etna ed > dene ona = re Oe ee a ae ‘2 Tees tye ye Ve eg an et f WA eh, i t 4 é ‘ “4 hen N iat J y " ; yy Nf? ie D a ath SO ST aR Ra a lord takin: niin: & Midep i ir War % FAUUINIS vy mate i nyt A | ARE ue rik pay , Hoa i acon ; “Ns WaT Yi rhs a Pug te ; Hii) ts ave ' ( be Wi AA ren we rien wh ; 1 - aie be 4 : > ik. Tia. 4 i iif hie tnd yk i” a - i =s cv +4 i j ct *", ia i ot. La ‘ \ PROCEEDINGS of the AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Ail held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge Vol.8 1861 Philadelphia Printed for the Society PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Vou. VIII. JANUARY—JUNH, 1861. No. 65, Stated Meeting, January 4, 1861. Present, sixteen members. Judge SHarswoop, Vice-President, in the Chair. Donations for the Library were received from the Essex Institute, at Salem, the Bureau des Ponts et Chausseés, the London Astronomical Society, Sotheby & Wilkinson, book- sellers of London, and Dr. Joseph Leidy. Prof. Lesley was nominated for librarian for the ensuing year. Pending nominations Nos. 416 and 417 were read. Dr. Bache read an extract from a letter of the President, dated Madrid, December 16, 1860, expressing a wish commu- nicated to him by the Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts, at Bordeaux, to be placed en rapport with this Society. On motion of Dr. Bache the name of the Academy was ordered to be placed on the list of correspond- ing Societies, and to be furnished with the New Series of Transactions, if, in the opinion of the Secretaries, a complete set can be spared, and with the Proceedings from the present time. A further extract from the above-mentioned letter was read, relating to an inscription on a tombstone of a deceased VOL. VIII.—A 2 member of this Society, in the cemetery of Passages, near St. Sebastian, in Spain. The judges and clerks of the annual election for officers of the Society, held this day, reported that the following named members were elected officers of the Society for the ensuing year: President. George B. Wood. Vice-Presidents. John C. Cresson, Tsaac Lea, George Sharswood. Secretaries. Charles B. Trego, EK. Otis Kendall, John L. Le Conte, J. P. lesley. Members of the Council for Three Years. A. L. Elwyn, John Bell, Henry Coppée, Edward King. Member of the Council for Two Years (in place of G. M. Justice, resigned). Frederick Fraley. Curators. Franklin Peale, Elias Durand, Joseph Cresson. Treasurer. Charles B. Trego. And the Society was adjourned. Stated Meeting, January 18, 1861. Present, twelve members. Professor Cresson, Vice-President, in the Chair. Letters were read from the Society of Antiquaries, at Edinburgh, and from the Natural History Society of Northum- berland, dated October 6, 1860, acknowledging the receipt of Transactions and Proceedings. Letters were received from the Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, dated Wien, October, 1860, transmitting a donation to the library. A letter was received from the Botanical Society of Canada, dated Kingston, December 7, 1860, with a list of members, and information that all communications for the new Society are to be addressed to Professor Lawsen. Donations for the Library were received from the Imperial Academies at St. Petersburg and Vienna, the United Societies in Altenburg, the American Antiquarian Society, the Frank- lin Institute, the editors and publishers of the Cambridge Astronomical Journal and Journal of Science and Art, the Medical Journal and Medical News and Library, the Boston Public Library, Mr. Simon Newcomb, and Mr. Hugh Blair Grigsby. The Librarian laid upon the table a copy of No. 64 of the Proceedings, with index, just published, completing Vol. VII. The following paper on Chinese and English Analogies was received from Mr. Pliny Chase, and the introduction read by the Secretary. Kent (WiILirAM).—The death, on the 4th instant, of Judge William Kent, of New York, a member of the Society, was announced. Mr. Lesley was elected Librarian for the ensuing year. The Standing Committees were appointed as follows: 4 Comnuttee on Finance. Mr. Fraley, Mr. Justice, M. J. F. James. Committee on Publication. Dr. Bridges, Mr. T. P. James, Dr. Hartshorne, Prof. Coppée, Dr. C. Wister. Committee on the Hall. Mr. Peale, Judge King, Prof. Coppée. Committee on the Lnbrary. Mr. Ord, Dr. Bell, Rey. Dr. Stevens, Dr. Coates, Mr. Foulke. The list of surviving members was then read and corrected. The number on the list on the Ist of January, 1861, was 376 Of whom are resident in the United States, ; . 270 . rs foreign countries, : 2’ at06 The Society proceeded then to ballot for candidates for membership. On motion of Mr. Fraley, the secretaries were directed, in future, to enlarge the edition of the Proceedings to three tokens or 750 copies. All other business having been concluded, the ballot boxes were opened by the Vice-President, and the following named gentlemen were declared duly elected members of the Society. DanteL R. Goopwin, Provost of the University of Penn- sylvania. Lro LEsQuEREvX, of Columbus, Ohio. And the Society was adjourned. CHINESE AND INDO-EUROPEAN ROOTS AND ANALOGUES. By PLINY EARLE CHASE. THE Chinese has usually been regarded as essentially different from the Indo-European languages, not only in its grammatical construc- tion, but also in its radical etymology. Resemblances have been occasionally pointed out, and some students have coincided with Chevalier Bunsen in the opinion that the old Chinese is the nearest living approach to the original language of the human race,* but it has generally been assumed that the resemblances were merely acci- dental, and no systematic attempt appears to have been made to render this venerable idiom tributary to the fascinating though bewildering investigation of linguistic germs. The peculiarities of its written characters, the difficulties connected with the acquisition of a lan- guage so different from most others in its modes of expression, and the puzzling variety of signification attached to each of its syllables, are all formidable obstacles to the comparative philologist. And yet the peculiarities of its script are only such as are necessarily attendant on ideographic symbols, which are the most simple and undoubtedly the most ancient visible representatives of speech; difficulty of ac- quisition is ordinarily one of the most efficient stimuli to exertion ; and variety of meaning is a certain indication of age and copiousness, and a probable evidence of affiliation with other dialects. A language that has been spoken by one-fourth of the inhabitants of the globe for more than four thousand years, and probably with little material alteration, either in meaning, construction, or pronun- ciation, might naturally be supposed to preserve in its vocabulary much of the debris of the primitive speech} of mankind; and if it * “The Monument of Antediluvian Speech.’’—Brit. Assoc. Rep., for 1847, p. 299. + I say ‘‘ primitive speech,’’ because, even if original unity of speech is denied, there is at least unity of mental and vocal organization which would lead to re- semblances in expression. 6 shall ever be possible to determine the germs from which the mani- fold dialects and the written alphabets have sprung, it can hardly be doubted that the study of Chinese will contribute largely to the at- tainment of that great end of all etymological research. Although it is almost certain that writing ‘was, in the beginning, generally hieroglyphic among all the nations of antiquity,” and that it became alphabetic only after the lapse of a long period of civiliza- tion, as a result of profound philosophical analysis, the various steps that led to the change, the date of the change, its author, and the meanings of the primitive hieroglyphs that are fossilized in our modern letters, are all unknown, and we can reasonably hope for no clue to the solution of these riddles, except such as may be found in the records of Egypt and China. The most ancient forms of Chinese script are found in the tfuen fu,* or seal character, and the tfa,g tig van, or “letters of bells and tripods,” inscribed on ancient vases. The cai fu, or “ pattern letter,’—-which is the familiar modern official character,—and the tsau fu, “grass letter,” or running hand, are of more modern date, and therefore any resemblances to alphabetic writing that may be traced in them are less interesting, though they may be admitted in connection with other evidence as possible indications of alphabetic genesis. Among the most ancient characters are the following hieroglyphs and symbols : O or il (M. v. 1, p. 18), tig, a sting or nail. This is evi- dently a pure hieroglyph, and according to the rules of both Chinese and Egyptian orthography, when used as a letter, it would represent the sound of T. (M. v. 1, p. 25), ya, the parting branches of a tree; any- thing forked. This character has all the essential features of a hieroglyphic Y. ) 6 i 2, (M. v. 1, p. 43), eyue, hooked; the barb of a ’ ’ hook. This would be a proper hieroglyph for the guttural ©, or for the gutturalized semi-vowel ey. By attaching it to the vowel O we might form a compound hieroglyph co or eyo (Q), of the same alphabetic value as our letter Q, which, both in form and value, is nothing but a vowel O pronounced gutturally. * See Table of Pronunciation, p. 19. 7 Those who trace the origin of the letter Q to the symbol of life, may perhaps substitute a secondary hieroglyph for the primitive. For the Chinese eva’ and hvae (English quick), have, among other mean- ings, the significations “living, breathing.” (M. v. 1, p. 279), van, to cover, to overshadow. The cai fu’ form is (pau, ‘fan envelope,” inclosing Jin, “man”’) The Chi he nese have no initial R, but they usually represent the 7 sound by J, v, ory. ‘The affinities of r and y, of y and j, of r and the sibilants (as in honor, honos, and the Sanscrit visarga),—the resemblance of Greek A, 2, in form, to Chinese Jin,— and the presence of the x sound in Sanscrit naras, Greek dyzj, Latin vir, are all curious and suggestive, and all point to this hieroglyph as a not improbable origin of our letter R. The English words rind, round, wind, wound, are, perhaps, derived from the primitive root van. ee (T. W.,* pp. 50, 170, &c.) i’, to stop; terminated. The cai fu’ form is p , of which the seal character is (as may be pound pa’u, A): 3] 3S okt this is the hieroglyphic original of our letter E, it would appear that either the English retains the original sound of that letter, or that the same perversion of sound has occurred in Chinese as in English. seen in the com (M.'v. 1, p. 11), i, or yi, one. The cai fuformis—. The resemblance of this character in form, sound, and numerical value, to the Roman I, has been noticed by Hager,}in his interesting comparison of the Chinese and Roman numerals. y (T. W., p. 241), tu’ (= zrdw), to spit. There is no d sound in Chinese, but any alphabetic dental character would naturally be taken from some hieroglyph commencing with a sound. The above character, tu’, is compounded of the pu’ tssi (“class character,” key, or radical), cau, which signifies “mouth,” and the primitive tu’, which gives sound. The idea conveyed by the combined character may be thus interpreted: “The mouth- radical, when it is pronounced tw’, signifies to spit.’ There are many other characters commencing with a ¢ sound, of which the radical cau forms the ideal part, e. g., —\ CE. Ws p'271);) tag; U (M., v. 1, p. 849), ta’u, v) together. inordinate desire. * Tung Wan, or ‘‘ grouped letters,’’ in Morrison’s Dictionary. ‘pope mv 222 (We, pe2r0s Mayet He (M. v. 1, p. 870), tau, ax p.365), tun, to swallow ; loquacious. &ec., &e. The radical cau is also sometimes written like the Greek delta, as in tan, AA,or Uv (T. W., pp. 224, 225). (T. W., p. 172, &c.), fa’u, a mound, numerous. The name and the hieroglyphic or phonetic value of this character, are retained precisely, and the form very nearly, in the German &. = (T. W., p. 172), pi’, a boundary. This character, like tu’, p. 7, is composed of a radical, and a sound-giving primi- tive, and may be thus interpreted : “The territory-radical (yi), when it is pronounced pi’, signifies a boundary.” This radical and the preceding, are distinguished by their position in compound cha- ‘racters, yi being placed on the right, and fa’u on the left. Yi is pronounced yap in the Canton dialect,—pi’ is the Chinese pronun- ciation of the English letter B (their language having no J sound) ; yap and fa’u are almost identical, both in form and in phonetic value, with German $ and %,—b and vy are frequently interchanged in most of the Indo-Germanic languages, and it is therefore not im- probable that the Greek 2, Roman B, and German § and &, spring from the same original hieroglyphic as the Chinese yi and fa/u. P (T. W., pp. 154 and 171), pi’ ( = opittulor), to assist. ANN ‘The seal-radical, when it is pronounced pi’, signifies to assist.” May not the Greek z, and Roman P, both have been bor- rowed from the different elements of this compound character ? K (T. W., p. 106), ca.g, to resist. If this hieroglyph were adopted in an alphabet it would properly represent the K sound. Si (T. W., pp. 98, 224), s) (T..W., p. 224), tan, ji, sun; day. sunrise. This hieroglyph has the form of Greek theta, and the ideas of warmth and power are found in dddzw, Ogpw, Ogos, Zévs, dies, deus. If there is a radical connection between these several words, the primitive root was probably di. The several changes of di into dji and Ji, de and Ze, are easy and natural. N (M., v. 1, p. 221), tsie, to cut. The first character may possibly have the same origin as the Roman t. 9 (T. W., p. 108), ci’, whoever. This character resembles the Greek XY, both in form and in phonetic value. If the above resemblances are considered sufficient to establish the probability of a connection between the Chinese ideologic characters and the modern alphabets, the probability may be strengthened if we can find further resemblances between the Chinese and the more modern running hands. Among the tsau fu’ forms are the following: oa (T. W., p. 1), a’, or ya’, poor; inferior. ¥} (T. W., 168), pai, small. (T. W., p. 168), pai, to spoil. gio Wes hi), Dl, ,: (T. W., p. 174), pien, adorned. | lateral. TED (T. W., p. 176), pi, her (T. W., p. 155), mia’u, the soul. a temple dedicated to ancestors. (T. W., p. 55), fa.g, to CE Ws. Ps O00 )s kOe. a drive away. wife. (i Wp: 59), fo, to > (T. W., p. 60), fun, a Y submit to. napkin. The Chinese, as has been already mentioned, have no 0 sound; but the above characters are all labial, and all strikingly similar to our written B, for which, in hieroglyphic writing, either one of them could be properly employed. CM. vod; p: 204 URW ., Ch. Wey pe G7 )witai, p- 65), ge, to be dis- the sea. tressed. > e Sy 7 (En Weep. T4), hia, (T. W., p. 79), hien, a summer. kind of car. ) (T. W., p. 87), hu’, to (T. W., p. 108), ci’, assist. origin. Ky (T. W., p. 128), cig, va (T. W., p. 130), ew’, a intelligent. cause. ke (M., v. 1, p. 479; T. W., (T. W., p. 12), tle’, a p- 1830), eu’, to hire. cart. VOL. VIII.—B 10 zh (T. W., p. 14), tfi’, diverging. It is hardly credible that so many resemblances to our guttural script are all accidental, and if we compare the tsau fu’ with the corresponding cai fu’ and hi,g fu characters, we shall find sufficient similarity to warrant the belief that these forms originated with the Chinese. ca (T. W., p. 144), Wi, ‘Ay (T. W., p. 147), liw, an emperor. to linger. (ihe ('T. W., p. 156), mien, confused, Wo. (T. W., p. 157), mie, a part of the name of a river. ae or ese (T. W., p. 161), nai (= vat), but; certainly. R, (T. W., p. 163), ni’, to approach from behind. (M., v. 1, p. 458), hvi’ (pronounced oey, by De Gingues), round; an inclosure. } (M., v. 1, p. 808), po, to (T. W., p. 276), va’n, conjecture. yielding. (T. W., p. 190), seu, an 4 (T. W., p. 194), fi’, to island. send. (T. Wi; p. 198) 7 vea= (T. 'W., ‘p. 212); 60572 nuchs. string. > (T. W., p. 267), tssi, a child. The name, form, and pho- netic value of this character, are all pretty well retained in the German letter tsett. G& (T. W., p. 284), ya, a tooth. (T. W., p. 241), tu’, the earth. The resemblance of this character to the Arabic figure 2 is the more interesting from the fact that the root tu’ or du’, signifying division, is found in the Chinese tvan, to cut; tvi’, a pair; Sanscrit dva’, dvi’, two; Greek dow; Latin duo; English ¢wo. ll (T. W., p. 293), i’, or yi, to change. Yi-ci,g, the third of the five classical books of the Chinese, treats of the doctrine of changes, combinations, and transmutations. Chaos is supposed to have been divided into two parts, answering to male and female. A unit, or odd number, answers to the male energy,—a duad, or even number, to the female. The simplest “change,” or combination of the unit and duad, is the triad. Dy (T. W., p. 275), ur, the ear. The word ur (differently J written), also signifies two, and the word tfa (Canton dia- lect, tfat), sometimes signifies “a kind of double collar; reiterated words; reiterated inquiry.”’ The Sanscrit word for four is tfatur, which is equivalent to the Chinese tfat-ur, “ doubled-two.”’ (T. W., p. 283), u’, or vu’, a crow; black. The root vu’ (though differently written), also signifies five. Some of the other characters that resemble the Arabic figure 5, are the following : (T. W., p. 30), tfo, estab- (T. W., p. 35), tla’u, to lished. contain. *R (T. W., p. 205), fa’u, to hold fast. (fa’u, differently written, gJ also means “hand.’’) ‘Lhe Sanserit word for five is pantfan, which may perhaps combine the two Chinese roots, pan, to grasp with the hand, and tfan, to take or select with the hand. Is it too great a tax upon the imagination to suppose that the resemblance of the figure 5 to the outline of the thumb and forefinger of a closed hand, may have been the origin of the Arabic character as well as of the above hieroglyphs? uf) or ,fa’n, ahill. The first character is almost precisely preserved, both in form and in phonetic value, in the Russian alphabet, in the letters fa’ and tfa, and in the Hebrew w. The same form, when turned to the right, makes the Roman E, —and when turned to the left, the Hebrew coin-letter for. The Arabic and Samaritan characters and the Hebrew coin-letters, that correspond to w, present striking resemblances to the Greek +, € (which is the nearest approach the Greeks could make to the f sound) and ¢, as well as to the Arabic digit 3. The Chinese word for three is sa’n, which is represented by three horizontal strokes (as if fa’n were turned at right angles, and the connecting stroke removed), thus resembling fa’n both in sound and form. The Roman character (III) preserves the form of fa’n still more perfectly, inasmuch as the lines are perpendicular.* It is not * The perpendicular lines are sometimes used by the Chinese. 12 improbable that the primitive meaning of fa’n, sa’N, ovy, or Evy, scan-, —as well as of tor, tur-, ter-, tres, tree, three, may have been “ protruding,’—and the secondary meaning, “a heap” or ‘an as- semblage,””—“ two’’ denoting division, and “ three,’”’ collection. The second character is identical in form with another sibilant, the Greek ¥, and its form is, as it were, a rude hieroglyph of a tree with three branches. The Chinese word for tree is the sibilant syllable fu’, as if from shoo-ting forth or pro-tr-uding. Among the other meanings of fu’, which convey the idea of thrusting or darting, are the following: a kind of spear; name of a bow; to kill; light. The connection of EH and I with the sibilants is shown by the fre- quent interchange of the i’ and J sounds in Sanscrit and other lan- guages. Another interesting evidence of this connection may pos- sibly be found in the following quotation from Haldeman’s Analytic Orthography : “There is an apparent interchange of initial KE and 8 between French and English, which cannot be accounted for on any theory of the elements. It occurs in “‘Htrange, épagneul, épeler, etendard, écosse. Strange, spaniel, spell, standard, Scotland.”* , fi, ten. This character strikingly resembles the Roman X, in form, and in hieroglyphic as well as numeric value. Remarkable as many of these resemblances are, some of them are doubtless accidental, and it would be unwise hastily to assume that any of them, or that all combined, furnish sufficient evidence that the Greek and Roman alphabets, and the Arabic digits were bor- rowed from the Chinese. The danger of being misled by mere resemblance is patent to every one who is at all familiar with the long catalogue of exploded etymology, and a sense of that danger will render every prudent philologist very cautious in giving his un- qualified adhesion to any novel theory, until it is corroborated by an irresistible weight of evidence. That such evidence can be found among the records and inscriptions of Eastern and Central Asia,— provided this supposed genesis of alphabetic writing is correct,—is highly probable; and points of similarity that are so curious and striking, should stimulate the investigation that is necessary to ascer- tain the cause of that similarity. The foregoing comparison may perhaps be regarded as inconclusive, from the fact that many of the hieroglyphs might have been adopted with nearly equal propriety for a variety of different letters. or * See Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., Vol. XI, p. 306. See also the same article, p. 324, for examples of the glottosis of 1’ to J. 13 example, under the radical egy are arranged words commencing with the sounds of ¢, f, g, h, i, j, 1, m, n, p, s, f, t, v, and y; and why, it may be asked, should & or D be used as the representative of a dental, rather than of a guttural, a labial, or a sibilant sound? I know of no better reason than either the relative frequency of the several sounds represented by the radical, or arbitrary choice. At least two-thirds of the ca’u-series commence with the sounds of t, h, ¢, or y; the t-sound embracing about 26 per cent., or more than one- fourth of the whole series,—h, about 16 per cent.,—c, about 14 per cent.,—and y, about 11 per cent.,—the dental sounds largely pre- dominating, and this predominance might be considered as a sufficient answer to the question. But the Cadmean letter-wright was an autocrat, subject to the control of no revisory or inquisitorial tribunal. All that his alphabet would exact of him, would be sufficient difference in the letters to render them readily distinguishable from each other, although it might also be desirable to retain sufficient resemblance to the original hieroglyphs to make each letter suggestive and easily remembered. The arbitrary character of the choice of symbols is evidenced by the use of the same letter (P) to represent the q-sound in Hebrew,* the r-sound in Greek, and the p-sound in Latin,—by the modern adapta- tion of the Roman alphabet to the Cherokee language, without the slightest regard to the original sound of any letter,—and by the em- ployment of the same forms in different positions for different sounds, as A, V; n,u; d,b,q, p. The latter instance is curiously sugges- tive of the Greek dialectic interchange of x, x, and +t,—an inter- change that is perhaps paralleled by the Chinese syllables co, to cut ; po, to cut; tau, a knife. In proceeding from the simple sounds, or letters, to the combined sounds, or syllables, we are at once met with a peculiarity in the Chinese which apparently precludes any possible comparison with a large class of words in other languages. Not only has every syllable in Chinese a meaning of its own, but in a large majority of cases the syllables consist of a single consonant followed by a vowel sound. The only double consonants employed in the language are initial ts and tf; and no syllable in the Mandarin dialect, except the syllable ur or ul, terminates in any consonant but a nasal nor ,g. Such combinations as bl, br, cl, er, &e.; se, scl, scr, schl, sm, sn, sp, spl, spr, &c., are en- tirely unknown, and therefore a large portion of the Indo-HKuropean * Coin-letter. 14 root-forms must be excluded from any comparison with the Chinese, unless we can find in that language some tolerably uniform laws of alphabetic permutation that will indicate probable substitutes for those forms. Among the well-recognized consonant changes are the following: In the Pe-king dialect.* ‘‘ before e or 1 is changed into ts or tf. h before e or j is turned into gs or f. f, tf, and ts are used for each other. w is often inserted, as in Man, Mwan; Pan, Pwan. f and p are occasionally interchanged.’ “Tnitial 1, m, and n, are often interchanged in all the dialects. Words having no initial consonant, are very liable to have a nasal .g or an h prefixed, or to have the vowel altered. The people along the coast, and south of Canton, often alter the initial f into h or w in some words, and retain it in others. The initial £ is called s along the coast.” t From the analogy of other languages, we infer the probability of the following changes. The French liquid ll, and the Italian use of i for 1 in such words as piacere, as well as the various interchange by children and others of the 1, r, w, and y sounds, naturally point to i’, u’, v, and the semi- vowel y as probable substitutes in Chinese for either | or r when pre- ceded by a mute. The spirit of the ancient Greek language, which required a labial or a guttural breathing before all words beginning with a vowel sound, or with the letter », was precisely in accordance with the Chi- nese, which has few, if any,§ proper vowel roots, or roots beginning with a vowel. This disposition, in the early use of speech, to employ a prosthetic breathing as a quasi herald of what was to follow, accounts for many of the double initial consonants in other languages. Double consonants are also often produced by a prosthetic letter, which is the relic of an old root, or by dropping the vowel from a root that ends in a liquid. * The dialect adopted by most of the Dictionaries is that of Nan-king, which is probably older than those of Pe-king and Canton. t See Morrison’s Dictionary, vol. i, p. xviii. } 8. Wells Williams. Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Language, in the Canton dialect, p. xx. § I think there are none; the few apparent vowel syllables being either modi- fied consonants, or the debris of words that originally commenced with a conso- nant. 15 Liquids and sibilants are often epenthetic and casual, being inserted or omitted without affecting the meaning of the root. The Chinese retain the two sounds of i, that distinguish the Eng- lish from the other European languages, their final i’ being pro- nounced either i’ or ai, in different sections of the empire,—and sometimes in the same section,—at the speaker’s option. I think a similar vocal latitude (with a still greater extension, that embraces the e’ sound), was found in the early Greek 7 and ». Chinese is not an inflected language, but a language of roots, more or less modified by the lapse of time. In introducing it into any philological comparison, we should therefore content ourselves with the only kind of comparison that is possible, and we should extend the comparison as far as possible, by taking, Ist, the identical roots ; 2d, the similar roots ; 5d, the remoter analogues, which may be traced to a possible community of origin by some simple consonant changes. Among identical roots I rank many that are as nearly alike as they can be pronounced by the Chinese vocal organs; such, for instance, as differ only 1, By the substitution of an asper or a tenuis for a lenis, as, Chin. ci’ or cai — gr. 77 or yat-, the earth; 2, By the substitution of a short for a long vowel; 3, By the prosthesis of a breathing, which may finally have har- dened into a consonant, as, Chin. ‘li’ — gr. xd:-, 1. cli-, to descend ; to rest upon ; 4, By the use of a substitute for an unpronounceable letter; e. g., the Chinese substitute for r is usually 1, but sometimes r is undoubt- edly represented by i, y, or v, and perhaps by other letters ; 5, By the employment of a truncating letter in place of the yap- fig, as in Chin. ‘la° — gr. ‘pay-, ‘pax-, ‘pyy-, ‘pyz-; 1. lac-, frac-; goth. vrak; e. break, crack, rag, wreck ; s. vragtl; 6, By transposition or epenthesis of a nasal, in cases where the analogies appear so striking as to clearly indicate a common origin, as in Chin. mag —s. mah; gr. poz-; 1. magn-; Chin. pig = gr. ny. Many of the words embraced in the list of cognate roots and ana- logues are such as probably have a merely accidental resemblance, but as such a collection is principally valuable for the assistance it may render in determining the laws of permutation and the phonetic equivalents in different languages, it seems desirable to admit all words which might possibly be derived from the same root by any known etymological law. Ina field that has been so little explored, even 16 “that unscientific comparison of languages, or rather of words caught at random, which made the etymologies of the seventeenth century the laughing-stock of the eighteenth,’* would not be altogether valueless, for all etymology is based on resemblance, and it is impos- sible, until the laws of affinity are satisfactorily ascertained, to deter- mine what resemblances are accidental, and what are essential or valuable. The following principles may be inferred from the investigations of philologists. 1. All verbal roots are monosyllabic. 2. The oldest roots were probably formed either by a vowel or by a single consonant, followed by a single short vowel. 3. Additional roots were subsequently formed by lengthening the vowel. 4. Roots with two consonants (initial and terminal), are of still ‘more recent date, having been formed either a. By modifying the lengthened vowel by a final liquid or sibilant ; b. By blending two roots of similar meaning, or adding a second root to modify the meaning of the first; or c. By stopping a short vowel sound by a mute, as in the Chinese short or abrupt tone. Many of the peculiar features of the Chinese tones or accents are undoubtedly of a comparatively recent date. Judging from the defi- nitions of the Chinese grammarians, it is reasonable to suppose that the early missionaries were correct in representing the essential value * Chey. Bunsen’s Discourse before the Brit. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, 1847. { Adelung thought that the first words were vowels. For Bunsen’s views see the following note. t ‘‘The simplest roots must consist either of a vowel alone (pure syllables in the strictest sense) or of a consonant, haying its inherent vowel either before or after it. Syllables beginning and ending with a vowel, and haying besides a con- sonant between them, are already to be suspected of contraction, unless the con- sonant be a servile one, as the liquids and the sibilating sounds generally are. Indeed, this difference between the degree of substantiality of the consonants is a powerful element for the development of words into an organic structure. Monosyllables with two substantial consonants are the furthest extreme to which monosyllabic languages can arrive.... . Two equally strong consonants again, of the same organ of speech (as two labials, two linguals, and so on), may come under the head of a simple increase and light modification of the one impression. But syllables with two mute consonants of two different organic classes presuppose a union of two, which requires originally two syllables.’’—Bumnsen ; Report of Brit. Assoc., 1847. 17 of those accents by the marks employed in other languages. The following are the Chinese names of the accents: 1. pig fig, “the even, level, or undisturbed tone.’ This is di- vided into the upper pig fi,g, which they define as “long and clear,” marked by the missionaries with a dash over the vowel (as 4), and the lower pi.g fi.g, defined as “long and low, or obscure,” marked by a circumflex (as 4). 2. fa.g fig, “the ascending tone,’”’ marked by the grave accent (as 4). 3. cin fi,g, “the departing tone,” marked by the acute accent (4). 4. ji fig, “the entering tone,” marked by the breve (4). It would seem, from the definitions, that the second form might be better represented by the acute, and the third by the grave accent, but with this exception the notation of the missionaries probably represents with sufficient accuracy the tonic distinctions originally made by the Chinese. The fi fig (called in the Canton dialect yap, or yat-fig), repre- sents a short, abrupt tone, which, in the Canton dialect, is always followed by the sound of k, p, or t. “It is as if a man sounding the pig fig, should be suddenly taken with a hiccup, and stop it half way; if the word Jock be sounded, but the last two consonants omitted, it gives the yap fi,g.’’* If it be granted that the ji fig furnishes an indication of the probable origin of root forms that terminate in a mute consonant, it would follow that such roots must originally have contained only a short vowel, as is generally the case in the Sanscrit and Teutonic languages. The hiatus occasioned by the sudden truncation of sound may also explain the lengthened quantity of a short vowel in Greek and Latin, when followed by two consonants. If the final consonant formed a portion of the primitive root, it is dificult to account for this increase of quantity, but if it was merely a softened close for the Ji fig, it would naturally retain the temporal increase which attends the at- tempt to pronounce a consonant immediately after the hiatus. It is desirable in all etymological comparisons to adopt a notation that shall mark every sound with the greatest possible precision and * Williams.—Easy Lessons in Chinese, p. 50. {+ Even when a Sanscrit root terminates in a consonant preceded by a long vowel, there is usually another form of the root with the corresponding short vowel, which renders it highly probable that all the consonant-ending roots in that language were originally ji fi,g. VOL. VIII.—c 18 uniformity. I know of no system that appears to meet all the re- quirements of a scientific alphabet so perfectly as the one recom- mended by Prof. Haldeman in his prize essay,* and [ have adopted, with a few slight modifications and additions, such portions of his alphabet as appear to me most suitable for representing the sounds of the Sanscrit and Chinese syllables. I have also given, in the Vocabu- lary, the modes of Chinese spelling adopted by Morrison and by De Guignes, as well as Morrison’s representation of the orthography of the Manuscript Dictionaries and of the Canton dialect. In addition to the works on general philology mentioned in the Introduction to the “Sanserit and English Analogues,’ I would acknowledge my indebtedness to the following: AMERICAN ORIENTAL Soctery.—Journal. ASIATIC RESEARCHES. BritisH AssocraTIon for the Advancement of Science.—Reports. Dr GuiaNneEs.—Dictionnaire Chinois-Frangois. Dwiaut, BensAmMiIn W.—Modern Philology. Ginss, JostAnq W.—Teutonic Etymology. The Formation of Teutonic Words in the English Language. Hacer, Josepu.—An Explanation of the Elementary Characters of the Chinese, with an Analysis of their Ancient Symbols and Hieroglyphics. JouNEs, ArTHUR JAMES.—Philological Proofs of the Original Unity and Recent Origin of the Human Race. KuaprotH, JuLiIus.—Asia Polyglotta. LatuaM, R. G.—A Handbook of the English Language. Morrison, R.—A Dictionary of the Chinese Language. Morrison, R.—Chinese Grammar. Wituiams, S. Wetts.—Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Lan- guage. In the Canton dialect. WituiAms, S. Weiis.—Hasy Lessons in Chinese. The works devoted exclusively to etymological roots which have been of especial service to me, are the Radices Lingus Sanscrite, of Westergaard ; the Grundziige der Griechischen Etymologie, of Prof. Curtius; and the Teutonic Etymology, of Prof. Gibbs. Of my in- debtedness to the two latter works, | make repeated and especial acknowledgment in the following Vocabulary. The Japanese words are all given on the authority of Klaproth. * Analytical Orthography. By S. 8. Haldeman. Philadelphia: 1860. Pub- lished originally in the ade ‘of the American Philosophical Society, vol. xi. 19 TABLE OF PRONUNCIATION. A, a, the indistinct short vowel, pronounced nearly like a in human. A’, a’, pronounced like a in far. ’ 5 P » D, - “ 6 in but. ec; rs “ ein car; never like s. D, d, ae “din day. E, e, fe “ ein when. EF’, e’; . “ qin late. F, f, : “fin fan. G, g, ss “ gin gun. H, h, vs “ hin hot. 1 ie as “ cin pin, tee Op “ee in meet. L, 1, oe “ Tin long. M, m, e “min man. N, n, es “ min now. 0, 0, ss JS ay hal yg 05:07, i “ 0 in tone. P, Pp, i < pp in pen. R, 1, é “ > trilled. R, F ae “ y smooth, or like ri in merrily. 8, 8, “y 3 in son. G, ¢, a corrupted Sanscrit guttural, resembling the sound of sh in shun. f, £, pronounced like sh in shun. 3,3 e “ sin pleasure. T, t, 34 “tin tea. U, i, £ “ain full. ts, “ 00 in fool. V, Vv, : “ German w. Ds ad “ yin yarn. ¢ anasal sound. In many Sanscrit words, it may be either omitted or inserted, at pleasure. 8, a substitute for a final aspirate or sibilant. t, d, n, are the Sanscrit cerebrals, pronounced nearly like the dentals, but * *" with the sound thrown further back in the head. Cavtioxs.—In the aspirated letters Ch, Ph, Th, the distinct sound of each letter should be preserved, as in Mac-Henry, hap-hazard, hot-house. C and G should never be pronounced like s and dj. BREATHINGS. * The spiritus asper, or guttural breathing,—hardened into ¢, g, or h. ‘ The dental breathing,—hardened into d, s, fj or t. > The spiritus lenis, or labial breathing,—hardened into b, f, p, m, or v. ° The truncating or terminal breathing, which may be hardened into any final consonant. 20 TABLE OF SUPPOSED PHONETIC EQUIVALENTS. CHINESE, GREEK. / v short v long at €t of “uy av ev ov ow av nv xX if (Nasal.) y py P A & ¢ Co c digamma LATIN. |= ieee at * Occasional. GOTHIC. GERMAN. aiu aiu ai au eo @o a (5) uo ial ie el i u au uo u a al ei au lu ou 6 iu 10 h (g) h (g) k k (ch) g g (k) th (d) d t Z SZ d t f f vy (b) b b (p) n n n n m m r r ] 1 j J 8 (z) s (r) Vv Ww 21 eC nm b Ura hy. ABBREVIATIONS. ags.—anglosaxon. goth.—gothie. pers.—persian. ar.—arabic. gr.—ereek. pg-—portuguese. C.—Canton dialect. it.—italian. russ.—russian. efr.—(confer) compare. J.—Johnes. sp.—spanish. D.—De Guignes. jap.— japanese. sw.—swedish. d.—dutch. J.W. G.—J. W. Gibbs. T. W.—Tung Wan, or dan.—danish. K.—Klaproth. “Grouped Letters,” from e.—english. M.—Morrison. Morrison’s Dictionary. f.—french. Ms.—Ms. dictionaries. y.—(vide) see. g.—german. o.—old. w.—welsh. G. C.—Georg Curtius. P.—Peking dialeet. C, As In Car. JI. IpEentTIcAL Roors. OAT. M. Kar., D. Kay. Ms: Kaz, Kaysu CoKoe, Po con- nect; for; because. Cart or Ci’. M. Ke or Ker. And; with. Cfr. °3; gr. zai, xatpoc; 1. que; G. OC. 27; K. p. 362. . Car or Cr’. Shore; bank; rocky impediment in water. Cre. M. Keé. Q SSZaZra Tolletianus, Pictet. Env. Geney. 109, 10, 5. Fr. G. tortisulcosus, d’Orb. P. F. 162, 51, 4,6. Fr. NN. ? Tuomeyi, Gabb, 1861 (carinatus, Tuomey). Ala. C. tricarinatus, d’Orb. not Poitiez (subtricarinatus), P. F. 307, 915.1, 2. tripartitus, Rasp. (Scapu. Ivanii), Ann. Sc. d’Obs. vol. iv, pl. 2, f. 24. triserialis, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f.27. E. U. G. VOL. VIII.—K Cephalapoda. 74. Ammonites. tuberculatus, Sow. M. C. 318. E., Fr. G. tuberculifera, Lam. (mammilaris), An. 8S. Vert. t. 2, 639. Umbulazi, Baily, Quart. J. G. 8. 1855, vol. xi, 456, 11, 4. Port Natal, S. Af. UW. undatus, Saw. M. Con. 570. E. Vandeckii, d’Orb. Prod. 99. Fr., N. Grenada. Vanuxemi, Morton (young of Delawarensis), Synopsis, 38, 2, 34. Vanuxemensis, Lea, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 2d s. vol. vii, 254, 8,5. N. Gren. 16 varians, Sow. M. Con. 176. E., Fr., G., Crimea. Cy UG, varians, Sow. pars. (Coupei), M. Sore 176. Middle and upper figures. varicosus, Sow. M. Con. 451. E., Fr., G. U. G., G. Varuna, Forbes (India), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 107, 8, 5. Vectensis, Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 45, 20, 4. E. C. Velledae, Mich. 1834, Mag. de Zool. pl. 35. Fr., E. G. ventrocinctus, Quenst. (Agassizianus), pl. 17, f. 14. venustus, Phil. (fissicostatus), Geol. York. pl. 2, f. 48. Verneiulianus, d’Orb. P. F. 329, 98, 8-5. Fr. U. verrucosus, d’Orb. P. F. 191, 58, 1-8. Fr. versicostatus, Mich. M. G. 8. F. 1838, 101, 12, 10. Fr. Vespertinus, Morton, Synopsis, 40, 17, 1. Ark., Mo., Texas, N. Mexico, Ind. Terr. C. Vibrayeanus, @’ Orb. (Ceratires), P, F. 322, 96, 1-3. Vibrayeanus, Geinitz, not d’ Orb. (Geinitzii), Nacht. Kreid. p. 3, 156. Vielbancii, d Orb. (Cenomanensis), Prod. 189. Wiestii, Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 47, 21,3. E. C. Wiltonensis, Sharpe, id. 55, 28, 10. H. C. Woolgari, Mant. Geol. Suss. 197, 21, 16. E., Fr. (Nebraska 2) Woolgari, @’ Orb. not Mant. (Cenomanensis), P. F. 108, 1, 3. Yama, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 107, 7,4. India. CG. Ubaquensis, Karst. Geognost. Verhalt. N. Gren. pl. 1, f. 8. QAR N. Gren. N. Noéggerathii, Karst. id. pl. 1, f. 6. N. Grenada IY, Caquesensis, Karst. id. pl. 1, f. 7. N. Gren N. Trionae, Karst. id. P". Dh 3. N. Gren. N. Roseanus, Karst. id. 2,4. N. Gren. N. Leonhardianus, Karst. id. 2,5. N. Gren. NV. galeatoides, Karst. id. 8,1. N. Gren. N. Caicedi, Karst. id. 3,2. N. Gren. N. Cephalapoda. 15 Ammonites. Lindigii, Karst. id. 8,3. N. Gren. Codozzianus, Karst. id. 4, 5. N. Gren. Treffryanus, Karst. id. 4, 1. N. Gren. Toroanus, Karst. id. 4,2. N. Gren. Ospinae, Karst. id. 4,3. N. Gren. Mosquerae, Karst. id. 4,4. N. Gren. Barbacoensis, Karst. id. 4, 6. N. Gren. A 232333 AMMONCERATITES, Lam. 1809. Conradi, Morton (Henicoceras), 1841, Proc. Acad. Phila. vol. i, p. 109. ANCYLOCERAS, d’Orb. 1840. annulatus, Shumard, Trans. St. Louis Acad. 1860, p. 594. Texas. C. approximans, Con. Proce. Acad. 1855, vol. vii, 266. Ark. C. Arduenensis, d’Orb. Prod. 147. Fr. U. G. armatus, Sow. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. P. F. 547, 185. G., E., Fy. C2, UMEME: Asterianus, d’Orb. Prod. 101. Fr. N. Beanii, Phil. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 114. E. G Beyrichii, Karst. Geog. Verh. N. Gren. pl. 1, f. 4. N. Grenada. WN. brevis, d’Orb. P. F. 508, 127, 5-7. Fr. N. Buchianus, d’Orb. Prod. 101. N. Grenada. N. cinctus, d’Orb. P. F. 502, 125, 1, 4. Fr. N. cinctus, d’Orb. pars (HAMULINA), P. F. pl. 125. ? Cheyennensis, Meek & Hayden (Heticocrras), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 71. Cornuelianus, d’Orb. Prod. 114. Fr. eG. dilatatus, d’Orb. P. F. 494, 121, 1-2. Fr. N. Duvalianus, d’Orb. P. F. 500, pl. 124. Fr. N. ellipticus, Mant. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 147. E., Fr., G. Or Us Ge Emerici, Léveillé Sp. (Crioceras), d’Orb. Prod. 101. G., E., Italy, Fr. fureatus, d’Orb. P. F. 509, 127, 8-11. Fr. gigas, Sow. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 114. E., Fr. grandis, Sow. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 114. E. Heberti, Gabb, 1861 (spinatus, Heb.). Fr. QRALSAS Cephalapoda. 76 Ancyloceras. Hillsii, Sow. Sp. (Scaphites), d’Orb. P. F. p. 494. E. G. Humboldtianus, Lea, Sp. (Orthocera), Forbes, Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 174. N. Gren. NE intermedius, Phil. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. P. F.494. E. G. Matheronianus, d’Orb. P. F. 497,122. Fr., Strait of Magellan. G. Moreausianus, d’Orb. Prod. 147. Fr. C.GE ? Mortoni, Hall & Meek (Heticoceras), Mem. Boston Acad. vol. v, 896, 4, 3. ? Nicolleti (ii), H. & M. Mem. Boston Acad. 2d s. vol. v, 397, 4,4. Nebraska. C. ? Nebrascensis, Meek & Hayden (HEtIcocEras), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 71. Orbignyanus, Math. 1848, Cat. 265, 41, 1-2. Fr. DG: ornatus, d’Orb. Prod. 101. Fr. N. Perezianus, d’Orb. Prod. 101. Fr. N. pulcherrimus, d’Orb. noé Quenst. P. F. 495, 121,3,7. Fr,G. W. pulcherrimus, Quenstedt (Puzosianus), pl. 21, f. 1. pulchellus, d’Orb. P. F. 511. Fr. NV. Puzosianus, d’Orb. P. F. 506, 127, 1-4. Fr. N. Renauxianus, d’Orb. (gigas), P. F. 499, 128. Safedensis, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 227, 23, f. 117-118. Syria. C. Saussureanus, Pictet, Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 125. Fr. G. sexnodosus, Roem. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 65. G. N. simplex, d’Orb. P. F. 503, 125, 5-8. Fr. N. spinatus, Hebert, not Beauy. & Sauzé, 1843 (Heberti), M. G. Sy R370, 29; G. Spiniger, Sow. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 125. E. ae tenuisulcatus, Forbes, Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 214. India. C. ?uncus, M. & H. 1858, Proc. Acad. Phil. p. 56. Nebraska. C. varians, d’ Orb. (Matheronianus), P. F. 504, 126. Aptychus, Von Meyer, 1831 (TRIGONELLITES,* Park. 1811). Cheyennensis, Meek & Hayden (TRIGONELLITES), Proc. Acad. 1860, 421. crassus, Hebert (TRIGONELLITES), M. G. 8S. Fr. 368, 28, 8. * The generic name, given by Parkinson in ‘‘Organic Remains,’’ vol. iii, p. 184, must take precedence of the name Aptychus ordinarily used. The type is T. lata, and is well figured, although the author did not know where to place it in the classification. There has been considerable doubt in regard to the nature of ‘*Aptychus.’’? D’Orbigny considered it a pedunculated cirrhipede; but it is now generally believed to be the operculum of Ammonites. Cephalapoda. #0 | . Aptychus. Jragilis, M. & H. (TRIGONELLITES), Proc. Acad. 1816, 421. Gollevilliensis, Sharpe (TRIGONELLITES), Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 56, 24, 5. Icenicus, Sharpe (TRIGONELLITES), ibid. 57, 24, 7. insignis, Hebert (TRIGONELLITES), M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 367, 28, 6. leptophyllus, Sharpe (TRIGONELLITES), Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 55, 24, 1. obtusus, Heb. (TRIGONELLITES), M. G.S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 867, 28, 7. peramplus, Sharpe (TRIGONELLITES), Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 58, 24, 10. Portlockii, Sharpe (TRIGONELLITES), ibid. 56, 24, 2-4. rugosus, Sharpe (TRIGONELLITES), ibid. 57, 24, 8. BACULINA, d’Orb. 1847. Rouyana, d’Orb. Prod. 66. Fr. N. BACULITES, Lam. 1799. anceps, Lam. An. Sans. Vert. vol. vii, 648. E., F., G., Sweden, Chili, India, N. Jersey, Del., Ala., Miss., Tenn. ¢. annulatus, Con. Proc. Phil. Acad. vol. vii, 265. Texas. C. asper, Morton, Synopsis Cret. 48, 1, 12-13. Ala. C. asperoides, Meek & Hayden, 1860, Proc. Acad. 421. Neb. C. baculoides, Mant. Geol. Suss. 123, 23,6, 7. E., F., G., Sw. C. carinatus, Morton (anveps), Syn. 44, 13, 1: columna, Morton (HAmITEs), Syn. 44, 19, 8. compressus, Say, 1821, Am. Jour. Sci. vol. ii, p. 41. N. J., Del., Ala., Miss., Tenn., Nebraska. C. cylindracea, Defr. (HamitEs), Dict. Sc. Nat. p. 160, t. 4. dissimilis, Desm. (anceps), Jour. de Phys. p. 48, pl. 85, pl. 2, f. 4-6. , Faujasii, Haan, Mon. Am. et Goniat, p.155. E.,G.,Sw., Fr. JZ, C. gigas, Rouss. Voy. dans Russ. Mer. vol. 11, 784, 12, 8. Crimea. C. gracilis, Shumard, Trans. St. Louis Acad. 1860, 596. Texas. C. grandis, H. & M. Mem. Am. Acad. Boston, vol. v, 402, pl. 6, 7, and 8. Nebraska. C. incurvatus, Dujard, N. G. S. F. vol. ii, 232, 118, 1-8. Fr. C. labyrinthicus, Morton, Synopsis, 44, 138, 10. Ala. C. Lyelli, d’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe et Zelée, pl. 4, f. 3-7. Chili. C. magnum, Woodw. Geol. Norf. p. 49. E. C. Cephalapoda. 718 Baculites. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 560, 188, 1-5. G., Fr. Ni obliquatus, Sow. (baculoides), M. Con. 592. ovatus, Say, 1829, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ist s. vol. vi, pl. 5, f. 5-6. U.S., N. J. C. ornata, d’Orb. (vagina), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 3, f. 2. sulcatus, Baily, Q. J. G. 8. 1855, vol. xi, 457, 11, 5. Port Natal, S. Af. U. G. Spillman, Con. (anceps), 1858, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 835, 35, 24. Syriacus, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 227, 20,121. Syria. C. teres, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, p. 114, 10, 5. India. C. Tippaensis, Con. (asper), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ili, 384, 35, 27. undulatus, d’Orb. Prod. 190. Fr. UNG vagina, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 114, 10, 4. India. C. vagina, Forbes (Lyelli), in Darwin, S. A. pl. 5, f. 3. Granatensis, Karst. Geog. Verhilt. N. Gren. pl. 2,f.1. N.Gren. JW. Maldonadi, Karst. id. pl. 2, f. 2. N. Gren. 2 BELEMNITELLA, d’Orb. 1840. Americana, Morton, Sp. (mucronata), Gabb Cat. Cret. p. 4. bulbosa, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. vol. viii, p. 70. Nebraska. C. lanceolata, Schlot. Sp. (Belemnites), Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, p. 7, pl. 1, f. 4-6. Eng., Fr., Russia. C. mucronata, Schlot. Sp. (Belemnites), d’Orb. P. F. vol. i, p. 6. pl. 11. Everywhere. C. mucronata, var fusiformis, d’ Orb. (lanceolata), Geol. Russ. vol. ii, pl. 48, f. 2, 3. plena, Blainv. Sp. (Belemnites), Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 9,1,12-16. Fr. E. 0. quadrata, Blainv. Sp. (Belemnites), d’Orb. P. F. pl. 6, f. 5-10. BG, Er. C. subventricosa, d’Orb. Pal. Univers. pl. 31, f. 7,12. Sw. C. vera, Q’Orb. (plena), P. F. Supp. t. 2. BELEMNITES, Agricola (Cuv. 1817). ? ambiguus, Morton (is a “ fish spine,” fide Leidy), Synopsis, 35, 1, 4, 5. Americanus, Morton (BELEMNITELLA mucronata), Synopsis, 34, 1, 1-3. Cephalapoda. 79 Belemnites. Lister’, Mant. (minimus), Geol. Suss. pl. 19, f. 18. attenuatus, Sow. (minimus), Min. Con. 589. minimus, Lister, Hist. Anim. Angl. 228, 32. G., E., Fr. C., G. lanceolatus, Schlot. Sow. (BELEMNITELLA plena), M. C. 600. granulatus, Blainy. (BELEMNITELLA quadrata), Mem. Sur. Belem. p. 63. electrinus, Miller (BELEMNITELLA mucronata), Obs. on Belem. 61, 8, 2. mucronatus, Schlot. (BELEMNITELLA mucronata), Petrifacten, p. 47. Allani, Fleming (BELEMNITELLA mucronata), Brit. Anim. 240. fibula, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 119, 9,3. India. C. dilatatus, Blainv. Mem. sur Belem. 99, 3,13. G., Fr. n'6 polygonalis, Blainy. (dilatatus), ibid. 121, 5, 11. Emerici, Raspail (dilatatus), Hist. Nat. Belem. 33, 6, 1. pileus, Rasp. “ ée rt B46. 2 affinis, Rasp. ee i «84, 6, 4-5. binervius, Rasp. -- “ fi) 4G, 6. acinaciformis, Rasp. 4 Se 130,16, 8 truncatus, Rasp. ce s 4 a ee 6,9 distans, Rasp. e 6 o ifelplSa6. 7. linearis, Rasp. Ke ae wy mogeG,: A 1: elegans, Rasp. as me Gd ate. 10. anomalus, Rasp. - Re 7 OG variegatus, Rasp. es Gf ees tt SL 20a: Jormosus, Rasp. cs cy saat OS. apiculatus, Rasp. e & “42, 7, 56. convexus, Rasp. 6 “ ety AD Hs Od sinuatus, Rasp. it a Cs AD ochigi Dob spathulus, Rasp. ke “ cous, 42. (5.61. ellipsoides, Rasp. a ef e. 43, (, 48. complanatus, Rasp. a 6 «45, 7, 63-64. pisciformis, Rasp. “ 6 4, OD: delphinus, Rasp. ee & «44, 7, 47. bifurcatus, Rasp. & 6 «44, 7, 67. angustus, Rasp. - = & f4F 66s amorphus, Rasp. “ 66 44, T, 49. triqueter, Rasp. - es So ett (46. pseudoformosus, Rasp. ¢ ’ e. 40,5, 83. emarginatus, Rasp. —¢¢ ue “= 45, 7, 50-51. difformis, Rasp. cc ‘6 ay Abey 54; mitra, Rasp. “ 6 ee Sill yds Cephalapoda. 80 Belemnites. mitraeformis, Rasp. (dilatatus) Hist. Nat. des Belem., 46, 7, 52. personae-tonsoria, Rasp. Ke ut 46. Honorati, Rasp. of ae es 46. bipartitus, Blainv. Mem. sur Belem. Supp. 113, 5, 19. G., Fr. WV. bicanaliculatus, Blainv. id. 120, 5,8. Fr. bicanaliculatus, Blainv. pars (bipartitus), M. Sur. Belem. 120, 5, 9. = latus, Blainv. M. Sur. Belem. 121, 5, 10. Fr., G. NV. conicus, Blainy. (latus young), M. S. Bel. 118, 5, 4. subfusiformis, Rasp. H. Nat. Bel. 55, 8, 93. G., E., Fr. NM pistiliformis, Blainv. M. Sur. Belem. 98,5, 14. F. N. crassior, Rasp. (pistiliformis), Hist. N. Bel. 57, 8, 84. crassissimus, Rasp. (pistiliformis), id. 57, 8, 85. Baudouinii, d’Orb. P. F. 54, 5, 1-2. E., Fr. N. semicanaliculatus, Blainv. M. Sur. Bel. 67, 1,18. E., Fr. N. striatus, Blainy. (BELEMNITELLA quadrata), M. S. B. 61, 1, 11. quadratus, Blainy. (BELEMNITELLA quadrata), id. 62, 4, 1. isosceles, Duval, Belem. 46, 1, 9-16. Fr. N. trabiformis, Duval, Belem. 48, 2, 8-14. Fr. N. subquadratus, Roem. in d’Orb. Pal. Univers. pl. 71. FG. WN. hybridus, Duval, Belem. p. 51, pl. 3. Fr. UG: sicyoides, Duval, Belem. 49, 2, 15-20. Fr. N. Grasianus, Duval. Belem. 63, 7, 1-4. Fr. i Orbignyanus, Duval, Belem. 65, 8, 4-6. Fr. N. platyurus, Duval, Belem. 73, 11, 1-4. F’r. OV: voluminus, Brown (B. mucronata’), Foss. Conch. G. B. 42, DOO Ei ultimus, d’Orb. P. F. Supp. p. 24. Fr., E. G. plenus, Blainy. (BELEMNITELLA), Belem. pl. 1, f. 6. minaret, Rasp. in d’Orb. Pal. Univers. pl. 75, Terr. Cx Supp. plate.) Hr. N. BELEMNON. pustulatum, Konig. (BELEMNITELLA quadrata), Icon. Foss. Sect. No. 216. CERATITES, de Haan, 1825. Ewaldi, Von Buch, sp. (Ammonites), d’Orb. Prod. 190, Fr. C. radiatus, de Haan (AMMONITES), Mem. Am. et Goniat, p. 156. Robini, Thiollidre, sp. (Ammonites), d’Orb. Prod. 190. Fr. @. Cephalapoda. 81 Ceratites Seniquieri, d’Orb. (Ammonites), Prod. 122. Fr. G. Syriacus, Von Buch, Sp. (Ammonites), d’Orb. Prod. 145. Syria. UmG. Vibrayeanus, d’Orb. (Ammonites), Prod. 145. Fr. TOG. CONOTEUTHIS, d’Orb. 1839. Dupinianus, d’Orb. Pal. Univers. pl. 30. Fr. TLigG. CRIOCERATITES, Lev. 1836. Crioceras, d’Orb. 1841. Conradi, Morton, Sp. (HrLicoceras), Con. Proc. Acad. vol. vii, 226. Alpinus, d’Orb. Prod. 100. Fr. Ly. Asterianus, d’Orb. P. F. 468, 115 bis. 3, 5. Fr. G. Bowerkanksii, Sow. (ScAPHITES), G. T. 2d s. vol. v, 410, 34, 1. Cornuelianus, d’Orb. P. F. 465, 115, 1, 3. Fr. N. cristatus, d’Orb. P. F. 467, 115, 5-8. Fr. G. Duvalii, Lev. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iii, 318, 22,1. Fr.,G.,S.A. WV. Emericti, Lev. (ANcYLocERAS), M.G.S. F. 2ds. vol. iui, pl. 28, f.1. Darii, de Zigno (A. Emericii), Mem. sobre due Foss. Fournetii, Duval (A. Emericii), An. Se. Agric. t. 2, pl. 1. plicatilis, Phil. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 114. KE. G. Vaucherianus, Pictet, Env. Genéyv. 