HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Anica SEAS — SNta NMG] N\\ N ne PROCEEDINGS OF THE American Philosophical Society HEED Ad PHTcADECPETEA FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE VOLUME LIV 1915 pees & 4 Sei AD G, (792) Fic. 12. Diagram Showing Strengths of Organ Pipes Given by the Vibration of a Diaphragm. 1915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 113 Fig. 12 is an inverted velocity-circle diagram for Diaphragm No. I, based upon its measured values of m, r and s. If we take the diametral velocity OM as 5 cm. per sec., with r= 328 dynes per cm./sec., then the vmf. which, in the particular environment of the experiment, produced this velocity, would be 1,640 dynes, maximum cyclic value. The particular pipe G,(792 ~), gave an observed am- plitude at the diaphragm center, which, multiplied by o—=27 X 792, gives the line OG, along the chord OP. ‘The phase-angle a must be obtained by considering the mechanical reactance as in (4), App. II. If the vmf. of this pipe were the same as that which produced OM, this point G,, would lie on the circle. Consequently, the vmf. of the pipe G, is to that of the pipe producing resonance, in the ratio OG,/OP. Similarly, the vmf. of the pipe Gj (832 ~), is less than that producing the resonant velocity, in the ratio OG7/OR. It is evi- dent that the range of any one diaphragm, for the precise comparison of vmf.’s from organ-pipes of different pitch, is somewhat limited. In the case presented, 1t would not exceed one octave, since the chords far from the resonant diameter become so short. By selecting a diaphragm of relatively large damping constant A==r/2m, this range can be increased. In fact, the range in w» between the quad- rantal points QQ’ on the velocity circle, is numerically equal to r/m, or twice the damping constant. A succession of calibrated diaphragms with overlapping ranges might be employed to cover the musical scale. The writers have not attempted to compare organ-pipes for standard vmf. in this manner. The measurements might have to be made out-of-doors. In the sound-absorbing room in which this research was carried on, the effect of sound reflections from walls and other objects pre- vented any standard comparisons of vmf. from being made. EXPLORATIONS WITH ELECTROMAGNETICALLY EXCITED DIAPHRAGMS. In order to ascertain the effects of exciting a steel diaphragm (No. 2) electromagnetically, a No. 144 Western Electric Bell tele- phone receiver was screwed into the explorer, behind the diaphragm, so as to obtain the ordinary air-gap between the diaphragm and its two poles. The cap or screw-cover of the ordinary telephone re- 114 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, ceiver was here absent. Alternating current of 2 milliamperes (root-mean-square) was supplied from a Vreeland oscillator, giv- ing a close approximation to a pure sine wave, and in connection with a Rayleigh bridge, for the simultaneous measurement of both the resistance and inductance of the telephone receiver, at 32 fre- quencies varying between 429 and 2,040 ~. Explorations were VIBRATION CONTOURS DIAPHRAGM No.2. mice» made at two frequencies; one, thé resonant frequency of 992 ~, and the other slightly below this, or 974 ~. The contour lines for the latter case are presented in Fig. 13, where the outlines of the 1915. ] < sucudipy = SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. LS 1.0 Radius - Cm, 116 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, two magnetic poles are indicated in dotted lines. It will be seen that while the mode of motion is essentially fundamental, the ampli- tude is not a maximum at the center, as in the ordinary acoustic case. The maximum amplitude of 2.0p is reached in an elliptical loop embracing the pole at the top. Inside this loop, and imme- diately over the pole, the amplitude falls off to 1.8y. Over the pole underneath, the amplitude is about 1.7, but there appears to be a slight diminution between the poles. If the geometrical and magnetic conditions of the bipolar system were perfectly sym- metrical, these dissymmetries would presumably disappear. The curves of mean amplitude against radial distance are pre- sented in Fig. 14. The curve AAA corresponds to that found at resonance, and shows that the amplitude is far from being a maxi- mum at the center of the diaphragm, owing to the attractive forces being established over polar areas on each side of the center. The coefficient of equivalent mass for this curve is over 0.5. The curve ABB gives the corresponding distribution of mean azimuthal amplitude for the frequency of 974~. The swelling of the amplitude over the poles is less marked in this case, and does not materially exceed that at the center. The equivalent mass co- efficient for this curve is 0.36, or about double that for the Rayleigh- Bessel curve case, which is indicated by ADD. The curve ACC gives the distribution of mean amplitude in radial distance, for an- other steel diaphragm (No. 3) in a bipolar telephone receiver, at the resonant frequency of 1,020 ~. For both steel diaphragms Nos. 2 and 3, a series of central amplitude measurements were made, with the explorer, at constant alternating-current excitation, but adjustably varied frequency. Simultaneous measurements were made by Mr. H. A. Affel, of the resistance and inductance of the telephone-receiver coils, with the diaphragm both free and damped. The explorer measurements in both cases satisfactorily checked the electrically deduced velocity- circle diagrams. It is proposed to report upon the electrical meas- urements in another paper. Moreover, starting with the ampli- tudes, measured at the center of the diaphragm, in curves A and C of Fig. 14, the equivalent masses of the diaphragms, computed from the electrical measurements, agreed, within a few per cent., with those found by integrating curves A and C. 1915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. Wie TEMPERATURE EFFECTS. It was found that changes of temperature in the air surround- ing a diaphragm had a marked effect, both upon its resonance fre- quency, and upon its amplitudes at any frequency. The curves rep- resenting zw against r, were apt to differ appreciably in outline from day to day. The degree of tightness of clamping also had a marked effect in these measurements. In general, such disturbances due to temperature and clamping, are likely to introduce tensions in the substance of the diaphragm, and to cause some of the characteris- tics of vibrating membranes to be superposed upon those of a vi- brating plate. It is, therefore, desirable that the clamping should be effected tightly, and that the measurements should then be made before the temperature has changed. Strictly speaking, the Ray- leigh theory shows that there must be a marked difference in both the resonance frequency and in the distribution of amplitudes, if the diaphragm is clamped between circular knife edges, instead of between circular flat rings at the boundary. The experiments have shown that flat-ring clamping is more likely to give consistent re- sults than knife-edge clamping. These clamping difficulties are accentuated in thin glass diaphragms, for the boundary supporting of which, a special technique had to be developed. EXPLORATION OF THIN GLASS DIAPHRAGMS. From a number of thin glass diaphragms, one Diaphragm No. 4, was selected, on account of its uniformity in thickness. See Table III. It was found very difficult to obtain uniform results with this in the explorer, owing to the above mentioned troubles with clamping. Finally, the glass diaphragm was cemented, with water glass, to a boundary ring of glass, and this was lightly supported be- tween the clamping rings of the explorer. The diaphragm was then excited acoustically by organ-pipes. The natural pitch of the diaphragm was found to be 492 ~, in the fundamental mode. On raising the frequency, the mode of motion was found to change sud- denly, at 968 ~, to that of a single nodal diameter, the two halves of the diaphragm then vibrating harmonically in opposite phases. This mode of motion continued until the frequency reached 1,696 ~, [April 22, KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER 118 ‘Wd - SNIPBY ~ nN 2) ‘SuOIDIU - apnpadUy t Jajuad 40 papoo | WOVAHdDVIG ANOHd43 13_L SSAYND NOILVHRIA Gi) Qs eae y : a 2 i a | i | 1915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 19 when the nodal diameter disappeared and gave place to a single nodal circle. The ratios of the above three frequencies are 1: 1.97: 3.44; whereas, according to the Bessel-function theory, they should be 1:2.09:3.91. The discrepancies may readily be accounted for by imperfections in boundary support, or by temperature effects. Small changes in clamping were found to exercise a marked in- fluence on these ratios. LOADING OF DIAPHRAGM. In the determination of m, r and s, by electrical impedance measurements,° only two quantitative relations between these three constants naturally present themselves; whereas, for the evaluation of these three unknowns, three independent quanti- tative relations: must be experimeritally obtained. It had been hoped to derive the missing third equation, by applying a small known load-mass at the center of the diaphragm, and by repeating the electrical measurements with this load in place. Electrical ex- periments showed, however, that while, occasionally, consistent re- sults were obtained in this way, more often the results were dis- cordant. The reason for the discordance has been shown, from explorations of the diaphragm, to be due to a distortion of the amplitude curves; whereby the equivalent mass of the loaded diaphragm is no longer the same as when unloaded. These conditions are exhibited in the curves of Fig. 15. E shows the w, r curve, for an unloaded telephonic steel diaphragm, excited acoustically at n=904 ~, its natural frequency being 2, = 832 ~. The corresponding curve F is for the same diaphragm, after being loaded at the center by a small brass cylinder of 0.536 gm. at n=816~, its new natural frequency being n,—696 ~. After increasing the load to 1.08 gm., the new curve is shown at G (n= 660 ~, m,=616 ~). The shapes of these three curves £, F and G, being so different, it is evident that the equivalent mass of the diaphragm by itself cannot be regarded as constant. The authors are indebted to Dr. Geo. A. Campbell for a number of valuable suggestions which he made after having read the MSS. of this paper; also to Professor W. C. Sabine for very useful sug- gestions, during the course of the research. 6 Bibliography No. 8. 120 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, SUMMARY. 1. The distribution of amplitudes over small circular telephonic diaphragms, under simple impressed vibrations, has been measured, it is believed for the first time, by means of a new and specially constructed vibration-explorer. 2. The simple vibrations of the small steel circular diaphragms, used in telephonic receivers, appear to belong to the fundamental mode, within the ordinary telephonic range of intensity and fre- quency up to 2,000 ~, with the distribution of impressed forces here described. 3. The explorations have confirmed the working theory of the velocity-circle diagram for such vibrations, and have afforded means of determining the three constants m, r and s, in that theory, for acoustically excited vibrations. 4. In the resonant condition, exploration is somewhat uncertain, owing to slight instability in the vibratory behavior of the dia- phragm. 5. The distribution of forced amplitude at varying radial dis- tances, has been found to compare well with the Rayleigh theory of freely vibrating plates, when good flat clamping around the edge can be secured, and with acoustic excitation. The coefficient of equivalent mass appears to be 0.183 for such a case. With electro- magnetic excitation, the amplitude distribution may be very different and the coefficient is ordinarily increased. 6. Loading a diaphragm with a small mass at the center, de- creases its natural frequency, and tends to reduce the amplitude of vibration at the center, with a relative increase at outlying points; so that the equivalent mass of the diaphragm, considered by itself, is apt to be changed. 7. A means is suggested, based on the velocity-circle diagram, for comparing the acoustic intensities of organ-pipes of different pitches. 8. The distribution of amplitudes over the surface of a steel re- ceiving-telephone diaphragm, with bipolar electromagnetic excita- tion, was found to be of fundamental mode, but with a tendency to form two maxima, one over each pole. ; g. In some small, thin, glass diaphragms, three modes of vibra- 1915. ] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 121 tory motion were observed, in the range of acoustic impressed fre- quency up to I,700 ~. ABER ie Fiat CrrcuLar DIAPHRAGMS. Thickness * NOT EAT No. Material. Diameter, Cm. |} Over Japan, Mass, Gm. Fr ee Gan equency ~. I |Steel japanned...... 5.4 0.038 5.615 824 2 |Steel japanned...... Kase 0.0399 5.979 992 3 Steel japanned..... 5.48 0.031 4.181 1020 (Amma GLASS euraeas, uca ey aiclejcue 5.4 0.0108 0.6548 492 APPENDIX I. Application of Bessel-Function Theory to a Diaphragm Vibrating . im its Fundamental Mode. Referring to Lord Rayleigh’s “ Theory of Sound,” Vol. 1, page 352, the formula for the instantaneous amplitude of free vibration in a flat plate is, Wy —=P{I,(kr) + AJ, (tkr) }cos(n@ + an)-cos(wt + €) cm., (1) where subscript 7#—=the number of nodal diameters (numeric), Wn, — instantaneous amplitude at a point on the diaphragm whose polar coordinates are r cm., 6 radians (cm.) P=constant of amplitude-magnitude (cm.), k —a constant of the material defined by: k=V o/c (Gi), ca constant of the material defined by: SEC aii ae : C— _ ay (cm./sec.?), g= Young’s modulus for the diaphragm material (dyne/cm.?), p= density of the diaphragm material (gms./cm.*), a—=Poisson’s ratio for the diaphragm material (numeric), b=thickness of the diaphragm (cm.), A—a constant satisfying boundary conditions (numeric), Jn—=a Bessel’s Function of the mth order (numeric), inv—1, * Thickness of japan 0.0074 cm. PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC,, LIV. 217 I, PRINTED JULY 6, IgI5. 122 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, An—=a phase-angle measured around the diaphragm (radians), w == 27n — angular velocity of vibrating motion (radians/sec.), n= frequency of diaphragm vibration (cycles/sec.), t—time elapsed from a given epoch (seconds), e=a time-phase determined by the epoch (seconds), a=radius of the diaphragm (cm.). For the fundamental mode of motion, 70; or there must be no nodal diameters. Consequently (1) reduces to: wo = P{Jo(kr) + AJo(ikr)} cos (wi + e) cm. (2) Here the amplitude of vibration at any point w,, ceases to be a func- tion of 6, and depends only on Bessel functions of r. Since we shall consider only the fundamental mode of vibration in what fol- lows, the subscript will be unnecessary, and we may substitute w for Wo. Continuing Lord Rayleigh’s method of demonstration, if a flat circular diaphragm is clamped at its edge between a pair of flat circular rings, then, referring to (2), we have w vanishing at r—a, the clamping radius, and since there is to be no bending or slope of the diaphragm at the clamped boundary, we have also (dw/dr) =o at ga) Entering (2) with wo, we have: fe Jo(ka) AGO) numeric. (3) Also differentiating (2) with respect to r, for r—=a, we obtain: d -—- = J\'(ka) + idJy (ika) = 0 numeric, (4) whence So (ka) i Ns iol Gka) numeric. (5) Combining (3) and (5) we obtain: Jo(ka) a Jo (ka) ae Ji(ka) J (tka) ® 1J 0 (tka) re 1J(ika) numeric. (6) 1915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 123 124 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER [April 22, This is a transcendental equation involving Bessel’s Functions of the zeroth and first orders. It is capable of being satisfied, by trial, with an indefinitely great number of roots, each corresponding to a possible mode of vibration with nodal circles. Fig. 14 indicates graphically the method of determining the successive roots of (6). The points of intersection of the lower curve with the successive descending branches, indicate the values of yr which satisfy (6). In order to have the fundamental mode of vibration, there must be no nodal circles, which means that the first and lowest root for ka must be taken in (6). This root is at ka—= 3.196. . . . Plac- ing this value for ka in (3) we have: — Jo(3.196) — 0.3197 A= TiCway 0. Ba + 0.05571 numeric. (7) Re-entering (2) with this value of A, we have for the fundamental mode of vibration of the circular diaphragm: Wimax == P{J, (kr) + Buen ute cna(S)) In Fig. 1B, the abscissas correspond both to kr, where k= 1.21 cm.", and to r in cm., the relation being as already pointed out that at the boundary y—=a—2.62 cm. and kr=3.196. The ordinates are the numerical values of Bessel’s functions as taken from Tables. They also represent vibratory amplitudes of the diaphragm, taking the maximum amplitude at the center (r=0) in microns, correspond- ing to the heavy curve. The upper faint curve shows the graph of the first Bessel function Jo(kr); while the lower faint curve shows the corresponding graph of A times the second Bessel func- tion, or 0.05571/,(tkr). Adding these two graphs, as called for by (2), we obtain the heavy curve, which represents the theoretical amplitude of vibration along any radius of this particular dia- phragm, assuming such a scale that 1.056 corresponds to the maxi- mum or central amplitude. The small circles near this curve show the amplitudes observed with the aid of the vibration explorer. 125 1915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. "SUOMDILY UT ‘pos SwIZ9'Y ‘pod ‘sud Z ae ‘Wd L ® pee ‘snippy © Budjo sapnyijduy fae NOILVYSIA SO AAYND ‘gy, 'olg ‘sera; volJouNny sassag 126 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, APPENDIX II. Elementary Theory of the Steady Vibration Amplitude of a Dia- phragm Vibrating in its Fundamental Mode, as a Function of the Impressed Frequency. Let w= the vibration amplitude at the center of the diaphragm® (cm. Z ), w, =the vibration amplitude at the radius r (Gia; Z )). w= the vibration velocity at the center of the diaphragm (cm/sec. Z );, w == the vibration acceleration at the center of the diaphragm (em,/seex Z )) r= frictional resistance to motion of the diaphragm, re- ferred to the equivalent mass, see below (dynes/cm. PeTmsecy/»)r t= elapsed time from a given epoch (seconds), s== elastic force of the diaphragm per cm. of displacement, referred to the equivalent mass (dynes per cm. Z ), f = Fe*‘=impressed simple harmonic moving force on the dia- phragm tending to produce displacement w, and measured in the direction of w, referred to the equiv- alent mass (dynes Z ), f= 5/1, w == 27n =the angular velocity of a simple harmonic motion of frequency 2 (radians/sec.), m= equivalent mass of the diaphragm, defined by the con- dition that the energy of motion of this mass with the velocity w at the center, is equal to the actual energy of the diaphragm with its distributed mass and velocities, according to the equation: ; 2 Tne ” (w)? = ae r(w,)*dr ergs, (1) 2 2 where p’= superficial density of the diaphragm (gm./cm.?), 2 / a mM = te (w,)2rdr Pio, (2) Wmax e 0 8 The sign y after a unit indicates a “complex quantity.” 1915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 127 since the velocities w and w, being assumed simply harmonic, are respectively proportional to their maximum displacements Wax and Wr. Then on the assumptions that the diaphragm vibrates like its equivalent mass collected at the center, with its observed central velocity, with an elastic opposing force sw on this mass, propor- tional to the displacement, and with a resisting force rw on this mass proportional to the velocity, then the equation of motion of the diaphragm in terms of equivalent mass will be® swt rw + mw = f= Fe ciymesiny/4-05((3)) The solution of this equation, in terms of velocity w, and the steady state, is known to be where + is the “mechanical reactance,’ and 2 is the complex “mechanical impedance,’ by analogy to alternating electric current theory. Both + and ¢ have the same dimensions as r. The mechanical impedance relations are indicated in Fig. I1A at the left-hand side. OX and OY being rectangular coordinates, the “mechanical resistance” r in dynes per unit velocity, is meas- ured along OX, and is assumed to remain constant at all frequencies. As the frequency m is increased (and with it the vibratory angular velocity ») from zero to infinity, the reactance += (mo—s/o) varies from — © to-+ o along the line yXy’. The mechanical im- pedance z which is the vector sum of r and iv, will be represented by a complex quantity, or plane vector Op, the extremity of which remains on the line yXy’. At the particular or resonant value of o, for which mo—s/wo—=o, the reactance vanishes, and the im- pedance 2 coincides with the resistance r. As shown in the figure, p lies above OX, corresponding to a value of » somewhat greater than the critical or resonant value. 9 See Bibliography No. 8. [April 22, KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER 128 201- €26 ‘houanbary fo abuvy Son WOVYHdVIGQ ANOHd313] eli lees (Ys - Mu )j= x Z so ydo19 aui7 4460449 1915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 129 Equation (4) shows that the displacement velocity w is equal to the impressed vibro-motive force f, divided by the impedance 2. The locus of this velocity, as » varies from 0 to « with constant F, becomes a circle OMP, the diameter OM of which is equal to F/r cm. per sec., while the angle a of the chord OP, measuring the velocity, is equal and of opposite sign to the angle a of the im- pedance g. In the case represented by Fig. IIA, the telephone dia- phragm No. 2 was actuated electromagnetically at constant alternat- ing-current strength, under varying frequency. At the frequency N= 992 ~, the vibratory velocity OM =4.8 cm. sec., was a maxi- mum, and was in phase with the impressed vibro-motive force F. At n= 0994 ~, the mechanical impedance had increased to op at the angle a— 14°, and the vibratory velocity had fallen from OM to OP or from 4.8 to 4.65 cm. per sec. lagging in phase behind the impressed vibro-motive force by 14°. The diagram shows that between the frequencies of 923 and 1,074 ~, the vector displace- ment velocity z had moved over nearly the entire circumference of the velocity circle OMP, and from a phase nearly 90° ahead of the impressed vibro-motive force to nearly 90° behind it. If we integrate (4) with respect to time, we obtain, for the steady state of motion, Fe! Feéi®* | Feit w= | nds = f SB gy a!) BS ele 5 any gS) Zz 10S BY This shows that the instantaneous displacement is w times less than the corresponding instantaneous velocity, and is 90° behind it in phase. If we consider the maximum displacement, we have Di. = = cme)» (6) The locus of wmax is therefore a closed curve distorted from a circle by the effect of varying » in the denominator. Considering it as an approximate circle for this case, the diameter OM’ correspond- ing to m==992 ~ represents a displacement amplitude of 7.7 n, lagging approximately 90° behind the maximum velocity OM. At the frequency 994 ~, the displacement would be OP’=7.48 p, 130 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, lagging 90° behind OP. As the frequency varies between 923 and 1,074 ~, the displacement amplitude almost covers the entire graph of the approximate circle OM'P’, commencing at about Ip, nearly in phase with the vibro-motive force, and ending at about Iy in nearly opposite phase. These amplitudes correspond to the ordi- nates of the resonance curve in Fig. 9. It follows from (4) that if the vibro-motive force f is kept constant, and the angular velocity adjusted until the central vibra- tion velocity is a maximum, this will occur when the mechanical reactance is zero, or when S dynes seo oan cm./sec. ’ (7) that is S radians mm iy Sec ul (8) So that dynes == 2 = Pee S Mo cm. (9) When the vibro-motive force f.is made to vanish in (3) with the diaphragm in motion, the solution of the equation is ate w= We * sin (wt + e) Gil, (xO) where W is the initial displacement (cm), and e a suitable phase (radians). If we obtain two successive values of w, (w, and wz,), corresponding to two successive elongations in the same direction, we have Ww — = mn — AM numeric, (11) Ws whence r= 2mn loge (w,/w.), dynes/(cm./sec.), (12) where A is the damping constant (1/sec.). The quantity loge (w,/w,) is well known as the logarithmic decrement of the decay curve. r915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 131 APPENDIX III. Elementary Theory of Equivalent Mass. In (2) of Appendix II., the expression for equivalent mass m is i a 27 /P TD oe Me op | Ohi ain, (C2) max V0 or m is the mass which, vibrating at the center of the diaphragm with the observed maximum ampltiude wax, would have the same kinetic energy as the total distributed kinetic energy of the dia- phragm. In order, therefore, to determine the equivalent mass of a dia- phragm, it is necessary to integrate r times the square of the ampli- tude over its surface. Assuming that the vibration follows Ray- leigh’s Bessel-function theory as outlined in Appendix I., it should be sufficient to integrate w,*-r over the surface, mathematically. We are indebted to Dr. Geo. A. Campbell for an indication of the solution of this integral.’ Isa (it) Une ill (©) t= Ag 10) | == eG) Gis (A) by reference to (8) Appendix I., putting r—=o. Also w,—=P[J,(kr) + AJ, (kr) | cm. (3) Q — M20) ; 2 2 27 .2(4 5%. = PG + wil P2{F2(kr) + VI? (tkr) + 2rxJo(kr)Jo(ikr)}rdr (4) = | [arene ar +P eretene ar aL li 20 o(kr)Jo(ikr)r + ar | a ean E {Jo(ka) + Ji2(ka)} +*© ( T3ika) + F2Gika)} + saa (hJo(ika) Ju(ka) — ik Jo(ba) F(ika)} I (5) 10 Bibliography (11), (12), (13). 132 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER | [April 22, where Jig: (kr) stands, for Wig (k/) he: But M = 7zp’a? is the total mass of the vibrating diaphragm area. eae I "M (1 +)? | {Jo2(ka) + Ji?(ka)} +24 Io2(ika) +J,2(tka) } 2d : 2 : ©) eee { Jo(tka)Ji(ka) — PORE) OEE)) | : Applying the ratios of (6) Appendix I., this reduces to: m I Wee Gi + )2 : 2J,?(ka) I Ges a __ 0.20378 kana = 0.18285 or, to three significant digits, 0.183. The “equivalent mass coefficient,” 0.183, for this diaphragm, had also been obtained by quadrature methods applied to the heavy curve in Fig. 1B, before the integration was performed as above. In the case of steel telephone diaphragms excited by bipolar electromagnets, the curves of w;, 7 are likely to depart from simple Bessel-function curves, see Fig. 14. In such cases, the coefficient of equivalent mass must be deduced from the exploration curve. In cases examined, this coefficient varied between 0.2 and 0.5. A quadrature method employed to find the equivalent mass coefficient from curves of any shape is as follows: Draw the wz, curve as in Fig. 1B. Divide the line of abscissas into an integral number 7 of annular rings of equal area; so that each ring will have a mass of M/n, where M is the total mass of the circular vibrating area of the diaphragm, in grams. We then multiply this annular mass into the square of the observed ampli- tudes at the middle points of the successive annuli. The sum of these terms will be equal to the product of the equivalent mass m, 1915. ] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 1338 TABLE IV. kr w w (ave.) w? (ave.) .0000 T.0557 (1.1145) I -4511 1.008 1.032 1.0650 2 -6380 .962 985 .9702 3 -7814 918 -940 -8836 4 -9023 .875 .807 .8046 5 I.009 833 854 -7293 6 T.105 -792 812 -6593 7 I.194 -752 69/7] -5960 8 1.276 a7 +732 25358 9 1.353 677 695 -4830 Io 1.427 .O41 .659 +4343 II 1.496 .606 .624 -3804 I2 1.563 -572 -5890 -3469 13 1.627 -539 2555 -3080 14 1.688 .507 523 -2735 15 1.747 “477 -492 +2421 16 1.805 449 463 .2144 107/ 1.860 421 435 -1892 18 1.914 -394 -408 .1665 19 1.966 -307 -380 -1444 20 2.018 -341 +354 -1253 21 2.067 318 -330 -1089 22 2.116 -295 -307 -0942 23 2.163 273 .284 .0807 24 2.210 -251 .262 -0686 25 2.250 .232 .242 -0586 26 2.300 213 223 -0497 Daf 2.344 -195 .204 -O416 28 2.387 .178 -186 -0346 20 2.429 .162 -170 .0289 30 2.471 -146 .154 .0237 31 2.512 -131 -139 -0193 32 2.552 pibaey/ .124 .O154 33 2.592 .104 -IIO .O12I 34 2.631 .092 -098 -0096 35 2.669 -080 .086 .0074 36 2.707 .070 -075 .0056 37 2.744 .060 .005 .0042 38 2.781 .050 -055 -0030 39 2.817 O41 -O45 -0020 40 2.853 -033 -037 .0O14 AI 2.889 .026 .030 .0009 42 2.924 0.21 .023 .0005 43 2.958 .O16 .O19 -0004 44 2.992 .O12 -O14 .0602 45 3.026 .009 -OIL -OOOI 46 3.060 .006 .008 .00006 47 3.093 -004 .005 .00002 48 3.126 -002 -003 -000009 49 3.158 .OOL .OOL -OOOOOL 50 3.196 .000 ‘ .000 .000000 10.2325 m = (M/50) (10.2325/1.1145) = .183 M. 134 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, and the square of the maximum observed amplitude at the center, or NL enn gm. (7) The preceding table sets forth this process for the curve of Fig. 1B, drawn theoretically, and checked observationally, with = 50, or the diaphragm divided into 50 annuli of equal mass. ‘The result is that the equivalent mass is 18.3 per cent. of the actual mass of the vibrating area. This result checks that obtained from the mathe- matical integration of the Bessel curve. Although 50 annuli of equal area and mass were taken in the case above worked out, so as to attain a fairly high degree of pre- cision in the evaluated equivalent-mass coefficient; yet, for many purposes, a sufficient degree of precision might be attained by taking only 10 such equal annular areas. BIBLIOGRAPHY. . Rayleigh, “ Theory of Sound,” Vol. 1, p. 352, Macmillan Co., 1894. R. Kempf-Hartmann, Ann. de Physik, 8, pp. 481-538, June, 1902. W. Wien, Ann. de Physik, 18. S, pp. 1049-1053, December, 1905. Henri Abraham, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 144, 1907. . Frederick K. Vreeland, Phys. Review, Vol. 27, p. 286, 1908. . Barton, “ Text-Book of Sound,” p. 211, Sec. 146, Macmillan Co., 1908. . Chas. F. Meyer and J. B. Whitehead, Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. 31, I1., pp. 1397-1418, I912. 8. A. E. Kennelly and G. W. Pierce, “ The Impedance of Telephone Re- ceivers as Affected by the Motion of Their Diaphragms,’ Proc. Am. Acad. of Arts and Sci., Vol. 48, No. 6, September, 1912, p. 138; also Electrical World, September 14, 1912. 9. L. Bouthillon and L. Drouet, La Révue Electrique, October 16, 1914 (pub. January I5, 191s). 10. Augustin Guyau, “Le Téléphone Instrument de Mésure,” Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1914. 11. E. Jahnke and F. Emde, “ Funktionentafeln mit Formeln und Kurven,” p. 166 (3) and (4). 12. Paul Schafheitlin, ‘““Die Theorie der Besselschen Funktionen,” pp. 68 and 69. 13. W. E. Byerly, “ Fourier’s Series and Spherical Harmonics,” p. 233. SAN ARwOH A r915.] SURFACES OF TELEPHONIC DIAPHRAGMS. 135 DABIEE ORFS avis ©1ES: a= Radius of the diaphragm clamping-circle (cm.), An— A phase angle measured around the diaphragm (radians), b= Thickness of the diaphragm (cm.), c== A constant of the material of the diaphragm (cm./second » ), d= Sign of differentiation A= Damping constant—n log. (w,/w,)=1r/2m (second), e== Time-phase (radians), e= Naperian logarithmic base (numeric), f=Fe* Impressed simple harmonic moving force on the diaphragm (dynes) Z s—= Statical tension (dynes), F = Maximum value of a vibratory force (dynes), i= \V —I1 (numeric), Jn=A Bessel’s Function of the mth order (numeric), J'= The first derivative of J with respect to r (numeric), k=A constant of the material of the diaphragm, defined by k=(Ve)/c (cm-*), L = Distance from mirror to scale of explorer (cm.), J= Radius arm of small mirror in explorer (cm.), A=A constant satisfying boundary conditions (numeric), M = Total mass of diaphragm (in Appendix III) (gm.), M = Magnification factor of explorer (numeric), m= Equivalent mass of the diaphragm (gm.), HMSO, WO Cia, (Cra), n== Frequency of diaphragm vibration (cycles/second), n,—= Resonant frequency of diaphragm vibration (cycles/sec), n—= Number of annular rings in equivalent mass theory of App. III (numeric), n (Subscript)— Number of nodal diameters (order of Bessel’s Function) (numeric), P=Constant of amplitude-magnitude (cm.), 7 = 3.1416 (numeric), @— Angle in the explorer between the plane of mirror and plane of diaphragm (deg.), q= Young’s modulus for diaphragm material (dynes/cm.?), dynes . r= Frictional resistance to motion of diaphragm —-———_, cm./sec. 136 KENNELLY-TAYLOR—EXPLORATIONS OVER _ [April 22, 7 == Distance along a radius (cm.), p== Density of diaphragm material (gm./cm.*), p = Superficial density of diaphragm (gm./cm.’), s== Elastic force of diaphragm per centimeter of displacement, referred to equivalent mass (dynes/cm.), o = Poisson’s ratio for material of diaphragm (numeric), % = Sign of summation, t= Time elapsed from a given epoch (seconds), 6 = Azimuth angle measured on surface of diaphragm (radians) vmf.= Vibro-motive force (dynes) Z, W = Initial displacement in a vibratory motion (cm.), w and w,== Amplitude of a point on surface of diaphragm for fun- damental mode of vibration (cm.) Z, w, == Amplitude of vibration of a point at radius r from center of diaphragm (cm.) Z, Ww, — Instantaneous amplitude of vibration (cm.), Wmax == Maximum cyclic amplitude at center (cm.), zw — Vibratory velocity at center of diaphragm (cm./sec.) Z, w— Vibratory acceleration at center of diaphragm (cm./sec.?) Z, ws — Statical displacement of center of diaphragm (cm.), ix =1(mw—s/w) “Mechanical reactance” of vibrating diaphragm (by analogy to alternating-current theory) {dynes/(cm./ Sees) 6Z, z—(r+ix) “ Mechanical impedance” of vibrating diaphragm (by analogy to alternating-current theory) {dynes/(cm./ S66.) Z, w = 27m = Angular velocity of vibratory motion (radians/sec.), ©) —= 2mm, = Angular velocity at resonance (radians/sec.), co == Infinity, Z —This sign after a unit indicates a “complex quantity,” ~ = Cycles or vibrations per second (cycles/sec.). tit RULING AND PERFORMANCE, ©F A TEN INCH DIFFRACTION GRATING. By A. A. MICHELSON. (Read April 22, 1915.) The principal element in the efficiency of any spectroscopic appli- ance is its resolving power—that is, the power to separate spectral lines. The limit of resolution is the ratio of the smallest difference of wave-length just discernible to the mean wave-length of the pair or group. If a prism can just separate or resolve the double yellow 5896-5890 5893 mately one one thousandth, and the resolving power is called one thousand. Until Fraunhofer (1821) showed that light could be analyzed into its constituent colors by diffraction gratings this analysis was effected by prisms the resolving power of which has been gradually increased to about thirty thousand. This limit was equalled if not surpassed by the excellent gratings of Rutherford, of New York, ruled by a diamond point on speculum metal, with something like 20,000 lines, with spacing of 500 to 1,000 lines to the millimeter. These were superseded by the superb gratings of Rowland with something over one hundred thousand lines, and with a resolving power of 150,000.+ line of sodium its limit of resolution will be or approxi- The theoretical resolving power of a grating is given as was first shown by Lord Rayleigh by the formula R—wmun, in which n is the total number of lines, and m the order of the spectrum. An equiva- lent expression is furnished by R=! (sin i+ sin 6), 1 The 6% in. gratings now ruled on the Rowland engine have a much higher resolving power—probably 400,000. PROC, AMER. PHIL. SOC, LIV. 217 J, PRINTED JULY 7, IQI5. 137 138 MICHELSON—RULING AND PERFORMANCE [April 22, where / is the total length of the ruled surface, A the wave-length of the light, 7 the angle of incidence and @ the angle of diffraction, and the maximum resolving power which a grating can have is that corresponding to 1 and 6 each equal to 90° which gives R= 2l/); that is twice the number of light waves in the entire length of the ruled surface. This shows that neither the closeness of the rulings nor the total number determine this theoretical limit, and emphasizes the im- portance of a large ruled space. This theoretical limit can be reached, however, only on the con- dition of an extraordinary degree of accuracy in the spacing of the lines. Several methods for securing this degree of accuracy have been attempted but none has proved as effective as the screw. This must be of uniform pitch throughout and the periodic errors must be extremely small. For a short screw, for example one sufficient for a grating two inches in length, the problem is not very difficult, but as the length of the screw increases the difficulty increases in much more rapid proportion. It was solved by Rowland in something over two years. Since this time many problems have arisen which demand a higher resolving power than even these gratings could furnish. Among these is the resolution of doubles and groups of lines whose complexity was unsuspected until revealed by the interferometer and amply verified by subsequent observations by the echelon and other methods. Others that may be mentioned in this connection are the study of the distribution of intensities within the spectral “lines”; their broadening and displacement with temperature and pressure; the effect of magnetic and electric fields, and the measurement of mo- tions in the line of sight, as revealed by corresponding displacement of the spectral lines in consequence of the Doppler effect. All of these have been attacked with considerable success by observations with the echelon, the interferometer and the plane- parallel plate. These methods have a very high resolving power, but labor under the serious disadvantage that adjacent succeeding 1915. ] OF A TEN-INCH DIFFRACTION GRATING. 139 spectra overlap, making it difficult to interpret the results with certainty. Some twelve years ago the construction of a ruling engine was undertaken with the hope of ruling gratings of fourteen inches— for which a screw of something over twenty inches is necessary. This screw was cut in a specially corrected lathe so that the original errors were not very large, and these were reduced by long attrition with very fine material until it was judged that the residual errors were sufficiently small to be automatically corrected during the process of ruling. The principal claim to novelty of treatment of the problem lies in the application of interference method to the measurement and correction of these residual errors. For this purpose one of the interferometer mirrors is fixed to the grating carriage, while a standard, consisting of two mirrors at a fixed distance apart, is attached to an auxiliary carriage. When the adjustment is correct for the front surface of the standard, interference fringes appear. The grating carriage is now moved through the length of the standard (one tenth of a millimeter if the periodic error is to be investigated; ten or more millimeters if the error of run is to be determined) when the interference fringes appear on the rear surface. This operation is repeated, the differ- ence from exact coincidence of the central (achromatic) fringe with a fiducial mark being measured at each step in tenths of a fringe (twentieths of a light-wave). Asa whole fringe corresponds to one hundred thousandth of an inch, the measurement is correct to within a millionth of an inch. The corresponding correction for periodic errors is transferred to the worm-wheel which turns the screw; and for errors of run to the nut which moves the carriage. In this way the final errors have been almost completely eliminated and the resulting gratings have very nearly realized their theoretical efficiency. A number of minor points may be mentioned which have con- tributed to the success of the undertaking. (a) The ways which guide the grating carriage as well as those which control the motion of the ruling diamond must be very 140 MICHELSON—RULING AND PERFORMANCE [April 22, true; and these were straightened by application of an auto-collimat- ing device which made the deviation from a straight line less than a second of arc. (b) The friction of the grating carriage on the ways was diminished to about one tenth of that due to the weight (which may amount to twenty to forty pounds) by floating on mercury. (c) The longitudinal motion of the screw was prevented by allowing its spherically rounded end to rest against an optically plane surface of diamond which could be adjusted normal to the axis of the screw. (d) The screw was turned by a worm wheel (instead of pawl and ratchet) which permits a simple and effective correction of the periodic errors of the screw throughout its whole length. (e) A correcting device which eliminates periodic errors of higher orders. (f) It may be added that the nut which actuates the carriage had bearing surfaces of soft metal (tin) instead of wood, as in preceding machines. It was not found necessary to unclamp the nut in bringing it back to the starting point. Finally it may be noted that instead of attempting to eliminate the errors of the screw by long continued grinding—which inevitably leads to a rounding of the threads—it has been the main object to make these errors conveniently small; but especially to make them constant—for on this constancy depends the possibility of auto- matic correction. The accompanying photograph made with a ten-inch grating, 6th order (actual ruled surface 9.4 inches by 2.8 inches), used in the Littrow form with an excellent 8-inch lens by Brashear, is given in evidence of its performance. ‘The resolving power as shown by the accompanying scale of Angstrom units is about 450,000. The original negative shows a resolving power of about 600,000. The theoretical value is 660,000. Doubtless the possibility of ruling a perfect grating by means of the light waves of a homogeneous source has occurred to many— and indeed this was one of the methods first attempted. It may still prove entirely feasible—and is still held in reserve if 1915.] OF A TEN-INCH DIFFRACTION GRATING. 141 serious difficulty is encountered in an attempt now in progress to produce gratings of twenty inches or more. Such a method may be made partly or perhaps completely automatic, and would be inde- pendent of screws or other instrumental appliances. ENLARGEMENT OF PHOTOGRAPH OF THE GREEN MERCURY LINE ) 5461, taken by H. L. Lemon with to-inch diffraction grating in sixth order. Scale: 1 division =o0.01 A.U.; ruled surface 93 in. X 2% in., 11,700 lines per inch. Mounted in Littrow form with 8-inch lens by Brashear. Focal length 20 feet. It may be pointed out that an even simpler and more direct application of light-waves from a homogeneous source is theoretic- ally possible and perhaps experimentally realizable. If a point source of such radiations send its light-waves to a collimating lens and the resulting plane waves are reflected at normal incidence from a plane surface, stationary waves will be set up as in the Lippman plates; these will impress an inclined photographic plate with parallel lines as in the experiment of Wiener; and the only limit to the resolving power of the resulting grating is that which depends on the degree of homogeneity of the light used. As some of the constituents of the radiations of mercury have been shown to be capable of interfering with difference of path of over 142 TEN-INCH DIFFRACTION GRATING. a million waves, such as grating would have a resolving power exceeding a million. This investigation has had assistance from the Bache Fund of the National Academy of Science, from the Carnegie Institution, and from the University of Chicago. In addition to the grateful acknowledgment to these institutions I would add my high appreciation of the faithful services rendered by Messrs. Julius Pearson and Fred Pearson. iP aCONSMMUDION OR Mark ibis Dia Ry MATERIAL. By T. H. MORGAN. (Read April 23, 1915.) There are two ways in which the relation of the egg to the characters of the individual that develops from the egg has been interpreted. I. The egg has been thought of as a whole and the characters of the individual as the product of its activity as a unit. 2. The egg has been thought of as made up of representative particles of some sort that stand in a definite relation to the parts of the individual that comes from the egg. Weismann, whose speculations occupied the forefront of interest at the close of the last century, adopted the latter view; namely, that the germ is made up of particles, which he called determiners. For Weismann embryonic development became merely the sorting out of the particles of the germ to their respective parts of the embryo. Each region of the body owed its peculiarities to the particles that came to it by this sorting-out process. In fact, one may go so far, I think, as to say that Weismann borrowed from Roux this particular form of the preformation in order to give a formal explanation of embryonic differentiation. But Weismann’s theory soon encountered three serious reverses. In the first place, the study of the minute structure and behavior of the segmenting egg shows no evidence that any such sorting-out process takes place, as Weismann postulated. It has been shown that the chromosomes divide equally at every division, and that every cell of the body contains the entire complex that was present in the fertilized egg-cell itself. In the second place, it was shown that the sequence of the cleavage planes of the egg could be artificially altered, yet a normal embryo develop. 143 144 MORGAN—THE CONSTITUTION OF [April 23, In the third place, it was shown that in some eggs each of the first two, or first four cells derived from the egg is capable of form- ing a whole embryo. This result creates a strong presumption against the adequacy of Weismann’s interpretation of development. Meanwhile one of the greatest biological discoveries of the last century—one that had a very direct bearing on the traditional in- terpretations of predetermination—was forgotten. I refer to Mendel’s work. Mendel showed that when two related organisms, differing from each other in a single character, are crossed, and their offspring are again bred together, that in the second genera- tion individuals appear that are like their grandparents. He showed that the numerical proportions, in which they appear, could be explained on the assumption of one factor difference between the original forms. This result might be interpreted to mean either that the two original germ cells, taken as a whole, represent such a factor difference; or it might be interpreted to mean that the original germ cells had one particulate difference. But Mendel went further, and showed that when two related organisms that differ in two, or three, or more different characters are bred to each other, all possible combinations of the original characters appear later. It might seem then that we must abandon the view that each germ cell is to be thought of as a whole, for we see that the parts of each can be separated to become parts of others. In this sense Mendel’s results seem to furnish a brilliant confirmation of Weismann’s theory, in so far as it relates to preformation in the germ, and in the last edition of his “ Vortrage ueber Descendenz Theorie,” Weis- mann put in his claim to this verification. In fact, Mendel’s discovery does furnish a strong argument in favor of that part of Weismann’s view that deals with the con- stitution of the germ-plasm, but it by no means confirms that part of Weismann’s theory which postulates that embryonic development is a sorting-out process of representative particles. Let us turn our attention, then, to Mendel’s law and examine in how far it justifies an assumption that there are specific substances in the germ cells. Mendel’s law postulates that the early germ cells (and it may 4e added all of the body cells too) contain two of each kind of the 1915.] THE HEREDITARY MATERIAL. 145 hereditary factors,—one derived from each of its parents. Men- del’s law postulates further, that, in the ripening of the germ cells, the members of each pair separate (Fig. 1). Each mature germ cell comes to contain but a single element (or factor) of each kind. & vy? ° D C [ Fic. 1. Diagram to illustrate segregation of factors. The four pairs of factors represented in the upper circle by AA, BB, CC, DD, undergo segrega- tion so that each germ cell comes to contain one member of each pair. Now students of cytology had quite independently come to this same conclusion in regard to the germ cells. They had found that each cell contains a definite number of chromosomes, and that there are two of each kind of chromosomes in every cell,—one from each parent (Fig. 2,a). It had been found that at the ripening of the germ cells the members of each pair of chromosomes conjugate (Fig. 2, b), and then separate from each other (Fig. 2, c), so that each mature germ cell comes to contain but a single set of chromo- somes (Fig. 2, d). Furthermore, students of experimental em- bryology had obtained independent evidence pointing to the chromo- somes as the bearers of the hereditary materials. We find, then, that cytologists had discovered a mechanism in the cell that they had reason to think was the bearer of the hereditary materials, and that the mechanism fulfills the essential 146 MORGAN—THE CONSTITUTION OF [April 23, requirements of Mendel’s postulates. There were two further steps necessary to bring the two lines of inquiry into complete accord; namely, (1) correspondence between the number of the chromo- somes and the groups of inherited characters, and (2) the inter- change between the members of the same pair of chromosome. Fic. 2. Diagram to illustrate segregation of chromosomes. The four pairs of chromosomes in the upper circle (a), conjugate in (b) (synopsis stage), prepare for separation in (c) and undergo segregation so that each germ cell (d, d’) comes to contain one member of each pair. The number of chromosomes is small in comparison with the large number of different characters that an animal or a plant pos- sesses. We should expect therefore if in any animal or plant a sufficient number of character-differences were known that the characters would be found to be inherited in groups, and that the number of such groups should be the number of chromosome pairs that such an animal or plant possesses. In very few cases have enough characters been found to make such a comparison of any value. 1915. | THE HEREDITARY MATERIAL. 147 But in the fruit fly, Drosophila, that has been intensively studied for five years, over a hundred new, and inherited characters have appeared. They fall into four great groups. A partial list of the four groups is as follows: Group I. Group II. Name. Region Affected. Name. Region Affected. Abnormal Abdomen Antlered Wing Bar Eye Apterous Wing Bifid Venation Arc Wing Bow Wing Balloon Venation Cherry Eye color Black Body color Chrome Body color Blistered Wing Cleft Venation Comma Thorax mark Club ing Confluent Venation Depressed Wing Cream II Eye color Dotted Thorax Curved Wing Eosin ‘Eye color Dachs Legs Facet Ommatidia Extra vein. Venation Forked Spines Fringed Wing Furrowed Eye Jaunty Wing Fused Venation Limited Abdominal band Green Body color Little crossover II chromosome Jaunty Wing Morula Ommatidia Lemon Body color Olive Body color Lethals, 13 Die Plexus Venation Miniature Wing Purple Eye color Notch Venation Speck Thorax mark Reduplicated Eye color Strap Wing Ruby Legs Streak Pattern Rudimentary Wings Trefoil Pattern Sable Body color Truncate Wing Shifted Venation Vestigial Wing Short Wing Skee Wing Spoon Wing Spot Body color Tan Antenna Truncate Wing ° Vermilion Eye color White Eye color Yellow Body color Group ITI. Group IV. Name. Region Affected. Name. Region Affected. Band Pattern Bent Wing Beaded Wing Eyeless Eye Cream III Eye color Deformed Eye Dwarf Size of body Ebony Body color Giant Size of body Kidney Eye Low crossingover Maroon Peach III chromosome Eye color Eye color 148 MORGAN—THE CONSTITUTION OF [April 23, Group III.—Continued. Name. Region Affected, Pink Eye color Rough Eye Safranin Eye color Sepia Eye color Sooty Body color - Spineless Spines Spread Wing Trident Pattern Truncate intensf. Wing Whitehead Pattern White ocelli Simple eye The four pairs of chromosomes of Drosophila are shown in the next diagram, Fig. 3. ee Fic. 3. Diagram of the four pairs of chromosomes of Drosophila ampel- ophila; to the left the chromosomes of the female; to the right those of the male. The correspondence between the four character groups and the four pairs of chromosomes is obvious even to the size relations. This relation, or correspondence, does not however tell us any- thing in respect to the way in which the chromosomes stand for the characters of the group. So far, the result only shows that the char- acters of a given group are in some way represented in a particular chromosome. Our work has, however, carried us beyond this point. I may illustrate this by an example from the first group, containing sex linked characters. We mean by sex linked characters that they follow the known distribution of the X chromosomes. For in- 1915.] THE HEREDITARY MATERIAL. 149 stance, the factor that determines the character for white eyes is sex linked, as is also the factor that determines the character for miniature wings. If we cross a female with white eyes and minia- ture wings to a male with red eyes and long wings, the sons will have white eyes and miniature wings. The explanation of this result is found in the distribution of the chromosomes. The sons get their single X chromosomes from their mother. Hence they show the characters that this chromosome carried in the mother, who had white eyes and miniature wings. The daughters, how- ever, get one of their X chromosomes: from their father through his female producing sperm. This chromosome carried a factor for red eyes and another for long wings, which factors dominate those carried by the other X chromosome that the daughters get from their mother, namely, the factors for white eyes and for miniature wings. These relations are shown in Fig. 4. . If these daughters and sons are bred to each other they produce four kinds of individuals, viz., red long, white miniature, red minia- ture, and white long. These are the four classes that Mendel’s law calls for, but they do not occur in the Mendelian proportion (9:3::3:1) when two pairs of factors, as here, are involved. The reason for this is two-fold. In the first place the female alone carries two X chromosomes. The male carries but one. Hence there is an unequal distribution of the X chromosomes in the spermatozoa, for, only half of them can get an X chromosome. These are the female-producing spermatozoa. ‘The result is, as has been shown, that in the first generation the sons inherit their single X chromosome from their mother and none of the dominant char- acters of the father. Since in this case the sons carry no dominant factor either in their X bearing (female producing), or in their Y bearing (male producing sperm), the second generation here reveals completely the composition of the egg cells that the F, female carries. On Mendel’s law of random assortment of two pairs of factors we should expect the four classes that here appear in the second generation to be equal in number. On the contrary we find that two of them are twice as numerous as the other two. On inspec- tion we see that the two larger classes are white miniature and red 150 MORGAN—THE CONSTITUTION OF [April 23, WHITE MINIATURE 9 REDALONGI J EGGS (y SPERM M Ww Bees M SPERM oF A wv Ww) T WY FEMALES M M M| |M ee) NS e = ee i Ss eee “WHITE MINIATURE RED MINIATURE ee LONG = WHITE LONG _ Fic. 4. Diagram to show the inheritance of two pairs of recessive sex linked characters, viz. white eyes (W) and miniature wings (M). The nos mal, dominant allelomorphs of these factors are omitted. 1915.] THE HEREDITARY MATERIAL. 151 long. These correspond to the two grandparents. The two smaller classes are white long and red miniature. We can account for this result if we assume first that the two factors that went in together in the same chromosome tend to hold together. This would account for the two larger classes. Second that the two smaller classes are due to interchanges between the two X chromosomes. Such interchange would here take place only once in three times. We can test this conclusion by planning the experiment in such a way that white and miniature now go in from opposite sides,— white from one parent, and miniature from the other. When we do this we find that the large classes in the second (back cross) generation will be red miniature and white long and that the small classes will now be red long and white miniature. The ratio of the large to the small classes will be exactly the same as in the first case. In other words the interchange between the X chromosomes is the same regardless of what factors each contains. If one admits that the chromosomes are the bearers of the hereditary factors he is forced to admit that experiments like these prove that somehow interchange of factors in homologous chromo- somes must occur. If one thinks of the factors as lying in a linear series in the chromosome (and there is certain evidence that I can not consider here that makes this view imperative) then the chance of a crossing over taking place somewhere in the region between two pairs of factors would be greater the farther apart the factors lie. The percentage of times that crossing over takes place becomes then a measure of the distance apart of the factors in question. If we make this assumption we find that we can give a consistent explana- tion of everything that we have found in the inheritance of linked factors in Drosophila. Not only this, but a far more important fact comes to light. If we determine, on the aforesaid basis, the relation to each other of all the known factors in each of the four groups, then, when a new factor appears, we need only determine its group and its relation to two factors in that group. With this information we can predict its relation to all other members of that group. In other words we can predict what the numerical relation 152 MORGAN—THE CONSTITUTION OF [April 23, will be in the second generation. There is no other way as yet discovered by means of which this relation can be predicted. If we compare our conception of the structure of the germ plasm with that of Weismann we find in all of his writings except the last one, that he supposed the chromosomes to be alike and that each consisted of a series of ids that contained the totality of the de- terminers that influence development. It is true that in his last writing he partially abandons his earlier idea of whole ids for a conception nearer to ours of partial ids,—at least for some of the determiners. In this respect his view more nearly approaches the one here maintained. But even then his view not being based on numerical data would leave us entirely helpless in explaining the phenomena of inheritance in any particular case. Without wishing in the least to detract from the value of Weis- mann’s brilliant speculation, nevertheless the difference in the way in which the conclusions were reached in the two cases is one of fundamental significance in all scientific work. Our view is based on accurate numerical data that enables us to predict what any given result in this field will be. It is this power to predict that gives significance to a scientific theory. In this regard we believe that our interpretation is a long step in advance of the purely imaginative conception of the germ plasm that Weismann advanced. If now we bring our conception of the germ plasm to bear on the problem of development we have a very different view point of that process from the one Weismann pictured. We think of every cell in the body containing one set of chromo- somes received from the mother plus one set from the father. The materials carried by these chromosomes influence development in their entirety. Although we are able to localize certain materials in the chromosomes that when present cause the eyes to be white, and others that cause the eyes to be red, we do not mean that these materials in the chromosomes go directly only to the parts that show their influence more markedly. We mean that given one kind of material and the rest of the cell there is elaborated a white eye; given a different material in the same locus it produces, in con- junction with the rest of the cell, a red eye. 1915.] THE HEREDITARY MATERIAL. 153 To say that the germinal material that makes a white eye is dif- ferent from the germinal material that makes a red eye is a plati- tude. But to be able to locate a particular material in the one case in relation to other materials is a very different matter, because by means of this information we are able to explain the results on a mechanistic basis, and are able to predict the results of untried combinations. Without this information the prediction would be impossible. We are led then to a third conception of predetermination. It is this! That while the hereditary material is made up of different discrete and separable particles (chemical substances) that have a definite position in the chromosomes, the effects of each of these particles must be supposed to be produced in combination with many, or even with all other parts of the cells in which they are contained. CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York. PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 217 K, PRINTED JULY 7, IQIS. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION OF HEAT IN RECENTLY EAR DENEDE Si EE: Byi GH ANI E Ssh BING Sir: (Read April 22, 1915.) Two or three years ago, when studying the behavior, under cer- tain conditions, of several specimens of hardened tool steel, I ob- served that they all spontaneously generated a small quantity of heat, the amount of which diminished from day to day, but which was observable for several weeks. In each case the steel had been hardened only a few days prior to its use. It seemed highly prob- able that the generation of heat was associated with some sort of “seasoning” or incipient annealing process, perhaps accompanied by slight change of volume, and that it would be most rapid imme- diately after hardening. I resolved to investigate this curious phe- nomenon more fully, but failed to spare the time until a few months ago. This investigation forms the subject of the present paper. Fig. 1 is a diagram of the apparatus employed. A, B represent two large silvered Dewar vacuum jars selected to have very nearly equal thermal insulating efficiency. They are supported in a wooden rack inside a thick copper cylinder C packed in granulated cork in a wooden box E. D is a paper extension of C, packed with layers of felt by removal of which and the loose copper cover of C easy access is had to the Dewar jars. The copper cylinder weighs 52 pounds and its functions are, by reason of its large thermal capacity and high conductivity, to protect the Dewar jars from any rapid change of temperature, and from temperature stratification. The box E is surrounded by a much larger wooden box F lagged with a half-inch layer of felt. A long resistance wire is strung back and forth in the air space between the boxes at the bottom and four sides of E. Electric current controlled by a thermostat warms the wire, whereby the temperature of the air space may be main- tained very nearly constant as many days or weeks as desired. A 154 1915.] RECENTLY HARDENED STEEL. 155 thermometer 7, easily read to hundredths of a degree, indicates the temperature of the air space. Air Space Granulated Cork Granulated Cork Air Space Ue I Returning now the core of the apparatus: A’ is an air-tight cylin- der of thin copper, six inches high and two and a half inches in diameter, provided with an open half-inch axial tube also of copper. A small round opening at the top of A’ permits the introduction of a weighed quantity of water, after which the opening is tightly corked to prevent any change of temperature by evaporation of the water. J’ is another copper cylinder just like A’ except that it has a removable top to permit the introduction of the substance whose thermal behavior is to be investigated. The high thermal con- ductivity of these copper cylinders prevents temperature stratifica- tion within them. The Dewar jars are filled above the copper cylin- ders with layers of felt, and granulated cork, and covered with waxed cardboard carefully sealed on to prevent temperature dif- 156 BRUSH—SPONTANEOUS GENERATION OF HEAT. [April 22, ference inside the jars which would follow unequal loss or gain of moisture by the felt and granulated cork. A small thin glass tube, flanged at top and closed at bottom, is located in the axis of each Dewar jar and extends from the waxed cover nearly to the bottom of the inclosed copper cylinder. The glass tubes contain the ends of thermo-electric couples of fine constantan, copper and iron wires, one iron-constantan and one copper-constantan junction at the bottom of each tube. The leading-out wires are copper, and connect the thermo-couples with a reflecting galvanometer having the cus- tomary reading telescope and scale. Careful callibration has shown that 55 scale divisions of the galvanometer indicate one degree C. temperature-difference between A’ and B’, and that temperature- difference and galvanometer deflection are very closely proportional throughout the range used. In the following experiment A’ and B’ were removed from the Dewar jars and allowed to attain equal room temperature. Twelve half-inch round bars of tool steel, five inches long and with machined surfaces, were hardened by heating to high “cherry-red” in a re- ducing atmosphere of a gas furnace and quenching in cold water. The bars then had a thin and strongly adhering coating of black oxide. They were next stirred in a large quantity of water at room temperature, to acquire that temperature, wiped dry, and oiled with heavy, neutral mineral oil to prevent generation of heat by further surface oxidation, wiped free of excess of oil and placed in the copper cylinder B’. A weighed quantity of water, also at room temperature, just sufficient to equal the steel bars in thermal capacity had already been placed in A’. The whole apparatus was then as- sembled as quickly as possible, and galvanometer readings com- menced within forty-five minutes of the time of hardening the steel. The upper curve in Fig. 2 shows the progress of heat genera- tion in the steel bars during the first 150 hours after hardening. A very slow generation of heat was still easily observable at the end of a month. It is seen that the temperature of the steel bars was rising rap- idly when the galvanometer readings commenced, and reached a point (nearly 3° C. at the summit of the curve) where gain and loss of heat balanced each other in about 8 hours. 1915.] IN DRECENDIY HARDENED) ST BEI: 157 The “ Normal Cooling” curve was obtained five or six weeks after the other, and when the generation of heat had very nearly Analysis of Steel Phosphorus 0.012 Sulphur 0.016 _| Silicon 0.21 Manganese 0.31 Carbon Galvanometer Deflection in Scale Divisions Hours After Hardening Fic. 2. ceased. For this purpose the steel bars were removed, warmed a few degrees, and replaced; then galvanometer readings were made from time to time as before. This curve is plotted in a location convenient for visual comparison with the heating curve, but other- wise might just as well be plotted further to the right. From the two observed curves I have computed a third curve (not shown) which represents the progressive rise in temperature which would have occurred if the thermal insulation of the steel had been perfect, so as to prevent any loss of heat. The curve is strikingly similar in character to the shrinkage curve shown in Fig. 5, and indicates a close association of heat generation and shrinking, to which I shall refer again. ‘The total rise in temperature indi- cated (about five degrees C.) is of little quantitative importance because it is highly probable that it would have been different if the steel had been hardened at a different temperature, or more uni- formly hardened throughout each bar, or had a different carbon con- tent. Yet it is interesting to note that the observed quantity of heat spontaneously generated in the steel, measured by its rise in temperature multiplied by its thermal capacity, indicates internal 158 BRUSH—SPONTANEOUS GENERATION OF HEAT [April 22, work of some sort sufficient to lift the steel bodily about 800 feet high against the force of gravity. I next prepared a batch of “high-speed” tungsten steel consist- ing of the same number of bars of the same dimensions as in the first experiment. The bars were water-hardened at white heat, not far below the fusing point, brought to room temperature, oiled and introduced just as in the former case, and galvanometer read- ings were commenced an hour after hardening. Senne | Analysis of Steel ii se oi Chromium 5.45 Tungsten 16.77 Galvanometer Deflection in Scale Divisions TOMZOMNZONN ON SOMMOOMIL7ONNSO 100 120 140 Hours After Hardening Fic. 3. Fig. 3 shows the curve of heat generation in the “high-speed” steel, and the curve of normal cooling located with respect thereto as in Fig. 2. The cooling curve here shown is the lower part of that used in Fig. 2. It is permissible to use the same cooling curve for both kinds of steel because the thermal capacity of the two lots was very nearly the same. It is seen that heat generation in the tungsten steel was the same in character as in the carbon steel of Fig. 2, though much less in amount and somewhat more persistent. Many workers in steel are aware that the metal expands a little when hardened, and shrinks when annealed; but I have not met with any quantitative data on the subject. With the hope of throw- ing some light on the spontaneous generation of heat already de- scribed, I investigated this phenomenon of swelling and shrinking as follows: 1915. ] IN RECENTLY HARDENED! STEEL. 159 Having no more of the carbon steel used in the first experiment, I procured another half-inch round bar of the same brand, though slightly different in composition as the analyses show. With a piece of this bar two and a half inches long I made a careful determina- tion of its specific gravity under the conditions, and with the results, shown in the following table. TABLE | <1: Specific Gravity Analysis of Steel Commercial Condition 7.8507 Phosphorus 0.015 After Hardening 7.8127 Sulphur 0.021 After Tempering to Light Blue 7.8350 Silicon 0.16 After Annealing 7.8529 Manganese 0.33 Carbon 1.07 The difference in density and volume between the hardened and annealed conditions is fully a half per cent., which is much more than I expected to find; and nearly half of the total shrinkage was brought about by the very moderate heating necessary for “ temper- ing to light blue.” The annealing was very thorough, and, as the figures show, was more complete than in the annealed “commercial condition.” The shrinkage incident to tempering was large enought to en- courage the hope that if any spontaneous shrinking, at room tem- perature, occurs during the generation of heat which follows harden- ing, it might be detected and measured. For this purpose the ap- paratus shown in Fig. 4 was designed and constructed. In Fig. 4 G and H are two vertical steel rods three feet long and one millimeter in diameter. They are hung from a common rigid metal support J, and at their lower ends carry parallel brass bars G', H’ which move with perfect freedom, yet in close contact, between guides K, K. The brass bars are accurately machined, and their front edges are polished. The rod G, whose function is purely comparative, is kept under moderate and constant tension by the long spiral spring L; while the rod H carries a four pound weight M. An enlarged sectional diagram at the right shows the method employed in mounting each steel rod. Each end of the rod passes through, and is soldered into, a brass head having a hemi- 160 BRUSH—SPONTANEOUS GENERATION OF HEAT [April 22, spherical end which accurately seats itself in a hollow metal cone. The rods are quickly removable through vertical slots in the cones. After some preliminary experiments, to get acquainted with the apparatus, a fresh rod H was hardened by placing it horizontally in a wooden rack just above a trough of water at room temperature,’ quickly heating it to bright redness by passing suitable electric i J current through it and plunging it in the water beneath, the act of Fic. 4. lowering the rod serving to break the electric circuit. The rod was kept straight while hot by means of a weak spiral spring which took up the expansion. Preliminary experiments had shown that a rod could be hardened in this way without warping. The hardened rod, already at room temperature, was quickly wiped dry and put in place beside G. Then, without delay, a fine 1915.] IN RECENTLY HARDENED STEEL. 161 horizontal scratch was drawn across the polished fronts of the bars G’, H’ by means of a straight-edge and sharp needle point lightly applied. A microscope, magnifying about 200 diameters and very solidly mounted, was brought into position and focused on the horizontal scratch, which of course consisted of an inde- pendent scratch on each bar, the two halves being initially in perfect register. The microscope was provided with a filar micrometer eyepiece carefully calibrated and adapted to measure accurately any departure from register of the two half lines or scratches. Shrinkage of the hardened rod H was detected within two minutes after scratching the brass bars, and was easily observable at the end of two weeks. rene ee Steel Phosphorus 0.011 Sulphur 0.014 Silicon 0.23 Manganese 0.39 Spontaneous Linear Shrinkage in Millionths A 8 100 Carbon LOM ZONES ON AOS ON OO) IE ONCO 100 120 1 40 Hours After Hardening Fic. 5. Fig. 5 shows the progress of shrinking during the first 150 hours. The curve reached the 500 line a day or two later. The hardened length of the rod was assumed to be 35 inches, so that its actual shrinkage at the 500 line of the curve was 0.0175 inch. The rod was next scoured clean and tempered to light straw color by electric warming, then to light blue color, and its total shrinkage measured after each operation. Finally, it was thor- oughly annealed by bedding in mineral wool, heating to very low redness half an hour, and then gradually reducing the heating cur- rent to nothing in the course of two or three hours, after which 162 BRUSH—SPONTANEOUS GENERATION OF HEAT [April 22, the shrinkage was again measured. The rod shrank very consid- erably in each operation, as indicated quantitatively in Table 2, in which the annealed length is taken as unity or 100 per cent. TABLE 2. Wengthwor tod sabternhanrdenincumecnerat ee meee 100.383 Aten aspontaneous shininkines: merase nescence 100.332 After tempering to light straw ................00. 100.182 NMC Were mbe oy Ibkedate IIE socccusecnccouecou0d 100.131 IAtiterumann ecalingy | uaa ia 2 dees age teeenee e 100.000 Of course the shrinkage in volume must have been very nearly three times the linear shrinkage, or considerably more than one per cent. from the hardened to the annealed condition, which is more than double that observed in the bar steel used in the first experi- ment. Doubtless this was due to the higher carbon content of the small rod, and more uniform hardening owing to its small size. It is highly probable also that more heat was generated per unit of mass. Linear Shrinkage x 100 Length of Rod After Hardening After Spontaneous Shrinking After Tempering to Light Straw After Tempering to Light Blue After Annealing Fic. 6. In Fig. 6 I have visualized the stages of shrinking of the small rod by magnifying a hundred-fold the observed quantities in ihabley2: I have already pointed out the close similarity in character of the spontaneous-shrinkage curve (Fig. 5) and the computed curve of total heat generation; and there seems little room for doubt that the two phenomena are quantitatively related. But it is equally clear that spontaneous shrinking is only incident to, and is not the prime cause of the generation of heat, because the internal work represented by the heat generated is hundreds of times more than necessary to bring about the accompanying change in volume. This 1915.] IN RECENTLY HARDENED STEEL. 163 is found as follows: The small steel rod spontaneously shrank 0.0175 inch. To spring it back to its original length required a weight of 15 pounds hung below M, Fig. 4 (= 12.400 pounds strain per square inch of cross-section). Hence, in longitudinally shrink- ing 0.0175 inch, the rod had done work equal to lifting 15 pounds half this distance or 0.00875 inch. The rod weighed about 1230 times less than the weight, so that the work done was sufficient to lift the rod itself 1230 X .00875= 10.76 inches. But this rep- resents one-dimensional shrinking only, and we must take three times this amount of lift, or, say 224 feet, to represent the work done in the three-dimensional shrinking which certainly occurred. We have already seen that the internal work spontaneously done in the steel bars of the first experiment, in generating the observed amount of heat, was sufficient to lift the bars about 800 feet, which is 300 times greater than the work done in spontaneously shrinking the small rod. If spontaneous shrinkage was less in the large bars than in the small rod, which is highly probable, then this ratio was accordingly greater than three hundred to one. The disparity in weight between the twelve large bars and the one small rod does not count, because the work done in each case is computed for the weight of steel which did it. It has been suggested that loss of the generated heat may per- haps be regarded as a cooling process without change of tempera- ture (which implies reduction in specific heat), and that this may be sufficient to account for the spontaneous shrinkage. But this hypothesis accounts for only a modest fraction of the shrinkage; while the implied change in specific heat is much too large to be ad- missible. An attempt was made to measure Young’s modulus of elasticity in the small rod both in the hardened condition (after spontaneous shrinking) and after annealing, by hanging various weights below M, Fig. 4, and measuring with the microscope the distortions pro- duced,—always far within the elastic limit. But I was unable to obtain reliable results because of an interesting fact which was brought to light, as follows: In the annealed condition the steel ex- hibited a small amount of viscosity or internal friction which some- what delayed full distortion and subsequent restitution ; but in the 164 BRUSH—SPONTANEOUS GENERATION OF HEAT, [April 22, hardened condition the viscosity was many times greater. ‘This is a further illustration of the instability of the hardened steel. In conclusion, I am led to regard the hardened steel as being in a condition of very great molecular strain somewhat unstable, espe- cially at first. Spontaneous relief of a small portion of the strain causes generation of heat until stability at room temperature is reached. Any considerable rise of temperature, as in tempering, permits further spontaneous relief of strain, or molecular rear- rangement, doubtless accompanied by more generation of heat, and so on until annealing temperature is reached. It is obvious that the process of tempering or annealing steel is an exothermic one, and conversely that hardening is an endothermic process. CLEVELAND, April, 1915. RELATIONSHIPS OF THE WHITE OAKS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA, WITH AN INTRODUCTORY SKETCH OF THEIR PHYLOGENETIC HIsTory.? By MARGARET V. COBB. (RrEATES TVS Vil) (Read April 23, 1915.) I. History OF THE FaGacE&@: A RECONSTRUCTION. Prantl’s Classification of the Fagacee. Quercus. Castanez- Pasania. Castanea. Fagus. Fagez 2 Nothofagus. The five or six genera of the family Fagaceze to which the oaks belong were well differentiated at least as far back as the Cretaceous age. The beeches are sharply separated from the remainder of the family (the pasanias, chestnuts and oaks), and are undoubtedly the more primitive of the two groups. Nothofagus, the genus of primi- tive beeches, is a characteristically sub-Antarctic genus, still surviv- ing in Tasmania, New Zealand, and the southern part of South America (a South Pacific distribution). Fagus itself, once more widely spread, is now found only in Japan, North America and Europe. | The pasanias, chestnuts and oaks are at present in possession of the temperate and tropical regions of Asia, North America, Europe and Mediterranean Africa. Species are most numerous in south- east Asia and in Mexico (regions separated by the Pacific). Pasa- nia is limited to southeast Asia, except for one species in California 1 This paper owes a great deal to the extensive knowledge and the never- failing interest and aid of Dr. William Trelease, under whom the work was done at the University of Illinois in the year 1913-14. 165 166 COBB—RELATIONSHIPS OF WHITE OAKS [April 23, and one in New Zealand (ranges separated by the Pacific). Cas- tanopsis (the less specialized chestnuts) is limited to southeast Asia, except for two Californian species (ranges separated by the Pacific). Castanea is present in southeast Asia, North America and Europe. Quercus has most numerous species in southeast Asia and (espe- cially) Mexico and Central America (regions separated, again, by the Pacific), while the subgenus Cyclobalanopsis is limited to south- east Asia (monsoon province). In consideration of the facts that the most primitive genus still lingers on the two sides of the south- ern Pacific, and that so many other groups are found only in regions bordering on the northern Pacific, it is more than plausible that the family Fagacez originated in the Antarctic-Pacific region, and moved northward towards its present northern-hemisphere distribu- tion in the region of the Pacific Ocean. This of course involves the hypothesis of an ancient Cretaceous or pre-Cretaceous Pacific continent—for which there is much other distributional evidence and which Scharff,? among others, holds to be highly probable. The broad similarity of the ranges of Pasamnia, Castanopsis and Cyclo- balanopsis was undoubtedly determined at this early time. The problem of the extension of certain species of Fagus and Castanea to Europe seems entirely separate, and probably belongs to a more recent period. Quercus is involved with both the older and the more modern distribution ; they have been mapped out here for con- venient reference in the coming discussion of Quercus. II. History oF Quercus, HypoTHETICALLY RECONSTRUCTED. Oaks, living or fossil, have been reported from every continent. Living species, however, are unknown in the southern hemisphere, except that they are found south of the equator in the East Indies, and among the mountains of Ecuador (localities separated by the Pacific). Species, as was said, are most numerous in Mexico and Central America and in southeast Asia; the subgroup Cyclobalanop- sis is limited to southeast Asia. Remembering that Pasania and Castanopsis are almost limited to the same region, and that the pasania-chestnut-oak group of the Fagacez shows here a concen- tration, and a profusion of species, seen nowhere else in the world, 2 Scharff, “ Distribution and Origin of Life in North America.” 1915.] OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 167 it is natural to suppose that this part of Asia (or more probably, to allow for the outlying species in California, and the oaks in Mexico, a region east from southeast Asia) has been the center of distribution, and hence the point of origin of the pasania-chestnut- oak group. And Quercus itself, with its black oaks limited to America, its Cyclobalanopsis limited to southeast Asia, and its nu- merous white oak species in both places, undoubtedly differentiated from the pasanias (or their ancestors) in one or other of these re- gions, or more probably between the two. At any rate, the primi- tive, little-differentiated Quercus must have had a distribution that included both regions, as well as the space between them. We are thus brought again to an hypothetical Pacific continent; for since neither black oak nor Cyclobalanopsis exists or gives evidence of having existed in western Asia or Europe, any cretaceous or earlier connection of the two regions in that direction is well-nigh incon- ceivable. (It is unnecessary to suppose that this Pacific land ex- tended much farther north than the equator). According to our hypothesis, the disappearance of this Pacific land isolated the two extremes of the range of Quercus. The genus had already become differentiated ; the Asiatic part of the range re- ceived the stock of Cyclobalanopsis (found nowhere else) as well as the more typical Quercus stock. Certain species of Quercus, even today, form a part of the oldest Asiatic flora, which holds its own in isolated regions,—in parts of the Himalayas, for instance. Some of these ancient endemic species are the white oaks Q. lanata, semecarpifolia, and dilatata, of which the last is said by Schottky to stand nearest of all oaks to the Cyclobalanopsis group. (Ameri- can black oaks, however, show certain features in common with Cyclobalanopsis—apical ovules, type of style). The American end of the range received a group of oaks of which (according to evidence from distribution and palaeontology ) Quercus chrysolepis is probably our nearest representative; these may have been the basis of both the black and the white oaks of America. It is suggestive to find that Q. semecarpifolia (represen- tative of the ancient oaks of Asia) bears some resemblance to this early American oak. Some of the European oaks are also of this ancient type; but since one, Q. JJex, occurs in both Asia and Europe, 168 COBB—RELATIONSHIPS OF WHITE OAKS [April 23, the inference is that they all reached Europe westward from Asia. Though the older fossil evidences in this continent have all been re- ferred to Q. chrysolepis (these date back: to the Cretaceous), it seems not improbable that types such as Q. emoryi and Q. hypo- leuca were soon present, and that differentiation early took the lines towards our American black oaks and white oaks. Since in Cyclobalanopsis, and in the pasanias, the abortive ovules are carried upward in growth till in the mature acorn they are typically apical, this may be considered the primitive condition in Quercus. Chryso- lepis, which has them only lateral, is on the way towards having them in the basal, white-oak, position. The black oaks, on the con- trary, have preserved the primitive character in this as in other par- ticulars. (Since the black oaks resemble Cyclobalanopsis in some ways, it may be that they differentiated from Cyclobalanopsis, in the Pacific region, before reaching America. Or all three may have diverged together from the primitive Quercus. Distribution may have been such that Cyclobalanopsis went to Asia, Erythrobalanus to America, Lepidobalanus to both.) Having thus some conception of a possible Cretaceous history for American oaks, black and white, and of their relationship to the ancient types of Old World oaks, we may now limit ourselves to the white oak group in North America (Leucobalanus). For the black oaks, being limited to the western hemisphere and becom- ing only more sharply differentiated, can give us no further light on white oak relationships. To begin with, we may mark off Leuco- balanus as follows: QUERCUS. Cyclobalanopsis: Abortive ovules apical, styles short, subcapitate, often re- curved, cup scales grown into a solid ring, fruit ripening in one year, leaves evergreen, tertiary nerves very fine. Erythrobalanus: Abortive ovules apical, styles elongated, subcapitate, often recurved, acorn tomentose within, cup scales thin, appressed, fruit rip- ening in two years, leaves deciduous or evergreen, lobes when present with bristle points. Styles slender or very short and flattened, not cephalated at apex. Lepi- dobalanus. Cerris: Abortive ovules basal, styles long, tapering, cup scales often long, bractlike, fruit ripening in two years, leaves more or less dentate. 