PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Vol. XXXV. FROM MAY, 1899, TO MAY, 1900. BOSTON, MASS.: JOHN WILSON AND SON. Santbcrsttg ^rcss. 1900. ^.51^ CONTENTS. Page I. The Development and Application of a General Equation for Free Energy and Physico-Cheviical Equilibrium. By Gilbert Newton Lewis 1 II. Short Studies of North American Tryxalinae. By Samuel H. SCUDDER 39 III. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Cobalt. Third Paper. — The Analysis of Cobaltous Chloride and Oxide. By Theo- dore William Richards and Gregory Paul Baxter . 59 IV. On the Thermal Conductivity of Vulcanite. By B. O. Peirce . 73 V. Tvo Genera of North American Decticinae. By Samuel H. Scudder 81 VI. Note on the Finite Continuous Groups of the Plane. By F. B. Williams 95 VII. The Echelon Spectroscope. By A. A. Michelson 109 VIII. The Electrochemical Equivalents of Copper and Silver. By Theodore W. Richards, Edward Collins, and George W. Heimrod 121 IX. Preliminary Diagnoses of Neiv Species of Laboidbeniaceae. — /. By Roland Thaxter 151 X. Ferrous Iodide. By C Loring Jackson and I. H. Derby . 211 XI. Note on the Constitution of Diparabrombenzylcyanamide. By C. Loring Jackson and R. W. Fuller 229 IV CONTENTS. Page XII. Note on the Chief Theorem of Lie's Theory of Continuous Groups. By Stephen Elmek Slocum 237 XIII. A Rerixion of the Atomic Weight of Iron. Preliminary Paper. By Theodore William Richards and Gregory Paul Baxter 251 XIV. On Certain Colored Substances Derived from. Nitro Compounds. Third Paper. By C. Loring Jackson and F. H. Gazzolo 261 XV. The Metamei-ism of the Hirudinea. By W. E. Castle . . . 283 XVI. 1. New Species and Varieties of Mexican Plants. By J. M. Greenman. 2. Synopses of the Genera Jaegeria and Russelia. By B. L. Robinson. 3. New Dioscoreas from Mexico. By E. B. Uline. 4. New Phaenogams, chiefly Gamopetalae, from Mexico and Central America. By B. L. Robinson 305 XVII. The Freshwater Tertiary Formations of the Rocky Mountain Region. By W. M. Davis 343 XVIII. On the Determination of Sulphuric Acid in the Presence of Iron ; a Note on Solid Solutions. By Theodore William Richards 375 XIX. The Species of the Orthopteran genus Derolmema. By Samuel II. SCUDDER 385 XX. Vieio of the Carboniferous Fauna of the Narraganselt Basin. By Alpheus S. Packard 397 XXI. Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceae. — //. By Roland Thaxter 407 XXII. Historical Notes relating to Musical Pitch in the United States. By Charles R. Cross 451 XXIII. The Driving Energy of Physico- Chemical Reaction, and its Temperature Coefficient. By Theodore William Richards 469 XXIV. Supjilementary Note on the Chief Theorem of Lie's Theory of Finite Continuous Groups. By Stephen Elmer Slocum . 481 CONTENTS. V Page XXV. 1. A Si/nopsis of the Mexican and Central American Species of Salvia. 2. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Solanums of the Subsection Torvaria. 3. Some undescribed Mexican Phanerogams, chiefly Labiatae and Solanaceae. By M. L. Feknald 487 XXVI. On the Singular Transformations of Groups Generated hy In- finitesimal Transformations. By Henry Taber .... 575 Proceedings 601 A Table of Atomic Weights. By Theodore William Richards . 621 liEroRT OF the Council 623 Biographical Notices . 625 Epes Sargent Dixwell 625 John Cummings 628 John Codman Kopes 029 John Lowell 634 Officers and Committees for 1899-1900 643 List of the Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members . . . 644 Statutes and Standing Votes 653 Index 665 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 1. — July, 1899. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. THE DEVELOPMENT ANV APPLICATION OF A GEN- ERAL EQUATION FOR FREE ENERGY AND PHTSICO- CHEMICAL EQ UILIBRL UM. By Gilbert Newton Lewis. VOL. XXXV. — 1 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Received ^^^^-^^f^^^ru^^^^r^.^^ Accession No. /./'c/ v^. Given by '--^'^^i>,..U"' ' ' + G (a constant). (10) Vi 'v J 'i . . . This equation, moreover, obviously applies to any system which con- tains, besides gases and dilute solutions, any constituents participating in the reaction, whose molecular volume is not changed appreciably by a change . in the conditions of volume or pressure in the system. Thus any solid phase of definite constitution in a heterogeneous system may be considered constant in its molecular volume, as well as in its functions 5E, C„, f^, when the pressure of the system is varied through limits not too wide. Since equation (6) gives an expression for the change of free energy in any isothermal process, we may derive immediately a general equation for equilibrium in any system. Let us consider a system such as is ordi- narily studied, upon which the only external force is a uniform pressure, LEWIS. FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. \) normal to the surface, and in which the effects of gravity, surface tension, etc. may be neglected. A necessary and sufficient condition for equilibrium is, that any change in a system in equilibrium is reversible. In other words, the change in the free energy of the system must be equal to the external work.* In the case under consideration the external work is the product of the external pressure, P, by the change, F, in the volume of the system. Therefore in equilibrium, A = PV. (11) Let us consider a system, of any degree of complexity, which is capa- ble of change. In general this change will consist in a loss by some constituents of the system, accompanied by a corresponding gain by others. Then according to equation (6), A = PT\n^ \ " ~ T\ ^" ,,, 'VZr+ HT-\- U, where quantities with subscript 1 refer to the constituents which suffer loss; those with subscript 2, to those which gain, and n^, n\, etc., and Ho 1 n\ , etc. represent the number of gram-molecules of each constitu- ent lost and gained respectively. Combining equations (6) and (11) we have as the general equation of equilibrium, « "2?/ "'2 r'^C — C PV =RT\xx " ' \ • '■ - Tl " ^ "^-dT+ JIT+ U, (11 a) where P is the external pressure and V is the total change in volume. V — (jin Vn 4- n'o r'2 + • • • ) — («i ih + n\ v\ + ...). This equation (11 a) expresses the equilibrium of the system in regard to the particular change in question. When a system is in perfect equi- librium there will be an equation of the above form for every change or reaction which can take place independently. These equations, however, will not all be independent. For example, if both liquid and gaseous acetic acid are composed of two kinds of molecules, namely, CH3COOM and (CHoC00H)2, then when acetic acid and its vapor are in equilib- * Of course the change must not be great enough to disturb the condition of equilibrium. Tlie following demonstration would be somewhat more rigorous if the infinitesimal notation were used. 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. rium, we have four equations of the type of (Ho); one referring to the equilibrium iu the gaseous state of the reaction, 2 CH3COOH =: (CH3COOH)2 ; another, referring to the same reaction in the liquid phase ; a third, referring to the liquefaction or vaporization of the double molecules ; the fourth, to the liquefaction or vaporization of the single molecules. Of these four equations three are independent. Returning to the discussion of the general equation of equilibrium, equation (Ha), it is interesting first to determine what form it will take when we limit the system considered to the conditions under which equation (10) was deduced, namely, that the reacting system shall in- clude, besides gases and dilute solutions, only " condensed " phases of definite composition. Combining equations (10) and (11), Now V, the change of volume, is due in this case to the change in vol- ume of the gaseous constituents, and will therefore, at constant temper- ature, be inversely proportional to P. Therefore P Fis a constant, and at constant temperature, In '' \ •' •= C\ and " ", ' "^ /v (a constant). (12) This equation is the familiar mass law of Guldberg and "Waage, but it is also, since it is not restricted to homogeneous systems, the law of the constancy of the ratio of distribution among different phases. This includes the law of Henry. That equation (12) does not represent a universally accurate law of nature is shown by comparison with equation (Ho) ; for it is only when IT, H. C„ —Q. , and F Fare constant that —, — ,"„, is constant. ' - Vi ly'i 1 . . . If this fraction for convenience is denoted by /i, which may be called, instead of the equilibrium constant, the equilibrium ratio, then K is a function, not only of the temperature, but also of U, H, 0^^ , C^„, P V. The nature of this function may be shown from equation (11 a), BTlnK=FV- U+ T C^ ^^'^ ~ ^'^dT-JIT; (13) LEWIS. — FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. 11 A'=e 1 (P V V PT '^C\',__ ^^''^dT-II T ) (15) ill which e is the base of the natural system of logarithms. From this general equation of equilibrium may be easily deduced the expression for the change of the conditions of equilibrium with change of temperature. In equation (14) let, for convenience, L TC — C H=.F, (16) equation (14) differentiated with respect to tem2:)erature then becomes 'PV ) \ ^ TT TJ d f1 (17) rfln K dT 1 rd dT _}^dU U dF ] Now 7^ is a function of T and also of In K, which is itself a function of T. According to the laws of partial derivatives, d_F_hF hF d\nK d2'~ IT^ Ih^<:~dV where 8 signifies a partial differential. Since // is independent of the temperature, and PT (J — C then, SF^a^^C^^ldJT 8T T TdT' Therefore, for 0..-C., = ^. \ dU ^F d\uK ^ + dT T dT^ hlnK dT ' and equation (17) becomes d\uK _ 1 [ \ T J 1 dT i?L dT and by transposition dn U IdU 8F dl Td T'^ T- Td T^ SluK d 'T J' dT \ Ii8\nKj~Ji\_ TT^'^T^j (18) 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. If we consider the special case of a system whose volume is unchanged by the reaction to which the equilibrium equation refers, then V = 0, and dlnKf 1 8F \ _ U />T O (J "' „ — - d T — H, was shown to be con- stant under the conditions which led to equations (10) and (12), when the conditions of equilibrium changed at constant temperature. In such ?>F cases, therefore, —-j — p = 0, and the equation becomes o In A d\nK_ U dT ~R^'' ^'^^ This equation applies to both homogeneous and heterogeneous equilib- rium. When applied to the former it is identical with the well known equation of van't HofF, sometimes called the equation "isochore." This equation, however, has been used to express the change of equilibrium with the temperature, not merely in those systems in which the reaction causes no change in volume, but in general. That this use is justifi- able in the cases for which equation (20) was developed may be readily shown. For, in systems subject to moderate pressure, the only consider- able isothermal changes in volume are those of the gaseous phase. The volume of the gases is, at a given pressure and temperature, proportional to the total number of gram-molecules of the various gases present. If, duriug the reaction to which the equation refers, there is a change of n gram-molecules in the gaseous phase, then the total change in volume is, ,, nRT PV V= p , or —^ = nR. IF In the case under discussion, where ^ — v,=: 0, equation (18) may be written, d\x\K _ dT P V Since — =- =. n R, a constant, dh^K _ U ~d~T~ ~ Wr-' LEWIS. — FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. 13 Similarly, for any system in general in which the pressure is not very great, i Co — O2 where the subscript 1 refers to the solute, subscript 2 to the solvent. dv-^ , the change in molecular volume of the solute, is also the change in volume of the system, and d A = p dvi, where p is the osmotic pressure. Therefore RT dm. , nRT do^ .^^. 7'i — Oi dvi fo — 0.2 dvi dW. where --, — represents the heat produced by the addition of d v^ of the solvent. Except in cases of solution of such great concentration that the molecular volume of the solute and that of the solvent are not greatly different, -^ is entirely negligible, and the equation for osmotic pres- sure becomes » * Theor. Chem., p. 209. (References to tliis book are to the first edition.) dA = -^^^ dv, - dUr + r- dv^ - dW^^ , LEWIS. — FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. 29 ^ V — 0 dv Except that - — represents the heat of dilution instead of the heat of ^ dv free expansion, equation (42) is identical with the equation obtained for gases. The comparison of this formula with experiment is not possible with the experimental data at present available, since, as far as I know, the heat of dilution has been determined only in the case of electrolytes, and in these cases a complication is introduced, due to the heat of disso- ciation. An abstract * has just come to hand of a recent work by Kistiakovskijt in which he shows that the lowering of the freezing point, which is proportional to the osmotic pressure, is, in a concentrated solu- tion, equal to the lowering calculated for an ideal solution plus a tei'm that is proportional to the heat of dilution. This is the result that would be given by equation (42). Kistiakovski shows that there is perfect agreement between the lowering of the freezing point calculated in this way and that found by experiment. It seems questionable, however, whether his application of the formula to electrolytes, neglecting the heat of dissociation, is justifiable. Unfortunately I have not access to his original paper. The osmotic work obtainable from the change of a gram-molecule of a solute from a solution of one concentration to one of another concentra- tion may be found by direct application of equation (6), or by integration of jO dv, where p may be expressed in terms of v by means of equation (42). Then ^ = i?nn^^?^-f U. (43) For all except very concentrated solutions b may be neglected, and A = E T\n^^+ U. (43a) V 1 Cady % has recently shown that in a galvanic cell in which the total result of the current is the jiassage of a certain amount of a metal from an amalgam of one concentration to one of another, IT = In \- q , n eg Wi * Chem. Centr. Blat., 1899, I. 89. t Jour. Russ. Phys. Chem. Ges., XXX. 576, t Jour, of Phys. Chem., II. 551, 1898. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, where tt is the electromotive force, Vi and v^ are the moleciiLar volumes of the metal iu tlie two amalgams, and q is the heat of the process in electrical units. From this, v neoTT = B Tin ~ + U, but n Pq -t is the electrical work per gram-molecule, which is equal to the change of free energy, since the cell is a reversible one. Therefore yl =r n Co TT, or ^ = ^rin^+ u, which is identical with (43 ci). When we consider solutions of all concentrations, varying from the state where one of the constituents of the phase is in great excess to the state where the other constituent is in great excess, as, for example, when water is added continuously to a definite amount of alcohol, then the form which the osmotic pressure curve assumes is very complicated. Here equation (41 ) must be used, and -— ^ and — — will both be com- d i\ a Vi plex functions of i\. may be looked upon as the sum of two quanti- ties, one due to the attraction of unlike, the other to the attraction of like molecules. Concerning the manner in which the former 'will change we are ignorant. The latter, however, according to reasoning exactly similar to that which led van der Waals to the term — , may be shown to be inversely proportional to the square of the volume, or equal to -^ — 7, — ^ . We see from this that equation (41) is at least of the '11- third degree in v\. Bredig * and Noyes f have each proposed a general formula for osmotic pressure based upon kinetic reasoning. Both these equations are of the third degree in v. The osmotic pressure curve represented by equation (41) is not necessarily, therefore, single valued. There may be more than one volume corresponding to one osmotic pres- sure. This is a further analogy between solutions and gases. In fact, a luimber of cases are known in which the osmotic pressure may be shown to be the same at two different concentrations, namely, the cases of liquids that are mutually soluble to a limited extent, thus forming two phases in equilibrium with each other. It is evident that in order to * Zeit. Phys. Chem., IV. 444. t Zeit. Pliys. Chem., V. 53. LEWIS. — FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. 31 preserve the equilibrium the osmotic pressure, not only of one but of each of the constituents, must be the same in the two phases. No similar phe- nomena have ever been observed in the case of solids dissolved in liquids, but it seems not impossible that such may be found. Then a solid might have two different solubilities in a solvent at one temperature, correspond- ing to two concentrations in which the osmotic pressure would be equal to the solution pressure. Distribution of a Solute between two Solvents. — The equation of equi- librium when a substance is distributed between two solvents may be found directly from equation (11a), simplified by the considerations advanced on page 27, namely, P V= E T\n'''['''~^2 + ^. (44) n (vi — b) In all cases of this sort P Fis entirely negligible, and r,{ih-b)^ ^ where ^2 and Vi are the molecular volumes of the solute in the two sol- vents ; b is the volume correction for the solute molecules ; r^ is the volume correction for the first solvent, and 1\ that for the second. U is the heat given off when one gram-molecule of the solute passes from one solvent to the other. It equals the difference between the heats of solution of the solute in the two solvents. In all ordinary solutions b is negligible, and the equation becomes i?rin^-'-j- U=0. (46) Since this is the general equation of distribution of a substance between two solvents, it will hold true in the special case in which the solutions are in equilibrium with the solute in the solid form. If we represent by Si and 8-2 the solubilities in gram-molecules of the solute in one litre of each of two solvents, then s^ = — and s, — — , and equation (44) may be written i^rin'^'-f ?7=0; (47) or if TJ' is the heat of solution in the first solvent, TJ" in the second, R T\u '^ + U' - U" = Q, 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. or RTlu^-^^ U' ^RTln'-^ + U". (48) This equation permits the calculation of the solubility of a substance in any solvent if the solubility in any other solvent is known and the heat of solution in each solvent, or the difference between these heats of solu- tion, and if the ratio of the volume corrections for the two solvents is known. The heat of solution may be found from the change of solubility with change of temperature by the well known equation dJ-l-J^^ .49) which may be obtained by direct application of equation (20), since the conditions for which (20) was obtained are all fulfilled in this case, and since the molecular volume, t"o, of the solid may be considered constant. K = VqS ; In K = In Vq + In s ; d In K = d\n s. Uniting equations (-18) and (49), RT\u'^ + RT^'^ = RT\n'^+ RT^"^-^, Ti d I I'n dT a In — or 1d?-1 4- 2^^^_ln!i = 0. (50) Si d 1 To When the values of r are known for the various solvents, if we know the solubility of a substance in two solvents and the temperature coefficient of the solubility in one, we may find the corresponding coefficient in the other solvent. I hope soon to verify these formulas experimentally, and to determine the values of r for some common solvents. It will be inter- esting to see how r compares with the value of v — h found for the solvents by equation (33). IV. Polymolecular Systems. (^.) Homogeneous Systems. In accordance with the considerations advanced on page 27, the general equation of equilibrium (11 a) may be put into the form [r (I'l — 6i)]"i ... J To T LEWIS. — FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. 33 where h is the sum of all the fj terms, and ( (7„i — C^.^ and h have the same value regardless of the nature of the solvent. If the total change in the number of molecules be n, then the quantity r will occur to the power of n, and (I'l - b^yh . . . J T, 2 Only in the case of equilibrium between gases is P K considerable, for other cases P Vmaj be neglected. For equilibrium in liquid phases, if we represent by k the equilibrium ratio with the volume corrections />T Q (J "' „ — - dT by y) then {R Tlnr'^k) + U + fT= 0, (52) or (R Tin k)=-R Tin r" - U-fT. (52a) We are now iu a position to answer the question how equilibrium is influenced by the nature of the solvent. If we write for equilibrium in two solvents two equations of the form of (52 a), (R T\a k') =-RT\n /" - U' -fT, (R Tin k") =-RTln /'" - U" -fT, and subtract, we obtain, since _/ is the same in the two solvents, according to the assumption made on page 28, In V77 = — « lu ^ — fc r ( u' - n"\ and we find that the condition of equilibrium depends on the values of r and the heat of the reaction in the two solvents. Ordinarily when tlie solvent does not enter into the reaction, the values of {i\ — b^), etc. may be replaced by v^, etc., and k, the corrected equilibrium ratio, may then be replaced by K, the ordinary equilibrium ratio. If we are dealing with reactions in which the original and final number of molecules is the / same, or with any case where n In -j-, is negligible, the equation becomes lnK'-lnK-= ^ ^ ^^ . (54) In such cases the difference between the logarithms of the equilibrium ratios in any two solvents at a given temperature is equal to the differ- ence in the heats of the reaction divided by the gas constant and by the absolute temperature. I know of no case in which the experimental VOL. XXXV. — 3 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. data are at present sufficiently complete to permit the testing of equa- tion (54). V. Application to Electro-Chemistrt. Since the electrical work of a reversible cell is equal to the change of free energy of the process taking place in the cell, the calculation of electromotive force in many cases is possible by means of the general equation (6). Tiie general formula for the electromotive force of a concentration cell has already been given on page 29. Let us consider next the subject of a single potential difference be- tween a metal and an electrolyte containing the ions of that metal. If ^1 be the free energy of one gram-molecule of the metal, and '^o that of one gram-molecule of its ions, then the electrical work in the electrolytic solution of one gram-molecule is Now for '^2 we obtain from equation (5), modified according to page 27, ^, = -R T\nr(v, - h) - T r^-^dT+ l),T + Wi,, where r is the correction for the particular solvent in which the ions are dissolved, b^ the correction for the ions themselves, which will always be negligible, c^.^ and |^2 are independent of the nature of the particular solvent. Win is the internal energy of the ions, and if we represent by 5Ei the internal energy in the electrode, and by Uihe change of internal energy in electrolytic solution, U= Wii — Wi2, and — SIo ™ay be re- placed by U ■}- W.I- Then since ^i, 2Ei, c^^, fj2j are constants at con- stant temperature, A= C-{- (RTlnrv.) + U, where C is a constant including the various terms mentioned above. If we replace Vz by , where p is the osmotic pressure of the ions, we may write A= C-^ (RT\nBT)-RT\nl+ U=c-RT\n^+ U. ^ ^ r r If for convenience we write c = R Tin P, A = -RTln~^+ U, LEWIS. — FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. 35 or, since ^ = v Cq tt, where v is the valence of the ion, Cq the electricity carried by a gram-molecule of a univalent ion, and tt the electromotive force, then RT^p U 17 = In-^-f — , (5o) in which P differs from the electrolytic solution pressure of Nernst in that it is at constant temperature the same, no matter what the solvent may be in which the ions are dissolved, while the value of the Nernst solution pressure holds good only for water solutions, r represents the particular volume correction of the solvent. An interesting type of cell is one in which two similar electrodes are in contact with solutions of an electrolyte containing the electrode ion in two different solvents ; as, for example, zinc, zinc sulphate in water, zinc sulphate in alcohol, zinc. When a current passes through this cell, the total change consists in the transfer of zinc sulphate from one solvent to another. The free energy change in a cell of this type may be found from equation (6), modified as in equation (46), A = RT\n'^^,+ U, (56) where i\ and v/ are the molecular volumes of the positive and negative ions respectively, in the first solvent ; v,, and v^', in the second solvent. Now v/ =^ g Vi , where ^ is a whole number or a simple fraction ; also, V2 = g V2- Therefore, ^ = i?7^1n^V^+ U=2RTln'^^+ U. (57) If ra represents the number of gram-molecules transferred from one solvent to the other when the quantity of electricity, v^o, passes through the cell, then veoTT = 2 ;» i? T'ln-^' -f m U. Let m U ^= q, then . = ^i?rin^^ + ^. (58) From the equation of Helmholtz, and comparing (58) and (59) it is evident that ll = l^E\n'-^\ (60) a I V Co riVi 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. In an investigation which I am now making on cells of the above type I have attempted a verification of these equations in the following way. 7* Choosing two solvents in which the value of In — may be neglected, namely, water and a mixture of alcohol and water, then if t'g be made d TT equal to Vy, -pj^ should equal zero. Unfortunately the dissociation in alcohol-water mixtures of the salts that are available for our purpose has not hitherto been determined. If the two solutions are made up with equivalent amounts of the original salt, then the concentration of the ions in the alcohol-water solution will be less than that in the water solution on account of the greater dissociative power of water. In the following cells, made up in this way, we should expect, therefore, a small temperature coefficient, and moreover, since the electrode in contact with the water solution is found to be negative, this temperature coefficient should be negative. The following table gives the results obtained for the cells : — (1) Zinc; zinc sulphate, tenth normal, in water and fifty per 'cent ethyl alcohol. (2) Zinc ; zinc sulphate, tenth normal, in water and fifty per cent methyl alcohol. (3) Cadmium; cadmium sulphate, tenth normal, in water and sixty per cent ethyl alcohol. (4) Thallium; thalliiia sulphate, hundredth normal, in water and twenty-seven per cent ethyl alcohol. (5) Thallium ; thallium sulphate, hundredth normal, in water and forty per cent methyl alcohol. (1) Temp. C 30 0 JT .043 .047 dn d T —.00013 (2) 23 0 .0475 .0480 -.00002 (3) 28 0 .046 .049 —.00011 (4) A 23 0 .0212 .0212 .00000 B 24 0 .0216 .0218 -.00001 C 30 0 .0242 .0246 -.00001 (5) 24 10 .0380 .0380 .00000 LEWIS. — FREE ENERGY AND EQUILIBRIUM. 37 In order to determine the actual dissociation in the above cases con- ductivity determinations were made. I found in the case of zinc and cadmium sulphates that the degree of the dissociation could not be found from conductivity determinations on account of peculiarities which will be discussed in a later paper. It was found, however, that in the case of cadmium sulphate the dissociation is at least five or six times as great in water as in fifty per cent methyl alcohol. In the first three cases, therefore, the value of — is undoubtedly great enough to account for the values of -77=, found. a 1 On the other hand, in the case of thallium sulphate it was found possi- ble to determine the degree of dissociation from the conductivity data. In dilute solutions the dissociation in water and in fifty per cent methyl alcohol was found to be practically the same. This is in complete agree- ment with the result in case (5), where the temperature coefficient was zero. In case (5), then, the only one in which all the data are available, equation (60) is thoroughly verified. I hope to publish soon more com- plete results on this subject. I wish to express my deep obligation to Professor Theodore TV. Richards for his encouragement and friendly criticism of this work. Summary. I. (a) A general equation for change of free energy is developed. (b) From this is derived a general expression for physico-chemical equilibrium in homogeneous or heterogeneous systems, which includes as special cases the law of isothermal mass-action and the laws of constancy of distribution coefficients among several phases. (c) For change of equilibrium with change of temperature a formula is derived of which the equation of van't Hoff" is a specialized form. II. (a) The application of the general equations to gases yields an equation of condition which with the aid of two familiar empirical obser- vations is shown to be identical with the equation of van der Waals. (h) This equation of condition is applied to liquids in detail and special cases are discussed. (c) A more complete equation is proposed, recognizing the variability of specific heat with changing volume. (d) From the general equation a formula is obtained for equilibrium 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. between a liquid and its vapor. Heats of vaporization are calculated from this formula. (e) The formula is inapplicable in cases where the specific heat at constant volume differs in the liquid and gaseous state. A method of calculating these specific heats is given. (y ) The formula applies perfectly in the case of mercury. {g) The vapor pressure curve is discussed. III. (a) Application of the general equations to solutions leads to simple expressions for osmotic pressure and osmotic work in concentrated solutions. (h) Equations are given for the distribution of a solute between two solvents, and for the relation between the solubility curves of a substance in different solvents. IV. The influence of the nature of the solvent upon general homoge- neous equilibrium is determined and formulas are given. V. («) The general equation for free energy is applied to electro- chemistry. For the single potential difference between a metal and an electrolyte an equation is proposed which is an amplification of the equa- tion of Nernst. (6) Galvanic cells in which two solvents take part are discussed. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. Xo. 2. — August, 1899. SHORT STUDIES OF NORTH AMERICAN TRTXALIN^. By Samuel H. Scudder. SHORT STUDIES OF NORTH AMERICAN TRYXALIN^. By Samuel H. Scudder. Received June 6, 1899. Presented June 14, 1899. The review of a large series of Tryxalinaj collected on the Pacific coast iu 1897 by Mr. A. P. Morse, and kindly placed unreservedly in my hands, has provoked a re-examinatiou of the sj^ecies in a number of genera scattered through the group. I have published elsewhere (Can. Ent., XXXI. 177) a review of our species of Orphulella, and here gather together other miscellaneous studies, all referring to the Tryxalinoe. 1. The United States Species of Mermiria. A recent study of our Mermiria^ has brought to light a couple of new species of Mermiria, and some slight extension of the known range of some of the other species, so that I venture to publish the followiiio' notes and descriptions, with a new table of the species, based primarily on that published by McNeill. Table of the United States Sjyecies of Mermiria. fli. Head shorter than pronotum, or, if (rarely) as long, then the greatest width of the fastigium is greater than its length beyond narrowest part of vertex ; last ventral segment of male bluntly acuminate. ii. Fastigium less prominent and blunter, its greatest breadth being consider- ably greater than its length beyond narrowest part of vertex, especially in the female. c^. Stouter, the hind femora shorter, not reaching the tips of the tegmina in the female ; disk of pronotum, in female, hardly or not more than twice as long as greatest breadtii ; head with a broad occipital fuscous band. texana Brun. C.2 Slenderer, the hind femora longer, reaching the tips of the tegmina in the female; disk of pronotum distinctly, generally much, more than twice as long a- greatest breadth ; head with a narrow occipital band or none. hivittata Serv. b-. Fastigium of vertex more prominent and angulate, its greatest breadth being scarcely greater, even in Uie female, than its length beyond narrowest • part of vertex ; disk of pronotum considerably more than twice as long as greatest breadth intertexta sp. nov. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. a-. Head as long as pronotura ; fastigium at least as long beyond narrowest part of vertex as its extreme breadth ; last ventral segment of male more produced and somewhat acutely acuminate. b^. Head with a relatively narrow or no occipital median fuscous stripe, which never nearly equals the width of the fastigium. c^. Fastigium triangular, the sides converging in a nearly straight or onlj' slightly curved line, the tip narrowly rounded alarris Scudd. C-. Fastigium semielliptical, the sides converging with a well rounded curve, the tip very broadly and bluntly rounded neomexicana Thorn. h-. Head with a broad fuscous occipital stripe, almost or quite as broad as the greatest width of tlie fastigium. ci. Fastigium semielliptical and strongly rounded apically, the sides well curved • . vir/ilans sp. nov. C-. Fastigium acutely triangular, with the sides straight and the tip hardly blunt rosti-atu McNeill. Mermiria texana Brun. I have seen no male of this species. My specimens come from Col- orado, 7UU0', Morrison, and Coahuila, Mex., Palmer. It was originally described from Texas and the State of Durango, Mex. McNeill also credits it to Arizona. Mermiria bivittata (Serv.). I am inclined to think that Bruner's 31. macullpennis must be regarded as at most only a variety of this species ; I have seen it from Texas and Colorado only, and all are females. McNeill accepted it with doubt, and my inaculate specimens, including one named by Bruiier, vary in the breadth and arcuation of the fastigium to the same extent as do those undoubtedly to be referred to bivittata. This is our commonest species, and is wide spread. From east of the Mississippi I have specimens from Georgia only, but numerous speci- mens from Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and some immature specimens, which may belong here, from Iowa, collected by Allen. McNeill also credits it to Virginia, Illinois, and Nevada. Morse found it common in New Mexico on bunch grass, but it was rather shy and flew freely. Mermiria intertexta sp. nov. In color, markings, and size this species exactly resembles the preced- ing ; in all specimens seen, however, there is a slender mediodorsal fuscous stripe on head and pronotum. The head is distinctly shorter than the pronotum, and the fastigium in both sexes is scarcely broader SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN TRYXALTN.E. 43 than its length beyond the narrowest part of the vertex, being triangular ( (^ ) or suhtriangular ( 9 )> ^'hh straight (^) or arcuate (9) sides and blunt apex, the margins slightly ascending, and with faint or no median carina. The median carina of the pronotum is pronounced throughout, the lateral cariuce feeble, and the disk of the pronotum considerably more than twice as long as broad, especially in the male, the transverse sulci rather feebly impressed. The tegmina reach about to the tip of the abdomen and are immaculate, with the base of the median area in- fuscated and bordered by a submarginal costal flavous streak, as fre- quently in M. bifittata. The hind femora are slender, and reach as far back as the tegmina in both sexes. Last ventral segment of male a little more elongate and gradually acuminate than in M. bivittata. Length of body, $, 38 mm., 9 56 mm. ; pronotum, ^, 6 mm., 9, 8 5 mm. ; tegmina, ^, 27 mm., 9, 39 mm. ; hind femora, ^ , 2L5 mm,, 9,31 mm. 2 $ , 2 9 • Georgia, Morrison ; P^agle Pass, Tex., Schott. Mermiria alacris Scudd. I have seen specimens only from Georgia, Morrison ; Sandford, Fla., P'razer ; and Dallas, Tex., Boll. Mermiria neomexicana (Thom.). My specimens come only from Pueblo, Col., Aug. 30, 31 ; Dallas, Boll, and Bosque Co., Tex., Belfrage. McNeill says it occurs from Wyoming to New Mexico and eastward to Georgia. I suspect his Georgia reference may be due to my remarks in describing M. alacris, where I speak of the present species as occurring in Georgia, but I now think that was a mistake. Mermiria vigilans sp. nov. Dull olivaceous with purplish and flavous markings, particularly the former. The head has a broad mediodorsal purplish fuscous stripe, broadening a little in passing backward, and as broad, at least poste- riorly, as the fastigium ; this is separated by a narrow flavous stripe from a broad and equal light purplish postocular stripe which continues over the upper part of the lateral lobes of the pronotum ; below this the genfe are olivaceous clouded with flavous, while the face is infuscated. The pronotum is dull flavo-olivaceous, the disk often with a faint pur- plish median stripe, and the lateral lobes narrowly margined below with 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. purplish, the latter color in the male often suffusing the wliole ; tegraina green, the median area, especially near base, more or less ferruginous ; hind femora flavous, infuscated above ; hind tibife dull red. Fastigium distinctly longer beyond the narrowest part of the vertex than the extreme breadth, semielliptical, the sides straighter in the male than in the female, very bluntly rounded at tip, especially in the female, the margins scarcely ascending but plane, while the centre is rotundate with no sign of median carina. Disk of pronotum about twice as long as broad, the median carina sharp throughout, the lateral carin^e distinct but not elevated, the posterior margin very broadly rounded. Tegmina 7'eaching the tip of the abdomen. Hind femora ver}' slender, reaching the tip of tlie tegmina. Last ventral segment of male short but unusually acuminate. Length of body, ^ , 36 mm., 9, 48 mm. ; pronotum, ^ , 5 mm., 9, 7.25 mm. ; tegmina, ^, 2o mm., 9) 36 mm. ; hind femora, J* 20 mm., 9, 26 mm. 2 (? , 4 9 . Smithville, N. C, Nov. 22. In markings this species seems to bear a close resemblance to M. ros- trata, which I have not seen, but differs from it as it does from M. alacris in the form of the fastigium. It is most closely allied structurally to M. neomexicann, but has a longer pronotum and a more pointed genital segment in the male, while it differs to a considerable decree in color and markings ; these, however, are variable in both species. Mermiria rostrata McNeill. This species, known only from Indian Territory, I have not seen. 2. ACENTETUS AND ITS SpECIES. This genus was founded by McNeill (Proc. Dav. Acad. Nat. Sc, VI. 225) on Acentefus unicolor, a species described by him in the same paper from a single male without antennie, taken in Colorado. I have a single male of the same species, taken by me at Lakin, Kansas, on Sept. 1, which agrees with McNeill's figures and description except that the whole upper surface of the head and pronotum is blackish fuscous, the genoe are nar- rowly striped with pale flavous or luteous and pale fuscous, and the lateral lobes have similar luteous stripes on a pale fuscous ground ; the contrast of the dark disk and lighter lateral lobes does not well suit the name unicolor. The anteiinaj, the description of which had of course to be omitted from the generic characters, are depressed subfiliform, not SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN TRYXALIX^. 45 tapering, and distinctly longer than head and pronotum together. The scai)ular area of the tegmina, as represented in McNeill's figure, is too narrow ; at its widest, opposite the nexus of veins in the median area, it is nearly one third the total width of the tegmina at this point. I have a second species of Acentetus, also represented by a single male and also without antennae, taken by me at Florissant, Col., Aug. 17-22. It is testaceous, marked with griseous and fuscous ; the head is testa- ceous, with a pair of narrow, arcuate, diverging, fuscous occipital stripes, and on each side a pair of similar but straight postocular stripes ; the disk of the pronotum is griseous and the lateral lobes testaceous below, passing rather rapidly into blackish fuscous above; the hind femora are testaceous, more or less infuscated but not at all banded, and rufous beneath, the hind tibiiB dull red. Length of body, 16.5 mm.; tegmina, 10.5 mm. ; hind femora, 10.5 mm. It differs from A. imicolor not only in color and markings, but also in several structural peculiarities : The median carina of the fastigium is less pronounced and indeed rather feeble ; the lateral oarinae of the pro- notum, though having much the same divergence, are continuous and eqsal throughout, thus requiring a modification of the generic definition as given by McNeill ; the metazona is much more coarsely and deeply punctate ; and the tegmina (in the male of course) have a very different form, the costa being very strongly arched in the distal half and the distal portion of the tegmina being much abbreviated, so that the tegmina as a whole are less than three times longer than broad, instead of five times as long as broail, as in A. unicolor ; the relative breadth of the scapular area is even greater than in that species. It may be called Acentetus carinatus. 3. A Second Species of Opeia. Opeia was founded by McNeill in 1S97 (Proc. Dav. Acad. Nat. Sc, VI. 214) upon a single species, Oxycoryphus obscurus Thom. I have seen numerous specimens of this species coming from the Yellowstone valley in Montana, Nebraska, Lakin, Kans., Sept. 1 (Scudder), Colorado, 5500', 7000' (Morrison), Ft. Collins, Col., Aug. 12, 25, "on Bouteloria oligo- stachya" (Baker), Garden of the Gods, Col. (Scudder), Silver City, N. Mex. (Bruner), and Bosque Co., Tex., "on prairies" (Belfrage), as well as from Ft. Whipple, Arizona (Palmer). According to McNeill it is "a species peculiar to the Great Plains." In 1897, Mr. A. P. Morse brought a second species from California. 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. — Lancaster, Aug. 1, Kern City, Aug. 4, Tulare, Aug. 5, and Lathrop, Aug. 17 (2/) J , 179)5 which may be called Opeia tesiacea. It is a slenderer insect with longer tegmina, which equal ( 9 ) or sur- pass ( 1^ ) the abdomen and reach the base of the geniculation of the hind femora, and with a paler, nearly uniform coloring with scarcely any green in it, and immaculate tegmina in the female, where at most they merely have an obscure unbroken fuscous streak in the proximal half of the median area, while in 0. obscura the female tegmina have the median area nearly always distinctly marked with fuscous, broken into quad- rangular spots ; in the latter species the upper half of the lateral lobes is generally marked with a broad or narrow fuscous (rarely greenish) stripe, in both sexes, extending in extreme cases upon the head as a postocular band ; this is extremely rare in 0. testacea and obscure at best, though the lateral lobes are occasionally infuscated as a whole; generally the whole pronotum is uniform pale testaceous ; the hind tibial spurs are more slender in the new species, and the face a little more oblique in both sexes. Measurements of average specimens are as fol- lows. Length (if body, cf, 14 mm., 9, 25.5 mm. ; antennjB, ^, 5.75, 9, 8.9 mm.; tegmina, ^, 9.5 mm,, 9} 15.5 mm.; hind femora, ^, 9.4 mm., 9, 15.6 mm. Other species occur in Northern Mexico, which appear to bo undescribed. 4. A New Genus of Orphul^. Among the Orthoptera brought by Mr. Morse from the Pacific coast is a new form of Orphula3 nearly allied to Chloealtis. Our genera of Orphula3 may be thus separated. Table of the United States Genera of Orphidce. (ji. Antenna; relatively short, at most but little longer than head and pronotum together ; scapular area of tegmina not specially dilated. ^1. Foveola; of vertex more or less evident ; prozona not much longer than meta- zona ; lateral lobes of pronotum transverse, that is, deeper than long; upper ulnar vein of tegmina, at least in male, apically joining the lower ulnar vein at a long distance beyond the end of the basodiscoidal field . . . Orphulella Stal. Ifl. Foveolffi of vertex wanting ; prozona very much longer than metazona ; lateral lobes of pronotum longitudinal, longer than or fully as long as deep ; upper ulnar vein of tegmina, at least in male, apically strongly arched, joining the lower ulnar vein not far beyond the end of the basodiscoidal field. c^. Lateral lobes of pronotum plane above, meeting the disk at nearly right angles ; lateral carina parallel throughout ; tegmina usually much shorter than the abdomen in both sexes Dichromorpha Morse. SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN TRYXALTN.E. 47 c^. Lateral lobes of pronotum convex above, except for the carinae passing rather gradually into the disk ; lateral carina} divergent on metazona ; tegmina nearly or quite as long as tlie abdomen, at least in the male. Clinocephalus Morse. a-. Antenna) long, about or more than half as long again as head and pronotum together ; fastigium of vertex with a median carina ; scapular area of tegmina dis- tinctly dilated, at least in the male. 61. Antennae basally depressed but not expanded, subcqual to near the tip ; face moderately oblique, the frontal costa subobsolete below the ocellus; lateral foveola? of vertex obsolete ; pronotum posieriorly truncate, the lateral lobes as deep as long Chloealtis Harr. 6-. Antennae basally depressed and expanded, tapering in the proximal half; face strongly oblique, the frontal costa percurrent and sulcate below the ocellus; lateral foveolae of vertex distinct, linear; pronotum posteriorly obtusangulate, the lateral lobes longer than deep (Eonomus gen. nov. CEonomus (oi'ocoVos) gen. nov. Of slender foi-m. Head somewhat prominent, subconical, the face strongly oblique ; fastigium of vertex triangular with rounded subrec- tangulate apex, plane above with feebly raised blunt margins and a median carina, the lateral foveola^ distinct, linear, invisible from above ; frontal costa percurrent or almost percurrent, sulcate except in the uppermost siibvertical portion ; eyes long-oval, oblique, not distant above ; antenna? half as long again as head and pronotum together in the male, nearly as long as that in the female, the proximal half beyond the second joint depressed, expanded and tapering, in the male broader, at broadest, than the interspace between the eyes, at extreme tip again tapering slightly, at least in the male. Pronotum compressed, the disk nearly plane, faintly tectate, with parallel sides, the lateral and median carina? similar and parallel, the front margin gently convex, the hind margin broadly obtusangulate, the lateral lobes vertical but gently rounded, longer than deep. Tegmina shorter than the body, apically subangulate, the scapular area expanded and scalariform in the male ; wings aborted. Hind legs slender, the femora surpassing the abdomen, the inner spurs of hind tibia? equal. CEonomus altus sp. nov. Testaceous with a lateral blackish fuscous stripe of variable width, but generally broad and deepest in color above, extending from behind the eyes across the pronotum, limited above by the lateral carina and con- tinued upon the closed tegmina ; otherwise devoid of markings except usually for a pair of feeble and obscure diverging fuscous stripes on the 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. vertex, and that the antennae are generally much infuscated. Vertex well rounded, slightly ascending; frontal costa sparsely and irregularly punctate; eyes a little shorter, especially in the female, than the infra- ocular portion of the genas, Pronotum with sharp and distinct carinas, the i^rozona generally impuuctate except anteriorly and delicately, the transverse sulci feeble, the principal sulcus angulate, especially in the female, and situated distinctly behind the middle, the metazona densely and rather finely punctate. The fuscous portion of the tegmina involves the front margin of the discoidal area, but in the male leaves the distal expanded half of the scapular area untouched, and in one female the dis- coidal area is sparsely punctate with fuscous ; they are usually about as long as the hind femora, but in the female are sometimes no longer than head and pronotum together. Hind femora very slender, at least equal- ling ( 9 ) or considerably surpassing ((^) the abdomen ; hind tibise red, occasionally infuscated apically. Length of body, ^, 18 mm., 9i 24 mm.; antenna;, ^, 9 mm., 9? 8.5 mm. ; tegmina, (J, 9.5 mm., 9» ^ mm.; hind femora, S, H mm., 9 , 14.5 mm. 15 (^, 9 9 . ]\It. Wilson, Altadena, Cal., 2400', July 27, A. P. Morse. 5, A New Genus of Stenobothri. The North American Stenobothri may be sejiarated as follows : — a'. Antennae not ajjically clavate. b^. Face considerably oblique, straight or little rounded ; lateral foveola of vertex slender; lateral lobes of pronotum longer than or fully as long as deep. ci. Fastigium with a distinct percurrent median carina ; antennae, at least in female, depressed and more or less expanded basally. Ji. Antennae much expanded basally, tapering, in the male as long as the liind femora ; lateral carinse of pronotum subparallel, the disk subrectangu- lar ; prosternum tuberculate, especially in the male ; tegmina shorter than the abdomen Najmia McNeill. d~. Antennas feebly expanded basally, subfiliform, much shorter than the hind femora ; lateral carinie of pronotum strongly sinuate, the disk clepsydral ; prosternum not tuberculate ; tegmina longer than the abdomen. Iloresidotes gen. nov. c^. Fastigium with no median carina, but at most a colored line, except some- times in extreme anterior portion; antennfe filiform, the basal joints neither expanded nor greatly depressed in either sex ; disk of pronotum clepsydral. Stenobothrus Fiscli. 6'^. Face little oljlique, strongly rounded ; lateral foveolse of vertex moderately broad, never more than twice as long as broad ; lateral lobes of pronotum deeper than long. SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN TRYXALIN.E. 49 c^. Hind margin of pronotiim more angulate than front margin ; posterior margin of lateral lobes straight ; tegmina and wings fully developed. Plutybothrus Scudd. c'-. Fore and liind margins of pronotum equally (and slightly) angulate; pos- terior margin of lateral lobes sinuate ; tegmina abbreviate and wings aborted. Bruneria McNeill. a2. Antenna; apically clavate Gomphocerus Thunb. Horesidotes (ipeo-iSc5T7js) gen. nov. Allied to Napaia McNeill (which I have not seen) and separable from it in the points mentioned in the above table. Head subpyramidal, the face considerably oblique and straight; occiput with a median carina extending to and invading the fastigium of the vertex and througliout accompanied proximately by a pair of similar supjilemeutary carina; ; foveolaj visible from above, elongate, shallow; eyes rather elongate; antennse subfiliform, a little depressed but only feebly expanded basally, moderately slender, a little longer than head and pronotum together in both sexes but especially in the male, and much shorter than the hind femora. Pronotum rather small, the disk markedly clepsydral, the lateral carinas being strongly arcuate and as distinct as the median carina ; prozona and metazona of sube 21 mm. ; pronotum, 5 mm., 9 > 6 mm. ; fore femora, c? , 3.75 mm., 9, 4mm. ; hind femora,,^, 14 mm., 9 , 14.5 mm.; ovipositor, 18.5 mm. 2 (?, 3 9- Vicinity of Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Sept., H. W. Henshaw, Lt. Wheeler's exploration of 1876. The supraanal plate and cerci of the male' are quite diifereut from those of any other species. It also has shorter legs. Cacopteris fuscopunctata sp. nov. Dark fusco-testaceous, the face blackish fuscous and behind the eye a narrow piceous stripe crossing the pronotum but broadly interrupted on the prozona; the legs dark fusco-testaceous, the tegmina light testaceous with a distinct black apical spot, the antennas half as long again as the body, rufo-testaceous, narrowly ringed with fuscous at the apex of the joints. Pronotum but little longer than broad, the lateral lobes deep with no posterior sinus, bent-arcuate below, the disk with a faint median carina. Legs of moderate length, the fore femora slightly shorter than the pronotum, the fore tibite without spines on the inner margin above, 90 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the hiud femora about as long as the body. Supraanal plate broad tri- angular with a very deep apical sinus, separating two dentiform triangular lobes not so long as broad and apically acute, not reaching so far back as the subgenital plate ; cerci fairly stout with similar and subequal, conical, indirected, median and apical spines of no great size, blunt tipped ; sub- genital plate subtruncate apically, with a feeble median emargination, the styles slight, less than half as long as the apical breadth of the plate. Length of body, 14 mm.; pronotum, 4.5 mm.; fore femora, 4 mm. ; hind femora, 14 mm. 1 ^. Tehachapi, Cal., Aug. 2, A. P. Morse. This species bears a close general resemblance to C. cBqualis, from which it is distinguished by its unarmed fore tibiae, slightly shorter hind femora, and the male genitalia. Cacopteris sinuata sp. nov. Light olivaceo-testaceous, the inferior margin of the lateral lobes of pronotum broadly bordered with luteous, and faint luteous stripes in place of lateral carinte. Face yellow testaceous, narrowly edged below next clypeus with rufous. Pronotum about half as long again as broad, the lower margin of lateral lobes sinuate, the lobes being but little deeper on anterior than on posterior half of pronotum, the sinus rather slight. Tegmina dark fuscous, with luteous veins. Legs long, the fore femora slightly longer than the pronotum, the fore tibiae with no spines on the inner margin above. Abdomen with a pair of narrow, luteous, latero-dorsal stripes fading basally ; supraaual plate developing an apical pair of long, triangular, uniformly tapering and acuminate lobes, separated by a deep and narrow fissure, the lobes reaching as far as the subgenital plate ; cerci cylindrical, long, sinuate, with a brief postmedian, interior, conical, pointed tooth, beyond which the cerci taper to a blunt point, this whole apical portion surpassing the subgenital plate ; the latter with a subrectangulate apical emargination, the styles slender, less than half as long as the apical breadth of the plate. Length of body, 20.5 mm. ; pronotum, 6 mm. ; fore femora, 6.5 mm. 2 $ . Fort Whipple, Arizona, E. Palmer. The colors are probably affected by immersion in alcohol. Unfortu- nately neither specimen has hiud legs preserved. SCUDDER. — NORTH AMERICAN DECTICIN^. 91 Cacopteris ephippiata sp. nov. Luteo-testaceous, the lower anterior margin of lateral lobes bordered with luteous, the outer face of the stouter part of the hind femora with a slender median and broader and longer inferior fuscous streaks, the teg- mina blackish, with the main lateral veins luteous. Pronotum about half as long again as broad, the lateral lobes twice as deep in the anterior as in the posterior half, the sinus deep, the lower margin of deeper por- tion of pronotum strongly arcuate. Fore femora considerably shorter than pronotum, the fore tibite with no spines above on inner margin, the hind femora long, as long as the body. Supraanal plate with a pair of subattingent, long and slender, tapering, depressed and pointed dentiform lobes, nearly reaching the tip of the subgenital plate, separated by a deep and narrow fissure ; cerci similar to those of C. sinuata but stouter and shorter, the tip not reaching so far back as the subgenital plate ; the lat- ter rather narrow apically with rectangulate emargination. Length of body, 20 mm. ; pronotum, 7.1 mm. ; fore femora, 6 mm. ; hind femora, 20 mm. 1 $ . Sonora, Schott, Emory's Mexican boundary survey. Cacopteris nevadensis sp. nov. Fusco-griseous, the lateral lobes of pronotum more or less marked with piceous especially above, with a luteous patch bordering the infero- posterior margin ; head somewhat lighter below the lower level of the eyes, the legs concolorous, the tegmina of the male dull testaceous, with an apical black spot outwardly ; antennse much longer than the body, rufo-testaceous. Pronotum but little longer than broad, the lateral lobes deep, the lower margin strongly bent-arcuate with no sinus posteriorly. Legs rather long, the fore femora as long as {^) ov shorter than ( 9 ) the pronotum, the fore tibiae with one or two {^) or no (9) spines on the inner margin above, the hind femora as long as ( (^ ) or shorter than ( 9 ) the body. Supraanal plate of male triangular, somewhat brief, fissured apically by a deep V-shaped cleft, forming on either side a short, trian- gular, pointed lobe not reaching so far as the subgenital plate ; cerci with the basal half cylindrical, rather stout, at its end furnished with an inte- rior hook, beyond which the cerci form an incurved, tapering, acuminate spine, bent before the infuscated tip ; subgenital plate apically narrowed by compression, rectangularly emarginate, the styles moderate, more than half as long as the apical vv'idth of the plate ; ovipositor straight, longer than the hind femora, but shorter than the body. 92 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Length of bod}', ^ , 17 mm., 9, 22.5 mm.; pronotum, J', 4.75 mm., 9 , 5.5 mm. ; fore femora, J*, 4.75 mm., 9? 4.5 mm.; hiud femora, (J, 17 mm.,, 9 5 18 mm. ; ovipositor, 20 mm. 2 (^ , 19- Ruby Valley, Nevada, Ridgway ; mountains near Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Oct. 14, Henshavv, Lt. Wheeler's explorations of 1876. The female, which alone comes from the last named source, may possi- bly belong to a distinct species ; it differs in having a darker and more uniform coloring, with nearly uniformly fuscous lateral lobes (except the luteous patch) as well as in the points brought out in the desci'iptiou. Cacopteris sequalis sp. nov. Fusco-testaceous, often clouded with fuscous, generally but not always with a fuscous patch on the lateral lobes of the pronotum, posteriorly overhanging a crescentic luteous bordering to the lower margin ; face gen- erally a little lighter colored below the lower level of the eyes ; antennae nearly twice as long as the body, luteo-testaceous ; tegmina of male testa- ceous, with a distinct black spot at the apex ; hind femora testaceous, generally more or less infuscated, occasionally streaked longitudinally with blackish fuscous externally. Pronotum scarcely longer than inferior breadth, with deep lateral lobes, the lower margin strongly bent-arcuate, with a slight posterior sinus. Legs long, the fore femora nearly or quite as long as the pronotum, the fore tibiae with a pair of spines on the upper inner margin, the hind femora slightly longer than the body. Supraanal plate of male with an apical pair of rather widely separated, slender, acuminate denticulations, as long as the body of the plate, reach- ing nearly as far as the tip of the subgeuital plate, and separated by a wide U-shaped sinus ; cerci stout and cylindrical in basal half, the apical half forming an inbent, apically incurved, slender, tapering hook, spring- ing from the inner apical part of basal portion ; subgenital plate apically rectangularly emarginate, the styles moderate, neai-ly as long as the apical breadth of the plate ; ovipositor faintly upcurved, about as long as the hind femora. Length of body, r? , 19.75 mm., 9, 21 mm.: pronotum, $, 5.25 rnm., 9, 5.5 mm.; fore femora, $, 5 mm., 9, 5.75 mm.; hind femora, J*, 20.5 mm., 9 , 22 mm. ; ovipositor, 22 mm. 9 (J , 5 9. Los Angeles, Cal., July 26, A. P. Morse, D. W. Coquil- lett ; Cahon Pass, Cal., July 19, A. P. Morse. Two immature 9 from Mt. Wilson, Altadena, Cal., July 27, A. P. Morse, may also belong here. Other specimens are in the U. S. National Museum. SCUDDER, — NORTH AMERICAN DECTIClNiE. 93 Cacopteris femorata sp. nov. Nearly uniform very dark fusco-testaceous, the hind femora lighter testaceous except for a black median stripe on the outer and inner sides, larger without, the head fusco-castaneous ; antennae nearly twice as long as the body, rufo-testaceous. Pronotum but little longer than inferior breadth, the lateral lobes angularly separated from the disk posteriorly, forming slight blunt lateral carina?, the lobes deep, a little lighter colored below, the inferior margin strongly bent-arcuate, with a slight posterior sinus. Legs unusually long, the fore femora slightly longer than the pronotum, the fore tibije with two or three spines on the inner margin above, the hind femora much longer than the body. Ovipositor concol- orous, feebly upturned, almost as long as the body. Length of body, 20.5 mm. ; pronotum, 5.5 mm. ; fore femora, 6 mm. ; hind femora, 25 mm.; ovipositor, 19 mm. 1 9 . South Santa Monica, Cal., July 30, J. J. Rivers through A. P. Morse. Easily distinguished by the carinje of the pronotum, the long hind legs, and relatively short ovipositor. Proceeding of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 6. — November, 1899. h NOTE ON THE FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS OF THE PLANE. By F. B. Williams. NOTE ON THE FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS OF THE PLANE. By F. B. Williams, Clark University, Mass. Presented by Henry Taber, October 11, 1899, Since Professor Study* made the important discovery that the special linear homogeneous group contains singular transformations, i. e. transfor- mations that cannot be generated by an infinitesimal transformation of this group (in consequence of which the group is not continuous except in the neighborhood of the identical transformation), such singular trans- formations have been found by Professor Taber t and others, in many other sub-groups of the general projective group. Thus, e.g., Mr. Eettger has shown that of the 76 two and three term sub-groups of the projective group in two variables, and of the general linear homogeneous group in three variables, 21 contain singular transformations.! It was therefore to be expected that, for example, among the groups of the plane given by Lie on pages 360 and 361 of his Continmerliche Gruppen, some, not sub-groups of the projective group, would be found to contain singular transformations. This I find to be the case, as the second group consid- ered below will show. The first group considered is projective for the value of r taken ; and, in connection with the consideration of this group, there is given a method by means of which we are able to ascertain whether a group contains singular transformations or not. Throughout this paper p = ^r— and q = ;r— . Example I. If ia the case of the group q, xg, x-q . . . x'-^q, p, xjp^ayq, (r>3) * Leipziger Berichte, 1892. t Bull. N. Y. Math. Soc, July, 1894; Math. Ann., Vol. XLVI. p. 561; Math. Review, Vol. I. p. 154. See also Newson, Kansas Univ. Quart., 1896. X See These Proceedings, Vol. XXXIII. VOL. XXXV. — 7 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. we put r = i, we have the group q, xq, p, xp + ayq, which is a sub-group of the general projective group. The symbol of the general infinitesimal transformation is U= (ai -\- a.x -{- a^ai/)q + {a-^ + a^x)p. Hence, Ux = a^ -{- a^ X, U"x = a^Ui -\- a^ a;, where ZZ^ re denotes U{Ux), etc. Similarly, Uy = a^ + a2X + a^ay, U'^y = «! «4 « + aoa^ax •\- a^^ u"y -\- 02 a^ x -\- a2 a^ , U^y = aiai^u" + a2a^a'^x-^ a^ v? y ^ a2a^ {a -}- l)a;+ a2a^a^{a-\- 1), U'y = aia4»-^«"-^ + a2ai''-'a''-^x + a^Vy + a2a4""^(«""'+ «""'+ • • • « + l)a; + 02«3«4""^(«""^ + «"^ + ... + « + 1). Therefore,* the transformation of the group generated by the general infinitesimal transformation of the group is defined by the equations X = xe -\ (e — I), (1) a^x «4 (« — 1) a., ^3 / « «4 «4 -1 , ^ , ^1 / " ^4 1 \ « a4^ (a — 1) a a4 Let this transformation be denoted by Ta- It transforms the point P with coordinates (ar, ?/) into the point P' with coordinates (x', y). Let the transformation 7^ of our group (generated by the infinitesimal trans- formation (bi + b2X -\- b^ixy) q + (bs -\- b^ x)p) transform P' into P" with coordinates (x" , y"). Ti, is then defined by the equations * Lie, Differentialgleichungen, chap. 3, § 3. WILLIAMS. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS, 99 x= X e -\- — (e — 1), (2) ■ « 64 (m — 1) 0(04 Substituting in (2) the values of x' and y' from (1), we get the transfor- mation 7), 2\ which carries the point P into the point P" . The equa- tions defining Tf, T^ are then x" = x/^ + '^ + ^ (e"^-*-'^ - e'O + f^ (/^ - 1), (3) "^ ** «" = «/^"* + '^^ + ^ i "^ (,«(«. + *.) _ /. + «^^) + ^(,«^ _ /4) I ce — 1 (^ a4 O4 ) -j — (e —ae —e + «e ) H (e — e ) aa4"(a — 1) tt«4 + ~Tu n ^^ -ae -\ + u) + —r{e - 1). a O4 (m — 1 ) u 0^ If now 7J, Ta, which is also a transformation of our group, is equiva- lent to a transformation T^, generated by the infinitesimal transformation (ci + C2 X + C4 ay) 7 + (C3 + Ci x)p, — that is, if T^ T^— T^, we have also X = xe -\ (e — 1), (4) 0^4 Whence, first, /* = /^ + \ o C4 a (ai + 64) e = e ; and therefore, C4 r= a4 4- &4 + 2 Kiri, aCi = a (04 + ^4) -f 2 k' TT t, 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. where k and k are integers. From these equations it follows that a k is an integer. Therefore, if « is irrational, k = 0. On the other hand, if a is rational and equal to - , where fx and v are integers relatively prime, k = A. j/, where X is an arbitrary integer. We also derive from (3) and (4) o'i + ^i + 2 /< TT ^ C «3 . , , 6,^ K , T. . ) e"i + ^* — I C «4 04 ) «4 + ^4 + 2 K TT Z ( «2 . « ('^'^ + 64) O4 + a 64 Jo . a 64 J4. ) = (^ (a, &), «4 + ^4 + 2 K TT Z f 4> \p a{at + bi) Co — Ci = ^a (04 + fti) ■.TTl { 2. Put r = 3, K = m = 1, and p^ — 1. We then have the group e"'^^, xe-"^ q, p. («to) The symbol of the general infinitesimal transformation is 7-7 / a.x \ aX\ I _ «-. U = («i e -j- a^x e ) q + a^ j). Hence, Ux =^ Oj, U-'x = 0, and therefore x' = x + a^. Further, TT aX \ (XX U y = 016 -\- a/'(«)- ^ =y where e'^Of' _ 1 <}>(a) = a2 , e""3 _ 1 «/'(«) = Cti h «2 < ^ + «3 a a., \«3 <9a3 j-"-0+-.+°-f-)[ V «2 0!3 ^ « a. a ( \ M 03 / M «3 z ) (2) Similarly, the transformation Tb may be defined by the equations x" = x + ^3, And, therefore, T'j Ta is defined by the equations x" — X -\- a^ -{- Jg, (3) y" =y-r xe'^^\<^{a) + e""'^ (5)) + ^^ i^\, {a) + a^e^^^c^Ci) If now Tft T'a = 7*^ , we have also a; := a; + C3, (4) y" ^y\ xe<^^ 2 y (x) q -f- a.yq. Ux = 0', Uy = ai + a.2 (^) + «3^y, Vy^ «i ffs"- ^ + «2 «3" - 1 (x) + a,-y. Hence the transformation T^ of this group is defined by 106 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. (I) and the transformation T^ by (2) Therefore, if T^ T, ^ 2\, C3 = «3 + *3 + 2 K 71 ^■. For finite values of the a's and 5's, every branch of Cg is finite, and at least one branch both of Ci and of Cn is finite. For Ci and C2 can only be infinite for a^-\- bz = 2 7nni {m an integer) ; but if «3 + Jg = 2 m tt /, the branches of q and c.^ corresponding to k = — m are finite, being equal respectively to L*3 (e«3 - 1) ^ + (e*» - 1)1 = ^'' (^"' - 1) (^' - 1 \ 03 + 63 = 2 m TT I and 03 + 63 = 2nvi The groap is likewise continuous for values of r > 3 ; i. e. for values of r > 3, it does not contain singular transformations. For, if r = p > 3 the trans- formations Ta are defined by /ai-\-a2^o(x)-ir as4>p,(^) + • ■ 4- flp-ic^p-i (a;)V "p_i\ WILLIAMS. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. 107 Example IV. a X ax par e" q, xe" q, . . . , x^e" q, ij q, p K — 1, 2, . . . , W2, «K = const., 2pK + m = r — 2, r>3 Put p^ =: 1, K := m = 1, and r = 4. We then have the group and Therefore, e 'q, xe'^^q, y q, p ; V = (flj e'^' + a^x e"^ + a^i/) q + 04^3 . Ux = 04, ZPa: = 0, . . . ?7"a: = 0, a;' = X + a^ ; so that and fT'^y = aiOge"^ + a^agxe'"' + a^y + e*^(aia4a + Oo^O + xe"'*a2a4«, f7^y = a^a^e'^ -\-a<2,a^xe'^ -{■aiy-{-e'^ {axai^aar^-{-a^a^a^-\-xe'^ a^a^aa^ + e"^ (ai a/ «- + 2 as 04^ a) + a; e»^ Og a^ a% U^y — a^aie'^^a^aixe'^-{-a^^y-\-e'^{axa^aa^-^aia^a^)^xe'^a^a^ua^" + a;e'"a2a4^a^a3, Hence y' =ye''^ ■\- X e Cfn (e««* _ e%) + ea2 (^ a 04 — «3 J }fll(a3-aa4)+«2fl4l(e"8-l)-ai(a3-aff4)(e°"«-l)-q2fl'«e°^*(Q3-g"4 + ^] (a3-aa4)'-2 For the values of r, p^ , and k, chosen, this group is continuous. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 7. — November, 1899. THE ECHELON SPECTROSCOPE. By a. a. Michelson. Investigations on Light and Heat made and published wholly or in part ttith Appropriations prom the rumfobd fuku- THE ECHELON SPECTROSCOPE. By a. a. Michelson. Keceived and Presented October 11, 1899. The important discovery of Zeeman of the influence of a magnetic field upon the radiations of an approximately homogeneous source shows more clearly than any other fact the great advantage of the highest at- tainable dispersion -and resolving power in the spectroscopes employed in such observations. If we consider that in the great majority of cases the separation of the component lines produced by the magnetic field is of the order of a twentieth to a fiftieth of the distance between the sodium lines, it will be readily admitted that, if the structure of the components themselves is more or less complex, such structure would not be revealed by the most powerful spectroscopes of the ordinary type. In the case of the grating spectroscope, besides the difficulty of obtain- ing sufficient resolving power, the intensity is so feeble that only the brighter spectral lines can be observed, and even these must be aug- mented by using powerful discharges, — which usually have the effect of masking the structure to be investigated. Some years ago I published a paper describing a method of analysis of approximately homogeneous radiations which depends upon the observation of the clearness of interference fringes produced by these radiations. A curve was drawn showing the change in clearness with increase in the difference of path of the two interfering pencils of light; and it was shown that there is a fixed relation between such a " visi- bility curve " and the distribution of light in the corresponding spectrum, — at least in the case of symmetrical lines.* It is precisely in the examinations of such minute variations as are observed in the Zeeman effect that the advantages of this method appear, for the observations are entirely free from instrumental errors ; there is practically no limit to the resolving power, and there is plenty of light. * In the case of asymmetrical lines anotlier relation is necessary, and such is furnished by what may be called the "phase curve." 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. There is, however, the rather serious inconvenience that the examina- tion of a single line requires a considerable time, often several minutes, and during this time the character of the radiations themselves may be changino;. Besides this, nothing can be determined regarding the nature of these radiations until the " visibility curve " is complete, and analyzed either by calculation or by an equivalent mechanical operation. Notwithstanding these difficulties, it was possible to obtain a number of rather interesting results, such as the doubling or the tripling of the central line of Zeeman's triplet, and the resolution of the lateral lines into multiple lines ; also the resolution of the majority of the spectral lines examined into more or less complex groups ; the observation of the effects of temperature and pressure on the width of the lines, etc. It is none the less evident that the inconveniences of this process are so serious that a return to the spectroscopic methods would be desirable if it were possible, 1st, to increase the resolving power of our gratings ; 2d, to concentrate all the light in one spectrum. It is well known that the resolving power of a grating is measured by the product of the number of lines by the order of ihe spectrum. Atten- tion has hitherto been confined almost exclusively to the first of these factors, and in the large six-inch grating of Professor Rowland there are about one hundred thousand lines. It is possible that the limit in this direction has already been reached; for it appears that gratings ruled on the same engine with but half as many lines have almost the same resolving power as the larger ones. This must be due to the errors in spacing of the lines ; and if this error could be overcome, the resolving power could be augmented indefinitely. In the hope of accomplishing something in this direction, together with Mr. S. W. Stratton, I constructed a ruling engine in which I make use of the principle of the interferometer in order to correct the screw by means of light-waves from a homogeneous source. This instrument (only a small model of a larger one now under construction) has already furnished rather good gratings of two inches ruled surface, and it seems not unreasonable to hope for a twelve-inch grating with almost theoreti- cally accurate rulings. As regards the second factor, the order of the spectrum observed, but little use is made of orders higher than the fourth, chiefly on account of the faintness of the light. It is true that occasionally a grating is ruled which gives exceptionally bright spectra of the. second, or third order, and such gratings are as valuable as they are rare ; for it appears MICHELSON. — THE ECHELON SPECTROSCOPE. 113 that this quality of throwing an excess of light in a particular spectrum is due to the character of the ruling diamond, which canuot be deter- mined except by the unsatisfactory process of trial and error. If it were desired to produce rulings which should throw the greater part of the incident light in a given spectrum, we should try to give the rulings the form shown in section in Figure 1. / / / "X/ x/ FiGDKE 1. I am aware of the difficulties to be encountered in the attempt to put this idea into practical shape, and it may well be that they are in fact insurmountable ; but in any case it seems to be well worth the attempt. Meanwhile the idea suggested itself of avoiding the difficulty in the following way. / / Figure 2. Plates of glass (p^, Fig. 2) accurately plane-parallel and of the same thickness, are placed in contact, as shown in the figure. If the thicknesses were exactly the same, and were it not for variations in the thickness of the air-films between the plates, the retardations of the pencils reflected by the successive surfaces would be exactly the same, the reflected waves would be in the same conditions as in the case of a reflecting grating, — except that the common retardation is enormously greater. VOL. XXXV. — 9 114 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The first condition is not very difficult to fulfil ; but, in consequence of dust jiarticles which invariably deposit on the glass surfaces, — in spite of the greatest possible precaution, ■ — it is practically impossible to insure a perfect contact, or even constancy, iu the distances between surfaces.* If now instead of the retardation by reflection we make use of the retardation by transmission thi-ough the glass, the difficulty disappears almost completely. In particular the air-films are compensated by equivalent thicknesses of air outside, so that it is no longer necessary that their thickness should be constant. Besides, the ac- curacy of parallelism and of thickness of the glass plates necessary to insure good results is now only one fourth of that required of the reflection ar- rangement. In Figure 3 let ab =^ s, the breadth of each pencil of rays ; bd = t, the thickness of each element of the eche- lon ; 0, the angle of diffi'action ; «, the angle adb; m, the number of waves of length A corresponding to the com- mon difference of path of the successive elemeuts. The difference of path is cos (a + 0) ; or, since 0 is always very 1 1 1 » 1 r 1 1 1 C/--^ / \d ' *i / /' ' , ' /ei 1 1 Figure 3. mX H- t — ad. ac ^ cos « small, t ac (cos a — ^ sin tt) = < (1 — 0 tan a), cos a ^ I. and m\— ijx— \)t ^ sQ To find the angle corresponding to a given value d\, differentiate for dp. A, and we find -— = - a A s m — t dX Putting in this expression the approximate value of m we have (.-»^, * Nevertheless I have succeeded with ten such plates, silvered on their front surfaces, in obtaining spectra which, though somewhat confused, were still pure enough to show phenomena such as the Zeeman effect, the broadening of lines by pressure, etc. ; but evidently the limit had been nearly reached. MICHELSON. — THE ECHELON SPECTROSCOPE. 115 dO d\/\ |_^' ^ dXjs s For the majority of optical glasses b varies between 0.5 and 1.0. The expression II. measures the dispersion of the echelon. To obtain tlie resolving power, put e = dk/k for the limit. For this limiting value the ano'le 6 will be k/n s, where n is the number of elements ; hence n s p= the effective diameter of the observing telescope. Substituting these values, we find A. e = biit' III. To obtain the angular distance between the spectra, differentiate I. for m ; we find dm s ' or, putting d m = unity, de^=^. IV. The quantity dk/k = E corresponding to this is found by substitut- ing this value of c^^ in II., whence Hence the limit of resolution is the 7iih part of the distance between the spectra. This fact is evidently a rather serious objection to this form of spectro- scope. Thus, in observing the effect of increasing density on the breadth of the sodium lines, if the broadening be of the order of k/bt the two contiguous spectra (of the same line) will overlap. As a particular case, let us take t — 7 mm., JiJ = 17 Joo- It will be impossible to examine lines whose breadth is greater than the fourteenth part of the distance between the D Hues. It is evidently advantageous to make t as small as possible. Now the resolving power, which may be defined by - is proportional to the product 71 1. Consequently in order to increase it as much as possible it is necessary to use thick plates, or to increase their number. But in consequence of the losses hj the successive reflections, experience shows that this number is limited to from 20 to 35 plates, any excess not contributing in any important degree to the efficiency. I have constructed three echelons, the thickness of the plates being 116 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 7 mm., 18 mm., and 30 mm. respectively, each containing the maximum number of elements, — that is, 20 to 35, and whose theoretical resolving powers are therefore of the order of 210000, 540000, and 900000, respectively. In other words, they can resolve lines whose distances apart is the two-hundredth, the five-hundredth, and the nine-hundredth of the distance between the D lines. Consequently the smallest of these echelons surpasses the resolving power of the best gratings, and what is even more important, it concen- trates all the light in a single spectrum. The law of the distribution of intensities in the successive spectra is readily deduced from the integral Hence rs,, I cosp J s/2 27r^ X ax. where p = — - 6. A I=A^- sin- TT-a A -x'^" This expression vanishes for 0 = t X / s, which is also the value of dOi, the distance between the spectra. Hence in general there are two spectra visible as indicated in Figure 4. Figure i. By slightly inclining the echelon, one of the sj^ectra is readily brought to the centre of the field, while the adjacent ones are at the minima, and disappear. The remaining spectra are practically invisible, except for very bright lines. As has just been indicated, the proximity of the successive spectra of one and the same line is a serious objection, and as this proximity depends MICHELSON. — THE ECHELON SPECTROSCOPE. 117 on the thickness of the plates — which for mechanical reasons cannot well be reduced below 5 or 6 mm. — it is desirable to look to other means for obviating the difficulty, among which may be mentioned tlie use of a liquid instead of air. In this case Formula II. becomes dd t_ s dXj\ 1 ^ -, ^ dQj. — /xi)~j _ t - (M — Ml) — '^ JT = C .1^1 d\ s and Formula IV. becomes dm. /ji s Repeating the same operations as in the former case, we find : A net and E —— . ct The limit of resolution is still the nW). part of the distance between the spectra, but both are increased in the ratio bjc. Suppose for instance the liquid is water. Neglecting dispersion the factor would be 3.55. Hence the distance between the spectra will be increased in this proportion, but the limit of resolution will also be multiplied by this factor. But as there is now a surfiice water-glass which reflects the light, the loss due to this reflection will be very much less, so that it will be possible to employ a greater number of elements, thus restoring the resolving power. At the same time the degree of accuracy necessary in working the plates is 3.55 times less than before. For many radiations the absorption due to thicknesses of the order of 50 cm. of glass would be a very serious objection to the employ- ment of the transmission echelon. I have attempted, therefore, to carry out the original idea of a reflecting echelon, and it may be of interest to indicate in a general way how it is hoped the problem may be solved. Among the various processes which have suggested themselves the following appear the most promising. In the first a number of plates (20 to 30), of equal thickness, are fastened together as in Figure 5, and the surfaces A and B are ground and polished plane and parallel. They are then separated and i^laced on an inclined plane surface, as indicated in Figure G. 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. If there are differences in thickness of the air-films, the resulting differences in the height of the plates will be less in the ratio tan «. B Figure 5. An error of \jn may be admitted for each plate, — even in the most unfavorable case in which the errors all add ; and consequently the admissible errors in the thickness of the air-films may be of the order A/^^«. For instance, for 20 plates the average error may be a whole wave-length if the inclination a is o'^ . As there is always a more or FiGUKE 6. less perfect compensation of the errors, the number of plates or the inclination may be correspondingly greater. Accordingly, it may be possible to make use of 50 elements, and the plane may be inclined at an angle of 20° to 30°. It would be necessary in this case, however, to use a rather large objective. Possibly this may be avoided by cutting the surface ^ to a spherical curvature, thus forming a sort of concave echelon. MICHELSON. — THE ECHELON SPECTROSCOPE. 119 Figure 7. The second process differs from the first only in that each plate is cut independently to the necessary height to give the required retardation. The first approximation being made, the plates are placed on a plane surface, as in Figure 7. The projections a and h (Fig. 8) are then ground and polished until the up- per surfaces are all parallel, and the successive retardations equal. The parallelism as well as the height is verified by means of the interferom- eter. These processes are, it is freely conceded, rather delicate, but prelim- inary experiments have shown that with patience they may be suc- cessful. Figure 8. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 8. — December, 1899. THE ELECTROCHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS OF COPPER AND SILVER. By Theodore W. Richards, Edward Collins, axd George W. IIeimrod. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. THE ELECTROCHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS OF COPPER AND SILVER. By Theodore William Richards, Edward Collins, and George W. Heimrod. Presented June 14, 1899. Received October 30, 1899. Four years ago we began an investigation which had as its object the careful study of the well known irregularities of the "copper voltameter" from the point of view of the modern theories of electrochemistry. One reason for this study was the fact that the atomic weight of copper com- puted from the relation of its electrochemical equivalent to that of silver was noticeably smaller than the atomic weight obtained in this Labora- tory by purely chemical methods.* Owing to circumstances beyond our control the completion of the work was postponed far beyond its proper time ; but at last it is in a condition suitable for partial publication. The matter was complicated by the discovery of an error in the " silver volta- meter," as well as in the " copper voltameter." In the mean time an extremely interesting paper by Foerster and Seidel, and several other valuable contributions by Kahle, Patterson and Guthe, and others, upon allied subjects, have appeared.j These cover a part of the ground occu- pied by our work, and thereby shorten the present account. The work naturally falls under two headings, because each metal needed its special investigation ; and this natural division will be retained in the following description. I. The Copper Voltameter. The work of Gore, Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick, Gray, Shaw, Vanni, and Gannon, | showed long ago that a side reaction, varying in * T. W. Richards, These Proceedings, 26, 240 (1891). t Foerster and Seidel, Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 14, 106-140 ; K. Knlile, Wied. Ann., 67, 1 (1899) ; Patterson and Guthe, Physical Review, 7, 257 (1808); E. H. Griffiths, Nature, 56, 258 (1897), etc. t Gore, Nature, 25, 473 (1882) ; Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick, Pliil. Trans., 175, 458 (1884) ; Gray, Piiil. Mag., (5), 22, -389 (1886). also 25, 179(1888) ; Shaw, Brit. Ass. Rep. 1886, p. .318 [Phil. Mag., (5), 23, 138]; Vanni, Wied. Ann., 44, 214 (1891) ; Gannon, Proc. Roy. Soc, 55, 66 (1894). 124 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. prominence with circumstances, vitiates the electrochemical equivalent of copper as it is ordinarily determined. Even a cursory study of these careful investigations shows that the complication arises at the point of contact of the copper cathode with the solution, and that the side reaction has the effect of lessening the amount of copper deposited by the current. With this in mind, we made a systematic investigation of the behavior of copper plates in cupric solutions, which led us to precisely the same conclusions as those attained by Foerster and Seidel in the paper already mentioned. Since these gentlemen have described their work in great detail, an abbreviated statement of our results will suffice. 1. Metallic copper slowly dissolves in an acid solution of cupric sulphate, even when the solution has been freed from air and has been protected by an atmosphere of hydrogen. This conclusion was tested many times, and the losses of weight of the plates were found to be roughly proportional to the respective areas of the plates, if the volume of solution was large. 2. A strongly acid solution does not differ materially in its action from a weakly acid solution ; hence neither hydrogen nor SO4 ions can be responsible for the phenomenon. 3. Other things being equal, the action is proportional to the concen- tration of the cupric sulphate, being very slight when this is absent, even if much sulphuric acid is present. Hence the cupric ions must be the active agents, and they can only dissolve the copper according to the reaction Cu + Cu++[+ SO/'] t.2 Cu+[+ SO"]. In a word, cuisrous sulphate must be formed. 4. In contact with the air this action naturally takes place more rapidly than in the absence of oxygen. Instead of losing only about 0.004 milligram per square centimeter per hour in a normal solution of cupric sulphate at 20", as before, the loss was nearly doubled. Evi- dently the cuprous becomes cupric sulphate in the oxidizing environment, and thus opportunity for further reduction is ottered. 5. On the otlier hand, plates of copper immersed in neutral solutions of cupric sulphate always gain in weight, becoming coated with a film of cupi'ous oxide. This is a wholly separate phenomenon, due to tlie hydrolysis of the cuprous sulphate. Of course this hydrolysis cannot happen in an acid solution ; hence copper deposited electrolytically from an acid solution is free from cuprous oxide. Obviously, too, the method of Vaniii, which consists in adjusting the amount of acid so that the plates neither gain nor lose, is a device for replacing dissolved coi)per by an equal weight of cuprous oxide, and hence is very faulty from a scientific point of view. RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD, COPPER AND SILVER. 125 6. As usual, the speed of these reactions is increased by increase of temperature; and moreover, the amount of cuprous sulphate which de- termines equilibrium is greater iu a hot solution than in a cold one. 7. The addition of such substances as cane sugar, even in large amounts, produces no important effect, for obvious reasons. 8. The addition of much sodic sulphate diminishes the action, evi- dently by diminishing the number of cupric ions present, according to the law of mass action. In one case the loss was diminished to half its normal amount. Many of these conclusions are to be found, either implicitly or expli- citly, in the older accounts, but the interpretation of the facts is now more illuminating because of the assistance of the dissociation hypoth- esis. The only authority who denies the solubility of copper in cupric sulphate is Schuster,* whose experi- ments involved only a very small amount of solution, which evidently required only unimportant amounts of copper for its saturation. Foerster and Seidel have shown that it is possible to dissolve copper iu allot solution, and crystallize the metal by cooling. With the same idea in mind, we constructed an ap- paratus somewhat different from theirs, arranged so that this opera- tion may take place continuously, with the production of very pure copper in beautiful minute crystals. A ring-shaped tube was fixed in a j^^^^j^ vertical plane, one side of the ring being surrounded by a steam-jacket, and the other by cool water. This arrangement naturally kept the liquid filling the tube in constant circula- FiGURE 1. — Apparatus for recrys- TALLizisG Metallic Copper. A, steam-jacket for heating copper. B, copper wires to be dissolved. C, re- ceptacle for crystallized copper. D, cold * Proc. Roy. See, 55, 84 (1894). 126 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tion ; and if an acid solution of cupric sulphate is thus made to circulate over copper placed in the hot side, considerable amounts of copper may be dissolved with ease. The crystals deposited upon cooling in the cold limb cling loosely to the glass. A more advantageous form of this device is shown in the foregoing illustration. From these facts concerning the action of copper on a solution of cupric sulphate, the precautions necessary for obtaining the weight of deposit which most nearly represents the true electrochemical equivalent are evidently the following : — 1. The solution must be as cold as possible. 2. The solution must be acidified, to avoid hydrolysis. 3. The solution must be as dilute as is compatible with the transpor- tation of the required strength of current to a given electrode without risk of deionizing hydrogen. The smaller the electrode, the stronger is the necessary solution. 4. Air must be excluded. Since even at the freezing point of the saturated solution the action still takes place, although to a greatly diminished degree, the complete fulfilment of these conditions will still yield too small a deposit of copper. In order to overcome the difficulty, Foerster and Seidel * have recom- mended the saturation of the solution with cuprous ions in the first place ; but this plan oversteps its mark, and forms almost the only jsiece of faulty logic to be found in their paper. Obviously if cuprous ions were the only ones present, twice as much copper would be deposited with a given current as with pure cupric ions. It is well known that when a mixture of metals is present, that substance is deposited which gives the lowest contact-potential with the solution, provided the current is weak and the solution strong. It is easy, however, to deposit brass from a suitable solution of zinc and copper sulphates with a strong current. The present case presents some analogies to this example ; but to it is added the pro- viso that the ions are convertible into one another, and that the cupric and cuprous salts must be present in a ratio definite for each concentra- tion. If some of the cupric salt is removed, for example, less cuprous salt is capable of existing in the solution, and extra copper must neces- sarily be deposited in order to establish the equilibrmra, according to the equation 2 Cu+l;? Cu"*""^ + Cu. Experimental verification of this rea- soning will be given later. We are then between Scylla and Charybdis, — from a cupric solution * Zeitschrift fur anorg. Chem., 14, 137 (1897). RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 127 the deposit must be too small, while from a cuprous solution the deposit must be too large. Both errors decrease as the temperature decreases ; but it is evidently impossible to obtain results directly with the copper voltameter which will exactly correspond with the atomic weight of copper, except by a chance combination of circumstances. This com- bination would be attained when the amount dissolved from the cathode jy the side reaction Cu+ + + Cu ±=; 2 Cu+ just equalled the extra amount of copper deposited from the trace of cuprous salt in the solution. Such a fortuitous condition could not be maintained for any length of time, because the amount of cuprous salt present must steadily increase by the action at the cathode as well as at the anode. At first sight, it might be supposed possible to increase the current density to such an extent that all the copper in the neighborhood of the cathode should be completely deionized ; but it will be shown that hydrogen begins to be deposited instead of copper before this point can be reached. Besides these sources of error another may exist, to which Foerster and Seidel have called especial attention. This fourth eri'or consists in the possible semi-deionizing (or partial reduction) of the cupric salt by the electric current without the deposition of metal. Thus positive electricity may make its exit from the solution without a corresponding increase in the deposit, and the observed atomic weight of copper will be too low. Evidently, however, this action cannot result in the formation of more cuprous salt than the small proportion corresponding to its equilibrium with the cupric remaining in the neighborhood. Hence this fourth cause of error is essentially identical with the first, the simple dissolving of copper in cupric sulphate. The question then arises as to whether or not the equilibrium is established more quickly under the influence of the current than without the assistance of outside electro- motive force. Both Gore and Gray, in the papers already cited, give evidence showing that reasonably small current-densities tend to increase the apparent corrosion of the copper rather than to diminish it. This might have been predicted, for it is easy to imagine that the equilibrium is established more quickly with the help of nascent cuprous ions than with the resting metallic surface of the copper plate. The authors just cited give no evidence to prove, however, that a strong current causes a less proportionate gain in weight than a weak one ; indeed. Gray contends that a strong current may even j^rotect the electrode from corrosion.* The phenomena which led him to this conclusion will be shown later to be due at least in part to another cause. * Phil. Mag., (5), 25, 182 (1888). 128 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The only possible method of determining the amounts of these various modifying eifects seems to be to vary the size of the exposed surface of cathode; for upon tlie extent of this exposed surface depend the most serious causes of error. This mode of experimentation was adopted by Shaw, and especially by Gray in the paper just cited. Gray's results are so interesting that it seems worth while to repeat a part of the plate which depicts his observations. The abscissoe register the number of square centimeters area per ampere, while the ordinates give the values proportional to the amount of copper deposited by a given current in a given time. The solution of cupric sulphate had a specific gravity vary- ing from 1.15 to 1.18, or contained perhaps 250 grams of crystallized salt to the litre. Area per ampere Figure 2. — Diagram drawn from the Numerical Table given by Gray. (Phil. Mag., [5], 25, 182 [1888].) It is evident that with large areas of cathode (small current densities) the fairly straight lines tend to converge at a point somewhat above the top of the table. On the other hand, when the current density becomes great, the curves fail of their mark and bend sharply to the left. Gray dismisses this remarkable tendency with the assumption of the "pro- tective action " of strong currents already mentioned, and takes as the true value the results obtained at 2° Centigrade with current densities higher than 0.01 ampere per square centimeter. RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 129 Since it is precisely this variation of the highest values for copper which interests us, — for we know that the lower values are certainly too low, — it seemed desirable to obtain further light upon this question. We therefore carried out a similar series to Gray's, using weaker solu- tions, with which the point of inflection in the curve would naturally come at a lower current density. Cathodes and anodes of copper of different sizes were placed in separate portions of a solution of cupric sulphate containing 100 grams to the litre, and the same current was run through the series of cells. The amounts of copper thus deposited are given in the following table. No. of Analysis. Strength of Current. Area of Cathode 60 sq. cm. Area of Cathode 25 sq. cm. Area of Cathode 12| .sq. cm. Ampere. Grams. Grams. Grams. n 0.12 0.07325 0.07341 0.07345 b 0.19 0.66856 0.66909 0.66921 c 0.21 0.44460 0.444C9 0.44462 d 0.22 0.31212 0.31225 0.31204 e 0.25 0.45869 0.45918 0.45907 The first fact which is at once apparent is the interesting phenomenon of a decrease in the deposit on the smallest plate in experiments c. d, and e. This corresponds to a downward turn in Gray's curve ; and if these results are plotted upon his scale, the following diagram is obtained. (See Figure 3, on the next page.) Such a curve as this is only to be produced by the appearance with high current densities of another cause, independent of the cuprous-cupric reaction, but also tending to lower the observed weight of copper. It is not difficult to suggest what this cause may be. When the current increases in strength, the copper ions in the neighborhood of the cathode are no longer able to carry all of the current, and a portion of the load is taken by the only other positive ion present. But the hydrogen which thus plays the electrical role of the copper weighs far less than the equiv- alent weight of the red metal. A small amount of hydrogen, capable of being occluded by the copper without change in the appearance of the surface, would cause an immense deficiency in the gain in weight. When the current strength increases only a little above 0.02 ampere per square centimeter the deposit of the copper becomes powdery, probably because VOL. XXXV. — 9 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 1 .000 0.999 ' o Q Area per ampere 0.998 Figure 3. — Diagram showing Decrease in Copper with small Cathodes (due to Hydrogen). The table above is here jjlotted by taking the higliest weight of copper in each determination as unity. Great exactness could not be expected from this method, but it is sufBuiently definite to show a marked deflection of the line when the 100 sq. cm. line is approached, and a sudden downward tendency when the current density approaclies 0.02 ampere per square centimeter. of the action of the ocduded hydrogen, and the deficiency assumes gigantic proportions. Indeed it has been well known for a long time that this current density is the limit if one makes any pretence to accuracy ; our results merely show that the action of the hydrogen begins to affect the deposit loug before it becomes manifest to crude observation. Thus it seems probable that the left-handed tendency of Gray's curves, instead of being due to the approach to the true value and a lessening of the corrosion, was really due to the beginning of a new source of inaccuracy. From a theoretical standpoint such a phenome- non appears only natural ; with more dilute solutions the deficiency would of course appear at lower current densities. Probably the fact that in analytical work the amount of the deposited metal never corresponds to the quantity of electricity may often be due to the same cause, in addition to the oxidizing action pointed out by Danneel.