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Patties Post-glacial History of Boston. By Hervey W. SHiMeR Ancient Chinese Paper Money as Described in a Chinese Work on Numismatics. By A. McF. Davis Rotations on Hyperspace. By C. L. E. Moore Extra-American Dipterophilous Laboulbeniales. By Rowand THAXTER ReEcorDs oF MEETINGS BrioGRAPHICAL NOTICES OFFICERS AND CoMMITTEES FOR 1918-19 . List oF FELLOwWs AND ForEIGN Honorary MEMBERS STATUTES AND STANDING VOTES . RUMFORD PREMIUM INDEX PAGE. 1 197 213 267 387 439 465 649 695 753 775 877 879 897 911 913 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 53. No. 1.—Aveust, 1917. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE BERMUDA BIOLOGICAL STATION FOR RESEARCH, No. 69. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. By Frank S. CoLiins aND ALPHEUS B. HERVEY. Wirs Srx Puates. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE BERMUDA BIOLOGICAL STATION FOR RESEARCH, No. 69. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. By Frank 8. Coniins anp AupHEus B. Hervey. Brrmupa consists of a little group of islands of not more than twenty square miles of dry land, lying in latitude 32° 14’-32° 23’ north and longitude 64° 38’-64° 53’ west, about 700 miles southeast of New York, and 600 miles east of the coast of South Carolina. They are some three or four hundred miles south and east of the Gulf Stream. This situation accounts for the very marked uniformity as well as the mildness of the climate of the islands. All of Bermuda now above sea level consists of limestone, from a fine sand to hard crystalline rock. The lime comes from the various organisms inhabiting the water, in part animal but more largely vegetable; many of these lime-producing algae are included in the following pages, but Lithothamnium and its allies, stony algae be- longing to the Florideae, which furnish the larger part of the material, we have not been able to include here. The fine powder formed from the remains of these various organisms is carried by the wind and spread out over the ground. Rainwater dissolves a certain amount of it, which when the water dries up is deposited and acts as a cement. Crystallization goes on more or less within the masses after formation, and so some parts become much harder than others. Erosion from rain or from the sea is continually going on, and its action being greater in the softer than in the harder parts, we have a great variety of fantastic forms along the shore, and many caves underground. It has long been supposed that there was a core of solid rock under the limestone, but only recently have any definite data been obtained in regard to it. Pirsson, 1914, gives the particulars in regard to a boring made in the hope, which was not fulfilled, of obtaining a supply of fresh water. The boring was in Southampton parish, about a mile west of Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, 135 feet above sea level. To 380 feet 1 For a summary of the results of investigations as to the parts taken in the formation of ‘‘coral’’ islands, by animal and vegetable organisms, see Howe, 1912. 4 COLLINS AND HERVEY. below the surface it was the ordinary soft limestone; then to 695 feet, earthy, decomposed lava, in the lower part of the range with frag- ments of solid lava, sometimes waterworn; then to 1413 feet, the lowest point reached, solid lava. Considering these data in connec- tion with our knowledge of the present under-water Bermuda, the slope from the present island to the ocean floor, the conclusion is reached that a great volcanic cone was formed, perhaps in the early Eocene, with its summit where the present island is, rising about 11,000 feet above the sea. The 718 feet above the bottom of the boring and an unknown distance below consist of the unchanged lava of the cone; the 315 feet layer above this was produced by the dis- integration of the upper part of the cone; the foraminifera found in the 380 feet of limestone indicate that its formation, by the same processes that are now at work, began before the end of the Eocene; while the occurrence of the limestone 245 feet, and the decomposed lava 560 feet below sea level, indicate a long-continued subsidence. At the present time there are no bodies of fresh water on the islands; rain water sinks almost immediately into the porous soil, which is also honeycombed by large and small caves and passages; brackish water can be obtained at sea level anywhere, but strictly fresh water nowhere. A curious instance of this permeability was told us by Mr. Reid Trott, owner of the aquarium known as the Devil’s Hole; this is on the shore of Harrington Sound, distant a quarter of a mile, rather high ground, from the south shore; in a southerly storm the surf is very heavy on the south shore, and white from the fine lime of the beaches; within a day or two the water in the aquarium becomes milky. The only visible outlet of Harrington Sound is by the nar- row passage at Flatts Bridge; but though the rise and fall of the tide in the Sound is only a few inches, it has been calculated that it represents a flow through unseen passages of much more than passes under the bridge. Devonshire Marsh forms a sort of bowl, with higher ground on all sides; surface drainage into this fills the ditches with practically pure fresh water after rains, but it soon disappears, and only a few species of fresh water algae are able to avail themselves of the short opportunity.” A few species of “ Fucus” are mentioned by Turner, Icones Fucorum, 1808-1819, but actually our knowledge of the algae of Bermuda 2 A *is placed before the name of each fresh water or terrestrial species listed, including some Myxophyceae found here within range of tides, though not normally marine. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 5 begins with the list published in the Canadian Naturalist by the Rev. Alexander F. Kemp (Kemp, 1857), who visited the islands in 1856 and collected somewhat extensively. Sixteen years later J. J. Rein, who had been a tutor in an English family at Bermuda, published two papers on the vegetation of the islands, one of them with a list of the algae (Rein, 1873). In 1881 Prof. W. G. Farlow made quite extensive collections, and some of the material obtained was distributed in the set of exsiccatae, Farlow, Anderson & Eaton, Algae Exsiccatae Boreali- Americanae. At a later visit, in 1900, Farlow collected additional species, a few of which were distributed in Collins, Holden & Setchell, Phycotheca Boreali-Americana, but otherwise no publication has been made of the material collected by him. The Challenger Expedition visited Bermuda, and the results are given in a preliminary paper (Dickie, 1874) and in a volume of the Results of: the Challenger Expedition. In these are included the species listed by Kemp and Rein and those distributed by Farlow, with comparatively few addi- tions. In the Journal of Botany George Murray published a Cata- logue of West Indian marine algae (Murray, 1889), including in it the Bermuda lists above mentioned; noting that Bermuda did not belong to the West Indies, geographically or politically, but might be considered as having a similar flora. Setchell, 1912, is a paper calling attention to several species in the Farlow herbarium. Longer or shorter lists of algae occur in local publications, traveller’s guides etc., but based on the papers above noted, and adding nothing to what is found in them. Occasional references to Bermuda occur in general works, but only as citations from the works mentioned, or referring to some specimen collected by Farlow. Through the kindness of Mrs. Jane A. Sutherland, daughter of Mr. Kemp, we have been able to examine his collection, which still includes nearly all the species listed by him. Professor M. Mobius very kindly sent us for examination the Rein algae, now preserved in the collection of the Senckenbergischer Gesellschaft at Frankfurt a/m.; by the favor of Dr. D. Prain, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, we have examined specimens of the species added by the Challenger expedition; and Professor Farlow has given every facility for the study of his rich material, including beside his own collecting, speci- mens collected by G. Tucker in 1856 and Walter Faxon in 1882. In the collection of one of the writers is a considerable number of algae collected in 1890 by W. S. Wadsworth. Miss Wilkinson of Ripleigh, 3 A similar set is in the herbarium of the University of California. 6 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Hamilton, has kindly allowed us to refer to an interesting collection she has made, and we are also much indebted to her for information as to stations of some of the rare species. In 1882 Miss Kate Peniston, now Mrs. Matthews, sent one of us some algae from the Harrington Sound region; comparatively few specimens, but including some of much interest. Several species from Bermuda are recorded by Dr. M. A. Howe in his papers in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, and some of them have been distributed in the Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. An occasional specimen from some other col- lector will be noted in its appropriate place. Collections were made by ourselves in the years from 1911 to 1917, during which period one or the other of us has been in Bermuda rather more than half of the time, collecting in practically all parts of the islands and in all months except June. While future additions are of course to be expected, we think that the main characters of the algal flora are fairly settled, and the greater part of the species determined. A special effort has been made to distribute in the Phycotheca Boreali-Americana as full a representation as possible of Bermuda algae, and fascicles XX XVII, XXXIX, XLI, XLII and XLIV consist entirely of specimens from the islands.* We have distributed in this way every species of which sufficient material was available. A number of new species are described and figured in the following pages, and we have tried to give all details of value in regard to them. In case of other species, whenever we could add anything to previous knowledge of them, we have tried to do so, but no full descriptions have been given except for new species, varieties ete. Concise keys however, have been furnished, and we think will prove useful. We have been rather full in notes as to character of station, as this is something sadly lacking in many floras. Exact localities have been given, for the aid of future students, and the date of collecting is given by month, but it has not seemed necessary to give the year. No full synonymy is given, but pains have been taken to give for each species the proper name under the international rules; the ori- ginal name, if published under another genus; and when possible reference to a good figure. Whenever specimens from Bermuda have been distributed in the Alg. Am.-Bor. Exsice. or in the P. B.-A., reference is given by number. Other references are given in cases 4A set of these fascicles will be found at the Bermuda Agricultural Station, to whose Director, Mr. E. J. Wortley, we are indebted for many kindnesses during our visits to the islands. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. a where it seemed desirable, especially from distinctively American works, like Harvey, Nereis Boreali-Americana and Bérgesen, The Marine Algae of the Danish West Indies. The latter is specially useful in connection with the present work, being a careful study of the marine flora of a small group of islands, of character not unlike Bermuda, though somewhat farther south. As Bérgesen’s work is still incomplete as this paper goes to press, full comparisons are not yet possible. We had hoped to publish with the present paper somewhat full comparisons of the floras of Bermuda and other regions, but the list for the Danish West Indies, perhaps the most instructive, is not fully available. We have reluctantly had to omit from our list the families Rhizophyllidaceae, Squamariaceae and Corallinaceae; with- out careful study of the types any conclusions in these critical families would be uncertain, and in the present European conditions such study has not been practicable. In view of this we have made only a short statement, by classes, showing the percentage of the Bermuda species common to nine of the best known regions where a similarity might be expected. If later we are in position to take up the families now omitted, and a full account of the algae of the Danish West Indies is available, the proposed full comparison may be made. In the present comparison we have not included the Class Myxophyceae; first because the species of this class are largely cosmopolitan, second because in many regions where the other classes are fairly well known, the Myxophyceae have been little studied. We have considered a species as common to two regions, though represented by different forms or varieties in each; pelagic species, known only as washed ashore, have not been included. Percentage of Bermuda algae represented in other floras. Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae Rhodophyceae Total Great Britain 28 34 26 27 N. and NW. France 24 30 26 25 Bay of Biscay 11 20 25 18 Mediterranean 29 34 33 31 Canaries 19 28 23 21 New England 22 24 16 19 Florida oe 43 44 40 Jamaica 38 63 32 41 Barbados 33 41 32 33 8 COLLINS AND HERVEY. The nine regions used in the above comparison are not equally well known; the affinity to an intensively studied region like Great Britain is somewhat overstated, that to a less thoroughly studied region, like the Canaries, understated; but some general indications may be ob- tained. Perhaps the most striking is the distinctness of the Bermuda flora, having only 41 per cent in common with Jamaica, and not so much in common with any of the others. Taking the three classes represented, there is only one in which more than half the species are common to another region, again Jamaica, which has 63 per cent of the Bermuda brown algae. Taking all the regions, the similarity is greatest in the brown algae, least in the green. The affinities of the Bermuda flora are evidently strongest with the Florida-West India region, next with the Mediterranean, and after that with more north- ern localities. New England has probably the least in common with Bermuda of all the regions compared, its slight numerical superiority over the Canaries being probably due to the less thorough exploration of the latter. The following list of important stations, with indication of the characters of each, will, we think, be of use to future collectors; in a region where the coast line is so long in proportion to the surface area, many such stations must exist, but we think we have listed the more important ones. In this list of stations we aim to conduct our readers around the whole island and point out the places where we have found certain forms of algae most common. Driven in on all sides by the winds one will find abundance of Sargassum natans “gulfweed” of which the farmers make so profitable use as a fertilizer. This grows in mid- ocean and is never found attached to the shores. Other species of the same genus are found growing all about the island along with other litoral plants. Many other forms such as Ulva, Bryopsis, Caulerpa, Codium, Laurencia, Dictyota, Padina, Spyridia ete. will be found al- most everywhere, and so will not require special mention. We will start from Hamilton, going west to Fairyland and Grasmere; there we shall find shallow water and abundance of plants. Breaking into the land opposite Agar’s Island is a large bay; as we first come to it on our left we shall find a large growth of mangrove trees among the roots of which in shallow water we will find abundance of the endemic Halymenia bermudensis, the loose, small form. Farther along in front of a cottage is rich collecting ground; another of the new plants, Chondria curvilineata occurs here, and very large masses of Valonia macrophysa; alarger form of the Halymenia was gathered in abundance THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 9 in a little bay that comes up in front of the Grasmere Hotel. Beyond the hotel is a water called Mangrove Creek, lying between the hotel and Spanish Point, where good collecting may be had. At the ex- treme end of Spanish Point are two little bays, the larger of which is called Stovel Bay; this furnished good specimens of Dudresnaya crassa and Liagoras in the spring. It is well to make a careful search all about Spanish Point as far east as the Admiralty House. Beyond that as far as the Ducking Stool the shore is for the most part high and precipitous, and we did not find much to reward the climb down and up; but coming in a boat one finds a fairly rich flora, Liagora ete., at the base of the cliffs. From the Ducking Stool to the Inlet of Harrington Sound most of the collecting was of the smaller forms, some of them microscopic. At one point, perhaps half a mile from the Inlet, was found at one time an abundance of Coelarthruwm Albertisit, as it was also on the outer point of the Gibbet Islands. These two islands and the little beaches on either side, being near our place of abode, were carefully studied, and yielded from time to time several interesting things, among them the new Lophosiphonia Saccorhiza, growing on a Codium; Halymenia Agardhit and Antithamnion cruciatum var. radicans also occurred here. The Inlet of Harrington Sound is good collecting ground for several species; on the south side is plenty of Ceramiuwm nitens, and on the wall of the Frascati Hotel may be found at all times a fine growth of Callithamnion Halliae; Heterospora Vidovichii also grew on this wall, and Avrainvillea nigricans grows buried in the mud in the lower part of the Inlet. Over on the north side in the shallow water one may find abundance of Udotea and Penicillus. Within the Sound near the bridge is always an abundance of Wrangelia penicillata, and always also Griffithsia tenuis; in Tucker’s Bay at the west end of the Sound we first found Neomeris annulata, afterwards found at several other stations; farther to the north, in Major’s Bay, were two or three species of Bryopsis. At the farther end of the Sound in a little cove near Walsingham House, called Dingle Bay, we found rich collecting; it is the best station for characteristic Hypnea musci- formis and for Champia parvula, rare in Bermuda, and the only station for the new Dasya spinuligera, also the original station for Nitophyl- lum Wilkinsoniae; on the south side of the Sound we found our best growth of Acetabularia crenulata in a little pool near the chapel; the species is common in many other places, however; the shores of the Sound everywhere abound in species of Bryopsis and Laurencia. About a mile north of Flatts Village we come to Shelly Bay, a fine 10 COLLINS AND HERVEY. beach; here in its season may be found the new Chondria polyrhiza, and at the north end of the Bay is a fine growth of Udotea flabellum; half a mile beyond Shelly Bay is Burchell Cove, well worth a visit; here we found splendid specimens of Callithamnion Halliae. Bailey’s Bay, something over a mile beyond, is a good place for collecting; here we found some of our best specimens of Euchewma denticulatum. In going on towards St. George’s it would be worth while to take the old and now unused road about a quarter of a mile beyond Bailey’s Bay, and follow along the shore to the old ferry, and then past Joyce’s Caves to the Causeway. At the north end of the Causeway we come to Long Bird Island,° on the southeast side of which all the way to the Swing Bridge is good collecting, especially of Helminthocladia Calvadosiit and Castagnea. Beyond Swing Bridge the road winds with many a picturesque turn along the shores of Mullet Bay into St. George’s; these waters ought to be fertile grounds for they are for the most part shallow and easily accessible. Once in St. George’s we aré in the immediate neighbor- hood of some of the best collecting grounds in Bermuda; going to the shore northwest of the city we first come to Tobacco Bay which is in fact two quite distinct bays near together; plenty of Bryopsis and Liagora here. -A little farther along very near the old fort at St. Catherine’s Point, where the shore makes a right angled turn to the east, is a little bay called Achilles Bay, where Helminthocladia may be found in abundance in its season. Following the shore for a mile to the east we pass several little coves.which may be worth a visit; but just before we come to the place where the sewer from the hospital comes down, we come to Judy’s Hole, so called in honor of a colored woman whose body was washed ashore here. Here we found splendid specimens of Wrightiella Blodgettit and Naccaria corymbosa floating in on the breakers. Farther along is Sylvester’s Bay and beyond that Buildings Bay, so named from the fact that here Sir George Summers built the little ships in which he sailed away for Virginia. It is a little cove extending in behind an old fortification; there is a little beach at the head of the bay; comparatively few plants grow on the rocks along the shore or on the bottom, but among them is the 5 This is the ““Oblongarum Avium Insula”’ of the map in Jansen’s atlas, Vol. III, 1646. This map, a copy of the original survey of 1622, is remarkably full and accurate; names of places have hardly changed at all, and the family names of many of the owners there given appear today everywhere in the islands. This accuracy and fullness is the more remarkable in contrast with the maps in the same volume, covering the mainland from Labrador to Florida; contours are vague and uncertain, and names strangely transposed. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. Tal “Staghorn”’ Codiwm, the very large form of C. decorticatum. But many things that come in there on the tide show that there are very fertile grounds outside; there is Dudresnaya crassa, Trichogloea Herveyi, Naccaria corymbosa, Dasya pedicellata and several other Dasyas, Crouania attenuata, Callithamnions, Liagoras etc.; there are probably more things to be found here than in any other like place in Bermuda. Just beyond this is Gates Bay, noted for abundance of Crouania, Liagora and Laurencia, for the most part epiphytic on Sargassum. On the harbor side of St. George’s may be found some good col- lecting; here by an old wharf at the eastern end of the city we found Antithamnion cruciatum and our only specimens of Caulerpa verticil- lata. 'Taking the ferry to St. David’s and crossing over to the south side of the island near the lighthouse we come to a beach where we found a fine growth of Gracilaria dichotomo-flabellata and some small specimens of Eucheuma Gelidium. At the west end of the Causeway we find a new road leading ardund the shore to Walsingham House; there is good collecting all along here; first of all at the left, a growth of mangrove trees, on the amphibious roots of which is abundance of three species of Bostrychia, mingled with Caloglossa Leprieurit and Catenella pinnata; these plants grow on such roots, as well as on rocks covered only at high tide, in every part of the island. There are two little tide pools in the immediate vicinity of Moore’s calabash tree in one of which are two or three species of Cawlerpa and Udotea flabellum; in the other, smaller, one, partly under a big rock, the bottom is carpeted with delicate fronds of Caulerpa sertularioides; in the neigh- borhood of Walsingham House are several little coves rich in plants; one a hundred yards or so to the right of the driveway leading up to the main road always contains Chrysymenia uvaria in fine form; here also in 1915 we found a splendid growth of Halymenia pseudofloresia, and it is the only place in which we found more than a single frond or afragment. Over on the shore of Castle Harbor in April we found a good collection of Spyridia aculeata var. hypnoides. Following the southwest shore of Castle Harbor for a mile and a half we come to Tucker’s Town, another fruitful locality; here in a little grotto, back of the concrete wharf, growing at all seasons are Haly- menia bermudensis and Galaxaura obtusata; on the shore in front of the wharf where a small stream runs into the sea are quantities of Gelidium pusillum and around the point to the left a heavy growth of Eucheuma denticulatum; all about the wharf are fronds of Ulva, yards long. A boat can be taken from Tucker’s Town to Cooper’s Island, 12 COLLINS AND HERVEY. famous as a rich station; here in a single day in 1881 Farlow found Dudresnaya caribaea, D. bermudensis, Calosiphonia verticillifera and Kallymenia perforata, none of which except the second have been found in Bermuda since; we have made several visits to the island in the hope of finding them, but in vain, but each trip was rewarded by unexpected good things. From Tucker’s Town way along the South Shore to Ely’s Harbor, a distance of some fifteen miles, the shore presents an alternation of long beaches and high precipitous rocks, with but here and there a bay where one can collect algae. The reef runs along parallel to the shore, from a quarter to a half a mile outside. There are two or three little bays in Southampton which we have not explored; but we have found that the flora of the west end of the island is not nearly as rich as that of the east end. On the south shore east of the meridian of Hamilton are a few bays that should be mentioned; these are in the neighbor- hood of Devil’s Hole, viz., Pink Bay, Smith’s Bay and Gravelly Bay; a reference to the text will show what plants have been collected in these localities; special attention is called only to the last of the three, Gravelly Bay. It is not more than a quarter of a mile across the island from Devil’s Hole; it has proved a remarkably fertile place; it is the only station where we have found Gracilaria horizontalis, Turbinaria tricostata and Dilophus guineensis, though the latter was found by Farlow in Paget. The place is rich in several species of Dictyota, also in Zonaria lobata and Dictyopteris Justii in their seasons. Here also we first found Trichogloea Herveyi, and we have found it there every season since; a little cave near the bay has yielded a number of species, rarely found elsewhere. About a mile farther along towards the west we come to what is known as Spanish Rock; here at the foot of a high precipice, Col- pomenia sinuosa and Hydroclathrus cancellatus cover the rocks, and may be collected at low tide; another mile along in the same direction we come to Harris Bay, another good station; here several species of Spyridia and Liagora abound, also two species of Sphacelaria, Wrigh- tiella Blodgettii, Digenea simplex and others; it is the only station for Udotea conglutinata and Rosenvingia intricata. Devonshire Bay just beyond we did not find very productive, but a mile and a half farther on is Hungry Bay, which will reward several visits at different seasons; Dictyotas and Dictyopteris abound here in summer, and in the tidal creek Howe collected Acicularia Schenckti, the only time it has been found in Bermuda; in this creek also is excellent Ernodesmis verti- cillata. Geminella scalariformis forma marina was found in a pool in the rocks on the west side of the bay. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 13 Ely’s Harbor and Mangrove Bay towards the west end of the group are noted for nothing in particular, but are by no means barren; in the former we found a better growth of Porphyra atropurpurea than elsewhere. Now crossing the land to the shore on the inside of the great hook that this end of the group makes, and going along to the neighborhood of Gibbs Hill light, we come to Jew’s Bay and Heron Bay, in both of which good collecting may be had, especially in the latter, with its shallow still water and sunny exposure; we found it very fertile with several species of Gracilaria, Laurencia, Spyridia, Chondria curvilineata and other things. Coming back to Hamilton we may find something at Salt Kettle. The wall of the quay at Hamilton below low tide is well covered with algae, and a big timber float lying there yielded a rich harvest of Polystphonia foeti- dissima. This brings us round to the point of beginning. 14 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Crass MYXOPHYCEAE. Famity CHROOCOCCACEAE. Curoococcus Nageli. 1. Cells 3-8 » diam., 1. C. membraninus. 1. Cells 18-25 p» diam. 2. C. turgidus. *1. C MEMBRANINUS (Menegh.) Nageli, 1849, p. 46; P. B.-A., No. 2151; Plewrococcus membraninus Meneghini, 1842, p. 34, Pl. IV, fig. 1. In brackish pool near race course, Aug.; in ditch in South Shore marshes, Sept., Collins. In the material from the locality first named the cells were dividing rapidly, and average smaller than in P. B.-A., No. 1201, about like Wittrock, Nordstedt & Lagerheim, No. 1538. Sometimes the division of the cells goes on so much faster than the separation of families that a mass resembling a Microcystis is formed. 2. C. TuRGIDUS (Kiitz.) Nageli, 1849, p. 46; Protococcus turgidus Kiitzing, 1845-49, p. 5, Pl. VI, fig. 1. In gelatinous masses in brackish pools, and in films on decaying algae near Flatts Bridge, April, Collins. SYNECHOCYSTIS Sauvageau. * S. AQUATILIS Sauvageau, 1892a, p. CX VI. On rocks near Hungry Bay, April; in cave, Agar’s Island, Aug., Collins. SynEcHococcus Nageli. * S. AERUGINOSUS Nageli, 1849, p. 56, Pl. I. E, fig. 1. Among other algae in brackish pool near race-course, Aug., Collins. Cells about 14 X 7 uw, which is rather small for this species. CHROOTHECE Hansgirg. 1. Cells seldom under 20 » diam. 1. C. Richteriana. 1. Cells not over 3 » diam. 2. C. eryptarum. 1. C. RicHTERIANA forma MARINA Hansgirg, 1889, p. 5; P. B.-A., No. 702. Farlow; rather common on shaded stone work and on sides of caves, Collins. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 15 2. C. cRYPTARUM Farlow in P. B.-A., No. 752; Forti, 1907, p. 30. Farlow; on walls and roofs of caves, often in company with C. Rich- teriana. Gloeothece rupestris often occurs in company with these two species, the whole forming a continuous stratum, generally one or two mm. thick, extending from just above low water mark to much above high water mark. Between tide marks it is a rich green and gelatinous, but beyond the range of tides it is yellowish or whitish and crumbly. Guorocapsa Kiitzing. 1. Cell without wall, 1.5-2 4 diam.; tegument yellow or brown. 1. G. fusco-lutea. 1. Cell without wall, over 2 » diam.; tegument colorless or nearly so. 2. 2. Colony amorphous, soft; cell without wall, 2-5 » diam. 2. G. montana. 2. Colony subspherical, firm; cell without wall, 4-6 u diam. 3. G. atrata. *). G. Fusco-LUTEA (Nag.) Kiitzing, 1849, p. 224; P. B.-A., No. 2153. G. ambigua var. fusco-lutea Nigeli, 1849, p. 50. On rocks, Hungry Bay, in company with Synechocystis aquatilis, April, Collins. The color of the tegument varies from dark brown to pale yellow. *2. G. montana Kiitzing, 1843, p. 173; 1845-49, p. 14, PI. XIX, fig. 2. On wall of cave near Causeway, high up, April, Collins. *3. G. atrata (Turp.) Kiitzing, 1843, p. 174, Pl. VI, fig. 1; Globu- lina atrata Turpin, 1830, Pl. V, fig. 6. On cliff, away from the sea, in company with Scytonema etc., Aug., Collins. The colonies are usually quite regularly spherical; they range from about 30 yu diam., containing only two cells, to above 140 uw diam., with hundreds of cells. The contents is bright green, somewhat granular; the surface inside the wall is usually thickly set with very short, bristle-like projections; bacterial? GLOEOTHECE Nigeli. 1. Cell without tegument, about 2 » wide. 1. G. confluens. 1. Cell without tegument, about 5 u wide. 2. G. rupestris. *1, G. conFLUENS Nigeli, 1849, p. 58, Pl. I. G, fig. 1. On wall of shallow cave, by inland road, April, Collins. *2. G. RUPESTRIS (Lyng.) Bornet in W. & N., No. 399, 1880; Palmella rupestris Lyngbye, 1819, p. 207, Pl. LXIX, fig. D; G. mem- branacea Bornet, 1892, p. 175. Common all about the islands in 16 COLLINS AND HERVEY. clefts of rocks, rock pools, roadsides, within reach of salt water or far from it. As noted by Bornet, 1892, p. 175, it varies much in the appearance of the stratum, from thick gelatinous masses to thin films, also in the development of the concentric walls; in a rock pool of fresh water, near the Old Ferry road, we collected a form quite without these walls, closely resembling Aphanothece microscopica, P. B.-A., No. 552; but it seems probable that it is merely a state of the present species corresponding to Bornet’s section I, in which he includes Microcystis microspora Menegh. This form distributed as P. B.-A., No. 2154. Lyngbye’s specific name, used by Bornet in 1880, is the oldest, and must supersede the name used by Bornet in 1892. ENTOPHYSALIS Kiitzing. E. GRANULOSA Kiitzing, 1843, p. 177, Pl. XVIII, fig. 5; Bornet & Thuret, 1876, Pl. I, figs. 4 & 5. On rocks, North Shore, Aug., Collins. Microcystis Kiitzing. * M. MARGINATA (Menegh.) Kiitzing, 1845-49, p. 6, Pl. VIII; Anacystis marginata Meneghini, 1836, p. 6; 1842, p. 93, Pl. XIII, fig. 1. With other algae on wall of cave near Causeway, April, Collins. MERISMOPEDIUM Meyen. 1. Families 50-150 u square. 1. M. glaucum. 1. Families 1-4 mm. square. 2. M. convolutum. *1. M. ctaucum (Ehrb.) Nageli, 1849, p. 55, Pl. I. D, fig. 1; Gonium glaucum Ehrenberg, 1838, p. 56, Pl. III, fig. 5. Among other algae in pool by race course, Aug., Collins. *2. M. convo.tutum Brébisson in Kiitzing, 1849, p. 472; 1855, p. 13, Pl. XX XVIII, fig. IX. Among various algae in Harrington Sound; in cave at Gravelly Bay, Jan., Hervey. Oncopyrsa Agardh. O. MARINA (Grun.) Rabenhorst, 1865, p. 68; Hydrococcus marinus Grunow, 1861, p. 420. On Dictyopteris Justii, Gravelly Bay, Aug., Collins; on Sphacelaria, Spanish Rock, March, Hervey. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 7 CHLOROGLOEA Wille. C. TUBERCULOSA (Hansg.) Wille, 1900, p. 5, Pl. I, figs. 1-6; Pal- mella ? tuberculosa Hansgirg, 1892, p. 240, Pl. VI, fig. 9. On Bostry- chia, Catenella ete., in company with other minute Myxophyceae. Famity CHAMAESIPHONACEAE. PLeurRocapsa Thuret. P. conFERTA (Kiitz.) Setchell, 1912, p. 229; Palmella conferta Kiitzing, 1845, p. 149; 1845-1849, p. 12, Pl. XVI, fig. IV. On Rhodochorton speluncarum, in cave, Agar’s Island, Aug.; on Gelidiwm pusillum, Harrington Sound, April, Collins. Hyewxia Bornet & Flahault. H. caEspirosa Bornet & Flahault, 1888a, p. 162; 1889, p. CLXV, Pl. X, figs. 7-8, Pl. XI. In dead shells, in company with Gomontia, Mastigocoleus and Plectonema, but usually the least abundant of the four. DERMOCARPA Crouan. 1. Cells scattered. 1. D. solitaria. 1. Cells laterally united in pulvinate expansions. 2. D> prasing, 1. D. solitaria sp. nov.; P. B.-A., No. 2155. Cellula solitaria, clavata, circa 8 » diam., supra discum basale paullo majus; superne uniformiter incrassata, vel interdum prope basin parvam expansio- nem annulatam ferente, usque ad apicem rotundatam, circa 20 u diam.; longitudine ad 75 u; ad maturitatem in duas cellulas divisa, superiore in gonidangium subsphaericum mutanda, gonidia pro more 8-12, 5-6 uw diam., continente; cellula inferiore obconica, supra plana vel concava, contentu laete aeruginoso; membrana crassa, sublamel- losa. Cell solitary, clavate, about 8 « diam. above the slightly larger basal disk, increasing in diameter upwards uniformly, or sometimes with a slight ring-like expansion near the base, to the rounded apex, about 20 4 diam.; height up to 75y. At maturity dividing into two cells, 18 COLLINS AND HERVEY. the upper a subspherical gonidangium, containing gonidia, 5-6 4 diam., usually 8-12 in number; the lower cell obconical with flat or concave upper surface, contents bright blue-green; wall thick, some- what lamellate. On older parts of fronds of Spermothamnion gorgoneum and Cera- mothamnion Codii, which grew on Codium decorticatum, in company with Xenococcus Schousboei, Lyngbya Meneghiniana and other small algae. The cells are always scattered, never forming cushion-like masses, as is the case with most species of Dermocarpa. The general appearance of the plant is not unlike that of some small species of Codiolum, except for the shade of color, and that the colorless stipe is shorter. 2. D. prasrna (Reinsch) Bornet & Thuret, 1876, p. 75, Pl. XXVI; P. B.-A., No. 2051. Sphaenosiphon prasinus Reinsch, 1875, p. 73, Pl. XII. Not D. prasina P. B. A., No. 1, which is D. Farlow Borgs. On Catenella Opuntia var. pinnata generally. i. XeEnococcus Thuret. X. Scuoussoret Thuret in Bornet & Thuret, 1880, p. 74, PI. XXVI, figs. 1-2; P. B.-A., No. 2052. On Lyngbya confervoides, in ditch back of Shelly Bay, Aug., Collins. Cells mostly separate and exactly spherical; but sometimes closely packed and compressed. Var. PALLIDA Hansgirg, 1889, p. 5. On algae on roof of cave, Gravelly Bay, April, Collins. What may be a species of Xenococcus with minute cells was found on Oedogonium from Devonshire marshes, but could not be specifically identified. Famity OSCILLATORIACEAE. SPIRULINA Turpin. 1. Trichome rose-color. 1. S. rosea. 1. Trichome aeruginous. 2. 2. Trichome less than 1 » diam., spiral loose. 2. S. tenerrima. 2. Trichome over 1 yu diam., spiral close. 3. SS. subsalsa f. oceanica. 1. §S. rosea Crouan ex Gomont, 1893, p. 273. Forming a pinkish film on Amphiroa between tide marks, North Shore, Sept., Collins. *2. S. TENERRIMA Kiitzing ex Gomont, 1893, p. 272; Kiitzing, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 19 1845-49, p. 25, Pl. XXXVII, fig. I; P. B.-A., No. 2054. Among other algae in a coating on rock between tide marks, North Shore, Sept., Collins. 3. S. SUBSALSA forma OcEANICA Gomont, 1893, p. 274; P. B.-A., No. 2053. Among other algae at various stations. OscILLATORIA Vaucher. 1. Filaments torulose. 2. 1. Filaments not torulose. 6. 2. Trichomes 18-36 yu diam., loosely spiral. 1. O. Bonnemaisonii. 2. Trichomes not spiral. 3. 3. Trichomes and stratum dull red. 2. O. miniata. 3. Trichomes and stratum not red. 4, 4. Limicolous; trichomes 17-29 uw diam. 3. O. margaritifera. 4. Trichomes 6-12 »u diam. 5, 5. Limicolous or saxicolous; black-olive. 4. O. nigro-viridis. 5. Epiphytic; aeruginous, light green or light brown. 5. O. Corallinae. 6. Trichomes not attenuate at tip. te 6. Trichomes attenuate at tip. 8. 7. Trichomes 4-10 » diam. , 6. O. tenuis. 7. Trichomes less than 3 » diam. 7. O. amphibia. 8. Apical cell capitate. 8. O. amoena 8. Apical cell not capitate. 9. 9. Trichomes 3 » diam. or more. 10. 9. Trichomes less than 3 u diam. 11. O. longearticulata. 10. Distinctly marine. 9. O. laetevirens. 10. Plant of fresh water pools. 10. O. formosa. 1. O. BonNEMaAtIsonit Crouan ex Gomont, 1893, p. 235, Pl. VI, figs. 17-18; P. B.-A., No. 2055. Forming floating masses in ditch in Pembroke Marsh, Aug., Collins. 2. O.mintaTa Hauck ex Gomont, 1893, p. 236; P. B.-A., No. 2156. Hungry Bay, April, May, Collins. Forming a deep red film on the bottom, also floating clots adhering to everything. The filaments are usually about 20 uw diam., but occasionally as high as 45 u. The plant decays very quickly, and even when put on paper with a promptness ample for most Oscillatorias, the coloring matter stains the paper pur- ple, and the filaments remain nearly colorless. 3. O. MARGARITIFERA Kiitzing ex Gomont, 1893, p. 236, Pl. VI, fig. 19. In brackish pool with other algae, April, Sept., Collins. 4. QO. NIGRO-viRIDIS Thwaites ex Gomont, 1893, p. 237, Pl. VI, fig. 20. On rocks wet by salt water, Jan., Farlow. 20 COLLINS AND HERVEY. 5. O. CoraLtinaE Gomont, 1893, p. 238, Pl. VI, fig. 21. On Codium tomentosuwm, Cooper’s Island, April, Collins. *6. O. TENUIS Ag. var. TERGESTINA Rabenhorst ex Gomont, 1893, p. 241. Among other algae in a ditch in meadow by Shelly Bay, Aug., Collins. *7. O. AMPHIBIA Gomont, 1893, p. 241, Pl. VII, figs. 4-5; P. B.-A., No. 1852. In brackish pool among other algae, April, Aug., Collins. *8. O. AMOENA Gomont, 1893, p. 245, Pl. VII, fig. 9. Forming a thin coating on rock at Inlet, Aug., Collins. *9. ©. LAETEVIRENS Crouan ex Gomont, 1893, p. 246, Pl. VII, fig. 11. Among other algae, Tucker’s Town, May, Collins. *10. O. Formosa Bory ex Gomont, 1893, p. 250, Pl. VII, fig. 16. In a puddle of rain water in road, April, Collins. 11. O. LoNGEARTICULATA Hansgirg ex Forti, 1907, p. 176. On Codium, near Causeway, April, Hervey. We have not seen an au- thentic specimen of this species, but our plant agrees with the original description, with no description in Gomont, and with none but this in Forti. TRICHODESMIUM Ehrenberg. T. THrEBAUTI Gomont, 1893, p. 217, Pl. VI, figs. 24; Wille, 1904, p. 57, Pl. I, figs. 17-22. Hamilton Harbor, Wille, 1. c.® PuHorMipiuM Kiitzing. 1. Trichomes strongly moniliform. 1 -Patracile: 1. Trichomes not moniliform. 2. 2. Stratum purple or pink. 2. P. luridum. 2. Stratum greenish or blackish. 3. 3. Trichomes 3 u diam. or less. 3. P. valderianum. 3. Trichomes 4-12 p» diam. 4. P. Retzii. 1. P. FRAGILE Gomont, 1893, p. 183, Pl. IV, figs. 13-15. Among other algae in an incrustation in rock between tide marks, April, Collins. *2. P. LuRIDUM Gomont, 1893, p. 185, PI. IV, figs. 17-18; P. B.-A., 6 Catagnymene pelagica Lemmermann var. major Wille, 1904, p. 51, pl. I, fig. 7, is reported by Tilden, 1910, p. 159, as occurring at Bermuda, but we are unable to obtain any confirmatory evidence. Wille, l. ¢., reports it from open sea, at several points. Dermocarpa Leibleinii (Reinsch) Bornet var. pelagica Wille, also appears in Tilden, 1910, p. 55, as from Bermuda, on authority of Wille, 1904, p. 50; but Wille’s record is 39° 4’ N., Long. 57° 8’ W., “ ungefahr in der Mitte zwischen den Bermuda-Inseln und New Foundland.” THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 21 No. 2056. Forming a pinkish film over rocks between tide marks, North Shore, Aug., Collins. *3. P. VALDERIANUM Gomont, 1893, p. 187, Pl. IV, fig. 20; P. B.-A., No. 2157. Among other algae in a blackish coating on rocks and on Bostrychia, Aug. In thick wrinkled sheets on brackish water, near old race course Dec. Collins. *4. P. Retz Gomont, 1893, p. 195, Pl. V, figs. 6-9; P. B.-A., No. 2057. Forming a light green, firm coating on rock between tide marks, North Shore, Sept., Collins. Lynesya Agardh. 1. Filaments attached at the middle. 1. L. Meneghiniana. 1. Filaments attached at one end or free. 2. 2. Trichomes over 5 » diam., usually over 7 yu. 3: 2. Trichomes 4 u diam. or less, seldom over 3 yu. 5. 3. Trichomes 16-60 » diam., dissepiments not granulate. 2. lL. majuscula. 3. Dissepiments granulate. 4, 4. Trichomes 9-25 » diam., apex not attenuate nor capitate. 3. L. confervoides. 4. Trichomes 5-12 u diam., apex usually attenuate and capitate. 4. L. semiplena. 5. Trichomes 2.5—-4 u diam., straight or flexuous, not regularly spiral. 5. L. lutea. 5. Trichomes about 2 diam., more or less spiral. 6. L. Lagerheimii. 1. L. MENEGHINIANA Gomont, 1893, p. 145. Mangrove Creek, Farlow; on Codium, Cooper’s Island, Collins; Gibbet Island, March, Hervey. The only representative here of the subgenus Leibleinia, the filaments bent hairpin-shape, attached in the middle, both ends free. 2. L. MasuscuLa Harvey ex Gomont, 1893, p. 151, Pl. III, figs. 3-4; Harvey, 1858, p. 101, Pl. XLVII. A; P. B.-A., No. 2001. Rein; Moseley; Walsingham Grotto, March, Alden Fish pond, Dec., Hervey. Usually blackish green, occasionally reddish or violet. 3. L. conFERVoIDES Agardh ex Gomont, 1893, p. 156, Pl. III, figs. 5-6; including forma violacea Collins, P. B.-A., No. 1853. Com- mon in floating masses in quiet waters, as attached tufts in more exposed places, nearly everywhere. A brownish or yellowish green is the more usual color, but violet and reddish shades are not uncom- mon. These are in striking contrast to the normal color, but from our observations on the species of Lyngbya found at Bermuda, we are 2 COLLINS AND HERVEY. of the opinion that there is no justification for keeping color forms distinct taxonomically. Both colors occur in nature, both in dried material; plants originally aeruginous may change to red, plants originally red fade to pale green. We have no suggestion to make as to the causes determining these changes, except the general principle in regard to filamentous Nostocaceae, that red forms generally occur where the plant is always under water, not left exposed at low tide. 4. L. SEMIPLENA J. G. Agardh ex Gomont, 1893, p. 158, Pl. III, figs. 7-11. Not uncommon among other small algae; rarely pure. 5. LynNGBYA LUTEA Gomont, 1893, p. 161, Pl. III, figs. 12 & 18. Among various small algae, not found pure; bright red form on Codium, Harris Bay, Dec., Hervey. *6. L. LAGERHEIMII Gomes 1893, p. 167, Pl. IV, figs. 6-7. On decaying Sargassum, near Shelly Bay, April, Collins. SympLoca Kiitzing. 1. Cells 1-2 diam. long, aeruginous. 1. S. muscorum. 1. Cells much shorter than their diam., violet. 2. S. violacea. *1. S. muscorum Gomont, 1893, p. 130, PI. I, fig. 9. On rock by roadside, Aug., Collins. 2. S. vioLacEa Hauck ex Forti, 1907, p. 311; Hauck, 1885, p. 507, fig. 224. On ground near margin of pool in woods by Walsingham, April, Collins. This appears to have been overlooked by Gomont in his monograph either as an accepted species or among “species in- quirendae”’ or “species excludendae.” Hauck’s record is included by Forti in the Sylloge, and by the international rules, which fix Gomont’s monograph as the point of departure for homeocysted filamentous Nostochineae, 1907 is the date of publication. The Bermuda plant agrees with Hauck’s description and figure; the violet color and short cells distinguish it from all other marine species. PLEecTONEMA Thuret. *P. NostrocoruMm Bornet ex Gomont, 1893, p. 122, Pl. I, fig. 11. Common in gelatinous masses of algae of various kinds. PoRPHYROSIPHON Kiitzing. *P_ NorarisiI Kiitzing ex Gomont, 1893, p. 69, Pl. XII, figs. 1-2. On Juniperus bermudiana, Aug., Collins. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 25 MicrocoLteus Desmaziéres. 1. Terrestrial. 3. M. vaginatus. 1. Marine. Py 2. Trichomes 2.5-6 » diam. 1. M. chthonoplastes. 2. Trichomes 1.5-2 » diam. 2. M. tenerrimus. 1. M. curHonopiastes Thuret ex Gomont, 1893, p. 91, PI. XIV, figs. 5-8; P. B.-A., No. 1854. Common among other small algae in incrustations on rocks, and on bottoms of shallow pools; occasionally nearly pure, as a thin, blackish coating; also in fresh water reservoir near Spanish Rock, Hervey. 2. M. TENERRIMUS Gomont, 1893, p. 93, Pl. XIV, figs. 9-11. Occasional filaments among M. chthonoplastes, less commonly among other small algae. *3. JM. VAGINATUS var. MONTICOLA Gomont, 1893, p. 94. On moist ground at roadside near Flatts Bridge, Dec., Hervey. HyprocoLeum Kiitzing. 1. Trichomes 14-24 p diam. 2 1. Trichomes 8-144 diam., rarely to 164; sheaths irregular, gelatinous, often quite diffluent. 2. H. lyngbyaceum. 2. Color of mass of violet shade; sheaths cylindrical, distinct. 1. H. comoides. 2. Color of mass dull green or yellowish; sheaths irregular, becoming shapeless and diffluent. 3. H. glutinosum. 1. H. comormpEs Gomont, 1893, p. 73, Pl. XII, figs. 3-5. Farlow, fide Gomont, |. c.; on rocks, Hungry Bay, April, Collins. 2. H. tynepyacreum Kiitzing ex Gomont, 1898, p. 75, Pl. XII, figs. 8-10; P. B.-A., No. 2058. Farlow, fide Gomont, |. c.; occasional in pools, Collins. The latter resembling var. rwpestre Gomont, l. c. 3. H. GLuTINosuM Gomont, 1893, p. 77. Rocks east of Elbow Bay, Dec., Collins, forming a thin, tubercular coating on rocks between tides. ScHIZOTHRIX Kiitzing. 1. Among algae in pools; trichomes 2-3 » diam. 1. S. vaginata. 1. On damp walls; trichomes 1-1.7 uw diam. 2. S. calcicola. *1. §. vacrnaTa Gomont, 1893, p. 40, Pl. VII, figs. 1-4. In a gelatinous mass with other algae, North Shore, Sept., Collins; Har- rington Sound, Nov., Hervey. 24. COLLINS AND HERVEY. *2. §. caLcicoLa Rabenhorst ex Gomont, 1893, p. 45, Pl. VIII, figs. 1-3; P. B.-A., No. 2158. On shaded wall of house near South Road, Dec., Collins. Famity NOSTOCHACEAE. ANABAENA Bory. 1. Spores ovoid, not contiguous to heterocysts. 1. A. variabilis. 1. Spores subeylindrical, contiguous to heterocysts. 2. A. torulosa. *1. A. VARIABILIS Kiitzing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1888, p. 226, P. B.-A., No. 2059. Sphaerozyga Thwaitesii Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CXIII. B. Brackish pool, April, Collins; in reservoir near Spanish Rock, Jan., Hervey. In the material from the latter station the filaments were sometimes straight, but oftener curved as in A. flos- aquae Bréb.; the spores were those of A. variabilis. 2. A. ToruLosA Lagerheim ex Bornet & Flahault, 1888, p. 236. Among other algae, North Shore, Aug., Collins. Sterile filaments of an Anabaena or Cylindrospermum were found on ground wet by rain, near Flatts Bridge, Aug., Collins. The cells were about 4 uw diam., spherical, or just after division discoid. HorMOTHAMNION Grunow. H. convolutum sp. nov. Trichomatibus pallide aerugineis, in- terdum rubescentibus, parallelis, elongatis, 3-5 » diam.; cellulis 1-4 diam. longis, cylindricis, nodis leviter copstrictis; heterocystis ovoi- deis vel sphaericis, 8-10 » diam.; sporis ?; fasciculis tenuibus, inter utriculis hospitis penetrantibus, curvatis. Trichomes pale aerugineous, sometimes with a shade of red, parallel, long, 3-5 u diam.; cells 1-4 diam. long, cylindrical, slightly constricted at the nodes; heterocysts ovoid to spherical, 8-10 » diam.; spores ?; fascicles slender, winding among the utricles of the host. On Codiwm tomentosum, Cooper’s Island, Aug. 29, 1913, F. S. Collins. Type in Collins herb., No. 7239. More slender than the other species of the genus, the cells relatively longer. The cluster of filaments winds about among the utricles of the host, the continued growth of the two plants causing the endophyte to turn and twist very sharply. bo or THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. Nostoc Vaucher. *N. COMMUNE Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault, 1888, p. 203; P. B.-A., No. 1901; N. ciniflonwm Bornet & Thuret, 1880, p. 102, Pl. XXVIII, fig. 13. Common everywhere, especially on sandy soil; thin brittle skins in dry weather, expanded thickish soft masses in wet weather. No spores seen. Native name, “ Devil’s Tobacco.” Famiry SCYTONEMACEAE Kiitzing. MicrocHakte Thuret. M. vitrensts Askenasy ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 85. Scat- tered filaments on Wrangelia penicillata, Harris Bay, Jan., Hervey. ScytoneMA Agardh. 1. Sheaths not lamellate. 2. 1. Sheaths lamellate. By 2. Trichomes 5-7 pu diam. 1. S. varium. 2. Trichomes 6-14 u diam. 2. S. ocellatum. 3. Branches usually geminate, free and divergent. 4, 3. Branches frequently solitary, adherent at base. 5. S. crustaceum. 4. Filaments 15-21 4 diam.; sheath thin at apex. 3. S. figuratum. 4. Filaments 18-36 » diam.; sheath thick throughout. 4. S. myochrous. *]. S. vartum Kiitzing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 97; Kiitzing, 1850-52, p. 6, Pl. XXIII, fig. IJ. High up on walls of a cave at Wal- singham; shore of pool near Walsingham, April, Collins. *2. S. ocELLATUM Lyngbye ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 95; P. B.-A., No. 711, on dunes, Paget, Farlow. *3. S. FiguRATUM Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 101; S. thermale Kiitzing, 1850-52, p. 5, Pl. XVIII, fig. II. High up on wall of cave near Walsingham, April, Collins. Bornet, 1889a, p. 155, shows that Conferva mirabilis Dillwyn, 1807, Pl. XCVI, is identical with Scytonema figuratum of Agardh, and of earlier date, and therefore changes the name to S. mirabile (Dillw.) Bornet. But as the starting point for nomenclature of the hetero- cysted Nostochaceae is definitely fixed at the Bornet & Flahault monograph, it appears as if the later name by Bornet cannot be sub- stituted. 26 COLLINS AND HERVEY. *4. S. myocHrous Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 104; Kiitzing, 1850-52, p. 7, Pl. XXV, fig. III; P. B.-A., No. 1902. On perpendicular cliff, Paget, Aug., Collins; and common in company with Calothrix species etc. on rocks between tides. This species has a very wide distribution as a plant of rocks ete., dripping with fresh water, but in Bermuda it is commonly found with distinctly marine species, in mats on flat rocks in the litoral zone. *5. S. crustaceum Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 106. On sand near Mangrove Creek, Hamilton, Jan., Farlow. ToLypoTHRIx Kiitzing. *T. venus Kiitzing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 122; Kiitzing, 1850-52, p. 9, Pl. XXXI, fig. II. Among Oedogonium, in ditch in Devonshire Marsh, April, Collins. Hassauuia Berkeley. *H. BYSSOIDEA Hassall ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 116. On bark of Juniperus bermudiana, rather common. Famity STIGONEMACEAE Hassall. MasticocoLeus Lagerheim. M. resTaruM Lagerheim ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 54; 1889, © p. CLXII, Pl. X, fig. 4. In dead shells of mollusks, with Gomontia CLG: HapatosipHon Nigel. *H. intricatus W. & G. S. West, 1895, p. 271, Pl. XV, figs. 16-28; P. B.-A., No. 1855. In ditch in Devonshire Marsh, April, Dec., Collins. StriconEMA Agardh. *S_ INFORME Kiitzing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1887, p. 75; Kiitzing, 1850-1852, p. 15, Pl. XX XVIII, fig. 3. Feb., H. Kennedy in Farlow herbarium. FISCHERELLA Gomont. *F, amptgua Gomont, 1895, p. 49, Pl. III. On stone wall, Jan., Farlow. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. ard Famity RIVULARIACEAE. CaLoTHRIx Agardh. 1. Heterocysts basal only. 2. 1. Heterocysts basal and intercalary. 6. 2. Trichomes violet. 1. C. fusco-violacea. 2. Trichomes olivaceous or aerugineous. 3 3. More or less endophytic. 3. C. parasitica. 3. Not endophytic. 4, 4. Filaments in stellate tufts on other algae. 6. C. confervicola. 4. Filaments not in stellate tufts; saxicolous. 5S. 5. Trichomes olivaceous. 2. C. scopulorum. 5. Trichomes aerugineous. 4. C. aeruginea. 6. Filaments attached at the middle. 7. C. pilosa. 6. Filaments attached at one end. Ue 7. Filaments 9-10 uw diam. 4. C. aeruginea. 7. Filaments 12-40 uw diam. 5. C. crustacea. 1. C. Fusco-vioLacEa Crouan ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 352; P. B.-A., No. 2060. On Enteromorpha, Ectocarpus ete., rock pool, South Shore, Jan., Hervey. 2. C. scopuLtoruM Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 353; Bornet & Thuret, 1880, p. 159, Pl. XXXVIII; P. B.-A., No. 1856. On flat rocks between tides, Causeway, Shelly Bay, etc., common. 3. C. parasitica Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 357; Bornet & Thuret 1880, p. 157, Pl. XX XVII, figs. 7-10. In Trichogloea Herveyi, Cooper’s Island, April, Collins; in gelatinous mass of various algae, in drip from Aquarium outlet, Aug., Collins. Occasionally found in various loose-tissued algae. 4. C. AERUGINEA Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 358; Bornet & Thuret, 1880, p. 157, Pl. XX XVII, figs. 1-6. On rocks, North Shore, mixed with Schizothrix etc., Nov., Hervey. 5. C. crustacea Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 359; Bornet & Thuret, 1876, p. 13, Pl. IV. Spanish Rock, April; on Sargassum, Gravelly Bay, Dec., Hervey. 6. C. conrervicoLa Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 349; Bornet & Thuret, 1876, p. 8, Pl. III. On Cladophora erystallina, Harrington Sound, Collins. 7. C. prtosa Harvey ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 363; Harvey, 1858, p. 106, Pl. XLVIII. C. Common in shallow pools and on flat rocks between tides. 28 COLLINS AND HERVEY. DicHoTHRIX Zanardini. 1. Onrocks; filaments 15-20 u in branches of last order. 1. D. Baueriana. 1. Epiphytic; filaments 20-30 » in branches of last order. 2. D. fucicola. *1, D. Bavertana Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 376. On rocks between tides, North Shore, Oct., Nov., Hervey; Hamilton Harbor, Noy., Collins. Known heretofore only as a fresh water species, but the Bermuda plant is distinctly marine, though agreeing in characters with European and American specimens from fresh water stations. 2. D. Fucicota Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 379; Schizostphon fucicola Kiitzing, 1850-52, p. 18, Pl. LV, fig. II. On various algae forming a mat at the bottom of a pool, Gibbet Island, Hervey. PotyTHRIx Zanardini. P. conymposa Grunow ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, p. 380; P. B.-A., No. 1903; Microcoleus corymbosus Harvey, 1858, p. 109, Pl. XLVIII. B. Common on rocks between tides in quiet water all around the islands. RivuLaria Roth. R. potyotis Bornet & Flahault, 1886a, p. 360; P. B.-A., No. 1904; R. hospita Bornet & Thuret, 1880, p. 168, Pl. XLI. Rocks near high water, South Shore, Feb., April, Collins; grotto, Tucker’s Town, Dec., Hervey. BRACHYTRICHIA Zanardini. B. macuLtans Gomont, 1901, p. 127, Pl. V, figs. 5-7; P. B.-A, No. 2159. Forming a thin film on roots etc. of mangroves between tides, in company with Dichothriz and Calothriz species, Fairyland, Dec., Collins. Originally described from material collected in Siam, this species now makes its second appearance half way round the globe. Famiry CRYPTOGLENACEAE. CrypToGLENA Ehrenberg. C. aMERICcANA B. M. Davis, 1894, p. 101, Pl. XI; P. B.-A., No. 1851. Among Cladophora expansa and other algae, in a brackish pool be- tween Harrington Sound and the North Shore, April, Collins. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 29 Crass CHLOROPHYCEAE. Famity DESMIDIACEAE. CLosTEeRIuM Nitzsch. 1. Apices subacute; median diam. 17-87 yu. 1. C. Leibleinii. 1. Apices obtuse; median diam. 33-50 wu. 2. C. moniliferum. *]. C. Lersiernn Kiitzing ex Ralfs, 1848, p. 167, Pl. XXVIII, fig. 4; Wolle, 1884, p. 46, Pl. VII, figs. 13, 14, 20; G.S. West, 1904, p. 141, Pl. XVI, figs. 9-14; P. B.—A., No. 2061. In small quantity in an artificial reservoir for fresh water, near Spanish Rock, Dec., Hervey. *2. C. MONILIFERUM Ehrenberg ex Ralfs, 1848, p. 166, Pl. XXVIII, fig. 3; Wolle, 1884, p. 45, Pl. VII, fig. 15; G.S. West, 1904, p. 142, PI. XVI, figs. 15-16; P. B.-A., No. 1961. Very abundant in an artificial reservoir for fresh water, near Spanish Rock, Dec., Hervey. CosMARIUM Corda. 1. Uniformly granulate; semi-cell ovate-pyramidal, 51-68 uw wide. 4. C. botrytis. 1. Smooth. Ze 2. Semi-cell semicircular to semielliptic; 34-36 uw broad. 1. C. Cucumis. 2. Semi-cell truncate-pyramidal, 19-30 uw broad. 2. C. granatum. 2. Semi-cell trapezoidal to truncate-pyramidal; about 33 » broad. 3. C. pseudonitidulum. *1. C. Cucumis Corda ex Ralfs, 1848, p. 93, Pl. XV, fig. 2; G. S. West, 1905, p. 152, Pl. LIX, figs. 18-20; P. B.-A., No. 1858. Among Sphagnum in a ditch, Devonshire Marsh, April, Collins. Distributed as C. subcucumis Schmidle, but agreeing better with C. Cucumis. *2. C. GRanatum Brébisson in Ralfs, 1848, p. 96, Pl. XXXII, fig. 6; Wolle, 1884, p. 60, Pl. L, fig. 13; G.S. West, 1905, p. 186, Pl. LXIII, figs. 1-3. Rather scanty, among Oedogonium Itzigsohnii, ditch in Devonshire Marsh, April, Collins. *3. C. PSEUDONITIDULUM Nordstedt, 1873, p. 16, Pl. I, fig. 4; Wolle, 1884, p. 62, Pl. XVIII, fig. 19; G. S. West, 1905, p. 195, Pl. LXIII, fig. 26; P. B.-A., No. 2063. Among various algae in a ditch in South Shore marshes, Sept., Collins. 30 COLLINS AND HERVEY. *4. C. Botrytis Meneghini ex Ralfs, 1848, p. 99, Pl. XVI, fig. 1; Wolle, 1884, p. 74, Pl. XIII, fig. 5; G.S. West, 1911, p. 1, Pl. XCVI, figs. 1, 2, 5-15; P. B.-A., No. 2062. In artificial reservoir for fresh water near Spanish Rock, Dec., Hervey. MESoTAENIUM Nageli. *M. ENDLICHERIANUM Nageli, 1849, p. 109, Pl. VI. B; G. S. West, 1904, p. 56, Pl. IV, figs. 20-21; P. B.-A., No. 1857. Among other algae in a ditch, fresh water or nearly so, Devonshire Marsh, April, Collins. Famity ZYGNEMACEAE. Sprrocyra Link. S. SUBMARINA (Collins) Transeau, 1915, p. 25; S. decimina var. submarina Collins, 1909, p. 110; 1912, p. 72. Ditch in South Shore marshes, Sept., Collins. This was first described as a variety of S. decimina, which it considerably resembles, and it was known from three widely separated stations in New England. The Bermuda material emphasizes the differences from S. decimina; the long cells, up to 8 diam., and the considerably swollen fertile cells; the material from the Elizabeth Islands, Collins, 1912, p. 72, has cells as small as 21 uw diam. Famity VOLVOCACEAE. A Chlamydomonas was found in abundance in the water of an old tank, near Trott’s Pond, Aug., Collins, but we have not been able to determine the species. Famity TETRASPORACEAE. TeTrAspora Link. *T. tuBrica (Roth) Agardh, 1824, p. 188; Collins, 1909, p. 139, fig. 26; Ulva lubrica Roth, 1806, p. 168. On dead leaves in ditch in Devonshire Marsh, Dec., Collins. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 3l Famity PROTOCOCCACEAE. Protococcus Agardh. *P. viripis Agardh, 1824, p. 13; Plewrococcus vulgaris Nigeli, 1849, p. 65, PI. IV. E, fig. 2; Collins, 1909, p. 304, fig. 106. On shady side of trees, walls ete., all over the island; it occurs in similar stations in all temperate regions, and possibly also in tropical. Wille, 1913, p. 3, Pl. I, fig. 1, has pointed out the confusion that has long existed in regard to this species and Plewrococcus vulgaris Meneghini, and by examination of type specimens, cleared up the matter. Cutorocystis Reinhard. C. Count (Wright) Reinhard, 1885, p. 4, Pl. I; Moore, 1900, p. 100, Pl. X; Collins, 1909, p. 148, fig. 35; Chlorochytrium Cohnii Wright, 1877, p. 367, Pl. IV-V. In Ulva Lactuca, Hungry Bay, April, Collins. Spores, apparently the smaller kind, had been formed in some of the cells. Famity SCENEDESMACEAE. Oocystis Nageli. *O. BorGEI Snow, 1903, p. 379, PI. II, fig. VII; Collins, 1909, p. 160. Among Oedogonium Itzigsohnii, in ditch in Devonshire Marsh. SCENEDESMUS Meyen. *S. Buuca (Turp.) Wittrock, Nordstedt & Lagerheim, Alg. Exsicc., No. 1567; Collins, 1909, p. 168; Achnanthes bijuga Turpin, 1828, p. 310, Pl. XIII, fig. 4. Among Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum in an artificial reservoir near Spanish Rock, Dec., Hervey. Famity ULOTHRICHACEAE. GEMINELLA Turpin. G. SCALARIFORMIsS forma marina G. S. West in litt.; P. B.-A., No. 2002. Forming a floating gelatinous mass in an upper tide pool, oe COLLINS AND HERVEY. at the entrance to Hungry Bay, April, Collins. The typical form of this species is a fresh water plant from Barbados, described and figured as Hormospora scalariformis by G. S. West, 1904a, p. 282, PI. CCCCLXIV, figs. 6-7. In the Bermuda plant the cells are some- times longer in proportion to the diameter, and the wall of the fila- ment shows no differentiated portion about the individual cell. It is probable that Hormotrichum bermudianum Harvey is the same plant, but the specimens of the latter cannot be found. Rein, 1873, p. 153, gives this name as Harvey, sp. n. Dr. Mobius has kindly looked for it in the collection at Frankfort, and was unable to find it. Professor Dixon of the University of Dublin tells us that he cannot find it in the Harvey herbarium. The nomen nudum cannot of course stand against West’s name, but it would be of interest to recover the material. SticHococcus Niageli. *S. SUBTILIS (Kiitz.) Klercker, 1896, p. 103; Hazen, 1902, p. 162, Pl. XXI, figs. 10-13; Collins, 1909, p. 191; Ulothrix subtilis Kiitzing, 1845, p. 197. Among other algae, in a ditch in South Shore marshes, Aug., Collins. Straight filaments a few cells long, scattered among Spirogyra, Rhizoclonium ete. Microspora Thuret. 1. Cells thick-walled, 20 » or more diam. 1. M. Wittrockii. 1. Cells thin-walled, 11-14 » diam. 2. M. Willeana. *1. M. Wrirrrockxi (Wille) Lagerheim, 1887, p. 417; Hazen, 1902, p. 172, Pl. XXIII, figs. 5-7; Collins, 1909, p. 193; P. B.-A., No. 2066; Conferva Wittrockii Wille, 1887, p. 461, Pl. XVII, figs. 35— 41. Fresh water pool near Shark’s Hole, Feb., Hervey. *2. MM. Witieana Lagerheim in De Toni, 1889, p. 228; Hazen, 1902, p. 175, Pl. XXIV, figs. 5-7; Collins, 1909, p. 194. Among Oedogonium ete. in ditch in Devonshire Marsh, April, Collins. Famity ULVACEAE. ENTEROMORPHA Link. 1. Cells not in longitudinal series except in the very youngest parts. 2. 1. Cells mostly in longitudinal series. 3. 2. Cells 10-20 uw diam. 6. E. intestinalis. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 33 2. Cells 5-7 u diam. 2. E. minima. 3. Fronds simple or with a few proliferations. 4, 3. Fronds more or less branched. 5. 4. Fronds inflated and flexuous. 5. E. flexuosa. 4. Fronds compressed-filiform. 3. E. marginata. 5. Branches largely monosiphonous. 1. E. plumosa. or Branches not monosiphonous, except occasional proliferations. 4. E. prolifera. 1. E. piumosa Kiitzing, 1848, p. 300, Pl. XX, fig. 1; Collins, 1909, p. 198; Boérgesen, 1913, p. 7; P.B.-A., No. 2065; E. Hopkirkit Vickers, 1908, Pl. V. Rein, as EF. percursa; North Shore, Jan., Gibbet Island, Feb., March, Devonshire Bay, Feb., Harris Bay, March, Hervey; Tucker’s Town, Harrington Sound, Shelly Bay, April, Hungry Bay, May, Inlet, Aug., Collins. The most frequent species of the genus here and quite distinct from our other forms, by the rather large, longitudinally seriate cells, and the many branches of a few series or a single series of cells. Sometimes long, subsimple branches occur, of two series of cells, much resembling E. percursa (Ag.) J. Ag, with which a plant of this kind was identified by Rein. It is the E. plumosa of Bérgesen, the E. Hopkirkii of Vickers, as shown ‘by authentic specimens; whether the plants passing under these names in the North Atlantic are identical with this and with each other may be questioned. If there should prove to be two species, an examination of original specimens would be needed to decide what names to use. 2. E. minima Nageli in Kiitzing, 1849, p. 482; 1856, p. 16, PI. XLIII, fig. 3; Collins, 1909, p. 201; P. B.-A., No. 2005. Grasmere, March, Hervey; on old fish car, Hungry Bay, April, in drip from outlet of aquarium, Agar’s Island, Aug., Collins. 3. KE. mareinata J. G. Agardh, 1842, p. 16; Kiitzing, 1856, p. 15, Pl. XLI, fig. 1; Collins, 1909, p. 202. On old Sargassum, below Flatts Bridge, May, Collins. 4. KE. prouirera (Fl. Dan.) J. G. Agardh, 1882, p. 129, Pl. IV, figs. 103-104; Collins, 1909, p. 202; Ulva prolifera Flora Danica, Vol. V, p. 5, Pl. DCCLXIII, 1782. Rein, as E. compressa. Rein’s specimen is the only one of the species that we have seen from Ber- muda, but it may be not uncommon. Little branched forms might easily be mistaken for E. minima or E. flexuosa, until examined micro- scopically. 5. E. FLexvuosa (Wulf.) J. G. Agardh, 1882, p. 126; Collins, 1909, p. 203; P. B.-A., No. 2004; Conferva flexuosa Wulfen, 1803, p. 15. Miss Peniston; Harrington Sound, Feb., Dec., Devonshire Bay, Feb., 34 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Inlet, March, Hervey; Harrington Sound, April, Collins. In some specimens cells may be found as large as 20» square, but in other parts of the same individual they are of normal dimensions, little over 12 uy. Forma submarina f. nov.; P. B.-A., No. 2161. Natans: frondi- bus inflatis, contortis. Floating; fronds inflated, contorted. In extensive floating mats in brackish water, near old race course, Dec., Collins. 6. E. INTESTINALIS (L.) Grev. forma TENUIS Collins, 1903, p. 23; 1909, p. 205; P. B.-A., No. 2003. In brackish water, South Shore marshes, Aug., Collins. The thickness of the frond, 20-30, is greater than that of the plant on which this form was founded. The latter grew in fresh water, remote from the sea; the present form, growing in brackish water, may be considered as intermediate between the form from fresh water and the typical species growing in the sea. A specimen in the Kemp herb., marked Ulva linza, seems to be typical E. intestinalis, but it is not in good enough condition for certainty. Monostroma Thuret. 1. Frond 25 u thick or less, cells more or less in twos and fours. 1. M. latissimum. 1. Frond 30 » thick or more; cells not in twos or fours. 2. M. orbiculatum. 1. M. natisstmum (Kiitz.) Wittrock, 1866, p. 33, Pl. I, fig. 4; Collins, 1909, p. 211; P. B.-A., No. 1859; Ulva latissema Kiitzing, 1856, p. 7, Pl. XIV. On mangroves just below Flatts Bridge; on Salicornia, Hungry Bay, April, Collins. This plant made its first appearance at Flatts Bridge about the middle of April, 1912, and grew rapidly. None was to be seen at the same station from July to Sep- tember, 1913, nor elsewhere during those months. 2. M. orpicuLatuM Thuret, 1854, p. 388; Wittrock, 1866, p. 37, Pl. II, fig. 6; Collins, 1909, p. 212; Alg. Am.-Bor. Exsice., No. 173. The material collected and distributed by Farlow is all that is recorded for Bermuda. Uxtva Linnaeus. 1. Frond divided into linear lobes. 2. U. fasciata. 1. Frond rounded or of irregular outline. ee Uplbactuca. 1. U. Lactruca L. var. Latisstma (L.) De Candolle, 1805, p. 9; Collins, 1909, p. 215. Rein; Moseley; April, June, Kemp, as U. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 35 latissima; in high pool near Tucker’s Town, April, Collins; in quiet waters elsewhere, but less common than var. rigida. Var. RIGIDA (Ag.) Le Jolis, 1863, p. 38; Collins, 1909, p. 215; P. B.-A., No. 2064; U. rigida Agardh, 1822, p. 410. Rein; Kemp, as U. Lactuca; Tobacco Bay, Grasmere, March, Harrington Sound, July, Hervey; Inlet, Aug., Collins. Rather common both in sheltered and exposed places; sometimes quite near to U. fasciata. 2. U. rascrata Delile, 1813, p. 153, Pl. LVIII, fig. 5; Collins, 1909, p. 216. Miss Wilkinson; Harrington Sound, March, Hervey. Ap- parently not common; not easy to distinguish from forms of U. Lactuca var. rigida, but generally of darker color, especially near the margin of the linear, dentate or crenate lobes; the frond is thicker than in most forms of U. Lactuca, and the cells more elongate verti- cally. ProToDERMA Kiitzing. P. martnuM Reinke, 1889, p. 81; Collins, 1909, p. 217. On pebbles, North Shore near Inlet, Aug., Collins. Probably common everywhere but inconspicuous. Famity CYLINDROCAPSACEAE. CYLINDROCAPSA Reinsch. *C. INVOLUTA Reinsch, 1867, p. 66, Pl. VI, fig. 1; P. B.-A., No. 2067; C. geminella Wolle, 1887, p. 104, Pl. XCI, figs. 1-17; Collins, 1909, p. 222; C. geminella var. minor Hansgirg, 1886, p. 224, fig. 122; Hormospora geminella, Wolle, 1877, p. 140. In artificial reservoir near Spanish Rock, among Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum etc., Feb., Hervey. In explanation of the synonymy just given, we must go into a little detail. The genus Cylindrocapsa and the species C. involuta were founded by Reinsch on vegetative characters only; the fructification was discovered by Cienkowski, described and well figured by him, 1876, p. 560, Pl. TX, figs. 50-65. Wolle, 1877, p. 140, described Hormospora geminella, vegetative characters only; in 1887, p. 104, Cylindrocapsa geminella with description of fructification. Pl. XCI, figs. 1-17 is supposed to represent the latter, but is not very instructive. No reference is made to Hormospora geminella. Hansgirg, 1886,’ p. 223, 7 The date on the first title of the Prodromus is 1886; a second title, intro- ducing a “‘Schlusswort”’ with separate paging, is dated 1888; under C. gemi- nella there is a reference to the author’s ‘‘ Phye. u. algol. Studien, 1887.” 36 COLLINS AND HERVEY. records for Bohemia “C. geminella Wolle (Hormospora geminella Wolle Bull. of the Tor. Bot. Club 1877)” and describes var. minor. The diameter of cells given for the typical C. geminella, 20-24 wu, does not agree with Wolle’s figures, 16-21 » for Hormospora, 14-16 uw for Cylindrocapsa, but are nearer.C. involuta Reinsch, 23-30 yu. Hans- girg’s var. minor is said to be 12-15 y, diam., exceptionally 18-25 uy, in very young filaments 9-12 u, which would certainly include Wolle’s C. geminella. On comparing all the descriptions and figures, we can find no real distinction between C. involuta, C. geminella and C. geminella var. minor; and in the Bermuda material we can match practically every figure. We have therefore used the oldest name. Famity OKEDOGONIACEAE. OEDOGONIUM Link. 1. Oogonium with a whorl of conical projections. 3. O. Itzigsohnii. 1. Oogonium without whorl of projections. 2: 2. Filaments 14-20 uw diam. 1. O. Pringsheimii. 2. Filaments seldom over 12 » diam., usually in stellate clusters. 2. O. consociatum. *1. O. PrinasHEemmit Cramer ex Hirn, 1900, p. 170, Pl. X XVII, fig. 155; Collins, 1909, p. 246; P. B.-A., No. 1861. In ditch in Devon- shire Marsh, April, Collins. *2. QO. consociatum sp. nov. Plate I, figs. 1-4; P. B.-A., No. 2068. Diocum (?), macrandrium; oogonia solitaria, globosa vel depresso-globosa, operculata, rima mediana vel subsuperiore, angusta sed distincta; oospora globosa vel depresso-globosa, oogonium im- plente, membrana laevi; cellula basali depresso-globosa; cellulis vege- tativis plus minusve distincte clavatis. Dioecious (?), macrandrous; oogonia single, globose to depressed- globose, operculate, division median to superior, narrow but distinct; oospore globose to depressed globose, filling the oogonium, membrane smooth; basal cell depressed-globose; vegetative cells more or less distinctly clavate. veg. cell, female, 6-12 (20) » diam., 1-4 diam. long. oog. sh ja 26-28 pu oosp. 26 24-26 uw « THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. ad In an artificial fresh water reservoir near Spanish Rock, Jan., Hervey, Aug., Collins. Type in herb. Collins, No. 7812. The basal cell is depressed-globose, 20-24 u diam., 12-16 uw high; the first cell above is 6-8 w diam., 2-3 diam. long; the filament may continue of the same diameter, or may increase up to 12 y, the cells 1-2 diam. long; occasionally the diam. reaches 20 u, the cells about one diam. long and moniliform; at any point a larger filament may suddenly change to the smaller diameter, a cell of 8-10 u following a cell of 12-20 4. Oogonia were not uncommon, but were very gener- ally abortive; in the few instances where they seemed normal they were regularly globose, and contained a globose oospore, quite filling the oogonium, of orange yellow color. The division of the oogonium was median or slightly higher; no antheridia were seen. The study being made from formalin material, the development of the zoospores could not be followed, but they must have been pro- duced in immense numbers. Cells of Pithophora kewensis were seen, completely covered with zoospores which had affixed themselves, but still retained the spherical form, and were 16-24 wu diam.; the appear- ance was much like that of a filament of Lyngbya covered with Xeno- coccus, as shown in Bornet & Thuret, 1880, Pl. XXVI, fig. 1. The zoospores seemed to secrete some adhesive substance from the cell wall, forming a sort of collar underneath the cell, extending beyond the diameter of the cell, so as to be visible from above as well as from the side. Something similar is seen in Chantransia collopoda Rosen- vinge, 1898, fig. 10, A. As the densely packed zoospores germinate, the host soon becomes indistinguishable, the sporelings forming a bristly mass, to the filaments of which more zoospores attach them- selves, adhering to the young Oedogonium filaments in the same way as to the Pithophora. It seems probable, however, that often the zoospores adhere to each other in a larger or smaller rounded mass; when they germinate the radiating filaments form an echinate body, which is different from anything we find recorded for the genus, except the figures of O. pachyandrium in Wolle, 1887, Pl. LX XIII, figs. 38 and 39. These figures though rude and in no way showing the evolution of the cluster, give a fair idea of the appearance. These masses often contain hundreds, probably thousands of spores, and before germi- nation has much progressed, look like bits of fish roe. In the material of No. 7812 the Pithophora appeared to be fairly smothered by the Oedogonium, many of the cells dead; the greater part of the spores were attached to Oedogonium filaments or to each other; in No. 7368 38 COLLINS AND HERVEY. material the Oedogonium was less abundant, and except a few loose clusters was all on the Pithophora, which was still uninjured; Rhizo- clonium hieroglyphicum was much more common in this material than Pithophora, but was quite free from the Oedogoniwm. The nearest relative would seem to be O. inverswm Wittr., which has capitate cells of approximately the same size, and a broadened basal cell, but has cells uniformly 12-14 » diam., and up to 8 diam. long; rather larger oospores, with quite low division; the basal cell is attached by the flat lower surface, while in O. consociatum the lower surface is convex, resting in the ring by which it is affixed to the host. *3. O. Irzicsonnit De Bary ex Hirn, 1900, p. 177, Pl. XXVIII, fig. 167; Collins, 1912, p. 86; P. B.-A., No. 1860. In ditch, Devon- shire Marsh, April, Collins. Sterile filaments of at least two other species have been found in collections from a roadside pool near Old Ferry Road, Aug., and from a ditch in South Shore marshes, Sept., Collins. Famity CHAETOPHORACEAE. DIPLOCHAETE Collins. D. souiTartA Collins, 1901, p. 242; 1909, p. 278, fig. 99. Occa- sional individuals on Laurencia and other algae, never in any abun- dance. Buastopuysa Reinke. B. ruizopus Reinke, 1889a, p. 27, Pl. XXIII; Borgesen, 1911, p. 151, fiz. 13; 19135p..8, fie. 2; Collins, 1912, p. 99; fig. 125) PB -Ac No: 1905. South Shore, Jan., Hervey; marsh near racecourse, Aug., Collins. At the South Shore in the basal layer of a growth of Sphace- laria tribuloides; at the marsh on Ruppia maritima, among other small algae; in Ulva Lactuca, Harrington Sound, Aug., Collins. PHAEOPHILA Hauck. P. FLORIDEARUM Hauck, 1876, p. 57; 1885, p. 464, fig. 200. Harris Bay, Jan., Hervey. This minute plant occurred among various other algae from a pool, the whole forming a thin, crisp, light green incrus- tation of about the consistency of some thin, encrusting sponge. It THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 39 is probably not uncommon, but is easily overlooked, as it can be found only by microscopic examination. It has been found in small quan- tity in Halymenia bermudensis, Grasmere, March, Hervey. ENDODERMA Lagerheim. 1. Cells mostly irregular. 1. E. viride. 1. Cells mostly cylindrical. 2. E. filiforme. 1. E. vir1DE (Reinke) Lagerheim, 1883, p. 74; Collins, 1909, p. 279; P. B.-A., No. 2006; Entocladia viridis Reinke, 1879, p. 476, Pl. VI, In the cell wall of various algae, common. 2. E. filiforme sp. nov. Filamentis lateraliter vel dichotome ramosis, cellulis vegetativis cylindricis, prope apices circa 2 uw diam., longitudine diametrum pluries superante; inferne ad 6 uw diam., longi- tudine diametrum duplo superante, forma plus minusve irregulari; quavis cellula matura in sporangium mutata, circumscriptione cir- culari supra visa, 6-12 diam., depresso-hemisphaerica lateraliter visa, membrana crassa; prolongatione papilliformi per membranam plantae hopsitis protrusa, mox aperta ad exitum sporarum (?); sporis (?) 2 diam., in cellula paucis; setis, cellulae continuis, haud raro membranam hospitis penetrantibus, basi circa 4 uw diam., mox ad 2 yu attenuatis, neque bulbosis nec constrictis; chromatophora parietali, pyrenoideo unico, magno, munita. Filaments branched laterally or dichotomously; vegetative cells cylindrical, near apex about 2 uw diam. and several diam. long, below up to 6 w diam. and 2 diam long, more or less irregular; any cell of the older portion changing to a sporangium, circular in outline seen from above, 6-124 diam., depressed hemispherical in side view, with thick wall; a small papilla-like extension passing through the wall of the host, then opening to permit the exit of the spores (?); spores about 2 uw diam., few in a cell; bristles continuous with the cell also occasionally passing through the wall of the host, the base about 4 u diam., quickly tapering to 24, no constriction or bulb. In wall of Lyngbya confervoides, Bailey’s Bay, Jan. 18, 1913, Hervey. Type in Collins herbarium, No. 7419a. The older part is not unlike EZ. viridis, but the long, very slender, often quite straight filiform branches distinguish it from that as well as from other species; these branches seem usually to run lengthwise of the host, dividing mostly dichotomously; the older cells increase rapidly in width, and send off many branches at right angles, often 40 COLLINS AND HERVEY. in secund series, passing around the host; in older plants the branching may be quite dense, with no regularity discernible. The wall is very thin in the younger cells, but becomes quite thick in the older; the chromatophore is dense, and nearly or quite covers the wall. Bristles appear to be rare, and those we saw were short, evidently broken off. In the oldest parts of the plant, most of the cells had become sporangia, many of them had emptied, and only one was seen containing spores; these appeared spherical, but no details could be made out from the formalin material. The host has thick, distinctly laminate walls, and the Endoderma seems to push apart the laminae without difficulty; in one case two plants were seen, one outside the other, separated by one of the laminae of the host. In another case a plant was seen quite on the outside of the host wall; in this the cells were quite small and spherical; it seems probable that the lamina of the host under which they grew had peeled off, and the cells took the unusual form on release of the pressure. PRINGSHEIMIA Reinke. P. scutaTa Reinke, 1889a, p. 33, Pl..X XV; Collins, 1909, p. 288, fig. 95. On Wurdemannia, Gibbet Island, Aug., Collins; on Ulva, Harrington Sound, Aug., Collins. MicroTHAMNION Nagel. *M. KurTzIncIANuM Nageli in Kiitzing, 1849, p. 352; Hazen, 1902, p. 191, Pl. XXVI, fig. 1; Pl. XX VII, figs. 2-4; Collins, 1909, p. 294. Among Tetraspora lubrica, on dead leaves in ditch in Devonshire Marsh, Dec., Collins. Urococcus Kiitzing. *U. mnsiGNis (Hass.) Kiitzing, 1849, p. 207; Wolle, 1887, p. 201, Pl. CXXIII, figs. 11-12; Collins, 1909, p. 306; P. B.-A., No. 1862; Haematococcus insignis Hassall, 1845, p. 324, Pl. LXXX, fig. 6. Among Sphagnum in Devonshire Marsh, April, Collins. Guotococcus A. Braun. *G. mucosus A. Braun, 1851, p. 170; Collins, 1909, p. 310, fig. 122. Among Oedogonium ete., in ditch in Devonshire Marsh, April, Collins. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 4] Famity TRENTEPOHLIACEAE. TRENTEPOHLIA Martius. *T. auREA (L.) Martius, 1817, p. 351; Collins, 1909, p. 316; Byssus aureus Linnaeus, 1753, p. 1168. Common on shaded cliffs all over the islands, forming little orange-colored tufts of soft filaments, some- times confluent and covering considerable spaces. Famity CLADOPHORACEAE. CHAETOMORPHA Kiitzing. 1. Filaments under 100 » diam. Pie 1. Filaments over 100 u diam. . 3. 2. Filaments attached, not over 25 u diam. 1. C. minima. 2. Filaments not attached, 40-70 » diam. 2. C. gracilis. 3. Filaments 500 u diam. or more. Ja © crassa: 3. Filaments 400 u diam. or less. 4. 4. Light green; filaments 200-250 uw diam. 4. C. Linum. 4. Dark green; filaments 125-175 yw diam. 3. C. brachygona. 1. C.mimima sp. nov.; Plate I, figs. 5-7; P. B.-A., No. 2007. Filamentis disco affixis, cylindricis vel plus minusve clavatis, 10-20 u diam., ad nodos interdum constrictis; cellulis 2-4 diam. longis, membrana crassa distincte laminata; zoosporis (?) in quavis cellula formatis, per foramine laterale liberatis. Filaments attached by a disk, cylindrical or more or less clavate, 10-20 » diam., nodes sometimes constricted; cells 2-4 diam. long, wall distinctly laminate; zoospores (?) formed in any cell, escaping by a lateral opening in the wall. On fronds of Codiwm, Cladophora ete. The smallest species yet known in this genus; C. californica Collins, P. B.-A., No. 664 was the smallest heretofore known in the attached state, and its filaments average about twice the diameter of the present species; as regards length, the contrast is even more striking, as in C. californica the fronds reach a length of a decimeter, while in C. minima 5 mm. is the longest observed. It was first found growing on the rounded ends of the utricles of Codiwm tomentosum, sometimes singly, sometimes many individuals close together. Being quite imper- 42 COLLINS AND HERVEY. ceptible to the eye, it was noticed only in the examination of the Codium material preserved in formalin, so that nothing can be said as to the characters of the supposed zoospores; everything was how- ever similar to the formation and emission of zoospores in the larger and better known species of Chaetomorpha. Emptied cells were common, sometimes every cell of a filament being fertile, even the basal cell; in one instance a filament consisted of a single cell, which had emptied itself through the small round lateral opening. In the form of the cells, thick laminate wall, dense chromatophore with many pyrenoids, the plant is a microscopic copy of forms like C. Linwm. Rather curiously, it is the only attached form we find in the islands. The type is in the Collins herbarium. 2. C. GRaciLis Kiitzing, 1845, p. 203; 1853, p. 17, Pl. LII, fig. 1 P. B.-A., No. 2162. Hungry Bay, in dense masses, April, Collins. 3. C. BRACHYGONA Harvey, 1858, p. 87, Pl. XLVI. A; Collins, 1909, p. 325. Fish pond, Walsingham, Nov., Hervey, lying loose on the bottom of the pond. 4. C. Linum (Fl. Dan.) Kiitzing, 1845, p. 204; C. aerea forma Iinum Collins, 1909, p. 325; P. B.-A., No. 1863. Conferva Linwm Flora Danica, Vol. V, p. 4, Pl. DCCLXXI, 1782; Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CL. A; Moseley; Rein, as C. geniculata; Hungry Bay, Pool by Moore’s calabash tree, April, Collins; Walsingham, Causeway, Nov., Tucker’s Town, Dec., Hervey. Common and variable. 5. C. crassa (Ag.) Kiitzing, 1845, p. 204; 1853, p. 19, Pl. LIX, fig. 11; P.B.-A., No. 1864; Conferva crassa Agardh, 1824, p. 99. Kemp, as Hormotrichum; Pool near Walsingham, April, Lagoon near Fairyland, Aug., Collins. Not always easily distinguishable from C. Linum; study of the various forms in their natural condition if continued over a considerable time, might lead to considerable re- arrangement. Ruizocionium Kiitzing. 1. Cells rarely under 30 uw diam., wall thick, often lamellate. 2. 1. Cells rarely over 30 u diam., usually 10-25 u. 3. 2. Filaments 50-100 » diam., usually with frequent short branches. 4. R. Hookeri. 2. Filaments 33-44 diam. branching from basal cell only. 5. R. crassipellitum. 3. In fresh or slightly brackish water. 2. RK. hieroglyphicum. 3. In salt water. 4. 4. Cells 20-25 u diam. 3. R. riparium. 4. Cells 10-15 uw diam. 1. R. Kerneri. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 43 1. R. Kernert Stockmayer, 1890, p. 582; Collins, 1909, p. 329. Forming a coating on mangroves, Hungry Bay, April, Collins. *2. R. HIEROGLYPHICUM (Ag.) Kiitzing, 1845, p. 206; Collins, 1909, p. 329; P.B.-A., No. 2009; Conferva hieroglyphica Agardh, 1827, p. 636; Pool in rock by Old Ferry landing, Aug.; ditch in South Shore marshes, Sept., Collins; artificial reservoir near Spanish Rock, Feb., Hervey. Mostly the typical form, but with some var. macro- meres Wittr. 3. R. ripartum (Roth) Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CCXXXVIII; Collins, 1909, p. 327; Conferva riparia Roth, 1806, p. 216; Hungry Bay, April, Collins; Causeway, Nov., Hervey. On mangroves and other objects between tide marks; apparently not very common; mostly the form known as var. implexum (Dillw.) Rosenvinge. 4. R. Hooxert Kiitzing, 1849, p. 383; 1853, p. 21, Pl. LXVII, fig. III; Collins, 1909, p. 330. Shore of Harrington Sound, April; Hungry Bay, May, Collins; Walsingham, Jan., Hervey. A rather coarse species, varying in diameter of filaments from 50 to 100 yu; the same filament is not infrequently double the diameter in one part that it is in another. The branches are mostly short, but have dense chromatophores the same as in the cells of the filament. Beside the localities given, it occurs on the walls of caves along high water mark, and on shaded sides of quarries, and even in reservoirs of quite fresh water. 5. R. crRassipELuitum W. & G. S. West, 1897, p. 35; Collins, 1909, p. 330. In small pools, Ely’s harbor, April, Hervey. CLaDopHoRA Kiitzing. 1. Fresh water. 19. C. fracta. 1. Marine. 2. 2. With distinction of prostrate and erect filaments. 16. C. Howeéei. 2. No distinct prostrate filaments. 3. 3. Forming a low matted expansion. 4, 3. Erect. 5. 4. Filaments 100-150 » diam. throughout. 17. C. repens. 4. Filaments 70-100 » diam. below, 60-80 above. 18. C. frascatii. 5. Main filaments 150 u diam. and upwards. 6. 5. Main filaments seldom reaching 150 yu. 10. 6. Lower cells 10 diam. long or more. 14. C. catenifera. 6. Lower cells less than 10 diam. long. ie 7. Diam. of filaments about the same throughout. 15. C. fuliginosa. 7. Terminal divisions markedly smaller than main axes. 8. 44 COLLINS AND HERVEY. 8. Ramuli clustered. 10. C. fascicularis. 8. Ramuli not clustered. 9. 9. Ultimate ramuli very short, often of a single cell; cells in ramuli ovoid, 1—2 diam. long. 8. C. brachyclona. 9. Ultimate ramuli not extremely short, cylindrical or nearly so. 13. C. utriculosa. 10. Cells generally with a sharp constriction near base. 3. C. constricta. 10. Cells without regular constrictions. ike 11. Fronds floating except at earliest stages. 12. 11. Fronds always attached during active growth. 13. 12. Main filaments 30-60 » diam. 4, C. ecrispula. 12. Main filaments, 100-150 » diam. 7. CC. expansa. 13. Main filaments distinctly angled or flexuous. 14. 13. Main filaments straight or nearly so. 15. 14. Pale yellow-green; cells 6-8 diam. long. 2. C. luteola. 14. Light to bright green; cells 2-6 diam. long. 6. C. flexuosa. 15. Main filaments 60 u diam. or less. 1. C. delicatula. 15. Main filaments 80 u diam. or more. 16. 16. Some branches decumbent, attaching by rhizoids. 5. C. corallicola. 16. No decumbent branches. if 17. Color pale, glossy, substance soft. 9. C. erystallina. 17. Color darker, substance crisp. 18. 18. Cells 38-5 diam. long; ramuli scattered. 11. C. piscinae. 18. Cells mostly 1-2 diam. long; ramuli closer and seriate. 12. C. rigidula. 1. C. peLicatuLa Montagne, 1850, p. 302; Kiitzing, 1856, p. 1, Pl. I, fig. 2; Collins, 1909, p. 337; P. B.-A., No. 2070. Ely’s Harbor, April, Hervey. Some of the plants were young and vigorous, reaching a length of 10 cm.; others were evidently old, the main branches with laminate walls up to 15 u thick, and covered with minute epiphytes; new proliferous growth was very abundant, with delicate, thin walls, and generally like the younger plants. 2. C. LuTEoLa Harvey, 1858, p. 81; Collins, 1909, p. 338. Rein; Merriman in Farlow herb. We have not collected this species, and only these two records exist for Bermuda. 3. C. constricta Collins, 1909a, p. 19, Pl. LX XVIII, figs. 4-5; 1909, p. 339. Hungry Bay, Feb., Hervey. Not over 3 cm. high, while the original material from Jamaica reached a height of 10 cm. The Bermuda plant occasionally sends out a very long, slender rhizoid from one of the lower cells; this has not been seen in the Jamaica material. 4. C. crisputa Vickers, 1905, p. 56; 1908, p. 19, Pl. XVI; Collins, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 45 1909, p. 339; Bérgesen, 1913, p. 24, fig. 15. P. B.-A., No. 2011. Harrington Sound, March, Hervey. To this species we have referred, with some doubt, a form found in floating masses, which agrees in size and length of cells, and in manner of branching, with C. crispula, but does not form contorted, rope-like strands. It seems to us that these may be a later development, and that our plant represents an earlier stage. Similar conditions are well known in species of Rhizoclonium and Chaetomorpha. 5. C. coraiicota Borgesen, 1913, p. 21, figs. 11-12; P. B.-A., No. 2010. Tucker’s Town, Dec., Hervey. Growing matted among old fronds of Bryopsis; the slender rhizoids characteristic of the species are well developed, and occasionally branch. 6. C. FLExuosa (Griff.) Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CCCLIII; Collins, 1909, p. 339; Conferva flexuosa Griffiths in Wyatt, Alg. Danm., No. 227. Gibbet Island, June, Howe; North Shore, Tucker’s Town, April, Inlet, Aug., Collins., A delicate plant but often reaching a length of 2dm. Late in its season it becomes unattached and may be found in large floating masses, in Castle Harbor and similar places. 7. C. ExpaNsA (Mert.) Kiitzing, 1853, p. 27, Phe CBX: tie. 1 Collins, 1909, p. 340; Conferva expansa Mertens in Jiirgens, Algae Aquaticae, Dee. V. Brackish pool between North Shore and Harring- ton Sound, April, Collins. Forming loose floating masses, sometimes pure, sometimes in company with Lyngbya and Enteromorpha. In the latter case the algae form a felted stratum on the surface of the water so firm that the shore birds may be seen in large flocks, walking on it as if it were land, while they pick the small animals living among it. Whether this plant is the same as C. heteronema Kiitz., as described by Bérgesen, 1913, p. 25, may be a question. C. flavescens Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CCXCVIII, Collins, 1909, p. 339, is certainly distinct, but we have not found it here; it seems to be a more northern form. Reinbold, 1893, p. 196, considers Conferva expansa of Jiirgens Alg. Aquat. as distinct from Cladophora fracta forma marina, and refers for details to Farlow, 1881, p. 56; but the C. fracta forma marina of Farlow is a plant of much smaller filaments than the Hauck plant of the same name. We have found a plant in Harrington Sound, that could, without violence, pass for a slender form of C. fracta forma marina of Hauck, but it seems’ to us to fit equally well, if not better, in C. expansa, as We understand it. 8. C. BRacHycLona Montagne in Kiitzing, 1849, p. 394; 1853, p. 27, Pl. XCVI, fig. II; Collins, 1909, p. 344. A single specimen from Miss Peniston, without definite locality, is the only American 46 COLLINS AND HERVEY. record for this Mediterranean plant. The specimen is well developed and characteristic. 9. C. crysTaLtina (Roth) Kiitzing, 1845, p. 213; 1854, p. 4, Pl. XIX, fig. II; ‘Collins, 1909, p. 342; P. B.-A., No. 1865; Conferva erystallina Roth, 1797, p. 196. Rein, as C. glaucescens; Gravelly Bay, Feb., Dec., Hervey; Hungry Bay, April, North Shore, Harring- ton Sound, May, Collins. A handsome plant, soft and silky, growing on rocks on somewhat exposed shores, more commonly and luxuriantly in quiet water, where it sometimes becomes detached and continues growing in the floating state. 10. C. FascicuLaris (Mert.) Kiitzing, 1843, p. 268; Vickers, 1905, p. 56; 1908, p. 18, Pl. XIII; Collins, 1909, p. 345; P. B.-A. No. 2163; Conferva fascicularis Mertens in Agardh, 1824, p. 114. Har- rington Sound, Feb., Hervey. A quite variable species, common from Florida to South America, but found only once in Bermuda. 11. ©. piscinae sp. nov. P.B.-A., No. 2165. Filamentis pri- maris 100 diam.; ramulis ultimis 50; cellularum longitudine diametrum 3-5-plo superante; nodis haud constrictis; cellula ter- minali rotundata vel truncata, longitudine cellulas ceteras non super- ante; ramificatione inferne per dichotomias patentes, distantes, aequales, cellula dichotomias gerente plerumque sed non semper ceteris breviore; ramis superne ramulos distantes, patentes, ferenti- bus; colore laeteviridi; chromatophora laxe reticulata; substantia subcrispa, nec fragili. Main filaments 100 u diam.; ultimate ramuli 50 u; length of cells 3-5 diam., nodes not constricted; terminal cell rounded or truncate, not longer than other cells; branching below by wide, equal, distant forkings, the cell bearing the forking usually but not always shorter than the others; above with distant patent ramuli; color light green; chromatophore a loose network; substance somewhat crisp but not fragile. In an old fishpool at Godet’s Island, Nov. 30, 1915. Type in Collins herbarium, No. 8427. The water in this pool is quite still, the tide having access only by small openings in the wall. The plant formed a loose mass, over one meter in diameter, the lower part caught on coral; the appearance was quite that of a loose Spirogyra. Though crisp to the touch, the fronds collapsed immediately on being taken from the water; the living plant is of a light green color, but this becomes dark in drying. There is some similarity in the characters above to those of the description of C. Macallana Harv., but that is a stouter and stiffer plant, with differ- ent habit. C. patens Kiitz. has cells 4-8 diam. long, larger main fila- THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 47 lents and smaller ramuli than C. piscinae. C. erystallina, the most nearly related Bermuda species, has larger main filaments, smaller and more closely set ramuli, longer cells, more fasciculate habit, softer substance, and does not become dark in drying. 12. ©. rigidula sp. nov. Filamentis primariis cirea 120» diam., secundi ordinis 100», cellulis ultimis 80; cellularum longitudine diametrum 1-2-plo superante; nodis haud constrictis; cellula termi- nali plerumque longiore, interdum ad 3 diam., rotundata vel subacuta; ramificatione prope basin per dichotomias patentes, primo approxi- matas, deinde distantes; ramis partis superioris frondis longis, rectis, ramulos gerentibus fere vel omnino sub angulo recto egredientes, dis- tantes sparsosque inferne, in seriebus secundis prope apicem; colore viridi diluto obscuro; chromatophora subtiliter reticulata, pyrenoi- deos multos, minutos, nitidos monstrante; substantia firma crispaque. Main filaments about 120 u diam., secondary 100 yu, ultimate cells 80 u; length of cells 1-2 diam., nodes not constricted; terminal cell usually longer, sometimes 3 diam., rounded or subacute; branching at base by broad forkings, at first frequent, later distant; branches in upper half of frond long, straight, with ramuli nearly or quite at right angles, distant and scattered below, near the tips in secund series; color rather dull light green; chromatophore a fine network with very many small bright pyrenoids; substance firm and crisp. In a stone tank above the bridge at Fairyland, Dec. 13, 1915. Type in Collins herbarium, No. 8513. Though occurring in a station similar to that of C. piscinae, and in some points resembling the latter, it has seemed to us better to con- sider it a distinct species than to combine the two by too vague a description. C. piscinge, though crisp, promptly collapses when taken from the water, C. rigidula long keeps its shape and stiffness; the distinction is as marked as that between Polysiphonia violacea and P. fastigiata. In C. piscinae the cells are seldom under three or over five diam. long; in C. rigidula they are seldom over two diam., often only one diam. for a good part of the frond; the terminal cell is, however, often three diam. long. In both the ultimate ramuli are patent, often at a right angle; in C. piscinae they are scattered and usually distant, in C. rigidula closer and often in secund series. The differences can hardly be due to the station, as each grew in a stone tank, sea water going in and out with the tide, but with no active current, and no disturbance of the surface. On the other hand it has some resemblance to the plant from Harrington Sound which we distributed, P. B.-A., No. 2014, as C. utriculosa, but is still further 4S COLLINS AND HERVEY. removed from the typical Mediterranean form. In the latter the cells below are 6-8 diam. long, 2-4 diam. above, while in the present species only the terminal cell is usually over 2 diam. long. It seems to us safer to treat it as a new species than to put it in a species whose typical form, at least, is so distinct. 13. C. urricuLosa Kiitzing, 1843, p. 269; 1853, p. 26, Pl. XCIV, fig. I; Collins, 1909, p. 346; P. B.-A., No. 2014. Harrington Sound, Wadsworth, March; same station, Oct., Hervey. A common Medi- terranean and West India species. Wadsworth’s plants are rather more slender than the typical, but otherwise quite the same. The material collected by us in October formed loosely floating masses. evidently a later condition; all branching was wide; the dichotomies in the lower part about 120°, the ramuli, usually quite short, about 90°. 14. C. cATENIFERA Kiitzing, 1849, p. 390; 1853, p. 24, PI. LXXXIIL, fig. I; Collins, 1909, p. 347; P. B.-A., No. 2069. Kemp in herb., as Cladophora sp.?; Howe; Red Bay, St. David’s Island, June, cave at Gravelly Bay, Feb., April, Dingle Bay, March, Hervey. The most striking of our species of the genus, with stout stem and main branches, very long cells, firm lustrous cell wall. Bermuda plants are 10-20 em. high; at Jamaica it sometimes reaches a height of 50 cm. In February only very small plants were found. 15. C. ruticinosa Kiitzing, 1849, p. 415; Collins, 1909, p. 348; P. B.-A., No. 2012. Kemp, St. George’s, unnamed specimen in herb.; Harris Bay, Jan., Apr., Gravelly Bay, Dec., Inlet, Dec., Hervey; Gravelly Bay, Aug., Collins. A coarse species, generally distributed and common; always infested with the fungus Blodgettia Borneti Wright. The combination of the two forms the Blodgettia confervoides Harvey, 1858, p. 48, Pl. XLV. C, 16. C. Hower Collins, 1909a, p. 18, PI. LXXV II, fig. 1; 1909, p. 349. Tide pools, Gibbet Island, June, 1900, Howe. The short, subsimple filaments arise from a dense mass of prostrate filaments, a character found in no other of our species. Gibbet Island is the type, and so far as known, the only, station for the species; so for the pres- ent it may be considered as endemic. 17. C. repens (J. Ag.) Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CCXXXVI; P. B.-A., No. 2071. Conferva repens J. G. Agardh, 1842, p. 18; Aegagropila repens Kiitzing, 1854, p. 15, Pl. LXX, fig. II. Gravelly Bay, Jan., Feb., Hervey. A low, densely matted plant of dark color, not however, with prostrate and erect filaments clearly differentiated. The plant from California distributed under this name as P. B.-A., No. 727 has since proved to be C. trichotoma (Ag.) Kiitz.; the present record is therefore the first for America. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 49 18. C. frascatii sp. nov.; P. B.-A., No. 2164. Humilis, 1-2 em. alta; ramificatione irregulari, inferne plerumque dichotoma, dichotomiis patentibus; superne partim conformi, sed etiam laterali, patente, saepe rectangulari; ramulis ultimis 1—3-cellularibus, prope vel omnino rectangularibus, saepe secundis latere exteriore rami recurvati; cellulis inferne 70-100 uw diam., 2-5 diam. longis, cylin- dricis; ramulorum 60-80 diam., 2-3 diam. longis, leviter inflatis, nodis constrictis; cellula terminali obtusa. Low, 1-2 em. high, branching irregular, below mostly dichotomous, with wide forkings; above partly similar, partly lateral, patent, often at a right angle; ultimate ramuli 1-3-celled, nearly or quite at right angles, often secund on the outer side of a recurved branch. Cells below 70-100 diam., 2-5 diam. long, cylindrical; in the ramuli 60-80 u diam., 2-3 diam. long, somewhat swollen with constricted nodes; terminal cell obtuse. In matted tufts in tide pools near Frascati Hotel, Jan. 11, 1914, A. B. Hervey. Type in Collins herb. Growing in similar places to C. repens, and forming similar matted tufts, but distinct by the smaller dimensions and the lateral, secund, submoniliform ramuli. *19. C. rracta (FI. Dan.) Kiitzing, 18438, p. 263; 1854, p. 10, Pl. L; Collins, 1909, p. 353; P.B.-A., No. 2013. Conferva fracta Flora Danica, Vol. V., Pl. DCCCCXLVI,-1782. Artificial Reservoir of fresh water near Spanish Rock, Dec., Hervey. Some of the material isin a vigorously growing state; some in a hibernating state, cells with thick walls, dense contents, few branches. CLADOPHOROPSIS Borgesen. C. MEMBRANACEA (Ag.) Bérgesen, 1905, p. 288, figs. 8-13; 1913, p. 47, fig. 33; Collins, 1909, p. 362; P. B.-A., No. 1866; Conferva membranacea Agardh, 1824, p. 120. North Shore, Jan., Tucker’s Town, March, Harris Bay, Shelly Bay, April, Hervey; Inlet, May, Hungry Bay, July, Collins. A very common species, forming cushions on rocks, and on and under mangroves; in still pools it is sometimes also in floating masses. PirHopHora Wittrock. *P. KEWENSIS Wittrock, 1877, p. 52, Pl. I, fig. 8; Pl. II, figs. 1-12; Pl. III, figs. 1-9; Pl. IV, figs. 2-11; Pl. V, figs. 9-10; Collins, 1912, p- 98; P. B.-A., No. 2072. With Rhizoclonium ete. in reservoir of fresh water near Spanish Rock, Dec., Hervey. 50 COLLINS AND HERVEY. ANADYOMENE Lamouroux. A. sTELLATA (Wulf.) Agardh, 1822, p. 400; Vickers, 1908, p. 21, Pl. XXI; P. B.-A., No. 1906; A. flabellata Harvey, 1858, p. 49, PI. XLIV. A; Alg. Am.-Bor. Exsice., No. 172; Ulva stellata Wulfen in Jacquin, 1786, p. 351. Common in shallow water everywhere about the islands, and dredged down to 18 m.; in quiet places as large, thin fronds, in exposed places masses of short, irregular, densely packed fronds. Apparently equally common at all times of the year. Aug. 11, 1913, in the cave at Agar’s Island, young plants were found growing on the rocks between tides, forming a continuous coating, the individual plants not over 1 mm. high. In some individuals the lamina was beginning to form, but most of the plants resembled young Cladophora, except that the branching was in one plane. There was a distinct filiform stipe, attached at the base by slender coralloid projections. DiIcTYOSPHAERIA Decaisne. D. ravutosa (Ag.) Decaisne, 1842, p. 32; Bérgesen, 1913, p. 33, figs. 20-22; Collins, 1909, p. 367, fig. 137; P. B.-A., No. 2015; Valonia favulosa Agardh, 1822, p. 432. Harrington Sound, Farlow; South Shore, Jan., Feb., Hervey; Hungry Bay, Tucker’s Town, April, Reef, Ely’s Harbor, Aug., Collins. Grows both in sheltered and in exposed stations, perhaps more generally in the latter. Famity GOMONTIACEAE. Gomontta Bornet & Flahault. G. potyrHiza (Lagerheim) Bornet & Flahault, 1888a, p. 164; 1889, p. CLVIII, Pl. VI-VII; Collins, 1909, p. 370, fig. 135; Codiolum poly- rhizum Lagerheim, 1885, p. 22. Common in dead shells of mollusks along the shore, giving them a more or less deep grass-green color. Famity VALONIACEAE. VaLoniaA Ginnani. 1. Fronds bullate, unbranched. 1. V. ventricosa. 1. Fronds branched. 2. 2. Branches in whorls. 4. V.pachynema. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. Si 2. Branches not whorled. oe 3. Cells spherical, ovoid or pyriform. 2. V.macrophysa. 3. Cells cylindrical to clavate. 3. V. utricularis. 1. V. ventRIcosa J. G. Agardh, 1886, p. 96; Vickers, 1905, p. 56; 1908, p. 21, Pl. XXIII. A; Collins, 1909, p. 373; Bérgesen, 1913, p. 27, fig. 16. July, Kemp; Gravelly Bay, Aug., Collins. At Gravelly Bay this plant was washed ashore; the plants were 1-3 cm. diam., smooth and glassy, spherical or slightly ovoid. Murray states that it is sometimes as large as a hen’s egg. 2. V. MACROPHYSA Kiitzing, 1843, p. 307; 1856, p. 30, PI. LXXXVII, fig. I; P. B.-A., No. 1867; V. fie eae Alg. Am.-Bor. Exsice., No. 171, not of Agardh. Rian Sound, Walsingham, Jan., Tucker’s Town, Dec., Hervey; pool near Moore’s calabash tree, Ducking Stool, April, Ely’s Harbor, July, Gravelly Bay, Gibbet Island, Aug., Fairyland, Nov., Collins. Grows usually in dense masses sometimes as large as a man’s head; the individual plants are only loosely attached, and are easily separable; under water it usually shows a very brilliant iridescence. The turgor in the living cell is considerable; when the cell is punctured by a dissecting needle, it sends out a fine stream which may reach a distance of a meter or more. 3. V. UTRICULARIS (Roth) Agardh, 1822, p. 431; Collins, 1909, p. 373; Conferva utricularis Roth, 1797, p. 160, Pl. I, fig. 1. Dredged in 18 meters, Hamilton Harbor, Dec., Collins. Forma crustTacEa Kuckuck, 1907, p. 180; Bérgesen, 1913, p. 30, figs. 17-18; P. B.-A., No. 2074. The typical V. utricularis is rather loosely branched, but in forma crustacea the cells form a dense mass, and might be mistaken for one of the solid-fronded species of Dictyo- sphaeria, but under the microscope it is easily distinguished by the dif- ferent manner of attachment of the cells. It has some resemblance to V. macrophysa, but the cells are smaller, closely adherent and more elongate. It appears to be a form of shallow water, forming dense masses, as well in the quiet water at Grasmere as on the reefs, always awash, at Ely’s Harbor. 4. V. pacuyneMa (Martens) Weber, 1913, p. 61; V. confervoides ® Harvey, Alg. Ceylon, No. 73; J. G. Agardh, 1886, p. 100; Collins, 1909, p. 373; Bryopsis pachynema Martens, 1866, p. 24, PLAY aig. 2. Miss Wilkinson. 8 Mme. Weber calls attention to the fact that Valonia confervoides was nomen nudum until 1886; hence V. pachynema has priority. BZ COLLINS AND HERVEY. ErnopesMis Borgesen. E. VERTICILLATA (Kiitz.) Borgesen, 1912, p. 259, figs. 10-12; 1913, p. 66, figs. 51-54. P. B.-A., No. 1907; Valonia verticillata Kiitzing, 1849, p. 508; Collins, 1909, p. 373. Kemp, April, St. George’s, unnamed specimen in herb.; Castle Harbor, Farlow; Harrington Sound, 3-10 dm., June, Howe; cave by Gravelly Bay, April, tidal stream, Hungry Bay, July, Collins. Generally grows in dense masses of crisp fronds, but easily separable. SIPHONOCLADUS Schmitz. 1. Primary cell long, erect; substance soft. 1. S. tropicus. 1. Primary cell short; substance firm. 2. S. rigidus. 1. §S. Tropicus (Crouan) J. G. Agardh, 1886, p. 105; Bdérgesen, 1913, p. 61, figs. 44-51; Collins, 1909, p. 374; Vickers, 1908, p. 20, Pl. XVIII; Apjohnia tropica Crouan in Mazé & Schramm, 1870-— 77, p. 105. Harris Bay, in pools, a few individuals only, Feb., Hervey. 2. S. R1cIpus Howe, 1905, p. 244, Pl. XII, fig. 1; Pl. XIV; Col- lins, 1909, p. 374, fig. 1389; P. B.-A., No. 2169. On flat rock at low water mark, Agar’s Island, Dec., Collins. PETROSIPHON Howe. P. ADHAERENS Howe, 1905, p. 248, Pl. XV; Collins, 1909, p. 375; P. B.-A., No. 2073. Forming a closely attached crust in pools at Harris Bay, March, Hervey. STRUVEA Sonder. S. ramosa Dickie, 1874a, p. 316; Murray & Boodle, 1888, p. 280, Pl. XVI, fig. 3; Collins, 1909, p. 377. This species was described from specimens collected by Moseley with the Challenger Expedition; there is no record of it since, either here or elsewhere. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 53 Famity DASYCLADACEAE. ACETABULARIA Lamouroux. A. CRENULATA Lamouroux, 1816, p. 249; Harvey, 1858, p. 40, Pl. XLII. A; Collins, 1909, p. 378, fig. 131; P.B.-A., No. 1908. St. George’s, Kemp; Achilles Bay, June, Harrington Sound, Oct., Hervey; Fairyland, July, Harrington Sound, Aug., Collins. Com- mon, at least during summer and autumn, on rocks and pebbles in shallow water, also brought up by dredge from about 5 meters off Spanish Point. Ripe aplanospores were found in plants from Fairy- land, distributed as P. B.-A., No. 1908. At this station it covers the bottom in patches many meters square, just below the low water level. AcICULARIA d’Archiac. A. ScHENcKI (M6b.) Solms, 1895, p. 33, Pl. ITI, figs. 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15; Collins, 1909, p. 380; Acetabularia Schenckii Mobius, 1889, p. 318, Pl. X, figs. 8-12. Hungry Bay, in the tidal stream under the man- groves, June, Howe. Resembling Acetabularia crenulata, but with disk usually smaller, stipe shorter and stouter. It probably occurs in other stations, but has been overlooked on account of its resemblance to the more common plant. NeEomeERIs Lamouroux. N. annuLaTa Dickie, 1874, p. 198; Howe, 1909, p. 87, Pl. I, fig. 2; Collins, 1909, p. 382, fig. 143; P. B.-A., No. 1909; Borgesen, 1913, p. 71, figs. 55-57; N. Kelleri Vickers, 1908, p. 28, Pl. XLVI. In shallow water on rock and especially on small stones, and dredged in 18 meters. Faxon; Miss Wilkinson; White Island, June, Howe; Ely’s Harbor, July, Harrington Sound, Aug., Collins; Harrington Sound, Oct., Nov., Hervey. Probably to be found in quiet shallow water everywhere in the islands; other species of Neomeris, equally common in the West Indies, have not been noticed here. DasycLabus Agardh. D. CLAVAEFORMIS (Roth) Agardh, 1828, p. 16; Collins, 1909, p. 383; P. B.-A., No. 1868; Conferva clavaeformis Roth, 1806, p. 315. Cooper’s 54 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Island, April, Collins; Pink Bay, Spanish Point, March, Hervey. In habit much like Batophora Oerstedi var. occidentalis, but growing in more sheltered places. Batopuora J. G. Agardh. B. Orrstep1 J. G. Agardh. 1854, p. 108; Collins, 1909, p. 383, fig. 145; Borgesen, 1913, p. 73, fig. 58; P. B.-A., No. 1910. Fairy- land, July, with ripe aplanospores, Collins. Var. OCCIDENTALIS (Hary.) Howe, 1905a, p. 579; Collins, 1909, p. 384; P. B.-A., No. 2016; Dasycladus occidentalis Harvey, 1858, p. 38, Pl. XLI. B. Rein; Spanish Point, June, Howe; Shelly Bay. Dec., Hervey. A condensed form, growing in more exposed localities. Famity CODIACEAE. Coprtum Stackhouse. 1. Prostrate. 1. C. intertextum. 1. Erect. 2. 2. All divisions contracted at base, enlarging upwards. 4. C. isthmocladum. 2. No distinct contractions at base of divisions. ay 3. Peripheral utricles 100-150 » diam., exceptionally 200 wp. 2. C. tomentosum. 3. Peripheral utricles rarely under 300 nu. 3. C. decorticatum. 1. C. intertextum sp. nov.; P. B.-A., 2018. Fronde prostrata, tereti vel complanata, saxo arcte adhaerente, apicibus autem vulgo liberis; ramis brevibus, irregularibus, stratum subcontinuum for- mantibus, strato interiore siphonum dense implicatorum strato corticali cincto, utriculorum longorum, cylindricorum vel subclava- torum, apicibus truncatis, subrotundatisve, diam. 70-904; colore atroviridi; substantia subfirma, nec maxime gelatinosa. Frond prostrate, subterete or flattened, closely adherent to the rock, but with tips usually free; with short, irregular branches, forming an almost continuous coating. Interior layer of densely packed, slender tubes, surrounded by a cortical layer of long, cylindrical or somewhat clavate utricles, with truncate or somewhat rounded ends, 70-90 u diam. Color dark green, substance rather firm, not specially gelati- nous. Forming a continuous belt a few dm. wide on upright or THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 55 sloping rocks, at low water mark; Harrington Sound, Castle Harbor, ete. In habit somewhat resembling C. adhaerens and C. difforme, but the frond in these is continuous, with margin entire or lobed; in C. interteztum the frond is narrow and branching, the branches being so densely set as to make an almost continuous coating, one branch often over another. The utricles are of much the same size and shape as in C. adhaerens, but the structure of the latter is dorsiventral, the utricles on the upper side only, the lower, adherent surface consisting of the slender tubes, which in C. intertextum form a central layer, surrounded on all sides by the utricles, rarely the middle part of the under surface without the utricles. C. repens Crouan, also a prostrate species, has utricles even larger than C. tomentosum, of the order of size of C. decorticatum; its branching is not as dense as that of C. intertextum, being more like that of C. tomentosum, but without the erect habit. The utricles vary somewhat in shape and size, as in all species of the genus, but the long, slender shape, the end either sharply truncate or slightly capitate, is distinct from the shape in all other American species except C. adhaerens. ‘Type 7070 in Collins her- barium, from Tucker’s Town, April 25, 1912. Also from Ely’s Harbor, July, Gibbet Island, Sept., Collins; Gravelly Bay, Dec., Hervey. All records of C. adhaerens for Bermuda probably belong here. 2. C. TomMENTosUM (Huds.) Stackhouse, 1795, p. 21, Pl. VII; Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. XCIII; Collins, 1909, p. 388; P. B.-A., No. 1869; Conferva tomentosa Hudson, 1762, p. 480. Tucker, No. 4, 1856; Tucker’s Town, Farlow; Kemp in herb; Moseley; Buildings Bay, Harrington Sound, Shelly Bay, March, Hervey; Hungry Bay, April, Ely’s Harbor, Aug., Collins. Rather common about the islands; sporangia found in May. 3. C. pEcortTIcATUM (Woodw.) Howe, 1911, p. 494; P. B.-A., No. 2017; C. elongatum Vickers, 1908, p. 22, Pl. XXVII; Collins, 1909, p. 388; Ulva decorticata Woodward, 1797, p. 55. Faxon; Miss Peniston; Harrington Sound, April, Aug., St. David’s Island, April, Cooper’s Island, Gibbet Island, Aug., Collins. Very variable in habit and size, but usually less densely branched than C. tomentosum, the branches often quite virgate; usually compressed more or less at or below the axils. But there are often cases when the two species are indistinguishable by external characters; the size of the utricles must then determine; in C. tomentosum 100-150 w diam. rarely to 200 uw; in C. decorticatum 300-400 » diam. rarely to 200. There has 56 COLLINS AND HERVEY. been some question as to whether the distinction between these two species should be based on the size of the utricles, or on the presence or absence of compression; the matter is fully discussed by Bornet, 1892, p. 216. We have adopted the former plan. It must be kept in mind that in actively growing plants or parts of plants, small and immature utricles occur among those of normal size. C. decorticatum sometimes grows to a large size; one plant which we found growing below low water mark in Harrington Sound was nearly a meter long and over 10 cm. wide in the expanded part; it was the largest alga we have seen in Bermuda, except possibly some Sargassum. It is un- fortunate that the rather appropriate name of elongatum should have to be replaced by the quite inappropriate decorticatum, but as shown by Howe, it seems inevitable. Var. clavatum var. nov. Fronde habitu formam cylindricam C, decorticatt. approximante, sed substantiae firmioris, vix gelatinosa, colore laete viridi; utriculis forma multo variantibus; aliis cylindricis vel leviter clavatis, 80 X 480 uy; aliis 500 longis, sursum dilatatis ad caput subsphaericum 145 diam.; aliorum inflatione terminali ad 200 » diam., a parte subeylindrica minus distincta; aliis obcam- panulatis, 650 uw longis, 350 uw diam., apice spatio brevi paullo latiori- bus; aliis turbinatis, 640 u longis, apice 470 4 diam.; inter omnes, formis intermediis. Habit that of a rather densely branched cylindrical C. decorticatum, but of quite firm substance, hardly gelatinous, color light green. Utricles very variable in form; some cyclindrical or slightly clavate, 80 < 4804; some 500 y long, increasing in size upward to 1124, then with a subspherical head 145 diam.; in others the capitate swelling up to 200 diam., but less sharply marked off from the subeyclindrical part, 120 u diam.; others inverted bell-shape, 650 u long, 350 » diam., somewhat wider for a short space at the truncate top; others turbinate, 640 uw long, 470 uw wide at top; with all inter- mediate gradations. The largest utricle observed was 980 uv long, 480 4 diam. The plant is so firm in texture that it does not collapse when taken from the water; but when dried it is thin and papery. Sporangia ovoid, largest at the middle, obtuse at each end; sporangia apparently not mature, 160 X 64u, 275 X 105 yu, 280 X 1004; mature sporangia, packed with spherical spores about 12 diam., 190 X 100 y, 240 X 120 u. Type specimen, from stone wall at Inlet, by Frascati Hotel, Dec. 20, 1912, Hervey, No. 7322 in Collins herb. Also at Devonshire Bay, Gravelly Bay, Feb., Causeway, March, Hervey. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. Sf 4, C.1stTamMocLaDvM Vickers, 1905, p. 57; 1908, p. 23, Pl. XXVIII; Collins, 1909, p. 388. Shelly and Gravelly Bays, March, Hervey. Probably not uncommon, resembling a condensed form of C. tomento- sum, but with the divisions more or less contracted at the base, gradually increasing in diameter to the next forking. The utricles are larger than in C. tomentosum, approaching the size in C. decorti- catum. AVRAINVILLEA Decaisne. 1. Filaments distinctly moniliform. 1. A. nigricans. 1. Filaments nearly or quite cylindrical. 2. A. longicaulis. 1. A. NieRICANS Decaisne, 1842, p. 96; Howe, 1907, p. 508, PI. XXVIII, figs. 8-25; Collins, 1909, p. 390. Walsingham, Feb., Harris Bay, April, Hervey; Inlet, Cooper’s Island, Aug., Collins. Very variable, from small, delicate plants to coarse, heavy and unsightly ones. Var. FuLVA Howe in P. B.-A., No. 1480; Collins, 1909, p. 390; P. B.-A., No. 2171. Stouter, coarser, with less difference between stipe and flabellum; color more yellowish than in the type. 2. A. LONGICAULIS (Kiitz.) Murray & Boodle, 1889, p. 70, as to name only; Collins, 1909, p. 391; P. B.-A., No. 2170; Rhipilia longi- caulis Kiitzing, 1858, p. 13, Pl. XXVIII, fig. 2. Walsingham, Feb., Mangrove Bay, Feb., Harrington Sound, Nov., Inlet, Dec., Hervey; Fairyland, Dec., Collins. Growing in company with A. nigricans, from which it is frequently indistinguishable, except that the fila- ments of the latter show distinctly moniliform on microscopic exami- nation, while those of A. longicaulis are nearly or quite cylindrical. The name is a somewhat unfortunate result of following the rules of botanical nomenclature; the authors of the binomial used it for a different plant, A. nigricans. Rhipilia longicaulis, from which it derives its specific name, is according to the type specimen the present species, while the description and figure given by Kiitzing belong better to a third species, A. sordida Murray & Boodle. The arguments in favor of the name used here are found in Howe, 1907, p. 509; those in favor of preferring A. Mazei Murray & Boodle in Gepp, 1911, p. 27; a later summation will be found in Howe, 1911, p. 133. PENIcILLUS Lamarck. 1. Surface of stipe smooth. 1. P. capitatus. 1. Surface of stipe rough. 2. P. pyriformis. 58 COLLINS AND HERVEY. 1. P. capiratus Lamarck, 1813, p. 299; Harvey, 1858, p. 45, Pl. XLII. B; Collins, 1909, p. 392; P. B.-A., No. 1911. Kemp, specimen in herb.; Rein; Moseley; Wadsworth, No. 75; Tucker’s Town, Farlow; Hungry Bay, June, Howe; Gravelly Bay, March, Mangrove Bay, Feb., Harris Bay, Oct., Nov., Inlet, Dec., Hervey; Cooper’s Island, April, Jew’s Bay, July, Ely’s Harbor, Inlet, Hungry Bay, Aug., Collins. Common practically everywhere in shallow water and dredged down to 10 m. Forma ELONGATUS (Dene.) Gepp, 1911, p. 83, figs. 166-167; P. B.-A., No. 1912; P. elongatus Decaisne, 1842, p. 97 (reprint). Jew’s Bay, July, Harrington Sound, Mangrove Lake, Aug., Collins. A form with long stipe, pyriform head, filaments stouter than in the typical form, in company with which it grows, the two shading into each other. Forma Laxus Borgesen, 1913, p. 98, fig. 80. Walsingham, Feb., Hervey. A form with long and slender stipe, head more or less irregular in form, filaments loose and slender. In the specimens which we identify with this form the branching of the stipe is not unusual, each division having a head of the normal shape for this form. 2: BP. pyrmormis Gepp, 1905; p:. 1; PE CeCCLXVIIIy her 1. Collins, 1909, p. 393; P. B.-A., No. 2075. June, Howe; Feb., Far- low; Harris Bay, Jan., Oct., Dec., Inlet, Dec., Hervey. Often grow- ing with P. capitatus, but less common. Upotea Lamouroux. 1. Whole flabellum with a stony coating. 2. U. flabellum. 1. Flabellum flexible, individual filaments encrusted. 1. U. conglutinata. 1. U. conatutinata (Soland.) Lamouroux, 1816, p. 312; Howe, 1909, p. 96, Pl. II, Pl. VIII, figs. 1-13; Collins, 1909, p. 395; P. B.-A., No. 1913; Corallina conglutinata Solander in Ellis & Solander, 1786, p. 125, Pl. XXV, fig. 7. Rein; Kemp; South Beach by Paget, Feb., Farlow; Harris Bay, Jan., Feb., March, Nov., Hervey. In tide pools, a small form only; dredged in 10 meters by the Challenger Expedition. 2. U. FLABELLUM (Ell. & Sol.) Howe, 1904, p. 94; Gepp, 1911, p. 131, Pl. III, figs. 26-28; Collins, 1909, p. 395; P. B.-A., No. 1914; Corallina flabellum Ellis & Solander, 1786, p. 124, Pl. XXIV. Rein; Kemp; Tucker, No. 23; Walsingham, Farlow; many stations, Hervey, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 59 Collins. Grows practically everywhere in shallow water, varying much in size, texture, outline, etc. Some forms are rounded and entire, wider than broad; some plane, others folded longitudinally; some cuneate and much divided, some consisting of a few linear laciniae from the top of the stipe, the laciniae up to 3 dm. long and less than 1 em. wide. All pass gradually into each other, so that varietal or form names are useless. Hauimepsa Lamouroux. 1. All segments except those bearing branches cylindrical. 4. H. Monile. 1. Most segments ovoid or flattened, not cylindrical. Zs 2. Segments distinctly ribbed. 3. H. tridens. 2. Segments indistinctly or not at all ribbed. 3. 3. Segments strongly calcified, firm, thick. 2. H. simulans. 3. Segments lightly calcified, flexible, thin. I, He shuns: 1. H. Tuna (Ell. & Sol.) Lamouroux, 1812, p. 186; Collins, 1909, p. 400; P. B.-A., No. 1918; Corallina Tuna Ellis & Solander, 1786, p. 111, Pl. XX, fig.e. Kemp; Moseley; Walsingham, Farlow; Howe; Harrington Sound, Jan., Inlet, Dec., Harris Bay, Dec., Hervey; cave, Agar’s Island, Aug., Hamilton Harbor, dredged in 5 meters. Dec., Collins. Not uncommon, but less frequent than H. tridens and H. Monile. Our H. Tuna'seems all to belong to forma typica Barton, 1901 pd, Pl. fT, fie. T. 2. H. smmutans Howe, 1907, p..503, Pl. XXIX; Collins, 1909, p. 401; P. B.-A., No. 1916. Tucker’s Town, Dec., Hervey. Found only in this one locality and in small quantity. Its segments have the outline of those of H. Tuna, but are thicker and more calcified. 3. H. TRIDENS (Ell. & Sol.) Lamouroux, 1812, p. 186; Harvey, 1858, p. 24, Pl. XLIV. C; Collins, 1909, p. 398; P. B.-A., No. 1917; Corallina tridens Ellis & Solander, 1786, p. 109, Pl. 20, fig. a. Rein; Moseley, as H. incrassata; Walsingham, Farlow; many stations, Collins and Hervey, dredged down to 18 meters. Common nearly everywhere and very variable. Of the various varieties and forms to which names have been given, we have Forma typica (Barton) Collins, 1909, p. 398; H. incrassata forma typica Barton, 1901, p. 27, Pl. IV, fig. 39. A stout, stony form, with lower joints short, more or less adherent, upper joints three-ribbed or three-lobed. Forma TRIPARTITA (Barton) Collins, 1909, p. 399; H. incrassata forma tripartita Barton, 1901, p. 27, Pl. IV, fig. 43. A more slender ' 60 COLLINS AND HERVEY. form, less branched, the lower joints longer, the upper joints ending in three cylindrical lobes. Forma GraciLis Bérgesen, 1913, p. 111, fig. 89. Joints small, sub- circular in outline, not strongly calcified. These forms all pass into each other. Bérgesen considers H. Monile and H. simulans also as forms of this species, and it may be that he is right as to the former, but the differences between these two, and the three forms that we consider to belong to H. tridens, are greater than the differences among the latter. Gepp and Bérgesen prefer the name H. incrassata to H. tridens; the case for the former is stated by Bor- gesen, 1911, p. 136, that for H. tridens by Howe, 1907, p. 501. 