1915.] OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 169 Leucobalanus: Abortive ovules basal, styles very short, spatulate, acorn not tomentose within, cup scales often thickened at base, fruit ripening in one year, leaves deciduous or evergreen, lobes when present rounded. The most stable characters in this classification seem to be the position of the abortive ovules, the lining of the acorn shell and the form of the style. Appression of scales, time for ripening fruit, and time of keeping leaves are all more or less variable among the white oaks. The earliest home of Leucobalanus on this continent, using the term to include the white oaks as they separated themselves from the black oaks in America, seems to have been northern Mexico and the southwestern states. The older type (A. below) still pre- dominates in this region, which has probably long been stable, with a climate similar to the present. It is a region which seems to have been for many species a center of distribution to other parts of the continent. Since the Cretaceous, much differentiation has taken place, the main lines of which may be represented by the following division of North American white oaks: A. Leaves persistent, usually evergreen, entire, sinuate or dentate, or, if deeper lobed, with pungent tips. 1. Many species, southwestern U. S. and Mexico. 2. Virginiana and varieties—an early offshoot. B. Leaves deciduous, lobed or divided, or serrate; lobes rounded, obtuse or acute but not pungent. The evergreen series, represented, say, by Q. undulata, is the more direct continuation of the Cretaceous type, the deciduous the more modern form. It is barely possible that not all of this differentiation took place on this continent. Leucobalanus reached Europe at some time; and the possibility that this took place early (by means of Scharff’s Mediterranean land bridge), and that the deciduous oaks originated there, rather than on this continent, must be taken into account. Species of this type occur also in Asia, but there seems to be little doubt that they are sharply separated from the ancient Asiatic species like semecarpifolia, and reached Asia in the Tertiary from the eastward. The fact that the range of these species, in the Ter- PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV, 217 L, PRINTED JULY 21, 1915. 170 COBB—RELATIONSHIPS OF WHITE OAKS [April 23, tiary, was, at the boreal end, continuous from Asia across America to Europe, gives the possibility of the center of distribution being either in Europe or in America. My data on European oaks are insufficient to decide this point; it seems, however, highly prob- able that the white oaks with thin, deciduous, lobed leaves originated in or near northern Mexico. The early members of the group Leucobalanus, then, marked by entire, evergreen leaves, gave rise, probably in North America, to a form with thin, deciduous, lobed leaves. This type is now domi- nant over the greater part of the United States, while the older form holds its own in the southwest and in Mexico, where the climate has probably known no great fluctuations since the Cretaceous, and where it still finds suitable dry and arid habitats. This evergreen type occupies the Mexican highlands, Arizona and New Mexico, extending east into Arkansas, and west into California. Quercus virginiana seems also to have been a very early offshoot; with its varieties it forms a well-marked coastal group, ranging from North Carolina south along the shores of the Gulf into Mexico (where it stretches inland up the mountain sides), and appearing also on the California coast. III. Decipuous WuitEe Oaks or NortH AMERICA. The oaks with which we are familiar in this part of the country are of the lobed-leaf type. Geographically, at least, there are three parts to this group,—the eastern, the Rocky Mountain, and the Cali- fornian lobed-leaf oaks. It is not clear, however, whether or not these geographical groups can be separated taxonomically. They may be parallel groups, cut off from one another comparatively recently ; or, possibly, the Californian group may be more closely re- lated to the deciduous oaks of Europe (type Q. robur) than it is to the oaks of the Rocky Mountains and the east. The habit, leaf form and texture, and bud form of the Californian oaks have sug- gestive resemblances to those of the English oak; and it is perhaps not venturing too much to speculate as to whether these oaks, like certain other forms on our Pacific slope, may not have their closest relatives, not in America at all, but in Europe. There is besides at least one oak in California, Q. sadleriana, which appears to find its 1915.] OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. igi nearest relatives in the modern Asiatic oaks, which were mentioned as having probably reached Asia in Tertiary times from the east- ward. The gambelu group in the Rockies and the Atlantic group are apparently the separated branches of the latest developed white oaks (and the Californian oaks are perhaps a third corresponding group), which before glaciation may have succeeded in covering the greater part of the continent. Glaciation left survivors of this forest, it would seem, in two parts of the land—mountainous re- gions which projected above the ice—the southern Rockies, and thie southern Alleghanies. From the one Q. gambelii has spread north- ward, keeping rather closely to the mountains and differentiating numerous but similar species ; while from the other the early species (possibly lyratiformis and minor) have recovered an enormous stretch of territory, and have produced a correspondingly large number of varied species. IV. WHITE OAKS oF EASTERN NortTH AMERICA. The white oaks found east of the Rocky Mountains comprise the following species (see key) : 1. breviloba 2. lyrata durandiu bicolor macrocar pa 3. chapmans 4. michauxi minor prinus margaretta muhlenbergit group. alba These species are all of the deciduous, thin-leaved type of Leu- cobalanus, except that durandii and breviloba, in ranging from Ala- bama west and south into northern Mexico, show a series of transi- tions towards the smaller, more entire, evergreen type of leaf. It might be that a careful study of these forms would show them to be transitional in other features also. Their range seems to indi- cate an ancient center of distribution in the southwest ; this again is in sharp contrast to all the other species, which may be referred to a more recent center in the southeast. In short, there seem to be 172 COBB—RELATIONSHIPS OF WHITE OAKS [April 23, several reasons for marking off rather sharply durandii and brevi- loba from the remainder of the species present in this area, and for suggesting the possibility that they may be a relic from the time of the differentiation of this deciduous section of Leucobalanus. The remainder of the group has a very wide range. It touches the Rockies in Canada, and reaches Texas, Florida, and Maine. Nevertheless, it is almost true to say that every one of the species includes in its range the region of the southern Alleghanies. This region certainly seems to have been a center of distribution after the retreat of the ice fields, for this as well as for certain other groups of plants and animals (Cambarus, and the Unionide, for in- stance). The present distribution must have been largely achieved by the Pleistocene, for late Pleistocene fossils indicate a range broadly similar to that of the present. The species, aside from (1) durandiu and breviloba, fall into three main groups—(2) macrocarpa group, (3) minor group, (4) prinus group. Their relation to one another is not entirely clear. The macrocarpa group in some ways holds a central position, which suggests that it may be the oldest. So do the persistent stipules of all members of the group; this is without any doubt a primitive character. Its species moreover have the widest range, macrocarpa extending in the north to Saskatchewan and Maine, and in a great southward curve with its lowest point well down the Mississippi Valley ; south of this it is replaced by lyrata. Again, Tertiary leaf- prints which have been referred to deciduous Quercus are limited thus far to types resembling lyrata and minor. (Cockerell’s species lyratiformis from the Florissant beds is now reported from the John Day Basin, Oregon, where Knowlton also recognizes leaves of the type of minor.) There are so many suggestions of this sort that at present we must assume the macrocarpa group to be nearest to the ancestral type; and, though the fruit is aberrant, lyrata may well stand near the base of the group. The minor group, or at least minor itself, has some affinities with bicolor and macrocarpa. Its wide range and the Tertiary occurrence of this or a similar species show that it has valid claims to antiquity. Whether alba belongs in this group is uncertain; it is difficult to see reasons for connecting it closely with any other species. Mar- 1915.] OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 173 garetta, regarded by some as a good species, but which has often been regarded as an alba-minor hybrid, suggests such a relationship, but this is more or less doubtful. The clearest and most highly differentiated group is that of the chestnut oaks. It may be connected with the more typical forms through forms such as bicolor (shape of leaf) and /yrata (bud-scales). That the serrate leaf is secondarily derived, through a lobed form, and not a persistence of the serration found in older portions of the genus is perhaps not proven; the tendency to lobation rather than serration on young shoots, as well as the general relation of the chestnut oaks to the other oaks of this region make it, however, highly probable. MUHLENBERGII GROUP CHAPMANI MARGARETTA PRINUS MICHAUXII ALBA MACROCARPA BICOLOR The above diagram may make more concrete these suggestions concerning relationships. 174 COBB—RELATIONSHIPS @F WHITE OAKS [April 23, I, SE, Key to Drecipuous WHITE Oaks or EASTERN NortH AMERICA. Leaves deciduous, lobed or dentate, not spinulose. Leaves lobed. A. Stipules persistent; buds more or less acute. 1. Twigs slender, smooth. Lyrata. 2. Twigs stout, pubescent. a. Fruit sessile, larger; cup usually deeper and fringed. Macrocarpa. b. Fruit pedunculate, smaller; cup more shallow, seldom fringed. Bicolor. B. Stipules deciduous; buds rounded. 1. Twigs smooth. Alba. 2. Twigs pubescent. a. Leaves deeply five-lobed, pubescent below. Minor. b. Leaves undulate, glabrous below Chapmani. Leaves dentate. A. Buds less elongate, leaves narrower, widest near middle. Muhlenbergu. B. Buds more elongate, leaves broader, widest above middle. 1. Cup scales free at tips only; upper scales very small. Prinus. 2. Cup scales free; upper scales often forming a fringe to cup. Michauxit. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Piate IV. Buds of the rounded type, without stipules. X 3. Fic. 1. Q. alba (Urbana, Illinois). Fic. 2. Q. minor (collected by H. H. Bartlett, Maryland). Pirate V. Buds of the more acute type, stipules persistent. X 3. Fic. 1. QO. macrocarpa (Urbana, Illinois). Fic. 2. Q. bicolor (Urbana, Illinois). Piate VI. Buds of the elongated, chestnut oak type. > 3. Fic. 1. Q. prinus (collected by H. H. Bartlett, Maryland). 1915.] OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. 175 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Berry, E. W. 1906. A Note on Midcretaceous Geography. Science, N. S., Vol. XXIII, Pp. 509-510. Brenner, Wilhelm. 1902. Klima und Blatt bei der Gattung Quercus. Flora, Bd. go, p. 114. 1902. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gattung Quercus. Flora, Bd. 90, p. 446. Candolle, Alphonse de. 1868. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, Vol. XVI, pp. I-109. Paris, Victoris Masson et Filii. Engler, A., und Prantl, K. 1894. Die Nattirlichen Pflanzenfamilien. III. Teil, 1 Halfte, p. 47. Leip- ~zig, Engelmann. Gray, Asa. 1872. Address to the American Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence, Proceedings A. A. A. S., Vol 21, p. I. Knowlton, Frank Hall. Fossil Flora of the John Day Basin, Oregon. Bull. U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, No. 204. Liebmann, F. M., and Oersted, A. S. 1869. Chénes de l’Amérique tropicale. Leipzig, L. Voss. Saporita, le Marquis G. de. 1888. Origine paléontologique des arbres cultivés ou utilisés par l’homme. Paris. Sargent, Charles Sprague. 1895. The Silva of North America. Vol. VIII. Cupulifere. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company. Scharff, R. F. 1912. Distribution and Origin of Life in America. New York, Macmillan Company. Schottky, E. 1911-12. Die Eichen des extratropischen Ostasiens und ihre pflanzengeo- graphische Bedeutung. Bot. Jahrb. f. Systemik, Pflanzenge- ‘schichte, und Pflanzengeographie, Vol. 47, pp. 617-707. von Ettingshausen, C., und Krasan, Franz. 1889. Beitrage zur Erforschung der Atavistischen Formen an Lebenden Pflanzen und ihrer Beziehungen zu den Arten ihrer Gattung. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien). Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Bd. 56, Dp. 47. A NEW FORM OF NEPHELOMETER. By J. T. W. MARSHALL ann H. W. BANKS, 3p, (Read April 23, 1915.) The nephelometer (Gr. vePedy, a cloud), an instrument for the quantitative determination of small amounts of material in sus- pension, has attracted considerable attention of late, although the principles involved are by no means new. Since the time of Gay- Lussac attempts have been made to estimate small quantities of material by the turbidity or opalescence of their suspensions. This was generally done by comparing the suspension with a graded series of known suspensions prepared in the same way, and the comparison was made by looking through a column of the liquid and noting the turbidity, or by observing the opalescence, that is, the light reflected from the minute particles when the liquid is illuminated by a powerful beam of light. It is evident that matter in smaller quantities or in a finer state of subdivision may be recog- nized more easily by the opalescence than by the turbidity of its suspension. That even excessively minute particles possess the ability to diffract light has been shown by the ultramicroscope, while by the Faraday-Tyndall convergent beam of light, the optical in-homogeneity of solutions of crystalloids has been detected. T. W. Richards in the course of atomic weight determinations in 1894! devised a simple instrument to enable the opalescence of very dilute suspensions of silver bromide to be more readily ob- served, and in a measure, quantitatively determined. Ten years later, Richards and Wells? improved the instrument optically and suggested its applicability to suspensions of substances other than the silver halides. Their actual determinations, however, seem to have been arrived at by a process of approximation; that is, the unknown was compared in the instrument to a suspension of known concentration, and from these readings a first approxima- tion of its strength was calculated. A new standard of more nearly the same concentration as the unknown was then prepared 1 Proc. Am. Acad., XXX., 360, 1894. 2 Richards and Wells, Am. Chem. Jour., XXXI., 235, 1904. 176 1915.] MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. IGA and comparison again made. This process was repeated until a standard was obtained which when precipitated under the same con- ditions and compared in the instrument with the unknown gave the same amount of opalescence. The postulate involved, that the same quantities of material precipitated under identical conditions give equal opalescences, is undoubtedly correct, but the method is somewhat tedious in application, although good accuracy was ob- tained in about three approximations. Wells in 1906° published the results of numerous experiments in which silver chloride was precipitated under different condi- tions, showing the influence of electrolytes both on the maximum opalescence developed and on the time required for this maximum to be reached. He came to the natural conclusion that the amount of light reflected varies not only with the quantity of material in suspension but also with its state of subdivision. In this investiga- tion he used the Richards instrument of 1904 except that for the usual standard suspension he substituted fixed standards of ground glass as reflecting surfaces. P. A. Kober* in 1913 took up the problem of determining quan- titatively by the use of the nephelometric method, proteins and other substances occurring in biochemical investigations for which the ordinary gravimetric methods are either very tedious or in- adequate. He used an instrument on the principle of the Richards nephelometer but adapted to the framework and optical parts of the Duboscq colorimeter. In comparing the opalescences of sus- pensions differing considerably in concentration, he observed that the readings were not quite inversely proportional to the concen- tration of matter in suspension, and from a large number of ex- periments with suspensions of different substances he developed an empirical formula expressing the relation between scale readings and concentration. This formula holds very well for ratios up to 1:3. He has successfully applied his instrument and method to the determination of a number of organic substances such as casein in milk, uric acid, and other purines. The nephelometer in various modifications has been used by W. R. Bloor to determine the fat 3 Wells, Am. Chem. Jour., XXXV., 99, 1906. 4P. A. Kober, Jour. Biol. Chem., XIIIL., 485, 1013. 178 MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. _ [April 23, in blood, by McKim Marriot for acetone, and by S. S. Graves in ammonia determinations. A number of instruments’ and methods have been devised for determining the amount of substance in suspension by the turbidity of its solution and these find considerable use in industrial chem- istry. While the theory underlying this method is undoubtedly simpler than the nephelometric theory, it may easily be seen from the following considerations that the turbidimeter cannot equal the nephelometer in delicacy or sensitivity. Let us suppose that a standard as used in the turbidimeter absorbs about 10 per cent. of the light, then an unknown of twice the concentration will absorb about twice that quantity. However, it is not the amount of light absorbed, but the amount transmitted that is observed in this instru- ment; consequently the quantities measured would be in the ratio of about 9:8. The reflected lights measured in the nephelometer on the other hand would be nearly in the ratio of 1:2. Clouds which may be measured with considerable accuracy in the nephel- ometer show very slight absorption when observed by transmitted light in the turbidimeter. Our reason for devising a new nephelometer may be made more apparent by a brief review of some of the considerations involved in the use of such instruments. The following are the chief fac- tors involved in the amount of light reflected by an opalescent solution. First, the amount of substance in suspension. Second, its physical state, 7. e., the number and size of the particles, and their albedo which depends upon their own refractive index and that of the medium in which they are suspended. The amount of light observed is again modified by the fact that the light from any particle is reduced by an amount dependent upon the absorbing power of that part of the liquid above the particle. Thus we re- ceive less light from the bottom layers of the suspension than from those nearer the top. This complex relation between reflection and absorption demands less consideration when the lengths of the illuminated columns are kept equal than when they are varied. As far as we are aware, in the nephelometers hitherto described the light from the two tubes has been equalized by changing the lengths of the illuminated columns of suspension. Although in purely 1915.] MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. Ae) empirical work the elimination of this factor is not of very great importance, the theoretical consideration of the problem is greatly simplified thereby. As Wells states, the opalescence of a liquid containing a definite amount of substance in suspension will, owing to the greater total reflecting surface, increase with the continued subdivision of the particles until these reach a limiting size. Rayleigh has pointed out this fact in a mathematical dissertation on the blue color of the sky, stating that as the particles approach the size of a wave length of light their reflecting power decreases. He shows that for very minute particles the amount of light reflected should vary as the sixth power of their radius. The maximum opalescence of the solutions as used in a nephelometer seems, however, to be devel- oped when the particles are much smaller than a wave length of light—in fact of ultramicroscopic size. The amount of reflected light lost through absorption is also a function of the number and size of the particles. It is evident that as the refractive index of the medium ap- proaches that of the particles, the amount of light reflected will decrease until, when the two refractive indices become equal, there will be no reflection. This phenomenon may be observed if pow- dered glass be suspended in a mixture of carbon disulphide and benzol. With a view to determining some of the underlying laws of opalescent solutions, we undertook to design a nephelometer better adapted both to theoretical and to practical work than those in use at present. By using equal columns of suspension and actually measuring the reflected lights with a suitable photometer, not only is one of the variables eliminated, but also we are enabled to de- termine the absolute ratio of the lights reflected by various sus- pensions. The photometric part of the apparatus consists of a wedge of neutral tinted glass by which the light from one of the suspensions may be controlled; and a suitable optical arrangement for observing the two beams of light. A Lummer-Brodhun prism would serve this purpose admirably, but by a simple arrangement of mirrors, a field far more sensitive than that of the Duboscq colorimeter may be obtained. 180 MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. [April 23, Briefly the design of the instrument is as follows: The suspen- sions to be compared are contained in the two cells A and B shown in the accompanying diagram (Figs. 1 and 2). These consist of cylin- drical glass tubes about 4 cm. high and I cm. in diameter. A glass plate is sealed into one end, while the other end is covered by a cir- cular plate of glass slightly countersunk and held in place by caps of black fiber. These prevent stray light reflected from the edges DIAGRAMMATIC “REPRESENTATION OF FIELD LIGHT FROM TUBE A = HORIZONTAL SHADING ill LIGHT FROM TUBE B = VERTICAL SHADING - of the glass from entering the instrument. Difficulties arising Fic. I. from the agitation of the liquid by plungers are also thus avoided by having the cells completely enclosed. The cells rest on a shelf and are illuminated normal to their axes by a parallel beam of light from a 100 Watt lamp. The rays reflected from the suspended particles pass upward to the two mirrors EF and F whence they are reflected into the magnifying eyepiece G. This is focused on mir- ror E. A circle cut through the silvering of mirror E permits the juxtaposition of the light from tubes A and B thus giving the eye- piece a field which is represented diagrammatically in the accom- panying illustration. Photometric balance is effected by changing the intensity of the light from tube B by means of the sliding wedge of 1915.] MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. 181 neutral tinted glass H. This adjustment is made by the thumb- screw J and the position of the wedge is read on a scale mounted alongside (not shown in the diagram). A compensating wedge wedge may be placed at J, but unless the sliding wedge H is of fairly steep pitch, this is unnecessary, as the illumination of the field is sufficiently uniform without it. All parts of the instrument from which extraneous light may be reflected are painted a dead black. Ne Fic. 2. The construction of this instrument was delayed owing to diffi- culties encountered in securing neutral tinted glass. While await- ing its completion we decided to improvise a nephelometer in which several minor changes have been made. Among these may be men- tioned the substitution for the glass wedge of a metal plate in which was cut a tapered slot. With this instrument we undertook some 182 MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. _ [April 23, work of rather an empirical nature along biochemical lines. Kober in one of his papers suggested the possibility of a nephelometric determination of albumin in urine, and a turbidimetric method for the same has been developed by Folin and Denis.® We therefore decided to apply our instrument to this problem. The standard was prepared from fresh normal human serum as recommended by Folin and Denis, and was standardized by nitrogen determinations and also by gravimetric determination of the heat coagulable proteins. Difficulty was encountered at the start in comparing in the nephelometer albumin precipitated in the urine with that precipitated in the solution of standardized blood serum, on account of the dif- ference in color due to the urinary pigments. In order to eliminate this interference of color, and also to obtain identical conditions of precipitation for both urine and standard, two equal portions of the urine of from 0.3 c.c. to 10 c.c. depending upon the quantity of albumen present, were taken. To one of these a known amount of standard was added (about 0.5 c.c. of 0.4 per cent. solution of serum protein). Both were then diluted to 75 c.c. with water and finally made up to 100 c.c. by the addition of a 7.5 per cent. solution of sulpho-salicylic acid. This gave a final concentration of 1.87 per cent. sulpho-salicylic acid, while the amount of protein varied from 2to5mg.in 100 cc. The resulting opalescent solutions were then compared in the nephelometer, the tube containing the urine plus standard being placed under the tapered slot. The light from this tube was then progressively diminished by adjustment of the slotted plate until photometric balance was obtained. From a scale with suitable vernier the position of the plate was read. As the theory has not advanced far enough as yet to permit of a purely formula- tive interpretation of the readings, the ratio of the concentrations of the two suspensions was determined from a curve. This curve had . been obtained by plotting against the concentrations the scale read- ings obtained when known ratios of serum, made up with albumin free urine and precipitated with sulpho-salicylic acid under identical conditions, were compared. From the ratio R determined by means of the curve, the amount X of albumin originally present in the urine x X +n 5 Folin and Denis, Jour. Biol. Chem., XVIII., 273, 1914. where m is the amount of was found by the formula R= 1915.] MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. 133 serum albumin added. Quantities of urine and of standard were so taken that R would be in the neighborhood of one half. Urines containing large amounts of albumin (1 per cent. or over) were, after suitable dilution, compared directly with standard serum solu- tion. In the case of such urines the high dilution necessary to obtain suitable nephelometric clouds eliminated the differences of color mentioned above. The results were compared with gravi- metric determinations made according to Scherer’s method. The clear filtrates from the coagulated protein were tested with sulpho- salicylic acid to make sure that none of the protein remained in solution. Duplicate gravimetric determinations gave good agree- ment. It was immediately evident that the nephelometric de- terminations were considerably higher than the gravimetric. More- over, in the case of determinations on daily specimens of urine from one patient, the nephelometric results were consistently about 25 per cent. higher than the gravimetric, while in a similar series from another individual the ratio between nephelometric and gravimetric determinations was very variable, ranging from 1 to about 1.5. This at once suggested that the different proteins of the serum, while closely related chemically and equally precipitable by sulpho-salicylic acid, might give, in the nephelometer, clouds of different intensities. It is a significant fact that in the case of patient ke where the ratio of nephelometric to gravimetric was variable, half saturation of the urine with ammonium sulphate gave a considerable precipitate of globulin. In order to determine what differences might exist between the opalescences produced by equal amounts of the various serum pro- teins on precipitation with sulpho-salicylic acid under identical con- ditions, albumin, euglobulin, and pseudoglobulin were prepared from horse serum. Solutions of these when compared in the nephelom- eter gave surprisingly different results. The albumin gave about two and one half times as great an opalesence as the euglobulin and about three times as great as the pseudoglobulin. Compared with casein® suspensions, the following ratios, expressing the light reflect- 6 As standard solutions of casein are easily prepared and also give very satisfactory clouds on precipitation with sulpho-salicylic acid, this substance forms a very convenient standard of reference in nephelometric work with various proteins. 184 MARSHALL-BANKS—NEW NEPHELOMETER. [April 23, ing power of equal amounts of these proteins, were found: Casein =0.67 albumin; euglobulin—0.63 casein; pseudoglobulin 0.51 casein. From the results experimentally obtained with various urines and from the differences in the clouds produced by equal amounts of the serum proteins, it may be seen that the nephelometric com- parison of urine, in which these proteins may occur in varying amounts, with any definite standard such as serum cannot give a determination of the total protein. We hope by the use of specific precipitants to apply the nephelometric method to the separate de- termination of albumin and globulin in urine. This may be of value in diagnosis. As the object of this paper has been to consider mainly the design of the instrument and the reasons for this design, the dis- cussion of its application to the determination of albumin in urine has of necessity been hardly more than a suggestion of the work along that line. The results of the investigation of this particular problem with the experimental details, will be published shortly. SUMMARY. 1. The previous work in nephelometry has been briefly reviewed and the underlying principles of the nephelometric and turbidometric methods have been compared. 2. A new form of nephelometer has been described in which columns of suspension of equal lengths are used. The lights re- flected are equalized and compared by means of a movable wedge of neutral tinted glass. Juxtaposition of the two emergent beams is secured by mirrors. 3. The variations found in preliminary experiments on the nephelometric determination of albumin in urine indicated that equal amounts of the various serum proteins might give different opalescences. Investigation showed that upon precipitation with 1.87 per cent. of sulphosalicylic acid, the same concentrations of serum albumin and serum globulins gave widely different clouds. HarrRIMAN RESEARCH LABORATORY, THE Rooseve_t HospitAat, New York City. MAGELLANIC PREMIUM FOUNDED IN 1786 BY JOHN HyacINTH DE MAGELLAN, OF LoNDON IQI5 THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ‘HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE % ANNOUNCES THAT IN DECEMBER, 1915 IT W7/ZL AWARD ITS MAGELLANIC GOLD MEDAL TO THE AUTHOR OF THE BEST DISCOVERY, OR MOST USEFUL INVENTION, RE- LATING TO NAVIGATION, ASTRONOMY, OR NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (MERE NATURAL HISTORY ONLY EXCEPTED) UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS : 1. The candidate shall, on or before November 1, 1915, deliver free of postage or other charges, his discovery, invention or improvement, addressed to the President of the American Philosophical Society, No. 104 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, U. S. A., and shall distinguish his performance by some motto, device, or other signature. With his discovery, invention, or improvement, he shall also send a sealed letter containing the same motto, device, or other sig- nature, and subscribed with the real name and place of residence of the author. 2. Persons of any nation, sect or denomination whatever, shall be ad- mitted as candidates for this premium. 3. No discovery, invention or improvement shall be entitled to this premium which hath been already published, or for which the author hath been publicly rewarded elsewhere. 4. The candidate shall communicate his discovery, invention or improvement, - either in the English, French, German, or Latin language. 5. A fullaccount of the crowned subject shall be published by the Society, ‘as soon as may be after the adjudication, either in a separate publication, or in the next succeeding volume of their Transactions, or in both.- r 6. The premium shall consist of an oval plate of solid standard gold of the value of ten guineas, suitably inscribed, with the seal of the Society annexed to the medal by a ribbon. All correspondence in relation hereto ehoalll be addressed To THE SECRETARIES “OF THE | | AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY No. 104 SouTH FirrH STREET PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. nN Proceedings OF THE American Philosophical Society Subscription—-Three Dollars per Annum General Index to the Proceedings | Volumes 1-50 (1838- 191) Lately Pullen Price, One Dollar — TRANSACTIONS OF THE American Philosophical Society : HELD AT PHILADELPHIA | For Promoting Useful Knowledge } New Series, Vol. XXTL, Part If, gto, 154 pages. (Lately Published.) The Secular Variations of the Elements of the Orbits of the Four i ; og Inner Planets Computed for the Epoch 1850. o:Gs Ma y Eric DooitTLe Subscription Bs ve Dollies per Volume ’ Separate parts are not sold tk Address THE LIBRARIAN OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY No. 104 SourH FirTH STREET A PHILADELPHIA, U.S. AR pS. an H2ue¢ 4 PROCEEDINGS j OF THE ; sa 3 : American Philosophic ral Saciety Bek. HELD AT PHILADELPHIA : we FOR vA USEFUL KNOWLEDGE pi VOL. LIV. soe AUGUST, 1915. Ae No. 218. P | ) | oe eg z CONTENTS Bis: _ Globe. By Witttsm Herpert Hopes - - - -'- - - . ‘The Test of a Pure Species of CEnothera. By BRADLEY Moore: bate e - Concretions in Streams Formed by the Agency of Blue Green Algze % _ and Related Plants. By H. Justin Roppy, M.S., Ph.D. - : The Conditions of Black Shale Deposition as Illustrated by the Kup- ie ferschiefer and Lias of Germany. . By CHARLES SCHUCHERT - On the Rate of Evaporation of Ether from Oils and its Application i in | Oil- ether Colonic Anesthesia. PHILADELPHIA | eg THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 104 SouTH FIFTH STREET 1915 tg 9 Re 3 | The Réle of the Glacial Anticyclone in the Air Circulation of the — 185 226 246 — 259 By CHARLES BASKERVILLE, Ph.D., F.C.S. 270 Members who have not as yet sent their photographs to the Society wil confer a favor by so doing; cabinet size preferred. ig It is requested that all correspondence be addressed ) To THE SECRETARIES OF THE AMERICAN. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, U 5S. A. le IROCB ID IUIN GS OF THE VE NICAN EAILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY HELD AT PHILADELPHIA FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE WOit, ILI: AvuGUST, I9I5 No. 218 THE ROLE OF THE GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE IN THE IMU, CURCUMIN MON, Ole Aisles, (GLOIBIS;, By WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS. (Read April 24, 1915.) CONTENTS. The fixed anticyclones above the existing continental glaciers.......... 187 dinevanticyclones as agents of glacier alimentationy.s)....2.-.-..... 187 The northern and southern glacial anticyclones compared.......... 187 Their strophic action believed to be dependent upon an automatically recurring disturbance of balance between opposing forces........ 188 Pe emeRe bil Senate ali CmMOiTle less 4 seh .carlen clei ebaiaisieisielalercacesececl eve ois 188 shiemlnessotvevidence tor axed) glacial anticyclonessas.4..-4. 462055... 189 Si emecier mena den Cetyee mercy sce cee anise a NN ea veniae uu. ca/ileae 189 Contimmationwinelatervexplorationias js e Oe ee elise eels 190 Evidence for more than one anticyclonic center above each of the greater ALGAS MO mil am dale. yy Rha tere Gales Seiten eehueta marae aig Daavate ech esac: 190 (Greeveinl ketinl Ai ay doe een ose Pearse ae ea area UMRUTA ROT Uns nr i NEUE 190 ANSI SSRI CRY ig ASE DR A ya SSC UR I9I The centrifugal flow of surface air currents above the inland-ice masses. 193 Daglymevadencer trom) Greenland) ciel slarse ooecueie asirniatelcic levee oe chee 193 Letter COMMGmMEIIOM, Gocogrboonscboacg90d00bG000qG0 0000000 bb GUEKObOL 193 arly Guialemees iron WANMEIRCEICD, ooocncdodssccobobocsooounbododsun 195 ILS?! “COMM NITNTENAUOFTNS aia ea crea bo HLA nera metre a ciole'o SOT ROIS ERIE am era Gee 197 Outward sweeping of the surface snow which falls over the central areas of the ice domes and its accumulation about their margins........ 198 Wine. Cantimirnyeall GaiOny INCOM cocoscoubocudgucobooddoccucuboGUDOFGOS 198 Wine Suyresnmies NSOuy OUI csoduobbduodsoodeocdconsoue ORB oo ooo oF 198 Martaina)| AESTATONS OF GION soddeocodoucegoocdsobcadcdgncuUdo bn oobs 199 PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC,, LIV. 218 M, PRINTED AUG. 4, 1915. 185 186 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, Sudden warming of the air at the end of the glacial blizzard—foehn Sucece sha, Gleseanchiner ChiMrSMS cosocoooccbocnoadoGooUOUoDOMODGOO000 201 Iintensivem~rochnmenect withing outlets esecerereoecin- ocean ene 201 MheiGreenlandstoehit ?.\nuacs,. nies oe eee enios coc EL ORE eeeEe 201 Foehn level and foehn clouds on Greenland coast ................+- 202 Areas of relative calm and of air highly charged with moisture corre- sponding to the central plains upon the ice domes ................ 203 ie wim aiichyiclaitany 15) eed icia ais eee enara alt aca tateiiane sais ioe oreuarets ata oe ae eee 203 Recently acquired evidence from Antarctica ...........00cceec cece 203 Recem: Gaia, aeora) GrecmlleinGl sogcossacdongcosoocddonoooddonosaoobc 205 The cirri above and about the existing continental glaciers.............. 206 dihvewearlier data, ints com acieeeue cevecion ele pee ee ae Re eee 206 [eater miMVviestt eartl OMS! ys Meyers ven iio a eroes ve naeaeieee rake Seats ere 207 The evolution of the glacial blizzard and its abrupt termination in foehn.. 207 MMe sSe queen Ce OL: EVEMtsciivsvsers sweetie sree tae o relent eee UE arene 207 Source onithemprecipitaredusnowieenee eee eee ener 208 Amundsenis meteorological reconds at) Miramlieiny ss maniac 209 Alternationsvoficalmmandiealle Pie. ache eee oer eeee 209 The theory of circumpolar whirls vs. the glacial anticyclones............ 210 Viewssot Merrell and rahnie es ewas sacsee sce ee eee eee 210 View or, Mieinardusi)scisv oat cron ein cries orcas eitroe-coe cei ee 211 Objectiverstudiess by, Barkowmnl-Amtanctica sanneeen eee eee 212 De Ouervainss) studies in) Southwest) Greenland’ =-4.-. +.-ascsee eee 213 Distribution of air circulation in successive levels at the inland-ice ATIAG QUT cytes tote okt aus stasis ohe to Sheth tos Savehel alo levee ousberereparehonere; stews ieee. aa aaa 214 Winds about the margin of the inland-ice as a measure of the vigor of the sAntancticvanticy clone ice isican atone omiercate cis cle nee ain eee 215 Mane Borne Oe Coriell ose © Walks Ibewnal soccoccooocpcg0ccKoceKo0e 215 Effect of the Greenland anticyclone upon migrating cyclonic depressions. 218 Supposed passage of cyclones across the continental glacier of Green- earn cl iisaesueie es orate veas Cite lee nee ue de arceetetae ot cyrus ea 2 ae a cen 218 INansenis sObSenvatiOns, aemaereset mete came Gene naan renee 218 The high pressure storms and the “tauben” depressions registered at, Manmarks-Elaven joc. sen ores tee messepaetar ssi ne tycete acca: occ eee ea 219 The fixed low pressure areas marginal to the inland-ice masses.......... 220 NEAR CEL Cat ae Siescl cl Selaeae Stacuattessoyaieas Sucve aoe eer Ae yeti eh Sele oh Saha eta 220 Greenlanders RETA EH POET RN In eR GA Eo 8 0 220 The role of the glacial anticyclones of high latitudes in the general air Circulationte aan eee meee: HOD ae i earn sa RLY CURT IER E aA Tl Ao G-o% 221 Circulation through cyclones and anticyclones, not merely within LOLS og ee Aes Mer ee MGM Ie err MME RMEMn cain uniatals a GRD IGG O-c.6 Oo.010 221 Belts of progressing cyclones and anticyclones about the Antarctic slacialmanticyclonesin ie errs tisce scree Coe COE Oe ee TEE ee The role of the glacial anticyclones in the general air circulation to draw down the air of the upper stratum in the troposphere and to direct aithequatonwand|" sc sisa eee an soar eee eee 223, 1915.] IN ATR: CIRCULATION (OF THE GLOBE: 187 THE FIXED ANTICYCLONES ABOVE EXISTING CONTINENTAL GLACIERS. The Anticyclones as Agents of Glacier Alimentation—In two monographs published in toto! and later in my “ Characteristics of Existing Glaciers,”* a theory of fixed glacial anticyclones centered over the snow-ice masses of Greenland and Antarctica was put for- ward upon the basis of a comprehensive review of the results of polar exploration. This theory furnished an explanation for the nourishment of these inland-ice masses through adiabatic melting and vaporization of the ice particles of the cirri, as they are drawn down within the vortex of the anticyclone, and the precipitation of this moisture, generally as fine ice needles, when it comes into con- tact with the glacier surface and the cooled air layer immediately above it. The obvious application of this theory of alimentation to the even greater continental glaciers of the Pleistocene and earlier glacial cycles, was made in a separate contribution.* For these fixed anticyclones themselves, which are deserving of a special name, so much evidence has now accumulated that their existence can hardly be disputed, though differences of opinion will no doubt arise concerning their dominance over or dependence upon the usual migrating cyclonic and anticyclonic movements in the at- mosphere. The Northern and Southern Glacial Anticyclones Compared — That a great fixed anticyclone exists within the south polar region 1“ The Ice Masses on and About the Antarctic Continent,’ Zeitsch. f. Gletscherk., Vol. 5, 1910, pp. 107-120; “ Characteristics of the Inland-ice of the Arctic Regions,’ Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., Vol. 49, 1910, pp. 96-100. 2 Macmillan & Co., New York and London, 1911, Chaps. IX. and XVI. and afterword. 3W. H. Hobbs, “ The Pleistocene Glaciation of North America Viewed in the Light of Our Knowledge of Existing Continental Glaciers,’ Bull. Am. Geogr. Soc., Vol. 43, 1911, pp. 641-659. When this theory of alimentation was announced, I supposed it to be new to science. Professor Hans Cram- mer has since called my attention to a little-known paper by Fricker pub- lished as early as 1893, in which a similar idea was made as a suggestion and at a time when there was little known which could have been cited in its support. (Dr. Karl Fricker, “ Die Entstehung und Verbreitung des antark- tischen Treibeises,” Ein Beitrag zur Geographie der Siidpolargebiete. Leip- zig, 1893, p. 96; also “ Antarktis,’ Scholl und Grund, Berlin, 1808, pp. 187-- 188. ) 188 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE [April 24, seems to have been early recognized by a number of scientific men, due especially to the writings of the late Sir John Murray, Bernacchi and Buchan. By them it was, however, assumed that this condition was determined in some manner by the earth’s southern geographic pole, and was not connected with the inland-ice. A like natural tendency to regard movements within the lower atmosphere as de- termined primarily by their positions relative to parallels of latitude, is more or less general. As an illustration, it is generally assumed upon the basis of few and scattered observations within all save the central European areas, that the ceiling of the troposphore in its descent from the equatorial regions reaches its minimum altitude above the geographic poles, though it is far more probable that in the northern hemisphere at least its minimum of altitude is to be found to the southward above the continental glacier of Greenland. In the southern hemisphere the Antarctic continental glacier is prob- ably centered near the pole, and in consequence conclusions drawn from geographic positions are there relatively indecisive. During the winter season the great deserts of moderate latitudes become likewise the loci of anticyclones. ‘Their influence upon the general circulation within the earth’s atmosphere should be, however, rel- ative to that of the inland-ice small by comparison. It is because the inland-ice masses have a domed surface that they permit the air which is cooled by contact to flow outward centrifugally and so develop at an ever accelerating rate a vortex of exceptional strength. As already pointed out in my earlier papers, this is one of the essential conditions for the formation of strong glacial anticyclones. THEIR StTROPHIC ACTION BELIEVED TO BE DEPENDENT UPON AN AUTOMATICALLY RECURRING DISTURBANCE OF BALANCE BETWEEN OPPosING FORCES. The Refrigerating Air Engine—tThe strophic action of glacial anticyclones is one of their most marked characteristics, and would appear to be dependent upon the shield-like form of the glacier surface. Opposed to each other are here the abstraction of heat from the air above the glacier surface tending to make it slide off radially, and the increase of temperature due to resulting conden- 1915.] INT ATR CLRCULATION OER SiH? GLOBE: 189 sation. Unlike the latter, which is determined by the measure of the vertical component of its fall, the contact cooling is in direct ratio to the time the layer of air rests upon the snow-ice surface. Conditions of calm therefore favor cooling and descent of air cur- rents, as high wind velocity, does the warming and consequent re- tardation or even reversal of the descending current. It is not sur- prising, therefore, that the strophic glacial storms are initiated in calm conditions, “ work themselves up” or become accelerated to accord with the acceleration of velocity of bodies sliding upon in- clined surfaces (here further accelerated by increasing slope toward the margins), and bring about their own extinction when the air passes over the surface too rapidly for surface cooling to exceed or equal adiabatic warming. The sudden check in the outward flow of air, which is one of the most striking features of these strophic movements, in turn promotes new surface cooling and causes the precipitation of fresh snow within the zone of near con- tact to ice, thus often taking place with the sun but little obscured. In the automatic recurrence of similar movements the glacial anti- cyclone thus bears considerable resemblance to the hydraulic ram. THE LINES OF EVIDENCE FOR FIXED GLACIAL ANTICYCLONES. The Earlier Evidence—The observational evidence which in earlier papers was adduced in support of the existence of the glacial anticyclone above continental glaciers, was drawn chiefly from the then available reports upon exploration of the inland-ice masses of Greenland, Antarctica, and Northeast Land (Spitzbergen). This evidence may be profitably summarized under the following heads: 1°. Centrifugal flow of surface air currents above inland-ice masses. 2°. Outward (centrifugal) sweeping of surface snow largely derived from the central areas, and its deposition and accumulation as a marginal fringe about the inland-ice. 3°. Snow in large part wind-driven above the sloping portions of the ice mass. 4°. Sudden warming of the air at the end of the blizzard— foehn effect in descending currents. 5°. Behavior of upper air currents and movements of the cirri. 190 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, 6°. The evolution of the Antarctic blizzard and its termination. 7°, Areas of relative calm corresponding to the flat central bosses of the ice domes. 8°. Air highly charged with moisture within the flat central area of calms, and precipitation of snow or ice near the glacier surface. Confirmation in Later Exploration—tIn the three years which have elapsed since the appearance of my “ Characteristics of Ex- isting Glaciers,” important new explorations have been carried out; the inland-ice of Antarctica has been twice penetrated to the south- ern geographic pole and new areas have been explored; several crossings of Greenland have been made along new routes; and full reports upon some earlier explorations have become available. It is proposed, therefore, to review the evidence and show how this has been enlarged by the recent observations; as well as to add evidence along hitherto undeveloped directions. Such a discussion of the evidence seems to be called for at the present time, since in a paper recently read before the Royal Meteorological Society, Brooks has presented this theory as his own, merely citing my book for references to glacial conditions.* EVIDENCE FOR MorRE THAN ONE ANTICYCLONIC CENTER ABOVE EACH OF THE GREATER AREAS OF INLAND-ICE. Greenland—The three transections of the Greenland continent which have now been made within the central and southern por- tions, have revealed the fact that there are at least two higher plains upon the snow-ice surface which are separated by a depression. This depression clearly lies to the northward of de Quervain’s route, since his summit level is considerably lower than that of either Nansen or Koch and Wegener, though like Nansen’s, his highest point is found near the east coast. The southern of the two nour- ishing centers of the Greenland ice-sheet is thus located toward the east coast and south of the Arctic circle, whereas the other center lies toward the west coast from the medial line of the continent, 4Charles B. Brooks, “ The Meteorological Conditions of an Ice Sheet and their Bearing on the Desiccation of the Globe,” Quart. Jour. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., Vol. 40, 1914, pp. 53-70. 1915.] IN” AIR) (CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 191 and in an as yet undetermined latitude, though certainly well to the northward of Disco Island (Fig. 1). ax No¥denskisla rar ~* pea V870 S = Storute Miles. 50 ° 50 100 150 200 Fic. 1. Sketch map of Greenland to show roughly the position of the ice domes within the central and southern portions. Antarctica.—This discovery that Greenland is provided with more than one nourishing center for its inland-ice, is wholly in accord with what has now been learned concerning the Pleistocene continental 192 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, glaciers of North America, which had the Keewatin, Labradorean and Patrician nourishing centers that repeatedly waxed and waned so as to reach their several maxima at different times (Fig. 2). Ay > 0 ! ) -— ( I~ . 4 ORIFTLESS AREA ‘agsty TERMINAL MORAINE. Map showing the known anticyclonic centers of the Pleistocene Fic. 2. continental glacier of North America. From the Antarctic region the experiences of Mawson strongly indicate a near-by anticyclonic area probably located near the mag- 1915. ] IN AIR CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 1938 netic pole.» Within a vortex of this nature the wind velocity is determined by angular velocity multiplied into the radius, and hence one of relatively small dimensions should exceed in vigor one that is spread over a vast field and in which the steeper marginal area bears a smaller ratio to the whole. Mawson has expressed the belief that his base was near the center of a permanent anticyclone.® ? THE CENTRIFUGAL FLow oF SuRFACE AIR CURRENTS ABOVE THE INLAND-IcE MASssEs. Early Evidence from Greenland—TIn 1911 when my work on glaciers was published, evidence was available upon this from both the eastern and western coasts of southern Greenland in latitude 64° (Nansen), from west Greenland in latitude 69° (Peary and later de Quervain and Stolberg’), from northwest Greenland in latitude 78-83° (Peary), and from northeast Greenland in latitude 77° to 82° (Trolle). With the exception of the first and last men- tioned, these data applied exclusively to the western coast where the prevailing surface winds come from the easterly quadrants. Later Confirmation.—The later evidence for the centrifugal flow of surface air is ample and throughout confirmatory. De Quervain, who crossed the inland-ice in 1912 between the latitudes of 66° and 68°, found head winds while ascending the west slope, but winds from behind during his descent to the east coast. Referring to the low temperatures and the wide diurnal temperature range within the central area, de Quervain says: “Tt is the cold air of this middle part which even in summer streams like water from off the high surface toward all margins, deviated to the right in consequence of earth rotation” (p. 137). Measurements of snow temperature made at different depths show , 5 Sir Douglas Mawson, “ Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-1914,’ Geogr. Jour., Vol. 44, 1914, pp. 257-286. @ ILS Cy, Ds COs * The first Swiss expedition, which penetrated some seventy miles from the coast (A. de Quervain und A. Stolberg, “ Durch Grénlands Eiswiiste,” Strassburg, 1909). 8 A. de Quervain, “ Quer durchs Gronlandeis, Schweizerische Gronland- Expedition 1912-13.” Reinhardt, Miinchen, 1914, 106 pp., 15 pls., 37 figs. and map. Also personal communications. 194 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE [April 24, how exactly the air temperature follows that of the snow (p. 94). The diary of the journey (pp. 85-104) shows that for the first three weeks on the inland-ice the wind blew almost uninterruptedly down slope from in front, became more variable and shifting on the plain with slope a few seconds of arc, and reversed direction and blew from the northwest soon after passing the divide, where slopes became 8’ of arc to the eastward. Koch and Wegener in their transection of the Greenland conti- nent at its widest section (between latitudes 72° and 73°) en- countered essentially the same conditions, the outward blowing cur- rents constituting a veritable succession of storms whose vigor in- creased toward both margins of the section.° NW S ALANS d SW a 2 Fic. 3. Frequency wind-rose at Danmarks-Haven in northeast Green- land and (at the left) a sketch map showing location of the station with reference to inland-ice (after Wegener). From northeast Greenland there was available at the time of my earlier discussions of the glacial anticyclones, only a preliminary 9J. P. Koch, “Unsere Durchquerung Gronlands 1912-1913,” Zeitsch. d. Geselisch., f. Erdk. z. Berlin, 1914; Alfred Wegener, “ Vorlaufiger Bericht uber die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Expedition,” ibid. 1915.] IN AIR CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 195 statement concerning the prevailing direction of surface winds at the Danish base near Cape Bismarck. More recently (1911) the full meteorological report by Wegener has been issued; and, con- firming the earlier statement, shows that all strong winds come from the westerly (inland-ice) quadrants. The frequency wind-rose to cover the entire period of two years over which the observations extended, is reproduced in Fig. 3.°° If the wind force had been taken account of, the easterly sections of the rose would have almost disappeared, since easterly winds are always light sea breezes, which at an elevation of only 1,000 meters have been completely overwhelmed by the northwest winds.1t In this rose the dextro- rotatory deviation of the down-slope winds is apparent. Early Evidence from Antarctica.—Over the Antarctic inland-ice the law of surface air circulation had been clearly indicated by the results of exploration at the time of my early discussion of the subject. The more important data had been derived from the sledge journeys of Captain Scott, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Profes- sor David and Dr. von Drygalski. As early as 1902 Captain Scott had ascended the Ferrar glacier outlet to the inland-ice above the mountain rampart and pushed west southwestward over it for a dis- tance of two hundred miles, ascending on ever decreasing grades to the farthest point attained, and encountering winds of nearly con- stant direction coming from the south-southwest. The prevalence of such winds was demonstrated by a single set of sastrugi which pointed in the same direction (see Fig. 4).77 Shackleton on his polar journey ascended the Beardmore outlet and for a like distance of two hundred miles over the inland-ice found strong winds blow- ing from the southerly quarter and sastrugi pointed in the same direction. David pushed northwestward from Ross Sea over the inland-ice to the south magnetic pole, crossing over a crest in the ice and descending on low grades during the last stage before reaching the pole. Here the same rule of distribution of currents applies, 10 A. Wegener, “ Med. om Gronland,” Vol. 42, 1911, pp. 324-320. 11 Wegener, “ Med. om Gronland,” Vol. 42, 1909, pp. 73-75. 12 For this and other references to work published before 1910, see “ Characteristics of Existing Glaciers,” Chapters XIV.—XVI. 196 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, Fic. 4. Map of South Victoria land showing the sledge routes of Scott, Shackleton and David over the inland-ice. for during the ascent he encountered northwest winds with sastrugi pointing toward the same quarter, but after passing the divide and on the down grade winds blew from behind—southeast. These observations were fully confirmed by the return journey 1915.] PNP ATR CLR CULARION VO MDE GLOBE: OT In Kaiser Wilhelm land also the report of von Drygalski shows that the prevailing winds blow downward off the inland-ice onto the sea and the shelf-ice in front, being deviated to the left—the prevail- ing strong winds are from the easterly quarter. Later Confirmation.—Later data which bear upon the problem are derived from the Amundsen and the second Scott south polar ex- peditions, from the second German expedition to the Antarctic com- manded by Filchner, and from the Australasian Antarctic expedi- tion of 1911-14 under command of Dr., now Sir Douglas, Mawson. The route of Captain Amundsen passes through the mountain ram- part which hems in the inland-ice, keeping a direction diagonal to it and for some distance after leaving the outlet behind taking a course near a high mountain range. The few data upon wind directions which he has jotted down in his narrative, appear to indi- cate local currents controlled by these mountains until he had reached the 88th parallel, where he entered an area of calms and light variable winds.'® The second Scott expedition inasmuch as it followed the route of the earlier Shackleton expedition, has for the greater part of the distance, or until it entered the area of calms, served only to confirm the prevalence of outwardly flowing wind currents described by Shackleton." The recent Australasian expedition supplies evidence from a new quarter—the long coastal area near the Antarctic circle and to the westward of the Ross Sea, on which coast the inland-ice is not held in restraint by any barrier of mountains, as is the case in South Victoria Land. Along this coast, summer and winter alike, almost incessant storms blow off the ice onto the sea. These outwardly directed storm winds tend to keep the near sea area clear of pack-ice but offer great difficulties in the way of effecting a landing at all save those rare occasions when the force of the wind falls away.® In Prince Regent Luitpold Land, where the later German ex- pedition effected a landing upon the inland-ice—here likewise un- confined by a mountain wall and with partially detached shelf-ice in 13 Roald Amundsen, “The South Pole,” Vol. 2, 1913. 14“ Scott’s Last Expedition,” Vol. 1, Chapters X VII-XIX. 15 Sir Douglas Mawson, “ Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14,” Geogr. Jour., Vol. 44, 1914, pp. 257-286, maps and plates. 198 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE [April 24, front—much the same conditions obtain, the wind blowing out to sea with velocities sometimes as high as 40 m.p.s."° OUTWARD SWEEPING OF THE SURFACE SNOW WHICH FALLS OVER THE CENTRAL AREAS OF THE IcE DOMES, AND ITS ACCUMULA- TION AspouT THEIR MARGINS. The Centrifugal Snow Broom.—What may be characterized as the centrifugal snow broom which sweeps out snow deposits from the central areas and collects them upon and about the margins of continental glaciers, is a necessary consequence of strong anti- cyclonic conditions; and its work is in evidence within all areas where inland-ice has been extensively explored. From observations by Wegener, a wind velocity of 6-7 m.p.s. raises the snow lying upon the ground and sets it in motion along the surface at heights up to several decimeters (a foot or there- abouts). With wind velocities of 10-15 m.p.s (22.4—33.6 miles per hour) the migrating drift snow rises in a layer several meters in height and interferes seriously with seeing conditions. With veloci- ties of 20 m.p.s. (44.7 miles per hour), the snow is carried to a height of 20 meters, or over sixty feet, and much higher in the lee of obstructions in its path.1* The Sweepings Below Outlets.—It is obvious that the results of snow drifting by centrifugal surface currents above inland-ice will be different according as the ice mass has been built up within a rampart of mountains (South Victoria Land and the greater part of Greenland), or as it has been allowed to shape itself independent of such retaining walls. In the former case the drift snow pours out along the courses of the outlet glaciers to form characteristic aprons at their bases,'* or perhaps to produce definite fringing gla- 16“ Deutsche Antarktische Expedition, Bericht tiber die Tatigkeit nach Verlassen von Stidgeorgien,’ Zeitsch. d. Gesellsch. f. Erdkunde sz. Berlin, IQ13, p. 15; see also, Kon. preusg. Meteorol. Institute, Abh., Bd. 4, Heft II., p. 9. 17 Med. om Gronland, Vol. 42, p. 345. 18 Tn the light of observations by Scott, Shackleton and David in South Victoria Land, it seems probable that these apron-like snow deposits in the form of dry deltas are due largely if not wholly to this cause. Not only have explorers observed the rapid collection of the drift snow at the base of the Beardmore outlet, but this origin is probable for the reason that accord- 1915.] DN SiR ChREULAMION GT Oa Een Gl@ BE: 199 ciers such as have been described by Chamberlin’? and Salisbury”® from northwest Greenland, and by the Danes in northeast Green- land.** Shackleton, who advanced over the inland-ice in his southern journey on a layer of granular surface snow, returned over a marble-like floor from which the snow had all been swept by the fierce blizzard encountered near his farthest south. On arriving at the Beardmore outlet, he found the lower forty miles of the stream buried deep under great drift accumulations. Scott on his last expedition was much less fortunate while on the plateau, and the burden of his diary is a prayer for strong wind to clear the surface. As is well known, he encountered heavy sweepings of powdery drift snow at the base of the Beardmore, both during his advance and on the return, and his floundering progress through this soft snow was a main contributing cause of the final disaster which over- took the expedition. From what is known of the characters of freshly precipitated snow at different air temperatures, it is possible to rather definitely ascribe the enormous snow drifts which piled up for four consecu- tive days upon the Beardmore glacier apron as the chasse neige in process of melting as a result of adiabatic rise in temperature in de- scending currents. This snow, Captain Scott tells us, was the fine powdery type, though the temperature was phenomenally high (+ 27° — 31° F.), stuck to hair and beard, and produced pools of water everywhere.?? On the return the snow here was soft, loose and sandy, and sledge work was like “ pulling over desert sand.’’** Marginal Accretions of Snow.—Valuable new observations which bear strongly upon this point, have been supplied in the pre- liminary report upon the crossing of Greenland by Koch and ance of surface level is generally observed to characterize the junctions of tributary with main glacier streams wherever snow drifting plays only a secondary role. 19 Jour. Geol., Vol. 3, 1805, p. 579. 20L. c., p. 886. 21 Koch und Wegener, “ Die glaciologischen Beobachtungen der Dan- mark-expedition,’ Med. om Gronland, Vol. 46, 1912, Chaps. VI—-VII., pls. and figs. 22 6 Scott’s Last Expedition,” Vol. I, pp. 335-339. “BIL, Coy We SOs 200 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE [April za, Wegener. They report almost continual storms in all save the highest section of their journey, the wind descending the slopes and filling the air with drift snow. Within the marginal portions of their section, it was established that the finely granular surface layer of snow is joined abruptly to a more coarsely crystalline subjacent layer and corresponds to the annual deposit. This layer was by a series of measurements shown to vary in thickness from 20 cm., or about eight inches, in the central portion, to one half meter (or about two and a half times that thickness) near the east coast, and a meter (or five times this thickness) near the west coast. Schemat- ically represented with grossly exaggerated scales, this distribution is expressed in Fig. 5. It was further determined that the snow va ne Fic. 5. Diagram to illustrate the marginal thickening of annual snow deposit upon the Greenland continental glacier due to drifting on radial lines. deposit at Borg, the winter station upon the inland-ice though rel- atively near its margin, was less than on the coast to the eastward.** Still more recently has appeared the preliminary report of Mawson upon the Australasian Antarctic expedition, in which he tells us that at the winter station on the margin of the inland-ice, the winds which blew down slope and off shore raised “a sea of drifting snow which poured fluid-thick over the landscape.” “For months the drifting snow never ceased, and intervals of many days together passed when it was impossible to see one’s hand held at arm’s length. The drift snow became charged with electricity and in the darkness of the winter night all pointed objects and often one’s clothes, nose, and finger tips glowed with the pale blue light of St. Elmo’s fire... . Such weather lasted almost nine months of the year. Even in the height of sum- mer, blizzard followed blizzard in rapid succession.”25 Where tongues of ice extended out to sea from the shore, snow collected upon them though the marginal slopes were swept free of it by the force of the blizzard.”° 24 A| Wegener, “ Vorlaufiger Bericht ttber die wissenschaftlichen Ergeb- nisse der Expedition,” Zeitsch. d. Gesell. f. Erdkunde 2. Berlin, 1914. 25 Sir Douglas Mawson, “Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-14,” Geogr. Jour., Vol. 44, 1914, pp. 269. 26 Mawson, “ The Home of the Blizzard,” 1915, Vol. 2, p. 33. 1915.] ENDATER CIRCULATION OR DHE GLOBE: 201 SUDDEN WARMING OF THE AIR AT THE END OF THE GLACIAL BLiIzZARD—FOEHN EFFECT IN DESCENDING CURRENTS. Intensive Foehn Effective in Outlets—This familiar foehn effect is so general a phenomenon about the margins of both the great continental glaciers that it has long been recognized.?* The general rule holds that the temperature of the air rises as the blizzard is evolved.** Wherever a mountain rampart exists, the elevation of temperature becomes accentuated within the glacier outlets, and melting in Antarctica is almost unknown except under these conditions. An interesting example of this which has not before been emphasized, is supplied by Armitage, who on the first ascent of the Farrar outlet found a stream of water seven feet in width and nine inches deep flowing beside the ice.?® The effect of similar currents of water was noted by David on his ascent to the plateau from McMurdo Sound. A remarkable instance, also, with long continuance of high temperature, is that above cited from Captain Scott’s journal, while camped on the apron below the Beard- more outlet. The Greenland Foehn.—The characteristic Greenland foehn has been subjected to a special study by Stade, the meteorologist of the Berlin Geographical Society’s expedition to Greenland.*® He finds that the temperature changes are much more pronounced during the winter season, the rise on March 5, 1893, having been 12° C. and probably much more within the space of a few minutes. Stade’s conclusion is that these foehn winds are connected with low areas moving northward in the Davis Straits, the maximum of air temperature and the minimum of relative humidity corresponding either exactly or approximately with the minimum of pressure at the station. De Quervain’s later studies would indicate that Stade’s moving depressions may better be regarded as pulsations within a stationary low pressure area lying over Davis Straits and Baffin’s 27 See “Characteristics of Existing Glaciers,” pp. 149-150, 268-271. 28 Cf. Mawson, “ The Home of the Blizzard.” 29 A. A. Armitage, “ Two Years in the Antarctic,’ London, 1905, p. 39 Dr. H. Stade, “Uber Foehnerscheinungen an der Westkiiste Nord- gronlands und die Veranderung der Lufttemperatur und Feuchtigkeit mit der Hohe, Nach den Beobachtungen auf der Station Karajak, Gronland Ex- pedition 1891-93,” Vol. 2, 1897, pp. 501-533. PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV, 218 N, PRINTED AUG. 4, IQI5. 202 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, Bay. It would then seem more in harmony with the facts to reverse this conception and assume that the low pressure area is stimulated to greater vigor by the arrival of the strong winds of the glacial blizzard over the inland-ice. Foehn Level and Foehn Clouds on Greenland Coast.—In north- east Greenland the monumental investigations by Wegener furnish us with clearly defined results. In addition to full station weather observations collected for a period of two years at two neighboring stations—Pustervig, relatively near the inland-ice margin but within a canyon, and Danmarks-Haven, fifty miles further outward and upon the coast ;31 we have systematic observations with kites and captive balloons in ascents to heights generally of 1,500 meters and occasionally of 3,000 meters.*? The results indicate that the larger weather disturbances are in the main controlled by the great high pressure area lying over the continent, that two strongly marked lower inversions in the atmosphere occur almost uniformly; the first within the lower 200 meters and explainable by surface radia- tion and latent heat of freezing and thawing, while the second lies between a thousand and fifteen hundred meters of altitude, at which level the great outward streaming from the inland-ice pours over the rock plateau to the westward of the station (average height of the plateau 800 meters). The most prevalent cloud form at the stations consists of a series of flat mushroom shapes in a succession of steps or stages located near the upper inversion level—on an average, 1,200 meters. These being clearly due to foehn conditions, they have by Wegener been given the name, “ foehn clouds.” The twenty-three ascents of kites and balloons which were car- ried out at the time of more pronounced foehn, indicate that owing to the partial disappearance at such times of the lower cold moist layer, the temperature inversion of this lower layer is less pro- nounced and the temperature fall in the layers above it more pro- nounced, than at other times—in the most marked instances this fall 81 A. Wegener, ‘“ Meteorologische Terminbeobachtungen am Danmarks- Haven, Med. om Groénland, Vol. 42, 1911, pp. 124-355. W. Brand und A. Wegener, “Meteorologische Beobachtungen der Station Pustervig,” ibid., IQ12, pp. 446-562. 32 A, Wegener, “ Drachen- und Fesselballonaufstiege aus gefuhrt auf der Danmark-Expedition 1906-08,” ibid., 1900, pp. 1-75. 1915.] ENWALR CIRCULATION VOM GEE GLOBE: 203 is super-adiabatic. The typical foehn cloud layer at 1,200 meters is also at such times much more marked, and up to this level the wind velocity falls off with altitude. Of the greatest significance were the results of ascents made at the time of easterly winds— always light; since these show that the easterly winds fade away below the altitude of 1,000 meters, at which level they become replaced by the westerly winds which are controlled by the anti- cyclones.** AREAS OF RELATIVE CALM AND OF AiR HIGHLY CHARGED WITH MoIsTURE CORRESPONDING TO THE CENTRAL PLAINS Upon THE IcE DoMEs. Few Early Data. lished, no observational evidence bearing upon this point was avail- At the time “Existing Glaciers” was pub- able from either of the large continental glaciers, since neither had been penetrated to the central area. Nansen’s crossing of Green- land within its narrowed southern portion, had revealed an area of calm near the divide on his section, but it could not then be predi- cated that this represented more than the margin of the central ice plain. The most valuable evidence then available was derived from Northeast Land (Spitzbergen), which is covered by a dome of inland-ice about a hundred and eightly miles in diameter and be- tween two thousand three thousand feet in altitude in the central area. This area of inland-ice had in 1873 been penetrated by A. E. Nordenskiold and Palander, who several times observed the simul- taneous fall of irregular ice-grains enveloped in water and of small snow-flakes either rounded or star-like, the ice-grains freezing im- mediately on falling and becoming attached to the hair or clothes, since the air temperature was —4° to —5°.*4 Recently Acquired Evidence from Antarctica.—During his pene- tration of the inland-ice area of Antarctica, Captain Amundsen en- tered near the 88th parallel, what he believed to be a region of per- manent calm or of light winds and of generally clear weather. As evidence of this, the snow surface was smooth and with no in- 83 A. Wegener, “ Drachen- und Fesselballonaufstiege,’ Med. om Grénl., Vol. 42, 1909, pp. 60-75. 84 Cf. “ Existing Glaciers,” p. 277. 204 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, dication of drifting. To a depth of 2 meters no hard snow layers were encountered, so that the cutting of blocks (for guide cairns) was all but impossible. During the fortnight spent within this region the sky was clear with light winds, except on two days when there were snow flurries at intervals. The brightening after the snow was accompanied by such a high sun heat that even with most clothing removed the perspiration poured from the bodies of the men.*° Captain Scott, who entered the same general region about a month later, found conditions of atmosphere and snow which during the three weeks of his stay within it, agreed strikingly with those de- scribed by Amundsen. After passing the latitude 8712°, hardly a day passed that he did not jot down in his diary the fact of variable light winds and the noteworthy softness of the snow surface, sev- eral times expressing his opinion that the area is one of light winds. He was evidently puzzled by the appearance of the clouds, “ which don’t seem to come from anywhere, form and disperse without reason.” Again he describes them as “coming and going overhead all day, drifting from the S. E., but constantly altering shape. Snow crystals falling all the time” (Vol. 1, p. 370). On January 19 on the return from the pole, he notes, “ Snow clouds, looking very dense and spoiling the light, pass overhead from S., dropping very minute crystals ; between showers the sun shows and the wind goes to the SaWee Again and again he calls attention to the dampness and the chill in the air, so that when the temperature is observed, all are surprised that it is not lower. The sun was often shining through the snow mist, and bright sunlight and overcast sky interchanged with kalei- doscopic suddenness. Near the margins of this area snow blizzards were experienced, but in comparison with the Barrier blizzards Scott notes that the wind was surprisingly light. Temperatures rise after the blows. Within this central area the sastrugi are found in isolated areas, show cross directions and general lack of con- stancy. The snow got softer the farther they went to the south- 66 ward, and it was soft below the surface also “as deep as you like to dig down.” Yet with all the wind variations, there was evidently a preponderance of southerly and southeasterly winds. Like 35 Roald Amundsen, “ The South Pole,” Vol. 2, Chapters XI.-XIII. 1915. ] TIN VAT Ci CULATION TOR Et GEORE: 205 Amundsen, Scott noticed a slight descent toward the pole from latitude 89%°, which, taken in connection with Shackleton’s obser- vations, would indicate that a crest of the inland-ice lies to the west- ward of the routes.*° Recent Data from Greenland.—The account of de Quervain’s transection of Greenland in 1912 in latitudes 66° to 70° N., affords strikingly similar pictures. Whereas for the first three weeks of the journey upon the inland-ice, or until the ascent had been made to the interior plain, the outward blowing winds had been so con- stant as to be depended upon in laying the course; shifting winds of light force were encountered upon the plateau, and when the grade had been reduced to 3” of arc even west or northwest winds blew for short intervals. The air appeared to be strongly sat- urated with moisture, and at times only the heads of the party would be visible at moderate distances because of the bank of mist, and beards, chins, caps, etc., became frozen into solid masses of ice. Once over the divide, where the slope took on a descent of 8’ of arc, the wind blew strongly from the northwest.*7 The expedition of Koch and Wegener which crossed Green- land in its widest section (in latitudes 71° to 79°), perhaps fur- nishes us with the most satisfactory evidence that has yet become available upon meteorological conditions above the central boss of a continental glacier; for the reason that no other expedition has penetrated so close to the heart of the area. From the preliminary report we learn that above the flat dome of the ice shield, an area of atmospheric calm was encountered and much mist, which in the morning was generally so dense as to hide the sun. The air was so supersaturated with moisture that the clothing was constantly wet and could be dried only occasionally and with much difficulty. Everywhere above the altitude of 2,000 meters the snow surface was granular and underlain by coarser grained material, though without hard separating crusts.*® Despite the supersaturation of the air and the frequent deposi- tion of minute ice crystals from the clouds, it is pretty clear that if 36 “ Scott’s Last Expedition,” Vol. I, pp. 363-383. 87 A. de Quervain, “ Quer durchs Gronlandeis,” 1914, pp. 85-137. 88 Alfred Wegener, ‘‘ Vorlaufiger Bericht ttber die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Expedition,” Zeitsch. d. Gesell. f. Erdk. 2. Berlin, 1914. 206 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, referred to the plateau surface, the peculiar shifting clouds so often observed by Scott and Amundsen are at a low level. The diurnal temperature chart published by de Quervain for his transection of Greenland, shows that radiation from the surface is apparently but little interfered with by clouds after the central plain has been reached. The abrupt change from this condition to one of small daily range of temperature, is found on both margins of the summit plain. THe Crirrt ABOVE AND ABOUT THE EXISTING CONTINENTAL GLACIERS. The Earlier Data—The relative abundance of cirrus and cirro- stratus clouds, not only above but about the margins of the con- tinental glaciers, will be patent to any one who will read the lists of cloud observations which are published in the reports of the ex- ploring expeditions.*® In 1911 it was possible to cite the observa- tion of Nansen, that during his crossing of the inland-ice though the sky was in the main clear, those clouds which were present were generally the cirri or some combination of these with cumuli or strati. From the Shackleton expedition in the Antarctic it was learned that the upper air currents near the winter station generally appeared to move in from the northwest quadrant and veer south- erly as they advanced toward the pole. The “polar bands” or “Noah’s Arc” clouds (cirro-strati) in general moved southerly, but to the west of the Ross Sea, the “polar bands” moved in from the north northeast or northeast veering round from the north. Thus, as a general rule, it would appear that in this region the upper currents carrying the cirri move roughly parallel to but in opposite direction from the stronger surface currents. In the same region additional evidence was derived from the behavior of the 39 See, for example: “ Wilkes Exploring Expedition (when off the Ant- arctic Continent),’ Vol. XI., Meteorology, pp. 276-291; Mohn und Nansen, “ Durchquerung von Gronland,” Pet. Mit., Erganzungsh. 105, pp. 22-29; Duc d’Orleans, “ Croisiéres océanographiques dans la mer du Gronland en 10905, Résultats Scientifiques,” Bruxelles, 1907, pp. 52-07; Stade, “ Gronland Expe- dition der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde,” Vol. 2, pp. 417-441; Wegener, “ Me- teorologische Terminbeobachtungen,” etc., Med. om Gronland, Vol. 42, 1911, pp. 202-311. 1915.] IN’ AIR’ CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 207 vapor cloud above Mt. Erebus, which starts from an elevation of nearly 14,000 feet. Later Investigations —In endeavoring to investigate further the movement of the cirri upon the borders of the inland-ice, the data supplied by the Greenland Expedition of the Berlin Geographical Society have been taken into consideration. Stade in his tabulated meteorological data at Station Karajak on the west coast, in some thirty-nine instances has supplied the direction of movement of the cirri observed. These I have plotted to form a wind-rose (Fig. 6),*° which shows clearly the dominance of movements from the N | Fic. 6. Wind-rose for the cirri whose direction of motion was ob- served at station Karajac, West Greenland (several identified doubtfully as cirri are included). southwest towards the northeast, or in other words in the general direction toward the interior region of the Greenland glacier.** Tue EvoLuTION OF THE GLACIAL BLIZZARD AND ITS ABRUPT TERMINATION IN FOEHN. The Sequence of Events——While there is apparently much in common between the Greenland and the Antarctic glacial blizzards, 40H. Stade, 1. c., pp. 417-441. 41Tn central Europe Hesselberg has discovered a general correspondence between the drift of the cirri and that of the low pressure areas, but in view of the observations of de Quervain upon the stationary character of the depression over Baffin’s Bay, it is unlikely that this conclusion can be applied to the borders of the inland-ice (Th. Hesselberg, “Ueber die Luftbewegung im Zirrusniveau und die Fortpflanzung der barometrischen Minima,” Beitr. s. Physik. d. fr. Atmosphare, Vol. 5, 1913, pp. 198-205. 208 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, we are indebted especially to Professor David, the meteorologist of the Shackleton expedition, for a careful study of the Antarctic type of blizzard as observed by him at the winter station of the ex- pedition. I shall here cite my earlier summary of the sequence of events with some personal interpretations.