be covered with delicate rays. On transferring some of the bodies to the field of the microscope, they proved to be giant specimens of the larger sun-animalcule, Actinospherium Hich- hornit. They measured from three-fourths to one millimetre in diameter, independent of the rays, which extended from one- fourth to half a millimetre more. One of the smaller individuals contained four water-fleas, Daphnias, a third of a millimetre long, and one of the larger contained six of these. The Actinospherium appears to be tenacious of life; several specimens having been retained alive and in good condition for three days, in a drop of water in an animalcule cage. They had discharged the Daphnias, but retained their original size. One of oval form measured 1 mm. long by 0.75 mm. broad. The smaller ones measured 0.75 mm. in diameter. After another day they appeared in good condi- 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 261 tion, but the rays were contracted so as to be about half the original length, and many had a minute granular ball at the end, apparently effete matter thrown off from them. At this time the animalcules were returned to the aquarium. NOVEMBER 7. The President, Dr. Letpy, in the chair. Thirty persons present. The following were presented for publication :— “A review of Swainson’s Genera of Fishes,” by Joseph Swain. “Ants as Beneficial Insecticides,” by the Rev. Henry C. McCook, D. D. The deaths of Benjamin V. Marsh and Isaac Comly, M. D., members, were announced. On Topaz and Biotite.—Prof. Letpy exhibited several interest- ing minerals. One of these was a large crystal of topaz, of dark and decided amethystine hue from Brazil. The yellow topaz is the common kind and this by heating assumes a pink or rose color. He had never seen or read of another of the same color. The crystal is about 2? inches in length. The other mineral con- sisted of plates of muscovite containing hexagonal plates of biotite remarkable for their regularity and beauty. The crystals of biotite ranged from a millimetre to 50 mm. in breadth. The specimens are from Macon Co., N. C. Similar specimens are found in West Philadelphia, but he had seen none from this locality in which the crystals of biotite were so regular. NOVEMBER 14. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Thirty-two persons present. The death of J. Norris Emlen, a member, was announced. On Actinospherium, etc.—Prof. Letpy stated that The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Earth- worms, 1882. 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. A REVIEW OF SWAINSON’S GENERA OF FISHES. BY JOSEPH SWAIN. In the year 1839, William Swainson published a general scheme of the classification of Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes,! in which all the accepted genera of these groups are defined and a list of typical, or illustrative species is appended. Many new generic names are here introduced, the consideration of which forms the object of the present paper. I give a list of the new generic names proposed for Fishes by Swainson, with their equivalence in modern nomenclature, as I understand them. The list of species referred by Swainson to each genus is here repeated verbatim, the species considered by me as the type of each group being indicated by an asterisk (*). The whole work is singularly worthless as a contribution to science, and of interest only from the fact that the law of priority requires the adoption of many of these names. It may be observed that Swainson possessed a very limited knowledge of Fishes. His definitions are seldom apt and very often incorrect, and but a small proportion of his genera can be received into the system. Of these few, scarcely any retain their original definition. All difficult questions, involved in this paper, have been referred to Prof. D. 8. Jordan, and to whom I am also indebted for other valuable suggestions, and for the use of his library. I am like- wise indebted to Prof. C. H. Gilbert for kindly aid. Cromileptes,” p. 201 — Epinephelus Bloch (about 1790). C. altivelis Sw. Cuv., pl. 35. myriaster Riip. (nec Cuv.), i. pl. 27, f.1. gigas,* Ib., pl. 33. C. miniatus, Riip. i, pl. 26, f. 3. fuscoguttatus, Ib. f. 3, hemistictos, Ib. f. 3. ‘The Natural History of Fishes, Amphibians & Reptiles, or Monocardian animals. By William Swainson, F. R. & F. L. 8S. * * * In two volumes. Vol. II. London. Printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, Paternoster Row, and John Taylor, Upper Gower Street, 1839. *The name Cromileptes has been lately revived by Dr. Bleeker (Sys. Perca. Revis. Pars 1a, 11, 1875), in place of his own Serranichthys, the type of which is altivelis. As, however, this species does not agree with the 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 273 Cynichthys, p. 201 — Plectorhynchus! Lacépéde (1800.) C. flavo-purpuratus.* Frey, Atl. pl. 57, f. 2. Bennet, Ceyl. Fishes, pl. 19 (fig. 42 c). Variola, p. 202 — Variola Sw. (1839). VY. longipinna* Sw. Riip. i, pl. 26, f. 2 CS. lowté Riip.). Elastoma, p. 202 — Etelis, C. & V. (1828). E. oculatus* Sw. Cuy., pl. 32. Uripheton,” p. 202 — Variola Sw. (1839). U. microleptes* Sw. (Serranus pheton, Cuv. pl. 34). Rabdophorus, p. 211 — Chetodon L. (1758), subg. Rabdophorus Sw. Ephippium* Sw. Cuy. pl. 174. Genicanthus, p. 212 — Holacanthus Lac. (1803). Lamarckii,* Cuv. pl. 184. tricolor, Bloch, pl. 426. Microcanthus, p. 215 — Chetodon, L. (1758). G. strigatus,* Cuv. pl. 170. Microgaster, p. 216 — Etroplus C. & V. 1830. maculata,* Cuy. pl. 136. Chrysiptera, p. 216 =- Glyphidodon, Lacépéde (1802). azurea,* Frey, Atl. pl. 64, fig. 3. Gamardii, Ib., fig. 4. Chetolabrus, p. 216 — Etroplus, C. & V. (1830). Suratensis,* Bloch., 217. maculatus, Ib., 427. Chrysoblephus, p. 221 — Sparus, L. (1758.) C. gibbiceps,* Cuv. pl. 147. Argyrops, p. 221 — Sparus. L. (1758). Spinifer,* Forsk. Russ. pl. 101. Calamus, p. 221 — Calamus Sw. (1839). E. megacephalus,* Sw. Cuv., pl. 152. Lithognathus, p. 222 — Lithognathus Sw. (1839). L. capensis,* Sw. Cuv., pl. 151. Nemipterus, p. 223 — Dentex Cuv. (1817). N. filamentosus,* Cuy., pl. 155. diagnosis (not having a strong canine tooth on each side of lower jaw), and the other five species, which do so agree, belong to the prior genera Epinephelus and Bodianus, we should consider Cromileptes a synonym of Epinephelus. 1 Diagramma Cuv., 1817. 2 Phathonichthys Bleeker. As has been shown by Dr. Vaillant, the Serranus pheton Cuy. and Val. was a made-up specimen, with the tail of a Fistularia skilfully fastened to the body of a Serranoid (probably a species of Variola). 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Thalassoma, p. 224 — Thalassoma Sw. (= Julis Auct. nec typus). T. purpurea,* Nob. Riipp., Atl. pl. 6, fig. 1. Urichthys, p. 224 — Chilinus Lac., (1802). U. lunulatus,* Nob. Riipp., Atl. pl. 6, fig. 1. quinque-cinctus, Ib., ii, pl. 5, fig. 1. Crassilabrus, p. 225 — Chilinus Lac., (1802). C. undulatus,* Riipp., Atl. pl. 6, fig. 2. Leptoscarus, p. 226 = Calliodon Gronoy. (1801). L. vargiensis,* Quoy and Gaim, p. 288. Hemistoma, p. 226 = Scarus Forskel,! 1775. H, reticulata, Sw. (Scarus pepo* Benn. Ceylon, pl. 28). Petronason, p. 226 — Scarus. P. psittacus*, Riipp. pl. 20, 1. flammiceps Bennett, Ceylon, Riippellii, [b., pl. 21, 1. Fish, pl. 24. bicolor, Ib., pl. 21, 3. niger Riipp. Atl. ii, pl. 8, 1. longicauda, Ib., pl. 21, 2. collana, Ib., fig. 2. viridis, Bl., pl. 222. pulchellus, Ib., fig. 3. Erychthys, p. 226 = Calliodon Bloch and Schneider (1801). E. croicensis,* Bl., pl. 221. viridescens, Riipp., ii, 7, quinque-fasciatus, Benn. fig. 2. Ceylon, pl. 28, (fig. 60). ceruleo-punctatus, [b., 3. Chlorurus, p. 227 — Scarus Forskeel (1775). C. gibbus, Riipp., Atl. pl. 20, fig. 2. Sparisoma, p. 227 = Scarus Forskiel, subg. Sparisoma? Swainson. 8. Abildgardii,* Bloch, pl. 259. Amphiscarus, p. 227 — ? Teuthis L. (1766). A. fuscus,* Griff., Cuv., pl. 35. Hemiulis, p. 228 — Chilio Lac. (1802). H. vittatus, Griff., Cuv., pl. 6, 1. auratus,* Frey, Atl. pl. 54, 2. guttatus, Bloch, pl. 357, 1. melapterus, Bloch, pl. 296, 2. Cynedus,’ p. 229 — Cynzdus Sw. (1839). C. Tinca,* Yarr., i, 293. rupestris, Bloch, pl. 250, fig. 1. cornubicus, Ib., 296. virens ? Ib., 251, fig. 2. gibbus, Ib., 298. notatus, Ib., 251, fig. 2. luscus, Ib., 300. 1 — Pseudoscarus Bleeker, 1861, * — Scarus Bleeker. * —= Orenilabrus (not of Cuvier). Swainson observes: ‘‘M. Cuvier having expressly stated that the type of his genus Orenilabrus is the Lutianus verres of Bloch, I have so retained it, placing all the others, * * under the subgenus Cynedus.’’ If this statement (which I am unable to verify) is correct, Cynedus Sw. must supersede Crenilabrus, which becomes a synonym of Harpe, Lac. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 275 Astronotus,! p. 229 — Astronotus Sw. (1839). A. ocellatus,* Spix, pl. 68. Thalliurus,? p. 230 — Thalliurus Sw. (1839). C. Blochii,* Bloch, pl. 260 (pl. ? 290). Labristoma,’ p. 230 — Pseudochromis Riipp. (1835). L. olivacea,* Riipp., ii, pl. 2, fig. 3. flavivertex, ii, pl. 2, fig. 4. Cichlasoma,' p. 230 = Cichlasoma Sw. (1839). Labrus punctata,* Bloch, pl. 295, fig. 1. Eupemis, p. 232 — Chilio Lac. (1802). E. fusiformis,* Sw., Riipp., Atl. ii, pl. 1, fig. 4. Chioricthys,° p. 232 — Thalassoma Sw. (1839). bifasciatus,* Bl., pl. 283. Grayii, Sw., Ind. Zool., ii, pl. 92, 1. ornatus, Ib., pl. 280. Hardwickii, Benn., pl. 12. Braziliensis, Ib., pl. 280. quadricolor, Less., Atl. pl. 32, 1. lunaris, Ib., pl. 281. semiceruleus, Riipp., Atl. ii, pl. 3, fig. 1. ceruleocephalus, Frey., Atl. aygula, Riipp., Atl. i, pl. 6, 2. pl. 56, fig. 2. Icthycallus,® p. 232 = Coris Lac. (1800). dimidiatus, Spix, pl. 53. umbrostygma, Riipp., Atl. ii, pl. 3, chloropterus, Bl., pl. 288. fig. 2. trimaculatus, Griff., pl. 45, fig. 2. semipunctatus,* Ib., pl. 3, fig. 3. decussatus, Benn., pl. 14. cyanocephalus, Ib., pl. 286. auromaculatus, Ib., 20. julis, Ib., pl. 287, fig. 1. semidecorata, Less., Atl. pl. 35, —_ bivittatus, Ib., pl. 284, fig. 1. fig. 2. macrolepidatus, Ib., fig. 2. geoftroyii, Frey., Atl. pl. 56, fig. 3. ornatus, Linn., Tr. xii, pl. 27. Zyphothyca, p. 239 — Gempylus Cuv. (1829). Z. coluber * Sw. Cuv. and Val., pl. 221. Zanclurus, p. 239 — Histiophorus Lac. (1802). Z. indicus* Nob. Cuv. and Val., pl. 229. Bloch, 343. Polycanthus, p. 242 = Spinachia Fleming (1828). P. spinachia* Sw. Yarrell,i, 87. Bloch, pl. 53, fig. 1. ' — Hygrogonus, Giinther, 1862. *— Hemigymnus, Ginther, 1862. 3 «The name of Pseudo-chromis is so objectionable, that I hope the learned naturalist who proposed it, will excuse me for offering another.’’ ( Swainson.) * — Acara, Heck, 1840 (in part). 5 Chlorichthys and Icthycallus, confused jumbles of species, may well be disposed of as synonyms of Thalassoma and Coris, respectively, although several other genera are represented in each. 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Leiurus, p. 242 — Gasterosteus L. (1758). aculeatus.* Yarr. i, 81. brachycentrus. Yarr. i, 82. spinulosus. Ib. i, 88. pungitius. Ib. i, 85. Chirostoma, p. 243 — Menidia Bonaparte (1836), subg. Chirostoma ! Sw. (1839). A. Humboldtiana.* Cuy. and Val., pl. 306,* (fig. 67). Meladerma, p. 243 — Elacate Cuv. (1829). P M. nigerrima.* Russ., pl. 153. (Pedda. mottah.). Platylepes, p. 247 — Lactarius Cuv. (1833). P. lactaria.* Cuv., pl. 261. Argylepes, p. 247 =? A. Indica. Russ., pl. 156. (Mitta Parah.). Trachinus,” p. 247 = Trachurus Raf. (1810). Alepes, p. 248 =? A. melanoptera* Sw. Russel, pl. 155. (Evori Parah.). Zonichthys, p. 248 — Seriola Cuy. (1829), subg. Zonichthys Sw. (1839). Z. fasciatus.* Bloch, pl. 341. subcarinata. Russ., pl. 149. Hamiltonia, p. 250 — Hamiltonia Sw., 1839 (— Bogoda Bleek.). H. ovata.* Sw. Ham., fig. 37. lata. Sw. Ib., fig. 37. Platysomus, p. 250 — Caranx Lac. (1802), subg. Vomer Cuv. (1817). Brownii.* Cuy., pl. 256. Micropteryx Sw. App. Spixii Sw. Spix., pl. 57. Ctenodon, p. 255 = Acantharus Forsk. (1775). C. Riippelii* Sw. Riipp. 16 (fig. 74). rubropunctatus. Ripp. 15, 1. lineatus Sw. Benn., pl. 2. Cuvierii. C. V., pl. 289. erythromelas. Less. Atl. 27, 1. fuliginosus. Lesson 27, 2. Zebrasoma, p. 256 == Acanthurus Forsk. (1775). velifer* Sw. Riipp. Atlas, pl. 15, fig. 2. Bl., pl. 427. Callicanthus, p. 256 — Monoceros Bl. & Schn. (1801). C. elegans.* (Aspisurus elegans.) Riipp. Atl. 16, fig. 2 (fig. 75). Xiphichthys, p. 259 = Trichiurus L. (1766). Z. Russelii* Sw. Russ. i, p. 40 (p. ? 41). Xiphasia,’ p. 259 — Xiphasia Sw. Z. setifer* Sw. Russ., pl. 39. 1 — Heterognathus, Girard, 1854. 2 Evidently a misprint for Trachurus. ’ — Nemophis, Kaup., 1858 ; = Xiphogadus, Giinther, 1862. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 217 Ornichthys, p. 262 = Prionotus Lac. (1802), subg. Ornichthys Sw. (1839). Carolinensis (Carolinus). Bl. 352. punctatus* Ib., pl. 353. Macrochyrus, p. 264 — Pterois Cuv. (1817). miles.* Benn. Ceyl., pl. 9. Pteroleptus, p. 264 = Pterois Cuv. (1817). P. longicauda.* Russ. ii, pl. 138. Pteropterus, p. 264 — Pterois Cuv. (1817). T. radiatus.* Cuy. and Val. Brachyrus, p. 264 = Pterois Cuv. (1817). zebra.* Cuyv. iv, p. 367. brachypterus, Ib. iv, p. 368. Pterichthys, p. 265 — Apistus Cuv. (1829). P. carinatus.* Cuv.iv., p. 395. Israelitorum Cuv., iv, p. 396. alatus. Russ. No. 160, B. Platypterus,! p. 265 — Tetraroge Giinther. (1860). tenianotus.* Cuv. Lac. iv., pl. 3, fig. 2. longispinis. Ib. iv, 408, Bourgomyillii. Ib. iv, 411. fusco-virens. Ib. iv, 409. Trichosomus,” p. 265, — Prosopodasys Cant. (1850). trachinoides.* Cuy. pl. 92, 1. dracena. Cuy. iv. p. 403. Gymuapistes,* p. 265 — Gymnapistes Sw. (1839). marmoratus,* Griff. Cuv., pl. 22, fig. 3. australis, White’s Voy., pl. 52, fig. 1. Belangerii Cuv., iv., p. 412. barbatus, Ib, 413. niger, Ib, 415. Bufichthys,* p. 268 — Synancia Bl. & Schn. (1801). horrida.* Lae, ii, pl. 17 2. grossa. Gray. In. Zool., i, pl. 97. Trachicephalus,° p. 268 = Polycaulus Giinther. (1860). elongatus* Griff. Cuv., pl. 8, f. 3. 1 Preoccupied by several genera. *Preoceupied by Zrichosoma Rud. Verm., 1819. %’ — Pentaroge Giinther, 1860. (See Bleeker, Mem. Scorpen, 7, 1876). As founded by Swainson, Gymnapistes contains species of Pentaroge, Centropogon, Tetraroge and Prosopadasys, all genera posterior to Swainson. Gymnapistes, may therefore, be properly substituted for Pentaroge. 4 — Synancidium, Miller, 1843. ° Preoccupied by Trachycephalus Tsch. 1838 (a genus of Reptiles). 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Ichthyscopus, p. 269 = Ichthyoscopus! Sw. (1839.) U. inernis.* Cuy. iii, pl. 65. Fosteri, Ib. 318. cirrhosus. Cuv., Ib. 314. levis. Ib. 319, Enophrys, p. 271 — Enophrys? Sw. (1839). E. claviger,* Cuv. and Val., pl. 79, fig. 2. Gymuocanthus, p. 271 = Gymnacanthus® Sw. (1839). G. ventralis.* Cuv. and Val., iv, pl. 79, fig. 1. Hippocephalus,‘ p. 272 — Hippocephalus Sw. (1839). superciliosus* Pall. Sp. Zool. vii, pl. 5. decagonus Schn., pl. 27. quadricornus. Cuvy. pl. 80. Canthirynchus, p. 272 = Aspidophoroides Lac. (1802). C. monopterygius,* Cuv. and Val., pl. 169. Blenitrachus,° p. 274 — 0. Erpicthys, p. 275 = Salarias, Cuv. (1817). subg. ? Erpicthys Sw. (1889). Atlanticus, Cuv., ix, 322. niger, Cuv., xi. quadripinnis,* Riipp., 28, 2. frontalis, Ib., 328. Sebe, Ib., p. 3238. ruficauda, Ib., 328. castaneus, Ib., 324. quadricornis, Ib., 329. fasciatus, Ib., 324. variolatus ? Ib., 346. cyclops, Ib., 32. frenatus, Ib., 342. Rupiscartes, p. 275 = Salarias Cuy. (1817). R. alticus,* C. V. xi, 337. Cirripectes, p. 275 — Salarias Cuv. (1817). C. variolosus,* C. V., xi, 317. Chirolophis, p. 275 — Chirolophus® Sw. (1839). C. yarrellii,* C. V., xi, 218. Clinetrachus, p. 276 = Clinus Cuv. (1817). superciliosus,* Bl., pl 168. perspicillatus, C. V., xi, 372. Blennophis, p. 276 = Clinus’ Cuv. (1817), subg. Blennophis Sw. (1839). anguillaris,* (Clinus, do. C. V., xi, 390). variabilis, Raff. (1810). (Clinus argentatus, C. V., xi, 354.) 1 — Anema Giinther, 1860, as restricted by Gill, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1861, 114. *— Asnicottus Grd. (1854) = Hlaphocottus Sauvage. 3 — Phobetor Kroyer, 1844. * Restricted by Gill, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1861, pp. 167, 259 5 No species mentioned, and apparently none known at the time. 6 — Blenniops Nilsson, 1855 ; altered to Carelophus by Kroyer. TNot Blennophis Val. of later date (about 1840) — Ophioblennius, Gill, 1860. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 279 Labrisomus, p. 277 = Clinus Cuy. (1817), subg. Labrisomus Sw. (1839). L. gobio, C. V., xi, 395. Peruvianus, C. V., xi, 383. pectinifer,* Ib., 374. microcirrhis, Ib., 384. capillatus, Ib., 377. ? geniguttatus, Ib., 86. Delalandii, Ib., 378. elegans, Ib., 388. linearis, Ib., 371. ? littoreus, Ib., 389. variolosus, Ib., 381. latipennis, Ib., 394. Ophisomus,! p. 277 = Murenoides Lac. (1800). O. gunnellus,* (Blennius gunnellus, Linn.), Yarrell, i, 239. Ogsichodes, p. 278 — Gebioides, Lac. (1800). G. Broussonetii,* Griff., Cuv., pl. 38, fig. 2. Scartelaos, p. 279 = Scartelaus? Sw. (1839). Se. viridis.* Ham., pl. 32, fig. 12. erysophthalmus. Ib., pl. 37, fig. 10. calliurus. Ib., pl. 5, fig. 10. Rupellia, p. 281 — Gobius L. (1758). R. echinocephala.* MRiipp. Atl., i, pl. 34, fig. 3. Amphichthys, p. 282 = Batrachus L. (1758). rubigenes.* Sw. Appendix. Salmophasia, p. 284 = Chela Buch. (1822). oblonga. Sw. Ham., fig. 76. (Cyp. bacaila*). elongata. Gray, Ind. Zool. (Cyp. cora.). Chedrus, p. 285 = Chedrus Sw. (1839). C. Grayii* Sw. Gray, Ind. Zool., pl. 2, f. 3. Esomus, p. 285 — Esomus Sw. (— Nuria C. & V. ? 1342). E. vittatus.* Sw. Ham., f. 88. (Daurua). Clupisudis, p. 286 — Clupisudis Sw. (— Heterotis Ehrenberg, 1843). C. niloticus.* Riipp., Fish of the Nile, i, pl. 3, f. 2. Laurida (“Aristotle”), p. 287 = Synodus Gronoy. (1801). L. Mediterranea Sw. (Vol. 1, p. 246, fig. 48). feetans.* Bl. 384, f. 2. semifasciata. Bl. 384, f. 1. tumbel. Ib., 430. conirostra. Spix, pl. 43. truncata. Spix, pl. 45. intermedia. Ib., 44. mfinuta Le Sueur. (Vol. 1, p. 247, fig. 50). Triurus,’ p. 288 — Saurida Val. (1849). T. microcephalus.* Russell, pl. 171. '— Gunnellus C. & VY. (1817), rejected because of barbarous origin. 2 — Boleops Gill (1863), fide Bleeker, Esq. Syst. Nat. Gobioides, 40, 1874. ° Preoceupied by Zriurus Lacép. 1800. 280 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Mormyrnynchus, p. 291 — Schizodon Agass. (1829). M. Gronoveii* Sw. Gronoy. Zooph., pl. 7, f. 2. Trichosoma,! p. 292 — Thrissa Cuv. (1817). Tr. Hamiltonii.* Gray, Ind. Zool., i, pl. 85, f. 3. Setipinna, p. 292 — Setipinna Sw. (1839). truncata Ham., p, 241, f. 72. megalura Sw., Ib., p. 240. (01. phasa.*) Platygaster,” p. 294 — Pellona Cuyv. (1817). Pl. Africanus.* Bl. 407. parva, Gray, Ind. Zool., ii. megalopterus, Russ., pl. 191. Die dones affinis, Gray, Ind. Zool. Indicus, Russ., pl. 192. Cypsilurus, p. 296 — Cypselurus Sw. (1839). C. Nuttalii* Le Sueur. Am. Tr. ii, pl. 4, fig. 1. appendiculatus. Wood. Ib., iv, p. 283. Leptodes, p. 298 — Chauliodus Bl. Schn. (1801). L. sloanii.* Sch., pl. 85. L. Siculus. Sw. App. Tilesia, p. 300 — Gadus L. (1758), subg. Tilesia Sw. (1839). T. gracilis.* Til. Piscium, i, tab. 18. Lepidion,* p. 300 — Haloporphyrus Giinther (1862). L. rubescens * (Gadus lepidion Risso), xi, fig. 40, p. 118. Cephus, p. 300 — Gadus Linn. (1758). C. macrocephalus.* Til. Pisc., i, tab. 19. Psetta,* p. 302 — Bothus Raf. (1810) subg. Psetta Sw. P. maximus* Bloch, pl. 49. Platophrys, p. 302 — Platophrys® Sw (1839). P. ocellatus,* Spix and Agassiz, pl. 46. 1 Preoceupied by Zrichosomus Sw., p. 265, as well as Z'richosomus Rud. Verm., 1817. 2 Preoccupied by Platygaster Latr., Hym., 1809. * Preoccupied by Lepidea Sav., Verm., 1817. * The generic names Bothus, Raf. (1810), Scophthalmus, Raf. (1810), and Rhombus, Cuvier (1817, not of Lac. 1802), were alike based on Plewronectes rhombus, L., and Pl. maximus, L., in all cases more particularly on the former, which may be taken as the type of each. If the Pl. maximus, be distinguished as the type of a genus or subgenus, it may stand as Psetta, Sw. Lophopsetta, Gill, is strictly synonymous with Bothus, its type being extremely closely allied to Bothus rhombus. ° — Rhombotdichthys Bleeker (1856). 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 28] Brachirus, p. 303 — Euryglossa! Kamp. plagiusa, Linn. Commersoni, Russ., No. 70. orientalis,* Sch., 157. jerreus, Russ., No. 71. zebra, Bloch, pl. 187. Pan, Hamil., pl. 14, fig. 42. Hoplisoma, p. 304 — Corydoras Lac. (1803). H. punctata,* Bloch, 377, fig. 2. Sturisoma, p. 304 = Loricaria L. (1766), subg. Sturisoma, Sw. S. rostrata,* Spix and Agassiz, pl. 3. Felichthys,” p. 305 = Felichthys Sw. (1839). F. filamentosus, Bl., pl. 365. nodosus,* Bl. 368, fig. 1. Cyclopium, p. 305 — Cyclopium® Sw. (18359). C. humboldtii, Sw. (Pimelodus cyclopium,* Avwcet.) Silonia* p. 305 = Silondia Sw. (1839), 8. lurida,* Ham., p. 160, 7, fig. 50. diaphina, Ib., p. 162. Pachypterus,° p. 506 — Pseudeutropius Blkr. (1863). P. Atherinoides,* Bl. 371, f. 1. punctatus, Ham., p. 196, f. 64. luridus, Ham., p. 163, f. 62. melanurus, Ib., (Jfwrius, Ham), p. trifasciatus, Ib., p. 180, f. 59. 195. Clupisoma, p. 306 = Clupisoma® Sw. (1839). C. argenata,* Ham., 156, pl. 21, fig. 50. Pusichthys, p. 307 — Schilbe Cuv. (1817). P. uranoscopus,* Riipp., Egypt., pl. 1, fig. 1, a, 0. Cotylephorus, p. 308 — Aspredo’ L. (1758). C, Blochii,* Sw. (Platys. cotylephorus, Bl. 372). Pteronotus, p. 509 — Pimelodus Lac. (1803). P, 5—tentaculatus,* Sp. and Agassiz, pl. 11. Acoura, p. 310 — Nemachilus Von Hasselt. (1823). C. obscura,* Hamilt., p. 357. argentata, Ib., 358, No. 10. No. 9 (aberrant). cinerea, Ib., 359, No. 12. '— Huryglossa, Kamp.; plagiusa, the first species mentioned, does not agree with the diagnosis, not having ‘‘ two pectoral fins.”’ Brachirus is preoccupied by Brachyrus, Swainson, both names being abridgments of Brachyehirus. * — Auchenipterus, Cuv. 1840. 3 — Stygogenes, Gthr. (1864). * Misprint for Silondia — (Silundia, C. & V., 1840). > Preoceupied by Pachypterus, Sol., Col. 1833. 5 — Schilbeichthys, Bleeker, 1858. 7 — Platystacus, Bloch, 1801. 282 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Canthophrys, p. 310 — Botia Gray (1831). C. albescens, * Ham., Cob. No. 3. olivaceus, Ib., No, 8. rubiginosus, Ib., No. 6. vittatus, Ib., No. 4 (aberr. ). Diacantha, p. 310 — Botia Gray (1831). C. zebra,* Hamilt., pl. 11, f.. 96. flavicauda, pl. 29, f. 95. Somileptes, p. 311 — Cobitis L. (1758). S. bispinosa,* Hamilt., p. 351. unispina, Ib., No. 1, p. 350. Platysqualus, p. 318 — Sphyrna Raf. (1810). S. tiburo,* Linn., Russ.,! pl. 12, fig. 2. Pterocephala, p. 321 — Dicerobatis Blainville (1828). P. Giorna,* Lac., v, pl. 20, 3. Tetrosomus, p. 323 — Ostracion L. (1758). T. turritus,* Bl., pl. 136. Lactophrys, p. 324 — Ostracion L. (1758), subg. Lactophrys Sw. (1839). L. trigonus,* Bl., pl. 35 (? 135). cornutus, Bl., 133. bicaudalis, Ib., 132. quadricornus, Ib., 134. Rhinesomus, p. 324 — Ostracion L. (1758). R. triqueter,* Bloch, pl. 130. concatinatus, Ib., pl. 131. Platycanthus, p. 324 — Aracana Gray (1838). P. auratus, * Shaw, Nat. Miss., pl. 338. Rhinecauthus, p. 325 — Balistes (1758). ornatissimus,* Lesson, Atl., 10, 1. conspicullum, Ib., pl. 9, 1. lineatus, Benn., Cey., pl. 10. amboynensis, In. Z., 8, 3. Melichthys, p. 325 = Balistes L. (1758), subg. Melichthys Sw. ringens,* Bl., pl. 152, 2. marginatus, Ib. 2, pl. 15, 1. albicaudatus, Riipp. 