* Returning now to weaker currents in fairly strong solutions (Exi^eri- ments a and b), it is evident both from Gray's results and from our own that the weight of the deposit in this case is approximately a linear function of the area of the cathode ; in other words, the dissolving of copper in cupric sulphate is approximately proportional to the surface of copper exposed, even while the current is running. Since this is the case, the obvious method of obtaining the true weight of copper would be to extrapolate for a surface of zero area, — or to add to the weight deposited upon a medium-sized area the difference between its gain and * Zeitschr. Electrochem., 4, 153 (1898). RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 131 the gain on an area of twice the size. This method of correction would certainly give a correction which is too large, for during the electrolysis the solution is steadily approaching saturation with cuprous ions, which are deposited but not accounted for by the correction. Nevertheless it was decided to carry out a series of observations with plates of two sizes, calculating the results according to this method of correction, and comparing both corrected and uncorrected values with the results of an included silver voltameter. In this way an upper and a lower limit for the electrochemical equivalent of copper might be fixed ; and by using a low temperature, it seemed probable that the two limits might be brought near together. Agitation would of course increase the amount of corro- sion * and diminish the error due to hydrogen ; but we preferred to use low current densities and rely upon the natural convection of the elec- trolyte, which is then sufficient if the error is kept low by cold. Experimental Details. The cupric sulphate used for the following experiments, after having been purified in usual ways, was allowed to stand for some time, first with flocculent cupric hydroxide and then with pure copper, in order to free it from possible traces of bismuth, silver, etc. Subsequently it was recrystallized from the purest water. Metallic copper for the anodes was prepared by electrolysis from this material, after strongly acidifying its solution with •pnve sulphuric and nitric acids. The silver used for the anodes was prepared according to the well known chloride-milk-sugar method of Stas, and was amply pure enough for its purpose. The argentic nitrate used as an electrolyte was made from this silver by the action of pure nitric acid. This salt was recrys- tallized, dried, and fused in order to insure its neutrality. For particulars concerning these and other precautions, the reader is referred to recent papers upon the atomic weight of copper and other atomic weights.f In any given experiment, the galvanic current was sent tin-ough two silver and at least two copper cells, all being arranged in series in such a way as to avoid liability to leakage. Every point of contact with the desk was amply insulated by glass plates, and the wires were arranged as much as possible in air-lines. The copper cells were contained in wide-mouthed bottles with a ca- pacity of 500 cubic centimeters each, provided with well cleaned rubber * Compare Foerster's results. t Tl.ese Proceedings, 22, 3i2 (1887), 23, 177 (1887), 25, 95 (1890), 26, 240 (1891), etc. 1^9 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Stoppers. Through these stoppers ran the tubes for supplying the hydrogen used to excIudB oxygen from the process, as well as the sup- FlGURE 4. ports for the electrodes. Two anodes (B and C) were used in each cell, and in all except the earliest experiments the cathodes (A) were of platinum. A diagram, Figure 4, while illustrating a later modification, RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 133 sufficiently explains the arrangement. At the close of an experiment the cathodes were immediately immersed in water, and after a thorough washing in pure water and alcohol were dried as usual. The electrolyte contained 100 grams of crystallized cupric sulphate in a litre. The silver cells were essen- tially similar to those used by Lord Rayleigh, except that the cathodes consisted of large light platinum crucibles instead of bowls. These crucibles weighed only 60 grams, although they were capable of holding 120 cubic centimeters ; they were provided with lips. A crucible exposes a smaller sui'face to the impurities of the atmosphere and gave in our experiments a more evenly distributed deposit than a bowl. The anode con- sisted of a lump of pure silver, wrapped in pure filter paper, and the electrolyte contained ten per cent of argentic nitrate. When the current was stopped the argentic nitrate was decant- ed through a weighed Gooch crucible, and, after standing many hours with several fillings of pure water, the crucibles were washed with pure water and alcohol, and dried at 130°. The decantates were filtered, in order to be sure that no silver had been lost ; if the Gooch crucible was found to contain any of the deposit, its weight was added to that of the greater part clinging to the cathode. In one or two of the earlier determinations, plates were used instead of crucibles as cathodes ; but since the results thus obtained showed no sys- tematic variation from those with the crucibles, the table is not compli- cated by calling attention to this inessential fact. The danirer of losino- silver mechanically from the corners of a plate is so great that this form of cathode was soon abandoned. Figure 5. — Comjion Silver Volta- meter (f natural size; section). A, silver anode. B, filter paper covering. C, lip of platinum vessel forming cathode. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. lu the table on page 135, each horizontal line reports a complete experiment, which usually required a day for preparation and another for accomplishment. At first the copper cells were multiplied ; but later when the silver seemed to be quite as uncertain as the copper, the nobler metal received its full share of representation. Some of the earlier experiments failed for one reason or another, and these failures are not included in the table. The last six determinations were consecutive ; and in these the conditions of experiment were much more satisfactory than in the earlier ones ; for much practice was naturally acquired in the course of the work. In all the experiments excepting Nos. 1 and 2 the cupric electrolyte was boiled and cooled to zero in an inert atmosphere before the electrolysis; and in all excepting Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 6 the cop- per electrolysis was conducted in an atmosphere of hydrogen. Attention is again called to the fact that each corrected value for the copper deposit is computed from two deposits, one on a large and one on a small electrode. The exposed area of the large electrode was always about 50 square centimeters ; and in all cases, except those indicated by the signs ft below, the area of the smaller plate was half that of the larger. The current densities varied slightly, but were always less than 0.01 ampere per square centimeter on the smaller plate, the total current strength usually being about 0.12 ampere for the system. When the total current strength was kept below this limit, no systematic variation due to its changes coidd be detected in the re- sults; hence the individual figures are omitted in this published account. In order to prevent saturation with cuprous salt, the volume of the electrolyte used in each cell was fairly large, being usually about 200 cubic centimeters. The corrected average value from the table for the atomic weight of copper, G3.5G3, has a "probable error " of 0.004 as far as the accidental inaccuracies of manipulation are concerned. It has already been shown, however, that a value obtained in this way must correspond to a de- posit of copper slightly too great ; for the mode of correction does not take account of the growing, although slight, presence of cuprous salts. On the other hand, the values computed from the directly observed quantities of copper must be too small. The average observed values, calculated from the sums at the bottoms of the respective columns, are Cu = 63.525 from the larger plates, and Cu = G3.547 from the smaller plates. It is evident then, that the true electrochemical atomic weight of copper, when compared with the silver deposited in the ordinary silver voltameter, must lie between the limits 63.563 and 63.547. Jt RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 135 Comparison of the Silver with the Copper Voltameter. Temperature of Silver Voltameter = 15° to 25^. Temperature of Copper Voltameter =: —2- to 0°. Large Copper 50 sq. cm. Small Copper usually 25 sq. cm. First Silver (in air). Second Silver (in air). Corrected Copper. Average Silver. (cor. to vac.) Atomic Weight of Copper, Ag=lU7.93. 1 2 3 0.44460 0.81555* 0.24965* 0.44469 0.31623*t 0.24967*1 1.51039 1.07476 0.84780 1.51098 0.84808 0.44478 0.31645 0.24968 1.51064 1.07473 0.84792 63.56 63.56 63.56 4 5 6 1.02182* 0.G6090* 0.62992* 1.02189 0.66128* 0.63018t 3.47066 2.24545 2.14008 2.14105 1.02186 0.66166 0.63027 3.47056 2.24538 2.14050 63.56 63.61 63.56 7 8 9 0.45869 0.39140 1.11054 0.45907t 0.39165t 1.11042 1.56000 1.33075 3.76996 3.77003 0.45919 0.39177 1.11030 1.55995 1.33071 3.76990 63.54 63.55 63.57 10 11 12 0.67592 0.48238 0.83036 0.67578 0.48235 0.83064 2.29667 1.63731 2.82200 2.29655 1.63816 2 82222 0.67564 0.48232 0.83092 2.29655 1.63768 2.82203 63.51 63.58 63.56 13 14 15 0.63407 0.69956 0.84341 0.63449 0.70029 0.84375 2.15780 2.37916 2.86580 2.15701 2.37840 2.86654 0.63491 0.70102 0.84409 2.15735 2.37868 2.86608 63.53 63.61 63.57 16 17 087448 0.69379 0.87455 0.69392 2.97121 2.35652 2.97126 2.35729 0.87462 0.69405 2.97114 2.35683 63.54 63.57 11.01704 11.02085 11.02.363 37.43593 63.563 * These determinations were made in duplicate. Tlius, in Experiments 2, 3, and 5, four copper cells were in the current at once. The pairs agreed within themselves remarkably well, the average deviation from the mean being only 0.03 milligram. t In these experiments, the smaller copper was J as large as the larger one. t In this determination the smaller copper was ^ as large as the larger one. 136 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, is to be noticed that the value (Go. 54) obtained from Gray's observa- tions by our method of correction is near these figures.* If the absolute accuracy of Faraday's law is assumed, these results show either that the silver voltameter must yield nearly 0.1 per cent too much silver, or else that the value of the atomic weight of copper found chemically in this Laboratory (63.604) must be 0.1 per cent too high. Convincing as these conclusions seemed, the attempt was made to ob- tain yet further light upon the copper voltameter by varying the conditions. For example, several experiments were made with a mercury cathode, in the hope that the amalgam of copper might be less easily influenced by side reactions than the metal itself; but the difficulties in the way of determining accurately the weight of the large volume of metal which was needed to contain the copper, soon led to the abandonment of this attempt. Moreover other chemical difficulties, due to the possible dis- solving of mercury, added complications. It seemed now worth while to make a few determinations of the amount of copper deposited from a solution saturated with cuprous salt, in order to fix the highest possible limit for the electrochemical equiva- lent in a fashion wholly free from any correction, as well as to test experimentally our criticism of Foerster and Seidel's remarks about such a solution. In order to saturate the liquid with cuprous ions, the weighed platinum cathode was I'aised above the solution by means of its sliding support, and the current was run backward and forward for an hour or more between the two coils of copper (wrapped in filter jjaper, B and C, Fig. 4) which were to serve as anodes. Instead of the large bottle of the earlier experiments, a test tube just large enough to contain the electrodes was used, so that the small amount of necessary solution could be more easily saturated. In due time the cathode was lowered, and the quantitative electrolysis commenced. Of course the solution had been boiled, and was protected by a current of hydrogen throughout the experiment. The silver voltameter used was an improved arrange- ment, but its results are reduced to the standard used in the earlier experiments for the sake of ready comparison. This matter will be fully explained in the sequel. This value of the atomic weight, 63.573, is 0.06 per cent higher * Gray in liis first paper reports that with plates of 240 sq. cm. area he obtained 0.29303 gram of copper for every gram of silver, while with plates of 50 sq. cm. area he obtained 0.29407 gram. Hence with plates of zero area he would have obtained 0.29434, corresponding to the atomic weight given above. (Phil. Mag., [5], 22, 407 [1886]. Last three determinations in table.) ^ RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD, — COPPER AND SILVER. 137 Comparison of the ordinary Silver Voltameter with the Copper Voltameter saturated with Cuprous Salt at 0°. Weight of Copper (ia Vacuum). Weight of Silver (ia Vacuum). Atomic Weight of Copper. 2i 0.718^7 2.43935 63.578 25 0.71861 2.43940 63.585 26 0.72019 2.44603 63.556 27 a 0.97193 3.30100 63.558 28 0.50916 1.72859 63.582 29 « 0.76188 2 58664 63.580 Average . . 63.573 than the average of the forty observed results in cupric solutions, and 0.016 per cent higher than these results after correction. As far as the copper deposit is concerned, this result is certainly the upper limit of the electrochemical value, although it is still below the chemical atomic weight. No experimental proof has yet been given that too much copper was deposited, however. If the cuprous salt really carries a part of the current, it is obvious that higher temperatures, involving the presence of more cuprous salt, should raise the observed value still higher. This matter is tested in the results which follow. Comparison of Silver Voltameter with Copper Voltameter saturated WITH Cuprous Salt at higher Temperatures. No of Experiment. Temperature. Weight of Copper (Vacuum). Weight of Silver (Vacuum). Atomic Weight of Copper. 27 5 296 or 55° 0.97295 0.70214 3.30100 2.58064 63.62 63.61 This gain in the apparent atomic weight, from 63.573 to 63.615, is conclusive. Even without further knowledge of the silver voltameter one is able to predict with reasonable certainty that higher temperatures 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. should yield yet higher values, and hence that the presence of cuprous salt really causes the deposit to be too heavy. The results of all these varied operations assign a wide range of apparent values to the atomic weight of copper. In order to present the matter in a nutshell, a table is given below. Uncorrected results of Rayleigh, Gray, Shaw, Vanni, etc. . Large plates in cupric solutions, 20° (present research,) ki U ii (.1. Q° i( ( ( Small " " " " " " Medium plates, in cuprous solutions, 0° " " . a t< tt ii gQO u a Corrected results from cupric solutions, Go. 5 63 Atomic weight of copper by chemical processes, 63.604 Discrepancy . . 0.041 It has already been stated that the corrected value is probably a little too high, although it is still nearly 0.07 of one per cent below the chem- ical value. This discrepancy, taken in connection with the inexpli- cable variations in the results of parallel decerminations with the silver voltameter (see page 135), led us to suspect this instrument long before the results given above were completed. Accordingly, many of the electrolyses which we have been discussing were also used as a means of testing the accuracy of the silver voltameter. The overlapping inves- tigations have been separated in the descrijjtion only in order to make a very complex matter less obscure to the reader. The outcome of the experiments upon the silver voltameter is explained below. II. The Silver Voltameter. The inference to be drawn fi-om the preceding work is that the amount of silver deposited in the silver voltameter, as described by Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick * in their classical paper, may be too great by nearly 0.1 per cent. Jn spite of the great care taken by these investigators, such a deviation from the exact value is not impossible ; and indeed Lord Rayleigh does not claim for this work an accuracy over 0.1 per cent. The first possible cause of error to be investigated was the possible occlusion (or rather inclusion) of electrolyte by the crystalline deposit. * Phil. Trans., 2, 411 (1884). RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 139 Lord Rayleigh did not neglect this source of error, and by some very ingenious qualitative experiments showed that it could not be large. It seemed to us w^orth while, however, to analyze quantitatively the precip- itated silver, and the following table recounts this series of trials, in which the silver was dissolved, and precipitated by the purest hydrobromic acid with great care.* No. Silver taken (Vacuum). Argentic Bromide obtained (Vacuum). Silver calculated from AgBr. Deficiency in Silver. Percentage Deticiency. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0.71585 5.43807 3.76993 2.29649 2.15701 2.37893 2.97120 1.245G7 9.46557 6.5G21G 3.99820 3.75473 4.14187 5.17218 0.71573 5.43747 3.76961 2.29G74 2.15G89 2.37923 2.97114 +0.00012 +0.00060 +0.00032 -0.00025 +0.00012 +0.00035 +0.00008 +0.017 +0.011 +0.008 -0.011 +0.006 +0.015 +0.003 +0.007 The result of this table somewhat surprised us; for few crystalline precipitates contain so little included mother liquor as 0.0] per cent. While the analytical work is not perfect, (for the result of Experiment 33 can only be ascribed to accident,) one is forced to conclude that the pre- cipitate is very nearly pure silver. Evidently the electrical method of precipitation insures a more compact structure than is possible when the precipitation does not involve outside electromotive force. One of us found three times as much water in crystallized silver prepared at 0° in another way.f The source of error in the voltameter is apparently more subtle than such a merely mechanical cause as inclusion. Further experimentation upon such silver deposits showed that, after having been properly washed, they neither gained nor lost in weight upon continued digestion with water or with neutral solutions of ar- * For the method, consult recent papers on atomic vveiglits from this Labo- ratory. t These Proceedings, 23, 177 (1887). 140 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. gentic nitrate, hence any possible error must have crept in during the electrolysis. The existence of flaws in the working of the silver voltameter is no new idea, and a brief resume of earlier anomalies is necessary in order to indicate our own train of thought. Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick found that large cathodes yielded higher results than small ones, and warm solutions yielded higher results than cold ones. In some cases the deviations amounted to 0.1 per cent. Schuster and Crossley * state that deposits made in a vacuum are slightly heavier than those produced by the same current in air, and these in turn are heavier than those produced in an atmosphere of oxygen. Myers f verified these statements. Schuster and Crossley showed also that with great current density argentic peroxide may form at the anode, and in some unexplained fashion the result is a diminution of the weight of the silver deposited ; moreover, they pointed out the fact that the discrepancies observed by Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick between large and small bowls disappear when the anodes are of the same size. Apparently "//?e anode gives rise to secondary reactions^ Rodger and Watson % observed that on continued use of the electrolyte the deposits grow heavier ; and they also found that, when a very strong slightly acidified solution of argentic nitrate was electrolyzed by a powerful current, the acid was removed, and the deposit was much too heavy. They venture to say that a subsalt of silver is formed " having a silver ion heavier than the arseutic salt." Again, Kahle § has found that after boiling the electrolyte with oxide of silver, the deposit is increased 5 parts in 10,000. In a later and very important paper || he calls attention for the first time to the fact that in a dilute electrolyte an acid is formed during the electrolysis. Further- more, he shows again that old solutions give too high results, an error which was sometimes removed by treatment with argentic oxide. Colored spots sometimes appeared upon the silver in old acid solutions, apparently caused by the licjuid descending from the anode ; these did not form in a neutralized solution, or in one which had been allowed to remain in contact with silver. Kahle's hypothetical explanation of these phenomena essentially agrees with Rodger and Watson's. * Proc. Roy. Soc, 50, 344 (1892). t Wied. Ann., 55, 288 (1895). t Phil. Trans., 186 A, 631 (1895). § Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Edinb. (1892), p. 148. II Wied. Ann., 67, 1 (1899), or Zeitsch. f. Instrkunde, 18, 229, 267 (1898). RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. COPPER AND SILVER. 141 The latest work which has corae to our notice is that of Patterson and Guthe.* In this paper the authors give the lion's share of their attention to an admirably worked out treatment of the physical methods necessary for fixing the electrical units, and pay little heed to the chemical side of the question. Since they obtained constant results by treating their electrolyte with argentic oxide, they recommend this method for general use, in spite of the fact that both Rodger and Watson and Kahle have shown that such treatment probably yields too high results. The essence of all these investigations, as far as they concern the irregularities of the silver voltameter, may be summed up in the follow- ing words. A substance which causes the deposition of too much silver seems to be formed around a large anode. Oxygen tends to eliminate this sub- stance, hence the substance must be a reducing agent. All the phenom- ena agree with this interpretation. A very small anode (which causes another irregularity, namely, the formation of argentic peroxide) may result in the appearance of a lower weight of silver; perhaps argentic peroxide may oxidize the reducing substance and thus remove it. The formation of the reducing substance is accompanied by the liberation of hydrogen ions in dilute solutions of argentic nitrate; but in stronger solutions small amounts of acid may be neutralized. In warm solutions the reducing agent is somewhat more active than in cold. An important point is left in doubt : — Does the acid appear at the anode or the cathode ? Nothing could be easier than to answer this question ; and a large number of trials in which the anode was enclosed in a porous cup showed conclusively that the acid was always formed at the positive pole. The solution around the cathode remained wholly neutral to methyl orange, while the liquid within the cup gave a strongly acid reaction. In marked contrast with the case of copper, the chief disturbing re- actions seem then to exist at the point at which the positive electricity enters the solution ; and the obvious remedy for the irregularity is to enclose this positive electrode in a cell which will permit conductivity but will shut out convection. Experimental Details. Small cylinders of Pukal's porous ware (Berlin), such as are used for osmotic pressure experiments, were found to serve admirably as the * Physical Review, 7, 251 (1898). 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. permeable septum desired. These vessels were 50 millimeters high and 20 in diameter ; their walls were not much over one millimeter in thickness. Their impurities were removed by boiling with nitric acid and thorough washing with water. They were suspended in the solution by means of a platinum wire hung upon a glass hook, which insulated the wire from the electric con- nections. In four experi- ments two concentric porous cups were used, the annular space between them being charged with argentic oxide, since Kahle found this sub- stance to diminish the re- ducing action in old solutions. This last arrangement was soon abandoned, however. By means of a siphon the liquid within the cup was always kept at a lower level than that without, so as to prevent outward filtration. The cathodes consisted of the large lipped crucibles al- ready described ; the anodes were bars 5x1x1 centi- meters of the purest silver, supported by silver wires and not enclosed in filter paper ; and the electrolyte usually contained 10 per cent of pure freshly prepared argentic nitrate. The temperature of the cell under investigation was kept constant by means of suitable baths. For a low temperature a mixture of pure ice and a solution of aramonic nitrate answered well, and for the higher tem- peratures a large beaker containing pure water was warmed from the outside by enough encircling leaden steam-pipe to cause the desired intensity of heat. ^^^^ Figure 6. — Porous Cup Voltameter (I actual size). A, glass hook for supporting anode. B, glass ring for supporting porous cup. C, silver anode. D, porous cup. E, platinum cathode. RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 143 The manipulation was simple. The platinum crucibles were cleaned, dried at 160°, and weighed after two or three hours' cooling in a large desiccator kept in the balance-room. In order to prevent leakage during the electrolysis, the several stands were insulated by separate glass plates, and all the connections were air lines. The apparatus was protected, as in the earlier experiments with copper, by a miniature house with walls of fine cotton cloth, which helped to exclude dust. When the current was broken, the electrolyte was removed, the silver was rinsed twice with water, a third filling with water was allowed to stand in the crucible for two or three hours, and a fourth one remained in it over night. The wash-waters were collected and filtered if the silver showed any tendency to break off. In such cases a Gooch crucible was employed to collect the particles ; and a very small filter, afterwards burned, served to catch the minute flakes of asbestos detached from the mat. On the next morn- ing, the crucibles were washed once more, rinsed twice with pure alcohol, and finally dried and weighed as before. This method of treatment gave opportunity for the diffusion of mother liquor from the intricate recesses of the crystallized mass, while it did not run the risk of dissolving silver which may attend the use of boiling water for washing. It is probable that traces of water remained even after drying at 160"^, but the experi- ments on page 139 show that these traces were less than one part in ten thousand. Weighings were made upon the balance which served for the weigh- ings in the earlier work upon copper, — one which has served also for many determinations of atomic weights. Its results with small objects may be depended upon to within ^ milligram. All weighings were made by double substitution, a similar vessel being used as a tare, and the weights were of course carefully standardized. Since the question concerned merely the comparison of silver with silver, the results were not corrected to the vacuum standard. The object of the work described below was to determine the relative values given by the silver voltameter under difi^erent conditions, and to interpret the results in such a way as to point out the true value. For such a purpose it is convenient to select some one method as a standard of reference ; and because the porous cup method, conducted at 20°, soon showed itself to be capable of giving the most constant results of all the various modes of procedure, it was chosen as this standard. For example, in one case a given current caused depositions of 2.4o744 and 2.43749 grams of silver in two cells placed in series, — a difference of only 2 parts in 100,000. 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The Silver Voltajieter under Varting Conditions. Number of Experi- ment. Weight of silver (stanaard) . Cell at 20°-25°. AVeiglit of Silver iu Voltameter to be tested. Difference. Ratio of stan- dard Silver to heavier Silver. Method used in Voltameter to be tested. 37 38 39 Grams. 1.94124 1.76283 3.04996 Grams. 1.94267 1.76425 3.05270 Milligrams, 1.43 1.42 2.74 1.00074 1.00080 1.00090 Cathode a lipped cru- cible ; anode wrapped iu filter paper ; pre- cisely like the cell used in preceding copper work. Average = 1.00081 40 41 3.09629 2.53256 3.09918 2.53439 2.89 1.83 1.00094 1.00072 Lord Rayleigh's meth- od. Cathode a howl ; anode a plate in filter paper; at 20° J;. Average = 1.00083 42 2.5.3256 2.53357 1.01 1.00040 The same at 0°. [1.0012] The same warm.* 43 44 2.55012 1.89800 2.55460 1.90238 4.48 4.38 1.00176 1.00230 Patterson and Guthe's metliod ; old electro- lyte saturated with AgoO. Average = 1.00203 45 46 2.44412 3.29842 2.44599 3.30036 1.87 1.94 1.00077 1.00059 Cathode a crucible. Anode enclo.sed in porous cup like stan- dard,but temperature 60-' (instead of 20-). Average = 1.00008 47 48 49 50 2.63668 1.72724 2.58463 3.09629 2.63822 1.72724 2.58663 3.09988 1.54 0 2.00 3.59 1.00058 1.00000 1.00078 1.00116 i Like the above, ex- cept that two porous cups pficked with Ag.,0 isolated the anode (60'-). Average = 1.00063 51 52 2.55012 1.89800 2.55029 1.89845 0.17 0.45 1.00007 1.00024 Cathode a crucible. Anode enclosed in porous cup like the standard. Tempera- ture 0°. Average = 1.00016 * From Lord Rayleigh's figures. EICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 145 With this cell were compared the following modifications of the silver voltameter: first, the large crucible voltameter at 20", with the anode wrapped in filter paper, such as was used in the preceding experiments upon copper ; secondly, a voltameter at 20° prepared according to Lord Rayleigh's standard prescription (a platinum bowl, 10 centimeters in diameter, containing a 15 per cent solution of argentic nitrate and a large silver plate enclosed in filter paper) ; thirdly, the same arrangement at 0° ; fourthly, an exact imitation of Patterson and Guthe's method, for which the electrolytes used in Lord Rayleigh's method were digested with argentic oxide and filtered ; fifthly, the " porous cup method " at 60° instead of at 20° ; sixthly, the same with a double porous cup enclosing argentic oxide in the annular space ; and finally, the " porous cup method " at 0°. The table opposite explains itself. Discussion of Results. The comparison of these results is highly instructive. The most noticeable fact is that our "standard porous cup method" gives the low- est result of any of the methods tried, since all the figures in the fifth column are greater than unity. In the next place, we find that Patter- son and Guthe's method gives a result 0.12 per cent higher than Lord Rayleigh's ; a figure which corresponds closely with their own estimate, 0.11 per cent, while Lord Rayleigh's method gives results 0.082 per cent higher than ours. Evidently the method used in the first three ex- periments is essentially similar to Lord Rayleigh's, and may be averaged with it. Again, it is apparent that the interposition of argentic oxide in the hot determinations had a varying and unsatisfactory effect, as if it introduced a new source of error. Finally, it appears that change of temperature causes a somewhat smaller variation in the results from the " porous cup method " than in those from Lord Rayleigh's old standard : — Lord Rayleigh's Voltameter. Porous Cup Voltameter 60° 1.0012 (?) 1.00068 20° 1.00083 1.00000 0° 1.00040 1.00016 The obvious inference from these facts is that the porous cup is really effectual in protecting the cathode from a part at least of the disturbing influences under consideration, especially at low temperatures. The apparent gain of 0.016 per cent exhibited by the method at 0° was un- doubtedly due to the difficulty in washing the very finely divided spongy metal which is deposited from a freezing solution ; but Lord Rayleigh's VOL. XXXV. — 10 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. method at 0° is affected by the same source of error, so that the com- parison is a fair one. The only alternative to this inference, — the supposition that the po- rous cup introduces a new complication causing too low a weight, — is difficult to disprove ; but, on the other hand, the possible nature of such a complication is not easily conceivable. Recurring to the first inference, an hypothesis supported by many facts, we admit it to be probable that the porous cup does not wholly prevent the admixture of the hypothetical complex ions with the liquid around the cathode ; for even if diffusion were wholly prevented, some of these ions might migrate with the current. Both diffusion and migration are increased in rapidity by a rise in temperature, hence even with the porous cup the hot solution gives a somewhat higher value. It is a matter of great interest to study the effect of the low value obtained by the new method upon the electrical atomic weight of copper, upon the electrolytic value assigned to the ampere, and upon the elec- trical result for Joule's equivalent. We concluded, at the close of the section devoted to copper, that the atomic weight of this metal must lie between the limits 63.547 and 63.563, if the common silver voltameter is correct in its verdicts. We have now shown that the results of this voltameter are in all probability too high by 0.081 per cent; hence the conclusion is that the true atomic weight of copper must lie between 68.598 and 63.615. Since the elaborate chemical investigation of copper carried out some years ago in this Laboratory yielded the value 63.604, we have here a remarkable con- firmation of the results of the " porous cup voltameter." In this connection, it is worth while to call attention to the reasons why copper placed in an ice-cold solution of argentic nitrate causes the deposition of the true amount of silver.* Of this automatic voltaic cell the anode is copper ; hence the complications which arise around a silver anode do not exist. On the other hand, the cathode is silver; hence the complications which take place around a copper cathode do not exist. The trace of cuprous salt undoubtedly formed at the anode does not de- compose the very cold ions of nitric acid, but sooner or later deposits its equivalent of silver. The action is so slow at the low temperature that the current density where the silver is deposited is very small, hence there is no danger of the deposition of a weighable amount of copper * Richards, These Proceedings, 22, 342, 23, 177 (1887). RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. — COPPER AND SILVER. 147 with the silver; * and the concentration effect prevents the deposition of silver in any place where the silver has become nearly exhausted from the solution. It is possible to apply a correction to the various values which have been assigned to the electrochemical equivalents of copper and silver with the help of the tables given above. Tliis computation is made below ; it does not pretend to be precise, but will show iu a general way the effect of the complications under consideration. (Grams per Ampere-second.) Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick . . . ^;^!!"i^,^ = 0.0011170 f Fr. and W. Kohlrausch l'o008^>nO ^ ^■^^'^'^^^^ Kahle (fresh solutions) ^'^^^^^^^^ = 0.0011173 Patterson and Guthe -^-tttt^tt^ = 0.0011174 The average of these results is about 0.0011173, but perhaps 0.001 1172 (the mean between the two extremes) is a safer value to choose. From this value of the electrochemical number for silver, that for copper may be calculated simply by multiplication with the ratio of the chemical equivalents ; for we have shown that its true value corresponds to Faraday's law within one part in five thousand. Hence it may be taken as 0.0011172 X ttt^^t-^ = 0.0003292 grams per ampere-second. | * Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. Sidgwick, Phil. Trans., 175, 470 (1884). t The probable reason for the lowness of this result is the fact that Lord Rayleigh waslied and ignited the silver at high temperatures. All the otlier values, including our own, may be a trifle high because of traces of occluded mother liquor. No attempt is made at present to correct the results for this pos- sible error. The results of Masquart (J. de Phys., [2], 3, 283 [1884]), Pellat and Potier (Ibid , [2], 9, 381 [1890]), Kopsel, Heydweiller, and others are omitted from this table, since they throw no further light chemically. Some are too low and others too higli, hence they would not have much effect on the average. Compare Patterson and Guthe's paper. I The value 0.000o294 found by F. E. Beach from a solution containing chlorine is probably affected by the presence of cuprous salts. (Am. J. Sc. [3], 46, 81 [1893].) All the other directly determined values for this quantity are lower than our value. 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Thus 96,610 coulombs correspond to one gram equivalent of an electrolyte. These numbers are of interest from a theoretical standpoint, but their practical value as means of determining current strength must depend upon tlie ease of their application. The value for copper is a mean be- tween two limits, and is not easy to reproduce with exactness ; but for most purposes the weight deposited by current densities between 0.008 and 0.012 amperes per square centimeter, from ten per cent solutions of cupric sulphate cooled below zero and protected by an inert atmosphere, is sufficiently close to the real value. Nevertheless, empirical tables like those of Gray will probably remain the most convenient method of computing current strength from the deposition of copper. On the other hand, the intricacy added by the porous cup in the silver determination is not serious, and the results obtained seem trustworthy. Obviously any method capable of being repeated with constant results, when standardized with accuracy by means of known currents, would serve all practical purposes ; and a method which is constant because the sources of eri-or have been at least partially removed is certainly worthy of attention. This point suggests a discussion which has recently ariseu concern- ing the electrical determination of Joule's equivalent, which depends upon measuring the heat corresponding to a known amount of electrical energy. Griffiths, in an appendix* to an elaborate paper f upon this subject, calls attention to the fact that an error in the electrochemical equivalent of silver of 0.1 per cent would explain the difference between his value of the mechanical equivalent of heat and Rowland's. The equation of Griffiths for the calculation of his value is in which i? signifies the constant potential difference, R:= the resistance converting electricity into heat, M the heat-capacity which is heated, 8t the interval of time, and SO the change of temperature. The electro- chemical equivalent of silver enters into this expression in the determina- tion of the value of £ in reference to H. Griffiths's value for J is larger than Rowland's, hence his value for E is greater than that which Row- land would have observed if he had used an electrical method; or, in other words, too small an amount of silver may have been taken as the * Nature, 56, 258 (1897). i Proc. Roy. Soc, 53, 6 (1S03J. RICHARDS, COLLINS, AND HEIMROD. COPPER AND SILVER. 149 amount corresponding to the ampere in computing Griffiths's E. Such an inaccuracy may have come about iu two ways : either the electro- magnetic methods for determining the energy of an ampere may have caused the original investigators of the ampere equivalent to overestimate the strength of their current, or else they may have used a form of volta- meter which gave a smaller deposit of silver than the form used by Glazebrook in standardizing Griffiths's cells. This last supposition is the only one with which the voltameter is concerned, for it is clear that a constant error in the amount of silver, occurring both in the original comparison of the ampere value, as well as in the standardizing of Griffiths's cells, could have no effect, — the weight of silver would be eliminated from the result. The only safe mode of comparing results of this kind is to reduce all figures to the standard of some one form of silver voltameter, capable of giving constant values, as has been done above. ■Patterson and Guthe, in their otherwise valuable paper, do not seem to realize this fact, and only add to the confusion by appearing to suppose that the results with their plethoric voltameter are directly appli- cable to Griffiths's equivalent. (See line 4, p. 281 of their paper in the Physical Review, Vol. 7.) This paper is by no means a final statement of the matters which it concerns. It is in the nature of a preliminary contribution, and we in- tend now to test more rigidly the accuracy of the "porous cup volta- meter," as well as to study from a physico-chemical standpoint the cause of the anomalies which are rendei'ed harmless by its use. Some light has already been obtained, and more seems not far off. Summary. In conclusion, a brief summary of the chief points treated in the paper may serve as an index to the more intricate details. 1. Metallic copper dissolves in cupric sulphate with the formation of cuprous sulphate, and unless acid is present cuprous oxide or hydroxide is formed by hydrolysis ; in short, most of Foerster and Seidel's results are confirmed. 2. On the other hand, the saturation of the solution with cuprous salts is shown to cause too high results in the copper voltameter. 3. Vanni's method of correcting the copper voltameter by regulating the amount of acid present is shown to be unsound, although its results are not very erroneous. 4. Before the cupric solution is made so dilute that its solvent action 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. becomes negligible with a given current density, the deposition of hydrogen interferes with the exact determination of the electrochemical equivalent, even before hydrogen is actually evolved in bubbles. Hence the use of a small cathode is dangerous beyond a limit which depends upon the accuracy required. With small current density an approximate correction may be made for the area of the cathode. 5. Some possible causes of error in the silver voltameter are obviated by a simple device ; and with the help of this apparatus the older methods are compared with one another. The danger of a fallacy in such a comparison is pointed out. 6. The electrochemical equivalent of silver appears to be about 0.0011172 gram per ampere per second. 7. The electrochemical equivalent of copper appears to be between 0.00032915 and 0.00032925 gram per ampere per second. 8. The discrepancy between the chemical atomic weights of copper and silver and their electrochemical equivalents is explained ; hence Faraday's law is verified with two cathions more precisely than before. Conversely, assuming Faraday's law to hold rigidly, and the value 63. GO to represent the true atomic weight of copper, the agreement furnishes evidence of the accuracy of the new method. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., October 14, 1899. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 9. — December, 1899. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CRYPTOGAMIC LABORATORY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — XLL PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSES OF NEW SPECIES OF LABOULBENIA CE^. — I. By Roland Thaxter. » CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CRYPTOGAMIC LABORATORY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — XLI. PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSES OF NEW SPECIES OF LABOULBENIACE^. — I. By Roland Thaxter. Keceived November 3, 1899. Presented November 8, 1899. Since the publication by the Academy of the writer's " Contribution toward a Monograph of the Laboulbeniacete," * a large amount of material of the group has been accumulated, the greater portion of which has been derived from an examination of the entomological collections at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, the South Kensington Museum of Natural History in London, the Hope Museum in Oxford, the collection of Italian Carabidce in the Museo di Storia Naturale at Florence, and the National Museum at Washington. It is the writer's intention to publish as soon as practicable a Supplement to the Monograph just mentioned, including figures of all the species ; but although a portion of the illustra- tions are already finished, it will be impossible to complete them without considerable delay, and it has therefore seemed advisable to publish pre- liminary diagnoses of the new species of the genus Laboulbenia, which will be followed shortly by a second paper, including such new forms as belong to other genera. Tlie writer desires in this connection to express his great obligations to the gentlemen in charge of the collections mentioned for tlie courtesies extended to him, due acknowledgment of which will be made in connec- tion with the Supplement already referred to. It should be mentioned also that a set of duplicate preparations has been prepared and will be deposited at Paris, London, and Oxford, so that a majority of the new forms, as well as many others, will be accessible to European students of the group. In the followinf^ descriptions no comparison of the forms has been attempted in the absence of figures which might render such comparison * Memoirs, Vol. XH. No. 3. 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. iutelligible. The very large mass of material obtained naturally contains many of the species previously reported, illustrating more fully thau was formerly possible the geographical distribution, variation, and hosts of many of the species, notes concerning which are likewise reserved for a more extended paper. The numbers referred to apply to the specimens examined, which in the Hope and British Museum collections were labelled if found to be infested. A portion of the specimens examined at Paris were also labelled, but unfortunately this was not done in all cases. Laboulbenia Acrogenis nov. sp. Perithecium rather slender, free except at its base, pale yellowish or straw-colored, becoming yellowish brown, tapering to the neck -like rather slender often almost clavate apex, the lip-cells hyaline, well distinguished, the pore obliquely external : below more or less deeply suffused with smoky brown, especially the outer half, the posterior (outer) sub- terminal wall-cells very often becoming deeply sutfused with smoky brown. Receptacle rather short, becoming slightly suffused with yellow- ish brown, normal in form, sometimes slightly inflated between cells I and II. Outer appendage consisting of a large rounded basal cell bearing four to eight branches arranged an tero -posteriorly in a more or less definitely double row, their insertions forming a continuous deeply blackened area, their cells inflated, with blackened septa, successively once to three times branched antero-posteriorly. The inner append- age consisting of a much smaller basal cell producing from one to two branches similar to those of the outer, one on either side. The antheridia solitary or from two to four, borne rather regularly on short branchlets. Perithecium 90-175x28-35^. Antheridia 14^ long. Total length to tip of the perithecium 190-360 /x. Appendages 85-100 ^w. Spores about 40 |U. On Acrogenys Mrsuta MacLeary, Brit. Mus. Nos. G68 and 528, " Australia " and Union Reefs, Australia, Occurring on the inferior posterior margin of the prothorax and the adjacent portions of the thorax. Laboulbenia adunca nov. sp. Perithecium long and slender, straight or nearly so, the outer half clear dark translucent brown, the inner pale olivaceous, wholly free, a very short narrow hyaline neck formed by the basal wall-cells ; the tip well distinguished, wholly blackish below or especially on the inner THAXTEK. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 155 side, the inner lips black-margined, curved outward over the outer lips in a characteristic hook-like fashion. Receptacle uniform dirty olivaceous, cell I paler, the cells about it faintly punctate. Insertion-cell black, broad, indistinguishable from the blackened basal portions of the basal cells of the appendages. Outer appendage consisting of a large nearly triano-ular basal cell, becoming wholly blackened except its upper margin and surmounted by a series of usually six superposed hyaline cells curved toward the perithecium, each cell producing externally a single simple banch consisting of a basal portion made up of two roundish short cells constricted at the dark septa and a distal portion six or more times as long, tapering, hyaline or tinged with brownish ; the inner appendage consisting of a basal cell wholly or almost wholly black, giving rise on either side to a short series of cells, usually three or four, similar to that of the outer appendage and similarly branched. Perithecia 225-245 X iO/x (including neck, which is about 18 ^i long). Total length to tip of perithecium, average 450 /t; to insertion-cell 200^/, greatest width 50 _w. Appendages 150 /<. On Galerita unicolor Dej., Brit. Mus. No. 516, Amazon River. In- ferior surface of prothorax. Laboulbenia Aerogenidii nov. sp. Form short and stout. Perithecium suffused with smoky brown, trans- lucent, becoming distally rather abruptly subhyaline, contrasting with the abruptly differentiated tip ; the latter black-brown, opaque or nearly so below, the lip-cells usually symmetrical, rounded, spreading broadly and rather abruptly, the lip-edges translucent ; sometimes asymmetrical with the inner lip-cells only prominent and the pore external : the wall- cells with a slight spiral twist. Receptacle hyaline below, becoming more or less tinged with smoky brown above, especially cells III and IV and the region immediately below the perithecium ; the suffused parts indistinctly punctate. Appendages consisting of two basal cells ; the inner producing two short branches on either side, which usually bear a rather compact cluster of antheridia ; the outer giving rise to from two to four branches placed antero-posteriorly with more or less regularity, the outer for the most part soon broken and deeply blackened, the rest especially the outermost more or less suffused with brown, commonly twice branched, above the basal and subbasal cells, elongate though for the most part broken. Total length to tip of perithecium 200-220 ^. Appendages 200-250 ^w. Perithecium 110-120 X 35-45//, the apex reaching a width of 35 ^u. » 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. On Aerogenidion Bedeli Tsch., Mon-Pin (China ?), Paris, No. 179. Along the margins of the elytra. Laboulbenia Anaplogenii nov. sp. Perithecium nearly hyaline or pale yellowisli, becoming tinged with pale amber-brown, stout, free except at its base, the outer margin mostly straight, the inner convex ; the tip rather small and abruptly distinguished, blackish except the hyaline lip-margins. Receptacle concolorous with the perithecium, rather short and stout, cell V relatively large, cell IV divided by transverse septa into from two to several superposed cells, usually extending upward beyond the insertion-cell, thus forming a blunt outgrowth external to it. Basal cells of the appendages nearly equal, each producing as a rule two similar branches antero-posteriorly, once or twice branched in the same plane, the branchlets rather elongate and slender, concolorous with the receptacle. Spores 50 X 4.5 /<. Total length to tip of perithecium 300-350 ju, to insertion-cell 200-240^/, greatest width 50-70 ^u. Appendages, longest 600 /i, average 300 ^. On Anaplogenius circumcindus Moh., Brit. Mus. Nos. 622 and 665, China. Also immature material of apparently the same species on an undetermined Carabid, Paris Museum, No. 4, from Madagascar. On the elytra. Laboulbenia Anchonoderi nov. sp. Pale amber-yellow, perithecium slightly darker, about two thirds free, the inner lip-cells suffused below with blackish brown, an external prominence involves the upper portion of the subbasal and lower portions of the subterminal wall-cells, forming, in the specimens from A. suh- cBneus, an abruptly defined hunch. Receptacle normal, the basal and subbasal cells usually slender and somewhat darker, the subbasal more distinctly marked with fine transverse striations which are less distinct on the cells above it. Appendages concolorous, the outer simple (always?), the inner consisting of a basal cell similar to that of the outer, about twice as long as broad, giving rise on either side to a single branch which may be once branched above its basal cell; all the branches some- what flexed. Insertion-cell red-brown or purplish, more or less oblique through the upgrowth of cell V. Spores about 45-48 /n. Perithecia (larger) 185 X 48/^, average 125 X 48 /x. Total length to tip of peri- thecium 276-500^ (longest 535 /m). Appendages about 200 fi. On Anchonoderus suhceneus Reiohe, San Felix, Panama, and A. binotatus Reiche, Guatemala City, Brit. Mus. (Biologia coll.), Nos. 706 and 707. On. the elytra. THAXTER — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 157 Laboulbenia angularis no v. sp. Perithecium wholly free, symmetrically inflated, straight, evenly suf- fused with smoky brown except the very short narrow hyaline neck-like base ; the tip well differentiated, black, distally hyaline, the whole peri- thecium inserted nearly at right angles to the axis of the receptacle. Receptacle amber-yellow or amber-brown, the basal cell tinged with smoky brown, cell II abruptly broader and long, all the cells except cell I more or less conspicuously marked by short transverse striae, cell V bulging on the inner side and carrying the black insertion-cell out free from the neck of the perithecium. Outer appendage consisting of an erect series of about six obliquely superposed cells, the lower becoming nearly opaque, the basal one larger and darker, opaque externally and below; each cell bearing externally a single simple branch, the branches consist- ing of a basal portion of three short cells prominently constricted at the blackish septa, and a terminal portion (broken in the types) : the inner appendage consisting of a basal cell which gives rise to a series of super- posed cells on either side, like that of the outer appendage and similarly branched, one of the series in the types much shorter than the other (two and four celled), the branches all erect, closely apposed, more or less suf- fused with brownish. Perithecia 280 X 45-55 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 680 /x ; to insertion-cell 420 /x ; greatest width 75 fi. Ap- pendages (broken) 55 fx. On Galerita unicolor Dej., Brit. Mus. No. 516, Amazon River. In- ferior surface of prothorax. Laboulbenia anomala nov. sp. Perithecia nearly symmetrical, free except at the base, tapering dis- tally, the tip somewhat lighter, subtruncate with one (or more ?) of the lip-edges modified to form a prominent large somewhat irregular blackish brown median projection which causes the tip to appear notched on the inner side. Receptacle dirty olive-brown, finely punctuate, the whole curved almost to a horseshoe form : cells I and II about equal in length and diameter, the base of the perithecium opposite cell III, insertion-cell unmodified external subtriangular, cell V similar to it, about twice as large and occupying a corresponding position on the inner side ; the two to- gether with the terminal portion of cell IV, on either side of which they lie, form the free broadly clavate terminal portion of the receptacle above the narrower and also wholly free basal half or more of cell IV. Basal cells of appendages not distinguishable, giving rise to a number of promi- nences (about twelve) each forming the base of a branch, the branches 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. simple or rarely branched, hyaline, of two kinds, the one with long slightly inflated basal cells, the other closely septate, intermediate forms occurring in which the septa are more remote ; all the septa brownish purple. Perithecia 140 X 40 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium about 450 |u; to tip of free end of receptacle 450 /a. Appendages 140- 160 fi. On Orectogyrus suturalis Reg., Paris, No. 102, Zambesi River, Africa; on 0. glaucus Klug., Brit. Mus. No. 465, Coast Castle, Egypt. On elytra. Laboulbenia aquatica nov. sp. Perithecium free nearly to its base, rather short and stout becoming dark olive-brown, the wall-cells very slightly twisted, the blackened tip well differentiated ; nearly symmetrical, subtruncate, the lip-edges hyaline, the lip " valves " prominent. Receptacle rather short and distally broad, olivaceous, lighter below. Insertion-cell unmodified, external, about as large as and nearly symmetrical with cell V, the two lying side by side above cell IV. The appendages consisting of an outer basal cell from which is formed a primary dark brown terminal prominence bearino- several small branches distally, while about its base externally and often on only one side several secondary unmodified prominences arise, each producing usually a single terminal branch. The inner basal cell mod- erately distinct, at first simple, later apparently divided or lobed and bear- ing several branches. All the branches hyaline, constricted at the lower (four to about six) dark, mostly oblique septa ; the distal portion slender, elongate, subrigid", tapering, without constrictions or colored septa, the basal segments bearing numerous typical flask-shaped antheridia. Spores 70 X 4.5 /x. Perithecia, average 100 X 38 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium average 220 /x ; to insertion-cell 150 /x; greatest width 30 /x. Appendages, longest 175 /x. On Gyretes? sp., Paris Museum, No. 106, Venezuela. On elytra. Laboulbenia aristata nov. sp. Perithecium less than one half free from the receptacle, pale amber- yellow, straight and symmetrical or nearly so, the tip well distinguished, symmetrical, blackish, the lip-cells symmetrically rounded and protruding slightly on either side, their distal margins straight and horizontal or nearly so. Receptacle concolorous with the perithecium, cell I tinged with brown, a brownish shade below the base of the perithecium, cell IV bulging distally where it is rather faintly suffused with blackish. Outer THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 159 appendage simple, the basal cell more than twice as long as it is broad, the two cells above it abruptly narrower and equal ; two or three of the cells above these broader with thicker walls, the rest of the appendage taperinuished, rather short and stout, deep black-brown, except the distal hyaline lip-edges. Distal por- tion of the receptacle concolorous with the perithecium; cells I and II much paler ; cell I longer than cell II, the two forming a rather slender stalk of about the same diameter throughout, above which the distal portion of the receptacle is somewhat abruptly distinguished ; the lighter portions marked by fine transverse striations not visible in the deeply colored often opaque distal region. Outer appendage consisting of a main straight divergent axis formed by usually three nearly equal cells, deeply blackened externally, bearing distally and from each of their upper inner angles a very long slender ei-ect simple branch which is reddish brown, paler and spirally twisted distally. The inner append- age consisting of a basal cell about as large as that of the outer appendage and bearing on either side a branch which may give rise to one or two erect simple branchlets similar to the branches of the outer appendage. Perithecia about 150 X 55 ^i. Total length to tip of peri- thecium 300-390 fj, ; to insertion-cell 275-325 fi. Appendages, longest 480-GlO fi. On Hexagonia sp. ?, Hope Coll., No. 288, Ceylon (Thwaites). Laboulbenia strangulata nov. sp. Perithecium one third to one half free, dark brown, concolorous below with the distally almost opaque recejitacle ; symmetrical, straight ; the tip undifferentiated, bluntly rounded except for a hyaline flattish ter- minal 2^apilla formed by the projection of one of the external lip-cells. Receptacle slender, cell I usually basally curved, broader at the distal end where it is rather deeply suffused with brown ; cell II much longer, its lower two thirds often distinctly inflated, deep brown distally, rather abruptly constricted to less than half its greatest diameter, the constricted portion hyaline, the short remaining portion above the constriction becoming deep brown, concolorous with the upper portion of the recep- tacle. Insertion-cell normal as in L. Orectochili^ oblique, often concave above, the appendages consisting of an outer and an inner basal cell, the two producing in all from three to six outgrowths as in L. Orectochili, somewhat narrower, hyaline except the first one formed from the outer basal cell which is always external to those subsequently formed and is THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACEiE. 203 often divergent, deep brown, the suffusion involving the basal cell which bears it : each branch consists of a single simple cylindrical cell the distal portion of which is usually broken off leaving the deep brown contrast- ing base. Spores 60 X 4.5 /x.. Periihecium 120-140 X 40-45 ^u ; to insertion-cell, average 275^. Appendages 100 /x. On Orectochilus ?, Brit. Mus. Nos. 480 and 484, Timor, East Indies. Margin of elytra. Labotilbenia subconstricta nov. sp. Perithecium less than one half free, rather small, curved strongly and evenly toward the appendages, evenly suffused with dark brown or lighter distally; the tip black, not abruptly distinguished, the lips distinct with a broad hyaline margin about the pore. Receptacle dull amber-yellow, cells IV and V, sometimes cell III, less deeply suffused with brown; cell I narrow, straight, but slightly enlarged distally; cell II abruptly much larger, symmetrically and prominently constricted in the middle ; cells III and IV large and broad. Outer appendage simple, the basal cell moderately large ; externally or wholly blackened ; the rest of the appendage straight, rigid, directed across the tip of the perithecium : inner appendage consisting of a smaller basal cell which bears one or two branches similar to the outer appendage. Perithecia 85 X 25 ^. Total length to tip of perithecium about 200 /a ; to insertion-cell 165 /x ; greatest width 50 jtt. Appendages, broken, about 150 ^u or a little more. On Catoscopus sp., Paris Museum, No. 116, New Guinea. On anterior inferior margin of thorax on the rioht side. Laboulbenia Sumatrae nov. sp. Perithecium small, pale amber-colored, darker and somewhat inflated below, tapering distally ; the tip only free from the receptacle not distin- guished from the body of the perithecium, long, nearly hyaline below, the lip-cells abruptly spreading, contrasting, black except about the pore and peculiarly modified, the two outer broadly rounded, the two inner developing outgrowths which grow inward and upward ; that on the right side longer than the left, narrower and indented near the base on the inner side. Receptacle ooncolorous with the perithecium, paler below, marked by faint fine tranverse striations. Appendages concolor- ous with the receptacle, the outer simple, stiff, curved slightly outward, the inner consisting of a basal cell smaller than that of the outer and bearing ou either side a branch which may be once branched at the base. 204 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Perithecium 92 X 22 ^u. Total length to tip of perithecium 200 //, ; to insertion-cell 166 jjl. Appendages about 185 jx. On '' Catoacopus cupi-ipennis Thorn.," Plope Collection, No 291, Borneo No. 299, Sumatra. At base of anterior legs. Laboulbenia Taenodemse nov. sp. Perithecium nearly free, slightly inflated, clear translucent brown; the tip abruptly differentiated, extei'nally black with an inner inferior hyaline patch, the lips well distinguished hyaline, the inner prominent, rounded, the pore external. Receptacle long and slender through the elongation of cell II, pale dirty yellowish brown or nearly hyaline. Insertion-cell large, free, blackish, hardly narrower than cells IV and V. Appendages concolorous with the receptacle, the outer consisting of a large basal cell which bears distally as a rule two antero-posterior branches ; the inner simple, the outer furcate above its basal cell ; the branches stout, slightly tapering, elongate, the inner erect, the outer divergent ; its branclilets curving upward : the inner appendage con- sistins: of a much smaller basal cell, rounded and bearing; one or two short branchlets. Spores about 70 X b jx. Perithecia 12.5-155 X 35-50 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 400-650 jx ; to insertion-cell 300- 400 /x. Appendages, longest about 600 p.. On Tcenodema sp., Brit. Mus. No. 391. Ega, Amazon. On elytra and superior prothorax. Laboulbenia tenuis nov. sp. Perithecium relatively small and narrow, dull amber-yellow to brown, the upper half or more free from the receptacle, tapering somewhat distally, curved toward and partly across the appendages ; the tip not well distinguished, broad, its distal margin often concave, the lips projecting slightly on either side, the lip-cells black except about the pore. Receptacle slender amber-yellow, becoming tinged with brown especially distally, strongly curved throughout, the concave side anterior. Insertion-cell black and thick, narrower than cells IV- V. Appendages as in L. plat>/stoma, the basal cell of the outer appendage blackened externally, all the branches erect and lying across the tip of the perithe- cium which is bent toward them. The material on Cdtoscopus much larger and darker than tliat on Mlscelus. Perithecia 90-130 X 22-26 u. Total length to tip of perithecium 250-500 /^ ; to insertion-cell 425-185^. Greatest width 37-55 /a. Appendages more than 200 ^ (broken). THAXTER. NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 205 On Miseelus Javaniis King., Hope Collection, No. 308, Java ; on Miscelus sp., Paris Museum, Nos. 114 and 115, New Guinea; on Catoscopus ? sp. Brit. Mus. No. 663, Assam, India. On the elytra and inferior surface. Laboulbenia Thyreopteri nov. sp. Perithecium nearly free, proportionately large, dull amber-brown, straiulit, narrower at the base, the inner margin slightly convex, the outer concave through the presence of a prominent subterminal hump, which is suffused with blackish brown, the suffusion often involving a fainter discoloration of the subbasal wall-cell below it ; the tip small, prominent, and abruptly differentiated, blackish with broad hyaline lips. Receptacle slender, the basal cell black, opaque, mostly curved below, very slender ; the subbasal cell broader, suffused with blackish, mostly verrucose or coarsely punctate, the remaining cells normal and concolorous with the perithecium. Insertion-cell thick and narrow. The outer appendage simple, its basal cell long, undifferentiated ; the basal cell of the inner appendage shorter bearing a branch distally on either side, all the branches similar crowded, concolorous with the perithecium, erect, straight or bent slightly toward the perithecium, the inmost in contact with it. Spores 55 X 4|U. Perithecia 140-175 X 14-25 ^u. Total length to tip of perithecium 340-400 yu, ; to insertion-cell 250-270 /x. Appendages 120-140/.. On Tlujreopterus flavosignatus Dej., Brit. Mus. No. 561, Port Natal, Africa. On Thyreopterus sp., Paris Museum, No. 125, Africa. On elytra. LaboTilbenia tibialis nov. sp. Perithecium deeply suffused with blackish brown, somewhat inflated, the small tip rather abruptly distinguished. Receptacle stout, deeply suffused with blackish brown except cell I and the lower part of cell II, which are hyaline or nearly so, abruptly contrasting, and cell V which is yellowish ; cells IV and V broad, the insertion-cell broad and in con- tact with the base of the i^erithecium. Appendages as in L. rostellata except that the iimer is larger and longer than the outer without over- lapping it at the base and the lower branch of the outer is simple. Perithecia 150-175 x 60-70//. Total length to tip of perithecium 300-325 fx ; to insertion-cell 200-2-25 ^. Appendages exclusive of the branches, inner 100-120//, outer 85 /i. On Brachinus sp., Eustis, Florida, October. On the legs. 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Laboulbenia tortuosa nov. sp. Peritbecium with hardly more than the tip free, relatively small, ex- ternally suffused with smoky brown and concave through the presence of a well defined snbterraiiial hunch, above which the somewhat pointed well defined outwardly oblique blackish-brown tip is abruptly differen- tiated, the lip-edges pale brown translucent. Receptacle very pale red- dish or yellowish, variously bent, sometimes at right angles or at an angle of forty-five degrees above cell II ; cells I and II straight or more frequently cell II curved strongly, while there is often a less pronounced curvature in the opposite direction immediately above it. Insertion-cell horizontal, about opposite the external hunch of the perithecium. Outer appendage consisting of a very large basal and somewhat broader sub- basal cell, the two commonly as broad as or broader than any portion of the receptacle with which they are concolorous ; the upper outer angle of both cells marked by the black insertion of a short simple branch, usu- ally broken off, the subbasal cell surmounted by a small flattish cell which bears a simple terminal branch with blackened base like those developed laterally below it : the inner appendage consists of a very small basal cell which usually produces directly a pair of relatively large antheridia with inflated venters and brown necks. Perithecia 85 X 27 ja. Total length to tip of perithecium about 275 /x. Appendage, to upper blackened septum 50 /n, by 28 /x wide. On Pa chyteUs festaceus Horn, U. S. National Museum, Arizona. Along the adjacent inferior margins of the thorax and jDrothorax, on left side. Laboulbenia Trichognathi nov. sp. Perithecium free, generally straight, long, narrow and of nearly equal diameter throughout to the base of the rather abruptly differentiated tip, (sometimes however shorter, stout and slightly inflated,) pale yellowish or becoming rather deep, evenly translucent smoky brown ; the basal wall- cells forming a very short scarcely noticeable stalk ; the tip obliquely black below the rather coarse and prominent hyaline lips. Receptacle gener- ally very long and slender, pale yellowish, the basal cell tinged with brown ; cells IV and V amber or often becoming wholly amber-brown or smoky brown ; cells IV and V large, prominently marked by short transverse lines or patches which are less numerous and distinct on the other cells. Insertion-cell carried out free from the perithecium by the enlargement of cell V, well differentiated, black. Outer appendage con- sisting of a series of obliquely superposed cells three to ten in number. THAXTER. — NEW LAB0ULBENIACEJ3. 207 the basal one subtriangular and blackish, the rest hyaline or yellowish, each producing distally and externally a single simple straight branch, slightly constricted at the three to four lower black septa ; the distal por- tion without black septa, sometimes shorty sometimes elongate and tapering. The inner appendage consists of a basal cell usually giving rise on either side to a series of superposed cells similar to those of the outer append- age, but mostly shorter and similarly branched ; the three series in general partly united at least at the base, the basal cell in some cases bearing more than two such series so that a very dense tuft of branchlets results. Peritliecia IGo X 55-350 X 90 /li, average 275 X QO fi. Receptacle very variable. Total length to tip of perithecium 425-1480 /x ; to insertion-cell 275-1260^. Appendages, longest 600 /:i, average about 400 /x. On Trichognnthus marginipennis Latr., Hope Collection, No. 267, Columbia, Brit. Mus. No. 525, "Tamaz," S. America ; on " T. margi//atus Latr." Brit. Mus. No. 526, Brazil, Hope Collection, No. 266, " S. America"; on THchognathns sp. indet., Paris Museum, Nos. 70, 71, and \'6b, Venezuela and " S. America." On all parts of host. Laboulbenia triordinata nov. sp. Perithecium usually wholly free from the receptacle, very variable, amber-brown or usually becoming almost black, generally elongate, often with the wall-cells showing a distinct spiral twist, the basal wall-cells forming a hyaline or less deeply suffused neck ; the tip wholly black except the lip-edges, which may be translucent and more or less distinctly differentiated. Receptacle elongate or rather short, pale amber-brown or amber-yellow, gradually tapering from the base to the very broad distal portion, or more commonly cells I and H forming a slender stalk above which the rest of the receptacle expands abruptly, the unmodified tri- angular insertion-cell carried up and out free from the receptacle through the enlargement of cell V, the inner margin of which is mostly free. Outer appendage consisting of a series of about seven to ten obliquely superposed cells, each bearing distally and externally a single simple branch ; the branches constricted at the first, second, and third septa, which are deeply blackened ; the second less broadly, the first and second cells variably suffused with clear brown especially near the septa, the distal portion of the branch hyaline, tapering, its cells longer, the lower swollen below the septum : inner appendage consisting of a basal cell which gives rise on either side to a branch resembling the outer append- age often with fewer cells (sometimes only 3-celled) similarly branched, 208 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, except that the lower branchlet of each branch bears a single large terminal antheridium which becomes brown ; the outer appendage and the two branches of the inner erect and close together or more or less strongly and irregularly divergent. Perithecia, average 200 X 52/i (110-260 X 45-60 /i) including stalk. Total length to tip of perithe- cium 260-600 /i; to insertion-cell 185-370 /* ; greatest width 65-100 /i. Appendages 220-330 fi. On Calojjhoena hifasciata Oliv., Brit. Mus. No. 509, South America ; on CalojilKjena sp., Brit. Mus. No. 512, Nanta, Amazon; on Cordistes bicinctus Dej., Hope Collection, No. 268, Columbia; on Cordistes? sp., U. S. National Museum, Central America ; on Helluomorpha melanarla Reich., Brit. Mus. No. 527, Ega, Amazon. Laboulbenia tuberculifera nov. sp. Perithecium deeply suffused with smoky brown, free except the lower fifth ; the tip not abruptly distinguished, nearly black, the distal margin somewliat oblique, mostly straight with an outer more or less ill defined tooth-like prominence ; in general variable, the lip-cells not prominent. Receptacle leather long and slender, cell I quite hyaline below, distally tinged with deep brown and coarsely punctate ; cell II tinged with brown and punctate below, otherwise nearly hyaline, except for the presence of a series of deep brown short tubercular transverse ridges on one side of cell IV and the basal cells of the perithecium which are deep brown, the rest subhyaline, cell IV bulging. Outer appendage simple, slender, the basal cell sometimes long and somewhat inflated : the inner appendage consisting of a small basal cell with a short branch on either side. Perithecia about 140 X 50 /x. Total length to tip of perithe- cium, average 340 fx. ; to insertion-cell, average 225 fi ; greatest width 60/*. Appendages 225^ (longest). On Serrimargo guttiger Schaum., Brit. Mus. No. 558, Penang, East Indies. On base of elytra. Laboulbenia uncinata nov. sp. Pale yellowish, becoming tinged with pale reddish yellow. Perithe- cium more than one half free, stout, nearly oblong, the blackened lip-cells recurved externally through the rounded upgrowth of the inner distal portion of the perithecium which makes them almost lateral in position, the outer lip-cell often twice as long as the others and more prominently recurved, its projecting portion translucent, rounded. Receptacle THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 209 medium, normal. Appendages normal, rather short, several times brauched, the cells rather short and somewhat rounded. Spores 50 X 3.0 fi. Perithecium (not including lip-cells) 120 X 62 fi. Total length to tip of perithecium 100-120 /a; to insertion-cell 72-92 /x. Appendages (longest) 40 fx. On Harpahis ceneus Fabr., Selenga, Siberia, Paris IMus. No. 12. At base of anterior legs. Laboulbenia verrucosa nov. sp. Perithecium becoming deeply suffused with smoky brown, straight, the line of demarcatiou between the subterminal and subbasal wall-cells indi- cated by a more or less well defined ridge forming a rather prominent external hunch in this region, above which the perithecium is abruptly contracted, almost at right angles iu the type, below the rather narrow nearly erect tip, the lip-cells black below, with the broadly hyaline edges turned obliquely outward. Receptacle dirty yellow-brown, becoming more or less suffused with smoky brown, especially the two basal cells, and covered with irregular w^art-like prominences which are more or less definitely arranged in transverse rows. Appendages of the '' L.Jlagellata" type, the outer once to twice branched, the inner consisting of a smaller basal cell giving rise on either side to single branches which may be from once to three times branched ; all the branches pale dirty yellowish with brown shades above the lower septa. Perithecia 150-170 X 45-50 /li. Total length to tip of perithecium 550-610 /x; to insertion-cell 430-480 ji. Appendages (longest) 400 fx. On a Carabid allied to Platt/nus, Hope Coll. No. 342 (without label) and U. S. Nat. Museum, No. 7, Mt. Coffee, Liberia, Africa. Elytra. VOL. XXXV. — 14 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 10. — December, 1899. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. FERROUS IODIDE. By C. Loring Jackson and 1. H. Derby. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. FERROUS IODIDE. By C. Loring Jackson and I. H. Derby. Presented May 10, 1899. Received November 24, 1899. The accounts of anhydrous ferrous iodide which we have been able to find in the chemical literature are very contradictory. Serullas * seems to have been the first to obtain it by the rather strange method of passing iodine and steam through a red-hot iron tube filled with charcoal. He describes it as shining yellow crystals looking like gold filings. Gay Lussac and Davy * say it is a brown mass which fuses at a red heat and sublimes at a higher temperature. A. T. Thomson f treated one part of iron with two of iodine suspended in water, and after evaporating off the water in a flask containing some free iron, obtained a steel gray lam- inated mass melting at 177° and possessing a sharp puckery taste. When heated in air it left a residue of ferric oxide. In 1861 Carius and Wank- lyn X prepared it as a gray laminated mass by heating iron filings and iodine in a porcelain crucible. In 1863 De Luca § states that Faville had made it under his direction, and that it is a pure white amorphous powder. He gives no statement of the method of preparation in any of the journals which are accessible to us. Finally Erdmann || in his Lehr- buch (1898) describes it as a reddish brown body, also without giving the method of preparation. The color of ferrous iodide, therefore, is not by any means settled, the balance of evidence in the chemical literature being in favor of gray or white ; but as no analyses of the anhydrous salt have been published, so far as we can find, none of the statements quoted above can be considered to rest on a solid foundation. Under * Gmelin-Kraut, Handbuch, III. 350, 6th edition. t Pharmaceut. .Journ., I. 44 (1842). t Ann. Chem., CXX. 69. § Comptes-Rendus, LV. 615. II Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie, 62. 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. these circumstances it seemed worth while to take up the study of the fer- rous iodide, and the results of our work in this field are contained in the following paper. Preparation op Ferrous Iodide. The method adopted consisted in passing the vapor of iodine over heated iron. In the first experiments a combustion tube was used with a stream of carbonic dioxide to carry the iodine, but as we found a tem- perature above the softening point of hard glass was necessary, we re- placed the glass tube with one of iron, which we heated with a Fletcher's tube furnace. At the high temperature thus obtained the iron was oxi- dized by the carbonic dioxide, and the film of oxide thus formed protected the metal from the action of the iodine ; accordingly the carbonic dioxide was replaced by nitrogen, after which good results were obtained. The apparatus in its final form consisted of two large bottles, which served as gas holders for the nitrogen, and were united by glass tubes and rubber connectors in such a way that, by letting in water from the water works, the gas could be forced out of one of them at a regulated rate through the purifiers and the iron tube to the other bottle, in which it was collected. When this was full of gas, by a simple rearrangement of the pinch-cocks the nitrogen could be forced back through the appara- tus again in the same direction as before into the first bottle. By means of this device the same nitrogen could be used over and over again, thus causing a great saving in time and labor. The nitrogen was made by the excellent method of Dr. Gibbs,* — equal parts of sodic nitrite, am- monic nitrate, and potassic dichromate were pulverized, and mixed with three parts of water in a flask with a wide delivery tube. The gas came off when the mixture was gently warmed. Twenty-four grams of the mixture gave about 1200 cc. of nitrogen. The nitrogen, after leaving the gas holder, was purified by passing through a solution of sodic hydrate, sulphuric acid, and a long column of calcic chloride, after which the oxy- gen was removed by means of a layer of finely divided copper heated in a tube of hard glass by means of a kerosene stove. This precaution was necessary, as the nitrogen was contaminated with air introduced when the tubes were opened, or from the water in the gas holders. We tried at first an alkaline solution of pyrogallol for the removal of the oxygen, but as we found this was not efficient, we resorted to the layer of finely divided copper, which was prepared by reducing cupric oxide. * Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1877, p. 1387. JACKSON AND DERBY. — FERROUS IODIDE. 215 The reaction took place in three steel bicycle tubes, the largest of which was one inch (2.54 cm.) in outside diameter and about one six- teenth of an inch (1.59 mm.) thick. The other tubes were somewhat thinner and small enough to slip tightly into the larger tube. The larger tube contained the iron, which was used in the form of wire clippings (card teeth), as it was found by experiment that these gave a better yield of iodide than turnings, filings, or iron by hydrogen. The iron was freed from organic matter by heating it in a stream of hydrogen before using it. The layer of iron in the tube was about 23 cm. long, and this por- tion of the tube was heated directly by the Fletcher furnace to a bright red heat. One of the smaller tubes was slipped into the larger one at its end nearest the gas holder containing the nitrogen, in this was placed the iodine, which was slowly volatilized by the heat conducted along the iron tube, and the vapor thus formed was swept over the hot iron in the fur- nace by the stream of nitrogen ; this tube was connected with the purifiers by a perforated cork and glass tube far enough from the heat to avoid danger of burning. It was found wise to protect this cork from the iodine vapor, some of which crept back even against the current, by an asbestos or iron diaphragm. The second smaller iron tube was slipped into the further end of the larger tube, and reached the heated portion of it, so that the vapor of ferrous iodide formed in the larger tube condensed in the smaller one, from which it could be easily collected by withdraw- ing this smaller tube after it had cooled in the atmosphere of nitrogen. The joints of the iron tubes were rendered air tight by means of large rubber connectors, which were kept cool by winding them with lamp- wicking that dipped into a beaker of water. The receiving tube just described was connected with some bottles of strong sulphuric acid to prevent the creeping back of any aqueous vapor into the tube. The delivery tube from these bottles conveyed the nitrogen to one of the gas holders already described. In carrying on the process it was observed that a considerable amount of iodine was taken up by the iron before any iodide distilled over ; but after it began to appear, it continued to collect for several hours, so that the yield was a good one, and when the apparatus has been once set up the ferrous iodide can be obtained in quantity with little trouble. As the product of the reaction just described had a deep red color in thin plates, and looked almost black when the mass was even moderately thick, we supposed at first that it could not be a ferrous salt, and accord- ingly applied the following tests. A little of it treated with water, in which it dissolved completely and with great ease, gave no color with a 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. solution of potassic sulphocyanate, but a strong test for a ferrous salt with potassic ferricyanide. As it was possible that it might be a ferric iodide which was decomposed by water into the ferrous salt and free iodine, we next tested for iodine both with starch paste and with carbonic disulphide, but with negative results. These qualitative experiments indicated that the substance, in spite of its red color, was ferrous iodide ; and that this is the case was proved by the following analyses. The substances used in I.-V. and in IX. and X. were the direct product of the reaction. In VI., VII., and VIII. this product had been purified by sublimation before it was analyzed. I. 0.6717 gram of substance gave 1.0202 gram of argentic iodide and 0.1720 gram of oxide of iron. II. 1.0400 gram of substance gave 1.5736 gram of argentic iodide. III. 0.9658 gram of substance gave 1.4601 gram of argentic iodide. IV. 0.7493 gram of substance gave 1.1471 gram of argentic iodide and 0.1934 gram of ferric oxide. V. 0.8327 gram of substance gave 1.2586 gram of argentic iodide and 0.2209 gram of ferric oxide. VI. 1.2675 gram of substance gave 1.9232 gram of argentic iodide and 0.3261 gram of ferric oxide. VII. 0.7396 gram of substance gave 1.1192 gram of argentic iodide and 0.1932 gram of ferric oxide. VIII. 0.5944 gram of substance gave 0.8978 gram of argentic iodide. IX. 0.3831 gram of substance gave by ignition 0.0982 gram of ferric oxide. X. 1.7526 gram of substance gave by ignition 0.4658 gram of ferric oxide. Percentages. Iodine. Iron. Calculated for Fel2 81.92 18.08 Found I. 82.10 17.92 II. 81.77 III. 81.74 IV. 82.71 18.07 V. 81.66 18.56 VI. 82.00 18.01 VII. 81.76 18.28 VIII. 81.64 IX. 17-94 X. 18.60 JACKSON AND DERBY. — FERROUS IODIDE. 217 Of these analyses I.-VITI. were made by passing sulphurous anhy- dride into the aqueous solution to convert any free iodine (formed by the action of air on the solution) into hydriodic acid, and to dissolve the ferric hydrate, if any, formed at the same time as the free iodine ; then, after driving off the excess of the sulphurous anhydride, the iodine was precip- itated as argentic iodide and the iron as ferric hydrate in the usual way. Analyses IX. and X. were made by simple ignition of the ferrous iodide in a porcelain crucible, when it loses all its iodine and is converted into ferric oxide. Properties of Ferrous Iodide. The anhydrous salt prepared as described above forms plates of a deep full red color with a slight brownish tint. This color is a much more pro- nounced red than any appearing among the ferric salts with the exception of ferric sulphocyanate. In thicker masses it is nearly or quite black ; when melted and allowed to solidify, it forms a blackish red crystalline mass, which looks brown on a surface of fracture.* When the plates are examined under the polarizing microscope, they give evidence that they belong to one of the uniaxial systems, but the outlines of these crystals are so ragged that they furnish no means of deciding to which system they belong. Accordingly some of the plates immersed in ether, in which they dissolve very slowly, were observed under the microscope, when the formation of regular hexagonal holes was observed ; there is no doubt, therefore, that the crystals belong to the hexagonal system. If the salt is resublimed slowly, it can be obtained in broad thin plates with a bril- liant vitreous lustre ; but on one occasion very small yellow plates were formed which called to mind the " gold filings " of Serullas. The melt- ing point of the substance is given by Thomson as 177° ; we have not attempted to determine this point anew, as it seemed to us of little prac- tical value on account of the very deliquescent nature of the salt. If heated to about the fusing point of soft glass in an inert gas it sublimes essentially unaltered. "When sublimed in a stream of nitrogen, part of the iodide is deposited in the red plates already described, the rest is carried on further in the tube as a yellowish cloud, which deposits a dark reddish brown amorphous powder ; this is found to be much more susceptible to the action of atmospheric moisture than the red plates, but we think this difference in behavior is due only to the difference in the size of the par- * The dark color of the ferrous iodide is not without analogy, as G. P. Baxter has found in this Laboratory that ferrous bromide has a dark yellow color with a greenisli brown tinge. 218 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, tides in the two specimens. The sublimation may take place in nitrogen, carbonic dioxide, or even hydrogen, but oxygen must be carefully ex- cluded, as this decomposes the iodide rapidly at not very high temperatures, so that on gently heating a sample of it in a porcelain crucible in a few minutes all the iodine has passed off in violet fumes, and there is left a reddish brown residue of ferric oxide, which retains the shape of the crystals of the ferrous iodide, and is magnetic. That this latter property was not due to the presence of some magnetic oxide or metallic iron in the residue was proved by dissolving it in hydrochloric acid, when a strong test for ferric chloride, but none whatever for ferrous chloride, was ob- tained. The iodine is so completely removed by this ignition in air that the process was used as a method of analyzing the ferrous iodide (Anal- yses IX. and X.). De Luca observed a similar decomposition of his (white) ferrous iodide. The same decomposition of the ferrous iodide by the oxygen of the air takes place slowly at ordinary temperatures ; a specimen of it kept in a good desiccator gives off" enough iodine vapor in time to color the air within the desiccator a distinct purple. A sample of the salt was kept in a desiccator over potassic hydrate, to absorb the iodine, for thirteen months, and the decomposition followed by occasional weighings, when it was found that about seven eighths of the total loss of iodine was given off in the first six months, but that even at the end of thirteen months the decomposition was not complete, as the residue still contained a little iodine, and gave tests for both ferrous and ferric compounds. It follows from these observations that the salt should not be allowed to stand even in a desiccator before analysis, but should be analyzed as soon as possible after its preparation. If the salt is exposed to the atmosphere, it deliquesces quickly to a brown solution. The thinner plates, when kept in a corked flask or a desiccator, behaved in a very striking way ; the red plate showed at first a white border around its edge, which gradually spread inward, until the whole plate became white ; this change was soon followed by a liberation of iodine, wliich imparted a gray or even black appearance to the mass. The appearance of the iodine is undoubtedly due to the decomposition by air just described, but the cause of the whitening of the crystals was not so evident. The most obvious theories were, that the white substance was a second modification of the ferrous iodide, or that it was produced by the absorption of water, which might either form enough of the green ferrous iodide containing four molecules of water of crystallization to neutralize optically the red color of the anhydrous salt, or might give a definite compound containing less water of crystallization than the green salt. JACKSON AND DERBY. — FERROUS IODIDE. 219 The idea that the white substance was a second modification gained some support from the observations of Thomson, Carius and Wanklyn, and De Luca, who describe ferrous iodide as white or gray, and also from the fact that the white compound was formed in atmospheres containing very little water, although in none of these cases had moisture been rigorously excluded. We, therefore, tried a number of experiments to settle this point. In all of these it was necessary to select specimens of the salt which show this change from red to white, such as rather thin red plates or the brown amorphous powder obtained by sublimation, since thicker plates or masses of the iodide show the phenomenon with difficulty or not at all. We see no reason, however, to ascribe these differences in behav- ior to anything except the size of the crystals. Two similar portions of the ferrous iodide were exposed, the one to dry carbonic dioxide, the other to moist carbonic dioxide, the experiments being carried on at the same time and under parallel conditions. The specimen in the moist gas turned white quickly, while that in the dry gas remained unaltered. Other similar experiments showed that the change of color took place much more slowly in a gas containing little moisture than in one contain- ing more. In all these experiments the amount of moisture must be kept small, as, if too much aqueous vapor is used, the salt deliquesces so rapidly that the formation of the white body cannot be observed. A sam- ple of ferrous iodide was immersed in absolute ether (dried with sodium), and underwent no change of color even after long standing ; when, how- ever, a minute fraction of a drop of water was added, it rapidly turned white. Upon heating a specimen of the white body in a tube filled with dry carbonic dioxide a cloud appeared which looked like moisture and condensed in the cold part of the tube, the substance turning red at the same time. As the tube cooled this moisture was quickly reabsorbed, and the white body was formed again. This experiment was repeated several times with the same specimen. These experiments leave no doubt that the white substance is not a second isomeric modification of the ferrous iodide, but is formed by the action of water on the red anhy- drous salt. The question next arises. Is the white body a mixture of the red anhy- drous and the green hydrous ferrous iodide, or is it a crystallized salt with a definite amount of water ? Our experiments are not sufficiently conclusive to answer this question with certainty, but we would present the following argument in favor of the second view with all necessary reserve. A sample of ferrous iodide was exposed at ordinary temper- atures (in this case about 22°) to an atmosphere of hydrogen kept moist 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. by contact with dilute sulphuric acid containing 33 per cent of acid, and the absorption of water followed by successive weighings at intervals of about a day. Upon plotting these results a curve was obtained, which showed a change in tlie rate of absorption at a certain point, and a calcu- lation of the amount of water absorbed at this point gave the following result: 0.4289 gram of ferrous iodide absorbed 0.0491 gram of water. Calculated for Fel22H20. Found. Water 10.40 10.28 The coincidence of these numbers is certainly striking, and, so far as it goes, tells in favor of a definite composition for the white body ; but little weight can be given to a single determination, and in this case the result must be regarded with the more suspicion, because the ferrous iodide, after it had turned from red to white in this experiment, became gray from decomposition with 'liberation of iodine. When one of the red plates was viewed under the polarizing micro- scope in ordinary air, it appeared at first granular and then white, at the same time assuming a lower order of symmetry, as extinction was observed at certain angles when the stage was rotated, an effect which could not have been produced by the original crystal, as it was a hexa- gonal plate bounded by two basal planes. This observation shows little more than that the white substance was crystalline. The anhydrous ferrous iodide dissolves rapidly and freely in water with a considerable evolution of heat. The dilute solutions are colorless, the stronger ones green. The hot saturated solutions deposit green crystals of Fel24H20. Our analysis of this salt gave results which agreed only approximately with those required by the theory, but this is not strange, as it is very deliquescent and rapidly decomposed by the oxygen of the air with liberation of iodine. The water cannot be determined by loss, as the salt gives off hydriodic acid when it is heated. Fortunately it was not necessary for us to spend our time in attempting to obtain better analytical results, as Volkmann * has made a careful study of crystallized ferrous iodide, and has isolated it with four, six, or nine mol- ecules of water of crystallization. From his description of the prepara- tion of these salts there can be no question that the salt obtained by us was Fel24H20. The solution of ferrous iodide, when exposed to the air, is decomposed, * Ber. d. chem. Ges. 1894, R. 618. JACKSON AND DERBY. — FERROUS IODIDE. 221 turning at first brown and then throwing down a yellowish brown precip- itate of ferric hydrate or a basic ferric salt ; iodine is set free at the same time, and apparently some hydriodic acid is also formed. The ferrous iodide is very susceptible to the action of oxydizing agents, as appears from the account given above of the action of air on it at or- dinary temperatures, but it shows a very striking resistance to the action of reducing agents. Its behavior in this respect was studied with some care in the hope of perhaps encountering a subiodide. As has been al- ready stated, ferrous iodide can be sublimed essentially unaltered in an atmosphere of dry hydrogen. This is not perhaps altogether unexpected, as it has been found in this Laboratory that cobaltous bromide is only partially reduced when heated in dry hydrogen, the remainder subliming unaltered, while nickelous bromide was reduced under the same condi- tions essentially without sublimation.* When hydrogen was passed throufifh melted ferrous iodide, no more reduction was obtained. Ferrous iodide sublimed through a layer of iron by hydrogen remained unaltered. Mercury alone or when emulsified by grinding with diatomaceous earth produced no effect on ferrous iodide even when distilled with it. When melted with molecular silver, on the other hand, the reduction to metallic iron was complete. Reductions in the moist way with hydriodic acid and iron by hydrogen or zinc dust also seemed to give negative results. C. Liebermann and H. Sachse,t and also P. Bruck,| have recommended ferrous iodide as a useful carrier in adding iodine to derivatives of acety- lene, such as phenylpropiolic acid, acetyleuedicarboxylic acid, or propar- gylic acid. We have also tried some experiments on the behavior of ferrous iodide with organic compounds, but as the results are of little interest, we shall summarize them as briefly as possible. Ferrous iodide, when heated to redness in ethylene, was reduced, leaving a magnetic residue containing carbon. With acetylene a very gentle heat was suffi- cient to start a reaction, which afterward proceeded by itself accompanied by a dull red glow. The products were a volatile yellow liquid contain- ing much iodine and a voluminous residue consisting of carbon and very little iron. The fact that the ferrous iodide is reduced by these hydro- carbons, when it is almost unaffected by hydrogen, is remarkable. Iso- propyl alcohol heated with ferrous iodide gave a little of an insoluble oil, probably the iodide. When treated with an ethereal solution of aniline, the ferrous iodide formed a white compound much more voluminous than * Richards and Baxter, These Proceedings, XXXIV, 352. t Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXIV. 4112. t Ibid. 4118. 