*? “The sequence of events during a blizzard begins with gentle northerly winds which continue for a day or two during which temperatures are low. David has suggested that during this time air is flowing south to take the place of air whose volume has been reduced as a result of the heat ab- stracted from it on the ice surface. Then there follow two or three days of absolute calm, during which the temperature continues to fall. Still further cooled upon the ice surface, the air, a week or more after the calm begins, starts to move outward in all directions and so develops (on the edge of the barrier) a southeasterly blizzard. Simultaneously with this movement the steam cap over the volcano of Erebus, which normally indicates an upper current from the northwest, swings round to the north and takes on an accelerated movement, as though it were being drawn from that direction to supply air to the void resulting from the violent surface current toward that direction.. Corresponding to the increased velocity, the normal foehn effect near the pole must be much increased as it is also on the descent of the surface current from the plateau. As soon as the warming of the polar air from this cause has become general, the high air pressure of the central area is automatically reduced, and thus the blizzard gradually brings about its own extinction. To the warming effect of the descending air current there is rather suddenly added the latent heat of condensation of the moisture when it is precipitated in the form of fine ice crystals within the air layers just above the snow-ice surface. The rather sudden termination of the blizzard may be thus in part explained. David has suggested that a ‘hydraulic ram effect’ may be induced in the air of the upper currents, since the steam clouds over Erebus, normally the antitrades, are temporarily reversed in direction at the termination of a blizzard, and for a short interval blow northward.” Source of the Precipitated Snow.—The actual initiation of the strong wind may begin very suddenly, as has been especially empha- sized by Simpson** and even more strikingly brought out by Maw- son.** Referring to the source of the moisture of the blizzard as the cirri, I stated in 1911: “There is, however, the probability that in general this snow or ice is adiabatically melted and vaporized during its descent to the plateau, and subsequently congealed as it mixes with the cold air above the plateau 42 “ Characteristics of Existing Glaciers,” pp. 260-270. 43 “ Scott’s Last Expedition,” Vol. 2, p. 325. 44 Mawson, “ The Home of the Blizzard,” Vol. 1, Chap. VII. 1915.] IN ATR (CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 209 surface. This would explain the clear skies which are so general over both Greenland and Antarctica during snows in the higher levels. It is of course true that the latent heat of fusion and vaporization of ice, abstracted as it is from the air during its descent within the eye of the anticyclone, will counteract to some extent the warming adiabatic effect; and it is not improb- able that the long duration of Antarctic blizzards and their somewhat sudden terminations accompanied by snowfall are explained in part by the trans- formations of latent and sensible heat. “ Additional evidence for the continental and glacial rather than the polar nature of the Antarctic anticyclone is derived from the strong blizzards observed at the British winter quarters on McMurdo Sound. Whereas the lighter gales came from the southeast and indicated a control by local condi- tions, a blizzard of the first magnitude was not thus influenced, and always swept down from the southwest—that 1s, from the high plateau, and not from the pole, since otherwise the earth’s rotation would have given it an easterly direction. When its powers begin to wane, it is once more controlled by local conditions and the wind again comes from the southeasterly quarter.” Amundsen’s Meteorological Records at Framheim—Hardly less significant were the directions of prevailing winds observed at Fram- heim, the winter quarters of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition of 1910-12, when the position of the station is considered in refer- ence to areas of inland-ice and shelf-ice. The great dome of inland- ice of King Edward Land lies to the eastward and southeastward distant only about 115 miles, whereas that of South Victoria Land and its extension to the southeastward, lies a number of times that distance away to the southwestward and westward. Now it was found that easterly winds predominated (31.9 per cent. of the time), with southwesterly and southerly winds next in order (14.3 per cent. and 12.3 per cent. respectively). Southeasterly winds were especially rare, and as calms reigned for a fifth of the time (21.3 per cent.), the winds for four fifths of the period are those ac- counted for. Earth rotation should deviate original southwesterly winds into a southerly direction, and southeasterly to easterly.** Alternations of Calm and Gale.——tThe strophic characteristic of the glacial blizzard thus involves frequent alternation of calms with strong gales, and all systematic observations about the inland-ice reveal this characteristic. As already pointed out, the strophic quality is to be expected from the recurring disturbance of balance and later recovery in opposing forces (ante, p. 188). Below in tabu- 44a R, Amundsen, “The South Pole,’ Vol. 2, pp. 381-382. 210 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE [April 24, lar form are set forth the percentage of calm days to all others as determined at several stations near the margin of inland-ice: PERCENTAGE OF CALM Days To ALL OTHERS. Per Cent, Danmarksohlaven, NortheastuGreenlandaoien as seer ener 26 Cane Adair, Sonn Witetomie, ILemGES: 5. occccccsocovccceoco0cc00c 45 Scottisimbinstesasey South Vvactonianleandé Gates etter 23 Cape Evans, South Victoria Land48 (up to 4 miles per hr. 29.8 DSi? (Coles) eee cee ator GAA Greate a cosine OA Gans B56 b 010 6 Framheim, Whale’s Bay*® (up to 4 miles per hr. 42.2 per cent.) 48.. 21.3 THE THEORY OF CIRCUM-POLAR WHIRLS VS. THE GLACIAL ANTICYCLONES. Views of Ferrel and Hann.—From a theoretical view-point, the theory of circumpolar whirls first enunciated by the American meteorologist Ferrel, has been a most serious obstacle in the way of securing a clear conception concerning the air circulation above continental glaciers. Ferrel’s theory assumed that strong westerly winds sweep about the geographic poles with increasing accelera- tion of velocity and corresponding centrifugal effect, producing polar areas of calm and of low barometer. Of the southern polar region, Hann stated as late as 1897 :°° “The whole Antarctic circum-polar area presents us, as already stated, with a vast cyclone, of which the center is at the pole, while the westerly winds circulate round it.” This view was of course largely speculative, and when Bernacchi of the “Southern Cross” expedition had brought out on the basis of observations at Cape Adare the evidence for anticyclonic condi- tions over the south polar regions, Hann cautiously qualified his earlier statements in the following manner: 45 Wegener, “ Med. om Gronl.,’ Vol. 42, pp. 325-326. 46 Bernacchi, in Borchgrevinck, “First on the Antarctic Continent,” p. 306. 47 Shaw, “ National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904, Meteorol.,” Pt. L., 1908. 48 Simpson, “ Scott’s Last Expedition,” Vol. 2, p. 320. 49 Amundsen, “ The South Pole,” Vol. 2, pp. 381-382. 50“ Handbuch der Klimatologie,”’ 2te aufl., Vol. 3, 1807, p. 543. 1915.] IN AIR CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 211 “As regards the Antarctic Anticyclone, I have certainly not expressed myself quite clearly in my ‘ Klimatologie, as you very fairly point out. “Tt is certain that an area of pressure, which is higher than that of the surrounding area, lying over a chilled continent, or over any considerable land area, can coexist with a great polar cyclone, for instance, round the South Pole. The very low temperature can produce in the lower strata of the atmosphere a pressure higher than its environments. The anticyclone, how- ever, must be very shallow, and at a moderate elevation the ordinary circula- tion of the atmosphere must reéstablish itself... . It is just possible that further inland a slight increase of pressure might be observable. There is certainly no chance of the existence of a real continental anticyclone, inas- much as at Cape Adare the barometer falls from summer to winter.”51 The above and later qualified statements by Hann®? fail to take proper recognition of the facts as known at the time, and in treatises on meteorology published within the last five years, the circum-polar whirls are still treated with slight qualifications of statement, and as though in harmony with observed facts.*? View of Meinardus.——Probably the fullest discussion of this subject is that of Meinardus in 1909, who is so firmly convinced that the anticyclonic conditions that were encoutered in Kaiser Wilhelm Land at the margin of the inland-ice, cannot have an upward extension beyond 2,000-3,000 meters, that he even proph- esied for the interior portions of Antarctica a bare land area desti- tute of snow.®* He says: “The elevated parts of Antarctica above 2,000-3,000 meters extend into the great cyclone of the polar whirl and encounter westerly air currents during the entire year. With this verification, which also further can be supported by certain observations from the marginal region, there follows the conclusion that the Antarctic anticyclone can in general be present as active element in the air circulation only in the lower parts of the South Polar region. .. . At the sea level and on the borders of the inland-ice, that 51 Letter written to Captain R. F. Scott in 1900, The Antarctic Manual, 1901, p. 34. 52“*Lehrbuch der Meteorologie,’ 2te aufl., 1906, p. 345; Klimatologie, Vol. I, 1908, p. 334. 53 Moore, “ Descriptive Meteorology,” 1910, p. 141. Milham, “ Meteor- ology,” I912, p. 162. 54W. Meinardus, “ Meteorologische Ergebnisse der Winterstation der “Gauss, 1902-03, Deutsche Siidpolar Expedition 1901-03,” Vol. 3 (Meteorol., I., Vol. 1), p. 332. (The italics are in the original, W. H. H.) 212 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, is, within the known coast areas, the anticyclonic conditions do not yet prevail.’’55 Referring to the observations by Captain Scott and by others upon the plateau back of the Admiralty Range in South Victoria Land, Meinardus is quick to seize upon the westerly winds which there prevail as evidence that the anticyclone has at these levels given place to the supposed overlying cyclones; failing utterly to note that the winds are here blowing directly down slope from the ice plateau—that is, radially.°* Other statements in the report are likewise strikingly at variance with facts either known at the time or revealed by later exploration. Objective Studies by Barkow in Antarctica—The first oppor- tunity to measure the upward extension of anticyclonic conditions over Antarctica, has been taken advantage of by Barkow, the meteorologist of the Second German Antarctic Expedition ; who at the margin of the inland-ice of Prince Regent Luitpold Land (lat. 77° 45’ S., long. 34° 40’ W.) sent up pilot balloons, one on February 2, 1912, to the extreme elevation of 17,200 meters, or over 8 km. above the base of the stratosphere.®* These observations disclose the fact that easterly and northeasterly winds prevailed at the time of observation in all levels up to the ceiling of the troposphere,”* whereas with the beginning of the stratosphere, where at an eleva- tion of 9,000 meters the wind turns suddenly through an angle of 180° and blows steadily from the southwest. If, as is probable, the margin of the continent corresponds to the margin of the inland-ice dome, these observations considered with due regard to the known deviation indicate an anticyclone fed by currents above the tropo- sphere. Barkow calls attention to the speculations of Meinardus above referred to, and shows that they are controverted by the re- sults of his observations. 557. c, p. 333. Hardly in harmony with the facts known at the time, since easterly winds, and not westerly, are here the rule (cf. “ Existing Glaciers,” pp. 264-265, and ante, p. 107). BS I, Coy Os. BAG 57E, Barkow, “ Vorlaufiger Bericht ttber die meteorologischen Beob- achtungen der deutschen antarktischen Expedition, 1911-12,’ Ver. d. k. preusz. meteor. Inst., No. 265 (Abh., Vol. 4, No. 11), Berlin, 1913, pp. 7-11. 58 The italics are mine—W. H. H. 1915.] IN ATR] CIREULATION, OF) DHE (GLOBE: 213 Barkow also carried out kite and balloon ascents, of which a proportionately slight per cent. only failed to show strong inversions of the lower atmosphere, these inversions being proportionately both strong and frequent during the winter season. The entire lower layer of 2,000 meters height was shown to have an average higher temperature than the lowermost layer, the temperature rise from the bottom being often as much as 10° C., and in one instance 19.5° C. In the spring season an alternation of inversions (Blatter- struktur) was observed. De Quervain’s Studies in Southwest Greenland.—No less de- cisive in showing the absence of polar whirls are conclusions to be drawn from observations on the borders of the inland-ice of Green- land. At a number of stations on the west and southwest coasts ranging between latitudes 64° and 69°, de Quervain and Stolberg in 1g09 conducted ascents of pilot balloons during the spring and early summer, carrying their observations to extreme heights often in excess of 10,000 meters (624 miles) ,°° and in one instance of 16,000 meters. In 1912 Drs. Jost and Stolberg supplemented these ob- servations by a second series carried out through the winter season, with results concerning which only a preliminary statement is as yet available.®° As has already been explained, the prevailing surface currents at these stations are controlled by the Greenland anticyclones and blow from the southeasterly quadrant, though with considerable modi- fication by local conditions below the level of 1,000 meters. On the basis of his balloon observations, de Quervain has declared that “at least in greater elevations a polar whirl which is in any degree unified and connects the different low pressure regions of the cir- cumpolar latitudes, can, for the time of our observations in Green- land and Iceland, not be thought of.” This conclusion was later extended to the remaining portion of the year, as clearly stated in the preliminary announcement of the results of the later series of observations. 59 A. de Quervain, “ Gleichzeitige Pilotaufstiege in Westgronland und Island, Veranstaltet durch die schweizerisch-deutschen Grodnland-expedition und das danische meteorologische Institut,” Beitr. 2. Physik d. fr. Atmos- phare, Vol. 5, 1913, pp. 132-158. ; 60 A. de Quervain, “ Quer durchs Gronlandeis, Die schweizerische Gron- land-Expedition 1912-13,” Munich, 1914, pp. 196, pls. 15, figs. 37 and map. 214 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE [April 24, Distribution of Air Circulation in Successive Levels at the Inland-Ice Margin——De Quervain’s data upon wind direction are so vitally important as to merit some further consideration, particu- larly as regards the distribution of circulation within the different levels; and I have therefore used them to plot the wind-roses for each of the following ranges of altitude: O-1,000 meters, 1,000- 3,000 m., 3,000-5,000 m. (also separately 3,000-4,000 m. and 4,000- p> aN ll N 4 0-1000 meters N ~~ 3000- 4000 meters MUDDY een N 4000-5000meters 5000- eer ol AS ESE VI 7000-9000meters Directions of Axes. Fic. 7. Wind-roses to illustrate the prevailing winds between the levels indicated at stations on the west and southwest coast of Greenland (from data by de Quervain). 5,000 m,), 5,000-7,000 m., 7,000-9,000 m., and 9,000-II,000 m. For the lower levels between 40 and 58 ascents were available, whereas above 9,000 meters there were 13 and less. The wind- roses have been plotted with weighting for wind force (5 m.p.s. counting as one unit and the nearest unit being taken). Wind 1915.] IN AIR CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 215 velocities less than 5 m.p.s. were disregarded. The results, which are set forth in Fig. 7, show that below an altitude of 1,000 meters the wind, usually of low velocity, is notably variable and controlled by local conditions. At the level of 1,000 meters the outward flowing currents make their appearance in force and con- trol the circulation up to an altitude of between four and five kilo- meters, above which level inward blowing currents from the south- westerly quadrant are of equal frequency and of about the same force as the outward blowing currents from the southeast. The clockwise deviation of currents in the anticyclone lead us to suppose that the outward blowing currents start from the interior in a more easterly direction, and that the inward blowing currents from the southwest are almost directly opposed, when they arrive in the interior. The observations of Wegener made with kites and captive balloons in northeast Greenland, were not generally carried above an altitude of 2,000 meters, though in a few instances considerably higher. They agree among themselves and with those from west Greenland, in showing the presence of relatively variable winds up to about a thousand meters altitude, where these currents are re- placed by the strong winds coming down the slope of the inland-ice and increasing in force and in clockwise deviation as one ascends to the limits of the observations. While they are therefore of great interest in revealing the strength and the upward extension of the glacial anticyclone, they have less direct bearing upon the question of circumpolar whirls.“ With the above data of Barkow and de Quervain before us, it seems that the time has arrived for laying the specter of the circum- polar whirl, and of returning to an objective basis of reasoning. Winps AsouTt THE MARGIN OF THE INLAND-ICE AS A MEASURE OF THE VIGOR OF THE ANTARCTIC ANTICYCLONE. The Zone of Control off “ Wilkes Land’’—The vigor of a glacial anticyclone may be measured, upon the one hand, by its extension upward from the glacier surface, as has been considered in the last section. Upon the other hand, it may be possible to use the exten- 61 Wegener, “ Drachen- und Fesselballonaufstiege,’ etc., pp. 55-59. 216 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE — [April 24, sion of its circulation outward beyond the glacier margin as an inde- pendent measure of its energy. This latter line of inquiry is a particularly fruitful one, for hitherto there has been a general tendency to delimit the zones of wind within the Southern ocean in terms of parallels of latitude.°° Some years ago under the strong impression that the vigor of the Antarctic anticyclone should domi- nate within an extra-marginal zone upon the sea, I plotted the wind observations regularly made by the Wilkes Exploring Expedition ;° es ras Fic. 8. Map of a portion of Antarctica on which the wind directions recorded by the Wilkes Exploring Expedition have been plotted, but with the margins of the continent corrected so as to accord with Mawson’s map. The arrows point to the wind quarter. but was puzzled to find that, whereas there was evident control by the anticyclone within a zone several degrees in width for all points to the westward of long. 150° E., this did not hold for the eastern portion of the route. Now that Mawson has definitely shown* Wilkes to have been in error in locating the margin of the con- tinent for that portion of his route to the eastward of longitude 150° E., the apparent lack of harmony which I encountered is suffi- 62 Cf., for example, Meinardus, I. c. 63 “ Wilkes’s Exploring Expedition,’ Vol. 11 (Meteorology), pp. 272-206. 64 Geogr. Jour.. Vol. 44 (September, 1914), pp. 257-286. 1915.] IN AIR CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 217 ciently explained. As will be readily seen by reference to Fig. 8, wherever Wilkes was within about three degrees, or some 200 miles, of the inland-ice, the prevailing westerly winds were replaced by southerly and southeasterly ones blowing off the ice. Mawson’s own observations leave us in no doubt whatever that this rule of control holds for those margins of the continent which he explored to the eastward of longitude 150° E. So apparent is the zone of control limited to a belt of 200 miles breadth, at the time of year when Wilkes made his observations, that the winds within and those without this zone for several de- grees further, have been plotted in separate roses with results shown in Fig. 0. ) — x7 Fic. 9. At the left; wind-rose based upon Wilkes’s observations at points distant less than 200 miles from the inland-ice; and, at the right; wind- rose for a zone several degrees in width lying immediately outside the zone of control. Capt. Davis of the Australian Antarctic Expedition cites an in- teresting incident in the voyage of the Aurora off “ Wilkes Land” which indicates he was at the margin of the zone of control.®*# The wind observations made by the “ Challenger Expedition” at points which we now know to have been near the inland-ice,® are confirmation of this conclusion that the effect of the anticyclone extends outward from the margins. Had the observations been 642 Home of the Blizzard, vol. 2, p. 4o. 65 Challenger Reports, Summary of Results, First part, chart 23. those of the first German expedition in 1901-03, offer valuable 66 W. Meinardus, “ Deutsche Siidpol-Expedition 1901-03,” Vol. 4 (Meteor., Wolke): pps 312-310: PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 218 0, PRINTED AUG. 9, IQI5. 218 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, taken in the winter season, it is well nigh certain that the zone of control would have been found much wider. EFFECT OF THE GREENLAND ANTICYCLONE UPon MIGRATING CyCLONIC DEPRESSIONS. Supposed Passage of Cyclones Across the Continental Glacier of Greenland.—A question which has been raised in connection with the Greenland continental glacier concerns the interaction of the glacial anticyclone and the migrating cyclones which have been sup- posed to move in toward the continent. Upon this assumption it might be held, upon the one hand, that the cyclone temporarily overwhelms the anticyclone, and “ springing over it’ continues upon its course; or, upon the other, that the cyclone is extinguished by the greater vigor of the anticyclone. Evidence which is now fast accumulating shows that, if the cyclones really advance toward the anticyclone, they are at least halted at its margin, and that both become parts of a system of exchanges planetary in its scope. There is, however, upon the assumption stated the possibility that an especially vigorous cyclone in approaching the Greenland coast during one of the weaker stages in the anticyclonic strophe, may make its influence felt not only upon the near side of the anticyclone but beyond it as well. Nansen’s Observations.——Nansen’s conclusion after his crossing of Greenland was, that “the plateau seems to be too high and the air too cold to allow depressions or storm centers to pass across, though, nevertheless, our observations show that in several in- stances the depressions of Baffin’s Bay, Davis Strait and Denmark Strait can make themselves felt in the very interior. We experi- enced, also, one instance of the crossing of a depression in the storm center which passed over us on September 8. This must have been, according to Professor Mohn, a secondary depression which lay over Baffin’s Bay some days before.”®? This was, however, in latitude 64° where the inland-ice is extended southward in a rela- tively narrow tongue. According to de Quervain on but one occa- sion during the period of his observations on the Greenland west &7“ First Crossing of Greenland,’ Vol. 2, p. 406. 1915.] DN ATRS CIRCUEATION: OF DHE GLOBE: 219 ‘ coast, was there “an approximation to establishing” a relationship between an extremely rare northwest wind in the upper levels and a deep low area which lay over the Greenland Sea.* The High Pressure Storms and the “Tauben” Depressions Registered at Danmarks-Haven.—In connection with the series of continuous meteorological observations made at Danmarks-Haven in northeast Greenland, Wegener found that while low pressure areas of normal character arrived at the station, they appeared to proceed from the area of the Greenland Sea; and in the absence of parallel observations, he assumed from the southward. The great storms came with an expansion of the high pressure area lying above the continent—so-called “high pressure storms.” During the two years over which the observations extended, there passed over the station on two occasions (October and January), what Wegener has called “tauben’’®® depressions. On these occasions the barom- eter took a deep plunge with reverse movement, as it does during the passage of a tropical cyclone; yet there resulted neither pre- cipitation of any kind nor any wind worthy of mention. This rather remarkable phenomenon Wegener has sought to explain as due to a cyclonic movement which has “sprung over” the anti- cyclone above the inland-ice, and in so doing has been robbed of its moisture,”? and also, it would seem, of its circulation. In view of all the facts, there is reason to doubt that “low” areas ever get across the larger domes of inland-ice; and the storm paths which Vincent has drawn across the continent of Greenland as though it were an expanse of ocean, should be accorded little weight, though it would seem that Wegener has been somewhat influenced by them." 68 De Quervain, “ Gleichzeitige Pilotballonaufstiege, etc.,” p. 146. 69 Perhaps best translated, “barren,” or “ sterile.” 70 A. Wegener, “ Meteorol. Terminbeob. am Danmarks-Haven,” pp. 328, 332-334. 71E. Vincent, “Sur la marche des minima barométriques dans la région polaire arctique, du mois de septembre 1882 au mois d’aotit 1883,” Mem. de Vacad. Roy. de Belgique, 1910. 220 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 24, THE FIXED Low PRESSURE AREAS MARGINAL TO THE INLAND-ICE MASSES. Antarctica——The Filchner expedition seems to have established the fact that a fixed cyclonic depression lies off the border of the Antarctic continent covering the indentation of the Weddeli Sea.” In the light of this discovery it now seems highly probably that a similar fixed depression lies above the indentation of the Ross Sea on the other side of the Antarctic regions and in nearly similar re- lationship to the inland-ice on either side.”* Greenland.—It is well known that a fixed low which is espe- cially marked in the winter season lies off the southeast coast of Greenland, usually assumed to wrap itself about Cape Farewell in the form of a crescent, and extends northward into Davis Straits.** Recent studies of the free atmosphere by de Quervain at various points on the west and southwest coasts of Greenland indicate that a stationary area of low barometer (probably continuous with this) extends northward in Baffin’s Bay as far at least as Disco Island.”® The simultaneous studies carried out with pilot balloons at Akureyri in Iceland, indicate clearly that a stationary depression lies over the Greenland Sea to the northward of Iceland and between the Green- land and Norwegian coasts.** The Danes from the journeys of bottles set adrift during the expedition of 1906-08, determined that the currents within this sea are such as would indicate a stationary cyclone, since movements were southward along but off the Green- land coast until near the latitude of Iceland, where they are de- flected eastward and later northward so as to follow the trend of the Norwegian coast.** Thus about both the glacial anticyclone C2 IL, 73 See R. F. Scott, “ Voyage of the Discovery,’ Vol. 2, p. 412; L. Ber- nacchi, “To the South Polar Regions, 1901,” p. 208; W. S. Bruce, “ Polar Explorations,’ New York, 1911, p. 187; Simpson, “ Scott’s Last Expedition,” Vol. 2, p. 324. 74 Cf., for example, Berghaus, “Atlas der Meteorologie,” Pls. 33-34. 7 A. de Quervain, “Gleichzeitige Pilotballonaufstiege in Westgronland und Island,’ Beitrage z. Physik. de Freien Atmosphare, Vol. 5, 1913, p. 145. 76 de Quervain, |. c., p. 146. 77 Alf. Trolle, “ Danmark-Ekspeditionen til Gronlands Nordostkyst, 1906- 08, under ledelse af L. Mylius-Erichsen,’ Med. om Gronl., Vol. 41, 1913. See also, Sir John Murray and Dr. J. Hjort, “ The Depths of the Ocean,” London, 1912, p. 284. 1915. ] IN AIR CIRCULATION OF DHE GLOBE: 221 groups it would now appear that the stationary “lows” are located where land barriers oppose a progressive movement. THE ROLE OF THE GLACIAL ANTICYCLONES OF H1iGH LATITUDES IN THE GENERAL AIR CIRCULATION. Circulation is Through Cyclones and Anticyclones, Not Merely Within Them —lIn an earlier section it has been shown how the preconceived notion of a polar cyclone, the circumpolar whirl, has held back the advance of knowledge where the polar regions are concerned ; and how this theory has now been effectually disposed of by the observations of de Quervain, Stolberg, Barkow and others. The progressing cyclones within the atmosphere were by Ferrel assumed to be symmetrical in their distribution, with warm upward- moving central portions and cold marginal rims; to circulate the same body of air which repeatedly passes through certain paths; and to have their origin in areas of excessive local insolation. Instead of being symmetrical, as has now so generally been as- sumed, the study of isotherms in connection with cyclones has shown that these lines usually trend in the United States from southwest to northeast, crossing the cyclone by quite regular paths instead of being circular about its center. The evidence derived from international cloud observations would seem to show that the cyclone is a form of circulation through which fresh portions of the atmosphere continue to stream; and both cyclones and anti- cyclones are to be regarded as eddies which at the surface of the earth have each a hot and a cold side. The same air streams through both, its progress when projected upon the earth’s surface being a sinuous line. Belts of Progressing Cyclones and Anticyclones about the Ant- arctic Glacial Anticyclones—TVhe southern hemisphere, being less invaded by the continents, offers for the purposes of study some advantages on the side of relative simplicity, and it has in its meteorological aspects been recently comprehensively treated by Lockyer,’® who has taken full account of the results of Antarctic 78 W. J. S. Lockyer, “Southern Hemisphere Surface Air Circulation,” etc., Solar Physics Committee under direction of Sir Norman Lockyer, London, 1910, pp. 109, pls. 15. 222 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE [April 24, explorations and has endeavored to show the conjugate relationship of the Antarctic anticyclone area with successive zones of cyclones and anticyclones which migrate in an easterly direction around it. Thus it is found that between the low pressure zones lying within the tropics, and the fixed high pressure area above Antarctica, there are centered near the latitude of 40° S., a series of broad anti- cyclones which progress eastwardly and produce the effect of a zone of mean high pressure.*® ‘To the southward of this series of anticyclones and centered near the latitude of 60° S., there are a series of more vigorous cyclones of smaller diameter but progress- ing eastwardly at about the same angular rate. As we now know from later observations, the stationary cyclones lying over the Weddell and Ross Seas, establish further connection with the anti- cyclones above the Antarctic continent. The cold outward flowing currents from the Antarctic conti- nent upon reaching the zones of progressing cyclones are believed by Lockyer to ascend in them upon the west side, thus accounting for the cold western half of these cyclones near the ocean level. The Australian Antarctic Expedition appears now to have sup- plied the evidence for such a rise of the air at the southern margin of the progressing cyclones near the borders of Adelie Land. As Mawson puts it: “Tt appeared as if we were situated on the battlefield, so to speak, of opposing forces. The pacific influence of the ‘north’ would hold sway for a few hours, a whole day, or even for a few days. Then the vast energies of the ‘south’ would rise to the bursting point and a ‘through blizzard’ would be the result.” At this junction zone of the glacial anticyclone with progressing cyclones, the air rises to produce rotating cumulus clouds, and it seems not unlikely that the interesting “ with this uprise.*° whirlies’ are connected The air having ascended in a cyclone on its journey northward toward the equator is believed next to pass downward through the progressing anticyclones to the northward, and to reach the ocean’s surface as the warm current on the west side of these eddies. 79 W. J. Humphreys, “On the Physics of the Atmosphere,” Jour. Frank- lin Inst., 1913, pp. 222-223. 80 Mawson, “ The Home of the Blizzard,” Vol. 2, pp. 157-8 (fig.). 1915.] IN AIR CIRCULATION OF THE GLOBE. 223 Mawson’s demonstration through wireless communications that the hurricanes of Adelie Land preceded by some 48 hours the arrival of storms at the Australian south coast, would seem to support strongly this view (Fig. 10).** it fs v Aye 2 h iA pis, Sch ah ex SSE 5 MD Meh \V ng Cay, = JEN ap [A aie te ae ae Gee | : —/ ee igen = es : VARS Gera Rez ey = . — : Fic. 10. Map to illustrate the prevailing atmospheric conditions to the southward of Australia (compiled from maps by Lockyer and Mawson). The Réle of the Glacial Anticyclones in the General Air Circu- lation to Draw Down the Air of the Upper Stratum in the Tropo- sphere and to Direct it Equatorward—From these geographical relationships it appears highly probable that the glacial anticyclones above the inland-ice masses stand in a definite conjugate relation- ship to stationary cyclones above embayments of the continent. 81 Cf., also, “The Home of the Blizzard,’ Vol. 2, fig. opp. p. 141. 224 HOBBS—ROLE OF GLACIAL ANTICYCLONE _ [April 2a, The glacial anticyclones of Greenland and Antarctica through draw- ing down of air from the upper levels and as a consequence of a throughout centrifugal surface circulation, are a very important factor in reversing the high poleward currents within high latitudes and directing them equatorward. The source of energy which Fic. 11. (a) World map to show the present position of the earth’s wind poles where the air of the upper stratum within the troposphere is in large part returned to the surface in glacial anticyclones. (b) World map to show the corresponding wind poles of the Pleistocene period. maintains the whole system in motion, is of course the sun’s heat concentrated within the tropics and in large measure absorbed over the continental glaciers (Fig. 11a). It is to be assumed that the 1915.] INGATRS CIRCULATION OL Dik GLOBE. 225 uplands of northeastern Siberia, the smaller masses of inland-ice within the Arctic region, and in fact any area where heat radiation is large, contribute in lesser measure to draw down the upper air currents and reverse their direction. It is the unhindered radiation of desert areas which is responsible for the anticyclonic conditions over them in the winter season. Abnormally high insolation in the summer season may, however, overbalance this effect and pro- duce cyclonic effects. The moisture locked up in the ice needles of the cirri and related cloud forms above those areas of ocean where evaporation is large, is thus returned to the earth and espe- cially within the glacial anticyclones. Of this moisture a portion is added to the glacier mass, but at the present time a much larger portion is blown off the glacier surface into the sea and so returned to its source in the waters of the ocean. University oF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR, March 12, 1915. DAE ES MOR TA PURE SPE GLE StOn GNOME Rae By BRADLEY MOORE DAVIS. (Read April 23, 1915.) There is probably no group of plants the genetic behavior of which has received so much study as the species of GEnothera. No group of plants is more prominently before the attention of experi- mental plant morphologists, and yet to many botanists it may appear that no group has yielded less of satisfaction. Among the workers with these forms there is the widest divergence of opinion, and of general conclusions there is little to show for the time that has passed since the appearance of “Die Mutationstheorie” in Igor and the many years of study that De Vries devoted to the group previous to this date. Can we find the point around which the difficulties cluster most thickly or from which the varied interpretations diverge most sharply? And, finding such a point can we formulate lines of experimentation that may clear the confusion of assumptions from which the various workers have proceeded to follow the lines of study that seemed to them to lead towards the light? To the writer the center of the difficulties lies in the fact that we have no accepted tests for the genetic purity of an Ginothera species. By the genetic purity of a species we mean such a constitution of the germ plasm that a form is able to produce gametes of one type only for each sex. That is to say all male gametes of the form should have the same germinal constitution and thus be physio- logically and morphologically equivalent, and all female gametes likewise should be of the same type. The male and female gametes may, however, differ in their respective effects upon the characters of a succeeding generation as shown by the marked differences exhibited by certain reciprocal crosses, for example, the reciprocals between biennis and muricata, or between biennis and franciscana 1 Genetical Studies on CEnothera—VI. 226 1915.] PURE ‘SPECIES OF GANOTHERA. 227 (De Vries ’13, Davis ’14). The zygotes of a pure species must be uniform since the gametes of each sex are respectively similar, and a pure species, to employ that convenient expression of Bateson’s, is therefore homozygous. It has generally been held that no further proof of the genetic purity of a species is necessary than the established fact that it will “breed true,’ and I venture to believe that at present most workers among the cenotheras regard this test as entirely sufficient to establish the character of any material with which they work. If any line of (:nothera breeds true in large cultures it is confidently regarded as homozygous. Should a line fail to breed true to any considerable degree it is stamped as a hybrid if the investigator inclines towards the methods of analysis characteristic of the Mendelian school. Those who believe in mutations are so fully content with this test that to them a form need breed only reasonably true to pass as a pure species and the departures from the type, called mutations, are interpreted as due to modifications of the germ plasm not, however, the result of hybridism. If a line of Gnothera fails to breed true to a very considerable degree and thus becomes suspected of a hybrid constitution, few workers would think of using it as favorable material for experi- mental studies to test the mutation theory. It is the lines which breed reasonably true that chiefly form the subjects of CEnothera discussions with reference to the theory of mutation. Such a line is the Lamarckiana of De Vries’s cultures which when grown in large numbers in selfed families appears uniform except for certain small proportions of individuals, “ mutants,” which stand out clearly from the mass with distinctive characters that are readily recog- nized and may be clearly described. It is important to note that these new types are not connected by intergrading forms with the parent Lamarckiana and that they appear in successive generations of Lamarckiana with certain degrees of regularity. More impressive than this history of Lamarckiana which has flowers open-pollinated, and consequently likely in Nature to have been crossed by insects, is the behavior reported for certain lines of Cnothera with flowers close-pollinated in the bud, a condition that obviously gives their own pollen the first chance to function and 228 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, thus greatly reduces the probabilities of cross-pollination. Such a plant is the biennis of Holland and other parts of Europe, a type of especial interest not only for its clear morphological characters but also because there is good reason for believing the line to be very old. This plant forms a large population in Holland with no near relatives and must have lived there for many years to have so thor- oughly established itself. Indeed it seems probable that this (Enothera, the Dutch biennis, has come down to us essentially un- changed from the times of Linnzus who gave us its name. We know of no plant better representative of a species of CEnothera and we know of no nothera which better satisfies the generally ac- cepted requirement that a species should “breed true.” (Enothera biennis L. in large cultures comes so true that hun- dreds of plants may be grown without finding a single departure from the type. Yet Stomps (714) in large cultures of selfed lines from a single wild plant collected in 1905 discovered that this Dutch biennis throws occasional marked variants (‘“‘ mutants”) and he de- scribed a biennis semi-gigas with the triploid number of chromo- somes (21), a dwarf type biennis nanella, and a color variety biennis sulfurea with pale yellow petals. De Vries (15) at once took up the study of certain of the lines established by Stomps and grew cultures which totaled 8,500 plants. Among these were 4 plants of biennis semi-gigas about 0.05 per cent., 8 plants of biennis nanella about 0.1 per cent., and 27 plants of biennis sulfurea about 0.3 per cent. Since the percentages from. Lamarckiana are for semi-gigas 0.3 per cent. and for nanella 1 to 2 per cent. it should be noted that with respect to these “mutants” bienmis appears to be the more stable of the two species, although the color variety biennis sulfurea constitutes a new type of variant in experimental studies on cenotheras. A culture of over 1,000 plants from selfed seed of biennis sulfurea, all with pale yellow flowers, produced 2 dwarfs thus establishing a “ double mutant” O. biennis mut. sulfurea mut. nanella. As evidence for the mutation theory of De Vries this behavior of the Dutch biennis is to the writer much more trustworthy evi- dence than the behavior of Lamarckiana for the reason that the latter plant in his opinion does not have a clear record of long 1915.] PURE SPECIES OF CHNOTHERA. 229 existence, and probably is a form of comparatively recent origin. De Vries (715, p. 173) has asserted again most vigorously his belief that Lamarckiana may be identified with a specimen from the United States collected by Michaux and now in the collections of the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (De Vries, ’14). With this view I cannot accord for reasons recently published (Davis, ’15a). The showing of “mutants” from CZnothera biennis can hardly be considered very encouraging for the mutation theory of organic evolution when it is remembered that biennis semi-gigas is self sterile, that biennis nanella is frequently weakly or diseased, and that biennis sulfurea is clearly a retrogressive type having lost the power of producing normal yellow flowers. Although O. biennis of all the cenotheras brought into the ex- perimental garden still seems to me the form most free from sus- picion of gametic impurity, nevertheless the line of Stomps has not, so far as we know, been subjected to the tests of a pure species sum- marized at the conclusion of this paper. De Vries (715, p. 173) is mistaken in quoting me as conceding for this species a pure origin. I regard it simply as the safest material yet known on which to conduct studies in mutation, and with which other forms may be crossed to determine by the constitution of the F, hybrid genera- tion whether or not their gametes are uniform. If in such a breed- ing test the F, progeny fall into two or more classes the assump- tion is justified that the form crossed with biennis must produce different classes of gametes. If the F, hybrid generation is uniform then it is clear that the functioning gametes male and female are respectively uniform. The fact that Lamarckiana crossed with bienms produces the “twin hybrids” Jaeta and velutina is, as has frequently been pointed out, one of the most important facts favor- ing the hybrid nature of Lamarckiana. It seems to me not improb- able that other species of CEnothera will eventually be isolated more stable than the Dutch biennis. Some exceedingly interesting observations have recently been reported by Bartlett (715 a, b, c) on the behavior of certain small- flowered, self-pollinated American cenotheras. When grown in selfed lines these forms exhibit a behavior similar to that of Lamarckiana and biennis in throwing off in successive generations 230 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A {April 23, certain new types. Thus from one of the species, Gnothera stenomeres, a mutant gigas appeared with the diploid number of chromosomes, and from another species, O. Reynoldsti, certain in- dividuals throw from 60 per cent. to 80 per cent. of dwarfs. It is too early to discuss the remarkable peculiarities of these forms since the material of Bartlett has not yet been tested for its purity along the lines presently to be discussed. Bartlett regards the new types as “mutants” in the sense of De Vries. The important point for our consideration at present is the fact that these wild plants ap- parently continue to reproduce themselves from generation to gen- eration even while giving rise to the new forms. With respect to the taxonomic status of the plants which we have just considered the writer sees no alternative but their recogni- tion as clear species. The Lamarckiana of De Vries, the biennis of Linnzeus, and most of the types which Bartlett has segregated from the American wild cenotheras breed true as to the mass of their progeny. What further qualifications can taxonomy in reason de- mand? Species they are by virtue of their morphology and by the test of the experimental garden which shows their characters to be stable to an extent that renders it certain that each line self-pol- linated will maintain itself unchanged, indefinitely as far as we can see, through successive generations. The argument that will follow as to the genetic constitution of these species of Cnothera does not in the least affect the matter of their recognition in taxonomy as species. It may be prefaced by two questions stated as follows: Are the types pure species, homo- zygous because the plants develop male gametes of one type only and because their female gametes have a uniform germinal constitu- tion? Or, are the types heterozygous developing different types of male gametes and different types of female; briefly expressed have they in some degree a hybrid constitution ? But it will at once be asked, how can a species be hybrid even to a small degree and yet breed as true as do these forms under consideration? Where in their behavior is evidence of a hybrid constitution such as might appear in the splitting off of numerous different forms varying from the parent type, some in small degrees and some in larger degrees? Where is evidence of an orderly segre- 1915.] PURE, SPE CIES# OR GNOTHERA: 231 gation of characters such as has been demonstrated by the Men- delian research of recent years? To these questions it must frankly be answered that only here and there are glimpses of situations which may possibly be interpreted in terms of Mendelian analysis. For example the characters of the “mutants” are frequently clearly retrogressive which indicates that gametes are formed lacking cer- tain factors and suggests phenomena characteristic of segregation from heterozygous stock and very common in Mendelian behavior. Again, the repetition of the same “mutants” in a series of genera- tions suggests a mechanism of precision such as we have come to associate with Mendelian inheritance. It is not, however, my pur- pose to argue at present this phase of the discussion for the experi- mental data before us is not 1n such shape that it can be handled to the best advantage. We admit that the “mutants” themselves do not establish their parents as in their nature hybrids. If they did there would of course be no discussion. Under two conditions and apparently two only can a hetero- zygous species be conceived as breeding true. First, if of the varied possible types of gametes only such unite and produce fertile zygotes as will perpetuate the same germinal constitution as the parent, then from such zygotes a heterozygous line might continue indefinitely as an impure or hybrid species. Under such conditions gametes which might in varied combinations give a series of different forms (segregates) are either not matured or if matured fail to function. Some degree of pollen and ovule sterility must be expected as the result of such conditions. Second, if of a varied assortment of zygotes formed by the union of different types of gametes, only those develop which have the germinal constitution of the parent then again a heterozygous line might continue indefinitely and constitute a species, although impure or hybrid in its nature. Since all of the zygotes which re- sult from other combinations of gametes either die or fail to develop beyond some early stage in the life history this condition would result in some degree of seed sterility or in the production of weak plants that must soon perish. Now the cenotheras as a group exhibit a very remarkable amount of pollen sterility and also a high degree of ovule abortion, and 232 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, these plants frequently give extraordinarily low yields of fertile seeds although seed-like structures may be formed in abundance. These facts we are just beginning to appreciate as offering prob- lems for study. They seem to the writer of vital importance to the discussion of Ginothera genetics, facts which the Mutationists cannot ignore and behind which the Mendelians can maintain at present a very strong defence for their interpretations of the pecult- arities of Cénothera behavior. With respect to pollen sterility it has for many years been known that Lamarckiana and other species of Cénothera present large proportions of abortive pollen grains. Bateson (1902) early seized on the point and suggested that the high degree of pollen abortion in Lamarckiana indicated a hybrid plant exhibiting partial sterility. Geerts (09) in an excellent account of the cytology of Lamarckina showed that approximately one half of the pollen grains fail to mature and that one half of the ovules fail to develop em- bryo sacs. Geerts (’09, p. 89) also made an examination of more than one hundred species of the Onagracee, giving us the condi- tions of pollen and ovulue fertility represented in some fifteen genera. He found generally in species of Cinothera and allied genera a degree of sterility similar to that in Cenothera Lamarcki- ana, about 50 per cent. for both pollen and ovules. On. the other hand certain species of Jussieua, Zauschneria, Epilobium, Boisdu- valia and Lopezia are wholly or almost wholly fertile. My own examination of conditions in the material of Cénothera with which in recent years I have worked has shown some remark- able differences in the amount of pollen and seed sterility. Such close pollinated types as the Dutch biennis, the Dutch muricata, American muricata (from Woods Hole), Tracyi, and a number of American small-flowered species (for example biennis A and biennis D of my cultures (Davis, ’11, p. 197 and 712, p. 385)), have very large amounts of sterile pollen. In the case of the Dutch muricata much more than 50 per cent. of the pollen has been sterile. Yet these are types which by virtue of their long history of close polli- nation might be expected to be among the purest of the species. On the other hand the race grandiflora B (Davis, ’11, p. 203), and the western species franciscana and venusta, all open pollinated 1915.] PURE SPECIES OF CGiNOTHERA. 233 species show hardly more than a trace of pollen abortion, and Jamesu from Texas only a small amount of sterile pollen. I have this winter tested the seed fertility of some of these species by ger- minating the seeds in Petri dishes after the method recently de- scribed (Davis, 150). The Dutch biennis gave a germination of about 96 per cent., the Dutch muricata about 72 per cent., grandi- flora B about 95 per cent., franciscana about 61 per cent., venusta about 87 per cent., and Jamesi about 91 per cent. It is interesting to note in the above list that the Dutch biennis with its very high percentage of fertile seeds (96 per cent.) has extensive pollen abortion and the Dutch muricata with seed ger- mination of about 72 per cent. has an even lower degree of pollen sterility. On the other hand there are species of Gnothera with both high seed and pollen fertility as illustrated by some races of grandiflora, venusta and Jamesii. I was especially interested in the conditions shown by my race grandiflora B with its almost per- fect fertility both as to pollen and seeds. This race isolated from a collection of mixed seeds gathered by Tracy in 1907 at Dixie Land- ing, Alabama, has always seemed to me to present a type of unusual purity. The line was started in 1908 by a cross of two similar plants (Davis, ’11, p. 203) representing the broader-leaved forms of grandiflora that were present at Dixie Landing and I have grown in small cultures several generations of the plant without noting departures from the type. I cannot accept the criticism of De Vries (714, p. 348) that my race grandiflora B is impure because from the same collection of mixed seeds of Tracy’s he obtained a diversified culture as I also reported (Davis, ’11, p. 203) when the line was first isolated, and because De Vries and Bartlett found the Dixie Landing station “desolate”’ five years after the visit of Tracy. This type may prove to be nearer to the desired pure spe- cies than the Dutch biennis. Jeffrey in recent papers (14a, ’14b, *15) has taken the position “that in good species the spores or pollen is invariably perfect ’ morphologically’ and from this standpoint refuses to consider La- marckiana and other cenotheras as suitable material on which to base experimental studies on mutations. ‘To him the mere presence of PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 218 P, PRINTED AUG. 9, IQI5. 234 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, abortive pollen suffices to stamp a form as hybrid in character. This represents an extreme view which in consideration of our ignorance of possible physiological reasons for pollen sterility can at present scarcely be claimed as more than an hypothesis. For the cenotheras we are greatly in need of cytological and physiological studies on pollen sterility more detailed than the incidental observations that have so far been published. With respect to the abortion of ovules among the cenotheras our information is practically confined to the observations of Geerts (709), mentioned above. It appears that in O. Lamarckiana and a number of other species only about 50 per cent. of the ovules de- velop embryo sacs. Other species also show varying degrees of ovule abortion. The ovules that fail to mature are represented in the capsules by a fine light brown powder known to all who work with cenotheras. Such powder is very common in the capsules of various species and their hybrids, and it seems probable that ovule sterility is as widespread in this group of plants as is the degen- eration of the pollen. As in the case of pollen sterility we do not know to what extent physiological conditions may also be respon- sible for the abortion of ovules. Pollen and ovule sterility involve of course the elimination from the life history of immense numbers of gametes and raise the fol- lowing questions. Can it be that this elimination throws out of the life cycle types of gametes with germinal constitutions differ- ent from the gametes that matured and that function? It is pos- sible that some of the CEnotheras species, in hybrid condition, reg- ularly mature for the most part particular classes of gametes which in conjugation will perpetuate the genetic line of the parent plant? Gametes even when normally developed may still not func- tion as when pollen grains fail to germinate upon the stigma be- cause its secretions are not suitable. It must also be borne in mind that there are yet other phases of the life history when gametes may become ineffective as through failure to conjugate or because of a high mortality among zygotes, embryos, or young plants; such forms of infertility are expressed in sterile seeds or in weak off- spring which never mature. Possibly the so-called “mutants ” arise when unusual gametes from hybrids, occasionally surviving the ex- 1915.] PURE SPECIES OF (ENOTHERA. 235 tensive process of degeneration, form zygotes also able to survive and to develop plants diverging from the parents. The subject of seed sterility among the cenotheras has scarcely been touched by the students of the group and yet it seems likely to become a factor of prime importance in its bearings on the problems of CEnothera genetics. Any worker among these plants shortly becomes aware of the fact that very many of the seed-like struc- tures which he sows fail to germinate even though seed pans are kept for many weeks. De Vries makes frequent reference to the facts of seed sterility and the writer has in recent years recorded the number of seeds sown in cultures and the number of seedlings that develop. The results are most surprising and must have sig- nificance although what that may be remains for the future to dis- close. A line of research has opened before us that will demand a special technique, for it is not enough to know merely that certain proportions of the seeds germinate within the time practicable for keeping seed pans under observation. Seed-like structures sown on the earth are obviously lost for further enquiry as to the facts of their viability; a proportion of seedlings appear but as for the residue, that cannot be examined. The residue may contain viable seeds the germination of which is delayed, or it may consist wholly of sterile structures. We must develop methods that will ensure the rapid and complete germina- tion of seeds in convenient receptacles such that the residue of sterile structures may be left for study after the seedlings have been removed and set in the earth. By such methods cultures of (Enothera may be grown in which one may feel confident that all of the viable seeds have germinated since by an examination of the residue it may be determined whether or not the seed-like structures have embryos. It is probably safe to say that no culture of Gno- thera has as yet been described in which we may feel certain that the progeny of the sowing is complete. During the past winter I have tested the percentage of seed fertility in some fifty species and hybrids of Gnothera germinating the seeds on pads of wet filter paper in Petri dishes. With this method may advantageously be combined the clever practical suggestion of De Vries (’15, p. 190) of forcing water into wet seeds by air pressure thereby greatly 236 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, hastening their germination. A description of a method of seed germination which will, I think, prove to be satisfactory in gen- etical work on Ginothera may be found in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. I., p. 360, 1915. The first investigator to make use of the facts of seed sterility in suggesting Mendelian interpretations of the behavior of La- marckiana and certain Ginothera crosses has been Renner (14) and his line of investigation has opened a field of research and spec- ulation that must be reckoned with in the future. Renner has studied the seed structure in Lamarckiana, biennis and muricata, and in certain crosses among these forms. His conclusion on the genotype of Lamarckiana will illustrate the principles underlying the method of attack. Since Lamarckiana when crossed with bien- mis and certain other species gives in the F, hybrid generation the twin hybrids /@ta and velutina it may be assumed to develop two classes of gametes which function. These may be spoken of as the leta and velutina gametes and are produced in about equal numbers. When Lamarckiana is self-pollinated the /eta and velutina gametes may combine in proportions to give I pure /eta: 2 leta-velutina: 1 pure velutina. It is a fact that more than one half of the seeds of Lamarckiana fail to develop normal embryos and Renner con- cludes that these sterile seeds represent zygotes homozygous re- spectively for the /eta and velutina factors. The fertile seeds de- velop from the heterozygotes with both /eta and velutina factors combined and this combination gives the characters of Lamarcki- ana. CEnothera Lamarckiana may thus be an impure or heterozygous species breeding true because of the death of such zygotes as carry the factors for /eta and velutina in homozygous conditions. This simple Mendelian explanation of the behavior of Lamarckiana points a line of interpretation and study certain to be fruitful in (Enothera research. Among hybrids of G:nothera the seed sterility sometimes runs extraordinarily high. The most remarkable illustrations of this fact so far known appear in the second generations of crosses involving the Dutch biennis and the Dutch muricata which exhibit certain remarkable morphological peculiarities discovered and described by De Vries (713). First generation hybrids of reciprocal crosses 1915.] PURE SPECIES OF GNOTHERA. 237 between these species grown by the writer in 1913 gave data on seed germination in the earth as presented in Table I. TABCE TT: F, Hysrips oF REcIPROCAL CROSSES BETWEEN O. biennis AND O. muricata. Culture. Cross. | Seeds | Sown in Seedlings. Germina- | Duration of | Sown., tion, Experiment. 13.33 F! biennis X muricata | 673 Earth | 139 20% 6 weeks 13.34 Fl muricata X biennis 153 Earth 07 63% 7 weeks It is probable from my experience with other species crosses that the viability of the seeds of these F, hybrids is really high and that the relatively low percentages recorded above are due to de- WIN BILIT, JU F, Hyprips oF RECIPROCAL CROSSES BETWEEN O. biennis AND O. muricata, IN- CLUDING CERTAIN DouBLE RECIPROCALS, SESQUIRECIPROCALS, AND ITERATIVE Hyprtips. Gulture Cross! Seeds | Sown | Seed- | Germina- | Duration of 5 Sown. in lings. tion. Experiment. I4.4I (13.33a) | Fe, biennis X muricata| 466 | Earth 8 1.7% 9 weeks. 14.42 (13.34c) | Fe, muricata X biennis| 205 |Earth| 35 12% 9 weeks. 14.43 double reciprocal 73. | Earth 8 11% 9 weeks. @3%33a1 113-34) GX m) X Gn X 5d) Ege iE sesquireciprocal 267 |Earth! 25 90% | 9 weeks. (14.33 X 14.16) (bo xXm) Xb *15.31 sesquireciprocal 282 Petri | 132 46% | 6 weeks. (14.33 X 14.16) (b Xm) Xb dish 15.32 iterative 22 | Earth I 4% _ | 9 weeks. (14.16 X 14.33) bX (b X m) 15.33 iterative 212 | Earth 2 0.9% 9 weeks. (14.33 X 14.20) (6 Xm) Xm *T5.33 iterative 2902 Petri | 42 14% 7 weeks. (14.33 X 14.20) (6 Xm) Xm dish 15.34 iterative 217 |Earth| 47 21% | 9 weeks. (14.34 X 14.16) (mXb)xXb - *15.34 iterative 3730 lebetrine7.3 19% | 4 weeks. (14.34 X 14.16) (m Xb) Xb dish 15.35 sesquireciprocal 246 |Earth|) 43 17% | 9 weeks. (14.34 X 14.20) (m Xb) Xm *T5.35 sesquireciprocal 498 Petri | 198 30% 7 weeks. (14.34 X 14.20) (m Xb) Xm dish 15.36 iterative 198 |Earth) 51 25% 9 weeks. (14.20 X 14.34) m X (m X b) layed germinations. But the figures for germination in the earth of F, hybrids and of double reciprocals, sesquireciprocals, and iter- 238 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, ative hybrids are most surprising in the degree of sterility or de- layed germination shown. They are given in Table I1l., where are also presented the records of four cultures sown in Petri dishes in which the germination was complete as proved by an examination of the residue. A comparison in Table II. of the record for culture 15.31 with S15 3s lseseuwith *15.33, and 15-25 wath) =15-35 will allustraremie gain in germination that may come through sowing seeds in Petri dishes. The percentages of germination presented above for the hybrids of biennis and muricata must not be regarded as expressing exactly the degree of seed fertility under the conditions of the experiments since with the harvests of seed are frequently found very many structures too large to be abortive ovules and too small to be counted as “seeds” in the sense of falling within the limits of seed size. These structures are probably undeveloped seeds but only a microscopical examination can determine this point; if so, their presence of course always lowers the percentage of zygotes capable of giving progeny. Bearing in mind the fact that pollen sterility in biennis and muricata is 50 per cent. or more and that pollen abortion in the F, hybrids is very much higher (in fact very little good pollen is pro- duced) the total amount of sterility both gametic and zygotic is simply amazing. Under such conditions how can the behavior of these hybrids be looked upon as indicative of anything but a most unusual situation, in itself very interesting, but far beyond the ex- pectations of normal hybrid behavior. This remarkable degree of sterility among the hybrids of biennis and muricata is perhaps ex- treme for the cenotheras, but it serves to illustrate conditions ex- tensively present in the writer’s experience and doubtless also in the experience of others. De Vries has described the hybrids between biennis and muri- cata as breeding approximately true which in the main has also been my observation. Apparently largely upon this behavior and that of certain other crosses he has reached the conclusion that hybrids between species of Cinothera are stable. In this opinion of De Vries I cannot agree for my crosses between grandiflora and certain small-flowered American species (Davis, ’12 and ’13), and between 1915.] PURE, SPECIES, OF (\GNODHERA. 239 biennis and franciscana have in the F, generations given abundant evidence of that extensive variation interpreted as segregation. I believe that the apparent stability of the very small progenies pro- duced by hybrids of biennis and muricata simply means that the remarkably high mortality among gametes and zygotes of these hybrids, or the delayed germination of their seeds, has prevented the appearance in our cultures of the diverse types which theo- retically would be expected. Any general conclusions on genetic behavior in the cenotheras which fails to take into account the phenomena of sterility rests upon insecure foundations. It is true that we do not know to what extent physiological fac- tors may affect seed sterility as well as pollen and ovule abortion. Nevertheless a main fact is clear, namely that seed sterility elimi- nates in certain Cinothera species and hybrids immense numbers of zygotes which fail to develop seeds. And, furthermore, we know for cenotheras that large classes of weak offspring are some- times produced that are unable to reach maturity. Seedlings with white or yellow cotyledons, which quickly die, are not uncommon in my experience with Cénothera cultures; in certain cases they have appeared in very large numbers (Davis, ’11, p. 222) and prob- ably have important genetical significance. This situation in Gino- thera finds a close parallel in the behavior recorded for a number of ‘ animals and plants. Thus Baur’s “ golden” variety of Antirrhinum is an impure or heterozygous form which besides reproducing itself throws a class of normal green plants and a class represented by weak yellow seedlings that shortly die. The yellow mice studied by Castle and Little although interbred always remain impure giv- ing progeny heterozygous for yellow because of the death of zygotes with a double dose of the factor for yellow. A dwarf wheat iso- lated by Vilmorin cannot be fixed since it always remains hetero- zygous throwing talls but never producing homozygous dwarfs. The white female form of the clover butterfly, Colias, was found by Gerould always to give yellow offspring either because of the failure of the gametes carrying white to conjugate or because zy- gotes homozygous for white fail to develop. A form of Drosophila characterized by confluent wings has been found by Metz only in the heterozygous condition, always throwing normals and never breed- 240 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, ing true; flies homozygous for confluent wings are apparently not viable. Is it not possible that parallel or related phenomena are extensively present among the cenotheras? The mortality as shown by sterile seeds may indicate the elimination of large groups of forms divergent from the parent types, and some of the curious dwarfs and aberrant plants which again and again have been re- ported in Ginothera lines may be from zygotes barely able to sur- vive the death-producing conditions that eliminate so many of their companions. So far we have considered evidence chiefly of a negative charac- ter for the contention that many of the species of Cénothera are impure or hybrid species. We have tried to show that pollen, ovule, and seed sterility must all be reckoned with as conditions which may eliminate Mendelian classes of gametes and hold a line to a history of relatively true breeding even though the stream of germ plasm remain heterozygous or impure in character. The nat- ural corollary of such behavior, if proven, might be the interpreta- ” as segregates from a hybrid stock that were able to survive the destruction meted out by conditions that produce sterility. To what extent the causes of sterility may lie in the history of gametogenesis or may be due to unfortunate com- binations of gametes, or to what extent sterility is the result of physiological factors, these are problems that lie before us. tion of so-called ‘‘ mutants Let us now examine some positive evidence that certain species of Gnothera do form distinct classes of gametes and in consequence seem likely to be heterozygous in their constitution. That which first demands attention is the situation discovered by De Vries in certain first generation hybrids and by him named “twin hybrids.” We have already referred to this phenomenon first described by De Vries (07) for the behavior of Lamarckiana which as a pollen parent in crosses with other species of Génothera gives not uniform F, generations but the two types /eta and velutina (twin hybrids), produced in about equal numbers. Certain “mutants” of La- marckiana also give twin hybrids under the same conditions as those produced by Lamarckiana. ‘The behavior is so exact that the simplest hypothesis must suppose that Lamarckiana and these “ mu- tants”? form two classes of gametes which are fertile in these par- 1915.] PURE SPECIES OF CENOTHERA. 241 ticular crosses. De Vries (’09) has also described “triple hybrids ” when the “ mutants” scintillans and lata are pollinated by such species as produce the twin hybrids from Lamarckiana. In such cases two of the forms have the characters of leta and velutina combined with those of the other parent, and the third form re- sembles the mother, either scintillans or lata. The phenomena of twin and triple hybrids is treated in detail by De Vries (713) in “ Gruppenweise Artbildung.” From a Mendelian standpoint the production of twin and triple hybrids is strong evidence that Lamarckiana and such of its “mutants ” as behave in this manner are impure or hybrid since the male or female gametes are not uniform, a point which has been emphasized by several critics of the mutation theory. De Vries assumes that Lamarckiana forms its different classes of gametes as a result of its mutating instability but the precision of the process falls completley in line with what we know of Mendelian behavior. The remarkable studies of Shull show that crosses between La- marckiana and cruciata give in the first generation polymorphic progenies of much greater complexity than the twin hybrids of De Vries. Shull’s results have not been published in full but, as I understand them, they indicate the interaction of several classes of gametes, a condition very far from what would be expected if genetically pure species had been crossed. Very interesting are the observations of Atkinson (’14) on first generation crosses between Cinothera nutans and O. pycnocarpa. These two forms are American species recently segregated by Atkin- son and Bartlett from the biennis alliance. They have bred true in garden cultures. When pycnocarpa is pollinated by nutans twin hybrids appear in the first generation. In the reciprocal cross nutans X pycnocarpa the same twin forms are produced and in addi- tion a third type, making this generation a compound of three dis- tinct forms, triple hybrids. Atkinson, apparently confident of the genetic purity of nutans and pycnocarpa assumes that the determina- tion of the twin and triple hybrids takes place through a differential division in the zygote by which factors representing certain char- acters are side tracked in the suspensor cell and only those respon- sible for the twins and triplets pass on to the embryo. There is no 242 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, cytological evidence that the first mitosis in the zygote of a higher plant is ever a differential division. To the writer the situation indicates that one or both of the two species is heterozygous and that for this reason classes of gametes are formed, appropriate combina- tions of which give the twins and triplets. No data has been pub- lished respecting the sterility of these two species, either of pollen or ovules, and nothing of seed abortion. An understanding of the genetic constitution of the species is likely to be a difficult matter, but it does not seem probable that both are pure. What shall be said of the probable purity of the plants of Cnothera and Raimannia with which MacDougal worked in his ex- periments designed to create new species by the injection of certain fluids into the ovaries. The parent material was reported to breed true, but the cultures were small and not long continued and there is no reason to suppose that a complete germination of the seeds was obtained. No information is given on the fertility of the species either with respect to the abortion of gametes or the proportion of good seeds. The material was not tested by cross breeding with other forms (the purest known) to determine whether the F, hybrids were uniform, a most necessary test in the establishment of a stock as homozygous. Thus from our present viewpoint we cannot accept MacDougal’s conclusion since the probabilities are very great that the new types which appeared in his cultures were produced not as the result of the injections but because of the genetic impurity of the plants themselves. In the above discussion the writer has taken definitely a Men- delian attitude in sympathy with the criticisms of Bateson and the studies of Heribert-Nilsson (’12) and of Renner (’14). There are constant suggestions of order in the phenomena of inheritance among the cenotheras which while they may not fall into simple schemes of Mendelian notation nevertheless do indicate system even though masked by complexities. That the complications at least in great part are due to the genetic impurity of the Ginothera material which has been so far the subject of study is the writer’s belief. The difficulties that surround the analysis of Gnothera inheritance are probably in very large measure due to the extraordinary amount of sterility, gametic or zygotic, or both, that is present in the group. 1915.] PURE SPECIES OF C/NOTHERA. 243 Upon students of this genus rests the responsibility of obtaining data on this sterility and, if possible, of discovering its causes. The assumption that a line represents a pure species because it breeds true is not a safe foundation upon which to conduct experimenta- tion in the cenotheras. This is the assumption upon which have been based many of the conclusions of the Mutationists, and from it we must dissent. We cannot depart from the principles underlying Mendelian methods of research which have so brilliantly opened the present century of biological investigation. Finally what are the tests that must be applied to an Gnothera species to determine whether or not it is pure. First—There is the breeding test and that must be applied with such experimental methods of seed germination (Davis, ’15) as will insure a complete progeny from the sowing, a progeny wholly repre- sentative of all types of viable seeds. Even then the breeding test is negative rather than affirmative in its conclusions. Should the form throw off numerous variants it naturally becomes a subject of suspicion, but should it breed true or relatively true that does not in this group of plants prove it to be homozygous in its germinal constitution. Second.—Information must be obtained on the character and degree of sterility present, both gametic and zygotic. Sterility,” unless shown to be strictly physiological in its character, suggests genetic impurity. Third.—Cross-breeding tests must be planned and followed in which the form under observation is mated with material of known genetic purity. If the hybrid plants of the first generation are essentially uniform and the result of a normal germination of the seeds the indications are strong that the form is truly pure provided that the gametes are likewise normally fertile. If the hybrids of the first generation fall sharply into classes the material must develop gametes of different germinal constitutions and is consequently heterozygous. One favorable cross with a pure species may not be sufficient to establish the purity of a form; a number of favorable tests with pure types will carry increasing conviction. It is thus not an easy matter to determine the fact whether or not a species of Gnothera is pure, and yet this is fundamental to 244 DAVIS—THE TEST OF A [April 23, experimental studies in the group. On the assumption of specific purity the Mutationists rest their conclusions. This condition with respect to the characters studied is also basic to Mendelian experi- mentation. It need scarcely be emphasized that no species of (Enothera has as yet passed the tests for genetic purity outlined above and that consequently we have at present no standard material with which forms may confidently be mated in the test of cross- breeding. It should become the concern of C£nothera geneticists to find and isolate pure material as the starting point of further studies in experimental morphology. Whether such pure forms will be found among the wild species or as products of the garden time will determine. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, May, I015. LITERATURE CITED. Atkinson, G. F. 1914. Segregation of Unit Characters in the Zygote of Cénothera with Twin and Triplet Hybrids in the First Generation. Science, XXXIX., 834, 1914. Bartlett, H. H. t915a. Additional Evidence of Mutation in Ginothera. Bot. Gaz., LIX., 81, IQI5. 1915b. The Mutations of Cinothera stenomeres. Amer. Jour. Bot., I1., 100, IQ15. t915c. Mutation en masse. Amer. Nat., XLIX., 129, 1915. Davis, B. M. 1911. Some Hybrids of Cnothera biennis and O. grandiflora that Resem- ble O. Lamarckiana. Amer. Nat., XLV., 193, I9QII. 1912. Further Hybrids of Ginothera biennis and O. grandiflora that Re- semble O. Lamarckiana. Amer. Nat., XLVI., 377, 1912. 1913. The Behavior of Hybrids between Ginothera biennis and O. grandi- flora in the Second and Third Generations. Amer, Nat., XLVIL, 447, 1913. 1914. Some Reciprocal Crosses of Cénothera. Zeits. ind. Abstam. u. Vererb., XI1., 169, 1914. 1915a. Professor De Vries on the Probable Origin of Ginothera Lamarck- iana. Amer. Nat., XLIX., 59, 1915. t915b. A Method of Obtaining Complete Germination of Seeds in CEnothera and of Recording the Residue of Sterile Seed-like Struc- tures. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., I., 360, 1915. De Vries, Hugo. 1907 On Twin Hybrids. Bot. Gaz., XLIV., 401, 1907. tg09. On Triple Hybrids. Bot. Gaz., XLVII., 1, 1909. r915.] PURE SPECIES OF CGENOTHERA. 245 1913. Gruppenweise Artbildung. Berlin, 1913. 1914. The Probable Origin of Génothera Lamarckiana. Bot. Gaz., LVIL, 345, 1914. 1915. The Coefficient of Mutation in Cnothera biennis L. Bot. Gaz., LIX., 169, 1915. Geerts, F. M. 1909. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Cytologie und der partiellen Sterilitat von CEnothera Lamarckiana. Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerland., V., 93, 1909. Heribert-Nilsson, N. 1912. Die Variabilitat der Ginothera Lamarckiana und das Problem der Mutation. Zeits. ind. Abstam. u. Vererb., VIIL., 80, 1912. Jeffrey, E. C. 1914a. The Mutation Myth. Science, XXXIX., 488, 1914. 1914b. Spore Conditions in Hybrids and the Mutation Hypothesis of De Vries. Bot. Gag., LVIII., 322, 1914. 1915. Some Fundamental Morphological Objections to the Mutation Theory of De Vries. Amer. Nat., XLIX., 5, 1915. Renner, O. 1914. Befruchtung und Embryobildung bei Ginothera Lamarckiana und einigen verwandten Arten. Flora, CVII., 115, 1914. Stomps, T. J. 1914. Parallele Mutationen bei Ginothera biennis L. Ber. deut. bot. Gesell., XXXII, 179, 1914. CONCREMONS IN SHREAMS HORE D Bie auins AGENCY OF BLUE GREEN ALGA AND RUBE IN EID)) JeILAUN A'S, Bye Jel INOSINON IROIDID, WIS, JER ID). (Read May 7, 1915.) In 1898, I discovered that concretionary formations occurred in Little Conestoga Creek, Lancaster County, Pa. At that time, however, I was engaged in other studies and gave the concretions only a passing notice. But in the late summer of 1914, my atten- tion was directed to the subject again by the reading of Dr. Wal- cott’s paper on ““Pre-Cambrian Algonkian Algal Formations” which appeared July 22, 1914. This paper made me realize the impor- tance of a careful investigation of these particular stream forma- tions as to characteristics, distribution, origin, etc. I began at once a careful and extended search in the Little Conestoga as well as in other streams for concretionary structures of recent formation. My search was amply rewarded by finding them in great quantities, and distributed throughout nearly the entire length of the Little Conestoga. I found also that they not only occur in the creek itself, but that quite large deposits of the concretions underlie the flood plain meadows along the creek banks. One of these in Ken- dig’s Woods, two miles southwest of Millersville, Pa., is made up wholly of concretionary materials on the top of which forest trees of large size and considerable age are growing. This deposit covers nearly an acre to the depth of about 8 feet in the middle thinning out lenslike toward its edges. Another deposit along the same stream near Fruitville in Evan’s Meadow, more extensive in area but of slighter depth, forms a substratum under a thick soil cover and has an average depth of about two feet. Deposited con- cretions occur under similar conditions in many other of the meadows along the stream as is shown by weathered concretions occurring in the soil and wash wherever wet-weather stream gullies have been torn through the soil cover. 246 1915-] RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. 247 Though these structures, as I shall show later on, are without doubt due to Algoid agency in the stream waters, it may be well to premise the full discussion of their origin by somewhat com- plete descriptions of their characteristics as to form, size, struc- ture, etc. In this way the attention of botanists and geologists will be directed to their study and distribution, so that their signifi- cance as agents of rock formation and the flora, responsible for their growth, may be fully worked out. Size and Shape.—The concretions both in the stream and in the deposits vary in size from peas to masses nearly a foot in di- ameter (see Fig. 1). The latter size is not very common in the Fic. 1. A group of the concretions showing their size, shape, surface appearance and color. No. I is 7%x10 inches; No. 2 is about 5 inches in face diameter and 3 inches thick; No. 3 is 8x7x5 inches. The two smaller con- cretions above are typical, both in color and surface appearance, of growing specimens. stream but many large concretions occur in the deposits probably because the smaller ones after deposition in land forms have been carried away in solution by percolating waters leaving only the larger forms. In the flood deposits in Kendig’s Woods thousands of the concretions when I found the deposit last summer measured nearly a foot in length and six inches or more in transverse diameter. 248 RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. [May 7, The smaller concretions are invariably ellipsoidal in shape (see Fig. 1), and quite symmetrical unless broken by flood action. The larger sized concretions, though of the same general shape, are less symmetrical. Those in the stream are nearly always more regu- larly ellipsoidal than those of the deposits in flood plains and stream bars. This is, no doubt, due to their weathering through solution or to their having been broken by flood waters during their transportation to their present positions. The concretions in the stream are quite firm in texture; those in the deposits are less compact. Both are porous and roughly coralline in general appearance and internal structure. In color they vary from bluish green to whitish. The growing specimens in the stream are generally bluish green. All specimens after exposure for some time to sun, air, and rain or to the action of soil waters become grayish white. Composition and Hardness—Though the composition varies slightly from place to place yet all are limy deposits concentric around a nucleus. The main constituents in the concentric layers are calcium carbonate, silica and organic matter of vegetable origin. Upon dissolving out the limy constituents with dilute hydrochloric acid, a mat is often left of vegetable materials composed of the matted stems or tissues and cells of low type plants such as mosses and alge. 5 Few of the specimens tested had a hardness as great as that of common calcite, most of them being about two in the scale of hardness. The weathered concretions are generally less coherent than those now forming in the stream. The following table shows the main constituents of the con- cretions : Constituents. A, B. Oreanice matter: eee ee eee 10% to 15% 1 to 12% [sO AAs es CEA Ry rR IHR marae 1% 1% SO ee a eee tie acsua yey er ne AUR a ant pe en 12% 12% CACO suet Sein cnconie yoke slalcrmtce aes elators 60% to 75% 70 to 80% Bie ese Smee Mm ek So a 1% 27% Pe Warne hrs NMED, . MADR euricle 3 irre naa Trace Trace IA orl CLO PAE es AM MI. aR ess eter Trace to 1% Trace to 1% A of growing specimens. B of specimens from flood plain deposit. 