111, 12,1. Fr. G. Villiersianus, d’Orb. P. F. 462,114, 1,2. Fr. N. GLOBITES, de Haan, 1825. constrictus, Sow. Sp. (ScAPHITES), Haan, Mon. Am. et Gon. p. 144. HAMITES, Park. 1811. Acteon, d’Orb. Prod. 126. Fr. G. aculeatus, Sow. (ANCYLOCERAS spiniger), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 367, note. acuticostatus, d’Orb. (Indicus), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 3, f. 9-12. adpressus, Sow. (PrycHoceras), M. Con. 61. alternatus, Mant. (ANCYLOCERAS armatus), Geol. Suss. 122, 3, 10. armatus, Sow. (ANCYLOCERAS armatus), M. Con. 168. alternotuberculatus, Leym. in d’Orb. P. F. 588, 182, 5, 10. Fr. G. annulifer, Morton (SoLENOcERAS), Jour. Acad. Ist s. vol. viii, ple 1, f24s VOL, VIII.—L Cephalapoda. 82 Hamites arculus, Morton, Synopsis, 44, 15, 1-2. Ala. C. armatus, Geinitz, not Sow. (HELICOCERAS). attenuatus, Sow. not Mant. M. Con. 61. E., Fr., G. G. attenuatus, Mant. not Sow. (simplex), Geol. Suss. 23, 8, 9. baculoides, Mant. (BACULITES). Beanii, Phil. (ANcyLocerAs), Geol. York. 95, 1, 28. Beanii, Roem. (Hamunina Roemeri), Nord. Kreid. 93, 18, 11. bphestte, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 93, 14, 11. G. OG Bouchardianus, d’Orb. P. F. 540, 182, 11, 18. Fr. G: Bucklandii, Phil. Geol. York. pl. 1. E. G capricornu, Roem. (AMM. subcapricornu), Kreid. 92, 14, 6. Carolinus, d’Orb. Prod. 215. Fr. C. Charpentieri, Pictet, Env. Genév. 131, 14, 2-4. Fr. G. columna, Morton, Sp. (Baculites), d’Orb. Prod. 215. Ala. C. compressus, Sow. (attenuatus), M. Con. 61. consobrinus, d’Orb. Prod. 216. G. C. constrictus, @’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 3, f. 7,8. India. C. cylindraceus, Defr. Dict. Sc. Nat. t. 38, p. 160. Fr. G. cylindricus, Defr. (cylindraceus), D. Se. N. f. 1. decurrens, Roem. (HAMULINA), Kreid. 92, 14, 9. Degenhardtii, Von Buch (HAMULINA), Petrif. Rec. en Am. 17, 2, 23-25. Desorianus, Pictet, Env. Genéy. 125, 12, 8-9. Fr. G. dissimilis, d’Orb. (HAMULINA), P. F. 529, 180, 4, 7. dubius, d’Orb. Prod. 147. Fr. U. G. elegans, Park. not d’ Orb. G. T. Ist ser. vol. v, 58. E. G. elegans, d’Orb. not Park. (subelegans), P. F. 542, 138, 1-5. ellipticus, Mant. (ANCYLOCERAS), Geol. Suss. 23, 9. ellipticus, Geinitz (Geinitzil), Kreid. Emericianus, d’Orb. (HAMULINA), P. F. 530, 180, 8-12. Favrinus, Pictet, Env. Genév. 124, 12, 5-7. Fr. G. flexuosus, d’Orb. P. F. 535, 181, 14-16. Fr. G. Fremonti (ii), Marcou, Geol. N. A. 36,1, 3. Texas. Cc. funatus, Brong. (attenuatus), Env. Paris, pl. 7, f. 7. Geinitzii, d’Orb. (ed/ipticus Gein.), Prod. 215. gibbosus, Sow. (rotundus), M. Con. 62. gigas, Sow. (ScapuitTEs), M. Con. 598, f. 2. gracilis, d’Orb. (Toxoceras), Prod.190. Fr. C. grandis, Sow. (ANCYLOcCERAS), M. Con. 593. hamus, Quenst. (HAMULINA), pl. 21, f. 83-4. incertus, d’Orb. (HaMULINA?), P. F. 528, 150, 1-3. Cephalapoda. 83 Hamites. Indicus, d’Orb. (ANCYLOCERAS tenuisulcatus), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 1, f. 138-14. Indicus, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 116, 11, 4. India. C. intermedius, Phil. (ANCYLOCERAS), Geol. Yorks. 95, 1, 22. intermedius, Roem. (Indicus, Forbes), Nord. Kreid. 92, 18, 15. intermedius, Geinitz (strangulatus), Kreid. 68, 17, 35. Ixyon, d’Orb. Prod. 126. Fr. G: largesulcatus, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 117, 11,1. I. C. larvatus, Con. Proc. Acad. vol. vii, 1855, p. 265. Texas. C. maximus, Sow. (rotundus), M. Con. 62. Mortoni, Hall & Meek (HEttcoceras), Mem. Am. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, pl. 4, f. 3. Neptuni, d’Orb. Prod. 126. Fr. Nereis, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 117, 10, 7. — I. nodosus, Sow. M. Con. 216. E. obliquicosiatus, Roem. (HAMULINA), Kreid. 93, 13, 12. Orbignyanus, Forbes (HAMULINA), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 175. Phillipsti, Bean (Scapuires), Phil. Geol. York. 95, 1, 30. plicatilis, Phil. (CRIocERATITES), Geol. York. 95, 1, 29. plicatilis, Reuss. (Reussianus), Bohm. Kreid. 23, 7, 5, 6. plicatilis, Roem. (TurRILITES), Nord. Kreid. 94, 14, 7. punctatus, d’Grb. P. F. 532, 181, 6-8. Fr. G. Puzosii, Ley. (ANCYL. Puzosianus), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 315. raricostatus, Roem. (HAMULINA subraricostata), Kreid. 98, 18, 14. raricostatus, Phil. (H. raricostata), Geol. York. pl. 1, f 28. RAR Raulinianus, d’Orb. P. F. 546, 184, 5-11. Fr., G. G. rotundatus, Con. 1855, Proc. Acad. vol. vii, 266. Texas. C. rotundus, Sow. M. Con. 61. E. Gr. rotundus, d’Orb. (Carolinus), Bull. G. 8. F. Ist s. vol. vii, 282. rotundus, Geinitz (consobrinus), Kreid. 12, 7, 41. Royerianus, @ Orb. (Hamutina), P. F. 531, 131, 1-5. rugatus, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 117, 11, 2. India. C. Sablieri, d’Orb. P. F. 543, 138, 6-10. Fr. G. simplex, d’Orb. P. F. 550, 134, 12-14. Fr. OG: simplex, d’ Orb. (subcompressus), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 38, f. 15-17. spiniger, Sow. (alternatus), M. C. 216. Studerianus, Pictet, Env. Genév. 187, 15, 1-4. Fr. G. subcompressus, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 116, 11,6. India. C. subelegans, Gabb, 1861 (elegans, d’Orb.). Fr. G. subnodosus, Roem. (HAMULINA), Kreid. 93, 15, 10. semicinctus, Roem. (HAMULINA), Kreid. 92, 15, 2. Cephalapoda. 84 Hamites. tenuisulcatus, Forbes (ANCYLOCERAS), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 116, 12,3. tenuis, Sow. (attenuatus), M. Con. 61. torquatus, Morton, Synopsis, 45, 15, 4. Ala. trabeatus, Morton, Synopsis, 45, 15, 3. Ala. trinodosus, Geinitz, 1849. Quadersands. G. tuberculatus, Sow. (alternatus), M. Con. 216. turgidus, Sow. (alternatus), M. C. 216. undulatus, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 118, 10, 6. India. virgulatus, Brong. Env. de Par. 99,7, 6. Fr., G. HAMULINA, d’Orb. 1849. Alpina, d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. Astieriana, d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. cincta, d’Orb. (Ancyloceras), Prod. 102. Fr. decurrens, Roem. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 66. G. Degenhardtii, Buch, Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 102. N. Grenada. dissimilis, d’Orb. (Hamites), Prod. 102. Fr. Emericiana, d’Orb. (Hamites), Prod. 66. Fr. hamus, Quenst. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. ? incerta, d’Orb. (Hamites), Prod. 66. Fr. obliquecostata, Roem. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 66. G. raricostata, Phil. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 115. EK. Roemeri, d’Orb. Prod. 66. G. Royeriana, d’Orb. (Hamites), Prod. 115. Fr. semicincta, Roem. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 66. G. subcylindrica, d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. subnodosa, Roem. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 66. G. subraricostata, d’Orb. Prod. 66. G. subundulata, d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. HELICOCERAS, d’Orb. 1842. annulatum, d’Orb. P. F. 161, 148, 7-9. Fr. armatum, Geinitz, Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 216. G. Asterianum, d’Orb. Prod. 127. Fr. Conradi, Morton, Sp. (Ammonceratites), Gabb, 1861. N. J. depressus, d’Orb. Prod. 127. Fr. QR AZz2A BASAS SSRSASARBQABS NANAK Cephalapoda. 85 Helicoceras. elegans, d’Orb. Prod. 127. Fr. G. gracilis, d’Orb. P. F. 612, 148, 10-15. Fr. G. interruptum, d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. N. Moutonianum, d’Orb. Prod. 127. Fr. G. obliquatum, d’Orb. Prod. 127. ' Fr. G. plicatilis, d’ Orb. Prod. 127. Fr. G. polyplocum, Geinitz, Sp. (Turrilites), d’Orb. Prod. 216. G. C. tuberculatum, d’Orb. Prod. 127. Fr. G. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. N. Mortoni, H. & M. Sp. (Hamites), Meek & Hayden, 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 421. Nebraska.* C. tenuicostatum, Meek & Hayden (Mortoni), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 56. cochleatum, M. & H. (“Turrilites (Heicoceras)”), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 185. Nebraska. C. Nebrascense, M. & H. (Ancyloceras?), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 421. Neb. C. tortum, M. & H. 1858, Proc. Acad. 54. Nebraska. C. Cheyennense, M. & H. (Ancyloceras?), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 421. Neb. C. angulatum, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 176. Nebraska. C. umbilicatum, M. & H. (Turrilites?), Proc. Acad. 1860, 185. Neb. C. HETEROCERAS, d’Orb. 1847. Emericianus, d’Orb. (Turrilites Emerict), Prod. 102. Fr. N. polyplocus, Roem. Sp. not Gein. (Turrilites), d’Orb. Prod. 216. G. C. LINDIGIA, Karst. 1856. helicoceroides, K. Geog. Verhilt. N. Grenada’s, pl. 1, f.5. N. Grenada. N. MEGASIPHONTA, d’Orb. 1847. orbiculata, Tuomey, Sp. (Nautilus), Gabb, 1861. (Nautilites, Con. 1858, Gabb, 1859). Ala. C. * I received a copy of Meek and Hayden’s paper in advance of the regular issue, but still so late as to be unable to insert their species in the proper place. Cephatapoda. 86 Nautilus. NAUTILUS, Breyn. 1732. Alabamensis, Morton (MEGASIPHONIA), Synopsis. Tertiary (Hocene). Albensis, d’Orb. Prod. 122. Fr. G: angulus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. vol. vii, 167. Ala. C. angulites, Schlot. (triangularis), Petrif. 84. Archiacianus, d’Orb. (expansus), P. F. 99, pl. 21. Astierianus, d’Orb. Prod. 122. Fr. Bouchardianus, d’Orb. P. F. 75, 13. G., Fr. Charpentieri, Leym. M.G.S. F. 2ds. vol. iv, 198, pl.c,f.2. Fr. Clementinus, d’Orb. P. F. p. 77, pl. 18, bis Fr. Clementinus, Forbes, not d’ Orb. (Indicus), G. T. 2d s. vol. vil. compressus, Sow. (Fittoni), in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 203 and 367. Comptoni, Sow. (CRISTELLARIA rotula), M. Con, 121. Danicus, Schlot. Petrif. 117. Fr., G., Den’k. Maest. beds, and C. Dekayi, Morton, Synopsis, 38, 8,4. N.J., Del., Ala., Miss., Tenn., Ark., Mo., Texas, Nebraska (E., Fr., G., Chili, and Pondichery, E. Indies, fide d’ Orb.). C. Deslongchampsianus, d’Orb. P. ¥. 90, 20. E., Fr. C1 Ge elegans, Sow. M. Con. 116. E., G., Fr. (Texas, fide Roem). C.,U.G. elegans, Mant. pars (Deslongchampsianus), Geol. Suss pl. 21, f. 8. expansus, Sow. M. Con. 458. E., Fr. Farringdonensis, Sharpe, Quart. J. G. Soc. vol. x, 198, 6, 1. Z. Fittoni, Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 17, 6,4. E. U. Fleuriausianus, d’Orb. (triangularis), P. F. $2, pl. 15. Hebertinus, d’Orb. Bull. G. Soc. Fr. 2d s. vol. vii, 127. Fr. Danéen. Q ARN KN 2 AQX inaequalis, Sow. M. Con. 40. EH. CG Indicus, d’Orb. Prod. 211. India, Chili. G. laevigatus, d’Orb. (sublaevigatus), P. F. 84, 17. laevigatus, d’Orb. (Dekayi), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 6, f. 1. Largilliertianus, d’Orb. P. F. 86,18. E., Fr. U. G. Lallierianus, d’Orb. P. F. 160. Fr. L. G. Matheronianus, d’Orb. Rev. Zool. 1841, 318. Fr. U. G. Neckerianus, Pictet, Env. Genév. 16,1, 2. Fr. G. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 74, pl. 11. E., Fr. Ds Ge Dh orbiculatus, Tuomey (MEGASIPHONIA), 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 167. Orbignyanus, Forbes (Dekayi), in Darwin, 8. A. pl. 5, f. 1. perlatus, Morton (Dekayi), Synopsis, 33, 15, 4. plicatus, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 12,9. KE. dh. ii pseudoelegans, d’Orb. P. F. p. 70, pl. 8-9. E., Fr., G., Crimea, 1. Cephalapoda. S7 Nautilus: radiatus, Sow. (subradiatus), M. Con. 356. Requientanus, d’Orb. (plicatus), P. F. p. 72, pl. 10. Rhodani, Roux. Eny. Genév. 19,1, 4. Fr. G. Ricordeanus, d’Orb. Prod. 112. Fr. L.'G, Sassureanus, Pictet, Env. Genév. 17, 1,8. Fr. G. simplex, Sow. M. Con. 122. E., Fr. UneG Abe G. simplex, Roem. not Sow. (Dekayi), Kreid. Tex. 37. sinuato-punctatus, Gein. 1848, Kreid. 8,1,6. G. Sowerbyanus, d’Orb. P. F. 88, pl. 16. Fr. Sowerbyanus, d’Orb. (Indicus), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 4, f. 1-2. sphaericus, Forbes (Dekayi), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, p. 98. a> Spillmani, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. Phila. vol. vii, 167. Ala. C. Texanus, Shumard, 1860, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 590. Texas. sublaevigatus, d’Orb. Prod. 189. Fr. C. subradiatus, d’Orb. Prod. 145. E., Fr. Us G. triangularis, Montf. Conch. Syst. 1808, p. 7. G., Fr. UG: undulatus, Sow. M. Con. 40. E., G. LinG. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 97. Fr. NV. Orthocera. Humboldtiana, Lea (ANCYLOCERAS), 1840, Tr. Am. Phil. Soe. 2d s. vol. vii, 253, 8, 1. Pseudobelus. bipartitus, Blainy. (BELEMNITES), Mem. Sur. Belem. 113, 5, 19. PTYCHOCERAS, d’Orb. 1841. adpressus, Sow. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. P. F. p. 555. E., Fr. G. annulifer, Morton, Sp. (SoLENOcERAS), Gabb, Cat. Cret. p. 5. Astierianus, d’Orb. Prod. 125. Fr. G. Emericianus, d’Orb. P. F. 555, 187, 1-4. Fr. N. Gaultinus, Pictet. Env. Genéy. 189, 15, 5-6. Fr. G laevis, Math. Cat. 266, 41,3. Fr. E.G. Mortoni, M. & H. (Sotenoceras), 1857, Proc. Acad. Phila. 134. Puzosianus, d’Orb. P. 557, 187, 5-7. Fr. N. Puzosianus, Quenst. (Gaultinus), pl. 21, f. 22. sipho, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 118, 11, 5. India. C. Humboldtianus, Karst. (SoLENOCERAS), Geog. Ver. N. Gren. ee eee Cephalapoda. 88 Rhynchoteuthis. RHYNCHOTEUTHIS, d’Orb. 1846. alatus, d’Orb. Pal. Univ. pl. 80. Fr. AV. Astierianus, d’Orb. id. pl. 80. Fr. Li. Nae PHYLLOTEUTHIS, M. & H. 1860. subovatus, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. Phila., p. 175. Ne- braska. C. SCAPHITKES, Park. 1811. abyssinus, Morton, Sp. (Conradi?), Meek & Hayden, 1860, Proe. Acad. 421. aequalis, Sow. M. Con. 18. E., Fr., G. CONG. aequalis, var. d’Orb. (obliquus), P. F. 518, 129, 3-6. aequalis, Geinitz, not Sow. nor d’ Orb. (Geinitzil). Alpinus, d’Orb. Prod. 100. Fr. N. Astierianus, d’Orb. P. F. p. 521. Fr. G. binodosus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 90, 18, 6. G. CG. Bowerbanksii, Sow. Sp. (Crioceratites), d’Orb. Prod. 114. E. L. G. compressus, d’Orb. P. F. 517, 128, 4,5. Fr. C. compressus, Roem, not d’ Orb. (Roemeri), Nord. Kreid. 91, 15, 1. Cheyennensis, Owen, Sp. (Conradi?), M. & H. 1860. Proce. Acad. 420. Conradi, Morton, Sp. (Ammonites), d’Orb. Prod. 214. N. J., Ala., Del., Miss., Nebraska. C. Conradi, vars. gulosus and petechialis, Morton, (Ammonites). comprimis, Owen, Sp. (Conradi?), Rep. I. W. & M. 580, 7, 3. constrictus, Sow. M. Con. 184. A., E., Fr. C. Cuvieri, Morton (hippocrepis), Syn. 41, 7, 1. costatus, Mant. Geol. Suss. 120, 22,8 & 12. K., Fr. C. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Prod. 214. Fr., G. C. gigas, Sow. (ANCYLOCERAS), M. Con. 593. Hillsi (ii), Sow. in Fitt. @. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 15, 1, 2. E. Z. G. hippocrepis, De Kay (Ammonites), in Morton’s Synop. 41, 7, i, n.d ., Del: Hugardianus, d’Orb., P. F.521. Fr. inflatus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 90, 14,3. G. tris, Con. (Conradi), 1858, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 385, 35, 23. Ivanii, Puzos. Bull. G. 8S. Fr. vol. ii, pl. 2. Fr. U.G “saa Cephalapoda. 89 Scaphites. larvaeformis, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 58. Nebraska. C. *Mandanensis, Morton, Sp. (Conradi?), Meek & Hayden, 1856, Proce. Acad. 281. Nicolletii, Morton, Sp. (Conradi?), M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1856, 281. nodosus, Owen (S. (Ammonites?) nodosus), Rep. I. N. M. 581, 8,4. Nebraska. C. nodosus, var. brevis, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, 420. Nebraska. C. nodosus, var. exilis, M. & H. ibid. Nebraska. C nodosus, var. guadrangularis, M. & H. ibid. Nebraska. C nodosus, var. plenus, M. & H. ibid, p. 177. Nebraska. C. obliquus, Sow. M. Con. 53, 18, 1,2. E., Fr. U. G4. ornatissimus, d’Orb. Prod. 214. Fr. C. ornatus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 91, 13,8. G. C Phillipsii, Bean. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 114. E. G plicatellus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 91,138, 7. G. C. pulcherrimus, Roem. ibid, 91, 14,4. G., Fr. C. reniformis, Morton (hippocrepis juv.), Synopsis, 42, 2, 6. Rochatianus, d’Orb. Prod. 147. Fr. OG. Roemeri, d’Orb. Prod. 214. G. C. semicostatus, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 35, 1,5. Texas. C. striatus, Mant. (aequalis), Geol. Suss. 119, 22, 5-12. subreniformis, d’Orb. (hippocrepis), Prod. 214 (improperly re- ferred to Morton, who never described such a species). Texanus, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 35, 1, 6. Texas. C. Vermiculus, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 594. Texas. ce. Warreni (ii), Meek & Hayden, Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 177. Ne- braska. C. SQLENOCERAS, Con. 1860.+ annulifer, Morton, Sp. (Hamites), Con. Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 2d s., p. 284. N. Jersey, Ala. C. * Although the typical forms of these ‘‘species’’ (?) are very distinct from each other and can generally be recognized at a glance, I have never been able to detect any difference in the septa of Morton’s types; and the number and ar- rangement of the ribs and tubercles vary so, that I cannot agree with my friends, Messrs. Meek and Hayden, in considering them distinct. They might well be designated for convenience, S. Conradi var. Abyssinus, Mandanensis, Nicolletii, &c. ; Although I agree with Mr. Conrad in believing this to be a good genus, still, I fear that his diagnosis of the genus may be incorrect in one particular. He says that the large portion is ‘‘suddenly recurved.”” It may be the case, but the evi- VOL. VIII.—M Cephalapoda. 90 Solenoceras. Humboldtianus, Karst. Sp. (Ptychoceras), Gabb, 1861. N. Gren. N. Mortoni, Meek & Hayden. Sp. (Ptychoceras), Gabb, 1861. Ne- braska. C. TOXOCERAS, d’Orb. 1841. annulare, d’Orb. P. F. 480, 118, 1-6. Fr. N. Astierianum, d’Orb. Prod. 66. Fr. IN; bituberculatus (um), d’Orb. P. F. 476, 116, 8-10. Fr. N. Cornelianus, d’Orb. (ANcyLOcERAS), P. F. 484, 119, 5-9. Duvalianus (um), d’Orb. P. F. 479, 117, 6-9. Fr. NV. elegans, d’Orb. P. F. 477, 117, 1-5. Fr. NV, Ewmericianum, d’Orb. P. F. 487, 120, 5-9. Fr. NN. gracilis, d’Orb. (Hamites), P. F. 488, 120, 10-12. Honnoratianus (um), d’Orb. P. F. 483, 119, 1-4. Fr. NN, Joubertianus (um), d’Orb. Prod. 101. Fr. N. Moutonianus (um), d’Orb. Prod. 101. Fr. N. nodosus (um), d’Orb. Prod. 101. Fr. N. obliquatus (um), d’Orb. P. F. 486, 120, 1-4. Fr. IN, plicatilis (le), d’Orb. Prod. 101. Fr. N. Requienianus (um), d’Orb. 474, 116, 1-7. Fr. NV. Royerianus (um), d’Orb. P. F. 481, 118, 7-11. Fr. LG, Varusensis (se), d’Orb. Prod. 102. Fr. N. TRIGONELLITES, Park. 1811.* (Aptychus, Von Meyer, 1831.) Cheyennensis, M. & H., Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. crassus, Hebert, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. fragilis, M. & H., Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. Gollevilliensis, Sharpe, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. Icenicus, Sharpe, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. insignis, Hebert, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. leptophyllus, Sharpe, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. obtusus, Hebert, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. peramplus, Sharpe, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. dence is very slight. I have frequently examined the type of the genus, which is also Morton’s type of his species, and although, at the extremity of the frag- ment there is a slight deflection, it always appeared to me to be only a thickened lip or rib, such as occurs at intervals on other species in this family. The chan- nel for receiving the older or smaller arm of the shell, is so deep as to render a section across the mouth crescentic. * See note under Aprycuus. Cephalapoda. 91 Trigonellites. Portlockii, Sharpe, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. rugosus, Sharpe, Sp. (Aptychus), Gabb, 1861. TURRILITES, Lam. 1801. Q acutecostatus, d’Orb. P. F. 605, 147, 3,4. Fr. acutus, Passy. (costatus), Desor. Geol. Seilie Inf., 334, 16, 3, 4. Alpinus, d’Orb. Prod. 148. Fr. U. Archiacianus, d’Orb. P. F. 607, 148, 5, 6. Fr. alternatus, Tuomey, 1855. Proc. Acad. Phila. vol. vii, 168. Ala. Astierianus, d’Orb. P. F. 578, 140, 8-11. Fr. Bechii, Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 66, 26,15. E. Bergeri, Brong. Env. Paris, pl. 7, f. 3. E., Fr., G. bifrons, d’Orb. P. F. 606, 147, 5-6. E., Fr. U. bituberculatus, d’Orb. P. I’. 582, 141, 7-10. Gir Brazoensis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 37, 3, 2. Texas. Carcitanensis, Math. Catalogue, 267, 41, 4. Fr. U. cateratus, d’Orb. P. F. 574, 140, 1-3. Fr., G. cateratus-evolutus, Quenst. (Astierianus), K. pl. 21, f. 25. Cheyennensis, M. & H. (HELIcocerAs), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 176. cochleatus, M. & H. (HELICOcERAS), 1858, Proc. Acad. p. 55. costatus, Lam. An. Sans. Vert. p. 102. E., G., Fr. U. Desnoyersii, d’ Orb. (Scheuchzerianus), P. F. 601, 146, 1, 2. elegans, d’Orb. P. F. 577, 140, 6,7. Fr., G. Emericianus, Orb. (HETEROCERAS), P. F. 580, 141, 3, 6. KEscherianus, Pictet, Envy. Genéy. 154, 15, 11. Fr. Essensis, Geinitz, Das Quadersands, pl. 4, f. 1,2. G. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Prod. 216. G. Germaniac, d’Orb. Prod. 216. G. giganteus, Haan (tuberculatus), M. Am. et Gon. p. 78, No. 6. Gravesianus, d’Orb. P. F. 596, 144, 3-5. Fr. U. Hugardianus, d’Orb. P. F. 588, 147, 9-11. Fr., G. Mantelli, Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 68, 25, 5-6. HE. Mayorianus, d’Orb. P. F. 576, 140, 4,5. Fr., G. Morrisii, Sharpe, Foss. M. of Chalk, 65, 26, 4-8. E. Moutonianus, d’Orb. P. F. 584, 147, 7-8. Fr. Nebrascensis, M. & H. (HEtIcocerAS), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 280. ornatus, d’Orb. P. F. 604, 147, 1, 2. Fr. UG: ? planorbis, Forbes (AMMONITES pumilus), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 15,9; 9: plicatilis, Roem. Sp. (Hamites), d’Orb. Prod. 216. G. C. ae¢eaacouaen: 2 9 S RARK RAAgar Cephalapoda. 99 Turrilites. plicatus, d’Orb. P. F. 592, 148, 7,8. Fr. C. polyplocus, Gein. (HELICOCERAS), Nacht. Kreid. 8, 5, 4. polyplocus, Roem. (HEeTeRocerAS), Nord. Kreid. 92, 14, 1, 2. Puzosianus, d’Orb. P. F. 587, 143, 1, 2. Fr., G., E. Robertianus, d’Orb. P. F. 585, 142. Fr., G. Senequierianus, d’Orb. P. F. 597, 141, 1, 2. Fr., G. Scheuchzerianus, Bosc. in Buff. & Deterv. Verst. t. 5, p. 190. Fro. Us Ge spinifera (us), Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 284. Ala. C. iriplicatus, Sow. (costatus), Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 350, 29, 16. tuberculatus, Bosc. Buff. & Deterv. vol. v, 189, 42, 8. E., HrG. Us. Gs tuberculatus, Mant. (Gravesianus), Geol. Suss. 24, 6. ? umbilicatus, M. & H. (HELICOcERAS), 1858, Proc. Acad. p. 56- undulatus, Sow. (Scheuchzerianus), M. Con. 75. undulatus, Gein. (Geinitzil), Char. Kreid. 42, 13, 3. undulatus, Reuss. (SCALA subundulata), Bohm. Kreid. 24, 7, 8,9. varicosa, Bosc. (tuberculatus), Buff. & Deterv. vol. vy, 190. Vibrayeanus, d’Orb. P. F. 589, 148, 1-4. Fr. G. Wiestii, Sharpe, Foss. Moll. of Chalk, 67, 27, 8-9 and 17. EK. @. BQ /G2) 82 GASTEROPODA. ACMAEA, Eschsh. 1833. dimidiata, Reuss (HELcION), Kreid. 42, 11, 3: Gaultina, P. & R. (HELcion), Eny. Genév. 284, 27, 11. inflata, P. & R. (Hexcron), Eny. Genév. 283, 27, 10. Reussii, Geinitz (HEetcrion), 74, 18, 23. subcentralis, d’ Arc. Sp. (HEtcron), M. G. 8. F. 334, 22,5. (1847.) ACTAEON, Montf. 1810. (Acteon, d’Orb.). affinis, Sow. Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 149. E. U. G. affinis, @ Orb. (Marullensis), P. F. 117, 167, 6. Albensis, d’Orb. P. F. 120, 167, 10-12. Fr. N. Astierianus, d’Orb. P. F. 118, 167, 7. Fr. N. attenuata, M. & H. (Sorrpuna), 1858, Proc. Acad. p. 54. biplicata, M. & H. not d’ Orb. (SoripuLa), Proc. Acad. Gasteropoda. 93 Actaeon. brevis, d’Orb. P. F. 125. Fr. N. curculio, Forbes, Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 219. India. C. concinnus, H. & M. (CinuxtA), M. Am. Acad. Boston, 2d s vol. v, 390, 1, 4. Dupinianus, d’Orb. P. F. 116, 167, 1-8. Fr. NV. elongatus, Reuss, not Sow. (Reussii), Bohm. Kreid. 50, 7, 21. Forbesianus, d’Orb. Prod. 115. E. G. lineolatus, Reuss, Sp. (Phasianella), d’Orb. Prod. 219. G. C. marginatus, d’Orb. P. F. 119, 167, 8,9. Fr. N. Marullensis, d’Orb. Prod. 67. Fr., N. Grenada. N. modicellus, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 287. Ala., Miss. C. Moutonianus, d’Orb. Prod. 103. Fr. H's Nerei, d’Orb. Prod. 68. Fr. N. ornatus, d’Orb. Voy. dans Am. Mer. p. 79. N. Gren. N. ovam, d@’Orb. P. F. 123, 167, 19, 20. Fr. Gs Popii, Sow. Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 68. KE. NV. Reussii, d’Orb. Prod. 219. G. C. ringens, d’Orb. P. F. 121, 167, 18-15. Fr. NN; sealaris, d’Orb. Prod. 68. Fr. N. semen, Forbes, Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 219. India. C. subacutus, d’Orb. Prod. 220. India. C. subalbensis, d’Orb. Prod. 115. E. eG. subelliptica, M. & H. (Sorrpua), 1856, Proc. Acad. vol. viii, p. 63. subsulcatus, d’Orb. Prod. 219. Fr. Cs sulcata, Dujard, not Desh. (subsulcatus), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, Sol; t7,°3. thidentulus, d’Orb. Voy. Ast. et Zel. pl. 6, f. 22-25. India. 0. unidentata, d’Orb. (unidentulus), Prod. 219. Vibrayeanus, d’Orb. P. F. 122, 167, 16-18. Fr. G. ACTEONELLA, d’Orb. 1847. conica, Munst. Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 220. G. C. crassa, Dujard, Sp. (Volvaria), d’Orb. P. F. 111, pl. 116. Fr. C¢. dolium, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 43, 4,4. Texas. C. gigantea, Sow. Sp. laeneselie. d@ Orbe PY Fe165, fal...Gs, Fri, Goldfussii, d’Orb. Prod. 220. G. C. Lamarckii, Sow. Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. P. F. p. 108. G. C. Lefebreana, d’Orb. P. F. 108. Egypt. C. laevis, Sow. Sp. (Volvaria), d’Orb. P. F.110,165,2,3. G., Fr. @. Renauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 108, 164, 7. Fr. C. Gasteropoda. 94 Acteonella. subglobosa, Munst. Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 220. G. Toucasiana, d’Orb. Prod. 191. Fr. voluta, Munst. Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 220. Fr., G. ACTAEONINA, d’Orb. 1847. biplicata, M. & H. Sp. (SoripunA), Gabb, Proc. Acad. 1860, 92, 3, 18. naticoides, Gabb (SoLipuLA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 299, 48, 2. Texana, Roem. Sp. (Eulima), Gabb, 1861. Texas. AMAUROPSIS, Morch. paludinaeformis, Hall & Meek (Natica), M. & Hayden, 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 185. Nebraska, N. Jersey, Ala., Miss. Mariae, d’Orb. Sp. (Natica), Gabb, 1861. India. ANISOMYON, Meek & Hayden, 1860. alveolatus, M. & H. (Helcion), Am. Jour. Sci. vol. xxxviii, 2d ser. p. 3d. Neb. borealis, Morton, Sp. (Hipponyx), M. & H. ibid, p. 35. N. J. patelliformis, M. & H. (Helcion), ibid, p. 35, pl. 1. Neb. sexsulcatus, M. & H. (Helcion), ibid, p. 85. Nebraska. Shumardi, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, 423. Nebraska. subovatus, M. & H. (Helcion), Am. Jour. Sci. 2d. vol. xxxviii, p: 35. Neb. ANCHURA, Conrad. abrupta, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 284, 47, 1. Alabama. Ampullaria, Lam. 1799. bulimoides, Desh. (NATICA), in Leym. M. G.S. F. vol. v, 12, 16, 9. canaliculata, Mant. (NATICA Gaultina), Geol. Suss. pl. 19, f. 15. laevigata, Desh. (NATICA), in Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. v, 13, 16, 10. APORRHAIS, Petiv. 1711, Da Costa, 1778. Americana, Evans & Shum. Sp. (Rostellaria), M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 423. Nebraska. C. C. C. Gasteropoda. 95 Aporrhais. biangulata, M. & H. (Rostellaria), Proc. Acad. 1860, 185. Neb. @. decemlirata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 320,34, 11. Ala., Miss. G. Dupiniana, d’Orb. Sp. (Rostellaria), Gabb, 1861. Fr. N. Nebrascensis, E. & S. (Rostellaria), M. & H. Proc. A. 1860, 423. Neb. GC. parva, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, 178. Nebraska. C. sublaevis, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, 178. Nebraska. C. stenopterus (a), Goldf. Sp. (Rostellaria), Sow. Dix. Geol. Suss. 358,27, 31.. E., G. C. ARCHITECTONICA, Bolten, 1798. (Solarium, Lam. 1799.) Albensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr: abyssinis, Gabb, Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. N. J. Alpina, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Astieriana, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Circitanensis, Math. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. catenata, Sow. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. E. cirrhoidea, Brong. Sp. (Trochus), Gabb, 1861. G., Fr. Bailyi, Gabb (Solarium pulchellum, Baily), Gabb, 1861. S. Africa. U. dentata, Desh. Sp. (Delphinula), Gabb, 1861. G., Fr. deperdita, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. India. Deshayesii, P. & R. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. dilatata, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. granosa, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr., G. granulata, Mant. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. E. OFU. monilifera, Mich. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. G., Fr. Neocomiensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. plicata, Sow. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. E. pulchella, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Rochantiana, P. & R. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. sealaris, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. U. subangulata, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. G. subornata, d’Orb. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. tabulata, Phil. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. E. Thirriana, d’Arc. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. U. Tingryana, P. & Roux, Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Tollotiana, P. & R. Sp. (Solarium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. mS BRARRRRRARR ARAQrgsan Gasteropoda. 96 Auricula. AURICULA, Lam. 1799. decurtata, Sow. (AVELLANA), G. T. 2d s, vol. iii, pl. 38, 10. globulosa, Desh. (AVELLANA), Leym. M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 12, 16, 2. incrassata, Mant. (AVELLANA), Geol. Suss. pl. 19, f. 33. inflata, Sow. (RINGINELLA), in Fitt. G. T. 2ds. vol. iv, pl. 11, #11. obsoleta, Phil. Geol. Yorkshire, pl. 2, f. 40. E. (Speeton Clay), G. ovum, Dujard. (ActaEon), M. G. 8. F. vol. 11, 17, 2. spirata, Roem. (NaticA Roemeri), Nord. Kreid. 77, 11, 4. sulcata, Dujard. (ACTAEON subsulcatus), M.G.8. F. 2, p. 281, 17,3. AVELLANA, d’Orb. 1845. Alpina, Pictet & Roux, Sp. (Ringinella), d’Orb. Prod. 129. Fr. G. Archiaciana, d’Orb. P. F. 187, 169, 7-9. Fr. C. bullata, Morton, Sp. (Soxrputa), d’Orb. Prod. 220. cassis, d’Orb. P. F. 138, 169, 10-18. Fr., E. 0. Chiliensis, d’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe, 4, 82, 34. Chili. C. Clementina, d’Orb. (Ringinella), Prod. 128. Fr. Ge decurtata, Sow. Sp. (Auricula), d’Orb. Prod. 220. Fr. C. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 186, 169, 1-4. F’r. G. globulosa, Desh. Sp. (Auricula), d’Orb. P. F. 182,168, 9-11. Fr. W. Hugardiana, d’Orb. P. F. 185, 168, 17-19. Fr. G. incrassata, Sow. Sp. (Auricula), d’Orb. Prod. 149. E.,G., Fr. U. G. incrassata, d’Orb. (subinerassata), P. F. 133, 168, 138-16. inflata, Sow. Sp. (Auricula), d’Orb. Prod. 128. E., Fr. labiosa, Forbes, Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 220. India. lachryma, Mich. Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 128. Fr. Mailleana, d’Orb. (Ringinella), Prod. 149. Fr. U. ovula, d’Orb. P. F. 137, 169, 5-6. Fr. Prevostii, d’ Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 348, 25,1. Belgium. U. Rauliniana, d’Orb. P. F. p. 141. Fr. U. Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 140, 169, 14-16. Fr., G. sphaera, d’Orb. Prod. 68. Fr. subglobosa, M. & H. (Crnutaa), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 64. subincrassata, d’Orb. Prod. 128. Fr. Texana, Shumard. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 1860, p. 537. Texas. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 149. Fr. U. RANQ SAR KRRRVRARAN BELLEROPHINA, d’Orb. 1843. Vibrayei, d’Orb. P. F. 411, 236, 7-12. Fr. G. Gasteropoda. 97 Buccinum. BUCCINUM, Lam. 1799. bicarinatum, Munst. (HARPAGO pseudobicarinatus), Goldf. Pe- trif. 30, 173, 5. constrictum, H. & M. Sp. (Fusus), M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p.- 422. Neb. C. costatum, Goldf. (ROSTELLARIA papilionacea), Petrif. pl. 173, f. 4. ? Nebrascense, M. & H. (PsEuUDOBUCCINUM), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 67. productum, Reuss. (CeRITHIUM), Bohm. Kreid. 42, 10, 18. Gaultinum, d’Orb. P. F. 350, 233, 1-2. Fr. G. pseudo-lineatem, d’Orb. Prod. 156. E. U. G. turritum, Roem. (RosTELLARIA), Nord. Kreid. 79, 11, 19. ? vinculum, H. & M. (Fusus), Mem. Soc. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, pl. 3, f. 5. BUCCINOPSIS, Con. 1857. Parryi, Con. Emory’s Report, 158, 3, 4. Texas. c. BULLA, Klein. Brug. 1789. alternata, d’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 5, f. 1,5. India. Chiliensis, d’Orb. ibid. pl. 1, f. 18-15. Chili. eretacea, d’Orb. ibid. pl. 3, f. 18-21. India. macrostoma, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2ds. vol. iv, p- 301,48, 16. -Ala. Mantelliana, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 176, 22,3. KE. minor, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 69. Nebraska. Mortoni, Lyell & Forbes, 1844, Q. J. G. S. vol. i, p. 63. N.J. occidentalis, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 69. Nebraska. recta, Gabb (CyLIcHNA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 302, 48, 17. Santonensis, d’Orb. Prod. 283. Fr. speciosa, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 185. Nebraska. subeylindrica, M. & H. not d’ Orb. (speciosa), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 270. tenuis, Reuss. Sp. (Volvaria), d’Orb. Prod. 233. G. C. volvaria, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 69. Nebraska. C. GS @ Bere Gra IQ BULLOPSIS, Con. 1858. cretacea, Con. (CYLICHNA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, p. 334. VOL. VIIIL—N Gasteropoda. 98 Busycon. BUSYCON, Bolt. 1798. Bairdii, M. & H. (Pyrula), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 126. Nebraska. C. CALYPTRAEA, Lam. 1799. ? corrugata, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 187, 12,11. India. GC. ? elevata, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 187, 12,10. India. C. CALYPTRAPHORUS, Con. palliatus, Forbes, Sp. (Rostellaria), Gabb, 1861. India. C. CANCELLARIA, Lam. 1799. Alabamensis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 801, 48, 14. Ala. C. Kufalensis, Gabb, ibid, 890, 68, 8. Ala. C. Hilgardii, Con. Sp. (Turbinopsis), Gabb, 1861. Ala., Miss., N. J. C. septemlirata, Gabb, Proc. Acad. 1860, 94, 2,10. N. J. C. CAPULUS, Montf. 1810. Dunkerianus, Bosq. Sp. (Hipponix), d’Orb. Prod. 232. G. C. elongatus, Munst. Sp. (Pileopsis), d’Orb. Prod. 156. G. UW. G. fragilis, M. & H. (Txecrura papillata), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 68. occidentalis, H. & M. (Tectura), M. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, p. 385, f. 13. ornatissimus, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. Darien. consobrinus, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. ve CASSIDARIA, Lam. 1812. incerta, d’Orb. Sp. (StRomsBus), P. F. 308, pl. 215. CASSIS, Lam. 1812. avellana, Brong. Sp. (AVELLANA cassis), Eny. Par. pl. 6, f. 10. clathratum, Sandb. (PLEUROTOMARIA Catantostoma subclath- rata), Goldf. Petr. G. vol. ili, 78, 188, 2. CERITHIOPSIS, Forbes & Hanley. Moreauensis, M. & H. (Turritella), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 185. Nebraska. 0. Gasteropoda. 99 Cerithium. CERITHIUM, Adanson, 1757. affine, Sow. Sp. (Nassa), d’Orb. Prod. 231. Fr. C. Albense, d’Orb. P. F. 355, 227, 10-12. Fr., G. N. Alpinum, d’Orb. Prod. 116. Fr. G. amictum, Munst. Sp. (Fusus), d’Orb. Prod. 231. G. C. Aptiense, d’Orb. P. F. 363, 229, 1-3. Fr. DG Ataxense, d’Orb. P. F. 372, 231, 1. Fr. é. attenuatum, Sow. Sp. (Melanopsis), d’Orb. Prod. 72. E. Weald. attenuatum, Forbes (subattenuatum), Q. J. G. 8. 1, 852, 4, 11. Barremensis (se), d’Orb. Prod. 116. Fr. a ela S22 Beaudouini, d’Orb. P. F. 361, 206, 7-8. Fr. N. Belgicum, Munst. in Goldf. Petrif. 34, 174, 5. Fr., G. U. G. binodosum, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 79, 11,16. G. iC. Birckii, Geinitz, Quader. G. UG. Bosquense, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 596. Texas. C. buccinoides, Sow. Sp. (Rostellaria), d’Orb. Prod. 134. E. G. Bustamentii, Galeotii, Bull. Acad. Brux, vol. vii, p. 5, f. 5. Mexico. C. carinatum, Sow. Sp. (Nassa), d’Orb. Prod. 231. Fr. C. Cassisianum, d’Orb. P. F. 382. Fr. OG. Cenomanense, d’Orb. P. F. 382. Fr. U.. G. cingulatum, Galeotti, Bull. Acad. Brux. vol. vii, p. 6, f. 6. ~ Mexico. C. Clementinum, d’Orb. P. F. 357, 228, 1-8. Fr. WN. conoideum, Murch. & Sedgw. not Sow. (TURRITELLA Requieni- ana), G. T. vol. iii, pl. 39, f. 18. Cornuelianum, d’Orb. P. F. 361, 228, 11-13. Fr. L. G. costellatum, Sow. Sp. (Nassa), d’Orb. Prod. 156. E. O.G. Dechenii, Munst. in Goldf. Petrif. 34,174, 2. G. C. Derignyanum, Pictet & Roux. Envy. Geney. 278, 27, 5. Fr. G. Dupinianum, d’Orb. P. F. 354, 227, 4-6. Fr. NV. Ervynum, d’Orb. P. F. 367, 230, 1-8. Fr. G. excavatum, Brong. Env. Par. 339, 11,10. Fr., G. G. fasciatum, Reuss. (subfasciatum), Bohm. Kreid. 42, 10, 4. Fittonii, d’Orb. Prod. 116. E. L. G. Fontanieri, d’Orb. Voy. Ast. et Z. pl. 4, f. 2. India. C. Forbesianum, d’Orb. Prod. 116. Eng. G. Gallicum, d’Orb. P. F. 375, 231, 7,8. Fr. UG. Gasteropoda. 100 Q fi. E B Gargasense, d’Orb. P. F. 382. Fr. Gaudryi, d’Orb. P. F. 358, 228, 4-6. Fr. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. P. 374, 231, 5,6. Fr. gurgitis, P. & R. Env. Genev. 280, 27, 8. Fr. Hector, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. Hugardianum, d’Orb. Prod. 134. Fr. Jason, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. imbricatum, Munst. not Brong. (subimbricatum), d’Orb. Prod. 231. G. Lalliertianum, d’Orb. P. F. 365, 229, 7-9. Fr., G. limaeforme, d’Orb. (Sarthacense), P. F. 376, 232, 1-3. Luschitzianum, Gein. Char. Kreid. pl. 18, f. 12. G. Marollianum, d’Orb. P. F. 353, 227, 2,3. Fr. Matheronii, d’Orb. P. F. 379, 232, 7. Fr. Matronense, d’Orb. P. F. 381. Fr. L. Moutonianum, d’Orb. Prod. 105. Fr. nassoides, d’Orb. not Grateloup (subnassoides), P. F. 359, 228, 7-9. Neocomiense, d’Orb. P. F. 360, 232, 8-10. Fr. Nerei, Munst. Goldf. Petrif. 34, 174, 3. nodosum, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. vol. vii, p. 170. Ala. ornatissimum, Desh. M. G. S. F. vol. v, 14, 17,10. Fr. perigrinosum, d’Orb. P. F. 374, 231,3-4. Fr. Perigordianum, d’Orb. (Nerinea), Prod. 230. Fr. Phillipsii, Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. v, 14, 10,10. Fr. Phillipsii, Forbes, not Leym. (Forbesianum), Q. J. G. 8. 1844, vol. i. Ponsianum, d’Orb. Prod. 193. Fr. Prosperianum, d’Orb. P. F. 378, 232, 6. Fr. provinciale, d’Orb. P. F. 380, 233, 3. Fr. pseudo-clathratum, d’Orb. Prod. 231. G. pseudo-conoideum, d’Orb. Prod. 230. G., Fr. pseudo-coronatum, d’Orb. Prod. 231. G. pustulosum, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. i, 39,19. G. pyramidale, d’Orb. not Sow. (subpyramidale), P. F. 361, 206, 7-9. reflexilabrum, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. U. Renauxianum, d’Orb. P. F. 373, 231, 2. Fr. Requienianum, d’Orb. P. F. 377, 232, 4,5. Fr. reticosum, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 39, f. 17. G. reticulatum, Roem. (Mirra), Nord. Kreid. 79, 11, 18. se oS. Sf BAAR AQ NARARAR SRAARARAZ QA AAANAHK QA HARK Gasteropoda. 101 Rhodani, P. & R. Env. Genev. 279, 27,6. Fr. Rouyanum, d’Orb. P. F. 382. Fr. Royanum, d’Orb. Prod. 230. Fr. Sabaudianum, P. & R. Env. Genev. 278, 27, 5. Fr. Sarthacense, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. Scalaroideum, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 125, 18, 7. sphaeruliferum, Forbes, ibid. 125, 18, 6. India. subattenuatum, d’Orb. Prod. 116. Eng. subelongatum, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. subfasciatum, d’Orb. Prod. 231. G. subimbricatum, d’Orb. Prod. 231. G. subminutum, d’Orb. Prod. 231. Mexico. submuricatum, d’Orb. Prod. 231. G. subnassoides, d’Orb. Prod. 72. Fr. subpyramidale, d’Orb. Prod. 72. Fr. subspinosum, Desh. M. G. S. Fr. vol. v, 14, 17, 12. Cerithium. India. U. Fr. subtricarinatum, Sow. Sp. (Melanopsis), d’Orb. Prod. 72. E. Weald. suturosum, Galeotti, Bull. Acad. Brux. vol. vii, p. 4, f.4. Mex- ico. tectum, d’Orb. P. F. 368, 230, 4-6. Fr. terebroides, d’Orb. P. F. 352, 227, 1. Fr. Tombeckii, Heb. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 372, 29, 8. Fr. Toucasianum, d’Orb. Prod. 230. Fr. trimonile, Mich. M. G. S. F. vol. iii, 100, 12, 5. Fr. Trinchinopolitense, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 126, 15, 10. India. tuberculatum, Forbes (Aptiense), Q. J. G. S. 1844, vol. i. turriculatum, Forbes, Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 352,4,7. Eng. LZ. Varusense, d’Orb. Prod. 72. Fr. Vibrayeanum, d’Orb. P. F. 366, 229, 10-13. Fr. Vindinense, d’Orb. P. F. 382. Fr. Carolinum, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. Gea, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. dymorphum, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. uniplicatum, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. urania, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. Hebertianum, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. RSEASQRAARSHRRASRAKRSR Gasteropoda. 10 9 Chemnitzia. *CHEMNITZIA, d’Orb. 1839 (Turbonilla, Con. not Riss.). Aeolis, d’Orb. Prod. 149. Fr. U..5GR arenosa, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 51, 10, 7. G. U...Gi certthiformis, M. & H. (Socata), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 185. corona, Con. (Turbonilla), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 287, 46, 50. Miss. C. ? distans, Con. (GLADIUS arenarum), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 338, 35, 30. gloriosa, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 40, 4,3. Texas. C. inflata, d’Orb. P. F. 71, 156, 2. Fr. C. ?interrupta, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 383, 35, 15. Miss. C. laqueata, Con. (Turbonilla), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 288, 46, 36. Miss. C. Meekana, Gabb (Rime), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 299, 48, 1.+ melanopsis, Con. (Turbonilla), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 287, 46, 35. Miss. C. Mosensis, d’Orb. P. F. 71, 156, 2. Fr. UG Moutoniana, d’Orb. Prod. 103. Fr. NV. occidentale (is), Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 68. In- dian Terr. C. Pailletteana, d’Orb. P. F. 69, 155, 19. Fr. G Rouyana, d’Orb. Prod. 67. Fr. N. Spillmani, Con. (Turbonilla), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 287, 46,48. Miss. C. Sutherlandii, Baily, Q. J. G. 8. vol. xi, 1853, 459, 12, 5. S. Africa. U. G.? trigemmata, Con. (Turbonilla), J. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 288, 47, 36. Miss. C. undosa, Forbes (ScALA undata), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 125, 15, 11. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 103. Fr. NV. CINULIA, Gray, 1840. concinna, M. & H. Sp. (Actaeon), Proc. Acad. 1860, 424. Neb. C. * By mistake, d’Orbigny refers in the index to his ‘‘Prodrome’’ to all the ‘‘ Senonien’’ Nerineas under the head of Chemnitzia. I mention it to guard other students against error. + Through inadvertence, the name Chemnitzia was put over this species instead of Rimella, as was intended. Gasteropoda. 103 Cirrhus CIRRHUS, Sow. 1815. crotaloides, Morton (PLEUROTOMARIA), Syn. 49, 19, 5. depressus, Mant. (P. perspectiva), Geol. Suss. 194, 18, 18. granulatus, Mant. (ARCHITECTONICA), Geol. Suss. 195. perspectivus, Mant. (PLEUROTOMARIA), Geol. Suss. 194, 18, 12. plicatus, Sow. (ARCHITECTONICA), M. Con. 141. COLUMBELLINA, d’Orb. 1847. contorta, Sow. Sp. (PuGNELLUS), d’Orb. Prod. 231. India. C. monodactylus (a), Desh. Sp. (Rostellaria), d’Orb. P. F. 347, 126, 2-5. Fr. N. ornata, d’Orb. P. F. 348, 226, 6-7. Fr. Uae uncata, Forbes, Sp. (PucNetuus), d’Orb. Prod. 251. India. C. Chenopus, Philippi, 1836. (APORRHAIS, Petiv.) Buchii, Munst. (Guapius), Goldf. Petrif. Germ. Dupinianus, @ Orb. (AporRHAIS), Prod. 71. CONUS, Linn. 1758. *gyratus, Morton (sauridens), Syn. 49,10, 18. 8. Carolina, Ala., Miss., Tex. Eocene. canalis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 831, 35, 22. Ala. C. Marticensis, Math. Cat. 257, 40, 24-25. Fr. C. tuberculatus, Dujard. M. G.S. F. vol. ii (1835), 282,17, 11. Fr. @. CYLICHNA, Loven. eretacea, Con. Sp. (Bullopsis), Gabb, 1861. Miss. C. recta, Gabb (Bulla), N. J. C. scitula, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. Phila. p. 178. Nebraska. C. CYPRABA, Linn. 1740. bullaria, Lyell (OvuLA), 1835, “On the cretaceous,” p. 250. Cunliffet, Forbes (QO. antiquata), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 184, 12, 22. * This species, with several others, was described by Morton as cretaceous, coming from a white limestone, since ascertained to belong to the Eocene forma- tion. They are all from South Carolina. The same deposit extends as far south ; as Tampa Bay, Florida. Gasteropoda. 104 Cypraea, Kayei, Forbes (Ovuta), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 133, 12, 20. Marticensis, Math. (OvULA), Catalogue, 255, 40, 21. Newboldi, Forbes (O. incerta), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 1384, 12, 21. Mortoni, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 391, 68, 8. Ala., N. J. C. DAPHNELLA, Hinds, 1844. ? Kufalensis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 285. Ala. C. ?lintea, Con. ibid, 285, pl. 46, f. 47. Ala. C. ? subfilosa, Con. ibid. 285. Ala. C, DELPHINULA, Lam. 1804. Bonnardii, d’Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. 334, 22,6. G. U. G. coronata, Roem. (TurBo), Nord. Kreid. 81, 12, 2. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 209, 182, 1-4. Fr. N. laevis, Dujard. (Turso Iris), M. G. 8. F. 231, 17, 4. lapidosa, Morton (not Straparollus /apidosus, Gabb),* Synopsis, 46,19, 7. N.J., Del. Q DENTALIUM, Linn. 1758. Arcotinum, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 138, 12, 16. India. Chilense, d’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 1, f. 87, 38. Chili. Cretaceum, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 228, Appendix, pl. 1,f.1. Syria. eylindricum, Sow. M. Con. 79. KH. Li. decussatum, Sow. M. Con. 70. E. ? difforme, Sow. Dix. Geol. Suss. 348, 29,10. EH. ellipticum, Sow. (decussatum), M. Con. 70. fragilis, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 69. Nebraska. gracile, Hall & Meek, 1854, Mem. Acad. Bost. 2d s. vol. v, pl. ig eb hamatum, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 188, 15, 8. India. medium, Sow. M. Con. pl. 79. Eng. U. Mosae, Bronn in Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 8, 116,10. G. 2 aRgaas QRNRAA * By some unaccountable mistake, when describing this species, I confounded two specimens, both of which, in the top view, resemble Morton’s figure of D. lapidosa, even to the manner of their fracture. They were in the collection of the Academy together. Morton’s species (the type of which is in the Academy’s museum), is a true Delphinula, and not, as d’Orbigny thinks (Prod. vol. ii, p. 223), a Turbo. My species, on the contrary, is a Straparollus. W. M. G. Gasteropoda. 105 Dentalium. pauperculum, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 178. Nebraska. C. planicostatum, Hebert, M. G.S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 174, 29,11. Fr. C. polygonum, Reuss, Béhm. Kreid. 41, 11, 5. G. C. Rhodani, Pictet & Roux, Env. Gehay: 286, 27, 13. Fr. G. Ripleyanum, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 69, f. 48. Als.)N.. J: C. Rhotomagense, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. UG. serratum, P. & R. (SeRPULA), Env. Genev. 286, 27, 12. sexcarinatum, Goldf. Petrif. 8, 166, 12, vol. ili. G. C. striatum, Sow. M. Con. pl. 76. E. C. subarcuatum, Con. 1853, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 276, 24, 13. No’. C. DOLIUM, Humph. 1797. nodulosum, Sow. (StromBus), M. Con. 426 and 427. DRILLIA, Gray, 1838. distans, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 286, 46, 49. Ala., Miss. C. novemcostata, Con. ibid. vol. iii, 331, 35, 18. Miss. C. ? Tippana, Con. ibid. vol. iii, 331, 35, 5. Miss. C. EMARGINULA, Lam. 1801. affinis, Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 348, 27, 20-25. KE. ‘OF carinata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 41, 11,6. G. C. comosa, Roem. Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 232. G. C. cretacea, d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. Danien. cretosa, Dujard. M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 230, 17,1. Fr. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 393, 234, 9-12. Fr. U. G. ? Naissanti (ii), Heb. M. G. S, F. 2d s. vol. iv, 374, 29,10. Fr. C. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 392, 234, 4-8. Fr., E. EG. Ne Pelagica, Passy, Geol. Seine Inf 335, 16, 2. Fr. U. G. reticulata, Leym. (Neocomensis), M. G. S. F. vol. v, p. 80. Sanctae-Catharinae, Passy, Geol. Seine Inf. 535, 16,1. Fr. U. G. Toucasiana, d’Orb. Prod. 232. Fr. C. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 134. Fr. C. EULIMA, Riss. 1826. Albensis, d’Orb. P. F. 65, 115, 14-16. Fr. N. amphora, d’Orb. P. F. 66, 156, 1. Fr. C. VOL. VIII.—O Gasteropoda. 106 Eulima. antiqua, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 184, 12, 17. India. C. melanoides, Desh. in Leym. M. G. 8. F. a = pli dG, f)6:0: Frias Requieniana, d’Orb. P. F. 67, 155, 18. Fr. C. seminosa, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 197, 3, 6. Chili. C. ? Texana, Roem. (ACTAEONINA), Kreid. Tex. 40, 4, 2. FASCIOLARIA, Lam. 1801. elongata, Sow. (VouuTA), G. T. 1835, pl. 39, f. 22. prima, d’Orb. Prod. 291. Fr. Danien. Roemeri, Reuss (Mirra), Bohm. Kreid. 111, 9, 10. supracretacea, d’Orb. Prod. 291. Fr. Danien. Saffordii, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 390, 68,6. Tenn. GC. FICUS, Klein, 17553. (Syctyphus, Browne, 1756.) minimus, Hoen. Sp. (Pyrula), Gabb, 1861. G. C. octoliratus, Con. (PERISSOLAX), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 3382, 35, 6. Pondicherriensis, Forbes, Sp. (Pyrula), Gabb, 1861. India. C. FISSURELLA, Lam. 1801. depressa, Gein. not Lam. (subdepressa), Char. Kreid. 75, 18, 24. laevigata, Goldf. Petrif. vol. ii, 8, 167, 14. Fr., G. *patelloides, Reuss, Bohm. K. 41, 11,9. G. subdepressa, d’Orb. Prod. 282. G. QAN FOSSAR. ? Nebrascensis, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 423. Nebraska. C. FUSUS, Lam. 1799. abbreviatus, Mich. not Lam. (Clementinus), M. G. 8. F. vol. iii, p. 100. Actaeon, d’Orb. (male Acteon), Prod. 155. Fr. U. Alabamensis, d’Orb. Prod. 228. Ala. Albensis, d’Orb. P. F. 334, 222, 8-10. Fr. Alpinus, d’Orb. Prod. 133. Fr. amictus, Munst. (CeRITHIUM), in Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 24, 171, 19. RAN * d’Orbigny saysin his Prodrome ‘‘ peut etre la méme que la précédente espéce’” (laevigata). Gasteropoda. 107 Fusus. atavus, Forbes, Sp. (Triton), d’Orb. Prod. 230. India. C. bilineatus, P. & R. (subbilineatus), Env. Genév. 272, 26, 6. breviplicatus, Forbes, Sp. (Voluta), d’Orb. Prod. 230. India. C. brevissimus, d’Orb. Sp. (? PERIssouax), Prod. 228. Ala. C. Brightii, Sow. Sp. (Pyrula), d’Orb. Prod. 155. Eng. U. G. buccinoides, d’Orb. not Gratel. (subbuccinoides), Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, f. 41, 42. calear, Sow. Sp. (Murex), d’Orb. Prod. 155. Eng. te. carinatulus, Munst. Sp. (Pyrula), d’Orb. Prod. 229. G. C. carinatus, Roem. Sp. (Pyrula), d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. C. carinella, Sow. (subcarinella), G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 39, f. 24. carinifer, Reuss (subcarinifer), Bohm. Kreid. 43, 9, 13. Chilinus, d’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 4, f. 29. Chili. cingulatus, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 39, f. 27. G. clathratus, Sow. (subclathratus), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 240, 18, 19. clementinus, d’Orb. P. F. 839, 223, 8-9. Fr. oe costato-striatus, Munst. (SCALA), in Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 24, PE, 18: Cottae, Roem. Sp. (Pyrula), d’Orb. Prod. 229. G. C. Cottaldinus, d’Orb. Prod. 133. Fr. G. C. QQ contortus, M. & H. (Turrts), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 65. Culbertsonii, M. & H. 1856, Proce. Acad. p. 65. Nebraska. Dakotensis, M. & H. (NeptunEA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 665. Nebraska. C. decussatus, P. & R. not Desh. (subdecussatus), Env. Genév. 273,°26, 7. delphinulus, d’Orb. Prod. 71. Fr. uy. depauperatus, Reuss. Bohm. Kreid. 44, 12, 7. G. C. depressus, Munst. Sp. (NEpTUNEA), d’Orb. Prod. 229. G. g. dificilis, d’ Orb. (NEpruUNEA), Voy. dans. Am. Mer. 118, 12, 11-12. Dupinianus, d’Orb. P. F. 334, 222,6, 7. Fr. G. Durvillei, V Orb. (PERIssoLAX), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 5, f. 1. elegans, Desh. Sp. (subelegans), d’Orb. P. F. 337, 222, 4, 5. Ellerii, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 226, 16, 82. Syria. C. Kspaillaci, d’Orb. P. F. 3840, 224. Fr. C. Eufalensis, Tuomey, 1855, Proce. Acad. p. 169. Ala. C. Fisianus, P. & R. Env. Genév. 273, 26,5. Fr. G Fleuriausianus, d’Orb. P. F. 348, 226, 1. Fr. C. ? flexuicostatus, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 66. Nebraska. (. fluctuosus, Forbes, Sp. (Murex), d’Orb. Prod. 230. India. C. Gasteropoda. 108 Fusus. Fontanier?, d’Orb. (GLADIUS palliatus), Astrolabe, pl. 5, f. 6, 7. Forbesianus, d’Orb. Prod. 229. India. Galathea, d’Orb. Prod. 155. Fr. U. Galpinianus, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 65. Nebraska. Gaultinus, d’Orb. P. F. 335, 223, 1. Fr. Haleanus, V Orb. (NEPTUNEA), Prod. 228. Haydeni, Evans & Shum. (Culbertsonii), Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 91. Hombroniana, d@ Orb. (PERISSOLAX), Voy. Astrol. pl. 1, f. 31. indecisus, d’Orb. Prod. 183. Fr. G. infracretaceus, d’Orb. (NEPTUNEA), 332, 222, 2-5. intertextus, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. 