2, 16, 1. Praslinensis, Frey, Atl., 46, 1. Canthidermis, p. 325 — Balistes L. (1758), subg. Canthidermis Sw. angulosus,* Frey, Zool., p. 210. Gaimardii, Sw., Frey, Zool., p. 209. oculatus, Ind. Zool., pl. 90, fig. 1. Chalisoma, p 325 — Balistes L. (1758). C. pulcherrima,* Lesson, Atl., pl. 9, fig. 2. velata, Bl. 150. Leiurus,” p. 326 = Balistes L. (1758). L. macrophthalmus,* Russ., p. 22. radiatus, Bowdich, Mad., pl. 17, fig. 45. Russellii, Ib., pl. 23. Pachynathus, p. 326 — Triacanthus Cuv. (1829). P. triangularis,* Russell, pl. 20. 1 Said to be the young of Sphyrna tudes (Val.) M. & H. 2 Preoccupied by Leturus Sw., p. 242. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 283 Psilocephalus,! p. 327 — Psilocephalus Sw. (1839). P. barbatus,* Gray, Ind. Zool. Cantherines, p. 327 — Monacanthus Cuv. (1817), subg. Cantherines? Sw. (1839). C, nasutus,* Frey. Zool., p. 214. Chetodermis, p. 327 — Monacanthus Cuv. (1817), subg. Cheetodermis Sw. C, spinosissimus,* Frey. Atl. pl. 45, fig. 3-8. pennicilligerus, Cuv., Reg., An. pl. 12, fig. 3. Trichoderma, p. 328 — Monacanthus Cuv. (1817), subg. Amanses Gray (1831-5). T’. scapus,* Lac. 1, pl. 18, f. 3. histrix, Sw., Gray, Ind. Zool. Leisomus, p. 328 — Tetrodon L. (1758). T. levissimus,* Sch., marmoratus, Hamilt., pl. 18, fig. 3. Lagocephalus, p. 328 — Lagocephalus Sw. (1839). L. stellatus,* Bl., pi. 148. Pennantii, Yarrall, ii, 347 (? 457). Cirrhisomus p. 328 — Tetrodon® L. (1758). C. Sprengleri,* Bloch, pl. 144. Psilonotus, p. 328 — Psilonotus* Sw. (1839). P. rostratus,* Bl. pl. 146. Electricus, Ph. Tr. 76, pl. 3. Molacanthus, p. 329 — Molacanthus Sw. (1839). M. Pallasii,* Sw. Pall. Spec. Zool. pl. 4. Astrocanthus, p. 331 — Halieutea Val. (1837). A. stellatus,* Sw., Lac. i, pl. xi, figs. 2, 3. Phyllopteryx, p. 332 — Phyllopteryx Sw. (1839). P. foliatus,* Sw. (fig. 109). Solegnathus, p. 333 — Solenognathus Sw. (1839). 8. hardwickii,* Gray, Ind. Zool., i, pl. 89, f. 3, Ophisoma,’ p. 334 — Congromurena Kaup. (1856). obtusa, * Sw., Appendix. acuta, Sw., App. Leptognathus, p. 334 — Ophichthys Ahl. (1789), subg. Leptognathus. L. oxyrhynchus,* Sw., app. (vol. 1, p. 221, fig. 42). Pterurus,® p. 334 — Moringua Gray (1831). P. maculatus,* Ham., p. 25. Triporosa, Russ. i, No. 34. Hardwickii, Gray, Ind. Zool. Pachyurus, p. 335 — Moringua Gray, (1851). P. linearis,* Gray, Ind. Zool. i, pl. 95, fig. 3. 1— Anacanthus Gray, 1831, not of Ehrenberg, 1817. 2 — Liononacanthus Bleeker, 1866. ’ — Chilichthys Miill., 1839. 4 — Anosmius Ptrs., 1855. 5 Preoccupied by Ophisomus Sw., p. 277. ° — Rataboura Gray, 1831-42. 19 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Ophichthys,' p. 336 — Amphipnous Miill. (1839). O. punctatus, * Ham., pl. 16, fig. 4 (Cuchia). Rupisuga, p. 339 — Lepadogaster Gouan (1770). L. nicensis,* Sw., Risso pl. 4, fig. 10 (? fig. 9). In his “natural arrangement” or analytical key to the groups of Fishes, Swainson introduces several names of genera of which no examples are given and which do not occur further on in the body of the text. They are here given with their equivalence found in the text :— . Cichlaurus, p. 173 — Cichlasoma Sw. . Pteropterus, p. 180 — Brachyrus Sw. . Gobileptes, p. 183 (not in text). . Psilosomus, p. 183 — Amblyopus Cuv. . Scrophicephalus, p. 187 (not in text). . Breviceps, p. 189 — Felichthys Sw. - Leiodon, p. 194 — Leisomus Sw. . Canthigaster, p. 194 — Psilonotus Sw. wore = arnt nran > These names are, in my opinion, unworthy of attention, as in no case would it be possible to understand their author’s meaning, were it not for the fuller description given in the text. ' Preoccupied by Ophichthys, Ahl. (1789). 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 285 Note on the Nest of Contopus virens.—Mr. THoMAs MEEHAN exhibited a nest of the ‘‘ Wood Pewee,” Contopus virens, built on a dead branch of a black-walnut tree on the grounds of Colonel EKtting, of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, showing that it was fastened to the branch by spider’s webs, and that the lichens with which the nest was so beautifully ornamented, were evidently attached to the nest in the same manner. There was no evidence of the employment of “viscid saliva” in building the nest, as contended by some ornithological writers. Mr. Meehan remarked on the great beauty of the nest of this bird, in consequence of the employment of lichens in covering the outside, and observed that so far as human knowledge had yet penetrated, no physiological advantage resulted to this bird by the great trouble it took in this ornamentation, over other birds which were indifferent to such beauty; and we were left wholly, so far, to the conclusion that a love of beauty alone actuates the bird in the preparation of its work. Note on an Abnormal Cabbage.—Mr. J. O. ScutMet exhibited a plant of cabbage, which, instead of the usual head, made a stalk nearly three feet high, with a panicle of flowers at the top. Mr. MeeuAn remarked that only on a smaller and weaker scale, this was the normal condition of the cabbage-plant, as he had collected it on the chalky cliffs of the sea-coasts of Europe. In nature the seeds matured in spring, and, falling to the ground, sprouted and made plants at once, which took the rest of the season to prepare for flowering the next spring. But the gardener saved the seed till late in the autumn or very early spring before sowing it, and this favored the vegetative rather than the repro- ductive system of the plant. In this case the longitudinal growth was arrested, and if we examine the regular cabbage- head, we find ten, fifteen, or often more leaves forming a single cycle round the stem, as in all cases of arrestation of growth—forming of a cone in the pine, for instance—the number of leaves in a cycle were increased. The formation of a head of cabbage was precisely after the method of nature in the making of a pine cone, and this was brought about simply by the change of season of sowing the seed, from that provided by nature. In the case of this specimen, nature had asserted her prerogative to do things in her own way, notwithstanding the change of season by man, though she did not get her way time enough to open the flowers and perfect seed. Here we found only five leaves to a cycle, and as we saw by the overlapping bases of the leaves, which formed the cabbage-stalk, the spiral arrangement was from left round to the right, or ‘‘ with the sun.” Earthworms Drawing Leaves into the Ground.—Mr. Ports exhibited a box of earth showing the action of the earthworm 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. drawing weeping-willow leaves into the earth. Most of them were drawn into the earth by the petioles, which being the easiest way, is referred to by Mr. Darwin in his work on the earthworm, as exhibiting intelligence in these humble creatures. Mr. MrEHAN remarked that, though he had seen in England leaves drawn into the earth as described by Mr. Darwin, he had never seen a case in America, until those exhibited by Mr. Potts, though for many years he had had opportunities of observations enjoyed by few. The apparent rarity of this work of the earth- worm in this country was worthy of consideration in connection with the objects of the creature in performing it. Mr. Ports stated that the ground beneath a willow tree in his garden was unusually well stocked with earthworms, many of them of large size. The damp weather of the last week or two had brought them to the surface at a time when the willow leaves, still green and succulent, were rapidly falling. These the worms collected during the night, drawing them down into their burrows, he thought, to an average depth of one inch per day or night. The appearance of the neighborhood by daylight was very curious. Throughout the garden-beds, the grass-plot, the gravel- walk and even along the cracks of the brick pavement, wherever their burrows had reached the surface, the busy tenants had “planted” these leaves perpendicularly, sometimes singly, fre- quently in tufts ‘of six, eight or more, giving the appearance of a child’s play-garden or of the slip-boxes in a gardener’s green- house. On digging up the tufts, worms were generally found with an extremity near the base of the leaves; and here the latter seemed moistened and frayed as by a process of feeding. The phenom- enon was not entirely novel, but he had never noticed these ‘ worm-plantings ” in such numbers before. NOVEMBER 21. The President, Dr. Lretpy, in the chair. Thirty-two persons present. Remarks on Ursus amplidens.—Mr. Jacop WortMAN called attention to a specimen originally described by Dr. Leidy in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, for the year 1853, and republished and figured in the Journal of the Academy for the year 1856, under the name Ursus amplidens, from near Natchez, Mississippi. The specimen upon which the description of the species was based, consists of the posterior portion of the left mandibular ramus, containing the third or last true molar tooth in position, 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 287 also a first true molar of the upper series, belonging to the left side of the jaw. That this specimen is distinct from our black bear or Ursus americanus, there can be no doubt. Both the size and structure of the teeth distinetly forbid its reference to this species. The only differences, however, that he had been able to find between it and the typical grizzly bear, or Ursus fvrox, consist in its smaller dimensions, and a slight exaggeration of the anterior basal lobe of the first true molar. The geographical position of this specimen, together with this slight variation of structure, appear to have been important factors in establishing its claim to rank as a new and a distinct species. - With reference to the geographical position it may be said that there are many familiar examples of the various species of bears, enjoying a much wider geographical distribution than the existing grizzly bear or Ursus ferox. The black bear or Ursus americanus is well known to inhabit the extreme eastern and western portions of the North American continent, and ranges well to the north and the south. The polar bear or Ursus maritimus, inhabits almost, if not quite, the entire polar circle; and, indeed, Mr. G. Busk has in the Transactions Philos. Soc. of London, 1873, and later in Trans. Zoolog. Soc. London, for the year 1877, established the identity of Ursus fossilis of Goldfuss or Ursus priscus, Cuvier and Owen, with our existing grizzly bear or Ursus fero.r. In view of the fact, therefore, that the grizzly bear is now known to have inhabited Europe during Post Pliocene time, thereby greatly extending the boundaries of its present limits, little importance need be attached to a comparatively slight deviation from its present geographical range. There is, probably, no family among the mammalia which is subject to greater variation, in size and structure, than the Urside. The grizzly bears inhabiting the mountains of California and Oregon, are larger and more robust than those living upon the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. So far, indeed, is this true, that some authors have made two distinct species of them. The bear of the Rocky Mountain region is familiarly known to hunters as the “silver-tip bear,” and is said to display even more pugnacity of character than the true California grizzly. The small size of the individual under consideration is in keeping with what we should reasonably expect to find at 4 point considerably to the east of the present boundary of the range of this species. The measurements of the crown of the last lower molar, are as follows : Antero-posterior diameter, ‘75 inch ; transverse diameter, ‘60 inch. The crown of the first upper molar measures in the antero-posterior diameter ‘82 inch, while in the transverse diameter it is °64 inch. The average dimensions of the corresponding tooth of Ursus 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. ferox,as given by Mr. Busk in Trans. Philos. Soc, 1873, p. 542, are ‘92 by 62 inch in the transverse, with a minimum dimension of °85 by ‘55 inch. The experience of the speaker upon examination of quite a number of skulls of this species, had been to reduce the minimum dimension, recorded by Mr. Busk, which would affect the general average. In one young but well marked specimen of Ursus ferox, in the collection of the Academy, the dimensions of the crown of the last lower molar are °77 by 62 inch. In another fully adult individual, bearing all the characteristics of the species, the measurements of this tooth are ‘75 by ‘57 inch. The dimensions of the first superior molar in this specimen are the same as those in the fossil speci- men under consideration. It will be observed, therefore, that Ursus amplidens is intermediate in size between these two well defined specimens of Ursus ferox. There is no character left by which we can distinguish this species, but the slight exaggeration of the anterior basal lobe of the superior molar, which is so very variable as to be almost worthless for this purpose. Ursus amplidens is, therefore, but a variety at best, if not identical with the smaller varieties of Ursus ferox. NOVEMBER 28. The President, Dr. Leipy, in the chair. Forty-one persons present. The deaths of Dr. J. F. Reinhardt and Dr. F. H. Troschel, correspondents, were announced. Note on Zeolites from Delaware County.—Prof. Gro. A. KOntG communicated an observation on specimens received through Mr. A. Deshong from the Leiperville quarries. The whole of the material is from one crevice. One piece shows the association of gray quartz, yellowish grossularite, a chloritic mica, beautiful rose-red zoisite, and small crystals of heulandite, previously described by the speaker (Proceedings 1878, p. 84). A second piece of biotite mica-schist shows in several druses seemingly botryoidal masses, which under the lens show coxcomb aggregations and are stilbite. Alongside one observes grains of zoisite surrounded by deep green, waxy Leidyite, the surface of which is generally covered with a very thin film of an undeter- mined greenish gray substance. The remaining specimens show upon the same rock largely rhombohedral crystals of chabazite; some vitreous, but mostly covered by green, waxy Leidyite. This substance supports many 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 289 minute crystals of red-brown siderite and the latter passes into limonite. With these one sees sheaf-like aggregations of a zeolite, which from the form of single crystals appears to be Thompsonite, Some of these crystals are beautifully transparent, with tetragonal habitus—two opposite prismatic faces are striated longitudinally (pinakoid), basis and macrodome are found on all individuals, The crystals are, however, very small and cannot be measured satisfactorily. Analyses have not been made. The determina- tions are not, therefore, absolute, except in the case of chabazite. The resemblance of this occurrence to that of Baltimore is very striking. Thompsonite is new for Pennsylvania, chabazite and stilbite for Leiperville, in the speaker’s knowledge. Chapter V, Article 4, of the By-Laws, was amended by adding the following :—But Sections may admit persons not members of the Academy to be Contributors under such rules and on such terms as the Section may determine, always provided, that a Contributor shall not be eligible to office in a Section, or to vote on any question; and also provided, that the rights and privi- leges of a Contributor shall be restricted to attendance at the meetings of the Section, to the reading of original scientific papers, and to taking part in scientific discussions and proceedings exclusively, and that a Contributor shall have no other right or privilege whatever in the Academy. F. Lynwood Garrison and Mrs. H. Carvill Lewis, were elected members. DECEMBER 5. Mr. Tuos. MEEHAN, Vice-President, in the chair. Twenty-five persons present. A paper, entitled “ On Uintatherium, Bathmodon and Triiso- don,’ by Edw. D. Cope, was presented for publication, DECEMBER 12. The President, Dr. Letpy, in the chair. Forty-five persons present. The following papers were presented for publication :-— “ An Identification of the Species of Fishes described in Shaw’s General Zoology,” by Jos. Swain. 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF { 1882. ““On the Value of the Nearctic as one of the Primary Zoo- logical Regions,” by Angelo Heilprin. On Remains of. Horses.—Prof. Lrtpy directed attention to some specimens, which were recently sent to him for examination by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. He remarked that it was commonly believed that the horse was not living in America when this was discovered by Europeans, but there is abundance of evidence to prove the former existence in this country of many species and genera of closely related forms. Among the remains of these some are undistinguishable in anatomical characters and size from the corresponding parts of the domestic horse. As this during the past four centuries has become widely and abundantly distributed over both continents, its remains have become buried everywhere, and often in the older deposits, where they are mingled with the fossils pertaining to the latter. Under these circumstances it is commonly difficult and frequently impossible to determine whether specimens submitted to us for examination are to be regarded as true fossils or comparatively recent remains. Such is the character of the specimens now exhibited. Several consist of fragments (No. 16537-8) of the left ramus of the mandible of a horse. They were obtained at Aspinwall, Panama, by Capt. J. M. Dow; but no reference is made to the nature of the deposit in which they were found. They are well preserved, firm in texture, without fissures, and stained brown from ferruginous infiltration. One of the fragments contains the molar series nearly perfect except the first and last. They are more than half worn away and agree closely with those of the domestic horse in the same condition. Other specimens consist of an astragalus and a first phalanx (16602, 16604) of a horse of the ordinary size. They were ob- tained by Mr. J. F. Le Baron, U.S. Assist. Eng., on Peace Creek, Florida, in 1881, during the survey of a steamboat route from the St. John’s River to Charlotte harbor. They were discovered in association with remains of the elephant, Hlephas columbi, and a huge turtle remarkable for the thickness of its shell, ete. The specimens are black and well preserved, but exhibit no peculi- arity. The remaining specimens are of more interest than the pre- ceding, and consist of two bone fragments and three teeth (Nos. 1-5, 11629), which were obtained by Mr. Ellis Clarke, Jr., from near Lacualtipan, Hidalgo, Mexico. According to the accom- panying letter, they were discovered in a thirty inch clay bed, lying between an upper four inch, and an under four feet stratum of coal, overlying a limestone with small shells. The fossils belong to the three-toed horse, Hippotherium (Hipparion), and are prob- ably of pliocene age, though they may be miocene. Of the bone fragments one is the upper extremity of a meta- 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 291 tarsal, exhibiting on each side behind the articular impressions of the smaller metatarsals. The articular end measures 13 lines transversely and 11 lines fore and aft. The other fragment is the proximal articular end of a first phalanx, measuring 14 lines trans- versely and 8 lines fore and aft. Of the teeth two are lower molars, apparently of different individuals. One, a fourth or fifth of the series, is little worn, but has lost its exterior cementum. It is about 2 inches long and at the triturating surface measures 9 lines fore and aft and 44 lines transversely. The other lower molar, probably the third of the series, is about half worn, but is broken away below, and yet retains its outer cementum. It measures 9 lines fore and aft and 5 lines transversely. The remaining tooth, the most characteristic of the specimens, is an upper molar, apparently the fourth of the series of the right side. It is but little worn, is well preserved and retains its exterior cementum. It measures about 2 inches long and at the tritur- ating surface is 94 lines fore and aft and 9 lines transversely. The specimens indicate a species about the size of Hippotherium venustum and H. speciosum, but the folding of the enamel on the triturating surface of the upper molar, as repre- sented in the accompanying figure, is sufficiently different from the arrangement in the corres- ponding teeth of those species, to render it prob- able that the fossils belong to neither of them. In H. venustum the inner column of the superior molars, so far as known, is regularly cylindrical ; in H. speciosum it is compressed cylindrical. In the tooth under inspection it is much wider than in the latter. The fossils probably indicated an undescribed species, and for this the name Hippotherium montezuma was suggested. Prof. Cope remarked that he believed that the contemporaneity of man with the horse and other extinct pliocene mammals in Western North America would soon be satisfactorily demon- strated. The first evidence on the subject was furnished by J. D. Whitney, Chief of the Geological Survey of California, in the case of the Calaveras skull, which was said to be taken from the gold- bearing gravel; and in several other cases subsequently added. From the fact that scientific observers were never present at the unearthing of the remains of man and his works from this forma- tion, the evidence has been generally regarded as inconclusive. The gold-bearing gravel of California is, however, a very peculiar formation, and an object buried in it would carry such marks of its origin as to be quite recognizable. This was the case with the Calaveras skull when first discovered, as I am informed by Prof. Verrill of Yale College. This gentleman states that the skull, when found, was partially filled and covered with the hard adhesive “cement ” so characteristic of the formation. Prof. Cope referred to two observations of his own made in 292 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882 1879 in Oregon! and California,? which were confirmatory of the existence of man in the upper pliocene of both those States, but the evidence was in neither case absolutely conclusive. The discovery that the tracks of several species of pliocene mammalia* in the argillaceous sandstones of the quarry of the Nevada State Prison at Carson, are accompanied by those of a biped resembling man, is a further confirmation of these views. The tracks are clearly those of a biped, and are not those of a member of the Simzide, but must be referred to the Hominide. Whether they belong to a species of the genus Homo or not, cannot be ascertained from the tracks alone, but can be determined on the discovery of the bones and teeth. In any case the animal was probably the ancestor of existing man, and was a contemporary of the Hlephas primigenius and a species of Equus. Professor Lewis drew attention to the caution that should be taken in accepting as evidences of pliocene man any facts as yet not verified by scientific observers. Wuile the facts proving a post- glacial man are indisputable, the existence of pre-glacial man, either in our own country or in Europe, is not attested by satisfactory evidence. The discoveries in California, just referred to, made for the most part by miners in their search for gold,’carry with them several serious objections to the great antiquity assigned to the relics thus found. In the first place, the characters of the impiements are identical with those of modern workmanship, while the Calaveras skull closely resembles that of a modern Indian. The implements, consisting of large granite mortars, polished spearheads of obsidian, gaming disks, finely marked pendants of greenstone and syenite, hammers, pestles, arrowheads, beads, etc., are of quite as perfect workmanship as those produced by the present aborigines of the country. No modern implements surpass the beauty of the obsidian spearheads thus found. The fact is not generally mentioned that implements in all respects similar to those of the auriferous gravel occur upon the surface of the ground, having been made by well-known tribes. Nor is the skull in any way inferior to those of the present day. Moreover, there is no evidence of the great antiquity either of the Calaveras skull or of the implements by the amount of weathering or corrosion that they have suffered. Unlike the palzolithic implements of Europe and of Eastern America, the spearheads and mortars of the Californian gravels are as fresh in appearance as those made by modern tribes. Nor'is the compact gravel adhering to the Calaveras skull a mark of great antiquity, since the forma- tion of even more compact gravels and conglomerates may occur 1 American Naturalist, 1880, p. 62. * Loc. cit, 1878, p. 125. 