1915.] RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. 249 Structure-——Most specimens have as the nucleus a quartz or limestone pebble of the country rock. Near Millersville, where the stream flows for a mile or two parallel to an igneous dyke, the nuclei are diabase pebbles. But some specimens lack the stony nucleus having instead the limy layers concentric around a dark spot which proves upon close examination to be carbonaceous mat- ter resembling nearly structureless peat. Probably this was origi- nally a piece of wood or other vegetable tissue that carbonized after the concretionary lamine had accumulated around it. This sup- position has been verified in a number of cases by finding con- cretions with organic matter as nuclei (see Fig. 2). Fic. 2, Sections of a group of the concretions showing the laminae, concentric arrangement of the lamine, the nucleus or nuclear point, and eccentric manner of growth. One-third natural size. The nucleus in the small upper specimen is a small water worn quartz pebble. The larger upper specimen shows where the nucleus was broken out when the section was made. The concretions with stony nuclei may always be detected by their higher specific gravity. Around the nucleus of a specimen is layer on layer of the limy matter each lamina from one eighth to one fourth of an inch in PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 218 Q, PRINTED AUG. I0, 1915. 250 RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. [May 7, thickness. The laminze are not equally compact throughout their thickness, but are open and porous within and quite solid without. A polished section of any concretion exhibits many concentric ellipsoidal layers with the nucleus nearly always eccentric and the successive layers with a greater thickness on the one side and two ends than on the other side. The thickness of the successive lamine in any one direction out from the nucleus is nearly unit- form. In other words, along any radius the inner layers are just as thick as the outer ones. When found in place in the stream where the concretions have not been disturbed for a long time, the down side laminz are invariably a little thicker than those on the upper side. This indicates that the greater growth is downward. In appearance and structure, the concretions of the Little Con- estoga are very similar to the “Lake Balls” from Lake Canan- daigua, New York, so vividly described by Dr. Clarke, under the name of “ Water Biscuits.” They are also somewhat similar though much larger in size to the oolitic sands found forming in great numbers in the waters of Great Salt Lake by A. Rothpletz and traced by him to the agency of blue green alge. Where Found—UvUpon recognizing the importance of a thorough study of the Algoid concretions, I began a systematic search in all parts of the Little Conestoga as well as in other streams of both Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania. My search showed that these objects abound in all parts of the Little Conestoga nearly from source to mouth. But no other streams in this part of the state have so far yielded any specimens. Those found in the sand bar in Lake Canandaigua near the mouth of Sucker Brook are probably also of stream origin, and I feel confident that a careful search in the brook would reveal at least some, if not many, of the concretions. Substances somewhat similar in composition occur in other lakes than Canandaigua though they do not have the con- cretionary form. Thus laminated reef-like accumulations of Algoid origin occur in Round Lake, New York, while marly or tufa- ceous deposits have accumulated for ages and are still forming in many lakes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana. The tufa and thinolite described by Russell as forming in Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 1915.] RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. 251 are now regarded as of similar origin though differing much from the Little Conestoga concretions in both form and structure. That concretions similar to those found in the Little Conestoga occur in other streams is evident from observations made in Center County, Pennsylvania, by Dr. Wieland, who, however, had not recognized them as of Algoid origin until I called his attention to the well known activity of some algz in precipitating calcium carbonate. In a recent personal letter to me Dr. Wieland describes concretions that he found in 1888 in a stream near Lemont, Center County, Pa. He, however, says, “I just thought of them as very interesting objects from the viewpoint that they showed once more how abun- dant is CO, whether derived from plants or other sources. In short I knew too much and too little to make the least use of what I found.” Origin.—In 1854, W. Ketchell in the First Annual Report of the Geological Survey of New Jersey refers to Chara as active agents in the formation of fresh water marl. In 1864 Frederick Cohn found that a number of aquatic plants, especially Chara Mosses and Alge, caused the deposition of travertine at the waterfalls of Tivol1. The deposition he attributed to the activity of the plants in absorb- ing carbon dioxide and so setting the lime carbonate free. That is, these low type plants consume carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. When this is done in water containing calcium bicarbonate they deprive that salt of its second molecule of carbonic acid and the insoluble neutral carbonate of lime is precipitated. W. S. Blatchley and G. H. Ashley in their report on the lakes of Indiana in 1900 also refer to the activity of plants in the pre- cipitation of insoluble lime carbonate. But they also thought that the dissolved lime brought into the lakes by streams and deposited mechanically by evaporation was a more important agency than the plants. In 1900 C. A. Davis discussed the origin of the marls of the lakes of Michigan and came essentially to the same conclusion as Cohn. He says: “But in water containing amounts of salts, especially of the calcium bicarbonate, so small that they would not be precipitated if there were no free carbon dioxide present in the water at all, the precipitation may be consid- 252 RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. [May 7, ered a purely chemical problem, a solution of which may be looked for in the action upon the bicarbonates of the oxygen set free by the plants. Of these calcium bicarbonate is the most abundant, and the reaction upon it may be taken as typical and expressed by the folllowing chemical equation, CaH:(COs)2 + O—> HeO + CaCOzs -+ COz+ 0, in which the calcium bi- carbonate is converted into the normal carbonate by the oxygen liberated by the plants and both carbon dioxide and oxygen set free, the free oxygen possibly acting still further to precipitate more calcium monocarbonate, CaCOs.” Dr. F. W. Clarke in “ Data of Geochemistry ’”’ says: “That Dr. Davis’ theoretical equation (given above) rests on no ex- perimental basis.” In an article in Science dated December 14, 1914, J. Claude Jones, of the University of Nevada, says that the tufas of Salton Sea and of Pyramid Lake owe their origin to blue green alge. He shows that wherever these plants are present in Pyramid Lake the gravels are cemented together and wherever the alge are absent no trace of the tufas can be found. Dr. Clarke ascribes the origin of the “ Water Biscuits” of Lake Canandaigua to the same agency. Miss Josephine Tilden in Minnesota Alge (1910) says that Gleocapsa calcarea forms a calcareous crust (with other lime secret- ing forms) on boards where spring water from a trough drips down constantly. Weed in his classic report (1889, U. S. G. S.) on the rock for- mations of the hot springs of the Yellowstone National Park shows that travertine as well as siliceous sinter are deposited through the aid of alge. Dr. B. M. Davis, of the University of Pennsylvania in a very interesting paper (Science, Vol. VI., July 30, 1897) describes the alge and bacteria active in the formation of the travertine and siliceous sinter deposits in Yellowstone Park. Dr. MacFarlane, of the University of Pennsylvania, in speaking of the activities of thermophilic alge of hot spring and geyser regions, ascribes many rock formations throughout the earth’s his- tory as due to the work of fresh water alge especially of the group Cyanophycez. 1915.] RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. 253 EvIDENCES THAT THE ACTIVE AGENTS OF THE CONCRETIONARY FORMATIONS IN THE LITTLE CONESTOGA ARE BLUE GREEN ALGZ. That the concretions described in the first part of this paper are the result of life processes of plants may be proved in a number of different ways. (1) The color of all growing specimens in the stream is the characteristic bluish green color of the Cyanophycee, while those exposed to rain and sunshine are grayish white. Care- ful microscopic examination also of such growing specimens re- veals a varied thallophytic flora mainly of the Cyanophycez. Species of the genera Gleocapsa, Gleotheca, Aphanocapsa, Nostoc, Oscillatoria and Rivularia have been identified. Associated with these are several of the green algze (Chlorophyceze). Many species of the Diatomaceze and Desmidacez which generally live in close association with blue green alge have also been identified and have, no doubt, contributed the siliceous matter which is disseminated through the calcareous matrix. Among the diatoms, species of the genus Navicula both in free forms as well as stalked forms on algz are quite prominent. The Charas are also occasionally present, contributing a small percentage of so-called marly material. Some bacteria have also been found in association with the other plants but the bacteria have probably had little to do with the calcareous deposition, but may contribute the iron which I find present in every concretion that I have analyzed. (2) The arrangement and structure of the laminz also favors the view that these concretionary accumulation are due to life processes. That periodic accretion alternates with a period of quiescence is shown plainly by the concentric laminations of nearly uniform thickness. The open porous nature of each lamina within and the more solid character without, like the concentric arrange- ment, is due without doubt to the seasonal conditions of the region. Since alge are essentially thermophilic plants, each winter destroys many of them and stops the growth of most of the rest and thus at the beginning of the plant year (spring) few and widely scat- tered algz at first produce slow and scattered accretion of the limy matter ; later the plants become more abundant and by summer they are crowded over the surface of each mass. This distribution of the algz seasonally would naturally have its effects upon the struc- 254 RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. [May 7, ture and arrangement of the limy matter giving a decided though rough coralline appearance to the inside portion and a more com- pact texture to the outer part. The theory just given has been con- firmed by a study of the distribution of the algz on the concretion- ary bodies through the seasons. The fact also that when the limy matter is dissolved out with acids, a mat of vegetable chains and cells remains nearly as large as the original concretion is also con- firmatory. Even in the concretions which are centuries old as those in the forest covered deposit in Kendig’s Woods the dead cells and chains of blue green alge may be found. (3) Lime secreting algz are found in the Little Conestoga dur- ing the entire year but abound from May till December. They occur not only in the water but encrust many objects, in a few places forming small reef-like accumulations similar to those in Round Lake, New York. (4) Quite an array of investigators, among whom we may men- tion Agassiz, Bigelow, Gardiner, Murray, Finckle, Vaughan, Wal- ther, Drew, Matson, Dall, and Sanford, have studied at first hand the activities of alge of the genera Lithothamnion and Halimeda and also some of the bacteria in various parts of the ocean and in many seas. All have come to the conclusion that many of the so- called coral reefs owe their existence partly and often largely to the activities of these lowly plants. The Bermudas, the Bahamas, the Laccadive and Maldive Archipelagoes, Funafuti, and extensive rock beds in the Floridian Peninsula have all originated through plant agency as much as through coral polyps. If this be true, it is not only possible but probable that fresh water blue green algze throughout all the ages have caused and are still causing the precipi- tation of rock materials from minerals in solution in streams and fresh water lakes. (5) Weed has proved that the concretions formed in geyser basins and known as Geyserites are formed by algz which through life processes cause the precipitation of the siliceous matter held in solution in the hot water. (6) The observation that the laminar accretion seems to pro- ceed more rapidly on the under side of a concretion proves that the formations are not due to mechanical precipitation of lime carbonate 1915.] RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. 255 through evaporation or change of temperature. It does, however, suggest that the secretion or precipitation is chemical and dependent on a life process that produces conditions for chemical reaction where the plants or animals are most abundant. (7) Conway MacMillan in Minnesota Plant Life says: “Some slime moulds have the power of incrusting their tiny fruit bodies with lime which they extract from their soil or from rain water which falls upon them. Such forms are often observed in Minnesota upon dead wood or fallen leaves, generally, in moist shady places in the deep forest. Some of the blue green alge have the power of encrusting themselves with lime and in watering troughs and tanks there sometimes occurs a calcareous formation reminding one of the deposit in old tea-kettles. Such a crust is true limestone extracted from the water by the chemical activities of the alge.” Upon a larger scale the blue green alge have been conclusively shown by Weed to be important factors in travertine formation in the hot springs and geysers of Yellowstone National Park. Dr. MacFarlane without knowing of my discovery in the Little Conestoga Creek has expressed the opinion that these apparently insignificant plants have throughout all the ages played and are still playing in all waters an important part in the formation of lime- stones and dolomites. (8) The fact that many more or less ancient rocks have been demonstrated to be of algoid origin by various scientists and are similar to the Little Conestoga concretions in their concretionary or laminated structures or both is favorable to the view that algz are just as important agencies in rock formations in the present geo- logical epoch as in the past. The similarity of Cryptozoon pro- liferum, Ozarkian odlitic formations, Newlandia frondosa, Camasia spongiosa, Collenia compacta, Collenia undosa and other structural forms in rock formations to the work of recent alge in hot spring and geyser regions has been vividly shown by Walcott, Wieland, B. M. Davis and others. Some, at least, of the above-named for- mations can be strikingly duplicated in their structural peculiarities by the Little Conestoga concretions and reef-like masses of Round Lake,—the Potsdam-Hoyt formation of New York state being especially like what would result were infiltrating waters, cementa- tion, and other solidifying agents or processes to act for a long time upon the great mass of flood deposited concretions of the Little Conestoga in Kendig’s Woods. 256 RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. [May 7; MINERAL CONTENT OF THE LITTLE CONESTOGA WATERS. One would infer from the number of concretions growing in the Little Conestoga and also from the thickness of each lamina in a concretion that the mineral content of this stream’s waters is high. I have verified this by determining the salinity of the stream under varying conditions. The salinity in a wet month was 330 parts in a million, while in a dry month this rose to 365 parts in a million. Streams in which I have found no trace of concretionary structures have a much lower salinity, the Big Conestoga Creek for example having a salinity of 190, the Pequea Creek 195, and the Susque- hanna, in March, above the mouth of the Pequea and below the mouth of the Big Conestoga, about 200 parts in a million. The various springs flowing into the Little Conestoga have an average salinity nearly as high as that of the Little Conestoga itself. The basin of the Little Conestoga is underlain with much more soluble limestone than any of the other streams so far investigated. This accounts for the high salinity of its waters and also for the distribution of the concretions so far as we know that distribution. Further search and study will certainly reveal that many streams of the world contain concretionary structures and determine the conditions of their distribution and formation. I trust the be- ginning | have made in the investigation of stream concretions will lead to a wide and thorough study of this interesting and important biological as well as geological problem. The various facts tabulated on page 257 and correlated with the fact that the blue green algz are about equally abundant in the various streams mentioned in the table would seem to indicate that deposi- tion of CaH,(CO,), is always going on in all the streams during the growing season, but that when the salinity is low solution by the stream waters balances deposition and no concretions are formed. When, however, the salinity is high, solution can not take place and laminated structures due to seasonal or other changes are formed either in concretionary form or more rarely as reefs. This is put forward as a working hypothesis, many more observations and analyses are needed however before the various problems connected with these formations can be fully solved. 1915s. ] RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. 257 TABLE SHOWING RELATION BETWEEN THE SALINITY OF STREAMS AND THE PRESENCE OF CALCIUM CARBONATE CONCRETIONS. Salinity, ayaa Concretions Stream or Spring. Month. |Partsin One| Nature of Salinity Present in Million. (Chiefly ). Stream. I. Little Conestoga......... Feb. 5 330 CaH2(COs3)2 {Abundant 2eelbittles COnestogala. esse March 300 is BalvittleiConestogay o5..4.. - April 3605 a ve 4. Branch Run, tributary to} Little Conestoga....... April QI a None 5. Big Conestoga........... Feb. I52 Wi None Own Big, Conestogae acim sec: March Too tk None Ta BigiConestOgan wis a oe cla wel: April I50 ic None but many gas- teropods 8. Duing’s Run, tributary to BigsConestoganee aes: | April 195 sf None OnmPequeay Greek aie s a sas April 195 i None LO, Donegal Run. ......5:.... April 404 ss Abundant 11. Nissley’s Dam‘in Donegal| Run, further upstream) Cha TapTON cletatencievers dievece a | April 400 ne Many but small 12. Donegal Run near source...| April 230 = None 13. Bellaire Branch of Donegal None except RUTTER ag ney eat IAN | April 208 ss near mouth TA tetlerGhickiess .s). as) 4.6 April 170 uy None 5pm icy Chickiesheericinen er: April 171 re None 16. Big Chickies farther up- SEE amare cue yeti einen | April T74 or None FurTHER NoTES ON CONCRETIONARY FoRMATIONS IN STREAMS. Since writing the above I have been fortunate enough to find a new locality for concretions. Knowing that Donegal Township, Lancaster County, comprised a notably large area of Cambro- Ordovician limestones, I judged that its streams would be favorable to the growth of calcareous concretions through the agency of blue green alge. Search on April 25, in Donegal Creek, revealed these objects in greater abundance than in the Little Conestoga. One meadow of fully 12 acres bordering the stream about one mile underlain with a bed of con- cretions not less than a foot in average thickness throughout its northeast of Marietta was found to be And this was under a soil cover of more than a foot in depth that had, apparently, resulted from the weathering and disintegration of the same objects. entire extent. The great flood deposits of con- cretions in this and neighboring meadows were paralleled by large quantities in the stream itself, fully one fifth of the stones in some 258 RODDY—CONCRETIONS IN STREAMS. [May 7, places in the stream channel being of concretionary origin as shown by their shape, laminated structure, and composition. The finding of the new locality is of great interest. It shows that a careful, intelligent, and systematic search will reveal these formations in many other regions of the world wherever the proper conditions exist for calcareous and siliceous precipitation through the life processes of plants. But the geological significance of the great meadow deposits also needs emphasis. The large accumulation in the Donegal Town- ship Meadow represents a comparatively long period and this indi- cates a considerable antiquity of the plants which form the concre- tions. Then too, such a bed of closely packed concretions is highly suggestive of the manner in which some ancient rock beds orig- inated. For were such accumulations of concretions as those in the Donegal Meadows to be consolidated by the action of infiltrat- ing waters, pressure, heat and chemical change solid rock beds would result nodular in appearance and concretionary in structure hardly distinguishable from the Hoyt Potsdam beds of New York. Species of the following genera of the Cyanophycee are found as- sociated with the calcareous concretions occurring in Donegal Creek, Lancaster County, Pa..: Glwocapsa, Microcystis, Calospherium, Aphanocapsa, Oscillatoria, Rivularia, Nostoc, Chroococcus. There are also species of Protococcus, many species of Diatoms, several species of Desmids, various species of the Chlorophycez, several species of Phzeophycez, and species of Rhodophycee. MEE CONDIMIONS OF BEACE SHALE DEPOSMION AS Len OSMRVAT EH Da BY. ME eU Pithes Grill hE RevAWN D) LIAS OF GERMANY. Bya CHARTES "SCHUCHERAS (Read May 7, 1915.) Stratigraphers do not agree as to the conditions under which the black bituminous shales so often met with in American Paleozoic marine deposits were laid down. Among the more striking of such formations may be mentioned the Quebec, Martinsburg, Colling- wood, Utica, Maquoketa, Genesee-Portage, Ohio, Chattanooga, and Caney, formations ranging from the Ordovician to the Pennsyl- vanian. To aid in the interpretation of such black shales, the writer presents herewith the main results set forth by Professor J. F. Pompeckj, of the University of Tubingen, in a publication that will not be of wide distribution in America.t The following is a decided condensation and in part a free translation of his exhaustive paper, which is replete with bibliographic references. The Kupferschiefer of Germany are of Middle Permian age, and occur near the base of the Zechstein, the time of marine in- vasion over the previous continental series known as the Rotliegende. In general, the bituminous dark shales occur above the basal Zech- stein conglomerate and below the Zechstein dolomite, and occupy an area of at least 60,000 square kilometers in middle and western North Germany. The average thickness of the copper shales over wide areas is about 30 inches, but varies from nothing to a maximum and exceptional local thickness of 35 feet. However, in many places there are no black shales and then the equivalent deposits, or the basal strata of the invading Zechstein, may be conglomerates, sands, shaly limestones, or dolomites. In other words, the black bitumi- nous shales do not prevail everywhere, and the same is true of the metal sulphides. 1“ Das Meer des Kupferschiefers,” Branca-Festschrift, 1914, pp. 444-494. 259 260 SCHUCHERT—BLACK SHALE DEPOSITION. [May 7, The copper-bearing shales usually succeed the basal conglomer- ates or sands and finally become gradually more and more cal- careous, passing upward into the normal Zechstein dolomite of wider distribution. The latter has an abundant though monotonous fauna indicative of peculiar marine conditions and not much like that of the Tethyian mediterranean to the south, which is of normal sea environment. The paleogeography indicates an inland sea, bounded by continuous land, in the north by Fennoskandia across to England, thence south to France and Belgium, and east over South Germany to Bohemia. In the east only were there limited connections with the Russian and Arctic Zechstein sea. The previous orogenic move- ments resulting in the Paleozoic Alps of central Europe had been greatly reduced, so that the streams flowing into this Permian sea were sluggish and delivered only the finest of muds and solution materials, while those flowing out of regions of igneous rocks were charged in addition with copper, zinc, and silver. The Kupferschiefer are fissile, tough, dark to black, highly bituminous (6 to 20 per cent.), clay shales with considerable cal- careous material that increases in amount upward (locally to 45 per cent.). Copper sulphides variable in quantity and nature are present, and because of this ore the strata have been mined in Germany for seven hundred years. Under the microscope the shale is seen to be made up of finest clay substance colored yellow-brown to black by bitumen. Throughout the clay there are scattered, layered, or aggregated in the form of thinnest lenses varying amounts of tiny crystals of calcite and needle-like splinters of quartz. Black coaly dust is also more or less abundant and especially among the clay particles. The flora and fauna of the Kupferschiefer are small and at best do not include more than 1 land stegocephalian, 2 land reptiles, 17 fishes (5 selachians, I crossopterygian, the rest ganoids) with structures indicating forms that lived on or near the bottom of the waters, I nautilid, 1 gastropod, 1 scaphopod, 10 bivalves, 3 bryozoa (Fenestellide), 5 brachiopods, 1 problematic starfish, and 11 species of land plants. This assemblage is brought together from many localities and the species of fishes are usually based on single speci- mens, indicating that the biota is not a natural assemblage, but is 1915.] SCHUCHERT—BLACK SHALE DEPOSITION. 261 made up of land and marine forms plus fishes, most of which appear to be of fresh water habitat. The only common fossils are the ganoid Paleoniscus freieslebem, Lingula credneri, “ Asterias” bituminosa (problematic), and the small bivalves Nucula beyrichi and Bakevwellia antiqua (sometimes in colonies). In other words, the life consists of land-derived forms (3 vertebrates and 11 plants), fishes (5 probably marine and certainly bottom-feeding, and 12 apparently of river origin), and 22 marine invertebrates all but one of which are forms living on the bottom of the sea, attached to it or to floating objects. While the invertebrates indicate plainly that the copper shales were laid down in the sea, the great scarcity of fossils shows that the forms recovered are in the main not in their normal habitat. It appears that only 3 species (the invertebrates cited) were able to adapt themselves to the peculiar conditions of the copper-depositing seas. Not a single scavenging animal is found, and the fact that so many fishes (17 species) were present as food (Paleoniscus freieslebeni is often more or less decomposed by sulphur bacteria) indicates that the bottom had no scavengers and that it was not a favorable place for any kind of life. Pompeckj has carefully studied the fishes, and as all or most of them are carnivorous (some are shell-feeders) the question is raised: On what could they have fed, since there was so little bottom life? He admits that there may have been present an abundance of soft- bodied and shell-less invertebrates on which they preyed, but finally concludes that it is much more correct to assume that most of the fishes (at least 12 species) were drifted into the sea from the rivers. If they also lived in the sea, it must have been in the oxygenated surface waters or the shallow shore regions. On the other hand, the invertebrates present indicate that nearly all of them fed on micro- scopic plants and animals (no ostracods are present, however) and it is perfectly natural to assume that the surface and sun-lit waters abounded in a varied plankton, as do the seas and oceans of today. It was this world of minute forms, the plankton, that rained into the depths, feeding the sparse brachiopod and molluscan life and the common sulphur bacteria. Moreover, it is the abundant surface plankton that in all prob- ability has furnished most of the bituminous matter, assisted further 262 SCHUCHERT—BLACK SHALE DEPOSITION. [May 7, by the land-derived fishes, while the coaly substance has resulted from the land plants. Along the shores, in the oxygenated waters, there probably also was an abundance of sea-weeds and among them doubtless lived most of the invertebrates preserved in the Kupfer- schiefer. The marine plants are broken up by the storms, and the water currents plus the undertow generated by the waves and tides drag this material into deeper waters, where it is slowly rotted and further altered by the sulphur bacteria. There results a foul bot- tom, free of oxygen, and reeking with carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The chemical reactions set up here (diagenesis) result in the deposition of the metal sulphides (copper, zinc, silver) and the bituminous alteration products. The paleogeography, as stated above, indicates an inland and almost land-locked sea. Into such a basin the currents generated in the oceanic areas can at best enter but little, and that such did not enter in any marked degree is seen in the almost complete ab- sence of floating and swimming invertebrates. As for the general physical conditions, Walther thinks of stagnant waters, with marine swamps; Kayser of quiet bays of inland seas with foul bottoms; and Dosz of stagnant places like the present bays around the island of Oesel, where the bottoms are rich in iron sulphide deposits, the healing or medicinal muds. Pompeckj, however, finds more or less valid objections to all of these suggestions, and thinks the best present analogue to be the Black Sea, whose physical and organic conditions are now well understood through the work of Andrus- sow and Lebedintzew. In other words, the Kupferschiefer sea is “a fossil Black Sea” in nearly all its characteristics except depth. With regard to the conditions of the Black Sea, it is an inland, relic sea, which was once a part of the Tethyian mediterranean. Its greatest length is about 715 miles and its maximum width 380 miles (making its area 170,000 square miles), and it attains 7,360 feet in depth. Flowing into it are many rivers, among the largest of which are the Danube, the Dnieper, and the Don. Its only outlet of surface water is through the strait and over the barrier of the Bosporus into the Sea of Marmora and thence through the strait of Dardanelles into the A®gean Sea and the Mediterranean. A compensating but smaller inflow of salt water (salinity 3 per cent.) 1915-] SCHUCHERT—BLACK SHALE DEPOSITION. 233 occurs at greater depths. The shores are high and bold on the northeast, east, and southwest, and flat on the north and northwest. Andrussow? has described the physical and bionomic conditions of the Black Sea as follows: Beyond the shallow marginal waters of 600 feet depth there is no bottom-living life (benthos), while in the surficial fresher waters down to about 750 feet there is a more or less great abundance of floating, usually microscopic, open-sea forms (plankton) and the larger, free-swimming life (nekton), col- lectively also spoken of as the pelagic biota. This upper layer of freshened water and its peculiar life conditions are brought about by the enclosed nature of the deep basin, the inflowing of immense quantities of less dense fresh water that remains at the surface or is there evaporated, and a deep-seated, partially compensating cur- rent of salt water from the Sea of Marmora through the strait of Bosporus. It is estimated that it takes about 1,700 years to renew the entire salt-water content of the Black Sea. Because of these differences between the lighter surface and the heavier bottom salt waters, there is no vertical streaming nor convection currents beyond 750 feet of depth, and therefore no re- plenishing of the deeper marine waters with the oxygen that is so necessary for the maintenance of benthonic life. At the depth of 600 feet, hydrogen sulphide begins to form (33 c.c. in Ioo liters of water) and increases rapidly with the depth to 3,000 feet (570 c.c.) and then more slowly to the bottom of the sea. The formation of the H,S is in the main due to the sulphur bacteria. Hand in hand with the increase of the H,S goes the decrease of the sulphates in the sea water and the precipitation of the carbonates and iron sul- phides. That the aeration of marine waters, and also the generation of sulphuretted hydrogen may be better understood, a digression into the studies of oceanographers becomes necessary. The atmospheric gases, oxygen and nitrogen, are absorbed at the sea surface more abundantly in cold than in warm latitudes, and the quantity absorbed is again variable under varying pressures and chemical conditions of the water. This complex subject, too long to state here, may be 2“Ta Mer Noire,” Guides des Excursions, VII° Cong. Géol. Internat., St. Pétersbourg, 1897, Art. XXIX. 264 SCHUCHERT—BLACK SHALE: DEPOSITION. [May 7, studied in Kritmmel’s “ Handbuch der Ozeanographie,” I., 1907, pages 292-317. Furthermore, the amount of oxygen is increased when there is an abundance of assimilating plants, as in the areas of the sea-weeds and diatoms. The gases are then distributed by the general water circulation to most parts of the oceans and even into the greatest depths. In general, there is an abundance of oxygen down to 350 feet, but in the tropics it is wanting in the greater depths of the shelf seas. The oxygen is consumed by the animals and by various hydro-chemical processes and consequently diminishes in quantity as it is carried down from the surface and over the bottom, but the quantity of nitrogen remains constant. Sir John Murray states further that in the streaming open ocean of today there is usually an abundance of oxygen even at the greatest depth, due to the sinking heavier and colder polar waters, but this is not the case in partially enclosed seas which are more or less cut off by barriers and where the water is said to be “ stale,’ and in the deeper layers of which vertical circulation is restricted. Similar stagnant conditions “prevail in several Norwegian ‘threshold fjords,’ or on a smaller scale in the oyster-‘ polls. In such places the bottom is thickly covered with organic matter; a slimy black mud is formed, swarming with bacteria that produce sulphuretted hydrogen, which spreads through the water, combin- ing with the oxygen to form various sulphates. This causes the oxy- gen to decrease and finally to disappear altogether, when the sulphur- etted hydrogen begins to appear free in solution. It gradually spreads upwards, until the water is devoid of oxygen and contains free sul- phuretted hydrogen, at a depth of only 100 fathoms in the Black Sea, and in the oyster-basins in autumn often at merely a couple of meters below the surface. In summer the ‘bottom-water’ of the oyster-‘ polls’ lies stagnant, but in the course of the autumn and winter it is generally renewed by the supply of comparatively heavy water from without; then the sulphuretted hydrogen disappears and the oxygen returns, producing thus an annual change in the gaseous conditions of the deeper parts of the oyster-‘polls.’ In autumn the state of things may become critical for the oysters, which are suspended in baskets at a depth of 112-2 meters; it hap- 1915-] SCHUCHERT—BLACK SHALE DEPOSITION. 265 pens occasionally that the animals all die at this time by suffocation through want of oxygen or by sulphur poisoning.’’* Johnstone? states that ‘In some parts of the sea, as for instance in the ‘dead grounds’ of the | very shallow] Bay of Kiel, in some parts of the Black Sea, and perhaps in parts of some of the Nor- wegian fjords, where the water circulation is defective, and where there may be a deficiency of oxygen, very remarkable bacteria are to be found. These are the sulphur bacteria, the occurrence of which is not, however, confined to these habitats. In the places I have mentioned sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved from the decom- position of dead organic matter, and this sulphuretted hydrogen, to us a vilely smelling and poisonous gas, is utilized as food sub- stance by the bacteria. Such a microbe as Beggiatoa takes in the SH, and oxidizes it so that the sulphur is deposited in the cells of the bacterial colony, and the hydrogen appears as water. This is the form of assimilation of the organisms. ‘Then some of the sul- phur thus resulting from the decomposition of the SH, is oxidized to sulphuric acid. ‘This is the form of respiration of the organism. It requires some source of nitrogen for the formation of its living proteid and this it obtains from the minute quantities of nitrates and nitrites which exist in solution in the water in which it lives. But it requires very little nitrogen compound, for whereas a higher animal may require to oxidize some of the living nitrogenous tissue of its own body in order to obtain its energy, the sulphur bacterium oxidizes the sulphur stored in its cells as the result of the assimi- lation of the SH,. Thus the proteid part of the cell is protected from waste, and the minimal quantity of nitrogenous food-stuff suffices.” Kriimmel states that the troughs of the Baltic Sea renew their deeper water irregularly and periodically. In the Rugen and Born- holm troughs (about 325 feet deep) the renewal takes place at least once and more rarely twice each year, in the Danzig trough (about 325 feet deep) nearly every year, and in the deeps off Got- land and in the Gulf of Bothnia usually only after many years. All these troughs get the new deeper water from the western Belt Sea and more rarely also from the Oresund east of Denmark. 3 Sir John Murray, “The Depths of the Ocean,” 1912, pp. 257-258. 4“ Conditions of Life in the Sea,” 1900, p. 264. PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 218 R, PRINTED AUG. 24, 1915. 266 SCHUCHERT—BLACK SHALE DEPOSITION. [May 7, To return to the Black Sea and its sediments, these are of three categories: (1) from the shore to about 120 feet occur the accumulations of sandy detritals; (2) from 120 to 600 feet is found a gray-blue sticky ooze, often replete with small fragile shells, mainly of Modiola; and (3) in the greater depths the bottom is cov- ered with (a) a tough, sticky, black ooze, with much precipitation of iron sulphide, an abundance of diatoms and fragments of the youngest stages of bivalves, all of which organisms are from the plankton, and (b) the dark blue ooze poor in iron sulphide and richer in the finest-grained CaCO,;, which in places forms thin banks, and an abundance of pelagic diatoms. Zones I and 2 alone have benthonic organisms, with the greatest abundance between 210 and 600 feet; the latter is the zone of Modiola phaseolina and a great variety of bivalves and gastropods (68 species occur in the shallower waters). The Kupferschiefer sea, like the Black Sea, had bottom waters with about the average normal salt content, as proved by the typical Zechstein invertebrates. However, because of the lack of oxygen and the high content of sulphuretted hydrogen and CO, an abun- dant bottom life was impossible. That the top water of the Kupfer- schiefer sea was also fresh is proved by the wide distribution of the freshwater fishes in the sediments, the widely uniform spreading of the thin zone of shale, and the presence of land plants and land vertebrates. If all the water had been salty, the fine muds should have been laid down in a narrow zone bordering the margin of the sea, and this is not the case in the Kupferschiefer sea. The slow decomposition of the organic remains (mainly the plankton) and the lack of oxygen in the depths led further to the formation of the bituminous content (from 6 to 20 per cent.). As the Black Sea goes down to 7,360 feet, the question must be asked: What was the depth of the Kupferschiefer sea? Volumes 1-50 (1838-1911) Lately Published — Price, One Dollar cy TRANSACTIONS American Philosophical Society HELD AT PHILADELPHIA For Promoting Useful Knowledge _ New Series, Vol. XXU, : o xi Part Il, gto, 154 pages. a (Lately Published. Ne: The Secular Variations of the Elements of the Orbits of the Four Inner Planets Computed for the Epoch 1850.0 G. M. T.. By Eric DoorirtLe _ Subscription—Five Dollars per Volume : a | Separate parts are not sold maces THE LIBRARIAN OF THE poe Bb PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY No. 104 SourTH FirtH STREET PHILADELPHIA, U. s. Ace General Index to the Proceedings. ait PROCEEDINGS OF THE LU NAN Pe crican Philosophical$ ih HELD AT PHILADELPHIA FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE p VOL: LIV. SEPTEMBER, 1915. No. 219. CONTENTS Symposium onthe Earth: Its Figure, Dimensions and the Constitu- tion of its Interior: I. The Interior of the Earth from the Viewpoint of Geology. By T.-C) CHAMBERLIN {= 30-0 SS 3 Ea 3 270 II. Constitution of the Interior of the Barth as Indicated by Seis- * mological Investigations. By Harry FIELDING REID - - 290 Ill. The Earth from the Geophysical Standpoint. By Joun Ey: HAYFORD a i a ery.) : Biitarphology and Development of Agaricus rodmani. By Geo. F. PRRIGENSON Gos s/ a a) 2S te ae i ee 00 ‘The Euler-Laplace Theorem on the Decrease of ‘the Eccentricity of AI e Op Tae ON ee SI ne he the Orbits of the Heavenly Bodies under the Secular Action of a Resisting Medium. By T. J. J. SEE - - - - = - = - - 344 ¢ PHILADELPHIA 4 y THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY sg . % 104 SouTH FirTH STREET 1915 = =A Members who have not as yet sent their photographs to the Society will confer a favor by so doing; cabinet size preferred. It is requested that all correspondence be addressed To THE SECRETARIES OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY : 104 SouTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, U S. A. PROCEEDINGS OF THE VioswiG MN EI vOSORnICAL SOCIEY HELD AT PHILADELPHIA FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE WO JEN SEPTEMBER, I9QI5 No. 219 SMMPROSIUM ON THE EARTH: 11S BIGURE, DIMEN- SIONS AND aE CONSTR UMION OF nis EN GE RTOR: : I. iP NE eRIOR OF Tak EARTH PROM THE VIEWPOINT OF GEOLOGY. By T. C. CHAMBERLIN. (Read April 24, 1975.) For some time past there has been a marked drift of geologic opinion from the older tenet of a molten earth toward the convic- tion that the earth is essentially solid. This has been quite as much due to the contributions of kindred sciences as to the growth of geologic evidence, but this has made its important and concurrent contributions. The great granitic embossments that constitute the most dis- tinctive feature of the oldest known terranes were formerly re- garded as solidified portions of a primitive molten earth and seemed to serve as witnesses of the verity of the former liquid state. A few years ago, however, it was determined—almost simultaneously in several countries where critical studies on these formations were 1 The discussion of this topic at the session of the Society was without manuscript or notes and this paper, prepared some weeks later, is less a teproduction of the original discussion than a substitute for it. PROC, AMER. PHIL. SOC,, LIV. 219 S, PRINTED SEPT. 4, 1915. 280 CHAMBERLIN—THE INTERIOR OF THE [April 24, in progress—that these granitic masses are not only intrusive but that they were thrust into formations that had previously been formed at the surface of the earth. These surface formations have thus come to stand as the most ancient terranes now known. These earliest accessible depositions imply the preéxistence of a substan- tial foundation formed at a still earlier date. Neither of these gives any clear intimation that lower formations are different from themselves. So far then as the record runs back, it testifies to sub- stantial solidity in the outer part of the globe at least. The record implies, indeed, that molten matter was then present within the earth, but it gives no certain measure of the ratio of the molten to the solid part. There is no determinate evidence that a molten condi- tion was a preponderant state, even in the interior, at any stage cov- ered by the lithographic record. The interior conditions of the earliest stages that antedate the lithographic record are to be reached only by indirect and remote rather than direct and immediate in- ference. Under the influence of inherited presumptions, it may seem to many still probable that the interior of the mature earth was once dominated by a molten condition at some remote stage, but the phenomena of powerful inthrusting, so often shown in the in- trusions of the igneous element into the early terranes, seems to imply that at the Archean stages the molten element was in the strong grasp of such stresses as are natural to a rigid globe and was therefore then but a minor and passive factor, not a controlling one. When it is considered that, if the earth were once wholly molten, the material for all the stratified rocks of later ages must have been derived from the primitive crust after it was formed and forced into positions of erosion—or from matter extruded through it—the absence, according to present knowledge, of any great area of rocks bearing the distinctive characteristics of the congealed surface greatly weakens the assumption that the postulated molten state ever obtained in the mature earth. A study of the stress-conditions of the interior of the earth seems to call for a similar reversal of the inferences once drawn from the igneous rocks. From the earliest well-recorded ages, the exerior of the earth has given evidence of broad topographic reliefs ° 1915.] EARTH FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF GEOLOGY. 281 in the form of great embossments and basins. These surface con- figurations must have conditioned the localization of extrusions and the deployment of the effusive material. If the lavas arose from a general and abundant source of supply which was responsive to general and powerful stresses, vestiges of this vital relation should be found in the volume and deployment of the lava floods. If, on the other hand, the molten material was but a fraction of the en- vironing mass, variously distributed through it, the result should be a multitude of driblets squeezed out here and there in such special situations as the controlling stresses required, or else forced into weak portions of the earth-body where the stresses were less im- perative. Now there is abundant geological evidence that the earth- body has been subjected at repeated intervals to strong compressive stresses by which its outer portion has been folded into mountainous ranges, or pushed up into great plateaus, while masses of continental dimensions have been raised, relatively, to notable heights, and the bottoms of basins and deeps have sunk reciprocally to even greater relative depths. The internal stresses which these deformations imply should have made themselves felt proportionately on any great mass of liquid in the interior—if it were in existence—and extrusions proportionate to the great deformations of the rigid ma- terial should have accompanied such diastrophism. But, while liquid extrusions took place somewhat freely at the times of great diastrophism, it was not, at least in my judgment, at all commen- surate with the deformative stresses implied by the diastrophic re- sults in the solid material. Nor was the concentration of the extrusions indicative of origin from a molten interior or from great residual reservoirs of liquid rock. If such ample sources of liquid had existed they might natur- ally have been expected to have given forth, under the great stresses then seeking easement, correspondingly great floods of lava. Yet no single lava flood seems to have attained more than an extremely small fraction of the mass of the earth or of the known solid matter of its region. Even when the sum total of the most massive series of successive floods in a given region are taken together—though the successive issues stretched over a considerable period—they rarely rise above a most insignificant fraction of earth-mass or even of the 282 CHAMBERLIN—THE INTERIOR OF THE [April 24, regional segment of it with which they are associated. Instead of really massive flows, implying ample sources of supply and great forces of extrusion, the record shows rather a multitude of little ejections or injections of more or less sporadic distribution. The logical implication of these is the preéxistence of a multitude of small liquid spots, or liquifiable spots, scattered widely through the stressed earth-masses and yielding to stress as local conditions required. This inference is supported by the great variations in altitude at which lavas are given forth. The most impressive illustrations of this are found in current volcanic action whose relations in altitude are precisely known. So far as ancient conditions can be restored, they appear to fall into the same general class as existing conditions. Current outpourings of lava range from the sea bottom to altitudes of many thousands of feet above sea level, a vertical range of several miles. Extrusions occur at these significantly diverse altitudes simultaneously or alternately or in almost any time-relations, and sometimes in the most marked independence of one another in spite of the natural sympathy of such events in a common stressed body. A multitude of facts of detail, some of which are singularly cogent, imply that the lava sources of present volcanoes are disconnected from one another in the interior, and hence independent in action, as a rule, though sometimes they show sympathy without showing liquid connection. The sources of lava seem to be meager in gen- eral, and the eruptive agencies seem to be controlled by narrowly local conditions. There is an absence of evidence that the lavas in the craters and necks of volcanoes are parts of great liquid masses below, responsive to the common stresses of a large region. Thus geological evidence, when critically scrutinized, seems to be distinctly adverse to the existence of even large reservoirs of molten matter within the earth; it points rather to the presence of scattered spots, very small relatively, on the verge of liquefaction, which pass by stages into the liquid form and are then forced out by the dif- ferential stresses that abound in the earth body, each such local liqui- fying center commonly giving forth driblets of lava and gas, at in- tervals, none of which often rise to more than an extremely minute fraction of the earth mass or even of the subterranean mass con- tiguous to the volcano. 1915.] EARTH FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF GEOLOGY. 283 A revised view of the nature and location of earth-stresses seems also to be required by what is now known of earth-conditions. Under the former dominance of the tenet of a molten globe, it was natural to assign to the stress-differences of the earth a distinctly superficial localization and limitation; they were thought to be af- fections of “the crust” almost solely. Hydrostatic pressures were of course recognized as affecting the deep interior, but these were obviously balanced stresses, they were ineffective in deformation. The stresses supposed to give rise to the great reliefs of the earth’s surface were thought to be very superficial. But the stresses im- posed by known deformative agencies are not all superficial, nor are their intensities always greatest at the surface. According to Sir George Darwin, the stress-differences generated in the earth by the tidal forces of the moon are eight times as great at the center of the earth as at the surface. So also, according to the same authority, the stresses engendered by changes in the rotation of the earth are eight times as great at the center as at the surface and are graded between center and surface. The tidal stress-differences are relatively feeble but are perpetually renewed in pulsatory fashion. Those that arise from rotation belong to the highest order of com- petency. The stress-difference that would arise at the center of the earth from a stoppage of the earth’s rotation, would, according to Darwin, reach 32 tons per square inch. Changes of the rate of rota- tion are almost inevitable when great diastrophic readjustments take place. Such periods are to be regarded as critical times at which great floods of lava should be poured forth from the in- terior if liquid material were there in great volume ready to respond to the changes of capacity which the deformation of the earth’s sec- tors and the change in the spheroidal form would inevitably impose. Not to detain you with other considerations, the foregoing seem best to comport with an essentially solid state of the earth’s interior, if they do not point rather definitely to such a state. Even if they stood alone, they would seem to make a prevailing solid state the most tenable working hypothesis. But they are far from standing alone; the geological evidences are strongly supported by considerations that spring from several kindred lines of inquiry. The testimony of astronomic evidence 284 CHAMBERLIN—THE INTERIOR OF THE [April 24, has been given by Dr. Schlesinger. The import of seismic studies, the subject of Dr. Reid’s contribution, lends very special support to the view that the interior of the earth is elastico-rigid at least to the extent that distortional waves have been shown to pass through its interior. It seems certain already that this condition prevails throughout much more than half the volume of the earth; concern- ing the rest, the deep interior, the seismic evidence is perhaps still to be regarded as indeterminate. But on the seismic evidence it does not fall to me to dwell. The tidal studies of Hecker, Orloff and others lend support to the tenet of a rigid earth but they fall somewhat short of con- clusiveness. The brilliant experimental determinations of Michel- son and Gale, correlated with the computations of Moulton, have carried the evidence to the point of preliminary demonstration. They need only to be adequately repeated and verified to become final, so far at least as elastic rigidity can be indicated by the re- sponse of the earth-body to solar and lunar attractions. The special feature of most critical value in the demonstrations of Michelson and his colleagues is the high degree of elasticity shown by the almost instantaneous response of the earth to the distorting pull of the tide-producing bodies. This cuts at the very base of concepts founded on the supposed properties of a viscous earth. These tidal determinations of elasticity are in close accord with the seismic evidences of elasticity. The two are happily complementary to one another. The one deals with the earth as a whole under rhythmical series of increasing and diminishing stress-differences springing from external attraction; the other deals in an intensive partitive way with earth substance by sharp short stresses that call into action its most intimate structural qualities. While it is wise, no doubt, to refrain from resting too much on these early results of relatively new and radical lines of inquiry, until their results shall be more ma- ture, their prospective import is radical and decisive in favor of a solid earth not only, but of an elastico-rigid earth. Assuming that the present import of these inquiries will be amply justified by more mature research, it is pertinent to bring into consideration the corol- lary they so distinctly imply, viz.: that the molten and viscous ma- terial in the earth, or at least in its outer half, if not throughout 1915.] EARTH FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF GEOLOGY. 285 its deep interior, is negligible in general studies, and enters into general terrestrial mechanics only as a subsidiary feature. It seems necessary to limit liquid and viscous lacunee—if there are lacune in any proper sense at all—to such moderate dimensions that they do not seriously kill out distortional waves passing through the outer half of the globe in various directions ; for seismic instruments show that these waves retain their integrity with surprising tenacity through long traverses. It seems equally necessary to limit the liquid and viscous factor rather severely if the interior structure is to be consistent with so prompt a response of the earth to twelve- hour stress-pulses as to imply almost complete elastic fidelity. In the light of these determinations, strengthened not a little by their concurrence with the later geological determinations, the work- ing hypotheses of the earth-student can scarcely fail to give pre- cedence to dynamic tenets founded on a rigid earth. The limitation of liquid and viscous matter, thus imposed, quite radically conditions all tenable views of magmas and of vulcanism, and thus bears upon the igneous nature of the interior. No small part of petrologic effort in past decades has been spent on the dif- ferentiation of magmas. ‘To a notable degree these efforts have pro- ceeded on the assumption, conscious or unconscious, that differen- tiation took its departure from an original homogeneous magma such as might arise from residual portions of a molten earth. In- definite lapses of time, and such conditions of quiet as are naturally assignable to residual reservoirs of lava, have been freely assumed as working conditions without much question as to their reality. Under the hypothesis of a molten earth passing slowly into a par- tially solid earth, and retaining residual lacune of molten matter as an incident of the change, these assumptions are quite natural. On the other hand, under the hypothesis of a pervasively rigid earth, affected by stress-conditions that are constantly varying in intensity and in distribution—and subject to more radical changes at times of periodic readjustment—the existence of such residual magmas becomes at least questionable, perhaps improbable. Still more questionable is the assumption that the multitude of little liquid spots supposed to arise within the elastico-rigid mass, always have conformed to one type or set of types. The inherent proba- 286 CHAMBERLIN—THE INTERIOR OF THE [April 24, bilities of the case seem to point strongly to wide variation in nature due to selective solution or differential fusion. The liquefying action that brings magmas into being, under this view, is presum- ably controlled by the same chemical and physical principles as the solidifying phases of the same cycle. The logical presumption is that at all stages of a magma’s career from its inception through its growth, climax and decline to its final solidification, selective action will be in progress more or less and that no stage will be en- titled to be regarded as original or parental in a special sense, such a sense for example as might be appropriate if the lava were the residue of an inherited original state and were merely differentiated by fractional crystallization as it-passed toward solidification. While these contrasted views of the history of magmas are naturally connected with views of the genesis of the earth, they are not limited to this relation. They are inherent in the very rela- tions of solid and liquid matter and have a more or less important place irrespective of the earth’s genesis. An element of no small importance to a revised concept of the interior of the earth has arisen from geodetic studies on the distribu- tion of densities within the earth. As the geodetic point of view is to be presented by its foremost exponent, Dr. Hayford, it is per- missible for me merely to refer to certain geologic bearings. On the assumption that the earth was once in a molten state, the inference is unavoidable that a perfect state of isostatic equilibrium was originally assumed by the surface, and that its configuration was at first strictly spheroidal. The material must have been ar- ranged in concentric layers according to specific gravity and each layer should have had the same density at every point. All such reliefs of the earth’s surface, and all such differences of specific gravity in the same horizon as have since arisen, must have been superinduced upon this originally perfect isostatic surface. With good reason therefore these inequalities have heretofore been sup- posed to be relatively shallow. On the hypothesis that the earth grew up by heterogeneous accretions, it is an equally natural in- ference that differences of specific gravity extend to great depths. In an endeavor to find out the bearings of geodetic data on the dis- tribution of densities, Dr. Hayford tested four assumptions, all of 1915.] EARTH FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF GEOLOGY. 287 which he found measurably compatible with his geodetic data. From these he derived the respective depths of 37, 76, 109 and 179 miles as the horizons to which differences of density extended and below which they vanished or became negligible. Now all these depths are greater than had been assigned for probable differentia- tion in the traditional molten earth. On the other hand, the highest figure, 179 miles, was derived from a curve drawn specifically to represent the probable distribution of densities in an earth of plan- etesimal growth. The distribution represented by this highest figure fits the geodetic data quite as well as either of the other as- sumptions of distribution, though drawn ona strictly naturalistic basis If it could be said that geodetic data demonstrate that the actual dif- ferentiation of specific gravities has its sensible limits somewhere between 37 and 179 miles below the surface, such considerable depth would distinctly favor an accretionary origin as against a molten origin. But a conclusive determination is yet to be reached by geo- detic inquiries. While it is possible, within the broad terms of the planetesimal hypothesis, to suppose that the rate of accretion was so fast as to give rise to a molten planet, such a result seems to me extremely improbable under the actual conditions of the case. The growing planet should have become capable of holding a considerable atmos- phere by the time it attained one tenth of its present mass, 7. e., about the mass of Mars. After this the protective cushion of the atmosphere should have greatly checked the plunge of the planetesi- mals and largely dissipated them into dust in the upper atmosphere where the inevitable heat of impact would be promptly radiated away. ‘The dust presumably floated long and came gently to earth, so that, while the total heat generated by impact was large, the tem- perature of the earth body was probable never very high during the later stages of growth, and perhaps not at any stage of growth. Following out as well as may be the probable rates and conditions of growth, the most tenable concept of the state of the earth’s in- terior under the planetesimal hypothesis is as follows: The condition of the nuclear portion supposed to be formed from one of the knots of the parent spiral nebula and constituting a minor fraction of the mass of the earth, say thirty or forty per cent., 1s 288 CHAMBERLIN—THE INTERIOR OF THE [April 24, left indeterminate by present lack of knowledge of the physical state of the knots of spiral nebule. If these are gaseous—which is ren- dered doubtful by their lack of strict sphericity—the nucleus was doubtless originally molten. If the constituents of the knot were held in orbital relations, their aggregation might have been slow enough to permit a solid state of even this portion. The matter added to the nucleus as planetesimal dust, or as planetesimals re- duced in mass and speed by the atmosphere, probably retained its solid condition, with negligible exceptions, throughout the process of accretion except as selected portions passed into the liquid state and became subject to extrusive action. An intimate heterogeneity naturally prevailed throughout the whole mass so aggregated. A selective process, however, probably brought in the heavier matter faster and earlier than the lighter matter, for the magnetism of the earth should have aided gravity in gathering in the magnetic metals while the inelastic planetesimals, predominantly the heavy basic ones, when in collision destroyed the opposing components of their motions and hence -yielded to the earth’s gravity sooner than the more elastic ones. Relatively high specific gravity in the material of the deep interior is thought to have arisen at the outset and to have been increased by the selective vulcanism that came into action as growth proceeded. Special emphasis is laid on the selective nature of vulcanism under this hypothesis. The intimate mixture of planetesimals and planesesimal dust gave rise to a multitude of minute contacts between particles of different chemical and physical properties and hence there arose wide differences in the solution points. As the temperature in the growing planet rose, the more soluble portions passed into the liquid state by stages long before the remaining larger portion reached the temperature of solution. In a stressed globe certain of whose stresses are more intense to- ward the center than toward the surface, the solutions worked in the direction of least resistance, for them generally outwards, car- rying heat of liquefaction and leaving the less soluble larger portion behind with temperatures inadequate for further liquefaction until there was a renewed accession of heat. The mechanism thus auto- matically tended to remove the most soluble constituents by progres- sive stages, while it tended to preserve the solid condition of the 1915-] EARTH FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF GEOLOGY. 289 main mass. The hypothesis thus supplies a working mechanism whose results fall into full accord with the states of the interior implied by tidal investigations and by seismic data, while the pos- tulated distribution of specific gravities accords fairly well with geodetic determinations, as they now stand. The adaptation of such an earth to isostatic adjustment can scarcely be more than hinted at here. The growth of the earth should have given it a concentric structure, while its highly distribu- tive vulcanism, together with some of its deformative processes, should have given a vertical or radial structure, the two conjoining to give a natural tendency to prismatic or pyramidal divisions con- verging toward the center. The most powerful of all the deforma- tive agencies, rotation, required for the adaptation of the earth to its changes of rate, such divisions of the earth-body as would re- spond most readily to depression in the polar and bulging in the equatorial tracts reciprocally. As urged elsewhere, this accommo- dation seems best met by three pyramidal sectors in each hemisphere with apices at the center and bases at the surface, the sectors in opposite hemispheres arranged alternately with one another. Very simple motions of these sectors on their apices at the earth’s center would satisfy the larger demands of rotational distortion, while the sub-sectors into which these major sectors would naturally divide, as stresses required, would easily accommodate the nicer phases of adjustment. This primitive segmentation to meet rotational de- mands—which were most urgent during the stages of infall—fur- nished a mechanism suitable for the easement also of a portion of the deformational stresses that arose from other sources, among them gravitative stresses arising from loading and unloading by erosion and sedimentation. A gravitational adjustment by the wedging up and down and laterally of such sectors is thus offered tentatively as a working competitor to theories of adjustment by fluidal or quasi- fluidal undertow. The necessary brevity of this statement leaves this new hypothesis little more than a crude suggestion that gravi- tative adjustment (= isostasy) may perhaps take place as fully as the case requires in a highly rigid elastic earth without resort to flowage or even quasi-flowage. THe UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Ue: CONSTITUTION OF THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH ANS) MUNIDICANNAD), 13 SIE S MOOG CANE, ENWieS PIG AION S: By HARRY FIELDING REID. (Read April 24, 1915.) In 1883 Milne predicted that earthquake disturbances would be registered by seismographs at great distances from their origin, a prediction first verified when the earthquake of April 18, 1880, whose origin lay off the coast of Japan, affected the horizontal pendulum which von Rebeur-Paschwitz had set up at Potsdam to study the attraction of the moon. Milne was so convinced of the correctness of his idea and of the importance of the results to be obtained that in 1893 he established an observatory on the Isle of Wight to record earthquakes from distant regions; and he also suc- ceeded in having instruments of similar model set up at observatories very widely scattered in various parts of the world. Wertheim in 1851 showed that a disturbance in the interior of an elastic solid would break up into two groups of waves, longi- tudinal and transversal, which would be propagated at different rates, and as their velocities are so great that they cannot be sepa- rated from each other in the laboratory he suggested with rare insight that their separation might first be noticed in connection with the propagation of earthquake disturbances.1 A few years later Lord Rayleigh showed that a third kind of wave could be propagated along the surface of the earth. Seismologists naturally looked for indications of these three groups of waves in their 1“ Sur la propagation du movement dans les corps solides et liquides,” Ann. de Chimie et Phys., 1851, Vol. XX1., p. Io. 2“ On Waves Propagated along the Plane Surface of an Elastic Solid,” Proc. London Math. Soc., 1855, Vols. XLVIL., L. 290 1915-] REID—INTERIOR OF THE EARTH. 291 seismograms, but it was not until 1900 that Oldham succeeded in showing definitely that the seismograms of a number of Milne instruments gave clear evidence of the existence of three groups of waves. Oldham also published a diagram, which was an extension of Seebach’s so-called “ hodograph,” showing the relation between the time of transmission of each group and the distance from the earthquake origin, measured along the surface of the earth. Milne soon improved these curves by adding observations of a large num- ber of recorded shocks.* The general forms of the transmission curves are shown in the diagram. It will be seen that the curves . 50 Minutes of Time 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° of the first and second “preliminary tremors,” as Milne called the first two groups of waves, are curved, indicating that the velocity of transmission increases with the distance from the origin; a con- clusion which had already been drawn from earlier, but less ac- curate, observations. Milne attempted to explain this by assuming that the path of the seismic disturbance lay along the chord and not along the earth’s surface; this practically shortens the distance to the observing stations, and if the curves are plotted, with distances 3 Rep. of the Com. on Seismol. Investig., B. A. A. S., 1902, p. 7. 292 REID—CONSTITUTION OF THE [April 24, measured along the chord, the curvature is considerably diminished ; but later and more accurate observations show that even under this assumption the velocity still increases with the distance. The con- clusion is unavoidable that as the path of the disturbance sinks deeper into the earth the velocity increases. The interior of the earth then is not a homogeneous but a refractive medium, and the path of the disturbance cannot be straight but must be curved with the concavity turned upward. This condition had been described by A. Schmidt as early as 1888.4 Seismologists now believe that the three groups discovered by Oldham are respectively the longi- tudinal, the transverse and the surface waves. ‘The transmission curve of the latter is a straight line indicating that the waves are transmitted with uniform velocity along the surface of the earth. They have affected seismographs after having passed completely around the earth. It cannot be said that the evidence, that the first two groups are respectively longitudinal and transverse, is com- plete ; but it is sufficient, in connection with theory, to make seismolo- gists fairly confident that the conclusion is correct; and the passage of transverse waves through the earth to great depths is proof that, to those depths, the earth is solid; for transverse waves cannot exist in a liquid. Further, since the velocity of transmission depends on the ratio of the elasticity to the density of the medium, and since both the longitudinal and transverse waves increase in velocity with the depth below the surface, both the elasticity of volume and the elasticity of figure of the earth, not only increase, but increase more rapidly than the density as we penetrate below the surface. The earth therefore is not only rigid, but its rigidity increases towards its center; though seismological evidence does not yet prove that this characteristic extends to the very center itself. The next step was to determine the path of the waves in the earth and their velocity at different depths; the data for these determinations were the times of arrival of the earthquake waves at various distances from the origin; these times are collected in the transmission curves. At first sight this seems an insoluble problem; 4“ Wellenbewegung und Erdbeben,” Jahreshefte fiir Vaterlands Natur- kunde in Wirttemberg, 1888, p. 248. 1915.] INTERIOR OF THE EARTH. 293 but, thanks to a remarkable mathematical theorem of Abel, it is not. It is clear that the time of arrival of an earthquake disturbance at a distant station will depend on the path followed and the velocity in different parts of the path, and if we make the reasonable assump- tion, which is borne out by observation, that the velocity is every- where the same at the same depth, then it is evident, if the velocity increases continuously with the depth, that the transmission curves will be continuous without breaks, and their curvatures will no- where make a sudden change. The mathematical solution of the problem has been obtained by Wiechert, Bateman and others, and concrete results have been obtained by Wiechert and his assistants, so that we now know the paths of the waves and their velocities with a fair degree of accuracy, at least to a considerable distance below the surface. But the questions arise: do the velocities increase continuously with the depth; and if so, how? questions which could be answered by the study of perfect transmission curves; but even imperfect curves yield some information ; which, however, may be so faulty that it must be received with great caution. Milne, who has done such excellent pioneer work in seismology, was the first to propose and attempt to answer these questions.® He thought the transmission curve could be satisfied by supposing the earth to con- sist of a solid core having a radius of nineteen twentieths of the earth’s radius, and surrounded by a thin shell. The core was of uniform density and elasticity, so that the velocity of propagation in it was uniform, and the paths of the rays would be straight lines. The velocity in the shell was much less than in the core. These conditions satisfied fairly well the very imperfect transmission curve of 1902, but they may be dismissed without further consideration, for such an earth could not satisfy the astronomic requirements, which exact, at the same time, the proper mean density and mo- ment of inertia. Benndorff in 1906 thought he found evidence of a central core of about four fifths the earth’s radius, surrounded by two shells, the outer one having the same thickness as Milne’s.6 In the same 5 Rep. of the Com. on Seismol. Investigation, B. A. A. S., 1903, p. 7. 6“ Ueber die Art der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigheit der Erdbebenwellen in Erdinnern,”’ Mitt. d. Erdbeben Com. k. Akad. Wiss. in Wien, 1905, Nos. XXIX. and XXXI. 294 REID—CONSTITUTION OF THE [April 24, year Oldham deduced from the transmission curves a central core of not more than four tenths the earth’s radius in which the velocity was distinctly less than in the surrounding shell.’ Neither of these arrangements have been shown to conform to the astronomic re- quirements. Oldham’s conclusions are based on what he considers a distinct break in the transmission curve of the transverse waves at distances between 120° and 150° from the origin; but when we remember that fully 95 per cent. of the energy of an earthquake shock comes to the surface within the hemisphere having the origin as its pole, we see that the data for great distances must be too im- perfect to yield very reliable deductions. Many years ago Roche showed that it was quite possible to determine a distribution of density in the earth which would be discontinuous at several levels, but which would still be astronom- ically satisfactory. Wiechert, in 1897,° showed that such a system might consist of a central core of radius about 4,900 km. or three fourths of the earth’s radius, consisting of iron with a density of about 8.3, surrounded by a stony shell about 1,500 km. thick and with density varying from 3 to 3.4. It was natural that he should examine the transmission curves to see if they supported his ideas; and at the Hague meeting of the International Seismological Asso- ciation in 1907 he announced that they did. At the Manchester meeting of the same association in 1911 he announced the existence of two shells around the central core. In 1914 Gutenberg (one of Wiechert’s assistants) announced the existence of three shells.? In addition to ordinary times of transmission, Gutenberg also used the times of waves reflected at the earth’s surface and the variations in the amplitude ; it is evident that a wave which crosses the boundary of the core will experience reflection and refraction; and whichever part is later observed at the surface of the earth will have a dis- 7 Constitution of the Interior of the Earth, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1906, Vol. LXIL., p. 456. 8“ Ueber die Massenvertheilung im Innern der Erde,” Nachr. k. Gesells. Wiss. Gottingen, 1897; Math.-phys. K1., p. 221. 9“ Ueber Erdbebenwellen,’ VIIA. Nach. k. Gesells. Wiss. Géttingen; Math.-phys. Kl., 1914, p. 1; references to the earlier numbers of the series are given in this paper. 1915.] INTERIOR OF iE) PARTE: 295 tinctly smaller amplitude than the wave which just missed penetrat- ing into the core. The following table shows the positions of the boundaries of the shells and of the core, and the velocities of the longitudinal waves P and of the transverse waves S; it will be noticed that it is only at the boundary of the central core that any marked sudden change in velocity occurs. Veloc. km./sec. Depth, kms, IE Se O That) 4.01 1200 11.80 6.59 1700 12.22 6.86 13.29 7.32 2450 { 13.15 { 7.20 13.15 7.20 ak 8.50 4.72 6370 II.10 6.15 The remark regarding Oldham’s results applies also here, namely that it is questionable whether the observations at distances greater than 100° or 120° are sufficiently accurate to justify such definite conclusions. Gutenberg had the advantage, however, of more ac- curate observations than Oldham, and also of measures of ampli- tudes. There is no a priori reason why the earth might not be made up of a number of shells, but there should be satisfactory evidence for any proposed system; and it must be shown to satisfy the astronomic requirements; or, at least, not to contradict them. Gutenberg’s system does not correspond with Wiechert’s system of 1897. In the latter a marked change in physical properties occurs at a depth of 1,500 km.; in the former, at a depth of 2,900 km.; and in crossing into the core, the ratio of the elasticity to the density, according to Gutenberg, rapidly loses six tenths of its value. This change might be the result of a great increase in density or a great decrease in elasticity ; it may be questioned whether the former is — compatible with the astronomic requirements, and whether the latter is compatible with the high rigidity which we know the earth, as a whole, has. So far no answer has been given to these questions. In 1879 George and Horace Darwin attempted to determine the rigidity of the earth by measuring the deviation of the vertical under PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 219 T, PRINTED SEPT, 4, I9I5. 296 REID—CONSTITUTION OF THE [April 24, the attraction of the moon. If the earth yielded like a fluid, its surface would always remain at right angles to the vertical, and a pendulum would remain relatively stationary for all positions of the moon; if the earth were absolutely rigid, the moon’s attraction would deflect the pendulum an extremely small amount, but an amount capable of being measured. The Darwins did not obtain definite results because the disturbances of their pendulum were greater than the deflections they attempted to determine. A little later von Rebeur-Paschwitz attacked the same problem with better success, using a horizontal pendulum. Hecker, in Potsdam, and Orloff, in Dorpat, have repeated von Rebeur-Paschwitz’s experiment; and both found values for the average rigidity of the earth comparable with that of steel. But, what was most remarkable and what is still unexplained, the rigidity was apparently greater in an east-west than in a north-south direc- tion. Orloff, experimenting at a greater distance from the ocean, feund a smaller difference than Hecker did, and it has been sug- gested that the tides of the ocean are the cause of the difference. The International Seismological Association, at its Manchester meeting in 1911, made plans to repeat the experiments in Paris, in central Canada, in the middle of Southern Africa and in the middle of Russia; but no reports have yet come from these stations. In the autumn of 1913, Michelson attacked the same problem by a new method, which seems capable of yielding more accurate results than the horizontal pendulum. He measured the deflection of the vertical under the influence of the moon by what was prac- tically a water level 500 feet long, sunk six feet in the earth.*° Michelson’s results for the E-W rigidity do not differ greatly from those of Orloff; but his N-S rigidity is somewhat less than Orloff’s. Michelson’s experiments also show that the viscosity of the earth must be as great as that of steel. These experiments are of great interest; they should be repeated at various places, and especially at places symmetrically situated with respect to the great oceans, and on mid-oceanic islands, in order to determine how far they are affected by the oceanic tides. 10“ Preliminary Results of Measurements of the Rigidity of the Earth,” The Astrophysical Journal, 1914, Vol. XXXIX., p. 97. 1915.] INGERIOR OF THE EARTH. 297 We can say in conclusion, that the transmission of transverse earthquake waves shows that the earth is solid, at least to a great depth below the surface; and that experiments on the deflection of the vertical show that it is quite as rigid and as viscous as steel. There are still difficulties in the interpretation of the observations, but their elucidation cannot alter the general character of the conclusions. TEI THE EARTH FROM THE GEOPHYSICAL STANDPOINT. By JOHN F. HAYFORD. (Read April 24, 1915.) This is a broad topic on which much intensive thinking has been done by many men. It is impossible to treat it adequately or com- prehensively in the short time available. In this address an attempt will be made to so concentrate atten- tion on a certain few points as to tend to clarify existing ideas and to correlate them. An attempt will also be made to help in locating the lines of least resistance to future progress in the study of the earth. The size of the earth, as well as its shape, is now known with such a high degree of accuracy that the errors are negligible in comparison with the errors in other parts of our knowledge of the earth. The probable error of the equatorial radius is less than 1 /300000 part, and of the polar semi-diameter is about the same. The three physical constants of the earth, and of its different parts, on which you are now asked to concentrate your attention are the density, the modulus of elasticity, and the strength. It is important to know as much as possible about the density. The more one knows about the density in all parts of the earth the more surely and safely one may proceed in learning other things about the earth. , The modulus of elasticity at each point in the earth controls the behavior of the earth under relatively small applied forces. The strength of the earth, at each point, as measured by the stress-difference at that point necessary to produce either slow con- tinuous change of shape or rupture, decides the behavior of the earth under the greater forces applied to it. As to density we know that the earth’s surface density is about 298 1915. ] HAYFORD—THE GEOPHYSICAL STANDPOINT. 