4. H. Monte (Ell. & Sol.) Lamouroux, 1812, p. 186; Collins, 1909, p. 399; P. B.-A., No. 1915; H. incrassata forma monilis Barton, 1901, p. 27, Pl. IV, fig. 40; Corallina monilis Ellis & Solander, 1786, p. 110, Pl. XX, fig. c. Inlet, Jan., Oct., Dec., Bailey’s Bay, Jan., Walsingham, Nov., Tucker’s Town, Dec., Hervey; Hungry Bay, April, Collins. Rather common; the forms recognized by Bérgesen both occur here. Forma RosustA Borgesen, 1913, p. 113, fig. 90. Densely branched, the upper joints cylindrical, the lower tripartite and sometimes resem- bling the upper joints of H. tridens forma tripartita. Forma CYLINDRICA Borgesen, 1913, p. 113, fig. 91. Less branched, the joints nearly all cylindrical. Famity BRYOPSIDACEAE. Bryopsis Lamouroux. 1. Ramuli distichous. 2. B. pennata. 1. Ramuli not distichous. 2. 2. Main branches virgate, with very slender ramuli. 3. B. Duchassaingii. 2. Outline pyramidal, branching of several orders, no sharp distinction between branches and ramuli. 1. B.hypnoides. 1. B. HypnorpEs Lamouroux, 1809, p. 333; 1809b, p. 135, PI. I, fig. 2, a & b; Collins, 1909, p. 403. Harrington Sound, Jan., Feb., April, Walsingham, March, Hervey; Kemp, May, as B. plumosa, in part; cave by Gravelly Bay, April, Collins. Forma PROLONGATA J. G. Agardh, 1886, p. 28; P. B.-A., No. 1870; B. hypnoides Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CXTX. Harrington Sound, May, Dec., Collins; Old Ferry, April, Hervey. 2. B. Ducuassarine J. G. Agardh, 1854, p. 107; Collins, 1909, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 61 p. 403; Trichosolen antillarum Montagne, 1860, p. 171, Pl. XI. C. Kemp; Harrington Sound, March, Hervey. Var. filicina var. nov. Frondis circumscriptione late vel anguste lanceolata; axi primario non diviso; axibus secundariis approximatis, aequidistantibus, saepe oppositis, a basi ramulis tenuissimis aequilongis dense obsitis. Outline of frond broadly to narrowly lanceolate; main axis not divided; secondary axes closely and uniformly set, often opposite, densely beset from the base with very fine ramuli of equal length. Near Flatts bridge, Feb., Hervey. Type in Collins herb. The habit of this variety is strikingly different from that of typical B. Duchassaingii, and the very regular pinnate branching makes it a beautiful object; but in a genus where there is so much variation within each species, it is hardly safe to consider this a distinct species. 3. B. PennatTa Lamouroux, 1809, p. 1383; 1809b, p. 134, Pl. III, fig. 1; Collins, 1909, p. 405; P. B.-A., No. 1871. Rein, as B. plumosa; Kemp, as B. plumosa, in part, B. hypnoides, in part. In Collins, 1909, B. pennata, B. Leprieurti and B. Harveyana were kept distinct, chiefly on the judgment of Miss Vickers, who was familiar with them at Barbados. Since then we have examined some 200 specimens of Bryopsis of Miss Vickers’ collecting, and some hundreds of specimens from Bermuda, and we have come to the conclusion that while typical examples of these three are quite distinct, intermediate forms are more common, and specific distinction is impracticable. So far we agree with Borgesen, 1911, p. 145, and 1913, p. 117, but we cannot agree with him in placing them all under B. plumosa (Huds.) Ag. The normal form of B. pennata seems to be a long, simple rachis, with short, distichous ramuli of uniform length, giving a linear outline to the frond. In B. plumosa the rachis bears lateral branches, increasing in length from the apex to the base, so as to give a triangular outline, usually broadly triangular, to the frond. Each of the branches has a similar triangular outline. There is much variation in luxuriance of branching, but in examining a considerable series of B. plumosa from northern Europe and America, to the Mediterranean on one side, to North Carolina on the other, we have seen nothing like the linear form. Among the abundant material from Barbados and Bermuda we have found no plants with repeated triangular outline of the frond and its divisions. We recognize the same varieties as Bérgesen, but place them under B. pennata, the oldest name for the distinctly linear forms. The species and its varieties are to be found almost everywhere in the islands, but one must expect more intermediate than typical forms; moreover old plants become denuded, and present many puzzles. 62 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Var. secunda (Harv.) comb. nov.; B. plumosa var. secunda Harvey, 1858, p. 31, Pl. XLV. A, figs. 1-3; B. Harveyana Collins, 1909, p. 405. This variety shows a certain dorsiventral arrangement, the ramuli on both edges of the rachis curving towards each other on one side. Var. Leprieurii (Kiitz.) comb. nov.; B. Leprieurii Kiitzing, 1849, p. 490; 1856, p. 27, Pl. LX XV, fig. 2; Collins, 1909, p. 404. In this variety the ramuli are in short secund series, separated by short vacant spaces. Famity DERBESIACEAE. DERBESIA Solier. 1. Filaments 100-600 » diam. 3. D. Lamourouxii. 1. Filaments less than 100 » diam. DP 2. Filaments 40-50. diam., dichotomously branched. 1. D. vaucheriaeformis. 2. Filaments 50-70 diam., simple or with short lateral branches. 2. D. marina. 1. D. vAUCHERIAEFORMIS (Harv.) J. G. Agardh, 1886, p. 34; Collins, 1909, p. 406; D. tenuissima Farlow, 1881, p. 60, Pl. IV, fig. 4; Chlorodesmis vaucheriaeformis Harvey, 1858, p. 30, Pl. XL. D. On Dictyopteris Justii, Gravelly Bay, Aug., Collins. With sporangia. 2. D.martna (Lyng.) Kjellman, 1883, p. 16; Collins, 1909, p. 407; Vaucheria marina Lyngbye, 1819, p. 79, Pl. XXII. On Acantho- phora spicifera, Hungry Bay, May, Collins. With sporangia. 3. D. LamMovrovuxii (J. Ag.) Solier, 1847, p. 162, Pl. IX, figs. 18- 30; Collins, 1909, p. 407; P. B.-A., No. 2168; Bryopsis Balbisiana var. Lamourouxu J. G. Agardh, 1842, p. 18. Castle Harbor, near landing at Tucker’s Town, March, Hervey. The fronds are much stouter than in the two other species of the genus, sometimes simple, sometimes with a few irregular tufts of ramuli. Old and denuded plants of Bryopsis have some resemblance to it, but always show the scars of fallen ramuli. Famity CAULERPACEAE. CAULERPA Lamouroux. 1. Stolon and fronds filiform, without distinct ramuli. 1. C. fastigiata. 1. Stolon and fronds different in character. Zz. 2. Fronds very slender, ramuli whorled, near the summit. 3. 2. Fronds stouter, ramuli not in distinct whorls. 4, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 63 3. Fronds not over 1 cm. high, stolon and base of frond hairy. 2. C. pusilla. 3. Fronds to 5 em. high, hairs wanting or few. 3. C. verticillata. 4. Fronds flat or with ramuli in one plane. oe 4. Ramuli not in one plane. 8. 5. Frond flat, entire or with proliferations. 4. C. prolifera. 5. Frond pinnate. 6. 6. Pinnules flat. 5. C. crassifolia. 6. Pinnules cylindrical or compressed. Ue 7. Pinnules narrowed at base and tapering to tip. 6. C. taxifolia. 7. Pinnules at base somewhat larger than at the curved and mucronate tip. 7. C. sertularioides. 8. Ramuli peltate. 8. C. peltata. 8. Ramuli not peltate. 9. 9. Ramuli varying from long-clavate to spherical-pedicellate. 9. C. racemosa. 9. Ramuli short, of various form, the lowest always rostriform. 10. C. cupressoides. 1. C. rastierata Montagne, 1838, p. 19, Pl. II, fig. 3; Collins, 1909, p. 411. Dingle Bay, March, Hervey; Hungry Bay, April, Collins. Fine, Vaucheria-like tufts or mats on mangroves and other objects near low water mark. The Hungry Bay material seems to be the floating form known as var. confervoides Crouan. 2. C. pusitua (Kiitz.) J. G. Agardh, 1872, p. 6; Weber, 1898, p. 266, Pl. XX, fig. 6; Vickers, 1908, p. 25, Pl. XXXVIII; Collins, 1909, p. 412; P. B.-A., No. 2019. Stephanocoelium pusillum Kiitzing, 1847, p. 54. Tide pool, Harris Bay, Oct., Nov., Hervey. The branching stolon creeps over the loose sand etc., on the bottom of the pool, forming with other small algae a thin but firm turf, which has to be forcibly torn apart to show the character of the plant. The ramuli are in two or three whorls; in the Bermuda plants these whorls are more closely set than in the forms figured by Mme. Weber and Miss Vickers, and can often be distinguished only by dissection. 3. C. VERTICILLATA J. G. Agardh, 1848, p. 6; Weber, 1898, p. 267, Pl. XX, figs. 7-10; Collins, 1909, p. 412; Bérgesen, 1907, p. 355, figs. 1-3; 1913, p. 121, figs. 95, 96. St. George’s, April, Hervey. 4. C. PROLIFERA (Forsk.) Lamouroux, 1809, p. 332; Weber, 1898, p. 278, Pl. XXII, fig. 1; Collins, 1909, p. 413; P. B.-A., No. 1872; Fucus proliferus Forskal, 1775, p. 163. Rein; Kemp; Walsingham, Farlow; Walsingham, April, Hervey; Pool by Moore’s calabash tree, April, Somerset Bridge, July, Ely’s reef, July, Collins. Typical form, passing into Forma opovata J. G. Agardh, 1872, p. 11; Bérgesen, 1907, p. 359, 64 COLLINS AND HERVEY. fig. 4; 1913, p. 127, fig. 100; Collins, 1909, p. 413; with broad, little proliferous fronds. Forma ZOSTERIFOLIA Boérgesen, 1907, p. 359, fig. 6; 1913, p. 127, fig. 101; Collins, 1909, p. 413; with narrow, proliferous fronds; Fairyland, Dec., Collins. 5. C. crassiroiia (Ag.) J. G. Agardh, 1872, p. 18. Typical C. crassifolia has not been found here; forma laxior is common, and is apparently a well marked endemic form, not having been reported elsewhere; forma mexicana is the common form of Florida and the West Indies, and though not rare in Bermuda is less common than forma laxior. Forma LAxtor (Weber) Collins, 1909, p. 413; P. B.-A., No. 1919; C. pinnata forma laxior Weber, 1898, p. 291; C. crassifolia var. mexi- cana Alg. Am. Bor. Exsicc., No. 170. Walsingham, April, Hervey; Hungry Bay, Tuckertown, Gravelly Bay, Pool by Moore’s calabash tree, Cliff pool, April, Harrington Sound, May, Collins. Forma MEXICANA (Sond.) J. G. Agardh, 1872, p. 13; Collins, 1909, p. 413; C. mexicana Sonder in Kiitzing, 1849, p. 496; Harvey, 1858, p- 16, Pl. XX XVII. A; Gibbet Island, Bailey’s Bay, Jan., Hervey. The form from Cliff Pool deserves special notice; Cliff Pool is a name we have used for a small but deep pool, near the SW. corner of Harrington Sound, between Tucker’s Bay and Green Bay. It has a steep cliff on the side towards the sea; on the other side it is near the Sound, but separated from it by land considerably above its level. It evidently has underground connection with the Sound, the water rising and falling somewhat with the tide. On the surface of this pool, in April and May, 1912, was a floating mass of algae, chiefly C. crassifolia, C. racemosa and C. sertularioides. The stolons floated on the surface, the fronds extending beside them, the tapering rhi- zoids hanging straight down, sometimes reaching a length of 2 dm., reminding one of the roots of a Lemna or Spirodela, on a larger scale. Borgesen, 1907, p. 344, classifies the Caulerpas under three types. (1) The epiphytic or mud-collecting Cauperpas. (2) The sand and mud Caulerpas. (3) Rock and coral-reef Caulerpas. These three types are represented in Bermuda, and we can now add a fourth, the floating Caulerpas. Evidently this form can occur only at a station with considerable depth of water, not reached by surf, sheltered from winds, and with no current. Specimens collected here in May have been distributed as P. B.-A., Nos. 1873 and 2021. The station was revisited in August, 1913, but only a few bleached individuals were found; apparently the plants could not endure the intense heat of the midsummer sun. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 65 6. C. raxiroura (Vahl) Agardh, 1822, p. 435; Weber, 1898, p. 292; Borgesen, 1907, p. 363, figs. 9-10; 1913, p. 181, figs. 104-105; Collins, 1909, p. 414; Fucus taxifolius Vahl, 1802, p. 36. Farlow; Walsing- ham, a single plant, Hervey. Apparently rare, but may have been mistaken for the commoner C. crassifolia or C. sertularioides, from both of which it can be distinguished by the opposite, sickle-shaped, narrow pinnules, with contracted base. 7. CC. SERTULARIOIDES (Gmel.) Howe, 1905a, p. 576; Collins, 1909, p. 414; Fucus sertularioides Gmelin, 1768, p. 151, Pl. XV, fig. 4. Forma LONGISETA (J. Ag.) Svedelius, 1906, p. 114, fig. 10; Collins, 1909, p. 415; P. B.—-A., No. 1873; C. plumaris forma longiseta Weber, 1898, p. 295. Harrington Sound, Oct., Hervey; Cliff Pool, April, Collins. Forma BREVIPES (J. Ag.) Svedelius, 1906, p. 114, fig. 7; Collins, 1909, p. 415; C. plumaris forma brevipes Weber, 1898, p. 294. Wal- singham, March, Hervey; Ely’s Harbor, July, Collins. 8. C. peLTaTA (Turn.) Lamouroux, 1809, p. 332; 1809c, p. 145, PI. III, fig. 2; Weber, 1898, p. 373, Pl. XX XI, figs. 9-11; Collins, 1909, p. 421; Fucus chemnitzia var. peltatus Turner,.1819, p.8, Pl. CC. Faxon, a single quite typical specimen; Bethel’s Island, Dec., Collins. 9. C. RAcEMosa (Forsk.) J. G. Agardh, 1872, p. 35; Weber, 1898, p. 357, Pl. XXXII, figs. 5-8; XXXII, figs. 1-7; Collins, 1909, p. 419; Fucus racemosus Forskil, 1775, p. 191. A very variable species, with no acknowledged typical form, apart from the many forms and varieties into which it has been divided. It is uncertain to which of these should be referred the C. clavifera of Rein and Moseley. Var. CLAVIFERA (Turn.) Weber, 1898, p. 361: Vickers, 1908, p. 28, Pl. XLV; Collins, 1909, p. 420; Fucus clanfer Turner, 1808, Pl. LXXVII. Harrington Sound, March, Wadsworth, No. 71; Hamil- ton, Farlow; these are the only records of the typical form of this ~ variety, but forms between this and vars. wvifera and laetevirens are not uncommon. Var. UVIFERA (Turn.) J. G. Agardh, 1872, p. 35; Weber, 1898, p. 363, Pl. XX XIII, figs. 6-7; Collins, 1909, p. 420; P. B.-A., No. 2022. Fucus uvifer Turner, 1819, Pl. CCX XX; Gravelly Bay, Feb., Hervey. Var. OCCIDENTALIS (J. Ag.) Bérgesen, 1907, p. 379, figs. 28-29; 1913, p. 152, fig. 124; Collins, 1909, p. 420; P. B.-A., No. 2021. C. chemnitzia var. occidentalis J. G. Agardh, 1872, p. 37; Walsingham, Jan., March, Tucker’s Town, Feb., Dec., Hervey; Cliff Pool, Hungry Bay, April, Hamilton Harbor, dredged down to 18 meters, Dec., Collins. Agrees well with Borgesen’s description and figures, and with 66 COLLINS AND HERVEY. the plant distributed as W. N. & L., No. 1586. The Cliff Pool plants have mostly more distant ramuli, but some individuals are quite typical. At Hungry Bay a form was found in which the ramuli were produced on one side of the frond only; not secund in the usual sense, as they were not in a single series, but were placed, apparently irregu- larly, on one semi-cylinder of the axis, the other being naked. Var. LAETEVIRENS (Mont.) Weber, 1898, p. 366, Pl. XX XIII, figs. 8, 16-22; Bérgesen, 1907, p. 386, fig. 30; 1913, p. 154, fig. 125; Col- lins, 1909, p. 420; P. B.-A., No. 2020. C. laetevirens Montagne, 1842, p. 16. Kemp, in herb.; Wadsworth, No. 70; Walsingham, March, Hervey; Tucker’s Town, April, Cooper’s Island, Aug., Collins. 10. C. cuprEessoIpDEs (Vahl) Agardh, 1822, p. 441; Weber, 1898, p. 323; Collins, 1909, p. 416; Fucus cupressoides Vahl, 1802, p. 29. A species containing many forms, all intergrading, once held to be distinct species. Var. Typica Weber, 1898, p. 326; Bérgesen, 1907, p. 368, figs. 14-16; 1913, p. 137, figs. 109-111. South Beach, Paget, Farlow. Var. MAMILLOSA (Mont.) Weber, 1898, p. 332, Pl. XX XVIII, figs. 2-7; Collins, 1909, p. 417;. Alg. Am.-Bor. Exsicc., No. 96; P. B.-A., No. 1920; Caulerpa mamillosa Montagne, 1842, p. 13. Outer reef, Ely’s Harbor, July, Somerset Bridge, July, Gravelly Bay, Aug., Collins. At Gravelly Bay it grew exposed to the waves, the stolon adhering firmly to the rock and covered with sand, so that only the short fronds were visible, often only the tips. Var. ERICIFOLIA (Turn.) Weber, 1898, p. 335; Collins, 1909, p. 417; Fucus ericifolius Turner, 1808, p. 124, Pl. LVI, “found at Bermuda Islands, Herb. Banks.” Kemp, in herb. as C. ericifolia; Gravelly Bay, Aug., Collins. A few plants at Gravelly Bay, among var. mamillosa, distinguished by the cylindrical ramuli. C. Ashmeadii Harvey, is recorded in Collins, 1909, p. 414, as occur- ring at Bermuda. We have not been able to confirm this record, and as we have not ourselves found this species, we do not include it in the present work. Famity VAUCHERIACEAE. VaucHeErRIA DC. *V. SPHAEROSPORA Nordstedt, 1878, p. 177, Pl. II, figs. 7-8; Collins, 1909, p. 429. In “Millbrook”? Dec., Collins, with oogonia and antheridia. This species has been found in Greenland, Denmark, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 67 Sweden and Great Britain, and also in Uruguay. The Bermuda plant is dioecious, agreeing in that respect with the South American form; in Europe the species is monoecious. Another Vaucheria was found at Hungry Bay, Collins, but being sterile could not be specifi- cally determined. DIcHOTOMOSIPHON Ernst. D. PusILuus Collins, 1909, p. 431; P. B.-A., No. 2023. Bailey’s Bay, Jan., Harrington Sound, March, Inlet, March, Hervey; Shelly Bay, Hungry Bay, April, Collins. Apparently common, forming dark green or almost black mats on rocks, Udotea ete., or loose floating felts. At Bailey’s Bay it was found with filaments 50 » diam.; the normal diam. does not exceed 30 u. In the material from Harrington Sound, the contents of the filaments is often divided into sections, approximately as long as their diameter, separated by a narrow trans- parent space in a plane at right angles with the axis of the filament. This may be preliminary to the formation of spores of some sort, but no more advanced stage was seen. Famity CHARACEAE. Cuara Agardh. *C. eyMNnopus var. Berteror A. Braun, 1882, p. 195. Pembroke Marshes, Jan., Farlow. The specimen in the Farlow herbarium was characterized by Nordstedt, in litt., as “forma tenuior” which we understand to be merely descriptive, not a name. 6S COLLINS AND HERVEY. CLtass PHAEOPHYCEAE. Famity ECTOCARPACEAE. PYLAIELLA Bory. P. FULVESCENS (Schousboe) Bornet, 1889, p. 5, Pl. I; P. B.-A., No. 2076; Conferva fulvescens Schousboe ms ex Bornet. On sand-covered rocks by lighthouse, St. David’s Island, May, 1913, Hervey. The plant agrees fully with Bornet’s figure as to form and dimension of horizontal filaments and sporangia; the erect filaments are in part simple, as figured by Bornet, in part like those figured by Sauvageau, 1896a, fig. 1, being recurved near the tips, and bearing numerous longer or shorter branches, mostly on the outer side of the curve. The unilocular sporangia are rare, but well developed. P. Hooper, Barbados, Miss Vickers, seems hardly distinct. In comparing the description of P. fulvescens by Bornet with that of Pylaiella sp. (Ectocarpus Hoopert Crouan) on the following page, the chief dis- tinctive character of the latter would seem to be the Rhizoclonium- like ramuli near the base; such ramuli were occasionally seen in the Bermuda plant, but were not at all abundant. Ectocarpus Lyngbye. 1. Lower part of frond endophytic. 2. 1. Not endophytic. 3. 2. Only slightly endophytic, in Dictyopteris Justii; largely free; pluri- locular sporangia cylindrical. 8. E. luteolus. 2. Mostly endophytic, in Halymenia; plurilocular sporangia ovoid. 9. E. parasiticus. 3. Erect filaments arising from prostrate, branching filaments. 4. 3. No distinct prostrate filaments. oe 4. Erect filaments with plurilocular sporangia near base, no other branch- ing. 7. E. elachistaeformis. 4. Erect filaments freely branched, bearing sporangia throughout. 9. 5. Plurilocular sporangia seriate on upper side of branches, near base. 6. 5. Plurilocular sporangia variously placed, not seriate. 8. 6. Plurilocular sporangia cylindrical. 3. E. Mitchellae. 6. Plurilocular sporangia ovoid to conical. iG THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 69 7. Branching irregular, branches patent. 4. KE. coniferus. 7. Branches subsecund, ramuli long, pectinate. 5. E. Sandrianus. 8. Plurilocular sporangia fusiform, unilocular unknown. 1. E. confervoides. 8. Plurilocular sporangia short-conical, unilocular ovoid or subspherical. 2. KE. siliculosus forma arctus. 9. Plurilocular sporangia variable, always blunt or truncate. 6. E. Duchassaingianus. 9. Plurilocular sporangia acute. 10. E. Rallsiae. 1. E. conrervoIDEs (Roth) Le Jolis, 1863, p. 75; Kuckuck, 1891, p. 19, fig. 3; Ceramium confervoides Roth, 1797, p. 151. Floating, Gibbet Island, March, Hervey. Somewhat variable, but mostly of the typical form. 2. E. stzicutosus (Dillw.) Lyng. forma arctus (Kiitz.) Kuckuck, 1891, p. 18; P. B.-A., No. 1922; Ectocarpus arctus Kiitzing, 1843, p. 289; Corticularia arcta Kiitzing, 1855, p. 23, Pl. LX XX, fig. II. On sand covered rocks, below low water mark, Gibbet Island, March, Harris Bay, April, Hervey; floating, Tucker’s Town, April, Harring- ton Sound, May, Collins. E. acanthoides Vickers, Barbados, No. 95, seems to be the same plant. We have not found in Bermuda the typical form of E. siliculosus, which is common on both sides of the North Atlantic. Sa He MircHEErAm Harvey, 1852, p. 142, PL XI. G; Po Bea, No. 1921; E. virescens Thuret in Sauvageau, 1896, p. 18 of reprint. Harris Bay, Heron Bay, Jan., St. David’s Island, Feb., Harrington Sound, Shelly Bay, March, Hervey; Shelly Bay, Harrington Sound, Cooper’s Island, April, Collins. A common species, growing on corals, larger algae, aquatic phanerogams, and on submerged twigs of live Tamarisk. Plurilocular fruit apparently always abundant, mega- sporangia and meiosporangia in about equal numbers. The former have not been recorded for the Atlantic coast of North America, where the species is common, but were found in California, and dis- tributed as P. B.-A., No. 671. When growing on any hard substance, rhizoidal growth is usually insignificant; on Castagnea, Helmintho- cladia etc., the rhizoids are strongly developed, penetrating well into the tissue of the host. 4. E. contrerus Borgesen, 1914, p. 164, figs. 131-132. Shelly Bay, April. Hervey, among FE. Mitchellae. This species was quite recently described from the Danish West Indies, and its occurrence at Bermuda is of interest, indicating that it may be found at other stations in the Atlantic. 70 COLLINS AND HERVEY. 5. E.Sanprianus Zanardini, 1843, p. 41; 1865, p. 143, Pl. LX XIV. B; E. elegans Thuret in Le Jolis, 1863, p. 77, Pl. I, fig. 1-2; not of Menegh. Shelly Bay, Jan., St. David’s Island, Feb., Hervey; with plurilocular sporangia. In both cases mixed with other species of Ectocarpus; this mixture of species of Ectocarpus is quite com- mon and sometimes perplexing. It is the rule rather than the excep- tion. 6. E. DucHassaincianus Grunow, 1867, p. 45, Pl. IV, fig. 1; Vickers, 1905, p. 59; 1908, Pl. XX VII; Bérgesen, 1914, p. 159, figs. 127-128; P.B.-A., No. 2077. Major’s Bay, March, Hervey. On sticks and twigs, outlet of aquarium, Agar’s Island, Aug., Collins. The Major’s Bay plant agrees with Bérgesen’s description and figures, and with a specimen of Miss Vickers, Barbados, No. 89. The plant from the aquarium outlet differs in the absence of hairs, and in the greater variability of form of the plurilocular sporangia. These are often exactly like Bérgesen’s figures, but in other instances the eylindri- cal or clavate body of the sporangium has a shortly acuminate or subulate apex; the same occurs in Miss Vickers specimen. Unilocu- lar sporangia were not seen. The cells were all very densely packed, and it was only in the youngest that the irregularly rounded disks of the chromatophores could be seen. Though there were no hairs, the branches often ended in a long simple filament, 10-14 4 diam., with longer cells than in the rest of the plant, but all were well supplied with chromatophores. The sporangia were sometimes sessile, oftener on a short pedicel, occasionally terminating a branch, as shown in Borgesen’s fig. 128e. The cell bearing a sporangium was usually distinctly shorter than the adjacent cells, as in E. indicus Sonder, as noted by Mme. Weber, 1913, p. 129, fig. 34. We are inclined to agree with Bérgesen that EL. Duchassiangus may be merely a form of E. indicus, but for the present it seems better to retain the former name. The station where this plant occurred is a peculiar one; the salt water outlet of the aquarium is well up in the rock at the shore of the island; the water runs down into the sea, stalks of grass and other objects reached by it being covered by a dense coating of various kinds of algae, Enteromorpha predominating, but also other Chlorophyceae and several Myxophyceae; the variations of this material from the type may be due in some way to the exceptional conditions. 7. EE, ELACHISTAEFORMIS Heydrich, 1892, p. 470, Pl. XXV, fig. 14; Borgesen, 1914, p. 174, fig. 187. On Codiwm decorticatum, Cooper’s Island, Aug., on Galaxaura squalida & Helminthodadia Calvadosii, St. David’s Island, April, Collins. The form reported by Bérgesen THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. vi differs somewhat from the typical, but not enough to raise any ques- tion as to identity. Our form comes nearer to the type from New Guinea. The only marked difference is in the basal portion of the plant growing on Codium. When growing on Sargassum it formed a more or less definite basal layer, from which short rhizoids issued, entering the host. On the Codium there is no definite basal layer, but a compact bundle of irregular rhizoidal filaments, narrower than the assimilating filaments, with few chromatophores, and cells up to 10 diam. long. The lower ends of these rhizoids separate more or less, and spread among the utricles of the host. This difference is explainable by the difference in structure of the hosts. On the Gala- xaura the rhizoids are less conspicuous. Plurilocular sporangia, simi- lar to those figured by Heydrich, were abundant. 8. E. LuTEOLUS Sauvageau, 1892, p. 25, Pl. II, figs. 14-19. On Dictyopteris Justii, South Shore, Aug., Collins. The lower part of the frond inhabits the tissue of the host; the upper part forms a fine down on the surface. 9. KE. PARASITICUS Sauvageau, 1892, p. 28, Pl. III, figs. 20-23; Streblonema parasiticum (Sauv.) De Toni, 1895, p. 575. In Haly- menia pseudofloresia, Jan., Hervey. Mostly endophytic; the plants from Maine, distributed as P. B.-A., No. 1337, were chiefly external, the difference being probably due to the firmer tissue of the host in the latter case, Cystoclonium purpurascens. 10. E. Rauustar Vickers, 1905, p. 59; 1908, Pl. XXXII; Borge- sen, 1914, p. 169, fig. 1383; P. B.-A., No. 2172. On Helminthocladia calvadosii, Old Ferry, April, Hervey. The main filaments are occa- sionally stouter than in the Barbados and St. Thomas material, up to 40 » diam., but usually not over 30 yu, in lesser divisions down to 20 yp, in hairs to 10. There is a system of descending filaments, irregular and twisted, but otherwise like the erect filaments, extending for quite a distance in the tissues of the host; plurilocular sporangia agree in form, dimensions and position with Bérgesen’s figure. STREBLONEMA Derbés & Solier. S. SPHAERICUM Derbés & Solier in Castagne, 1851, p. 100; Sauva- geau, 1897, p. 18, figs. 2-3 (of reprint); Kuckuck, 1899, p. 28, figs. 6-7. In Castagnea Zosterae, Cooper’s Island, April, Collins. With uni- and plurilocular sporangia; generally in company with Myrio- trichia, which it much resembles. “J bo COLLINS AND HERVEY. AscocycLus Magnus. A. ORBICULARIS (J. Ag.) Magnus, 1874, p. 73; P. B.-A., No. 1878; Myrionema orbiculare J. G. Agardh, 1848, p. 48. On marine phanero- gams in shallow water, Cooper’s Island, April, Collins. Probably elsewhere, but easily overlooked. Famity SPHACELARIACEAE. SPHACELARIA Lyngbye. 1. Propagula with broad body. De 1. Propagula slender, branching. Be 2. Filaments mostly 30-40 u diam.; lateral cell of propagulum not divided. 3. S. tribuloides. 2. Filaments mostly 55-75 uw diam.; lateral cell of propagulum divided into two. 4. S. novae-hollandiae. 3. Propagulum with three rays from summit of pedicel. 2. SS. fusca. 3. Propagulum with two rays from summit of pedicel. 1. S. furcigera. 1. S. rurcicERA Kiitzing, 1855, p. 27, Pl. CX; Sauvageau, 1901,° p. 145, fig. 35. On small spider crab, Hungry Bay, July, on floating Turbinaria, Dec., Collins; with propagula. 2. S. Fusca (Huds.) Agardh, 1828, p. 28; Sauvageau, 1902, p. 206, fig. 43; Conferva fusca Hudson, 1798, p. 602. Spanish Rock, April, Hervey, with propagula. 3. S. TRIBULOIDES Meneghini, 1840, p. 2; Sauvageau, 1901, p. 123, figs. 28-29; P. B.-A., No. 1923. Not uncommon in shallow rock pools and on various submerged substances. In pools, South Shore, Far- low; Harris Bay, Feb., March, Dec., Gravelly Bay, Jan., Hervey; on Galaxaura, St. David’s, April, Collins. Found once on twigs of Tamarisk that drooped into the water of Harrington Sound. Propa- gula common; no sporangia seen. 4. §$. NOVAE-HOLLANDIAE Sonder, 1845, p. 50; Sauvageau, 1901, p. 137, fig. 33. In small quantity, among S. tribuloides, Spanish Rock, 9 In references to this work, the page given is that of the completed and separate issue; the date, however, is that of the original publication in the Journal de Botanique. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. io Harris Bay, March, Hervey. The species is a native of Australia, but has been found at Martinique and at Barbados; in both these places it was in company with S. tribuloides, as at Bermuda. It is a stouter plant than the latter, and the technical difference, though not striking, seems to be constant. Famity ENCOELIACEAE. CoLPOMENIA Derbés & Solier. C. stnuosa (Roth) Derbés & Solier, 1856, p. 11, Pl. XXII, figs. 18- 20; Boérgesen, 1914, p. 176, fig. 138; P. B.-A., No. 2024; Ulva sinuosa Roth, 1806, p. 327, Pl. XII, fig. 2. Rein; Moseley; Kemp, as Aspero- coccus sinuosus; Gibbet Island, Tucker’s Town, Gravelly Bay, Har- rington Sound, Feb., Hungry Bay, April, Hervey. Very common from Feb. to April, disappearing entirely in July and August, and at least the first part of September. On exposed shores it forms a nearly continuous coating, firmly adherent to the rock; in quiet water, such as the tidal stream at Hungry Bay, it takes the form of sub- spherical vesicles, up to 20 cm. diam. HyprociatTurus Bory. H. canceLLatus Bory, 1825, p. 419; Vickers, 1908, Pl. XXIII; Borgesen, 1914, p. 177, fig. 139; P. B.-A., No. 2078. Spanish Rock, March, April, Hervey. Apparently not common. ScyTosipHon Agardh. S. Lomentaria (Lyng.) J. G. Agardh, 1848, p. 126; P. B.-A., No. 2079; Chorda Lomentaria Lyngbye, 1819, p. 74, Pl. XVIII. E. Inlet, Feb., Dec., Bailey’s Bay, Jan., Mangrove Bay, Feb., Hervey. Ap- pears to be a plant of winter and early spring, varying in different years as to date of appearance, in some years not appearing at all ata station where it was plenty the year before. It is a rapid grower, and disappears soon after maturity. 74 COLLINS AND HERVEY. RosENVINGIA Borgesen. R. rntricaTa (J. Ag.) Borgesen, 1914, p. 182; P. B.-A., No. 2173; Asperococcus intricatus J. G. Agardh, 1847, p. 7; Striaria intricata Vickers, 1905, p. 59; 1908, p. 41, Pl. XXIV. Harris Bay, Feb., Hervey, with plurilocular sporangia. Famity MYRIOTRICHIACEAE. Myriorricuta Harvey. M. rerens Hauck, 1879, p. 22; Kuckuck, 1899, p. 21, Pl. III (of reprint); P. B.-A., No. 2025; Dichosporangium repens Hauck, 1885, p. 339, fig. 141. In fronds of Castagnea Zosterae, Cooper’s Island, April, Collins. The creeping filaments bear abundant unilocular sporangia; the erect filaments bear each a terminal cluster of pluri- locular sporangia; no unilocular sporangia were seen on the erect filaments. Streblonema sphaericum, with both kinds of sporangia, accompanies the Myriotrichia. As pointed out by Kuckuck, it is practically impossible to distinguish the two species when both bear only unilocular sporangia, as is often the case; the presence of erect filaments in Myriotrichia and their absence in Streblonema is the only distinguishing character. Famity MESOGLOIACEAE. CASTAGNEA Derbés & Solier. C. ZosTERAE (Mohr) Thuret, fide Bérgesen, 1914, p. 184, figs. 144-145; Castagnea mediterranea P. B.-A., No. 1879. Kemp, as Mesogloia vermicularis, M. Griffithsiana and M. Chordariae; Castle Harbor, Bailey’s Bay, March, Wadsworth; Shelly Bay, Jan., Castle Harbor, Feb., Hervey; Cooper’s Island, April, Collins. As _ this plant seems to be the same as that from the Danish West Indies, we provisionally give the same name used by Borgesen. It was distrib- uted by us as C. mediterranea (Kiitz.) Bornet, but is not Cladosiphon mediterraneus Kiitzing, as shown by comparison with an authentic specimen of the latter, for which we are indebted to the kindness of THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 75 Dr. M. A. Howe. It is certainly not C. Zosterae Farlow, 1881, p. 86, Alg. Am.-Bor. Exsice., No. 162, but resembles C. virescens Farlow, 1881, p. 85, Eudesme virescens P. B.-A., No. 33, which is the same as Mesogloia virescens Carmichae] in Wyatt, Alg. Danm., No. 49. Though some writers speak of C. virescens as having a solid axis, C. Zosterae as hollow, for instance Bornet, 1892, p. 236, the statement is true of the former only in the earlier stages. “A section of the frond of a well-developed C. virescens shows a circle of roundish cells around a central cavity”; Farlow, |. c. The description and figure of C. Zosterae Bérgesen, agree with the Bermuda plant. In New England and northern Europe there are two species of Castagnea, which are well distinguished by Farlow as C. virescens and C. Zosterae; the former resembles the Bermuda plant; the latter, quite distinct, is the Myriocladia Zosterae Crouan, Alg. Mar. Finistére, No. 49, and the Castagnea Zosterae of Le Jolis, 1863, p. 85, fide spec. authent.; but it may be open to question whether it is the Mesoglova virescens var. zostericola Harvey, 1846-1851, Pl. LX XXII, of which Harvey says “only differs in being of smaller size, with less compound ramification; there is no microscopic character to distinguish it.” And in the Nereis Bor.-Am., part 1, 1852, p. 127, where he recognizes two species as distinct, he questions the identity of his Mesogloia Zosterae with the species of Lyngbye and Areschoug. His plate X. B, M. virescens, is drawn from a specimen from Sand Key, Florida, to which we will refer later; we do not think it is the MW. virescens of New England and northern Europe. Plate X. A, M. Zosterae, is incorrect and misleading, as pointed out by Farlow. If it should prove that Rivularia Zosterae Mohr, 1810, p. 367, was identical with Nesogloia virescens Carmichael, Castagnea Zosterae would be the proper name for the spring plant of New England and northern Europe, and a new name would be needed for the smaller summer plant now known by that name. As to the identity of C. virescens of New England and northern Europe with the Bermuda plant, we are not now prepared to point out distinctive characters. But the southern plant is usually stouter, less branched, and with a firmer gelatine. For the purpose of comparison we have examined a large number of specimens of Castagnea (or Mesogloia) virescens of northern Europe and New Eng- land, including specimens from Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs. Wyatt, Greville, Harvey, Le Jolis ete.; with very few exceptions they bore unilocular sporangia; none had plurilocular. Of Castagnea (or Myriocladia) Zosterae we have examined a considerable number, including speci- mens from Le Jolis and Crouan, and the No. 162 of Farlow, Anderson 76 COLLINS AND HERVEY. & Eaton; with one exception, sterile, all had plurilocular sporangia, none unilocular. Of the Bermuda plant we have examined many specimens of different ages and from different stations; with the exception of a very few, very young or very old individuals, sterile, all bear both uni- and plurilocular sporangia on the same individual. To add to the confusion, the plant from Florida, distributed as C. mediterranea, P. B.-A., No. 481, when compared with the Bermuda plant now seems to be distinct both from that and from Cladosiphon mediterraneus Kiitz. The peripheral filaments seem to be not so much laterally attached to the external longitudinal filaments as continuations of them or their branches; the basal cell, up to 25 u diam., followed by several similar colorless cells rapidly diminishing to about 12 u diam.; above this begins the peripheral filament proper, with colored cells about 7-9 diam.; this is several times dicho- tomous, the cells, except the few lower ones, spherical, increasing in size up to 15 yu, sometimes to 20 u diam., the filaments strongly in- curved; unilocular sporangia, 70-80 55-60 uw in the lower forkings. The frond does not exceed 10 cm. in height, and has few branches. Harvey’s figure of Mesogloia virescens, 1852, Pl. X. B, was drawn from a plant from Sand Key, Florida, and we have examined two specimens collected by Harvey at that place at that time; they agree with P. B.-A., No. 481, except that they have no fruit. In Harvey’s plate fig. 4 represents quite well the upper part of a peripheral filament of this plant, but is quite different from a filament of C. virescens. We have found only one European specimen agreeing with P. B.-A., No. 481; this is “No. 572, Société dauphinoise, 1882, Cladosiphon mediterraneus Kiitz. (Vidit Bornet, 1882) Portofino (Ligurie orientale) sur les feuilles de Posidonia Caulini. Dr. A. Piccone, Mai, 1876.” This specimen was received by one of us from Dr. Piccone. Sauva- geau, 1897, p. 46, discusses Castagnea, assuming correctly enough that if Castagnea is maintained, Cladosiphon WKiitzing should be divided between Castagnea, Nemacystus ete. But the name Cladosiphon clearly antedates Castagnea, and under the international rules should be retained for C. mediterraneus and its congeners. Eudesme J. G. Agardh seems to have no claim to distinctness from Cladosiphon. We refrain from making any new combinations, in the hope that Kuckuck’s work on the Phaeophyceae may soon appear, and bring order out of the present chaos. ~J “I THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. Famity STILOPHORACEAE. StitopHoraA J. G. Agardh. S. raIzopEs (Ehrh.) J. G. Agardh, var. apriatTica (Ag.) J. G. Agardh, 1848, p. 85; Sporochnus adriaticus Agardh, 1827, p. 646; 1828-35, Pl. XXX. Harrington Sound, April, Hervey, with pluri- locular sporangia. More slender and delicate than the typical S. rhizodes, which is of a more northern range. Famity SPOROCHNACEAE. Sporocunus Agardh. S. Botteanus Montagne in Kiitzing, 1859, p. 33, Pl. LXXXI, fig. II; P. B.-A., No. 2174. Dredged in 22 meters on coral rocks in June, Kemp, as S. pedunculatus; handsome plants with assimila- tive filaments well developed, Castle Island, Miss Wilkinson; a simi- lar plant, Miss Peniston, no data; Gravelly Bay, old plants with mature fruit, washed ashore, Aug., Collins; dredged near Challenger Reef, in 60 meters, Aug., 1903, Bermuda Biological Station. Famity TILOPTERIDACEAE. Heterospora Kuckuck. H. Vipovicni (Meneg.) Kuckuck, 1895, p. 318, Pl. IV, figs. 1-20; Haplospora Vidovichit Bornet, 1891, p. 363, Pl. VIII, figs. 1-5; P. B.-A., No. 2026; LEctocarpus Vidovichit Meneghini in Kiitzing, 1845, p. 233; E. crinitus Hauck, 1885, p. 330, not of Carmichael. Forming rather dense tufts, up to 4 dm. long, on wall of inlet by the Frascati Hotel, March, Hervey, with monosporangia. The occurrence here of a representative of the family Tilopteridaceae is of much interest; barely half a dozen species are known, and all but this one inhabit the colder waters of the Atlantic. H. Vidovichii inhabits the Mediterranean, and this is its first recorded occurrence elsewhere. 78 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Famity FUCACEAE. ASCOPHYLLUM Stackhouse. A. noposum (L.) Le Jolis, 1863, p. 96; Fueus nodosus Linnaeus, 1763, p. 1628; Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CLVIII. Wadsworth, in Farlow herb.; Inlet, Jan., May, Gravelly Bay, Feb., Shelly Bay, March, Hervey; Gravelly Bay, April, Shelly Bay, Bethel’s Island, Dec., Collins. This species is not uncommonly found among the floating algae left by the tide but it has never been found attached, and as it is a conspicuous plant, it is not likely that it has been overlooked. It is common on the American coast from New Jersey to the arctic regions, but rarely reaches to low water mark, and does not grow in places exposed to the full force of the waves. There is no reason to suppose that it grows here in deep water, or on the outer reefs awash with the waves, the only class of localities not well explored. Prof. Sauvageau, to whom we are much indebted for information as to its habits in Europe, writes us “Jamais je n’ai vu l’Ascophyllum dans les stations franchement exposées au choc des vagues, mais toujours dans les stations plus ou moins abritées, par exemple dans les anses rocheuses, dans les petits ports, sur les rochers qui émergent parmi la vase. C’est une plante de mi-marée.” As regards the general question of brown algae washed ashore in places on the Bay of Biscay, where they do not grow, he says, “En résumé, |’ Ascophyllum, rejeté, arrive en trés bon état, fructifié ou non, selon la saison, mais on ne peut dire s'il a flotté trés longtemps, puisqu’il vit sur les rochers 4 une trentaine de kilometres de 1a. L’ Himanthalia est dans le méme cas. Mais le Cystoseira concatenata et le Sargassum vulgare viennent sure- ment de trés loin, et cependant leurs organes reproducteurs sont aptes alafecondation. Les algues brunes, normalment fixées, se conservent trés bien a l'état flottant, beaucoup mieux qu’on le croit generalment. Done, 4 mon avis, il n’est nullement nécessaire que |’ Ascophyllum croisse aux Bermudes pour que vous l’y trouvez rejeté; il peut y arriver en trés bon état, et méme capable de produire des fécondations et des germinations, bien qu’il provienne d’un pays lointain et qu'il ait flotté longtemps.” It seems to us quite unlikely that the plants found at Bermuda could have come from the American coast across the Gulf Stream. The chances are certainly greater for its European origin, and there is good reason to suppose that it forms a portion, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 79 a relatively small portion, to be sure, of the living and floating brown algae of the North Atlantic, which have given a certain district of it the name of the “Sargasso Sea.”’ Bouvier, 1907, p. 35, says “Ca et la, parmi les Sargasses, on rencontre quelques fragments de Fucus nodo- sus, arrachées certainement aux rivages des Canaries, de Madére ou des Acores.” To be sure, Sauvageau, 1907, p. 1084, points out that the Fucus (Ascophyllum) has never been reported growing at the Canaries, Madeira or the Azores; but Bouvier’s erroneous assumption does not invalidate his record of the occurrence of the plant as described. Bérgesen, 1914a, p. 14, note, says “Professor Gran has most kindly communicated me that Ascophyllum was found in the northern part of the Sargasso Sea, and rather abundant.”’ We think it may be concluded that Ascophyllum, the original derivation unknown, continues to live in a floating state among the Sargassum of the North Atlantic in active vegetation, and at least occasionally fruiting. Fucus Linnaeus. F. vestcuLosus Linnaeus, 1763, p. 1636. A single battered but unmistakable fragment was found washed ashore, Hervey. TURBINARIA Lamouroux. T. TRIcosTaTA Barton, 1891, p. 218, Pl. LIV, fig. 3; P. B.-A., No. 1877. Gravelly Bay, Jan., Feb., March, April, Aug., Oct., Nov., Dec., Hervey; Hungry Bay, July, Collins. Except a few plants from near the entrance of Hungry Bay, the only locality we have observed is at Gravelly Bay, where it grows abundantly in pools at low water mark and sometimes higher up. YT. trialata Kiitz., the common species of the West Indies, we have not found, and though the two species have much in common, we have found no plants that would raise any doubt as to their distinctness. Quite young plants were found in August; in these neither alae nor costae had yet been formed. The mature plants, in December and January, are from 10 to 15 em. high; the root is rather slender, much branched, 2-4 em. long; as the plants grow close together, the roots are inter- mixed, but so loosely that individual plants can be separated without difficulty. 80 COLLINS AND HERVEY. SarGassumM Agardh. The Sargassa abound everywhere in warmer water; there have been very many species described, and new ones are continually added to the list; undoubtedly there have been many cases where observers from distant regions have described the same species independently and in good faith; ultimately one of the names must give way to the other. On the other hand more conservative botanists have used the name of a well-known species for a form found at a station distant from the home of the species, and sooner or later the later named form will have to be segregated. Whether mistakes made by too radical or by too conservative treatment are more harmful, will probably remain an open question in botanical as in other matters. In our treatment of the Bermuda species, we find in some of them more or less noticeable differences from the species of the same name elsewhere, and we have given an account of the characters of each of the species we recognize, and have drawn these characters from Bermuda speci- mens, not from descriptions of others. Key to the Species of Sargassum. 1. Always floating, without fruit or basal attachment. 2. 1. Attached, fruiting. 3. 2. Slender throughout, the leaves very narrow, with aculeate teeth. 1. S. natans. 2. Stouter; leaves lanceolate with triangular teeth. 2. S. fluitans. 3. Stem densely muriculate or with short proliferations. 4, 3. Stem not muriculate, or only slightly and occasionally so. Gy 4, Leaves ovate or broadly lanceolate. 4. S. lendigerum. 4. Leaves narrowly linear, simple or 1-several times forked. 3. S. linifolium. 5. Fructification long, slender, filiform, loosely branched. 6. S. Filipendula var. Montagnei. 5. Fructification not so slender or elongate. 6. 6. Receptacles with dentate wings. 8.8. platyecarpum var. bermudense. 6. Receptacles wingless. ie 7. Individual receptacles on slender pedicels. 3. S. linifolium. 7. Receptacles fertile throughout. Se 8. Receptacles forming a dense glomerule. %. 8. Hystrix 8. Receptacles repeatedly forked, branches separate. 5. S. vulgare. 1. S. natans (L.) J. Meyen, 1838, p. 185; Borgesen, 1914, p. 7; P. B.-A., No. 2180; S. bacciferum Agardh, 1821, p. 6; Harvey, 1852, THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 81 p. 54; Fucus natans Linnaeus, 1753, p. 1160; Fucus bacciferus Turner, 1808, p. 105, Pl. XLVII. Stem long, slender, smooth, with more or less distant similar branches; leaves long, slender, linear, with many sharp teeth, cryptostomata wanting or inconspicuous; vesicles numer- ous, on long slender pedicels, and usually with a filiform prolongation; fructification unknown; unattached, floating near the surface of the sea, forming loose floating patches, or strips in the line of the direction of the wind; in quiet water the tips of the leaves project above the water, like bristles; drifting ashore at all times, and in case of storms in immense quantities, and used as a fertilizer. It inhabits a large area in the North Atlantic, within a boundary formed by the Gulf Stream and its subsidiaries, reaching the coast of Europe, turning south and then west to its origin in the Gulf of Mexico. It has an active vege- tative growth, the lower part of the stem decaying, increasing the number of individuals by fragmentation. It has never been found attached nor in fruit, and though in all probability originally derived from an attached form, it now appears to be so changed by its mode of life that it is unlikely that the attached species from which it was derived will ever be certainly determined.?° In several instances there have been reports of finding this species in fruit, but in each case when examined there are circumstances leading to the conclusion that the plant observed belonged to some other species. 2. §S. FLUITANS Borgesen, 1914a, p. 222; P. B.-A., No. 2177; S. Hystriz var. fluitans Borgesen, 1914, p. 11, fig. 8. Stem rather stout, mostly smooth, occasionally with a few spines, much branched; leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, thickish, cryptostomata present but not conspicuous, teeth short and triangular; vesicles spherical, about 5 mm. diam., short-pedicelled, usually without prolongations; fructification unknown. Floating with S. natans, but less abundant; propagated by fragmentation only. It may be derived from S. Hystrix J. Ag., but if so the derivation is remote and the differ- entiation considerable. Both S. natans and S. fluitans are lighter in color than the attached species. 3. §. LINIFOLIUM (Turn.) Agardh, 1848, p. 18; P. B.-A., No. 2179; Fucus linifolius Turner, 1811, p. 64, Pl. CLXVIII. On rocks above and below Flatts bridge and at other points in Harrington Sound and in Hamilton Harbor, Hervey, Collins. From acommon base but with- out any general trunk arise several axes with more or less frequent 10 For fuiler discussion of floating Sargassum, see Collins, 1917. 82 COLLINS AND HERVEY. branches, elongate, virgate, bearing leaves, fructification, and short branches; stems slender, terete, densely muriculate with short simple or forked papillae, which are occasionally more scattered on the older parts; leaves thickly set at the tips of the main branches and along short lateral branches, linear and attenuate to both ends, 1—2 mm. wide, up to 5 em. long, simple or forked, margin irregularly dentate with small distant teeth, in young leaves larger and more frequent; midrib not specially conspicuous; cryptostomata rather large, a single series each side of the midrib, rather irregularly spaced; vesicles 3-6 mm. diam., smooth, or sometimes with cryptostomata, subspherical on a filiform pedicel of uniform diameter, or pyriform on a pedicel enlarged above; pedicel smooth, length one and one half to three times the diameter of the vesicle, usually unarmed, occasionally with a small mucro, rarely with a short filiform prolongation. Rachis of fructifica- tion usually short, sterile and filiform, or fertile and torulose, bearing several alternate, torulose, fertile branches, with subacute tip, one half to one cm. long; fructification mostly on the lower part of short branches of the second order with leaves about them on the branches. The above description refers to the attached plant of quiet waters, but individuals more slender than the typical form can be found, in which the stem is almost entirely smooth and the rachis of fructifica- tion quite elongate. As with other species of Sargassum, individuals are to be found among the masses of S. natans floating after storms, and these show a certain resemblance to the latter, but their condition shows indications of their not persisting. 4. S. LENDIGERUM (L.) Agardh, 1820, p. 9; P. B.-A., No. 2178; Fucus lendigerus Linnaeus, 1763, p. 1628; Turner, 1808, p. 107, PI. XLVIII. South shore, various points, Jan., Feb., Apr., Dec., Hervey; Little Agar’s Island, Nov., Collins. Common on exposed rocks in shallow water all around the islands. A stout torulose trunk, 1-3 em. high, divides into several main axes, often unbranched, occasionally rather freely branching; axes and branches terete, usually thickly set with short, simple or forked proliferations, rarely over 1 mm. long; leaves ovate or broadly lanceolate, margin irregularly undulate or slightly dentate; occasionally forked, usually much crisped, midrib distinct, cryptostomata small, scattered; vesicles spherical, smooth, usually about 3 mm. diam., occasionally 5 mm., on filiform pedicels usually shorter than the diameter of the vesicle, rarely with short tips. Fructification of filiform branching receptacles, the main rachis usually distinct, stouter than the radial branches, which may reach a length of 2 cm. in the looser forms, but usually do not reach a length of 1 em.; THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 83 branching more or less dense, when dense often apparently dichoto- mous, tips acute; sometimes fertile throughout, sometimes rachis or even branches sterile. Fructification mostly on the upper part of the axes, often occupying these to the exclusion of leaves and vesicles, but also sometimes on short branches on the lower part of the axes. Specially a plant of exposed shores. 5. S. VULGARE Agardh var. FOLIOsISssIMuM (Lamour.) J. G. Agardh, 1889, p. 108; Fucus foliosissimus Lamouroux, 1813, p. 36, Pl. VII, fig. 1. Cooper’s Island, April, Hervey. From a very short trunk arise several main axes, mostly smooth, sometimes slightly muricu- late, bearing more or less numerous similar branches; leaves lanceo- late to oblong, the margins finely and closely dentate; midrib distinct, cryptostomata abundant and without definite order on the younger leaves, often obsolete on the older and thicker leaves; vesicles spheri- eal, 3-5 mm. diam., without prolongation, on a pedicel equal to the diameter or longer; receptacles axillary, branching, fertile through- out, verrucose, shorter than the leaves. At Spanish Point, March, Hervey, was found a form probably belonging here, but without fruit; the leaves are narrower and nearly entire; it may be S. vulgare, typical; S. vulgare varies much in the size and form of the leaves. 6. S. Frurpenputa Ag., var. Montagnei (Bailey) comb. nov.; S. Montagne Bailey in Harvey, 1852, p. 58, Pl. I. A; S. vulgare var. Montagnei Farlow, 1881, p. 103; S. Filipendula forma subedentata J. G. Agardh, 1889, p. 120. Kemp; near Wistowe, floating, Aug., Collins. Stem long, slender, filiform, smooth except for a few minute, scattered papillae on the younger parts, loosely branched; leaves linear, usually 3-6 mm. wide, up to 15 cm. long, often one or more times forked, the divisions sometimes equal and symmetrical, oftener subpinnate and alternate; leaves tapering gradually or abruptly to the subacute tip; midrib distinct throughout leaves and their divisions; cryptostomata few, small, scattered, rarely showing a linear arrangement; margin even or slightly undulate or indistinctly dentate; vesicles spherical to subpyriform, 2-3 mm. diam., tipped generally with a mucro, often with a leaf; pedicel in length one and one half to three times the diameter of the vesicle, sometimes filiform, often compressed, or with midrib and margin. Rachis of fructifica- tion filiform, smooth, sterile, elongate, bearing rather distant lateral branches at first with sterile base, later fertile throughout, sometimes with a second series of similar branches, all branches at right angles, of uniform diameter, torulose; ultimate divisions up to 3 cm. long. 84 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Generally characterized by the slenderness and delicacy of all the parts; typical S. Filipendula, stouter and shorter, with broader and more dentate leaves and more condensed fructification, has not been found here. 7. §S. Hysrrix J. G. Agardh, 1847, p. 7; 1889, p. 91, Pl. VI. Stem terete, smooth; leaves thickish, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, entire or obscurely dentate, 3-6 cm. long, 4-8 mm. wide, midrib rather indistinct, no cryptostomata; vesicles spherical, up to 7 mm. diam., pedicel short, sometimes imperceptible; fructification in dense glom- erules of short, verrucose branches; receptacles, vesicles and leaves densely packed along the little branched axis. Harris Bay, Dec., attached, Hervey; washed ashore on Agar’s and Bethel’s Islands after a storm, Dec., Collins. Apparently recently torn from its attachment. While our plant appears to agree in all other respects with S. Hystriz, the receptacles, though quite verrucose, show no spines or teeth. We should hardly have ventured to give it this name, but for what is said by Reinbold in Weber, 1913, as to sexual dimorphism in Sar- gassum, with presence or absence of spines on the receptacles accord- ing to sex. We suspect that another instance of dimorphism may be found in S. platycarpum Montagne and S. vulgare Agardh, at least the plant distributed under the latter name as P. B.-A., No. 178. We have seen a large number of plants from Florida, some with smooth, some with spiny receptacles, otherwise indistinguishable. 8. S. pLatycarpuM Montagne var. BERMUDENSE Grunow, 1915, p. 389. We have not seen this, and include it only on the authority of Grunow. Famity DICTYOTACEAE. SpatoGcLossum Kiitzing. S. ScHROEDERI (Mert.) J. G. Agardh, 1880, p. 113, in part; 1894, p. 38; P. B.-A., No. 2027; S. Areschougit Vickers. 1905, p. 58; 1908, part II, p. 38, Pl. XI; Ulva Schroederi Mertens in Martius, 1826, p. 21; 1827, Pl. I, fig. 3; Taonia Schroederi Farlow in Alg. Am.-Bor. Exsice., No. 159. Gravelly Bay, Feb., March, Hervey; Gravelly Bay, April, Aug., Cooper’s Island, Aug., Collins. Observed only at these two stations, and apparently not common. In the water it shows a bril- liant iridescence. Tetraspores, much like those of Dzctyota, were found on a few plants; there does not seem to have been any previous THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. SS record of them. Tufts of hairs were common; the cells in a definite rectangular region divide, four cells from an original cortical cell, and each of these cells grows out into a hair; the hairs are contracted at base, lower cells about as long as their diameter, moniliform, with rich contents; upper cells 5-6 diam. long, cylindrical, nearly empty. It does not seem to us that the distinction made by J. G. Agardh between S. Schroederi and S. Areschougii can be maintained. Ber- muda specimens show the forms of frond and characters of dentation characteristic of both species, as well as intermediate gradations. ZoNARIA Draparnaud. 1. Frond rounded, little divided; mostly dorsiventral and prostrate. 1. Z. variegata. 1. Frond erect, with many deep and narrow divisions. 2. Z. lobata. ‘1. Z. vARIEGATA (Lamour.) Mertens in Martius, 1826, p. 21; 1827, p. 6, Pl. I, fig. 2; Vickers, 1905, p. 58; 1908, Pl. VI. B; Bérgesen, 1914, p. 197, figs. 151-152; Dictyota variegata Lamouroux, 1813, p. 57, Pl. V, figs. 7-9. Kemp, including some specimens marked Z. lobata; Wadsworth, No. 6; Moseley, from shallow water down to 31 fathoms; Hamilton Harbor, Agar’s Cave, Jan., Walsingham, Feb., Farlow; Gravelly Bay, Jan., Harrington Sound, Feb., Harris Bay, Jan., Nov.; Inlet, Dec., Hervey; Ely’s Harbor, Aug., Collins. Common nearly everywhere. It is sometimes found with one side of the lamina quite firmly attached; sometimes the frond is quite free, with little differ- ence between the two sides; these differences do not seem to depend on the depth of water. Dickie, 1874, p. 311, notes that the plants dredged in 31 fathoms were mostly bluish green in color. 2. Z. Lopata Agardh, 1824, p. 265; Harvey, 1852, p. 105, Pl. VII. C; Vickers, 1905, p. 58; 1908, Pl. VI; Bérgesen, 1914, p. 199; P. B.-A., No. 1876. Kemp; Tucker, No. 5; South Beach, near Paget, Farlow; Wadsworth, No. 11; Inlet, Jan., Dec., Gravelly Bay, Feb., March, Dec., Hervey; Gravelly Bay, July, Aug., Ely’s Harbor, Hungry Bay, July, Cooper’s Island, Aug., Collins. Young plants are common in Dec.; by the last of Jan. good sized plants are common, and the plants continue in good condition till May; after that, only old, bat- tered fronds are to be found. It is common in quiet water as well as on exposed shores. The best locality we observed was at Gravelly Bay, where it grew in great tufts in pools and on rocks at low water mark. The color varies from light to dark brown, the substance from 86 COLLINS AND HERVEY. thin and membranaceous to coarse and leathery; the dark, zonate lines are distinct in the thin, light colored form, imperceptible on the old, coarse and dark fronds. It differs much in the extent of division of the fronds, from broad-cuneate and little parted, to fronds consisting of innumerable narrow divisions, sometimes broad below, narrow above, always more or less cuneate with apex truncate. Under water it shows a very brilliant iridescence of peacock blue and green. Paptna Adanson. 1. Epidermis persistent as an indusium over the spores. 2. 1. No indusium; spore band in middle of each second zone between bands of hairs. 4. P. gymnospora. 2. Frond dark and thickish, not much calcified; in middle part 2-3 cells thick; bands of spores alternating with bands of hairs. 3. P. variegata. 2. Lighter colored and thinner; distinctly calcified. 3. 3. Band of spores above each second band of hairs; frond normally 2 cells thick. 1. P. sanctae-crucis. 3. One band of spores above and one below each second band of hairs; frond normally 3 cells thick. 2. P. Pavonia. 1. P. sancTaE-crucis Bérgesen, 1914, p. 201, figs. 1538-154; P. B.-A., No. 2082. Harris Bay, Jan., Nov., Hervey; Shelly Bay, April, Jew’s Bay, Ely’s Harbor, Hungry Bay, July, Gravelly Bay, Aug., Collins. A rather thin, delicate species, growing mostly in shallow, quiet water. The color is usually a quite light yellowish brown on the upper side, the under side being usually covered with a continuous but quite thin calcareous coating, white or bluish in color. The dried plant is papyraceous and brittle. Only tetrasporic fruit has been found, which was on plants collected in July and August. The indusium consists of the epidermis, which is pushed up by the spores as they grow, and finally ruptured; being very thin and trans- parent it is not always easy to make out, but it often happens that when it is pushed away from the frond, it retains the markings out- lining the layer of cells beneath; in such case a fine network corre- sponding to the cells can be seen with the microscope by careful focusing, on a level with the top of the spores. This form of indusium has been noted in Zonaria variegata by Sauvageau, 1905, p. 11 (of reprint.) 2. P. Pavonta (L.) Gaillon, 1828, p. 371; Harvey, 1846-51, PI. XCI; P. B.-A., No. 2081; Fucus pavonius Linnaeus, 1763, p. 1630. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 87 Gates Bay, March, Gibbet Island, April, Hervey. In the Bermuda material identified with this species the frond is smaller throughout and generally more delicate than in P. variegata, averaging much the ’ size and consistency of P. sanctae-crucis, and with a similar calcareous coating. Tetrasporic fruit was well developed on the material from both stations noted above. Sterile plants resembling the two species just mentioned abound in warm shallow water, but can be distin- guished only by sectioning and counting the layers of cells. In P. Pavonia the sexual plant, which we have not found here, is monoecious; in P. variegata it is dioecious, in both it is rare. While all American forms of Padina were formerly placed under P. Pavonia, this seems to be the first occurrence of the species on this side of the Atlantic. The material from Florida distributed as P. Pavonia, P. B.-A., No. 1442a, and that distributed as P. Durvillaei, P. B.-A., No. 580b, should be referred to P. variegata; 1442b to P. gymnospora. The plant distrib- uted as P. Durvillaei, 580a, closely resembles P. gymnospora, but in the specimens now accessible the frond is uniformly two cells thick, which would bring it under P. australis Hauck; but Mme. Weber, 1913, p. 180, suggests that the latter may be only a form of P. gymnospora. The true P. Durvillaei Mont., appears to be found only in the Pacific. 3. P. vaARIEGATA (Lamour.) Hauck, 1887, p. 42; P.B.-A., No. 2083; Bérgesen, 1914, p. 205, figs. 157-161; Diuctyota variegata Lamouroux, 1809, p. 331. Kemp, May, June, July, as P. Pavonia; Shelly Bay, Harris Bay, Jan., Gibbet Island, Jan., Nov., Dec., Hervey; Inlet, July, Aug., Collins. Very variable in form, from orbicular and undivided up to 15 cm. diam., to fronds split into innumerable strips, or with many rounded proliferations; in texture from thin and papery to thick and tough. It is however always darker than the two preceding species, and with less conspicuous calcification, and it is more than two cells in thickness, except at the growing edge, and may be six layers in the older parts. Tetrasporic fruit is rather common, oogonia infrequent; antheridia are known in this species, but we have not found them here. 4. P. eymnospora (Kiitz.) Vickers, 1905, p. 58; 1908, Pl. VII; Bérgesen, 1914, p. 202, figs. 155-156; Zonaria gymnospora Kiitzing, 1859, p. 29, Pl. LXXI, fig. 11. Farlow, 1881, without exact station. Observed once only, but in good condition and fruit. Characterized among our species by the absence of indusium, the frond with one layer of small cells and one layer of large in cross section, the larger cells sometimes dividing so as to give a section of three cells; the spore bands in the center of every second space between hair bands. SS COLLINS AND HERVEY. Dicryoprerts Lamouroux. 1. Frond thick, wide, Fucus-like. 7, 1D), Amtsjit: 1. Frond thin, delicate. 2. 2. Diagonal veins from midrib to margin. 3. D. plagiogramma. 2. No lateral veins. 1. D. delicatula. 1, D. pELicatuLA Lamouroux, 1809, p: 332, Pl. VI; fig: 2B; Vickers, 1905, p. 58; 1908, part 2, Pl. III; Borgesen, 1914, p. 216, fig. 166; P. B.-A., No. 1924. Castle Harbor, Jan., Farlow; Cave, Gravelly Bay, Oct., Harris Bay, Heron Bay, Dec., Hervey. Not uncommon, but mostly small plants, not over 10 em. high. 2. D. Justi Lamouroux, 1809, p. 330, Pl. VI, fig. 2 A; Vickers, 1905, p. 58; 1908, part 2, Pl. V; P. B.-A., No. 1925. Rein, as Haly- seris polypodioides; Mosely, dredged in 31 fathoms; Wadsworth, March, No. 9; St. David’s Island, April, Kemp, as Fucus ceranoides; Faxon; Gravelly Bay, Jan., Feb., Oct., Dec., Hervey; Gravelly Bay, April, July, Aug., Tucker’s Town, April, Outer Reef, Ely’s Harbor, Hungry Bay, July, Cooper’s Island, Aug., Collins. Occasionally found growing just below low water mark, but mostly floating, coming from deeper water. Old and battered plants came in abundantly in August; only young plants were found in February. It may grow to a length of 40cm. Most reports of species of Fucus from Florida and the West Indies are based on large specimens of this species. Tetra- spores were found in abundance on plants collected in August; they occur on both sides of the frond, the sori originally circular, about 1 mm. diam., or elongate, about 1 mm. wide. They increase in size, often become confluent, forming irregular patches, more than 1 cm. across. The sporangia are broadly pyriform, about 45y high, 25- 35 w diam. seen from above, and closely packed. 3. D. PLAGIOGRAMMA (Mont.) Vickers, 1905, p. 58; 1908, part 2, Pl. IV; Haliseris plagiogramma Montagne, 1837, p. 356. Kemp, May, as Haliseris polypodioides; this single specimen, large and in fine condition, is the only Bermuda record. Dicryota Lamouroux. 1. Margin with small sharp teeth. 3; DW) ciliata: 1. Margin even or uneven, without teeth. 2. 2. Frond rather broad, with more or less distinct rachis, bearing alternate divisions; tips not tapering, either blunt or with two points. 8. D. dentata. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 89 2. Frond dichotomously branched, with or without lateral proliferations. 3. 3. Frond usually rather broad, very regularly dichotomous, axils usually wide, tips rounded, proliferations on old plants only. 1. D.dichotoma. 3. Not with above combination. 4, 4. Frond very narrow, almost filiform throughout. i. 4. Frond of varying width, not appearing filiform throughout. 6. 5. Regularly dichotomous, few or no proliferations except in very old plants. 2. D. linearis. 5. Dichotomous in younger parts, elsewhere with many proliferations, often much entangled. 6. D. divaricata. 6. Fronds narrow, dichotomous, few or no proliferations. tes 6. Fronds broad or narrow, divisions of dichotomies often unequal, some- times appearing subpinnate, proliferations frequent. 5. D. Bartayresu. 7. Dichotomies distant, regular, divisions equal. 3. D. indica. 7. Dichotomies close, some divisions long, some short, patent, acute. 4. D. cervicornis. 1. D. picHoroma (Huds.) Lamouroux, 1809, p. 331; Harvey, 1846-51, Pl. CIII; P. B.-A., No. 2175; Ulva dichotoma Hudson, 1798, p. 476. Rein; Hamilton, Kemp; up to 31 fathom depth, Moseley; Tucker, No. 11; Cave near Ducking Stool, Farlow; Faxon; Build- ings Bay, Inlet, Dec., Hervey. This species, the common one of Europe and the most widely distributed of the genus, seems to be rather uncommon in Bermuda; we have found it of only moderate size, not at all like the large plants from North Carolina distributed as P. B.-A., No. CXX. Antheridia have once been observed, but no other form of fruit. There is little indication of rhizoidal filaments in the Bermuda plants. 2. D. tingaris (Ag.) Greville, 1830, p. XLIII; Kiitzing, 1859, p. 9, Pl. XXI, fig. II; P. B.-A., No. 2031; Zonaria linearis Agardh, 1820, p. 1384. Jew’s Bay, July, Collins. In loose floating masses, antheridia fairly frequent, no other fruit observed. The frond is very narrow, seldom over 1 mm.; the forkings are rather distant, axils narrow. The lower part of the frond was old and dry, but showed no proliferations; no rhizoidal filaments were seen. 3. D. rnpica Sonder in Kiitzing, 1859, p. 8, Pl. XVII, fig. 1; Vickers, 1905, p. 59; 1908, part 2, Pl. XVIII; P. B.-A., No. 2030. Kemp, as D. fasciola, in part; Ely’s Harbor, Aug., Collins. Our plants agree with the narrower form distributed by Miss Vickers under No. 78; the width of the frond from 1-2 mm. remaining practically the same throughout in each individual. The divisions are quite 90 COLLINS AND HERVEY. regularly dichotomous throughout, the axils rather wide and rounded, the divisions immediately incurving and often becoming parallel, the apices rounded. Antheridia of the usual form were found on these plants; also, on the same plants, scattered or in twos, tetrasporangia; none of these were found showing the regular division into fours, but in many the contents had divided into many small squarish cells, the sporangium enlarging to two or three times its former dimensions, and developing a point of growth at the tip. This closely parallels the development in D. dichotoma, described and figured by Reinke, 1878, p. 8, Pl. I, figs. 31-35. The occurrence on the same frond with antheridia is, however, noteworthy. We hardly see how D. volubilis Vickers, Algues de la Barbade, No. 78a, can be distinguished from the present species, apart from the spiral twisting of the frond. A plant in the Kemp herbarium, marked D. fasciola, is intermediate between D. indica and D. volubilis of the Algues de la Barbade. 4. D. cEervicornis Kiitzing, 1859, p. 11, Pl. XXIV, fig. II; D. fasciola Harvey, 1852, p. 108, Pl. VIII. B., not of Lamouroux. Rein, as D. fasciola. The true D. fasciola has slender fronds, regularly but not very closely dichotomous, the divisions all developing equally and ending at nearly the same level. In D. cervicornis one division is frequently short, acute and erect, giving quite a different habit, which is well characterized by the specific name. 5. D. Barrayresi 1 Lamouroux, 1809, p. 331; D. Bartayresiana, Harvey, 1852, p. 110, Pl. VIII. C.; P. B.-A., No. 1874. Kemp, as D. fasciola, in part; in shallow water, Moseley; St. David’s Island, from half tide down, April, Shelly Bay, May, Gravelly Bay, Hungry Bay, July, Cooper’s Island, Aug., Collins; Gibbet Island, Jan., Oct., Dec., Hervey. This seems to be the species of Dictyota occurring most frequently in Bermuda. It is quite variable, and narrow forms cer- tainly show similarity to D. divaricata. On comparing the accounts given of the species by different authors, and the specimens from dif- ferent localities distributed under this name, one is led to suspect that more than one species is really in question. As originally described, stress was laid on the acute apices, but later authors include forms with distinctly blunt apices. Both forms occur among the Bermuda material we have studied. It is probable that all species of the genus 11 This species is generally known as D. Bartayresiana, but in the original publication by Lamouroux the specific name is Bartayresii. | Few authors refer to this rare and neglected paper, almost all starting from a later publi- cation of the same year, 1809a, p. 43, in which the author, without stating any reason, substitutes the name Bartayresiana. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 91 are subject to much variation with age and environment, and much study of living plants is needed before we can get a clear idea of specific lines. What we consider as the normal form of the species in Bermuda closely resembles No. 72 of Miss Vickers Algues de la Barbade; in this some apices are acute, some rounded, on the same individual. The branching seems intermediate between D. dichotoma and D. dentata, with a suggestion of lateral branching not found in the former, but not the distinctive character as in the latter. Antheridia were common in material collected at all seasons; tetraspores occurred occasionally on the same individual with antheridia, in July and August. No rhizoidal filaments were seen. Mme. Weber, 1913, p- 182, states that the type of D. Bartayresit cannot be found; she speaks of Harvey’s figure as excellent, and we have taken it for our standard. 6. D. prvaricatTa Lamouroux, 1809, p. 331, not of Kiitzing, 1859, p. 10, Pl. XXIII, fig. 1; D. acutiloba Kiitzing, 1859, p. 13, Pl. XXIX, fig. 1, not of J. Ag. Inlet, Gravelly Bay, Dec., Hervey. Fronds as narrow as in D. linearis, but the dichotomous habit, distinct in young growing branches, is quite obscured in the older parts by the abundant, mostly short, proliferous branches. By these the fronds are often so densely matted that it is not easy to disentangle any individual plant. Antheridia are abundant in this material, but no other form of fruit was observed. The fronds seem to attach themselves by inter- laced proliferous branches, with a few short, monosiphonous rhizoidal filaments close to the tip. 7. D. cuiata J. G. Agardh,’? 1841, p. 5; Harvey, 1852, p. 110, Pl. VIII. A.; D. crenulata P. B.-A., No. 1875, an J. Ag. ?. Rem; Kemp, May, June; South Shore near Paget, Feb., Castle Harbor, Feb., Farlow; Gravelly Bay, Jan., Feb., Harris Bay, Dec., Hervey; Causeway, April, Shelly Bay, May, Hungry Bay, July, Collins. There is considerable variation in the material which we now include under D. ciliata, but after a re-examination of the form that we dis- tributed as D. crenulata, we do not feel justified in keeping it distinct. It seems to us also that D. crenulata from Barbados, Vickers, No. 75, 12 The first use of the combination Dictyota ciliata is by Lamouroux, 1809, p. 331, where a synonym is given, Fucus pseudociliatus Lamouroux, 1805, p. 41; a description is given of the latter and figure, Pl. XXX, fig. 2; the locality is the Mediterranean. It is now generally acknowledged to be Taonia atomaria (Good. & Woodw.) J. Ag. Being a name proposed for a plant recognized by Lamouroux as already named, Dictyota ciliata Lamouroux abe had any standing, and cannot interfere with the subsequent D. ciliata Ag: 92 COLLINS AND HERVEY. of which we have examined several specimens, belongs under D. ciliata. Agardh, 1848, p. 94, says of D. crenulata “‘margine tenui dentibus brevissimis late triangularibus initio fere serrato, demum dentato aut crenato.” Harvey, 1852, says “The margin is undulated, and closely eroso-denticulate, or jagged with unequal, deltoid or subu- late, tooth-like processes.” In the Bermuda plants the margin is quite even, and the teeth are of uniform size and never very closely set. We have, however, seen a specimen of D. crenulata from the Suhr herbarium “West Indien,” that fully agrees with Agardh’s and Harvey’s descriptions. In the Bermuda material of this species confervoid rhizoidal filaments arise from the lower part of the main axis of the frond, often forming a dense, continuous mass for several em.; proliferations are few and insignificant. Antheridia and oogonia were found on specimens collected in February, tetrasporangia on specimens collected in July. 8. D. pentTaTa Lamouroux, 1809, p. 331; Kiitzing, 1859, p. 15, Pl. XXXV, fig. I; D. Mertensit (Mart.) Kiitzing, 1859, p. 15, ‘Pl. XXXVI, fig. I; Ulva Mertensit Martius, 1826, p. 21; 1827, Pl. I; P. B.-A., No. 1926; D. Brongniartii J. G. Agardh, 1841, p. 5; Kiitzing, 1859, p. 15, Pl. XXXV, fig. II; D. subdentata Kiitzing, 1859, p. 14, Pl. XXXIII, fig. I]. Kemp, as D. crenulata, in part; Gravelly Bay, Jan., Hervey, Aug., Collins; Hungry Bay, July, Collins. J. G. Agardh, 1880, p. 98, gives D. Mertensii as a synonym of D. Brong- niartii, mentioning D. subdentata without expressing an opinion as to whether it should be referred to D. dentata or D. Brongniartii; later, 1894, p. 70, he recognizes D. dentata, D. Mertens and D. Brongniarti as distinct species. Hauck, 1888, p. 466, unites all four under the oldest name, D. dentata, as it seems to us rightly. The distinctive characters are found in the greater or less distinctness of the axis and branches, and in the character of the terminal segments. In the abundant material we found in Bermuda, there were individuals with the primary axis narrower and firmer than the lateral segments, and others, apparently mostly younger individuals, in which all was uniformly membranaceous. Typical D. dentata has segments ending in acute, spinous tips; typical D. Mertensii has segments short- cuneate, with truncate or emarginate tips. It is not uncommon to find both these types on the same individual. In comparing the vegetative structure of D. dentata with that of D. dichotoma, as de- scribed by Reinke, 1878, several points are to be noted. The main axis is thick, and somewhat flattened, but can hardly be described as a “rundtrieb.” In old plants, there grow from this, for a distance of THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 93 three or four em. from the base, descending, terete, branching fila- ments, of an average diam. of one half mm., forming a loose felt. A cross section shows a densely cellular structure, the cells much smaller than in the median layer of the frond, the superficial cells much like those of the frond. From the superficial cells issue, not continuously but in groups, monosiphonous filaments, 20-25 u diam., the cells 2-4 diam. long, nodes somewhat constricted; these filaments are mostly simple, occasionally with short branches; when a filament reaches the substratum the terminal cell forms a coralloid expansion as an organ of attachment. Other species of Dictyota, D. ciliata for instance, are attached by rhizoidal filaments of a similar character, but arising directly from the frond; D. dentata is the only Bermuda species in which they arise from descending cellular branches. In older plants prolifications are common from the surface of the frond, sometimes papillose to clavate, sometimes flattened with rounded outline. None were observed over 1 mm. in length; the papillose-clavate form seemed to be of a similar character to the descending filaments developed near the base. Antheridia were common in material col- lected in Jan., July and Aug.; no other fruit was observed. Dinopuus J. G. Agardh. D. GUINEENSIS (Kiitz.) J. G. Agardh, 1880, p. 108; Vickers, 1905, p. 59; 1908, part 2, p. 37, Pl. IX; Bérgesen, 1914, p. 214, figs. 164— 165; P. B.-A., No. 2080; Spatoglossum guineense Kiitzing, 1843, p. 339; 1859, Pl. XLVI, fig. I. South Shore near Paget, Farlow; Gravelly Bay, March, Hervey. 94 COLLINS AND HERVEY. CLiass RHODOPHYCEAE. Famity BANGIACEAE. Banota Lyngbye. B. FUSCOPURPUREA (Dillw.) Lyngbye, 1819, p. 83, Pl. XXIV. C; P. B.-A., No. 2084; Conferva fuscopurpurea Dillwyn, 1809, p. 54, Pl. XCII. On exposed rock, North Shore near Shelly Bay, April, Fairyland, Dec., Collins; in tufts on wall by Palmetto Vale, Harring- ton Sound, March, Hervey. In the North Shore and Fairyland stations there were scattered filaments only, imperceptible except on microscopic examination. At the Sound station the tufts were sev- eral em. long. In all cases it was a slender form, mostly monosi- phonous, rarely over four cells to a segment. PorpHoyra Agardh. P. ATROPURPUREA (Olivi) De Toni, 1897, p. 17; P. B.-A., No: 2085; P. leucosticta P. B.-A., No. 1927; Ulva atropurpurea Olivi, 1791, p. 153, Pl. I-III. Kemp, May, as P. laciniata; “Spitall Lake Ferry” May, Kemp, unnamed specimen in herb.; on mangroves below Flatts Bridge, April, May, Collins; Ely’s Harbor, May, Hervey. At Flatts Bridge the Porphyra began to be visible about April 20, 1912, growing on mangroves in company with Monostroma latissimum; both minute when first observed, but growing rapidly up to May 3, when we left Bermuda. When next at this place, from July to Sept., 1913, the Porphyra was not to be found. The Ely’s Harbor plant is of moderate size, up to 6 em. long; the specimens in the Kemp herbarium reach 10 em. in length. P. vulgaris of Moseley is undoubtedly this species. ERYTHROTRICHIA Areschoug. E. CARNEA (Dillw.). J. G. Agardh, 1882, p. 15, Pl. I, figs. 8-10; P. B.-A., No. 2032; E. ceramicola Farlow, 1881, p. 113; Conferva carnea Dillwyn, 1809, p. 54, Pl. LXXXIV. Common on various algae, Jan., Feb., Hervey; April, May, July, Aug., Nov., Dec., Col- lins; on submerged tamarisk branches, Harrington Sound, May, Collins. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 95 ERYTHROCLADIA Rosenvinge. E. suBINTEGRA Rosenvinge, 1909, p. 73, figs. 13-14; Bdérgesen, 1915, p. 7, figs. 3-4; P.B.-A., No. 2086. On Bryopsis pennata, Tucker’s Town, April; on Caulerpa crassifolia, Hungry Bay, May, Collins; on Cladophora catenifera, Gravelly Bay, Feb., Hervey. Probably common, but perceptible only on microscopic examination when it appears in the form of minute orbicular disks, of closely set radiating filaments, dichotomously branched, united laterally except at the edge, closely adherent to the host. At Gibbet Island it grew in company with Pringsheimia scutata, the fronds of which have much the same structure; their bright green color contrasts strongly with the red of the Erythrocladia. GonroTRIcHUM Kiitzing. 1. Filaments one or at most two cells wide. 1. G. elegans. 2. Main filaments many cells wide. 2. G. Humphreyi. 1. G. ELEGANS (Chauv.)’Le Jolis, 1863, p. 103; Rosenvinge, 1909, p. 75, fig. 15; Boérgesen, 1915, p. 4, fig. 2. Bangia elegans Chauvin, 1842, p. 33. On many species of algae, especially on Codiwm and its epiphytes, very frequently met with as isolated individuals, rarely in large quantity. The filaments are often simple; when branched, the branching approaches lateral rather then dichotomous; the cells are 10-15 uw diam., spherical or slightly compressed or elongate; they are smallest at the base of the filament, largest near the apex, while the filament is largest at the base, up to 25 yu, tapering slightly towards the apex. Lateral division of cells by an oblique wall is not uncom- mon. It is quite distinct from the duplication by displacement described by Rosenvinge, 1909, p. 75, and seems to be a normal process. 2. G. Humpsreyi Collins, 1901, p.. 251; P.B.-A., No. 421; Bangiopsis subsimplex Bérgesen, 1915, p. 10, figs. 5 and 6, not Comp- sopogon subsimplez Mont. Among other algae, Ectocarpus Mitchellae, Calothriz fusco-violacea, Enteromorpha species, etc., forming a dense growth on the bottom of a rock pool near Gravelly Bay, Jan., Hervey. The fronds are more freely branched than in the material from Jamaica, but the main stems are not as stout; otherwise they are identical. 96 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Famity HELMINTHOCLADIACEAE. ACROCHAETIUM Nagel. A conservative course has been followed by us in regard to the plants belonging to this genus. No such richness of new forms has been found here as by Boérgesen in the Danish West Indies, but we cannot claim to have made as thorough a study as he has, and it is very unlikely that all the Bermuda forms have been discovered and listed. We include under Acrochaetium the marine species formerly passing under Chantransia, many of which have recently been juggled back and forth, only too often. 1. Original spore remaining manifest at base of filament. 2. 1. Original spore not distinguishable. 5, 2. Basal cell with descending endophytic and erect free filaments. 3). 2. No descending endophytic filaments. 4. 3. Cells 8-10 » diam., 4-5 diam. long. 3. A. corymbiferum. 3. Cells 12-14 uw diam., 2-3 diam. long. 4. A. barbadense. 4. Cells short, subspherical. 2. ge S C3) 1S eI eS) x A pas Sas ee G KC : o6 Gy) 1 Ao U WG @ ©) =. %, Wen (ee ) 4 C0 ee CF x bs C) 6) 25 Puate IV. 180 FIGURE 29. FIGURE 30. FIGuRE 31. FIGURE 32. FIGURE 33. FIGURE 34. FIGURE 35. COLLINS AND HERVEY. PLATE V. Ceramium transversale Collins & Hervey. Prostrate filament with erect filament and rhizoids. Erect filament with branch. 255 X 1. Branch with tetraspores. 160:.X 1. Nitophyllum Wilkinsoniae Collins & Hervey. Section of frond through a sorus. 160 X 1. Superficial view of a sorus. 160 X 1. Halymenia bermudensis Collins & Howe. Cross section. 255 X 1. Halymenia pseudofloresia Collins & Howe. Cross section. 130 X 1. 120 X 1. G a BS > Ve_E_nKC —) PLATE V. FIGURE 36. FIGURE 37. FIGURE 38. FIGURE 39. COLLINS AND HERVEY. PLATE VI. Halymenia pseudofloresia Collins & Howe. Whole frond, 2 nat. size. Halymenia bermudensis Collins & Howe. Whole frond. 12 X 1. Griffithsia tenuis Agardh. Tip of tetrasporic branch. 160 X 1. Node with antheridia. 300 X 1. Habit figures were drawn from herbarium specimens, all others by camera lucida. Figures 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, and 23 are by F. D. Lambert; the others by A. C. Walton. 36 Puatse VI. : INDEX. Synonyms are printed in italics, also names of species, etc., not found in Bermuda, but which are incidentally mentioned. Full-face type indicates the principal reference for a species. Acanthophora, 122. spicifera, 62, 122. Thierii, 122. Acetabularia, 53. crenulata, 9, 53. Schenckii, 53. Achnanthes bijuga, 31. Acicularia, 53. Schenckii, 12, 53. Acrochaetium, 96. barbadense, 97. corymbiferum, 97, 150. crassipes, 96, 98. Dufourii, 96. Hypneae, 98. leptonema, 97. Nemalionis, 98. Sagraenaum, 97. Thureti, 98. Acrocarpus spathulatus, 104. Aegagropila repens, 48. Alsidium Blodgettii, 125. Anacystis marginata, 16. Anabaena, 24. flos-aquae, 24. torulosa, 24. variabilis, 24. Anadyomene, 50. flabellata, 50. stellata, 50. Antithamnion, 141. cruciatum, 11, 141. var. radicans, 9, 141. pteroton, 140. Aphanothece microscopica, 16. Apjohnia tropica, 52. Ascocyclus, 72. orbicularis, 72. Ascophyllum, 78. nodosum, 78. Asparagopsis, 117. Delilei, 117. taxiformis, 117. Asperococcus intricatus, 74. sinuosus, 73. Avrainvillea, 57. longicaulis, 57. Mazei, 57. nigricans, 57. var. fulva, 57. sordida, 57. Bangia, 94. elegans, 95. fuscopurpurea, 94. Bangiaceae, 94. Bangiopsis subsimplex, 95. Batophora, 54. Oerstedi, 54. var. occidentalis, 54. Batrachospermum attenuatum, 142. Blastophysa, 38. rhizopus, 38. Blodgettia Borneti, 48. confervoides, 48. Bonnemaisoniaceae, 117. Bostrychia, 128. calamistrata, 129. Montagnei, 128, 129. rivularis, 128. scorpioides, 129. sertularia, 129. tenella, 129. forma densa, 129. forma tenuior, 129. Tuomeyt, 125. Botryoglossum platycarpum, 149. Brachycladia marginata, 102. Brachytrichia, 28. maculans, 28. Bryopsidaceae, 60. Bryopsis, 60. Balbisiana var. Lamourouxii, 62. Duchassaingii, 60. forma filicina, 61. Harveyana, 61, 62. hypnoides, 60. forma prolongata, 60. Leprieurii, 61, 62. pachynema, 51. pennata, 61, 95. var. Leprieurii, 62. 186 COLLINS AND HERVEY. var. secunda, 62. plumosa, 61. var. secunda, 62. Byssus aureus, 41. Callithamnion, 136. byssoideum, 137. var. jamaicense, 136. cordatum, 137. corymbosum, 136. cruciatum, 141. var. radicans, 141. elegans, 138, 140. gorgoneum, 132. Halliae, 9, 10, 136. Hookeri, 95, 136. investiens, 132. membranaceum, 148. Nemalionis, 98. pluma, 140. roseum, 136. spongiosum, 136. tenue, 135. thyrsigerum, 135. Caloglossa, 116. Leprieuril, 11, 106, 116. mnioides, 116. Calosiphonia, 151. caribaea, 151. verticillifera, Pa, allsnle Calothrix, 27. aeruginea, 27. confervicola, 27. crustacea, 27. fusco-violacea, 27, 95. parasitica, 27. pilosa, 27. scopulorum, 27. Castagnea, 74. mediterranea, 74, 75, 76. virescens, 75, 76. Zosterae, 71, 74, 75. Catagnymene pelagica, 20. Catenella, 105. Opuntia, 106. var. pinnata, 11, 18, 105. pinnata, 105. Caulerpa, 62. Ashmeadit, 66. chemnitzia var. occidentalis, 65. clavifera, 65. crassifolia, 64, 65, 95. forma laxior, 64. forma mexicana, 64. cupressoides, 66. var. ericifolia, 66. var. mamillosa, 66. erictfolia, 66. fastigiata, 63. var. confervoides, 63. laetevirens, 66. mamillosa, 66. mexicana, 64. peltata, 65. pinnata forma laxior, 65. plumaris forma longiseta, 65. prolifera, 63. forma obovata, 63. forma zosterifolia, 64. pusilla, 63. racemosa, 64, 65. var. clavifera, 65. var. laetevirens, 66. var. occidentalis, 65. var. uvifera, 65. sertularioides, 11, 64, 65. forma brevipes, 65. forma longiseta, 65. taxifolia, 65. verticillata, 11, 63. Caulerpaceae, 62. Centroceras clavulatum, 147. Ceramiaceae, 32. Ceramium, 143. aculeatum, 143. arachnoideum, 144. var. patentissimum, 144. clavulatum, 96, 98, 147. confervoides, 69. cruciatum, 144. cryptacanthum, 147. diaphanum var. arachnoideum, 144. var. tenwissimum, 148. fastigiatum, 147. mintatum, 146. nitens, 9, 147. nodosum, 148. ocellatum, 130. roseum, 136. rubrum, 147. var. nitens, 147. tenuissimum, 143. var. arachnoideum, 144. var. patentissimum, 144. var. pygmaeum, 144. transversale, 145. Ceramothamnion, 134. Codi, 18, 134. Chaetomorpha, 41. aerea forma Linum, 42. brachygona, 42. californica, 41. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 187 crassa, 42. geniculata, 42. gracilis, 42. Linum, 42. minima, 41. Chaetophoraceae, 38. Champia, 115. parvula, 9, 115. Chantransia barbadensis, 97. collopoda, 37, 96. corymbifera, 97. crassipes, 96. Dufourii, 96. efilorescens forma Thuretti, 98. Hypneae, 98. leptonema, 97. Nemalionis, 98. Thuretiz, 98. Chara, 67. gymnopus var. Berteroi, 67. Characeae, 67. Chlamydomonas, 30. Chlorochytrium Cohnti, 31. Chlorocystis, 31. Cohnu, 31. Chlorodesmis vaucheriaeformis, 62. Chlorogloea, 17. tuberculosa, 17. Chlorophyceae, 29. Chondria, 120. atropurpurea, 121. curvilineata, 8, 13, 120. dasyphylla, 121 obtusa var. paniculata, 120. parvula, 115. polyrhiza, 10, 113, 121. succulenta, 121. Chorda Lomentaria, 73. Chroococcaceae, 14. Chroococcus, 14. membraninus, 14. turgidus, 14. Chroothece, 14. eryptarum, 15. Richteriana forma marina, 14. Chrysymenia, 113. Agardhii, 113. dichotomo-flabellata, 110. Enteromorpha, 114. halymenioides, 110, 114. Lomentaria, 114. pyriformis, 114. uvaria, 11, 114. Chylocladia Albertisii, 114. Baileyana var. filiformis, 115. parvula, 115. rigens, 113. rosea, 113. Cladophora, 43. brachyclona, 45. catenifera, 48, 95. constricta, 44. corallicola, 45. erispula, 44. ervstallina, 27, 46. delicatula, 44. expansa, 28, 45. fascicularis, 46. flavescens, 45. flexuosa, 45. fracta, 49. var. marina, 45. frascatil, 49. fuliginosa, 48. glaucescens, 46. heteronema, 45. Howel, 48. luteola, 44. Macallana, 46. patens, 46. piscinae, 46, 47. repens, 48. rigidula, 47. Sagraeana, 97. trichotoma, 48. utriculosa, 47, 48. Cladophoraceae, 41. Cladophoropsis, 49. membranacea, 49, 106. Cladosiphon mediterraneus, 74, 76. Cladostephus dubius, 101. Closterium, 29. Leibleini, 29. moniliferum, 29. Codiaceae, 54. Codiolum polyrhizum, 50. Codium, 54. adhaerens, 55. decorticatum, Uh sie, ae: 70, 98, 144. var. clavatum, 56. elongatum, 55. difforme, 59. isthmocladum, 57. intertextum, 54. repens, 59. tomentosum, 20, 24, 41, 55, 134. Coelarthrum, 114. Albertisii, 9, 114. Coelochondria, 121. Colpomenia, 73. sinuosa, 12, 73. 188 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Compsopogon subsimplex, 95. Conferva arbuscula, 131. carnea, 94. clavaeformis, 53. corymbosa, 136. crassa, 42. crystallina, 46. expansa, 45. fascicularis, 46. flexuosa, 33, 45. fracta, 49. fulvescens, 68. fusca, 72. fuscopurpurea, 94. hieroglyphica, 43. Hookeri, 136. Linum, 42. membranacea, 49. mirabilis, 25. repens, 48. riparia, 43. simplex, 124. tomentosa, 55. utricularis, 51. Wittrockit, 32. Corallina conglutinata, 58. cylindrica, 132. flabellum, 58. marginata, 102. monilis, 59. obtusata, 102. tridens, 59. Tuna, 59. Cordylecladia, 113. trregularis, 113. rigens, 113. Corticularia arcta, 69. Cosmarium, 29. botrytis, 30. Cucumis, 29. granatum, 29. pseudonitidulum, 29. subcucumis, 29. Crouania, 142. attenuata, 11, 142. Cryptoglaena, 28. americana, 28. Cryptoglenaceae, 28. Cryptonemia, 149. crenulata, 149. luxurians, 149. Cylindrocapsa, 35. geminella, 35. var. minor, 35. involuta, 35. Cylindrocapsaceae, 35. Cystoclonium purpurascens, 71. Cystoseira concatenata, 78. Dasya, 130. arbuscula, 131. forma subarticulata, 131. corymbifera, 131. Delilet, 117. elegans, 130. mucronata, 125. ocellata, 130. pedicellata, 11, 130, 131. punicea, 131. ramosissima, 131. spinuligera, 9, 130. Tumanowicai, 125. venusta, 131. Wurdemanni, 131. Dasycladaceae, 53. Dasycladus, 53. clavaeformis, 53. occidentalis, 54. Delesseria Hypoglossum, 116. Leprieurti, 116. Delesseriaceae, 115. Derbesia, 62. Lamourouxu, 62. marina, 62. tenuissima, 62. vaucheriaeformis, 62. Derbesiaceae, 62. Dermocarpa, 17. Farlowti, 18. Leibleinii var. pelagica, 20. prasina, 18. solitaria, 17. Desmidiaceae, 29. Dichosporangium repens, 74. Dichothrix, 28. Baueriana, 28. fucicola, 28. Dichotomosiphon, 67. pusillus, 67, 123. Dictyopteris, 88. delicatula, 88. Justii, 12, 16, 62, 71, 88, 97. plagiogramma, 88. Dictyosphaeria, 50. favulosa, 50. Dictyota, 88. acutiloba, 91. Bartayresii, 90. Bartayresiana, 90. Brongniartii, 92. cervicornis, 90. ciliata, 91, 98, 96. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 189 crenulata, 91, 92. dentata, 91, 92, 93. dichotoma, 89, 92. divaricata, 90, 91. fasciola, 89, 90. indica, 89. linearis, 89, 91. Mertensii, 92. subdentata, 92. variegata, 85, 87. volubilis, 90. Dictyotaceae, 84. Digenea, 124. simplex, 12, 124. Dilophus, 93. guineensis, 12, 93. Diplochaete, 38. solitaria, 38. Dudresnaya, 150. bermudensis, 12, 150, 151. caribaea, 12, 150, 151. crassa, 9, 11, 97, 150, 151. Dumontia calvadosii, 98. Dumontiaceae, 150. Ectocarpaceae, 68. Ectocarpus, 68. acanthotdes, 69. arctus, 69. confervoides, 69. coniferus, 69. crinitus, 77. Duchassaingianus, 70. elachistaeformis, 70. elegans, 70. Hooperi, 68. indicus, 70. luteolus, 71. Mitchellae, 69, 95. parasiticus, 71. Rallsiae, 71. Sandrianus, 70. stliculosus, 69. forma arctus, 69. Vidovichii, 77. virescens, 69. Encoeliaceae, 73. Endoderma, 39. filiforme, 39. viride, 39. Enteromorpha, 32. compressa, 33. flexuosa, 33. forma submarina, 34. Hopkirkit, 33. intestinalis, 34. var. tenuis, 34. marginata, 33. minima, 33. percursa, 33. plumosa, 33. prolifera, 33. Entocladia viridis, 39. Entophysalis, 16. granulosa, 16. Ernodesmis, 52. verticillata, 12, 52. Erythrocladia, 95. subintegra, 95. Erythrotrichia, 94. carnea, 94. ceramicola, 94. Eucheuma, 106. denticulatum, 10, 11, 106. Gelidium, 11, 106. isiforme, 106. spinosum, 106. Euchondria, 122. Eudesme virescens, 75. Euhymenia luxurians, 149. Euliagora, 99. Euptilota, 138. Falkenbergia, 122. Hillebrandi, 122. Fischerella, 26. ambigua, 26. Fucaceae, 78. Fucus, 79. acicularis, 105. bacciferus, 81. ceranoides, 88. chemnitzia var. peltatus, 65. clavifer, 65. confervoides, 109. corneus, 103. crinalis, 104. cupressoides, 66. dasyphyllus, 121. denticulatus, 106. ericifolius, 66. filamentosus, 142. foliosissimus, 83. gelatinosus, 119. hypoglossoides, 116. lendigerus, 82. linifolius, 81. multipartitus, 110. musciformis, 112. natans, 81. nodosus, 78. obtusus, 119. 190 COLLINS AND HERVEY. papillosus, 118. pavonius, 86. plumosus, 137, 138. Poitei, 110, 118. proliferus, 63. pseudociliatus, 91. pusillus, 104. racemosus, 65. rigidus, 108. sericeus, 138. sertularioides, 65. spiciferus, 122. spinosus, 116. taxifolius, 65. taxiformis, 117. tenellus, 129. wvarius, 113. uvifer, 65. vesiculosus, 79. Wrightti, 109. Galaxaura, 101. cylindrica, 102. fasciculata, 102. fastigiata, 102. flagelliformis, 102. fruticulosa, 102. lapidescens, 102. marginata, 102. obtusata, 11, 102. ramulosa, 102. squalida, 70, 102, 132. rugosa, 102. Gelidiaceae, 103. Gelidiopsis, 108. gracilis, 105. rigida, 108. Gelidium, 103. corneum, 103. crinale, 103. var. spathulatum, 104. pulvinatum, 104. pusillum, 11, 17, 104. var. conchicola, 104. repens, 104. rigidum var. radicans, 108. spathulatum, 104. Geminella, 31. scalariformis var. marina, 12, $1. Gigartina, 105. acicularis, 105. Teedii, 105. Gigartinaceae, 105. Gloeocapsa, 15. ambigua var. fusco-lutea, 15. atrata, 15. oa fusco-lutea, 15. montana, 15. Gloeothece, 15. confluens, 15. membranacea, 15. rupestris, 15. Globulina atrata, 15. Gloiococcus, 40. mucosus, 40. Gomontia, 50. polyrhiza, 50. Gomontiaceae, 50. Goniotrichum, 95. elegans, 95. Humphreyi, 95. Gonium glaucum, 16. Goralia, 99. Gracilaria, 108. armata, 109. compressa, 109. cornea, 109. confervoides, 109. damaecornis, 109. dichotomo-flabellata, 11, 110, 111. divaricata, 109. ferox, 109. horizontalis, 12, 111. multipartita, 110. Poitei, 109. Textortvi, 110. Wrightii, 109. Grateloupiaceae, 148. Griffithsia, 134. monilis, 135. Schousboei, 135. tenuis, 9, 135. thyrsigera, 135. Gymnothamnion, 137. bipinnatum, 139. elegans, 138. Harveyt, 138. pellucidum, 138. sericeum, 138. Haematococcus insignis, 40. Haliseris plagiogramma, 88. polypodioides, 88. Halimeda, 59. incrassata, 59. forma monilis, 60. forma typica, 59. forma tripartita, 59. Monile, 60. forma cylindrica, 60. forma robusta, 60. simulans, 59. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 191 tridens, 59. ] forma gracilis, 60. forma tripartita, 59. Tuna, 59. Halymenia, 148. Agardhii, 9, 149. bermudensis, 8, 11, 39, 148, 152. cyclocolpa, 151. decipiens, 148. echinophysa, 149. pseudofloresia, 11, 71, 149. Hapalosiphon, 26. intricatus, 26. Haplospora Vidovichti, 77. Hassallia, 26. byssoidea, 26. Helminthiopsis verticillifera, 151. Helminthocladia, 98. calvadosii, 10, 70, 71, 97, 98. divaricata, 98. purpurea, 98. Helminthocladiaceae, 96. Helminthora divaricata, 98. Herpochondria, 122. Herposiphonia, 125. pecten-veneris, 126. secunda, 126. tenella, 126. Heterospora, 77. Vidovichii, 9, 77. Heterosiphonia, 131. Wurdemanni, 131. Himanthalia, 78. Hormoceras pygmaeum, 144. Hormospora geminella, 35. scalariformis, 32. Hormothamnion, 24. convolutum, 24. Hormotrichum bermudianum, 32. Hutchinsia obscura, 128. opaca, 124. periclados, 125. secunda, 126. tenella, 126. Hydrococcus marinus, 16. Hyella, 17. caespitosa, 17. Hydroclathrus, 73. cancellatus, 12, 73. Hydrocoleum, 23. comoides, 23. glutinosum, 23. lyngbyaceum, 23. var. rupestre, 23. Hypnea, 111. cervicornis, 112. cornuta, 113. musciformis, 9, 112, 148. spinella, 112. Hypoglossum, 116. hypoglossoides, 116. W oodwardi, 116. Kallymenia, 105. perforata, 12, 105. reniformis, 149. Laurencia, 117. cervicornis, 118, 134. dasyphylla, 119, 121. gemmifera, 118. implicata, 118, 120. antricata, 119. obtusa, 119. var. gelatinosa, 119. var. gracilis, 119. paniculata, 120. papillosa, 118. perforata, 118. Poitei, 118. setacea, 119. tuberculosa, 118. Leibleinia, 21. Liagora, 99. corymbosa, 99. dubia, 101. elongata, 97, 99. pectinata, 100. pulverulenta, 100. valida, 99. Lomentaria, 115. uncinata, 115. var. filiformis, 115. Lophosiphonia, 126. bermudensis, 126. obscura, 128. Saccorhiza, 9, 127. subadunca, 127. Lyngbya, 21. confervoides, 18, 21, 39. Lagerheimu, 22. lutea, 22. majuscula, 21. Meneghiniana, 18, 21. semiplena, 22. Mastigocoleus, 26. testarum, 26. Merismopedium, 16. convolutum, 16. glaucum, 16. Meristotheca, 106. 192 COLLINS AND HERVEY. Duchassaingil, 106. Mesogloia attenuata, 142. Chordariae, 74. Griffithsiana, 74. vermicularis, 74. virescens, 75. var. zostericola, 75. Zosterae, 75. Mesogloiaceae, 74. Mesotaenium, 30. Endlicherianum, 30. Microchaete, 25. vitiensis, 25. Microcoleus, 23. chthonoplastes, 23. corymbosus, 28. tenerrimus, 23. vaginatus var. monticola, 23. Microcystis, 16. marginata, 16. microspora, 16. Microspora, 32. Willeana, 32. Wittrockui, 32. Microthamnion, 40. Kuetzingianum, 40. Monostroma, 34. latissimum, 34, 94. orbiculatum, 34. Murrayella, 125. periclados, 125. Myriocladia Zosterae, 75. Myrionema orbiculare, 72. Myriotrichia, 74. repens, 74. Myriotrichiaceae, 74. Myxophyceae, 14. Naccaria, 103. corymbosa, 10, 11, 103. Wigghii, 103. Nemacystus, 76. Nemalion purpureum, 98. Nemastoma cervicornis, 151. Nemastomaceae, 151. Neomeris, 53. annulata, 9, 53. Kelleri, 53. Nitophyllum, 115. marginatum, 116. venulosum, 116. 4 Wilkinsoniae, 9, 115. Nostoe, 25. ciniflonum, 25. commune, 25. Nostochaceae, 24. Ochtodes filiformis, 109. Oedogoniaceae, 36. Oedogonium, 36. consociatum, 36. Itzigsohnil, 29, 31, 38. inversum, 38. pachyandrium, 37. Pringsheimii, 36. Oncobyrsa, 16. marina, 16. Oocystis, 31. Borgei, 31. Oscillatoria, 19. amoena, 20. amphibia, 20. Bonnemaisoni, 19. Corallinae, 20. formosa, 20. laetevirens, 20. longearticulata, 20. margaritifera, 19. miniata, 19. nigro-viridis, 19. tenuis var. tergestina, 20. Oscillatoriaceae, 18. Padina, 86. Durvillaei, 87. gymnospora, 87. Pavonia, 86, 87. sanctae-crucis, 86. variegata, 87, 145, 146. Palmella conferta, 17. rupestris, 15. tuberculosa, 17. Penicillus, 57. capitatus, 58. forma elongatus, 58. forma laxus, 58. elongatus, 58. pyriformis, 58. Petrosiphon, 52. adhaerens, 52. Phaeophila, 38. floridearum, 38. Phaeophyceae, 68. Phormidium, 20. fragile, 20. luridum, 20. Retzii, 21. valderianum, 21. Pithophora, 49. kewensis, 37, 49. Platoma, 151. cyclocolpa, 151. Plectonema, 22. nostocorum, 22. Pleurocapsa, 17. conferta, 17. Plewrococcus membraninus, 14. vulgaris, 31. Plumaria asplenioides, 138. elegans, 138. Harveyi, 138. pellucida, 138. pectinata, 138. plumosa, 138. Schousboei, 138, 140. Polysiphonia, 123. breviarticulata, 124. exilis, 128. fastigiata, 47. ferulacea, 96, 124. jibrillosa, 124. foetidissima, 13, 123. fracta, 124. havanensis, 123. forma mucosa, 123. Hillebrandi, 122. macrocarpa, 115, 123. nigrescens, 124. obscura, 128. opaca, 124. pecten-veneris, 126. per pusilla, 117. pulvinata, 123. simulans, 124. subtilissima, 123, 124. violacea, 47. Polythrix, 28. corymbosa, 28. Porphyra, 94. atropurpurea, 13, 94. laciniata, 94. leucosticta, 94. vulgaris, 94. Porphyridium, 152. cruentum, 152. Porphyrosiphon, 22. Notaristi, 22. Pringsheimia, 40. scutata, 40. Protococeaceae, 31. Protococcus, 31. turgidus, 14. viridis, 31. Protoderma, 35. marinum, 35. Ptilota elegans, 138. Harvey, 138. pellucida, 138. plumosa, 138. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. Schousboei, 138. sericea, 138. Ptilothamnion pluma, 140. Pylaiella, 68. fulvescens, 68. Hooperi, 68. Rhipilia longicaulis, 57. nigricans, 57. Rhizoclonium, 42. crassipellitum, 43. hieroglyphicum, 31, 35, 38, 48. Hooker, 43. Kerneri, 43. riparium, 43. var. implexum, 43. Rhodochorton, 147. membranaceum, 148. Rothii, 148. speluncarum, 17, 147. Rhodomela calamistrata, 129. Rhodomelaceae, 117. Rhodophyceae, 94. Rhodophyllidaceae, 105. Rhodymenia palmata, 110, 148. Rhodymeniaceae, 113. Rivularia, 28. hospita, 28. polyotis, 28. Zosterae, 75. Rivulariaceae, 27. Rosenvingia, 74. intricata, 12, 74. Sargassum, 80. bacciferum, 80. Filipendula, 84. var. Montagnei, 83. forma subedentatum, 83. fluitans, 81. Hystrix, 81, 84. var. fluitans, 81. lendigerum, 82. linifolium, 81. Montagnei, 83. natans, 8, 80. platycarpum, 84. var. bermudense, 84. vulgare, 78, 83. var. foliosissimum, 83. var. Montagne, 83. Scenedesmaceae, 31. Scenedesmus, 31. bijuga, 31. Schizosiphon fucicola, 28. Schizothrix, 23. 194 COLLINS AND HERVEY. calcicola, 24. vaginata, 23. Scinaia, 101. complanata, 101. furcellata, 101. var. complanata, 101. Seytonema, 25. crustaceum, 26. figuratum, 25. m:rabile, 25. myochrous, 26. ocellatum, 25. thermale, 25. varium, 25. Seytonemaceae, 25. Scytosiphon, 73. Lomentaria, 73. Seirospora Gaillonii, 137. Griffithsiana, 137. Siphonocladus, 52. rigidus, 52. tropicus, 52. Spatoglossum, 84. Areschougit, 84. guineensis, 93. Schroederi, 84. Spermothamnion, 132. flabellatum, 140. gorgoneum, 18, 132. investiens, 132. var. cidaricola, 132. macromeres, 132. Sphacelaria, 72. furcigera, 72. fusea, 72. novae-hollandiae, 72. tribuloides, 38, 72. Sphacelariaceae, 72. Sphaenosiphon prasinus, 18. Sphaerococeaceae, 108. Sphaerococcus Gelidium, 106. isiformis, 107. Lactuca var. luxurians, 149. rigens, 113. spinellus, 112. Textorti, 110. /Sphaerozyga Thwaitesii, 24. Spirogyra, 30. decimina, 30. var. submarina, 30. submarina, 30. Spirulina, 18. rosea, 18. subsalsa var. oceanica, 19. tenerrima, 18. Sporochnaceae, 77. Sporochnus, 77. adriaticus, 77. Bolleanus, 77. pedunculatus, 77. Spyridia, 142. aculeata, 142. var. Berkeleyana, 143. var. hypneoides, 11, 143. Berkeleyana, 143. complanata, 143. filamentosa, 142. Stephanocoelium pusillum, 63. Stichococcus, 32. subtilis, 32. Stigonema, 26. informe, 26. Stigonemaceae, 26. Stilophora, 77. rhizodes var. adriatica, 77. Stilophoraceae, 77. Streblonema, 71. parasiticum, 71. sphaericum, 71, 74. Striaria intricata, 74. Struvea, 52. ramosa, 52. Symploea, 22. muscorum, 22. violacea, 22. Synechococcus, 14. aeruginosus, 14. Synechocystis, 14. aquatilis, 14, 15. Taenioma, 117. macrourum, 117. perpusillum, 117. Taonia atomaria, 91. Schroederi, 84. Tetraspora, 30. lubrica, 30, 40. Tetrasporaceae, 30. Tilopteridaceae, 77. Tolypothrix, 26. tenuis, 26. Tremella cruenta, 152. Trentepohlia, 41. aurea, 41. Trentepohliaceae, 41. Trichodesmium, 20. Thiebaultii, 20. Trichogloea, 98. Herveyi, 11, 12, 27, 98. Trichosolen antillarum, 61. Turbinaria, 79. trialata, 79. THE ALGAE OF BERMUDA. 195 tricostata, 12, 79. macrophysa, 8, 51, 114. pachynema, 61. Udotea, 58. utriculosa, 51. conglutinata, 12, 58. forma crustacea, 51. flabellum, 10, 11, 58. ventricosa, 51. Ulothrichaceae, 31. verticillata, 52. Ulothrix subtilis, 32. Valoniaceae, 50. Ulva, 34. Vaucheria, 66. atropurpurea, 94. marina, 62. decorticata, 55. sphaerospora, 66. dichotoma, 89. Vaucheriaceae, 66. fasciata, 35. Volvocaceae, 30. Lactuca, 31, 34, 35, 38. var. latissima, 34. Wrangelia, 103. var. rigida, 35. penicillata, 9, 25, 103. latissima, 34. Wrightiella, 125. linza, 34. Blodgettii, 10, 12, 125, 136. lubrica, 30. Tumanowiczi, 125. Mertensii, 92. Wurdemannia, 104. prolifera, 33. setacea, 104. rigida, 35. Schroeder, 84. Xenococcus, 18. sinuosa, 73. Schousboei, 18. stellata, 50. var. pallida, 18. Ulvaceae, 32. Urococcus, 40. Zonaria, 85. insignis, 40. gymnospora, 87. linearis, 89. Valonia, 50. lobata, 12, 85, 97. confervoides, 51. variegata, 85, 87, 146. favulosa, 50. Zygnemaceae, 30. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. VoL. 538. No. 2.— OctTosmr, 1917. THE GENUS FRAXINUS IN NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA. By ALFRED REHDER. J + i AM : ¢. Ets ' sastee eo THE GENUS FRAXINUS IN NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA. By ALFRED REHDER. Received April 15, 1917. Wuite collecting in Arizona and New Mexico for the Arnold Arboretum in the summer of 1914 and 1916 I paid special attention to the various species and forms of Fraxinus. There are at present six species of Fraxinus known from that region. One of them, F. Lowellii Sargent, is endemic to central Arizona; three, F. velutina Torrey, F. Standleyi Rehder and F. cuspidata Torrey, are found through a considerable part of the territory under consideration, while F. anomala Torrey occurs only in northern Arizona where it reaches the southeastern limit of its range, and the Mexican F. pa- pillosa Lingelsheim just crosses the extreme southern border of New Mexico. Though these six species are easily distinguished from each other, as shown in the following key, they all exhibit a greater or lesser degree of variability like most other American Ashes; particu- larly F. velutina is extremely variable in its tomentum, in the size, shape and texture of its leaflets, in the length of the petiolules and in the shape and size of its fruits. The extreme forms might easily be taken for distinct species, if it were not for the fact that they are closely connected by intermediate forms and do not occupy separate geo- graphical areas. This is particularly true of the glabrous and pubes- cent forms which I found in almost every instance growing side by side in the same locality. This study is based on material in the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum supplemented by a considerable number of specimens for the loan of which I am indebted to those in charge of the National Herbarium and of the Gray Herbarium; I also am under obligation to Dr. N. L. Britton for the permission to examine and photograph some of the types in the herbarium of the New York Botanic Garden. All the species except F. papillosa known so far within our area only from a single locality I have had the opportunity to observe and study in the field. 200 REHDER. Key of the species. Flowers with petals: branchlets slender, terete: leaves 3-9-foliolate. 1. F. cuspidata. Flowers without petals. Body of the fruit nearly terete with the wing almost terminal extending scarcely below the middle: branches terete. Leaflets 3-7: body of the fruit narrowly cylindrical, gradually narrowed toward the base, 1.5-2 mm. thick, about 5-8 times as long as thick, wing shorter than the body, linear or spatulate, 3-5 mm. broad. 2. F. velutina. Leaflets 7-9, rarely 5: body of the fruit ellipsoid to oblong, rather abruptly contracted at the base, 2.5-3.5 mm. thick, about 2-4 times as long as thick, wing usually longer then the body, linear-oblong, 5-7 mm. broad. Under side of the leaflets green or glaucescent, not papillose. 3. F. Standleyi. Under side of the leaflets glaucous, papillose...... 4. F. papillosa. Body of fruit much compressed, with the wing extending to the base of the body: branchlets more or less quadrangular. Leaves pinnate, 3-7-foliolate.............5..---=:- 5. F. Lowellii. Leaves simple, only occasionally 3-foliolate.......... 6. F. anomala. 1. Fraxinus cuspidata Torrey in Rep. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Surv. II. pt. 1 (Bot.) 166 (1859).— Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. II. pt. 1, 74 (1878).— Hemsley, Bot. Biol. Am. Cent. Il. 304 (1881-82).— Wenzig in Bot. Jahrb. IV. 171 (1883).— Havard in Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 510 (1885).— Pringle in Gard. & Forest, I. 142 (1888).— Sargent in Gard. & Forest, II. 447 (1889); Silva N. Am. VI. 29 (excl. tab.) 1894); Man. Trees N. Am. 759 (excl. fig.) (1905).— Coulter in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. II. 259 (1892).— Wesmael in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XX XI. 80 (1892).— Britton, Trees N. Am. 810, fig. 142 (1908).— Schneider, I7/. Handb. Laubholzk. I1. 820, fig. 514 k-m, 516 d (1912).— Wooton & Standley in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. XIX. 496 (Fl. N. Mex.) (1915). Ornus cuspidata Nieuwland in Am. Midland Nat. II. 187 (1914). New Mexico. Otero Co.: Sacramento Mts., Fresnal Canyon, alt. 1800 m., August 18, 1914 and August 24, 1916, A. Rehder (Nos. 333, 422, 425, 425b (pubescent form). Dona Ana Co.: San Andreas Mts., Ash Spring Canyon, May 24, 1913, E. O. Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 661852). Grant Co.: Big Hatchet Mts., May 18, 1892, E. A. Mearns (No. 127), alt. 2200 m., July 23, 1908, FE. A. Goldman (No. 1337). Valencia Co.: McCarthy’s Station, July 25, 1889, THE GENUS FRAXINUS. 201 Munson & Hopkins; near Grant, June 6, 1904, A. Chaves (U. S. Nat. Herb. Nos. 560670, 738264). Me Kinley Co.: Fort Wingate, 1881, W. Mathews (No. 19); Gallup, June 14, 1916, Alice Eastwood (Nos. 5637, 5638). Without precise locality, 1851-52, C. Wright (No. 1698, in part); 1869, FE. Palmer (No. 71). WesTERN Texas. Eagle Springs, June 21, 1855, and mouth of the Great Canyon of the Rio Grande, C. C. Parry & J. M. Bigelow (type specimen); Chisos Mts., August 1883, V. Havard (No. 69). Mexico. Chihuahua: Santa Eulalia Mts., April 6 and June 6, 1885, C. G. Pringle (No. 137). This species I have seen only as a tall shrub from 3-5 m. high branching from the base into slender upright stems; it is usually found on rocky slopes at an elevation of from 1600-2200 m. It is distributed from the provinces of Coahuila and Chihuahua of Mexico through western Texas and the southwestern half of New Mexico to northern Arizona; it does not seem to occur in northeastern New Mexico or in southwestern Arizona. It shows some variation in the serration and in the number of leaflets and the following varieties may be distinguished from the typical form which has 5-7, rarely 3, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate leaflets occasionally sparingly serrate. Shrubs with rather densely pubescent and at the same time smaller and broader leaflets apparently represent merely a juvenile form, as I found such foliage only on stunted shrubs without fruit; only once I found a slightly pubescent shrub with a few fruits. Pringle has also distributed sterile branches with pubescent leaves under his number 137 from the Santa Eulalia Mountains in Chihuahua. Fraxinus cuspidata var. macropetala, n. var. Fraxinus macropetala Eastwood ini Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XXX. 494 (1903.)— Lingelsheim in Bot. Jahrb. XL. 216 (Vorarb. Monog. Fraxinus, 36) (1907). Arizona. Coconino Co.: Grand Canyon, July 9, 1892, E. O. Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 738265), July 13, 1892, J. W. Toumey (No. 273), June 1905, C. A. Purpus, June 13, 1913, A. E. Hitchcock (Nos. 76, 78); Red Canyon Trail, June 10, 1901, L. #. Ward (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 410119); Bright Angel Trail, alt. 1400-2200 m., 1909, E. W. Nelson (No. 108), May 31 and August 19, 1913, E. A. Goldman (Nos. 2067, 2223), alt. 1400-2000 m., July 19, 1914, A. Rehder (No. 106); Hermit Trail, June 18, 1916, Alice Eastwood (No. 5822); Grand View Trail, June 16, 1916, Alice Eastwood (No. 5693). Sycamore Canyon, southwest of Flagstaff, Oct. 4, 1915, Percival Lowell, alt. 1350 m., Sept. 14, 1916, A. Rehder (No, 578). 202 REHDER. This variety differs from the type chiefly in its 3-5-, rarely 7- foliolate leaves with broader, often ovate, entire leaflets; occa- sionally with simple leaves at the base of the branchlets. All the other distinguishing characters given in the original description of F. macropetala can be found in the typical form. In the type the divisions of the calyx are also attenuate and very unequal and the longer divisions equal or exceed the tube in length; the length of the corolla varies between 10 and 16 mm.; the shape of the fruit is very variable even in the same locality, and I have before me specimens from the Grand Canyon with fruits having a narrow wing, about 5 mm. wide, 2.8 mm. long and rounded at the se and others with the wing of the fruit 7 mm. broad and only 2—2.5 mm. long and truncate and emarginate at the apex. On many dose branchlets all the leaves are simple, as in Ward’s specimen from the Red Canyon Trail; a sterile specimen collected by Percival Lowell in the Sycamore Canyon has most of the leaves simple and the others with only one pair of small leaflets at the base. Fraxinus cuspidata, var. serrata, n. var. Fraxinus cuspidata Sargent, Silva N. Am. VI. t. 260 (pro parte) (1894); Man. Trees N. Am. fig. 605 (pro parte) (1905) tantum quoad plantam depictam. A typo recedit foliolis manifeste serratis ovatis v. ovato-lanceolatis, plerumque 7, rarius 9 v. 5, paribus inferioribus interdum 3-foliolatis. Mexico. Coahuila: mountains east of Saltillo, April 15-20, 1880, FE. Palmer (No. 796, type); San Lorenzo Canyon, 6 miles southeast of Saltillo, April 16, 1905, E. Palmer (No. 536); Sierra Madre, south of Saltillo, April 12, 1906, C. G. Pringle (No. 13742); Saltillo, cult. at Cotton mill, April 5, 1887, C. S. Sargent. This variety seems to be restricted to Mexico and is connected with the typical F. cuspidata by intermediate forms; such are A. Chaves’ specimen from Valencia Co., New Mexico, V. Havard’s No. 69 from western Texas and Pringle’s No. 137 from Mexico, all enumerated above under the typical F. cuspidata. 2. Fraxinus velutina Torrey in Emory, Not. Reconnoiss. Leaven- worth to San Diego, 149 (1848).1— Sudworth, Rep. Sec. Agric. 1892, 1 Not F. iain Lingelsheim in Bot. ane. eb, 216 Gos Monog. foe nus, 36) (1907) from Yunnan which belongs to the section Ornus and is related to F. chinensis Roxburgh; it is based on Henry’s No. 11893. I propose for ne eT ‘ies the name F. Lingelsheimii, n. nom. (F. velutina Lingelsheim, non orrey THE GENUS FRAXINUS. 203 326.— Sargent, Silva N. Am. VI. 41, (excl. tab.) (1894); Man. Trees N. Am. 774, (excel. fig.) (1905).— Britton, Trees N. Am. 799 (excl. fig.) (1908). — Elwes & Henry, T7'rees Gr. Brit. & Irel. IV. 912, t. 265, fig. 20 (1909).— Wooton & Standley in Contrib. U. 8. Nat. Herb. XIX. 496 (Fl. N. Mex.) (1915). Fraxinus pistaciaefolia Torrey in Pacific R. R. Rep. TV. 128 (1856); in Rep. U. S. & Mex. Bound. Surv. II. pt. 1 (Bot.), 166 (1859).— Hemsley, Bot. Biol. Am. Centr. II. 305 (1881- 82).— Rusby in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 1X. 54 (1882).—Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. II. pt. 1, 74 (1878).— Rothrock in Rep. U.S. Geog. Surv. west 100th Merid. VI. 186 (1878).— Watson in Proc. Am. Acad. XVIII. 113 (1883).— Sargent, Forest Trees N. Am. 10th Census U. S. TX. 106 (1884).— Lingelsheim in Bot. Jahrb. XL. 221 (Vorarb. Monog. Fraxinus, 41) (1907). Fraxinus viridis S. Watson in U. S. Geol. Explor. 40th Parall. 284 (non Michaux) (1871). Fraxinus americana var. pistaciaefolia Wenzig in Bot. Jahrb. IV. 182 (1883).— Wesmael in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XXXI. 108 (1892). New Mexico: Lincoln Co: White Mts., alt. 2500 m., August 25, 1907, Wooton & Standley (No. 3623). Otero Co.: Sacra- mento Mts., Fresnal Canyon, alt. 2000 m., August 24, 1916, A. Rehder (Nos. 409c, 418); Three Rivers, alt. 1600 m., F. G. Plummer (U. S. Nat. Herb. Nos. 564674, 564675). Dona Ana Co.: Organ Mts., alt. 2300 m., Sept. 20, 1900, Wooton & Standley (U.S. Nat. Herb. No. 499883), alt. 1300 m., September 1, 1897, HE. O. Wooton (No. 432). Sierra Co.: between the waters of the Del Norte and the Gila, Oct. 15, 1847, W. E. Emory (type, in herb. N. Y. Bot. Gard.); Head & Wilson Ranch, July 13, 1900, E. O. Wooton (U.S. Nat. Herb. Nos. 738260, 738266); Black Range, Berendo Creek, alt. 1850 m., 0. B. Metcalfe (No. 927); Tierra Blanca, 1904, Mrs. I. N. Beals. Socor- ro Co.: near Glenwood, August 14, 1914, A. Rehder, (No. 290). GrantCo.: Emory Spring, June 4, 1892, EL. A. Mearns (No. 284); Dog Mts. June 4, 1892, E. A. Mearns (No. 285); Animas Mts., Indian Canyon, alt. 2000 m., August 7, 1908, E. A. Goldman (No. 1396); San Luis Mts., July 26, 1892, E. A. Mearns (No. 570). Arwzona. Navajo Co.: Tusayan, National Forest, June 12, 1912, A. D. Read (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 583287). Graham C08 San Carlos Indian Reserv., June 25, 1904, F. V. Coville (No. 1944). Cochise Co,; Huachuca Mts., Sept., 1882, J, G. Lemmon (Now 204 REHDER. 256); Bowie, September 16, 1884, M. E. Jones (No. 4235). Pima Co.: near Tucson, April 1908, J. N. Rose (No. 12131), March and October, 1895, J. W. Touwmey (U.S. Nat. Herb. No. 619020). Yava- pai Co.: Sierra Prieta, near Prescott, alt. 1850 m., Sept. 4, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 512°). This Ash is widely distributed through New Mexico and Arizona except in the northeastern part of the former of these states, and is rather common along water courses at elevations of between 1000 to 2400 m. It is extremely variable and the most extreme forms have the appearance of distinct species, but they are all closely connected by intermediate forms so that it seems impossible to divide this group of forms satisfactorily into several species, but by selecting the most distinct forms as types the forms may be grouped under the following varieties. To typical F. velutina I refer the specimens enumerated above; they resemble the type specimen in having few, usually 3-5, generally elliptic, short-stalked or nearly sessile leaflets and densely pubescent branchlets and leaves. In the type specimen most of the leaves are 3-foliolate; the leaflets of the 3-foliolate leaves are elliptic, acute at the ends, distinctly serrate, the larger terminal leaflets measure 5-5.5 em. by 3-3.5 em., while the lateral leaflets are similar, but smaller; the lateral leaflets of the 5-foliolate leaves are narrower and measure about 4 cm. by 1.5 cm. The fruits are about 2.3 em. long, with a slender terete body slightly longer than the linear-oblong wing which is 3-4 mm. broad. Typical F. velutina is the most common form of this group in southern and western New Mexico and is also found in eastern and central Arizona. Fraxinus velutina var. Toumeyi, n. var. Fraxinus velutina Sargent, Silva N. Am. VI. t. 267 (pro parte (1894), tantum quoad plantam depictam. Fraxinus attenuata Jones, Contrib. West. Bot. XII. 59 (pro parte) (1908, March 26), quoad specimen ex Arizona.— Wooton & Standley in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. XTX. 496 (Fl. N. Mew.) (1915). Fraxinus Toumeyi Britton, Trees N. Am. 803, fig. 732 (1908). New Mexico. Guadalupe Co.: Guadalupe Canyon, July 28, 1892, E. A. Mearns (No. 582). Dona Ana Co.: Organ Mts., 1881, G. R. Vasey (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 49369); Filmore Can- yon, August 4, 1895, and April 15, 1899, E. O. Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb. Nos. 735196, 738263). Sierra Co.: Lake Valley, 1916, THE GENUS FRAXINUS. 205 Mrs. W. G. Beals (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 424691). SocorroCo:: Dry Creek, alt. 1600 m., October 13, 1908, EF. A. Goldman (No. 1571); Glenwood, August 14, A. Rehder (No. 292). Grant Co.: Pine Cienaga, July 17, 1900, FE. O. Wooton (U.S. Nat. Herb. No. 738262); Redrock, September 28, 1908, FE. A. Goldman (No. 1545); Crawford’s Ranch, June 21, 1906, #. O. Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 738261); Santa Rita, 1877, E. L. Greene (No. 36); Bear Mts., April, 1880, H. H. Rusby (No. 254); Animas Valley, July 17 and 27, 1892, HF. A. Mearns (Nos. 500, 576); Alamo Veijo, May 27, 1892, H. A. Mearns (No. 176). Arizona. Graham Co.: Fort Grant, June 17, 1912, L. N. Godding (No. 1063); Graham Mts., July 26, 1914, Hh. A. Goldman (No. 2337); Black River Lower Crossing, July 27, 1910, L. NV. Godding (No. 686). Cochise Co.: Chiricahua Mts., Whitetail Canyon, alt.'1650 m., August 17, 1906, J. C. Blumer (No. 1250); Five Mile Creek, alt. 1650 m., August 12, 1906, J. C. Blumer (No. 1238); Fort Huachuca, 1894, 7. FE. Wilcox (Nos. 46, 202); Barbacomari Creek, alt. 1800 m., October 19, 1893, FE. A. Mearns (No. 2617). Pima C o.: Tucson, March and October, 1895, J. W. Toumey (type of F. Toumeyi), July 2, 1891 and August 3, 1892 (No. 274), J. W. Toumey, 1891, G. C. Neally (No. 62), April 14, 1908, J. N. Rose (No. 11758); banks of Rillita Creek, June 17, 1881, C. G. Pringle, August 7, 1914, A. Rehder (No. 239); Santa Catalina Mts., Sabino Canyon, alt. 950 m., June 15, 1883, J. J. Thornber (No. 343), alt. 1800 m., Sep- tember 1, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 499); mouth of Bear Canyon, alt. 1000 m., August 31, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 454); Santa Rita Mts., alt. 1400-2000 m., September 1880, Engelmann & Sargent. Gila Co.: Tonto Basin, July 19, 1892, J. W. Towmey (No. 274). Yavapai Co.: Sierra Prieta, near Prescott, alt. 1800 m., Sept. 4, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 512, 512c). “Ash Creek,” July 1874, J. T. Rothrock. (No. 302). Mexico. Sonora: Guadalupe Canyon, August 28, 1893, E. C. Merton (No. 2072), Los Pintos, 2000 m., October 11, 1890, C. V. Hartmann (No. 127); without precise locality, June 1851, G. Thurber (No. 322). This variety differs from the type chiefly in its 5-7, narrower, slender-stalked leaflets and in the less dense pubescence of its leaves and its branchlets. In the type specimens most of the leaves of the fruiting branch have 7 leaflets which are ovate-lanceolate or elliptic- lanceolate to lanceolate in shape and measure 3.5-5.5 in length and 1.2-1.6 in width, the leaflets of the middle pair being the largest, while 206 REHDER. the terminal leaflet equals those of the upper pair. The pubescence of the branches and the leaves is very short and rather thin; the fruits are 2—2.2 cm. long with a linear-oblong wing 3-4 mm. broad. The specimens I have referred to this variety show great variation in pubescence, in the shape and size of the leaflets, in the length of the petiolule and also in the fruits; many specimens are intermediate between the type and this variety and sometimes the leaves of weaker branchlets and those at the base of the vigorous shoots resemble those of typical F. velutina, while the upper leaves of vigorous shoots are those of var. Toumeyt. The fruits vary from 1.5-3.5 em. in length with the wing usually narrowly oblong and from 3 to 4 mm. broad, sometimes the wing is spatulate and up to 5 mm. broad, of this the most extreme form is my No. 512 which has the spatulate wing 5 mm. broad and the whole fruit only 1.5-2 em. long with the body of the fruit 0.8-1.2 em. long. This variety is the most common form in Arizona, while in New Mexico the type seems to be more widely distributed. I have not taken up the name attenuata for this variety, though it is the oldest, because the two specimens cited by Jones under his F. attenuata, belong to different species or at least different forms, and none of them being designated as the type and the description ap- parently based on both, it’remains uncertain which ought to be con- sidered the type. Fraxinus velutina var. coriacea, n. comb. Fraxinus coriacea S. Watson in Am. Nat. VII. 302 (in part) (1873), exclud. planta coll. a Bigelow.2— Rothrock in Rep. U.S. Geog. Surv. west 100th merid. VI. 185, t. 22 (1878).— Coville in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb IV. 148 (Bot. Death Valley Exped.) (1892). Fraxinus pistaciaefolia var. coriacea Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. IL. pt. 1, 74 (1878). Fraxinus americana var. coriacea Wenzig in Bot. Jahrb. IV. 182 (1883).— Wesmael in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XX XI. 108 (1892). Nevapa. “Ash Meadows,” 1871, G. M. Wheeler (type). Utan. St. George, 1875, H. Palmer, 1898, J. W. Carpenter. CALIFORNIA. Inyo Co.: Owens Lake near Olancha, June 5, 1906, Hall & Chandler (No. 7328, and probably No. 7322). 2 Bigelow’s specimen from Devil’s Run Canyon, western Texas, is F. lexensis Sargent. THE GENUS FRAXINUS. 207 This variety differs from the type in the more coriaceous, slender- stalked and often more coarsely serrate leaflets and in the less densely pubescent or glabrescent branchlets and leaves. In the type speci- men the leaflets are generally elliptic, 4.5-5.5 em. long and 2.5-3 em. broad, broadly cuneate at the base and abruptly and obtusely pointed, indistinctly serrulate, slightly and sparingly villose on both surfaces, pale yellowish green above and paler and reticulate beneath; a few leaves have obovate leaflets, truncate at the apex and rather coarsely dentate; the fruits are spatulate, 1.8-2.5 em. long and 5-6 mm. broad below the emarginate apex. Hall & Chandler’s No. 7328 is nearest to the type in shape and size of the leaflets, but it is nearly glabrous.