3 Loe. cit., 1881, p. 195 and 921. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 293 in quite recent times. It is unnecessary here, in support of this fact, to more than mention the modern coins and other objects so frequently found in a compact gravel firmly cemented. Again, there is no sufficient evidence that the gravel in which many of these relics were reported to have been found was undis- turbed. Most of the implements were found on the banks of streams, some of them in the bottom of river-beds, in both of which places landslips may have occurred, while the few found in shafts have never been satisfactorily demonstrated to lie in a position which could not have been disturbed. The very fact that these relics all occur ina gold-bearing gravel may indicate the method by which many of them were buried. That gold-mining was carried on in these same gravels by the aborigines upon an extensive scale is well attested. Schoolcraft describes an ancient shaft which penetrated Table Mountain to a depth of 210 feet, at the bottom of which were human bones and implements. This is the very locality where a number of imple- ments anda skull of supposed pliocene man were afterwards found. Other authorities might be quoted to show the numerous mining operations of the aborigines. The mortars already described were probably used in the process of extracting gold from the gravel. Another point of importance is the fact that the earliest relics of man, either in the river gravels of Europe and Great Britain, or in those of the Delaware, are of an ancient type, unlike those of more recent times. These palxolithic implements, with the associated bones of animals now extinct, are the most certain evi- dences of primeval man, and belong to the age immediately fol- lowing the glacial epoch. It is not, therefore, probable that the highly fashioned implements of California, having the most neolithic type, belong to a race of pre-glacial men anterior to those of the river gravels of Europe. The argument from analogy is so strong against the great antiquity of the Californian relics, that evidence of the most satisfactory kind must be required to support such a conclusion. The following was ordered to be published :— 294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. ON UINTATHERIUM, BATHMODON AND TRIISODON. BY E. D. COPE. Bathmodon pachypus Cope, sp. nov. The species originally described by me under the name of Bathmodon radians, was based on a number of specimens obtained by Dr. Hayden, from the Wasatch formation near Evanston, Wyoming. I subsequently ascertained that this mate- rial included two species, a larger and a smaller. The latter I described under the name of Bathmodon laiipes': for the larger the name of Bathmodon radians was retained. Besides various diversities between the skeletons of these species, their astragali exhibit characters which indicate that the genus Bathmodon is distinct from Coryphodon,although I have admitted their supposed identity in some of my publications. I pointed out the differen- tial characters of the two genera in 1882,° but did not then express the most important feature. I then defined Bathmodon as follows: “Astragalus subquadrate, without internal hook,” and Coryphodon, “Astragalus transverse, with internal hook.” The absence of the internal prolongation of the astragalus in Bathmodon, is due to the presence of a facet for articulation with some bone, which is not found in Coryphodon. This may have been a proximal prolongation of the entocuneiform, or perhaps a distinct bone, or even the proximal extremity of the metacarpus of the hallux. Besides the B. radians, I am acquainted with a second species of superior dimensions. The remains consist of a pelvis with femur and several bones of the posterior leg and foot, and the humerus and radius of the foreleg. These bones are as long as those of the largest known Coryphodon (C. anaxv), and are more robust. In description of this new species, which I call Bathmodon pachypus, I give the following dimensions :— ' Annual Report U. S. Geolog. Survey Terrs., 1872, p. 588. 2 Report U. S. G. Survey W. of the 100th Meridian, iv, 1877, p. 187. %’ American Naturalist, Jan. 1882, Proceeds. Amer. Philos. Society, 1881, p. 165. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 295 Length of humerus, . : : : ; : 400 Diameters of proximal extremity ecge See NET ue ( transverse oblique, 159 Width at epicondyles, . , ‘ ; F e166 transverse, . : o | ae hZ anteroposterior (roller, °058 Ulange, O87 Diameters of condyles ! Length of pelvis antero-posteriorly, . ; 000 Chord of crest of ilium, a : - 350 Anteroposterior width of painnele clean: : a ate EEO Length of ischium from acetabulum, . ; » , “Lad Length of pubis to symphysis do., : = NGO Length of femur, : : : , : eee Width of femur proximately, area te : = pole Diameter of head of femur, : : «. 080 Diameter of shaft above third troc eae : «> "066 Diameter of shaft at third trochanter, ; =) 2106 Width of condyles of femur, : ‘ : . ‘134 Depth of condyles with rotular crest, : “= , uee Diameters of astragalus above Migs iene Sas Poe ( transverse, - ‘0800 Length of caleaneum, . : : : : abe eH M1) From the Wasatch of the Big Horn, J. L. Wortman. Vintatherium robustum Leidy. I have for some years had in my possession a fragmentary lower jaw from the Bridger beds of Wyoming, which I have been unable to refer to its proper place in the system. It is described in part in the Annual Report of the U. 8. Geological Survey of the Territories, 1872, p. 565. The rami support roots and crowns of six molars, and the symphysis has two alveoli on each side. The peculiarity of the animal consists in this latter fact, since the species so far as described, are said to have four teeth on each side of the symphysis, viz., three incisors and one canine. Those present in the present species I suppose to be incisors. The molar teeth are so much like those of Uintatherium robustum, that I believe the specimen to belong to that species. Symphysis very much compressed, so that the incisor teeth of opposite sides are close together; its inferior outline curved 296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AUADEMY OF [ 1882. upwards to the alveolar edge, in an obtuse keel. Base of flange for superior canine distinct, commencing below the posterior edge of the posterior alveolus, and immediately preceded by a mental foramen. Middle line of symphysis rugose. Ramus at last molar robust, owing to the prominence of the inferior part of the anterior masseteric ridge. In connection with the oblique position of the head, the inferior molars are oblique to the long axis of the ramus, sloping upwards and backwards, with exposed anterior roots. The molars increase in size posteriorly, and the last one is abruptly larger than the penultimate. Their structure is as in U. robustum, 7. e., with an obliquely transverse high crest in front, and a low posterior transverse edge of the heel, and a short oblique crest between the two. The last named is short, and is directed obliquely outwards and forwards towards the external extremity of the anterior crest, but disappears before reaching it. The internal extremity of this and of the low poste- rior crest, with the external extremity of the anterior crest, rise into cusps. At the middle of the anterior base of the anterior transverse crest there is a tubercle, which represents the anterior limb of the anterior V in Coryphodon. The crowns of the pre- molars are broken away in the specimen. The alveoli of the incisors are flat, and are directed forwards at an angle of only 20° from the horizontal until near their orifices, where the angle is greater. The roots of the incisors are thus curved upwards and forwards. There is but little space between the anterior alveolus and the anterior angle of the symphysis. Measurements. M. Length from anterior edge of symphysis to anterior base of canine flang2, R : 4 OTS) Width of symphysis below at bases of inter al flanges, -032 Depth of symphysis between do., . : 4 . 040 Width of symphysis above between posterior in- cisors, ; : s : 5 ie OLY Length of bases of posterior five Stee ; ee Length of bases of true molars, . : = ee ; .. (anteroposterior, : pee! Diameters crown, m. ii, / : ; ( transverse in front, . . °020 (anteroposterior, : - 035 Diameters crown, m. iii, (transverse in front, . 40a Width of ramus at posterior edge of m. iii, . . 040 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 297 Although the crowns are somewhat worn, the enamel is wrinkled intermediately between coarse and fine. The specimen described was obtained in the Bridger beds on Henry’s Fork of Green River, Wyoming. Triisodon conidens Cope. A right maxillary bone and corresponding mandibular ramus represent this species in my collection. The former sustains the last five molars, and the latter the last three, with alveoli of the others and of the canine tooth. The pieces indicate a skull of the size of that of the wolf, and a good deal more robust in its ver- tical measurements. The third superior premolar has a base of triangular outline, the external side longer than either of the internal, which are con- nected by a broadly rounded angle. The external cusp is of lenticular section at the base, and circular section near thg apex. An internal cusp is represented by a strong cingulum as in Periptychus, which connects with the posterior base of the ex- ternal cusp. The crown of the fourth superior premolar has a triangular base of which the anterior side is shorter than either of the other two, which are subequal. The external cusp is large, simple, and subconic. The internal is distinct but smaller and is continued posteriorly as a cingulum to the posterior base of the external cusp. No internal cingulum. The crown of the first true molar is worn to the roots. The second true molar is the longest of the series. Its base is a triangle, placed transversely to the axis of the jaw, of which the external side is the shortest, the anterior the next longer, and the posterior the longest. The apex or internal extremity of the crown is obtusely rounded. There are two sub- equal external cusps, which are injured in the specimen. The internal cusp is the apex of a V whose limbs form the anterior and posterior edges of the grinding face of the crown, extending out- wards to near the bases of the external cusps. Posterior to the posterior one is a strong basal cingulum. No internal, and a faint anterior cingulum. There is probably an external cingulum, but it is broken away. The last molar is of an oval outline placed transversely to the cranial axis, both the external and internal ex- tremities contracted, the latter a little the more so. There isa large anterior external conical cusp. The posterior external is small, and is situated at the posterior third of the posterior border of the 298 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. crown. The internal cusp is well developed, and has a subcircular section. There are strong external and posterior cingula, and a weak anterior one, but no internal cingulum. The posterior extremity of the maxillary bone within the zygoma, is imme- diately above the posterior border of the last superior molar. Measurements of Superior Molars. M. Length of bases of posterior five, . ; es OS, g I Diameters base, Pm. iii ie Sa eae late ; (transverse, . . *009 Tianhe Gis, HAGA anteroposterior, .. Olas ” ( transverse, s 2 a ee Length base of true molars, : : : at ere Diametereabase wok aaa anteroposterior, ” “0175 ’ (transverse, —. aoe Diameters base, m. iii, (anteroposterior, . 2 TG (transverse, . : < @ ie Elevation of base of zygoma, above base of m.iii, 018 The ramus of the lower jaw is, as usually with the Creodonta, deeper and less robust than that of Carnivora of corresponding size. It is also more compressed than that of the Trvisodon quivirensis. It retains its depth to below the canine teeth, and does not shallow below the middle of the coronoid process, where also there is no tendency to inflection. The anterior masseteric ridge is not very prominent, and the masseteric fossa is not defined below, nor is the inferior edge of the ramus prominent or ridged at that point. The premolar teeth are lost, but they occupied but a short space, and were probably only three in number. The first and second true molars are subequal, while the third is a little smaller than either. Each consists of an anterior higher and a posterior lower portion, the lower region being at the junction of the two. The anterior part has a nearly circular section, and contracts towards the apex. The latter is divided into three cusps, a larger external and two lesser internal. The external and posterior internal soon fuse on wearing, and their combined section is a crescent. The anterior inner is small and stands near the inner edge of the crown, and not at the middle as in 7. quivirensis, and is circular in section. The heel of the tooth rises to its posterior border, which is divided into two cusps. Each of these sends a 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 299 ridge forwards towards the base of the anterior cone of the tooth. The external is the larger, and reaches that base. The internal is smaller, and falls short of it. The posterior inferior molar differs from the others in form as well as in size. There is no posterior inner anterior cusp, the large external cusp being supplemented by a small anterior internal only, which sends a little ridge down- wards and posteriorly. The heel is narrowed, and supports the two cusps on its posterior border in contact, and not separate as on the other teeth. The external is the larger, and extends forwards to the base of the anterior cone near its middle. Some remnants of hard matrix leave it uncertain whether there is a small median posterior marginal tubercle on the first and second molars or not. The first inferior true molar has a strong external cingulum ; the second has none; the third has one, which is most evident between the cusps, is weaker at the base of the posterior lobe, and faint at the anterior lobe. No internal cingula. Measurements. M. Length of true molar series, ; ‘ . 052 Length from m. iii to anteriot masseteric pee 2 =0bS Diameters of m. i, (anteroposterior, . : ‘ 17 (transverse, . : : ., Olle Diameters of m. ii, (anteroposterior, . A . 018 (transverse, . : ‘ s s:OEt Diameters of m. iii, } (anteroposterior, ; z : se (transverse, . : ; 3 0105 Depth of ramus at m. iii, : : : ‘ . ‘047 Width of ramus at m.iii,inferiorly, . . . ‘013 The molar teeth of this species are more like those of the 7. heilprinianus than those of the 7. quivirensis. This is seen in the more conic character of the anterior lobe of the tooth, and the better development of the anterior inner cusp. The species is a good deal larger than the 7. quivirensis. From the Puerco beds of N. W. New Mexico, D. Baldwin. Nore.—The superior molar teeth show a resemblance to those of Mesonyx, and also to those of Deltatherium. Among the Me- sonychide, Triisodon approaches Sarcothraustes in the form of the inferior molars, in the expanded heel. On the other hand, the 20 300 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. appearance of the anterior cusp of the inferior molars approaches what is seen in Amblyctonus. The small transverse posterior superior molar of 7’riisodon further distinguishes it from Amblyc- tonus. A series of modifications of the dental characters proceeding from the simple to the more complex, may be constructed as follows: 1. Mesonyx; 2. Dissacus; 3. Sarcothraustes; 4. Triisodon; 5. Amblyctonus; 6. Deltatherium. The first three belong to the Mesonychidex, as distinguished by the form of the tarsal articu- lations. Whether 7’rvisodon must be arranged with Amblyctonus or not, cannot be ascertained until the foot structure is known. - 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 301 DECEMBER 19. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Thirty-five persons present. The deaths of Jos. S. Lovering, Jr., and Dr. John Forsyth Meigs, members, were announced. On an extinct Peccary.—Prof. Lripy said he regarded it as remarkable, that among the mulitude of remains of’extinct mam- mals found in this country, many of which were of genera common to the old world, no well authenticated remains of Hippopotamus and of the Hog had been discovered. The representative of the latter in this country is the Peccary, of which there are two known living species, pertaining to South America, with one of them extending into Mexico and Texas. The remains of a number of extinct species have been found in the United States and territo- ries, partly referable to Dicotyles, and others to a nearly allied genus, described by Dr. Le Conte under the name of Platygonus. In this the constituent lobes of the molar teeth are conspicuously prominent, comparatively smooth, and approximate in form those of ruminants. In Dicotyles they are comparatively low, wrinkled, and approximate more those of the hog. Several fossil specimens exhibited, probably indicate an unde- scribed species of Platygonus, larger and of more robust propor- tions than the P. compressus. They have been submitted for examination by Mr. Wm. Bb. Henderson, who reports that they were found in clay and gravel, in a limestone quarry, in Mifflin Co., Pa. They consist of two jaw fragments with teeth, the bone being encrustated with a hard ferruginous cement of limestone and gravel. The lower jaw fragment contains the greater part of the last two molars. The jaw below the position of the first molar is thick and shallow; below the last tooth it abruptly deepens, and a short distance back is nearly double the depth. The upper jaw fragment contains the greater part of the molars and last premolar. The upper teeth exhibit a well produced basal ridge fore and aft, but none laterally, except the feeble elements of it between the lobes of the crowns. Comparative measurements of the two fossil specimens with corresponding parts in the skull of P. compressus are as follows : P. vetus. P. compressus. Depth of lower jaw below first molar, 42 mm. 37 mm. Thickness of lower jaw below first molar,22 ‘ Viens Depth of lower jaw back of last molar, 78 “ 45 ‘* Space occupied by the last two molars, 47 “ 1 ac 302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. P. vetus. P. compressus. Fore and aft diameter of second molar, 21 mm. 17 mm. Transverse diameter of second molar, 15+ 35° i Fore and aft diameter of last molar, 7) a ph Transverse diameter of last molar, RG pes 1s ae Breadth of face outside last premolars, 56 “ 45“ Breadth of face outside last molars, GSiet BB e Space occupied by upper molars, G2 oF 5D oc Fore and aft diameter of first molar, ie Oar LS ese Transverse diameter of first molar, lice bes Fore and aft diameter of second molar, 20 “ Lg Gals . Transverse diameter of second molar, LSet Lye Fore and aft diameter of last molar, 24 “ 21 +..6° Transverse diameter of last molar, LG kit Ags pe , Fore and aft diameter of last premolar, 12 “ iT Transverse diameter of last premolar, 1, a The species may be named PLATYGONUS VETUS, though it is by no means certain that it does not pertain to one of the forms de- scribed by Prof. Marsh, from the western territories. The following was ordered to be printed :— 1882. NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 303 AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE SPECIES OF FISHES DESCRIBED IN SHAW’S GENERAL ZOOLOGY. BY JOSEPH SWAIN. In the early part of the present century, Dr. George Shaw compiled a ‘‘ General Zoélogy ” or “ Systematic Natural History,” which was to contain descriptions of all the animals then known. In the two volumes on fishes,! he introduced a large number of new specific names, most of them arbitrary, and unwarranted alterations of prior names, the rest chiefly for species described by travelers, which had been for one reason or another left without binomial designation. Of all the various compilations of the kind, pertaining to fishes, this work of Shaw’s is probably the least worthy. Some of the names, however, have priority of date. I here give a list of all the new generic and specific names intro- duced by Shaw, with the name which the form in question should bear, so far as I can ascertain it. Cases involving difficulty of identification or doubt as to proper nomenclature, have been referred to Prof. Jordan, to whom I am also indebted for numerous suggestions, and for the use of his library. WiOle Ve NAME, PAGE. IDENTIFICATION. Anguilla vulgaris, . pl. 1, 15 | Anguilla vulgaris,? Shaw. Murena romana, . : - 26 | Murena helena, L. Murena africana, . : . 30 | Sidera afra (Bloch, Swain. Murena meleagris, . 5 si, OF Sidera meleagris (Shaw), Swain. Murena’ viridis, . - . 33 | ? Ophichthys, sp. Monopterus javanicus, . . 39 | Monopterus javenensis, La Cépede. Odontognathus abdomine acu- Odontognathus mucronatus, La leata, . : , pl 835 14 Cépede. Triurus‘ commersonii, . = fits: ? Genus Stylephorus, . : . 87 ! Genus Stylephorus. 