189. Nebraska. C. Itierianus, d’Orb. P. F. 336, 223, 2,3. Fr., G. G. longirostra, d’Orb. Sp. (PERISSOLAX), Prod. 229. Marrotianus, d’Orb. P. F. 342, 225, 2. Fr. C. Mullicaensis, Gabb (Pleurotoma), 1861. N. J. C. muricatus, Sow. (CERITH. peregrinorsum), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 39, £203 Neocomiensis, d’Orb. P. F. 831, 222, 1. Fr. N. Neptuni, Orb. (NEpTUNEA), Prod. 291. Nereidis, Munst. in Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 24,171, 20. G. C. Nereis, @ Orb. (NEPTUNEA), Prod. 228. nodosus, Reuss. (Fleuriausianus), B. Kreid. pl. 10, f. 1. ornatus, d’Orb. (NEPTUNEA), P. F. 838, 222, 11-18. Newberryi, M. & H. (Pyrirusus?), 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 66. planulatus, Roem. Sp. (Pyrula), d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. CG. ? Pedernalis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 88, 4,18. Texas. C. ponderosus, d’Orb. (NEPTUNEA), Voy. Astrol. pl. 2, f. 33. RQANS Pondicherriensis, Forbes, Sp. (Murex), d’Orb. Prod. 230. India. C. propinquus, Munst. in Goldf. Petrif. Germ. 23, 171,16. G. C. Proserpinae, Munst. ibid. 23, 171,17. G. C. purpuriformis, Forbes, Sp. (Voluta), d’Orb. Prod. 229. India. C. quadratus, Sow. M. Con. 410. E., G. U. G Renauxianus, d’Orb. P. F. 339, 223, 10. Fr. C. Requienianus, d’Orb. P. F. 342, 225, 3. Fr. C. retifer, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 2ds. 301,48,11. N. J. C. rigidus, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18,f,16. E. U.G. Royanus, d’Orb. Prod. 228. Fr. C. rusticus, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f.18. E. U. G rusticus, d’Orb. not Sow. (Gaultinus), P. I. 8385, 223, 1. Sabaudinus, P. & R. Envy. Genév. 273, 26, 7. Fr. G. Gasteropoda. 109 Fusus. Scarboroughii, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 139. Nebraska. semicostatus, Munst. Sp. (Conus), P. Germ. 14, 169, 2. G. semiplicatus, Munst. Sp. (Pleurotoma), Germ. 20, 170, 11. G. Smithii, Sow. Sp. (Pyrula), d’Orb. Prod. 133. E. subabbreviatus, Sow. Sp. (Pyrula), d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. Shumardi, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 391, 3, 6. Nebraska. subbilineatus, d’Orb. Prod. 133. Fr. subbuccinoides, d’Orb. Prod. 229. India. subcancellatus, d’Orb. Prod. 229. India. subcarinella, d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. subcarinifer, d’Orb. Prod. 229. G. subclathratus, d’Orb. Prod. 155. E. U. snbcostatus, d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. subdecussatus, d’Orb. Prod. 1384. Fr. subelegans, d’Orb. Prod. 1338. Fr. subheptagonus, d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. subincertus, d’Orb. Prod. 229. India. subplicatus, d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. subsemicostatus, d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. subsemiplicatus, d’Orb. Prod. 229. G. subturritus, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. 189. Neb. suturalis, Munst. Sp. (Pleurotoma), d’Orb. Prod. 229. G. Tippana (us), Con. 1860, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 286, 46, 42. Ala. ? tenuilineatus, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Bost. 2ds. vol. v, 894, 3,9. Nebraska. trunculus, P. & R. Env. Genev. 271, 26,4. Fr. trivolous, Gabb (PERISSOLAX), Proc. Acad. 1860, 94, 2, 5. turritellatus, d’Arc. Sp. (Turbo), M. G.S. T. 2d s. vol. ii, TOU) 1s Br: Vaughani, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. 1388. Neb. Vibrayeanus, d’Orb. P. F. 338, 223, 6, 7. Fr. vinculum, M. & H. (Buccinum), 1860, Proc. Acad. 183. Ne- braska. Holmesianus, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 389, 68,4. Ala. GLADIUS, Klein, 1753 (Rostellaria, Lam. 1799). acutus, d’Orb. Sp. (Rostellaria), aN 1861. Fr. acutirostrus, Pusch. Sp. “ G. RDN Gasteropoda. 110 Gladius. Aegion, d’Orb. Sp. (Rostellaria), woe 1861)..G. Go. Alpinus, d’Orb. Sp. ef Fr. U. G. Americanus, d’Orb. Sp. “ fs N. Gren. NV. angulosus, d’Orb. Sp. = is N. Gren. Hy. anserinus, Nils. Sp. Ki e G., Sweden. 0. Aonis, d’Orb. Sp. é « Fr. U. G. arenarum, Morton, Sp. e N. J., Ala. C. Astierianus, d’Orb. Sp.“ es Fr. NV. Boussingaultii, d’Orb. Sp. “ N. Grenada. WN. Buchii, Munst. Sp. (Chenopus), 4 G. C. calcaratus, Sow. Sp. (Rostellaria), ‘ K. ULG. carinatus, Mant. Sp. & “4 K., Fr. G. carinellus, d’Orb. Sp. oa 4 G:, Pr. G. ? Cheyennensis, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 422. Nebraska. C. cingulatus, P. & R. Sp. (Rostellaria), mabe 1861. Fr. G. coarctatas, Geinitz, Sp. es Gr. G. collinus, Con. Sp. sf Syria. C. compositus, Phil. Sp. . 2 E. LG. costae, Sharpe, Sp. ae # Portugal. “ Lower Cret.” costatus, Sow. Sp. “ é G. ig. Delucii, P. & R. Sp. Ke re Fr. G. divaricatus, Reuss, Sp. ce - G. C. Drunensis, d’Orb. Sp. a ef Fr. G. elatior, d’Orb. Sp. Z “g India. C. elongatus, Sow. Sp. ec & E. G. emarginulatus, Gein. Sp. af G. fusiformis, P. & R. Sp. a ES Lib G. Gargasianus, P.& R. Sp.“ K Fr. G. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Sp. § Py G. U. G. glabrus, Forbes, Sp. be E., Fr. L. G. eranulatus, Sow. Sp. a sf G. C. Grasianus, P. & R. Sp. : gf Fr. G. inornatus, d’Orb. Sp. e és Fr. OE. irregularis, d’Orb. Sp. A w Fr. N. Itierianus, d’Orb. Sp. ff a Fr. G. leeviusculus, Sow. Sp. af Fe G. C Mailleanus, d’Orb. Sp. re *s Fr. U..G, Megaera, d’Orb. Sp. i LL K., 'G. 20a megaloptera, Reuss, Sp. 4 J. ks C. Moutonianus, d’Orb. Sp. i 3 Fr. av. Gasteropoda Ei Muletii, d’Orb. Sp. (Rostellaria), Gabb, 1861. Fr. mucronatus, d’Orb. Sp. a ee G. U. Neckerianus, P. & R. Sp. ¥ a Fr. Nereis, d’Orb. Sp. és Fr. U. Moulenianus, d’ Orb. Sp. = i Fr. Orbignyanus, P. & R. Sp. “ 6 Fr. ornatus, d’Orb. Sp. tL - Fr. Parkinsonii, Mant. Sp. - < K., Fr., G pennatus, Morton, Sp. ee cS Del., N. J., Ala. provincialis, d’Orb. Sp. “ us Fr. pseudosubulatus, d’Orb. Sp.“ a G. Pyrenaicus, d’Orb. Sp. ee ah Fr. Requienianus, d’Orb. Sp. ah Lh Fr. Reussi, Geinitz, Sp. - a G. U. Robinaldinus, d’Orb. Sp. a + Fr. rostratus, Gabb, - a N.J., Ala Royerianus, d’Orb. Sp. gs “ Fr. scalaris, d’Orb. Sp. ae * Fr. Schlotheimii, Reuss, Sp. ce Ls G. securiferus, Forbes, Sp. a oa India. semilineatus, Goldf. Sp. (Pleurotoma), Gabb, 1861. G. simplex, d’Orb. Sp. (Rostellaria), erp 1861. Fr. striatus, Goldf. Sp. s G. subcompositus, d’Orb. Sp. es sh E se subelongatus, d’Orb. Sp. us a E., Fr. submarginatus, d’Orb. Sp. =“ “ Fr. subsubulatus, d’Orb. Sp. = 5 G. tenuistriatus, Reuss, Sp. ae Us: G. Timotheanus, P. & R. Sp. es oe Fr. tricostatus, d’Orb. Sp. a oe Fr. turritus, Roem. Sp. (Buecinum), Gabb, 1861. G. varicosus, d’Orb. Sp. (Rostellaria), oe, e361. Er. U. Varusensis, d’Orb. Sp. = Fr. Vespertilis, Munst. Sp. as G. Westphalicus, d’Orb. Sp. - a G. GLOBICONCHA, d’Orb. 1848. coniformis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 42, 4,5. Texas. Gladius. elevata, Shumard, Marcy’s Rep. 208, 4, 3. Tex., Indian Terr. elongata, d’Orb. Prod. 220. Fr. Fleuriausa, d’Orb. P. F. 144, 169, 18. Fr. SD SWS ASE S EOS VSS SS OSS ss RA hae Gh SS QANQL Gasteropoda. 112 Globiconcha. Marrotiana, d’Orb. P. F. 145, 170, 1, 2. Fr. *oliva, d’Orb. Prod. 220. Ala. ovula, d’Orb. P. F. 145, 173, 3. Fr. planata, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 41, 4,6. Texas. rotundata, d’Orb. P. F. 148, 169, 17. Fr. U. tumida, Shumard, Marcy’s Rep. 208, 5, 38. Texas. ARARAS HARPAGO, Klein. 1753 (Pterocera, Lam. 1799.) Beaumontianus, d’Orb. Sp. Fierogens Gabh, 1861. Fr. bicarinatus, d’Orb. Sp. Hr. carinellus, P. & R. Sp. 1 Fr. Collegnii, d’Arc. Sp. = éf Er. 2. Dupinianus, d’Orb. Sp. & 3 Fr. Emericii, d’Orb. Sp. = us Fr. Fittonii, Forbes, Sp. = “3 Eg Hr. ee Gaultinus, P. & R. Sp. (Pterodonta), Gabb, 1861. Fr. inflatus, d’Orb. Sp. (Pterocera), Gabb, 1861. Fr. U. marginatus, d’Orb. Sp. “ 2 Fr. U. Moreausianus, d’ Orb. Sp. “ 4 Fr. Neocomiensis, d’Orb. Sp. “ - Fr. Pelagi, Brong. Sp. (Strombus), Gabb, 1861. Fr., G. polycerus, d’Orb. Sp. (Pterocera), Gabb, 1861. Fr. U. pseudobicarinatus, d’Orb. Sp. “ ee G. pseudoretusus, d’Orb. Sp. Lu a Fr. retusus, Sow. Sp. (Rostellaria), Gabb, 1861. E., G. Rochatianus, d’Orb. Sp. (Pterocera), a sae 1861. Fr. speciosus, d’Orb. Sp. Fr. supracretaceus, d’Orb. Sp. =“ se Fr. Tippanus, Con. Jour. Acad, 2d s. vol. ili, 831, 85, 25. Miss. Toucasianus, d’Orb. Sp. (Pterocera), Haye, 1861. Fr. tricarinatus, d’Orb. Sp. ae Fr. Verneuili, d’Orb. Sp. - Fr. Q HELCION, Montf. 1810. alveolatus, M. & H. (Antsomyon), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 68. angulosa, Gein. Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 232. G. C. borealis, Morton, Sp. (ANIsoMyon), Gabb, Cat. Cret. 1859, p. 7. * It is to be regretted that M. d’Orbigny did not give more extended descrip- tions in his Prodrome. He says of this species: ‘‘ Petite espéce de la forme d’une olive, lisse.’? There may be a dozen species to which that might apply. RSRQRSHRSBFRRARSSSRRARARSSRRARS att ert ae ae Gasteropoda 113 Helcion campanulata, Reuss, Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 193. G. C. carinatus, M. & H. (A. borealis), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 68. conica, d’Orb. Prod. 134. Fr. G. corrugata, Forbes, Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 232. India. C. dimidiata, Reuss, Sp. (Acmaea), d’Orb. Prod. 282. G. C. Gaultina, P. & R. Sp. (Acmaea), d’Orb. Prod. 185. Fr. G. Hebertiana, d’Orb. Prod. 295. Fr. Danien. inflata, P. & R. Sp. (Acmaea), d’Orb. Prod. 252. Fr. G. lamellosa, Koch, Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 72. G. N. Martinianus (a), d’Orb. Prod. 105. Fr. N. orbis, Roem. Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 232. G. C. patelliformis, M. & H. (ANIsoMyoN), 1856, Proc. Acad. 68. *pelagi, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. eG. Reussii, Gein. Sp. (Acmaea), d’Orb. Prod. 232. Fr., G., India. C. semistriata, Reuss, Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 232. @. C. sexsulcatus, M. & H. (AnIsomyon), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 68. subcentralis, d’Are. Sp. (Acmaea), d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. UW. G. subovatus, M. & H. (Antsomyon), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 68. subtenuicosta, d’Orb. Prod. 193. G. C. tentorium, Morton, Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. Prod. 2382. N. J. C. tenuicosta, Mich. Sp. (Patella), d’Orb. P. F. 398, 235, 7-10. Fr. G. tenuicosta, Reuss, not d’ Orb. (subtenuicosta), B. Kreid. 110, 44, 11. HELICOCRYPTUS, d’Orb. 1847. radiatus, Sow. Sp. (Planorbis), d’Orb. Prod. 151. E., Fr. U.G. HELIX, Mull. 1774. Gentii, Sow. (NaTICA Gaultiana), M. Con. 145. Hipponyx, Defr. 1819. borealis, Morton (ANISOMYON), Jour. Acad. Ist s. vol. viii, p. 210. INFUNDIBULUM, Montf. 1810. cretaceum, d’Orb. P. F. 390, 234, 1-8. Fr. C. supracretacea (um), d’Orb. Prod. 292. Fr. Danien. * “Coquille lisse trés-év4see! !’’ Can this be identified ? VOL. VIII.—P Gasteropoda. 114 Littorrina, LITTORRINA, Ferrus. 1821. decussata, Leym. (TurBo), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 18, 17, 6. elegans, Leym. (TurBo), id. 14, 17, 7. gracilis, Sow. not Brocchi (Fittoni), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 12. Fittoni (ii), d’Orb. Sp. (Turbo), Gabb, 1861. E. U. G. monilifera, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18. E. U. G. plicatilis, Desh. in Leym. (Guaprus Parkinsonii, juv.), M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. v, 17, 17, 8. pungens, Sow. (NaTIcA), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, 5. Roissyi, d Arc. (Turso), M. G. 8. F. 337, 23, 3, vol. ii, 2d s. sculpta, Reuss (T. subsculpta), B. Kreid. 49, 10, 16. LUNATIA, Gray, 1847. Halli, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 891, 68, 11. N. J. Moreauensis, M. & H. (Natica), ibid. 422. Neb. Occidentalis, M. & H. (Natica), Proc. Acad. 1860, 422. Neb. suberassa, M. & H. (Natica), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 422. Neb. Texana, Con. Sp. (Natica), Gabb, 1861. Tex. QAARARS MARGARITA, Meek & Hayden, 1860. flexuistriata, E. & S. Sp. (Solarium), M. & H. 1860, Proe. Acad. 423. Neb. C. Nebrascensis, M. & H. (Turbo), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 64. Neb. C. Melania, Lam. 1799. decorata, Roem. (ScauA), Nord. Kreid. 82, 12, 11. Melanopsis, Ferr. 1807. attenuata, Sow. (CERITHIUM), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 178, 22, 5. Clementina, Mich. (Scaua), Mag. Zool. Comp. 4, pl. 39. tricarinata, Sow. (CERITHIUM subtricarinatum), G. T. vol. iv, 178, 22, 4. MITRA, Humph. 1797. cancellata, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 39, f. 30. G. C. cancellata, d’Orb. not Sow. (Cassisiana), P. F. 329, 221, 5. Cassisiana, d’Orb. Prod. 154. U. G. clathrata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 44, 11,18. G. C. Gasteropoda. 115 Mitra. Requieni, d’Orb. Prod. 154. Fr. U. G. reticulata, Roem. Sp. (Cerithium), d’Orb. Prod. 226. G. C. Roemeri, Reuss, Sp. (Fasciolaria), d’Orb. Prod. 226. G. C. Vignyensis, d’Orb. Prod. 291. Fr. Danien. Monodonta, Lam. 1799. trochleata, Dujard. (Turso), M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 231, 17, 5. MOREA, Con. 1860. eancellaria, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 290, 46,30. Miss. C. naticella, Gabb, id. 301, 48,15. N. J. C. MUREX, Linn. 1758. calcar, Sow. (Fusus), M. Con. 410. fluctuosus, Forbes (Fusus), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 126, 18, 19. Genevensis, P. & R. (Fusus), Env. Genév. 269, 26, 3. Pondicherriensis, Forbes (Fusus), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 127, 18,20. ? Trinchinopolitensis, Forbes, G. T. 2ds. vol. vii, 127, 15,7. India. C. NARICA, d’Orb. 1841. earinata, Sow. Sp. (Natica), d’Orb. Prod. 150. E. U. G. Cretacea, d’Orb. P. F. 180, 175, 7-10. Fr. U. G. Genevensis, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 188, 18, 5. Fr. G. granosa, Sow. Sp. (Natica), d’Orb. Prod. E. Gi NASSA, Lam. 1799. affinis, Sow. (CERITHIUM), G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 39, 29. carinata, Sow. (CERITHIUM), id. pl. 39, f. 28. costellata, Sow. (CERITHIUM), id. pl. 18, f. 26. lineata, Sow. (BuccinuM pseudolineatum), id. pl. 18, f. 25. NATICA, Adanson, 1757. abyssina, Morton, Sp. (GyropEs), Syn. 49, 13, 3. acutimargo, Roem. (Gaultiana), Nord. Kreid. 88, 12, 14. acutispira, Shum. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 1860, p. 597. C. affinis, d’Orb. (pagoda), Voy. Astr. pl. 4, f. 3. Allaudiensis, Math. (bulimoides), Catalogue. alveata, Con. (GYRODES), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 289, 46, 45. Gasteropoda. 116 Natica. ambigua, M. & H. (Fossar? Nebrascensis), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 66. angulata, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 38, f. 12. G. Araucana, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 115, 12, 4-5. Chili. Arduennensis, d’Orb. Prod. 129. Fr. Auca, d’Orb. Voy. Astr. pl. 4, 22-23. Chili. Australis, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 115, 14, 3-5. Chili. Bogotina, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Bogota. Bruguierii, Math. Catal. 230, 39,1. Fr. bulbiformis, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 12, f. 38. G. bulbiformis, d’Orb. not Sow. (subbulbiformis), P. F. 162, 174, 3. bulimoides, Desh. Sp. (Ampullaria), d’Orb. P. F. 1538, 172, 2, 3. France, Portugal. : canaliculata, Sow. (Gaultina), in Fitt. G. T. 2d. vol. iv, pl. 11, f. 12. canaliculata, Gein. (Geinitzii), Nach. 10, 1, 20. carinata, Sow. (Narica), Fitt. G. T. vol. iv, 241, 18, 8. carinata, Roem. (subcarinata), Nord. Kreid. 83, 12, 15. SSS 50045 Carteroni, d’Orb. Prod. 68. Fr. N. Cassisiana, d’Orb. P. F. 166, 175, 1-4. Fr. UT. Se Chilina, d’Orb. Voy. Astr. pl. 1, 24-26. Chili. C. Clementina, d’Orb. P. F. 154, 172, 4. Fr., G. G. collina, Con. (LUNATIA Texana juv.?), Emory’s Rep. 157, 18, 2. Coquandiana, d’Orb. P. F. 151, 171, 1. Fr. N. concinna, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 389, 3, 2. Neb., Miss., Ala., N. J., Tenn. C. Cornueiliana, d’Orb. P. F. 150, 170, 4, 5. Fr. N. crenata, Con. (GYRODES), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 289. eretacea, Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 119, 199,12. G. C. dichotoma, Geinitz, Nacht. Kreid. 10,1, 19. G. C. difficilis, d’Orb. P. F. 163, 174, 4. Fr. U.oGh Dupinii, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. v, p. 138, 16, 7. Fr., E., Portugal. Gaye Ervyna, Orb... 159,173, 7. _Fr., G. G. Escragnollensis, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. N. exaltata, Goldf. (Clementina), P. Germ. 120, 199, 13. excavata, Mich. M. G.S. F. vol. iii, pl. 12, f.4. Fr., G. CG extensa, Sow. Sp. (Vivipara), d’Orb. Prod. 150. E. 0. Ge fasciata, Goldf. (subfasciata), Petrif. 120, 199, 14. Favrina, P. & R. Env. Genév. 181, 17, 4. Fr. G. Gaultina, d’Orb. P. F. 156, 173, 3,4. E., Fr., G. G. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Prod. 150. G. Cash Gentii, Sow. Sp. (Helix), d’Orb. Prod. 150. E, Fr. UG Gasteropoda. “17 Natica. Gibboniana, Lea, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc. vol. vii, 2d s. 256, 9, 10. N. Grenada. N. Grangeana, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 1,18, 19. Chili. C granosa, Sow. (Narica), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 7. Hispanica, d’Orb. Prod. 150. Spain, near Oviedo. U. G. Hugardiana, d’Orb. P. F. 151,171, 2. Fr. N. laevigata, Desh. Sp. not Sow. (sublaevigata), d’Orb. P. F. 148, 170, 6-7. lamellosa, Roen. (PHASIANELLA?), Nord. Kreid. 83, 12, 13. Lusitanica, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 1849, pl. 24, £5. Por- tugal. (Ti Cre? lyrata, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. 3, pl. 38, f. 11. G. C. Mariae, d Orb. (AMaAuvRopsiIs), Voy. Astrol. pl. 3, 32, 33. Martinii, d’Orb. P. F. 164, 174, 5. Fr. C. Matheroniana, d’Orb. P. F. 166, 175, 5-6. ‘Fr. C. Moreauensis, M. & H. (LunattA), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 64. munita, Forbes, Sp. (Nerita), d’Orb. Prod. 222. India. C. Neptuni, d’Orb. Prod. 68. Fr. N. nodosa, Gein. Kreid. 47, 15, 27, 28. G. C nodoso-costata, Reuss (NERITA), Bohm. Kreid. 113, 44, 21. notata, Reuss. Bohm. Kreid. 118, 44, 20. G. C. multistriata, Baily, Q. J. G. 8. vol. xi, 460, 12,8. 8S. Africa. U. G. obliquata, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Bost. 2d s. vol. vy, 389, 5,1. Neb. C. obliquestriata, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 186, 12,12. India. C. occidentalis, M. & H. (LunatiA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 64. oviformis, Forbes, Sp. (Nerita), d’Orb. Prod. 222. India. OF pagoda, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vil, 136, 12,14. India. C. paludinaeformis, H. & M. not d@’ Orb. (AMAUROPSIS), Mem. Acad. Bost. vol. v, 389, 3, 3. Pedernalis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 43, 4, 1. Texas. C. perspicua, P. & R. Env. Genév. 187, 18, 4. Fr. G. petrosa, Morton (GyRoDES), Synopsis, 48, 19, 5. petrorsa, d’ Orb. (G. petrosa), Prod. 221. praegrandis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. p. 44. Texas. praelonga, Desh. Leym. M. G. 8. F.’vol. v, 13, 16, 8. Fr. pseudoampullaria, Math. (Hugardiana), Catalogue. pungens, Sow. Sp. (Littorina), d’Orb. Prod. 150. E. U. Rauliniana, d’Orb. P. F. 160, 174, 1. G., Fr. Requieniana, d’Orb. P. F. 161, 174, 2. Fr. rectilabrum, Con. (concinna), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 344, 35, 28. Qt. eas Gasteropoda. 118 Natica. Rhodani, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 182,17, 3. Fr. G. rotundata, Sow. Sp. (Turbo), d’Orb. Prod. 150. E. UG: Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 165, 174, 6. Fr. C. rugosa, Hoen. (subrugosa), in Roem. Nord. Kreid. 83, 12, 16. rugossisima, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 137, 14,7. India. C. Roemeri, d’Orb. Prod. 222. G. C. subbulbiformis, d’Orb. Prod. 191. Fr., G. C. subcarinata, d’Orb. Prod. 221. G. C. subconica, d’Orb. Prod. 150. E. UG subcrassa, M. & H. (LunattA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 87. subfasciata, d’Orb. Prod. 221. G. C. sublaevigata, d’Orb. Prod. 68. E., Fr. Ls Gi subrugosa, d’Orb. Prod. 221. G. C. supracretacea, d’Orb. (GyRopES), Prod. 290. Fr. Danien. suturalis, Sow. (AMAUROPSIS Mariae), Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vil) 15%, 2521. Texana, Con. (LUNATIA), Emory’s Rep. 157, 18, 1. Toucasiana, d’Orb. Prod. 192. Fr., G. C truncata, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 185, 18,2. Fr. G. tuberculata, d’Orb. Prod. 150. Fr. U. G. Tuomeyana, M. & H. (Neriropsis), 1856, Proc. Acad. 270. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 150. Fr. OiiG vulgaris, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 50, 10, 22. Fr., G. U. G NEPTUNEA, Bolt. 1798. difficilis, d’Orb. Sp. (Fusus), Gabb, 1861. Chili. C. ? depressa, Munst. Sp. (Pyrula), Gabb, 1861. G. C. infracretacea, d’Orb. Sp. (Fusus), “ 4 Fr. N. Nereis, d’Orb. Sp. es a Be Fr. C. ornata, d’Orb. Sp. es Ks Fr. N. ponderosa, d’Orb. Sp. ks is 4 India. C. Dakotensis, M. & H. “ Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 421. Ne- braska. C. Haleanus, d’Orb. Sp. “ Gabb, 1861. Ala. C. Neptuni, d’Orb. Sp. oe ke pe Fr. Danien. glabra, Shum. (Pyrula), if ef Neb. C. impressa, Gabb, Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 2d s. 389, 68,5. Ala, Miss., N. J., Tenn. C. Gasteropoda. 119 NERINEA, Defr. 1825. Nerinea. Subgenera, Nerinella, Trochalia, and Ptygmatis, Sharpe, 1849. acus, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 42, 4,10. Texas. Archimedi, d’Orb. P. F. 78, 158, 3-4. Fr., Portugal. C. av (T.) annulata, Sharpe, 1849, Q. J. G.S. 112, 18, 1. Port. C. Aunisiana, d’Orb. P. F. 86, 160, 8,9. Fr. U.. G. Bagua, d’Orb. P. F. 91, 162, 1-2. Fr. bis Ge bicincta, Brown, Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 46, 117, 5. G. C. (P.) bifureata, d’Orb. P. F. 84, 160, 4-5. Fr. iN, ? brevis, d’Homb. Firm. in d’Orb. P. F. 92, 162, 3-4. Fr. C. Bronni (ii), Munst. in Goldf. 46, 177, 4. G. C. Carteroni (ii), d’Orb. P. F. 83, 160, 1, 2. Fr. IN. ? cesticulosa, Math. Sp. (Turritella), d’Orb. Prod. 191. Fr. C. Chamousseti (ii), d’Orb. P. F. 79, 159, 1,2. Fr. NN. (P.) Conimbrica, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 114, 18, 4. Por- tugal. “ Lower Cret.” Coquandiana, d’Orb. P. F. 75, 156, 8, 4. Fr. N. crenata, Munst. Goldf. P. Germ. 46, 117, 2. G. C. ceretacea, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 227, 16, 35. Syria. C. dubia, d’Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 844, 25,4. Fr. UG. (N.) Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 81, 159, 5-8. Fr. NV. (P.) Eschwegii, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 118, 18, 2. Por- tugal. C. Espaillaciana, d’Orb. (bisuleata), P. F. 99, 164, 2. (P.) Fleuriausa, d’Orb. P. F. 85, 160, 6, 7. Fr. OG flexuosa, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 38, f. 16. G. C. Geinitzii, Goldf. Petrif. 47, 177,8. G. C. gigantea, d’ Hombres. Firm. in d’Orb. P. F. 77, 158,1,2. Fr., Port. N. granulata, Munst. in Goldf. 47, 177, 6. G. C. ‘incavata, Brown, ibid. 46,177, 1. G. e. involuta, Voltz, 1885, Jahrb. fur Min. 552, 6, 25. G. C. lobata, d’Orb. P. F. 83, 160, 3. Fr. NV. longissima, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 114, 44, 1-4. G. ¢. Marcousana, @’Orb. Prod. 67. Fr. NV. ? Marrotiana, d’Orb. P. F. 96, 163 bis, 1-2. Fr. C. Martiniana, d’Orb. Prod. 103. Fr. N. (N.) Matronensis, d’Orb. P. F. 82, 159, 9-10. Fr. tN monilifera, d’Orb. P. F. 95, 163, 4-6. Fr. UG: Gasteropoda. 120 Nerinea (P.) Olisiponensis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 114, 18,3. Por- tugal. C. nobilis, Goldf. pl. 177, f.9. G., Portugal. C. Pailletteana, d’Orb. P. F. 88, 161, 1-3. Fr. 0. pauperata, d’Orb. P. F. 90, 161, 6-7. Fr. C. Perigordiana, d’Orb. (CerttuHtuM), P. F. 96, 163 bis, 3, 4. Podolica, Pusch. Polens. Pal. 113, 10,17. Poland. CG: pulchella, @ Orb. not Brown (subpulchella), P. F. 89, 161, 4, 5. regularis, d’Orb. P. F, 87, 160,10. Fr. ONG. Renauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 76, 157. Fr. N. Requieniana, d’Orb. P. F. 94, 163, 1, 3. Fr., G. C. (N.) Royeriana, d’Orb. P. F, 80, 159, 3,4. Fr. Ne Schotti (ii), Con. Emory’s Rep. 158, 14, 3. Texas. C. (N.) subaequalis, d’Orb. P. F. 93, 162, 5. Fr. C (N.) subpulchella, d’Orb. Prod. 219. Fr. C Texana, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 41,4, 7. Texas. C. Titan, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. 1849, vol. vi, 112, 12, 3. Portugal. “ Tower Cret.” turritellaris, Munst. Goldf. 46, 177,38. G. C. (T.) turbinata, S. ibid. 113, 12, 2. Portugal. “ Tower Cret.”’ Uchauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 98, 164, 1. Fr. C. bisulcata, d’Arc. M. G. 8. F. 1836. Fr. C. ampla, Goldf. Petrif. 45, 176,10. KE. C. cincta, Goldf. ibid. 45, 176, 12. G. C. pyramidalis, Goldf. ibid. 45, 176, 11. G. C. NERITA, Arist. Linn. 1758. arquata, Munst. Sp. (Pileopsis), d’Orb. Prod. 222. G. C. Bourgeoisiana, d’Orb. Prod. 192. Fr. Cc compacta, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 122, 15, 6. India. C costulata, Roem. (Neriropsis), Nord. Kreid. 82, 12, 12. divaricata, d’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 7, f. 43, 44. India. C. Fittoni, Sow. Sp. (Neritina), d’Orb. Prod. 63. E. Weald. Goldfussii, Keferstein in Goldf. P. Germ. 115, 198, 20. G. C. Mammaeformis, Renaux Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. WV. munita, Forbes (Natrioa), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 122, 12, 15. nodosa-costata, Reuss, Sp. (Natica), Bohm. Kreid. 118, 44, 21. ornata, Forbes (divaricata), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 121, 138, 5. ornatissima, d’Orb. Prod. 192. Fr. C. Gasteropoda. iPAl Nerita. oviformis, Forbes (Natica), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 122, 12, 13. plebeia, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 112, 44,18. G. C. turbinata, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi (1849), 192, 26,6. Por- tugal. “ Tower Cret.” NERITINA, Lam. 1809. bicornis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. 1849, vol. vi, 192, 24, 7. Por- tugal. “¢ Lower Cretaceous.” densata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 288, 46, 37. Miss. C. Fittonii, Sow. (NenitA), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 178. NERITOPSIS, Gray, 1840. costulata, Roem. Sp. (Nerita), d’Orb. Prod. 222. G. C. laevigata, d’Orb. P. F. 177, 176, 11-12. Fr. C Mariae, d’Orb. Prod. 69. Fr. N. Moutoniana, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. N. ornata, d’Orb. P. F. 176, 176, 8-10. Fr. U. EG pulchella, d’Orb. P. F. 177, 177 bis, 1-3. Fr. U. G Renauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 175, 176, 5-7. Fr. C. Robineausiana, d’Orb. P. F. 174, 176, 1, 4. Fr. N. sublaevigata, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. ig ?Tuomeyana, M. & H. (Natica), Proc. Acad. 1860, 423. Neb. C. biangulatus, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 598. Texas. 0. OLIVA, Brug. 1789. vetusta, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 124, 12, 23. a. b. India. @. Brandaris, Orb. (OVULA cretacea juv.), vide Prod. 291. OVULA, Brug. 1789. antiquata, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, f. 4, 6. India. C. bullaria, Lyell, Sp. (Cypraea), d’Orb. Pegs 291. Fr., G@. Danien. ceretacea, d’Orb. Prod. 291. Fr. “ incerta, d@’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, f. 7, 8. India. ree Kayei, Forbes, Sp. (Cypraea), d’Orb. Prod. 225. India. C. Marticensis, Math. Sp. (Cypraea), d’Orb. Prod. 225. Fr. C. ? ventricosa, Reuss, Sp. (Strombus), d’Orb. Prod. 192. G. C VOL. VIII.—Q Gasteropoda. 122 Patella. Patella, Linn. 1758. angulosa, Gein. (HELcton), Nacht. Kreid. 11, 6, 2-4. campanulata, Reuss (HELCION), Bohm. Kreid. 110, 44, 9. comosa, Roem. (EMARGINULA), Nord. Kreid. 77, 11, 2. corrugata, Forbes (HEucron), G. T. vol. vii, 187, 12, 11. elevata, Forbes (H. Reussii), G. T. vol. vii, pl. 12, f. 10. laevis, Sow. (HEtcron), M. Con. pl. 139, 3, 4. lamellosa, Koch. (HEtcron), Beitr. Zurkenn. Ool. 51, 6, 4. orbis, Roem. (Heucion), Nord. Kreid. pl. 11, f. 1. quadrata, Koch. (H. subquadrata), Beitr. Ool. 51, 6, 8. semistriata, Munst. (Hexcron), in Goldf. 7, 167, 12. tentorium, Morton (HELcron), Synopsis, 50, 1, 11. Pedipes, Adanson, 1757. incrassata, Mant. Sp. (AVELLANA), Quenst. Wiegman’s Ar- chiy. 3, 249. PERISSOLAX, Gabb, 1861.* ? brevissima, d’Orb. Sp. (Fusus), Gabb, 1861. Ala. C. * It is with considerable reluctance that I propose a new genus in this family ; but I am obliged either to do so, or suggest a modification of the characters of the genus Fusus as now understood. There exists a group of shells in the creta- ceous formation, of which Fwsws longirostris, and F. trivolvus, may be taken as the types. The species of this group have been referred to various genera, but they all agree in possessing the general characters of Fusus, but with a very low spire, patulous body, whorl, and long, straight, slender canal; in short, they have nearly the form of the genus TupicLA or HAUSTELLUM, but have no folds, plates, or teeth on the columella. I have never seen the outer lip, but judging from casts and figures, I believe it to be plain. These shells cannot be referred to TupicLa, FAscroLARiA, or Busycon, because of the plain columella. The spire is very low, and as now understood the spire of Fusus isaslongas theaperture. They resemble the genus Papinuina, Conrad, of which P. papillata, Con. (Fusus id.) is the type, but that genus has a fold on the columella like Busycon. Pyruxa is un- tenable; the umbilicus being entirely absent they cannot be referred to Rapa, even were the canal short. In view of these considerations, I propose the gene- ric name PERISSOLAX (mepicoos, excessive, and waz, furrow or canal), prefer- ring to separate the species from Fusus, rather than dispute the high authority of H. and A. Adams, and others, who maintain that the length of the spire in that genus is of generic value. This genus seems to be peculiar to the upper members of the cretaceous forma- tion, unless the recent species, Pyrula coarctata, Sow., may prove to belong to ——- Gasteropoda. 123 Perissolax. Hombroniana, d’Orb, Sp. (Fusus), Gabb, 1861. Chili. C. Durvillei, o . ef - C. longirostris, & e M . C. octolirata, Con. Sp. (Ficus), Gabb, 1861. Ala., Miss, N.J. 0. trivolva, Gabb (Fusus), Gabb, 1861. N. J. C. Richardsonii?, Tuomey, Sp. (Pyrula), Gabb, 1861. Ala. C. PHASIANELLA, Lam. 1804. Beadlei, @’Orb. Prod. 152. Syria. U. G Ervina, d’Orb. P. F. 234, 188, 1-3. Fr. G. formosa, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 14. E. UG: Gaultina, d’Orb. P. F. 233, 187, 3. Fr. G Haleana,* d’Orb. Prod. 224. Ala. 0. incerta, Forbes (Fusus subincertus), G. T. vol. vii, 135, 18, 8. ? lamellosa, Roem. Sp. (Natica), d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. C. lineolata, Reuss (AcTAEON ?), Bohm. Kreid. 49, 10, 19. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 232, 187, 1. Fr. N. ovula, d’Orb. Prod. 130. Fr. G perovata, Shumard, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. 597. Texas. (0, punctata, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 299, 48, 8. N. J. C. pusilla, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 13. E. U. G Royana, d’Orb. Prod. 224. Fr. C Sowerbyi, d’Orb. Prod. 152. E. UG striata, Sow. (Sowerbyi), G. T. vol. iv, 241, 18, 15, not Striata M. Con. supracretacea, d’Orb. P. F. 284,187, 4. Fr. C. PHORUS, Montf. 1810. eanaliculatus, d’Orb. P. F. 180, 176, 18, 14. Fr. C. it, This is the only species outside of the limits of the chalk, with which I am acquainted, that seems even closely related to it. Four of the species are found in the upper chalk of North America; the re- maining three are from a deposit of the same age in Chili, and they are, in both cases, associated with species of PugNELLUS, another chalk genus. The characteristic markings are revolving ribs or lines, though some of the spe- cies are plain, with subangular whorls. This appears to be the case both with P trivolva and P. longirostris. * ‘Petite espéce bein plus courte que le Ph. swpracretacea.’’ This is all the description given, Gasteropoda. 124 Phorus. leprosus, Morton, Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 222. N. J., Ala. C. ? umbilicatus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. vol. vii, 169. Ala. @C. PILEOLUS, Sow. 1823. cretaceus, d’Orb.* Prod. 150. Fr. U. G. Pileopsis, Lam. 1812. arquata, Munst. (NeRITA), in Goldf. vol. iii, 12, 168, 13. PITONELLUS, Montf. 1810. Archiacianus, d’Orb. (Rotella), Prod. 151. Fr. Us Ge cretaceus, d’Orb. Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 4, f. 18-21. India. C. Planorbis, Guett. 1756. radiatus, Sow. (HELicocryptus), M. Con. 140, f. 5. Pleurotoma, Lam. 1799 (TURRIS, Bolt. 1798). Araucana, d’Orb. (TurRIs), Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, 35, 36. arata, Gabb (TurRIs), ibid. 198, 3, 9. contorta, M. & H. (Turris), 1860, Proc. Acad. Phila. p. 183. Jusiforme, Sow. (subfusiformis), G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 39, f. 20 (not Sow. 1823). induta, Goldf. (Turris), Petrif. vol. iii, 20, 170, 10. Orbignyana, Gabb (TurRIs), 1860, Proc. Acad. 198, 3, 7. minor, Evans & Shum. (Turris), Trans. St. Louis Acad. 1857, p. 41. Mullicaensis, Gabb (Fusus), 1860, Proc. Acad. 94, 2, 8. semilineata, Goldf. (GuADIUS), Petrif. vol. ili, 19, 170, 13. semiplicata, Munst. (Fusus subsemiplicatus), Goldf. Petrif. 20, 170; At. spinosa, Sow. (T. subspinosa), G. T. vol. iii, pl. 39, f. 21. subfusiformis, d’Orb. (Turrtis), Prod. 230. subspinosa, Orb. (TurRis), Prod. 2380. suturalis, Munst. (Fusus), Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 20, 170, 12. * “Bspéce lisse de Sainte Calais (Sarthe) ’’! Gasteropoda. 125 Pleurotomaria. PLEUROTOMARIA, Defr. 1825. Albensis, d’Orb. P. F. 273. Fr. Allobrogensis, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 240, 23, 3. Fr. Alpina, d’Orb. P. F. 278. G., Fr. Astieriana, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. Anstedi (ii), Forbes, Q. J. G. S. 1845, vol. i, 349, 5, 1. E. Barremensis, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. bifrons, @’Orb. Prod. 154. Fr. Bourgeoisii, d’Orb. Prod. 225. Fr. Brongniartiana, d’Orb. P. F. 268, 203, 1,4. Fr. Carteroni (ii), d’Orb. P. F. 278. Fr. Carthusiae, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 235. Fr. Cassissiana, d’Orb. P. F. 266, 202, 1-4. Fr. contraria, d’Orb. not Koninck. (nondescripta), Prod. 70. coronata, P. & R. (Pictetiana), Env. Genéy. 241, 23, 4. UW. U. crotaloides, Morton, Sp. (Cirrus), d’Orb. P. F. 225. N. J., Texas, Ala. Defrancii, Math. Cat. 237, 39,14. Fr. dictyota, Reuss (Trocuus), Bohm. Kreid. 112, 44, 19. depressa, Passy. (perspectiva), Geol. Seine Inf. 835. dimorpha, d’Orb. P. F. 246, 191, 5-9. Fr. disticha, Goldf. Petr. Germ. vol. iii, 76, 187, 5. G. distincta, Goldf. (Goldfusii), P. G. vol. iii, pl. 187, 1. Dumontii, d’Arc. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 342, 24,3. Fr. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 245, 191, 1-4. Fr. elegans, d’Orb. (Astieriana), P. F. 242, 190, 1-4. Hspaillaciana, d’Orb. P. F. 271, 205,1,2. Fr. faleata, d’Orb. P. F. 263, 200, 9-12. Fr. Faucignyana, P. & R. Env. Genév. 232, 22,2. Fr. Fittoni, d’Orb. Prod. 70. E. Fittoni, P. & R. (Rouxii), Env. Genéy. 244. Fittoni, Roem. (Roemerii), Nord. Kreid. 82, 12, 10. Fleuriausa, d’Orb. P. F. 265, 201, 5-6. Fr. formosa, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. v, pl. 16, f. 12. Fr. funata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 47, 10, 11. G. Galliennei, d’Orb. P. F. 256, 197, 1-6. Fr. Gaultina, d’Orb. P. F. 247, 191, 10-11. Fr. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Prod. 153. G. Gibbsii, Sow. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 131. E., Fr. AR ARARARARRA 2 a es ARS QRARADWRS Gasteropoda. 126 Pleurotomaria. gigantea, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 14, f.16. E. i. gigantea, Geinitz (Geinitzii), Nacht. Kreid. 10, 5, 5. gigantea, Goldf. (subgigantea), P. G. 76, 187, 6. Goldfussii, d’Orb. Prod. 225. G. C. granulifera, Munst. in Goldf. P. G. 76, 187, 3. G. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 272, 205, 3,6. Fr. Tai Honii, d’Orb. Prod. 154. Fr. Us0Ge Humboldti’, Von Buch. (Turr1TeiA), Petrif. Rec. 9, 2, 26. Indica, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 121, 13, 18. India. Itieriana, P. & R. Env. Genév. 222, 22,3. Fr. Jason, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. Jurensisimilis, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 82, no. 2. G. Lahayesii, d’Orb. P. F. 251, 193, 1,4. Fr. lima, d’Orb. P. F. 248, 192, 1-3. Fr., G. Mailleana, d’Orb. P. F. 253, 195. Fr. Marrotiana, d’Orb. P. F. 267, 202, 5,6. Fr. Matheroniana, d’Orb. P. F. 264, 201, 1-4. Fr. Moreausiana, d’Orb. P. F. 260, 198, 8-6. Fr. Moutoniana, d’Orb. Prod. 131. Fr. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 240, 188, 8-12. Fr., G. Q asee 5 Neptuni, d@’Orb. Prod. 153. Fr. Re: nondescripta, Gabb* (contraria, d’Orb.). Fr. N. Nystii, d’Are. M. G.S. F. 2ds. vol. 11, 343, 24-2. Belgium. U. G. Pailletteana, d’Orb. P. F. 241, 189. Fr. N. Paris, d’Orb. Prod. 151. Fr. G. penultima, d’Orb. Prod. 291. Fr. Danien. perspectiva, Mant. Sp. (Cirrus), d’Orb. P. F. 255,196. Fr., E. U. G. Phidias, d’Orb. Prod. 70. Fr. Pictetianus (a), d’Orb. Prod. 131. Fr. plana, Munst. Goldf. P. G. 76, 187, 4. G. plicata, Sow. Sp. (Cirrus), d’Orb. Prod. 131. E. Pollux, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. provincialis, d’Orb. P. F. 244, 190, 9-10. Fr. quadrata, Sow. Sp. (Solarium), d’Orb. Prod. 225. G. regalis, Roem. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 225. G. regina, P. & R. Env. Genév. 243, 24,2. Fr. Requieniana, d’Orb. P. F. 262, 200, 5-6. Fr. Rhodani, Brong. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. P. F. 250, 192, 7-8. Fr., G., H. 2 OM S8eS2zaeoce * ‘Espece i gauche de Morteau (Doubs).” Gasteropoda. i yi Pleurotomaria. Robinaldi, d’Orb. P. F. 248, 190, 8. Fr. Roemerii, Gabb, 1861 (Fittoni, Roem.). G. Rouxii, d’Orb. Prod. 182. Fr. Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 269, 208, 5,6. Fr. Sabaudiana, d’Orb. Prod. 151. Fr. Santonensis, d’Orb, P. F. 258, 198. Fr. Saussureana, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 259, 23,1. Fr. Saxoneti, P. & R. id. p. 286. Fr. Scarpacensis, d’Arc. M.G.S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 848, 24,4. Fr. U. secans, d’Orb. P. F. 261, 200, 1-4. Fr. simplex, d’Orb. P. F. 252, 194. Fr. U. striata, Sow. 1836, not Sow. 1834 (Fittoni), F. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 158, 14, 16. striato-granulata, Goldf. (Guerangeri), Petrif. pl. 186, f. 10. subclathrata, Sandb. Sp. (Catantostoma), d’Orb. Prod. 225. subgigantea, d’Orb. Prod. 225. G. suprajurensis, Roem. Ool. pl. 10, f. 15. G. texta, Munst. in Goldf. 75, 187, 7. G., Fr. U. Thurmani, P. & R. Env. Genév. 230, 22,1. Fr. Toucasiana, d’Orb. Prod. 225. Fr. turbinoides, d’Orb. P. F. 270, 204. Fr. Uchauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. p. 273. Fr. Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. Verdachellensis, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 121, 14, 8. India. RARRARAaAQAR BS SV2Hoeaa Eos PSEUDOBUCCINUM, M. & H. Nebrascense, M. & H. (Buccinum), 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 140. Neb. C. Pterocera, Lam. 1799. (HARPAGO, 1758, Klein.) Beaumontiana, d’Orb. (Harpaco), P. F. 305, 213. bicarinata, d’Orb. (HarPaao), P. F. 807, 208, 3-5. carinella, P. & R. (Harpaco), Env. Genév. 267, 26, 2. Collegni (ii), d’Arc. (HaRpaco), M. G. S. F. 345, 25, 8. Dupiniana, d’Orb. (Harpago), P. F. 312, 211, 5-7. Emerici, V Orb. (HARPAGO), Q. F. 306, 216, 1-2. Fittoni, Forbes (Harpaco), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 350, 4, 5. Gaultina, P. & R. Sp. (Harpaco), d’Orb. Prod. 132. Gasteropoda. 128 Pterocera. gracilis, Reuss (PTERODONTA), Bohm. Kreid. 46, 11, 21. incerta, Orb. (CASSIDARIA), P. F. 308, 215. inflata, Orb. (HARPAGO), P. F. 511, 218, 1. tnornata, d Orb. (StRomBus), P. F. pl. 214. marginata, d’ Orb. (HARpaco), P. F. 310, 217, 2. Moreausiana, V Orb. (Harpaco), P. F. 301, 111, 1, 2. Necomiensis, d Orb. (HARPAGO), Prod. 71. pelagi, Brong. Sp. (Harpago), d’Orb. P. F. 802, 211, 5-7. polycera, d’ Orb. (HARpaco), P. F. 310, 217, 1. pseudobicarinata, d’Orb. (HARPAGO), Prod. 226. pseudoretusa, d’ Orb. (HARPAGO), Prod. 182. retusa, Sow. Sp. (Harpaco), d’Orb. Prod. 152. retusa, P. & R. (H. pseudoretusus), Env. Genév. 263, 25, 11. Rochatiana, d’ Orb. (HARPAGO), Prod. 104. speciosa, d’Orb. (HARPAGO), P. F. 303, 211, 3-4. supracretacea, @’ Orb. (HARPAGO), P. F. 309, 216, 3. subspeciosa, d’Orb. (StromBus), P. F. 803, 211, 3, 4. Toucasiana, @’Orb. (HARPAGO), Prod. 226. tricarinata, d’Orb. (HARPAGO), Prod. 71. Verneuili, d’Orb. (HARPAGO), Prod. 154. PTERODONTA, d’Orb. 1843. carinella, P. & R. (HARpaGo), Eny. Genév. 267, 26, 2. elongata, d’Orb. P. F. 316, 218, 2. Fr. U. G. Gaultina, P. & R. (HARPAGO), Eny. Genév. 266, 26, 1. gracilis, Reuss, Sp. (Pterocera), d’Orb. Prod. 191. G. C. Guerangert, d’ Orb. (VARIGERA), P. F. 320. inflata, d’Orb. P. F. 318, 219. Fr. U. G intermedia, d’Orb. P. F. 319, 220, 1. Fr. C naticoides, d’Orb. Prod. 191. Fr. CG. ovata, d’Orb. P.. F317, 218, 3. Fr. C pupoides, d’Orb. 319. Fr. C scalaris, d’Orb. P. F. 320. Fr. C. PUGNELLUS, Con. 1860. contortus, Sow. Sp. (Strombus), Gabb, 1861. India. densatus, Con. (Strombus), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 284. Ala., Miss. ° tumidus, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 197, 38, 13-14. Chili. uncatus, Forbes, Sp. (Strombus), Gabb, 1861. India. QA Gasteropoda. 129 Purpuroidea. PURPUROIDEA, Lycet. 1848. ? dubia, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 94,2, 11. N. J. A. PYRAMIDELLA, Lam. 1796. canaliculata, d’Orb. P. F. 104, 164, 3-6. Fr. C. carinata, Reuss (subcarinata), Bohm. Kreid. 113, 44, 6, 7. ? sagittata, Sharpe. P. J. G. 8S. 1849, 193, 2,8. Portugal. “ Lower Cret.”’ subcarinata, d’Orb. Prod. 191. G. C. PYRIFUSUS, Con. 1858. ? Newberryi, M. & H. (Fusus), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 421. Neb. C. subdensatus, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 322, 35, 12. Miss. C. PYRULA, Lam. 1799. Bairdii, M. & H. (Busycon), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 66. Brightii, Sow. (Fusus), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 21. cancellata, Sow. (I. Forbesianus), Forbes, G. T. 128, 15, 12. carinata, Roem. (Fusus), Nord. Kreid. 78, 11, 12. carinata, Munst. (F. carinatulus), Goldf. Petrif. 27, 172, 11. Carolina, @ Orb. (Ficus Pondicherriensis), Voy, Astr. pl. 5, f. 34, 35. costata, Roem. (Fusus subcostatus), Nord. Kreid. 79, 11, 10. Cotte, Roem. (Fusus), Nord. Kreid. 79, 11, 9. depressa, Sow. (RAPA), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 242, 18, 20. depressa, Munst. (NEPTUNEA), Goldf. vol. ili, 27, 172, 12. fenestrata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 73, 11,14. G. C. infracretacea, d’Orb. (Fusus), Prod. 71. Fr. longirostra, @ Orb. (PERIssoLaAx), Am. Merid. 119, 12, 13. Hombroniana, d@ Orb. (PERIssoLAX), Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, f. 31. minima, Hoen. (Ficus), Goldf. 27, 172, 10. ornata, Orb. (Fusus), Prod. 71. Fr. planulata, Nils. (Fusus), Petrif. Suec. pl. 3, f. 5. Pondicherriensis, Forbes (Ficus), G. T. 2ds. vol. vii, 127, 12, 19. VOL. VIIIl.—R Gasteropoda. 130 Pyrula. Smithii, Sow. (Fusus), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 11, f. 15. subcarinata, d’ Arc. (F. Galathea), M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii. 345, 25, 7. Richardsonii, Taomey (PERISSOLAX), 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 169. trochiformis, Tuomey (TupicuA), 1855, id. p. 169. glabra, Shumard (NEprunEA), 1858, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 125. RAPA, Klein. 1753. pyruloidea, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 94, 2,4. N. J. C. supraplicata, Con. 1858, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 8382, 35, 20. Miss. C. elevata, Gabb (Tupicxa), Jour. Acad. 2d 8. vol. iv, 301, 48, 12. depressa, Sow. Sp. (Pyrula), Gabb, 1861. HE. U.-G: RIMELLA, Agas. 1840. curviliratus (a), Con. 1858, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 351, 35, 9. Miss. C; Meekiana, Gabb (Chemnitzia per err.), Joar. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 299, 48,1. Ala. (See note under Chemnitzia.) C. Ringicula, Desh. 1888. acuta, Forbes (AcTAEON subacutus), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 136, 15, 3. incrassata, Munst. (AVELLANA), Grund. der Verst. p. 337. Ringinella, d’Orb. 1842. Alpina, P. & R. (AvELLANA), Eny. Genéy. 172, 16, 5 (a- chryma per err.). Clementina, d@’Orb. (AVELLANA), P. F. 129, 168, 5-8. inflata, Sow. Sp. (AVELLANA), d’Orb. P. F. 128, 168, 1-4. lacryma, Mich. Sp. (AVELLANA), d’Orb. P. F. 127, 167, 12- 21-23. Mailleana, @ Orb. (AVELLANA), P. F. p. 181. Gasteropoda. 131 Rissoa. RISSOA, Frem. Desm. 1814. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 60, 155, 8-10. Fr. G. incerta, d’Orb. (Rissorna), P. F. 62, 155, 11, 18. RISSOINA, d’Orb. 1840. incerta, d’Orb. (Rissoa?), P. F 62, 155, 11-13. Fr. G. Rostellaria, Lam. 1799 (GLADIUS, Klein, 1753.) acuta, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), P. F. 298. acutirostris, Pusch. (GLADIUS), Polens. Pal. 128, 11, 14. Aegion, d’Orb. (GuapIUsS), Prod. 155. Alpina, d’ Orb. (GuapIus), P. F. 283, 206, 6. Americana, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), Voy. dans Am. Mer. 80, 18, 5. Americana, Evans & Shum. (Aporrwalts), Trans. Acad. St. Louis, vol. i, p. 42. angulosa, d’Orb. (GLADIUS), ibid. 80, 18, 4. anserina, Nils. (GLADIUS), Petrif. Suec. pl. 3, f. 6. Aonis, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), Prod. 155. arcuarium, d’Orb. (G. arenarum), Prod. 227. arenarum, Morton (G. arenarum), Syn. 48, 5, 8. Astieriana, d’Orb. (GuaptIus), P. F. 283, 207, 1. biangulata, M. & H. (Avorrwats), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 65. Boussingaultii, d Orb. (GuaDIus), Am. Mer. 79, 18, 2, 3. buccinoides, Sow. (CERITHIUM), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 114, 11, 17. Buchii, Munst. Sp. (Guapius), Roem. Nord. K. p. 78, No. 5. Buchii, Gein. not Munst. (G. Geinitzii), 1840, p. 70, 18, 6. calcarata, Sow. (GuaApIUS), M. Con. 349. calcarata, Reuss, not Sow. (G. Mucronata), B. Kreid. 45, 9, 5. calcarata, d’Orb. not Sow. (G. Muleti), P. F. 285, 207, 3, 4. cancellata, Forbes (Fusus subcancellatus), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 128, 13, 18. carirata, Mant. (GLADIUS), Geol. Suss. 86, 19, 12-14. carinella, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), P. F. 287, 207, 7-8. cingulata, P. & R. (Guapius), Env. Genév. 261, 25, 7. coarctata, Gein. (GLADIUS), Char. Kreid. 18, 10, 71. collina, Con. (GLADIUS), Emory’s Rep. 158, 13, 3-4. composita, Phil. not Sow. (GuADIUS), Geol. York. 94, 2, 33. composita, Leym. (calcarata), M. G. S. F. vol. v, p. 31. Gasteropoda. 132 Rostellaria. costae, Sharpe (GLADIUS), Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 1849, 193, 20, 1 oP. costata, Mich. (GuADIUS Parkinsonii), M. G. 8. F. vol. iii, p. 100. costata, Sow. (GLADIUS), 1831, G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, 38, 21. Delucii, P. & R. (Guavius), Env. Genév. 262, 25, 2. divaricata, Reuss (GLADIUS), Bohm. K. 46, 9, 2. Drunensis, d’ Orb. (GuAvIus), P. F. 298. Dupiniana, @ Orb. (AporruAts), P. F. 281, 206, 1-3. elatior, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), Voy. Astrolabe, pl. 4, f. 1. elongata, Sow. (GuavIuS), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 114, 11, 16. elongata, d’ Arc. (CERITHIUM subelongatum), M. G.S. F. 2d s. 2, 345. elongata, Roem. (G. subelongata), Kreid. 78, 11, 5. emarginulata, Gein. (GLADIUS), Quadersand. Justformis, P. & R. (Guaptus), Env. Genév. 259, 25, 8. Jusiformis, M. & H. (G? Cheyenensis), Mem. Acad. Bost. 393, 10, 3. Gargasiana, P. & R. (Guapius), Env. Genéy. 255, 27, 1. Geinitzii, V Orb. (GLADIUS), Prod. 158. glabra, Forbes (GuapIuS), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 850, 4-5. granulata, Sow. (GLADIUS), G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 38, f. 28. Grasiana, P. & R. (Guapius), Env. Genév. 225, 27, 1. inornata, d’ Orb. (GuADIUS), P. F. 296, 210, 4-5. irregularis, @’ Orb. (GLADIUS), Prod. 71. Itieriana, V Orb. (Guapius), P. F. p. 25. laeviuscula, Sow. (GuavIus), G. T. 2d s. vol. ii, 38, 24. macrostoma, Sow. (HARPAGO), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 242, 18, 28. Mailleana, V Orb. (GuapIus), P. F. 295, 210, 2. marginata, Sow. (Parkinsonii), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 11, f. 18. Megaera, @ Orb. (GuapIvs), Prod. 155. megaloptera, Reuss (GLADIUS), Bohm. Kreid. 45, 9, 3. Moutoniana, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), Prod. 105. Muleti, @ Orb. (GuApIus), Prod. 152. mucronata, d’Orb. (GLADIUS), Prod. 155. monodactylus, Desh. (COLUMBELLINA), M. G.S. F. 14, 17, 15. Nebrascensis, EK. & 8. (APoRRHAIS), 1855, Proc. Acad. 164. Neckeriana, P. & R. (Guapius), Eny. Genéy. 256, 25, 3. Nereis, V Orb. (Guapiws), Prod. 155. Noueliana, d@ Orb. (GuADIUS), Prod. 193. Orbignyana, P. & R. (GuapIvs), Env. Geney. 249, 24, 4. ornata, d’Orb. (GuADIuUS), P. F. 291, 209, 1, 2. Gasteropoda. 133 Rostellaria. palliata, Forbes (CALYPTRAPHORUS), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 129, ? Parkinsonti, Mant. (GuApDIUS), Geol. Suss. 18, 1. Parkinsonii, Sow. (G. Megaera), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 24. Parkinsonii, Gein. (G. Westphalica), Kreid. 15, 1, 3. pennata, Morton (GLADIUS), Syn. 48, 19, 9. pinnata, d’Orb. (per. err. pennata), Prod. 227. provincialis, V Orb. (GLADIUS), P. F. 298. pseudosubulata, d’Orb. (GLADIUS), Prod. 152. pyramidalis, d Orb. (CERITHIUM Beaudouini), P. F. pl. 206, 1-8. ovata, Munst. (SprnicERA), Goldf. P. G. 18, 170, 3. Pyrenaica, d Orb. (Guavius), P. F. 295, 210, 3. Requieniana, d’Orb. (Guaptus), P. F. 293, 209, 3-4. Reussii, Gein. (GuapIus), Charak. Kreid. 71, 18, 1. Reussti, Reuss, not Gein. (G. Megaera), Kreid. pl. 9, f. 9, b. retusa, Sow. (HARPAGO), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 22. Robinaldina, @ Orb. (GuavIus), P. F. 282, 206, 4, 5. rostrata, Gabb (GLADIUS), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 68, f. 7. Royeriana, a’ Orb. (Guapius), P. F. 298. scalaris, d’Orb. (GLADIUS), P. F. 298. Schlotheimii, Roem. (Guapius), Nord. Kreid. 77, 11, 6. securifera, Forbes (GLADIUS), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 128, 13, 17. semilineata, Goldf. Sp. (GLADIus), d’Orb. Prod. 227. simplex, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), P. F. 290, 208, 6-7. Sowerbyi, Agas. (G. Parkinsonii), Trans. of Sow. p. 379. stenoptera, Goldf. (AporRHAIS), Petr. vol. ili, 19, 170, 6. striata, Goldf. (GuADIUS), ibid. 19, 170, 7. subcomposita, d’ Orb. (GLADIUS), Prod. 116. subcostata, d’Orb. (G. costata), Prod. 227. subelongata, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), Prod. 227. submarginata, d’Orb. (GLADIUS), Prod. 133. subsubulata, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), Prod. 227. subsubulata, d’Orb. (pseudosubulata), Prod. 132. subulata, P. & R. (pseudosubulata), Env. Genéy. 254, 25, 1. subulata, Reuss (subsubulata), Bohm. Kreid. 46, 9, 8. tenuistriata, Reuss (GLADIUS), ibid. 45, 9, 4. Timotheana, P. & R. (Guapius), Env. Genév. 258, 25, 6. tricostata, d’Orb. (GuapIus), P. F. 287, 207, 5. turrita, Roem. Sp. (GLApDIUS), d’Orb. Prod. 227. varicosa, d’Orb. (GLADIUS), P. F. 297, 210, 5-6. Gasteropoda. 134 Rostellaria. Varusensis, d’Orb. (GuADIUS), Prod. 105. Vespertilio, Munst. (GLADIUS), in Goldf. vol. iii, 18, 170, 5. Westphalica, d’Orb. (GLADIUS), Prod. 227. Rostellites, Con. 1855 (VOLUTILITHES, Swains, 1831). Texana, Con. (VOLUTILITHES), 1855, Proc. Acad. Phila. p. 268. ROTELLA, Lam. 1822. Archiaciana, d’Orb. (PrronELius), P. F. 192, 178, 4, 6. cretacea, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 7, f. 18-21. Chili. C. Scalaria, Lam. 1801 (SCALA, Klein. 1753). Albensis, d’Orb. (Scat), P. F. 51, 154, 4-5. annulata, Morton (ScALA), Synopsis, 47, 3, 10. Auca, d’Orb. (Scata), Voy. Astr. pl. 1, f. 16, 17. canaliculata, d’Orb. (Socata), P. F. 50, 154, 1-8. Chilensis, d’Orb. not Gabb (Scaua), Am. Meria. 114, 14, 1-2. Chilensis, Gabb, not d’ Orb. (ScALA Pattonii), 1860, Proc. Acad. 197, 3, 4. cerithiformis, M. & H. (Scat), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 63. Clementina, Mich. (Scata), Mag. Zool. 4, pl. 89 (1833). compacta, Sow. (Scan), Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 349, 27, 32. costato-striata, Munst. (Scaua), d’Orb. Prod. 217. decorata, Roem. Sp. (Scaua), d’Orb. Prod. 217. Dupiniana, VOrb. (Scaua), P. F. 54, 154, 10-18. elatior, d’Orb. (Scaua), Prod. 103. Gastyna, d’Orb. (Scat), P. F. 58, 155, 5-7. Gaultina, d’Orb. (Scata), P. F. 56, 154, 14-16. Guerangeri, d’Orb. (Scaua), P. F. p. 412. gurgitis, P. & R. (Scaa), Env. Genéy. 170, 16, 4. ornata, Baily (Scaua), Q. J. G. S. vol. xi (1855), 459, 12, 2. Philippi, Reuss (Scaua), Bohm. Kreid. 114, 44, 14. pulchra, Sow. (Socata), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 242, 18, 11. Rauliniana, @Orb. (Scaua), P. F. 57, 155, 1-4. Rhodani, P. & R. (Socata), Env. Genév. 169, 16, 3. Ricordeana, @ Orb. (ScauA), Prod. 115. Sillimani, Morton (Scat), Synopsis, 47, 18, 9. subinterrupta, d’Orb. (Scata), Prod. 103. subturbinata, d’Orb. (Scaua), Prod. 217. Gasteropoda. 135 Scalaria. subundulata, d’Orb. (ScauA), Prod. 217. Texana, Roem. (Scat), Kreid. Tex. 39, 4, 11. turbinata, Forbes, not Con. (ScALA subturbinata), G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 124, 12, 18. : undata, d’Orb. (ScaLA), Voy. Astrol. pl. 3, f. 31. SCALA, Klein, 1753 (Scalaria, Lam. 1801). Albensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Scalaria), a hi he Fr. annulata, Morton, Sp. fe N. J. Auca, d’Orb. Sp. g ‘ Chili. canaliculata, d’Orb. Sp. : fs Fr. Chilensis, d’Orb. Sp. es “ & Chili. cerithiformis, M. & H. “ Proce. Acad. 1860,422. Nebraska. clementina, Mich. Sp. “ Gabb, 1861. Fr., G. compacta, Sow. Sp. pred abl Gasteropoda. ‘ 142 Turbinella. TURBINELLA, Lam. 1801. parva, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 94, 2,3. N. J. C. subconica, Gabb, id. 94, 2,6. N. J. C. Turbinopsis, Con. 1860. Hilgardi (it), Con. (CANCELLARIA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 289, 46, 29. TURBO, Linn. 1758. acastus, d’Orb. Prod. 70. Fr. acuminatus, Desh. Leym. M. G.8. F.2d s. vol. v, 18,17, 3. Fr. Adonis, d’Orb. Prod. 69. Fr. Alceze, d’Orb. Prod. 104. Fr. Aleyon, d’Orb. Prod. 152. Fr. U. Alpinus, d’Orb. P. F. 820. Fr. Alsus, d@’Orb. Prod. 180. Fr. alternans, Munst. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. amatus, d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. Angeloti, d’Are. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 337, 38,4. Fr. U. arenosus, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 88, f. 14. G. Astierianus, d’Orb. P. F. 182, 18, 20. Fr. Astierianus, Reuss, not d’ Orb. (Reussianus), B. Kreid. 112, 44, 22. ? Bervillei, Heb. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 373, 29, 7. Fr. bicultratus, d’Orb. P. F. 226, 186 bis, 3, 4. Fr. U. bisulcatus, Goldf. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. Boblayei, d’Arc. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 338, 28,5. Fr. J. Bohemensis, d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. Boissyi, d’Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 339, 28,6. Fr. - U. Buchii, Goldf. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. carinatus, Sow. M. Con. 240. EH. G. Cassisianus, d’Orb. Prod. 152. Fr. U. Chaussyanus, d’Orb. P. F. 220, 185, 1-3. Fr. clathratus, Roem. Sp. (subclathratus), Nord. K. p. 80. Cognacensis, d’Orb. P. F. 229, 186 bis, 9-10. Fr. conicus, Sow. (NATICA subconica), M. Con. 433. coronatus, Roem. Sp. (Delphinula), d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. RNARARPRMARSSSAS RP RRARGR ARAN = Q Gasteropoda. 143 Turbo. cretaceus, d’Orb. P. F. 228, 186 bis, 7, 8. Fr. iG decussatus, Desh. Sp. (Alsus), Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. v, pl. 17, £.16. Delafossei, d’Arc. M. G. 8S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 338, 24,5. Fr. U. G. Desvoidyi, d’Orb. P. F. 210, 182, 5-8. Fr. N. dispar, d’Orb. (subdispar), P. F. 222, 185, 4-6. Dutemplei, d’Orb. Prod. 192. Fr. C. elegans, Desh. Sp. (Adonis), Leym. M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 14, 17, 7. Faucignyanus, P. & R. Env. Genév. 195, 19, 8. Fr. Ge fenestrata (us), d’Orb. Prod. 70. Fr. N. Fittoni, @ Orb. (Lirrorina), Prod. 152. Forbesianus, d’Orb. Prod. 116. E. Ds Gs Geslini (ii), d’Are. pl. 23, f. 7. Fr., G. Oa Gi: Gnidus, d’Orb. Prod. 223. G. C. Golezianus, P. & R. Env. Genév. 196, 19, 4. Fr. G. Goupilianus, d’Orb. P. F. 222, 185, 7-10. Fr. U. G. Gravesii, d’Orb. Prod. 291. Fr. Danien. gemmatus, Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 349, 27, 26, 38. KE. C. Gresslyanus, P. & R. Env. Genév. 194, 19,2. Fr. G. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 226, 186 bis, 1, 2. Fr. OG. Hilsensis, d’Orb. Prod. 69. G. N. Honii, d’Orb. Prod. 155. Fr. @.;.G. Icarus, d’Orb. Prod. 131. Fr. G. inconstans, d’Orb. P. F. 213, 182, 14-17. Fr. NV. indecisus, d’Orb. P. F. 230. Fr. G. Iris, d’Orb. Prod. 223. Fr. . C. Ixyon, d’Orb. Prod. 70. Fr. NV. Koninckii, d’Orb. Prod. 153. Fr. U. G. lapidosus, Morton, Sp. (DELPHINULA), d’Orb. Prod. 2238. Leblancii, d’ Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 339, 23,8. Fr. U. G. Lartetianus, Leym. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 197, pl. B., f. 10. Fr. C. Lorieri, d’Orb. Prod. 152. Fr. U. G. Mailleanus, d’Orb. P. F. 224, 186, 2,3. Fr. UG, Mantellii, M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. v, 12, 17,4. Fr. N. Marollinus, d’Orb. P. F. 212, 182, 12, 18. Fr. N. Martinianus, d’Orb. P. F. 218, 184, 4-7. Fr. LnGs minutus, Forbes (Forbesianus), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 848, 4, 2. moniliferus, Sow. M. Con. 395. E. Ong: Montmollini, P. & R. Env. Genév. 198,19, 6. Fr. G. Mulletii, d’Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 340, 23,9. Fr. JU. G. Gasteropoda. 144 Turbo. Mundae, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 194, 20, 7. Portugal. “ Tower Cret.” Nilssonii, Goldf. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 224, G. C. Nebrascensis, M. & H. (Marcarita), 1856, Proc. Acad. 64. obtusus, d’Orb. (Geslini), P. F. 230. obtusus, Reuss (Bohemensis), Bohm. Kreid. 48, 10, 10. Octavius, d’Orb. Prod. 152. Fr. U.iiGe paludinaeformis, d’Arc. M. G. 8. F. 2ds. vol. ii, 340, 23, 10. Fr. UaGe Pictetianus, d’Orb. P. F. 219, 184, 8-10. Fr., G. G. Pintevillei, @ Arc. (TRocuus), M. G. 8S. F. vol. ii, 341, 23, 11. plicatilis, Desh. in Leym. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. v, 13,17, 5. Fr. G. plicato-carinatus, Goldf. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. C. problematicus, P. & R. Env. Genév. 199, 19, 7. Fr. G. pulcherrimus, Bean, not Wood (subpulcherrimus), Phil. G. York, pl. 2. pulcherrimus, Roem, not W., not B. (Hilsensis), Nord. K. p. 80. Raulini, d’Arc. M. G. 8S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 8341, 28,12. G. JW. Renauxianus, d’Orb. P. F. 225, 186, 4-8. Fr. Reussianus, d’Orb. Prod. 192. G. Rhotomagensis, d’Orb. P. F. 228, 185, 11-14. Fr. U. Roissyi, d’Arc. Sp. (Littorina), d’Orb. Prod. 1538. Fr., G. U. rotundatus, Sow. (NaticA), M. Con. 483. Royanus, d’Orb. P. F. 223, 186, 1. Fr. Saxoneti, P. & R. Env. Genév. 197, 19, 5. Fr. scrobiculatus, Reuss, Béhm. Kreid. 48, 11, 14. G. subclathratus, d’Orb. Prod. 69. G. subdispar, d’Orb. Prod. 130. Fr. subinflatus, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 49, 11,12. G. sublaevis, d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. subsculptus, d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. subsulcifer, d’Orb. Prod. 228. G. subvaricosus, d’Orb. Prod. 70. Fr. sulcifer, Roem. (subsulcifer), Nord. Kreid. 81, 12, 1. tenuilineatus, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 64. Nebraska. tricostatus, d’Orb. not Desh. (Octavius), P. F. 227, 186 bis, 5, 6. trochleatus, Duj. Sp. (Monodonta), d’Orb. Prod. 223. Fr. RERPKFOSRESRSARA RASS tuberculato-cinctus, Goldf. Sp. (Trochus), d’Orb. Prod. 224. G. C. turritellatus, d’ Arc. (Fusus), M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 190, 12, 11. umbilicatus, d’Orb. Prod. 152. Fr. U. G. Voltzii, d’ Arc. (TRocuus), M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 341, 25, 6. Gasteropoda. 145 Turbo. Walferdini, d’ Arc. id. 341, 24,6. G., Fr. U. G. Yonnius, d’Orb. P. F. 214, 183, 8, 10. Fr. Ni Turbonilla, Con. not Riss. (CHEMNITZIA, d’Orb.) cerithiformis, M. & H. (ScauA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 63. corona, Con. (CHEMNITZIA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 287, 46, 50. laqueata, Con. (CHEMNITZIA), id. 288, 46, 36. melanopsis, Con. (CHEMNITZIA), id. 287, 46, 35. Spillmant, Con. (CHEMNITZIA), id. 287, 46, 48. érigemmata, Con. (CHEMNITZIA), id. 288, 47, 36. TURRIS, Bolt. 1798. (Pleurotoma, Lam. 1799.) aratus, Gabb (Pleurotoma), 1861. Chili. C. Araucanus, d’Orb. Sp. (Pleurotoma), Gabb, 1861. Chili. C. contortus, M. & H. (Fusus), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 422. Neb. C. indutus, Goldf. Sp. (Pleurotoma), Gabb, 1861. G. C. Orbignyanus, Gabb, fe co Chili. C. minor, E. & S. Sp. ch M. & H. Proe. Acad. 1860, p- 422. Neb. C. subfusiformis, d’Orb. Sp. “ Gabb, 1861. G. C. subspinosus, d’Orb. Sp. “ me Gs C. TURRITELLA, Lam. 1799. acicularis, Reuss, Bbhm. Kreid. 51,11,17. G. C. Alpina, d’Orb. Prod. 148. Fr. UG: altilis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 333. Miss. C. alternans, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 80, 11, 23. G. C. angulata, @Orb. not Sow. (angustata), P. F. 35, 151, 4-6. angustata, d’Orb. Prod. 67. Fr. N: Archiaci, d’Orb. Prod. 148. Fr. Uo G: Andii, d’Orb. (Humboldtii), Am. Mer. 104, 6, 11. angulata, d’Orb. (Pondicheriensis), Voy. Ast. pl. 6, f. 27. Astieriana, d’Orb. Prod. 103. Fr. N. Bagua, d’Orb. P. F. 45, 153, 3-4. Fr. C. biformis, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 88, f. 18. G. C. Bonei, Baily, Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 458, 12,7. South Africa. U. G.? Breantiana, d’Orb. Voy. Ast. pl. 2, f. 36, 37. India. C. Buchiana, Goldf. P. G. 108, 197, 7. G. C. Calypso, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 3, f. 28, 30. India. C. VOL. VIII.—T Gasteropoda. 146 Turritella. Caroli, Hebert, M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 373. Fr. C. Cenomanensis, d’Orb. Prod. 148. Fr. U. G. cesticulosa, Math. (NERINEA), Cat. 246, 39, 17. cintrana, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 194, 20, 6. Portugal. “© Lower Cret.”’ Coquandiana, d’Orb. P. F. 45, 153, 1-2. Fr. costata, Sow. M. Con. 565. EH. U. convexa, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 70. Neb. Decheniana, Goldf. Petr. vol. iii, 107,197,3. G. Dietrichi, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 197, pl. B., 11-18. difficilis, d’Orb. P. F. 39, 151, 19-20. Fr. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 34, 151, 1-3. Fr. Hichwaldiana, Goldf. P. Germ. vol. iii, 107, 97,4. G. encrinoides, Morton, Synopsis, 47, 3, 7. N. J., Ala., Miss. excavata, d’Orb. Prod. 217. Fr. Fancignyana, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 166, 16,1. Fr. Fittoniana, Goldf. P. Germ. 109, 197, 10. G. JSuniculosa, Math. (nodosa), Cat. 239, 59, 15. AAR AKRQqraaenaesese Geinitzii, d’Orb. Prod. 148. G. WF Goupiliana, d’Orb. P. F. 412. Fr. U. eranulata, Sow. M. Con. 565. E., G. UG. ae granulata, VOrb. not Sow. (granulatoides), P. F. 46, 153, 5-7. granulatoides, d’Orb. Prod. 190. Fr. C. fastigiata, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 169. Ala. C. gigas, Leym. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 198, pl. C.,f 1. Fr. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 412. Fr. UG Hagenoviana, Munst. in Goldf. vol. iii, 108, 197, 5. G. C. Hardemanensis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 392, 68, 15. Tenn., N. J. CU. Hugardiana, d’Orb. P. F. 38, 151, 18-16. Fr., G. G. Humboldtii, Von Buch, Sp. (Pleurotomaria), Bayle & Co- quand, M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 12. Chili.* (?) irrorata, Con. 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 268. Texas, Indian Terr. C. laevigata, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 342. Fr. N. Leonensis, Con. Emory’s Rep. 164, 21, 7. Texas. C. * “Neocomien,”’ d’Orbigny, ‘‘Jurassic,’? B. & C. Mr. Conrad proposed a new genus to receive this curious and beautiful species, which he called Lithotrochus. It was accidentally omitted at the proper place in this enumeration. After care- fully studying a very fine specimen in my own collection from near Copiapo, Chili, I am unable to detect any valid characters by means of which it can be separated from Twrritel/a, although its wide whorls and Jow spire induced Von Buch to consider it a Plewrotomaria. Gasteropoda. 147 Turritella. laeviuscula, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 88, f. 20. G. C. lineolata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 80, 11, 24. G. C. Marticensis, Math. Cat. 240, 39,16. Fr. C. Meadii, Baily, Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 458, 12,6. S. Africa. U. G.? Meudonensis, Heb. M. G. 8. F. vol. iv, 373. Fr. C. monilifera, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 128, 18, 2. India. C. Moreauensis, M. & H. (Ceriruiopsis), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 70. Moutoniana, d’Orb. Prod. 103. Fr. N. multiliniata, E. & 8. 1857, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 41. Neb. C- multistriata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 51, 10, 17, & pl. 11,16. G. OC Noeggerathiana, Goldf. Petrif. vol. iii, 107, 197, 1. G. C. Neptuni, Munst. in Goldf. 106, 196,15. G. UG: nerinaea, Roem. Nord. K. 80, 11,21. G. C nodosa, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 80, 11, 20. Fr., G. C ornata, d’Orb. P. F. 412. Fr. U. G paupercula, Dujard. M. G. S. F. 1837, vol. ii, 230,17,9. Fr. C. Pondicheriensis, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 123, 18, 4. India. C. planilateralis, Con. (irrorata), Emory’s Rep. 158, 14, 1. provincialis, d’Orb. Prod. 217. Fr. pumila, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 392, 68, 14. Tenn. quadricincta, Goldf. P. G. vol. iii, 106,196, 16. G. quinquecincta, Goldf. P. G. 106, 196,17. G. Rauliniana, d’Orb. P. F. 39, 151, 17,18. Fr. Renauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 41,152, 1-4. Fr., Portl., 8. Af. 0., U. Requieniana, d’Orb. P. F. 43, 152, 5-6. Fr. rigida, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 38, f. 19. G. rigida, Mich. not Sow. (Vibrayeana), M. G. 8. F. vol. iii, p. 99. Robineausa, d’Orb. Prod. 67. Fr. Saffordii, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 392, 68,11. Tenn. seriatim-granulata, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 39, 4,12. Texas. sexcincta, Goldf. P. Germ. 107, 197, 2. G., Fr. sexlineata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 80, 11, 22. G. simplex, d’Orb. not Gratel. (subsimplex), Voy. Ast. pl. 3, f. 26. Sowerbyi, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 124, 15, 4. India. C’. subsimplex, d’Orb. Prod. 218. India. C. Tennesseensis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 392, 68,13. Tenn. 0. Tippana, Con. Jour. Acad. Phil. 2d s. vol. iii, 333, 35,19. Miss. C. trilira, Con. id. vol. iv, p. 285. Miss., Ala. C. turbinata, Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 8349, 29,2. E. C. Uchauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 40, 151, 21-24. Fr. C S SOS Blo B Wasoseis Gasteropoda. 148 velata, Munst. in Goldf. P. G. 108, 197, 6. G. ventricosa, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 123, 18, 3. India. Verneuiliana, d’Orb. P. F. 47, 153, 8-9. Fr. vertebroides, Morton, Synopsis, 47, 5, 13. N.J., Ala., Miss. Vibrayeana, d’Orb. P. F. 87, 151, 10-12. Fr., Portugal. TYLOSTOMA, Sharpe, 1849. globosum, S., Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 379, 9, 5-6. Port. ovatum, S. id. 379, 9, 7-9. Port. punctatum, 8. id. 878, 9, 3-4. Port. Torrubiae, S. id. 878, 9, 1-2. Port. VARIGERA, d’Orb. 1847. abbreviata, Philippi, Sp. (Tornatella), d’Orb. Prod. 221. Carantonensis, d’Orb. Prod. 149. Fr. Escragnollensis, d’Orb. Prod. 128. Fr. Fittoni, d’Orb. Prod. 115. E. . Guerangeri, d’Orb. (Pterodonta), Prod. 149. Fr. Ricordeana, d’Orb. Prod. 68. Fr. Rochatiana, d’Orb. Prod. 103. Fr. Toucasiana, d’Orb. Prod. 221. Fr. VERMETUS, Adans. 1757. Albensis, d’Orb. P. F. 386, 233, 8-9. Fr. ? anguis, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 124, 13, 1. India. rotula, Morton (Srirorsis), Syn. 81, 1, 14. Rouyanus, d’Orb. P. F. 886, 233, 5-7. Fr. VOLUTA, Linn. 1758. Turritella. RARREA L. Cret. qN QASBRRARASG acuta, Sow. not Riss. (subacuta), G. T. vol. ili, pl. 39, f. 31. ambigua, Mant. not Brand. (pseudoambigua), G. Suss. 108, 18, 8. breviplicata, Forbes (Fusus), G. T. vol. vil, 182, 12, 7. Camdeo, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 181, 12, 5. India. cancellata, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 169. Ala. cincta, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 182, 12,6. India. citharina, Forbes, id. 152, 12, 8. India. ? conoidea, Math. Catal. 253, 40,19. Fr. deperdita, Goldf. Petr. G. 14, 169, 1. G. QAAKALA Gasteropoda. 149 Voluta. elongata, Sow. Sp. (Fasciolaria), d’Orb. P. F. 232, 220, 2, Fy. 9G: C. fusiformis, Tuomey, not Desh. not Sism. (Tuomeana), Proc. Acad. vol. vii, 169. Gasparini, d’Orb. P. F. 825, 220, 5. Fr. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 326, 221, 1. Fr. Oo G: jugosa, Tuomey, not Sow. ulus 1855, Proc. Acad. 169. Lahayesi, d’Orb. P. F. 3827, 221, 4. Fr. C. muricata, Forbes, not Born. ney G. T. vol. vii, 131, 12, 4. pseudo-ambigua, d’Orb. Prod. 154. E, U. G purpuriformis, Forbes (Fusus), G. T. vol. vii, 130, 12, 2. pyriformis, Forbes, G. T. vol. 7, 180, 12, 1. India. C. pyruloides, Math. Cat. 254, 40, 19-20. Fr. C. radula, Sow. in Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 1338, 12,9. India. C: Renauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 326, 221, 3. Fr. C. Requieniana, d’Orb. P. F. 324, 220, 4. Fr. C. rigida, Bailey, Q. J. G. 8. vol. xi (1855), 459,12,4. S.Af UG? septemcostata, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 131, 12,3. India. C. Spillmani (ii), Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. vol. vii, p. 169. Ala. ©. subacuta, d’Orb. Prod. 226. G. C. subfusiformis, d’Orb. Prod. 291. Fr. Danien. subjugosa, Gabb, 1861 (jugosa, Tuomey, not Sow.). Ala. c. submuricata, d’Orb. Prod. 226. India. C. Trinchinopolitensis, Forbes, G. T. 2, S. vol. vii, 183, 15, 5. India. C. Tuomeyana, Gabb, 1861 (fusiformis, Tuomey). Ala. C. Volvaria, Lam. 1861. levis, Sow. (ACTAEONELLA), G. T. 1835, pl. 39, f. 33. crassa, Dujard. (ACTAEONELLA), M. G.S. F. vol. ii, pl. 17, f. 10. tenuis, Reuss (BuLLA), Bohm. Kreid, 50, 10, 20. VOLUTILITHES, Swains, 1831. Abbottii, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 94, 2,7. N. J. bella, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. 2, S. vol. iv, 300, 48, 7. N. J. biplicata, Gabb, id. 300, 48,6. N. J. Conradii, Gabb, id. 300, 48,10. N. J. eretacea, Con. id. vol. ili, 383,35, 16. Ala., Miss. RAALN Gasteropoda. 150 Volutilithes, Eufalensis, Con. id. vol. iv, 286, 47, 18. Ala. leioderma, Con. id. 292, 46, 32. Ala. nasuta, Gabb, id. 300, 48,9. N. J. Saffordii, Gabb, id. 300, 48, 8. Tenn. Texana, Con. Sp. (Rostellites), Gabb, 1861. Texas, N. J. QARANA2 CONCHIFERA. ANATINA, Lam. 1809. Avassial, dOrp. P. Wo 371, sou, hh Er,’ G. arcuata, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 143,16, 5. India. Astieriana, d’Orb. P. F. 374, 370, 4, 5. Fr. carinata, Math. Sp. (Solen), d’Orb. Prod. 75. Fr. Carteroni, d’Orb. P. F. 375, 371, 1,2. Fr. Columbiana, @ Orb. (PERTPLOMA), Foss. Columb. 49, 3, 16-17. Cornueliana, d’Orb. P. F. 372, 369, 3,4. Fr. dilatata, Agas, Sp. (Platymya), d’Orb. Prod. 74. Fr., G. elongata, Reuss, Sp. (Lyonsia), d’Orb. Prod. 194. G. inflata, Agas. Sp. (Cercomya), d’Orb. Prod. 74. G. lanceolata, Gein. Sp. (Corbula), d’Orb. Prod. 255. G. Marullensis, d’Orb. P. F. 376, 371, 3-4. Fr. Robinaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 874, 3870, 6, 8. Fr. Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 377, 371, 5-6. Fr. subsinuosa, d’Orb. P. F. 373, 870, 1-8. Fr. subtenuis, d’Orb. Prod. 74. G. Rhodani, P. & R. Env. Genév. 440, 29,4. Fr. ANOMIA, O. F. Miill, 1766. 22:3 Ba aos aS pas a oS argentaria, Morton, Syn. 61, 5,10. N.J., Ala., Miss., Tenn. C, costulata, Roem. Ool. 18, 5. G. N. Flemingii, Meek. Assin. & Saskat. Exped. 183, 1-2-8. British America. C. convexa, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 7. E. Portugal. L. G, laevigata, Sow. id. pl. 14, f. 6. H., Fr., Portugal. Va dad ie Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 754, 489, 1-3. Fr. N. obliqua, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 181. Neb. C, papyracea, d’Orb. P. F. 755, 489, 7-10. Fr. U..G pseudo-radiata, d’Orb. Prod. 84. Ki. La ft radiata, Sow. not Riss. (pseudo-radiata), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 5. Conchifera. 1 51 parva, Gabb, Proc. Acad. 1860, 198, 3,5. Chili. sellaeformis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 330, 4, 6. Miss. subtrigonalis, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 181. Neb. semiglobosa, Gein. Quadersand. G. subtruncata, d’Orb. Prod. 171. G. tellinoides, Morton, Syn. 61, 5, 11. N. J., Ala., Miss. truncata, Gein. not Linn. (subtruncata), Carak. Kreid. 87, 19, 4-5. ARGA, Lam. 1799. abrupta, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 149, 14, 2. India. affinis, Dujard. M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 224, 15,10. Fr. Alabamensis, d’Orb. Prod. 245. Ala. alata, Math. not Dub. (subalata), Cat. 164, 21, 10. Albertina, d’Orb. Prod. 164. Fr. angulata, Reuss, not Reeve (subangulata), B. K. 10, 34, 30. antrosa, Morton, Sp. (CucuLLAEA), d@’Orb. Prod. 245. arcacea, Reuss Sp. (Pectunculus), d’Orb. Prod. 244. G. Archiaciana, d’Orb. (CucuLuagA), P. F. 235, 322. Astieriana, Math. Cat. 162, 21, 1,2. Fr. Austeni, Forbes, Sp. (Cardium), d’Orb. Prod.118. E., Fr. Beaumontii, d’ Arc. in d’Orb. (CucuLLaEA), P. F. 237, 324, bicarinata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 10, 34, 43. G. bifida, Reuss, id. 10, 34, 40. G. bipartita, P. & R. Env. Genévy. 460, 86, 5. Fr. Brahminia, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 146, 16, 1. India. brevis, d’Orb. Foss. de Col. 55, 5, 2-4. N. Gren. cardioides, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 7, f. 35, 386. India. carinata, Sow. (CucuLLAEA), M. Con. 44. Carteroni, d’Orb. P. F. 202, 309, 4-8. Fr. Campicheana, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 459, 36, 3. Fr. Cenomanensis, d’Orb. P. F. 223, 316, 14. Fr. Clellandi, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 149, 16, 4. India. consobrina, d’Orb. P. F. 209, 311, 4, 7. Fr. cor, Math. Sp. (CucunnagA), d’Orb. Prod. 80. cordata, M. & H. (Cucunnara), 1856, Proc. Acad. 56. Corbarica, d’Orb. Prod. 244. Fr. Corneuiliana, d’Orb. (CucuLLAEA), P. F. 208, 311, 1-3. Cottaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 217, 318, 7-9. Fr., G. cretacea, d’Orb. (CUCULLAEA tumida), Prod. 244. dictyophora, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 10, 34,29. G. U. DL. U. Anomia: C. C. C. U. G. 0. Conchifera. 1 5 dy) Area, disparilis, @’Orb. (Japetica), Astrolabe, pl. 5, 37-388. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 207, 310, 9-10. Fr. N. echinata, d’Orb. P. F. 222, 315, 11-13. Fr. U. G elegans, Q’Orb. not Roem. (Sarthacensis), P. F. 221, 315, 10. exaltata, Nils. P. Suec. pl. 6, f. 1. G., Sw. C. Eufalensis, Gabb, J. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 598, 68, 38. Ala. C elongata, Brown, Foss. Conch. G. Brit. 191, 77, 3. E. UG favrina, P. & R. Env. Genév. 458, 36, 1. Fr. G fibrosa, Sow. Sp. (CucutnakA), d’Orb. P. F. 212, 312. Fontanieri, @ Orb. (Brahminia), Voy. Astr. pl. 5, 34-35. fabiformis, Con. Lynch Exped. 223,17, 97. Syria. C. fucifera, Munst. in Goldf. P. G. pl. 121, 14. G. C. Gabreilis, d’Orb. (Cucutiaga), P. F. 198, pl. 308. Galdrina, d’Orb. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 82, 83. India. C. Galliennei, d’Orb. P. F. 218, pl. 314. Fr. U.-G. Galloprovincialis, Math. Cat. 163, 21, 8-4. Fr. 0. Gamana, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 148, 16, 3. India. C. Geinitzii, Reuss, B. Kreid. 11, 384,21. G. C. gibbosa, a’ Orb. not Reeve (Albertina), P. F. 224, 316, 5-8. glabra, Goldf. (C. fibrosa), P. G. 149, 124, 3. glabra, Gein. (Matheroniana), Carakt. Kreid. Gravesii, d’Orb. Prod. 294. Fr. Danien. Guerangeri, d’ Orb. P. F. 228, 318, 1-2. Fr. U. G. Hugardiana, d’Orb. P. F. 216, 318, 4-6. Fr., G. G. inclinata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 12, 35,38. G. C. érregularis, Math. Sp. (C. Requieniana), d’Orb. P. F. 230, 326, 4, 5. Japetica, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 148, 16, 2. India. C. laevis, Math. Cat. 164, 21, 11,12. Fr. C. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. (CucuLLAEA), P. F. 227, 317. Mailleana, d’ Orb. (CucuLLaArEa), P. F. 229, 318, 3-7. Marceana, d’Orb. (Cucutnaka) P. F. 232, 319, 3-5. Marticensis, Math. Cat. 165, 21,18. Fr. C. Marullensis, V Orb. (Crsota), P. F. 205, 310, 3-5. Matheroniana, V@ Orb. (CucuLnaEA), P. F. 238, 325. Moreana, d’Orb. P. F. 200, 309, 1-3. Fr. N. Moutoniana, d’Orb. P. F. 234-321. Fr., Port. OG nana, Leym. Sp. d’Orb. (Cucunnara), P. F. 209, 311, 4-7. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 206, 310, 8-8. Fr. NV. Natalensis, Baily, Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 461, 13, 2. Port Natal, S. Af. O'R Conchifera. 1 53 Arca. Nereis, d’Orb. Prod. 244. Fr. GC, Noueliana, d’Orb. Prod. 196. Fr. C. octavia, d’Orb. Prod. 244. G. C orbicularis, Gein. Carak. Kreid. 20, 17,74. 4G. C. Orbignyana, Math. Sp. (CucunLaEa), d’Orb. P. F. 242, 327, 5-6. obesa, P. & R. (CucunnakA), Eny. Genév. 464, 381, 1. Olisiponensis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 176, 14, 1. Port. C. Passyana, d’Orb. (Cucunnaka), P. F. 241, 3827, 1-2. perobliqua, Von Buch. Pet. Rec. en Am. par Humb. 16, 1, 13-14. N. Gren. N. pholadiformis, d’Orb. P. F. 219, 315, 1-3. Fr. U:.G: Ponticeriana, d’Orb. Voy. Ast. pl. 8, 29-31. India. C. propinqua, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 12, 34, 34. G. C. Proutiana, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 601. Texas. C. pygmaea, Reuss, Bohm. K. 11, 34, 33. G. C. quindecemradiata, Gabb, Proc. Acad. 1860, 94, 2,2. N. J., Del. C. radiata, Munst. in Goldf. not Mf. 1858 (subradiata), P. Germ. pl. 138, 2. Raspailii, d’Orb. (Cue. irregularis), Prod. 196. Raulini, @ Orb. (Cucunnaga), P. F. 204, 310, 1-2. Renauxiana, Math. Cat. 164, 21, 7-9. Fr. C. Requieniana, Math. Sp. (CucuLtaEA), d’Orb. Prod. 196. Requieniana, d’Orb. (Cue. irregularis), P. F. 239, 326, 1-3. - Robinaldini, d’Orb. P. F. 208, 310, 11-12. Fr. N. Roemeri, Gein. Charak. Kreid. 50, 20, 15. G. C. rostellata, Morton (Crsota), 64, 3, 11. rostellata, Von Buch. (subrostellata), P. Rec. en Amer. 14, 1, 16. rotundata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 289, 17, 8. E. Gor. rotundata, Roem. not Sow. (octavia), Nord. Kreid. 79, 9, 2. Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 248, 827, 83-4. Fr. C. Saffordii, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 8397, 68,37. N.J., Tenn. C. sagittata, d’ Arc. Sp. (CucuLLaEA), d’Orb. P. F. 231, 319, 1-2. Santonensis, d’Orb. (CucuLiagA), P. F. 236, 3238. Sarthacensis, d’Orb. Prod. 164. Fr. UG Schusteri, Roem. Sp. (Cucuttag), d’Orb. Prod. 80. securis, Leym. Sp. (CucuLLaga), in d’Orb. P. F. 203, 309, 9-10. semisulcata, Math. Cat. 163, 21, 5-6. Fr. C. serrata, d’Orb. P. F. 226, 416, 13, 16. Fr. AY VOL. VIII.—U Conchifera. 1 5 4 Area, similis, d’Orb. (Gamana), Voy. Astr. pl. 4, 33, 34. striatula, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 12, 34, 28. G. C. subalata, d’Orb. Prod. 244. Fr. C. subangulata, d@’Orb. Prod. 244. G. C. subconcentrica, d’Orb. (CUCULLAEA concentrica), Prod. 164. subdinnensis, d’Orb. P. F. 225, 316, 9-12. Fr. U. G subelongata, Con. Emory’s Rep. 148, 6, 3. Texas. C. subformosa, @’ Orb. (CucULLAEA formosa), Prod. 164. subglabra, d’Orb. Prod. 244. G. C. subnana, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 461, 36,6. Fr. G. subradiata, d’Orb. Prod. 245. G. C subrostellata, d’Orb. Prod. 106. N. Grenada. N. subtruncata, Reuss, not Recve (Reussii), B. Kreid. 10, 34, 35. sulcatina, Evans & Shum. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1857, p. 39. Neb. supracretacea, d’Orb. Prod. 294. Fr. Danien. Tailburgensis, V Arc. Sp. (CucuLLazA), in d’Orb. P. F. 238, 320. tenuistriata, Munst. in Goldf. 142, 188, 1. G. C. Tocaymensis, d’Orb. Foss. de Col. 55, 6, 1-8. N. Grenada. NN: trapexoidea, Gein. Sp. (CucunLAgA), d’Orb. Prod. 165. Trinchinopolitensis, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 150, 15, 16. India. C. tumida, @’ Arc. Sp. (CucuLnanA), d’Orb. P. F. 244, 328. undulata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 12, 34, 33, 39. G. C. uniopsis, Con. Jour. Acad. vol. ii, 275, 24,7. N. J. C. urtellata, d’Orb. (per err. rostellata, Morton), Prod. 245. Umzambaniensis, Baily, Q. J. G. S. vol. xi (1855), 460, 18, 1. 8. Africa. T.Gt Vancouverensis, Meek, Trans. Alb. Inst. vol. iv, p. 40. Van- couver Id. pS Varusensis, d’Orb. Prod. 106. Fr. N. Vindinnensis, d’Orb. P. F. 220, 815, 4-7. Fr. U.. Ge vulgaris, Morton, Sp. (CucuntarA), d’Orb. Prod. 240. ARCOPAGIA, Leach, 1827. Cenomanensis, d’Orb. Prod. 158. Fr. Oo circinalis, Duj. Sp. (Psammobia), d’Orb. P. F. 414, 878, 16-18. C. concentrica, d’Orb. (subconcentrica), P. F. 410, 378, 1-6. concentrica, Reuss, Sp. (Tellina), d’Orb. Prod. 235. G. C. costulata, Goldf. Sp. (Tellina), d’Orb. Prod. 235. G. C. gibbosa, d’Orb. P. F, 418, 878, 14-15. Fr. C. Conchifera. 155 Arcopagia. numismalis, Math. Sp. (Lucina), d’Orb. P. F. 415, 379, 1-5. Fr. ¢. radiata, d’Orb. (semiradiata), P. F. 412, 378, 11-13. Rauliniana, d’Orb. P. F. 411-378, 7-10. Fr. G. rotundata, d’Orb. P. F. 416, 379, 6-7. Fr. C. semiradiata, Math. Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 194. Fr. C. strigata, Goldf. Sp. (Tellina), d’Orb. Prod. 285. G., Fr. C. subconcentrica, d’Orb. Prod. 75. Fr. N. subdecussata, Reuss, Sp. (Tellina), d’Orb. Prod. 235. G. C. Valdiviana, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 2,f. 7,8. Chili. C. Texana, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 46,6, 8. Tex. C. Artemis, Poli, 1791 (DOSINIA, Scopoli, 1777). cordata, Sharpe (DosintA), Q. J. G. S. vol. vi (1849), 177, 21, 3. ? elegantula, Sharpe (DostntA), id. 177, 14, 2. inelegans, 8. (DosintA), id. 177, 20, 3. lenticularis, Goldf. Sp. (DostntA), Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 147, 18, "7: excavata, Morton, Sp. (Dosin1A), Con. Proc. Acad. vol. vi, p. 320 ANOPLOMYA, Krauss, 1850. lutraria, K. Nov. Act. Acad. C. L. C. vol. xx, 447, 47,1. C. Good Hope. Gi Gar ASTARTE, Sow. 1816. acuta, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 3, 33, 7. G. C. Arcotensis, Forbes, Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 288. India. C. Astieriana, d’Orb. Prod. 77. Fr. is\f Beaumontii, Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. v, 4,4, 1. Fr. NV. Bellona, d’Orb. Prod. 156. Fr. G. Buchii, Roem. “ Astarte,” p. 20, f. 4. Fr. NV. Bronnii, Krauss, Nov. Act. Acad. C. L. C. vol. xx, 449, 48, 1. S. Af. U.iG Brunneri, P. & R. Eny. Genéy. 435, 35, 3. Fr. G. caelata, Mull. Aachen. Kreid. 22, 2,3. G. C. Capensis, Krauss (Herzogii), Amtl. Bericht. 1843, p. 126. carinata, d’Orb. not Phil. (subacuta), P. F. 63, 262, 1-3. concinna, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 239, 16,15. KE. UE. Conchifera. il 56 Astarte. erenulirata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 282, 46, 25. N. J., Ala., Miss., Tenn. C. cyprinoides, d’ Arc. (CypRInA oblonga), pl. 14, f. 5. difficilis, d’Orb. Prod. 238. Fr. 0. discus, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 177, 21, 4. Portugal. “ Lower Cret.” disparilis, d’Orb. P. F. 66, 264, 1-4. Fr. Ni, ? dubia, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 105, 6, 12-13. Peru. NV. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 70, 264, 4-6. Fr. G. elongata, d’Orb. P. F. 68, 263, 8-11. Fr. iN; exotica, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 85, 18, 11-12. N. Gren. N. formosa, Sow, G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 239, 16, 16. HE. U. Ge formosa, a’ Orb. not Sow. (subformosa), P. F. 65, 262, 10-12. gigantea, Desh. M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 5-4, 3. Fr. IN, granum, Math. Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 135. Fr. C. gregaria, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 84. Neb. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 71, 266 bis, 1-5. Fr. Os .Gs Gurgitis, P. & R. Eny. Genéy. 486, 33, 1. Fr. G. Herzogii, Hausm. Sp. (Cytherea), Krauss. Nov. Act. Acad. C. L. C. vol. xx, 447, 47, 2. C. Good Hope. U; Gt impolita, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 16, f. 18. E. U. G. laevis, Phil. Geol. York. 94, 2, 18-19. KE. G. laticosta, Desh. (subformosa), M. G. 8S. F. vol. iv, 4, 4, 4-5. lineolata, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 51, 7, 8. Texas. C. lintea, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 19, 109. Syria. C. macrodonta, Sow. G. T. vol. iii, pl. 38, f. 8. G. Gg Moreausa, d’Orb. P. F. 60, 259. Fr. N. mucronata, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 222, 16, 85. Syria. C. multistriata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 16, f.17. E. U. @. nana, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 3, 35,18. G. C. numismalis, d’Orb. P. F. 63, 262, 4-6. Fr. N. Neocomensis, d’Orb. Prod. 77. Fr. AN oblonga, Desh. not Sow. (elongata), M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 6, f. 1. obovata, Sow. (Corsis), M. Con. 353. octolirata, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 394, 68, 27. N. J., Tenn. C. parilis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 276, 24,16. N. J. C. planissima, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 148, 15, 28. India. C. porrecta, Reuss, B. Kreid. 2, 383,19. G. C; pseudostriata, d’Orb. Prod. 77. Fr. N. Sabaudiana, P. & R. Envy. Genéy. 488, 82,4. Fr. G. _ Conchifera. 15 7 Astarte. sinuata, d’Orb. P. F. 69, 264, 1-3. Fr. BG. striata, Sow. M. Con. 520. E., Fr. vw. G. striatocostata, d’Orb. (subcostata), P. F. 64, 262, 7-9. subacuta, d’Orb. Prod. 77. Fr. N. subcostata, d’Orb. Prod. 77. Fr. WN: subdentata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 71,9, 9. G. NV. subformosa, d’Orb. Prod. 77. Fr. . N. sublineolata, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 19, 112. Syria. C. substriata, Leym. not Brown (pseudostriata), M. G. S. F. vol. iii, 67, 263, 5-8. Texana, Con. Emory’s Rep. 152, 5,9. Texas. C. transversa, d’Orb. P. F. (Neocomensis), p. 61, 261. truncata, Von Buch, Petr. Rec. par Humb. pl. 13-1-11. N. Gren. Nv: undulosa, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 222, 16, 81. Syria. C. Washitensis, Shumard, Marcy’s Rep. 206, 8, 3. Texas. C. AVICULA, Klein, 1753, Lam. 1799. abrupta, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 274, 24, 5-6. N. J. C. Aeolis, d’Orb. Prod. 168. Fr. WEG. Allaudiensis, Math. Cat. 175, 26,1. Fr. N. anomala, Sow. 1836, not Gein. 1845, G. T. 2d s. fal iv, pl. 17, f.18. E., G., Fr., Sw. UNE approximata, Golaf, P: G. 133,118,722 G C. Aptensis, d’Orb. Prod. 119. Fr. anNG. caerulescens, Nilss. P. Suec. pl. 3, f. 19. Sw., G., Fr. C. Carteroni, d’Orb. P. F. 472, 390. Fr. N. Cenomanensis, d’Orb. P. F. 476, 391, 11-13. Fr. U. G convexo-plana, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 61, 7,9. Texas. C. Cornueliana, d’Orb. P. F. 471, 389, 3-4. Fr. Cottaldina, d@’Orb. P. F. 470, 389, 1-2. Fr. lV. eretacea, Con. Nicollett’s Rep. (1845), p. 169. Ark. C. depressa, Forbes, not Munst. (subdepressa), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 247, 3, 7. ephemera, Forbes, Q. J. G. S. 1844, vol. i, 247,3,6. E. JZ. G. ? fibrosa, M. & H. (PHoLADoMYA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 86. Geinitzii, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 23, 32,6. G. glabra, Reuss, id. 22, 32,4, 5. G. gryphaeoides, Sow. G. T. 2d. vol. iv, pl. 11, f. 3. E. i: RQ Conchifera. 1 58 Avicula. Haydeni, Hall & Meek, Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 382, 1 be Neb: C. interrupta, d’Orb. P. F. 477, 391, 14-18. Fr. G.. Ga lanceolata, Forbes, not Sow. (sublanceolata), Q. J. G.S. vol. i, 247, 3-8. laripes, Morton, Synopsis, 63, 17, 5. Del., (G., Russia, Crimea fide d’Orb.). C. lineata, Roem. (sublineata), Nord. Kreid. pl. 8, f. 15. linguaeformis, E. & Shum. 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 163. Vancou- ver Id.* C. modioliformis, Mull. Aach. Kreid. 29,2, 14. G. C. Moutoniana, d’Orb. P. F. 479, 598. Fr. GAG macroptera, Roem. 1841 (Cornueliana), Kreid. not Roem. 1836, not Lam. neglecta, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 28, 82,10. G. C. Nebrascensis, E. & S. Trans. St. Louis Acad. vol. i, p. 38. Ne- braska. C. nitida, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 151, 16, 6. India. C. Nysa, d’Orb. Prod. 197. Fr. C. Olisiponensis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 178, 18, 8. Portugal. C. paucilineata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 23, 382,11. G. C. pectinata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 14, f.3. Fr., E. De. Gaya, Pedernalis, Roem. Kreid. Texas, 61, 8,1. Texas. C. pectiniformis, Gein. Charak. Kreid. 79, 20,37. G., Fr. C. pectinoides, Reuss, not Sow. (subpectinoides), B. K. 23, 32, 8-9. Perigordina, d’Orb. Prod. 249.. Fr. C. petrosa, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 274, 24,15. Del., (Neb. ?) @. planisulca, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 62, 7, 7. Texas. C. plicata, V’ Orb. not Sow. (subplicata), P. F. 475, 891, 8-10. pulchella, Math. (pectiniformis), Cat. 176, 26, 4-5. radiata, Gein. not Leach (Roxelana), Char. Kreid. 56, 10, 6. Rauliniana, d’Orb. P. F. 474, 391, 4-7. Fr. G. Reichii, Roem. Sp. (Gervillia), d’Orb. Prod. 168. G. Uw G. Rhodani, P. & R. Env. Genév. 494, 41, 2. Fr. G. Roxelana, d’Orb. Prod. 168. G. U. G. semiplicata, Gein. Charak. Kreid. 20, 31,79. G. U. G. Samarensis, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 19, 107. Syria. C. semiradiata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 23,52, 7. G. U.'G: subdepressa, d’Orb. Prod. 119. Fr., E. L. G * Ihave little doubt but that this species will prove identical with A. petrosa, Con., although I have not had an opportunity of comparing specimens of them. Conchifera. 1 59 Avieuls subgibbosa, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 180. Neb. C. sublanceolata, d’Orb. Prod. 119. E. b.Ge sublineata, d’Orb. Prod. 249. GQ. CO; subplicata, d’Orb. Prod. 167. Fr. OSGE subradiata, Desh. (pectinata), M. G. S. F. vol. v, 9, 6, 3. tenuicostata, Roem. (laripes), Nord. Kreid. pl. 8, f. 15. triangularis, E. & 8. 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 163. VancouverI. C. triloba, Roem. Sp. (Gervillia), d’Orb. Prod. 249. G. (. triptera, Goldf. P. Germ. 183, 118,8. G. 0. AXINABA, Poli, 1791 (Pectunculus, Lam. 1801). alternata, d’Orb. Sp. (Pectunculus), Gabb, 1861. Fr., G. G. Bourgeoisiana, d’Orb. Sp. “ “i ee Fr. C. clava, Sow. Sp. fe ce bf G. C. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Sp. A zs G. C. hamula, Morton, Sp. me Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 15, N.J., Ala. C, Heberiana, P.& R. Sp. “ Gabb, 1861. Fr. G. insculpta, Reuss, Sp. “ 4: se G. C. lens, Nilss. Sp. ce e a Ge Sw: C Marrotiana, d’Orb. Sp. Cs es =: Fr. C. Marullensis, Leym. Sp. s a Fr. N. Renauxiana, d’Orb. Sp. ts - Fr. C. Requieniana, d’Orb. Sp.“ Z aS Fr. C. reticulata, Reuss, Sp. es - 2 G. C. Reussii, d’Orb. Sp. es = ig G. U. G. Siouxensis, M.& H.Sp. “ Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 15. Nebraska. C. australis, Morton, Sp. (subaustralis), Gabb, id. p. 15. spinescens, Reuss, Sp. (Pectunculus), Gabb, 1861. G. U. G. subauriculata, Forbes, Sp. -: < ae India. C. subconcentrica, Lam. Sp. f & ce He Ute G: subdecussata, d’Orb. Sp. a Sa G. C. subimbricatus (a),M.& H.Sp. “ Gabb, Cat. Cret. 1859, pl. “Neb. C. sublaevis, Sow. Sp. . Gabb, 1861. E. U7 Ge subsulcata, d’Orb. Sp. és ve Ee G. C. ventricosa, Gein. Sp. us ce es G. U" G. rotundata, Gabb, Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 2d s. 396, 68,33. Ala. C. subaustralis, d’Orb. Sp. (Pectunculus), Gabb, 1861. Ala.,N.J. C, Conchifera. 160 Buecardia. Bucardia, List. 1678* (GLOSSUS, Poli, 1795). ? Moreauensis, M. & H. (Guossus), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 426. Byssoarca, Swains. (CIBOTA, Brown). Marullensis, V Orb. Sp. (Arca), Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 355, 285 11: Catillus, Brong. 1822 (INOCERAMUS, Sow. 1819). pyriformis, Mich. (I. concentricus), Mag. de Zool. pl. 32. Lamarckii, Brong. (INOCERAMUS), Env. Par. p. 338, mytiloides, Desh. (I. problematicus), Ene. Meth. t. il, p. 211. Schlotheimi, Nils. (1. problematicus), Petr. Suec. p. 19. Cuvieri, Brong. (INocERAMUS), Env. Par. pl. 4, f. 10, edit. 1822. CAPSA, Lam. 1818. discrepans, Duj. Sp. (Psammobia), d’Orb. P. F. 424, 381, 3-5. Fr. C. elegans, d’Orb. P. F. 425, 381, 1-2. Fr. OU: Ge Texana, Con. Emory’s Rep. 164, 21, 6. Texas. C. CARDITA, Brug. 1789 (Venericardia, Lam. 1801). Cenomanensis, d’Orb. P. F. 94, 283 bis, 1-4. Fr. Uta Constantii, d’Orb. P. F. 89, 269, 1-5. Fr., G. Ga Cottaldini, d’Orb. P. F. 91, 269, 6-8. Fr. U. G. tdecisa, Morton (VENILIA Conradi), Synopsis, 66, 9, 3. dubia, Sow. M. Con. 259. E., Fr. U. Ge Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 88, 268, 6-10. Fr. G. eminula, Con. Emory’s Rep. 150, 6, 8. Texas. C. exaltata, d’Orb. Prod. 137. Fr. G. * The generic name Bucardia, being pre-Linnaean, must give way to Poli’s name, that being the first one given to the genus under the binomial system. + I place this name asa synonym of V. Conradi, only from the evidence of the figure given in the Synopsis. The Academy of Natural Sciences has all the known types of the Synopsis, and the only specimen in the Academy’s museum resembling the figure is an undoubted cast of that species. Should it prove a distinct species, it is exceedingly rare, since I have never met with it among thousands of cretaceous fossils. Conchifera. 16 4 Cardita. fenestrata, Forbes, Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 77. EH. Lb. G: Geinitzii, d’Orb. Prod. 239. G. C. Goldfussii, Mill. (PAPYRIDEA aequivalvis), Aach. Kreid. p. 20. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 93, 270, 6-10. Fr. UNG: Hebertiana, d’Orb. Prod. p. 293. Fr. Danien. modiolus, Nilss. (GLossus), Petrif. Suec. pl. 10, f. 6. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 85, 267, 1-6. Fr. N. orbicularis, Forbes (CARDIUM), G. T. vol. vii, 144, 17, 11. parvula, Munst. in Goldf. P. Germ. pl. 188, f. 18. G. C. quadrata, d’Orb. P. F. 86, 267, 7-10. Fr. NV. semistriata, Roem. not Desh. (CARDIUM bipartitum), Nord. K. 67, 8, 21. striata, Forbes, not Defr. (CARDIUM substriatum), G. T. vol. vii, 144, 14, 1. tenuicosta, Sow. Sp. (Venericardia), d’Orb. P. F. 87, 268, 1-5. Fr., G., E. G. tenuicosta, Reuss, not Sow. (Cottaldina), Bohm. Kreid. subquadrata, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 303, 48, 21. N. J. (Tenn. ?). C. tricarinata, d’Orb. P. F. 95, 283 bis, 5-7. Fr. U. G. tuberculata, Sow. not Linn. (CARDIUM Moutonianum), M. Con. 143. rotundata, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 445, 83, 6. Fr. G. subtetrica, Con. Emory’s Rep. 164, 21,5. Texas. C. CALLISTA, Poli, 1791 (Dione, Gray, 1840). Delawarensis, Gabb (Dione), 1861. Del., N. J. ; C. Kufalensis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 282, 46,24. Ala. C. CARDIUM, Linn. 1758. abruptum, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 302. Tenn. acuticostatum, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 120, 12, 19-22. Chili, Peru. alternans, Reuss (Requienianum), Bohm. Kreid. 1, 35, 15-16. alternatum, d’Orb. not Sow. (subalternatum), P. F. 30, 246. altum, Sow. in Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 145, 15, 13. India. Alpinum, P. & R. Env. Genév. 427, 31, 2. Fr. Alutaceum, Miinst. Goldf. P. Germ. pl. 144, f. 5. G. Arkansense, Con. 1858, Proc. Acad. p. 266. Arkansas. VOL, VIII.—V QN QAR Conchifera. 1 6 2 Cardium. asperum, Miinst. Goldf. P. G. 221, 144, 8. G. C. Austeni, Forbes (Arca), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 244, 3, 3. Australe, @’Orb. not Sow. (Australinum), Voy. Astr. pl. 2, f. 21-22. Australinum, d’Orb. Prod. 242. Chili. C. Becksii, Mill. Aach. Kreid. 21,1, 7. G. C. bellum, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 1-8. Syria. C. bimarginatum, d’Orb. P. F. 39, 250, 4-8. Fr. bipartitum, d’Orb. Prod. 242. G. C. bisectum, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 144, 17,9. India. C. bispinosum, Duj. M. G. S. F. 225, 15, Pox Hr. C Brazoense, Shum. 1860, id. p. 600. Texas. C. canaliculatum, Sow. Sp. (Petricola), d’Orb. Prod. 163. EH. U.G. Carolinum, d’Orb. P. F. p. 29, pl. 245. Fr. U. Ge caudatum, @’ Orb. (PAPYRIDEA, aequivalvis), Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, 25-26. Cenomanense, d’Orb. P. F. 37, 249, 5-9. Fr., Syria. Ue Choctawense,” Shum. 1860, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 599. Texas. C. Coloradoense, Shum. 1860, id. p. 559. Texas. C. Colombianum, d’Orb. Am. Merid. p. 82. N. Gren. N. congestum, Con. Emory’s Rep. 149, 6,5. Texas. C. Conniacum, d’Orb. P. F. 28, 244. Fr. OC Constantii, d’Orb. P. F. 25, 242, 5-6. Fr. G Cordierianum, Math. Cat. 159, 17, 7-8. Fr. C Cornuelianum, d’Orb. (PAPYRIDEA), P. F. 23, 256, 1-2 Cottaldinum, d’Orb. P. F. 22, 242, 1-4. Fr. N. corrugatum, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 181, 14, 8. Portugal. “ Lower Cret.” Debeyanum, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 21,1,9. G. 0. denticulatum, Baily, Q. J. G. 8. al. xi, 460, 18,4. S. Afr. (igen Dupinianum, d’Orb. P. F. 26, 242 bis. G., Fr. G. Dutempleanum, d’Orb. Prod. 293. Fr. Danien. elegantulum, Roem. (PAPYRIDEA), Kreid. Tex. 48, 6, 5. Eufalense, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 284, 46,138. Ala. C. Faujasii, Desm. 1857, Mus. Burdig. ’r. C. filosum, Con. (8S. G. Protocardia), Kmory’s Rep. 150, 6, 7. Texas. C. galeatum, Miill. (CorpunA), Aach. Kreid. 22, 2, 2. Galloprovinciale, Math. (Corsis corrugata), Cat. pl. 17, f. 1-4. Gentianum, Brown (Moutonianum), Foss. Conch. G. B. 199-80, 1. Conchifera. 163 Cardium. Goldfussii, Math. Cat. 156, 17, 5-6. Fr. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 35, 249, 1-4. Fr., Syria. guttiferum, Math. Cat. 156, 18, 1-2. Fr. Hillanum, Sow. M. Con. vol. i, pl. 14. K., Fr., G., India. U. Hillanum, Roem. not Sow. (Texanum),Kreid. Tex. 39, 6, 12. Hillanum, d’Orb. pars. not Sow. (Requienianum), P. F. p. 27. eaqaq RRNRAN hemicyclicus (um), Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 170. Ala. C. hypericum, d’Are. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 304, 14,9. G@. UG. Ibbetsonii, Forbes, Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 243, 2,9. E. i. GC. imbricatarium, Desh. Sp. (Lucina), d’Orb. P. F. 18, 286, 4, G 6Er. NV. impressum, Desh. M. G. S. F. 6, 8, 1-2. Fr. ; ay) inaequicostatum, Math. Cat. 156, 18, 3,4. Fr. Ui incomptum, Sow. in Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 145, 15, 16. India. C. tnornatum, @Orb. (UNtcARDIUM), P. F. 24, 256, 83-6. Fr. WN. insculptum, Duj. M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 224, 15,9. Fr. C. intersectum, Forbes (MactrA), G. T. vol. vii, 145, 18, 8. Itierianum, Math. Cat. 158, 18, 10-11. Fr. C. Jacquinoti, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, 23, 25. India. C. lineolatum, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 1, 35,17. G. C. lintea (um), Con. (S. G@. Protocardia), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 278, 46, 17. Ala. C. lucernum, Forbes (PAPYRIDEA aequivalvis), G. T. vol. vii, 145, Hi 10. Mailleanum, d’Orb. P. F. 40, 256, 7-12. Fr. U. G Marquartii, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 22, 1-10. G. C. mediale, Con. Emory’s Rep. 149, 4,4. Texas. C. Michelini, d’Are. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 304, 14,8. Fr. UG Marticense, Math. (Hillanum), Cat. 157, 8, 5. Moutonianum, d’Orb. P. F. 34, pl. 248. Fr. UG: multiradiatum, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 395, 68, 29. alae, N. J; Diiitriazum, Shum. Marcy’s Rep. 207, 4,2. Texas. Neckerianum, P. & R. Eny. Genéy. 424, pl. 30, f. a-b. Fr. Neptuni, Goldf. (Pinna), Petrif. 221, 144. E. Olisiponense, Sharpe, Q. J G. S. vol. vi, 181, 14, 4. Portugal. C. RAN ollonis, Gein. Charakt. Kreid. 31,14, 1. G. C. orbiculare, Forbes, Sp. (Cardita), d’Orb. Prod. 242. India. C. ovulum, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 19, 108. Syria. C.? Pelagi, d’Orb. Prod. 162. Fr. he on fe Conchifera. — i! 6 4 Cardium. peregrinosum, d’Orb. Coq. et Echin. Foss. de Col. 463, 6-8. N. Gren. N. pisolithicum, d’Orb. Prod. 293. Fr. Danien. Ponticeriense, d’Orb. (altum), Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 21-22. proboscideum, Sow. M. Con. pl. 156. E. UT, Ge productum, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iii, pl. 39, f.15. Fr., E.G. U. G. propinquum, Munst. Goldf. 222, 145, 1. G. C. protectum, Con. (PAPYRIDEA elegantula), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 275, 24, 12. pustulosum, Munst. Goldf. P. Germ. 221, 144, 6. G. U. G radiatum, Duj. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, pl. 15, f 8. Fr. C. rarum, EH. & S.“Trans. Acad. St. Louis, vol. i, p. 39. Nebraska. C. Raulinianum, d’Orb. P. F. 25, 242, 7-10. Fr., G. G Requienianum, Math. Catal. 157, 18,6. Fr. C Ripleyense, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iit, p. 826. Ala. C. Sancti-sabae, Roem. (PHOLADOMYA), Kreid. Tex. 48, 6, 7. semipapillatum, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 1, 40, 12. G. C. semipustulosum, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 21,1, 8. G. C. scitulum, Meek, Trans. Alb. Inst. (1857), vol. iv, p. 40. Van- couver I. ; C. speciosum, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 274. Nebraska. C. sphaeroideum, Forbes, Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 248, 2,8. HE. IN: subalternatum, d’Orb. Prod. 195. Fr. C. subdinnense, d’Orb. (PAPYRIDEA), P. F. 88, 250, 1-3. subhillanum, Leym. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. v, 5, 7,2. Fr. N. subquadratum, HE. & S. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1857, p. 39. Nebraska. C. subventricosum, d’Orb. Prod. 163. Fr. U. G. tetragonum, Mich. (Carpita tenuicosta), M. G. 8S. F. pl. 12, f. 3, vol. iii. Texanum, Con. Emory’s Rep. 150, 6, 6. Texas. 0. Tippanum, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ili, 826, 34,8. Ala, Miss. C. Toucasianum, d’Orb. Prod. 195. Fr. C. tuberculiferum, Goldf. P. Germ. 144, 7. G. 0. umbonatum, Sow. M. Con. 156. E. U. G. ventricosum, @’ Orb. not Brug. (subventricosum), P. F. 41, 257, 1-3. Villenuevianum, Math. Cat. 158, 18, 7-8. Fr. Vindinense, d’Orb. P. F. 388, 249, 10-14. Fr. U. G. Voltzii, Leym. M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 6, 7,3. Fr. N. Conchifera, 165 Cercomya. Cercomya, Agas. 1842. inflata, Agas. (ANATINA), Etud. Crit. 153, 11, 22-24. Ceromya, Agas. 1842 (GLOSSUS, Poli, 1795). crassicornis, Ag. (GLossus), Etud. Crit. pl. 8, f. 11-16. Neocomensis, Ag. (GLOssus), id. pl. 8, f. 5. CHAMA, Brug. 1789.* Ammonia, Goldf. (CAPROTINA), Petr. pl. 138, f. 8. angulosa, d’Orb. P. F. 699, 464, 8. Fr. C. canaliculata, Sow. (GRYPHAEA), M. Con. pl. 26. conica, Sow. (ExocyrA), M. Con. pl. 26. cornucopiae, d’Orb. P. F. 689, 464, 8-9. Fr. C. costata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 67, 8, 20. G. C. cretacea, d’Orb. P. F. 689, 464, 1-2. Fr. CLG: haliotoidea, Sow. (Exocyra), M. Con. pl. 25. laciniata, Nilss. (ExoGyRA), P. Suec. 28, 8, 2. Plauensis, Geinitz, Quadersand. G. plicata, Sow. (EXoGyYRA conica), M. Con. pl. 26. recurvata, Sow. (ExoGyRa conica), M. Con. pl. 26. semiplana, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 67, 8,19. G. C. CIBOTA, Brown, 1756 (Navicula, Blainv. 1818. Byssoarea, Swains, 1820). lintea, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ili, 828, 34,11. Ala., Miss. C. Marullensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Arca), Gabb, 1861. E., Fr. Coa. multiradiata, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 94, 2,1. N. J. C. rostellata, Morton, Sp. (Arca), Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 10. N. J. C. CLAVAGELLA, Lam. 1812. armata, Morton, Synopsis, 67,9, 11. Ala. C Cenomaniana, d’Orb. Prod. 157. Fr. U. G. clavata, Roem. Sp. (Teredina), Nord. Kreid. 76,10,10. G ©. * There is a species found in the marls of N. J., about an inch anda half in diameter, of which I have seen but a single cast. It is in my collection. Conchifera. 166 Clavagella. cretacea, d’Orb. P. F. 300, pl. 347. Fr. C. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. Prod. 283, Fr. C. *semisulcata, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 159, 17, 1. India. C. CORBIS, Cuv. 1817. corrugata, Sow. Sp. (Sphaera), d’Orb. Prod. 78. E., Fr.G. WN. cordiformis, d’Orb. (corrugata), P. F. 111, 279. Gaultiana, P. & R. Env. Genév. 448, 54, 4. Fr. G. multilamellosa, d’Orb. Prod. 293. Fr. Danien. obovata, Sow. Sp. (Astarte), d’Orb. Prod. 78. E. N. rotundata, d’Orb. P. F. 118, 280. Fr. U. Ge striato-costata, d’Orb. P. F. 114, 281, 1-2. Fr. C. sublamellosa, d’Orb. Prod. 293. Fr. Danien. CORBULA, Brug. 1792. aequivalvis, Goldf. (PApyRIDEA), P. Germ. 250, 151, 15. alata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 176, 21,5. KH. Bi. angustata, Sow. 1821, not Sow. 1826 (subangustata), G. T. vol. iii, pl. 38, f. 4. carinata, d’Orb. (Neocomensis), P. F. 457, 888, 3-5. caudata, Tuomey, not Nilss. (subcaudata), 1855, Proc. Acad. p- 170. Chiliensis, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 2, 11-12. Chih. C. cochlearia, d’Orb. id. pl. 5, 14, 17. India. C. Colombiana, d’Orb. Coq. et Echin. Foss. de Col. p. 49. N. Grenada. N. compressa, d’Orb. not Lea, American Hocene (pseudocom- pressa), P. F. 458, 388, 6-8. costae, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 181, 20, 2. Portugal. “ Lower Cretaceous.” crassimareinata, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 425. Nebraska. @. erassiplica, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 394, 68, 25. N. J., Tenn. C. elegans, Sow. M. Con. 139, 572, 1. E., G., Fr. U. G.- elegans, V Orb. not Sow. (elegantula), P. F. 460, 388, 14-17. elegantula, d’Orb. Prod. 118. Fr., KE. LQ Edwardii, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 181, 21, 2. Portugal. “ Tower Cret.”’ * Gastrochoena, on the plate. Conchifera. 16 7 Corbula. gigantea, Sow. M. Con. 209. KE. U. G. Eufalensis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 283, Ala. C. Eufalensis, Gabb (Hilgardii), id. 394, 68, 26. Goldfussiana, Math. Catal. 145, 15, 9-10. Fr. C. Graysonensis, Shum. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 608. Texas. C. ? gregaria, M. & H. (CoRBULAMELLA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 84. Hilgardii, Gabb, 1861 (Lufalensis G. not Con.). Ala. C. incerta, d’Orb. P. F. 456, 388, 1-2. Fr. N. inornata, M. & H. 1858, Proce. Acad. p. 52. Nebraska. 0. laevigata, Sow. (UNICARDIUM), d’Orb. Prod. 163. E. U.G lanceolata, Gein. (ANATINA), Nacht. Kreid. 