$ This variety does not seem to occur in Arizona, but some specimens referred to var. Towmey?, as Jones’s No. 4235 and Toumey’s No. 274, have rather coriaceous leaflets and may be considered transitions to var. coriacea. Fraxinus velutina var. glabra, n. var. Fraxinus glabra Thornber in U. S. Herb. A typo et a varietatibus praecedentibus differt foliis ramulisque glabris et a var. coriacea foliolis tenuioribus subtus vix reticulatis. New Mexico. Chaves Co.: near Roswell, alt. 1100 m., August 11, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 348). Dona Ana Co.: Ash Spring, San Andreas Mts., May 24, 1913, FE. O. Wooton (U.S. Nat. Herb. No. 661851). Otero Co.: Sacramento, Cloudcroft, alt. 2800 m., August 20, and alt. 2500 m., August 25, 1916, A. Rehder (Nos. 384, 441); Fresnal Canyon, alt. 2000 m., August 24, 1916, A. Rehder (Nos. 409, 409b). Arizona. Graham Co.: San Carlos Indian Reserv., June 25, 1904, F. V. Coville (No. 1945). Cochise Co.: Huachuca Mts., Tanner Canyon, August 24, 1910, L. N. Godding (No. 817); Miller’s 3 Some Californian specimens distributed as F’. coriacea do not belong here; they represent a glabrous or glabrescent variety of F. oregona Nuttall which is apparently identical with F’. oregona var. glabra Lingelsheim in Bot. Jahrb. XL. 220 (Vorarb. Monog. Fraxinus, 40) (nomen nudum) (1907). To this vari- ety I refer the following numbers which differ from the type in the glabrous or nearly glabrous branchlets and leaves. Kern Co.: Greenhorn Mts., alt. 1000-1200 m., 1897, C. A. Purpus (No. 5555). San Bernardino Co.: Lyth Creek Canyon, July 15, 1902, Le Roy Abrams (No. 2741); Cleghorn Canyon, July 6, 1908, Le Roy Abrams & E. A. McGregor (No. 703). Los Angeles Co.: Liebre Mts., June 20-23, 1908, Le Roy Abrams & E. A. McGregor (No. 400). ' : 208 REHDER. Canyon, June 19, 1909, LZ. N. Godding (No. 105). Pima Co.: Range Reserve, July 21, 1911, EF. H. Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 690667, type); banks of Rillita, 1881, C. G. Pringle. Yavapai Co.: Beaver Canyon, near Camp Verde, alt. 1500 m., Sept. 7, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 541); Sierra Prieta near Prescott, 1800 m., September 4, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 513). This variety differs in the quite glabrous branchlets and leaves from the type and from var. Toumeyi to which it is nearest in the shape of its leaflets; from specimens of var. coriacea with narrower glabrescent leaflets it can be distinguished only by the thinner leaflets not strongly reticulate beneath. It seems to be not uncommon throughout New Mexico and Arizona and in the localities where I collected it I nearly always found it associated with pubescent forms. 3. Fraxinus Standleyi, n. sp. Arbor, ramulis hornotinis teretibus glabris v. fere glabris, anno- tinis cinerascentibus, interdum atropurpureis, vetustioribus cinereis; gemmae ferrugineo-tomentulosae. Folia longe petiolata, 13-18 em. longa, 7-9-foliolata; foliola sessilia v. brevissime petiolulata, ovata v. ovato-oblonga, rarius elliptica, acuta v. breviter acuminata, basi late cuneata, terminale sensim in petiolulum cire. 0.5 em. longum attenua- tum, omnia irregulariter et leviter serrulata, supra luteo-viridia, glabra, subtus glaucescentia, leviter reticulata, secus costam basin versus plus minusve villosa, cetera glabra v. fere glabra, rarius tota facie sparse minute villosula, minute punctulata, 4-6 cm. longa et 1.5-3 cm. lata in specimine typico, nervis utrinsecus 5—7 ante marginem dissolutis; petioli satis graciles, 2.5-5 em. longi, interdum purpur- ascentes, supra applanati v. leviter concavi, basi leviter tantum dilatati, glabri; rhachis glabra, supra leviter canaliculata, leviter marginata. Flores non visi. Paniculae fructiferae 8-12 cm. longae, glabrae; pedicelli graciles; calyx persistens minutus, irregulariter inciso-dentatus et denticulatus; samara 2.5-3 em. longa, capsula subteres v. leviter compressa, ellipsoidea v. oblonga, basi subito contracta, 1-1.3 em. longa et 2.5-3.5 mm. diam., leviter striata; ala oblongo-spatulata, ad medium capsulae decurrens, 6-7 mm. lata, apice obtusiuscula v. leviter emarginata in specimine typica, interdum anguste oblonga. - New Mexico. Dona Ana Co.: Organ Mts., Van Pattens Camp, June 9, 1906, P. C. Standley (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 560835, type). Lincoln Co. White Mts., Gilmore’s Ranch, alt. 2500 m., August 17, 1908, E. O. Wooton (No. 3943). Luna Co.: Florida Mts., THE GENUS FRAXINUS. 209 alt. 1900 m., September 8, 1908, E. A. Goldman (No. 1482). Grant Co.: San Luis Mts., June 25 and October 2, 1892, HK. A. Mearns (No. 382); Santa Rita, “Copper Mines, N. E. of El Paso”, 1851, J.M. Bigelow. Without precise locality, 1851, C. Wright (No. 1697). Arizona. Graham Co.: White Mts., August 6-15, 1903, D. Griffith (No. 5390). Cochise Co.: Huachuca Mts., Ash Can- yon August 6, 1909, L. N. Godding (No. 342); April, 1897, J. W. Toumey. Pima Co.: Santa Rita Mts., September 20—October 4, 1902, D. Griffith & J. J. Thornber (No. 176). Coconino Co:: Oak Creek Canyon, alt. 2000 m. and 1800 m., September 15, 1916, A, Rehder (Nos. 581, 586); shaded ravine near head of Oak Creek, June 21, 1916, F. Shreve (No. 24); San Francisco Mts., Elden Mt., July 17, 1891, D. T. McDougal (No. 396). Mexico. Sonora: San José Mts., alt. 2400 m., August 7, 1903, E. A. Mearns (Nos. 1668, 1671). This species seems most closely related to F. velutina Torrey, but differs chiefly in the usually 7—-9-foliolate leaves and in the fruit which has a thick, terete, ellipsoid or oblong body, similar to that of F. americana Linnaeus and a wing longer than the body; the body is about 2 to 4 times longer than thick and finely striate, while in typical F. velutina the fruit has a thin slender body gradually narrowed toward the base, 5-7 times longer than broad and more or less irregu- larly grooved. The fruit of the latter resembles that of F. pennsyl- vanica Marshall except that it is smaller and has a relatively much shorter wing. From F. americana which it resembles in the fruit F’. Standley? is distinguished by the sessile smaller leaflets with the epi- dermis of the under side not papillose and by the smaller fruit. This new species seems to be as variable as F. velutina and of the specimens quoted above no two are exactly alike. Wright’s No. 1697 differs in the quite glabrous leaflets more glaucescent beneath and in the narrower, deeply emarginate wing of the fruit. Gold- man’s No. 1482 has also quite glabrous leaflets, but much smaller and never as many as nine. Griffith’s & Thornber’s No. 176 has narrower, more glaucescent leaflets and fruits with narrower pointed wings. Mearn’s No. 382 has smaller leaflets sparingly short-pubes- cent on the whole under surface, a puberulous rhachis and fruits with narrower wings. McDougal’s No. 396 has leaves with always 7, elliptic, distinctly petioluled leaflets and fruits with narrower wings. Godding’s No. 343 has also elliptic leaflets always 7 in number and narrower fruits only 1.5-2 cm. long. Shreve’s No. 24 and my own No. 581 have 7, rather large, short-stalked, elliptic or oval obtusish 210 REHDER. leaflets and quite glabrous and somewhat narrower fruits. My No. 586 has 7 quite glabrous oblong-lanceolate leaflets to 7 cm. long and pointed fruits to 3.5 em. in length. Wooton’s No. 3943 is similar but smaller and Mearn’s No. 1671 has also 7 oblong-lanceolate leaflets and somewhat narrower emarginate fruits. This species is distributed from southwestern New Mexico to southern and central Arizona and extends into northern Mexico. Fraxinus Standleyi, var. lasia, n. var. A typo recedit foliolis fere semper 7 subtus, ut petioli ramulique, dense velutinis. Foliola in specimine typico ovato-lanceolata, 4.5— 8 cm. longa et 1.5-2.8 cm. lata; samara 3-3.5 cm. longa; capsula 1.2-1.5 em. longa; ala anguste oblonga, circiter 6 mm. lata, emargi- nata. ARIZONA. Coconino Co.: Oak Creek Canyon, alt. 1800 m., September 15, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 585, type), July 14, 1914, A. Rehder (Nos. 41, 42, 43, 44); Sycamore Canyon, southwest of Flag- staff, alt. 1700 m., September 14, 1916, A. Rehder (No. 576). Na v- ajo Co.: Fort Apache, June 21-30, FH. Palmer (No. 592). Graham Co.: White Mts., August 6-15, 1908, D. Griffith (No. 5390). C o- echise Co.: Pine Canyon, Chiricahua Mts., Oct. 4, 1906, J. C. Blumer (No. 1302); Chiricahua Mts., April, 1897, J. W. Toumey. Pima Co.: Santa Rita Mts., alt. 2000 m., July 15, 1903,-J. J. Thornber (No. 299). New Mexico. GrantCo.: Santa Rita del Cobre, 1877, E. L. Greene (No. 37). This variety differs from the type chiefly in the tomentose branch- lets and leaves; it shows considerable variation in size and shape of its leaflets and fruits. Thornber’s No. 299 differs in its oblong- elliptic, nearly sessile leaflets. Greene’s No. 37 has broader, elliptic to ovate-oblong leaflets. Palmer’s No. 592 has similar leaflets, but narrower fruits from 1.5-3 em. long. Blumer’s No. 1302 has 5-7, rather broad, ovate to elliptic leaflets and is much less densely pubes- cent than the type. Also Griffith’s No. 5390 is less pubescent and has 5-7 narrower, rather sharply serrate leaves. 4. Fraxinus papillosa Lingelsheim in Bot. Jahrb. XL. 219 (Vorarb. Monog. Fraxinus, 39) (1907). New Mexico. Grant Co.: west side of San Luis Mts., alt. 1950 m., October 2, 1893, E. A. Mearns (No. 2533). Mexico. Chihuahua: Sierra Madre, near Colonia Garcia, THE GENUS FRAXINUS. 211 September 29, 1899, Townsend & Barber (No. 354, type); road from San Mateo to Guasarachi, September 24, 1898, EF. A. Goldman (No. 153). This species differs from the preceding species chiefly in the glau- cous papillose under surface of the leaflets and from F. americana in its sessile smaller leaflets. Mearns’s No. 2533 differs from the type in its larger, nearly entire leaflets 4-6 cm. long and 2-2.5 em. broad and in the larger, many-fruited panicles. 5. Fraxinus Lowellii Sargent, n. sp. Folia 9-15 em. longa, petiolis crassiusculis glabris v. leviter villosis; foliola 5 v. rarius 3, ovata, acuminata, apice acuta v. rarius obtusa, basi cuneata, grosse serrata saepe tantum supra medium, luteo-viridia, supra glabra vy. in costa puberula, subtus glabra v. rarius ad basin costae pallide luteae sparse villosula, 6-8 em. longa et 2.5-3.5 cm. lata, nervis tenuibus arcuatis ante marginem leviter incrassatum et revolutum anastomosantibus; petioluli 5-15 mm. longi. Flores non visi. Fructus mense Julio maturantes, in paniculis longis glabris, oblongi-elliptici v. oblongo-obovati, basi calyce minuto leviter den- tato instructi, apice dilatati v. sensim attenuati et rotundati, saepe emarginati, 2.5-3.5 longi et 7-9 mm. lati; ala ad basin capsulae valde compressae striatae 1.8—2.5 em. longae decurrens. Arbor 7-S8-metralis, cortice fusco profunde fisso, ramulis validis quadrangulatis saepe alatis, interdum fere teretibus, hornotinis fusco- aurantiacis, annotinis cinereo-brunneis. Arizona. Coconino Co.: Oak Creek Canyon, about 20 miles south of Flagstaff, Percival Lowell, June 1, 1911, A. Rehder, July 13, 1914 (No. 53, type). Yavapai Co.: Copper Canyon, near Camp Verde, alt. 1500 m., A. Rehder, September 16, 1916 (Nos. 524, 526, and 529, a pubescent form). Mohave Co.: Peach Springs, 1884, J. G. Lemmon (No. 3242). I take much pleasure in associating with this plant the name of the late Percival Lowell, the distinguished astronomer who has greatly added to our knowledge of the trees of northern Arizona. C. S. SARGENT. 6. Fraxinus anomala Torrey in herb. apud S. Watson in Rep. U.S. Geol. Explor. 40th Parall. V. 283 (1871).— Parry in Am. Nat. IX. 203 (1875).— Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. II. pt. 1, 74 (1878).— Sargent, Forest Trees N. Am. 10th Census U. S. 1X. 106 (1884); Silva N. Am. FAs REHDER. VI. 39, t. 2664 (1894) Man. Trees N. Am. 765, fig. 6114 (1905).— Wenzig in Bot. Jahrb. IV. 186 (1883).— Wesmael in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XX XI. 114 (1892).— Koehne, Deutsche Dendr. 511, fig. 90 p (1893).— Coville in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. IV. 148 (Bot. Death Valley Exp.) (1892).— Britton, VN. Am. Trees, 796, fig. 797 (1908).— Elwes & Henry, Trees Gt. Brit. Irel. IV. 900, t. 262, fig. 7 (1909).— Schneider, J/l. Handb. Laubholzk. II. 822, fig. 516 a—b, 518 p (1912).— Wooton & Standley in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. XIX. 496 (FI. N. Mex.) (1915). Fraxinus anomala, var. triphylla Jones in Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 2, V. 707 (Contrib. W. Bot. VII) (1895). New Mexico. San Juan Co.: Carriso Mts., July 28, 1911, P. C. Standley (No. 7316). Arizona. Coconino Co.: Grand Canyon, June 14, 1891, D. T. McDougal (No. 205), September 8, 1894, C. S. Sargent, Sep- tember 12, 1894, J. W. Toumey, 1909, E. W. Nelson (No. 107), May 31, 1913, HE. A. Goldman (No. 2068), June 30, 1913, A. E. Hitchcock (No. 79), July 19, 1914, A. Rehder (No. 105); two miles below Pagumpa, alt. 1300 m., April 21, 1894, M. E. Jones (No. 5088); Hermit Trail, June 18, 1916, Alice Eastwood (No. 5831). SouTHERN Utau. Labyrinth, Colorado River, 1859, J. S. New- berry; St. George, Virgin River, E. Palmer; Ranch, A. L. Siler; Johnson, M. EF. Jones. This very distinct species occurs within our area only in northern Arizona and in the extreme northwestern corner of New Mexico and extends into Utah and Nevada. It shows little variation; the variety triphylla Jones can hardly be considered a distinct form or variety, as trifoliolate leaves are likely to appear on any vigorous shoot of normal simple-leaved plants. ARNOLD ARBORETUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 4 Except the sterile branch with pinnate leaves which was drawn from a cultivated plant supposed to be F’. anomala. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 538. No. 3.— January, 1918. THE AUSTRALIAN ANTS OF THE PONERINE TRIBE CERAPACHYINI. By Wituram Morton WHEELER. THE AUSTRALIAN ANTS OF THE PONERINE TRIBE CERAPACHYINI.! By Wivu1am Morton WHEELER. Received, September 29, 1917. Tue Cerapachyini are of unusual interest to the myrmecologist, because they represent one of the most primitive sections of the most primitive subfamily of ants, the Ponerinz, and because they are so closely related to the subfamily Doryline as to suggest that the latter must have arisen from Cerapachyine ancestors. Owing, however, to the fact that all the species of the tribe are rare and sporadic and confined to warm countries, our knowledge of the habits and sexual forms of the species and of their distribution is still very inadequate. In a country like Australia which preserves such a large portion of the ancient Mesozoic ant-fauna, we should expect to find the tribe well represented in genera and species, and this proves to be true. The workers of the Cerapachyini are easily recognized by their long, slender, jointed bodies; the petiole and postpetiole of the abdo- men are distinct and in one of the genera (Husphinctus) even the gastric segments are marked off from one another by pronounced constric- tions. The eyes are often lacking, the antennz are robust and well developed, the clypeus is very short and vertical, and the frontal carine are erect and closely approximated, so that the insertions of the antennz are exposed. The thoracic sutures are very feeble or entirely absent. In the males the mandibles are well developed, the genital appendages are retracted and there are no cerci. The females are sometimes worker-like and apterous, though possessing eyes or both eyes and ocelli (Nothosphinctus, Eusphinctus); in other species the thorax has distinctly differentiated sclerites and bears wings, though the mesonotum and scutellum are very small; in still others the thorax has differentiated sclerites but bears no wings (Cerapachys, Phyracaces). The larva of only one species has been described, that of the Texan Cerapachys (Parasyscia) auguste Wheeler (Psyche 1903, pp. 205-209). In the present paper I have sketched the larva 1 Contributions from the Entomological Laboratory of the Bussey Institu- tion, Harvard University, No. 129. 216 WHEELER. of Eusphinctus steinheili Forel (Fig. 2). It is very long and slender, non-tuberculate and covered with bifureate hairs. No pupz of Cera- pachyini have been seen, so that we are unable to say whether they are naked or enclosed in cocoons like the pupz of all other Ponerine, except those of the genus Discothyrea. Hmery in the “Genera Insectorum” recognizes four genera of Cerapachyini, all of which are represented in Australia, namely, Sphinctomyrmex, Cerapachys, Phyracaces and Lioponera, the first comprising the subgenera Sphinctomyrmex s. str. and Eusphinctus, the second four subgenera: Cerapachys s. str., Parasyscia, Oécere@a and Syscia. Of the latter only Syscia is known to be represented in Australia. The taxonomic status of some of these groups is still doubtful, owing largely to incomplete information concerning their sexual phases. Emery (Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 8, 1895, p. 693, PI. 14, Fig. 4) described and figured the genitalia of a male of an unde- termined species of Husphinctus, presumably from the Indomalayan region. He found that the inner paramera terminate as vertical plates with dentate inferior borders, and that the vosellze are movably articulated, well differentiated and bear a vestigial lacinia at their bases. Of the males of the Australian species which have been in- cluded in the genus Sphinctomyrmex, nothing is known. Santschi has recently described a male ant from Africa as S. rufiventris, but its generic status seems to me to be open to doubt. The peculiarities of the females of the Australian forms have, in my opinion, an impor- tant taxonomic bearing, as will be evident from the following considera- tions. The genus Sphinctomyrmex was erected by Mayr (Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 16, 1866, p. 895, Pl. 20, Fig. 8) for the accommodation of a single deiilated female specimen described from Brazil as S. stalv. During half a century no one has succeeded in again finding this insect. Mayr’s figure shows that its thorax has well developed sclerites essentially like those in ordinary female ants. The antenne are 12-jointed, the pygidium emarginate. In 1895 Emery erected a genus Lusphinctus for a worker ant (FE. furcatus) from Lower Bur- mah, with 11—jointed antenne, but with the pygidium emarginate and the gastric segments separated from one another by deep con- strictions as in the Brazilian stdli. In 1897 a second species (LP. cribratus) was described by Emery from New Guinea and Forel added a third from Bengal (2. taylor’) in 1900. Only workers of these forms have come to light. In the meantime Forel received several species from Australia, some of which had 11-jointed, while others had 12- AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. PATA jointed antenne. He therefore concluded that Husphinctus was merely a subgenus of Sphinctomyrmex. An examination of the Australian specimens convinced him that each colony of Kusphinctus contained two kinds of workers, one small and eyeless, the other large and possessing eyes and ocelli. As a somewhat similar dimorphism of the worker caste had been found in the European Ponera eduardi, he inclined to the view that the eyed individuals of Husphinctus were gyneecoid workers, but he was baffled by these forms, which kept turning up, often in considerable numbers in colonies received from Australia. Later, in a species of what he regarded as Sphinctomyrmex s. str. (S. imbecillis) from South West Australia, he found a single large, eyeless individual, much like a worker, but more pilose, with more convex sides to the head and much larger gaster, more feebly constricted between the segments. This specimen he designated as an “ergatomorphic female” and noted its resemblance to the dichthadiigynes of the Dorylinz on the one hand and to the large- eyed, shorter-headed and more pilose workers of Husphinctus on the other, but confessed himself to be even more baffled in his attempts to interpret the personnel of colonies of Australian Sphinctomyrmex. In 1905 Ernest André (Rev. d’Ent. 24, 1905, p. 205) found the two types of individuals in a new species of Husphinctus (E. duchaussoyt) from Sydney, N. S. W., and expressed the following opinion in regard to their meaning: “I consider the individuals with eyes and ocelli as ergatoid females and not as gynecoid workers, although Forel in- clines to the latter hypothesis so far as L’. steinheili is concerned. My opinion is based on the fact that up to the present time no normal females have been found in any of the known species of the genus Eusphinctus and that probably such females do not exist but are replaced by ergatoids, a condition not without precedent in the ant- world. One may, of course, say by way of objection that the type of the genus Sphinctomyrmex, of which Eusphinctus is regarded as a subgenus, is based on a female with normal characters, but I would reply that its worker is still unknown, so that it is not certain that the described female, which is American, belongs to the same genus as the Asiatic and Australian species. I believe rather, till proof to the con- trary is forthcoming, that the genus Sphinctomyrmex should be re- stricted to the single S. stdli of Brazil, which is the type, and that all the Asiatic and Australian species should constitute the genus Hu- sphinctus Emery, without distinction between those having 12 or 11 antennal joints. Besides such characters as may be exhibited by the still unknown worker of Sphinctomyrmex, this genus is characterized 218 WHEELER. by a normal female, whereas the female of Eusphinctus is ergato- -morphie.”’ Emery in the “Genera Insectorum”’ (Fase. 118, 1911, p. 6) adopted André’s interpretation of the eyed individuals but not his suggestion to restrict Sphinctomyrmex to the Brazilian type and to place all the Old World forms notwithstanding the differences in the number of antennal joints in the genus Husphinctus. My study has led me not only to adopt André’s suggestion but to go even further. There are evidently not two, but three groups of subgeneric status among the Australian forms. One of these comprises a single species, E. turneri Forel, known only from the worker, which is large, black, with 12- jointed antennze, well-developed eyes, but without ocelli and with an emarginate pygidium. The two other groups have blind workers with entire pygidium, but differ in the number of antennal joints, Eusphinctus s. str. having 11, and the other group 12 (Sphinctomyrmex s. str. of Emery and Forel). Now the following facts show that the females of these two groups, though like the workers in form, differ in size and in the visual organs and shape of the pygidium: 1. No workers or worker-like individuals with well-developed eyes and ocelli are known in the group with 12-jointed antenne (with the possible exception of S. myops Forel, which may be a female!). 2. An “ergatomorphic female” of S. zmbecillis was described by Forel as being considerably larger than the worker, without eyes or ocelli, with scarcely constricted gastric segments and with emarginate pygidium. 3. Dr. W. M. Mann loaned me for study a fine colony of a new species closely related to imbecillis, which he recently discovered in New South Wales (manni sp. nov.). This colony comprises 227 blind workers varying from 3 to 5 mm. in length, and a single much larger, worker-like individual 7 mm. in length, with very minute eyes and the anterior ocellus, but in all other respects, except the somewhat larger size, like the ergatomorphice female of imbecillis described by Forel. Even in the field Dr. Mann at once recognized this individual as the queen of the colony. 4. In the known Australian species of Eusphinctus s. str. each colony contains several large, eyed and ocellate worker-like individuals. Since these individuals differ from the blind workers in many of the characters exhibited by the ergatomorphic females of imbecillis and manni (greater size and more voluminous gaster, shorter and laterally more convex head, more abundant pilosity), André’s and Emery’s view that they are the only true females among these ants, seems to AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 219 me more acceptable than Forel’s supposition that we are here con- cerned with a peculiar dimorphism of the worker caste comparable with that observed in Ponera eduardi.2 The colonies referred to Eusphinctus s. str. are polygynic whereas those referred to Sphincto- myrmex s. str. by Emery and Forel are monogynic, a difference natur- ally correlated with the size and development of the gaster in the females of the two groups. Since the reproductive function is dis- tributed over several queens in Eusphinctus, each is more nearly of the normal stature of the largest workers than in the Sphinctomyrmex colony. I therefore agree with André in leaving only S. stéli of Brazil in the genus Sphinctomyrmex and in regarding all the paleotropical species as belonging to the genus Husphinctus, but believe that the latter should be divided into at least three subgenera, as follows: 1. Eusphinctus s. str. Workers and females with 11-jointed antenne, with entire or emarginate pygidium, the workers blind, the females with eyes and ocelli. Habits hypogeic. 2. Nothosphinctus subgen. nov. Workers and females with 12- jointed antenne; the former blind and with entire pygidium, the latter with emarginate pygidium and either blind or with very minute eyes and the anterior ocellus. Habits hypogzic. 3. Zasphinctus subgen. nov. Workers large, dark colored, with 12-jointed antenne and well developed eyes, but without ocelli. Females unknown. Habits probably epigeic. The worker of E. cribratus Emery of New Guinea has an entire pygidium and belongs with the Australian species in Eusphinctus s. str. but the workers of the Indian species FE. furcatus Emery and taylori Forel have a notched pygidium. Should future investigation show that the pygidial characters are correlated with other peculiari- ties or with different types of female, it may be advisable to restrict the subgenus Eusphinctus to the two Indian species and to suggest a 2 Cases of dimorphism of the worker among the Ponerine are extremely rare. The most remarkable case is that of the African Megaponera faetens Fabr., which has two types of workers differing not only in size, but also in sculpture and the structure of the antenne. As no winged females were known of this species Emery believed that their place in the colonies was usurped by the large workers but Arnold has recently discovered and described the true female (Ann. South Afr. Mus. 14, 1915, p. 48 nota, Fig. 6). It is ergatoid and therefore resembles the females of H#. manni and imbecillis. Among many specimens of M. fetens recently collected in the Congo by Mr. H. O. Lang of the American Museum of Natural History I find both forms of worker in each colony. 220 WHEELER. new subgeneric name for the Australian and Papuan forms with 11-jomted antenne. In this connection attention may be called to the fact that the females of Nothosphinctus bear a surprising resemblance to those of the related tropical genus Acanthostichus, as will be seen by consulting Emery’s description and figures of the female of A. quadratus (Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 8, 1895, p. 693, Pl. 14, Fig. 4 and Gen. Insect. Fasc. 118, 1911, Pl. 1, Figs.4 and4b). As Emery and Forel have remarked, these females resemble the only known females of the Dorylinz (Dorylus, Eciton, Aenictus, Leptanilla) and may therefore have con- siderable phylogenetic significance. In previous publications I have described similar females in several Ponerine genera (Onychomyrme, Paranomopone, Leptogenys.3 Turning to the other genera of the Cerapachyini we find that our knowledge of the females is even more incomplete than in Sphincto- myrmex and Eusphinctus. The female Cerapachys imerinensis Forel of Madagascar has well-developed wings and Phyracaces pubescens Emery of Borneo and PA. turnert Forel of Queensland were described from deilated females, and I have winged females of an undescribed Phyracaces from the Congo, but the females of Parasyscia auguste Wheeler and Phyracaces elegans sp. nov. show no traces of having borne wings, though the thorax is of the same structure as in the winged females. The same is true of the female of an undescribed species of Syscia recently taken in Fiji by Dr. W. M. Mann. In the Indian Lioponera longitarsis the female is ergatoid. These genera therefore exhibit various stages in the reduction of the normal winged female to the ergatoid ty Bes of Peepinnetn str. while Nothosphinctus 3 Conuneenen rn the views there advanced vould. require that Ctenopyga Ashmead should be regarded as a distinct genus and not as a subgenus of Acanthostichus, since the females of the two known species, C. teranus Forel and C. townsendi Ashmead, are winged and quite different from that of A. quadratus. A too consistent following of the example of André and myself would, however, lead to difficulties in such cases as the European Harpago- cenus sublevis, an ant which in Sweden has only apterous, ergatoid females, but in Saxony has winged females of normal structure. I have perhaps over- emphasized the differences between the paleotropical Husphinctus and the neotropical Sphinctomyrmex, but my procedure may at least deter zodgeog- raphers from citing Sphinctomyrmex as evidence of a former antarctic land connection between South America and Australia. It is often just such imperfectly known genera, which are confidently cited in support of ancient land-bridges; e. g. ‘the genera Myrmecocystus and Melophorus. | When care- fully studied the Old World forms referred to Myrmecocystus are seen to be generically distinct and are now referred to Cataglyphis, while the South American forms referred to Melophorus really belong to a distinct genus, Lasiophanes. AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 221 may be said to show an early stage in the development of the dich- thadiigyne of the Doryline. The distribution of the 75 known species of Cerapachyine is given in the following table: a Ethiopian Malagasy 5 Indomalayan Australian Hawaiian Papuan Sphinetomyrmex. -. -e|hs- Eusphinctus Nothosphinctus AAS BhinCuusere ike uee srs |e Slokee uc Cerapachy se... esc) arscgoe RanaASVSClamee. ee rs cece al eee een Odceraea Total It will be seen that Australia has many more species than any other region, that the genus Phyracaces is especially well represented and that only four of the ten genera and subgenera are absent. One of these, however, Cerapachys s. str., occurs in New Guinea and will therefore probably be found in Northern Queensland. The present center of distribution of the whole group, with 50 species, representing all the genera except Sphinctomyrmex, is seen to cover the Indo- malayan, Papuan and Australian regions. ‘That the group was once cosmopolitan in range is shown by the survival of Sphinctomyrmex stali in Brazil, Parasyscia auguste Wheeler in Texas and P. tolteca Forel in Guatemala and by the occurrence of two large primitive Cerapachyine forms (Procerapachys annosus Wheeler and P. favosus Wheeler) in the Baltic Amber. A difference of opinion has arisen between Emery and Forel in regard to the status of Phyracaces, the former now regarding it as a distinct genus, the latter as a subgenus of Cerapachys. While the distinctive characters of Phyracaces, namely the less pronounced 222, WHEELER. development of the terminal antennal. joint, the large eyes and the sharp lateral border of the petiole and often also of the postpetiole, are minor characters, they seem to be sufficiently constant to enable one to separate the species readily from those of Cerapachys and its subgenera. Moreover, at least the great majority of species of Cera- pachys sens. lat. are hypogzic, whereas those of the genus Phyracaces forage on the surface of the ground. Some meager notes on Parasyscia auguste which I published many years ago, have remained up to the present time the only account of the habits of a Cerapachyine ant. During my sojourn in Australia I was able to gain a few additional glimpses of the behavior of one species of Husphinctus and of several species of Phyracaces. My brief field notes on these insects may be here transcribed: Nov. 30, 1914, I found a fine colony of Husphinctus steinheili under a large log which was rather deeply embedded in sand in the bottom of a ravine at Hornsby, New South Wales. The colony, which com- prised about 200 workers and females, was crowded into a few small burrows in the sand, with a large number of nearly full-grown larvee. Dr. Mann found three smaller colonies of this species during Decem- ber, 1916, at Leura in the Blue Mts., Sydney and Wentworth Falls, N.S. W. One of these also contained adult larvee but no pupee. Sept. 16, at Southerland, New South Wales, I found a colony of about 70 workers and one wingless female of Phyracaces elegans sp. nov. huddled together in a mass under a block of sand-stone in a thin layer of soil which in turn was lying on the hard sandstone wall of one of the deep gorges so characteristic of the country about Sydney. As there was no brood in the colony and as it had rained heavily the preceding day, I inferred that the ants were merely bivouacking after having been washed out of their nest. Sept. 19, a fine colony of about 50 workers of Phyracaces larvatus sp. nov. was found under a small stone in one of the deep sandstone ravines near Katoomba in the Blue Mts. of New South Wales. Oct. 18. Near Cairns, Queensland, I happened on about a dozen workers of Ph. fervidus sp. noy. running rapidly over a patch of sand in the open forest. They moved much like workers of Lobopelta. Two of them entered a nest of Pheidole but soon returned to the sur- face and continued foraging. © Oct. 19. A few workers of Ph. turneri Forel were seen running about on dead leaves in the dark, tropical “scrub” at Kuranda, Queensland. The nest was not discovered. Oct. 25. In the same locality and also in the tropical “scrub” I AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 223 found a colony of about 25 workers of Ph. binodis Forel in a small cavity of a damp, red-rotten log. Noy. 10. I found several workers of Ph. scrutator sp. nov. foraging under a stone in a dry depression at the base of the mountain at Toowong, near Brisbane, Queensland. The ants moved rapidly and seemed to be searching for the nests of other ants. Nov. 26. At Salisbury Court, near Uralla, New South Wales, I saw a fine colony of Ph. senescens sp. nov. comprising about 150 workers running rapidly about on a hill-slope, very evidently on a foraging expedition. They reminded me of the small forays of Formica sanguinea in northern regions. Dec. 3. In the Bulli Pass, New South Wales I came upon a dozen workers of Ph. ficosus sp. nov. running over the sand in a very loose file. Three or four of them were carrying the naked pupz of some small Myrmicine ant in their jaws. These observations show that, as I maintained in the case of Para- syscia auguste, the Cerapachyini form small colonies, like most spe- cies of Ponerine, that the species of Eusphinctus (with the probable exception of S. turneri) are hypogzic in their habits, a peculiarity also indicated by the absence of eyes in the workers of nearly all the species and the small eyes of the females, and that the large-eyed Phyracaces forage in troops (or as whole colonies?) on the surface of the ground, their prey consisting of the brood of other ants. These facts are very significant in connection with the affinities of the Cera- pachyini to the Doryline, or driver ants, which in Africa and tropical America, forage in a similar manner, though in much larger companies, because their colonies are much more populous, and also feed on the brood of other ants when other insect food is not available. Still, what I have seen are only glimpses of the habits of the Cerapachyini. Any of my fellow entomologists in Australia who will undertake an intensive study of these ants will, I am sure, find many new and interesting ethological traits and solve many problems relating to the character of the sexual phases, in addition to finding many new forms, since practically every colony of Phyracaces I saw, during the limited time at my disposal, represented a different, undescribed species. In addition to the material collected by myself I have been able, through the kindness of Mr. A. M. Lea, to study the Cerapachyinee of the Museum of South Australia, comprising specimens of Eusphinc- tus steinheili and its var. hedwige, Zasphinctus turneri, Phyracaces heros, lew, rugulinodis and mullewanus. Mr. Henry Hacker of the Queensland Museum has presented me with specimens of Eusphinctus hackeri and Syscia australis. 224 WHEELER. The four genera of Cerapachyini occurring in Australia may be readily distinguished as follows: 1. Gaster elongate, cylindrical, the segments separated from each other by pronounced constrictions...... Eusphinctus Emery. Segments of the gaster not thus separated.................... 2. to Last antennal joint much thicker and larger than the preceding joint, forming a one-jointed club; petiole not marginate on sides Cerapachys F. Sm. Last antennal joint not enlarged, though longer than the preced- ing jomt, and not forming a distinct club: ...:..........5:% 3. 3.. Funiculus of antenna terminating in a 4-jointed club LTioponera Mayr. Funiculus not terminating in a 4-jointed club; petiole marginate ON SIMES Ho) kal Ph kegs ae nese eee Phyracaces Emery. The subgenera of Cerapachys are easily distinguished by the number of antennal joints, Cerapachys s. str. having 12, Parasyscia 11, Odcerea 10 and Syscia 9 joints. Genus Eusphinctus Emery. The workers and females of the subgenera, species and varieties of Eusphinctus may be separated by the following dichotomy: 1. Antenne 11-jointed (Subgen. Eusphinctus)..................2. Antenne 12 =-jombed 4.0%, 02 6 Gee Ae a oe Bee 6. Be, Nsenethy: 32-4 MM, fee. ae oh cc coat S ange Si ae eee 3. Leneth.notmorethan 3 mm..4.0) 55.2 0600 bee eee eee 4. 3. At least the head, thorax and petiole ferruginous brown; sides of postpetiole straight. 4.cpees se ee cee steinheili Forel. Color uniformly reddish; sides of postpetiole convex. var. hedwigi Forel. 4. hength,onhy 25 mms cca ere cons tee hackert sp. nov. Length:,2.5-3) as 45 lees eeae keel oy ageas: 6s oe oes ere eee 5. i Pale ferruginous, head, thorax and petiole infuscated above; female with rather large, flat eyes. steinheili. var. duchaussoyt Ern. André. Pale yellowish red; female with minute eyes. .var. cedaris Forel. 6. Large black species, 7-8.5 mm. long; worker with well developed eyes and emarginate pygidium (Subgen. Zasphinctus subgen. DOV: ) > sn. ¥ hctandedte Sie SE aie. are ees turnert Forel. Smaller, ferruginous or yellow species; worker eyeless or with 10. 11; AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 220 240 very minute eyes, pygidium entire (Subgen. Nothospinctus SHUOUSE'T SUL sg a ar i AGS dy ie Workers with minnie eyes. 0). < cb. uc edad. myops Forel. Ciera ThOe Cyesert tyes Clef ot BY es. OR Os Ce 8. Postpetiole concave im tront..*....... 0.6.6 Oe. emeryt Forel. Postpemolemotconcavein front)... 25. . 665.025 os on ee ER 9. Head square, hardly longer than broad, thorax flattened above, PMneMaCem NNOMLe enn. es ea el chit ele Dae Se 10. Head distinctly longer than broad; thorax at most submarginate AEie OME Re ee mee hee OR Sen tent 2 MS 1] Mandibles punctate and coarsely striate; thorax only twice as long as broad; epinotal declivity marginate above and on the sides; petiole distinctly broader than long; head and thorax CORESEIY PUMCTALE <4 sq 8 chess oe Meow bet 2 froggatti Forel. Mandibles merely punctate; thorax 25 times as long as broad; epinotal declivity marginate only on the sides; petiole scarcely broader than long; head and thorax finely punctate. imbecillis Forel. Funicular joints 2-6 only slightly broader than long. clarus Forel. Funicular joints 2-6 much broader than long............... Ne Last antennal joint scarcely longer than the two preceding joints EORELN OIE terri ee 8 siete Ss sp coat k tan en, mjobergi Forel. Last antennal joint fully as long as the three preceding joints EOC ERHEIS een cee ie ate sh, ete, leech mannt sp. Nov. 1. Eusphinctus (Eusphinctus) steinheili Forel. (Figs. 1 and 2.) Sphinctomyrmex (Eusphinctus) steinheili Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, p. 72, 2 (nec 8); Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, Sphinctomyrmex steinheili Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W., 1905, p. 15. Sphinctomyrmex (Eusphinctus) fallax Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, p. 73 8 ; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 118, 1911, p. 7. Sphinctomyrmex fallax Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W., 1905, p. 15. Worker. Length 3.2-3.6 mm. Head nearly 13 times as long as broad, as broad behind as in front, with very feebly convex sides, broadly excavated posterior border and short but rather pointed posterior corners. Occipital border 226 WHEELER. strongly marginate, the margination running around the posterior corners and along the ventral surface on each side about 4 the length of the head. Eyes and_ ocelli absent. Mandibles small, abruptly flexed at their bases, with deflected blades, the apical margins very indistinctly denticulate. Clypeus very short. Frontal carinz closely approximated, in front surrounding the antennal insertions, behind fused and truncated in a depression which unites the antennal fovee. Carine of cheeks sharp, abruptly and angularly turned inward behind towards the antennal fovee. Antenne robust; scapes about half as long as the head, thickened apically; first funicular joint as long as broad; joints 2-9 broader than long, apical joint enlarged, glandiform, as long as the four preceding joints together. Thorax about 24 times b Ficure 1. Eusphinctus steinheili Forel, a, worker in profile; 6, thorax and abdomen of same, dorsal view; c, head of same, d, head of female. as long as broad, its dorsal surface flattened, with a very feeble trans- verse depression marking the obsolete mesoépinotal suture; epinotum abruptly truncated behind, distinctly concave in profile; pronotum marginate in front; epinotal declivity sharply marginate on the sides and above, on each side above very feebly subdentate. Mesopleurze rather concave. Petiole from above rectangular, distinctly longer than broad, scarcely broader behind than in front, narrower than the epinotum, with straight, subparallel sides, rather rounded, convex dorsal surface and a sharp, angular tooth, directed forward and down- ward on its anteroventral surface. Postpetiole broader than the petiole, as long as broad and distinctly broader behind than in front, with straight sides and anterior border, its ventral portion in front AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. ATE very protuberant and rounded. First gastric segment 13, second and third segments twice as broad as long. Pygidium subtruncate behind, on each side and at the blunt tip minutely spinulate. Legs moderately long. Shining; mandibles coarsely punctate; head, thorax and petiole covered with rather shallow, umbilicate, piligerous foveole, which are dense on the head and distinctly sparser on the thorax and petiole. Postpetiole and gaster evenly punctate. Hairs pale yellow, slender, pointed, moderately long, suberect on the body, partly appressed and like long pubescence on the gaster. Figure 2. a, Larva of Eusphinctus steinheili Forel, lateral view. 6, head of same, dorsal view; c, mandible; d, forked hair from body enlarged. Antenne and legs with very few erect hairs, but covered with rather abundant, appressed pubescence. Ferruginous brown; mandibles, cheeks, antenne, legs, postpetiole and gaster paler and more reddish. Female. Length 3.5-4 mm. Differing from the worker in its large side, in the proportionally broader head, which is scarcely 1} times as long as broad, the less distinct carinz on the cheeks and the presence of eyes and ocelli, the eyes being moderately large, rather flat and placed a little in front of the middle of the sides of the head. The petiole is not longer than broad, the gaster more voluminous, with the constrictions between the segments less pronounced than in the worker. The erect hairs 228 WHEELER. on the body and appendages are longer, more abundant and more bristly, even on the antennal funiculi. The appressed hairs on the gaster are also longer and more numerous. Larva. Long and slender, cylindrical and not enlarged at the posterior end, with eleven distinct postcephalic segments, all uni- formly clothed with short, erect, two-branched hairs. Head small, as broad as long, with vestigial antenne and long faleate mandibles, which have finely serrate internal borders. There are few hairs on the head and these are simple, with the exception of a pair near the occipital border, which are two-branches like those on the body. The color of the larva is dull white. Queensland: Mackay, type-locality (Turner). New South Wales: Hornsby (Wheeler); Sydney, Wentworth Falls and Leura, Blue Mts. (W. M. Mann). South Australia: Lucindale (Feuerheerdt). I have examined a cotype of steinheili given me by Prof. Forel. It is indistinguishable from the females in the colonies I have seen from New South Wales and South Australia, the workers of which are evidently referable to Forel’s fallax. The nests are found in sand under logs and stones. 2. Eusphinctus (Eusphinctus) steinheili var. hedwige Forel. Sphinctomyrmex (Eusphinctus) fallax subsp. hedwige Forel, Rev. Suisse Zool. 18,. 1910, p. 21 8 92; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 7; Boll. Lab. Zool. Gen. Agrar. 8, 1914, p. 179. Sphinctomyrmex hednige (sic!) Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N. S. W., 1905, p. 15. New South Wales: Walcha, type locality (W. W. Froggatt). South Australia: Mt. Lofty (Silvestri; A. M. Lea); Adelaide (Mus. 5. Austr.). I am convinced from examination of a cotype worker and female and of many specimens of both phases from the two localities in South Australia that this is merely a variety of steinheili. The postpetiole has the sides more rounded in the worker than in the typical form of the species, but both this character and the width of the gastric seg- ments of the two forms are somewhat variable, so that often they can be distinguished only by the coloration, hedwige having the body more uniformly reddish. AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 229 3. Eusphinctus (Eusphinctus) steinheili var. duchaussoyi Ern. André. Eusphinctus duchaussoyt Ern. André, Rev. d’Ent., 1909, p. 205, 8 9. Sphinctomyrmex (Eusphinctus) duchaussoyi Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 7. New South Wales: Sydney (A. Duchaussoy). Judging from André’s description this form, too, is hardly more than a variety of steinheili. It is distinctly smaller, the worker measuring only 2.5-3 mm., the female 2.7-3 mm. The color is paler as in hedwige and the punctures are different, being described as sparse and a little larger and less abundant on the head and thorax and finer and denser on the abdomen. 4. Eusphinctus (Eusphinctus) steinheili var. cedaris Forel. Sphinctomyrmex (Eusphinctus) fallax var. cedaris Forel, Ark. f. Zool. 9. I9Tb sp. 16, 8 9 Queensland: Cedar Creek (E. Mjéberg). Of about the same size as duchaussoyi, the worker measuring 2.5— 2.6 mm., the female 2.9 to 3.1 mm. The petiole of the worker is more steeply truncate in front below than in steinheili, the punctures are sharper and denser on the abdomen, but feebler and sparser on the head. In the female the eyes are smaller, consisting of only about 8 or 9 indistinct facets. ~ 5. Eusphinctus (Eusphinctus) hackeri sp. nov. (Fig. 3.) Worker. Length 1.5-1.7 mm. Head rectangular, fully 13 times as long as broad, as broad behind as in front, with straight, parallel sides, rather deeply excised posterior border and short, blunt posterior corners. Occipital border margin- ate. Eyes and ocelli absent. Mandibles not abruptly flexed at the base, their apical and basal borders not distinctly separated, the former minutely denticulate. Frontal carine approximated, surrounding the antennal insertions in front, confluent behind and truncated in a depression connecting the antennal fovee. Carine of cheeks short and indistinct. Antenne robust; scapes about 3 as long as the head, 230 WHEELER. much thickened apically, first funicular joint as long as broad, joints 2-9 very transverse, terminal joint large, glandiform, fully as long as the five preceding joints together. Thorax about 23 times as long as broad, with flattened dorsum, rounded humeri and epinotal angles, as broad behind as in front, with very feebly indicated mesoépinotal suture. Pronotum not marginate, epinotal declivity marginate only on the sides, in profile truncated and decidedly concave. Petiole narrower than the epinotum, rectangular, a little longer than broad and a little broader behind than in front, its dorsal surface convex, its anteroventral surface with a small, acute tooth. Postpetiole rectangular, broader than the petiole, as broad as long, a little broader behind than in front, with straight sides. Gastric segments 1-3 d Figure 3. a, Female Eusphinctus hackeri sp. nov., lateral view; 6, head of same, dorsal view; c, thorax and abdomen of worker, dorsal view; d, head of same. nearly twice as broad as long. Pygidium short, broadly rounded and truncate behind, where it is bordered with minute spinules. Shining; mandibles coarsely punctate; head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole covered with umbilicate, piligerous foveole, which are densest on the upper surface of the head, elongate on its front and sides; gaster rather coarsely and evenly punctate. Antennal scapes sparsely foveolate. Hairs pale yellow, short, erect, moderately abundant, longer at the tip of the gaster; pubescencevdilute. Legs with fine, dilute, appressed pubescence and a very few, erect hairs. Uniformly brownish yellow, not infuscated. Female. Length 1.8 to 2 mm. Differing from the worker in size and in having eyes and ocelli, the AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 231 former distinctly in front of the middle of the head, the broader and more rounded petiole and more voluminous gaster, with less pro- nounced constrictions between the segments. The sides of the postpetiole are straight as in the worker. The erect hairs on both the body and appendages are distinctly more abundant and more bristly. Described from six workers and two females taken by Mr. Henry Hacker on Bribie Island, near Brisbane, Queensland. This species is easily recognized by its very small size, rounded humeri and epinotal corners and the absence of marginations on the pronotum and upper portion of the epinotal declivity. 6. Eusphinctus .(Zasphinctus) turneri Forel. (Fig. 4.) Sphinctomyrmex turneri Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, p. 70, 8; Rev. Suisse Zool. 18, 1910, p. 21, 8; Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W., 1905, p. 15; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 118, 1911, p. 7, Pl. 1, Hig, 1, 8: Worker. Length 7-8.5 mm. Head subrectangular, a little longer than broad, as broad in front as behind, broadest through the eyes, which are moderately large and convex and a little in front of the middle of the sides; occipital border deeply and broadly excavated, marginate, the margin surrounding the posterior corners and extending forward on the gular surface about 2 the length of the head. Ocelli absent. Carine of cheeks distinct but not dentate, running backward and inward towards the antennal fover. Mandibles rather small, subtriangular, deflected, their apical margins indistinctly denticulate. Clypeus short, with straight an- terior border. Frontal carinz short, erect, rounded, approximated and strongly truncated behind, surrounding the antennal insertions in front. Antenne rather long, 12-jointed; scapes about 3 as long as the head; funicular joints 1 and 5-10 distinctly broader than long, joints 2-4 as long as broad, terminal joint but slightly enlarged, as long as the three preceding joints. Thorax less than twice as long as broad, a little broader behind than in front, with rounded anterior and posterior corners, marginate anterior and prosternal borders, very feebly convex dorsal and slightly concave mesopleural surfaces, without promesonotal or mesoépinotal sutures. The truncated sur- face of the epinotum is surrounded above and on the sides by a sharp Dae WHEELER. margination. Petiole as long as broad, rounded-cuboidal, slightly broader behind than in front, distinctly narrower than the epinotum, in profile higher than long, rounded above, with vertical, truncated anterior and posterior surfaces and a powerful triangular tooth at the anteroventral end. Postpetiole broader than the petiole, a little broader behind than in front, with rectangular anterior corners, con- vex dorsal surface and its anterior ventral portion rounded and strongly protuberant. Gastric segments 1-3 broader than long, separated, by very deep and broad constrictions. Pygidium trape- Fiacure 4. Zasphinctus turneri Forel. Worker. zoidal, flattened or slightly concave above, submarginate on the sides and rather deeply notched at the tip, the sides and notch fringed with conspicuous spinules. Sting robust, curved. Legs rather long, pos- terior coxze without lamellate appendages. Opaque; mandibles shining, coarsely punctate; head and thorax covered with round foveole, varying in size, their bottoms opaque and finely rugulose. These foveole are so close together that the spaces between them form coarse but not prominent reticulate rugz. Remainder of body, including the legs and scapes coarsely and densely AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. Das punctate. Epinotal declivity shining, very finely and transversely shagreened. Hairs grayish yellow, abundant and rather long, in part suberect, both on the body and appendages, and in part appressed, the latter appearing on the appendages as long pubescence. Black; tarsi, articulations of legs, antennal funiculi, mandibles, clypeus, frontal carinze, cheeks and pygidium reddish. Queensland: Mackay, type-locality (Gilbert Turner); Kuranda (Rowland Turner and F. P. Dodd). I have redescribed this species from four specimens from Kuranda, two received from Prof. Forel and taken by Rowland Turner and two taken by F. P. Dodd and belonging to the Museum of South Australia. E. turneri is readily recognized by its large size, black color, the presence of eyes and the emarginate pygidium. 7. Eusphinctus (Nothosphinctus) froggatti Forel. (Fig. 5.) Sphinctomyrmex froggatti Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, p. 71, 8; Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W., 1905, p. 15; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 118, 1911, p. 7. Worker. Length 4.5-5.5 mm. Head nearly square when seen from above, scarcely longer than broad, as broad in front as behind, with feebly rounded sides, deeply excavated posterior border and sharp posterior corners. Margina- tion of posterior border and corners continued forward on each side of the gula fully ? the length of the head. Mandibles strongly flexed inward at the base, with distinctly concave external border, the apical border denticulate and passing through a curve into the basal border. Clypeus very short, its anterior border broadly rounded. Frontal carine very short, erect, small, approximated, fused and strongly truncated behind and curving around the antennal insertions in front. Antennal foveze confluent behind the frontal carine. Cheeks with small, indistinct carine, which border the antennal insertions on the sides. Antenne short and stout; scapes about half as long as the head, thickened towards their tips; funicular joints 1-9 short, very distinctly broader than long, tenth joint as broad as long, terminal joint fully as long as the three preceding joints together. Thorax subrectangular, fully twice as long as broad, as broad through 23 WHEELER. the pronotum as through the epinotum, with blunt anterior and posterior corners, flattened above and on the sides, which are scarcely submarginate, with sloping, concave, epinotal declivity. Mesoépino- tal suture very feebly indicated. Pronotum in front, prosterna, sides and upper border of epinotal declivity marginate. Petiole rounded cuboidal, as long as high, a little broader than long and a little broader behind than in front, its anterior surface flat and marginate on the sides; its ventral surface in front with a large, blunt, compressed tooth. Postpetiole fully 13 times as broad as long, broader than the petiole, broader behind than in front, with rounded anterior angles, and its ventral portion in front swollen and strongly protuberant. Pygidium flattened above, entire and blunt at the tip, with a row of Ficure 5. a, Nothosphinctus froggatti Forel, thorax and abdomen of worker, dorsal view; 6b, head of same. spinules along each side. Legs moderately long; hind cox without lamellate appendage at the tip. Shining; mandibles coarsely punctate, striate at the base; head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole covered with scattered foveole of varying size, denser on the head, very sparse in the mid-dorsal line of the thorax and on the petiole and postpetiole; gaster very finely shagreened and sparsely punctate. Hairs pale yellow, short, moderately abundant, oblique or sub- appressed, shorter and more appressed on the appendages where they may be described as long; pubescence rather abundant, especially on the tibive. g Brownish red; scapes and legs somewhat paler; mandibles, anterior border of head and incisures of funicular joints blackish. New South Wales: Minto, type locality (W. W. Froggatt); Sydney (A. M. Lea). AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. Zap Redescribed from four specimens from the latter locality (Museum of South Australia). 8S. Eusphinctus (Nothosphinctus) emeryi Forel. Cerapachys emeryi Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 37, 1893, p. 461, 8. Sphinctomyrmex emeryt Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W. 1905, p. 15; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 7. North West Australia: Baudin Island (J.J. Walker). 9. Eusphinctus (Nothosphinctus) myops Forel. Sphinctomyrmex emeryt var. myops Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 39, 1895, p. 421 8; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 118, 1911, p. 7. S. emeryi race clarus var. myops Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W., 1905, p. 15. Queensland: Mackay (Gilbert Turner). Forel does not state whether he regards the type as a normal or a gyneecoid worker. It may be the female of emeryz, or of an allied form, but if it is a normal worker, it should rank as a distinct species, since emery? is eyeless. His brief description runs as follows: “Sculpture that of the type [emery]. Form and pilosity those of the race clarus. Color intermediate. Distinct from the two forms in possessing very small but distinct, flattened eyes situated at the middle of the sides of the head and comprising some thirty facets.” 10. Eusphinctus (Nothosphinctus) clarus Forel. Cerapachys emeryi var. clarus Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 37, 1893, p. 462, 8. Cerapachys clarus Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, p. 72, 8. Sphinctomyrmex emery? race clarus Forel, Rev. Suisse Zool. 10, 1902, p. 537; Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W., 1905, p. 15. Sphinctomyrmex clarus Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 7. North West Australia: Adelaide River (J. J. Walker). 11. Eusphinctus (Nothosphinctus) imbecillis Forel. Sphinctomyrmex froggatti subsp. imbecillis Forel, Fauna S. W. Austr. 1, 1907, p. 272, 8, erg. 9; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 118, OU ps 7: 236 WHEELER. South West Australia: Lion Mill. I believe this form must be regarded as a distinct species as the characters in which it differs from clarus, are, according to Forel’s statement, more than subspecific. The mandibles are not striated as in froggattt and are less geniculate at their bases, the anterior corners of the pronotum are more rounded, the thorax longer, the epinotum not marginate above, the petiole hardly broader than long, with shorter ventral tooth and the puncturation is feebler and sparser than in froggatti. The “ergatomorphic female,’ described by Forel, is eyeless, with swollen epinotum, shorter and more rounded head, the petiole 14 times as broad as long, more voluminous gaster, emarginate pygidium, and the surface is more opaque, more punctate and more pubescent than in the worker. This singular individual measured 6.5 mm. It was found in the same vial with a number of workers and undoubtedly belonged to the same species. Forel believes that such individuals must represent the type from which the dichthadiiform females of the Dorylinze have developed. 12. Eusphinctus (Nothosphinctus) manni sp. nov. (Fig. 6.) Worker. Length 3-5 mm. Head distinctly longer than broad, a little broader in front than behind, with evenly rounded sides, feebly and broadly concave occi- pital border and short, blunt posterior corners. Eyes and _ ocelli absent. Occipital border marginate, the margination surrounding the posterior corners. Carine of cheeks very feebly developed. Mandibles not geniculate nor abruptly curved at the base, their apical borders finely denticulate. Frontal carine short, erect, sur- rounding the antennal insertions in front, truncated and fused behind in a depression uniting the antennal fovee. Antenne rather slender; scapes less than half as long as the head, thick at the apex, rather suddenly narrowed at the basal fourth; funicular joints 2-9 much broader than long, tenth joint as long as broad, terminal joint rather slender, fully as long as the three preceding joints together. Thorax fully 23 times as long as broad, distinctly narrowed in the mesonotal region, flattened above, submarginate on the sides; pronotum with rectangular humeri, vertically truncated and submarginate in front, the mesoépinotal suture indicated by a feeble impression; epinotal AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 237 declivity steep, slightly concave, its sides sharply, its upper border feebly but distinctly marginate. Petiole subcuboidal, narrower than the epinotum, slightly broader than long, distinctly broader behind than in front, its anterior surface truncated and flat, marginate on the sides and submarginate above, its ventral surface in front with a large, blunt, compressed, translucent tooth. Postpetiole broader than the petiole, about $ broader than long and broader behind than in front, its anterior and lateral borders straight, its anterior corners rounded, d Ficure 6. a, Nothosphinctus manni sp. nov. Worker, lateral view; 6, thorax and abdomen of same, dorsal view; c, head of same; d, thorax and abdomen of female; e, head of same. its posterior border feebly concave in the middle. Gastric segments 1-8 twice as broad as long, separated by pronounced constrictions. Pygidium truncated behind, with blunt, entire border, scarcely sub- marginate on the sides, the posterior border densely spinulate. Legs moderately long. Shining; mandibles subopaque, coarsely punctate, body finely and unevenly punctate, the punctures denser on the head and legs, not larger on the thorax than on the gaster. Hairs short, yellow, appressed or subappressed, longest on the gaster, 238 WHEELER. especially at its tip. Tibize and gaster with a few suberect, delicate hairs. Uniformly brownish yellow; mandibles, frontal carinz and incisures of antennal joints fuscous. Female. Length 7 mm. Very similar to the worker but besides its larger size differing in the following characters: Head not longer than broad, with much more convex sides. Posterior ocelli absent; eyes and the anterior ocellus present but the former very small, reduced to three or four minute ommatidia. ‘Thorax shorter and stouter, not more than twice as long as broad, pronotum and lateral borders not submarginate and margin- ation of epinotum indistinct. Petiole as broad as the epinotum, broader in proportion to its length than in the worker, flattened above, its posterior border broadly concave in the middle, its anterior surface not submarginate. Postpetiole and gaster larger, the incisures between the segments of the latter much less pronounced than in the worker, the postpetiole flattened above, nearly twice as broad as long, as are also the three basal gastric segments. Pygidium broadly and rather deeply excised behind, its posterior surface trun- cated, with almost submarginate sides, the posterior excision beset with minute spinules. Sting short and stout. Sculpture like that of the worker, the surface being quite as shining; the thorax and abdomen with fine punctures and in addition with large, scattered, shallow foveole. Hairs much more abundant than in the worker, erect and bristly, conspicuous also on the appendages. Pubescence abundant and rather dense, especially on the head and gaster. Color like that of the worker, but the mandibles are ferruginous red with their apical and basal borders black. Sting black. Described from numerous workers and a single female taken from the same colony in December 1916 at Leura in the Blue Mts. of New South Wales by Dr. W. M. Mann. This form is very close to imbecillis Forel, but the female and largest workers are larger and the former possesses small eyes and has a shining body like the worker, the pronotum has more pronounced corners, the epinotal declivity of the worker is distinctly marginate above, the petiole is broader, and both the large and small workers have the same pale coloration. Additional material may show that manni is to be regarded as a subspecies of ¢mbecillis. AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 239 13. Eusphinctus (Nothosphinctus) mjobergi Forel. Sphinctomyrmex clarus subsp. mjébergi Forel, Ark. f. Zool. 9, 1915, po L6;S:. Queensland: Mt. Tambourine (E. Mjéberg). This form, too, I believe, should be regarded as a distinct species, as the differences which, according to Forel, separate it from clarus and emeryi are considerable. It is much larger (5.2-5.3 mm.) than clarus, much stouter and of a much darker color, and the antenne are very different, the scapes being longer and more gradually thick- ened towards their tips, funicular joints 2-6 are much more transverse and the terminal joint is shorter. The thorax and petiole are more convex than in emeryi and the petiole is not concave in front nor marginate above, the postpetiole is longer, the first gastric segment much broader, the gastric constrictions are less pronounced, the puncturation of the body is sparser, the pubescence more dilute and the color paler, brownish red. Genus Phyracaces Emery. Table for the Identification of the Workers. iPpePooyentitelynOr patilyred ix ta): 4a ca ok gene. cons. SDs Body black, at most with cheeks, front, pygidium and ap- [DRM EA CES gS | an A ce ee Be 2. Large species, measuring 9 mm.; petiole narrowed and bilobed elsmnrlin pepe reek et Ber att bat heros sp. nov. Smaller species, not exceeding 7 mm.; petiole rectangular, ig@athedea posperior cormers's: 42660. 6 dee) es ve O00 Ret a See idee mitered easter’ cis... Pe ea es br ficosus sp. nov. Pieierstenuesieneimrenian .g6./) tho Sk CASS Le ieee 4, SP udomens pmackwordark brown. ...........2%.0o0e4 5.0 eee as 5 Desiwamed gunn choi be. oe eek oh a POP Oe toe tee 6. 5. Head and thorax red. Length 6-6.2 mm. singularis Forel subsp. rotula Forel. Thorax more or less blackened. Length 3-3.5 mm. elegans sp. nov. 6. Head, thorax and pedicel subopaque. Length 3.6—4 mm. scrutator sp. nov. Body shining i. 240 WHEELER. 7.» Postorbitalvearinssipresent:<9e er eee oh eee 8. Postorbital (carines absent: .29 eres Gorse as tea ree 10. 8. Epinotal declivity longitudinally rugose........... jovis Forel. Epmotaldeclivityasmiaoting ser crests. 2 ao4,-02 6S wnelag nae 9: 9. Head feebly excised behind. Length 7 mm.. .singularis Forel. Head deeply excised behind. Length 6 mm... . .mjébergi Forel. 10) enetlr 6-7 cmimaere apenas 5 is, 20521 Sep oe A ae ints Lengthinotiexceedingroaminy «50.62. 0-Nn2 Ge ds ee alee 12. 11. Eyes at middle of head; antennal scapes separated only by their own width from occipital border............ sjostedti Forel. Eyes a little behind the middle of the head; scapes reaching only tommiddile sof teyes's iy). .cvscieh:ci aa: emeryt Viehmeyer. 12. Thorax distinctly narrowed in middle; body very shining. Tigernectla, Seaman) 20) Pees er Pee a aan Eee lee sp. nov. Thorax scarcely narrowed in middle, body more sharply sha- greened and less shining. Length 3.8-4.2 mm. fervidus sp. nov. 13. Petiole, postpetiole and gaster with conspicuous appressed hairs besides the suberect hairs................ senescens sp. NOV. Petiole, postpetiole and gaster with suberect hairs only... ..14. 14. Postpetiole scarcely larger than the petiole, as long as broad. binodis Forel. Fostpetiole larger than’ the petiole: 2+. 228 » 2224s. een ee 1: 15. Eyes large, as long as distance between them and anterior bpordervot head): 210: Hoke ee ee a aes adami Forel. yes distinctly sinaller,:..+..t~ ic. Aiea ee ee 16. 16. Cheeks red; funicular joints 2-9 broader than long. larvatus sp. nov. Cheeks black; funicular joints 2-9 as broad as long. turnert Forel. 14. Phyracaces heros sp. nov. (Fig. 7.) Worker. Length 9 mm. Head distinctly longer than broad and distinctly narrower in front than behind, with rather deeply and angularly excised posterior bor- der, acute inferoposterior corners and rather large, convex eyes at the middle of the sides. Ocelli present, but small. Mandibles triangular, strongly deflected, with distinct apical and basal borders meeting at a rounded angle, the former finely denticulate, the external AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 241 borders nearly straight. Clypeus very short, vertical, fused with the front. Frontal carine large, erect, rounded, truncated and confluent behind. Frontal groove short but distinct. Carina of cheeks bluntly dentate in front, curving inward behind and ending half way between the eye and antennal insertion. Posterior border of head marginate, the margination at the posteroinferior corner sending a horizontal carina forward nearly to the eye and another ridge downward and forward along the lateral surface of the gula half way to the anterior border of the head. Antenne rather long and slender; scapes more than half as long as the head, slender at the base, gradually enlarging towards their tips; first funicular joint a little longer than broad, second twice and third nearly twice as long as broad; remaining joints 13 times as long as broad, except the last which is slender and pointed, twice as long as broad and not longer FicurEe 7. Phyracaces heros sp. nov. Worker; a, lateral view of body; b, dorsal view. than the two preceding joints together. Thorax through the pro- notum narrower than the head and the epinotum, narrowed in the mesonotal region, in profile evenly rounded and rather convex above to the epinotal declivity which is straight and sloping. Pleure con- cave. Anterior border, sides of thoracic dorsum and of epinotal declivity strongly marginate. Boundary between base and declivity of epinotum feebly marginate; corners of epinotum bluntly dentate. Petiole a little broader than the epinotum, a little broader than long, decidedly narrower behind than in front, with straight anterior and convex lateral borders, its posterior border deeply excised in the middle, with a flattened, rounded lobe at each corner. The whole border is marginate except in the middle behind. In profile the upper surface of the petiole is flattened, its anterior surface abrupt and truncate, forming a right angle with the dorsal surface and longer 242 WHEELER. than the similar posterior surface. The ventral surface bears in front a thick, backwardly directed tooth. Postpetiole broader than the petiole, convex above and on the sides, a little broader than long, with marginate sides and a small, flattened tooth on the front of the ventral surface. First gastric segment scarcely broader than the postpetiole and of a similar shape. Pygidium with a narrow, median, longitudinal impression in front, its sides indistinctly marginate and spinulose. Legs rather long and slender; claws nearly straight; hind coxee with a large rounded, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Surface of body smooth and shining. Mandibles coarsely punctate. Sides of front punctate-rugulose. Upper surface of body with very sparse, coarse, piligerous punctures; legs with finer and more numer- ous punctures. Sides of pygidium finely and densely punctate. Hairs moderately abundant, coarse, bristly, erect, grayish or yellow- ish in some lights, blackish in others, long on the gaster, especially at its tip, shorter and sparser on other parts of the body, quite as long, erect and abundant on the legs and antennz as on the head, thorax and petiole. Pubescence absent. Rich red throughout, appendages not paler. Described from a single example taken in Queensland (Mus. South Austr.). This handsome species is readily distinguished by its large size, the shape of the antenne and petiole, peculiar pilosity, ete. 15. Phyracaces singularis Forel. Cerapachys singularis Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, p. 69. 8; Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N. S. W., 1905, p. 14. Phyracaces singularis Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 11. South Australia (Wroughton). 16. Phyracaces singularis Forel subsp. rotula Forel. Cerapachys (Phyracaces) singularis Forel race rotula Forel, Rev. Suisse Zool., 18, 1910, p. 21, 8. Cerapachys singularis var. ratula (sic!) Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. We3-1905). 5.305: Phyracaces singularis var. rotula Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 11. New South Wales: Inverall (W. W. Froggatt). AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 243 17. Phyracaces emeryi Viehmeyer. Viehmeyer, Arch. f. Naturg. 79, 1913, p. 26, 8. South Australia: Killalpaninna. 18. Phyracaces mjobergi Forel. Cerapachys (Phyracaces) mjobergi Forel, Ark. f. Zool. 9, 1915, p. 18, Pid Big. 9, 8. North West Australia: Derby (E. Mjéberg). 19. Phyracaces sjostedti Forel. Cerapachys (Phyracaces) sjéstedti Forel, Ark. f. Zool. 9, 1915, p. 19, Piet ies 6,3. North West Australia (E. Mjéberg). 20. Phyracaces jovis Forel. Cerapachys (Phyracaces) jovis Forel, Ark. f. Zool. 9, 1915, p. 20, Pie te Brg) 1,8. Queensland: Alice River (E. Mjéberg). 21. Phyracaces lee sp. nov. (Fig. 8.) Worker. Length 5 mm. Head longer than broad, slightly narrower in front than behind, with truncated occipital surface, deeply and angularly excised posterior border and acute inferoposterior angles. Eyes rather large, moder- ately convex, just in front of the middle of the sides. Carine of cheeks forming acute angles in front, extending back to the anterior orbits and sending a branch inward to the antennal fossa. Post- ocular carina absent. Occipital border of head marginate, the margin surrounding the inferoposterior corners and extending forward as a pair of gular carine to the level of the middle of the eyes. Mandi- bles moderately large, triangular, deflected, their external borders concave, their apical borders without denticles. Frontal carinie approximated, rounded, erect, not truncated behind where they fuse 244 WHEELER. and join the short frontal furrow. Clypeus very short, vertical, with straight anterior border. Antennze moderately thick; scapes a little more than half as long as the head, gradually incrassated towards their tips; first funicular joint nearly as long as broad, joints 2-9 broader than long, tenth joint as long as broad, terminal joint not longer than the two preceding joints together. Thorax rather robust, twice as long as broad, a little broader through the epinotum than through the pronotum, distinctly narrowed in the mesonotal region. Anterior border of pronotum not marginate; sides of dorsum, bound- ary between the epinotal base and declivity and the sides of the latter strongly marginate. In profile the dorsum is feebly convex, the epi- notal declivity straight, with a small tooth above on each side. Petiole rectangular, a little broader than long, its sides straight, strongly marginate, produced behind as a pair of flat, acute teeth, its anterior border broadly concave, its anterior corners slightly rounded; in Figure 8. Phyracaces lee sp. nov. Worker, a, dorsal view of body; }, antenna of same. profile the dorsal surface is rather convex, its ventral surface without a tooth. Postpetiole rectangular, slightly broader than the petiole and slightly broader than long, its rounded anterior angles alone marginate. First gastric segment distinctly broader than the post- petiole, broader than long. Pygidium broadly concave above, its sides marginate and finely spinulate. Legs rather long; hind cox with a large, rounded, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Smooth and shining, the head and thorax very finely and super- ficially shagreened; mandibles more coarsely shagreened and sparsely punctate. Occipital region arid upper surface of thorax and abdomen with scattered, shallow, piligerous foveole. Hairs pale yellow, suberect, short, sparse and rather bristly, spars- est on the head, scapes and legs. Pubescence pale, dilute, distinct only on the legs. AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 245 Rich red throughout, antennal scapes paler, apical margins of mandibles and marginations of the head, thorax and petiole blackish. Described from a single example taken by Mr. F. P. Dodd at Townsville, Queensland (Museum of South Australia). This beautiful species, which is dedicated to Mr. A. M. Lea, re- sembles Ph. fervidus, but is distinctly larger, even more shining and has a differently shaped thorax. 22. Phyracaces fervidus sp. nov. (Fig. 9.) Worker. Length 3.84.2 mm. Head longer than broad, distinctly broader behind than in front, with truncated occipital region and rather large, moderately convex eyes, situated at the anterior 3 of the sides. Mandibles rather large, triangular, deflected, with concave external and edentate apical borders. Clypeus very short, vertical, broadly rounded in front; Figure 9. Phyracaces fervidus sp. nov. Worker, a, dorsal view of body; c, antenna of same. frontal carinee approximated, not truncate behind where they unite and join the short frontal furrow. Carina of cheeks very prominent, forming a projecting tooth and dividing behind to form two ridges, one of which runs to the anterior orbit, the other to the antennal fovea. Postocular carina absent. Occipital border of head deeply and subangularly excised and marginate, the margination surrounding the rather acute inferoposterior corners and extending forward on the sides of the gula to the level of the middle of the eyes. Antenne rather slender; scapes about half as long as the head, gradually in- crassated towards their tips, first and second funicular joints as long as broad; joints 3-9 distinctly broader than long; tenth joint as long as broad, terminal joint nearly as long as the three preceding joints together. Thorax rather robust; twice as long as broad, as broad in 246 WHEELER. front as behind, very feebly narrowed in the mesonotal region. An- terior border, sides and boundary between base and declivity of epinotum sharply marginate, as are also the prosterna and the sides of the epinotal declivity. In profile the thoracic dorsum is feebly and evenly convex, the declivity abrupt and nearly straight, the mesopleurz slightly concave. Petiole a little narrower than the epinotum, rectangular, broader than long, not broader behind than in front, its anterior border broadly excised, submarginate, the sides rather straight, strongly marginate and terminating behind in a pair of flat, pointed teeth. In profile the dorsal surface is feebly convex, as are also the truncated anterior and posterior surfaces; lower sur- face in front with a small, acute backwardly directed tooth. Post- petiole rectangular, a little broader than the petiole and _ slightly broader than long, the anterior border and anterior corners scarcely submarginate. First gastric segment decidedly broader than the postpetiole, broader than long, with broadly concave anterior border and convex sides. Pygidium broadly concave above, marginate and very finely spinulate on the sides. Legs rather long, hind coxe with a large, rounded, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Shining; finely but distinctly shagreened, the head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole more sharply so that these parts are a little less shining than the gaster. Mandibles sparsely punctate, the occiput, dorsum of thorax and abdomen with sparse, shallow, piligerous foveole. Hairs yellow, suberect, delicate, moderately long and abundant on the upper surface of the thorax and abdomen, sparser on the head, very sparse on the legs and scapes. Pubescence long and conspicu- ous on the legs, especially on the tibiz and on the ventral surface of the petiole. Uniformly red, of the tint of Polyergus rufescens, apical borders of mandibles and carine of head, thorax and petiole of a deeper color, almost blackish. Described from 19 specimens taken Oct. 18, 1914 at Cairns, Queens- land, foraging on a sandy spot in the forest. This species resembles Ph. scrutator but differs in being slightly larger, with more robust thorax and in having the head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole shining, the pilosity more delicate and the pubescence much longer and more abundant on the legs. AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 247 23. Phyracaces scrutator sp. nov. (Fig. 10.) Worker. Length 3.6-4 mm. Head decidedly longer than broad, slightly narrower in front than behind, with feebly rounded sides, deeply and angularly excised occipital border and truncated occipital surface, with the infero- posterior angles sharp when seen from behind. Eyes large and rather convex, slightly in front of the middle. Ocelli absent. Mandibles rather large and broad, triangular, deflected, their external borders feebly concave, their apical borders straight, without denticles. Clypeus short, vertical, its anterior border rounded and entire. Frontal carinz erect, rounded, not truncated posteriorly but gradu- ally continued back into the short frontal furrow. Carina of cheeks Figure 10. Phyracaces scrutator sp.nov. Worker, a, dorsal view of body, b, antenna of same. short, prominent, but scarcely tooth-like, sending a branch backward to the anterior orbit and one inward to the antennal fovea. Occipital border of head sharply marginate, the margination surrounding the inferoposterior corners of the head and running forward on each side of the gula to a level with the posterior orbits. Postocular carina absent. Antenne moderately long; scapes nearly 2 as long as the head, incrassated at their tips; first funicular joint longer than broad; joints 2-9 a little broader than long, tenth joint as long as broad, terminal joint but slightly longer than the two preceding joints to- gether. Thorax rather narrow, from above more than twice as long as broad, as broad through the pronotum as through the epinotum, feebly narrowed in the mesonotal region, sharply marginate in front, on the sides, between the base and declivity of the epinotum, along the lateral borders of the declivity and the prosterna. In profile the dorsal surface is rather flat, the epinotal declivity abrupt and slightly 248 WHEELER. concave, the posterior corners of the epinotum minutely and indis- tinctly dentate and the mesopleure are concave. Petiole slightly broader than the epinotum, rectangular, scarcely broader behind than in front and somewhat broader than long, its anterior border broadly concave, the lateral borders straight, the anterior corners rectangular, .the posterior produced ds acute, flattened teeth. The anterior and lateral borders are sharply marginate. In profile the dorsal surface is feebly convex, the anterior surface truncate and con- cave, the ventral surface in front with a swelling but without a tooth. Postpetiole somewhat broader than the petiole, a little broader than long and broader behind than in front, its sides feebly convex; these and the anterior border not marginate. First gastric segment broader than the petiole and broader than long. Pygidium very feebly con- cave above, marginate and minutely spinulose on the sides. Legs moderately long; hind coxe with a large, rounded, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Subopaque, or lustrous; mandibles, clypeus and gaster more shining. Mandibles shagreened and very sparsely and _ coarsely punctate. Head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole very densely and finely reticulate, posterior portion of head and dorsal surface of thorax, petiole and postpetiole also with shallow, evenly but very sparsely distributed, piligerous foveole. Gaster, scapes and legs more super- ficially reticulate than the thorax, the gaster also with scattered, coarse, piligerous punctures. Hairs yellow, rather coarse and long, subappressed, very sparse on the upper surface of the head, more abundant on the dorsum of the rest of the body, absent on the scapes and legs which have only a long, dilute, yellowish pubescence. Rich red throughout, of the tint of Polyergus rufescens, with only the apical border of the mandibles, the edges of the frontal carinz and the marginations of the thorax and petiole of a deeper tint. Described from several specimens taken Noy. 10, 1914 at Toowong, near Brisbane, Queensland. They were running about rapidly under a stone, evidently in search of the brood of other ants. This species is easily distinguished from all the other red species of Phyracaces by the subopaque, finely reticulate surface of the head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole. AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 249 24. Phyracaces rugulinodis sp. nov. (Fig. 11.) Male. Length 5 mm. Head, including the eyes, broader than long, broadly convex and rounded behind, cheeks very short, eyes and ocelli very large and convex. Mandibles large, triangular, deflected, with concave ex- ternal and very finely and indistinctly denticulate apical borders. Occipital border strongly marginate, continued below into two gular marginations which run forward to a level with the anterior orbits. Clypeus very short, with straight anterior border; frontal area repre- Fiaure 11. Phyracaces rugulinodis sp. nov. Male, lateral view. sented by a deep pit; frontal carinz subparallel, straight, half as long as the head. Antenne 13-jointed, scapes reaching to the posterior orbit, cylindrical, not thickened at their tips; funiculus of uniform diameter throughout, all the joints longer than broad, cylindrical. Thorax narrower than the head through the eyes, pronotum swollen in the middle and on the sides; mesonotum rather regularly hex- agonal, feebly convex, without Mayrian furrows. Epinotum with distinct base and declivity, the former feebly convex and sloping, the latter nearly vertical and concave, strongly marginate above and 250 WHEELER. on the sides. Petiole from above subrectangular, a little longer than broad, as broad in front as behind, with straight anterior and posterior borders and evenly rounded sides; in profile the dorsal surface is strongly convex, the anterior and posterior surfaces short and slightly concave, the former strongly marginate above and on the sides, the ventral surface with a small, sharp tooth at the anterior end. Post- petiole decidedly broader than the petiole, as long as broad, broader behind than in front, with convex sides and dorsum, with a small acute tooth at its anterior border on the ventral side. Gaster rather slender. Pygidium evenly and broadly rounded at the tip. Cerci absent. Genital appendages blunt, retracted. Hypopygium with broad posterior border, feebly and narrowly emarginate in the middle. Legs slender, hind cox without lamellate tips. Wings short, with large, thick pterostigma. There is a well-developed discal cell but the veins distal to it are so nearly obsolete that those outlining a closed marginal and single cubital cell are scarcely visible as very delicate folds in the wing membrane. Mandibles and space between the frontal carine shining; mandibles coarsely and sparsely punctate; remainder of head opaque, finely and densely punctate, with very uneven surface. Sides of pronotum, the mesonotum and mesopleure smooth and shining, the mesonotum with scattered, piligerous foveole; middle of pronotum, the whole epinotum, petiole and postpetiole subopaque, finely punctate and rugulose, the rugze on the base and sides of the epinotum coarse, somewhat longitudinal on the base near the margination separating it from the declivity; the latter finely and densely punctate. Gaster shagreened, coarsely on the base of the first segment, finely elsewhere so that the surface is shining. Hairs yellow, bristly, suberect, pointed, scattered, covering the body and legs rather uniformly, present only on the anterior surfaces of the scapes. Pubescence yellowish, distinct only on the scapes. Red; ocellar region, middle portions of tibize and femora, middle of pronotum and anterodorsal portions of petiole and first gastric seg- ment brown. Wings whitish hyaline, with yellow veins and very conspicuous dark brown pterostigma. Described from a single specimen from Murat Bay, South Australia (Museum of South Australia). There is another defective specimen in the same collection from Ardrossan, South Australia (J. G. O. Tepper). This may be the male of one of the smaller red species of Phyracaces described in the preceding pages. bo Or — AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 25. Phyracaces mullewanus sp. nov. Male. Length 5.4 mm. Head, including the eyes, much broader than long, with broadly rounded posterior portion and short cheeks, truncated behind the ocelli, with strongly marginate occipital border, the margination extending forward on each side of the gula to the level of the middle of the eyes. Eyes and ocelli large and prominent. Mandibles triangular, acutely pointed, rather narrow, with oblique, finely and evenly denticulate apical and concave external borders. Clypeus short, with straight, entire anterior border. Frontal carine rather far apart, parallel in front, approximated behind, half as long as the distance between the anterior clypeal border and the posterior ocelli. Antennal scapes not reaching to the posterior orbits; all the funicular joints, except the last, a little broader than long, last joint twice as long as the preceding, pointed. Thorax robust, as broad through the wing-insertions as the head through the eyes. Pronotum not very convex; mesonotum convex above, hexagonal, narrower in front than behind. Epinotum with distinct base and declivity, the former in profile feebly convex, shorter than the vertical, concave declivity, the latter strongly marginate above and on the sides. Petiole as broad as long, cuboidal, its upper surface convex, the anterior margi- nate above and on the sides. Postpetiole broader than the petiole, broader than long, broader behind than in front, with convex dorsal and lateral surfaces. First gastric segment of a similar shape but broader. Pygidium and hypopygium with broadly rounded tips. Cerci absent. Genital appendages retracted. Legs slender and rather short; hind coxze without lamellate tips. Wings short, vena- tion much as in rugulinodis, but veins of the distal portion of the discal cell obsolete and the pterostigma smaller, though thick. Shining; mandibles coarsely punctate, their bases, the epinotum and petiole subopaque, finely and densely punctate; base and sides of epinotum and upper surface of petiole also rugulose. Head and scutellum shagreened; surface of occipital region very uneven; mesonotum with large, coarse, deep, scattered, piligerous foveolz; postpetiole and first gastric segment with smaller and more numerous foveole; gaster shagreened. Hairs yellowish, sparse, erect, pointed, and coarse, moderately long, shorter on the legs. Pubescence absent, except on the antennal funiculi. Pa Vs WHEELER. Rich red; mesonotum with three brown blotches. Wings whitish hyaline, veins pale yellow, pterostigma dark brown, very conspicu- ous. Described from a single specimen taken by Miss F. May at Mullewa, West Australia (Museum of South Australia). This species is readily distinguished from rugulinodis by its larger size, more robust stature, smaller eyes and ocelli, shorter funicular joints, shorter petiole, more shining postpetiole, etc. It may be the hitherto unknown male of Ph. singularis or of an allied species. 26. Phyracaces ficosus sp. nov. (Fig. 12). Worker. Length 5.5-6 mm. Head slightly longer than broad, distinctly broader behind than in front, convex above and on the sides, with excised posterior border Ficure 12. Phyracaces ficosus sp. nov. Worker, a, dorsal view of body, b, antenna of same. and rather acute inferoposterior corners. Eyes rather large, feebly convex, at the middle of the sides of the head; ocelli absent. Man- dibles triangular, deflected, with finely denticulate apical border passing through a rounded angle into the basal border; external border rather straight. Clypeus very short, vertical. Frontal ca- rine large, erect, rounded, not truncated at their confluence behind. Carina of cheeks short, with a prominent blunt tooth. Postocular carina absent. Occipital border of head strongly marginate, the margination continued forward on each side of the gula to the level of the middle of the eyes. Antennz stout; scapes a little less than half as long as the head, gradually incrassated towards their tips; none of the funicular joints, except the ultimate and penultimate, longer than broad, the ultimate tapering and pointed, not longer AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 25a than the two preceding together. Thorax as broad through the pronotum as through the epinotum, distinctly narrowed in the middle, the dorsum feebly convex, the mesopleurz rather concave, the epino- tal declivity nearly vertical, feebly concave. The anterior border of the pronotum, the sides of the dorsum, the boundary between the epinotal base and declivity, the sides of the latter and the pro- sterna sharply marginate. Petiole as broad as the epinotum, nearly 12 times as broad as long, as broad behind as in front, with feebly and evenly rounded sides, concave anterior border and the posterior corners projecting as flattened, rather acute teeth. Only the anterior and lateral borders are marginate. In profile the dorsal surface is feebly convex, the anterior surface vertical and joining it at a right angle, the ventral surface with a strong, pointed tooth at the anterior end. Postpetiole broader than long, broader than the petiole and distinctly broader in front than behind, with distinctly rounded anterior, lateral and posterior borders, the lateral borders marginate. First gastric segment a little broader than long and a little broader than the postpetiole, distinctly broader behind than in front. Pygidium with a large concave depression on its dorsal side, marginate and minutely spinulose on the sides. Legs moderately stout; coxe of hind pair with a small, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Smooth and shining; mandibles coarsely and sparsely punctate. Dorsal surface of body with small, scattered, piligerous punctures. Hairs grayish yellow, erect, rather long, slender, pointed and sparse, not appreciably longer and denser on the gaster than on the remainder of the body, shorter and somewhat more oblique on the scapes and legs. Legs, coxee and scapes with rather long, appressed, grayish pubescence. Black; gaster, except the extreme base of the first segment rich, cherry red. Mandibles, except their bases and borders, insertions and terminal joints of antenne, tarsi and articulations of legs and the space between the frontal carine, reddish brown. Described from a dozen specimens taken Dec. 4, 1914 in the Bulli Pass, New South Wales. They were running over the sand in a loose file, carrying the nude pupe of a Myrmicine ant whose nest they had just plundered. This beautiful species is easily distinguished by its peculiar color and the shape of its petiole. 254 WHEELER. 27. Phyracaces elegans sp. nov. (Fig. 13.) Worker. Length 3-3.5 mm. Head longer than broad, broader behind than in front, convex above, with truncated occipital region and gula, blunt posterior corners and excised posterior border. Eyes rather large, flat, distinctly in front of the middle of the sides; ocelli absent. Carina of cheeks forming a blunt, rectangular tooth. Postocular carina absent. Posterior border of head marginate, the margination surrounding the infero- posterior corners and extending forward on each side of the gula about 4 the length of the head. Mandibles triangular, deflected, with finely denticulate apical and rather convex external borders. Frontal carinse moderately large, erect, rounded, confluent but not truncated behind. Antenne rather robust; scapes half as long as Ficure 13. Phyracaces elegans sp. nov. Worker, a, dorsal view of body, b, antenna of same. the head, gradually thickened towards their tips; funicular joints 1-9 distinctly broader than long, tenth joint longer than broad, terminal joint tapering and pointed, a little longer than the two pre- ceding joints together. Thorax narrower than the head, as broad through the pronotum as through the epinotum, narrowed in the mesonotal region; in profile rather flat above, with straight, abrupt epinotal declivity. All four sides of the dorsum, the prosterna and sides of the epinotal declivity are distinctly marginate, and the epinotum bears a pair of small acute teeth. Petiole rectangular, somewhat broader than long, as broad as the epinotum, its anterior border slightly concave, the lateral borders marginate, with small acute, dentiform posterior corners. In profile the petiole is flat above and concave on the sides, the anterior surface is abrupt and forms somewhat less than a right angle with the dorsal surface, the AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 255 ventral surface with a blunt, compressed tooth in front. Postpetiole a little broader than the petiole, subrectangular, scarcely broader behind than in front, convex above and on the sides, the latter sharply marginate. First gastric segment broader than long and_ broader than the postpetiole, a little broader behind than in front. Pygi- dium feebly concave above, marginate and minutely spinulose on the sides. Legs moderately stout; coxe of the hind pair with a large, rounded, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Smooth and shining; mandibles coarsely and sparsely punctate. Upper surface of body with very sparse piligerous punctures, which are large on the vertex of the head and the middle of the postpetiole. Hairs yellowish, sparse, rather long, slender, erect, shorter and more oblique on the appendages. Sides of petiole, coxee, legs and antennal scapes with conspicuous grayish pubescence. Reddish yellow; postpetiole and gaster, except the tip, black or very dark brown; pronotum and often also the sides of the mesono- tum and sides and posterior portions of the base of the epinotum castaneous or reddish brown; mandibles, antenne, legs and tip of gaster reddish brown, varying in depth of hue in different specimens. Female. Length 4.5 mm. Resembling the worker, but with larger eyes, ocelli and a different thorax. The latter is narrower than the head and like the thorax of the worker in shape, but with distinct pronotal, mesonotal, scutellar, metanotal, parapteral, sternal and mesepimeral sclerites, though there are no traces of wing stumps. The mesonotum is very small and flat, suborbicular, scarcely longer than broad. The gaster is much larger than in the worker, fully twice as long as broad. Sculpture, pilosity and color much as in the worker, ocellar region with a brown cloud. Described from forty workers and a single female, forming the greater portion of a single colony taken Sept. 16, 1914 near Souther- land, a short distance from Sydney, New South Wales. The ants were bunched together under a large piece of sandstone in a thin layer of earth which in turn was lying on the sandstone wall of a deep ravine. There were no larve, and as the preceding night had been very rainy, I infer that the colony had been washed out of its nest and had taken refuge in the place in which it was found. Two workers taken by Mr. E. H. Zeck at Berowra, N. S. W., and belonging to Dr. W. M. Mann, are also referable to this species, which differs from all the pre- ceding members of the genus in its peculiar color and small size. 256 WHEELER. 28. Phyracaces turneri Forel. (Fig. 14.) Cerapachys (Phyracaces) turneri Forel, Rev. Suisse Zool. 10, 1902, p. 405, 8 9; Ark. f. Zool. 9, 1915, p. 18, 8. Cerapachys turnert Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N. S. W., 1905, p. 15. Phyracaces turnert Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 11. Worker. Length 3.54 mm. Head longer than broad, a little narrower in front than behind, truncated and slightly constricted in the occipital region, convex above, with acute inferoposterior corners, rather deeply excised occipital border and moderately large, convex eyes, placed near the middle of the sides. Ocelli absent. Carina of the cheeks with a prominent tooth or angle. Postocular carina absent; occipital bor- Ficure 14. Phyracaces turneri Forel. Worker, a, dorsal view of body, b, antenna of same. der of head strongly marginate, the margination surrounding the posterior angles and running forward on each side of the gula to a level with the posterior orbits. Clypeus short and vertical. Frontal carinze erect, rounded, abruptly truncated behind where they are very close together. Antenne rather robust; scapes longer than half the head, rapidly enlarging towards their tips; funicular joints 1-9 as long as broad, tenth joint longer than broad, terminal joint tapering, pointed, a little longer than the two preceding joints together. Thorax rectangular, scarcely more than 14 times as long as broad, robust, scarcely narrowed in the middle, evenly convex above in profile, with straight, vertical epinotal declivity; anterior and lateral borders, boundary between the epinotal base and declivity and sides of the latter sharply marginate, anterior pronotal angles and corners of epinotum acutely dentate. Petiole a little broader than the epinotum, rectangular, broader than long, a little broader behind than in front, AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 257 its posterior angles produced as small, flattened teeth, its sides, anterior and posterior borders marginate. In profile it is feebly convex above, concave on the sides, with abrupt, vertical anterior surface, joining the dorsal surface at a right angle, and the ventral surface with a blunt tooth at the anterior end. Postpetiole rectangu- lar, a little broader than long, and a little broader than the petiole, slightly broader in front than behind, with straight sides, anterior and posterior borders and rounded, flattened anterior angles. The anterior and lateral borders are strongly marginate. First gastric segment a little broader than the postpetiole, with convex dorsum and sides. Pygidium bluntly pointed at the tip, concave above, marginate and minutely spinulose on the sides. Legs rather long; hind coxze with a large, rounded, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Smooth and shining; mandibles coarsely punctate; head and body above with sparse, piligerous punctures, which are large and con- spicuous on the vertex. Sides of pygidium and posterior borders of gastric segments densely and finely punctate. Scapes and legs with numerous, minute, piligerous punctures. Hairs grayish yellow, erect, pointed, sparse, long and rather uni- formly distributed on the body, shorter and more oblique on the appendages. Legs and scapes with distinct grayish pubescence. Black; mandibles, pygidium, sting, antenne and legs brownish red. Female (deilated). Length 4.1 mm. Like the worker except for the ocelli and thoracic sclerites. _Mesono- tum and scutellum very small and flat. Stumps of wings distinct. Queensland: Mackay, type locality (Gilbert Turner); Cedar Creek (E. Mjéberg); Kuranda (Wheeler). I have redescribed the worker from nine specimens which I found running over dead leaves in the dark tropical “scrub” near Kuranda. The description of the female is taken from Forel. The worker of this species is readily distinguished from that of the other black species of Phyracaces by the longer funicular joints and the shape of the petiole and postpetiole and from all but Ph. senescens by its short, thickset thorax. 29. Phyracaces larvatus sp. nov. (Fig. 15.) Worker. Length 3-3.6 mm. Head longer than broad, a little narrower in front than behind, with feebly convex sides, concave posterior border and short, rather blunt inferoposterior corners. Eyes large and moderately convex, 258 WHEELER. nearly as long as their distance from the anterior border, a little in front of the middle of the head. Carina of cheeks very prominent, forming a strong, rectangular tooth. Postocular carina absent. Occi- pital border of head marginate, the margination surrounding the inferoposterior corners and running forward on each side of the gula to the level of the posterior orbits. Mandibles triangular, deflected, with concave external and finely denticulate apical borders. Frontal carine rather far apart, suberect, feebly emarginate but not truncate behind before they meet. Antenne rather stout; scapes a little longer than half the head, gradually incrassated towards the tip; funicular joints 1-9 distinctly broader than long, tenth joint not longer than broad, terminal joint pointed, nearly as long as the three pre- ceding joints together. Thorax subrectangular, nearly twice as long as broad, as broad through the pronotum as through the epinotum, very feebly narrowed in the middle, in profile evenly convex above, epinotal_declivity flat, very abrupt. There are marginations on the Figure 15. Phyracaces larvatus sp. nov. Worker, a, dorsal view of body, 6, antenna of same. anterior and lateral borders, between the epinotal base and declivity, along the sides of the latter and extending down the prosterna. Above the epinotum bears a pair of minute teeth. Petiole slightly nar- rower than the epinotum, broader than long, as broad behind as in front, with rounded sides, rather sharp, flattened, posterior teeth and concave anterior border. The anterior and lateral borders are marginate. In profile the dorsal surface is feebly convex, the anterior surface vertical and truncated, and there is a small, translucent, backwardly directed tooth on the anteroventral surface. Postpetiole decidedly broader than the petiole, a little broader than long, broader in front than behind, separated by a strong constriction from the gaster; its anterior corners are rounded and flattened, its sides straight, its anterior and posterior borders are concave, its anterior and lateral borders sharply marginate. First gastric segment broader than the AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 259 postpetiole, a little broader than long and a little broader behind than in front. Pygidium concave above, with marginate, minutely spinulose sides. Legs moderately long; hind cox with a large, angular, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. Smooth and shining; mandibles coarsely punctate; head and thorax above with numerous piligerous foveole, gaster with piliger- ous punctures. Hairs covering the body and appendages sparse, white, rather long, suberect and delicate. Pubescence pale, dilute, distinct only on the appendages. Black; mandibles, cheeks, front, clypeus, legs, sting, pygidium and incisures of abdomen, dark red. Described from numerous specimens from a single colony taken Sept. 19, 1914 from under a small stone in the bottom of one of the deep gorges at Katoomba in the Blue Mts. of New South Wales. This species seems to be very close to Ph. adamus Forel, but differs in its smaller size, less rectangular petiole, somewhat smaller eyes, broader eighth and ninth funicular joints and the red front of the head. 30. Phyracaces adamus Forel. Cerapachys (Phyracaces) adamus Forel, Rev. Suisse Zool. 18, 1910, p: 15,3. Phyracaces adamus Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 11, 8. Queensland: Kuranda (Rowland Turner). The worker of this species, which I have not seen, is, according to Forel, close to turner?, but larger (4.2-4.8 mm.), with the eyes much more developed and the head of a different conformation. 31. Phyracaces senescens sp. nov. (Fig. 16.) Worker. Length 3.6-4 mm. Head longer than broad, as broad in front as behind, with moder- ately large, flattened eyes, placed at the middle of its sides. Ocelli absent. Upper surface of head convex, occipital surface truncated, sides scarcely convex, occipital border broadly excised, marginate, the margination surrounding the rather acute inferoposterior corners and running forward on each side of the gular surface to the middle of the head. Postocular carina absent. Carina of cheeks well 260 WHEELER. developed, produced as a prominent angle. Mandibles triangular, deflected, with nearly straight external and finely denticulate apical borders. Clypeus short, vertical. Frontal carine erect, not very prominent, rather small, not truncated before their confluence behind. Antennal scapes not more than half as long as the head, gradually incrassated toward their tips, funicular joints 1 and 10 slightly longer than broad, joints 2-9 distinctly broader than long, terminal joint rather swollen and scarcely tapering, a little longer than the two pre- ceding joints together. Thorax a little more than twice as long as broad, as broad through the pronotum as through the epinotum, slightly narrowed in the mesonotal region and with concave meso- pleuree. Marginations developed on the anterior and lateral borders, on the boundary between the epinotal base and declivity, along the sides of the latter and the prosterna. Upper corners of epinotum not Ficure 16. Phyracaces senescens sp. nov. Worker, a, dorsal view of body, b, antenna of same. dentate. In profile the thoracic dorsum is very feebly and evenly convex, the declivity of the epinotum steep and straight. Petiole as broad as the epinotum, rectangular, broader than long, broader behind than in front, with concave anterior, straight lateral and nearly straight posterior border and its posterior angles produced as acute, slightly incurved teeth. The lateral borders are marginate, the anterior border submarginate. In profile the dorsal surface is flat and forms a right angle with the truncated, vertical anterior surface, the posterior surface is concave and slightly sloping, the ventral surface bears a pointed, triangular tooth at its anterior end. Postpetiole broader than the petiole, nearly as long as broad, not very sharply separated from the gaster, with rounded dorsal and lateral surfaces and anterior angles. First gastric segment broader than long and decidedly broader than the postpetiole. Pygidium with a shallow elliptical impression on its dorsal surface, its sides beset with AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 261 a row of minute spinules. Legs rather stout; tip of hind coxe on the inner side produced as a rounded, translucent lamella. Mandibles shining, coarsely punctate; head and thorax smooth and shining, above with coarse, sparse, piligerous punctures; petiole, post- petiole and gaster, except the intersegmental regions, more opaque, finely and densely punctate. Hairs white, rather long and delicate, suberect and pointed; on the petiole, postpetiole and gaster in part appressed and more abun- dant, but not concealing the sculpture. Pubescence abundant and rather long, whitish, confined to the coxze, legs and venter. Black; mandibles, pygidium, sting, funiculi, tips of scapes, tarsi, coxee and bases and tips of femora and tibiz castaneous. Described from numerous workers taken at Salisbury Court, near Uralla, New South Wales, from a single colony which was running about on a foraging expedition. This species is easily distinguished from the other black species of Phyracaces by its subopaque abdomen and its long, appressed, pale hairs, which give it a grayish appearance. 32. Phyracaces binodis Forel. (Fig. 17.) Cerapachys (Phyracaces) binodis Forel, Rev. Suisse Zool. 18, 1910, P6205) Se Phyracaces binodis Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 11. Worker. Length 3.8-4 mm. Head longer than broad, nearly as broad in front as behind, moder- ately convex above and truncated in the occipital region. Eyes rather large and flat, situated a little in front of the middle of the sides. Ocelli absent. Carina of cheeks forming a prominent angle. Postocular carina absent. Occipital border of head broadly excised, strongly marginate, the margination surrounding the acute infero- posterior corners and running forward on each side of the gular sur- face about 4 the length of the head. Mandibles triangular, convex, deflected, their apical borders minutely denticulate, their external borders slightly concave. Clypeus short and vertical. Frontal carine erect, rounded, truncated behind where they meet. Antenne rather long; scapes about 2 as long as the head, all the funicular joints, except the last, distinctly broader than long, last joint rather 262 WHEELER. large and swollen, longer than the two preceding joints together. Thorax subrectangular, about twice as long as broad, as broad through the pronotum as through the epinotum, distinctly narrowed in the middle, with concave mesopleure; anterior border straight and transverse, submarginate; prosterna, lateral borders and boundary between the epinotal base and declivity marginate, sides of the latter searcely submarginate. Epinotum above with a pair of distinct teeth. Petiole nearly as long as broad, rectangular, marginate only on the sides, its anterior corners sharp, its posterior corners forming short, acute, flattened teeth, its anterior border feebly concave. In profile the dorsal surface is rather flat, the anterior surface very abrupt, forming less than a right angle with the dorsal surface, the posterior surface sloping, the ventral surface with an acute, translucent, back- wardly directed tooth. Postpetiole of much the same shape as the Fiaure 17. Phyracaces binodis Forel. Worker, a, dorsal view of body, b, antenna of same. petiole but somewhat longer, though not broader and with the an- terior corners less acute; it is very strongly constricted off from the first gastric segment and has the anterior and lateral borders margi- nate. First gastric segment broader than the postpetiole, longer than broad, broader behind than in front. Pygidium feebly impressed on the dorsal side, bordered with minute spinules. Legs rather slender, coxze of hind pairs with an erect, translucent lamella at the tip on the inner side. . Smooth and shining; mandibles coarsely punctate; upper surface of body with rather evenly distributed, coarse, piligerous punctures. Hairs delicate, whitish, rather long, pointed, erect, covering the body and appendages, somewhat shorter and more oblique on the latter. Pubescence very feebly developed, distinct only on the cox and antennal scapes. Black; mandibles, antennee, front, cheeks, legs including coxe, pygidium and incisures of the abdomen on the ventral side reddish brown. AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 263 Queensland: Kuranda (Rowland Turner). Redescribed from a cotype received from Prof. Forel and numerous specimens taken Oct. 3, 1914 at Kuranda from a single colony, which was nesting in a small cavity in a red-rotten log in the dark “scrub.” This form is readily distinguished by the shape of the petiole and postpetiole and the pronounced constriction between the latter and first gastric segment. Genus Cerapachys F. Smith. 33. Cerapachys (Syscia) australis Forel. Syscia australis Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, p. 68, 8 ; Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N. S. W., 1905, p. 14. Cerapachys (Syscia) australis Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 10, 8; Crawley, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 15, 1915, p. 188, 8. Worker. Length 3-3.5 mm. Head about i longer than broad, subrectangular, as broad in front as behind, with evenly convex sides, broadly excised posterior border and short, rather pointed posterior corners. Eyes absent. Mandi- bles subtriangular, deflected, with distinctly dentate apical and basal borders. Clypeus extremely short. Frontal carine approximated, erect, surrounding the antennal insertions in front, converging and truncated behind where they fuse in a depression uniting the anten- nal fovez. Carine of cheeks indistinct. Antennal scapes robust, slender at their insertions, less than half as long as the head; first funicular joint as long as broad, joints 2-7 broader than long, terminal joint large, glandiform, as long as the four preceding joints together. Thorax decidedly narrower than the head, a little more than twice as long as broad, as broad behind as in front, slightly narrowed in the mesonotal region, without transverse sutures; humeri and corners of epinotum rounded; in profile the dorsal surface is straight, the epinotal declivity abrupt, marginate on the sides and submarginate above; the pronotum submarginate in front. Petiole narrower than the epinotum, rounded cuboidal, scarcely broader than long and scarcely broader behind than in front, with convex sides and a blunt, compressed tooth on its anteroventral surface. Postpetiole rese ing the petiole but broader, distinctly broader than long and a little broader behind than in front, with rounded anterior corners, feebly convex sides and a very protuberant anteroventral surface. First gastric segment very large, about 3 longer than broad, much longer 264 WHEELER. than the remaining segments together, distinctly flattened dorso- ventrally and with feebly convex sides. Pygidium small, truncated, entire, its border spinulose. Legs rather long. Shining; mandibles coarsely punctate; head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole covered with large, sparse, piligerous punctures; gaster somewhat more finely and densely punctate. Erect hairs yellow, rather abundant, moderately long, and of uneven length, covering the body and appendages, longest on the tip of the gaster. Pubescence dilute, conspicuous only on the gaster, legs and scapes. Yellowish red; legs, scapes and terminal antennal joint paler; mandibles, frontal carinee and anterior border of cheeks brownish. Queensland: Mackay, type-locality (Turner); Bribie Island, near Brisbane (H. Hacker). Northern Territory: Darwin (G. F. Hill). Redescribed from a couple of cotypes received from Prof. Forel. Mr. Henry Tryon informs me that this ant is not uncommon in some parts of Queensland but is easily overlooked because it leads a hypogzeic life. 34. Cerapachys (Syscia) australis var. edentata Forel. Syscia australis var. edentata Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 44, 1900, pc693.28% Syscia australis var. endentata (sic!) Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N.S. W., 1905, p. 14, 8. Cerapachys (Syscia) australis var. edentula (sic!) Emery, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 118, 1911, p. 10, 8. Queensland: Mackay, type-locality (Turner); Brisbane (H. Tryon). This form differs from the typical australis in its deeper, more reddish coloration, somewhat feebler and sparser puncturation, some- what more transverse first to seventh funicular joints and especially in lacking teeth on the apical and basal borders of the mandibles. Genus Lioponera Mayr. - 35. Lioponera australis Forel. Tioponera longitarsis Mayr var. australis Forel, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 39, 1895, p. 422, 8; Froggatt, Agric. Gaz. N. S. W., 1905, p. 8; Emery, Gen. Insect. Fase. 118, 1911, p. 12. Queensland: Mackay (Turner). AUSTRALIAN CERAPACHYINI. 265 Owing to the profound differences between the Australian ant fauna and that of India it is improbable that this from is merely a variety of L. longitarsis Mayr of the latter country. Forel, in his brief description calls attention to the following peculiarities of aus- tralis, but the study of more material will in all probability reveal others: Length 3.4 mm. It is smaller than longitarsis and has some- what smaller and more convex eyes. The petiole is transversely rectangular, whereas in longitarsis its anterior corners are more pro- jecting and its anterior border is distinctly concave. ‘The sculpture of australis is more regularly punctate and the postpetiole is blackish brown, with two large, reddish spots. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 53. No. 4.— Marcu, 1918. THERMO-ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE, PELTIER HEAT, AND THOMSON HEAT UNDER PRESSURE. By P. W. BripeGMan. INVESTIGATIONS ON LicHT AND HEAT MADE AND PUBLISHED WITH AID FROM THE Rumrorp Funp. THERMO-ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE, PELTIER HEAT, AND THOMSON HEAT UNDER PRESSURE. By P. W. BRIDGMAN. Received October 5, 1917. CONTENTS. Introduction . Apparatus and Experimental Methods Methods of pomputalion : ‘ Detailed Data : POUL ROR ta aout AA iiice oes) ee ede Nickel halite 5 OS he 2 289) 5 Cobalt Wadininy oo eee ae. 20S ron.” feu es 5. So Se 297. Palladiuns MRC ie. BOL Latin 4 Magnesium .. . . .. 305 Molybdenum Aluminum Wen eae OS enn gsten Bilveteu. ass, - =. 'ol6 Bismuth : Goldgye 00 a. +. <4)... “ol9” (Constantant ; Copper. 2.74% 323 Manganin Effect of Tension on ighcemp Hectic Quality Nickel anes an ee Ose Aluminum Chyna ayer 29 a fo cae (Se Oo ES iron, =3 2-2 off | Manganin Dependence of hoeean Heat on Temperature Soren General Survey of Results heim ce cet wees te The Entropy of Electricity Conclusion and Summary INTRODUCTION. PAGE 269 282 284 327 The effect of pressure on the electrical resistance of a large number of metals over a considerable range of pressure and temperature (0° to 100° C, and 0 to 12000 kg/cm?) has formed the subject of two recent papers.1 The facts there presented suggested new points of view concerning the mechanism of electrical conduction in metals. Since, however, conductivity is only one of the electrical properties of metals, we would expect that information regarding all electrical 1P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 52, 571-646, 1917. Phys. Rev. 9, 269-289, 1917. 270 BRIDGMAN. properties would be desirable in attempting to picture the complete electrical mechanism. I stated in the previous papers that I hoped to obtain additional measurements on thermo-electrical properties. In this paper these thermo-electric measurements are carried out. The change in the thermo-electric properties of nearly all the metals whose electrical resistance was there measured is here given over the same range of pressure and temperature; a few only of the metals were not adapted to these measurements and could not be used. In addition, new data are given for the effect of pressure on both electrical resistance and thermo-electric properties of the alloys manganin and constantan. In most cases measurements of the thermo-electro- motive force were made either on identical pieces of wire, or on pieces from the same specimen as were the resistance measurements. In the few cases where new specimens of metal had to be used, the tempera- ture coefficient of resistance at atmospheric pressure has also been measured, in order to define the electrical character of the metal as completely as possible. The results of this paper, unlike those of the previous paper on resistance, are almost entirely novel; the nature of the results to be expected was not known, and accordingly these effects, so far as affected by pressure, were not available for any theoretical considerations. Previous measurements on the effect of pressure on thermal are very few in number, and cover a very restricted range. The maxi- mum pressure reached has been by Wagner,? 300 kg., over the same temperature range as that used here, 0° to 100°. Over a pressure range so small, the effect is in most cases so minute as to be on the limits of the readily measurable. Previous measurements have been almost entirely confined, of necessity, to determining the total effect of the maximum pressure and temperature. It was not possible to find at all accurately whether the effect was linear with pressure and tempera- ture within the range employed. On a few metals Wagner made measurements of the effect of varying temperature, and found that within his limits of error the effect was linear. The effects are so much larger over the much greater pressure range of this paper that I have been able to make accurate measurements of the variation of the effect with pressure and temperature within the range. This is important, especially the variation with temperature. For it is well known that the Peltier heat is determined by the first derivative of the thermal e.m.f., and the Thomson heat by the second. Previously 2 E. Wagner, Ann. d. Phys. 27, 955-1001, 1908. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 271 we had only rough indications of the initial direction of variation of Peltier heat with pressure and no indication whatever as to even the sign of the change of Thomson heat. The present measurements afford fairly accurate data about the Peltier heat over the entire range of temperature and pressure, and somewhat less accurate information, but still accurate enough to give the essential features of the situation, with regard to the Thomson heat. In one other particular these measurements have an advantage over previous ones in this field. Recent improvements in moving coil galvanometers, as well as the greater size of the effect, have made it possible for me to use this type of galvanometer, instead of some form of Thomson galvanometer. Every one knows how enormously more convenient the moving coil galvanometer is than the Thomson. It was possible to make these measurements like any others of physical routine, at all times of the day, with no disturbance from outside changes, instead of waiting for the exceptionally favorable conditions of the early morning hours, as previous observers have been forced to do. In addition to the effect of hydrostatic pressure on thermo-electric quality, this paper contains measurements on the effect of tension. In my previous work on resistance effects, it appeared that there is a simple relation between the effects of hydrostatic pressure and tension on resistance, which had theoretical significance. I hoped for a similar state of affairs with respect to thermo-electric properties, but on looking up previous data found such discrepancies between different observers on the effect of tension, as to cast doubt on even the sign of the effect in some cases. I therefore made a fresh experimental examination with some of the metals of the pressure measurements. It appears that the discrepancies between different observers is due to the inherent nature of the effect. Results are not at all reproducible, sometimes different lengths from the same spool give effects of differ- ent sign. The situation with respect to tension is therefore quite different from that with regard to hydrostatic pressure. The effects produced by hydrostatic pressure on thermo-electric quality have a definite physical significance; reproducible results are obtainable, and different observers may agree, at least for normal metals, as is shown by the quite unexpectedly good agreement between the results of Wagner and myself over the range common to our work. But the tension effects show no such regularity, and apparently depend more on accidental incidents, such as difference in mechanical handling. In the following, little space is devoted to this aspect of the question, 212 BRIDGMAN. therefore, but I have taken the opportunity to record at least the general nature of the results. The plan of presentation of the paper is this: first is given the methods of measurement and computation, and then the detailed account of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on thermal e.m.f., Peltier heat, and Thomson heat; this is followed by a brief presentation of the effect of tension on thermo-electric quality; finally the results are collected for a general survey, and some theoretical deductions sug- gested. This work was distinctly disappointing regarding theoretical conclusions or suggestions as to mechanism. It appears from these measurements that thermo-electric properties, as we measure them, are probably a residual of different effects, sometimes working in opposite directions, and that, for the present at least, these results cannot be as suggestive as I had hoped for an electron theory of metals. In trying to interpret these results I have been obliged to think through the general subject of thermo-electric phenomena, and have been much impressed by the confusion that reigns in this field, even respecting fundamental matters. As a preliminary to further work I have brought together a number of general considerations, which I hope may form a basis for at least consistent thought. These general considerations seem proper subject for a separate paper, and I hope to publish them elsewhere; they may, however, be read in connection with this paper if the reader should at any time find him- self in doubt as to my precise position. APPARATUS AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. The general method is that which naturally suggests itself for meas- uring an effect as small as this, and is the same as that used previously by Wagner.? Instead of using an ordinary thermo-couple, say of copper-constantan, subjecting the whole couple to hydrostatic pres- sure, and measuring the change in thermal e.m-f. at different pressures when the difference of temperature of the terminals is predetermined, the two branches of the couple are made of the same metal, the metal under examination, and one branch only is subjected to pressure. The metal under pressure behaves effectively like a different metal from that not under pressure, and. we measure the thermal e.m.f. of the metal against itself in the uncompressed state. The advantage of this, of course, is that except for inhomogeneities in the wire the entire effect measured is the effect sought, instead of only a small change in a relatively large effect. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 21a Such a couple involves both temperature and stress gradients. The stress gradient is rendered ineffective by keeping the regions in which there is such a gradient at constant temperature. Thermo- dynamics shows that no closed circuit of the same or different metals under different or varying stresses can possibly be the seat of an e.m.f. if the whole is at one constant temperature. If, then, all regions of Ficure 1. The electrical connections in place in the pressure cylinders. varying temperature in a complete circuit are regions of no stress gradient, we are sure that stress gradients in other parts of the circuit can produce no resultant e.m.f. around the circuit. The part of the apparatus concerned in the thermal e.m.f. measure- ments consists of two heavy cylinders connected by a heavy tube. The two cylinders are maintained at any required difference of tem- 274 BRIDGMAN. perature by thermostats. Through the tube connecting the cylinders, and insulated from it, runs the wire on which measurements are to be made. ‘This is metallically connected to the inside of the upper cyl- inder, but passes out through an insulating plug at the bottom of the lower cylinder. The circuit is completed outside the cylinders by a wire of the same metal, making connection through the insulating plug at the lower end, and at the upper end making a screw contact with the steel of the upper cylinder. The return wire is broken by the insertion of copper leads connecting with the galvanometer and the potentiometer for measuring the electro-motive force. The terminals of the copper leads are connected to the return wire inside a constant temperature bath so that no e.m.f. (or at least no variable e.m.f.) is introduced here. The two cylinders and the connecting pipe are filled with liquid to which pressure may be applied. The circuit consists of the metal AB about 18” long under a constant hydrostatic pressure, between the two ends of which there is a known temperature difference equal to the difference of temperature of the two thermostated baths; a length of nickel steel BC which forms the stem of the insulating plug, in which there is a stress gradient from the whole hydrostatic pressure-inside to zero at the outer end, but in which there is no temperature gradient; a length CD about 4 ft. long of the metal under examination, running at atmospheric pressure from the temperature of the lower bath to that of the upper bath; the copper part of the circuit from D to E, entering and leaving at the same temperature; a short length, about 6 inches, of the metal under examination running from the copper at E to mechanical contact with the steel of the cylinder at F; and finally the circuit is completed through the solid steel of the cylinder between F and A, in which there is an intense stress gradient, but no temperature gradient. It is evident that the e.m.f. of this circuit is merely that of the uncom- pressed metal against the compressed metal between the temperatures of the two baths. The measurements consist in finding the e.m.f. in circuits of different metals under different temperature differences and different pressures. Of course, if the inside and outside wires are precisely alike, there is no e.m.f. for any temperature difference unless there is also a pressure difference. But this ideal condition was seldom attained, as the wires were never precisely alike; the readings had to be corrected by the zero reading, which of course varied with the temperature difference. The two cylinders were connected to the apparatus for producing pressure through a tube screwed into the upper end of the top cylinder. " THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 275 This was the same apparatus as that used in much previous work,’ and has been described so thoroughly that no further description is needed here. The pressure was measured throughout with the same coil of manganin wire as that used for the measurements of pressure coefficient of resistance. It was calibrated from time to time. The pressure part of all this work went more smoothly than ever before; the complete set of measurements on 24 different specimens was made without a single rupture, except one pinching off of the stem of an insulating plug, and with only a few leaks due to defective washers. Various details of manipulation had to be carefully observed in order to get good results. It is well known that thermal e.m.f. is exceedingly sensitive to slight mechanical changes. For instance, the wire of an ordinary constantan thermo-couple cannot be bent without changing its constants. I was prepared, therefore, to expect very large irregularities at these high pressures, and was most pleas- antly disappointed to find that, with some precautions, reliable measurements could be obtained. It is above all else necessary to avoid all permanent distortion. The viscosity of most liquids be- comes so great under high pressure that permanent distortion may easily result. The connecting tube is about 18 inches long, and the hole § inch diameter. When pressure is increased or decreased the entire liquid in the tube moves bodily one way or the other, because of change of volume in the liquid in the lower cylinder, and if the liquid is sufficiently viscous will carry the wire with it, and in some cases may easily break it. The magnitude of this viscous drag depends on the diameter of the wire; the smaller the diameter the larger the ratio of surface to cross section, and the larger the effect. It was desirable for this reason to use in many cases a wire larger than that on which resistance measurements were made, and I therefore prepared a number of new wires from the same samples as the old wires. Viscous drag may result either in a permanent distortion of the wire, showing itself as a permanent change of the zero reading, or it may produce an effect within the elastic limit which disappears with release of pressure. Such an elastic effect was shown by several of the smaller wires; it may be eliminated by reversing the direction of the change of pressure. The viscous effect can be reduced in most all cases to negligible proportions by using a very thin liquid to trans- mit pressure, changing pressure slowly, and by running pressure back and forth several times over a small range before making a reading. The liquid found suitable was petroleum ether, which had also been 3 P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 49, 627-643, 1914. 276 BRIDGMAN. used before in the resistance measurements partly mixed with kero- sene. This was always now poured pure into the lower part of the apparatus without admixture of kerosene. The upper of the three cylinders was initially filled with a mixture of equal parts kerosene and ether. This liquid remains so thin under even the highest pres- sures that somewhat more trouble was found from minute leaks than ever with undiluted kerosene. The bearing surfaces of the washers must be in very good condition, otherwise leak takes place along scratches on the steel too minute to be sufficiently closed by the plastic flow of the steel at high pressures. However, all these minute leaks closed up automatically under sufficiently long duration of pressure, and never could introduce any error in the readings, which were made only after leak had disappeared. Leak merely made the manipulation somewhat more inconvenient. The use of petroleum ether made it impossible, because of its low boiling point, to make measurements at atmospheric pressure at the higher temperatures. Above 25°, therefore, the initial readings were made at pressures of 300 kg., and extrapolation made to atmospheric pressure. The effect of viscous drag was further increased by the necessity for insulating the wire AB from the steel tube. The wire was in most cases bare, and insulation was. provided by slipping over the wire short lengths (3 inch long) of thin glass tube. It was necessary to choose these of the best diameter. If they were too large, the viscous resistance between the glass and the wall of the steel tube was so great that all the pieces moved together bodily, and might cut off the wire at the upper end; whereas if the glass tube was too small the viscous resistance between the glass and the wire was so great that the stress on the wire was no longer truly hydrostatic. The best size for the glass was found after several trials. That the effect of viscous drag was finally successfully eliminated is shown by the fact that even for metals as soft as lead and thallium the permanent change of zero after a run to 12000 kg. was less than 1/10 % of the total effect. The inner wire was attached to the lower insulating plug with soft solder, except in a few cases such as magnesium or aluminum, when connection was made by wrapping the joint with small copper wire and smothering over the outside with soft solder. Slight variations of resistance at the contacts evidently were of no importance, and it therefore was not necessary to take the precautions used in the re- sistance measurements. At the upper end, a flexible connection to allow for inequalities of compression and relative motion between the cylinder and the core of the insulating plug was made by soft THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. Par ire soldering the wire to a helix of copper wire, which was in turn soldered to the connecting tube. Connection between the tube and the cyl- inder was amply provided by the mechanical contact through the threads, which supported the entire thrust of the internal pressure. The soldered connection at the top of the wire was not made until after the bottom connection had been made and screwed into position, so that all initial strains of tension or torsion were avoided. The outer wire was protected over its entire length by a loosely fitting rubber tube, which slipped over the outer end of the insulating plug and prevented contact with the water of the bath. The connections at E and D to the copper leads to the electrical part of the apparatus were made with soft solder. The wire FE and part of the copper lead in the upper bath were also protected with rubber tubing. The two _ connections E and D were placed close together and tied to the out- side of the upper cylinder. They were protected from direct contact with the water of the bath with a covering of felt 1 inch thick. The temperature of these junctions was therefore controlled by the large mass of the cylinder and remained constant in spite of small fluctua- tions in the bath liquid. The copper leads from E and D were taken from the same spool and were so homogeneous that no undesirable e.m.f. was ever introduced by this part of the circuit. The connec- tion at F was a mechanical connection. A small hole was bored from the outer surface of the cylinder to within 4 inch of the inner surface. Against the flat bottom of this hole a steel tube which contained the wire was forced by a nut. This wire was lead axially through the tube, and insulated from it, except at the very end, where it was soldered in place with enough soft solder to make a little mound at the bottom of the tube. When forced into place by the screw, this mound was flattened out, making at the same time good electrical contact and preventing contact between the water of the bath and the wire. This wire was brought as close as possible to the inside of the cylinder in this way in order to reduce to a minimum any disturbance arising from slow fluctuations in the temperature of the bath. Any regularity introduced by flow of heat into the bath along the pressure tubing, either above or below, may be shown by a simple computation to be absolutely negligible; any such effect is certainly less than 10-® degrees. The upper bath was the variable bath, and was controlled by a thermostat within 2 or 3 thousandths of a degree. In virtue of the precautions just described all appreciable errors due to tempera- ture control were eliminated. In the lower bath, slow variations in temperature would be of greater effect, because of the long stem of the 278 BRIDGMAN. insulating plug, so that it was necessary that the two ends of this stem be at exactly the same temperature. This source of error was re- duced to a minimum by always using the lower bath as an ice bath. The lower tank was kept full of ice and water, well packed down, and a violent circulation of water through the ice was maintained with a stirrer. The bath was also heavily lagged. The result was com- pletely satisfactory, but I have been impressed during this work, as well as in some other, by the absolute necessity of maintaining a vio- lent circulation of water if complete uniformity of temperature is to be secured. An ice bath, even when continuously repacked, develops local inequalities of temperature, unless the water is stirred. Of course the conditions here were somewhat severe, because there was a constant rather large inflow of heat from the upper bath along the pressure tubing. The electrical-measurements part of the apparatus now requires description. There were two entirely independent electrical systems involved. One was for measuring the pressure by means of the change of resistance of the manganin coil.* This has already been fully described. The other was to measure the thermal e.m.f. The range of e.m.f. to be measured was from a fraction of a micro volt to 0.0007 volts. The galvanometer used was of the Leeds and Northrup high sensitivity D’Arsonval type. It was specially constructed to my specifications; was critically damped on 5 ohms external resistance, with a period of 7.8 seconds and a sensitivity of 1.5 cm. at 1 m. distance for 10-® volts. Its internal resistance was 12 ohms, so that as long as the resistance of the external circuit remained under 5 ohms its per- formance was sufficiently constant. The wires used were almost always large enough to meet this requirement. In use the galvanom- eter was set up at 3 m. distance and gave 4.5 em. deflection for 10-6 volts. The method used was a double throw null method, and the steadiness was great enough so that 0.1 mm. could be easily obtained. Readings could therefore be made to 10-° volts. I have to express special obligations to the Leeds and Northrup Co. for this instrument. At the time, certain of the materials necessary for the construction of a new instrument were not to be obtained in the market, and they were so kind as to take from their own shops one of their experimental instruments and rebuild it to specifications. The method of measuring e.m.f. was a potentiometer method, in which the unknown e.m.f. is tapped off around a fixed resistance, and 4 P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 47, 321-343, 1911. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 279 the current in the potentiometer circuit varied by means of a suitable resistance until balance is obtained. This has the advantage over the ordinary slide wire form of avoiding all possible e.m.f’s. at the sliding junctions. In order to provide the very small e.m.f’s. required, the known source of e.m.f. was stepped down twice. The comparison cell was a battery of ten acid Weston cells connected in parallel. The advantage of the acid cell is that its e.m.f. does not fluctuate, even when a comparatively large current is drawn. This was most kindly loaned to me by Professor H. N. Davis, by whom it had been person- ally constructed. Iam also indebted to him for a number of the other pieces of standard apparatus used. The e.m-f. of the acid cell varies somewhat with the external resistance; it was measured by standard potentiometer methods against a standard Weston cell for external resistances from 1000 to 10000 ohms. The e.m.f. at the terminals varied under these conditions from 1.0410 to 1.0425 volts. This was measured several times in the course of the work, and the voltage under any given external resistance remained constant within 1/100%. The temperature effect was negligible for temperature fluctuations within the range of this work. The working cell was connected through a reversing switch with a 10,000 and a 10 ohm. coil in series. The 10 ohm coil was tapped by a second circuit containing a variable Leeds and Northrup decade box reading to 10,000 ohms, and guaranteed to 1/10%, and three other coils, of seasoned copper, of 10, 1 and 0.1 ohm. According to its magnitude, the e.m.f. in the pressure circuit could be tapped across either the 10, 1, or 0.1 ohm coil. Readings were made by a null method by the method of reversals. Reversing switches in the pres- sure circuit, but not in the galvanometer circuit, and in the second stage of the potentiometer circuit allowed the reversal of both the e.m.f. being measured and the balancing e.m.f. The decade box was set until no throw was obtained on reversing both these circuits. The range covered with the apparatus set up as above was from approximately 10°° volts, with 1000 ohms in the decade box and 0.1 ohm tapped, to 10° volts with 1000 in the decade box and 10 ohms tapped. For larger voltages the working cell could be directly con- nected with the potentiometer circuit, increasing the range in this way from 10° to 10 volts, still with never less than 1000 ohms in series with the working cell. E.m.f’s. less than 10° volts were read by the deflection of the galvanometer without attempting to balance. Of course the e.m.f’s. corresponding to the stated resistances are not exactly those given, but there are slight corrections. The corrections 280 BRIDGMAN. as a function of the resistance may be readily calculated by Kirchhoft’s laws, and such corrections were applied in all the computations. It is not worth while to go into greater detail about this electrical installation, except to say that in designing it and setting it up I profited much by suggestions in various papers of White.® All leads were of copper from the same spool. All connections were either soldered (with pitch) or were the clothes pin type of spring clip, with the in-leading wire thermally protected by wrapping with copper strip, as advocated by White. All switches, both single throw and reversing, were of the jack knife type, and of all-copper construction. All the connections and switches, except the pressure connections already described and the connections to the galvanometer binding posts, were inclosed in a single covered box, to secure temperature equality, and all switches were operated through the sides of the box with rods. The reversing switches were so connected together with a sliding rod as to be operated by a single push or pull, and were so related in phase than an unbalanced e.m.f. was never thrown on the galvanometer at any stage of the reversal. The copper resistance coils of 10, 1, and 0.1 ohms were immersed in an oil bath of Bureau of Standards resistance oil inside the same box as that housing the switches, and the oil was stirred and the temperature read with a thermometer reaching through the walls of the box after every read- ing of e.m.f. The resistance of the copper coils was measured at 22° on a Carey Foster bridge against coils calibrated at the Bureau of Standards. The temperature coefficient was not measured, but was assumed to be 0.00382 at 22°. This corresponds to copper of con- ductivity 98%. If the copper were actually anywhere from 96% to 100% conductivity, which is greater than the variation met with in commercial copper, the error so introduced would remain less than 0.1% over a temperature range of 10°, which was the maximum varia- tion in room temperature during this work. In addition to all these, several coils not already mentioned were introduced either in parallel or in series with the galvanometer so that its sensitiveness could be appropriately varied. The galvanometer itself was protected with a shield of heavy sheet iron heavily covered on the outside with cotton. Internal thermal e.m.f. in the galvanometer was never entirely absent, rising sometimes to as much as 4 X 10 volts, but the method of measurement, reversing 5 W. P. White, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc. 36, 1856-1868, 1868-1885, 2011- 2020, 2292-2313, 2313-2333, 1914. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 281 the other circuits but not the galvanometer circuit, eliminated this as a source of error. An eliminating switch about the 0.1, 1, and 10 ohm coils, as described by White, showed that there were no parasitic e.m.{’s. in this part of the circuit. The construction of the rest of the circuits assures that any other parasites, except in the pressure part, are overwhelmed and masked by the applied e.m.f., and parasites in the pressure part, provided they stay constant, are eliminated by the zero correction. All switches and the galvanometer were further protected by a leakage shield, as advocated by White. The whole apparatus was surprisingly satisfactory in its performance, and except with some of the more inhomogeneous metals the steadiness was such that even over the maximum temperature range individual readings could be made to the limit of sensitiveness, about 10-° volts. The accuracy of the readings was of course not usually as high as 10° volts, but varied greatly for the different metals; the details will be given later. In general, the precautions necessary to ensure reproducible results were to previously season the metal by several preliminary applications of pressure and to change pressure slowly, in order to avoid viscosity effects from the transmitting medium. Most of the metals showed no hysteresis, and the pressure measurements might have been made in any order, but they were, as a matter of fact, nearly all made alternately with rising and falling pressure. Measurements on a single metal consisted of readings at four different temperatures of the variable bath (25°, 50°, 75°, and 95°) and seven different pressures (0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, and 12000 kg./em.?). The procedure was usually as follows. The apparatus was set up and seasoned by several preliminary applications of pressure to the maximum at room temperature. The lower bath was then filled with ice and the upper bath adjusted at 25°. E.m.f. measurements were then made at 0, 4000, 8000, 12000, 10000, 6000, 2000, and 0 kg. This might occupy two hours. The time required for dissipation of heat of compression after every change of pressure was cut down by secondary variations of pressure, as has already been described in previous papers.® The upper bath was then changed to 50°, the lower one still being packed with ice, and e.m.f. measurements. were made at the same pressures as before. This was repeated at 75° and 95°. The temperature of the bath was read on a Tonnelot thermometer calibrated at the Paris Bureau of Weights and Measures. 6 P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 49, 14, 1913. 282 BRIDGMAN. In addition to the pressure measurements, the thermal e.m-f. of each of the specimens was found at atmospheric pressure against lead. The same potentiometer was used as for the pressure measurements, and no special comment is necessary. One terminal of the couple was kept in an ice bath; the other was placed successively in baths at 25°, 50°, 75°, and 95°. Twelve couples were made up and measured simultaneously. As a matter of fact, the readings were actually made against copper; the e.m.f. against lead was obtained by a sub- traction. The e.m.f. against temperature of each of these couples could be represented within the limits of error by a power series in t (three terms were always sufficient). These formulas are given in the following as a further means of identifying the metal. By one and two differentiations the Peltier heat against lead and the Thomson heat at atmospheric pressure may be at once obtained. These are also listed in the following. A positive e.m.f. means that the positive current flows from lead to the metal at the hot junction. MeEtHops OF COMPUTATION. The thermal e.m.f. in the pressure circuit was first computed for each reading, applying all corrections, including temperature correc- tions. The points were then plotted on a large scale, thermal e.m-f. against pressure, and smooth curves drawn through the points at each temperature. In this way four smooth curves were obtained for each substance, or really five curves, because the curve correspond- ing to 0° coincides with the pressure axis. From this bundle of smooth curves the thermal e.m.f. could be read as a function of temperature at constant pressure. The curves were in this way replotted, giving thermal e.m.f. against temperature at constant pressure. Six pressures were chosen, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, and 12000, giving six smooth curves of thermal e.m.f. as functions of temperature. The smoothing so far was done graphically. A further smoothing was next performed by calculation. The ordinates were read from the six smooth curves at intervals of 10°, and the differences of successive ordinates computed. The curves were now further adjusted so that the successive differences skould lie on a smooth curve when plotted on a scale 10 times as large as the original curve. This second ad- justment was of course performed so as not to produce any changes greater than the uncertainties in the original plot. The smoothed first differences, obtained in this way, are equal, without appreciable 'THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 283 error, to ten times the slope of the curves at the mid-temperatures of : her : : dE f the 10° intervals. This gives immediately, therefore, dt Multi- plying this by the absolute temperature gives, by a well known formula, the Peltier heat at the hot junction. The Peltier heat was so calculated and is tabulated in the following. From the tabulation of first differences the second differences were next found by succes- sive subtractions. These were plotted and smoothed graphically, 2 giving at once — This, multiplied by absolute temperature, gives the difference of the Thomson heat in the compressed and the uncom- pressed metal at the temperature in question. This is also tabulated in the following. Perhaps to give the results as accurately as possible an additional smoothing for pressure should have been introduced. But this seemed to me an additional refinement not justified by the reproducibility of the results. The convention adopted for the sign of the effect requires explana- tion. In the following, the thermal e.m.f. of the circuit is called positive if at the hot junction the current flows from uncompressed to compressed metal. The Peltier heat is considered positive if heat is absorbed by the positive current from the surroundings on flowing Re es oy from uncompressed to compressed metal. A positive qe means a larger Thomson heat in the compressed than the uncompressed metal, and the Thomson heat is itself considered positive if heat is absorbed by the positive current in flowing from cold to hot metal. In other words, a positive Thomson heat corresponds to a positive specific heat of the positive current, or a negative specific heat of the current of electrons. The opposite convention is sometimes used for the Thomson heat. The detailed presentation of data follows. The order of arrange- ment of the metals is the same as that in the previous paper on resist- ance. Four metals used there could not be used in this investigation. These were: Indium and Tantalum, of which I did not have a large enough supply, and Antimony and Tellurium, which are so brittle as to make hopeless any manipulation of continuous pieces four feet long. In addition to the metals of the resistance paper, two alloys, manganin and constantan, are included at the end of the list. The pressure effect on the resistance as well as on the thermal e.m.f. has been measured. The data are chiefly given by tables and diagrams. There are in 284 BRIDGMAN. general three tables for each metal. The first table shows the total e.m.f. of a circuit composed of uncompressed and compressed metal. The lower junction is always at 0°; the entries in the table show the e.m.f. for different temperatures of the upper junction, and for differ- ent pressures of the compressed branch. The temperature interval of this table is 10°, and the pressure interval 2000 kg. The em. corresponding to 0° is, of course, zero for all pressures. The second table gives the Peltier heat absorbed by unit quantity of positive electricity in passing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure in the table, both uncompressed and compressed metal being at the temperature indicated in the table. The temperature interval is 20°, and the pressure interval 2000 kg. in the second table. - The third table shows how much greater the Thomson heat is in metal compressed to the pressure of the table than in uncompressed metal, both uncompressed and compressed metal being at the temperature indicated in the table. The temperature interval of the third table is also 20°, and the pressure interval 2000 kg. The diagrams give graphically the results of the tables, plotted at constant pressures against temperature. The scale of the diagrams of Peltier heat and Thomson heat is half that of the e.m.f. diagrams. The smaller scale for the two heats has been chosen because of their smaller accuracy. The corresponding tables for all metals are given in the same sized units, so as to facilitate direct comparison. DETAILED DaTa. Tin. This was Kahlbaum’s “K” tin, from the same small ingot as that whose resistance under pressure was measured, but not the identical piece of wire. It was made by extrusion at 100° into wire 0.02 inches in diameter, considerably larger than the resistance wire, and was annealed in an electric furnace to 120° for several hours. It was not subjected to a preliminary pressure seasoning for the runs; this is unnecessary for soft metals. Tin was one of the most unsatisfactory metals measured, because of the minuteness and irregularity of the effect. Tin is known to form other allotropic modifications below 20°, the reaction usually not run- ning because of internal viscosity. During the experiment, therefore, the lower end of the wire was probably always in the metastable region, and the readings themselves gave evidence of internal insta- bility. The readings were never steady, but continually flickered THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 285 by small amounts which might rise to as much as 0.04 X 10-® volts at the highest temperature. Furthermore, all runs showed consider- able hysteresis, which of course is characteristic of a substance not in perfect equilibrium. The zero was usually recovered with fair accuracy; at 98° the zero error was hardly 1% of the total effect, but at 75° there was some sort of progressive change during the run, which of course produced the largest effect at zero. The readings at 75° failed by about 30% to fall on a smooth curve with those at other temperatures, and the 75° points were accordingly disregarded in drawing the curves. — In spite of the irregularities, the uncertainties never became great SURGE RSS CRED SSSEEE SER SEREEEECSRESEEeaooSesEEaeEe euaeseegauan Serenata treseetetere 2 Joecc0cceesuecuecuasange>s ae ry po 2 if rH a pap ae ce ae an ie : sazsssvssasetere Seteeresustsssatses seeeees eet =) me < > - ot eZ shoe ees a = ce naira _ | E —.] ag So fi HH . - Pe ~, 7 EES 2 ote 20°" 30" = 46° 30° 60° 0° 80° 90° 00° Temperature Tin Figure 2. Tin. Thermal E. M. F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other branch compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the tempera- ture plotted as abscissae. enough to obscure the essential character of the results, which are most curious. The results are shown in Figure 2, and Table I, in which e.m.f. at constant pressure is plotted against temperature. The effect is small, rising at the most to 0.4 X 10-° volts, and reverses in sign with temperature. At 12000 kg. the e.m.f. passes through?a negative maximum of 0.18 & 10-® at about 25°, and then reverses sign, rising to 0.4 X 10-® volts at 100°. Or if the results are plotted as a function of pressure at different constant temperatures (which 286 BRIDGMAN. TAB IGE ale TIN. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts & 10°. Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 O14 O41 .083 . 136 .O10 045 . 103 182 O11 .620 .075 154 .042 .021 O19 O81 .078 .070 048 .010 ze lelsl 122 ltl y 103 . 146 172 . 183 Ort .176 .218 243 . 269 206) Zor 208 .296 330 .232 292 341 .390 is the way in which they were obtained experimentally) they are equally curious. At 25°, the effect is initially positive, passing through a very flat maximum of about 0.005 X 10-6 volts at 2500 kg., and from here on becomes rapidly negative, reaching — 0.185 & 10-® at 12000 kg. This curve is concave downwards. The approximate effect of higher temperatures is merely to rotate this curve bodily, without distortion, anticlockwise about the origin. At 50° the effect is through- out positive, the curvature displaying itself as a maximum near 7000 kg., and at 75° and 100° the rotation has become great enough to obliterate the maximum. The Peltier and Thomson heats deduced from these measurements are shown in Figure 3 and Table II. Of course when the fundamental data are so irregular there must be much uncertainty in the deriva- tives, but I believe that the essential features of the situation, with respect to changes of sign etc., are correctly given, and that the nu- merical values of the Thomson heat are correct to within perhaps 50%. Both Peltier and Thomson heats change sign in the range. At low temperatures the effect of all pressures is to give a negative Peltier heat; that is, heat is absorbed by the positive current in flowing across the junction from compressed to uncompressed metal, but at THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 287 higher temperatures, at all pressures, the Peltier heat becomes posi- tive, passes through a maximum, and decreases again. The Thom- son heat, on the other hand, is initially positive for low temperatures, but becomes negative at higher temperatures. Tin was one of the metals measured by Wagner.? He made only one measurement, at 300 kg. and 100°, and found for the effect —0.95 X 10°” volts per degree per kg. The measurements above 2 He ‘ eeeeduee caus aatitiaiaease at - aoceeeesceeee A rH ty a PH Nd ro 1 aanr era iH : : So H H ie HH ait + : CSN, HH H geguaeea ie { HEHE, sasstasa A Pree 7 sosseas Volts, x10° HH Volts per degree C, x10° Peltier Heat TEEsEs: Ty rH oi pa ETH WAS i HH HH HH Fe HH -5 5 Pk Ha poesesscoscscaeceses ces: ; is 5 een 40 so G0. B07) TOO 20° 940. 60° - 80° 100° Temperature .Temperature Tin Figure 3. Tin. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electri- city on flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. Ht r Thomson Heat make the effect positive at all pressures for a temperature range of 100°, and would indicate, if interpolation is justifiable, + 0.43 X 10°? volts per degree per kg. Wagner’s one reading allowed him to form no idea of the complicated state of affairs for this metal. There can be no comparison between his results and mine, because it will be shown later in the case of Al and Fe, which also show reversals in sign like Sn, that small variations in the purity of the metal, or the 288 BRIDGMAN. TABLE II. TIN. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb X 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg. / cm.2 Cdegrees| a9 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 —1.64 —3.28 —4.92 + .32 “pekd +1.44 +1.94 PVA 2.01 1.49 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per nO 103 Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.2 ——— 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 +5.9 +11.7 +21.0 +28.9 +4.4 sie tin +13.2 +20.3 ar ao) + 4.4 aT NOLO THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 289 mechanical treatment, although they leave the general character of the results unaltered, may nevertheless produce large changes in the numerical values. For instance, a slight shift in the position of the flat maximum would produce changes even of sign in the neighbor- hood of 500 kg. The thermal e.m.f. of tin was measured at atmospheric pressure against lead between 0° and 100°. Over this range its thermal e.m.f. is given approximately by the formula: E = (0.230 t—0.00067 #7) X 10° volts. The Peltier heat against lead is P = (0.230—0.00134 t) (¢ + 273) X10 volts, and the Thomson heat is = —0,00134 (t + 273) X 10-6 volts/°C. This assumes the Thomson heat of lead to be zero. A positive e.m.f. means that the current flows from lead to tin at the hot junction. Thallium. A different specimen from that of the resistance meas- urements had to be used, the former piece having become very badly oxidized. A fresh lot was obtained from the United States Smelting Company. As provided by them it contained considerable impurity of lead and cadmium. I purified it by electrolysis, by well known methods. It was dissolved in excess c.p. HeSO, and electrolyzed from dilute aqueous solution onto a copper cathode with platinum anode. The deposit is in the form of trees. These were repeatedly washed in pure water, dried in a paraffine bath at 200° in a stream of He, and finally melted in a glass tube in a stream of He. The He, however, was not perfectly pure, and a thin film of the yellow oxide formed on the surface of the metal during melting. This was scraped off, and the ingot formed into a wire by cold extrusion to 0.028 inch diameter. The wire was kept under pure water while waiting for use, which effectively prevented tarnishing. The outer wire was shellaced immediately before assembling. There was no such trouble from oxidation as that experienced during the resistance measurements. The purity of this sample was not so high as that of the previous one, as shown by its temperature coefficient of resistance. The average coefficient between 0° and 100° was 0.00475, which is con- siderably less than that of the former sample, 0.00518. The several crystallizations in the form of various salts of the previous sample doubtless accounts for its higher purity. The relation between 290 BRIDGMAN. temperature and resistance of this new sample was sensibly linear within the range 0° to 100°. The thermo-electric behavior of a thallium-lead couple at atmos- ee Ht ————s ea py - + =-=25 ett +4 GaeeRen r: ah t f + +] j= +. 50 SrEeereceseas - 45 + aac ea HG eebenes successes 900 40 - a fon) HH 1 0 +H > 35 tit ++ 3 a g a ase cagsteaere = t Sees coet teeter ° 38 + t 58 gy anges +8000 30 p eeatel seca tetas . eae | = 25 atta 60 zs y suasens’ csesseees ib as E 20 a eagecene: s 4 Bs igaRanD sana an iB t aa! Hie zo H Poth: 40 Fis A eeee, cousnnavad sasnenee : sidcafadgaatattaasocz eaten aafaatastiat one + : HH HE 4 tt 10 aene HHH =p Ce eet ate fF HEE PEC Eee EEE gfoaqsestcait Seiresesssteecenadnieeeeeewannieieerresstia i = t Tr oeegas Coeeeeeual HEE i eas t t peneseees! AeA ee tH t Ht He eee eae HERTHA Et 0 4 25 ++ ee SERSGanen ea Bae TH : (SEE? tt 0° OS 02 OSE 0 02 C0 870 S02 ONTO 02 Temperature Thallium Figure 4. Thallium. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./cm.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at O°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. pheric pressure is represented within the limits of measurement by the formulas : E = (1.659 t—0.00134 #—0.0000056 #3) & 10° volts, P = (1.659—0.00268 t—0.0000168 #?) (f + 273) X 10% volts, a = (—0.00268 —-0.0000336 #) (£ + 273) X 10° volts/°C. The pressure measurements were very satisfactory. The effect is large and positive, equilibrium was quickly reached, the readings bo © re THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. } : it ine He A160 i Hiiees: Se se ae Le oo re i os eae H HH i HH HEH oS ae a 7 in ve ae i ae Le my : : a ab we ii i : : Le He 80 a» & - |G _ SL a le = 100 t Thomson Heat Volts per degree C, X10° ae ail a il 50 iil Ht es 6 ae 4000: i 20 ‘ns ae ul cL ET i Paras C60" =. (60° ut 20s 60? 280° - 100° Temperature Temperature Thallium Ficure 5. Thallium. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. TABLE III. THALLIUM. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts X 10°. Pressure, kg./cm.2 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 74 +2 .47 +3.14 +3.78 +4.26 3.50 5.07 : 7.72 8.78 43 78 : 11.84 13.53 of 09 3. 16.13 18.53 .38 3.49 : 20.58 23.75 45 48 g 25.19 29.15 3.57 59 : 29 .96 34.73 5.75 22.70 : 34.89 40.49 25.92 : 39.97 46.40 45.20 52.46 BRIDGMAN. 292 TABLE IV. ‘THALLIUM. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb Ge: Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 +66. +83. 78. 99. 89. Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per °C X 108. Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.2 a 6000 8000 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 293 were perfectly steady, and the permanent change of zero was almost imperceptible. The maximum departure of any point from a smooth curve was 0.4% of the total effect. It was very gratifying that this soft substance showed no permanent zero change, since permanent distortions must very easily be introduced into it. The numerical results are shown in Tables III and IV, and Figures 4 and 5. The e.m.f. is positive and increases regularly with pressure and temperature; the Peltier heat between compressed and uncom- pressed metal is also positive and increases with pressure and temper- ature, and the Thomson heat increases with pressure, except at the maximum temperature and pressure, but decreases regularly with rising temperature. There are no previous measurements whatever on this substance for comparison. Cadmium. This was a piece of new wire 0.02 inch diameter, from the same original piece as the resistance wire. It was extruded at a temperature of 180°, and seasoned after extrusion by several hours at 120° in an electric oven. The thermo-electric behavior at atmospheric pressure against lead may be represented by the formulas: E = (12.002¢ + 0.1619 t?) X 10° volts, P = (12.002 + 0.3238 t) (¢ + 273) X 10° volts, o = 0.3238(¢ + 273) X 10° volts/°C. The pressure effect is not regular, and the readings were never steady, indicating an incomplete state of internal equilibrium. The material was seasoned by two preliminary applications of 12000 at room temperature, and five runs were made, at 25°, 50°, 75°, 95° and 25° again. There was much hysteresis; this was larger at the higher temperatures, and amounted at the maximum to 5% of the total effect. The run at 25° was repeated in order to find whether the hysteresis would disappear by accommodation after several runs at different temperatures, but it did not change. The first run at 25° almost exactly repeated itself, hysteresis and all. Wagner found similar effects over so low a range as 300 kg.; he found an abnor- mally long time required to reach equilibrium and a hysteresis which never disappeared, no matter how long he waited. It will be recalled that Cd is one of the metals for which Cohen 7 claims different allotropic forms. The evidence of this paper corro- 7 E. Cohen and W. D. Helderman, Proc. Amster. Acad. 17, 1050-1054, 1915. 294 BRIDGMAN. borates the theory that Cd may be in a state of unstable internal equilibrium, or at any rate of internal equilibrium which is very slowly readjusted after any change of external conditions. The measure- ments of the previous paper did not suggest any such state of affairs, but this need not be surprising, because it is known that thermo- ASP Suseazeasesfoszcazeassuzeeteedsessoneest staaseut : EEE Eee fee PME ceeeeeeeee eeereeTe I ate 40 tt SSEennHsceiety gait essseeatecetest ater 35 aE euereeeepeeene iments 2 i 120001 x 30 s 3 : PRED ccessssatiie 25 : 10000 if eal ae 2 t 8000 3 15 : E 000 —G mene (000 : : EEEeerere 20007 ; rsa enisteseteetcsczat setae +H facet gedatezieztete 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° Temperature Cadmium Ficure 6. Cadmium. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg. /em.” indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. electric quality is much more sensitive to slight changes than resist- ance. At the same time, it does not seem to me that unstable internal equilibrium necessarily points to polymorphism as an explanation. I have already discussed this matter in some detail in another paper.® With regard to the bearing of these particular measurements on the 8 P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 52, 636, 1917. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 295 + 5 $ aud cascgcesseccasscsans sslsssesesge aenpee it a8 EHEC: : es o CH t+ ERE ett toot HN Se SOSeeeeeee soeeeee eae HH [o} S A os S He ete 8 2 x ) suas 2 S pera +H + ; a. 7 8 i , : 2 a 4 = 3 nui g a sEecaroadtastaseastestecrtestesssstait! Wal oO aaa jo aeecea! ry setae H c esninatieattieaiiies Ee & FESS] gg << e o 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 20 40° 60° 80° 100 Temperature Temperature Cadmium Ficure 7. Cadmium. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. TABLE V. CADMIUM. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts x 10°. Pressure, kg. is em.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 +0.88 4 | \-F2.36 +3.16 .10 : 6.68 64 : 04 10.54 48 : 34 14.72 56 .82 19.18 .88 3. 5 23 .92 42 : ‘22. 28.92 5.14 27. 34.20 i 39.74 1.16 36.5: 45.56 “Io ® W bo 296 BRIDGMAN. TABLE VI. CADMIUM. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb >< ils Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 +109. : =F elle +105. 89. DUE 87. 94. 90. 90. 93. EE THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 297 question, it is to be noticed that the effects were found at all tempera- tures of the range, increasing at the higher temperature. If the effect were due to a polymorphic transition, we would expect to find it above a definite temperature only. Cohen located the transition temperature at about 67°. The mean curves of thermal e.m.f., that is the curves through the mean of the points with ascending and descending pressure, disre- garding hysteresis, when plotted against pressure at constant tempera- ture, are somewhat unusual in that they are concave upward, the proportional effect of a given increment of pressure thus becoming — greater at higher pressures. This is not what one would expect, and is the reverse of the behavior of most metals. The uncertainty introduced by hysteresis was so large that rather large readjustments were necessary in order to obtain smooth curves when the curves of thermal e.m.f. at constant pressure, plotted against temperature, were read from those at constant temperature against pressure. The greatest readjustment necessary was at 8000 kg. and 75°, where it was 4% of the total effect. The probable error of these readjusted curves, computing by the mean square formula from the departure of the individual points, was 0.34% of the maxi- mum effect. The numerical results are shown in Figures 6 and 7 and Tables V and VI. The thermal e.m.f. is large and positive, rising with pressure and temperature somewhat more steeply than normal; the Peltier heat is positive and rises with temperature and pressure, the Thomson heat is positive, and rises with temperature at the low pres- sures, but falls at the high pressures. The value found by Wagner for 0° to 100° to 300 kg. was + 36.3 X 10°? volts per degree per kg., against 35.6 X 10°? above. The agreement is much better than could be expected in view of the large hysteresis. Lead. This was Kahlbaum’s “K” lead, freshly extruded into wire 0.0288 inch diameter. It would have been desirable if I could have used the same excessively pure lead from Professor Richard’s labora- tory that was used for the resistance measurements, but no more was available, and the wire of the resistance measurements was too fine for this. However, this “ K”’ lead is exceedingly pure, its temperature coefficient having been found to be only 0.2% lower than that of the purest, and it is doubtless as good as the inherently less accuracy of this work justifies. This lead is used as the standard in this paper against which the 298 BRIDGMAN. thermal e.m.f. of the other metals is given. Experimentally, the comparisons were all made against pieces of copper, cut from the same spool, and the figures given were obtained by subtraction. It is assumed here, from the work of previous observers, that the Thom- son heat of this lead was zero; no direct examination of this question was made for these experiments, as it would have required extensive measurements with special apparatus. As a preliminary to the pressure measurements, one previous application of 12000 kg. was made at room temperature to season. © SRE Head Ht 3, Ree SHE = 3 a : t Somme lteecee ui D pesee i 4 2 ee + t ai te | ato BT ee a (Meee gene = | a ee oh ob see padessdatestised isstccestvestatetepeietatess : O20. 205 30" 407 W504" 60" 702 = S809 one aie: Temperature Lead Ficure 8. Lead. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. The pressure measurements were very satisfactory, being much lke those on Thallium, although not quite so regular. The maximum effect, which is positive, is 6 X 10°° volts against 50 X 10° volts for Tl. This doubtless accounts for the somewhat greater proportional irregularity. The observed e.m.f’s. are sensibly linear against pres- sure at constant temperature. Such linearity is surprising in so soft a metal as lead. The resistance curves against pressure were dis- tinctly not linear. There was no appreciable change of zero at any temperature, which again is most gratifying for so soft a metal. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 299 HH Hee 4 + () 4 HH 4 EESEESEREGESSE guiiusaseetasies Upeerae eae ean sven Hasniaial ire | 40? 760° 80 (00? S20" -40°—, GO" 60" F 10 Temperature Temperature Lead Ficture 9. Lead. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity on flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. (<>) 5 : % 3 Hy f 5 i 4] i > : ae a7 15 § ‘ na to oY Ht i s ca ane a fie Z ee ie : | “ On fee eeee ae eet 5 § E 2 ~ Qo ° TABLE VII. LEAD. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts 10°. Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 aoe 34 + .43 69 .88 06 30 45 84 86 2.39 29 .88 2.74 44 3.21 4.02 3.70 4.64 21 Onrkrhwonneet 1. ee Thal De ye D 3}. 300 BRIDGMAN. TABLE VIII. LEAD. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb < oe Temp. Pressure, kg./em.2 degrees 4000 6000 8000 12000 +4.0 +6.6 ar). —+-13°.8 5.0 § 10. Bs 16. 12. 14. Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per °C X 16 ! ] Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.? ee 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 +3.0 2.2 +4.6 : +6.0 6.7 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 301 According to Cohen,? lead also is in unstable internal equilibrium, and has allotropic modifications. No evidence whatever of anything of this kind was found above. If there had been, it should certainly have manifested itself as a change of zero. The maximum departure of any single observed point from linearity was 1.7% of the maximum effect, and the average numerical departure of all the observed points was 0.25%. Since no readjustment whatever was necessary in passing from the curves at constant temperature to those at constant pressure, the results may be accepted with considerable confidence. The numerical results are shown in Tables VII and VIII and Figures Sand9. The thermal e.m-f. rises regularly with pressure and tempera- ture, as do also the Peltier heat and the Thomson heat. All three of these are positive. The fact that there is an appreciable Thomson heat between the compressed and the uncompressed metal has an interesting bearing on the question whether there is a Thomson heat at atmospheric pressure. It is a matter of rather general experience that zero, or atmospheric, pressure, is no preferred pressure, but the properties of a substance change without discontinuity on going from negative to positive pressure. This is in accord with a point of view, fruitful in many situations, that a substance at atmospheric pressure is actually under a high internal pressure, and that changes in external pressure produce the same effect as proportionally small changes in total pressure (internal plus external). The fact, therefore, that compressed lead has a Thomson heat against uncompressed lead makes it probable that the Thomson heat of uncompressed lead is not rigorously and exactly zero but is merely too small to be measured conveniently. Wagner is the only previous observer on lead; he gives + 5.6 X 10°" volts per degree per kg. for 0° to 100° and to 300 kg. The results above for the same range would be interpolated as + 5.2 X 10°”; the agreement is satisfactory. Zinc. This was Kahlbaum’s “K”’ grade, from the same rod as the resistance specimen, but it was not the identical piece of wire. It was extruded to 0.020 inch diameter at a temperature of 330°, and was annealed in an electric oven for several hours at 120°. At atmospheric pressure its thermo-electric behavior against lead is given by the formulas: E = (3.047 t—0.00495 #2) & 10° volts, P = (3.047 —0.0099 t) (ft + 273) & 10° volts, a = —0.0099(¢ + 273) X 10°° volts/°C. I 9 E. Cohen and W. D. Helderman, Proc. Amst. Acad 17, 822-828, 1914. 302 BRIDGMAN. The behavior under pressure is in many respects like that of cad- mium. Zinc evidently is in a state of unstable internal equilibrium as shown by unsteadiness and irregularity of reading, and hysteresis. The hysteresis was not as marked as that of cadmium, however, and the permanent changes of zero were comparatively small, rising at the maximum to 1.2% of the total effect. Five runs were made, Thermal E.M.F. Volts, X10° aes ttl —F Tritt se rryy ea aan Hn TH He 0° 0°20 oes O40? 70° PNSO0° 5 90o TOO? Temperature Zinc Fieure 10. Zine. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. at 25°, 50°, 75°, 95°, and 25° again. The last run at 25° was made to find whether any permanent change had been produced by the many changes of pressure and temperature, but there was none, the last run at 25° giving the same average deflection and also the same hysteresis as the first run. In order to reduce to a minimum uncertainties from changing internal equilibrium, two applications of the maximum THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 303 ss, sosusc tase tssss Volts, x10° ; 7 fi Peltier Heat Temperature Temperature Zinc Thomson Heat Volts per degree C, X10° Ficure 11. Zine. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. TABLE IX. ZINC. - Thermo-electromotive Force, volts > 10°. ; Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.? Sees 6000 8000 +4.7 OF 14. 20.¢ 26. 32. 38.6 44. 51.: 58. + ‘ “Te bo 10° 20 30 = 40 50 60 70 80 90 NO PWN eH 5G HB POW ONWOMwWeH —_ Oy NS) (00) (Ox eu eS oo — ore bo — bo ( bo POR NS ORF CO he MNOCHDONMNOD AIM WANH ROL — es bo (0) 304 BRIDGMAN. TABLE X. ZINC. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb s< iO? Pressure, kg. if cm.? 6000 8000 aR us) tealtaedye 110. 149. 131. Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb pern@ >lO% Temp. Pressure, kg./cem.2 Sees 6000 8000 10000 12000 +41. +75. +63. 44. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 305 pressure were made before the runs at 25°, 50°, and 75°, instead of at 25° only, as usual, but this seemed to make no difference. Within the limits of error, the relation between thermal e.m.f. and pressure at any constant temperature is linear. This is surprising for so large an effect, which rises to + 80 X 10° volts, larger than for any metal except bismuth. The maximum departure from linearity of any single point observed was 6% of the maximum effect. This point was situated at 8000 kg. and 75°; the discrepancy is almost entirely due to the width of the i steresis loop. On changing from the curves at constant temperature to those at constant pressure, readjustments of as much as 4% were necessary. By a curious accident, the points as first plotted at each pressure lay accurately on two ee lines, intersecting at a negative temperature, the points at Oz; 257, and 50° forming one group, ond those at 75° and 100° another. I thought at first that this was due to a Seen transition, but a moment’s consideration shows that a transition cannot produce a discontinuity in the actual ordinates of a thermal e.m.f. curve, but only an abrupt change in the direction. Such was not the case here. Zinc is also one of the substances for which Cohen !° supposes polymorphic transitions. His transition point is at 25°, whereas here evidence of internal instability was found at every temperature above 0°. Wagner found + 40 X 10°” volts per degree per kg. between 0° and 100° at 300 kg. This is to be compared with 70 X 107” deduced from the measurements above. The lack of agreement is not surpris- ing in view of the hysteresis and its dependence on pressure. Wagner found the same hysteresis effects as were noted above, and says that the results are doubtful for this reason. With respect to this be- havior he puts Zn and Cd in a class by themselves. Magnesium. This was from the same piece of commercial magne- sium as the resistance specimen, but was extruded at a different time into wire 0.020 inch diameter. The specimen whose pressure coeffi- cient of resistance had been measured was too small and too much oxidized to use again. It was not annealed in the electric oven, as were the other newly extruded wires, for fear of too great oxidation. The thermal e.m.f. against lead at atmospheric pressure is very small, and is given by the formulas: E = (—0.095 t + 0.00004 t?) X 10° volts, P = (—0.095 + 0.00008 t) (¢ + 273) X 10° volts, o = 0.00008(¢ + 273) X 10° volts/°C. 10 EK, Cohen and W. D. Helderman, ZS. phys. Chem. 89, 742-747, 1915. BRIDGMAN. 306 Ee ooo cosesans, seessssssssessees cebsese= O1X “OA “AW A eeueyy, apseeseeuageuesenes Temperature Magnesium B.82 ° a ° rao & i=) Sa, i te) [eh ous Esczssanss Guscsosces pezensnnascosecccenacececenee: [= ro) 5 g SeG88 88 PSeeeeeees eeeseeesss | mn awa22 o ae sot “ sbasasauaas asses ) fas} ELKO) secsssseeeees a0 le} o S B 8 eane seecees! a 2 toy 0) Hit pe SEE Q - Oo n Hoe = ae f G fel os a A (reel =) 8 a= o o Ess sels Cte Salis g o Q iaaees g | 5 sen tce wees 2B Oog oy nod caso eet ee B'S ecieeet SEgs iat * 68 S {aawesl PH S Og 2 rH ou cawen [N] aig.s° Bites east Spe ELS EEE ge-AS Ey TESEEE ceees teens ( Pai a S iS iS oO? Pads a) + Oo Bm ' 1 ' | ! lel fai sO1|X ‘sy eH PHP Bs oe poe eo Temperature Magnesium Temperature C0) tats ~ aS SH DQ > oP HESS q co =) ) te) po om =) Qeagde me om oOY © O85 224% Hollie) Saad gro o% ac as tah fSG2) Se o ager a ee 5 SH GA Ao og 9% 5 8 Sony a SEIS a§og OO” om g 2-4 .org as =i ge d.c Bpoe Oo BESS Ooag Sq oO _— — a gos WBS ; 3 aes Ae ng REGS Dog @ Cog, cnr) 5 Ry os SSE THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 307 TABLE XI. MAGNESIUM. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts X 10°. Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 .30 2.59 3.89 | mm OC Os] “I @ IL ie 2.1i Je) or Or Prien et ss eo ey hey = | or ot e Be W bO TABLE XII. MAGNESIUM. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb Sc 1Oe: Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 —28.2 — 35. 38. The effect of pressure on the Thomson heat is everywhere zero. 308 BRIDGMAN. The pressure effect on thermal e.m.f. could be measured without the sources of error which made the resistance measurements inaccu- rate. It is very difficult to make good electrical connections to mag- nesium, since it cannot be soldered, and any mechanical connection encounters the resistance of the rapidly formed layer of oxide. Any change of resistance introduces, however, no error in any potentio- meter method of measuring e.m.f. like the present, so that it was possible to make e.m.f. measurements over the entire range, as for any other metal, whereas the resistance measurements could be made only at 25°. More readings were made on magnesium than on other metals because of irregularities in the earlier runs due to insufficient stirring of the ice bath. The final runs were satisfactory. The maxi- mum zero correction was 0.75% of the maximum effect and the maximum divergence of any single observation from a smooth curve was 3.1% of the maximum, but the average numerical departure was only 0.22%. In passing from the curves at constant temperature to those at constant pressure an adjustment of the 75° curve of 3% of the maximum effect had to be made; elsewhere the readjustment was very slight. The numerical values are shown in Tables XI and XII and Figures 12 and 13. The e.m.f. is negative and comparatively large, rising to nearly 13 X 10° volts at 100° and 12000 kg. The curves of at constant temperature against pressure are concave upwards, show- ing an increasing proportional effect at higher pressures, contrary to the normal behavior. At constant pressure, e.m.f. against tempera- ture islinear. The Peltier heat is also negative, increasing numerically with both temperature and pressure. The Thomson heat is unaffected by pressure; this of course follows directly from the linearity of the effect with temperature at constant pressure. There are no other measurements for comparison. Aluminum. The material was freshly extruded wire of 0.02 inch diameter from the same rod as the wire on which the resistance meas- urements were made. The original resistance wire was too small for this purpose. The wire was annealed after extrusion by several hours at 120° in an electric oven. The effects with aluminum were so unusual that the measurements were repeated on a second speci- men, this time of commercial wire. As purchased, this wire was about js inch diameter; it was drawn down for this experiment through steel dies to 0.0265 ice and annealed by HEE in boiling water for about an hour. The average temperature coefficient of resistance at atmospheric THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 309 pressure between 0° and 100° of the commercial aluminum was 0.004307. According to this test it would seem, therefore, only slightly less pure than the pure aluminum from the American Aluminum Co. ; its coefficient as found in the resistance paper was 0.00434. The relation between resistance and temperature of commercial alumi- num was sensibly linear. At atmospheric pressure the thermo-electric behavior of pure aluminum against lead is given by the formulas; E = (—0.416t + 0.00008 #2—0.00001 #) X 10-6 volts, P = (—0.416 + 0.00016 t—0.00003 #2) (t + 273) X 10° volts, « = (0.00016 —0.00006 t) (¢ + 273) X 10° volts/°C. For commercial aluminum the corresponding formulas are: cod E = (—0.378 t—0.00005 #? + 0.0000094 #3) & 10°° volts, P = (—0.378—0.0001 ¢ + 0.0000282 ¢?) (t +- 273) & 10° volts, og = (—0.0001 + 0.0000564 t) (f + 273) & 10° volts/°C. The numerical values of the differences between the constants for these two different specimens are small, thus bearing out the observation on temperature coefficient. Under pressure, the effects are more complicated, and for the most part very small. It would not have been possible to carry through these readings except for the perfect steadiness of the galvanometer, allowing readings to be made to the limit of sensitiveness. This was true both for the commercial and the purer samples. Wagner re- marked also on the same behavior of his specimen. This is somewhat surprising, because one would be inclined at first to explain the com- plicated nature of the effects, which involves reversals of sign, by assuming two modifications in varying proportions. But there was no evidence whatever for any incompleteness of internal equilibrium; if there is such an effect, the change of equilibrium must occur immediately. Measurements on the purer sample were made first. This was exposed twice to 9000 kg. at room temperature, then the apparatus taken apart to remedy a leak, and pressure then applied again twice to 12000 at 25° before beginning readings. Regular runs were made at 25°, 50°, and 75°, but at 95° the wire broke with increasing pressure, evidently because the transmitting medium was too stiff, being one half kerosene and one half ether, instead of entirely ether as usual. It was set up again with a new piece of wire, a contiguous piece from the same length as the first piece, and this was seasoned by two appli- 310 BRIDGMAN. cations of 12000 kg. at room temperature. The point at 4000 with this agreed with the point found with the other wire before it broke. After the run at 95° with the new piece, another run with the new piece was made at 63°. This fitted smoothly between the two runs { tt t He 18 Hh: 500: L6F HH 14 + tHE ee 19000 x FE g 10 ° = 8 HE ee 000. = |e ny ORE ee 6000: E 4 ef + 2 : HE et 2 : i 2 H- td ug ra ac ae : 5 ch a 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° «350° «60° «70° «480° ~««90°~—=«*.00° Temperature Pure Aluminum Ficure 14. “Pure” Aluminum. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other of metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the tempera- ture plotted as abscissae. - with the first specimen, so that we may be confident that no error was introduced by changing pieces. The experimental points with the purer aluminum lie smoothly. The maximum zero correction was 1.5% of the maximum effect, the maximum departure of any point from a smooth curve was 2% of THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. Sli insee Peltier Heat Volts, x10° Sot chet rl gaeu6 2 Sueesces ry rrr at = HEH etn eee Basnossces 4 0° 5 ae 5 mt g° 20406 0eS OS aO0e 60° =80°—s «100° & 5 E Temperature Temperature Pure Aluminum Figure 15. “Pure” Aluminum. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of tempera- ture. TABLE XIII. ALUMINUM (PURE). Thermo-electromotive Force, volts & 10°. Pressure, kg./cm.2 4000 6000 8000 10000 048 .068 .070 .076 .081 098 .098 .095 . 100 .114 .089 056 . 104 . 103 046 .030 .091 063 032 .158 .060 005 . 146 .328 .008 . 103 296 938 + .066 231 .478 786 + .166 .389 .689 .070 + .294 O17 .929 384 a2 BRIDGMAN. TABLE XIV. ALUMINUM (PURE). Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb y< Oe Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 — 245 2. 86 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per -© >< 10% Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.2 idee 2000 6000 8000 10000 12000 STaOr +10.8 selliice +20.9 15.3 18.8 16.9 16.1 17.0 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 313 the maximum effect, and the average departure from a smooth curve was 1/2%. At the lower temperatures, 25° and 50°, where the effect is very small and the curve passes through a flat minimum, the regu- larity of the points is much greater. No adjustment whatever was necessary in passing from the curves at constant temperature to those at constant pressure. The numerical results are shown in Tables XIII and XIV and Figures 14 and 15. The reversals in sign and the maximum remind one of the behavior of tin, but a detailed examina- tion shows many differences. The effect at 25° is small and negative throughout the entire range, passing through a flat minimum of about —0.1 X 10° volts at 6000 kg. At 50° the effect for the first 5000 kg. is much the same as at 25°, but above this it becomes rapidly different, rising through zero and reaching + 0.3 X 10° volts at 12000 kg. At 75° the effect is positive for most of the range, and the negative minimum has been pushed back to 1500 kg. At 100° the curve probably starts out negative, but almost immediately reverses, rising to 2 X 10° volts at 12000 kg. At all temperatures the curves remain concave upwards. It is evident that no comparison between these results and those of Wagner is possible, because he used only one pressure, 300 kg., and one temperature interval. The effect he found was very small and negative, —0.59 X 10°” volts per degree per kg. Since the effect is changing so rapidly it is not safe to use my results by interpolation in this region to find figures to compare with his. The behavior of the Peltier heat is on the whole simpler than that of e.m.f. itself. The curves change sign and cross in a complicated way, but there are no maxima or minima, and the curvature is slight. The Thomson heat is still more simple; it is throughout positive. At the lower temperatures it increases regularly with pressure, but at the higher temperatures there is a rather complicated crossing of the curves. Measurements with commercial aluminum were made only at 25°, 50°, and 75°. I would have been glad to complete the series at 95°, but after 75° the inside connection, which was merely wrapped, pulled apart, and since the purpose of the readings with this specimen was merely to see whether the effects were qualitatively the same, I did not feel justified in taking the time to set up the apparatus again. The wire was seasoned for the runs by a preliminary application of 12000 kg. at room temperature as usual. The results, as far as the broad outlines go in which aluminum is so strikingly different from other metals, were the same as for the purer specimen, but the numer- 314 BRIDGMAN. ical details were very different. The values of e.m.f. are shown in Table XV and Figure 16; the Peltier heat and the Thomson heat are not given in detail. The effect is, as before, initially negative, the curves of e.m.f. at constant temperature passing through a very flat Volts. x10° Thermal E. M. F. = td ry Hi i Temperature Commercial Aluminum Ficure 16. Commercial Aluminum. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple com- posed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./cm.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. minimum and then rising. The pressure and the absolute value of the minimum both decrease rapidly at higher temperatures. The curves are throughout concave upwards. But at 25° the numerical value at the minimum is only —0.03 X 10-6 against —0.1 X 10°¢ for THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 315 the purer material, and beyond the minimum the rise is much more rapid, so that at 12000 kg. the e.m.f. has become -+-0.2 X 10%. This change of sign was not found until 50° with the purer sample. In general, the tendency towards positive values is much greater with this specimen than with the purer material. At 75°, the e.m-f. is 1.7 X 10° at 12000 kg., against 1.0 X 10° of the purer. One is tempted to generalize and say that the effect of increasing impurity TABLE XV. ALUMINUM (COMMERCIAL). Thermo-electromotive Force, volts X 10°. Temp. _ Pressure, kg./cm.2 Oilcerees 2000 6000 8000 10000 10° : : O17 .0: — .006 20 ; 0: : : + .050 30 : . 0: . 00: sR apo: 40 50 is to obliterate the peculiarities characteristic of aluminum itself and make the behavior approach that of a normal metal. The Peltier heat of the impurer metal is much like that of the purer, but it passes through a greater range of values, from negative to positive, and the curvature is not so uniform. The Thomson heat is throughout positive, but much more.irregular. The range of values is about the same as before, but there are maxima with respect to 316 BRIDGMAN. temperature near 60° for all pressures above 2000 kg., and at 8000, 10000, and 12000 there are in addition minima near 30°. Silver. The same wire was used as that on which the resistance measurements were made. The silk insulation was removed to pre- vent viscous drag by the transmitting fluid, and measurements were SUSESSSE CEESEREESE ESERE SEES eee sees: SE SSSCES CECT RE EEE PESSeeEees eeReeaES SESROERS SESERERERS SERS E Sees eeeeEED’. SRSEEES Peeees: Sone ul : : = ginsnsee ceettesinasss7caiit = SH inaniercat nnn is a HH iin anti = aN = a ears H H a | Rt IV + AEE seas see Titty itr titi Thermal E. M. F A S2ESSREEER EES LEP t8Beeeaees ant freseseas! 58 Figure 17. Silver. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. made on five strands in parallel. The use of strands in parallel has several advantages; it reduces viscous drag, reduces danger-of breakage during handling (the wire was 0.003 inch in diameter), and reduces the resistance of the circuit so that the galvanometer is more sensitive. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 317 10S x : Bag = 2 x : Ey > E g 44 Fj > = i 3 az a . = Q.€ 0° 20° 40 rp 100 s Temperature Temperature = Silver Ficure 18. Silver. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. TABLE XVI. SILVER. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts X 10°. Pressure, kg. i cm.? 6000 8000 48 AF 48 OG 54 10 67 .26 87 49 63 28 95 64 35 OS 83 .60 38 Ske -f- 1 2 2. H= He Co W Ay Ea ges PS Con ke) ee coIR WwWwWNwN Nw = = 1c on 318 BRIDGMAN. TABLE XVII. SILVER. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb X 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg./com.2 C degrees 6000 8000 10000 12000 0° 3h ag +12.9 +16.9 2.6 +25.3 20 : : 14.6 3 24. 28.5 32.1 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per °C X 108. Temp. Pressure, kg./om.2 C deg Saree 6000 8000 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 319 The thermo-electric behavior at atmospheric pressure against lead is given by the formulas: E = (2.556¢ + 0.00432 #2) X 10° volts, P = (2.556 + 0.00864 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts, o = 0.00864(¢ + 273) 10° volts/°C. For the pressure measurements it was seasoned in the regular way by two applications of 12000 kg. at room temperature. The readings under pressure went perfectly smoothly, without incident of any sort. The maximum zero correction was at 98°, 0.7% of the maximum effect; there was only one bad point, at 10000 kg. and 75°, where there was a discrepancy of 2.5%. Except for this, the maximum departure of any point was 1.2%, and the average arithmetical departure from a smooth curve was only 0.11%. In changing from the curves at con- stant temperature to those at constant pressure the maximum read- justment necessary was 0.3%. The numerical results are shown in Tables XVI and XVII and Figures 17 and 18. At constant temperature the curves of e.m.f. against pressure are concave toward the pressure axis, which is what one would expect. At constant pressure, on the other hand, the curves are convex toward the pressure axis. The e.m.f. is positive and in- creases regularly with pressure and temperature. The Peltier heat is positive and increases regularly with pressure and temperature. The Thomson heat is also positive; it increases with rising pressure, and at any constant pressure is proportional to the absolute tempera- ture. Wagner gives up to 300 kg. and between 0° and 100° + 8.7 X 10°” volts per degree per kg., against 9.3 X 10°” interpolated from the data above. Gold. This was the same piece of wire whose resistance was meas- ured under pressure. It was used bare, in parallel strands. ‘The runs at 25°, 50°, and 75° were with four strands, but at 97° two only were used because the other two had been accidentally broken during manipulation. The thermo-electric behavior at atmospheric pressure against lead is given by the formulas: E = (2.899 + 0.00467 2—0.00000166 1?) X 10° volts, P = (2.899 + 0.00934 t—0.00000498 #2) (t + 273) X 10-® volts, « = (0.00934 t—0.00000996 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts/°C. The manipulation demanded by the pressure measurements was difficult because of the great fragility of the wire, which was only 320 BRIDGMAN. S x e] <) > In = a os 5 = ols HA He SEEngge Ey SSscaseessseeseeze 02 V 10° 202" 307 40? 60° 70° 80° 90° 100 Temperature Gold Ficure 19. Gold. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other at the pressure in kg./cm.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. S x S BU i é g 4 bo a) 6-3 0000 = BE 3 3 H H H Le 4 oe o Hitt ce) ay Ar ara) y oat 140 > © H Sanusee * era = SU SECEERESES EES ers iciss g 0 40° 60° 0° Z Temperature - Temperature 9 Gold = Ficure 20. Gold. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. oot 0.004 inch in diameter. Before the runs the wire was seasoned by a single application of 12000 kg. at room temperature. At the first run at 25° all four strands broke at the lower end above 8000 kg., possibly due to cutting by the glass insulating covering during the small motion necessarily incident to change of pressure. The appara- tus was set up again, and three runs successfully made at 25°, 50°, and 75°, but after 75° two of the strands broke, because of imperfect functioning of the bye-pass on release of pressure, and the run at 97° was made with the remaining two strands. The measurements of e.m.f. were regular and satisfactory. Equili- TABLE XVIII. GoLp. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts * 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg./ cm.?2 ECs 500 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 10° + .080 + - 162 + .242 O27 411 485 20 ; 33d .498 .670 : .990 30 ; .o14 767 .028 .515 40 x .705 .402 061 50 A .905 noi 627 60 : 115 2.196 .213 70 - 304 617 .819 80 : 563 3.054 446 90 : .802 3.506 .093 2.051 3.974 .760 ++ 1 ae 2. WNW nN KF KK Re Or Or BR GW CO brium was rapidly reached, and there was no unsteadiness or other evidence of internal instability. The maximum departure of any observed point from a smooth curve was 1.3% of the maximum effect, and the average arithmetical departure was 0.2%. The maximum readjustment necessary in passing from curves at constant tempera- ture to those at constant pressure was 0.86%. The numerical values are shown in Tables XVIII and XIX and Figures 19 and 20. The e.m.f. is positive, increasing regularly with pressure and temperature to 5.76 X 10° volts at 100° and 12000 kg. 322 BRIDGMAN. TAB xa GoLp. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb X< 10. Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.? C degrees 6000 8000 +6.4 +8. 10.: Mi. 13. 15. tie Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per. °C, x 10% Temp. Pressure, kg./ cm.2 C degrees 4000 6000 8000 12000 FP els. 3.7 aC ‘ +-o.¢ 323 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. This was electrolytic copper from the same length of Wagner found between 0° and 100° and up to 300 kg. + 4.6 X 10°? volts per degree per kg. The value indicated by interpolation of the data above is 5.3 X 10°”. Copper. wire as that whose resistance was measured under pressure, but not The pressure effects on Peltier heat and Thomson heat are both positive, and both increase regularly with pressure and temperature. At constant pressure the Thomson heat is proportional to absolute temperature. 9 /em.22 the junctions being 0°C and the temperature plotted ° SSF ise, eeeeeeseene.wenee: ranch oe a en BES0R VeRnG Coo sure in kg. Temperature ‘Copper M.F. of a couple composed of one b It was drawn down to 0.028 inch in diameter through steel dies, annealed to redness, and the surface the other compressed to the pres 777 + 0.009661) (t + 273) X 10° volts, 2.777 t + 0.00483 t?) X 10° volts, .00966(t + 273) X 10° volts/°C. At atmospheric pressure its thermo-electric behavior against lead ea 3 q ; K el o o co Q, po -_ = ee a 2 a, 3 = “~ o> O'S — ~ © ‘a gf GREE BEE Sa Hod = 5 D @ oy em oO ay © SHEEEITSTREnTeHToesrnteeetose! eo) Se Ss nc ecsussees cesenacecs ceesssseneceacae Ay a sensssesccsrsssssccscsrnsecs Dg 3) >, i el auseegseaeeeneegueeonascne a a a N 5 fo} g ee] ee Q \| ll 9) Baue 8 SSS. RAS on a AN = = . Bo 2's ae z 5 ‘ . * oO Os] = - 01k SPA SSWCAar ert e 5.e's 7 ee ae O-.n & ~ I = 324. BRIDGMAN. This electrolytic copper did not differ greatly in thermo-electric properties from commercial copper. The thermal e.m.f. of electro- lytic against commercial copper was found to be given by the ex- pression: E = (0.034681 + 0.0000133 #2) X 107 volts. _ The measurements under pressure went satisfactorily, but the re- sults were somewhat more irregular than usual because of the smallness 16 14 7 000 2, 12 i Gis = : ) 10 AEH S g a GAA o > za oT a wpa 4 3 3 f 0 = 00 ENN 2 ~ 6 : 3S oO B= eat 10000 + NN04m ip t ~ a4 24000" 18000 28 H : a5 : S 2 Z 13 + seugeas +40 008TH: i) 0? 20° 40?» “60? e802 OOS 20° 40° > S608 “eo 00 Temperature Temperature Copper Figure 22. Copper. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. of the effect. The maximum zero correction was 1.5% of the maxi- mum effect; this was also the maximum departure of any point from a smooth curve. The average arithmetical departure of all the ob- served points from a smooth curve was 0.31%. The maximum read- justment necessary in passing from the constant temperature to the constant pressure curves was 0.8%. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. — 320 The numerical results are shown in Tables XX and XXI and Figures 21 and 22. At constant temperature the e.m.f. curves are nearly linear, but are slightly concave toward the pressure axis, as is natural. At constant pressure the e.m.f. curves are convex toward the temperature axis. The thermal e.m.f. is positive, rises regularly with pressure and temperature to 3.546 X 10° volts at 100° and 12000 kg. The Peltier heat is positive and rises with pressure and tempera- ture. The Thomson heat is zero at the lower pressures, becomes ‘RAS EB eXexe CoppPER. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts X 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg. / cm.2 C degrees 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 + .110 + .154 + .206 + .244 + .288 224 .318 .424 .506 .596 340 .490 .650 784 .918 .460 .668 884 .072 .980 852 124 302 .700 .038 370 .678 822 .226 .620 .994 .946 418 .876 318 1.076 .624 142 654 1.216 .828 .420 004 WN NWN — = Boe NNR Re eR WwWnn Ree oO positive at the higher, and at each constant pressure passes through a minimum with rising temperature. The value found by Wagner between 0° and 100° at 300 kg. was + 3.2 X 10°” volts per degree per kg. against 2.9 X 10- indicated by interpolation of the data above. Copper is one of the metals for which Cohen! finds allotropic forms. No evidence of this has been found by Burgess and Kell- berg,/? however, from measurements of electrical resistance, and my thermal e.m.f. measurements above also suggest nothing of the kind. 11 E. Cohen and W. D. Helderman, ZS. phys. Chem. 89, 638-639, 1915. 12 G. K. Burgess and I. N. Kellberg, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 5, 657-662, 1915. 326 BRIDGMAN. TABLE XXI. COPPER. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb x< 0 Pressure, kg./em2 6000 8000 10000 12000 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per °C X 103: Pressure, kg./cm.? 6000 8000 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 327 Nickel. This was the same piece of wire as that whose resistance under pressure was measured. The insulation was stripped, and it was used in five parallel strands of bare wire. The points obtained are not as regular as could be desired because of failure of the tempera- Volts, x10° Thermal E. M. F va HH z fe - pee siieeeead speeatcepustes ceeaiae tact a! y > | HE itiat sshitses Figure 23. Nickel. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./cem.? indicated on the curves, one junction being at 0°C and the other at the tempera- ture plotted as abscissae. ture regulator to work perfectly. The regulator was cleaned after these runs, and was again perfectly satisfactory. It did not seem worth while to repeat the runs on nickel for the sake of the slightly greater obtainable accuracy. 328 BRIDGMAN. At atmospheric pressure the thermal behavior against lead is given by formulas: E = (—17.61t—0.0178 #2) X 107 volts, P = (—17.61 —0.0356 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts, « = —0.0356(t + 273) X 10° volts/°C. The measurements under pressure went without incident except for somewhat greater irregularities than usual due to imperfection 16 00 LS se So) : 12 9 Ee 7s 50 : 10 5 A;Raeaaee Qa oS : gins suuzed susceeseen see 8 S x 00 root H 600( 7 ae 8 30 at pf aeescueniceestetasteteae § St s000 14000477 one + Be scapfeteed ase oe a ati it f HH Att 2 Esa jcesdesseszstetaza eeaazsst ell Obsttateoceny cesseeesaaztesesiieeastiy? cattf 48 as aggrsseee HH - seedess ( Sg eee esassees eae tatearentt” (ile eaeeet Ueeete tae F pes 10 i tt : 2 ci ae rr ae fy ind Uasz tad foaeesesettsedie HESESESEEE) LEUAEEETAEREE Egat EESHsEHEESErEEEEEE OP 0° 20° 40° = 60” = 80" s« 100° = 20° 40° 60° BO" FOU Temperature Temperature Nickel Ficure 24. Nickel. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicate on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. of temperature control already mentioned. The pressure manipula- tion of this substance was a matter of some difficulty, because tempo- rary effects due to elastic drag are easy to get. There was no evidence of incomplete internal equilibrium. The maximum zero correction was 1% of the total effect, and the maximum departure of any single THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 329 observed point from a smooth curve was 3.6%, and the average arithmetical departure 0.72%. The maximum adjustment in passing from constant temperature to constant pressure curves was 2.3%. The numerical results are shown in Figures 23 and 24 and Tables XXII and XXIII. At constant temperature the e.m.f. curves are convex toward the pressure axis, which is unusual, but at constant pressure the curvature is convex toward the temperature axis, as is normal. The e.m.f. is positive, increasing regularly with pressure and temperature to 11.4 X 10° volts at 100° and 12000 kg., but it is TABLE XXI1. NICKEL. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts & 10°. Temp. Pressure ,kg. if} cm.? C degrees 4000 6000 8000 56 + 10° wy + .27 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 oP WW Re NWN HH = bos er) 1°) aes Gn ks 6) OU LG (ae oe WW WN eS ww le) not as large as one would expect from the thermo-electric activity of nickel against other metals at atmospheric pressure. The Peltier heat is positive, increasing with pressure and temperature. The Thomson heat is also positive, but at low pressures it passes through a minimum with rising temperature and at high pressures it decreases over the entire range with increasing temperature. Wagner’s value up to 300 kg. between 0° and 100° is + 9.6 K 10°” volts per degree per kg. against 8.4 interpolated from the data above. The difference may well be due at least in part to insufficient purity of my specimen. 330 BRIDGMAN. TABLE XXIII. NICKEL. Peltier heat, from uncompressed to compressed metal, Joules per conlomb X 10°. Pressure, kg./cm.2 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 faite al sielOng 8.5 10.2 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per °C X 10% Temp. Pressure, kg. / em.2 Oidesnees 5000 4000 6000 000 10000 12000 Oe +4.4 +4.6 Spisie a7 ils). +13.6 +16. 20 2. 5.0 ee ac 3. 16. 40 : : Ma 9. : 16.: 60 80 an in ete a ine hl THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 331 Cobalt. This was from the same length as the resistance specimen, but was not the identical piece. Part of this wire had not been previ- ously annealed, and it was therefore annealed before these runs exactly as was the resistance piece. Five strands in parallel were 20 l : 16 S 14 : x anes, 5 10000 £12 ; C) tH : ce : Ht Z | +1 t 7 + +t } i ieteesadenasiites tt 000 Ln gagueae / : ; erezezs = 6 - : E a a i Sniiieoesaiii He i 000 athe ace precast i C- 1 E 6 H PE sees He ait = eee EB te ccataies ccttteenpe atte £4000 e 4 yaa +H A He ese a daececens ae peszesetasatat teteccée_couee ceetenapes co = gseatce _sagne Pet ae a6 a dosauaapueccoscesscesee7cdltesaterezesceerentatriatata® 2000; tet steaseacescastet os Beat in Ht 0 - — — espipeiee pasueses, aati aie 5 Deci0 20 one AD 50) G02" 70% 80° 90° FID: Temperature Cobalt Ficure 25. Cobalt. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. used, insulated as usual with short pieces of glass. The wire is more inhomogeneous than most of the other metals, as was shown by the rather large permanent zero effect, which was two or three times larger than the total pressure effect. However, the permanent zero remained so constant that fairly good measurements could be obtained. 332 BRIDGMAN. aaa esses jessgesssseenee Hae H at i i 1 Hees tO}, 241 ageenseses i wn Thomson Heat Volts per degre Peltier Heat Volts, X10° rasa —- 20FR- ena Sceses i ait FEE O( 0: Hl a # a Xe) 100” 20° 40° 60° 00 Temperature Temperature Cobalt Figure 26. Cobalt. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicate on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. TAB Re xexch Ve CoBALT. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts * 10°. pee Pressure, kg./cm.? 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 SNUG =I, 2.37 3.63 bo bo Oo on op) Ore WW hd Goren Go by Ce Ot Tse WwWNnN nN KEK KF >_ Op ww — (0) THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. OOD TABLE XXV. COBALT. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb x 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.2 —— 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 =i led 22. —30.8 —38.é — 45.9 36. 41.6 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb aloe: Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.2 C degrees 6990 8000 10000 12000 —13.9 58 —16. 18.: 334 BRIDGMAN. At atmospheric pressure the thermal electric behavior against lead is given by the formulas: E = (—17.32 t—0.0390 #?) & 10° volts, P = (—17.32 —0.078 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts, o = —0.078(¢ + 273) X 10° volts/°C. For the pressure measurements it was seasoned twice at room temperature to 12000 kg. Successful runs were made at 25°, 50°, 75°, and 97°. At 97° the zero was displaced by an unusually large amount after the run. This displacement apparently had no connection with the other readings, and was probably accidental; this point was discarded. Except for this point, the maximum zero correction was 1.5%, of the total effect, the maximum departure of any point from a smooth curve was 4.5%, and the average arithmetical departure 0.81%. The maximum readjustment in going from curves at con- stant temperature to those at constant pressure was 1%. The numerical results are shown in Tables XXIV and XXV and Figures 25 and 26. The effect is negative and large, increasing regu- larly with pressure and temperature to —20.61 X 10° at 12000 kg. and 100°. The Peltier heat is negative, increasing in magnitude with pressure and temperature. The Thomson heat is also negative, in general increasing in magnitude with pressure and temperature, but at the highest temperature it passes through a pressure minimum near 8000 kg. There are no previous results for comparison. Cobalt has the largest negative effect of any metal measured. One would expect anomalies because of the unusually large Thomson heat at atmos- pheric pressure. Iron. Three different samples of iron were used; the effects were complicated as for tin and aluminum, and it therefore seemed desirable to find how the effect varied with different material. The first sample was of American Ingot Iron, from the same piece as that of the re- sistance measurements under pressure. It was drawn down to 0.020 inch diameter, and annealed to redness in the air. Except for the difference of diameter, this was the same treatment as the resist- ance specimen received. Another specimen of the same wire was used, but it was left unannealed after drawing from 0.017 to 0.0105 inches in diameter. Its average temperature coefficient between 0° and 100° at atmospheric pressure was 0.006080, against 0.006206 for the same material when annealed. The third specimen was a com- mercial soft iron wire such as is used for binding hay bales ete. It THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. oon was drawn from 0.06 to 0.03 inches diameter, and annealed to redness after the final drawing. The commercial wire must have been of unusual purity, because the average temperature coefficient of re- sistance at atmospheric pressure between 0° and 100° had the high value 0.00596, and its resistance shows the same striking departure from linearity with temperature as does the pure iron. At atmospheric pressure the thermal electric behavior of these various specimens against lead is given by the following formulas. Ingot iron, annealed, E = (16.181—0.0089 #2—0.000086 #3) X 10° volts, P = (16.18 —0.0178 ¢ —0.000258 #2) (t + 273) X 1076 volts, « = (—0.0178—0.000516 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts/°C. Ingot iron, hard drawn, E = (15.92 t—0.0106 #—0.000056 #2) X 10° volts, P = (15.92 —0.0212¢ —0.000168 #2) (¢ + 273) X 10° volts, o = (—0.0212—0.000336 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts/°C. Commercial iron, annealed, E = (16.56 t—0.0033 #?— 0.000122 #8) X 10° volts, P = (16.56 —0.0066 ¢ —0.000366 2?) (¢ + 273) X 10° volts, o« = (—0.0066—0.000732 t) (f + 273) X 10° volts/°C. The behavior of these different specimens is therefore not unlike. Under pressure, each specimen was subjected to the same treat- ment. They were seasoned twice by applications of 12000 kg. at room temperature, and runs were then made as usual at 25°, 50°, 75°, and 95°. The behavior of all was qualitatively the same, with numer- ical differences. A longer time than normal was always required to reach steady readings, and there were rather large irregularities, suggesting that all three samples were in a state of incomplete internal equilibrium. This is what would be expected from the behavior of iron in other particulars. Of course the greatest interest attaches to the annealed ingot iron, this approaching most closely to pure iron in a state of complete ease. Even this shows much hysteresis, which increases greatly at the higher temperatures. At 25°, the e.m.f. is negative throughout, and is small. For the first 4000 kg. the curve is exceedingly flat, and hugs the axis closely. The curvature is downward, the negative effect increasing numerically by larger fractions of itself for equal pressure increments at the higher pressures. At 25° the hysteresis is one eighth of the 336 BRIDGMAN total effect at 25°. At 50° the e.m.f. is throughout positive, but the direction of curvature is the same as at 25°, which allows a maximum at about 6000 kg. The effect at 50° does not at its maximum attain one half the numerical value at 25°, and the hysteresis at 50° is one third the total effect at 50°. At 75° the effect is much larger; the curvature is the same, and the maximum has disappeared. The indications are that there is a maximum at some much higher pressure EEE SBBees! H rr TTT HE ereriasesese? HH jai Thermal E. M. F. esas Po A ‘ . snyera nas Pee : a sees 4 aca ae ne uenceonsos i 307) 40") 1 150°) WG0P Temperature Pure [ron Annealed Oo c Figure 27. American Ingot Iron, Annealed. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.” indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. than 12000 kg. The hysteresis at 75° is 12% of the maximum at 75°. At 75° and 50° the hysteresis is abnormal in direction, being a hasten- ing forward instead of a lagging behind. It should properly not be called a hysteresis at all; and must be due to a different kind of failure of internal equilibrium from the ordinary effect. At 99° the character of the curve is the same as at 75°; the greatest e.m.f. is twice that at oT 5) « t THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 75°, and the hysteresis is about the same fraction of itself, but is in the normal direction. No readjustment was necessary in passing from the constant temperature to the constant pressure curves. OLX °D ee18ep sed syoA = Tea} {_- UOSUIOY |, Pee Eee eet Gaeesese-. Beet Bon : sesesstsessstss gussstese esses 2 , SECS GGGReE Reeeees! roo SEGSG8 seeneceueeses — Sas ————————— PSRROS oy SE RS a ea SSGeo nena SSS BOE ee 2H Vere 0 a . ie is q oo i. 4 i] ~_ ry ry Temperature Temperature Pure Iron Annealed On the left, the heat ab- from uncompressed metal to antity of electricity in flowing On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. American Ingot Iron, Annealed. 38. sorbed by unit qu FIGURE 2 metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. The numerical results are shown in Tables XXVI and XXVII and Figures and 28. The Peltier heat is at first negative at all pressures, fi 2 becomes positive with increasing temperature, passes through a posi- es 338 BRIDGMAN. tive maximum and decreases. The behavior of the Thomson heat is complicated. On the whole the course is, at every pressure, from positive values at 0° to negative values at 100°, but near 40° the normal course is arrested, the effect reversing in direction and passing through a maximum between 50° and 60°, and then resuming its fall to negative values. It will not pay to go into the behavior of the other two specimens in such detail. Tables and diagrams are given showing the e.m.f. but not the Peltier and the Thomson heats. Both showed qualitatively the same behavior as the pure specimen; the effect was negative at TABLE XXVI. Iron (Purr, ANNEALED). Thermo-electromotive Force, volts * 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg. /cm.2 C degrees 6000 8000 10000 10° 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 nawnwe tt | low temperatures (plotted against pressure), rising to normally high positive values at 100°. The direction of curvature is the same as for the annealed iron, but the anomaly in direction of hysteresis was not repeated. The hysteresis effects were of about the same magni- tude as for the first specimen, except that at 95° the hard drawn specimen showed large permanent changes. This is not surprising. The numerical values of thermal e.m.f. against temperature at con- stant pressure are plotted in Figures 29 and 30. At low temperature all three sets of curves for the three specimens are alike, but between 75° and 100° the hard drawn and the commercial iron do not show the THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 339 TABLE XXVII. Iron (PurRE, ANNEALED). Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb ole Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 = 11(0)-8) = =—23.3 ar Pe ap du! +13.8 34.0 44.5 23.1 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per 5 © 110 Pressure, kg./cem.2 6000 8000 ar 8). +120. 56. 2. Sile 79. 340 BRIDGMAN. reversal in direction of curvature that the annealed iron does. The numerical values are also very different. At 100° and 12000 kg. the thermal e.m.f. of soft ingot iron is 7.68 X 10°, of hard drawn ingot iron 12.80, and of annealed commercial iron 9.56. The mechanical treatment apparently makes more difference than slight differences in chemical composition. It is not worth while to give the Peltier and Thomson heats of these two other specimens; if any one is especially interested they may be Volts, X10° Thermal E. M. F ee | ee Pure lron Hard Drawn Ficure 29. American Ingot Iron, Hard Drawn. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. obtained by calculation from the curves, or I will be glad personally to send him the figures. The general character of the effects is quite different from that of the annealed pure iron, due to the reversal in curvature of pure iron between 75° and 100° already mentioned. The Peltier heat of both of these specimens rises from initial negative values to high positive values. The general course of the Thomson heat is from low to high positive values with rising pressure and temperature, but both specimens show minima near 40°. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 341 Previous measurements by Wagner were only to 300 kg. and from 0° to 100°. Of course he could not suspect the complicated actual state of affairs, and comparison of our results is of little use. He Volts, X10° Thermal E. M. F. 40° 50° 60° Temperature Commercial Iron Annealed Ficure 30. Commercial Iron, Annealed. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. found + 12.5 X 10°” volts per degree per kg. against + 8.3 & 107% interpolated from the data above for annealed pure iron. His value would correspond more with my value for the hard drawn specimen. 342 BRIDGMAN. TABLE XXVIII. Iron (Purge, Harp-pRAwn). Thermo-electromotive Force, volts < 10°. Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 a4! 30 24 45 sees 36 21 .02 74 TABLE XXIX. Iron (COMMERCIAL). Thermo-electromotive Force, volts X 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg./cem.2 SCE 6000 8000 43 54 30 10 86 .85 .20 5.11 a wm Oo DD WwW bo _ 10° : : ey 130 20 0: . 26 .50 30 : : 2d 42 40 elt 50 bo bo on) 70 wmanwnonbs CO Or or bo wos o< THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 343 — Palladium. This was the same piece of wire whose pressure coeffi- cient of resistance was measured. The silk insulation was removed, and it was used in three parallel strands; there was not enough material at hand to use more than three strands. More trouble from breakage was found with this substance than with any other. Twice during the runs it broke, and the apparatus had to be taken apart and set up again. Fortunately the breaks occurred at the end of the wire, so that it was sufficient merely to resolder them. The breakage was probably intimately connected with the small size of the wire and the small number of strands. Much care had to be 2 x zt: }° > Le = aa so E = os mt 60° 90° —:100° Temperature Palladium Freure 31. Palladium. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.2 indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the tempera- ture plotted as abscissae. taken to so manipulate the pressure as to avoid tension effects from viscous drag. At atmospheric pressure its thermo-electric behavior against lead is given by the formulas: E = (—5.496 t—0.01760 t?) X 10° volts, P = (—5.496 —0.0352 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts, o = —0.0352(¢ + 273) X 10° volts/°C. The readings under pressure went smoothly, except for the two breaks mentioned. The irregularities were somewhat greater than normal; probably the effect of viscous drag was not entirely elimi- 344 BRIDGMAN. oO (1 oO @ a > i) i=) Peltier Heat Volts, x10° H apeee Saiitreaiiits He L p sggesecseepe puaces suaeseeeescessbonei sss SESgesgostsesess SSSSeeee eeeegeee eeeeeeaee tta¥da SESE! (9) 60° =80° =—100° «20° = 40° 60° B.—s«SL:002 Temperature Temperature Palladium Figure 32. Palladium. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. Thomson Heat Volts per degree C, X10° TABLE XXX. PALLADIUM. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts * 10°. Temp. | Pressure, kg./om.2 Cdegrees| sno 4990 6000 8000 10000 12000 10° 88 +1.28 1.66 +2.10 | +2.53 DO hw RES . 2.57 : 30 ee 2.64 3.87 40 te mae 5.18 : 40 ) -28 O4 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 345 TRA BIGB Sexo: PALLADIUM. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb Sais: Temp. Pressure, kg./cem.2 aa 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 04.9 +46 .0 ara. 7 +68 .: Belo ll 50.5 62. 41. 04.8 68.8 44.6 59.4 74.6 64.2 80.: 69.0 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per °C X 108. Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.2 SEs 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0° 0 =o) +4.: Ee +9.3 9.4 9.1 346 BRIDGMAN. nated. The zero corrections were negligible; the maximum devia- tion of any single reading from a smooth curve was 3% of the total effect, and the average numerical departure was 0.47%. The maxi- mum readjustment in passing from constant temperature to constant pressure curves was 0.27%. The numerical results are shown in Tables XXX and XXXI and Figures 31 and 32. Both at constant pressure and constant tempera- ture the e.m.f. curves are nearly linear. The e.m.f. is positive and one of the largest found, rising to 26.5 X 10° volts at 100° and 12000 kg. The Peltier heat is positive, rising regularly with pressure and tempera- ture. The Thomson heat above 5000 kg. is positive, falling with rising temperature at the higher pressures and rising at the lower pressures. Below 5000 kg. it is approximately zero. The value given by Wagner at 300 kg. between 0° and 100° was +23.7 X 10°” volts per degree per kg. against 21.9 X 10°” inter- polated from the data above. Platinum. Readings were made on the same piece of Heraeus platinum, loaned by Professor H. N. Davis, as were the resistance measurements under pressure. I wanted to procure especially good data for platinum, because so much work has been done on its other physical properties, but unfortunately the results are among the most unsatisfactory. The piece was so short that only one strand could be used, and even then an especial procedure had to be adopted to make the outside connections. Furthermore, the wire had been previously used for a resistance thermometer, wound on a small mica frame, and it was consequently full of small tortuosities which could not be re- moved without danger of altering the properties of the wire. The roughness of the wire and its small size conspired to make the tension effects of viscous drag particularly high. The same effect was re- sponsible for the wire breaking during the application of seasoning pressure at room temperature. It was fused together again by arcing. The viscous drag might give rise to an error of as much as 20% in the total effect, but this can be very greatly cut down by careful manipulation. In addition to the measurements on Heraeus platinum, a complete series of readings was also made on an impurer sample from Baker. The pressure effect on the-resistance of this has also been measured previously. This wire was used bare, four strands in parallel. No such trouble was found from viscous drag as with Heraeus platinum, and the results were considerably more satisfactory. At atmospheric pressure the thermo-electric behavior of the two grades of platinum against lead is given by the following formulas. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 347 Heraeus platinum: ) = (—3.092 t—0.01334 t?) X 10° volts, P = (—3.092 —0.02668 t) (t + 273) X 10° volts, o = —0.02668(4 + 273) X 10° volts/°C. Baker’s platinum: = (—1.788t—0.0173 # + 0.000042 #8) X 10° volts, oe (—1.788 —0.0346t + 0.000126 #2) (t + 273) X 10° volts, « = (—0.0346 — 0.000252 #) (t + 273) X 10° volts/°C. Thermal E. M. F. He ad WZ SHE HELE HEHE EET! i HE OP a 02 207 30° Age. ~ 50° 60° 70° 80° 30° 100° Temperature Pure Platinum Figure 33. Heraeus Platinum. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./cem 2 indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the tempera- ture plotted as abscissae. 348 BRIDGMAN. There are, therefore, considerable differences in the thermo-electric behavior. We would expect large differences in the behavior under pressure. ; The pressure measurements on Heraeus platinum were made in an order the reverse of usual, beginning at 95° and ending at 25°. On the first application of seasoning pressure at room temperature the wire broke at 12000 kg. It was therefore evident that viscous Volts, x10° Peltier Heat il cassensece Thomson Heat Volts per degree C, X10° Temperature Temperature Pure Platinum Ficure 34. Heraeus Platinum. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. drag was going to be troublesome, and the reverse procedure was therefore adopted to insure getting as many readings as possible before rupture occurred. The four regular runs were successfully made, but at 75° the effect of drag was very large. After the four runs an attempt was made to repeat the run at 75°. Only three points were obtained, at 0, 4000, and 8000 kg., the wire breaking again at 12000. The points obtained lay about 3% lower than those of the THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 349 previous run at 75°, and in the direction necessary to make the points at 75° lie a roubly with those of other temperatures. The pressure runs on Baker’s platinum were accomplished without incident. Two applications of 12000 were made at room temperature to season. Volts, 10° Thermal E. M. F att: +4 FH fee ae age old Eocene segeeeaes FEE HEHE Oo 102 208 30° ADS 0c 6 027 OCS OO OL nLOOS Temperature Commercial Platinum Figure 35. Baker’s Platinum. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temper- ature plotted as abscissae. Equilibrium was reached so rapidly as to suggest no shifting of internal equilibrium. For the Heraeus platinum, the maximum departure of any single observed point from a smooth curve was 7.8% of the maximum 350 BRIDGMAN. effect, except for the two bad points mentioned at 75°. The maxi- mum zero correction was 2.5%, and the average numerical departure of all points from smooth curves was 0.81%. At constant temperature the relation between e.m.f. and pressure was linear. In passing to the curves at constant pressure from those at constant temperature it was necessary to disregard the 75° points, the discrepancy amount- ing to 4.8%, but the other points required no readjustment. If the second run at 75° could have been carried through, the adjustment TABLE XXXII. PLatinum (PuRE). Thermo-electromotive Force, volts < 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg./em.2 Cdcenees 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 a i=) 10° .62 Ol . 44 sella) 20 29 .96 Dine 3.21 3.88 2.02 3.10 5.15 9.19 4.28 Fe 8.60 De : 03 ).61 8.! 3.39 whee : 2.9: 5.64 - #0 WwWwwWwnnvno nd — & at 75° would have been only about 1%, so that there is reason to trust the results obtained. For Baker’s platinum, the maximum zero correction was 1.5% of the maximum effect, the maximum departure of any single observed point from a smooth curve was 3.1%, and the average numerical departure was 0.80%. At constant temperature the curves of e.m.f. against pressure are convex toward the pressure axis, not what one would expect, and the curves of e.m.f. at constant pressure against temperature are also convex toward the temperature axis. In passing from e.m.f. curves at constant temperature to those at constant pressure the maximum readjustment necessary was 1.1%. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 351 TABLE XXXIII. PLATINUM (PURE). Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb Temp. C degrees 92000 SiOz Pressure, kg./cm.2 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 apie 10.: 12.8 ae 1G: +93. +29. Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per contiomb Temp. C degrees per °C X 10%. Pressure, kg./em.2 4000 6000 8000 arn +49 .: +65 .6 16. BLY 4 BRIDGMAN. The numerical results are shown in Tables XXXII, X XXIII and XXXIV and Figures 33, 34 and 35; only the e.m.f. is given for Baker’s platinum. For both grades of platinum the e.m-f. is positive and rather large, increasing with pressure and temperature to 21.6 X 10° volts for the Heraeus platinum, and to 22.2 for Baker’s at 12000 kg. and 100°. The similarity of these figures is somewhat unexpected in view of the difference in thermo-electric behavior at atmospheric pressure. The Peltier and Thomson heats are quite different, how- ever. The Peltier heat of Heraeus platinum is positive, increasing TABLE XXXIV. PLatinumM (IMPURE). Thermo-electromotive Force, volts & 10°. Pressure, kg./em.2 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 64 ar .28 93 .58 24 91 .59 .O1 “ty .O1 00° .99 .99 .00 .O1 04 10 .20 33 +1.70 +-2.12 67 3.41 .02 5.13 38 6.86 76 8.61 15 10.38 06 12.18 14.02 15.91 17.87 NSTIDPWwWWN it It. it. 2. 2. Ouanrwnwneet WDNOKDMDOURNE Ww bo oo wo aa bo with pressure at constant temperature, but at each constant pressure passing through a maximum with rising temperature. The Peltier heat of Baker’s platinum is also positive throughout, is somewhat larger than that of Heraeus platinum, and rises throughout with both temperature and pressure. ‘The Thomson heat of Heraeus platinum changes sign, starting with positive values at low temperatures, and at each constant pressure becoming negative at higher temperatures. The Thomson heat of Baker’s platinum rises to its highest positive values at the highest temperature, and for several pressures is negative at the lower end of the temperature range. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 308 The value given by Wagner up to 300 kg. between 0° and 100° is +18.6 X 10°” volts per degree per kg. The values found above by interpolation are 18.0 for the Heraeus, and 16.1 for Baker’s platinum. The agreement with the purer specimen is as good as could be expected. ia Wolybdenum. This was a fresh piece, obtained through the kind- ness of Dr. W. D. Coolidge of the General Electric Company. The piece whose resistance under pressure had been measured was not S x 3 ° S$ Ly s a : = Z HH a a ous 70° 80° 90° 100° te Molybdenum FieurEe 36. Molybdenum. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the tempera- ture plotted as abscissae. large enough in diameter or long enough for use in this apparatus. The new piece was 0.008 inch in diameter, with a resistance of 0.54 ohms per ft. when cold. A piece 18 inches long, the piece to be ex- posed to pressure, was annealed by heating to a white heat with an electric current in an atmosphere of hydrogen. The hydrogen was not entirely free from oxygen, however, and there may have been some chemical effect. The outer connecting piece of wire was left 304 BRIDGMAN. | 12000 5 . + t +4 S 5 SEHTTETE ae 10. ah OA} Oo 2, [HEHE A 2000H¢ HS EEE 9 cS | ts AES 8 x eeencei + a 43 ‘Oooo : Sie 5 2 = Ht + Ht 4 be 3 : 2, > 3 8000 — 2000 ON = He NS < 2 GOP | —5 : Si 8000 7 i = 9000 a bea = Roam) ececdittetsafazaazaizsseern 10000 = pte 4 : He 2 a ‘ e000 Te = 12000 : ne 0° AYP AK CP OP OWE OP ZT GP a Te = ‘Temperature Temperature Molybdenum Figure 37. Molybdenum. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. TABLE XXXV. MoLysBpENUM. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts < 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg./em.2 C degrees 6000 8000 10000 10° 037 047 057 20 ! : .078 moe! 30 : mse 17! 219 40 ; 209 276 857 282 87! 472 328 A: 543 359 477 594 883 508 634 401 53! 666 415 fy: 693 THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. DOO TABLE XXXVI. Mo.LyBpENUM. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb x AO Temp. Pressure, kg./em.2 aoe 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 + .60 = .95 Srl A +1.4! + 1.69 :a0 Bh 2.28 2.93 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb oar 4G S< OH Pressure, kg./cm.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 =F se ilae se il. 356 BRIDGMAN. unannealed. This produced a large permanent zero reading, but should not introduce any error. At atmospheric pressure the average temperature coefficient of resistance between 0° and 100° was found to be 0.00461; the relation between temperature and resistance was sensibly linear. This coeffi- cient is considerably higher than that of the piece whose pressure coefficient was previously measured, for which the mean temperature coefficient was 0.00434. Both molybdenum and tungsten are known to vary considerably in properties with the amount of mechanical working, so that the difference between these two specimens may have been accountable for by the difference of size, and not by a difference of chemical constitution. The thermo-electric behavior at atmospheric pressure against lead is given by the formulas: E = (5.892 t+ 0.02167 2—0.000025 #8) X 10-6 volts, P = (5.892 + 0.04334 t —0.000075 #2) (t + 273) X 1078 volts, o = (0.04334—0.000150#) (tf + 273) X 1078 volts/°C. For the pressure measurements the wire was seasoned by two applications of 12000 kg. at room temperature. The e.m.f. under pressure is small, reaching at the most at 12000 kg. and 100° only + 0.8 X 10° volts. Individual readings showed large variations; the zero readings did not vary so much as those at high pressures. 32 readings in all were made; of these 6 were bad, showing variations from 7 to 50% of the total effect. The remaining 26 readings were not so bad, the maximum departure from a smooth curve being 5% of the total effect, and the average numerical departure 1.2%. It was not necessary to make any readjustment in passing from the e.m.f. curves at constant temperature to those at constant pressure. The numerical results are shown in Tables XXXV and XXXVI and Figures 36 and 37. At constant temperature the relation between e.m.f. and pressure is linear; at constant pressure the curves against temperature pass through a point of inflection. This means a com- plicated behavior of both Peltier and Thomson heats. The Peltier heat is throughout positive, but at constant pressure passes through a pronounced maximum near 40°. The Thomson heat is both posi- tive and negative, passing through pronounced positive maxima near 25°, and negative minima near 50°. There are no previous results for comparison. Tungsten. This, like molybdenum, was a fresh sample from Dr. W. D. Coolidge of the General Electric Company, the specimen THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. oon used previously for the resistance measurements not being large enough. This also was 0.008 inch in diameter. A piece long enough for both inside and outside pieces was annealed at one time by heating white hot with an electric current in an atmosphere of hydrogen under reduced pressure. The hydrogen was not pure, however, and there was appreciable formation of oxide. This treatment was successful in keeping the permanent zero reading down to a normal value. m eens seeeesce bo 2 EEE NS CoN Thermal E. M. F. ol SSSESHSESEUISTEEsenesdesuetaesess i He Hite Ol SSt0S 202583003 40° -750° 70° 80°) 90°. _ 1002 Temperature Tungsten Ficure 38. Tungsten. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other compressed to the pressure in kg./em.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at 0°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. At atmospheric pressure the average temperature coefficient of resistance between 0° and 100° was 0.04317, the resistance being sensibly linear with temperature. The coefficient of the resistance specimen, which was only 0.0004 inch in diameter, was 0.00322. The considerable difference may again be due to the difference of mechani- cal treatment. 358 BRIDGMAN. EEEEERR aadddaazazszeeeee ETT? 60 H _ site Hy geeceeeecgegegagee BScieteesseeseed®> ae 720. 1090. 1530. 2070. . 2760. 60 353. 800. 1330. 1790. 2300. 2860. 80 374. 950. 1550. 2180. 2650. 2960. Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb per “© x 108: Temp. Pressure, kg./cem.2 EES 2000 6000 8000 10000 12000 +1150. ; — 1250. —520. 290. 500. 760. — 470. 500. -+ 250. 160. — 440. 800. +1000. + 530. — 370. 460. +1660. +1270. — 280. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 365 Constantan. This was obtained from the Electrical Alloys Co. of Morristown, N. J., and is sold by them under the trade name “ Ideal.” The chemical analysis given by them is: Copper 55%, Nickel 44%, Manganese 1%, and Iron 1.49%. The diameter of the wire was 0.010 inches. There is of course not a great deal of interest at the present stage of affairs in the behavior of a substance so complicated; the study of alloys as such would begin with simpler ones. This alloy is used extensively in electrical measurements, however, and there is some practical interest in its behavior. I have not previously given data for any of the electrical properties of this substance; the list here given is composed of (1) the temperature coefficient of resistance at atmospheric pressure, (2) thermal e.m.f. at atmospheric pressure against lead, (3) pressure coefficient of resistance, (4) pressure effect on thermo-electric quality. At atmospheric pressure the resistance passes through a maximum with rising temperature near 12°. The values found for the resistance were as follows: at 0°, 1.0000; at 25°, 1.0000; at 50°, 0.9998; at 76° 0.9994, and at 97°, 0.9989. The change is, therefore, as slight as that of manganin for any small range, but the minimum of manganin is more pronounced than the maximum of this, so that the total change between 0° and 100° of “Ideal” is greater than of manganin. The thermo-electric behavior at atmospheric pressure against lead is given by the formulas: E = (—34.76 t—0.0397 #2) X 10° volts, P = (—34.76 —0.0794t) (t + 273) X 10° volts, ¢ = —0.0794(t + 273) X 10° volts/°C. Its thermal e.m.f. against commercial copper is represented by E = —(38.501 + 0.04451?) X 10° volts. This may be compared with results of Johnston and Adams }8 for wire from the same source. They give their results in the form of a table; the maximum discrepancy between their results and that above is at 100°, where they give 4227 X 10°° volts against 4295 above. The difference is not greater than one would expect in different speci- mens with different handling. The pressure coefficient of resistance was measured by the method described in the previous paper. The wire was wound bare on a 13 J. Johnston and L. H. Adams, Amer. Jour. Sci. 31, 510, 1911. 366 BRIDGMAN. bone core. It had been previously seasoned by alternately heating to 140° for 30 minutes, and slowly cooling to room temperature for 15 minutes, repeating three times. For the pressure measurements it was seasoned by a single application of 12000 at room temperature. After this first application of pressure there was a permanent decrease of resistance amounting to 0.03% of the total resistance. The effect of pressure is to increase the resistance very slightly, instead of to decrease it, as for pure metals. Measurements were made at three temperatures; 0°, 50°, and 97°. Within these limits the coefficient 4 coeas | rH Ty pa A Thermal E.M.F. Volts, x10° Mo iN ’ H LEA) Ee : site cli! HEH EEE TT ae = ec OP! 740° C0 Teor Fer Temperature Constantan Ficure 42. Constantan. Thermal E.M.F. of a couple composed of one branch of uncompressed metal, the other being at the pressure in kg./cm.? indicated on the curves, the junctions being at O°C and the temperature plotted as abscissae. is independent of temperature, and the relation between pressure and resistance is linear up to 12000 kg. The pressure coefficient between 0° and 100° up to 12000 kg. was found to be + 0.06409, pressure measured in kg./em.?._ The smallest coefficient found in the previous work for a pure metal was that of tungsten, which was —0.05125. In contrast to the very small effect of pressure on resistance is its very large effect on thermo-electric quality. The effect is positive, THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 367 as it is for the majority of metals, and is exceeded in value only by bismuth and thallium. The wire was seasoned for the pressure runs on thermal e.m.f. by raising pressure to 11300 kg. at room tempera- ture, then raising temperature to 100° for 23 hours, the pressure rising to 11500. Large permanent zero readings might be expected with this substance, because its thermal e.m.f. against iron is so high, but its homogeneity was so great that the zero effect was only about 5% of the pressure effect at any temperature. B be z: HH i iit iH cH PS HAN § =i H H PA Acct oeriss Hy ¥ ee ot raat ates Hl sea r hee om EL on FS § 0 ia a Too & ae ee Temperature a Manganin Figure 45. Manganin. On the left, the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing from uncompressed. metal to metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves, as a function of temperature. On the right, the excess of Thomson heat in metal compressed to the pressure indicated on the curves over uncompressed metal, as a function of temperature. TABLE! XE: MANGANIN. Thermo-electromotive Force, volts & 10°. Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.2 Gideon 2000 4000 6000 $000 10000 10° + .026 — .053 =, (Ue! = AN — Sse 20 057 . 103 ei 21% .258 30 076 allay . 230 ae oT 40 . 100 -197 300 40: 490 50 123 . 242 867 48s 097 146 . 286 451 OTe 700 .168 -029 493 | . 65: 799 .190 oll .oo4 736 895 pela .412 .614 816 .985 . 232 492 673 8s 1.079 Ee —— eee <4 WwW THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. TABLE XLIV. MANGANIN. Peltier heat, between uncompressed and compressed metal, Joules per conlomb xX 105. Temp. | Pressure, kg. /em.2 C degrees | 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0° : —1.50 Dae —3. 20 she 44 40 Thomson heat, excess in compressed over uncompressed metal, Joules per conlomb jae “OG < Ue : , ; Temp. Pressure, kg./cm.? C degrees { 6000 8000 10000 12000 +1.40 2.38 +2. 24. +2.46 2.01 374 BRIDGMAN. kg. and is 3.8% of the maximum effect at 75°, while the average departure is 2.4%; at 50° the maximum departure is 2.8% of the maximum effect at 50° and the arithmetical average is 1.07%; and at 25° the maximum departure is 3% of the maximum effect at 25°, and the average departure 0.6%. Within these limits of error the relation between e.m.f. and pressure at constant temperature is linear. In passing from curves of e.m.f. at constant temperature to those at constant pressure the maximum readjustment was at 97°, as was to be expected; here it was 12% of the maximum effect. No apprecia- ble readjustment was necessary at the lower temperatures. The following data are to be expected, therefore, to have considerably greater relative accuracy at the lower part of the temperature range. The numerical results are shown in Tables XLIII and XLIV and Figures 44 and 45. The effect is negative, increasing regularly with pressure and temperature to —1.31 X 10° at 12000 kg. and 100°. The effect is among the smallest found. It is interesting to compare the small effect of pressure on the resistance of constantan and its large effect on thermal e.m.f. with precisely the reverse behavior here. The Peltier heat is negative, increasing with pressure, but at each constant pressure it is nearly independent of temperature. The Thomson heat, on the other hand is positive, at the lower pressures changing but little, but at the higher pressures falling with rising temperature. Wagner gives between 0° and 100° and to 300 kg. —8.5 X 10” volts per degree per kg. The value given by interpolation of the data above is —11.6 X 10°". The agreement is perhaps as close as could be expected in an alloy from presumably different sources. EFFECT OF TENSION ON THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY. The general method of measurement is the same as that employed in measuring the effect of hydrostatic pressure on thermo-electric quality, namely to measure the thermal e.m.f. of a couple composed of two branches of the same metal, one of which is under tension, and the other of which is free. The connections are shown schematically in Figure 46. A length of the wire to be measured is doubled on itself, running from A to E to C. At E it is fastened to a heavy block capable of withstanding any load that is to be applied to the wire. At A and C the ends of the wire are fastened to the under sides of the left and right hand pans respectively of two equal arm balances, THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. o1D indicated in the figure by the arrows AB and CD, by means of which a load may be applied to either wire separately or together. The upper and lower ends of the wires are surrounded by two thermo- stated baths, indicated by the open rectangles in the figure, which may be kept at any desired two different temperatures. In use the lower bath was always packed with ice, and the upper bath was set at any desired temperature between 0° and 100° C. The two wires Figure 46. Scheme of connections used in finding effect of tension on thermo-electric quality. are tapped at the middle of the upper bath by two flexible leads of copper connecting to the galvanometer G and the potentiometer P. These instruments were the same as were used in the previous measure- ments. The balances are insolated from each other, so that the circuit runs from G to P toG to F to Eto G. If the two wires are precisely alike, there is no thermal e.m.f. in this circuit for any differ- ence of temperature between GF and E, but if one of the wires is 376 BRIDGMAN. loaded, the material of the two branches of the couple now becomes effectively different, and a thermal e.m.f. appears. This was meas- ured as a function of tension and temperature difference. Various precautions were taken in performing the experiment which need not be gone into here at length. The two wires passed through a heavy glass tube for their entire length, and in this way were protected from contact with the water of the bath. To secure temperature equality and diminish error from heat conduction along the wires from one bath to the other, the glass tube was filled, up to the level of the water in the upper bath, with Bureau of Standards resistance oil. As a further precaution against slight variations in temperature, the glass tube was covered for the entire length of immersion in the upper bath with a compound tube of } inch thick copper on the inside fitting closely into an outer iron tube also { inch thick. Since the lower bath was always filled with ice and conse- quently was not exposed to slight oscillations of temperature, such a precaution was not necessary below. The approximate dimensions were; depth of each bath 1 ft., free distance between baths 2 ft., diameter of glass tubing 1 inch. It has been already stated that the results of these experiments . were very irregular, the effect varying with the nature of the speci- men. ,In the following the nature of the results will be briefly indi- cated; each result given is the mean of determinations on the right and the left hand wires. Nickel. Wire from the same manufacturers but from a different spool from the pressure sample was used. This was 0.005 inches in diameter. A maximum tension of 2000 kg./em.? was applied. The results were fairly good; the two samples agreed on the average within about 5%. The thermal e.m.f. may be represented by the following equations: At 31° — e.m.f. = (.00335T—0.0,60T?) X 10° volts, abil: (.00577T —0.0;132T?) & 10°, a6) fdeD" (.0081 T—0.0;175T?) X 10°, at 94.5° (0121 T—0.0;37T2) X 107°. | In these formulas T is the tension in kg./em.? The direction of the e.m.f. is from unstretched to stretched at the hot junction. Paying attention only to the change of volume, this would correspond to a pressure effect of from compressed to uncompressed at the hot junction This is of the opposite sign from the observed pure pressure effect. Copper. This was commercial wire of 0.020 inches diameter. Low d THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. Olt The maximum tension applied was 700 kg./em.2 Within this range the e.m.f. was linear with tension. Trustworthy measurements were obtained only at 95°. Here the two specimens differed from the mean by 20%. e.m.f. = 0.00056T 10° volts. The direction of e.m.f. is from unstretched to stretched at the hot junction. This corresponds to from compressed to uncompressed at the hot junction, and is opposite in sign from the pure pressure effect. Iron. This was annealed “ingot” iron, from the same piece of metal as that of the pressure measurements. Its diameter was 0.025 inches, and it was subjected to a maximum tension of 500 kg./cm.? Satisfactory readings were obtained at two temperatures; the two wires differed by less than 10%. The results are covered by the formulas: At 52°. e.m-f. = (0.0120T—0.0,235T?) X 10° volts, at 95° = (0.0223T —0.0,42T?) X 10°. The effect has a pronounced maximum near the middle of the ten- sion range; this recalls the complicated behavior under hydrostatic pressure, although the range of tension is comparatively much lower than the range of pressure. The e.m.f. is from unstretched to stretched at the hot junction, corresponding to from compressed to uncom- pressed. This corresponds to the sign of the pure pressure effect over the first portion of the pressure range. Aluminum. Commercial stock of 0.0195 inches diameter was used. Satisfactory results were obtained at two temperatures; the two wires differing by about 10% from the mean. The results are given by the formulas: At 50:5° em. at 76° (0.0088T —0.0;67T?) X 10° volts, (0.0088T —0.0;47T?) K 10°. The departure from linearity, contrary to what one might expect, is only slight. The abnormal behavior under pressure, however, is reflected in the slight change of e.m.f. with temperature. The direc- tion of e.m.f. is from unstretched to stretched at the hot junction, corresponding to from compressed to uncompressed. ‘This corre- sponds to the initial direction of the pressure effect. Brass. This was commercial wire of 0.008 inches diameter. The 378 BRIDGMAN. tension range was high, 2800 kg./em.? Under the most unfavorable conditions the two wires differed 50% from the mean. The results are given by the formulas: At 52° e.m.f. = (0.00022T—0.0;8T?) X 10° volts, ab td (0.00013T —0.0712T?) & 10°, at 94° (0.00047T —0.0;5T?) 10°°. At 52° the departure from linearity is so great that the e.m.f. passes through a maximum. ‘This disappears at the higher tempera- tures. E.m.f. is from stretched to unstretched at the hot junction, corresponding to from uncompressed to compressed for the pure pressure effect. This is the first example met of an effect of this sign. The pure pressure effect was not measured. Manganin. 'This was from the same stock as the pressure sample, but not from the same piece. The range of tension was 1300 kg./em.? The two samples, contiguous lengths, did not give the same sign for the effect. The one showing the smaller effect reversed in sign with changing temperature, at the lower temperatures being opposite in sign from the more active piece, but at 98° becoming of the same sign, although only 10% of it. The effect for the more active specimen was not linear, but is less proportionally at the higher temperatures, and at 32° actually passes through a flat maximum near # of the maximum tension. The maximum values of e.m.f. for this piece were: 0.1, 0.25, 0.38, and 1.33 & 10° volts at 32°, 50°, 75°, and 95° respectively. The direction is from unstretched to stretched at the hot junction, corresponding to a pressure effect from compressed to uncompressed. This agrees with the pure pressure effect. DEPENDENCE OF THOMSON HEAT ON TEMPERATURE GRADIENT. Although it is not directly connected with the immediate object of this work, I nevertheless made experimental examination of one other point, both because I was in a position to make the experiment with comparatively little effort, and because this point is indirectly involved as an assumption made in deriving the formulas used in deducing the Peltier and the Thomson heats from the total e.m.f. The assumption is always made that the Thomson heat depends only on the temperature at a point, and not on the temperature gradient, that is, on the rate of flow of heat. The existence of such a depend- ence on gradients would mean the possibility of the existence of thermo- electric currents in unequally heated circuits of a single homogeneous THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 379 metal. This effect was often looked for in the early days of the sub- ject, and the concensus of opinion was that the effect does not exist; whenever an effect like it was obtained, it was always explainable by imperfect homogeneity in the metal. At the same time there seems to be no reason why the effect might not exist, and it occurred to me that with present apparatus we are in a position to push the limits within which the effect must lie much further than before. The circuit on which I experimented consisted of liquid mercury, and was therefore completely homogeneous. The mercury was contained in a quartz capillary; at the center of the circuit the capillary was drawn. down with thin walls to perhaps 0.5 mm. diameter and 0.25 mm. thickness of wall. Over the neck in the capillary was slipped a piece of tightly fitting mica. A simple arrangement allowed a jet of water to be directed against the quartz on one side of the mica and on the other side a small gas flame. In the mercury underneath the mica there was, therefore, an intense temperature gradient. The two ends of the quartz capillary were led to an ice bath, and from this connection made through copper leads to a galvanometer. There was therefore no chance for thermo-electric action unless there were one due to the temperature gradient. The galvanometer was a very sensitive Thomson galvanometer constructed by Coblentz; I owe the opportunity to use it to the kindness of Dr. I. Gardner. With this I could establish that there was no e.m.f. in the mercury of as much as 3 X 10" volts, up to temperature gradients steep enough to vapo- rize the mercury at one end of the constriction in the capillary. Care had to be taken in establishing this result; for example, if the part of the circuit containing the gradient is not horizontal, an effect will be found due to the effect of pressure differences on thermo-electric quality. The effect, if it exists, is therefore exceedingly minute. The equations above show that if the effect exists consequences with regard to other effects are involved. We have the equation d (Pap a Hence if o, for example, depends on the temperature gradient, then Pap must also, or the Peltier heat would depend on the total quantity of heat flowing into the junction. Such an effect has not been ob- served, and therefore inferentially the Thomson heat is independent of temperature gradient. However, the observations on Peltier heat have presumably been no more accurate than those on the freedom of total e.m.f. from effects of gradient. ) +4 (ca— ox) = 0 380 Seen GENERAL SURVEY OF RESULTS. : The first impression given by the measurements under pressure is of bewildering and perhaps hopeless complexity, but there are nevertheless certain uniformities and normal types of behavior. Let us for the first discussion disregard detail and take as a measure of the effects the maximum e.m.f., Peltier heat, and Thomson heat listed in the tables above. The normal effect of pressure on e.m.f. is positive; there are only three out of 20 cases, manganin, Mg, and Co, in which the effect is persistently negative to the highest pressures and tem- peratures; and for only three other metals, Fe, Al, and Sn is the effect negative over any part of the range. The range of values of maximum e.m.f. is from +710 X 10° volts for Bi to —20.6 * 10° for Co. Similarly, the normal pressure effect on Peltier heat is positive, that is, heat is absorbed by the positive current in flowing from uncom- pressed to compressed metal. There are only four cases of negative Peltier heat under pressure, manganin, Sn, Mg, and Co. The range of values is from 2960 X 10° for Bi to —90.5 X 10° for Co. The Thomson heat under pressure is also normally positive, Co, Fe, and Bi being the only negative cases. The range of values is from 220 X 10° for Zn to —280 X 10-8 for Bi. When, however, we try to correlate the thermo-electric behavior with other electrical properties of the metals we find complete lack of connection. In table XLV the metals are arranged in a number of columns, in each column the order being the order of relative magni- tude of the property standing at the head of the column. In the first place, the pressure effect on e.m.f. is not greatest for the most com- pressible metals, as we might expect, but the effect is apparently quite independent of the compressibility. Compare, for example, the positions of Pb and Mg in the compressibility column with their positions in the pressure e.m.f. column. It was pointed out in a previous paper that the effect of pressure on resistance is approxi- mately proportional to its effect on volume; this is shown in the table by the similarity of the columns of compressibility and pressure effect on resistance. There is accordingly very little connection between the pressure effect on resistance and that on emf. The conclusion suggests itself that there is little connection between the mechanism which determines the thermo-electric behavior of a metal and its electrical conductivity. This is further borne out by the lack of parallelism between the columns of pressure effect on resistance with those of pressure effect on Thomson and Peltier heat. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 381 There is almost exact parallelism between the columns of pressure effect on e.m.f. and on Peltier heat; these two columns differ only by two single inversions, Al with Cu, and manganin with Sn. This of course means that nearly all the total e.m.f. in a pressure thermo- TABLE XLV. THe Merats IN ORDER OF DECREASING NUMERICAL MAGNITUDES OF VARIOUS PROPERTIES. The horizontal bars in some columns show where the effect changes sign. Temp. Thomson |Peltier heat} Pressure | Pressure | Pressure | Pressure Specific Coeff. of heat against Pb effect effect effect on | effect on Resist- Resis. 0O°— | at O° and.}| at 0° and | on resist- on Peltier | Thomson ance 100° at 0 kg. 0 kg. O kg. ance E.M.F. heat heat Bi Fe Cd Fe Pb i Bi Cons. ADI Mo Cd Tl Zn Man. i Mo Sn AN Pb 5 i Zn Cd ; Cd BI i g Au Mg Se Cons: Fe Cu Zn Pd Ni Ag Al Ret Sn Ag PEs > Au Fe Co Pd Cd ; Pt Zn . Cu W Ni Co electric couple (that is, a couple of two branches of the same metal, one compressed and the other not) is provided by the difference of Peltier heat at the hot and cold junctions, and comparatively little by the pressure effect on the Thomson heat. This has been otherwise 382 BRIDGMAN. obvious from the fact that the relation between e.m.f. and. tempera- ture at constant pressure has been in most cases approximately linear. The columns of pressure effect on Peltier heat and Thomson heat are not obviously related. Most striking is the transposition of Bi from the head of one column to the bottom of the other; the pressure effect on Peltier heat of Bi is the maximum positive, and on the Thom- son heat the maximum negative. One draws the conclusion that the TABLE XLVI. Ration oF Maximum CHANGE oF THoMSON HEAT WITHIN THE RANGE 0°-100° C anv 0 To 12000 xc./cm.2 to THomson Heat at 0°C anp 0 ke. Sn — .81 a — .108 Cd + .0105 Pb oe) Zn — .§1 Mg 0 Al +4.5 Ag + .041 Au + .0295 Cu + .0285 Ni — .017 Co + .013 Fe + .40 Pd — .0098 IRE —0.131 Mo + .013 W + .021 Bi — 32 Cons. — .0079 Man. + .O11 Thomson heat mechanism and the Peltier heat mechanism are not intimately related. The pressure effect on Thomson heat inclines to show parallelism to the pressure effect on resistance. The thermo-electric behavior at atmospheric pressure (Peltier heat against lead and Thomson heat) also shows little direct con- nection with the pressure effects. There is no obvious connection between other pairs of columns; the thermo-electric mechanism seems to stand in a class by itself. THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 383 The magnitude of the change in the Thomson heat produced by pressure compared with the total Thomson heat under atmospheric conditions is of interest. The relative effect of pressure on the proper- ties of most solids is comparatively small; for example, the maximum effect found before on resistance was 14% for lead, and the effect on volume is only a few per cent. We should expect a similar state of affairs with the Thomson heat. This is true, except for the anomalous metals. The total pressure effects with Al, Bi, Fe, Sn, and Zn, are all of the order of magnitude of the whole effect at atmospheric condi- tions, but the other metals show the smallness of the effect to be expected. The results are shown in Table XLVI. So far, we have considered the effects only in broad outline, but when we come to consider the detailed variations with pressure and temperature we find great complexity. The normal behavior of e.m.f. is a regular rise with pressure and temperature; the slope of the e.m.f. curves at constant pressure increasing with rising tempera- ture, but the slope at constant temperature decreasing with rising pressure. Fe, Al, and Sn are examples of complicated variations of e.m.f. with pressure and temperature, and we have also met other examples where the slope at constant pressure may decrease with rising temperature, or the slope at constant temperature may increase with rising pressure. As for the detail of variation of Peltier heat or Thomson heat with pressure and temperature, so many different types are presented that it is useless to try to enumerate them. THe Entropy oF ELECTRICITY. By an extension of a remark made by Professor E. H. Hall with regard to the ordinary thermo-electric diagram, we may find a func- tion giving the entropy of the electricity in the metal as a function of pressure and temperature. A couple composed of two branches of the same metal, one at 0 pressure, the other at pressure p, running between 0° and t° has a definite e.m.f., E. E is a function of p and t. If we add to E (p,t) E,p(t), that is, the e.m.f. against lead at atmospheric pressure, we 2 fe) shall obtain a function & (p,t) such that i( =) is the Thomson heat p 2 Oren y sa) is the Peltier heat. at any pressure and temperature and ( 384 BRIDGMAN. That is (4) - ie a and (=) ay Ley Op /t Opot : ; GENT: It is obvious that at), equal to the entropy of one coulomb of D electricity, because dQ = tds, and 2) (8), La). } 2.) DL If we had some means of determining the work done on electricity as well as the entropy we would be in a position to completely determine its behavior. This function & gives at once the means of finding on the p, t plane the slope of the lines of constant entropy. I have made this computa- tion for all the metals listed above. As is to be expected, the line assumes every possible slope. It thus appears that there is no simple relation between the ordinary thermodynamic properties of a metal and the thermodynamic properties of the electricity in the metal. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY. In this paper measurements are given of the thermal e.m.f. of couples composed of two branches of the same metal, one of the branches being under uniform hydrostatic pressure and the other branch at atmospheric pressure, the junctions between the branches being at 0°C and some other variable temperature. The range of the work covers 20 pure metals and 2 alloys, and all pressures up to 12000 kg./em.2 and all temperatures between 0° and 100°. From these measurements of e.m.f. the Peltier heats and the Thomson heats may be deduced by the ordinary thermodynamic reasoning as a func- tion of pressure and temperature. By the Peltier heat of the couples measured in this work is meant the heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing across the junction from uncompressed to compressed metal, and by the Thomson heat of the couple is meant the excess of heat absorbed by unit quantity of electricity in flowing through one degree temperature difference in the compressed metal over the uncompressed metal. With regard to these heats, my position THERMO-ELECTRIC QUALITY UNDER PRESSURE. 385 in this paper has been that the ordinary thermodynamic argument, by which the formulas have been deduced, allows conclusions only as to the quantities of heat, and that no conclusion is justified as to the local e.m.f’s. corresponding to these heats. Complete diagrams and tables are given for the e.m-f., Peltier, and Thomson heats of these couples. The nature of the results was unexpectedly complicated. The normal state of affairs is apparently a positive effect of pressure on both Peltier and Thomson heats, but there are numerous examples of negative effects, and almost none of the metals show regular varia- tion of these quantities with pressure and temperature within the range. Three metals, tin, iron, and aluminum, show complicated variations of the e.m.f. of the couple, there being maxima and minima with both pressure and temperature within the range. The effect of tension on thermo-electric quality of a few of the 20 metals was measured, and the results again were complicated. In general the pure volume effect on thermo-electric quality is different, according as the change of volume is brought about by a hydrostatic pressure or a tension. This is the reverse of the behavior of electrical resistance, which is determined primarily by the change of volume, regardless of whether it is produced by tension or hydrostatic pressure. As a bye-product, the dependence of Thomson heat on temperature gradient has been measured for mercury, and the possibility of such an effect of gradient has been made more remote than before. The unexpected complications found makes these results disap- pointingly meagre in their suggestions as to the nature of the thermo- electric mechanism. The conclusions are mostly negative in char- acter. The most unmistakable inferences may be drawn as to the untenability of the old gas-free-electron theory of metals, but this is not now new enough to be worth the experimental trouble. This conclusion was drawn 10 years ago by Wagner from his data up to 300 kg., and the results of this paper can add nothing to the conclu- sions of Wagner in this regard, since our results are in essential agree- ment over our common range. Further than this, the results suggest most strongly that the thermo-electric mechanism must be compara- tively complicated, that it cannot be at all of the simplicity imagined by the free electron theory and that most likely the effects which we measure are the resultant of different effects, which some times, at least, work in opposite directions. What these effects may be, we are not in a position at present to speculate. In the projected paper mentioned in the introduction on general 386 BRIDGMAN. considerations on thermo-electric action, it will be pointed out that the data of this paper allow certain information to be gathered about the behavior of various constants of thermionic emission under pressure. The latent heat of vaporization of electrons, the density of the electron atmosphere, and the Volta contact force between an uncompressed and a compressed metal may be determined as a func- tion of both pressure and temperature, except for an undetermined function of pressure alone. Finally, it may not be too daring to say that it seems to me that much of my previous work on high pressure effects at least suggests a direction in which we may look for the explanation of these compli- cated effects. The thermodynamic properties of liquids under high pressures and all the mutual relations of the polymorphic forms of solids have been found to be quite as complicated under pressure as- the thermo-electric properties above. I have shown in detail that probably the properties of both liquids and solids are to be explained in terms of the same agency, the effect of the characteristic shape of the atoms, or, if one prefers to express it so, the nature of the field of force surrounding the atom. It seems most probable that the elec- trons in passing from atom to atom, or in playing about between the atoms, may be subjected to forces changing in a complicated way as the atoms are forced by pressure into positions of varying degrees of adaptation to each others irregularities. THe JEFFERSON PuHysicAL LABORATORY, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 53. No. 5.— Marcu, 1918. THE DYADICS WHICH OCCUR IN A POINT SPACE OF THREE DIMENSIONS. By C. L. E: Moore anp H. B. PHIturprs. rr ey THE DYADICS WHICH OCCUR IN A POINT SPACE OF THREE DIMENSIONS. By C. L. E. Moore anp H. B. Paituies. Received, November 2, 1917. In his Ausdehnungslehre, Grassmann gave a discussion of linear transformations of space in which he considered each transformation as determined by a Brucke,! or fraction. By using products which he called indeterminate,? Gibbs showed that the transformations could be determined by means of bilinear forms called dyadics. These were applied to the study of linear vector functions in three dimensions in the Gibbs-Wilson Vector Analysis. Extensions of this to higher dimensions were given by Gibbs in his lectures on Multiple Algebra an outline of which is contained in an article by E. B. Wilson.’ H. B. Phillips* applied the dyadic to the study of projective transfor- mations ina plane. The fraction of Grassmann does not lend itself readily to algebraical manipulation. This is remedied by the dyadic of Gibbs. The symbol ¢ used by Gibbs does not, however, suggest the nature of the particular dyadic or the invariants and covariants determined from it. In the paper of Phillips a symbolic notation was introduced by which the dyadic appears as the product of a single pair of letters from which invariants and covariants and combinations with other dyadics are obtained by processes of multiplication analo- gous to the Grassmann products of space elements. In this paper we have given an exposition of the symbolic notation and have used it to discuss with some completeness the various dyadics occurring in a point space of three dimensions. To aid in the under- standing of this we first develop the elements of Grassmann’s analysis 1 Ausdehnungslehre, 1862, page 240. A good exposition of this is found in Whitehead’s Universal algebra, Chapter VI. Book IV. 2On Multiple Algebra, an address before the section of mathematics and physics of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, by the Vice-President. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of science, 35. This address is reprinted in the Scientific Papers, 2. 3 On the theory of double products and strains in hyperspace. Transac- tions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 14, 1908. 4 Some invariants and covariants of ternary collineations, American Journal of Mathematics, 36, 1914. 390 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. in three dimensions and apply the theory to the study of the complex line. The dyadics are of four main types: (a) Those which transform points into points or planes into planes, (b) those which transform points into planes or planes into points, (c) those which transform lines or complexes into lines or complexes, (d) those which transform points or planes into lines or complexes and those which transform lines or complexes into points or planes. The first class represent the collineations and to this type belong most of the dyadics hitherto discussed. The second class represent the correlations. The last two types so far as we know have not been discussed before. These are not in general contact transformations. By means of double multiplication of two dyadics (one of which may represent an identical transformation) we determine many invariants and covariants. From the geometrical interpretation of this double product we obtain a series of descriptive theorems analo- gous to the Pappus theorem for the hexagon inscribed in a plane two- line. INTRODUCTION. I. Matrices anp OuTER PRODUCTS. 1. Progressive Matrices. In a former paper® we gave an inter- pretation of the products of Grassmann ® in which we represented points, lines, ete. as rectangular matrices and expressed the products as operations performed on those matrices. As those products form a fundamental part of the present paper, we shall here briefly outline the method there used. Our space is a projective point space of three dimensions and so we represent a point A by the matrix A= || a a as a|| = || as | (1) where dj, d2, 43,4 are the homogeneous coordinates of the point. Two matrices of this kind will be called equal when their corresponding = 5 A theory of linear distance and angle, These Proceedings, 48, 1912. _ 6 Expositions of Grassmann’s product theory can be found in the following places: Ausdehnungslehre, 1862. Whitehead’s Universal Algebra, Chapter I, Book IV. Encyclopedia, French edition, Complex Number, tome 1, 1. The treatment here given is somewhat different from any of the above. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 391 elements are equal. The matrix will be said to be zero only when all its elements are zero. ‘ If two points A and B have coordinates a; and b; respectively and a; = k b;, we shall write A = kB. Geometrically A and B are the same point. But in Grassmannian analysis a point has magnitude as well as position. The magnitude of A is k times that of B. In this paper we have no need to define unit magnitudes and therefore have not done so. A linear function of two or more points A, B, C etc. is defined by the matrix AA + pB+ 00 +...= || Xa; + wb; + ve; +...|| (2) If the matrix does not vanish identically, it represents a point in the space determined by A, B,C, ete. Conversely, any point in that space can be represented in that way. For example any point on a line can be represented as a linear function of two, any point in a plane as a linear function of three not on a line, and any point in space as a linear function of four not in a plane. If the matrix vanishes identi- cally, and the multipliers X, u,v, etc. are not all zero, those points lie in a space of lower dimensions than that determined by a like number of independent points. The Pliicker coordinates ” of a line are certain two rowed determi- nants Dikeos a; a; b; bi in the matrix 1 Ay dz a | | 4 || bs be Ba ba | (3) where a; and b; are the coordinates of any two distinct points A and B on the line. We shall represent the line AB by the one-rowed matrix [AB] = || pe pis pis pos prs 33 ||. (4) As above the matrix will be considered zero if all its elements are zero, 7 The facts concerning Pliicker coordinates and line geometry in general which are here assumed are all to be found in Jessop’s Line Complex, Cam- bridge, 1902. 392 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. that is, if the points A and B coincide. One matrix is a multiple of another if corresponding elements are proportional. If P,Q are any two distinct points on the line AB, [PQ] is a multiple of [AB]. For numbers \y, As, M1, M2 can then be found such that P=}\A+ dB, Q = mA + mB. From these equations, by use of (2) it is easy to show that (eq) = |™™ | (4B), 1 Me | Thus a matrix in addition to representing a line has a definite magnitude. The sum of two matrices [AB] and [CD] is the matrix each element of which is the sum of corresponding elements of [AB] and [CD]. In general the elements of this sum are not the two-rowed determi- nants of a matrix of the type (3), just as the sum of corresponding Pliicker coordinates of two lines are not in general coordinates of a line. A matrix || Ci2 C13 C14 C23 Coa C34 | = || Cix || (5) whose elements c;, are the determinants of (8) will be called simple. Such a matrix represents a line. If, however, the elements c,, cannot be so represented, the matrix will be called complex, we shall say that this represents a complex line. The relation of this to the linear com- plex will be shown later ($5). In what follows the word line will always mean simple line. If the lines AB and CD intersect in a point P, we can find points @ and R on those lines and assign to them such magnitudes that [AB] = [PQ], [CD] = [PRI. Then [AB] + [CD] = [PQ] + [PR] = || pi(qx + rx) — pe(gi + rs) || = [PQ + BI. (6) Therefore the swim of two intersecting lines is a line. If the points A, B, C are not collinear, the coordinates of the plane ABC are the three-rowed determinants of the matrix. a, do Ag a4 by by bs bs . (7) Cy Co Cz C4 THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 393 We shall represent the plane by the matrix [ABC] = || a1 a2 as on || (8) where a; is the coefficient of 2; in the expansion of the determinant ay dy a3 4 by be bs b Ci Co Cz C4 ti Vo V3 Ly |. Linear functions of planes are defined as in the case of points. If P,Q, R are any three points in the plane ABC, it can be shown as in the case of a line that a number X can be found such that [PQR] = ABC. Thus [ABC] in addition to representing a plane has a magnitude. From four points A, B,C, D we can form a four-rowed matrix. Since this matrix contains only one four-rowed determinant, we shall consider it as a determinant ay Ag Ag a4 by by bs bs C1 Co C3 C4 i d, dz d3 ds (ABCD) = Such a matrix of one element we shall consider as a number and indi- cate this by the use of the parenthesis in the symbol (ABCD). 2. Progressive Products. The most fundamental law of multi- plication is the distributive law which can be stated in the two forms (A BC = AC + BC: AG= 0) 48 PC The matrix [AB] has this property. For as in equation (6) it is easy to show that [(A + B)C] = [AC] + [BC], (9) [A(B + C)] = [AB] + [AC]. (10) Hence we consider [AB] as a product of A and B. The process of multiplication consists in placing the matrix A over the matrix B to form the two-rowed matrix | | a Mh ag a4 by be bs bs 394 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. and from this determining the elements of the matrix [AB]. From the definition it is clear that [AB] = — [BA], (11) [AA] = 0. (12) Similarly the matrix [ABC] can be regarded as a product of [AB] and C, of A and [BC| or of A, B, and C, the process of multiplication consisting always in forming the matrix || ay Ag Ag 4 | by be bg bg || Cy €o C3 C4 and determining the matrix [ABC] by using the determinants in this as elements. From this definition it is evident that [A-BC] = [AB-C] = [ABC, [AB(C + D)| = [ABC] + [ABD], [ABC] = — [ACB] = [CAB]. The dot is used throughout our work to show the order of operations. Thus [A- BC] = [A[BC]]. Products involving the complex line will be considered in §5. Since the coordinates aj, a2, a3, a4 of a plane can have arbitrary values, not all zero, a linear function of planes is a plane unless it vanishes identically. The quantity (ABCD) can be regarded as a product of A and [BCD], of [AB] and [CD], of A, B, C and D etc. Hence by definition and the properties of determinants. (ABCD) = (A- BCD) = (AB-CD) = — (ABDC), etc. It is to be noted that the sign of (ABCD) is changed when two of the points A, B, C, D are interchanged.. These products are called pro- gressive because every additional factor increases the dimension of the product. If any of these products vanish it shows that the points lie in a space of lower dimension than is determined by a like number of inde- pendent points. For example if [ABC] = 0 THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 395 then A, B, C lie on a line as can easily be verified by expressing the matrix in terms of coordinates. 3. Regressive Matrices and products. We can consider space as generated by planes as well as by points. If its coordinates are a;, a plane a is represented by the matrix a= || Q1 a2 a3 as ||. The same plane may be represented by the matrix [A BC] of any three noncollinear points lying in it. If a; is equal to the coefficient of 2; in the expansion of the determinant (A BCX), we shall write a = [ABC]. The line of intersection of two planes a and 8 can be represented by the matrix [aB] = Ilqsa qa2 G23 G14 a1 Qe |, (13) where _ _ | ae oe eam ergs a If the same line is the join of two points A and B, we know from line geometry that the coordinates qi, are proportional to the coefficients of the minors | . ie in the determinant (ABzy). If qix is equal to the coefficient of | a; y; | in that determinant we shall write [a8] = [AB]. Three planes a, 8, y intersect in a point A. The coordinates a; of this point are proportional to the coefficients of £; in the determinant ® (EaBy). In particular, if a; is equal to the coefficient of &; in that determinant, we write A = [ay]. There is a determinant (a$y6) of four planes just as of four points. The matrices [a8], [ay], [a8y6] can be regarded as products. They 8 It is to be observed that the variable £ is put in the first row of this determi- nant while in §1 we wrote for points (ABCX). This change is made in order to make the reduction formulas agree in sign with the ones Grassmann gave. 396 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. obey the same laws as the corresponding products of points. These products of matrices expressed in plane coordinates we shall call regressive because each additional factor decreases the dimension of the product. If a regressive product vanishes it shows that the planes determine a space of higher dimension than a like number of independent planes determine. For example if (aBy6) = 0 the four planes a, 6, y,6 intersect in a point as is easily shown by writing the matrix in terms of coordinates. 4. Mixed products and reduction formulas. If the total number of points in a set of progressive matrices is equal to or less than four, the matrices are multiplied together as already explained. If the total number of planes in a set of regressive matrices is equal to or less than four, they are multiplied together in a similar manner. In both cases the product is associative. If the total number of points or planes in two matrices is greater than four, we have not defined the product. In that case we replace each of the matrices by its equivalent in complementary elements. We shall say that points and planes are complementary elements and that lines are comple- mentary to lines. For example, we could replace [AB] by [a8] where [AB] = [af], [ABC] by a where [ABC a etc. The total number of elements (points or planes) in the new matrices will then be less than four and the product can be formed as before. If the total number of elements is equal to four, the product will be the same whether the matrices are expressed in points or planes. If the matrices are of different kinds (one progressive, the other regressive) we express one of them by its complementary form. Thus in every case of the product of two factors there is a definite result that has a meaning. We call this the outer product of the two factors. The product of a line [AB] and a plane y is the point of intersection of the line and plane considered as having a certain magnitude. For, 9 It is assumed here that the number of elements (points or planes) in either factor is not greater than four. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 397 to obtain this product we replace [AB] by its complementary form [a]. Then [AB]-y = [apy]. The result is the point in which a, 8, y intersect. Since a and £8 are planes passing through [4 B], this is the point in which [A B] intersects y. This method of obtaining the product is simple in conception but not analytically convenient. We shall therefore give a set of reduc- tion formulas by which the same results can be obtained in more useful form. The proof of these formulas is not essential for our purposes. Hence we give them without proof.1° The roman letters represent points, the greek letters planes. [ABC- DEF] = (ABCF)[DE] — (ABCE)[DF] + (ABCD)|EF] = (ADEF)|BC] — (BDEF)[AC]+ (CDEF)[AB]. (14) [ABC-DE] = (ABCE)D — (ABCD)E = (ABDE)C — (ACDE)B + (BCDE)A. (15) [a- ABC] = (aC)[|AB] — (aB)[AC] + (aA)[BC]. (16) [a- AB] = (aB)A — (aA)B. (17) Similar formulas can be obtained by replacing points by planes and planes by points. The following formula (ABCD)E = (ABCE)D — (ABDE)C + (ACDE)B —(BCDE)A (18) and the one that results by replacing points by planes are also some- times found useful. 5. The complex. Let A, B,C, D be four points not in a plane. Any two points P;, P. of space can be expressed as linear functions of A, B, C, D. ag = MA == ba B == aC == pW, P» = oA -- poB + oC + p2D. Hence [P:P2] = [(A.A + 11 4 61, -- piD) (2A + peB + oC + p2D)| = (Aime — Ag) [AB] + (Aso2 — doo1)[AC] + [Aip2 — Api) [AD] + (uio2 — b201)[BC] + (up, — popr)[BD] + (o1p2, — o2p1)[CD]. This shows that any line is a linear function of the six edges of a tetra- hedron. The sum of any number of lines is then obviously a linear 10 See Linear distance and angle or any of the works mentioned in note 6. 398 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. function of the six edges. These edges can be divided into two sets, those through the point A and those in the plane [BCD]. The lines through a point all intersect and so their sum is a line. For the same reason the sum of any number of lines in a plane is a line. Therefore the sum of any number of lines can be expressed as a sum of two lines, one through an arbitrary point A, the other in an arbitrary plane [BCD not passing through A. We have said that a matrix / ger || Cio Cig C14 C23 Co4 C34 | represents a complex line if the elements c,, are not the Pliicker coordinates of a line. It can be expressed as the sum of six matrices ken, O 0" 0 “0-0 , || 0 a30 0 0 0 ||, ete. Each of these represents a line. Hence any complex line can be repre- sented as the sum of six lines and consequently as the sum of two lines. Any complex p can then be expressed in the form p = [AB] + [CD]. By the product of p and any element I (point, line, plane or complex) we mean the sum [pl] = [ABI] + [CDT]. If p is expressed in a different form p= [A’B’] a= [C’D’] it is clear that [pI’] will have the same value as before. For example, if [is a point the coordinates of the plane [ABT] + [CDT] are definite linear functions of the sums Ci d; | Ck di. | G's ai; bi and the coordinates of [A’B’T'] + [C’D’T] are the same functions of the sums = Since [AB] + [CD] = [A’B’] + [C’D’] those sums are by definition equal. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. : 399 If the sum of [AB] and [CD] is a line, AB and CD intersect. For, if [AB] + [CD] = [PQ], then [ABP] + [CDP] = [PQP] = 0. This shows that [ABP] and [CDP] are the same plane and hence AB and CD lie in a plane and so intersect. The product of p by itself is [pp] = [(AB + CD)(AB + CD)| = 2(AB CD). If p is a complex line [AB] and [CD] do not intersect and so (ABCD) is not zero. If, however, p is a line [AB] (pp) = (AB- AB) = 0. (19) Hence the necessary and sufficient condition that a matrix ya | Cik | represent a simple line is (pp) = 0. p = [AB] + [CD] Let be a complex line and R=") DO be a line. The equation (pl) = (ABXY) + (CDXY) = 0 is a linear equation in the coordinates Li Xk Yi Yk of the line /. Hence the lines satisfying this equation constitute a linear complex. This complex is the totality of lines / satisfying the equation (pl) = 0. (20) — This is a different thing from p which in a sense is the envelope of the lines just as a point in a plane is different from the set of lines passing through it. For this reason we call p a complex line to distinguish it 400 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. from a linear complex. Where no ambiguity results we shall use the word complex for either the complex line or the linear complex. A complex p can be represented as a linear function of two lines of which one, /, can be any line not belonging to the linear complex, (pl) = 0. For a number ) can be found satisfying the equation. [(p — N)(p — N)] = (pp) — 2d(pl) + 2(U1) = 0. (21) Since / is a line, by (19), (//) = 0. Also by assumption (pl) is not zero. Hence if _ (ep) (pl)’ p=N+. The two lines / and I’ are said to be polar with respect to the complex. Any line of the complex that intersects one of them will intersect the other also. For, if qis a line of the complex cutting /, (pq) = 0, = (Ig) = 0. Hence from the equation (pq) = Ag) + Ug) it is seen that (l’¢) = 0 and so q intersects /. Let P be any point and p = [AB] + [CD] p — Nis aline l’ and so a complex. Then [Pp] = [PAB] + [PCD] (22) isa plane. If Q is any point in this plane (PpQ) = (p- PQ) = 0. Hence [PQ] is a line of the complex. All lines passing through P and lying in the plane [Pp] therefore belong to the complex. Hence [Pp] is what is known as the polar plane of P with respect to the complex. Similarly, if a is any plane [ap] THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 401 is what is called the pole of a with respect to the complex. All the lines of the complex, lying in the plane a, pass through the point [ap]. If / andl’ are polar lines with respect to p, p=rAN+al. If then X is a point on /, [X/] = 0 and so [Xp] = wl XV] which shows that the polar plane of X with respect to p contains the line U’. If the product (pq) of two complexes p and q is zero, the complexes are said to be in involution. In this case we shall say that the two complexes intersect from analogy with the case of two lines which intersect if their product is zero. If two lines h;, /2 satisfy a linear relation +r b = 0, Mu, 2 AO they coincide in position. If three lines satisfy a linear relation Aili + Yolo + Asls = O Aide, or As # O any line cutting two of them cuts the third and so they belong to a plane pencil. If four lines satisfy a linear relation Aly + rele + Asls +-Aals = O Aidg,Ag, or Ay ~ O any line cutting three cuts the fourth also. Hence they belong to the same system of generators on a quadric. If five lines satisfy a linear relation, the two lines cutting four of them will cut the fifth also and’ so they belong to a linear congruence. If six lines satisfy a linear relation they belong to a linear complex. Similarly if two’ complex lines satisfy a linear relation the linear complexes represented by them are identical. If three complex lines satisfy a linear relation, the linear complexes have a common congruence. If four complex lines satisfy a linear relation, the complexes have one system of generators on a quadric surface in common. If five satisfy a linear relation, the complexes have two lines in common. If six complex lines satisfy a linear rela- tion the complexes are in involution with a fixed complex. 402 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. II. Dyanics. 6. The indeterminate product. Grassmann! showed that there are four kinds of products characterized by laws which are the same for units and for any linear functions of the units. These are the algebraic, AB = BA, combinatory AB = — BA, that in which all products are zero, and that in which there is no relation between the products of independent units. Grassmann discussed the first two in detail, but it was left to the genius of Willard Gibbs to recognize the importance of the last. Because of the indefinite character of the result he called it the indeterminate product. We represent the indeterminate product of A and B by the notation AB. By definition this product obeys the following laws. AB + CD = CD + AB, (AB+ CD) + EF = AB+ (CD + EF), NAB + pAB = (A+ w)AB, A(B+ C) = AB+ AC, (A+ B)C = AC + BC, \AB = (AA)B = A(AB), 0-AB = 0, where A and B are extensive quantities (points, lines, planes or com- plexes) and \, » numbers. If the factors A and B of AB are replaced by equivalent expressions, and the product expanded by the above laws the sum of terms obtained is said to be equal to AB. Gibbs called the product AB a dyad. If Aj, Ao, A3,....An are extensive quantities of the same kind (points, lines, complexes, or planes) and B,, Bo, B;,...B, extensive quantities of the same kind, the sum ® = A,B, -+ Ay By + ate te SAAS is called a dyadic. The A’s are called the antecedents and the B’s the consequents of the dyadic. There are two products of a dyad AB and an extensive quantity C. These are AB-C = A[BC), C-AB = [CA]B. 11 Ausdehnungslehre, chapter 2, page 33. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. - 403 Similarly there are two products C® and ®C of C and a dyadic ®. These are obtained by multiplying C and each dyad of ® as above and adding the results. If X is complementary to the consequents exe (A(t) 2 Oat) hE AR) is an extensive quantity of the same kind (dimensions) as the ante- cedents. Hence y= Os is a linear transformation in which to each element X corresponds an element Y of the same kind as the antecedents. It can be shown that the most general linear transformation of these elements can be expressed in this way. Similarly if Y is complementary to the antecedents . Y=X@ is a transformation of elements X into elements Y of the same kind as the consequents. In this paper we shall consider the following types of dyadics. (a) The one-one dyadic, in which the antecedents and conse- quents are both points. (b) The three-three dyadic, in which the antecedents and conse- quents are both planes. (c) The one-three dyadics, in which the antecedents are points and the consequents are planes. (d) The two-two dyadics, in which the antecedents and conse- quents are both lines or complexes. (e) The one-two and two-one dyadics. (f) The two-three and three-two dyadics. 7. Idemfactors. A dyadic I such that XG" PX) (24) for all elements X of a given kind, is called an zdemfactor. In this case the antecedents and consequents must be complementary in kind. Therefore there are three idemfactors, a one-three, a three-one and a two-two. There is only one idemfactor of each of these types, For, if I, and Ip are dyadics such that X= 1X, AX = 1X, then Ce 1 yea [,)X = 0. 404. MOORE AND PHILLIPS. Since this is true for all elements X of the same kind, that is, of the same dimension it is easy to show that I, — I, = 0, which shows that J; and J» are identical. If £ is complementary to X, the idemfactor J in (24) satifies the equation £= <1. For, if we multiply each side of (24) by & we get (EX) = -IX) = (I-X). Hence [(é — &1)X] = 0 for all elements XY and so é—i7=0. 8. Conjugate, self-conjugate and anti-self-conjugate dy- adics. The dyadic ®, obtained by interchanging the antecedents and consequents of ® is called the conjugate of ®. Thus if ® A,B, + AcBo +....+ AnBz, Uma ee ee loyally a gee dls If X is complementary to the consequents, it is clear that @X = + X®G,. The sign is plus or minus according as [X B,] is equal to [B;X] or to its negative. Similarly if y is complementary to the antecedents . yh = = @-y. A dyadic ® is called self-conjugate if = ®, and anti-self-conjugate if @= — ,. In each case the antecedents and consequents must be quantities of the same kind. Any dyadic whose antecedents and consequents are quantities of the same kind can be expressed as the sum of a self-conjugate and of an anti-self-conjugate dyadic. For. b=} @+8)+}@-4,) THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 405 and it is clear that >( + ®,) is self-conjugate and 4 (6 — ®,) anti-self- conjugate. The one-three idemfactor is minus the conjugate of the three-one and vice versa, because if ® is the three-one idemfactor a® = a, or a= —®,a, since [aAd;] = — [Aja]. The two-two idemfactor is self-conjugate. 9. Products of two dyadics. By the product AB-CD of two dyads AB and CD is meant the indeterminate product A[BC]|D obtained by taking the outer product (see £4) of the adjacent factors B,C. In case [BC] is not a number, the result is an indeterminate product of three factors or a triad. If [BC] is a number, it is commuta- tive with A and the result is the dvad (BC) AD. Similarly the product of three dyads AB, CD, EF is defined as AB-CD-EF = A[BC|[DE|F and the product of two dyads and an extensive quantity FE is AB-CD-E = A|BC||DE] etc. In each case it is clear that the product is associative so far as dyads or dyads and extensive quantities are concerned. The product @Y of two dyadics is defined as the result of multi- plying each dyad of ® by each dyad of W and adding the results. Similarly the product of three or more dyadics is obtained by multi- plying them distributively. Since the product of dyads is associ- ative, the product of dyadics is associative. We have seen that the dyadic W as an operator transforms extengive quantities XY complementary to the consequents into extensive quan- tities WX of the same dimension as the antecedents. Jf the conse- quents of ® are complementary to the antecedents of V, PW is a dyadic which as an operator is equivalent to the operator WV followed by the operator ®. For if by the associative law Z=@-WX = OV-X. In the same way, if X is complementary to the antecedents of 6, XY is equivalent to the transformation X® followed by W as postfactor. 406 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. Tf the consequents of ® are complementary to the antecedents of an idemfactor J, pl = ®, For, if p = A,B, + AoB, +....+ AUB. by the definition of an idemfactor BI = B;, and so = A,B, a AoBy +. Sad ARB. = ®, Similarly if the consequents of J are complementary to the antecedents of ®, Id = ©. If there exists a dyadic Y such that oy = [ or Vi = [ ® and W are said to be inverse dyadics. In many cases these two relations of Y and ® will be equivalent, but there are some cases in which they are not. 10. Symbolic Notation. If we write a dyadic as (A) A,B, + ApoB, + boo + ALB, = LA;B;, the products of the dyadic with an extensive quantity X are (Bi 0 AG BEX = ASB ee ata =o Aa (C) [XA] By = [X Ay] By aight [XA,]Bn ae =[XA,JB;. Similarly if x (D) CD, + C.D. +....+ CrzDa = 2C,D; is a second dyadic, the products of the two dyadiecs are (E) 2A [BCr|D:, Zin |D :Ar|Br. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 407 With a dyadic is associated a number or extensive quantity (F) [A,By] + [42B.] +....+ [A4nBr] = 2[A:Bi] and the product of this with an extensive quantity a is (G) [4:Bi-a] + [42Bo-a] +....+ [4,B,-a] = Z[A:B;-al. Now if we observe the above relations (A) to (@) we will see that a similarity runs throughout which can be made the basis of a symbolic notation. This consists in replacing 2A;B; by a symbolic dyad AB and =C;D; by a symbolic dyad CD. We then have AB = TA;B,, A[BX] = 2A{B;X], [XA]B = 3[X4 JB, CD = ZC D;, AB-CD = ZA{B:Ci|D;, CD-AB = XC {D;Ax|B:, [AB] = =[A,B)], [AB-a] = >[A;B;-al. The symbolism consists in each case in omitting the summation sign and the subscripts. Conversely each symbolic expression is equiva- lent to the non-symbolic form obtained by introducing summation signs and attaching subscripts to the proper letters. By this notation operations on dyadics appear like operations with simple dyads and the results can be expanded and handled much the same as ordinary extensive quantities. Thus if A; and B; are points and aa plane, the last expression can be expanded in the form [AB-a] = >[A;B;-a] => D(A ja) B; = >(B ja) Ai, and if we put 2(A,a)B; = (Aa)B, 2(Bia)A, = (Ba)A, we have [AB-a] = (Aa)B — (Ba)A, which follows the ordinary Grassmann formula for expansion of a product. Two dyadics AB and CD have a double product defined by AB:CD = [AC] [BD]. The significance and properties of these double products will be dis- cussed later. 408 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. It is clear that these symbolic forms will not be ambiguous if each of the letters A, B, C, D does not occur more than once in a product. If the same dyadic occurs more than once in a product, we represent it in each of its positions by a different pair of letters. Thus to obtain the product of AB with itself, we let AB = A’B’ and so write the result in the form A[BA’|B’ = DA {B;Ax|By If we write it in the form A[BA]B it is not clear whether this means A[BA’|B’ or A[B’A’|B. It is evident also that a product containing one of the letters A or B without the other, such as [AC]D has no significance. 11. The one-three ond three-one dyadics. These dyadics have been investigated quite extensively by Gibbs,? Wilson? and Phillips.* We shall therefore state only a few facts about them. A one-three dyadic has the form BB = BiB, + BoB, +....+ BnBn where the B’s are points and the f’s planes. Since the planes can be expressed as linear functions of any four not passing through a point, the dyadic can be expressed in the simpler form, BB = BiB: + BoP, + BsB3 + BBs, where (1, 62, 63, 64 are any four planes not passing through a point. In the same way instead of the four planes, the four points Bi, By B3, Bs could be assigned arbitrarily. As an operator on points X, this dyadic gives a collineation Y = BBX) = BBX) + Bo(QoX) + Bs(B3X) + Bs(B.X). If X is the intersection of the planes f2, 63, 64 X = [68384], (2X) = (83X) = (81X) = 0, and Y = B,(B:628364). Hence the vertices of the tetrahedron 1, Be, 83, 84 pass by the collinea- tion into the points By, Bo, Bs, B,. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. . 409 Let Ai, Ao, As, As, be four points, not in a plane, with magnitudes so chosen that (A, A424 3A 4) = ill. Let [A,A2A3] = as, [4,A2A4] = —as, [A,43A4] = Q2, [42A3A 4] = Chil It is then easily seen that la; A=, 1 lee, tek (25) la; AJ=0, 1%}. (26) Four points A; and four planes a; satisfying these equations are said to form a reciprocal system.’ If the points A; and the planes a; form a reciprocal system, the dyadic I = Aja; + Asag + Azaz3 + Asag (27) is an idemfactor. For equations (25), (26) show that TA; = A; Since any point X can be expressed in the form X = mA, + mAo + 7343+ 24As, it follows that TX = 2A, + mA + 2343+ 24d, = X. If the antecedents are points lying in a plane or the consequents are planes passing through a point, the dyadic is called singular. Suppose Bi, Bo, Bs, Bs lie in a plane. Then Ps can be expressed as a linear function of P;, Po, P3. Hence the dyadic BB = ByB, + Bobs + B383 + BBs can be written in the form By, = By + Beyo + Bsy3. (28) 12 The reciprocal system was fundamental in Gibbs’ work on dyadics. See Gibbs-Wilson Vector Analysis. Also the paper by Wilson mentioned in note 3. 410 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. A similar result will be obtained if the planes 8; pass through a point. Hence any singular dyadic can always be expressed as the sum of three dyads. Conversely if the dyadic can be expressed in this form, it is evidently singular. If X is the point of intersection of the planes 1, ye, y3 in (28) BBX) = 0. If a one-three dyadic is singular there is then a point X such that B (BX) is zero. Conversely, if there is such a point the dyadic is singular. For, if B(BX) a By (6X) ae Bo(B.X) = B3(B3X) se B,(84X) =0 either (6X) = (6X) = (83X) = (64X) =O and the four planes pass through the point X, or the four points B; satisfy a linear relation and so lie in a plane. If a one-three dyadic ® is not singular it has an inverse ®-! such that 66-1 = [J = op (29) is the one-three idemfactor. To show this, let ® = BiB; + BoP. + B383 + BBs. Since B,, Bs, B3, By do not lie in a plane, we can associate with them four planes 1, Y2,Y3, Ys such that the points and planes form a reciprocal system. Similarly let Ci, C2, C3, C4 form with 1, Bo, Bs, Ba a reciprocal system. Then (yi:Bi) = (6.Ci) = 1 (30) (y:B;) = (B:C;) = 0, LA j. Using these equations it is easy to show that @-1 = Cry + Coy2 + Coys + Cavs has the required property. Also bh = [ = bh". (31) The quantity (BB) = (Bibi) + (BeBe) + (BsBs) + (BBs) is called the scalar of the dyadic. It is evidently independent of the form in which the dyadic is written. For, if the B’s and #’s are THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. - 411 expressed as linear functions of new elements B’; and 6’; and so the dyadic is expressed in a new form, by the distributive law of outer multiplication, the scalar of the dyadic will at the same time be transformed into the scalar of the dyadic in the new form. The same conclusion follows also from the fact that the laws of the indetermi- nate multiplication are included among those of any distributive multiplication whose operations are commutative with multiplication by a scalar. Hence if an equation is satisfied by dyads, the equation will still be satisfied, if the indeterminate products are replaced by any such distributive products. A function of a dyadic independent of the form in which the dyadic is written will be called an invariant if it is a scalar, a covariant if it is an extensive quantity or dyadic. In a similar way we define invari- ants and covariants of two or more dyadics. If the scalar of the dyadic is zero it was shown by Pasch }° that there exist certain tetrahedra such that each vertex passes, by the colline- ation, set up by the dyadic, into a point of the opposite plane and, conversely, if any such tetrahedron exists the scalar of the dyadic is zero. The discussion of the three-one dyadic runs exactly similar to the one-three of which it is the conjugate. As an operator it gives also a collineation but in this case it is a collineation in planes instead of in points. If the antecedents a; and the consequents A; form a recipro- cal system, the dyadic aA = [ayAy ob ar As -+- a3A3 + asAg| (32) is the three-one idemfactor. The scalar of a three-one dyadic is the negative of the scalar of its conjugate (which is one-three) and consequently the vanishing of this scalar has the same signification. 12. One-one and three-three dyadics. A one-one dyadic has the form BC = B,C, + BoC. +....+ Baln. Since the points B,, B,,....B, can be expressed as linear functions of four, the dyadic can always be reduced to the form BC = B,C, ob BoC + B3C3 LE BC. (33) 13 Vollkommene Invariante, Math. Ann. Vol. 52, page 128. 412 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. Any four points not lying in a plane can be taken as antecedents or as consequents. As an operator on planes the dyadic gives a correlation which trans- forms each plane £ into a point X = B(CE) = By(Cié) + Bo(C2£) + Bs(C3é) + Ba(Caé). If £ is the plane [C.C3C4], (B.£) = (B3é) = (Baé) = 0, and xX = B, (C1C2C'3C 4) . If then the consequents do not lie in a plane, the correlation transforms the planes of the tetrahedron C; C2 Cz C4 into the points By, Bo, B3, Bs. Since the antecedents and consequents of the one-one dyadic are extensive quantities of the same dimension it can be expressed as the sum of a self-conjugate and an anti-self-conjugate dyadic. & = 3(@ + &.) + 3(@ — &,). We therefore consider these two types of dyadics first. A self-conjugate one-one dyadic can be expressed in the form BB = BiB, ar B.B, tr B3B3 35 ByB,. (34) (35) To show this, express the antecedents and consequents in terms of four points, Ay, As, A3, A4, not lying ina plane. The dyadic will then take the form DA ixAiAr, 1, k — ik 2s 3; 4, Since the dyadic is self conjugate DrAxcA:Ax = DritAzrA;.- Hence Nik = Ani Consider the quadratic form DA :RUiLE where the x’s are numbers. . Four linear functions Yn = 2ilnmtmn can be found such that LA gkUiLE = Uae (A) THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 413 Let By = Zing (E) Using these values, let EB. B, = DvirAd jAp. (F) Since (F) is obtained from (EF) in the same way that (D) is from (C) except that A;A; is not equal to A;A; we must have Vik + vei = Aik + Ani = Zick. (G) Also, since the left side of (F’) is symmetric Vik = Vie | (H) From (G) and (#) we get Vik = NE Therefore (F) is equivalent to BB = DB.B, = Dri~A Ar. A self-conjugate dyadic represents a polarity. For the transform of a plane é is the point X = B(BéE) = Bi(Bié) + Bo(Boé) + Bs(Bs&) + Ba(Bué). (36) This point is the pole of & with respect to the quadric surface (Bi é)? + (Boé)? + (Bsé)? + (Baé)? = 0. The points B,, Bo, B;, Bs form a self-polar tetrahedron with respect to the quadric. For, the pole of the plane [B,; By B3], from (86), is B,(B,B,B2B3) + Bo(B2B,B2B3) + B3(B3BiB.B3) + By(BsB,B2B3) = — Bs(BiB2B3B,). Thus the pole of [B,B.B3] is the point B, and similarly with the other faces of the tetrahedron. An anti-self-conjugate dyadic represents a null-system. For if, BC = BiC, + B.C, + B3C3+ Bil, is anti-self-conjugate, DBC; = —=C.B; = $2(BC; — C;B,). Hence (EB) (CE) = 32{ (EBs) (C€) — (ECi)(Bé)} = O. 414 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. For (£B;) = —(Bié), (EC) = —(C.é) and since these products are numbers they are commutative. Since (&B)(C£) = [&-B(C)], this shows that B(Cé) is a point in the plane &. Every plane £ therefore - passes by the correlation X = BC) into a point lying on &. The correlation is therefore a null-system. As an operator on planes the anti-self-conjugate dyadic gives the same result as finding the poles of the planes with respect to the complex 3 p = 5[BiC\] + [B2C2] + [BsCs] + [B.C4]} or [pt] = 32[B.C €] = 32{ (EBC; — (EC)B,} = 31(EB)C — (EC)B} 52(BC; — CiBi)E = 3(BC — CBE. This transformation therefore transforms each plane into its pole with respect to the complex p. We have seen that any dyadic is the sum of two, one of which is self-conjugate representing a polarity, the other anti-self-conjugate representing a null system. The dyadic transforms any plane & into a point B(Cé) = 3{B(Cé) + C(BE)} + 31 B(Cé) — C(BE)} on the line joining the points into which it is transformed by the polarity (BC + CB) and by the null-system 3(BC — CB). With a one-one dyadic is associated a complex (or line) p = [BC] = [B,Ci) + [B.C2] + [BsC3] + [B1C4]. This is a covariant of BC as can be shown by the same argument used to show that the scalar of the one-three dyadic is an invariant. We shall call this the complex of the dyadic. If BC transforms é into a point of 7 and 7 into a point on &, the intersection of £ and 7 is a line of the complex p. For, if (B(Cé)n) = 2(Bin)(Cé) = 0, (A) (B(C-n)é) = =(BE)(Cin) = 9, (B) then (p-&) = D(BC;-&) = D{(Bé)(Cn) — (CE)\(Bien)} = 0. (C) Conversely, through each line of the complex pass pairs of planes that are transformed in this way. For, if [&y] is a line of the complex THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 415 and the transform of £ is on 7, (A) and (C) are satisfied and so (B) must be satisfied. the transform of 7 will always lie on é if that of & lies on 7». This indicates a polarity. In fact, if p = 0, (pé) = 0 and so 3(BC — CB)E = 0 where — is any plane, since the dyadic $ (BC — CB) gives the same transformation as the null system set up by p. Then it is easy to see that BC —CB=0 or Os 6 Be The dyadic being self conjugate represents a polarity. In this case equation (D) shows that the four lines [B;C;] belong to the same system of generators on a quadric. For it is a linear relation between four lines. A polarity thus transforms the planes of any tetrahedron into the vertices of a second tetrahedron such that the lines joining corre- sponding vertices of the two tetrahedrons belong to the same set of genera- tors on a quadric. In general two sets of four points B;, and C; can be found such that - two one-one dyadics ® and WV can be written in the form G = BC, + BC, == BC; a B.C4, WV = NBC, +- NBC, + A3B3C3 + NBC, ay) where the \’s are numbers. For, in general, there exists a set of four independent planes a; which transform by both dyadics into the same set of four independent points B;. If we take the C’s as the vertices of the tetrahedron formed by the a’s and properly choose the magni- tudes of the B’s, the dyadics will take the above forms. If the planes of a tetrahedron C1, Cx, Cs, Cs transform into points B,, Bo, B3, Bs such that the lines [BC ;| belong to one system of generators of a quadric, the other system of generators of that quadric belong to p. For, if / is a generator of that second system, (1 B,C;) = 0. Hence (lp) = =(IB,C;) = 0, and consequently / belongs to the complex p. We shall now show that such points B;,,C; exist. We have just seen that two dyadics ®,W can be reduced to the form (36). This form shows that ® 416 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. transforms the planes of the tetrahedron C,C,C3C, into the points Bi, Bs, B3, Bs. Now let Y represent a polarity. Then the lines [B,C] belong to a quadric. This shows that B,C; have the required property. The three-three dyadic is the dual of the one-one. It transforms points into planes and can be expressed as a sum of four terms exactly dual to the one-one. Associated with each three-three dyadic a8 = aiBi + a282 + a383 + asa is a covariant complex P = [a181] + [a26o] + [a383) + [asB,). As in case of the one-one dyadic it can be shown that if a8 transforms a point A into a plane passing through B and the point B into a plane passing through A, then the line joining A and B is a line of the complex p. 13. Two-three and two-one dyadics. A two-three dyadic has the form gB = =q:8:, where the §’s are planes and the q’s are either lines or complexes. Since the planes can be expressed as linear functions of four not through a point, the dyadic can be written gB = Gi + @B2 + g383 + gab. The consequents can be any four planes not passing through a point. The antecedents cannot, however, be assigned arbitrarily. For, the four complexes qg; in general have two lines /; and 2 in common. We call these the singular lines of the dyadic. It is clear that (l.q)8 = (hq)B = 0. As an operator on points the dyadic determines a transformation of points YX into lines or complexes p = q(BX) = Bq.(6:X). If the transform of X is a line, (pp) = 2(qiqu)(BiX)(BxX) = O. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 417 The points that are transformed into lines therefore lie on the quadric Q, whose equation is =(qign)(BsX)(B.X) = O. Points on a generator of the quadric transform into lines any one of which is a linear function of any two others. Such a system of lines is a flat pencil. Hence the points of a generator transform into the lines of a flat pencil. If the quadric is not singular, take a skew quadrilateral on it and let 81, B2, 83, Bs be the planes determined by consecutive sides. Then ™, q, q3, q4 will be lines for they correspond to the vertices of the quadrilateral (which are points of Q). Further- more, gq; and q belong to a pencil and so intersect. Similarly q@ intersects q3 etc. The four lines therefore form a quadrilateral. If J is a diagonal of the quadrilateral it cuts all the lines g;.__ Hence (Iq)8 = 0. The diagonals are therefore the same (being the singular lines of the dyadic) whatever quadrilateral 6, 82, B3, 84 is taken on the quadric Q. The flat pencils corresponding to points on a generator have their vertices on one of those diagonals and their planes pass through the other. All the generators of one system of Q give pencils with vertices on one diagonal, all those of the other system give pencils with vertices on the other diagonal. Points of a plane transform into complexes with one system of generators on a quadric Rk in common. Points on the intersection of the plane with Q transform into the other system of generators of R. If the plane is tangent to Q, points on the intersection transform into lines of two plane pencils. If Q degenerates into a cone, points on a generator still transform into the lines of a pencil. In case of the general quadric, the pencils corresponding to one system of generators have vertices on one line, those corresponding to the other system have vertices on another. In case of the cone, the two systems of generators coincide. Hence, the two lines on which the vertices lie, coincide. This line belongs to all the pencils and so is the transform of the vertex of the cone. In this case the four complexes qi, q@, qs, g4 have only one line in common. Two points X, Y are harmonic with respect to Q if =(qiqz)[(BiX)(B.Y) + (BiY)(BcX)] = O. 2qi8i= ZqiB. = & = GB Since 418 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. this is equivalent to [bX -bY] + [SY -PX] = 2[bX-SY] = 0. This expresses that the complexes ®X and ®Y that correspond to points harmonic with respect to the quadric Q are in involution. And conversely, if the complexes are in involution, the points are harmonic with respect to Q. With a two-three dyadic gB = 2q:8; P = [9:6 il. This is a covariant of the dyadic. In order to obtain a geometrical interpretation for it suppose (1, 62, 83,84 so chosen that the four points [q,8;] lie in a plane. Then P (being a linear function of the points [q¢;8;]) lies in the same plane. That is, if the vertices of a tetra- hedron transform into four complexes such that the polar points of the opposite planes are four points in a plane, that plane passes through the point P. That such tetrahedra i, B2, Bs, 84 exist can be shown as follows. Let is associated a point gb = mBi + gqoBo + g3Bs + qsGu. If the points [q,8;] satisfy a linear relation, the planes 6; have the required property. If not, at least one of the products [q:8x], 1 ¥ &, must be different from zero. Let [q483] be different from zero. The dyadic can be written gB = “Bi + g@2B2 + (qs = dqa)B3 ar qa(Ba + X83). Let a be the plane passing through [qS1], [qS2] and P. Since [q33] and [qu84] are not equal [q.83] cannot equal both of them. Suppose [q384] and [qu83| are different points. Then d can be chosen such that [qiB1], [q28e], [(g3 — qs) Bs] and P lie in a plane. Since. P = [81] + [q2B2] + [gs — @4)B3] + [qa(Bs + ABs)] this plane must pass through: [q4(@1 + B3)]. Hence 1, Bo, Bs, Bs + AB; have the required property. The discussion of the two-one dyadic can be taken by duality from the discussion of the two-three. The dyadic can be written in the form qB = GB. + @B2 + 93Bs + qaBu. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. . 419 where the B’s are any four independent points. The q’s are not any four complexes but four that have two given lines in common. This dyadic transforms planes into lines or complexes. The planes which are transformed into lines envelope a quadric whose equation is (qiqx) (Bia) (Bra) = 0. Associated with the two-one dyadic is a covariant plane whose property is the dual of the covariant point of the two-three. 14. Two-two dyadics. A two-two dyadic has the form TS = 1181 + Tesh. f+... -TnSny the r’s and s’s being complexes (or lines). Since any complex can be expressed as a linear function of six that are linearly independent, the dyadic can be reduced to the form TS = 1181 + TeS2 + 1383 + T484 + 585 + Tese, in which any six linearly independent complexes (or lines) can be taken as antecedents or consequents. As an operator, the dyadic determines a transformation of complexes p into complexes p’ = r(sp) = =r;(s.p). The lines that transform into lines belong to a quadratic complex g, consisting of lines p satisfying the equation [r(sp)-r(sp)] = 0. Similarly, the complexes that transform into lines are the complexes p satisfying this quadratic equation. The lines of the quadratic complex g transform into the lines of another quadratic complex g’. If two lines p and q of g intersect, the pencil of lines p+ dg will, in general, transform into the pencil of complexes p’ + dq’. If, however, p+ dq is the pencil of lines of g which lie in a singular }* plane, p’ + Aq’ will, for all values of X, represent a line. Hence the lines in the singular planes of g transform into the lines in the singular planes of g’._ It is to be noticed that the 14 In general the lines of a quadratic line complex which lie in a given plane envelope a conic. There are however # ? planes in which these conics degen- erate. These planes are called singular planes. See Jessop, page 89. 420 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. dyadic does not, in general, set up a contact transformation, i. e., intersecting lines do not, in general, go into intersecting lines. What we have shown is that the contact of pairs of lines in the singular pencils of g is preserved. The lines of a pencil p + dq, in general, transform into a pencil of complexes p’ + dq’. In this pencil are two special complexes that are lines. These correspond to the two lines of the pencil p + dq that belong to g. The lines of a plane transform into.a two parameter linear system of complexes. The special complexes of this system are one system of generators on a quadric. These correspond to the lines of g which lie in the plane (and so envelope a conic). Similarly, the lines through a point go into a two parameter linear system of complexes whose quadric of singular elements corresponds to the cone of lines passing through the point and belonging to g. Any two-two dyadic can be expressed as the sum of a self-conjugate and an anti-self-conjugate dyadic. For rs = Iris; = $2(ris; t+ sii) +3208; — sir, = 3(rs t+ sr) + 3(rs — sr). The first term is seen to be self-conjugate and the second term anti- self-conjugate. A self-conjugate two-two dyadic is analogous to a polarity. For such a dyadic rs we have the relation r(sp) = (pr)s. Hence, if 0, (qr) (sp) (pr) (sq) = 0, that is, if p transforms into a complex (or line) in involution with q, then qg transforms into a complex (or line) in involution with p. Express rs in terms of six linearly independent complexes qi, g@,. - “6; then Ts — Laie iGk- If the dyadic is self-conjugate La ik iQe = VOindedi- Hence Qik = Aki. Such a dyadic can always be reduced to the form Aipipi + Axpop. +....+ AsPePe THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. - 421 the p’s being complexes or lines and the \’s numbers. This reduction can be accomplished by the same transformation that reduces the quadratic form Da kik (A) to asum of squares. Suppose, in fact, the transformation Yi = Vwinre (B) reduces (A) to the form Ayr” + ayo” +... . + oye”. (C) ‘When we replace the y’s in (C) by the values from (B) and expand, the coefficient of x;x;, will be ck te ks asin (A). Now let Pi = Tpirde (D) Then Aipip1 + Aepope + ...-+ AsPeds (E) will be equal to rs. For when we replace the p’s in (E) by their values from (D) and expand, the sum of the coefficients of p;pz and pgp; in the result (as in the case of the quadratic form) will be Oni + Giz = 2aig. Also from the symmetry of (E) it is clear that the coefficients of pipz and pp; will be equal. Hence each is equal to ai, and so (E) is equal to rs. In the manipulation of the dyadic and the quadratic form the principal difference is that x;v;, = a,x; while pip, and pzp; need not be equal. The above discussion shows that the reduction to the sum of squares does not require that the individual products be commutative but merely that the whole dyadic be self conjugate. Any self-conjugate two-two dyadic can be expressed in the form rs = (pips + papr) + u(prxps + psp2) + v(pspe + peps) where pr, po... ps are complexes (or lines) and X, wu, »v numbers. To show this, first reduce rs to the form rs = MN + Aeqege +... -+ Aeqege- 493 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. Then let p= Van + V = age pa= Vadim — V — age RP = Vdoge == V — daqs Ps VAoge 7 V —Asqs ps = VA3qa + V — Aedes po= Vrd3qgs — V — dcGe Using these values it is readily seen that rs = 3(pipa + par) + 3(pops + psp) + 2(pspo + Peps). If none of the quantities q1, gz, . . ., ge are zero this has the form required. If p: is zero we can replace it by any complex and let \ be zero in the expression rs = (pips + papi) +...-. Hence every self-conjugate two-two dyadic can be reduced to this form, 71, P2,...p6 bemg complexes. Every self-conjugate two-two dyadic can be expressed as the product of a dyadic and its conjugate. That is, if W is any such dyadic, a dyadic ® = rs can be found such that a To show this reduce WV to the form W = Xpipat paps) + (pops + psp) + v(pspe+ Peps). (A) Let qm, @...Ge6 be the edges of a tetrahedron, qi and qs, gq: and qs, gz and q¢ being the pairs of non-intersecting edges. Choose the mag- nitudes of the q’s such that [qq] = [qoq5) = [q3qel = |. Now let Dd = wiGipi + begepe +... .MeYePe- Then PO = pypya(prps + papr) + woms(pops + Psp2) + wsec(pspe + Peps). Comparison of this with (A) shows that we can make ®,6 = WV by choosing 1, we. . .ue Such that Midas = X, Mois = My Mae = V. By using the theorem just proved we can show that the complex g of lines which are transformed into lines is a general quadratic complex, THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. ~ 423 i. e. any quadratic complex consists of the lines thus transformed by some two-two dyadic. In fact g consists of all lines p satisfying the equation Beale |e. Plea eel 0 We have just shown that ® can be determined such that W is any self- conjugate two-two dyadic. Now any homogeneous quadratic equa- tion in the Pliicker coordinates of a line p can be written in the form [pv p] = 0 where W is a self-conjugate two-two dyadic. Hence any quadratic com- plex is the complex g of some two-two dyadic ®. Suppose next, that ® is an anti-self-conjugate two-two dyadic. Let m, q@....qe be six linearly independent complexes. Then ® can be written D = Laing ide. Since b= — 4, Langiqe = — Vaingnqi whence Qik = — Aki. The dyadic can therefore be written = ay(Gige ora goqr) =e ai3(Qq3 r q3qi) =e ara(qigs ag qaqi) alee Suppose one of the coefficients aj, say a4, is not zero. Let Auapa = a1242 aia 01393 == 01444 = 01545 == 0164 65 Mii being an arbitrarily assigned number which is zero if the right side of the equation is zero. By using this equation eliminate qs from ® and so reduce it to the form = Aua(qips =F pag) FRG ee In this form q appears only in the term qps — qapi. The others con- tain qe, Y3, 94, 75, qe. Similarly, if gq occurs in more than one of the combinations q: qi — qzqi a new complex can be introduced such that gq. will appear in only one combination. Finally q3 can be treated in the same way. The dyadic will then have the form B® = Ays(Qups — pagi) + ros(Qops — Psq2) + As6(G3pe — Pegs) +- 424 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. Each of the remaining terms contains p4, ps, or ps. A sum of terms Ma(qips — Gapi) + res(qops — apo) +.... can be combined into a single term Mia(pips = psp) where Nu4P1 = Aug — Aosge -{- bar 14 ot Hence the dyadic can be reduced to the form ® = dua(pips — pspr) =e Nos (pops = Psp2) ar As6(p3pe 77 Peps). The complexes pi, p2.. . ps can be taken linearly independent. If, for example, ps were a linear function of the others it could be replaced by this linear function and the dyadic would then be expressed in terms of 5 complexes, pi, P2....ps5. The above process would then reduce ® to two terms instead of three. This is a special case in which one of the coefficients 14, Aes, A36 IS Zero. An anti-self-conjugate dyadic ® transforms any complex p into a complex in involution with p. For bp = pe, = — p®. Hence [php] = — [php] = 0. This expresses that ®p and p are in involution. A very important type of two-two dyadic is that which gives the same transformation of lines and complexes as a point collineation or a point-plane correlation. The peculiarity of such a transformation is that it preserves contact, that is, it transforms intersecting lines into intersecting lines and complexes in involution into complexes in involution. If ® is such a dyadic Dp Pp, = pO Pp, = O whenever x Dip 0. These are linear equations in the coordinates of p; and p2 such that the first is always satisfied when the second is. Hence there must be a constant \ such that PP Pp. = Apipr. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. ~ 425 If I is the two-two idemfactor this is equivalent to plP& — XI |p = 0. Hence Did — Nie Conversely, if this condition is satisfied the dyadic determines a collinea- tion or correlation. If a collineation or correlation is set wp by either a self-conjugate or an anti-self-conjugate dyadic, the transformation is an involution. For then {D = Se aD. Pp hi, Hence Cee Ul which shows that two applications of the transformation ® gives identity. Hence ® determines an involution. II. Dous.e Propuwcts. 15. The double product 1° of two dyads AB and CD is defined as [AC] [BD]. In general this is a new dyad. If one of the factors [AC], [BD] is a scalar, it is however an extensive quantity. If both factors are scalars, the double product is a scalar. The double product of two dyadics AB = ZA,B; CD = XCD; is the sum of terms AB:CD = dIAC;| [BD;| = [AC] [BD] obtained by multiplying the two dyadics distributively. Since the products [4;C;] and [B; D;] are distributive, if the antecedents or the consequents of either dyadic are replaced by their values as linear 15 Gibbs-Wilson, Vector Analysis, page 306. Wilson’s paper quoted above. 426 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. functions of other extensive quantities; the double product of the dyadics in the new form will be equal to that in the old. The double product is thus independent of the form in which the dyadics are expressed. Hence it is a covariant of the two dyadics. The geometrical interpretation of the double product [AC] [BD] depends on whether [BD], that is [B;D;], is a progressive or a regressive product. Suppose [BD] is progressive and X a space complementary to [BD]. Express X as a product of planes &;, a [E1é>. : Seale Divide. the planes into two sets. Call the product of the planes in one set a; and the product of the planes in the other set 6; and arrange the planes in the sets so that X = [a;8i). If the sets are so chosen that 8; is complementary to D, the reduction formulas (§4) give [DX] = Zai(DBi), the summation being for all combinations of the planes, Ob.. see in sets a;,G8;. Therefore [AC] [BDX] = [AC] [B- DX] = [AC]2(Ba;) (DB). This result can be written [AC] [BDX] = >[A(Ba;)C(DB;)]. This shows that if a; is transformed by AB and B; by CD and tf the trans- forms are then joined, [AC] |BDX] will be a linear function of the joins. This is true in whatever way X is expressed as a product of planes. If [BD] is regressive we proceed as before except that X is expressed as a product of points instead of planes. If B and D are of comple- mentary dimensions, either points or planes may be used. Suppose, for example, AB = ZA.B,, CD = 2C 7D; A;, B,, C;, D; being points. Let ZL be any line and &, &, two planes through it. Transform &, by AB and & by CD. The result is two points whose joinisaline p. Transform & by AB and & by CD. Let the join of the corresponding points be g. Then [AC] [BD] transforms THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. - 427 L into a line or complex r such that r is a linear function of p and q. Hence p and q are polar with respect to r (see $5). This is true for every pair of planes & and & passing through Z. To find the complex or line into which [AC] [BD] transforms L, we therefore find the complex or line with respect to which p and q are polar whatever pair of planes are taken through L. As a second case consider a correlation AB and collineation Cy,A;, B,, C; being points and y a plane. The double product [AC] (By) is a complex or line.’ In this case (By) is a number and so X must be a number. If P;, Ps, P3, Ps are the four vertices of a tetrahedron we may take xX = (PiP2P3P:). Transform P, by the collineation Cy and the opposite plane [P2P3P4] by AB. Let the join of the resulting points be p;. Proceed in the same way with the other vertices of the tetrahedron and the planes opposite them. The above general discussion shows that [AC|(By)X, and so, [AC|(By) is a complex or line belonging to the congruence deter- mined by the four lines thus obtained. This is true for every tetrahedron Py, Po; P35 Ps As a final illustration consider the case of a one-one dyadic AB and a two-two dyadic pg, The double product [Ap] [Bq] is a three-three dyadic. Let X be any point and &, &, &; three planes through it. Let Ri = A(Bé), mn = p(quéeés). The join of R; and 7, is a plane [Rir|.. Permuting &, &, &; we get three such planes. The three planes intersect in a point. By the above general discussion that point is on the plane into which [Ap] [Bq] trans- forms X. This is true for every set of three planes through X. 16. Double products with idemfactors. In particular the double product of a dyadic ® and an idemfactor is an invariant or covariant of ®. This is a special case of the preceding general dis- cussion. For example let Aa be the dyadic determining the identical point collineation and let ® = BB 428 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. represent any other point collineation. Then the double product [AB] [af] transforms any line L into a line or complex = [AB](aB-L) = — [BA](a-BL). Since (aL) is a pure regressive product. Furthermore, this is equiva- lent to — B- Aa-([BL] = — [B-BL] = [BL-8] since Aa is the idemfactor. This complex is determined as follows. Let XY, Y be two points on L and X’, Y’ their transforms by ®. Join X to Y’and Y to X’.. Then by the general theorem of the preceding section L’ is a linear function of the two lines thus obtained. That is, these lines are polar lines with respect to L’. This is true whatever pair of points X, Y are taken on L. This proves the following geo- metrical theorem. Let X, Y,Z be any three distinct points on L and X’, Y’ Z’, three distinct points on any other line. A dyadic BB can be found which will transform X, Y, Z into X’, Y’, Z’. There- fore the three pairs of lines XY’, YX’; XZ', ZX’; YZ', ZY’ are pairs of polar lines with respect to a complex, namely, the complex into which [AB] [a6] transforms [XY]. This is the generalization of the theorem of Pappus for the hexagon inscribed in two lines in a plane. The dyadic [AB] [a8] will represent a collineation if and only if every line X Y transforms into a line X’Y’ cutting it. The collineation BB then gives a transformation of lines which is a null system. By §14 BB then determines an involution. We can write BB in the form BB = BICDE} = B [CDi Ej] + By[C2D2.E5} + B[C3D3E3| + BalCD4Ey). Then [AB] [a8] = [AB] [a- CDE]. [AB]{ (aE)[CD] — (aD)[CE] + (aC)[DE]}} — B- Aa: {E[CD] — D[CE] + CIDE}} — [BE] [CD] + [BD] [CE] — [BC] [DE]. This gives the dyadic in a form that does not involve the idemfactor. The result can be obtained from B(CDE| THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. . 429 by a symbolic multiplication of B and CDE analogous to the outer product. Again, let pq be the two-two idemfactor. Then [Bp] [aq] is a three-three dyadic which transforms any plane € into a plane E = [Bp] (6q-&) = B-pq- BE = [B- BE] To interpret this let XY, Y, Z be any three non-collinear points on & and X’, Y’, Z’ their transforms by BS. Join X’ to YZ, Y’ to XZ, Z' to XY. By the general theorem of the preceding section these planes intersect ina point on’. This is true, whatever points X, Y, Z are taken on & This involves the following geometrical theorem. Take four points X, Y, Z, W in a plane, no three of which are col- linear, and four points X’, Y’, Z’, W’ in a second plane. A dyadic BB can be found which will transform X, Y, Z, W, into X’, Y’, Z’, W’. Joining the points X, Y, Z and X’, Y’, Z’, W’ as above we get a point. Similarly, Y,Z,W and Y’, Z’,W’ determine a second point ete. In this way we get four points which lie in a plane, namely, in the plane into which [Bp] [8q] transforms LX YZ]. If we write BG in the form BB = BICDE|, [Bp] [-Bg] = [Bp]{(qCD)E — (qCE)D + (qDE)C} = B-pq: {[CD]E — [CE|D + [DE|C} = [BCDIE — [BCE|D + (BDE)C. This can be regarded as a symbolic product of B and [CDE] analogous to the outer product. Finally let aA be the three-one idemfactor. The double product of this and the dyadic Bf is (ba) (BA) = — b-aA-B = — (08). When this is zero the scalar, or linear invariant, of the dyadic vanishes. When the double product of two dyadics vanishes, we shall call them apolar. 'To interpret this let Ai, As, Az, A4 be the vertices of a tetra- hedron and ay, a2, a3,a4 the opposite planes. Let BS transform Aj, Ao, A3, Ag into the points Aj’. A’, Az’, Ay’. The general theorem states that (A;’a1), (Ae’a2), (A3’a3), (Aa’a4) will satisfy a linear relation. 430 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. If then three of these numbers are zero the fourth will be zero also. This is Pasch’s theorem ?° that if a collineation represented by BB, with sealar invariant zero, transforms each of three vertices of a tetra- hedron into a point of the opposite plane, it will transform the fourth vertex into a point of its opposite plane. Let Aa and Bf both be idemfactors and let L = (XY) be any line. Then [AB](aB8-L) = [AB](ap-XY) [AB]{ (aX) (BY) — (aY)(6X)} A(aX)-BB- Y + B(BX)- Aa: Y [XY] + [XY] = 2L. Hence [AB](aB-L) = 2L and so [AB] [a6] = 2pq where pq is the two-two idemfactor. The double product of the one- three idemfactor with itself is thus twice the two-two idemfactor. The double product of the idemfactor Aa and a one-one dyadic CD is the line or complex [CA] [Da] = — C-Aa-D = — [CD]. We have called this the complex of the dyadic. The general theorem states that if CD transforms the planes of the tetrahedron X1, Xo, X3, X4 into the points Yi, Yo, Y3, Ys, the complex [CD] is a linear function of the four lines [X,¥,], [Xe Yo], [X3¥3], [X4Ya4], that is, the two lines cutting these four lines belong to the complex [CD]. The double product of the three-one idemfactor aA and a dyadic CD is (Ca)[DA] = DC-aA = [DC] = — [CD]. The interpretation of this coincides with that given in §12. If [CD] is zero, the one-one dyadic CD represents a polarity. Thus the condition that a one-one dyadic represent a polarity zs that it be apolar with the one-three or three-one idemfactor. The double product of CD and the two-two idemfactor pq is the three-three dyadic & = [Cp] [Dql. 16 Loc. cit. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. — . 431 As an operator this determines a point plane correlation, t = @X = [Cp] [DqX] = C-pq-DX = [CDX]. This is the correlation which transforms each point X into its polar plane with respect to the complex [CD]. If CD represents a polarity [CD] is zero and so the double product of CD and pq is zero. Hence the condition that a correlation represent .a polarity is that i be apolar with the two-two idemfactor. Let rs be any two-two dyadic. Symbolically we may write this rs = [CD] [EF]. The double product of rs and the idemfactor Aa is (rA] [sa] = [CDA] [EF-a] = [CDA] {(Ea)F — (Fa)E] = OD: Aa-{FE — EF} = (0D: FE — ar = [CDF|E — [CDEIF. This result has the same form as the product [CD- EF] where C, D, E, F, are points ina plane. The dyadic determines a collineation which transforms a plane é into the plane = [rA](saé) = — [r-sé]. To interpret this collineation geometrically let rs transform the sides [AsA3], [43Ai], [Ai Ae] of a triangle in € into the complexes py, po, p3 respectively. Let a = [Aipi] be the polar plane of A, with respect to p: and similarly let a2 = [Apo], a3 = [Asps]. The general theorem states that ai, a2, a3, will intersect on 7. The fact that this is true whatever points Ai, As, A3, As are taken on & proves a geometrical theorem. Suppose for example rs represents a collineation. By such a collineation four non collinear points A; of one plane could be transformed into any four non-collinear points B; of another plane. Join A; to By B3, Ao to Bz By, and A; to B, Bo. The three planes intersect in a point. Similarly A», A3, Ay and 432 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. B:, B3, By determine a second point, ete. The four points thus obtained lie in a plane. The double product of the one-two dyadic B[CD] and the three-one idemfactor Aa is the two-one dyadic ® = [BA|(CD-a] = [BA]{(Ca)D — (Da)C} = B-Aa-{DC — CD} =O ROD: To interpret this let B[CD] transform the lines YZ, ZX, XY of a plane é into the points X’, Y’, Z’ respectively. Then ® will transform the plane ~ into a complex [BD](Cé) — [BC](Dé) which is a linear function of the three lines YX’, YY’, ZZ’. Hence the complex contains the quadric of these lines. If we take four points X, Y, Z, W of & four quadrics will thus be determined which all belong to the same complex. In this case the lines of the four point will transform into points of a four line in another plane. Since the dyadic can be so determined that this four line is arbitrary, this shows that if the corresponding triangles of a four point in one plane and a four line in another plane are joined as above the four quadrics determined will belong to a complex. If [BCD] = 0, [CD](Bé) + [DB\(Cé) + [BC](Dé) = 0 for every plane & Hence [CD|B = [BD|C — [BC|D which shows that in that case the dyadic ® is the conjugate of B[CD]. The double product of B[CD] and aA is the plane of the dyadic (Ba)[CDA] = [BCD]. Let p1, p2, ps be three lines intersecting in a point of this plane. If ps3 transforms into a point of the plane p; p2 and p». into a point of Ps Pi. the general theorem shows that p; will transform into a point of the plane ops. If [BCD] = 0 this will be true of any three lines intersecting in a point. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. — - 433 The double product of B[CD] and the two-two idemfactor pq is [Bp\[CDql = [BCD]. 17. Dyadics apolar to all the idemfactors. If the double product of rs and Aa is zero, we may consider rs as analogous to a polarity. In that case, if rs = [CD]|EF| [rA][as] = [CDF|E — [CDE|F = 0 and hence . (CDF\|E = [DCE]F, (A) Let X,Y be any two points. Then by direct expansion we get (XYEF)[CD] = (XYCD)[EF] + (CDEF)[XY] — (XCDE)[YF] — (YCDF)[XE) + (XCDF)[YE] + (YCDE)[XF]. But from (A) we have CDEE) = (CDEP =; Also (XCDF)[YE| = (XCDE)|YF\, (YCDF)[|XE]| = (¥YCDE)[XF\. Hence (X YEF)[CD] = (XYCD)[EF\. Since this is true for all value ag X and Y [EF|[CD] = [CD]|EF]. The dyadic is therefore self conjugate and its scalar vanishes. Con- versely, if these conditions are satisfied it is easy to show that rs is apolar to the one-three, the three-one and the two-two idemfactors. It is thus apolar to all the idemfactors. The double product of two polarities is apolar to all the idemfactors. For let CD and C’D’ be two polarities. Then (CD —-(E/ Das 0: Hence, if Aa is the one-three idemfactor [CC’- A][DD’-a] = [CC’A]{(Da)D’ — (D’a)D} = — [CC’D|D' + [CC’D'|D = 0, 434 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. which shows that [CC’] [DD’] is apolar to Aa. It follows that it is also apolar to aA and pq. We have already noted that a one-one dyadic which represents a polarity is apolar to all the idemfactors. The same is true of a three-three dyadic. If rs is apolar to the idemfactors, the double product of rs and a one-one polarity CD is apolar to the idemfactors. For [Cr- Ds] = [(Cr-s)D] — (Cr-D)S = 0 Similarly we can show that the double product of rs and a three-three polarity is apolar to the idemfactors. If rs is apolar to the two-two idemfactor py, its scalar (rp) (sq) = (rs) = 0. In this case the general theorem states that if rs transforms each of five edges of a tetrahedron into a complex to which the opposite edge belongs, the same will be true of the sixth. We have thus shown that 7f any dyadic is apolar to the one-three or three-one idemfactor, it is apolar to all the idemfactors and, excepting the case of the two-two apolar to the two-two idemtactor, if a dyadic 1s apolar to any idemfactor it is apolar to all. Furthermore, of two dyadics are apolar to all the idemfactors their double product (if it is a dyadic) as also. 18. Dyadics symbolically derived from a given dyadic. If we write a one-three dyadic symbolically in the form B(CDE] we have seen that its double product with the one-three and the two- two idemfactors are — [BC[DE] + [BD][CE] — [BE}[CD] and [BCD]E — [BCE]D + [BDE|C respectively. These can be considered as obtained by a sort of symbolic multiplication of B and CDE analogous (except for a pos- sible change of sign) to the outer multiplication. Similarly, from any dyadic a series of dyadics are obtained. These are all double products of the original dyadic with the various idem- factors. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. - 435 In a somewhat similar way from a line [BC] we get a dyadic CB — BC. This is the product Ala: BC] = A{(aC)B — (aB)C} = Aa:C-B — Aa-B-C = CB — BC. This shows that if [BC] = [DE] then BC — CB = DE — ED. In this discussion [BC] and [DE] may be complex lines or simple lines. If [BC] is a complex, the dyadic BC — CB gives the plane-point polar transformation with respect to the complex. Similarly, from a plane [BCD] we get two dyadics * Ala: BCD] = B[CD] — C[BD| + D[BC] and [BCD-a]A = [CD|B — [BDC + [BOID. The first of these as an operator on lines gives the point in which the line cuts the plane. The second as an operator on planes gives the line in which [BCD] cuts the plane. Those same dyadics are also obtained by multiplying the plane [BCD] with the idemfactor pq. In the same way by considering a point as the product of three planes, two dyadics can be determined. 19. Double products of dyadic with themselves. The double product of a one-three dyadic BB — B’p’ with itself is a two-two dyadic [BB’| [66] which gives the transformation of lines determined by the trans- formation X’ = b(GX) of points. For, if 68 transforms X, Y into X’, Y’, then [BB’] [86’] transforms the line LX Y] into a linear function of [X’Y’] and [Y’X’], that is, into the line LX’ Y’]. Similarly, the triple product *[BB'B") [66'8") 436 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. of BB with itself represents the same transformation as an operator on planes. For, if BB transforms three points X, Y, Z into X’, Y’, Z’, then [BB’B”) [66'8"] = BB : [B’B”) [p’B"] transforms the plane [XYZ] into a linear function of the planes [X’Y’Z"], [Y’Z’X’], etc., that is into the plane LX’ Y’Z’]. In the same way it is easily shown that the double and the triple product of a one-one dyadic with itself determine the same trans- formation in lines and in points. The double product of a one-two dyadic with itself is zero. For, ii Ap = A’y’, [AA’|(pp’) = [A’A](p’p) = — [AA] (pp’). Since the double product is equal to its negative, it is zero. The same is true of the double product of a two-three dyadic with itself. 20. Hamilton-Cayley equations. It has been shown by vari- ous writers that a one-three or a three-one dyadic in three dimen- sions satisfies an algebraic equation of the fourth degree called the Hamilton-Cayley equation 1” of the dyadic. That the two-two dyadic satisfies an equation of the sixth degree might be inferred from the fact that the transformation set up by a two-two dyadic in three dimensions can be interpreted as a transforma- tion of points in a space of five dimensions. In general, there will then be six linearly independent complexes left invariant by the dyadic. Taking these as prefactors, the dyadic can be written P= rs = pir + Aprge +...+ AcVege- Since r(spi) = MP1, where py is constant, it follows that (pig) = (pigs) =... = (pigs) = O. Thus each p is in involution with all the q’s except the one associated with it. If the p’s and q’s are lines, this is the configuration called a double six. In general we may call it a double six of complexes. 17 Whitehead’s Universal Algebra, page 261. Bdcher’s Introduction to Higher Algebra, Chapter XXII. THE DYADICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. : 437 If J is the two-two idemfactor, it is easily seen that {6 — M(pig)L} + pi = 0. Similarly, {b — do(poq)I} + po = 0, ete. Consider the product W = {h — A(pign I} {® — Ao(pom) I}... {®@ — Ae(poqe) I}. It is clear that Vps = 0. Since VY and J are commutative, any factor could be put last. Hence Vp, = Vp,=... = Vp, = 0. Since pi. ..p¢ on assumed linearly indepedent, 10! When expanded this has the form ApP® + A,h? +...+ Az — P+ Agl = 0. This is the Hamilton-Cayley equation satisfied by the dyadic. That a polynomial equation is satisfied by any dyadic whose pre- factors and postfactors on dual may be shown in the following way. Let R; and S,; be dual. Let R;...R, be linearly independent and let S,...S, be linearly independent. Suppose ® = YAR S;, WV — Lb RiSk are commutative. Then OY — Ub = Yh,i,(@R)S, — Au (VWR,)S; = O. Since the S” are linearly independent, the coefficient of S; in this equation is zero. That is, by. (PR) — ay;.(@R;) +. 5 +t bnx(PRn) = Antz (VRn) = (by. — Ayw)-R, +. ‘ + (bngP = AnwW)-Ry = 0. 438 MOORE AND PHILLIPS. There on n such equations. Eliminating R:...R, as in solving algebraic equations, we get byP = anv, boyP = dV, 5555 bak — An by = aw, DooP _ Ao, . sets b oP = Ano = A-k; = Similarly, A-R, => A-R3 =o = (aNd Re = ()). Since R,,...R, on linearly independent, A= 0. when expanded this has the form AOE Ae eo l= A te ee The coefficient Ao is the discriminant of V, and A, that of ¥. Hence, if either of the dyadics is non-singular, the coefficients do not all vanish. In particular, if V is an idemfactor, the equation becomes Ab” + A,®&""! +. . -+A,1P — Aa —e This is the Hamilton-Cayley equation satisfied by ®. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 53. No. 6.— May, 1918. POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. By Hervey W. SHIMER. POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON By Hervey W. SHIMER. Received December 13, 1917. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction 5 bn) ey Sch ec MSE Bo lok bc ee, eee ZIZ EI Dieseraaneor SeCHONS sw: ss. Shes cf Ok as pee SRS DUlArRUSTROLSDeCCICS teen. <))..° . 0) Seen) 2 VO PAS Notes on species 2 et =.) 2) ees Ss Pa Jel 2 OA () Conclusions bodies canara 5, 6 ii We Ree ad AG Bibliography a rae Ue eo. | re Se otc ee GAGS INTRODUCTION. Tue time from the close of the Glacial Period, from the melting back of the glaciers which lately covered this region, to the present, is full of interest. For it is this post-glacial time which tells us of our own immediate past; it tells us of the recovery by organisms of the uninhabited glacier-covered lands. It gives us the history of these organisms and through them of the topography and climate of the region. Therecords of these organisms, in the Boston area, are mainly preserved in the mud deposited here during this time. . This mud was partly laid down in shallow fresh-water swamps but mostly in sea-water, in inlets from the ocean. Naturally the majority of these records consist of the remnants of plants, and especially of shells, though there are also one or two records of early man. One of the earliest persons to make a broad study of the post-glacial fossil shells of Boston was Miss D. L. Bryant (1). This subject formed the theme of her graduating thesis in geology in 1891 at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology; it was pursued under the efficient help of Professor W. O. Crosby. Unfortunately it was never published. Later on during the same year, however, Mr. Warren Upham (3) used Miss Bryant’s principal facts and conclusions (for which he gave full credit) in the preparation of a paper on the “ Recent fossils of the Harbor and Back Bay, Boston.” This is an excellent little pamphlet full of information concerning these Post-Pleistocene fossils. In 1903 Protessor W. O. Crosby (2) discussed the bed rock of this area with reference to the pre-glacial drainage, the deposition and subse- quent erosion of the blue glacial clay and the deposition of the silt. In the preparation of the present paper we have drawn freely from these three pamphlets. The notes and the additions here made to 442 SHIMER. the lists of species from Muddy River, Charles River and City Point, as published by Warren Upham, are based on specimens in the Boston Society of Natural History and the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, unless otherwise stated; these were largely collected by the late Professor Henry W. Haynes. The principal original contribution in this paper, however, regards the Back Bay region of Boston. The recent excavation of the Boylston Street Subway* of the Boston Elevated Railway Company gave many sections down through the Post-Glacial mud to the Glacial clay. These sections and their in- cluded organic remains proved so interesting that this record of them was kept. I wish to express my indebtedness to the following,— to the various officers in charge of the Boylston Street Subway excavations, who were always most courteous and helpful, especially to Messrs. L. 5. Stone, J: Ho O’Connor; J! Ti-Erame; and FEF) o...Erchorn: to. Mr7G. WwW. Johnson, Curator of the Boston Society of Natural History, for giving me opportunity to study the Muddy River, Charles River and City Point fossils in the Society’s collection, as well as for identification of some species and aid in the revision of the nomenclature; to Mr. F. N. Balch for permission to make use of his notes upon early colonial records of shell-fish; to Rev. H. W. Winkley for his kindness in com- paring our specimens of the Pyramidellidae with those in his large private collection; to Mr. Wm. F. Clapp of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoélogy for his helpful criticism, and especially for his discovery and description of the minute new species of Vitrinella; to Mr. G. B. Reed of Harvard University for examination of the peat; to Dr. Willoughby, Curator of Peabody Museum, Harvard University, for information concerning the fishweir found in the Boylston Street Subway and for suggestions on the comparison of this wood with that used by early man elsewhere; and to the Bostonian Society for permission to make a copy of the DeCosta map (1775) of Boston and vicinity, now in the Old State House. The sections are arranged in order from that of Muddy River (section 1) at the west to that of City Point (section 7) at the east (see map). DESCRIPTION OF SECTIONS. 1. Muddy River, from Brookline northeastward. The collee- tions here were made mostly from a trench, averaging 16 feet in depth, extending along Muddy River from Brookline to Longwood and then * Completed in 1914. POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 443 northeast to Charles River. The generalized section in this region from above downwards is as follows *:— 1. Alluvium,— 5 feet at the Longwood Bridge to 12 feet elsewhere. 2. Peat,— averaging one-foot in thickness, containing stalks Chelsea Winisunit Nahant Pt. Charles Town Noddles |. Governors I. Castle I. 7 Gy hy Spectacte | Boston and vicinity in colonial time. The De Costa map, 1775, (reproduced by permission of the Bostonian Society) forms the basis of the above sketch map. The dotted parallel lines, exclusive of those showing Harvard (Tech- nology) Bridge, indicate the dams built by the Boston and Roxbury mill corporation. The numbers 1 to 7 refer to the sections described in this paper. of swamp plants, leaves of deciduous trees, and some shells,— mostly Modiolus demissus var. plicatulus, embedded in some sand and much mud. 3. Silt,— (no thickness given). Most of the shells noted in the table below occur in this stratum immediately beneath the * Arranged from Miss Bryant’s thesis. 444 SHIMER. peat bed, crowded thickly together. The shells range almost to the Boston and Albany Railroad station in Brookline; there are none to the southwest of this. 4. Eroded sand plain (a glacial deposit). At the Longwood Bridge the sand plain had been eroded to a depth of 37 feet before the deposition of the five feet of alluvium. 2. Charles River, directly east of the Harvard (Technology) Bridge extending between Back Bay and Cambridge. During the dredging here to fill in the shallows on the Cambridge side between the newly constructed wall along the river and the railroad tracks, many shells were found. These shells occurred mostly in the sands and not in the superficial muds. These sands were some ten feet below mean low tide. The height of the tide here, before its oblitera- tion by the dam, was ten feet. The most conspicuous species are the large and abundant forms of oyster (Ostrea virginica), short-neck clam (Venus mercenaria), long-neck clam (Mya arenaria) and scallop (Pecten gibbus borealis). A small oyster shell is unusual, the average size being 8 by 2.5 inches; one figured by Miss Bryant had a length of 10.5 inches. During early colonial days (middle of the seventeenth century) an extensive oyster-bank existed here, preventing large boats from going farther up the Charles. (See p. 451). 3. New Tech Site. The new site for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology occupies the northeastern angle between Charles River and Massachusetts Avenue. The many bore-holes put down here while the foundations of the new buildings were being planned showed that the solid rock bottom varied much in depth. The follow- ing is one of the deeper sections,— 1. Fineand coarse sand, much of it colored green; 35feet. Uniden- tifiable fragments of fossils were present in the material brought up by the wash-drill. Soft to stiff blue clay (a glacial deposit); 83 feet. 3. Decomposed bed-rock of slate; 14 feet. The boring stopped in the slate at a depth of 132 feet. ol Ww) 4. Boylston Street Subway localities. The sections were made at or very near the junction with the following streets: a. Fairfield Street. The top of the peat is 18 feet below mean low tide; the peat is 5 feet thick. POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 445 b. Exeter Street.— The surface of the street here is 16.5 feet above mean low tide, while the bottom of the peat bed is 15.5 feet below mean low tide. f Feet Esl an, blotiingout the,BadkBayiri9. 242eac. en. 16 This fill has taken place mostly since 1868. Sy Gravelly black silt. “Few fossils. vo4.ty suas le hes ee 6 phere lack sit.) (Many fossils? «0% Sa e os ok Oe 5 The middle portion is very full of fossils; the uppermost two feet and the lowest foot contain but few. This silt is a dark- grey (when dry) argillaceous sand with a considerable number of mica scales. The compound microscope shows that very minute sand particles made up fully nine-tenths of the mass; there is merely sufficient clay and carbon particles to give consistency and a dark-grey color to the sediment. 4) Sandy: areshi=water “peat jo.) si. *:... go, aie ne alee nia oe cae 5 5. Bluersandy. clay -with. some*peakixt 3.22 ee ee 22 le oe 1 This is the upper edge of the glacial deposit. ce. Copley Plaza Hotel, on Copley Square at corner of Dartmouth Street and Huntington Avenue. During the excavations for the foundations Mr. C. W. Johnson obtained, at a depth of 25 to 30 feet below the street surface, Mya arenaria and Macoma balthica, both similar to the Exeter Street forms. The silt in which they occurred was similar in color and composition to that of Exeter Street,— 4b3. At Dartmouth Street in the Subway the upper ten feet of blue clay (beneath the black silt) was so hard that a pickax could penetrate it only with difficulty; below that it gradually became quite soft. This hardening was probably due to the oxidation of the surface and the deposition of iron as cement upon exposure to air. The presence of ancient gullies in the surface of the clay encountered at various places in the subway also points to this subaerial exposure. d. Clarendon Street. At a depth of 25 feet below the surface of the street were found,— Mulinia lateralis ¢ Macoma balthica ¢ Gemma gemma ec Ilyanassa obsoleta ec These forms are all like those from the Exeter Street locality and occur in a similar silt. e. Berkeley Street. Surface of street is about 16 feet above low tide. 446 SHIMER. Feet 1. Fall, sblottme: out the (Backs Baya ace nen «ko su ee 2. Dark grey loamy silt, prominently stratified . . . . 12 a. Upper 8 feet contained Mya arenaria c. Large. Ensis directus C. Mulinia lateralis Gemma gemma Modiolus demissus, var. plicatulus r. Ostrea virginica c, but comparatively small, including both current and quiet water forms. These were noted directly beneath the fill. On account of the absence of oysters between this and the stratum of large current oysters below, it is believed that these smaller oysters did not grow here but are due to man’s agency. Mytilis edulis r Ilyanassa obsoleta r Balanus ef. balanoides r b. Lower 4 feet contained Ostrea virginica C; similar to the very large current forms so common at the Charles River locality. Venus mercenaria ¢ Mulinia lateralis C Gemma gemma C Littorina palliata c Ilyanassa obsoleta C Nassa trivittata r Polinices heros r Crepidula plana r C. fornicata r Cliona sulphurea r. Noted on oyster shells. Crab claws r Fish vertebra R Besides these, Macoma balthica was abundant, but its exact position in 2 was not noted. 3. Blue glacial clay, at a depth of 31 feet. No unconformity was observed in the ten foot wide section studied. To the west of Berkeley Street, nearly in front of the Rogers Building (M. I. T.) oceurred sticks in both vertical and horizontal positions, apparently a portion of an old fish-weir. The length of the vertical ones varied according to different observers from four to seven feet. They usually penetrated the blue clay, one to a depth of eighteen ? POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 447 inches. Taking Mr. L. S. Stone’s estimate of the greater length of seven feet, there would be from six to seven feet of silt above the sticks. For a consideration of their age there must be added to this the thickness deposited between the driving of the sticks and the deposition of sediment over their decaying ends. The wood testifies to its great age in being exceedingly brittle and very heavy, showing that a certain amount of petrifaction had occurred. Its very dark, almost black, color indicates, likewise, considerable carbonization. f. Arlington Street. Feet ieee en ey. AE ee aA talon Bip 2. Black silt elise’: «yoo een Bermmmeab es 9 {1 5 A few shells are reported from near the top of this. 3. Boulder clay a bole or, eee Lh The boulders are well rounded, and are more numerous at the bottom of the section, where they make up fully one-half of the sediment. The boulders are usually two to three inches in diameter; the largest noted had a diameter of three feet, with corners all well rounded. This clay was not pene- trated farther up Boylston Street. g. Church Street. At some thirty feet below the surface of the street (which is here fifteen feet above low tide) a tree stump was excavated from near the top of a peat bed. The peat continued eighteen feet below the stump. The stump was reported as uncar- bonized. Apparently another tree was encountered in a wash-boring near here. h. Charles Street. At the Public Garden side of Charles and Boylston streets a boring penetrated a peat bed 27.5 feet thick. The bottom of the peat is 42 feet below the surface of the street, which is here 15 feet above low tide. 5. Site of Old Providence Depot. The following were found while excavating Providence Street »* Mya arenaria r. Small Ilyanassa obsoleta C. Littorina rudis r. 6. Commonwealth Flats, South Boston. Peat was en- countered here 20 feet below low tide. * Collected by Mr. E. L. Green. + Communicated by Mr. R. W. Sayles. 448 SHIMER. 7. City Point, South Boston. ‘To form the Marine Park here mud was dredged from midway between Castle Island and the old City Point shore, being dumped at the edge of the latter. In this mud occurred the shells noted in the table below. The dead appear- ance of most shells leaves no doubt as to their fossil condition, though the excavation went to a depth of only a few feet. List OF SPECIES. The following list includes all post-glacial fossils noted, or listed by previous observers, from Brookline through Back Bay, Boston, to City Point. SPECIES 4 3 i r=) o x — Present = : 2 5 C — Very common fc foo <5 ie := ¢ — Common say 3 5 < < r — Rare = S 3 a 2 R— Very rare = 5 a a é) 1. Plants (unrecognizable fragments) x | | x FORAMINIFERA * | 2. Polystomella striatopunctata | | eee Onn basp: | | xe 4. Trochammina inflata | x SPONGIA 5. Cliona sulphurea | | r r R Bryozoa | | | : 6. Membranipora pilosa r PELECYPODA 7. Yoldia limatula | x 8. Ostrea virginica x C R c G 9. Pecten gibbus borealis R (G GC 10. P. magellanicus x 11. Anomia simplex c 12. Mytilus edulis | x 13. Modiolus modiolus | R x 14. M. demissus var. plicatulus x xe Tr x 15. Clidophora trilineata | x 16. Arctica islandica | x 17. Cyclocardia borealis | | x 18. Astarte undata | | x 19. A. elliptica x 20. Lucina filosa x 21. Kellia planulata 5 x 22. Laevicardium mortoni | x 23. Venus mercenaria sy |p enlG c G 24. Gemma gemma C x 25. Petricola pholadiformis x 26. Macoma balthica Jc x C c x * Identified by J. A. Cushman. POST-GLACIAL. HISTORY OF BOSTON. 449 SPECIES » . ! 3 x — Present 2 $ 2 E C — Very common a a 2 me 3 ce — Common pay g be a) a = o o r — Rare z =| 5 ra 2 R — Very rare = 5 FSI Ea ro) 27. Tagelus gibbus x 28. Ensis directus r c x 29. Angulus tener x 30. Mactra solidissima x 31. Mulinia lateralis Cc x (¢: x c 32. Mya arenaria x (Ce "Nk AG: c & GASTROPODA 33. Acmaea testudinalis x 34. A. testudinalis var. alveus x 35. Vitrinella shimeri Clapp i 36. Turbonilla winkleyi c R x 37. Odostomia trifida R 38. O. fusca e x 39. O. bisuturalis ec r 40. Littorina rudis x r x 41. L. rudis tenebrosa R r 42. L. palliata Tr x 43. L. littorea * c 44. Lacuna vincta x 45. Crepidula fornicata r r c 46. C. plana R Tr x 47. C. convexa R x 48. Polinices heros e xe r x 49. P. triseriata X x ec 50. Neverita duplicata x 51. Paludestrina minuta & 52. Bittium alternatum R x 53. Triforis nigrocinctus R x 54. Columbella lunata R x 55. Cingula carinata R 56. Buecinum undatum x 57. Nassa trivittata x x ec r x 58. Ilyanassa obsoleta C x C Cc c 59. Urosalpinx cinereus r x R x 66. Thais lapillus c 61. Anachis avara x 62. Tornatina canaliculata x G r x 63. Melampus lineatus ce x CRUSTACEA 64. A copepod x 65. Balanus balanoides x r 66. B. crenatus R 67. B. porcatus x 68. Crab claws r r VERTEBRATA 69. Fish R *'This species was doubtless introduced into the fossil shells by the dredge, since nowhere else upon the American coast is this shell reported earlier than 1855 (Gulf of St. Lawrence). It is apparently a late migrant from Europe. 450 SHIMER. NOTES ON SPECIES. Plants. The peat encountered in the various sections is probably entirely of fresh water origin. After an examination of the peat from the subway at Exeter Street, Mr. G. B. Reed of Harvard University writes: “T find no plants or remains of plants such as now grow on salt marshes or anywhere below high tide level. But what species have entered into the formation of the peat I can not determine beyond the presence of grasses and sedges, probably both tops and recots, woody roots probably of some Ericaceous plants, and fragments of wood. A large part, however, is made up of much decomposed material now unrecognizable. It has apparently, too, undergone con- siderable compression as all the stems are flattened.” The peat at Church Street, the deepest encountered, was also of fresh water origin, and occurred similarly beneath the black silt. Spongia. Cliona sulphurea.