299 2.7, that the density probably increases continuously with increase of depth, that the density at the center is probably about: 11, that the mean density is about 5.6, and that within a film at the surface of a thickness of about one fiftieth of the radius of the earth there is isostatic compensation which is nearly complete and perfect as be- tween areas of large extent. The manner of distribution of the isostatic compensation with respect to depth, and the limiting depth to which it extends are but imperfectly known. Nevertheless it appears that above the depth, 122 kilometers, the compensation is nearly complete even though there may be some compensation extending beyond that depth. Two general lines of evidence are available in determining the modulus of elasticity of the earth, that from earthquake waves, and that from earth tides. There are many inherent and extreme difficulties in the way of securing reliable evidence as to the modulus of elasticity from earthquake waves. To 1913 the accuracy of available observations of tides in the solid earth was insufficient to furnish a basis for reliable conclu- sions. Nevertheless the estimates of the modulus derived from these early observations were a fair approximation to that given by the very recent and much more accurate observations. Dr. Michelson and those associated with him in the observation of earth tides at the Yerkes Observatory since 1913 have developed a method of observing which is of a new order of accuracy such that the minute changes of inclination at a given point due to earth tides may be determined with an error of less than one per cent. These observations make the modulus of elasticity of the earth as a whole about like that of solid steel, namely (8.6) (10% C.GS.). It is the modulus of elasticity of the earth as a whole which is measured in this case. It is eminently desirable to determine if possible whether the modulus of elasticity varies with increase of depth. The Michelson apparatus possibly opens the way to such a determination. Sup- pose that the apparatus is used on the shore of the Bay of Fundy. Twice a day a large excess load of water is placed in the bay by the tidal oscillation and as frequently the water load is reduced below 300 HAYFORD—THE EARTH FROM [April 24, normal. ‘The stresses produced in the body of the earth by these changes of load applied over an area only about 30 miles wide are probably confined almost entirely to the first 100 miles of depth. The magnitude of changes of inclination produced at an observing station on the shore by the changing water load would, therefore, be dependent primarily on the modulus of elasticity of the material below and around the bay to a depth of less than 100 miles. The observations might serve, therefore, to determine a modulus of elas- ticity of the surface portion of the earth rather than of the whole earth. Turn now to the third of the physical constants which it was proposed to examine, namely the strength. Among the forces which we may consider as furnishing tests of strength are: (1) the forces involved in earthquakes, (2) the weight of continents, and (3) the weight of mountains. The forces which produce the more intense earthquakes evi- dently cause stress-differences locally which are beyond the break- ing strength of the material. However from earthquakes we may obtain but little information as to the strength of the earth material because the intensity of the stress-differences cannot be reliably de- termined. We know simply that the intensity exceeds the breaking strength of the material, at the points of rupture. It is uncertain how great are the maximum stress-differences produced by the weight of continents. One great difficulty in com- puting these stress-differences arises from the fact that the iso- static compensation of continents, now known to exist, reduces the stress-differences much below what they would otherwise be. Love computed the maximum stress-differences thus reduced as .07 ton per square inch. Darwin computed the greatest stress-difference due to the weight of the continents, without isostatic compensation, as 4 tons per square inch. If each of these computations were based upon assumptions which correspond closely with the facts one should be warranted in drawing the conclusion that the maximum stress-dif- ference caused by the actual continents supported in part by the actual isostastic compensation is between .o7 and 4 tons per square inch, and that it is much nearer to the smaller than to the larger value. Buta close examination of either of these computations shows that it isbased 1915.] THE GEOPHYSICAL STANDPOINT. 301 upon assumptions made to simplify and shorten the computations, which assumptions depart widely from the facts and tend strongly to make the computed stress-differences much smaller than the actual. For example, both Darwin and Love used in their computations hypothetical continents represented by regular mathematical forms in the place of the actual continents with their many irregularities. The maximum stress-difference caused by the actual continents is necessarily much greater than would be produced by the assumed smoothed out, regular, symmetrical continents. Similarly, no adequate computations have been made to deter- mine the maximum stress-difference due to the mountains. Darwin computed the maximum stress-difference produced by two parallel mountain ranges, of density 2.8, rising 13,000 feet above the inter- mediate valley bottom, to be 2.6 tons per square inch. Love, for the same mountain ranges, but with isostatic compensation taken into account, computed the maximum stress-difference to be 1.6 tons per square inch. In, this case the computation indicates that the isostatic compensation reduced the maximum stress-difference to but little more than one half what it would otherwise be. Here again both the computed maximum stress-differences have been greatly reduced by substituting hypothetical smoothed-out moun- tains in the place of the actual irregular unsymmetrical mountains. To the person who is trying to get a true picture of the present state of stress in the earth, two very important facts are made evi- dent by a comparison of the Love and the Darwin computations. First, the existence of isostatic computation greatly reduces the stress-differences which would otherwise be produced by the weight of the continents and mountains. Second, the depth at which the maximum stress-difference tends to occur is evidently very much less with isostatic compensation than without it. These two con- clusions, based on the differences between the two computations, are apparently reasonably safe even in spite of the same wild as- sumptions on which both the computations were based. Note that even a little information as to the distribution of densities—a little information about isostatic compensation—pro- foundly modifies the conclusions as to the state of stress in the earth. It should, therefore, be clear why it was so emphatically stated in 302 HAYFORD—THE EARTH FROM [April 24, an earlier part of this address that information as to the distribu- tion of density in the earth is necessary in order to make safe progress in learning other things about the earth. Is the earth competent to withstand without slow yielding the stress-differences due to the weight of continents and mountains, the isostatic compensations being considered? From the computa- tions by Darwin and Love, considered in the light of the assump- tions made by them to simplify the computations, I estimate that it is probable that the actual mountains and continents with all their irregularities of shape and elevation possibly produce stress- differences in some few places as great as four tons per square inch, and certainly produce stress-differences at many places as great as two tenths of a ton per square inch. The material would certainly yield slowly under such stress-differences especially when they per- sist continuously over long periods of time and throughout large regions. Four tons per inch is the breaking or rupture load for good granite, one of the strongest materials existing in the earth in large quantities. Two tenths of a ton per square inch is the safe working load used by engineers for good granite. There is abun- dant evidence from laboratory tests that the so-called yield point on which the engineer bases his estimate of safe working load for a given material is a function of the length of time the load is applied and the delicacy of the test. The longer the time of application and the more refined the test to determine the permanent yield the lower the observed yield point. In the case of the test in progress in the earth the time of application is indefinitely long and the test is ex- tremely refined inasmuch as the minimum rate of yielding which may be detected is exceedingly small. If an engineer wishes to know whether a bridge, or foundation, or building, or railroad rail is yielding under stress-differences which have been brought to bear upon it he looks for evidence of distress, for rivet heads popped off, scaling from the surface, settling, cracks, or even changes in microscopic structure. The geologists have made very extensive corresponding examinations of the earth. Everywhere they find evidence that the earth has yielded. On the one fourth of the earth’s surface exposed to examination, the land, there is no part for which the evidence does not indicate 1915.] THE GEOPHYSICAL STANDPOINT. 303 past uplift, or subsistence, or horizontal thrust, or cracking under tension, or cracking produced by shear, or microscopic yielding in detail such as produces schistosity for example, or some other form of past yielding to stress-differences. The physicist studying the earth must take this overwhelming mass of evidence into account and must conclude that the earth habitually yields slowly to the stress-differences brought to bear upon it. Please note that I do not assert that the stress-differences are all due to gravity. I propose now to state what are in my opinion probably the lines of least resistance to future progress in studying the earth from the physical standpoint. I propose to outline what I believe to be the most effective methods of attack, and to indicate some of the conclu- sions which will probably be reached. I am led to this procedure by two considerations. First, I find it possible to state certain of my opinions as to the net outcome of past investigations most clearly in that form—and time presses. Second, I indulge the hope that such an outline which is frankly an expression of judgment based on evidence much too weak and conflicting to be proof, may possibly kindle the imagination of some man or men, and so lead to vig- orous attacks upon the problem and to future progress. In attacking the problems of the earth one should assume at the outset that the phenomena exhibited are very complicated, that they are probably due to various simultaneous actions, and that the various actions are probably closely interlocked, modifying each other, though some are probably primary in importance and others secondary. Hence the most effective method of attack is probably one which includes a general correlation of apparently widely sep- arated ideas and facts gathered from physicists, engineers, geol- ogists, chemists, etc., and at the same time includes intensive attacks in detail on one after the other of single features of the problems which arise and an intensive working out of the possible conse- quences of said features. It should be recognized at the outset that no observed behavior of the earth clearly warrants the assumption that the material of which it is composed differs radically in any way from that acces- ible at the surface. It should be assumed, therefore, that through- out the earth the materials are a mixture differing from the mixture 304 HAYFORD—THE EARTH FROM [April 24, found at the surface only as the extreme pressure and temperature conditions at great depths directly and indirectly produce differences. It should be kept clearly in mind that the geodetic evidence from observations of the direction and intensity of gravity indicates simply the present location of attracting masses, the present distri- bution of density. It furnishes no direct evidence whatever as to past distributions of density, or as to changes in density now in progress. But an understanding of the present distribution of density within the earth, especially near the surface, is so necessary to a true understanding of the present state of stress and of viscous flow in the earth that an understanding of the geodetic evidence is fundamental to progress. Computations should be made in extension of those which have been made by Darwin and Love. The new computations should, however, deal with the actual irregular continents and mountains, not with regular substitutes. The computations should also take into account the bulk modulus of the materials composing the earth, that is these materials should be assumed to be compressible. Such computations will no doubt be both difficult and long. I believe that even a moderately vigorous attack along this line will show con- clusively that the earth does not behave as an elastic body under the large loads superimposed upon it by the continents and moun- tains. I believe that the computed stress-differences will be found to be so large that the computation will be essentially a proof of viscous yielding. Next make the contrasting assumption that the material compos- ing the earth is competent to withstand but little shearing stress, and that the pressure at any point is that due to gravitation acting on the mass in the column extending from the point vertically to the surface. Let it be assumed that isostatic compensation exists, is uniformly distributed with respect to depth, and is complete at depth 122 kilometers. Consider the actual topography and form a mental picture as accurately as possible of the viscous flows which would take place on the assumption that at each level the material would flow horizontally from regions of greater pressure to regions of less pressure along lines of maximum rate of change of pressure, and that the time rate of such viscous flows would tend to be pro- 1915.] THE GEOPHYSICAL STANDPOINT. 305 portional to the space rate of change of pressure. The flows would all be found to be away from beneath high regions toward low regions, from continents toward oceans, from mountains toward valleys. After such a picture has been clearly formed assume that the isostatic condition is disturbed by long-continued erosion and depo- sition producing changes in the surface elevations and surface loads. On the same assumptions as to the nature of the viscous flows as before, form a new picture of the viscous flows which would now be in progress. It will be found that under the new conditions the viscous flows near the surface would still be away from high areas and toward low areas, but in general they would be slower than before. At greater depths, however, it will be found that the vis- cous flows would be undertows from regions of recent deposition toward regions of recent erosion. ‘These undertow flows would in general tend to be in the direction opposite to recent surface trans- portation of material. This picture would serve as a first approxi- mation to an understanding of the mechanism of isostatic readjust- ment. The undertows would be found on these assumptions to extend to a considerable depth, certainly more than 122 kilometers. Next one should picture the changes in density which would be produced by the viscous flows. The density should be pictured as decreasing in regions from which material is being carried away by the flow and increasing in regions to which the material is being carried. It will be noticed as soon as such a picture is formed that every undertow flow at any level tends to equalize pressures at lower levels. This will have a strong tendency to make the prevailing undertows occur at much higher levels than they otherwise would. Let it be assumed that the viscous material offers some small re- sistance to shear and still has elastic properties toa slight degree. The condition assumed originally that the pressure at a point depends simply upon the weight of the material above that point will be dis- turbed thereby. Form as clear a conception as possible of these dis- turbances and the modifications of the flows produced by them. 1 be- lieve the modifications will be found to be important, and that they will be found to be such as tend to confine the effects of surface changes of load to a depth which is a small fraction of the radius. 306 HAYFORD—THE EARTH FROM [April 24, So much for the direct effects of gravity which it seems im- portant to picture clearly. Next study other effects, some of which are indirectly produced by gravity. First study the modifying effects of changes of temperature. Wherever viscous flow takes place in the quasi-solid portions of the earth there heat is necessarily developed in amount equivalent to the mechanical energy expended in overcoming the resistance to flow. This will tend to increase the volume of the material, to increase the pressure, and to raise the surface above the region of viscous flow. It is probable also that the increase of temperature will tend to weaken the material, thus emphasizing the weakening produced by the damaging mechanical effects of the flow. This temperature effect is probably locally important. Beneath areas of recent deposition the temperature of a given part of the buried material will slowly increase for long periods of time, on account of heat conducted up from below and prevented by the new blanket of deposited material from rising to the surface so freely as before. Conversely, beneath the areas of recent erosion the temperature of a given portion of material will decrease. The ultimate limit of change will tend to be in each case not greater than about one degree Centigrade for each thirty-two meters of depth of erosion or deposition. These temperature changes tend ultimately to lower areas of recent erosion and to raise areas of recent deposi- tion, possibly as much as one thirtieth of the thickness of the erosion or deposition,—the temperature effect taking place much later than the erosion or deposition which initiated it. Study next the effects which may be computed from the bulk modulus of elasticity. Beneath areas of erosion a given particle of matter tends to rise by an amount which may be computed from the bulk modulus of material, and similarly a particle tends to fall be- neath an area of deposition. If the depth to which the elastic phe- nomena extend is as great as 122 kilometers and the bulk modulus is 500,000 kilograms per square centimeter (corresponding to granite) the rise or fall of a particle near the surface will tend to be at least 1/50th part as great as the thickness of the material eroded or deposited. This is a change so large as to have consid- erable effects in modifying or magnifying the actions which would 1915. ] HE GEOPHYSICAL STANDPOINT ; 307 otherwise occur. Possibly this elastic change is much larger than the estimate here given. Of course if the erosion or deposition takes place in a small area only, such elastic response will be largely in- hibited by surrounding material on which the load has not been di- rectly changed. But under large areas of erosion or deposition such action must take place and extend to depths possibly as great as 122 kilometers. Study next the modifying effects, on the phenomena already pic- tured, of chemical changes which are probably produced in the earth by changes of pressure. The expression “chemical changes” is here used in the broadest possible sense. A relief of pressure at any given point in the earth necessarily favors such chemical changes as are accompanied by increase in volume and reduction of density. Increase of pressure tends to have the reverse effect. Such changes tend to reinforce and extend in time the effects just referred to which may be computed from the bulk modulus of elas- ticity. It is important to estimate such changes as well as possible from all available evidence, such for example as that furnished by chemists, by geologists, and by such investigations of rock forma- tion as have been conducted at the geophysical laboratory in Wash- ington. I believe the possible effects of this kind will be found to be so large as to be of primary importance. Evidence has accumulated during the past few years which makes it reasonably certain that with increased pressure, as at the great depths in the earth, the rigidity and the viscosity of the material also necessarily increase. This tends to cause the viscous flows to take place at higher levels than they otherwise would. This should be taken into account. Next a reexamination of the conceptions so far formed should be made to ascertain to what extent and how they would be modified if one started with some other reasonable assumption as to the limit- ing depth of present isostatic compensation or some other reason- able assumption as to the law of distribution of the compensation with regard to depth. Next full and extensive comparisons should be made between the hypothetical phenomena on the one hand pictured as made up primarily of viscous flows, modified by some elastic effects, ini- 308 HAYFORD—THE EARTH. [April 24, tiated in part by surface transfers of load, modified by changes of temperature, modified by chemical changes and in the other ways, and on the other hand the facts of the past as to the behavior of the earth recorded in the rocks and read by geologists and others. This comparison should be used to the fullest possible extent to evaluate the relative importance of the various elements in the actions. In making this comparison of various hypothetical phenomena with the great accumulated mass of geological facts it should be recognized at once that it is false logic to reason that if a given hypothesis does not account for all the observed facts the hypothesis is necessarily erroneous. On the contrary it is true logic in dealing with such a problem as the earth seen from a physical standpoint to reason that the more facts are accounted for by a given hypothesis the more certain it is that said hypothesis is a statement of a con- trolling element in the complex phenomena and then to study the facts which appear neutral, or conflicting, with reference to the hypothesis, considering them as indicators of other elements of the phenomena which one should attempt to embody in other supple- mentary hypotheses. I submit that in studying the earth it is a mistake to think that there is any necessary conflict between the idea that the earth be- haves as an elastic body and the idea that it is yielding in a viscous manner. A body may behave in both ways at once. The earth is probably acting largely as an elastic body under small forces which change rapidly and at the same time is yielding in a viscous manner to forces of larger intensity which are applied in one sense continuously for long periods. The object of this address will have been accomplished if it serves in time to arouse the imagination and interest of some one and to guide him to greater effectiveness in attacking the problems presented by the earth as seen from the geophysical standpoint. CoLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Evanston, IL. MORPHOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI (PLates VII.—XIII.) By GEO. F. ATKINSON. (Read April 23, 1915.) INTRODUCTION. Agaricus rodmani: was described by Peck in 1885, from speci- mens growing in “grassy ground and paved gutters” at Astoria, Long Island. As to its habitat and occurrence a more specific state- ment is made in 1807, in that it “ grows in grassy ground and even in crevices of unused pavements and paved gutters in cities,’? from May to July, and is said to be rare. It has been observed in the city of Ithaca, N. Y., for a number of years, where it is usually found growing in the parking between the sidewalks and street curbing, or even in the crevices of stone paved streets and gutters, and also in grassy ground along the street railway or along walks on the border of groves. The material for this study was collected in August, 1914, along the Ithaca street railway and by the side of paths along the border of groves on the campus. In these places the mycelium in spots was often very abundant so that lumps of soil resembling a fine quality of spawn were exposed in digging for the young stages. The young fruit bodies collected were scattered on these cords of mycelium, the material and conditions offering very clear evidence of the normal development of the basidiocarps. The material was fixed in chrom-acetic fluid and sectioned in paraffin, The features of interest in the morphology and development of Agaricus rodmami which I have considered in the present study are as follows: (1) the duplex character of the annulus, or ring, on the stem, and its significance ; (2) the origin of the hymenophore funda- 1N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. Rept., 36, 45, 1885. 2N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. Rept., 48, 139, 1897. 309 310 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, ment; (3) the differentiation of parts in the primordial ground tissue; and (4) the origin and development of the lamelle. The peculiar form and position of the annulus on the stem has sug- gested a resemblance to a volva, a structure not admitted in the genus Agaricus as now limited; while the subject of the origin and de- velopment of the lamelle has acquired new interest in all of the Agaricacez since the accuracy of observations and the correctness of the statements covering a period of more than a half a century, in regard to this topic, have recently been called in question. Without further preliminary remarks we may proceed to an account of the present investigation, and to a consideration of the various matters involved. I. THe DupLeExX ANNULUS AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE. The Annulus—The annulus is situated near the middle of the short stem, or even near its base. It is usually very thick next the stem and is divided into an upper and lower limb by a deep marginal groove as is clearly seen in the photographs reproduced in Plate I. In those cases where the annulus is near the base of the stem, Peck was impressed by its suggestion of “the idea of a volva” (J. c., 45). Before the expansion of the pileus, while the veil is still attached to the stem and pileus margin, a longitudinal section of the plant shows very clearly that the lower limb of the annulus lies on the outer (upper) side of the pileus margin (see Plate VII., upper right hand and lower left hand figures). The marginal veil is very thick and the epinastic growth of the pileus margin crowds the latter into the veil tissue and against the stem. The position of the lower limb of the annulus therefore corresponds to that of the volva limb of the Amanitas. The plates represented in the upper group of Plate VII., were col- lected on the Cornell University campus, those in the upper group during August, 1911, along a path in the edge of a small wood not far from the street; those in the lower group, July, 1913, along the street railway and parking by East Avenue. In the expanded speci- mens, the pileus ranged from 6 cm. to 8 cm. in diameter. The plants were smaller than those represented in Plate VIII., but since they were abundant and in all stages of development they present in 1915-] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. dll an excellent way the different details of the veil and annulus during expansion of the plant. Those represented in Plate VIII., were col- lected by Mr. Wood, June 28, 1915, in the parking between the sidewalk and street, on Stewart Avenue, in front of the Town and Gown Club, Ithaca, N. Y. They were very robust specimens, and show the great distance between the upper and lower. limb of the annulus. They are reproduced here real size. A thin outer layer of the lower limb of the annulus is continuous below with the outer layer of the stem, and also with a very thin surface layer of the pileus. As the stem elongates at the time of the expansion of the plant, this outer layer of the stem lags behind and is thus torn into irregular patches shown very clearly in the two upper left-hand figures of Plate VII. The edges of these patches are frequently warped away from the stem, thus showing a tendency to exfoliation. This is especially marked in the case of the surface layer of the stem next the lower limb of the annulus. The warping upward of this layer, after it has been severed from its connection below, often gives the appearance of a double edge to the lower limb of the annulus, as shown in the lower right-hand figure of Plate VIL., where the upper limb of the annulus has not yet broken away from the pileus margin. The very thin layer on the pileus which is also continuous with a thin outer layer of the lower limb of the annulus often shows a tendency to exfoliation. This partial exfoliation of the stem and pileus surface is clearly marked where the basidiocarps are some- what soiled by contact with particles of earth, as they are likely to be during the period of subterranean growth. The outer portion of the lower limb of the annulus, as well as the corresponding thin, and partially exfoliating surface layer of the pileus and stem are derived from the outer layer of the blematogen. The blematogen layer, as I have interpreted it, is present in the genus Agaricus as well as in Amanita. In the species of Amamita thus far studied,® the blematogen at length is clearly separated from the pileus by a cleavage layer, arising from the gelatinization, or other kind of disintegration, of the external layer of the pileus primordium, thus 3 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Amanitopsis vaginata,’ Ann. Myc., 12, 360-302, pls. 17-19, 1914. PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 219 U, PRINTED SEPT. 7, IQI5. 312 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, giving rise to the teleoblem, or finished volva. But in the genus Agaricus* no such cleavage layer is formed, and the surface of the pileus primordium becomes consolidated with the blematogen layer which here does not form a true volva, or teleoblem. The lower limb of the annulus of Agaricus rodmami is not, there- fore, strictly, homologous with the volva of the Amamnitas, not even including the thin layer of the stem and pileus which sometimes tends to peel off, since it does not comprise all of the blematogen layer, nor is it separated from the pileus by a distinct cleavage layer. If it were homologous with the volva of the Amanitas, then this species would represent a generic type distinct from Agaricus (Psalliota). In fact other species of Agaricus frequently show a similar condi- tion of the annulus, 7. e., where the margin is “grooved,” due to the inset of the pileus margin into the veil where the conditions for the robust development of the veil are favorable. In Agaricus cumpes- tris the annulus frequenlty presents a grooved margin, not only in the case of cultivated forms, but more rarely in the feral state. This condition is well shown in Plates 11 and 12 of my article on Agaricus campestris.» In Fig. 20 of that article the lower limb of the annulus has broken away from the outer surface of the incurved pileus margin, while the upper limb is still attached to the edge of the pileus. In Figs. 18 and 19 the upper limb has also become freed from the pileus margin and the grooved character of the edge of the annulus is very distinctly shown. In Fig. 15 of the same article, sections of the young basidiocarps show very clearly the position of the lower limb of the annulus extending over the outer (upper) side of the pileus margin. Fig. 20 also shows very clearly that the annulus as a whole is ripped off from the lower part of the stem, being an exaggerated case of the slight peeling up of the thin surface layer of the stem mentioned above in Agaricus rodmam. That the # Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus,’ Am. Jour. Bot., 1, 3-22, pls. I, 2, 1914. Atkinson, Geo. F., “ Homology of the Universal Veil in Agaricus,’ Myc. Centralb., 5, 13-19, pls. 1-3, 1914. Atkinson, Geo. F., ““ The Development of Lepiota clypeolaria, Ann. Myc., 12, 346-356, pls. 13-16, 1914. 5 Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Agaricus campestris,’ Bot. Gaz., 42: 241-264, pls. 7-12, 1900. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 3138 lower limb of the annulus in A. rodmani is merely a part of the marginal veil is clearly seen in the sectioned plants shown in the lower groups of Plate VII., where the connecting portion between the two limbs is clearly differentiated from the surface of the stem with which it is in contact, a situation very different from that in Amanita where the volva has no such relation to the annulus. Comparison of Agaricus rodmani with other Species of Agaricus. —This extensive peeling, or ripping upward of the annulus from the lower part of the stem in Agaricus campestris is the cause of the more extensive, 7. e., broader, veil and annulus than is characteristic for Agaricus rodmani. Peck regards this species as intermediate between Agaricus campestris and A. arvensis,® resembling the former in size, shape and general appearance; the latter in the “ whitish primary color of the lamelle,” in the occasional yellowish tints of the pileus, and the occasional rimose under surface of the annulus. The robust character of the annulus of Agaricus rodmani and the thick flesh of the pileus margin crowded by epinastic growth against the stem deepens and widens the groove on the edge of the annulus. This, together with the very short stem, in comparison with the longer stem of Agaricus campestris and A. arvensis, is, I think, largely responsible for certain differences in the character of the under surface of the annulus in the different species. In the species with the longer stem more stretching of the stem occurs and the annulus (or veil) is ripped upward from a greater extent of the stem surface. The radiately grooved character of the under surface of the annulus, in certain species (4. arvensis Schultz, A. abrupti- bulbus Pk., A. placomyces Pk., A. hemorrhoidarius Schultz), or the coarsely floccose or scaly character in certain others (Agaricus subrufescens Pk., A. augustus Fr., or both features contained in some) is largely due to the fact that this part of the annulus is stripped from the stem and then brought under greater tension than the upper surface as the expansion of the pileus stretches the veil outward. All things considered Agaricus rodmani is much more closely related to Agaricus campestris than to any other of the species. It is very probably identical with Agaricus campestris var. 6N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. Rept., 36, 45, 1885. 314 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, edulis Vitt.,* as I have elsewhere suggested ® (1900, 1901, 1903, p. 20). Excellent figures of this variety are given by Vittadini (J. c., pl. 6) and by Bresadola® (pl. 54). II. ORIGIN OF THE HYMENOPHORE PRIMORIDUM Primordium of the Basidiocarp—The primordia of the basi- diocarps are elliptical or oval in outline, and reach a diameter of 3 mm, or 4 mm. before there is any internal evidence of a differentia- tion of parts. The length is usually somewhat greater than the transverse diameter. In specimens not so well nourished differentia- tion may begin before the primordia have reached this size. The primordium, from the size of 2 mm. to 4 mm. in diameter, consists of a homogeneous interlacing of stout mycelial threads with rather thick walls. In primordia 3 mm. to 4 mm. in diameter the hyphae average about 5, to 7p in thickness, occasionally stouter ones are seen which measure up to 10. More slender threads are also inter- mingled, but all sizes are so indiscriminately interwoven that no structural differentiation is perceptible. In smaller primordia the hyphz average less in diameter. In most of the primordia examined, the sections are evenly stained throughout, but in a few a narrow zone a short distance from the surface stains more deeply than the external and internal tissue (Fig. 2). This suggested the possi- bility of a differentiation of an outer zone distinct from the bulk of the fruit body, which is sometimes present in Agaricus campestris and which I have called the protoblem.*° A similar zone is found in some of the basidiocarps after the origin of the hymenophore funda- ment, but in the material which I have examined it 1s the exception rather than the rule, and I am inclined to the belief that it is due to some condition which affects the rate of growth or increase of cer- 7 Vittadini, C., “ Funghi Mangerecci,” 44, 1835. 8 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ Studies of American Fungi; Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.,” Ist edition, I-VI., 1-275, 76 plates (223 figs.), Ithaca, N Y., 1900. Idem, 2d edition, I-VI., 1-322, 86 plates (250 figs.), Ithaca, N. Y. 1901. Idem, New York City, 1903. 9 Bresadola, G., “ Funghi Mangerecci e Velenosi,’ 1899. 10 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus,’? Am. Jour. Bot., 1, 3-22, pls. 1, 2, 1914. “Homology of the Uni- versal Veil in Agaricus,’ Myc. Centralb., 5, 13-19, pls. 1-3, 1914. 1915. ] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 315 tain individuals. A protoblem* is very likely present, but it is diffi- cult to distinguish in primordia havng a subterranean origin because of the ease with which the delicate protoblem is removed while re- moving the soil, and especially in the forms and species of Agaricus with a white pileus. In those with a brown pileus, like Agaricus campestris var. bohemia of the commercial spawn growers, the delicate, white protoblem is very distinct. Differentiation of an Internal Annular Hymenophore Primor- dium.—tThe first evidence of internal differentiation is the appear- ance of an internal annular zone of new growth in the region of the smaller end of the oval fruit body. This can be studied with ad- vantage by means of serial, longitudinal sections. A median longi- tudinal section is shown in Fig. 3, while a “tangential” section, 7. e., parallel with the axis of the basidiocarp, but through one side of the annular zone of new growth is shown in Fig. 4. Diagrams 1 and 2 (in the text) show how the sections were made. Fig. 3 is from the region marked by the line 2, while Fig. 4 is from that marked by the lines 1 and 3. The darker staining areas in Figs. 3 and 4 mark the position of the zone of new growth. In the median 11 The delicate, floccose, primary universal veil, or protoblem was ob- served by Fries on Agaricus campestris and a few other species, and called by him a subuniversal veil. Vittadini (in Fung. Mang., 147, pl. 18, fig. 2, 1835) describes and figures it in connection with his study of the development of his Agaricus exquisitus. But in this species he seems to con- fuse this delicate universal veil (protoblem) with what he terms the volva in several species of Agaricus. He also applies the term volva to the lower limb of the annulus in Agaricus exquisitus and in Agaricus edulis. He says (/. c., 148) this delicate universal veil in A. exquisitus is per- fectly similar to that which constitutes the veil of the “ Tignose,” 7. ¢., the scaly Amanitas like A. muscaria, etc. Vittadini also states (lJ. c. 147) that Trattinnick observed this delicate universal veil (protoblem) on Agaricus edulis (the species which Trattinnick describes as A. edulis is different from A. campestris edulis Vitt. or A. rodmani Pk.), but it appears that Vittadini misinterpreted Trattinnick’s statment. The latter says, in order to prevent confusion one should avoid (J. c., p. 73) taking for the edible one a mushroom (74), which may have also only the slightest trace of a mem- brane which in youth envelopes the entire mushroom, including pileus and stem, down to the roots. “Um Verwechslungen zu vermeiden, htite man sich statt der Gugemuke einen Schwamm zu nehmen” (73), “(d) der auch nur die geringste Spur von einer Wulsthaut haben sollte, die in der Jugend den ganzen Schwamm mit sammt den Strunk und Hut bis auf die Wurzel verhillet” (74 Die essbare Schwamme, 1830). 316 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, longitudinal section two such areas are seen, symmetrically situated on either side of the long axis and some distance from the surface of the fruit body. The annular zone is of quite limited extent as the fe ee Mey Ui. <5) DIAGRAM I Lateral view through young basidiocarp representing early stage of differentiation into the primordia of the four principal parts; pileus area, stem area, hymenophore fundament (Hy) and veil primordium (V. P.). DIAGRAM 2. Zenith view in young basidiocarp at same stage of fundaments, and annular hymenophore primordium. See text for details. small area presented by its transection in Fig. 3 shows. ‘The outline of this area in transection is somewhat elongated and rises at an oblique angle from the stem area, well shown in Fig. 3 and indi- cated in diagram 1. The area of the primordial hymenophore seen in the tangential section is much more extensive as shown in Fig. 4. The difference in the extent of these areas shown in median (Fig. 3) and tangential (Fig. 4) sections is clearly appreciated by reference to diagram 2. Structure of the Young Hymenophore Primordium.—tThis inter- nal annular zone of new growth arises by the origin of numerous, slender hyphal branches, rich in protoplasm, which are directed downward, or obliquely downward and outward. They have a more direct course than the hyphae of the basidiocarp primordium, the latter irregularly sinuous and interwoven, while the hyphae of the young hymenophore primordium are nearly or quite straight. Because of their small diameter and their slender, gradually taper- ing ends, they easily crowd their way through the rather open weft of hyphe forming the ground tissue or fundamental plectenchyma. Fig. 9 is a highly magnified view of the hymenophore primordium 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 317 shown in the section represented in Fig. 3, from the right-hand area. The dark area in Fig. 9 represents the mass of deeply stained hyphz of the new growth zone. Because of the compactness of the tissue, very little detail is shown. But along the middle portion of the figure between the lighter, open mesh of the ground tissue below and to the right, and the dark area of the hymenophore primordium above and to the left, a number of hyphz in advance of the others are shown extending into the loose mesh of the ground tissue. These are nearly parallel and their extremities are more or less dis- tant, because they are in advance of the greater number of new branches present in the more deeply staining area. No annular gill cavity is present at this time. Growth and Increase of the Hymenophore Primordium—tThe growth and further organization of the hymenophore primordium is readily studied by the aid of similar serial sections of successively older stages of the basidiocarps. Sections of such stages are repre- i a LEON: DIAGRAM 3. Lateral view through young basidiocarp at a slightly later stage of development than in diagram 1. Hy = hymenophore; A. C. = annular cavity; V. P. = veil primordium. DiacramM 4. Zenith view in young basidiocarp at same stage of development. See text for details. sented in Figs. 5-8 and 10-16. Diagrams 3 and 4 indicate how the sections were made. From the condition show in Figs. 3, 4 and 9, there is a rapid increase in the number of hyphz in the zone of new growth, extending in the same direction, 7. e., downward and ob- liquely outward. During the increase in number the hyphe become more crowded, are straighter and lie more nearly parallel. The 318 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, upper outer portion of this new zone of growth, 7. e., the hymeno- phore primordium, represents the early stage of the organization of the pileus margin: in other words, the annular internal zone of new growth is to be interpreted as the young primordium of hymeno- phore and pileus margin, the latter including the area from which the new hyphal branches arise as well as the basal area of these branches. Not only is there interstitial growth in the increase of these hyphal branches, the new ones crowding in between the older ones forming a more compact zone, but there is also a centrifugal increase in the periphery of the annular zone. The centrifugal growth of the pileus margin and hymenophore primordium is very characteristic. The position and direction of the hyphe of the young hymeno- phore primordium, as well as the increasing density of this area, is well shown in Figs. 10-16. The stem axis of all the figures is parallel with the long axis of the Plate. Several of these figures are highly magnified views of the hymenophore primordium shown in Figs. 5-7; Figs. to and 15 being highly magnified views of the hymenophore of Figs. 5 and 6, while Figs. 12 and 16 are highly mag- nified views of that in Figs. 7 and 8. Figs. 10 to 14 are from median longitudinal sections of the basidiocarps. Fig. 10 is from the right-hand side of the stem axis, 7. e., the stem axis is at the left. Figs. 11-14 are from the left-hand side of the stem axis, the stem axis therefore being on the right-hand of the figures. The increas- ing density of the elements of the young hymenophore is progres- sively shown in Figs. 10 to 13. With the increasing density the ends of the hyphe reach more and more to the same level and thus tend to form an even surface which forms the transition to the palisade layer. Origin of the General Annular Gill Cavity—A striking feature in all these radial transections of the hymenophore zone and pileus margin is the curved outline of the zone as seen in transection. This is remarkably strong in Figs. 11 and 12 because the young hymenophore primordium extends for a considerable distance down around the apex of the stem fundament. This arched form of the young annular hymenophore zone is the result of epinastic growth of the pileus margin, which is very marked even in this very early stage in the organization. The rapid increase in the number of 1915] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 319 the hyphe in the young hymenophore, crowding in between the older ones, as well as their increase in diameter, produces a great pressure in this region. As a result of this increasing pressure within the arch a strong tension is exerted on the ground tissue below and adjacent to the arch. The ground tissue at this point is thus torn apart, forming a distinct opening, or cavity, beneath the young hymenophore, which is known as the annular gill cavity. The continuity as a general, annular, internal cavity can easily be determined by serial longitudinal sections through the young fruit body, the sections being made as indicated in diagrams 3 and 4, the knife travelling through the basidiocarp in the direction indicated by the lines 1, 2, 3. As the knife passes the region marked by the line 1, the sections will show a single cavity elongated transversely as shown in Figs. 6 and 8, 15 and 16. As the knife passes into the stem area the sections will show two cavities situated symmetrically as in Figs. 5 and 7 (or as in diagrams 3 and 4). ‘Then as the knife passes out of the stem area, into the region indicated by the line 3, the sections will again show a single cavity elongated transversely. The annular gill cavity’? varies in strength in different indi- viduals and at different stages of development. Sometimes it is very weak, at other times it is quite strong. The tearing apart of the ground tissue often leaves it with quite an open mesh, and the surface next the gill cavity is more or less frazzled. The gill cavity is stronger next the stem where the hymenophore is older, and is weaker toward the margin. Where the cavity is weak, isolated threads or irregular strands of the ground tissue are not completely torn away from the hymenophore, and the cavity is thus often tra- versed by lagging elements of the ground tissue. At a later stage, after the origin of the lamelle, the annular cavity in some indi- 12Tn a recent paper, after describing the gills in Coprinus micaceus, Levine (“ The Origin and Development of the Lamelle in Coprinus micaceus,” Am. Jour. Bot., 1, 343-356, pls. 39, 40, 1914), makes the statement (p. 352) that “There is no general gill cavity as described by Hoffmann, deBary, Atkinson, and others.” Since deBary (“Morphologie und Physiologie der Pilze, Flechten und Myxomyceten,”’ 69, 1866) is the only person hitherto who has announced the presence of a general annular gill cavity in Coprinus micaceus, this statement by Levine can only be interpreted as a general denial of the presence of a general annular gill cavity in the species in which it has thus far been described, a rather rash statement which will be re- ferred to again in the discussion of the origin of the lamelle. 320 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, viduals may become nearly or quite closed by the increase in the elements of this ground tissue, which forms a portion of the mar- ginal veil, but chiefly by the epinastic growth of the pileus margin which crowds this ground tissue up against the margin of the lam- ella, as shown in Figs. 32-38. Organization of the Palisade Layer—The level palisade layer of the hymenophore follows the primordial stage, immediately after the latter stage has become dense and compact by the increase in number and thickness of the parallel hyphal elements. The grow- ing compactness of the primordial hymenophore zone is accom- panied by the evening up of the hyphal ends into a plane surface. As the ends of the hyphz broaden the free surface of the hymeno- phore becomes compact and smooth, or even. This is the level palisade stage of the hymenophore. It is a gradual, not abrupt, transition from the primordial stage. It begins next the stem, or in many cases on the outer surface of the upper part of the stem fundament as shown in Fig. 12. Here the palisade area, in radial section, rises upward at a strong oblique angle from the axis of the stem, and then grades into the primordial area toward the left. The palisade area progresses, like the primordial area and the pileus margin, in a centrifugal direction, the older portion lying next to, or on the upper part of the stem fundament. The level palisade layer of the hymenophore, preceding the ori- gin of the lamellz, was first described by Hoffmann™ in 1856, 1860, and 1861, in about a dozen species (see the later paragraph on the origin of the lamellz for a list of species). DeBary** (1859, p. 386, 394) described the palisade layer of the young hymenophore in Nyctalis asterophora and parasitica, as having radial folds from its 18 Hoffmann, H., “Die Pollinarien und Spermatien von Agaricus,” Bot. Zeit., 14: 137-148; 153-163, pl. 5, 1856. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsge- schichte und Anatomie der Agaricinen,” Bot. Zeit., 18: 389-305; 397-404, pls. 13, 14, 1860. Icones Analyticae Fungorum; Abbildungen und Beschreibungen von Pilzen mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte,’ 1-105, pls. 1-24, 1861. 14 DeBary, A., “Zur Kenntnis einer Agaricinen,” Bot. Zeit., 17: 385-388; 303-308 ; 401-404, pl. 13, 1859. 15 DeBary; A., “ Morphologie und Physiologie der Pilze, Flechten und Myxomyceten,”’ Leipzig, 1866. “ Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen und Bacterien,’ 1884. “Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria,’ Oxford, 1887. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 321 earliest appearance. But as this interpretation was shown by Hoff- man (1860, p. 402) to be wrong, deBary?’ (1866, p. 63; 1884, p. 58, 312; 1887, p. 55, 289) studied a number of other forms and agreed with Hoffman that the earliest stage of the young palisade hymeno- phore was level, or smooth. Ill. Tue DIFFERENTIATION OF PARTS IN THE PRIMORDIAL GROUND TISSUE. There are four principal parts of the fruit body which are dif- ferentiated in the ground tissue of the basidiocarp primordium, the hymenophore, pileus, stem and veil. The primary differentiation in the ground tissue of Agaricus rodmani is the origin of the hymeno- phore primordium. As described above this arises as an internal annular zone of new growth, a little above the middle of the small oval primordial basidiocarp. It consists of numerous hyphal branches which extend downward and obliquely outward. These new hyphe are nearly or quite parallel, are at first slender and taper very gradually to the free end. This form assists them in making their way through the mesh of the ground tissue. They are rich in protoplasm, become compacted by increase in number and diameter, and thus in sections, take on a deep color when stains are applied (see Figs. 3-16). The origin of this internal hymenophore zone differentiates at once the stem and pileus areas, or fundaments, but the organization of the stem and pileus occurs later. In the early origin of the primordial hymenophore zone, Agaricus rodman agrees with Agaricus campestris'® as presented in a study of the commercial varieties, alaska and bohemia. In that paper I pointed out that we should not necessarily expect the first evidence of differentiation to be the appearance of the hymenophore primor- dium in plants not yet studied though it is probable that at least some of the other species of Agaricus (Psalliota) may show the same peculiarity. This suggestion is justified by the situation in Agaricus rodmam. The same situation exists in Armillaria mellea.* 16 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Agaricus compestris,’ Bot. Universal Veil’ in Agaricus,’ Myc. Centralb., 2, 13-19 pls. 1-3, 1914. Gaz., 42: 241-264, pls. 7-12, 1906. 17 Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Armillaria mellea;’ Myc. Centralb., 4: 113-121, pls. I, 2, 1914. 322 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, In the specimens of Agaricus arvensis'® studied, the lagging behind of the ground tissue below the zone where the hymenophore primor- dium arises occurs before any differentiation of this zone is dis- tinguishable, for a light area with a looser mesh occurs in an an- nular zone which marks the distinction between the stem and pileus areas. Or the lagging behind of the ground tissue may occur simul- taneously with the appearance of the primordial hymenophore zone and the outline of the pileus area. In a number of forms studied by Fayod’® the primordium of the pileus is organized, in the apex of the young homogeneous basidiocarp, as a new zone of growth, in the form of an inverted bowl, shown by the darker staining of the hyphe rich in protoplasm, forming a pileus producing layer (“couche piléogene’’). This method of differentiation he accepts as a general law for the Agaricez, the only exception admitted by him being the coriaceous forms of Lentinus. Agaricus rodmam, the commercial varieties of Agaricus campestris (columbia and alaska) and Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller,?° also form excep- tions to this rule. The primordium of the pileus in these forms may be regarded as diffuse within the upper part of the young basidiocarp, the differentiation and organization of the pileus mar- gin beginning in conjunction with the organization of the primordial hymenophore zone, though in Stropharia ambigua the inverted bowl- shaped zone of new growth in the upper part of the pileus area is soon organized.*° Other forms recently investigated which conform to the general law laid down by Fayod, are certain species of Hypholoma (Allen) ,°* Hypholoma fascicularis and Clitocybe laccata by Beer,?* Lepiota?* clypeolaria and Amanitopsis vaginata.** 18 Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus,’ Am. Jour. Bot, 1, 3-22, pls. I, 2, 1914. ‘Homology of the ‘Universal Veil’ in Agaricus,’ Myc. Centralbl., 2, 13-19 pls. 1-3, 1914. 19 Fayod, V., “ Prodrome d’une histoire naturelle des Agaricinées,” Ann. S@i, ING, BOR, Nile; G, mdieais iols, G, 7 wets, 20 Zeller, S. M., “ The Development of Stropharia ambigua,’ Mycologia, 6, 139-145: pls. 124, 125, 1914. 21 Allen, Caroline L., ‘““The Development of some Species of Hypho- loma,’ Ann. Myc., 4, 387-394, pls. 5-7, 1906. 22 Beer, R., “ Notes on the Development of the Carpophore in Some Agarincacee,’ Ann. Bot., 252: 683-6080, pl. 52, 1911. 23 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Lepiota clypeolaria,’ Ann. Myc., 12, 346-356, pls. 13-16, 1914. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 323 Organization of the Pileus——The organization of the pileus be- gins in connection with the primordial hymenophore zone. The upper part of this zone is very probably to be regarded as the primor- dium of the pileus margin which then increases by centrifugal growth. It is marked from an early period by strong epinastic growth, so the margin becomes strikingly involute, a feature also characteristic of Agaricus campestris,” A. arvensis,® A. comtulus, etc., as I have earlier described. The general relation of the hyphe in the primordium of the pileus margin is a parallel one, and they become more and more strongly incurved as a result of epinasty. As the pileus primordium increases in width by marginal growth, it also increases in thickness, more perceptibly so farther back from the margin where the new growth is older. In this way the organi- zation of the pileus advances more and more into the outer zone of the ground tissue, the blematogen, and becomes consolidated with it.?" Organization of the Stem—The stem area is delimited at the same time as the pileus area by the origin of the young hymenophore zone, but its organization and differentiation from the ground tissue seems to lag behind the early stages of the organization of the pileus margin. While a general and more or less diffuse growth and ex- pansion occurs for some time in the stem area, the first evidence of a differentiation from the ground tissue is seen in the organization of the stem surface. The outline of the stem may be compared to that of a broad, flat cone, since the stem at first is very short and 24 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Amanitopsis vaginata,’ Ann. Myc., 12, 369-392, pls. 17-10, I914. 25 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Agaricus campestris,’ Bot. Gazg., 42: 241-264, pls. 7-12, 1906 (see figures II and 12). 26 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus.’” Am. Jour. Bot., 1: 3-22, pls. I, 2, I9I4. 27In Agaricus campestris var. edulis, Vittadini (“ Fun. Mang.,” 44, pl. 6, fig. I, 1835) in a young oval fruit body, figures and describes the outline of the pileus within a stout volva, and states that, during the course of development, the volva is ruptured circularly, and the margin of the pileus as it emerges is held for a time against the stem by the lower limb of the annulus. His account of the release of the volva (blematogen) from the pileus does not seem clear, and his figures do not show the transition stage from a to b in figure I of his Plate VI In Agaricus rodmami nor in any other species of Agaricus (Psalliota) have I ever seen any indication of the clear cut outline of the pileus surface as distinct from the blematogen, such as Vittadini shows at a, fig. 1. 324 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, broad, and the surface slopes outward at a strong angle. ‘The sur- face outline of the stem is quite clearly differentiated from the loose ground tissue forming the marginal veil, because of the deeper staining property of the stem shown in longitudinal sections (Fig. 32). Its differentiation and organization agrees entirely with that described for Agaricus campestris, Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus.*° Organization of the Marginal V eil—The organization and limits of the marginal veil, or partial veil, as it is sometimes called, in Agaricus arvensis, A. comtulus and A. campestris, has been very fully discussed in previous papers”? (13-15, 1914), briefly in an- other®® (17, 1914). Its organization and composition in Agaricus rodmam is in the main similar, its different features being due to its more robust character, the stouter pileus and shorter stem. The fundament of the marginal veil is ground tissue in the angle between the primordial hymenophore zone and the stem fundament, including on its outer surface a narrow section of the blematogen layer. The ground tissue in this angle is indicated in VP (veil primordium) in diagram 3, and the corresponding areas in Figs. 3, 5, 7, 9-14 can readily be understood. There is considerable increase in this ground tissue by growth of the portion clothing the stem fundament. It is also added to by growth of the hyphee at the margin of the pileus. The mass of the loose inner surface is often crowded up against the edges of the gills by the involute margin of the pileus pushing it upward, due to epinastic growth. In such robust specimens usually presented by Agaricus rodmani the blematogen layer is comparatively thick but still forms a com- paratively small portion of the marginal veil, and lies on the outer under surface of the lower limb of the annulus. By the incurving of the thick margin of the pileus its edge is crowded into the thick veil, and presses against the stem, thus separating the veil, which later becomes the annulus, inta an supper and lower limb. As stated above, the fact that the short stem elongates but little in comparison 28 Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Agaricus campestris,’ Bot. Gaz., 42: 241-264, pls. 7-12, 1900. 29 Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus,’ Am. Jour. Bot., 1. 3-22 pls. 1, 2, 1914. 30 Atkinson, Geo. F., “Homology of the Universal Veil in Agaricus, Myc. Cantralb., 5, 13-19, pls. I-13, 1914. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANTI. 325 with that of Agaricus campestris, arvensis, and a number of other species, the veil is usually not ripped up from the lower part of the stem as it is in the other species. A thin layer on the stem below the annulus is often cracked into distinct areas or patches, the mar- gins of the areas sometimes being partially exfoliated. The partial exfoliation of the under part of the lower limb of the annulus fre- quently occurs, and then the lower limb itself has a double edge as described above, and as shown in several of the figures of Plate I. In Agaricus campestris, arvensis, augustus, subrufescens, placo- myces, and others, the freeing of the lower part of the annulus from the stem is very extensive, since as the stem elongates the veil is ripped off for a considerable distance. In Agaricus rodmam, as the pileus expands, the lower limb of the veil clings to the stem, splitting off from the outer surface of the pileus margin as the latter is withdrawn. The inner or upper limb of the veil remains at- tached to the edge of the pileus margin for a longer time, but is eventually separated. IV. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE LAMELLZ. Origin of the Gill Salients—The development of the hymeno- phore is progressive and centrifugal. As described in the previous section, the primordial hymenophore zone originates in conjunction with the primordium of the pileus margin and hes in the angle sep- arating the stem and pileus areas. The organization of the level palisade zone of the hymenophore from the primordial stage, begins in the older region, 7. e., next the stem. The margin of the pileus, primordial hymenophore and palisade zone all progress by growth in a centrifugal direction, the younger, later stages succeeding the earlier. The lamellz succeed the level palisade zone and arise as downward growing salients of the same. These salients begin next the stem (or in some cases on it). They are regularly spaced and progress in a radial, centrifugal direction. The origin of the salients from the level palisade stage is well shown in Figs. 17-21. In Figs. 18 and 20, different stages in the origin of the salients are shown. Three gill salients are seen in Fig. 20. At the left side of Fig. 20 is the level palisade. Next it to the right is a very low salient. Continuing to read toward the right, the second and third salients are successively stronger. While the hyphal struc- 326 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, ture is not very distinctly shown in in this figure, due to the difficulty of illumination which will produce on the photographic plate the same degree of resolution which can be detected by the eye, still the palisade character is evident. A similar situation is seen in Fig. 18, but the progression in the origin and growth of the salients is to be read from right to left. A somewhat later stage is shown in Fig. 19. Here the hyphal structure is well shown. The palisade character of the exposed surface of the hymenophore is very clearly shown. This figure gives us some suggestion of the factors operat- ing in the formation of the gill salients. The elements of the pali- sade layer increase by interstitial growth, 7. e., by new branches which crowd in between the older ones. At the same time the elon- gate cells composing the palisade layer increase in diameter. In the primordial stage they passed from the terete tapering condition to the cylindrical form. Now they pass from the cylindrical to the clavate form, as well as increasing somewhat in diameter throughout. This produces a great pressure on the level palisade zone, which if continued, must result in throwing the level palisade layer into folds. Another factor now comes into play which prevents the palisade layer from being thrown into a series of irregular folds. This is the downward growth, by elongation, of the subadjacent tramal hyphe, along regularly spaced radial areas, beginning next the stem and proceeding in a centrifugal direction toward the margin o1 tne pileus. These radial areas of subadjacent tramal hyphe, elongating downwards, push the palisade area downward into corresponding radial salients. These salients are the first evidence of folds or ridges which appear in the young hymenophore. They are the gill salients, and by continued growth form the lamellz themselves. Fig. 19 presents another very interesting situation. ‘This is the flaring, or fantailing, of the gill salients very soon after their emer- gence below the level of the general palisade surface. This is very clearly one of the first results of the release from the pressure to which the elongate cells were subject in the level palisade condition. Another still more interesting feature at this stage is the pressure to which the neutral portion of the level palisade is subjected as a result of this fantailing of the gill origins. The flanks of the young 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 327 gill salients thus crowd against the intervening neutral palisade cells, more strongly against their free ends. This presses these intervening, neutral, radiating areas of the original level palisade into the form of ridges which thus alternate with the radiating gill salients. These in- tervening ridges between the young gill salients are very conspicuous in a corresponding stage of gill development in Coprinus micaceus as I have shown in another paper. This situation is a comparatively old stage in the development of the lamellze and is one of the peculiar features presented by a number of the Agaricacez, which led Levine*+ to mistake these intervening ridges between comparatively old gill salients for the first ridges to appear in the hymenophore primordium of Coprinus micaceus. These ridges he thought were the first evi- dence of the gills. The gills were described as arising from the split- ting of these first ridges and the union of approximate halves of ad- jacent ridges to form the gills between them. This matter will be referred to below when another peculiar situation is described which also assisted in leading this author astray. Relation of the Different Phases of Hymenophore Development in the Young Basidiocarp.—Figs. 17-23 represent different phases of the organization and development of the hymenophore in a single basidiocarp, during an intermediate stage of its development. The relation of these different phases is determined by a study of longi- tudinal serial sections passing from near the stem to the margin of the pileus. With the exception of Fig. 20, Figs. 17-23 are all from the same plant, selected to represent the relation of different phases of the young hymenophore. The sections from which the photo- graphs were taken were parallel with the axis of the stem, and thus were nearly or quite perpendicular to the hymenophore, or under surface of the pileus. The general plane of the hymenophore, or under surface of the pileus, is slightly arched, but for all practical purposes of this study, the plane is perpendicular to the stem axis, so that the sections are perpendicular to the general hymenophore surface, or plane. Fig. 17 is from a section near the stem, cor- responding to line 4 in diagram 6 (diagram 6 is intended to illustrate the situation presented by the figures in Plate 5, but serves to illus- 31 Levine, M., “The Origin and Development of the Lamelle in Cop- rinus micaceus,’ Am. Jour. Bot., 1, 343-356, pls. 30, 40, 1914. PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV, 219, V, PRINTED SEPT. 7, IQI5. 328 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, trate also the relations now under consideration). An examination of the relation of line 4, in diagram 6, to the gill salients, the palisade and primordial areas, will assist in making the relation of the phases of the hymenophore presented in Fig. 17 very clear. In the middle of the figure, or section, the gill salients are cut transversely. On either side of the middle they are cut obliquely, the more so the nearer the palisade area the salients are cut. But when the gill is so young, the structure of an oblique section at this angle is practically the same as in a transection. Since the hymeno- phore is older next the stem, and progressively younger toward the margin of the pileus, the gill salients are older next the stem, and younger next the palisade area, where they are very low and grade off insensibly into the level palisade zone. Toward the left and right from the middle of such a section as is represented by Fig. 17, the salients become less and less prominent until they grade insensibly into the level palisade zone on either side. In like manner the palisade zone grades to the left and right into the primordial zone, and this into the margin of the pileus, showing practically the same relation, so far as the palisade and primordial zones are concerned, as in a radial section. Fig. 21 is from a section made near the outer ends of the middle salients, about in the region represented by line 7 in diagram 6. Only a few salients are shown, these are very low, and on either side soon grade insensibly into the palisade zone. Fig. 22 is from a section made in the region indicated by line 8 in diagram 6. Here there are no gill salients (nor any evidence of ridges in the hymeno- phore), a broad area in the middle is the palisade area, and this grades on either side insensibly into the primoridal area. Fig. 23 is from a section made in the region indicated by line 9 in diagram 6. It is entirely within the primordial zone, near the margin of the pileus. Knowing this relation of the different phases of the hymeno- phore, one can observe the transition of the primordial phase into the level palisade phase, and this into the phase of the salients. In other words, one can study the method of origin of the lamelle by a study of the different phases of the gill salients in the area of transi- tion from the palisade zone into the zone of the young gills. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 329 Relation of the Hymenophore to the Stem—One of the taxo- nomic characters employed for the genus Agaricus (Psalliota) is the free condition of the gills from the stem. In Agaricus campestris, while the gills are usually free, they are close to the stem, and in some cases are even adnexed to the stem. The same is true of Agaricus rodmant. Peck*? says of the lamelle,—* free, reaching nearly or quite to the stem. It is possible that in some examples the gills may be broadly attached to the stem fundament at the time of their origin, but become free at maturity by changes in the relation and tensions of the parts during expansion of the plant. That the young lamellz are sometimes broadly attached around the upper end of the stem fundament has been observed in a number of examples during this study of development. In some examples the attach- ment of the stem is very broad, in others slight, and in still others the lamelle are free from the time of their origin. Deceptive Appearance of Sections near the Stem when the Young Lamelle are Attached—In studying the origin of the lamelle in plants where the hymenophore, from its earliest appearance, is en- tirely free from the stem, little difficulty is experienced in the in- terpretation of the situation presented, in case there is a fairly well formed annular cavity prior to the origin of the gill salients. Longitudinal sections next the stem then present the simple situation shown in Fig. 17. But in those cases where the hymenophore primordium extends downward on the outer surface of the stem apex, as shown in Figs. 11 and 12, sections passing from the stem through this portion of the hymenophore, after the origin of the gill salients, present a complicated structure, which may be very con- fusing unless all the features of the situation are taken into con- sideration. As stated above the stem axis of the sections from which Figs. 11 and 12 were made is parallel with the longitudinal direction of the plate. In very young basidiocarps; as already described, the stem surface slopes outward at a very strong angle as shown in igae2 Now, when the gill salients begin to form by downward, or out- ward, extension of the level palisade, in those cases where the hymenophore primordium extends down on the surface of the stem, 32 Peck, C. H., N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist Rept., 36, 45, 1885. 330 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, the salients first appear over this portion of the hymenophore, be- cause it is the older. The older portion of the salients, therefore, extend outward perpendicular to the stem surface. Since their pro- gression is centrifugal, the salients gradually extend over the angle between stem and pileus where their growth is downward. Since the growth in width of the salients is perpendicular to the surface of the level hymenophore at any point, there are formed, in the cases (NZS SO Ou ewe) 5 Dracram 5. Lateral view through one half of a basidiocarp in an in- termediate stage of development, showing (1) the strongly sloping surface of the stem; (2) the partly organized pileus margin which is becoming in volute because of eipnastic growth; (3) the hymenophore presenting three stages of development, (a) the oldest portion, the gill area extending on the under side of the pileus and far down on the surface of the stem (adnate at this stage), (b) the palisade area (PAL) distal to the gill area on under side of pileus, and (c) the primordial area (PR) near margin of pileus; (4) an- nular cavity; (5) the loose ground tissue of the marginal veil; and (6) the blematogen layer. See text. under consideration, a series of little stalls, or pigeon holes, around the stem apex, between the young gills in the angle between the stem 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 331 and pileus. This situation is illustrated in Figs. 24-31, from selected serial sections of the same basidiocarp. The sections were parallel with the long axis of the stem. Diagrams 5 and 6 illustrate the situation in this basidiocarp and show exactly how the scetions were made. Fig. 24 is from a nearly median longitudinal section, made in the region indicated by line 1 of diagrams 5 and 6, which presents a situation practically the same as a median section. The outline of the narrow young gill salient is well shown in: Fig. 24, with the distinct annular cavity. The gill salients are strongly curved and in the form of crescents, the lower limb of the crescent extending far down on the outwardly sloping stem surface; the upper limb reach- ing out on the under surface of the pileus, where it grades into the level palisade zone, and the latter into the primordial zone. The relation of parts is clearly represented by diagram 5. It is quite easy to form a mental picture of the series of little stalls, or pigeon holes, around the upper part of the stem between these crescentic salients. Fig. 25 is from a section in the region indicated by line 2 of diagrams 5 and 6. The line 2 in diagram 6 shows how the section passes through the side of the stem and obliquely across a few of the young gills, then on either side passing through the level palisade and primordial zones. ‘These features are clearly seen in Fig. 25. Fig. 26 is from the region indicated by line 3: Fig. 27 that of line 4; Fig. 28 that of line 5; Fig. 29 that of line 6; and Fig. 30 that of line 7, of diagrams 5 and 6 (figures of sections in the region indi- cated by lines 8 and 9 are not shown from this basidiocarp, but there is nothing essentially different in them from figures 22 and 23 from another plant). Fig. 31 is a more highly magnified view of the middle portion of Fig. 27. Figs. 26-29 and 31 present a very interesting situation. They show transections of the stalls, or pigeon holes, mentioned above. Unless caution is observed this situation would be very misleading. The gill salients are attached above to the under side of the pileus and below to the surface of the stem, and this attachment above and below existed from the time of the origin of the salients. However, the attachment below is not that of the margin of the gills, but of their origin from the stem, since the salients grew outward from the 332 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, level palisade organized in this region over the upper surface of the stem. Similar sections of Coprinus micaceus** through the region of the attached gills was one of the features contributing to the in- correct interpretation, by Levine, of the origin of the lamellz in this plant, as shown by his Figs. 13 and 14. The palisade cells on the sides and in the upper angle of these pigeon holes could easily give the impression that the gills had their origin from isolated radial 9 areas of new growth of palisade cells, these areas, or “ridges” of (SENS AS OS Gus © SSS DracraM 6. Zenith view in a basidiocarp of the same age as that repre- sented in diagram 5. See text for details not marked in the diagram. palisade cells parting as they increase, forming a lining over the ground tissue or partitions of these little stalls, and thus enclosing “the notch between the gills.” Relation of the Gills to the Involute Margin of the Pileus— There are other peculiar situations presented in the development of 33 Levine, M., “The Origin and Development of Coprinus micaceus,” Am, Jour. Bot., 1, 343-356, pls. 124, 125, 1914. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 333 Agaricus rodmami (and other species), which may lead to serious misinterpretation unless great caution is observed. This is the rela- tion of the gills to the involute margin of the pileus and to the marginal veil, shown in a series of longitudinal, “tangential” sec- tions of basidiocarps at an age when the gill salients, by centrifugal progression, have nearly or quite reached the margin of the pileus. The various features of this situation are presented in Figs. 32-42. The figures are photographs of selected serial sections from a single basidiocarp. Diagrams 7 and 8 illustrate the situation in this basi- diocarp and the lines show the regions in which the sections were made. In Fig. 32, from a nearly median longitudinal section (in the region of line 1), the involute margin of the pileus is shown. An in- definite portion of the outer, lighter stained area is the blematogen. The margin of the pileus is so strongly involute that the edge is curved upward toward the gills and has crowded the mass of the ground tissue constituting the inner portion of the veil up against the middle zone of the lamellae. The attachment of this ground tissue to the margin of the gills is not very firm, though there is some adherence of the hyphze. The attachment has occurred after the ground tissue was crowded against the margins of the gills by the strongly upturned, involute pileus margin. The strongly involute margin of the pileus is well shown also in several of the figures in Plate VII. The position of the upturned edge of the involute pileus margin is such that the loose ground tissue of the inner portion of the veil is lifted up against the middle area of the lamellz, while the edges of the gills near the stem and also near the margin of the pileus are free. This is very clearly shown in Fig. 33, from a section in the region of line 2 in diagrams 7 and 8. Figs. 34 and 35 are from sections in the region of lines 3 and 4 just passing through the surface of the stem in the angle at the junc- tion of the pileus and stem. The hymenophore extends a short dis- tance down on the upper surface of the stem, but the gills are only “adnexed,” not extending so far down on the stem fundament as in the basidiocarp represented on Plate XII. and in diagrams 5 and 6. In the middle area of Fig. 35, the nearly solid block of tissue in the same level with the gills on either side, is hymenophore tissue from 304 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, the surface of the stem, and a portion of the same area in Fig. 34 also belongs to the hymenophore. The hymenophore, as interpreted here, and in all of my recent papers, includes not only all parts of the lamellz and the palisade cells between adjacent lamelle, but also a thin, often indefinite zone of the subadjacent tissue corresponding to the subhymenial tissue of the palisade between the gill origins. As figure 35 shows, the “stalls,” or “pigeon holes,” in the angle of pileus and stem are quite small because the gill origins extend but (234586789 /O/l LZ ies ieee T DraGraM 7. Lateral view through one half of a basidiocarp in an older stage than that represented in diagrams 5 and 6. The hymenophore has all passed over into the gill stage. The gill area does not extend so far down on the stem as in diagram 5. The margin of the pileus is more strongly in- volute and the veil tissue has been crowded up against the middle portion of the gills. = the portion of the annular cavity not filled. See text for other details not marked here. a short distance down on the upper surface of the stem. The abrupt ending of this hymenophore tissue below is even with the margins of the gills on either side, and the lower edge is free from the ground ” 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 335 tissue clothing the stem fundament, as shown by the clear line between the two. This indicates that the portion of the hymeno- phore on the upper surface of the stem projected by growth slightly above the level of the stem surface, or above that of the ground tissue. In Fig. 34 the distinct boundary line of the more compact tissue shows, but it is in contact with the ground issue below since this section did not pass outside of the junction of stem and pileus fundaments. In Fig. 35 a few of the gills on either side of the middle are free from the ground tissue below. Outside of this on either side (the middle zone between stem and pileus margin) a number of the gills are attached to the ground tissue pressed up against them by the involute pileus margin. On either side of these areas, 1. e., near the margin of the pileus, the gills are free. Fig. 36 is from a section in the region indicated by line 5 in diagram 7. The middle of the section, according to line 5, would pass through the space of the annular cavity near the stem which has not been filled by the upward crowding of the ground tissue. The margin of the gills here should therefore be free from the ground tissue below. ‘This is shown to be the case in Fig. 36, for the gills over the middle portion of the figure (which are near the stem). On either side of this area, however, the section passes through the zone where the ground tissue is crowded up against the gills, while toward the margin of the pileus the gills are again free from the ground tissue. Figs. 37 and 38 are from sections in the region of lines 6 and 7 respectively, of diagram 7. Both sections are thus “tangents” through the region where the ground tissue in contact with the middle zone of the gills would be continuous and of considerable extent, but the area in the region of line 6 would be of greater extent than that in the region of line 7. This corresponds with the situa- tion shown in Figs. 37 and 38, while toward the margin of the pileus on either side the gills are free. Figs. 39 and 40 are from the region of lines 8 and g. These pass through the portion of the annular cavity between the margin of the pileus and the ground tissue crowded up against the middle region of the hymenophore. The gills therefore would not be in contact with the ground tissue below. In Figs. 39 and 40, however, it is clear that on either side the gills 336 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, are attached below as well as above. The attachment below is not the margin of these gills, but their point of origin from the inner surface of the involute pileus margin. This will be clearly under- stood from a study of Figs. 41 and 42. DracraAm 8. Zenith view into a basidiocarp of the same age. See text for details not marked. Figs. 41 and 42 are from sections in the region of lines 10 and II in diagrams 7 and 8. The gills are attached above and below. But it is very clear here that the attachment below, as well as above, is to the pileus. Since the gills are downward growths of the level palisade, formed on the under surface of the pileus (7. e., perpen- dicular to the level palisade), the attachment below in these figures, as well as that above, is at the point of origin of the gills, and must not be interpeted as an attachment of the gill margin to the stem. The First Ridges, or Salients, of the Hymenophore are the Fun- daments of the Lamelle Themselves—The question of the origin 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 337 of the lamellze is of renewed interest since it has recently been stated that one of the problems yet to be worked out in the Agarica- ceze is the origin of the lamelle.