1 General Zoology of Systematic Natural History, by George Shaw, M. D., F. R. §., ete., with plates from the first authorities and most select specimens. Engraved principally by Mr. Heath, London (vol. iv, 1803 ; vol. v, 1804). 2 Prior to Anguilla vulgaris Turton (1806), and Rafinesque (1810). 5’ Murena viridis is based on ‘ Serpens Marinus americanus, Seb. 3, t. 70, f. 2,’? apparently not identifiable. 4 Based on Triurus bougainvillianus La Cépede, ii, 201. 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. NAME. PAGE. IDENTIFICATION. Stylephorus cordatus, pl. 11, 87 | Stylephorus cordatus, Shaw. Xiphias platypterus, pl. 15, 101 Xiphias gladius, Linnzeus. Xiphias makaira, . pl. 16, 104 | Histiophorusgladius (Brouss.)LaC. Gadus! leverianus, 4 . 153 ? Blennius trifureatus, F . 174 | Raniceps trifurcus (Walb.), Cuv. Cepola hermanniana, 2 . 191 | Tenioides hermannii,? La Cépéde. Gymnetrus ascanii, pl. 27, 195 | Regalecus glesne, Ascan. Genus Vandellius, . - . 199 | Lepidopus (Gouan), Bl. & Schn. Gobius ater, . : : . 243 Gobius ater,* Shaw. Gobiomorus australis, . . 249 | Eleotris strigata (Brouss.), C. & Y. Cottus‘ australis, . : . 263 ? Scorpzna commersonii, . . 201 Pterois volitans (L.), C. & Y. Scorpena bicapillata, pl. 40, 273 | Synancia bicirrata (La C.), Swain. Scorpeena brachiata, : - 274 | Synancia verrucosa, Bloch. Zeus opah, . - pl. 42, 287 | Lampris guttatus (Briinnich), | Retzius. Pleuronectes roseus, pl. 438, 302 | Pleuronectes flesus, L. Pleuronectes rondeletii, . . 307 | Solea ocellata (L.), Giinther. Pleuronectes’ argenteus,., . 308 , ? Pleuronectes diaphanus, . . 309 | Arnoglossus laterna (Walb.) Giint. Pleuronectes tuberculatus, . 312 | Psetta maxima (L.), Swainson, Cheetodon imperialis, pl. 41, 324 , Holacanthus imperator (Bloch.), La C. Cheetodon bifasciatus, . . 342 | Heniochus macrolepidotus (L.), C.& V. Cheetodon plectorhynchus, Plectorhynchus chetodontdides, pl. 49, 356 La C. Acanthurus nasus, pl. 51, 376 | Monoceros tuberosus (LaC.),Swain. Acanthurus® militaris, . . 380 | Acanthurus, sp. Acanthurus harpurus, . . 381 Monoceros lituratus (Forst.) Swain. Acanthurus achilles, - . 383 Acanthurus achilles, Shaw. Acanthurus' umbratus, . . 384 re ! Described from a specimen in the Leverian Museum, which is ‘‘sup- posed’’ to be a native of the Southern Ocean, being placed in a collection of fishes taken during the last voyage of Captain Cook. 2 Not hermannianus, as usually quoted. 3 Gobius ater Shaw, is based on Gobius niger La C. (not of Linnzus). If this is a valid species, it seems to have been overlooked by other writers. * Cottus australis Shaw, is ‘‘a doubtful species ; described by myself in Mr. White’s Voyage to Botany Bay’’ (Shaw). 5 Plewronectes argenteus is based on a partial description by Petiver, in “*Gazoph. 10, t. 26.’’ 5 «Native of the Indian and American seas. In the British and Lever- ian Museums.”’ (Shaw.) 7 «* Native of the Indian seas, In the British Musegm.’’ (Shaw.) 1882.] NAME, Acanthurus' meleagris, . Trichopus arabicus, Trichopus satyrus, Trichopus pallasii, Trichopus monodactylus, Scarus purpuratus, Scarus? rostratus, Sparus’ bicinetus, . Sparus brunnichii, Sparus commersonii, Sparus melanotus, . Sparus luna, . Sparus serran, Sparus' sciurus, Sparus argyropthalmus, Sparus® reticulatus, Sparus zonatus, Sparus hemisphericus, pl. 66, pl. 66, Sparus brachiatus, Sparus magnificus, Sparus’ palpebratus, Sparus tranquebaricus, . Sparus semifasciatus, Sparus* trilineatus, Sparus’ cepedianus, pl. 64, PAGE. | 385 390 391 392 392 397 401 418 424 428 431 433 439 439 441 456 463 464 471 472 472 473 NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 305 IDENTIFICATION, ? Thalassoma lunare (L.), Swain. Osphromenus goramy, La Cépéde. Osphromenus trichopterus (Pall.), Giinther. Monodactylus falciformis, La Cé- pede. Thalassoma purpuream (Forsk.), Swainson, ? ? Sparus bogaraveo, Briinn. Gerres oyena (Forsk.), Cuy. & Val. Lutjanus argentinaculatus (Forsk.), Swain. Lutjanus chrysurus (Bloch), Vaill. Serranus cabrilla (L.), Risso. Serranus formosus (L.), J. & G. Priacanthus? macrophthalmus (Bloch), Swain. 9 Thalliurus fasciatus (Thun.), Swn. Xyrichthys fuscus (La C.), Swain. Xyrichthys fuscus (La C.), Swain. Conodon nobilis (L.), J. & G. ? Lutjanus johnii (Bloch), Vaill. Epinephelus striatus (Bloch), Gill. ? ? Lutjanus, sp. 1 « Native of the Indian and American seas. In the British Museum.’’ (Shaw. ) 2 “Slightly described by Cépéde from the MSS. of Commerson.’’ (Shaw. ) 5 Based on ‘Sp. bivittatus Bloch, t. 263.’’ * Sparus sciurus Shaw, includes Diabasis elegans (C.&V.) J. &G. and Serranus formosus (L.) J. & G. 8S. sciwrus may be considered as a syn- onym of S. formosus. > Not P. macrophthalmus Cuy. and Val. = P. arenatus C. & Y. 6 Based on Sparus capistratus Gmelin. 7 Based on Perca palpebrosa L. § Based on Anthias lineatus Bloch, t. 326, f. 1. - ® Based on Lutjanus albo-aureus La Cépéde, iv, 239. 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. NAME. PAGE, IDENTIFICATION. Sparus'! sigillatus, . . 474 ? Gomphosus variegatus, pl. 69, 480 Gomphosus varius, La Cépéde. Labrus albidus, 490 | Percis tetracanthus (La C.), Swain. Labrus undulatus, . - 496 | Julis lunaris (L.), Cuv. & Val. Labrus ballanus, pl. 71, 498 Labrus bergylta, Ascanius. Labrus ascanii, 512 Cynzdus melops (L.), Swain. Labrus? carinatus, . 522 i Labrus’ cupreus, 527 ? Scizena gibbosa, 539 Lutjanus gibbus, Bloch. Holocentrus decussatus, 557 | Epinephelust decussatus (Shaw), Swain. Holocentrus japonicus, . 565 | Epinephelus® ruber, Bloch. Holocentrus testudineus, 566 Epinephelus brunneus, Bloch. Holocentrus marginatus, 566 | Epinephelus marginalis, Bloch. Holocentrus bicolor, 568 | Epinephelus albofuscus (La C.), Swain. Bodianus zebra, 574 | Bodianus beenack, Bloch. Bodianus lunulatus, 575 Bodianus lunaris (Forsk.), Swain. Scomber madagascariensis, Scombroides lysan (Forsk.), Swn. pl. 75, 590 Scomber® botla, 591 ? Scomber leopardus, 591 Scomberomorus guttatus (Bl. and Sch.), Swain. Scomber maculosus, 592 | Scomberomorus commersonii (La C.), Swain. Scomber’ nigricollis, 597 Teuthis, sp. Gasterosteus carolinensis, 608 Trachynotus carolinus (L.), Gill. Gasterosteus canadensis, 609 Elacate canada (L.), Gill. Mullus indicus, 614 | Upeneus indicus (Shaw), Giinther. Mullus bandi, 615 Upeneoides vittatus, Bleeker. Mullus® radiatus, 618 Upeneus, sp. Mullus aureovittatus, 618 Upeneus flavolineatus, C. & V. ' Based on Lutjanus elliptico-flavus La Cépede, iv, 240. * Based on Labrus aristatus La C épede, iii, 445. ’ Based on Johnius eneus Bloch, vii, 135, taf. 357. * Not identified. ° Not identified by recent writers. 6 Based on ‘** Botla Parah. pl. 187.” Based on Epinephelus striatus Bloch, not Anathias striatus Bloch, also an Hpinephelus. Russell’s Indian Fishes, pl. 142 and var. ? 7 Based on Centrogaster argentatus Gmel., Syst. Nat., 1337. * Not identified by recent writers. 1882. ] NAME, Trigla' japonica. Genus Trachichthys, Trachichthys australis, NAME, Loricaria? accipenser, Loricaria dentata, Loricaria flava, Salmo® phinoe, Salmo salmulus, Salmo fulvus, Salmo rostratus, Esox barracauda, Esox cepedianus, Esox leverianus, Esox stomias, z Polypterus niloticus, Mullus! malabaricus, Polynemus niloticus, Polynemus indicus, . Polynemus tetradactylus, Polynemus commersonii, . Clupea gigantea, Cyprinus? rondeletii, Cyprinus® pomeranicus, . Cyprinus’ ferrugineus, pl. 131, Cyprinus punctatus, Cyprinus serta, Cyprinus lancastriensis, . Petromyzon plumbeus, NATURAL PAGE, . 624 | . 630 | . 630 | Vol. PAGE, 36 37 38 5 5D 80 A268 Sum Lag pl. 110, 117 aaelg 3) eB pl. 112, 122 . 187 . 151 . 155 . 155 . 156 5178 pl. 123, 194 . 202 218 . 220 . 232 . 234 . 263 SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 307 IDENTIFICATION, ? Cephalacanthus, sp. Genus Trachichthys, Shaw. Trachichthys australis, Shaw. Vas IDENTIFICATION, Loricaria maculata, Bloch. Loricaria cataphracta, L. Hypostomus plecostomus(L.), C&V. ? Salmo trutta, L. Salmo salar, L. Sarcodaces odoé (Bloch), Giinther. Coregonus oxyrhynehus, L. Sphyreena picuda, Bl. & Sch. Lepidosteus tristeechus (Bl. & Sch.), J. & G. Lepidosteus tristeechus (Bl. &Sch.), J. & G. Chauliodus sloanii, Bl. & Sch. Polypterus bichir, Geoffroy. ? Mugil, sp. Polynemus plebejus, Gmel. Polynemus indicus, Shaw. Polynemus tetradactylus, Shaw. Polynemus plebejus, Gmel. Megalops cyprinoides (Brouss.), Bleeker. Cyprinus carpio, L. 9 Cyprinus carpio, L. Abramis bipunctatus (Bloch), Giin. Abramis vimba (L.), C. & V. Squalius leuciscus (L.), Heckel. Petromyzon branchialis, L. 1 Based on Trigla alata, Gmel. Syst. Nat., 1346. 2 Loricaria accipenser Shaw, includes Loricaria maculata Bloch, and Loricaria cataphracta L. 3 Based on “ White Salmon, Penn., Brit. Zool.”’ 4 Based on ‘* Peddarki Sovero Russ. pisc., t. 182.” ®> Apparently a monstrosity ; based on ‘‘ Rondel. aquat. 2, p. 155.”’ ® Based on ‘ Cyprinus buggenhagit Bloch, t. 95.”’ 7 Apparently a monstrosity ; based on ‘*‘Cyprin rouge-brun, Cépéde, 6, p. 490.” 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF NAME. PAGE, Petromyzon bicolor, - . 263 Raja chagrinea, ; ; . 281 Raja fasciata, - pl. 148, 286 Raja poecilura, A : Seat Raja’ diabolus, ; ; 5 el Raja? maculata, A . . 316 Raja’ bicolor, . - 316 Raja thouiniana, pl. 147, 318 Raja cuvieri, c ; . 319 Squalus philippinus, ; . 341 Squalus‘ denticulatus, . . dol Squalus zebra, . . 5 . 302 Squalus semisagittatus, . . 361 Genus Spatularia, . ; 362 Spatularia reticulata, pl. 156, 362 Chimeera borealis, pl. 157, 365 Chimera australis, pl. 158, 368 Lophius europzus, pl. 161, 379 Lophius cornubicus, : : Lophius muricatus, pl. 162, 382 Lophius rostratus, pl. 1638, 383 Lophius® pictus, . pl. 165, 386 Lophius® marmaratus, pl. 165, 386 Cyclopterus'’ pyramidatus, pl. 167, 390 Cyclopterus pavoninus, pl. 167, 391 Cyclopterus® bispinosus, . 396 Cyclopterus cornubicus, ogi [1882. IDENTIFICATION, Petromyzon branchialis, L. Raja fullonica, L. Myliobatis nieuhofii (Bl. & Sch.), C. & VY. Pteroplatea micrura (Bl. & Sch.), Mill. & Henle. ? Dicerobatis giorne (LaC.),Giinth. ? ? Rhinobatus thouinianus (Shaw), Swain. Raja clavata, L. Cestracion philippi (Bl. & Schn.), Cuvier. ? Stegostoma tigrinum (L.), Giinther. Pristis cuspidatus, Latham. Genus Polyodon, La Cépéde. Polyodon spathula (Walb.),J. &G. Chimera monstrosa, L. Callorhynchus australis Owen. Lophius piseatorius, L. Lophius piscatorius, L. Halieutea stellata (Walb.), C. & V. Malthe vespertilio (L.), C. & VY. Antennarius multiocellatus (C.&V.) Ginther, var, leucosoma Bleeker. Antennarius, sp. Cyclopterus lumpug, L. (Shaw), Cyclopterus lumpus, L. ? Cotylis, sp. Lepadogaster gouanii, La Cépéde. 1 Based on ‘‘ Eereegoodee Tenkoo, Russel ind., t. 9.’’ 2 Based on ‘‘ Temeree Russ. ind., t. 1.” ’ Based on *‘ Nalla Temeree, Russ. ind., t. 2.’’ 4 Based on ‘‘Squale dentelé,’? La Cépéde, i, 281 ; habitat unknown. ® «Pictus’’ is preoccupied. 6 Not identified by recent writers ; ‘‘marmoratus”’ is preoccupied. 7 Evidently a monstrosity. 8 Based on Cyclopterus nudus Gmel., Syst. Nat., 1475. 1882. ] NAME, Balistes' liturosus, Balistes sonneratii, Balistes bicolor, Balistes virescens, Balistes fasciatus, . Balistes unimaculatus, . Balistes cinereus, . Balistes signatus, . Balistes capistratus, Ostracion auritus, Ostracion striatus, . Diodon? liturosus, . 3 : Cephalus brevis, pl. 175, Cephalus varius, Cephalus pallasianus, Syngnathus foliatus, pl. 168, pl. 173, pl. 180, Pegasus draco, pl. 182, NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. PAGE, 405 406 407 408 409 410 410 416 417 429 430 436 437 439 440 456 461 309 IDENTIFICATION, Monacanthus, sp. Balistes bursa, Bl. & Sch. Balistes conspicillum, Bl. & Sch. Balistes viridescens, Bl. & Sch. Balistes rectangulus, Bl. & Sch. Balistes verrucosus, Bl. & Sch. Balistes cinereus, Bonnat. Balistes fuscus, Bl. & Sch. Balistes capistratus, Shaw. Aracana aurita (Shaw), Giinther. Aracana aurita (Shaw), Giinther. Diodon liturosus, Shaw. Orthagoriscus mola (L.), Bl. Sch. Ranzania truncata (Retz), Nardo. Orthagoriscus mola (L.), Bl. Sch. Phyllopteryx foliatus (Shaw), Swainson. Pegasus draconis, Linnzus, 1 Not identified by recent writers. ‘‘ Native of the Indian seas: observed about the coasts of Otaheitee by Captain G. Tobin.”’ (Shaw. ) 2 Based on Diodon tachéte La Cépéde, ii, 18, 310 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. DECEMBER 26, 1882. The President, Dr. Lerpy, in the chair. Seventy-nine persons present. Irregularities of the Dental Arch, etc.—Dr. HaRRIsoN ALLEN called attention to the irregularity of the front and lateral curves forming the dental arch, and to some points in connection with the hard palate. He defined the curve of the teeth placed in the front of the jaw and answering to the premaxille, and those placed at the sides, the latter, pertaining to the maxille, having been found by him to be in the jaws of civilized whites always asymmetrical. The folds (rugz) of the hard palate are subject to much vari- ation. Inthe human fcetus of five centimetres in length, they are regular, six in number, and arranged across the palate as in certain of the lower animals. At birth they have already become irregular, but as to how far such irregularity might exist without indicating deformity, he believed no data had been collected. The names canine, first intermediate, first bicuspid, second inter- mediate, second bicuspid, etc., were proposed for these ruge. They are further arranged not infrequently in a median and a lateral set, an arrangement which is strikingly exhibited in some Quadrumana. When this arrangement appears in the human subject it may be accepted as an instance of reversion. It was thought that a study of these rugz, since they have systemic value in Cheiroptera, Insectivora and Quadrumana, might be undertaken in connection with other anthropological data. A series of plaster impressions of the dental arches and ruge of young and adult heads of the different races, would be found of interest in this connection. The disposition of the form of the wisdom-tooth to occasionally simulate the form of the premolar was commented upon. The following papers were ordered to be printed :— figle’ Solo ean ue ® on: ; mn no i eas Be on PROC. A. N. S. PHILA., 1882. LEWIS ON ENCLOSURES IN MUSCOVITE 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 311 SOME ENCLOSURES IN MUSCOVITE. BY H. CARVILL LEWIS. In order to gain an insight into the method of occurrence of the crystals of biotite enclosed in muscovite, examples of which occur in several localities, the writer prepared, some seven years ago, a series of cleavage plates taken from a single crystal of muscovite and biotite. These sections, arranged in order consecutively from the base of the crystal upwards, are now delineated upon the accompanying plate, and exhibit several features of interest. The specimen figured is one of a number found at an opening in partially decomposed felspathic gneiss on Baltimore avenue, West Philadelphia. The decomposition which, due to exposure to atmospheric agencies, has more or less attacked all the minerals at this place, has either partially or completely altered the enclosed biotite into a hydrous exfoliating mineral, which, bearing the same relation to unaltered biotite as margarodite does to muscovite,! may be known as hydro-biotite.?, The unaltered biotite is black, the hydro-biotite brown—both substances generally appearing in the same crystal. The enclosed crystals of biotite have frequently well-defined edges, and contrast sharply with the surrounding white muscovite. It is of interest to observe that, so far as noticed, the crystallo- graphic axes of both muscovite and biotite are parallel, and their prismatic planes symmetrical. Where, owing to the imperfect development of the enclosing muscovite, this relation is not immediately perceptible, it may be rendered evident by producing in each substance a strike figure (schlag jfigur), by mechanical means. If a sharp-pointed steel rod is held lightly upon a thin piece of mica, and the rod is then struck quickly with a hammer, a hole is produced in the mica, from which radiate lines of cleavage in three directions. As Reusch has shown, the cleayage in biotite (hexagonal) is parallel to the sides of the hexagon, while in 1», Proc. Acad. Nat, Sc., Phila., 1880, p. 319. * Margarodite being merely a hydrated muscovite, similar to it in all optical and physical characters, except such of the latter as are due to alteration, should properly be called hydro-muscovite. 3 Monatsb. d. Konig]. Acad., Berlin, 1868, p. 428 ; 1869, p. 84. 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. muscovite (orthorhombic) two of the cleavage lines are parallel to the sides of the rhomb, and the third parallel to the shorter lateral axis (brachydiagonal). The two micas have, therefore, similar strike figures, the lines of one being parallel to those of the other. In each strike figure the lines cross each other at angles of 60°. If nowa strike figure is produced close to the dividing line between the two micas, it will be seen that if the biotite is unaltered the cleavage lines run continuously from the one into the other without change of direction—a proof that the crystallographic planes of the two micas also have the same direction. This fact has already been shown by Gustay Rose! in a specimen of biotite in muscovite from Alstead, N. H. Since, therefore, the two micas have symmetrically arranged prismatic planes, it is probable that they have been crystallized together out of the same solution. A close examination of the accompanying plate, exhibiting a continuous vertical section of the crystal, shows that while the edges of both crystals remain parallel in successive plates, the substance of the biotite is gradually absorbed or eaten away, and replaced by the encroaching muscovite as the summit of the biotite crystal is approached. In fig. L the nearly perfect black crystal of biotite is seen to occupy a large space within the muscovite. Fig. 2 shows a small patch of white muscovite within the black crystal, while in figs. 3 and 4 this small patch is seen to become larger and the biotite to diminish in quantity. As the muscovite increases, the biotite diminishes. In fig. 7 the biotite is confined to one corner of the crystal. It still decreases until in fig. 11 only a minute speck of biotite remains; and finally in fig. 12 the muscovite has usurped the whole field. The biotite is apparently being eaten away by the muscovite. Both formed at once, the biotite, the more unstable of the two species, has given way to the more hardy muscovite. Of very different character are the occasional superficial markings of magnetite, which occur upon plates of muscovite from the same locality. These markings, sometimes known as “reticulated magnetite,” are most abundant and may best be studied in the muscovite of Southern Chester and Delaware Counties in Penna., and of Brandywine Hundred, Delaware. ? Monatsb. d. Konig]. Acad. d. Wiss., Berlin, 1869, p. 339. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 313 These well-known and often very beautiful markings form a series of branching lines, which run in three directions across the plates of mica, sometimes resembling the frost figures upon a window pane. The lines of the figures cross each other at fixed angles of 60°, and from their similarity to crystalline forms, have been hitherto regarded by mineralogists as the result of repeated twinning around a dodecahedral axis,! and have been correlated with the dendritic crystallizations of native gold and copper.’ As shown, however, by the writer in 1877,3 these markings always bear a fixed relation to the crystallographic axes of the muscovite, and are not due to an inherent property of the magnetite. If a crystal of muscovite enclosing reticulated magnetite be dis- sected into a series of successive cleavage plates, it will be found that the markings throughout are confined to similar portions of the crystal and that the three directions of the lines are maintained at the same angle throughout the whole crystal. Some common cause has produced the parallelism of the lines in successive plates. On the other hand, it will be seen that there is no direct connec- tion between any one cleavage plate and that next above er below it. One plate may be covered with markings, and the next plate entirely free from them, while the third plate will be again covered with markings, which, quite unlike the first plate in appearance and arrangement, yet form the same angles with the exterior of the erystal. Unlike the enclosed crystals of biotite, which penetrate the muscovite through successive plates, the reticulated magnetite is superficial, and rests upon the separate plates of muscovite in disconnected dendritic patches. The following drawing represents four successive plates of muscovite with reticulated magnetite, and shows the independence yet correlation of these markings. Lamina No. 2, which lay immediately below No. 1, is almost free from markings, while Nos. 3 and 4, cleft from the lower side of No. 2, show that the arrangement of the markings is entirely different on each lamina, although they maintain the same direction on all four. The strike figure, common to all four lamine, is shown in the centre of the drawing. The specimen figured was obtained in Delaware, near the Pennsylvania line. 1J. D. Dana, System of Mineralogy, p. 150. 