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the original salt; this in all probability is an aniline addition product analogous to the ammonia compound described later. Benzol, benzyl- chloride, ether, phenol, or hydroquiuone gave no perceptible action with ferrous iodide. Other Methods of Preparing Ferrous Iodide. In this section of the paper we shall describe a revision of the methods used by our jiredecessors, and also some new methods of our own. The revision of the older methods was necessary, because in three cases the ferrous iodide formed was described as gray or white ; and although we have proved that the white samples formed from the red salt owed their change of color to absorption of water, it did not follow that those described by our predecessors were not anhydrous ferrous iodide in a second isomeric form. De Luca,* who states that ferrous iodide when pure is white, gives no method of preparation in any of the journals to which we have access, so that it was impossible for us to repeat his work. A. T. Thomson f prepared his gray ferrous iodide by evaporating an aqueous solution in a flask containing some free iron. On repeating this experiment we had so much difficulty from oxidation that we carried on our later attempts in an atmosphere of carbonic diox- ide. Under these conditions, when the water of crystallization began to come off, the liquid became black and opaque-looking as if it contained a suspended black precipitate. Later the surface of the boiling mass became grayish white with a silvery lustre, but when all the water had been driven off, the residue was brownish red like the ferrous iodide prepared by our method. This experiment makes it probable that the gray ferrous iodide of Thomson owed its color to the presence of water, for in the absence of analyses he would undoubtedly have ascribed the brownish red color of the final residue to the formation of a ferric salt by oxidation. As the method of Carius and Wanklyn | consisted in heating iron and iodine in a porcelain crucible, it seemed at first sight that the gray color of the product could hardly be due to the presence of water, and therefore we repeated their work, following their directions as carefully as possible. One gram of rather coarse iron filiugs,§ mixed with a little * Coniptes-Rendus, LV. 615. t Gmelin-Kraut, Handbuch, III. 350, 6th edition. t Ann. Chem., CXX. 69. § The success of the process depends on using filings of the right degree of coarseness. With too fine or too coarse filings unsatisfactory results are obtained. JACKSON AND DERBY. — FERROUS IODIDE. 223 iodine to drive out the air, was heated in a covered porcelain crucible to redness as quickly as possible ; four grams of iodine were then added in two portions, and the heating continued until comparatively little iodine vapor escaped around the edges of the cover. When cool, the product was found to be a fused mass, consisting, after it had been broken out of the crucible, of red scales exactly like those described earlier in this paper. These scales upon exposure to the air soon turned grayish white, and then deliquesced to a brown solution. We have repeated this process of Carius and Wanklyn many times, and in every case the ferrous iodide formed has appeared in red scales, before it had been exposed to the air long enough to absorb moisture. We, therefore, are compelled to ascribe the gray color mentioned by Carius and Wanklyn to the absorption of water from the air, since they, like Thomson, would in the absence of analyses have supposed that the red color was due to oxidation. Our present knowledge, therefore, gives no reason for supposing that an- hydrous ferrous iodide has any other color than red. Another method of preparation may be described here, as it was tried to see whether a white form might not be obtained at comparatively low temperatures. A small quantity of iron by hydrogen was placed in v,he middle of a small glass tube, and secured by two plugs of asbestos ; an excess of iodine was inserted in one end of the tube, which was then filled with nitrogen and sealed at both ends. The end containing the iodine and iron was then heated to 120° by means of an air bath, and after most of the iodine had sublimed into the cold upper part of the tube, it was reversed so that this end and the iron were heated to 120°. After repeating this distillation of the iodine through the iron several times, all the metal was converted into the red ferrous iodide. This is a good method for preparing a specimen to be kept to show the color. Ferrous iodide was also made by passing hydrogen and iodine vapor over heated ferric oxide. Of these methods of preparation, that of Carius and Wanklyn is the easiest, but it gives a product apt to be contaminated with metallic iron and oxide of iron. Thomson's method is tedious, and does not give a pure product, as we observed evolution of hydriodic acid toward the end of the evaporation even in an atmosphere of carbonic dioxide. The sealed tube method is also slow and imperfect, so that the best method, if the pure salt is desired, is the heating of iron and iodine in nitrogen given in the first part of this paper. 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Action of Ferrous Iodide with Ammonia. When anhydrous ferrous iodide was exposed to a stream of ammonia gas at any temjjerature between 0° and 100°, a large amount of the gas was absorbed, and the iodide was converted into a voluminous white pow- der. The composition of this substance was determined by finding the increase in weight during the treatment with ammonia. I. 3.5507 grams of ferrous iodide gained 1.1701 grams of ammonia. II. 2.5411 grams gained 0.8449 gram of ammonia. Calculated for Found. FeUGNHa. I. II. Ammonia 24.76 24.78 24.95 The substance therefore corresponds in formula to the compound FeCl2- 6NH3 made from ferrous chloride under the same conditions. Properties of the Hexammonia Ferrous Iodide. It forms a pure white amorphous powder, which occupies many times the volume of the ferrous iodide from which it is made, and has a very low specific gravity. Water decomposes it at once with a considerable rise of temperature ; the products are ferrous hydrate, amraonic iodide, and ammonia. We did not succeed in finding an organic solvent for it. When exposed to the air it gives off ammonia rapidly and turns brown ; in an atmosphere of ammonia it remains unaltered even at 100°; heated in an indifferent gas it loses ammonia, and is converted into a dark brown powder, which seems to be stable in the air. Two analyses indi- cated that this brown substance contained between two and three mole- cules of ammonia to each molecule of ferrous iodide. Its stability in air leads us to think that it is a new compound, but evidently it was not pure, as the analyses differed by three per cent. Unfortunately we could find no way of purifying it. Action of Bromine on Hexammonia Ferrous Iodide. When the compound FeT26NH3 was exposed to the vapor of bromine, it absorbed a large quantity, so that the product in one case contained 71.03 and in another 70.41 per cent of bromine. This apparent constancy in the amount of bromine absorbed led us to examine the product more care- fully in the hope that it might be a definite compound, but our exper- iments have convinced us that it is only a mixture essentially made up of ferric bromide, ammonic bromide, and an ammonic bromiodobromide JACKSON AND DERBY, — FERROUS IODIDE. 225 NH^BrlBr. The product had a reddish brown color, and gave off bro- mine when exposed to the air. It was investigated by treating it with ether, in which a portion dissolved with considerable evolution of heat. The residue insoluble in ether had a yellowish color, and seemed to be a mixture of ferric bromide and ammouic bromide in varying proportions. These two substances were recognized by the usual tests. The ether extract on evaporation left a residue which was green with a brilliant metallic lustre by reflected light, deep blood red by transmitted light ; it resembled rosaniline, therefore, but the red color was less purplish than in that body. Examined with the microscope, crystals which looked like ammonic bromide were observed. It had a strong odor similar to that of bromide of iodine, and, although not really stable, could be kept for some time without much decomposition. Upon ti-eating it again with ether a fresh quantity of the insoluble yellowish residue was left behind. The residue obtained by evaporating one of our first ether extracts was analyzed with the following results : 0.7149 gram of the substance gave 0.0216 gram of ferric oxide, 0.0405 gram of ammonia, 1.4289 grams of mixed silver salts which yielded 0.7652 gram of silver. In calculating these results, as the iron from its small amount was evidently an impurity, the amount of ferric bromide corresponding to it has been subtracted from the amount of substance taken, and the bromine contained in this ferric bromide from the bromine found. As the sub- stance gave a test for a ferrous salt, it would have perhaps been more correct to consider the iron present as fei-roferric bromide, and this would have given numbers agreeing better with those calculated from the form- ula ; but we think it wiser to give the results on the assumption that ferric bromide was present, as we cannot believe that the amount of ferrous bromide was more than a trace, since the substance had been exposed to an excess of bromine. Calculated for NH^BrlBr. Found* Ammonium 5.90 6.38 Iodine 41.64 40.96 Bromine 52.46 53.32 These numbers would seem conclusive if it were not for the presence of the small amount of ferric bromide (considered in calculating them) * If the ferric bromide was not subtracted, the numbers were, NH4 5.67, iodine 36.-3!), bromine 56.41. VOL. XXXV. — 15 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. and the appearauce under the microscope of crystals resembling ammonic bromide ; but with these sources of error, we thought it necessary to support our analysis with evidence of some other sort, and therefore undertook the preparation of NH4BrIBr direct in order to compare its properties with those of our compound. Upon treating ammonic bromide with au ethereal solution of bromide of iodine, the salt dissolved, giving a red solution, and on evaporation of the ether a residue was obtained the properties of which were identical with those of the ammonic brom- iodobromide described above. Further, upon exposing ammonic iodide to the vapor of bromine an amount was absorbed corresponding very neai'ly to that required by the formula. 1.6487 grams of ammonic iodide absorbed 1.7804 grams of bromine. Calculated for Per cent of Bromine NHjBrlBr. in the Product. Bromine 52.46 51.92 During the action of the bromine the ammonic iodide at first turned black, but as the absorption went on it finally became scarlet, and this product proved to be identical with the ammonic bromiodobromide. A curve constructed from the increase of weight of the ammonic iodide showed that there was a marked diminution in the speed of the absorption after the first atom of bromine had been added. This decrease in the speed of absorption is undoubtedly connected with the conversion of the black substance into the red NH4BrIBr, but we are unable to decide whether this black intermediate product is another compound NH4BrI, or only a mixture of ammonic bromide and free iodine. It is a curious fact, in view of the absorption of free bromine by ammonic iodide, that, so far as we could find, an ethereal solution of bromine had no action on this salt. We have not continued our experiments in this direction for fear of intruding on the field of work occupied by Wheeler, who with Pratt and Barnes has prepared the ammonic triiodide.* We have adopted provisionally the name ammonic bromiodobromide and the formula NH^BrlBr for this substance, because it is made by the action of bromide of iodine on ammonic bromide, and when it decomposes bromide of iodine is given off and ammonic bromide left behind ; but we do not feel that these observations settle its constitution finally, although they certainly are strong arguments in favor of the formula adopted. If this is correct, the formation from ammonic iodide and bromine must be * Am. Chem. Journ., XIX. 675 (1897). JACKSON AND DERBY. — FERROUS IODIDE. 227 preceded by the replacement of the iodiue in the salt by bromine, and this may account for the fact noted above, that an ethereal solution of bromine does not act on ammonic iodide. Properties of Ammonic Bromiodobromide NH.BrlBr. ' The salt has a blood-red color in transmitted light, but is a brilliant , green with a metallic lustre by reflected light. The specimens examined j by us contained very elaborately twinned crystals with the branches at J right angles, but we are inclined to think that these consisted of ammonic | bromide, which is easily formed by the decomposition of our salt ; on j this account it smells of bromide of iodine, and on long standing leaves a | white residue of ammonic bromide ; the same decomposition takes place j to a limited extent when it is dissolved in ether ; the ethereal solution is j dark red. When treated with water, bromine and iodine are set free, ] 1 and a solution is formed. Hydrochloric acid sets free iodine. Sodic ' hydrate or ammonic hydrate gives a black precipitate of iodide of nitro- gen; upon adding hydrochloric acid to the filtrate from this iodide of nitrogen, bromine is set free. Sulphurous acid gives hydrobromic acid and hydriodic acid. ; Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 11. — December, 1899. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. NOTE ON THE CONSTITUTION OF DIPARABROM- BENZYL GTANAMIDE. By C. Lorixg Jackson and R. W. Fuller. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. JsOTE ON THE CONSTITUTION OF DIPARABROMBEN- ZYLCYANAMIDE. By C. Lorixg Jackson and R. W. Fuller. Received Norember 24, 1899. Presented December 13, 1899. The work described in this paper consists of the conversion of the silver salt of cyanamide into a dialkylcyanamide, and the determination of the coustitutiou of this body. Last summer (after this work was finished) a paper a|ipeared in the " Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft," in which Wallach * described a number of substituted cyanamides obtained by the action of bromide of cyanogen on secondary amines. For fear of approaching too near the field thus reserved by Wallach we shall abandon the further study of dialkylcyanamides, but the study of alkyl compounds of dicyandiamide and dicyanimide will be taken up in this Laboratory ; in fact work on this latter substance is already in progress. Theoretically a dialkylcyanamide derived from the silver salt of cyanamide might have either of the following formulas R-N=C=N-R or R.rN-CN, and it is easy to determine by experiment which of these two formulas is correct. So far as we can find, but a single experiment of this sort has been tried ; this was published some years ago by Fileti and Robert Schiff,t who prepai'ed diethylcyanaraide by the action of ethyl- iodide on argentic cyanamide at 100° for some hours. The product was extracted with ether, and divided into two portions ; one was distilled, and gave a boiling point of 186°, whereas Cloez and Cannizzaro, J who prepared it by the decomposition of ethyl cyanamide, found a boiling j)oint of 190°. Fileti and R. Schiff analyzed their distillate, and ob- tained carbon 60.66 instead of 61.22 and hydrogen 10.11 instead of 10.30. * Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXXIL 1872. t Id., X. 425 (1877). t Ann. Chem., XC. 95. 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The other portion of their product (which had not been distilled) was decomposed by means of hydrochloric acid on the water bath ; the chlorides obtained by evaporating the hydrochloric acid solution were converted into chlorplatinates and crystallized fractionally, when they obtained two end fractions in which the platinum was determined with the following results : — Found. (NHi),PtCl6 I. II. ((CoH5)3NH2)2PtCl6 inum 44.04* 42.51 36.3 35.30 * (C2H5NH3)2PtCl6 requires 39.24 * per cent of platinum. In considering these results of Fileti and R. Schiff, it is to be observed that the diethylcyanamide was not purified, and that no very sharp cri- terion of purity was given (Wallach states that these substances are decomposed by distillation under ordinary pressure, so that the boiling point is not of much value in this respect), further that their analyses of the platinum salts did not give numbers very near to those calculated. It seemed to us, therefore, worth while to try similar experiments with, if possible, a crystalline disubstituted cyanamide, which could therefore be obtained in a state of undoubted purity, and also with one which would yield amines more easily separated than ammonia and diethyl- amine. We selected for this purpose the diparabrombenzylcyanamide, since the parabrorabenzyl compounds show a great tendency to crystallize, and the diparabrombenzylamine, if formed, could be recognized by its melting point, 50° (dibenzylamine is a liquid), while the parabromben- zylamine, if that were the product, gives a carbonate with a definite melting point, and both these amines could be separated without difficulty from ammonia. The diparabrombenzylcyanamide proved to be a well crystallized solid, melting at 133°. On decomposition with dilute sulphuric acid it gave diparabrombenzylamine, ammonia, and carbonic dioxide by the following reaction : — (C6H4BrCH2)2NCN + 2HoO = (C6H4BrCH2)2NH + NH3 + COo . Our results, therefore, confirm those of Fileti and R. Schiff, and leave no doubt that the dialkyl derivatives from argentic cyanamide are cyan- amides and not carbodiimides. If they are formed by direct replace- ment of the silver in argentic cyanamide by the alkyl radicals, the same * These are the numbers given by Fileti and R. Schiflf. Tliey would be some- what altered by using modern atomic weights. JACKSON AND PULLER. — DIPARABROMBENZYLCYANAMIDE. '2o3 constitution (AgaNCN) must be ascribed to this substance and to cyan- amide. If, on the other hand, these compounds are formed by successive additions of the alkyl bromide with splitting off of argentic bromide, the disubstituted cyanamides could be iormed from a silver salt with a carbodiimide formula, as is shown by the following reactions : — R NAg Br NAg NR ^ \ / // C +RBr=C =AgBr+C ^ ^ ^ NAg NAg NAg R NR Br NR NRj // \ / / C + RBr = C = C + AgBr. NAg NAg N Our results, therefore, prove nothing in regard to the true formula of cyanamide. Preparation op Diparabrombenzylcyanamide, (C6H4BrCH2)2NCN. The yellow silver salt of cyanamide, AgaNCN, prepared according to Walther,* was mixed with a benzol solution of parabrombenzylbromide in the proportion of two molecules of the bromide to one of the salt, which should be finely powdered. The mixture was heated in a flask with a return-condenser on the steam-bath, until after four or five hours the full yellow color of the argentic cyanamide had been completely replaced by the yellowish white color of argentic bromide. The precipi- tate was then filtered out and washed thoroughly with hot benzol, and the filtrate and washings evaporated to dryness, when a thick reddish yellow oil was left. To purify this it was dissolved in hot alcohol, and the strong solution allowed to cool slowly ; a yellow oil was deposited at first followed by a white crystalline substance, which was obtained by pouring the solution off from the oil as soon as the crystals began to appear. By repeated recrystallizations of this sort the melting-point of the substance was raised to 133°, where it remained constant. It was dried in vacuo and analyzed with the following results : — * Journ. prakt. Chem., 1896, 510. 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. I. 0.1508 gram of the substance gave by the method of Carius 0.1494 gram of argentic bromide. II. 0.3041 gram of the substance gave 20.2 c.c. of nitrogen at a tem- perature of 18°. 6 and a pressure of 760.4 mm. Calculated for Found. (C7U5Br)2NCN I. II. Bromine 42.11 42.18 Nitrogen 7.37 7.64 In view of the great tendency of cyanamides to polymerize, it was thouglit safer to determine the molecular weight of the body * by the metiiod of freezing a benzol solution, which gave the following results : — ■ 0.375 gram of the substance dissolved in 16.25 grams of benzol produced a depression of 0°.28 in the freezing point. Calculated for (C7HeBr)3NCN. Found. Molecular weight 380 337 There can be no doubt, therefore, that the substance is really (C6H,BrCH2)oNCN. Properties of Diparabrombenzylcyanamide. The substance crystallizes from benzol in sheaves of white crystals shaped like the blade of a lancet, sometimes united laterally into groups wiih comb ends. It melts at 133°. It is freely soluble in benzol, chlo- roform, acetone, or acetic ester ; soluble in toluol ; slightly soluble in cold ethyl or methyl alcohol or glacial acetic acid, freely soluble in these solvents when they are hot; slightly soluble in ether, carbonic disulphide, or in hot or cold water ; essentially insoluble in ligroine. It is slowly decomposed by cold strong sulphuric acid; apparently unaffected by hydrochloric acid or nitric acid in the cold. The best solvent for it is hot alcohol. In order to see if it could form a chloride, a portion of the dipara- brombenzylcyanamide was dissolved in anhydrous benzol and saturated with dry hydrochloric acid gas. No precipitate was formed even after the mixture had stood for two weeks, and on evaporating off the benzol the original substance was recovered unaltered. It would seem from this experiment that the diparabrombenzylcyanamide cannot unite with hydrochloric acid. * This work was done before the appearance of Wallach's statement that di- substituted cyanamides show no tendency to pol^^merize. JACKSON AND FULLER. — DIPARABROMBEXZYLCYANAMIDE, 235 A number of experiments were tried in the hope of obtaining polymeres of the diparubrombenzylcyanamide. A dilute solution of sodic or potas- sic hydrate produced no effect on the substance, either by long standing in the cold or by boiling the mixture. The substance was boiled for two weeks with a solution of ammoiiic hydrate, care being taken to replace the ammonia which escaped, but the only change observed was that the color turned from white to pale brown, evidently due to a slight decomposition, since the melting point of the substituted cyanamide was essentially unal- tered. Water alone was also tried at the boiling point, but produced no chano-e. Upon heating the substance above its melting point it remained unaltered to 160° ; above this point it turned first yellow, and at higher temperatures red, and on cooling gave an oily product, which we could not bring into a fit state for analysis. A similar viscous product was ob- tained when the substance was heated with sodic acetate. In both these cases it seemed evident that a decomposition had taken place rather than a polymerization, and our experiments, therefore, confirm the statement of Wallach that these dialkylcyanamides show no tendency to polymerize. DECOMPOSITIOlSr OF DiPARABROMBENZYLCYANAMIDE. As some preliminary experiments showed that the substituted cyan- amide was decomposed with difficulty by hydrochloric acid in open vessels, we adopted a dilute sulphuric acid having a specific gravity of 1.44, which has frequently given good results in this Laboratory. Several grams of the diparabrombenzylcyanamide were boiled with a large excess of this acid in a flask with a return-condenser. Soon after the substance melted in the hot acid an effervescence was observed, and upon testing the gas given off with baryta water, it proved to be carbonic dioxide. As the oily drops did not disappear, the heating was continued for ten hours, which reduced the amount of oil, but did not entirely remove it. On cooling, the whole liquid became filled with a voluminous white crys- talline precipitate ; we determined, therefore, to stop the process at this point and isolate this crystalline sul)Stance, which could be easily separated from the portion undissolved in the hot sulphuric acid. This latter sub- stance which solidified on cooling, seemed to consist of undecomposed diparabrombenzylcyanamide, as it gave a fresh quantity of tlie crystalline product on boiling again with sulphuric acid ; its amount was insignifi- cant. To obtain the crystalline pro I define 00" of transformations T^^ which constitute a group. For, by the 1 elimination of xl, xJ from (1) and (2) we derive (3) where (4) ^' = x^ + b, =fi(x',h), X Xo!' — e''2x/ + 61 =/o ix', h). x{' = .ri + Co =/i {x, c), x^' = e''2 iCa + <^i = f-i (x, c) , Ci = «! e''2 -}- bi = (fii (a, b), C2 = 02 + ^2 = ^2 (Sh ^)* SLOCUM. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. 241 That is, functional equations persist of the form (5) / {f{x, a), h) =f, (x, cj. (a, b)) (^ = 1, 2). Therefore, the composition of two transformations JJ, and Tf, of the fam- ily is equivalent to a single transformation of the family. It is to be observed, as noted by Lie, § 1 in the demonstration of the general case, that the functions ^i and ^2 ^.re independent of each other with respect to ^1 and ^2- l^or 9 b, 1, «i eh 0, is not identically zero. We may, therefore, regard x^, Xo, a^, a^, c^, Cn, as independent variables, and x/, x/, x(' , x<^', b^, ^2, as dependent variables. Then the differen- tiation of the functional equations (5), or of (5') i. e., of (p'a) fKi^',b)=A{x,c) (A =.1,2), Xl -{- b.2 = Xy -\- C2,, bi + e*2 X:^ = Ci + 6*^2 X2, with respect to the a's gives ^"'' + 1^ = 0, c^fli 5«i (7) clXx , 9 b. 9a2 + '^ = 0, J 9x/ , 9bi , ^9bo 9ai 9 ai ^ 9x2 , 9 bi €"2 1- \- x.{ eh 9a2 9 a^ 9ai 9h 9ao 0, 0. In order to obtain expressions for ^^ , we differentiate (4) with 9a^ respect to ctj and agj and thus obtain 9b^ 0 = 9b2 9ai' C^02 VOL. XXXV. — 16 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. cJClo 0 0.2 These equations give 0— = — e*=, ;^ = «i eS n~ = ^' n~ = " ^ cyOi c'«2 cyfli c'a2 and, inserting these values, equations (7) become 0, -1, 5«i 9a<2, e^s- — = e*2(a;2 - «i). 5 02 If in (8o) we insert tlie values of a;/ and a^g' derived from 3C-^ — 37j ~r~ (z^j ^2 = e^s X2 + Oi, they become equations between the independent quantities x^, X2, «i, 02, bi, b.2 ; and must, therefore, be satisfied identical)}'. Hence, equations (8 a) will still persist identically, in virtue of equations (1), if we assign definite values to the ^'s. For this purpose let e^ = 1. We then have (9a)^r— = 0, -^ — = 1, -^ — = 1, ^ — =zx2—ai. dtti da^ dtti dao Therefore, if we define functions i of the x"s and functions 1// of the a's as follows, $ii(x)=0, ^,„(x') = -l, ^,,(x') = -l, i,„(x')=-X2', xpn («) = — !, i/'i2 («) = «i. «A2i («) = 0, >/'22 ( '0 = — J 5 we have SLOCUM. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. 243 (9) 3x[ 9 a. = ^n («) in (^') + 'A2t («) 4i (^') ({- 1, 2; /t = 1, 2). The determinant of the if/'s, namely, '/'2U "/'22 - 1, «! 0, -1 not being identically zero, equations (9) may be solved for the |'s, giving, (10) 4 (x/, X,') = a,, (a) ^ + a,, (a) ^ where (i =l,2;j = l, 2), cm («H «2) = — Ij «12 («1> «2) = 0) agi (ai, ao) = — Gi, 022 («i> ^2) = — 1- It is to be observed that ei ill {x') + e, ^21 (a^O = — ^2, ^1 112 («') + ^2 I22 (a;') = — ei — ^2 ^1'' Therefore, these expressions linear in the |'s cannot both be simulta- neously zero (for all values of the a;"s) if e^ and e^ are constants other than zero. That is to say, no two constants ei and eo, not zero, can be found for which ei in {x') + Co 4.- {x') = 0, for i = 1 and i = 2, simultaneously. We come next to the demonstration of the second part of Lie's first fundamental theorem. Starting with a system of equations which define a family with r essential parameters (r = 2 in the case considered), and satisfying differential equations of the form (9), we proceed to follow the steps in Lie's demonstration that this family (provided certain other conditions are also satisfied) constitutes a group. As shown above, the family of 00- of transformations T^^ defined by (1) Xi =Xi-\- On =fi (x, a), xJ =:r e"2a: + «i (x, a), satisfy differential equations of the form (9) in which the determinant of the il/jk is not identically zero ; also the differential equations 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. iji {^1 ,Xi) = 0.J1 (a) -^^ + aj. (a) ^r— where the ^'s and u's are defined as follows : ^n (^') = 0, i,, (xO = - 1, io, (x') =-1, ^22 (x') = - x,\ «ii (a) = — 1, ax2 («) = 0, a2i (a) = — «!, Ojo (a) = — 1. Moreover, if we put Oi'"' = Oo'"* = 0, then Oj = aj"", ag = ^''2"'* gives the identical transformation ; and the determinant of the aj^. (a'"'), namely, 0 „ (0) „ (0) an , ai2 "21 ) "22 1, -a, -1 is neither zero nor infinite. In order to prove that this family constitutes a group, we proceed to integrate equations (10). For this purpose, introduce a new auxiliary variable t by means of the equations (11) dt dt = Ai an (cii) 0,0) + A2 ooi (cti, CI2) ^^ — \\ — Cli X^, = Xi a.\i\Cti, 0,2) + ^^2 0.22 (^1) ^2) =■ — ^2 ^2> where Xi and X2 are any arbitrary but definite constants. To determine the constants of integration, we assume that ai, a^ take the values «!, a^ for < = F. The integrals of equations (11) are then a2 = a2 — X2 (t — t), r(Xi + fliXs)] - Xi (; — ?) = /x-i, X2 (< — ?)= ^2 ; the integral equations then become Let now Ml , «1 Ml ^ / -x «i = — ITT- + — TT- - = $1 (^, a), (12) a^ = ao — Ma = *2 (Mj <^)' It is to be observed that the a's are independent functions of the /a's : for SLOCUM. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. 245 9 a. 9fij _ 1 /eM2- 1\ is not identically zero. By means of equations (12) we can introduce in equations (1) the new parameters fii, fi^ instead of Ui, a^. Solving (12) for /^i, jMo) ^e have («2-«2)(«i- -^je"^-"^ H = i-e^.-cH = ^^ (''' «)' fxo = 02 — a2 =. Mg (a, a). If we introduce these new parameters fxi, /^.o in equations (1), the ar"s become definite functions of Xi, x.^, fii, /j-z, «i5 «2 5 3,nd, since the fi's contain t, the a;"s will also be functions of the auxiliary variable t. Multiplying equations (10) by Ai, X^, and adding, we get 4 ^ e / ' 'A % 9x{.daf, 2,A,4.(x, .,) = >. 5^^ (^ = h2), or dx' —jj' ^^ '^1 ^11 (•'^l J ^2 ) + ^^2 ^21 (3^1 J a^2 ) = — ■^2> (14) -^ — ^1 ^12 (a:*/, x.{) + A2 ^22 (a?/, xl) = — Ai — A2 a^a'^ which define the a;"s as functions of t. Since «!, Oo reduce to Ox, 02 for < = ^, we see that x{^ x^'-, for < = 7, take the initial values Xi = a?! + «„ =/i (a-, o), (15) _ _ _ _ a^o' = e^-'-Xo + «i ==^2 (^1 «)• Further, the integrals of equations (14) contain the A's only in the combination /^i, /^o ; and, therefore, can be expressed in the form Xx =: -Tl {X-x , X<2, , fXi, ^2) = a*! — /X2, (16) , XT / — r ~ r - A''! f 111 '^'' a:2 = i'o (a:^i , a^2 » /^i, /^2) = — ( — 1 + —• Inserting therein the values ^/ =/• (^» «)? '< =/• (^' «)j ^k = <^4 (ft, «) (i = l, 2; ^-=1, 2), 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY the totality of equations (1) to (12), we obtain the functional equations (17) F, if(x, a), /.) =f, (x, ^ (ix, a)) (i = 1, 2). We have already denoted by Ta the transformation defined by (1), in which the parameters are a^, a^. Consequently, equations (15) define the transformation Ta. We may now denote the transformation defined by (16) in which the parameters are yui, /xo by ^^. Then the functional equations (17) may be expressed in the single formula (18) TaE^=Ta. For Ta transforms x^ into x- ^=f(x, a), and E^ transforms x^ into Fi {x' , yu), while, in virtue of (12), T^ can also be written in the form ^l "^fi (^j * (m, «)) («■ =1,2). The relation (18) persists, therefore, provided the three parameter systems (aj, a.,), (/xi, [x.^, («^, Oo) fire connected by relations (12). Therein a^, «o denote definitely chosen general values of (7i, a^. We now make use of the assumption that the transformation T^., de- fined by (1), shall become the identical transformation for Oi = Oi"'*, «2 = a.^'^\ Namely, for the moment, let a^ = a/'', a„ = Og'*" ; whereupon Ta becomes the identical transformation J[,(0). Then, because the deter- minant of the a^j (a'"') is, according to assumption, neither zero nor in- finite, and, therefore, the former considerations are also valid for a = a'"', — the Oj, Oo in virtue of (12) assume the values (19) a, = ^, (/xi, /X2, a A «./') ('^■=1,2); that is to say, since we take aj"" = aJ^^ = 0, Oi and a^ assume the values (19, «) ai /Xi /Xi /W2 e"2 f^2 ' Hence, (18) becomes and, therefore. do (20) E, = t;. Whence it follows that each transformation E^ belongs to the family of transformations T„, defined hy equations (1). If now, conversely, we could establish that each transformation T^ belonged to the family of SLOCUM. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. 247 transformations ^^, the first fundamental theorem would then be proved. For taking the a's arbitrarily, we could then find a system of parameters /x such that -Efj, = Ta; and, the «'s being also an arbitrarily chosen sys- tem of values of the parameters a of equations (1), we should have, symbolically, J a J a = J a J^fi. = -^ cii or where fi if{x, a), a) = Fi(J{x, a), fx) =/, {x, a) 0'=1, 2), a, = ^, (/x, a) = *, (31 (a, a""), ") ; that is .to say, the composition of two arbitrary transformations Ta and 7'a of the family gives again a transformation Ta of the family. This is precisely the step taken by Lie, who assumes that because, — as men- tioned above, page 244, — the ^g^'s are independent functions of the ;u,'s, each transformation of (1) belongs to the family ^^. But, although the functions aj, a^, as defined by (19 a), are independent of the /a's, since the Jacobian 1. H"^ f^2\ e^V is not identically zero, nevertheless, for certain values of the a's, the /x's are infinite. Infinite values of the /x's, however, are expressly excluded from consideration. For //.^ = Aj (< — 7), and since t and } cannot be infinite, if /x^ is infinite A^ is infinite ; and, by supposition, the A's are arbitrary but definite constants in the integration on -page 244. So we cannot assume that every transformation Ta of the family (1) belongs to the family JS^. Thus, solving equations (19, a), we have (19, b) For ai rj: 0, and ao an even multiple of tt/, [j.i becomes infinite. More- over, this transformation of the family (1) is distinct from any transfor- mation of this family Ta for which the /x's are finite. On page 375 of the " Continuierliche Gruppen " Lie points out that every transformation of the family E^ is generated by an infinitesimal transformation. The infinitesimal transformation in question is repre- sented by the symbol 248 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. r r n £j f ^j ^j ^jf = 2^- ^i h ^ji (^1 • • • a^«) -^ > and adds to an arbitrary function y(rri' . . . a-/) the increment and, therefore, to a:^ adds the increment 8xi = iji(xi . . . x„) • St. This shows its relation to the simultaneous system on page 245, namely, dxf r dt r — '^3 \- ^a (^/ • • • ^n) (i = 1,2 . . . n). 1 If the theorem stated by Lie, jjage 375, " Continuierliche Gruppen," was true without exception, namely, that every transformation of the family T„ belonged to the fiimily E^, it would then follow that every transformation of the family T„ could be generated by an infinitesimal transformation ; for then taking the a's arbitrarily, we should have ^ ^M = To.. But, for a system of values of the a's for which one or both of the func- tions Ml (a, a*"'), M2 (a, a*°') are infinite, there is no equivalent transforma- tion of the family £J^ ; and, consequently, such a transformation cannot be generated by an infinitesimal transformation of the group. E. g., the transformation T,, considered above, for which oi iji 0 and a^ is an even multiple of tt i, cannot be generated by an infinitesimal transformation of the group. 1 In demonstrating the second fundamental theorem (the chief theorem) Lie assumes the results of the first fundamental theorem. He shows that a system of r independent infinitesimal transformations* Xif= 5, $,, (xi... x,,)^ (^• = 1, 2 . . . r) 1 dx^ generate a family of transformations K„, with r essential parameters, which contains the identical transformation, and is defined by the equations * Lie terms the infinitesimal transformations or symbols of infinitesimal transformations A'^, X2, . . . Xr independent if they satisfy no linear relation eiXif+ . . . + Cr Xrf^ 0, with constant coefficients e. SLOCUM. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS, 2i9 r r r (A) x! = Xi+ 2fc ofj X, Xi + i 2, :S, a^ Oi A;. X; x, + ... = (i (x, a) 1 11 (i = 1, 2 . . . r) ; further, that, if aud only if r will this family satisfy differential equations of the form required by the first fundamental theorem. Consequently, only if this criterion is satis- fied by the infinitesimal transformations can they generate a group. Proceeding now, as in the. demonstration of the first fundamental theorem, we introduce certain new parameters [x, and, finally, obtain the equation where a^ = 0^ (fj., a) (^-=1,2,... r). As before, since the family of transformations 9Ea, defined now by equations (A), contains the identical transformation, we have where a^ =: * (jx, a""), and fij. = ^j. (a, a'"') (k = 1, 2, . . . r)* and thus Ea Ea = Ea- In the former case we saw, page 247, that, if the a's were chosen arbitra- rily, one or more of the fx's might be infinite. In the present case the /x's are numerical multiples of the a's f ; aud, consequently, the /a's are finite whenever the a's are finite. E.g. (n = r = 2), fi (x, a) — Xi -\- tto, 12 {x, «) == e«2 Xo -f- Oi 02«'"= (e°2 — M2 — 1) /^2^^- (^"^~ ''= — 1) /^l («2 — /^2) /A2(e°2-M2 — 1)' a, ^ f/'2 (ilAj «) = «2 /^2J which give ai = ^/Ji (//, a*"') = — /^i, Oo = 02 (z^, «"") = — /U.2- * In the present case the values of the a's giving the identical transformation are a^^) = Oo'"' = 0. t Cf. Lie : Transformationsgruppen, III. G07 et seq. 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Therefore, the a's and a's being taken arbitrarily, we have where . «, z= 0, [|H (a, a<"'), «] (k=l,2... r). But, whereas the parameters a with which we dealt in that part of this paper, pages 240-248, relating to the first fundamental theorem were not restricted in range, the present parameters a, involved in the transforma- tions JE-a defined by equations (A), must be finite, at least if the trans- formation QTa is to be generated by an infinitesimal transformation. And if a and a are chosen arbitrarily, «* = ** (a, «) (k^l,2...r) may be infinite. Thus, in the example chosen, if Oi 4^ 0, ai 4^ 0, and a^ + a^ = an even multiple of 7^^, the transformation Xi =z fi (a;, a) — a^i -f- a *^2 — = tz {x, a) = e" is finite. while «i = dh (a, a) -_ «2 + «2 °2_ 1 /e«2 — 1 \ is infinite ; and the transformation SEa cannot be generated by an infin- itesimal transformation. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 13. — January, 1900. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. A REVISION OF THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF IRON. PRELIMINARY PAPER. By Theodore William Richards and (tregory Paul Baxter. ] CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. A REVISION OF THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF IRON. — PRELIMINARY PAPER. By Theodore William Richards and Gregory Paul Baxter. Received and presented December 13, 1899. It is rather surprising that the atomic weight of a metal so important as iron should have received so little recent attention as it has. Berze- lius* was among the first to determine the quantity under discussion ; and in order to accomplish the determination he converted Swedish piano- wire into ferric oxide. For many years his very low result, 54.3, was almost unchallenged, when in 1843 Wackenroder called attention to the fact that in some early analyses of ferric oxide Stromeyer and he had found the substance to contain only 30.1 per cent of oxygen, correspond- ing to an atomic weight of nearly 56. This led immediately to several investigations by Svanberg and Norlin, Berzelius, and Erdmann and Marchaud, whose individual results upon the same ratio varied from 55.81 to 50.23, showing without a doubt that the low value was incorrect, and settling the question with all the accuracy necessary in that day. Rivot in 1850 published two poor analyses which shed no further light upon the subject; and the more recent work of Dumas, who analyzed the chlorides of iron in 1859, was no more accurate than his similar work on other metals. Since that time no work on the atomic weight worthy of notice has appeared, so that our present knowledge depends upon data obtained over fifty years ago. In the intervening time Stas has taught the world accuracy in chemical analysis, and countless com- plications and sources of inaccuracy have been discovered which then were unsuspected. The variations of nearly 0.8 per cent in the best de- terminations (all depending upon the composition of ferric oxide), point with emphasis toward the necessity of a modern determination. Such * The references to all the sources of information are to be found iu the critical discussion at the close of this paper. 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. questions as the possible presence of gases in the oxide, the possibility of incomplete reduction, and the danger of contamination from the con- taining vessels, should obviously receive attention. The balance and weights used in the present study vrere the same as those used in other recent determinations of atomic weitrhts.* It is need- less to state that the weights were carefully justified, and that all the usual precautions necessary to procure accuracy in such work were ob- served. All the weighings were reduced to the vacuum standard, and the values of the atomic weights refer to the universally accepted standard 0 = 16.000. One of the most important steps in such an investigation is clearly the choice of the substance to be analyzed, and the choice usually requires a careful preliminary qualitative and quantitative study of many compounds of the element under consideration. This work occupied a number of weeks, and in the course of it we found that the preparation of either ferrous or ferric halides in a pure anhydrous state offered so many diffi- culties that as yet no satisfactory method for the purpose has been de- vised. Ferric oxide, on the other hand, can be obtained in a variety of ways, hence the choice of the early experimenters seems to have been a wise one. The first step in a systematic treatment of the subject is obviously a repetition of the discordant work of half a century ago, with especial reference to the possible errors noted above. Owing to the fact that most oxides formed from nitrates are known to include considerable quantities of oxygen and nitrogen, f ignition of ferric nitrate as a means of obtaining ferric oxide was at first rejected, and ferric hydroxide Was used instead. Very pure iron ribbon was dissolved in sulphuric acid, and the metal was then deposited electrolytically from an ammouic oxalate solution. After the film had been dissolved in the pur- est nitric acid, the carbon was removed by filtration, and the iron \vas precipitated as ferric hydrate by the addition of an excess of ammonia which had been distilled into pure water contained in a platinum dish. The precipitate was washed thoroughly, collected upon a pure washed filter paper, separated from the filter paper while moist, and finally dried in a platinum dish upon the steam bath. The lumps of dried hydrate were crushed in an agate mortar and finally ignited for several hours in a current of pure dry air. During the latter operation the weighed platinum boat with the oxide was contained in a large porcelain tube * These Proceedings, 26, 242 (IWH). t Ricliards, These Proceedings, 26, 281 (1891). Richards and Rogers, ibid., 28, 200. RICHARDS AND BAXTER. — ATOMIC WEIGHT OF IRON. 255 heated by a Fletcher furnace to about 900°. Coiistaut weight within a few hundredths of a milligram was obtained without difficulty. The weighed oxide was then reduced in a current of electrolytic hydrogen which had been dried by means of fused potassic hydroxide. Ferric oxide is only very slowly reduced at the highest temperature which can be used with glass tubes, so that this reduction also was of necessity carried on in porcelain tubes. Even at about 900°,* long continued heating wms needed to complete the reduction, the total period of ignition amounting sometimes to twenty hours. The progress of the reaction was sliglitly accelerated by alternate oxidation and reduction. Two analyses, carried out in the fashion described, are tabulated be- low. Corrections to a vacuum standard have been applied by adding 0.00009 gram to every apparent gram of ferric oxide, and O.OOOOl gram to every apparent gram of metallic ii'on, the specific gravities of these two substances being assumed to be 5.2 and 7.9 respectively, f SERIES I. Number of Analysis. Weight of Ferric Oxide in Vacuum. Weiglit of Iron iu Vacuum. Atomic Weight of Iron. 1 2 3.17485 3.61235 2.22096 2.52750 55.885 55.916 Average . . . . . 55.900 The fact that both of these results are considerably lower than the accepted value of the atomic weight of iron (56.0) seemed to confirm a suspicion which had already arisen that ferric hydrate might not be completely converted into the oxide by ignition at a high temperature. That the oxide upon ignition easily reached constant weight is, however, evidence in the other direction. Since no direct method of proving the presence or absence of retained water was at hand, it seemed best to make use of another method of preparing ferric oxide. Although, as has been already stated, oxides formed from nitrates occlude nitrogen and oxygen, yet these gases are evolved upon solution of the oxides and * At the temperature to which the porcelain tubes were heated pure silver did not melt, while sodic chloride was easily fused. t Landolt und Br.rnstein Tabellen, 118, 133 (1894). VOL. XXXV. — 17 256 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. can be determined. Ignition of ferric nitrate was therefore chosen as the next method of obtaining ferric oxide. The material used in the following work was purified with great care. In the first place a solution of a so-called " chemically pure " chloride of iron was treated with an excess of sulphuretted hydrogen and the result- ing sulphides and sulphur were removed by filtration. From the filtrate, after oxidation with nitric acid, the iron was precipitated with an excess of amraonic hydrate and the precipitate was thoroughly washed by de- cautation. In this process traces of a number of metals which might have been present must have been removed. The precipitate was dis- solved in sulphuric acid, and by cautious addition of ammonic hydrate basic ferric sulphate was thrown down ; a precipitate which is much more easily washed than ferric hydrate, but which was redissolved in sulphuric acid with considerable difiiculty. In order to reduce to tlie ferrous state the ferric sulphate thus formed, the solution was next sub- jected to the action of a galvanic current of several amperes. The solu- tion was contained in a large platinum dish which served as the negative electrode, the positive electrode being a flat spiral of platinum wire. Since the solution was very concentrated and contained a considerable excess of sulphuric acid, the greater part of the ferrous sulphate crystal- lized out when the solution was allowed to cool. By alternately elec- trolyzing and cooling, almost all of the iron was eventually obtained as ferrous sulphate. The next process in the purification was to deposit the iron electrolyti- cally from a solution of its oxalate. By means of this separation, the aluminum and manganese could be eliminated, since the first, together with alkaline and other impurities, is not deposited by electrolysis, while the second is deposited upon the anode. The ammonic oxalate needed was prepared with great care. Oxalic acid which had been repeatedly crystallized with hydrochloric acid, and then until free from chlorine, was saturated with pure redistilled ammonia, and the resulting ammonic oxa- late was subjected to several crystallizations. To a hot concentrated so- lution of this ammonic oxalate, the ferrous sulphate was added as long as no permanent precipitate resulted, and the solution was then electrolyzed until the greater part of the iron had been deposited. A slight deposit of hydrated manganese peroxide appeared upon the positive pole, which, however, presented enough surface to prevent the deposit from becoming detached. The film of iron was carefully washed and dissolved in pure dilute nitric acid. When all of the ferrous sulphate had been thus con- verted into ferric nitrate, the solution of the nitrate was filtered and RICHARDS AND BAXTER. ATOMIC WEIGHT OF IRON. 257 evaporated, and the salt was three times recry stall ized from a large amount of nitric acid. This acid had been distilled in a platinum still and condenser and collected in a platinum receiver. The mother liquor of the first crystallization vpas analyzed for impurities as follows : After precipitation of the iron as ferric hydrate by the addition of an excess of pure ammonia and filtration, the filtrate was evaporated to dryness and the residue was ignited. Since only a negligible amount of alkaline solid remained, it can fairly be assumed that the final preparation of ferric nitrate must have been free from such impurity. During the latter part of this purification platinum vessels only were employed, and the water and reagents were the purest obtainable. The next stejD, that of converting the nitrate into oxide, was carried out in part by gentle heating in an electric oven at about 150°.* The resulting cake of basic nitrate, after removal from the platinum dish in which it was contained during the above operation, was crushed in an agate mortar, and the reaction was completed by ignition in an open porcelain tube at a temperature of about 900° for several hours. The oxide, which was now contained in a large platinum boat, was carefully weighed and again heated. The loss of weight during this second igni- tion amounted to one tenth of a milligram, while a third prolonged heating caused a further loss of three-tenths of a milligram. This differ- ence must have been caused by the escape of included gases, and was sO' small in comparison with the weight of the oxide (seventeen grams), that further heating was deemed unnecessary. The determination of the gases contained in this oxide proved to be a matter of considerable difficulty. At first the method used was that of dissolving the oxide in a Sprengel vacuum in fused acid potassic sulphate. Owing to the fact that the sulphuric acid, which was evolved from the fused sulphate, attacked both the rubber connections used for joining the apparatus, and also the stick potash used as a drying agent, it was uncei-- tain whether the small quantity of gas which was collected in the air pump was originally included in the oxide. A more successful method was eventually found by dissolving the oxide in hot hydrochloric acid con- taining stannous chloride. The operation was carried on in an apparatus for determining the gases' evolved during the solution of a substance, which has been already described in papers from this laboratory. f In two experiments half a gram of ferric oxide yielded a mere trace of gas. Cupric oxide treated in the same way evolved considerable gas, less, how- * Richards, Am. Cliem. Jour., 22, 45 (1899). t These Proceedings, 28, 200. 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ever, than that evolved when the same cupric oxide was dissolved in sul- phuric acid. It was shown, however, that the gas which resulted upon solution in hydrochloric acid and stannous chloride consisted wholly of nitrogen, and that the volume of this nitrogen corresponded to the nitro- gen in the gases set free by solution of the same oxide in sulphuric acid. Although it was evident that the oxygen was absorbed by the stannous chloride, yet, since in the case of all oxides heretofore examined the in- cluded gases consisted chiefly of nitrogen, it is fair to conclude that this was so in the case of ferric oxide. Only a trace even of nitrogen was evolved from the ferric oxide, hence this preparation must have been practically free from included gases. In order to avoid any error due to hygroscopicity, the oxide used for each analysis was bottled in dry air in the bottling apparatus, which has already been described elsewhere.* The platinum boat containing the oxide was heated in the hard glass tube while the air was exhausted from the apparatus by means of a Sprengel air pump. Dry air was then admitted, and the boat was pushed into the weighing bottle which was then stoppered and weighed with the usual precautions. Since in two instances repetition of the bottling failed to change the weight of the oxide, subsequently this precaution was omitted. The oxide was then reduced in the manner already described, constant weight of the metal being attained much more easily than in the case of ■oxide prepared from ferric hydrate. Five closely agreeing results were obtained from analyses of material prepared as above. SERIES II. Number of Analysis. Weight of Ferric Oxide iu Vacuum. Weight of Iron in Vacuum. Atomic Weiglat of Irou. 3 3.97557 2.78115 55.883 4 4.89655 3.42558 55.891 6 4.35955 3.04990 55.891 6 7.14115 4.99533 55.870 7 6.42021 4.49130 55.882 Average . . . . . 55.883 * These Proceedings, 32, 59 (1896). RICHARDS AND BAXTP:R. ATOMIC WEIGHT OP IRON. 259 In order to determine if the reduction had been complete in the hist two analyses of this series, the resulting metal was dissolved in cold dilute sulphuric acid. In each case a few tenths of a milligram of black insolu- ble matter remained, which contained platinum. This impurity probably came from the alloying of the boat with the iron during the reduction, and hence introduced no error. A trace of ferric oxide also was found. Even if the platinum had been originally present, the combined weight of the two impurities could not have raised the final result more than 0.01 per cent; hence no correction was applied. One of us* has recently shown that iron when ignited at a high tem- perature, has practically no tendency to occlude hydrogen, so that in the present case this possible source of error is excluded. On comparing these results with the two determinations of the first series, one is forced to conclude that the oxide made from the nitrate has essentially the same composition as the oxide made from the hydroxide. The higher value indicated by Experiment 2, was probably caused by incomplete reduction, and the first experiment agrees with the average of the second series. It is interesting to review the older determinations f in the light of the experience gained in these analyses. Evidently the occlusion (or better, * Baxter, Am. Chem. Journ., 22, 363 (1899). t A complete list of these determinations is given below : — Fe = 1814. WoUaston, from Thenard's Results, Phil. Trans., 104, 21 (1814) . . 55.2 1826. Stromeyer, Pogg. Ann , 6, 471 (1826). Reduction Tea O3 : Fe . . . 55.& 1826. Berzelius, Pogg. Ann., 8, 185 (1826). Oxidation Fe^ : Fe., 0;3 . . . 54.3 1830±. Wackenrodcr, Archive Pharm., 35, 279 ; 36, 22 (1843). Reduction Feo Og : Fe. 55.9 1844. Svanberg and Norlin, Liebig's Ann. Chem. Pharm., 50, 432 (1844), also Berzelius Jahresbericht, 24, 121 (1845), and 25, 42 (1846). Oxidation Fe., : Fe. O3 . . 55.87 Reduction Fe, O3 : Fe. 56.09 1844. Berzelius (the same references). Oxidation Fe, : Fe. O3 .... 56.02 1814. Erdmann and Marchand, J. Pr. Ch., 33, 1; Lieb. Ann., 52, 212 (1845). Reduction of oxide from oxalate Fe2 O3 : Fe., 56.02 1846. Maumene, Ann. Chim. Phys. [3], 30, 380 (1850). Oxidation Fe, : Fe., O3 ' . 56.00 1850. Rivot, Ann. Chim. Phys. [3], 30, 192, (1850). Reduction Fe.^ O3 : Fe 54.2 18.59. Dumas, Ann. Chim. Phys. [3], 55, 157 (18-59). Lieb. Ann., 113, 26 (1860). Analysis of Chlorides 56 2 [The results of Magnus, Dobereiner, Capitaine (1841), and Torrey (1888), alluded to by Clarke, are not worthy of serious consideration. See Smithson. Misc. Coll. ; Constants of Nature, 5, 287 (1897) ; also 4, 65 (Becker, 1880)]. Frr)m some of these values Clarke (1897) computed the value 56.021, while Messrs. Landolt, Ostwald, and Seubert [1898] chose the number 56.0. 260 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. inclusion) of gases by the oxide is a less serious cause of error in the case of iron than in most other cases, if the temperature of ignition is reason- ably high. This is the chief probable error which would tend to make the results too low. The three most probable errors having the opposite effect are : — first, the possible presence of magnetic oxide in the ferric oxide ; second, the possibility of incomplete reduction during the analysis of this substance; and third, the possible presence of alkaline, siliceous, or other non-reducible material. Wackenroder seems to have been the only experimenter who thought seriously of the first two of these errors; and none of the early experimenters paid any attention to the last, for until recently glass was supposed by most chemists to be wholly insoluble. Wackenroder's work was perhaps the most intelligently carried out of all the older determinations, although his individual analyses did not agree among themselves quite so well as some of the others. His greatest omission was the recognized lack of purity in his hydrogen, although he could not observe an error due to this cause. It is interesting to note that the average of his six results gives the value 55.82 for the atomic weight in question, while a corrected average obtained by rejecting the two most discordant values gives the value 55.92. The result of the present work indicates a value midway between the two averages. Wackenroder's valuable work does not enter into Clarke's average for the atomic weight of iron, for Clarke was unable to find the original paper. In order to prepare pure iron for his later work, Berzelius fused his metal with ferrous oxide, but gave no proof of the effectiveness of his treatment. It is not impossible that traces of the oxide may have been held by the iron, as copper dissolves cuprous oxide. Erdmann and Mar- chand made the ferric oxide, which they reduced quantitatively, by the ignition of ferrous oxalate , — a method which invites the presence of magnetic oxide. Maumene's method was the process of filtration used in common analysis, in which the possible errors in both directions are plentiful. These detailed criticisms, taken in connection with the general lack of accuracy which is to be observed in the quantitative work of half a cen- tury ago, seem to show that there is nothing improbable in the present result, 55.88. Of course the analysis of a single compound is never con- clusive, so that this result is announced only as a preliminary one, which we shall hope to support or disprove in the near future. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., October, 1899. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 11. — January, 1900. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON CERTAIN COLORED SUBSTANCES DERIVED FROM NITRO COMPOUNDS. THIRD PAPER. By C. Loring Jackson and F. H. Gazzolo. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON CERTAIN COLORED SUBSTANCES DERIVED FROM NITRO COMPOUNDS. — THIRD PAPER. By C. Loring Jackson and F. H. Gazzolo. Presented December 13, 1899. Received December 30, 1899. The colored substances formed by the action of sodic alcoholates and certain nitro compounds have been studied by Victor Meyer,* Lobry de Bruyn,t and in this Laboratory, t but as yet no satisfactory constitutional formula has been assigned to them. In continuing this investigation, we tried first to replace the sodic alcoholates by other similar reagents, and succeeded in obtaining colored products from trinitranisol or trinitrobenzol by the action of sodic malo- nic ester, sodic acetacetic ester, sodic phenylate, the sodium compound of benzylcyanide, and perhaps the sodium compound of phloroglucine, al- though in this last case the action was not well marked. As it has been shown already that similar compounds are formed with various sodic alcoholates, § and even with sodic hydrate, || it appears that this behavior with nitro compounds is a very general reaction of alkaline substances. Of these new colored products only those with sodic malonic ester or sodic acetacetic ester were stable enough to be prepared for analysis, but they were unusually stable for bodies of this class. All four of the sub- stances formed from trinitranisol or trinitrobenzol and these two sodium esters were analyzed, and were proved to consist of three molecules of the sodium ester combined with one of the trinitro compound ; for in- stance, the malonic ester trinitrobenzol compound has this formula, * Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXVII. 3153; XXIX. 848. t Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, XIV. 89, 150; XV. 848. t Jackson and Ittner, Am. Chem. Journ., XIX. 109, where a historical account of the previous work is given ; Jackson and Boos, These Proceedings, XXXIII. 173. § These Proceedings, XXXIII. 173. II Hepp, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCXV. 359. 264 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. C6H3(N02)n[CHNa(COOC2H5)o]3. The formation of compounds with three molecules of the sodium constituent is noteworthy, since all the compounds analyzed heretofore have contained the two constituents in the proportion of one molecule of each. Similar experiments with sodic methylate, ethylate, or amylate and trinitrobenzol also led to products apparently containing three molecules of the alcoholate to each molecule of the nitro compound * — a surprising result, since Lobry de Bruyn and Van Leent f obtained from trinitrobenzol a substance with the following formula, C6H3(N02)3KOCH3|^H20. The difference in the results is un- questionably due to differences in the method of preparation. Lobry de Bruyn and Van Leent's compound was obtained by crystallization, whereas all our products with three molecules of the alkaline material were precipitated from an alcoholic solution with benzol. Experiments are now in progress to test this explanation of the phenomena. The discovery of these sodic malonic or acetacetic comjiounds would furnish a strong argument, if that were needed, against the only theory for these colored substances as yet published, — that of Victor Meyer, t who supposed they were formed b}' the replacement of atoms of hydro- gen on the benzol ring by atoms of sodium. This theory has been dis- proved by the observations of Lobry de Bruyn, § supported by those made in this Laboratory ; || and among other arguments the point was made that Victor Meyer's theory necessitated the assumption of alcohol of crystallization in every compound of this class which had been ana- lyzed. In these malonic and acetacetic compounds the presence of malonic ester or acetacetic ester of crystallization must be assumed, if this theory is adopted ; and, further, the number of molecules of " ester of crystalli- zation " corresponds in each case to the number of atoms of sodium ; the view, therefoie, that the colored bodies are addition and not substitution compounds is confirmed by these observations. Other experiments were tried to study the effect on the formation of the colors of increasing or diminishing the negative nature of the aromatic constituent. That there is some effect of this sort has been shown already, * The ethyl and methyl compounds seemed to contain alcohol of crystallization, to judge from the percentages of sodium obtained. The publication of these results will, therefore, be postponed until further analytical data have been collected. The amyl compound, on the other hand, gave a percentage of sodium corresponding to C6H3(N02)3(Na005Hu)8- t Rec. Trav. Chira. Pay.s-Bas, XIV. 150. t Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXVII. 3153. § Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, XIV. 89. II These Proceedings, XXXIII. 174. JACKSON AND GAZZOLO, — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 265 since certain substituted toluols give less stable colored derivatives than the corresponding benzoic acids.* Picramide, the first substance selected for this work, gave colored compounds with sodic methylate or sodic malonic ester, but too unstable to analyze, whereas trinitranisol or tri- uitrobenzol, in which the negative character of the nitro groups is not weakened by the presence of a positive radical like NHo, gave stable well marked colors. Dinitroxylol ((CH3)., 1. 3. (NOo)^ 4. 6.) also gave a slight and evanescent coloration with sodic methylate, and no reaction with sodic malonic ester, whereas trinitroxylol ((CIi3)2l.3. (N02)3 2. 4. 6.) gave colored compounds with both these reagents, which, although much more stable, could not be prepared for analysis. These results, there- fore, as far as they go, show that an increase in the negative nature of the aromatic constituent increases the tendency to form colored compounds. The next subject considered by us was the effect of the presence of methyl groups attached to the benzol ring on the formation of colors. Dinitrotoluol ((^03)2 2. 4.) gave colored compounds with sodic methy- late or sodic malonic ester ; dinitroxylol ((€113)2 1. 3. (NO-2)2 4. 6.) gave only a passing coloration f with sodic methylate, none at all with sodic malonic ester ; and dinitromesitylene gave no color with either reagent. Trinitroxylol gave strong color reactions with both reagents, trinitrome- sitylene none whatever. It is evident, therefore, that the presence of methyl groups on the benzol ring diminishes the tendency to form these colored compounds. Whether this effect is due to a specific action t of the methyl group, or to the fact that these groups stand in the ortho position to the nitro groups, or to both these causes, cannot be deter- mined from the facts at present at our disposal. In consideration of the complete absence of a color reaction with trinitromesitylene and sodic methylate, it is interesting to note that M. Konowalow § obtained red salts from nitromesitylenes in which one of the nitro groups stands in the side chain. We cannot find that he ana- lyzed these salts to determine whether they were true salts or addition products with sodic hydrate. If the latter, they would have a strong bearing on the discussion given above. Another series of experiments was tried with aromatic bodies rich in * Am. Chem. Journ. (Remsen), XIX. 201. t This may have been due to a small quantity of a thiophene compound. As a rule we have not considered that a colored product belonged to the class we are studying unless we could obtain a copious precipitate of it with benzol. I Lobry de Bruyn, Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, XIV. 95. § Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1896, 2204. 266 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. negative radicals but containing no nitro groups ; for, if colors of the same class could be obtained from these, it would 2:)rove that the addition of the alkaline substance took place on the benzol ring and not on the nitro group. We were encouraged to undertake these experiments by the striking resemblance in properties * between our colored products and the green bodies made by Astre f from the action of sodic alcoholates on quinone. In the quinones, however, the formation of hemiacetals t is possible, and it may be that the green bodies belonged to this class ; we accordingly used for our new experiments substances in which the forma- tion of hemiacetals could not occur, such as trimesic triethylester, which is especially fit for these experiments, since it has a still stronger re- semblance to trinitrobenzol than quinone has, because it contains three negative radicals symmetrically disposed. "We have not succeeded in obtaining any colored or other addition-products from this substance, or from the free trimesic acid, although the attempts have been repeated often and under varying conditions. Nor did we have better success with other bodies free from nitro groups, such as phloroglucine, or resor- cine ; pyrocatechine, it is true, gave a temporary coloration with sodic methylate, but we think this reaction does not belong to the series under discussion. These experiments, as they have given negative results, throw no light on the constitution of our colored compounds. It has been shown earlier in this paper that the only theory as yet proposed for these colored compounds (that of Victor Meyer) is inadmiss- ible, because they are addition-, not substitution-products. The facts now at our disposal are not sufficient to furnish an absolute proof of the structure of these compounds, but it is possible to show that certain constitutional formulas explain these facts better than others, and it seems to us that the work has arrived at a point where such a discussion of the possible formulas will be useful. In this discussion the following proper- ties must be considered, as they seem to be characteristic of all the members of this group. (1) The very marked color. (2) The ease with which they are decomposed even by dilute acids, giving the aromatic constituent unaltered. (3) Their behavior with alcohols, which we describe here in some detail, because the principal observations are new. When the methyl compound C6Ho(NOo)30CH3NaOCH3 is allowed to stand for some time with benzyl alcohol, both the methyls are replaced by benzyls, and the compound C6H2(N02)30C7H7NaOC7H7 is formed. * These Proceedings, XXXIII. 175. t Comptes Rendus, CXXI. 530 (1895). I These Proceedings, XXX. 41 1 . JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 267 Conversely this benzyl compound is converted into the corresponding methyl compound if boiled with methyl alcohol. In the same way * the methyl is converted into the ethyl compound by crystallization from common alcohol. f There are three possible ways in which these compounds can be formed : — First, the addition of the sodic methylate (or other alkaline substance) may take place upon the carbon atoms of the benzol ring. Second^ it may take place on the nitro group alone. Third, it may take place partly on the nitro group and partly on the carbon of the benzol riucr. The first method of addition, that on the carbon alone, seems to us much less probable than the second or third, in which a nitro group takes part, especially since the work of Nef and others has shown that the sodium is attached to the nitro group in the sodium salt of nitromethane. As we have succeeded in finding no analogous case in which an alkaline substance is added to carbon atoms with the formation of a strongly col- ored product, we think that this first hypothesis is not worthy of a detailed discussion. Turning to the formulas in which the nitro group is affected, we have the second method of addition, in which the sodic methylate is attached to the nitro group only ; this would give rise to a structure such as the following : | — I. OCH3 C6H20CH3(NO.,)o— N ll\ O ONa; while the third hypothesis, according to which both the nitro group and the carbon of the benzol ring take part in the addition, would be * These Proceedings, XXXIII. 177. t Some experiments of less importance may be mentioned here, witli the remark that they are not incompatible with tlie formula adopted later as giving the best explanation of the observed facts. Bromine decomposes CsH3(NO.,)3[CHNa(COOC.,H5)2]3, giving trinitrobenzol as one of the prod- ucts of the reaction. No salts with other basic radicals could be obtained from C,.H.,(NOo)30CH3XaOCH3. No sodic iodide was formed by heating CsH3(N02)3[CHNa(COOCoH5)._,]3 with ethyl iodide to 140°. On tlie other hand, it looked as if benzoyl chloride acted on these bodies, but the end of the college year prevented us from studying this reaction. t This is analogous to that given by Hantzsch and Rinckenberger, Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXXII. 628, for their dinitroethanester acid. 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. represented by the formulas given below, in which it is supposed that an isonitro * compound is formed with the development of a quinoid structure in the benzol ring. The difference between the two formulas is that in II. the quiuoid structure is developed in the para position, in III. in the ortho position. II. III. 0=N-0-Na 0=N-0-Na We have used the formula of the addition product from sodic methylate and trinitranisol, as it is the simplest that will serve in the argument which follows. In applying these formulas to the malonic ester com- pounds it must be assumed that the malonic ester radical which is added to the benzol ring has the constitution -OC(OC2H5)=CIiCOOC2H5, as, if it is assumed to be -CH(COOC.,H5)2, we should have an attachment of carbon to carbon incompatible with the instability of these compounds. In applying Formulas I., II., and III. to the explanation of the observed properties of these compounds, we consider first the strong color, their most marked characteristic ; this is explained by the quinoid structure in Formulas II. or III., but is not accounted for by Formula I., since, accord- ing to Hantzsch and Riuckenberger,t their substance CH.3 \ / CH-NO OC2H5 NO, / \ OK, which contains the group characteristic of Formula I., has only a pale yellow color. The easy decomposition of the colored body by hydrochloric acid with regeneration of the trinitranisol, from which it was formed, is accounted for by either of the three formulas I., II., or III., but the preference should be given to II. or III., since Hantzsch and Rinckenberger t state that their * Compare Hantzsch, Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXXII. 575-641, and also the ortho- benzoldioxime of Zincke and Schwarz, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), CCCVII. 28. t Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXXII. 628. t Ibid. JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 269 CH3 OC^Hfi \ CH- -NO NO2 \ OH is a true stable acid ten times as strong as acetic acid, and it is fair to ' suppose, therefore, that the substance OCII3 C6H.,OCH3(N02)oNO \ OH (formed by hydrochloric acid on our sodium salt, if it has Formula I.) would also be comparatively stable, and not drop at once into the trini- tranisol, which, as a matter of fact, is formed immediately by the action of hydrochloric acid on the colored compound. On the other hand, this rapid decomposition by acid would be explained according to Formula II. or III. by the strong tendency of quinoid bodies to pass into the hy- droquinoid form, which might easily cause the splitting off of methyl alcohol as soon as the atom of sodium was replaced by hydrogen. This rapid decomposition with removal of methyl alcohol when the colored bodies are treated with dilute hydrochloric acid recalls the similar behav- ior of the dichlordimethoxyquinonedimethylhemiacetal ; * and the simi- larity of these phenomena may tell in favor of classing the colored salts with quinone derivatives, although the two reactions are not strictly analogous. The third point in favor of Formula II. or IH. is the replacement of the two methyls in C6H^(N02);30CH3NaOCH3 by benzyls when the com- pound is soaked in benzyl alcohol, and the reverse change when the benzyl compound is boiled with methyl alcohol. As under the same conditions benzyl alcohol has no action on methyl picrate, or methyl alcohol on benzyl picrate, it is obvious that the complete replacement of one radical by the other here depends on the structure of the addition product ; and, whereas Formula I. gives no reason why the change should proceed beyond the methyl attached to the nitro group, it is easy to see that in a substance constituted like Formula II. or III. any reagent which affected one methyl would act in a similar way on the other, so that the methyl compound would be completely converted into C6H2(NO,)30C,H,NaOC7H7. * These Proceedings, XXX. 431. 270 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The inferences drawn in the foregoing discussion may be briefly reca- pitulated as follows : It is improbable that the sodic methylate is added to the carbon of the benzol ring only. A quinoid formula (II. or III.) explains the observed facts better than one in which the sodic methylate is added to the nitro group alone (I.), but this latter structure is not definitely excluded. Under these circumstances we think it would be premature to contrive names for these colored bodies, or to give struc- tural formulas in the experimental part of this paper. We hope that the continuation of the work, now in progress in this Laboratory, will definitely settle the constitution of these colored substances. Experimental Part. Preparation of Picryl Chloride. As the method of making picryl chloride used by us in this work was an improvement on that given by Pisani,* we describe it. 25 grams of dry picric acid were mixed with 50 grams of phosplioric pentachloride in a large Erlenmeyer flask provided with an air condenser, and heated on the water bath until the violent reaction had ceased, and the contents had assumed a very dark brown color. When cold, the flask was sur- rounded with ice, and its contents treated with ice water, care being taken to avoid any considerable rise of temperature. The precipitate formed in this way was filtered out, dried, washed with ether, and crys- tallized from a mixture of benzol and alcohol to purify it. The advan- tages in our method are that there is a considerable saving of time, and there is much less danger that the substance will be converted into a tarry decomposition product, as happens in Pisani's method if the heat runs too high in either the preparation or the removal of the phosphoric oxychloride by distillation. Action of Sodic Acetacetic Ester with Trinitranisol. In our first experiment in this direction we prepared our sodic acet- acetic ester with sodic methylate, and obtained a red precipitate which gave the following result on analysis : — 0.2438 gram of the substance gave 0.0576 gram of sodic sulphate. Calculated for CeH,(N0o)30Cn3Na0CH3. Found. Sodium 7.69 7.66 * Ann. Chem. (Liebig), XCII. 326. JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS, 271 It was evident, therefore, that we had only the color formed from sodic methylate, and that the acetacetic ester took no part in the reaction. In order, then, to obtain an acetacetic ester addition, it was obviously neces- sary to exclude all alcohol and alcoholates ; we accordingly proceeded as follows. To an excess of acetacetic ester mixed with beuzol a quantity of sodium in the form of ribbon was added (iu our later preparations the amount of sodium used provided three atoms of it to each molecule of triuitranisol). After the sodium had disappeared, the liquid thus obtained was added drop by drop to a benzol solution of triuitranisol. It is un- necessary to say that absolute benzol was used iu all this work. The first drop imparted a deep vermilion color to the solution, and this color became more and more intense as the reaction proceeded. During the process the mixture was kept cool by surrounding the beaker with ice. After all the sodic acetacetic ester had been added, the liquid was mixed with an excess of anhydrous benzol, which threw down a semi-gelatinous or oily precipitate. This was filtered out, washed with beuzol, and pressed upon a porous plate, all these operations being carried, on as quickly as possible.' The dark colored dried product crumbled easily into a red amorphous powder of a much darker color than the addition product from sodic methylate. It was dried in vacuo, and analyzed with the following results : — • I. 0.2376 gram of the substance gave 0.0740 gram of sodic sulphate. 11. 0.2196 gram of the substance gave 0.0697 gram of sodic sulphate. III. 0.1928 gram of the substance gave 0.0700 gram of sodic sulphate. IV. 0.2596 gram of the substance gave on combustion 0.4028 gram of carbonic dioxide and 0.1148 gram of water. In this combustion the substance was mixed with chromic oxide to drive out car- bonic dioxide from the carbonate formed, and was spread out in a long copper boat, which was heated gently and gradually to avoid explosions. Calculated for CeH,(NO,)30CH3(CH3COCHNaC00C2H5)3 I. Sodium 9.87 10.10 Found. II. III. 10.28 11.75 IV. Carbon 42.91 42.32 Hydrogen 4.57 4.91 There can be no doubt, therefore, as each analysis is of the product of a separate preparation, that the substance is a definite compound, and is formed by the addition of three molecules of sodic acetacetic ester to one of trinitranisol. The variation in the percentages of sodium in the 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. different specimens is no more than would be expected, when it is remem- bered that the product was purified only by washing with benzol. Properties of the Addition Product of Trinitranisol and Sodic Acetacetic Ester, C6H2(N02)30CH3(CH3COCHNaCOOC2H5)3. This substance forms a deep crimson powder, which we have not suc- ceeded in bringing into a crystalline state. It is decidedly stable for a body of this class, keeping for even several days in a desiccator, but finally decomposing into a black tar. When heated it is slightly explo- sive. It dissolves completely in water without decomposition, to judge from the color ; is soluble in common alcohol, but gives a turbid solu- tion ; on the other hand, it dissolves, forming a clear solution, in methyl alcohol; soluble in acetone; insoluble in benzol, ether, chloroform, car- bonic disulphide, or ligroin. Acids decompose it instantly, as was shown by the destruction of the color. Action of Sodic Malonic Ester on Trinitranisol. Two jrrams of trinitranisol dissolved in absolute benzol were mixed with a benzol solution of 4.5 grams of sodic malonic ester prepared by the direct action of sodium on the malonic ester, — that is, three mole- cules of the sodium ester to each molecule of trinitranisol. As the two solutions came together, an intense cherry red color appeared, with the formation of a thick gelatinous precipitate of the same color, which increased in volume and deepened in color as the reaction continued. After the mixture had stood some time at ordinary temperatures, a large enough quantity of benzol was added to produce complete precipitation, the product was then filtered rapidly, washed with benzol till the filtrate was colorless, pressed quickly on the porous plate, and dried in vacuo. This reaction seemed to run more quickly and cleanly than the corre- sponding one with sodic acetacetic ester, giving a purer product which was very easily handled and washed. I. 0.2028 gram of the substance gave 0.0.536 gram of sodic sulphate. II. 0.3027 gram of the substance gave 0.0796 gram of sodic sulphate. Caloulatpfl for Found. CeH2(NO2)30CH,,[CUN'a(C00C2H5)2]3 I. II. Sodium 8.74 " 8.56 8.52 JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 273 Properties of the Addition Product of Trinitranisol and Sodic Malonic Ester, C6H2(N02)30CH3[CPINa(COOC2U5)2]3. This substance is an amorphous powder with a deep maroon color. "We have not succeeded in crystallizing it. It is one of the most stable bodies of its class, as when exposed to the air it usually remains unaltered for nearly five days ; at the end of this time it begins to grow moist, then turns black, and is finally converted into a black powder with a some- what tarry consistency. When heated, it explodes with a slight puff, but with little or no noise ; it is, however, apparently stable at as high a temperature as 140°. It dissolves completely in water, forming a clear cherry red solution ; soluble, although more slowly, in ethyl alcohol ; completely and quickly soluble in methyl alcohol, but this solution seems to be attended by some decomposition, as a fading of the color was ob served ; soluble in acetone ; insoluble iu ether, benzol, chloroform, car bonic disulphide, or ligroin. A few drops of hydrochloric acid added to its aqueous solution changes the red color to yellow instantly, and causes a precipitate which, on filtration, solution in alcohol, and evaporation of the solvent, proves to be a reddish oil containing malonic ester, to judge from the smell, and trinitranisol, since this substance crystallizes out on standing. As this substance was more stable than most others of its class, we tried the action of ethyliodide upon it in the hope of replacing the atoms of sodium with ethyl. For this purpose 0.5 gram of the addition prod- uct was heated in a sealed tube with ethyl iodide, at first to 100°, but, as this produced no apparent effect, later to. 140° for an hour and a half, and then it was kept at 100° for two days. The contents of the tube were treated with benzol, after the ethyl iodide had evaporated, which gave a red solution and a black residue ; the residue was extracted with water, and the extract gave no test for an iodide. It is obvious, there- fore, that the ethyl iodide had not acted at all, but that the unmanage- able black product was produced by the decomposition of the addition compound. Action of Sodic Malonic Ester with Trinitrohenzol. The sodic malonic ester was prepared with sodium alone, benzol was used as the solvent, and the proportions were three molecules of the ester to one of the trinitrobenzol. As soon as the solutions were mixed, a deep scarlet lumpy precipitate was formed ; it was found best, there- fore, to add the solution of the sodic malonic ester in small portions at a VOL. XXXV. — 18 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. time with constant stirring. Tiie beaker was cooled by immersing it in ice. The precipitate was washed with benzol until the filtrate was color- less, and then dried on a porous plate and in vacuo. Analyses I. and II. are of two different products prepared in this way. As in these prepara- tions and the other similar ones described in this paper we had used three molecules of the sodium compound to one of the nitro body, there seemed some danger that our products might be not definite compounds, but mixtures of an addition compound containing only one atom of sodium, with the two additional molecules of the sodic malonic ester (or the corresponding reagent) precipitated by the large excess of the benzol. This objection to our results did not seem a very important one, because they agreed better with the theoretical numbers than would be probable if this theory were true, but we felt that it was necessary to test it by ex- periment, and for this purpose repeated the preparation, using two mole- cules of sodic malonic ester to each molecule of trinitrobenzol (1 gram of trinitrobenzol and 1.7 grams of the sodic malonic ester). Analysis III. was made with the specimen prepared in this way, and proves that our substances are definite compounds and not mixtures, since it agrees with those prepared with three molecules of the sodium ester. I. 0.2038 gram of the substance gave 0.0544 gram of sodic sulphate. II. 0.2154 gram of the substance gave 0.0590 gram of sodic sulphate. III. 0.2630 gram of the substance gave 0.0756 gram of sodic sulphate. Calculated for Found. CcH3(N02)3[CHNIa(000C„H5)2]3. I. II. III. Sodium 9.09 8.66 8.87 9.31 Properties of the Addition Product of Trinitrobenzol and Sodic Malonic' Ester, CeH3(N02)3[CHNa(COOaH5)j3. This body has a rich maroon color brighter than that of the corre- sponding compound of trinitranisol and sodic malonic ester. It is stable for some time if kept dry and cool, otherwise it gradually undergoes decomposition, as shown by its change of color and becoming gummy. In its other properties it resembles the corresponding trinitranisol com- pound most closely. When treated with hydrochloric acid the color is destroyed, and a thick oily brownish yellow precipitate is formed ; by washing this with small quantities of alcohol to remove the malonic ester the trinitrobenzol was recovered in quantity, and recognized by its melting-point, 121°-122°, after recrystallization from benzol. As soon, therefore, as the three atoms of sodium are replaced by hydrogen, the addition product splits into its constituents. JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 275 Action of Bromine on the Addition Product of Trinitrobenzol and Sodic Malonic Ester. The addition product C6H3(NO,,)3[CHNa(COOCaH5)2]3 was added in small successive portions to a chloroform solution of bromine cooled by immersing the vessel in ice. The color of the solid changed instantly from maroon to white. After the mixture had stood over night, the solid was filtered out, and the filtrate allowed to evaporate spontaneously, when it left a thick brownish i-ed oil, which after standing two days deposited crystals identified as trinitrobenzol by their melting-point, 121°, the form of the crystals, and the formation of the characteristic red color with sodic alcoholates. The portion insoluble in chloroform, after thorough washing with chloroform and boiling benzol, proved to be sodic bromide. This experiment does not absolutely disprove the formation of some bromtriuitrobenzol, since a small amount of it might have remained dis- solved in the oil from which the trinitrobenzol was deposited, but it shows that trinitrobenzol is one of the principal products of the reaction ; and as this separated from the oil in a nearly pure state, it is very prob- able at least that no bromtriuitrobenzol was formed. Action of Sodic Acetacetic Ester on Trinitrobenzol. Tlie product was prepared in the same way as the corresponding addi- tion compound of trinitrobenzol and sodic malonic ester. In this case the precipitate had a deeper red color than that produced with sodic malonic ester, and the reaction ran less neatly. Analyses of three different preparations dried in vacuo gave the following results : — I. 0.1865 gram of the substance gave 0.0G23 gram of sodic sulphate. II. 0.2017 gram of the substance gave 0.0658 gram of sodic sulphate. III. 0.2104 gram of the substance gave 0.0680 gram of sodic sulphate. Calculated for round. C6H3(N02)3[CH3COCHNaCOOC2n5]3, I. 11, III. 10.32 10.82 10.56 10.47 Sodium The addition product of trinitrobenzol and sodic acetacetic ester is a rich brownish red amorphous powder darker than the corresponding product from trinitrobenzol and sodic malonic ester. It is fairly stable, if kept dry. In its other properties it is exactly similar to the colored substances already described in this paper. 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Preparation of the Tri Sodic Amylate Addition Product of Trinitrobenzol. To a benzol solution of one gram of trinitrobenzol 1.5 grams of sodic amylate were added gradually, care being taken to keep the mixture cool. The pro^jortions are three molecules of the amylate to each mole- cule of trinitrobenzol- A heavy scarlet precipitate was formed as soon as the substances came together; this was filtered quickly, thoroughly washed with benzol, and dried on a porous plate, after which it was analyzed, with the following results : — I. 0.2596 gram of the substance gave 0.1070 gram of sodic sulphate. II. 0.1700 gram of the substance gave 0.0680 gram of sodic sulphate. III. 0.3190 gram of the substance gave 0.1288 gram of sodic sulphate. Calculated for Found. C6H3(N02)3(05UuONa)3 I. II. HI. Sodium 12.71 13.36 12.96 13.07 Properties of the Tri Sodic Amylate Addition Compound of Trinitro- benzol, C6H3(N02)3(C5HnONa)3. The dry substance is a dark crimson amorphous powder. It is re- markably stable for bodies of this class, since it did not change in color, or show any tendency to become moist, even after standing for two weeks in contact with the air. It is soluble in ethyl or methyl alcohol or ace- tone; very soluble in water; insoluble in benzol, chloroform, carbonic disulphide, or ligroin. The strong acids decompose it at once, giving trinitrobenzol as one of the decomposition products. Upon treating trinitrobenzol with sodic methylate or sodic ethylate under the same conditions, products were obtained with the following formulas, if we may judge from the sodium determinations : C6H3(N02)3(CH30Na)3Cri30H and CcH3(N02)3(aH50Na)3C2H50H, but as these seem an insufficient foundation for such formulas, we shall postpone the description of these substances until we have collected suffi- cient analytical data to establish tlieir composition. They are both red, but decompose more rapidly than the amylate, becoming moist and dis- colored after exposure to the air for a few hours. Heating also decom- posed the methylate body, so that the presence of methyl alcohol of crystallization could not be established in this way. The discussion of the conditions under which these tri bodies are formed instead of the mono compounds will also be postponed until it has been thoroughly settled by further experiments. JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 277 Attempts to obtain Colored Compounds with other Reagents. Sodic phenylate, made by adding sodium to an excess of phenol, gave with trinitrobenzol a clear red color, but no precipitate. A similar result was obtained when an alcoholic solution of sodic phenylate was added to a benzol solution of triuitranisol ; but this latter coloration does not necessarily proceed from the sodic phenylate, as part of it may have been converted into sodic ethylate by the alcohol. Sodic hydrate also gives a red color with trinitrobenzol, as was observed - by Hepp,* but as there seemed little chance of isolating this in a state fit for analysis, we did not attempt to study it. The sodium salt of phloroglucine, made by treating an excess of it with sodic hydrate, gave a light reddish color when treated with a ben- zol solution of trinitrobenzol, and upon adding an excess of benzol a most uninviting sticky precipitate was formed which it would have been foolish to try to analyze. We doubt whether this colored substance was really a phloroglucine compound, as it is very possible that it was formed from a little sodic hydrate produced by the decomposition of the sodium salt of the phloroglucine. Benzvl cyanide treated with metallic sodium, after the slight action with the sodium was finished, was mixed with trinitrobenzol. Upon stirring for a few seconds a deep blood-red precipitate appeared in large quantity; but it was so unstable that even the addition of benzol to wash out the excess of benzylcyanide converted it into a black tarry mass, so that we were obliged to give up all idea of analyzing it. Attempts to obtain Colored Compounds from other Nitro Bodies. Picramide, CgH2(N02)3NH2, treated with a mixture of sodic methylate, methyl alcohol, and anhydrous benzol, gave at once a strongly colored dark crimson solution, which deposited a brick red precipitate ; but in collecting it for analysis the substance decomposed as soon as it dried on the porous plate, forming a brownish mass which later became tarry. We were unable, therefore, to make an analysis, Trichlorbromdinitrobenzol (CI3 1. 3, 5. Br2(N"02)2 4. 6.) gives a strong vermilion color with an alcoholic solution of sodic ethylate, as already stated by us in a previous paper, f Dinitrotoluol ((N02)2 2. 4.) melting at 70° .5 gave with sodic methylate * Ann. Cheni. (Liebig), CCXV. 359. t These Proceedings, XXXIV. 148. 278 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. a deep vermilion colored solution, from which a precipitate was obtained with an excess of benzol. A benzol solution of the diuitrotoluol save with sodic malonic ester a crimson red solution and a colored precipitate, but both this and the precipitate of the methylate compound decomposed while drying on the porous plate. Symmetrical dinitroxylol melting at 93° ((0113)2 1. 3, (N02)2 4- 6.) gave with sodic methylate after a few seconds a faint greenish color, which turned rapidly to a deep purple, and finally became brownish black. It was evidently therefore very unstable. Neither sodic malonic ester nor sodic acetacetic ester gave any trace of color, Trinitroxylol ((CHo)^ 1.3. (N02)3 2. 4. 6.) gave a deep cherry red solu- tion with either sodic methylate or a benzol solution of sodic malonic ester or of sodic acetacetic ester. An excess of benzol precipitated from each of these solutions a gummy reddish body which decomposed before it could be prepared for analysis. In these cases the decomposition- product had a pinkish white color. Neither dinitromesitylene nor trinitromesitylene gave a trace of color after standing with sodic methylate. At the m'oment the trinitromesity- lene was mixed with the sodic methylate we thought in one or two cases we perceived a very faint coloration, but it was so indistinct that we felt doubtful of its existence, and at best it was very evanescent. Sodic ma- lonic ester and sodic acetacetic ester also gave negative results with both these bodies. Dinitrophloroglucine triethylether, C6H(OC2H5)3(N04)2, gave no color with sodic methylate, sodic malonic ester, or sodic acetacetic ester. Attempts to obtain Colored Compounds from Bodies which contain no Nitro Group. Pyrocatechin gave no color with sodic malonic ester, but with sodic methylate a bright green color was formed along the edges, which soon darkened, and finally gave a black oil. This coloration is probably sim- ilar to those observed by Kunz Krause * on treating various phenols with sodium and alcohol, but we do not feel sure that these colors are related to those obtained from nitro compounds. Resorcine gave no color with either sodic methylate, sodic malonic ester, or sodic acetacetic ester. The same negative results were obtained with phloroglucine. Neither trimesic acid ((C00H)3 1. 3. 5.) nor its ester C6H3(COOC2H5)3 * Arch. Pharm., CCXXXVI. 542. JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 279 gave any sign of color with sodic methylate, although the experiments were tried with great care, and under conditions which gave colors even with some of the less reactive nitro compounds. Experiments on the Replacement of the ATkijl Radical in the Colored Compounds. Action of Mdhyl Alcohol on the Benzyl Compound. — The addition product of benzyl picrate and sodic benzylate, discovered by W. F. Boos and one of us* was heated with methyl alcohol for about half an hour, and the methyl alcohol was then allowed to evaporate at ordinary tem- peratures. The product consisted of glistening scarlet crystals, which were at once decolorized by hydrochloric acid, yielding a substance melt- ing at 64°, and crystallizing in yellow rhombic plates from benzol. It was therefore trinitranisol, and the methyl alcohol had replaced the benzyl groups in the original addition compound by two methyls. Action of Methyl Alcohol on Benzyl Picrate. — Benzyl picrate was prepared according to the method given by Boos and one of us.f The melting point of this substance is 145°, not 115° as given in the paper just cited; the number 115° was due to a mistake in copying the melting point from the note-book. A quantity of the benzyl picrate was recrys- tallized four times from boiling methyl alcohol, and after each crystal- lization the melting point remained constant at 145°, thus showing that the benzyl picrate is not converted into methyl picrate by methyl alcohol at its boiling point. Action of Benzyl Alcohol on the Addition Product of Trinitranisol and Sodic Methylate. — The colored compound was dissolved in benzyl alcohol with the aid of gentle heat, and the mixture was allowed to stand at ordinary temperatures until crystals separated. The red substance ob- tained in this way was decomposed with hydrochloric acid, when the product after crystallization showed the constant melting point 145°, and was therefore benzyl picrate. In this case, therefore, the benzyl alcohol had converted the colored methyl compound into the corresponding benzyl compound. Action of Benzyl Alcohol on Trinitranisol. — A solution of trinitranisol in benzyl alcohol was allowed to stand in a paraffin desiccator until all the benzyl alcohol had evaporated ; the residue showed the melting point of trinitranisol, 64°. * These Proceedings, XXXIII. 177. t Ibid., 180. 280 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Benzyl alcohol, therefore, does not affect trinitranisol under the condi- tions used in the experiment described in the last paragraph. Attempts to prepare Derivatives from the Addition Compound of Trinitranisol and Sodic Methylate. Salts. — The sodium salt C6H2(NOo)30CH3NaOCH3 was treated with the salts of various metals in the hope of obtaining other salts. The chlorides of calcium, barium, mercury, and zinc, in mixed methyl alco- holic and aqueous solutions produced no change. Cupric chloride, on the other hand, formed a brown precipitate, from which trinitranisol was isolated, and tests were obtained for copper and picric acid. We decided, therefore, that the cupric chloride had decomposed the colored compound, and neither this nor any of the other experiments we tried seemed to point to the formation of salts of the colored compounds by metathetical reactions. Treatment with Benzoyl Chloride. — The addition compound CsH2(N02)aOCH3NaOCH3, if dissolved in methyl alcohol and treated with benzoyl chloride, was at once decolorized, even when sodic methyl- ate was also present. Upon treating the dry compound with benzoyl chloride, and allowing the mixture to stand over night, the amorphous powder had become converted into masses resembling cauliflowers, with an even more intense scarlet color than at first. An attempt to introduce the benzoyl group by the Baumann-Schotten method led to a similar result. One gram of the addition product was added to 25 grams of an 18 per cent solution of sodic hydrate, and then 5 grams of benzoyl chloride were gradually poured into the mixture ; the granular red powder was gradu- ally converted into masses resembling cauliflowers, most of which dis- solved in the alkaline liquid with a distinct intensification of the red color. On acidifying with hydrochloric acid, the color was discharged and a white precipitate of benzoic acid was formed. The filtrate apparently contained picric acid. Unfortunately we had not time to study this reac- tion more carefully, but we hope it will be investigated in this Laboratory during the coming year, and also that the behavior of this compound with methyl iodide may be studied then. Postscript. The manuscript of the foregoing paper was ready for the press, when I received an article * on colored compounds of this class by Hantzsch and Kissel, in which they ascribe to them formulas with the * Ber. d. chem. Ges., XXXII. 