** The evidence presented in sup- port of this sweeping, and rather surprising statement, is made, so far as we can judge, on the basis of an investigation of Coprinus micaceus. It carries with it the implied charge that all of the ob- servations and statements in regard to the origin of the gills, cov- ering a period of more than half a century, are incorrect. In the case of my own work on Agaricus campestris,*° Armillaria mellea,** Lepiota clypeolaria,** Agaricus arvensis*® and A. comtulus it can be most positively reaffirmed that the lamellz originate as described, as downward, radial growths of the level palisade portion of the hymen- ophore. The evidence was so clear in these examples that at the time of the study it did not seem desirable to present full series of “tangential” sections of the different stages in the origin of the gills, particularly as the method of origin agreed in all respects with that described in more than a dozen different species in earlier works. The present study of Agaricus rodmam was undertaken, not only for the purpose of examining into the significance of the double an- nulus, but also for the purpose of examining the different stages in the organization of the hymenophore primordium, the level palisade stage, and the origin of the gills, in a species closely related to Agaricus campestris. It is very clear that the present study has fully confirmed the earlier statements with reference to the origin of the lamelle. Material has also been grown, and the young stages obtained for sectioning in the following commercial forms of Agaricus: A. campestris varieties bohemia and alaska, and A. “ vil- laticus.” 34TLevine, M., “The Origin and Development of the Lamelle in Cop- rinus micaceus,;’ Am. Jour. Bot., 1, 343-356, pls. 30, 40, I9r4. 35 Atkinson, Geo. F., The Development of Agaricus compestris,;’ Bot. Gaz., 42, 241-264, pls. 7-12, 10900. 36 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Armillaria mellea,’ Myc. Centralb., 4, 113-121, pls. I, 2, 1914. 37 Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Lepiota clypeolaria,’ Ann. Myc., 12, 346-356, pls. 13-16, 1914. 88 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus;’ Am. Jour. Bot., 1, 3-22, pls. 1, 2, 1914. “Homology of the Universal Veil in Agaricus,’ Myc. Centralb., 5, 13-10, pls. 1-3, 1914. 338 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, The situation in certain species of Coprinus, where the margins of the gills are attached to the stem before maturity, and break away during the expansion of the plants, has for a long time inter- ested me, and I have intended to investigate certain of the species for the purpose of comparing the situation in this genus with that described in Amanita rubescens*®® by deBary, A. muscaria*® by Bre- feld and in Amanitopsis vaginata“ by myself, where there is no general prelamellar cavity, and the first evidence of the lamellze is the differentiation of a series of radial trabecule in the hymeno- phore primordium, continuous with the stem and trama of the pileus. This investigation was delayed, however, until the autumn of 1914. Material of three species, Coprinus comatus, atramentarius and micaceus, was studied, and the results will be published in another paper. This much may he said here, that these three species do not belong to the Amanita type but to the Agaricus type. There is a strong, annular, prelamellar cavity in Coprinus comatus, a weak one in C. atramentarius and micaceus, but in all three the lamellz orig- inate as downward-growing salients of a level palisade zone, exactly as described here for Agaricus rodmamni, the only difference being in those specific features relating to the structure of the lamelle. Levine based his interpretation of the origin of the lamelle in Coprinus micaceus on complicated and rather well advanced stages of their development. Had the origin of these complicated struc- tures been sought it is probable that the origin of the lamelle would have been found. Of the plants thus far studied the following species may be mentioned as examples of the Agaricus type in which the origin of the lamellze has been clearly and correctly described, those by Hoff- mann more than half a century ago. Agaricus carneotomentosus (Panus torulosus) ky Hoffmann* (1856, p. 145); Cantharellus 39 De Bary, A., “ Morphologie und Physiologie der Pilze, Flechten und Myxomyceten,” Leipzig, 1866. “ Vergleichende Morphologie and Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen und Bacterien,” 1884. ‘Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria,” Oxford, 1887. 40 Brefeld, O., “Botanische Untersuchungen tiber Schimmelpilze,” 3, Basidiomyceten, I., J-IV., 1-226; pls. 6-11, 1887. 41 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Amanitopsis vaginata,’ Ann. Myc., 12, 369-3092, pls. 17-19, 1914. 42 Hoffmann, H., “Die Pollinarien und Spermatien von Agaricus,” Bot. UGhin, 1° Teas weed, jols, , uSs6, .. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 339 tubaeformis, C. aurantiacus, Panus stipticus, Pleurotus tremulus, Omphalia umbellifera, O. pyxidata, Marasmius epiphyllus by Hott- mann? (1860) ; Collybia velutipes, C. fusipes, Hygrophorus chloro- phanus, Galera mycenopsis, Hebeloma mesophaeus, Coprinus fimi- tarius, Paxillus involutus, Entoloma sericeum, and others by Hoff- mann‘! (1861) ; Mycena vulgaris, Collybia dryophila, Nyctalis para- sitica, Clitocybe cyathiformis, and Cantharellus infundibuliformis by deBary*® (1866, 1884, 1887) the latter two in conjunction with Woronin; Coprinus lagopus by Brefeld*® (1877, p. 127) ; Agaricus campestris by Atkinson*’ (1906); Hypholoma by Miss Allen** (1906) and by Beer?? (1911); Stropharia ambigua® by Zeller (1914) ; Agaricus arvensis and comtulus,* and Armillaria mellea*? by Atkinson (1914). SUMMARY. 1. The lower limb of the double annulus of Agaricus rodmam is not a true volva like that of the Amanitas thus far studied. It is composed of a short segment of the blematogen plus some of the inner tissue of the marginal veil. The greater portion of the blema- togen remains ‘ 3) ‘concrete’ with or consolidated with the surface of 43“ Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte und Anatomie der Agaricinen,” Bot. Zeit., 18: 380-305; 397-404, pls. 13, 14, 1860. 44 Hoffmann, H., “Icones Analytice Fungorum; Abbildungen und Be- screibungen von Pilzen mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte, I-105, pls. 1-24, 1861. 45 DeBary, A., “ Morphologie und Physiologie der Pilze, Flechten und Mycetozoen,” Leipzig, 1866. ‘“ Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen und Bacterien,’ 1884. “Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetezoa and Bacteria,’ Oxford, 1887. 46 Brefeld, O., Botanische Untersuchungen tber Schimmelpilze,” 3, Basidiomyceten, I., I-IV., 1-226; pls. 6-11, 1887. 47 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Agaricus campestris,’ Bot. Gaz., 42: 241-264, pls. 7-12, 1906. 48 Allen, Caroline L., “ The Development of Some Species of Hypho- loma,’ Ann. Myc., 4: 387-394, pls. 5-7, 1906. 49 Beer, R., “Notes on the Development of the Carpophore in Some Agaricacee,”’ Ann. Bot., 252: 683-680, pl. 52, I911. 50 Zeller, S. M., “The Development of Stropharia ambigua,’ Mycologia, 6: 130-145, pls. 124, 125, 1914. 51 Atkinson, Geo. F., “ The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus,’ Am. Jour. Bot., 1: 3-22, pls. 1, 2, 1914. 52 Atkinson, Geo. F., “The Development of Armillaria mellea,’ Myc. Centralb., 4: 113-121, pls. I, 2, 1914. 340 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, the pileus, while in Amanita the blematogen is finally delimited from the surface of the pileus by a cleavage layer. A double annulus homologous with that of Agaricus rodmani is often present in cer- tain other species of Agaricus. 2. The primordium of the basidiocarp is oval in form, and homo- geneous in structure, consisting of intricately interwoven hyphe. 3. The four primary parts of the basidiocarp, pileus, stem, mar- ginal veil and hymenophore, are first differentiated by the origin of the hymenophore fundament. 4. The hymenophore primordium arises as an internal, annular zone of new growth toward the upper part of the young basidiocarp. It consists of slender hyphz rich in protoplasm, parallel, and di- rected obliquely downward. The lower outer surface is at first more or less open and uneven, presenting a frayed or fimbriate ap- pearance. By continued growth and multiplication of these hyphz the hymenophore primordium becomes more compact and the under surface becomes even, forming a level palisade zone. Growth of the hymenophore proceeds in a centrifugal direction, the older por- tions being next the stem fundament. By the epinastic growth of the pileus margin the hymenophore takes on the form of an annular arch. 5. The increase in number and diameter of the elements of the hymenophore fundament produce a tension upon the ground tissue beneath, which lags behind in growth and is torn away from the under surface of the hymenophore, thus forming an annular, pre- lamellar cavity. This cavity may later be nearly filled by the ground tissue of the inner portion of the veil which increases in bulk, and is often crowded up against the young gills by the involute margin of the pileus. 6. The lamellze originate as downward growing radial salients of the level palisade zone, beginning next, or on the stem, according as the hymenophore primordium is free from or extends down on the upper portion of the stem fundament. They progress in a cen- trifugal direction. In an intermediate stage of development or the basidiocarp, all three stages of the hymenophore may be present, the zone of gill salients next the stem, then the level palisade zone, and beyond this the primordial zone. t915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANTI. 341 7. The first ridges, or salients, which appear in connection with the hymenophore are the fundaments of the lamelle themselves, and the palisade layer is continuous over their edges as well as in the notch between adjacent salients. DESERIPMION TOR PEATE S Ville xenit: IPL yew ANID, WIE, Mature and nearly mature plants of Agaricus rodmani showing the double nature of the annulus with its edge grooved; forming an upper and lower limb; the short stem, involute margin of the pileus, etc. > 2/3 diam- eter. For details see text. PEATE Vaile Mature and very robust plants from parking between sidewalk and street. Real size. See text. LAIN S) IDK IUL, The magnifications of the photomicrographs are as follows: Figs. 3-8; <9 diameters. Fig. 33; 10 diameters. Figs. 1, 2; 12 diameters. Fig. B2E aay diameters. Higs, 34-30) <-20) diameters’, His, 175))< 23) diameters: Figs. 15, 16; < 28 diameters. Figs. 21-30, 37-42; X 30 diameters. Fig. 31; xX 100 diameters. Fig. 12; 110 diameters. Fig. 13; > 155 diameters. Figs. 10, 11; X 160 diameters Fig. 18; 170 diameters. Figs. 9-14; X 225 diameters. Figs. 19, 20; 250 diameters. TPL eA IRIS, IDS Fic. 1. (No. 18.) Young stage of basidiocarp primordium. Fic. 2. (No. 20.) Somewhat older stage of basidiocarp primordium, but still in the undifferentiated stage. Fic. 3. (No.2%.) Earliest stage of differentiation in the young basidiocarp, median longitunial section showing a transection of the internal annular hymenophore fundament, the general prelamellar cavity not yet formed. Pileus fundament is above, stem fundament below, and veil fun- dament underneath the hymenophore primordium (see Fig. 9). Fie. 4. (No. 2%.) Longitudinal section of the same basidiocarp, “tangential” to the hymenophore primordium, which is shown as a trans- verse deeply staining area. Fic. 5. (No. 234.) Median longitudinal section through a_ basidio- carp just after the formation of the general, annular, prelamellar cavity. The hymenophore is still in the primordial condition (see Fig. 10) but does not extend down on the surface of the upper part of the stem fundament. Fic. 6. (No. 234.) Longitudinal section of the same _ basidiocarp, “tangential” to the hymenophore and annular cavity (see Fig. 13). Fic. 7. (No. 1%.) Median longitudinal section of a_ basidiocarp just after the formation of the general, annular, prelamellar cavity. The 342 ATKINSON—MORPHOLOGY AND [April 23, hymenophore is still entirely in the primordial stage (see Fig. 11) and ex- tends for a considerable distance down on the surface of the upper part of the stem fundament. Fic. 8. (No. 1%.) Longitudinal section of the same _ basidiocarp, “tangential” to the hymenophore and annular cavity (see Fig. 16). IPIL JANIS, DAG, Fic. 9. (No. 2%.) More highly magnified view of the transection of the hymenophore primordium shown in Fig. 3; stem axis at the left. In the darker area (hymenophore primordium) the hyphae extend downward and obliquely outward toward, and some projecting into, the veil fundament below, which consists of a loose mesh of interwoven hyphae. Fic. 10. (No. 284.) More highly magnified view of the transection of the hymenophore primordium and annular cavity shown in Fig. 5 (axis of stem at the left). Fic. 11. (No. 144.) More highly magnified view of the transection of the hymenophore primordium and annular cavity shown in Fig. 7 (stem axis at right). The hymenophore primordium extends down over the upper part of the stem outer surface. Veil fundament in the angle below, the ground tissue tearing apart and separting from the fimbriate under surface of the hymenophore Fic. 12. (No. %.) Transection of hymenophore and annular cavity, showing same view as Fig. 11 (stem axis at right) but in another basidio- carp and slightly older stage; the portion of the hymenophore primordium on the upper part of the stem fundament has become transformed into the level palisade stage. Fics. 133 and 14. (No. %.) Section of another basidiocarp showing the hymenophore and annular cavity in same stage as in Fig. 10, at different magnifications (stem axis at right). Hymenophore primordium with fim- briate edge. Ground tissue below (veil fundament) breaking away from the fimbriate surface of the hymenophore as a result of the tension produced by the rapid increase in number and size of the elements of the hymenophore and the lagging behind of the ground tissue below, thus forming the annular cavity. These sections are radial and parallel with the direction of the later lamelle. The elements of the hymenophore here are somewhat clustered, the slender ends of the hyphz clinging in groups as the lower surface of the hymenophore is loosened by the tension of the increase above. Fie. 15. (No. 23%.) “Tangential” section of the hymenophore primordium, more highly magnified view of the hymenophore and general, annular, prelamellar cavity shown in Fig. 6. Note the fimbriate lower sur- face of the hymenophore primordium, and the loose ground tissue (primor- dium of veil) below separating from it and forming the annular cavity. The structure of the hymenophore primordium is homogeneous, there is not the slightest evidence of gill salients, or of ridges of any sort, which pre- cede or have any relation to the lamelle which are to arise later. Fie. 16. (No. 124.) “Tangential” section of .hymenophore primor- dium, annular cavity and veil fundament, a more highly magnified view of this part of the basidiocarp shown in Fig. 8. Details as in Fig. 15. 1915.] DEVELOPMENT OF AGARICUS RODMANI. 045 IPL AN IES, 210. Fics. 17-19 and 21-23, all from a single basidiocarp (No. 54), from selected serial sections parallel with the axis of the stem and “tangential” in the pileus. Fig. 17 is from near the stem, and shows the three stages of the developing hymenophore, primordial zone, level palisade zone, and the zone of gill sa- lients (transected) with different stages in the origin of the latter from the level palisade condition (see text for details). The general annular cavity is well shown. Fic. 18. More highly magnified view of portion of the same section in the region of the origin of the gill salients from the level palisade stage. Fic. 19. More highly magnified view of the young gill salients, showing how they flare, or fantail, when released from the pressure to which the elements are subjected in the level palisade zone, also showing how this flaring of the young gill salients crowds the intervening palisade cells of the original level into “ridges,” these ridges of palisade in the notch between two lamelle being formed later than the gill salients, and as a result of the lateral pressure of the flaring salients. For details see the text. Fic. 20. (No. %.) Section from another basidiocarp showing transi- tion from the level palisade stage to the gill salients. Fic. 21. Section nearer the margin of the pileus than that shown in Fig. 17. In the middle area the gill salients are cut near their distal end where they are very low (see text for details). Transition to level palisade and primordial zone on either side. Fic. 22. Section still nearer the margin of the pileus showing the level palisade zone in the center, and the primordial zone on either side. Fic. 23. Section still nearer the margin of the pileus, entirely through the primordial zone. IRIAN INS; QUI Fics. 24-31. Selected serial sections from a single basidiocarp (No. ¥%), parallel with the stem axis and from nearly median in the stem to mid- way from stem surface to the margin of the pileus. Here the hymenophore extends for some distance down on the outward sloping surface of the stem fundament, and there are little “stalls” or pigeon holes between them in the angle at junction of pileus and stem. See text for details. IPL VEN ADIs, DIU Fics. 32-42. Selected serial sections from a single basidiocarp (No. 11), parallel with the axis of the stem and from median in the stem to “ tangen- tial” in the margin of the pileus. See text for details. PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 219 W, PRINTED SEPT. 8, 1915. PEE BULLER LAPLACE THEOREM ON THE DEGRA SI: Ole Wess, IACCIIN MIRC Ole Aialls, QUISIMES Ola WIAs, BUSA IBINIE NS IOIDIUG;S) UINIDIGIN, Welle, SleC ULAR NGIION, OR ARES TSING evi DrwiMe Bye Wy Io) Io Saas, (Read April 24, 1915.) Inthe) ye Mecanique Celeste, Liv. VIL, Chap. VI., $8 29-30, and Liv. X., Chap. VII., §18, Laplace has developed the mathe= matical theory of the secular action of a resisting medium, and ap- plied it to the motions of the moon and planets. The first dis- cussion herein cited was published in Volume III. of the “ Mecanique Céleste,’” 1802. It is on this discussion by Laplace that modern investigators chiefly base their treatment of the problems of a resisting medium. Laplace’s development of the theory therefore has been of great service to science for more than a century. Recently, while occupied with a careful review of the theories of magnetism and of gravitation since the time of Newton, I had occa- sion to examine Euler's @ Dissertatio de) Magnete, 1744.mm Opus- cula,” 1746-51; and while looking into this work was surprised to find that Euler had preceded Laplace in his development of the chief effects of a resisting medium by more than half a century. Euler’s work on the resisting medium will be found in the volume of “Opuscula,” Berlin, 1746, in the paper “De Relaxatione Motus Planetarum,” pp. 245-276. Having shown that the aphelia are undisturbed by resistance, Eyler considers in section XVII. the equations for the mean mo- tion, and the return to perihelion, after changes in the mean motion by the increments representing a whole revolution: mt t+2nr, nt+ 4x, nt+ 67, nt+ 8x, etc. Euler puts for the planetary orbit about the sun, 344 1915.] SEE—THE EULER-LAPLACE THEOREM. 345 h=a(1—e)=perihelion distance, g =a (I—e?) = p=latus rectum of the orbit, 4) == = radius vector of the planet, J ¢@—=ithieleccentiicity On tae OLD, t= true anomaly =z, in the notation now commonly used, c=~sun’s mean distance, =: pa, where a is the earth’s equatorial semi-diameter, and pa number which expresses the sue mean distance in this unit. Euler uses a solar parallax of 13”, and takes c—=15866a. With the values now adopted in astronomy we have about c= 234452. In some of his numerical work Euler uses c—=g—=a(1—e?), which is admissible when we neglect the square of the eccentricity. Euler also uses a small angle of deviation due to the angular effects of resistance, 2==0, such that tan ¢==29/3c; and then takes the equation for the Keplerian ellipse a(i — e?) I +ecosv’ to have the form of an ellipse modified by resistance ee LAS) ine OS! sap = GSO) ==42>—— p p p where P is function of the time, but modified by a very small quantity depending on the effects of the secular action of the resist- ing medium. ee From the equations of the disturbed ellipse, in his notation, I : orp 2a asc ape ea tI 2 a6 sin t + 56 cost+46Ft—36¢ sin t—31 £6 sin 21), 346 SER—THE BULER=LAPLACE DHE OREM: [April 24, Euler develops the following table: If | there will be i =O, I? = ©, MALI tL baal SiS j= =, Pais > ili ie), t= on, P =~ (en + $n); oe ein Bias Me, as an — 0, Je *( 3 Snare ee J) I b= Mie. P= (4m + 25m), mee Cele pies ie 2 GS US Sie = W, IP (se oO ae) Se be, y g and for aphelion t_1=S 4p, ¥ g I if i, = ©; eae Sane Ay g ro LC. - t=7 — 8, = +—(1 — 40), Acre La iyo @ yen ib = Qa, — ++ I 46), T y g me + 36) iy e The en Gs. Baie er t= 37 0, y g AF Z (a Oe tap 6 T oa = S47 +40, ay ig C i Oe Bae t= 57 — 8, acne te ge a) 1915.] SEE—THE EULER-LAPLACE THEOREM. 347 it being understood that the final angle 4g/3c is neglected as very small. Euler next considers the effect of 7 whole revolutions: bi 20 Tet + : 1S 4 2 +40: an and finds for the radius vector: 2 Aas (lar ORs ee Ne CaED? Putting for the following aphelion, ¢= (2:-+1)r—4, there will result ete ub) 7, i Fame Heermoagn arin 20) whence the radius vector becomes Oe Ghee BOs 7 7ai=t Ait = OP The successive distances of the planet from the sun are dimin- ished in the following manner: ies g I. Perihelion Sap Os tae © g ml = 56) ge Aphelion = : to OES ee g an(1 + 3h)ge II. Periheli = rihelion idee Aa ep gS Hoos Aphelion : j : T= aque : x g _ 4n(1 =F 50) ge III. Perihel ecg nee eae Aphelion 2 oat T2088 etc. I-f c(i —-§)? 348 SEE—THE EULER-LAPLACE THEOREM. [April 24, In any revolution about the sun the perihelion advances by the interval am(i + 30)ge - G (aie) gate and the aphelion regresses by the interval am(r — 3) gg. CQ) a the mean distance therefore decreases in the interval about 27gg/c; and after 7 revolutions this decrease in the mean distance will be 2imgg/c. Accordingly, after 7 planetary revolutions, the perihelion distance from the sun becomes: Gehl ae AO tq OCS NO and the following aphelion distance: Go Giar Wa = vk ca — 5} The addition of these values, after 7 revolutions, effects the transverse axis of the orbit: 29 Aime an 2 a C2 I—(¢€ c(i — Cf)? ai — (OP Here indeed, since the time is to be defined, the time from perihelion to aphelion may be omitted; and thus after 7 revolutions the trans- verse axis of the orbit is found to be: 2g 4imgg ge Oe wherefore also the initial transverse axis is assumed equal to 2g/(1— £e). If, therefore, the distance from the perihelion to the sun after 7 revolutions, which is equal to 1915. | SEE—THE EULER-LAPLACE THEOREM. 349 be subtracted from the distance from the aphelion to the sun, which would develop in the same time, and found to be equal to g 2im(1 — 36) gg Las Gl = it will give for the distance of the foci after 7 revolutions b) ANS BUNS = 8) Tamas An a 66) The initial transverse axis was 2g/(1 — ¢€), and if we divide this into the last expression, we get for the eccentricity of the orbit at this time : — 3inég/c, terms in €° being neglected as insensible. In Euler’s paper the factor 3 in the last term is inadvertently © omitted. He remarks that the original eccentricity was ¢, whereas after 7 revolutions it is decreased by the negative term shown above, and thus is subject to a secular diminution, owing to the secular action of the resisting medium. After this discussion Euler reaches the conclusion: “A _ re- sistentia ergo excentricitas continuo minuitur, orbitaeque planetarum propius ad figuram circularem reducuntur” (p. 271). He therefore recognized clearly that the effect of a resisting medium is to decrease the eccentricity incessantly, and to render the orbit more and more circular; and had reached this important conclusion some fifty-six years (1746) before the corresponding theorem was established by Laplace in 1802. Accordingly as Euler’s reasoning is essentially rigorous, though not the same as that of Laplace, it is evident that he was the first discoverer of the theorem which is of such fundamental importance in the theories of cosmogony. It is remarkable that although Laplace had this theorem clearly before his mind for a quarter of a century at the close of his life (1802-1827) he did not once suspect that the planets and satellites had originated in the distance and through the action of a resisting medium had neared the centers about which they now revolve, and thus acquired the wonderful circularity of their orbits. Tt is well known that Laplace continually refers to these bodies as detached by rotation, in the form of zones of vapor, as first 300 SEE—THE EULER-LAPLACE THEOREM. [April 24. outlined in his nebular hypothesis of 1796. He thus misled the scientific world for more than a century, till the capture theory, involving formation in the distance with subsequent approach to their central masses, under the secular action of a resisting medium, was developed by the present writer in 1908-10. It is equally well known that Laplace always held the comets to be foreign to our system—another misleading doctrine in cos- mogony, finally overthrown in 1910 by the independent researches of Stromgren of Copenhagen, and the present writer, who showed that the comets are surviving residues of the ancient nebula which formed our solar system. In my “ Researches,” Vol. II., pp. 138-139, I have drawn atten- tion to two letters from Euler to the Royal Society, pointing out, as early as 1749, that the earth was once beyond the present orbit of Saturn. He does not there discuss the secular decrease of the eccentricity of the planetary orbits; yet as he had grounds for hold- ing to a secular approach to the central masses, he was the first writer to outline sound views in cosmogony. Under the circumstances it appears appropriate that the theorem on the secular decrease of the eccentricities of the orbits of bodies moving in resisting media, should be known by the name of the Euler-Laplace theorem. This recognizes the correct historical de- velopment, as now made out; and probably will always hold a fundamental place in the science of celestial evolution. Mare Is_tanp, CALIFORNIA, April 6, 19015. MAGELLANIC PREMIUM FOUNDED IN 1786 BY JOHN HyacINTH DE MAGELLAN, OF LonDON EQOUS THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE » ANNOUNCES THAT IN DECEMBER, 1915 IT W7LZL AWARD ITS -MAGELLANIC GOLD MEDAL TO THE AUTHOR OF THE BEST DISCOVERY, OR MOST USEFUL INVENTION, RE- LATING TO NAVIGATION, ASTRONOMY, OR NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (MERE NATURAL HISTORY ONLY EXCEPTED ) UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS : 1. The candidate shall, on or before November 1, 1915, deliver free of postage or other charges, his discovery, invention or improvement, addressed to the President of the American Philosophical Society, No. 104 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, U. S. A., and shall distinguish his performance by some motto, _ device, or other signature. With his discovery, invention, or improvement, he shall also send a sealed ietter containing the same motto, device, or other sig- nature, and subscribed with the real name and place of residence of the author. 2. Persons of any nation, sect or denomination whatever, shall be ad- mitted as candidates for this premium. 3. No discovery, invention or improvement shall be entitled to this premium which hath been already published, or for which the author hath been publicly rewarded elsewhere. 4. The candidate shall communicate his discovery, invention or improvement, either in the English, French, German, or Latin language. 5. A full account of the crowned subject shall be published by the Society, as soon as may be after the adjudication, either in a separate publication, or in the next succeeding volume of their Transactions, or in both. 6. The premium shall consist of an oval plate of solid standard gold of the - value of ten guineas, suitably inscribed, with the seal of the Society annexed to the medal by a ribbon. All correspondence in relation hereto should be addressed To THE SECRETARIES OF THE : AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY No. 104 SouTH FirtH STREET PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A ¥ Proceedings OF THE ae Philosophical Societe Subscription— Three Dollars per Annum os General Index to the Proceedings Volumes 1-50 (1838-1911) © Lately Published Price, One Dollar TRANSACTIONS _ OF THE American Philosophical Society : HELD AT PHILADELPHIA For Promoting Useful Knowledge a vVew Series, Vol. XXI, Part If, 4to, 154 pages. (Lately Published.) The Secular Warton: of the Elements of the Orbits of the Four » Inner Planets Computed for the Epoch 1850.0 G. M. T. _ By Eric DooxittLe Subscription—Five Dollars per Volume Separate parts are not sold — Address THE LIBRARIAN OF THE . i PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY No. 104 SoutH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, U.S. A. a WAR 4: Yor: ’ | | ass ie PROCEEDINGS OF THE American Philosophical Society : HELD AT PHILADELPHIA it FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE 2 | . Vou. LIV. _ OcToBER—DECEMBER, 1915. é No. 220. oe CONTENTS Symposium on the Earth ; Its Figure, Ditecusions and the Constitu- — tion of its Interior: s if IV. Variations of Latitude: Their Bearing upon our Knowledge of the Interior of the Earth. By FRANK SCHLESINGER = 351 A Practical Rational Alphabet. By BENJAMIN SmirH LYMAN - - - 359 : whe @abrian Manganese Deposits of Conception and Trinity Bays, Newroundland. By Nevson €.DaLe- -)- >) = =) >.> ‘7 = 37% | _ PHILADELPHIA © THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 104 Soutu Firtu STREET TOTS American Philosophical Society General Meeting—April 13-15, 1916 The General Meeting of 1916 will be held on April 13th to 15th, beginning at 2 p. m. on Thursday, April 13th. Members desiring to present papers are requested to send to the Secretaries, at as early a date as practicable, and not later than March 1, 1916, the titles of these papers, so that they may be announced in the preliminary programme which will be issued immediately thereafter, and which will give in detail the arrange- ments for the meeting. Owing to the embarrassment heretofore caused in a crowded programme by the receipt of titles at a very late date, the Com- mittee of Arrangements announces, as a tentative plan, that ad- ditional papers can only be inserted in the fiza/ programme as there appears to be probable time for their presentation. The Publication Committee, under the rules of the Society, will arrange for the immediate publication of the papers pre- sented, | | I. MINIS HAYS - ARTHUR W. GOODSPEED AMOS P. BROWN HARRY F. KELLER Secretaries. i Members who have not as yet sent their photographs to the Society will confer a favor by so doing; cabinet size preferred. Sle sis requested that all correspondence be addressed To THE SECRETARIES OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY — 104 SouTH FIFTH Srhear PHILADELPHIA, U S.A. SC ace ae 3 Ef PAC@O@E TE Dain GS OF THE PV NICAN RoAILOSORMIGAL SOCIETY HELD AT PHILADELPHIA FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE VoL. LIV OcTOBER—DECEMBER, I9I5 No. 220 Sar weOsSiON ON EHP BEART lS sIGURE. DINVEN= SONS AN Die CON Shit ONsOrKe Ts INTERIOR. (Concluded from page 308.) We Vee SONS On WAM LUDE] LEbik BEARING» URON QUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE INTERIOR OF THE NEw Tle By FRANK SCHLESINGER. To review even hastily the contributions that astronomy has made to our knowledge of the figure and dimensions of the earth and the constitution of its interior, would consume more time than I can fairly claim as my share this afternoon. Let me therefore pass over those points that are on accepted ground and are matters of general agreement from the different points of view represented in this sym- posium ; and let me dwell instead upon certain recent developments especially in need of consideration, concerning which the astronomer desires the criticism and help of the geologist, the seismologist, the physicist, and the meteorologist. These developments have come to us directly or indirectly through a study of latitude variations, so that most of what I shall have to say will deal with this subject. Although variations of latitude are in a sense a very recent addi- PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 220 X, PRINTED FEBRUARY 25, 1916. 352 SCHLESINGER—VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE. _ [April 24, tion to our knowledge, yet on the theoretical side, at least, we find the beginning more than a century and a half ago. In 1755 Euler considered “ the rotation of solid and rigid bodies” in a memoir that is now recognized as the foundation stone for our edifice. He showed that if such a body is projected into space it will exhibit two kinds of rotation; the first of these is the familiar one that corre- sponds to the day in the case of the earth; the other is more subtle and corresponds to the variation of latitude. By reason of this the axis of the diurnal rotation is continually changing within the body, progressing in a regular way and coming back after a time to its earlier positions. An ordinary top gives us a simple example of this kind of rotation. ‘The spinner imparts to the top a motion of trans- lation as well as a rotation, and if we wish to study the rotation we must arrest the translation in some way. This we can do by letting the top fall upon a hard surface in which the iron peg soon wears a minute hole for itself, and the effect is to stop the translation of the top without modifying seriously the rotation. Then we can see that while the top is turning very rapidly around an axis, this axis is itself rotating in a comparatively leisurely way. Just the same thing is occurring with the earth: the point (or pole) at which the axis of the daily rotation pierces the surface of the earth is continually in motion. If we could take to the neighborhood of the pole a modern instrument, and if we could observe there at leisure and in comfort, we should have no particular difficulty in finding the position of the pole within a meter. But if we should repeat these observations a few months later we should find that the pole had wandered away to some distance. To be sure, this distance would not be great and all the wanderings of the pole that have thus far been observed could be plotted to true scale on the floor of a room not much larger than the one we are in. Of course if the pole is moving, so too is the earth’s equator ; and thus the latitudes of all points on the earth are varying. Such wanderings as these need not disturb the peace of mind of those gentlemen who like to discover the arctic or the ant- arctic pole. Under the circumstances that the polar explorer must work and with the meager instruments he can transport, he is glad to determine his latitude within half a mile of the truth. 1915.] SCHLESINGER—VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE. 353 We must understand that it is only in our time and only after the lapse of many years since Euler published his memoir, that latitude variations have actually been observed. There was nothing in Euler’s theory to indicate how large a variation to look for, since this is a matter that depends upon the whole complex of “ initial conditions,” of which our knowledge is the very vaguest. But this theory does tell us what the period of the variation should be, since this depends upon the shape of the earth and the distribution of the material within it, and precisely the information that is here needed is afforded by a study of precession. Applying this infor- mation Euler was able to say that the period of the latitude varia- tion should be ten months. Bessel at Konigsberg in 1842, later Peters at Pulkova, Nyren also at Pulkova, Downing at Greenwich, and Newcomb at Washington, all searched their observations for evidence of a latitude variation having a period of ten months, but all in vain. Astronomers concluded that if latitude variations existed at all, their extent was too small to be detected by instru- ments of the precision that had then been attained. Toward the end of the nineteenth century vague whisperings that this conclusion might be incorrect seem to have been in the air. But the first clear word to this effect came in 1888 from the lips of Kustner at Berlin. He had invented and applied a method for de- termining the amount of the aberration of light; but he found that his observations gave well-nigh impossible results, agreeing neither among themselves nor with earlier reliable observations. By a nice chain of logic he was able to exclude one possible explanation after another until there was left only the supposition that the latitude of his station had changed while his observations were in progress. Next he examined nearly contemporaneous observations made at other places, and when he found that he could account for certain puzzling discrepancies, he no longer hesitated to announce that lati- tudes were variable after all. This announcement awoke the liveliest interest and encountered no little scepticism. Special observations were at once set on foot at various observatories in Europe and America, as well as at a sta- tion near Honolulu in the Sandwich Islands. These islands are 304 SCHLESINGER—VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE. [April 24, about opposite in longitude to the European stations, and this was the reason for establishing a station there. For obviously if the pole is really changing its place then the changes in latitude for two opposite stations will be the reverse of each other. When in 1893 this was found actually to be the case, other possible explanations for the observed phenomena at once fell down, and latitude varia- tions became for the first time a universally accepted fact. Much time and effort have since been expended in attempting to formulate the “laws” of latitude variations and to give them a mechanical interpretation. But observation has shown that the variations are of unexpected complicity, and as a consequence we are still very far from having satisfactory knowledge of this subject. By the same token it is probable that an intensive study of these variations, particularly from points of view other than the astro- nomical, will teach us much concerning the interior of the earth as well as some of its surface phenomena. It was the late Dr. Chandler, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who took the lead in investigating the nature of latitude variations. By overhauling ancient observations (made of course without any ret- erence to the present subject) he was able to trace the presence of the variations back to the time of Bradley in the middle of the eighteenth century. Thus it happens that at the very time that Euler was writing the first theoretical paper on the subject, Bradley had already begun making the observations from which the actual existence of latitude variations might have been proven at once. Chandler was able to gather similar evidence from other miscel- laneous series of observations and thus to set down a tolerably con- tinuous record of the variations during a century anda half. How- ever interesting a fact this may be from an historical point of view, it does not help very much in a practical study of the subject. There are two reasons for this: first, it is only for European sta- tions (and for the most part only for Greenwich) that we have any knowledge of these earlier variations; the other component of the wanderings of the pole, namely that in the meridian at right angles to the meridian of Greenwich, did not begin to be known until very recently. Again, these ancient observations were undertaken for 1915.] SCHLESINGER—VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE. 3990 certain definite purposes that they served as well as could be ex- pected for their time; but they were not intended and are not well suited for precise determinations of the latitude. Close acquaint- ance with the subject has taught us that exceedingly delicate ob- servations are necessary to define the variations with adequate ac- curacy. If I held in my hands two plumb lines half a meter apart, they would not be quite parallel to each other, though both are exactly vertical; if they were prolonged, they would meet some- where near the center of the earth, 4,000 miles below. The angle between them is a little less than 0”.02 and represents approximately the accuracy that is demanded and that has recently been attained in latitude observations. This success is due chiefly to the Inter- national Geodetic Association which has organized an “ international latitude service” of high efficiency, and to whose efforts and ex- perience are due the improvements in instruments and methods that have made possible this extraordinary degree of precision. Since 1899, the Association has maintained six observing stations for this sole purpose, two of these being in our own country. One of the minor effects of the war that is now raging in Europe will be the discontinuance of some of these stations. One of the American stations has already been abandoned and the same fate will over- take the other in June, 1916, unless some independent means of maintaining it, at least temporarily, presents itself soon. An in- terruption of these observations would be a great pity, for this is one of the cases where a continuous record is highly desirable. To return to Chandler and his work on these variations, per- haps the most important of his achievements was to show that the principal term in the variations, instead of having a period of ten months in accordance with Euler’s theory, has in reality a period of fourteen months. This difference explains the failure of Bessel and all the others who preceded Kistner to find a latitude variation in their observations; for, relying upon Euler’s results, they had all tested their observations for the ten-month variation and had sought for no other variation. For the same reason, Chandler’s announcement of the longer period was received with incredulity in some quarters, and -this feeling did not vanish until Newcomb 356 SCHLESINGER—VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE. [April 24, pointed out that Euler had made a certain assumption regarding the interior of the earth that had in the meantime been universally dis- carded; his period of ten months applies in fact only to a perfectly rigid and unyielding earth. Newcomb showed that if the earth yields to deformation to the same extent as though it were composed throughout of steel, then Euler’s period would be lengthened to about fourteen months. Here we have the first dependable deter- mination of the rigidity of the earth, a result that has since been confirmed in several ways, particularly by a measurement of “ bodily tides” in the earth. The fourteen-month term (or the modified Eulerian term as it is now called) has been under accurate observation for a quarter of a century. The period can probably (though not certainly) be re- garded as constant. This is what we should expect, for a change in this period would call for a sensible alteration in the distribu- tion of the material within the earth, or a change in the rigidity of the earth. The amplitude of this term presents a very puzzling problem. Its usual value is about 0”.27, but twice in recent years it has jumped to about 0”.40. Such a change could be accounted for by supposing that the earth had received a severe blow or a succes- sion of milder blows tending in the same direction. We are re- minded that both Milne and Helmert have suggested that there might be a direct connection between latitude variations and earth- quakes. This suggestion was originally made by Milne very early in this century when the astronomical data necessary to test it were still very meager. It is to be hoped that the question will be taken up again in the light of the information that has been added dur- ing the past ten or twelve years. Though the Eulerian term is the largest part of the latitude variation, it is by no means the only important one. We have next an annual term with a maximum amplitude of about 0”.20. We may say with some confidence that this term is seasonal and meteoro- logical in its origin, but at present no more definite statement would be warranted. It was early suggested that ocean currents might cause this variation. These currents would have to vary greatly with the season, either in the volume or the speed of the flow, or in 1915.] SCHLESINGER—VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE. 307 its direction; for an unvarying current would merely modify the Eulerian term once for all and would leave the latitude variations otherwise unchanged. A similar suggestion has been made with regard to air currents, and appeal has also been made to unequal deposits of snow and ice on two opposite hemispheres of the earth, to account for the annual term. It seems to me that these explana- tions have not been subjected to the critical numerical tests that are possible and desirable. The meteorological data are doubtless com- petent to enable us to compute at least the order of the effects in the latitude variations that we should expect from these various causes. Furthermore the annual term is probably variable in its amplitude, and it is important to ascertain how (if at all) these changes are related to the corresponding meteorological observa- tions. One other term must be mentioned in this brief summary. A few years ago Kimura of Japan made the important discovery (the most striking contribution to astronomy that has ever come out of Asia) that the latitudes of all stations are affected by a variation that does not depend upon the longitude but which is the same for all points in the same latitude. In other words there is present a variation that is not due to the wanderings of the pole. To ascer- tain more closely the nature of this term, the International Geodetic Association extended its latitude service temporarily to the southern hemisphere, with the result that the term was found to be of pre- cisely the kind that would be caused by an annual wandering of the center of gravity of the earth to and fro along the axis of rota- tion. This must be regarded merely as an illustration and not as an explanation, for so great a change (about three meters) in the position of the center of gravity is excluded on other and very con- clusive grounds. No plausible explanation for the Kimura term has as yet made its appearance, and as a consequence the reality of the term has been questioned from every possible point of view. Many explanations have been advanced, each of which sought to account for the term as merely an instrumental effect or the like, just as was the case twenty years earlier with the whole of the lati- tude variation itself. Against such attempts the Kimura term has 358 SCHLESINGER—VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE, _ [April 24, held up very well. It is not too much to say that at the present time all but one of the numerous explanations of this class have been disposed of; this exception deserves a brief mention, particu- larly as it calls loudly for the attention of the meteorologist. Let us suppose that the layers of equal density in the atmosphere above a station are not horizontal, but that they are sensibly inclined. If this occurs without our knowledge, as it would under ordinary cir- cumstances, then we should apply refraction to our observations in a slightly erroneous way and we should derive a value for the lati- tude that is not quite correct. Let us suppose further that this effect were a world-wide one and that in any given month there would be a pronounced tendency for the inclination to be in the same sense in all latitudes, north and south, as well as in all longi- tudes. Then we should have a set of circumstances that would ac- count for the Kimura term as an atmospheric effect, and therefore it would be excluded as a real variation of latitude: So far as the astronomer is able to testify, the evidence is against the occurrence of such tilts in the atmosphere. ‘The inclination required to account quantitatively for the amplitude of the Kimura term is over two minutes of arc, or a slope of about one part in fifteen hundred. Presumably in a few years we shall be able to say something more definite as to the possibility of the existence of such conditions. My own opinion is that this explanation, like so many others of similar character that have been suggested for the Kimura term, will be found untenable. Further I venture to think that latitude variations as a whole will find their explanations less on the surface of the earth and more in its interior than seems now to be the generally accepted opinion. ALLEGHENY OBSERVATORY, UNIVERSITY oF PITTSBURGH. i, JPIRUNCANICANIE, IRVAUINIOUNUAIL, JAIL JP le laNisiie, IC By BENJAMIN SMITH LYMAN. (Read October I, 1915.) How to reform English orthography, and reduce it to simple regularity is an interesting problem. Repeated efforts have been persistently made in that direction. Among others, overhasty enthusiasts, in their disgust at the irregularities and phonetic in- adequacies of the established English spelling, have insisted that a comparatively few of the most glaring irregularities should be “simplified” at once, hoping that later on another larger batch of “corrections”? may be adopted. Of course, such alterations from the established usage can only come gradually into general, or estab- lished, use; not in less than fifty or seventy years, as may be seen in the few small changes urged by Noah Webster. Meanwhile, if the alterations meet with somewhat wide acceptance, there must be, on the whole, very greatly increased irregularity in English spelling, approaching, indeed, chaotic lawlessness. The repetition, and there- by prolongation of this painful unruly condition of our orthography in such an ill-considered effort at reform must remind one of the pretended humanity of cutting off a dog’s tail by stages of an inch at a time. Would it not be far better to devise a practical and thoroughgoing system of orthography to be used alongside of the present established usage; and to become more and more used, until at last, it may become altogether adopted and universally used? There are serious difficulties, however, in setting up a practical and thoroughgoing system of orthography. Any plan of reformed orthography should never fail to keep in mind the necessity of being thoroughly practical, if the least hope be entertained of its coming into universal, or even common, use. The great, widespread vogue of the Roman alphabet is doubtless due to its even rude simplicity ; and in many hundred years it has been impossible to introduce into general use more than a very few extremely simple modifications of 359 360 LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. [Oct. 1, the original forms of the letters: as for instance the carvilium to distinguish G from C and the distinction between J and I and between U and V, which appear to be still struggling for complete prevalence. It may, however, be borne in mind that notable addi- tions to the Arabic alphabet have been made and accepted in order to express additional sounds in Persian or other languages: but it is noticeable that such added forms are strictly in keeping with the original character of the alphabet. The Russians have also strongly modified the Roman alphabet, and not always quite in keeping with the rude simplicity of its general character ; yet have established its use throughout a great empire. In proposing new forms of letters for newly distinguished sounds, it is certainly advisable to maintain some restraint upon one’s fancy, to adhere to the utmost simplicity, and to depart as little as possible from the general character of bare simplicity of the Roman alphabet, making use, so far as possible, of old devices, and putting forward as few novelties as possible, to be learned and made familiar. It seems highly desirable to avoid the use of altogether outlandish forms like the fully obsolete old Anglo-Saxon letters, wholly out of keeping with our modern alphabet; or to offend the eye by intermixing italic letters with Roman and by other tasteless similar devices, or by interspersing inverted letters, though to be sure of good Roman shape. Above all, however, let us avoid separate diacritical marks to distinguish sounds, marks that are a nuisance to write, an obscurity to read, and by their occasional forgetful omission a fruitful source of mislead- ing. Especially the use of diacritical marks in a way opposed to their time-honored significance, is to be reprehended ; as for example, the use of an accent to indicate merely the length of a vowel. Such practice has misled commonly into various errors of pronunciation of some oriental words. We shall see if there be any serious difficulty in getting handsomely along without any of those hastily, inconsiderately adopted, tempting, shallow, easy, but terrible, make- shifts. There are some restraints, or guides, which must cogently influence our choice of letters or symbols to be used in indicating the different sounds of the language. It is highly desirable, or ab- solutely necessary, that each sound should be indicated by only one letter, and that each letter should have but one sound; and it would 1915. ] LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. 361 be absurd to acknowledge that principle, and then as in Volapuek and Esperanto, at the very outset give to g the sound of two letters, ts, merely because it happens to have those sounds in German. Another important principle is to give to letters or devices the force © that they already have, and long have had, in the languages where they have been in use. In general, the customary practice of the majority should have sway, requiring the minimum of new learning. As English is far and away the most numerously spoken language throughout the world, the sounds to be attributed to the consonant letters should be as in English; though, owing to the extreme irregu- larity and variety of the English vowel letters, they must give place to letters that are more prevalent in the other European languages. The English consonant y, for example, should be used; not, as in Esperanto, the letter 7, which has that sound among the compara- tively small number who use German and Italian. In Volapuek, / is made to serve for the English sh, a most unheard-of use. In English, the combinations ch, sh, th and wh each is used for a single sound, and it is desirable to substitute for it a single letter. Would it not be highly practical to write those sounds by means, in each case, of merely the first of the two letters with a subscript small appendage somewhat similar to the old device of the French cedilla, though a little different in form, to represent the letter h, and having a more or less distant resemblance to it in shape? In cursive writing, the resemblance to an h need not by any means be close, and may be really abbreviated, as there would be no danger of misunderstanding. We have, thereby, four new characters with but a single device to remember, and that not a new one, and the new forms are entirely in keeping with our old alphabet and with already customary methods. As to the sound of ch in church, it is sometimes maintained that it is in reality a sound compounded of ¢ followed by sh: But that is clearly an error; for even the ear can distinguish a difference in the sounds, and the sound of ch is as dis- tinctly different as is the sound of the opening or closing of a some- what tightly swollen door, compared to the mild clapping to of a well-fitting closure. The peculiarity of the contact of the tongue and roof of the mouth, with the consequent vibrations of the roof of the mouth, occasions a peculiar sound different from ¢ and from 362 LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. [Oct. 1, sh. A corresponding difference occurs between the sound of a smack with the lips and p or b. The sound of gh, as in pleasure, would, of course, be indicated by g with a subscript h. If it be de- sired (unlike ordinary English) to distinguish the sound of th in this from that in thin, the logically analogous and simple mode of writing it would be with a d with a subscript h. The whispered, or surd, y, heard in the word hue, might also be indicated by a y with a subscript h. The guttural sounds indicated in oriental trans- literation by kh and gh, would likewise be represented by k or g with a subscript h. Until types of these new forms are to be had, we may provisionally, instead of the subscript h, use a small h at the side: cn, Sn, tn, dn, Rn, Gn, Wn, Yr. The simple sound written in English with ng should be indicated (as proposed so long ago as Benjamin Franklin) by a character similar to a g but with the upper part in the form of an u, for which there is already type. Other consonant sounds, the so-called cerebral sounds, occurring, for example, in the Sanscrit and in the dialect of Peking, could be simply indicated in a similar manner, by giving to the upper part of the corresponding letter the shape of an r; since those sounds are made with the tongue rolled up, as for an r. In Sanscrit, such a modification of sh occurs and in the Peking dialect y is so pro- nounced, with the tongue rolled up, and may be indicated by a y with the upper right hand fork in the shape of an r (provisionally sy, and y"). With these four or five simple characters, we have then a full supply of consonants without going outside of the ordinary English usage ; b, c, ch, d, dh, f, g (always as in give, get), j, k, |, m, n, p, 7, 5, sh, t, th, v, w, y, 2, zh; omitting g, and x, as superfluous ; and using c, only with the subscript h. Indeed as the c is only so used, even if the subscript 4 should be omitted there would be no danger of con- fusion, and c would have before all vowels the same sound that it has in Italian before e, and 7. H is sometimes reckoned as a con- sonant, but, of course, erroneously, as it is the whispered form of the vowel that follows it. As already intimated, order out of the chaos of English vowels is only to be attained by adopting the more uniform practice of the European continental countries, with a, as in arm, o as in note, u as 1915.] LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. 363 in rule, i as in pique, e as in they; and, for the vowels, we must abandon the hope of indicating by a separate character every one of the infinite number of shades of sound, a few of which occur in such series of vowels as in: hate, hale, hare, hairy, Harry, hal, hat. The progress of enlightenment in thousands of years has led to far greater nicety of distinction in vowel sounds than was common formerly. But instead of five or six vowels that it was then found worth. while to indicate by separate characters, it would now be hardly practical to have distinct letters for more than eighteen or twenty vowels and that number may be very practically arranged. A difficulty in bringing into general use any such somewhat nicely adjusted system of indicating the sounds, especially the vowel sounds, of any language is that the pronunciation of words 1s dif- ferent in different regions and even among different families and individuals of the same region; nay, even with the same individual according to varying emphasis in different connections, as to in “soing to Boston,” and “to and fro” and the pronunciation some- times varies through slackness or slovenliness of articulation or enunciation, as in substituting a slight vowel sound for the con- sonants y and w in such words as they and snow, or in dropping r altogether after a vowel and before a consonant, as in arm. Hence strict regard to phonetics would give the same word several dif- ferent forms according to the taste or habits of different writers, and stand seriously in the way of the uniformity of spelling that would be extremely desirable for at least a literary language to be used in common by a numerous people. ’ As regards the vowels Professor Samuel Porter over forty-eight years ago, in the American Journal of Science, September, 1866, excellently classified the readily distinguishable vowel sounds of English and other principal European languages, and arranged them according to their physiological mode of formation, with a simple illustration indicating nine different parts of the mouth where the tongue is placed to give the form of cavity, which with the issuing breath, will produce each vowel sound. So simple are the plan and the illustration that they have been perfectly successful in in- ducing very ignorant Orientals (in India and China) to indicate thoroughly and simply the mode of formation of some of their most 364 LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. [Oct. 1, peculiar sounds, which to ordinary foreigners without Porter’s help, and with merely the ear as a guide, are mysterious and even con- sidered quite unattainable. He distinguishes nine points at which the tongue is placed, and at each of those points, four degrees of openness ; making thereby thirty-six readily distinguishable vowels. But a number of them are not in ordinary use, and are therefore not to be considered in any orthographic scheme. A few additions are to be made on account of the effect of stiffening the lips, changing the sound. In order to accommodate ourselves to this classification of the vowels it is desirable to add to our letters 2 (not a new combination) as ae in German Maedchen, for the sound of a in care; and oe (again not new), nearly like the oe in German schoen for certain closely allied. sounds; and a new character, like the Swedish a, with an o over it; but contracted into a single form, for the sounds, like a in war, or o in Jord, or oa in broad. Yet another new form may be added, e with a stroke like an accent just to its left, to correspond with the French acute-accented é¢. We have, then, nine characters for Porter’s nine groups of four vowels each. He calls attention to the fact that in each group of four vowels, differing only in the degree of closeness of the tongue at the same place in the mouth, two of the four are long and two short. Let us therefore represent the long vowels by the ancient device of simply doubling (with slight contraction) the letter used for the short vowels, as the Greeks already set us the example with their omega. All the vowels can in like manner be doubled, and somewhat con- tracted, making at once eighteen easily written and easily read vowels conforming well to the already established character of our alphabet. Until appropriate type for the purpose are to be had, we might provisionally merely double the present letters; as: aa, ee, etc. In one or two cases the number can be increased by indicating a labial modification of the vowel by means of a small upright stroke, an abbreviated / (provisionally a small /), close to the right hand of the letter. In this way, we are easily provided with about twenty vowels, apparently an ample supply for the English language. Let us now consider the vowels one by one, more particularly. In group I, the a of last, ask, chant, is short; while that of father 1915.] LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. 3690 and calm is long; and that of baa, ah, arm, charge is still broader. The two last would therefore be written with a double letter (provisionally aa); and there would be no need to distinguish in writing between these two, because there is distinction enough in the following r or h. In group II, the two closer vowels, as (long) in war, lord, awe, pause, or (shorter) all, water, long, daughter, are both labially modified, by stiffening the lips; and can be so indicated by means of a small upright stroke (an abbreviated /, provisionally a small /) just to the right of the letter. The longer vowel can be indicated by doubling, as already described. The shorter and not labially modi- fied vowel of the second degree of openness is heard in the words salt, although, cross, horror; and the third degree of openness, also not labially modified, occurs in sod, nor, off, what, knowledge; and may be written with an a combined with an 0, like the corresponding Swedish letter, but more contracted. These two closely similar vowel sounds, scarcely distinguishable by ordinary ears, it seems hardly worth while to provide with separate letters (though the distinction of the third degree might be marked by a small 3 just to the right of the letter). The fourth degree of openness does not occur in ordinary speech. In group III, in like manner, the least open vowel, as in note, toe, low, loaf, door, mourn, being longer, may be written with a double letter (like the Greek omega), or, provisionally, by a repeti- tion of the single letter, 00 ; and might be marked as labially modified, in the way already indicated. But this is hardly necessary, because, in English, it always has that modification, making it unnecessary to mark it. The next degree of openness is likewise always labially modified, and being short would be written with a single letter. It is also distinguished by being an unaccented vowel. The third degree of openness, as in not, dot, folly, knock, proper, bite, eye (oy, a short o followed by the consonant y) occurs only in accented syllables, and is thereby sufficiently distinguished. In group IV, the long sound of the vowel in rule, sure, fool, pool, moon, shoe, soup, would be written with a double vowel (provi- sionally by ww), while the vowel of the second degree of openness, as in full, pull, bosom, woman, should, good, foot, book, would be 366 LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. [Oct. 1, DIAGRAM OF THE PALATO-LINGUAL POSITIONS. a a S70 a Git —_ — Ss Resi wl ae ae — any, eS, he? a ate Bea fff / -_ Tue DIAGRAMIs ee! { Bs Cop1ep FROM Pror.S. PoRTER, Am. JouUR.OF SCIENCE, SEFT., 1966. Ye, V/. (CONSONAN TS: Forch, useg ,forsh,$;for th mthis,d In Le forth inthin,t{; for zh,z ;for ng, y;for Spamishfi,and Ay Portuguese nh,n; for Spanish ll, 1; for sounds with % rolled up tongue,usa an y combined. as,in Sanscrit, 9: Ue Kgnee, Krishna ;and,inPeking,y:yu qf.) VOWELS: I AA&,a,4%,a,a,A,éM 1.asinlast,ask, chant: last,ask, cant. 2.as in father, calm: feather, kam. 3. a8 in baa,ah, arm, charge: ba, a,arm, gar) 4. (Not in good English) 0.8, 8,a,a, 4,3,0,@. : asin awe, war, lord,pause: #,w@T,le7d, peyz , (labially modified_ lips stiff) asin all, water, long, daughter: 91, weter, long. deter, (labial) 2.aS in salt, althou h, cross, horror: salt,aldo, kras, har cer. 3.aSin sod, nor, off, what, knowledge: sad, nar,af, what, nale}. 4.(Not in good English.) M.0,®, 0,0,0,@,0°,o. 1 as in note, toe, low, loaf, door, mourn, beau. not, to, lw, lof, dwr, mem,ber, 2:aSin opinion,agony, propose, mellow: opinycen, egon'e, propaz ,melo {unaccented). 3. i in not, dot, folly, knock,proper, eye, bite: not,dotfole, nok, proper, oy, boyt 4. (Not in good English.) WV.U,U, usw u,W, uw f#a8in rule, sure, fool, pool, moon,move,shoe; rw, swry, fwl, pwl, mun, murv, su. 2 as in full, pull, bosom,woman,should, good: ful pel buzcem,wumensud, syd . 3.as in fulfil, willful: fulfil, wilful —(unaecented). 4. (Not in good English) V. €, GE,0ce,a,C ee, a.m. a (Not in English — the Germance, French su.) 2.aS in girl, virtus, mercy, myrtle,earl: 9 cerl, vertyu, merse,mesrtl, cexl—(heforey). 3.a$ in up, but,cousin,rough,dove, done: ep, bat, kezin,ref,d@v,deen. 4.4sin burr, church, work: baer, ¢aer¢ , waerk~(before r , accented). VLA AL, @2,@,4,H,a,a. tasin their, fair, parent: daer, far, pzrent. 2.asin care,there, prayer, hair, pair: k er, der, prer, her, per-— (before r). 3-aS in cat,man,sad,hap: ket, men, sed.hep— (acce mio 7). 4,(Not in good English.) VI. £E,£,e,@, &,6,2,@. 1.as in they, grey, vein, sreat,name,fate: dey, grey, veyn, sreyt ,neym, feyt. 2. asin nitrate,climate: noytret, kloymet—(unaccented). 3. asin get, eg .Ted, mend: get,eg, red ,mend— (accented). 4, (Not inEnghsh) VIL'E,e, 2,4. } 1. (Not in English—the French é)) y ; 2.aS in guinea valley, carried,city: gine,vele, kered, cite—(unaccent’d) 3.a8 In goodness, college: gudnes, kalej—(Cunaccented), 4, (Not in English) Di a Whe Toit, SURE of ; Lb Nye ok Ca ads 14.aS8 inpique, machine ,field, eat ,eve,deep: puk,masun_fald ,ut,uv,dup. z,asin divine, vehicle, mandarin; divoyn,vihikl,mendarin—(unaccented). 3.as in pin, hit, sin,will: pin, hit,sin,will- (accented). * 4. (Not in good English.)—( The French u would be ww.) (Until propertype canbe had, use double letters for long vowels.) B.S. L. 1915.] LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. 367 written with a single letter. Both these vowels are labially modified, and might be so marked, in the way already indicated, but it is unnecessary so to mark them, because there is no vowel in English with which they could be confounded. In the third degree of open- ness, the unaccented vowels in fulfill, and willful, occur; but (written with a single letter) are sufficiently distinguished by the absence of accent. The fourth degree of openness does not occur in good English. In group V, the first and second degrees of openness, occur in the German oe, and the French eu (nearly, though not quite, the same) ; but not in English. The second degree of openness without labial modification occurs in English only before r as in mercy, virtue, girl, myrtle, earl, pearl, earth; and may be written with a single letter (ce). In the third degree of openness, likewise short, and to be written with a single letter, occurs the so-called natural vowel, accented, and without 7, as in up, but. In the fourth degree (written with a double vowel), long, occurs before r the vowel sound of burr, occur. In group VI, the long sound, with a double letter (provisionally, the single letter repeated, 2 x), is heard as the a in parent, et in their, avin fur. It is the German ae in Maedchen, and the French é€ in aprés, scene, péere. The second degree of openness, with a single letter, is heard in care, there, prayer, heir, pair; in each case followed by the sound r._ Without that sound of 7, the third degree of openness gives us, with the same letter, the a in at, cat, man, sad, hap. The absence of the r makes it unnecessary for them to dis- tinguish the two slightly different vowels. In group VII, the first degree of openness with a double letter, or, provisionally, the single letter repeated, ee, gives us the e in they, grey, and the like sounds in fate, name, great, vein, hail, pay; the German mehr, jeder, ledig, See. The second degree of open- ness, with a single letter, gives us the a of unaccented syllables, as in nitrate, climate. The third degree of openness, with the same single letter, occurs in accented syllables, as in get, egg, red, mend. The fourth degree does not occur in English. In group VIII, the first and fourth degree of openness do not occur in English. The first one, to be written with a double letter, PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 220 Y, PRINTED FEBRUARY 25, 1916. 368 LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. [Oct. 3, occurs in the French acute-accented é and a. The second degree of openness (written with a single letter, provisionally, *e, an e with a small upright mark, or figure 1, above at its left) occurs in Eng- lish in unaccented syllables only, as in guinea, valley, carried, city. The third degree of openness (likewise a single letter) differs so slightly from the second as hardly to need a separate character, though it might be marked with a small abbreviated 3 put to the right and upper part of the letter e. It occurs in the unaccented syllables goodness, college. In group IX, the first degree of openness, to be marked with a double letter (provisionally, 7), is found in the zt of pique, machine. When this is labially modified by stiffening the lips, it becomes the French wu, as in ruse, and the German we, as in ueber, to be marked with a small stroke, an abbreviated J, at the right of the letter. The second degree of openness, to be marked by a single letter, occurs in unaccented syllables as in divine, vehicle, mitigate. The fourth degree of openness does not occur in English. We have, then, for the vowels nineteen letters ; distinguishing all éhe readily distinguishable vowels used in English. In two or three cases the distinction is indicated by the accent as in certain unac- cented syllables, as in fulfill, goodness; and in other cases by the subsequence of the sound 1, as in girl. Even these slight differ- ences could be indicated by a scrupulous writer with an abbreviated figure 3 alongside, to the right, and at the upper corner, of the letter Having thus made possible the writing of English with unmis- takable-letters, each letter for a single sound, and each readily dis- tinguished sound by a single letter, a strong.reason is advanced in favor of the general adoption of English as a universal language. Indeed, it is ardently to be hoped that eventually some one language may become universal, and known to the whole human race. Latin was formerly so widely known and extensively used among the more civilized nations as to give some color to its claim to become the universal language. But the gradually increased refinement of ideas in modern times has apparently made it impossible to be satisfied with so bald and rude a method of communication. The numerous artificial languages proposed for this purpose, even if not 1915. | LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. 369 liable to the same objection, or to greater crudity, are yet additional languages to be learned. English already known to a much larger number of men than any other language, seems to be, by ail odds, the best adapted to become, perhaps with slight modifications, a uni- versal language. The simplicity of its grammar, aside from orthog- raphy, makes it remarkably easy for foreigners to learn; and, for use in universal form, the comparatively few irregularities of gram- mar might considerately be eliminated, so that (in universal form) it might be allowed to say mouses, instead of mice, and digged in- stead of dug: English has already shown its capacity to express perfectly the finest distinctions of ideas and must in that respect far excel any artificial language, like Esperanto, or Volapuek, with their rude, bald, lack, for example, of the definite or indefinite articles. A rational, phonetic, practical spelling would, then, make English ideally perfect for a universal language. Clearly, for that purpose, the usage of speakers of some region, or of some degree of cultiva- tion, with some degree of emphasis, must be selected as the norm to which the written language should conform, in order to make the. writing and spelling in the main, though not always in every minute detail, phonetic. Well taught children should, then, everywhere learn to pronounce the words as they are spelled, and not be allowed to drop the sound of 7 in arm, or pervert the sound of the English long u (like yu, except after the sound of ch, 7, r, sh, zh, or y). Normal schools should train teachers in these details so that the children may be properly drilled. In that way the language would be rightly conserved, and would tend to become fit for universal use. One serious difficulty in the adoption of any such improvements of our alphabet is that there are so many men who excel more in persuasive eloquence, in “the gift of the gab,” than in a thorough knowledge of phonetics and inclination to careful reflection. Cad- mus could not have been a ready tongued, shallow utterer of rapidly up-bubbling superficial thoughts. A group, or committee, or society of such quick-witted individuals (perhaps some of them so densely ignorant as to suppose h to be a consonant, instead of the whispered, or surd, form of its following vowel, or to insist that the English ch, and j are compounded of sounds distinguishable even by the ear, and as much unlike the real ones as the bursting open, or bang- ing shut of a tightly swollen door, is to the mild clapping to or open- 370 LYMAN—A PRACTICAL RATIONAL ALPHABET. [Oct. 1, ing of a well-fitting closure), may make bold to put forward by their majority vote some alphabetic, or orthographic, system (as the Japanese Roman Letter Society did), and may really delay for a long time the adoption of an altogether rational and practical method. It would be much better for individuals to propose their own plans, and put them into use by themselves and by a portion of the public. Gradually, the best of such plans would take the lead, and come into more and more general use, without having to overcome at the outset the prestige of the dominant approval of a high-sounding society or committee. In any case, it would clearly take many years for such a rational new system fully to supplant the present established usage. Meantime, it might be advisable to do something towards simplifying the learning of the present established spelling. To be sure, the difficulty of learning it has been much exaggerated, owing to the general extreme neglect of the study. It seems, however, possible that the six weeks or so that appears to be ample for a half- grown boy or girl to learn to spell well might be reduced to a couple of weeks, at most, with a properly arranged booklet; so that the present multitudinous army of typists might readily fit themselves to avoid tormenting their employers by ignorance of so simple an art as spelling. But however advantageous a simple, purely phonetic spelling might be to a defectively educated typist, or to an adult foreigner, let it not by any means be imagined that the time spent by children in acquiring our more complicated established orthography is use- lessly thrown away. On the contrary, it is a highly useful discipline, not only training the memory in a simple way, well adapted to young children, but giving most valuable habits of close and accurate minute observation (the precision that is the most efficient aid to the conservation of language), and enabling the easy understanding and remembering of the proper mode of writing a new word or name. Such habits may also be acquired by certain games of children, but in a way not a whit more interesting or “useful” than the old- fashioned spelling match. The comparatively recent way of teach- ing to read by the general appearance of the word, and with total neglect of syllabical spelling, is detestable, and produces results that are full of torture and disgust to those who have to listen to such reading. ( THE CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF CONCEP- MON VAND TRINIDRY (BAYS SNEWEOUNDEAND: By NELSON €. DALE: (Read April 25, T9T4) CONTENTS. Pace Il; JE MACIOKCON Anas eee Ae Gntnae demo Dou GUO Ueno om ocmendo soc 371 Il. GeNERAL GEOGRAPHIC AND GEoLocic RELATIONS OF THE MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF SOUTHEASTERN NEWFOUNDLAND ............--20002 373 bE GENPRAPESTRATIGRAPEY: OF) DEPOSITS = anche oeacineie en eee 375 IW, IDismAimim) IDISCRiRAKONTS Oly IDOONEEEIIS booaccooccacdso0cbos0goooKT BIT IMLANTOIIES, “(COMGDIERION IBGE eb bakadooceooouobpobapouoGodKo 377 SRORSIATIENE CON GEE DONG Aas eine cearaes oly aie uae inte See aren nero 409 Once LOND e CONCERTIONN DANG ene eee eee 418 Cmaranr, Cove, Comenemion, IBMT cooooucsoccocdccce0no0DS0000C 419 IS RIGS 4H © ONCE RTEONE I AVin sicne sce histhaus ceeotn ay aiearllavaici si siae a teens ey verges 424 Siynarisr JPomyn Iain BANE peat aaacticanoouoddod boson cuL bods 426 V. OrHEer MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF SOMEWHAT SIMILAR CHARACTER... 432 IPLACEIAILA IBASS INI ANOWINDIEAINID Soaoccaccaccbcdc000dGD000 G6 432 IMPRTONE GINGER e NVVAIGES 2/1. 2cccs rant ravecc cneronareuerepeuentearcvsieraiareyenrrers ot ieee 433 IBVAS SGN VADEIEI Oy oA GH erie een BEN lelure yh ob ema e 6 Ores ore Bier 434 TERN GERO DEN SAS OIN Visual Ain sc ata ca aa ere iaelen tere CRO oer eeoetere ls 435 VI. CHEMISTRY OF THE MANGANESE DEPOSITS ............0.-+00e+000: 437 VII. Genesis or THE MANGANESE Deposits AND ASSOCIATED MINERALS.. 441 AY AIGIST BIST TET GRAATEE To Vanity eitce pe tea tiny nsticgape tok Sy oe) ates tat-au le oGVOEN RS are ESI eco chs nee 454 EP INDRO DUCTION: This paper is based upon data collected during the summers of 1912 and 1913. The former season, Mr. A. O. Hayes and Prof. van Ingen of Princeton University, while making a study of the general geology, stratigraphy, and paleontology of the shores of Conception Bay, Newfoundland, in connection with the investigation of the iron ores of Great Bell Island, came upon the manganiferous rocks of the Lower Cambrian exposed at Manuels, Topsail, Brigus, and other places. They were immediately struck by the unusual lithological and mineralogical characteristics and by the excellent state of preser- vation, particularly at Manuels, of what are undoubtedly primary 371 372 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, bedded deposits. Some collections and notes then taken of these interesting rocks were later placed at the disposal of the writer for further investigation. The following summer of 1913, the writer as a member of the Princeton Newfoundland Expedition undertook a more detailed study of these deposits at the various localities where the manganese had been found the preceding summer, and also of a deposit of the same age on the northern shore of Trinity Bay. There are so few syngenetic manganese deposits which still retain their primary unaltered characters and are found to occur at the same horizon over such a wide area that a somewhat detailed investigation gave promise of yielding results of value. In this paper therefore there has been an attempt to present as comprehensive a study of the manganese of southeastern Newfoundland as our knowledge of this hitherto but little investigated region will allow. The subject matter is primarily chemical in its nature and the analyses herewith presented are from samples taken from the prin- cipal manganese-bearing beds. Many more analyses however could have been made and in fact many more should be made if the deposits are to be seriously investigated for commercial purposes. The analyses of the manganese beds at Manuels, Topsail, and Smith Point, Newfoundland and those of the imported specimens from Elbingerode, Saxony were made by the writer in the chemical laboratory of the geological department of Princeton University. Because of the impalpable fineness of grain of many of the manganese-bearing beds, the petrographical descriptions of certain of the thin sections can deal only with the larger features such as struc- ture, mineral aggregations, and a few of the larger and observable minerals. The writer feels particularly indebted to Prof. C. H. Smyth, Jr., for many helpful suggestions bearing upon the chemical side of the investigation, and to Prof. G. van Ingen for unpublished information regarding the stratigraphy and palzontology of this region, as well as for the loan of the locality maps and data for the columnar sections which are the results of careful surveys made during the summers of 1912 and 1913. All photographs and microphotographs were generously contributed by Prof. van Ingen to further the presentation of the results of this investigation. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 373 Il. GENERAL GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC RELATIONS OF THE MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF SOUTHEASTERN NEWFOUNDLAND. GEOGRAPHIC RELATIONS. The manganese deposits here considered are located in the south- eastern part of Newfoundland in the vicinity of Topsail, Manuels, Long Pond, Chapel Cove, and Brigus on Conception Bay, and at Smith Point on Trinity Bay. Manganese is also said to occur near Ships Cove, Placentia Bay. The accompanying map, Fig. 1, shows the approximate location of these deposits. GENERAL GEOLOGY. The sedimentary rocks of this area are included in the Cambrian and Ordovician systems and may be seen on the map (Fig. 1) to occur as irregular patches, the Ordovician composing the larger islands of the bays and the Cambrian occurring as irregular and widely separated fringes resting on the pre-Cambrian of the main- land. The whole series consists almost wholly of shales and thin- bedded sandstones with some limestones, and in the base of the lower Cambrian an occasional conglomeratic bed. The iron ores of Great Bell Island are Arenig while the manga- nese and their associated green and red shales are of iate lower Cambrian. Wherever the Cambrian strata have been found in contact with the pre-Cambrian an unconformable relationship exists. The pre- Cambrian rocks of this area as classified by Dr. Walcott (2:219) and by Messrs. Murray and Howley (18: 141-154) respectively are as follows: Walcott Murray and Howley Random [ Signal Hill Avalonian ; ' Momable Avalonian < Tavelbay Conception Huronian Laurentian Archaean The Avalonian and Huronian of Mr. Howley represent a thick- ness of 12,370 feet. A later unpublished estimate of 18,250 feet has 374 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, been made by Mr. A. F. Buddington, who is studying the pre-Cam- brian rocks of this region. A brief description of these formations at this time will be necessary for a comprehensive view of the New- foundland manganese deposits. Laurentian: The rocks of this formation are in great part gneissic and granitoid, and are probably the oldest rocks of the area. Huroman: This formation, which is equivalent to the “ Concep- tion” of Dr. Walcott, consists principally of the Conception slates which are of tufaceous marine origin. They are intruded by bosses and dikes of granite, diorite, monzonite, and gabbro, and contain basaltic and rhyolite flows. The Conception formation was esti- mated by Murray and Howley to have a thickness of 2,950 feet. Torbay: This formation consists of about 3,300 feet of green and purple slates and argillites. Momable: An estimated thickness of 2,000 feet of brown and black sandy shales overlies the previous formation. Signal Hill: Red and green sandstones, conglomerates, shales, and arkoses largely of continental origin comprise this formation, the thickness of which is about 9,000 feet according to an unpublished estimate by Mr. A. F. Buddington. Random: About 1,000 feet of green and red sandstones and white quartzites with occasional basalt flows comprise this series. Murray and Howley in their report of 1868 for the Geological Survey of Newfoundland describe the general structural features of the Avalon Peninsula as follows: “The region in question, in particular, and probably the whole island in general, seems to be arranged-in an alternation of anticlinal and synclinal lines, independent of innumerable minor folds, which preserve throughout a remarkable degree of parallelism, pointing generally about N-NE and S-SW from the true meridian, corresponding with the strongly marked indentations of the coast as well as the topographical features of the interior. One such great anticlinal form occurs within the region examined this year, with a cor- responding synclinal; the axis of the former was found to be more or less overlaid unconformably by rocks containing fossils of Lower Silurian age, none of which were of less remote antiquity than such as are attributed to the horizon of the upper Potsdam group.” “The axis of this anticlinal runs in a moderately straight line from Cape Pine on the south coast to that part of the Peninsula and coming up from below the Intermediate Series, occupies more or less of the surface from the vicinity of the Renew’s Butterpots to the shores of Conception Bay be- 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 375 tween Holyrood and Manuels Brook. The newer or Great Intermediate Series which flanks this Laurentian Nucleus, was found on the Peninsula of St. Johns and Ferryland to show a general dip to the eastward although making many minor undulations; while on the Peninsula between Conception and Trinity bays the inclination is reversed, being nearly uniformly westerly, making many repetitions of the same strata however, as on the opposite side of the fold. Corresponding with this great anticlinal, the measure of the Intermediate rocks, as seen at parts of the eastern coast of Placentia Bay, appear, by the generally eastern dip which they present, to indicate the axis of a synclinal trough to run from Trinity Bay in the direction of St. Mary’s Banyan As structural work of a reconnaissance nature only has thus far been published in reference to Newfoundland it is hoped that this most interesting phase of geology of the island may be investigated in the near future. The following locality descriptions will take up briefly these smaller structural features which may serve as a clue to the more general structures of the entire manganese area. Pir GENERAL SD RATIGRA PIE: There is very little published information regarding the general stratigraphy of the region under consideration but a few observations made while studying the individual manganese deposits and other information verbally communicated by Prof. van Ingen may be of interest at this point. One of the most striking features of the manganese deposits is their occurrence at the same horizon in shales of late lower Cam- brian age at widely separated points on Conception and Trinity Bays. At each deposit, the manganese zone was found to occur below the Paradoxides zone. At Manuels in the shales directly below the man- ganese nodular beds, heads of Protolenus harveyi (oral communica- tion by G. van Ingen) were found so that in all probability the man- ganese beds may be included in the Protolenus zone of Matthews (16: 101-153). By referring to the columnar sections (Figs. 2, 36, 42, and 44) it is readily seen that the sediments consist largely of shales and lime- stones and that there is a very decided increase in the total thickness of the beds from Manuels where there are 215 feet between the bottom of the Paradoxides zone and the top of the pre-Cambrian to Smith Point, Trinity Bay, where over 1,000 feet intervene between PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 220 Z, PRINTED FEBRUARY 23, IQI6. 376 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April zs, the Paradoxides zone and the pre-Cambrian. From the bottom of the Paradoxides zone at Smith Point to the top of the Smith Point limestone according to a calculation based upon a careful stadia transit survey of the shore line (Fig. 43) there is a thickness of 546 feet. The total thickness in the number of limestone beds varies from a few feet at Manuels to 100+ feet at Smith Point. The thickness of the shales at Manuels below the Paradoxides zone is about 200 feet while the thickness of the shales at Smith Point within the corre- sponding limits is over 400 feet, on the assumption that the Smith Point limestone of Trinity Bay corresponds to that limestone of the Manuels section which is just above the basal conglomerate. The increase in total thickness of the number of beds from the east shore of Conception Bay to the west shore within the corre- sponding limits would indicate a deeper portion of the Cambrian sea when the sediments were being deposited. The fact that sediments found below the Smith Point limestone on Trinity Bay are not repre- sented at Manuels would indicate that sedimentation had been going on for a longer time in the western portion of the basin than in the eastern. Whether there actually was a greater amount of sedimenta- tion in that portion of the basin remains to be investigated. As very little information is at hand with regard to the area of the Cambrian rocks, it is quite out of the question for the writer to attempt to outline the area once occupied by the Cambrian Sea in southeastern Newfoundland. Moreover, it is likewise impossible for the writer to outline the original manganese area as it looked in early Cambrian times. If manganese occurs on the eastern shore of Pla- centia Bay, as all descriptions of that occurrence seem to indicate, it would seem that the original area of the manganese was approxi- mately 200 or 300 square miles, assuming a more or less oblong shape for the deposit. Although the basal conglomerate at Manuels is evidence of a defi- nite shore line for the Cambrian sea at that part of the basin, there is also evidence at the other localities examined, where, however, the basal conglomerate is not found in any such large development. There are littoral pre-Cambrian contacts at Topsail, Chapel Cove, and Brigus; all with typical shore deposits. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 3877 IV. DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF LOCALITIES MANUELS.—Manganese is found as thin jasper-like bands of green and brown color, as nodular beds, and as argillaceous and cal- careous beds interbedded with green and red shales of late lower Cambrian age. This mode of occurrence is very well shown in Manuels brook close by the village of Manuels. The geographic, geologic, and stratigraphic relations are shown in Figs. 1-3. The Cambrian at Manuels consists in the main of shales with thin bedded sandstones with conglomerate and thin limestones at its base and the sediments show practically no metamorphism throughout the series. The strike of the beds is N 82 E (true meridian) and the dip is 10 N. One of the best unconformable contacts in the manganese area is that in Manuels brook at Manuels where the basal Cambrian con- glomerate lies upon the Huronian. For a more intimate acquaint- ance with the manganese occurrence a somewhat detailed description of the stratigraphy, lithology, mineralogy and petrography of the manganese beds and their associated strata will be necessary and therefore the individual beds of the section (Fig. 2) will be de- scribed in stratigraphical order. 210 A 1, Basal Conglomerate. The base of the Cambrian at Manuels is made up of coarse conglomerate, eighteen feet in thick- ness, consisting in the main of boulders and pebbles of igneous char- acter. These boulders at the bottom of the bed, where the base of the Cambrian lies unconformably upon the Huronian, measure in some instances twelve feet in diameter, but they diminish in size toward the top to an inch or less. The matrix, of an arenaceous nature toward the bottom, grades into a more calcareous one at the top where the overlying stratum is a limestone. 219 D1, limestone. This bed is a bluish fine-grained to pebbly argillaceous limestone of about 3 feet in thickness. The pebbles averaging a fraction of an inch in diameter are angular to subangular in shape and appear to be of igneous rocks. Pteropod shells chiefly of the genus Coleoloides abound. Microscopic examination proves this rock to be a semi-crystalline, fine to locally coarse grained lime- stone. The texture is very suggestive of organic forms, being an aggregate of elliptical bodies, possibly algal concretions [or “ copro- 378 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, Manuels River green shale shl.phos.pebs. bIK. nod.green shi. eee red mang. shl. We jaspery mang.lent. shl. /0= red%qy green jasp.mang. shl. = ved slate. q: ved %qy green mang. shl. ae yed shale yed mang. shl. mang.nodulay shale green shale : Crypfozoan shale green shale pinkish limestone LOWER CAMBRIAN yed shale green Shale 219 DI bluish limestone 2/0Al (0...0..0°.5) eonglomevate S K unconformity 2/0A0 = | volcanics int. granite Fic. 2. Columnar section showing the details of the manganese zone in the Lower Cambrian of Manuels brook, 219 A and B. 379 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. = ‘yooiq sjanueyy JO yueq jjoy ul a Se URIIQUIeD JOMOT 9}e] FO ou OZ dsoUeSsUeW JO dOI9jNO JO MITA € Oy 380 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, lite ooze”’ similar to that described by Philippi from off the Congo mouths—G, van Ingen]. These bodies contain aggregations of car- bonate material, probably calcite, which have no definite orientation. The section abounds with pteropod shell fragments, partially re- placed with calcite. Calcite and carbonate material comprise the greater portion of the section but quartz occurs as infrequent local segregations and as irregular grains. Pyrite and hematite, as well as a few pink and brown stained areas which are possibly secondary products of manganese and iron, are sparingly present. No analysis was made of this rock but with the sodium carbonate and potassium nitrate bead test a manganese reaction was obtained. This bed is a bluish argillaceous manganiferous limestone. 219 B 3, overlying the limestone, is a brownish weathering olive green shale. 219 Bg is a bed of red shale, the upper surface of which seems to be limey. The upper 2 inches of this bed has a wavy structure and is somewhat greenish in color. Microscopically the bed is found to be a hematitic shale with occasional grains of quartz and thin rect- angular laths of feldspar. Magnetite and pyrite are found as irregu- lar grains in sparing amounts. 219 B5. With a sharp contact, the red shale is Pvertean by a 1.5 foot thick bed of nodular and pebbly reddish blue limestone. Be- cause of marked lithological differences this bed has been divided into four smaller subdivisions which are lettered a, b, c, and d. Subdivision a consists of about 2 inches of green shale which is slightly calcareous. Subdivision b is a compact pinkish limestone containing pinkish or reddish mineral disseminations and occasional fragments of hyolithid and brachiopod shells. Microscopically this limestone is somewhat granular and crystalline, with calcite as the dominant anisotropic mineral. Quartz occurs occasionally. Hema- tite as an impalpable dust or pigment is abundant, bordering hyo- lithid fragments or as irregular accumulations. A fragment of probably organic substance with a cellular structure is a conspicuous feature of the slide. Sponge spicules replaced by calcite are noticeable. Subdivision ¢ differs not very much from the two members de- scribed but is nodular or pebbly and much more fossiliferous. Micro- 1914.] CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 381 scopically this rock is a very fine grained semi-crystalline limestone. Calcite, frequently twinned, is the dominant mineral with quartz and chlorite in secondary importance. Barite occurs as occasional small and large irregular grains. Hematite is found bordering calcite grains and fossil fragments or replacing them, and as irregular accu- mulations. Pyrite is found occasionally. Certain nodular or pebbly forms, isotropic under crossed nicols, are, because of their fineness of grain, of an indeterminable nature. A very noticeable feature of this section is the diversity of Hyo- lithes forms, some elliptical and concentric and others circular, either entirely or partially replaced by calcite or hematite. The circular forms measure .287 mm. in diameter (Fig. 4, Slide 250). Fic. 4. Microphotograph of limestone, 219 B5c; slide 250; enlarged 22 diam. a, hyolithes with calcite and chlorite; b, calcite; c, quartz. 219 B5d. The upper subdivision of this bed is of interest mainly on account of the mineral associations in the large nodules on its surface. Differential erosional effects between the limestone and nodule have resulted in a greater conspicuousness of the more resis- 382 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, tant nodule. The nodules, measuring as much as 6 inches in diam- eter, consist largely of argillaceous material, jaspery concentric bands, blades of barite, pyrite and some disseminated manganiferous and ferruginous carbonate minerals which are surrounded by dark areas. These latter are probably manganese oxide zones due to the alteration of a manganiferous carbonate. Under magnification these nodular portions are ronptily con- centric and laminated in structure, with laminations red and green in color, and of fine and coarse grain. An oolitic structure, but with the spherules poorly formed, is found in combination with the banded structure. Calcite occurs as somewhat elongated crystals and is the dominant mineral. Wherever the calcite presents the peculiar elliptical and circular shapes mentioned on page —, an organic origin is immediately suggested (Fig. 5 and 6, Slide 254). Fic. 5. Microphotograph of limestone, 219 Bsd; slide 254; enlarged 22 diam. a, elliptical calcite aggregations; b, chlorite; c, hyolithes. Quartz is found as irregular grains and aggregations. Barite occurs only sparingly. Among the opaque minerals, pyrite sometimes alter- 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 383 ing to limonite, is most conspicuous and occurs as large irregular grains and areas surrounding fossil fragments and associated with Fic. 6. Microphotograph of limestone, 219 B5d; slide 254; enlarged 22 diam. a, calcite; b, quartz; c, phosphatic? nodules. more calcareous portions. Hematite (Fig. 7, Slide 257) is found in the more jaspery or laminated areas as irregular grains, aggrega- tions, and spherules associated particularly with the green area which for the most part is of an indeterminable character. Veins of cal- cite are found cutting the nodule. As in the layer above, there are found in this one (Fig. 8, Slide 253), certain semi-isotropic nodular areas or pebbles which are partially chloritized. It is very pos- sible that these nodular or pebbly areas are similar to the phosphatic nodules of 219 A 13 to be described later. These alter to carbonate locally. Among the organic remains are fragments of shells, hyo- lithes, trilobites, and sponge spicules, which in part show carbonate and chloritic replacement (Fig. 5, Slide 254, and Fig. 7, Slide 257). 219 Az. Disconformably upon the above described nodular lime- stone there rests about 34 feet of a hard, fissile, green shale. About PROC, AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV, 220 AA, PRINTED FEBRUARY 23, IQ16. 384 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, Fic. 7. Microphotograph of sponge spicules, 219 B6a; slide 257; en- larged 22 diam. a, sponge spicule; b, hematite; c, calcite. Fic. 8. Microphotograph of limestone, 219 B5d; slide 253; enlarged 22 diam. a, calcite; b, phosphatic? material. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 385 5 feet above the limestone there are thin seams full of comminuted fragments of small Lingulella, and Hyolithes shells. The upper part of this shale is conspicuous because of the conchoidal fracture with which it breaks and the presence of local aggregations of small sub- spherical black nodules some of which show pinkish centers of some fine-grained minerals such as rhodochrosite or manganiferous cal- cite. MnO, occurs as small dots or as dendritic areas on the frac- ture planes. Microscopically, this is a chloritic micaceous shale con- taining sparingly, among the visible minerals, irregular grains of plagioclase, quartz, pyrite, magnetite and limonite in descending order of abundance. 219 A2 is a nodular shale bed of .5 of a foot in thickness and forming the sloping surface over which the stream runs. This bed is noteworthy because of the Cryptozoon colonies showing on the surface (see Fig. 10). 219 A 2a, the lower portion of this bed, is a green shale contain- ing frequent small subspherical nodules and disseminations of a pink carbonate which effervesces freely and is in all probability a man- ganiferous calcite similar to the pink nodules analyzed (see page 395). 219 A 2b is the Cryptozoon shale bed and contains roughly con- centric or zonal structures measuring 114 inches in diameter, irreg- ular and sub-spherical nodules measuring 1 inch in diameter, and intercalated lenses of manganiferous calcite. These nodular and Cryptozoon structures weather brown. Scattered through the bed, particularly the shaly portions, are blades of barite. Microscopic examination of this Cryptozoon bed brings out noth- ing which can be said to be of an organic structure. What struc- ture there is may be characterized as broken veinous, concentric and laminated. The texture in great part is crystalline. The greater portion of one of the nodules consists of calcite and carbonate. Bar- ite occurring as long blades is determined principally by the two cleavages, c and m, its birefringence greater than quartz and its biaxial + character. Chlorite either alone or in combination with carbonate is found replacing barite. Calcite or carbonate occur as irregular masses or as rudely formed or incipient spherules. Hema- tite occurs in the banded portions as more or less massive bands interlaminated with chlorite or as rudely formed spherules in the 386 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April zs, Fic. 9. Details of lower portion of manganese zone in Manuels brook. 387 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. ‘yooiq sjonueyy Yue yoy ur ‘ zV O1z ‘ peq u00zoydAIy FO d0eyAINs Joddn jo ydeisojoyg OI OT 388 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, Fic. 11. Microphotograph of section of Cryptozoon nodule, 219 A2; slide 292; enlarged 22 diam. a, ferruginous band; b, calcite. Fic. 12. Microphotograph of Cryptozoon nodules from 219 A2, showing barite being replaced by chlorite; slide 292; enlarged 22 diam. a, barite; b, chlorite; c, ferruginous and calcareous shale. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 389 ground mass. These spherules measure as small as 9 microns in diameter but have an average diameter of between 30 and 40 mi- crons (Fig. 11 and 12, Slide 292). ¥ En ERE et “ Fic. 13. Middle portion of manganese zone in Manuels brook. The num- bers are those of the section. 390 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, The paragenesis of minerals within the nodules is as follows: Calcareous or carbonate material with probably synchronously formed hematite, barite veining, chloritization replacement, and finally calcite as vein or replacement material. 219 A3 is a green shale bed, 3 feet in thickness, lying conform- ably above the Cryptozoon nodular bed. For the most part this bed consists of a hard fissile green shale which breaks with a conspicuous Fic. 14. Photograph of manganese carbonate nodules extracted from shale 219 Aa, natural size. Top, side and sectional views. conchoidal fracture. 3 inches above the Cryptozoon bed is a layer containing fragments of trilobites which according to Prof. G. van Ingen are probably to be identified as Protolenus harveyi. Barren 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 391 green shale overlies this fossiliferous layer and this in turn is fol- lowed by nodular green shale containing manganiferous calcite nodules, a description of which is given in connection with the following bed. Fic. 15. Photograph, natural size of ground and polished horizontal sec- tion of shale containing manganese carbonate nodules from 219 A4. 219 A4 is a conspicuous rhodochrosite and manganiferous cal- cite nodular bed and may be considered the base of the manganese zone at Manuels (Fig. 13). Structurally this is a nodular and oolitic bed, the former structure conspicuously observable macroscopically, and the latter, though not so well defined a structure, observable microscopically. The entire bed measures 5.1 feet in thickness and is divisible into two members, a and b. The lower member, 219 A 4a is a predominantly nodular reddish green shale while the upper divi- sion or b member is not so nodular. 392 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, The nodules of 219 A 4a are discoidal in shape and vary in diam- eter from % inch to 1% inch, with an average of about I inch and a thickness ranging from % inch to % inch. The longer diameters of the nodules lie in the plane of the bed. Where the nodules are very numerous or crowded they are found intergrown with or over- lapping each other. Specimens ground and polished often show a lemniscate formed by two nodules (Figs. 14 and 15). In color they are for the most part green, but may have greenish, white, or pink central cores. Cross sections of the nodules reveal a distinct zonal arrangement with spherical central cores surrounded by concentric Fic. 16. Microphotograph of manganese carbonate nodule from 219 A4a; slide 288; enlarged 6 diam. a, carbonate of manganese, lime and magnesia; b, barite; c, barite replaced by chlorite; d, shale. shells conforming to the shape of the nodule. The grain of the nodules is usually exceedingly fine, impalpable or crystalline. The pinkish cores are usually crystalline and respond to the HCl test quite readily, indicating some carbonate mineral. By analysis thé green nodules are found to consist essentially of rhodochrosite (seé Anal. B, page 395), while the pinkish crystalline mineral occupying 1914.1] CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 393 the centers of the nodules or occurring as intercalated lenses or nodules in the nodular bed is found to be essentially a maganiferous calcite (see Analysis C, page 395). Fic. 17. Microphotograph of coalescing nodules from 219 A6c; slide 243; enlarged 4 diam. a, carbonate of manganese, etc.; b, odlitic shale. Further macroscopical examination of the nodules shows the presence of barite blades within the central portions of the nodules or disseminated throughout the nodule or its shaly matrix. The char- acteristics which determined the barite are;its c and m cleavage, its hardness of 2 and its diaphaneity. Its optical. properties. confirm it microscopically. Pyrite is found sometimes completely surrounding central cores as irregular and continuous grains. The surfaces of the nodules usually are covered with minute pink or reddish dis- seminated grains which upon microscopic examination are found to be hematitic spherules. Thin sections of these nodules, on the whole, are not satisfactory for microscopical work because of the almost impalpable fineness of the grain. However some of the larger features may be of interest and importance. The structure is nodular and concentric and some of the concentric shells are oolitic. In all the thin sections of nodules the most conspicuous feature is the zonal arrangement of crystalline and indeterminable portions. The crystalline parts usually occupy the centers of the nodules while the impalpable or indeterminable areas are arranged around the centers (see Fig. 16, Slide 288). However some of the cores consist of indeterminable material. The zones are sometimes marked off from each other by more or less sharp contracts as brought out by a difference in shade of color or by an apparent difference in grain (Figs. 17, and 18). 394 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, The exterior zones merge imperceptibly into the shale, a fact which has some genetic significance. Fic. 18. Microphotograph of two manganese carbonate nodules from 219 A6oc; slide 237; enlarged 8 diam. An incipient oolitic structure with spherules of hematite is com- mon to the outer zones of the nodule and shaly matrix. The spher- ules do not as a rule show any well-developed zonal structure nor are they of very regular form. They vary in diameter from 6 microns to 77 microns and have an average diameter of about 24 microns. Not infrequently the spherules consist of both carbonate and hema- tite, the former preserving a radiating structure and abounding in the more calcareous portions of the specimen, while the hematitic spherules are more common in the shaly parts. Among the determinable minerals are calcite, which occurs as anhedral grains of variable dimensions in small crystaliine areas, in veins, or as replacement material after organic remains such as sponge spicules, etc. Carbonate material for the most part specifically inde- terminable makes up the greater part of the slide. Barite is found occupying the more central portions of the nodule in some sections. Quartz as irregular grains occurs only in sparing amounts. Pyrite is present as large and small irregular grains and masses. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 395 The analyses of the green and pink nodules are as follows: ANALYsis B. ANALYsiIs B TI. Green Nodules. Recalculation. SiO) sy 2 Es Se ae oe TOT NEC © Mae eran goes Veena nnneec 39.56 TRO: Oas CAMeen oleae Reena a eens ay eae PAC IHn mer aL CG) s sara te ahaca mien dees oo ere O 7.30 INTO’ cece oo eS eR SET BiG Gren CaS © Meese eae ayy eterat anaes 18.61 IN Mir Bees ia homius «teu gusrasree ne BINT OW Na Wlig© OW mrseenve cis teeters ears ah ccees 3.79 CaQ: cae Riise te ae pecans TOVAGR As Sil Osptrac eerste peer ane 5.94 Nic Oper iain. Sashes sca se Te SOwey JB a'S Osmmeenswe menace mean eten esac 6.29 NBS © eric ieee oncie dens eealoneees (Gite Naam ial OY ean Rae AE nD oka 1.51 TEL O) 5 Siig i Sl RE Pre RE Di Soil 5 Jes @)naiey tucaepae sua oem each neeponrs 7.35 (COR 25 33les, ZA ORAL OF 2Si Ops nee see 9.17 99.96 99.52 ANALYSIS C. ANALYSIS C I Pink Nodules. Recalculation. SiO: Gisee eee o eee nee BST Ante Gia GO) Byteee ey Ue le enue een ae 58.05 ROMO: 8g clerais eens: ope area er IeReees ALO AMS COL og Alena uacion Huson acon One INI OS SAS, ol cre iss an iat es ee es IY GY. cal Hal @) 1) Rn a ahh eS A ati een era 2.34 IN Airy © een eee crete inn DOPAO M1 SSI Oy perntnn ies malas any Maccoll 3.78 (CAO re ee io link eaiaie 3 BIO2 1 Es Oath eee utnecey oobooe 1.40 INU) 5 ele a re aa an BO) Ciel BY CD) it ase ar ei el ra one 1.06 JEL O) yeaah aise aipen oe ee DERI ee ide 18° - AIRLOoINOpeASiIOs ooscecooooe 4.07 CO edie hale tarsiessonsiss 30.77 100.02 100.02 The pinkish crystalline mineral which exhibits a rhombohedral cleavage, has a hardness of about 3, effervesces freely with HCl acid, and, with the above composition, is essentially a manganiferous cal- cite. The excess MnO probably exists as a peroxide of manganese as indicated by the considerable amount of chlorine which was given off while the sample was being digested with HCl acid. As no thin sections were made of this specimen no petrographic confirmations can be made. The upper subdivision of 219 A 4 (219A 4b) is a greenish and reddish nodular shale bed measuring 2.9 feet in thickness and divis- able into three roughly distinct portions. The lower part, 219 A 4b 1 is a greenish red shale overlaid by a reddish shale with occasional small nodules measuring about 1% inch in diameter (Fig. 13, and 19). BG DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April zs, Fic. 19. Middle and upper portions of manganese zone in Manuels brook. © 397 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. ‘Ly O12 ‘910 9prxo ‘pueq pel q ‘pueq uoois fe ‘(SiIoJOWeIP QI) pasieyus ATIY.SITS -oyeuoqied asouesuel papueq JO woT}VS [ed4I9A paysijod jo ydersojoyg 02 “OI 398 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April2s, Under the microscope a thin section of this bed reveals hematite in the form of a pigment and as grains and ill-formed spherules, while local areas of carbonate are found. The upper member of this bed, 219 A4b3 is a red shale containing small subspherical and ‘discoidal nodules quite similar to those described in detail above. 219 A5 is a nodular ferruginous shale which is calcareous and manganiferous. The shaly structure and the manganese are brought out in a conspicuous way through weathering; the manganese by the black discoloration in evidence as one of the derived oxides. This bed has a thickness of .2 of a foot but thins and thickens, presenting a lenticular appearance. The nodules, or possibly pebbles, are sub- spherical in form, dark green in color, and of impalpable fineness of grain. They resemble those already described in connection with the Fic. 21. Photograph of polished vertical section of banded manganese carbonate-oxide ore from 219 A7, natural size. a, green band; b, red band; c, barite. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 399 219 B 5 limestone and those about to be described in beds 219 A 11 and 219 A 13, and are probably phosphatic pebbles in compostion. The minerals in evidence in this bed are hematite, calcite, and barite. This bed is undoubtedly a manganiferous bed as shown by the oxi- Fic. 22. Photograph of vertical polished section of banded manganese carbonate-oxide ore from 219 A7, natural size. a, red band; b, brown band. dized weathering products. The bed as a whole resembles 219 A 11 which to all appearances is suggestive of mineralized reworked material. 219 A 6 is somewhat fine-grained and gritty red shale, measuring 0.4 to 0.5 of a foot in thickness. 219 A7 is the main manganese-bearing bed, measuring .7 of a foot in thickness. This bed is of more than usual interest in that the manganese occurs as primary carbonates and oxides in the form of thin jasper-like bands of green and light chocolate brown color, and as lenticles,and nodules. Interlaminated with the jaspery bands are reddish bands with manganese essentially in the form of an oxide and a carbonate (Fig. 20, 21, and 22). This bed has been divided into three layers, a, b, andc. The lowermost or a subdivision is the reddish band which is essentially a manganiferous shale. It is nodu- PROC. AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV, 220 BB, PRINTED FEBRUARY. 25, 1916. 400 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, lar with nodules, lenticles, and bands of the green jaspery carbon- ate and oxide of manganese. Wherever the jaspery minerals occur in the red band, whether as nodules, lenticles, continuous or non- continuous bands, they present or suggest concretionary character- istics. The red bands are locally pyritiferous and _ barytic. shale occupies the greater portion of the bed. Red Microscopic examination of this red band brings out very little, other than that it is distinctly hematitic with the hematite occurring as a pigment or as irregular accumulations (Fig. 23, Slide 276). Fic. 23. 219 A7; slide 276; enlarged 9.5 diam. The chemical analysis of this band 1s as follows: Anatysis &. ANALYSIS £ I. Microphotograph of banded manganese ore with barite, from a, red band; b, green band; c, barite. Red Bands. Recalculation. SLO ampe dec Meaiingce tina omic inant. Ks ZOTs Mi) aie eee, Ge ee 19.71 I BUCERS Se BE SI coat ac a 4.2 IW bial GO) i sreronme Renee ee a oc 10.23 Hie One wee aad tnt nae eaae ona g. 1602, MeCOinne ie acne nde sheen ee 7.2 TANIA @ tenance aun See ype areas rea ie 6:00;--~ Ca COs ep eign os eee 7.50 Tir ©) ear Oren san eee Sat 26:05 0 1 Car GP OD crit aka ener ee 10.31 Cal Bee ye eee eee eyes sat era OOAE os SiO ras Ne Te on eae 19.44 ito: Yai Siti aaa aene eee hae ea cere BAO TO e Sigs, Huis beh an De alea ee oe 1.87 IPA) ACACIA ARUN aat als, lam aap yp Asl{OoINGO ASiOsee IO) 5a65 TOU IFAS Gy eae ys TR a a MM ane BET) 3h FORO) 2 Wisk Ulnar tame ica Te ere een 4.25 (COB nee a a Rein Iaiacla. Maven a 10.57 90.57 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 401 is Of most interest in connection with this red shaly band are the jaspery bands of green and brown carbonate and oxide of manga- nese. Where in bands, they vary from % inch to 1 inch + in thick- ness and may be continuous. The contact with the red band may be very even or very undulatory. This wavy character may be present whether the band thickens or thins or is of the same thick- ness throughout. The brown and green jaspery bands may contain thin laminz or nodules of other colors. The green material is characterized by its chalcedonic and some- what waxy luster, its translucency on thin edges, its hardness of 5 to 6, its specific gravity of about 3.13 (that of the green nodule) and its slight response to HCl. The chemical analysis of this material is as follows: ANALYSIS A. ANALYSIS AI. Green Band. Recalculation. SiO Ge See UNE ARN eee Moai keh Lial GO): a ie et AGES ctw Sia e ars 44.30 TCO 16.6 HB MO re Re tee enins Aveo MEMO 2s simak a pawane Seon uae 8.08 Ee © ere ene hv acramaeens BOW i CAC Oye an arse oe en COLT ENIL| OSs Grek erate es Ike ae een ee Getto Wig SO meyers cee caren nie aeons 4.21 Wikia O)'s esa Seno Se oe aR eae SATOPIIG Wheel Bie) © Yaseen Acs SAlhten RUM URN en 3.36 (GAO) oo na Bo BER ee aera Tsle3 Obs i AAO aes ae eaeaeen eneCe hes ia OO) IWiledO) is carole is meted ace ra oe 2.30 2H.O-A1,0,-2Si0, + FeO 18.24 TEE ON. cep ie lies cal pce re RAR ras AES ce 2.98 99.25 (COM er re eee eae cae 26:00 100.09 The green band so very similar chemically to the green nodule already described in connection with the nodular bed lower down in the series, is in great part a rhodochrosite in composition but has in combination, in descending order of abundance, considerable amounts of calcareous, argillaceous and ferruginous material. Man- ganese not combined with CO, probably exists as some oxide, prob- ably a peroxide, as considerable chlorine was given off by the sample when first treated with concentrated HCl. Other features hardly need any explanation. Thin sections of this band are very unsatisfactory in that, be- cause of the impalpable fineness of the grain, little can be seen out- side of structural features and certain opaque minerals, chiefly hematite. 402 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, The brown band differs in chemical composition, in color, and in specific gravity. The color is a light or dark chocolate brown. The specific gravity is 3.32. The chemical composition differs mainly in the higher percentage of manganese, as shown in the following analysis: ANALysis D. ANALysiIs D 1. Brown Band. Recalculation. Si Ons ica i oie Genel Maa nancy 10.2 iGO peter Ohne ere Ti. 3 ZOOR EERO Seow Seren le ny De erm Sake 132. MMC ORG Rey sole eee ae 32.89 IEN(e\ @) Mra aea eG renin Peto een rel ar Neen se ge NU SOs. NGACOR acini eee Sah ab 14.01 TE lO tater aet ie es en acer Ree a ASA ie SNS COs ig Ges eee 5.90 TNE ©) rei sists tr Ase tua yale oe Lats aD 4Q.2 Alal {Osi NGO ASiIO)s goochoccaccs 11.08 CaO errata seni ase sae San USI Oa) 8s ae ae eee 5.40 INV Aico (GDF yaa secre alt ee sae BOOZ! ESO aii as ru sncn Gen eto ee 27 ETE OEY errs arn ph crete a Me Bit 99.48 COR ree oe EEN ies OTE OS 100.80 Members b and c of bed 219 A 7 differ from the subdivision just described in the greater abundance of jaspery bands in comparison with the red shaly band and they show greater continuity on the whole. : Member d consists of green and brown jaspery bands all more or less nodular and interlaminated with the red manganiferous shale. Barite as segregations, disseminated blades, and veins occur infre- quently. In the weathered portions of the section this bed is found altering on its more exposed structural planes to the secondary oxides of manganese such as psilomelane, etc. 219 A8 is a purplish manganiferous nodular shale measuring 0.3 of a foot in thickness. It contains lenticles and discoidal nodules of the green jaspery manganese carbonate (Fig. 24, Slide 284). The noticeable microscopic features of a thin section of this rock are its nodular, odlitic and shaly structures. The spherules, though rudely formed, are of either hematite or a carbonate, the former more closely associated with the green jaspery structures, and the latter with the red shale. 219 Ag is a manganiferous bed structurally, mineralogically, and, presumably, chemically, analogous to 219 A 7, and measuring .5 of a 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 403 foot in thickness. Green discoidal nodules of manganese carbonate and the green, brown and red manganiferous bands similar to those Om 210 NVA, are a Conspicuous) feature on the beds) VAY thinl section from one of the nodules of this bed collected during the summer of 1912 shows, aside from the nodular form, conspicuous zonal and Fic. 24. Microphotograph of red shale from 219 A8; slide 284; enlarged 38 diam. a, hematite aggregation; b, spherules of hematite. oolitic structures. For the most part the grain is impalpable, but that of the core is more or less crystalline. There are five pro- nounced parts consisting of a crystalline innermost core, No. 1, which in a great part is composed of carbonate, presumably that of calcium and manganese though nothing of a definite confirmatory nature could be observed, and 4 successive enveloping shells differ- entiated from each other by either the presence or absence of hema- tite, the shade or intensity of color or by fineness of grain. The oolitic character of zones 3 and 5 with spherules consisting in great part of hematite and measuring as small as 12 microns and as large as 90 is very noticeable. Layers 2 and 4 in a great degree consist of 404 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, indeterminate material (Fig. 25, Slide 244). Anisotropic minerals in this section are not common but those most noticeable are calcite, Fic. 25. Microphotograph of nodule, from 210 A7; slide 244; enlarged 4.0 diam. a, outer zone of manganese carbonate; b, core of crystalline man- ganese carbonate. barite, and chlorite, the latter being usually associated with the barite. 219 Ato consists of 3.5 feet of alternate layers of purple and green shale which contain thin nodules and lenticles of jaspery man- ganese carbonate, some of which measure 1.3 feet in length and 0.1 feet in thickness. The lowermost subdivision of this bed, 210 A 10a, is a dark reddish-green heavy nodular and oolitic shale with nodules very similar to those described above. Disseminated minute reddish mineral particles suggesting hematite spherules are found rimming the nodules in some cases. Barite occurs occasionally. Subdivision b of this bed is composed of 0.2 of a foot of green and red lenticular manganiferous seams with green jaspery nodules, similar to those in the lower beds, interlaminated with a hematic odlitic shale. Subdi- vision ¢, measuring 0.5 of a foot in thickness, is a dark gray oOlitic and slightly nodular shale with green jaspery seams. Barite blades occur with nodular accumulations of manganiferous calcite. Microscopic- ally this layer is essentially a hematitic oodlitic shale with the indi- vidual spherules measuring from 15 to 23 microns in diameter while larger aggregations of spherules measure from 0.253 mm. to 0.387 mm. in diameter. The spherules consisting of hematite and car- - 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 405 bonate are found in a groundmass the character and composition of which is for the most part indeterminable. Occasional pyrite grains are found (Fig. 26, Slide 280). 219 A tod, the upper subdivision, consists of 0.3 of a foot of nodular and oodlitic dark gray shale with thin jaspery manganese carbonate laminations. Subdivision e is a dark green nodular and oolitic shale, 0.8 of a foot in thickness and not very different from the layer d just de- Fic. 26. Microphotograph of odlitic manganiferous shale from 219 Atoc; slide 280; enlarged 22 diam. a, hematite spherules; b, shale with dissemi- nated hematite. scribed, and f—is a coarse nodular seam, 0.8 of a foot in thickness, in a dark green shale, comprising the uppermost portion of this bed. 219 Ait is a heavy tough reddish band, 0.5 of a foot in thick- ness and lithologically very different from the immediately over- lying and underlying beds. For the most part, the structure is both somewhat nodular and oolitic. The general fragmentary nature of the fossils and of certain nodular or pebbly forms leads one to think 406 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, that this layer consists in some degree of reworked material. The surface of this bed shows ripple marks. The predominant constitu- ents which a macroscopic examination affords are calcite, barite, argillaceous material, limonite, manganese oxide, and pyrite. Out- side of the nodular, oolitic, and fragmentary character of the layer, Fic. 27. Microphotograph of manganiferous red shale from 219 AII; slide 277; enlarged 22 diam. a, calcite vein; b, hematite spherule. very little additional information concerning this peculiar rock could be gained microscopically (Fig. 27, Slide 277). The spherules are of two kinds, hematite and carbonate, and they average about 48 microns in diameter. Non-ferruginous portions of the slide show a groundmass of such fine-grained green material that very little could be made of it. Hyolithes, sponge spicules, and shell fragments partially or entirely replaced by calcite are a noticeable feature. Barite as scattered blades partially replaced by chlorite and pyrite, hematite as the chief constituent of the spherules, and carbonate are the most abundant of the determinable constituents of the slide (Hise 285 Slide 278) 1914-1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 407 The chemical analysis of this rock is as follows: ANALYsIS F. BNO) Al akite CC 18.42 6.33 7:95 21.44 14.46 5.01 3.46 2.58 21.20 100.85 ANALYSIS F I. Recalculation. SiO. 2H.0- A1.O,-2Si0, This bed is essentially a manganiferous argillaceous dolomite with considerable percentages of barite, hematite, and phosphate. would seem quite reasonable It to suppose that the phosphate Ca,(PO,). exists in the nodular portion as we have found to be the case in the nodules of 219 A 13 to be described later. Fic. 28. Microphotograph of red manganiferous shale from 219 AIT; slide 278; enlarged 22 diam.; showing hematite spherules in a groundmass of manganese carbonate. 408 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, 219 Ai2 is a fissile green shale measuring 1.4 feet in thickness with conspicuous black nodules which on weathering become white. Because of the similarity in form and color with those of 219 B 5, A 5, A 11, and those to be described from the bed immediately above this one, the suggestion is made here that these nodules also may be phosphatic. . 219 A 13 is a phosphatic nodular manganiferous calcareous shale bed, 1 foot thick, with the nodules common in both bottom and top portions of the bed (Fig. 29). The nodules because of their white Fic. 29. Photograph of a polished vertical section of a phosphatic nodu- lar shale seam, 219 A13; natural size. a, phosphatic nodule; b, shale with trilobite fragments. weathering and subspherical to elongated form resemble those of 219 A 12, A 11, A 5,and B 5. In chemical composition the nodules of this bed resemble those from the Cambrian of southern New Bruns- 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 409 wick described by W. D. Matthew (15). The chemical analyses of the Manuels brook and the New Brunswick phosphate nodules are as follows: Anatysis H. Manuels Brook, N. F. Hanford Brook, N. B. SMO); os eee eee see ete eer tee 2 DOV SI Oka aa ee eta caine eee ZA NUE Gy aii eann cdi Vac isoeasi ts ersten POT Tals Opera taracnee eae saline meu eare 11.85 Hires © ager siiens-y econ sa cee stesso TOsT’3 p24 EO pecesay teas tran onsen suas atene 11.44 (CAOMA ex seisnncia dic hoses BRC Oia (CAOl, oes see ooo ee e235 INAS O): be Beare eRe ae a eee Teeth lO Ny saree Seton sar aetna aa Aital eg ag 0.59 TPO esis ear si Re te OR ee oe LR HAS SONU bed Oonamn sis Bosminld acieaitictuid dc Gent 2.2 TEL). :3 cise ete Aare renee eae eerie Dies Nil Ogi ticec ay Gone ne usasy Annee, areas 1.41 CO Mee re hes on ois cae 2.2 1 @ Pare ae ate re CR ty Mins Conn nate 14.99 93.90 H.O Miele aan Maa oMealeMstctaeelichelteter ens 3.43 Sle OE Ht Neel as aya Mea PRTC 3.44 COL aie ote nee Aer UC emai cts 3.53 100.06 The similarity between the percentages of SiO,, Fe,O,, CaO and P.O, of the two analyses is at once very noticeable and at the same time very suggestive. It is hoped that at some future time, work of a correlative nature may be taken up in connection with these inter- esting and genetically problematical nodules.. Among the macro- scopically observable minerals in the fresh and altered rock are pyrite, hematite, limonite, wad or psilomelane, and vivianite in an argillaceous dolomitic groundmass. Hyolithes fragments are in abundance. As no apparent manganese was observable in the considerable thickness of overlying green shales, 219 A 13 was considered to be the top of the manganese zone at Manuels Brook. According to Prof. van Ingen the Parado.vides fauna begins in these shales which immediately overlie the manganese zone. TopsaiL.—The manganese at Topsail some 4 miles east of Manuels (see Figs. 1 and 30) occurs interbedded in steep northerly dipping (50° to 78°) lower Cambrian strata consisting of shales, limestones and sandstones. The manganese is found in several beds of which only one measuring 1.4 feet in thickness seems to be of sufficient importance to have warranted prospecting, as shown by 410 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, some open cutting. This is a carbonate-oxide ore of manganese of brown color and vitreous luster. Not only does the character and structure of the manganese at Topsail differ from that of Manuels but the section shows some Fic. 30. Photograph of the open cut with the manganese prospect tunnel at Topsail; Loc. 219 E. lithological variations. Moreover the rocks of the section are very much disturbed with the rapid changes in the dip of the beds. The structural changes in these beds are no doubt due to the great fault, the plane of which passes about 300 feet east from the manganese zone with a strike of N. 13 E. and a vertical dip. The fault plane lies between the Huronian and the lower Cambrian, and the beds immediately adjacent are considerably disturbed and so to a lesser extent are those farther away. That a better idea may be obtained as to the relationship of the manganese, the following general and local stratigraphic sections with descriptions are given. The generalized section as worked out by Prof. van Ingen and Mr. A. O. Hayes during the summer of 1912 is as follows: 1914.1] CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 411 Loc, Number. 210 EF 10 Brown shales with manganese at base.................- Open cut 9 Brown shales with limestone at base. 8 Heavy limestone. Ft. G Sinalhy Imm siome scoscouoccsesceosccds Meabat ace ana i 6.0 6 Brown sandstone with limestone nodules ............... 3.0 5 Fine and coarse sandstone with small limestone nodules.. 6. 4 Much sheared brown shale with limestone nodules and MMANGANEIS BE WAS sccdoedncadodooucvd scab be deooouoeoN 4.0 Be Vliouthtot tunneltand tottenezone sree aa eee 15.0 PRA CO ARSE SSATIG SCONE satis eee ais eo RRR ee eet 6.0 i, “SINCE ACN OSA aint ORG a rans EO aT mam Ate eres Ba ae gale 0.3 to 0.5 Om nes Sarma rian evant ers nee elena ah aie eee een ee RR ye 25.0 It is quite apparent from a study of the above section that the lower Cambrian at Topsail is in many respects similar to that of Manuels. The absence of a basal conglomerate and the presence of sandstone are the most striking features of the associated beds. During the summer of 1913 a more detailed study of the manganese zone of 210 E to of the generalized section was made and the following subdivisions were made: Loc, Number. Ft. 219 E 7 Green shale, badly broken. omBandedsconcenthicrand) nodiularssialegnenaner naar eee rherae 1.0 PaGreenuslialessbadihyasineane dian ancy ction acl actors einer 0.5 Ag\ianieaneses oxide carbonate One eta are ecieista eeriei 1.4 3 Broken nodular green shale with manganese stain .............. 0.7 PaCalcareoussmancanikenotlsesiial Caer enreerce ere cco 0.3 1 Hard nodular olive green shale, badly weathered and sheared, with manganese stain. Of this series two beds, 219 E 4 and 6, are worthy of more de- tailed description. 219 E4 is an oxide-carbonate ore of manganese of 1.4 ft. in thickness. It is irregularly banded and nodular, of chocolate-brown color, somewhat vitreous in appearance and argillaceous, with a hardness of 5 to 6 and specific gravity of 3.26. Disseminated 412 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April zs, through the ore are irregular small areas of a pink carbonate re- sembling rhodochrosite in physical characteristics, and barite. The ore is incrusted with psilomelane as an oxidation product. Micro- scopic examination brings out a coarsely banded and nodular struc- ture with a groundmass of indeterminate material which is for the most part homogeneous to all appearances and of brown color. Fic. 31. Microphotograph of barite sheaf in manganese oxide-carbonate ore from 219 E4; slide 269; enlarged 22 diam. a, barite sheaf; b, manganese oxide-carbonate ore. The color of this ore is due to the brown and black oxides of manganese and iron. Conspicuous among the anisotropic minerals are barite which occurs as blades or bundles of blades generally replaced by chlorite, and calcite, all very much discolored by the manganiferous and ferruginous oxides. Minute veins of discolored calcite are present (see Fig. 31, Slide 269). The chemical analysis of the ore and its recalculation are as follows: 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 413 € AnaAtysis J, ANaAtysis I 1. 219 E 4 Recalculation. Si), ig GRR eee eis oer Orananta TSO 4 Wir © eine crea ates pone Danie, Bost rae 34.2 TENG O)a a aah ae SARIS BEE gE ra Alera scdNi bal ClO our y EM eRN Hine aaa maiend 11.27 INIA OVS SEE tg nae en eer Se ORS Oro Gal © ined Norah neers mec rn esp 4.00 INV icra @) Papeete ton emia od mnie as Ale 26 gn Mig COx pacer ete oan errant 4.07 (Cea) 3 cries Bier tier har sme ei eal nea tae 2.2 Si © ee Sen aber pea TEN Eola d aN A A 10.32 IMU): inl ie cepa eet eas Sena DIZ OW aS G)RINer TE areas aes anener a 5.40 Bia S © eens sean ee oaa i omrok IS: Ke Pasi ate OPN NN te caten REN ease Rare e Mery aa 4.82 COR: saci tate ta paren s eenere tn 834k ZEEE ORALO 2 SiOx ee eee 16.30 TERE O) gos ce snare Te OS(s, Wid g Om PEMD eee Searcy mn aey Aenea 5.41 97.05 96.74 This is essentially a hydrous oxide of manganese with consider- able amounts of argillaceous material, rhodochrosite, silicious matter, dolomite, barite and hematite in descending order of abundance. 219 E 6, not a manganese ore bed, though manganiferous, is of interest mineralogically and petrographically. In structure it is concretionary and banded, nodular and microscopically oodlitic. It is essentially a calcareous, ferruginous and manganiferous nodular and banded shale (see Fig. 32). Under the microscope the greater part of the groundmass, isotropic under crossed nicols, is of inde- terminable composition simulating phosphatic material. Of the anisotropic minerals, calcite is most frequent and occurs with other carbonate material in bands which show an oolitic structure. The individual spherules, subspherical to elliptical in form show either concentric or radiated structure, the latter showing an interference cross with crossed nicols (Fig. 33, Slide 272). Calcite frequently has the curved twinning planes indicative of strain. Barite occurs in narrow veins or bands, as disseminated blades, or as sheath-like blades or aggregations, usually being replaced to a greater or less extent by chlorite and in a few instances by pyrite (Fig. 34, Slide 272). The spherules consist of hematitic pigment, carbonate and chlorite. Because of the frequent association of chlorite with barite one is led to suspect that possibly the chlorite spherules were originally of barite which has since been replaced by the chlorite. Other spherules made up in great part of hematite, sometimes show- DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, 414 ‘g]npou oyeydsoyd “p c ‘yorjaIOUOD IsaUeSULUIOIIOZ ‘9 { puLg IeUWOY UI spHpoU opyeUIoY “q SopeYys UooIs “eB ‘ezIS [eInyeU ‘oy Ole Woy oJeys se[Npou pue popueq FO UOlJDaS [voI0A poystod Fo ydeisojoyq “ce “O1y 1914-1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 415 Fic. 33. Microphotograph of banded and nodular shale from 219 E6; slide 272; enlarged 38 diam. a, oolitic hematite shale; b, carbonate calcite band; c, barite; d, pyrite. Fic. 34. Microphotograph of barite with chlorite replacement from 219 E6; slide 272; enlarged 22 diam. a, barite; b, chlorite replacing barite; c, phosphatic? material. PROC, AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 220 CC, PRINTED FEBRUARY 25, IQ16. 416 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, ing carbonate centers, are found most frequently in the jaspery bands. The spherules vary in size from 12 to 120 microns but have average diameter of about 94 microns. The chemical analysis of this bed, with its recalculation, is as follows: 210 E 6. Recalculation. S11 Brcpaainne arg dee intae enapene teen me TO2A O-ENin CO Saas eee eo eee 16.79 TECH GS re Salis a ee tabs chistes Ra LOVOTHn-3 Cal GO yer weer ee 20.91 LN OSS S Sa eivern Ge Epo moe Hee aI TASS 2 eM GO, Sis .bar oa nega eee nee 10.57 JW Ba © a Hate re an HIE Ate oe yee ae nea ne TOW? ie COR has is Ben eee 4.52 CaO tease nee pera E37 Ay CECA O ea eiceh gaa ea a ee ae 5.49 I lho OME Rate tnee ilar, anaane a Mele ee atari laas AOA CanCP O)e.cdawenecion cones 3.75 1D @ ees etowes en ed een eee Tene 1 TA aS N | © Pam ameter itiormneramer tis Tf Uo 1.20 COR ey Seen DAE ox cau DU Oia a allele @)EvAtl a @) aera Sal ©) aan ene ananeee e 36.38 I BEAG) ahaa rience Pan Acar umeers Gg Sirueen 2.07 99.61 99.66 From the above analysis, this rock is essentially a dolomitic manganiferous ferruginous shale with considerable amounts of Ca,(PO,),. Among the microscopically observable minerals in the above recalculation are calcite, hematite, quartz. The nodular por- tions, usually isotropic and of exceedingly fine grain, are probably Fic. 35. Photograph of manganese prospect along the Kelligrews high- way just south of Long Pond; Loc. 219 F. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 417 Long Pond ZIG FG green shale, 8=-/0 ey ) “a7ang. shale with Phos. pebs. 3 Gao mang. nod’ lent red sh. 6 = 2.6’ : mang. nodd lent. shl. on = 0.8" eu ---green shale 8 Se, --mang. Shale. = Anis green Shale. ps Zz -60' mang nodular shale. => = aw Pat / -=30 green shale. ag eu) 3 =) 4 | | ] ' ' | \ | ' | J Fic. 36. Columnar section of the manganese zone at Long Pond; Loc. 219 F. 418 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, in great part shaly in composition. The nodules of this band suggest a very possible analogy to those of 219 A 5, 11, 12, 13, and B 5. Inas much as this bed is somewhat phosphatic, the phosphate in all likelihood is associated with the nodules, as is the case with the nodules of 219 A 13 of Manuels. This bed is structurally and mineralogically quite similar to the phosphatic beds of Manuels. Lone Ponp Section.—About 2% miles southwest of Manuels and west of the railroad and wagon road (see Fig. 35), manganese occurs, in a low cliff, as nodular and banded layers interbedded with shales. Though the manganiferous beds at this locality are con- siderably more oxidized than those at Manuels, the occurrence as a whole is similar and it is necessary to present the section with only brief macroscopical descriptions of the important beds (Fig. 36). Loc. Number. Ft 219 F 10 Glacial mantle. 9 Manganiferous green shale. SePhosphatic nodularimangcanesexshale e425 she ae ee eee 1.0 7 Manganiferous nodular and lenticular green shale ............ 5.0 6sBanded nodular 2orekid cae vie one ei cic cee eee 2.6 Kakissilemoneen shailletdcesce cies Genser eee 0.8 A Manganiterous banded ore = ace nee aa ee ae ee eee 0.1 2 eMassives nodular ereenrslialeim istics tia eee 0.6 2eiNoduilareeshialesge cesses esas seam ke ese Oli neat cee TS ae yee 6.0 Ttlleavywenecn volver Shalimar ah ater eae eEtree 3.0 219 F 2 of the above section corresponds quite closely to the lower nodular bed, 219 A 4a, of Manuels (see page 392), chiefly be- cause of the presence of abundant discoidal-shaped nodules identical with those at Manuels. The nodules have altered for the most part to a wad and clay, some having secondary manganese or white clay centers and clay border zones and others with limonitic green clay centers with secondary manganiferous clay border zones. The weathered nodules are very abundant. 219 F 6 is a heavy manganiferous bed composed of several 14” to 3” red, brown and green manganiferous seams separated by thin nodular shale laminations that are now red. It is quite evident that this bed is a continuation of either 219 A 7 or 10 of Manuels. The interior of some of the weathered nodules is a red and green residual clay. The manganiferous seams weather reddish and greenish. t914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 419 219 F 7 is probably a continuation of 219 A 8 and 9 of Manuels inasmuch as this bed is nodular and has many lenticular and con- tinuous jaspery seams of 0.1 inch to 1 inch in thickness alternating with ™% inch to I inch seams of reddish manganiferous shale. 219 F 8 from its similarity to 219 A 13 of Manuels may be de- scribed as a phosphatic nodular manganiferous shale with the man- ganese in evidence as some hydrous oxide. CHAPEL Cove Section.—The manganese at Chapel Cove, of inconsiderable amount, occurs in a very much faulted series of lower Cambrian limestones and shales as alteration products on many of the structural planes. If it were not for certain lithological analogies with the deposits just described it would hardly seem necessary to give any detailed description of this deposit because of the small quantity of manganese present (see Figs. 1 and 37). Fic. 37. Photograph of the section along the shore at Chapel Cove near Holyrood, Loc. 213 C; showing the managenese zone at (m). The generalized section as worked out by Prof. G, van Ingen and Mr. A. O. Hayes during the summer of 1912 is as follows: Loc. Number. Ft. 213 C4c Olive green shale. b Alternate pink layers with small black pebbles, manganese layer 3.6 a Olive green shale, sheared near fault. Cree Nodularshimestome:ancdushalewr errr een eee 24.0 7 Argillaceous red limestone and alternating shales ............ 25.0 GaeRed wslhraihyslimestom ey, Axe ccciaciek tac eed ve arena romero ici: 18.0 repre ie slide aep rain arcsec otan. lets clorcl ane rn rate ioe epenl arate staratare car Roem aera cela 8.0 IDG laleannay sre! Iitinestone sobb.soopoeoucooscopacodsdonoacobndobsoc 10.0 6 Red shales with limestone. 5 Red and green limestone. 4 Green limestone. 420 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, E2 Gray limestone. I Conglomerate with pebbles of syenite, black chert and limestone. 0 Syenite. C2 Agglomerate. I Ribbon slates. Conception slates (Huronian). The section represents the stratigraphic sequence and the locality numbers indicate the position of the layers. Quoting Prof. van Ingen in regard to this most interesting locality : “It appears to me that we have here the remnant of a squeezed syn- cline, the northern margin of which has been shoved far northwardly onto the underlying agglomerate and ribbon slates.” 213 C 4b was studied more in detail by the writer during the summer of 1913 in the hope that some more definite knowledge might be gained on the occurrence of the manganese at this point, but without very much satisfaction. The subdivided manganese bed is as follows: Loc. Number. 213 L4c Finely banded nodular bed. b Fractured and slickensided green shale. 213 L4a Black nodular calcareous green shale with manganese staining. L3 Nodular ferruginous calcareous green shale with manganese stains. 2 Fractured and fissile shale. 1 Manganiferous calcareous green shale with hematite and pyrite. In as much as the manganese was not visible to any great extent in its primary form throughout this small series of 3 to 4 feet no analysis was thought necessary. Two of the above beds, A Ib; and 213 L 4 are worthy of macroscopical and microscopical descrip- tions because of marked lithological resemblance to certain of the rocks at Manuels. 213 L3 is a nodular shale with conspicuous calcareous ferru- ginous and manganiferous aggregations and jet black pebbles or nodular forms. All structural and divisional planes of this bed are conspicuously stained with some secondary oxide of manganese, probably a hydrated oxide such as psilomelane. Microscopical ex- amination of this shale brings out the fact that the structure is nodular and odlitic and that the rock is a ferruginous chloritic shale. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 421 The groundmass consists of chlorite and, for the most part, of an indeterminable material. Calcite occurs as an alteration product or as a constituent of the hematitic spherules. Quartz is found composing infrequent aggregates and as vein-filling material. The opaque minerals other than hematite are manganese as psilomelane or some other secondary derivative, pyrite as disseminations, and Fic. 38. Photograph of manganese prospect on Brigus South Head; Loc. 212 Ai2a. a, oxidized manganese beds; b, green shale. limonite as a yellow staining. ‘The spherules are for the most part hematite in composition but carbonate is a very common constituent. The diameters of the spherules range from 21 to 159 microns but average around 44 and 77 microns. The ferruginous centers of some of the spherules measure 0.8 of a micron. Certain discoidal nodules in 213 L 4c resemble those of 219 A 4 at Manuels though they are very much less abundant. 213 Lga is nodular and the texture exceedingly fine-grained and locally crystalline. The greater portion of the thin section is prob- ably composed of shale material and the remainder is taken up in great part by calcite and carbonate disseminations, as replacement material of hyolithes shells, or as mineral aggregates. Barite occurs [April 25, DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF 422 "(@-¥8) 9U0Z dsouRSUeU ay} JO UOT}ISOd 9y} SuIMoyYs pue uoHaIp ATIoyJIOU B Ul IOGIeY oY} FO YINOW dy} SsO1Ne SUIYOO] PedF{ YINOG snSi1g Jo Mar/\ 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 423 as infrequent disseminations and individual platy crystals and prob- ably once formed the Hyolithes-like rods now replaced by chlorite and a carbonate. Pyrite and hematite are found. The nodules of this bed, subspherical in shape, show under the microscope a compact Fic. 40. View of the manganese beds (a) dipping into the sea on the east side of Brigus South Head. structure and an almost impalpable fineness of grain. Under crossed nicols an occasional angular fragment of quartz is found but the groundmass as a whole appears to be isotropic. It is possible that these pebbles are analogous to the phosphate pebbles of Manuels, Topsail, and Long Pond. 424 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, Bricus Section.—At Brigus South Head on the west shore of Conception Bay (see Figs. 1, 38, 39, 40, and 41) manganese is found to a great extent in the oxidized state in several beds at the water’s edge in the shales of lower Cambrian age which make up the sharp ’ hog back ridge overlooking the “Needles.” Because of the inac- ae RS Fic. 41. View of the “ Needles” at the extremity of Brigus South Head, showing the manganese zone (a-a). cessibility of that portion of the ridge where the manganese was best preserved, detailed measurement of the section was not pos- sible. Prof. van Ingen and Mr. A. O. Hayes in 1912 found that the best manganese measured about 4.5 feet thick in a zone of 15 feet. Specimens collected from more accessible portions were all practically altered to psilomelane but there is one which shows the original jaspery carbonate quite similar to the types described in connection with the Manuels occurrence. Several old prospect pits on the more accessible parts of this ridge were examined by the writer, but the manganese was found to be in its secondary state and the interbedded shales in a very much disturbed condition. The strike of the strata of this locality is N. 10 E. and the dip 47 FE. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 4925 B rigus | PT Aa St |e | green shale | [a eral bee 2 Al3= 1.0 “green shale. Taradoxides: LS eee Al2b= 750 __ _]| green shale i= [ee ES ES Ue ee al ire ee Soe nega Be [eee ee Pa O ze —— tee —— == S Sa ) 1) ———— All a=/5.0 mang. Shale.4.5'good. — ae Mile be |= SS) re) shale. Alo Eames green shale. Fic. 42. Columnar section of a portion of the lower Cambrian at Brigus South Head, from measurements made by Gilbert van Ingen and A. O. Hayes, 1912. 426 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, a The following section as prepared by Prof. van Ingen and Mr. A. O. Hayes from their study of the region in 1912 shows the strati- graphic relations of the manganese deposits at this point (Figs. 39 and 42). Loc. Number. Ft. DI2tAeAs ge Gneengshalesmendson meedlesmage ac: saat ata e ee ere 50.0 13 ee Ranadonides) zonewereenmsiales renee eee aerate 1.0 212 Na benGreem ishales) pec pena cine incre ere neo tee ee ae Er ee 75.0 a, IMBKAINeTS ome (CLR i WES)! sogocccaccvvedoougascvocucv0ce 15.0 Dierevedushalessithin\ aban’ sie ance sence cieee eee tee rele ee een 3.0 TOM ESM msi al Cee Heyes oats ay iauectwokous cierto ai ence Gro ee ee 60.0 Ontoaedy Saale cg ue ein. cave epee aloiny dec Ree AEE remeee eee ee 210.0 % IReGl Slaalby ImnSstOINS Sodsedocuduc0ccoucodoogono0a0000000000 11.6 Fst REG AISMAL Ete jiant aesnavoiiisacserentie ests aysueenace lav praca get se vette etamene fe) Sete eet 28.0 6 Limestone, heavy white at base, nodular and red above. Holmia broggeri and other trilobites ............-+--«++ 30.0 ee CaS hi all rye sear itete altars ta womens gcua rab satura) S areiey acer metas oe pn 5.0 Ay mlbimestones very: shallyn i ceceda ean te prea oem ace ober eee 12.0 Bt evisiie eas laaileoy ees eee i aan Sat ene Sn Ee oe eT ye 32.0 A ILirmesnome wanda (CimyUOAOOM soococdccoccagguccdu0o cob dcK0NS 30.0 1. Red shale with local sandstone and conglomerate ........... 50.0 Unconformity. o Pre-Cambrian shale and ash beds. The striking feature of this section is the position of the man- ganese zone in relation to the Paradoxides bed which is exactly the relation established at Manuels and undoubtedly at the other locali- ties described. SMITH SouND SeEcTIon, Trrniry Bay.—The manganese zone on Trinity bay occurs at Smith Point (Fig. 1) as two massive beds associated with red and green nodular shales and limestones of lower Cambrian age. The accompanying map (Fig. 43), prepared from a transit survey of the shore line by Prof. van. Ingen during the summer of 1913, shows the structural and stratigraphic relations of the two manganese beds, 230 D 20 and D 27. The general strike of these beds is north and the dip, 20 west. 230 D 27, the important manganese bed of this section (Figs. 44, 45), measures some 38 inches in thickness, and is faulted with a downthrow of 15 feet on the west side. It is the thicker of the two manganese beds, and has been found by analysis to be essentially a Manganese and Associated RocKs of Broad Cove, Smith Sound. Map of the outcrops of the protolenus and manganese zones exposed on the shore of Broad Cove, near Smith Point, Fic. 43. Smith Sound, traced from field map based on stadia transit surveys by Gilbert van Ingen, 1913. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 427 428 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, Smith Point 7] [ree basilar tes ps i 230 128-9770 |---| red shale | sae | be ee = zl ERE a rea Se Q = = bad SS — oO 5 Esa ace ee hal eee S| s WES Saeed fe) iS eee Scag ee 7 22742 === Mang.nod. shale D26: re) 6c} shale = Fic. 44. Columnar section of a portion of the lower Cambrian at Broad Cove, near Smith Point, Smith Sound, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, showing the manganese zone, 230 D26 to 28. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 429 manganiferous dolomitic ferruginous shale. The bed is somewhat massive and nodular though the nodules are very irregular as com- pared with those at Manuels and other localities ; irregular crystal- line areas form the nodular portions while the matrix is made up of more argillaceous matter. Thin sections taken from the bottom and central portions of the bed were examined microscopically. Fic. 45. Exposure of manganese ore, 230 D27, on the Broad Cove shore, near Smith Point, Smith Sound. This is a nodular ferro-manganese carbo- nate-oxide bed. 230 D 27aa is a reddish nodular and oolitic shale, with hematitic carbonate making up the greater portion of the determinable minerals ; aggregations of a fine-grained dark material suggest phos- phatic nodules so common in the Manuels occurrence. Irregular grains of quartz and aggregations of chlorite are found. Sections of trilobites and other organic forms containing carbonate material abound. Some hydrous manganic dioxide occurs (Fig. 47, Slide 299). Sections from the middle portions of the bed, 230 D 27e, show a somewhat massive, nodular or oolitic reddish rock. Hema- tite is found as a pigment and to a lesser extent as lustrous opaque grains to which the color of the rock 1s due. A manganic oxide occurs as irregular and infrequent grains. Carbonate occurs as vein filling, as irregular areas, or as replacements of sponge spicules [April 25, DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF 430 ‘Q10YS dAOD peo1g ay} uo Zzeq ofz ‘Poq 910 aSoULSURIU-O1JOF OY} JO MOIA JoIvAaN ‘Or ‘DI 1914.1] CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 43 and other organic bodies. with chlorite fringing it. bite fragments. Barite is found infrequently, sometimes Chlorite may be found replacing trilo- Fic. 47. Microphotograph of fossiliferous manganese ore, 230 D27; slide 299; from Broad Cove; enlarged 22 diam. ore; b, fragment of trilobite test. a, manganese carbonate-oxide The following analysis and recalculation represent the chemical composition of an average sample of the bed and will corroborate some of the petrographic observations: ANALYSIS K, 230 D 27. Sit Oy eos ante alo cared ent oie 15.14 IBC Oa Baise iaee laa mie predaa MiGIO eee 9.22 JANI LL OAs i Seen elie era hat es Bolo ae 12.04 INI a O) > pe eae een cic eA setae 25.63 (CAO)= sos eee yn cre emcee na 10.04 IW Ife)", ne re ee oa nonce 3.72 JEL Ore EC eR i aaa ite 1.26 EEO) Soccer ee eine Hones 2.73 CO Cot voor eee avec leh 2S OS 100.83 ANALYSIS K I. Recalculation. Mir © saa eea aren eee rae) 2O LOI AM Aira ©) ie eee Were estas tht cee ae 9.00 Gal @e oy sa tarts: asi rra carla Nees cae 15.21 IW Bea CLO) hie Rain yen easel ste tara ba Bee 7.75 1 RACED ©) a nea eel ae Nh TNS dle ea etd 9.22 Car BO Mee eee oie: 2.50 RSI KO pena hile che ar ot LIA 84 Alal{OcINLOnZzSiIOp =s555 60600006 30.06 101.49 PROC, AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 220 DD, PRINTED FEBRUARY 23, 1916, 432 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, The manganese according to the recalculation of the analysis is essentially in the form of a rhodochrosite and whatever manganese there is in excess probably exists as a peroxide. It is quite possible that Ca,(PO,), exists in the irregular black fine-grained areas, though nothing definite can be said in confirmation of it at this time. SECTION OF THE LOWER CAMBRIAN FROM THE BASE OF THE LOWER PARADOXIDES ZONE DOWN TO THE ToP OF THE SMITH Point Limestone, Trinity Bay (Fig. 47). Loc. Number. Ft. 230 D 32 Thin seams of nodular limestone in red shale ............... 4.0 31 Bright red=shale ccm ico Was Siewleecas e ce rene ee eee 46.0 30 Gray), oreen= shale ween. hare ont id Be eos Rate Sieetee eC 14.0 BQOV HID e: eae Mtoe Ie cel red anna oes ccc aticre at geno SO 3.0 28 Bright red fissile shale with thin green seams and patches .... 97.0 27 Manganese limestone (manganiferous dolomitic shale) ...... B15 26) Bright reduiissilesshale: 25st 554-5n cee Ge eee 78.0 25. Grayashtereen sfssilershale 4) sacs cee eee ete eee eee 28.0 24 Bright purplish shale alternating with bright’red shale ....... 97.0 23 aGreenoeritty,-Shales x. ocu nae ian hoon oo Rn eee 33.0 22 Gray band of fine grain silicious limestone full of pyrites and samesbrachropods andmtrilobites!: seen. ec oe eee 0.5 21 Gritty green shale, brachiopods and trilobites ................ 62.0 20 Heavy green silicious conglomeratic manganiferous limestone 2.5 TO "Purplessshaleie i.e guee ois eh ai ie eer eerie cc ee aie ee 10.0 162. Greentushal sy secs ees tes este eeecuel see Ghia Co Cee 10.0 17 2 Red! Ss all ek. Aas cce vats soos cio Ie Oe roe ne eee 47.0 b= Contains Obitesstalinaee nee eaten lee ae 13.0 ft a—Rieditgstaall ees. satose ssc ata ye SI OE I ee 19.0 Interval veoveredie ana.) Soe ok eee ee 15.0 16 Smith Point Limestone. MO tal eee ak eee SA OE eC aCe panne V. OTHER MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF SOMEWHAT SIMILAR CHARACTER. Sedimentary deposits of manganese are not of uncommon occur- rence but it is rare that we find such deposits still in their unaltered condition as they were originally formed. There are however a few deposits elsewhere which in many respects resemble the Conception Bay and Smith Sound occurrences. NEWFOUNDLAND, PLACENTIA Bay. In Placentia Bay, New- 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 433 foundland, manganese has been described by Murray and Howley as a massive carbonate bed interbedded with slates of “Silurian” age, Dir, i> Siciigy leslie (ize Zon excl 2ox)) “lesen Was mineral as “compact and impalpable in texture, brittle, with a conchoidal fracture and a feeble waxy luster; slightly translucent on the thin edges; color fawn to pale chestnut-brown; streak white, hardness 4.0; density 3.25. The speci- men shows faint lines which seem to be those of deposition and give to the mass the aspect of a sinter. It is encrusted and penetrated in parts with black crystalline oxide of manganese. The presence of oxide of manganese in this mineral is probably due to its partial decomposition.” Analysis of this mineral by Dr. Hunt is as follows: IN ITan COLO etic aye eee eee Rem On aN a aN NEU AUREL 84.6 NS © rae esr terse fence vou bose aac aie ata ra ee raps tae er ate 14.40 hem@Ea @Fand Mig @) cas Ache a isteae a clay weneiaieval seraeins traces “This deposit is of interest on account of the existence of the metal in the form of a bedded carbonate. It probably represents the former condition of many of the oxide ores of manganese elsewhere in the stratified rocks, but they have since been converted to their more stable form.” It is quite evident from the above description of the Placentia Bay manganese that we have in all probability a deposit similar in mineralogic character and stratigraphic position to those in Concep- tion Bay. No published stratigraphical or paleontological work has appeared on the Placentia Bay occurrences. In that portion of this paper relating to the stratigraphy of the manganese deposits it will be readily seen that the basin into which the manganiferous muds were deposited to form the present manganese beds of the lower Cambrian probably extended to or covered Placentia Bay or that por- tion of Placentia Bay where we now find ‘Cambrian rocks. There is no doubt that the “Silurian rocks” referred to above by Howley and Murray are the lower Cambrian. Wates.—Sedimentary manganese deposits have been described as occurring in the Cambrian rocks of Merionethshire, North Wales by Mr. Edward Halse (9: 156) in an article entitled, “ The Occur- rence of Manganese Ore in the Cambrian Rocks of Merionethshire.”’ He says: “in the Harlech mine, the bed of ore is a little over a foot thick, consisting of grit of medium grain, overlaid by a thin band of quartzite, probably meta- 434 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April2s, morphosed grit. The roof proper consist of about 2 feet of very hard, schistose rocks, termed ‘blue stone’ by the miners. Specimens of ore taken from the mine are seen to be formed of uniform layers, having gray yellow- ish, white, greenish and chocolate-brown layers.” A reference by J. A. Phillips and Henry Louis (21: 296) to the same occurrence is as follows: “Beds of carbonate of manganese with some silicate, the outcrops of which have been to some extent changed into black oxide, occur intercalated between sandstones, grits and conglomerates of the Cambrian formation, and have been mined to some extent; the beds vary from one to two feet in thickness, and yield ore, averaging about twenty-seven per cent. of metal, which is used in spiegel making. These deposits are evidently symphytic and belong to group b of that class.” Phillips and Louis believe that these deposits were formed syn- genetically but from precipitates in aqueous solutions. This deposit suggests very striking similarities to the Manuels occurrence not only mineralogically and genetically but also from the standpoint of stratigraphy. ARKANSAS.—The Cason tract of the Batesville region, Arkansas, presents certain petrological analogies to the Newfoundland occur- rences. Dr. Penrose (20: 219) describes the ore as occurring “in lenticular layers, varying from an eighth of an inch to three inches in thickness, and interstratified with an indurated red clay of a slaty structure. Generally, however, the ore occurs in the shape of flat, lenticular concretions, from a quarter of an inch to one inch in diameter, locally known as ‘button ore.” They have a concentric structure, are dull black on the outside and bright on the inside and are imbedded in a red or brown, fine-grained and more or less calcareous sandstone.” Analyses of the ore run as follows: IN Terai ya syepnieeetohcth citen mane ate ALO Ahi ed celeb latane BOC RESTS 50.41 eset es ae a oS Nea leanne AL OOo eae vi teleaonstarae aula 7.50 Si@ Hees wee arnt oar ae papahale ie PAS OS HAMAS SSO SISO BOC OHO 12.67 121 O UNG Sinise ernie Os ORGS Ree es se eae oe 0.06 PANNE Oi) oat re a eae a rece a ac BH Otic tad ibiaster a emeten Ne 1.37 f ENO ie pate aetna ane RAEN AE, IS Big Fa anne wel ere ecriag a he 2.09 Similar conditions to those postulated by Penrose for the ac- cumulation of the manganese in the Arkansas region seem to me to be applicable to the Newfoundland deposits. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 435 In writing of the circulation of the manganiferous solutions and the conditions under which they might be precipitated in the coastal shoals or lagoons, Penrose says (20: 590, 591): “This gradual local accumulation of land and marine sediments would eventually cause shoals and possibly coastal lagoons and swamps, into which the waters from Archean rocks of the Missouri Archipelago would drain.” “Here the solutions exposed in a stationary condition to the oxidizing and evaporating action of the atmosphere, would deposit their metalliferous contents as carbonate or possibly oxide of manganese. In some places con- siderable bodies of ore might be formed in one spot, in others the manga- nese would be dessiminated through the mechanical sediments being laid down at the same time. A secondary chemical action might cause the segre- gation of the disseminated manganese and the formation of concretions of carbonate of manganese, which would be later oxidized in forms such as are characteristically shown at the Cason mine, near Batesville, and elsewhere in the region. In other places the manganese might remain in a finely dissemi- nated state, causing the common occurrence now seen throughout the region of an earthy manganiferous limestone containing from 3 to I5 per cent. of manganese.” Saxony.—The writer was led to analyze certain of the man- ganese minerals from Schebenholz near Elbingerode in the Harz, which were purchased from Krantz, because of certain physical re- semblances to the Newfoundland specimens. One specimen labelled “ Allagite with Dialogite, etc.” consists of three different materials ; the first is greenish and gave the following analysis: SOS Giols pone ee aa Soe Ine EOC) Pea hI SNOR eGo Gdoduseeoo neue ope. 33.98 JBGHO)A eae ec URee Seer ener ence TO 7 it) UN CO Fa epinat ae ce oer SE Owes 15.05 TENEKO) so Bee ares ager See ea TOO) ie Mig € @ i anreeae Aree ieee les rene as 12.64 IN ital Meee nearer ned es BOON «| (al OO) a gan ea tani Step esa cie anbererstenal ae 1.70 (CANO ees See peetorere teaser Ce Rae TOOMIES ION cae sutersteres wires meaittee meee 10.97 IW UieA OV ea ieee oration eRe GOS te Bes @ yer eer eu se teyal are esa crear ae 1.75 TELA) so eee ey ae ear Seb Ine ee ile 1.13) 2A OsAL Os 2SiOw eae eee e370 (BO) Shapes ey tees ent MOP eet esos 13.13 99.85 100.79 Unfortunately the early descriptions of this substance were not quoted very fully by later writers, but one of the imported speci- mens which was similar to the one analyzed had the following original label pasted on the back of it: 436 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, Griiner Allagite in Tomosite eingewachsen. 73.71 Manganoxydulat. 16.00 Kieselerite. 7.50 Kohlensaure. 97.21 Schebenholz bei Elbingerode. This analysis was published in 1817 and 1819 (Jashe 13: 1-12) and to all appearances is the same mineral analyzed by the writer, which is also labelled allagite. Another part of the same specimen is a greenish jaspery mineral similar physically to the green band of the Newfoundland specimen and has the following composition : Recalculation. Si@naeeuna mas cie one Aepneeee 76.40 SiQs shigesnet eee eee eee 69.84 1 RICEH Os bareeans Nia, ange aaa cata mca ye ten L007) Mii COs aie Serie eo eens eee ages 10.00 VARIES reer Sees res henchmen a ea ceuR a 2.46 MinSi@en soos is Bee Aer 8.00 ANT OSes a i yeaen ec crea etoeacaeene 10.53 Me CO. Siociee eee 3.79 (CaO ee ae reer 8 alias ees nls 1.62 ECaCOs ies saeco es ee 2.80 Mig @ Beha ety cose aeh SERN’ Banc 1.81 ZA aK Oa WOREASIIOR © g5c06000000 6.11 ELH Oe Neale ts 6 ae ora mee .80 100.54 CO sa eae Secoummale mete ten eave VRB2 100.947 According to the recalculation this material is a manganiferous argillaceous chert, and is in all probability the silicious schist or shale of the Culm referred to later on. The third portion of the specimen analyzed is a pinkish sparry mineral occurring as small veins with the following composition: Recalculation. Sis oe ra ietetscue. Geaey eae Bates FTO} WINE Ooh ee nea ee eee 76.13 TNS © Ya es a eee I tere UA 6250 UM SiO sass hee eee ae 8.92 TNE Oe rotie Meee nck eng On a eye ies Os Cal CO way cca ieee raat eee ene eee 4.00 ANITA Oona atari te etic ee aR S210 Mig CO ar cance seek oe 2.44 Ca vie ein oie een aude abate BBO SiGe yet Mites 1 aan ros an eo 2.16 Mig Oba Atria rcnsr nce ceneee oraisteisonvs TA RCO paccnearra er ee eee 37 TSO oe ees Ses Ben eee ash ON OK Leas HO. Ala fOo/ANLO)eASiOs .oceabeso0ce 5.98 COS ae ee ile waa at tah 32.20 100.00 This mineral, because of its similarity to another specimen with 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 437 a label which reads “Spathiger Diallogit”’ pasted on it, is probably diallogit. It is however a very impure rhodochrosite. According to W. Holzberger (11: 383) and C. Zerrenner (25: ?—) the ores from the Kaiser Franz mine near Elbingerode, in the Harz, occur as pocket-shaped intercalations a meter or so thick in the silicious shales of the Culm. The ore consists of psilomelane in dense and botryoidal masses, some pyrolusite and coatings of wad, with rhodonite, rhodochrosite and quartz present as acces- sories. The ore formerly worked contained on an average 60 to 63 per cent. of manganese peroxide, sometimes rising to 67 per cent. (23: 250). Zerrenner considers these manganese ores as later material separated out of the silicious shales, a theory which needs further investigation. Though the above described deposit is not the same as that from which the specimens analyzed above came from, it is no doubt similar. The Elbingerode occurrence is similar to the deposits of SE. Newfoundland in that they are both primary manganiferous sedi- ments. They differ in that the manganiferous zone of the former occurrence is considerably regionally metamorphosed while the New- foundland sediments show very little change in this way. Accord- ing to the above analyses, assuming that the imported specimens are representative of the region concerned, the deposits are very dif- ferent in as much as they consist mostly of rhodonite and manganif- erous cherts while those of Newfoundland are carbonate-oxides and oxide-carbonates of manganese. VI. CHEMISTRY OF THE MANGANESE DEPOSITS. The most striking feature of the accompanying analyses is the high content of MnO which ranges from 19.42 per cent. in Analysis J, to 49.25 per cent. in Analysis D, with an average content of 30.02 per cent and an average metallic manganese content of 24.64 Pemcent: The manganese is present for the most part as the carbonate, MnCO, or rhodochrosite, which varies from 10.23 per cent. in the red band (Anal. E) to 44.39 per cent. in the green band (Anal. A) of the Manuels deposit. Rhodochrosite is not recognizable as such because of the impalpable fineness of grain of the deposit. 