— The specimens noted at the Berkeley Street locality were almost entirely in oyster shells. Bryozoa. Membranipora pilosa.— This form is comparatively abundant at Exeter Street upon the larger shells of Mya arenaria, less so upon Modiolus demissus, var. plicatulus. Pelecypoda. Ostrea virginica.— This, our only species of oyster, is very rare at Exeter Street, being represented by but three specimens, the largest of which is only 85 mm. long by 70 mm. broad. At Charles River this shell is exceedingly abundant including both the long, narrow or so-called “current” form and the short, broad “quiet-water”’ form. The most usual size of the former is 230 mm. in length and 55 mm. in breadth; of the latter the length is 130 mm. and the breadth 70 mm. At Berkeley Street the very large current form is common at a depth of 27 to 31 feet. A valve of one of these, an old individual, POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. . 451 with a length of 140 mm. has a maximum thickness of 50 mm. At City Point the specimens are similar in size and abundance to those from Charles River. Miss Bryant figures one from here 265 mm. by SO mm. This oyster, as native, is now absent from Massachusetts Bay; during early colonial days it occurred only locally and then, on account of the cold air at such depths as to be exposed only at the low spring tides. A large oyster-bank was situated at the mouth of the Charles River, another at the mouth of the Mystic and probably one on the Noddles Island, now East Boston, flats. That the large current forms flourished in Back Bay as late as the middle of the seventeenth century is shown by the following quota- tions (5): “The Oisters be great ones in forme of a shoo horne, some be a foote long, these breed on certain bankes that are bare every spring tide. This fish without the shell is so big that it must admit of a division before you can well get it into your mouth.’’... .“ Towards the southwest in the middle of this Bay”’ (i. e., Back Bay, at mouth of Charles River) “is a great Oyster-banke”’. .. .“‘ The Oyster-bankes”’ (referring to the same) “doe barre out the bigger ships.” In the first edition (1841) of the “Invertebrata of Massachusetts,” Dr. Gould says (p. 357) “old men relate that they were accustomed to go up Mystic River and Charles River, and gather oysters of great size, before it was the custom to bring them from New York. And even now individuals of enormous size are occasionally brought from both these places, and probably might be found by special search, at any time.” The cause of this great numerical reduction since colonial days is said to be a-very severe cold spell about 1780 in which the sea bottom was covered with ice, thus preventing the oysters from getting air. Another factor which aided in the destruction of some of these species, especially the oyster, from the Back Bay region was the gradual obliteration of Boston as an island by the formation of a neck uniting it with the mainland to the south. Even during late colonial days heavy seas washed over this neck into the Back Bay. Oysters need a clean substratum, such as gravel, or other shells, to which the young, the spat, may attach themselves, otherwise they will perish; and the opening across Boston neck would give the tidal currents extra strength with which to cleanse this partially enclosed region from the river muds; but that this was never so exposed to the action of waves as at City Point is shown by the occurrence of the surf-clam (Mactra solidissima) at the latter place only. 452 SHIMER. Many plantings of the oyster spat in its old home in the Charles River during recent years have resulted merely in the death of the spat. Pecten gibbus borealis.— (This is our common scallop, the Pecten irradians of authors.) The single specimen seen from Muddy River is 26 mm. long by 25 mm. high. It is one of the common forms at the Charles River locality. Mytilus edulis— The edible mussel is present though apparently rare at Berkeley Street and City Point. This species, occurring from about half tide down into comparatively deep water, was very abundant during early colonial times and was largely eaten by the colonists. Since it is a rather open coast form its rarity at the Back Bay localities is not surprising. Modiolus modiolus.— This deep water inhabitant is represented in our Exeter Street collections by but one valve, 3 mm. long. Modiolus demissus, var. plicatulus.— This is the coarse horse-mussel. It is very abundant in the superficial sediment at Muddy River. This mud was formed after the typical marine shells had been deposited and is hence comparatively recent. This species of Modiolus continued to thrive here until the completion of the dam across the tidal portion of the Charles River in 1911. Only a few, but characteristic, pieces of this shell were noted at Exeter Street. Venus mercenaria.— The Muddy River forms are normal in size and weight; the concentric growth lines are quite strong. The Charles River and Berkeley Street specimens are similar to these and are very abundant. The quahog, little-neck, round or hard clam, is now rare north of Cape Cod, as it apparently was during the early colonial days. Gemma gemma.— This is the most abundant form found at Exeter Street; a specimen of average size measures 3+ mm. in length by 3+ mm. in height. It is likewise very abundant and of a similar size at Clarendon and Berkeley Streets. The average of 10 specimens from Exeter Street gives a proportion of height to length of 1 to 1.06. The average of a similar number from Provincetown, Massachusetts is 1 to 1.15. This greater height of the supway forms may be interpreted either as an evolution toward greater length since that time or as evidence of a slightly more unfavorable environment in the Back Bay area. This latter hypothesis is partly corroborated by the specimens of the same species from Buttonwoods, Rhode Island. Here, far up the Narragansett Bay, the average of height to length is 1 to 1. POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 453 Macoma balthica.*— The Exeter Street shells are very abundant; they are normal in size and shape, an average sized specimen measuring 25 mm. long by 20 mm. high. Those specimens preserving the epider- mis are usually bluish-black in color. The Muddy River forms are very similar to the Exeter Street specimens, as are also the ones from beneath the Copley Plaza Hotel, and from Berkeley Street. The average of ten specimens from Exeter Street gave 1 to 1.20 as the proportion of height to length, as against a proportion of 1 to 1.23 in specimens from Eastham, Massachusetts, the recent shell thus showing a similar lengthening to that noted in Gemma gemma. Ensis directus— The razor-clam, though now but little used as food, was highly esteemed by the early settlers. It is much more abundant at the Berkeley Street than at the Exeter Street locality. Mulinia lateralis.— In the specimens from Exeter Street the average proportion of height to length was 1 to 1.17, while the larger recent shells from Woods Hole are in the proportion of | to 1.22. Mya arenaria.— The common sand clam, soft clam or long-neck clam. Among specimens of this very abundant species at Exeter Street are some large ones with a length of 100 mm. and height of 55 mm. The Muddy River forms are normal in shape and size. The Charles River specimens seen average 110 mm. long by 65 mm. high; there are some 128 mm. by 80 mm. Those seen from the Copley Plaza and the numerous forms from Berkeley Street are similar to those from Exeter Street. The City Point forms are in size and abundance similar to those from Charles River. That the long-neck clam was very abundant here during the early colonial days is shown by the following quotation (6) :— “Clames is a shell fish, which I have seene sold in Westminster for 12 pe. the skore. These our swine feeds upon, and of them there is no want; every shore is full; it makes the swine proove exceedingly, they will not faile at low water to be with them. The Salvages are much taken with the delight of this fishe, and are not cloyed, not-with- standing the plenty: for our swine we find it a good commodity.” Odostomia trifida.— A single, small (3 mm. long), well preserved specimen was noted at Exeter Street. Odostomia bisuturalis-—'The specimens from Exeter Street are small, averaging 3+ mm. in length and with a proportion of width to length of 1 to 2. * Dall, after a careful comparison, considers the American specimens referable to the European species M. balthica. 454 SHIMER. Odostomia fusca.—'The specimens from Exeter Street are small, averaging 3 mm. in length. Turbonilla winkleyi— An average specimen from Exeter Street measured 5 mm. long by 1.5 mm. wide at the large whorl. Its propor- tionate length and breadth are the same as those of some recent forms from Buzzards Bay. Littorina rudis.— The Exeter Street forms are small; the largest is 9 mm. long. A normal young individual 10 mm. long was noted from Muddy River. Iittorina rudis tenebrosa.—The Exeter Street forms are small; the largest is 5 mm. long; two specimens retain the peculiar mottled checking so characteristic of this variety. Littorina palliata— Two specimens were noted from Exeter Street, the larger of which has a length of 9 mm. and a width of 8 mm. Crepidula fornicata.— The Exeter Street specimens of this, the com- mon Decker, vary from thin to heavy; are whitish without and within and moderately convex, with white platform. The shells noted are small; one has alength of 14 mm., a breadth of 11 mm., a height of 4 mm. with a depth of platform of 2mm. Those from Berkeley Street and City Point are normal both in size and shape. Crepidula plana.— Very probably this Flat Decker form is C. fornicata modified by its position. The Exeter Street shells are thin, white without and within, and flat, with white platform. The shells noted are small; one has length 10 mm., breadth 8 mm., height 1.5 mm., with depth of platform .2 mm. The Berkeley Street specimens are of normal size. Only two specimens were noted from City Point, the larger one of which had a length of 25 mm. Crepidula conveca.— The Exeter Street specimens of the Convex Decker are small and very convex. The color outside is ashen brown, within reddish brown; the deeply seated platform is similar in color to the inside of the shell in very young (4 mm. long) specimens, lighter brown in older (11 mm. long) ones. One specimen has length 11 mm., breadth 8 mm., height 5 mm., depth of platform 2.5 mm. Another has length, 4 mm., breadth, 3 mm., height, 2 mm., depth of platform, 1 mm. Polinices heros.— (Polinices is Montfort’s original (1810) spelling of the genus.) The Muddy River specimens average 19 mm. in length by 17 mm. in width. From City Point two specimens were noted, considerably larger than those from Muddy River. Polinices triseriataa— The single specimen noted from Muddy River was small but well preserved. Those from City Point had an average length of 23 mm. POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 455 Paludestrina minuta.—The Exeter Street specimens are small; a common form has a length of about 2.5 mm. and a width of 1.5 mm. The average of five specimens from here gives a proportion of greatest breadth to Jength of 1 to 1.78; of five from Danvers, Massachusetts, 1 to 1.68, an increase in breadth of the living individuals. Bittium alternatum.— One individual was noted at Exeter Street; this is 6 mm. long and retains a few patches of its original slate color. Triforis nigrocinctus.— Only one example, 3 mm. long, of this sinistral, granulated shell was noted at Exeter Street; it has become an ashy gray except where between the ridges it still retains some of the original dark red color. Nassa_ trivittata— The specimens from Exeter Street average 8.3 mm. in length by 4.8 mm. in width. Recent specimens from Ipswich Beach, Massachusetts, average 25 mm. by 9 mm. Living forms have thus attained a larger size and a greater proportionate width, averaging 1 to 2.8 as against 1 to 1.73 in the Exeter Street forms. Ilyanassa obsoleta——The forms from Exeter Street are about half the size of the normal species of this coast, averaging 12 mm. in length. The costae are likewise stronger than on the normal shell, approaching Urosalpinx cinereus in this respect; there are 10 to 17 costae present. They are most similar in every respect to the ones living at Buttonwoods, west of Warwick Lighthouse, far up the western side of Narragansett Bay, both probably owing their small size to the freshened condition of the water. The Muddy River forms are much larger, averaging in length 22 mm. The following list of average measurements compares in size and proportion specimens of this species from several fossil and recent localities :— Length Width Proportion of Locality mm. mm. width to length Subway, Exeter Street 12.4 7.9 IES Y/ Post Pleistocene (brackish) * Marblehead shell heap 18 12 1:1.5 Post Pleistocene Sankaty Head, Pleistocene 24.5 14 aE eres: Buttonwoods, recent (brackish) 12 8 Tees Dorchester Bay 17 10 lei Recent (salt) Marblehead 18.5 10.5 LG Recent (salt) * Collected by Professor E. 8. Morse. 456 SHIMER. It is seen from the above tabulation that it is the brackish water environment which produces the narrow species. ‘This is true, at least, for Buttonwoods and Exeter Street; we have no data for the Marblehead shell heap. The recent specimens from Marblehead and Dorchester Bay are from normal sea water, as was probably, judging from the associated fauna, also true of the Pleistocene of Sankaty Head, Nantucket. The difference is thus apparently due to environ- ment and is not a permanent change of form due to evolution in time. Urosalpinz cinereus.— This species is represented by one individual from Exeter Street, 6 mm. long. The average length of the Muddy River forms is 20 mm., which is likewise the length of those noted from City Point. It was not noted at Berkeley Street. Thais lapillus— The specimens noted from City Point have an average length of 30 mm. The revolving ridges are coarse. Tornatina canaliculata.— An average sized specimen from Exeter Street is 2.5 mm. long by 1.5 mm. wide. CONCLUSIONS. The history of Boston from the closing stages of the great continental glaciers covering all of this region to the present day may be summed up in the following five stages: 1. Deposition in fresh water of mud and sand from the melting glacier; 2. Erosion by streams of some of this material after the disappearance of the glacier; 3. Growth of peat in swampy areas (2 and 3 were probably taking place at the same time as nowhere was peat noted in an erosion channel); 4. Partial submergence of the land beneath the ocean with the accumulation of mud and dead shells upon the peat beds. This record of submergence contains two distinct elements. (a) In the earlier or lower beds the marine shells indicate a warm climate similar to that off the Virginia coast at present. (b) The upper beds, and continuing to the present, where still beneath the sea, contain a marine fauna indicative of a colder climate, that of today. 5. In certain areas, as Back Bay, the raising of the land again from its ocean bed by artificial filling. The conclusions bearing upon these five stages are noted below. 1. The deposition of the blue glacial clay, forming the base of the majority of the sections discussed above, took place probably in a body or bodies, of fresh water, since no remains of animal life are apparent in it. The clay itself, derived from a nearby melting glacier, is the POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. ; 457 so-called glacial flour,— the material ground from its rocky floor by the stones held firmly in the base of the advancing ice. A few uni- dentified pieces of wood were noted in this clay. 2. After the glacier had melted away from this region, the earth was exposed to the air so that the upper layers of the clay were hardened through oxidation. During this time the region was subjected to ero~ sion by running water as evidenced, in Back Bay, by the gullies in the surface of the clay. At the Longwood Bridge, Brookline, a sand-plain (a fossil delta deposited by glacial streams) was eroded to a depth of 37 feet. 3. During this erosive period, or at least during the latter part of it, fresh-water peat was broadly developed. The majority of sections, deep enough to penetrate the glacial clay or sands, encounter this peat immediately above the glacial sediment. 4. Subsequent to the deposition of a variable thickness of peat the land sank with reference to sea-level and a large portion of this region was submerged beneath the ocean. This period of submergence has extended to the present except where man has willed otherwise. During this time occurred the deposition of the black mud, in which were enclosed the shells and other records of the life then living in these waters. The evidence that the peat in Back Bay furnishes in regard to the extent of this downward movement of the land is as follows: The bottom of the peat at Fairfield Street is 23 feet below low tide, at Exeter Street 15.5 feet, at Church Street 33 feet, and at Charles Street it is 27 feet. With a height of tide of 10 feet, as it was in Charles River before the construction of the tide-water dam, it would mean a submergence of this region of at least 33 plus 10, or 43 feet; and if the peat was formed far above sea-level it would mean a so much greater submergence. The shells enclosed in the mud deposited upon the peat since its submergence beneath the sea give evidence of two climatic periods,— an earlier period (4a) warmer than the present and a later colder period (4b) extending to the present. In the Back Bay region, where alone our sections were sufficiently detailed to give exact information upon this point, the warmer period ends suddenly. In 4a the shells are very abundant, making up, in places, one-half of the deposited mass. In 4b the shells are comparatively rare. Yet there is little, if any, gradation between the two. 4a. The majority of the fossils noted in the Tabular List of Species are from this lower bed. A comparison of these, especially the shells, 458 SHIMER. with those most abundant along the entire Massachusetts coast north of Cape Cod today, shows that the climate of this region has become somewhat colder since the time this earlier fauna flourished so abun- dantly. This fauna, representatives of which are rare or altogether wanting off our coast today, is now dominant off the coast of Virginia, though it ranges from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras. Of the sixty some species noted in our list, about half no longer occur north of Cape Cod, or only rarely in sheltered places, but find their perfect environment farther south. Ganong (7) mentions nine such sheltered areas, includ- ing the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Oak Bay, New Brunswick, Casco Bay, Maine, and Massachusetts Bay. Between the retreat of the glaciers from this coast and the present time a period must have occurred during which these waters were as warm as those from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras today, and during which this Virginian fauna migrated northward. 4b. This was followed by a refrigeration of these northern waters sufficient to prevent the breeding of many of the species except within a few areas protected enough to raise the temperature of the air and water sufficiently during the summer, or breeding season, for the development of the young. (The adult can stand a much greater degree of cold than the young). Though Massachusetts Bay is one of the places in which the Virginian fauna has persisted longer than upon the less protected coast, yet even in Back Bay the shells living after the beginning of this colder period (4b) show a most remarkable decrease in both the number of individuals and the number of species of this southern fauna. ‘Though such typical southern forms as the oyster and Mulinia lateralis persisted into 4b yet the vast majority of the Virginian fauna, including Venus mercenaria, Pecten gibbus borealis, Laevicardium mortoni, Triforis nigrocinctus and Vitrinella, had ceased to exist in the Back Bay region. If we may judge from the Back Bay sections, this change from a warm water fauna to one characteristic of colder waters, was abrupt and was due toa corresponding alteration in climate. It is not probable that a refrigeration of the ocean waters alone could have made its influences felt so very decidedly as far inland as Back Bay. It is not likely, either, that all the differences between the more fossiliferous lower portion (4a) with its warm water fauna and the upper portion (4b), with its few fossils indicative of colder water, are due to the partial closure of Back Bay by the tidal building of Boston neck. This partial closure, bringing about a reduction in tidal scour, would, of course, cause a more rapid accumulation of sediment within the POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 459 Bay and hence relatively fewer fossils. The very great change, however, in the species represented, especially in the reduction both in number of individuals and species, would seem to imply an accompanying climatic change. That this refrigeration continued during colonial days to the present is indicated by the disappearance of oyster banks from the vicinity of Boston (Charles River, Mystic River and East Boston flats) and by the inability of planted oysters to grow here now. 5. A small thickness of sediment just beneath the “fill” may be due to the presence of dam walls built in the early part of the 19th century. In 1814 a corporation, “The Boston and Roxbury Mill Corporation,” led by Uriah Coting, obtained a charter from the General Court empowering them to build a dam from the end of Beacon Street (at Charles Street) to Sewell’s Point in the uplands of Brookline, with a cross dam to Gravelly Point in Roxbury (see dotted lines on map); also to made a roadway of each dam and to levy tolls for its use. It could confine tide water within this area and run mills by the water power thus created. At this time there was nothing but water and salt marsh from the foot of the Common to the uplands of Brookline. The mill dam was finished in 1821. But the tidal power, rather insufficient at the beginning for the running of the mills, was soon encroached upon, first, by the owners of bordering property filling in their land, thus restricting the area of the dam; and, especially, secondly by the building of the Boston and Providence and the Boston and Worcester Railroads across the water basin (these were incorporated in 1831). With this restriction of the tide and the increase in population this basin soon became a public nuisance and in 1852 a commission of the state legislature recommended that the property be abandoned for mill dam purposes and be filled in for building purposes. This was finally done, giving as a result the topmost 15 to 20 feet in the above Back Bay sections. Man.— That man lived in this Boston region during the warmer climatic period following the retreat of the glaciers is evidenced by the excavation of the remnants of a fish-weir from these older sediments. This was found in the subway excavation on Boylston Street between Clarendon and Berkeley Streets, nearly opposite Rogers Building of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This weir consisted of interlaced vertical and horizontal sticks. The former were much the thicker; one, when wet, had a diameter of over two inches, while the latter in the same condition measured about a half inch. Some, 460 SHIMER. if not all, of the vertical rods penetrated the glacial clay, one to a depth of eighteen inches. The lowest horizontal sticks preserved were about a foot and a half above the glacial clay, and hence between two and three feet below the top of the four-foot bed containing the warm-water fauna. The vertical rods would naturally not have been driven deeper than to allow the horizontal sticks to rest upon the surface of the mud. It is possible that there were horizontal sticks lower than this which were destroyed before they were covered by the preserving mud or had left their impress upon the vertical rods. Possibly, also, the horizontal withes were not driven deep enough to rest upon the mud surface. It would seem that one or both of these suppositions might be true. The forcing of two inch rods, bluntly and roughly sharpened by a stone ax, as the Harvard specimen shows, into the stiff glacial clay to a depth of eighteen inches, would be a difficult thing to do. Moreover a penetration of the clay to a depth of eighteen inches would suffice to support the weir. These probabilities would add, however, only about a foot and a half to the thickness of the sediment deposited since the weir was erected. If we consider the lowest preserved horizontal sticks as originally the lowest and as resting upon the surface of the mud when erected, then about thirteen feet of shells and mud had been deposited between the time when man planted the fish-weir and when he blotted out the Bay. If we consider the probability that there was practically no silt present when the weir was erected it would mean the deposition of fourteen feet, eight inches of sediment between that time and the artificial filling of the Bay. The top of the vertical rods preserved was ten to twelve feet below the junction of the silt and fill. How long a time was consumed in the deposition of these thirteen to fifteen feet of silt and shells is largely a matter of conjecture. It has been estimated that the Mississippi River deposits a foot of mud in two hundred years. A similar rate here would have required 2500 to 3000 years for the accumulation of this thickness. The streams in the Boston area would have carried annually much less sediment than the Mississippi. The amount retained in the Back Bay, however, would be a balance between the amount of mud delivered into this inland bay protected by many islands and the strength of the tidal scour. That the tidal scour was stronger during the existence of the warmer climatic fauna is shown by the presence in this Back Bay area of an abundance of oysters. These need a bottom free from mud or slime. A stronger tidal scour during the formation of this POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 461 lower bed is also indicated by the fact that this sediment is half composed of shells, while the upper, colder fauna bed contains much more mud in proportion to the number of shells. On the whole it may be considered as probable that the accumulation of silt here had been at least no faster than that by the Mississippi at present. This great age for the fish-weir finds corroboration in the preservation of the wood itself. It is considerably carbonized; its surface is almost black, and either wet or dry, is very brittle. Fragments of this fish-weir are preserved in a wet condition in Peabody Museum of Harvard University and in a dry state in the offices of the Boston Transit Company. Its preservation seems poorer than that of wood, 1500 years old, from a sacrificial well in Yucatan, and every bit as poor as that of wood from the ancient pile dwellings of Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland. The Swiss dwellings had practically disappeared before Roman times, 2000 years ago. Yet other factors must enter into our consideration of the age of this fish-weir. At present a wooden pile exposed above the mud or sand is cut off within a few years, by the borings of mollusks. We must suppose, however, that the accumulation of the lower three or four feet of sediments, one-half of the mass of which consists of shells, must have been a slow process requiring more than a few years. Possibly such boring forms were absent from the Bay at that time, for none have been noted in the collections. It is usually held, too, that marine waters cause a more rapid decomposition of wood than fresh waters, not only “by reason of the abundance and variety of the attacking animal types, but also, it is said (Challenger reports: Deep- sea deposits, p. 256) on account of the greater amounts of sulphates and carbonates in sea-water, which by decomposition in the presence of organic acids facilitate the oxidation (destruction) of the plant tissue.” This is corroborated by the fact that the deep sea dredgings yield vegetable remains in quantity only comparatively near lands; also that limestones (usually deposited far from land) contain slight or no records of land vegetation (8). These are, however, records of the open ocean, not of a partially enclosed bay, where the water would be brackish, the preservative powers of which would be still further increased by the flow and ebb of the tides. The preservation of wood in fossil deposits of a brackish water origin is exceedingly common; but all such wood is supposed to have been buried within a com- paratively few years. In the case of the fish-weir the fossil shells indicate that parts of it extended above the encroaching sediment during the time necessary to deposit three or four feet of shells and 462 SHIMER. mud, next to suffer a striking climatic change and finally to deposit another foot or two of sediment. We can not conceive of this as taking place in a comparatively few years. Still another factor has a bearing upon the age of the fish-weir. The surface of the street where the fish-weir was found is sixteen feet above mean low tide. Since the fill here is nineteen feet and the lowest preserved horizontal portion of the weir thirteen feet below this, the weir must have been driven into water sixteen feet deep at low tide or twenty-six feet at high tide. That is, to reach the surface of the water at high tide, at the present relation of land to ocean, and penetrate the clay eighteen inches, would require sticks twenty-nine feet long, at the least, and these sticks had a diameter of only two inches at base. Since the construction of a fish-weir under such conditions is practically impossible we must suppose that its erection took place before the land had become submerged to its present depth. If we may judge from the practice of today, the weir was erected when the region was exposed at low tide, or almost so, and covered at high tide. If so, the land has sunk sixteen to eighteen feet since man placed here his fish-weir. While none of the above considerations yield anything definite as to years, yet they strongly indicate that the weir is old, very old. To briefly summarize,— The remnants of the fish-weir, excavated on Boylston Street, give evidence of man in the Back Bay region of Boston, probably 2000 to 3000 years ago. He built this weir during a climatic period as warm as off the Virginia Coast at present, and upon a sinking coast. Since its erection the region has sunk sixteen to eighteen feet and suffered a refrigeration to its present climate. POST-GLACIAL HISTORY OF BOSTON. 463 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bryant, D. L. A Study of the Most Recent Geological History of the Tide-Water Region of Charles River. An unpublished thesis in the library of the Geological Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1891. Crosby, W. O. A Study of the Geology of the Charles River Estuary and Boston Harbor, with special Reference to the Building of the proposed Dam Across the Tidal Portion of the River. Technology Quarterly, Vol. XVI, pp. 64-92, 1903. Upham, Warren. Recent Fossils of the Harbor and Back Bay, Boston. Proc. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXV, pp. 305-316, 1891. Windsor, Justin. The Memorial History of Boston. Wood, William. New England’s Prospects, ete. London, 1634. Prince Society ed., 1865, pp. 39-44. Morton, Thomas. The New English Canaan. 1637. Prince Society ed., 1883, p. 227. Ganong, W. F. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Vol. VIII, Sec. 4, pp. 167-185. 1890. White, David. Value of Floral Evidence in Marine Strata as Indication of Nearness of Shores. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. XXII, pp. 221-227. 1911. MAssAcHuUsETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, October 8, 1917. ae nent Laret vib ain a if e Lin ae ner x (yen nya at rs bona aks my Sr a a Bile. Aaa AR ash i. yeast als a Wir. i aie ‘- Lt Tiae 4 nae Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 53. No. 7.—June, 1918. ANCIENT CHINESE PAPER MONEY AS DESCRIBED IN A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. By Anprew McF. Davis. . i t 4 we a0 : | : OM ath aaa i ra - me pig re lel 7 a mT woe Tt.n a Para © *.) ae : ; —. ty . es “Pate oa. ANCIENT CHINESE PAPER MONEY AS DESCRIBED IN A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. By Anprew McF. Davis. Received, January 7, 1918. CONTENTS. PAGE Horeword by Andrew. Mcks Davis. =. fo. «ee Beret 467 Introduction by the translator, Kojiro Tomita... .......2.. 477 iraostation of the Chsiian Pu Tsung'Chih 9s 5 Se 2 Se ee 479 Appendix: Translations from other sources ............. 632 On the 10th of February, 1915, I presented a paper to the Academy entitled “Certain Old Chinese Notes.” The same was published separately with the additional sub-title “Or Chinese Paper Money.” The notes which furnished the title of my paper are now deposited in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, but were at that time in my possession and were on that occasion submitted to the inspection of the members present. The oldest of the notes was emitted under the Emperor Wu-tsung, of the T'ang Dynasty, who reigned from 841- 847 A.D. or 840-846 according to another system of stating the chronology. The Chinese Emperors were accustomed to break up their reigns into periods and the particular period in which this note was emitted was designated as Hwei-Chang or Hui-ch‘ang according to the manner which the translator adopted for the phonetic trans- literation of the Chinese characters. In that paper the notes themselves were described and an attempt was made to place on record not only what is now known concerning them but also what knowledge was at command of European students of economics and finance, at any given time, from the days of Marco Polo to the present time. This examination disclosed the existence of a Chinese numismatical work entitled Ch‘iian Pu T‘ung Chih, which included in its study of coinage a description of this ancient paper money, so far as it was known to the author, and also furnished illustra- tions of the notes described, covering a period from about 650 A.D. to 1425, A.D., that is to say nearly eight centuries, all prior to the first voyage of Columbus. The illustrations are evidently intended to be of the same size as the original notes. The existence of a number of 468 DAVIS. the notes themselves permits comparison and while there are slight variations in the dimensions, the intention of the illustrator to repeat in black and white outline drawing, the original in its general features, including size, is evident. The impressions of the notes given herewith are necessarily reduced to meet the exigencies of the pages on which they appear. This reduction is not made strictly on any given scale. The longest of the notes measures upwards of twelve inches in length by six and three- quarters in width. The smallest is five and one-eighth inches by two and three-quarters. To reproduce the larger of these notes on these pages it must be reduced about one-half in size. If the smaller were reduced in the same proportion, the characters thereon, already quite small, would become difficult to decipher. Nevertheless a reduction in size of the smaller was made, enough in amount to call attention to the fact that the note is a very small note. Furthermore, the dimen- sions of all the notes are stated to the nearest eighth of an inch, the measurements being taken from the photostats of the notes, which were intended to be of full size. A comparison of those measurements with those given in “Certain old Chinese notes” will show that the photostats were as a rule slightly smaller than the actual notes. This may be accounted for in several ways, but in the case of the one kwan Ming note where the actual note measured was three-quarters of an inch longer and one-quarter of an inch wider than the photostat of the drawing in the Chinese book, it niust be remembered that we have abundant evidence that various officials emitted these notes and con- sequently there were undoubtedly many woodcuts from which they were impressed. The mechanical demands of the time did not eall for any great delicacy in the measurement of the impressions on the notes. It would have been possible to have given the measurements of between twenty and thirty actual notes, but it was thought better to pursue a uniform policy, especially as the statement of the measure- ments furnishes a means of estimating the actual size of the notes. There are said to be in existence several old Chinese numismatical works which are illustrated in a similar way to the one which we have under consideration. Our author says, in speaking of certain notes emitted during the Chin Dynasty, of which he had knowledge only through some historical publication, “as I was not able to discover the notes thus referred to in the history, I could not print them in this book.” Without knowledge that the history in question was illus- trated, this statement does not amount to proof that the illustrations in Ch'iian Pu T‘ung Chih were all of them derived from existing notes, but the probability is that such was the case. A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. _ 469 There are eighty-one of these designs of faces of notes. While those of the different dynasties are not fashioned precisely alike it may be asserted that they have a common model. We should expect. to find at the top of the note a heading announcing in a horizontal inscription, written in all probability in seal characters, that the note belongs to an emission of a certain dynasty. Below, enclosed within an ornamental border, there would probably be two panels, the upper divided into two parts, and headed by a horizontal inscription denot- ing the denominational value of the note, beneath which a pictorial representation of this value would be found, either in silver ingots or in strings of copper cash. This panel also frequently has at each side a vertical inscription generally written in seal characters, which sets forth the purpose of the note and the intent that it shall circulate throughout the kingdom. . The lower panel of the note will be found to contain in vertical columns a statement setting forth the department of the government which has been authorized to make the emission, an assertion of the value at which the note was to be received in trade, a reference to the law against counterfeiting and a declaration of the reward which will be given to informers. The last column to the left is invariably headed with the characters representing the dynastic era or period of the emission, below which appear a year character, a month character and a day character, so arranged as to leave space for inserting the specific date of the note, the intention obviously being to fill in the blanks with a brush so that each note should bear the date of the day of its issue. If, however, such was the case, the existing specimens no longer bear these brush inscriptions the marks having disappeared under the wear of use. Besides the eighty-one pictorial representations of faces of notes, there are also represented the official seals which were stamped on the face of the notes of the different dynasties, one on the upper panel and one on the lower panel of each note. Some of the notes also bore a seal stamped on the reverse and in a few instances representations of animals were impressed on the backs of the notes. Of these seals and animals we have reproductions. In a single instance a note, the one kwan Ming, had a special design for the back. This also is given. The seals were stamped upon the face or back of the note as the case might be and the color used was almost invariably red, the only exception to this so far as appears, being those on the Posterior Chou notes which are said to have been impressed in yellow. They appear 470 DAVIS. herein as if printed in black, but it must be remembered that they were superimposed in a different color after the note was printed. Marco Polo described the process of stamping the seals on the notes, as follows: “The principal officer, deputed by his majesty, having dipped into vermilion the royal seal, committed to his custody, stamps with it the piece of paper, so that the form of the seal tinged with vermilion remains impressed upon it, by which it receives full authority as current money....” The author of Ch‘iian Pu T‘ung Chih apparently devoted about sixteen years of his life, during the first half of the nineteenth century to the preparation of his work for publication and to running it through the press. In connection with his description of the T‘ang notes, 825-826 A.D., he states that paper money first appeared in China in the period 806-820 A.D. It may be inferred that when he wrote this he had not seen the Kao-tsung, Yung-hui notes, 650-655 A.D. It is indeed probable that he met with these latter notes while running his book through the press, and inserted designs of them without disturbing the pagination of the portion of the book already prepared, but actually disarranging the sequence of the page numbers by dupli- cating those containing the descriptive text, the notes themselves being put in without the numbers essential to designate their position. At all events, he states that paper money first appeared in China between 806 and 820 A.D. and in the same work describes in detail notes issued 650-655 A.D. The author, either on the authority of Chinese historical works, or from knowledge derived from the notes themselves, gives the denomi- nations of about two hundred and fifty-nine notes emitted during twenty-six eras or periods in the reigns of different emperors of ten dynasties, or if the Sung dynasty is divided into the Northern Sung and Southern Sung, the number of dynasties should be eleven. Of these notes it would seem from what he says that he himself had in his collection about two hundred and twenty-five specimens of differ- ent varieties. In the case of the total number of notes referred to as well as in the statement as to the number of different varieties in his possession, the precise numbers cannot be positively asserted owing to the vagueness and incongruity of expression in the text. He gives for instance under the period covering 860-873 A.D., two illustrations and says in his text that in the year 1833, “some notes of this era were acquired.” The only thing positively-to be ascertained from this is that there were two varieties, those of which illustrations were given in the book, and perhaps more. He states that during the reign of A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 471 Kao-Tsung 1127-1162 A.D., there were three varieties issued, of which he gives the denominations. He publishes three illustrations pur- porting to represent these notes, but as a matter of fact two of these illustrations are of denominations not mentioned by him in his list of three. There are numerous other incongruities of this sort and some of a similar nature are to be found when one attempts to determine whether the notes mentioned or depicted are from his collection or from that of some other collector. The only thing that seems to be fairly well established is that whether from his collection or from elsewhere the designs of the notes were drawn from actual specimens. It will be remembered that when the stock of Law’s Company of the Indies was first increased, the right to subscribe to new stock was made dependent on the ownership of four shares of the old. The different shares were then christened méres and filles and at a later date the next succeeding emission was called petites filles. It is cer- tainly very remarkable that this humorous technology of the French stock market at the beginning of the eighteenth century should have been anticipated four hundred and fifty years in China, but it is recorded that in the period 1264-1294 A.D. of the Yiian dynasty, notes were emitted on the basis of five for one in specie and these notes were called the Mother while the equivalent specie for any note was called the Child. It has already been stated that the various notes described in the Chinese work which we are considering were practically framed after the same model. The Chinese dynastic historians allude to emissions which were evidently intended to be retired within a given time, to others whose circulation was intended to be confined to a certain district, and there are statements made which indicate that specific preparation was made for the redemption of certain of the notes. There is, however, no illustration furnished by the author of Ch‘iian Pu T'ung Chih in which there is any indication through inscriptions on the face of the note or elsewhere, that provision had been made for its redemption, nor of any limitation of either time or space for the circulation of the note. We are not however limited to this work for knowledge of these old Chinese notes, and although the main purpose of this translation is to furnish a key to the knowledge con- tained in this particular book, it is desirable to add thereto something about other sources of information. There is, in the first place, in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, a complete set of photographs of the twenty emissions, of Chao-tsung, Lung-chi, 889-890 A.D., of the T'ang dynasty. The original notes 472 DAVIS. from which the photographs were taken have disappeared, but the inscriptions on the photographs are probably quite as legible as they were on the notes themselves. In addition to the illustrations reproduced from the pages of Ch‘iian Pu T‘ung Chih there are also included herewith five reproductions from the pages of a work recently published in Japan entitled Sst Chao Ch‘ao Pi T‘u Lu, a title which is rendered into English as follows: “Tllustrated Record of the Paper-money of the Four Dynasties”’; and two illustrations taken from the third volume of the Journal of the Peking Oriental Society. Some of these illustrations were taken from the notes themselves and are lacking in the precision of the Chinese characters shown in the reproductions in black and white of the drawings of the notes made for Ch‘iian Pu T'ung Chih. They illustrate certain features of these emissions which are not covered by the notes included in that work, and have especial value in their bearing upon the point heretofore referred to that the notes in that work contained in their inscriptions no limitations of time or place for their circulation and no indication that they were subject to re- demption. In the examples taken from Sst Chao Ch‘ao Pi T'u Lu we can see the method by which provision was made for designating on the face of the note that it was intended for local circulation. We find also provisions for redemptions and for the reception of the notes in payment for taxes. The depreciation of some of these notes is recognized in the inscriptions on their face. The description of one of them seems to be based upon an impres- sion taken from a fragment of a wood-block of the note, which was in possession of a Chinese collector. Dr. S. W. Bushell gives the follow- ing description of it, in the Journal of the Peking Oriental Society, Volume III, Number 4, pp. 309-310: The border is filled with a floral design of lotus flowers and leaves. Above the border are three large characters yi shih kuan, ten strings, equal to 10,000 cash, the nominal value. Within the border, the vertical column in the middle reads yi shih kuan pa shih, below which we may supply tsw pai, indicating the real value to be 8000 cash, eighty being reckoned as a full hundred. On the left are two characters tzu hao, a space being left above for the insertion of the number of each note in mahuscript. On the right and left sides close to the border are two columns of antique (seal) characters, worn and indistinct, but decipherable with the aid of contemporary records, reading on the right, wei tsao chiao ch’ao ché chan, ‘‘Whoever counterfeits this note shall be be- headed”’; on the left shang ch’ien san pai kuan “ Reward 300 strings of copper cash.” A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. — 473 The characters on the right are partly completed by conjecture. Those on the left in large script indicate the three provinces in which the notes were to circulate. Dr. Bushell in the article already quoted from gives the text of a note emitted A.D. 1214 as follows: _...The full text of a note issued in the second year, (A. D. 1214) of the reign of the Emperor Hsiian Tsung of the same Chin dynasty. It is taken from the collection of antiquities of Chien Ta-hin, a famous scholar, published early in this century. It is quoted from the same source by the author of the Chin shih ts’ui pien, a well known work in 160 books on ancient inscriptions, where it is described as 12 inches broad, 15 inches long. The accompanying ficure is smaller than the original and the floral border surrounding it is omitted from want of space. The value, five strings, half that of the preceding note, is also written in large characters at the top outside the border. On the left, also outside and encroaching on the floral border, are two panels indicating that the note was current in Ching Chao Fu and P’ing Liang Fu which were both in the province of Shensi. The heading written horizontally reads Chén yu pao chiian, ‘Precious note of the Chén Yu period” (A. D. 1213-1216). Below: “Five Strings, eighty cash equal to a full hundred” with columns on either side for the class and number. Underneath in nine columns, “This precious note issued by Imperial decree shall circulate together with ready money and shall be redeemable at any time at the government treasuries of Ching Chao and P’ing Liang.’ “Whoever counterfeits it shall be beheaded. The reward shall be 300 strings of these notes, as well as the property of the criminal.” The middle column is for the date, the other five are filled with the titles of the officials of the Board of Revenue and Paper Money-Bureaux, blanks being left for the insertion of their names and signs manual. Several of these reproductions bear upon their face inscriptions to the effect that their circulation is for an unlimited time. On some of them offices were designated where they would be redeemed and on one at least, the statement is made that the note will be received in payment of certain taxes. Marco Polo stated that new notes would be issued for old ones on payment of a charge for printing. On one of these notes we find a provision covering that point. The last illustration of a note in our series is taken from the third volume, Number 4, of the Journal of the Peking Oriental Society. Whether the original is what Dr. S. W. Bushell, the author of the following extract thinks, a copper note, or a plate from which notes were to be printed, will depend upon the judgment of the reader. Here is what Dr. Bushell says: 474 A DAVIS. The third figure is the copy of a copper note of the last reign of the Ming dynasty. It is a curious example of an attempt to stem the rapid deprecia- tion of the notes by making these of real intrinsic value. I was inclined, at first view, to think it was a copper plate for printing paper notes but the inscription shews this idea to be untenable. The figure is the same size as the original and must have weighed nearly, if not quite, as much as the 200 cash it represented. I have extracted it from Chi chin eo chien lu, a numis- matic work, the learned author of which describing it says: At the beginning of the Ming dynasty, they issued notes after the fashion of the Yuan and Chin dynasties, these notes being all made of paper. Near the end of the twelfth year of the reign Ts’ung Chén, (A. D. 1239), Chang Chii of the Hamlin College presented a memorial recommending notes to be cast from copper. This is one of these copper notes. It is of the value of 200 cash, and in the centre there is a picture of two strings of cash, just as in the large paper notes of ‘the period, of which the value was 1000 cash, there are figured ten such strings. The remainder of the inscription is the same as that of the said paper money, with the addition in the middle of the lower part, of seven characters meaning ‘Moulded in changed form in the cyclical year chi mao (A. D. 1239); of the period Ts’ung Chén.’ On the reverse three square seals are moulded in relief, each smaller than the one above: Ta Ming Pao chih chih yin, ‘Seal of the Money note Department of the great Ming’; Pao ch’ao Ti chu ssu yin, ‘Seal of the Inspectorate of Money Notes’; Chu tsao pao ch’ao chii yin, ‘Seal of the Bureau for casting money notes’. Near the upper border of the plate, there is a small round hole. The original date of Hung Wu, the founder of the dynasty, was retained all through on the notes and we find it here at the end of the inscription. This is the only specimen of a copper note that has been, as far as I know, preserved. At the time it was cast, the Ming dynasty was near its fall and probably very few of these metallic notes were circulated. A typographical error in the article from which we have quoted has converted the “cyclical year chi mao” from A.D. 1639 into 1239. The date 1639 is indeed used in connection with this note or plate by Dr. Bushell himself in opening this very article. This correction probably carries with it the correction of the date of the twelfth year of the reign of Ts'ung Chén, (A.D. 1239) a few lines above, to 1639. It is not within the purview of this communication to discuss seriously the question whether Dr. Bushell was right when he aban- doned the idea that this copper plate was for printing notes and con- cluded that the language of the inscription made clear that it was cast in that form for use as money, this particular example being the only known specimen preserved. It is clear however that if the casting is unmistakably a coin, it has no right to be considered in a paper that deals exclusively with paper money. The plate or note is a reproduc- tion in its general appearance of a note of the emission of the Hung- A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. | 475 wu period, 1368-1398 A.D., the characters used being identical with the exception that seven new characters are inserted in the inscription which are translated by Dr. Bushell, “Moulded in changed form in the cyclical year chi mao” (A.D. 1639), and which Mr. Tomita, the translator of Ch’iian Pu T‘ung Chih, interprets as reading, “ Cast anew in the year of chi mao.’ Neither of these renderings is inconsistent with the casting being a plate for printing notes. When we come to the reading of the seals on the reverse of the casting, Dr. Bushell’s reading of the lower seal would at first glance seem to cut us off from any choice between note and plate. He interprets that seal as reading, “Seal of the Bureau for casting money notes.” Mr. Tomita gives the following reading for this seal: “Seal of the Bureau of the Cast Treasure-Note”’; which is nearly equivalent. Refuge from the apparent inference that the casting was a “money note” and not a plate from which currency could be printed may perhaps be found in different interpretations of these characters by students who shall devote attention to their study. Meantime it would seem incredible that any ruler should have attempted to supersede the convenient and easily portable Chinese string of copper coins by an equivalent weight, rectangular in form, with sharp corners and with delicate inscriptions thereon in raised characters. Until this interpretation shall be proved to be correct, believers in Chinese intelligence will, harbor doubt of its possibility. Dr. Bushell was obviously impressed by the fact that the inscrip- tions on the casting, while they indicated that they were made in 1639 still bore the characters which showed that the note or plate was a reproduction of the design for a note in the days of Hung-wu, (1368-1398). There were, however, precedents for double dates of this sort. In the period Hsien-ching (1136-1141) of the Western Liao, an emission called Great Liao Treasure notes was put forth with an inscription stating that the Great Hsia Treasure note was issued under imperial authority for the use of the people. In the days of the Hsia dynasty, notes were emitted which were called Ta-Té Treasure notes, and which bore the characters denoting that they were emitted during the Yiian-té period (1119-1126). The name Ta-Té was not adopted till nine years after the end of the Yiian-Té period. It seems reasonable to suppose that in each of these instances, the official having charge of the emission, in his effort to make use of a note of previous issue as a model, neglected to correct his copy so as to eliminate all the previous dates. A similar confusion in the case of the casting may perhaps be explained the same way. The diffi- 476 DAVIS. culties encountered in translating the new characters inserted in the inscription and in the seal for the reverse may have their foundation in a similar cause. In an article in the’same number of the Journal of the Peking Oriental Society as that from which we have already quoted so freely,* a writer makes the statement that in 1651 A.D., notes were issued and that annually for eighteen years a fixed amount was emitted. Then the attempt to make use of paper money was abandoned. If this be so, it would not be surprising if the “money note” might be found to be connected with this emission. The difference in time Is not great. The translation which follows is the work of Mr. Kojiro Tomita, anative of Japan, and Assistant Curator of Chinese and Japanese Art at the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston. He has by preference adhered to a nearly literal method, rather than attempt to express the meaning in well phrased English periods. He has given the un- derlying meaning of the Chinese characters. The reader can shape this meaning into more readable phrases at will. His scholarly philo- logical attainments and his complete mastery of English furnish a guarantee of the accuracy of his work. ANDREW McF. Davis. * The Origin of the Paper Currency of China by Shioda Saburo. Journal of the Peking Oriental Society. Volume III, Number 4, page 278. A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 477 INTRODUCTION BY THE TRANSLATOR. The reign of a Chinese emperor is designated as such and such an era, and all notes bear the name of the era in which they were issued. In some cases, during one reign, the name of the era is changed many times. To give corresponding dates in the Christian era is sometimes a difficult task, as books on the subject often disagree. However, in each case the best authorities have been followed. The dates that appear after the names of emperors in parentheses denote the periods of their reigns. In the transliteration of Chinese proper names, Giles’ system has been followed. In translating the inscriptions on the various notes, the original wording has been followed as closely as possible, with the purpose of bringing out such distinctions as, for example, the following: “Shall be rewarded”. “Shall be given”’. “The informant”. “To him who informs’. Much difficulty has been experienced in rendering the Chinese into English because of the absolute lack of kinship between the two languages. ‘To give the general meaning or to translate the Chinese freely, as many writers have done, would have been simpler, but by this method the slight, yet important, distinctions in the text of each issue could not be brought out. No doubt many of the English words chosen might be replaced by more appropriate ones; for instance, the word “informer” might be preferred by some to the word “informant”’, etc., ete. It will be noted that the text accompanying the different issues varies in length. In some cases the inscriptions on the notes have been incorporated in the text, and the designs are described, while in others they have been ignored. Inconsistencies are noticeable fea- tures of this book, and of typographical errors there are not a few. Wherever an inconsistency or an error has been discovered, an en- deavor has been made to mention it in a footnote. In the phrase “....note to be used as cash (or as silver), the word “as” is the equivalent of “together with’’, “on the same footing’’, or “jointly”. “To be used side by side’. In the original, four characters which literally mean “ parallel-going-use-employ” are frequently used, as 478 DAVIS. well as two characters literally meaning “ parallel use” (an abridged form of the four characters previously mentioned). In translating, the phrase “to be used side by side” has been adopted, and no distine- tion has been made between the two forms. The phrases at the end of the inscriptions indicating the punish- ment for concealing, in spite of being aware of the guilt of another, differ. In many cases the translations are awkward, but an attempt has been made to retain the original meaning. “Public Convenience”. Though the literal translation is “con- venient (use) of people”, the phrase “ Public Convenience” has been adopted as a better form for a title. “Tssuance”’. Though the literal translation is “sswe-circulaiing”’ or “ distribute-circulating,”’ the word “‘ Issuance” has been adopted. “Imperial authorization decree’’. Whether or not such an expres- sion is allowable is doubtful; however, it has been used to distinguish it from others which simply mean “decree” or “sanction”’. Chinese vs. English. The absence of even fairly exhaustive Chinese- English dictionaries has made the rendering of the Chinese into English doubly difficult, as each character has many different meanings and, further, when used in combination with one or more characters, takes on a new meaning. No dictionary, even in the original language, gives enough examples of these combinations, which amount to thousands and thousands. Since generally all Chinese-English dictionaries deal with the modern Chinese language, and the authors themselves intended to make the dictionaries of gen- eral, not technical, use, many words that were found on the notes had to be rendered according to my best judgment. Of course the titles of officials, etc., may or may not have English equivalents; but since there is no standard to follow, the most appropriate renderings that could be thought of have been supplied. In order to make correct renderings of the titles of officials, one must be a deep professional student of the political economy or governmental organization of Chinese of the various dynasties and the various provinces. In the present case, as many reference books in Chinese as were at command have been consulted. In translating the text, points not essential, as for instance, repeti- tions of chronology or the author’s poetic eulogies concerning great discoveries, have been omitted. ‘ Kovrro Tomita. A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. ; 479 TRANSLATION OF THE CH'UAN PU T'UNG CHIH. EXTRACTS FROM THE INTRODUCTION TO THE “CH'‘UjAN Pu T‘unG Guin. The compilation of the “Ch'iian Pu T‘ung Chih” was begun in 1816; in the winter of 1832 it had been printed; and in the spring of 1833 * the binding was completed. As there are many hundreds of varieties of paper money, they could not be enumerated even on a hundred pages. The following are some of the notes which I acquired: From Mr. T'‘ao’s collection, in the autumn of 1832, notes of the Sung Dynasty (Chien-lung Era, 960-962); of the Yiian Dynasty (Chih-yiian Era, 1264-1294); and of the Ming Dynasty (Hung-wu Era, 1368-1398) — twenty-three in all. In the summer of the following year, from Mr. Chu, notes of the Sung Dynasty (Ching-k‘ang Era, 1126, and the Chien-yen Era, 1127- 1130); of the Western Hsia Dynasty (Yiian-té Era, 1119-1126); of the Chin Dynasty (Tien-hui Era, 1123-1137); of the Liao Dynasty (K‘ang- kuo Era, 1127-1135, and the Hsien-ch‘ing Era, 1136-1141) — thirty- one in all. And in the spring of 1834, f from the Tung Collection, notes of the T'ang Dynasty (Hui-ch‘ang Era, 841-846, the Ta-chung Era, 847-859, the Hsien-t‘ung Era, 860-873, the Lung-chi Era, 889, and the T‘ien- yu Era, 904-922); of the Sung Dynasty (Shao-hsing Era, 1131-1162), the Ch‘ien-tao Era, 1165-1173); of the Yiian Dynasty (T‘ien-li Era, 1328-1329, and the Chih-chéng Era, 1341-1367); of the Ming Dynasty (Yung-lé Era, 1403-1424, and the Hung-hsi Era, 1425 ) — one hun- dred and sixty-seven in all. Notes oF Emperor Kao-tsune (650-683 A.D.) oF THE T‘ANG Dynasty. In 650 A.D. Kao-tsung ascended the throne, establishing the era called Yung-hui (650-655 A. D.); and during his rule, which extended in all over a period of thirty-three years, the name of the era under- went fourteen changes. * This must be the date of the first edition. K. T. + This date falls one year after the completion of the book. K. T, t These dates are all ADD—K. T. 480 DAVIS. Notes of ten different denominations were issued in the Yung-hui Era of Kao-tsung, all of them yellow in color. At the top of each is inscribed “Great T'ang Treasure-Note”’; in the middle, the denomi- nation of the note, e. g., 1 kwan, 5 kwan, 10 kwan, etc.; and directly below appears a picture representing (a string of) ch‘ien (cash) proportionate in value to the denomination of the note, e. g., 1 kwan, 1000 ch‘ien; 5 kwan, 5000 ch‘ien, ete., ete. At the bottom is in- scribed: “The Board of Revenue,* having received the Imperial Decree, prints the Treasure-Note to be used as cash, ete......... , on Chem geeks DEA orn G9 21S, TON Gh pec yee year of Yung-hui.” On the surrounding border is a design of dragons and clouds. Each of the ten notes is stamped similarly above with a square seal with the characters “Printed Treasure Note’’, and below with another square seal which reads: “The Seal of Yung-hui of the Great T'ang”. On the back of these notes there is neither pattern nor seal. These Kao-tsung notes came, with the subsequent issues of differ- ent eras — seven in all—from the collection of the Tung Family. How fortunate it was to have acquired them! The excellence of their workmanship, so distinguishable from the rest, surpasses that of all other paper money. Whether or not there were any notes emitted in the time previous to the Kao-tsung is not known. Puate 1. Yune-HuI (650-655 A.D.) Note. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great T'ang Treasure-Note.” Second line: “One Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of 1000 ch‘ien in one string). The vertical columns in the lower panel: “The Civil Board, having received the Imperial Decree, prints and issues under the heavens ¢ the Great T'ang Treasure-Note to be used as cash. The counterfeiter shall be decapitated summarily in punishment for the crime; the first informant shall be given 12 taels in silver. Yung-hwi,....year,....month,, emitted.” t * On the actual note it says ‘‘Civil Board” instead of ‘‘ Board of Revenue,”’ hence the latter must be a misprint. The Chinese characters for ‘civil’ and for ‘‘revenue”’ are somewhat alike. K. T. + In the actual inscription this phrase ‘‘issues under the heavens’ comes after the word ‘‘silver”’ at the very end of the sentence. K. T. t The word here used literally means “act”. Ix. T. PLATE 1. : ‘ So Cee Kiso arene = # eas Soper ain le oo ae | eee Y Kray Weve yee ca] ‘i 481 PLATE 2. me eee By 78 27 Lee a ip Ay PA sy 2S MA “p> 4d g Se Yune-Hu! 650-655 A.D. 10 Kwan A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 483 PiateE 2. Yune-Hur (650-655 A.D.) Norte. The inscription is the same as that on Plate 1, with the exception of the denomination which is 10 kwan, and the reward to the in- formant, which is 30 taels. The illustration represents 10 strings of 1000 ch‘ien each. PuatE 3. Upper SEAL ON THE YUNG-HUI NOTES. Four characters, arranged as follows: Treasure Print Note Made Translation: “ Printed Treasure-Note.”’ PLATE ‘3. PLATE 4. DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 23 X 25 INCHES 3 X 35 INCHES PuatE 4. Lower SEAL oN THE YuUNG-HUI NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: of Yung- Great Seal hui T'ang Translation: “The Seal of the Yung-hui Era of the Great Tang Dynasty.” 484 DAVIS. Notes oF EMPEROR CHING-TSUNG (825-826 A.D.) oF THE T‘ANG ’ DyYNasTY. Paper money first appeared in the time of the Emperor Hsien- tsung * (806-820 A.D.) and was called “fei-ch‘iian” f or “flying certificate”. There are ten varieties of the Pao-li notes of the Emperor Ching- tsung.{ Their color is yellow, and each bears at the top the inscrip- tion “Great T'ang Treasure-Note”; directly below is written the denomination of the note, e. g., 10 kwan in writing with an illustration of one ingot of yiian-pao, (a standard silver bar); 20 kwan, with 2 ingots of yiian-pao, etc., the number of the bars varying according to the value of the note. In the lower part is inscribed: “The Board of Rites, having received the Imperial Decree, prints the Great T‘ang Treasure-Note which is to circulate as money, ete.”’ On the two sides respectively is written in the chuan (seal) style of writing: “To be current under the Heavens” and “To circulate as cash”. The sur- rounding border shows a design of dragons and clouds. Each of the ten notes is similarly stamped; in the upper part is a square seal which reads: “Print-made Treasure-Note”’, and in the lower part another square seal which reads: ‘The Seal of Pao-li of the Great T'ang’. On the reverse of each there is neither pattern nor seal. Some of the notes are illustrated herewith in order to record their existence. PuatE 5. Pao-ii (825-826 A.D.) Nore. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great T‘ang Treasure-Note.” Second line: “ Ten Kwan.” § Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one yiian-pao). At the right of the illustration, written vertically in the chuan (seal) style: * Compare this statement with the text concerning the Kao-tsung Notes. KT. + The book “T‘ang-shu’”’, from which presumably this information is drawn, mentions the “ho-ch‘iian” or “identification certificate (coupon, check, billet or note)” which was also called “fei-ch'ien”’ or ‘flying money”. Fei-ch‘iian may therefore be the abridged combination of these two terms. K. T. {This must mean notes proceeding by tens from 10 kwan to 100 kwan. ee. § Literally, one ten Kwan. K. T. 486 DAVIS. “ To be current under the heavens.” At the left of the illustration, written vertically in the chuan (seal) style: “ To circulate as cash.” The vertical columns in the lower panel: The Board of Rites, having received the Imperial Decree, prints and issues under the heavens * the Great T‘ang Treasure-Note to be used as cash. The counterfeiter shall be decapitated summarily in punishment or the crime; the first informant shall be given 10 taels in silver. Pao-li,....year,....month,,. .emitted.” T PiLaTE 6. Pao-11 (825-826 A.D.) Notes. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 kwan note with the ex- ception of the denomination, which is 100 kwan, and the reward to the informant which is 100 taels. The illustration represents 10 yiian- pao. PuatE 7. Upper SEAL ON THE Pao-.I NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: Treasure Print Note Made Translation: “ Printed Treasure-Note.”’ PuatTe 8. Lower SEAL ON THE Pao-tI NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: of Pao- Great Seal li T'ang Translation: “ The Seal of the Pao-li Era of the Great T'ang Dynasty. Notes oF Emprror Wv-tsune (841-846 A.D.) oF THE T‘ANG DyNaSsTY. There are ten varieties of notes that were issued during the era of Hui-ch‘ang (841-846 A.D.), in the reign of Wu-tsung. The note of ¢ *In the actual inscription this phrase “issues under the heavens” comes after the word “silver” at the very end of the sentence. K. T. 7 The word here used literally means ‘‘act”. K. T. PLATE 6. | SD MMR RK : eee zh 825-826 A.D 825-826 A.D. 100 Kwan 48S DAVIS. the value of one kwan bears a picture of one yiian-pao; that of 2 kwan, 2 yiian-pao; 3 kwan, 3 yiian-pao, and so on up to 10 kwan, each bearing a corresponding number of yiian-pao. On the border of these notes there appear two dragons tossing a jewel. ‘The color of the paper is yellow, and all the inscriptions except the uppermost are written in the style of the great calligraphers Han Yui and Liu Tsung-yiian of the T'ang Period. Herewith two notes, one of maximum, and the other of minimum value are illustrated. PLATE 7. PLATE 8. DimeENSIONS DimeENSIONS 1 : 25 X 22 INCHES 33 X 33 INCHES PuaTE 9. Hut-cH‘ane (841-846 A.D.) Norte. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great T‘ang Isswance Treasure-Note.” (Written in seal characters. ) Second line: “One Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one yiian-pao). In the right hand border, written vertically: “Tssued to the world.” Literally “ Distributed under the heavens.” In the left-hand border written vertically: “To be universally accepted.” PLATE 9. AAR 6, [ponbaaagae REMY BAM RCS OA at ro THN op mi 490 DAVIS. Lower panel: “The Cabinet, having received the Imperial decree, prints and dis- tributes the Great T‘ang General Circulation Treasure-Note to be used side by side with silver, which is emitted under the heavens for the con- venient use of the people. The counterfeiter shall be decagitated; for informing and arresting the reward shall be 260 taels in silver; and for concealing and not reporting (such guilt) the punishment shall be the same.* Hui-ch‘ang,....year,....month,” PLATE “10: The inscription is the same as that on the one kwan note with the exception of the denomination, which is 10 kwan, and the reward to the informant and captor which is 820 taels. The illustration repre- sents 10 yiian-pao. PLATE 11. Upper SEAL ON THE Hut-cH‘ane NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: of Hui- Imperial Seal ch‘ang Translation: “Imperial Seal of the Hui-ch‘ang Era.” PuaTte 12. Lower SEAL oN THE Hur-cH‘ane NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Print Great Note Made T‘ang Translation: “ Printed Treasure-Note of the Great T‘ang Dynasty.” Notes oF Emperor Hsiian-tsune (847-859 A.D.) oF THE T‘ANG Dynasty. The Emperor Hsiian-tsung came to the throne in 847, and the era of his rule became known as Ta-chung. There are twenty varieties of the 'Ta-chung notes, of which those ranging in denomination from 10 to 100 wén bear on the border a dragon design; while those rang- * As in the case of counterfeiting. K. T. PLATE 10. 492 DAVIS. ing from 100 to 1000 wén have a border design consisting of four ch‘ih.* All are small military notes and their color is yellow. PuatEe 13. Ta-cHune (847-859 A.D.) Norte. Translation of the Inscriptions. First line: “Great T'ang Military Administration Treasure-Note.”’} Second line: “ Ten Weén.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of 10 wén in one string). PEATE: 11: PEATE AZ: DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 25 X 25 INCHES 31 X 3 INCHES Lower panel: “The Board of War, having received the Imperial Decree, prints and issues to the Military barracks t in every province, for the convenient use of the people, the Great T‘ang Circulating Treasure- Note, to be employed as silver coin. (He who) prints a facsimile § shall x Dragons without horns. Kk. T. + By some this is translated as ‘‘ War Period Treasure-Note”’; but it seems to be a misinterpretation. K. T. t Though literally ‘‘ Military Barracks or Camps,” the word “ Army” would be a correct rendering. K. T. § Meaning ‘‘counterfeit”. IK. T. PLATE 13. # at pi- 2 Sax a Se SOS S sy \ “ Bers Peal Natal ae = De De) a ala] ral > ) - —— SD ee Sa ae eS en ae mR tka seatatthn Fao) oy LY Ge RRL PRB Rt aX ree WO BRT GS ABE EK Mim alnda anvil Oe HR po Me ATE ia Oat, a ox mee SSI TECH oO é O 493 10 WEN 847-859 A.D G 847-859 A.D. 494 DAVIS. be executed summarily. - The first informant shall be rewarded with ten taels in silver. The government soldier who conceals such guilt shall be punished accordingly. “ Ta-chung,....year,....month,, sanctioned.” * PuatTe 14, The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note with the exception of the denomination, which is 100 wén, and the reward to the informant which is 100 taels. The illustration represents 100 cash in one string. PuatTE 15. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note with the exception of the denomination, which is one kwan, and the reward to the informant which is 100 taels. The illustration represents 10 strings of 100 cash each. PLATE 16. Upper SEAL ON THE Ta-cHuNG NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: of Ta- Imperial Seal chung Translation: “Imperial Seal of the Ta-chung Era.” PuaTE 17. Lower SEAL ON THE Ta-cHuNG NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: Treasure Military Note Barracks Translation: “ Treasure-Note of the Army.” < * The sense of the character employed is not clear, as it has the meaning “bound, tied, wound, ome continued”’, ete. There is no authority for trans- lating it ‘‘s sanctioned”. K, [be PLATE 14. etesin ray Meee fT Se irc SA a ine > BBL EAM DLE Me NASTY 847-859 A.D. 847-859 A.D. 100 WEN PLATE 165. TR Cra sertal en Fla) ots var rod ate { 9g 7 i RoR TK aS Re ie Rain ADB SSS HL fos dats aod tar foot HO eg se A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 497 Nores oF Emperor I-tsune (860-873 A.D.) or THE T‘ANG DyNasTY. During his reign of fifteen years (806-820 A.D.) the Emperor Hsien- tsung caused to be enacted a merchants’ monetary deposit law by which “identification certificates” were issued for the convenience of travelling traders, the same being convertible into cash on presenta- tion. These “identification certificates” were known as “flying money”’ (fei-ch‘ien) or “flying certificates” (fei-ch‘iian). In 860 A.D., I-tsung ascended the throne, and his era came to be known as “ Hsien-t‘ung”. Though there was a financial readjustment under his rule on account of the scarcity of cash, there is no known record of the issuance of paper money at this period. Nevertheless, some notes of this era were acquired in the year 1833 from Tung Yung- jui, which once formed a part of the valuable collection of his ances- PLATE 16. PEATE: 17. DimeNsIONS DiMENSIONS 3 3 42 * 12 IncHEs 1z X1z INCHES tor, Tung Fiao Kung. Of the sixty odd varieties of notes of the successive dynasties published in the present work, these T'ang notes were discovered last. Their color is golden yellow, and they have a distinctive beauty. The arrangement of the various parts is as follows: at the top is written horizontally in the lesser chuan style, “Great T'ang General Circulation Treasure-Note”’; directly below is inscribed, for example, “100 kwan”, with a picture of 10 ingots of yiian-pao; in the lower panel appears the inscription: “The Cabinet, having petitioned the Imperial Decree, prints and issues the Great T‘ang Circulating Treasure-Note to be used side by side with silver coin. He who privately makes a facsimile shall be decapitated sum- marily; he who first informs in the matter shall be rewarded with PLATE 18. A“ 2 Receacilar A JES Li [aol PK Rancho ae pea) IMENSIONS 3 1 5s X10¢ INCHES vi NASTY 860-873 A.D. ce 860-873 A.D. 10 Kwan A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 499 4000 taels in silver. To official and civilian alike the punishment for conniving at (such an offence) shall also be the same. On the sur- rounding border two dragons appear on either side, with a jewel on the upper border and water on the lower. A square seal which reads “Great T'ang Issuance” appears above, and below is another square seal reading “ Hsien-t‘ung Circulating Treasure-Note”. The latter seal is repeated on the back of each note. PuaTe 18. Hsrten-t'une (860-873 A.D.) Norte. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great T'ang General Circulation Treasure-Note.” Second line: “ Ten Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one yiian-pao). Lower panel: “The Cabinet, having petitioned the Imperial decree, prints and issues the Great T‘ang Circulating Treasure-Note to be used side by side with silver coin. (He who) first privately makes a facsimile shall be decapitated summarily upon learning of (such guilt); (he who) first informs in the matter shall be rewarded with 1000 taels in silver. To official and civilian alike the punishment for conniving at (such an offence) shall also be the same. Hsien-t'ung,....year,....month,... .day.” PLATE 19: The inscription is the same as that on the 10 kwan note with the exception of the denomination, which is 100 kwan, and the reward to the informant which is 4000 taels. The illustration represents 10 yuan pao. PuaTE 20. Upper SEAL ON THE HsIEN-T'uNG NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: Distributing Great Issuing T'ang Translation: “Isswance of the Great T'ang Dynasty.” PLATE 19. ’4 foe = ae , “~ \ YG IMENSIONS 5s X10 INCHES 860-873 A.D. 100 Kwan “unc 860-873 A.D. Dynasty : te ros f Leste 3 TANG A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 501 PuatTeE 21. Lower SEAL ON THE HstIen-tT‘unG NOTEs. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Through Hsien- Note Current t‘ung Translation: “Circulating Treasure-Note of the Hsien-t‘ung Era.” SraL APPEARING ON THE Back OF THE HSIEN-T‘UNG NOTES. The inscription is the same as that on the lower seal of which it is a replica.“g See Plate 21. PLATE. 20. PEATIE: 212 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 1 7! 25 X 25 INCHES 23 < 22 INCHES Notes oF Emperor CHao-tsunNG (889-903 A.D.) oF THE T‘ANG Dynasty. Chao-tsung became Emperor in 889 A.D. and established the era called Lung-chi, which lasted only a year; and during this short period he issued twenty varieties of notes. © The designs on the bor- ders of the respective notes are: for the one kwan note, clouds and flowers; for the 10 kwan, clouds and chrysanthemums; for the 15 kwan, the Hsi-fan lotus (Passiflora coerulea); for the 20 kwan, the Wan-shou * vine; and for the 25 kwan....T * “ Wan-shou”’ means ‘‘ten thousand years”. K. T. 7 The design for the 25 kwan note is not mentioned. K. T. PLATE 22. ON Nae Per CREE) Go} CAE r om Dol pigs Ge (3 KagoKe = Ne) ASK rate sal 0! grate : so) emp ree a : tah nical He ih e ai A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 503 PuLaTE 22. Lune-cut (889 A.D.) Nore. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great T‘ang General Circulation Treasure-Note.” Second line: “ Five Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one cash). Lower panel “ The Cabinet, having received the Imperial decree, prints and issues the Great T‘ang Circulating Treasure-Note to be used side by side with silver coin. (He who) prints a facsimile shall be decapitated summarily. The first informant shall be rewarded with 650 taels in silver. To the concealer— military man and civilian alike — the same punishment * shall apply. Lung-chi,....year,....month,... .day. 39 PiatE 23. The inscription on the 50 kwan note is the same as that on the 5 kwan note with the exception of the denomination, and the reward to the informant which is 1500 taels. The illustration represents ten cash. PuatTe 24. The inscription on the 55 kwan note is the same as that on the 5 kwan note with the exception of the denomination, and the reward to the informant which is 850 taels. The illustration represents eleven cash. Prat, 25. The inscription on the 100 kwan note is the same as that on the 5 kwan note with the exception of the denomination, and the reward to the informant which is 940 taels. The illustration represents twenty cash. * Asin the case of counterfeiting. K.T. PLATE 23. aye eal nerve: , Saree EO a PLATE 24, DER (eR Z iS | wae a nee, IEP gare alee ae Ae Kael sp) aRabiehaeRaMae Ke 4 Lo. ms BIT Dy Si oe sia} ae ot Ba Sa ieiactny De “\g ee rare AER |/\ 7 i NG gore A.D. 889 A.D. 55 Kwan PLATE 25. | ~o) ahaa SA ER ES i MO EK Tea a iis \ ‘ ( O YNASTY UNG 889-903 A.D 889 A.D. 100 Kwan A CHINESE. WORK ON NUMISMATICS. : 507 PuatTeE 26. Upper SEAL ON THE LunG-cu1 NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: of Lung- Imperial Seal chi Translation: “ The Imperial Seal of the Lung-chi Era.” PuatTE 27. Lower SEAL ON THE LuNG-cHI NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Print Great Note Made T'ang Translation: “ Printed Treasure-Note of the Great T‘ang Dynasty.” PLATE 26, PLATE 27. DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 2 X 1% INCHES 22 x 23 INCHES THe T‘ren-yu (904-922 A.D.) Notes or THE T‘ana Dynasty. In 904 A.D., the first year of the T‘ien-yu Era, the reigning emperor, Chao-tsung, was assassinated by Chu Ch'‘iian-chung, and a young boy twelve years of age was placed on the throne as his successor. He became known as Chao-hsiian-ti, and remained the nominal head of the empire until 907 A.D., when he transferred his imperial power 508 DAVIS. to Chu Ch‘iian-chung, marking the end of the T‘ang Dynasty * and the establishment of the Hou Liang or the Posterior Liang Dynasty. During this T‘ien-yu Era, ten varieties of notes were issued. Their color is yellow, and in denomination they range from one to ten kwan. At the top is written horizontally “Great T‘ang Public Convenience Treasure-Note”. Directly below is written the value with a pictorial representation of a proportionate number of strings of cash, i. e., for 1 kwan, 1 string of cash. Beneath appears an in- scription which reads: “The Cabinet, having petitioned the Throne, prints and issues the Great T'ang Treasure-Note to be current under the heavens and to be used as cash. The counterfeiter of the same shall be decapitated; the informant and captor will be rewarded with 120 taelsin silver (this amount in the case of the one kwan note). To the conniver (at such an offence) the punishment shall be the same. Paen-yus =)... Vedat ie eer MOEN ee ee day.” On the border appear two dragons tossing a jewel, and below them, waves. The upper portion bears a square seal with the characters “Imperial Seal of the Great T'ang Dynasty.” The lower seal which is also square reads: “Printed Treasure-Note of the T‘ien-yu Era”. The latter seal is stamped on the back of the note, which is otherwise undecorated. PiatE 28. T'tenN-yu (904-922 A.D.) Norte. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great T'ang Public Convenience Treasure-Note.” Second line: “One Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one string of cash). Lower panel: “ The Cabinet, having petitioned the Throne, prints and issues the Great T'ang Treasure-Note to be current under the heavens and to be used as cash. The counterfeiter of the same form shall be decapitated; * According to history the name T‘ien-yu was retained until 922, as the boy emperor, after abdicating the Imperial throne, was made king of a certain territory. K. T. { By “Ten-yu Era”’ in this particular case, it seems that the author means the period of about four years commencing with the last year of the Emperor Chao-tsung’s reign and ending with the year of the transfer of the Imperial power by Chao-hsiian-ti to Chu Ch'iian-chung. The author says that after the accession of Chu Ch'iian-chung, which marked the end of the T'ang Dynasty, for three years the country was in a chaotic state, with constant fighting, and that as a temporary expedient, notes modelled after those of the Emperor I-tsung were issued to meet the financial situation. K. T. 510 DAVIS. he who daringly informs (about) and captures (such a criminal) shall be rewarded with 120 taels in silver. To the conniver (at such an offence) the punishment shall be the same.* “ Tien-yu,....year,....month,” PLATE 29. The inscription is the same as that on the one kwan note with the ex- ception of the denomination, which is 10 kwan, and the reward to the informant and captor which is 710 taels. The illustration represents 10 strings of cash. PLATE 30. The inscription is the same as that on the one kwan note with the exception of the denomination, which is 100 kwan, and the reward to the informant and captor which is 5000 taels. The illustration represents 10 groups of cash of 10 strings each. PuatTE 31. Upper SEAL ON THE T‘IEN-yu NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: of Great Imperial Seal T'ang Translation: “Imperial Seal of the Great T'ang Dynasty. Puate 32. Lower SEAL ON THE T‘rEN-yu NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Print Tien Note - Made yu Translation: “ Printed Treasure-Note of the T‘ien-yu Era.” * As in the case of counterfeiting. K. T. PLATE 29. CBS | asa — gz s 9 f 6 S os DY == ae oot as Yor DY AN an—ti 904-907 A.D. 904-922 A.D 10 Kwan PLATE 30. 5 ie =: , AL Beet $e = 20728 < Sses 0532 SS: 33 ORF siis(ssecteae? is25, Sh Et Veee ‘oss ‘3s iss aE e J i] eu 3 ee F } Wee Pod ay = ee 4 1% si ane a. | dBRS Sx epee 3 ic ce) P ADF (i ¥ _ ORE Rh D CHAO-HSUAN-LI 904-907 A.D. 42 X 82 INCHES TiEN-YU 905-922 A.D. 100 A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. lis SEAL APPEARING ON THE REVERSE OF THE T'‘IEN-yU NOTES. The inscription is the same as that on the Lower Seal, of which it is areplica. See Plate 32. PLATE 31. PLATE 32. DimENSIONS DimENSIONS 1g 1% INCHES 23 X 23 INCHES Nores oF Emperor T‘ar-rsu (951-953 A.D.) oF THE Hou (PostERIOR) CHou Dynasty. In January of the first year of the Kuang-shun Era (951-953 A.D.), T‘ai-tsu came to the throne. This era covered three years during which time notes were issued. The remaining specimens of these notes are very scarce, but ten varieties of the following denominations have been acquired: 1 [10?] * 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 taels. The color of the paper is “lake” (the blue of the waters of a lake). The figures which denote the value of the notes are unde- cipherable, while the designs on the borders and the signs indicating the value have been defaced. * In the text of the book this figure is distinctly 1, but it may possibly be a typographical error and have been intended for 10. K. T. 514 DAVIS. Puate 33. Kuanea-saun (951-953 A.D.) Norte.* Translation of the inscriptions. Above: “Great Chou General Circulation Treasure-Note.” At the right, in the seal style: “ To be current under the Heavens.” At the left, in the seal style: “For the convenient use of the people.” In the lower panel: “ The Great Chou General Circulation Treasure- Note is purposed for the convenient use of all the people. The Civil Board, having received the Imperial authorization decree, designs this note to represent 30 taels in official silver, which value cannot be altered. The counterfeiter of this model — principal or conspirator irres pectively — shall be executed summarily and exposed to public view. He who discovers a counterfeiter and reports his name to the District authorities shall receive immediately a reward of 8 taels in silver from the District authorities. This shall be current in all provinces. Great Chou, Kuang-shun,....year,....month,, issued.” Puate 34. The inscription is the same as that on the 30 tael note with the exception of the denomination, which is 40 taels, and the reward to the informant which is 10 taels. PuatE 35. Upper SEAL ON THE KUANG-SHUN NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: Private Kuang Seal shun Translation: “ Private ¢ Seal of the Kuang-shun Era.” * The panel in which the representation of the value of the note should appear and the border of the note are in black, since they were unrecognizable in the original. K. T. + The word “‘private’ Seal. K. T. , is used presumably to distinguish it from the Imperial PLATE 33. UR DW R oe ef ‘uy HOS eS a a a} Sra Naki re ND at ivan a aaah) aN Posterior CHou Dynasty DIMENSIONS T‘al—tsu 951-953 A.D. 4t X 82 INcHEs KUANG—SHUN 951-953 A.D. 30 TAELs PLATE 34. x Wo & fact FR RS Hw BB ony 44 a l ex < Gs 4 i T é i> Q 1] t a Nek a af ss “4 d< ¢ ¢ st eles A y oy @ ¢ Sakh ap ; yumpdy Bea I (N22 4 EA | | B= | f h | RD iH 4 f AY Yuan Dynasty = = = ~—~——— COD MENSIONS HIH-TSU = 1260-1294 A.D. 23 X 62 INCHES HIH-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. 30 PLATE 102. ew a =e % Nee t | 3 Naa SN iis | Pigs “it Bian gb te Be . oe ee se SER REE Jeune KH e ind . 4 \e Sa Ss PLATE 103. EE) em aieuenn ee “~ WS a AY a A | an HERD, x Een CMe Ro ay) pea ee SAR ap 42 ra 4c MKS BAR fon ih BREA DIMENSIONS 3 7 2g X 6g INCHES DyYNasty !1H-TSU.—- 1260-1294 A.D. H-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. a no 50 WEN A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 587 Puate 105. Lower SEAL ON THE LESSER CHIH-YU;AN NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: Treasure Chih- Note yuan Translation: “ Treaswre-Note of the Chih-yiian Era.” PLATE 104. PLATE 105. DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 1 1 ig X1§ INCHES 15 X11 INCHES PiaTEe 106. Curn-yiian (1264-1294 A.D.) Nore. Translation of the inscriptions. Greater Note. The inscription is the same as that on the 10° wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 100 copper coin. The illustration represents one string of cash. PuatTeE 107. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 200 copper coin. The illustration represents two strings of cash. PuaTE 108. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 300 copper coin. The illus- tration represents three strings of cash. PLATE 106. q Bh if TITAS pene ga yt] 23 seal é Sl 5 SN SBR Be aa SS en | | (DSR ES BB YR Waly St oS tr AEB YUAN Dynasty DIMENSIONS HIH-TsuU.- 1260-1294 A.D. 3 X 7% INCHES HIH-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. PLATE 107. WL oy 7 B a 12. 48 Ea #'G Dh Fe ra aN Zh ep) RS we Yuan Dynasty HIH-TSU 1260-1294 A.D. HIH-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. 200 Pea el IMENSIONS PLATE 108. PU MSR TSS Seip c Sea bol jot Sey e beuetin iodo ae Ea BY Yo tne AO Ha) BULL AY Peal ee ie aa Spe e A.D A.D. 300 Coprer I SU 1260-1294 A.D. 1264-1294 A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 591 PLATE 109. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 400 copper coin. The illustra- tion represents four strings of cash.* PLate 110. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 500 copper coin. The illustration represents five strings of cash. PuaTE 111. Upper SEAL ON THE GREATER CHIH-YUAN NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Chih- Great Note yiian Yiian Translation: “ Treaswre-Note of the Chih-yiian Era of the Great Yiian Dynasty.” PuaTE 112. Lower SEAL ON THE GREATER CHIH-YtiAN NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: of Note (money) Chih- Seal Paper yiian Translation: “Seal of the Paper Money of the Chih-yiian Era.” PuaTe 113. Cuta-yiian (1264-1294 A.D.) Miuirary Note oF THE Ytan Dynasty. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great Yiian Military Supplies Treasure-Note.” In the panel: “ The Boards of Revenue and Rites, having received the Imperial decree, print for the use of the soldiers the 100 copper cash note to be current as cash. * This note is smaller in dimensions than the 300 kwan note, and the upper and lower seals have been interchanged. K. T. PLATE 109. ic eee 7 oe We — aS aw NSM aS ES ee sa At 7A Bi Seok it fk x SBR) He D D s H U 1260-1294 A.D. 32 X 72 INCHES HIH-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. 400 Copper Coin COG ae SIO oe Inc yok WR Aa a SE cere ARE ats Ait (| awtq li sae | RAS RARE PLATE 112. DIMENSIONS 1 2) X 2h INCHES ROWS NGF Ble ah Sash PAR Eo SS RS SB \ PN ta em renee n \ wi — oe ce LQ ARGS ACRE to ao RAY SH hunt sha NESTA SAE | [ter SES) Sie ean teioiat a a ae int nas aoe 4p) Salar HoT ASIEL OK SE KE BN eg | He) Ba ay | ASHI ko | ise CT PTL RTD DP ZI | Me -sce Coy SE Et PLATE 113. DiMENSIONS 27 X 6s INCHES 100 Copper CasH 1260-1294 A.D. 1264-1294 A.D. PLATE 111. 7. 8 Di MENSIONS x2 INCHES = Yian Dynasty SHIH-TSU CHIH —YOAN 594 A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 595 The Great Yiian Treasure-Note, the Army Mandatory Paper-Money of the Commissariat* of the Paymaster’s Bureau of the White Banner Division. If a counterfeiter is discovered, (he) shall be decapitated sum- marily by the Army (authorities). The Army shall have the surveillance of the making (of the notes). To the first informant (of such guilt) shall be given 90 taels in silver at the army camp. The punishment for con- cealing in the said Army shall be the same as this (the case of the counterfetter). Chih-yiian,....year,....month,” PuatTeE 114. The inscription is the same as that on the 100 cash note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 200 cash. The reward to the informant is 120 taels in cash. Puate 115. The inscription is the same as that on the 100 cash note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 300 cash. The reward to the informant is 140 taels in cash. PEATE 116. The inscription is the same as that on the 100 cash note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 400 cash. The reward to the informant is 170 taels in silver. Praret7; The inscription is the same as that on the 100 cash note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 500 cash. The reward to the informant is 200 taels in silver. * The original means “Money-Provision Officer.” The combination of “Money” and “Provision”’ is usually rendered as “Taxes in kind and money.” In this case it seems more fitting to translate the combination ‘“‘Commissariat. ie TE: PLATE 114. =| ae Sahih PME AR hae) b> “Rama A Wl ER un fh Ho ASS Fe re anh AT Rt assis arate Bs aah fe heen CM hg 42 va BS hes ye a FS (PAV LOD} GBS) XH rel Se E7 wR Boe m NY SEP OS IH DIMENSIONS 1 3i X73 INCHES 200 Copper Caso YUAN Dynasty SHin-tsu =—-: 1260-1294 A.D. CHIH-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. PLATE 115. SRD LL ONES “Oe arr aa ApS ah Wi Rr eM A ANC ASK RARGG RR WE e tara mHs SH LE =H | (at ee Ie) edntintiid Hite sot) S| doralpaheats Sefer shushax 2 OE Hl log BK . eu Ey iil ® ©) mR & Ww fi + Sage 597 DIMENSIONS 4 X 7s INCHES Yuan Dynasty 1260-1294 A.D. 300 CasH SHIH-TSU CuHiH-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. PLATE 116. tae BSG TESORO HOON Bei Bei Ap AR je tel Ak elm ae af Hn Sah RIE har DAE wad Rae AES Bets tat He Bi OB Ay EAE Meteo anak Ae it ol asp YF aba ie) ya ae os Ble ade dr DIMENSIONS 42 X Qt INCHES 400 Copper CasH Ytan Dynasty SHiH-Tsu 1260-1294 A.D. CHiH-YUAN 1264-1294 A.D. 598 PLATE 117. ay 4 sy x SING ZX ane Ne Bs pprn Nite sa a a ps ao bo ABLR EARS fh BN ns) A ahs Sy SHB {9 oie oh ge Anh abo nme) 2 aK Ee nib te taht a soe ty 1 Bata 99 b sol Hoople inde A AR Rate we Ha) UL Ae GE AY UAN 1 SU Ghee HIH-YUAN 1264-1294 5 D D. Co 4 A.D. A. 00 600 DAVIS. Piate 118. Upper SEAL ON THE CuHIn-yYtAN Minirary Nore. Six characters arranged as follows: of A- Chih- Seal lo yuan Translation: “Seal of A-lo* of the Chih-yiian Era.” PLATE 118. DimENSIONS DIMENSIONS 3 7 2t X 22 INCHES 25 X 2g INCHES PuaTE 119. Lower SEAL ON THE CHIH-YUAN Miuitary Norte. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Chih- Great Note yuan Yiian Translation: “ Treasure-Note of the Chih-yiian Era of the Great Yiian Dynasty.” Notes oF WEN-TSUNG (1328-1332 A.D.) oF THE YUAN DyYNasTy. In July of the year 1328 A.D., Wén-tsung ascended the throne, and the era became known as T‘ien-li, lasting until 1330 A.D. Ten varie- ties of notes from 1 to 10 kwan, issued during these three years, have come down to us. The border decoration consists of clouds only. * Is this the personal name of a ruler or an official? K. T. A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 601 Herewith two notes, of minimum and maximum denominations, are reproduced. PuaTE 120. T'IEN-LI (1328-1330 A.D.) Nore. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great Yiian General Circulation Treasure-Note.” Second line: “One Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one ingot). In the lower panel: “ The Board of Rites, having petitioned the throne, prints and issues the Great Yiian Treasure-Note, to be current under the heavens and to be used side by side with cash. The counterfeiter shall be decapitated. He who daringly informs (about) and captures (such a criminal) shall be rewarded with 17 taels in silver. To the concealer (of such guilt) the punishment shall be the same.* f 2en-te,. . = syear,. ...month;... day.” Pruate 121. The inscription is the same as that on the one kwan note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 10 kwan. The reward to the informant and captor is 35 taels in silver. The illustration represents ten yuan-pao. PuLaTE 122. Upper SEAL ON THE T'IEN-LI NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: of T‘ien- Seal li Translation: Seal of the T‘ien-li Era. PiatEe 123. Lower SEAL ON THE T'‘IEN-LI NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Print Great Note Made Yiian Translation: “Printed Treasure-Note of the Great Yiian Dynasty.” * As in the case of counterfeiting. K.T. PLATE 120. wie os eS DOSS EF SI | " asfips : sR) 6} 20 xis | : es KARA EL ale 32 OK AUC See ae | E ( Wi ieee ce pe vinl dopant ae “{ a YNAS 1328-1332 YUAN WEN-TSUNG T A.D. A.D. O } 1328-1330 PLATE 121. Eaitcs ete : a ok aeeleaniese nf XC bvigathanegual & 5 v 2 A.D. 0 A.D. 1328-133 1 1328-133 603 10 Kwan PLATE 122. DiMENSIONS 2 X 2 INCHES PLATE 123. DIMENSIONS 3 7 25 X 2g INCHES 604 A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 605 Nores oF SHUN-TI (1333-1367 A.D.) oF THE YUAN Dynasty. In June of the year 1333 A.D. Shun-ti ascended the throne and established the Yiian-t‘ung Era which was changed to Chih-yiian in 1335, and again in 1341 to Chih-chéng, which lasted until 1367. Dur- ing the Chih-chéng Era the country was in an unsettled state, and the nation was obliged to use “Army” notes. Twenty varieties of these notes have been acquired, among them minor notes of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 wén, proceeding thence by one hundreds to one kwan (1000 wén). The color is gray. The borders are variously decorated with clouds, bamboos, orchids, plum blossoms, etc. Herewith the minimum, middle and maximum notes are pub- lished, omitting the rest. Puate 124. Curw-cHine (1341-1367 A.D.) Notes. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great Yiian Army Treasure-Note.” Second line: “Five Wen.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one string of cash). In the lower panel: “ The Board of War, having received the Imperial authorization decree, upon the petition of the members of the Military Council assembled, prints for the use of the Army and civilians the Great Yiian Military Use Treasure-Note, to circulate and to be used as silver coin. The counterfeiter shall be decapitated summarily. He who daringly informs (about) and captures (such a criminal) shall be given a reward of 7 taels in silver. To official and civilian alike the punishment for being aware of, yet concealing, (such guilt) shall be the same as this (the case of counterfeiting). Chih-chéng,....year,....month, ” Puate 125. The inscription is the same as that on the 5 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 90 wén, and the reward to the informant and captor which is 52 taels. The illustration represents nine groups of cash in a string. PLATE 124. Lise eaeerseialt OS II een Bs . YNASTY \ 1333-136 H-CHENG 1341-136 Kh SHu Cui PLATE 125. ES aa 5 | BK OK BB per Oe oK e Sore a GS tk EK Sata don a ae IRR ear et ana eip Heal toa STRESS PBK Gy BAY ik! PLATE 126. EC. rnb ers ile ele Ki Ries hak eel ean ee te EAR SR CEE fon rs Het lt EMEA PLATE 127. 609 EQ , ke | 4 * Fae ae rec a ANSI Boe reread leat é AVR Charen Phony Rakeatnlad| J] SS 3 ee ce AY gee a4 ee 610 DAVIS. PLATE: 126: The inscription is the same as that on the 5 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 100 wén, and the reward to the informant and captor which is 57 taels. The illustration repre- sents one string of cash. PLATE 127. The inscription is the same as that on the 5 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 1 kwan, and the reward to the informant and captor which is 3600 taels. The illustration represents two rows of cash. PLATE 128. Upper SEAL ON THE CHIH CHENG NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: Treasure Chih- Note chéng Translation: “ T'reasure-Note of the Chih-chéng Era.” PLATE 128. PLATE 129. [IEE eee ale DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 1 1% X14 incHes 14 X13 INCHES PLATE 129. Lower SEAL ON THE CHIH-CHENG NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: of Military Great Seal Barracks Yiian Translation: “Seal of the Army of the Great Yiian Dynasty.” A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 611 Notes oF T‘ar-tsu (1368-1398 A.D.) or THE Mina Dynasty. In 1374 the office of the Superintendent (?) of Treasure-Notes was created, and the following year the Executive Department * printed the Great Ming Treasure-Notes, to be current among the people. The material (of paper) was taken from the fibre of the mulberry. The regulation size of the (major) notes was one ch‘ih ¢ high and 6 ts‘un wide, and the color was blue.{ They had decorated borders. At the top is written horizontally “Great Ming General Circulation Treasure-Note”’. At the left and right of the pictorial representation, respectively, are written vertically in the seal style: “Great Ming Treasure Note” and “To be current in the world”. Inthe middle is a pictorial representation of ten string of cash (on the one kwan note) and below is written: “The Executive Department, having petitioned and received the Imperial sanction, prints the Great Ming Treasure- Note to be current and to be used as copper cash. The counterfeiter shall be decapitated.’”’ In the case of the 500 wén note, five strings of cash appear, and in the 400, four strings, and the proportion is the same in the case of the notes of 300, 200 and 100 wén. PuaTE 130. Hune-wu (1368-1398 A.D.) Nore. Translation of the inscriptions. Major. First line; “Great Ming General Circulation Treasure-Note.” Second line: “One Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of ten strings of cash). At the right of the illustration, in the seal style: “Great Ming Treasure-Note.”’ * The actual inscription on the notes reads: ‘‘The Board of Revenue prints”, ete. This board was in the Executive Department. K. T. t The unit of measurement in China differs in length according to the differ- ence of material, though the term employed is the same; e. g., a ch'‘ih of fabric is longer than a ch‘ih of land. Again, though the same term is employed, the unit differs in various localities. The only way to determine the correspond- ing dimensions in meters or feet is to get an approximate idea from the illus- tration, though the latter is somewhat smaller than the same note in the “Shicho Shohei Zuroku’”’ (in Japanese), ‘‘Ssti Chao Ch'ao Tu Lu”, (in Chinese). K. T. pane original text uses the character for ‘‘blue” but it should be “gray.” r A PLATE 130. my ou] iu f if ig pte & — AM ax Co Se YS fXN le AK E Maite edge WE abate Sexes iach e wl do we | BO) SD) OE NOLES SSO G ED Pee A WOK Gla es DIMENSIONS Mine Dynasty T‘ai-tsu— 1368-1398 A.D. Hunec-wu 1368-1398 A.D. INCHES 3 4 8 X 11 One Kwan 612 A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 613 At the left of the illustration, in the seal style: “To be current under the heavens.” In the lower panel: “ The Board of Revenue, having petitioned and received the Imperial sanction, prints the Great Ming Treasure-Note to be current and to be used as copper cash. The counterfeiter shall be decapitated. The informant and captor shall be rewarded with 250 taels in silver, and in addition shall be given the property of the criminal. Hung-wu,....year,....month,” PLATE 131. Upper SEAL ON THE ONE Kwan NOTE OF THE Hune-wu Era. Six characters arranged as follows: of Treasure Great Seal Note Ming Translation: “ Seal of the Treasure-Note of the Great Ming Dynasty.” PLATE 132. LowErR SEAL ON THE ONE Kwan NOTE OF THE Hunc-wvu ERA. Six characters arranged as follows: Office Ti- Treasure Seal chu * Note Translation: “Seal of the Office of Superintendent of Treasure- Notes (?). PuaTE 133. PicruRE ON THE REVERSE OF THE ONE Kwan NOTE oF THE Hunc-wu ERA. The two characters mean “One Kwan.” *“T4-chu” has been translated by some “Inspector” and by Giles “An Inspector of the Salt Department”; however, the duty of a T'1-chu is such that “Superintendent” or ‘‘Supervisor”’ would be more nearly correct. K. T. 614 PLATE 131. y Oy EEN Bi IG 3e8 REVERSE OF 1 Kwan Mine 1368-1398 A.D. PLATE 132, DIMENSIONS 3 X3 INCHES DIMENSIONS 32 X 6 INCHES A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 615 PLATE 134. SEAL ON THE REVERSE OF THE ONE Kwan NOTE OF THE Hunc-wu ERA. Six characters arranged as follows: Bureau Treasure Print Seal Note Made Translation: “Seal of the Bureau of the Printed Treasure-Note.” PLATE 134. DIMENSIONS 23 X 23 INCHES Puate 135. Hune-wu (1368-1398 A.D.) Norte. Translation of the inscriptions. Minor. First line: “Great Ming General Circulation Treasure-Note.” Second line: “ Zen Copper Cash.’ Denomination, in panel above picture. Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one string of cash). At the right of the illustration in the seal style: “Great Ming Treasure-Note.” At the left of the illustration in the seal style: “ To be current under the heavens.” In the lower panel: “ The Board of Revenue, having petitioned and received the Imperial sanction, prints the Great Ming Treasure-Note to PLATE 136. cs » y Ne “Y “yy ‘ ' ' a ER = at oo i rae ee shape | meso diel “Be 5 geeaue a a UNG-WU 1368-139) ‘1D: eS LQ Qoul © oo Ex 10 WEN 616 A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. . 617 be current and to be used as copper cash. The counterfeiter shall be decapitated. The informant and captor shall be rewarded with 250 taels in silver, and in addition shall be given the property of the criminal.” Hung-wu,....year,....month,” PLATE 136. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 20 wén. The illustration represents two strings of cash. PuaTE 137. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 30 wén. The illustration represents one string of cash. PLATE 138. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 40 wén. The illustration represents one string of cash. PratTe 139. The inscription is the same as that on the 10 wén note, with the exception of the denomination, which is 50 wén. The illustration represents one string of cash. Puate 140. Upper SEAL ON THE Minor Hune-wu NOotTEs. Four characters arranged as follows: Great Heaven Peace under Translation: “‘ Peace be unto the world.” PLATE 136. \ def = ‘ Yi ~“ a LEE IS: LID en —. - - - + -- Ss > 22 eae as G-wu 1368-139 PLATE 137. BARE ME S | RHEE (SC) 2/4 Bc tedar an. n ow f z f oa * i nz | 3. WwW “A€(Q)' Hi => PAT Tt aX oe) H i 4 z PLATE 138. | aes ant axetier sx | Ay) Ae EE AUS SELL RXR PLATE 139. ‘ ia Be Ae ar SOY Ne ae Seay 3 a by AY ENDS al Rese 3K 38 Ry « m Wy id : _, TREE RRS st sy 622 DAVIS. Puate 141. Lower SEAL ON THE Minor Hunc-wu NOores. Four characters arranged as follows: Treasure Hung- note wu Translation: “ Treasure-Note of the Hung-wu Era.” PLATE 140. PLATE 141. DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 1X1 INcHEs 14 X14 INCHES Notes oF CH'‘inG-tsu (1403-1424 A.D.) oF THE Mine Dynasty. Ch‘éng-tsu ascended the throne in 1403 and died in 1424. History does not record the issuance of notes during his reign, which was known as the Yung-lé Era. However, I possess twenty varieties of notes bearing that name. Herewith are printed the minimum, middle and maximum notes. This issue included notes of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 and 19 kwan, each of which bears a corresponding number of cash. In addition there were issued notes of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 kwan, each of which bears a pictorial representation ofa certain number of cash, each cash repre- senting 5 kwan. Each note has a border decoration of clouds and dragons of varied kinds. The color of the paper is gray. All these notes are major notes. A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 623 Puate 142. Yune-t& (1403-1424 A.D.) Nore. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great Ming General Circulation Treasure-Note.” Second line: “One Kwan.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one cash). At the right of the illustration in the seal style: “To be current as cash.” At the left of the illustration in the seal style: “For the convenient use of the people.” In the lower panel: “ The Board of Revenue, having petitioned and received the Imperial sanction, prints the Great Ming Treasure-Note to be used as copper cash. The counterfeiter of the same form shall be decapitated summarily. The punishment to concealers among District officials also shall be the same as this (the case of counterfeiting). The informant and captor shall be given by the authorities a reward of 770 taels in silver, and in addition shall be given the property of the criminal. Yung-lé,....year,....month,”’ PuaTE 143. The inscription is the same as that on the one kwan note, with the exception of the denomination which is 50 kwan, and the reward to the informant and captor which is 890 taels. The illustration repre- sents ten cash. PuatTe 144. Upper SEAL ON THE YUNG-LE NOTES. Four characters arranged as follows: of Yung- Seal lé Translation: “Seal of the Yung-lé Era.” PLATE 142. Ai ——— wring in oniagn 7 626 DAVIS. PLATE 145. Lower SEAL ON THE YUNG-LE NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: Treasure Print Great Note made Ming Translation: “Printed Treasure-Note of the Great Ming Dynasty.” PLATE 144. PLATE 145. DiMENS!IONS DIMENSIONS 7 7 ZS 1 5 1g X15 INCHES 23 X 2g INCHES Notes or JEN-TsuNG (1425 A.D.) oF THE Mine Dynasty. In August of the year 1424, the Emperor Ch‘éng-tsu died, where- upon his son succeeded to the throne and became known as Jén-tsung. In the following year he named his reign Hung-hsi. In May of that year he died. During this short reign of about half a year, twenty” varieties of notes were emitted. Each is entitled the “Great Ming Military Administration Treasure-Note”. Their denominations begin at 10 wén and proceed by tens to 100 and thence by hundreds to 1000 wén. Each note bears a certain number of strings of cash pro- portionate to its denomination. The designs on the borders of these notes are flowers, plum blossoms on cracked ice, and clouds-and-bats, etc. Herewith are reproduced the minimum, middle and maximum denominations. A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. — 627 PuatE 146. _Hune-ust (1425 A.D.) Norte. Translation of the inscriptions. First line: “Great Ming Military Administration Treasure-Note.” Second line: “ Ten Wen.” Illustration: (Pictorial representation of one string of cash). In the lower panel: “ The Board of War, having received the Imperial authorization decree upon the petition of the Ministers of the Military Council assembled, prints for the use of the Army and for the convenience of the soldiers the Great Ming Military Use Treasure-Note to be used as silver. The counterfecter of the same form shall be decapitated summarily. He who daringly informs (about) and captures (such a criminal) shall be given by the authorities a reward of 11 taels in silver. To official and civilian alike the punishment for being aware of, yet concealing, (such guilt) shall also be the same (as in the case of counterfeiting). Hung-hsi,....year,....month,” Prare 147. The inscription on the 100 wén note is the same as that on the LO wén note, except the denomination, and the reward for the informant which is 121 taels. The illustration represents one string of cash. PLATE 148, The inscription on the 1000 wén note is the same as that on the 10 wén note except the denomination, and the reward for the in- formant which is 121 taels.* The illustration represents two long strings of cash. * The following notes agree with the 10 wén note in all respects except those mentioned: Denomination; 20 wén; reward, 13 taels. < 30 wén; & 15 taels. e 40 wén; 2 17 taels. 60 wén; i 21 taels. é 70 wén; i 23 taels. . 300 wén; f 51 taels. ¢ 400 wén; “ 61 taels. : 500 wén; 7 71 taels. :: 700 wén; é 91 taels. ¢ 800 wén; “101 taels. 900 wén; “111 taels. KL. PLATE 146. 6,08 ¢ Te . $ 4 joulaeexademgcoiorioeiee |Z of iolmie aaa ehl ea aeant| NS ng SW sen us Ht SAE KR geo sybihy Dynasty &én-TSUNG 1425 A.D. MING Jé Hun ust 1425 A.D. PLATE 147. \ t Gi Mt | aria dated nol ee Konda PLATE 148. has ay He & sate awn aceel al tiaak ee Heese Wy, CT WA — S § S NS SS Q aS SN 4 ce gf a A CHINESE WORK ON NUMISMATICS. 631 Puate 149. Upper SEAL ON THE Hunc-Hsi NOoTEs. Four characters arranged as follows: Treasure Hung- Note hsi Translation: ‘‘ Treasure-Note of the Hung-hst Era.” PLATE 149. PLATE 150. DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 14 X13 INCHES 1% X15 INCHES PuatTe 150. Lower SEAL oN THE HunG-Hst1 NOTES. Six characters arranged as follows: of Military Great Seal Order Ming Translation: “Seal of the Military Administration of the Great Ming Dynasty.” 632 DAVIS. APPENDIX: TRANSLATIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES. (Srxx RepropuctTions FRoM Sst CHao Cu‘ao Pr T'u Lu anp TWO FROM THE JOURNAL OF THE PEKING ORIENTAL SOCIETY.) Puate 151. REMAINING PorTION OF THE TRI-CONJUNCTIVE Major Note oF THE CHIN Dynasty. IttustRATION No. 1 FRoM THE “Sst Cuao Cu‘ao Pr T'u Lu”: (Illustrated Record of the Paper-Money of the Four Dynasties).* The Tri-Conjunctive + Major Note of the Chin Dynasty. Although more than half of the lower part of this note is missing, it is clear that this is the Tri-Conjunctive Exchange-Note. In the history of the Chin Dynasty, it is recorded that in 1154 A.D. exchange- notes were issued, the denominations being 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 kwan, of the major class, and 100, 200, 300, 500 and 700 wén of the minor class. History also refers to the fact that in 1202 A.D. the use of the Tri-Con- junctive Exchange-Notes, which had been in circulation for some years, ceased. This is the only mention of a “Tri-Conjunctive Exchange-Note”’, but the date of its issuance is lacking. The note illustrated bears, outside the border, the inscription “Chung-tu (Peking) Conjoined”, “ Nanking Conjoined” and “ P‘ing- liang Fu Conjoined”, and proves that the treasuries of these three places were associated in its issuance; hence the name “ Tri-Con- junctive Exchange-Note”. The note must have first been used some time after 1180 A.D., as it was in this year that a regulation was enacted to the effect that 80 wén of cash would be accepted for each 100 wén on a note; and this 10 kwan note bears under the figure “One Ten Kwan” two characters meaning “Eighty”, below which there must have been two characters meaning “Sufficient for One Hundred”’. {t is now clear that this Tri-Conjunctive Ten Kwan Note was in circulation between 1180 and 1202 A.D. (Extract from the original text. ) * By Lo Chén-yi. K. T. _ | The character used contains the idea of a contract, or association, or parti- cipation. K. T. PLATE 151. 10 Kwan Note of tHE CHIN Dynasty IN CIRCULATION BETWEEN 1180-1202 A.D 633 634 DAVIS. Translation of the inscriptions. Outside the top border: “One Ten Kwan.” Inside the panel, center: “One Ten Kwan, Eighty............ Within the panel, at the right: ” ““Countenitiio: ert ee. Within the Panel at the left: «oc .? Mark” or “ Number.” Outside the left-hand decorated border: “Chung-tu Conjoined.” “ Nanking Conjoined.” “ P*ing-liang Fu Conjoined.” PuaTE 152. SHantune Tune-Lu Ten Kwan NOotTE. ILLUSTRATION No. 2 FROM THE Sst CHao Cu‘ao Pi T‘v Lv.” The Shantung Tung-lu Ten Kwan Note of the Chin Dynasty. This note was in circulation in the Eastern District (Tung-lu) of the Shantung Province. About 1216 A.D. the government established in the various Districts treasuries which were allowed to issue notes in place of specie. Up to this time there had been only two Government Printed-Note Offices —one in Peking and the other in Nanking. For the Eastern District of the Shantung Province the treasuries were located in I-tu Fu and Chi-nan Fu. The note herewith illus- trated is of this district. History does not mention the exact time of the circulation of this note. However, it could be placed in the period between 1183 and 1197 A.D. The following fact proves this deduction. In 1197 A.D. an official remarked to the Throne that up to 1183 the charge for renewing a note (producing or printing a new note to replace the old or cast. away one) was 15 wén for each kwan of the face value of the note, but that since 1183 A.D. the charge for the same had come to be 8 wén for each note, no matter what the face value might be. Whereupon, it was ordered by the Emperor that the charge be 12 wén for each one kwan of the face value of the note. The note in question bears the inscription outside the border “The printing charge for every sheet (is) eight wén.” (Extract from the original ><) Ie PLATE 152. ey T UNG-LU SHAN-TUNG IN CIRCULATION BETWEEN 1183-1197 A.D. Mme te emer GF Vid ag aN OE ese EP 635 10 Kwan 636 DAVIS. Translation of the inscriptions. Outside the border: “One Ten Kwan.” Upper panel, center, written vertically: “One Ten Kwan, Eighty is Sufficient for One Hundred.” At the right of “Eighty is Sufficient,” ete.: es” eS AI GPRICU CeOTa SS CTIES. At the left of “Eighty is Sufficient,” ete.: Sie Lee >“ Mark” or “ Number.” At the right of the upper panel, in the seal style: “(He who) counterfeits the Exchange-Note shall be decapitated.” At the left of the upper panel, in the seal style: “The reward shall be 300 kwan in cash.” In the center of the lower panel: “He who counterfeits the Exchange-Note shall be decapitated. The reward shall be 300 kwan in cash.” At the right of “The counterfeiter,” ete., in the lower panel: “ Shantung Tung-lu. .. .(23 characters are undecipherable), Nanking Exchange-Note Treasury, I-tu Fu, Chiman Fu... .(one character un- decipherable) Treasuries... .(16 characters undecipherable).” At the left of “He who counterfeits,”’ etc.,.in the lower panel: “The Bureau of Printed-Notes.” “The Commissioner of Printed-Notes.” “The Board of Revenue in the Executive Department... .(two or three characters undecipherable).” Outside the right-hand decorated border: “For the printing of every sheet the charge 1s 8 cash.” PLATE 153. IJLLusTrRaTIon No. 3 FROM THE “Sst CHao CH‘ao PI A Retoped Ca PICTURE ON THE REVERSE OF THE Two Kwan NOTE OF THE CHIN 2 DYNASTY. In the upper panel: Two characters meaning “ Two Kwan.” This is the picture on the reverse of a “Two Kwan” note whose face is entirely missing. The notes of the Chin Dynasty and also of the Yiian Dynasty included the denomination “Two Kwan.” That of the Yiian, however, bore no picture on its reverse. There is no note PLATE 153. REVERSE OF THE Two Kwan Note PROBABLY OF THE CHIN DYNASTY 637 638 DAVIS. of the denomination “Two Kwan” among the issues of the Ming Dynasty. Hence, I deduce that this note is a two kwan note of the Chin Dynasty. (Extract from the original text). Puate 154. Cnénc-yu (1213-1216 A.D.) Nore. InLusTRATION No. 4 FROM THE SsU CHao Cu‘ao Pi T'v Lv. The Five Kwan Note of Chéng-yu (1213-1216 A.D.) of the Chin Dynasty. This five kwan note was issued in 1215 A.D. and was issued conjointly by Ching-chao Fu and P'ing-hang Fu. (Extract from the original text.) Translation of the inscriptions. At the top, outside the border decoration: “Five Kwan.” Written horizontally at the top within the border decoration: “Chéng-yu Treasure Bill.” i In the center of the middle panel: “Five Kwan, Eighty is Sufficient for One Hundred.” At the right of the figure “Five Kwan,” ete. ““Yw Variety” or “ Series.” At the left of the figure “Five Kwan,” ete.: aie ae AS > Mark” or “ Number.” At the right of the middle panel, in the seal style: “The counterfeiter shall be decapitated; the reward” At the left of the middle panel, in the seal style: “shall be three hundred kwan in Treasure-Bills.” In the center of the lower panel: “ The counterfeiter shall be decapitated. The reward shall be 300 kwan in Treasure-Bills; in addition, the property of the criminal shall be given.” At the right of “The counterfeiter,” ete., in the lower panel: “The Imperial sanctior hgving been petitioned and received, the Treasure-Bill is printed to be current and to be used equally with the specie. This shall be redeemable for an unlimited period of time at the government treasuries of Ching-chao and P‘ing-liang Fu.” * _ Several characters in this sentence are undecipherable in the illustration. The rendering, therefore, is the best under the cireumstances. K. T. PLATE 154. hice ee ee “e eS julanegey Mes eee tgaeaee canal Carey ne os oo cg toes SRA TERT OU, e om a ashe. Way Vee Cuin Dynasty CuHénc-yu 1213-1216 A.D 639 5 Kwan 640 » DAVIS. “The Treasury Officer in Charge of Printing (and his sign-manual). The Deputy of the Treasury. . The Associate Officer |and his sign- manual).”’ At the left of ‘The counterfeiter,” etc., in the lower panel: “Chéng-yu,....year,....month,” “The Officer of the Printing Bureau (and his sign-manual). The Associate Officer (and his sign-manual).” “ The Director of the Bureau of Treasure-Bills (dnd his sign-manual). The Deputy...., Examiner.” “The Director of the Bureau of Printing (and his sign-manual). The Deputy (and his sign-manual), Examiner.” “The Chief Auditor of the Board of Revenue in the Executive Depart- ment (and his sign-manual).” Outside the left-hand border: “Ching-chao Fu conjoined.” “ P*ing-liang Fu conjoined.” Puate 155. Hsrine-tine (1217-1222 A.D.) Note. ItLustRATION No. 5 FROM THE “Sst cHao CuH‘ao Pr T‘v Lu”. The Two Kwan Note of the Hsing-ting (1217-1222 A.D.) Era of the Chin Dynasty. In 1221 A.D., in the reign of Hsiian-tsung (1213-1223 A.D.) this note, called the “ Hsing-ting Pao-ch‘iian” was issued. The face value of the note— one kwan—was accepted for 400 kwan of tung-pao (Chéng-yu tung-pao, which is paper-money). (Extract from the original text.) Translation of the inscriptions. Outside the border: Pictorial representation of twenty strings of cash. In the top row, written horizontally: “Hesing-ting Treasure-Money.” In the second row, written horizontally: “Two kwan wén-shéng.”’ * *x rT a - ke A ” Che first character, ‘‘wén’’, means “‘to hear, to smell, or news”; the second character, “‘shéng”’ means “‘to reduce, to reflect on one’s own conduct, prov- ince, the governmental department”’, ete. The combination of the two char- acters is unintelligible. K. T. PLATE 155. TY) ads y= “a A\ vats » t) Pe Te AND, oat Lia 4 t ! ¢ | eat mR ey aes AS als, L~. SF rie % i{ A fe i} By) En SSS ON as | eWay Soa sera G 7 Pp Bm & jeoab NES fase . Da ay SA a. a ae ey} bye a “> Be ~ f Ws , ssi ws >» eS Fangs. ey Lets BU om Bihes = —s tt &> x20 as = KF \ Zaye . ) 2 dn * , a f ADS 4" REN SER hee RAIN) a hws WS om =e EN oe = U Fe SK poe — Aina Bo 2 OL Cuin DyNasty Hsinc-tine 1217-1222 A.D. 2 KwAN x FR 641 642 DAVIS. In the middle panel, at the right, written vertically: Set. oye > Variety” or “Series.” In the middle panel, at the left, written vertically: Se ee Ae eee > Mark” or “ Number.” In the middle panel, below, written horizontally: “Nanking District.” At the right of the middle panel, written vertically in the seal style: “The counterfeiter shall be decapitated.” At the left of the middle panel, written vertically in the seal style: “ The reward shall be GOO kwan.” In the center of the circular panel, written vertically: “The counterfeiter shall be decapitated; in addition, the property of the criminal shall be given.” ‘ At the right of “The counterfeiter,” ete., in the circular panel: “The Imperial sanction having been petitioned and received, the Hsing-ting Treasure Money is printed to be current and to be used equally with the specie. This shall circulate and be current for an unlimited period of time.” “ The Officer of the Bureau of Treasure-Money (and his sign-manual). The Associate Officer (and his sign-manual).” “The Officer of the Bureau of Printing” (and his sign-manual). The Associate Officer (and his sign-manual). At the left of “The Counterfeiter,” etc., in the circular panel: “Hesing-ting, sixth year, second month,” “ The Director of the Bureau of Treasure-Money (and his sign-manual). The Deputy... ., examiner (or examined).” “The Director of the Bureau of Printing (and his sign-manual). The Deputy examiner (or examined).”’ “The Accountant of the Board of Revenue (and his sign-manual).” “The Chief Auditor of the Board of Revenue in the Executive Depart- ment (and his sign-manual).” PuaTE 156. CuHrm-ytian (1264-1294 A.D.) NoTE oF THE YUAN Dynasty. oe ILLusTRATION No. 6 FROM THE “Sst- cHao Cu‘ao Pr T'v Lu”. The Chih-yiian Note of the Yiian Dynasty. At the beginning of the Yiian Dynasty, the Chung-tsung Yiian- pao Note, which was emitted in October of the year 1260 A.D., was in circulation. It remained in use until 1287 A.D. [the twenty-fourth PLATE 156. SSE ere -- _— SEN GAS f EAR BS ry a LIS Se : oN PANNE! eee Pee ay : steers wee Goan Oe oe on Seo a3 - : Pa EE ERY Je se ~ 2: SEY - ee ites IA SSn S- cae a" er, . b BTS LN NS. : we ob GE eee on FE SRE PRA ceage Wake ES ee IESG RSE Aa ae SA SS Sis es ot —_— = fy 2 oe : lis geet Baie ie me ee Pe pal cas vs x gi fe ae ie Siu ; = 2 a 3 a = d = oo ile < oll eee ete! Fe a Bee ; | Qs ac rf ae " Steet sth ADI weaned HEY ewe eee Wes ee ea re Babar aT ae j Saba eae AiG dL awk et TSE Bele eh ainoten it! uf ra shen AL sa he] 7. ee orm nny <4 CESS haf Trey ater d = SS — > = . ater SSSR Sra re SSRs . ———— Ney OA, « és e s te a 3s ae WE Wg? ES YANG We? Ce ae = - 2 -i7.~ - ANS es 5 Ste Ne Bary : eit A VS a\2 Ce ti w~ > ran ‘ oe \e oo a) 53 - fv # (CZ4 oe 4% B00 ee, Pvt - Oeeaat : idly } ” a , : nn = @ a. ae » . ane _ ; > Valen ayo? . ah bd / So ae ‘ Oe fd Pe — ee e AS : 1 We ran aaa”, we. 7. as , i = = ieee 7) "sk 9 d esi P ae * a i A wie ; i s ‘s . ' ’ om Fai ‘ ivAt te. P. int J2 ~ ie ‘ * 4 vo r atl s 2 c ‘ ’ \ > Se Ad ae aM | ” i - 4 ( 5 4 ‘ = = - a - ' —_— ' ‘ ° > I ° ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. By C. L. E. Moore. Received, January 2, 1918. Presented, April 8, 1918. In this paper three problems are discussed. First, the resolution of a complex 2-vector M, in space of 2 p dimensions into the sum of p mutually completely perpendicular simple 2-vectors or planes. It is shown that this can always be done and is in general unique. But if MW satisfies certain product relations the resolution can be effected in an infinite number of ways. In four dimensions this relation is equivalent to saying that M is what Whitehead } calls self-supple- mentary. In this case the resolution can be effected in ©? different ways. Second, the application of the preceding to show that a rotation in a space of 2 p dimensions leaves p mutually completely perpendicular planes invariant. In general these are the only invariant planes. But in case the rates of rotation in the p invariant planes are the same or differ only in sign there are an infinite number of invariant planes which can be arranged in sets of p which are mutually completely perpendicular. In 4-space in case the rates of rotation in two com- pletely perpendicular invariant planes have the same magnitude there are ©? invariant planes which are completely perpendicular in pairs. Third, the consideration of the variety V’, left invariant by all the transformations leaving the same set of p planes invariant. It is found that this variety is of order 2”.. The path curves are curves of constant curvature and first torsion and are geodesics on Vp. The centers of curvature of all the path curves that pass through a given point lie on a sphere of p-dimensions having the given point P and the point of intersection O of the p invariant planes as ends of a diame- ter. Through each point pass 2” path curves which are circles having O for center and OP for radius. The variety V, can be developed on a plane space of p dimensions. 1 A treatise on Universal Algebra, page 292. 652 MOORE. The only papers that I know of bearing on rotations in hyperspace are given below: ? 1. Introduction. In terms of the Gibbs Vector analysis an infinitesimal rotation in three dimensions can be expressed by the formula ° r =r+axrdt, where a is a vector along the axis of the rotation and r is any vector through the fixed origin. If the rotation is considered as parallel to a fixed plane determined by the vectors b, c then it can be represented by the formula r = r+ (bxc)xr dt. By the Gibbs definition of the cross product (a vector perpendicular to the plane of the two vectors and of magnitude equal to the product of the lengths of the two vectors into the sine of the angle between them, so arranged that the three vectors b, c, b x c for a right handed system) this last expression is equivalent to the first. If we wish to extend this to higher dimensions we cannot have a form equivalent to the first since the cross product of two 1-vectors cannot be con- sidered as a 1-vector as, in that case, two l-vectors do not uniquely determine a l-vector. We will then have to start with a new set of definitions of the products. It must be kept in mind that we may have vectors of different dimensions as 1-vectors, 2-vectors, 3-vectors, etc., of one, two, three, etc., dimensions. I shall here use the vector analysis already set up by Wilson and Lewis.* The cross product of two-vectors extending from the same origin is defined as the parallelogram defined by the two vectors. The product is then a 2-vector. The magnitude of the product is equal to the area of the parallelogram. Similar definitions are given for the cross 2F. N. Cole: On rotations in space of four dimensions. American Journal, 12, 1889, page 191. P. H. Schoute: Le déplacement le plus général dans l’espace 4 n dimensions. Annales de |’Ecole Polytechnique de Delft, 7, 1891. Bemporad: sui gruppi dei movimenti. Annali della r. scuola normale sup. di Pisa, 8, 1904. an BE. Levi: Sui gruppi di movimenti. Atti dei Lincei Series 5, 14, part 1, 5. 8 Gibbs-Wilson Vector Analysis, page 99. 4Space-time manifold of relativity. The non-euclidean geometry of mechanics and electromagnetics. These Proceedings, 48, number 11, 1912. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 653 product of more than two l-vectors. The dot product of two 1- vectors is defined as the projection of one on the other multiplied by the length of the one on which the projection is made. This agrees with the Gibbs definition of the dot product of two 1-vectors. This product is a scalar. The dot product of two vectors of higher dimen- sion is defined as the vector in the larger space perpendicular to the smaller. The magnitude is equal to the magnitude of the projection of the smaller into the magnitude of the larger. If the two vectors are of equal magnitude this product is again a scalar otherwise it is a vector. This definition differs widely from the usual definition of inner product. This product is commutative while the ordinary inner product is not. We shall choose unit vectors along mutually perpendicular axes for our reference system. Let these reference vectors be ky, ky,... Rn. Then the coordinate planes, 3-spaces, 4-spaces, etc. are kw = kyxke, hig = hixks,... .krs = b-xks kio3= hyxkoxks, aad Midete = k)xkqxk,; The dot product of these unit vectors are as follows: eee — eek, — 00, (1.24), hip his=l, hig ka = 0, (7 AD), kis kmn = 0 (4,7 Fm, n) ky ‘kit = 1h kj: ki; = =k, kikin= kp, kis kin = kr ete. The dot product of two of these unit vectors vanishes if the smaller is not entirely contained in the larger, that is if a subscript appears in the smaller which does not also appear in the larger. If the dot product vanishes the two vectors are perpendicular. This however does not require complete perpendicularity, that is it requires that one vector in one is perpendicular to the other while complete per- pendicularity requires that every vector in one is perpendicular to every vector in the other. To obtain a vector completely perpendicu- lar to a given vector we must resort to the complement, which for unit vectors is defined as the vector obtained by taking the dot product of the given vector with the pseudo scalar.? Throughout this paper 5 The pseudo scalar is defined as the cross product of all the 1-vectors arranged so that the value is unity. Thus in 4-space the pseudo scalar is ky Xkoxksxks = kizas. 654 MOORE. the word perpendicular shall be used to mean complete perpendicu- larity. The formular for the reduction of the various products of 1- and 2- vectors are, ; (1). a:(bxc) = (a-c)b — (a-b)e (2). (axb)-C = a-(b-C) = — b-(a-C) (3). ax(b-C) =(axC)-b — (a-b)C (4). (b-C)- A= — b(C- A) + C- (bxA) where a, b, c are 1-vectors and A, C are 2-vectors. Now having these definitions an infinitesimal rotation ® parallel to a fixed plane M, is defined by the equation r =r+ M,-rdt. The length of 7’ is equal to the length of r._ For rer = rer + 2r-(Mi-r)dt = r-r The product r-(M,-r) vanishes since M,-r is defined as a vector in M, perpendicular to r._ A general rotation can be considered as made up of rotations parallel to a number of independent planes. The equation for such a rotation is = rt (My + Met....+My)-1 dt. The sum of k, simple plane vectors is a complex’ plane vector or 2-vector. Therefore we may write the rotation in the form (5) r=r+M-rdt where M is a complex 2-vector, that is, is not equivalent to a simple 2-vector. The canonical form then which (5) may take depends on the form in which MW may be written. Then we shall first show that M can always be resolved into the sum of p mutually perpendicular planes if we are working in a space of 2 p dimensions. We first consider the cases of four dimensions and five dimensions and then generalize to space of any number of dimensions. 6 A rotation is defined as a rigid motion leaving one point fixed. _7 Plane vectors in 4-space, for example, are analogous to lines in 3-space. We know that the sum of two lines is not a line unless the lines intersect. rhe same is true of plane vectors, their sum is a complex or complex vector unless the two simple plane vectors have a line in common. We shall use complex as equivalent to complex vector. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 655 ET. 2. Complex 2-vectors in 4-space. Let ki, ko, ks, ky be four mutu- ally perpendicular unit vectors. Then any 1l-vector can be expressed as a linear function of these four and any 2-vector (simple or complex) can be represented as a linear function of the six coordinate planes k = kxk;. Thus (6) M = avky + ashis + aiskis + Gosh23 + azahoa + azakss. From this equation we have at once, A complex 2-vector can be resolved into the sum of two simple planes M, and Mb, one passing through an arbitrary 1-vector and the other lying in a 3-space perpendicular to it. For let M, = apvky + aishkis + arahia This is a simple plane since it is the sum of three simple 2-vectors having the vector /; in common. As we could choose for ky a unit vector in any direction, this plane can be made to pass through an arbitrary 1l-vector. Then let Mz = apsh23 + dzgaho4 + zak. This is a plane since it is the sum of three simple plane vectors which lie in the 3-space determined by kp, ks, ky. This 3-space is evidently perpendicular to ky since ky: (koxk3xks) = 0. (If we did not confine ourselves to a rectangular set of axes this 3-space would not necessarily be perpendicular to /;). We can then write M = M, — Mo. The condition that W be a simple plane vector is MxM =0 For, MxM = (M, + M2)x(M, + Me) = 2M\xMo. In 4-space the cross product of two 2-vectors is a scalar and if this product vanishes it signifies that M, and M, lie in a 3-space and con- sequently MZ, + M2 can be expressed as a simple plane vector. A complex 2-vector can always be resolved into the sum of two simple 656 MOORE. 2-rectors, one of which is arbitrary. For, let A be any plane vector, then M— WA will be a simple plane if (M—)A)x(M—)A) = MxM—2 MxA = 0 ie xM a ~ 9MxA and we can write MxM MxM M = : M— A 2MxA sac IMxA ) We shall now show that the complex 2-vector can always be re- solved in at least one way into the sum of two perpendicular planes. Let (8) M = mM, + mM, where M, and M, are completely perpendicular unit planes and my and m2 numbers. Then indicating (MxM)-M by A we can write (9) A= (MxM)-M = 2mym(M\xMe)-M = 2myme(mM,+mM2). Solving (8) and (9) for M1, and M2 we have 2merM — A uh = (10) 2me(mz2 — my") Dy,2 = = 2m?M — A 2m,(m;? — mez”) The values of m; and m: can be computed from the relations M-M = m? + m2 A-M = 4mm From which we get m=2VM-M+/M-At+2VM-M —/M-A m= 3VM-M+ /M-A-2VM-M—/M-A If m # +m, the solution (10) is unique.® If m; = me the solutions become infinite. From (9) we see at once that this relation means 8 For the non-euclidean geometry considered by Wilson and Lewis this resolution was unique since in that case the denominators contained the factor m2 + ms? instead of m2 — mv?. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 657 that 4 = + JM or the complement of WM is + WM. (From the defini- tion of complement, the complement of M is mM, + m M2). If we indicate complement by * we have the relations for 4-space. k* = hss, k* 13 = keys, k* 4 = hog, ho = keys, k* 54 = ksi, k* 54 = ky. Then if a complex is such that /*= + M it can be written in the form M= (aiekre == ay3hi3 == ay4hy4) = (aisha + aysho3 + ayok34). The expressions in brackets are completely perpendicular planes and in this case we have a resolution into completely perpendicular planes. Hence: A complex 2-vector can always be resolved into the sum of two completely perpendicular planes. By a proper choice of axes M can be written in the form M = miko + mek and if W/* = +M the above resolution is not unique. We shall now proceed to investigate this case. We saw that a complex could always be resolved into the sum of two planes one of which was arbitrary. Let the arbitrary plane be X and write M=X-+K. If ris any vector in X, consider the transformation rp=rM=r-X+4+r-K. r-X is a vector in X and if 7’ also lies in XY, r-K must vanish since Y and K have no vector in common. But since r was any vector in Y the vanishing of r-K for all values of r means that K must be com- pletely perpendicular to XY. Hence the resolution of M into the sum of two perpendicular planes resolves itself into finding the planes left invariant by the transformation r’ = r-M. We shall therefore find the planes left invariant by this transformation. The invariants of this transformation are more easily found by expressing it in the form of a dyadic. From formula (1) we have re (kis) = (r-kj)ki — (r-kidh; which can be written as the dot product of r into the dyadic kjk; — kk; The transformation r =r-M then takes the form 658 MOORE. (12) r= r-([my(koky — hike) + ma(kaks — kek) = r-® my(Kkoky — hike) + me(kaks — ksks). where ® If m1: # +m, the only 1-vectors left invariant 9 are ky = the, kz = tha. For if =r = Aki + Aoke + Asks + Aska, r= r-® = — marjko + mddky — Medgks + modaks and if this is to be equal to ur (13) mid. = pA1,— Mid, = prs, Mo, = MA3,— Med3 = M4 which can be satisfied only for the values ho = =id, As = 0, Ag = 0; Ar = Ae = O, Ag = +23 If m; = mp we see that (13) is satisfied by any vector of the pencils key + ike + (kz + tha), by — tke + ACks — tha), that is these vectors are left invariant for all values of \. If mi= —m, the pencils key a tke a 3(kg — iks), ky = tke — A(ks — ik4) are left invariant for all values of X. If we apply the transformation twice, that is r =r, r’ =7'-b = (r-)-@ assuming the above form for r we have re! => —m?(Mky a Noke) — m2? (Agks a Naka). If m = =m r” is a multiple of r and if m, = =m, = 1, the trans- formation repeated twice is a reflection through the origin and of course repeated four times is the identical transformation. These are the only conditions under which the transformation will close. Hence the necessary and sufficient condition that (12) be of finite order is M, = =m. or M* = =M. In this case there are two pencils of invariant vectors while in the general case only four vectors are left Invariant. In order to find the 2-vectors left invariant by the transformation 9 Invariant here means that 7’ = ur. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 659 we will express ® in terms of planes (2-vectors). This is done by means of the double product of Gibbs.!° If 6 = > f,/; is a dyadic which transforms l-vectors into 1-vectors then 3 2 = 3 J (k,xk;) (/;x/;) represents the same transformation expressed in plane coordi- nates, that is a transformation which transforms planes into planes. To show this let r and s be two l-vectors. Then the plane rxs is transformed by © into (r-®)x(s-®) which can be written rixs! = (r-@)x(9-&) = H(r-®)x(9-) — (¢-&)x(r-8)] = FEC kl KE: kl] — (2k dx (r- k,l} = Z12[(r-k.)(s-k;) — (sk) (rk) Ul) >| (rxs) - (kexl;)](1xl;) rxs) + [Pr]. Nie nl bl zy Ik If ® is the dyadic used in (12) (14) o= my(koky — hy ke) — ma(kaks = Isles). Then (15) Y= Z0,P = mPkpky + meekzak34 ++ mym2(kisko4 + keoakis — kyshog — Keogky4). If JE = Das; ki; be any complex 2-vector P-YV = mapky + mymoarahy3 — mymodos3ki4 — Mymedy4ko3 + mymeaygke4 + m?agak34 and if P-W = XP we see that this is satisfied by the planes ky and ks, and by the complexes ai3(kis == ko4) + aya(hi4 = keg) ; a3 (Kis a ko4) == aya(his == kos). These complexes satisfy the condition for all values of a3 and aya. The invariant planes will then be fy, and /3; and the planes belonging to either of these pencils of complexes. These last named planes are obtained from the values of a3 : a4 satisfying either of the relations [ais (his == kos) == aya(kia = kos) |x[a13 (kes == ko4) Bs ars(ki4 =z kos) = 0 [ais (hig = kos) == aya(ki4 == hog) |x(a13 (Kis a kas) == aya(hu =5 keo3)] = 0 10 See Phillips and Moore, Dyadies occurring in point space of three dimen- sions. These Proceedings, vol. 53. 660 MOORE. These give the values a1; = + 7a13. Hence the invariant planes are (16) (kus + heos) = i(k — hos), (hers — Ieog) i(ler4 + hos). Now if m1 = =m (17) Wi = m2[ (wk + kssksa) = (hiskae + kagkis + Prakos + hashes) ]- Hence the complex (18) P = apky + a3(hi3 + haz) + dia(his = fog) + azahsa. (Both positive or both negative signs are to be taken together), is left invariant for all values. of ap, a3, dia, d34. The planes which belong to this system of complexes are determined by the relation PxP = ay034 — 37 — a = 0. Substituting in (18) we have for the invariant planes Ky = (as? + we)hig + aisdsa(his = heaz) + diadza(hia = fog) ++ a3a?hga The plane Ke = ageky, — ai3d34(h13 = kz) — aadis(hiy = kos) ++ (ai3” + ais )ke34 also belongs to (18) and is completely perpendicular to Ky. Hence the planes left invariant by the transformation P’ = P-W, form a two parameter family and are completely perpendicular in pairs. The planes belong to a three parameter linear system of complexes and so must cut two fixed planes. It is not difficult to see that these are the planes (16). The first pair when m; = m: and the second pair when m, = —m. We can now write My ass” + ays” + ase M = my (Irs =e k3q) = (ky SF Ky). Hence the theorem may be stated: Any complex 2-vector can be resolved into the sum of two completely perpendicular planes. If M* A +M the resolution is unique. If M* = =M the resolution can be made in ~? ways. 3. Complex 2-vectors in 5-space. In 5-spacea complex 2-vector M can be resolved into the sum of two simple plane vectors. For, ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 661 if we express the complex in terms of the unit coordinate planes we have 5 4 M= = : con — = Asjks; ++ as Asi ij. The sum 2a;;k5; represents a simple plane vector since each term in it contains the vector k;.. The sum 2 a;;k;; represents a complex 2-vector lying in the 4-space determined by hy, ke, kz, k4 and hence can be expressed as the sum of two plane vectors in this 4-space, one of which is arbitrary. The plane A = Ya;k5; will cut the 4-space ky*koXk3*k4 in a l-vector. Now resolve > a;;k;; into the sum of two simple plane, B + C and choose B so that it will contain the vector in which A cuts the 4-space. Since A and B have a vector in common, A+B will be a simple plane vector D and we have M = C+ D where C and D are simple planes. Neither of these planes can be chosen arbitrarily as was the case in 4-space. It follows from the fact that a complex vector is always expressible as the sum of two plane vectors that it must necessarily lie in a 4-space. This 4-space is the same no matter how the complex M is expressed as the sum of two simple planes. For, if M = M,+ M, where JJ; and M, are simple planes, then MxM = 2M,xM, But MxM is the same however M is expressed hence the 4-space M,xMz must be the same however M is expressed as the sum of two plane vectors. Since a plane vector in 4-space can be resolved into the sum of two completely perpendicular 2-vectors the same holds true for complex 2-vectors in 5-space. Just as in 4-space if M = (M,+ M,) or M = 1M, — M2) where M, and M, are completely perpendicular unit planes, the resolution into the sum of perpendicular planes can be effected in oo” ways. Besides leaving the four imaginary vectors found in 4-space invari- ant, the transformation r-M in 5-space annihilates the real vector perpendicular to MxM. The products of this transformation then with itself can never be equal to the identical transformation. If 662 MOORE. M = M, = My where M,; and Mp, are unit planes, then the trans- formation repeated four times will be the identical transformation for vectors in MxM. 4. Complex 2-vectors in space of 2p dimensions. We shall first show that if a complex 2-vector in a space of 2p dimensions can be resolved into the sum of p independent simple plane vectors one of which passes through an arbitrary l-vector then a complex 2-vector in a space of 2p + 1 dimensions can also be resolved into the sum of p independent simple plane vectors but in this case no one of the simple 2-vectors can be made to pass through an arbitrary l-vector. To show this it is only necessary to write the complex in 2p + 1 dimensions in terms of unit coordinate planes 2p-+1 2p-+1 MS = ay jh; ge Ai jk s;. The first sum represents a simple plane vector since each term contains the vector /;. The second sum represents a complex 2-vector lying in the space of 2p dimensions determined by the vectors hv, ks, . . . kop and therefore by the above assumption can be expressed as the sum of p simple plane vectors one of which, A say, passes through the 2p+1 vector in which the plane B= = aj;k,; cuts the space in which 2p+1 ; the complex 2 a;;k;; lies. Then since A and B have a vector in common, their sum can be expressed as a simple plane vector. The complex VW is then expressed as the sum of p independent planes. But p independent simple plane vectors determine a space of 2p dimensions and this space of 2p dimensions is the same no matter how VW is expressed. For if M=M,+ M,+...+ M,. Then MxMxM...pfactors = p! M\xM2x...xM),; and since the first member is independent of how the complex is expressed as the sum of p independent planes, the second must be. Again, if a complex 2-vector in a space of 2p dimensions can be resolved into the sum of p independent simple plane vectors one of which passes through an arbitrary 1-vector, then a complex 2-vector ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 663. in a space of 2p + 2 dimensions can be resolved into the sum of p + 1 independent simple plane vectors one of which passes through an arbitrary l-vector. For let the complex be expressed in terms of the unit coordinate planes 2 2p+2 aijkiz + = Ai jki;. The first sum is a simple 2-vector passing through k; which can be chosen arbitrarily. The second sum is a complex 2-vector in a space of 2p + 1 dimensions and consequently can be expressed as the sum of p independent simple plane vectors. Hence the whole complex can be expressed as the sum of p + 1 independent planes. We have seen that a complex 2-vector in 4-space can be resolved into the sum of two independent simple plane vectors one of which can be chosen arbitrarily and therefore by induction we have: a complex 2-vector in 2p or 2p +1 dimensions can always be resolved into the sum of p independent simple plane vectors. The condition that a 2-vector in a space of 2p dimensions be simple, is MxM = 0. For if this condition is satisfied then the following relations are satis- fied owing to the associative character of the multiplication when the order of the whole product is equal to or less than 2p MxMxM =0 MxMxMxM = 0 MxMxMx...xp factors = 0. The last one shows that the complex must lie in a space of lower dimensions and therefore can be expressed as the sum of p — 1 simple plane vectors. By the same argument it can be expressed as the sum of p — 2 simple plane vectors and so on until finally it can be expressed as a single simple plane vector. If M is a simple plane, MxM = 0. Hence this is both a necessary and a sufficient condition that a 2- vector be simple. We shall next show that a complex 2-vector in a space of 2p dimen- sions can be resolved into the sum of p mutually perpendicular simple: planes. Let D M=2m,;,VY; 1 664 MOORE. when /; are mutually perpendicular unit simple planes and m; num- bers. We can then derive p — 1 complex 2-vectors as follows Pp A = (MxM)-M = 22mm7M; LAG 1 Pp B= (MxMxM)-(MxM) = 62mm/7m?7M; Tig Ue 1 (203, dec ick Se Sh ee eee P = (MxMxM.. .p factors): (MxMxM. . . (p-1) factors) = plmym2...Mp2LMiMg. . .MiAMix1...M_pM;. We have then all together p equations to solve for the p plane M,, M2,...M,- and the solution will be unique unless these equations prove not to be linearly independent, that is unless the determinant A of the system vanishes. If we observe how the columns of this determinant are made up we see that it contains each of the m’s as a factor. Also if m;= +m;,4=0. Therefore we can write A in the factored form A =-:p!( — m7). Now if m, = my, say, and the other m’s are all different then a value of \ can be found so that A+)M will lie in a space of 2p — 4 dimensions and by the above argument this new complex can be resolved into the sum of p — 2 mutually per- pendicular plane vectors. The remaining 4-space will be completely perpendicular to the space in which A + AM lies and that part of M lying in it can be resolved into the sum of two perpendicular planes in ©* ways. Hence the whole complex can be resolved into the sum of p mutually perpendicular planes in ©? ways. The same argument of course applies to any pair of equal roots. If m = =m = =m; the other m’s being all different and different from mm; a value of can be found so that A + AM will lie in a space of 2p — 6 dimensions and the part of M lying in this space can be resolved into p — 3 mutu- ally perpendicular planes. “The whole complex can then be resolved into the sum of p mutually perpendicular planes provided the complex 2-vector in space of six dimensions such that (MxM)-M = XM can be resolved into the sum of three mutually perpendicular planes. Con- tinuing the argument we see that the resolution is always possible provided that in a space of 2m dimensions in which (MxM)-M = \M ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 665 can be resolved into the sum of mutually perpendicular planes. We will now show that this resolution is always possible. If the transformation r =r-M=r-(X +-K) where X is a simple plane and r any vector in X, always gives a vector r in X then r-K = 0 for every r in X. That is X is completely perpendicular to K. Then the above resolution depends upon whether we can find a plane left invariant by the transformation r’ = r-M where M is any complex 2-vector. Let 2m (19) MS Yank. 1 anil ESB r ee 1 Then if 7 is an invariant vector we have moe — nF which is equivalent to the set of equations i= > a;b; K 17] el a eS eee a eae rrr where the b’s are to be determined. The coefficients a;; are seen to satisfy the relations ay = OF aij= —aji, 4 F j: Equations (20) being homogeneous will have a solution provided the determinant of the system vanishes. This determinant is seen to be a skew determinant with each term in the principal diagonal equal to u. From the theory of such determinants?! it is known that it can be expanded in powers of the diagonal terms. The coefficients of the 11 Hanus, Elements of determinants. Ginn & Co., page 152. 666 MOORE. various powers of uw are sums of principal minors of the determinant in which the u’s are replaced by zeros. That is the determinant can be expandedlin the form (22) pe = Aye Ag eee ee where A; is the sum of the first minors in which yp has been replaced by zero. These minors are then skew symmetric determinants of odd order and therefore vanish. For the same reason all the A’s with odd subscripts vanish. The coefficient A» is the sum of all the second principal minors with yp replaced by zero. This is a skew symmetric determinant of even order and therefore can be expressed as 2 sum of squares, consequently it is positive. The same is true of all A’s with even subscripts. Then (22) has only even powers of yp and all the coefficients are positive. Therefore the roots appear in conjugate imaginary pairs. This means for WV real the invariant vectors appear in conjugate imaginary pairs. But two conjugate imaginary vectors determine a real plane. Hence we have shown that there are always m invariant real planes. If equations (21) are not all independent there will be an infinite number of values of u and consequently an infinite number of invariant planes. This corresponds to the case (MxM)-M = dM. Now having determined that in every case there is at least one invariant simple plane, A say, we can determine \ so that M — XA will be a complex vector lying in a space of 2m — 2 dimensions which must be completely perpendicular to A. To determine \ we have the relation (M — \A)x(M — )\A)x...m factors = 0 = MxMx...m factors — m\(AxMxM...(m — 1) factors). From which M™ N= Ax when the exponents indicate cross multiplication. The same reason- ing as used before will show that the space in which M — }4A lies is completely perpendicular to A. Thus we have established the theorem: A complex 2-vector in a space of 2p dimensions can always be resolved into the sum of p mutually perpendicular planes. If the set of <-vectors A, B,— P of (20) are not independent this resolution is not unique. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSAPCE. 667 If the 2-vectors A, B, C...P are all multiples of MW, by a proper choice of axes the complex can be written in the simple form M = milkig = heya + hsp =... = kop-1 2p). We will confine our attention to the single case 23) i my (hyp + he3q + a Kep-ay 2p) and the other combinations of sign can be disposed of in a similar manner. The dyadic which represents the transformation r’ = r-M is (24) p= my(koky — key ho — keakg = kegkeg +. 5 a+ ko pho p—1 = ke p-skep) and the same transformation expressed in plane coordinates is V = 16%, which can be proved by the same method used for the case of 4-space. Similarly it can be shown that the complex (25) C = aki + aszakss + asehss + . . 2 p-1,2ph2p-1,2p a= a13(he3 7s kag) a= aya(hu aa hog) ar ais(kis —"heo) Siete = a35(k35 = kag) +H as6(kes6 = kas) Pinas is left invariant by the transformation C-W where the coefficients in C are entirely arbitrary. The complex will be a simple plane if CxC = 0. This gives for the invariant planes, putting a = 1, for convenience. (26) A=ky+ (a3 a5 a4" )k34 ae (a5 = aye”) hese ieee == (a1,2p-1 == 1,27") kop-1y2p == a3 (ky ae kag) =F ara(his = ko5) =e ais(kis hog) Tee ar (ayats a 13016) (hess = keg) “j= (3015 = (4016) (kee — kas)+. +e + (aistiz + ay4018)(k3g — haz) +... Hence ©*?-? simple planes are left invariant. Then in resolving this complex into the sum of p similarly perpendicular simple planes the first plane can be chosen in ~7?-? different ways, the second in co2P-4 ways and so on. Hence the resolution can be effected in oo *(P-1)! different ways. By proper choice of axes the general complex can be put in the form (27) M = Mak an Msaks4 +. Se a= M2 p—152ph2p—152p- 668 MOORE. Then the dyadic which represents the transformation 7’ = r-M is (28) ® = mi(hkek: — hike) + msa(kaks — eka) +... + Mop-1,2p(kopk2p-1 — kep-skep) If the transformation is applied twice to the vector r= = Dk; we have r’ = r-@ = (r-@)-h! = r-(@-G) ey [m2 (kiki == koko) == m3" (ksks == kaka) =e de = Map-1,2p(kop-1h2p—1 = kypkp)] I Then if ® and r are real andmy = +=m34 =... = ~=mMepi1pp = 1 we return to r after repeating the transformation four times. Hence if the complex consists of the sum of p mutually perpendicular unit planes, the transformation r’ = r- M will be of order 4. 5. The Hamilton-Cayley equation. From equation (12) wesaw that the transformation r’ = r-M in 4-space depends on two para- meters 7m, and m, and to show the relation of these to the Hamilton- Cayley identical equation which ® must satisfy we will change the reference system to that of the invariant elements. We saw that the invariant vectors were ky = tke, ks = tk. Now put = Einar seal ges i — /2 1 tke), [= /2 1 2 1 : 1 ; = . (ks + tks), 14 = V5 (kes — tka), Then 1 7 ky = V5 (n+), hk=— Toe d a ks = ao) (3+74), ky= — 9, (rac—tr4). The dyadic then becomes (29) o@ = i[mi(rery — rm) + mo(rars — rgr4) |. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 669 The multiplication table for the r’s is as follows hist ofa ty eta — Tae re —= 0; refs = 1°14 = 12°73 = Te-7, = O, Tieton aa—— 1 The idemfactor I; becomes (30) Ty = ryre + rory + ars + ars. The Hamilton-Cayley equation then becomes (31) (© — tml) (® + tm) (® — timely) (® + tml) = (2 + meh) (& + m2?) = 0. lf m = =m (29’) @ = im(reri — rire) + (rars — r3ra)] from which we see at once that the vectors ar, = br3, -aro = br are left invariant (or multiplied by constants only) for all values of aand 6b. The Hamilton-Cayley equation in this case becomes (2+ mh) = 0 In terms of this new reference system the dyadic ® expressed in plane coordinates becomes (32) W = 4OX@ = — [mPryrwe + me?r34r34 + mime(rgres + reriz — resis — T14723)} The multiplication table for the coordinate planes is rele = 134°h34 = — 1, 113°T24 = T14°T23 = 1, and all the other products are zero. The idemfactor is I, = shxh = — rere — r3arza + risros + reatiz + Mares + rosria and the Hamilton-Cayley equation is (Y — merle) (Y — m2Ir)(Y? — mrm7l2) = 0, and if m; = + mz the equation is (WY — mPl2)(Y + ml) = 0. 670 MOORE. From (32) we see that the complex 2-vectors aris _ brea, ari4 + bros are left invariant for all values of aand b. The only planes belonging to this system are rs, 724, M14, 7%23- If m; = +m we see at once that the complex ary + brsa + erg + dros, or ary + brag + ers + drog is left invariant and the planes belonging to this system are the invariant planes discussed before. Choosing the invariant vectors for the coordinate system in space of 2p dimensions and proceed as above we at once arrive at the Hamil- ton-Cayley equation (B2 + mt) (& + m?h)...(& + m,?h) = 0 and if m, = =m = =m3...= =m, this equation becomes @ + ml, = 0. The equation which VY = 3: satisfies follows in a similar manner. 1001 6. Rotations in 4-space. We saw that an infinitesimal rotation could be represented by (5) r =r+ M-r dt. If M is a simple plane vector M, say, and if r is perpendicular to MW, then since M/,-r = 0, the vector r is left absolutely fixed, and therefore the plane completely perpendicular to JJ, is left absolutely fixed. Also if r lies in M, it is evident that r’ will likewise lie in J; and there- fore M, is left invariant but not point for point. If in this rotation we take J/; as a unit plane and write (5) in the form r =r+mM,-r dt the constant m, measures the rate of rotation in the plane M;. For if r lies in M, r—?T ar —— = — = mMy-r di!) dt Free ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 671 Since r does not change in magnitude as it rotates, the magnitude of Wi divided by Vr-r will be the rate at which r is turning in the plane M,;. That is /dr\2 eee, ues Sl ney = Vmi(Myr)? = mV rer M, being a unit-plane 17,-r has the same magnitude as r if r lies in Mj. Therefore Gi dt Vea which shows that m; measures the rate of rotation in M,. If in (5) M is a complex 2-vector it can be resolved into the sum of two perpendicular planes and can then be written in the form (33) r= rt (mM, + mM2)-r dt mm = 7 where M, and Mz are unit planes. In this case the motion consists of a double rotation, one parallel to the simple plane M, and the other parallel to the simple plane M2. The same argument as used above will show that m; measures the rate of rotation in M, and mz; the rate of rotation in Ms. If r lies in M,, then r=r+M,-rdt and the same argument used above shows that M, is left invariant. The same reasoning also shows that Mz is left invariant. In order to exhibit the whole list of invariants we will represent the transformation (33) as a dyadic, choosing the reference system so that . WS mykyp + moka. The same argument as used in §2 shows that the dyadic sought is (34) YW = JL, + [mi(koky — hike) + me(kak3 — h3ka)dt = I, + ® dt and (33) then becomes (35) r= 7-W, If the vector (p= Lak; 1 672 MOORE. is left invariant it is evident that r-® must vanish. That is asmyky — aymyks + asmek3 — agmoks = 0 which requires that all the a’s vanish. However if we require that r’ = \r then we have r-® = Xr which leads to the solutions a(ky+ tk), b(k3 + tka). Using these values for r we have ry! = (ky + the) -W = ky + the + imi(tky + tke) dt we imy(ky + the). dt rol = (hy — thy) -W = ky + the + mi(ky — they) dt or d 2 ° , a = — im(hi — the). Likewise for the other two we have = imo(ks + rks), os = — imo(k3 — ik). Thus the points on /; + ik, and ks + tks progress by the factors im and im while the point on k; — tke and k3 — iks progress by the factors — im, and — imp. If m; = mz it is easily seen that any vector of the pencils (ky =: ike) + (hg + ths), (hy = ike) _ A(kg = iks) is left invariant. These vectors lie in a plane in which every vector is a minimal vector. That is they lie in a plane which contains a generator of the imaginary sphere at infinity. Any plane cutting these two planes in a 1-vector will be left invariant since it will contain two invariant vectors. If m, = —mo, the invariant pencils are (key + the) + A(k3 — tha), (hi — the) + wlks + ues). Each of these pencils lies in a plane cutting the imaginary sphere at infinity in a generator and any plane cutting each of these planes in a vector will be left invariant. We will however discuss these planes from a different point of view. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 673 The dyadic Y can be expressed in terms of plane coordinates by means of the double product. (36) Wo = FWY = 40, + bd), + bdt) = 40, + Kebdt and the rotation is then expressed by the formula C’ = C- (Ih + [ibdt). If we write WM = mk + moka ab = mxy(kehy = hyke) — mo(haks — k3ke4) I = my (hro3ky3 a ky3kos — hea ghey4 = hy shea) “= mo(kyaki3 ame kiskis + keakos; — Koghos) If the complex 2-vector C => Leijki; is left invariant, that is if C-V = C C: (I i) = my (Ci3ho3 — ea3hi3 + crake, — Co4hy4) == me(Ci3kr4 — crakiz + Co3h24 — C2iho3) = 0. From which we get (37) myey3 = —MoCo4, MyCo3 = MaCy4, M1C14 = M23, — ‘MyCo4 = MoCy3- If m; # =m, these equations are satisfied only when C13 = C4 = C4 = C3 = 0. Thus any complex of the linear pencil Cykis + czaksa is left invariant. The only simple planes belonging to this pencil are ky» and kz. Hence these are the only planes whose magnitude and position are left invariant by the rotation. If m, = =m, equations (37) can evidently be satisfied if e413 = +24, C14 = C3. In this case the complex C = eplhig + c13(hig = haz) + era(heis + hos) ++ esahsa is left invariant for all values of the coefficients. The planes of this system of complexes are determined by the relation CxC = cioe34 = (C13? + c12°) 674 MOORE. which, if we put cy = 1, gives for the invariant planes (38) P = ky + ei3(his = Fay) + cra(hia + ho) = (ers” ++ 1a?) e34 Therefore, If the rates of rotation in the planes M, and Mg are different the only planes left invariant by (33) are My and Mg but if the rates of rotation in the two planes are the same or differ only in sign then a two parameter family of planes which belongs to a three parameter linear system of complexes is left invariant. The planes of the system (38) all cut the planes (Aig kay) + i(hia hos), (hers hag) — t(hi4a= ho). These are the planes mentioned above. We saw that in case m;= +m the complex M can be resolved in co different ways into the sum of two completely perpendicular planes. The pairs of planes belong to the set (38). The transformation (34) can then be represented in ©? different ways as the sum of rotations parallel to pairs of completely perpendicular planes. The rates of rotation parallel to both planes of a pair are the same but different for different pairs. The above set of invariant planes were found under the condition that their magnitude be left unchanged. We might however have 12 In the article referred to in note 2 Cole states the theorem ‘Every rota- tion in a four dimensional space for which 8 #0. (The condition here would be: that neither m; nor m: is zero) can be reduced to a succession of two simple rotations whose fixed planes are absolutely perpendicular to each other. This decomposition can be effected in only one way.”’ From the above theorem it is evident that this statement is inaccurate. He discussed finite rotations and writes the equations of the rotation , y x’ =xcos?é—ysind, y’ = xsiné + ycosé 2 =zco0os¢g—wsing, w = 2z'sing + a’cos¢. He states that the invariant planes of this rotation are the xy- and zw-planes. This is true of 6 # y. But if 6 = ¢ any line passing through 0 and lying in the planes x + iy = 0, 2 +i = 0 is left invariant also any line passing through 0 and lying in the plane x —- iy = 0, 2 — iw = 0 is left invariant. Hence any plane containing two of these invariant lines will be kept invariant. There is a two parameter family of these planes which are real and therefore co* real planes are left invariant. If 6 = —g then every line passing through 0 and lying in one of the planes x + iy = 0, 2 —iw =0 or x —iy = 0, z+ iw = 0 is left invariant and all the planes passing through.0 and cutting each of these planes in a line is left invariant. In the first case it is easy to see that the plane x = z, y = w is left invariant and in the second case x = a, y = zis left invariant. The error in Cole’s work arose from the fact that in determining the coordinates of the invariant planes he failed to take into account that it was possible for all the denominators of his expressions to vanish simultaneously. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 675 planes changed by the rotation into multiples of themselves. In this case CaP) — Xe which leads to the relations ™4€13 — Molo, = ACo3, — M1023 — MeCi4 = ACB, M1C14 — MoCo3 = NCo4, —MyCo4 + MeoC13 = ACha4. Four values of \ render this system consistent and the corresponding invariant planes are (kis + ka) i(his + hos), kis — brag i(kis — hes). No real plane satisfies this condition. 7. Rotations in any even space. Equation (5) is a rotation in a space of 2p dimensions if we consider M as a complex lying in that space. As before the dyadic representing the rotation, if we write in terms of p mutually completely perpendicular unit planes which for convenience we will take as coordinate planes, is W = Tht [milkoki — hike) + mo(kaks — keska) +... + mp(kephopa — kop—-kep) |dt. => i+ Pdt. The same transformation expressed in plane coordinates is W=3he ht Txebdt. Io+ 1, xbdt where = kk; I, = Zk ijk ;. The same argument used in the preceding section will show that the p mutually perpendicular planes into which J is resolved are all left invariant. If the m’s are all distinct these are all the invariant planes, but if » of them are equal there are ©*”-” invariant planes and the rotation can be resolved in an infinite number of ways into rota- tions parallel to p mutually perpendicular planes. 676 MOORE. IV. 8S. Surfaces in 4-space left invariant by all the rotations having the same two fixed planes. All the rotations represented by the equation (39) f=r+ Merdt=r+ (mM, + mM2)-r dt where J, and My, are unit planes and m, and m, are allowed to vary form a group since each transformation of the set leaves MW, and M2 invariant and consequently the product of two of them will leave these planes invariant also. The direction which a point will move by (39) with fixed values for m and mz is r (40) Ti (mM, + m.Ms)-r = M-r. ¢ If m; and m are allowed to vary it is seen at once that all the directions which a given point can take lie in a plane since they are linear func- tions of the two vectors W,-r and Ms-r. It is seen also from this equation that the ratio m;: mz, is all that need be considered since their dr actual values are necessary for determining the magnitude of — and dt not its direction. If we give m, and me: definite values (40) will be the differential equation of the path curve described by the end of the vector r by this particular rotation. The unit tangent to this curve is dr dt i_— A M-r Te Since the magnitude of r is unity we have Vertis. e ards: aoe CoP ds dt \2 = eects r)? + me?(Mo-r)?] (=) . Hence ds \? (41) (2) = mP(My-r)? + m?(Me-r)*. As the transformation is a rotation r is a vector of constant length and also the projections on the fixed planes M, and Mz are also the ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 677 same for all positions which r can take by the rotation. Then (J/;-r)- (M,-r) is constant and equal to the square of the projection of r on the fixed plane M,. Likewise (Mo-r)-(Mo-r) is equal to the square of the projection of r on the plane M». It follows at once then that ds is a constant since the expression in the bracket in (41) is constant. The curvature of the path curve is dr @r ( = Cia ek Bee? ) C= 5 = 3, - (i) = Mtr) (42) HY? = [m2M,-(M,-r) + m?2Mo- (Me-71)] (*) s The vectors M,-(M,-r) and M2: (M2-r) are the projections of 7 on the fixed planes M, and Mz respectively and therefore constant in length. Hence: The path curves are curves of constant scalar curvature. The unit vector in the direction of the curvature C is eg at: (Mens Fe aE: (M-r) —ViM-(Mene VC-C The vectors 7 and ¢ are unit vectors and perpendicular to each other Hence7z X c will be the unit osculating plane to the path curye. The first torsion of the path curve is the rate of change of this plane with respect to the arc. dc de d dr T= a (xc) — oe aT ome ace Since . = cV([M-(M-r)P the product exe = (0. Substituting the s fs values above we have 1 VC-C T =(M-r)x{M-[M-(M-r)]} oi = (mM, + mM.2)x{mPM,-[M,-[M,-r)] + m2?M2: (M2: (M2-r)| (Sy Ae ive ; ds/ VC-C But since M,-(M,-r) is the projection of r on My, M,-[M-(Mh-1)] is a vector in M, perpendicular to this projection and consequently is equal to M,-r. Similarly for the second term. Then T = mymo(me? — m7) (My-r)x(Mo-r) 678 MOORE. But since .W,-r and Mo:r are vectors of constant length and lie in perpendicular planes their cross product has constant magnitude. Therefore the scalar first torsion of the path curves is constant. From the above expression for 7 we see that if m, = 0 or m, = 0 or 7, = mz, the torsion vanishes, that is the plane 7xc is independent of the point on the curve. Therefore in the group of infinitesimal transformations which leave the same pair of perpendicular planes My and Mz invariant there are four transformations whose path curves are plane curves. If m, = 0 the motion reduces to a rotation parallel to the plane M, and the path curve is the circle whose plane is parallel to M, and whose center is on My. Likewise if m: = 0 the path curve is a circle in a plane parallel to MM. and whose center lies in My. If m, = = m, equation (42) becomes C= m2[M,-(My-r) + Me: (Me-r)| (*Y 8 But since M,-(M,-r) and Ms: (M2-r) are the projections of the vector ron the planes W, and M2 respectively and these planes are perpendicu- lar the expression in the brackets is evidently equal to r._ Hence in this case dt \? C = mr (4) F From (41) we see that in this case ds\2 2 = mye(r-7)- Then and hence That is the sealar of the curvature of the path curve is the reciprocal of the length of r. Then in this case the path curves are circles with center at the origin. The plane of the circle is rx(My-r + Mo-r). This plane changes only in magnitude if we change the length of r. Hence the plane is left invariant by the transformation dr = m4(M, + M»)-r dt. That is through each point in space passes one plane left invariant by this transformation. From (39) the directions of the ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 6079 path curves through a point, given by the transformations for which m, = 0, m2 = 0, my, = me, my = —m. form a harmonic pencil. From (42) we see that if ris held fixed and m, and m are allowed to vary the end of the curvature vector traces out the line joining the M, 9 (M, C r) Mz: (Mo: r) =— and = (M,-r)? (M.-r)? real values of m; and m2 the only points obtained are those on the aes . | mt segment joining the ends of these two vectors and that the ratios — Mes ends of the vectors and it is seen that for Mei 2 : : ' and — — give the same point. Hence each point of the segment is iD) counted twice. We will call this the curvature segment. Two direc- : d dr’ tions Fs = (mM, + mM2)-r and a = (my My, + me’ Mp2)-r are per- a pendicular if they satisfy the relation. ae = 0 = (m Myer + mM ;-1r)- (my Myr + me! Mo-r) = mm (M,-r)? + meme’ (Mo-r)?. Hence me (M,-r)? m my ee (M,-r)? ms Two perpendicular directions are then mMy-r + mM.-r and me(M>-r)?(My-r) + m(M,-r)?(Me-r). The curvature for these two directions is dt \ 2 y= [mM ;- (M,-r) + mM: (M2: o(S), Co = [m?[(Me-r)-(Me-r)PM,- (M,-7r) it + mehr): (Sher) PMy (MIS), ds/> ne ; ds/1 —-m?(M,-r)? + m?(M2-r)? =) 1 = ie ms[(Mo-1)+(Ms:r) (Mir)? + me2[(M- 7): (Mr) P(e: 7)? 1 [Ober Mer] (m2 Mr)? + me? Me: r)? dt dix? : Substituting these values of (=) and (5) in the expressions for ¢ LS) 1 o/2 \ 680 MOORE. and c we have M,-(M,-r) My: (Mz-r) ah 2h (M,-r)? (M2-r)? ; (+e = That is the sum of the curvature vectors for two perpendicular direc- tions through the point is independent of the pair of directions taken and is equal to the sum of the curvatures of the path curves of the M,-(M,-r) ar M2: (M2-r) (M,-r)? (M,-r)? the curvatures in these two directions. It is also to be noted that the directions for which the curvatures are the same are harmonically separated by the directions m = 0, mz = 0. The directions which have curvature equal to h are perpendicular to each other and hence bisect the angle between mm; = 0 and m: = 0. Since the length of the radius of curvature is the reciprocal of the scalar curvature and its direction coincides with C the locus of the centers of curvature is the inverse of the curvature segment with respect to the unit circle with center at the extremity of r. Hence; The locus of the centers of curvature of all the path curves of this group which pass through a given point vs a circle of which the diameter is the line joining the origin to the point in question. For real directions through the point the centers of curvature lie on a quadrant of this circle. From this it is evident that the curves with minimum curvature are in the directions m, = m. and m, = —m, and hence for these direc- tions the curvature is perpendicular to the curvature segment. This can be seen also directly from (42). For the curvature of these curves being in the direction of r and the curvature segment being M;: (M,-r) aly M,: (M.-r) rotations m, = 0 and m2 = O since (My-r)? (My-r)? we have hy-r? (Mz-r)? Since M/,-(M;,-r) is the projection of r on M, and has the same length as M,-r the product r-[M,:(M,-r)] is then the length of the projec- tion of r on M; multiplied by the length of r. Hence the first term of the product reduces to unity and likewise for the second term and hence the whole product vanishes. | The curvature vectors of the path curves lie in a plane determined by Mi-(My-r) and Mz:(Mp-r). But M,-r is a vector in M, perpen- dicular to r and M,-(M,-r) is the projection of r on M, hence these ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 681 two vectors are perpendicular to each other. The vector M,-r is perpendicular to Mp»: (J/2-r) since they lie in completely perpendicular planes. Therefore 1/;-r is perpendicular to the plane of the curvature vector. Similarly J/:-r is also perpendicular to this plane. Hence, The path curves of a given point by the transformations of the group of rotations which leave the same two completely perpendicular planes fixed are all tangent to a plane A, and have constant curvature and torsion. The ends of the curvature vectors lie on a line cutting the two fixed planes. The plane in which these curvature vectors lie is perpendicular to the plane A. There are four of the path curves which are circles. The tangents to two of these are perpendicular to each other and the tangents to the four form a harmonic pencil. The centers of curvature lie on a circle whose diameter is the line joining 0 to the given point. The centers of curvature of the real curves lie on one quadrant of this circle. As the vector r is rotated by (39) the plane A will envelope a surface which will be left invariant by every transformation of the group. To obtain the equations of this surface we will integrate the vector differential equation (39). Let r= ayky + aeke + asks + aake4) M, = ky, Mz = keg Then (39) becomes kydky + kodka + kesdks + kesdag = (mikiy + mokgzs)+ (ark + woke + asks + asks)dt = (myxtoky — mark, + moask3 — moxsk4)dt which is equivalent to the set of differential equations ee mat, —2 = —mt dt 2 1%, 5 Mort ots) — Mow: aie aad +“ Dividing and integrating we obtain for the first integrals (43) xy + Xe" = a, x3" + re aes The constants a and 6 are so determined that the curve will pass through the initial point. These then are the equations of the surface left invariant by each transformation of the group. The planes A are the tangent planes to the surface and the normal planes are those in which the curvature vectors lie. These normal planes all pass through 682 MOORE. the origin, that is through the point of intersection of the fixed planes. The curvature of a geodesic always lies in the normal plane to the surface from which we can conclude that the path curves are geodesics of the surface (43). We will however show this directly. The para- metric equations of the surface are t= @ COS U, 2 — asinen, (44) Neer, Ss x3 = bcos?, w= bsin». Then ds? = adu? + bdr This shows that the surface is developable.1? The geodesics are then the lines given by the relation v= Aut+B which substituted in the differential equations of the path curves we © find they are satisfied provided A = "Hence the path curves my are the geodesics. Through each point of the surface passes four geodesics which are circles. The planes of two of them are completely perpendicular being parallel respectively to the two fixed planes. The other two circular geodesics make equal angles with the two preceding, and have their centers at the origin. Their planes con- sequently intersect in a line, that is, lie in a 3-space. The surface can be generated by rotating any one of the path curves by any transformation of the group. Therefore it can be generated by moving a circle of fixed radius and plane parallel to the a374-plane with center in the x1%-plane so that it always cuts a fixed circle lying in a plane parallel to the x;2:-plane. It can also be generated by a circle of radius Vg? + 42 with center at 0 which always cuts a fixed circle of radius Vg? + 42 and center at 0. The plane of the’ variable circle is inclined at a fixed angle to the plane of the fixed circle. Equations (43) show that the surface is of order four. Therefore a 3-space which cuts it in a circle must cut it again in a curve of order two. Consider first a 3-space which contains one of the circles with center at 0. This will also contain a second one of these circles since they lie by twos in all the 3-spaces containing one of them. If then we pass a sphere through one of these circles for which it is a great circle, it will contain a second one of them which will also be a great circle. Hence such a sphere is tangent to the surface at two diametri- cally opposite points. ' 13 See Levi, loc. cit. ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 683 The plane of one of these circles is obtained by letting v = u + 0 in equations (44). The equation of this path curve then becomes x1 = acos u, %=asinu (45) v3 = beos (w+ 6), a= bsin (w+ 8) and the plane of the curve becomes b be -; v3 = — cos @ 2, — — sin 82, a a (46) b be x4 = — cOS 6X + — sin 024. a a Varying @ we obtain all circles which form one generation of the sur- face. These circles have no pointincommon. The second generation can be obtained by putting v= —u-+06. The equations of these circles then is (47) X11 = a COS U, Y= asin u : x3 = beos(— u + @), a1 = bsin (—u+ 8). The circles of (47) do not intersect each other but each one of (47) intersects each one of (45) in two diametrically opposite points. = 9 = a ee If these ~ ~_ The points of intersection are u = circles are used as parameter curves the equation of the surface becomes 2% =acos(u+v), x2 =asin(u+v), x3 = bcos (u—v), w= bsin (wu — 2). From (46) we see that the locus of the planes of these circles is ap a? _ x tae a oa : In fact this quadric cone contains both sets of planes. The planes of the other two generations of circles lie on the cylinders xy + x = a’, re + xe = 6. The planes on one of these cylinders are parallel to each other and consequently two of them determine a 3-space, that is, the 3-space which passes through one of these planes will contain another of the same cylinder. Then in this second double generation of circles, 684 MOORE. circles of the same generation intersect in two points while those of opposite generations intersect in one point. Equations (47) show that the surface is also a translation surface. Wilson and Moore * discussed the locus of the end of the normal curvature vector (the indicatrix) of curves passing through a given point of a surface and found that in general it is a conic. But when this indicatrix becomes a linear segment the surface has some proper- ties of surface in 3-space. On such a surface lines of curvature can be defined as in 3-space and will be orthogonal. If we define lines of curvature as lines of maximum or minimum normal curvature we find in general there are four directions through each point but in 3-space these four directions divide into two sets of two, one the asymptotic lines and the other the lines of curvature. For surfaces whose indi- catrix reduces to a linear segment not passing through the surface point in question these four directions of maximum and minimum radii of curvature again factor into two sets; one giving the curves called by Segre characteristics and the other giving lines analogous to lines of curvature in 3-dimensions. For the surface here consid- ered all four sets of these curves are circles. We saw that the curvature segment or indicatrix cut the planes M, and Mz in the ends of the projection of r on these planes. Then as r is rotated the curvature segment will cut the circles generated by these projections. Hence the locus of the curvature segment will be the congruence of lines cutting two given circle. Also the mean curvature defined by the curvatures of two orthogonal directions. 2h =C\ + C2 is the vector from the surface point to the middle of the curvature segment. Then the locus of the end of the mean curvature vector will be the surface 2 aN ae + a2 = € ') a - b2 = ]] 2 v3 + ca, = ( ) h2 which is a surface like (43). We have here considered general positions of the vector r but an interesting case arises when r is so located that its projection on M, 52 in red alr geometry of two-surfaces in hyperspace. These Proceedings, 916. ’ ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 685 is equal in length to its projection on M2. On the surface generated by the path curves of the group the circles for which m, = m: and m; = — m, are orthogonal. Hence the directions of the circular sections form two orthogonal pairs. The center of mean curvature bisects the curvature segment. Rotations in 5-space give nothing new since the path curves will lie in the 4-space perpendicular to the fixed axis of the rotation and pass- ing through the given point. 9. Rotations in 6-space leaving the same three mutually perpendicular planes, invariant. We will next consider the case of 6-space in detail before generalizing. Evidently these transfor- mations form a group. The directions which a point can move by the various transformations of the group form a 3-space. These directions are defined by (48) — 8 = (mM, + mM. + eh eed ds ds 7 is then a unit vector tangent to the curve given by a particular set of values of 77, m2, m3. Squaring (48) we get 2 a (=) = m°(Mi-r)? + m2(My-r)? + m3?(Ms3-r)? which is constant for given values of 77, 7m, m3 since (M,-r), (M2-r), (M3-r) are of constant length. The curvature of the path curves is aa m?2M,- (M,-r) + msMo- (M2-r) + m3-M3- (M3-r) my>(My-r)? + me?(Mo-r)? + m2(M3-7r)? (50) C This shows that the end of the curvature vectors lie in a plane deter- mined by the projections of r on the three planes ,, Mo, M3. We see that for real values of 7m, mz, ms that is for real directions through the given point, the points lie inside this triangle, which we will call the curvature triangle. To each point in the curvature triangle corresponds four sets of values of 7m, m2, m3, that is, four curves through the point. Each of these curves have the same curvature. Ann ig dei ete The angle between two directions Fi and 7; 38 Siven by the formula dr dr’ _ mymy'(My-r)? +- mem2'(Ms-r)? + mgm3'(Mg-r)? ds ds V m2(My- r)? + m?(Me-r)? + ms3?(Mg-r)? V mi(My-r)? + me!2(Me-r)? + ms3!*(M3-r)? (51) 686 MOORE. The condition that the two directions be orthogonal is (52) myn (My: 1)? + mzms!(Mo-r)? + mgmz3!(M3-r)? + 0. This defines a plane of directions perpendicular to mz!, me!, ms'. From (48) we see that a linear relation among the m’s gives a plane of directions through the point and from (50) we see that the end of the curvature vector will describe a conic in the curvature triangle ; ; M,-(My-r) Me-(Mo-r) M3-(M3-r) . determined by the points, era ce 7 (My-r)? Tere since the substitution of (52) in (50) gives a quadratic relation in my, mz, m3. To simplify the work let My-(Mi-r) _ Ma:(Me:r)_ Ms: (Ma-r) _ (Mer! en ae my?(My-r)? = 2, me2(Me-r)? = pw, m3?(M3-r)?= v? Then (50) takes the form (53) c= See ; Mort fe) stew Then a linear relation (54) arx+tb+oa=0 is equivalent to saying that the direction \, uw, v is perpendicular to the direction defined by a b c 55 _E_E_————— ——=$—$$$$———— —————— 9) V (Myr)? V (Mer)? V(Mg-7r)? From (53) and (54) the curvature of the directions perpendicular to (55) is (56) = OR en EO CON? pu?) = GN en) This is a conic and as seen before it must lie inside the triangle de- termined by 2, y, 2 and must therefore be an ellipse. The sides of the triangle are 2 2. 2a 2, 2 (57) eo ae nf NESE eee SS ) SSS (3) = . M2 +b 2’ N+ yp?’ w+ ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 687 The intersection of the conic (56) with 7 is given by aA + bu = 0 and hence the conic is tangent to ;.. The same argument shows that it is also tangent to mr and r3. Hence: The locus of the ends of the curvature vectors of curves perpendicular to a given direction is a conic tangent to the three sides of the triangle determined by the vectors x, y, 2. The center of the conic (56) can be determined from the middle of the segment into which the conic projects on the z-, y- and z-axes. One end of each segment is at the origin. The projection on OX is OS ee CON? ++ 7) + (ad + by)? The value of : which makes the denominator a minimum will make r a maximum. Similarly we can determine the projection of the ellipse on OY and OZ. Hence the center of the ellipse is the end of the vector A! P+e)jea+(e+e)jy+ (e+ Bz os (e+ b+ 2) The point of the curvature triangle corresponding to the direction af Vt, 6/V OF, 0/-V la? is ax + by + cz Ce PE Pee From which we have 2p. pe _ ety tz 3 3 The right side of this last equation is the median center of the cur va- ture triangle. Hence the center of the curvature triangle is a point of trisection of the line joining the center of the conic to the point of the triangle corresponding to the direction a/V (M,-r)?, b/V (Mp:r)?, c/\/(M3-r)?. It can be shown that two perpendicular directions among those satisfied by (54) correspond to points at opposite ends of a diameter of the conic (56). Hence the points of the curvature triangle which correspond to three mutually perpendicular directions through the point form a triangle whose median center coincides with the median center of the curvature triangle. The points of the conic 688 MOORE. will correspond to four different planes of directions through the point. These are given by the linear relations av — bu +c =0, an — bu — w= By substituting these four relations in (53) it is seen that we obtain the same conic. The same point in the curvature triangle correspond to the perpendicular direction for each relation. If m, = 0 or m: = 0 or m3 = 0, the corresponding points in the triangle are on the sides of it. The rotations in this case are of the four dimensional type previ- ously discussed. The unit osculating plane is again the cross product of the unit tangent and the unit curvature. The unit curvature is ms ite (M, . r) ae mMs © (M, C r) + m3°Ms3 s (Mz; C r) ae my2(My-7)? + me?(Me-r)? + m3?2(M3-r) The rate of change of the osculating plane (rxc) with respect to the are is again the first torsion. d de dé\?, dl = — =7x— = (i: M-([M-(M- —) —— a ds Ux) CE Ce deel 2), (<) VC-C = (mMyer + meMo-r + m3M3-r)x{DmFM; 1 (My (M-r)} (z) = M ;:(M;-r) is the projection of ron M; and M;-[M;-(M;-7r)] is a vector of equal length in W/; and perpendicular to M;-(M;-r) and is there- fore equal to (M;-r)._ Hence we can write for the torsion be | I ae | =m;M;: =m?(M;: — | —— (2m r)x{Im3( o(%) VEG mayme(my? — me”) (My-r)x( Mer) ++ myms3(m2 — m3?) (Mi -r)x(M3-r) ENE a + mom3(me2 — m3*) (Mo-r)x(M3-r) ( —) ~== tis aCe. For given values of 7m, m», m3 the magnitude of this vector is constant. The path curves are then curves for which the rate of change of the unit osculating plane with respect to the arc is a vector of constant ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 689 magnitude. The vector 7 will vanish if m;=m;=0, i#j or m;=0; m; = m (t+ jk), or if m= =m = =m. The first case gives the transformations which leave two of the planes absolutely fixed and the path curves are circles whose center is the projection of the end of r on the absolutely fixed 4-space determined by the two absolutely fixed planes. The second correspond to the rotations leaving one of the planes absolutely fixed and the path curves are circles with center on the fixed plane and radius equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the end of r to the fixed plane. The curvature of the path curves for the last case is C as M,:(M,-r) ok M,- (Mz-r) — M;-(M3-r) v3 (My-r)? + (Mo-r)? + (M3-r)? r since M;-(M;-r) is the projection of r on M; and the sum of the pro- jections of r on three mutually perpendicular planes is equal to r. Also from the definition of the dot product it is evident that the magnitudes of M;-r and M;-(M;-r) are equal. Hence these curves have curvature directed through the origin and are circles with center at the origin. The point on the curvature triangle corresponding to the direction of the tangents to these circles is the end of the vector bs M,-(M,-r) aa M,-(M2-r) a M3: (M3-r) C (M,-r)? + (Me-r)? + (Ms-r)? This vector is perpendicular to the plane of the curvature triangle. For two sides of the triangle are M,-(M,-r) _ My:(Mo-r) M,-(M,-r) has M;-(M3-r) Qh? Or? hr? (Mr? and it is seen at once that the dot product of C with either of these vectors vanishes and hence C is perpendicular to the plane determined by these two vectors. The four directions m, = =m = =i correspond to the same point in the curvature triangle viz. the foot of the perpendicular dropped from the end of r on the plane of this triangle. These circles are then the path curves of minimum curva- ture. The radius of curvature being the reciprocal of the curvature; The locus of the centers of curvature of all path curves which pass through a given point is the inverse of the curvature triangle with respect to a 690 MOORE. unit sphere with center at the point in question and therefore is a sphere with r for a diameter. The centers of curvature of the real curves le on an octant of this sphere. In four dimensions we found that the path curves corresponding to the center of the curvature segment were orthogonal but here the path curves corresponding to the median center of the curvature triangle do not have this property. We saw that the locus of the end of the curvature vector for direc- tions through a given point which satisfy a linear relation, that is curves tangent to the same plane, was a conic. This conic may degenerate into the sides of the curvature triangle counted twice. The directions corresponding to the points of one of these segments are all perpendicular to the direction corresponding to the opposite vertex. To a general point in the curvature triangle correspond four directions through the point but to a general point on one of the sides correspond two directions through the point and to a vertex of the triangle corresponds just one direction. A line in the plane of the curvature triangle is defined by the linear relation Za,m,;? = 0, and this substituted in (48) shows that the corresponding directions through the point generate a quadric cone. In particular if one of the coefficients, a; say, is zero and the other two have opposite signs then the quadratic relation factors into two linear relations, each of which corresponds to a plane of directions through the point. From which we see that a linear relation involving only two of the m’s gives a plane of directions whose curvature segment passes through a vertex of the curvature triangle. Two perpendicular directions correspond to the ends of the segment and from the fundamental configuration for the curvature of three mutually perpendicular directions it is at once seen that the curvature of the path curve perpendicular to this plane of directions will cut a side of the curvature triangle. The configuration can be shown by a simple figure. Let ABC be the curvature triangle, AD is the curvature segment corresponding to a plane of directions through the point depending on but two of the m’s. Let H be the median center of the curvature triangle and G the middle of the curvature segment. The point corresponding to the direction perpendicular to the given, plane i.e. to the directions corresponding to the segment AD must be such that the center of the triangle ADF is H. Itis at once evident that F must be on BC and such that DE = EF. ‘This together with a = 0 or a3 = 0 are the only cases in which 2am; = 0 can be factored into two linear relations. If D coincides with E, G will coincide with H. A line which does not pass through a vertex of ABC will contain an ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 69T infinite number of point pairs corresponding to perpendicular direc- tions. For, any point on the line can be taken as the center of a curvature ellipse which touches the three sides of ABC. The two. points in which these ellipses cut the line correspond to perpendicular directions. The points corresponding to the directions perpendicular to these pairs will all lie on a line parallel to the given line. Proceeding as in 4-space the differential equations of the path curves are found to be = Uy AX, v6 (58) — = m2, =p =— mu, ....5 — = Meta, — = — Mats. a dt dt , dt The path curves will then all lie in the variety V’3° of order 8 (59) x? + ay? = a’, 2° + 22 = 0, 23 + 2 = @, where a, 6, c are determined so that the curves all pass through the given point. If m; = +m; the resulting path curves will lie in a 4-space but if m; = km; (k ¥ +1) this is not the case. If m = +m: = =mg3 the resulting path curves are plane curves. The argument is the same as that given in 4-space. The parametric equations of I’;° are 2 = @COSU, X = asin u, x3 = beosv, 24 = bsin», Xs = CCOS UW, 2% = CSIN wW. The element of arc is (60) . de? = @du2 + Pde? + edu? The variety can therefore be developed on a plane 3-space. The path curves have curvature lying in the normal 3-space (the 3-space determined by the surface point and the curvature triangle) and are therefore geodesics. That they are geodesics can be shown directly from the above equations as was done for rotations in 4-space. A linear relation among the m’s will give a surface which is left invariant by a one parameter family of rotations. This is then a geodesic surface of the variety 738. Furthermore the normal 4-space to this surface must contain the normal 3-space to V’;° and the ends of the curvature vectors of the pencil of geodesics passing through a given point will trace out a conic lying in the curvature triangle and since this lies in the normal to the surface these path curves must be geodes- ics on the surface K. A linear relation in the m’s means a linear 692 MOORE. relation in u, v, w. This substituted in (60) shows that the surface K is also developable. This surface differs from that studied in 4-space since for this one the indicatrix is a true ellipse and not a linear seg- ment counted twice. The plane of the indicatrix does not pass through the surface point. In particular the linear relation m; = 0 will lead to a geodesic surface all of whose geodesics are curves lying in a 4-space. This will cut K in a geodesic. Hence passing through each point of K pass three geodesics which lie in a 4-space. For each point on V’;° there is a curvature triangle. The locus of these triangles consists of the planes cutting three fixed circles, one lying in each of the planes 1), M2, Ms. We have found plane curves (circle) and curves lying in a 4-space which are left invariant, that is, path curves. It is evident that if a space curve is left invariant the space in which it lies must be left invariant. We saw that no 3-spaces were left invariant hence there are no 3-space path curves. Also we saw that the only 4-spaces left invariant were M/\xM»., M\xM3, Mox M3 hence the 4-space path curves mentioned above are the only ones that exist. 10. Rotations in space of 2p dimensions which leave the same set of p mutually perpendicular planes invariant. Hay- ing considered the case of four and six dimensions we can now easily generalize the results for space of 2p dimensions. Let the rotation be expressed in terms of the unit invariant planes p (61) r=r+>m,M;-rdt 1 p or 7 = flr = 2m;M;-r = ds 1 ds The ©” transformations obtained if m; vary, form a group and the different directions which a point can take by the various transforma- tions of the group lie in a linear p-space. The curvature of the path curves at the point P is given by the formula . dal mM ;-(M;-r) =Im2(M;-r)? * (62) For given values of m; the length of this vector curvature is seen to be independent of the position which r can take by the given rotation. That is the path curves are curves of constant curvature. These curvature vectors generate a p-space which is completely perpendicular ROTATIONS IN HYPERSPACE. 693 to the p-space generated by the tangents to the curves at the point in question. If any of the m’s vanish the resulting rotation is equiva- lent to a rotation in a space of lower dimensions and therefore we shall assume that none of the m’s vanish. Equation (62) shows that, for real values of m;, the end of the curva- ture vector will lie inside a p-point A, called the curvature p-point determined by the p points in which the extremity of the vector r projects on the p planes M;. Each point of A will correspond to 2”! directions through P. The points in A which correspond to p mutually perpendicular directions through P for a p-point whose center of gravity coincides with the center of gravity of A. If a linear relation Ya;m; = 0 exists among the m’s (62) shows that the end of the corresponding curvature vectors will lie on a closed quadric in p-l dimensions which touches the faces of A. The foot of the perpendicular dropped from the point P on the space in which A lies corresponds to the directions on the surface satisfying the rela- tions (63) m = =m = =m =....= =M, These curves then, 2?! in number, are curves of minimum curvature. The first torsion of the path curves is given by the formula dt \3 T = Imim,(m? — m;)(M;-r)x(M;-r) (4) : VC-C This formula shows that the curves of zero torsion, excluding those corresponding to rotations in a space of less than 2 p dimensions, are those which satisfy relations (63). Hence these curves are plane curves, that is, circles. It is easy to show that the center of these curves is at the origin or at the intersection of the p invariant planes M;. Other path curves are circles but these belong to rotations which leave one or more of the invariant planes absolutely fixed, that is, are equivalent to rotations in a lower space. The differential equations of the path curves are ds day ds dx3 dx. — = Mx, —= — MX, — = M4, — = — Moe,.... dt Cat Sch dt dt One set of integrals of these equations is 2 By? oe? = ay, 23" ee = Oy... Lapa + ay” = Oy" 694 MOORE. and therefore the path curves all lie in a variety V, of order 2”. The parameters equations of this variety are ti = QCOs MH, Lo = asin U1, 3 = eCOS U2, V4 = ASIN Ub, Xop-1 = ApCOS Up, Lop = ApSIN Uy. The element of arc then is ds? = aydu? + ardu? +....a,°du,? which shows that V’, can be developed on a plane space of p dimen- sions. A linear relation among the m’s gives a variety of p-1 dimen- sions immersed in J’, and it is easily shown that this is also developable. The path curves are geodesics on both varieties. For each point of )’, there is a curvature p-point and these p-points all cut p fixed circles, one lying in each of the invariant planes M;. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 53. No. 9.— Juny, 1918. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CRYPTOGAMIC LABORATORY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. No. LXXXI. EXTRA-AMERICAN DIPTEROPHILOUS LABOUL- BENIALES. By Rouanp THAXTER. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CRYPTOGAMIC LABORATORY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. No. LXXXI. EXTRA-AMERICAN DIPTEROPHILOUS LABOULBENIALES. By Rotanp THAXTER. Received, February 14, 1918. Presented April 8, 1918. In a recent Contribution (These Proceedings, 52, No. 10) the writer included such American Laboulbeniales as were then known to be parasitic on dipterous insects. In the present paper all the extra-American forms which have accumulated in recent years have been included save only a few which, owing to their condition, or the scantiness of the available material it has seemed best to omit. In order to complete the enumeration of all the species of Stigmatomyces which have thus far come under my notice one coleopterophilous type has been added, a parasite on the coccinellid genus Chilomanes; but with this exception only dipterous hosts have been included. As in previous instances I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Schwab and Mr. Moulton for the hosts from Kamerun and from Borneo, and several very interesting forms were found among a small number of flies which I owe to the courtesy of Dr. S. B. Wolbach, who brought them from the Gambia River. I am indebted to Dr. P. Speiser for certain interesting specimens and determinations. It has proved impossible to obtain specific and in some cases even generic determina- tions, especially of the peculiar African hosts. For assistance in this connection I am indebted to Prof. Aldrich and to Mr. Banks. The terminology used in the present paper is that of my previous Contribu- tion above cited. INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Pace. PAGE. Ceraiomyces . . 702-703, 707-709 pedalis: =< < \. yd apeeo On Ceraiomyces Dahli. . . . . 706 Thizophorus) i) ewe OL Dimeromyces Ilytheomyces coarctatus . . . . . 699, 700 ANOMAIUSH. 4) eee seen LS Kamerunensis. . . . . . 700 eleransy..0 aa) cawaaee. 2 Woctls Oscinosomalis . . . . 699, 701 fAlCatuse.a sate! Coe ee Le 698 Ilytheomyces Kamerunensis . major 2 Sarawakensis simplex . Laboulbenia clavulifera . cristata Dahli Lagarocerina Muiriana Pachylophi . Pectinulifera porrigens Psilina Steleoceri Rhizomyces circinalis confusus . cornutus crispatus ctenophoras gibbosus . gracilis Kamerunus . Stigmatomyces affinis arcuatus asymmetricus . Borboridinus Borbori Chilomenis . Coccinelloides constrictus . contortus DIPTERA Agromyzidae . Anatrichus erinaceus Anthomyidae . Borboridae Borborus Dacus Diopsidae Diopsis . 710, 71 Discocerina Drosophila Drosophilidae . Ephydridae llythea . Lagaroceras THAXTER. PaGE. Stigmatomyces 5 (als Dacinus . 5 (Als Discocerinae LG distortus . 718 divaricatus . divergens 702, 707 Drapetis . ig OE: Drosophilae . 706 dubius . 703 excavatus . 703 hexandrus See Oe Italicus 702, 706, 708 laticollis . eer. tO Limnophorae . 708 Limosinae . 108 Limosinoides . longirostratus . Oo a2 macrandrus . 710, 713, 714 Ortalidanus . ae eae bar (ib! Papuanus CAM, val, 7s} Platensis aerial platystoma . 5 porrectus al proliferans . 113 Scaptomyzae Schwabianus 723, 730 separatus 2 Uels Sigaloessae . . 718 subinflatus Me Me OAS tortimasculus 724, 726, 728 tortilis : 724, 725 varians : . . 49 Venezuelae . . T45 ventriosus . 726 virescens INDEX OF Hosts. 718, 719 , S745 TPR PA Fee. eS 4, 726, 727, 728 ee aaa . 135 , 112, 713, 714. 736, 737, 738, 739 743 ce nAG 739, 741 . 742 Caos LAr faite: . 703 Limosina Limosina punctipennis Lucilia dux. Notiphila Ortalidae Oscinidae Oscinosoma inaequalis . Pachylophus frontalis Physogenia : Psilidae . Psila so ret t Steleocerus lepidopus Trypetidae , CoLEOPTERA Chilomenes lunata PAGE. 738, . 745 . 720 5 eel - al . 742 _ 732 722 747 741 . 035 . 749 723, 726, 730, 734, 735 729, 731, 733, 734 721 . (42 . 744 700, 704, 699, 745 701 705 EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 699 Dimeromyces pedalis noy. sp. Male individual. WHyaline, the axis consisting of three cells; the basal much larger, with a well developed black foot; the two others rather narrow, subequal, of nearly uniform width, externally convex: the terminal appendage separated by a slightly blackened septum, its basal cell clearly defined, twice as long as broad; the rest of the appendage slender, slightly tapering, with an indistinct septum. Antheridium erect, the neck and venter rather clearly distinguished and of about equal length, the latter externally convex, and extending to the basal cell, its inner margin in continuous contact with those of the subbasal and terminal cells. Total length to tip of antheridium 28 X Su. Antheridium 18 X 5y. Appendage 18 X 3 yu. Female individual. More or less tinged with brownish yellow, especially the appendages; axis of the receptacle consisting of usually about eight cells, tapering somewhat above and below; the primary appendage erect, terminal, separated by a dark septum; its basal cell somewhat inflated, the distal portion tapering, and with an indistinct septum: secondary appendages usually four, sometimes three, rela- tively short, the perithecia protruding beyond their abruptly curved or recurved tips, the terminal cells inflated and often splitting in two lip-like halves which may become somewhat curled; the axis of five or usually six cells, tapering toward the base. Perithecium single in the types, usually arising from the third cell below the primary ap- pendage, its very short stalk bent abruptly, so that it diverges some- what irregularly sidewise; tapering slightly to a broad blunt apex which may be almost symmetrically three-papillate, the papillae large and broadly rounded, the middle one higher and broader; or more irregular according to the point of view. Spores 18 X 2.5. Peri- thecia 42-52 X 14. Receptacle 35-40 X 8. Appendages, primary, 30 uw, secondary 40-50 yp. On the legs of Oscinosoma inaequalis T. Beck. No. 2139, Sarawak, Borneo. This species is intermediate between D. Oscinosomalis and D. coarctatus. Apart from other differences, it may be separated from the former by its short appendages and normal foot, and from the latter by its shorter perithecia, and less numerous appendages, which lack the peculiar right and left divergence so characteristic in the papuan type. The host has been kindly determined by Dr. Speiser. 700 THAXTER. Dimeromyces Kamerunensis nov. sp. Male individual. Very small, hyaline or becoming faintly tinged with brown, the axis consisting of three successively smaller cells somewhat longer than broad, the terminal appendage subtended by a black septum, its basal cell faintly colored, with convex margins; the subbasal similar in size; the rest of the appendage hyaline, slender, somewhat tapering, with two indistinct septa. Antheridium single, or rarely two, the venter somewhat bulging, tapering to the slightly outcurved, blunt, pointed distal portion. To tip of antheridium 30 8 u, including relatively large black foot. Appendage 20-40 X 4 u. Female individual. Axis of receptacle brown above, hyaline below; consisting of from six to twelve, or sometimes more, superposed cells; the basal several times as long as broad, but slightly narrower toward the base; the remaining cells broader than long, the lower more flattened, the terminal one small and rounded, bearing distally a short tapering appendage similar to that of the male; usually six to eight of the cells below it bearing single simple appendages or peri- thecia: the appendages erect or but slightly divergent, the cells above the basal separated by slight indentations: consisting, usually, of seven cells; the basal separated by a narrower purplish black region from the subbasal, which is about as long; the third to fifth succes- sively smaller; the fifth somewhat broader than long; the sixth minute, distally rounded into the base of the terminal cell; which is large, greatly inflated, distally abruptly narrowing to a_ broadly rounded extremity, disorganized at maturity, the spreading or revo- lute remains of its wall persistent, and adhering around the minute subterminal cell; the appendages becoming dark brown, diverging in two more or less definite ranks, the extremities slightly incurved, one or two of the uppermost much shorter. Perithecia uniformly pale dirty brownish yellow, the apex hyaline; one or two in number, relatively small, hardly longer than the appendages, or even shorter, becoming gradually broader from the insertion upward; the lower half somewhat inflated, tapering thence to the broad termination, the compressed inner lip-edges forming a short, slightly oblique, short- conical projection, subtended by three well marked papillae. Peri- thecia 88-105 X 14-21 yp. Appendages, longest 105 X 12 u; primary appendage about 25 X 3 u. On the head and legs of a pale yellow oscinid with slightly smoky wings. No. 2367, Kamerun, West Africa. This striking species is most nearly related to D. coarctatus, but EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. - 701 differs widely in the structure and position of its appendages and peri- thecia. The measurements are taken from larger specimens. Dimeromyces Oscinosomalis nov. sp. Male individual perfectly hyaline and very thin-walled; consisting of three superposed cells, the basal much larger and somewhat in- flated below; the two others longer than broad, somewhat irregular, of nearly equal length, the terminal appendage distinguished by a slightly darkened septum and constriction, slightly inflated below and tapering distally. Antheridia one, or often two superposed in oblique contact, slightly divergent, the venter and neck not abruptly distin- guished, the latter stout and blunt; a short several-celled secondary appendage rarely formed from the subbasal cell. Receptacle 25 u. Antheridia 18 X 5 u. Female individual. General habit usually subsigmoid. Axis of the receptacle consisting of usually six cells; the base hardly longer than broad, much larger, stout and penetrating the host by a variably developed rhizoid which may be vesicular or taper into a short stout filament, a small, dark primary foot usually distinguishable: the two or three cells above broader than long, somewhat flattened, the two distal ones successively smaller and somewhat rounded; the inflated base of the short tapering primary appendage distinguished by a constriction and dark septum. Secondary appendages usually three, rarely four, long, slender, becoming blackish brown, the distal half curved usually inward away from the perithecium; the distal cell enlarged and abruptly curved, or even uncinulate, becoming irregularly split into an upper and lower half; the basal cell small and short, distinguished from the much larger, often somewhat inflated subbasal cell by a dark septum, the total length nearly twice that of the peri- thecia. Perithecia normally single, arising from the fourth cell of the receptacle, rather stout, slightly bent inward, the stalk obsolete, outer margin strongly convex, tapering slightly to the broad very irregular termination from which the lip-cells, which are all unlike and asymmetrical, project variously according to the point of view. Perithecia 50-65 X 16-20. Receptacle, exclusive of rhizoid, 35-50 X 12-16. Appendages, primary 18 yu; secondary, longest, 125 & 8 u. Total length to tip of perithecium 75-95 yu. On the inferior surface of the abdomen of Oscinosoma inaequalis T. Beck. No. 2139, Sarawak, Borneo. This species is most nearly related to D. pedalis and D. rhizophorus, 702 THAXTER. but is distinguished from the former by the presence of a well developed stout rhizoid, and by the conformation of its perithecial termination; while from the latter it differs in its greatly elongated appendages and simple rhizoid, as well as in other details. A minute primary foot, which forms during the early germination of the spore, usually persists beside the entering rhizoid. The male is very thin-walled and difficult to see from the fact that it is perfectly hyaline. It does not appear to enter the host, but the basal cell spreads to form a small sucker like attachment. Laboulbenia clavulifera nov. sp. Erect, straight or slightly bent between the basal and subbasal cells. Foot normal, well developed; basal cell somewhat longer than the subbasal, and separated as a rule by a slightly oblique septum; the subbasal slightly broader distally, pale dirty brownish; the basal nearly hyaline; cells II] and VI subequal and opposite, cells TV and V nearly equal, or cell five narrower and slightly longer. Insertion- cell normal, well developed, nearly black. Base of outer appendage slightly oblique, the axis deep brown with the septa darker, erect beside the perithecium; consisting of three cells increasing in diameter distally, and bearing a terminal tuft of short irregularly developed branches. Basal cell of the inner appendage small, pale, bearing a short one-celled branch on either side, usually terminated by two large brown antheridia. Receptacle above cell II concolorous with it, the cells above cell VI not clearly distinguished. Perithecium wholly olivaceous, somewhat paler toward the base, the venter slightly inflated, its base about opposite the insertion-cell; tapering to the blunt apex, the wall-cells describing a half turn, so that the view of the apex is either anterior or posterior, and appears symmetrical, with the lateral lips forming prominent rounded projections on either side of a somewhat higher median elevation. Spores about 34 X 2.5 pu. Perithecia 70-88 X 18. Appendage to tips of branchlets 70 y; the axis 42 X 12 y, distally. Total length 150-225 p. Cn the legs of a species of Physogenia?. No. 2748. Kamerun, W. Africa. a Although this species has the typical structure of Laboulbenia, it appears to be most nearly related to L. pectinulifera, which occurs on the same host, but has the structure of Ceraiomyces. The stout, clavate, deeply colored axis of the outer appendage, which is erect and bears a terminal tuft of short ill developed branchlets, gives it a characteristic appearance. EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. . 703 Laboulbenia Lagarocerinus nov. sp. Basal cell bent at right angles, swollen, distinguished by a constric- tion, twice as long as broad, or more, lying flat on the substratum, pale brown, modified to form a concave attachment below the middle, which is somewhat darker, and serves as a foot; the axis above it straight, long and stout, erect; cell II pale dirty olivaceous, indis- tinctly punctate, nearly uniform, obliquely rounded distally and broader than the portion of the receptacle above it; cells III—-V replaced by a single cell, two to three times as long as broad, its upper half quite free, and bearing distally a well developed unmodified insertion- cell. Appendages olivaceous, erect or bent sidewise, lying close against the lower half of the perithecium, small and poorly developed; the outer straight, simple, of two or three cells; the inner bearing two or three branchlets with short irregular terminations, and one or two stout relatively large antheridia, with rather abruptly distinguished necks; cell VI pale, somewhat broader than long; the cells above con- colorous, not clearly defined, the region continuous with the base of the venter; perithecium straight, of somewhat irregular outline; the wall-cells clearly indicated by dark lines which are slightly spiral, describing somewhat less than half a turn; the venter darker, clearer olivaceous, slightly inflated below, tapering distally to the tip and apex; the latter rather narrow, the lip-cells prominently rounded; the outer larger, and lying wholly above the smaller inner ones. Perithecium 75-85 X 20-22. Appendages about 35y. Cell I 38 X 20u. Cell II, 62-70 K 14. Total length above cell I, 140- 165 yu. On the wing of a new species of Lagaroceras. Gambia River, West Africa, No. 2326. This species, which was found on one of the flies collected by Dr. Wolbach, develops on the veins of the wings, those on the intervening membrane producing only antheridia. It is most clearly distin- guished by its aberrant basal cell, which lies flat on the vein, and is attached to it by a sucker-like depression just below the middle. Its structure is that of the Ceraiomyces-type. Laboulbenia Muiriana nov. sp. Foot well developed, basal cell short, hyaline, abruptly broader below the septum; subbasal cell somewhat broader, hyaline, punctate, straight, two to three times as long; cell III somewhat rounded and ‘704 THAXTER. externally convex, but slightly larger than cell VI; cell IV externally convex, slightly broader than long; cell V as long, but narrow; cells II-VI and the small basal cell region yellow and obscurely punctate. Insertion-cell translucent reddish, thick, higher than the base of the venter; basal cell of the outer appendage narrower and about half as long as the subbasal, both hyaline; the latter bearing distally two greatly elongated, stout, nearly uniform, simple branches: an outer pale brown, the lower half of its basal cell narrow and_ blackened, the inner hyaline or paler, both with a tendency to enlargement at the septa. Basal cell of the inner appendage very small, hyaline, bearing several long slender olivaceous antheridia directly, and a short one- celled branch which also bears one or two. Axis of the perithecium, including the stalk- and basal cell region, diverging at an angle of about 45° from that of the receptacle; the perithecium yellow, slightly inflated at the base, especially on the inner side, tapering very slightly and then rather distinctly broader at the point where the tip is rather well distinguished, tapering to the characteristically formed apex; the inner lip-cells deeply colored, and ending in a hyaline, blunt api- culus, higher than the outer; which slope obliquely, are distally quite hyaline and distinctly prominent externally, with a similar dark colored obliquely separated suffusion of their lower half, which extends down along the margin of the tip. Perithecia 66-70 X 18 u. Recep- tacle, to insertion-cell, 88 u. Subbasal cell 50 X 16. Appendage 368 uw. Total length 115 u. Growing at the base of the posterior legs of a small fly belonging to the Oscinidae. No. 2181. Laloki River, British New Guinea. I have dedicated this very beautiful species to Mr. F. Muir, who very kindly collected for me a small lot of flies in New Guinea, among which two perfect specimens were found. It is not unlike simple forms of L. cristata, except for its punctation, extraordinarily elon- gated appendage, and peculiarly modified apex. Laboulbenia Pachylophi nov. sp. Straight, or but slightly curved; the perithecium and basal cell of the outer appendage deep translucent olive brown. Structure normal. Basal cell hyaline, enlarged in relation to the foot to form a bulbous base; cell II slightly longer, hardly broader, becoming somewhat suffused with brown, and indistinctly transversely punctate, as are the cells above it: cells II] and IV subequal, somewhat obliquely EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 705 separated, hardly longer than broad; cell V long and narrow, reaching a little lower than the inner margin of cell IV. Outer appendage rather stout, the three lower cells somewhat similar, longer than broad, slightly constricted at the septa; the basal shorter, deep olive brown, concolorous with the clearly defined insertion-cell; the distal part of the appendage slightly soiled with brown, bearing a few irregular hyaline branches: basal cell of the inner appendage very small, hyaline above, and producing right and left branches, the basal cells of which are rather long, bearing one or two long slightly brownish antheridia and a few hyaline branchlets; both appendages and their branches appressed and curved against the perithecium, the branch- lets reaching above its tip. Perithecium straight, its axis sometimes slightly divergent, the two lower tiers of wall-cells deeper olive brown, faintly granular-punctate; the divisions marked by rather clearly distinguished lines; the venter but slightly inflated, tapering to the blunt apex; the coarse lips nearly hyaline, the inner more prominent and subtended by a darker blackish area. Perithecium 60-65 X 22 pn. Appendages 70 yu. Total length 120-140 u, the bulbous foot 16 p. On the legs of a specimen of Pachylophus frontalis Lev., kindly communicated by Dr. P. Speiser. From Killimandjaro, East Africa. Laboulbenia porrigens nov. sp. Basal cell relatively short, bent to one side, more or less swollen or distorted, bearing the foot on its under side, somewhat paler than the subbasal cell which is stained with pale dirty brownish, and punctate- roughened, almost its whole distal margin obliquely separated from cell VI. Cells III—-V replaced by a single cell somewhat more deeply suffused, and more closely punctate than the subbasal, of nearly uni- form diameter, and two to three times as long as broad, and pro- jecting outward, almost at right angles, free from the receptacle; this finger-like projection bearing the appendage and insertion-cell at its extremity. Insertion-cell well developed, deep olive brown, concolor- ous with the basal cells of the appendages. Axis of the outer append- age consisting of two cells; the upper longer and much paler, bearing distally usually two stout branches, which branch successively about five times; the divisions above the second perfectly hyaline, slender; the ultimate branchlets tending to bend downward, and to produce rounded tooth-like projections from their lower surfaces, which are more or less irregular: basal cell of the inner appendage less than half 706 THAXTER. as large as that of the outer, somewhat prominent, bearing two appressed branches, the basal cells of which bear one or two dark brown antheridia and several short dark sterile branchlets one of which may be hyaline and similar to those of the outer appendage. Basal cells of the perithecium concolorous with cell VI and indis- tinctly punctate; the region very broad, surrounding the base of the ascigerous cavity, and forming a very broad insertion for the base of the dark olive brown perithecium; which tapers irregularly, the two lower tiers of wall-cells distinguished by dark lines, the second rather abruptly narrower and tapering, forming a more or less distinct neck- portion; the tip and apex slightly bent outward, abruptly paler, some- what broader, tapering to the well defined, but not very prominent, lips; the inner subtended by a darker suffusion, and not more promi- nent than the outer. Spores 35 X 3y. Perithecia 95 X 28 u at the base. Appendage, longest, 140-157 u. Cell III-V, longest 40 X 15 yn, shortest 25 uw. Total length 175-210 yp. On the superior surface of the abdomen near the tip, of a small fly of unknown family. No. 2651, Kamerun, W. Africa. The host of the very peculiar species was unfortunately lost in the mails, but the characters of the parasite are so distinct that its identi- fication is of less importance. The species is most nearly related to Laboulbenia (Ceraiomyces) Dahli, although it does not penetrate the host by haustoria, and has a quite different appendage. The form of its perithecium, tapering from a very broad base, is very similar, as well as the elongation of cell III-V, which, however, is much more extreme. The branchlets of the appendage which projects far out- ward at nearly a right angle to the axis of the receptacle, recall those of L. pectinulifera, showing the same tendency to produce rounded, short, tooth-like projections from their under sides. This character is not so well marked, however, and more irregular. Laboulbenia pectinulifera nov. sp. Quite hyaline below the venter and insertion-cell or becoming faintly brownish, usually slightly curved, especially at the base. Foot normal, large, associated with a slight swelling of the basal cell above it, or, when on the wing, small, associated with a narrow black contact- induration of the abruptly curved base of cell I; cell II of about the same length and often separated by a slight indentation; cells III-V replaced by a single cell, the extremity of which is free on the inner side EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES, 707 and externally slightly prominent below the well defined olivaceous insertion-cell; outer appendage strongly divergent, slightly curved outward, consisting of three cells; the basal somewhat narrower; the middle somewhat longer, deeply tinged with olivaceous brown, or slightly reddish; the terminal cell bearing from its broader distal surface a series of branches curved outward in a fan-like tuft, and once or even twice branched; the lower, outer, branches suffused at the base, the rest quite hyaline; all tending to produce unilateral series of from two to five short branchlets, which may be more or less regular and comb-like, or more confused and occasionally developed on both sides; inner appendage consisting of a small hyaline basal cell which may bear two or three short branches, each consisting of a single hyaline cell terminated by a pair of relatively large long brown antheridia. Perithecium slightly inflated above the base, which extends below the insertion-cell, tapering to the rather coarse-lipped apex, the inner lips more prominent and rounded; the upper and lower limits of the two lower and more deeply suffused wall-cells clearly indicated. Spores 35-40 X 3y. Perithecia 70-75 XK 18-24. Ap- pendage to tips of branches 50-64 uw; the three basal cells 35 u. Total length to tip of perithecium 100-150 u. On the thorax and wing of a sapromyzid fly, Physogenia ? Nos. 2662 (Type) and 2748. Kamerun, West Africa. This species is chiefly remarkable for the spreading tuft of peculiar branches which terminate the deeply suffused, three celled axis of the outer appendage; many of the branchlets bearing on the lower side a more or less well marked series of closely set, blunt outgrowths which give them a comb-like appearance. One or more of these outgrowths may arise also from the upper side, or they may be less regularly de- veloped. The specimens on the thorax of the host are for the most part more slender, with normally developed foot, and somewhat stouter and more uniform basal and subbasal cells, which are dis- tinguished by a slight enlargement, rather than an indentation, at the septum. A few individuals growing at the base of the wing are also somewhat peculiar in that the axis of the appendage is distinctly reddish, and the apex of the perithecium is turned so that it is viewed at right angles to the normal position, the anterior lips projecting conspicuously and almost symmetrically on either side of the posterior, which lie between and project above them. The species is most nearly allied to L. clavulifera, but belongs to the Ceraiomyces-type, while the last mentioned species has the structure of a typical Laboul- benia. 708 THAXTER. Laboulbenia Psilina nov. sp. Slightly sigmoid, the venter yellowish brown, rather coarsely punctate, the basal cell paler and punctate, the basal cell of the outer appendage dark olivaceous, the antheridia paler; otherwise nearly hyaline. Basal cell relatively short, abruptly bent above the well developed foot, subbasal cell more than twice as long, slightly broader than both the basal cell below and the receptacle above it, nearly uni- form throughout; cells III-V replaced by a single cell, the distal third or less of which is free and slightly divergent, externally nearly straight, and hardly at all prominent below the thick normally blackened inser- tion-cell. Axis of the outer appendage consisting of three cells; the basal deeply suffused, oblique below; the second larger and faintly suf- fused, slightly inflated; the upper shorter and bearing distally a crest- like series of branches, from the short basal cells of which two or three somewhat irregular branchlets arise which are about as long as the rest of the appendage. Basal cell of the inner appendage small bearing an inner antheridium directly and a short one-celled branch which is terminated by a second. Cell VI oblique above and below, slightly longer than broad, the cells above it hardly distinguishable. Perithecium divergent, the translucent venter slightly inflated below, and abruptly and clearly distinguished from the hyaline tip and the basal cell region; tapering to the obliquely rounded slightly geniculate apex, which is broader, the inner lips more prominent than the broader. obliquely rounded outer ones, and externally suffused; the suffusiom extending down to the persistent base of the trichogyne, which re-. mains as a slight prominence. Spores about 28 X 3u. Perithecia 50-55 X 18. Appendage to tips of branchlets 55-70 y. Total length 120-140 uw. Subbasal cell 50-62 X 18 pu. On the superior surface of the abdomen of a small fly belonging ta the Psilidae, probably belonging to the genus Psila. No. 2647, Kamerun, W. Africa. This species, which is of the Ceratomyces-type, is most nearly allied to L. pectinulifera. Its general form and coloration, and the character: of the branchlets of the appendage are, however, quite different. Laboulbenia Steleoceri nov. sp.. Pale dirty brownish, perithecium blackish olive brown, its, axis: and that of the basal cell bent slightly inward. Basal cell somewhat curved, or geniculate, hyaline below and broadly rounded; the small. EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 709 partly black foot lateral and anterior; subbasal cell distinguished by a slight constriction, slightly broader, more than twice as long, dis- tally but slightly broadened, the suffused portions of both cells finely punctate; distinguished by a very broad oblique septum from cell’ VI: cells III-V replaced by a single, dark olivaceous, outwardly prominent cell. Insertion-cell free on both sides, somewhat broader than long, translucent olivaceous, bearing distally the outer append- age: which is apparently short and simple, its basal cell suffused, hardly larger than the insertion-cell; basal cell of the inner appendage slightly larger, bearing two short branches once or twice branched which bear a small number of large stout antheridia near the base. Cell VI broad, flat, subtriangular, externally prominent; cell VII small triangular, concolorous, externally prominent, both faintly punctate: basal cells broad, flattish concolorous with the cells below. Perithecium nearly opaque, subconical, convergent, externally slightly convex; its base very broad, its apex blunt, abruptly broader; the lips rounded, the outer hyaline and more prominent, the inner suffused, and subtended by a small darker area lying above a rounded paler spot; below which, externally, the tooth-like, opaque, persistent base of the trichogyne projects conspicuously. Perithecium about 50 X 22 yu at base X 7.5 distally, the apex X94. Cell I, 30 X 154, cell II 70 X 16 yu; cell III-V, 14 X 8yu. Total length about 150 py. On the left wing of Steleocerus lemdopus Beck. No. 2328, Gambia River, West Africa. This peculiar species was found among a small number of flies very ‘kindly collected for me by Dr. Wolbach. Three specimens have been examined, two of which are fully matured. The appendages in all are partly broken and do not reach to the apex of the perithecium. The species belongs to the Ceraiomyces-type, with which it corresponds in all respects. Rhizomyces circinalis nov. sp. Basal cell constricted below and entering the host by a rhizoidal apparatus; subbasal cell somewhat larger, hardly longer than broad, the two tinged with brownish yellow. Axis of the appendage con- sisting of about thirty cells, or less, curved inward, distally circinate or helicoid; the basal cell deep reddish brown, sometimes with an abor- tive branch; the rest pale yellowish, with a tinge of brown; the sub- basal smaller and darker than the cells above; which are somewhat longer than broad, except at the circinate extremity, thick walled, 710 THAXTER, each bearing a branch distally and externally which, in the cells above the seventh or eighth, is replaced by a single cell bearing one or more antheridia; the branches, of which there are about seven, all fertile, except that from the subbasal cell which is sometimes sterile, consist- ing of from one to three cells forming a short divergent axis, and bearing each from one to several straight concolorous antheridia distally and inwardly; the terminal and sometimes the subterminal cells pro- ducing externally a vertical series of from two or three to five out- curved, closely set, short, rather stout, brownish, simple branchlets, which are usually slightly geniculate near the middle: the branches replaced in the cells of the main axis above the eighth by a single small cell, from which one or more antheridia arise directly. Stalk-cell of the perithecium terminal, long and stout, nearly uniform, except that the diameter is somewhat less at the base, and distally, where the basal cell region is rather abruptly distinguished; the latter rich dark red amber-brown, the basal cells surrounding the lower third of the asci- gerous cavity, their external margins prominent and very thick- walled; the rest of the perithecium concolorous or somewhat darker; the two lower tiers of wall-cells marked by more or less distinct transverse lines; the whole slightly curved, somewhat inflated below, tapering distally to its more or less clearly indicated junction with the paler tip and apex, which taper to a bluntly rounded termination, with hardly distinguished lips; the tip giving rise, from almost its whole inner surface, to a slightly divergent and curved, rather slender, concolorous appendage, which subtends the apex. Spores small and numerous, perhaps about 15 X 2. Perithecia, including basal cell region, 150 X 58 yu; stalk-cell 508 X 28 u. Receptacle 35 X 28 yp. Appendage about 275-350 yp, the axis X 12 y, the branches, larger, about 40. Total length to tip of perithecium 690 uz. On the inferior surface of the abdomen of a species of Diopsis, near the tip. No. 2330, Gambia River, West Africa, Dr. Wolbach. A very distinct species allied to R. ctenophorus, at once distinguished by its spinose perithecium and circinate or helicoid appendage. - Rhizomyces confusus nov. sp. Rhizomyces crispatus Thaxter, pro parte. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Vol. XIII, No. 6, p. 323, Plate LII, figs. 19 and 21. When this species was first described, the material of R. crispatus was somewhat scanty, but the examination of a large series has shown EEE EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. rgb that the differences which separate the two, and are indicated in the published figures, are constant and more than sufficient to distinguish them specifically. The present species is differentiated by the char- acters of its receptacle, appendage and perithecium, which appear to be quite constant, and may be summarized as follows. Subbasal cell of the receptacle prolonged to form a more or less clearly distinguished, blunt, tooth-like protrusion which projects beyond the base of the stalk-cell of the perithecium, the axis of which makes a considerable angle with that of the receptacle. Appendage more divergent and much longer than that of R. crispatus, the branches distinctly shorter and more numerous. Stalk-cell of the perithecium much shorter, stouter; the perithecium uniformly dirty yellowish brown, rather strongly curved outward, the apex blunt, broad, without suffusions or other modification. This form has been obtained from species of Diopsis; No. 859, Berlin Museum, from northern Kamerun, and No. 739, British Mu- seum, from Port Natal. Abundant material of the typical R. crispatus has been examined as follows: Nos. 2302, 2715, 2720, from Kamerun, and also from Port Natal, Usambara and Killimadjaro, East Africa, the last kindly com- municated by Dr. Speiser. The species is most readily recognized by its erect stalk-cell and very different perithecium, the tip of which is characteristically modified and colored, as is represented in the origi- nal figure; |.c. plate LII, fig. 20. Rhizomyces cornutus nov. sp. Receptacle yellowish; the basal cell subhemispherical, penetrating the host by a rhizoidal apparatus; the subbasal cell slightly broader than long, bearing the stalk-cell of the perithecium distally and the appendage distally and laterally. Appendage erect, or slightly di- vergent; its axis consisting of about twelve cells; the basal small and nearly opaque, the rest becoming yellowish with a brownish tinge, the distal one paler and smaller, all bearing single external branches super- posed in a single series, that from the basal cell lacking or abortive; the rest, except at the very tip, fertile, consisting of two cells; a basal bearing above, next the axis, usually two antheridia, and externally a somewhat elongate subbasal cell in which the lumen is nearly obliter- ated, usually slightly curved inward and bearing externally a series of four or five slightly curved, simple, closely set, rather short and T12 THAXTER. stout yellowish brown branchlets. Stalk-cell elongate, stout, nearly uniform; basal cell region abruptly distinguished, rich amber-brown, concolorous with the perithecium, its cells thick-walled, somewhat prominent, and surrounding the base of the ascigerous cavity; the two lower tiers of wall-cells distinguished by a slight indentation, the corresponding regions slightly inflated and marked by fine transverse lines; the second tier narrower below the well distinguished tip which is more or less symmetrically inflated, forming a rounded collar sub- tending the clearly distinguished paler apex; which is somewhat longer, very slightly bent outward, bearing a short, stout, bluntly pointed, two-celled, tooth-like outgrowth from the lower half of its inner margin. The whole perithecium, including the basal cell region, slightly curved outward. Perithecia, including basal cell region, 135-140 X 35-40 yu. Stalk-cell 280-350 X 22. Appendage 185- 195 u; the branch-axis 18 uw, the branchlets 18 yu. Receptacle 28 X 20 yu. Total length to tip of perithecium 400-525 yp. On the inferior tip of the abdomen of Diopsis sp. No. 2301, Kamerun, W. Africa. Allied to R. circinalis and R. gibbosus, but differing from both in the characters of its perithecium and appendage. Rhizomyces gracilis nov. sp. Erect, very long and slender; foot normal. Basal cell of the recep- tacle broader than long, somewhat smaller and broader than the subbasal, obliquely prominent below the base of the appendage; sub- basal cell longer than broad, its axis divergent, distinguished externally by a slight constriction above and below. Appendage consisting of about seventeen hyaline cells, erect, slightly exceeding the tip of the perithecium, its basal cell small and subtriangular, obliquely adjusted to the receptacle, the two cells above it hardly larger, the rest for the most part large, slightly more than twice as long as broad, except one or two of the distal ones; the branches of the appendage similar to those of R. confusus, consisting of five or six dark hyaline-tipped, outcurved, closely set branchlets, which arise in a vertical series from a short dark unicellular inwardly hyaline axis, in most cases subtended by a small hyaline cell bearing two or three slender antheridia; the small terminal cell of the axis bearing distally two or three similar erect branchlets. Stalk-cell of the perithecium stout, hyaline, erect, gradually broader distally; the secondary stalk-cell and the basal EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. ike cells relatively large and well defined, one of the latter (?) extending from the stalk-cell to the base of the perithecium and slightly spiral; perithecium concolorous with the secondary stalk- and basal cells, yellow with a tinge of brown, the wall-cells of the venter- and neck- regions slightly spiral, and transversely punctate, the whole tapering with a slight bend to the bluntly rounded apex. Perithecium 60 X 22 u; including basal cell region 88 wu. Stalk-cell 284 & 15 pw distally. Receptacle about 25 X 14u. Appendage to tip of terminal branch- lets 350 4; its lateral branches about 504. Total length to tip of perithecium 355 yu. On a species of Diopsis, Killimandjaro, East Africa. This very graceful and distinct species was found in company with R. crispatus on a host kindly communicated by Dr. Speiser. It is most nearly allied to R. confusus. The branches of the appendage are shorter and less curled, and are more remote, tending to diverge in such a way as to appear grouped in threes. The perithecium of the unique type is not fully mature, and may perhaps become slightly modified with age, although asci are already formed. Rhizomyces Kamerunus nov. sp. Cells of the receptacle nearly equal, hardly longer than broad, the subbasal more deeply tinged with brown. Appendage suberect, or usually curved toward the perithecium, its axis indeterminate, con- sisting of from ten to twenty cells tinged with brown, except the terminal ones; the lower darker, especially the smaller basal and subbasal cells which may be nearly opaque; the cells above them slightly longer than broad and bearing each a branch distally and externally, the upper sterile, the rest bearing from their basal cells a hyaline triangular cell from which two or three long-necked brown antheridia arise; the rest of the branch clavate, blackened, except the inner side of its subhyaline somewhat swollen termination, bearing externally and distally two to five slightly curved branchlets, blackish with hyaline slightly enlarged tips; the successive branches diverging slightly, so that the series as a whole is more or less distinetly two- ranked. Stalk-cell of the perithecium arising terminally from the subbasal cell, usually curved near its base, so that the perithecium diverges more or less strongly, although it is sometimes erect; its base narrower, gradually enlarging to the distal end, subhyaline or becoming tinged above with yellowish brown; the basal cell region (14. THAXTER. well defined, yellowish brown, concolorous with the rather stout perithecium, which is subsymmetrical, somewhat straighter on the outer side, rather evenly inflated throughout, and tapering to the hardly distinguished, blunt or almost truncate tip and apex, a small outer lip often forming a rather abrupt hyaline prominence. Spores about 22 X 2.5. Perithecia 75-80 X 25 uy; stalk-cell 35-50 X 11 un. Appendage, longest axis, 1754; branches 70-100yu. Receptacle about 22 X Su. Total length to tip of perithecium 140-160 u. On the anterior legs of a large black Diopsis. No. 2302, Kamerun, W. Africa. This species is most nearly related to R. confusus and is of the same general type, but has little of its graceful appearance owing to the fact that its peculiar branchlets are coarse and more scanty and hardly more than curved at the tips. Owing to a slight divergence in their origin from successive cells they tend to be two-ranked. The perithecium also differs in being straight, or nearly so; and its stalk- cell is not subtended by the prominence characteristic of R. confusus. The axis of the appendage resembles that of an undeveloped Rhachomyces. Ilytheomyces falcatus nov. sp. More or less conspicuously curved throughout. Basal cell abruptly prominent below the insertion of the appendage, almost wholly in- volved by the suffusion of the foot; subbasal cell larger, lying ob- liquely beside and above it, hyaline. Axis of appendage divergent, consisting of four or five hardly distinguishable cells, blackened externally; the subbasal cell abruptly broader than the basal, and bearing on its inner side the relatively large partly free androphorous cell from which arises a single antheridium and a well developed branch, usually bearing several stout curved hyaline-tipped branchlets; the remaining cells of the axis bearing externally blackish brown, out- curved, hyaline-tipped branches, and on the upper side a few stout curved hyaline branches, tinged with brown and more slender below. Stalk-cell of the perithecium hyaline, rather short, distally obliquely separated from the much longer secondary stalk-cell, which lies paral- lel to the narrower inner basal cell: the latter of about the same length, but reaching higher, its narrow base in contact with the stalk-cell. The stalk- and basal cell regions about as long as the rest of the perithe- cium, the two lower tiers of wall-cells and the third (tip) distinguished by very slight elevations, purplish brown, the surface mottled-granular, EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 115 the tip slightly darker; the apex slightly narrower, paler, tapering very slightly; the outer lip-cell darker purplish brown, spreading slightly distally to form an. oblique snout-like termination. Spores about 25 X 2.5 uy. Perithecium 55-68 X 15-18 uw; stalk- and basal cell region 35-50 X 15. Appendage about 50 u, its longest branch- lets 40 X 6.5. Total length to tip of perithecium 100-120 u. On the superior surface of the abdomen, near the tip, of Ilythea sp. No. 2643, Kamerun, West Africa. This form is not nearly allied to any of the described species. Among those which, as in this instance, lack a trigger organ, [lythe- omyces major perhaps approaches it most nearly; but it is very clearly distinguished by the peculiar form of its punctate perithecium and its snout like termination formed by the protrusion of the wholly suffused outer lip-cell. The specimens examined are mostly paired so that the details of the appendages, two of which are thus juxtaposed, is diffi- cult to make out in detail. The upper branchlets are peculiar for their narrower deeply suffused bases, and curved or winding hyaline terminations. The androphorous cell is unusually large and prominent, as is the sterile branch developed from it. Ilytheomyces Kamerunensis nov. sp. Basal cell relatively large, wholly hyaline, four sided, bulging strongly externally; subbasal cell subtriangular, much smaller, bulg- ing somewhat externally and becoming edged with black below and externally, the blackening continuous with the foot. Appendage much as in J. Sarawakensis, the branchlets slightly stouter, the basal and subbasal cells much smaller and indistinguishable, the antheridia paired, stout, straight and brown; several well developed secondary branches arising from the upper side of the successive cells of the main axis, which is somewhat more divergent. Stalk-cell of the perithecium small and narrow, wholly opaque; the basal cell region above it hyaline, abruptly much broader, monstrously developed, becoming much longer than the perithecium proper; slightly curved outward, of nearly uniform width, or slightly broader distally; the secondary stalk-cell black-edged just above the much narrower stalk- cell, occupying approximately the lower two thirds of the region, and distinguished from the outer basal cell above by a well defined in- dentation; the inner basal cell extending to its base, its upper half concealed by a slight general twist of the region which is continued by 716 THAXTER. the body of the perithecium; the latter purplish brown deeper above, with darker longitudinal lines which indicate corresponding elevations of the wall-cells of the lower tier, the lumina of which, when they appear at the margins, are distinct; the tip darker, not distinguished; the apex abruptly narrower; the lips hyaline and somewhat irregular; the trigger-appendage relatively stout, narrow and geniculate opposite the lips, then erect and curved outward distally, reddish brown, with a blunt hyaline tip; the whole perithecium proper rather abruptly bent in the middle. Spores about 20 X 2.5. Perithecia 63-70 17; trigger-appendage 100-110 X 8y; basal cell region 90-100 X 18-20 »; stalk-cell of perithectum 8 X 8yu. Receptacle 15y. Ap- pendage 56-68 u. Total length to tip of perithecium 140-175 u. On the inferior surface of the abdomen of Jlythea sp. No. 2643, Kamerun. This species is remarkable for the monstrous development of the basal cell region and is quite distinct from J. Sarawakensis, its nearest ally, in several other respects. The wall-cells of the lower tier of the perithecium are each slightly folded outward, forming a rather narrow elevation indicated at the sides by a clearly defined lumen and between the margins by two parallel lines, the included area faintly punctate, but not conspicuously distinguished. Ilytheomyces Sarawakensis nov. sp. Similar to J. elegans. Lower portion of the basal cell combined with the foot and indistinguishable from it, opaque black-brown, except its perfectly hyaline upper anterior angle, which bulges out abruptly below the insertion of the appendage: subbasal cell wholly opaque, not prominent externally, the upper half of its inner margin in contact with the base of the appendage, its base horizontal. Axis of appendage strongly divergent and slightly curved outward; the basal and subbasal cells opaque and indistinguishable; the andro- phorous cell bearing two straight, paired, brown antheridia, one of which may be replaced by one or more erect sterile branches; the third cell usually producing a well developed branch on the upper side, the base of which lies close against the base of the antheridia, its axis consisting of four or five cells each of which bears from two to three branchlets which, together with those arising from both sides of the main axis above it, form a rather dense tuft; the outer branches of the main axis deeply blackened, the blackening extending to a distal point EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 717 where it is obliquely separated from the subvesicular hyaline tip. Stalk-cell of the perithecium opaque like the subbasal cell below it, short, distally broader; secondary stalk-cell hyaline above and within, its basal half or third distinguished by an obliquely separated, sub- triangular opaque area; basal cells quite hyaline, or the strongly convex wall of the smaller outer one slightly brownish; the inner very large and bulging toward the appendage, that on the left even intruded between the adjacent antheridia and branchlets of the appendage, that on the right less prominent. Perithecium slightly curved out- ward, the lower part of the ascigerous cavity surrounded by the basal cells, the outer lower wall-cell prominent, with more or less distinct lumen; the outer smaller half of the region of the two first tiers hyaline and obliquely separated, owing to a slight twist, from the larger inner half, which is increasingly suffused with slightly reddish brown from below up; the tip somewhat broader than long, distinguished by its uniformly somewhat darker color, especially its outer margin, which forms the base of the well developed trigger-organ, developed from the outer lip-cell, which is stout, its base erect, geniculate opposite the lips, thence erect, but soon curved rather abruptly outward and somewhat stouter, wholly brown, deeper below; the hyaline tip taper- ing slightly: the apex longer and paler than the tip, blunt with per- fectly hyaline rather prominent vesicular lips. Spores about 22 X 2.5. Perithecia to base of ascigerous cavity 50-75 X 14-20 un; trigger-appendage 50-75 X 6; basal and stalk-cell region 20-35 X 18-22 4. Receptacle 10 X 124. Appendage 50-60. Total length to tip of perithecium 100-120 u. On the inferior surface of the abdomen of Ilythea sp. No. 2132, Sarawak, Borneo. This species is very closely allied to J. elegans of which it may prove to be only a variety. The subbasal cell is wholly opaque from the first, and uniform with the stalk-cell, which does not show the same abrupt differentiation; the stalk and basal cell region is greatly developed and very broad, the perithecium is shorter and broader. A large branch arises from the axis of the appendage on the upper side just beside the large straight antheridium, which is usually almost as highly developed as the axis itself; the external branches being longer and less deeply blackened. The branchlets as a whole are very copi- ous and not closely appressed. A dozen or more specimens have been examined which show no essential variations. 