3137 (1899). JACKSON AND GAZZOLO. — NITRO COMPOUNDS. 281 sodic alcoholate added to the nitro group only (I.). I cannot find any reason in their article for changing the conclusion to which I had already come, that a quiuoid formula (II. or III.) explains all the observed facts better than the formula (I.) adopted by them. Their most important new facts are the isolation of the free acid from the addition product of potassic methylate and trinitrotoluol, and the formation of the correspond- ing acetyl compound, both of which are explained better by the quinoid formula than by theirs. They also call attention to the fact that the free acid is a weak one instead of being a strong one, as it should be, if derived from a salt with their formula, and that the marked color of the compounds would not be expected from this structure ; both of these anomalies disappear if the quinoid formula is adopted. It seems, there- fore, that their observations tend to confirm this quinoid formula. The authors also claim to have disproved definitely the theory of Victor Meyer that these bodies are substitution products, but neglect to mention that Lobry de Bruyn * in 1895 proved the incorrectness of this theory by treating trinitrobenzol in boiling xylol with sodium. Therefore all subsequent arguments against Victor Meyer's theory (of which I have furnished three) must be considered as only confirmatory of Lobry de Bruyn's work. It may not be out of place to repeat here that work on this subject is still in active progress in this Laboratory. C. LoRiNG Jackson. December 27, 1899. * Kec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, XIV. 89. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 15. — February, IDOO. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE | MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOr)LOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. ' E. L. MARK, DIRECTOR. — No. 108. THE METAMERISM OF THE HIRUDINEA. By W. E. Castle. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. E. L. MARK, DIRECTOR. — No. 108. THE METAMERISM OF THE HIRUDINEA. By W. E. Castle. Received January 20, Presented by E. L. Mark, February 14, 1900. CONTENTS. I. Introduction 285 II. Limits of the Somite in the RliynehobdellidcB .... 286 1. Neuromeres as a Criterion of Somite Limits 280 a. Somite Reduction in GIos- siphonia 287 2. Septa and other Metameric Organs as Criteria of So- mite Limits 290 III. Limits of the Somite in the Gnathobdellidae 291 1. Relation of Five-ringed to Three-ringed Type of So- mite 291 2. Somite Reduction in Nephe- lis 293 IV. Somite Growth 296 1. Rhynchobdellida; .... 297 2. Gnathobdellidie 299 V. Primitive Condition of tlie Leecii Somite 300 Summary 302 Papers cited 303 I. Introduction. As long ago as the year 1862 Gratiolet pointed out that in the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis L., the successive rings of the body are not all alike, but that they fall into similar groups of five each, which are repeated in regular succession throughout the greater part of the body. He found in each such group a single nerve ganglion and a single pair of nephropores ; in other words, he discovered that there was a segmentation of internal organs (metamerism) which agreed not with single external rings but with the groups of rings. Gratiolet called the groups of rings " zoonites " (somites). He noticed on the exterior of the body two natural landmarks, which indicated to 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. him their limits. These were, first, some whitish flecks (sensillse) found dorsally on the ring which contains the ganglion (sensory ring) ; secondly, a pair of pores (nephropores) lying in the furrow just posterior to ring 5, counting the sensory ring as ring 1. Gratiolet seems to have assumed that these convenient landmarks indicated respectively the anterior and posterior limits of the mor- phological units or somites. In this assumption nearly all subsequent investigators have followed him uuquestioningly. Vaillant ('70) alone expressed the view that it would be more logical to look for septa, which should, as in the Cha^topoda, mark the limits of the somites. In the case of Pontobdella, Vaillant believed that he had succeeded in finding such septa, but subsequent investigators do not agree with him in this view. Gratiolet further observed that toward the ends of the body the number of rings in a somite becomes smaller, and the ganglia are crowded closer together. He suggested that the terminal ganglion at either end of the body probably had resulted from a fusion of originally distinct ganglia, as is the case with the ganglia of certain Mollusca {Helix, etc.). Gratiolet thus opened the way for a study of the metamerism of the leech in two directions : first, to determine the number of primitive somites present in the body of the leech ; and secondly, to determine the natural limits of these somites. The first problem indicated has received a satisfactory solution through the splendid work of Whitman ('92) on the Rhynchobdellidre, and of Bristol ('99) on the Gnathobdellidaj. From studies of my own, the results of which are in process of pub- lication, I can confirm the conclusion of these investigators, that the body of the leech contains thirty-four distinct somites. The second problem, namely, the determination of the true limits of the somite, has, as already indicated, received practically no attention. To a discussion of this problem and some considerations growing out of it, I now invite attention. II. Limits of the Somite in the RHTNCHOBDELLiD.iE. 1. Neuromeres as a Criterion of Somite Limits. In determining the number of somites found in the body of the leech, it has been found necessary to rely solely on a study of the nervous system. It would seem natural, therefore, to look in the same direction for a solution of the problem conceiniug the limits of the somite. CASTLE, — METAMERISM OF THE HIRDDINEA. 287 Whitman ('92) has shown that in the genus Glossiphonia (Clepsiue) each distinct ganglion gives oti' three pairs of nerves, wliich are dis- tributed respectively to the ring in which the ganglion typically lies (sensory ring), the ring before it, and the ring behind it (Fig. 1, VIII.).* If we take neuromeres as criteria of somites, the three rings thus innervated from a common souree should be regarded as constituting a somite. According to the commonly accepted view, however, the last two of these rings with the nest following ring of the body, which is innervated from a different ganglion, represent a somite. See Figure 1, VI r. The only other view possible would be to regard the somite as com- posed of a sensory ring and the two rings which precede it, but I am not aware that such a view has ever been suggested, and I am unacquainted with any facts which could be presented in its support. Accordingly discussion may be limited to the two views before stated, which are graphically presented at the right and left margins respectively of Figure 1. a. Somite Reduction in Glossiphonia. What first suggested to me the possibility that neuromere limits may coincide with somite limits, was a study of the method of somite reduc- tion at the ends of the body of Glossiphonia. See Figure 1, I. -IV. ; Figure 2, XXV.-XVII. In the regions indicated the metameric sense organs occur, not as in the middle of the body on every third ring, but on every second ring, or even on successive rings. This fact shows that in those particular regions the somite contains but two rings, or, in extreme cases, only one. If we regard such somites as having had originally each its full quota of three rings, we must suppose that one or two of the three primitive rings have subsequently disappeared. This disappearance might be explained as due either to a complete suppression of a ring or to its fusion with an adjacent ring. A comparative study of the abbreviated somites in different species of Glossiphonia shows that the latter process is invariably the first step in the abbreviation of a somite. An examination of Figures 1 and 2 will make this clear. In the case of somite IV. (Fig. 1) a fusion has taken jjlace between the sensory ring and the ring which precedes it. A similar union has occurred in somites III. (Fig. 1) and XXV. (Fig. 2). In the case of * This leaves out of account a branch {d, Fig. 1) which arises from the posterior of the three nerves and is distributed to sense organs on the dorsal surface of all three rings innervated by the ganglion. 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. VII. VI.':' Vlllj Fig. 1. Dorsal view of the anterior part of tlie body of Glossiphonia para- sitica Say (Clepsine hollensis Whitman), showing in the right lialf of the figure the nervous system ; in the left half, the lymph system (stippled). The pear-shaped dark bodies shown on certain rings are dorsal sense organs, d., stump of a nerve branch which innervates dorsal sense organs on all three rings of a somite. nph'po., nephropore. va.t., transverse lymph vessel. Somite limits are indicated by roman numerals, at the left of the figure (I. -VII.'), according to Whitman's view ; at the right (I.-VIII.), according to the view of the writer. After Whit- man ('92), simplified. CASTLE. METAMERISM OP THE HIRUDINEA. 289 somites I. and XXVII. a fusion has taken place between the sensory ring and both tlie adjacent rings, the one which follows as well as the one which precedes it. An intermediate condition is found in somites II., XXV., and XXVI., where the ring following the sensory ring is XXlll/ XXIV.' -; XXIV. XXV.' XXV. XXVI. XXVil. Fig. 2. Posterior end of the body of GlossipJionia star/nnlis L. (Clepsine biocu- lata Sav.), dorsal view. Somite limits as commonly placed are shown at the left of the figure (XXIII. '-XXVII.') ; as the writer would place them, at the right (XXIV.-XXVIL). considerably reduced in size, but still distinct from the sensory ring anterior to it. The amount of shortening which the somite undergoes is thus seen to be increasingly greater as one progresses from the middle toward either end of the body. The successive steps of abbreviation are : — 1. A fusion takes place between the sensory ring and the ring which precedes it. 2. The ring which follows the sensory ring is reduced in size. 3. It fuses with the sensory ring preceding it. Accordingly, at the conclusion of this process, we find united in a single ring three primitively distinct rings, — a sensory ring and the two rings adjacent to it. But these three rings are typically innervated from the same ganglion (Fig. 1, VII., VIII.). This fact substantiates the view already expressed, that neuromere limits coincide with somite limits. If we do not admit that neuromere limits coincide with somite limits, VOL. XXXV. — 19 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Whitmau's ('92) theory that all the somites of the body are of equal morphological value becomes untenable. For, suppose the body to con- tain thirty-four distinct ganglia, each innervating three separate rings (the hypothetical primitive condition realized in all unabbreviated so- mites). Now if the somite limits be marked off so as to include in a somite a sensory ring and the two rings following it, as is the practice of Whitman and others (Fig. 3, left half, compare P'ig. 1, left half), we shall have the absurdity of a ring at the anterior end of the body belong- ing to none of the thirty-four somites, and somite XXXIV. at the poste- rior end of the body will contain only two rings. On the other hand, if neuromere limits and somite limits are regarded as coinciding, all somites of the body are of equal morphologi- cal value, each somite consisting of three rings innervated from a single ganglion (Fig. 3, right half). 2. Septa and other Metameric Organs as Criteria of Somite Limits. If we are unwilling to be guided solely by the nervous system in determininor somite limits, what oth- er criterion can we find ? Vaillant ("70) suggested a search for septa. But septa such as are found in Chte- topoda are wanting in the leech, unless we so regard the entire blocks of mesodermal tissue which lie be- tween the transverse lymph vessels. The position of tlie lymph vessels is indicated by stipfding in the left half of Fi'foUum, DC, which, however, has more acute dark purple involucral scales marked with dark linear glands. LiABUM Pkinglei, Rob. & Greenm. Proc. Am. Acad, xxxii. 49 (1896j. The type specimen of this species published by clerical error as no. 6215 is 6214 of Pringle's Plantae Mexicanae. Perezia Nelsonii. Tufted with rusty wool at the slightly decum- bent base ; stem soon erect (probably 1 m. tall), subterete, striate, branched, leafy about to the middle, glabrous and smooth, purplish: leaves large (1.7 dm. long, 6 to 8 cm. broad), firm, reticulated, oblong- oblanceolate, rounded, obtuse or acute at the apex, cordate-clasping at the base, sharply dentate with small spreading teeth : branches ascending, nearly naked : heads few, large, many-flowered, 2.5 to 3 cm. long and broad; pedicels 2 to 5 cm. long, bearing several small lanceolate attenu- ate appressed scale-like bracts passing gradually into the broader ovate to obloufj or at length lance-oblono[ involucral scales, these s'^en with a slight purple tinge, ciliolate, imbricated in about 7 rows, the middle and inner ones obtuse or rounded and mucronate at the tips, the outer acute, slightly spreading and pungent: purple strongly bilabiate corolla 1.5 cm. long: columnar granulated achene 4 mm. long. — Collected by E, W. Nelson on mountains near Talpa, Jalisco, Mexico, altitude 1,400 to 1,500 m., 7 March, 1897, no. 4037. A species near P. michoacana and P. cuernavacana, but clearly distinct from either. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. Xo. 17. — March, 1900. THE FRESHWATER TERTIARY FORMATIONS OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION. By W. M. Davis. THE FRESHWATER TERTIARY FORMATIONS OF THE KOCKY MOUNTAIN REGION. By W. M. Davis. Receiyed January 29, 1900. Presented February 14, 1900. CONTENTS. 1. Piedmont Depositories of Moun- tain Waste 345 2. The Various Origins of Stratified Deposits 347 3. Accounts of Tertiary Lakes in tiie Rocky Mountain Region . 347 4. Characteristics of Lake Deposits 351 5. The Vermillion Creek Beds of Wyoming 354 6. The Arapahoe and Denver For- mations of Colorado .... 356 7. Lacustrine and Fluviatile Quater- nary Deposits 359 8. Continental Deposits .... 360 9. Fluviatile Deposits .... 360 10. The Indo-Gangetic Fluviatile Plain 362 11. Fluviatile Deposits of the Great Plains 363 12. Fluviatile Basin Deposits . , 364 13. Rocky Mountain Basin De- posits 365 14. Deposits in Arid Basins . . . 366 15. ./Eolian Deposits 369 16. Summary 370 1. Piedmont Depositories of Mountain Waste. — Extensive plains stretch forward from the base of many mountain ranges. They are formed of the waste brought from the valleys in the mountains by the streams that have for ages drained them. Sometimes the plains are open and slope gently to the seashore, as in northern India and northern Italy ; sometitnes they occupy a basin drained through a gap in one of its enclosing ranges, as in Hungary and California ; sometimes they fill the floors of interior continental basins from which no river escapes to the sea, as in Utah and Nevada, Persia and Central Asia. Although Piedmont fluviatile plains are familiar geographical features, their genetic association with mountains is seldom stated explicitly. It is seldom that sufficient importance is given to the complimentary relation in which the plains stand to the mountain valleys whence their materials have been derived, even though some emphasis may be allowed to the fact that the 346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. form of all vigorous mountains is much more due to the carviug of val- leys in their uplifted mass than to irregularities in their initial form. The hahit of regarding rivers as destructive agents, except near their mouths where they may build deltas in bodies of standing water, seems to have retarded the recognition of the imiwrtance of rivers as constructive agents. It is perhaps for this reason that the first suggestion made as to the origio of piedmont plains generally ascribes them to deposition in the sea or in lakes. It only after closer study has been given to their com- position, structure, and fossils, as well as to the activities of aggrading rivers, that the prevailing fluviatile origin of most piedmont plains has been recognized. Instead of having been built up from the floor of the sea or of a lake basin, fluviatile plains have frequently accumulated where a slow depression of the land — perhaps an isostatic movement, or a compensation for a slow upheaval of the adjacent mountains — has given them appropriate location. The thickness of piedmont plains on continental margins, as in northern India, may then be much greater than the height of their surface above sea level. The laterally confluent fans of which these plains are built, each fan heading at the mouth of a moun- tain valley, is good evidence of their origin in the subaerial deposits of aggrading rivers. Many piedmont plains are to-day slightly dissected, especially near the mountain base, by the rivers that formerly built them up, as in northern India. Others are more strongly dissected, as in the group of great fans at the base of the Pyrenees in southwestern France. Some are tilted and deformed, being thus added as marginal strata to the older mountains from which their materials were derived ; the marginal ridges to which the Righi belongs at the northern base of the Swiss Alps, and the Siwalik range at the base of the Himalayas in northern India are composed of strata of this kind. Yet common as are existing piedmont fluviatile plains, either of interior or exterior drainage, they have not been frequently recognized among geological formations. Their prevailing absence from the geological column may be objective or subjective ; due on the one hand to their real absence in past geological ages ; due on the other hand to the interpretation of fluviatile deposits as formations of non-fluviatile origin. One reason why the fluviatile deposits of piedmont plains are not more generally recognized in their true relations is that they have no common English name. If their flatter parts are described simply as plains, they are not sufficiently distinguished from plains of other kinds. If their steeper parts are described as slopes, they may be confused with the body of the mountains from which they are derived. The want of an appro- DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 347 priate general name for the aggraded floors of interior continental basins is also unfortunate ; for several of their features are peculiar to them- selves and all are highly specialized and well correlated. 2. The Various Origins of Stratified Deposits. — Let us look now at the problem of fluviatile deposits from the other side. A century ago, it was the habit of geologists to regard all stratified deposits as of marine origin. About half a century ago, certain stratified deposits in which no marine fossils were found came to be regarded as of lacustrine origin. In still more recent years, the importance of fluviatile, jKolian, and other strictly subaerial agencies in the formation of extensive deposits has been recog- nized ; yet it is still almost habitual to attribute extensive bodies of strati- fied deposits to a source in bodies of standing water, without a sufilcient consideration of other possible origins. It is therefore the intention of this paper to suggest a revision of certain so-called lacustrine deposits, in view of the possibility that they may have been at least in part formed by great rivers, by small streams, or even by the wash and creep of a subarid climate, and that lakes may have had but a very subordinate part to play in their accumulation. With this object in mind, attention may be given first to some extracts from the accounts of certain Tertiary formations in the Rocky IMountain region which have been repeatedly described as fresh-water " lake deposits " in the reports of our western surveys ; and further on it may be considered whether many of these deposits are not in reality ancient analogues of the fluvia- tile deposits in modern piedmont plains. 3. Accounts of Tertiary Lakes in the Rocky Mountain Region. — Among the earliest references to Tertiary lakes in the Rocky mountain region are those by Hayden. He wrote : — "I would infer that this great fresh-water lake [White river] must have spread over 150,000 square miles" (Geol. Surv. Terr., 1st Ann. Rep. (1867), 58). " With the commencement of the Tertiary was ushered in the dawn of the great lake period of the West. The evidence seems to point to the conclusion that from the dawn of the Tertiary period, even up to the commencement of the present, there was a continuous series of fresh-water lakes all over the continent west of the Mississippi river. . . . The earliest of these great lakes marked the commencement of the Tertiary period, and seems to have covered a very large portion of the American continent west of the Mississippi, from the Arctic sea to the Isthmus of Darien. . . . Every year, as the limits of my explorations are extended in any direction, I find evidences of what appear to be separate lake basins, covering greater or less areas" (Ibid., 2nd Ann. Rep. (1868), 114, 115). 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, In a chapter on " The ancient lakes of western America," Newherry discussed " the history of this old lake country, as it is recorded in the alternations of strata which accumulated at the bottoms of its water basins" (Geol. Surv. Terr., 1870 (1871), 333). Powell says that the bad-laud rocks of the Green river basin " are the sediments of a dead lake, and are quite variable in lithologic character- istics. We find thinly laminated shales, hard limestones, . . . crum- bling bad-land rocks, and homogenous, heavily bedded sandstones " (Colorado river of the west, 1875, 150). Again, the sedimentary beds, north and south of the Uinta mountains, are described as having been "deposited in waters whose shores were limited by the lower reaches of the range; that is, they [the sedimentary beds] all gave evidence of lit- toral origin " (Ibid., 1G6). Incidental reference is made to lakes by the same author when describing certain strata of the Green river basin, in such phrases as "the old shore line," " the old Bitter creek lake," "in this great fresh-water basin," and " sands were accumulating in the bed of the lake" (GeoL Uinta Mountains, 1876, 163-165). Newton's Geology of the Black Hills, as edited by Gilbert, describes the " bed of gravel " at the base of the White river Tertiary formation as " piles of loose pebbles, having all the appearance of a gravel beach on the sea-shore. Indeed, it is evidently a shore deposit, the remains of the beach of the old fresh-water lake, formed before the waters attained their greatest height and while they were sorting over material brought by rivers from the neighboring Black hills." Further on, it is noted as " worthy of remark that while the deposits of the Cretaceous, from the demolition of which the White river Tei'tiaries were evidently largely formed, are dark carbonaceous clays or shales, the latter are notable for their light color. This is probably due to the making over of the sedi- ment in shallow water, whereby the carbonaceous matter was oxidized, leaving the accumulation* nearly white in color. A similar phenomenon is to be seen in the work of the modern streams. . . . The rationale appears to be that the finely divided silt derived from the Cretaceous clays has by constant exposure to the air had its carbonaceous coloring matter oxidized and burnt out " (Geol. of the Black Hills, 188, 189). An essay by Cope on the "' Tertiary Formations of the Central Region of the United States" (Amer. Nat., xvi, 1882, 177-195) is naturally devoted for the most part to paleontological matters, but it contains such statements as the following : — '■' The general history of the succession of the Tertiary lakes of the interior of the North American continent and their deposits has been developed by the labors of various geologists, DAVIS, — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 349 prominent among whom must be mentioned Ilayden, Newberry, and King" (177). " Extensive lakes were formed in the depressions of the Laramie and older beds. . . . After an interval of time another series of lakes was formed, which have left their deposits over a wider extent of the continent than have those of any other epoch. These constitute the beds of the Loup fork period" (179). Many explicit quotations may be made from King's writings. In those here following, the page numbers refer to the first volume of the Fortieth Parallel Survey reports. The Vermillion creek beds in the Green river basin are explained by accumulation in a depression " occu- pied by an early Eocene lake, whose northern portion corresponded with approximate accuracy to the present drainage-basin of Green river" (359). After a description of localities, the author states that " from the outcrops thus broadly sketched, it is clear that a single lake extended from longitude 106° 30' to 112'^, stretching northward probably over the greater part of the Green river basin and southward to an unknown distance" (374). Reference is later made to the "great lake of the Green river period" (393). King's recapitulation is as follows: — " Tertiary time in the region of the Fortieth parallel is therefore repre- sented by nine lakes : four Eocene lakes which occupied the middle Cordilleras . . . ; two Miocene lakes, one in the province of the Plains, the other in eastern Oregon and western Nevada ; and, lastly, the three I'liocene lakes " (457). The early pages of Marsh's monograph on the Dinocerata abounds in references to Tertiary lakes. The Eocene lake of the Green river basin "remained a lake so long that the deposits formed in it, during Eocene time, reached a vertical thickness of more than a mile. ... As these [Rocky and Wahsatch] mountain chains were elevated, the inclosed Cretaceous sea, cut off from the ocean, gradually freshened, and formed these extensive lakes, while the surrounding land was covered with a lux- uriant tropical vegetation, and with many strange forms of animal life." The Dinocerata " which nearly equalled the elephant in size, roamed in great numbers about the borders of the ancient tropical lake in which many of them were entombed" (U. S. G. 8. Monogr., x, 1886, 1, 6). Button states that " The Tertiary system of the Plateau country [of Utah] is lacustrine throughout, with the exception of a few layers near the base of the series, which have yielded estuarine fossils. The widely varying strata were accumulated upon the bottom of a lake of vast dimensions" (Geol. High Plateaus of Utah, 158). The strata here referred to are chiefly marls and hence may be largely lacustrine, but 350 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the detailed sections of the High Plateau Tertiaries by Gilbert and Howell (Wheeler's Survey, iii, 157, 267) show the occurrence of numer- ous alternations between shales, sandstones, marls, and limestones. Referring to the Tei'tiaries of northwestern Colorado, C. A. White says : — " They were deposited in great lakes, the existence, extent, and elevation of which were respectively determined by the varying configu- ration of the general land surface as elevation and degradation progressed (9th Ann. Rep., U. S. G. S., 695). Weed makes brief mention of " the lake whose sediments formed the Livingston beds " in the lower Tertiary of Montana ; and of the gather- ing of " lake waters in the subsidence that caused the deposition of the great thickness of sandstones and clays that form the Crazy mountains " (Bull. 105, U. S. G. S., 27). In Clark's " Correlation of the Eocene Deposits of the United States," attention was not especially directed to conditions of deposition ; hence his remarks on this subject may be taken rather as a reflection of general opinion than as a result of direct and independent investigation. They present only conclusions without argument, for example : — " From an open sea of Cretaceous age, in which the life was marine, a gradual change took place to great fresh-water lakes in which the typical Ter- tiary deposits of the Interior were accumulated. . . . The great fresh- water lakes continued with successively dismissed areas during the remainder of the Eocene period. With the advent of the Neocene an extensive area was again covered with fresh-water lakes which finally became drained in the orographic movements accompanying the elevaiiou of the Rocky Mountains" (Bull. 83, U. S. G. S., Ill, 132). The Neocene correlation paper by Dall and Harris (Bull. 84, U. S. G. S.) contains many extracts from accounts of the fresh-water Ter- tiaries of the Rocky mountain region, in which frequent references to great lakes seem to be approvingly quoted. As in the preceding paper, the origin of deposits was not the chief subject of the authors' attention in this publication. The abundant details concerning the Tertiary formations of Nebraska in Darton's recent report on the " Geology and Water Resources " of the western part of that state (19th Ann. Rep., U. S. G. S.) include mention of local and general unconformities, pebbly beds, cross-bedding, and conglomerate-filled channels. Conditions of origin are hardly touched upon in this report, but two phrases suggest deposition in lakes. A certain soil bed is taken to " indicate that there was here a land sur- face while the Gering formation was being deposited to the south" DAVIS. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 351 (751) ; and volcanic ash is said to Lave been ''undoubtedly borne on the winds and deposited in the waters which laid down the several Ter- tiary formations" (761). Barbour's account of the Devil's Corkscrew or Da^monelix (Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., viii, 305-314) reflects the generally accepted lacus- trine origin of the Loup fork beds of Nebraska (Arikaree of Darton, the formation that contains a number of old channels filled with conglom- erate) in certain phrases, such as " on the sandbars of this lake " (307), "plants which drifted into the lake" (312), "the inference from the branching is that the seaweeds or rootlets . . . grew downward in the sand, not upward in the water" (309). 4. Characteristics of Lake Deposits. — The extracts given above might be greatly multiplied. A review of their sources will show that the explajnation of fresh-water strata as lake deposits has been almost uni- versal among the geologists of our western surveys. The deposits are as a rule well stratified ; they contain no marine fossils ; they frequently preserve an abundant land or fresh-water fauna and tlora. Without explicit discussion of the various conditions under which such deposits could be formed, the earlier observers seem to have taken it for granted that all the fresh-water sediments were gathered in ancient lake basins ; and the later observers have generally followed the belief of their prede- cessors. In a word, stratification has been taken to mean deposition under water and not merely by water. There does not seem to be a single instance, in the accounts of the fresh-water Tertiary formations above referred to, of a deliberate inquiry into the essential characteristics of lacustrine deposits, followed by a comparison between the consequences deduced from the assumed theoretical conditions and the facts deter- mined by observation. In the absence of such an inquiry, it does not seem too much to say that it became habitual to speak of strata bearing fresh-water and land fossils as lake deposits, just as strata bearing marine fossils are habitually spoken of as marine deposits. Under the guidance of this habit of interpretation, it was no more worth while to enter into a deliberate inquiry as to the origin of the so-called lake deposits of Tertiary age than into an inquiry as to the origin of the accepted marine deposits of earlier ages. We may now turn to a theoretical consideration of lake deposits, ■without attempting to present anything more than a brief outline of their inferred characteristics. It will not be necessary here to consider small lakes, for those inferred to exist in the Rocky mountain region were scores or hundred of miles in extent; and for the moment, shallow 352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. lakes need not be borne in mind, as their deposits will be discussed further on. The present paragraph deals only with the deposits of large and comparatively deep lakes. Such deposits are of two kinds, marginal and central. The marginal deposits may be relatively coarse, but as such they can extend but little distance from the shore line : the marginal strata of subaerial origin should be more nearly horizontal than those of subaqueous origin. The central deposits are shown by studies of existing lakes to be of very fine texture, such as clays, marls, or very fine sands. The stratification of these fine sediments must be veiy even, with few variations in texture or composition. The move- ments of the waters of large lakes, either in waves or currents, do not suffice to sweep pebbles out to deep water ; hence conglomerates and pebbly sandstones with inclined and cross-bedded layei's must be limited to a narrow belt around the lake margin. It can hardly be imagined that the sediments deposited on the floor of a large lake should contain frequent alternations of finer and coarser beds, such as clays and sands ; but it may be inferred that the gradual filling of such a lake would allow the encroachment of the later marginal beds upon the earlier central ones ; and thus a relatively thin cover of coarse and variable deposits might come to overlie a heavy body of fine and uniform deposits. If deformation or climatic change should cause repeated variations in the area and depth of a large lake, a complicated series of lacustrine, fluviatile, and subaerial deposits might result; but this will not be further discussed for the present, as the reports referred to above sel- dom explicitly recognize variations of area and depth, excepting such as occur at the times of separation of successive formations to which differ- ent names are given. The manner of mention of the water body in which each formation was believed to have been deposited implies clearly enough that it was thought to be a single, large, continuous lake. If we now turn to the deposits of large shallow lakes, they are found to be more variable in composition, texture, and structure ; for the waves may stir up the materials of the bottom and the currents may shift the materials from place to place ; but conglomerates need not be expected to occur among them except close to the shore line. Large shallow lakes cannot, however, be of great importance geologically, for they must be rare and short-lived : rare, because their production de- pends on the accidental concurrence of unrelated conditions ; namely, the crustal deformation of aflat region by a small and nearly uniform amount over a large area ; short-lived, because their preservation de- DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 353 pends on the accidental compensation of several imperfectly related processes ; namely, marginal and central deposition, marginal and cen- tral deformation, and lowering of level by erosion at the outlet, or in interior basins by evaporation. It may be pointed out that the pres- ervation of open fluviatile plains during the slow deformation of the floor on which they are accumulating does not involve the balance of conditions or processes so little related as in the case of extensive shallow lakes ; for the rate of fluviatile deposition responds most delicately to any deformation of the fluviatile plain. If slow local depression occurs, the rate of aggradation increases and the swinging rivers build up the de- pressed area about as fast as it sinks. If slow elevation occurs, the swinging rivers tend either to degrade the uplifted area, or to con- centrate' their deposits on the districts that are not uplifted and thus maintain a generally even surface. If a shallow lake of large extent should happen to be formed, it would probably soon change by depression to a deep lake or to an arm of the sea ; or by elevation, marginal deposition, climatic change, and erosion of outlet to a land surface. Hence the deposits of shallow lakes are likely to be followed either by deep lacustrine deposits or by marine deposits, each recognizable as such ; or by fluviatile and other sub- aerial deposits, particularly around the margin of their basin. The converse of these statements does not seem to hold true; for an open fluviatile plain is more likely to maintain itself as such than a shallow lake is to persist as a broad and thin sheet of water. The deposits of a fluviatile plain are therefore not likely to be associated with those lakes, unless in interior basins. If a review is now made of the descriptions of the so-called lacustrine formations in the Rocky mountain region, frequent mention will be found of strata that are strikingly unlike those which might be expected fi'om the observation of existing large lakes and from the reasonable extension of principles based on such observations ; but before giving examples of this kind, it should be remarked on the other hand that some of the deposits are entirely consistent with a lacustrine origin. For example, King reports that there are even-bedded " paper shales " of very fine texture and with numerous fossil fish in the Green river basin, "giving general evidence of accumulation in still, rather deep water" (40 Par. Surv., i , 447). Russell writes regarding the basin of Lake John Day in the northwest : " Before the Columbia lava was broken and tilted ... its surface over the whole of central Washington and probably far into Idaho and Oregon, was covered by the waters of a VOL. XXXV. — 23 354 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. great lake" in which "the accumulation of fine sediment . . . went on with but slight changes for a sufficient length of time for more than a thousand feet of evenly bedded strata to be laid down one above an- other " (Bull. 108, U. S. G. S., 22, 23). It is evident from such examples as these that certain western Ter- tiary deposits have a well characterized lacustrine facies : but it is also evident that just in so far as Tertiary lakes are inferred from the occur- rence of fine and uniform sediments, they are excluded by the occurrence of coarse and variable sediments. It must be concluded that the lakes, whose quiet waters permitted the accumulation of fine-textured, tliin- bedded shales, had disappeared when the deposition of cross-bedded con- glomerates began. It is possible that some variation of lacustrine con- ditions may have been tacitly assumed by the writers of the survey reports. It may have been taken for granted that subordinate varia- tions of shore line and depth were produced by orographic movements during the existence of each great Tertiary lake, sufficient to have caused slight changes in the bottom deposits, but not sufficient to have produced significant unconformities in the accumulated strata ; or it may have been intended that some small share of the deposits were laid down outside of the margin or above the level of the lake waters ; but it would be going beyond the spirit as well as beyond the letter of the reports above quoted to give a considerable value to deposits of subaerial origin, resulting from alternations of land and lake conditions, in any of the western Tertiary formations. "When a student reads these reports, he will without question conclude that their authors regarded subaerial deposits as of negligible volume because no mention is made of them, and that the formations are essentially lacustrine because continual mention is made of deposition in large lakes. Reference will be made again to fine-textured deposits on a later page; attention being now turned to special examples of coarse-textured and variable strata such as are repeatedly described in the accounts of our western " lake deposits." 5. The Vermillion Greek Beds of Wyoming. — Many authors might be quoted to show how frequently various kinds of deposits in addition to those of fine texture and even bedding occur in formations that are described as lacustrine ; but in this section extracts will be made only from King's account of the Vermillion creek (lower Eocene) beds in the Green river basin, enclosed page numbers again referring to the first volume of the Fortieth Parallel Survey reports. The strata that are found at some distance from the inferred " shore-line of the lake," and DAVIS. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 355 therefore within what may be called the central area of the basin are "coarse red sandstones, iuterbedded with more or less clays and arenace- ous marls of pinkish and creamy colors" (361), "easily eroded red clay and sandy beds " (361), '' thin, reddish, flaggy sandstones . . . underlaid by whitish clays" (364), "sandstones and calcareous shales, with slight seams of lignite and several thin beds of a limestone " (365), "dark-drab and gray gravelly sandstones" (367), " several bird-bones from a coarse, gritty, buff sandstone " (367). Near the border of the basin, "con- glomerates become more and more important, until directly north of the upper canon of Weber river the mountain wall is composed of exces- sively coarse conglomerate between 3,000 and 4,000 feet thick. It is almost structureless, and lines of stratification can rarely be perceived. The blocks of which the conglomerate is chiefly formed range from the size of a pea to masses with a weight of several tons. . . . The rapidity with which these conglomerates grow finer in advancing from the shore along the Uinta is very conspicuous" (369). Sections here exposed in certain canyons "display the graduation of the material from the coarse conglomerate immediately in contact with the older rocks out toward the north, until . . . they have become fine-grained, sandy beds, devoid of pebbles " (370). Near Echo city are presented " 3,800 feet of strata, chiefly of these Indian-red sandstones, containing toward the upper limit gray shale-beds, with occasional sheets of fine conglomerate " (371). "West of Concrete plateau there is an enormous development of red sandstones and clays, with prominent belts of conglomerate, the whole increasing in coarseness of sediment as it approaches the Uinta on the south and the Wahsatch on the west. Here is an area about sixty miles from north to south by fifty miles from east to west, which is essentially a plateau of Vermillion creek beds, in general approxi- mately horizontal, but in the vicinity of the Wahsatch rising to 14° " (372). "The thickest exposures of the Vermillion creek series are in the immediate vicinity of the Wahsatch • . . where is exposed not less than 4,000 feet. The most characteristic section ... is made up of a heavy, gritty series at the base, . . .characterized by. . . red sandstones and clays. . . . The middle members are of finer material and are more intercalated with clays, while the upper part of the series . . .is made up of striped and banded sandstones" (375). "The entire Vermillion creek series . . . was made up of sandstones and intercalated clays, with more or less conglomerates near the old shores of the lake " (380). It seems perfectly clear from the context that all this formation was re"-arded as having been deposited within the lake waters, on the lake 356 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. side and not on the land side of the shore line, below the water level and not above it. Not even the coarse conglomerates are described as the superaqueous or subaerial parts of marginal deltas ; no mention is made of the gradual encroachment of marginal deposits upon the area eailier occupied by lake waters. Whatever qualifying ideas the author may have held on these points, they do not appear in his descriptions, and no student would gather them from his text. Yet it is rather in explicitness and detail of statement than in interpretation that this report differs from many others. 6. The Arapahoe and Denver Formations of Colorado. — It was not I^erhaps unnatural, at a time when little attention had been given to the importance of subaerial deposits, that geologists should fall into the habit of regarding all non-marine formations as lacustrine. To-day there is more reason for critical discrimination, and several exti'acts given further on will show that some geologists have been led to new interpretations of the origin of certain western fresh water Tertiary formations. It is not improbable that other than a lacustrine origin would be attributed to many of these formations, or to many parts of them, if they were now seen for the first time. There are indeed some indications that an unpublished, perhaps unconscious change of opinion has to some extent taken place on this subject, similar to that by which many of the geologists of Great Britain have been transformed from sup- porters of the theory of marine abrasion to that of subaerial degradation in the production of peneplains. No one would suppose by reading British geological essays of recent years that the British geologists of to-day had very largely given up Ramsay's theory concerning plains of marine denudation, and substitiited therefor the theory of subaerial degradation, as advocated by Sir A. Geikie; yet conversation with a number of them last year convinced me that such was commonly the case. Similarly, it may be that our western Tertiary deposits are no longer regarded as exclusively lacustrine by a certain number of Ameri- can geologists who, although they have published nothing to indicate a change of opinion, may have come by more or less unconscious revision of theories to recognize the great accumulative work that various sub- aerial processes can have accomplished in Tertiary time. But the change of opinion cannot be universal, for some of the extracts given above from the accounts of our western Tertiaries are from reports of recent years, and one of the recent monographs of the U. S. Geological Survey shows that some of our most experienced geologists still follow the interpretation of earlier years in referring even coarse-textured DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 357 fresh-water deposits to lakes, without any published discussion of other possibilities. The following extracts from the monograph on the " Geology of tlie Denver Basin in Colorado," above referred to, gives a fair idea of the emphasis that there is placed upon the lacustrine origin of the Arapahoe and Denver formations ; all the page references here made being to Monograph XXVII. of the U. S. Geological Survey. "After an erosion of the Laramie beds ... a considerable fresh-water lake [Arapahoe] was formed and sedimentation again set in. What the exact area of this lake was it is not possible now to determine; its extent was undoubtedly considerably larger than that covered by its beds at the present day, especially to the northward" (31). "The movement which caused the drainage of the [Arapahoe] lake . . . was succeeded after a considerable lapse of time by a depression sufficient to allow of the formation of a second [Denver] lake. . . . The nature of the depression which produced such lakes without admitting marine waters ... is not readily conceivable " (32). " The beds deposited in the Denver lake reached a thickness of over 1,400 feet along the flanks of the mountains, but were probably somewhat thinner toward the middle of the basin" (33). Certain deposits are referred to as hav- ing been laid down near the shore line, but always as if on the lake side of it ; for example, " some exposures of Denver strata which clearly show the immediate proximity of the old shore-line" (183); ". . . materials might have been derived from the eastern shores" (201). Several contemporaneous lava flows are said to have been " poured out upon the surface of the sea-bottom " (34). One of these is " the basaltic sheet of Table mountain which was poured out upon the floor of the shallow Denver sea" (161 ; see also 291, 292) ; not that direct proof is given of the presence of standing water into which the flows advanced, but that the presence of standing water is involved in the theory of the lacustrine origin of the underlying strata, even though some of them are conglomerates. One of the most significant observations bearinor on the conditions of deposition is likely to pass unnoticed by many readers, because it is given only an inconspicuous place in the description of details : — " The presence of considerable tree stumps in erect position with roots in mud layers and broken trunks in sand or gravel, shows that the water was shallow or even that low-land masses alternated with shallow seas. Probably the latter was the case " (168). Nevertheless, the alternations of low-land and shallow water here suggested are elsewhere unmentioned, the usual terms for the area of deposition being " the sea," " the lake." 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The materials of the Arapahoe and Denver formations seldom suggest typical lake deposits. "The lower 50 to 200 feet [of the Arapahoe formation] were conglomerates, the upper 400 to 600 feet arenaceous clays" (31). " In passing eastward . . . the conglomerates are gradually replaced by sandstones " (153). " The lower 400 feet of the [Denver] series are composed entirely of eruptive debris ; above this point Archean and sedimentary debris are found in small but increasing proportion, and above 900 feet the material derived from . . . Archean rocks is largely predominant " (33). The debris here referred to is elsewhere described as largely conglomeratic near the mountains; on advancing over the Plains, the sediments become finer, but still contain ^^lentiful coarse sands and occasional pebbles, with numerous alternations between fine conglomerate, grits, sandstones, and clays (180, 193, 195). Repeated instances are given of structures that are much more sug- gestive of fluviatile than of lacustrine origin. " That the Denver beds were deposited in shallow waters is shown by the frequent cross bedding observable both in sandstone and conglomei'ate " (33). In the foot- hills, " the sandy parts of the bed develop in places to wedge-shaped masses exhibiting in their relations to each other and to the conglomerate a very marked cross-bedding" (163). "The coarser-grained beds show cross-bedding" (165). Describing a local clay deposit occurring as a break in a conglomerate layer, it is remarked : " Probably the conglom- erate succeeding it was dejjosited in turbulent waters" (177). "The study of the conglomerate series made it evident that fine-grained beds of local development might occur at almost any horizon" (177). On the Plains at ten or twenty miles from the '• shore line," special mention is made of " the irregular unconformable contact so frequently seen to exist between a conglomerate or grit layer above and a clay or shale below. . . . Often the unconformability is very marked. . . . The changes in conditions of sedimentation which give rise to such strati- graphical relations of consecutive beds were, however, common in both Denver and Arapahoe epochs. Fine sediments were often disturbed and locally removed at the beginning of periods of rapid deposition of coarser materials' (180, 181). Tlie fossils, both of plants and animals, give no clear suggestion of a lacustrine origin. " Plant remains and standing tree stumps . . . abound at certain horizons " (33). " The only animal remains yet found in the Arapahoe beds are the bones of vertebrates of new and remarkable types. These occur in the conglomerate along the foot-hills and in the basal sandstones and overlying clays beneath the prairies. In DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTI ARIES. 359 the conglomerate but few have been found, and these are more or less worn ; iu the clays they are abundant and tlieir articulation, edges, and muscular insertions are sharp and clearly defined. . . . They are found at all horizons in the formation, and occur buried in the clays or sand- stones or partially weathered out upon the surface " (lo-A). " Fossil wood, leaves, and stems are abundant" (169) in certain strata of South Table mountain. Within the limits of the city of Denver "there was formerly a very good outcrop of Denver sandstones and clays, with cross- bedding structure, and full of plant remains in certain layers. Here, too, occurs a thin local seam of coal. ... In these same strata Mr. T. W. Stanton found some molluscan remains, associated with plants, and a small but perfect crocodile tooth" (193). The fossil moUusca seem to be of Huviatile rather than of lacustrine types. Nowhere in this report or elsewhere have I been able to find any discussion of the share that fluviatile processes may have had in the origin of the formations, otherwise so elaborately described. Hills has suggested that some of the materials may have been brought from the South park region which " then as now, drained into the Denver basin," thus implying river action in the collection of land waste; but he does not directly discuss the condition of deposition, although the context indicates that he accepted the prevalent theory of a lacustrine origin (Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc, iii, 1890, 393-394). Yet to my reading the record of observations on nearly every page of the Monograph suggests that a fluviatile origin is at least as probable if not more probable than a lacustrine. Conglomerates near the mountains, pebbles and sands alternating with clays on the plains, cross-bedding and local uncon- formities, standing tree stumps and fossils of large land animals are in my reading all witnesses to rivers rather than to lakes. 7. Lacustrine and Fluviatile Quaternary Deposits. — The body of scientific opinion above quoted regarding the interpretation of our west- ern fresh-water Tertiary formations as lake deposits stands in marked contrast to another body of opinion that might be adduced regarding the oriffin of the Quaternary basin deposits of the same region. The Quaternary deposits tliat are interpreted as lacustrine are clays and marls, with the addition of the strictly marginal gravels and sands near the shore lines. Mere wedges of gravel between clay and marl beds in the Bonneville basin, wedges that are trifling in volume when com- pared to many Tertiary conglomerates that have been described as lacustrine, are interpreted by Gilbert as indicating a reduction of Lake Bonneville "so far as to bring subaerial agencies locally into play," 360 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. (Monogr. I., U. S. G. S., 193). Beds of cross-bedded gravel and sand, associated with sandy loam, occur between a lower and a higher marl in the Lahontan basin : of these Russell says : " the remarkable similarity of the middle member of the Lahontan section, as exposed in certain localities, to the . . . deposit formed by meandering streams, leads us to refer its origin with considerable confidence to similar causes " (Monogr. XL, U. S. G. S., 129). Indeed the whole theory of the variations of Quaternary climate in the Great Basin depends on a subaerial origin of certain gravel and sand deposits which are in many ways similar to deposits that have been repeatedly described as lacustrine in accounts of Tertiary formations. 8. Continental Deposits. — It was during a western excursion with Professor Penck of Vienna in the summer of 1897 that a possible or probable non-lacustrine origin of many of our western fresh-water Tertiaries was first clearly presented to me. Since then, I have had opportunity of seeing something of the great fluviatile plain of thePo, and of recalling what I had long before seen of similar plains in California and in northern India, as well as of reviewing several essays that bear on the general problem here considered ; and the problem has thus come to have an importance that warrants the present review and summary. Penck's views on this subject may be found in his " Morphologie der Erdoberfljiche " (ii, 24-36), where he discusses the occurrence of deposits formed on subaerial plains in the older geological systems. Recognizing that non-mai'ine formations may result under the action of various sub- aerial agents as well as within lakes, he suggests the name, continental, to include all such formations, leaving the discrimination of particular deposits to further study. Penck's term deserves acceptance among geologists, as an aid in the general consideration that it seems desirable to give to the problem of our western Tertiaries ; they might be called "continental" in order to avoid implication of either lacustrine or fluviatile origin. Yet as far as the published descriptions of these deposits afford evidence of their detailed structure, it appears to me probable that streams and rivers have had more than lakes or winds to do with their formation, and hence that "fluviatile" might often to advantage replace "lacustrine" in describing them. 9. Fluviatile Deposits. — It is perhaps because so much has been written regarding the erosive power of rivers that their constructive powers have been too little considered; but their capacity to aggrade a sinking area deserves as careful examination as their capacity to degrade a rising area. When acting as aggrading agents, they spread out broad DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 361 sheets of gravels, sands, or clays, the coarser sediments frequently show- ing cross-bedding and local unconformities, the finer sediments generally possessing an even stratification. The area over which such deposits may accumulate is shown by existing fluviatile plains to rival that of the western Tertiary deposits. In a region of considerable precipitation, with a background of mountains from which abundant waste is shed to lowlands in the foreground where the rivers have free discharge to the sea, the activity of fluviatile aggradation is often equal to the average activity of the deforming forces that tend to cause marine submergence or to produce broad lake basins. A slight acceleration of littoral depression might cause submergence, or a rapid local warping might pro- duce a lake ; a pause iu these movements would allow the rivers to convert the sea border or the lake into a fluviatile plain again. The preponderance of one condition or the other might be determined by the proportion of fine, evenly stratified layers (if such deposits are necessarily marine or lacustrine, and out of the reach of river action) to variable strata with cross-bedding and local unconformities in the resulting' deposits, as well as by a study of the fossils that they contain. The capacity of rivers to form extensive deposits of fine texture and even stratification seems in particular to be underrated. It is true that a torrential river, gathering coarse detritus and exposed to heavy floods in its headwaters among lofty mountains, may carry cobbles and pebbles many miles forward upon a piedmont fluviatile plain. The artificial enclosure of its channel by dikgs to prevent overflow probably increases the distance to which pebbles can be carried, as on the plain of the Po ; but if the river is free to spread upon an aggrading surface, the pebbles would be sooner laid down. In arid regions the coarse piedmont depos- its assume great importance, as is more fully stated below. On the other hand, rivers of moderate size, rising in uplands of moderate height, may contribute chiefly very fine and well stratified sands and clays to the plains that they aggrade. This will be especially true if their headwaters drain regions of deep soils, such as occur on slightly elevated peneplains ; or of weak strata, such as are found in basin deposits of earlier date. At times of high water and overflow, rivers of this kind will spread layers of fine silt far and wide over their plains, and the repetition of this pro- cess must lead to the formation of thick deposits, fine in texture and even in structure, with little admixture of coarser sands and pebbles. Ripple marks, foot-prints, and raindrops may be preserved in the sediments of shallow flood-plain lagoons, and mud-cracks may form as the lagoons are dried up. The plains of the Po and of the Ganges, and the great fan of 362 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the Hwang-ho are very largely composed of fine sediments ; the propor- tion of line to coarse materials in the extensive deposits of these rivers seems to be greater than it is in many of the so-called lake beds of the West. The surface of many extensive fluviatile plains seems level as far as the eye can reach. This level surface is the best obtainable index of the evenness of structure that must prevail both in the strata already laid down beneath the plain, and in those yet to be deposited upon the plain. In the absence of special studies on the degree of continuity of river deposits, it cannot now be said how far a single stratum or a group of strata, marked by recognizable peculiarities of texture or color, may extend ; but it may be urged that mere continuity of even bedded depos- its, such as is reported in our western Tertiaries, even if occurring over areas of many square miles, should not alone be taken as conclusive evidence of lacustrine origin. Some other criterion than continuity is needed to distinguish fluviatile from lacustrine deposits of fine texture. No other feature seems so likely to serve this need as the filled channels and lateral unconformities that must occur, albeit rarely, even in the finer fiuviatile deposits. The occasional presence of these distinguishing struc- tures might readily escape notice in beds whose continuity has been traced only by observations of colored strata, such as are visible at a distance on the barren slopes of arid regions. 10. The Indo-Gangetic Fluviatile Plain. — The alluvial deposits of the Indo-Gangetic plain stretch over hundreds and hundreds of miles. They are well described in the Manual of the Geology of India by Medlicott and Blanford (or in the second edition by Oldham, 1893, 427- 458), where references are given to original articles for further details. Gravels and conglomerates are abundant near the sloping borders of the plain, while the prevailing material of the central area is some form of clay, more or less sandy, with subordinate deposits of sand, gravel, and conglomerates ; but pebbles are scarce at greater distances than twenty or thirty miles from the enclosing hills. Borings show the deposit to be hundreds of feet, and at one |)oint more than a thousand feet in depth, with no trace of marine fossils ; and from this it is inferred that depres- sion accompanied accumulation. Organic remains are not common, but shells of river and marsh molluscs are occasionally found, and calcareous material is not lacking ; the latter is frequently gathered in concretionary nodules ; it sometimes forms compact beds of earthy limestone. The clays bordering the Jumna, as well as the calcareous shoals of this river, have yielded remains of a variety of vertebrates, including elephant, hippopota- DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 363 mus, ox, horse, antelope, crocodile, and various fish. The borings yield pebbles, sands, and clays, with peat and wood, and remains of terrestrial mammals, fluviatile reptiles, and fresh-water molluscs. Still more pertinent to the present discussion is the account given of the inclined strata of the Siwalik (Tertiary) formation in the Himalayan foot-hills (Ibid., 356-368). "The lower portion of the system is char- acterized by a great thickness of fine grained grey, micaceous, pepper and salt sandstone, iuterbedded with clay bands near its lower portion, while the upper part of the system is composed of soft earthy clays, undistiu- guishable from the alluvium of the plains, . . . and coarse conglomerates of well rounded pebbles and boulders " (356). These strata are much tilted; their thickness is estimated at 14,000 or 15,000 feet. The ver- tebrate fauna of the Siwalik formation is well known to paleontologists. " The earlier observers regarded this great series of beds as having been deposited in a sea, a supposition which is sufficiently disproved by the complete absence of any marine organisms, and by the occurrence of the remains of fresh water molluscs, fishes, and tortoises. It is hardly possi- ble that they could have been deposited in a fresh water lake, for it is not conceivable that a fresh water lake extending the whole lengih of the Himalayas could have existed. Moreover, the fresh water organisms whose remains have been found are all such as inhabit streams, and not lakes. The very close resemblance between the upper Siwalik beds and the recent deposits of the Gangetic plain leaves little room for doubt that thfe Siwalik beds were deposited subaerially by streams and rivers " (358). While it does not seem necessary to deny the possibility of conceiving the existence of a lake all along the base of the Himalayas, the necessity for believing in such a lake seems to be removed by the striking re- semblance between the upturned Siwalik strata and those of the Indo- Gangetic plain. 11. Fluviatile Deposits of the Great Plains. — In view of these various considerations and examples bearing on the competence of rivers to form extensive stratified deposits of fine as well as of coarse texture, there seems little room for doubt that some part of the fresh-water Tertiary formations that stretch forward from the Rocky mountains across the open slope of the Great Plains may be of fluviatile and not lacustrine origin. The first observer to reach this conclusion was Gilbert, whose views are to be found in a report on underground water in eastern Colo- rado (17th Ann. Rep., U. S. G. S., 553-601). He ascribes the Tertiary strata that unconformably overlie the Cretaceous of the Plains chiefly to river action, but partly to transportation by wind and to deposition in 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. lakes. The change from the erosion of the Cretaceous floor to the depo- silioa of the Tertiary cover " was brought about by some modification of conditions which is not yet clearly understood. Perhaps the plains region was depressed at the west, and the slopes thus rendered so gentle that the streams could no longer carry off the detritus which came from the moun- tains, and it was deposited on the way. Perhaps a barrier was lifted at the east, so that the base level stood higher. Whatever the cause, the streams . . . filled their channels so that their beds lay higher than the neighboring country . . . and they thus came to flow in succession over all parts of the plains and to distribute their deposit widely, so that the whole plain in the district here described was covered by sands and gravels brought from the canyons and valleys, of the Rocky mountains. The chief material is coarse sand ... in irregular beds with much oblique lamination. In the sand are occasional pebbles and . . . beds of gravel. ... At the northeast, . . . clays, marls, and other fine-grained beds alternate with the sand in the lower part of the formation, and these are probably continuations of the lake deposits observed in Kansas" (575, 576). Haworth goes even further than Gilbert in excluding lacustrine condi- tions in his discussion of the " Origin and Mode of P'ormation of the Tertiary" in Kansas (Univ'y Geol. Surv. Kansas, ii. 1897, 281-284). After quoting extracts from Gilbert's report, this author says : " The relative positions of the gravel, sand, and clay of the Tertiary over the whole of Kansas . . . correspond much better to river deposits than to lake deposits. The irregularity of formation succession, the limited lat- eral extent of the beds of gravel, clay and sand, the frequent steepness of the cross-bedding planes, all correspond to river deposits, but are not characteristic of lake deposits. ... It is quite possible that during Tertiary time, in which there were so many changes in the velocity of the water carrving the sediments, lesser local lakes and la^oous and swamps and marshes may have existed in different places and for varying lengths of time. But when we consider the Kansas Tertiarv as a whole and yet in detail, it must be admitted that the materials themselves have many indications of river deposits and a very few of lake deposits " (283). 12. Fluviatile Basin Deposits. — Broad plains frequently occupy basin-like areas enclosed by mountains. Streams flow from the enclos- ing slopes to the central depression, whence the united waters find escape through a gorge in the bordering highlands. Such plains frequently give the impression of having been once occupied by a lake. The plain of Hungary is an admirable example of this kind, yet there is much DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 365 probability that its strata have been deposited for tlie most part by aggrading rivers. The sediments to-day laid down by the Theiss and other rivers that wander over the central parts of the plain are of very fine texture. Borings show that similar sediments underlie the surface to depths of 100 to 200 meters. As described by Penck, these deposits consist of a complex of fine sand and clay layers whose sections, dis- closed in neiglil)oring bore holes, are so unlike that deposition in a lake is held to be impossible. The plain of the middle Rhine is a longitudi- nal graben, enclosed by uplands through which the river has cut its narrow gorsje north of Bingen ; but here again the evidence of borings is taken by Penck to be decidedly in favor of a fluviatile origin for the deposits (Morph. der Erdoberfl., ii, 15). In both cases it must be con- cluded tliat the deformation by which the basins were produced was so slow that the production of lakes was prevented by deposition on the depressed floor and by erosion on the rising rim. An older example of this kind is offered by the fresh-water Molasse of Switzerland, flanking the Alps on the north, and now uplifted, tilted, and eroded. It is often referred to as a lacustrine formation, and its marls may well justify such a reference ; but its heavy sandstones and conglomerates, such as are now upturned in the marginal range of which the Righi is a member, give strong suggestion of fluviatile origin. The resemblance of the Swiss Molasse to the Siwalik beds of northern India has been pointed out by Medlicott (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 1868, 45, 46). The subrecent deposits of Kashmir, Nepal, and Hundes, all basins within the Himalayas, are of special interest in the present connection, for they have been described as lake deposits, although now referred chiefly to fluviatile agencies (Manual Geol. of India, 2nd edition, 422). Their dimensions are comparable to those of some of our western Ter- tiary basins. They frequently contain fine deposits in the more central areas, and these may have been laid down in temporary lakes; but in Kashmir the repeated occurrence of beds of shingle and sand alternating with thin layers of lignite point to a subaerial origin ; and while the central deposits of Ilundes are " a fine homogeneous clay with but little gravel in it, . . . there is nothing to show that the whole [series of layers] . . . might not be of subaerial origin, as it is almost certain that the bulk of them might have been." The clays and gravels now dissected to a depth of 3,000 feet contain mammalian remains, including the rhi- noceros, ox, horse, hyena, sheep, and goat. 13. Rocky Mountain Basin Deposits. — The resemblance is so strong between several of the basin deposits here described and the Ter- 366 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. tiary formations of the Green river and other Rocky mountain basins, that a fiuviatile origin for many of the latter becomes probable ; but re- examination in the field with special attention to discriminating struc- tures will be necessary before definite conclusions can be announced. It is also probable that the basins produced by the Pliocene deformation of the previously denuded Rocky mountains of Montana may have been at least during part of their existence occupied by fluviatile plains as well as by lakes. Hayden referred to them only as lakes : — " These . . . broad valleys [of the Missouri headwaters in Montana] have all been lake- basins during the last portion of the Tertiary period," and on another page he says: — "The great valleys . . . during the latter Tertiary period were the basins of fresh-water lakes, so that we have everywhere the white and yellowish-white sands, marls, clays, sandstones, and pudding- stones of the Pliocene lake deposits passing up into the Quaternary or local drift" (Geol. Surv. Teir., 1871 (1872)", 147, 141). The same comment may be made regarding deposits of the basins of South park and San Luis valley, Colorado, which were described as lacustrine by Stevenson (Wheeler's Survey, iii, 453, 461). 14. Deposits in Arid Basins. — In regions of drier climate, such as interior continental basins, calcareous, saline, and alkaline matter may slowly accumulate along with detritus of finer or coarser texture in the central depression, while conglomerates, gravels, and sands would gather to greater thickness in laterally confluent fans around the mountain bor- ders. The importance of marginal deposits of this kind, both recent and Tertiary, is attested by the following quotation from Powell, who says: "I think that many geologists would ascribe this [Bishop mountain] con- glomerate to the action of ice, but throughout all that portion of the Rocky mountain region which I have studied, I have so frequently found gravels and conglomerates of subaerial origin, and have in so many cases found reason to change my opinion concerning them, often having attrib- uted a drift-like deposit to glacial action, and afterward on further study abandoned the theory, being able to demonstrate its subaerial origin, and witnessing on every hand the accumulation of such gravels in valleys, and over plains where mountains rise to higher altitudes on either side, and having in many cases actually seen cliffs breaking down and the gravels rolling out on the floods of a storm, I am not willing to disregard explanations so obvious and so certain for an extraordiuary and more violent hypothesis. . . . Nor need the thickness and extent of this Bishop mountain conglomerate serve to weaken this explanation, for the sub-aerial gravels in the valleys between the ranges in the Basin province DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 367 are of equal and often of greater development. Whenever a low plain, valley, or basin is for a comparatively long period but little elevated above the base level of erosion, and during this time mountains and hills stand about the lowlands, there must be a great accumulation of drift, and where the highlands are areas of progressive elevation and the low- lands areas of progressive subsidence this accumulation may continue indefinitely" (Geol. Uinta Mountains, 170, 171). Button's Report on the High Plateaus of Utah may be quoted to the same end : " There is another class of conglomerates which claims our special attention. These are of alluvial origin, formed, not beneath the surface of the sea nor of lakes, but on the land itself. They do not seem to have received from investigators all the attention and study which they merit. . . . Throughout great portions of the Rocky mountain region they are accumulating to-day upon a grand scale and have accu- mulated very extensively in the past." After describing the transporting action of torrents in mountains, and their depositing action at the moun- tain base, the same author says: "The formation thus built up is an 'alluvial cone.' . . . The slopes near the circumference usually lie between 1° and 2° ; those near the apex between 2° and 3h°. The lengths of the radii of the bases often exceed 3 miles, sometimes exceed 4 miles, and seldom fall below 2 miles. ... So nearly together are the gateways along the mountain and plateau flanks, each having its own alluvial cone, that the cones are confluent laterally; giving rise to a con- tinuous marginal belt . . . consisting of alluvial slopes which are sensibly nearly uniform. . . . Our surprise is often great at finding the cone wonderfully well stratified." Examples are then given of heavy Tertiary conglomerates which are ascribed to an alluvial origin, although they are " about as well stratified as the average of those which are attributed to sub-aqueous deposition" (Geol. of the High Plateaus, 1880, 219-223). The occurrence of calcareous materials other than pebbles in fluviatile and subaerial deposits is seldom discussed. Marls and limestones, even if impure, are taken as evidence of marine or lacustrine conditions. Yet earthy limestones are explicitly recognized among the strata of the fluviatile plain of northern India, as above noted, and calcareous material may be deposited as a cement in the piedmont wash of an arid reirion. Concerninsr the latter. Hill writes as follows: — "Throughout the limestone regions of the hot climates of America a superficial crust of white-lime material is found, called tepetate. Sometimes it is compar- atively free from foreign material, or occurs as the matrix or cement of conglomerates. This is a concentrate of the lime which has been 368 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. dissolved from the surface, transported in solution by the torrential streams, and redeposited through evaporation. . . . Tepetate is forming great incrustations around the margins of the bolson plains of northern Mexico " (18th Ann. Rep., U. S. G. S., 256). Many other references might be made to the importance of the sub- aerial deposits or " wash " at the base of sub-arid mountains, for such deposits are well known in Utah, Nevada, and southern California, as well as in more distant parts of the world (see Hilgard, Cienegas of Southern California, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., iii, 127 ; Manual Geol. of India, 2nd edition, 417, 418 ; Blanford, Superficial Deposits in the Valleys and Deserts of Central Persia, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, xxix, 1873, 493), but a return to the reports of Fortieth Parallel Survey will suffice. Here one may find abundant testimony to the competence of subaerial processes to form extensive deposits flanking mountain ranges, but attention is given almost exclusively to the coarse, unstratified de- posits that are formed by storm floods near the mouths of mountain valleys. For example: — "The interior valleys of the Cordilleras, from California eastward to the "VVahsatch range, are all filled to a varying depth with subaerial Quaternary accumulations. ... In each one of these [Great Basin] depressions is a considerable covering of angular and sub-rounded Quaternary gravel, always of an evidently local character, directly to be traced to the flanking mountain ranges. Its coarseness varies from large bowlders, weighing many tons, to fine gravel, sands, and clay. Except where it has been rearranged in the now extinct Quaternary lakes, it is altogether an unstratified deposit, brought down by the rush of floods from the flanks and canons of the mountains " (40th Par. Surv., i, 460). The sands and clays that are gradually washed far forward from the piedmont fans of coarse gravels and conglomerates can hardly have been in mind when describing these subaerial deposits as " altogether unstratified." I cannot find that any cross-reference was made from the account of these heavy unstratified conglomerates to the description of the almost structureless conglom- erates, between 3,000 and 4,000 feet thick, already quoted from the description of the Vermillion creek lake deposits (380). It is possible that a re-examination of certain "lacustrine" conglomerates in the Rocky mountain Tertiaries might lead to their explanation as arid subaerial deposits. The central deposits of arid interior basins may be as fine as the marginal deposits are coarse. The playas or mud plains of Nevada, as described by Russell, and the plains around Lob Nor in the central DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 369 basin of Asia, as described by Svea Hedin, are composed of exces- sively fine materials, yet they are rather of fluviatile than of lacustrine origin in the ordinary sense of these words. If a shallow lake occurs in the lowest part of interior basins of this character, it occupies but a small part of the entire depression ; it is variable in position, shifting to a new site as it is driven about by growing deltas; it is still more vari- able in volume, changing with the weather, the season, the century, and the climatic cycle. Only in epochs of moist climate does a playa lake reach dimensions comparable to those attributed to the Tertiary lakes of the Rocky mountain region ; yet in dry as well as moist epochs, fine sediments gather in the basin, aggrading its floor. The manner in which the fine mud of playas is distributed when the very shallow water is agitated by wind is said to prevent the production of well defined strati- fication. Ancient playa deposits would therefore be prevailingly of a massive structure, instead of being finely laminated like typical lake ■ beds ; and they would be associated with wedges of coarser deposits that were washed forward on the basin floor by intermittent streams. 15. kalian Deposits. — Wind-borne dust and showers of volcanic ashes are both of importance as possible contributors to subaerial deposits, particularly in regions where the streams are aggrading the surface, ana where running water is incompetent to remove the aerial sedi- ments. The recoCTuitioa of wind-borne dust is still a matter of uncer- tainty, or at least a subject of disagreement. Volcanic materials are ill recent years generally detected by the aid of the microscope. Matthew has recently called attention to the importance of wind de- l)Osits in an article entitled, " Is the "White River Tertiary an JEolian Formation?" (Amer. Nat. xxxiii, 1899, 403-408). This author begins by saying that the Loup fork beds have been " shown to be largely a flood-plain deposit " (403), and closes with a statement that the Rocky mountain Eocene is " probably a mixture of lake and fluviatile sediment — what proportion of each would not be easy to determine" (408). He objects to the origin of the White river clays in a lake because of the size of the lake required, and because of the absence of an eastern barrier and of shore lines ; furthermore, he states that the clays are not well stratified ; they contain land mammals in abundance, but they preserve no plants, no fish, and no aquatic reptiles or invertebrates. While the included sandstones are thought to be river-laid, the clavs are said to be better accounted for by aeolian action, such as is now going on in the production of loess on the open grassy surface of the subarid Plains. This article is of especial interest, not only from its VOL. XXXV. — 24 370 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. critical quality, but also because it is concerned with a fine-textured formation which has been referred to a lacustrine origin with more confidence than almost any other in the Rocky mountain region. 16. Summary. — The object of this paper is to promote consideration rather than to announce conclusions. The author's leaninsj towards the explanation of parts of our western Tertiary formations as fluviatile rather than as lacustrine deposits is not to be concealed, but he would prefer to leave the decision of the points here mooted to those who have a larger personal knowledge of the Rocky mountain region than he has. Observations recorded by western explorers and geologists are in no case disputed ; descriptions of observed structures are accepted as if they were first-hand facts ; but the origin attributed to the observed structures is not always accepted, because it is thought that other interpretations than those offered by the observers are in some cases to be preferred. This essay is therefore not concerned with the direct observation of facts in the Rocky mountain region, but with the the-' oretical discussion of recorded observations, a discussion in which any one may reasonably take part, whether he has visited the region under consideration or not, provided that the facts of structure are well observed and described by those who have been there. It is in no spirit of antagonism, but simply from interest in a theoretical problem that expression is here given to an opinion in a matter of interpretation different from that adopted by the authors whose observations are quoted; an opinion which it seems advisable to express freely in order to bring the discussion of the problem to the attention of geologists interested in this aspect of their science. The points in discussion seem to be in the main these : — Lake waters may receive materials of various kinds from their shores and from the rivers running into them ; and the materials thus gathered, coarse and fine, will be deposited in stratified arrangement near the border and over the floor of the lake. Their volume will depend on the rate, area, and period of accumulation. River basins may also, under certain con- ditions, receive in their lower portions more material than can be carried forward and discharged into the sea ; or interior basins not containing lakes may be gradually aggraded by the materials washed in by streams from the enclosing highlands : here again the materials may be coarse and fine ; they may have a stratified arrangement, the area of deposition may be small or large ; and the volume of the deposits will depend on the rate, area, and period of accumulation. Recognizing these possibilities, assured by observation in various parts DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 371 of the world to-day, how can the products of similar conditions in the past be recognized ? In both cases, the deposits are stratified ; in both* cases, the deposits may include fine as well as coarse materials ; in both cases, the area of deposition may be large as well as small ; in both cases, the thickness of deposits may be great as well as light; in both cases, the strata may bear ripple-marks, mud-cracks, cross-bedding, and other indications of small and variable water depth. With all these similarities, it would not be remarkable if a lake deposit were sometimes called a river deposit, or if a river deposit were mistaken for a lake deposit ; for the safe discrimination of the two classes of deposits must depend on their differences, not on their resemblances. While the marginal sedi- ments of a lake may be coarse, the body of the central sediments must be fine and uniform. The marginal parts of a fluviatile deposit may also be coarser than the forward parts, but the latter may be characterized by frequent variations of texture and structure, and occasionally by filled channels and lateral uncomformities. The oi'igin of the western fresh-water Tertiary formations should be considered with all these items in mind, and with an equal hosj)itality to the fluviatile and to the lacustrine theory. In whatever way the discussion on this subject may end, it may be noted a considerable body of geological opinion will follow its decision. The lacustrine origin of the fresh-water Tertiary formations has had an acceptance so general and undisputed that it has for some years held a place in the geological history of the Eocky mountain region as an established doctrine. Many examples of this might be given. Button writes : — "I know of no more impressive and surprising fact in western geology than the well attested observation that most of that [High Plateau] area has been covered by fresh-water lakes. . . . The marvel is not in the fact that here and there we find the vestiges of a great lake, but that we find those vestiges everywhere. The whole region, with the exception of the mountain platforms and pre-existing mainlands, has passed through this lacustrine stage" (Monogr. II., U. S. G. S., 216). The occurrence of numerous Tertiary lakes is made the basis of infer- ences concerning Tertiary climate by the same author : — '•' We know that the Miocene climate of the west was moist and subtropical. This is indicated by the great extent of fresh-water lakes in some joortions of the west, their abundant vegetable remains, and the exuberance of land life " (Ibid., 223) ; but fluviatile plains do not imply a moist climate. A low stand of the western part of the continent during part of Tertiary time as inferred by the same geologist from the long endurance of 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. lacustrine deposition : — "A considerable number of large lakes being 'formed, the next process was the desiccation of these lakes and the evolution of river systems. So long as the region occupied a low altitude this process, we may infer, would be very protracted. Before a large lake can be drained its outlet must be cut down. But several causes in the present instance would combine to render this action very slow and feeble. The elevation being small, the declivity and consequent corrasive power at the outlet must be correspondingly small. Moreover, the waters issuing from a large lake contain little or no sediment. . . . Corrasion by clear water is an exceedingly slow pro- cess " (Ibid., 218). On the other hand, fluviatile and subaerial deposits may accumulate at considerable altitudes above sea level in interior basins. The preservation of numerous vertebrate fossils was explained by Marsh as " probably, without exception, due to their entombment be- neath the waters of the great fresh-water lakes which existed in this [Colorado] region during Mesozoic and Cenozoic time " (U. S. G. S., Monogr. XXVII., 525). From the time when Warren first called attention to the inclined position of the Pliocene strata of the Plains, their attitude has been taken to prove a jiost-Pliocene elevation of the Rocky mountain system by all writers who have considered the subject. If the Pliocene of the Plains is fluviatile instead of lacustrine, a much smaller elevation may be demanded. The Tertiary lakes of the Rocky mountain district have become stock subjects of geological teaching, as the subject is represented by the text-books generally in use, and it is here that my own interest in the matter is especially aroused. Dana, Leconte, Scott, and Tarr all assert the existence of Tertiary lakes without qualification ; they give no indication that a large share of the so-called lacustrine formations may really be of fluviatile or other subaerial origin. Similar statements are naturally made by the standard European text-books, such as those by Geikie, Lapparent, and Credner, who naturally adopt the lacustrine origin of our western Tertiaries without demur. The older generation of geologists, who had a first-hand acquaintance with the facts, may have interpreted " lacustrine " very liberally, including therein a considerable share of marginal subaerial deposits ; but the brief and direct statements of the text-books leave the coming generation of geologists no option in the matter ; they will accept the completely lacustrine origin of all the deposits so-called. The probability or possi- bility of fluviatile origin is not given a chance to gain a hold in the DAVIS. — ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERTIARIES. 373 mind, for its place is taken by an opinion already established in favor of lacustrine origin. In all efforts to visualize the Tertiary geography of the Rocky mountain region, our students are now led to imagine broad sheets of level water surface, scores or hundreds of miles across, and well deserving the name of "seas" often given to them in various re- ports ; and the long slopes of subaerial plains to which an important place may come to be given now receive very scanty consideration. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. Xo. 18. - March, lUUO. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON THE DETERMINATION OF SULPHURIC ACID IN THE PRESENCE OF IRON; A NOTE ON SOLID SOLUTIONS. By Theodore William Richards. CONTIUBUTIONS FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. ON THE DETERMINATION OF SULPHURIC ACID IN THE PRESENCE OF IRON; A NOTE UPON SOLID SOLUTIONS. By Thkodoue William Richards. Keceived February 5, 1900. Presented February 14, 1900. Within the past year have appeared three interesting articles by Kiister and Thiel * concerning several methods of precipitating bai'ic sulphate free from iron when that element has been present in the solu- tion. One of the methods which they have proposed is an excellent addition to our always imperfect analytical repertory, and the chemical world owes them a debt for the ingenious although exceedingly simple suggestion. While not wishinor in the least to detract from the merit and interest of this work, I feel that attention should be called to several omissions in their paper, especially those which concern theoretical considerations involved in previous work upon the subject. In their first paper, where the admirable analytical device is explained, Kiister and Thiel ascribe the '' occlusion" of iron to the presence of the ferric ion. It is interesting that this idea, which they themselves have since shown to be false, should have led them to the desired goal. The circumstance might be taken as an argument in favor of the proposition that even an incorrect idea is better than none. In a reference to this paper, Ostwald t points out that the occlusion is in all probability due not to the ferric ion, but rather to a molecular complex ; and in their last paper Kiister and Thiel describe experiments which prove beyond much doubt the correctness of Ostwald's suggestion. Oddly enough, however, they still cling, in their summing up of the matter, to the statement that the ferric ion is the essential agent. * Kiister and Thiel, Z. anorg. Cliera., 19, 97 (1899); 21, 73 (1899); 22, 424 (1900). t Ostwald, Z. pbys. Chem , 29, 340 (1899). 378 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. It is curious also that they should have overlooked the following state- ment in a paper published over ten years ago by Professor Jannasch and myself. In speaking of the cause of the phenomenon under consideration, we said : '' Es Itisst sich uumittelbar annehmen, dass das Eisen als eine Doppelverbiudung mit Baryum als Baryum-Ferrisulphat gefiiUt wird, welches wahrscheinlich eiu Molektil gebuudeues Wasser (sogen. Consti- tutionswasser) enthalt."* Klister and Thiel have offered new arguments which they consider as being in favor of the first part of this proposition, without appearing to recognize that the proposition is not itself new. They have moreover ascribed an arbitrary formula to the substancej while we did not feel prepared either to assume its exact nature or to explain the mechanism of its occlusion. Three years after this publication Schneider described some interesting experiments in which evidence was given that the occlusion of the double or complex compound is a variety of solid solution. f The idea was new at the time, and did not meet with general favor ; but a knowledge of the work would have saved Kiister and Thiel trouble. In 1894, 1 after the passing of two more years, Gladding published a modification of Lunge's method of precipitating baric sulphate free from iron, which is the most convenient of any which had appeared up to that time. He precipitated the iron with ammonia, filtered without especial washing, acidified the filtrate, added an excess of baric chloride, and then collected on one filter both the main mass of the baric sulphate and the small amount of the same substance which he obtained from the ferric hydroxide. The chief difference between this method and the method of Kiister and Thiel is the fact that the latter pointed out the uselessness of filtering off the ferric hydroxide before adding the bai-ic chloride. It is quite probable, however, that Kiister and Thiel did not know of Glad- ding's work, and hence independently devised the whole process. Let us consider for a moment the nature and cause of this kind of occlusion. In the first place it must be distinguished sharply from the mechanical retention of mother-liquor in minute cells which all crystalline precipitates exhibit. Even large crystals rarely contain cells of included mother-liquor plentiful enough to increase their weight by more than the fraction of a percent; and this impurity is of course chiefly water. It is easy to test the magnitude of this inclusion by precipitating such a sub- stance as calcic carbonate from a solution containing a large quantity of * Jannasch and Richards, J. prakt. Chem. [2], 39, 821 (1889). t E. A. Schneider, Zeitschr. phys. Chem., 10, 425 (1892). X T. S. Gladding, Jl. Am. Chem. Soc, 16, 398 (1894); 17, 347 (1897). RICHARDS. — SOLID SOLUTIONS. ■. 379 some easily identified substance such as sodic chloride. Mr. R. P. Gushing kindly made a number of such experiments for me, and found that not even from a saturated solution of salt did more than 0.1 percent of the precipitate consist of sodic chloride. Of course this value fixes the maximum, for some of the substance may well have been occluded instead of included. Very different from the mechanical process of inclnsion is the behavior of baric sulphate. Here the impurities may amount to several perceiit, and the foreign material is disseminated equally throughout the mass. The experiments of Schneider show that the amount of the occlusion is greater as the concentration of the impurity in the solution increases, although not in direct proportion. It is very clear that we are dealing here with a special case of the distribution law ; but in this case the distribution can take place only at the moment of precipitation, because afterwards the rigidity of the solid prevents free motion. Kiister and Thiel evidently thought of this possibility, but they did not amplify the idea. In the present paper I have retained the name occlusion for this phenomenon because no other term seems to be applicable. There is indeed a certain analogy between the occlusion of hydrogen in palladium and the dissemination of a solute out of a solution into a solid ; and since the name gives rise to no misunderstanding it will answer its purpose. Obviously the study of the distribution law in other cases should throw light upon this one by analogy. "When hydrochloric acid is distributed between its aqueous solution and the vapor phase, the concentration of the undissociated part alone is concerned in the distribution, because ions can exist only in the solution. In the same way, when a moderately strong acid is distributed between water and ether, only the undissociated part of the acid comes into play, because ether does not cause important dissociation. From these analogies one might infer that the o-roup which is concerned in cases of concomitant precipitation are not ions, but rather electrically neutral complexes. The inference is not a perfectly safe one, for little is known about the possible degree of dissociation in solids ; but experimental evidence is at hand to support this view. In 1894 Richards and Parker made the observation that the occlusion of baric chloride by baric sulphate is much increased by the previous addition of hydrochloric acid to the solution of baric chloride.* For example, the addition of twenty cubic centimeters of strong hydrochloric acid caused almost twice as much occlusion as the addition of ten cubic centimeters * Proc. Am. Acad,, 31, 74 (1894) ; Z. anorg. Chem., 8, 420 (1895). 380 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. in another otherwise similar case. The conditions attendant upon mixing two liquids are so uncertain that it is unsafe to attempt the quantitative interpretation of the relationship ; but qualitatively this result is wholly in accord with the law of mass action, provided that the undissociated group is supposed to be the one concerned. The nature of the electrically neutral group with which we have to do in the present case is less easy to imagine. Kiister and Thiel assume that it is Ba[Fe(S04)2]2 ; but this is evidently an unsafe assumption. The analogy to the case of chromium which they quote is an excellent point, but they do not seem to have made themselves conversant with the literature upon this subject, and hence apply their useful analogy unfortunately. They seem to consider that chromium exists in the green solution as part of an acid ion, instead of in the basic semi-colloidal form ascribed to it upon excellent grounds by both Recoura and Whitney.