438 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, Solubility tests made of the red band (Anal. E) which has 27.61 per cent. of SiO,, in which HCl was used as the solvent, show that the manganese must be present in some other combination than in that of the silicate, as the residue was about sufficient to cover the total silica, SiO,, Al,O, and P,O,. In Anal. D, it is evident that the two most important constituents are MnCO, and MnO, with percentages of 32.89 and 28.93 respectively and that the excess manganese calculated as the oxide is more than sufficient to form an important manganese silicate as the mineral percentage of SiO, is only 5.40, which fact lends support to the result of the solubility test made with the red band, Anal. E. A similar interpretation might be made with the Topsail ore (Anal. 1) which is primarily an oxide ore with MnO,— 34.25 and MnCO,— 11.27. S10,, of which there is 10.32 per cent., probably is present in an uncombined state. The comparative instability of MnCO, would, however, lead one to suspect that the excess MnO,, where not of primary origin, was a derivative of the carbonate and not combined with SiO, to form the silicate, MnSi0O,. ANALYSES OF MANGANESE Deposits 0F NEWFOUNDLAND AND ELBINGERODE. 8 | | 8 : a || 2 I & 2 g : = s Sf Ouse 2 Oo | O12 1S fe) x g A) Ojala fe is | Siete pe | So | é Manuels: | | A, Green band | 7.24) 3.36 3.21) 6.11/35.53 iLO) AoSOl|oo colin 6 aac 2.98 | 28.06 | 100.09 B, Pink nod...| 5.14| 1.40 |....| 1.64/20.49|32.92; .O1|....|..... 1.65 | 36.77 | 100 02 C, Green nod. .|/10.31| 7.35 |....| 3-68131.76|10.47|1.80|6.43|..... 2.85 | 25.31 | 99.96 D, Brown band|10.23} 1.32 | .89) 4.14)49.25| 8.11 3.02)....|..... I.31 | 21.83 | 100.10 E, Red band. ./27.61| 4.25 (1.69) 6.96|26.05 9.94|3.49|.... 4.71| 4.73 | 10.57 | 100.00 F, 219 AIL... ./18.42| 6.33 |....| 7-95|21-44|14.46'5.01|....| 3.46] 2.58 | 21.20 | 100.85 G,* 219 A3 .. .|58.62| 3.12 |3.66/22.42| .43] 1.25 Ase saiiaseaol|) os4h || BO) | OA26) 18, Quo) ANB 5 5 oAS5o20||HOb2) love | WeOzloo oo 23.50 4.78 . .../17.68| 2.71 2.23 | 93.90 Topsail: | I, Biu® I] Me sooo |18.04| 4.82-|....| 6.58/41.26| 2.24 2.39/5.40].....| 7-98 8.34 | 97.05 Ip PRO IGOs66 4s 18.24 10.01 |..../I4.52/19.42 13.74'4.94!. ...| 1.71} 2.07 | 24.01 | 99.66 K, Smith Pt.. .|15.14| 9.22 lool. ALOA 25.63|10.04'3.72|....| 1.26] 2.73 | 21.05 | 100.83 Elbingerode:) | | | L, Elbin. (—) .|39.10| 1.87 |....|10.79|27.69| I.006.08)....|..... I.13 | 13.13 | 100.79 M, Elbin. (+) |76.40| .007)....) 2.46|/10.53} I.62|/1.81|....].....] 80 7.32 | 100.94 Ni Eibins (=) e720) 625 nos al 227 6ls2 0m 2-2 Onn mylene sae 1.70 | 32.20 | 97.82 * Analyst, Mr. A. F. Buddington. The evolution of Cl during the digestion of the samples with HCl is evidence that the excess Mn occurs as some peroxide. As 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 489 there is considerable water in the Topsail ore (Anal. I), the excess manganese probably is present as a hydrated peroxide such as psilomelane but probably in a very fine state of dissemination. The remarkable feature of the samples studied is the conspicuous ab- sence of the dark oxides of manganese so far as macroscopic and microscopic observations are concerned but the reason for this may be, in the case of the lighter samples, anyway, that where there are abundant hematitic spherules there may be some masking. With the darker specimens studied, such as the red and brown bands at Manuels and the baritic manganese ore of Topsails (Figs. 22 and 32), the conspicuous manganiferous and ferruginous staining might easily mask finely disseminated particles of the peroxide of man- ganese. RECALCULATED ANALYSES. 72 3S eo | Ss 4 2 2 | S| BS es Ode Oo eo) So) eg I a & re do — n 2 S q S) Soot | Spire & oe a RUA ya ic AAR Ollie ROS, oun || wae | de allio wae 3.36]....| .86|18.24] 99.2 RB esha BOLD || do's 6 6 2.34 |58.05 |29.32]..... 3.78 | I.40|....| 1.06] 4.07 | 100.02 RIC aes 30-50) cra HegXO) IRSA IE || V7O)||o'6 o's 0 5-94| 7.35 | 6.29) 1.51] 9.17] 99.52 TRATES is. ty. BAKO) Il c.0'0.016 ASO} |EAGONE || RSCG oo a6 5-40] 1.27|....] -72|I1.08 | 100.20 RUD alae OAR s biG. 0 19.71 | 7.50| 7.25 |10.3I |19.44| 4.25].... 1.87 |19.01| 99.57 1B hore heaeete TOBA 3 bo c OWEAS) |[HOTE MOREY) GEO) || ois) I! GA Wb 6 Ss Giloo 5 oo 19.61 | 100.24 RG ays TRIED iat re Sle tetae al PR eR et A870} OR LO) 8717) |LO:20) MOL) en sere I9.II; 98.03 1B REE eae ae Tp Tes 27 Neate ean 34.25 | 4.00] 4.97 |...... 10.32 | 4.82] 5.40] 5.41 |16.30| 96.74 Ra] tes IFA) los aco olliovale cia PX DOIG ||16O)5337/ || SoS |) 1D) ||MOKOUL Ne so alla ceo c 36.38 | 909.41 1PULG ao eatene ASO |}'5 G6 0.0 9.00 |15.21| 7.75] 2.50 seb | CBF \a'6 collo ooo 30.06 | TOI.49 ELBINGERODE | RE os ROS [BEC lleo'a a c 7,0) (25040 aes NOLO | Ms Ils do clleccoc 23.76 | 90.85 123M Cee ROrO OM SEOOlle es = | 2.80 | S:70)||o.o0 2 OBA casos Bria nad fo 6.11 | 100.54 TRIN os o.6 6 oll FHOoUZ || BOL oo 6 6 6 Zle(OX0) || ALVIN 5) 3. Beit |) eBlove o dloo's aX 5.98 | 100. The two most conspicuous mineral associations of the manganese deposits of southeastern Newfoundland are the tricalcium phos- phate, Ca,(P©,),>, and barite; Bas@O; Only a few of the beds were analyzed for the former of these constituents where percent- ages of Ca,(PO,), ranged from 2.50 at Smith Point (Anal. K) to 10.31 (Anal. E) at Manuels. Anal. H shows 38.77 per cent. of Ca,(PO,)., references to which are made on pages 409 and 453. It PROC. AMER, PHIL. SOC., LIV. 220 EE, PRINTED FEBRUARY 26, 1916. 440 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, is quite probable that others of the manganiferous beds analysed are phosphatic. Barite (BaSO,) is probably more common than the analyses indicate and is probably included with the SiO, and CaO. It is a conspicuous associate of these deposits, as has been found to be the case with manganese deposits in other parts of the world. The chemical reason for this association of two very different chemic- ally-acting elements, as well as the genesis of barite are discussed on pages 451-453. Al,O,, though not as abundant in the important manganiferous beds as in a typical shale, which that of Anal. G approximates, is of sufficient abundance to connect these deposits with the argillaceous sediments. CaO and MgO are in greater amounts than in ordi- nary shales, giving the deposits a calcareous or dolomitic character. From a study of the mineral percentage composition of the samples analysed, the manganese rocks are found to be essentially calcareous or dolomitic argillaceous carbonates and oxides or car- bonate-oxides of manganese, with hematite, barite, and tri-calcium phosphate as the chief accessories. The following iron determinations of the green and red shales of the manganese zone at Manuels, Conception Bay, show some interesting results. FeO. Fe203. Riedsshailes 2rowAwA oar en ses ae enna 4.58 3.86 (Grea Seve, AO ANS odossoonscoovacadoocc 3.66 3.12 Redwbartde2 nop An7e ee cs aioe ayer iereanie ane 1.69 4.25 Greenabanda21O WAR are nacre 3.21 3.36 It is quite evident from the above analyses that the color in the green shale A 3 and in the green band A 7 is not due entirely to the ferrous iron as we find considerable Fe,O, in both. In the green shale, A 3, there is an excess of .54 per cent. of FeO over the Fe,O,, while in the green band, which is manganiferous, there is an excess of .15 per cent. of the ferric oxide (hematite) over the ferrous oxide. In the green band we should expect a masking of the green by hematite inasmuch as there is such an excess of the ferric over the ferrous. Thin sections of this band and the green shale reveal some hematite but in very inconsiderable amounts; not enough, at 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 441 all events, to explain the percentages as brought out in the analyses. It would seem then that the ferric iron does not exist essentially as hematite but as a silicate or some other allied mineral, and that the green color so predominant in the manganese bands and shales may be due to the ferrous and ferric silicate. The presence of hernatite in the red band has undoubtedly caused the red coloration and the same may be said in reference to the red shale, 210 A 4, where there is an excess of .72 of FeO over the Fe,O;, but in these there undoubtedly has been sufficient masking of the ferrous and ferric silicates of iron by the hematite. The production of the hematite was probably brought about by the conversion of the silicate into Fe,O, through oxidation. VII. GENESIS OF THE MANGANESE DEPOSITS AND ASSO- CIATED MINERALS. So many of the sedimentary manganese deposits described in the literature are in such a highly altered condition because of oxidation and deeper seated metamorphic influences whereby the original or primary manganese minerals have been so altered as to be of little genetic significance, that the carbonate-oxide manganese ores of southeast Newfoundland, which are surely primary ores, give promise of yielding evidence of considerable value on the question of genesis. In considering the genesis of any marine sedi- mentary manganese deposits, we are, however, confronted with many grave difficulties because we are dealing with submarine chemical conditions of which little is known and with diagenetic processes of which still less is known. It is also very difficult to advance any suitable chemical hypothesis founded upon some re- action that successfully works out in the laboratory which will not be of doubtful application in nature. With these difficulties in mind the following subjects relating to the genesis of the manganese deposits of southeast Newfoundland will be considered: Early Cambrian physiography; Nature of deposited sediments; Condi- tions under which the manganese deposits were formed; Summary of genesis of manganese; Diagenetic structures, as banded, nodular and odlitic; Genesis of barite; Genesis of tricalcium phosphate; As- sociation and separation of iron. 442 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, od Earty CAMBRIAN PHysioGRaPpHy.—In all probability the area occupied by Trinity, Conception, Placentia, and St. Marys Bays, the included land and the western and eastern margins including the present known Cambrian outcrops, was a continuous body of water shortly after the beginning of the Cambrian transgression. West and east of this Cambrian sea were high and extensive pre-Cam- brian land areas. The great crustal movements which threw the pre-Cambrian into mountain ranges probably converted the portion now occupied by the four bays and adjacent land into a narrow basin. The main topographic features of the southeastern part of Newfoundland during the beginning of the Cambrian were two land areas of great relief separated by a comparatively narrow trough which had a general north-south direction. Whether this trough was a closed one or not, it would be difficult to prove, but from the requirements of the problem it is necessary to postulate a more or less closed basin or coastal shoals or lagoons, Concentration of manganiferous soluble salts could go on satis- factorily only in a more or less restricted shallow sea where the water was comparatively quiet. The facts that ripple marks occur occasionally in the deposits such as at Manuels and that a shallow water fauna abounds such as trilobites are sufficient indication that there was a shallow sea at this time. NaTurE OF DEPOSITED SEDIMENTS.—Into this trough during early Cambrian times great quantities of mud were brought by rivers draining the pre-Cambrian land masses and to a lesser extent by the action of the waves on the shore line. As has already been stated the greater thickness of shales in the western portion of the basin is due to the fact that sedimentation had been going on for a longer time in that part of the basin which was in all probability the deeper part. It is also quite possible that the western parts of this trough were receiving more sediments than the eastern. The shales are characterized by their predominant red color in the western parts of the basin interbedded with shales of green color and throughout the entire area by a highly manganiferous zone. GENESIS OF THE MANGANESE OrE.—The distinctly bedded char- acter of the manganese deposits and their occurrence in definite horizons of limited thickness and considerable horizontal range seem 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 443 to point clearly to the conclusion that the deposits are essentially of sedimentary origin, rather than products of a later ground water or weathering concentration. But beyond this conclusion, there is room for great diversity of opinion. Two questions present themselves at the outset of the inquiry: Was the manganese deposited contemporaneously with the clastic sediments in its present degree of concentration? Or, was it some- what disseminated through the muds and subsequently concentrated by diagenetic agents? While the first of these alternatives is held by the writer to be highly probable, no positive and final answer can be given to these and to many other questions raised by a study of the problem of genesis, although various suggestions are presented in the following pages. Manganese exists in sea-water and has been noted by For- chhammer and by Dieulafait (6: 718) but not in sufficiently con- centrated form to produce deposits similar to those under considera- tion. Murray and Irvine (19: 735) found that the red muds of the mid-Pacific and Indian Oceans, which were made up in large parts of basic vitreous volcanic minerals, were responsible for the large amounts of pulverulent and nodular ferromanganese. These nodules consist on the average of 29 per cent. of MnO, and 21 per cent. of Fe,O, with the remainder largely clayey material. The basic glasses contain the only important primary manganese-bearing minerals in the ocean and the manganese is reported by Murray and Irvine to have undergone conversion into the soluble bicarbonate which upon reaching oxygenated surface waters, is decomposed with precipitation of the dioxide. The particles of MnO, falling to the bottom gather upon various objects which serve as nuclei for con- cretions, or the nuclei themselves may have been the cause for the precipitation. Murray and Hjort (17: 192) in this connection say: “Tt should be noted that these oxides need by no means necessarily assume a concretionary form. They are very commonly found as thin incrustations on granular and fragmentary objects. Furthermore many, if not most, of the pelagic clays contain intimate admixtures of finely divided brown man- ganese and occasionally of limonitic iron. Here the supersaturation would seem to have been so high as to transgress the metastable limit, whereupon the oxides have precipitated themselves without the intervention of nuclei; they certainly must have been precipitated from solution.” 444 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, According to Leigh Fermor (8: 403) the origin of the deep-sea nodules is summed up as follows: “1. The manganese, although probably partly derived from cosmic dust and volcanic débris, has been mostly precipitated from solution in the sea water, the manganese salts having been originally brought into the sea by rivers. “2. The manganese oxide, although possibly partly precipitated as a re- sult of the action of the vital processes of organisms, both vegetable and animal, has been mainly precipitated by calcium carbonate aided by the obscure process of segregation from solution round a nucleus. “3. Where the sea-bottom consists largely of calcareous sediments, the precipitation may have been mainly brought about by the solution of some of this calcium carbonate with the deposition of an equivalent amount of manganese oxide owing to the presence of free oxygen. “4. Where the sea-bottom consists of red clay, it does so because the depths are there so great that the tests of thin-shelled organisms are com- pletely dissolved by the sea-water before they reach the bottom. The cal- careous matter in being dissolved deposits an equivalent amount of manga- nese oxide, which descends to the bottom, and there acts as a nucleus for the segregative extraction of manganese from the waters at the sea-bottom. The deposition of manganese oxide by means of calcium carbonate associated with the red clays probably also occurs to a subordinate extent, for the shells of thick-shelled organisms may reach the bottom before being entirely dissolved.” This summary of Fermor’s is quoted in full here because of the marked divergence of his views from those of Murray and Irvine, and because of the greater stress laid upon Penrose’s idea of the precipitation of manganese oxide by calcium carbonate. It is the belief of the writer that the early Cambrian Sea of south- eastern Newfoundland must have had so restricted and shallow a character as to allow of a concentration of the manganese salts sufficient to form deposits of such dimensions and character as we now find. Whether the manganese was brought down entirely in solution or only partially so, or entirely or partly in mineral com- bination as fine muds from which the manganese was subsequently dissolved, one cannot say at present. Both muds and solutions probably have contributed the manganese which forms in great part the deposits as we now find them. The conditions which brought about the formation of the car- bonate and oxide of manganese are problematical. It is generally 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 445 supposed that manganese exists in solution as a bicarbonate or a sulphate. In their work on the Blue Muds of the Clyde Sea area, Murray and Irvine (19: 728) found that the bicarbonate of man- ganese was derived “‘first from the direct decomposition of the rock fragments in the mud by the alkaline carbonates in the sea water or, second, from the reduction of the higher oxides of man- ganese by the organic matter in the muds.” In many respects the Clyde Sea area of England is similar to what the lower Cambrian sea of Newfoundland must have been. It receives detritus and waters draining lands which are in large part of an igneous and sedimentary character (19: 780). “What is known as the Clyde Sea Area consists of a series of sub- marine basins, separated from each other by submarine barriers. The depth of the basins ranges from 30 to 106 fathoms, and the depth of water over the intervening ridges varies from 3 to 15 fathoms. In all the deeper parts of the basins there is a bluish mud, in which, as a rule, no manganese nodules are found, but on the immediate surface of the deposit of Blue Mud there is a surface layer with a reddish or light gray color, in which deposits of manganese dioxide occur. When stones are dredged from these muds many of them are surrounded by a dark ring of manganese dioxide, marking the depth to which they have been embedded in the mud. The whole upper sur- face of the stones has likewise a slight coating of manganese, while a portion imbedded in the mud is free from these manganese deposits.” He goes on to say that “The formation of manganese nodules on the immediate surface of the deposit, on the tops of the barriers, and in the pit-like depressions, is most probably to be accounted for by the more abundant supply of oxygen, or the diminished amount of decomposing organic matter in these positions.” A somewhat similar set of conditions probably was present in the muds and superjacent sea water of the Cambrian basin of New- foundland with the exception that instead of all the bicarbonate being converted into the dioxide the greater proportion of it was precipitated as the carbonate of manganese (MnCO,). The libera- tion of CO, from the bicarbonate of calcium in solution has been experimentally effected by evaporation, increasing the temperature, or through agitation of the solution. It would seem to the writer that the liberation of the CO, from the manganese, calcium and magnesium bicarbonates might have taken place through evapora- 446 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, tion resulting in a contemporaneous formation of manganese, cal- cium and magnesium carbonate. As the analyses show from 1.25 £0) 32.92 per cent.) of (Ca@@, and. from) or \to) 5-0 (pemicentanon MgCoO, this would seem to support such an action. There is a possibility that the decomposing organic matter present in the muds might have caused a deoxidation of the sul- phates of the sea-water and of MnO, with the subsequent formation of FeS, and MnS,. The latter, being very unstable, would pass immediately into the bicarbonate to be subsequently freed of its CO, to form the carbonate and if oxidized would pass into the dioxide. Such a process might account for the carbonates and oxides of manganese and the little pyrite that occurs. Though there is evidence of life in the manganese deposits of Newfound- land as furnished by the fossil trilobites, pteropods and phosphatic accumulations, we have no evidence that there was any great abun- dance. However these deposits resemble the Blue Muds studied by Dittmar (6: 43) which are a variety of terriginous deposit which “covers about 15,000,000 square miles of the sea bed, and is chiefly found in estuaries, harbours, enclosed seas, and along continental coasts where rivers pour their detrital matter into the ocean.” According to the “Challenger researches” there is an abundant fauna on these muds, which feeds chiefly on the organic remains that fall from surface waters. If any analogy can be made between the ancient terriginous deposits and the more modern ones such a chemical action as described above might very well have taken place. If the muds on the bottom of the basin contained considerable quantities of decomposing organic matter, conditions would favor a reduction of the higher oxides of manganese, the evolution of much CO, and the consequent formation of the bicarbonate of manganese. The subsequent liberation of the excess CO, from the bicarbonate to form the carbonate and, where oxidizing influences are active, the oxidation of this carbonate would complete a series of reactions capable of forming the manganese deposits with which we are dealing. It is very probable that these muds contained con- siderable quantities of decomposing organic matter and were evolv- 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 447 ing considerable CO,. According to the “Challenger researches,” when a large quantity of carbonic acid was found in oceanic waters it was “at the bottom over Blue Muds.” The great difficulty in this series of reactions is to find in nature the conditions which will bring about the liberation of the excess CO, from the bicarbonate to form the carbonate, such as evaporation, increase of tempera- ture, or agitation. If quiet waters are postulated for the formation of manganese carbonate it is quite conceivable that either of the conditions such as evaporation or an increase of temperature might easily be obtained particularly in shoal waters. It is very doubtful, however, in the case of agitated waters whether laboratory condi- tions can be simulated in nature, because of oxidizing influences whereby some oxide of manganese would form more readily than a carbonate. After the carbonate had formed there would be no particular difficulty in conditions being present which would bring about the oxidation of the carbonate because of the presence of oxygen. The excess oxide of manganese found in the Newfound- land deposit may in part have originated in this way. Penrose (20: 563) suggested that sea floor may have acted as a precipitating agent” or as it passes 66 carbonate of lime on the through the sea-waters in the form of organic remains or mineral particles a substitution takes place whereby a solution of the calcium carbonate with a corresponding precipitation of manganese occurs. Fermor develops this suggestion in his explanation of the origin of the deep sea nodules as quoted on page 444. Such an explanation might apply to the origin of the primary oxides of the Newfound- land deposits. It is possible that manganese may have been present in the sea- water as a chloride. L. De Launay (5: 533) says that “ manganese chloride with sodium bicarbonate produces manganese carbonate.” When we stop to consider that manganese only averages .07 per cent. of the lithosphere (Clark, 2: 32) and is 70 times less abundant than iron which averages 4.43 per cent. and compare with these figures the percentage of manganese in the deposits under con- sideration which is 24.64 we can obtain some idea of the enormous concentration there has been in the production of these deposits. 448 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, We have discussed the nature of the sediments and learned that these terriginous deposits must have been derived from the pre- Cambrian land masses which existed in far greater extent on the east and west of the Cambrian sea than the present areas outlined on page 373. The interbedded character of the manganiferous and argillaceous layers signify alternating conditions of chemical pre- cipitation and mechanical deposition, there being, during the forma- tion of the deposits, times when the Cambrian sea was more man- ganiferous with conditions such that precipitation of manganese carbonate and the oxide was the relatively important feature while, at other times, mechanical deposition of fine muds was the rule. It is more than likely that the greatest portion of the manganese was contributed to the sea in the form of the dissolved bicarbonate by the streams which transported the clastic sediments and that these sediments were not themselves responsible for the major contribu- tion, though undoubtedly the manganese minerals in the muds underwent some solution both during their transit to the sea bottom and during diagenesis. The streams which were responsible for the transportation of the sediments of the manganese deposits and also held, as chief contributors of the manganese, drained the pre- Cambrian land areas above referred to. A modern river like the Ottawa which drains a pre-Cambrian area consisting in great part of Laurentian and Huronian rocks and in all probability not very different from the pre-Cambrian rivers of ancient Newfoundland, has .86 parts per million of manganese in its waters according to an analysis made in 1907 (Shutt, 22: 175). Manganese in river water results from the solution of manganif- erous silicates such as pyroxene, olivine, micas, amphiboles, epidotes and chlorites, some of which are the common and essential basic rock-forming minerals of any igneous and metamorphic pre-Cam- brian area. On the decomposition of these elements the manganese is converted into carbonate or oxide and enters into solution, when conditions are favorable, as the bicarbonate, in which form it is carried to the sea, unless oxidized in transit, there to await the further changes into the oxides, MnO, and Mn,O.,, or the carbonate, MnCO,, depending upon the conditions suggested in the preceding pages. Analyses of some of the pre-Cambrian rocks in the vicinity 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 449 of Conception and Trinity Bays may be of interest at this point as illustrating the manganese content of some of the rocks which are most like those existing during the formation of the deposits: MnO. IMonzonites VViOOGbOn dives aco al aah eee an staan ar .19 Ousctze porphyry. Mantielsme we pune ene ath ConceptionyslemRand omnis oy tets ial ae terete eee ne een 12 Granite NTaniwels Mec Mee teen cacllnirale eenteeee seems ets NaN rsa Mea 13 EXPOmy Olite pV larriu el Siri) semen seyret ran ene enn eee EA eae A Basalt lien tla soe iti 8 Sui lc a tcc Wie a em led .48 Analyst, A. F. Buddington. Similar analyses have been made from the rocks of the Clyde pre- Cambrian drainage area and show from .1 to .7 of a per cent. of MnO (Murray and Irvine, 19: 722). In all probability then the pre-Cambrian rocks on the east and west of the Cambrian basin were the ultimate source of the manganese. SUMMARY OF GENESIS OF MANGANESE. Ultimate Source of the manganese was the manganese-bearing silicates of pre-Cambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks east and west of the Cambrian Sea. Solution of manganese-bearing silicates and conversion of the manganese into the soluble bicarbonate; under favorable conditions oxides of manganese resulted from the oxidation of the bicarbonate of manganese. Transportation of the manganese chiefly as the bicarbonate and to a less extent as suspended particles of oxides by pre-Cambrian drainage systems to Cambrian basins. Concentration of the salts of manganese chiefly as the bicar- bonate in the sea-water immediately overlying the deposited muds. Precipitation of manganese carbonate from solution through liberation of CO, from the bicarbonate, or of the oxide. Clastic Origin of Some Manganese —While the main contribu- tion of the manganese came from the pre-Cambrian drainage area in solution undoubtedly the deposited muds supplied a minor portion. 450 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, DIAGENETIC STRUCTURES BANDED STRUCTURES.—By referring to the description of layer 219 A 7 we see that it is a red manganiferous shale with green and brown jaspery bands which may be rather uniform in thickness and may alternate with each other. The green band predominates over the brown so that the greater alternations occur with the green and red bands. Throughout the red shale are numerous nodules of the green and brown jaspery carbonate-oxides of manganese and within the bands themselves are nodular and concretionary forms. The alternating banded and concretionary forms within this bed would indicate alternating conditions of precipitation followed by diagenetic segregational processes which resulted in the formation of nodules and lenticles. Very thin and interrupted laminz of the red band are found with the green bands. The green and brown bands often occur intergrown with each other. From these ob- servations it would seem that these banded structures were evidence of alternate periods of precipitation and that they have assumed their present indurated and concretionary nature by segregational processes which were active throughout the diagenesis of the bed. Noputes.—One of the most characteristic features of the shales of the Lower Cambrian is the great prevalence of the nodules (Figs. 14 and 15). The following suggestion is offered as to the origin of the form of these nodules with the hope that this line of in- vestigation may be taken up in greater detail at some future time. Though various theories have been suggested for the origin of odlitic spherules and nodules, in general, along organic and inor- ganic lines, nothing of a very definite nature has been brought out as to the origin of their form. The suggestion that surface tension may be the cause of this form is here made. This peculiar and prevalent nodular character of certain beds was brought about in all probability by the tendency of surface tension to decrease the sur- face during the diagenetic stage. Solutions carrying manganese filtering through muds or nearly consolidated muds or shales would quite naturally under certain chemical and physical conditions have the tendency to decrease the surface tension at the contact of the three physical phases; liquid, colloid, and solid. Starting with a 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 451 mineral particle such as rhodochrosite or calcite as a nucleus, with the formation of the nodule, there will be a decrease in the concen- tration of the solution at the contact with the nodule which will be accompanied by a reduction of surface tension. If we are dealing with a liquid-liquid phase we would have a spherical nodule in which case both liquids would be easily deformable and the surface would tend to become a minimum. Our twofold phase, liquid-solid, or threefold phase including the colloidal phase which probably plays a part, only allows of deformability on the part of the liquid and partial deformability on the part of the nodule. Under the bedded conditions of this two or three fold solution, colloid and solid phase the tendency of the surface tension to reduce the surface to a minimum is well exemplified in the discoidal nodule. SPHERULES.—One of the characteristic features of this deposit is the occurrence of hematite in spherule-like forms and larger, roughly spherical aggregates. Fig. 26 illustrates the occurrence. They differ decidedly from the spherules of the Wabana, Clinton, and other typical oolitic iron ores in that they are less symmetrical and are without any visible nuclei. These spherules are here de- scribed as incipient in as much as they seem to lack full develop- ment or to have been impeded in their growth. Such a retardation of development might have arisen from their growth in clayey sedi- ments which were still unconsolidated. MINERAL AsSOCIATIONS.—The three important mineral associa- ciations of the manganese deposits of S. E. Newfoundland are barite, tri-calcium phosphate and hematite which will now be con- sidered with reference to their occurrence, association and genesis. Barite.—Barite is one of the most characteristic mineral asso- ciations of the deposits under consideration as is often the case with manganese deposits elsewhere in the world. It is particularly char- acteristic of the Manuels, Topsail and Smith Point localities and occurs in various ways. Barite is found in small veins crossing a cryptozoan nodule showing quite clearly its epigenetic character so far as that par- ticular portion of the bed is concerned. Fig. 23 (Slide 276) shows a solitary crystal fragment of barite in a carbonate-oxide of man- 452 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, ganese groundmass showing possibly a diagenetic replacement. Barite also occurs as disseminated anhedral crystal grains or blades in the cores and outer zones of nodules at Manuels, which is very suggestive of diagenetic processes (Fig. 16, Slide 288). At Topsail (Fig. 31, Slide 269) barite occurs as bundles of blades or sheath- like aggregates in a manganese oxide groundmass strongly suggest- ing replacement. In other parts of the world barium is often found replacing man- ganese in psilomelane and sometimes enters largely into the com- position of wad, specimens from Romanéche containing as much as 16.2 per cent. of BaO (Dana, 3: 258). A very striking phenomenon shown by the barite is its replacement by chlorite (Fig. 12, Slide 296, and Fig. 34, Slide 272). Just why there is this common association of two very unlike elements we have no definite information. De Launay (4: 52) gives the following explanation for epigenetic deposits : “The association between barite and manganese though very frequently exhibited in surface formations, in many cases these two substances are being concentrated by circulating waters in pockets or fissures of terranes.” Various conditions may produce barite with barium salts in solution but only one seems to apply to the occurrences under con- sideration. As there are evidences of diagenetically and epigenetic- “lly formed barite in the deposits, it is quite possible that there has been an intermingling of solutions carrying barium carbonate and some sulphate resulting in the formation of barite. According to De Launay (4: 52) “Barite being remarkably insoluble is one of those barium compounds which not only has the propensity to segregate and all at once to be trans- formed into the carbonate but also the tendency under the influence of H.SO, produced by the superficial oxidation of the metallic sulphides to pass into the state of barite.” The replacement of the colorless barite by the pale green chlorite begins about the edges and along cleavage cracks of the former. The chlorite gradually spreads while the intervening portions of barite decrease until wholly eliminated, resulting in a pseudomorph of chlorite after barite. In general appearance of its various stages, 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 453 the process is quite like the serpentinization of olivine but differs essentially from the latter alteration in the fact that the secondary mineral, chlorite, derives none of its material from the original mineral, barite, its change involving a complete replacement by wholly new material. It is a marked example of the comparative ease with which substances which, like barium sulphate are regarded in the laboratory as very stable, yield to the attack of natural reagents. This replacement seems to have accompanied a more or less general chloritization of the whole formation, at a period long sub- sequent to the concentration of the manganese ore and under totally different conditions. PHOSPHATE.—Tri-calcium phosphate, Ca,(PO,), also is a very conspicuous accessory of the manganese deposits of Newfoundland, averaging, for those beds of which analyses were made, about 6.0 per cent. and for the phosphatic nodules of the nodular bed over- lying the manganese zone at Manuels, 38.77 per cent. When we stop to consider the amount of phosphorus in the lithosphere as .11 per cent. (Clark, 2: 32) the amount of concentration in these deposits, particularly in the nodules, becomes very noticeable and something of great interest. The similarity in chemical composi- tion of the phosphatic nodules of Manuels brook and those of Han- ford brook, N. B., has been referred to on page 409. As the writer has been unable to make as thorough a study of these nodules as he would have liked, it is hoped that at some future time the investiga- tion may be continued. At this time then a very brief resumé of the modes of concentration of phosphorus may be of interest be- cause of apparent application to the deposit under consideration. According to De Launay (5: 646) there are three stages in the concentration of phosphatic deposits, namely solution of calcium phosphate, in which he considers that in surface conditions “the constant presence of carbonic acid and sodium chloride or chlorhydrate of ammonia in the waters determines the solution of phosphate.” The second stage is that in which organisms play an important role. 454 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF [April 2s, “The faculty which live organisms have of throwing into very dilute solu- tions those substances which to them are necessary and of making them undergo a primary stage of concentration has played a great role for the phosphates.” De Launay (5: 646). The third stage called by De Launay, “ Remises en mouvement ” consists in a dissolution of the phosphate contained in preceding deposits which is followed by a reprecipitation of the same upon anything which has served as a center of attraction. The tendency in this mode of concentration is for the phosphate to become more and more like the original apatite in composition, the ultimate source of the phosphorus. It involves both a chemical and a mechanical action, the former in dissolution and reprecipitation and the latter in the formation of nodules which, according to the suggestion of the writer in connection with the manganese nodules of Manuels, may be of physical nature, namely the result of surface tension. Iron.—An interesting, and yet problematical, point arises here in connection with the association and separation of iron and man- ganese as related to the manganese deposit under consideration. We should expect, in as much as both elements are taken into solu- tion, that they both might be precipitated together as is sometimes the case with bog ores or, if separated, at no great stratigraphic distance. Because of their different rates of oxidation and dif- ferent degrees of solubility, however, a separation is effected. As- suming both elements entering into solution contemporaneously, the iron would oxidize first, precipitating as Fe,O., while the manganese, remaining in solution longer, is precipitated either as MnO,, Mn,O, or MnCO,. Though the Newfoundland manganese deposits con- tain iron, it is much less in proportion to what it would be if both were precipitated together (see Analyses, p. 438) considering the relative abundance of the two elements in the lithosphere referred to on page 447. VIE BiB @ GREE Ye t. Beck, Dr. R., and Weed, Walter H. 1909. The Nature of Ore Deposits. First edition, second impression; originally published in two volumes. Pp. 1-685. Illustrated. Hill Publishing Co., N. Y. 2, Clarke, F. W. 10911. Data of Geochemistry. Bull. No. 380 U. S.G.S.,, pp. 1-782. 1914.1 CONCEPTION AND TRINITY BAYS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 455 3. Dana, J. D. 1909. The System of Mineralogy. Sixth edition, 4th thou- sand. By Edward Salisbury Dana. 1,400 figures with appendices I. and II., completing the work to 1909. 1,134 pages. 774 pages for Ist appendix and 114 for 2d appendix. 4. DeLaunay, L. 1897. Contribution a l’Etude des Gites Metalliferes. Ex- trait des Annales des Mines, P. Vicq-Dunod et Cie, Editeurs, Paris. 5. De Launay, L. 10913. Traite de Metallogenie Gites Mineraux et Metal- liferes Gisements, Recherche, Production et Commerce des Mineraux utiles et Minerais, Description des Principales Mines, Tome I., II. and III. Librarie Polytechnique, Ch. Beranger, Editeur, Paris et Liege. 6. Dieulafait. 1883. Compt. Rend., Vol. 96 (cited). 7. Dittmar, Rudolf. Challenger Report on the Composition of Ocean Water, Phys. Chem. Chall. Exp., pt. 1. 8. Fermor, Leigh. 1909. The Manganese Ore Deposits of India (with plates 8 to 16), Vol. XXXVII. London: Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. 9. Halse, Edward. 1887. Mineral Resources, U. S. 10. Harder, E. C. 10910. Manganese Deposits of the U. S. with Sections on Foreign Deposits, Chemistry and Uses. Bull. 427 U.S. G. S., pp. 1-298; 2 plates and 33 figures. Complete bibliography. 11. Holzberger. 1859. Neues vorkommen von Manganerzen bei Elbingerode am Harze; Berg- und Hiitten. Ztg. XVIII. 12. Hunt, T. Sterry. 1857-58. Geol. Survey of Canada. 13. Jashe. 1817. Kleine minéeralogische Schriften, Sondershauen, pp. I-12. 14. Lindgren, Waldemar. 1913. Mineral Deposits. 883 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co. 15. Matthew, W. D. 1893. On Phosphate Nodules from the Cambrian of Southern New Brunswick. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. XII. Reprint. Contribution from the Geological Department of Columbia College, No. 9. 16. Matthew, G. F. 1895. The Protolenus Fauna. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. XIV., pp. 101-153. 17. Murray, Sir John, and Hjort, Dr. John. 1913. Depths of the Ocean, pp. 821, 4 maps, 9 plates. 18. Murray, Alex., and Howley, Jas. P. 1881. Geol. Survey of Newfound- land, pages 1-536. London. 19. Murray, John, and Irvine, Robert. 1893. On the Chemical Changes which Take Place in the Composition of the Sea Water Associated with Blue Muds on the Floor of the Ocean. Trans. Roy. Soc., Edinburgh, Vol. 37, Pp. 481-508. tga. Murray, John, and Irvine, Robert. 1804. On Manganese Oxides and Manganese Nodules in Marine Deposits. Trans. Roy. Soc., Edinburgh, Vol. 37, pp. 721-742. 20. Penrose, R. A. F., Jr. 1891. Manganese: Its Uses, Ores, and Deposits. Am. Rept. Geol. Survey of Ark. for 1890, Vol. 1, pages 1-642. 21. Phillips, J. Arthur. 1896. A Treatise on Ore Deposits. 2d edition re- PROC, AMER. PHIL. SOC., LIV. 220 FF, PRINTED FEBRUARY 25, 1916. 456 DALE—CAMBRIAN MANGANESE DEPOSITS. [April 25, written and greatly enlarged by Henry Louis. Pages 1-943. With numerous illustrations. Macmillan and Co., London. 22. Shutt, Frank T.,and Spencer, Gordan A. 1908. The Mineral Constituents of the Ottawa Water. 1908. Proc. and Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., 3d series, Vol. II. Meeting of May, 1908. 23. Stelzner, A. W., und Bergeat, A. 1904-1906. Die Erzlagerstatten, 1 Halfte. mit 100 Abbildungen und einer Karte. Verlag von Arthur Felix, Leipzig. 24. Walcott, C.D. 1899. Pre-Cambrian Fossiliferous Formations. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 10, pp. 199-244. Pls. 22-28. 25. Zerrenner, C. 1861. Die Manganerz-Bergbaue in Deutschland, Frank- reich und Spanien: Frieberg. (Cited by Stelzner und Bergeat.) PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, June, 1914. MAGELLANIC PREMIUM FOUNDED IN 1786 By JOHN HyAcINTH DE MAGELLAN, OF LoNDON 1916 Pie AMERICAN, /PHEOSOPHICAL. SOCIETY HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE ANNOUNCES THAT IN \ Ne DECEMBER, 1916 IT W7ZL AWARD ITS MAGELLANIC GOLD MEDAL “TO THE AUTHOR OF THE BEST DISCOVERY, OR MOST USEFUL INVENTION, RE- LATING TO NAVIGATION, ASTRONOMY, OR NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (MERE NATURAL HISTORY ONLY EXCEPTED ) UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS : i. The candidate shall, on or before November 1, 1916, deliver free of postage or other charges, his discovery, invention or improvement, addressed to the President of the American Philosophical Society, No. 104 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, U. S. A., and shall distinguish his performance by some motto, device, or other signature. With his discovery, invention, or improvement, he shall also send a sealed ietter containing the same motto, device, or other sig- nature, and subscribed with the real name and place of residence of the author. 2. Persons of any nation, sect or denomination whatever, shall be ad- mitted as candidates for this premium. , 3- No discovery, invention or improvement shall be entitled to this premium which hath been already published, or for which the author hath DEEE publicly rewarded elsewhere. 4. The candidate shall communicate his discovery, invention or improvement, - either in the English, French, German, or Latin language. 5. A fullaccount of the crowned subject shall be published by the Society, as soon as may be after the adjudication, either in a separate publication, or in the next succeeding volume of their Transactions, or in both. 6. The premium shall consist of an oval plate of solid standard gold of the value of ten guineas, suitably inscribed, with the seal of the Society annexed to the medal by a ribbon. All correspondence in relation hereto should be addressed y To THE SECRETARIES OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY No. 104 SouTH FirtH STREET PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A Proceedings American Philosophical Society Subscription—Three Dollars per — General Index to the Proceedings: Volumes 1-50 (1838-1911) Lately Published Price, One Dollar TRAN SACTIONS OF THE American Philosophical Society HELD AT PHILADELPHIA Por Promoting — Useful Knowledge New Series, Vol. XXI/, Part III, 4to, 44 pages. (Just Published) Tertiary Vertebrate Faunas of the North Coalinga Region of. Cali- ie fornia. A Contribution to the Study of the Palzontologic Correlation in the Great Basin and Pacific Coast - Provinces. By Joun C. Merriam, Pro-- fessor of Paleontology, Uni- versity of California. \ Subscription—Five Dollars per Volume — Separate parts are not sold Address THE eh ee OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY No. 104 SouTH Firru STREET PHILADELPHIA, U.S. A. OBIMUARY IN@MEES OF MENBERS DECEASED: a a gis eae PROCEEDINGS Am. PHILOS. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 216 PLATE A AUGUST WEISMANN. Born JANUARY 17, 1834. Died Novemeer 6, 1914. AUGUST WEISMANN. PLATE A. (Read January I, 1915.) August Weismann, a foreign member of this Society, was born at Frankfort on the Main, January 17, 1834, and died at Freiburg in Breisgau, November 6, 1914. He early showed the traits of a naturalist and in one of his books speaks of the excitement he felt. as a boy in catching butterflies. He attended the University of Gottingen, where he studied chemistry and medicine, coming espe- cially under the instruction of the distinguished anatomist Henle, and receiving the degree of M.D. in 1856. After spending three years at Rostock as an assistant he began the practice of medicine at Frankfort and during this time he visited Vienna in 1858, Italy in 1859 and Paris in 1860. From 1861 to 1862 he was private physician to Archduke Stephan of Austria at Schamburg Palace. He then studied zoology at Giessen under the renowned zoologist Leuckart and became privat-docent in zoology at the University of Freiburg in 1863, where he spent the remainder of his life. In 1866 he was appointed professor extraordinarius and a few years later became professor ordinarius, which position he continued to hold until a few years before his death, when he was made professor emeritus. In person he was a man of striking appearance, being about six feet tall and well proportioned and having a fine head and face and an earnest but kind expression of the eyes. From 1864 to 1874 and again from 1884 on he suffered from an eye trouble which in- terfered greatly with his microscopical work and turned his atten- tion to theoretical questions. One of his former students and as- sistants, Professor Alexander Petrunkewitch,’ to whom I am in- debted for much valuable information concerning his personality, © 17 am also indebted to Prof. H. H. Wilder, of Smith College, and to Prof. J. S. Kingsley, of the University of Illinois, for information regarding the family life and personality of Weismann. wt w OBITUARY NOTICES OF MEMBERS DECEASED. says that although he was usually quiet in manner he invariably became nervous and unhappy in the presence of moving objects, which painfully affected his eyes, A short autobiography published in Lamp in 1903 gives a glimpse of his family life: “During the ten years (1864-1874) of enforced inactivity and rest occurred my marriage to Fraulein Marie Gruber, who became the mother of my children and was my true companion for twenty years until her death. Of her now I think only with love and gratitude. She was the one who more than any one else helped me through the gloom of this period. She read much to me at this time, for she read aloud excellently, and she not only took an interest in my theoretical and experimental work but she also gave practical assistance in it.’’2 His great work on the “ Natural History of the Daphnoidea ” (1876-79) is dedicated to “ My father-in-law, Adolph Gruber, in thankful memory of the beautiful hours of leisure spent on the shores of Bodensee.” His colleague, the anatomist Wiedersheim, married another daughter of Gruber who was a Genoese banker. After the death of his first wife Weismann married again when about sixty years old, but not happily. One of his daughters mar- ried the zoologist W. N. Parker, who translated into English his best known work “The Germ Plasm.” eyes in the discovery of truth. It does not fall to the lot of any man to make no mistakes, and in this respect Weismann was only human. But it has fallen to the lot of few men to do so much work of lasting value and to have so profound an influence on his xu OBITUARY NOTICES-OF MEMBERS DECEASED. day and generation as was true of August Weismann. The spirit of his life and work may be summed up in the beautiful words with which he closes his essay on “ Life and Death”: “ After all it is the quest after perfected truth, not its possession, that falls to our lot, that gladdens us, fills up the measure of our life, nay! hallows it.” EDWIN G. CONKLIN. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, January, I915. MINUTES 1915. ] MINUTES. We MINUTES. Stated Meeting January I, 1915. WiLtitiaM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. The decease was announced of Charles Martin Hall, A.M., LL.D., of Niagara Falls, at Daytona, Florida, on December 27, HOUALS Bete Sil, Prof. Edwin G. Conklin read an obituary notice of Prof. August Weismann. Prof. William B. Scott read a paper on “ The Isthmus of Panama in its Relation to the Animals of North and South America.” The Judges of the Annual Election of Officers and Councillors, held on this day between the hours of two and five in the afternoon, reported that the following named members were elected to be the Officers for the ensuring year, according to the Laws, Regulations and Ordinances of the Society. President. William W. Keen. Vice-Presidents. William B. Scott, Albert A. Michelson, Edward C. Pickering. Secretaries. I. Minis Hays, Arthur W. Goodspeed, Amos P. Brown, inlarnys Heeler: aw MINUTES. [February 5, Curators. Charles L. Doolittle, William P. Wilson, Leslie W. Miller. Treasurer. Henry La Barre Jayne. Councillors. (To serve for three years.) Henry H. Donaldson, Theodore W. Richards, IRopect JA, lalaiinee, Edwin G. Conklin. Special Meeting January 14, 1015. Wititiam W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. Dr. J. G Bose, ot Calcutta, ead) a paper on)» ihe Controlkon Nervous Impulse in Plant and Animal.” Stated Meeting February 5, 1915. WiILnrAnt )\WeIKEEN Vine ele Presidents tative @laanns An invitation was received from the University of North Caro- lina to be represented at the Inauguration of Edward Kidder Graham, as President, at Chapel Hill, on the twenty-first of April. A letter was received from Prof. Allen C. Thomas presenting his resignation of membership. The decease was announced of the following members: Benjamin Sharp, M.D., at Moorehead, N. C., on January 23, 1915; xt. 57. Cyrus Fogg Brackett, A.B., LL.D., at Princeton on January 2G), WOUES Edt, CA, The following papers were read: “The Surgery of the Civil War as Contrasted with the Surgery of the Present European War,” by W. W. Keen, M.D. 1915.] MINUTES. Vv “The Antediluvian Patriarchs on a Tablet from Nippur,” by George A. Barton, Ph.D., which was discussed by Professor Learned and Mrs. Stevenson. Stated Meeting March 5, 1015. WiLtiaM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. Dr. David Jayne Hill, elected to membership in 1910, subscribed the Laws and was admitted into the Society. Letters were received: From the President appointing Prof. W. LeConte Stevens to represent the Society at the inauguration of Edward Kidder Graham, as President of the University of North Carolina. From Prof. W. LeConte Stevens, accepting the appointment. The decease of the following members was announced: Arthur vonAuwers, at Berlin on January 24, 1915. James Geikie, LL.D., D.C.L., at Edinburgh, on March 2, 1915; et. 75. The following papers were read: “The Swedes, Governor Printz, and the Beginning of Pennsyl- vania,” by Thomas Willing Balch. “A Missing Chapter in International History,’ by Hon. David Jayne Hill, which was discussed by Mr. Carson, Prof. Learned, and Mr. Rosengarten. Stated Meeting April 0, 1915. Wititiam W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. An invitation was received from the Trustees and Faculty of Allegheny College, to be represented at the celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the founding of the College, to be held at Meadville, Pa., in the week beginning the twentieth of June, 1915. The decease of the following members was announced: Charles Francis Adams, LL.D., at Washington on March 20, 1915; zt. 80. Frederick Winslow Taylor, M.E., at Philadelphia on March Zp LO Sysco bn 5O: VL MINUTES. [April 23-25, David K. Tuttle, Ph.D., at Philadelphia on April 7, 1915; et. 79: Prof. Charles C. Bass read a paper on “ Some Important Factors which Influence Asexual Reproduction of Malaria Plasmodia in Man,” which was discussed by Dr. Tyson, Dr. Henry Skinner, Dr. McFarland, and Dr. Keen. Stated General Meeting April 22, 23, and 24, IQTS5. Thursday, April 22, I9T5. ATBERT AS MICHELSON, 2h Dy ScD. Iie Dy akeRess Vice-President, in the Chair. Prof. Eliakim H. Moore, elected to membership in 1905, and Prof. Robert Andrews Millikan, elected to membership in 1914, having subscribed the Laws, were admitted into the Society. _ The following papers were read: “Devices for Facilitating the Analysis of Observations—More Particularly those of the Tides,” by Ernest W. Brown, Sc.D., Professor of Mathematics, Yale University. “On Linear Integral Equations in General Analysis,” by Eliakim El. Moore, Ph.D: Sc.D. LID Head of Depart ment of Mathematics, University of Chicago. “A Direct Solution of Fredholm’s Equation with Analytic Kernel,” by Preston A. Lambert, Professor of Mathematics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. “The Existence of a Sub-Electron?” by Robert A. Millikan, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, University of Chicago, which was discussed by Prof. Michelson. “Local Disturbances in a Magnetic Field,” by Francis EB. Nipher, A.M., LL.D., Professor of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis. “Explorations over the Surface of Telephonic Diaphragms Vibrating under Simple Impressed Sounds,’ by A. E. Kennelly, S.D., A.M., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Harvard University and H. O. Taylor, of Cambridge. 1915.] MINUTES. vu “The Hall and Corbino Effects,” by Edwin Plimpton Adams, Professor of Physics, Princeton University. (Introduced by Prof. Magie.) “Spontaneous Generation of Heat in Recently Hardened Steel,” by Charles Francis Brush, Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D., of Cleveland. “Ruling and Performance of a Ten Inch Diffraction Grating,” bye wee WMiichelson: PhD ScDe elapse Headtorm Depart— ment of Physics, University of Chicago. Friday, April 23. Morning Session—o.35 o’clock. Wititiam W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read: pelcleredity in rotozoa,,. by, Mi. He Jacobs, PheDe Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Pennsylvania. (Intro- duced by Prof. McClung.) peiiien Constitutionmon) the) bHereditarny a Materialein byn dae Morgan, Ph.D., Professor of Experimental Zoology, Colum- bia University, New York. (Introduced by Prof. E. G. Conklin.) Discussed by Prof. Conklin. “The Problem of Adaptation as Illustrated by the Fur Seals of the Pribilof Islands ” (illustrated by lantern slides), by George H. Parker, Sc.D., Professor of Zoology, Harvard University. Discussed by Professors Conklin and Cattell. “An Interpretation of Sterility in Hybrids,” by Edward M. East, Ph.D., Professor of Experimental Plant Morphology, Harvard University. (Introduced by Prof. Bradley Moore Davis.) “Heterosis and the Effects of Inbreeding,” by George H. Shull, Ph.D., Botanical Investigator, Station for Experi- mental Evolution, Carnegie Institution. (Introduced by Prof. Bradley M. Davis.) “The Significance of Sterility in G*nothera,”’ by Bradley M. Davis, Ph.D., Professor of Botany, University of Penn- sylvania. vi MINUTES. [April 23-25, The preceding three papers were discussed by Prof. Parker. “Morphology and Development of Agaricus rodmani,” by George F. Atkinson, Ph.D., Head of Department of Botany, Cornell University. “The Large-fruited American Oaks,’ by William Trelease, Se.D., LL.D., Professor of Botany, University of Illinois, Urbana. “Relationships of the White Oaks of Eastern North America,” by M. V. Cobb. (Introduced by Prof. Trelease.) “The Present Need in Systematic Botany,” by L. H. Bailey, LL.D., late Director of the College of Agriculture, Cornell University. Afternoon Session—2 o'clock. WiLLiAM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read: “A Convenient Form of Receiver for Fractional Distillations under Diminished Pressure,’ by Marston T. Bogert, LL.D., Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York. “The Cymene Carboxylic Acids,” by J. R. Tuttle and Marston T. Bogert, of Columbia University, New York. ““Syringic Acid and its Derivatives,’ by E. Plaut and Marston T. Bogert, of Columbia University, New York. The three preceding papers were discussed by Profs. Keller and Scott. “The Relation of Ductless Glands to Dentition and Ossifica- tion,” by William J. Gies, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Chemistry, Columbia University. (Introduced by Prof. larry, He Keller) “ Gastro-Intestinal Studies,” by Philip B. Hawk, Ph.D., Pro- fessor of Physiological Chemistry and Toxicology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. (Introduced by Dr. W. W. Keen.) Discussed by Prof. Scott. “On the Rate of Evaporation of Ether from Oils and its Ap- plication in Oil-Ether Colonic Anesthesia,’ by Charles Baskerville, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, College of the 1915.] MINUTES. ta City of New York. (Introduced by Prof. J. P. Remington.) Discussed by Profs. Scott and Remington. 7 On Oral yEndamebiosis;;, by yAllen say Smith MEDS ScD), LL.D., Professor of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania. Discussed by Prof. Bogert. “Certain Factors Conditioning Nervous Responses,” by Stewart Paton, M.D., Lecturer in Biology, Princeton University. Discussed by Profs. Donaldson and Scott. “The Rights and Obligations as to Neutralized Territory,” by Charlemagne Tower, LL.D., of Philadelphia. “Physiographic Features as a Factor in the European War,” by Douglas W. Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Phys- iography, Columbia University. (Introduced by Mr. Henry G. Bryant.) “The Pronouns and Verbs in Sumerian,” by J. Dyneley Prince, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Languages, Columbia University, New York. (Read by title.) “A New Form of Nephelometer,” by J. T. W. Marshall, Harri- man Research Laboratory, Roosevelt Hospital, New York. Dr. Stewart Paton a newly-elected member and the Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, elected to membership in 1910, subscribed the Laws and were admitted into the Society. Friday Evening—s.15 o'clock. William Morris Davis, Sc.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Geology, Harvard University, gave an illustrated lecture, ‘“ On New Evidence for Darwin’s Theory of Coral Reefs.” A statement of the chief results of a Shaler Memorial Voyage across the Pacific in 1914, with Studies of the Fiji Group, New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, the New Hebrides, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and the Society Islands. Saturday, April 24. Executive Session—o.30 A.M. WiLtLtiamM W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. Pending nominations for membership were read and spoken to. Dr. L. A. Bauer and Secretary Brown were appointed tellers of election and the Society proceeded to ballot for members. xv MINUTES. [April 23-25, The tellers reported that the following nominees had been elected to membership: Residents of the Umted States. John J. Abel, M.D., Baltimore, Md. Edwin Plimpton Adams, Ph.D., Princeton, N. J. Walter Sydney Adams, Pasadena, Cal. John Merle Coulter, Ph.D., Chicago, Ill. Whitman Cross, Ph.D., Washington, D. C. William J. Gies, M.D., New York City. Philip Bovier Hawk, Ph.D., Philadelphia. John Fillmore Hayford, Evanston, Ill. Emory Richard Johnson, Sc.D., Philadelphia. John Anthony Miller, Ph.D., Swarthmore, Pa. Thomas Hunt Morgan, Ph.D., New York. William Fogg Osgood, Ph.D., Cambridge, Mass. Raymond Pearl, Ph.D., Orono, Me. Theobald Smith, M.D., Boston, Mass. John Zeleny, Ph.D., Minneapolis, Minn. Morning Session—to o'clock. Witu1aM B. Scott, Sc.D., LL.D., Vice-President, in the Chair. The following papers were read: “Opium in the Bible,” by Paul Haupt, Ph.D., Professor of Semitic Languages, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. “Divisions of the Pleistocene of Europe and the Periods of the Entrance of Human Races,” by Henry Fairfield Osborn, Se.D., LL.D., Research Professor of Zoology, Columbia Uni- versity, N. Y. : “The Occurrence of Alge in Carbonaceous Deposits,” by Gharles Al Davis) PhDs of UL Ss BureauyoreMinessam Glas troduced by Prof. Marston T. Bogert.) Discussed by Profs. Scott and B. M. Davis. “ Additions to the Fauna of the Lower Pliocene Snake Creek Beds, Nebraska,” by W. J. Sinclair, Ph.D., Curator of Verte- brate Paleontology, Princeton University. (Introduced by Prot. Wes. Scotts) ae Discussedmbya nome Scott I915.] MINUTES. xr “Tertiary Vertebrate Faunas of the North Coalinga Region of Californias z@ by waohni Ca Merriamn sy ha seeeLokesson of Paleontology and Historical Geology, University of Cali- fornia. “The Role of the Glacial Anticyclone in the Air Circulation of the Globe,” by William H. Hobbs, Ph.D., Professor of Geology, University of Michigan. “Note on the Sun’s Temperature,” by Henry Norris Russell, Ph.D., Professor of Astronomy, Princeton University. “Radial Velocities in the Orion Nebula,” by Edwin B. Frost, D.Sc., Director of Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis. Discussed by Prof. Russell. “Some Results from the Observation of Eclipsing Variables,” by Raymond S. Dugan, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Princeton University. (Introduced by Prof. H. N. Russell.) Eee Variables starsel Vis IDWi and Wx Cassiopeiced: byadxeule McDiarmid, Fellow, Princeton University. (Introduced by JPyg@xi, Jel, INs Jeabissellll)) “The Euler-Laplace Theorem on the Rounding Up of the Or- bits of the Heavenly Bodies under the Secular Action of a Inesispiny Miscbtara = oy 10 I, so See; ela, WW, Ss iNenvell Observatory, Mare Island, Cal. “The Work in Atmospheric Electricity aboard the ‘ Carnegie,’ ’ by L. A. Bauer, Ph.D., D.Sc., Director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and W. F. G. Swann, D.Sc. “Yammuz and Osiris,’ by George A. Barton, Ph.D., Prof. of ’ Biblical Literature and Semitic Languages, Bryn Mawr Col- lege, which was discussed by Dr. Jastrow. Afternoon Session— 2 o'clock. Witttam W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. Dr. John Fillmore Hayford, a newly elected member, subscribed the Laws and was admitted into the Society. A portrait of Dr. Edgar IF. Smith, of Philadelphia, was pre- sented to the Society by Dr. J. H. Penniman on behalf of the donor. Lt MINUTES. [May 7, The following papers were read: “One Dimensional Gases and the Reflection of Molecules from Solid Walls.” “Recent Progress in the Study of the Iodine Resonance Spec- tra, with a description of a Long Focus Spectroscope of High Power,” by Robert Williams Wood, A.B., LL.D., Profes- sor of Experimental Physics, Johns Hopkins University. Discussed by Dr. Brush, Prof. Noyes and Dr. Webster. Symposium on the Earth: Its Figure, Dimensions and the Constitution of Its Interior “From the Astronomical Standpoint,’ by Frank Schlesinger, Ph.D., Director of Allegheny Observatory, Pittsburgh. “From the Geological Standpoint,” by T. C. Chamberlin, Ph.D., LL.D., Head of Department of Geology, University of Chicago. “From the Seismological Standpoint,”’ by Harry Fielding Reid, Ph.D., Professor of Dynamical Geology and Geography, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. “From the Geophysical Standpoint,’ by John F. Hayford, Di- rector of College of Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. (Introduced by Prof. Schlesinger.) These papers were discussed by Professors H. F. Reid, Arthur G. Webster, E. W. Brown, C. L. Doolittle, Frank Schlesinger and W. H. Hobbs. - Stated Meeting May 7, 1915. Witranm VW. Keen (VED) LEDs President, in thes @haitre Letters accepting membership were received from: John J. Abel, M.D., Baltimore, Md. Edwin Plimpton Adams, Ph.D., Princeton, N. J. John Merle Coulter, Ph.D., Chicago, Ill. Whitman Cross, Ph.D., Washington, D. C. William J. Gies, M.D., New York City. Philip Bovier Hawk, Ph.D., Philadelphia. Emory Richard Johnson, Se.D., Philadelphia. John Anthony Miller, Ph.D., Swarthmore, Pa. 1915. ] MINUTES. ri Thomas Hunt Morgan, Ph.D., New York. Raymond Pearl, Ph.D., Orono, Me. Theobald Smith, M.D., Boston, Mass. An invitation was received from the Johns Hopkins University to be represented at the Inauguration of Frank Johnson Goodnow, as President, on May 20, IQI5. The following papers were read: “Oil Concentration of Ores,” by Howard W. DuBois, M.E. (Introduced by Dr. Harry F. Keller.) Discussed by Mr. Lehman. “ Concretions in Streams Formed by the Agency of the Blue- Green Alge and Related Plants,’ by H. Justin Roddy, M.S. (Introduced by the Secertaries.) Discussed by Dr. Harsh- berger, Mr. Sanders, and Prof. Keller. : “The Conditions of Black Shale Deposition as illustrated by the Kupferschiefer and Lias of Germany,” by Charles Schuchert. Stated Meeting October 1, 1915. WitiiamM W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. Professors Philip B. Hawk, Emory R. Johnson, and John Anthony Miller, newly-elected members, subscribed the Laws and were admitted into the Society. Letters accepting election to membership were received from Prof. Walter S. Adams. Prof. John F. Hayford. Prof. William F. Osgood. Prof. John Zeleny. Invitations were received: From the Secretary of State to participate in the Second Pan- American Scientific Congress to be held under the auspices of the Government of the United States, at the city of Wash- ington from December 27, 1915, to January 8, 1916. From the Trustees and Faculty of Vassar College, to be repre- sented at the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the opening of Vassar College during the week beginning Oc- tober 10, IQI5. x MINUTES. [ Dec. 3, The decease of the following members was announced: Mr. Samuel Dickson, at Philadelphia, on May 28, 1915, zt. 78. Hon. James T. Mitchell, at Philadelphia, on July 4, 1915, et. 81. Mr. Frederick Prime, at Atlantic City, on July 14, 1915, zt. 69. Sir James A. H. Murray, at Oxford, England, on July 26, LOWS cers 7o: Prof. Frederick W. Putnam, at Cambridge, Mass., on August 14, 1915, ext. 76. Mr. John T. Morris, at Bretton Woods, N. H., on August 15, WOME, Bains Of Dr. Austin Flint, at New York, on September 22, 1915, et. 79. The following papers were read: “Timber Studies in the Mississippi Bottom Lands,” by Henry C. Cowles, Ph.D., of Chicago, which was discussed by Pro- fessors Harshberger and Kraemer. “A Practical Rational Alphabet,” by Benjamin Smith Lyman, A.B. Stated Meeting November 5, I915. WitiiamM W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. Prof. Ulric Dahlgren read a paper on “ The Production of Heat by Animals.” Stated Meeting December 3, 1015. Witt1amM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair. An. invitation was received from the American Association for the Advancement of Science to send one or more delegates to its meeting to be held at Columbus, Ohio, December 27, 1915, to Jan- UatyaLOLO: Mr. H. H. Harjes, in accordance with the expressed direction of his father, the late John H. Harjes, of Paris, transmitted to the Society Dr. Franklin’s bamboo cane with a horn handle, in the upper hollow chamber of which he was accustomed to carry oil and from it in his walks he dropped oil upon the water to watch its effect upon wind-beaten pools. The decease was announced of William Brooke Rawle, A.B., at Philadelphia, on November 30, 1915, et. 72. 1915. ] MINUTES. XV The following papers were read: “Some of the Neuro-retinal Interpretations of Increased Vas- cular and Increased Intracranial Pressure, being a Clinical Communication,” by Dr. George E. deSchweinitz. “The Geology of Parahyba and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil,” by Ralph H. Soper, communicated by Prof. John C. Branner., “The Geology of Ceara and Piauhy, Brazil,” by H. L. Small, communicated by Prof. John C. Branner. Dr. W. W. Keen presented the Annual Address of the President. INDEX. A Acids, cymene carboxylic, viit Adams, Hall and Corbino effects, vi, 47 Adaptation as illustrated by the fur seals of the Pribilof Islands, prob- lem of vu, I Agaricus rodmani, morphology and development of, viii, 3009 Air circulation of the globe, role of the glacial anticyclone in the, 1, 185 Alge and related plants, concretions in streams formed by the agency of blue green, +, 246 Allegheny College, one hundredth anniversary of founding of, uv Alphabet, a practical rational, riv, 359 American oaks, large fruited, wii, 7 Analysis, linear integral equations in general, wi of observations—more particu- larly those of the tides, devices for facilitating, wi Animals of North and South Amer- ica, Isthmus of Panama in its rela- tion to, 77 Antediluvian patriarchs on a tablet from Nippur, v Atkinson, morphology and develop- ment of Agaricus rodmani, witi, 309 Atmospheric electricity aboard the Carnegie, 1909-1914, vi, 14 B Bailey, present needs in systematic botany, viii, 58 Balch, T. W., Swedes, Governor Printz and the beginning of Penn- sylvania, v, 12 Banks and Marshall, new form of nephelometer, 71, 176 Barton, antediluvian patriarchs on a tablet from Nippur, v Barton, Tammuz and Osiris, +7 Baskerville, rate of evaporation of ether from oils and its application in oil-ether colonic anesthesia, 270, vit Bass, factors which influence asexual reproduction of Malaria plasmodia in man, vi Bauer, atmospheric electricity aboard the Carnegie I90Q-I914, +i, 14 Bible, opium in the, x Bogert, convenient form of receiver for fractional distillations under diminished pressure, viii Bogert and Tuttle, cymene carboxylic acids, viii Bose, control of nervous impulse in plant and animal, iv Botany, present needs in systematic, Vil, 58 Brazil, geology of, xv Brown, E. W., devices for facilitat- ing analysis of observations—more especially those of the tides, vw Brush, spontaneous generation of heat in recently hardened steel, wit, 154 Cc Carbonaceous deposits, occurrence of alge in, x Ceara and Piuhy, Brazil, geology of XU Chamberlin, interior of the earth from the viewpoint of geology, vit, 279 Civil War, surgery of, contrasted with that of present war, iv Cobb, relationships of the white oaks of eastern North America, viii, 165 Colonic anesthesia, rate of evapora- tion of ether from oils and its ap- plication in oil-ether, viii, 270 Concretions in streams formed by the agency of blue green alge and related plants, xiit, 246 Conditions of black shale deposition as illustrated by the Kupferschiefer and Lias of Germany, xiii, 259 Conklin, obituary notice of Prof. August Weismann, iii Constitution of hereditary material, VU, 143 Control of nervous impulse in plant and animal, iv xvit LVI Coral reefs, new evidence for Dar- win’s theory of, i+ Corbino effects, Hall and, vi, 47 Cowles, timber studies in the Missis- sippi bottom lands, xiv Cymene carboxylic acids, wiit D Dahlgren, production of heat by ani- mals, xiv Darwin’s theory of coral reefs, new evidence for, 17 Davis, B. M., test of a pure species of cenothera, vii, 226 Davis, C. A., occurrence of alge in carbonaceous deposits, + Davis, W. M., new evidence for Dar- win’s theory of coral reefs, 1+ Dentition and ossification, relation of ductless glands to, wit Diffraction grating, ruling and per- formance of a ten-inch, vii, 137 Distillations, fractional, under di- minished pressure, convenient form of receiver for, viii Dugan, some results from the obser- vation of eclipsing variables, +7, 52 E Earth, symposium on the. Its figure, dimensions and the constitution of its interior, +t, 270, 2900, 208, 351 — constitution of the interior of the, as indicated by seismological investigations, ri7, 290 from the geophysical point, riz, 298 from the viewpoint of geology, interior of the, rit, 279 variations of latitude; their bear- ing upon our knowledge of the in- terior of the earth, 351 East, interpretation of sterility in certain plants, vit, 70 Eclipsing variables, observation of, 4%, 52 Election of officers and councillors, ut Electricity, results of the work in at- mospheric, aboard the Carnegie, IQ0Q-I914, 14, x7 Endamebiosis, oral, ix Equations in general analysis, linear integral, vi Ether from oils and its application in oil-ether colonic anesthesia, rate of evaporation of, viii, 270 stand- INDEX. Euler-Laplace theorem on the round- ing up of the orbits of the heavenly bodies under the secular action of a resisting medium, #1, 344 Europe and the periods of the en- trance of human races, division of the Pleistocene of, x European war, physiographic fea- tures as a factor in the, ix , surgery of the Civil War contrasted with that of present, iv F Fauna of the lower Pliocene Snake Creek Beds, Nebraska, x, 73 Faunas of North Coalinga region of California, Tertiary vertebrate, +i Franklin’s bamboo cane, xiv Fredholm’s equation with analytic kernel, direct solution of, wi Frost, radial velocities in the Orion nebula, +71 Fur seals of the Pribilof Islands, problem of adaptation as_ illus- trated by vit, I G Gases and reflection of molecules from solid walls, one dimensional, ri Gastro-intestinal studies, vii Generation of heat in recently har- dened steel, spontaneous, vii, 154 Gies, relation of ductless glands to dentition and ossification, wiit Glacial anticyclone in the air circula- tion of the globe, xi, 185 Glands, relation of ductless to denti- tion and ossification, viii Grating, ruling and performance of a ten-inch diffraction, vii, 137 H Hall and Corbino effects, wii, 47 Harjes, receipt of bequest of Dr. Franklin’s bamboo cane from, xiv Haupt, opium in the Bible, x Hawk, gastro-intestinal studies, viii Hayford, the earth from the geo- physical standpoint, ri, 208 Heat in recently hardened steel, spon- taneous generation of, wii, 154 , production of, by animals, xiv Hereditary material, constitution of, Vu, 143 Heredity in protozoa, vii Heterosis and the effects of inbreed- ing, vit INDEX. wx Hill, missing chapter in international history, v Hobbs, réle of the glacial anticyclone in the air circulation of the globe, xi, 185 i Inbreeding, heterosis and the effects of, vit International history, missing chapter in, Vv : Interpretation of sterility in certain plants, vii, 70 Todine resonance spectra, with a de- scription of a long focus spectro- scope of high power, recent prog- ress in the study of, xi J Jacobs, heredity in protozoa, vib Johnson, physiographic features as a factor in the European war, 1x K Keen, annual address of the presi- dent, xv — surgery of the Civil War as contrasted with the surgery of the present European war, iv Kennelly and Taylor, explorations over the surface of telephonic dia- phragms vibrating under simple impressed sounds, v1, 96 L Lambert, direct solution of Fred- holm’s equation with analytic ker- nel, vi Latitude, bearing of variations of, upon our knowledge of the inte- rior of the earth, 351 Linear integral equations in general analysis, vi Lyman, practical rational alphabet, XIV, 359 M McDiarmid, variable stars TV, TW, TX, Cassiopeiz and T Leonis mi- noris, +i, 66 Magnetic field, local disturbances in, vt Malaria plasmodia in man, factors which influence asexual reproduc- tion of, wi Marshall and Banks, a new form of nephelometer, 7+, 176 Members deceased: Adams, Charles Francis, v von Auwers, Arthur, v Brackett, Cyrus F., iv Dickson, Samuel, xiv Flint, Austin, xiv Geikie, James, v Hall, Charles M., ii Mitchell, James T., xiv Morris, John T. riv Murray, Sir James A. H., xiv Prince, Frederick, xiv Putnam, Frederick W., xiv Rawle, William Brooke, xiv Taylor, Frederick W., v Tuttle, David K., vi — elected, + — admitted: Baldwin, Simeon E., ix Hawk, Philip B., xii Hayford, John F., x7 Hill, David Jayne, v Johnson, Emory R., xiii Millikan, Robert A., vi Miller, John Anthony, xiii Moore, Eliakim H., wi Paton, Stewart, ir resigned: Thomas, Allen C., iv Membership accepted, xii, xiti Merriam, tertiary vertebrate faunas of the North Coalinga region of California, +7 Michelson, ruling and performance of a ten-inch diffraction grating, Vit, 137 Millikan, existence of a sub-electron, vt Minutes, 7 Moore, E. H., linear integral equa- tions in general analysis, vi Morgan, constitution of hereditary material, vit, 143 Morphology and development of Agaricus rodmani, viii, 309 N Nephelometer, new form of, ix, 176 Nervous impulse in plant and animal, control of, iv responses, certain factors con- ditioning, ix Neuro-retinal interpretation of vas- cular pressure, rv Neutralized territory, rights and du- ties of, ix, 18 Nipher, local disturbances in a mag- netic field, vi UU INDEX. Nippur, antediluvian patriarchs on a tablet from, v North Coalinga region of California, tertiary vertebrate faunas of the, at O Oaks, large fruited American, viii, 7 of eastern North America, rela- tionships of, viii, 165 Obituary notices: Weismann, August, 77 (Enothera, test of a pure species of, vil, 226 Officers and Councillors, election of, Mt One dimensional gases and the reflec- tion of molecules from solid walls, xt Opium in the Bible, + Oral endamebiosis, 1+ Orion nebula, radial velocities in the, 4x1 Osborn, divisions of the Pleistocene of Europe and the periods of the entrance of human races, + Osiris, Tammuz and, «i Ossification, relation of ductless glands to dentition and, viii P Panama, Isthmus, in its relation to the animals of North and South America, ti Parahyba and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, geology of, xv Parker, problem of adaptation as il- lustrated by the fur seals of the Pribilof Islands, vii, 1 Paton. certain factors conditioning nervous responses, i+ Patriarchs on a tablet from Nippur, antediluvian, v Pennsylvania, the Swedes, Governor Printz and the beginning of, v, 12 Physiographic features as a factor in the European war, ix Plants, _ interpretation of sterility in certain, 70, vit Pleistocene of Europe and the pe- riods of the entrance of human races, division of the, r Pliocene Snake Creek beds, Ne- braska, additions to the fauna of the lower, x, 73 Pressure, diminished, convenient form of receiver for fractional distillations under, wiii Prince, pronouns and verbs in Su- merian, 1%, 27 Printz, Governor, and the beginning of Pennsylvania, v, 12 Pronouns and verbs in Sumerian, 74, 27 Protozoa: heredity in, vz R Radial velocities in the Orion neb- tila, 47 Receiver for fractional distillations under diminished pressure, wut Reid, constitution of the interior of the earth as indicated by seismo- logical investigations, +17, 200 Roddy, concretions in streams formed by the agency of blue green alge and related plants, xi, 246 Russell, note on the sun’s tempera- ture, +7 Ss Schlesinger, variations of latitude: their bearing upon our knowledge of the interior of the earth, xi, 351 Schuchert, conditions of black shale deposition as illustrated by the Kupferschiefer and Lias of Ger- many, li, 259 de Schweinitz, neuro-retinal interpre- tations of vascular pressure, xv Scott, Isthmus of Panama in its re- lation to the animals of North and South America, i See, the Euler- Laplace theorem on the rounding up of the orbits of the heavenly bodies under the secu- lar action of a resisting medium, Xt, 344 Shale deposition as illustrated by the Kupferschiefer and Lias of Ger- many, conditions of black, 259 Shull, heterosis and the effects of inbreeding, vit Sinclair, additions to the fauna of the lower Pliocene Snake Creek beds, Nebraska, x, 73 Small, geology of Ceara and Piauhy, Brazil, sv Smith, A. J., oral endamebiosis, ix Smith, Edgar F., portrait of, xi Soper, geology of Parahyba and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, rv Spectroscope, long focus, xi Stars TV, TW, TX, Cassiopeiz and T Leonis minoris, variable, 66, +7 Steel, spontaneous g generation of heat in recently hardened, vil, 154 Sterility in certain plants, interpre- tation of, wi, 70 INDEX. vue Sub-electron, existence of, wi Sumerian, pronouns and verbs in, 1%, 27 Sun’s temperature, note on the, +i Swedes, Governor Printz and the be- ginning of Pennsylvania, 12, v Symposium on the earth, xii, 270, 290, 208, 351 T Tammuz and Osiris, xi Taylor, Kennelly and; explorations over the surface of telephonic dia- phragms vibrating under simple impressed sounds, wi, 96 Telephonic diaphragms vibrating un- der simple impressed sounds, ex- plorations over the surface of, wt, 96 Tertiary vertebrate faunas of the North Coalinga region of Califor- nia, «7 Tides, devices for facilitating the analysis of observations—more es- pecially those of the, vi Timber studies in the Mississippi bottom lands, xiv Tower, rights and duties of neutral- ized. territory, ix, 18 Trelease, large fruited American oaks, Vit, 7 Tuttle and Bogert, cymene carbo- xylic acids, witt V Variable stars TV, TW, TX, Cas- siopeiz and T. Leonis minoris, v1, Variables, some results from the ob- servation of eclipsing, xi, 52 Verbs in Sumerian, ix, 27 W Weismann, August, obituary notice of, wt White oaks of eastern North Amer- ica, relationships of, viit, 165 Wood, one dimensional gases and the reflection of molecules from solid walls, xi , recent progress in the study of iodine resonance spectra, with a description of a long focus spec- troscope of high power, xii PROCEEDINGS AM. PHILOS. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 216 PLATE | QUERCUS MACROCARPA. PROCEEDINGS AM. PHILosS. Soc. VoL LIV. No. 216 PLATE II QUERCUS CHIAPASENSIS. PASANIA CORNEA. PROCEEDINGS AM. PHILOS. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 216 PLATE III QUERCUS CYCLOBALANOIDES. QUERCUS INSIGNIS. PROCEEDINGS AM. PHILOS. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 217 PLATE IV IRE, Bs PROCEEDINGS AM. PHILos. Soc. WoL. LIV. No. 217 PLATE V FIG. I. FIG. 2. PROCEEDINGS AM. PHILOS. Sac. VoL. LIV. No. 217 PLATE VI PROCEEDINGS AM. PHILOS. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 219 PLATE VII AGARICUS RODMANI SETS aeas Gr omens) men at wren nay Ne aeee wea PLATE VIII LIV. No. 219 VoL Soc PHILOS. PROCEEDINGS Am Ue ESI: y 7 a Ys INVINGOd SNOldvoy . YW PLATE IX PROCEEDINGS Am. PHiLoS. Soc. VOL. LIV. No.7219 WZ) SiR De aX Ve Wis AGARICUS RODMANI PROCEEDINGS Am. PHILOS. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 219 PLATE X AGARICUS RODMANI oe ee PROCEEDINGS Am. PHILOs. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 219 PLATE Xl AGARICUS RODMANI PROCEEDINGS Am. PHILOS. Soc. VOL. LIV. No 219 PLATE XIl AGARICUS RODMANI PLATE XIll No. 219 PROCEEDINGS Am. PHILOS. Soc, VoL. LIV. AGARICUS RODMANI ast ree 4 i 4 } { PRoceepiNGs Am. PHiLos. Soc. VoL. LIV. No. 220 J PLaTe XIV MANGANESE LOCALITIES of {leet SE NEWFOUNDLAND after Murray and Howley, 1707. 4 by o N.C Dale, 17/4. > QO CStFrancis S cale 5 -) is miles Legend i Camb Ordevicia | = Tre Cambrian [za] tines [e@ | Manganese | @ | Localities C Race TREPASSEY Fic. 1, Map showing manganese localities of southeastern Newfoundland, based on Geological Map of Newfoundland by Murray and Howley, 1907. m ety | ed oe ie a ha INCLU 3 2044 093 311 645