12, 2, 3. lineata, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 26, 2,6. G. : minima, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, 18-20. India. C. Moreauensis, M. & H. (NEAERA), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 83. Neocomensis, d’Orb. Prod. 76. Portugal, Fr. a8 obtusa, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 26, 2,7. G. C. occidentalis, Con. Emory’s Rep. 150, 6,9. Texas. C. pseudocompressa, Gabb, 1861 (compressa d’Orb. not Lea). Fr. NV. punctosum, Phil. Geol. York, 94, 2,6. HE. DL. G: socialis, d’Orb. Prod. 136. Fr. G. striatula, Sow. M. Con. pl. 527. E., Fr., G. Wayk. G. striatula, Goldf. not Sow. (substriatula), P. Germ. 251, 151, 16. striatuloides, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 141, 18, 14. India. C. subangustata, d’Orb. Prod. 258. G. C. subcaudata, Gabb, 1861 (caudata, Tuomey, not Nilss.). Ala. C. subcompressa, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 394, 68, 24. Tenn., N. J. C. subglobosa, Goldf. (Lucina), Petrif. Germ. 251, 151, 18. sublineolata, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 222, 16, 83. Syria. CG. substriatula, d’Orb. Prod. 258. G. C. Syriaca, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 222,21, 125. Syria. C. truncata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 8. E., Fr. U. G. truncata, d’Orb. not Sow. (Goldfussiana), P. F. 461, 388, 18-20. Tuomeyi, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 604. Texas. C. ventricosa, M. & H. (NEAERA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 83. CORBULAMELLA, Meek & Hayden, 1857. gregarea, M. & H. (?Corbula), Proc. Acad. 1857, p. 148. Neb. C. Conchifera, 168 Corimya.. Corimya, Agas. 1848. Nicolet’, Agas. (Turacta), Etud. Crit. 272, 37, 1-6. taurica, Agas. (THRACIA), id. 273, 39, 12, 13. vulvaria, Agas. (TuraciA), id. 272, 37, 7-11. CRASSATELLA, Lam. 1799. * Alabamensis, d’Orb. Prod. 289. Ala. ¢. arcacea, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 74, 9, 24. G. e. ? Bockschii, Gein. Nacht. Kreid. 12, 2, 17-18. G. C. Bosquetiana, d’Orb. Prod. 239. G. C. Buchiana, Karst. Geog. Verh. N. Gren. pl. 5, f. 7. N. Gren. C. Cornueliana, d’Orb P. F. 74, 264, 7-9. Fr. N. cuneata, Gabb, 1861 (pteropsis, Gabb, not Con.). Ala.,Tenn. C. Dufrenoyi, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 194, pl. a. f. 15. Fr. C. Delawarensis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 803, 48, 20. Del., N. J. C. Evansii, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 383, 1, 9. Nebraska. C. Fisiana, P. & R. Env. Genév. 440, 33, 4. Fr. eS Galliennei, d’Orb. P. F. 81, 266 bis, 6-8. Fr. U..G. Galloprovincialis, Math. Catal. 142, 18, 8. Fr. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. 76, 265, 1-2. Fr. O°: Hellica, d’Orb. Prod. 293. Fr. Danien. impressa, Sow. G. T. vol. iii, pl. 38, #3. G. Cis inornata, d’Orb. Prod. 1386. Fr. G. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. P. F. 77, 265, 8-5. Fr. U. G. lintea, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 279, 46,5. Ala., Miss. C., Marrotiana, d’Orb. P. F. 82, 266, 8-9. Fr. Ci Monmouthensis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 302, 48, 19. N. J., Ala., Tenn. C. Neptuni, d’Orb. Prod. 160. Fr. U. G. * It is utterly impossible to identify with any degree of certainty the species described in the ‘‘ Prodrome.’’ The only deseription given of this species is ‘* Bspéce voisine du C. Marrotiana, mais plus large 4 l’extrémité anale ; ayant une tout autre forme que le C. vadosa, Mort.’’ This description is even more full than the average, but can be applied with equal propriety to four other known species. Conchifera. 1 69 Crassatella. Normaniana, d’Orb. Prod. 239. Fr. C. _ oblonga, Reuss, Sp. (Cyprina), d’Orb. Prod. 239. G. C. orbicularis, Math. Cat. 141, 15, 7. Fr. C. pentagona, Reuss, Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 239. G. C. pisolithica, d’Orb. Prod. 293. Fr. Danien. protracta, Reuss (CypRICARDIA), Bohm. Kreid. 3, 37, 15. pteropsis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 279,46, 5. Ala., Miss. C. pteropsis, Gabb, not Con. (cuneata), id. 395, 68, 28. Pyrenaica, d’Orb. P. F. 78, 265, 6, 7. Fr. * guadrata, d’ Arc. not d’ Orb. (Cyprina Archiaciana), M.‘G. S. F. vol. ii, 801, 14, 1. regularis, d’Orb. P. F. 80, 266, 4-7. Fr. C. Ripleyana, Con. (vadosa), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 8327, 35, 3. Robinaldini, d’Orb. P. F. 75, 264, 10-13. Fr. N. Sabaudiana, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 440, 33, 3. Fr. G. Saxoneti, P. & R. id. 439, 33,2. Fr. G. subgibbosula, d’ Arc. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 301, 14, 2-5. Fr. UPG. subplana, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 274, 24,9. Alla. C. Syriaca, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 228, 17, 100. Syria. C. trapezoidalis, Roem. (CYPRICARDIA), Nord. Kreid. 74, 9, 22. tricarinata, Roem. (CYPRICARDIA), id, 74, 9, 23. vadosa, Morton, Synopsis, 66, 15, 12. N.J., Del., Ala., Miss., Tenn. C. Vendinnensis, d’Orb. P. F. 79, 266, 1-3. Fr. CG: Crassina, Lam. 1818 (ASTARTE, Sow. 1816). laevis, Phil. Geol. Yorkshire (AsTarTE), pl. 2, f. 18. CRENELLA, Brown, 1827. S. G. Stalagmium, Con. 1860. serica, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 281, 46, 23. Ala. C. CTENOIDES, Klein, 1753 (Lima, Brug. 1792). Aeolis, d’Orb. Sp. (Lima), Gabb, 1861. Fr. U-G. Albensis, d’Orb. Sp. “ - - Br. Gr. G. * Referred in Prodrome to the Hocene, stage 24; and in Pal. Fr. to the Turo- _nien or lower chalk. VOL. VIII.—xX Conchifera. i 70 Ctenoides. acutilineata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 329, 34,2. N.J., Ala., Tenn. Alpina, P. & R. Sp. (Lima), Gabb, 1861. Fr. amygdaloides, Reuss, Sp. (Lima), Gabb, 1861. G. aspera, Mant. Sp. (Plagiostoma), Gabb, 1861. H., Fr. G. Astieriana, d’Orb. Sp. (Lima), ebb, ree Fr. U. Baugasiana, d’Orb. Sp.“ Fr. Bolina, d’Orb. Sp. a re te Fr. Bourgeoisiana, d’Orb. Sp. “ ue & Fr. Calypso, d’Orb. Sp. 4 ai Br: U. canalifera, Goldf. Sp. se - ae G., Crimea. U. earinata, Munst. Sp. 7; ty G. U. Carteroniana, d’Orb. Sp. “ c ES G.; Br. Clypeiformis, d’Orb. Sp. “ as we Hr. Of Cenomanensis, d’Orb. Sp. “ a es Fr. U. Coniacensis, d’Orb. Sp.“ “ # Fr. Cottaldina, d’Orb. Sp.“ e es Fr. L. crenulicosta, Roem. Sp. ‘“ Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 11. Texas, Ala., Miss., Tenn. decussata, Goldf. Sp. (Lima), Gabb, 1861. G. dichotoma, Reuss, Sp.“ ae es G. E. difficilis, d’Orb. Sp. es ss os Fr. divaricata, Duj. Sp. « Es zs Fr. Dujardini, Desh. Sp. a $f ks Fr. Dupiniana, d’Orb. Sp. “ “ o Er. Dutempleana, d’Orb. Sp. “ ee as Fr. elegans, Duj. Sp. Ke “- “ Fr. elegantula, d’Orb. Sp.“ ee ke Fr. expansa, Forbes, Sp. e 4 ee KE... Er, Farringdonensis, Sharpe, Sp. mp), yen 1861. E LL. Fittonii, d’Orb. Sp. F., E. Gallienniana, d’Orb. Sp. Ke m - Fr. U. Galloprovincialis, Math. Sp. ec oF tf Fr. granosa, Sow. Sp. . = K. eranulata, Nils. Sp. (Plagiostoma), oe 1861. Sw., G., Fr Hoperi, Mant. Sp. a <. Ky SWaen Crimea, Fr. G., U._ G@ intercostata, Duj. Sp. (Lima), Gabb, 1861. Fr. C. intermedia, d’Orb. Sp.“ E . Fr. U. G. interstriata, Gein. Sp.“ n A: Ge Itieriana, P,& KR. Sp. * s Fr. QAHABHMAARSSRSaRe ea RD fet ER ae CS aS SESS ED CEN ENE Sp Conchifera. i| Tl Ctenoides. laevissima, Reuss, Sp. (Lima), ae ap as G. C. laticosta, Roem. Sp. - G. C. Ligeris, Duj. Sp. « ee = Fr. C. Leonensis, Con. Sp. ¢ Gabb, 1859. Cat. Cret. p. 11. Texas. C longa, Roem. Sp. ey “Gann our. "Gs C Mantelli, Brong. Sp. (Plagiostoma), Gabb, 1861. F. G. C. Mer rotiana, d’Orb. Sp. (Lima), Sie a Fr. C. Marticensis, Math. Sp. ae Fr. C Massilliensis, Math. Sp. “ a Fr. N. maxima, d’Are. Sp. a - = Fr. C. minuta, Goldf. Sp. - me 2 G. C Montana, P. & R. Sp. - _ a Fr. G nulticostata, Gein. Sp. = - - B.; Er. 9G: C Moreana, d’Orb. Sp e a ce Fr. ey Ge Moutoniana, d’Orb. Sp.“ a - Fr. U.G Neocomensis, d’Orb. Sp.“ oe a Fr. N. Nilssonii, Roem. Sp. S a a G. C. obliquestriata, Forbes, Sp. “ ‘ India. C obsoleta, Duj. Sp. = - Fr. C. Orbignyana, Math. Sp.“ ee = Fr. N. ornata, d’Orb. Sp. = - ae Fr. ONG: ovata, Nilss. Sp. (Plagiostoma), “ ct Sw. G. C. parallela, Sow. Sp. (Modiola), “ K., Fr. G paucicostata, Reuss, Sp. (Lima), “ “ G. C pectita, d’Orb. Sp. ne a a ir C. pelagica, Morton, Sp. (Plagiostoma), Gabb, 1861. N. J. C pennata, d’Arc. Sp (Lima), aoe 1361071: U. G plicatilis, Duj. Sp. “ Fr. C pseudocardium, Reuss, Sp. assis: we! TS6t. G. U0. G pulchella, d’Orb. Sp. es a Fr. C rapa, d’Orb. Sp. ne = e Fr. LG: Rauliniana, d’Orb. Sp. a6 “ “ Fr. G rectangularis, d’ Are. Sp. ae 2: : G. C. Reichenbachii, Gein. Sp. - 5 a G. U. G Renauxiana, Math. Sp. ee kf ae Fr. U. G resecta, d’ Arc. Sp. A ‘ ke G. CG: reticulata, Lyell & Forbes, Sp. “ «1859, Cat. Cret. p. PLN Case Tombeckiana, d’Orb. Sp. a = A He./Ge NN. Toucasiana, d’Orb. Sp. ~ & a Fr. C. truncata, Munst. Sp. ee a as Fr., G. C. undata, Desh. Sp. « e MA K., Fr. dy. undulata, Reuss, Sp. d Ke a G. C. Varusensis, d’Orb. Sp. Ci as = Fr. U. G. Wacoensis, Roem. Sp. s “¢ 1859, Cat. Cret. p. it. Pexas. C. CUCULLAEA, Lam. 1801 (Area, pars, Auct.). aequilateralis, Meek, 1857, Trans. Alb. Inst. vol. iv, p.389. Van- couver I. C. antrosa, Morton, Synopsis, 75, 18,6. N.J., Del., Ala. C. Archiaciana, d’Orb. Sp. (Arca), Gabb, 1861. Fr. C. brevis, d’Orb. Voy. Am. Mer. 89, 20, 2-4. N. Grenada. N. Beaumontii, d’ Are. Mem. sur la Crais. Fr. C. cancellata, Krauss, Nov. Act. C. L. C. vol. xx, 452, 48, 2. S&S. Africa. U. GL? capax, Con. (antrosa), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 828, 35, 2. Conchifera. 1 73 Cucullaea. carinata, Sow. M. Con. 44. E., G., Fr. Gia W G. concentrica, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 70,9, 1. G. UG: cor, Math. Catal. 19, 3,4. Fr. N. Corneuiliana, d’Orb. Sp. (Area), Gabb, 1861. Fr. 1% costellata, Sow. (carinata), M. Con. 447. eretacea, d’Orb. Sp. (Area), Gabb, 1861. Fr. G: decussata, Sow. M. Con. 206. E., Fr. C., L. G. dilatata, d’Orb. (Gabrielis), Am. Merid. 8, 9, 20, 5, 7. exioua, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 275. Neb. C. fibrosa, Sow. M. Con. 207. E.,G., Fr. (Neb.? teste UM. & #7.) CG. tuitr.5 0 Gi. formosa, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 240, 17, 7. E. U. G. Gabrielis, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. v, pl. 7, f 5. Fr., G., N. Grenada. glabra, Sow. M. Con. pl. 67. E. U. irregularis, Math. Cat. 20, 3,5. Fr. U. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Area), Gabb, 1861. Fr. U. lintea, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 223, 17,95. Syria. Maconensis, Con. Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 281, 47, 20. Ala. Mailleana, d’Orb. Sp. (Arca), Gabb, as Fr. U. Marceana, d’Orb. Sp.“ Fr. U. Matheroniana, d’Orb. Sp. “ ae : Fr. nana, Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. v, 5-9, 1. Fr. Nebrascensis, Owen Rep. I. W. & M. 582, 7,1. Nebraska. obesa, P. & R. Sp. (Arca), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Orbignyana, Math. Catal. 161, 20, 1-2. Fr. U. parallela, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 223, 17, 98. Syria. Passyana, d’Orb. Sp. (Area), Gabb, 1861. Fr., Portugal. JU. Raulina, Leym. M.G.S. F. vol. v, pl. 10, f. 1. Fr. Requieniana, Math. Catal. 162, 20, 6-8. Fr. U7, sagittata, d’Arc. M. G. S. F. vol. ii, p. 189. Fr. U. Santonensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Arca), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Schusteri, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 70,9, 3. G. securis, Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 7, f. 6-7. Fr. * Shumardii, M. & H. (fibrosa?), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 56. striatella, Mich. (carinata), M. G. 8. F. 102, 12-11. SNA ZAGOARARLRARHARARARRA| kK a3 * IT place this species, as synonymous with C. fisrosa, with a query, because C. fibrosa has never been reported above the upper greensand in England or France. Should it prove identical, as Messrs. Meek and Hayden think, it will be one of the rare instances of a species peculiar to a certain deposit in one locality, being found in another deposit in a distant locality. Conchifera. { 714 subrotunda, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 2238, 17, 94. Syria. Tailburgensis, d’Arc. Mem. sur la Craie. Fr. terminalis, Con. Emory’s Rep. 148, 4,2. Texas. Tippana, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 828, 35, 1... Ala. Tocaymensis, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 90, 21, 1-3. N. Grenada. trapezoidea, Gein. Charak. Kreid. 78, 20,10. G. tumida, Math. (Gabrielis), Catal. pl. 19, f. 1-2. tumida, d’Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, p. 189. Fr. ungula, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 170. Ala. vulgaris, Morton, Synopsis, 64, 38, pl. 15,5. N.J., Del. Cultellus, Con. (SILIQUA, Muhlf.). australis, Gabb (S1n1qua), Proc. Acad. 1860, 198, 3, 8. Cucullaea. C. C. C. Fi OSG: C. C. cretaceus, Gabb (Srz1qua), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 308, 48, 25. CYPRICARDIA, Lam. 1801. protracta, Reuss, Sp. (Crassatella), d’Orb. Prod. 240. G. subcarinata, d’Orb. Prod. 161. Fr. isocardia, d’Orb. Prod. 161. Fr. C. OG: OG orbiculata, d’ Arc. (LirHopomus), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, p. 189. trapezoidalis, Roem. Sp. (Crassatella), d’Orb. Prod. 240. tricarinata, Roem. Sp. (Crassatella), d’Orb. Prod. 240. undulata, Forbes (Mopi0LA), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 242, 3, 1. CYPRINA, Lam. 1801. angulata, Sow. M. Con. pl. 65. EH. Gi ee C. U. G. angulata, Sow. (Sowerbyi), G. T. vol. iv, p. 128. not A. Con. Archiaciana, d’Orb. Prod. 161. G. arenarea, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 148. Neb. Bernensis, @’ Arc. (rostrata), M. G. 8S. F. vol. v, 5, 5, 6. Bosquetiana, d’Orb. Prod. 239. G. Carteroni, d’Orb. Prod. 78. Fr. compressa, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 144. Neb. Conradi, Morton, Sp. (Venti1A), d’Orb. Prod. 239. consobrina, d’Orb. P. F. 107, 278, 3-6. Fr. cordata, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. 182, 15, 2. Portugal. cordata, M. & H. (Guossus), 1857, Proc. Acad. 143. cordiformis, d’Orb. P. F. 101, 278. Fr. Or C. C. N. Conchifera. 175 Cyprina. cuneata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 16, f. 19. K. Ong: elongata, d’Orb. P. F. 106, 277, 5-6. Fr. c Ervyensis, Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. v, 5, 4,6. F., G. G. globosa, Sharpe, not d’ Orb. (Sharpeana), Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 182, 15, 1. humilis, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 179. Neb. C. inornata, d’Orb. P. F. 99, 272, 1-2. - Fr. EEGs intermedia, d’Orb. P. F. 107, 278, 1-2. Fr. C. lata, Roem. Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 289. G. 0. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. pars. P. F. 103, 275, exclus. 4,5. Fr U. G. Ligeriensis, d’ Orb. pars. (Noueliana), P. F. 103, 275, 4, 5. Neptuni, d’Orb. Prod. 161. Fr. U. G. Noueliana, d’Orb. Prod. 195. Fr., G. C. oblonga, d’Orb. P. F..105, 277, 1-4. Fr., G. LAG: oblonga, Reuss (CRASSATELLA), Bohm. Kreid. 4, 40, 15. ovata, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 144. Nebraska. C. Provincialis, d’Orb. Prod. 239. Fr. C. quadrata, d’Orb. P. F. 104, 276. Fr. U.G: regularis, d’Orb. P. F. 100, 272, 3-7. Fr., G. G. Rhodani, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 445, 34,2. Fr. G. rostrata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 1. E., Fr. C...G: rostrata, d’Orb. not Sow. (Bernensis), P. F. 98, 271. Royana, d’Orb. Prod. 239. Fr. C. securiformis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 182, 22, 1-3. Por- tugal. “© Lower Cret.” Beets, d’Orb. Prod. 78. E. N. Sharpeana, Gabb (g/obosa, Sharpe, not d’ Orb.), 1861. Portugal. C. subtumida, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 144. Neb. C. triangularis, Brown (cuneata var. Sow.), Foss. Conch. G. B. 207, 83,2. K. UG. Cytherea, Lam. 1801 (MERETRIX, Lam. 1799). Deweyi, M. & H. (MrREtRIX), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 83. excavata, Morton (Dosin1A), Synopsis, 67, 5, 1. jucunda, Dujard. (MERETRIX), M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 228, 15, 6. lineolata, Sow. (MERETRIX), M. Con. 20. Herzogii, Hausm. (ASTARTE), Gotting. Gelehrte Ang. 1837, p. 146. Leonensis, Con. (MERETRIX), Emory’s Rep. 153, 6, 1. Lamarensis, Shum. (MERETRIX), Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p- 600. Conchifera. 176 Cytherea. Missouriana, Morton (MERETRIX), 1842, Jour. Acad. Ist s. vol. viii, p. 210, 11, 2. Nebrascensis, M. & H. (Mrretrix), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 83. orbiculata, H. & M. (Meretrrx), M. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. vy, 382, 1-7. Owenana, M. & H. (MEretrix), 1856, Proc. Acad. 273. pellucida, M. & H. (Mererrix), 1856, Proc. Acad. 272. subrotunda, Sow. (MERETRIX), G. T’. vol. iv, pl. 22, f. 2. tenuis, H. & M. (Mererrix), Mem. Acad. Bost. 2d s. vol. v, 383, 1-8. Texana, Con. (MERETRIX), Emory’s Rep. 153, 6, 2. uniformis, Duj. (MERETRIX), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 223, 15, 5. Dione, Gray, 1840 (CALLISTA, Poli, 1791). Delawarensis, Gabb (CALLISTA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 302, 48, 18. DIPLODONTA, Brown, 1831. gibbosa, Gabb, Sp. (Mysia), 1861. N. J. CU. parilis, Con. Sp. (Mysia), Gabb, 1861. Ala., Miss. C. DONACILLA, Lam. 1812. compressa, d’Orb. P. F. 402, 876, 3-4. Fr. Uae Couloni, Agas. Sp. (Mactromya), d’Orb. P. F. 401, 376, 1-2. Fr. N. Donax, Lam. 1758. deltoideus, Roem. (NucuLA), Nord. Kreid. 73, 9, 17. subradiatus, Roem. (TELLINA), id. 73, 9, 16. DOSINIA, Scopoli, 1777 (Artemis, Poli, 1791). cordata, Sharpe, Sp. (Artemis), Gabb, 1861. Portugal. “ Tower Cret.”’ densata, Con. Sp. (Tellina), Gabb, 1861. N. J. C. densata, Con. (excavata), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 325, 34, 13. depressa, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 278, 46,6. N. J., Ala., Miss. C. ? elegantula, Sharpe, Sp. (Artemis), Gabb, 1861. Portugal. C. excavata, Morton, Sp. (Cytherea), Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. i, pl. 24. Conchifera. } wie | Dosinia. inelegans, Sharpe, Sp. (Artemis), Gabb, 1861. Port. “ Lower Cret.” lenticularis, Goldf. Sp. (Lucina), Gabb, 1861. G. C. obliquata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 278, 46,2. Ala., Miss. C. DIANCHORA, J. Sow. 1814. lata, Sow. (Sponpytus), M. Con. pl. 80. obliqua, Mant. Geol. Suss. 206, 25, 1. E. C. spinosa, Woodw. (Sponpy wus fimbriatus), Geol. Norf. 48, 5, 24. DICERAS, Lam. 1804. Favri, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 185, 15, 3, and 20,9. Port. C. Gaultina, P. & R. Env. Genév. 493,41, 1. Fr. G. guttata, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. x, 197, 6,4. E. teG:s Lonsdalei, Sow. (Caprotina), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 4. DREISSENA, Van Benden, 1835. Tippana, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ili, 328, 34,14. Miss. C. EXOGYRA, Say. 1819* (Ostrea, pars. Auct.) aquila, Brong. Sp. (Gryphaea), Goldf. P. G. 36, 87,3. E., Fr., G., Crimea. GU. Ge Arduennensis, d’Orb. S. P. (Ostrea), Gabb, 1861. G., Fr. G. arietina, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 68, 8,10. Texas. s auricularis, Goldf. P. Germ. 39, 88, 2. G., Crimea? C. * In retaining the generic division, Exogyra, I do not know that I can give a better explanation than that given by Leymerie, in the fourth volume of the Memoirs of the Geological Society of France. I shall therefore quote his note at length. ‘«Malgré Vayis plusieurs fois exprimé des conchyliologistes nous pensons qu’il est indispensable, au moins pour les besoins de la géognosie, de conserver les Exo- gyres, si ce n’est comme genre, au moins comme coupe trés naturelle. Le carac- tére d’avoir constamment le crochet plus ou moins spirale, régulier et porté tout d’un cété sur la valve inferieure, nous parait du reste légitimer suffisamment cette séparation, et j@ pourrais citer beaucoup de generes établis sur des diffé- rences, certes, bien moins importantes. ‘Personne peut-étre n’a plus vu et manié d’Exogyres que moi. Des circon- stances fayorables m’ont permis d’etudier des gites ou diverses espéces se trou~ yaient en nombre immense, offrant toutes les variétés possibles d’age et de forme, et jamais je n’ai vu un seule de ces ostracées passer aux yéritables huitres. D°un VOL. VIII.—Y Conchifera. 178 Exogyra. Boussingaultii, @’Orb. Am. Merid. 91, 18, 20. E., Fr., G., N. Grenada. N. bulla, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 2, f. 1. XE. Weald. canaliculata, Sow. Sp. (Chama), Gabb, 1861. G., Fr., Sw., E GC: & caprina, Con. (Arietina), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 278, 24, 3-4. columba, Lam. Sp. (Gryphaea), Goldf. P. G. 34, 86,9. E., Fr., G., Crimea, Portugal. Utes conica, Sow. Sp. (Chama), Goldf. P. G. pl. 87, f. 1. Hng., Portugal, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, France. U. Ge Couloni, Defr. Sp. (Gryphaea), d’Orb. Am. Merid. 93. Fr., G., Cr., N.iGren; ye costata, Say. 1821, Jour. Acad. Ist ser. vol. ii, p. 43. All of the United States except the Northwest. C. decussata, Goldf. (inflata), P. G. pl. 86, f. 11. densata, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 224, 18, f. 102 and 106. Syria. C. flabellata, Goldf. (plicata), P. G. 38, 87, 6. fimbriata, Con. Proc. Acad. 1855, p. 269. Texas. C. foliacea, Con. per err. (fimbriata), Emory’s Rep. pl. 7, f. 2. fragosa, Con. 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 269. Texas. C. harpa, Goldf. (plicata), P. G. 38, 87, 7. harpa, Leym. Roem. pars. not Goldf. (plicata). inflata, Goldf. P. G. 121, 114, 8. G., India. C. haliotoidea, Sow. Sp. (Chama), Goldf. pl. 88, f 1. E., G., Sw., Crimea. C3 UG imbricata, Krauss. Nov. Act. C. LL. C. vol. xx, 460, 50, 2. S. Africa. To Gi interrupta, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 530, 34,15. Miss. C. laciniata, Nils. Sp. (Chama), Goldf. 35, 86, 12. Fr. G.,Sw. @. laevigata, Sow. (conica), M. Con. 605. autre cdté, si ces derniérs offrent parfois et accidentellement un crochet tourné extérieurement, c’est 14 une disposition purement accidentelle et facile d’ailleurs i distinguer, par sa variabilité et son irrégularité, de celle si réguliére, et si fon- damentale qui caractérize les Exogyres.”’ My own observation, true it has been on a much more limited scale than that claimed above, accords with this in all but one individual instance. Morton’s type of Ostrea torosa is an [2. costata, very much deformed and with almost paral- lel sides,—a true oyster in form, but the beak is imperfect, and were it present, it might in its young state have shown aspiral tendency. There can be no doubt of its being the common species of Exogyra of New Jersey, since it has the most typical form of surface-markings and all the other characters. It is an unique example, and being monstrosity, can have no weight as testimony to conflict with M. Leymerie’s opinion. Conchifera. 179 Exogyra. laeviuscula, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 70,9, 3. Texas. C. lateralis, Nils. Sp. (Ostrea), Dub. Bull. G. S. F. vol. viii, 385. E., G., Fr., Sw., N. J. C: Matheroniana, d’Orb. Sp. (plicata), Con. Emory’s Rep. 154, Laue Olisiponensis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 185, 119, 1-2. Por- tugal. C. planospiritis, Goldf. (haliotoidea), Petr. G. 39, 88, 3. parvula, Leym. (lateralis), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 17, 12, 8-9. plicata, Lam. Sp. (Ostrea), Goldf. 37, 87, 5. G., Fr., Texas, India, Chili, Spain, Syria. U:'G., ¢ Pyrenaica, Leym. M. G.S. F. 2ds. vol. iv, 124, pl. B, f. 4-6. Fr. C. polygona, Von Buch. Petr. Rec. par Humb. 5, 2, 18-19. N. Gren. aN. Rauliniana, d’Orb. Sp. (Ostrea), Gabb, 1861. E., Fr., G. C. spinosa, Math. not Roem. (plicata), Cat. 192, 52, 6-7. sinuata, Sow. Sp. Roem. (aquila), Nord. Kreid. p. 47, no. 2 spiralis Roem. not Lam. (Tombeckiana), Ool. p. 65. squamata, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 92, 19, 12-15. N. Gren. N. subcarinata, Roem. not Munst. (aquila), Kreid. 47, no. 3. subcarinata, Munst. (conica), Goldf. P. G. 37, 82, 4. subplicata, Roem. not O. subplicata, Desh. (plicata), Ool. Nach. pl. 18; f..7. subsinuata, Leym. (Couloni), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 17, 6, 7. Texana, Roem. (plicata), Kreid. Tex. 69, 10, 1. Tombeckiana, d’Orb. Sp. (Ostrea), P. F. 701, 467, 4-6. G., Fr. N. undata, Sow. (laciniata), M. Con. 605. undata, Roem. (Tombeckiana), Nord. Kreid. p. 47. Fistulana, Brug. 1789 (GASTROCHAENA, Spengl. 1783). aspergilloides, Forbes (G@ASTROCHAENA), G. T. vol. vii, 139, 17, 2. constricta, Roem. (PHOLAS RoEMERI), Nord. Kreid. 76, 10, 11. dilatata, Desh. Sp. (GASTROCHAENA), d’Orb. P. F. 394, 557, 1+. Marticensis, Math. (GASTROCHAENA), Catal. 132, 10, 4. dilatata, Reuss (Marticensis), B. Kreid. 39, f. 9. Matronensis, d’Orb. (GASTROCHAENA), P. F. 395, 375, 5-8. pyriformis, Mant. (GASTROCHAENA), Geol. Suss. p. 76. pistilliformis, Reuss (LitHopoMvs), Bohm. Kreid. 20, 57, 7-8. Royanensis, V Orb. (GASTROCHAENA), P. F. 377, 371, 5-6. tenuis, Reuss (GASTROCHAENA), Bohm. Kreid. 19, 33, 12, 13. Conchifera. 180 Gari. GARI, Schum. 1817 (Psammobia, Lam. 1818). cancellato-seulpta, Roem. Sp. (P.), Gabb, 1861. Tex. C. gracilis, Sow. Sp. (P.), Gabb, 1861. KE. U. G. inconspicua, Sow. Sp. (P.), Gabb, 1861. India. C. inaequalis, Sow. Sp. (Tellina), Gabb, 1861. G. U. G. tellinoides, Sow. Sp. (P.), Gabb, 1861. E. Weald. GASTROCHAENA, Spengl. 1783 (Fistulana, Brug 1789). Americana, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 393, 68,20. N.J., Ala. C. aspergilloides, Forbes, Sp. (Fistulana), d’Orb. Prod. 235. India. C. dilatata, Desh. M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 3, f. 1. Fr. Lh. Gig Marticensis, Math. Sp. iteataiene), d’Orb. Prod. 194. Fr. C. Matronensis, d’ Orb. Prod. Livay. Ee y fe es pyriformis, Mant. Sp. é Gabb, 1861. E. G. Royanensis, d’Orb. Ke Prod. 235 (Royana per err.). Fr. C. tenuis, Reuss, Sp. “ d’Orb. Prod. 285. G. C. GERVILLIA, Defr. 1820. alaeformis, Sow. Sp. (Moproxa), d’Orb. P. F. 484,395. Fr., KE. D,. he Alpina, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 496, 41, 3. Fr. G. anceps, Desh. M. G.S. F. vol. v, Ist s. pl. 10, f 3. E., Fr., G., Port., N. Gren. L. G., N. aviculoides, Sow. (anceps), M. Con. 511. aviculoides, d’Orb. not Sow. (solenoides), P. F. 489, 397. dentata, Krauss, Nov. Act. E. L. C. vol. 20, 458, 50, 1. S. Africa. U. G.? difficilis, d’Orb. P. F. 487, 896, 7-8. Fr. G. enigma, d’Orb. P. F. 488, 396, 9-11. Fr. U. G. ensiformis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 328, 34, 10. N. J., Ala. C. Fittonii, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 183, 23, 3-6. Portugal. “Tower Cret.” Forbesianus, d’Orb. P. F. 486, 396, 5-6. E., Fr. L. G. gregaria, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p.606. Texas. C. Conchifera. 1 81 Gervillia. linguloides, Forbes, Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 246,3,9. E., Fr J. G. Reichii, Roem. (AvicuLA), Nord. Kreid. 64, 8, 14. Renauxiana, Math. Cat. pl. 25, f. 1-3. Fr. U. G. Sobralensis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 186, 23, 1-2. Port. <7; Cret.?” solenoides, Defr. Dict. Sc. Nat. vol. xviii, p. 503, f.4. E., Fr., SOF. Gos eG solenoides, Sow. not Defr. (Forbesianus), M. Con. 510. subaviculoides, d’Orb. Prod. 168 (aviculoides, per err.). Fr. U. G. triloba, Roem. (CTENOIDES), Nord. Kreid. 64, 8, 15. subtortuosa, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 276. Neb. C. GLYCIMERIS, Lam. 1801. decisa, Con. Sp. (Panopaea), Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 12. N. J., Del. C. GLOSSUS, Poli, 1795 (Isocardia, Lam. 1799, Bucardia, List, 1678).* angulatus, Phil. (Isocardia), Gabb, 1861. E. EG. Carantonensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Isocardia), Gabb, 1861, Fr. JZ. G. cordata, M. & H. Sp. (Cyprina), Gabb, 1861. Neb. C. erassicornis, Ag. Sp. (Ceromya), “ oy G. G. eretacea, Goldf. Sp. (Isocardia), “ “- G., Port. C. cryptoceras, d’Orb. Sp. “ - Fr. UW. G. longirostris, Roem. Sp. “¢ bs . G. C. modiola, Nils. Sp. (Cardita), e « G., Sw. C. ? Moreauensis, M. & H. Sp. (Cyprina), Gabb, 1861. - Neb. C. Neocomensis, Agas. Sp. (Ceromya), ~ - Fr. 54'f obliqua, d’Orb. Sp. (Isocardia), cs is gal ay oR praelonga, Leym. Sp. si = ~ Fr. pygmaea, Reuss, Sp. = si es G. C. Pyrenaica, d’Orb. Sp.“ - L Fr. C. Renauxiana, d’Orb. Sp. “ me a Fr. C. semiradiata, d’Orb. Sp.“ _ cree ee etre similis, Sow. Sp. - a a He Ge sublunulata, d’Orb. Sp. “ CL ee We. C. subsinuata, Forbes, Sp. “ CL “« Andia, 5C * See note under Bucardia. Conchifera. 182 Glossus. ~ trigona, Roem. Sp. (Isocardia), Gabb, 1861. G. Washita, Marcou, Sp.“ sé es Texas. Conradi, Gabb, es ‘ <4 Ala., N. J. QA Goniomya, Agas. 1858. caudata, Ag. (PHOLADOMYA Agassizii), Etud. Crit. pl. 1, f. 1. laevis, Ag. (PHOLADOMYA), id. pl. 1, f. 4—5. Americana, M. & H. (PHotapomya), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 8. GRY PHABEA, Lam. 1801. aquila, Brong. (ExoGcyrA), Env. de Paris, pl. 9, f. 11. auricularis, Wahl. Sp. (H. haliotoidea), Desh. Ed. Lam. vol. wiep. 207. capuloides, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 224, 18, 105, 104. Syria. ¢ carinata, Lk. (H. plicata), 1802, Syst. Nat. p. 399. columba, Lam. (ExoGyra), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, p. 198. conica, Sow. (HxocyrA), Desh. Ed. Lam. vol. vii, 210. convexa, Say, Sp. (EH. vesicularis), Morton, Syn. 53, 4, 1-2. Couloni, Defr. (Exoayra), Dict. Se. Nat. vol. xix, p. 534. Dumerillii, Defr. (EH. Coulonii), D. Se. Nat. vol. xix, 535. elongata, Sow. (vesicularis), G. T. 2d s. vol. ii, pl. 38, f. 6. expansa, Sow. (vesicularis), id. 38, f. 5. globosa, Sow. (vesicularis), M. Con. 392. haliotoidea, Sow. Sp. (Hxoayra), Brown, Foss. Conch. G. B. p. 149. harpa, Forbes, not Goldf. (HK. Boussingaultii), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 250, 3, 12. laciniata, Nilss. Sp. (Exocyra), Desh. Ed. Lam. vol. vii, p. 209. mutabilis, Morton (vesicularis), Syn. 53, 4, 3. orientalis, Forbes (EH. inflata), G. T. vol. vii, 156, 14, 6. latissima, Lam. (H. aquila), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 199. Pitcherii, Morton, Syn. 55,15, 9. Texas, Nebraska, Ark., Missouri, Ind. Terr., N. Mex. C. planospiritis, Goldf. Sp. (i. haliotoidea), Desh. Ed. Lam. vol. vii, 208. plicata, Lam. pars, not Sow. not Desh. (ExoayRA), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 199. plicata, Lam. pars. (EH. Columba), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 198. plicatella, Morton (KH. lateralis), Silliman’s Journal. similis, Pusch. (KH. lateralis), Polens, Pal. 84, 4, 12. Conchifera. 183 Gryphaea. sinuata, Sow. not Lam. (EH. aquila), M. Con. 333. sinuata, Marcou, not Sow. not Lam. (BK. costata, var ponde- rosa), Geol. N. A. 37, 3, 1.* segunda, Lam. (K. conica), An. S. Vert. vol. vi, 199. ¥ dilatata var. Tucumcarti, Marcou (Pitcherii), Geol. N. A. 43, 4, 1. staumaloidea, Forbes (E. inflata), G. T. vol. vii, 156, 17, 15. vesicularis, Lam. Sp. (Ostrea), Brown, Leth. Geog. pl. 32, 1. Everywhere. C. vesiculosa, Sow. (vesicularis), M. Con. 369. vomer, Morton (HK. lateralis), Synopsis, 54, 9, 5. HETTANGIA. Americana, M. & H. (TANcrEpDIA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 274. HINNITES, Defr. 1821. Leymerii, Desh. M. G.S. F. vol. v, 27, 14, 1. Fr. Fayrinus, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 503, 43, 2, pl. 44. Fr. Studeri, P. & R. id. 504, 45, 1. Fr. Homomya, Agas. 1842. alta, Roem. (PHOLADOMYA), Kreid. Tex. 45, 6, 11. INOCERAMUS, Pork. 1811 (Catillus, Brong. 1822), alatus, Goldf. P. Germ. 116, 112, 3. G. C. alveatus, Morton, Syn. 63, 17,4. Ala. C. angulatus, d’Orb. P. F. 515, 408, 3,4. Fr. UG. annulatus, Goldf. P. Germ. pl. 110, f. 7. G., Fr. C aratus, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 226, 19,113. Syria. C. argenteus, Con. Jour. Acad. 2ds. vol. iii, 329, 834,16. Miss. C. aviculoides, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 181. Nebraska. C. * Prof. Marcou appears vexed that American Palaeontologists refuse to follow him, in his obviously incorrect determination of the species, in the work quoted above. If we acknowledge the above species to be sinwata, then E. costatu is only a variety of the same species, for I have seen every intermediate form be- tween this and the closely costate variety. 7 For remarks on G. Tueumcearti, see Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. for December, 1860. It is incorrectly referred to the Jurassic by Prof. Marcou. Conchifera. 1 84 Inoceramus. Barabini, Morton, pars. Syn. 62, 13, 11 (exclus. 17, 3). Mis- sourl, N. J. ?* C. Barabini, M. pars (problematicus ?), 62, 63, pl. 17, f. 3. Balchii, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 180. Neb. C. Brongniartii, Mant. (Lamarckii), Geol. Suss. 214, 27, 8. cancellatus, Goldf. P. Germ. 113, 110, 4. G. C Canadensis, Meek. Assin. Exped. 183, 1,40. Canada. C. capulus, Shum. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 606. Texas. C. cardissioides, Goldf. P. G. 112, 110, 2. G. U. We concentricus, Park. G. T. Ist ser. vol. v, 58, 1,4. E., Fr. G confertim-annulatus, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 59, 7,4. Texas. C Conradi, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 387, 2, 5. Neb. © convexus, H. & M. id. 386, 2,2. Neb. , Coquandianus, d’Orb. P. F. 505, 403, 6-8. Fr. G. cordiformis, Sow. (striatus), M. Con. 440. cordiformis, Goldf. not Sow. (latus), Petr. 115, 110, 6. costellatus, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 329, 384,12. Miss. C. Crispii, Mant. Geol. Suss. 183, 27, 11. E., Fr., Texas. C. Crispii, Goldf. not Mant. (regularis), 116, 112, 4, a, b, e, (exclus. d.) Crispii, Goldf. not Mant. (Goldfussianus), Petr. 116, 112, 4 d. cuneatus, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 181. Neb. C. cuneiformis, d’Orb. P. F. 512, 407. Fr. C. Cuvierit, Mant. (Lamarckii), Geol. Suss. pl. 27, f. 4. Decheni, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 60, 8, 10. G. U. expansus, Baily, Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 462, 18, 5. 8S. Africa. U. fragilis, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 386, 2, 6. Neb. tgibbus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 170. Miss. Goldfussianus, d’Orb. P. F. 517, 4-11. Fr., G. gryphacoides, Sow. (concentricus), M. Con. 584. Qk Cake, $252 * I have never (except in the “‘ Ripley group,’’ which has a mineral character very much like the Speeton clay of England) seen but one or two fragments of Inocerami from New Jersey, where there are whole beds composed of shells. One very much mutilated fragment I have referred, doubtfully, to this species. It is a curious fact that there should be such a scarcity, even of individuals, when beds of the same age in other parts of the United States teem with them. {+ Tuomey says that this species is the same as the form of I. Barabini, which I refer above to I. problematicus? It may possibly be distinct, but Iam not prepared to express an opinion, having seen only the one specimen of Morton’s, which is a fragment. Conchifera. i 85 Tnoceramus, impressus, d’Orb. P. F. 515, 409. Fr. & incurvus, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. 277. Neb. C. inflatus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p.171. Ala. C. involutus, Sow. M. Con. 583. E., Fr. C. Lamarckii, Brong. Envy. Par. 338. K., Fr., G., Sw., Crimea. C. Lamarckii, Mant. not Brong. (striatus), pl. 27, f. 1. latus, Mant. Geol. Suss. 216, 27, 10. E., Fr., G., Texas.* C. Lerouxii, Marcou, Geol. N. A. 36, 2,3. Texas. C. lingua, Goldf. Petr. 113, 110, 5. G. C. lobatus, Goldf. id. 110, 3. @G. C. Mortoni, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 428. Neb. C. mytiloides, Mant. (problematicus), Geol. Suss. pl. 28, f. 2. mytiloides, Roem. not Mant. (mytilopsis), Kreid. Tex. 60, 7, 5. mytilopsis, Con. Emory’s Rep. 153, 5, 6. Texas. C. Nebrascensis, Owen, Rep. J. W. & M. 582, pl. 8, a, f. 1. Neb. C. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 508, 403, 1-2. Fr. IN: orbicularis, Munst. in Goldf. P. G. 117, 113, 2. G. C. perovalis, Con. 1852, Proc. Acad. p. 200. Alla. C. pertenuis, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 276. Neb. C. pertenuis, var. subdepressus, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 427. Neb. C. pernoides, Math. (striatus), Catal. pl. 25, f. 5. pictus, Sow. (striatus), M. Con. 604. planus, Munst. in Goldf. 117, 183, 1. Fr., G. uw. plicatus, d’Orb. Cog. Foss. Col. 56, 3, 19. N. Grenada. N. problematicus, Schlot. Sp. (Mytilus), d’Orb. P. F. 510, 406. Fr., G., E., Western United States. C. propinquus, Goldf. P. Germ. 112, 109, 9. G., E. C. proximus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 171. Ala. C. pseudo-mytiloides, Schiel. 1855, Pacific R. R. Rep. vol. ii, 108, 3,8. Neb. C. regularis, d’Orb. P. F. 516,410. Fr. C Sagensis, Owen, Rep. J. W. & M. 582, 7, 3. Neb. C. * This species, together with J. problematicus and several other of the lower chalk species, appear to be common to Europe, and the United States west of the Mississippi ; and I am inclined to think that the divisions Nos. 1 and 2, and a part or perhaps the whole of No. 3 of Meek and Hayden’s section in Nebraska, and some of the lower beds of Texas, may be found to be of the same age as the lower chalk of England, the Turonien of d’Orbigny. The beds of New Jersey (except perhaps the leaf bed which appears to correspond to No. 1), and of the Southern States east of the Mississippi, are all above No. 3, while in Texas, Arkansas, and Indian Territory, the lower deposits are found. VOL. VII1.—zZ Conchifera. 1 86 Inoceramus. salaebrosus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 171. Ala. C. Salomoni, d’Orb. Prod. 139. Fr., G. G. siliqua, Math. Cat. 174, 25, 6. Fr. C. striatus, Mant. Geol. Suss. 217, 28,5. E., Fr., G., Texas. C. subcompressus, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 181. Neb. vt sublaevis, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, vol. v, 386,2,1. Neb. C. sulcatus, Park. G. T. Ist. vol. v, 59, 1,5. E.,G., Fr., Sw. U.G, G. Roemeri, Karst. Geog. Verhalt. Neu. Gren. pl. 5, f. 6. N. Grenada. iM. tenuilineatus, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, 387, 2,3. Neb. @. tenuis, Mant. Geol. Suss. 132. EH. G. triangularis, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 171. Ala. ¢. undulato-plicatus, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 59, 7, 1. Texas. C. undulatus, Mant. (striatus), G. Suss. 217, 27, 6. Vanuxemensis, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, vol. i, p. 123. Neb. C. Vanuxemii, M. & H. Proc. Acad. p. 180 (1860). Neb. C. Texanus, Con. Emory’s Rep. 152, 5, 7. Texas. C. ventricosus, M. & H. not Sow. (pertenuis), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 56. Websteri, Mant. Geol. Suss. 216,27, 21. KE. C. ISOARCA, Munst. 1842. Agassizii, P. & R. Eny. Genéy. 466, 38, 3. Fr. G. Alpina, d’Orb. Prod. 79. Fr. N. costata, d’Orb. Prod. 138. Fr. G. globulosa, d’Orb. Prod. 106. Fr. ps obesa, d’Orb. (Nucula), Prod. 163. Fr., G. Utes supracretacea, d’Orb. Prod. 243. Fr. C. Isocardia, Lam. 1799 (GLOSSUS, Poli, 1795*). angulata, Phil. (G.), Geol. York, 94, 2, 20, 21. Atazensis, d’Orb. (longirostris), P. F. 47, 251, 3-6. Carantonensis, d’Orb. (G.), P. F. 48, 252, 1-4. Conradi, Gabb (G.), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 393, 68, 21. crassicornis, Ag. Sp. (G.), d’Orb. Prod. 137. crassicornis, Ag. Sp. pars (Isoarca Agassizii), id. 137. cretacea, Goldf. (G.), P. Germ. pl. 141, f. 1. * See note under Bucardia. os Conchifera. 1 87 Tsocardia, eryptoceras, d’Orb. (G.), P. F. 48, 252, 5, 7. longirostris, Roem. (G.), Nord. Kreid. 70, 9, 6. lunulata, Roem. not Nyst. (sublunulata), Nord. Kreid. 70, 9, 5. modiola, Nils. Sp. (G.), d’Orb. Prod. 242. Neocomensis, Ag. Sp. (G.), d’Orb. P. F. 44, 250, 9-11. obliqua, Orb. (G.), Prod. 163. Orbignyana, d’ Arc. (Isoarca obesa), M. G. 8. F. 1847, pl. B60 £)1. ornata, Forbes (Opts), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 242, 2, 10. praelonga, Leym. (G.), M. G. 8S. F. 2d s. vol. v, 6, 8, 3. pygmaea, Reuss (G.), Bohm. Kreid. 2, 35, 14. Pyrenaica, d’Orb. (G.), P. F. 46, 251, 1, 2. Renauxiana, d’Orb. (G.), Prod. 196. semiradiata, d’Orb. (G.), Prod. 163. similis, Sow. (G.), M. Con. 516. sublunulata, d’Orb. (G.), Prod. 242. subsinuata, Forbes (G.), G. T. vol. vii, 146, 17, 12. trigona, Roem. (G.), Nord. Kreid. 70, 9, 7. turgida, Reuss (cretacea), Bohm. Kreid. pl. 40, f. 16. Washita, Marcou (G.), Geol. N. A. 37, 3, 2. Janira, d’Orb. not Schum. 1817* (NEITHEA, Drouet, 1821). dequicostata, Lam. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. P. F. 687, 445, 1-4. alata, Von. Buch. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. Prod. 107. Albensis, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 189. Alpina, @Orb. (N.), P. F. 643, 446, 4-8. Atava, Roem. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. P. F. 647, 442, 1, 3, 5. Carantonensis, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 170. cometa, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 642, 446, 1-3. craticula, Morton, Sp. (PEcTEN), d’Orb. Prod. 253. decemcostata, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 669, 449, 1-4. Deshayesiana, Math. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. P. F. 626, 441. digitalis, Roem. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. P. F. 642, 446, 1-3. dilatata, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 638, 445, 5-8. Dufrenoyi, V Orb. (N.), Prod. 107. * The cretaceous species referred by d’Orbigny and others to the genus Janirz, are certainly generically different from the type Pecten maximus. They form a group to which Drouet gave the name JVezthea. They have the following distin- guishing characters, and appear to be peculiar to the cretaceous formation: the lower valve convex, upper valve flat or more generally concave; and with about six large ribs and several smaller intermediate ones. The large ribs give the outline a somewhat angular form ; this last character is never seen in Janira. Conchifera 188 Janira. Dutemplei, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 646, 447, 8-11. Faucignyana, P. & R. (N.), Env. Genéy. 505, 45, 2. Fleuriausiana, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 681, 448. Fontanieri, d’Orb. (N.), Voy. Astrol. pl. iv, f. 38-40. Geinitzit, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 197. Hispanica, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 170. longicauda, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 639, 445, 9-14. Makovii, Dubois, Sp. (N.), d’Orb. Prod. 253. Mortoniti, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 253. Neocomensis, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 629, 442, 4-9. notabilis, Munst. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. Prod. 170. phaseola, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 625, 444, 6-10. Podolica, d’ Orb. (N.), Prod. 2538. quadricostata, Sow. Sp. (N.), @’Orb. P. F. 644, 447, 1-7. guinguecostata, Sow. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. P. F. 632, 444, 1, 5. Royeriana, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 119. sexangularis, @’Orb. (N.), P. F. 648, 448, 5-8. Simbriskensis, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 253. striato-costata, Goldf. Sp. (N.), d’Orb. Prod. 170. striato-costata, Q’Orb. (N. substriato-costata), P. F. substriato-costata, d’Orb. (N.), Prod. 253. Syriaca, Con. (N.), Lynch’s Exped. 230, Appendix 1-6. Truellei, d’Orb. (N.), P. F. 648, 448, 5-8. Wrightii, Shum. (N.), 1860, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 607. KELLIA, Turton, 1822. eretacea, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 280, 46,19. Ala., Miss. C. LAVIGNON, Cuv. 1817. Clementina, d’Orb. P. F. 406, 377, 5, 7. Fr. minuta, Agas. Sp. (Platymya), d’Orb. P. F. 405, 337, 1, 4. Fr. fe phaseolina, Phil. Sp. (Mya), d’Orb. P. F. 407. KE. di phaseolina, d’ Orb. not Phil. (subphaseolina), P. F. 407, 379, 8, 10. rhomboidalis, Leym. Sp. (Pholadomya), d’Orb. Prod. 75. Fr. subphaseolina, d’Orb. Prod. 136. Fr. DB” AW LEDA, Schum. 1817. angulata, Sow. Sp. (Nucula), d@’Orb. Prod. 159. E. U. G. angulata, Gabb (subangulata), Proc. Acad. 1860, 94, 2, 12. Conchifera. 189 Leda. Evansii, M. & H. (Youpta), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 185. falcata, Reuss, Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. fibrosa, Ey. & Shum. 1857, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 39. Neb. Forsteri, Miill. Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. Hindi, Meek (Netto), Assin. & Saskat. Exped. 183, 1-8-9. Indica, d’Orb. (striatula), Voy. Astrol. pl. Dd, #1 LBs lineata, Sow. Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 159. E. U. longifrons, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 281, 46,18. Ala., Miss., N. J. Mariae, d’Orb. (Nucula), Prod. 136. Fr. Moreauensis, M. & H. (NEAERA), Proc. Acad. vol. viii, 284. ovata, Reuss, Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. pinnaeformis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 303, 48,22. N.J. porrecta, Reuss, Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 159. G. U. producta, Nilss. Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G., Sw. pulchra, Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 346, 28, 10. E. protexta, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 303, 48,23. N.J., Tenn. scapha, d’Orb. (Nucula), Prod. 75. Fr., N. Gren. scitula, M. & H. (Youpra), 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 185. semilunaris, Buch. Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. siliqua, Goldf. Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. Slackiana, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 397, 68, 36. N. J. solea, d’Orb. (Nucula), Prod. 136. Fr. striatula, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 148, 17, 14. India. subangulata, Gabb (angulata Gabb, not d’Orb.). N. J. subaequalis, Reuss, Sp. (Nucula), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. subnasuta, H.& M. Sp. (Youpra), M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 429. subrecurva, d’Orb. (Nucula), Prod. 136. Fr. tenuirostris, Reuss, Sp. “ d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. undulata, Sow. Sp. ce d’Orb. Prod. 136. E. ventricosa, M. & H. (NEAERA), Proc. Acad. vol. viii, p. 248. ventricosa, H.& M. Sp. (Youpra), M. & H. Proc. Acad. - (1860), p. 429. Vibrayeana, d’Orb. (Nucula), Prod. 136. Fr. G. QA S &2 2 Sake SSS RAARARRR RAR LEGUMEN, Con. 1858. appressus, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ili, p. 325. Ala., Miss. ellipticus, Con. id. 325, 834,19. Ala., Miss., N. J. planulata, Con. Sp. (Solemya), Gabb, 1861. N.J., Ala. QA Conchifera. 190 Leguminaria. Leguminaria, Schum. 1817 (SILIQUA, Miihlf. 1811). Moreana, d’Orb. (Strrqua), P. F. 324, 350, 8, 9. Nereis, d’Orb. (Stz1Qua), Prod. 158. truncatula, Reuss, Sp. (S1Liqua), d’Orb. Prod. 235. Lembulus, Leach, 1826 (LEDA, Schum. 1817). productus, Nilss. Sp. (LEDA), Gein. Verst. 420, 19, 15. Lima, Brug. 1792 (CTENOIDES, Klein. 1758). abrupta, d’Orb. not Goldf. (CrEnorpEs subabrupta), P. F. 559, 423, 6-9. Aeolis, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 167. Albensis, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 541, 416, 15-16. Alpina, P. & R. (CTENoIDES), Env. Genév. 486, 40, 7. amygdaloides, Reuss (CTENOIDES), Bohm. Kreid. 33, 38, 16. arcuata, Gein. (C. divaricata). aspera, Mant. Sp. (Crenomes), Goldf. P. Germ. pl. 104, f. 4. Astieriana, d’Orb. (CreNorpEs), P. F. 549, 420, 4-7. | Baugasiana, @ Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 248. | Bolina, d Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 107. . Bourgeoisiana, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 248. Calypso, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 167. | canalifera, Goldf. (Crenorpes), P. Germ. pl. 104, f. 1. carinata, Munst. (CTENOIDES), Goldf. P. G. 104, f. 2. Carteroniana, d’Orb. (CrENoIDES), P. F. 525, 414, 1+4. clypetformis, @’ Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 548, 417, 9-10. Cenomanensis, @’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 552, 421, 11, 15. comata, Desh. (C. undata), M. G. S. F. vol. v, 10, 8, 7. consobrina, d’Orb. (C. subconsobrina), P. F. 566, 422, 4-7. Coniacensis, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 248. Cottaldina, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 537, 416, 1-5. crenulicosta, Roem. (CTENOIDES), Kreid. Tex. 63, 8, 8. decussata, Goldf. (CrenorpEs), Petrif. Germ. pl. 104, f. 5. dichotoma, Reuss (CTENOIDES), Bohm. Kreid. 35, 38, 10. dificilis, @Orb. (Crenoipes), P. F. 551, 423, 10-11. divaricata, Dujard. (CreNoIDES), M.G.S. F. vol. ii, pl. 16, f. 7. Dujardini, Desh. (CTENOIDES), d’Orb. P. F. 599, 427, 1-4. Conchifera. 191 Lima. Dupiniana, @ Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 535, 415, 18-22. Dutempleana, d Orb. (CTENoIDES), P. F. 571, 427, 10-14. elegans, Dujard. (CrENoIDES), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, pl. 16, f. 1. elegans, Leym. not Duj. (C. Cottaldina), M. G.S. F. vol. v, p. 27. elegantula, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 248. elongata, Roem. not Sow. (Astieriana), Nord. Kreid. p. 56, not Ool. elongata, Gein. not Sow. (Astieriana), Charakt. Kreid. 82, 59, 2. elongata, Roem. not R. in Nord. K. (longa), Ool. pl. 18, f. 11. elongata, Reuss (Reussii), Bohm. Kreid. 33, 38, 6, 9. expansa, Forbes (CTENOIDES), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, p. 249. Farringdonensis, Sharpe (CTENOIDES), id. vol. x, 198, 6, 2. Fittoni (ii), a’ Orb. (CrENOIDES), Prod 82. Jrondosa, Duj. (C. tecta), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 227, 16, 10. Gallienniana, d’Orb. (CTENoIDES), P. F. 548, 420, 1-3. Galloprovincialis, Math. (CrENoIDEs), Catal. 182, 29, 5. granosa, Sow. (CTENOIDES), Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 28, 24, 25. granosa, d’Orb. (C. granulata), P. F. pl. 427, 5-9. granulata, Nils. Sp. (CreNor1pEs), Desh. Ene. Meth. Hoperi, Mant. Sp. (CrENoIDES), Desh. Enc. Meth. vol. ii, p. 349. intercostata, Duj. (CTENOIDES), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, pl. 16, f. 8. intermedia, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 550, 421, 1-5. interstriata, Gein. (CTENOIDES), Quadersand. Itieriana, P. & R. (CrENnoipEs), Env. Genéy. 484, 40, 5. laevissima, Reuss (CTENOIDES), Bohm. Kreid. 35, 38, 14. laeviuscula, Sow. not Sow. M. Con. (C. sublaeviuscula), Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 347, pl. 28. lamellosa, Gein. (C. tecta), Char. Kreid. p. 25. laticosta, Roem. (CTENOIDES), Nord. Kreid. 57, 8, 9. Ligeris, Dujard. (CTENoIDES), M. G.S. F. vol. ii, pl. 16, f. 5. Leonensis, Con. (CTeNomDeEsS), Emory’s Rep. 151, 5, 3. longa, Roem. (CTENOIDES), Nord. Kreid. p. 57. Mantelli, Brong. Sp. (CTENoIpDEs), Goldf. P. G. 92, 104, 9. Marrotiana, @’Orb. (CrenorpEs), P. F. 561, 424, 1-4. Marticensis, Math. (CTENOIDEs), Catal. 183, 29, 8-10. Massiliensis, Math. (CTENOIDES), Cat. 182, 29, 1-2. maxima, d’ Are. (CrENopES), M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 187, 13, 13. minuta, Goldf. (CteNompEs), Petrif. pl. 103, f. 6. montana, P. & R. (CrenoipEs), Env. Genéy. 489, 43, 1. multicostata, Gein. (CrENoIDES), Char. Kreid. 28, 8, 3. Moreana, Orb. (CrENormEs), P. F. 538, 416, 6-10. Conchifera. 192 Lima. Moutoniana, @ Orb. (CrENOIDES), Prod. 167. Neocomensis, d’Orb. (CTENoIDES), P. F. 536, 417, 1, 2, 7, 8. Nilssonii, Roem. (CTENOIDES), Nord. Kreid. p. 57. obliquestriata, Forbes (CrENotpEs), G. T. vol. vii, 154, 18, 18. obsoleta, Dujard. (CrENoiDEs), M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, pl. LG )£26: Orbignyana, Math. (CrENorpEs), Catal. 182, 29, 3-4. ornata, d’Orb. (CrENorpEs), P. F. 551, 421, 6-10. ovata, Nils. Sp. (CrenorpEs), Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 57. paraliela, Sow. Sp. (CrENomEs), d’Orb. P. F. 539, 416, 11-14. paucicostata, Reuss (CTENOIDES), Bohm. Kreid. 33, 38, 4. pectita, d’Orb. (CrENorpEs), P. F. 572, 427, 15-19. pelagica, Morton, Sp. (Crenorpes), d’Orb. Prod. 249. pennata, a’ Arc. (Crenomes), M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 307, 15, 6. plana, Roem. (C. longa), Ool. pl. 18, f. 18. plana, Reuss, not Roem. (C. subplana), Bohm. Kreid. 35, 38, 20. plicatilis, Duj. (CreNnompEs), M. G. 8. F. vol. 11, 216, 16, 9. pseudocardium, Reuss (CTENOIDES), B. Kreid. 33, 38, 2-3. pulchella, d’Orb. (CreNnoipEs), P. F. 560, 423, 12-15. rapa, d’Orb. (CrENoIDES), P. F. 546, 419, 1-4. Rauliniana, d’Orb. (Crenoipes), P. F. 542, 417, 5-8. rectangularis, d’ Arc. (CTENOIDES), M. G. 8. F. 308, 15, 7. Reichenbachii, Gein. (CTENOIDES), Char. Kreid. pl. 8, f. 4. Renauxiana, Math. (CTENoIDEs), Catal. 1838, 29, 6. resecta, @’ Arc. (CrENoIDES), M. G. S. F. 308, 15, 8. reticulata, Lyell & Forbes (CTENOIDES), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, p. 62. Reussti, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 249. Rhodaniana, d’Orb. (CrenorpeEs), P. F. 541, 416, 17-19. Rhotomagensis, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 557, 422, 8-11. Robinaldina, d’Orb. (CTENOIDEs), P. F. 531, 415, 5-8. Royeriana, d’Orb. (CTENoIDES), P. F. 527, 414, 5-8. Sabaudiana, P. & R. (Crenoipes), Env. Genév. 485, 40, 6. Santonensis, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F’. 565, 425, 1-2. Saxoneti, P. & R. (CTENOIDES), Envy. Genéy. 487, 40, 8. semiornata, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 555, 422, 1-3. semisulcata, Desh. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 562, 424, 5-9. semisulcata, Sow. (C. Fittonii), G. T. vol. iv, 129, 11, 10. semisulcata, Sow. (subsemisulcata),G. T. vol. iv, p. 241, not p. 129. Conchifera. 193 Lima. septemcostata, Reuss (CrENOIDES), B. Kreid. 33, 38, 5. simplex, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 545, 418, 5-7. squamifera, Goldf. (C. Dujardinii), P. G. pl. 103, f. 3. spinosa, Sow. (CrENoIDES), D. Geol. Suss. 847, 28, 33. stricta, Roem. (CTENOIDES), Ool. pl. 18, f. 17. subaequilateralis, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), P. F. 558, 423, 1-5. subabrupta, d’ Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 167. subconsobrina, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 167. subovalis, Sow. (CrenoEs), G. T. vol. iv, 241, 17, 21. subplana, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 197. subrigida, Roem. (CreENoIDES), Nord. Kreid. p. 57. subsemisulcata, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 167. tecta, Goldf. (CTENOIDES), Petr. Germ. 91, 104, 7. Tombeckiana, d’Orb. (CreNorpEs), P. F. 534, 415, 13-17. Toucasiana, d Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 248. truncata, Munst. (CTENOIDES), Goldf. P. G. 91, 104, 6. undata, Desh. (CTENOIDES), M. G. S. F. vol. v, p. 10, 8, 8. undulata, Reuss (CTENOIDES), Bohm. Kreid. 35, 38, 13. Varusensis, d’Orb. (CTENOIDES), Prod. 167. Wacoensis, Roem. (CTENOIDES), Kreid. Tex. 63, 8, 7. LIMOPSIS, Sassi, 1835 (Pectunculina, d’Orb. 1843). complanata, d’Orb. (P.), Prod. 163. Fr. U. G. Guerangeri, d’Orb. (P.), Prod. 163. Fr. UG: Hoeninghausii, Miill. Sp. (Pectunculus), d’Orb. Prod. 248. G. C parvula, M. & H. (Pectunculina), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 285. Neb. C. striato-punctatus (a), E. & S. 1857, Trans. St. Louis, Acad. p. 38. Neb. C. LINEARTA, Con. 1860. metastriata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 279, 46,7. Ala. €. LITHODOMUS, Cuv. 1817. aequalis, d’Orb. P. F. 295, 346, 4-6. Fr. UG. Aglae, d’Orb. Prod. 247. Fr. C. amygdaloides, Desh. Sp. (Modiola), d’Orb. P. F. 290, 344, 7-9. Fr. iN. VOL. VIII.