* One could hardly expect a basic substance to form such a salt as Kiister and Thiel's with barium. Some light upon the subject is to be had from the study of the quan- titative results in the paper of Jannasch and myself before mentioned. We found that the impure baric sulphate precipitated from a ferric solu- tion (containing enough sulphuric acid to have yielded 1.1608 grams of pure baric sulphate) as a matter of fact weighed on the average only 1.1170 grams, and contained 0.0144 gram of ferric oxide, hence the baric sulphate actually present amounted to 1.1170 — 0.0144 = 1.1026 grams. This is 0.0582 gram less than the amount which should have been present ; hence, supposing that no sulphuric acid remained in the solu- SO tion, there must have been 0.0582 -r. ,^t, == 0.0199 gram of sulphur trioxide in the iron complex. But 0.0144 gram of ferric oxide corre- sponds to 0.0216 gram of sulphur trioxide in ferric sulphate; hence there was a deficiency of nearly two milligrams. If sulj^huric acid remained in solution, the deficiency in the complex must have been still greater. It is true that the observed difference is only half so great as that demanded by a formula analogous to Recoura's, Fe4(S04)5(OH)2, and is perhaps not very much greater than a possible experimental error; but, as far as the argument goes, it points toward the existence of a basic (complex in the precipitate. * A convenient resume of the argument in favor of this point of view is to be found in a recent article bv Whitney, Jl. Am. Chem. Soc, 21, 1075 (1899). RICHARDS. — SOLID SOLUTIOXS, 381 Turning to the results of Kuster and Tliiel's work, we find other arguments indicating the same thing. On pages 439-440 of their third paper they poiut out that the addition of acid diminishes very much the occlusion of the iron complex. This is wholly consistent with the present thesis : for (according to the IVIass Law) the addition of acid must diminish the concentration of the basic complex in the solution, and hence (according to the distribution law) the amount which finds its way into the solid. It is true that this argument is somewhat diminished in force by two circumstances : first, because Kuster and Thiel have not here considered the fact that hydrochloric acid increases the weight of the precipitate by introducing into it more baric chloride ; and second, because the addition of hydrochloric acid undoubtedly causes a chloride- complex which is not occluded to nearly so great an extent as the sulphate- complex by the baric sulphate. In order really to study the effect of the hydrogen ion one should not rely simply upon the total weight of the mixed precipitate, but should actually determine the amount of iron present in the precipitate and compare it with the amount present in a precipitate obtained from a solution containing the same amount of iron and an amount of sodic chloride equivalent to the hydrochloric acid used in the first case. In spite of these objections, however, the efi'ect observed bv Kiister and Thiel is so ^reat that one must ascribe a portion of it to the action of the hydrogen ion, and hence, according to Whitney and Recoura. infer the substance concerned to be a basic com- plex. Kuster and Thiel oifered no explanation for the action of the hydrogen ion. Again, Kiister and Thiel point out (pp. 437-438) that the hydrolysis caused by dilution prevents the addition of much water from causing as considerable a decrease in the absorbed material as would otherwise have been expected. This is equivalent to saying that the complex which is concerned is a basic one : for the hydrolysis undoubtedly involves the ionization of hydrogen. Yet another, althouorh less cogent, arofument in favor of the basic nature of the complex is the fact that Jannasch and I found the impure baric sulphate to be capable of retaining about three per cent of water at 250°. "While it is not impossible that this should be at least in part simply held in minute cells or as crystal-water, one is inclined to ascribe part of it to hydroxy! existing in the precipitate. It may well be, however, that the extra water is simply dissolved in the precipitate, as other undissociated substances are dissolved by baric sulphate. This tendency to dissolve water may be the reason why 382 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. many precipitates require prolonged ignition in order to attain constant weight. Over a year ago I was attracted by the observation that green chro- mic sulphate is plentifully occluded by baric sulphate,* into beginning a study of the subject of occlusion with the help of this phenomenon. Chromium was selected instead of iron because its complex is more stable and has been more thoroughly studied. The research was begun by Mr. R. P. Gushing and is being continued by Mr. F. Bonnet. Since the precipitated baric sulphate is green, one must infer immediately that the green modification (or complex) is responsible for the occlusion. The work is not yet ready for publication, but our data agree well with those of Kiister and Thiel, while our explanation accords with that given in the present paper. We are also studying aluminum sulphate, which likewise seems to form a complex very considerably occluded by baric sulphate ; although this fact does not seem to be generally known. t This paper is intended to serve as an introduction to two other papers upon specific cases of occlusion. The chief points upon which emphasis is desired are the following : — (1) Occlusion from solutions differs from inclusion by being a more intimate and a less mechanical mixture. (2) Occlusion differs from adsorption in concerning the whole mass of the precipitate, and not merely its surface. Hence after a precipitate is once formed occlusion takes place only with extreme slowness, because of the rigidity of solids. New evidence of this will be given in one of the following papers. (3) Different precipitates have almost as widely varying powers of occluding other substances as different liquids have widely varying powers of dissolving other substances. The pi'operty is no more to be predicted than the power of dissolving. (4) The process of occlusion is probably the distribution of an electri- cally neutral simple substance or complex between the solution itself and the solid at the moment of its formation within the solution. Hence any change in the substances present in the solution which tends to diminish the concentration in the solution of the group under consider- ation, tends to diminish the amount occluded. * This circumstance has been independently observed by Whitney, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. 21, 1075 (1899). t Compare Peckham, Jl. Am. Chem. Soc, 21, 772 (1899). RICHARDS, — SOLID SOLUTIONS. 383 (o) The nature of the groups which are occluded iu the cases of iron, chromium, aud aluminum is not yet determined, but they are probably basic iu nature, and identical with the complexes of Kecoura and Whitney. Harvard University, Cabibridge, Mass., February 2, 1900. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. VJ. — March, 1900. THE SPECIES OF THE ORTHOPTERAN GENUS DEPOT MEM A. By Samuel H. Scudder. VOL. XXXV. — 25 THE SPECIES OF THE ORTHOPTERAN GENUS DEROTMEMA. By Samuel H. Scudder. Received February 8, 1900. Presented February 14, 1900. The genus Derotmema was founded by me in 1876 upon a single species found in northern New Mexico. Eight years afterward Saussure, who had not seen this species, added two others, regarded as new, one of which has since turned out to be identical with a species described in 1871 by Thomas as an Qidipoda coming from Colorado and Wyoming. None have since been added to the list, but I have for a long time had in my pos- session other new species, mostly collected by me in the Rocky Mountain region ; and recently Mr. A. P. Morse has brought home from the Pacific coast still others, so that I am now able to refer eight species to this sfeuus. They easily fall into two groups, in one of which the insects are of relatively small size with very prominent eyes and rather long antennae ; the tegmina are distinctly tapering with nearly straight costa and the inter- calary vein subequidistant from the median and ulnar veins ; while their more conspicuous markings are confined to the costal and inner edges. In the other, the insects are of larger size, with normal eyes and ratlier shorter antennae ; the tegmina do not taper, the costa is arched, and the intercalary vein approaches the median much more closely than the ulnar vein ; while the markings are in no way especially attached to the margins of the tegmina. In both, the wings are colored at the base and crossed by an extramesial fuscous band. Saussure (Prodr. QCdip., 154, note) has pointed out that a more correct derivative from the Greek words forminsf the basis of the ojeneric name would be Tmetodera, and accordingly I apply this term to one of these two main groups, but not the typical one, for which latter the original form is retained. Derotmema is a desert-inhabiting genus of slender CEdipodinae, found largely on and about sage-brush and often simulating it in color. It is con- fined to the western half of the United States, from the western margin of the Great Plains bordering the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific. 388 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Forms with the hind margin of the pronotum angulate predominate east- wardly, those with this margin rounded or very obtusangulate predominate westwardly. The prevalent color of the base of the hind wings is pale yellow or citron, but one species in the extreme east has this area generally red, while in one found in the extreme west it is usually pale blue, though both species have sometimes the normal yellow of the genus. The species may be separated by the following table : — Table op the Species of Derotmema. A^. Smaller forms ; eyes very prominent ; tegmina distinctly tapering, with nearly straight costa, the intercalary vein subequidistant between median and ulnar veins; the more conspicuous markings of tegmina generally confined, and that narrowly and subequally, to the costal and inner edges. . . . [Derotmema proper] ^1. Metnzona broad, the hind margin rounded, rarely feebly obtusangulate. c^. Dark band of wings normally broader than the metazona, reaching the margin posteriorly and percurrent, or broken only in the posterior axillary area. 1. laticinctum. r2. Dark band of wings narrower than the metazona, not reaching the margin posteriorly and lacking almost throughout the axillary area. . 2. delicatulum. 62. Metazona, even in female, no broader or scarcely broader than at eyes, the hind margin distinctly angulate. ci. Rugosities of metazona wholly irregular and not longitudinally pectinate ; dark band of wings relatively narrow, nowhere broader and generally narrower than length of pronotum, more or less narrowed in the posterior axillary area, and never occupying more but generally less than half the outer half of the wing ; base of wings pale blue or citron. c?i. Metazona rectangulate or feebly obtusangulate posteriorly (rarely in female considerably obtusangulate) ; costal margin of tegmina with dul' fuscous and ashen tints in no way conspicuously contrasted ; basal half of wings normally pale citron, occasionally subliyaline. . . 3. cupidineum. d". Metazona very obtusangulate posteriorly ; costal margin of tegmina with vivid contrasts of black and pallid, giving it an ornate appearance ; basal half of wings normally pale blue, occasionally pale citron. 4. saussurearmm. c^. Rugosities of metazona forming longitudinal ridges giving it a pectinate appearance ; dark band of wings broad, subequal, much broader than length of pronotum and occupying more than half the outer half of wing ; base of wings red or citron ' . 5. liajjdeni. A-. Larger forms ; eyes less prominent, especially in female ; tegmina of sub- equal breadth, with arched costa, the intercalary vein closely approaching the median and widely separated from the ulnar vein ; costal and inner edges of tegmina not marked distinctively from the rest of the wing. . [Tmetodera.] h^. Disk of pronotum relatively smooth, posteriorly obtusangulate ; tegmina with contrasted markings on costal half, in large patches as in Conozoa. 6. rileyanum. SCUDDER. — THE GENUS DEROTMEM A. 389 62. Disk of pronotura tuberculate, its liind margin rectangulate, rarely feebly obtusangulate; tegmina with almost uniformly distributed markings, consisting largely of longitudinal streaks or fleckings following the longitudinal veins, rarely so arranged as to form massive blotches and then inconspicuous and simulating Trimerotropis rather tlian Conozoa. c^. Hind wings broad in the radiate area, after the manner of Circotettix, so that they are more than three fifths as broad as long ; tegmina flecked through- out rather than streaked 7. lentii/inustan. c2. Hind wings of normal form, rarely more than four sevenths as broad as long ; tegmina beyond the basal fourth marked almost exclusively with longitudinal streaks 8. lichenosum. (Subgenus Derotmema.) 1. Derotmema laticinctum, sp. nov. Of relatively small size, fusco-ciuereous, flecked with fuscous. Head with prominent subglobose eyes, the occiput ascending, more or less clearly separated from the descending fastigium of the vertex by a transverse ridge ; fastigium rather broad and depressed between high lateral walls, traversed by a slight median carina, the lateral walls con- verging anteriorly and continuous with the lateral margins of the frontal costa, which is narrow and deeply sulcate above, but broadened at ocellus and particularly at base ; lateral carinte of face strongly divergent below; antennre somewhat longer (^) or somewhat shorter (9) than the hind femora, the joints, or most of them, alternately pallid and fuscous. Pronotum cinereous, more or less flecked with fuscous, mesially constricted so as to be subselliform, the metazona broad, generally broader than at the eyes, its posterior margin very broadly rounded, with no or scarcely a trace of angulation mesially ; disk of metazona generally smooth or nearly so, but sometimes, at least in the female, distinctly rugulose, the lateral carinas distinct, but fading on the prozona. Tegmina long, slender and tapering, strongly rounded apically, cinereous, heavily flecked with fuscous along front and hind margins, and with some slender streaks apically along the longitudinal veins, the intercalary vein subequi- distant from median and ulnar veins ; wings citron yellow at base, hyaline apically with some fuscous clouds or maculations at extreme apex, and with a broad extramesial fuscous band, normally broader than the metazona, percurrent or broken only in the posterior axillary area, reaching and including the hind border but not attaining the anal angle, and leaving free three lobes of the radiate area apically, in the axillary area sending a shoot half way to the base. Hind femora cinereous, blotched or fasciate with fuscous. 390 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Length of body, J*, 14 mm., 9, 22mm.; antennae, J', 11 mm., 9, 9 mm. ; tegmina, ^ , 16.5 mm., 9> 22.25 mm. ; hind femora, $, 9 mm., 9,12 mm. 30 (? , 28 9 . Las Cruces, N. Mex., T. D. A. Cockerel], C. H. T. Townsend ; Mesilla, N. Mex., June 30, A. P. Morse ; Phoenix, Ariz., Oct. 16, T. D. A. Cockerell ; B^ort Whipple, Ariz., E. Palmer ; forty miles east of Tucson, Ariz., E. Palmer. Mr. A. P. Morse found this species common at Mesilla on dry soil, especially on sandy ground. It flies freely and is not easily caught. 2. Derotmema delicatulum, sp. nov. Of relatively small size, pallid testaceous, occasionally tinged with rufous, flecked more or less with fuscous. Head with the face often hoary in the male, with prominent subglobose eyes, occiput, fastigium and frontal costa exactly as in the last species; antennae as long as (J) or considerably shorter than ( 9 ) the hind femora, pallid, interrupted with fuscous, Pronotum testaceous, often more or less rufescent in female, flecked more or less with fuscous, somewhat selliform especially in the male, the metazona broad, generally broader, especially in the female, than at the eyes, its posterior margin very broadly rounded, but occasionally showing signs of angulation mesially, the disk nearly smooth but generally with raised points and occasionally slightly rugose in the male, distinctly and rather sharply rugose in the female, the lateral carina? rather distinct but fading on the prozoua. Tegmina slender and tapering, marked as in the last species and with similar intercalary vein ; wings pale citron yellow at base, hyaline apically, with a slight infuscation of the veins at extreme apex and a narrow and somewhat cloudy extramesial fuscous band, narrower than the metazona, almost completely interrupted in the axillary area though sending in its upper portion a short shoot toward the base, and by a trifle failing posteriorly to include the hind margin, leaving at least four lobes of the radiate area free. Hind femora cinereo-testaceous, obliquely and obscurely fasciate with fuscous. Length of body, $, 14 mm., 9 5 22 mm.; antennas, (^ , 8.75 mm., 9, 9 mm. ; tegmina, $, 15.5 mm., 9? 21 mm.; hind femora, J* , 8.75 mm., 9, 12.5 mm. 5 cj , 3 9- Lancaster, Cal., July 31, A. P. Morse; Mohave, Cal., Aug. 1, A. P. Morse; between Gila Bend and Yuma, Ariz., July 4, A. P. Morse. SCUDDER. — THE GENUS DEROTMEMA. 891 3. Derotmema cupidineum. Derotineina cupidineum Scudd., Ann. Rep. Chief Eng., 1876, 513 (1876) ; Sauss., Prodr. (Edip., 156-157 (1884). The type of the genus, and originally described from northern New Mexico. I have since taken it on different western trips at Green River and Alkali, Wyo., July 27 ; at White River, Col., near the Utah boundary, July 24, Aug. 3 ; and at Castle Gate, Utah, Aug. 22. It is one of the smallest species of the genus. 4. Derotmema saussureanum, sp. nov. Derotmema saussureanum Bruner !, MS. Of relatively small or medium size, fusco-testaceous, much mottled with fuscous. Head with prominent subglobose eyes, followed centrally by a fuscous stripe, the face often wholly or largely hoary, the form and sculpturing of the occiput, vertex and front agreeing perfectly with the two species described above ; autennje as long as ((^) or somewhat shorter than ( 9 ) the hind femora, rufous, banded with fuscous, distinctly in the male, obscurely in the female. Prouotum fusco-testaceous more or less ferruginous, the lateral lobes margined below with hoary and marked from the centre toward the lower posterior angle with a bright white attenuated oblique stripe margined with black ; prozona mesially constricted, at least in the male, so as to be subselliform, the metazona scarcely or not so broad as at the eyes, its disk sparsely and irregularly rugulose, often in the male nearly smooth, the hind margin very obtusangulate, the angle distinct. Tegmina long, slender, and tapering, dull ferruginous becoming subpellucid apically, the fore and hind margins flecked alternately with dark fuscous and pallid, the contrasts between which are vivid on the costal margin ; intercalary vein subequidistant between the median and ulnar veins : wings either pale blue * or pale citron at the base, pellucid at apex, with some iufuscation of the veins at the extreme tip, and crossed by an extramesial, modei-ately broad and solid blackish band, narrowed at the axillary area, nowhere broader than the length of the pronotum, occasionally broken at the lower margin of the axillary area, in that area sending a short spur baseward, attaining the hind margin but not the anal angle, leaving two to three lobes of the radiate area free, and not occupying in all more than half the outer half of the wing. Hind femora ferrugineo-testaceous, fasciate with * The tint as in the European (Edipoda ccerulescens or paler than that of our Leprus wheeleri. 392 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. fuscous aud especially with a strongly oblique forward directed median stripe. Length of body, ^, 14 mm., 9, 19.5 mm.; antennae, 8.5 mm,; tegmina, ^, 23 mm., 9? 26 mm. ; hind femora, ^, 10 mm., 9 , 12 mm. 894 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 10 (?, 2 9 . South Park, Col., Aug. 11-16; Garland, Col., Aug. 28- 29, collected by myself. 8. Derotmema lichenosum, sp. uov. Of relatively large size, fusco-ciuereous, much marked with fuscous and ferruginous. Head not very prominent, the face much mottled with cinereous and fuscous, generally darker above the clypeus, the fastigium and frontal costa much as in the last species ; eyes only moderately prominent even in the male; antennae about as long as {^) or much shorter than (?) the hind femora, ferruginous, distinctly banded with fuscous. Pronotum cinereo-fuscous, often flecked or blotched with bright ferruginous (simulating the rusty lichens of the sage-brush) on the disk, the lateral lobes with markings similar to those of the last species ; lateral carinas sharp and distinct, at least on the metazona, the disk of which is granuloso-rugose, its posterior margin rectangulate, rarely feebly obtusangulate. Tegmina shaped as in Trimerotropis, with arched costa, cinereous, marked with fuscous nearly uniformly distributed in slender streaks and patches, showing a decided longitudinal tendency, especially in the distal three fourths where they follow interruptedly the course of the longitudinal veins ; occasionally an obscure tendency is seen to their grouping basally, as common in Trimerotropis ; the inter- calary vein approaches the median much more closely than it does the ulnar vein ; wings marked quite as in the last species, the bund as there reaching the hind margin but not the anal angle, and leaving three lobes of the radiate area free ; but they are of the normal form, not full in the radiate area and rarely more than four sevenths as broad as long. Hind femora cinereo-testaceous, rather obscurely fasciate with fuscous. Length of body, ^, 21 mm., ?, 26.5 mm.; antennoe, ^, 10.5 mm., 9, 10 mm.; tegmina, J' , 24 mm., 9; 28.25 mm.; hind femora, ^, 10.75 mm., 9, 13 mm. 40 (?, 14 9. Alkali, Wyo., July 27 ; Green River, Wyo., July 21- 31 ; between Green River and Evanston, Wyo., July 31 ; Evanston, Wyo., Aug. 6; Fossil, Wyo., Sept. 2; Castle Gate, Utah, Aug. 22; White River, Col., at the Utah border, July 24- Aug. 13 ; Florissant, Col., Aug. 17-22; South Park, Col., Aug. 11-16; Garland, Col., Aug. 28-29, all collected by myself. The species was much more common in the northern of these localities than in the southern, and was found on and about the sage-brush, its colors rendering it most inconspicuous and sometimes showing, especiidly upon the thorax and occasionally upon the head, rusty patches quite SCUDDER. — THE GENUS DEROTMEMA. 395 similar to those, of lichen origin, upon the sage-brush. One could not collect them without observing it. Both sexes of this grasshopper make a noise in flight. A male, observed at Evanston and repeatedly followed and then captured, made from six to twentv-four clicks in a uniform series at the rate of seventy- two in a minute, or six in five seconds ; a female at Alkali made a succession of equidistant clicks, four or five to a second, in a short flight in one direction, lasting only one or two seconds. These observations were made, and most of the specimens collected, in 1877. Note. — Since this article was in type I have found that this last species was described in 1871 by Thomas as Oedlpnda gracilis. My name will therefore fall. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 20. — April, 1900. VIEW OF THE CARBONIFEROUS FAUNA OF THE NARRAGANSETT BASIN. By Alpheus S. Packard. PALEONTOLOGICAL NOTES. IV.* VIEW OF THE CARBONIFEROUS FAUNA OF THE NARRAGANSETT BASIN. By a. S. Packard. Rficeived February 21, 1900. Presented March 14, 1900. While the flora of the Narragausett coal basin is abundant, remains of about eighty-eight species of plants having been detected in the black carbonaceous shales and lighter sandstones, but few traces of animal life have been found, these being mostly the wings of cockroaches and other net-veined insects. The age of these beds was originally supposed by the elder Hitchcock to be Lower Carboniferous, but from a collection from the black shales near the western edge of the Narragausett coal basin, at Providence and Pawtucket, in the Museum of Brown University, sent by us for examination by Lesquereux, he referred the beds to the Upper Carboni- ferous, stating in a letter to us : " These specimens, taken together, are interesting, as indicating more than any other lot I have seen of fossil plants of Rhode Island, the strati- graphical relations of your coal strata to those of the upper part of the anthracite measures of Pennsylvania, where, even, I have not observed such a predominance of species of Odontopteris typically allied to those described by Fontaine and White from the Upper Carboniferous of Pennsylvania." f Besides the fourteen species of insects and an arachnid described by Scudder t from the plant beds of Rhode Island, we have previously noticed § the discovery of other fossil animals, viz., Spirorbis carbonarius, * Paleontological notes I. -III. appeared in Proceedings Boston Society of Natural History, xxiv., 1889, pp. 209-216. See also Recent discoveries in the Car- boniferous flora and fauna of Rliode Island (Amer. Journ. Sci., 3d Series, xxxvii., p. 411, 1889). t Proceedings Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv., 1889, p. 214. I Insect fauna of the Rhode Island coal field. Bulletin U. S. Geo!. Survey, No. 101, 1893. § L. c, p. 214. 400 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. the supposed impression of an Annelid, and the track either of a mollusc or worm. We now have to announce the discovery of additional animal remains and tracks detected by Mr. J. H. Clarke of Providence, who for nearly thirty years has industriously collected in this coal field. These comprise casts of a fresh-water bivalve, Anthracomya arenacea, small footprints, possibly those of a shrimp-like animal {Protichnites carhon- arius), and an impression which seems to be rather worm-like than plant- like. We will enumerate these forms in a way to give a conspectus of the animal life of che Narragausett coal basin, so far as known up to the present time. Annelida. Spirorbis carhonarius. Pawtucket plant beds. (Scholfield and Gorham) Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, xxiv, 1889, p. 214. Impression of an Annelid? Pawtucket plant bed. (Scliolfield) Ibid., p. 215. Impression of a plant or worm ? This marking or impression was found by Mr. J. H. Clarke in a boulder of fine red shale at South Attle- boro, Mass. Whether it is an impression of an aquatic plant or of a worm I am not sure, but am rather inclined to regard it as a worm-cast. It is serpentine, with from four to five curves, no two curves alike. In front it ends broadly, is pointed triangularly, tapering more at what appears to be the posterior end. Length 70 mm. ; greatest breadth 4 mm. Sections of %corm holes. I am indebted to Mr. J. B. Woodworth for the opportunity of visiting with him an interesting quarry, one mile south of East Attleboro, in red and green shales and light conglomerates, the greenish shales showing distinct coarse ripple marks, rain-drops, and mud cracks, besides numerous sections of worm holes, perpendicular to the bedding. The worm holes are abundant, some eight or ten to the square inch, and varying in size from ^^ to J of an inch in diameter. The round deep holes had been excavated in a fine mud, and then, after the worms had left them or died, silted up with fine sand. If the worms which made these deep holes were fresh-water forms they were much larger than any Nais like Oligochetes known to us at the present day, and were possibly therefore marine. MOLLUSCA. Anthracomya arenacea (Dawson) Hind. (Fig. 1, A, B, C.) These occurred in a small boulder of fine black shale found by Mr. Clarke at PACKARD. RHODE ISLAND CARBONIFEROUS. 401 Valley Falls. In this specimen there were about a dozen casts of valves of old and partially grown shells with the shape and markings in some cases well preserved owing to the fineness of the shale. Another specimen showing well the shape of the valves was detected in the black shaly plant-beds enclosing a vein of coal just north of Silver Spring, East Providence, by Prof. F. P. Gorham, associated with the verticillate leaves apparently of Calamites. In these specimens the valves are elliptical, long, narrow, pod-like, the anterior end but little larger and rounder than the posterior end. The umbones are situated at or between the anterior ^ and ^ of the shell. There are about twenty-five fine lines of growth. The fully grown specimens are narrower than the young and the anterior is but little larger and rounder than the posterior end. Size and proportions of the largest examples : length 22 mm., breadth 9 mm., being about 2^ times as long as wide. Length of the East Providence example, 17 mm.; breadth, 9 mm. In this example the umbones are situated near the anterior fourth of the valve. The young in the loose boulder were 10 mm. in length, 5 mm. in width, or one-half as wide as long, with numerous fine lines of growth. A Figure 1. — Anthracomija arenacea. X 2|. m, umbo. The Rliode Island specimens present no differences from the descrip- tion and figures of Dawson (Acadian Geology, 3d edit., p. 20.5). It is an entirely different species from Naladites elongatus and laevis Dawson, of VOL. XXXV. — 20 402 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. which I have examples, kindly sent me by the late Sir J. W. Dawson. It is also different from any British species figured by Wheelton Hind in his elaborate monograph. Desirous of comparing our specimens with types from Nova Scotia, I applied to Dr. G. M. Dawson, Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, who very kindly sent me specimens from the museum of the Survey, labelled in Sir J. W. Dawson's own hand- writing, from Sydney, C. B. I can see no specific differences, although the Sydney examples are casts in a rather coarse micaceous sandstone, a less favorable medium for the preservation of specific marks ; but the general shape and proportions of the valves are the same. The Sydney examples are small specimens from 8 to 14 mm. in length ; each end is much alike, and the beaks are plainly situated at the anterior |-^ of the shell ; in the largest one at the anterior third. In Fig. 1, A represents a large, and B a much smaller specimen in the pebble found by Mr. Clark, and Ca specimen intermediate in size found in place by Prof. Gorham. All are drawn to the same scale and are enlarged. Track of a gastropod mollasc'^ Pawtucket plant beds. (Scholfield) Proc. Bost. See. Nat. Hist., xxiv., p. 215. This track is, of course, doubt- ful, and might have been made by a worm. Merostomata. Protichnites narragansettensis, n. sp. This name is given to a new kind of track discovered in a pebble of dark arenaceous shale taken from a kame in north Providence by one of my class, Mr. H. H. Mason. It is allied to and evidently made by a species of perhaps the same group as made the tracks described as Proticlinitcs octonotatus Owen, and P. loga- nanus Marsh from the Cambrian. Description and figures are reserved for a future occasion. Crustacea. Reviains of a Crustacean'^ Three fragments of the remains of what appears to be a macrurous crustacean were found in the black shales of Valley Falls by Mr. Clarke, associated with the leaves of Calamites. The better preserved fragment is square at the base, with one side produced above and ending squarely ; the lower corners are truncated. On the lower edae of this fragment is a distinct raised boss or tubercle, while the two other fragments are not thus marked. The plates remind one of the epimerura of a shrimp, which is wider on the ventral edge than above. The surface is polished but has not the markings of a Pandalus. The surface is however marked with very fine irregular raised lines PACKARD. — RHODE ISLAND CARBONIFEROUS. 403 passing across the surface. The edge is margined somewhat as in Pandalus. I was at a loss to what group to refer these remains, but on showing them to Prof. C. E. Beecher he suggested that they might be crustacean, and I am inclined to agree with him. The sides of the segments of Acanthotelson are no wider ventrally than tergally ; there is also no close resemblance to the segments of Palieocaris, both being from the Carboni- ferous beds of Mazon Creek, Illinois. It is possible that they may be- long to some true shrimp such as Anthrapala^mon or other macrurau of that period. Ostrakichnites carbojiarius {Protichnites carbonarius) Dawson, Acadian Geology 3d edit., 1878, p. 55. Fig. 9, a. Dawson describes and figures certain tracks from the millstone grit formation at McKay's Head in No^a Scotia which he refers to Protichnites and whicli he supposes to have been made by a Limulus- like animal. Somewhat similar but much less regularly arranged tracks occurred in a boulder of fine red shale found in a stone wall at South Attleboro, kindly given me by Mr. J. H. Clarke. The tracks were associated with mud cracks, raindrops, and the worm-like impression already mentioned. They are of the same size as those figured by Dawson, but are not so regularly arranged, being much more scattered, and with no median linear tail-mark. Yet the individual impressions are of the same shape and size, and so like those of Dawson's Protichnites that they were apparently made by the same kind of animal and could perhaps have been made by the e.xtremities of the feet of a small shrimp-like creature. The impressions are in sets of three, each of which is round in front, deep and succeeded behind by a shallow faint furrow, showing where the tip of the foot or spine of the hinder feet had trailed over the mud, before the final impress of the feet was made. The three impressions are not arranged in a straight line, but in a slightly curved line, showing that the middle spine or claw was longer than the lateral ones. In some cases there are single impressions forming two series about 8 mm. apart, but with no tail-mark between. The Protichnites tracks figured by Dawson, could not have been made by a full grown Euproops or Prestwichia, and it should be observed that the set of three prints is quite different from the long oblique crescentic tracks made by the hind cephalic legs of Limulus. The tracks might as well have been made by the crustaceans Gampsoiiychus, Anthrapaleemon, 404 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. or Acanthotelson, whose legs end in a sharp point. As the tracks were evidently not made by any merostome, we have thought it well to refer these trails to a new genus, for which we propose the name Ostrahich- nites, although we are not fully persuaded that it is worth while to bestow names on these tracks, except for convenience of reference. Arachnida. Anthracomartus woodruffi Scudd. Pawtucket plant beds. (Rev. E. F. Clark.) Insecta. Mylacris Packard a Scudd. Bristol plant beds. (Rev. E. F. Clark.) Etoblattina iUustris Scudd. Pawtucket plant beds. (J. H. Clark.) " sp. Silver Spring, East Providence. (H. Scholfield.) " clarkii Scudd. Pawtucket plant beds. (Rev. E. F. Clark.) " scholjieldii Scudd. East Providence plant beds. (H. Scholfield.) " sp. Fenner's Ledge, Cranston, near Providence. (F. P. Gorliain and H. Scholfield). " gorhami Scudd. Pawtucket plant beds. (F. P. Gorhara.) " exilis Scudd. From a boulder near Kettle Point, East Providence. (H. Scliolfield.) " sp. Pawtucket plant beds. (II. Scholfield.) " reliqiia. Pawtucket plant beds. (F. P. Gorham.) Gerablattina scaptdaris Scudd. Pawtucket plant beds. (H. Scholfield.) " fraterna Scudd. Silver Spring, East Providence. (H. Scholfield.) Rhaphidiopsis dii-ersipenna Scudd. Cranston plant beds. (Rev. E. F. Clark.) Paralof/us ceschnoides Scudd. Silver Spring, East Providence. (F. P. Gorham.) The presence of the Spirorbis and of the tracks of two marine Arthropods suggest that the Rhode Island plant-beds, even if in general of fresh water origin, were deposited where the sea had access to them. The presence of these marine fossils, with the fresh water naiad, Anthracomya arenacea, strongly suggests that the horizon of the black shales of Providence and also of the red and greenish beds of Attleboro, Mass., belong to the same horizon as those of the South Joggins of Nova Scotia, which is Upper Carboniferous, the rocks there consisting of sand- stones and dark carbonaceous shales, frequently becoming reddish. The South Joggins shales also contain the remains of Anthrapaljeraon, which should be looked for in the Narragansett coal measures. Thus far, then, the animal remains confirm Lesquereux's reference of the dark plant-beds to the Upper Coal Measures. These beds also appear to be higher in the series than the ]\Iiddle Carboniferous Mazon Creek beds of Illinois which contain a larger PACKARD. — RHODE ISLAND CARBONIFEROUS. 405 number of marine animals, viz., Belinuridse (Euproops, Prestwichia and Belinurus), besides Anthrapakiemon and Acanthotelson, together with the impressions of marine annelid worms. It should be observed that the black plant-beds of Providence on the western side of Providence Bay, which dip southeastward at an angle of 45° -50°, extend over to the arkose conglomerates on the we.stern edge of the basin, which are very highly inclined and dip westwards. The thickness of the plant-beds, unless much folded, appears to be over a mile. The exact relations of the plant-beds on the eastern side of Providence to the arkose conglomerates we have thus far been unable to definitely determine.* Brown University. * Since reading this proof I have, at a point about half a mile north of Xatick, on the western edge of the coal basin, seen the gradual passage of the carbcuiferous shales into the arkose. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. Xo. 21. — Apkil, 1900. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CRYPTOGAMIC LABORATORY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — XLII. PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSES OF NEW SPECIES OF LABO ULBENIA GE^. — II. By Rol.\xd Thaxter. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CRYPTOGAMIC LABORATORY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. — XLII. PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSES OF NEW SPECIES OF LABOULBENIACE^. — 2. By Roland Thaxter. Received March 19, 1900 ; Presented April 11, 1900. Dimorphomyces Myrmedoniae nov. sp. Male individual tinged with smoky brown, relatively small, similar to those of the other species, except that the neck of the antheridium is pro- portionately much shorter, its base inflated, its distal portion short and attenuated ; the distal cell of the receptacle large, distally very thick- walled, the thickened portion undergoing a gelatinous degeneration. Total length to tip of antheridium, including foot, 65 fx, to tip of sterile portion 40 /x. Antheridium 38 /a long, the venter 25X14 /x. Female individual relatively large, tinged with smoky brown, the sterile part of the receptacle terminated by a blunt distal cell, subtended by a blackened septum, the distal portion of which is thick walled and often swollen or disappearing through gelatinous degeneration; the fer- tile portion resembling that of the other species in general structure but developed almost at right angles to the axis of the sterile part on one side only, as in D. Thleoporae, very long and nearly isodiametric throuofh- out ; the perithecia from two to five in number and the appendages from three to six, alternating as a rule, the two series diverging slightly from opposite sides, the subtending cells relatively large and slightly oblique in reference to the marginal portion, so that their size appears to be greater when viewed on one side than on the other. Perithecium rather long and slender, nearly straight, stouter in small individuals and somewhat inflated ; the tip blunt or nearly truncate ; tinged with smoky brown, borne on a short divergent stalk-cell (hardly visible), from which it bends abruptly upward. Appendages relatively large, consisting of two superposed cells constricted at the septa, the basal one longer, distally more deeply suffused, the upper distally suffused and modified like the 410 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. corresponding portion of the sterile portion of the receptacle. Spores about 20 X 3 [X. Perithecia in well developed individuals 100 X 18 ^. Lateral portion of receptacle 75 X 20 jj., the sterile portion 60 /j.. Ap- pendages about 58 X 13 yu.. On Mijnnedonia jiavicornis Fauv., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 766, Guatemala. Dimorphomyces Thleoporae nov. sp. Male individual much as in D. muticus, the receptacle ending in a short blackened cell, bluntly rounded or nearly truncate. Total length to tip of autheridium 66 ,u, to tip of sterile cell 37 ^. Female individual. Structure of the receptacle like that of the other species, but only developed on one side of the median sterile portion, which consists of three cells like that of the male individual and is black tipped. The appendages and perithecia arising as in the other species, the latter nearly symmetrically fusiform, bluntly rounded at the tip, tinged with smoky brown, the tip undifferentiated, the appendages (broken) relatively large and simple. Perithecia (not quite mature) 50 X 14 /a. Foot to end of lateral portion 50 fx. Total length to tip of perithecium 80 II. On TIdeopora corticalis Gz., Paris Museum, No. 297, Santa Anna, Madeira. Ou inferior surface of abdomen. Dimeromyces pinnatus nov. sp. Male individual consisting of a basal cell more than twice as Ions: as broad, the axis above of eight or nine cells separated by horizontal septa, all but the lowest and the terminal cell separating a small cell on one side which forms the base of an antheridium or of a sterile appendage, the two organs diverging slightly from one another so as to form two vertical rows. Antheridium compound, short and stout, the venter abruj^tly dis- tinguished from the stout neck, the base of which is slightly enlarged and purplish brown, the distal part tapering very slightly, the apex blunt. Appendages consisting typically of six cells, including the basal cell, constricted at the dark septa, the distal cells suffused with brownish, the terminal one larger, longer, and more or less vesicular, the thick walls tending to gelatinous degeneration. Total length of receptacle 100 X 12 yu.. Antheridia 35 X 12 ^. Appendages 50 X 7 /x. Female individual. Basal cell large and stout, the cells above it about twenty in number, greatly flattened, the septa horizontal, a few of the THAXTER. NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 411 lower cells having appendages on only one side or none, the rest bearing them on both sides. Appendages simple, consisting of from five to seven cells including the basal cell, constricted at the dark septa, the terminal cell hyaline and much larger, as in the male ; the rest, except the basal one, purplish or the upper one tinged with brown. Perithecia one to three in number, mostly rather slender, sHghtly curved outward; the stalk portion about half as long as the remainder, which is purplish brown, deeper distally ; the tip well distinguished when not distended by spores, consisting of a basal portion larger and slightly inflated and a distal one, formed by the lip-cells, abruptly distinguished, its external margins generally symmetrically divergent, the four cells nearly equal and symmetrical and ending distally in a corresponding number of papilla3 about the pore. Perithecia including stalk, 125 X 20 /x. Re- ceptacle 190-225 X 28 IX, not including basal cells of appendages. Appendages 55 X 8 /x. On Ardistomis sp., Hope Collection, No. 296. No locality, but probably Mexico or South America. At base of elytra and on leg. Dimeromyces nanomasculus nov. sp. Male individual very minute, consisting of three superposed cells, the upper bearing a terminal two-celled appendage with dark septa, the sub- basal cell giving rise to a single antheridium like that of D. pinnatus, smaller, the neck usually abruptly turned to one side. Total length to tip of appendage 35 /it,; the antheridium about 15 X 5 /x. Female individual resembling that of D. pinnatus in general structure, the basal cell large and long, narrower below ; the cells above about ten to fifteen in number, usually roundish ; the appendages mostly five-celled above their basal cell, variably suffused with brown, the septa dark, some- times curved or almost hooked distally, the distal cell not conspicuously enlarged becoming brownish ; the subterminal cell of the single terminal appendage examined producing a blackish-brown, lateral, irregular, spine- like outgrowth. Perithecium straight, more commonly solitary near the tip, brownish yellow to dark brown, not at all distinguished from the stalk, which is hyaline only at its narrow base, the hyaline tip abruptly distinguished by a slight subtending ridge, its margins usually converging symmetrically to the truncate or blunt apex. Spores about 45 X 3 yu.. Perithecia, including stalk, 100-120 X 20-24 ix. Appendages longer 60 X 6 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 245-285 X about 22 (t. On Ardistomis viridis Say, Cocoanut Grove, Florida. November. On A. educta Bates, British Museum (Biologia Collection), No. 676. 412 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. MONOICOMYCES nov. genus. Receptacle consisting of a basal and subbasal cell, above which it ter- minates iu a small two-celled sterile portion, the terminal cell of which may or may not be in the form of a short appendage ; the subbasal cell giving rise to from one to several fertile branches, the habit becoming thus unilateral, bilateral or subverticillate in different species. The fer- tile branches consisting of from one to several cells in different species, the terminal cell of each branch normally giving rise to a stalked peri- thecium and a stalked antheridium ; the remainder, if there are more than one, appendiculate on the upper side, rarely (abnormally ?) produc- ing an additional antheridium. Antheridium of the compound type, con- sisting of a stalk composed of a pair of cells, the antheridium proper consisting of certain basal cells, two tiers of peripheral cells, which sur- round (not on all sides?) numerous antheridial cells and a cavity above them, and three or four terminal cells, which appear to surround an open- ing through which the antherozoids are discharged, and which subse- quently grow upward, forming terminal simple appendages of irregular length. Monoicomyces Homalotae nov. sp. Receptacle consisting of very small hyaline basal and subbasal cells surmounted by a distal portion, very much as in Dimorphomyces, wliich is blackish brown, the lower cell larger and distally inflated. Fertile branches normally two, when the individual is bilaterally symmetrical, rarely three, consisting of a single cell which bears distally an antheridium from its outer and a perithecium from its inner angle. Perithecium amber brown slightly asymmetrical, relatively very large, shoi-t and stout, the lower lialf greatly inflated, generally more so on the outer than the inner side, distally conical, the small tip not distinguished, usually abruptly truncate, the stalk-cell hyaline, narrowing to its base. Anthe- ridium borne on a pair of rather short stalk-cells, the basal cells some- what smaller and angular, forming part of the wall around the antheridial cells, the wall cells somewhat smaller than the basal cells, but large and distinct, the terminal cells apparently four in number, later forming stout finser-like upgrowths of unequal length. Spores about 35 X 3 /x. Peri- thecia including basal cells 100-120 X 30-35 /x, the stalk-cell 35-40 /i; Antheridia including stalk-cells (not the terminal projections) 70-80 X 30-35 jU. Sterile part of receptacle about 70 fx. On Homalota putrescens Woll., British Museum, No. 412, Azores. On inferior surface of abdomen. THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACEJE. 413 Monoicomyces Brittanieus nov. sp. Nearly or quite hyaline. General structure as in 31. Homalotee, the sterile portion of the receptacle small and inconspicuous, the terminal cell in the form of a short hyaline simple appendage. Fertile branches consisting of a single cell bearing the antheridium and perithecium as in J/. Homalotce. Perithecium rather long-stalked, slightly asymmetrical or bent, the base inflated, tapering gradually to the blunt undifferentiated tip. Antheridium borne on a pair of rather long stalk-cells, the basal cells almost exactly similar to them and distally not enclosing any por- tion of the antheridial cavity, the wall cells well developed, the cavity within them relatively small, the terminal cells growing up into gen- erally stout finger-like processes which may extend above the tip of the perithecium. Perithecium, including basal cells, 90 X 30 /x. Antheridia to base of terminal projections 80 X 20 /x. On Homalota insecta Thom., British Museum, No. 454, Hammer- smith, England. On superior surface of abdomen. Monoicomyces St. Helenae nov. sp. Superficially resembling Compsomyces in general habit. Pale yel- lowish or straw colored. Receptacle consisting of a triangular basal and a squarish or roundish subbasal cell which bears a small distal cell with a short terminal appendage separated from it by a constricted blackish septum; two to four branches arising from the subbasal cell, normally fertile and consisting of from two to five, usually three, superposed cells which are commonly somewhat inflated distally, more so on one side, an upgrowth from which becomes separated so as to form a prominent small cell lying close against the base of the axis-cell next above and is simple or longitudinally divided ; in the former case bearing one, in the latter a pair of peculiar short appendages from which they are separated by a conspicuously blackened septum; the basal cell of this appendaofe usually similarly blackened externally, as is the base of the cell above it, which is usually characteristically geniculate, its terminal portion erect suffused with brown or hyaline, and either terminating the appendage or followed by two or three hyaline cells. Perithecium symmetrically inflated slightly distinguished from the basal cells, the tip small straight truncate tapering but slightly and abruptly distinguished. The antheridium relatively small, its stalk and basal cells about equal, the antheridium proper about as large as the basal part and hardly broader, its terminal cells develop- ing as in the other species to long flexuous hyaline upgrowths. Spores 414 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 38 X 3.0 fi. Perithecia 100-120 X 40-48^. The stalk 34-50 X 25-27 fi. Appendages of fertile branch 50-90 X 5 /x. Sterile part of recep- tacle 50-50 /x. Greatest length to tip of perithecium 250-435 /x. On Oxytelus alutaceifrons WolL, British Museum, No. 411, Island of St. Helena. On abdomen and elytra. Monoicomyces invisibilis nov. sp. Hyaline. Basal cell of receptacle small subtriangular, the subbasal cell rather long and narrow, bearing terminally a distally rounded cell from which it is separated by an oblique septum and which is surmounted by a short simple cylindrical appendage ; the fertile branch developed on one side only, not distinguished from the receptacle and its appendage, consisting of two or three obliquely superposed cells extending obliquely upward in a divergent series, the terminal cell bearing a perithecium and antheridium in the usual relative positions, the subterminal cell sometimes apparently producing a second antheridium instead of the simple appen- dage which terminates the lower cell of the series. Perithecium borne on a rather short stout stalk-cell, its inflated basal half not distinguished from the flattened basal cells, its slender distal half abruptly distinguished. Antheridium apparently similar in general to that of the other species, its detailed structure not recognizable in the types. Perithecia 84 X 30 iu,. The stalk-cell 20 XIO^. Receptacle, sterile part, about 40 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 110— 140 /x. On Homalota putrescens Woll., British Museum, No. 412, Azores. POLYASCOMYCES nov. genus. Receptacle consisting of two superposed cells, the upper bearing a perithecium laterally and an appendage terminally. Appendage consist- ing of a series of superposed flattened cells, surmounted by a dome shaped portion which is not persistent (a compound antheridium ?). Peri- thecium with a distinct stalk-cell and well developed basal cells, the supporting cell and the lower wall cells forming a broad base the upper surface of which forms a broad ascigerous area, the asci arising from great numbers of ascigerous cells. It has not been possible from the material available to determine the exact nature of the antheridium in this remarkable genus. The terminal dome shaped portion of the appendage appears to consist originally of several cells, but whether it constitutes the whole of the antheridium or whether the latter is represented in part or wholly by the curious cells THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^E. 415 below it, was not shown by the material. The multiplication of ascigerous cells of which there are not less and probably more than thirty-six, dis- tinguishes it from all other known genera. Polyascomyces Trichophyae nov. sp. Pale dirtv brownish. Perithecium broadest in the asciiierous zone, tapering thence to the distinctly differentiated neck-like tip, the subter- minal wall cells enlarged distally, externally and laterally, the resultant rounded protuberances forming a ridge about the tip just above its middle, the distal portion, formed by the lip-cells, of which that on the right is slightly longer than the rest, broad blunt brownish, the other three somewhat shorter terminatinsr in narrow blunt extremities which lie on three sides of the first. The stalk-cell similar to and lying beside the subbasal cell of the receptacle to which it is united throughout, its base being in contact with the distal end of the basal cell, while from its distal end the large basal cells of the receptacle curve abruptly outward and upward. The appendage consisting of from three to six flat super- posed darker brown cells, constricted at the septa, looking as if they had been made irregular by crushiug, the terminal portion (antheridium ?) blunt, slightly longer than broad, with evidences of lateral apertures. Spores 28 X 2.5 /x. Perithecia 175 X 50-65 ^. Basal cells 40-48 X 30 fi. Stalk 38 fx. Receptacle 70 /x. Appendage 48-60 X 20-24 /x. On Trichophya piUcornis Gyll., British Museum, No. 453, Farnham, England. On superior surface of abdomen. Cantharomyces Platystethi nov. sp. Yellowish with a brownish tinge. Receptacle consisting of a small basal cell and a subbasal cell more than twice as large, bearing the perithecium and appendage. Perithecium borne on a rather long stalk- cell, the basal cells continuous with its main body which is inflated below, conical above, the narrow apex truncate or bluntly rounded. The appen- dage large, its subbasal cell nearly twice as long as the basal, bearing the very small antheridium which forms a short cellular margin below its upper inner angle and apparently consists of not more than ten cells ; the subbasal cell terminated by an irregular series of small cells which appear to produce a tuft of branches distally, and from which it may sometimes be separated by a third cell similar to it. Perithecia 80-86 X ^o IX. The stalk-cell 55 X 20 /x. Receptacle 50-70 X 28 /x. Appen- dages 140-170 /x. 416 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Oa abdomen of Plati/stethus cornutus Grav., British Museum, No. 449, Kilburn, England. Eucantharomyces Diaphori nov. sp. Pale straw colored. Perithecium rather short and stout, its basal cells small, slightly and usually symmetrically inflated; tapering from about the middle to the broad blunt slightly asymmetrical tip, which is sub- tended below the free lips, on the inner side, by the flat trichophoric cell, just above which arises a very slender recurved rigid appendage (not cellular) about 8-9 jx long. Receptacle rather short and stout, the subbasal (anterior) cell somewhat stouter than the basal, the two together somewhat larger than the short stalk-cell of the perithecium. Apj^en- dage relatively large, its basal cell short subtriangular, the upper and lower septa oblique, the subbasal cell slightly longer than broad, its upper two thirds bordered by the marginal cell which terminates in a slender stiff straight spine-like process about 11-12 /x long and slightly diver- gent ; the antheridial cells in five rows of five, four, three, three, and two cells respectively ; a single additional cell sometimes jDcrsistiug above the antheridial cavity ; the discharge tube bent outward and slightly upward, the tip bluntly conical with a slight basal enlargement. Spores 40 X 3.5 /x. Perithecia 120 X 30 /x. The stalk-cell 30 X 18 /x. Appendage 70 ,u long, the antheridium 28 X 21 /x. Receptacle 45 X 24 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 180 /x. On Diophorus tenuieornis Chaud., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 714. Oaxaca, Mexico. On mid-elytron. Eucantharomyces spinosus nov. sp. Perithecium straw colored, rather stout, inflated, tapering to the broad asymmetrical tip which is slightly sulcate ; the outer lips often larger than the inner, the latter bordered or subtended by the more deeply colored trichophoric cell which, in mature specimens, is not very con- spicuous ; the stalk-cell rather short. Receptacle short, the cells nearly equal. Appendage much as in E. Diaphori, more slender, the marginal cell extending nearly to the base of the subbasal cell, distinctly enlarged below a terminal spine-like process, which is usually nearly erect; the antheridial cells in three rows of five, tliree (relatively large) and one to two cells respectively, the discharge tube large and broad, nearly trun- cate, bent abruptly upward from the base. Spores 35-40 X 3.5-4 /x. Perithecia 138 X 41 /x. Appendage 70 X 14 /x, the antheridium 35 X THAXTER. NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 417 IG/x. Receptacle 50 X 20 /x. Total length to tip of peritheciura 190- 207 /x. Oa Drypta sp., Paris Museum, No. 80, Java. On elytron. Eucantharomyces Euprocti nov. sp. Perithecium straw colored to pale amber brown, slightly asymmetrical, somewhat inflated below ; the upper half tapering gradually to the blunt asymmetrical apex which is subtended on the inner side by the rounded flat darker amber brownish trichophoric cell which may extend slightly beyond the lip-edges, simulating a lip-cell ; the outline of the mature perithecium becoming more or less corrugated through the appearance of three to five rather broadly rounded successive elevations, corresponding to the distal and basal septa of the two lower tiers of wall cells and to a median protrusion of these cells where five are present; stalk-cell be- coming slender, mostly slightly shorter than the receptacle ; the basal cells small. Receptacle relatively rather long, the cells nearly equal. Appendage generally longer than the receptacle, its basal and subbasal cells nearly equal ; antheridial cells in three rows of five, three, and two cells each, the marginal cell bluntly rounded above and extending nearly to the base of the subbasal cell ; the discharge-tube large, bent outward or obliquely upward. Spores 50 X 4.5 /x. Perithecia 160-170 X 48 yu,, stalk-cell 70 X 15^. Receptacle 85-90 X 25-30 ju,. Appendage 110 /x, antheridium 41 X 22 /x, the discharge-tube 30 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 310 /x. On Euproctus quadrinus Bates, British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 731. Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama. Eucantharomyces Casnoniae nov. sp. Perithecium relatively large, rather long, often slender, inflated below, tapering to the relatively narrow blunt apex ; its outline corrugated through the presence of from seven to eleven elevations varying in prominence, the trichophoric cell simulating a lip-cell, the basal cells elongated and as long or nearly as long as the rather stout stalk-cell. Receptacle relatively small. The basal and subbasal cells of the appen- dage relatively small and stout, nearly equal, or the latter somewhat smaller, the marginal cell bordering its upper half and distally promi- nent, partly free and slightly inflated, ending in a short spine-like tip ; the antheridium consisting of three rows of nine, seven and five cells respectively, the discharge-tube relatively short and stout, bent upward VOL. XXXV. — 27 418 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. and over the prominent tip of the marginal cell. Spores 45 X 3.5 /x,. Perithecia 240-260 X 45-62 ya, stalk-cell 75-80 X 20-28 /x, basal cells 75-100 X 25-30//,. Receptacle 55-65 X 27//,. Appendage 85-103 yu, the antheridium 50-GO X 24-28 p.. Total length to tip of peritheciura 375-450 /x. On Gasnonia suhdistincta Chaud., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 704. Cordova, Mexico. Eucantharomyces Callidae nov. sp. Perithecium rather narrow, slightly inflated, tapering from about the middle to the blunt tip which is rather abruptly distinguished externally, sometimes bent outward, its distal margin outwardly oblique; the rela- tively small trichophoric cell simulating a lip-cell, projecting slightly be- yond the latter externally, but not abruptly distinguished on its inner side ; the outline of the perithecium becoming inconspicuously corrugated through the presence of sometimes as many as eleven successive eleva- tions ; the basal cells elongated, the base of one of the outer external to the stalk-cell from which it is separated by an oblique septum longer than the width of the stalk-cell, which is narrower below and about equal to the basal cells in length or somewhat shorter. Receptacle symmetri- cally sulcate distally, rather long, the two cells nearly equal. Appen- dage rather long, its basal cell extending downward and lying external to the upper half of the subbasal cell of the receptacle ; the subbasal cell more than twice as long as broad, the marginal cell reaching to its base and distally prominent. Antheridium relatively small, the antheridial cells in three rows of five, four, and three cells respectively, the discharge- tube rather short and stout, erect or bent but slightly. Spores 40 X 4/x. Perithecia 230-265 X 50 /x, basal cells 120//,, stalk-cell 103 /,i. Recep- tacle 100-1 20 /t. Appendage 120-125//, antheridium 25 X 38 /;i. Total length to tip of perithecium average 325 /x. On Callida sp., Paris Museum, No. 68. Venezuela. Eucantharomyces Africanus nov. sp. Very similar to E. CnlUdfB. Amber brown. Perithecium large sub- fusiform, the margins generally indistinctly corrugated, sometimes marked by fine transverse striations which may be wholly absent, the tip rela- tively small and rather abruptly distinguished, the trichophoric cell well defined, projecting beyond the lip-cells so that the apex usually appears oblique asymmetrical and slightly sulcate ; the basal cells somewhat THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 419 shorter than the stalk-cell, their lower septa nearly equal and symmetri- cal, both slightly oblique. Receptacle of medium size, the basal cell dis- tally enlarged. Appendage short, the two basal cells rather small and nearly equal in length, consisting of three rows of six, four, and four cells respectively, the discharge-tube slightly curved, abruptly nearly erect, distally somewhat narrower and conical when young, the marginal cell extending nearly to tlie base of the subbasal cell. Peritheeia 275-325 X 45-50 /A, the stalk-cell 100-130 /i, the basal cells 75-100 yu.. Recep- tacle 100 X 26 fx. Appendage 100 /a. Antheridiura 45 X 21 /x, the discharge tube 21 />i. Total length to tip of perithecium 575-600 /a. On Callida Natalensis Hope, Hope Coll. No. 274, Natal, Africa. On CaUida sp., Brit. Museum, No. 550, Angola, Africa. On elytra. Eucantharomyces Catascopi nov. sp. Straw colored becoming pale amber brown. Perithecium elongate tapering but slightly toward the tip or becoming distally swollen through the pressure of the spore mass, the margins corrugated through the pres- ence of sometimes as many as seventeen or even more prominences, which are mostly well defined, especially the distal one of the series, above which the slightly bent tip is abruptly distinguished, its distal mar- gin straight oblique, the lip-cells extending just beyond the small darker trichophoric cell ; basal-cells very much elongated and often corrugated through the presence of six or more elevation^ corresponding to those of the perithecial wall-cells; the stalk-cell rather stout much shorter than the basal cells, from which it is separated by an outer very oblique and an inner short nearly horizontal septum. Receptacle relatively small, the basal cell longer than the subbasal cell, distally enlarged so that it almost coincides with the base of the stalk-cell, which is thus hardly in contact with the subbasal cell from which it was originall}^ derived. The basal cell of the appendage somewhat smaller than the subbasal cell, the marginal cell bulging outward slightly distally and extending almost to the base of the subbasal cell. Antheridial cells in five rows of eight, seven, six, five, and four cells or the four inner rows somewhat variable. Spores 50 X 4.5 p.. Peritheeia 400-475 X 60-70 /x, the stalk-cell 140- 200 X 35-40 IX, the basal cells 200-240 ix. Receptacle 100-110 X 38 jx. Appendage 120 /x ; antheridium 60 x 32 /x. Total length 680-950 /x. On Catascopns sp., Paris Museum, No. 117. lies des Moluques. On the margin of the right elytron. 420 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Dichomyces Javanus nov. sp. Perithecium as long or longer than the receptacle, clear dark reddish brown, translucent, straight or slightly curved, rather slender, of about the same diameter throughout, the tip usually abruptly distinguished, and more or less conspicuously bent to one side, tapering but little to the rather broad blunt undifferentiated apex. Receptacle rather narrow, the basal cell dark red-brown below, nearly hyaline above; the central cell of the lower tier dark red or red-brown, lighter or hyaline at the base ; the cells on either side symmetrical blackish brown opaque, extending upward so as to partly enclose the base of the second tier, the margins of the two tiers coincident: the second tier composed of from seven to nine cells, hyaline or becoming suffused below with reddish brown, bearing a well defined sharply pointed purplish slightly asymmetrical antheridium, on either side, which are subtended by from one to two typical rather short appendages : the upper tier very similar to the middle or slightly larger, nearly hyaline, the single perithecium rising to the right of the median appendage, the right half of the tier thus somewhat larger and higher than the left, three typical appendages usually present on either side. Perithecia 145 X 26 /x. Spores about 36 X 4 ^m. Receptacle 120-140 X 50 /A. Total length to tip of perithecium 250-275 /x. On Plulonthus sp. British Museum, No. 375. On abdomen. Dichomyces exilis nov. sp. Basal cell hyaline. Median cell of lower tier deeply suffused with brown but not opaque ; marginal cells wholly opaque or translucent on the inner margins, extending upward so as to enclose the base of the second tier; second tier consisting typically of thirteen cells, colorless or partly suffused with brownish, the antheridia large brownish straight or slightly curved, the venter inflated, the cells external to them appendicu- late, the outer three free above the marginal prolongation of the lower tier and forming a short blunt projection on either side : upper tier like the middle one mostly somewhat longer and narrower, consisting of from thirteen to fifteen cells, the sub-median ones nearly triangular and for the most part distally overlapped by the external cells next in order and the basal cells of the perithecia. Perithecia typically two, pale brownish amber, long and narrow, slightly if at all inflated, tapering gradually to the undifferentiated broad nearly truncate apex. Spores 35 X 4 ju,. THAXTEE, — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 421 Perithecia 130-140 X 22 /x. Receptacle 130-140 X 22 jm. Total length to tip of perithecium 250-275 /x. On Philonthus xanthomerus Kraatz., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 751, San Andres, Vera Cruz. On antennae and anal appendages. Dichomyces Angolensis nov. sp. Basal cell hyaline. Lower tier opaque or the middle cell subhyaline, the marginal cells opaque, extending up on either side of the middle tier : middle tier relatively large, consisting of about thirteen to sixteen hyaline cells, the three to four external ones continuing the margin of the first tier directly and either subhyaline or blackened below, each bearing a normal appendage; the antheridia of medium size, brownish: upper tier smaller, shorter, and narrower than the middle one, consisting of from thirteen to fifteen hyaline cells : distally slightly concave, bearing a pair of perithecia, the appendages small, hyaline. Perithecium large and stout straight, faintly brownish, slightly inflated, tapering distally to the nearly symmetrical truncate apex. Perithecia 120-135 X 30 /x. Length to the tip of perithecium 250 /a. Greatest length of receptacle 140 X 75 fx. On Philonthus sp. indet. British Museum, No. 379. Angola, Afiica. On elytra. Dichomyces insignis nov. sp. Basal cell sufi'used with reddish brown or partly hyaline; the lower tier wholly opaque or translucent along the median line; the middle tier consisting of about thirteen to seventeen cells, exclusive of those which are indistinguishable in the slender fork-like prolongations which extend on either side higher than the middle of the upper tier, the margin broadly blackened, continuous with the opaque margin of the lower tier; the lower portion of the three to five median cells marked by a few large scattered transversely elongated brown patches which merg^e on either side into the opacity of the marginal cells; antheridia very large, the venter slightly inflated, the neck sharply pointed, conical, brown, often abruptly contrasting, three to five of the cells immediately external to them bearing normal brownish appendages : distal tier very large sub- triangular, distally concave, consisting of from twenty-nine to thirty-nine narrow and elongated cells and bearing from four to eight perithecia with some irregularity ; the appendages brownish, paired above the sub- tending cell, not as long as the perithecia. Perithecia relatively small. 422 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. purplish brown, tapering almost continuously from die broad base; the tip moderately well distinguished, the posterior lips prolonged to form long nearly straight and horizontal slightly inflated appendages which project from the tip on either side ; the anterior lips forming the truncate apex, which consists of two distinct lateral projections with an interven- ing convex portion having a median apiculus. Perithecia about 85-30 fjL, the appendages from tip to tip 35-39 yu. Antheridia 50 X 11 ^. Receptacle 300-340 X 200-230 ^. Total length to tip of perithecium 375-400 n. On an undetermined staphylinid collected by A. R. Wallace at Sarawak, Borneo, Hope Coll. No. 218. Dichomyces biformis nov. sp. Basal cell hyaline or nearly so, usually somewhat enlarged and often with a heel-like anterior projection; lower tier rather narrow, quite opaque, the marginal cells extending up to the subterminal marginal cell of the middle tier or to the cell next below it : the middle tier short and stout, the nine to eleven cells hyaline or faintly reddish brown above, usually becoming more or less suffused below and externally with brown ; the median cells, where suffused, marked by darker transverse flecks on their anterior face, the marginal cells ending in a blunt distal often hyaline prominence on either side; antheridia short and stout subconical, subtended by a single brown inconspicuous appendage : the distal tier assuming in well developed individuals the form of a rather slender crescent, the number of cells very variable, the maximum about fifty, sometimes less than half this number, in which case the form is stouter, the marginal cells rarely extending above the tips of the perithecia which are four to eight in number and of two kinds which are not known to be associated on the same individual ; in the one case they are stouter, purplish brown, the basal third or more often abruptly hyaline or nearly so, the much darker red brown tip tapering rather abruptly to the apex, which is hyaline nearly truncate, with a well defined median blunt pro- jection ; the 2)Osterior lip-cells prolonged much as in D. insignis to form a long horizontal nearly cylindrical or slightly tapering bluntly tipped hyaline appendage on either side ; the second type more often longer and more slender than the first, pale reddish brown, the tip tapering, slightly truncate or blunt, often with a blunt median projection as in the first ij\iQ, but without appendages. Perithecia 105-110 X 20-35 /x,. Receptacle 200 X 100-300 X 270 ^. On Philonthus sp., Niagara Falls, New York, Mr. Charles BuUard : on THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 423 Philonthus umbratilis Grav., British Museum, No. 3G2, Leicester, Eng- land; Paris Museum No. 206 and British Museum, No. 407, Madeira; Paris Museum, No. 175, St. Pierre et Miquelon. Dicliomyces hybridus, nov. sp. Basal cell small hyaline with a red brown suffusion near the base: lower tier narrow and elongate, opaque or sometimes with a median trans- lucent line : middle tier rather narrow, not more than five of the median cells distinguishable, and more or less conspicuously marked on the ante- rior side by dark transverse flecks or stride ; distally hyaline or merely tinged with reddish brown above, becoming red-brown and finally opaque below ; the margins opaque, continuous with those of the first tier and extending upward to form fork-like opaque projections, as in D.furciferus, which equal or exceed the upper tier in length ; a single appendage aris- ing posterior to the rather small purplish antheridium : upper tier rela- tively large, distally concave, composed of from fifteen to thirty-three nearly hyaline cells with reddish brown shades along the septa, the median cells sometimes flecked with reddish brown spots or transverse striae towards the base, bearing two to six perithecia which may be of two types associated on the same indi^'idual or occurring on different individuals : the one type somewhat smaller, straighter and more erect, reddish brown, the lower half often abruptly paler or nearly hyaline, tapering rather abruptly to the tip, the lips of which are modified much as in P. farci- feriis ; the other type larger, rather characteristically divergent, tapering rather abruptly to the truncate unmodified apex ; appendages hyaline, sometimes as long as or even longer than the perithecia. Spores 35 X 4;u. Perithecia 100-115 X 25-30 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 250-300 /x. Receptacle 175-250 X 85-145 fi. "With both types of perithecia : on Philonthus aeneipennis Boh., Paris Museum, No. 203, Gulf of Oman, India ; on Philonthus sp., British Mu- seum, No. 36G, Sylhet, Assam, India; on Philonthus sp., British Museum, No. 368, Hong Kong, China. With only one form of perithecium (not appendiculate) : on Philonthus ventralis Grav., British Museum, Ealing, England ; Paris, No. 207, Funchal, Madeira; British Museum, No. 426, Europe : on Philonthus sp. British Museum, No. 495, Balthazar, Grenada, West Indies; British Museum, No. 369, China ; on P. proximus Woll., British Museum, No. 403, Canaries ; on P. gemellus Kr., British Museum, No. 367, Ceylon ; on Philonthus sp., Niagara Falls, N. Y. (C. Bullard). 424 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Dichomyces Madagascarensis nov. sp. Basal cell deeply suffused with brown. Lower tier very long and slender, opaque except for a faint median translucent line : middle tier with three to five of the median cells distinguishable, red-brown ; the rest indistinguishable in the opaque margins which extend upward to form long fork-like outgrowths on either side that may reach nearly to the tips of the perithecia ; antheridia not large, brownish : upper tier consisting of about twenty-one to twenty-three cells, tinged with reddish brown, relatively large, deeply concave distally ; the median cells like those of the middle tier, marked by fine faint transverse stria3, bearing normally two perithecia which are long and slender, often slightly curved and divergent, pale reddish brown, the tip narrow, the posterior lip-cells form- ing two small, slightly divergent projections (like those of D. farciferus but relatively smaller) curved at the tips, the anterior lips meeting in a point between them. Appendages hyaline, sometimes equalling the peri- thecia in length. Spores very slender and abundant, 35 X 2 /a. Peri- thecia 125-135 X 25 /;i. Total length to tip of perithecium 320-350 /t- Receptacle 225-240 X 105 /x. On Philonthus Sikorae Fauv., Paris Museum, No. 179, Tananarive, Madagascar. On abdomen. 'O" Dichomyces vulgatus nov. sp. Receptacle short and stout, the basal cell small squarish hyaline ; the lower tier externally opaque, except the whole or the middle of the median cell or only its upper end, the opaque margin divergent extending above the base of the second tier, the blackened margin of which is continuous with that of the first tier ; sometimes, like it, divergent, more often abruptly less divergent or even erect, extending upward to form on either side free fork-like, usually opaque, sometimes hyaline projections as in Z>. farciferus which may extend to a point somewhat above the base of the perithecia or may be almost obsolete; the three middle cells of the middle tier usually more or less conspicuously punctate below, with transversely elongated blackish brown spots : the antheridia normally placed, unusu- ally long and large, pointed, with two or three short, inconspicuous normal appendages placed one behind, the rest external to it. The upper tier distally concave, consisting of from fifteen to twenty-one cells, pi'oducing normally four perithecia associated as usual with short stout typical appendages. Perithecia usually erect, straight, rather stout, pale reddish THAXTER. NEW LABOULBENIACE.E. 425 amber brown, the lower half or third often abruptly lighter, tapering to a blunt tip which bears on either side a short, stout, often slightly recurved ear-like outgrowth as in D. furciferus formed by the prolongation of the anterior lip-cells, the posterior lips forming a usually angular, sometimes sharply {)ointed projection between them. Antheridia purplish, nearly straight or slightly curved, rather abruptly enlarged below the sharply pointed apex, the venter somewhat inflated. Perithecia 80-1 00 X 25 /x. Antheridia 35 X 7 /x. Total length to tip of perithecia 200-225 X 100 -115 /x. Appendages 35 /A. On Philontfms jinvolimhatus Erichs., Panama, British Museum, No. 750 (Biologia Coll.) ; P. parvimanus Sharp, Chontales, Nicaragua, British Museum, No. 74G (Biologia Coll.) ; Philonthus sp., Mt. Gay, Est Grenada, "West Indies, British Museum. 489 (Smith Coll.) ; P. sabalarius Nord., British Museum, No. 406, Madeira ; P. longicornis Staph., British Museum, No. 408, Island of St. Helena ; P. cruentatus Gmel., British Museum, No. 358, Europe ; P. varians Peck, British Museum, No. 359, Ealing, England ; P. dimidiatus Er., British Museum, No. 761, Not- ting Hill, England. On abdomen. A form, apparently this species, also from Hong Kong, on Philonthus sp., British Museum, No. 396. Dichomyces Cafianus nov. sp. Tinged with dull amber brownish throughout, the perithecia darker. Basal cell nearly hyaline, the lower tier as in D. vidgatus, the opacity involving in general but half of the upper (external) cells, the septa of which are visible on the inner side, the median cell dark brown, its lower half or more opaque : the middle tier consisting of typically thirteen cells, the margins unmodified and ending in a short external rounded projection, which does not extend beyond the base of the upper tier; the rather in- conspicuous antheridium normally placed, concolorous, a single short appendage close behind it : the upper tier consisting of from nineteen to twenty-three, usually twenty-one, cells, forming an inverted crescent, the short, stout, bladder-like appendages arranged as in D. vidgatus. Perithecia normally two in number, somewhat inflated externally, nearly straight, slightly asymmetrical, rather stout, tapering to the bluntly pointed undifferentiated tip. Spores 45 X 4.5 /x. Perithecia 120-140 X 35-40/;.. Receptacle 200-250 X 100-140 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 310-350 /u. Appendages about 20 X 6/x. On Cafius puncticeps White, British JMuseum, No. 381. Colenso (S. Africa?). 426 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, Dichomyces dubius nov. sp. Receptacle much as in D. princeps and similarly colored, smaller, shorter, and stouter, antheridia large purplish ; the distal tier of cells producing typically two, rarely more, perithecia, which are pale brown- ish and dimorphous ; usually rather slender, tapering slightly, the pos- terior lip-cells producing ear-like outgrowths recurved or bent forward as in D. vulgatus : more rarely larger and stouter, the blunt, often asym- metrical tip witliout appendages ; the two forms sometimes, but not usually, associated on the same individual : external appendages normally large, long, colorless, reaching to the middle of the perithecium or even to its tip. Individuals asymmetrical, with a single antheridium and peri- thecia of the second type, are not infrequently met with on the legs of the host. Perithecia 70-00 X 20 /x, those without appendages 70-105 X 30 -35 /x. Spores 35 X 4^. Receptacle about 120 X 75|ii. Total length to tip of perithecium average 190 /x. On Philonthus sp., Niagara Falls, New York. On all parts of host. On hosts received from Mr. Charles Bullard. Possibly a variety of D. princeps^ to which it is very closely allied. None of the abundant mate- rial of the latter from different parts of the world, however, show any tendency to produce an auricled type of perithecium. Dichomyces Peruvianus nov. sp. Receptacle with faint brownish shades especially along the septa, almost in the form of two superposed isosceles triangles, the lower very regular, including the basal cell and the first and second tiers, its distal margin horizontal, the upper truncate at the base and distally concave. The basal cell short, the lower tier consisting of from three to four cells, nearly equal in length; the middle tier of typically thirteen cells, the antheridia of medium size, the outer five cells distally appendiculate, one of the appendages situated behind the antheridium as usual; the distal series consisting of usually twenty-seven cells bearing typically four peri- thecia, the appendages placed as usual, colorless, somewhat shorter than the perithecia, which are mostly brownish externally and hyaline on the inner side, the brown or reildish fawn color sometimes predominating, asymmetrical, somewhat inflated, slightly bent inward near the tip which is small, pointed, and well distinguished. Perithecia about 120 X 30/.*.. Receptacle 207-240 X 140-175 /x. Appendages 185 /x (longest). Total length to tip of perithecium 300-350 ,«. On Brachyderus simplex Sharp. In Dr. Sharp's Collection, Peru. On elytra and abdomen. THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 427 Peyritschiella Amazonica nov. sp. Perithecium trausluceut browu, about as long as the receptacle, sub- clavate large, contracted below to form a neck-like base, somewhat in- flated distally, the tip well though not abruptly distinguished, tapering to the nearly truncate apex formed by the slightly expanded tips of the lip- cells which are otherwise unmodified. Receptacle rather narrow, pale translucent brown, consisting of a single basal cell followed by three tiers of cells ; the lower symmetrical or nearly so consisting of three long narrow nearly equal cells not appendiculate and not projecting laterally : the middle tier asymmetrical, consisting of about twelve cells, the series projecting distally on either side, all the cells except the three larger median and the external ones producing distally short typical ap- pendages, the third cell on the right from the median cell bearing a prominent erect antheridium : the terminal tier very similar to the middle one, consisting of about the same number of cells which produce short typical appendages distally and (in the types) a single nearly median perithecium. Perithecia 200-210 X 36 [x. Receptacle 225 X 70 ^. Antheridium 45 ^a long. Total length to tip of perithecium about 400 IX. On an undetermined staphylinid. British Museum, No. 400. Nanta, Amazon River. Peyritschiella protea nov. sp. Perithecia translucent, brownish amber colored, rather stout and sym- metrically inflated, the symmetrical tip tapering rather abruptly, the apex rather narrow truncate, the lip-edges unmodified. Receptacle nearly or quite hyaline, consisting of a single basal cell, above which the three typical tiers of cells are very variously developed : the lowest of these may rarely consist of a single cell, often of three which do not project laterally, or in well-developed specimens of as many as twelve or more cells, those external to the middle three forming on either side distal external angular usually asymmetrical ^projections, one or both of which may bear termi- nally one or even two perithecia and typical appendages : the middle series like the lower when the latter is well developed, subtriangular in form, consisting of sometimes as many as fifteen to eighteen cells, generally somewhat asymmetrical ; a single perithecium usually arising distally from the projecting portion on either side, together with numerous typical appendages : the distal tier similar to the middle one, mostly smaller, somewhat asymmetrical, bearing usually a single perithecium above the 428 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. median cell, though not produced from it, the remaining cells bearing typical appendages, often as long or longer than the peritheciura, the small subtending cell being unusually well defined. Subject to great variation, and sometimes producing more than one antheridiuin. Peritheciu 80-96 X 32 i^. Receptacle 270 X 80-100 to 120 X 45 fx. Total length to tip of perithecium 200-350 fx. On Bledius bicornis Germ., British Museum, No. 392, Europe (Thu- ringia), No. 432, Europe; on Oxyfelus rugosus Fabr., British Museum, 450, Hampstead, England; on Acrognatlius mandibidaris Gyll, Brit- ish Museum, No. 434, Europe. On legs, elytra, and prothorax. In small specimens the two lower tiers may be but slightly developed, bearing neither appendages nor perithecia, the middle producing one antheridium, the number of cells and appendages on one side of the perithecium being as in all cases greater than on the other, LIMNAIOMYCES nov. genus. Receptacle consisting of two ^lortions, a basal part below the perithe- cium and a distal part united to its posterior margin ; the basal portion consisting of a single basal cell, surmounted by two tiers of cells (some- what as in Peyritschiella), the anterior cell of the upper tier giving rise to a compound antheridium in structure similar to that of Peyritschiella : the distal (marginal) portion consisting of an inner and an outer elon- gated cell, the inner terminating in one of the bell-shaped appendiculate cells characteristic of Chitonomyces, separated from the simple appendage by a broad, constricted, blackened septum ; the outer by successive sub- terminal external proliferations forming a series of cells from which a smaller secondaiy appendiculate cell is separated above, the whole cor- responding in development to the external portions of the tiers of cells in Dichomyces, the proliferation taking place to the right and left succes- sively, so that the appendages appear to arise in two rows. A clearly defined genus apparently intermediate between Peyritschiella and Chitonomyces. Limnaiomyces Tropisterni nov. sp. Perithecium amber brown, straight, erect, with a slight nearly median inflation or tapering but very slightly to the undifferentiated tip; the upper half free. Receptacle pale straw colored, distally dull amber brownish, the foot minute, black ; the basal cell short and small, the lower tier consisting of two cells which are nearly equal, several times THAXTER. NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 429 as long as broad : the second tier consisting of three cells, the posterior one longest, the median longer than the anterior, which terminates in the antheridium, which is subtended by four basal cells, two of them outer and lower and separated by oblique partitions, while a smaller upper one lies on either side : above the antheridium two vertically elon- gated cells form the clearly defined base of the perithecium ; external to these cells and somewhat obliquely separated from them lies the broad base of the inner marginal cell of the distal portion of the receptacle, which lies next above the middle cell of the upper tier, its cavity nearly obliterated above as the spores mature, the primary appendiculate cell which terminates it rather elongate ; the proliferation of the outer mar- ginal cell beginning quite near its base, forming a series of about eight cells separated by oblique septa and terminated by small appendiculate cells ; the appendages very small, vesicular, brownish below. Perithecia 127-175 X 35-37 /x. Receptacle, basal part, 75-110 /a, distal part 75-110 IX. Appendages 6 X 3 /a. Total length to tip of perithecium 240-375 fjL, to tip of receptacle 190-265 ^. On Tropisternus sp. indet., Paris Museum, No. 47. Mexico. On tip of abdomen. Limnaiomyces Hydrocharis nov. sp. Hyaline. Perithecium rather stout and short, somewhat inflated, its tip abruptly bent outward, the apex bluntly rounded or nearly truncate ; the tip and the appendiculate cell usually symmetrically divergent. Basal portion of the receptacle relatively short and stout but otherwise similar in structure to that of L. Tropisterni ; the two basal cells of the perithecium almost obliterated at maturity so that its base appears to rest immediately on the antheridium ; the distal portion of the receptacle bordering the perithecium to its tip, the inner cell becoming almost wholly obliterated in the middle and terminating in a short bell-shaped appen- diculate cell which is slightly divergent: the outer marginal cell usually proliferating three times ; of the three cells thus formed the two inner, as a rule, produce well developed, long, simple, hyaline appendages; not, however, as well developed as the primary appendage, which may be twice as long as the perithecium. Spores 50 X 3 ,«. Perithecia 60-80 X 17-20 ,u. Receptacle, basal part, 50 X 20-26 //, distal part 50-62 ^. Appendages, longest, primary 140 ^m, secondary 70 ^u. Total length to tip of perithecium 100-128 ju. On Hydrocharis obtusatas Say, Cutts Island, Kittery Point, Maine. At tip of abdomen. 430 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Chitonomyces Floridanus nov. sp. Pale straw colored with a smoky, brownish tinge, the basal and subbasal cells relatively large, the former rather elongate, the latter broader than long, tlie distal cell erect, conical, appendiculate, its basal septum hori- zontal. Perithecium relatively large, distally somewhat inflated, the posterior margin to the apex nearly straight, the tip moderately well dis- liijguished, the inner margin strongly convex between the tip and the secondary appendage ; the lip-cells each forming a more or less distinct papilla. Spores relatively large about 35 X 3 ^u. Perithecia 70 X 28 fi. Receptacle, distal part, 62 ^, the two basal cells with foot 52 /<. Total length to tip of perithecium 120-138 /a. On Cnemidotus 12-puiictatus Say, Eustis Florida, October. On legs and elytra. Cliitonomyces aethiopicus nov. sp. Perithecium red-brown, darker on the inner side, with faint transverse striations, somewhat curved ; the inner lip-cells producing at the left a blackish brown projection directed obliquely outward across the tip and resembling a canine tooth, the inner lip-cell on the left producing a much smaller, blackish, inconspicuous, tooth-like projection ; one of the inner wall cells abnormally developed, bulging inward against and almost over- topping the subterminal appendiculate cell, the greater portion of the margin of this outgrowth nearly horizontal and extending from the apex of the perithecium to the insertion of the subterminal appendage which is sunk in an abrupt depression between it and the base of the ter- minal cell of the receptacle. Receptacle nearly hyaline, strongly curved throughout, consisting of a long basal and subbasal cell which appear to lie side by side for nearly their whole length, the lower marginal cell of the distal portion almost obliterated by the body of the perithecium, the subterminal cell large triangular, the terminal cell about as large, and separated from it by a nearly horizontal septum ; wholly free, abruptly geniculate, the distal portion much narrower, erect and black (the tip broken), abruptly distinguished above an external bulge of the portion below it. Perithecia 128 X 40 ^, the tooth-like projection 18 ju. Re- ceptacle to tip 275 jU, the basal and subbasal cells including the foot 140 X 35 fx. Total length to tip of perithecium 255 (i. On Orectochilus specularis Aube, Paris Museum, No. 100, Gold Coast, Africa. On elytra. THAXTER, — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 431 Amorphomyces obliqueseptata nov. sp. Male individual uuknovvn. Female individual, straw colored tinged with amber brown, the recep- tacle consisting of a very small basal cell and a short, broad, subbasal cell bearing the very large perithecium and without appendages. The peri- tliecium broadly inflated at the base becoming gradually narrow distally, the tip blunt asymmetrical ; the apex somewhat oblique, the asci and spores filling the perithecium in great numbers, developed from a single ascogenic cell. The spores obliquely septate 40 X 7 ^. Perithecium 200 X 55-GO ^. Receptacle without foot 35 X 27 ^u. On the antennai of an undetermined staphiliuid, British Museum, No. 398, Ega, Amazon River. Teratomyces vulgaris nov. sp. Perithecia one to three in number, usually symmetrical and straight, becoming clear purplish brown, often considerably inflated below and conical above ; the tip blunt or sometimes slightly pointed, the basal cells variously elongated sometimes nearly as long as the perithecium proper and often longer than the usually well developed stalk-cell. Receptacle symmetrical, its basal cell nearly hyaline, the cell above it tinged with reddish brown and somewhat larger, the third cell like the subbasal, squarish and somewhat larger. Appendages nearly hyaline or suffused, never deeply, with reddish brown, comparatively few in number, rather stout and long in general, the curved beak-like terminations of other species wholly wanting ; all the appendages or their primary branches distinguished by a blackish brown basal septum, some, often many of them distinguished by being closely septate above, the cells thus formed producing a series of lateral outgi'owtbs projecting obliquely up- ward and superposed (the antheridia?) Perithecia 140-200 X 45-60//, their basal cells 40-120 ,«, the stalk-cell 35-126 X 25 /^. Receptacle to base of appendages 70-100 /x. Appendages (longest) 175 /a. Total length to tip of perithecium 325-450 /x. On Qiied'ms fidgidns Fabr., British Museum, No. 354, Kiel, Germany ; on Q. fuUginosus Grav., British Museum, No. 355, Europe; on Q. trim- cicolas Fair. (= rentmlis Arag.), British Museum, No. 435, Great Britain; on Q. cruentus Oliv., British Museum, No. 422, Europe ; on Quedius sp. indet., British Museum, No. 356, Canada; on Q. fidgidus Fabr., Hope Coll., No. 216, Europe; ou Philonfhus? sp. indet., British Museum, No. 365, Hungary. 432 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Teratomyces Philonthi nov. sp. Perithecia commonly two, long and slender, a basal middle and distal portion distinguished, corresponding to the basal, middle and the distal wall- and lip-cells, the basal portion slightly inflated, purplish, the middle distinguished from it by a slight elevation at the septa ; the middle nearly hyaline, rather abruptly narrowed, its margin slightly concave owing to a slight distal enlargement, which, in mature specimens, distinguishes it rather abruptly from the much shorter narrower subconical mostly sym- metrically truncate colorless distal portion; the stalk-cell. rather short, concealed by the appendages ; the basal cells forming a squarish base. Receptacle relatively small, symmetrical or asymmetrical, the basal cell translucent brownish, the subbasal cell very small, flatfish, wholly in- volved by the deep nearly opaque suffusion of the lower half or more of the upper cell, which is nearly hyaline above. Appendages short, slightly exceeding the base of the perithecium, rather rigid, sliglitly divergent, for the most part dark brown ; forming a rather dense tuft, many ending in pointed cells, the slender terminations straight or bent and forming the beak-like cells characteristic of tlie genus. Spores 36 X 4/x. Perithecia 140-175 X 25-30 ^u, the stalk-cell about 35 /x. Eeceptacle about 85 X 35 /x. Appendages (longest) about 70 /*. Total length to tip of perithecium 250-300 /x. On Philonthus sp. indet., British Museum, No. 365, Hungary. Corethromyces Brazilianus nov. sp, Perithecium and receptacle much as in C. Cryptobii, but differing dis- tinctly in the character of its appendage, the inner main branch of which consists of from four to six cells, the others very short, all nearly opaque, the branchlets long rigid divergent, curved abruptly outward at the tips. Total length to tip of perithecium 200-375 /a. Spores 28 X 3 yu,. Peri- thecia 90-175 X 28-38 /M. Appendages to tip of branchlets 140-200 /x. Two specimens from Colombia, apparently identical, are much larger; total length 610 yu, ; branches of appendages 540 /x ; perithecia 450 fx. On O/'i/ptobium Brazillanum Lee, Paris Museum, No. 173, Brazil; on C. fdsciatnm Erichs, Paris Museum. No. 197, Caracas, Venezuela; on G. Ftohri Sharp, British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 762, City of Mexico ; also from same collection on C venustum Sharp, No. 758, Oaxaca, Mexico ; on G. simili2)enne Say, No. 761, Mexico. The larger type on Gryptohium sp. indet., British Museum, No. 385, Colombia. On all parts of host. THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACEiE. 