2. S. Dana, Text book of Mineralogy, p. 93. ’ Proc. Min. and Geol. Section, Acad. Nat. Sc., June 25, 1877. & 314 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Although always resting upon the plates of mica as very thin dendrites, the magnetite has not been derived from any external source, but evidently from the muscovite itself. The markings do not occur along lines of cracks or near the edges of the crystal, but lie in regular groups in the interior. They are not dendrites in the sense of being the result of any infiltration, and the term ‘dendrite ” should therefore not be applied tothem. They are true 1 2 “enclosures” which, like the enclosures of pyrite in calcite, or the impurities in chiastolite, are arranged with reference to the sym- metry of the enclosing crystal. This fact is rendered even more evident when the direction of the lines of the markings is compared with the “strike figures ” produced artificially upon the muscovite. The writer has found 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 315 that in all cases the markings are parallel with the lines of the strike figures. In the drawing given above, the strike figure is inserted between the figures of the muscovite, and this parallelism of directicn is clearly seen. It is thus interesting to find that a blow given with a sharp instrument was necessary to bring out lines which were previously recognized and followed by the more sensitive magnetite in its growth. Just as beryls and tourmalines and quartz crystals are flattened and garnets are laminated by the enclosing mica, so the magnetite is influenced to follow the crystallographic lines of the parent mineral. Such forms might well be designated allomorphic. The weaker mineral is compelled into another habit by the stronger one. It should be mentioned that occasionally the magnetite follows lines of the natural cleavage of the muscovite, such lines being at right-angles to the lines produced in the strike figure. Fig. 1, in the preceding cut, shows these secondary lines in addition to the more prominent lines which are parallel to the strike figure. In conclusion, then, it appears that both biotite and magnetite, when enclosed in muscovite, conform in their directions to the crystallographic planes of the latter; and that while biotite pene- trates through successive plates of the muscovite, and is frequently altered into it, magnetite, on the other hand, is purely superficial and forms different markings upon each lamina of mica. 21 316 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. ON THE VALUE OF THE “ NEARCTIC’’ AS ONE OF THE PRIMARY ZOOLOGICAL REGIONS. BY PROFESSOR ANGELO HEILPRIN. The six zoological regions! laid down by Mr. Sclater, and so admirably sketched out by Mr. Wallace, have been so very generally accepted by naturalists that it may be considered as almost presumptuous for any one to attempt at this late houra revision of the same. But yet the evidence concerning the position of at least one of these—the Nearctic—is in many respects so negative—indeed, it might be said so directly contra- dictory—that a reconsideration is rendered almost imperative. The question affecting the relationship of this region is thus stated by Wallace: ** Whether the Nearctic region should be kept separate, or whether it should form part of the Palearctic or of the Neotropical regions. Professor Huxley and Mr. Blyth advocate the former course; Mr. Andrew Murray (for mammalia) and Professor Newton (for birds) think the latter would be more natural. No doubt much is to be said for both views, but both cannot be right; and it will be shown in the latter part of this chapter that the Nearctic region is, on the whole, fully as well defined as the Palearctic, by positive characters which differentiate it from both the adjacent regions.’” ' Palearctic, Ethiopian, Indian (Oriental of Wallace), Australian, Nearctic, and Neotropical (Austro-Columbian of Huxley). 2 Geographical Distribution of Animals, vol. 1, p. 66, 1876. Professor Newton, in the article ‘‘ Birds,’’ contained in the Encyclopedia Britannica (9th ed., iii, p. 751, 1875), thus expresses his views in the present connec- tion: ‘‘ Thus, regarded simply from an ornithologist’s point of view, what we call the Nearctic ‘region,’ seems to have no right to be considered one of the primary regions of the earth’s surface, and to be of less import- ance than some of the subregions of the Neotropical region. * * * It is not, however, intended here to question the validity of the Nearctic region in a zoégeographical sense. If that position could be success- fully disputed, it must be done on more than ornithological grounds, and a cousideration of them would be out of place in this article. It is enough to mention that though the mammals would possibly lead to much the same conclusion as the birds do, yet the lower classes of vertebrates — reptiles, amphibians and fishes - would most likely havea contrary tendency, while the present writer is quite unable to guess at the result which would be affurded by the invertebrates.”’ 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 317 In view of the very divergent positions occupied by the natural- ists above cited as to the value of the region here referred to, it may be fairly conceded, we believe, and with due deference to the high authority of Mr. Wallace, that the question of position or relationship is still an open one; and the more especially can this be considered to be the case, since several of the authors do not appear to be agreed even as to the general (or preponderating) relationship of the contained mammalian fauna, or that branch of the representative fauna which is usually taken to be most charac- teristic (typical) of a region.! In the hope, therefore, of throwing some additional light on this subject the author has been constrained to make the following critical inquiry. The points which it has been attempted to solve are :— 1. Whether the Nearctic region is entitled to be considered as an independent region by itself. 2. If not, of which region, Palearctic or Neotropical, does it constitute a part. The relative relationship of the Nearctic fauna with the faunas of the Palearctic and Neotropical regions constitutes the first portion of the inquiry.” The Nearctic mammalian fauna comprises, according to Wallace, about 26 families, as follows: Phyllostomide, Suide, Vespertilionide, Cervide, Noctilionide, Bovide, Talpide, Muride, Soricide, Dipodide, Felide, Saccomyide, 1 Wallace, op. cit., 1, p. 57. 2 In the following analyses of mammalian families, genera and species, the author has followed the tables furnished by Wallace in his ‘‘ Geograph- ical Distribution of Animals,’’ and for two reasons: 1st, The circumstance that these tables have served as the basis for Mr. Wallace’s own conclusions, et conseg. as the guiding data for those authors who have accepted the views of this naturalist ; and 2d, The difficulty of constructing new tables, which in their application to all the various zodgeographical regions, could claim a decided advantage over those that are here furnished. For the North American fauna a reconsideration based upon the more recent works of Coues and Allen, where the number of species is very materially reduced, is given later on. 318 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Canide, Castoride, Mustelide, Sciuride, Procyonide, Haploddontide, Urside, Cercolabidee, Otariidee, Lagomyide, Trichechide, Leporide, Phocide, Didelphyidee. Of this number only one family—the Haploddontidee—com- prising one or two species of beaver-like animals inhabiting the west coast, can be said to be strictly peculiar to the region.’ Of the 25 non-peculiar families, 19 are also Palearctic, and of the remaining 6,5 are exclusively Nearctic and Neotropical and 1 (Noctilionide, or short-eared bats) is found in the eastern hemi- sphere. Comparing the Nearctic with the Neotropical fauna, we find that out of the 25 non-peculiar families 18 are also Neotropical, so that the relationship between the Palearctic and the Nearctic on one side, and the Nearctic and Neotrop- ical on the other, would appear to be equally great. But if we take the genera included in these 26 families (74 in all?) ! The Saccomyida, or pouched rats, which are also regarded as peculiar to the Nearctic region by Wallace, can scarcely be considered such, since a fair proportion of the species (Heteromys, 6 sp.?; Geomys [ Geomyide of some authors]) penetrate to a considerable distance within the Neotropical region. The family is more properly characteristic than peculiar. Number of Species. Number of Species. 2 Phyllostomide, Soricide, Macrotus, , A a peel Sorex, C eine Vespertilionide, Neosorex, . : oupepll Scotophilus, 5 Blarina, . 2 x shell Vespertilio, 6 Felide, Nycticejus, 1 Felis, . 3 : eae Lasiurus, 3 hynx,+* 2 . ; jo te Synotus, 2 Canide, Antrozous, : ehendl Lupus, . ; : 7 Noctilionide, Vulpes, . c : seg Nyctinomus, . - at ail Mustelide, Talpide, Martes, . , a! 1? Condylura, . ‘ arial Mustela, : ; Aaee & | Scapanus, 2 Gulo, . . 1 Scalops, . 3 atax, er. : 5 oo eS Urotrichus, 1 Enhydris, 1 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 319 we find that 35 are also Palvarctic,! and only 21 Neotrop- Number of Species. Number of Species. Taxidea, 4 ; wee Muride, Mephitis, = - ets Reithrodon, 5 Procyonide, Hesperomys, . 16 Procyon, F 9 Neotoma, 7 Bassaris, 1 Sigmodon, 2 Urside, Arvicola, 27 Ursus, 3 Myodes, ; 3 % Fiber, 1 Otariide, Dipodide, Callorhinus, . : eel Facdlan 1 ? Zalophus, : - 5 Pe Saecareids : yide, Eumatopias, . ; on il Dipodomys, 5 Trichechide, Perognathus, 6 Trichecus, . : yk Thomomys, 9 Phocide, Geomys, 5 Callocephalus, 1 Saccomys, il Pagomys, : 1 Castoride, Pagophilus, 1 Castor, il Halicyon, : 1 Sciuride, Phoca, . : : 1 Sciurus, . 18 Halicherus, . 1 Sciuropterus, 4 Morunga, : : “ee! Tamias, . - 4 Cystophora, . 5 eer L Spermophilus, 15 Suide, Cynomys, 2 Dicotyles, . é + oal Arctomys, 4 Cervide, Haploddontide, Alces, . = A Sova! Haploddon, 2 Rangifer, : . ay Ae Cercolabide, Cervus, . 5 5 76 Erethizon, . : ee Bovide, Lagomyide, Bison, 1 Lagomys, : : me el Antilocapra, . 7 oul Leporide, Aplocerus, . : » L Lepus, . : . = Lo Capra, . 5 : 1 Didelphyide, Ovibos, . 1 Didelphys, . ; ee) In Wallace’s table of the Palearctic fauna, Thalassarctos, the polar bear, is considered as a distinct genus apart from Ursus. The Nearctic Urside would accordingly be Ursus, 2 species, and Thalassarctos, 1 species. 1 Vespertilio, Halicheerus, Urotrichus, Cystophora, Sorex, Alces, Felis, Rangifer, Lynx, Cervus, Lupus, Bison, Vulpes, Capra, 320 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AUADEMY OF [1882. ical.' Of these 21, moreover, 6 belong to the volant mammalia —the bats—a class of animals possessing special means for self- distribution. It will thus be seen that generically the North American mam- malian fauna is much more intimately related to the Eur-Asiatic than to the South American. Furthermore, of the 35 genera also occurring in the Palzarctic region, 21 are found nowhere else but in that region—in other words, 21 out of 74 genera are peculiar to the combined Nearctie and Palearctic regions.” On the contrary, of the 21 Neotropical Martes, Arvicola, Mustela, Myodes, Gulo, Castor, Ursus, Sciurus, Callorhinus Sciuropterus, Zalophus, Tamias, Trichecus, Spermophilus, Callocephalus, Arctomys, Pagomys, Lagomys, Pagophilus, Lepus. Phoca, 1 Macrotus, Bassaris, Scotophilus, Dicotyles, Vespertilio, Cervus, Nyeticejus, Reithrodon, Lasiurus, Hesperomys, Nyctinomus, Fiber, Felis, Sciurus, Mustela, Tamias, Enhydris, Lepus, Mephitis, Didelphys. Procyon, ? Urotrichus, Alces, Lynx, Rangifer, Callorhinus, Bison. Zalophus, Capra, Trichecus, Arvicola, Callocephalus, Myodes, Pagomys. Castor, Pagophilus, Spermophilus, Phoca, Arctomys, Halicherus, Lagomys. Cystophora, Capra has an outlying representative in the Neilgherry Hills of India, and likewise one—an ibex—in the highlands of Abyssinia. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 321 genera occurring in the Nearctic fauna, only 11 are exclusively Neotropical. In other words, only 11 out of 74 genera are pecu- liar to the combined Nearctic and Neotropical regions.! Again, the 21 Nearctic-Palearctic genera are represented by about 69 specific forms, whereas the 11 Nearctic-Neotropical genera have only about 39 specific representatives. So that, whichever way considered, there is a great preponderance of Palearctic, as com- pared to Neotropical, forms in the Nearctic fauna. As far as the evidence afforded by the mammalia is concerned, therefore, there is a much closer relationship shown to exist between the North American (Nearctic) and Eur-Asiatic (Palearctic) faunas than between the former and the South American (Neotropical). It is thus manifest, that if the Nearctic fauna is not a distinct one, it should be united—if judged by its mammalian fauna alone— with the Palearctic rather than with the Neotropical. But the question still remains, is it a distinct fauna, or is it only a lateral extension of the Palearctic ? It has already been stated that the region possesses among 26 families of mammalia only one that is strictly peculiar to it—the Haploddontide. The Neotropical, on the other hand, has out of about 31 families, 8 that are peculiar.’ The Australian, of 22, likewise 8.3 The Ethiopian, out of 44, 9 that are peculiar.‘ The only other regions that can compare with the Nearctic in the paucity of their peculiar families are the Palearctic and the Oriental, the former represented by 36 families, with not a single one peculiar, and the latter likewise with 36 families, of which 1 Macrotus, Dicotyles, Lasiurus, Reithrodon, Enhydris, Hesperomys, Mephitis, Fiber, Procyon, Didelphys. Bassaris, > Cebida, Hapalide, Phyllostomide@ (one species in California), Chinchil- lide, Caviide, Bradypodide, Dasypodide, Myrmecophagide. ® Dasyuride, Myrmecobtide, Peramelide, Macropodide, Phalangistide, Phascolomyde, Ornithorhynchide, Echidnide. * Cheiromyide, Centetide, Potamogalide, Chrysochlorida, Cryptoprocaga, Protelide, Hippopotamide, Camelopardide, Orycteropodida. 322 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. number only 3 are peculiar. But the paucity of peculiar families in the case of the Paleearctic and Oriental regions is readily ex- plained by the circumstance that both regions are bounded along the line of their greatest development by other faunal regions, with which an exchange in forms will naturally be effected. Thus the Palearctic region is bounded along an extent of about 140 degrees of longitude, or about 9000 miles, by the Ethiopian and Oriental regions. The proportions of bounding surface to area is perhaps still greater in the case of the Oriental region. But in the case of the Nearctic region (as recognized) we have no such bounding surface—in fact we are here limited for our exchanges to the narrow strip (Mexico, Central America) uniting the two great continents—and, therefore, on the assumption of a distinct fauna it would be doubly difficult to assign a special explanation for the very limited number of peculiar families. While the Nearctic and Palearctic regions are each deficient in peculiar mammalian families, yet they are eminently distin- guished from their nearest faunal neighbors by certain highly characteristic families, which are only rendered non-peculiar by the circumstance that they are contained in both regions. Such are the 1. Talpide, : 5 : : : Moles. 2. Trichechide, . , : : - Walruses. 3. Castoride, . : 5 - : Beavers. 4. Lagomyide, . ; : - : Pikas. And if the reindeer, elks, and sheep (and goats) be considered as constituting distinct families, as is maintained by many natur- alists, the 5. Rangiferide, 6. Alcadee, 7. Capride. In addition to these 7 families we have also the hares (Leporidz) and bears (Ursidz), which, though not exclusively restricted to those regions, are by their numbérs and vast distribution emi- nently characteristic of them. Considering the Palearctic and Nearctic regions to constitute but a single faunal division, that division would then be eminently characterized by the possession of these 7T—9 peculiar families 1 Tarstide, Galeopithecide, Tupaiide. EE 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 323 alone,and would then stand in nearly the same relation by family distinctions to the other regions as the Neotropical, Ethiopian, and Australian. The combined Nearcticand Palearctic regions would, moreover, be further united to each other by the negative char- acter afforded in the almost total absence of the Quadrumana} and Hdentata, orders which are abundantly represented in all the other regions but the Australian. If now we turn to an examination of the genera peculiar to the several zodgeographical regions, we find that out of a total of 74 represented in the Nearctic, only about 26 are restricted to that region, forming 35 per cent. In the Palearctic, out of 100—35 peculiar — 35 per cent. In the Oriental, out of 118—54 peculiar = 46 per cent. In the Australian, out of 70—45 peculiar = 64 per cent. In the Ethiopian, out of 142—90 peculiar — 63 per cent. In the Neotropical, out of 131—103 peculiar — 78 per cent. We here again note a deficiency in the case of the Nearctic and Palearctic regions—an absence of positive distinguishing charac- ters—a condition to be explained by the fact thata very considerable number of genera are rendered non-peculiar (just as in the case of the families) by the circumstance of their being represented in both the Nearctic and Palearctic regions. But if we consider the two regions as forming in reality but one, we would have in addition to the 26 Nearctic and the 35 Palearctic genera already referred to, 22 additional ones to be comprised in the regions as being’ peculiar to it, viz. :— . Represented by Genera. Palearctic species. Nearetic. Urotrichus, . : : - 1 1 Lyncus, 9 3 Gulo, : 1 1! Thalassarctos, . 1 ii Zalophus, il it Eumatopias, . 1 1 1 About 5 species of Quadrumana, representatives of the genera Macacus and Semnopithecus, enter within the confines of Palearctic regions. The highest latitude in the northern hemisphere reached by this class of animals is probably the Rock of Gibraltar (Lat. 36°), inhabited by the Barbary ape (Macacus inuus); the genus is also represented in Japan. Three or four species of Quadrumana (Macacus, Cynopithecus) likewise occur in the islands Timor, Batchian, and Celebes, belonging to the Australian region. 324 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Represented by Genera. Palearctic species. - Nearctic. Trichechus, . : . 5 1 Callocephalus, Pagomys, Pagophilus, Phoca, . : ; Halicherus, Cystophora, Alces, Tarandus, Bison, . : ° Cuniculus, Myodes, Castor, Spermophilus, Arctomys, Lagomys, _ — — mm Re OF OOO RE DO DO fant So 57 45 To which may also be added Capra (with 10 Palzarctic species), Ovis (with 10 Palearctic and 1 Nearctic species), and Arvicola (with 21 Palearctic and 27 Nearctic species), genera whose repre- sentatives but barely pass beyond the confines of the region— making 25 in all. We would thus have a total of about 86 peculiar genera out of 173 represented, a proportion that would stand intermediate between what we find to exist in the Oriental and Australian regions, and which would constitute about 50 per cent. The region would be accordingly enaigonaly marked out by positive generic characters. Turning now to a consideration of the species which represent the peculiar genera of each region—in other words, to the repre- sentative forms of the various faunas—we find that in the Nearctic region, as at present constituted, out of a total of about 279 species, the 26 peculiar genera comprise but 60, or only 214 per cent. of the entire fauna. In the Palearctic, of 426 species, the 35 peculiar genera comprise 71 = 17 per cent. In the Oriental, of 505 species, the 54 peculiar genera comprise 165 = 33 per cent. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 325 In the Australian, of 243 species, the 45 peculiar genera com- prise 151 — 62 per cent. In the Ethiopian, of 525 species, the 90 peculiar genera comprise 288 — 55 per cent. In the Neotropical, of 634 species, the 103 peculiar genera comprise 376 — 60 per cent. So here, again, just as in the case of families and genera, the Nearctic and Palearctic regions show a very decided deficiency, the specific types that ought to characterize a fauna being but very feebly developed. But if we unite the two regions, the negative character is developed into a positive one by the incor- poration of a considerable number of species representing the 25 genera, which are held in common by the two regions. The number of species held by the Nearctic region has been stated to be about. : : : - : : s 3 : 279 And of the Palearctic, . . . 5 : : : 426 105 Less 30 species (as will be seen further on) held in common, 30 Total for the combined region, oe ere ; : 675 Of this total of 675 species for the combined region we have :— 60 represented by the genera peculiar to the Nearctic region ; 71 represented by the genera peculiar to the Palearctic region ; 153 (171—18 common — 158) represented by the 25 peculiar genera common to the two regions ; 284 or a proportion of species representing the peculiar genera of 284: 675 (42 per cent.), a ratio sufliciently large to impress upon the fauna a distinctive character. In our estimates of the Nearctic fauna we have relied upon the tables furnished by Wallace. If instead of these, however, we avail ourselves of the later data furnished by the various papers of Coues and Allen, the result will not be materially altered. According to the lists furnished by these authorities it would appear that the Nearctic mammalian fauna has, instead of 279 species, only about 210. 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Two new families,! and three new genera? (of which one is peculiar) are indicated. Out of a total of 75 genera, 27 are peculiar, which would give a proportion (36 per cent.) very little different from that deduced from Wallace’s data. These 27 peculiar genera, again, are represented according to Coues’ table by about 49 species, which, out of the total of 210, would give 23 per cent. of the entire fauna, or 14 per cent. over that which was found in our first estimation. Again, uniting the Palearctic and Nearctic regions with the new data, we find, instead of a total of 705 species, only 636 Deducting 30 species held in common, 3 : : 30 Total, ~~ : F 3 , - 3 ; . 606 Of this total of 606 species for the combined regions we have: 71 species represented by the genera peculiar to the Palzarctic region ; 49° species represented by the genera peculiar to the Nearctic region ; 132 species (150*—18 — 132) represented by the 25 genera peculiar to the two regions; 252 or a proportion of species representing the peculiar genera of 252 : 606 — 42 per cent., or precisely the figure that was obtained from Wallace’s tables. The following species of North American mammalia are gen- erally considered to be identical with Palzarctic forms, or, at any rate, to have such close Eur-Asiatic representatives as to be but doubtfully distinguishable from them: Evotomys (Arvicola) rutilus, Putorius erminea, Myodes Obensis, ? Putorius vison, Cuniculus torquatus, Felis Canadensis, 1 Zapodida, Geomyide. 2 Ochetodon ( Hesperomys, pars), Hvotomys (Arvicola, pars), Cricetodipus (Perognathus, pars). 5 Instead of the 60 before recorded, corresponding to the general reduc- tion in the number of species. #98 Palwarctic ; 52 Nearctic. 1882.] Lepus timidus, Castor fiber, Tamias Asiaticus, Spermophilus empetra, ? Arctomys pruinosus, ? Urotrichus Gibbsi, Cervus Canadensis, Alce malchis, Tarandus rangifer, Gulo luscus, ? Mustela Americana, NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 327 Canis occidentalis, Vulpes vulgaris, Ursus Americanus (et U. horribilis ?) Phoca vitulina, Cystophora cristata, Callorhinus ursinus, Zalophus Gillespii, Trichecus rosmarus, Pagophilus Groénlandicus, Halicherus sp. Putorius vulgaris. And perhaps a little less certain, Ovis montana. Bison Americanus. From the preceding facts it may be considered as shown, Ist, that by family, generic and specific characters, as far as the mam- malia are concerned, the Nearctic and Palearctic faunas taken col- lectively are more clearly defined from any or all of the other regions than either the Nearctic or Palearctic taken individually ; and 2d, that by the community of family, generic, and specific characters the Nearctic region is indisputably united to the Pale- arctic, of which it only forms a lateral extension. EVIDENCE AFFORDED BY THE BATRACHIA AND REPTILIA. If we now turn to the evidence afforded by the batwachians and reptiles, we will find the conclusions drawn from the study of the mammals to be strikingly confirmed.! Batrachia Urodela. The following families are enumerated in the Nearctic fauna (as usually recognized) : 1 In the following zodgeographical considerations the ‘‘ Sonoran” sub- region of Prof. Cope, including “ parts of Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and Sonora in Mexico’’ (Bulletin U. 8. National Museum, i, p. 68, 1875), is taken to represent a portion of the Neotropical region, and for reasons that will be stated further on. To this section detached from the Ne- arctic region will probably have to be added the peninsula of Lower California (the ‘‘ Lower Californian’’ subregion of Cope), and portions of California and Texas. 