—2a4 Conchifera. 1 94 Lithodomus. Archiacii, Leym. Sp. (Modiola), d’Orb. P. F. 290, 344, 11-12. Fr. Australis, Gabb (Modiola), 1861. Chili. avellana, d’Orb. P. F. 291, 844, 18-15. Fr. Carantonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 298, 345, 1-3. Fr. contortus, Dujard. Sp. (Modiola), d’Orb. Prod. 247. Fr. Cretaceus, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 224, 17, 101. Syria. cypris, Forbes, Sp. (Modiola), d’Orb. Prod. 247. India. discrepens, Miill. (Myoconcna), Aach. K. 36, 2, 15 a. faba, Mull. Sp. (Mytilus), d’Orb. Prod. 247. G. intermedius, d’Orb P. F. 297, 345, 9-10. Fr. oblongus, d’Orb. P. F. 289, 3844, 4-6. Fr. obtusus, d’Orb. (contortus), P. F. 296, 845, 11-13. U. orbiculatus, d’Are. Sp. (Cypricardia), d’Orb. P. F. 293, 345, 4-8. Fr. pistilliformis, Reuss, Sp. (Fistulana), d’Orb. Prod. 196. G. praelongus, d’Orb. P. F. 289, 844, 1-38. Fr. pyriformis, d’Are. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 307, 15, 5. rostratus, d’Orb. P. F. 292, 344,16, 17. Fr. rugosus, d’Orb. P. F. 294, 346, 1-8. Fr. socialis, d’Orb. Coq. Foss. Col. p. 56. N. Gren. spathulatus, Gein. in Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 16, 86,10. G. subintermedius, d’Orb. Prod. 119. Fr. Toucasianus, d’Orb. Prod. 196. Fr. LUCINA, Brug. 1791. Arduennensis, d’Orb. P. F. 120, 283, 8-10. Fr. Campaniensis, d’Orb. P. F. 122, 283, 11-12. Fr. circularis, Gein. Char. Kreid. 20, 4, 76. G. Coquandiana, d’Orb. P. F. 121, 282. Fr. Cornueliana, d’Orb. P. F. 116, 281, 3-5. Fr. Dumoulinii, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 15, 16. Chili. discus, Math. (Campaniensis), Catel. pl. 18, f. 12. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 117, 281, 6-8. Fr. excavata, Morton, Sp. (Dosrnta), d’Orb. Prod. 241. excentrica, Sow. Forbes, in Darwin’s S. A. 267, 5, 21. gonia. fallax, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 143, 17, 8. India. globiformis, Leym. M. G. S. F. 1842, 4, 3, 8. Fr. Grangei, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 2, f. 18, 14. Chili. U. G C NV. Gi nls U. G. U. G N. CO G C * Turonien in Pal. Fr., Eocene (Suessonien) in Prod. Pal. Conchifera. 195 Lucina. eurgitis, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 449, 34,5. Fr. G. imbricata, Desh. (CARDIUM), M. G.S. F. vol. v, 4, 5, 2. jugosa, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 142, 17, 7. India. C. lens, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 73,9, 14. G. es lenticularis, Goldf. (DostnrA), Petr Germ. 228, 146, 16. Nereis, d’Orb. Prod. 162. Fr. on"G numismalis, Math. (ArcopaAGiA), Catal. 114, 18, 5. obesa, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 8, f. 26, 28. India. occidentalis, Morton, Sp. (Tellina), M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p- 273. Neb. C. orbicularis, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 241, 16,13. E., G. U.. G. ornatissima, d’Orb. (jugosa), Voy. Astrol. pl. 7, f. 27, 28. pisum, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 241, 16,14. E. U. G pisum, d’Orb. (Cornueliana), P. F. pl. 281, 3-5. pinguis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 275, 24,18. N. J. C. plicato-costata, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 83, 18, 18-14. N. Gren. WN. Reichii, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 73,9, 15. G. U..G Roissti, Leym. (VENus), M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 5, f. 4. Rouyana, d’Orb. P. F. 119, 283 bis, 8-10. Fr. N. Safedensis, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 226, 19, 115. Syria. C sculpta, Phil. Geol. York. pl. 2, f. 15. E., Fr. A solidula, Forbes, Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 239, 2,7. KE. Lr. G subglobosa, Goldf. Sp. (Corsuta), d’Orb. Prod. 241. G. C sublenticularis, Shum. 1860, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 602. Texas. C. subnumismalis, Mull. Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 241. G. C subundata, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 382, 1, 6. Neb. C. supracretacea, d’Orb. Prod. 293. Fr. Danien. Turonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 123, 283 bis, 11-12. Fr. C. Vendoperata, Leym. (Venus), M. G. S. F. 2ds. vol. v, pl. 5, f. 3. ventricosa, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 427. Neb. C. Vibrayeana, d’Orb. P. F. 120, 283, 5-7. Fr. G. LUTRARIA, Lam. 1801. cretacea, Math. (PANoPAEA), Catal. 141, 12, 10. carinifera, Sow. (Livonsta), M. Con. 534. cuneata, Math. (P. Massiliensis), Cat. 140, 12, 4-5. gurgitis, Brong. (PANOPAEA), Eny. Par. 97, 9, 15. gurgitis, Brong. pars. (P. plicata), in Cuv. Oss. Foss. 648, pl. Q. f. 15. Conchifera. | 96 Lutraria. Massiliensis, Math. (PANoPAEA), Catal. 140, 12, 8-9. rostrata, Math. (PANopAEA), Catal. 140, 12, 7. ? striata, d’ Are. (P. substriata), d’Orb. P. F. 341. striata, Sow. (Mactra substriata), M. Con. 534. Urgonensis, Math. (PANOPAEA), Catal. 139, 12, 1. Voltzti, Math. (PANOPAEA), Catal. 189, 12, 2-3. LYONSIA, Turton, 1822. carinifera, Sow. Sp. (Lutraria), d’Orb. P. F. 385, 372, 1-2. EL Fr. C., Unies elegans, d’Orb. P. F. 386, 372, 3-5. Fr. U7. G elongata, Reuss (ANATINA), Bohm. Kreid. 18, 36, 9. Germani, Geinitz, Quadersand. G. globulosa, Forbes, Sp. (Poromya), d’Orb. Prod. 234. India. inornata, d’Orb. Prod. 234. Fr. lata, Forbes, Sp. (Poromya), d’Orb, Prod. 234. India. Ricordeana, d’Orb. Prod. 117. Fr. Ii, subrotundata, d’Orb. Prod. 74. E. SERS Lyrodon, Sow. 1835 (TRIGONTA, Brug. 1791). aliformis, Sow. Sp. (TR1GontA), Bronn. Verstein. vol. ii, 700, 32, 15. conocardiiformis, Krauss (Triconta), Nov. Act. C. L. C. vol. xx, 454, 49, 1. Herzogii, Hausm. (Triconta), in Goldf. Petr. 202, 37, 5. literatum, Goldf. (T. Lusitanica), Petr. pl. 136, f. 5, c, d (ex- clus. 5, a, b, e, f, g). scaber, Bronn. (TricontA), Verst. 700, 32, 13. ventricosus, Krauss. (TrRigontA), Noy. Act. C. L. C. 456, 49, 2. Lysianassa, Munst. 1838. designata, Goldf. Sp. (PHoLaApomyA), Petr. Germ. 264, 154, 18. MACTRA, Linn. 1767, Lam. 1799.* alta, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 271. Neb. C. * Messrs. Meek and Hayden appear to consider that probably the name Tri- GONELLA should precede MAcTRA, since they quote their species thus: ‘‘ Mactra (Trigonella?), Siouxensis,’’? &e. The real state of the case is as follows: In the twelfth edition of ‘‘ Systema Naturm,’’ Linnaeus called the genus, MAcrra. It Oe ‘\ Conchifera. 1 9 7 Mactra. angulata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 16, f.9. E. Araucana, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 2-4. Chili. Carteroni, d’Orb. P. F. 367, 368, 6-9. E., Fr. Chiliensis, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 198, 3,5. Chili. Cecileana, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 126, 15, 5-6. Chili. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 367, 368, 3-5. Fr. formosa, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. 271. Neb. Gaultina, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 407, 29,3. Fr. gracilis, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 179. Neb. intersecta, Forbes, Sp. (Carduim), d’Orb. Prod. 255. India. Matronensis d’Orb. P. F. 366, 368, 1-2. Fr. porrecta, Gein. Quader. G. Siouxensis, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 179. Neb. substriata, d’Orb. Prod. 75. E. Texana, Con. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 269. Tex. tripartita, Sow. in Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 142, 15, 17. India. Warrenana, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 271. Neb. Mactromya, Ag. 1842. Couloni, Ag. (DonaciLua), Etud. Crit. 195, 10, 6-14. MERETRIX, Lam. 1799 (Cytherea, Lam. 1805). LavG C. Deweyi, M. & H. (Cytherea), 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 185. Neb. @. juunda, Duj. Sp. J Gabb, 1861. Fr. C. lineolata, Sow. Sp. es a E. OMG. Leonensis, Con. Sp. cs i Texas. C. Lamarensis, Shum. Sp. “ - “ Texas. C. Missouriana, Morton, Sp. (Cytherea), ke 1861. Mo. C. Nebrascensis, M & H. Sp. as « Neb. C. orbiculata, M. & H. sf = Proc. Acad. p. 185. Neb. C. Owenana, M. & H. - id. p. 185. Neb. C. pellucida, M. & H. “ id. p. 185. Neb. C. subrotunda, Sow. Sp. “5 Gabb, 1861. E. OG: therefore bears date 1767. It was, however, very much wider in its range than when, in 1799, Lamarck restricted it to the true Mactras. But, in 1778, Hum- phreys applied the name TrRIGONELLA to the genus. Still, Linnaeus’s name being the oldest, must be retained under the more restricted sense, and thus Ty/zonella ‘becomes a synonym. Conchifera. 1 9 8 Meretrix tenuis, M. & H. (Cytherea), 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 185. Neb. ©. Texana, Con. Sp. J Gabb, 1861. Texas. C. Tippana, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 326, 34, 18. Ala., Miss. C MODIOLA, Lam. 1799 (Mytilus, pars d’Orb. and others). aequalis, Sow. M. Con. 210. E., Fr., G. N.S BGs alaeformis, Sow. (GERVILLIA), M. Con. 251. Albensis, d’Orb. (Mytilus), Prod. 138. Fr., G. G. amygdaloides, Desh. (Liruopomus), M.G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 5, f. 6. angusta, Roem. (subangusta), N. Kreid. p. 66. Archiacti, Leym. (LirHopomus), M.G.S. F. vol. v, pl. 16, f. 2 attenuata, M. & H. (Mytilus), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 427. Neb. @. arcuata, Gein. (subarcuata), Char. Kreid. 20, 34, 78. bella, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. vol. iv, 113, 11,9. E. GEG: bipartita, Sow. M. Con. 210. E. Loe. bipartita, Leym. not Sow. (aequalis), M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 9, f. 8. Carteroni, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), Gabb, 1861. Fr. N. contorta, Duj. (LirHopomus), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 225, 15, 12. concentrice-costellata, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 54, 7,10. Tex. C. Corneuliana, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), Gabb, 1861. Fr. N. cypris, Forbes (LirHopomus), G. T. vol. vii, 152, 16, 7. cretacea, Gabb, 1860 (LirHopomus australis), Proc. Acad. 198, 3, 3. dilatata, a Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), Gabb, ss Fr. UG divaricata, d’Orb. Sp.“ Z Fr. C. Dufrenoyi, d’Orb. Sp.“ Fe = Fr. C. Fittoni, d’Orb. Sp. me eS #3 Fr. N, flagellifera, Forbes, Sp.“ ae India. 5h Giffreana, P,. & R. Sp. “ 6 “ Fr. G. granulato-cancellata, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 54, 7,12. Texas. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), pe 1861. Fr. UG, inornata, d’Orb. Sp. Wy a Fr. U oth interrupta, d’Orb. Sp. *s Hs ok Fr. U. G. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. Sp. : . . Fr. UG lineata, Fitt. (sublineata), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 2. Marrotiana, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), wes 1861. Fr. C. Matronensis, d’Orb. Sp. i + Fr. N. Meekii, Evans & Shum. Sp. “ M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 427. Neb. C. Mortilettii, P. & R. Sp. is Gabb, 1861. Fr. G, a Conchifera i 99 nitens, Forbes, Sp. (Mytilus), Gabb, 1861. India. Orbignyana, P.& R. Sp. “ ee < Fr. ornatissima, d’Orb. Sp. “ 7% “a Fr., Portugal. ovata, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 596, 68, 31. N.J. parellela, Sow. (CTENOIDES), M. Con. pl. 9. Pedernalis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 54, 7, 11. Tex. polygona, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), i 1861. India. peregrina, d’Orb. Sp. &é c Fr. pulcherrima, Roem. Nord. Kreid. ae 4,14. G. quadrata, Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Sussex. 347, 28, 13. E. Reussii, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), Gare, 1861. G. Rhodani, P.& R. Sp. “ - Fr. U. reversa, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 17, £13. E., Fr. Requieniana, Math. (Myoconona), Catal. 177, 28, 3-4. rugosa, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 67. G. Saffordii, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 395, 68, 30. Tenn. semiornata, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), Gabb, 1861. Fr. siliqua, Math. Catal. 178. Fr. simplex, Desh. not Defr. (subsimplex), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, pl. tf. 8. Socomina, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 90, 18, 18. N. Gren. solutus, Dujard. M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 225, 15,13. Fr. striato-costata, d’Orb. Sp. (Mytilus), Sabb, 1861 Fr. subangustus, d’Orb. Sp. G. subarcuatus, d’Orb. Sp. as a x Fr. sublineatus, d’Orb. Sp. me is e Er: subsimplex, d’Orb. Sp. g % fe Fr. tetragona, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 15, 33, 6. G. undulata, Forbes, Sp. (Cypricardia), Gabb, 1861. H. typica, Forbes, Sp. (Mytilus), Gabb, 1861. India. Mya, Linn. 1758. U. U. U. depressa, Phil. (THRAcrIA subdepressa), Geol. York, pl. 2, f. 8. depressa, Phil. (T. recurva), Geol. York, p. 98. laeviuscula, Sow. (PANOPAEA), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 241, 16, 6. phaseolina, Phil. (LAviaNon), Geol. York, 93, 2, 13. mandibula, Sow. (PANOPAEA), M. Con. 43. Modiola. ARQSASARSagaes Conchifera. 900 Myoconcha. MYOCONCHA, Sow. 1824. angulata, d’Orb. P. F. 261, 336. Fr. U7, Age discrepens, Miill. Sp. (airnopomus), d’Orb. Prod. 246. G. C. cretacea, d’Orb. P. F. 260, 3855. Fr. UG elliptica, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 66, 8,17. G. C. Neocomensis, d’Orb. Prod. p. 80. Fr. N. Requieniana, Math. Sp. (Modiola), d’Orb. Prod. 196. Fr. C. supracretacea, d’Orb. P. F. 266, 335. Fr. C. Myopsis, Agas. 1840 (PANOPAEA, Menard, 1807). acutisulcata, Desh. Sp. (PANoPAEA), Ag. Etud. Cret. 253. attenuata, Agas. (P. Carteroni), id. pl. 31, f. 1-4. curta, Ag. (P. Carteroni), id. 82, 1-3. lata, Ag. (PANoPAEA), Etud. Crit. 261, 32, 8-9. lateralis, Agas. (P. irregularis), id. 32, 6-7. scaphoides, Ag. (PANOPAEA), id. 261, 32, 4-5. unioides, Ag. (P. Neocomensis), id. pl. 31, f. 11-12. Mysia, Leach (DIPLODONTA, Brown, 1831). gibbosa, Gabb (D.), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 802, 48, 17. N. J., Del. C. parilis, Con. (D.), id. 278, 46, 8. Ala., Miss. C. MYTILUS, Linn. 1758. abruptus, d’Orb. Prod. 107. E., Fr. N. acqualis, Sow. Sp. (Moprota), d’Orb. P. F. 265, 337, 3-4. Albensis, d Orb. (Mopiona), Prod. 188. alternatus, d’Orb. P. F. 284, 842, 18, 14. Fr. U. G. Araucanus, @’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 27, 28. Chili. C. arcaceus, Gein. Quaders. G. attenuatus, M. & H. (Moprota), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 86. Bourgeoisianus, d’Orb. Prod. 246. Fr. C. Carteroni, @’ Orb. (Mopioa), P. F. 202, 808, 4-8. Conchifera. 9OL Mytilus. Chauvinianus, d’Orb. Prod. 165. Fr. U. G. clathratus, d’Arc. M. G.S. F. 2, S. vol. ii, 306, 15,4. G. JU. G. concentricus, Munst. in Goldf. P. Germ. 188, f. 5. G. 0. Corneuilianus, d’Orb. (MoproLa), P. F. 268, 337, 10-13. Cottae, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 66, 8,18. G. C. Couloni, Marcou in d’Orb. Prod. 81. Fr. N. Cuvieri, Math. Catal. 179, 28, 9-10. Fr. C. _ eypris, Forbes (LirHopomus), G. T. vol. vii, 152, 16, 7. densesulcatus d’Orb. Prod. 81. Fr. N. dilatatus, d’Orb. (Moptona), P. F. 280, 342, 1-3... divaricatus, d’Orb. (Monro), P. F. 275, 340, 38-4. edentulus, Sow. M. Con. 439. E., Fr. dog Gig INE falcatus, VOrb. not Goldf. (subfalcatus), P. F, 280,341, 11-13. Fittoni, d’Orb. (Moptota), Prod. 81. flagelliferus, Forbes (Mopiona), G. T. vol. vii, 152, 16, 9. fractus, Reuss Bohm. Kreid. 16, 85,11. G. C. Galliennei, d’Orb. P. F. 273, 339, 1-2. Fr. U. G. Galpinianus, E. & 8. (Mopro~a Meekii), 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 164. Gueranger?, @’ Orb. (Mopiona), P. F. 283, 842, 10-12. Giffreanus, P. & R. (Mopiona), Envy. Genév. 481, 40, 3. Gurgitis, P. & R. (Moprona subsimplex), 7d. 481, 40, 2. inflatus, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 35, 2,9. G. C. inzequivalvis, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f.16. E. U.G. inornatus, d’Orb. (Mopiota), P. F. 277, 3841, 8-5. interruptus, d’Orb. (Moptona), P. F. 278, 3841, 6-8. lanceolatus, Sow. (edentulus), M. Con. 439. lanceolatus, @’Orb. (abruptus), P. F. 270, 338, 51. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. (Moprona), P. F. 274, 340, 1-2. Ligeriensis, Reuss (Moproia Reussii), Bohm. Kreid. 16, 53, 3. lineatus, Fitt. Sp. (Moproua sublineata), d’Orb. P. F. 266, 237, 7-9. lineatus, d’Orb. (peregrinus), P. F. 266. Lyellii, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 178, 21,18. KE. Weald. Marrotianus, @ Orb. (Mopiona), Prod. 246. Matronensis, d’ Orb. (Mopiona), P. F. 269, 337, 14-16. Morrissii, Sharpe, G. J. G. S. vol. vi, 187, 22, 5. Portugal. C. Mortilettii, P. & R. (Moprota), Env. Genéy. 482, 40, 3. Moulinsii, @ Orb. Prod. 246. Fr. C. Meekii, EK. & 8. (Moprona), 1857, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 40. VOL. VIII.—2B Conchifera. ; 902 Mytilus. Mullerii, d’Orb. Prod. 247. G. C. nitens, Forbes (Moptota), G. T. vol. vii, 151, 16, 8. orbiculatus, d’Orb. Prod. 166. Fr. TGs Orbignyanus, P. & R. (Moprona), Env. Genéy. 479, 39, 9. ornatissimus, d’Orb. (MopioLa), Prod. 166. ornatus, Munst. in Goldf. P. Germ. pl. 129, f. 8. ornatus, d’Orb. (ornatissimus), P. F. 284, 342, 13-14. peregrinus, d’Orb. (Mopiona), Prod. 165. Pheedra, d’Orb. Prod. 294. Fr. Dz. pileopsis, d’Orb. P. F. 272, 558, 11-18. Fr. C. polygonus, d’Orb. (Mopiota), Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 41-42. India. C. *problematicus, Schlot. (INocERAMUS), Petr. 312. prelongus, Sow. (edentulus), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 15. pulcher, Forbes (Mopiona polygona), G. T. vol. vii, pl. 6, f. 6. pulcherrimus, Roem. Sp. (Mopioua), d’Orb. Prod. 81. radiatus, Munst. not Mull. (subradiatus), in Goldf. pl. 1388, f. 6. Reussti, d’Orb. (Moprona), Prod. 247. reversus, Sow. Sp. (Mopioua), d’Orb. Prod. 165. reversus, Fitt. Sp. (Mopiona Fittoni) d’Orb. P. F. 264, 337, 1-2. Rhodant, P. & R. (Mopiona), Env. Genéy. 480, 40, 1. scalaris, Miill. not Phil. (Mullerii), Aach. Kreid. 35, 2, 11. semiplicatus, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 55, 7,3. Texas. C. semiornatus, d’Orb. (Moptota), P. F. 279, 341, 9-10. semiradiatus, d’Orb. (Mopio.a reversa), P. F. 277, 341, 1-2. semistriatus, d’Orb. (Chauvanianus), P. F. 271, 338, 7-10. tsemisulcatus, d’Orb. (Chauvanianus), P. F. pl. 838, 7-10. stliqua, Math. Sp. (Moprota), d’Orb. P. F. 274, 889, 3-4. simplex, d’Orb. (MoproLa subsimplex), P. F. 269, 838, 1-3. Socorrinus, V Orb. (Moprona), Prod. 107. solutus, Dujard. Sp. (Mopiona), d’Orb. P. F. 276, 340, 5-6. sphenoides, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 15, 33,7. G. C. striato-costatus, d’Orb. (MoproLa), P. F. 281, 342, 4-6. subangustus, d’Orb. (MopioLA), Prod. 81. subarcuatus, d’Orb. (Mop10LA), Prod. 166. subarcuatus, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 276. Neb. C. subfalcatus, d’Orb. Prod. 166. Fr. U. G. * Schlotheim called this species Mytilites, but it is evident that he meant this genus, since he placed the termination ‘‘ 7¢es,’’ to all the fossil genera, thus, ‘ Tere- bratulites, Ostracites,’’ &c., &e., to distinguish the species from recent ones. + Typographical error for semistriatus (?). Conchifera. 903 Mytilus. sublineatus, d’Orb. (Moprowa), Prod. 81. subquadratus, Math. Catal. 178, 28, 7. Fr. C: subradiatus, d’Orb. Prod. 246. G. C. subrugosus, d’Orb. (MopIoLA rugosa), Prod. 81. subsimplex, d’Orb. (Moptona), Prod. 81. tegulatus, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 35, 2,12. G. C. tetragonus, Reuss, Sp. (Moprona), d’Orb. Prod. 246. tenuitesta, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 55, 7,13. Tex. C. Tornacensis, d’Arc. (Galliennei), M. G. 8. F. 1847, pl. 15, f. 3. tridens, Fitt. (edentulus), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 14. typicus, Forbes (MoprouA), G. T. vol. vii, 152, 14, 4. undulatus, Forbes, Sp. (Moproua), d’Orb. Prod. 119. Mytiloides, Brong. 1822. labiatus, Brong. (INocERAMUS problematicus), Env. Paris, pl. 3, f. 4. NEILO, H. & A. Adams. Hindii, Meek MS. (Leda), Brit. America. C. NEITHEA, Drouet, 1821 (Janira, d’Orb. not Schum.). aequicostata, Lam. Sp. (Pecten), Gabb, 1861. E., Fr., G., Port. OSG: alata, Von Buch, Sp. (Pecten), Gabb, ah N. Gren. N. Albensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), “ he, G. G. Alpina, d’Orb. Sp. « a = Fr. OSG: atava, Roem. Sp. (Pecten), = - G., Fr. N. Carantonensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira),“ - Fr. UG. cometa, d’Orb. Sp. - “ ee Fr. U.-G. decemcostata, d’Orb. Sp. “ & Fr. C. Deshayesiana, Math. Sp. (Pecten), “ “ Fr. N. digitalis, Roem. Sp. He eg me Be. G. OG: dilatata, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), “ “ Fr. U. G. Dufrenoyi, d’Orb. Sp. He Lh “ Chili. aN Dutemplei, d’Orb. Sp.“ ae a Fr. C. Faucignyana, P. & R. Sp. “ & & Fr. G. Fleuriausiana, d’Orb. Sp. “ * “ Pr. Hai Fontanieri, d’Orb. Sp.“ Ke Mi India. C. Conchifera. A)4 Neitkea, duplicosta, Roem. Sp. (Pecten), Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 14. Tex. C. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), Gabb, 1861. G. C. Hispanica, d’Orb. Sp.“ a cs Spain. UG inconstans, Sharpe, Sp. (“P. (Janira)”’), Gabb, 1861. Portugal. C. longicauda, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), Gabb, 1861. Fr. U. G. Makovii, Dubois, Sp. (Pecten), “ a Russia. C. Mortoni, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 14. Fr., N. J., Tenn., Ala., Miss. (Texas. 7) Neocomensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), Gabb, 1861. Fr., G. N. notabilis, Munst. Sp. (Peeten), Rs es G. OG occidentalis, Con. 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 269. Texas. C. phaseola, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), a 1861. Fr. U. G. Podolica, d’Orb. Sp. gs ES Crimea. C. quadricostata, Sow. Sp. (Pecten), Ans 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 14. E., Fr., G., Texas. ¢C. quinquecostata, Sow. Sp. (Pecten), Gabb, 1861. E., Fr., 8. Africa. Ue quinguecostata, Morton, Sp. not Sow. (Mortoni), Gabb, 1859, Cat. p. 14. quinquenaria, Con. Sp. (Pecten), Gabb, 1861. Del. C. Royeriana, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), ‘“ - Fr. BAG: sexangularis, d’Orb. Sp.“ ¢ Fr. C. Simbriskensis, d’Orb. Sp. “ - = Russia. C. striato-costata, Goldf. Sp. (Pecten), ‘“ a G., E. U. G. substriato-costata, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), Gabb, 1861. E., Fr., G., Port: C. Syriaca, Con. Sp. (Janira), Gabb, 1861. Syria. C. Texana, Roem. Sp. (Pecten), Con. Emory’s Rep. 151, 5,2. Tex. C. Truellei, d’Orb. Sp. (Janira), aie) 1861. Fr. C. Wrightii, Shum. Sp.“ ee Texas. C. NEAERA, Gray, 1842. Moreauensis, M. & H. (Corbula), 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 185. Neb. C. ventricosa, M. & H. ~ 1860, id. 183. Neb. C. NUCULA, Lam. 1801. Albensis, d’Orb. P. F. 172, 301, 15-17. Fr. CG. Albertina, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 2, f. 25, 26. Chih. C. angulata, Sow. (Leda), M. Con. 476. Conchifera. DOD Nucula. antiquata, Sow. M. Con. 475. E. Tir. apiculata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 10. E. U. G. Arduennensis, d’Orb. P. F. 174, 802, 4-8. Fr, G. G. bivirgata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 8. E., G., Fr. G cancellata, M. & H. Proce. Acad. 1856, p. 85. Neb. C capsaeformis, Mich. (ovata), M. G. S. F. vol. iii, pl. 12, f. 8. Carthusiae, P. & R. Env. Genév. 477, 39, 8. Fr. G. concinna, Sow. G. T. vol. iii, 38, 1. G. C. Cornueliana, d’Orb. Prod. 79. Fr. N. cuneifrons, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 281, 46, 33. Miss. C. crebrilineata, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 223, 17, 92-93. Syria. C: distorta, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2ds. vol. iv, 396, 68,384. Tenn., Miss. C. equilateralis, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 84. Neb. C. Lufalensis, Gabb (perequalis), Jour. Acad. 2ds. vol. iv, 396, 68, 35. Evansi, M. & H. (Youpra), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 84. falcata, Reuss (LEDA), Bohm. Kreid. 8, 24, 31. eurgitis, P. & R. Envy. Genév. 474, 39, 5. Fr. G. Haydeni, Shum. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 602. Texas. C. impressa, Sow. M. Con. 475. E., Fr. BGG. impressa, d’Orb. not Sow. (Cornueliana), P. F. 165, 300, 6-10. incerta, d’Orb. Am. Merid. p. 85. N. Grenada. iN, ? indefinita, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, p. 148. India. C. lineata, Sow. (LEDA), G. T. vol. iv, 241, 17, 9. lingulata, d’Orb. (LepA), P. F. 168, 504, 1-3. margaritacea, Reuss, not Lam. (Reussii), Bohm. Kreid. 6, 34, 26-27. Mariae, @ Orb. (LEepdA), P. F. 169, 301, 4-6. Neckerianus, P. & R. Env. Genév. 469, 39, 1. Fr. G. obesa, d’Orb. (Isoarca), P. F. 180, 504, 10-14. obsoletastriata, M. & H. 1856, Proce. Acad. 275. Neb. C. obtusa, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 241, 17,11. HK. UsG. obtusa, d’Oxb. not Sow. (subobtusa), P. F. 163, 500. ornatissima, d’Orb. P. F. 172, 805, 9-12. Fr. G. ovata, Mant. Geol. Suss. 94,19, 26. E., G., Fr. G. ovata, Reuss (LEDA), Bohm. Kreid. 8, 54, 25. pectinata, Sow. M. Con. 192. E., G., Fr. G. pectinata, Reuss, not Sow. (striatula), Bohm. Kreid. pl. 54, f. 1-5. percrassa, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 327, 35, 4. Ala., Miss. C. perequalis, Con. id. vol. iv, p. 281. Ala., Miss., N.J., Tenn. C7. perdita, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 223, 17, 96. Syria. C. perovata, Con. id. 222, 17,91. Syria. C. Conchifera, 906 Nucula. phaseolina, Mich. (L. subrecurva), M. G. 8. F. vol. iii, pl. 12, f. 6. planata, Desh. M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 9, #3. Fr. planimarginata, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. 85. Neb. porrecta, Reuss (TELLINA), Bohm. Kreid. 7, 34, 12, 138. producta, Nilss. (LEDA), P. Suec. 16, 10, 5. Renauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 179, 304, 7-9. Fr. Reussii, d’Orb. Prod. 243. G. scapha, d’Orb. (LepA), P. F. 167, 301, 1-3. scitula, M. & H. (Youpra), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 84. semilunaris, Buch. (LEDA), in Gein. Char. Kreid. 20, 50, 77. serrata, Shum. 1860, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 603. Tex. siliqua, Goldf. (LEDA), Petr. G. 156, 125, 18. C. simplex, Desh. M. G. 8. F. vol. v, pl. 9, f. 5. Fr. Le. Gate solea, d’Orb. (LEDA), P. F. 170, 304, 4-6. spathulata, Forbes (LEpA lingulata), Q. J. G. S. vol.i, 245, 3, 4. striatula, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 68, 8, 26. G. subaequalis, Reuss (LeDA), Bohm. Kreid. 8, 34, 23, 24. subdeltoidea, d’Orb. Prod. 248. G. subobtusa, d’Orb. (subrecurva), Prod. 118. subnasuta, H. & M. (Youpra), Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. Vegas” Lil, subplana, M. & H. Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 85. Neb subrecurva, Phil. Geol. York, 94, 2,11. E., Fr., G. Th. Gis subtriangulata, Koch. 1837, Beitr. 50, 6,1. G. subtrigona, Roem. (subtriangulata), Nord. Kreid. 68, 8, 25. tenera, Miill. Aach. Kreid. 17, 2,1. G. tenuirostris, Reuss (LepA), Bohm. Kreid. 6, 34, 8-10. Timotheana, P. & R. Env. Genév. 476, 39, 7. Fr. Traskana, Meek, 1857, Trans. Albany Inst. vol. iv, p. 39. Van- couver I. undulata, Sow. (LrepA), M. Con. 554. ventricosa, H. & M. (Youpra), Mem. Acad. Boston, vol. v, ooo, LLL Vibrayeana, Orb. (Lepa), P. F. 172, 801, 12-14. OPIS, Defr. 1825. Annoniensis, d’Are. M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 305, 14,10. G. JW. bella, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 517. bicarinata, Con. id. p. 317. Coquandiana, d’Orb. P. F. 54, 257, 7-9. Fr. U. C. C. C. G. N. C. G. C. C. G. Conchifera. 907 Opis. elegans, d’Orb. P. F. 54, 254, 4-9. Fr. Pua ras galeata, Mull. Sp. (Cardium), d’Orb Prod. 238. G. C. Guerangeri, d’Orb. P. F. pl. 251 bis, f. 1-4. Fr. CPG Haleana, d’Orb. Prod. 238. Ala. C: Hugardiana, d’Orb. P. F. 52, 258, 6-8. Fr. G. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. P. F. pl. 257, 6-10. Fr. UG: lineata, P. & R. Env. Genév. 434, 32,2. Fr. G Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 51, 253, 1-5. E., Fr. N. ornata, Forbes, Sp. (Isocardia), d’Orb. Prod. 118. E. LPG pusilla, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 2, 53,15. G. C. Sabaudiana, d’Orb. P. F. 58, 254, 1-3 & 257-4-6. Fr. G Truellei, d’Orb. P. F. 56, 255. Fr., G. C undatus (a), Con. Lynch’s Exped. 222,17, 87. Syria. C. OSTREA, Linn. 1752. abrupta, d’Orb. Voy. Am. Merid. 95, 21, 4. N. Grenada. Ny acutirostris, Nilss. Petr. Suec. 31, 6,6. Fr., G., Sweden. C. alaeformis, Woodw. (serrata), Geol. Norf. 48, 6, 1-3. Allobrogensis, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 524, 49, 1. Fr. G. Americana, Desh. (EX0GyYRA costata), Ene. Meth. vol. ii, 304. amorpha, Sow. in Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 157, 15,24. India. ©. anomiaeformis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 75, 9, 7. Texas. Cc: aquila, Brong. Sp. (Exoayra), d’Orb. P. F. 706, 470. Arduennensis, d’Orb. (Exoeyra), P. F. 711, 472, 1-4. artetina, Roem. Sp. (Exoayra), d’Orb. Prod. p. 257. auricularis, Goldf. Sp. (Exoeyra), d’Orb. Prod. p. 256. bella, Con. Emory’s Rep. 156, 10, 4. Texas. C.: bellaplicata, Shumard, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 608. Texas. C. Boussingaultiz, d Orb. (Exoeyra), P. F. 702, pl. 468. biauriculata, Lam. An. de Mus. 8, p. 160. G., Fr. UG. bulla, Sow. Sp. (Exoayra), d’Orb. Prod. 84. canaliculata, Sow. Sp. 1818, not Sow. 1816 (Exoayra), d’Orb. P. F. 709, 471, 4-8. Carantonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 718, 478. Fr. U. earinata, Lam. Ann. de Mus. vol. viii, 166. Fr., E., G., Texas? U. carinata, Math. Forbes, Leym. pars. Roem. pars. (macroptera), not Lam. columba, Lam. Sp. Desh. (Exo@yra), Ene. Meth. vol. ii, 302. confragosa, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 329, 34,4. Miss. C. 8 Conchifera. 908 Ostrea. congesta, Con. Nicollett’s Rep. p. 169. Neb., Mo., Ark. C. conica, Sow. Sp. (Exoayra), d’Orb. P. F. 726. convexa, Say. (G. vesicularis), Am. Jour. Sci. vol. ii, Ist's. p. 42. clavata, Nilss. (G. vesicularis), P. Suec. 30, 7, 2. colubrina, Goldf. not Lam. (macroptera), P. G. 8, 74, 5. Couloni, Defr. (Exoayra), d’Orb. P. F. 698, pl. 466 and 467. conirostris, Munst. (acutirostris), in Goldf. P. G. 25, 82, 4. crepidula, d’Orb. (KE. inflata), Voy. Astrol. pl. 8, f. 43, 44. crenulata, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 171. Ala. C. crenulimargo, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 76,9, 6. Texas. is crenulimarginata, Gabb, J. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 398, 68, 40, 41. Tenn. C. cretacea, Morton, Syn. 52, 19, 3. S. Carolina. * cristacomplicata, Schlot. (frons), Petr. P. 242. cristagalli, Schlot. (frons), Petr. 240. cristahastellatus, Schlot. (frons), Petr. 243. cristaurogalli, Schlot. (larva), Petr. 213. curvirostris, Nilss. P. Suec. 30,6, 5. Sw., G. c. denticulifera, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 329, 86, 1-8. Ala., Miss., Tenn. C. diluviana, Lam. 1767, Syst. Nat. p. 114. Fr., G., Sw., Crimea. O40 Ge diluviana, Nilss. not Lam. (frons), P. Suec. 32, 6, 1-2. deltoidea, Lam. (G. vesicularis), Lam. pl. 25, f. 2-5. doridella, Lam. (larva), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, p. 210. distorta, Sow. (K. bulla), G. T. vol. iv, 229, pl. 22, f. 21. falcata, Morton (larva), Synop. 50, 8, 5. (not Sow.) jlabella, Goldf. Sp. (E. plicata), d’Orb. P. F. p. 717. flabelliformis, Nils. (semiplana), P. Suec. 31,6, 4. Sw, G. C. frons. Park. Org. Rem. 217, 15, 4. E., Fr., G., Sw. CG Galloprovincialis, Math. (Acutirostris), Cat. 193, 32, 8. Gehrdensis, Roem. (Turonensis), Nord. Kreid. p. 46. glabra, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 146. Nebraska. C. harpa, Goldf. (frons), P. G. 11, 76, 38. hemispherica, d’ Orb. Prod. (G. cymbrium), Am, Mer. 106, 22, 5-4. - hippopodium, Nilss. P. Suec. 80, 7, 1. G., Fr., Sweden. C. hippopodium, @’Orb. pars, not Nils. (Lesueurii), P. F. 751, 481, 4-6. * It was unfortunate that Dr. Morton should have named this species Cretacea, since it has since been proven to be an Eocene fossil. See note under Couns gyratus. Conchifera. 209 Ostrea. inconstans, Dujard. (semiplana), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, p. 229. incurva, Nilsson (G. vesicularis), P. Suec. 30, 8, 6. inoceramoides, d’Orb. Am. Merid. p. 94. N. Gren. N. larva, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, p. 216. KE., Fr, G., Sw., India, United States. C. laciniata, Nils. Sp. (ExoGyra), d’Orb. P. F. 739, 486, 1-3. lateralis, Nilss. (ExocyrA), P. Suec. 29, 7, 10. latirostris, Dubois, Conch. Foss. 74, 8, 15-16. G., Russ. C. Lesueurii, d’Orb. Prod. 171. Fr. OG. Leymerii, Desh. M. G. S. F. vol. v, 11, 18, 4. Fr. N. lugubris, Con. Emory’s Rep. 156, 10, 5. Texas. C. lunata, Nilss. Goldf. Petr. G. pl. 75, f. 2. G. C. macroptera, Sow. M. Con. 468. E., Fr., G NS EG. * 5 Marshii, Marcou, not Sow. (subovata), Geol. N. A. 438, 4, 4. Matheroniana, dV Orb. (Exocyra), P. F. 737, 485. megaera, d’Orb. Prod. 294. Fr. Danien. mesenterica, Morton (larva), Synopsis, 51, 9, 7. Milletiana, d’Orb. P. F. 712, 472, 5-7. Fr., G. G. mirabilis, Rosseau, Voy. Russ. Merid. 797, 5, 1-3. Crimea. “G. Sand.” multilirata, Con. Emory’s Rep. 156, 12,1. Texas. C. nasuta, Morton (larva), Synopsis, 51, 9, 6. Naumani, Reuss (semiplana), B. Kreid. pl. 27, f. 48-53. Neocomensis, d’Orb. Prod. 84. Fr. N. Normaniana, d’Orb. P. F. 746, 488, 1-3. Fr. C. panda, Morton, Syn. 51, 3,6. N. J., Del., Ala. C. patina, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 227. Neb. if peculiaris, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 329, 36, 7. Alla. C. pes-leonis, Forbes (Santonensis), G. T. vol. vii, 156, 18, 5. pectinata, Goldf. not Roem. (carinata), P.G.9, 74,7. | pectinata, Roem. not Goldf. (macroptera), N. Kreid. p. 45. plicata, Nilss. (semiplana), P. Suec. 31, 7, 12. plicatuloides, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 195, pl. a, f. 17. Hr N.. J.T y C. plumosa, Morton, Syn. 51, 3,9. N.J., Ala., Miss., Tenn. Cc. * Incorrectly referred to the Jurassic. + Lhave, in my collection, five lower valves of a small species of oyster so near this species, that I can find no difference of sufficient value to found even a va- riety. Ihave never seen the upper valve, but, should it agree with M. Leyme- rie’s figures as well as the lower ones, it will remove all doubt of their specific identity. My specimens are from near Mullica Hill, New Jersey. VOL. V11I.—2¢ Conchifera. 9 1 0 Ostrea. ponderosa, Roem. Sp. (ExXoayrA costata), d’Orb. Prod. 256. Ponticeriana, d’Orb. (larva), Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, 45-46. praelonga, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 187, 20, 4. Portugal. “Lower Cret.” prionota, Goldf. (frons), P. G. 10, 74, 8. prionota, Forbes, not Goldf. (macroptera), Q. J. G. 8. p. 250. Proteus, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 41, 27, 12-27. G. C. proboscidea, d’ Arc. (G. vesicularis), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 84, 11, 9. pseudochama, Desh. (G. vesicularis), Ene. Meth. vol. 11, 292. quadriplicata, Shum. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 608. Texas. C. Rauliniana, d’ Orb. (ExoayrA), P. F. 708, 471, 1-3. rectangularis, Roem. (macroptera), Ool. Nach. 24, 18, 15. Ricordeana, d’Orb. Prod. 171. Fr. U.NG. retusa, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 4. H. LG: Santonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 736, 484. Fr. C. semiplana, Sow. M. Con. 489. E., Fr., G., Sw. C. scolopendra, Lam. (carinata), An. 8. Vert. vol. ii, 216. serrata, Goldf. not Defr. (frons), P. G. 10, 74, 9. serrata, Defr. not Goldf. (carinata), Dict. Sc. Nat. similis, Galeotii, not Pusch. (subsimilis), Bull. Acad. Brux. vol. vii, p. 3, f. 3. spinosa, Roem. (E. plicata), Ool. 58, 33. subcomplicata, Roem. (macroptera), Ool. Nach. p. 24. subinflata, d’Orb. (E. inflata), Prod. 256. subovata, Shum. Marcy’s Rep. 505, 5, 2. Texas, Ark. C. subsimilis, d’Orb. Prod. 257. Mexico. C. subspatulata, Forbes, G. T. vol. i, p. 61. N. J., Ala., Miss., Tex. C. subsquamata, d’Orb. (E. squamata), Prod. 108. subvirgata, Gabb, 1861 (virgata Sow.). EK. C. sulcata, Blum. (semiplana), Spec. Arch. Tellur. pl. 1, f. 3. tecticosta, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 405, 68, 47, 48. Tenn., N. J. C. tegulacea, Forbes (larva), G. T. vol. vii, 156, 18, 6. Tombeckiana, d’ Orb. (ExoGyra), P. F. 701, 467, 4-6. torosa, Morton (. costata deformed),* Syn. 52, 10, 1. robusta, Con. Emory’s Rep, 156, 11, 8. Texas. C. translucida, M. & H. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 147. Neb. C. Turoniensis, Duj. Sp. (Vulsella), d’Orb. P. F. 748, 479, 4-7. fr C. * See note under Exogyra, Conchifera. 4) 1 Ostrea ungulatus, Schlot. (larva), Petrif. 242. Urgonensis, d’Orb. Prod. 108. Fr. N. vesicularis, Lam. (GRYPHAEA), An. de Mus. vol. viii, 160, 22, 3. vesicularis, var. Goldf. (G. biauriculata), P. G. pl. 81, f. 2. virgata, Sow. not Goldf. (subvirgata), D. Geol. Suss. 348, 17, 1. vomer, Mort. Sp. (H. lateralis), d’Orb. Prod. 257. vellicata, Con. Emory’s Rep. 156, 11, 2. Texas. C. Wegmanniana, d’Orb. P. F. 749, 488, 6, 8. Fr. C. Ostracites, Auct. Olim. auricularis, Vahlenb. (Exogyra haliotoidea), in Petr. Suec. p. 58. angeioides, Picot de la Peyrouse (RADIOLITES), Descr. d’Orhoc. e123, f. 13. Pachites. spinosus, Defr. (SponDyLUs), Dict. Sc. Nat. 37, p. 207. striatus, Defr. (SponDyLUS), id. 37, p. 202. Pachymya, J. Sow. 1826 (PHotapomya, Sow. 1826). Austinensis, Shum. (PHotApomya), Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 604. gigas, Sow. (PHoLtADoMyA), M. Con. 504-505. PANOPAEA, Menard. 1807. acutisulcata, Desh. Sp. (Pholadomya), d’Orb. P. F. 336, 357, 1-3. Fr., G. Gs Albertina, d’Orb. Prod. 73. Fr. N. Arduennensis, d’Orb. P. F. 338, 358, 1-2. Fr. 7. Astieriana, d’Orb. P. F. 342, 359, 3-4. Fr. DAG. arcuata, d’Orb. (rostrata per err.), P. F. 355, 3-4. Beaumontii, Munst. (mandibula), Goldf. pl. 158, f. 4. Carteroni, d’Orb. P. F. 382, 355, 1-2. Fr. N. Constantii, d’Orb. P. F. 339, 358, 83-4. Fr. 7. Cottaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 330, 354, 1-2. Fr. NV. cretacea, Math. Sp. (Lutraria), d’Orb. Prod. 233. Fr. C. cretacea, Tuomey, not d’ Orb. (Tuomeyi), 1855, Proc. Acad. p-. 170. decisa, Con. (GLYCIMERIS), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 215, 24, 19. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 338, 353, 1-2. Fr. Ni Conchifera. 912 Panopaea. elatior, d’Orb. P. F. 846, 361, 1-2. Fr. OG elongata, Roem. 1841, not R. 1838 (Roemeri), Nord. Kreid. To, LOPS. Ewaldi, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 17, 86, 1. G. C. Goldfussii, d’Orb. Prod. 233. G. C. gurgitis, Brong. Sp. (Lutraria), d’Orb. P. F. 345, 361, 1-2. Er; UNG gurgitis, Goldf. not d Orb. (Goldfussii), P. Germ. 274, 153, 7. inaequivalvis, d’Orb. P. F. 840, 358, 5-7. Fr., G. G irregularis, d’Orb. P. F. 326, 852, 1-2. Fr. N. laeviuscula, Sow. Sp. (Mya), d’Orb. Prod. 157. E. U. Ge lata, Agas. Sp. (Myopsis), d’Orb. Prod. 78. G. NV. mandibula, Sow. Sp. (Mya), d’Orb. P. F. 344, 360, 3-4. E., Fr. U..G Massiliensis, Math. Sp. (Lutraria), d’Orb. Prod. 73. G. N. Neocomensis, Leym. Sp. (Pholadomya), d’Orb. P. F. 829, 355, 3-8. Fr. LG. ie Newberryi, Shum. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 605. Texas. C. Normaniana, d’Orb. Prod. 233. Fr. C. obliqua, d’Orb. P. F. 327, 852, 3-4. Fr. N. Occidentalis, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 270. Neb. C. Orientalis, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 1389, 17, 4. India. C. ovalis, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 16, f.5. EH. Vie plicata, Sow. M. Con. 419. E., Fr., G. G., dae plicata, Goldf. not Sow. (gurgitis), G. G. 274, 158, 5. Prevostii, Desh. Sp. (Pholadomya), d’Orb. P. F. 334, 356, 3-4. Fr. DB. Guim recta, d’Orb. P. F. 334, 356, 1-2. Fr. N; regularis, d’Orb. P. F. 343, 360, 1-2. Fr. C. Ringmeriensis, Mant. Sp. (Venus), d’Orb. Prod. 157. E. U. G Robinaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 331, 354, 8-5. Fr. N. Roemeri, d’Orb. Prod. 157. G. Teh rostrata, Math. Sp. (Lutraria), d’Orb. P. F. 335, 355, 3, 4. Fr. N. rotundata, Sow. (LYONSIA subrotundata), G. T. vol. iv, 129, 18, 2. Sabaudiana, P. & R. Env. Genév. 401, 28, 4. Fr. G. scaphoides, Agas. Sp. (Myopsis), d’Orb. Prod. 73. G. N. striata, d’Arc. Sp. (substriata), d’Orb. P. F. 341, 359, 1-2. not Munst. subparallela, Shum. 1860, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 605. Texas. C. substriata, d’Orb. Prod. 157. Fr. U. G. Conchifera. 9138 Panopaea. Texana, Shum. Marcy’s Rep. 207, 6, 1. Texas. C. Tuomeyi, Gabb (cretacea T. not d’ Orb.), 1861. Ala. C. Urgonensis, Math. Sp. (Lutraria), d’Orb. Prod. 73. Fr. N. Voltzii, Math. Sp. (Lutraria), d’Orb. Prod. 73. Fr. N. PECTEN, Gualt. 1742.* aequicostatus, d’Orb. Sp. (Nerraea), Sow. Dix. Geol. Suss. 356, 28, 17. actinodus, Goldf. P. Germ. 52, 91,12. G. C. affinis, Reuss, not Risso. (subaffinis), B. Kreid. 22, 39, 11. alatus, Von Buch. (NeiTHEA), Petr. Rec. par Humb. 3, 1, 1. Alpinus, d’Orb. P. F. 586, 430, 4-6. Fr. N. Aptensis, d’Orb. (interstriatus), Prod. 119. Archiacianus, d’Orb. P. F. 583, 429, 7-10. Fr. Ni arcuarius, Goldf. not Sow. (divaricatus), P. Germ. pl. 91, f. 6. arcuatus, Sow. M. Con. 205. K., Fr., Sw. UO. G: arcuatus, Nils. not Sow. (concentrice-punctatus), P. Suec. pl. 9, f. 14. arcuatus, Roem. Goldf. not Sow. (virgatus). asper, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, 186. E., Fr., G. Ure astellus, Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 848, 28, 5. E. C. Astierianus, d’Orb. Prod. 83. Fr. N. argillensis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 283. Ala. 6. atavus, Roem. (NEITHEA), Ool. 29, 18, 21. Barbesillensis, d’Orb. P. F. 611, 437, 5-8. Fr. C. Beayeri, Sow. M. Con. 158. E. BEG: Brongniarti’, d Arc. (subacutus), Tourtea. pl. 16, f. 4-5. Burlingtonensis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 304, 48, 25. N. J., (Ala. ?). C. calcatus, a’ Orb. (calvatus), Prod. 253. Kocene, see note. Calypso, d’Orb. Prod. 169. Fr. U. G Campaniensis, d’Orb. P. F. 620, 440, 12-16. Fr. C. Carteronianus, d’Orb. P. F. 589, 431, 5-6. Fr. N. Cenomanensis, d’Orb. P. F. 608, 434, 11-14. Fr. U. G. Chiliensis, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 31, 32. Chili. C. . anatipes, Morton, Syn. Cret. 58, 6, 4. . calvatus, M. id. 58, 10, 3. : These species, described P. membranosus, M. id. 59, 10, 4. ie P by Dr. Morton as Cre- taceous, belong to the . perplanus, M. id. 58, 5, 5. a atts - Poulsoni, M. id. 59, 19, 2. Conchifera. 2 1 4 cicatrisatus, Goldf. P. Germ. 56, 95, 6. G. cinctus, Roem. not Sow. (crassitesta), Nord. Kreid. p. 50. circularis, Goldf. id. 76, 99, 10. G. circularis, Forbes, not Goldf. (crassitesta), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, p. 242. comans, Roem. (elongatus), id. 51, 8, 6. complicatus, Goldf. P. Germ. 51, 91,11. G. compositus, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 20. E. concentrice-punctatus, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 28, 59, 8. Coquandianus, d’Orb. P. F. 591, 432, 1-3. Fr. Cottaldinus, d’Orb. P. F. 590, 431, 7-11. Fr. crassitesta, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 27. E., Fr., G. craticula, Morton, Syn. p. 57. N. J. eretosus, Defr. Dict. Sc. Nat. p. 267, pl. 38. E., Fr., G. cretosus, Goldf. not Defr. (crispus), P. G. 58, 94, 2. crispus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 51. G. curvatus, Gein. (undulatus), Nacht. Sachs. Kreid. 16, 3, 18. Darius, d’Orb. Prod. 189. Fr. declavatus, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 35, 38,19. G. decemcostatus, Munst. in Goldf. pl. 92, f. 2. G. decipiens, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 31, 45, 3. G. dentatus, Nilss. (subacutus), P. Suec. 20, 10, 9. depressus, Munst. in Goldf. pl. 92, f. 4. G. U. Deshaysiana, Math. not Deshayesii, Nyst. (NEItTHEA), Cat. 184, 29, 11-12. digitatus, Roem. Gein. (NEITHEA), Char. Kreid. p. 21. divaricatus, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 28, 39, 6. G. Dufrenoyi, VOrb. (N. alata), Am. Merid. 106, 22, 5-9. Dujardini, d’Orb. P. PF. 615, 459, 5-11. E., G., Fr. duplicosta, Roem. (NEITHEA), Kreid. Tex. 65, 8, 2. Dutemplei, d’Orb. P. F. 596, 423, 10-13. E_, Fr., Port. delumbis, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 19, 110. Syria. elongatus, Lam. An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 181. Fr., E. Espaillaci, d’Orb. P. F. 614, 439, 1-4. Fr. Faujasii, Defr. in Goldf. P. G. 53,95, 7. G. Galliennei, d’Orb. P. F. 608, 436, 5-8. Fr. Girondinus, d’Orb. Prod. 251. Fr. Goldfussii, Desh. M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 10, 8,9. Fr, G. granulifer, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 28, 39,9. G. eranulatus, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, 29, 30. Chili. Hallii, Gabb, 1861 (rigida, H. & M. not Sow.). Neb. hispidus, Goldf. P. G. 59, 94,4. G. Pecten. Conchifera. 915 Pecten, P. (Janira) ‘nconstans, Sharpe (NEITHEA), Q. J. G.S. vol. vi, 138, 19, 3. interstriatus, Leym. not Munst. (Aptensis), M. G.S. F. vol. v, p. 10. inversus, Nilss. (subsquamula), P. Suec. pl. 9, f. 18. jugosus, Sow. Dix. Geol. Suss. 347, 28, 26. E. C. laminosus, Mant. (orbicularis), Geol. Suss. 26, 8, 22. lens, Goldf. not Sow. (striato-punctatus), P. G. 49, 91, 3. Leymerii, Desh. Sp. (Hinnires), d’Orb. P. F. 581, 428. lineato-costatus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 55. G. INE Lusitanicus, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 189, 24, 3. Port. “Lower Cret,” Makovii, Dub. (NEITHEA), Conch. Foss. 70, 8, 12. Mantellianus, d’Orb. P. F. 619, 440, 8-11. Fr., E. C. Marrotianus, d’Orb. P. F. 612, 488, 1-6. Fr. C. Martinianus, d’Orb. Prod. 107. Fr. 18 Matheronianus, d Orb. Prod. 107. Fr. N. Matronensis, d’Orb. P. F. 620, 440, 17-18. Fr. C. membranaceus, Nilss. (orbicularis), P. Suec. 23, 9, 16. Mississippiensis, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 288. Miss. 0. Millerii, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 19. E. Tp miscallus, Miinst. Goldf. P. G. 51, 91,8. G. C. multicostatus, Nils. P. Suec. p. 21. G., Sw. C muricatus, Goldf. not Riss. (submuricatus), P. G. pl. 93, f. 9. Nebrascensis, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 87. Neb. C. Neptuni, d’Orb. Prod. 169. Fr. @..G.. Nilssoni, Goldf. not Desh. P. Germ. pl. 99, f. 3. G., Sw., Fr., Texas. C. nitidus, Sow. M. Con. 894. EH. OE nitida, Mant. (cretosus), Geol. Suss. 202, 26, 4. notabilis, Miinst. (Ne1rHEA), Goldf. pl. 93, f. 3. obliquus, Sow. M. Con. 370. E., Fr. U. G. obliquus, Reuss (Reussii), B. Kreid. 29, 39, 18. obliquus, Forbes (Robinaldinus), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 249. obrutus, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 19, 114. Syria. C. orbicularis, Sow. M. Con. 193. E., Fr., G. ie G orbicularis, Nilss. (Nilssoni), P. Suec. 23, 10, 12. orbicularis, Roem. Leym. Forbes, not Sow. (Cottaldinus). Palassoni, Leym. M. G. 8. F. vol. iv, 194, pl. B. f. 1. Fr. C. Passyi, d’Arc. M. G. S. F- vol. ii, 309; 15,9. G. 0... Ge Podolica, V Orb. (NEITHEA), d’Orb. Russ. Merid. 440, 6, 21-24. proboscideus, d’Orb. Prod. 107. Fr. yi Conchifera. 216 Pecten. ptychodes, Goldf. P. Germ. 56, 93,4. G. (. pulchellus, Nils. P. Suec. pl. 9, f. 12. G., Sw. 0. pulchellus, Goldf. not Nilss. (subpulchellus), P. G. pl. 91, f. 9. Puzosianus, Math. Catal. 183, 30, 1-5. G., Fr. C. quadricostatus, Sow. (NeItHEA), M. Con. 56. quinguecostatus, Sow. (NEITHEA), M. Con. pl. 56. quinguecostatus, Morton, not Sow. (N. Mortoni), Syn. 51, 19, 1. quadricostata, Roem. pars. (N. Occidentalis), K. Tex. 64, 8, 4. quinguenaria, Con. (NEITHEA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. 11, 275, 24, 10. rarispinus, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 31,39, 15. G. C. Raulinianus, d’Orb. P. F. 595, 483, 6-9. E., Fr., G. G. Reussii, d’Orb. Prod. 252. G. C. Rhodani, P. & R. Env. Genév. 509, 46, 1. Fr. G. Rhotomagensis, d’Orb. P. F. 609, 486, 9-11. Fr., G. UG. rigida, H. & M. not Sow. (Hallii), Mem. Acad. Bost. 381, 2, 4, vol. v. Robinaldinus, d’Orb. P. F. 587, 481, 1-4. Fr. N. Royanus, d’Orb. P. F. 613, 488, 7-12. Fr. C. Saxoneti, P. & R. Env. Genév. 513, 46, 5. Fr. G. septemplicatus, Nilss. P. Suec. pl. 10, f. 8. G., Sw. C. septemplicatus, Duj. not Nilss. (Dujardinii), M. G. 8. F. vol. iM, Bens, 2b, LT. seriato-punctatus, Miinst. Goldf. P. G. pl. 92, 1. G. C. serratus, Nilss. P. Suec. 20,9, 9. Sw., G., Crimea. U. G. Simbriskensis, V Orb. (NEITHEA), Murch. Geol. Russ. 491, 43, 11-14. simplicius, Con. Jour, Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 283, 46, 44. Ala., . Miss., Tenn., N. J.* C. spathulaeformis, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 28, 39, 10. G. C. spathulatus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 50, 8,5. G. C. spurius, Miinst. Goldf. P. Germ. pl. 91, f. 10. G. C. squammifer, Gein, Char. Kreid. pl. 21, f. 5. G. U. G. sqguamula, Roem. not Lam. (subsquamula), Nord. K. p. 50. squamulosus, Duj. not Riss. (Cenomanensis), M. G. 8. F. vol. li, Segue Lo. striato-costatus, Goldf. (NErrHEeA), P. Germ. 93, f. 2, a, b. striato-punctatus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 27. Fr.,@. Z. G., W. Stutchburyensis, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 1. KH. U. G. * Common everywhere in connection with the ‘‘ Ripley Group;’’ but I have never seen it outside of that bed. Conchifera. 91 “| Pecten. subacutus, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, 181. Fr., G. Cee subaffinis, d’Orb. Prod. 252. G. C. subaratus, Nilss. P. Suec. pl. 9, f. 11, G., Sw. C. subdepressus, d’Arc. M. G.S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 310, 16, 1-2. G. C. subgranulatus, Mist. Goldf. P. G. pl. 93, f. 5. G. C. subinterstriatus, d’ Arc. (Rhotomagensis), M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 311, 15, 10. submuricatus, d’Orb. Prod. 251. G. C. subpulchellus, d’Orb. Prod. 252. G. C. subsquamula, d’Orb. Prod. 253. G. C. subvirgatus, d’Orb. Prod. 253. India. C. ternatus, Miinst. Goldf. P. G. pl. 91, f. 15. G. C. Texanus, Gabb, 1861 (virgatus, Roem. not Nils.). Texas. C. trigeminatus, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 53. G. C. triplicata, Mant. (N. Dutemplei), Geol. Suss. 128, 25, 9. tumidus, Dujard. (N. phaseola), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, pl. 16, f. 13. undulatus, Nilss. P. Suec. 21, 10,10. Russ., Sw., G. C. undulatus, Nilss. pars. (cretosus), id. 21, 9, 10. venustus, Morton, Syn. 58, 5, 7. N. J. C. Verdachallensis, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 154, 14, 5. India. C. versicostatus, Lam. (N. quinquecostata), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 181. versicostatus, Math. (N. atara), Cat. 185. virgatus, Nils. P. Suec. 22,9, 15. Fr., G., Sw. U2 G- virgatus, Forbes (subvirgatus), G. T. vol. vii, 154, 15, 22. virgatus, Roem. not Nils. (Texanus), K. Tex. 66, 8, 5. Pectinites, Schlot. aculeatus, Schlot. (SPoNDYLUs spinosus), Petr. 228, 18. Pectunculina, d’Orb. 1843 (LIMOPSIS, Sassi, 1835). complanata, d’Orb. (.), P. F. 184, 305, 5-8. Guerangeri, @’Orb. (L.), P. F. 183, 305, 14. parvula, M. & H. (L.), 1856, Proc. Acad. 86. PAPYRIDEA, Swains. 1840. bella, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, p. 326. Miss. C. VOL. VIII.—2D Conchifera. 918 Papyridea. Cornueliana, d’Orb. Sp. (Cardium), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Z. G., WN. aequivalvis, Goldf. Sp. (Corbula), Gabb, 1861. G., Fr., India. C@. *elegantula, Roem. Sp. (Cardium), Gabb, 1861. Tex., N. J., Ala., Miss. C. Subdinnensis, d’Orb. Sp. (Cardium), Gabb, 1861. Fr U7. Ge Pectunculus, Lam. 1801 (AXINAEA, Poli, 1791). alternatus, d’Orb. (AXINAEA), P. F. 188, 306, 7-11. australis, Morton, not Quoy. 1833 (A. subaustralis), Syn. 1834, p. 64. Bourgeoisianus, d’Orb. (AXINAEA), Prod. 196. brevirostris, Reuss (A. Reussii), Bohm. Kreid. 9, 35, 12. clavus, Sow. (AXINAEA), G. T. vol. iii, pl. 388, f. 2. decussatus, Roem. (A. subdecussata), Nord. Kreid. p. 69. Geinitzii, d’Orb. (AXINAEA), Prod. 196. hamula, Morton (Ax1NAEA), Syn. Cret. 64, 15, 7. Hoeninghausti, Mull. (Limopsis), Aach. Kreid. 18, 1, 6. Heberianus, P. & R. (AXINAEA), Env. Genév. 468, 38, 5. insculptus, Reuss (AXINAEA), Bohm. Kreid. 8, 35, 5. laevis, Gein. not Sow. (A. Geinitzii), Charakt. Kreid. lens, Nilss. (AXINAEA), Petrif. Suec. pl. 5, f. 4. Marrotianus, @’Orb. (AXINAEA), P. F. 192, 307, 13, 16. Marullensis, Leym. (AX1NAEA), M. G. S. F. vol. vii, pl. 9, f. 2. obsoletus, Goldf. (A. sublaevis), P. Germ. pl. 126, f. 4. planus, Roem. (A. clava), Nord. K. 69, 8, 24. Renauxianus, d’Orb. (AXINAEA), P. F. 191, 307, 7-12. Requienianus, d’ Orb. (AXINAEA), P. F. 190, 807, 1-6. reticulatus, Reuss (AXINAEA), Bohm. Kreid. 8, 35, 7-8. Reussii, d’Orb. (AXINAEA), Prod. 164. Siouxensis, H. & M. (AXINAEA), 1855, Mem. Acad. Bost. 2d s. vol. v, 381, 1, 12. spinescens, Reuss (AXINAEA), B. Kreid. 9, 35, 6. subauriculatus, Forbes (AXINAEA), G. T. vol. vii, 150, 17, 18. subconcentricus, Lam. (AXINAEA), Anim. 8. Vert. vol. vi, p. 56. i * I place this species in this genus, because Mr. Conrad has informed me that it has the hinge of a true PApyripEA, and not that of PHoLApomyA, as believed by d’Orbigny. Specimens found in the ‘‘ Ripley Group,’’ a deposit resembling somewhat the Speeton Clay of England in its lithological characters, have enabled him to ascertain without doubt the true generic relations of these beautiful shells. _ Conchifera. A | 9 Pectuneculus. subdecussatus, d’Orb. (AXINAEA), Prod. 243. subimbricatus, M. & H. (AxtNnAEA), 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 146. sublaevis, Sow. not Goldf. (AxInAEA), M. Con. 472. sublaevis, Goldf. not Sow. (A. lens), P. Germ. pl. 126, f. 3. subsulcatus, d’Orb. (AXINAEA), Prod. 248. sulcatus, Roem. not Defr. (A. subsulcatus), Nord. Kreid. 69, 8, 23. Ventricosus, Gein. (AXINAEA), Charakt. Kreid. 77, 20, 20. PERIPLOMA, Schum. 1817. applicata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, p. 324, Miss. C. Colombiana, d’Orb. (Anatina), Prod. 105. N. Gren. N. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 381, 372, 8-4. Fr. N. Robinaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 880, 372, 1-2. Fr. N. Sapho, d’Orb. Prod. 158. Fr. anG. Sabaudiana, P. & R. Env. Genév. 112, 29, 5. Fr. G. simplex, d’Orb. P. F. 382, 372, 5-6. Fr. G. PERNA, Brug. 1791. alaeformis, Sow. (GERVILLIA), M. Con. 243. cretacea, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 24, 82, 18-20. G. aG. ? fragilis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 189, 18, 4. Portugal. C. lanceolata, Gein. Char. Kreid. 80, 21,18. G., Fr., Port. JU. G. Lusitanica, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 189, 23, 7-8. Port. &f Drs Crets) Marticensis, Math. Catal. 176, 27, 1-2. Fr. Gd. Muletii, Desh. M. G.S. F. vol: v, pl. 11, f. 1. E., Fr., G. NV. polita, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 190, 24, 1-2. Port. “ Lower Cret.’’ Rauliniana, d’Orb. P. F. 497, 401, 4-5. Fr, G. G. Ricordeana, d’Orb. P. F. 494, 399, 1-8. Fr. N. rostrata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 17. E. U. G. Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 449, 402, 4-5. Fr. C. subspathulata, Reuss, B. Kreid. 24, 32, 16-17. G. U.iG. PETRICOLA, Lam. 1801. canaliculata, Sow. (CARDIUM), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 11. nuciformis, Sow. (CARDIUM), id. pl. 16, f. 10. Rhodani, P. & R. Env. Genév. 417, 29, 8. Fr. G. Conchifera. 990 Pharella. PHARELLA. ? Dakotensis, M. & H. (Solen), 1860, Proc. Acad. 425. Neb. @. PHOLADOMYA, Sow. 1826. S. G. Anatimya, Con. 1860. aequivalvis, Goldf. Sp. (PApyRIDEA), d’Orb. Prod. 284. G., Fr., India. C. Agassizii, d’Orb. P. F. 352, 362, 1-3. Fr. N. Albina, Reiche, Roem. Nord. K. 75, 10, 7. G. C.iGe alta, Roem. Sp. (Homomya), Gabb, 1861. Tex. C. acutisulcata, Desh. (PANOPAEA), M. G. 8S. F. vol. v, pl. 8, f. 2. alternans, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 6. G. N. Americana, M. & H. (Goniomya), 1856, Proc. Acad. 283. Neb. C. CS. Gen. A.) anteradiata, Con. Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 276, 46, 3. Miss. C. Archiaciana, d’Orb. P. F. 356, 364, 5-4. Fr. C. *Austinensis, Shum. Sp. (Pachymya), Gabb, 1861. Texas. C. biplicata, Gein. Char. Kreid. 21, 17, 75. G. U. G. borealis, Meek, 1857, Trans. Alb. Inst. p. 41. Vancouver I. C. Carantoniana, d Orb. (Esmarckii), P. F. 857, 365, 1-2. caudata, Agas. Sp. (Goniomya), d’Orb. Prod. 74. G. N. caudata, Roem. (aequivalvis), Nord. Kreid. pl. 10, f. 8. connectans, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 140, 17, 5. India. G. cordiformis, Desh. Leym. M. G. S. F. 1842, 3, 3,3. Fr. U. G. Cornueliana, d’ Orb. (PAPYRIDEA), Prod. 105. designata, Goldf. Sp. (Lysianassa), Reuss, B. K. p.18. G. @. designata, Gein. (Geinitzii), d’Orb. Prod. 194. Dutempleana, d’Orb. Prod. 185. Fr. G. elegantula, H. & S. 1855, Proce. Acad. p. 164 (not P. (Cardium) elegantula, Roem.), Vancouver L. C. elliptica, Ring. in Goldf. 278, 158, 1. G., Fr., Port. C. elongata, Munst. Goldf. P. G. 270, 157, 8-6. _E., Fr., G. Ny. * This species can hardly be the same as P. gigas, Sow. Sp., as Dr. Shumard thinks probable, since, besides the slight but constant difference in form, P. gigas is peculiar to the upper green sand, while the American species belong to the chalk. Conchifera. aA | Pholadomya. Esmarkii, Pusch. Goldf. id. 272, 157,10. G. C. Favrina, Agas. Etud. Crit. 59, 1-12. Fr. G. ? fibrosa, M. & H. (Avicula), Proc. Acad. 1856, p. 283. Neb. C. Geinitzii, d’Orb. Prod. 194. G. C. Genevensis, P. & R. Env. Genév. 405, 29, 2. Fr. G. gigantea, Sow. Sp. (CorBuxa), d’Orb. Prod. 157. gigas, Sow. Sp. (Pachymya), d’Orb. P. F. 359, 366. Fr., E. U. G. Kasimiri, Pusch. Polens. Pal. 88, 8, 13. Poland. (. laevis, Agas. Sp. (Goniomya), d’Orb. Prod. 74. G. N. Ligeriensis, d’Orb. P. F. 355, 363, 8-9. Fr., Port. Choe. Langiti, Voltz. in Leym. (elongata), M. G. S. F. vol. v, p. 24. Mailleana, d’Orb. P. F. 355, 364, 1-2. Fr. UG. Marrotiana, d’Orb. P. F. 358, 365, 83-4. Fr. C. Martini, Forbes, Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 238, 2,3. E. LAGe Moulinsii, d’Orb. Prod 234. Fr. C. Neocomensis, Leym. (PANoPAEA), M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 3, f. 4. nodulifera, Munst. Goldf. 273, 158, 2. G. C. Noueliana, d’Orb. Prod. 194. Fr. C. occidentalis, Morton. Syn. 68, 8, 3. N.J., Del., Miss. c. (S. Gen. A.) papyria, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, p. 276. Miss. C. Pedernalis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 45,9, 4. Tex. Gs Prevostii, Desh. (PANOPAEA), in Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. vy, pl. BoA. Th. (S. Gen. A.) postsulcata, Con. Jour Acad. vol. iv, 276. Miss. C. Rauliniana, d’Orb. P. F. 353, 363, 4-5. Fr. G. rhomboidalis, Leym. (LAvicNon), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 3, 2, 6. rostrata, Math. Catal. 136, 11,7. Fr. C. Rouyana, d’Orb. Prod. 73. Fr. iV. Royana, d Orb. (elliptica), P. F. 360, 367. Sancti-sabae, Roem. Sp. (Cardium), Con. Emory’s Rep. 164, wl 4.. Tex. C. Scheucherii, Agas. (elongata), Etud. Crit. 57, 2’, 3-7, and pl. a ite semicostata, Agas. Etud. Crit. 51, 2,1. Fr., G. WN: subdinnensis, d’Orb. (PAPYRIDEA), Prod. 157. subelongata, Meek, Trans. Alb. Inst. vol. iv, p. 42. Vancou- ver [. Hs subventricosa, M. & H. 1857, Proce. Acad. 142. Neb. 0. tenua, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. p. 170. Ala. cC. Texana, Con. Kmory’s Rep. 153, i8, 3. Tex. C. Conchifera. 999 Pholadomya. Tippana, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ili, 824, 84,9. Ala., Miss. (. umbonata, Roem. Rreid. Tex. 73, 10, 6. G. C. undata, M. & AH. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 81. Neb. C. PHOLAS, Linn. 1758. cithara, Morton, Synopsis, 68, 9,2. N. J. C. constricta, Phil. Geol. York. 95, 2,17. EK. Tee Ge: Cornueliana, d’Orb. P. F. 805, 849, 1-4. Fr. L. G. cretacea, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 393, 68,18. N.J. @C P. (Martesia) cuneata, M. & H. 1858, Proc. Acad. p. 53. Neb. C. pectorosa, Con. (cithara), Jour. Acad. 2d 8. vol. ii, 293, 24, 9. prisca, Sow. M. Con. 581. KE. N. giganteus, Sow. (PHOLADOMYA elongata), G.'T. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 1. Roemeri, d’Orb. Prod. 72. G. N. subcylindrica, d’Orb. P. F. 306, 849, 5-8. Fr. G. ? Stimpsoni, M. & H. (Xylophaga), Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 424. PINNA, Linn. 1758. arata, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 153, 16, 10. India. C. bicarinata, Math. Catal. 180, 27-6, 8. Fr. U. G. calamitoides, Shum. 1857, Trans. St. Louis Acad. p. 124. Neb. C. compressa, Goldf. P. Germ. 167, 128, 4. G. 0G consobrina, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 89-40. India. C. Cottae, Gein. Char. Kreid. 11, 1, 55. G. C. decussata, Goldf. P. G. 166, 128, 1,2. E., G. U. G. decussata, Forbes (consobrina), G. T. vol. vii, p. 153. depressa, Goldf. (decussata), pl. 128, f. 3. fenestrata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 65, 8, 22. G. C. Galliennei, d’Orb. P. F. 253, 331. Fr. U. G. gracilis, Phil. Geol. York. 2, 22. HE. Y Fa ec laqueata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, p. 8328. N.J., Ala., Miss. C. Ligeriensis, Orb. P. F. 257, 334. Fr. C. minuta, Gabb, Proc. Acad. 1860, p. 118, 8, 10. Chili. C. Moreana, d’Orb. P. F. 254, 3852. Fr. U. G. Moulinsii, d’Orb. Prod. 246. Fr. C. Neptuni, Goldf. Sp. (Cardium), d’Orb. P. F. 255, 333, 1-3. EP U. G. Conchifera. 993 Pinna. petasunculus, Math. Catal. 180, 27, 8-5. Fr.* & quadrangularis, Goldf. P. Germ. 167, 127, 8. G, Fr. C. recticostata, d’Orb. Prod. 245. Fr. C. Renauxiana, d’Orb. (bicarinata), P. F. 252, 830, 4-6. restituta, Hoen. Goldf. pl. 138, f. 3. G., India. C. Robinaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 251, 330, 1-3. Fr. IN rugosa, Roem. not Sow. (subrugosa), Nord. Kreid. p. 65. rostriformis, Morton, Jour. Acad. Ist s. vol. vili, 214, 10, 5. WN. J. C. subrugosa, d’Orb. Prod. 80. G. N. subtetragona, d’Orb. Prod. 165. E. U..G. sulcifera, Leym. M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 9, f. 9. Fr. NN; sulcata, Woodw. (decussata), Geol. Norf. pl. 5, f. 28. tetragona, Sow. not Brocchi (subtetragona), M. Con. 3138. PINNIGERA, Deluc, 1779. magna, d’Orb. Prod. 107. Fr. N. PLACUNA, Solander, 1785. scabra, Morton (PLACUNANOMIA), Syn. 62. PLACUNANOMIA, Brod. 1832. -S. Gen. Paranomia, Con. 1860. lineata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 291, 46, 20. Tenn. C. Saffordii, Con. id. 290, 46, 21. Tenn. C. scabra, Morton, Sp. (Placuna), Gabb, 1861. N. J. C. Plagiostoma, Sow. 1814. aspera, Mant. (Ctenoides), Geol. Suss. 129, 26, 18. dumosa, Morton, pars. (SPONDYLUS), Syn. 59, 16, 8. dumosa, Morton, pars. (S. Mortoni), Syn. 60. Eocene. * There is a specimen in the Academy’s collection, marked ‘‘ Louisiana,”’ corresponding with the figure and description given of this species. The litho- logical character of the specimen is different from anything I have heretofore seen in the American Cretaceous, except perhaps that of the Northwest. Where may, however, be some mistake in the locality. Conchifera. 994. Plagiostoma. elongatum, Sow. (CTENOIDES parallela), M. Con. 559. granulatum, Nilss. (CTENOIDES), P. Suec. 26, 9, 4. gregale, Morton (SPoNDYLUs), Synopsis, 60, 5, 6. Hoperi, Mant. (CTENoIDES), G. Suss. 204, 26, 2-3-15. Mantelli, Brong. (CrENomDES), Envy. Paris, pl. 4, f. 2. Mantelli, Goldf. (Hoperi), P. Germ. pl. 104, f. 9. ovatum, Nilss. (CrENoIDES), P. Suec. 25, 9, 2. pelugicum, Morton (CrENoIDES), Syn. 61, 5, 2. punctatum, Nilss. (C. Nilssoni), P. Suec. 24, 9, 1. parallelus, Sow. (CTENoIDES), M. Con. pl. 9, f. 1. semisulcatum, Nilss. (CTENOIDES), P. Suec. 25, 11, 3. spinosum, Sow. (Sponpytus), M. Con. 83. sulcata, Lam. (S. spinosus), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 161. Platymya, Agas, 1838. dilatata, Agas. (ANATINA), Etud. Crit. 181, 10, 13-14. minuta, Agas. (LAVIGNON), id. 184, 10, 1-4. rostrata, Ag. (ANATINA Agassizil), id. pl. 10, 11-12. tenuis, Ag. (A. subtenuis), id. 183, 10, 5-6. PLICATULA, Lam. 1801. aspera, Sow. G. T. 18381, pl. 38, f. 7. H., Fr. C. armata, Roem. not Goldf. (Roemeri), Nord. Kreid. 60. asperrima, d’Orb. P. F. 679, 462, 1-4. Fr. NV. Carteroniana, d’Orb. P. F. 680, 462, 5-7. Fr. N. gureitis, P. & R. Env. Genév. 517, 47, 4. Fr. G. imbricata, Koch. Beitrag. 1837, 50, 6,3. G. N. incongrua, Con. Emory’s Rep. 1538, 6,10. Tex. C inequidens, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. x, 197, 6, 5. EH. LG inflata, Sow. (radiola), M. Con. 409. inflata, Goldf. not Sow. (spinosa), 102, 107, 6. multicostata, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 155, 18, 3. India. C. nodosa, Duj. M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 228, 15, 14. Fr., G. C. pectinoides, Sow. not Lum. (radiola), M. Con. 409. placunea, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, 186. Fr., G. DL. Gates radiata, Goldf. P. Germ. 102, 107, 7. G. C0. radiola, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, 185. Fr., G., Port. G., Z. G. Roemeri, d’Orb. P. F. 681, 462, 8-10. Fr., G. ys Saffordii, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 283, 46, 34. Tenn. C. Conchifera. 995 Plicatula. septemcostata, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 155, 18, 4. India. G. spinosa, Mant. Geol. Suss. 26, 18, 16-17. E., G., Fr. UG. tetrica, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 283, 46, 26. Tenn. C. urticosa, Morton, Syn. 62, 10,2. N. J. C. Podopsis, Lam. 1819. gryphaeoides, Lam. (GRYPH. vesicularis), An. S. Vert. vol. vi, 194. truncata, Lam. (SPONDYLUS), id. 195. Poromya, Forbes, 1844. globulosa, Forbes (Lyonsta), G. T. vol. vii, 141, 17, 6. lata, Forbes (LyonstA), id. 141, 15, 14. Psammobia, Lam. 1818 (GARI, Schum. 1817). cancellato-scu/pta (GARI), Roem. Kreid. Tex. 46, 6, 10. eircinalis, Duj. (AncopactA), M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 223, 15, 3. discrepens, Duj. (CApsA), id. 225, 15, 2. gracilis, Sow. in Fitt. (Garr), G. T. vol. iv, 341, 15,2. E. U. G. inconspicua, Sow. (GARI), id. vol. vii, 142, 15, 18. India. C. semicostata, Roem. (G. inaequalis), Nord. Kreid. 74, 9, 21. tellinoides, Sow. (GARI), Fitt. G. T. vol. iv, 176, 21, 6. E. Weald. PULVINITES, Defr. 1827. argentea, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 330, 34,5. Ala., Miss. C. Pycnodonta, Fisch. de Wald. 1835. radiata, Fisch. (GRYPHAEA vesicularis), Bull. Mose. vol. viii, pl. 1. SANGUINOLARIA, Lam. 1799. Cretacensis,* Con. Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 277, 46, 11. Ala. C. SAXICAVA, Fleur. 1802. antiqua, d’Orb. Prod. 136. Fr. G. * Cretacea ? VOL. VIII.—2E Conchifera. 996 SILIQUA, Muhlf. 1811 (Leguminaria, Schum. 1817). Australis, Gabb (Cultellus), Gabb, 1861. Chili. Cretaceus, Gabb (Cultellus), Gabb, 1861. N. J. Moreana, d’Orb. Sp. (Leguminaria), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Nereis, d’Orb. Sp. (Leguminaria), Gabb, 1861. Fr. truncatula, Reuss Sp. (Solen), Gabb, 1861. G. SILIQUARIA, Brug. 1791. biplicata, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 8324, 384,17. Ala. SOLECURTUS, Blainy. 1824. *Actaeon, d’Orb. Prod. 158. Fr. aequalis, d’Orb. (Solen), Prod. 158. Fr. elegans, Math.Sp. “ d’Orb. Prod. 194. Fr. Guerangeri, d’Orb. (Solen), Prod. 158. Fr. inflexus, Duj. Sp. sd’ Orb. Prod. 235. Fr. obscurus, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 141, 17,3. India. Pelagi, d’Orb. Prod. 158. Fr. radians, d’Orb. Prod. 158. Fr. Robinaldinus, d’Orb. (Solen), Prod. 75. Fr. subcompressus, d’Orb, Prod. 235. G. Warburtoni, Forbes, Q. J. G. S. vol. 1, 237, 2, 1. EH. SOLEMYA, Lam. 1819. planulata, Con. (LEGuUMEN), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 274, 24, 11. U. subplicata, M. & H. (Solen), Proc. Acad. vol. viii, p. 283. Neb. SOLEN, Arist., List. 1786. aequalis, d’ Orb. (SoLecurtus), P. F. 321, 350, 5-7. carinatus, Math. (ANATINA), Catal. 133, 11, 1-2. compressus, Goldf. (SoLECURTUS subcompressus), P. G. 276, 159, 4. Dupinianus, d’Orb. P. F. 820, 350, 8-4. Fr. Dakotensis, M. & H. (PHARELLA), 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 142. * ‘“Espéce pourvue de cdtés concentriques trés prononceés’’ ! Siliqua, QKRLNAK RABRRARARAARA Conchifera. yi Solen. elegans, d’Orb. (SoLecurTws radians), P. F. 322, 251, 3-5. elegans, Math. (Sonecurtus), Cat. 134, 11, 3. Guerangeri, d’Orb. (Sotecurtus), P. F. 321, 351, 1-2. inflecus, Dujard. (Sotecurtus), M. G. S. F.2d s. vol. ii, 222, 15, 4. lamellosus, Reuss (Arcopacta), B. Kreid. 16, 36, 5. irradians, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 45, 6,9. Texas. C. Robinaldinus, d’Orb. (Sotecurtus), P. F. 320, 350, 1-2. subplicata, M. & H. (SotemyA), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 56. Sphaera, Sow. 1822 (CORBIS, Cuv. 1817). corrugata, Sow. (Corgis), M. Con. 334. SPHAERELLA, Con. 1838. eoncentrica, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vel. iv, 280, 46,4. Ala. ©. SPONDYLUS, Linn. 1758. alternatus, d’Orb. P. F. 665, 456, 1-5. Fr. C. Aonis, d’Orb. Prod. 294. Fr. Danien. asper, Miinst. Goldf. P. G. pl. 106, f. 1. G. C. Brunneri, P. & R. Eny. Genéy. 514, 47, 1. Fr. G. ealcaratus, Forbes, G. T. 2d s. vol. vii, 155, 18, 2. India. C. capax, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 274, 24,8. N. J. C. capillatus, d’ Arc. (striatus), M. G. S. F. 2ds. vol. ii, pl. 17, f. 1. Carantonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 665, 456, 6-7. Fr. C. complanatus, d’Orb. P. F. 657, 451, 7-10. Fr. EG: Coquandianus, d’Orb. P. F. 663, 452,9-11. Fr. C. dumosus, Morton, Sp. pars.* (Plagiostoma), d’Orb. Prod. 254. Ala. Eocene. duplicatus, Goldf. (spinosus), P. Germ. 95, 105, 5. Dutempleanus, d’Orb. P. F. 672, 460, 6-11. Fr. C. fimbriatus, Goldf. P. G. 97, 106, 2. E., G., Fr. C. gibbosus, d’Orb. P. F. 658, 452, 1-6. Fr. G. globulosus, d’Orb. P. F. 667, 458. Fr. CG gregalis, Morton, Sp. (Plagiostoma), d’Orb. Prod. 254. N.J. C. Guadalupae, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 62, 8,9. Tex. C. * The specimen figured in the wood-cut, Synopsis, p. 60, is distinct from the lithograph. I would suggest the name S. Mortoni for it. Both the species are Eocene; the types are in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Conchifera. 998 Spondylus. hippuritarum, d’Orb. P. F. 664, 455. Fr. C. hystrix, Goldf. not Roem. P. G. 98,105, 8. Fr., G. U. G. hystrix, Roem. not Goldf. (Roemeri), Kreid. p. 39. latus, Leym. not Sow. (Roemeri), M. G.S. F. 2ds. vol. v, pl. 6, ie lineatus, Goldf. P. Germ. 97, 106, 3. G. C. obesus, d’Orb. P. F. 675, 461, 5-7. Fr. C. Omalii, d’ Arc. (hystrix), M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, pl. 15, f. 4. plicatus, Miinst. not Linn. (subplicatus), Goldf. 98, 106, 7. podopsideus, Lam. (spinosus), An. 8S. Vert. vol. vi, 194. radiatus, Goldf. (hystrix), P. G. 98, 106, 6. Renauxianus, d’Orb. P. F. 659, 452, 7-8. Fr. G. Requienianus, Math. (hystrix), Catal. 189, 32, 3. Roemeri, Desh. in d’Orb. P. F. 655, 451, 1-6. Fr., G. N; Royanus, d’Orb. P. F. 674, 460, 1-5. Fr. C. Santonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 666, 475. Fr. C spinosus, Sow. Sp. (Plagiostoma), Desh. An. Sc. Nat vol. xv. K., Fr., G., Sw., Crimea. U. G. striato-costatus, d’Orb. P. F. 655, 450. ‘Fr. N. striatus, Sow. Sp. (Dianchora), Goldf. P. G. 98, 106, 5. E., Fr., G., Crimea. Ui strigilis, Brong. (PLICATULA placunea), Cuy. Oss. Foss. pl. Q. f. 6. sublaevis, Miinst. Goldf. P. G. 99, 106, 8. G. , subplicatus, d’Orb. Prod. 254. G. 0. subsquamosus, Forbes (calearatus), G. T. vol. vii, 154, 18, 1. truncatus, Lam. Sp. (Podopsis), d’Orb. P. F. 668, 459. E., Sw., Fr., G. C. TANCREDIA. Americana, M. & H. (Hettangia), 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 185. Neb. C. TAPES, Muhlf. 1811. Hilgardi, Shumard, 1860, Trans. Acad. St. Louis, p. 601. Texas. C. TELLINA, Linn. 1758. Albertina, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, 22-24. India. C. angulata, Desh. not Lam. (Carteroni), M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. gird: aequalis, Mant. G. T. vol. iii, p. 211. E. L. G. Ti. » soe Conchifera. 999 Tellina. Bogotina, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 84, 18, 15. N. Gren. N. Carteroni, d’Orb. P. F. 420, 880, 1-2. Fr. N. ? Cheyennensis, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 82. Neb. C. concentrica, Reuss (ARcopAGTA), B. Kreid. 18, 86, 19-20. costulata, Goldf. (AncopaatA), P. Germ. 235, 147, 19. densata, Con. (Dosrnta), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 275, 24, 14. N. J. C. eborea, Con. id. vol. iv, 278, 46, 14. Ala., Miss. C. Kufalensis, Con. id. vol. iv, 277. Ala. C. equilateralis, M. & H. Proc. Acad. p. 82 (1856). Neb. C. ? formosa, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. p. 179. Neb. C. Goldfussii, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 78,9, 18. G. C. gracilis, Sow. Sp. (Garr), d’Orb. Prod. 159. gracilis, M. & H. (Turacta), 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 82. Grangei, VOrb. (G. inconspicua), Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, f. 8-10. inaequalis, Sow. (GARI), M. Con. 456. Largilliertii, d’Orb. Voy. Astrol. pl. 5, 5-6. Chili. C. *limatula, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 278, 46,10. Ala. C. Moreana, d’Orb. P. F. 421, 380, 3-5. Fr. G. occidentalis, Morton (Luctna), 1842, Jour. Acad. Ist s_ vol. wil, 210, 11, 3. plana, Roem. not Donovan (pseudo-plana), Kreid. 74, 9, 19. Pondicheriensis, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 142, 18,15. India. C. Prouti, M. & H. (THracta), 1856, Proc. Acad. p 83. pseudo-plana, d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. C. Reichii, Roem. (Turacta), Nord. Kreid. 74, 9, 26. Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 422, 380, 9-11. Fr. C. Renauxii, Math. Catal. 142, 138,11. Fr. C. Ripleyana, Con Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iii, 327. Miss. C. scitula, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 82. Neb. C. striatula, Sow. M. Con. 456. KE. U. G. strigata, Goldf. (AncopaGiA), P. Germ. 235, 147, 18. subdecussata, Roem. (ARcopacta), Nord. Kreid. 74, 9, 20. ? subelliptica, M. & H. 1856, Proc. Acad. p. 83. Neb. C, subradiata, Roem. Sp. (Donax), d’Orb. Prod. 236. G. C. subtenuistriata, d’Orb. Prod. 159. EE. O..G: subtortuosa, M. & H. (Turacta), 1856, Proc. Acad. 272. tenuissima, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 19, 36, 18-24. G. C. * Mr. Conrad places this species, with T. eborea, in asubgenus, which he calls Tellinimera. Conchifera, 930 Teredo. TEREDO, Linn. 1758. Argonensis, Buvignier, 1843, Descr. de Argennes. Fr. G. calamus, Tuomey, not Lea (calamoides), 1855, Proc. Acad. 170. calamoides, Gabb (calamus, Tuomey), 1861. Ala. C. Fleuriausus, d’Orb. Prod. 157. Fr. U. Ge globosa (us), M. & H. 1858, Proc. Acad. p. 53. Neb. C. Requienianus, Math. Cat. 182, 10, 5-7. Fr. C. irregularis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 398, 68,19. N. Sey PAA. C. rotundus, Sow. Dixon’s Geol. Suss. 346, 28, 27-28. E. C. selliformis, M. & H. 1860, Proc. Acad. 178. Neb. C. tibialis, Morton, Synopsis, 68,9, 2. N.J., Del. C. THETIS, Sow. 1826. laevigata, Sow. Sp. (Corbula), d’Orb. P. F. 452, 387, 1-3. Fr. Lin Genevensis, P. & R. Env. Genév. £20, 30, 2. Fr. G. major, Sow. M. Con. 513. E., Fr. UG. minor, Sow. M. Con. 513. E., Fr., G. G. undulata, Geinitz, Quadersand. G. THRACIA, Leach, 1825. Alpina, P. & R. Env. Genév. 415, 29, 7. Fr. elongata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 75, 10,2. G. U. sibba, d’Orb. P. F. 388, 374. Fr. U. corbulopsis, Gabb, 1860, Proc. Acad. 198, 8,1. Chili. gracilis, M. & H. (Tellina), 1856, Proc. Acad. 284. Neb. Nicoleti (ii), Agas Sp. (Corimya), d’Orb. Prod. 74. G. occidentalis, Meek, Trans. Alb. Inst. vol. iv, p. 48. Vancou- ver I. Phillipsii, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 74, 10,1. G. Proutii, M. & H. (Tellina), 1860, Proc. Acad. 425. Neb. recurva, @’Orb. Prod. 117. E. L. rotunda, P. & R. Env. Genéy. 414, 29,6. Fr. subangulata, Desh. M. G. S. F. 1842, 3-5, 1. ‘Fr. subdepressa, d’Orb. Prod. 74. Fr., EK. subtortuosa, M. & H. (Tellina), 1860, Proc. Acads425. Neb. @. SANQARAHSAQi SHARRKAR Conchifera. 931 Thracia. subtruncata, Meek, Trans. Alb. Inst. vol. iv, p. 44. Vancou- ver I. C. taurica, Agas. Sp. (Coriomya), d’Orb. Prod. 74. Crimea. N. vulyaria, Agas. Sp. (Coriomya), d’Orb. Prod. 74. G. N. TRIGONIA, Brug. 1791. abrupta, Von. Buch, Petr. Rec. En. Amer. 17, 2, 21, 22. N. Gren. N. aliformis, Sow. M. Con. 215. E., Fr. UG, G. alaeformis, Marton, not Sow. (thoracica), Jour. Acad. Ist s. vol. viii. aliformis, Goldf. Roem. Forbes, &c., not Sow. (limbata). affinis, Sow. (sinuata), M. Con. 208. Archiaciana, d’Orb. P. F. 142, 290, 6-10. Fr., G. G bipartita, d’Orb. Prod. 240. Fr. C. carinata, Agas. 1840, ‘“ Trigonies,” 47, 8,1. Fr. N. caudata, Agas. id. 32, 7, 1-3. Fr., G., Port. N cincta, Agas. (rudis), id. 27, 7, 21-25. conformis, Agas. Trigon. pl. 9, f. 2-4. Constantii, d’Orb. P. F. 144, 294, 1-6. Fr., G. G. Coquandiana, d’Orb. P. F. 149, 249, 1-4. Fr. Jey es erenulata, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, p. 63. Fr. U. G. crenulata, Roem. (Mooreana), Kreid. Tex. 51, 7, 6.* conocardiiformis, Krauss. Sp. (Lyrodon), Gabb, 1861. S. Africa. Get daedalea, Park. Org. Rem. pl. 12, f.6. E., Fr. U. G Delafossei, Bayle & Coquand, M. G. S. F. vol. iv, 37, 8, 27. Chili. N. disparilis, d’Orb. P. F. 157, 299, 3-4. Fr. C. divaricata, d’Orb. P. F. 135, 288, 1-4. Fr. N. echinata, d’Orb. Prod. 240. Fr. C. elongata, Sow. pars. (carinata), M. Con. 431, f. 1-2 (exclus. 3). elegans, Baily, Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 461, 13,3. S. Africa. U. G.? Emoryi, Con. Emory’s Rep. 148, 3, 2. Texas. C. * After a careful comparison of Roemer’s figure and description with authentic specimens and figures of Lamarck’s species, I am convinced that they are different. Besides the outline, the most obvious difference is in the number and arrangement of the ribs. I take pleasure, therefore, in naming the species after my friend, the able State geologist of Texas. Conchifera, 939 Trigonia. Eufalensis, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 396, 68,32. Ala., Miss., Tenn, N. J. C. Evansii, Meek, Trans. Albany Inst. vol. iv, p. 42. Vancou- ver I. C. excentrica, Sow. M. Con. 208. KE. UO. excentrica, Goldf. not Sow. (subexcentrica), P. Germ. 137, 8, 203. Fittoni, Desh. M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 9, f. 6. Fr. G. Gibboniana, Lea (Hondaana), Trans. Am. Phil. Soe. vol. vii, 255, 9, 7. Hanetiana, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 127, 12, 14-16. Chili. C. harpa, Desh. (carinata), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, pl. 9, ft 7. Herzogii, Hausm. Sp. (Lyrodon), Bronn, Ind. Pal. p. 1280. S. Africa. U.2G. Hondaana, Lea, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 2d s. pl. 9, f. 9, vol. vii. N. Gren. NV. Hondeana, d Orb. (Hondaana), Index Prod. Pal. Humboldtii, Von Buch, Pet. Rec. Humb, 9,2, 28-30. N. Gren. ae inornata, d’Orb. P. F. 158, 297, 6-8. Fr. C. Lajoyei, Desh. M. G. S. F. vol. v, pl. 8, f. 4. Fr. N. Lamarckii, Math. Catal. 164, 22, 5-7. Fr. C. limbata, d’Orb. P. F. 156, 298. Fr., G., India, Texas, Ala. C. longa, Agas. Trigon. 47, 8,1. Fr., G. ive longirostris, d’Orb. Prod. 240. Fr. C. Lusitanica, Sharpe, Q. J. G. 8. vol. vi, 190, 22,4. Port. “ Tower Cret.”’* Mooreana, Gabb, 1861 (crenulata, Roem. not Lam.). Texas. @. nodosa, Sow. (rudis), M. Con. 507. Nereis, d’Orb. Prod. 162. Fr. U. Orientalis, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 150, 18, 11. India. C. ornata, d’Orb. P. F. 186, 288, 5-9. H., Fr., G. IVs palmata, Desh. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. v, pl. 8, f. 5. Fr: a. pennata, Sow. (sulcataria), M. Con. 237. paradoxa, Agas. Trigon. 46, 10, 12. Fr. IVs plicato-costata, Galeotti, Bull. Acad. Brux. vol. vii, p. 1, f. 1. Mexico. C. pulchella, Reuss, not Agas. (subpulchella), B. K. 5, 41, 3. * Some of the species, thus referred by the above author, belong to the Juras- sic; such as 7’. muricata, Goldf. Further investigation will be necessary to fix the position of the rest. Conchifera. 933 Trigonia. ’ Pyrrha, d’Orb. Prod. 161. Fr. UG: quadrata, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 12. E. OG. guadrata, Agas. not Sow. (daedalea), Etud. Trigon. 27, 6, 7-9. Robinaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 189, 199, 1-2. Fr. N. rudis, Park. Org. Rem 177, 12,10. E., Fr., G. NN. -scabra, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, p. 63. E., Fr., G. C. scabra, Morris, not Lam. (caudata), Catal. scapha, Agas. Etud. Trigon. 15, 7, 17-20. Fr. iN: semiculta, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 151, 18, 9. India. C. semiornata, d’Orb. (orientalis), Voy. Astrol. pl. iv, 31, 82. sinuata, Park. Org. Rem. pl. 12, f. 13. H., Fr. CBG: sinuata, d’Orb. not Park. (suborbicularis), Voy. Astrol. pl. 4, 29-30. spinosa, Park. Org. Rem. pl. 12, f. 7. E., Fr. U. G. spinosa, Sow. not Park. (ornata), M. Con. 86. spectabilis, Sow. (rudis), M. Con. 544. subcrenulata, d’ Orb. (Tocaimaana), Am. Merid. 87, 19, 7-9. ‘subexcentrica, d’Orb. Prod. 240. G. C. suborbicularis, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 150, 18, 10. India. C. subpulchella, d’Orb. Prod. 240. G. C. sulcata, Agas. (carinata), Etud. Trigon. 44, 8, 5. suleataria, Lam. An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, p. 84. tenuisulcata, Duj. M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 225, 15, 11. Fr. C. Texana, Con. Emory’s Rep. 148, 3,3. Tex. C. thoracica, Morton, Syn. 65, 15, 13. N.J., Del., Ala., Miss., Tenn., Texas. C. Tocaimaana, Lea, Am. Phil. Soe, vol. vii, pl. 9, f. 8. N. Gren. W. ventricosa, Krauss, Sp. (Lyrodon), Gabb, 1861. S. Africa. U. @. UNICARDIUM, d’Orb. 1847. inornatum, d’Orb. (Cardium), Prod. 79. Fr. N. laevigatum, Sow. Sp. (Corbula), d’Orb. Prod. 163. E. UNG Venericardia, Lam. 1801. See CARDITA. *VENILLA, Morton, 1834 (Cyprina, pars d’Orb.). Conradi, Morton, Syn. 66, 9,3. N. J., Del., Ala., Miss., Tenn. C. * I have in my collection a cast of a fourth species, from New Jersey, larger than V. Conradi and more abrupt. The genus is certainly very distinct from Cyprina, and will probably include some species published under that name. VOL. VIII.—2F Conchifera. 934 Venilia. rhomboidea, Con. Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 275, 24,7. N.J. @. trapezoidea, Con. id. vol. iv, 282,47, 7. N. J., Ala., Miss. C. VENUS, Linn. 1758. analoga, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 147, 15, 20. India. C. Allaudiensis, Math. (Astarte gigantea), Catal. pl. 5, f. 1-2. angulata, Sow. (CypRINA), M. Con. 65. Archiaciana, d’Orb. P. F. 449, 386, 6-7. Fr. C. Arcotensis, Forbes (ASTARTE), G. T. vol. vii, 146, 15, 19. Astieriana, Math. Catal. 154, 16,9-10. Fr. Ue Auca, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 122, 12, 17,18. Chili. C. Aucasiana, d’Orb. (Auca), Prod. 237. Bavarica, Munst. in Goldf. P. G. 246, 151, 1. G. C. Brongniartina, Leym. (sub-Brongniartina), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, pleont. f. eaperata, Sow. M. Con. 518. E. UG caperata, Q’Orb. (MERETRIX uniformis), M. Con 446. Cenomanensis, d’Orb. Prod. 159. Fr. UG Chia, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 82, 18, 9-10. N. Gren. WN. circularis, M. & H. 1856, Proe. Acad. 272. Neb. C. circulus, Gabb, 1859 (circularis), Cat. Cret. p. 17. concentrica, Roem. not Born. (subconcentrica), Nord. K. 72, 9, 11. cordiformis, Desh. (CorBIs corrugata), M. G. 8S. F. vol. vy, pl. Dy 8. Cornueliana, d’Orb. P. F. 486, 383, 10-13. Fr. iN: Cottaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 438, 384, 1-3. Fr. N. cretacea, d’Orb. Am. Merid. p. 83. N. Grenada. N. Dupiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 484, 585, 1-4. Fr. N. elongata, Reuss, not McCoy (subelongata), B. K. 20, 41, 9. eximea, Forbes (analoga), G. T. vol. vil, 147, 15, 21. faba, Sow. M. Con. 567, f. 3. E., Fr. U. G. faba, Goldf. not Sow. (subfaba), P. G. 247, 151, 6. fabacea, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 72,9, 13. G. C. fenestrata, Forbes (CARDITA), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 240, 2, 6. fragilis, V Orb. (Cenomanensis), P. I’. 446, 385, 11-12. Galdrina, d’Orb. P. F. 4387, 383, 13-15. Fr. N. gibbosa, Miinst. not Sow. (subgibbosa), Goldf. 246, 151, 3. Goldfussii, Geinitz, Quadersand. G. granum, Math. (AsTARTE), Cat. 158, 15, 7. Hallii, Gabb, 1861 (Orbignyana, Gabb, not Forbes). Chili. C. Conchifera. 935 Venus. Icaunensis, d’Orb. P. F. 459, 384, 4-6. Fr. N. immersa, Sow. in Fitt. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 6. E. UG: jucunda, Duj. Sp. (Meretrix), d’Orb. Prod. 237. Labadyei, d’Are. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 303, 14,7. G. C. Lamarckii, Math. Catal. 151, 15,5. Fr. C. laminosa, Reuss, not Montagu (sublaminosa), B. K. 21, 41, 6-15. Lapeyrusana, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 196, pl. a, f. 16. Fr. C. lata, Roem. (Cyprina), Nord. Kreid. 75, 9, 10. latesulcata, Math. Catal. 152, 16, 1-2. Fr. C. lincolata, Sow. (MEReETRIX), M. Con. 20. Martiniana, Math. Catal. 154, 16, 7-8. Fr. C:: Matronensis, d’Orb. P. F. 483, 382, 7-8. Fr. N. Neocomensis, d’Orb. (Vendoperata), P. F. pl. 8384, 7-10.* Meekana, Gabb, Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. iv, 394, 68,23. Ala. C. Noueliana, d’Orb. Prod. 195. Fr. C. numismalis, Miill. (LucINA subnumismalis), Aach. K, 25, 2, 5. obesa, d’Orb. P. F. 434, 382, 9-11. Fr. N. Orbignyana, Forbes, Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 240, 2,5. E. LE Orbignyanus, Gabb, not Forbes (Hallii), Proc. Acad. 1860, 198, 3, 2. ovalis, Sow. M. Con. 567. E. U. G. ovalis, Goldf. not Sow. (subovalis), P. Germ. 243, 151, 5. ovum, Math. Catal. 152, 16, 3-4. Fr. C. parallela, Miinst. not Phil. (subparallela), Goldf. 246, 151, 2. parva, Sow. M. Con. 518. KE. OG: parva, Reuss (Lucina orbicularis), B. Kreid. pl. 41, f. 16, 17. parva, Goldf. (subparva), P. Germ. 247, 151, 4. pentagona, Reuss (CRASSATELLA), Bohm. Kreid. 21, 41, 7-8. perovalis, Con. Lynch’s Exped. 225, 1-2. Syria. C plana, Sow. M. Con. 20. E., Fr. UG. plana, d’Orb. pars. (Renauxiana), P. F. 447. plana, Goldf. (subplana), P. Germ. pl. 148, f. 4. Renauxiana, d’Orb. Prod. 194. Fr. C. Rhotomagensis, d’Orb. P. F. 443,385, 1-5. Fr. Us Ge: Ricordeana, d’Orb. P. F. 431, 381, 1-2. Fr. Lvs Ringmeriensis, Mant. (PANOPAEA), G. Suss. 126, 25, 2. Ripleyana, Gabb, 1860, Jour. Acad. vol. iv, 393, 68,22. N.J., Tenn. C. Robinaldina, d’Orb. P. F. 435, 383, 5-9. Fr. N. * Vendoperata in the text ; Neocomensis on the plate. Conchifera. 936 Venus. Roissyi, Leym. Sp. (Lucina), d’Orb. P. F. 441, 584, 13, 15. Er. Dh. Ge Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 448, 386, 4-5. Fr. G: sub-Brongniartina, d’Orb. Prod. 76. Fr. N. subconcentrica, d’Orb. Prod. 237. G. Ap subdecussata, Roem. Nord. Kreid. 72, 9,12. G. C. subelongata, d’Orb. Prod. 257. G. C. subfaba, d’Orb. Prod. 237. G. C. subgibbosa, d’Orb. Prod. 237. G. C. sublaevis, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 5. E. ERE sublamellosa, Shum. Trans. Acad. St. Louis, 1860, p. 598. Tex. C. sublaminosa, d’Orb. Prod. 237. G. C. submersa, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f.4 E. U..G: subovalis, d’Orb. Prod. 237. G. C subparallela, d’Orb. Prod. 237. G. C. subparva, d’Orb. Prod. 237. G. C. subplana, d’Orb. Prod. 257. G., Fr. C. subrotunda, Sow. Sp. (MERETRIX), d’Orb. Prod. 159. subtruncata, d’Orb. Prod. 159. E. Us tas subturgida, @’Orb. Prod. 257. Fr. C. itenera, Sow. G. Ts vel. iv, pleil, f 7. #. U: CG: truncata, Sow. (subtruncata), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 17, f. 3. tumida, Miill. Aach. Kreid 25, 2,4. G. GC. turgida, Math. not Lam. (subturgida), Catal. 153, 16, 5-6. uniformis, Duj. Sp. (MERETRIX), d’Orb. Prod. 236. Vassiacensis, d’Orb. P. F. 444, 881, 11-12. Fr. pias Vectensis, Forbes, Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, 240, 2,4. E. fim fs: Vendoperata, Leym. Sp. (Lucina), d’Orb. P. F. 489, 384, 7-10. Fr. N. Vibrayeana, d’Orb. P. F. 442, 384, 16-20. Fr., G. G. VULSELLA, Humph. Zuronensis, Dujard. (OstrEA), M. G. 8. F. vol. ii, 228, 15, 1. XYLOPHAGA, Turton, 1822. elegantula, M. & TH. 1857, Proc. Acad. p. 141. Neb. C. Stimpsoni, M. & H. (Puonas?), 1857, id. 141. Conchifera. 93'7 Yoldia. YOLDIA, Miill. 1832. Evansi, M. & H. (Nucula), 1860, Proc. Acad. 429. Neb. Ci scitula, M. & H. ae id.428. Neb. c. subnasuta, H. & M. Sp. (Nucula), M. & H. id. 429. Neb. C. ventricosa, H. & M. Sp. “ M. & H. id. 429. Neb. C. HIPPURITINAE.* Batholites, Montf. 1808 (HIPPURITES, Lam. 1801). organisans, Montf. (HippurttEs), Conch. Syst. 1, p 334. BIRADIOLITES, d’Orb. 1847. angulosa, d’Orb. P. F. 233, 574, 7-11. Fr. canaliculata, d’Orb. P. F. 230, 572. Fr. e. cornu-pastoris, Desm. Sp. (Hippurites), d’Orb. P. F. 251, 572. Fr. a fissicosta, d’Orb. P. F. 234, 575. Fr. C. quadrata, d’Orb. P. F. 232, 574, 1-6. Fr. C. * After a careful study of all the material at my disposal, and after reading the views of the numerous able students who have studied the subject, I have been led to believe that this curious group of genera, constituting according to some authors a distinct order, according to others, a suborder, and considered by still a third class, as only a family, are more nearly related to the Conchifera than to the Brachiopoda. From their paradoxical nature, they have been considered Ce- phalapoda, Zoophytes, Brachiopoda, and as a totally distinct order. Mr. Woodward, ina very able paper in the tenth volume of the Quarterly Jour- nal of the Geological Society of London, points out their true character, refers them to the Conchifera, and considers them a family, related to the Chamacea and Cardiadae. I am inclined to consider them rather as a suborder of the Con- chifera. The reasons given by Woodward for separating them from the Brachiopoda, and uniting them with the Conchifera, are as follows: ‘1, The shell is composed of three layers, which is not the case in any Bra- chiopod. ‘©2. The prismatic-cellular structure is like that of Perna and Aetheric, and not like any Brachiopod. Hippuritinae. 938 Birostrites Birostrites, Lam. 1819. tnaequiloba, Lam. (RADIOLITES Hoeninghausii), A. S. Vert. vol. vi, 236. CAPRINA, C. d’Orb. 1823. adversa, d’Orb. Sr., An. d. Mus. vol. viii, pl. 8, f. 1-3. Fr., G. U. G. Aguilloni, d’Orb. Rev. Crit. 1839, p. 169. Fr., G. C. bipartita, d’Orb. Sr. (adversa), An. d. Mus. vol. viii, pl. 3, f. 4-5, Boissy?, V Orb. (CAPRINULA), Rey. Cuv. 169. Coquandiana, d’Orb. 1839, Rev. Cuv. 169. Fr. C. costata, d’Orb. (CAPROTINA), id. 169. laminea, Gein., Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 53, 45, 6. G. C. Lonsdale’, Sow. Sp. (CAcrotrna), Brown, Foss. Conch. G. B. p. 176 Michelin’, Math. (CAPROTINA varians), Cat. 118, 4, 6-7. Partechti, Hauer. (Aguilloni), 1847, Nat. Abh. p. 109. quadripartita, d’ Orb. (CAPROTINA), Rev. Cuv. 169. Russiensis, d’Orb. (CapRotiINA), Geol. Russ. 496, 48, 31-33, semistriata, d’Orb. (CAPRoTINA), Rev. Cuy. 169. striata, d’Orb. (CAPRoTINA), id. 169. trilobata, d’ Orb. (CApRoTINA), id. 169. crassifibra, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 79,5, 6. Tex. C. *©3. No Brachtopod has a subnacreous shell with water chambers. *‘4, The upper valve has a different structure from the lower. 5. Each valve is unsymmetrical. ‘*6, The valves are right and left, not dorsal and ventral. “7, They are articulated by teeth and sockets, which is not the case with Crania; and the teeth are developed from the free valve. In all fixed Brachro- pods, the teeth are on the fixed valve. “8. The Hippuritidae had a large internal ligament (like Spondy/us) for open ing the valves. ‘<9, The muscular impressions are two only. “10. The so-called vascular impressions are on the rim of the shell, not on the dise, as in Crania, &e. ‘V1. The Hippuritidae have a distinct pallial line.” The above reasons are certainly conclusive, as far as regards their separation from the Brachiopoda, but I cannot understand how they fix any reasonably close family relations with either of the families to which Mr. Woodward refers them. Hippuritinae. 939 Caprina. Guadalupae, Roem. id. 79, 5,4. Tex. Pas, Occidentalis, Con. 1856, Proc. Acad. 268. Tex. C. quadrata, Con. id. 268. Tex. C. planata, Con. id. 268. Tex. a Caprinella, d’Orb. 1847 (ICHTHYOSARCOLITHUS,* Desm. 1817). coraloidea, H. & M. (lonruyosarconitHus), Mem. Acad. Boston, 2d s. vol. v, 380, 1, 3. Doublieri, VOrb. (1.), P. F. 191, 541. triangularis, Desm. Sp. (I.), d’Orb. P. F. 192, 542. CAPRINULA, d’Orb. 1847. Boissyi, d’Orb. (Caprina), P. F. 188, 540. Fr., Port. C: brevis, Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. vol. vi, 180, 17, 1-2. Port. C. Orbignyi, S. id. 180, 18, 1-2. Port. C. CAPROTINA, d’Orb. 1839. ammonia, Goldf. Sp. (Chama), d’Orb. An. Se. Nat. 1842, p. 130: Tr... G: Dy. Archiaciana, d’Orb. P. F. pl. 588. Fr. C. Carantonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 592. Fr. UG: carinata, d’Orb. P. F. 587. Fr. UAG: Cenomanensis, d’Orb. P. F. 595. Fr. GG costata, d’Orb. (Caprina), An. Sc. Nat. 1842, 182. Fr.,G. U. G@. depressa, Math. Sp. (Monopleura), d’Orb. P. F. pl. 580, 4-6. Fr. av: Delarueana, d’Orb. P. F. pl. 589. Fr. O9G: gryphoides, Math. Sp. (Requienia), d’Orb. P. F.577. Fr. WN. imbricata, Math. Sp. (Monopleura), d’Orb. P. F. 580. Fr. N. laevigata, d’Orb. P. F. 586. Fr. UG lamellosa, d’Orb. P. F. 576. Fr. N. Lonsdalei, Sow. Sp. (Diceras), d’Orb P. F. 573-574. E., Fr., G. IV: Marticensis, Math. Sp. (Dipilidia), d’Orb. Prod. 260. Fr. C. * It is to be regretted that such a singularly uneuphonious name should take precedence of the one given by M. d’Orbigny, but it cannot be avoided. Itis the oldest. Hippuritinae. 9A’) Caprotina. navis, d’Orb. P. F. pl. 585. Fr. UG. ornata, d’Orb. (Requienia), Gabb, 1861. Fr. Uae quadripartita, d’Orb. (Caprina), P. F’. 581, 582. Fr. U.G Roemerii, Gabb, 1861 (Monopleura Zexana, Roem, not Car- ROTINA Texana, Roem). Texas. rugosa, d’Orb. P. F. 584. ‘Fr. Russiensis, d’Orb. (Caprina), Prod. 260. Russia. semistriata, d’Orb. (Caprina), P. F. 583. Fr. Senseni, Con. Sp. (Inoceramus*), Gabb, 1861. Ark. striata, d’Orb. (Caprina), P. F. 584. Fr. subaequalis, d’Orb. P. F. 590. Fr. suleata, Math. Sp. (Monopleura), d’Orb. P. F. 579. Fr., G. Texana, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 80, 4, 2. Tex. subtriquetra, Roem. Sp. (Monopleura), Gabb, 1861. Tex. Toucasiana, d’Orb. P. F. 591.- Fr. trilobata, d’Orb. (Caprina), P. F. 575. Fr. unisulcata, Math. Sp. (trilobata), d’Orb. P. F. p. 246. varians, Math. Sp. (Monopleura ), PSR. OTS.~ Er: N. = icy PAGES Cy AES RESIS) SES. aiey JED es Dipilidia, Math. 1842. Marticensis, Math. (CAPRoTINA), Cat. 113, 7, 1-2. unisulcata, Math. (C. trilobata), Cat. 112, 8, 9. HIPPURITES, Lam. 1801. agariciformis, Delam. Sp. (RapiouiTEs), Goldf. P. G. 300, 164, 1. bioculata, Lam. not Montf. An. 8. Vert. p. 104. Fr., G. C. bioculatus, Montf. (dilatata), Conch. Syst. 286. bioculata, Brown (canaliculata), Leth. Geog. 633. canaliculata, Roland, 1841, Rudist. 50, 38,2-4. Fr. C. Chiliensis, d’Orb. Am. Merid. 107, 22, 16. N. Gren. N. colliciatus (a), Woodw. Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 58,4, 5. Asiatic Turkey. ? cornucopiae, Defr. (organisans), D. Sc. Nat. 21, p. 196. cornu-pastoris, Desm. (BIRADIOLITES), Essai sur Sphaer. 141, pl. 10. * Mr. Conrad has placed this species successively in Jnoceramus, Arvetina, and Requienia. Hippuritinae. 241 Hippurites. cornu-vaccinum, Bronn, Jahrb. fur Min. 1832, p.171. Fr., G. C. corrugatus (a), Woodw. Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 58, 4,4. Asiatic Turkey. ? costulatus, Goldf. (cornu-vaccinum), P. G. 302, 165, 2. curva, Lam. (bioculata), An. S. Vert. vol. vii, 598. dilatata, Defr. D. Sc. Nat. 21,197. Fr. C. ellipticus, Gein. (Raprorrres), Char. Kreid. 19, 13-14. Espaillaciana, d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. (1842), p. 188. Fr. C. falcata, Reuss, Bohm. Kreid. 55, 45, 16. G. C. Jistulae, Defr. (organisans), Dict. Sc. Nat. 21, 197. Gallo-provincialis, Math. (cornu-vaccinum), Cat. pl. 9, f. 1-3. Germant, Gein. (RApIoLITES), Char. Kreid. pl. 14, f. 3-5. gigantea, dV Homb. Firm. (cornu-vaccinum), Rec. de Mem. 198, 4,1. inaequicostata, Munst. Goldf. P. G@. 803, 165, 4. G. Cc. Lapierousti, Goldf. (RADIOLITES), 303, 165, 5. lata, Math. (cornu-vaccinum), Cat. pl. 9, f. 4-5. Loftusi, Woodw. Q. J. G. S. vol. xi, 58, pl. 8. Asiatic Turkey. Mortoni, Mant. (Raprouires), Geol. Suss. p. 130. Moulinsti, d’Homb. Firm. (cornu-vaccinum), Rec. de Mem. 200, 4, 6. organisans, Montf. Sp. (Batholites), Desm. Essai sur Sph. 146. Fr., G., Syria. radiosa, Desm. Essai sur Sphaer. 141, 9,2. G., Fr. Requieniana, Math. Cat. pl. 10, f. 1. Fr., G. resecta, Defr. (organisans), D. Sc. Nat. 21, 196. rugosa, Lam. (bioculata), An. S. Vert. vol. vii, 598. Saxoniae, Roem. (RApiouitTEs), Nord. Kreid. 35, 7, 1. striata, Defr. (sulcata), Dict. Se. Nat. 21, 196. subdilatata, Gein. (Rapioites), Char. Kreid. pl. 19, f. 11-12. sulcata, Defr. D. Sc. Nat. 21,196. Fr., G. C. sulcata, Goldf. not Defr. (organisans), P. G. 302, 165, f. C. D. (eaclus. A. B.) sulcata, Goldf. pars. (CAPROTINA costata), 302, 165, f. A. sublaevis, Math. (Requieniana), Cat. pl. 10, f. 1-2. “~ RQA22 Syriacus (a), Con. Lynch’s Exped. 226, 16, 84. Syria. C. Texanus (a), Roem. Kreid. Tex. 76, 5,1. Texas. C. Toucasiana, d’Orb. P. F. 172, 5382. ‘Fr. C. turgida, Rolland (dilatata), Rudist. 55, 4, 1. vesiculosus (a), Woodw. Q. J. G. 8. vol. xi, 59, 4, 6. Asiatic Turkey. ? VOL. VIII.—2G Hippuritinae. 949 Ichthyosarcolithus. ICHTHYOSARCOLITHUS, Desm. 1817 (Caprinella, d’Orb. 1847). coraloideus, H. & M. Sp. (Caprinella), Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. 18. Neb. C. cornutus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 172. Ala. C. Doublieri, d’Orb. Sp. (Caprinella), Gabb, 1861. Fr. NV. loricatus, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 172. Ala. C. quadrangularis, T. id. 172. Ala. C. triangularis, Desm. 1817, Jour. de Phys. p. 9. Fr. U..G. Jodamia, Defr. 1822. bilinguis, Defr. (RADIoLITES Hoeninghausii), D. Sc. Nat. 24, 230. Monopleura, Math. 1842. birostrata, Math. (CAPROTINA trilobata), Cat. 107, 3, 9-10. cingulata, Math. (C. varians), Cat. 107, 3, 8. depressa, Math. (CAprotinA), Cat. 110, 4, 5. imbricata, Math. (CAPROTINA), id. 110, 4, 2. subtriquetra, Roem. (CAPROTINA), Kreid. Tex. 81, 5, 5. sulcata, Math. (CAprotina), Cat. 109, 5, 14-15. Texana, Roem. (C. Roemeri), Kreid. Tex. 81, 5, 3. Urgonensis, Math. (C. trilobata), Cat. 108, 38, 11-13. varians, Math. (CApRoTINA), Cat. 106, 3, 1-7. Plagioptychus, Math. 1842. paradoxus, Math. (CaApRiINA Aguilloni), Cat. 116, pl. 5. Toucasianus, Math. (C. Coquandiana), id. 117, 6. RADIOLITES, Lam. 1801. acuta, d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. 1842, p. 188. Fr. C. acuticostata, d’Orb. id. 185. Fr., G. C. agariciformis, Delam. Sp. (Sphaerulites), d’Orb. P. F. 200, 544, 545. Fr., G. O:"G. Aimesii, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 172. Ala. C. Hippuritinae. 943 Radiolites. alata, d’Orb. P. F. pl. 569. Fr. angeioides, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vii, 150. Fr., Port. angulosa, d’Orb. An. S. Nat. 1842, 183. Fr. Austinensis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 77, 6, 1. Tex., Ala., Miss. Bourmonii, Desmoul. Sp. (Sphaerulites), d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. 188. Fr. calceoloides, Desm. Sp. (Sphaerulites), d’Orb. Prod. 260. Fr. cerateriformis, Desm. Sp. si d’Orb. An. Se. Nat. 188. Fr. eylindracea, Desm. Sp. = d’Ord. Prod. 260. Fr., Port. Desmoulinsiana, Math. Cat. pl. 8. Fr. dilatata, Desm. Sp. (S.), d’Orb. P. F. 225, 568. Fr. elliptica, Gein. Sp. (Hippurites), d’Orb. Prod. 200. G. excavata, d’Orb. P. F. 215, 556. ‘Fr. Fleuriausiana, d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. 182. Fr. JSoliacea, Desm. (agariciformis), d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. 182. Gallo-provincialis, Math. (angeioides), Cat. pl. 7, f. 3. Germani, Gein. Sp. (Hippurites), d’Orb. Prod. 200. G. Hoeninghausii, Desm. Sp. (Sph.), d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. 188. Fr. horrida, d’Orb. (acuticostata), An. Sc. Nat. 186. ingens, Desm. Sp. (Sphaerulites), d’Orb. Prod. 260. Fr. irregularis, d’Orb. P. F. 221, 562, 5-7. Fr. Jouannetii, Desm. Sp. (Sph.), d’Orb. P. F. 225, 564. Fr. + Lamarckii, Math. (ageioides), Cat. pl. 7, f. 4-5. lamellosa, d’Orb. (Fleuriausiana), An. Sc. Nat. 182. lamellosus (a), Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 171. Ala. Lapeyrousii, Goldf. Sp. (Hippurites), d’Orb. Prod. 260. G., Fr. lombricalis, d’Orb. An. Se. Nat. 183. Fr. mammillaris, Math. Cat. pl. 7, f. 6-7. Fr., G. Mantelli, Woodw. Q. J. G. 8. vol. xi, 60, 5,4. Fr. Marticensis, d’Orb. P. F. 199, 543, 4-5. ‘Fr, Port. Martiniana, d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. 183. Fr. Mortoni, Mant. Sp. (Hippurites), Woodw. Q. J. G. 8. vol. xi, 59, 5, 1-2. HK. eeeerinciisin, d’Orb. An. Sc. Nat. 180. Fr. Ormondii, Tuomey, 1855, Proc. Acad. 171. Ala. Pailleteana, d’Orb. An. Se. Nat. 184. Fr. polyconilites, d’Orb. id. 182. Fr. Ponsiana, d’Arc. Sp. (Sph.), d’Orb. id. 183. Fr., Port. C. C. SAS. SS Ss Hippuritinae. 244 Radiolites. radiosa, d’Orb. id. 183. Fr. C. rotularis, Lam. (angeioides), An. S. Vert. vol. vii, 130. Royana, d’Orb. P. F. 228, 571, 1-3. Fr. C. Sauvagesii, d’Homb. Firm. Sp. (Sphaerulites), d’Orb. P. F. 211, 553. Fr., Port. C. Saxoniae Roem. Sp. (Hippurites), d’Orb. Prod. 174. G. JU. G. sinuata, d’Orb. P. F. 227, 570. Fr. C. socialis, d’Orb. P. F. 218, 555, 1-8. Fr. C. squamosa, d’Orb. An. Se. Nat. 186. Fr. C. subdilatata, Gein. Sp. (Hippurites), d’Orb. Prod. 200. G. C. Toucasiana, d’Orb. P. F. 216, 557. ‘Fr. C. triangularis, d’Orb. An. Se. Nat. 181. Fr. Ci Tuomeyana, Gabb, 1861 (undulata, Tuomey, not d’ Orb.). Ala. C. turbinata, Lam. (angeioides), An. S. Vert. vol. vii, 233. undulata, Gein. Sp. (Sph.), d’Orb. Prod. 200. G. C. undulata, Tuomey (Tuomeyana), 1855, Proc. Acad. 172. entricosa, d’Orb. (angeioides), An. Se. Nat. 184. Requienia, Math. 1842 (CAPROTINA, d’Orb. 1839).* carinata, Math. not C. carinata, d’ Orb. (C. Lonsdalei), Cat. 104, 2, 1-2. gryphacoides, Math. (CAPROTINA), Cat. 104, 2, 6-7. ornata, d’Orb. (CAPROTINA), P. F’. 257, 584, 2-4. Senseni, Con. Sp. (CAPRoTINA), Jour. Acad. 2d s. vol. ii, 229, Zils B- Sphaerulites, Delam. 1805 (RADIOLITES, Lam. 1801). agariciformis, Del. (Rav.), Jour. de Phys. t. Ixi, 896, 57, 12. Bournonii, Desm. (R. dilatata), Essai sur Sphaer. p. 124. bioculata, Desm. not Hippurites, id. Lam. (H. cornu-vaccinum). Essai sur les Sphaer. p. 115, pl. 5. calceoloides, Desm. (RAD.), id. 130, 9, 1. erateriformis, Desm. (RapD.), id. 94, 1-2. cylindracea, Desm. (RaAD.), id. pl. 4, f. 1-3. * In Pal. Fr., all the species of this genus, except ormata, are quoted on the plate as CApRoTINA, and in the text as RequieniA. For that reason, under CA- PROTINA, I have only quoted the plate as reference. I shall, therefore, omit those species here. Hippuritinae. 245 Sphaerulites. dilatata, Desm. (RAD.), id. 128, pl. 8. foliacea, Lam. (R. agariciformis), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 232. Hoeninghausii, Desm. (RAD.), Sphaer. 118, 6, 2. ingens, Desm. (RaAD.), id. 122. Jouanneti, Desm. (RAD.), id. pl. 3. navis, Rolland. (CApRotTINA), d’Orb. P. F. 225, 587, 588. Ponsiana, d’Arc. (Rav.), M. G. S. F. 1835, pl. 11, f. 6. rotularis, Lam. (R. angeioides), Desm. Essai, Sph. Sauvagesii, d Homb. Firm. (Rap.), Mem. 1837, 193, 2. turbinata, Lam. Sp. (R. angeioides), Desm. Essai, Sph. undulata, Gein. (RAD.), Char. Kreid. 87, 19, 6-10. ventricosa, Lam. Sp. (RAD.), Desm. Sphaer. BRACHIOPODA. Anomia, Colonni, 1616* (TEREBRATULA). biplicata, Brocchi (TEREBRATULA), Conch. Foss. 469. vespertilio, Broch. (RHYNCHONELLA), see P. F. p. 44. Anomites, Wahl. (TEREBRATULA). crantolaris-Egnabergensis, W. (CRANIA Egnabergensis), Soc. Upsal. vol. viii, 1821, p. 60. striatus, Wahl. (TEREBRATULINA), id. vol. viii, p. 6. triangularis, W.(RHYNCHONELLA depressa), id. vol. viii, pl. 3, f. 11-13. ARGIOPE, Deslong. 1842 (Megathyris, d’Orb. 1847). Bronnii, Hagen. Sp. (Orthis), Davidson, British Cret. Brach. 102, 8, 1-3, and pl. 12, 37-88. E., Fr., G. C. decemcostata, Roem. (MrGatrEMA), Nord. Kreid. 21, 7, 13. decemcostata, Day. (Bronnii), Brach. p. 16. depressa, d’Orb. Sp. (Megathyris), Gabb, 1861. Fr. C. Duvalii, Dav. (Bronnii), Q. J. G. S. 1847, 118, 18, 15-18. megatrema, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), Dav. Brach. 101, 12, 31, Sao eh: Pr, G: C. * Pre Linnean. Brachiopoda. 946 Crania. CRANITA, Retzius, 1781. antiqua, Defr. D. Sc. Nat. 2, 312, 80,1. E., Fr., G. C. arachnites, Leym. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 196, B. 7-8. Fr. © Brattemburgensis, Stobaeus, Sp. (Nummulus), d’Orb. Prod. 259. iG. C. Cenomanensis, d’Orb. P. F. 188, 524, 1-4. EL, Fr. UG. costata, Sow. Genera of Shells, No. 12, f.6. E., Fr.,G.,Sw. C. Eegnabergensis, Retz. Berlin, Gesells. vol. ii, 75,1, 4-7. E., Fr., G., Sw. C. hexagona, Roem. Ool. pl. 18, f. 2. G. N. gracilis, Miinst. Goldf. 296, 163, 2.- G. U. G Ignabergensis, d’ Orb. (Egnabergensis), P. F. 142, 526, 1-6. irregularis, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 386. G. N. marginata, Roem. id. 386. G. IN; nodulosa, Hoen. Goldf. pl. 196, f.9. G. C. nummulus, Lam. (Brattemburgensis), Goldf. P. G. 165, 5. ovalis, Woodw. Geol. Norf. pl. 6, f. 16. E. C. Parisensis, Defr. D. Sc. Nat. vol. xi, 318. E., Fr., G. C. Rhotomagensis, d’Orb. P. F. 189, 524, 5-7. Fr. OG spinulosa, Nils. P. Suec. 37, 38,9. Sw., G. C. striata, Defr. (Egnabergensis), D. Sc. Nat. vol. xi, 313. tuberculata, Nils. P. 8. 387, 38, 10. Sw., G., Denmark. C. Fissurirostra, d’Orb. 1847 (TRIGONESIMUS, Konig. 1825). elegans, Konig. Sp. (TrR1coNEsIMUus), d’Orb. P. F. 184, 520, 9-13. pectita, d’Orb. (TriconEsimus), P. F. 186, 520, 14-18 (not Terebratula pectita Sow.). pulcheila, Nils. Sp. (TRIGONESIMUS), d’Orb. Prod. 259. recurva, Defr. Sp. (T. elegans), d’Orb. P. F. 183, 520, 1-8. KINGENA, Day. 1852. lima, Defr. Sp. (Terebratula), Davidson, Brit. Brach. 42, 4, 15-21. E., Fr. C. LINGULA, Brug. 1791. Meyeri, Dunker. Palaeont. No. 1, 118, 18,9. G. C. ovalis, Sow. M. Con. pl. 19. E. * * An English author (Davidson, I think) says this species belongs to the Kim- meridge clay, and not to the Lower Greensand, as generally quoted. Brachiopoda. 947 Lingula. Rauliniana, d’Orb. (truncata), P. F. 10, 490. subovalis, Davidson, Cret. Brach. 7, 1, 29, 30. E. UG: subspatulata, H. & M. Mem. Acad. Boston, vol. v, 380, 1. truncata, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 15. E., Fr. Gua: MAGAS, Sow. 1816. pumilus, Sow. M. Con. 119. E., Fr., G., Russia. C. Megathiris, d’Orb. 1847 (ARGIOPE, Desl. 1842). cuneiformis, d’Orb. (A. Bronni), P. F. 147, 521, 1-11. depressa, @’Orb. (ARGIOPE), P. F. 149, 521, 12-16. Nummulus, Stob. 1782 (CRANTA, Retz. 1781). Brattemburgensis, Stob. (CRANIA), Dissert. Epist. d’Orb. Prod. 259. minor, Stob. (C. Engabergensis), Opuse. p. 31, f. 3-4. ORBICULOIDEA, d’Orb. 1847. subradiata, d’Orb. Prod. 120. Fr. LiwG: ORTHIS, Dalman, 1838. Bronni, Hagen. (ArGiore), N. Jahrb. fur Min. 1842, pl. 9, a Buchii, Hagen. (A. Bronni), id. pl. 9, f. 8. millepunctatus, Konick, 1848, Mem. Soc. Liege, pl. 6, f. 1. Belg. UO. G:. RHYNCHONELLA, Fisch. 1825.* Agassizii, d’Orb. P. F. 17, 494, 1-4. Fr. N. antidichotoma, Buvignier, Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. pl. 500. Fr., G. G. Baugasii, d’Orb. P. F. 48, 498, 10-13. Fr. UC Berthelotii, d’Orb. P. F. p. 39. Fr. U.. Gr: Clementina, d’Orb. P. F. 28, 495, 8-12. Fr. G. * It is remarkable that not a single Rhynchonella has ever yet been reported from the American Cretaceous ; nor am I acquainted with an American Tertiary species. Brachiopoda. IAS Rhynchonella. compressa, Lam. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 35, 497, 1-6. Fr., G., E. OG contorta, d’Orb. P. F. 34, 496, 14, 17. Fr. TG? contracta, d’Homb. Firm. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. p. 24, Fr. N. Cuvieri, d’Orb. P. F. 39, 497, 12-15. Fr. U. Ga Danica, d’Orb. Prod. 295. Fr. Danien. decipiens, Dub. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 25, 494, 13-16. Fr., Cr. LAG depressa, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 18, 491, 1-7. Ar: ; Gs K. N. Desnoyersii, ‘ad Ate. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 172. Fr., Ge Ure dichotoma, d’Orb. Prod. 172. Fr. Oe Ge difformis, Lam. Sp. (compressa), d’Orb. P. F. 41, 498, 6-9. Dutempleana, Orb. (per err. subplicata), P. F. pl. 499, 12-15. Emerici, d’Orb. P. F. 28, 495, 18-17. Fr., G. Gibbsiana, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), Dav. Brach. 98, 12, 11-12. E Grasiana, d’Orb. P. F. 38, 497, 7-11. E., Fr. Guerinii, d’Orb. P. F. 17, 500, 5-8. Fr. incurva, Schlot. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 294. Faxoe. Danien. Lamarckiana, d’Orb. P. F. 32, 496, 5-18. Fr. Bae ES lata, Sow. Sp. (latissima), d’Orb. P. F. 21, 491, 8-17. latissima, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), Dav. Brach. 82, 11, 6-22. qo E., Fr., G., Sw. U. Goa limbata, Schlot. Sp. (Terebratulites), Dav. Brach. 79, 12, 1-5. K., Fr., G., Sw. C. lineolata, Park. Sp. (Terebratula), Dav. id. 98, 12, 6-10. E. LZ. G. Mantelliana, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 40, 498, 1-5. H., Fr., G. C. Martini, Mant. Sp. (Terebratula), Dav. Brach. 94, 12, 15-16. H., Hr.;G. O.j Tia Moutoniana, d’Orb. P. F. 15, 494, 16-19. Fr. N. nuciformis, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), Day. Brach. 93, 11, 25-27. Fry., EH. U. G. octoplicata, Sow. Sp. (plicatilis), d’Orb. P. F. 46, 498, 8-10. parvirostris, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), Dav. Brach. 97, 12, 13-14. KE. L. G. paucicosta, Roem. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 172. G. U. G@. ~ Brachiopoda. 949 Rhynchonella, paucicostata, d’Orb. (per err. Agassizii), P. F. pl. 494, 1-4. pecten, d’Orb. P. F. 29, 495, 18-22. Fr. peregrina, Von Buch. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 16, 493. Fr. pisum, Sow. Sp. (Martini), d’Orb. Prod. 171. plicatilis, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 257, Davidson. K., Fr., G., Sw., Crimea. CG. polygona, d’Orb. P. F. 30, 496, 1-4. Fr., G. Renauxiana, d’Orb. P. F. 23, 492, 5-8. Fr. subplicata, Mant. Sp. (limbata), d’Orb. P_ F. 48, 499, 12-15. suleata, Park. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 26, 495, 1-7. E., Fr., G. U. G., triangularis, Wahl. Sp (depressa), Sharpe, Q. J. G. S. 1853, p- 192. vespertilio, Broc. Sp. (Anomia), d’Orb. P. F. 44, 499, 1-8. Fr., Italy. TEREBRATELLA, d’Orb. 1847. Astieriana, d’Orb. P. F. 116, 516, 6-12. Fr. yi Bourgeoisiana, d’Orb. P. F. 124, 519, 10-16. Fr. canaliculata, Roem. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 173. G. U. Carantonensis, d’Orb. P. F. 122, 518, 1-4. Fr. U. decemcostata, Roem. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 173. G. U. Menardi, Lam. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 118, 517, 1-15. Fr.,G, E. U. Moreana, d’Orb. P. F. 117, 516, 13-19. Fr. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 115, 516, 1-5. Fr. oblonga, Sow. Sp. (TEREBRATULA), d’Orb. P. F. 113, 515, 7-9. orthiformis, d’Arc. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 173. G. U. Parisensis, d’Orb. Prod. 259. Fr. pectita, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 120, 517, 16-20. K., Fr., G., Sw. U. plicata, Say. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 259. N. J. quadrata, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 85. E. reticulata, Pusch. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 112, 515, fs. Kr. G. Rhodani, P. & R. Eny. Genéy. 539, 51,9. Fr. VOL. VIII.—2H _Brachiopoda. 950 Terebratella. Santonensis, d’Are. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 123, 518, 5-9. Fr. 0. Sayi, Morton, Sp. (plicata), Gabb, 1859, Cat. Cret. p. 17. Vanuxemi, Lyell & Forbes, Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 209. N. J. OF TEREBRATULA, Lwyd, 1699, Klein, 1753. alata, Lam. not Buch. (R. vespertilio), An. 8. V. vol. vi, 254. alata, Brong. Sp. (R. compressa), Env. Par. pl. 4, f. 6. Albensis, Leym. (obesa), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, p. 11, 15, 1-3. Albensis, Leym. (semiglobosa), id. vol. iv, 288 and 289, not vol. v. antidichotoma, Buvign. (RuyNc.), 1848, Mem. Soc. Verd. vol. gl a ay i arabilis, Forbes, G. T. vol. vii, 188, 18, 12. India. GC. arenosa, d’Arc. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 824, 21, 1-3. Fr. J. G. Astieriana, d’Orb. P. F. 116, 516, 6-12. Fr., E., G. G. Atlantica, Morton (Harlani, juv.), Jour. Acad. Ist s. vol. vii, 214. auriculata, Roem. (TEREBRATULINA striata), Nord. K. 39, 7, 9. Beaumonti (ii), d’Arc. M. G. S. F. 1847, 3381, 21, 12, 14. G. WU. G. biplicata, Broc. Sp. (Anomia), Defr. D. Sc. N. 53, p. 151. K., Fr., G., Italy. UG, biplicata, Roem. (praelonga), Ool. & Kreid. p. 43. biplicata, var. acuta, V. Buch. (praelonga), M. G. 8. F. 1834, vol. iii, 220. biplicata, Leym. (praelonga), id. vol. v, p. 29. biplicata, pars. V. Buch. (sella), id. 1834, p. 218. hiplicata, d’ Orb. (Tornacensis), P. F. 511, 9-15. Bonei, d’ Arc. (Tornacensis), M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 318, 18, 7. bulla, Sow. (semiglobosa), M. Con. pl. 27, f. 11. biangularis, Desh. (semistriata), M. G. 8. F. vol. vy, 11, 14, 4. camilla, Morton (Harlani), Synopsis, p. 70. canaliculata, Roem. (TEREBRATELLA), Nord. Kreid. 41, 7, 12. canaliculata, d’ Arc. (TereBrirostRA), M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 331, 21, 15. capillata, d’ Are. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 823, 20, 1-3. Fr, K. UT. 6.5 Gi carnea, Sow. M. Con. 15. E., Fr., Sw., G., Russ., Crimea. C., U. G. carnea, Brown, not Sow. (ovata), Ind. Pal. 1232. Brachiopoda. 951 Terebratula. Carteri, Dav. Cret. Brach. 72, 7,3. E. 6: Carteroniana, d’Orb. P. F. 80, 507, 1-5. Fr., Port. N. Choctawensis, Shum. Marcy’s Rep. 195, 2,5. Tex. C. chrysalis, Schlot. (TEREBRATULINA), Leonhardt’s Min. Tasch. vol. vii, pl. 26. collinaria, d’Orb. P. F. 81, 507, 6-10. Fr. N. compressa, Lam. (RHYNCHONELLA), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 256. concava, Lam. (MAGAS pumilus), id. 251. contracta, d’Homb. Firm. (Rayncnone“ya), M. Lin. Soc. Normand. pl. 10, 55-61. convexa, Sow. (R. lata), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 2. costata, Desh. (R. Lamarckiana), Ed. Lam. 358. crassa, Q’Arc. (Tornacensis), M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 318, 18, 8. crassificata, d’ Arc. (Tornacensis), id. 318, 19, 1. decemcostata, Brown. (ARGIOPE), Ind. Pal. 1234. decipiens, Dubois (RHYNCHONELLA), d’Orb. P. F. p. 25. depressa, Sow. not Lam. (RHYNCHONELLA), M. Con. 502. depressa, Lam. An. S. Vert. vol. vi, 249. G., Fr., EH. UG. deformis, Defr. (R. compressa), D. Sc. Nat. 53, 160, 5-3. difformis, Lam. (R. compressa), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 265. Desnoyersi’, d@ Arc. (RHYNCHONELLA), M. G. 8S. F. 2d s. vol. li, 332, 22, 2. dilatata, Sow. (R. compressa), G. T. vol. iv, pl. 18, f. 2. Defrancii, Brong. (TEREBRATULINA striata), Eny. Par. 383, 3, 6. diphyoides, d’Orb. P. F. 87, 509. Fr. ee 2 disparilis, d’ Orb. pars. (rugulosa), P. F. 100, 512, 12-13. disparilis, d’Orb. pars. (squamosa), P. F. 100, 512, 16, 17. dissimilis, Schlot. (R. compressa), Petr. 1820. divaricata, Leym. M.G. S. F. 2d s. vol. iv, 197, 13,9. Fr. C. Dutempleana, d’Orb. (biplicata), P. F. 93, 811, 1-8. Duvalii, Davidson (ARGIOPE cuneiformis), Q. J. G. 8S. vol. v, pl. 18, f. 15-18. Ebrondunensis, Ag. (semistriata), d’Orb. P. F. 83. echinulata, Dujard. (TerepratuLina), M. G. S. F. vol. i, 228, f. 222. elegans, Konig. (TR1GoNEstMus), Icon. Foss. Sect. 3, 6, 73. elegans, Sow. (R. lata), M. Con. 14, 11. elegans, Defy. (THECIDEA papillata), D. Sc. Nat. 53, 157. elongata, Sow. (carnea), M. Con. 455. Jaba, Sow. (biplicata), M. Con. pl. 14, f. 10. Brachiopoda. 952 Terebratula faba, @Orb. not Sow. (WALDHEIMEA Celtica), P. FP. 77, 14, 10. Faujasii, Roem. (‘TEREBRATULINA striata), Nord. Kreid. pl. Tp tee: Floridana, Morton (TEREBRATULINA), Syn. 72, 16, 7. Fragilis, Morton, not Schlot. (Harlani), Syn. 70, 3, 2. Francii, Hisinger (TEREBRATULINA striata), Leth. Suec. 78, 22, 10. Gallina, Brong. (R. compressa), Envy. Par. 84, 9, 2. Gallina, Roem. (R. latissima), Kreid. 37. Gervilliana, Defr (‘T. striata), D. Se. Nat. 1828, p. 157 (young). Gibbsiana, Sow. (RHYNCHONELLA), M. Con. 537. Gibbsiana, Forbes (R. latissima), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 545. gracilis, Schlot. (TEREBRATULINA), in d’Orb. Murch. Geol. Russ. 495, 45, 24. Guadalupae, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 82, 6,3. Tex. C. Gibbsiana, Roem. (R. plicatilis), Nord. Kreid. 27. Harlani, Morton, Syn. 70, 3, 1, and pl. 9, f. 8-9. N. J. C. Haueri, Karst. Geog. Vert. N. Gren. pl. 6, f. 1. N. Gren. NV. Hebertiana, d’Orb. (KiNGENA lima), P. F. 108, 514, 5-11. hippopus Roem. Nord. Kreid. 114, 16, 28. Fr., G. N. incurva, Schlot. (RHYNCHONELLA), Cat. p. 72. incisa, Munst. Von Buch. M. G. S. F. vol. ii, p. 204. Sw., Faxoe. Dan. intermedia, Defr. not Sow. (semiglobosa), D. Se. Nat. 53, 149. Keyserlingii, Sharpe (Tornacensis), Q. J. G. S. vol. x, p. 191. lachryma, Morton (TEREBRATULINA), Syn. 72, 10, 11. lacryma, d’Orb. (ovata), P. F. pl. 512, 6-11. lacrymosa, d’Orb. (ovata), Prod. 172. lata, Sow. (RK. latissima), M. Con. 502. latissima, Sow. (RHYNCHONELLA), Index, M. Con. lutissima, Reuss, not Sow. (R. compressa), Bohm. Kreid. 47. Lemaniensis, P. & R. Env. Genév. 538, 51, 5-7. Fr., G. G. *Leonensis, Con. Emory’s Rep. 165, 21, 2. Tex. C. lentiformis, Woodw. (R. limbata), G. Norf. pl. 6, f. 11. lentoidea, Leym. (sella), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 12, 15, 10. lens, Nilss. (carnea?), P. Suec. 35, 4, 6. lima, Defr. (KINGENA), D. Se. Nat. 53, 156. lentoidea, Reuss (semiglobosa), B. Kreid. 53, 26, 15. lineolata, Phil. (RHYNCHONELLA), Geol. York, 2, 17. * Probably the same as Wacoensis Roem. i it Brachiopoda. 953 Terebratula. longa, Roem. (biplicata), Ool. pl. 18, f. 12. longirostris, Nils. P. Suec. pl. 4, f. 1. G., Sw. C. lyra, Konig. Sp. (TR1cgonEsImvs), Sow. M. Con. 138. Mantelliana, Sow. (RHYNCHONELLA), M. Con. 537. Marcousiana, d’Orb. P. F. 82, 507, 11-14. Fr. N. Martini, Mant. (RHYNCHONELLA), Geol. Suss. 131. megatrema, Sow. G. T. vol. iv, 242, 18,5. KE. U. G. Menardi, Lam. (TEREBRATELLA), An. S. Vert. 6, 256. Menardi, Leym. pars. (T. Astieriana), M. G.S. F. vol. v, 29, 15, 12. Menardi, Leym. pars. (T. oblonga), id. p. 29. Moreana, d’Orb. P. F. 79, 506, 13-16. Fr. N. Moutoniana, d’Orb. P. F. 89, 510, 1-5. Fr., G., Port. Z. G., NW. multiformis, Roem. (R. depressa), Ool. pl. 2, f. 22 Nerviensis, d’Arc. id. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 313, 17, 2. nuciformis, Sow. (RHYNCHONELLA), M. Con. 502. obesa, Sow. M. Con. 488, f. 1. K., Fr., G. C. oblonga, Sow. M. Con. 535. E. bres Se IN. obtusa, Sow. (biplicata), M. set 437, and Bronn, Cat. Tere- brat. in Brit. Mus. p. 23 and 24. ornata, Roem. (TEREBRATULINA), Nord. K. 40, 7, 10. ee d’Arc. (TEREBRATELLA), M.G.S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 333, 22, 4. octoplicata, Sow. (R. plicatilis), M. Con. 118. ovalis, Sow. (ovata), G. T. vol. iv, p. 130. ovalis, Morris (depressa), Q. J. G. S. Nov. 1846. ovata, Sow. M. Con, vol. i, 15,3. E., Fr., G., Crimea. Taide. ovata, Nils. not Sow. (carnea), P. Suec. 34, 4, 3. parva, d Arc: M. GS. F. 2d’s: vol.ii,'322, 19;7. Fr.,G. U. G. parvula, d’Are. (parva), id. pl. 19, f. 8. parvirostris, Sow. (RHYNCHONELLA), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 13. paucicosta, Roem. (RHYNCHONELLA), Nord. K. 38, 7, 6. pectita, Sow. (TEREBRATELLA), M. Con. 138. pectinata, Smith (T. pectita), 1826 or 27, Org. Foss. f. 4. pectoralis, Reuss (semiglobosa), Bohm. Kreid. 52, 26, 12. pentagonatis, Phil. (TEREBRATULINA striata), G. York, 1, 17. pentangulata, Woodw. (KINGENA lima), G. Norf. pl. 6, f. 10. peregrina, Von Buch. (RayncHoneLia), M. G. 8. F. 3, 156, 15, 28. perovalis, Roem. (Moutoniana), Qol. pl. 2, f. 5. Brachiopoda. : 954 Terebratula. phaseolina, Lam. (biplicata), An. 8. Vert. vol. vi, 251. pisum, Sow. (R. Martini), M. Con. 536. plicata, Sow. not Lam. (biplicata), M. Con. 487. plicatilis, Sow. (RHYNCHONELLA), M. Con. 118. plicatilis, Leym. (R. latissima), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, p. 29. plicatilis, Brong. (R. Lamarckiana), Eny. Par. pl. 4, f. 5. praelonga, Sow. G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, pl. 14,f 14. EH., Fr,@ WM. pseudojurensis, Leym. M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 12, 15, 5-6. Fr. iY, pulchella, Nilss. (TRiGoNEsIMuS), P. 8. pl. 3, f. 14. pumila, Lam. (THECIDEA papillata), An. S. Vert. vol. vi, No. 58. pumila, Von Buch, Desh., Gein., Leym., Bronn & Roem. not Lam. (MAGAS). Puschiana, Roem. (TEREBRATELLA reticulata), Kreid. 114, 16, 29. quadrata, Sow. (T. quadrata), G. T. 2d s. vol. iv, 130, 14, 19. recurva, Defr. (TRIGONESIMUS elegans), D. Sc. Nat. 53, 161. reticulata, Pusch. not Sow. (TEREBRATELLA), Pol. Pal. pl. 3, fet revoluta, Sharpe (Tornacensis?), Q. J. G. S. vol. x, 191. rigida, Sow. (TEREBRATULINA gracilis), M. Con. 536. Robertoni, d’Arc. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 8315, 18, 2. Fr., E. OGG Roemeri, d’ Arc. (Tornacensis), M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 318, 18, 6. rostralina, Roem. (depressa), Ool. 20, 18, 7. rostrata, Sow. (R. Lamarckiana), M. Con. 537. rostrata, Leym. (R. depressa), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 18, 15, 11. rugulosa, Morris (disparilis), An. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xx, 253, 18, 5. rustica, d’ Arc. (Tornacensis), M. G. 8. F. 2ds. vol. ii, 318, 19, 2. Santonensis, d’ Arc. (TEREBRATELLA), id. 181, 18, 14. Sayi, Morton (TEREBRATELLA plicata), Syn. 71, 3, 3-4. Scaldinensis, d Arc. (R. Lamarckiana), M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, pl. 22. sella, Sow. M. Con. 457. E., Fr. Li Gj semiglobosa, Sow. M. Con. pl. 15. E., Fr., G., Sw. C. semistriata, Defr. d’Orb. P. F. 508, 1-11. Fr., G. N. sexradiata, Sow. (KINGENA lima), Dix. Geol. Suss. 846, 27, 10. spinulosa, Morris, id. An. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xx, 253, 18, 6, 6a. squamosa, Mant. G. Suss. 132. E., Fr. U. G. Brachiopoda 955 Terebratula. subarenosa, d’ Arc. (Arenosa), M. G. S. F. vol. ii, 324, 21, 4-5. subfragilis, d’Orb. (Harlani), Prod. 258. subrotunda, Sow. pars. (carnea), M. Con. 15. subrotunda, Sow. pars. (semiglobosa), M. Con. 15, f. 1-2. suborbiculuris, d’ Arc. (semistriata), M. G. S. F. vol. iii, 311. subplicata, Roem. (R. plicatilis), Kreid. 38. subplicata, Mant. (R. subplicata), G. Suss. 211, 26, 5. subplicata, Mant. pars. (RK. limbata), id. 211. striatula, Phil. not Mant. (TEREBRATULINA auriculata), G. York, pl. 2, f. 28. striatula, Mant. (TEREBRATULINA striata), G. Suss. 131, 25, 7. subtrilobata, Leym. (WALDHEIMEA tamarindus), M. G. 8. F. vol. v, 12, 15, 7-9. subundata, Sow. (semiglobosa), M. Con. 15. subundata, Roem. (praelonga), N. Kreid. 48, 7, 15. subundata, Phil. (Dutempleana), Geol. York. pl. 2, f. 25. sulcata, Park. (RHYNCHONELLA), G. T. Ist s. vol. v, p. 57. sulcata, Forbes (R. depressa), Q. J. G. S. vol. i, 345. sulcifera, Morris & Davidson, An. & Mag. N. H. vol. xx, 254, i 7... tamarindus, Sow. (WALDHEIMEA), G. T’. vol. iv, pl. 14, f. 8. fenuissima, Schlot (TEREBRATULINA striata), Min. Tasch. vol. Wile ple 27, f. 7. Tornacensis, d’Are. M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 818, 18, 2-5. E, Fr. U. Toucasiana, d’Orb. Prod. 258. Fr. truncata, Sow. (TEREBRATELLA Menardi), M. Con. 257. *(?) umbonata, Park. G. T. 1st s. vol. v, p. 53. E. U. Vanuxemi, Lyell & Forbes (TeREBRATELLA), Q. J. G. 8. vol. i, p. 62. varians, Roem. (R. depressa), Nord. Kreid. vespertilio, Broc. Sp. (RHYNCHONELLA), Von Buch, M. G. 8. F. vol. iii, 154, 15, 25. Viquesneli, d’ Arc. (depressa), M. G. S. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 316, tes 1. Vendocensis, d’Orb. Prod. 258. Fr. Verneuili, d’Arc. M. G. 8. F. 2d s. vol. ii, 326, 20,4. Fr. U. Wacoensis, Roem. Kreid. Tex. 81, 6,2. Texas. * T have not seen this species noticed by later authors. C. G. C. Brachiopoda. 956 Terebratulina. TEREBRATULINA, @’ Orb. 1847. auriculata, Roem. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 172. Fr., G. UG biauriculata, d’Orb. P. F. 58, 502, 8-4. Fr. N. Campaniensis, d’Orb. P. F. 60, 502, 18-18. Fr. C. chrysalis, Dav. (striata), Q. J. G. 8. 1846, pl. 18, f. 18-20. Dutempleana, d’Orb. P. F. 64, 504, 1-8. Fr. C. echinulata, Duj. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 63, 503, 7-11. Fr. 0, elegans, Q’Orb. (Dutempleana), Prod. 258. Floridana, Morton, Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 258. Ala. CG. gracilis, Schlot. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 68, 502, 1-6. K., Fr., G., Russ. C. lachryma, Morton, Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 396. S. Carolina. * Martiniana, d’Orb. P. F. 59, 502, 8-12. Fr. G. ornata, Roem. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 258. G. C. striata, Wahl. Sp. (Anomites), d’Orb. P. F. 65, 504, 9-17. E.,. Er: G.,.99: C. Saxoneti, Pictet & Roux, Env. Genéy. 541, 51,8. Fr. G. subgracilis, d’Orb. (gracilis), Index, Prod. Halliana, Gabb, MSS. N. J.* C. TEREBRIROSTRA, d’Orb. 1547. Arduennensis, d’Orb. P. F. 128, 519, 6-10. G., Fr. N. canaliculata, d’ Arc. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. Prod. 173. G., Fr: UG lyra, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), d’Orb. P. F. 129, 519, 11-19. G., Et, E. U. G. Neocomensis, d’Orb. P. F. 127, 519, 1-5. Fr. N. THECIDEA, Defr. 1828. digitata, Sow. Sp. Goldf. 290, 161, 6. G. OF Gs Kssensis, Roem. Nord. Kreid. p. 52. G. OG hieroglyphica, Defr. in Goldf. P. G. 290, 161, 5. G. C. * See ‘‘Synopsis of American Cretaceous Brachiopoda,’’ in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, January, 1861. I have since ascertained that the form from New Jersey, although labelled dachryma by Dr. Morton, is specifi- cally distinet from his types from South Carolina, which ave Eocene, and that the New Jersey species is as yet undescribed. ‘The fact that the New Jersey speci- mens were labelled by Dr. Morton, misled me. Brachiopoda. 957 Thecidea hippocrepis, Goldf. P. Germ. 281, 161, 4. G. C. papillata, Schlot. Sp. (Terebratulites), Bronn, Leth. Geog. 663, 30,3. Fr., G. C. radiata, Defr. (papillata), id. 53, 434, 56, 1. recurvirostra, Defr. D. Sc. Nat. 53,485. Fr., G. C. rugosa, d’Orb. P. F. 153, 522, 8,14. Fr. U. G. tetragona, Roem. Ool. pl. 18, f. 4. Fr., G. N. Wetherellii, Morris, An. Mag. N. H. 1851, pl.4,f. 1-3. E. @. TRIGONESIMUS, Konig. 1825 (Fissurirostra, d’Orb. 1847). elegans, Konig. Icon. Foss. Sect. 3, 6, 73. E., Fr., G. C. incerta, Dav. Brit. Cret. Brach. 31, 6,5. E. C. lyra, Sow. Sp. (TEREBRIROSTRA), K. Icon. Foss. Sc. f. 76. pectita, d’Orb. Sp. (Fissurirostra), Gabb, 1861. E., Fr. C. pulchella, Nils. Sp. (Terebratula), Gabb, 1861. Sw. C. WALDHEIMEA, King, 1849. Celtica, Morris, Cat. Brach. Brit. Mus. 1853, p. 62. E., Fr., G. DL. G tamarindus, Sow. Sp. (Terebratula), Morris, id. p. 62. E., Fr., G., Spain. Oi. Gi, oN. VOL. VII.—2I 258 Stated Meeting, April 5, 1861. Present, fourteen members. Professor Cresson, Vice-President, in the Chair. Letters acknowledging the receipt of Transactions and Pro- ceedings were received from the Royal Asiatic Society, dated London, November 17, 1860, the Society of Antiquaries, dated London, March 15, 1861, and the Royal Society of Edinburgh, dated January 18, 1861. Donations for the Library were received from the Bureau des Ponts et Chausseés, the London Astronomical and Chemi- cal Societies, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Dublin Geological Society, the Boston Sanitary Association, the Buffalo Young Men’s Association, the New York Lyceum, the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, the American Colonization Society, Blanchard and Lea, Professor Bache, Mr. Carey Lea of Philadelphia, and M. Du Mesnil-Marigny of Paris. Mr. Peale made some remarks to elucidate the manner in which the stone axes of the ancients were secured to their handles, exhibiting a stone mallet brought from the Rocky Mountains, covered, except upon its striking face, with tight- stretched hide sewed up along the handle. A letter from M. du Mesnil-Marigny to the Academy of Natural Sciences, was read, dated Paris, March 4, 1861, drawing attention to an accompanying pamphlet volume on Political Economy, which letter with the pamphlet was by vote of the Academy presented to the American Philosophical o&£_EE 259 Society, the subject being considered more fit for its considera- tion. Pending nominations Nos. 418, 419, 420, 421, 422 were read. The Committee of Finance reported the following resolu- tion, which was adopted : Resolved, that whenever the author of any communication not intended for the Transactions, but which may be pub- lished in the Proceedings, shall request fifty copies of the memoir or communication furnished by him, the Librarian shall supply him with the same out of the seven hundred and fifty copies of the Proceedings now published; and the Sec- retaries in having the forms of the Proceedings set up in type, shall cause the same to be so arranged, that the copies for such authors may be supplied without mutilation of more than fifty copies of the whole edition. On motion of the Librarian, the Botanical Society of Canada was ordered to be placed on the list of Corresponding Socie- ties. And the Society was adjourned. Stated Meeting, April 19, 1861. Present, twenty-three members. Mr. Lea, Vice-President, in the Chair. Dr. Bache announced the death of Professor George Tucker, on the 10th inst., in Albemarle County, Virginia, in the eighty-fifth year of his age; Dr. Dunglison was appointed to read an obituary notice of the deceased. The Society proceeded to ballot for candidates for member- ship; the ballot boxes were opened by the presiding officer, 260 and the following named persons were declared to be duly elected members of the Society: John Lothrop Motley, Don Pasqual de Gayangos, of Madrid, John Curwen, M.D., of Harrisburg, Charles Des Moulins, of Bordeaux, Thomas Sterry Hunt, of Montreal. And the Society was adjourned. Stated Meeting, May 3, 1861. Present, five members. Judge SHarswoop, Vice-President, in the Chair. Letters acknowledging the receipt of the Proceedings were received from the Massachusetts Historical Society, dated March 15, 1861, and from the Boston Public Library, dated February 19, 1861; and of both Proceedings and Transac- tions from the Royal Geographical Society, dated January 10, 1861, from the Imperial Academy, dated Vienna, December 18, 1860, and from the Royal Danish Society, dated Copen- hagen, June 1, 1860. Letters announcing donations to the Society were received from the Royal Academy, dated Stockholm, November 18, 1860, from the Royal Danish Society, dated Copenhagen, June 1, 1860, from the Imperial Academy, dated Vienna, De- cember 28, 1860, and from the Royal Geographical Society, — dated London, January 18, 1861. A letter was received from Dr. Robert Caspary, Professor of Botany at the University of Konigsberg, and Librarian of the KGénigliche Physicalisch-dkonomische Gesellschaft at that place, in the name of the Council of that Society, notifying the Secretaries of the transmission of Part I, Vol. I, of their publications, and asking in exchange those of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society. A letter was received from W. Cois, in behalf of the Natur- 261 forschende Gesellschaft at Bamberg (Baijern), dated Decem- ber 21, 1860, expressing a desire to extend the range of their exchanges, and to include therein the publications of the American Philosophical Society. Inclosed was received a letter from Felix Fliigel, dated Leipsig, January 19, 1861, in- forming the Society that he had transferred his copies of its Proceedings to the Bamberg Natural History Society. Donations for the Library were received from the Academies at Vienna, Stockholm, Boston, and Philadelphia; the Royal Danish, the Royal, Royal Astronomical, Royal Geographical, and Geological Societies, Society of Arts and Royal Institu- tion, at London, the Essex and Franklin Institutes, the Boston Society of Natural History, the Bureau des Ponts at Paris, the Radcliffe Trustees, the National Observatory at Washing- ton, the Editors of the American Journal and Medical News and Library, Dr. W. Whewell of Cambridge, England, and Major Bache, U. 8. T. Engineers. On motion of Dr. Bache, the Physico-Giconomical Society of Konigsberg, in Prussia, was ordered to be placed on the list of corresponding Societies, at the discretion of the Secre- taries. On motion of Professor Cresson, the Natural History So- ciety at Bamberg, in Bavaria, was ordered to be placed on the list of corresponding Societies, at the discretion of the Secre- taries. And the Society was adjourned. Stated Meeting, May 17, 1861. Present, thirteen members. Professor CrEsson, Vice-President, in the Chair. Donations for the Library were received from the Bamberg and Konigsberg Societies, the Swedish Academy, London 262 Chemical Society, the Franklin and Wilmington Institutes, the Editor of the Rural Economist, the Minister of Public In- struction at Santiago de Chili, and Mr. George Ord. Mr. Lesley described the super-anticlinal situations of the more violent oil-springs of the West, on the authority of Gene- ral Pomeroy, and stated that it is a law of our principal car- boniferous synclinal troughs to have at least one subordinate commonly excentric anticlinal in its floor, dividing it longitu- dinally into at least two troughs, in each of which the salt water collects. The principal collection of oil and gas, on the contrary, takes place at the crest of the intermediate anti- clinal, and the most violent explosions of gas issue from borings along this axis. Professor Cresson illustrated the structural law thus stated, by referring to the report of Pro- fessor Faraday to the British Government on the explosions of coal-gas in the English mines. These are particularly dan- gerous in the vicinity of “inverted troughs,” or anticlinals, in the upper part of which the gas collects. Any unusual fall of the barometer is of course the signal for a copious downflow of fire-damp from these reservoirs, the pressure which keeps it there being for the time taken off. The same pneumatic law propagates originally slight or moderate explosions to great distances along the workings. The first explosion, with its corollary vacuum, sets free a volume of gas involved in the goaf or gob of the neighborhood; this, when exploded in its turn, sets free fresh volumes of gas still farther on. Professor Cresson, alluding to the fact that much of the re- flected light we see is polarised, whence the glare and difficulty experienced regarding pictures and objects under glass, de- scribed an application of the Nichols prism to the opera glass, made by Dr. Charles M. Cresson, by which the difficulty is successfully encountered, and objects can be read under glass obliquely as plainly as when uncovered. The Society was then adjourned. 263 Stated Meeting, June 21, 1861. Present, eleven members. Dr. FRANKLIN BACHE in the Chair. Letters were read from Dr. Adam Sedgewick, dated Trinity College, Cambridge, May 1, and from Dr. John Curwen, dated Harrisburg, May 23, accepting membership. A letter was read from Dr. George B. Wood, dated Naples, May 8, accepting his re-election as President ; and another, dated Rome, May 31, respecting the Academia dei Lincei, the name of which was, on motion, ordered to be placed on the list of corresponding Societies, to receive both the Transac- tions and Proceedings. A letter was read from the Royal Geographical Society, dated London, March 22, acknowledging publications re- ceived. A letter was read from the Smithsonian Institution, dated Washington, April 22, informing of publications transmitted. A letter was read from Dr. Dunglison respecting an obitu- ary notice of Professor Tucker. Donations for the Library were received from the Bureau des Ponts et Chaussées, the Royal, Royal Astronomical, Royal Geographical, and Society of Arts, in London, the Royal Dublin Society, the American Association, the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society, the Free Public Library of New Bed- ford, the Academy of Natural Sciences, Franklin Institute, Entomological Society, Pennsylvania Hospital; and Publishers of the Medical News, in Philadelphia, the Superintendent of the State Lunatic Asylum at Harrisburg, the American Co- lonization Society, and Bureau of Topographical Engineers, at Washington, from Professor 'T. Sterry Hunt, of Montreal, and Professor H. D. Rogers, of Glasgow, Scotland. Mr. Dubois offered for examination two remarkable speci- mens of current money. 264 SPECIMENS OF JAPANESE COIN AND AUSTRIAN MONEY. 1. In Japan, the normal money of account is the ¢#zebu, which in silver is a coin equal to one-third of a Mexican dollar, as’ near as may be. Our treaty stipulations with that country provided that Mexican dollars should be received from Americans in exchange for Japanese silver coins, by weight; a natural and just arrangement, assuming the quality of silver to be the same. It was necessary for our shippers to have Japanese coin to make purchases. Just at this juncture, a new coin made its appearance at Hakodadi, the port where American trade then chiefly centred, a coin not known to the regular series of Japanese money, and probably not yet known to the Japanese nation at large. It weighed as much as a half dollar, and in fact erred a little on the side of liberality. An American having a thousand dollars to exchange, would receive two thousand of these pieces under the treaty. But when he came to buy goods with them, he was told that their legal value wasahalf itzebu. They were, indeed, considerably larger than the whole itzebu, but such was the law of the land. Ina word, a Japanese could pay them to an American at the rate of two to the dollar, but could only receive them at s/z to the dollar. This remarkable piece of political economy has caused our traders much annoyance. ‘The piece here shown is the coin referred to. 2. The other specimen partakes still more largely of the suggestive. It is a paper bill issued by the Austrian Government, dated November 1, 1860, and is declared to be receivable at all public offices for ten kreutzers. This amount is equal to five cents of our money. But we are informed that this paper is at a discount of sixty per cent. against silver, so that its actual current value is only two cents. In fact, even the copper coin bears a high premium, as compared with these bills. The following is the wording of the bill : “ Wird fiir zehn (10) Kreuzer silberscheidemiinze bei allen Zah- lungen an Offentliche Cassen statt Barem angenommen. Wien. 1 November, 1860. Oesterr. Wihrung.” The value of the bill is stated on its face in seven different lan- guages, German, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Xc., to suit the various populations of the empire. Mr. Peale read a paper on the stone implements of the In- dians of North America, and illustrated it with a numerous collection of specimens from his own cabinet. EE 265 ON THE STONE IMPLEMENTS INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA, Classification and description of the methods of making them. BY FRANKLIN PEALE. READ JUNE 21, 1861. The implements of stone used by the inhabitants of this continent previous to the advent of the European colonists, seem to be divided naturally into four branches or compartments. Tn the first are those implements which were used for the prepa- ration of food, and consist of pestles, mortars, and mill or grinding stones. The second embraces hammers, axes, adzes, and tomahawks, used for breaking flints, &c., cutting timber, dressing skins, and all the various uses which their manner of living required. It also embraces the sharp flakes used as knives for skinning, scalping, and cutting generally. The third division comprises the spear and arrow-heads, used in war, and for the chase; and, lastly, The fourth, which includes articles of ornament, personal decora- tion and luxury! In the pursuit of this subject we are left almost entirely to our own conclusions in regard to the method of construction, from ob- served indications on the articles themselves, but not entirely so; many tribes still remain upon the borders of civilization, and others have so recently given way to the advances of the civilized race, that some of these processes or arts have been witnessed by travellers, and their observations recorded for our information and_ instruction. Wherever these observations occur, they are very satisfactory in con- firming what would otherwise be conjecture alone, sustained more or less substantially by the indications which the works themselves pre- sent to the eye. The conchoidal fracture of silicious minerals in recognized forms, are sure indications of the work of man’s hands. This most impor- tant fact is particularly so in this day of research, when such works VOL. VIII.— 2k 266 are being found in geological positions hitherto considered antecedent to man’s creation. They are also important and interesting from their universality, both in chronological and geographical position, and the similarity which characterizes them whenever and wherever found. With this brief introduction the subject will be treated in accord- ance with the divisions proposed. Division First. The pestles for the preparation of food (a well-known form of stone implement among the North American Indians), are, as far as my observation is concerned, invariably made of the sand- stones of the region from which the specimens are derived, and their construction appears to have been as follows: A water-worn stone was selected, approximated by natural agency and action, the abrasion of moving masses in water, to the desired form. The superabundant material was then removed by a process which may be called “pecking,” the characteristic marks of which appear upon a numerous class of instruments, such as pestles, mortars, chisels, &c. It was effected by blows with the sharp points of horn- stone, jasper, or chalcedony, either directly with a mass of those materials held in the hand, or aided by a mallet or club, or secured to wooden handles, by insertion and ligaments of tendon, or lashings of raw hide; the said blows were given in a direction perpendicular to the surface, and not with the tool placed at an angle, as is usual in chipping or dressing marble, thus strongly and plainly marking the surface of the larger and rougher implements, and more delicately those of the smaller or lesser. From the number of fragments found it is evident that many im- plements must have been broken under the operation. It is also evident from the numerous unfinished specimens found, that the characteristic unsustained labor of savages caused many to be aban- doned with careless indifference in an unfinished state, after conside- rable time and work had been bestowed upon them. This manner of working off by crushing the surface, is analogous in principle to the usages of modern ‘stonecutters’ when working upon sandstone and granite, but it is not adapted to marble, which requires that the tool should be held and struck at an angle (with this marked difference, that they use tools of steel), so as to lift off chips without crushing, and thus destroying the structure of the marble; by the first method noted, unskilful workmen destroy or greatly injure works of art. After the implement had been brought by pecking to the required form, a higher degree of finish was given by rubbing with sandstones, 267 or by rubbing it upon sandstone rocks until the peck-marks were either partially or wholly obliterated, and the implement thus finished. It is evident that the higher degree of finish exhibited by the polish of some articles, was the result of a higher grade of workman- ship, with materials properly selected, upon principles similar to those employed at the present day. The operation of pecking upon a detached rock confined to a cir- cular space, enabled the patient laborer to work out a cavity capable of receiving a quantity of maize or other grain, and thus a mortar was made; not invariably, however, upon a detached mass, as they have been observed upon rocks in place. This method of working leaves a mark entirely dissimilar to any produced by natural causes. The rolling of floods has a tendency to remove the angles and corners of broken fragments detached from their beds by frost and water or other elemental causes. Changes of temperature are rounding and smoothing or produce entire disinte- gration, but the mark made by the above-described means can never, when once observed, be mistaken for anything else than man’s work, and the eye that has once carefully observed it will never fail in its recognition. It is also so with the conchoidal fracture of silicious implements, which unmistakably characterizes them ; but this sub- ject further pursued would anticipate injudiciously the immediate subject of the third division of this communication. The second division has been made to embrace the tomahawks, hammers, &c. In this department the simplest and least laborious means have been employed to produce an implement for use. A rude fragment of slate or sandstone was prepared by breaking notches on opposite sides, so that a wooden handle could be attached by splitting the end and inserting the stone, securing it with raw hide in strips or with filaments of tendon, or by bending around the notched stone a withe handle of wood, and securing it as above described. These rude implements are the simplest form of the tomahawk ; they are the most abundant of all the relics of the stone period of this country, except arrow and spear heads, and are found in regular gradations, from a simple fragment to chipped forms on a well-established model, and of all sizes from the weight of one half ounce to two or more pounds. It may sound to the enlightened ear of modern science, like the employment of figurative language or extravagant phraseology, to use the words “agricultural implements” in a dissertation on the articles of the stone period; an age or period, it is well under- stood, of savage life ; yet facts are irresistible, and an exact investi- 268 gation requires that the means of sustaining life in that lowly condi- tion should have due consideration. Implements for cultivation have been found in situations, and of such forms, as to leave no doubt of the object of their construction. On Depuy’s Island, a beautiful al- luvial deposit in the Delaware river, in a region popularly known as the ‘‘ Shawnee Flats,”’ were found a number of circular discs of slate, from 6 to 7 inches in diameter, and one quarter of an inch thick, with notches on opposite sides, evidently designed for securing them to handles of some, as yet unknown construction, but probably withes of wood. The form of these specimens, and the locality on which they were found, leave no hesitation in applying the terms above designated. In addition, it may be stated that the chisels and axes, as they are familiarly called, were in all probability frequently used for the tilling and cultivation of corn and other food, in the intervals of peace, so rarely permitted, and yet so essential in savage life, as it is In any other condition of our race. Hammers were made by pecking a groove around pebbles of various forms, most frequently ovoid, and attaching a handle by bend- ing around the groove a withe of wood. Over the whole was sewed with filaments of tendon, ‘‘ raw hide” ina green state, leaving only the part to be used exposed, which, after becoming dry, held all firmly together. This method of making a serviceable tool is not conjec- tural; such implements are still in use among tribes of Indians now existing, made exactly as described, and many of the stone heads have been found of all sizes, from a few ounces in weight to many pounds, assuming the semblance and efficiency of sledges or mauls used by modern mechanics. We are credibly informed, that many of the largest size have been found in excavations of aboriginal origin, in the Lake Superior copper region, upon masses of the native metal, bearing marks of their employment, in the ungrateful task of detaching fragments for use or ornament. The rude tomahawk described in the first paragraph of this divi- sion, gradually assumes a characteristic form, as has previously been observed, by selection of suitable water-worn stones, and in a still more advanced state by chipping, and ultimately by grinding with whetstones into polished weapons of war, alike graceful in form and neat in execution. It may be well to observe at this place, that many of the best forms of tomahawk are somewhat concave on one side, and correspondently convex on the other, whilst others are symmetrical in this respect. The conclusion which may be drawn OO ——— a a 269 from this peculiar construction is, that they were thus formed for convenient and constant wear upon the person (it may be as badges of authority), the curved or hollow side being placed next to the body. The most perfect in form and execution of the tomahawk is that with a perforation or hole called the eye, in the prototype of the iron period, the hammer and axe of the present age. These implements and others with perforations and excavations, have presented appa- rent difficulties to modern observers, but it will be conceded that they are not greater than those which will be presented by the third division of the subject under consideration ; every portion of it is re- plete with instruction, and illustrates the ability of man, even in his most degraded condition, to make rocks and stones subservient to his necessities. How grateful should he be to the bountiful Creator, who has made him capable in all conditions of living, but especially so of enjoying life in obedience to revealed laws, which insure com- parative happiness whilst on earth, and promise permanent bliss in that which is to come. The ordinary holes are mere perforations, made by revolving a sharp-pointed flake of jasper, hornstone, or other hard stone, upon the object to be perforated, usually slate, limestone, or soapstone, the perforation being made from opposite sides, until the opening met at the middle, but in other and more finished works, such as those made for the insertion of handles in tomahawks and hammers, and more remarkably in smoking pipes, and the tubes which were pro- bably used for that purpose. There is no reason to doubt that these holes were made by nearly the same means, and identically the same principles that are now used to drill glass and the hardest gems. A round stick of soft wood was revolved by rubbing the hands against it in opposite direc- tions, with silicious sand and water continually renewed between the end of the stick and the article to be bored. A further supposition is not unreasonable, that a bowstring loosely drawn and passed around the stick, would give increased motion and more rapid effect to the process. The pages of Schoolcraft describe and illustrate similar arrange- ments in use among existing tribes for producing fire by rapid fric- tion. Another method of perforation it is more than probable was em- ployed, which is well adapted to the boring of loosely aggregated sandstone implements. A fragment of chalcedony, jasper, or horn- stone, inserted and secured by cement to the end of the mandril, and revolved by the means previously described. This mode, it will be 270 observed, is exactly similar in principle to the method of drilling glass with a diamond spark, as at present employed. There are numerous examples of holes drilled to remarkable depths and with remarkable accuracy, in minerals of considerable hardness; a process that cannot be designated otherwise than as wonderful, when the means and appliances of this rude age are con- sidered. Division Third. This department embraces much the most charac- teristic and abundant specimens of the stone period. They are always chipped, never in any instance ground and polished into the various forms of spear and arrow heads for war or the chase, or into cutting tools of minerals, more or less suited to the mode of construc- tion and their object. When the material best suited was not found in the vicinity, there is abundant evidence that it was transported from distant parts, and it is probable that some of the articles which have em- barrassed observers and students in this branch of ethnological re- search, were merely forms prepared for convenient transportation by the removal of unessential portions. It is an inevitable deduction, however, from the art as perfected in the best material, that it enabled those who were adepts, to work slates, sandstones, and im- perfectly crystallized quartz, into forms not less remarkable, when their structure is considered, than those made of the minerals best adapted for the purpose. The process evidently practised in almost all ages of the world has been abandoned or lost in all, when the knowledge of metal superseded the more refractory and less perfect material, but there are tribes on our own continent still who have no other resource ; among them, the art has been witnessed in a few instances. The gallant Smith, whose memory is embalmed in the romantic history of Pocahontas, gives the first recorded, though brief notice of the art as practised by the Indians of Virginia, in his work entitled “ Voyages and Discoveries of Captain John Smith in Virginia, Sixth Voyage, 1606.” “ His arrow-head he quickly maketh with a little bone, which he ever weareth at his bracept, of a splint of a stone or glasse in the form of a heart, and these they glew to the end of their arrowes,”’ One or two other travellers have written upon the subject, but their observations want minute exactitude in matters that do not appear to have been observed. The following description is drawn up from the remarks of an eye-witness, among the Shasty and North California Indians, during that part of the United States Exploring 271 Expedition involved in a journey by land, after the wreck of the Peacock, from the Columbia river to San Francisco.* A blow with a round-faced stone repeated upon a mass of jasper, agate, or chalcedony, until a flake was broken off of a suitable form, and which exhibited the right kind of fracture; then the edges were chipped by the application of a notch in a piece of horn, applied as a glazier applies the notches in the side of his diamond handle to the edge of a pane of glass for a like purpose. The notches were of dif- ferent sizes and depths, and much practice was doubtless requisite to insure success; as in the localities which furnished the material, or where it was worked (many of which spots have been examined), large quantities of flakes, and broken and unfinished spear and arrow- heads are found, proving that many of the efforts were abortive, and no exact form or certain result could emanate from even practised hands. From specimens observed, it may be presumed that the flaking was begun at the base of the implement and finished at the point; at least, such an inference may be drawn from the appearance of certain specimens in the cabinet of the writer. The forms of arrow-heads are very much varied : some were made without notches or barbs, and are usually called war-arrows; they were attached to the shaft by cement of resinous gum, which, when withdrawn, would of necessity leave the head in the wound. Others made with barbs or notches were secured by tendon lashings, in many instances put on with extreme neatness and symmetrical interlacing. There is no limit to the variety of forms which these stone spear and arrow-heads assume. Many of them were rude and rough as the coarse hornstone of which they were made, in fact mere splintered fragments; whilst others, on the contrary, are as perfect in form as the weapon of the classic Greek, and made of the most beautiful jasper or chal- cedony, almost gem-like in its beauty of color and shading. There are instances of forms that lead to the conviction that novelty is one of the rare things of this world, as Solomon knew and told us long ago; this allusion is pointed to arrow-heads constructed with beveled faces, so formed as to cause revolution in their flight, and thus maintain a true direction ; a well-known principle employed in the modern rifle. A crescent form, though rare, is not without examples; evidently intended for the decapitation of birds or a wider range of efficiency. * Mr. T. R. Peale, of the Scientific Corps, U. S. Exploring Expedition. 272 Allusion is made in classic writings to an arrow-head of this kind used by an Emperor in some gymnastic exploit in a Roman circus. Division Fourth. In this department is embraced a variety of arti- cles that are not the least curious and interesting; they are usually the best finished, many of them elaborate in construction and sym- metrical in form, and some highly polished; they show that labor and skill were equally taxed in the stone period, rude and impover- ished as it may be called, to ornament the person, and to as great an extent as in these days of fashion and refinement. The devotees of fashion punished themselves by heavy weights carried upon the person, in the form of “ gorgets,”’ “canoes,” and pendants of slate or other stones, of which, doubtless, they were as yain as our own dames and dandies of bracelets, and chains, and jew- elled ornaments. Beads of quartz, with drilled holes for the string, afford evidence of patient industry that must have been severely taxed, especially as, in many instances, the labor must have been lost by fracture of the material before completion of the article. Shells and slates were of easier manipulation than the last-named material, and of course most frequently employed in the division under consideration. Under the head of luxuries, are included the pipes, of the world- wide custom of smoking; among them are the most elaborately exe- cuted articles of the stone period. The plainest forms were no doubt made by the means and processes indicated in the preceding part of this paper; but when we take into view the numerous characteristic productions of the mounds, recovered from the hidden repose of cen- turies untold, we are lost in wonder at the knowledge of nature which they exhibit, and entirely at fault, as to the means of execu- tion which their elaborate construction evinces. Dr. Emerson described a discovery made by himself some years ago on the tide waters of the Delaware, of a bed of charred human bones, broken up into small fragments, and lying over them many fragments of Indian pipes made of baked clay. A single perfect specimen was of a symmetrical and peculiar form, unlike the well-known forms of Indian pipes discovered elsewhere, inasmuch as its bore was perfectly straight. Dr. Emerson judged these peculiarities to be indi- cations of the greater antiquity and different stirpal origin of the Indians whose remains were here interred. 273 Mr. Dubois offered the following paper, on behalf of Mr. Kekfeldt and himself : ON THE NATURAL DISSEMINATION OF GOLD. To assert that Gold is at once a very rare and a very abundant metal, would seem to be an abuse of language ; and yet, in a certain sense, it would be true in both branches of the proposition. Iron, in its many mineralized forms, has been profusely scattered by the Creative Hand all over the world ; and gold is found in so many na- tural situations and alliances where it would not be looked for, as to hold out the expectation that a diligent search would find it almost as widely, though by no means so plentifully, diffused. Such is not the fact in regard to many other metals, but it is remarkably true of the*two which stand, in the market, at the head and foot of the list. These remarks are preliminary to the detail of several interesting examinations lately made by Mr. Eckfeldt, the principal Assayer of the Mint, from time to time, as opportunities of leisure would allow. The first experiments were made upon galena, or native sulphide of lead. It was well known that this was occasionally found to con- tain gold in larger or smaller proportions, according to the various localities. But inasmuch as there is reason to believe that every variety of galena is argentiferous, it seemed an interesting inquiry whether gold, as well as silver, is sure to be found in the same as- sociation. Our examinations have gone far enough to warrant the belief that such is the case; though this fact could not so well have been ascertained until the manufacture of assay balances had arrived at its present state of perfection. The statement of a few results will be interesting. The galena ores from the lodes of Kansas, in the famous region of Pike’s Peak, concerning which so many extravagant statements have been made, really show but little silver so far. The best, according to our notes, was found to contain seven parts in ten thousand of silver, and one part in eighty thousand of gold; amounting to 272 dollars of silver, and 7% dollars of gold to the ton of ore. Coming nearer home (and omitting further mention of the silver, VOL. VIII.—2L 274 as not pertinent to our subject), we find in the galena of Ulster County, New York (Ellenville locality), gold to the amount of 174 grains, or 75 cents, to the ton. The most curious result was obtained from the galena of New Britain, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where gold was found in the proportion of 2} grains, not quite ten cents, to the ton. This represents one part in 6,220,000, and may serve as a remarkable ex- ample of refinement in the art of assaying. The operation was per- formed on five ounces of the ore. The speck of gold which resulted is visible to a good eye, and is exhibited in the Cabinet of the Mint. Turning next to the examination of lead in its metallic and com- mercial shape, we find the Spanish bar lead, which is sufficiently free from precious metals to be used as an agent in our Mint assays, con- tains 12 grains of gold to the ton, or one part in about 1,170,000. The next inquiry was, whether other metals, especially those which are commonly considered to be naturally unaccompanied with gold, were absolutely so. Copper was tried in various forms.