433 Corethromyces purpurascens nov. sp. Perithecia dull purple, mostly slender straight or slightly curved, nearly isodiametric or the outer margin convex ; the base slightly broader, the junction of the basal and subbasal and of the subbasal and subter- minal wall cells indicated by a distinct protrusion in well developed indi- viduals, in which the tip is thus moderately well distinguished although in most cases, especially in smaller specimens, the margin forms an unbroken line from base to apex, the perithecium being sometimes dis- tinctly inflated basally ; the stalk-cell as in G. Gryptobii hyaline above, becoming opaque brown below. Basal cell of the receptacle purplish or brownish translucent, the rest opaque indistinguishable from the almost wholly opaque main body of the appendage, the oblique inner margin of which is followed by a series of hyaline or purplish cells, three or more in number which give rise to the erect branches ; the primary branches sometimes purplish near the base but producing an erect tuft of branches and branchlets which are quite hyaline, more or less flexuous and taper- ing. Perithecia 100-150 X 2b jx. Total length to tip of perithecium 175-275 /x. Longest branches of appendages about 140 /x.. On Cryptobiiim capitatum, Paris Museum, No. 172, Brazil; on Cryp- tobhim sp. indet., British Museum, No. 494, Balthazar, Grenada, West Indies. EUCORETHROMYCES nov. genus. General form as in Rhadinomyces, the receptacle consisting of two superposed cells, the upper giving rise to the perithecium and appendage. Perithecium as in Rhadinomyces, stalked. Appendage consisting of several superposed cells the distal one bearing terminally a series of branches which produce free flask shaped antheridia laterally, borne on short lateral branchlets or sessile. Eucorethromyces Apotomi nov. sp. Hyaline becoming tinged, especially the perithecium, with pale amber brown. Receptacle short, the subbasal cell usually smaller, its axis coin- cident with that of the stalk-cell. Perithecium rather slender, inflated toward the base, the distal half slender tapering slightly to the blunt unmodified apex, the basal cells rather small, nearly equal, the stalk-cell stout and well developed. Appendage divergent almost at ri^ht angles to the axis of the receptacle, its basal cell usually more than twice as large as the subbasal cell, which bears distally and anteroposteriorly a single, or partly double, row of from four to six branches, some of them VOL. XXXV. — 28 434 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. often elongate, slender straight or curved, suffused with dark blackish browD, hyaline along the inner margin at least toward the base, obliquely septate, the septa dark ; the antheridia stout, flask shaped, subtended by a dark septum, borne singly and laterally or several together on short brauchlets near the base. Spores 2Q X 2 ^. Perithecia 100-125 X 25 -28 yu, 35-38 X 14-18(«. Receptacle 40 X 18 /a. Appendage without branches 50 X 16/x. Total length to tip of perilhecium 190-207//. The Celebes material somewhat smaller. On Apotomus xanthotelus Bates, British Museum, No. 578, Celebes ; on A. rufas Rossi, British Museum, No. 577, Europe. On elytra. Rhizomyces crispatus no v. sp. Perithecia brownish, rather stout : when viewed sidewise, the inner margin strongly convex, the outer nearly straight with a general median elevation or concave owing to a general outward curvature, tapering to the undiiferentiated tip, the apex broad truncate, usually symmetrically bisulcate : viewed at right angles to this position straight symmetrical, abruptly enlarged below the narrow symmetrical abruptly distinguished tip : the basal cells well defined nearly isodiametric, the stalk-cell large, as long or longer than the perithecium. Receptacle two-celled, the foot typically modified and blackened without rhizoids, distally geniculate through a protrusion of the distal cell below the insertion of the stalk- cell and opposite that of the appendage. Appendage erect, sometimes exceeding the tip of the perithecium, consisting of a single series of super- posed cells, the three or four lower suffused with smoky brown, the rest subhyaline, each cell except the basal one giving rise directly and exter- nally to a branch, the insertion in successive cells being somewhat to the right and left of the median line so as to form two vertical rows, the basul cells of alternate branches being superposed ; each branch con- sisting of a basal cell externally blackened, which gives rise above to a one-celled short branchlet, bearing usually a pair of long, slender anthe- ridia, the remainder of the branch curved upward blackish brown except its upper margin, and giving rise from its lower (external) side to a series of close-set simple brauchlets, black, recurved, more abruptly at the tips which are slightly enlarged and nearly hyaline, the whole suggesting the margin of a curled black feather. Spores 20 X 2.8 fj,. Perithecia 65- 75 X 27-30 /x, the stalk-ceil 50-85 /a. Receptacle 30 /a. Appendages 140-175//. On Diopsis sp., British Museum, No. 739, Natal, Africa. THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 435 Rliachomyces Philonthinus nov. sp. Perithecia borne on a short broad hardly visible stalk-cell, reddish brown, inflated toward the base, conical above, straight and nearly sym- metrical, the tip blunt, undifferentiated symmetrical. Main axis of the receptacle distinct, consisting of about twenty cells, including about eight to ten cells which form its erect free termination beside the base of the perithecium ; the three lower cells mostly suffused with red brown, those above hyaline or partly suffused, increasing in size to about the eleventh cell, above which they become successively smaller to the tip of the free portion ; the septa for the most part marked by rather prominent con- strictions. Appendages numerous but not obscuring the main axis of the receptacle, slightly divergent, mostly tapering distally and slightly bent below the straight hyaline tips ; those arising about the base of the perithecium longer and stouter, brown and mostly blunt tipped, about six in number and extending about to the middle of the perithecium. Spores about 40-45 X 4/x. Perithecia 140-200 X 40-60^. Receptacle 220-340 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 350-500 yu,. Longest appendages about 100 yu.. On Fhilonthus longicornis Steph., British Museum, No. 408, Island of St. Helena; on Fhilonthus sp. indet., Hope Coll., No. 225, British Isles. On abdomen and elytra. Rhachomyees velatus nov. sp. Perithecium short stout straight symmetrical, evenly inflated pale brownish, translucent ; the tip abruptly dark brown opaque or nearly so, tapering symmetrically to the blunt rounded apex. Receptacle varying in length, consisting of perhaps eighteen to twenty cells, the basal cell and sometimes two or three of those above it hyaline or nearly so, the rest indistinguishable, being concealed by the densely crowded ajipressed appendages, which are rather short and slender, deep brown or opaque except along the inner margin and at the tip ; those around the base of the perithecium also densely crowded, subequal blunt-tipped, wholly suf- fused, completely enveloping it and wholly concealing it till it is fully developed when the tip alone projects beyond them. Spores about 35- 40 X 3-4 ju. Perithecia 175 X 75 ,u or smaller. Total length to tip of perithecium 400-550 /z. The longer appendages about 120 /x. On Colpodes agilis Chaud., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 696, Jalapa, Mexico ; on C. atratus Chaud., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), 436 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. No. G98, Irazu, Costa Rica; on Gynandropus Mexicanus Putz., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 682, Cordova, Mexico. Usually on legs. Rhachomyces Thalpii nov. sp. Perithecium hyaline or straw colored, becoming faintly tinged with brown, slender, inflated near the base ; the distal half or less mostly curved away from the appendages, tapering gradually to the blunt undifferentiated apex. Receptacle normally consisting of eleven cells superposed to form the main axis, hyaline, their septa horizontal or but slightly oblique, the basal cell subtriangular, tinged with reddish brown ; the cells of the secondary series hyaline and proportionately rather large. Appendages rather dense, almost opaque except the nearly or qnite hyaline tip and inner margin ; rather short, about four to six of those about the base of the perithecium much larger, longer, and stouter, reach- ing somewhat higher than the middle of the perithecium, their tips at first clavate becoming obliquely truncate or fan shaped through the degeneration of the hyaline portion, the curved tips of the antheridia projecting rather conspicuously. Perithecia 115 X 30 /a. Total length of receptacle 140/x,. Longer appendages 90^. On Thalpius riifulus Lee, Amer. Mus. of Nat. History. Texas. Rhachomyces Zuphii nov. sp. Perithecium relatively small, straw colored, somewhat inflated at the base, the tip rather abruptly distinguished and slightly inflated. Axis of the receptacle slender, consisting normally of about sixteen cells which are nearly hyaline, or with brown shades below the septa. Appendages nearly opaque, straight stout appressed, not elongate, more or less swollen distally along the inner margin of the subhyaline tip ; eight to ten about the base of the perithecium longer and stouter. Perithecia 110-140 X 25 /x. Longer appendages about 110-140 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 350-400 /x. On Zuphkim Mexicanum Chaud., British Museum (Biologia Coll.), No. 713. Cordova, Mexico. Rhachomyces Canariensis nov. sp. Perithecium pale straw colored, nearly straight, a median and subter- minal well-defined broadly-rounded ridge marking the transverse septa between the three lower tiers of wall-cells ; the tip tapering rather abruptly, hyaline, the apex rounded. Receptacle rather slender, the THAXTEB. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^. 437 basal and subbasal cells relatively large, hyaline, the rest pale straw colored, the main axis consisting of fifteen or sixteen cells, the upper five or six forming a free erect termination. The appendages not numerous, appressed, brown ; those about the base of the perithecium larger, distally blunt and hyaline, about two thirds as long as the peri- thecium. Perithecia 90-130 X 27-30 /x. Receptacle 175-225 yi^. Ap- pendages, longest, about 100 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 250— 325 /A. On Trechus flavomarginatus Woll., British Museum., No. 419. Ten- erifFe. On elytra. Rhachomyces tenuis nov. sp. Perithecium relatively small, the lower half or more hidden by the appendages, hardly inflated, faintly tinged with brown, tapering very slightly to the tip, which is sutf'used with dark brown, broad, hardly dif- ferentiated and slightly asymmetrical. Receptacle very long and slen- der, the cells of the main axis thirty to forty in number, dark reddish brown or nearly opaque, subhyaline below the somewhat oblique septa, except the lower members of the series, which are as a rule wholly opaque ; the cells increasing slightly in size from the base upward. Appendages straight, narrower distally, rather short and appressed, not very numerous ; those about the base of the perithecium, about twelve in number, somewhat larger and longer than the rest, surrounding and concealing it more or less completely ; some of the lower appendages also longer and curved conspicuously outward, as are the antheridia. Perithecia about 110 X 30 /i. Longer appendages about 140-1 60 /x. Greatest width of receptacle about 20 /x. Total length to tip of peri- thecium 800-1000^. On the legs of a small carabid beetle, Paris Museum, No. 113. Java. Rhachomyces Cryptobianus nov. sp. Perithecium hyaline or pale straw colored, very long and slender, nearly isodiametric throughout, almost straight, the tip apparently blunt and not well differentiated. The main axis of the receptacle consists of about sixteen cells ; the basal cell and those immediately above it slender black and opaque ; the rest becoming larger upward, hyaline suffused or mottled with reddish brown. Appendages numerous slightly divergent, becoming longer from the base upward, nearly opaque except along the inner margin and at the tip which is generally bent abruptly 438 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. outward, a group of about six below the base of the perithecium much longer than the rest and curved outward in a tuft, those arising about the base of the perithecium very elongate, erect, with straight blunt tips, reaching nearly to the apex of the perithecium. Perithecia 490-450 X (about) 35 /x. Receptacle 275-430 /«. Total length to tip of perithecium G50-800 ^m. Longest appendages 300-430 ^m. On Cryptobium capitatum, Paris Museum, No. 172. Brazil. Rhachomyces Cayennensis nov. sp. Perithecium rather small, yellowish, the anterior margin nearly straight, the posterior convex ; the tip clearly and abruptly differentiated, concolorous, asymmetrical, somewhat bent. Main axis of the receptacle rather strongly curved, consisting of about twelve cells ; the basal ones slender, deeply suffused, those immediately above opaque slender, the rest rather large with central brown suffusions ; the distal cells paler. Appendages rather coarse, crowded, black brown, opaque or nearly so, the tips mostly bent outward, appressed below, somewhat divergent distally ; six or more about the base of the perithecium slightly longer than the rest, nearly equalling, sometimes slightly exceeding the perithecium in length. Perithecium 120-140 X 25-30 /i. Total length to tip of peri- thecium about 350 |U (average). Longest appendages 140 ^. On Cryptobium sp. indet., British Museum No. 387. Cayenne. On the inferior surface of abdomen. Rhachomyces stipitatus nov. sp. Perithecium pale straw colored becoming tinged with brownish, much darker toward the tip; broadly subfusiform, usually symmetrical, taper- ing from about the middle to the small blunt usually symmetrical, liardly differentiated, often hyaline tip; borne free on a stalk-cell which is con- colorous, sometimes as long as the receptacle, in other cases but slightly developed. Receptacle straw colored, or faintly brownish ; the main axis consisting of about fifteen to seventeen cells, the septa rather oblique, its distal portion, consisting of about two to four cells, erect and free : the cells of the secondary axis relatively large, concolorous, that opposite the subbasal cell of the main axis bearing a long opaque blackish brown appendage curved toward the receptacle and often equalling it in length, other similar appendages arising at intervals above it but not from all the lower cells, becoming more numerous throughout the distal half and in some instances extending to or beyond the tip of the perithecium even THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACE^E. 439 in the long stalked forms, associated throughout with shorter appendages and antheridia. Some of the individuals on A. Lespezi small, the main axis of the receptacle consisting of only seven cellsj the perithecia nearly sessile and small in proportion. Spores 50-60 X 4 //. Perithecia 140- 150 X 45—69 fi (100 X 30 ju in small specimens), the stalk including basal cells longest 220 X 47 ^. Total length to tip of peritheciam about 550 ^ (200-680 /i). Receptacle 325 ^u (1 10-350 ,«). Appendages longest 400//. On Anophilialmns Ehadnmanthus Lind., Hope Coll. No. 306, Greece ; on A. Lespezi Fair., Paris Museum; No. 185, Grotte des Capucini, Seine et Garonne, France. Compsomyces Lestevi nov. sp. Receptacle consisting of a small basal and subbasal cell, the latter giv- ing rise to rarely more than two branches ; one of which consists of a basal cell, from the upper side of which the stalk-cell of the perithecium arises; while externally it gives rise to a characteristic sterile branch, simple, usually slightly upcurved, rather closely and somewhat obliquely septate, commonly consisthig of about nine superposed cells tapering rather abruptly at the tip. Perithecium borne on a well developed erect stalk-cell, nearly symmetrical, tapering from about the middle to the broad truncate undifferentiated tip ; the basal cells small, but slightly distinguished from the inflated base of the ascigerous portion, the spores few and relatively large. The other branch arising from the subbasal cell of the receptacle, an antheridial branch, divergent, consisting typically of four superposed cells above which it becomes furcate, dividing into two branches which iire large stout tapering, distally curved ; the third cell of the appendage producing a single short flask-shaped autheridium distally on its inner side and sometimes giving rise to a branch similar to those above. Spores 42 X 4^/. Perithecia 75-85 X 30-35 ju, the stalk 75 X 22 fi. Antheridial appendage including branches 275 ^, the basal part about 60 X 20 ju. On Lesteva siciila Erich, British Museum, Nos. 452 and 453, Paisley and Red Hill, England. On abdomen and elytra. CLEMATOMYCES nov. genus. Receptacle consisting of a basal and a subbasal cell from which arises distally a main axis bearing a terminal perithecium and formed by a double row of cells ; the cells of the external row producing sterile appendages, 440 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. those of the inner producing either secondary axes similar in structure to the primary one, or antheridial brandies; the secondary axes producino- autheridial or sterile branches on both sides, and like the primary ones bearing a single terminal perithecium. The antheridia simple, borne as in Compsomyces, usually several from the distal ends of successive cells. Clematomyces Pinophili nov. sp. Nearly hyaline or yellowish, the basal and subbasal cells small, the cells of the main axis in six to twelve pairs more or less . alternate on either side, each cell of the outer series giving rise to a three or four celled usually simple generally appressed sterile appendage, the terminal cell of which is often smoky brown, its basal cell almost wholly united to the cell of the axis next above ; the secondary axes one to three in number, usually with a single basal cell, the external branches more often simple and sterile, the inner fertile ; the antheridial appendages of both primary and secondary axes more often simple, sometimes sparingly branched, those near the perithecia bearing the greatest number of an- theridia which may arise singly or opposite in pairs, or in whorls of three or four from the distal (one to four) cells of the appendage. Perithecium solitary, sessile at the tips of the primary and secondary axes, often straight and symmetrical tapering to the truncate unmodified apex, pale becoming amber brown. Spores about 38 X 3 /.i. Perithecia 100-150 X 25-40 1«. Sterile appendages, longer, 100X7 fx. Greatest length to tip of perithecium (main axis) 300-400 X 35 fi. On Pinoph'ilus sp. indet., British Museum, No. 390, Burmah, India. On inferior surface. Sphaleromyces obtusus nov. sp. Perithecia relatively large, clear dark brown becoming almost opaque ; the inner margin nearly straight, the outer strongly convex ; tapering very slightly basally and distally ; the tip paler brown, abruptly distin- guished, and when viewed sidewise flaring, with straight divergent lateral margins, the distal margin as broad as the portion of the perithecium below the tip and slightly concave, the outer lips more prominent and much broader than the inner : when viewed at right angles to this posi- tion the tip appears in general bluntly rounded not expanded, the more or less papillate tips of the lip-cells situated in asymmetrical pairs, which are visible above and below a broad bluntly rounded median portion between them : the basal cells colored like the perithecium, distinct, THAXTER. — NEW LABOULBENIACEiE. 441 hardly broader tliaa the stalk-cell which is hyaline contrasting thick- walled and about twice as long as broad. Receptacle small, suffused with brown, two celled ; the septa somewhat oblique, the upper cell con- trasting abruptly with the colorless stalk-cell, and giving rise laterally to the slightly divergent appendage, which consists of from five to six nearly opaque brown cells, separated by oblique septa ; each producing distally on the inner side a short hyaline branch, sometimes once branched. Spores about 40 X 3.5 /x. Perithecia 140-150 X 40-45 /a, the stalk-cell 35 X 20 /a. Receptacle not including foot 27-35 X 10/*. Appendage, mostly broken 70-100 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 230-245/1. On Lathrobium Illi/n'cnm Dej., British Museum, No. 384. Algeria(?). On superior surface of abdomen. Sphaleromyces propinquus nov. sp. Like »S'. ohlusus in size, form, and color, except that the tip of the perithecium is symmetrical or nearly so, the lips forming a broadly rounded blunt terminal prominence with sometimes a slight median ele- vation, while at the base the tip is characteristically broadened through the presence of distinct lateral elevations on either side : the stalk-cell rather abruptly swollen below the basal cells of the perithecium. On Lathrobium, sp. indet., British Museum, No. 383, Europe. On superior surface of abdomen. This species is doubtfully separated from S. obtusus on account of the very different conformation of the tip of the perithecium, which, as the material in either case occurred in the same position on the host, can hardly be due to position of growth. Sphaleromyces atropurpureus nov. sp. Perithecium large, purplish, more or less distinctly curved away from the appendages, tapering below, often broader distally above the middle, tapering thence slightly to the tip, which is usually not distinctly differ- entiated ; the apex small truncate or slightly papillate ; the basal cells larg'^, as long as or longer than the stalk-cell, dull amber brown. Basal cell of receptacle large, not greatly elongated, tapering below, the nearly hyaline distal portion obliquely distinguished from the deeply suffused, partly opaque portion of the cell below ; the subbasal cell subtriangular. Appendage consisting of about five cells decreasing in size from below upward, the septa nearly horizontal ; those above the basal cell giving 442 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. rise to a branch on the inner side, which in the subbasal cell and the cell above it consist of a very large broad basal cell, from which arise from two to four subhyaline branches which may be once branched, the branches crossing the stalk and basal cells of the perithecium obliquely, usually on the left side, so that when the perithecium lies at the left, the appendages lie above them. Spores 35 X 3.5 yu,. Perithecia 175-200 X 30-35 /A, the stalk and basal cells together 50-70 X 17-20 /a. Receptacle 85-100 X 40 /x. Total length to tip of perithecium 270-350jU. Appen- dage without branches 50-75 /x. On Quedius graciUventris Sharp, British Museum, No. 740 (Biologia Coll.), Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama ; on Q. basiventris Sharp, No. 741, from same locality. On abdomen. Sphaleromyces Brachyderi nov. sp. Perithecium evenly suffused with brown, paler distally, somewhat inflated at the base, tapering slightly toward the tip; an external deep brown almost opaque appendage projects subtermiually, exceeding the tip of the perithecium, broad with a nearly median indentation of the inner side, the outer margin slightly, the upper strongly curved outward, terminating in a short blunt point or slightly inflated portion rather abruptly distinguished on its inner side; the tip asymmetrical, one of the outer lip-cells extendinublished. These have been made in part by the writer and in part by several of his assistants in the Rogers Laboratory, Messrs. Goodwin, Mansfield, Wendell, and Burgess. The present paper is intended to include such results as are likely to be of general interest. Table I. is reprinted from the paper of Messrs. Cross and Miller. The tonometer forks available at the time of its publication were less accurate than those which have been procured subsequently, so that in certain cases, where the standards measured in 1880 were still accessible a remeasuremeut has recently been made, the results of which will be found in Table II. Where this has been done, it is indicated in the tables by an asterisk prefixed to the number designating the standard. By a comparison of Tables I. and II. it will be seen that the remeasure- ments have not materially altered the values obtained in the eariier measurements. The standard C fork upon which the measurements of 1880 were based was a C3 fork (No. 1 of Table I.) by Koenig, belonging to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the rate of which had been deter- mined by comparison with a C3 fork by Koenig belonging to the Stevens Institute of Technology, which last fork had been very carefully rated by Professor A. M. Mayer of that institution. The standard A used was a fork by Koenig assumed to be exact. From these the forks of an improvised tonometer were rated, the C forks being of pitch C3 and CROSS. — MUSICAL PITCH. 45i TABLE I. No. Designation. Vibration Remarks. Frequency. Cs *1 Koenig, physical pitch . . . 256.1 Stamped 512 v. s. *2 Koenig, French pitch (approxi- mate) ........ 260.2 Stamped 520 v. s. *3 Koenig, German pitch . . . 264.2 Stamped 528 v. s. *4 Ritchie, physical pitch . . . 256.2 5 Koenig, physical pitch . . . 256.2 Stamped 512 v. s. 6 Marloye, physical pitch . . . 256.4 Made between 1845-50. 7 Ritchie 259.1 Made about 1868. 8 Ritchie 259.4 tc it (i *9 Ritcliie, copy of Chickering's standard 269.0 Made about 1868. *10 Mason & HaniHn, French pitch 259.1 Used for a few years only. 11 Hatchings, Plaisted & Co . . 264.0 Low organ pitch, C^ fork measured. 12 Hook & Hastings, old flat organ pitch 264.6 C4 pipe measured. Tempera- ture, 69° F. 13 Organ in church of the Imma- culate Conception, Boston . 266.7 C4 pipe measured. Tempera- ture, 69° F. 14 Smith American Organ Co . . 267.2 C4 fork measured. 15 New England Organ Co . . . 268.2 C4 fork measured. *16 Chickering's standard fork . . 268.5 C3 fork, marked " 1865, stand- ard pitch." *17 H. F. Miller, pianos .... 268.9 C4 fork measured. *18 Mason & Hamlin, present stand- ard pitch 269.0 C3 fork measured. 19 Fork of W. H. Clement, tuner . 269.2 C4 fork measured. 20 George Woods & Co., cabinet organs 269.5 C4 fork measured. 21 Hook & Hastings, present stand- ard pitcli 270.0 C3 and C4 pipes measured. Temperature, 73° F. 22 CiiickeringpianousedatJoseffy concerts, 1880 270.1 C4 fork of tuner measured. *23 Covent Garden pitch, 1879 . . 270 3 C4 fork furnished by R. Spice. 24 Weber pianos 270.3 String of piano measured. 25 Thomas' pitch 271.1 C4 fork furnished to builders of great Cincinnati organ. 26 Music Hall organ 271.2 Cg, principal, great. Tempera- ture 70° F. *27 Steinway's pitch 272.2 C4 fork furnished by R. Spice. *28 Highest New York pitch . . 273.9 f^ It (t u u 29 Nichols' fork, Boston, Germa- As nia orchestra 448 Corresponding to untempered C3, 269 *30 Marloye's A fork 426 Imported by Prof. Levering, 1845-50. *31 Florence pitch, Marloye . . . 438 (C (( t( *32 Vienna pitch, Marloye . . . 446 i< ii it 33 Milan pitch, Marloye .... 448 « iC }' "'i . . ^ "2 /•' "'2 rT Vi y J 1 . . . ^ Co ■= C 2 - • ■ • _ (J .^ . dT dT ' RT^ In this expression v means molecular volume ; T, absolute temperature ; c, concentration f = - J ; w, the number of reacting molecules of any given molecular species ; U, the diminution in the internal energy of the process, or the heat of reaction at constant volume ; and R, the gas con- stant (1.98 calorie-units, or better 8.31 c. g. s.). The products of a reaction are indicated by a subscript 2, the factors by 1. The chief dis- advantage of the equation for practical purposes is the fact that the numerator of the second member does not always represent the actual heat of the reaction, since it does not take account of the work which the reaction may involve on account of changing volume. Let us now introduce pressure instead of concentration into this expression, c = 777^, hence the expression becomes R I d (R Tf^- + "'' • • •>j9i"'/i"'' ■ . . _ U * These Proceedings, 35, 1 (1899) ; Z. phys. Chem. 32, 364 (1900). I am much indebted to Dr. Lewis for valuable mathematical criticism of the present paper. To Dr. Edgar Buckingham also I owe thanks for his interest, and for valuable suggestions as to matters of detail. Since reading the manuscript the latter has derived the " reaction-isobar " according to the method of Duhem ; but in the present exposition I have retained the original derivation, because it is much simpler than Ids more rigorously exact method, as well as because most readers of physical chemistry are accustomed to the method and nomenclature of Nernst. RICHARDS. ENERGY OF PHYSICO-CHEMICAL REACTION. 473 Cancelling the unnecessary powers of R T, we have JT p^"^-p\-'- ... - RT^' ^ ^ Let us consider for the sake of argument a case in which (rio + n\ ... — Ml — n\) = N is positive, that is, a case in which the total number of gram-molecules in the product is greater than that in the reacting mixture before the reac- tion took place. The expression then becomes dT j9/'2//^... RT^' ^^ From this pressure-equation at constant volume we may omit c?ln^, because ^ is a constant. Thus « 111 } ; y-r ' /A\ jOo"2;>V'^-- • • U (4) dT R T' ' Here two cases may arise. If iV = 0, that is, if the osmotic or gas pressure (or total number of molecules) does not change during the reaction, the pressure remains constant. Mathematically, T'' becomes 1 and hence disappears. On the other hand, if iV^ 0, T'^ becomes a serious factor in the equation, affecting immensely the temperature coeffi- cient of the " mass-law constant." The numerator of the second term of this modified equation of van't Hoff still consists merely of U; hence if the equation is to be used with data obtained under constant pressure, the observed heat of reaction must be corrected for the work done during expansion. For this reason its prototype has been called the " reaction isochor " by Nernst ; it repre- sents immediately the observed conditions only when the reaction takes place in constant volume. The introduction of the correction causes an interesting simplification. At constant pressure the heat evolved during the reaction would be less than U, because the work JSfR T is done against constant pressure ; N R T N hence we shall be obliged to subtract = ^ from each side of the equation in order that the numerator of the second member may truly indicate the actual conditions. But 474 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. N _Nd\nT T~ dT ' hence by simply subtracting the equations we obtain d rV %2"=/2"'= ... ) dT ~ RT- RT'' Simplifying, and noting that — C + N R T =^ X, the heat actually ab- sorbed in the reaction, we may write _^, Px"^p\"'^ ... _ - A dT p."2p'/2...- RT^' ^^^ Here — X signifies heat given out when the reaction takes place un- der constant gas or osmotic pressure, because X signifies heat absorbed, or latent heat. The equation states that when pressures are being com- pared, the latent heat under constant pressure is the term to be used in calculation. Hence at constant outside pressure the heat observed in any reaction bears a very simple relation to the acting pressures which take part in that reaction, just as at constant volume the concentrations are similarly related to the observed evolution of heat. This equation may be called the " Reaction-isobar," on account of the fact that constancy of total pressure is the condition essential to its immediate application. The equation of Clausius is a special case of this law. Evidently these reactions isobar and isochor may now be combined into one, for the obstacles to this union are now removed. Before com- bining them, it is advantageous to examine into the meaning of d\n(R7y=d\n T'' , which constitutes the only puzzling difference between them. The physical meaning of this important factor in the equation is inter- esting. From its mode of introduction into equation (2), this term is clearly the representative of the pressure caused by an addition to the total number of molecules in a given space. Wheu the total pressure is artificially maintained at a constant value, In T^ disappears from the equation, just as it does when the pressure remains constant because the total number of molecules present is not increased by the reaction. This is equivalent to defining N in its present situation as a direct function of the increase in the total pressure of the reacting svhstances during the reaction. In order to avoid conflict with the original definition of N, we RICHARDS. — ENERGY OF PHYSICO-CHEMICAL REACTION. 475 shall call this newly defined exponent N'. Mathematically, the inspec- tion of the equations (4) and (5) shows that the expression (where ^ is the total number of grara-molecules in the initial reacting mixture, and Pi and P2 the initial and final total pressures respectively) is true either for constant pressure or constant volume. Whether this still holds true for the ill-defined cases where neither volume nor pressure is constant, we shall not at present determine. In constant volume, according to this definition, N' = N ; under constant pressure, likewise according to this definition, N' = 0. With the help of this new defini- tion, together with the use of the symbol Q to signify in general the actually observed latent heat of the reaction, it becomes possible to com- bine the reactions-isochor and isobar into one equation, from which either may be logically obtained again, according to the circumstances attending the reaction. Thus, we may write : — which is a general expression for the temperature coefficient of the equi- librium ratio * of dilute reactions. If the total osmotic or gas pressure is kept constant, N' = 0, hence T''' — 1, and disappears, and Q = X = NRT — U. This is the reac- tion isobar. If, on the other hand, the volume is kept constant, T''' rep- resents the increase in pressure which at constant pressure would have represented work, and — Q ^ U. This is the reaction isochor. If ^' is 0, and — Q = U, the equation is both isochor and isobar. For the general expression (6) which defines the temperature-coeffi- cient of the equilibrium ratio I propose the name "reaction metatherm" (fieTOL, between). The chief advantage which it possesses over the con- centration equation is the fact that its term — ^ is always the heat actually evolved, whether work is done or not, as well as the fact that it deals with the more rational dimension, — pressure. Since Q is the heat really observed, it is clear that the expression must be the analytical statement of the theorem of Maupertuis or Le * This satisfactory name is due to Lewis. " Mass law constant " is less satisfac- tory, because the quantity is not constant, and the law seems to be due to pressure rather than to mass. 476 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Chatelier as far as heat is concerned. In order to trace this evident necessity, one must assume a somewhat puzzling inverted attitude. The pressures indicated by the formula define a condition of equilibrium, not a condition of action. It is clear, then, that a small pressure in the numerator of the logarithmic expression means a great tendency towards the denominator. That is, a growing denominator means an increasing tendency to change from factors to products. But the logarithms in the denominator take the minus sign, or the sign of Q, which represents heat absorbed. Hence a reaction which absorbs heat evidently must be pushed farther by increasing temperature. The inverted attitude just mentioned may be easily remedied by con- sidering carefully the nature of the quantities involved. We have seen that the expression P2'^P 2 = • • • the familiar " mass-law " expression for equilibrium expressed in terms of pressure, seems to represent the resultant reacting tendency of a given reaction at constant temperature ; because it is this quantity which is concerned with the theorem of Maupertuis. When concentrations are used, it is difficult to imagine any physical meaning in this equilibrium ratio ; but when the expression is conceived of in terms of pressure, we may look upon k as an opposing tendency which has been balanced by the ratio of the pressures observed. That is, we may call k the "reaction tendency." This means not merely pressure, but work ; be- cause the expression R T \ ~ from which it was originally derived means work. It represents then the variable factors in the " driving enerfry " of the reaction. AVe may conceive of this reaction tendency as consisting of a number of individual reacting tendencies, one for each substance. But the pres- sures in the pressure-equilibrium ratio do not directly represent the individual reacting tendencies of the substances represented. They are only the pressures which remain in equilibrium when all the reacting forces have been balanced. When under the circumstances a given individual pressure is small, we must ascribe to that substance a great reacting tendency, and vice versa. Thus it seems to me probable that each of these pressures must have a term in the function k which corre- sponds to its tendency to react, and this individual tendency we shall call In 2, — a term which will be in the numerator when the correspond- RICHARDS. ENERGY OF PHYSICO-CHEMICAL REACTION. 477 ing pressure is in the denomiuator, and vice versa. The reasoning may be stated in the form of an equation : — rt «i rt' «'i ■r >h 9-' "'2 This equation is simply a definition of the vahies z, which are made logarithmic from analogy to the other pressures. One must bear in mind, however, that this z, or •' physico-chemical potential," need not be the reciprocal of p ; for the condition of equilibrium demands only that the total sum of the logarithms on each side must be equal, and not that the individual opposites are immediate functions of one another. The p values depend of course upon the amount of substance present ; while the z values are constant for any given temperature, because they are by definition the constant factors of a constant. Any constant tendencies, not given by the differential equation, may hence be included among the z values. Transposing the second member, we obtain In ;^i-;>i;---^i--i ••• ^ o. (7) This expression may be written «i In i^pi 2i) + n\ 1q {p'\ z'l) — «2 111 {p^'^i) — ^'2 lo (,p'2. ^'2) . . . = 0. Except for its logarithmic form and the substitution of pressure for mass, this equation reminds one of Berthollet's old statement concerning chemical action. It is a fundamental equation of chemical equilibrium in dilute or ideal mixtures. Stated in words, the equation reads : Each molecule taking part in a reaction may be said to possess at any given temperature a reacting ten- dency which is the logarithm of the product of its constant physico-chemical potential and variable observed pressure. Obviously the logarithmic arrangement is so convenient as almost to demand its adoption, although the same idea might have been expressed otherwise. One may say, for example, that in equilibrium the algebraic sum of the opposing energies concerned is zero, — almost an axiom. The logarithmic equation is a plausible hypothesis which is concordant with the well known Nernst equation, and with many other natural tendencies. The substitution of the new value for k instead of its pressure equiva- lent in the equation gives us a less inverted view of the theorem of Maupertuis : — 478 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. d\n z^H z\^'y ... - Q dT RT' It will be seen at once that the sum of the reacting tendencies of the initial substances In z^\ In 2:'i"'i, etc., agree in sign with Q ; that is, a reaction which absorbs heat will have a greater tendency to take place as the temperature rises. Besides comprehending the partial pressures within a single phase, and the " physico-chemical potentials " of the various substances which are in it, the pressure equations may be applied to the relations between two 2)hases ; since the equation from which they were derived is true for ideal heterogeneous equilibrium. We may then introduce into the equation phase-pressures, such as vapor or solution tensions, which are exerted in opposition to gas or osmotic pressures respectively. Such phase- pressures will be represented, for the sake of convenience, by the usual designation P. A few simple physical examples may now be cited, to show that the point of view is not inconsistent with the facts in these cases. For example, in the case of an evaporating liquid, we may say that the force concerned is the vapor tension, which therefore takes the place of z-^. It is placed in the denominator because the process absorbs heat. There are no opposing forces except the constant gas pressure against which the evaporation proceeds \ hence the equilibrium equation becomes lo^=0, — an obvious truth ; and the reactiou-metatherm reduces at once to the equation of Clausius. A more complicated case is the evaporation of water from a crystal- lized salt ; but the treatment is equally simple. The water h'as a certain reacting tendency or driving energy which manifests itself as a definite pressure at each temperature. Precisely the same explanation applies to calcic carbonate, or any other similar case. The simplicity of the conception of this reacting tendency seems to commend itself as an improvement over the usual involved treatment, since it does not demand that all the solid should be vaporized in order to effect the change. A still more complicated case is the evaporation of ammonic sulphy- drate. Here we have to consider the physical tendency of the evaporat- ing substance, which is balanced by the pressure of the ammonic sulphy- RICHARDS. — ENERGY OF rnYSICO-CHEMICAL REACTION. 479 drate, as well as the physico-chemical potentials and actual pressures of the three molecular species. The equation of equilibrium would then be laiHlM^li^i^ = 0. This expression is an analysis of the forces which are at work in maintaining equilibrium, p^, the pressure of the uudissociated NH4SIT, occurs first in the numerator as opposing P, the sublimation tension of the solid substance, and then in the denominator as a factor of the chem- ical reacting tendency of the ammonic sulphydrate. These two of course cancel, and since at constant temperature P and all the z values are constant, we obtain for the chemical part of the equilibrium the familiar expression p^p'z — k' . This is entirely in accord with the results of Isambert, and is undoubtedly true. Many other examples of the application of the pressure equations might be given. For example, the dissociation of nitric peroxide is easily treated by the reaction-isobar, while that of hydriodic acid needs merely the simplest form of all, which is both isochor and isobar. Moreover, it is obvious that upon introducing electrolytic solution ten- sions and osmotic pressures into the reaction isobar, it becomes at once the well known expression for the temperature coefficient of electro- motive force. In short, whenever pressures are under consideration, one of the two special forms of the equations above affords a ready means of treatment. The results of this paper may be summarized as follows : — 1. It is pointed out that the study of pressure affords a more direct method of analyzing the progress of a reaction than the study of volume, concentration, or entropy. 2. An expression called the " reaction-metatherm " has been evolved which represents in terms of pressure the temperature coefficient of the equilibrium ratio of ideal physico-chemical reaction. 3. Since this equation always contains in its second member the heat actually evolved in the reaction, whether under constant volume or con- stant pressure, it is a mathematical expression of the Theorem of Maupertuis or Le Chatelier. 480 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 4. Moreover, since the equation represents this fundamental theorem, its logarithmic quantity must represent the variables in the reacting tendency, or the driving energy of reaction. 5. When analyzed, this equation shows that the part played by each substance in a reaction may be considered as the logarithm of the product of its " physico-chemical potential " and its actually present pressure. G. The reaction metatherm may be simplified into a reaction-isobar and a reaction-isochor, according as the pressure or volume is kept constant during the reaction. 7. While the reaction-isobar, expressed in terras of pressure, offers the most convenient basis for the calculation of the cases to which it is applicable, results obtained under constant volume are more conveniently calculated if the reacting substances are expressed in terms of concentra- tion, according to the equation of vau't Hoff. Harvard University, April 3, 1900. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 24. — May, 1900. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE ON THE CHIEF THEOREM OF LIE'S THEORY OF FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. By Stephen Elmer Slocum. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE ON THE CHIEF THEOREM OF LIE'S THEORY OF FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. By Stephen Elmer Slocum, Clark University. Presented by Henry Taber, April 11, 1900. On pages 239-250 of the current volume of these Proceedings, in a paper entitled " Note on the chief theorem of Lie's theory of continuous groups," I pointed out an error in Lie's demonstration of the first funda- mental theorem of his theory. In what follows I indicate how this error may be avoided and the demonstration completed. Lie's error in the demonstration of the first fundamental theorem con- sists in neglecting conditions imposed at the outset upon certain auxiliary quantities jUi, /Uo, • • . introduced in the course of the demonstration. Thus in the Continuierliche Gruppen, pp. 372-376 (and substantially in Trans- formationsgruppen, vol. HI., pp. 558-564) Lie proceeds as follows: — Being given a family with an oo'' of transformations T^i defined by the equations ^'> =/. {^x- • • ^n^ «! . . . «,) (/ = 1, 2 . . . n), containing the identical transformation, and, moreover, such that the a;"s satisfy a certain system of differential equations, he defines by the intro- duction of new parameters /x a family of transformations B^, x'i = Fi (x'l . . . a;',,, fii. . . /J.,) (^■ = 1, 2 . . . n), each of which is generated by an infinitesimal transformation ; Lie then establishes the symbolic equation * If the equations defining: the families of transformations Ta and Efx are re- spectively, ■r'i =fi (Ti . . . Xn, rti . . . a,.) (/ = 1, 2 . . . n), and T'i = Fi (x\ . . . x'n, fj-i . . . /A,.) (/ = 1,2 ... n), the symbolic equation Ta E/j. = Ta is equivalent to the simultaneous system of equations 484 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, where the a's and /u's are arbitrary, and «* = ^fc (l"i . • • /"r, «i • . • a,) {k = 'i, 2 . . . r), the 's being independent functions of the fx's. For a^ — a^"" (k = 1, 2 . . . r), the transformation Ta becomes the iden- tical transformation ; and therefore we have £J^ = T-o^ E, - Ta, * where Thus every transformation of the family ^^ is a transformation of the family T„. If, conversely, every transformation T„ belonged to the family E^, it would follow that Ta Ta = Ta,f that is to say, we should have shown that the family of transformations Ta forms a group. But, although the 4>'s are independent functions of the /x's, nevertheless the /x's in certain cases become infinite for certain systems of values of the a's ; and infinite values of the /x's, by their definition, are excluded at the outset, t We cannot then assume that every transformation T„ belongs to the family E^. We may, however, proceed as follows : — For all values of the a's for which the functions X'i =fi{Xi . . . Xn, «i . . . a,.), X'i = Fi (x\ . . . x'r,, /Xi . . . /x,.), (/ = 1, 2 . . . «) x'i —fi (.Ti . . . .r„, (7, . . . a,), or to the functional equations Fi (/i i^', «) ■ ■ -fn (■'^. «)> A*! • • . Mr) =/ (ti . . . .r„, rtj . . . a,-) {i-\,1 . . . n). * That is, Fi {x\ . . . x„, Ati . . . fir) = Fi{f {.r, a'"') . . . /„ (,r, o(O'), ^j . . . /jl,-) =fi(xx . ■ . r„, a^ . . . a,.) 0' = 1, 2 . . . n), since ! ^' =fi (^-1 ■ ■ ■ ^n, «! <»'... a,(0 ) (/ = 1, 2 . . . n). I t That is, I fi (/i {^> <') ■ • ■/' (■'■. "), oi . . . a,.) =/(ti . . . T„,a-x . . . Or) (/ = 1, 2 . . . n). I Tliese Proccedinjrs, p. 217. SLOCUM. — FINITE CONTINUOUS GROUPS. 485 ^i. = Mj ((xi ... a,., oi"" . . . «,."") (J — \, 2 ... r) are finite, we have that is, /.• (/l {^, «)•••/. (^J «) , ai . . . a,) = ^i (/l (^> f~<) ■ ■ -fn (a^i «), ii\ ■ • • f^r) =fi(Xl'-- x,n «i- • • «,) (/= 1, 2 . . . 7l). Let y3i, ^82 ... be a system of values of the as for which one, or more, of the corresponding /x's is infinite in all branches. Also let bi, 5o . . . be the system of values assumed by the a's for a^ = yS^ (^' = 1, 2 . . . ?•). Since the functions f are continuous functions of the variables and parameters, and we assume that the system of parameters (3 give a defi- nite transformation Tp of the family, we have /■(/i(-^» «)•••/, {^, a), A • • • A) = lim./i (/i (a:-, ~a) . . ./, (.r, a), f^i . . . a,) = lim./^ (Xi . . . a:„, Oi . . . a,) = ft {x^. . . x„, by . . . b,) (i =1,2... n). which is equivalent to the symbolic equation Ta 7> = Ta lim. 7; = lim. 7', ^ = lim. Ta = Ti,. Consequently, the composition of two arbitrary transformations Ta and T^ of the family is equivalent to a transformation 7\ of this family ; that is to say, the family of transformations T,, forms a group. The transformation T^, however, may not be a transformation of the group that can be generated by an infinitesimal transformation of this group. Thus, every transformation of a group with continuous parameters is uot necessarily generated by an infinitesimal transformation of the group. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. Xo. 25. — Juxe, 1900. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TPIE GRAY HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. New Series. — No. XIX. Bv M. L, Fernald. I. A Synopsis of the Mexican and Central American Species of Salvia. II. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Solanums of the Subsection Torvaria. III. Some undescribed Mexican Phanerogams, chiefly Labiatae and ,1^^ Solanaceae. MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Received Accession No o Given by ^^ Place, /(>.,J?.M '?^L * * "Mn 'WnnO n** -nn .-v^ h V. I a*. :» \ 1- , CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE GRAY HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY, NEW SERIES, NO. XIX. By M. L, Fernald. Presented by B. L. Robinson, March 14, 1900. Received April 19, 1900. I.— A SYNOPSIS OF THE MEXICAN AND CENTRAL AMERICAN SPECIES OF SALVIA. In his monograph of the Labiatae in De Caudolle's Prodromus, Ben- tham (1848) recognized 118 species of Salvia in Mexico and Central America, several of them, however, being known only from the original descriptions. In the botanical portion of Biologia Central i- Americana, Mr. Hemsley enumerated 135 species, but a number of them were unknown to him, seven have proved to be identical with others there listed, and the records of two are based upon their occurrence in adjacent portions of the United States but not in Mexico proper. Thus excluding these nine species, there were recorded by Mr. Hemsley, in 1887, 126 Mexican and Central American Salvias. During the past quarter century the unprecedented activity in the botanical exploration of those countries has brought together in Salvia, as in many other large genera, an abundance of material for study. Many of these recent collections have been critically examined, and a large number of species based upon them have been described. The collections of the past decade, furthermore, contain very many unique plants which cannot be referred to any of the species already published. These species, together with those described in the last half-century, since the publication of Bentham's treatment of the group in the Pro- dromus, increase the number of known Mexican and Central American Salvias by nearly one hundred. In order to place before students of Mexican botany many previously undescribed forms and to show more clearly than could otherwise be done their affinities, a synopsis has been prepared of all the known Mexican and Central American species. In the preparation of this work the general divisions of Bentham have been adopted, though with 490 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. more material at hand it has been necessary in many cases to amplify or alter tlie limits of groups as defined by him. It was hoped that tlie treatment of the genus published by M. le Professeur Jean Briquet in " Engler & Prantl's Natlirlicheu Planzen- familien " ^ would be of assistance in preparing this synopsis ; but, except for the introduction of somewhat helpful minor divisions of the groups,- that work adds little to the earlier conclusions of Bentham. In fact, so far at least as the Mexican species are concerned, Professor Briquet's translations of Bentham's sectional and subsectional diagnoses are most unfortunate, often so far so as quite to contradict the true characters of the plants he is supposed to be describing, and entirely to mislead the student who attempts to follow his synopsis. In the description of the very first group, the § Micranthae, for example, Bentham says : " Corolkx vix S-Iiuearis calyce dimidio vel rarius suhduplo longior^^ (corolla about 3 lines long, once and a half or rarely almost twice as long as the calyx), proportions which are maintained almost without exception by the species of that section. Yet this is rendered by Briquet " Blkr. [Blumen- krone] klein, die Hdlfte der Ldnge des Kelches erreichend, seltener 2 mal grosser " (corolla small, half the length of the calyx, rarely twice longer) although the species which constitute the section have the corolla as defined by Bentham. Briquet's description of the § Microsphaceae, in- cluded by Bentham in the Prodromus under § Micranthae, reads : " Blkr. klein, ^-aMm die Hdlfte der Ldnge des Kelches erreichend" (corolla small, scarcely half as long as the calyx), thus suggesting plants with the calyx definitely exceeding the corolla, instead of the species, enumerated by him, with the corolla distinctly exceeding the calyx. Again in the § Brachyanthae Bentham describes the lower lip of the corolla as fol- lows : " labium patens . . . galea longius " (lip spreading . . . longer than the galea), while Briquet, rendering it into German says "... ausgebreiteter Unterlippe, diese nicht liinger als die Oberlippe " (. . . the spreading lower lip, this not longer than the upper lip [galea]), thus absolutely contradicting the character of the corolla as shown by the species included by him in the section. Of the 217 Salvias recognized in the present paper, specimens — or in seven cases merely authentic plates — of 174 species have been ex- amined. Of the remaining 43 species very many, although well described, were unknown to Bentham and have not been identified with recently collected material. Others recognized by Bentham as of doubt- 1 Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenf. iv. Ab. 3, 270-286. FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 491 ful status are here noted, although they are so incompletely character- ized as to make their identification without access to the types quite impossible. In such cases the traditional conception of the plant has been maintained as far as possible, though it is highly probable that future study of these little-known types will identify some of them with better known species. The descriptions of two species recently published from old manu- scripts contain so little of specific significance that it is impossible to say upon what plants they were based. These are S. azurea and S. dichroma, La Llave in La Naturaleza, vii (1885) Apend. 82. A European species, »S'. Sclarea, L., is often cultivated in central Mexico and is sometimes distributed in exsiccatae as if an indigenous plant (for example, see SchaSfner's no. 49 from the mountains of San Luis Potosi). In the study of species of § Membranaceae Mr. N. E. Brown of the Royal Gardens at Kew has rendered very valuable service by comparing specimens submitted to him with the types of Bentham's species. SYNOPSIS OF SPECIES. (As far as possible the sectional numbers and descriptions have been maintained as given in the Prodromus.) Section VII. CALOSPHACE, Benth. Calyx ovate, tubulose or campanulate, the upper lip entire or shortly tridentate, the teeth approxi- mate, and the middle one longest. Corolla-tube exserted or included, not annulate within, but occasionally furnished with 2 teeth near the base. Upper lip (galea) straight or concave, entire or often short- emarginate; the lower with spreading lobes. Anterior portion of the connective deflexed, linear, longitudinally connate or approximate, oc- casionally a little dilated, and rarely bearing an empty adnate anther-cell. § 1. MicuANTHAE, Benth. Bracts small, mostly deciduous. Corolla blue or white, short, 8 mm. or less (in one species nearly 1 cm.) in length, very slightly or rarely almost twice exceeding the calyx; the tube generally ventricose ; the galea straight. * Corolla very small, 3 to 5 mm. long : calyx glandular. H- Calyx-lobes blunt. 1. S. occiDENTALis, Swartz, Fl. Ind. Occ. i. 43; Benth. I.e. 296; Gray, Syn. Fl. ii. pt. 1, 370 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 562 ; Briq. 1. c. 277. S. pro- cumhens, Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Per. & Chil. i. 27, t. 39, fig. a. S. radicans, Poir. Diet. vi. 621. Verbena minima chamaedryos folio, Sloane, Jam. i. 492 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 172, t. 107. Hyptis glandulosa, Sieb. Fl. Mart. Exs. no. 151, fide Benth. 1. c. — Common in tropical and subtroj^ical America, extending north to Vera Cruz. Vera Cruz, Mt. Orizaba {Botteri, no. 394) ; Cordoba {Asa Gray) : Yucatan, waste ground near Merida, April, 1887 {Porjirio Valdez, no. 55) : Guatemala, Cobau, Dept. Alta Verapaz, alt. 1,320 m., Nov. 1886 (H. von Tuerckheim in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 1090); Santa Rosa, alt. 770 to 920 m., May, Dec, 1892 {Jleyde & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith, nos. 3014, 4399) : Honduras, San Pedro Sula, Dept. Santa Barbara, alt. 250 m., May, 1888 (C. Thieme in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 5422) : Nicaragua {Charles Wright) : Costa Rica, Ujaras {Oersted) ; Cartago, alt. 1,300 m., Dec, 1887 {Juan J. Cooper) in exsicc J. D. Smith, no. 5901 ; roadsides San Jose, Jan., 1893 {Ad. Tonduz, no. 7280). ■I- +- Calyx-lobes subulate-mucronate. *+ Bracts deciduous. 2. S. MiSELLA, HBK. 1. c 290 ; Benth. 1. c 297 ; Hemsl. 1. c 561 ; Briq. 1. c. — Described from near Acapulco : perhaps the same as the next. ** *-*■ Bracts persistent. 3. S. obscura, Benth. Lab. 245, & in DC. 1. c'297; Millspaugh, Field Columb. Mus. Bot. ser. i. 43. S.-privoides, Gray, Syn. Fl. I.e. 371, not Benth. S. occidentah's, Millsp. 1. c, in part, not Swartz. S. occi- dentalis, var. ? Garberi, Chapm. Bot. Gaz. iii. 10. — Range similar to that of S. occidentalis, extending north to Sinaloa and Lower California. Lower California, La Paz, 1890 {Edw. Palmer, no. 10): Sinaloa, Mazatlan, Dec, 1894 {F. H. Lamb, nos. 311, 317) : Guerrero, Aca- pulco, 1895 {Edw. Palmer, no. 244) : Vera Cruz, Valley of Cordova, Dec. 18, 1865 {Bourgeau, no. 1504): Yucatan, roadside, near Izamal, Jan. 14, 1895 {Millspaugh, no. 90) ; Island of Cozumel, 1895 {G. F. Gaumer, no. 394). * * Corolla 6 to 8 ram. long. •(- Calyx glandular. ++ Bracts caducous. = Stem villous : leaves ovate-lanceolate, rufous-tomentose beneath : verticels 4-6-flowered : calyx with obtuse lobes. 4. S. iNCONSPtCUA, Benth. Lab. 247, & in DC. 1. c 298; Hemsl. 1. c 558 ; Briq. 1. c. 278. — Described from Mexico. Not seen. = = Stem pubescent with long spreading gland-tipped hairs : leaves broad-ovate, slightly puberulent beneath: verticels 2-flovvered : calyx *with acuminate lobes. 5. S. PODADENA, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 131. — Described from Oaxaca. Not seen. FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 493 ** -M- Bracts persistent. = Leaves villous or long-pilose beneath. a. Leaves canescent on both faces, I to 3 cm. long, on slender naked petioles : calyx- lobes acutish. 6. S. SEROTINA, L. Mant. 25 ; Jacq. Ic. Rar. i. 1, t. 3 ; Benth. 1. c; Hemsl. 1. c. iv. 107 ; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, 1. c. .S'. dominica, Vahl. Euum. i. 233; Swartz, Obs. 18, t. 1. fig. 1, not L, — Florida and the West Indies. Reported from Cozumel Island, Yucatan. b. Leaves ferrugineous-villous beneath, 1 dm. or less long, cuneate to winged petioles : calyx-lobes setaceous-mucronate. 7. S. PRivoiDES, Benth. Bot. Sulph. 150, & in DC. I.e. 297 ; Hemsl. 1. c. ii. 563 ; Briq. 1. c. — Southern Mexico and Central America. Jalisco, Guadalajara, Sept., 1886 {Edio. Palmer, no, 498) ; cool shady- places, barranca near Guadalajara, Nov. 5, 1888 (C. G. Pringle, no. 1727) ; San Sebastian, alt. 1,185 to 1,540 m., March 16, 1897 {E. W. Nel- son, no. 4072) : Morelos, Cuernavaca, Nov. 14, 1865 {Bourgeau, no. 1239) : Oaxaca, Jayacatlan, alt. 1,320 m., Sept. 10, 1894 (Z. C Smith, no. 174). = = Leaves short-pilose or glabrate beneath. a. Inflorescence an oblong raceme, 4 to 7 cm. long, not secund : calyx tubulose- campanulate, in fruit 7 mm. long. 8. S. micrantha, Vahl. Enum. i. 235 ; Benth. 1. c. 298 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 561 ; Briq. 1. c. S. bulla9a, Ort. Dec. ix. 109 ; Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. iv. 41, t. 48L S. serotina, Vahl. 1. c. 232, not L. S. occi- dentalis, Millsp. 1. c. in part, not Swartz. — Tropical America, in Mexico known only from the Yucatan coast. Yucatan, streets of Dolores, Island of Mugeres, Jan. 1, 1895 (^MiUspaugh, no. 18) ; without locality, 1896 {Porjirio Valdez, no. 31). S. orhicidaris, Benth. Bot. Sulph. 151, from Panama seems to differ from the species only in its fruticose base. b. Inflorescence secund, loosely-flowered. 1. Calyx-tube bearing long straight spreading setiform glandless hairs mixed with the sliorter gland-tipped ones ; upper lip entire : racemes simple, elongated, be- coming 1 to 1.5 dm. long. 9. S. setosa. Annual, 2 to 5 dm. high ; the stems slightly appressed- retrorse-setulose on the angles : leaves ovate or rhombic-ovate, thin, acute or blunt at tip, cuneate at base to winged petioles, crenate-serrate, 8 cm. or less in length, sparingly appressed-setulose above, paler and minutely puberulent or glabrate beneath : racemes stiff ; verticels mostly 2-flowered, all becoming remote, the lowest 1.5 to 2.5 cm. apart: bracts 494 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. lance-subulate, 5 to 7 mm. long : pedicels 2 to 4 mm. long : calyx in anthesis 5 mtn., in fruit 9 mm. long; the lobes equalling the tube, narrow-ovate, with long subulate aristiform tips, the pubescence less spreading than on the tube : corolla 7 to 8 mm. long ; the sparingly pilose lips deep blue. — S. privoides, Gray in Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. xxi. 435; Rose, Contrib. U. S. Nat, Herb. i. 110; not Benth. — North- western Mexico. Chihuahua, Hacienda San Jose, 1885 {Edw. Palmer, no. 64) : Sonora, by shaded water-courses and in canons. Alamos, Sept., 1890 {Edw. Palmer, no. 680, 681). 2. Calyx pubescent with gland-tipped hairs ; upper lip generally tridentate : racemes paniculate, 5 cm. or less in length. 10. S. lateriflora. Bushy-branched annual, 2.5 to 3 dm. high: stems sparingly retrorse-pilose: leaves ovate or rhombic-ovate, thin, blunt or acutish at tip, cuneate to slender petioles 5 cm. or less long, coarsely crenate-dentate, minutely setulose on both faces or glabrate : flowers solitary or in 2's, all remote, the lowest 0.7 to 1 cm. apart: bracts ovate, acuminate, 1 to 2 mm. long : pedicels 2 to 4 mm. long : calyx in anthesis 2 to 3 mm., in fruit 5 to 6 mm. long ; the tube twice exceeding the broad blunt subulate-tipped lobes. — Sonora, about abandoned gar- dens, Guaymas, Oct., 1887 {Edw. Palmer, no. 320). Habitally re- sembling Scutellaria lateriflora. A fragmentary specimen collected by Xantus at Cape St. Lucas, Lower California, may belong here. H- -t- Calyx not glandular. *+ Leaves thin, membranaceous, the primary ones 4 to 9 cm. long : verticels 6- many-flowered. 11. S. TILIAEFOLIA, Vahl. Leaves broad- or rhombic-ovate, cordate truncate or rounded-cuneate at base, sparingly pubescent on both faces, dark green above. — Symb. iii. 7 ; Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. iii. 2. t. 254; Benth. I.e. 299; Hemsl. 1. c. 566. S. flmhriata, HBK. I.e. 299, t. 149. — Common in tropical America, extending northward through Mexico. Chihuahua, Valley of Chihuahua, Sept. 17, 1885 (0. G. Pringle, no. 556; damp places, Caiion de Pilares, Sept. 22, 1891 (C. V. Hartman, no. 749) : Coahuila, Saltillo, 1848-49 {J. Gregg, no. 542) ; Soldad, Sept., 1880 and in shaded places, Saltillo, Sept., 1880, 1898 (Ediv. Palmer, nos. 1062, 335) : Durango, abundant in shade near Durango, Sept., 1896 (Edw. Palmer, no. 572): San Luis Potosi, in deep shade near the city, 1876 (Sehajfner, no. 674), alt. 1,850 to 2,460 m., 1878 (Parry & Palmer, nos. 743, 746^) : Aguas Calientes (Hart- weg, no. 159) : Mexico, Valley of Mexico, May 5, 1865 (Bourgeau, no. FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 495 122) : Vera Cruz, Orizaba (Botteri, nos. 533, 869), Aug. 13, 1891 (Seaton. no. 304) ; Cordoba (Asa Gray) : Oaxaca, Moute Alban, alt. 1,900 m., Oct. 11, 1895 (L. C. Smith, no. 949) : Guatemala, Santiago, Dept. Zacatepequez, alt. 2,000 m., 1891 (Rosalia Gomez in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 81 G) ; Castillas, Dept. Santa Rosa, alt. 1,230 m., Sept., 1892 (Heyde & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 4055) : Costa Rica, Cartago, alt. 1,300 m., Nov., 1888 (Juan J. Cooper in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 5900) ; San Jose, July, 1892, and San Francisco de Guadalupe, Dec, 1893 (Ad. Tonduz, nos. 701, 8456). See note under S. Chia. S. flexuosa^ Presl in Benth. Lab. 248, is perhaps only a glabrate form of this species, apparently represented by Botteri's no. 395 from Orizaba. Var. cinerascens. Whole plant cinereous with fine puberulence. — Jalisco, barranca near Guadalajara, Oct. 3, 1891 (G. G. Pringle, no. 5176). ++ ++ Leaves firm, small, 1 to 2.5 cm. long : verticels 2-4-flowered. = Herbaceous, erect : leaves broad-ovate, cordate, minutely pubescent : lower verticels in axils of upper foliar leaves. 12. S. HUMiLTS, Benth. Lab. 247, & in DC. 1. c. 298; Hemsl. 1. c. 558 ; Briq. 1. c. — Described from " Mexico." Not seen. = = Diffusely branching from woody base : leaves narrowly rhombic-ovate, or oblong-ovate, cuneate, densely pilose-setulose beneath : racemes short-peil uncled. 13. S. pusilla. Stems 1 to 2.5 dm. long, slender and wiry, puberu- lent and hoary with fine spreading setulose hairs ; more or less diffusely branched : leaves blunt or acutish, irregularly more or less serrate, green above, pale beneath, long-setulose on both faces or glabrate above, on short slender petioles: peduncles 1.5 to 4 cm. long: racemes 1 to 8 cm. long; the verticels all remote, the lowest becoming 2 to 2.5 cm. apart : bracts ovate, 3 to 4 mm. long, firm and essentially persistent : pedicels very short : calyx white-setulose, in anthesis 2 to 3 mm., in fruit 5 mm. long ; the tube once and a half longer than the acuminate lobes : corolla blue, 7 mm. long ; the tube short-exserted ; the pilose galea twice exceeded by the lip: style densely bearded. — Oaxaca, vicinity of Yalalag, alt. 1,230 to 2,400 m., July, 1894 (E. W. Nelson, no. 958); Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 2,160 m., Sept. 23, 1895 (C. Conzatti, in exsicc. L. C. Smith, no. 708). * * * Corolla 9 to 10 mm. long. -1- Leaves cuneate or rounded-cuneate at base : calyx subglabrous. ++ Leaves oblong-lanceolate. 14. S. OUROPHYLLA, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 126. — Described from Costa Rica. Not seen. 496 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ++ -M- Leaves ovate or ovate-elliptic. 15. S. PERMiXTA, Briq. 1. c. 129. — Described from Costa Rica. Not seen. t- -t- Leaves hastate at base : calyx glandular. 16. S. COSTARICENSIS, Oersted ic Kjoeb. Vidensk. Meddel. (1853) 39; Hemsl. I. c. 555. — Costa Rica, Cartago, alt. 1,300 m,, Dec, 1887 {Juan J. Cooper in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 5895) ; San Jose, Oct., 1892 {Ad, Tonduz, no. 7158). § 2. Membranaceae, Benth. Flowers as in the Micranthae or a little larger. Bracts suborbiculate, persistent, membranaceous, veiny, equalling or exceeding the calyx, * Leaves narrow-ovate, cuneate or narrowed at base. ■\- Calyx glabrous, subtruncate, with very short teeth : verticals approximate, forming a spiciform raceme 4 to 8 cm. long: bracts and calyces blue or roseate. 17. S. LOPHANTHA, Benth. in DC. 1. c. 301 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 560, in part ; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, 1. c. — Guatemala, Santa Rosa, alt. 1,230 m., Oct., 1892 {Heyde & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 4051). -I- H- Calyx pubescent. ■w Calyx canescently short-pilose, not viscid : verticels remote, forming a raceme 1 to 2.5 dm. long. 18. S. MOCiNOi, Benth. Lab. 271, & in DC. 1. c. 300; Hemsl. 1. c. 561 ; Briq. 1. c. — Guatemala, Laguna de Ayarza, Dept. Jalapa, alt. 2,460 m., Sept., 1892 (Bei/de & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 4048). ■w -M. Calyx viscid, short-pilose. = Branches pilose ; the hairs spreading. a. Racemes simple, or very slightly branched ; verticels tending to become remote; the primary racemes becoming 0.8 to 2 dm. long : lowest bracts crenate-serrate. 19. S. RUBiGiNOSA, Benth. 1. c. 301. Mature leaves pubescent beneath only on the nerves. — Hemsl. 1. c. 565 ; Briq. 1. c. S. lophantha, Donnell Smith, Enura. PI. Guat. ii. 62, not Benth. S. Mocinoi, Donnell Smith, 1. c. iv. 125, 188, in part, not Benth. — Southern Mexico and Central America. Guatemala, Pinula, alt. 1,350 m., Feb., 1890 (/. D. Smith, no. 1911) ; Chiapas, Dept. Santa Rosa, alt. 1,080 m., Dec, 1892 (Heyde & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 4400). Var. hebephylla. Leaves velutinous beneath. — S. lophantha, Hemsl. 1. c. 560, in part, not Benth. — Vera Cruz, region of Orizaba, Oct. 11, 1866 (Bourgeau, no. 3215): Chiapas, among the mountains (Ghieshreght, no. 745) : Guatemala, Volcan Fuego, Zacatepequez, alt. 1,540 m., March, 1892 (J. D. Smith, no. 2597). FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 497 b. Inflorescences paniculate ; all the verticels remote : bracts entire. 20. S. cladodes. Stems glabrate below, sordid-pilose above : leaves oblong to uarrow-ovate, 1 dm. or less long, 5 cm. or less wide, long- aciimiuate at tip, cuneate at base, finely crenate-serrate, short-velutinous or glabrate on both surfaces; petioles 2 cm. or less long: panicle with slender ascending densely pilose branches 1 to 2 dm. long : bracts purp- lish, broad-ovate or suborbicular, acuminate, more or less pilose, ciliate : verticels 1 to 2.5 cm. apart, 3-9-flowered ; pedicels 4 to 7 mm. long, spreading and nodding at tips : calyx purplish, in anthesis 8 to 9 mm. long, broadened upward ; the tube glandular-pilose ; the glabrate limb with ovate-acuminate lobes : corolla-tube iiacluded ; the lips one half longer than the calyx. — Northwestern Mexico. Without locality (See- mann) : Tepic, near Compostela, alt. 1,540 to 1,850 m., Apr. 7-8, 1897 (B. W. Nelson, no. 4171). = = Branches canescent with appressed strongly recurved hairs : only the lowest verticels remote, the spiciform racemes 1 to 6 cm. long : bracts entire or un- dulate, ciliate. 21. S. saltuensis. Stems 1 to 1.5 m. high, bearing solitary ter- minal racemes or many inflorescences of 1 to 3 verticels on short leafy branchlets : leaves 6 cm. or less long, acute, finely crenate-serrate, dull green and finely pubescent above, canescent-tomentulose beneath, on slender petioles 1.5 cm. or less in length: bracts reniform, acuminate, brownish or slightly rosy tinged, minutely pubescent on the nerves, 1 to 1.5 cm. long: calyx purple-tinged, appressed-hirsute, in anthesis 7 mm. long, with broad blunt or short-acuminate lobes : corolla 1.3 cm. lons^, blue, the pilose galea one half as long as the lip. — Morelos, in woods of Sierra de Tepoxtlan, alt. 2,310 m., Feb. 8, 1899 {G. G. Pringle, no. 8035) : Jalisco, between San Sebastian and the summit of Mt. Bufa de Mascota, alt. 1,380 to 2,300 m., March 20, 1897 {E. W. Nelsoii, no. 4103). = = = Of close affinity to the preceding is 22. S. BUPLEUROiDES, Presl in Benth. Lab. 271, a glabrous plant with fascicled peduncles each bearing solitary many-flowered verticels. Not identified. * * Leaves broad-ovate (narrow-ovate in .S'. nitidd) or rhombic-ovate, rounded to the subcordate truncate or subcuneate base. t- Verticels remote (appaoximate in a form of S. kyptoides) : leaves 5 cm. or less in length. VOL. XXXV. — 32 Leaves glabrous or only minutely puberulent. = Leaves ovate-lanceolate, glossy. 498 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 23. S. NiTiDA, Benth. in DC. 1. c. 300 ; Herasl. 1. c. 562 ; Briq. 1, c. Hyptis nitida, Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. xi. pt. 2, 189. — De- scribed from Oaxaca. Not seen. = = Leaves rhombic-ovate, dull. 24. S. galinsogifolia. Stems 1.5 to 6 dm. high, branching, minutely puberulent, the young parts canescent : leaves 5 cm. or less in length, blunt or acutish, minutely and sparingly puberulent or glabrous, the lowest shorter than the slender petioles: peduncles 1.5 dm. or less in length; verticels from 1 to 5, the lowest becoming 3 to 5 cm. apart; rhachis canescent : bracts reuiform, short acuminate, pale-brown or roseate-tinged, puberulent, ciliate-margined : calyx white-villous, with bluntish ovate-lanceolate lobes : corolla 8 to 9 mm. long, puberulent ; the galea thrice exceeded by the lip. — S. hyptoides, Gray in Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. xxi. 435 ; Rose, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. i. 110; not Mart, and Gal. — Northwestern Mexico. Chihuahua, Hacienda San Miguel, 1885 {Edw. Palmer, no. 205) : Sonora, in shade, mountain- canon. Alamos, Sept., 1890 {^Edw. Palmer, no. 682) ; Huehuerachi, alt. 1,230 m., Dec, 1890 ((7. V. Hartman, no. 323, F. E. Lloyd, no. 452). Resembling S. hyptoides. ++ ++ Leaves setulose-hirsute. = Calyx white-lanate, with short deltoid lobes. 25. S. LASIOCEPHALA, Hook. & Am. Bot. Beech. 306; Benth. 1. c. ; Hemsl. 1. c. 559; Briq. 1. c. — Tepic, Tepic (the type station), Feb., 1895 {F. K La7nb, no. 621). = = Calyx-tube hirsute ; lobes lanceolate. 26. S. HTPTOIDES, Mart. & Gal. I.e. 74; Benth. I.e.; Hemsl. I.e. 558; Briq. I.e. S. elsholtzioides, Benth. Bot. Sulph. 152, t. 50. — Southern Mexico to Venezuela. Jalisco, bluffs of the Rio Grande de Santiago, near Guadalajara, Oct. 19, 1889 (C G. Pringle, no. 2297) : Vera Cruz, Jalapa, alt. 1,230 to 1,390 m., 1894 {C. L. Smith, no. 1664) : Oaxaca, dry banks, Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 2,160 m., Oct. 11, 1894 {G. G. Pringle, no. 5624) ; Jayacatlan, alt. 1,320 m., Nov. 4, 1894 (Z. C. Smith, no. 269); El Fortin, alt. 520 m., 1897 (C. Oonzatti & V. Gonzalez, no. 478): Guatemala, Coban, Dept. Alta Verapaz, alt. 1,320 m., March, 1886 (^H. von Tuerchheim in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 299) ; Jumayte- peque, Dept. Santa Rosa, alt. 1,850 m., Sept., 1892 (Heyde «&; Lnx, in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 4047 : Costa Rica, Volcan el Viejo (^Oersted). Var. subspicata. Plant simple, 1 to 2 dm. high : verticels 2 to 5, FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 499 approximate in a spiciform raceme 1 to 3.5 cm. long, or the lowest a little lemole. — CosTA Rica, near San Francisco de Guadalupe, Jan. 4, 1893 {Ad. Tonduz, no. 7228). t- -1- Verticels approximate in a spiciform raceme: principal leaves 6 to 8 cm. long. • 27. S. lophanthoides. Stem tall, 1 m. or so high, glabrous, or minutely pilose at the tip; internodes 1 to 2dm. long: leaves broad- ovate, short-acumiuate, glabrous above, villous beneath on the nerves, and especially along the midrib, finely crenate-serrate, on slender petioles 3cm. or less in length: peduncles 1.5 cm. or less long; racemes dense, the primary ones 1.3 dm. or less in length, 1.5 cm. thick : bracts brownish, ciliate-margined : calyx viscid, pilose on the strong nerves, in authesis 5 to 6 mm. long, slightly enlarged at the throat, with broad-deltoid sub- ulate-tipped lobes: corolla blue, slightly viscid, 1.2 to 1.4cm. long, the lip twice exceeding the galea. — Oaxaca, mountains near Tlapancingo, alt. 1,850 to 2,460 m., Dec. 7, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 2086). § 3. Brachtanthae, Benth. Bracts small, after authesis falling away, rarely persisting. Corolla middle-sized, conspicuously exceeding the calyx, 1 to barely 2 cm. long (rarely longer), generally blue, very rarely white flesh colored or crimson, never scarlet, with the tube gene- rally ventricose and often contracted at the throat ; with straight or scarcely arched galea (upper lip), and broader 3-lobed lower lip gene- rally exceeding the galea, the middle lobe broadest and emarginate. (Species with exceptionally large flowers, but with their affinities here are S. heterotricha, S. flaccida, S. cedrosensis, S. semiatrata, and »S'. sidae- folia with corollas fully 2 cm. long ; S. anyustifolia with corolla 2.5 cm. long ; and S. sessilifolia with corolla 3 cm. long.) A. AngustifoUae, Benth. Leafy-stemmed herbs or half-shrubs with slightly branching stems : leaves linear, lanceolate, or narrowly ovate- elliptic, narrowed cuneate or rounded-truncate at base. * Bracts orbicular, acuminate, about equalling the calyx, persistent : verticels becoming remote : calyx campanulate, green, strongly nerved, subinflaterl, becoming 1 cm. long, the broad upper lip suberect. Erect annual 2 to 4 dm. higli. • 28. S. HiRSUTA, Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. iii. 1, t. 252 ; Benth. in DC. Prodr. xii. 301 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 557 ; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, 1. c. 278. S. phlomoides, Cav. Ic. iv. 10, t. 320. S. ciliata, Poir. Diet. vi. 588. S. bracteata, Poir. 1. c. 622. S. sideritidis, Vahl, Enum. i. 250. S. cryptanthos, Schultes, Obs. 12, ace. to Benth. S. nepedfolia, Poir. Suppl. v. 48. S. ciliaris, Sesse & Moc. PI. Nueva Espana, ed. 2, 7. — 500 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Central Mexico. Durango, infrequent on shady slopes of ravines, Santiago Fapasquiaro, Aug., 189 Q (Udw. Palmer, no. 4:51) : San Luis PoTOSi, alt. 1,850 to 2,460 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 736) : Mexico, barranca near Santa Fe, July 6, 1865-66 (Bourgeau, no. '490) ; Santa Fe, Sept. 3, 1899 {C. G. Pringle, no. 7991). * * Bracts less conspicuous, soon deciduous : calyx campanulate, conspicuously bilabiate, subinflated. H- Leaves sessile or subsessile or narrowed to short inconspicuous petioles : racemes elongated, at least the lower verticels becoming remote : perennials. {S. assurgens may be looked for here.) ++ Stems leafy nearly or quite to the inflorescence. = Without glandular hairs on stem and calyx. 29. S. ANGUSTiFOLiA, Cav. Stems hispid, bearded at the nodes, 2 to 7 dm. high, very leafy: leaves mostly hispid on the margins and nerves — Ic. iv. 9, t. 317; Lindley, Bot. Reg. xviii. t. 1554; Sweet, Brit. FL Gard. n.s. iii. t. 219; Benth. I.e. 301; Hemsl. I.e. 552; Gray, Syn. Fl. N. A. ii. 369 ; Briq. 1. c. S. reptans, Jacq. Hort. Schoen. iii. 38, t. 319. S. virgata, Ort. Dec. i. 3. — Central and Southern Mexico. Zaca- TECAS, near Plateado, Sept. 2, 1897 (/. N. Rose, no. 2745) : Jalisco, Valley of Mexico, Tizapan, June 26, 1865-66 {Bourgeau, no. 125, in part) : Michoacan, TIalpujahua 1828 (Graham) ; plains near Patzcuaro, Aug. 7, 1892 (C. G. Pringle, no. 4163). S. Unifolia, Mart. & Gal. I. c. 70, and Benth. 1. c. 302, from Michoacan is probably only a form with rose-colored corolla. Var. GLABRA, Gray, 1. c. Stems and leaves glabrous. — S. leptophjlla, Benth. Lab. 249, & in DC. 1. c. 299. S. azurea, Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 131, in part. — From Texas through central and southern Mexico, of broader range than the hispid type. San Luis Potosi, in sand near the city of San Luis Potosi, 1876 {Schaffner, no. 672) : Aguas Calientes {Hartweg, no. 163) ; Jalisco, edge of swamp, Guadalajara, July, 1886 (Edw. Palmer, no. 226): Chiapas, without locality, 1864-70 {Ghies- breght, no. 751) ; valley of Jiquipilas, alt. 650-1,100 m., Aug. 16, 1895 {E. W.Nelson, no. 2922). = = Glandular-hairy. 30. S. heterotricha. Stems erect from a rather woody base, 2.5 to 4.5 dm. high, puberulent, and, especially above, bearing slender jointed glandular hairs : leaves linear-attenuate, strongly 1-3-nerved, 3 to 8 cm. long, puberulent or glabrate or rarely with some slender glandular hairs : raceme 2 cm. or less in length; verticels all remote, the lower 3 to 4 cm. apart, 3-9-flowered : bracts lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, glandular- FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 501 clliate, mostly shorter than the calyx: pedicels 2 to 4 mm. long: calyx tubular-campanulate, in authesis 8 to 10 mm. long, glandular-ciliate on the strong nerves; lobes about 3 mm. long; the upper lip broadly ovate, bluntish, entire; lower lip with 2 slightly narrower and more pointed lobes : corolla blue or violet as in S. angustifolia, but the galea more pubescent : style bearded. — S. angustifolia, Gray in Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. XX. 445, in part, not Cav. — Jalisco, in bottoms, Rio Blanco, June, 18G6 {Edw. Palmer, no. 53) ; plains near Guadalajara, July 1, 1889 {O. G. Pringle, no. 2913). Var. multinervia. Leaves lance-linear to oblanceolate, mostly with 5 parallel nerves. — Tepic, foothills between Acaponeta and Pedro Paulo, Aug. 2, 1897 (/. N. Rose, no. 1934). -w- ++ Raceme long-pedunculate : leaves confined to the lower half of the plant. = Upper lobe of the calyx tridentate. a: Calyx-tube pilose-hispid, not glandular : attenuate bracts glabrous or glabrate. 31. S. COMOSA, Peyr. Stem 2 to 6 dm. high, glabrous or glandular- pilose : leaves membranaceous, linear or lanceolate, the upper half crenate- serrate, generally pubescent beneath on the veins. — Linnaea, xxx. 32 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 555. S. glechomaefolia, Wats. Proc. Am. Acad, xviii. 137, in part, not HBK. — Central and southeastern Mexico. Without lo- cality {Coulter, no. 1115): San Luis Potosi, without locality, 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 761) : Mexico, Santa Fc, July 6, 1865-66 {Bourgeau, n. 396) : Vera Cruz, Mt. Orizaba, alt. 2,460 to 2,770 m., Aug., 1891 {Seaton, nos. 259, 323). Originally described from Toluca, Mexico. Var. hypoglauca. Similar, glabrous : leaves slightly petioled, very glabrous, glaucous beneath, entire or serrulate at tip. — S. hypoglauca, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 136. — Michoacan, moun- tains about Patzcuaro, July 30, 1892 {G. G. Pringle, no. 4155). A glabrous and glaucous extreme, not separable otherwise from S. comosa. b. Calyx and attenuate bracts glandular-hispid. 1. Leaves linear, revolute, with one conspicuous broad nerve. 32. S. unicostata. Slender, 2 to 4 dm. high : stem sparingly gland- ular-hispid : leaves 3 to 6 cm. long, 2 mm. or less wide, glabrous : pedun- cles 0.5 to 1 dm. long; raceme 1 to 1.5 dm. long, the lower verticels 0.5 dm. apart, the upper approximate; verticels 3-6-flowered : bracts short, ovate, subulate-tipped : calyx in anthesis 5 mm. long, the tube equalling the lance-subulate lobes : corolla 1.3 cm. long, puberulent. — 502 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. S. angustifolia, var. glabra, Wats. Proc. Am. Acad, xviii. 138, in part, not Gray. — San Luis Potosi, without locality, alt. 1,840 to 2,460 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 760). 2. Leaves oblanceolate, pinnately nerved. 33. S. firma. Steins decumbent at base, glabrous below, glandular- pubescent in the inflorescence, 4 to 5 dm. high : leaves 4 to 8 cm. long, 0.5 to 2 cm. broad, acute or blunt at tip, cuueate at base, crenulate-serrate, thick and firm, glabrous, above sublucid : peduncles elongated, 1-2-brac- teate ; racemes becoming 3 dm. long ; verticels all distinct, 3-6-flowered, the lowermost 5 to 8 cm. apart : bracts short, broad-ovate, subulate-tipped : pedicels short : calyx campanulate, in anthesis 5 to 6 mm., becoming 1 cm. long ; tube twice exceeding the lobes ; upper lip broad-ovate, the teeth subulate; lobes of the lower lip with long subulate tips: corolla 1.5 cm. long, the tube slightly exserted, the dark blue lower lip with a pale spot in its centre and twice exceeding the puberulent blunt galea : style bearded. — S. glechomaefolia, Wats. I.e. not HBK. — Jalisco, on hill- sides, Rio Blanco, June, 1886 (Udw. Palmer, no. 61). = = Upper lip of calyx entire. a. Glabrous : leaves oblong-lanceolate : bracts round, obtuse or short-mucronate. 34. S. LAEVis, Benth. Lab. 251, & in DC. I.e. 303; Hemsl. I.e. 559; Briq. I.e. & in Engl. & Prantl, I.e. — Not seen. Described from Mexico and from near Tlalpujahua, Michoacan. b. Pubescent : leaves elliptic-oblanceolate or narrowly obovate : bracts ovate, long- attenuate. 35. S. sinaloensis. Stems slender, 2 to 2.5 dm. high, slightly branched, below short- hirsute, above and in the inflorescence densely pubescent with long straight fine viscid hairs : leaves acutish, the upper half appressed-serrate, the lower half subentire, subcuneate to a sessile base or obscurely short-pe tided ; those of the main stem 3 to 4 pairs, the uppermost largest, 3.5 to 6 cm. long, 1,25 to 2 cm. broad, above appressed short-setulose or glabrate, beneath pale, minutely setulose on the nerves : peduncle 6 to 9 cm. long, about equalling the leafy lower portion of the plant; raceme becoming 1 dm. or so long; verticels 3-6-flowered, the lower 4 cm. apart, the upper rather approximate : bracts pilose-hispid, colored, soon deciduous : calyx densely pilose-hispid with fine viscid hairs, in anthesis 5 to 7 mm. long; the tube twice as long as the broad abruptly subulate-tipped lobes : corolla 1.5 cm. long, the tube slightly exserted, the dark blue lip with a pale spot in its centre twice exceeding the puberu- FEIINALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 503 lent blunt oblong galea : style bearded. — Sinaloa, foothills of the Sierra Madre near Colomas, July 14, 1897 (^J. N. Rose, no. 1727). M- ^- Leaves nearly all with definite petioles. (S. comosa and S. sinaloensis may be looked for here.] -w Annuals, more or less busliy-branched : racemes elongated, at least the lower verticels remote. = Leaves linear-lanceolate to oblong-linear, obscurely serrate : bracts lanceolate. 36. S. LANCEOLATA, Brouss. App. Elench. PI. Hort. MoDsp. (1805) 15 ; Willd. Eimm. Hort. Berol. i. 37 ; Jacq.f. Eclog. i. 22, t. 13 ; Benth. I.e. 299; Gray, 1. c. 369; Hemsl. I.e.; Briq. I.e. aS\ rejlexa, Horn. Hort. Hafn. (1807), i. 34, *S'. lanceifolia, Poir. Suppl. v. 49. S. aspidojihyUa, R. & S. Syst. Mant. i. 206. ^S*. trichostemoides, Pursh, Fl. i. 19. aS'. aegyptiaca, Sesse & Moc. I.e. 6, not L. — Florida and S. W. United States to Central Mexico. Without locality, 1848-49 {^Gregg, no. 541) : Chihuahua, low ground near Chihuahua, Oct. 1852 {Geo. Thurher, no. 821) ; plains near Chihuahua, Sept. 11, 1885 ( C G. Pmigle, no. 654); damp places near Pilares, Sept. 23, 1891 (O. V. Hartman, no. 744) : Coahuila, abundant in abandoned fields and bottom-lands, Saltillo, Sept., 1898 (Edw. Palmer^ no. 336) : Durango, abundant in rich bottom-lands, near Durango, July, 1896 {Edw. Palmer, no. 327) ; along arroyos, Santiago Papasquiaro, Aug., 1896 {Edw. Palmer, no. 446) ; between Cerro Prieto and La Providencia, Sept. 11, 1898 {E. W. Nelson, 4969) : San Luis Potosi, damp places about the city, 1876 {Schaffner, no. 673); alt. 1,840 to 2,460 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 744) : Guanajuato, Presa de la olla, 1893 {A. Duges) : QuEKETARO, Nov. 19, 1827 {Berlandier, no. 1279). = = Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, coarsely subincised-dentate : bracts broadly ovate. 37. S. SUBINCISA, Benth. PI. Hartw. 20, & in DC. I.e. 303; Gray, I.e.; Ilemsl. I.e. 565; Briq. I.e. — Texas to Central Mexico. Chihuahua, Pilares, Sept. 18, 1891 {O. V. Hartman, no. 776): Du- rango, rich low ground near Durango, July, 1896 {Edw. Palmer, no. 305): Aguas Calientes, in fields near the city {Hartweg, no. 160). Originally described from Hartweg's plant. = = = Leaves ovate or narrowly rhombic-ovate, crenate-serrate : bracts narrowly ovate with long attenuate barbulate tips. 38. S. Chia. Similar to the two preceding : about 6 dm. high, with long internodes (the lower 5 to 7 cm. long) : stem strongly quadrangular, puberulent with appressed white hairs, densely white-pilose at the nodes : 504 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. leaves bluntish at tip, cuneate at base to a long slender petiole, coarsely crenate-serrate, especially above the subentire base ; margin and petiole densely short-pilose ; upper face dark green, jjuberulent or glabrate ; lower face paler, minutely pubescent : racemes very short-pedunculate, 0.5 to 2 dm. long; verticels 3-6-flowered, the lower 1.5 era. apart, the upper approximate : pedicels 3 mm. long, minutely white-pilose : calyx ciliate on the strong nerves, narrowly campanulate, iu anthesis 8 mm. long ; the tube twice exceeding the ovate acuminate lobes ; upper lip entire: corolla 1.3 to 1.5 cm. long, the white tube somewhat exserted ; lips blue, the lower pubescent beneath, twice as long as the pubescent upper one: style glabrous. — Coahuila, damp bottom-lands, Saltillo, Sept., 1898 {Edw. Palmer, no. 334). This as well as three other species, S. lanceolata^ S. tiliaefolia, and S. hispanica, are called chia by the Mex- icans, and a cooling beverage known likewise by that name is prepared from the seed. (See Rose, Coutr. U. S. Nat. Herb. v. 225.) •<-<• ■*-*• Perennials, mostlj' decumbent at least at base. = The lower verticels becoming remote. a. Corolla white or pale : stem strongly decumbent or subrepent : leaves ovate- elliptic to oblong, glabrate : peduncle U.5 to 1.5 dm. long. 39. S. ASSURGENS, HBK. Nov. Gen. & Spec. ii. 293 ; Benth. 1. c. 304 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 553 ; Briq. 1. c. — Miciioacan, grassy hills near Patz- cuaro, July 18, 1892 (C. G. Pringle, no. 4150); Oct. 20, 1898 {E. W. D. Holway, no. 3184) ; originally collected near the same town, alt. 2,100 m., by Humboldt & Bonpland. According to Kunth the color of the corollae is " pallide violacea ? (carnea ex Bonpl.)," but neither of the recently collected specimens shows any violet tinge. h. Corolla blue or violet. 1. Pilose-hirsute: internodes short: leaves oblong to rhombic-ovate : calvx hispid below, in anthesis 5 to 7 mm. long; tube equalling the lobes; upper lip triden- tate or entire. 40. S. PRUNELLOiDES, HBK. 1. c. 289; Benth. I.e. 305; Hemsley, I.e. 563; Briq. I.e. aS. glechomaefolia, Wats. Proc. Am. Acad, xviii. 137, not HBK. S. tricandra, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 133. — Coahuila to Oaxaca. Coahuila, mountains 64 km. south of Saltillo, July, 1880 {Edw. Palmer, no. 1098) ; limestone hills, Carneros Pass, Sept. 27, 1890 {G. G. Pringle, no. 3681) : Nuevo Leon, Lerios, July, 1880 {Edw. Palmer, no. 1097) : Durango, Cacaria, Aug. 5, 1898 E. W. Nelsoyi, no. 4651): Mexico, without locality, 1848-49 {Gregg, no. 406) ; cool slopes, Sierra de las Cruces, Aug. 21, 1892 ((7. G. Prin- FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 605 gle, no. 4200) : Oaxaca, Cuilapan, alt. 1,840 m., June 27, 1895 (Z. C. Smith, no. 778). Originally from Volcan de Jorullo, Michoacan. Briquet bases bis species S. trichandra upon Pringle's no. 4200, stating in his description of tbe calyx tbat the upper lip is entire. In the speci- mens of this number, as represented in the Gray Herbarium, tbe upper lip is usually tridentate, thus placing the plant distinctly with S. pru- nelloides. 2. Pulierulent : internodes longer : leaves oblong or narrowly ovate-oblong : calyx puberulent, tubular-campanulate, in anthesis 7 to 8 mm. long, the tube one half longer than the lobes ; upper lip entire. 41. S. OBLONGiFOLiA, Mart. & Gal. I. c. 79 ; Benth. 1. c. ; Hemsl. 1. c. 562; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, I.e. S. reticulata, Mart. & Gal. I.e. 64, ace. to Benth. — Southern Mexico. Chiapas, without locality, July, Aug., 1864-70 (Ghiesbreght, nos. 61, 750) ; near San Cristobal, alt. 2,150 to 2,460 m., Sept. 18, 1895 (K W. Nelson, no. 3191). Originally described from Oaxaca. = = Verticels congested in a long-peduncled head : stem pilose-hispid, 2 to 2.5 dm. high: leaves ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong, obtuse: heads 1 to 1.5 cm. high. 42. S. Tatei, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 135. — Mexico, without indicated locality in herb. Delessert. Not seen. * * * Bracts deciduous : calyx cylindric, not becoming inflated, less conspicu- ously bilabiate : stems numerous from a woody base. f- Bracts very early deciduous : calyx blue-tinged, conspicuously nerved, puberu- lent or short-pubescent. •w- Verticels, or all but the lowermost, aggregated, forming a rather dense head. = Stems 1 m. or less high, finely canescent: leaves 2 to 8 cm. long, soft-canescent beneath : heads simple or branched, 2 to 12 cm. long : calyx, in anthesis, 5 to 7 mm. long; the tube thrice exceeding the deltoid subulate-acuminate lobes: corolla blue rose or white. 43. S. LAVENDULOiDES, HBK. Leaves lanceolate, oblanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, acutish' or blunt, crenulate. — Nov. Gen. & Spec. ii. 287 ; Benth. 1. c. 303 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 559 ; Briq. I. c. S. Humboldtiana, R. & S. Syst. Mant. i. 183. S. lavendulaefolia, Spreng. Syst. i. 58, not Vahl. S. purpurina, La Llave, La Nat. vii. 82. S. stricfa, Sesse & Moc. I.e. 8. — Southern Mexico and Central America. Mexico, Valley of Mexico {Bourgeau, no. 1110, Schafner, no. 410) : Michoacan, hills of Patzcuaro, Nov. 21, 1891 (C G. Pringle, no. 3954) : Morelos, Cuer- navaca, alt. 2,300 m., Jan. 4, 1899 (01 C. Deam, no. 2) : Oaxaca, N. W. slope of Mt. Zempoaltepec, alt. 2,460 to 3,000 m., July 10, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 701) : Cuyamecalco, alt. 2,000 m., Sept. 4, 1895 (Z. C. Smith, 506 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. no. 601): Chiapas, without locality, 1864-70 {Ghiesbreght, nos. 738, 741, 747); near San Cristobal, alt. 2,150 to 2,460 ra., Sept. 18, 1895 {E. W. Nelson, no. 3142) : Guatemala, Santa Rosa, Depart. Baja Verapaz, alt. 1,530 m., April, 1887 {H. von Tuerckheim in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 1193); Santiago, Depart. Zacatepequez, alt. 2,000 m., 1891 (^Rosalio Gomez in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 823) ; Sacabaja, Depart. Quiche, alt. 1,230 m., March, 1892, and Castillas, Depart. Santa Rosa, alt. 1,230 ra., Dec, 1892 {Heyde & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith, uos. 3128, 4395). Originally described from Patzcuaro, Michoacan. Var. LATiFOLiA, Benth. Leaves elliptic-oblong, acute. — PI. Hartw. 21, & in DC. I.e. — Jalisco, Bolaiios {Hartweg, no. 171). = = Similar: stems minutely retrorse-pubescent : leaves not canescent beneath. a. Leaves oblong or narrowly ovate-elliptic, 1.5 to 3 cm. long, tliickish, rugose, green, sometimes a little pubescent on the nerves beneath, obscurely crenate or entire : lower verticels a little remote : calyx 5 to 6 mm. long the upper lip very short, the lower with 2 ovate lobes 1 mm. long. 44. S. GUADALAJARENSis, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve ii. 132. S. helianthemifolia^ van, Gray in Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. xxii. 445, not S. helianthemifolia, Benth. — Jalisco, among rocks, Rio Blanco, Sept., 1886 {Edw. Palmer^ no. 556) ; dry rocky hills near Guadalajara, Nov. 1, 1893 (a G. Pringle, no. 4624). b. Leaves lanceolate or oblong-linear, bluntish, dull, minutely puberulent or gla- brate : deltoid acuminate calyx-lobes subequal. 1. Stems numerous, assurgent, 2 to 2.5 dm. high, leafy chiefly near the base : leaves entire, glaucous : calyx white-puberulent, in anthesis 6 mm. long. 45. S. Teresae. Leaves short-petioled, 2 to 2.5 cm. long, 0.25 to 0.5cm. broad: peduncles 1 to 1.5 dm. long; raceme rather loosely flow- ered ; the lower verticels 1 cm. apart, 2-6-flowered : bracts ovate-lance- olate, acuminate : calyx dark blue : corolla 1.3 cm. long, the galea densely pubescent. — Tepic, near Santa Teresa, top of Sierra Madre, Aug. 13, 1897 {J. N. Rose, no. 2233). 2. Stems few, erect, 6 to 8 dm. high : leaves remote, serrate, not glaucous : calyx minutely pubescent, not whitened, in anthesis 4 to 5 mm. long. 46. S. muscarioides. Stems simple or sparingly branched ; inter- nodes 1 dm. or less long; leaves short-petioled, 5 to 6 cm. long, 0.75 to 1 .5 cm. wide : peduncles 2 dm. or less long : bracts minute, caducous : lower verticels 2 or 3 cm. apart, the others crowded, 8-20-flowered : pedicels spreading and drooping: calyx dark blue and green: corolla 1.2 cm. long; the lower lip much exceeding the pubescent galea: style slightly exserted, bearded. — Northwestern Mexico. Chihuahua, base FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 507 of Mt. Mohinora, 13 km. from Guadalupe y Calvo, alt. 2,150 to 2,310 m., Aug., 1898 {E. W. Nelson, no. 4850). Inflorescence, as also that of related species, suggesting Muscari botryodes. .^ *♦ Verticels mostly remote, forming an elongate loose raceme. = Stem 5 to 6 dm. high : leaves oblong, blunt or acutish : racemes 2.5 dm. long or loss ; verticels G-20-flo\vered, lower 4 to 5 cm. apart, upper approximate : calyces retiexed : corolla 1 cm. long, the tube included or short-exserted. 47. S. HELiANTHEMiFOLiA, Benth. Lab. 254, & in DC. 1. c. 304 ; Ilemsl. 1. c. 557 ; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, 1. c. — South-central Mexico. S.\N Luis Potosi, alt. 1,840 m., 1878 {Parry &, Palmer, no. 729) : Hidalgo, Sierra de Pachuca, alt. 3,000 m., Sept. 14, 1899 (C. G. Pringle, no. 8222): Michoacan, near Tlalpujabua {Graham). De- scribed from Graham's material from Tlalpujahua and from San Martin, PUEBLA. = = Similar : leaves oblong-lanceolate, acute, serrate : verticels subequally re- mote : calyces less retiexed : corolla-tube equalling the calyx. 48. S. RE5I0TA, Benth. I.e. ; Hemsl. I.e. 564; Briq. 1. c. Described from Mexico without definite locality. -1- 1- Bracts hardly persistent, lower verticels becoming slightly remote : nerves of calyx hidden by the long appressed silky pubescence. 49. S. cryptodonta. Resembling S. lavendidoides : stems canes- cent : leaves narrow-oblong, blunt, crenate-serrate, 2 to 5 cm. long, 0.5 to 1.5 cm. wide, rugose, green and appressed-setulose above, white-tomentose beneath, short-petioled : raceme 2 to 5 cm. long ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ascending : calyx blue, in anthesis 5 mm. long, the short teeth obscured by the dense silky hairs : corolla 1 cm. long, the tube barely exserted ; galea pilose, half as long as the lip. — Durango, Aug. 16, 1897 (/. N. Rose, no. 2338). t- -1- -t- Bracts persistent through anthesis, their slender tips conspicuous : nerves of calyx somewhat hidden by long hairs : heads very dense. = Leaves lanceolate, slightly canescent: the long-peduncled heads 3 to 5 cm. in lengtii : bracts ascending : calyx white-villous. 50. S. STACHYOiDES, HBK. 1. c. t. 138; Benth. I.e. 303; Hemsl. I.e. 5G5 ; Briq. I.e. — Southern Mexico. Oaxaca, 29 km. S. W. of the city of Oaxaca, alt. 2,300 to 2,920 m., Sept., 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 1387). Originally from Los Joares and Santa Rosa. = = Leaves oblong, glabrous or slightly puberulent : heads 2 to 13 cm. long : bracts more spreading : calyx pilose-hirsute. 51. S. ELONGATA, HBK. 1. c. t. 139 ; Benth. I.e.; Hemsl. I.e. 556. S. Betonica, R. & S. I. c. 188. S. simplex, Spreng. Syst. i. 58. — South- 508 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. central Mexico. Mexico, Valley of Mexico, Sept. 7, 1865-66 (Bour- ffeau, no. 859); wooded canons, Sierra de las Cruces, Oct. 2, 1892, and Serrania de Ajusco, alt. 3,075 m., Sept. 11, 1897 (C G. Pringle, nos. 4278, 7457). Originally from the region of Ario, Michoacan. B. Acaulae. Similar to AngustifoUae but tending to be acaulescent or subacaulesceut, the obovate canesceut basal leaves forming a rosette : peduncle 0.5 to 2.5 dm. high ; raceme as long ; the verticels remote. 52. S. NANA, HBK. 1. c. 289 ; Benth. in DC. 1. c. 304 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 561 ; Briq. 1. c. S. pi-unelloides, Benth. PI. Hartw. 90, 351, not HBK. S. rhomhifoUa, Sesse & Moc. I.e. 8. — Northern Mexico to Central America. Durango, El Salto, July 12, 1898 {E. W. Nelson, no. 4566) : Zacatecas, near San Juan Capistrano, Aug. 18, 1897 (/. N. Rose, no. 3534) : San Luis Potosi, rare in the mountains, San Rafael, 1876 {Schafner, no. 680) ; alt. 1,840 m. {Parry & Palmer, no. 745, 746) : Guanajuato, 1893 (A. Duges, no. 228 B) : Oaxaca, Boca de Leon, Telixtlahuaca, June 27, 1895 (Z. G. Smith, no. 414). Originally from Guanajuato. C. Vulgares, Benth. Branching or sometimes simple herbs, rarely half-shrubs : leaves petioled, ovate, rarely oblong, membranaceous, rounded round-cuneate or subcordate at base. (>S'. prunelloides and *S'. Martensii may be looked for here.) « Annuals. •<- Coarse more or less canescent plant with long-petioled pale-green leaves and peduncled spiciform heads with persistent foliaceous broad bracts. 53. S. HiSPANiCA, L. Spec. 25 ; Edw. Bot. Reg. v. t. 359 ; Benth. in DC. 1. c. 308 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 558 ; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, 1. c. 279. S. tetragona, Moench, Meth. 373. S. prismatica, Cav. fide Hemsl. 1. c. S. neo-hispaiiica, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 137. — From western Texas and Coahuila to northern South America and the West Indies. Introduced into southern Europe, whence the specific name. Coahuila, Carneros Pass, Sept. 27, 1890 {G. G. Pringle, no. 3683) : Durango, sides of arroyos, Santiago Papasquiaro, Aug., 1896 {Edw. Palmer, no. 967); bottom-lands, Durango, Oct., 1896 {Edw. Palmer, no. 757) : San Luis Potosi, sand near the city, 1876 {Schaffner, nos. 675, 1053) : Guanajuato, 1895 {A. Duges) : Jalisco, Rio Blanco, Oct., 1886 {Edw. Palmer, no. 659) : Vera Cruz, Orizaba {Botteri, no. 534) : Mexico, Santa Fe, Oct. 15, 1865-66 {Boiirgeau, no. 1109): Oaxaca, near Rej^es, alt. 1,800 to 2,600 m., Oct. 20, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 1782); Jayacatlan, alt. 1,350 m., Nov. 4, 1894 FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 509 (Z. G. Smith, no. 2S8) : Guatesiala, Buena Vista, Depart. Santa Rosa, alt. 1,700 m., Dec, 1892 {Heyde & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 4-101).. Frequently cultivated in Mexico as " Chia-blanco " — see note under S. Chia above. -t- H- Delicate, not canescent : leaves short-petioled : bracts small, deciduous. 