328 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Sirenide, . : : : . Peculiar to the Nearctic. Siren, 1 species. ae 1 sp. Proteidz, . : : : ; ‘ . Palearctic. Menobranchus, 2 sp. [ Palearctic, Proteus. } Amphiumide,. : : . Peculiar to the Nearctic. Amphiuma, 1 sp. Murznopsis, 1 sp. Menopomide, . : 5 . : : . Palearctic. Menopoma, 2 sp. [ Palearctic, Sieboldia. | Amblystomide, . : : : ; : . Palearctic. Amblystoma.! Dicamptodon, | sp. [Palearctic, Onichodactylus, Ranodon. | Plethodontide, . , ; Neotropical, . . Palearctic. 7-8 genera, with about 22 species. The genus Spe- lerpes, with about 8 species, descends beyond the Nearctic boundary into northern South Ameri ica ; it is also represented by a solitary species in southern Europe. Desmognathide, . ; ; . Peculiar to the Nearctic. Desmognathus, 3 sp. Pleurodelide, . . : ; : : . Palearctic. Diemictylus, 2 sp. We have here, therefore, 8 families represented, 5 of which are also Palearctic, and only one Neotropical. The 3 families restricted to the Nearctic region are represented by only 7 species. If it be urged that the presence of these 3 peculiar, but very narrowly circumscribed families is sufficient to characterize the region in which they occur, and consequently to render it distinct, it may, for similar reasons, and with almost equal force, be urged that the eastern extremity of the Eur-Asiatic region—China, Japan—should be detached from the rest of the Palearctic by virtue of its containing representatives of two equally characteristic families, the Menopomide and Amblystomide, found nowhere else in the region. 1 About 18 species, all of which, with one or two exceptions, are found outside of the Sonoran subregion. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 329 Batrachia Anoura. Bufonide, . ; : ‘ : . Nearly cosmopolitan, Bufo. Engystomide, . : . Tropical, Old and New World. Engystoma, | species. Hylide, . Essentially tropical, Old and New World. Acris, 1 sp. Chorophilus, 4 sp. Hyla, about 12 species, several of which occur in the Sonoran region or along the Neotropical boundary. Scaphiopide, . : : : : : - Palearctic. Spea. Scaphiopus. Be ca : - Neotropical, . . Australian. 2 species, both in the Sonoran subregion. Ranide, . : : : : . Essentially Old World. Rana, 8 sp. The above data will show that the anourous or tailless batrachians scarcely afford any positive indications as to the zodgeographical position of the region in which they occur. Yet in several respects there is a very decided leaning toward the Palearctic. Thus it agrees with the Palearctic in the paucity of its Bufonic element, the genus Bufo, which comprises about 80 species, having only about_4—5 Nearctic specific representatives (if we exclude the 6-7 species found in the Sonoran districts), and about an equal number in the Palearctic region. Again, in the case of the Ranidx, an eminently Old World family of batrachians, we have, just as in the Palearctic region, only one generic representative—Rana—which, with about 5-6 species, but barely penetrates within the Neotropical region. Of about 108 species comprised by the genus, 8-9 belong to the Nearctic fauna, and about an equal number, 10-11, to the Pale- arctic.' In addition to this general similarity existing between the Nearctic and Palearctic faunas as exemplified by the Ranide, we have the further one that at least one species of the genus Rana? is common to both regions ; and another Palearctic species 1 Boulenger, ‘‘Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia’’ of the British Museum, 2d ed., 1882. ? Rana temporaria (R. sylwatica). 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF (1882. has a closely related Nearctic representative.! On the other hand, in the peculiarly Neotropical or tropical (in general) groups of anourous batrachians the Nearctic province is remarkably deficient. Thus of the Hngystomide we have but a solitary representative, Hngystoma Carolinense. Of the Cystignathide, which comprises upwards of 130 Neotropical forms, we have only two? Nearctic species, and both of these are found just beyond the confines of the region—southern Florida and along the lower Rio Grande. There is a somewhat greater development of the genus Hyla of the Hylide than might have been looked for, but the genus, while it may have but one really good species, is at least represented by several very well marked varieties (variously con- sidered to be distinct species) also in the Palzearctic region. Ophidia. The Nearctic serpents are comprised in 4 or 5 families— Crota- lide (with about 19 species), Colubride, Elapide, Boide, and Lichanuride. The first of these being an essentially American and Oriental (!) group (a few species penetrating within the Palearctic region), can scarcely carry much weight in the matter of zodgeographical classification. The Llapide and Boide (with 3 and 2 species respectively) are tropicopolitan, and their North American representatives but barely enter the Nearctic region. The two species of the genus Charina ( Boidz) are moreover found in that section of the United States— Nevada and Lower California —which in our estimation ought to be separated from the Nearctic region. This is likewise the case with the 3 species of Lichanura (Lower California), which constitute the family Lichanuride. The only and most important family that remains to be specially considered is that of the Colubride. Of this cosmopolitan family we have about 107 Nearctic species; of this number about 30 belong to genera almost exclusively restricted to the Sonoran and Californian regions. Of the remaining 77, a very large proportion (more than one-half) belong to essentially Old World genera— Coluber, Tropidonotus (EHutaenia), and Coryphodon (Bascanion) —and principally to such as have no South American representa- tives, as Coluber and Tropidonotus.$ 1 Rana esculenta in R. halecina. 2 Lithodytes Ricordii and Epirhezxis longipes. 5 The range of Tropidonetus extends to Guatemala. a, 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 331 Lacertilia. The following are the lacertilian families occurring in the Nearctic region (as recognized) :— Amphisbeenide, ; R . Almost cosmopolitan. 1 species in the Bigeds subregion. Anniellide, , ; : Peculiar to the Nearctic ? 1 sp. in California. Scincide, . : ; Cosmopolitan. 14 species, 13 of phich palone = the Old World genus Eumeces (or Plestiodon). ? Lacertide, : : ; ? . Old World. Xantusia, 1 sp. on ihe. Pacific coast. Zonuride (Anguidx, pars), . : : - Old World. Opheosaurus, | sp. Teide, ! : : : Essentially Neotropical. A South Aqnerieas family of about 12 genera and 75 species, represented in the Nearctic region by T species, all of which, with one or two exceptions, are confined to the Sonoran and Californian provinces. Gerrhonotide, . ; : : . Neotropical. i Bp P itaea to thie Suacren, Californian and Pacific subregions, and Westend Texas. Helodermide. 1 sp., confined to the Sonoran subregion. Iguanide,. : : - Neotropical. An essentially Tein piel family, with about 50 genera and 150 species. Represented in the Nearctic region by about 40 species, all of which, with two or three exceptions, are confined to the Sonoran and Californian regions, or but just pass beyond the limits of these. Anolide, . : : : . Neotropical. An ceeeguially Nese piual family, with upwards of 70 species, and with only 1 or 2 Nearctic represen- tatives. 22 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Geckotide, : : . Essentially tropical. But sparingly repmemeten in either the Palearctic or Nearctic regions; the 5 Nearctic species being all restricted to the Sonoran and Lower Califor- nian subregions, and the extremity of the peninsula of Florida. An analysis of the above table shows two facts very distinctly : 1. That the South American (Neotropical) forms of lacertilians— Teide, Iquanidx, Anolide—stop almost immediately on the borders of the Nearctic region, sending but an extremely limited number of representatives beyond the Sonoran subregion; and 2. The very great paucity of lacertilian forms in general throughout the great mass of the North American continent. Excluding the Sonoran and Californian provinces, and the immediate border-line of the region, there would appear to be in all but about 20 species of Nearctic saurians, 13 of which belong to the Old World genus Eumeces! The most widely diffused form of North American Eumeces, moreover, is a Palzarctic species!!_ A further relation- ship with the Palearctic fauna is maintained by Opheosaurus, the only New World representative of the “ glass snakes.” Chelonia. The special leaning of the Nearctic fauna to that of the Old World is as clearly indicated by the chelonians as by any of the other groups of animals that have thus far been considered. Of the 7 non-marine families represented,? 83— Trionychide, Malaclem- mydex, Cistudinide—are distinctively Old World groups, and two of the others, Emydidx and Testudinidx, are essentially so. One family, the Cinosternide, is peculiar to the North American con- tinent. The Chelydride have one generic representative in the Palearctic region (China), if Platysternum be considered (as by Agassiz) to belong to that family.* 1 Eumeces fasciatus. Japan. 2 Trionychide, Chelydride, Cinosternide, Emydide, Malaclemmyde, Cistudinide, Testudinide. 3 Constituted the type of a distinct family, Platysternide, by Gray (‘*Sup- plement to the Catalogue of Shield Reptiles,”’ p. 69, 1870). Sl le ee 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 333 Faunal characters defining the Sonoran and Lower Californian subregions of Prof. Cope as distinct from the Nearctic region proper, and as a portion of the Neotropical. 1. Of the 8 families of Nearctic (so-called) urodele batrachians, only 2 are represented in this portion of the continent—Amblys- tomidz and Plethodontide—and each of these only by one or two species. Out ofa total of about 54 species, therefore, this region has only about 3! 2. More than one-half of all the Nearctic Bufonidex are found in this region, ‘ this being the headquarters of that genus [ Bufo | in the Regnum Nearcticum.’! Of about 20 Nearctic representa- tives of the Hylidx we have here but 3; and likewise only one or two of the Ranidx. The Sonoran and Lower Californian tail- less batrachian fauna is thus shown to be distinct by both positive and negative characters from that of the Nearctic in general. 3. The serpent fauna comprises 22 genera, of which /0-1/ are peculiar? 11 out of the 13 species and subspecies of Nearctic rattlesnake ( Crotalus) are found here, and 7 of these nowhere else. Coluber is not represented. 4. Of about 55 species of lacertilians, about 46 belong to the Neotropical families Jguanidx, Teide, and Gerrhonotidx, and 4 to the tropical Geckotide. 11 out of the 20 genera represented are not found in any other portion of the Nearctic realm, or, at apy rate, at no distantly removed part.’ 5. Only 4-5 species of non-marine Testudinata are recorded,‘ 2 of which ( Cinosterna) “ are of Mexican type.” CONCLUSION. In conclusion it may be briefly stated that, by the community of its mammalian, batrachian and reptilian characters, the Nearctic fauna (excluding therefrom the local faunas of the Sonoran and 1 Cope, Bull. U. 8. National Museum, i, p. 74, 1875. 2 Gyalopium, Chionactis, Sonora, Rhinochilus, Chilopoma, Trimorphodon, Hypsiglena, Phimothyra, Chilomeniseus, Lichanura, and Charina (one species of the last passes into the adjoining ‘‘ Pacific ’’ subregion). 3 Heloderma, Sauromalus, Uma, Coleonyx, Verticaria, Diplodactylus, Cyclura, Dipsosaurus, Callisaurus, Uta, and Phyllodactylus. * Up to the time of the publication of Prof. Cope’s ‘‘ Check List,’’ 1875. 334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Lower Californian subregions, which are Neotropical’) is shown to be of a distinctively Old World type, and to be indissoiubly linked to the Paleearctic (of which it forms only a lateral extension). The Palearctic (Old World) affinities are further maintained in the land and fresh-water mollusca, and not only by a considerable number of representative (identical) specific types common to both regions, cireumpolar, subboreal, and otherwise, but by the presence (and extensive development in most cases) of the charac- teristic genera Physa, Planorbis, Limnzxa, Paludina, Vivipara, Vaivata, and Bythinella, forms not at all, or but very sparingly, represented in the Neotropical realm.?, The Lepidoptera among insects carry equally strong evidence in this direction, for, as Wallace justly remarks,? while the Nearctic fauna embraces a number of distinct types, and the Neotropical element is sufficiently well represented in the southern United States, ‘“ still, we must acknowledge, that if we formed our conclusions from the butterflies alone, we could hardly separate the Nearctic from the Palzarctic region.’”* 1 It is very probable that portions of California, Texas, and Florida will have to be relegated to the Neotropical realm. 2 The very great development of the Strepomatide, or New World mela- nians, in the waters of the Nearctic region, might be urged as a claim for recognizing the independence of thisregion. But for this reason alone an equal claim might be set up for considering the eastern and western United States as constituting two distinct realms, since this group of mollusks is pretty effectually limited in its distribution by the Mississippi River, none or but very few of the forms passing west of the river, except in the region of its upper course. 3 Geog. Distr. of Animals, ii, p. 123. *It is proposed to designate the combined Nearctic (as restricted) and Palearctic regions as the 77riarctic, from the Jimitation of its fauna to the three continents bordering on the Arctic Sea. Under this acceptation the Nearctic, as hitherto recognized, completely disappears, and the Sonoran and Lower Californian subregions (to which must also be added parts of California, Texas, and Florida) of the former Nearctic become a portion of the Neotropical realm. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 335 THE GENESIS OF THE CRYSTALLINE IRON-ORES. BY ALEXIS A. JULIEN. In an age which admits its special indebtedness for material advancement to the industries connected with the manufacture of iron, and in a country in which these industries have been so vastly developed as in this, the question of the origin of that metal has long possessed, and must always retain, a high degree of interest. So far as relates to the limonites, turgites and bog- ores, the question has met with a satisfactory answer in the theory of the concentration of these ores by the percolation of organic acids, as fully presented in the writings of Bischoff, Hunt and others; especially as the process ean be actually observed and studied in progress in the lakes, marshes and bogs of the present day. But the mode of genesis of the crystalline ores—hematites, magnetites, menaccanites, and their mixtures—enveloped partly in the sedimentary strata and chiefly in the still more ancieut crystalline rocks of archean age, can be only inferred from analogies. Nor can the problem be considered as solved by any or all of the numerous theories which have so far been advanced. These theories may be naturally divided into two classes, as they may refer the iron-ores, enclosed in the subterranean strata, to an extraneous or to an indigenous origin. A. TIEORIES OF EXTRANEOUS ORIGIN. To begin with the former, we have 1. Meteoric fall. This startling theory has been suggested to account for the enormous mass of martitic specular iron-ore, claimed to be the most extensive known single deposit of iron-ore on the continent, that of the Cerro de Mercado, two miles from Durango, Mexico. ‘Cerro de Mercado is a mountain, one mile long, one-third of a mile wide, and from 400 to 600 feet in height. The ore-surface of the inountain aggregates over 10,000,000 square feet ; but there are indications that the ore is not all above ground, and the engineer's report declares it to be an enormous aérolite, half imbedded in the level plain on which it lies.” Such a view is sufficiently controverted by the mineralogical constitution of 336 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. the mass, and its structure—‘ immense veins of specular iron- standing nearly vertical.’ 2. Hruption as dykes. According to this genetic view, the crystalline iron-ores have been extruded from the interior in a pasty condition, like a lava, through fissures in the superficial strata. This theory has been recently further developed in ref- erence to the banded jaspery iron-ores of Michigan, and it has been advanced that the banding and lamination of these ores are similar in character and origin to those strongly marked in rhyo- lytes, furnace slags, etc. The mineralogical constitution and infusibility of these ores, their distinctly sedimentary lamination, etc.,* clearly testify to the unsoundness of these hypotheses. 3. Sublimation into fissures. The inconsiderable crusts of specular oxide, which have been observed in the vicinity of vol- canoes, such as Vesuvius, have certainly no relation to the enormous bedded masses, distributed throughout the world, at a distance from volcanic centres. B. THeortsEs oF INDIGENOUS ORIGIN. The theories of this class differ in ascribing the origin of iron- ores to either chemical or mechanical agencies. Nine chemical theories have been proposed. 4. Concentration from ferriferous rocks or lean ores, by the solution and removal of the predominant constituent, e. g., silica, by means of thermal solutions. Indeed it has been shown? that a concentration, in a similar way, of the ferriferous constituent, in the lower carboniferous limestone and dolomites of the Missis- Sippi basin, through the removal of the more soluble calcium car- bonate by carbonated waters, has apparently produced extensive deposits of limonite, 77 loco originali. But there is no evidence 1B. Silliman, Am. Jour. Sci., 1882 (iii), xxiv, 375; and J. Birkinbine, Chicago Min. Jour., 1882, ii, No. 4, p. 184. 2 J.D. Whitney, The Metallic Wealth of the U. S., p. 453. 3M. E. Wadsworth, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1880, xx, 470; and Am. Jour. Sci., 1881 (iii), xxii, 403. 4J. D. Dana, Am. Jour. Sci., 1881 (iii), xxii, 320, 402; J. S. Newberry, Sch. of Mines Quarterly, Nov., 1880. 5 J. P. Lesley, Report on Brown Hematite Deposits of Nittany Valley, Pa.; R. Pumpelly, Geol. Surv. Mo., Prelim. Rep. on Iron-ores, 1872, 8, et seq. 1882. } NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 337 of the relation of any of the crystalline iron-ores, enclosed in sediments of plainly submarine origin, with any such subaérial process. Even were the theory satisfactory in regard to the pure ores, the essential question remains unanswered, viz., the genesis of. the original **ferriferous rocks or lean ores ” themselves. 5. Saturation of porous strata, e.g., of sandstone, by infiltrating solutions carrying iron oxide.! This theory, however applicable to certain rock-masses rich in hydrated ferric oxides, can account neither for the concentration of the huge and pure bodies of the true ores, nor for the alternation of siliceous and ferriferous laminz and layers in the lean ores. 6. Infiltration into subterranean chambers and channels, de- positing pipe-ores and limonites in widened crevices and joints of the more recent limestones or other sedimentary rocks, or in cavities overlying impervious strata.” The lenticular form, lami- nated structure, intercalation of the material of the matrix, enclosure of the ore-bodies in the bedding-planes, and other facts, markedly distinguish the crystalline ores from the limonites formed by such a process, 1. Decomposition of pyrite, and other ferruginous minerals, enclosed in decaying schists, and transfer of the iron-oxide in solution as ferrous sulphate. The precipitation of the iron-oxide has been sometimes attributed to simple oxidation, more usually to the production of ferrous carbonate, by reaction between the ferrous sulphate and the calcium carbonate of the limestone, afterwards converted into limonite by oxidation and hydration.* This theory has had only local application, even to the limonites, and its connection with the crystalline ores is rendered improbable by the absence of associated limestones, or, if present, of evidences of their erosion, etc. 8. Derivation from original deep-sea deposits of hydrous ferric oxide, or of ferrous carbonate, dehydrated by subsequent heat, and deoxidized by hydrogen.° By a modification of this theory, the jasper-ores have been connected with the ferruginous and mangan- 1 Emmons, Nat. Hist. N. Y., iv, 94. 2F. Prime, Jr., Am. Jour. Sci., 1875 (iii), ix, 433. 3T. S. Hunt, Nat. Ac. Sci., Nov., 1874. e 4G. Bischoff, Chem. and Phys. Geol., i, 236; F. Prime, Jr., loc. cit.; W. B. Rogers, Geol. Penn., 1868, ii, Pt. ii, 722, 729. °> J. P. Lesley, The Iron Master’s Guide, p. 374. 338 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. iferous nodules which have been dredged from the surface-layer of the deep-sea ooze of our present ocean-bottoms.! All the evidence so far gathered, however, shows no correspondence between the phenomena, the ferriferous contents of the ooze consisting of irregular crusts and nodules, never continuous nor interlaminated with silica. On the other hand, there is abundant evidence that the strata associated with the crystalline iron-ores are mostly shallow-water or shore-deposits, in large part conglomeritic. 9. Deposit from springs, by oxidation and precipitation from solutions of ferrous carbonate, on exposure to the air at their issue.? Such deposits, it is admitted, are local and limited, and the theory can have no bearing on the ordinary wide-spread crystalline ores. 10. Alteration of diffused ferric oxide, disseminated through sediments, into ferrous carbonate, in presence of vegetable matter, and its accumulation in particular layers by processes of filtration and segregation.* The vague processes thus invoked to account for the accumulation of ores are not accepted as satisfactory, even for the carbonates of the coal measures, lying in definite planes. Nor do the sheets and beds of crystalline ores usually show the irregular characteristics which may be attributed to processes of segregation. ll. Metamorphism of ancient bog-ores. The reference of the crystalline iron-ores to this origin has been thus stated by Dr. Hunt: “I see no reason for assigning any other than a sedimentary origin to the magnetic and specular iron-ores of the crystalline schists; nor do I conceive that the conditions under which they were deposited differed essentially from those which at the present day give rise to beds of limonite and ochre.’’* Again he observes: “The organic matters reduce the peroxide of iron to a soluble protoxide, and remove it from the soil, to be afterwards deposited in the forms of iron-ochre and iron-ores, which by subsequent alteration become hard, crystalline, and insoluble.’ 1 W. O. Crosby, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1879, xx, 168, 2 G. Bischoff, Chem. and Phys. Geol., i, 155-157, 166-167. 3 W. B. Rogers, Geol. Penn., 1868, ii, Pt. ii, 737. © * Letter of Dr. T. S. Hunt, 1858, quoted in Lesley’s Iron Master’s Guide, p. 865. See also Vanuxem, Nat. Hist. N. Y., Geol., 3d District, p. 267. 5 JT. 8. Hunt, Chem. and Geol. Essays, 22. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 339 Le Conte also states: “ Therefore we conclude that both now and always iron-ore is, and has been, accumulated by organic agency.””! Prof. J. D. Dana remarks,? concerning the Upper Silurian deposits: ‘“ The beds of argillaceous iron-ore * * * could not have been formed in an open sea, for clayey iron deposits do not accu- mulate under such circumstances. They are proof of extensive marshes, and, therefore, of land near the sea-level. The fragments of crinoids and shells found in these beds are evidence that they were, in part at least, salt-water marshes, and that the tides sometimes reached them.” In reference to the Laurentian deposits, he states: ‘“ Limestone strata occurred among the alternations, and argillaceous iron-ores, though vastly more extensive. * * * The argillaceous iron-ore has become the bright hematite or magnetite, and it is banded by, or alternates with, schist and quartz, etc., which were once accompanying clay- and sand-layers.” Dr. Kitchell long ago opposed the theory of the igneous or eruptive origin of the magnetic iron-ores of New Jersey, main- taining that they “were of sedimentary origin, and had been deposited just as the gneiss and crystalline limestone had.’ With this view Prof. Cook coincides, in the following statement: “The magnetic iron-ores of this State have originated from chemical or mechanical deposits, just as our hematites and bog iron-ores do now.’’! In opposition to this theory, in its reference to subaérial bogs or marshes, if must be considered that the enclosing and associated strata bear universal testimony, both in their contents and the form of their superficies, to their submarine mode of deposit. On the other hand, if the bog-ore theory were applicable to these ores, every ore-bed would imply a terrestrial plane for the recep- tion of the subaérial bog deposit, 7. e., for every ore-lens a cor- responding elevation above the sea-level and ensuing subsidence of the entire underlying stratum. On the contrary, no evidence has been shown in the archxan strata of any subaérial surface; all appear to be submarine sediments, and that still more ancient rocky terrane which formed the coast whose débris, poor in iron, ' J. Le Conte, Elements of Geology, 375. ? J. D. Dana, Mannal of Geol., p. 231 and 155, 3 W. Kitchell, Geol. Surv. N. J., 2d Rep., 1855, 155, 229, etc. ; and 3d Rep., 1856, *G. H. Cook, Geol. of N. J., 1263, 61. 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. was deposited or strewn over the ancient Laurentian sea, and upon whose surface bog-deposits may have rested, seems to have been entirely buried up beneath later sediments. Again, the strongly marked lenticular form and laminated structure of all deposits of crystalline iron-ores—and even of the numerous smaller lenses, parallel or overlapping, which make up the large deposits— are unmistakably characteristic of marine accumulation, Nep- tune’s own royal stamp. A bog-ore deposit is almost always irreg- ular in outline, concretionary and cavernous in structure, and commonly characterized by concentration in pockets and groups of isolated lumps. One can rarely faney any traces of such peculiarities in the compact symmetrical lenses which make up ordinary deposits of magnetite. The complete dehydration and partial deoxidation of the hy- drated iron-oxide of a bog-ore, necessary for its conversion into a magnetite, must have produced an enormous contraction; but of this there is rarely any evidence, such as might be expected, in the disturbance of the lamination of the ore, and of the stratifi- cation of the surrounding rock. It is of common occurrence that a bed of crystalline iron-ore overlies a bed of limestone, in immediate contact (e. g., at the Baldwin-Forsyth mine, Hull, Canada); and yet the surface of the latter is perfectly plane, presenting no trace of the pitting and erosion! to which so soluble a material would have been subjected by the action of the organic acids supposed to have been con- cerned in the concentration of the ore in a bog. Although graphite does often occur in intermixture with the crystalline ores, its general absence seems to prove that it cannot be chiefly derived from the organic matter (1 to 36 per cent.) con- tained in all limonites, but rather, it may be, from the alge and marine plants sometimes finding their growth and entombment in the sands, even of iron-oxide, in shallow water. To the deoxida- tion produced in the decomposition of the remains of such plants, the content of sulphur in many iron-ores may be due. 12. The metamorphism of ancient lake-deposits of limonite passing into hematite, corresponding to the oolitie ‘* fossil ore ”’ of the Clinton group of the Upper Silurian, to the “ mustard seed ” ore described by Sjérmalm, which is deposited near the banks of 1B. Von Cotta, Ore Deposits, 249, 284. 1882. NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 341 the present Swedish lakes,! ete. This ‘‘ Lake ore” theory” seems to be valid for a large number of huge deposits of the crystalline ores, and also satisfactorily accounts for the abundant presence of apatite in many ore-beds. It may be fittingly applied, there- fore, in explanation of the phenomena seen in those deposits which contain a notable amount of calcium phosphate; most of those which consist of hematite, or of magnetite passing into or occasionally enclosing hematite, viz., in this country those of Cerro de Mercado, of Southern Utah, of Port Henry, N. Y., ete.; and the beds of magnetite which present the botryoidal and concre- tionary aspect and radiated structure of limonite, e. g., in Southern Utah? On the other hand, the poverty or almost entire absence of phosphorus and sulphur in certain ore-beds, and the extreme abundance of titanic acid, free alumina, garnet, olivine, etc., in others, demand some other explanation. Two mechanical theories are yet to be considered. 13. Violent abrasion and transport. This theory may be best stated in the words of its author: “That the azoic period was one of long-continued and violent action cannot be doubted, and while the deposition of the strati- fied beds was going on, voleanic agencies, combined with powerful currents, may have abraded and swept away portions of the erupted, ferriferous masses, re-arranging their particles and de- positing them again in the depressions of the strata.’’* This theory of Whitney was supplementary to his main theory of voleanie eruption of the ferriferous masses, rich in native iron. But to this Lesley properly objects that such secondary deposits would be conglomeritice and also contain metallic iron. 14. Concentration and metamorphism of iron-sands. The work of the ocean as a grand abrading agent, and in the transport of the abraded detritus, has been largely studied and described by many authors; but less attention has been paid to the action which goes on, during the shorter or longer period of transport 1B. Von Cotta, Ore Deposits, 461; The Geologist, 1868, 36. 2 Dr. J. S. Newberry, ‘‘The Genesis of Our Iron Ores,’’ Sch. of Mines Quarterly, Noy., 1880, and ‘‘On the Genesis of Crystalline Ivon-Ores,’’ Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. ii, Oct. 28, 1882. 8 J. S. Newberry, loc. cit., 12. 4J. D. Whitney, Met. Wealth of the U. S., 434. 342 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. of the detritus, in sorting out the various constituents in reference to specific gravity. Almost every sheltered bay and cove afford instances, not only of local deposits peculiar as to size, e.g., gravels, sands, or fine silt, but concentrated gatherings of the grains of certain minerals, whose separation has been due to the relation of their specific gravity and form to the force of the surf or of local currents. The tertiary sands which border our Atlantic coast present everywhere examples of this continuous and delicate jigging action of the ocean, in the gathering together—now of black iron-sands, either magnetic or titaniferous, now of red garnet- sands, often of the two intermingled, and, still more abundantly, deposits of pure white quartz-sand. The iron-sands become very prominent in certain localities, e. g., in this country at Killings- worth, on the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound, on the north shore of the lower St. Lawrence, on the coasts of California and the shores of Lake Huron and Lake Erie, Oregon, ete., and abroad, along the coast of Great Britain, the shores of the Baltic and Mediterranean, New Zealand, Madagascar, and Hindostan. Special attention has been given to the deposits of the lower St. Lawrence, which lie about three metres above high-water mark, and comprise layers of black iron-sand, often nearly pure, from 15 to 15 centimetres in thickness. ‘*‘An inspection of the iron-sands, from the various localities above mentioned, shows that they all contain, besides the ores of iron, a small proportion of red garnet, and more or less of fine siliceous sand. ‘The latter of the two substances it is possible to remove almost entirely by careful washing of the crude ore.’ The frequent purity of these sands may be inferred from the following determinations by Dr. Hunt of their content of quartz and siliceous residue: Riviére du Loup (in Chaudiére Valley), 4°80 per cent. Moisie,” . ‘ ; : i : «ie B98 ts Quogue. Long Isd., N. Y. (quartz and red garnet), ; ; ; : 17°00 BS In other parts of the world, especially where voleanic or ecrys- talline rocks compose the coast-line, other minerals, such as olivine 1 Dr. T. 8S. Hunt, Rep. Prog. Geol. Can., 1866-69, 261-269 ; also, Canad. Nat., 1872, vi, 79. * The washed iron-sand contains 0°70 per cent. of sulphur, and 0-007 per cent. of phosphorus. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 343 (in the Sandwich Islands), hornblende, augite, volcanic glass etc. (on the Mediterranean), often constitute the sands along the shores. Beach-sands, where non-calcareous, consist chiefly of the following minerals,! whichare arranged in the order of their specific gravities : Ba Ge Quariz (and chert), . ; : : 2°5—2°8 Olivine, : , ‘ . ; 3°3—3°5 Garnet, . F . : : : 3°1—4°3 Chromite, . : ; : : 3 4:°3—4°6 Menaccanite, . ; : : : : 4°5—5: Maygneltite, . : : : z : 5° —d'1 It isa significant fact that in the metamorphic, crystalline rocks of our continent, from Canada to Alabama, we find the same minerals concentrated also in rock-form, viz. : Quartzile (siliceous schist, jasper, etc.): common every- where. Chrysolite (or dunite. Largely converted into serpentine, ete.): Canada, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Ala- bama, etc. Garnetite (or garnet-rock. Sometimes made up of manga- nese-garnet) : Canada, New York, North Carolina, etc.; in close association with magnetite at Franklin and near Andover, N. J.,in Grenville, Canada, etc. Doubtless in some cases the origin of this mineral (as well as of olivine), especially if crystallized, must be assigned to indigenous development in the course of metamorphism. But, at the Buckhorn Mine, Harnett County, N. C., my own examination of the section, 61 metres in height, confirms the statement of Prof. Kerr,? who notes the following series (from above downward) : Specular ore (11 metres). Manganesian ore. Slaty manganese-garnet. Feldspathic gneiss. Manganese-garnet. Gneiss. 1 In regard to pyrite, its ready decomposition has usually prevented its concentration in sands. As to hematite, its foliated texture seems to have resulted both in its wide transport and distribution, resisting concentration, and in its after conversion into hydrated peroxide. 2 Geol, N. C., 1875, i, 222. 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882 Here the garnet certainly occurs in ancient sedimentary layers, whose partial decomposition has saturated the ore with manganese oxide; while the small admixture of magnetite, frequently dispersed through the hematite, points to the original sediment of iron-sand. Chromite: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania. Nerth Carolina, ete. Menaccanite: Canada, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, etc. Magnetite: common everywhere. Compound varieties also occur in abundance, which correspond closely to the mixtures of the same minerals in the sands along the coast, viz. : Magnetic quartzite (martitic and hematitic jasper-schists, etc.) : common everywhere. Magnetitic garnetite (also hematitic and manganesian) : Buckhorn Mine, N. C. Chromitic dunite: Canada, North Carolina, Alabama, etc. Chrysolitic menaccanite (with magnetite): Cumberland, Rot Chrysolitic magnetite: O’Neil Mine, Monroe, Orange County, N. Y.? Garnetiferous magnetite: mines in Saratoga and Wash- ington Counties, N. Y., ete. Similar allied rocks occur abundantly in foreign countries: dunite and chrysolitic rocks in Europe, New Zealand, ete. ; chrysolitic magnetite, at Taberg, Sweden;? magnetite and menaccanite, in many localities. Garnet, together with hornblende, augite, cassiterite, apatite, etc., has been observed in admixture with the magnetites of many foreign deposits, e. g., of the Thorbjjrnsbo mine at Arendal, Sweden; of Traversella, in Piedmont; of Berggieshubel, in Saxony ; of Schmiedeberg, in Silesia, etc. I. Wohler relates: ‘‘ We spent a day in the large iron-mines of Langbanshytta. The gangue of the fine magnetic iron-ore is frequently brown 1M. E. Wadsworth, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1881, vii, 183. 2J. D. Dana, Am. Jour. Sci, 1881 (iii), xxii, 152. 3 A. Sjoren, Neues Jahrb. fiir Min., 1876, 434. 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 345 garnet, which is found in large quantities at the mouth of the mine, and often serves as flux for the reduction of the ore.’”?! As the rock-strata, associated with all these varieties, are undoubtedly of marine origin, and indicate deposition in shallow water, it is natural to infer their correspondence in origin, in many cases, with the unconsolidated shore-deposits of the present day. Ina recent search through the scientific literature of the subject for any similar view, the following statement was found concerning the crystalline iron-ores of Canada, in which this theory has been, with some reserve, associated with the bog-ore theory : “It seems possible that, in some cases, beds may have been formed by the accumulation of iron-sands, just as they are forming in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to-day, the material being derived from the disintegration of pre-existing crystalline rocks. Such beds we should expect to contain, not only magnetite, but ilmenite, and it is well known that in many cases, ores, on heing pulverized, may be more or less completely separated into a magnetic portion, containing little or no titanic acid, and a non-magnetic portion consisting essentially of ilmenite. It seems, however, probable that in general their origin has been similar to that of the modern bog- and lake-ores. Deposits of magnetite, as a rule, do not continue of uniform thickness for any great distance like the enclosing rocks; and this is just what might be expected if we suppose them to have originally occurred as bog- or lake-ores, which accumulated in local hollows or depressions.’ The thinly laminated martitic and hematitic jasper-schists of the Huronian age, always remarkably free from both sulphur and calcium-phosphate, at once present themselves for explanation. Prof. Dana, in a criticism on other views,* has attributed the origin of these iron-ores to ‘‘ metamorphism from original marsh-made beds.” More probably, in my opinion, the conditions consisted of a shore of some quartzose rock, rich in magnetite, whose débris the waves and currents strewed over the sea-bottom, alternately with thin sheets of quartz-granules and magnetite-crystals, partially concentrating the one or the other material in numerous heaps or thicker layers. In the progress of the metamorphism and contortion 1 F. Wohler, Early Recollections of a Chemist, Am. Chem., 1875, vi, 131. * B. J. Harrington, Geol. Surv. Canada, Rep. Prog., 1873-1874, 195. 5 Am. Jour Sci., 1881 (iii), xxii, 402. 346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. to which the layers were subjected, their compact and lenticular forms were further developed, the magnetic oxide was further oxidized, partially as martite, or completely as specular ore (as already suggested by Brooks, Credner, and others), and assumed, at points where the contortion and pressure became intense, the micaceous structure and brilliant lustre of micaceous iron-ore, by a process similar to that which produces “ slickensides.” The concentration of nearly pure magnetite in the deposits enclosed in the Lower Laurentian strata of Canada and the Adirondacks, and of titaniferous magnetite or menaccanite in the huge ore-beds associated with the anorthosites of the Upper Laurentian in both regions, point unmistakably to mechanical separation of ferriferous sediments from different terranes: 7. é., in the one case from the magnetitic gneiss, in the other from the traps and anorthosites, rich in menaccanite. An examination of thin sections of diabase from dykes cutting pure magnetites in Essex County, N. Y., showed this rock to be rich in menaccanite and a possible source of such sediments. No concentration of titanic acid has ever been found in limonites or bog-ores. These facts seem significant of the insufliciency of any chemical theory to account for the origin of all the iron-ores. In conclusion, it may be inferred that the mode of genesis of a bed of magnetic iron-ore may be determined with some probability by the following diagnosis. When the ore retains structural characteristics allied to those of limonite, or encloses masses of hematite, or contains a notable amount of calcium-phosphate, a chemico-organic origin is probably indicated. When the ore is exceptionally free from phosphorus, or is rich in titanic or chromic acid, or is closely associated or mixed with granular garnet or olivine, a mechanical origin may be inferred 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 347 The following annual reports were read and referred to the Publication Committee :—- REPORT OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary respectfully reports that during the year ending Nov. 30, 1882, fifteen members and six correspondents have been elected. The Council has endeavored to recommend for election as cor- respondent those only who deserve such recognition of their scientific standing, or who, as collectors and contributors, may confer material benefit on the society. Resignations of membership have been received from Ferris W. Price, T. L. Buckingham, T. Miles, H. W. Stelwagon and Henry Letfman. The name of one member-elect was ordered to be stricken from the roll in consequence of the provisions of the By-Laws nqt having been complied with within the prescribed time. The deaths of twenty-one members and eleven correspondents have been announced. The names of the deceased have been recorded in the printed Proceedings, under the several dates of announcement. Twenty-two papers have been presented for publication, as follows: Angelo Heilprin,3; Rev. Dr. H. C, McCook, 2; Theodore D. Rand,2; Henry 8. Williams, 1; Dr. W.S8. W. Ruschenberger, 1; L. T. Day,1; Aubrey H. Smith, 1; Rafael Arango, 1; Dr. Harrison Allen, 1; J. 8. Newberry, 1; Charles Mohr, 1; T. W. Eastlake, 1; R. E. C. Stearns, 1; Dr. Joseph Leidy, 1; Drs. H. C. Wood and H. F. Formad, 1; Joseph Swain, 1; H. A. Keller, 1; E.8. Rein- hold, 1. These include four papers which were presented through the Mineralogical Section and published as part of its Proceedings. The paper by Drs. Wood and Formad, on Diphtheria, was with- drawn by the authors; all the others have been printed. One hundred and fifty-two pages of the Proceedings for 1881, and two hundred and forty-eight for 1882, together with six lithographic plates, have been published. Some of the earlier numbers of the publications hawing been entirely exhausted, it was found necessary to reprint 75 pages and three plates of the quarto Journal and 38 pages of the Proceedings. The Publication Committee is greatly indebted to Mr. Chas. F. Parker, who has devoted much care to the arrange- 23 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. ment of our stock of the earlier publications. Apart from frequent errors of paging and numbering of signatures, no account had been taken of stock on hand since the removal of the society to the present building, and it required one of Mr. Parker’s experience in such work to determine how far sets of the first ten volumes of the Proceedings could be completed. The result has been an unusually large return from sales of back numbers and complete sets, as may be seen by reference to the report of the Treasurer. It will, however, require considerable additional outlay for reprinting, to enable the Committee to fill orders for the first series of the Proceedings. The scarcer numbers and volumes have not, of course, been sold separately. One hundred and twenty-five copies of the Proceedings have been distributed to subscribers, and three hundred and forty to foreign and domestic exchanges. Of the latter, seventy-six have been sent by mail, and two hundred and sixty-four have been distributed by the Smithsonian Institution and its system of international agencies. The average attendance at the weekly meetings, which have been held without interruption, has been twenty-six. Verbal communi- cations have been made by thirty-two individuals, and the majority of them have been published in the Proceedings. So well has the interest in these meetings been sustained, that it has been found desirable to report forty-three of them, or all but nine, and these for the most part held in midsummer, for the public papers. In addition to the regular meetings of the Academy, those of the See- tions have been held with the results recorded in the several reports. The By-Laws were amended as follows :—Art. 14, Chap. V, by striking out all after the word “ meetings,” in the third line, and inserting “ and with like approval may change the same.” Art. 4, Chap. V, by adding “ But Sections may admit persons not members of the Academy to be contributors under such rules and on such terms as the Section may determine, always provided, that a contributor shall not be eligible to office in a Section, or to vote on any question; and