54. S. flaccida. Slender, 2 to 3 dm. high, simple or branching from the base, puberulent below, more or less glandular-pilose above : leaves very thin and flaccid, glabrous and lucid or minutely hispidulous on the nerves beneath, from rhombic-ovate to oblong-ovate, short-acuminate, coarsely appressed-serrate, cuneate and entire at base, the uppermost largest, 4 to 6 cm. long, 2 to 3.5 cm. bi'oad ; petioles slender, puberulent, 0.5 to 1.5 cm. long: peduncle 4 to 5 cm. long; raceme short, 2 to 3 cm. Ions:, of 2 or 3 remote 3-6-flowered verticels : bracts lanceolate : pedicels 3 mm. long : calyx minutely glandular-hispidulous, narrovr- campanulate, in anthesis nearly 1 cm. long ; the upper lip bluish, entire, ovate, bluntly mucronate ] the lower lip paler, with 2 lance-atteuuate lobes : corolla 2 to 2.5 cm. long, the white tube one half longer than the calyx, hardly ventricose; galea blue, puberulent, one half as long as the broad white lip. — Southern Mexico and adjacent Central America. Chiapas, between Tumbala and El Salto, alt. 460 to 1,380 m., Oct. 29, 1895 {E. W. Nelson, no. 3374) : Guatemala, in woods, Rubeleruz, Depart. Alta Verapaz, alt. 770 m., Oct., 1885 {H. von Tuerckheim in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 780). * * Perennials. ■»- Erect or suberect, branching mostly above the base, leafy nearly or quite to the inflorescence. ++ Leaves rounded rounded-truncate or subcordate at base, not tapering to the distinct petioles. = Calyx in anthesis about 3 mm. long. a. Racemes terminal and from the upper axils, panicled, and often branching: leaves pale green, glaucous beneath : calyx minutely puberulent, with very short broad-deltoid teeth. 1. Racemes 2 to 7 cm. long, compactly flowered : pedicels 1 mm. long. 55. S. BREViCALYX, Benth. in DC. 1. c. 309 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 553. — Southern Mexico. Guerrero, between Ayuainapa and Petatlan, alt. 1,530 to 2,150 m. Dec. 14, 1894, and at top of Sierra Madre near Chil- pancingo, alt. 2.770 to 3,140 m., Dec. 24, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, nos. 2146, 2220) : Oaxaca, mountains near Tlapancingo, alt. 1,840 to 2.460 m., Dec. 7, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 2064). Originally from Oaxaca. 510 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 2. Racemes longer, slender : pedicels 2 to 3 mm. long, equalling the calyx. 56. S. FiLiPES, Benth. 1. c. ; Hemsl. I.e. 556. S. polystachya, var., Benth. PI. Hartw. 50, not S. poJijstachya, Ort. Described from Regla. Not seen. b. Racemes short, simple, solitary, or paniculate, with some remote lower verticels in tiie axils of the upper foliar leaves : calyx hispidulous, with short deltoid- subulate teeth. 57. S. menthiformis. Tall herb, 6 to 8 dm. high : stems strongly angular and furrowed, cinereous-puberuleut, freely branching : leaves ovate or orbicular-ovate, acuminate, round-cordate at base, crenulate- serrate, 1.5 to 5 cm. long, 1 to 3.5 cm. broad, dark green and glabrate above, pale and minutely puberulent or glabrate beneath, on slender ciuereous-puberulent petioles 1 to 2 cm. long ; raceme, excluding the remote axillary verticels, 2 to 5 cm. long ; the crowded verticels 6-20- flowered : pedicels barely 1 mm. long : corolla blue, pilose, 1.2 cm. long; the tube twice exceeding the calyx ; the lip hardly equalling the galea : style glabrous or slightly bearded. — S. polystachya, Donnell Smith, Enum. PL Guat. iv. 126, not Ort. S. purpurea, Donnell Smith, 1. c. in part, not Cav. — Costa Rica, Cartago, alt. 1,300 m., Oct., 1887 {Juan J. Cooper in exsicc. J. D. Smith, no. 5902) ; San Francisco de Guada- lupe, alt. 1,200 m., Jan., 189^ {A. Tonduz, no. 1781); Rio Turrialba, Prov. Cartago, alt. 500 m., March, 1894 {J. D. Smith, no. 4919). Habitally resembling forms of Mentha aquutica. c. Racemes simple, with no axillary lower verticels. 1. Raceme spiciform, densely flowered, 4 to 10 cm. long: leaves broad-ovate, 1 dm. long, 6 dm. wide, on long petioles: corolla white. 58. S. Cataria, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 142. Described from Costa Rica, No specimen seen. 2. Raceme elongate, loosely-flowered, at least the lower verticels remote. O Leaves broad-ovate, glabrous, coarsely and irregularly serrate : pedicels 2 to 4 mm. long. 59. S. brachtodonta, Briq. 1. c. 149. S. albijlora, var. caerules- cens, Gray in Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. xxii. 445, in part. — Jalisco, on sides of cafions, Rio Blanco, Sept., 1886 {Edw. Palmer, no. 598); hillsides near Guadalajara, Sept. 27, 1889 {G. G. Pringle, no. 2463). Placed by Briquet under the group Cordifoliae, Benth., but the leaves are rounded-truncate at base, not cordate, and in habit as well the plant much more resembles members of the Vulgares. FERNALD, — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 511 O O Leaves narrow-ovate, lanate beneatli in the axils of the nerves, finely and regularly serrate : pedicels 1 mm. long. 60. S. Ghiesbreghtii. Tall, 1 m. (?) or less high: stems puberu- lent, with long asceudiug branches : leaves loDg-acuminate, rounded at base, 3 to 6 cm. long, 1 to 3 cm. wide, puberulent above, pilose or glabrate beneath, except for the often densely lanate mid-nerve, on petioles 1 cm. or less in length : racemes slender, flexuous, 1 to 2.5 dm. long; verticels 10-20-flo\vered, the lower 1.5 cm. apart: bracts small, ovate-attenuate, caducous : calyx hispid, with short-deltoid ciliate subu- late-tipped teeth : corolla pale blue, pilose, 1.2 cm. long; the ventricose tube twice exceeding the calyx ; galea and lip subequal : style bearded. — ^. polystachya, Hemsl. 1. c. 563, in part, not Ort. — Chiapas, among the mountains, July, 1864-70 {Ghiesbreght, nos. 129, 743). = = Calyx in anthesis about 5 mm. long. a. Lower surfaces of firm leaves tlie pedicels and the cal^'ces permanently canes- cent with fine stellate pubescence. 61. S. Palmeri, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xxi. 408. — Chihuahua, hillsides at the Frailes, on the mountains above Batopilas, 1885 {Edw. Palmer, no. 259). 6. Lower surfaces of leaves the pedicels and the calyces canescent with appressed short hairs : racemes very elongated, the verticels subequally remote : broad lip of corolla much exceeding the galea. %-2. S. LEPTOSTACHYS, Benth. Lab. 258, «fe in DC. 1. c. 308; Hemsl. I.e. 560; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, I.e. — South central Mexico. Jalisco, near Plateado, Aug. 31, 1897 (/. N. Rose, no. 2682) : More- Los, hills near Cuernavaca, Nov. 10, 1895 (C. G. Prlngle, no. 7078). c. Lower surfaces of leaves canescent-tomentose, glabrate or glabrous : calyx vil- lous or hirsute : galea and lip of corolla subequal. 63. S. POLYSTACHYA, Ort. Leaves broad-ovate, tomentose beneath : racemes panicled : calyx canescent, villous. — Dec. 55 j Cav. Ic. i. 17, t. 27; HBK. I.e. 296; Benth. I.e.; Hemsl. I.e. 563; Briq. I.e. S. Unenrif'}Ha, Lag. Nov. Gen. & Spec. 2. S. Durandiana (as subspecies), Briq. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. xxx. 238, & Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 138. — An extremely variable species, the typical form seen only from Michoacan, Tlalpujahua {Graham). Var. CAESiA, Briq. Leaves narrow-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, glaucous, glabrous or minutely pubescent, not tomentose, beneath : inflorescence as in the type but racemes more elongated, the lower verticels often remote : 512 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. calyx generally with shorter pubescence. — Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. xxx. 236 (fe Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, 1. c. S. caesia, Willd. Enum. i. 40; HBK. 1. c. 295. — Central Mexico to Central America. Hidalgo, Guadalupe, Valley of Mexico, Aug., 18G5-66 (Bourgeau, nos. 721, 854), Aug. 17, 1865 {Bilimek, no. 316) : Mexico, Takubaya, Aug. 28, 1865 (Bilhnek, no. 315) : Oaxaca, near Puebla, alt. 2,150 m., Nov. 9, 1895 (L. C. Smith, no. 908). Var. philippensis. Leaves as in the species : racemes simple, elongated, 1 to 2 dm. long: calyx short villous. — Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 2,300 m., Sept. 1, 1894 (E. W. Nelson, no. 1175), Oct. 5, 1894 {C. G. Pringle, no. 4953). Var. seorsa. Similar to the last: leaves glabrate beneath: racemes simple, elongated ; verticels many-flowered, the lower 2 to 3 cm. apart. — Mexico, Valley of Mexico, Sept. 19, 1889 (C. G. Pringle, no. 2818). Var. albicans. Leaves ovate, thinner than in the other forms, slightly canescent above, very white-tomentose beneath : racemes simple, 1 to 1.5 dm. long : calyx densely white-villous. — S. purpurea, var. pubens, Donnell Smith, I.e. iii. 67, not Gray. — Guatemala, Santa Rosa, Depart. Santa Rosa, alt. 920 m., Nov., 1892 {Heyde & Lux in exsicc. J. D. Smith no. 4394). An extremely canescent plant. Var. POTOSINA, Briq. 1. c. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, long-acuminate, pubescent as in the species: racemes simple, 1 dm. or less long : calyx hirsute. — San Luis Potosi, San Jose Pass, July 23, 1890 ((7. G. Pringle, no. 3224). d. Leaves pilose-hispid or glabrate beneath : stems and calyces pubescent with slender spreading glandular hairs. 64. S. aequidistans. Erect or ascending: stems 1.5 to 4 dm. high, glandular-hirsute : leaves rather remote, the lower small, the upper much larger, oblong-ovate to broadly deltoid-ovate, obtuse, the upper- most 3 to 4.5 cm. long, crenate-serrate, more or less setulose above: racemes slender, elongated, 0.5 to 2 dm. long ; the verticels 2-6-flowered, all remote, the lower equidistant, 2 to 3 cm. apart : pedicels filiform, 2 to 4 mm. long : calyx campanulate, strongly bilabiate, the tube twice or thrice as long as the ovate lips ; upper lip entire, lower short-cleft : corolla 1.3 cm. long, the pilose or glabrate tube ventricose, nearly twice exceeding the calyx ; lip a little exceeding the pilose galea : style bearded. — Sinaloa, between Rosario and Colomas, July 12, 1897 (/. N. Rose, no. 1609). FERNALD. MEXICAN SALVIAS. 513 = ==== Calyx in anthesis 6 to 8 mm. long. a. Leaves broad-ovate, crenate-serrate, obtuse : bracts large, broad-ovate : upper lip of ]uirple glandular-hairy calyx tridentate : corolla dark-blue, with the calyx, bracts, &c., red-dotted. 65. S. TRicusPiDATA, Mart. & Gal. I.e. 78 ; Benth. I.e. 311 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 566. — Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 3,080 m., Aug. 28, 1894 {C G. Pringle, no. 4845). Originally collected by Galeotti in the same mountains. b. Leaves incised-serrate, acuminate : bracts minute, lance-subulate : calyx blue and green, minutely liispidulous, upper lip entire : corolla paler blue without red dots. 66. S. PRASiiFOLiA, Benth. Bot. Sulph. 151, & in DC. I.e. 310; Hemsl. 1. c. 563. S. aliena, Greene, Pittonia, i. 157. — Tepic, Maria Madre Island, April, 1877 {W. T. Fisher), May, 1897 {E. W: Nelson, no. 4247). Originally described from Tepic. ++ ++ Five species are not identified with recent material. From the descriptions alone it is impossible to make out their exact relationships, or whether they are all distinct from the species here defined. These five plants are: — S. gracilis, Benth. Lab. 258, & in DC. 1. c. 307, described from " New Spain " ; S. protracta, Benth. in DC. 1. c. 309, described from Oaxaca ; S. membranacea, Benth. Lab. 259, & in DC. 1. c. 310, described from " Mexico " ; S. glabra. Mart. & Gal. 1. c. 68, Benth. 1. c, described from Oaxaca ; S. herbacea, Benth. Lab. 720, &, in DC. 1. c. 311, described from Tehuantepec, Oaxaca. 4^. ++ ++ Leaves cuneate at base, or at least attenuate to the petioles. = Leaves white-villous or pilose beneath. a. Herbaceous. 1. Raceme dense, 4 to 7cm. long: leaves densely villous beneath. O Leaves thick, crenulate-serrate. 67. S. XALAPENSis, Benth. I.e. 308; Hemsl. I.e. 566; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, 1. c, S. polystachya, Mart. & Gal. 1. c. 77, not Ort. — Southern Mexico. Vera Cruz, Jalapa, alt. 1,230 to 1,380 m., .Jan. 1 6, 1894 (C. L. Smith, nos. 1749, 1756) ; near Motzorongo and Omealca, Feb. 22, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, nos. 132, 177). O O Leaves thin, sharply serrate. 68. S. LONGiSPiCATA, Mart. & Gal. 1. c. 73 ; Benth. 1. c. 307 ; Hemsl, 1. c. 560; Briq. 1. c. — Southwestern Mexico. Guerrero, between VOL. XXXV. — 33 514 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Coiiala and Juchitango, alt. 60 to 185 m., Feb. 9, 1895 {E. W. Nelson, no. 2300). Originally collected by Galeotti in Michoacan. 2. Racemes looser, elongated, the terminal one 1 to 3 dm. long : leaves less densely villous. O Calyx in anthesis 4 to 5 mm. long : corolla 1 cm. long. 69. S. CORDOBENSIS, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 140. — Vera Cruz, Valley of Cordova, Aug. 24, 1866, and region of Orizaba, Aug. 12, 1866 (Bourgeau, nos. 1591, 2857); Cordova, alt. 790 m., Aug. 20, 1891 (Seaton, no. 431) : Pdebla, near Metlaltoyuca, alt. 250 m., Feb. 27, 1898 (B. A. Goldman, no. 72). O O Calyx in anthesis 8 to 9 ram. long : corolla 2 cm. long. 70. S. monclovensis- Stems sparingly pilose or glabrate : leaves ovate, acuminate, coarsely crenate-serrate, the primary ones 7 to 8 cm. long, unequally cuneate or rounded-cuneate at base, dark green and mi- nutely puberulent above, canescent beneath, on petioles 3 to 4 cm. long : peduncles 1 dm. or less long: verticels 4-8-flowered, the lowest 1.5 to 3 cm. apart : bracts narrow-ovate, long-acuminate, the lowest 1.5 cm. long, sometimes leaf-like and slightly toothed : calyx minutely appressed- pubescent ; the tube thrice exceeding the broad-ovate ciliate mucronate- short-acuminate lobes : corolla blue, sparingly pilose ; the tube one half longer than the calyx ; the lip twice exceeding the galea : style bearded. — Coahuila, Caracol Mts., 33.8 km. southeast of Mouclova, Aug., 1880 (Edtv. Palmer, no. 1096). b. Shrubby at base : leaves thinly villous. 1. Stem erect, pubescent: leaves crenate-serrate: calyx-lobes broad ovate: galea of corolla glandular-pilose. 71. S.WARSZEWicziANAjllegel, Flora, xxxii. 184; Walp.Ann. iii.257; Hemsl. 1. c. 566. — Described from Guatemala. No specimen seen. 2. Stem ascending, branches sordid-villous : leaves sharply serrate : lower calyx- lobes lance-ovate, long-attenuate : galea villous not glandular. 72. S. Sanctae-Luciae, Seem. Bot. Herald, 327 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 565. — Western Mexico. Tepic, Tepic, Jan. & Feb., 1892 (Edw. Palmer, no. 1964). Originally from Santa Lucia in the Sierra Madre. = = Leaves glabrous or puberulent beneath, only the nerves sometimes hispid or pilose, or tlie youngest minutely canescent-tomentulose. a. Calyx in anthesis 3 to 4 mm. long. 1. Leaves green and glabrous on both sides : calyx campanulate and angulate below, enlarged-cupulifonn above. 73. S. JuRGENSENii, Briq. 1. c. 144. Described from Oaxaca. FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 515 2. Young leaves canescent-tomentulose at least beneath: calyx simply carapanulate. 74. S. mazatlanensis. Stems slender, miuutely puberulent or glabrate : leaves rhombic-ovate or deltoid-ovate, with long acuminate entire tips, and entire cuneate bases, otherwise coarsely appressed-serrate, thin, dark green above, pale beneath, 2 to 4 cm. long, 1 to 3 cm. wide, on slender petioles 2 cm. or less in length : racemes elongate, 0.5 to 2 cm, long ; verticels 2-10-flowered, all somewhat remote, the lowest 1 to 1.0 cm. apart: bracts lance-subulate, caducous : pedicels 2 to 4 mm. long: calyx glabrate ; the tube twice exceeding the lobes ; upper lip broad- ovate, entire, blunt and submucronate, the lower with ovate-lanceolate acuminate lobes : corolla blue, 1 to 1.2 cm. long; galea pilose, nearly equalling the lip. — Sinaloa, head of Mazatlan River, Jan., 1889 ( W. G. Wright, no. 1298); Mazatlan, Dec. 29, 1894 (F. H. Lamb, nos. 351, 355). Lamb's no. 395 from Villa Union has thicker leaves and puberulent calyx, and may not belong with the Mazatlan plant, though it is nearer related to that than to any other species. h. Calyx in anthesis 5 to 6 mm. long. 1. Branches cinereous : leaves cinereous-puberulent beneath, rhombic-ovate, coarsely crenate-serrate : racemes rather loosely flowered, 1 to 3 dm. long; verticels 2-15-flowered : calyx tubulose-campanulate, somewhat pilose on the nerves. 75. S. JALISCANA, Briq. I. c. 141. S. alhijiora, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xxi. 408, not Mart. &, Gal. S. albljiora, forma caerulescens, Gray, 1. c. S. albijlora, var. caerulescens, Gray, ace. to Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. xxii. 445, in part. — Western Mexico. Chihuahua, shady ravines near Batopilas, 1885 {Edw . Palmer, nos. 96, 154, 157) : Jalisco, in ravines and by shaded roadsides, Guadalajara, Sept., 1886 {Edw. Palmer, no. 488) ; by streams near Guadalajara, Nov., 1888 ( C. G.Pringle, no. 1798). 2. Leaves glabrous, glabrate, or merely pubescent on the nerves beneath. O Leaves and calyces strictly glabrous : leaves with long-acuminate tips : calyx with sliort broad generally mucronate-tipped lobes. 76. S. ALBiFLORA, Mart. & Gal. 1. c. 76 ; Benth. in DC. 1. c. 307 ; Gray, Syn. Fl. 1. c. 370 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 552 ; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, 1. c. — Arizona to Venezuela. Sonora, moist places, Magdalena, Oct., 1857 (Geo. Tlmrher, no. 907) : Vera Cruz, Tolosa, Dec. 24, 1898 (C. C. Beam, no. 57): Oaxaca, Santo Domingo, alt. 290 m., June 12, 1895 (E.W. Nelson, no. 2668). 516 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. O O Lower faces of leaves and nerves of calyces pubescent. + Verticels crowded into a dense spiciform raceme 5 to 6 cm. long: stem shrubb5\ 77. S. PTEROURA, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 139. Described from Costa Rica. + + Verticels becoming remote. X Branches slender, glabrate : calyx tubular-campanulate, not enlarged above. 78. S. Seemannii. Frutescent (?) : branches minutely pilose or gla- brate, purplish ; leaves elliptic-ovate, acuminate at the tip and at base to a slender petiole 1.5 to 3.5 cm. long, sharply serrate, above sparsely appressed-setulose, beneath minutely so on the nerves or glabrate, 4 to 7 cm. long, 2 to 4 cm. wide : raceme 1 dm. or less in length ; verticels about 6-flowered, all a little remote, the lowest 1 cm. apart : bracts purple, lance-attenuate, persistent, slightly exceeding the setulose pedi- cels, 2 to 4mm. long: calyx purple-tinged ; the tube barely twice exceed- ing the lips ; the upper lip broad-ovate, acuminate-subulate, the lower with lance-ovate acuminate lobes : corolla 1 cm. or so long, the tube a little exserted ; galea pilose, equalling the lip: style bearded. — S. Jlexuosa, Seem. I. c. not Presl; Hemsl. 1. c. 556, in part, with doubt. — North- western Mexico, in the Sierra Madre (Seemann). X X Stems herbaceous, stout, densely puberulent in decussating bands : calyx slightly flaring above. 79. S. fluviatilis. Stems 1.5 m. or less high, very quadrangular : leaves rhombic-ovate, short-acuminate at tip, cuneate at base, crenate- serrate, the upper 5 to 9 cm. long, the lowermost broader, subtruncate at base, 1.5 dm. long, nearly as broad, puberulent above, especially on the nerves, cinereous beneath ; petioles cinereous-puberulent, the lowest 5 cm. long, the others shorter : racemes slender, flexuous, the terminal becoming 2 dm. long ; verticels 10-20-flowered, the lower remote, the lowest 1 cm. apart: bracts ovate, acuminate : pedicels filiform, becoming 2 to 3 mm. long : calyx green, strongly bilabiate, the tube twice exceed- ing the lips ; the upper lip ovate, acuminate, entire, the lower with narrower attenuate lobes : corolla deep blue, pilose, 1 cm. long ; the tube slightly exserted ; galea about equalling the lip : style bearded. — Mo- RELOS, by streams near Cuernavaca, alt. 1,540 m., May 16, 1898 (0. G. Pringle, no. 6850), Sept. 29, 1898 {E. W. D. Holway, no. 3028). c. Calyx in anthesis 7 to 9 mm. long. 1. Stem and leaves glabrous : the latter 1 to 1.3 dm. long, serrate. 80. S. alvajaca, Oerst. Vidensk. Meddel. 1853, 38 ; Hemsl. I. c. 552. — Described from Costa Rica. No specimen seen. FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 517 2. Stems and leaves pubescent, the stems glandular above. O Primary leaves 4 to 5 cm. long, crenate. 81. S. RHOMBiFOLTA, Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Per. & Chil. i. 26, t. 36, f. b. ; Bentli. I.e. 310; Hemsl. I.e. 564. — Doubtfully reported from Mexico by Beuth. 1. c. O O Primary leaves 1 dm. long, serrate. 82. S. roscida. Herbaceous ? (only the top of the plant seen) : stem closely glaudular-puberulent above, the tip sparingly pilose : leaves very thin, elliptic-ovate, acuminate at both ends, coarsely and irregularly serrate, setulose-pilose above, sparingly so and minutely glandular-puber- ulent below ; petioles slender, 5 cm. or less in length : racemes 1 to 1 .5 dm. long; the verticels G-12-flo\vered, all becoming remote, the lowest 3 to 4 cm. apart : bracts rhombic-ovate, long-acuminate, 6 to 8 mm. long : pedicels filiform, very glandular, 1 cm. or less in length : calyx glandular- puberulent, slightly setulose on the nerves, the long-attenuate lobes one half shorter than the cylindric-campanulate tube : corolla 1.8 cm. long, the tube exserted and slightly curved, glabrous, white ; the blue lower lip somewhat exceeding the pilose galea : style included, bearded. — Northern Mexico. Durango, Chacala, alt. 920 m., March 5, 1899 {E. A. Goldman, no. 340). I- Generally branching from the base, the stems slender and mostly decum- bent: racemes long-peduncled. (Forms of S. prunelloides might be looked for here.) ++ Stems and leaves very setulose with long straight slender hairs. = Leaves cuneate at base to short petioles or subsessile, obscurely crenate : bracts broad-ovate. 83. S. VERONICAEFOLIA, Gray in Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. xxii. 444. — Jalisco, on moist hillsides, Rio Blanco, June, 1886 (Edw. Palmer, no. 28) ; hillsides near Guadalajara, July 2, 1889 (C. G. Pringle, i\o. 2555). = = Leaves truncate at base, coarsely crenate-dentate, long-petioled : bracts ovate-lanceolate. 84. S. oreopola. Stems repent at base, more or less assurgent, about 5 dm. long : leaves deltoid-ovate, dark green above, pale beneath, setulose on both surfaces, 2 to 3.5 cm. long, 1.5 to 3 cm. wide, on setulose petioles 1.5 to 2.5 cm. long: peduncles 7 to 10 cm. long; verticels 3-6- flowered, all becoming remote, the lowest 6 cm. apart : pedicels pubescent, 2 to 4 mm. long: calyx setulose, open-campanulate, strongly bilabiate ; the broad purple upper lip blunt or acute, the lower with narrower 618 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. ovate-lanceolate acute lobes : corolla blue, 2 cm. long, the slightly pubes- cent tube twice exceeding the calyx ; the blunt pilose galea one third as long as the broad lip: style densely bearded. — Morelos, mountain side at 2,150 m. alt., near Cueruavaca, Aug. 9, 1898 (C. G. Pringle, no. 7G43). •^+ t-H. Stems and leaves glandular-pilose, hardly setulose. 85, S. villosa. Stems 2.5 to 3 dm. high, glandular-pilose below, densely glandular-villous above and on the rhachis : leaves thick, pale green or cinereous, deltoid-ovate, mostly blunt at tip, subtruncate at base, entire or obscurely undulate, 1.5 to 3 cm. long, on cinereous-pubescent petioles 0.5 to 1.5 cm. long, the upper subsessile : peduncles 0.5 dm. long ; verticels 3-6-flowered, all becoming remote, the lowest 2.5 to 3 cm. apart : bracts ovate, acuminate, setulose : pedicels slender, 2 to 3 mm. long: calyx blue-tinged, viscid, pilose-setulose, in anthesis 6 to 7 mm, long ; the tube slightly longer than the lips ; upper lips ovate, acumi- nate, entire, lower with two ovate acuminate lobes: corolla violet, 1.8 cm, long; the glabrous tube slightly exserted ; the puberulent galea one third as long as the broad lip : style bearded, — San Luis Potosi, rare in the mountains, San Miguelito, 1876 (Schaff'ner, no. 678), +++-(■++ Stems and leaves mostly glabrous or puberulent or only sparingly setulose. = Upper lip of calyx tridentate. a. Calyx-tube hispid : leaves from orbicular to ovate-triangular, 3 to G cm. long, 2 to 4 cm. broad. 86, S, GLECHOMAEFOLiA, HBK. 1. c. 290, t. 141 ; Benth. in DC. I.e. 306 ; Hemsl, 1. c. 556 ; Briq. 1. c. — South central and southern Mexico. San Luis Potosi, alt, 1,850 to 2,460 m., 1878 (Parry & Palmer, no. 756) : Oaxaca, near Reyes, alt. 2,060 to 3,070 m„ Oct, 20, 1894 {K W. Nelson, no. 1794). Originally from near Guanajuato, b. Calyx glabrous or minutely puberulent : leaves narrowly ovate-triangular, 1 to 1.75 cm. long. 87, S, FoRRERi, Greene, Pittonia, i. 156. — Durango, Sierra Madre, west of Durango, alt. 2,500 m., Sept., Oct., 1881 {A. Forrer). = = Upper lip of calyx entire, subulate-tipped ; calyx densely white-pubescent with long fine viscid spreading bairs. 88, S, prunifolia. Stems puberulent, decumbent, assurgent only at the tips, 3 to 5 dm. long : leaves orbicular to obovate, rounded or acutish at tip, round or cuneate at base, crenate-serrate, the uppermost largest, 3 to 5 cm, long, 2.5 to 3,5 cm. broad, the lowest much smaller, dull green, FERNALD. MEXICAN SALVIAS. 519 minutely puberulent above and on the nerves beneath, on puberulent petioles 0.2 to 1 cm. long: peduncles 7 to 10 cm. long, pubescent above with long fine spreading hairs ; verticels 4-8-llovvered, all becoming remote, the lowest 1.5 to 2 cm. apart: bracts narrow-ovate, acuminate : pedicels 2 to 3 mm. long : calyx in anthesis 5 to 6 mm. long, the tube twice exceeding the subulate-tipped lobes: corolla 1.3 to 1.5 cm. long, the glabrous tube one half exceeding the calyx ; galea puberulent, half as long as the dark blue lip. — Tepic, Santa Gertrudis, in the Sierra Madre, Aug. 8, 1897 {J. N. Rose, no. 3407). D. ArilUjiorae, Benth. Small much branched and depressed suffru- tescent plants: the flowers borne in the axils of foliar leaves : corolla- tube scarcely ventricose. * Leaves oblong-linear oblanceolate or spatiilate, 0.5 to 1.5 cm. long, entire, canes- ceiitly rough-liispid. 89. S. AXILLARIS, Moc. & Sess. in Benth. Lab. 270; Benth. in DC. I.e. 313; Hemsl. I.e. 553; Briq. 1. c. — South central Mexico. With- out locality (^Coulter, no. 1118): San Luis Potosi, in the mountains, 1876 {Schaffner, no. 648), alt. 1,850 to 2,500 m., 1878 {Parry & Palm- er, no. 698) : Guanajuato, 1893 {A. Duges, no. 228 A). » * Leaves cuneate-obovate, 5 to 7.5 mm. long, 3-toothed, appressed-setulose. 90. S. cuNEiFOLiA, Benth. Lab. 270, & in DC. I.e.; Hemsl., I.e. 555; Briq. I.e. — Southern Mexico. Hidalgo, bare hills above Pa- chuca, alt. 2,600 m., July 18, 1898 (C. G. Pringle, no. 6905). Orig- inally described from Oaxaca. E. Candicantes, Benth. Shrubs : leaves oblong or lanceolate, rarely cordate, or when ovate not cordate, beneath tomentose or densely fine canescent, rarely pale and glabrate. (Some species approaching the Scoro- doniae, others the Erianthae.) * Calyx canescent short-pubescent or tomentose, not densely woolly. t- Leaves entire or essentially 80. (Reduced forms of S. chamaedryoides may be looked for here.) •w Leaves sessile or subsessile, narrow-oblong, strongly revolute. 91. S. Coulteri. Branches ligneous, covered with gray-brown bark and numerous approximate leaf-scars: leaves densely cinereous- tomentulose with stellate hairs, strongly revolute, blunt at tip, truncate or subcordate at base, 1 to 1.5 cm. long, 2 to 4 mm. wide : racemes 2 to 3 cm. long; the rhachis pilose with long branching hairs ; verticels about 6-flowered, slightly remote : calyx tubulai'-campanulate, glandular-pilose, 520 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. in anthesis G to 7 mm. long ; the tube twice or thrice exceeding the lance-subuhite teeth; upper lip tridentate : corolla 1.2 cm. long, short- pilose, the galea about equalling the lip : style slightly bearded. — Mexico, without locality {^Coulter, no. 1120). ++ 4H- Leaves narrowly triangular-ovate, truncate or slightly cordate at base, on thickish winged petioles, closely and densely white-pubescent beneath. 92. S. CANDiCANS, Mart. & Gal. 1. c. 61 ; Benth. I.e. 315; Hemsl. I.e. 554; Briq. 1. c. — Puebla, limestone hills between Tehuacan and Esperanza, alt. 2,000 m., Dec. 21, 1895 ((7. G. Pringle, no. 6245). Essentially the type station of the species. ++■»-+++ Leaves narrow-ovate or oblong, attenuate at base to short petioles, or the upper subsessile. = Calyx ovate tubular, with sliort blunt lobes, glandular-pubescent, in anthesis 5 to 6 mm. long : leaves closely white-pubescent beneath. 93. S. THYMOiDES, Benth. Lab. 255, & in DC. 1. c. 314; Hemsl. 1. c. 566; Briq. I.e. — Southern Mexico. Puebla, limestone hills between Tehuacan and Esperanza, alt. 2,000 m., Dec. 21, 1895 (C. G. Pringle, no. 6251) : Oaxaca, Mitla ( G. Andrieux, no. 150) ; vicinity of Coixt- lalmaca, alt. 2,150 to 2,300 m., Nov. 12, 1894 {K W. Nelson, no. 1915). Species based in part on Andrieux's plant. =: = Calyx tubular-campanulate, with acuminate lobes, not glandular-pubescent, in anthesis 6 to 8 mm. long: leaves sparingly stellate puberulent or glab- rate. a. Leaves oblong, 1 to 2.5 cm. long, the uppermost subsessile. 1. Leaves finely stellate-puberulent at least when young. 94. S. coahuilensis. Freely branching mostly from the stout woody base ; branches assurgent, 0.5 to 7 dm. high ; bark pale brown, finely stellate-puberulent or glabrate : leaves confined mostly to the lower portions of the branches : racemes elongated, becoming 0.5 to 3.5 dm. long, the rhachis often glandular-puberulent ; verticels mostly 2-flowered, all remote, the lowest 2 to 3 era. apart : bracts ovate-oblong, acuminate, caducous : pedicels filiform, 2 to 4 mm. long : calyx granulose-puberu- lent ; tube twice exceeding the ovate-lanceolate subequal lobes ; upper lip entire: corolla 1-5 cm. long, blue with white centre; the glabrous tube nearly twice exceeding the calyx ; the slightly pilose galea one half as long as the broad lower lip. — S. chamaedryoides, Wats., Proc. Am. Acad, xviii. 137, in part, not Cav. — Coahuila, rocky hill, Saltillo, 1878 {Parry, no. 29), May, 1898 {FAw. Palmer, no. 194) ; Parras, June, 1880, and Lerios, July, 1880 {Edw. Palmer, nos. 1072, 1064). FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 521 2. Leaves glabrous. 95. S. LYCioiDES, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xxi. 408. — Chihuahua, ca,nons, Santa Eulalia Mts., May 1, 1885 {C. G. Priiujle, uo. 52). b. Leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, 3 to 7 mm. long, all slender petioled. 96. S. serpyllifolia. Erect (?), 5 or 6 dm. high, the ascending branches brown, short-pubescent iu decussating bands with minute wliite spreading or slightly recurved hairs ; leafy to the inflorescence, the internodes 1 to 1.5 cm. long: racemes becoming 1 to 2 dm. long; verti- cals 2-6-flowered, all becoming remote, the lowest 1 cm. or so apart : bracts ovate, acuminate, ciliate, caducous : calyx short-hispidulous on the veins; tube thrice exceeding the ovate lobes ; upper lip blunt, entire, lower with 2 short acuminate lobes : corolla 1.2 cm. long ; the glabrous tube one-half longer than the calyx ; the lower lip slightly exceeding the pilose galea : style slightly bearded. — S. charnnedryoides, Wats. Proc. Am. Acad, xviii. 137, in part, not Cav. — San Luis Potosi, with- out locality, alt. 1,850 to 2,460 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 751). •*- -1- Leaves crenate or crenate-serrate. (A form of S. scorodoniaefolia may be looked for here.) *+ Calyx lobes normal, not conspicuously broadened. = Stems chalky-white with ver}' close hirsute indumentum : leaves ovate, thin, slender-petioled, minutely white stellate beneath: verticels 6-10-flowered: calyx stellate-tomentulose ; the tube thrice exceeding the short ovate lobes ; the upper lip blunt, erect. 97. S. CEDROSENSis, Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad. i. 212. — Lower California, Cedros Island, March, 1889 (Edio. Palmer, no. 684), March to June, 1897 (A. IV. Anthony, no. 294) ; Magdalena Bay, Jan. 14, 1889 (T. S. Brandegee). = = Stems and leaves (at least beneath) more or less cinereous-tomentulose with stellate hairs : verticels 2-6-flowered : calyx-tube twice exceeding the acu- minate lobes. 98. S. CHAMAEDRTOiDES. Cav.^ Leaves elliptic-ovate or narrowly deltoid-ovate, green above, slender-petioled, 1 to 2.5 cm. long. — Ic. ii. 77, t. 197 ; Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 808 ; Benth. 1. c. 314 ; Hemsl. 1. c. 554; Briq. 1. c. S. chamaedri folia, Andr. Bot. Rep. vi. t. 416. S. Chamaedrys, 1 S. ramosissima. Similar to S. chamaedryoides, very freely branching above : young branches slightly canescent with short spreading or somewhat re- curved hairs : leaves paler beneath than above, more or less scabrous on both faces with short stiff simple hairs : calyx with similar pubescence on the nerves. — 5. chamaedrt/oides, Gray, Syn. Fl. 1. c. 371, not Cav. — Cafions of the Rio Grande, R.W. Texas, 1849 ( C. Wright, no. 472 a) : Organ Mts., New Mexico, 1881 (G. R. Vasey). 522 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Willd. Hort. Berol. i. 29, t. 29, — Central Mexico. Zacatecas, plains, La Honda Station, Aug. 18, 1890 ( (7. G. Pringle, no. 3170): San Luis Potosi, alt. 1,850 to 2,4G0 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 753) : Hidalgo, bare hills above Pachuca, alt. 2,600 ft., July 18, 1898 {C. G. Pringle, no. 6907) : Mexico, mountains near Mexico and Guadalupe, Aug. 24, 1865 {Bourgeau, no. 855). Var. isochroma. Leaves reduced, 0.5 to 1.5 cm. long, short-petioled or subsessile, mostly crowded, canescent on both faces. — San Luis Potosi, in the mountains, San Rafael and San Miguelito.1876 {Schaff- ner, uos. 663, 664) ; without locality, alt. 1,850 to 2,460 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, nos. 750, 751^). = = = Stems witli spreading pubescence : leaves 2 to 3 cm. long; blades little exceeding tlie petioles. 99. S. PAUCiFLORA, HBK. I.e. 303; Benth, I.e. 315; Hemsl. I.e. 563. — A doubtful species from " New Spain." = == = = Of this section but not identified. S. SPiCATA, R. & S. Syst. Mant. i. 202 {S. pulchella, HBK. 1. c. 288, t. 140, not DC. S. jiomifera, Sesse & Moc. 1. c. 7, ex. char., not L.) and S. BREViFLORA, Moc. & Sesse in Benth. Lab. 274, species described from "New Spain" are placed by Bentham in this section. S. spicata, Gray, Syn. Fl. 1. c. 461, is very different from the plate of S. pulchella, HBK. *+ -M- Calyx fuunelform, the lobes becoming ampliate. = Leaves ovate or ovate-orbicular, dark green above, much paler beneath, regularly crenate. 100. S. BALLOTAEFLORA, Benth. Leaves rugose, densely white-tomentu- lose beneath, 0.5 to 3 cm. long, rarely larger : racemes 0.5 to 8 cm. long. — Lab. 270, & in DC. I.e. 313 ; Torn Bot. Mex. Bound. 131 ; Gray, 1. c. ; Hemsl. 1. c. 553 ; Briq. 1. c. S. laxa, Benth. 1. c. — Texas to San Luis Potosi. Mexico, without locality {Gregg, no. 322) : Coahuila, Monclova, Aug., 1880, Parras, June, 1880, Lerios, July, 1880, Saltillo, May, 1898 {Edw. Palmer, nos. 1069, 1067, 1068, 107): Tajiaulipas, 1843 {Berlandier, no. 3186): San Luis Potosi, San Rafael, 1876, {Schaffner, no. 670) ; near Matehuala, June 18, 1898 (E. IF. Nelson, no. 4527). Var. Eulaliae. Leaves large, 3 cm. long, broad-ovate, rugose, very slightly pubescent and hardly canescent beneath : racemes very numerous, 4 to 9 cm. long. — Chihuahua, Santa Eulalia Mts., Sept. 1, 1885 {C. G. Pringle, no. 659). FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 523 Var. pinguifolia. Leaves large, as ia the last, scarcely rugose, very pale beneath with a close very minute indumeutuni, not tomentulose, greasy to the touch : racemes all many-flowered. — Neav Mexico, 1851-52 ((7. Wright, no. 1524): Arizona, San Francisco Mts., back of Clifton, Sept. 3, 1880 ( E. L. Greene, no. 300). = =: Leaves very pale on both surfaces, thick, hardly rugose, greasy to the touch, irregularly crenate. 101. S. PLATYCHEILA, Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. viii. 292, & Syn. Fl. I.e. — Lower California, Carmen Island, 1870, Nov. 1890 {Edw. Palmer, nos. 7, 878). * * Calyx densely woolly : verticels in short spiciform racemes : lip of corolla distinctly exceeding the galea (otherwise approaching the Eriantliae). 102. S. confinis. Branches canescent with fine stellate pubescence, leafy to the inflorescence : leaves oblong, blunt or acutish, rounded-trun- cate or subcuneate at base, very short-petioled, thick and rugulose especially along the closely crenulate margin, closely canescent on both surfaces, or ferrugineous-tinged beneath, 1.5 to 4.5 cm. long, 0.5 to 2 cm. wide : spiciform racemes simple or slightly paniculate, 1 to 4 cm. long, lowest verticels slightly remote: bracts large, broad-ovate, acuminate, somewhat persistent, 0.5 to 1 cm. long, stellate-tomentose : calyx dark blue, mostly hidden by dense white-lanate pubescence : corolla blue, scarcely 1 cm. long. — S. spicata, Gray, 1. c. 461, not R. & S. — Southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. Arizona, mountain pass near Fort Huachuca, 1882 (^Lemmon, no. 2861) : Sonora, Fronteras, alt. 1,400 m., Sept. 25, 1890 {C. V. Hartman, no. 43). F. Scorodoniae, Benth. Shrubs with ovate (in S. thyrsijlora ovate- lanceolate) rugose leaves generally cordate, rarely cuneate, at base. * Leaves white-tomentose beneath with simple hairs. ■*- Leaves very rough-rugose above, mostly broad-ovate (except in variety of the first species) with obtuse or blunt tips. ++ Pedicels very short, at most 3 mm. long : racemes rather dense, often branch- ing : calyx somewhat cuneate-carapanulate, in anthesis 4 to 5 mm. long, with short flaring obtuse lobes. = Pubescence of calyx glandular-villous. 103. S. scoRODONiAEFOLiA, Poir. Leaves ovate, subcordate. — Suppl. V. 46: Benth. I.e. 316; Hemsl. I.e. 565; Briq. I.e. S. rnelissodora, Lag. Gen. & Spec. Nov. 2. S. hirta, Schranck, Syll. PI. Soc. Eatisb. ii. 60 ? according to Benth. S. scorodonin, Benth. Lab. 264. — Central and southern Mexico. San Luis Potosi, alt. 1,850 524 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. to 2,460 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 730) : Mexico, Guadalupe June 21, 18G5 {Bourgeau, no. 295) : Oaxaca, Valley of Cuicatlan, alt. 2,000 to 2,460 m., Nov. 10, 18D4 {E. W. Nelson, no. 1898) ; San Juan del Estado, alt. 1,800 m., Oct. 20, 1895 {L. C. Smith, no. 930) ; Piipalo, Cuicatlan, alt. 1,650 m., Dec. 9, 1895 (V. Gonzalez, no. 42). Var. crenaea. Leaves narrower, oblong-lanceolate, blunt, rounded or subcuneate at base. — *S^. scorodonia, Benth. PL Hartw. 20, not Benth. Lab. 264. — A northern narrow-leaved extreme. Aguas Calientes {Hartweg, no. 164): Chihuahua, southwestern section, without locality, 1885 {Ediv. Palmer). = = Pubescence of calyx long-villous, not glandular. 104. S. LASIANTHA, Benth. Lab. 276, & in DC. 1. c. 321 ; Hemsl. 1. c, 559 ; Briq. 1. c. — Range of the last from which it differs only in the more villous glandless calyx. Perhaps only a variety of that. D.URANGO, Ramos to Inde, Aug., 1898 (E. W. Nelson, no. 4679) : San Luis Potosi, in the mountains, San Rafael, 1876 {Schaffner, no. 671); without locality, alt. 1,850 to 2,460 m., 1878 {Parry & Palmer, no. 731) ; limestone ledges, San Jose Pass, July 23, 1890, and limestone hills, Las Canoas, Oct. 8, 1890 {0. G. Pringle, nos. 3206, 3273): Hidalgo, calcareous hills near Tula, alt. 2,160 m., Oct. 5, 1896 (C G. Pringle, no. 6538) : Oaxaca, near Dominguillo, alt. 2,000 m., Oct. 3, 1894 {E. W.Nelson, no. 1595). Placed by Bentham and by Briquet in the section Erianthae. ++ -M- Pedicels longer, 8 to 9 mm. long: racemes loosely flowered; verticels re- mote : calyx tubular-campanulate, in anthesis 6 mm. or more long. = Calyx purplish-violet, glandular-villous, in anthesis nearly 1 cm. long : lower lip of corolla almost black ; tube and galea pale. 105. S. SEMIATRATA, Zucc. Abhandl. Baier. Akad. Wiss. i. 298; Benth. in DC. I.e. 316; Hemsl. 1. c. 565; Briq. I.e. — Oaxaca, with- out locality, June {Andrieux, no. 149); calcareous hills. Las Sedas, alt. 1,850 m., Aug. 2, 1894 {C. G. Pringle, no. 4763), alt. 2,150 m., June 27, 1895 {L. C. Smith, no. 413); near city of Oaxaca, alt. 1,600 to 2,100 m., Oct. 2, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 1511). = = Calyx green (or blue-tinged), glandular-puberulent and minutely hispidulous on the nerves, in anthesis about 6 mm. long : coralla blue. 106. S. Gonzalezii. Branches very slender, somewhat villous, the youngest parts and the rhachises glandular-puberulent : leaves broad- ovate, bluntish at tip, truncate or subcordate at base, green and very rugose, slightly pubescent above, white-villous beneath, crenulate, 1 to FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 625 2.5 cm. long, 0.75 to 1.75 cm. broad, ou villous petioles 1 cm. or less in length: racemes simple, 0.5 to 1.5 cm. loug ; verticels 3-8-flowered, all remote, the lowest 2 to 2.5 cm. apart: pedicels 3 to 5 mm. loug, glaudular-piiberuleut : calyx tubular-campanulate ; the tube twice or thrice exceeding the ovate mucronate lobes ; upper lip entire : corolla deep blue, 1.5 cm. long; the glabrate tube twice exceeding the calyx; the pilose galea slightly exceeding the dark lip : style bearded. — Oaxaca, El Pariau-Etla, alt. 370 m., Nov., 1898 ( V. Gonzalez & C. Conzatti, no 903). -(- t- Leaves less rugose, narrow-ovate, mostly acuminate at tip. ■w- Flo\v.ers in small cymes forming a terminal thyrsus : leaves ovate-lanceolate. 107. S. THYRSiFLORA, Benth. Bot. Sulph. 151, & in DC. I.e.; Hemsl. 1. c. 566 ; Bricj. 1. c. — Southwestern Mexico, Tepic to Michoacan. Jalisco, vicinity of Mascota and San Sebastian, alt. 1170 to 1540 m., March, 1897 {E. W. Nelson, nos. 4057, 4081): Michoacan, mountains near Patzcuaro, Nov. 10, 1890, Dec. 21, 1891 (C G. Pringle, uos. 3593, 4097). Originally from Tepic. ++ -M- Flowers in simple or more or less branclied generally paniculately or virgately disposed racemes. = Branches short-pilose with recurved spreading hairs. a. Calyx tubular, in fruit 5 mm. long, the tube four times exceeding the very short broad lobes. 108. S. ALAMOSANA, Rose, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. i. 110. — SoNORA, Sierra de los Alamos, 1890 {Edw. Palmer, no. 345). 6. Calyx campanulate, in fruit 6 to 7 mm. long, the tube twice exceeding the narrower lobes. 109. S. CHAPALENSis, Briq. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve, ii. 145. — Jalisco, rich wooded carious, mountains near Lake Chapala, Nov. 22, 1892 (C. G. Prhujle, no. 4351). = = Branches pubescent with ascending soft hairs. 110. S. multiramea. Stems about 1 m. high, freely paniculate- branched, the upper branches leafless and bearing racemes : leaves narrow-ovate, acuminate, rounded or subcordate at base, somewhat rugose and scabrous-hispidulous above, densely tomentose beneath, short-petioled, 2 to 5 cm. long, 1 to 2.5 cm. broad : inflorescence paniculate ; lower branches leafy and axillary, upper naked ; terminal racemes 1.2 dm. or less in length, the others shorter; verticels 2-12-flowered, all becoming remote : bracts lance-subulate, minute, early deciduous : pedicels 2 to 526 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. 4 mm. long, spreading : calyx tubular, in antbesis 3.5 to 4 mm. long, appressed-i)ilose ; the tube 3 or 4 times as long as the short blunt lobes : corolla blue, 1 to 1.2 cm. long; the glabrous tube one half longer than the calyx ; the pilose galea twice exceeded by the exteriorly j^ilose lip : style bearded. — Southern Mexico. Oaxaca, near city of Oaxaca, alt. 2,300 to 2,920 m., Sept., 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 1448), alt. 1,850 m., Oct. 25, 1894 (f, G. Pringle, no. 6013); near Reyes, alt. 1,700 to 2,060 m., Oct. 20, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 1783) ; mountains of Jaya- catlan, alt. 1,300 m., Nov. 4, 1894, alt. 2,000 m., Oct. 18, 1895 (Z. C. Smith, nos. 272, 860) ; near Chilpanciugo, alt. 2,770 to 3,140 m., Dec. 24, 1894 {E. W. Nelson, no. 2235) ; Chiapas, without locality ( Ghies- breght, no. 764). * * Leaves, at least when young, pale beneath with stellate hairs. 1- Calyx densely invested with close stellate indumentum, not long woolly (ex- cept at the base in no. 114). ++ Leaves 1 to 1.5 cm. long. 111. S. FRDTicuLOSA, Benth. Lab. 721, & in DC. I.e. 315; Hemsl. I.e. 556; Eriq. in Engl. & Prantl, I.e. — Oaxaca, near city of Oaxaca {Andricux, no. 151). ++ -^ Leaves 2 to 6 cm. long. = Branchlets and nerves of young leaves with sulphur-yellow indumentum. 112. S. Conzattii. Branching above, the younger parts densely stellate-tomentulose : leaves ovate, 1.5 to 6 cm. long, 0.75 to 3.5 cm. broad, rounded at tip, rounded-truncate or subcuneate at base, dark green and very rugose above, pale and very strongly reticulate-rugose beneath; margin finely crenulate ; petioles 1.5 cm. or less in length: ra- cemes spiciform, 2 to 6 cm. long, at first dense, the 3-many-llowered verticels later becoming a little remote, all the j^arts more or less red- punctate: bracts ovate-acuminate, exceeding the calyx, white-tomentose at base, yellowish at tip, soon deciduous : calyx ovate-campanulate, densely tomentose with pale blue freely-branching hairs, with very short blunt inconspicuous lobes: corolla 1.2 cm. long, blue, red-punctate and whitened above with stellate tomentum ; tube somewhat exserted ; the galea hardly equalling the lip: style bearded. — Oaxaca, El Parian- Etla, alt. 370 m., Nov. 1898 ( V. Gonzalez & C.Gonzatti, no. 902). = = Branchlets and lower faces of leaves with white indumentum. a. Leaves broad-ovate, sliarply crenate-dentate : calyx-lobes blunt. 113. S. pruinosa. Rather stout shrub with pale brown bark, the younger parts densely pruinose with stellate hairs : leaves 2.5 to 5 cm. FERNALD. — MEXICAN SALVIAS. 527 long, 1.5 to 3.5 cm. wide, blunt at tip, rounded or subcuneate at base, green very rugose and glabrate above, very white beneath, irregularly crenate-deutate ; petioles 1.25 cm. or less in length: racemes 1 dm. or less long; verticels many-flowered, rather crowded, the lowest 1 to 1.5 cm. apart; all the parts red-punctate; rhachis pruinose-pubescent : bracts ovate-acuminate, bluish, finely stellate-pubescent : calyx ovate-campauu- late, closely pruinose-pubescent, bluish-tinged, in anthesis 4 to 5 mm. lon3..'/~.. Given by U?4-kw^.. 6^ Place, %*Ho book OP pamphlet is to be removed from the Liab- opatopy uiithout the pepmission of the Tpustees. ON THE SINGULAR TRANSFORMATIONS OF GROUPS GENERATED BY INFINITESIMAL TRANSFORMATIONS. By Henry Taber. Presented April 11, 1900. Received May 1, 1900. § 1. In what follows Xi, X,, . . . X,., will denote r differential operators defined thus : n Q 1 O *^i (i=l,2, . . . r), where the |'s are analytic functions of n independent variables x. It will be assumed that the X's are independent, that is to say, that no system of quantities aj, ao, . . • a^, independent of the x's and not all zero, can be found for which (ai Xi + ao X, + . . . + a, X,)/= a^ X,f+ a. X.f+ . . . + a, X,/= 0, for all functions f of the a:'s ; that is, for which ai ^1,- 4- as c^2i + . . . + a^ tri = 0, simultaneously, for e = 1, 2, . . . n. By means of these different oper- ators we may construct a family with oo'" of transformations (1) X i =^ ji (xi, . . • a*,,, Gi, . . . «„) (/:=!, 2, . . . n), where the cr's are arbitrary parameters, and/^ {x, a) is defined for values of the a's sufficiently small by the series X, + kj a J X, X, + 1 kj 5, a J a, Xj X, + etc * For assigned values of the a's the transformation defined by these e(|uations may be denoted by T„. * Lie: Transforniationsgruppen, I. pp. 61, 62. VOL. XXXV. — 37 578 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Among the transformations of this family is an oo'"""^ of infinitesimal transformations (that is, of transformations infinitely near the identical transformation), obtained by making the a's infinitesimal. Thus let tti =^ ai o t, CI2 ^=^ a.2 0 t, . . . a,. = a,, o t, where the a's are arbitrary finite quantities independent of the x's, and St is an infinitesimal constant. The system of equations defining this 00'""^ of infinitesimal transformations is then r (2) x'i =fi (xi, . . . a?„, ai 8 <, . . . a^ 8 <) = Xj + 8 < 2^- a^- Xj . Xi {i = 1, 2, . . . n). YoY assigned values of the a's, the continued applications to the manifold (xi, x^, . . . x,) of the infinitesimal transformations r Xi-\- St ^j aj Xj . Xi, r of which 2^- aj Xj is said to be the symbol, generates a group Ci^") with a single parameter t of transformations (3) x'i=f^(xi, . . . x„,tai, . . . ta„) (i = 1, 2, . . . n). Thus, if (4) x",=fi{x\, . . . x'„,t'ai, . . . t: a^) {i = 1, 2, . . . n), we derive by the elimination of the x"s (5) x"i = fi (xi, . . . x„, t" ai, . . . 1!' a„) 0" =1,2,.. . n), where f — t-\-t' . In particular, if <' = — t, x'\ = a-^ for ^ = 1, 2, . . . w. Therefore, each transformation of G^i^"^ is paired with its inverse and, for ^ = 0, we have the identical transformation.* In accordance with the notation adopted, the general transformation of (?i^"^ is denoted by Tta, ; and, by what precedes, if Tta~^ denotes the transformation inverse to Tu, we have T/^-' = T^i^. As t approaches infinity the transformation of group G-^""^ defined by (3) may approach a definite finite transformation T. But, although for t infinite, Tta. = T may be non-illusory, it cannot be said to be generated by the infinitesimal transformation of G^°^. The conception of the * Lie : Transformationsgruppen, I. pp. 52, 55. TABER. — ON SINGULAR TRANSFORMATIONS. 579 generation of a finite transformation by an infinitesimal transformation is not applicable in this case. Moreover, for t ^= oo, the resulting trans- formation of (7i(") has properly no inverse. For assigned finite values of the a's, the transformation T^ of the family defined by equations (1), if not illusory, belongs to the group G^i*"' with a single parameter generated by the infinitesimal transformation whose symbol is 2^ cij Xj. Thus the totality of transformation with finite 1 parameters of the family (1) separate into anoo'""^ of groups Gi'-"K In consequence of what has been said relative to the group G^i'"', it follows that each transformation of the family (1) with finite parameters is paired with its inverse, and we have 7^, ~^ = T_a. As the «'s approach certain limiting values, of which some are infinite, the transformation T„ may approach a definite finite transforma- tion Z' as a limit. This transformation may be equivalent to a transformation 7|, of the family (1) with finite parameters bi, b.2, . . . b,. In this case T is generated by an infinitesimal transformation of the r family, namely IjbjXj, but not otherwise.* 1 The composition of two arbitrary transformations T^, Tj of the family, defined, respectively, by the equations (6) x%=fi(xi, . . . x„,ai, . . . a^) . (i=l,2, . . . «), (7) a:",=/(x'i, . . . x',„b,. . . b,) ('■=1,2,. . . n), gives a transformation which may be denoted by T^ T^, and is defined by (8) x'\ =f, (f, (x, a), . . . /„ (X, a), b^ . . . b,) (/ = 1, 2, . . . n). This transformation is not, in general, a transformation of the family. It will, however, be assumed throughout this paper that Let fli = a^ <, 02 = oo^ . . . ar = art. It is obviously necessary to distin- guish between the equations of transformation which result from assigning definite finite values to the o's, and then increasing t without limit, and those which result when fli, do, . . . Or (without preserving the same ratio) approach severally cer- tain limiting values some of which are infinite. The transformation which results in the first case has properly no inverse. It transforms every point on any one of the path curves of the group G-^ia) into invariant points of such curves. The trans- formation which results in the second case if non-illusory may possess an inverse. 580 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. r the c's being quantities independent of the a:;'s. In which case, from (6) x'i =fi(xi, . . . x„,ai, . . . a,.) (i = 1, 2, . . . n), (7) x"i —fi (x\, . . . x'„, bi, . . . b^) {i = 1, 2, . . . «), we shall obtain (by the chief theorem of Lie's theory) (J) X j =y,- (a^i, . . . x„y Ci, . . . c^) x' ! % = /■ (a^i, . • • '^ni ^1) (1 = 1, 2, • • .n), ^^5 \ „ + h 4>a' + • • •> which is convergent for any matrix (/>„, Then it will be found that ■^115 -^12? -^21) -^22) . . AJ =— I = /+ *„ + \ ^a Let now A„ denote the determinant of /-7 ^a This determinant vanishes if and only if the a's are so chosen that 2 Clj Cjii — 2 k-n- V — 1, 2 Ctj Cyi2 , • • • 2 aj Cji2 , 2 cij Cj„o — 2 A" TT V — 1 • 0, where k is some integer not zero. The values of the parameters a for which A„ vanishes may be termed critical values of the parameters. The critical values of the parameters a are, therefore, those values of the a's for which one or more of the roots of the characteristic equation of the matrix <^„ is an even multiple, not zero, of tt ^y/ — i. If A„ =}; 0, we may take the b's arbitrarily, and then, from equations (12), derive expressions for Sa-i^Sa^, . • • 8 «,., as linear functions of ^1, b.^, . . . b,.. Thus, if A„ 4= 0, we have x'i = 2k hiv Xi (i =1,2,... n), 1 A ±. B denotes the matrix of the linear substitution x'i = 2" {aiv ± bh) Xi (i = 1,2, . . . n), 1 and A B the matrix of the linear substitution tt n x'i = 2*^ 2>/ «)> b^v Xv {i = 1, 2, . . . n). 1 1 We shall then have A {B C) - {A B) C, A {B ± C) -A B + A C, etc., but in general AB :^ B A. TABER. — ON SINGULAR TRANSFORMATIONS. 583 (13) (8 «!, 8 a„, ... 5 Or) = e" - I {K h,, . . . b,) . .(J^i, 6.,, . . .b,.), or (13a) + ajr ^r) (7 = 1.2, »■). where a^v is the first minor of A„ relative to A^fj.. The quantities 8ai, 8«2j S^ri as determined by these equations, are infinitesimal if A„ ^ 0, since then the constituents a^„ A„~ ^ of the matrix <^„ (e '' — /) ~ ^ are finite. Therefore, if the parameters a are so chosen that A,, 4= Oj we may take ^i, bo, . . . b,., arbitrarily, and, if Soi, hao, ... S«y, are determined by equations (13), we have Tub Ta = Ta + Sa, where 8«i, Sa2> • • • S a^. are infinitesimal. On the other hand, if the values assigned to the parameters a are critical values of the parameters, that is, if A„ = 0, it will certainly iu general, for arbitrary values of the S's, be impossible to determine infin- itesimal increments 8 a-^, 8 a<^^ ... 8 a,., of the pai'ameters a to satisfy the symbolic equation ■htb T — T -t a — -'■II a -\- Sw In this case, it may, nevertheless, be possible to find a finite system of values Ci, c^, . . . c,., of the parameters such that T^h Ta = T ; but group G may be such that, for at least special systems of values of the b's, no finite system Ci, c^, . . . c,., of the parameters can be found to satisfy this 5 -,, 9 . 9 9x^' 2 TT V— 1, A„ = 0 ; and if b^ ^0,b.2 = 0, T^ T^;, is essen- 0. symbolic equation. E. ^., let )' = 2 and X^ = ^^--, ^2 = ^ 1^2 ^ — • Then, if (to tial singular for all values of t From what precedes we have therefore the following theorem : If T ^5 an arbitrary transformation of G for which A„ 4^ 0, the trans- formation Ti^T,,, tlie iKtrameters bi, bg, . . . b^, being arbitrary, can be generated by an infinitesimal transformation of the group, provided t is 584 PROCEEDINGS OF TUE AMERICAN ACADEMY. sufficiently small* On the other hand if A„ = 0, and the b's 'arc prop- erly chosen, the transformation T^^ T„ may be essentially singular however \ small t may be taken. Such a transformation T^ 1 term non- essentially , singular. i If Ta is non-essentially singular, that is, if T'^j T^ is essentially singu- lar however small t may be, a system of values b\, b'^, . . . 5',., of the parameters can be found such that, however small t may be, T^ Tt^, is , essentially singular ; and conversely. §3. Let «!, a^, . . . a^, and ^i, b^, . . . b^, be any two systems of finite arbitrarily chosen values of the parameters of G, and let the transforma- tion Ta be defined by the symbolic equation (14) T„ = n Ta, where i is a variable quantity independent of the x's. We then have (15) aj = (pj(ai, . . . a„tbi, . . . tb,) 0 = 1,2, ... r). The differential equations satisfied by the a's are See Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society for February, 1900, p. 202. Two groups G and (?'^' are of the same structure (Zusammensetzung) if the structural constants [Zusammensetzungconstanten) Cj^i and cfli are identical. For two groups of the same structure, the system of differ- ential equations satisfied by the r dependent variables Oj ==: (pj (a, t b) are the same. But the equations of the group may restrict the number of systems of the functions aj, which differ in the initial values of the a/s, in certain cases so that there shall be but one system of functions (p. Consequently, in the case of two groups of the same structure, one may contain essentially singular transformations and the other may contain no essentially singular transformation. Two such groups cannot properly be said to be isomorphic, since one is continuous and the other discontinuous. * If An i= 0, Ttb Ta may be essentially singular for an infinite number of values of t. But this assemblage of values of t has no derived assemblage. TABER. — ON SINGULAR TRANSFORMATIONS. 585 It will* be found that one or more of the roots of the characteristic equation of the matrix 6*^^*6**" is equal to unity, irrespective of the value of t. If Ta is non-singular, and for every value of t each root of this equation is equal to unity, 7^,j7a is non-singular for every value of t. Let it be assumed that Ta is non-singular, and that just s < r of the roots of the characteristic equation of the matrix e*^''-' e^°- are equal to unity, irrespective of the value of t. Then the values of t for which 7\ = T,t, Ta is singular (essentially or non-essentially) are included among those for which one, or more, of the remaining r-s roots of this equation is equal to unity. §4. The infinitesimal transformation 2 a^ Xj of group G, where the a's are quantities independent of the x's, is said to be derived lineally from the r independent infinitesimal transformations X^, X2, . . . X,. which gene- rate G. The r infinitesimal transformations ai"--'Xi -f a^^^X^ + . . . + a/*' Z,(^ = 1, 2, . . . r) are independent if the determinant (A) to. Any r independent infinitesimal transformation derived linearly from the ^'s also generates group G and may be substituted for the ^'s.* Group G may contain an infinitesimal transformation 2 a^ Xj commu- tative with each of the r infinitesimal transformations Xj which generate G, and, therefore, commutative with every infinitesimal transformation of G. Such a transformation Lie terms an ausgezeichnete injinitesimale Tra7isformation.-\ In what follows it will be termed an exti-aordinary in- Jinitesimal transformation. Let G contain just s independent extraordinary infinitesimal transfor- mation. In this case, from what has been said, we may suppose the A''3 so chosen that Xj X^ = X^ Xj (j=l,2, . . . s fc = l,2, . . . r), but that * Lie: Transformationsgruppen, I. p. 276. t Lie : Continuinerliche Gruppen, p. 465. 586 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. -^) ^k =r ^k Xj (j,k = s+l,s + 2,... r) We then have Cj^i = 0 for / = 1, 2, . . . s, aud k, 1= 1^2, . . . r. And, as a consequence of the differential equations satisfied by the func- tions Qj = (fj (a, t h), it will be found that 5 (fj (a, b) _ ^ 9 cfj (a, ^) __ Q 9 b, r k=zl,2, . . . s). 9 (h {j = s+l,s + 2, Moreover, we shall have % {a, b) = ttj + b^ + ipj (a,4.i, . . . a„ b, + i . . . b,) U = 1,2, ... s). From the differential equations satisfied by the functions Oj = q)- (a, t h) it also follows that, if Cj^i = 0 forj/', ^- = 1, 2, . . . r, we then may put (Pi (a, h) =7ti + bi. * §5. If r = 2, group G either contains no extraordinary infinitesimal trans- formation or two linearly independent extraordinary infinitesimal trans- formations. In the first case, the infinitesimal transformation 2 Oy A^ is commutative with no other infinitesimal transformation of G. In the second case, every two transformations of G are commutative. If r = 3, and the structural constants are such that ^122> ^\"2i ^-232 •^123' ^l-«' ^2.'!.3 * This theorem, for the case in which (r is a sub-group of the projective group, was given by Mr. Rettger in tlie American Journal of Mathematics, XXII. p. 73. As an example of this theorem let X, = oc-, -z — , A'o = a:., -r — , Xo = x.y -^ — . Then And if Cj-ti = 0, C;i2 = 0 0', ^•= 1, 2, 3). TbTn= Tr, c■^ — a-^ + h-^ + ^lcn y^ —\, c., — a^ + h2 + 2h'i7 y/ —\, where h and k' are integers which may both be taken equal to zero. t E. g., .Y, dx. , X: ()x. X, = x{^ dx{ TABER, — ON SINGULAR TRANSFORMATIONS. 587 the infinitesimal transformation '^aj Xj is commutative with no other in- finitesimal transformation of G. But, if ?• = 3 and this determinant van- ishes, it is alvvay possible to find two distinct infinitesimal transformations 2cf, Xj and 2 bj Xj which shall be commutative. Again, if r > 3, it is always possible to find two distinct infinitesimal transformations of G which shall be commutative. The condition necessary and sufficient that two infinitesimal transfor- mations 2 a J Xj and 2 bj Xj shall be commutative is that (17) „(^i, ^o, . . . (i,) =0; or, what is the same thing, that (18) cf>f, («i, a.2, . . . a^) = 0. If A„ 4= 0> tl^6 necessary and sufficient condition that every transforma- tion of the group Ci**' with a single parameter t shall be commutative with Ta, that is to say, that 7\ T,,^ = T^f^ T^ for every value of t, is tliat the infinitesimal transformations 2 cij Xj and 2 b^ Xj shall be commutative. In certain groups G, whatever the transformation T^, provided i\a = O5 it is always possible to find an infinitesmal transformation 2 bj Xj, not commutative with 2 Oj Xj, which shall, nevertheless, generate a group Ci'*' with a single parameter t, every transformation J'^j of which shall be commutative with T^. In other groups this is possible for certain transformations 7^, for which A„ = 0. As an example of tlie former we have the group V — ^ \- — ^ V _ ^ V — ^ ^^-'■^cTTi' ^^2--i-2^^, A3_^3^^, A,_X3^^ For this group A,, = 0 if a^ or (i., is an even multiple, not zero, of tt /^— 1. Let «i. «3. «4 he arbitrary, and a., = "J tt \/ —1, and let n/ig — og hj^ = 0. Then Ta Ttb = TtbTa ior all values of t; but 'S.hjXjXS not commutative with 2 a> A7 unless "2 64 — «4 ^2 = 0. If, however, a\ — a-y, a'. 2 — 0, a'g = a^, a\ — 0, Ta' = Ta and 2 hj Xj is commutative 2 a'j Xj. If A„ = 0, the necessary and sufficient condition that T^ T^f, = Ttt, T^ for all values of t is (19) (A - /(J^i, 5,, . . . 5,) =0. It is to be noted that this condition is always satisfied if 2 a^ Xj and 2 bj Xj are commutative. For then Cf>a (5i, b,, . . . b,) = 0 .•.4>\{b,,b,, . . . b,) = {) ^\ (b,, b„. . . b,) = 0 588 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Consequently, if A„ 4^ 0, and every transformation of the group Ci**' is commutative with 7^„, the above condition is satisfied. §6. Let (20) 7; = T„.. Then every transformation of the sub-group G^i'"'' is commutative with 7^,. Therefore, if A„ 4^ 0, 2 a! ^ X^ is commutative with 2 a^ Xj. Whence it follows that (21) J a - a' ^= -^ a ^ - a' ^ -'a -* a' is the identical transformation. If, however, A„ — 0, it does not necessarily follow that 2 Oj Xj and 2 a' J Xj are commutative ; and therefore we do not necessarily have rp rp rp— 1 a — a' E. g., let r = 5, and let V— '^ V- ^ Tf- <^ It'- ^ A'— ^ "^i-^iJ7i' "^•^-''2^; ^3-'"«J7i' ^"-""3(^x7 ^^-'^*(^:r; Then A„ = 0 if eitlier Oj or a^ is an even multiple, not zero, of ir /y/ — 1. Let oj = 0, ao = 2 ^- T vA^ 4: 0, rtg = 0, a'l = 2 k' TT /y/ — 1 , a'.2 = 2 A; TT y^ — 1 4^ 0, a '5 = fls, where A: and ^•' are integers. Then A„ = 0, A,,/ = 0 ; and Ta = T^a'- But 2 «;■ X,- is not commutative with 2 a'j Xj unless (('4 = a^. Moreover Ta- a' is not the identical transformation (i. e., Ta-a< 4= Ta Ta'~^) unless a\ — a^. When T,^ = T„, and A„ = 0, it does not necessarily follow that A„, = 0. Thus, in the case of the group just considered, if «i = 2k7r ^/^-^ ^ 0, a2 = 2 k' TT ^^ ^ 0, a\ = 0, a',, = 0, a'a = 0, a\ = 0, a\ — 05, we have T^ — ?„-, and A„ = 0 ; but A^, ^ 0. §7. The equations of the general infinitesimal transformations of the ad- joined group r of group G are in Cayley's matrical notation (22) (d'l, a\, . . . a',) = (I + 8<(^aO«n ^2, • • • «r)- The successive application of this infinitesimal transformation to the manifold cii, a^, . . . a^ gives the general transformation of F, namely, (23) (a/i', «,", . . . a,^^) = (e<^«0^i, d C + (rt2 /3 + fig) ^^ \- as(3 5«3 discontinuous. Therefore, all groups of this type are discontinuous ; 6. g., group 5 9 9 5, 5^„/5_^ _P_\ , _5_ 5^/ 5^2' 5^3' ''^5^2'^"'''5^i"^^V''5^2'^'"'5:r3;+5:r,' ^ ^^^ J (X„ X2) = (X2, X3) = (X3, Xi) = 0, lype 111. I ^^^,^^ ^.^^ ^ ^^.^^ ^^^.^^ -^.^^ ^ ^^.^ ^ ^^^^ (^^^ Y,) = Xo + A'g. //*- 1\3 *« a^ Adjoined group 9 9 9 9 5 / , N 5 * 5 «! 5 f/i 9 (In * d do d Us ^ d I'l 9 a.^ ■'9 (I3 discontinuous. Therefore, all groups of this type are discontinuous; e. g., group 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 Xo 7c — 4" Xo ^ — + Xi ^ 4" X2 -^ ~r X3 - , - , _ , _ ^ 9 Xi 9 x.^ 9 x^ 9 x^ d x^ d Xi d Xo 9 Xg 596 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. All groups of this type are continuous. Type IV. f (^'i' ^2) = (^2, ^3) = (^^^1) = 0, ^ ^ («4=r) \ Cda J \ Ui y J Adjoined group a a d d B d discontinuous. Therefore, all groups of this type are discontinuous ; e- g., group 9 9 9 (9 9 \ 9 9 -^ — J Tij— , ^ — ? "i^i 0^ + ^20 — +y2^3o — +n — • ( (Xi, X2) = (X2, X3) = (A'3, A'O = 0, Adjoined group 5 9 9 9 9 , , , ^ 9 , 9 c/«i 5a2 5ao 5a.g c/('i 5^/2 i? «3 discontinuous. Therefore, all groups of this type are discontinuous; e. g., group 9 9, 9 9 9 9 9 d Xi d X2 9X3 d x^ d Xi d X2 d x^ , f (x„ X2) = (X2, X3) = (X3, xo ~ 0, /P^ • 1 (Xi, X4) = 0, (X, X4) ^ 0, (X3, X4) = X2.* A„ = 1. All groups of this type are continuous. f (Xi, X2) = (X2, X3) = (X3, XO = 0, # A„ Adjoined group continuous. TABER. — ON SINGULAR TRANSFORMATIONS. 697 Parameter group discontinuous ; also group 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0" Xi cy aro d x^ d Xi d Xo 9 x^ 9 x^ xype i. I ^^^.^^ ^^^^ _ ^^ ^^^^ ^-^.^^ _ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ _ ^^ All groups of this type are continuous. P. S. Since what precedes was written, I have found that the infiu- itesinaal transformations of the parameter group, given in equations (13), § 2 (from which follow the differential equations (16), §3), had already been obtained by Schur and Engel ; and that to Engel is due the deter- mination of the values of the a's for which A„ = 0. See Lie : Trans- formationsgruppen, III, pp. 760, 794. June 8, 1900. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. XXXV. No. 27. — June, 1900. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY, 1899-1900. A TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. By Theodore William Richards. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL: BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Epes Sargent Dixwell. By Charles P. Bowditch. John Cummings. By William II. Niles. John Codman Ropes. By John Fiske. John Lowell. By Thornton K. Lothrop. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES FOR 1899-1900. LIST OF THE FELLOWS AND FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. STATUTES AND STANDING VOTES. INDEX. (Title-Page and Table of Contents.) PROCEEDINGS. Nine hundred and eighth Meeting. May 10, 1899. — Annual Meeting. Vice-President Hyatt in the chair. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, William E. Story was elected Recording Secretary pro tempore. The Chair announced the death of Alvan Wentworth Chap- man, of Appalachicola, Associate Fellow in Class II., Section 2. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from Felipe Valle, announcing his appointment as Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Tacubaya ; from Angel Anguiano, announcing his appointment as Director of the Mexican Geodetic Commis- sion ; from the Geographical Society of Madrid, announcing the death of its President, Francisco Coello de Portugal y Quesada ; from H. P. Talbot and O. F. Wadsworth, accepting Fellowship in the Academy ; from Charles D. Walcott, acknowledging his election as Associate Fellow ; and from Oliver Heaviside, acknowledging his election as Foreign Honorary Member. A letter from the University of Cambridge inviting the Academy to appoint a delegate to the jubilee of Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., in June, 1899, was read, and, on motion of Charles R. Cross, it was Voted, That the President and Corresponding Secretary send a letter of congratulation to Sir George G. Stokes. A letter from the Commission on Atomic Weights of the German Chemical Society, inviting " Chemical Societies and similar Institutions of all countries to assist in the formation of an International Commission," was read, and, on motion of the Corresponding Secretary, it was 602 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Voted, That a committee of three be appointed to represent the Academy in the International Commission on Atomic Weights, The Cliair appointed Theodore W. Richards, Wol- cott Gibbs, and Ira Remsen members of this committee. The Corresponding Secretary announced that the Committee to select a delegate to the International Congress of Orient- alists at Rome in October next had appointed Charles Rock- well Lanman of Cambridge, and that he had accepted. The Corresponding Secretary i-ead the report of the Council.* The Treasurer presented his annual report of which the following is an abstract : — General Fund. Heceipts. Balance, April 30, 1898 $3,481.95 Assessments $990.00 Sale of publications 48.52 $1,038.52 Income from investments 4,850.63 Return of bank tax 45.00 Donations 105.00 0.039.15 $9,521.10 Expenditures. General expenses $2,023.69 Library expenses 1,559.70 Publishing expenses 2.071.95 $5,655.34 Investments 3,833.15 Balance, April 29, 1899 • 32.61 $9,521.10 RuMFORD Fund. Receipts. Balance, April 30, 1898 $1,778.44 Income 2,266.03 Return of bank tax 93.53 Return of Investment 1,034.99 $5,172.99 * See Proceedings, XXXIV. p. 639. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 603 Expenditures. Books $57.01 Publishing 790.88 Investigations 400.00 Rent 10.00 $1,257.89 Balance, AprU 29, 1899 . . . 3,915.10 $5,172.99 Warren Fund. Receipts. ^ Balance, April 30, 1898 $925.95 Income 853.48 $1,779.43 Expenditures. Investigations $630.00 Balance, April 29, 1899 1,149.43 $1,779.43 Building Fund. Receipts. Balance, April 30, 1898 $1,268.14 Income 504.83 $1,772.97 Expenditures. Investment $1,466.94 Balance, April 29, 1899 306.03 $1,772.97 The annual report of the Librarian was presented and showed that 3284 books and pamphlets had been added to the Library during the year, of which 2432 were obtained by gift and ex- change and 852 purchased, and 317 volumes were bound at an expense of 8419.70. The total expenditure for books, periodicals, and binding amounted to 81004.17. There were borrowed 235 books by 30 persons, of whom 18 were Fellows of the Academy. The following reports were also presented: — 604 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Report of the Rumfoed Committee. Boston, May 10, 1899. During the past year the Rumford Committee has made the following appiopriations from the fund of $1000 placed at its disposition at the last Annual Meeting, for the furtherance of researches in light and heat. To Professor Theodore W, Richards of Harvard University, $200 for the construction of a micro-kinetoscope, the immediate application of which is to be the study of the birth and growth of crystals. To Professor W. C. Sabine of Harvard University, $200 for the con- tinuation of his researches on jthe wave-leugths of ultra-violet radiations. To Professor Henry Crew of the Northwestern University, a sum not exceeding $200 for the continuation of his researches upon the spectrum of the electric arc. To Professor Arthur G. Webster of Clark University, $200 for a research upon the distribution of energy in various spectra by means of the Michelson interferometer and the radiometer. At a meeting held on April 12, 1899, it was voted that the Committee recommend to the Academy that the volumes necessary to complete the set of the " Fortschiitte der Physik " in the library of the Academy, be purchased from the Rumford Fund. At the same meeting it was also voted that the Committee recommend to the Academy the appropriation of one hundred and twenty dollars from the Rumford Fund for the purchase and binding of the usual peri- odicals of the current fiscal year. At a meeting held on May 3, 1899, it was voted that the Academy be asked to make the usual appropriation of $1000, at the Annual Meet- ing, to be expended at the discretion of the Committee in furtherance of research. At the April meeting of the Committee it was voted for the first time, " that the Rumford Committee recommend to the Academy the award of the Rumford Medal to Mr, Charles F. Brush, for the Practical Develop- ment of Electric Arc Lighting." At the May meeting of the Committee the same resolution was voted for the second time. In order to ascertain the stage of advancement of the various re- searches in aid of which appropriations have been granted from the Rumford Fund, a request for information was sent to such grantees as were understood not to have made a final report, together with the fol- lowing extracts from the records of the Committee : — Nov. 10, 1897. "It was voted that, in future, recipients of grants for OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 605 investigations be requested to make a report annually as to the state of the work for which the grant was made." June 8, 1898. " It was voted that in the judgment of the Committee, persons carrying on researches with the aid of the Rumford Fund should submit to the Academy an account of their researches not less complete than that published elsewhere. These researches may be published in any place or form, with the proviso that due recognition be made of the grant, and the presentation of the paper to the Academy." In answer to this request, reports have been received of which the following are summaries : — Professor Henry Crew has published a paper " On the Sources of Luminosity in the Electric Arc " in the Proceedings of the Academy for June, 1898. He expects to continue the prosecution of his research during the coming summer with the aid of the further appropriation made by the Rumford Committee for that purpose. Professor B. 0. Peirce reports that a continuation of his work upon the thermal conductivity of poor conductors is in progress, the substance vulcanite being at present a particular subject of study. An extended paper " On Thermal Conductivities of Certain Poor Conductors " was published in the Proceedings of the Academy for August, 1898. Professor E. H. Hall is pursuing his studies upon the thermal con- ductivity of wrought iron, having published in the Proceedings for February, 1899, a paper " On the Thermal Conductivity of Cast Iron." Professor Edward L. Nichols reports that his research upon the radia- tion from carbon at high temperatures is making good progress. The study of the acetylene flame as a standard of light, the calibration of thermo-elements, and the application of the platinum-rhodium thermo- element to the determination of the actual temperature of the carbon, have occupied much time. Measurements with the spectro-photometer are now in progress upon the visible radiations from carbon rods as com- pared with those of like character with the acetylene flame. A study of the distribution of energy in the spectrum of the acetylene flame and in that of incandescent carbon will follow. Professor W. C. Sabine says with regard to his investigation upon the study of very short light waves : " In order to explain the advance which he has made [Mr. Theodore Lyman, who has made the actual measure- ments], it will be necessary to refer to the work of Schumann. This work was done with a fluorite prism, and wave lengths were found by extrapolation, the statement being made that speculum metal would not reflect the shorter waves. Mr. Lyman has been using a concave grating 606 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY with success, and has got as low as wave length 900 tenth-meters, Schumauu's estimated limit being 1000. The latter worked entirely with the spectra of gases, and stated that he could not go below wave length 1600 for metals." Professor George E. Hale states that the spectro-heliograph, in the construction of which he has been aided by a grant from the Rumford Fund, is approaching completion. He writes that " devices have been introduced whereby photographs of prominences or faculae can be taken simultaneously in two different lines of the spectrum. In the case of eruptive prominences the comparison of photographs made in this way may prove to be instructive." Professor Theodore W. Richards states that he has begun his investi- gation of the birth and growth of crystals as studied by the micro- kinetoscope, and has already obtained various excellent photographs illustrating these phenomena, which also give promise of interesting results as to the rate of growth of different crystals. Charles R. Cross, Chairman. Report of the C. M. Warren Committee. 10 May, 1899. At the last Annual Meeting of the Academy the sum of $600 from the income of the Warren Fund, was granted to Professor C. F. Mabery, of Cleveland, Ohio, in furtherance of his researches on petroleum. Several papers explanatory of Professor Mabery's results have been published during the year; and it is well understood that his work is being prosecuted all the while with ardor and success. A research by Professor F. C. Phillips, of Allegheny City, in aid of which a grant of $200 was made in 1896, has been in so far completed that an account of it was published, in November last, in the Proceed- ings of the Academy, under the title " On Fluctuations in the Composi- tion of Natural Gas." A grant in the sum of $200 made to Professor H. O. Hofman, of Boston, in 1897, and supplemented in 1898 by an additional grant of 130, has also borne good fruit. Professor Hofman's subject was "The Fusibility of Slags." He has explained to me that interesting and important results have been obtained, which he intends to publish in the near future. F. H. Storer, Chairman. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 607 Report of the Committee of Pdblication. Boston, May 10, 1899. The Publisbiug Committee begs leave to report that there have been issued during the last academic year ten numbers of Vol. XXXIII. and the first twenty numbers of Vol. XXXIV. of the Proceedings, aggregat- ing 796 pages and 17 plates; besides one number of Vol. XII. of the Memoirs containing 36 pages and 7 plates. Five numbers of the Pro- ceedings have been printed at the cost of the Rumfox'd Fund. The expenditure for the remaining publications was $2334.14. The appro- priation from the General Fund was $2500 and the sales $48.52, making a sum available for publication of $2548.52, and leaving therefore an unexpended balance of $214.38. The Academy has never before pub- lished so many pages in a single year. Samuel H. Scddder, Chairman. m On the recommendation of the Committee of Finance, it was Voted, To make the following appropriations from the income of the General Fund for the ensuing year : — For general expenses $2000 For the library 1500 For publishing 2400 Voted, That the assessment for the ensuing year be five dollars. Voted, That the Treasurer be authorized to pay from the funds of the Academy any bills approved by the Librarian in- curred on account of the expense of moving the library. On the recommendation of the Rumford Committee, it was Voted, That the sum of one thousand dollars (11000) from tlie income of the Rumford Fund be placed at the disposal of the Rumford Committee to be expended in aid of investigations on Light and Heat, payments to be made on the order of the Chairman of the Committee. Voted, That the volumes necessary to complete the set of the " Fortschritte der Physik " in the library be purchased at the expense of the income of the Rumford Fund ; also, that one hundred and twenty dollars ($120) be appropriated from the 608 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY income of the Rumford Fund for the purchase and binding of periodicals. Ou the recommendation of the C. M. Warren Committee, it was Voted, That the sum of six hundred dollars Ci^600) from the income of the Warren Fund be granted to Charles F. Mabery, of Cleveland, Ohio, in aid of his researches on the chemistry of petroleum. In accordance with the recommendation of the Rumford Committee, it was Voted, To award the Rumford Premium to Charles F. Brush for the practical development of electric arc lighting. The annual election resulted in the choice of the following officers and committees : — ^ Alexander Agassiz, President. John Teowbridge, Vice-President for Class I. Alpheus Hyatt, Vice-President for Class II. Augustus Lowell, Vice-President for Class III. Samuel H. Scudder, Corresponding Secretary. William Watson, Recording Secretary. Francis Blake, Treasurer. A. Lawrence Rotch, Librarian. Councillors. Henky Taber, Theodore W. Richards, \ of Class I. Harry M. Goodwin, Benjamin L. Robinson, William T. Councilman, \ of Class IL John E. Wolff, Barrett Wendell, Edward Robinson, \- of Class HL 'J James B. Ames, Member of the Committee of Finance. Augustus Lowell. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 609 Riaiiford Committee. Erasmus D. Leavitt, Amos E. Dolbear, Edward C. Pickering, Arthur G. Webster, Charles R. Cross, Theodore W. Richards, Thomas C. Mexdenhall. 0. M. Warren Committee. Francis H. Storer, Henry B. Hill, Charles L. Jackson, Leonard P. Kinnicutt, Samuel Cabot, Arthur M. Comey, Robert H. Richards. The Chair appointed the following standing committees : — Committee of Publication. Samuel H. Scudder, Seth C. Chandler, Crawford H. Toy. Committee on the Library. A. Lawrence Rotch, Henry W. Haynes, Samuel Henshaw. Auditing Committee. John C. Ropes, Eliot C. Clarke. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — AVilliam Elwood Bjerlj'^, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 1 (Mathematics and Astronomy). William Henry Pickering, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 1. Henry Lefavour, of Williamstown, to be a Resident Fellow ill Class I., Section 2 (Physics). Charles Russell, Baron Russell of Killowen, of Tadworth, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class HI., Section 1 (Philos- ophy and Jurisprudence). VOL. XXXV. — 39 610 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY The following papers were presented by title : — On the Thermal Conductivity of Vulcanite. By B. O. Peirce. Ferrous Iodide. By C. Loring Jackson and Ira H. Derby. Nine hundred and ninth Meeting. June 14, 1899. Tlie President in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from W. E. Byerly and W. H. Pickering, accepting Fellowship, and from Lord Russell of Killowen, acknowledging his election as Foreign Honorary Member. Letters from Marion T. Hosmer, soliciting a subscription on behalf of the Rumford Historical Society, and from the University of Pennsylvania, the American Philo- sophical Society, and other Philadelphia Societies, inviting at- tendance at the presentation of the Franklin statue, were referred to the Corresponding Secretar3\ The Chair announced the death of Francis Minot, Resident Fellow in Class II., Section 4, and of Manning Ferguson Force, Associate Fellow in Class III., Section 3. The Rumford Medal awarded to James Edward Keeler at the annual meeting of 1898 was presented, Edward C. Picker- ing acting as Professor Keeler's proxy. The President spoke of the proposed exploring expedition to the mid-Pacific under his direction, the United States Commis- sion of Fish and Fisheries having placed the Albatross at his disposal. The vessel will be thoroughly equipped with the newest apparatus for deep-sea investigations, and special ap- pliances will be constructed for use in very deep water. The expedition will leave San Francisco about the middle of August for Tahiti, in the Society Islands, which will be the hea-dquarters during the six or eight weeks required for exploration of the Paumoto Islands. Afterwards a week or ten days will be spent among the Tonga or Friendly Islands, and tlie expedition will then proceed to the Fiji Islands, where a short stay will be made. After visiting some of the Ellis and Gilbert Islands, six or seven weeks will be devoted to the exploration of the Mar- OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 611 shall Islands. Between these islands and the Hawaiian Islands, and between the latter and San Francisco, a distance of four thousand miles, a line of deep-sea dredgings will be run, deep-sea tow-nets being used while the dredging is going on. The Albatross is expected to return to the United States in April next. The following papers were presented by title : — The Development and Application of a General Equation for Free Energy and Physico-chemical Equilibrium. By Gilbert Newton Lewis. Presented by T. W. Richards. The Electro-chemical Equivalents of Copper and Silver. By T. W. Richards, E. Collins, and G. W. Heimrod. A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Calcium. By T. W. Richards. Short Studies of North American Tryxalinae. By Samuel H. Scudder. The Recording Secretary read the agreement with the Mas- sachusetts Historical Society in regard to quarters for the Academy in the new building of the Society. Remarks on this subject were made by the President and Augustus Lowell. Nine hundred and tenth Meeting:- October 11, 1899. — Stated Meeting. The Academy met at Ellis Hall. ViCE-PiiESiDENT Hyatt in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from Henry Lefa- vour, accepting Fellowship in the Academy ; from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin, announcing the death of Pro- fessor Cesare Nani ; from the National Society of Horticulture of France, announcing the death of its first Vice-President, Henri Ldveque de Vilmorin ; from the Students' Union at the Polytechnic School at Zurich, inviting attendance at the twenty-fifth jubilee of Professor A. Heim ; from Captain Con- stantin Edler von Pott, announcing his appointment as Director of the Hydrographic Bureau of the Imperial and Royal Navy at Pola ; and from Charles R. Lanman, reporting his inability 612 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY to represent the Academy at the International Congress of Orientalists. A letter from the Secretary of the organizing committee of the International Congress of Phvsics at Paris in 1900, enclosing a prospectus and requesting that it be brought to the notice of members, was referred to the members of the Council from Class I. The Corresponding Secretary reported that, in response to letters of invitation received during the summer, the President had appointed George P. Fisher, Associate Fellow, as a delegate to the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Vice-President Trowbridge had appointed T. C. Mendenhall, Resident Fellow, to represent the Academy at the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Franklin Institute. The Chair announced the death of John Harrison Blake, of Boston, Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 2; and of Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, of Heidelberg, Foreign Honorary Member in Class I., Section 3. On the motion of the Corresponding Secretary, a quorum for business not being present, it was Voted, To meet on adjournment on the second Wednesday in November. Arthur G. Webster read and explained a paper presented by A. A. Michelson on the Echelon Spectroscope. The following papers were read by title : — Peripheral Distribution of the Cranial Nerves of Spelerpes hilineatus. By Mary A. Bowers. Presented by E. L. Mark, Note on tlie Finite Continuous Groups of the Plane. B}' F. B. Williams. Presented by Henry Taber. Two Genera of North American Decticinae. By S. H. Scudder. Nine hundred and eleventh Meeting. November 8, 1899. — Adjourned Stated Meeting, In the absence of the regular presiding officers, Henry P. BowDiTcn was chosen President j»ro tempore. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 613 The Chair announced the death of John Codman Ropes, Res- ident Fellow in Class III., Section 3. Samuel IT. Scudder tendered his resignation as Corresponding Secretary, to take effect in January, and it was accepted. The Chair appointed from the next retiring Councillors Theodore W. Richards, of Class L, Benjamin L. Robinson, of Class II., Barrett Wendell, of Class III., a committee to nominate a candidate for the office of Corre- sponding Secretary. On the motion of the chairman of the C. M. Warren Com- mittee, it was Voted^ To grant permission to H. O. Hofman to publish in the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers or elsewhere the results of his research, for which aid was granted by the Academy from the C, M. Warren Fund. On the motion of the Librarian, it was Voted, To authorize the expenditure of a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200) for furniture for the Library. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — Maxime Bocher, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 1 (Mathematics and Astronomy). William Fogg Osgood, of Cambridge, to be a Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 1. John Singer Sargent, of London, to be an Associate Fellow in Class III., Section 4 (Literature and the Fine Arts). Sir Benjamin Baker, of London, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class I., Section 4 (Technology and Engineering), in place of the late Sir Henr}^ Bessemer. Rudyard Kipling, of Rottingdean, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class III., Section 4 (Literature and the Fine Arts). Arthur G. Webster described Maxwell's electric top and exhibited it in operation. The following papers were presented by title: — Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard 614 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY University, XLI. Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceae. — I. By Roland Thaxter. jSTote on the Chief Theorem of Lie's Theory of Continuous Groups. By S. E. Slocum. Presented by Henry Taber. Nine hundred and twelfth Meeting. December 13, 1899. The Corresponding Secretary in the chair. Letters were received from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin, announcing the death of Domenico Perrero ; from the International Congress of Ethnographical Sciences, enclosing programmes and an invitation to attend its meetings at Paris during the summer of 1900 ; from Maxime Bocher, John S. Sargent, and Rudyard Kipling, accepting membership. A letter was read from the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences of Berlin, announcing the celebration of the two hun- dredth anniversary of its foundation on the 19th and 20th of March, 1900, and inviting the American Academy to send dele- gates. It was accordingly Voted, To appoint John Williams White and John Eliot Wolff, delegates to this celebration. The chair announced the death of Epes Sargent Dixwell, Resident Fellow in Class III., Section 2. The following papers were read : — Experimental and Statistical Studies on the Influence of Cold on the Bacillus of Typhoid Fever and its Distribution ; with special Reference to Ice Supply and the Public Health. By William T. Sedgwick and Charles-Edward A. Winslow. The Electrical Resistance of the Human Body. By William L. Hooper. The following papers were presented by title : — A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Iron. By T. W. Rich- ards and C. P. Baxter. Note on the Constitution of Diparabrombenzylcyanamide. By C. Loring Jackson and R. W. Fuller. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 615 On Certain Colored Substances Derived from Nitro Com- pounds. Third paper. By C. Loring Jackson and F. H. Gazzolo. Certain Derivatives of Metadibrombenzyl. By C. Loring Jackson and W. P. Cohoe. Nine hundred and thirteenth Meeting. January 10, 1900. — Stated Meeting. Vice-President Hyatt in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from Sir B. Baker and William Fogg Osgood, acknowledging election. He also read circulars from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin, announcing the terms of award of the Vallauri prizes, and from the International Congress of Comparative History and the International Congress of Horticulture, Arboriculture, and Pomology, enclosing programmes. A letter was received from Seabury C, Mastick, Secretary of the committee on the modification of the Federal Legacy Tax, enclosing a petition setting forth the desired modification of the law. On the motion of William E. Story, it was Voted, That the Acting President be instructed to sign this petition on behalf of the Academy. The Chair announced the followinsf deaths : — Sir John William Dawson, of Montreal, Associate Fellow in Class II., Section I. William Alexander Hammond, of Washington, Associate Fellow in Class II., Section 4. Sir James Paget, Bart., of London, Foreign Honorary Mem- ber in Class II., Section 4. The vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Samuel H. Scudder was filled by the election of William M. Davis, Corresponding Secretary. On the motion of Augustus Lowell, it was Voted, That the thanks of the Academy be tendered to 616 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Samuel Hubbard Scudder for his faithful and efficient services as Corresponding Secretary. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — James Mason Crafts, of Boston, as Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 3 (Chemistry). Joseph Hodges Choate, of New York, as Associate Fellow in Class in., Section 1 (Philosophy and Jurisprudence), in place of the late Thomas Mclntyre Cooley. William Wirt Howe, of New Orleans, as Associate Fellow in Class in., Section 1. William Mitchell, of Saint Paul, as Associate Fellow in Class III., Section 1, in place of the late Ezekiel Gilman Robinson. Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Bart., of London, as Foreign Honorary Member in Class III., Section 3 (Political Economy and Historj'). The vacancies in the Auditino- Committee occasioned bv the resignation of Eliot C. Clarke and the death of John C. Ropes were filled by the appointment of the following Auditing Committee : Henry G. Denny, William L. Richaedson. On the recommendation of the Rumford Committee, it was Voted, That the Academy appropriate one hundred dollars ($100) to Theodore W. Richards for the prosecution of a re- search on the transition point of crystallized salts. Voted, That the Treasurer be authorized to make arrange- ments for the sale to the public of the Life and Works of Count Rumford. John S. Kingsley read a paper entitled " The Ancestry of the Mammalia." The following papers were presented by title : — Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard Univer- sity. New Series. — No. XVIII. I. New Species and Varieties of Mexican Plants. By J. M. Greenman. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 617 11. Synopses of the Genera Jaegeria and Russelia. By B. L. Robinson. III. New Dioscoreas from Mexico. By E. B. Uline. IV. New Phanerogams chiefly Gamopetalae from Mexico and Centi'al America. By B. L. Robinson. Nine hundred and fourteenth Meeting. February 14, 1900. In the absence of the regular presiding officers, Samuel H. ScuDDER acted as President pro tempore. The chair announced the death of the following Foreign Honorary Members : — James Martineau, of London, Class III., Section 1. Carl Friedrich Rammelsberg, of Berlin, Class II., Section 1. John Ruskin, of Coniston, Class III., Section 4. The following letters were received : from Mathilde Rammels- berg, announcing the death of Carl Friedrich Rammelsberg, Foreign Honorary Member of the Academy in Class II,, Section 1 ; from W. M. Davis, accepting his election as Corresponding Secretary ; from John Williams White, accepting his appoint- ment as Delegate to the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences. The following papers were presented by title : — The Metamerism of the Hirudinea. By W. E. Castle. Pre- sented by E. L. Mark. The Freshwater Tertiary Formations of the Rocky Mountain region. By W. M. Davis. On the Determination of Sulphuric Acid in the Presence of Iron : a Note on Solid Solutions. By Theodore William Richards. The Species of the Orthopteran Genus Derotmema. By Samuel H. Scudder. Crawford H. Toy gave an informal account of a new theory of totemism. 618 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Nine hundred and fifteenth Meeting. March 14, 1900 — Stated Meeting. The Academy met, by invitation of John E. Hudson, at the Algonquin Club. Vice-President Trowbridge in the chair. The Corresponding Secretary read letters from Joseph H. Clioate and Sir G. O. Trevelyan acknowledging their election into the Academy. He also exhibited a bronze copy of the medal struck in honor of Sir George G. Stokes's Jubilee in 1899, presented to the Academy by the University of Cambridge. On motion of the Recording Secretary, it was Voted, To meet, on adjournment, on the second Wednesday in April. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Academy : — Arlo Bates, of Boston, to be a Resident Fellow in Class IH., Section 4 (Literature and the Fine Arts). Liberty Hyde Bailey, of Ithaca, to be an Associate Fellow in Class n., Section 2 (Botany), in place of the late Alvaii Went- worth Chapman. Friedrich Kohlrausch, of Berlin, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class I., Section 2 (Physics). The Chair appointed the following Councillors to act as Nominating Committee : — Theodoee W. Richards, of Class L, Benjamin L. Robinson, of Class IL, Barrett Wendell, of Class KL At the request of the Chair, Charles R. Cross, Chairman of the Rumford Committee, stated the grounds for the award of the Rumford Premium to Charles F. Brush for his researches in electric arc lighting. The Acting President then presented the medal to Mr. Brush, who, in response, gave an account of his early experiments in electricity. Elihu Thomson described new electric apparatus for high OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 619 potentials, and exhibited an improved form of his dynamo-elec- tric machine. The folio wing, papers were presented by title : — View of the Carboniferous Fauna of the Narragansett Basin. By A. S. Packard. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard Univer- sity. New Series. — No. XIX. By M. L. Fernald. Presented by B. L. Robinson. I. Synopsis of the Mexican and Central American Species of Salvia. n. Revision of the Mexican and Central American Solanums of the Subsection Torvaria. ni. Some Undescribed Mexican Phanerogams, chiefly Labiatae and Solanaceae. Historical Notes relating to Musical Pitch in the United States. By Charles R. Cross. Nine hundred and sixteenth Meeting. April 11, 1900. — Adjourned Stated Meeting. The President in the chair. The Chair announced the following deaths : — Silas Whitcomb Holman, Resident Fellow in Class I., Section 2. Edward John Phelps, Associate Fellow in Class III, Sec- tion 3. The Rumford Committee made a preliminary announcement that it would recommend, at the next annual meeting, the award of the Rumford Premium to Carl Barus, of Providence. The following motion was offered by W. E. Story : — That a committee consisting of the President and two others selected by him be appointed to consider the propriety of amend- ing the first section of Chapter I. of the Statutes, with refer- ence to the classification of the Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members. The following recommendation was offered by the Rumford Committee : — The Rumford Committee recommends that the Academy G20 PROCEEDINGS OP THE AMERICAN ACADEMY appropriate the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars (1250) from the income of the Rumford Fund to Arthur L. Clark, of Worcester, to aid in the prosecution of researches on the prop- erties of vapors near the critical point. W. M. Davis read a paper entitled " The Freshwater Tertiary Formations of the Rocky Mountain Region." The following papers were presented by title : — Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University XLII. : Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniacese. — II. By Roland Thaxter. The Driving Energy of Physico-chemical Reaction and its Temperature Coefficient. By Theodore W. Richards. Supplementary Note on the Chief Theorem of Lie's Theory of Finite Continuous Groups. By Stephen Elmer Slocum. Pre- sented by Henry Taber. On the Singular Transformations of Groups generated by Infinitesimal Transformations. By Henry Taber. RICHARDS. A TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 621 A TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF Seventy-four Elements. Compiled in April, 1900, y"rom the most Recent Data. By Theodore William Richards. Name. Symbol. Atomic Weight. Name. Symbol. Atomic Weight. Aluminium . . Al 27.1 Molybdenum Mo 96.0 Antimony . . Sb 120.0 Neodymium . . Nd 143.6 Argon . . A 39.9? Nickel .... Ni 58.70 Arsenic . . As 75.0 Niobium . . . Nb = Cb 94. Barium . . Ba 137.43 Nitrogen . . . N 14.04 Beryllium . Be=Gl 9.1 Osmium . . . Os 190.8 Bismuth . . Bi 208. Oxygen (standard) 0 16.000 Boron . . . B 11.0 Palladium . . . Pd 106.5 Bromine . . Br 79.955 Phosphorus . . P 31.0 Cadmium . . Cd 112.3 Platinum . . . Pt 195.2 Caesium . . Cs 132.9 Potassium . . . K 39.14 Calcium . . Ca 40.1 Praseodymium . Pr 140.5 Carbon . . . C 12.001 Rhodium . . . Rh 103.0 Cerium . . Ce 140. Rubidium . . . Rb 85.44 Clilorine . . CI 35.455 Ruthenium . . Ru 101.7 Cliromium Cr 52.14 Samarium ? . . Sm 150. Cobalt . . Co 59.00 Scandium . . . Sc 44. Columbium Cb = Nb 94. Selenium . . . Se 79.2 Copper . . Cu 63.60 Silicon .... Si 28.4 " Didymium " Nd + Pr 142± Silver .... Ag 107.93 Erbium Er 166. Sodium . . . Na 23.05 Fluorine . F 19.05 Strontium . . . Sr 87.68 Gadolinium . Gd 156. ? Sulphur . . . S 32.065 Gallium . Ga 70.0 Tantalum . . . Ta 183. Germanium Ge 72.5 Tellurium . . . Te 127.5? Glucinum . Gl = Be 9.1 Terbium ? . . . Tb IGO. Gold . . . Au 197.3 Thallium . . . Tl 204.15 Helium He 4.0? Thorium . . . Th 233. Hydrogen . H 1.0075 Thulium ? . . . Tu 170.? Indium . . In 114. Tin Sn 119.0 Iodine . . I 126.85 Titanium . . . Ti 48.17 Iridium Ir 193.0 Tungsten . . . W 184. Iron . . . Fe 56.9 Uranium . . . u 240. Lanthanum La 1.38.5 Vanadium . . V 51.4 Lead . . Pb 206.92 Ytterbium . . Yb 173. Lithium Li 7.03 Yttrium . . . Yt 89.0 Magnesium Mg 24.30 Zinc Zn 65.40 Manganese Mn 55.02 Zirconium . . Zr 90.5 Mercury . Hg 200.0 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. -♦- Report of the Council. — Presented May 9, 1900. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Epes Sargent Dixwell Charles P. Bowditch. John Cummings William H. Xiles. John Codman Ropes John Fiske. John Lowell Thornton K. Lothrop. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. The Academy has lost nineteen members by death since the annual meeting of May 10, 1899, as follows : Six Resident Fel- lows,— John Harrison Blake, Epes Sargent Dixwell, Charles Franklin Dunbar, Silas Whitcomb Holman, Francis Minot, John Codman Ropes ; eight Associate Fellows, — Albert Nich- olas Arnold, Frederic Edwin Church, Sir John William Dawson, Manning Ferguson Force, Daniel Raynes Goodwin, William Alexander Hammond, Edward John Phelps, George Clinton Swallow; and five Foreign Honorary Members, — Robert Wil- helm Bunsen, James Martineau, Sir James Paget, Carl Fried- rich Rammelsberg, and John Ruskin. EPES SARGENT DIXWELL. Epes Sargent Dixwell was born in l5oston, on the 27th of Decem- ber, 1807, and died in Cambridge, on the 1st of December, 1899, He was the son of Dr. John Dixwell, who graduated from Harvard College in 1796 and received the degree of M.D. in 1811, and of Esther Sarsent, his wife. Dr. Dixwell was a descendant of the regicide. Mr, Dixwell was educated at the Boston Latin School, and entered Harvard College when he was not yet sixteen years old. In college he was recognized as an admirable scbolar, and the interest which he then showed in literature and music continued through his life, and afforded a solace to his declining years. Graduating from college in the class of 1827, he turned his attention to teaching, though perhaps not then realizing that this was to be the profession of his life. The two years during; which he was sub-master of the Boston Latin School were fol- lowed by several years spent in the study of law in the office of one of the most eminent lawyers of Boston, Charles G, Loring. He was admitted to the bar in October, 1833, and for three years he practised VOL. XXXV. — 40 626 EPES SARGENT DIXWELL, his profession; but. in the autumn of 1836 he was chosen head-master of the Boston Latin School, and at once took up liis work as an instructor of youth, a work which was to occupy his best thoughts and efforts for over a generation. In 1851, owing to certain municipal regulations, he felt called upon to resign his position, and at once opened " The Private Latin School " in Boylston Place, which from its start became very popular. Here he labored for twenty-one years, and when iu 1872 he gave up the school with which his name had been so long associated, he found that he had taken part during the course of his teaching ia preparing between four and five hundred graduates of Harvard for admission to college, besides teaching many others whose lives bear witness to his instruction. After relinquishing the active duties of his school, Mr. Dixwell led a quiet and retired life in Cambridge, which he had chosen for his resi- dence in 1842. Here he spent the remainder of his long life, except during two trips to Europe and his summer outings in the mountains or at the seashore. He found in Cambridge the congenial literary atmos- phere which he enjoyed, and he contributed his share to the social and scientific life of Cambridge and of Boston. He was a member of various societies, and among others of the American Oriental Society, the Har- vard Musical Association, and of our own Society, having been elected to the Academy in August, 1848. But in "The Scientific Club" of Cambridge he took more pleasure, perhaps, than in any other, for here he enjoyed the social intimacy of Agassiz, Peirce, Gray, Quincy, Sparks, Walker, Hill, Everett,* Fel ton, Wyman, and of many others who have held distinguished rank in literary, professional, and scientific circles. With President Felton he had the still closer tie which came from their having been roommates in college. Though Mr. Dixwell's life was a quiet one by choice, he did not neglect his duties as a citizen and church-goer. He early saw the necessity of manual training in the public schools, and served for many years as a trustee of the Parish fund of his church. He thoroughly enjoyed his travels in Europe, as it gave him the opportunity which he had long wished for, of wandering through classic scenes and of seeing the wonders of classic and modern art, with which he had already become acquainted through his studies. He is said to have been more familiar with the topography of Rome than were many who had lived there for many years. He was an admirable classical scholar, and his translations into Latin verse give evidence of his thorough knowledge of the language and of EPES SARGENT DIXWELL. 627 his ready skill in its use. A little volume of these verses called " Otia Seuectutis," publislied iu 1885, is a proof that old age had not dulled the critical keenness of his mind. English verse also flowed freely from his pen, and the lines which for many years he was accustomed to write for the annual family gatherings, in which he always took the greatest interest and pleasure, will long be remembered by those who had the privilege of listening to them, for their tender pathos, their wit and their humor. But it is as a teacher that Mr. Dixwell is best known. As an assis- tant instructor in the public schools of Boston, as the head-master of the Boston Latin School, and as the master of his own private school for many years, his influence over the education of young men was very wide. His coming to the Latin School was welcomed as a sign that accurate scholarship and a high moral tone would be combined with a strict discipline in the management of that institution, and these expec- tations were justified in both the great schools with which he was con- nected. One of his early scholars at the Boston Latin School recalls him as a stimulating and encouraging teacher, always insisting on accuracy, but trying to make his pupils see the beauties of the author whose work they were reading ; as a strict disciplinarian, possessed of a dignified bearing, something of a martinet, and inspiring awe in those who were not able to see beneath the somewhat cold exterior the real kindliness of his nature. He was not only a good classical scholar but also was well versed in all the branches which were taught in his school ; and the pupil must have been dull indeed who, needing an explanation of a difficult point, left Mr. Dixwell's presence without having the difficulties thoroughly cleared away. Ready to excuse errors of judgment or of ignorance, he was unwilling to condone moral faults, and his standard in the studies which were taught under his care was high. Bright scholars were encouraged and assisted in their work, and to dull scholars he extended sympathy and a helping hand, but to wilfid idleness he was sternly severe. He was anxious to deal justly with all, and if in any individual case he failed to do so, it was not owing to any want of goodwill or kind-heartedness towards the scholar. With a very high standard of honor in his daily life and in his com- munion with his fellowmen, he was not always able to make due allow- ance for the errors of others, and this led him at times to take a somewhat narrow view of his duty; but all who have known him well, will recall 628 JOHN CUMMINGS. with pleasure the dignified cordiality of his greeting, his kindly sympa- thy in others' joys and sorrows, his tenderness of heart, and his wide- spread interest in all that was going on about him. These traits continued to the last, even gaining in intensity as his long life approached its end. Charles P. Bowditch. JOHN CUMMINGS. Hon. John Cummings of Woburn, Mass., was elected Resident Fellow of the Academy, in Class III., Section 3, on the 12th of October, 1881. He was at the time well known in this section of the State as generously promoting the teaching of Natural Science in the public schools, and as liberally aiding institutions and individuals in the prosecution of more advanced scientific work. He was Vice-Presi- dent of the Boston Society of Natural History, and had materially con- tributed to its museum by the gift of valuable collections, while the botanical specimens were being arranged and multiplied by his liberality. One of his noteworthy contributions was the entire financial support he gave to the " Teachers' School of Science " for the first two years of its existence. When he was elected to the Academy this school had become of established value in the diffusion of scientific knowledge and in advancing the true method of teaching from objects and natural features. At the same time he was identified with those who were establishing and building up the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was early made a member of its Corporation and was serving as its Treasurer, an office which he filled with great credit during a long period in the his- tory of the institution when it most needed the services of a treasurer who believed in it and who had the energy and the courage to struggle with many difficulties and discouragements. To him the Institute of Technology is deeply indebted for its present condition. He was filling many positions of confidence and responsibility and was highly esteemed in business circles. He was President of the Shawmut National Bank ; he had served as President of the Boston Board of Trade and of the Shoe and Leather Association ; and he had held impor- tant offices in the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Massa- chusetts Horticultural Society, and the Perkins Institution for the Blind; he was State Director of the Boston and Albany Railroad, also a director of the Eastern Railroad. He had rendered valuable service as a mem- JOHN CODMAN ROPES. 629 ber of the Board of Finance of the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, and he had most liberally served his native town of Woburn in perform- ing the duties of many offices and in the support of its public schools. Such are some of the facts in the life and activities of Mr. Cummings which made him worthy of fellowship in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Besides contributing to the support of institutions and working zeal- ously to make the teachings of science more widely known, he manifested a very unusual interest in the study of nature. He made himself very familiar with the various species of plants growing in the region of his large farm in "Woburn, and he profited by every opportunity to become acquainted with the minerals, the rocks, and the physical features of the vicinity. He was a good example of that notable class of men who in the earlier days of science devoted as many hours to the study of nature as their secular duties would permit. In all the various fields of work with which he became associated he was appreciated for the readiness and correctness of his judgment, for the energy with which he labored in the causes he espoused, for his invariable adherence to the highest stand- ard of integrity and of right doing, and for his strong individuality of character. Wm. H. Niles. JOHN CODMAN ROPES. JoHX CoDMAN Ropes was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 28, 1836, and died at his house, 99 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, early in the morning of October 28, 1899. He was elected a Fellow of the Academy in May, 1885. His father was William Ropes, a native of Salem, and his mother was Mary Anne Codman, daughter of Hon. John Codman. William Ropes was for some time engaged in business in St. Petersburg, but removed to London in 1837 and lived for some time at Islington, where a younger son, the late Dr. F. C. Ropes, was born. After the return of the family to Boston John Ropes studied for a while at the Chauncy Hall School, but at about the age of fourteen he was obliged to leave school on account of a physical infirmity. Up to that time he had been perfectly well and his figure was erect and shapely. But at about that time a slight curvature of the spine became apparent, which increased rapidly until it became a noticeable malformation. This physical deformity did not embarrass the action of heart or lungs, and during his entire life his health was remarkably good. But nevertheless 630 JOHN CODMAN ROPES. the deformity was a very serious burden and prevented Ropes from eneacriii'; in activities which would have been most cono-enial to him. I might add that to those who loved him — and no one knew him who did not — this malformation was simply non-existent. In sitting and talking with him one never thought of him as different from other men. After leaving the Chauncy Hall School, Ropes was for a while under the care of Dr. Buckmiuster Brown. He then resumed his studies under Professor Goodwin, who acted as his private tutor and fitted him for college. He was graduated at Harvard in 1857 and soon afterwards entered the Law School, where he received his LL.B. in 1861. While he was proficient in the work of the Law School, it is interesting to observe that in that early time he also took a deep interest in questions of philosophy and religion. He was always a man of profoundly reli- gious nature, with all the strength and earnestness of Puritanism, but without its ascetic features. In the year of his graduating at the Law School he received the Bowdoin prize for an essay on " The Limits of Religious Thought," — a title which strongly suggests that his mind had been exercised by the famous book of Dean Mansel which we were all then reading. For a short time Ropes studied in the office of Peleg W. Chandler and George 0. Shattuck. He was admitted to the bar November 28, 1861, and continued to practise law in Boston until the time of his death. In 1865 he formed a partnership with John Chipman Gray of the class of 1859 ; and thirteen years later W. C. Loring of the class of 1872 was added to the firm, which has since been known as Ropes, Gray and Loring. Ropes' professional work was almost entirely confined to the office. Possibly his physical difficulty may have had something to do with this. He had all the qualities which might have placed him in the very highest ranks as an advocate before the court. He had an almost infallible scent for the essential points in a case, he could disentangle the most complicated details, he could hunt for evidence with a kind of cosmic patience that took everything with the utmost deliberation but never let slip the minutest detail, and he could marshal his arguments with a logical power that was equalled only by the artistic beauty of statement. To hear him argue any point was a genuine delight both to one's reason and to one's aesthetic sense. With all these rare endowments as an advocate. Ropes confined himself principally to busi- ness that could be done in the office, especially to the care and manage- ment of trust estates. At the time of his death there were more than a hundred trust estates, large and small, in his hands. He had long ago established his reputation as a safe person fur taking care of money. He JOHN CODMAN ROPES. 631 always showed sound judgment in making investments, and I suspect that die secret of his success was that minute and systematic attention to detail which characterized everything that he did. The high qualities which might have made him a great advocate found a rich field for their employment in work done outside of office iiours ; and it is after all hy that literary work that he will be longest and most widely known. The recollection of his professional work will of course pass away or be confined to very few persons after the present genera- tion. But his contributions to history have excellences which are likely to secure for them a very long life. His published writings relate almost entirely to military history, in which his two chief topics were the career of Napoleon and the Civil War in America I think there was in Ropes' nature an infusion of the true soldier. Had he been physically competent for service, he would probably have taken part in the Civil War, like his younger brother Henry, whose brief life was ended at Gettysburg. I fancy that the incapacity for service was a real grief to John Ropes, but it never seemed to disturb his serenity of spirit. If he could not be useful in one way he could in another. If he could not follow in the footsteps of Alexander, he might at least in those of Arrian. The thought of writing a history of the Civil War was one which grew with him into a settled purpose, and very admirable was the sort of prep- aration which he made for it. It was natural that the subjects upper- most in his mind should come up for discussion in the pleasant evening hours at the club. Gradually there grew up a habit of holding meetings at his house, meetings in which veterans of whatever rank could compare their experiences and discuss mooted questions. Ropes strongly encour- aged the preservation of every scrap of experience that could be put upon record, and thus grew up the habit of preparing historical papers to be read and discussed at these informal meetings. In this way Ropes became the founder of a most valuable institution, — the Military His- torical Society of Massachusetts. For several years this body held its meetings at Ropes' house, where the speaker of the evening was apt to dine before the meeting and where the sessions were sure to end with a social glass and abounding good-fellowship. The publications of this Society, though few in number, are of great value. In recent years it has found a permanent habitation in one of the rooms of the Cadet Armory where Ropes, some time ago, placed the larger part of his valu- able historical library. One of the first literary results of these studies was an elaborate exam- ination of the Virginia Campaign of General Pope in 1862, a summary 632 JOHN CODMAN ROPES. of which was furnished by Ropes in his volume entitled '• The Army under Pope," being one of the volumes of Scribner's series on the Civil War. Among other things it may be said of this book that it comjjletely exonerates General Fitz John Porter from the charo^es brought aarainst him after the second battle of Bull Run and npon which he was so unjustly and cruelly condemned. I have been told that Ropes' weighty presentation of the case exerted no small influence upon the final verdict which declared General Porter innocent and went as far as possible toward repairing the grievous wrong that had been done. If no other result had come from founding the Military Historical Society, this alone would have more than justified its existence. But Ropes' magnum opus, " The Story of the Civil War," was unfor- tunately never completed. It would have filled four volumes, and death removed the author soon after the publication of the second. The loss is one that can never be made good. Other writers of course may go over the period which Ropes failed to cover, but nobody can complete his book, for it is a case in which the writer's individual characteristics and personal experience are the all-important features. We have heard much in recent years of the advantages of the co-operative method in writing history, whereby a hundred experts may take each a small frag- ment of the ground to be covered. The merits of such a method are not denied, but it has one great defect : it gives us Hamlet with the Prince of Denmark left out. In an historical narrative nothing can make up for the personality of the narrator. A hundred experts on the Civil War would not fill Ropes' place for the simple reason that their hundred individual experiences cannot be combined in the same stream of con- sciousness. Ropes had gathered experience from every quarter ; he had not only read pretty much everything worth reading on his subject, he had not only delved with endless patience in the original documents, but he had obtained through social intercourse with soldiers now passed away a truly enormous fund of information, a great part of which has surely perished with him. I remember that during the last two or three years tlie thoufjht sometimes occurred to him that he might not live to finish his book. He told me one day that he only lacked eight years of being three score and ten, and that eight years were all too short a period for finishing the two volumes that remained to be done ; he must therefore ''scorn delight and live laborious daj's." He was always extremely fond of society ; no man more keenly enjoyed a dinner-party or an evening at tlie club, and I can testify that sometimes after club hours were over we used to enjoy prolonging our friendly chat (juite into the morning hours ; JOHN CODMAN ROPES. 633 but in these latter days Ropes became much more chary of his time and subjected himself to a kind of discipline in order that his work might be finishecU In another direction and in dealing with a more limited theme, he achieved a finished piece of work. He had always entertained a warm admiration for the First Napoleon. It was natural that such an acute military critic should admire such transcendent military genius. But Ropes carried his admiration to an extent with which not all his friends found it easy to sympathize. In his little book entitled " The First Napoleon" Ropes appears as the great Corsican's advocate, and his case is presented with consummate skill. It has all the more weight because the author is far too skilful to weaken his case by over statement or by any too conspicuous warmth of enthusiasm. It is a masterly piece of writing, although in its philosophic grasp of the man and the period it is surely far inferior to the book published about the same time by the late Sir John Seeley. It was in relation to the Waterloo Campaign that Ropes produced the completely finished work already alluded to. No battle of the nine- teenth century has called for so much discussion as Waterloo ; and most of the discussion has centred about the question, " Why did Napoleon lose the battle ? " The books on this subject are legion, and they present us with an English view of the situation and a Prussian view, and ever so many French views, according to the political and personal predilections of the writers. Usually we find some particular antecedent selected as explaining the mighty result, while other antecedents receive inadequate attention or are passed over. One writer is impressed with the ineffi- ciency of Grouchy, another one traces the catastrophe to the aimless wanderings of Erlon's corps on the sixteenth of June, and so on. But in Ropes' monograph what chiefly impresses us is the fact that he weighs every circumstance with the greatest care and puts real mental effort into the work of estimating the precise share which each circumstance took in the general mass of causation. In the first place the quality of the French army is duly considered and compared with the quality of the allied forces. Then such facts as the Emperor having Soult for Chief of Staff, an unaccustomed position for that able marshal, his feeling it nec- essary to leave at Paris the invincible Davoust, and other like circum- stances, receive due attention. The mysterious movements of Erlon, which prevented his being of any use either to Ney at Quatre Bras or to Napoleon at Ligny, are more acutely analyzed than in any other book. Then the consequences of the very incomplete defeat of Blucher on the 634 JOHN LOWELL. sixteenth are carefully considered. Then Napoleon's great and unusual blunder in assuming an eastward retreat for the Prussians and acting upon the assumption without verifying it, is properly characterized. Tlie share wrought by the muddy roads and the rains is not forgotten, nor the physical weaknesses which hampered the great general and allowed him uow and then to be caught napping for a moment ; the masterly position taken by Wellington ; the effects of the topography ; the extent to which the Emperor's attention was diverted early in the afternoon in the direc- tion of Planchenoit, — not one of these points is forgotten or slurred over. It is this minute quantitative consideration of details that impresses upon Ropes' historical writings their truly scientific character, and no theme could have been better calculated to exhibit it in its perfection than the campaign of Waterloo. One cannot read the book carefully without feeling that for once in the world something has been done so exhaust- ively that it will not need to be done again. It would seem almost impossible for the most fertile mind to offer a suggestion of anything actual, probable, or possible about W^aterloo that our author has not already brought forward and considered. Those who write such books are few, and to study them is a great and profitable stimulus. As this monograph on Waterloo related to a subject already well understood in Europe, it immediately gave Ropes a high reputation in European circles, and I believe he is regarded by experts as one of the soundest military critics since the days of Jomini. John Fiske. JOHN LOWELL John Lowell, the fourth of that name in direct descent from the first minister of Newbury port, who died in 1767, was born in Boston on the 18th of October, 1824. He was elected, in October, 1877, a Fellow of this Academy, of which his great-grandfather had been one of the original incorporators in 1780, and both his father and grandfather Fellows. At the time of his birth his father was living on the lower (southerly) corner of what are now Bedford and Chauncy streets ; but at that time, between Bedford and Summer streets, at the points where Cliauncy Street now turns off, there was on Summer Street a place called Chauncy Place, running about two-thirds of the way through, and then closed by a brick wall with two openings for foot passengers, but none for vehicles, and turning up from Bedford Street a similar place called Bedford Place, on the upper side of which and next to the wall stood the house of Judge Charles Jackson, having a large garden and pear JOHN LOWELL. 635 orchard extending down the phxce until it touched the garden of Judge Prescott, which stretched from there up Bedford Street towards Wash- ington. The lower side of Bedford Place was occupied by a row of brick houses, and in the one at the corner, as has already been said, Joiui Lowell was born. In Chauncy Place, next to the dividing wall between that and Bedford Place, stood the Chauncy Hall School, then under the management of a well-known teacher, Gideon F. Thayer. To this school, partly perhaps from its nearness as well as for its reputation, Judge Lowell was sent, as soon as he was old enough to go to any man's school. He was fitted for college in the private school of Daniel G. lugraham, who kept for more than twenty years the leading private classical school in Boston, and graduated at Harvard in 1843 at the age of eighteen years, with high distinction in Greek, Latin, Philosophy, and History, — indeed it would seem that he must have been recognized as especially proficient in Greek, as at the Sophomore Exhibition in October, 1841, he was one of the speakers in A Greek Dialogue, " Extract from Shakspeare's Henry the Fourth : Glendower and Hotspur ; " and at the corresponding Exhibition in his Junior year, had a Greek oration, " Bvpwv iv 'EXXdSi." He was anions the first scholars in his class : of his Commencement part, an English oration, the Rev. Dr. John Pierce wrote in his diary : " The subject of this oration was ' The Battle of the Nile,' — eight minutes in length, a summary of the principal facts." * After leaving college Lowell entered the Dane Law School, and remained there for the full course of two years. He was then for a year in the office of Mr. Charles G. Loring, and was admitted to the bar in 1846. Directly afterwards he went to Europe with his father and family, and was absent about a year. On his return he formed a connection with his brother-in-law, Mr. William Sohier, and began the practice of the law. This connection lasted until 1857, when he took an office by himself. The business in Mr. Sohier's office was mostly chamber practice, and largely connected with the management of trust estates, and Mr. Lowell's work there was not such as to give him the opportunity for any especial display of ability, or to attract any one's attention. His name, I think, appears only twice in the Massachusetts Reports for this period. In the autumn of 1857 he separated from Mr. Sohier almost at the moment when the financial difficulties of that time were reaching their * Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, Series II., V. p. 237. 636 JOHN LOWELL. crisis. These difficulties affected very seriously the manufacturing interests of this part of the Comnaonwealth, and many of the large mercantile firms who had been the agents of the factories. The family and business connections of Mr. Lowell and his father naturally caused him to be consulted in some of these matters, and he thus became interested in the consideration of questions arising in bankruptcy and insolvency, a branch of the law in which as a judge he subsequently acquired a well-deserved and widespread reputation. He continued in the practice of the law until 1865. During part of this time he had charge of the " Law Reporter," a monthly journal then published in Boston. From May, 1856, he was for two years its sole editor, and afterwards until April, 1860, joint editor with Mr. Samuel M. Quincy of the Boston bar. Four volumes (Vols. 19, 20, 21, and 22) were published while he was editor. Upon the resignation of Judge Sprague of the United States District Court of Massachusetts, in March, 1865, Mr. Lowell was appointed his successor. The appointment was wholly unsolicited by Mr. Lowell. It was made upon the recommendation of a few of the leaders of the Suffolk bar. The letter which they addressed to the President was written by Mr. Charles G. Loring, and was signed by himself, Mr. Charles B. Goodrich, Mr. Sidney Bartlett, Judge Josiah G. Abbott, Mr. Samuel E. Sewall, Mr. Edward D. Sohier, Mr. George Bemis, and Mr. Dwight Foster. It was carried to Washington at the same time with Judge Sprague's resignation by Mr. Richard H. Dana, Jr., who was then the United States attorney here. The nomination was sug- gested to Mr. Lincoln by Mr. Sumner and Mr. Dana, and was made and confirmed on the same day. The appointment was one peculiarly gratifying to Mr. Lowell, for his great-grandfather, Judge John Lowell, had been appointed in 1789 by General Washington to this same office, and was the first District Judge of the United States for the District of Massachusetts, and Mr. Lowell felt a natural and proper pride and pleasure in succeeding to the honor- able position and duties of his ancestor. In 1878, on the death of the Honorable George F. Shepley, Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, he was made Circuit Judge, thus again suc- ceedino- his sreat-grandfather, who had been appointed by President John Adams to a similar position in the court which the Federalists created in the last year of President Adams's administration, only to have the act creating it repealed and the court destroyed by the Democrats under Jefferson, as the simplest mode of getting rid of the Federalist judges whom Adams had appointed. JOHN LOWELL. 637 la May, 1884, a little more than nineteen years after his first appoint- ment to the bench, Judge Lowell resigned his position as Circuit Judge, and resumed the practice of the law in Boston. His long period of ju- dicial service had given the public ample opi)ortuuity to recognize his legal ability and wisdom, and from the time he returned to the bar until his last short illness, he was fully occupied with professional work. He served as arbitrator, or sat as a commissioner or special master in many causes and matters of importance ; he was retained as counsel in litiga- tions involving large interests and difficult questions, and his advice was constantly sought in solving the perplexities that arise in the administra- tion of the law of bankruptcy. Fortunately for him this professional work was interesting and stimulating and sufficiently engrossing to dis- tract his mind from domestic griefs and anxieties, which weighed upon him heavily at intervals. During these years he two or three times visited Europe in the summer with his family, before a severe accident to his wife rendered it difficult for her to travel. He married, in 1853, Lucy Buckminster, the only daughter of Mr. George B. Emerson and of Olivia Buckminster, his wife, daughter of the Rev. Joseph Buckminster of Portsmouth, N. H., and sister of the Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster of Brattle Square Church, Boston. For some time after his marriage Judge Lowell lived at No. 11 Chest- nut Street, in the house in which his wife was born, but in 1858 he purchased a farm lying between Chestnut Hill and Hammond's Pond, where he lived until his death on the 14th of May, 1897. He had inherited a taste for country life and an interest in trees and plants, shrubs and flowers, from which he derived during these years great enjoy- ment ; and the time which he passed in going about his place, in looking at the improvements he had made, and considering those which he pro- posed to make, undoubtedly contributed to the preservation of his health and the prolongation of his life. He was not a man of remarkable physique, yet until his last illness it is doubtful whether he was ever detained from his office for two days at a time by any physical ailment. In addition to the labors of his profession, he filled during these latter years many positions of importance and responsibility. In 1896 he was appointed by Governor Wolcott chairman of the commission to revise the laws of Massachusetts on the subject of taxation, and held this office at the time of his death. He was also Vice-President of the Massachu- setts General Hospital, of which he had been for many years one of the Trustees ; was President of the Trustees of the Peabody Fund, an Overseer G38 JOHN LOWELL. of Harvard University, and a Member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. He received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Williams Col- lege in 1870, and from Harvard in 1871. Before his appointment as District Judge, Mr. Lowell's work at the bar had been chiefly office practice. His clients, if not very numerous, were warmly attached to him, were continually demanding his counsel, uud had the most implicit confidence in the opinions he gave them. When consulted by any one of them he rarely looked at a book ; but after hear- ing what the client had to say, would sit perfectly quiet, until he had sufficiently considered the question, and then advise him in a way show- ing intuitive sagacity and familiarity both with the fundamental principles of the law and their a^jplication by the courts. He was always a diligent student, reading carefully, digesting slowly, and assimilating thoroughly what was new or seemed to him important in the volumes of reports that from time to time appeared, so that when his judicial work began he was well equipped for the duties that devolved upon him. The District Court of the United States, of which he was at first ap- pointed Judge, is a court of limited and peculiar jurisdiction ; it has the exclusive cognizance of admiralty and maritime cases, and of all crimes committed upon the high seas ; it is also a prize court, and sits as a criminal court, for the trial of offences against the laws of the United States, such as violations of the post-office laws, revenue laws, etc. The number of jury trials in this court is, however, very limited and mostly confined to criminal cases, usually of great simplicity. Judge Lowell's want of experience in practice before a jury, and in dealing with juries, was for this reason a source of much less embarrassment to him in this court than it would have been in most others. He had, in fact, before his appointment tried only one jury case, and was perfectly aware of the difficulties under which he labored in public speaking. Time and con- stant practice diminished these difficulties, and made it more easy for him to preside at jury trials, as he gradually overcame the obstacles which sprang largely from his want of training and experience, and a lack of confidence in himself The civil war was not over when he was appointed to the bench, and the effect of the destruction of our merchant marine by the guns of the Confederate cruisers, and of the transfer of our ships to foreign owners, now so evident in many other ways besides that of the sadly diminished number and importance of the suits in Admiralty, had not then made themselves thoroughly felt. At the time of his appoint- ment there were many causes pending which Judge Sprague's long illness had prevented his hearing, and Judge Lowell had at first no laclj of JOHN LOWELL. G39 Admiralty suits of all kinds, iucluding some difficult questions ia prize causes. The principles and practice of the Admiralty Courts were espe- cially congenial to him. He was in full sympathy with the tendei'ness which that court has always shown for the ignorant and improvident sailor ; and the cardinal rule of the Admiralty that no error of statement, or technical defect, or mistake in the kind of relief asked for, should inter- fere with or prevent such a decision of a cause as would work substantial justice between the parties, was in entire harmony with his view as to what should be the aim of all courts and judges so far as the established rules of law and the decided cases would permit, — an opinion which he held so strongly, that for his efforts to attain this end, he was at times called " wayward " in his decisions. At the time of Judge Lowell's appointment, there was no national bankrupt act in force, although there was an insolvent act in Massachu- setts with which and its operation he was very familiar ; two years after he became the judge of the District Court, Congress passed the National Bankrupt Act of 1867, in the administration of which he won a distinc- tion which placed him among the foremost, — it is perhaps not too much to say, at the head of the judges in this country, having original juris- diction of cases in Bankruptcy and charged with the administration of this law. As has already been said, the subject of Bankruptcy had interested him many years before his appointment to the bench ; he had begun the preparation of the treatise on this branch of the law which since his death has been published by his son, and the work he had done on this book had made him unusually familiar with the underlying principles of the Bankrupt Laws and the adjudicated cases. The purposes of a bankrupt act, — to secure the equitable distribution of an insolvent debtor's assets among his creditors, to grant him his discharge from his antecedent lia- bilities if he has honestly surrendered his property to be distributed for the payment of his debts, — and, on the other hand, to prevent such a debtor, who has fraudulently concealed for his own advantage a part of his estate, or unfairly preferred some of his creditors, from receiving the benefit of the act, — these purposes equitable in both aspects, and the simplicity and directness of the methods of procedure under the practice in Bankruptcy, were all in harmony with his convictions of the useful and beneficent purposes of the law and the courts of justice, and made the administration of this law a congenial task, which he discharged not merely to the satisfaction of the bar, but to the approval of the mercantile class of the community whose interests are most affected by this law, who 640 JOHN LOWELL. are perfectly able to understand it and to judge whether it is wisely ad- ministered, and in the spirit of justice and fair dealing upon which it is founded. Upon Judge Lowell's retirement from the bench in May, 1884, the merchants of Boston invited him to a public dinner, that they might have an opportunity of testifying their high esteem and affectionate con- sideration for him as an administrator of the laws which most nearly con- cerned them in their business relations, whose decisions and interpretations of these laws had received the approval of the mercantile community throughout the land. This unusual tribute, coming from the source from which it emanated, was most gratifying to Judge Lowell as a proof that his administration of the Bankrupt Law had not only been in accord with the strong common sense of the business men of the community, but also with the principles of justice and equity which it has been the aim of every well-intended law of Bankruptcy to carry out. The mercantile community still further showed its appreciation of him by requesting him at a later date to prepare a new Bankrupt Act to be laid before Congress. But this act was unfortunately not passed. The jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, of which Judge Lowell was appointed Judge in 1878, includes the States of Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, as well as Massachusetts, and his duties as Circuit Judge brought him in contact with the members of the bar and the people of all these States ; that he discharged these duties to their satisfaction was shown by the attendance of lawyers from every State in the circuit, at the bar meeting in Boston after his death, and by the abundant testimony they gave of their recog- nition and thorough appreciation of his worth and ability, both as a mag- istrate and a man. The business of the Circuit Court and the class of cases tried there is quite different fi'om that of a District Court. It has no original jurisdiction in Bankruptcy or Admiralty, but in these matters sits only as a Court of Appeals. It deals more largely with cases at common law and with civil suits for violation of the revenue law. It has also jurisdiction of patent causes, a branch of the law which is thought to require some special aptitude for and knowledge of mechanics as well as of the physical sciences. Neither Judge Lowell's professional work at the bar nor on the bench had ever brought him to the study of this branch of the law, and he was at the outset and continued to be unduly distrustful of his ability to master and properly decide the patent cases that were brought before him. As he occasionally jocosely expressed it, " he was afraid of only one thing in the law, — those infernal machines." But he applied himself with the conscientiousness and thoroughness that JOHN LOWELL. 641 distinguished all his work to the study and investigation of these cases, and by the common consent of the counsel practising in patent cases, proved himself an excellent patent judge. His judicial opinions are marked by clearness of thought, and the direct, terse, and vigorous expression of it, with no digressions, no dis- cussions or dicta not absolutely necessary to the determination of the precise points before him. lu deciding a cause he took the line of least resistance ; if it were a short cut he availed himself of it, and this not so much because this course saved him labor, as because he intended his judgment to be confined to the determination of the case actually before him. He was careful, therefore, not to stray from the real questions at issue, and to avoid being beguiled into by-paths of interesting legal investigation which had but little or no tendency to enlighten or aid him in arriving at his conclusions, and were not important in determining his final results. He had a natural aptitude for the law, one might almost say a legal instinct, and this was strengthened and quickened by thought and study ; he possessed as a judge a remarkable intuition " for perceiving on which side lay the justice of any case and an equally remarkable ingenuity in showinsf that a decision in favor of that side was in accordance with the settled rules of law." When he found himself obliged to yield to precedents which prevented what justice seemed to him to require, he did so with a reluctance which he never tried to conceal and sometimes openly expressed. His quiet humor not infrequently enlivened the trial of a cause, and occasionally appeared in his Opinions, as when in denying a motion to set aside a verdict because one juror had been asleep during part of the trial, he said : " If one of the jurors was asleep, the defend- ant should have called attention to the fact at the time. There is no suggestion that it is newly discovered, and I cannot now say that the defendant may not have thought his interests were promoted by the actual course of the trial in this respect." Or, to quote one more instance, — in a suit where a ship owner contended that the master had forfeited his wages by taking on board some casks of Madeira wine, the ship articles prohibiting him from carrying distilled spirits under penalty of forfeiting his pay, Judge Lowell demolished the elaborate argument of the counsel for the ship owner by saying, " Wine is not distilled spirits, and cannot be made so by a usage of the port of New Bedford or any other process that I am acquainted with, except distillation." Any attempt to characterize Judge Lowell's judicial qualities would be imperfect if it failed to recognize and call attention to the fact that VOL. XXXV. — 41 642 JOHN LOWELL, he had not merely the respect, but the warm affection of the members of the bar. His simple and unassuming manner claimed nothing, yet no one ever thought of treating him with discourtesy. His natural kindness led him to treat the youngest members of the bar and to listen to their arguments, however crudely presented, with a never-failing patience and consideration ; and both on and off the bench, he was always, in his relations with them, cordial, friendly, and ready to give them the benefit of his wisdom and learning in any difficulty in which they might ask his advice, doing this in such a manner that he rather seemed to be receiving than conferring a favor. He was not merely a learned lawyer ; he was also a lover of books, a great reader, catholic in his tastes, and spending in his library many of his hours of rest and recreation. In private life he was an agreeable companion, a loyal friend, a most devoted husband and father. He was not a demonstra- tive person, but " a quiet, self-contained, thoughtful, courageous, affectionate man, who kept his eye single for the right and the true, who did every duty with keen thoroughness, and who found his greatest pleasure iu the companionship of those nearest and dearest to him." Thornton K. Lothrop. Other notices are postponed. The number of new members elected during the year is as follows : Resident Fellows, 4 ; Associate Fellows, 5 ; Foreign Honorary Members, 4. The roll of the Academy at present includes 194 Resident Fellows, 89 Associate Fellows, and GQ Foreign Honorary Members.* * By transfer of an Associate Fellow to Resident Fellowship, and by election of new members at the annual meeting, the roll stands at date of publication 198 Resident Fellows, 93 Associate Fellows, and 69 Foreign Honorary Members. i American Academy of Arts and Sciences. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES FOR 1899-1900. Class I. John Trowbridge. president. Alexander Agassiz. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Class II. Alpheus Hyatt. Class III. Augustus Lowell. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Samuel H. Scudder, William M. Davis, May, 1899 — January, 1900. January — May, 190O. RECORDING SECRETARY. William Watson. TREASURER. Francis Blake. librarian. A. Lawrence Rotch. COUNCILLORS. Class I. Class II. Henry Taber, Benjamin L. Robinson, Theodore W. Richards, William T. Councilman, Harry M. Goodwin. John E. Wolff. Alexander Agassiz, Erasmus D. Leavitt, Amos E. Dolbear, COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. Francis Blake, Class III. Barrett Wendell, Edward Robinson, James B. Ames. Augustus Lowell. RUMFORD COMMITTEE. Edward C. Pickering, Charles R. Cross, Arthur G. Webster, Theodore W. Richards, Thomas C. Mendenhall. Francis H. Storer, Henry B. Hill, c. m. warren committee. Charles L. Jackson, Leonard P. Kinnicutt, Robert H. Richards. Samuel Cabot, Arthur M. Comey, committee of publication. Samuel H. Scudder, Seth C. Chandler, committee on the library. A. Lawrence Rotch, Henry W. Haynes, Crawford H. Toy. Samuel Henshaw. auditing committee. Henry G. Denny, William L. Richardson. LIST OF THE EELLOWS AND EOEEIGN HONORAEY MEMBERS. (Corrected to May 20, 1900.) RESIDENT FELLOWS. — 198. (Number limited to two liundred. ) Class I. — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 79. Section L — 20. Mntlip.matics and Astronomy. Solon I. Bailey, Cambridge. Maxime Bocher, Cambridge. William E. Byerly, Cambridge. Seth C. Chandler, Cambridge. J. Rayner Edmands, Cambridge. Gustavus Hay, Boston. Henry Mitchell, Nantucket. William F. Osgood, Cambridge. James Mills Peirce, Cambridge. Edward C. Pickering, Cambridge. William H. Pickering, Cambridge. John Ritchie, Jr., Boston. John D. Rankle, T. H. Safford, Edwin F. Sawyer, Arthur Searle, William E. Story, Henry Taber, O. C. Wendell, P. S. Yendell, Cambridge. Williamstown. Brighton. Cambridge. Worcester. Worcester. Cambridge. Dorchester. Section H.— 21. Physics. A. Graham Bell, Washington, D.C. Clarence J. Blake, Boston. Francis Blake, Weston. Charles R. Cross, Amos E. Dolbear, H. M. Goodwin, Edwin H. Hall, Brookline. Somerville. Boston. Cambridge. Hammond V. Hayes, Cambridge. William L. Hooper, Somerville. William W. Jacques, Newton. Frank A. Laws, Henry Lefavour, T. C. Mendenhall, Benjamin O. Peirce, A. Lawrence Rotch, Wallace C. Sabine, John S. Stone, Elihu Thomson, John Trowbridge, A. G. Webster, Robert W. Willson, Boston. Williamstown. Worcester. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Swampscott. Cambridge. Worcester. Cambridge. Section III. — 24. Chemistry. Samuel Cabot, Boston. Arthur M. Comey, Cambridge. James M. Crafts, Boston. Thos. M. Drown, So. Bethlehem, Pa. Charles W. Eliot, Cambridge. Thomas Gaffield, Boston. Henry B. Hill, Cambridge. RESIDENT FELLOWS. 645 Charles L. Jackson, Cambridge. AValtcr L. Jeiniiiigs, AVorcester. Leonard P. Kinnicutt, Worcester. Charles F. INlabery, Cleveland, O. Arthur Michael, Boston. George D. Moore, Worcester. Charles E. Munroe, Wash'gton, D.C. John U. Nef, Chicago, lU. Arthur A. Noyes, Boston. Robert H. Richards, Boston. Theodore W. Richards, Cambridge. Charles R. Sanger, Cambridge. Stephen P. Sharpies, Cambridge. Francis H. Storer, Boston. Henry P. Talbot, Newton. Charles H. Wing, Ledger, N. C. Edward S. Wood, Boston. Section IV. — 14. Technology and Engineering. Eliot C. Clarke, Boston. L-a N. Hollis, Cambridge. Gaetano Lanza, Boston. E. D. Leavitt, Cambridgeport. AVilliam R. Livermore, Boston. Hiram F. Mills, LowelL Cecil H. Peabody, Boston. Alfred P. Rockwell, INI au Chester. Andrew H. Russell, Wash'ton, D.C. Peter Schwamb, Arlington. Charles S. Storrow, Boston. George F. Swain, Boston. AMlliam Watson, Boston. Morrill Wyman, Cambridge. Class II. — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — 64; Sectiox I. — 13. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe. H. H. Clayton, Milton. Algernon Coolidge, Boston. AVilliam O. Crosby, Boston. William M. Davis, Cambridge. Benj. K. Emerson, Amherst. O. W. Hmitington, Newport, R. I. Robert T. Jackson, Boston. AVilliam H. Niles, Cambridge. John E. Pillsbury, Boston. Nathaniel S. Shaler, Cambridge. Rol)ert DeC. Ward, Cambridge. John E. Wolif, Cambridge. J. B. Wood worth. Cambridge. Section II. — 11. Botany. Geo. E. Davenport, Medford. William G. Farlow, Cambridge. Charles E. Faxon, Boston. Merritt L. Fernaid, Cambridge. George L. Goodale, Cambridge. H. H. Hunnewell, Wellesley. John G. Jack, Boston. B. L. Robinson, Cambridge. Charles S. Sargent, Brookline. Arthur B. Seymour, Cambridge. Roland Thaxter, Cambridge. Section HI. .'o. Zoology and Physiology. Alexander Agassiz, Cambridge. Robert Amory, Boston. James M. Barnard, Milton. Henry P. Bowditch, Boston. William Brewster, Cambridge. Louis Cabot, . Brookline. William E. Castle, Cambridge. Sanmel F. Clarke, Williamstown. W. T. Councilman, Boston. Charles B. Davenport, Chicago, II! Harold C. Ernst, Boston. J. Walter Fewkes, Washington,D.C. Edward G. Gardiner, Boston. Samuel Henshaw, Cambridge. Alpheus Hyatt, Cambridge. 64G RESIDENT FELLOWS. Cambridge. Boston. Salem. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. John S. Kingsley, Somerville. Edward L. Mark, Charles S. Minot, Edward S. Morse, George H. Parker, James J. Putnam, Samuel H. Scudder, William T. Sedgwick, Boston. James C. White, Boston. William M. Woodworth, Cambridge. Section IV. — 15. Medicine and Surgery. Samuel L. Abbot, Boston. Edward H. Bradford, Arthur T. Cabot, David W. Cheever, Frank W. Draper, Thomas Dwight, Reginald H. Fitz, Charles F. Folsom, Frederick I. Knight, Samuel J. Mixter, W. L. Richardson, Theobald Smith, O. F. Wadsworth, Henry P. Walcott, John C. Warren, Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Class III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 55. Section I. — 11. Philosophy and Jtirisprudence . James B. Ames, Cambridge. Charles C. Everett, Cambridge. Horace Gray, Boston. John C. Gray, Boston. G. Stanley Hall, Worcester. Nathaniel Holmes, Cambridge. John E. Hudson, Boston. Francis C. Lowell, Boston. Josiah Royce, Cambridge. Jeremiah Smith, Cambridge. James B. Thayer, Cambridge. Section H. — 20. Philology and Archceology. William S. Appleton, Boston. Charles P. Bowditch, Boston. Lucien Carr, Franklin Carter, Joseph T. Clarke, Henry G. Denny, AVilliam Everett, William W. Goodwin, Cambridge. Henry W. Haynes, Boston. Cambridge. Williamstown. Boston. Boston. Quincy. Charles R. Lanman, David G. Lyon, Bennett H. Nash, Frederick W. Putnam, Edward Robinson, F. B. Stephenson, Joseph H. Thayer, Crawford H. Toy, John W. White, John H. Wright, Edward J. Youni;, Cambridge. Cambridge. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge. Waltham. Section HI. — 11. Political Economy Charles F. Adams, Edward Atkinson, Andrew M. Davis, John Fiske, A. C. Goodell, Henry C. Lodge, A. Lawrence Lowell Augustus Lowell, .Tames F. Rhodes, Denman W. Ross, Charles C. Smith, and History. Lincoln. Boston. Cambridge. Cambridge. Salem. Nahant. , Boston. Boston. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. RESIDENT FELLOWS. G47 Section IV. — 13. Literature and the Fine Arts. Francis Bartlett, Boston. John Bartlett, Cambridge. Arlo Bates, Boston. George S. Boutwell, Groton. J. Elliot Cabot, Brookline. T. W. Higginson, Cambridge. George L. Kittredge, Cambridge. S. R. Koehler, Boston. Charles G. Loring, Boston. Percival Lowell, Boston. Charles Eliot Norton, Cambridge. Horace E. Scudder, Cambridge. Barrett Wendell, Boston. 648 ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. — 93. (Number limited to one hundred. Elected as vacancies occur.) Class L — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 34. Section I. — 14. Mathematics and Astronomy. Edward E. Barnard, Williams Bay, S. W. Burnham, Chicago. [Wis. George Davidson, San Francisco. Fabian Franklin, Baltimore. Asaph Hall, Cambridge, Mass. George AV. Hill, W. Nyack, N.Y. E. S. Holden, Washington. James E. Keeler, Mt. Hamilton, Cal. Emory McClintock, Mon'istown,N.J. Simon Newcomb, Washington. Charles L. Poor, George M. Searle, J. N. Stockwell, Chas. A. Young, Baltimore. Washington. Cleveland, O. Princeton, N. J. Section II. — 6. Physics. Carl Barus, Providence, R.I. J. Willard Gibbs, New Haven. S. P. Langley, Washington. A. A. Michelson, Chicago. Ogden N. Rood, New York. H. A. Rowland, Baltimore. Section III. —7. Chemistry. Wolcott Gibbs, Newport, R.I. Frank A. Gooch, New Haven. S. W. Johnson, New Haven. J. W. Mallet, E. W. Morley, J. M. Ordway, Ira Remsen, Ch arlottesville , Va, Cleveland, O. New Orleans. Baltimore. Section IV. — 7. Technology and Engineering. Henry L. Abbot, New York. Cyrus B. Comstock, New York. W. P. Craighill, Charlestown, W. F. R. Button, New York.[Va. George S. Morison, Chicago. William Sellers, Edgemoor, Del. Robt. S. Woodward, New York. Class II. — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — ■ 30. Section I. — 14. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe. Cleveland Abbe, George J., Edward S. Dana, Walter G. Davis, Washington. New Haven. New Haven. Cordova, Arg. George M. Dawson, Ottawa. G. K. Gilbert, Clarence King, Joseph LeConte, J. Peter Lesley, S. L. Penfield, J. W. Powell, R. Pumpelly, A. R. C. Selwyn, Charles D. Walcott. Washington. New York. Berkeley, Cal. Milton, Mass. New Haven. AVashington. Newport, R.I. Ottawa. Washington. ASSOCIATE FELLOWS. 649 Section II. — 5. Botany. L. H. Bailey, D. II. Campbell, J. M. Coulter, John D. Smith, W. Trelease, Ithaca. Palo Alto, Cal. Chicago. Baltimore. St. Louis. Section III. — 5. Zoology and Physiology. Joel A. Allen, New York. W. K. Brooks, Lake Roland, Md. S. Weir Mitchell, A. S. Packard, A. E. Verrill, Philadelphia. Providence, R.I. New Haven. Section IV. — 6. Medicine and Surgery. John S. Billings, New York. Jacob M. Da Costa, Philadelphia. William Osier, Baltimore. Alfred Stille, Philadelphia. Wm. H. Welch, Baltimore. H. C. Wood, Philadelphia. Class III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 29. Section I. — 7. Philosophy and James C. Carter, Joseph H. Choate, Melville W. Fuller, William W. Howe, William Mitchell, Charles S. Peirce, T. R. Pynchon, Jurisprudence. New York. New York. Washington. New Orleans. St. Paul. Milford, Pa. Hartford, Conn. Section II. — 8. Philology and Archceology. Timothy Dwight, New Haven. B. L. Gildersleeve, Baltimore. D. C. Oilman, Baltimore. T. R. Lounsbury, New Haven. Rufus B. Richardson, Athens. E. E. SaUsbury, New Haven. Thomas D. Seymour, New Haven. A. D. White, Ithaca, N.Y. Section HI. — 6. Political Economy and History. Henry Adams, Washington. G. P. Fisher, New Haven. H. E. von Hoist, Chicago. Henry C. Lea, Philadeljihia. Henry M. Stevens, Ithaca. W. G. Sumner, New Haven. Section IV. — 8. Literature and the Fine Arts. James B. Angell, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. P. di Cesnola, New York. H. H. Furness, Wallingford, Pa. R. S. Greenough, Florence. Augustus St. Gaudens, New York. John S. Sargent, London. E. C. Stedman, Bronxville, N.Y. W. R. Ware, New York. 650 FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. FOREIGN HONORARY MEMB ERS. — 69. (Number limited to seventy-five. Elected as vacancies occur.) Class I. — Mathematical and Physical Sciences. — 23. Berlin. Cambridge. Sf:cTiON I. — 7. Mathematics and Astronomy Arthur Auwers, George H. Darwin H. A. E. A. Faye, Paris. Charles Herniite, Paris. Sir William Iluggins, London. Otto Struve, Karlsruhe. H. C. Vogel, Potsdam. Section II. — 6. Physics. Ludwig Boltzmann, Vienna. A. Cornu, Paris. Oliver Heaviside, Newton Abbot. F. Kohlrausch, Berlin, Lord Rayleigh, Witham. Sir G. G. Stokes, Bart., Cambridge. Section III. — 6. Chemistry. Adolf Baeyer, Munich. Marcellin Berthelot, Paris. J. H. van't Hoff, Berlin. D. Mendeleeff, St. Petersburg, Sir H. E. Pvoscoe, London. Julius Thomseu, Copenhagen. Section IV. — 4. Technology and Engineering. Sir Benjamin Baker, London. Lord Kelvin, Maurice Levy, William C. Unwin, Largs. Paris. London. Class U. — Natural and Physiological Sciences. — 22,, Section I. — 6. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe. Sir Archibald Geikie, London. Albert Heim, Sir John Murray, A. E. Nordenskiold, Henry C. Sorby, Ileinrich Wild, Zurich. Edinburgh. Stockholm. Sheffield. Zurich. Section II. — 6. Botany. J. G. Agardh, Lund. E. Bornet, Paris. Sir Joseph D. Hooker, Sunningdale. W. Pfeffer, Leipsic. H. Graf zu Solms- Laubach, Strassburg. Eduard Strasburger, Bonn. FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. 651 Section III. —7. Zoolofjii and Physiology. Sir Michael Foster, Carl Gegenbauer, Ludimar Hermann, A. von KiJUiker, A. Kovalevsky, St, H. de Lacaze-Duthiers, Elias Metschnikoff, Cambridge. Heidelberg. Konigsberg. WUrzburg. , Petersburg. Paris. Paris. Section IV. — 4. Medicine and Surgery. W. Kuhne, Heidelberg. Lord Lister, London. F. V. Recklinghausen, Strassburg. Rudolph Virchow, Berlin. Class III. — Moral and Political Sciences. — 23. Section I. — 5. Philosophy and Jurisprudence. Heinrich Brunner, F. W. Maitland, Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. , Baron Russell of Kil- lowen. Henry Sidgwick, Berlin. Cambridge. London. Tadworth. Cambridge. Section II. — 7. Philology and Archceology. Ingram Bywater, Oxford. W. Dorpfeld, Athens. Sir John Evans, Hemel Hempstead. J. W. A. Kirchhoff, Berlin. G. C. C. Maspero, Paris. ]\Iax Miiller, Oxford. Karl Weiuhold, Berlin. Section III. — 6. Political Economy and History, Due de Broglie, Paris. James Bryce, London. Herman Grimm, Berlin. Tlieodor Mommsen, Berlin. William Stubbs, Oxford. Sir G. 0. Trevelyan, Bart., London. Section IV . — 5. Literature and the Fine Arts. Georg Brandes, Copenhagen. F. Brunetiere, Paris. Jean Leon Gerome, Paris. Rudyard Kipling, Rottingdean. Leslie Stephen, London. STATUTES AND STANDING VOTES. STATUTES. Adopted May 30, 1854 : amended September 8, 1857, November 12, 1862, May 24, 1864, November 9, 1870, May 27, 1873, January 26, 1876, June 16, 1886, October 8, 1890, January 11 and May 10, 1893, April 11, il/rt?/ 9, and October 10, 1894, an(/ March 13, ^jortY 10, awcZ May 8, 1895. CHAPTER I. Of Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members. 1. The Academy consists of Felloivs and Foreign Honorary Mem- bers. They are arranged in three Classes, according to the Arts and Sciences in wliich they are severally proficient, viz. : Class I. The Mathematical and Physical Sciences ; — Class II. The Nat- ural and Physiological Sciences ; — Class III. The Moral and Political Sciences. Each Class is divided into four Sections, viz. : Class L, Section 1. Mathematics and Astronomy ; — Section 2. Physics ; — Section 3. Chemistry ; — Section 4. Technology and Engineering. Class II., Section 1. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe ; — Section 2. Botany ; — Section 3. Zoology and Physiology ; — Section 4. Medicine and Surgery. Class III., Section 1. Philosophy and Jurisprudence ; — Section 2. Philol- ogy and Archaeology ; — Section 3. Political Economy and History ; — Section 4. Literature and the Fine Arts. 2. Fellows, resident in the State of Massachusetts, only, may vote at the meetings of the Academy.* Each Eesident Fellow shall pay an admission fee of ten dollars and such animal assess- ment, not exceeding ten dollars, as shall be voted by the Academy at each Annual Meeting. * The number of Eesident Fellows is limited by the Charter to 200. 654 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 3. Fellows residing out of the State of Massachusetts shall be known and distinguished as Associate Fellows. They shall not be liable to the payment of any fees or annual dues, but on remov- ing within the State shall be admitted to the privileges,* and be subject to the obligations, of Resident Fellows. The number of Associate Fellows shall not exceed one hundred, of whom there shall not be more than forty in either of the three Classes of the Academy. 4. The number of Foreign Honorary Members shall not exceed seventy-five ; and they shall be chosen from among per- sons most eminent in foreign countries for their discoveries and attainments in either of the three departments of knowledge above enumerated. And there shall not be more than tldrty Foreign Members in either of these departments. CHAPTER II. Of Officers. 1. There shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, one for each Class, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, which officers shall be annually elected, by ballot, at the Annual Meeting, on the second Wednesday in May. 2. At the same time, and in the same manner, nine Councillors shall be elected, three from each Class of the Academy, but the same Fellows shall not be eligible on more than three successive years. These nine Councillors, vrith the President, the three Vice-Presidents, the two Secretaries, the Treasurer, and the Librarian, shall constitute the Council. It shall be the duty of this Council to exercise a discreet supervision over all nomina- tions and elections. With the consent of the Fellow interested, they shall have power to make transfers between the several Sections of the same Class, reporting their action to the Academy. 3. If any office shall become vacant during the year, the vacancy shall be filled by a new election, and at the next stated meeting, or at a meeting called for this purpose. * Associate Fellows may attend, but canuot vote, at meetings of the Academy. See Chapter I. 2. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 655 CHAPTER III. Of Nominations of Officeks. 1. At tlie stated meeting in IVLarch, the President shall appoint from the next retiring Councillors a ^Nominating Committee of three Fellows, one for each class. 2. It shall be the duty of this Nominating Committee to prepare a list of candidates for the offices of President, Vice-Presidents, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurei", Librarian, Councillors, and the Standing Committees which are chosen by ballot ; and to cause this list to be sent by mail to all the Resident Fellows of the Academy not later than four weeks before the Annual Meeting. 3. Independent nominations for any ofiice, signed by at least five Resident Fellows and received by the Recording Secretary not less than ten days before the Annual Meeting, shall be in- serted in the call for the Annual Meeting, which shall then be issued not later than one week before that meeting. 4. The Recording Secretary shall prepare for use, in voting at the Annual Meeting, a ballot containing the names of all persons nominated for ofiice under the conditions given above. 5. When an ofiice is to be filled at any other time than at the Annual Meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Com- mittee, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1, which shall announce its nomination in the manner prescribed in Section 2 at least two weeks before the time of election. Independent nominations, signed by at least five Resident Fellows and received by the Recording Secretary not later than one Aveek before the meeting for election, shall be inserted in the call for that meeting. CHAPTEE IV. Of the President. 1. It shall be the duty of the President, and, in his absence, of the senior Vice-President present, or next officer in order as above enumerated, to preside at the meetings of the Academy ; to summon extraordinary meetings, upon any urgent occasion ; and to execute or see to the execution of the Statutes of the 656 STATUTES OF THE AlVIERICAN ACADEMY Academy. Length of continuous membership in the Academy shall determine the seniority of the Vice-Presidents, 2. The President, or, in his absence, the next officer as above enumerated, is empowered to draw upon the Treasurer for such sums of money as the Academy shall direct. Bills presented on account of the Library, or the Publications of the Academy, must be previously approved by the respective committees on these departments. 3. The President, or, in his absence, the next officer as above enumerated, shall nominate members to serve on the different committees of the Academy which are not chosen by ballot. 4. Any deed or writing to which the common seal is to be affixed shall be signed and sealed by the President, when thereto authorized by the Academy. CHAPTER V. Of Standing Committees. 1. At the Annual Meeting there shall be chosen the following Standing Committees, to serve for the year ensuing, viz. : — 2. The Committee of Finance, to consist of the President, Treasurer, and one Fellow chosen by ballot, who shall have charge of the investment and management of the funds and trusts of the Academy. The general appropriations for the expendi- tures of the Academy shall be moved by this Committee at the Annual Meeting, and all special appropriations from the general and publication funds shall be referred to or proposed by this Committee. 3. The Eumford Committee, of seven Fellows, to be chosen by ballot, who shall consider and report on all applications and claims for the Eumford Premium, also on all appropriations from the income of the Eumford Fund, and generally see to the due and proper execution of this trust. 4. The C. M. Warren Committee, of seven Fellows, to be chosen by ballot, who shall consider and report on all applica- tions for appropriations from the income of the C. M. Warren Fund, and generally see to the due and proper execution of this trust. 5. The Committee of Publication, of three Fellows, to whom all memoirs submitted to the Academy shall be referred, and to OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 657 whom the printing of memoirs accepted for publication shall be intrusted. 6. The Committee on the Library, of three Fellows, who shall examine the Library, and make an annual report on its condition and management. 7. An Auditing Committee, of two Fellows, for auditing the accounts of the Treasurer. CHAPTER VL Of the Secretaries. 1. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspond- ence of the Academy, recording or making an entry of all letters written in its name, and preserving on file all letters which are received ; and at each meeting he shall present the letters which have been addressed to the Academy since the last meeting. With the advice and consent of the President, he may effect exchanges with other scientific associations, and also distribute copies of the publications of the Academy among the Associate Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members, as shall be deemed expedient ; making a report of his proceedings at the Annual Meeting. Under the direction of the Council for Nomination, he shall keep a list of the Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Foreign Honorary Members, arranged in their Classes and in Sections in respect to the special sciences in which they are severally profi- cient ; and he shall act as secretary to the Council. 2. The Eecording Secretary shall have charge of the Charter and Statute-book, journals, and all literary papers belonging to the Academy. He shall record the proceedings of the Academy at its meetings ; and after each meeting is duly opened, he shall read the record of the preceding meeting. He shall notify the meetings of the Academy, and apprise committees of their ap- pointment. He shall post up in the Hall a list of the persons nominated for election into the Academy ; and when any indi- vidual is chosen, he shall insert in the record the names of the Fellows by whom he was nominated. 3. The two Secretaries, with the Chairman of the Committee of Publication, shall have authority to publish such of the pro- ceedings of the Academy as as may seem to them calculated to promote the interests of science. VOL. XXXV. — 42 658 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY CHAPTER VII. Of the Teeasueee. 1. The Treasurer shall give such security for the trust reposed in him as the Academy shall require. 2. He shall receive officially all moneys due or payable, and all bequests or donations made to the Academy, and by order of the President or presiding officer shall pay such sums as the Academy may direct. He shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures; shall submit his accounts to the Auditing Committee ; and shall report the same at the expiration of his term of office. 3. The Treasurer shall keep a separate account of the income and appropriation of the Eumford Fund, and report the same annually. 4. All moneys which there shall not be present occasion to expend shall be invested by the Treasurer, under the direction of the Finance Committee, on such securities as the Academy shall direct. CHAPTER VIII. Of THE LiBEAEIAN AND LiBKAEY, 1. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to take charge of the books, to keep a correct catalogue of same, and to provide for the delivery of books from the Library. He shall also have the custody of the publications of the Academy. 2. The Librarian, in conjunction with the Committee on the Library, shall have aiithority to expend, as they may deem ex- pedient, such sums as may be appropriated, either from the Rum- ford or the General Fund of the Academy, for the purchase of books, and for defraying other necessary expenses connected with the Library. They shall have authority to propose rules and regulations concerning the circulation, return, and safe-keeping of books ; and to appoint such agents for these purposes as they may think necessary. 3. To all books in the Library procured from the income of the Rumford Fund, the Librarian shall cause a stamp or label to be affixed, expressing the fact that they were so procured. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 659 4. Every person who takes a book from the Library shall give a receipt for the same to the Librarian or his assistant. 5. Every book shall be returned in good order, regard being had to the necessary wear of the book with good usage. And if any book shall be lost or injured, the person to whom it stands charged shall replace it by a new volume or set, if it belongs to a set, or pay the current price of the volume or set to the Librarian ; and thereupon the remainder of the set, if the volume belonged to a set, shall be delivered to the person so paying for the same. 6. All books shall be returned to the Library for examination at least one week before the Annual Meeting. CHAPTEE IX. Of Meetings. 1. There shall be annually four stated meetings of the Acad- emy ; namely, on the second Wednesday in May (the Annual Meeting), on the second Wednesday in October, on the second Wednesday in January, and on the second Wednesday in March. At these meetings only, or at meetings adjourned from these and regularly notified, shall appropriations of money be made, or alterations of the statutes or standing votes of the Academy be effected. 2. Fifteen Fellows shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of business at a stated meeting. Seven Fellows shall be sufficient to constitute a meeting for scientific communications and discussions. 3. The Recording Secretary shall notify the meetings of the Academy to each Fellow residing in Boston and the vicinity ; and he may cause the meetings to be advertised, whenever he deems such further notice to be needful. 660 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY CHAPTEE X. Of the Election of Fellows and Honorary Members. 1. Elections shall be made by ballot, aud only at stated meetings. 2. Candidates for election as Eesident Fellows must be pro- posed by two or more Eesident Fellows, m a recommendation signed by them, specifying the Section to which the nomination is made, which recommendation shall be transmitted to the Corresponding Secretary, and by him referred to the Council for Nomination. No person recommended shall be reported by the Council as a candidate for election, unless he shall have received a written approval, signed at a meeting of the Council by at least seven of its members. All nominations thus approved shall be read to the Academy at a stated meeting, and shall then stand on the nomination list during the interval between two stated meet- ings, and until the balloting. No person shall be elected a Eesident Fellow, unless he shall have been resident in this Commonwealth one year next preceding his election. If any person elected a Eesident Fellow shall neglect for one year to pay his admission fee, his election shall be void ; and if any Eesident Fellow shall neglect to pay his annual assessments for two years, provided that his attention shall have been called to this article, he shall be deemed to have abandoned his Fellowship ; but it shall be in the power of the Treasurer, with the consent of the Council, to dis- pense (sub silentio) with the payment both of the admission fee and of the assessments, whenever in any special instance he shall think it advisable so to do. 3. The nomination of Associate Fellows shall take place in the manner prescribed in reference to Eesident Fellows; and after such nomination shall have been publicly read at a stated meeting previous to that when the balloting takes place, it shall be referred to the Council for Nomination ; and a written approval, authorized and signed at a meeting of said Council by at least seven of its members, shall be requisite to entitle the candidate to be balloted for. The Council may m like manner originate nominations of Associate Fellows, which must be read at a stated meeting previous to the election, and be exposed on the nomina- tion list during the interval. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 661 4. Foreign Honorary Members shall be chosen only after a nomination made at a meeting of the Council, signed at the time by at least seven of its members, and read at a stated meeting previous to that on which the balloting takes place. 5. Three fourths of the ballots cast must be affirmative, and the number of affirmative ballots must amount to eleven to effect an election of Fellows or Foreign Honorary Members. 6. Each Section of the Academy is empowered to present lists of persons deemed best qualified to fill vacancies occurring in the number of Foreign Honorary Members or Associate Fellows allotted to it ; and such lists, after being read at a stated meeting, shall be referred to the Council for Nomination. 7. If, in the opinion of a majority of the entire Council, any Fellow — Resident or Associate — shall have rendered himself unworthy of a place in the Academy, the Council shall recommend to the Academy the termination of his Fellowship ; and provided that a majority of two thirds of the Fellows at a stated meeting, consisting of not less than fifty Fellows, shall adopt this recom- mendation, his name shall be stricken off the roll of Fellows. CHAPTER XT. Of Amendments of the Statutes. 1. All proposed alterations of the Statutes, or additions to them, shall be referred to a committee, and, on their report at a subsequent meeting, shall require for enactment a majority of two thirds of the members present, and at least eighteen affirma- tive votes. 2. Standing Votes may be passed, amended, or rescinded, at any stated meeting, by a majority of two thirds of the members present. They may be suspended by a unanimous vote. CHAPTER XII. Of Literaey Performances. 1. The Academy will not express its judgment on literary or scientific memoirs or performances submitted to it, or included in its publications. 662 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY STANDING VOTES. 1. Communications of which notice had been given to the Secretary shall take precedence of those not so notified. 2. Kesident Fellows who have paid all fees and dues charge- able to them are entitled to receive one copy of each volume or article printed by the Academy, on application to the Librarian personally or by written order, within two years from the date of publication. And the current issues of the Proceedings shall be supplied, when ready for publication, free of charge, to all the Fellows and members of the Academy who desire to receive them. 3. The Committee of Publication shall fix from time to time the price at which the publications of the Academy may be sold. But members may be supplied at half this price with volumes which they are not entitled to receive free, and which are needed to complete their sets. 4. Two hundred extra copies of each paper accepted for publi- cation in the Memoirs or Proceedings of the Academy shall be placed at the disposal of the author, free of charge. 5. Resident Fellows may borrow and have out from the Library six volumes at any one time, and may retain the same for three months, and no longer. 6. Upon special application, and for adequate reasons assigned, the Librarian may permit a larger number of volumes, not exceed- ing twelve, to be drawn from the Library for a limited period. 7. Works published in numbers, when unbound, shall not be taken from the Hall of the Academy, except by special leave of the Librarian. 8. Books, publications, or apparatus shall be procured from the income of the Eumford Fund only on the certificate of the Rum- ford Committee that they, in their opinion, will best facilitate and encourage the making of discoveries and improvements which may merit the Rumford Premium. 9. The Annual Meeting and the other stated meetings shall be holden at eight o'clock, P. M. 10. A meeting for receiving and discussing scientific commu- nications may be held on the second Wednesday of each month not appointed for stated meetings, excepting July, August, and September. OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 663 RUMFORD PREMIUM. In conformity with the terms of the gift of Benjamin, Count Rumford, granting a certain fund to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and with a decree of the Supreme Judicial Court for carrying into effect the general charitable intent and purpose of Count Rumford, as expressed in his letter of gift, the Academy is empowered to make from the income of said fund, as it now exists, at any Annual Meeting, an award of a gold and silver medal, being together of the intrinsic value of three hundred dollars, as a premium to the author of any important discovery or useful improvement in light or in heat, which shall have been made and published by printing, or in any way made known to the public, in any part of the continent of America, or any of the American islands ; preference being always given to such discoveries as shall, in the opinion of the Academy, tend most to promote the good of mankind ; and to add to such medals, as a further premium for such discovery and improve- ment, if the Academy see fit so to do, a sum of money not exceeding three hundred dollars. INDEX. Acentetus, 44. carinatus, 45. Agassiz, A., Proposed Exploring Ex- pedition to the Mid-Pacific, 610. Amorphomyces obliqueseptata, 431. Anthracomya arenacea, 4U0. Arbutus glandulosa, 309. Aster jalapensis, 572. Athenaea Nelsonii, 567. Atomic Weight of Cobalt, 59 ; of Iron, 251. Atomic Weights, Table of, 041. Aulocara, 54. elliotti, 56. femoratura, 55. rufum, 55. parallelum, 57. Baxter, G. P. See Richards, T. W., and Baxter, G, P. Biographical Notices, List of, 623. John Cummings, 628. Epes Sargent Dixwell, 625. John Lowell, 634. John Codman Ropes, 629. Bowers, Mary A., Peripheral Distri- bution of the Cranial Nerves of Spelerpes biliueatus, 612. Bruneria, 49. Cacopteris, 87. aequalis, 92. ephippiata, 91. femorata, 93. fuscopunctata, 89. inermis, 89. nevadensis, 91. sinuata, 90. Calamintha oaxacana, 564. Cantharomyces Platystethi, 415. Carboniferous Fauna of Narragansett Basin, 397. Castle, W. E., The Metamerism of the Hirudiuea, 283-303. Ceratomyces acuminatus, 447. Californicus, 448. cladophorus, 444. denticulatus, 445. elephantinus, 446. Floridanus, 444. ornithocephalus, 448. reflexus, 447. rhynchophorus, 446. Cestrum Bourgeauianum, 572. elegans, 571. fulvescens, 572. Chemical Laboratory of Harvard College, Contributions from, 1, 59, 121, 211, 229, 251, 261, 375. Chitonomyces aethiopicus, 430. Floridanus, 430. Chloealtis, 47. Clematomyces, 439. Pinophili, 440. Clinocephalus, 47. Cobalt, Atomic Weight of, 59. Cobaltous Chloride, 59; Oxide, 59. Cohoe, W. P. /See Jackson, C. L., and Cohoe, W. P. ColUns, E. ^ee Richards, T. W., Collins, E., and Heimrod, G. W. Committee of Publication. Report of, 607. Committees, List of, 643. Compsomyces Lesteri, 439. Continuous Groups, 95, 237, 481. Copper, Electrochemical Equivalents of, 121. Coreopsis rhyacophila, 313. Corethromyces Brazilianus, 432. purpurascens, 433. Correspondence, 601, 610, 911, 614, 615, 617, 618. Council, Report of, 623. Cross, C. R., Historical Notes relating to Musical Pitch in the United States, 451-467. Cunila tomentosa, 565. 666 INDEX. Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University, Contributions from, 151, 407. Cuphea lleipublicae, 325. Datura villosa, 571. Davis, W. M., Tbe Freshwater Terti- ary Formations of the Rocky Mountain Region, 343-373. Decticinae, 81. Derby, I. H. See Jackson, C. L., and Derby, I. H. Derotmenia, 385. cupidineum, 391. deiicatuhim, 390. haydeni, 392. laticinctum, 389. lentiginosum, 393. lichenosum, 394. rileyanum, 392. saussureanum, 391. Dichomyces Angolensis, 421. biformis, 422. Cafianus, 425. dubius, 426. exilis, 420. hybridus, 423. insignis, 421. Javanus, 420. Madagascarensis, 424. Peruvianus, 426. vulgatus, 424. Dichromorpha, 46. Dimorphomyces Myrmedoniae, 409. nanomascuhis, 411. pinnatus, 410. Thleoporae, 410. Dioscorea lobata, 323. oaxacensis, 322. pumicicoUi, 322. Diparabrombenzylcyanamide, 229. Dysodia Seleri, 314. Fchelon Spectroscope, 109. Electrochemical Equivalents of Cop- per and Silver, 121. Encelia Pringlei, 573. Energy, Free, 1. Eucaiitliaromyces Africanus, 418. Callidae, 418. Casnoniae, 417. Catascopi, 419. Diaphori, 416. Eucantharomyces Euprocti, 417. spinosus, 416. Eucorethromyces, 433. Apotomi, 433. Eupatorium adenachaenium, 329. adspersum, 329. aegirophyllum, 329. albicaule, 330. amblyolepis, 330. areolare, 330. badium, 331. Bertholdii, 331. brick elloides, 331. capnoresbium, 331. cardiophyllum, 331. chapalen.-^e, 332. chiapense, 332. crassirameum, 332. crenacum, 333. desquamans, 333. glaucum, 333, 335. heterolepis, 335. Heydeanum, 335. lanicaule, 336. Loesenerii, 336. micranthum, 334. Nelsonii, 337. Oerstedianum, 337. oresbium, 337. papacanum, 338. phaenicolepis, 338. photinum, 338. platyphyllum, 339. Saltivarii, 339. scabfelUnn, 339. scorodonioides, 340. Selerianura, 340. Smithii, 340. Thieleanum, 341. Valverdeanum, 341. Vitalbae, 341. Euzodiomyces, 449. Lathrobii, 449. Fellows, Associate, deceased, — Alvan Wentworth Chapman, 601. Sir John William Dawson, 615. Manning Ferguson Force, 610. William Alexander Hannnond, 615. Edward John Phelps, 619. Fellows, Associate, elected, — Liberty Hyde Bailey, 618. Joseph Hodges Choate, 616. INDEX. 667 Fellows, Associate, elected, — William Wirt Howe, 616. William Mitchell, 616. John Singer Sargent, 613. Fellows, Associate, List of, 648. Fellows, Resident, deceased, — John Harrison Blake, 612. Epes Sargent Dixwell, 614. Silas Whitcomb Ilolman, 619. Francis Minot, 610. John Codman Ropes, 613. Fellows, Resident, elected, — Arlo Bates, 618. Maxime Bocher, 613. William Elwood Byerly, 609. James Mason Crafts, 618. Henry Lefavonr, 609. William Fogg Osgood, 613. William Henry Pickering, 609. Fellows, Resident, List of, 644. Fernald, M. L., A Synopsis of the Mexican and Central American Species of Salvia, 489-556; A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Solanums of the Subsection Torvaria, 557-562 ; Some Undescribed INlexican Phan- erogams, chiefly Labiatae aud Solanaceae, 562-573. Ferrous Iodide, 211. Finite Continuous Groups, 95, 237,481. Foreign Honorary Members, de- ceased, — Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, 612. James Martineau, 617. Sir James Paget, 615. Carl Friedrich Rammelsberg, 617. John Ruskin, 617. Foreign Honorary Members, elected, — Sir Benjamin Baker, 613. Rudyard Kipling, 613. Friedrich Kohlrausch. 618. Baron Russell of Killowen, 609. Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 616. Foreign Honorary Members, List of, 650. Free Energy and Equilibrium, 1 . Freshwater Tertiariesof Rocky Moun- tains, 343. Fuller, R. W. See Jackson, C. L., and Fuller, R. W. Galium triflorum, 313. Gazzolo, F.H See Jackson, C. L., and Gazzolo, F. H. Gomphocerus, 49. Gray Herbarium of Harvard Univer- sity, Contributions from, 305, 4S7. Greenman, J. M., New Species and Varieties of Mexican Plants, 307 -315. Hechtia sphaeroblasta, 323. Heiunod, G. W. See Richards, T. W., Collins, E., and Heimrod, G. W. Hirudinea, Metamerism of, 283. Hooper, W. L., The Electrical Resist- ance of the Human Body, 614. Horesidotes, 48, 49. cinereus, 49. Hosackia oaxacana, 309. repens, 308. Hyptis axillaris, 565. madrensis, 565. Nelsonii, 566. Pringlei, 565. Infinitesimal Transformations, 575. Iodide, Ferrous, 211. Iron, Atomic Weight of, 251. Jackson, C. L., and Cohoe, W. P., Certain Derivatives of Metadi- brombenzole, 615. Jackson, C. L., and Derby, I. H., Ferrous Iodide, 211-227. Jackson, C. L., and Fuller, R. W., Note on the Constitution of Di- parabrombenzylcyanamide, 229- 236. Jackson, C. L., and Gazzolo, F. H., On Certain Colored Substances derived from Nitro Compounds, 261-281. Jaegeria, 315. discoidea, 318. gracilis. .319. hirta, 317. macrocephala, 317. minioides, 317. pedunculata, 317. petiolaris, 316. prorepens, 318. purpurascens, 316. Kingsley, J. S., The Ancestry of the Mammalia, 61G. 668 INDEX Laboulbenia acrogenis, 154. adunca, 154. Aerogenidii, 155. AuapJogenii, 156. Anchonoderi, 156. angularis, 157. auomala, 157. a(iuatica, 158. ai'istata, 158. Asiatjca, 159. Assameiisis, 159. barbata, 160. bicornis, 160. bidentata, 161. Bracliionychi, 162. Cafii, 162. celestialis, 163. ceratophora, 163. Ceyloiiensis, 164. Chiiiqueusis, 164. Clivinalis, 165. coarctata, 165. Colpodis, 166. constricta, 167. Copteae, 167. corethropsis, 168. corrugata, 168. Cubeiisis, 169. dactylophora, 169. Darwinii, 170. denticulata, 170. Dercylii, 171. Dineutis, 171. distincta, 172. drepanalis, 173. Egae, 173. equatorialis, 174. erecta, 175. falcata, 175. fallax, 176. finitima, 176. fissa, 177. forficulata, 178. geniculata, 178. gibbifera, 179. heterocheila, 179. imitans, 180. insularis, 181. intermedia, 181. Italica, 182. Javana, 182. lencophaca, 183. Loxandri, 183. niaculata, 184. Madagascarensis, 184. Laboulbenia Madeirae, 185. Malayensis, 185. melanopus, 187. melanaria, 186. microsoopica, 187. microsoma, 187. minimalis, 188. Misceli, 189. obtusa, 189. Oedodactyli, 189. Oopteri, 190. Ophoni, 190. Orectochili, 191. orientalis, 121. Orthomi, 192. pallida, 193. Papuana, 193. Pericalli, 194. platystoma, 194. Polyhirniae, 195. proininens, 195. protrudens, 196. Pseudomasci, 196. punctata, 197. punctulata, 197. pygmaea, 198. rhinophora, 199. rostellata, 199. separata, 200. Serrimai-ginis, 201. speciosa, 201. spiralis, 202. strangulata, 202. subconstricta, 203. Sumatrae, 203. Taenodemae, 204. tenuis, 204. Thyreopteri, 205. tibialis, 205. tortuosa, 206. Trichognathi, 206. triordinata, 207. tuberculifera, 208. uncinata, 208. verrucosa, 209. Laboulbeniaceae, 151, 407. Lamourouxia Couzattii, 312. tenuifolia, 313 Lewis, (j. N., The Developmetit and Application of a General Equation for Free Energy and Physico - chemical Equilibrium, 1-38. Liabum Pringlei, 342. Librarian, Report of, 603. INDEX. 669 Lie's Tlieory of Continuous Groups, •237, 481. Liinnaioiiiyces, 428. Hydrocharis, 429. Tropisterni, 428. Lycium geuiculatum, 506. Lyo-odesiuia ramosissiraa, 315. Mao-aranthus sulphureus, 566. Meriniria, 41. alacris, 43. bivittata, 42. intertexta, 42. neomexicana, 43. rostrata, 44. texaiia, 42. vigilans, 43. ]Metamerism of Hirudinea, 283. Mexican plants, 305. Michelson. A. A., The Echelon Spec- troscope, 109-119. Mikania eriophora, 341. Mimosa Deamii, 324. Psilocarpa, 325. Misgoniyces, 443. Dyschirii, 443. Stomonaxi, 443. Monoicomyces, 412. Biitannicus, 413. Homalotae, 412. invisibilis, 414. St. Helenas, 413. Musical Pitch, 451. Napaia, 48. Narragansett Basin, 397. Nitro Compounds, 2G1. Nominating Committees, 613, 618. Oeonomus, 47. altus, 47. Officers elected, 608, 615; List of, 643. Opeia testacea, 46. Orphulella, 46. Ostrakichnites carbonarius, 403. Packard, A. S. , View of the Carbon- iferous Fauna of the Narragan- sett Basin. 397-405. Peirce, B. O., On the Thermal Con- ductivity of Vulcanite, 73-80. Perezia Nelsonii, 342. Perlexia Pringlei, 562. Peyritschiella Amazonica, 427. protea, 427. Physalis acuminata, 311. philippensis, 568. Pringlei, 311. Rydbergii, 569. saltillensis, 568. sordida, 568. subintegra, 567. Physical Laboratory of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, Contributions from, 451. Physico-chemical Equilibrium, 1 ; Re- action, 469. Piptothrix Goldmanii, 328. Pitch, Musical, 451. Platybothrus, 49. Polyascomyces, 414. Trichophyae, 415. Polygonum Meisnerianum, 324. Porophyllum brachypodum, 341. Protichnites narragansettensis, 402. Psoloessa, 51. Rhachomyces Canariensis, 436. Cayennensis, 438. Cryptobianus, 437. Philonthinns, 435. stipitatus, 438. tenuis, 437. Thalpii, 436. velatus, 435. Zuphii, 436. Rhizomyces crispatus, 434. Richards. T. W.,On theDeterraination of Sulphuric Acid in the Presence of L-on, 375-383; The Driving Energy of Physico-chemical Re- action and its Temperature Coeffi- cient, 469-480 ; A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Calcium, 611 ; A Table of Atomic AYeights, 621. Richards, T. W., and Baxter, G. P., A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Cobalt ; third paper : The An- alysis of Cobaltous Chloride and Oxide, 59-72 ; A Revision of tlie Atomic Weight of Iron, 2.')l-260. Richards, T. AV., Collins, E , and Heimrod, G. W.. The Electro- chemical Equivalents of Copper and Silver, 121-I.jO. 670 INDEX, Robinson, B. L., Synopsis of the Gen- era Jaegeria and Russelia, 315- 321 ; New Phanerogams, chiefly Gamopetalae, from Mexico and Central America, 323-342. Rocky Mountain, Tertiaries of, 343. Rumford Committee, Report of, 604. Rumford Fund, Paper published by Aid of, 109. Rumford Premium, Award of, 608, 610, 618, 619. Russelia, 319. alata, 319. equisetiformis, 319. floribunda, 320. jaliscensis, 319. multiflora, 321. polyedra, 320. rotundifolia, 321. sarmentosa, 320. subcoriacea, 319. syringaefolia, 320. tepicensis, 321. ternifolia, 320. verticillata, 320. Salvia, species of, 489. adenophora, 538. adglutinans, 532. aequidistans, 512. alamosana, 525. albiflora, 515. albo-caerulea, 541. alvajaca, 516. amarissima, 528. angustifolia, 500. antennifera, 545. aristulata, 551. aspera, 531. assurgens, 504. atriplicifolia, 553. axillaris, 519. ballotaeflora, 522. bella, 545. biserrata, 544. brachyodonta, 510. brevicalyx, 509. bupleuroides, 497. cacaliaefolia, 552. californica, 554. candicans, 520. C atari a, 510. cedrosensis, .521. chamaedryoides, 521. Salvia chapalensis, 525. Chia, 503. chiapensis, 544. chrysantha, 531. cinnabarina, .549. cladodes, 497. clinopodioides, 530. coahuilensis, 520. coccinea, 550. Columbariae, 553. comosa, 501. concolor, 543. confinis, 523. Conzattii, 526. cordobensis, 514. costaricensis, 496. Coulteri, 519. cryptodonta, 507. cuneifolia, 519. curviflora, 544. cyanea, 544. cyclophylla, 551. disjuncta, 533. elegans, 549. elongata, 507. excelsa, 548. filipes, 510. firma, 502. flaccida, 509. fluviatilis, 516. Forreri, 518. fruticulosa, 526. fulgens, 537. galinsogifolia, 498. Gbiesbreghtii, 511. glabrata, 543. glechomaefolia, 518. glumacea, 552. Goldmanii, 527. Gonzalezii, 524. graciliflora, 546. Grahami, 533. Greggii, 537. guadalajarensis, 506. helianthemifolia, 507. heterotricha, 500. hirsuta, 499. hispanica, 508. humilis, 495. hyptoides, 498. ianthina, 543. incana, 551. inconspicua, 492. involucrata, 539. iodantha, 547. INDEX. GTl Salvia iodochroa, 540. irazuensis, 540. j.iliscana, 515. Jiirgensenii, 514. Karwinskii, 548. Keerlii. 528. laevis, 502. lanceolata, 503. lasiantha, 524. lasiocepliala, 498, lantauaefolia, 530. lateriflora, 494. lavendiiloides, 505. Lemmoni, 535. Leonia, 553. leptostachys, 511. leucantha, 529. Lindenii, 537. lineata, 539. Littae, 547. longispicata, 513. lophantha, 496. lophanthoides, 499. lupulina, 542. lycioides, 521. madrensis, 532. Martensii, 541. mazatlauensis, 515. menthiformis, 510. mexicana, 542. michoacana, 548. micrantha, 493. microphylla, 534. miiiiata, 545. misella, 492. mociuoi, 496. mollissima, 550. moticloveusis, 514. multiramea, 525. muscarioides, 506. nana, 508. Nelsonii, 527. nepetoides, 529. nervata, 548. neurepia, 535. nitida, 498. oaxacana, 536. oblongifolia, 505. obscura, 492. obtusa, 536. occidentalis, 491. oreopola, 517. oresbia, 536. orizabensis, 538. Ottouis, 551. Salvia ourophylla, 495. Palmeri, 511. pansainalensis, 541. patens, 552. pauciflora, 522. perlonga, 546. permixta, 496. phaenostemma, 542. Pittieri, 530. platycheila, 523. platyphylla, 529. podadena, 492. polystachya, 511. populifolia, 530. prasiifolia, 513. Pringlei, 539. privoides, 493. pruinosa, 526. prunelloides, 504. prunifolia, 518. pteroura, 516. puberula, 539. pubescens, 532. pulchella, 539. purpurasceus, 540. purpurea, 546. pusilla, 495. ramosissima, 521. rectiflora, 537. recurva, 543. Regla, 533. remota, 507. rhombifolia, 517. Roeraeriana, 553. roscida, 517. Rosei, 548. rubiginosa, 496. rubropunctata, 527. saltuensis, 497. Sanctae-Luciae, 514. Schaffneri, 535. scorodoniaefolia, 523. Seemannii, 516. seuaiatrata, 524. serotina, 493. serpvUifolia, 521. Sessei, 532. sessilifolia. 529. setosa, 493. Shannon!, 531. sidaefolia, 529. sinaloeusis. 502. spicata, 522. stachyoides, 507. stolonifera, 540- 672 INDEX. Salvia subincisa, 503. Tatei, 505. Teresae, 506. thymoides, 520. thyrsiflora, 525. tiliaefolia, 494. tricolor, 5-34. tricuspidata, 513. tubifera, 545. tubiformis, 551. unicostata, 501. venosa, 545. veronicaefolia, 517. villosa, 518. vitifolia, 552. Wagneriana, 532. Warszewicziana, 514. xalapensis, 513. zacualpensis, 545. Scudder, S. H., Short Studies of North American Tryxalinae, 39-57 ; Two Genera of North American Decticinae, 81-93; The Species of the Orthopteran Genus Derot- mema, 385-395. Scutellaria distans, 562. pedicularis, 563. Rosei, 563. Sedgwick, W. T., and Winslow, C. E. A., Experimental and Statisti- cal Studies on the Influence of Cold on the Bacillus of Typhoid Fever and its Distribution, with Special Reference to Ice Supply and the Public Health, 614. Silver, Electrochemical Equivalents of, 121. Slocum, S. E., Note on the Chief Theorem of Lie's Theory of Con- tinuous Groups, 237-250, 481-485. Smilax domingensis, 323. Solanum azureum, 570. dejectum, 569. diversifolium, 560. erythrotrichum, 561. Fendleri, 559. riartwegi, 559. Ilayesii, 560. Ilerriandesii, 558. hispidum, 561. macroscolum, .570. niadrense, 558. nocturnum, .570. ochraceo-ferrngineum, 560. plumense, 569. Solanum torvum, 557. Solid Solutions, 375. Spectroscope, Echelon, 109. Sphaleromyces atropurpureus, 441. Brachyderi, 442. obtusus, 440. propinquus, 441. Spilanthes filipes, 314. Spiranthes Nelsonii, 307. Pringlei, 307. tenuiflora, 308. Stachys flaccida, 563. oaxacana, 564. Statutes and Standing Votes, 652. Stemmadenia macrophylla, 310. tomentosa, 310. Stevia arachnoidea, 326. Aschenborniana, 326. bicrenata, 326. elatior, 326. madrensis, 326. monardaefolia, 326. neurophylla, 327. Rosei, 327. Seleriana, 327. serrata, 328. tephra, 328. Stirapleura, 51. pusilla, 52. tenuicarina, 53. Styrax Ramirezii, 309. Sulphuric Acid, 375. Taber, H., On the Singular Transfor- mations of Groups generated by Infinitesimal Transformations, 575-597. Telanthera mollis, 324. Teratomyces Philonthi, 432. vulgaris, 431. Thaxter, R., Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceae, 151-209, 407-450. Thermal Conductivity of Vulcanite, 73. Thomson, E., New Electric Appara- tus for High Potentials, 618. Tmetodera, 388. Torvaria, 557. Toy, C. H., A New Theory of Totem- ism, 617. Treasurer, Report of, 602. Tropizaspis, 83. castanea, 84. INDEX. 673 Tropizaspis diabolica, 86. ovata, 84. picturata, 85. steindachiieri, 86. Tryxalinae, 39. Uliue, E. B., New Dioscoreas from Mexico, 322-323. Vernonia liatroides, 325. serratuloides, 313. Viburnum microcarpum, 313. Vulcanite, Thermal Conductivity of, 73. Warren (C. M.) Committee, Report of, 6U6. Warren (C. M.) Fund, Aid from, 608. Webster, A. G., Maxwell's Electric Top, 613. Williams, F. B., Note on the Finite Continuous Groups of the Plane, 95-107. Winslow, C. E. A. See Sedgwick, W. T., and Winslow, C E. A. Zoological Laboratory of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har- vard College, Contributions from, 283. MBL WHOI LIBRARY UH lAfll D 1 3'7f