also provided that the rights and privileges of a conteibutor shall be restricted to attendance at the meetings of the Section, to the reading of original scientific papers and to taking part in the scientific discussions and proceedings exclu- sively, and that a contributor shall have no other right or privilege whatever in the Academy.” —— 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 349 A proposition to so amend Art. 1, Chapter XI, as to prevent the loaning of type specimens from the Museum, was, on the recommendation of the Council, lost, it being the opinion of the majority that sufficient guarantee for their care and preservation already existed in the laws governing the loaning of specimens. On April 25, Dr. Chas. Schaeffer was elected a Curator to supply the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Kenderdine. He held the position until Oct. 31, when he resigned in consequence of a proposed continued absence from the country. As the vacancy occurred so near the end of the year, it was not deemed necessary to fill it until the casting of the annual ballot, which resulted in the election of Dr. W. S. W. Ruschenberger, together with the three Curators who had held office during the year. The death of Mr. Wm. 8. Vaux left vacant a Vice-Presidency and a Curatorship. On May 23 the Rev. Dr. Henry C. McCook was elected to the former office and Mr. Jacob Binder to the latter. Mr. Thos. A. Robinson was elected to fill the vacancy in the Council, caused by the election of Rev. Dr. McCook as Vice- President, he thereby becoming an ex-officio member of the Council. At the meeting held May 23 a letter was read from a friend of the Academy, presenting through Mr, Jos. Jeanes the sum of one thousand dollars, to be appropriated in such manner as Mr. Jeanes might think best for the interests of the society. It having been suggested by Mr. Jeanes that the money might with advan- tage be made the nucleus of a Museum Fund, this disposition of the gift was ordered, and the meeting held May 30, adopted the following resolutions, placing the creation of the Fund on formal record :— Inasmuch as the Academy has determined to appropriate towards the creation of a Museum Fund, one thousand dollars which have been received from “a friend of the Academy,” whose name is withheld at his request, through the kindly hands of Mr. Jeanes :— i Resolved, That the Museum Fund thus begun be held under the provisions of the By-laws, Chap. VI, like other special funds. That Mr. Jeanes be requested to convey to our liberal friend the thanks of the Academy for his bounty and generous token of friendliness to scientific work. The Museum of the Academy, in some respects one of the 390 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. finest in the world, has grown almost entirely by gifts from those interested in the progress of the natural sciences, The Curators have never until now had even the smallest annual sum placed at their disposal for the purchase of desiderata, and many oppor- tunities, therefore, of obtaining such have been lost. Several of the departments of the Museum are now so large that a compara- tively small outlay will be sufficient to keep them abreast of current investigation. The value of a museum depends, not so much upon its size as upon the care taken by competent persons in the selection of the objects composing it. Thanks to the liberality of Mr. Isaiah V. Williamson, Mr. Jos. Jeanes and the late Dr. Thomas B. Wilson, the Academy is reason- ably well supplied with current scientific literature, but such fresh collections as have been studied from time to time by those con- nected with the society, either as members or students, have been for the most part secured by individual enterprise. It is hoped that the Museum Fund now created will be so added to as to fur- nish the means of procuring for the society material for original research. At the meeting held Sept. 12, a committee, consisting of Messrs. Ruschenberger, Redfield, Tryon, McCook and Meehan, was ap- pointed for the purpose of determining means for the extension of the building. In harmony with a suggestion made by Dr. Horatio C. Wood, during a communication to the Academy, Oct. 10, on the source of supply of the cinchona alkaloids, a committee, consisting of Messrs. H. C. Wood, Thos. Meehan, John K. Valentine, Isaac C. Martindale and John H. Redfield, was appointed to memorialize Congress as to the importance of making suitable experiment in the cultivation of Cuprea bark within the limits of the United States. No reports from these committees have as yet been received. All of which is respectfully submitted, Epw. J. Nouan, Recording Secretary. 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 351 REPORT OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. In accordance with the laws of the Academy, the Corresponding Secretary submits the following report for the year ending Nov. 30, 1882. The business for the year has consisted, for the most part, of letters from corresponding societies transmitting their publica- tions and acknowledging the receipt of those sent by us, as well as acknowledgments from newly elected Correspondents. The correspondence from the Academy has been the official acknowledgments and thanks of the society for donations of various kinds to the Museum, and the notification of Correspon- dents of their election. In addition there is always an amount of miscellaneous corre- spondence, the greater part of which has been brought before the Academy for its action when needed; otherwise the letters, usually of inquiry, have been promptly answered. During the summer the Corresponding Secretary had the opportunity of visiting the libraries of many corresponding societies, and found the exchanges in good state of completeness and as promptly received as is usual through the international exchange. Deficiencies were, however, detected in some instances and requests have since been officially received for missing parts. During my absence the duties of the position were kindly and ably performed by Prof. Angelo Heilprin. The summary is as follows :— LETTERS KECEIVED. Acknowledgments from Corresponding Societies, . 46 Letters of transmission of publications, . ; 2, 90 Acknowledgments of election, . : ; : et Miscellaneous, . : : P 5 : i Pipes i LETTERS SENT. Acknowledgments of donations to Museum, . . 165 Notifications of Correspondents elected, . : rks Miscellaneous, . : : : : , : ey The donations to the Museum have been acknowledged in full to the donors, the number above indicating merely the letters sent; a more detailed account will appear in the Curators’ report. Respectfully submitted, Gror@E H. Horn, M. D., Corresponding Secretary. 352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN. The Librarian reports that during the year ending Nov. 30, 1882, there have been 2795 additions made to the library of the Academy. This increase has been composed of 366 volumes, 2417 pamphlets and parts of periodicals, and 12 maps. The larger number consists as heretofore of instalments of journals and transactions received in exchange for the publications of the Academy from corresponding societies. The sources from which this increase has been deriv ed i is as follows :— (1882. DOCIOLIES. <<.) G's ues a, SONS Trustees of Public Library, Editors, : a 09 Victoria, 2 I. V. Williamson Fund, 291 Health Department, N. York, 2 Authors, 230 Rev. Dr. Syle, . 1 F. V. Hayden, 158 Liverpool Free Public Libr: ar y, 1 Jos. Jeanes, 61 Geodetic Commission of the Wilson Fund, 50 Netherlands, A 1 Geo. Vaux, . 41 Fish Commissioners of Con- Department of the Interi ior, 21 necticut, 1 Department of Agriculture, . 138 dees Ryder, 1 Geological Surv. ‘of Belgium, 13 Geol. Survey of Minnesota, 1 Executors of the late Dr. Rob- B. Westermann & Co., . 1 ert Bridges, Sy le Department of Mines, Nova Geological Survey of India, 10 Scotia. 1 Engineer Department, U.S.A. 8 Department of Mines, N. S. Ww. 1 Isaac Lea, 8 Asa Gray, : 1 Minister of Public Works, U. 8. Coast Survey, — ; 1 France, 6 Louisiana Board of Health, 1 Treasury Department, 5 Rev. H. C. McCook, 1 War Department, + Geological Puy ‘of Penn- British Museum, 3 sylvania, : 1 Smithsonian Institution, ; 3 Thomas Meehan, . ‘ H Minister of Public ee Trustees of Pay Hospital, Mexico, . 3 Boston, 1 Geological Survey ‘of New G.W.. Fox; ‘ 1 Jersey, .. 2 Mayor of Brighton, 1 Geological Survey, of Canada, 2 Australian Museum, Sydney, 1 Norwegian Government, 2 Royal College of Surgeons, 1 The books and pamphlets obtained from these sources were distributed to the various departments of the library as follows :— Journals, 2124 Botany, . 55 Geology, : 185 Bibliography, . A 19 General Natural History ys 5 69 Chemistry, . oo meets 18 Conchology, 62 Anthropology, ...- - 17 Mineralogy, . 60 Ornithology, . 14 Entomology, 58 Agriculture, 13 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 398 Physical Science, 12 Herpetology, 6 Voyages and Travels, . 10 Encyclopedias, stay ches 5 Melminthology; i"... 9 Kducationtia mss. es 4 Ichthyology, wig iets. aes 9 Geography, : : 3 Medicine, : 8 Languages, gO ea 1 Mammalogy, ..... 8 Miscellaneous, Pe $54 Pat. aks Anatomy and Physiology, 8 The income of the I. V. Williamson Fund has been mainly devoted during the past year to the purchase of continuations of books already subscribed for, and to the paying of bills which had aceu- mulated in consequence of the failure of some of the ground- rents from which the fund is derived, as noticed in my last annual report. These bills have now all been paid and the entire income of the fund for the coming year will be at the disposal of the committee. With the exception of Elliott’s Felidz and Bucero- tide, but little has been obtained from the income of the Wilson Fund, except the continuations of works subscribed for by the late Dr. Thos. B. Wilson. The more valuable books in addition to those received from the above funds and in exchange, have been the gift of Mr. Jos. Jeanes, who, in addition to the $739.80 recorded in my last report, as having been given by him for the purchase of geological and botanical books, has placed during the past year $300 at the dis- posal of the Library Committee for the purchase of such miscel- laneous works as were immediately desirable. The titles of works thus obtained, as well as those of all others received during the year, will be found in the appended list of additions to the library, The Academy is also indebted to Mr. Jeanes for a gift of $300 to be used in binding journals, etc., subscribed for from the I. V. Williamson Fund. At a meeting of the Academy held April 26, 1882, it was resolved, in accordance with the recommendation of the Council, to authorize the Library Committee to accept the proposition which had been received from Mr. Geo. W. Tryon, Jr., under date of Jan. 16, to dispose by sale of certain works in the library, which were in no sense connected with natural history, together with the duplicates which had been accumulating for years. The proposition to select, catalogue and sell these books under the supervision of the Library Committee was made on condition that one-half the net proceeds, after paying expenses, should be trans- ferred to the Academy, and the other half to the Conchological 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. Section to form the nucleus of a fund for the purchase of speci- mens for the Museum, The sale was authorized under the conviction that many valu- able books on the Fine Arts and general literature would be of more use in collections where they would be inquired for and consulted than if they were retained as part of the library of the Academy, from the specialty of which they were so distinct. Such a disposition of these books and the accumulated duplicates as would be of greatest benefit to the library of the Academy would certainly meet with the approval of their liberal donors, chief among whom were Wm. Maclure and Dr. Thomas B. Wilson. About 1897 volumes were thus disposed of; 1272 were works on religion, history, politics and general literature, for the most part of little interest or value; 424 were duplicates and 201 were on the fine arts, architecture, antiquities, etc. Care was taken to retain everything which could be considered as even remotely pertaining to natural history. The proceeds of the sale amounted to $1325.14, the Academy’s share of which, $662.57, was appropriated for binding. Each volume thus bound has a label placed on the inside of the cover properly crediting the fund. This amount, in addition to the sum received from Mr. Jeanes, has enabled me to have bound during the year 677 volumes, while 240 are in process of binding. It is believed that a sufficient balance will remain to provide for the binding of about 200 volumes in addition to those above noted. The binding of our periodicals had been some years in arrears, and the work now done, although it forwards the orderly arrangement of the library and adds greatly to the convenience of readers, leaves a large number of volumes still in unbound parts. Every effort has been made as heretofore to keep our large col- lection of periodicals as complete as possible by purchase and | exchange. Nearly all the applications made for deficiencies during the year have been answered promptly and satisfactorily. A portrait in oil of the late Prof. 8. 8S. Haldeman, painted by Waugh, was presented by Mrs. 8. J. Haldeman Haly, and one of Dr. Thos. B. Wilson, by Uhlke, of Washington, has been obtained by subscription. TheJlatter portrait completes the gallery of past Presidents with the exception of Dr. Robert Bridges. An effort is being made, with almost the certainty of success, to secure by EE 1882. ] NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 305 subscription a portrait of Dr. Bridges, which, it is hoped, will be hung in place early in the year. A framed life-sized crayon portrait of Prof. John Tyndall was presented by the artist, Mr. Ross. In view of the above statements the Academy may be congrat- ulated on the fact that the past year has been an unusually prosperous one for the library. All of which is respectfully submitted, Epw. J. Nouan, Librarian. REPORT OF THE CURATORS. The Curators present the following from the Curator-in-charge as their report for the year ending November 30, 1882 :-— I would respectfully report, that during the year Mr. C. H. Townsend has been engaged in separating the families of Passerine birds, from the general ornithological collection, preparatory to a better arrangement of that order. Mr. G. Howard Parker has been engaged in the arrangement of the Coleoptera. The various collections have been carefully examined, and are in good condition. The specimens presented to the Museum during the year have been labeled, and placed in their proper places. Some progress has been made in labeling and arranging of specimens in the Museum, Respectfully, C. F. PARKER. 396 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [1882. SUMMARY OF THE REPORT OF WM. 0. HENSZEY, TREASURER, FOR THE YEAR ENDING Noy. 30, 1882. Dr. To Balance from last account..........sccccccswsssssscersssssescecs $ 918 71 $f Iniliation-Teens.. scandens sasroeded caceeeeas, ae oe 140 00 ** Contributions (semi-annual Contributions) ..........0.e000e 1927 51 ‘Lite Memborships.;:. ivescudeusserstuees aoe 200 00 *¢ Admissions toc Maser: sc cee ce. Gaesansssc cease cshecnaeee 458 60 “Sale of Guide to:Mirsouam sc0-secn.-e sete seuet scr tee 45 00 “* Sale. of.dttpliedte book steic.:6.5: teks akGeexccc ose S$ 45 00 667 57 «¢ One-half proceeds of sale of books............. 662 57 SiO STO DE ADEN sao ooo cokes cee wenn whit Sone oon ee ge 1 05 Pen Weein Wi KetUEn ed yo. enue. keke tero dares eee ea 13 75 “« Fees, Lectures on Palscontology.........cesccosesscesseceeeee 168 00 oe es a by BEIM PYRO PV 3-02 cos «aces cs ses ycoaane etme canes 28 00 “ Publication Committee......... peel Raneeeoulecetaeneanctes 1862 57 ‘“« Interest from Mortgage Investments, Joshua T. Jeanes’ BSA) -btasncch meds awe M ero ven asioate este ee 1000 00 “« Wilson Fund toward Salary of Librarian..............006 300 00 ‘** By Publication Fund. Interest on Investments......... 508 55 ‘¢ Barton Fund. ot oe Cit a Beccnna 480 00 ‘* Life Membership Fund. « ee Ligh ) eet Bante 100 00 *« Maintenance Fund. ae =< SOMA IAs Seee anne 5Q 00 ‘« Eckfeldt Fund. és ee Cty tees 69 79 *f Interest On Depnisits,.scccscsonsacqveuesteanseatoeereseeecet tear 51 10 ————. $8490 20 Cr. Dalaries;Janitorgs: CbG.:ssss.0ccccsee cc oes ee $3204 96 PROUD ass Soares Jeera baecenep pies ts apeseeeee eases Re te 88 21 FROPAIES 0) ts 0 veunanccdan dosed windexecacene eee oe ace orice eee 352 93 MMISUPAR CG ..22 sso oeclcncs ty cg soaenen@ene-o Moats seaactoee eae ee 30 00 Coogee inn na va Bde panaclidag x negsapona pee vee she ova seven eae nas eee 418 00 QW, Saat ra sny can vtaasent acne sna teattsesegeeer eestor ee ee Rea See 134 85 Monnitanig, Birds .55-02:sie-2pso teaseose eee eee ee ee 1 50 Printing, Stationery and Postage Stamps...........scceceseeee 126 77 POW: Fo ans edendinasuncsts 1 indamnaeeast pep daessaen tee eee ate 2 30 Newspaper reports............2.s0+8 Wavghtecspacds socacrescceeruaerts 92 00 Wealer Rent n0..50 .55<.20elenpbeassapcp dee taecons tea sees oe ee 26 15 ff eee Oe Tae ion. Ae aca mete Mes bed A aeE LS a 5g 8. 49 00 Printine and /Papersc.ccsheesss sores oe $1275 28 Bindtip saiie So oadesiaseaeapnandassenasnee ata eares 30 00 eee Platesand Mn praying .242.2<.ccta0ageo. soe de wasken essa e eeeee 197 00 PMTUGMIN oc can a odo dwetaecetaasaes asacartte teeta ea 429 75 Sex Cases Of Dea w.ori24c.922.0scse oss cacdsaszed. se aeea eee 136 50 Guides 40 Mrisenitt t. 2c: fan dsnssdtev s,s ov stress cunceaee neces eee 23 00 BGG sirccs castes aenacngtuatssasassds (sees eae eeneney ee eee ee ee 44 15 Trupner :& Cos ondonsscccscscesne conte en eee 59 96 A. Heilprin, fees from Lectures on Paleontology............. 168 00 H. C. Lewis, fees from Lectures on Mineralogy.............+- 28 00 Life Memberships, transferred to Life Membership Fund, 200 00 Transferred to Stott Legacy Fund..........sccssssssescseseecerses 2 00 MAS OOR ANGI TG) 5 oxea. ses wevensdene tes moans tnanke tote eereets eno 428 58 — $7498 89 Balance; General Account. i.ccacoccccsceccdcceccecscrcaneese $991 31 1882. | NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 357 LIFE MEMBERSHIP FUND. (For Maintenance.) Balance per last Statement. ...........-..csssseseccscscsecceveeccnssscncecce coves $1100 00 Life Memberships transferred to this account.............seesseeeeeeeeeees 200 00 MEIER EMO TIe IV ERLIN GEA: seco orcnodnsccccieccnects vossssscecunssvcede sesccsenesesecn 100 00 $1400 00 MPAA OLTEGILONGOTEra ACCOMMUcscdeccccccaccc.ccccucteccassccarssccecvencsnaneses 100 00 GPE SIANGE LOLUMIVESEMEME csnecsccosscccccrcecccccicccscacoescecssasacss $1300 00 BARTON FUND. (For Printing and Illustrating Publications.) Balance per last Statement... .......cceccsscseceesecseececeeeeeescseserescesceees $240 00 TER CATMGMUEN VERLMCNIES. c.ccs.cesccccsc sccdsesssassaccccisccevadenecescssasscecss ts 240 00 $480 00 Mennsterred to, General ACCOUNE. ..sc0.ccsscccencscecareses -eccenceccecsss suaews 480 00 JESSUP FUND. (For Support of Students.) Balance per last Statement............sscscesee-sseeeseeeceseeeeeceeesececeseneees $581 67 MEER PRINOR MRI VESLIMENUS coo. cose cece cs ccccs cece caceoncslciensasicceconsenciesseciicaccs 560 00 $1141 67 NG IRASEEI ELL ee reer cro rae necicc caveitccseducaueeccccachecsceccsecevsevaasenscennea = 430 00 Hp RCO tase accede deen teenectecct se tantessesccsaset ers ctescssascenanseactss $711 67 PUBLICATION FUND. Balance per last Statement.......ccccececcsecssecseerecnsescescesesceseeeceeesenes $1408 25 Income from: InvesimMents................cccceccccecensecccsc sesccccsstocceoscsese 290 00 I. C. Martindale. Life Subscription to Proceedings.............-..0+0++ 25 00 , $1723 25 ANS LOrreU stOMG@ONeTAL A‘ CCOURL.s cc. .scocsscasacccecceseceseseevccsrcuccccsece 508 55 Rophalance ors nyesiMentsacscecece sense ccsecsings colacsseciaces sac cceees $1214 70 MAINTENANCE FUND. Balance per last Statement.........sscsecesecsseeeesceererescesseseeesesene seenes $ 626 35 Interest On Investments ........5..... ccc ccccccsccccsseccesescseccssscssccsnosecees 50 00 Rese CMATt INO Al@..s..-ceslaccoscsecscscccccoacetececccesescccaaccsscusesassecsaens ay hs) Joseph Wharton...........csccsecccsceerossecccensecscsccesceses seseensceseecsccouncs 1000 00 Susan W. Logan and A. Sydney Logan, Executors J. Dickinson Logan, deceased .........-cecccseceerscsccscncscscescsscessscescseoes $500 00 Less Collateral Inheritance Tax............-ccccccscssscscese.eve osee 25 00 — 475 00 $2158 14 Transferred to General ACCOUNL..........:.cssecerccecceerecccesccesescees Beste 50 00 Me AISNIGH TOT VLILVERLMONE dese cadesnasccvnetionst anode vessavencahicss succe $2108 14 308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF [ 1882. Mrs. STOTT FUND. (For Publications.) Balance per last Statement for Investment..........s-ssssssseeceeeeeeeceee $2000 00 Transferred from General Account........0.....0000:sscsssesccocenscenananeaee 2 00 $2002 00 Hy Balas. <.. cescsniajuedecscoresseeras oe ee ee ch 2 00 Investment in Bond and Mortgage, 5 per cent. Interest. 700 00 - 702 00 To Balance for Investmenibrc:sc.sse ese fovsaaees-cescce ee ee $1300 00 ECKFELDT FUND. Balance per last Statement for Investment............ssccseeee seeeccoseccoee $966 86 Pnterest on Inyestinentsia.4..2..5 600255 ck ee shen ccc ee ee 69 79 $1036 65 General Account:.......+:c-oscnscastieen 146 (ANON Hecrecaveccscssp'or'p'e'sn eases eanenne 103 | Cyrtophora. ....... waded acchiseaanenetele 256 MU PRALEE Hocatoc tat seuss secsuossscsvenecaweees 282 | Cystophora...... .... .819, 320, 324, 327 NUR CO DA races cn cscesveces cies vicuborments 148 | Cytherea..155, 156, 158, 159, 160 RUSTY Ror ate oma ds ccace ace cccsaceeemnce 333 162, 163, 164 RODPDIY GS a dccuwa cies sce wiasancens 330, 333 Columbella........... 16g, a 2ealioyeiony Delp hintilars, :..-\cssececeee.cecuaseswa 170 ENE gece ces osx veces cosuneconaceee ad | GIG RIO O asics 2608 cave swedeeew sees 299 MGT QUT A ncens soscissaciecewostadoosee 318 | Dentalium..167, 168 170, 172, 173, Conodon..... Bee aaWelsae rocssensscavtenees 505 174, 175, 176, 198, 200 ESE a cctcasvakivas's sine snkaes acdnsen = 285)|' Desmognathus ..1......cseceseveessances 328 Conus. ...167, 168, 172, 198, 204, 208 | Diacantha......... sasisveedcactestiacdets 282 Copiatite. PEPPER RCE se KUweh saauacucstomecs GOW MOTE PANN Ate ceee co ceca aes s.cs-sesssecsssmsease-aeae 307 Tra chinusic.essa-ctercet erences roneee 276 irachiyNOllBiecccssct- sense ecseme estas 306 Triadanthus <..2ss.ccssessecereaseessers 282 viCh@CUS ss. 4c0 ceases 319, 320, 324, 327 richodermas. .cccscsses--o0sesieseoneen 283 AURIS TEES Goccaqnoghodernasnanossco ce 805 Tri GhOSOM ass cses esd sssccceessen eee 277, 280 TrichOSOMUS:..:csscvecss=ssescecensons 277 ri fOrisiseessvccscnce sacs sh astoumseratenes 171 CEO Eiggade copecncenecseroheeAocadcnososce 307 SU YUP OIG ¢.. (00s conc 2n ceca: ad encaee eee TriiSOdONs