718 THAXTER. Ilytheomyces simplex nov. sp. Perithecium and appendage dark brown. Basal cell of the recep- tacle united to the foot, minute, hardly distinguishable, except its hyaline upper edge: subbasal cell small, hyaline. Appendage stout, subclavate, with a short terminal abortive branch; its axis consisting of five cells of somewhat unequal size; a small androphorous cell obliquely separated from the second on the inner side; in the types bearing only a single short branch bent downward, a similar sterile branch, arising from the cell above, runs parallel to it. Stalk-cell of the perithecium short and stout, hyaline, the basal cell region hyaline, or tinged with brownish above; the secondary stalk-cell somewhat prominent externally. Perithectum dark brown, asymmetrical, dis- tally bent, somewhat inflated below in the region of the two lower tiers of wall-cells; the third tier (tip) short, somewhat darker; the apex abruptly very slightly narrower, slightly paler; the termination broad and somewhat flattened, the lips appressed, not prominent. Spores 15 X 2yu. Perithecia, including basal cell region, 60 X 18 p. Appendage 35 X Sy. Total length 90-97 uy. Cn the legs of a species of Ilythea. No. 2131, Sarawak, Borneo. This species is smaller than J. anomalus to which it is very nearly allied, and differs in the character of its appendage which is more clavate, and produces no external abortive branch; while on its inner side a short relatively slender simple branch arises from the third cell, only, bending somewhat downward beside a similar branch which arises from the androphorous cell. No antheridium appears to be developed from the latter in the two mature individuals examined. The perithecium is somewhat different in shape and structure, the stalk cell and basal cells much less well developed than in J. anomalus. An abortive male (?) individual is united to the foot of one specimen. On Agromyzidae. Stigmatomyces asymmetricus nov. sp. Receptacle stout, thick-walled, tapering continuously to the apex of the pointed foot; the basal cell half or two thirds as long as the subbasal, rather strongly curved and paler, or hyaline; the subbasal cell becoming reddish yellow with rough granulation, especially distally, both septa horizontal. Stalk-cell of the appendage reddish amber-colored, not overlapping the receptacle, about twice as long as broad, somewhat prominently rounded below the deeply colored EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 719 basal cell of the appendage; which is hardly longer than broad, its axis consisting of four successively smaller cells; those above the basal paler, bearing each two antheridia, except the fourth, which bears but one, and is succeeded by a second which is terminal; the antheridia relatively short and stout, the necks turned usually sideways. Stalk- cell of the perithecium concolorous with that of the appendage, as are the cells above it, broader than long, distally in contact with the broad base of the inner basal cell; secondary stalk-cell wholly external to it, somewhat prominent, half as large, subtriangular, obliquely separated from it, as well as from the outer basal cell above; the latter more deeply colored, and prominent below the large deeply colored venter; which is asymmetrical, about twice as long as broad, distally broader, externally less convex, and distally conspicuously prominent, finely rough-granular, the wall-cells separated by slight furrows; the inner margin more or less evenly convex, the remainder of the peri- thecium almost exactly as long as the venter; the paler, abruptly distinguished neck tapering very slightly from its spreading base; the tip clearly distinguished, abruptly slightly narrower, tapering very slightly, the apex not distinguished, short, subhyaline, with slightly oblique inconspicuous nearly symmetrical papillate lips. Spores about 25 X 2.5y. Perithecia 150-180 X 40-45 yp. Recep- ‘tacle 85-100 X 25-28. Appendage 46 X 10y; its stalk-cell 25 X 10u. Total length 250-280 yp. On the abdomen of a small fly belonging to the Agromyzidae. Kamerun, No. 2283. A species apparently allied to S. Scaptomyzae, distinguished by the peculiar modification of the subbasal cell of the receptacle, and the granular roughening of the venter of the perithecium, both of which characters become more prominent in older specimens. Stigmatomyces divergens nov. sp. Subsigmoid, rather stout, rather dark red amber-brown, except the hyaline receptacle; which is shorter than the perithecium, the cells of about equal length, slightly curved. Basal cell of the appendage short and stout, strongly convex externally, deeply suffused with reddish brown, separated by a deep external constriction from the narrow base of the basal cell of the appendage, the axis of which consists of four cells; the basal about as broad as long, deeply suffused, bearing no antheridia; the three others bearing each two; the series 720 THAXTER. surmounted by two additional ones, the upper with a stout spine; the whole appendage relatively short and stout, diverging from the perithecium and free to its base; the antheridia turned sidewise, and distinctly tinged with brownish yellow, like the cells which bear them. Stalk-cell of the perithecium broader than long, the secondary stalk- cell much smaller, as are the basal cells; venter of the perithecium longer than the distal portion, its base hardly lower than the insertion of the appendage, evenly inflated, or more convex externally, merging distally with the neck; which is not abruptly distinguished, its outline more or less concave on both sides; the tip rather abruptly distin- guished, tapering to the undifferentiated apex, which is five-lobed, the lobes rather prominent and somewhat irregular. Spores about 25 X 3u. Perithecia 155-170 X 42-50 uw. Appendage 42-48 X 4 yu. Receptacle 80-100 X 28 yu. Total length 250-280 wu. On the head and at the base of the wing of a small dull fly belonging to the Agromyzidae. No. 2730, Kamerun, West Africa. Although this species is not otherwise peculiar, it seems well dis- tinguished by its somewhat divergent, short, stout appendage, the base of which is so narrow as to appear constricted, the basal cell dark colored and narrow, the cells above it much broader. It is perhaps more nearly related to S. Drapetis than to any other described form. On Anthomyidae. Stigmatomyces macrandrus nov. sp. Long and slender, straw-colored above the hyaline receptacle, with faint brownish shades near the base of the venter. Receptacle usually curved, of nearly uniform diameter throughout, the basal cell sometimes slightly broader, less than half as long as the subbasal, its base broad and rounded beside the small sublateral foot. Stalk-cell of the appendage slightly misplaced laterally on the right side, nearly twice as long as broad, externally rounded, distally, below the rather broad insertion. Appendage very slightly divergent, very long, reaching some distance beyond the venter, slender, tapering, slightly curved outward at the extremity; its axis consisting of seven or eight successively smaller cells; the basal cell slightly tinged with brown, somewhat longer than broad, the terminal cell minute, bearing a single antheridium, which is surmounted by a second terminating the appendage; all the remaining cells bearing two, obliquely superposed; EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. Al the necks somewhat curved, mostly free, relatively long and forming two incomplete rows. Primary and secondary stalk-cells of the perithecium subequal, so placed that they appear to overlap on the right and left sides, respectively; the basal cells relatively small, the outer slightly prominent. Venter straight, its axis coincident with that of the stalk-cell region and receptacle, slightly broader near the base; the neck concolorous, rather stout, slightly curved, nearly ’ uniform throughout, very slightly enlarged at its junction with the abruptly slightly narrower tip; the apex somewhat shorter, hardly tapering, distinctly bent outward, the flat blunt termination with hardly prominent lips. Spores (in perithecia) about 30-35 X 3.5 yu. Perithecia 190 y, the venter 70-75 X 30-35 uw. Appendage 100-110 X 16 yu. Receptacle 210-245 X 21u. Total length to tip of perithe- clum 385-450 uw. On a dark fly belonging to an undetermined genus of the Anthomyi- dae. No. 2638, Kamerun. This species is closely allied to S. dubius. None of the specimens, ‘which include a number of very young individuals, show any signs of the conspicuous and permanent spine found in the last mentioned species. The snout-like, curved apex of the perithecium and the very slight enlargement below the tip, together with the minute, hardly indicated lips, seem further to distinguish it. STIGMATOMYCES LIMNOPHORAE Thaxter. The typical form of this species has been found on several flies from Kamerun belonging to the Anthomyidae, Nos. 2640 and 2646 as well as others, while a large form that appears also to be identical with this species and may measure nearly 800 p» in length has been received from Mr. Jacobson and was collected by him in Sumatra on Lucilia (?) and a similar form from the Philippines on Lucilia dux has been re- ceived from Mr. Banks. A closely allied form, which does not seem referable to any of the variations of S. Limnophorae, has been met with on an anthomyid fly from Kamerun and may be distinguished as follows. Stigmatomyces tortilis nov. sp. Form comparatively short and stout, slightly curved throughout, especially the neck, uniformly dirty yellowish brown above the hya- line receptacle; the subbasal cell slightly longer than the basal which 122, THAXTER. is but slightly narrower at its base and distally often slightly broader than the base of the subbasal cell. Stalk-cell of the appendage over- lapping the subbasal cell slightly if at all, externally convex, more so distally, but not abruptly distinguished from the basal cell of the appendage; which is hardly more than twice as long as broad, the axis curved inward, with the antheridia external, and consisting of five subhyaline cells hardly longer than broad, except the basal, and bearing each two closely associated antheridia, the fifth bearing but one, a terminal single antheridium ending the series. Stalk-cell of the perithecium broader than long, more than half enclosed by the overlapping of the secondary stalk-cell on the left side and of the basal cell which lies above it on the right side; the basal cells subequal, somewhat prominent, as is the secondary stalk-cell; venter broader and slightly inflated below, tapering slightly; the wall-cells becoming finely granular; distally slightly prominent, the curved broad neck of about the same length, the wall-cells of both distinguished by a rather broad deep spiral furrow, continuous in the two, describing a complete turn ending at the abruptly narrower tip, which is subtended ~ by a slight enlargement; apex not distinguished from the tip, the two slightly inflated, distally subtruncate, with somewhat irregular lips, the inner more prominent. Spores about 25 X 3.5u. Perithecia 140 X 32-35 u. Appendage 60 yu, its basal cell 14 X 6 yu. Receptacle 80-90 X 18-21 y. Total length 225-250 p. On the abdomen of a fly belonging to the Anthomyidae. Kamerun, No. 2639. Ten individuals of this form have been examined, which were found growing on the superior surface of the abdomen, where S. Limno- phorae usually occurs, and where it reaches its most typical develop- ment. The differences which distinguish the present species are thus. evidently not due to position of growth. |The deep spreading furrows. which traverse the venter and neck, and the strong curvature of the latter give it a very different appearance. Unlike S. Limnophorae, the appendage curves inward, and the antheridia are directed out- ward. The appendage is also more compact than is usually the case in S. Limnophora, although it is of the same general type. ~J bo Ww EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. On Borboridae Stigmatomyces affinis nov. sp. Hyaline below, pale yellowish above the stalk-cells; of rigid habit, straight or but slightly curved. Receptacle tapering from apex to base, the basal cell mostly somewhat longer, a smoky brown suffusion just above the small foot. Stalk-cells of the appendage and perithe- cium lying side by side in a horizontal series, not differing greatly in size, the secondary stalk-cell slightly smaller and higher; that of the appendage strongly rounded outward below the insertion, otherwise nearly straight externally; the axis of the appendage externally convex, consisting of usually eight cells; which are externally convex, somewhat obliquely superposed, and similar, except the small distal and the broader flattened amber-brown basal cell: the antheridia appressed, turned inward or sidewise, one from each cell (or two from the lower?); the upper three or four usually proliferating into short, stout, septate, simple filaments. Basal cells of the perithecium similar, extending above the base of the ascigerous cavity, the inner not extending lower than the outer: venter rather short and stout, more or less abruptly inflated just below the middle, above which it is concave below four variously conspicuous protrusions corresponding to the extremities of its four wall-cells; the neck thus abruptly differ- entiated, stout, tapering throughout to the short, abruptly slightly narrower tip and apex; the latter externally concave below a slight externally divergent, rounded termination, formed by two lip-cells, and subtended on the inner side by two papillae. Spores about 25 X 3.5 (in perithecium). Perithecia 95-105 X 28-32 yu. Appendage about 50 yu. Receptacle 35-50 K 16. Total length 150-175 yp. On a minute species of Limosina. No. 2290, Kamerun, West Africa. This species is most nearly allied to S. Papuanus, but seems clearly distinguished by the character of its perithecium and the position of its stalk-cells. The apex of the perithecium is similar to that of S. papuanus, but its terminal projection is relatively smaller, shorter and more rounded, and the subtending inner papillae are less prominent. Stigmatomyces Platensis Speg. (Revision de las Laboulbeniales Argentines, p. 677, fig. 208) approaches this species very closely but the figure and description are hardly sufficiently detailed to make an exact comparison. The two may prove variations of a single species. 724 THAXTER. Stigmatomyces Borbori nov. sp. Basal cell of the receptacle tapering below or constricted in the mid-region, the subbasal cell broad and distinctly longer, of nearly uniform diameter, the margins somewhat convex. Stalk-cell of the appendage small, broader than long, slightly convex externally, the insertion relatively broad, lying opposite the middle of the primary stalk-cell. Axis of the appendage usually consisting of six cells; the basal contrasting yellowish brown, broader than long, nearly sym- metrical; the rest hyaline, successively slightly smaller, externally abruptly convex, irregularly and broadly elliptical in outline, their axes horizontal, or but slightly oblique; the basal and subbasal cell bearing each four superposed antheridia, the third and fourth each three, all borne on the inner side of the appendage, obliquely super- posed, and directed to the right; the fifth cell small, and associated with two abortive antheridia, one of them terminal, the tips of which are imperforate and vesicular. Stalk-cell of the perithecium free on both sides, longer than broad, distally separated obliquely from the secondary stalk-cell, which is about as long; the outer basal cell overlapping the ascigerous cavity throughout its length, and ending in an abrupt elevation a short distance below the middle of the body of the venter; the inner large and extending somewhat above the base of the ascigerous cavity, ending in a prominence similar to that of the outer, but much lower: the whole basal and _ stalk-cell region forming a well developed stalk of nearly uniform diameter, or with somewhat convex margins, the axis of which diverges from that of the receptacle and appendage, and coincides with that of the peri- thecium: venter yellowish, straight, slightly inflated; the wall-cells with a slight twist which involves the neck, ending in distinct eleva- tions below which the margins are slightly concave, and clearly dis- tinguishing the slightly spreading base of the hyaline, slightly curved neck; which tapers slightly, and is distinctly bent at its junction with the tip; the latter yellowish brown; the apex rather abruptly dis- tinguished externally, distally relatively broad, oblique, and externally prominent; the lip-cells not individually distinguished. Spores 30 * 4.5. Perithecia 110-120 X 35. Appendage, including an- theridia 56 X 25. Receptacle 65-68 XK 24. Total length to tip of perithecium 200-240 yu. On Borborus sp. No. 2732, Kamerun, West Africa. A species most nearly related to S. Borboridinus from which it EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. Se (oh) differs in its more highly developed appendage, differently arranged stalk-cells, and by the oblique termination of its perithecium. The basal cells of the perithecium are also peculiar, ending in a small abrupt protrusion, the inner cell lying almost wholly against the ascigerous cavity. Stigmatomyces Borboridinus nov. sp. Receptacle hyaline, the basal cell tapering to a narrow base, broader distally than the base of the subbasal cell; which is slightly more than half as long, short and broad, its margins somewhat convex. Stalk- cell of the appendage relatively short, its broad base somewhat oblique; externally oblique below the broad insertion, which lies opposite the upper end of the primary stalk-cell. Appendage consisting of three clearly defined yellowish brown cells, the basal somewhat darker and more reddish, slightly longer than broad, the subbasal smaller, more strongly convex externally, somewhat broader than long; both bearing three superposed relatively large antheridia on the inner side, their stout relatively long curved necks turned to the right, except the upper- most; the third cell smaller than the subbasal, somewhat oblique, followed by three antheridia which terminate the appendage; the distal, outer, one sometimes replaced by a small permanently sterile cell. Stalk-cell of the perithecium smaller than the cells above it, very obliquely separated from the secondary stalk-cell, which is about as large and long as the inner basal cell; the outer basal cell large, over- lapping the ascigerous cavity, and twice prominent externally below the venter; the whole region forming a stout, well defined stalk. Venter, which comprises about half the total length of the perithecium and its stalk, pale brownish yellow, diverging at an angle of about 45° from the common axis of the receptacle and appendage; the former broader distally, hardly inflated; the wall-cells prominent and ending in conspicuous rounded projections, which abruptly distinguish the slightly spreading base of the relatively stout, nearly hyaline, short neck; the tip distinctly tinged with brownish yellow, well distinguished by a general inflation, its margins almost symmetrically convex, tapering distally to the short broad apex, the broad termination of which is almost symmetrically truncate, or slightly rounded, without projecting lips. Spores 36 X 5.5y. Perithecia 100-120 XK 28-32 u; the whole stalk-part, including the primary stalk-cell which is free only externally at its base, 35 u by 20 yu above, by 14 below. Ap- pendage 42 X 22 y including tips of antheridia. Receptacle 50-64 X 17-20 w distally. Total length to tip of perithecium 190-210 yz. 726 THAXTER. On the legs of a fly belonging to the genus Borborus, or closely allied. No. 2734, Kamerun, West Africa. This species, although related to the group of forms which occur on the borborid genus Limosina, differs in the characters of its appen- dage which closely resembles that of S. Borbori, although somewhat less highly developed. The nine large antheridia are closely grouped, with prominent necks. The perithecium is straight, or very slightly bent distally, its axis coincident with that of the basal and stalk-cell portion which diverges at a characteristic angle from that of the receptacle and appendage. Ten individuals have been examined. Stigmatomyces contortus nov. sp. Hyaline; the stalk-cells, and apparently the inner basal cell, forming a rather slender perithecial stalk, against which the receptacle is abruptly bent, so that the foot lies near the base of the venter, the appendage projecting free from the point of abrupt curvature. Basal cell of the receptacle abruptly curved and tapering somewhat below, the subbasal somewhat longer and stouter. Stalk-cell of the appen- dage viewed endwise, its axis tinged with brown, projecting upward and backward away from the receptacle and perithecial stalk: (ap- pendage in young individuals borne on a stalk-cell which is rounded and nearly isodiametric, strongly convex below the insertion): con- sisting of four axis-cells, the basal rounded, somewhat flattened, brown, bearing a small somewhat flattened androphorous cell, which occupies most of its distal surface and bears three antheridia, the rest of the axis diverging from it at an angle of more than 45°, the three successively smaller cells very obliquely superposed, strongly convex externally, and separated by deep constrictions; the lowest (sub- basal) but slightly united to the basal, bearing two antheridia, the second two, and the third one; which is surmounted by a normal antheridium, while a small terminal cell also functions as an antheri- dium by developing a neck from the middle of its inner side at right angles to its long axis. The stalk-cells, and apparently the inner of the basal cells of the perithecium, forming a relatively slender perithecial stalk, of nearly uniform diameter, but irregular outline, which is separated by a well marked constriction from the base of the venter: the latter broadly inflated below, owing largely to the overlapping basal cells; which extend upward beside it for some distance, tapering to the hardly distinguished, broad, irregular, slightly curved neck; EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. rere the tip distinguished by a slight indentation, and subtended on the concave side by a stout, blunt, irregular, tapering outgrowth from one of the neck wall-cells; the apex hardly distinguished, short, blunt bent slightly upward, one of the lip-cells prolonged to form a well developed stout, terminal appendage of nearly uniform diameter, slightly geniculate at its base, and distally roundish-truncate. Spores 32 X3.5mu. Perithecia 110 X 35y; its stalk-portion 38 X 174; its terminal appendage 20 X 8 yu; the lateral one 18 X 14 uw at base. Receptacle 45-50 X 15. Appendage in young individuals about 40 X Ou. On the wings of Borborus sp., or a genus closely allied. No. 2732, Kamerun, West Africa. This species is quite unique, owing not only to the fact that it is abruptly bent upon itself, but to the presence of two outgrowths from the perithecium. Three fully mature individuals have been examined and numerous younger specimens. Stigmatomyces divaricatus nov. sp. Rather long and slender with irregular outline, nearly hyaline, the appendage and the perithecium, with its stalk, almost symmetrically divergent at somewhat more than a right angle from the receptacle; which is usually more or less uniform in diameter, broader at the septum, the basal cell sometimes hardly half as long as the subbasal, usually rather strongly curved below. Stalk-cell of the perithecium relatively short, the base broad, somewhat oblique, the distal half free, broader and usually symmetrically convex; the appendage consisting of about six cells; the basal pale yellowish brown, some- times twice or even three times as long as broad, and of uniform diam- eter, or somewhat broader distally: the three following cells similar, but successively considerably smaller, separated by constrictions: the narrow subbasal cell twice as long as broad; usually slightly concave externally; the one or two small distal cells somewhat irregu- lar, the uppermost sterile: the basal and subbasal cells bearing each three, the third and fourth each two, antheridia; those above the basal cell subtended by a rounded cell which occupies almost the total diameter of the axis; the fifth cell followed by two small abortive antheridia which separate it from a small sterile terminal cell; the antheridia relatively rather small, directed inward and to the right, their necks somewhat irregularly divergent. Stalk-cell of the peri- 728 THAXTER. thecium united to the lower half of that of the appendage, but other- wise wholly free on both sides; sometimes nearly twice as long as broad, externally slightly concave, prominent below the outer basal cell, which is in contact throughout with the base of the ascigerous cavity, its apex forming a distinct prominence; the inner long and narrow, ending somewhat lower in a similar prominence and extend- ing down to the stalk-cell. Venter irregular, slightly inflated, the wall-cells ending distally in distinct prominences, and showing a slight twist which involves the neck and tip: the neck relatively stout, slightly curved, hardly distinguished, except by the subtending promi- nences; the tip subtended by slight depressions on either side, its margins convex, abruptly so on the inner side, so that the short apex is subtended by a rather prominent hunch; distal margin of the apex broad, outwardly oblique, and nearly straight, the lip-edges not at all prominent. Spores 40 X 5y. Perithecia 120-135 X 28-32; the stalk-portion about 68 X 18 yu. Appendage 75-86 y, the stalk-cell 18 X 14yu. Receptacle 112-130 XK 18-24. Total length 280-315 uz. On Borborus sp. No. 2732, Kamerun, W. Africa. This species is very closely allied to S. Borbori, although very unlike it in general appearance, and may possibly prove to be an abnormal development of the latter. Apart from its elongate form, the chief difference is found in the appendage, the principal cells of which are longer than broad, instead of the reverse, the basal separating a well marked androphorous cell bearing three superposed antheridia. About a dozen examples have been examined, none of which seem to vary toward S. Borbori. The hosts appear to belong to the same unde- termined species of Borborus. Stigmatomyces distortus nov. sp. Strongly curved throughout, hyaline becoming tinged with pale yellowish, the venter darker brownish yellow, the appendage dull brownish below. Receptacle very slightly broader at the horizontal septum, the basal somewhat longer than the subbasal cell, slightly narrower above the foot, the subbasal broader distally, slightly con- cave on one or both sides. Stalk-cell of the appendage short, slightly broader distally than the broad insertion, which lies hardly higher than the distal margin of the perithecial stalk-cell. The appendage turned obliquely across the basal cell region; consisting of four persis- tent cells, the two lower relatively large, subequal, brownish, termi- EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 729 nated by one or two small evanescent hyaline cells (or antheridia 7”); the outer margin nearly straight, the antheridia single appressed. Stalk-cell of the perithecium squarish, about as large as the stalk-cell of the appendage which lies beside it, hardly overlapped by the exter- ally convex and somewhat longer secondary stalk-cell, below which it is somewhat prominent, in distal contact with the base of the verti- cally elongate narrow inner basal cell; the three external cells of the region separated by distinct indentations, the basal cell region abruptly somewhat narrower; venter somewhat asymmetrical, broader distally where it is usually more prominent, or bears an abrupt elevation on the inner side, abruptly distinguishing the distal portion, which is irregularly bent in a subsigmoid curve; the neck, tip and apex not distinguished, tapering distally, and ending in a short, bluntly rounded, finger-like projection formed on the inner side by one of the lip-cells, the others forming slight prominences below it, irregularly placed. Spores 34 X 3.5y. Perithecia 85-100 X 26-28 yu, its projection 10 X 5u. Receptacle 40-50 X 14u. Appendage about 50yu. Total length about 150 u. On the head of Limosina punctipennis Wied. No. 2653, Kamerun, West Africa. This species does not correspond closely to any of the other forms which occur on Borboridae, and is well distinguished by its strongly arcuate habit and terminal process. The cells of the appendage are not externally convex, and in all but a few of the specimens examined only the four lower cells remain. The distal portion of the appendage appears to become rapidly disorganized, and where it still persists it is not clear which of the cells present are axis-cells and which are antheridia. Stigmatamyces laticollis nov. sp. Nearly hyaline, the perithecia slightly suffused. Receptacle rela- tively short, the cells subequal, separated by a slightly oblique septum; the basal somewhat narrower below, its anterior margin distally rather strongly convex, its axis forming a slight angle with that of the subbasal cell. Stalk-cell of the appendage somewhat larger than that of the perithecium which lies beside it; externally slightly convex throughout, more strongly so below the narrow insertion which lies slightly higher than the end of the primary stalk-cell. Axis of the appendage consisting of about seven to nine cells; the basal small, brown, flattened, distally broader; the subbasal nearly as large or 730 THAXTER. even larger, externally somewhat convex, the rest successively some- what smaller and externally abruptly convex, somewhat obliquely superposed; two or three of the terminal ones slightly proliferous, the rest bearing appressed antheridia, usually turned inward. Primary stalk-cell of the perithecium somewhat exceeded above and below by that of the appendage; secondary stalk-cell subtriangular, placed somewhat higher, and obliquely separated; the basal cells about as large, the outer often abruptly convex externally: venter asymmetri- cal, distally broader; the wall-cells with a distinct spiral twist, distally cushion-like, and forming broad prominences, the outer lower: the distal portion of the perithecium undifferentiated, stout, of nearly uniform diameter throughout, the broad bluntly rounded apex bent outward. Spores about 18 X 2.5yu. Perithecia 100-105 X 28-32 u (venter) X 14 u (distal portion). Appendage about 40-50 up. Recep- tacle 40-50 uy. Total length to tip of perithecium 150-175 yu. On tip of abdomen of Limosina sp. No. 2739, Kamerun, W. Africa. A species somewhat similar to S. affinis in the conformation of its venter, but differing in its longer basal cell region, and stout uniform distal portion, ending in a curved bluntly rounded broad apex. Stigmatomyces Limosinoides nov. sp. Nearly hyaline or yellowish, with a slight general sigmoid curvature, the perithecium tinged with yellowish brown. Receptacle rather long, curved below, the convexity anterior; the basal cell tapering slightly to the faintly suffused yellowish base; the subbasal cell longer stouter, distally more or less distinctly inflated below the two parallel vertically elongated stalk-cells, the combined bases of which are some- what narrower. Stalk-cell of the appendage more than twice as long as broad, slightly longer than that of the perithecium, rather prominently rounded below the insertion, which lies slightly higher than the end of the perithecial stalk-cell: the axis of the appendage tapering, consisting of six to eight cells, the basal small, short, clear amber-brown, the rest rounded, somewhat flattened, strongly convex externally, successively smaller, all but the two or three terminal ones bearing appressed antheridia, the lower superposed in pairs; the upper- most cells small and sterile. Secondary stalk-cell about twice as long as broad, similar to the primary, but slightly shorter, lying wholly above it, its base and that of the inner basal cell coincident and slightly oblique: basal cells relatively large, surrounding the rather long nar- EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. Tou row base of the ascigerous cavity; the inner somewhat larger than the primary stalk-cell, to the upper half of which it is somewhat obliquely united; the outer larger, lying wholly above the secondary stalk-cell; which is somewhat smaller, externally convex; the stalk- and basal cells forming an erect or slightly divergent stalk-region, narrower below and distally broader than the venter of the peri- thecium. Venter yellowish brown, nearly symmetrical, subellipti- cal, thick-walled, erect, or slightly tilted inward; the neck broad, not abruptly distinguished, longer than the venter, tapering but slightly; the short tip sometimes slightly inflated, and distinguished by an inconspicuous external depression; the apex subtruncate, abruptly compressed below the hyaline, somewhat irregularly prominent, small, papillate lips. Spores 25 X 3.5. Perithecia 110-125 X 35-42 yp. Receptacle 100-130 X 18-224. Appendage 50-604. Total length 225-300 yu. On the posterior legs of Limosina punctipennis Wied. No. 2133 and 2130, Sarawak, Borneo. This species is more nearly related to S. Papuanus, from which it is at once distinguished by its short stout neck and broad blunt termination. What appears to be a variety of the same form was also obtained from the same locality (No. 2185) on the abdomen of a minute species of Limosina, several infested specimens of which have been examined. This variety is much smaller, measuring from 150- 175; the spores about 18 X 2.5y. The stalk- and basal cells of the perithecium are hardly longer than broad and the latter do not appreciably overlap the ascigerous cavity. The lips of the peri- thecium are not so clearly defined, but there seem to be no well defined characters by which it could be specifically separated. In almost every specimen of the type-form a spore is protruding from the pore, and, diverging slightly, might well be taken for a spinous process. STIGMATOMYCES PapuaNnus Thaxter. This species has been found on numerous flies from Kamerun, belonging to the Borboridae, under the following numbers: 2291, 2292, 2640, 2670, 2672, 2673, 2675, 2736, 2737, 2739, 2740 and 2741. Its variability is considerable, but is usually associated with differ- ences in the size of the perithecia, which may be due in part to varia- tions in the hosts and in part to differences in the position of growth. The total length of fully matured individuals may vary from 175 u 732 THAXTER. to 600 yu, these differences being largely due to variations in the length of the perithecial neck, which. may be very long and slender or short and very stout. The prolongation of the outer lips to form an obliquely pointed apex is always characteristic. The S. [talicus of Spegazzini, which is also said to occur on Borboridae, does not appear to differ in any respect from smaller forms of this species. It does not appear to occur in the Western Hemisphere where it is replaced by other allied forms which occur on members of the same family. g Stigmatomyces platystoma nov. sp. More or less curved throughout, or the extremity, only, curved outward. Receptacle hyaline; the basal cell narrower below, usu- ally somewhat longer and distally broader than the subbasal cell, the posterior walls much thicker, the margins individually somewhat convex; the subbasal somewhat prominent below the stalk-cell of the appendage; which is pale brownish yellow, small, externally somewhat concave, abruptly broader and prominent below the insertion; which is opposite the distal margin of the perithecial stalk- cells. Axis of the appendage consisting normally of seven cells; the basal and subbasal nearly equal and more deeply suffused with yellow- ish brown, their margins but slightly convex; those above succes- sively slightly smaller; all strongly convex, the septa but slightly oblique; each of the four lower cells producing two superposed an- theridia on the inner side; the upper seated on the under, and fur- nished with a longer, more conspicuous, stout, appressed neck; the filth cell bearing a single antheridium, the terminal cell distally inflated and partly free; the subterminal bearing an abortive antheridium, which may proliferate, producing a few clavate branchlets. Stalk- cell and secondary stalk-cell of the perithecium hardly longer than broad, the latter asymmetrically and obliquely overlapping two thirds or more of the former, on its left side; the basal cells smaller, sub- triangular: venter tapering to a narrow base, sometimes twice as broad distally, slightly longer than the distal portion; the neck with abruptly distinguished spreading base, its outline somewhat irregular, hardly tapering, short; the tip and apex distinguished by an abrupt constriction, somewhat inflated; the tips of the four coarse lip-cells bluntly rounded and prominent about the pore: the wall-cells de- veloping a slight spiral twist which is usually inconspicuous. Spores 30 X 3.5. Perithecia 85-1004; venter 45-55 X 30-32 distally EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 733 and 16 at base; the apex about 20 X 124. Appendage 55-65 uy. Receptacle 42-44 X 15 yu. Total length to tip of perithecium 155- 160 wu. On the legs of Limosina punctipennis Wied. No. 2653, Kamerun, W. Africa. This species is most nearly allied to S. proliferans, the appendage being similar and occasionally showing a similar proliferation distally. In other respects, however, its appearance is very different, owing to its short receptacle, distally expanded venter, and larger, abruptly distinguished, somewhat inflated apex. Stigmatomyces proliferans nov. sp. Usually straight and rather slender, pale yellow, especially the venter; the receptacle hyaline; the base of the appendage tinged with amber-brown. Receptacle usually comprising nearly half the total length, the basal and subbasal cells of nearly equal diameter, the latter often slightly longer, and distally somewhat broader than the region immediately above it. Stalk-cell of the appendage re- latively small, but slightly longer than broad, externally straight, or slightly concave, slightly and abruptly prominent below the rather broad insertion, which lies somewhat lower than the base of the ascigerous cavity; axis of the appendage consisting of usually seven obliquely superposed, successively smaller cells; the uppermost forming a minute erect, free, blunt projection; the basal cell hardly longer than broad, tinged with amber brown, the outer margin nearly straight, that of the three cells above it very strongly convex; all, except the uppermost, bearing single antheridia on the inner side, which are appressed and very obliquely superposed in a single row, long and slender, the neck and venter hardly distinguished; the upper two or three, including also the minute terminal cell, finally proliferous, producing partly dichotomous slender rigid branches, which form a variably developed coralloid group, their tips swollen and eventually separated (as sperm cells?) in a gelatinous mass. Stalk-cell and secondary stalk-cell of the perithecium longer than broad, overlapping laterally, nearly equal, the latter higher; the basal cells almost as large, and overlapping the ascigerous cavity above, the outer externally concave, and distally slightly prominent. Peri- thecium erect, rather slender, the distal portion somewhat longer than the slightly inflated venter, which tapers rather abruptly above 734 THAXTER. to the not abruptly differentiated neck; the latter of nearly uniform diameter, and distinguished from the almost equally broad tip and apex by a very slight elevation; the apex, seen sidewise, abruptly truncate distally; broad, flat, more prominent externally; or, if turned one quarter, tending to appear truncate-conical: the wall-cells of the venter and neck becoming more or less clearly spirally twisted from left to right. Spore 30 X 3.6. Perithecia 140 X 30 u (venter) X 14 (neck). Appendage 50-55 4; to tip of proliferous branches 70-80 np. Receptacle 120-140 X 184. Total length to tip of peri- thecium 280-315 yu. On the thorax of Limosina punctipennis Wied. Nos. 2733 and 2287, Kamerun, West Africa. This species, which belongs to the group of S. Limosinae, is clearly distinguished by its straight slender form, spiral wall-cells, and pro- liferous appendage. The minute bodies which are separated from the tips of the ultimate branches of these proliferations, and which finally cohere in a viscous mass, appear to be abnormally developed sperm cells, but their origin is quite unlike that of other known forms having exogenous sperms. Stigmatomyces tortimasculus nov. sp. Short and rather stout, or more elongate and slender; nearly hyaline except the faintly brownish yellow venter of the perithecium. Recep- tacle variably elongate, tapering slightly to the usually curved base. Stalk-cell of the appendage evenly and slightly convex throughout, or somewhat concave below, distally abruptly broader than the narrow insertion, which lies slightly higher than the base of the ascigerous cavity. Axis of the appendage somewhat irregular, curved, and lying sidewise against the venter; consisting of five cells, the terminal one minute and forming a short blunt projection from the base of the two distal antheridia; the basal cell relatively small, distinctly yel- lowish brown, as broad as long; the second and third longer, nearly equal; the fourth smaller; all bearing usually two antheridia, the distal ones somewhat clustered, the long free necks variously curved and irregularly divergent in different directions. Stalk-cell of the perithecium five-sided, broader than long, the secondary stalk-cell obliquely separated from it, externally strongly convex; the basal cells small and triangular. Venter of the perithecium variable, often relatively large, short and strongly inflated, much broader than the EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 735 basal cell region; the neck stout and slightly tapering, its spreading base rather clearly distinguished by a slight subtending elevation; the apex not distinguished, strongly oblique distally, or, when viewed radially, abruptly truncate, broad and bipapillate, the papillae closely associated and median. Spores 20 X 3.5yu. Perithecia SS-100 X 32 yu, largest 120 X 35. Receptacle 42-75 X 12-14 y, largest 130 X 144. Appendage about 354. Total length 150-200 y, longest 275 u. On a species of Limosina, the larger on the thorax, the smaller on the legs. Nos. 2130, 2134, and 2135, Sarawak, Borneo. This pale and otherwise nondescript form is most clearly distin- guished by the irregular curvature and divergence of the long antheri- dial necks, which sometimes recall the appearance of the projecting fingers of the conventional scarecrow. It is evidently related to the simpler forms which occur on other borborids. STIMATOMYCES VENEZUELAE Thaxter. A form corresponding in all respects to the type, has been obtained from flies belonging to the genus Limosina, or to one very closely allied, growing on the abdomen; No. 2674, Kamerun, West Africa, and No. 2179, Sarawak, Borneo. As in the type material, the append- age appears to be somewhat evanescent, consisting of three well defined cells, the basal brownish vellow and somewhat broader than long. The basal as well as the subbasal cell, which is strongly convex externally, appear to bear two antheridia, as well as the third, but since the antheridia are turned sidewise and none of the specimens are young, it has been impossible to determine this point with cer- tainty. The fourth cell appears to bear a single antheridium, and to be followed by two others which are terminal and superposed. The peculiar form of the venter and receptacle is exactly that of the Venezuela specimens. On Diopsidae. Stigmatomyces arcuatus noy. sp. Rather evenly arcuate, the general curvature sidewise to the right, the curvature at the extremities usually somewhat more abrupt: uniformly suffused with yellowish; the perithecium and appendage 736 THAXTER. tinged with reddish. Basal cell of the receptacle usually shghtly longer than the subbasal, and distally slightly broader. The stalk- cell of the appendage somewhat broader than long, with distal second- ary thickening. Axis of the appendage consisting of five cells, the two lower more deeply colored; the basal broader than long, sterile; the subbasal sometimes larger and, like the third and fourth, bearing two antheridia, the fifth bearing but one, which is surmounted by two superposed; the appendage rather stout, tapering to a point distally, lying flat against the venter, which it crosses obliquely, extending beyond it, the antheridia turned to the right. Stalk-cell of the perithecium relatively large, the cells of this region indistinguishable from the fact that the mature individual, owing to its curvature, presents either an anterior or posterior view. Venter somewhat asymmetrical, more or less inflated distally, not very abruptly dis- tinguished from the stout neck, which merges into the curved blunt tip and apex with slight differentiation; the lips hardly distinguished. Spores about 28 X 3.5yu. Perithecia 100-112 X 28-35. Append- age about 50 X 12u. Receptacle 45-50 X 16y. Total length 180- 200 wu. On the legs and wings of a species of Diopsis. No. 2303, Kamerun, W. Africa. Distinguished from other known species on Diopsis by its appendage, the axis of which includes but five cells. The wall-cells of the venter and neck appear to have a slight continuous twist, the course of which cannot be clearly made out. The material, though not abundant, was obtained from three different individuals of the host. Stigmatomyces longirostratus nov. sp. Pale dirty brownish yellow throughout, greatly elongated. Basal cell slightly curved and tapering below, distally broader than the base of the somewhat paler and slightly longer subbasal cell, the margins of which are somewhat convex. Stalk-cell of the appendage about four times as long as broad and of nearly equal diameter through- out, the distal end modiffed by a secondary thickening, which is deeply colored and about as large as the basal cell of the appendage. Appendage slightly divergent, elongate, tapering, slender; its axis consisting of twelve cells; the basal sterile, somewhat longer than broad, more deeply colored; the subbasal concolorous, half as long as broad, bearing two antheridia, as do all the other cells of the axis EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. ; TOU except the twelfth, which bears only one and is followed by two others superposed; the antheridia directed outward, and superposed in a single row, with little if any right and left divergence. Stalk-cell of the perithecium concolorous with the subbasal cell, ending below the insertion of the appendage, somewhat prominent externally, obliquely separated from the secondary cell, which overlaps less than half its length; distally and externally prominent, and modified by a more deeply colored secondary thickening, as are the upper outer angles of the basal cells above. Basal cell region somewhat broader than the base of the venter, which is somewhat inflated below, and prolonged distally into a neck-like portion, with somewhat irregular margins, which is rather abruptly swollen below its junction with the neck proper: the latter paler, of nearly uniform diameter, slightly curved outward, its Junction with the tip broader and geniculate; the tip bent outward, broad, slightly inflated, hardly distinguished from the apex; which is bent upward slightly, short and truncate, the lips hardly distinguished. Spores about 35 X 4u. Perithecium 320 40 yu. Appendage 140 X 14yu. Receptacle 115 X 25y. Total length somewhat over 500 uz. On the wings of a species of Diopsis. No. 2715, Kamerun, W. Africa. Allied to the other species on Diopsis and distinguished by its great length, twelve-celled appendage, and peculiarly shaped perithecium. Only one quite mature individual has been examined. The wall-cells of the venter appear to be slightly twisted, but this cannot be clearly made out in the type. Stigmatomyces porrectus nov. sp. Rather elongate, with somewhat irregular outline. Basal cell of the receptacle obconical, slightly tinged with yellowish, a secondary thickening involving the whole cell, its upper margin extending just below and parallel to the horizontal septum which it may even touch; the subbasal cell perfectly hyaline, abruptly narrower, usually dis- tinctly shorter and subisodiametric. Stalk-cell of the appendage relatively small, somewhat irregular, about twice as long as broad, its lower half or more hyaline, the rest more or less tinged with yellow, or brownish yellow, which is associated with secondary thickening; the basal cell of the appendage as broad, or even slightly broader, more deeply suffused, slightly broader than long, sterile; the subbasal 738 THAXTER. cell concolorous, very small, flattened-triangular, bearing two antheri- dia; the rest of the axis consisting of four, rarely three cells, all bearing two antheridia, except the last, which bears one, and is followed by two others which are superposed; the base of the appendage divergent at an angle of 45°, the rest bent or curved upward, the stout antheridial necks prominent and directed outward. Stalk-cell of the perithecium large, quite hyaline, extending considerably above the insertion of the appendage, the secondary cell subtriangular, extending half way to the base of the primary cell, hyaline below, brownish yellow above, and concolorous with the perithecium and basal cells; which are somewhat larger, irregular in form, extending upward somewhat above the base of the ascigerous cavity; the venter somewhat asymmetrically inflated near the base, often with a slight external angle, tapering distally, the wall-cells slightly spiral, describing about an eighth of a turn, the distal end hardly if at all distinguished from the base of the neck which simulates the usual venter termination, forming a slight enlargement above which the rest of the neck, which tapers slightly and is rather strongly curved outward, is rather clearly distinguished; the tip relatively large, usually slightly inflated and broader than the neck below, the apex short and blunt, the lips hardly distinguishable. Spores about 24 X 2.5. Perithecia 125-155 & 35-42 u. Append- age 52-60 K liu. Receptacle 85-140 X 20-24. Total length 250-350 wu. On the wings and tip of abdomen of Diopsis sp. No. 2301, Kam- erun, W. Africa. Specimens of this peculiar form have been examined from several individual hosts, and in all cases are somewhat irregularly developed, the asci in many cases not maturing well. It is allied to the other species on Diopsis, but is readily distinguished from S. Diopsis, the only other form having a strongly divergent appendage in the char- acters of the latter as well as in other respects. Stigmatomyces Schwabianus nov. sp. Color throughout nearly uniform dirty yellowish. Receptacle relatively small, somewhat curved, the basal cell tapering below, the subbasal cell somewhat shorter and broader. Stalk-cell of the appendage somewhat prominent distally, a secondary thickening involving its upper half or more; the appendage nearly erect, slightly incurved; the antheridia external and superposed in an almost uni- EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 739 form vertical series with little right and left divergence; the basal cell large, darker, sterile, hardly as long as broad, the subbasal small, subtriangular; the rest of the axis consisting of six cells all bearing, like the subbasal, two antheridia; except the uppermost which bears one, and is followed by two others which are terminal and superposed. Primary stalk-cell larger than the subequal cells above it, distally separated obliquely from the secondary cell, its extremity lying some distance below the insertion of the appendage. Venter slightly or distinetly inflated, the wall-cells describing one half to a whole turn, the curved neck being turned inward in the former case and outward in the latter; the base of the neck hardly distinguished from the venter, and separated by a more or less sharp constriction from its distal portion; which is usually narrower in the middle, swollen at either end, abruptly narrowed or constricted below the tip; which is short, inflated, tapering to the blunt, subtruncate apex; the lips closely apposed, rather broad, not prominent. Spores about 40 X 5uy. Perithecia 175-280 X 30-42 4. Appendage 65-80 X 12-14y. Re- ceptacle 60-90 X 21-24yu. Total length 250-400 xu. On the legs and at the base of the wings of Diopsis sp. Kamerun, W. Africa. Nos. 2302, 2365, 2676, 2718 and 2719. The peculiarities of this species especially of the perithecium are more conspicuous in older individuals, the constrictions and curvature of the neck as well as the spiral character of the wall-cells varying considerably. The species is related to S. Diopsis and S. porrectens, from which it is abundantly distinct. On Drosophilidae. Stigmatomyces subinflatus nov. sp. Straight, or the axis of the receptacle bent at a slight angle, pale yellow; the receptacle nearly hyaline, the basal and stalk-cells of the appendage, and the inflation below the tip tinged with reddish. Basal cell of the receptacle longer, even twice as long as the subbasal, the septum slightly oblique, the subbasal cell but slightly broader dis- tally. Stalk-cell of the appendage twice as long as broad, faintly reddish, the outer margin straight or slightly convex, rounded ab- ruptly inward to the basal cell of the appendage; which is relatively large, somewhat longer than broad, distally slightly oblique, sterile, more distinctly reddish, especially the septa; the rest of the axis, 740 THAXTER. which is slightly and somewhat obliquely curved inward, consisting of three cells, the lowest much smaller, triangular-flattened, each bearing a single rather large antheridium, the series terminated by a fourth. Stalk- and basal cells. all lying below the insertion of the appendage, relatively small and subequal. Venter rather long and narrow, and almost symmetrically inflated; the wall-cells separated by a wing-like spiral ridge which makes nearly a half turn; neck rather abruptly distinguished, the base hardly spreading, about half as long as the venter, nearly isodiametric, and swelling abruptly to form a clearly distinguished subsymmetrical enlargement at its junction with the tip; which, with the apex, forms a short blunt termination, the rounded lip-edges rather coarse, slightly prominent, and asymmetrical. Spores about 18 X 2.5 uy. Perithecia 110-120 X 28-30 w: venter 68 yu. Appendage 35 X 9y. Receptacle 45-55 X 16 yu. Total length 150-175 pz. On the anterior legs of a pale species of Drosophila. Kamerun, W. Africa, No. 2180. This species is distinguished from other forms on Drosophilidae by its four-celled appendage, which bears but four antheridia, and the subterminal enlargement of the perithecium. The spiral ridges of the venter are similar to those of S. Sigalossae, which is otherwise quite different. Stigmatomyces varians nov. sp. Symmetrically somewhat sigmoid, the perithecium proper about twice as long as the rest of the individual. Receptacle hyaline, usu- ally yellowish distally and above the foot; the basal cell tapering below, curved, often twice as long as, or less frequently slightly shorter than, the subbasal cell; which may be distinctly prominent above the basal, its distal end much broader, its margins usually slightly concave. Stalk-cell of the appendage slightly more than twice as long as broad, its distal third or more involved by a yellow secondary thickening, its outer margin very slightly prominent below the basal cell of the appendage, which is flattened, usually becoming reddish, broader than long, without antheridia, surmounted by a still shorter cell bearing two antheridia, which is followed by two axis-cells bearing two antheridia each, and a third which bears one; the axis ending in two terminal ones which are superposed, the upper larger and indistinctly spinose; the appendage erect or sometimes slightly EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 741 divergent, the antheridia turned outward and a little sidewise. Stalk- cell four sided, but subtriangular, the three longer sides subequal, the secondary stalk-cell equal, or larger, with a yellow somewhat promi- nent thickening at its upper outer angle which may resemble a sepa- rated cell; the outer basal cell about as large, usually distinctly prominent externally below the venter; which is variably, sometimes considerably and evenly, inflated; or narrower and more or less promi- nently concave below the variably prominent endings of the wall-cells, which have a very slight spiral twist; the neck curved outward, stout, typically with broadly spreading base, which may be narrower and followed above by a slight general shallow constriction, or may enlarge gradually to its junction with the tip; which is usually more or less distinctly constricted, bent outward; the apex rather stout, short, with somewhat irregularly compressed lips. Spores 35 X 44. Peri- thecium 120-140 X 30-354. Appendage 42-45 X 8-10 yu. Recep- tacle 45-55 X 20-26. Total length 190-225 u. On the superior surface of the abdomen of a genus of flies belonging to the Drosophilidae. Kamerun, W. Africa, Nos. 2753 (Type), 2668 and 2667 the latter a somewhat smaller species. This species, which belongs to the group of forms occurring on Drosophilidae and including S. Sigalloessae, S. Scaptomyzae, S. Droso- philae, is a variable and rather puzzling form. The portions above the receptacle are rather clear, pale, almost lemon yellow. The two lower cells of the appendage appear to represent the normal basal cell, which has divided in two, the lower remaining sterile; while the smaller, upper, bears two antheridia. The habit may be evenly, but not deeply, sigmoid, as in the type; or the axis of the receptacle and venter may be coincident and straight. The perithecium varies greatly, the termination of the wall-cells of the venter abruptly prominent in the type, or the end of the venter narrower and rounded, and subtended by a more or less evident general constriction. The neck may be stout and slightly tapering from a broad base, or more slender, basally constricted, and distally somewhat enlarged, and other variations might be mentioned. The host is a reddish brown drosophilid, with conspicuous longitudinal white lines on the thorax which contrast with a dark edging. I have been unable to obtain a determination of the genus of which more than one species is probably represented in the host material. 742 THAXTER. On Ephydridae. Stigmatomyces excavatus nov. sp. Straight, flexed, or slightly sigmoid; becoming pale yellowish above the hyaline, thick-walled receptacle; which is short and stout, taper- ing slightly from the distal end to the base, the subbasal cell usually slightly less than twice as long as the basal, which is rounded above the small foot, the septum slightly oblique. Stalk-cell of the appendage relatively broad, overlapping the subbasal cell, and forming a rounded prominence, distally and externally, extending above the small reddish brown basal cell of the appendage, which thus lies at the bottom of a socket. Appendage long, slender, attenuated; usually straight, with the antheridia external, or sometimes lateral. Axis of the appendage consisting of more often seven cells, those above the basal hyaline, flattened-triangular; the seventh bearing a single antheridium, the rest two, or the lower more than two; the rest of the appendage slightly curved, attenuated, and consisting of two to three superposed antheridia; antheridial necks short, stout and curved. Stalk-cell subtriangular, rather abruptly slightly broader than the receptacle externally, and separated by an oblique septum; the secondary stalk-cell slightly smaller, separated by a curved oblique septum, hardly larger than the basal cells above. The venter three to four times as long as broad, its base slightly narrower than the basal cell region, gradually broadening distally, usually abruptly broader below the neck; which is nearly as long, tapering from its broad base to the tip, which is hardly distinguished by a slight depression; the tip slightly inflated and tapering, twice as long as the apex, which is sub- truncate and bent inward, but not otherwise distinguished. Spores about 25 X 3yu. Perithecia 140-200 X 20-28 y; stalk- and basal cell region 35 X 22. Receptacle 80 X 25. Appendage 70-95 X 7; its stalk-cell 35-45 X 10-15. Total length 280-335 yp or less. On superior surface of abdomen of an ephydrid allied to Notiphila. No. 2637a. Kamerun, West Africa. This species is clearly distinguished by its short stout receptacle, long slender and tapering perithecium and appendage, and especially by the protrusion of the stalk-cell of the appendage, which forms a depression overtopping the basal cell of the appendage. EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 743 Stigmatomyces ventriosus nov. sp. Relatively short and stout. Receptacle hyaline, the basal cell usu- ally somewhat curved below, tapering to the foot; the subbasal cell much smaller, usually broader than long. Stalk-cell of the appendage tinged with amber-brown, relatively narrow, more than twice as long as broad, its bluntly pointed base overlapping the subbasal cell slightly, if at all; its outer margin straight or slightly concave, and somewhat prominent below the broad insertion. Axis of the appendage consist- ing of four successively smaller cells, the fourth much smaller and bearing one antheridium, followed by two which are superposed above it, the upper spinose; all the others bearing two antheridia, which are usually turned somewhat obliquely sidewise; the basal cell somewhat longer than broad, amber-brown, the rest of the appendage slightly suffused below; the antheridia appressed with hardly divergent necks. Stalk-cell and secondary stalk-cell of the perithecium nearly equal, broader than long, flattened-triangular, concolorous with the stalk-cell of the appendage and the basal cells, which are small and subtriangu- lar; the secondary stalk-cell slightly convex externally, its margin often reaching to the subbasal cell of the receptacle: venter somewhat darker amber-brown, short and stout, its axis diverging at a slight angle to that of the appendage and receptacle; its outer margin straight or becoming convex, its inner bulging very strongly; the wall-cell on the left side forming a slightly elevated area ending in a more or less distinct and abrupt broad ridge below the short, usually abruptly curved, neck; the tip and apex as long as the subhyaline neck, and turned abruptly inward by its curvature; the tip tinged with brownish yellow: the apex short, not distinguished, hardly tapering; the lips prominent, rather coarse, two of them lower and paired, the other two forming a blunt point which projects beyond them; the pore usually directed inward, but sometimes sidewise, owing to a slight twist of the wall-cells. Spores 30 X 3yu. Perithecia 75-85. The venter 42-48 X 30-36. Appendage 45-50 X 10. Receptacle 2X 18y. Total length to tip of perithecium 120-140 z. On the inferior abdomen of a small fly resembling Dzscocerina. No. 2743a, Kamerun, West Africa. This small species appears to be more nearly related to S. Disco- cerinae, but is very readily recognized by its “pot-bellied” venter and short incurved neck. The thirty individuals examined show no important variation. 744 THAXTER. On Ortalidae. Stigmatomyces Ortalidanus nov. sp. Very long and slender, straight, or but slightly curved. Basal cell of the receptacle tapering to the small foot, usually slightly bent below, with secondary thickenings of the wall which usually become blackish brown, the suffusion sometimes extending so as to stain the yellowish primary wall; subbasal cell more than twice as long, slightly narrower than the basal, just above the horizontal septum; hyaline, or yellowish, usually straight, thick-walled and nearly isodiametric. Stalk-cell of the appendage extending only to the subbasal cell, relatively narrow, its outer margin nearly straight, except for a slight elevation below the insertion, which occupies almost the whole of its distal surface. Appendage long, slender and distally attenuated, consisting of about eight to ten axis-cells; the basal amber-brown, broader than long, its upper margin somewhat oblique below a small subtriangular hyaline cell which is separated from it distally and bears two superposed antheridia; the cells above the fifth usually somewhat longer and flatter than those below; all the axis-cells hyaline, and producing two antheridia each, arranged in a double series; the necks of the lower in each turned slightly sidewise, and of the upper, outward; the appendage ending in two superposed antheridia, below which the last cell of the axis is often also transformed into two superposed antheridia. Stalk-cell region of the perithecium much elongated; the primary stalk-cell greatly enlarged, thick-walled, hyaline, extend- ing far above the insertion of the appendage, its distal fifth to third, or even more, overlapped by the bluntly pointed base of the much smaller, long-triangular secondary stalk-cell, the upper margin of which is horizontal, with an external brownish thickening; basal cells relatively elongate, the inner sometimes extending down nearly to the middle of the secondary stalk-cell; none of the basal cells over- lapping the ascigerous cavity, but this region slightly broader than the base of the venter, owing to the presence of distal brownish thick- enings in each cell. Venter becoming tinged with brownish yellow, more than three times as long as broad, straight, nearly symmetrical, very slightly inflated, its extremity tapering slightly to the base of the concolorous neck; which is not otherwise distinguished, straight, slightly and evenly tapering throughout, the wall-cells slightly twisted, as are those of the venter, and becoming more or less evidently corru- EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 745 gated by about eight successive elevations, usually more conspicuous in the distal half; the tip distinguished by an abrupt inflation, short, slightly tapering; the apex much shorter, rather broad and blunt, straight or slightly bent, usually turned so as to appear symmetrical, with a median elevation, or oblique when seen sidewise. Spores, about 45 X 4u. Perithecia, stalk- and basal cell portion 100-210 uw X 30-35 uw; venter 90-105 X 30-38 uw; neck 122 X 20-28 u or less; tip and apex 25-30 X 12y distally. Appendage 100-125 15y at base; stalk-cell 50-60 X 14-18 yu. Receptacle 250-280 X 32. Total length 740 or less X 35-40 u. On the upper surface of the abdomen of a large black fly belonging to an undetermined genus of the Ortalidae. Kamerun, W. Africa, No: 2721. A large species well distinguished by its elongate slender form, suffused basal cell, slender tapering appendage, corrugated neck etc. The twist in the wall-cells of the venter and neck is often conspicuous, though sometimes hardly apparent, and increases with age, as does. the corrugation of the neck. On Oscinidae. STIGMATOMYCES CONSTRICTUS Thaxter. Specimens of this variable species, with and without the charac- teristic constriction of the receptacle, have been examined from Kamerun on Anatrichus erinaceus, No. 2644, and on other genera of the Oscinidae, Nos. 2650, 2652, 2726, 2727, 2728 and 2729. On Trypetidae. Stigmatomyces Dacinus nov. sp. Habit rigid, erect, straight or somewhat curved throughout, the walls relatively thick. Basal cell of the receptacle slightly tinged with brownish yellow, tapering to the pointed foot; the subbasal cell twice as long, or less, hyaline, of nearly uniform diameter. Stalk-cell of the appendage narrow, somewhat curved inward, about as long as. the subbasal cell, which it overlaps from one quarter to one half; distally twice as broad as the insertion which lies distinctly above 746 THAXTER. the primary stalk-cell of the perithecitum; the antheridia mostly external; the axis of the appendage consisting of usually eight, some- times of seven cells, the basal sterile, brownish yellow; the rest hyaline, the upper separated by slightly oblique septa, all bearing two super- posed antheridia, those borne by the distal cell surmounted by an additional pair which terminate the appendage: antheridia straight, pointed, obliquely superposed. Stalk-cell of the perithecium hyaline, relatively Iarge, more than twice as long as broad, slightly if at all broader at the base, the secondary stalk-cell yellowish brown, over- lapping it about one half, hardly surpassing it distally, subtriangular, externally prominent; the basal cells relatively small, subtriangular, concolorous with the venter. Venter brownish yellow, straight, nearly symmetrical, broadly elliptical, the wall-cell making a quarter to a half turn, the spreading base of the short stout neck not abruptly distinguished; the tip subtended by a nearly symmetrical depression of the outline on both sides, abruptly and almost symmetrically inflated; the apex thus clearly distinguished, the lip-cells symmetri- cally paired, the inner pair turned outward, if the twist is one half, and surmounted by the outer, which form a blunt terminal free pro- jection beyond them, half as long as the whole apex. Spores 42 X 3.2. Perithecia 140-'60 X 42 u, the largest 180 XK 50 yu; the termi- nal projection 10-15 yu. Appendage 70-85 y. Receptacle 86-105 u. Length from foot to insertion 100-1554 by 42-50 at insertion. Total length, average, 280 »; longest 350 u. On Dacus sp. No. 2128, Sarawak, Borneo. This species does not seem nearly related to any described form and is quite unlike the others which are known to occur on Trypetidae. It is very clearly distinguished by the characters above enumerated, and the abundant material examined shows little variation except in size. Stigmatomyces hexandrus nov. sp. Similar to S. separatus in general appearance, larger. Receptacle hyaline, straight or slightly bent, the basal cell sometimes not more than half as long as the subbasal, and usually somewhat prominent below it on the posterior side. The subbasal cell tapering slightly and evenly from apex to base, the former slightly prominent, espe- cially on the anterior side. Stalk-cell of the appendage hardly over- lapping the subbasal cell, rather narrow, more than twice as long as broad, its margin straight or slightly concave, but slightly prominent EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 747 distally below the basal cell of the appendage, which is nearly twice as long as broad; the axis of the appendage consisting of three cells, the two lower bearing each two, the third a single antheridium; a sixth terminal antheridium bent outward, its inner margin strongly convex, with a conspicuous subterminal spine; the series turned sidewise or out- ward. Stalk-cell of the perithecium slightly larger than the secondary cell and separated by an oblique septum; the outer basal cell smaller than the somewhat rounded inner one, and distinctly prominent externally below the venter, which broadens somewhat gradually from base to apex; its surface very finely and inconspicuously granular, its base somewhat higher than the insertion of the appendage, the margins often slightly convex; the spreading base of the neck sometimes rather abruptly distinguished; the neck for the most part somewhat longer than the venter, often slightly narrower in the middle, broader distally below the rather abruptly distinguished tip; tip and apex hardly distinguished, slightly bent and tapering, the lip-cells five-papillate, the two posterior lower, the middle of the three others highest. Spores 28-30 X 3.5u. Perithecium 150-180 X 32-38 uy. Appendage 55 X 104. Receptacle 120-190 X 24-28 y. Total length 280-300» or less; maximum 370 X 42 yu. On the superior abdomen and legs of a fly belonging to the Try- petidae. No. 2296 and 2642, Kamerun, W. Africa. Although less rigid and regular in outline, this species recalls S. separatus in general appearance and coloration. It is at once dis- tinguished by its appendage, which is three-celled, and bears but six antheridia; the terminal one rather characteristically inflated on the inner side, and spinose. Abundant material has been examined. Stigmatomyces separatus nov. sp. Habit rigid and straight, or the neck and tip bent at a slight angle to,the venter. Receptacle hyaline, sub-isodiametric, or tapering very slightly from apex to base; the basal cell about two thirds as long as the subbasal; the septa horizontal, both cells hyaline and contrasting with the dirty reddish brown suffusion of the part above, which includes the venter of the perithecium. Stalk-cell of the appendage overlapping the subbasal cell very slightly, about twice as broad as long, its external margin straight or more often concave, distally rather abruptly prominent below the concolorous basal cell of the appendage; which is otherwise paler yellowish, its axis consisting of 748 THAXTER. five cells, the two lower producing usually three, the third and fourth two, and the fifth one antheridium; the appendage terminated by two which are superposed, the necks rather short and stout, and directed obliquely sidewise. Stalk-cell of the perithecium about as broad as long, overlapped on the left side by the secondary stalk-cell, which is slightly prominent externally; the basal cells subequal, hardly prominent; venter straight, its base nearly opposite the in- sertion of the appendage, slightly and symmetrically inflated below, the margins of the upper third often slightly concave, the surface faintly granular, distally somewhat prominent below the spreading base of the rather stout neck; which is almost exactly as long, slightly tapering, or more often nearly isodiametric, slightly but abruptly enlarged at its junction with the tip; the latter slightly bent inward, somewhat tapering, the apex hardly distinguished, the lips oblique, the outer being bluntly pointed and more prominent. Spores 30 X 3.5 u. Perithecia 155-176 X 28-35 uw. Appendage 50-65 X 7 u. Re- ceptacle 70-80 X 18-204. Total length 210-280 u. On the anterior surface of the head of a rather large dark fly with mottled brown wings belonging to the Trypetidae? No. 2735, Kamerun, W. Africa. Although this large rigid form does not seem referable to any of the described species, it has no striking characters which would at once distinguish it. The appendage normally bears thirteen antheridia, but in some cases there appear to be only two on the two lower cells. The appendage is so turned that it is difficult to determine the antheri- dial characters without a very high magnification. A large number of individuals has been examined. Stigmatomyces Chilomenis nov. sp. Nearly hyaline, faintly tinged with greenish yellow. Receptacle small, the basal cell much narrower and subgeniculate above the foot, obliquely separated from the much smaller subtriangular subbasal cell; which is somewhat larger than the irregularly rounded stalk-cell of the nearly erect appendage, the basal cell of which is longer than broad, somewhat narrower below than the four subequal axis-cells above it; which are sometvhat broader than long, and each bear an antheridium, the terminal cell bearing two, in the type, in addition to the terminal antheridium: antheridia with long stiff nearly straight necks directed obliquely upward and outward. Stalk-cell of the EXTRA-AMERICAN LABOULBENIALES. 749 perithecium small and narrow, constricted in the middle, with a slight twist; the secondary stalk-cell half as large, obliquely separated; the basal cells surrounding the base of the ascigerous cavity, and forming about one fifth of the stout body of the perithecium, which comprises the venter-, neck- and tip-regions, the neck-region some- what broader and separated from the tip-region by a slight indenta- tion; the relatively broad apex abruptly somewhat narrower, the lip- cells developing four erect appendages; two lateral and opposite, more slender, longer, tapering slightly to a blunt point, each subtended by a small rounded outgrowth hardly longer than wide; one posterior, straight, tooth-like, tapering evenly from a broad base to a small rounded apex, and somewhat shorter: one anterior opposite the last and somewhat shorter, similar, rather abruptly broader distally, the extremity broadly rounded. Spores 28 X 3yu. Perithecium to tips of appendages, including basal cell region, 135 4; the appendages, longer, 304. Appendage 60 X 7u at base. Receptacle 60 X 18 yn, including sharply pointed foot. Total length about 200 uy. On the elytra of Chilomenes lunata Fabr. No. 2158, Nairobi, British East Africa, Mearns. This species is intermediate between S. virescens and S. coccinel- loides; resembling the former in the character of its appendage, and to some extent, in the form of the perithecial outgrowths, more closely than the latter. Its very narrow, short stalk-cell and the form of the body of the perithecium recalls S. coccinelloides. The erect, sym- metrically placed perithecial appendages are different from any of the varieties of the two related forms. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vou. 53. No. 10.—Srpremser, 1918. RECORDS OF MEETINGS, 1917-18. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES FOR 1917-18. LIST OF THE FELLOWS AND FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. STATUTES AND STANDING VOTES. RUMFORD PREMIUM. INDEX. (TiTLE Pace AND TABLE OF CONTENTS.) RECORDS OF MEETINGS. One thousand and sixty-sixth Meeting. OcTroBeR 10, 1917.— Stated MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PRESIDENT in the Chair. There were seventy-three Fellows present. The following letters were presented by the Corresponding Secretary: — from R. C. Archibald, B. A. Behrend, C. F: Brush, E. W. Burlingame, R. A. Cram, E. W. Emerson, H. H. Furness, C. N. Greenough, H. E. Gregory, F. B. Gummere, J. C. Hoppin, W. G. Howard, G. F. Hull, F. J. Foakes Jackson, C. W. Johnson, F. B. Loomis, Arthur Lord, R. 8S. Lull, Allan Marquand, Alexander McAdie, W. J. Miller, Frank Morley, C. E. Park, L. V. Pirsson, P. E. Raymond, W. N. Rice, Frederick Slocum, R. C. Sturgis, J. B. Watson, John Zeleny, accepting Fellowship; from F. D. Adams, Tullio Levi-Civita, R. M. Pidal, accepting Foreign Hon- orary Membership; from E. D. White, declining Fellowship. The Chair announced the deaths of the following Fellows: John Williams White, Class III., Section 2; Joseph Hodges Choate, Class III., Section 1; Bela Lyon Pratt, Class III., Section 3; James Mason Crafts, Class I., Section 3; Herbert Langford Warren, Class III., Section 4; William DeWitt Hyde, Class III., Section 1; William Bullock Clark, Class II., Section 3. A biographical notice of E. H. Strobel, by Samuel Williston was presented by the Corresponding Secretary. On recommendation of the Council, it was Voted, To appropriate two hundred ($200) dollars to be ex- pended at the discretion of the President. The following Communication was presented: Dr. James J. Putnam, “A General View of the Psychoanalytic Movement.” 754 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. The following paper was presented by title: “The Post-glacial History of Boston,” by H. W. Shimer. The meeting then adjourned. One thousand and sixty-seventh Meeting. NoveEMBER 14, 1917.— SratED MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PRESIDENT in the Chair. There were eighty-two Fellows and many guests present: The Chair announced the death of George Vasmer Leverett, Fellow in Class III., Section 1. The following Communication was presented: Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, “ War Legislation.” The meeting then adjourned. One thousand and sixty-eighth Meeting. DeEcEMBER 12, 1917.— StaTED MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PreEsIDENT in the Chair. There were forty-five Fellows present. A letter was presented from the University of California inviting the Academy to send a delegate to its fiftieth anniversary, March, 1918. The chair announced the death of Gaston Camille Charles Maspero, Foreign Honorary Member in Class III., Section 2. The following votes of the Council were presented: 1. To refer the invitation of the University of California to the President with power. 2. That in the opinion of the Council it is inexpedient that ladies should be invited to meetings of the Academy unless by vote of the Academy or the Council for particular meetings. 3. That at his discretion the Treasurer be authorized, on request, to remit the dues of any Fellow called from the Commonwealth for service in the present war, for the term of his absence. RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 755 The following Communications were presented : Professor G. F. Moore, “The Properties of Numbers and the Doctrine of Ideas.”’ Professor H. W. Shimer, “The Post-Glacial History of Boston.” Professor A. E. Kennelly, “The Speeds, Powers, and Fatigue of Racing Animals,” illustrated by lantern. The following papers were presented by title: “On Dyadics Occurring in Point Space of Three Dimensions,” by C. L. E. Moore and H. B. Phillips. “A Table of the Legendre Functions of the Second Kind Q,(x) and Q’i(x) by Willard J. Fisher, presented by A. G. Webster. The meeting then adjourned. One thousand and sixty-ninth Meeting. JANUARY 9, 1918.— StaTeD MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PReEsIDENT in the Chair. There were forty-seven Fellows present. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary was appointed Recording Secretary pro tem. A biographical notice of De Amicis by W. R. Thayer was pre- sented by the Corresponding Secretary. Suggestions from E. B. Wilson regarding amendments of the Statutes were referred to a committee consisting of E. B. Wilson, H. W. Tyler and E. V. Huntington. The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Academy: Grinnell Jones, of Cambridge, to be a Fellow in Class I., Section 3 (Chemistry). Irving Langmuir, of Schenectady, to be a Fellow in Class L, Section 3 (Chemistry). William Ebenezer Ford, of New Haven, to be a Fellow in Class II., Section 1 (Geology, Mineralogy and Physics of the Globe). William Crawford Gorgas, of Washington, to be a Fellow in Class II., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgery). Robert Battey Greenough, of Boston, to be a Fellow in Class IL., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgery). 756 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Henry Jackson, of Boston, to be a Fellow in Class II., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgery). Thomas Willing Balch, of Philadelphia, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 1 (Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence). Willard Bartlett, of Brooklyn, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 1 (Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence). Charles Warren Clifford, of New Bedford, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 1 (Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence). Charles Evans Hughes, of New York, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 1 (Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence). James Madison Morton, of Fall River, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 1 (Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence). George Burton Adams, of New Haven, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 3 (Political Economy and History). Charles McLean Andrews of New Haven, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 3 (Political Economy and History). Evarts Boutell Greene, of Champaign, IIl., to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 3 (Political Economy and History). William MacDonald, of Berkeley, Cal., to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 3 (Political Economy and History). Harold Murdock, of Brookline, to be a Fellow in Class III., Section 4 (Literature and the Fine Arts). The following gentlemen were elected Foreign Honorary Mem- bers: William Napier Shaw, of London, Eng., to be a Foreign Honor- ary Member in Class II., Section 1 (Geology, Mineralogy and Physics of the Globe). Thomas Barlow, of London, Eng., to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class IT., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgery). Francis John Shepherd, of Montreal, Canada, to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class II., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgery). Charles Scott Sherrington, of Oxford, Eng., to be a Foreign Honorary Member in Class II., Section 4 (Medicine and Surgery). The following Communications were presented: Judge Robert Grant, “Ancestors and Posterity.” Professor L. C. Graton, “A Geological Study of Copper Ores supported by American Mining Companies.” Professor M. L. Fernald, ‘Some Living Remnants of Ancient Floras on the Coast of New England.” RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 757 The following paper was presented by title: “Ballistic Experiments by means of the Electrometer,” by A. G. Webster and Mildred Allen. The meeting then adjourned. One thousand and seventieth Meeting. FEBRUARY 13, 1918.— StaTED MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PRESIDENT in the Chair. There were forty-one Fellows, one Foreign Honorary Member, and two guests present. The following letters were presented by the Corresponding Secretary: from G. B. Adams, C. McL. Andrews, T, W. Balch, Willard Bartlett, C. W. Clifford, W. E. Ford, E. B. Greene, R. B. Greenough, C. E. Hughes, Henry Jackson, Grinnell Jones, Irving Langmuir, J. M. Morton, Harold Murdock, accepting Fellow- ship; from F. J. Shepherd, accepting Foreign Honorary Member- ship; from J. H. Wright, resigning Fellowship; from the Historical Society of Florence, announcing the death of Pasquale Villari. The Chair announced the following deaths: Paul S. Yendell, Fellow in Class I., Section 1; Charles E. Faxon, Fellow in Class II., Section 2; Pasquale Villari, of Florence, Foreign Honorary Members in Class III., Section 3. The appointment of Professor Arthur A. Noyes as delegate to represent the Academy at the semi-centennial of the University of California, March 18-23 was announced. The Council announced the receipt of biographical notices as follows: Cyrus Ballou Comstock, and Benjamin Baker, by G. F. Swain; Charles Francis Adams, by W. C. Ford; Thomas Raynes- ford Lounsbury, by Barrett Wendell. The following Communications were presented: Dr. S. B. Wolbach, “Studies on the Etiology of Rocky Moun- tain Spotted Fever.” Dr. H. A. Christian, “The String Galvanometer in the Study of Heart Disease.” Dr. H. C. Ernst. “An Old and New Microscope.” The meeting then adjourned. 758 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. One thousand and seventy-first Meeting. Marcu 13, 1918.— Statep MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PRESIDENT in the Chair. There were thirty-five Fellows and one guest present. The following letters were presented by the Corresponding Secretary: — from Sir Thomas Barlow, W. N. Shaw, and C. 5S. Sherrington, accepting Foreign Honorary Membership; from O. Kk. O. Folin, resigning Fellowship; from the Kansas Academy of Science, inviting a delegate from the Academy to attend its semi-centennial anniversary at Lawrence, March 15 and 16, 1918. A biographical notice of William Sellers by F. R. Hutton was presented. The Chair announced the appointment of W. W. Campbell, to represent the Academy at the semi-centennial of the University of California, in place of A. A. Noyes, who was unable to attend. It was also announced that an invitation to attend the meeting of the Academy had been extended to the Archbishop of York, who replied that owing to his departure from the city, he was unable to accept. On motion of A. C. Lane, it was Voted, That the following request be sent to the United States Fuel Administration. “We the undersigned respectfully request the United States Fuel Administration, that if it fixes prices for coal at the mine and to the consumer, it give a heating value, to be determined, if re- quired, by analysis or calorimeter test, which within reasonable limits of variation, such coal shall have; that deductions from, or additions to these prices be permitted for coal that proves by test to be of substantially different heating value; and since extra heating value is worth nearly as much at the mine as at the point of consumption (costing no more for freight, storage, and handling) buyers should be allowed to pay the mines for the extra heating value they may wish in proportion to the amount the coal is worth at the point at which it is to be consumed. This would have the public advantage that it would lead the mines to ship the most RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 759 concentrated fuel to the farthest points, and thus relieve the transportation system of the burden of carrying useless slate.” The Librarian read a letter of thanks from the Committee on the Union List of Periodicals, for further assistance from the Academy. The Chair appointed the following Councillors to act as Nomi- nating Committee: Frederick S. Woods, of Class I. Alfred C. Lane, of Class II. Samuel Williston, of Class ITT. On recommendation of the Council, the following appropriations were made for the ensuing year: — From the income of the General Fund, $5800, to be used as follows: — for General and Meeting expenses $ 300. for Library expenses 2500. for House expenses 2000. for Treasurer’s office 800. for President’s expenses 200. From the income of the Publication Fund, $3500, to be used for publication. From the income of the Rumford Fund, $2945.76 to be used as follows: — for Research $1000. for Books, periodicals and binding 200. for Publication 600. for use at the discretion of the Committee 1145.76 $250 was transferred from the unexpended balance of the current appropriation for “Publications” to “ Research” for the coming year. From the income of the C. M. Warren Fund, $800, to be used at the discretion of the Committee. The following communications were presented: Prof. E. C. Jeffrey, “On the Origin of Rubber.” Prof. Waldemar Lindgren, “Some Geological Observations along the West Coast of South America.” The meeting then adjourned. f 760 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. One thousand and seventy-second Meeting. Aprit 10, 1918.— StateD MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PRESIDENT in the Chair. There were thirty-one Fellows and one guest present. A letter was presented by the Corresponding Secretary from William MacDonald, accepting Fellowship. The Committee to which the proposed Amendments to the Statutes were referred recommended the following changes: — Chapter II., Article 4, to read as follows: — “Tf any person, after being notified of his election as rae or Resident Associate shall neglect for six months to accept in writing, or, if a Fellow or resident within fifty miles of Boston shall neglect to pay his Admission Fee, his election shall be void; and if any Fellow resident within fifty miles of Boston or any Resident Associate shall neglect to pay his Annual Dues for six months after they are due, provided his attention shall have been called to this Article of the Statutes in the meantime, he shall cease to be a Fellow or Resident Associate respectively; but the Council may suspend the provisions of this Article for a reasonable time.” Paragraph 2, line 8. After the word “Fellows” insert “or Resident Associates ”’ Article 5, line 1. After the word “Fellow” insert “resident within fifty miles of Boston”. Line 6, Omit “except in the case of Fellows elected at the January meetings, who shall be obliged to pay but one half of such Annual Dues in the year in which they are elected.” Line 8. After the word “Fellow” insert “or Resident Asso- ciate ”’ Article 7, line 3. Omit “all the Fellows and”’. Line 4. Add “and to Fellows on request ”’ Article 8, line 2. Insert after the word “Member,” “or Resi- dent Associate ”’ Chapter III., Articles 1 and 2, to read as follows: — RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 761 “CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 1. Elections of Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members shall be made by the Council in April of each year, and announced at the Annual Meeting in May. ARTICLE 2. Nominations to Fellowship or Foreign Honorary Membership in any Section must be signed by two Fellows of that Section or by three voting Fellows of any Sections; but in any one year no Fellow may nominate more than four persons. These nomi- nations, with statements of qualifications and brief biographical data, shall be sent to the Corresponding Secretary. All nominations thus received prior to February 15 shall be forthwith sent in printed form to every Fellow having the right to vote, with the names of the proposers in each case and a brief account of each nominee, and with the request that the list be returned before March 15, marked to indicate preferences of the voter in such manner as the Council may direct. All the nominations, with any comments thereon and with the results of the preferential indications of the Fellows, re- ceived by March 15, shall be referred at once to the appropriate Class Committees, which shall report their decisions to the Council, which shall thereupon have power to elect. Persons nominated in any year, but not elected, may be placed on the preferential ballot of the next year at the discretion of the Council, but shall not further be continued on the list of nominees unless renominated. Notice shall be sent to every Fellow having the right to vote, not later than the fifteenth of January, of each year, calling attention to the fact that the limit of time for sending nominations to the Corresponding Secretary will expire on the fifteenth of February.” Article 3. To be omitted. Chapter IV., Article 2, to read as follows: “Tf any officer be unable, through death, absence, or disability, to fulfil the duties of his office, or if he shall resign, his place may be filled by the Council in its discretion for any part or the whole of the unexpired term.” Chapter VI., Article 1, paragraph 2, line 2. After the word “Members” insert “or Resident Associates ’’. Paragraph 3, line 2. After the word “Fellows”? omit and: after the word “Members” insert “and Resident Associates ”. Article 2, paragraph 2. After the word “Fellows” insert “or Resident Associates ”’. 762 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Paragraph 3, line 3. After the word “Fellows” insert “and Resident Associates ”’. Paragraph 4, line 1. After the word “Fellow” insert “and Resident Associate ”’. Chapter VII., Article 2, line 4. After the word “Fellows” insert “and Resident Associates”. Chapter VIII., Article 5, line 3. After the word “Fellow” insert “or Resident Associate’. 7 Line 6. After the word “Fellow” insert “or Resident Asso- ciate”. Chapter IX., Article 4. After the word “Fellowship” insert “or Resident Associateship ”’. Article 7. In place of the word “Memoir” insert the words “biographical notice ’’. Chapter XI., Article 4, line 2. After the word “Fellow” insert “or Resident Associate”’. Line 3, After the word “Fellow” insert “or Resident Associate ”’. Article 5. After the word “Fellow” insert “or Resident Asso- ciate” Standing Vote 2. After the word “Fellows” insert “or Resi- dent Associates ”’. Standing Vote 4, paragraph 1. To read as follows: — “There may be chosen by the Academy, under such rules as the Council may determine, one hundred Resident Associates. Not more than forty Resident Associates shall be chosen in any one Class.” Paragraph 2. To be omitted. Paragraph 3. In place of the words “one half that’’ insert “the same as those’”’. Add Standing Vote 5, as follows: — “Communications offered for publication in the Proceedings or Memoirs of the Academy shall not be accepted for publication before the author shall have informed the Committee on Meetings of his readiness, either himself or through some agent, to use such time as the Committee may assign him at such meeting as may be convenient both to him and to the Committee, for the purpose of presenting to the Academy a general statement of the nature and significance of the results contained in his communication.” RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 763 On motion, it was Voted, To amend the Statutes in accordance with the report, the amendment to Chapter 3, to take effect May 9, 1918. On motion of J. J. Putnam, it was Voted, That the President be authorized to sign the following letter: “Dear Sir: Some of the personal friends and colleagues of Josiah Royce, who believe that his work and his character made a deep impression upon a wide circle of men and women, and that he became, in fact, the centre of a large spiritual community, many of whose members were unknown to him, as he was unknown personally to them, feel that the reverence and affection which went out to him as a thinker and as a man should be embodied in some appropriate memorial of him at Harvard University, where he expressed himself in characteristic speech and writing for thirty years. It is proposed, with this end in view, to create a fund of $20,000 to be known as the Josiah Royce Memorial Fund, the income of which shall go to Mrs. Royce during her lifetime, and thereafter to the Department of Philosophy of Harvard College, to be used in such ways as the Department shall decide from year to year. There are evident reasons why this appeal should not be delayed until the return of normal conditions, natural as such postponement might on some accounts appear to be. And further, the due honoring of our moral heroes though a privilege under all circumstances is especially a privilege and a duty in heroic times. If you desire to subscribe, please send your check to Charles Francis Adams, Esq., Treasurer of Harvard College, 50 State Street. (signed) The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, by CHaRLEs P. BownirTcu, President.” The following Communications were presented: Professor Clifford H. Moore. “The Decay of Nationalism under the Roman Empire.”’ Professor W. M. Davis. “New Coast Survey Charts of the Philippine Islands, and their bearing on the Coral-reef Problem.” The following papers were presented by title: 764 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. “Rotations in hyperspace,” by C. L. E. Moore. “Extra-American Dipterophilous Laboulbeniales” and “New Laboulbeniales from Chile and New Zealand,” by Roland Thaxter. The meeting then adjourned. One thousand and seventy-third Meeting. May 8, 1918.— AnNuAL MEETING. The Academy met at its House. The PRESIDENT in the Chair. There were forty-five Fellows and one guest present. | The Corresponding Secretary presented the following letters: from W. C. Gorgas, accepting. Fellowship; from E. B. Drew, resigning Fellowship. The following biographical notices were also presented: J. M. Crafts, by T. W. Richards, L. P. Kinnicutt, by W. L. Jennings, S. P. Langley, by John Trowbridge, B. O. Peirce, by E. H. Hall, F. W. Taylor, by I. N. Hollis, O. C. Wendell, by S. I. Bailey, Robert Koch, by H. C. Ernst, A. S. Packard, by A. D. Mead, Ferdinand Bruntiére, by Barrett Wendell and Louis Allard, Edward H. Hall, by W. W. Fenn, W. G. Sumner, by T. N. Carver, W. W. Howe, by W. H. Dunbar. The Chair announced the deaths of Henry Adams, Fellow in Class III., Section 3, and Marcus Perrin Knowlton, Fellow in Class III., Section 1. The following report of the Council was presented : — Since the last report of the Council, there have been reported the deaths of twelve Fellows: J. W. White, J. H. Choate, B. L. Pratt, J. M. Crafts, H. L. Warren, W. DeW. Hyde, W. B. Clark, G. V. Leverett, P. S. Yendell, C. E. Faxon, Henry Adams, M. P. Knowlton; and of two Foreign Honorary Members: G. C. Mas- pero, Pasquale Villari. Forty-eight Fellows have been elected, of which number, one has declined Fellowship.- The elections of Alexis Carrel and Ed- ward Weston have lapsed. The limit of time of acceptance has been extended for J. D. Irving. One Fellow has been dropped from the list for non-payment of dues. Two Fellows have re- signed Fellowship. RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 765 Seven Foreign Honorary Members have been elected. ‘The elec- tions of four, (Barrois, Bonnat, Marconi and Nernst) have lapsed. The roll now includes 515 Fellows and 67 Foreign Honorary Members. The annual report of the Treasurer was read, of which the follow- ing is an abstract: — GENERAL FUND. Receipts. Balance, April 1, 1917 Investments Assessments Admissions Sundries . Expenditures. Expense of Library Expense of House Treasurer Assistant iheeasarer : General Expense of Society Income transferred to principal Balance, April 1, 1918 Rumrorp Funp. Receipts. Balance, April 1, 1917 Investments Sale of instrument ees Expenditures. Research. Periodicals and isbn. Publication HES Sundries Income eed & peep Balance, April 1, 1918 $4,030 . 62 3,826.30 3,285 .00 400 .00 : 264.05 $2,426 . 64 1,729 .32 741.03 250 .00 640.70 : 282.92 $2,270.62 3,295.05 40.00 $1,800 .00 59.41 680 .97 12.44 154.64 $11,805.97 $6,070. 61 5,735.36 $11,805 .97 $5,605 . 67 $2,703 . 46. 2,902.21 $5,605.67 766 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. C. M. Warren Funp. Receipts. Balance, April 1, 1917 $2,592 .27 Investments ‘ 1,428 .39 Expenditures. Research $300 . 00 Sundries efeat inode: reas icy ose elt Income transferred to principal 43.91 Balance, April 1, 1918 PUBLICATION FUND. Receipts. Balance, April 1, 1917 $1,921 .83 Appleton Fund investments 932.78 Centennial Fund investments . 2,404.35 Authors’ Reprints 118.70 Sale of Publications . 181.26 Expenditures. Publications $2,570.37 Sundries i as sen a 10.00 Income transferred to principal 163.06 Balance, April 1, 1918 Francis AMory Funp. Receipts. Investments $1,222 .50 Expenditures. Publishing statement 29 .50 Income transferred to principal 1,193.00 $4,020. $4,020 . 66 $347 .08 3,673.58 66 $5,558 . 92 RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 767 The following reports were also presented: — REPORT OF THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE. The Librarian begs to submit the following report: — During the year 73 books have been borrowed by 23 persons, in- cluding 15 Fellows and 5 libraries. Many books have been consulted, although not taken from the library. All books taken out have been satisfactorily accounted for. The number of volumes on the shelves at the time of the last report was 35,228. 472 volumes have been added during the past year, making the number now on the shelves, 35,700. This includes 22 purchased from the income of the General Fund, 11 from that of the Rumford Fund, and 435 received by gift or exchange. The pamphlets added during the year number 203. The expenses charged to the Library during the financial year are: — pee te he OT ae et eke eee el OO) Binding: — eneriebimues 8, os, 8. le ee 584.10 anminorastuncd: «fo Os SO ee 20.60 Purchase of periodicals and books: — Seneruenand ey. & af. bee. fees ee 114.85 ASOMEROROPE UNC! mete eS Aye d va0 Sees ae ee 34.81 Mittacclemcmise =. (eee ets. tk. ok oe ee 54.54 Melee ee ey ee Le Le ORY OD ee ee ee OG OU A. G. Wesster, Librarian. May 8, 1918. Report OF THE RUMFORD COMMITTEE. The Committee organized November 14, 1917. Charles R. Cross was chosen to be chairman for the ensuing year and Arthur G. Webster, secretary. During the past year grants for research have been made as follows: November 14, 1917. To Professor Raymond T. Birge in aid of his research on the structure of Series Spectra . . . . . $150 To Professor Ancel St. John for the purchase of a refrigerating machine and accessories to be the property of the Academy and 768 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. sent to Professor St. John for use in connection with his re- searches on Crystal Structure by means of X-Rays . . . $500 To Professor Theodore W. Richards in aid of the pelienaen of Marie’s Physical and Chemical data . . 250 March 13, 1918. To Professor F. A. Richiannees in ae a te researches on the Optical Properties of Thin Films (additional) 500 To Professor Arthur L. Foley, for his research on the photog- raphy of the electric spark at different periods of its history . 150 To Dr. Olin Tugman in aid of his research on the Conduc- tivity of thin metal films when exposed to ultra violet light . . 100 Reports of progress in their several researches have been received from the following persons: — Messrs. C. G. Abbot, W. M. Baldwin, R. T. Birge, W. W. Camp- bell, A. L. Clark, D. F. Comstock, H. Crew, F. Daniels, E. B. Frost, R. C. Gibbs, H. C. Hayes, H. P. Hollnagel, L. R. Ingersoll, N. A. Kent, L. V. King (research finished), C. A. Kraus, E. Kremers, A. B. Lamb (research finished), C. E. Mendenhall, R. A. Millikan, H. W. Morse (research finished), C. L. Norton, F. Palmer, Jr., J. A. Park- hurst, H. M. Randall (research finished), T. W. Richards, F. A. Richtmyer, A. St. John, W. O. Sawtelle, A. W. Smith, F. A. Saunders, ~b. J. Spence, F. W. Very, D. L. Webster. Most of these researches have been temporarily suspended because of the engagement of the various grantees in work for the Government. The following paper has been published with aid from the Rumford Fund in the Proceedings of the Academy since the last annual meeting: P. W. Bridgman, “Thermo-electromotive Force, Peltier Heat and Thomson Heat under Pressure.” Volume 53, No. 4, March, 1918. At its meeting of January 9, 1918, it was unanimously voted by the Rumford Committee for the first time and on February 13, 1918, for the second time to recommend to the Academy the award of the Rumford Premium to Theodore Lyman for his researches on Light of very short wave length. Professor Lyman, though a member of the Rumford Committee, has been abroad in the service of his country since autumn. CHARLES R. Cross, Chairman. May 8, 1918. RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 769 Report oF THE C. M. WarREN CommMITTER. The C. M. Warren Committee begs to submit the following report? The unexpended balance of appropriations held by the Committee at the date of the last report was $2271.50. In March, 1918, a further appropriation of $800 was made by the Academy. Only one application for a grant from this Fund has been received during the year, namely, that of Dr. James H. Ellis, for the sum of $300 for the study of equilibrium conditions of the reaction employed in the Bucher process for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. This application was approved by the Committee on November 7, 1917. The results of this investigation should be of direct value to the National Government. It appears to be the general experience of Trustees of research funds that the past year has been one of little or no activity with respect to applications for grants. These conditions will doubtless continue during the war, but it seems to the majority of your Committee that, at the close of the war, there is likely to be an increased field of use- fulness for these funds, and that the income should be allowed to accumulate, or, if invested, it should still be regarded as available for appropriation for the present. One member (Professor Baxter) dissents from this view. The balance at the disposal of the Commit- tee at the present time is $2771.50 and the Treasurer reports that there is an unappropriated income amounting to about $1300. During the year Professor S. L. Bigelow has published the results of his investigations upon Metallic Osmotic Membranes. The results of Professor J. F. Norris’s investigations are being prepared for publication. Respectfully submitted, H. P. Tatsot, Chairman. May 8, 1918. REPORT OF THE PUBLICATION COMMITTEE, The Committee of Publication submits the following report for the period from April 1, 1917, to April 1, 1918. During this period, 710 pages of the Proceedings have been issued, namely, Nos. 10-13 of Vol. 52, and Nos. 1-5 of Vol. 53. 770 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. Two of these numbers, namely 52:12 and 53:4, were paid for out of the funds of the Rumford Committee, the total charge against the Rumford Fund being $680.97. The accounts of the Committee of Publication stand as follows: Balance on hand April, 1917 .. . 2 “ejb eo Seee eee doGeco Appropriation for 1917-1918). 3) % a. = Agee ee en Proceeds from sale of publications . :. . .. .. . 181 .26 Total available funds ei ah old as Re ee er Oras Expenses PA cy rahe Gates! eae 2,451.67 Balance on hand April1,1918 . -. . . .. . 3 2 $2,485.88 During the present year, authors have ordered “extra”’ reprints through the Committee, to the amount of $118.70. ; Respectfully submitted, Epwarp V. Huntineton, Chairman. May 8, 1918. ReEporT OF THE House CoMMITTEE. The House Committee submits the following report for 1917-18. With the balance left from last year, an appropriation of $1600 and money received from other societies for the use of the rooms, the Committee has had at its disposal the sum of $1789.62. The total expenditure has been $1769.32, leaving an unexpended balance on April 1, 1918, of $20.30. The expenditure has been as follows: Janitor <9... % ~.) sch aS omg) fee ey | A. Light. 2° 4). ene ee 92.40 Sea B: Power). oe eee 46.80 Gas cori 0 344 > Ree 1 ie Water 3. "220.2 o. a: 2) yh ene 8.00 Telephone..." . °., . PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS (1835-1915) Fellow in Class III, Section 3, 1871. Charles Francis Adams, of famous ancestry, was born in Boston, May 27, 1835, the second son of Charles Francis and Abigail Brown (Brooks) Adams. Of his early education and associations he has said much in his “ Autobiography,” but heredity counted for much in his characteristics. He had a clear recollection of his grandfather, John Quincy Adams, then engrossed by his contest for freedom, and he had inherited a questioning spirit which placed him in opposition to the social and political conventions of the day. Passing through a private school at Hingham and the Boston Latin School he entered Harvard College and pursued the usual course of studies without indication of possessing unusual aptitude or a special bent in any one direction. On graduating in 1856 he entered the law office of Dana and Parker. The personal relations with two such men exerted a strong influence upon the young Adams, to whom law could never be a serious profes- sion any more than it was to his grandfather; but the writings of the English scientists and the speculations of Spencer were an even stronger influence, encouraging his tendency to question existing conditions and to test the strength of the economic and political structure on which the democratic community rested. The war of secession interrupted this training in the law, though Mr. Adams did not at first consider military service as necessary. His father had been appointed United States Minister to the Court of St. James and his son was in charge of his business at home. A younger brother, Henry, accompanied his father to London to be his private secretary, and on Charles rested the management of the family affairs. The call, however, became too strong to be resisted, and in December, 1861, he received a commission as First Lieutenant in the First Massa- chusetts Cavalry. His service exercised a lasting influence upon his career, for it later engaged him in a series of studies upon the war which placed him high among critics of military strategy, and which yielded rich return in the connected field of the diplomacy of the period. Serving in South Carolina arid Virginia, he became Captain in October, 1862, was chief of squadron through the campaign of Gettysburg and in the advance upon Richmond, and in the autumn of 1864 was transferred as Lieutenant-Colonel to the Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry Led CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. 777 (colored). Seriously affected in health he was ordered home in 1865, and while there he received an invitation to join the military family of Major-General Humphreys, as Assistant Inspector General. Such was his idea of his duty to his colored regiment that he declined this flattering offer. He entered Richmond at the head of his regiment in April, 1865, but was obliged to resign on account of broken health. He subsequently received the brevet of Brigadier General. His later opposition to the scandalous waste in pensions and the manifestly dishonest methods of agents in securing them called out no little hostile criticism on his military service; but the charges were easily disproved or explained by him, and the record shown to be highly honorable to himself. In the face of great difficulties he won for him- self a reputation for attention to duty, a desire to master the needs of the service and a care for detail and discipline which won for him the notice of his superior officers and the devotion of his followers. Returning from the army he proposed to resume the study and practice of the law, but the social conditions which followed the war called upon his interest and directed his energy into a field of investiga- tion which he made his own. Conscious of a certain faculty for clear expression and an unusual quality of style he wrote much on currency, politics and tax questions. The situation in which the railroads were left by the war attracted his study, and he soon gained prominence in a field where reforms were much needed and where New England, thanks to him, was to lead the war to better conditions. His fearless denunciation of dishonest practices and his clean cut policy for a better conduct of railroad management led to his appointment on the first really effective State Board of Railroad Commissioners, that of Massachusetts. For ten years his best service was rendered in this capacity, and for seven years, as chairman of the commission, he wrote its reports and established it on such a plane that it became the model of similar commissions, state and national. These reports may still be read with profit for their remarkable grasp of an intricate subject and for their definite propositions for bettering the condition of the railroads and their relations to the state. So thorough was the plan worked out that it was readily applied to the electric roads when they came into existence. He was called upon to serve as a government director on the Union Pacific Railroad, becoming the President of that road in 1884. This naturally led to his resignation from the State commission. He did much to lift the Union Pacific out of the slough of ill repute into which it had fallen, and did much more than a less honest and fearless reformer could have accomplished; but he 778 CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. never looked with satisfaction upon the experience, for he was con- tending against influences of a sinister character which in the end proved stronger than his own efforts. His confidence in the future of the road was fully justified in later years, and to its subsequent success Mr. Adams contributed more than was at the time recognized. After leaving the army Mr. Adams had been occupied in public business and the affairs of a great railroad; there came to him now a period of comparative rest. So active a mind could not remain unoccupied. He took up the subject of education, and when on the State Board of Education, where he sat for only one year, he formu- lated a plan of studies to be followed in the common schools. As an Overseer of Harvard University from 1882 to 1907 he criticised freely, but also did much constructive work, one of the important items being his report on the English department which led to changes in that department greatly to its improvement. His challenge to the classics — A College Fetish — awakened wide interest, and to him was due the requirement in entrance examination of only one of the classical languages, instead of two. He reformed the school system of the town of Quincey, and the “Quincy School System” has been fol- lowed in many localities, for it applied business methods to the com- mon schools, resulting in a higher efficiency. Of Mr. Adams’ historical work little need be said, for it speaks so well for itself. How he came to engage in it he has told in his “ Auto- biography,” and for forty years it constituted his principal enjoy- ment, the best realization of his powers for investigation and exposi- tion. Whether it was the story of the beginnings of the plantation of the Massachusetts-Bay, or the diplomatic career of his father, or a biography of a man of law and letters, the result proved his unusual qualification and high equipment. In each department he sought to be complete — to approach as near to finality as the records permitted. His “Three Episodes of Massachusetts History,’’ which was really a history of the town of Quincy, is a model of local history, when treated in its relations to national history. It was in preparing this work that his thorough methods tempted him to edit Thomas Morton’s “ New-English Canaan” and the Winthrop-Weld tract on “ Anti- nomianism in New England,” two side-studies to the larger under- taking on which he left little still to be interpreted. The “Life of Richard Henry Dana” is also a model of its kind, wherein the subject of the biography is made to tell his own story, the compiler adding only what was needed for a full comprehension of the text. But how much the “compiler” added, and how he made clear the path to the CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. 779 reader can be grasped only by a careful reading of the volume. As to the life of his father, he wrote an admirable and well-proportioned sketch of it for the “ American Statesmen,” but the larger adventure, planned on a very much larger scale, occupied much of his time and thought for years, and had been carried to 1861, when the end came. Certain it is that it can never be completed as he intended it, for his later studies in English and American records led him to modify many of his earlier conclusions. Invited in 1913 to give at Oxford the lec- tures on American history, he utilized the opportunity to gather a rich harvest of private and official correspondence which was to be used in the extended life of his father. His connection with the Massachusetts Historical Society encour- aged his historical leanings and offered him a vent for his many studies in American history. His value to the Society was early recognized, and he rapidly rose in the official line, becoming a member in 1875, the Vice-President in 1890, and the President in 1895, holding that posi- tion until his death. What he accomplished for the Society, changing it from a small social “club” to an active historical society, may be seen in the printed “ Proceedings.” He brought to it the same energy, the same questioning attitude, and the same fearlessness as had given him reputation as a writer on social problems. Possessing a true historical instinct he contributed freely from his own ability and called out from others the best that was in them in historical investiga- tion. In time, in money, and in papers he did more for the Society than the records will show. In 1871 he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was not a regular attendant on its meetings. Mr. Adams married, November 8, 1865, Mary Howe Ogden of New- port, R. I., who survived him. He died in Washington, D. C., March 20, 1915. Of Mr. Adams’ many activities and positions, public and corporate, it would be impossible to speak here. The list would be a long one, and only a full presentation of each item could give a fitting concep- tion of his aims and accomplishment. He was a man of letters, possessed of a style at once clear, trenchant and individual, and capa- ble of deep investigation and an orderly presentation of conclusions. He had wide sympathies, was a generous supporter of social move- ments and agencies, and encouraged the younger generation by aid as well as by example. A liberal in religion, in politics and in social questions, he retained an open mind and an independent position, recognizing no party ties or dead conservatism. Eminently social, 780 SIR BENJAMIN BAKER. he vet retained a certain shyness which invited open intercourse and suggested the strong nature beneath this genial surface. It was a privilege to win his regard and to be associated with him closely in his work and ambitions. He left an “Autobiography” which is a frank and penetrating measure of himself. Naturally it is not complete, and his desire to explain his own conduct has made him unjust to himself. No other person could have said as much, or said it as well; it is therefore characteristic, and must be held in high estimation as an open and honest attempt at self-appreciation, a form of expression which has become all too infrequent. In every sense he was a lovable char- acter, vivid, stimulating, loyal and independent. WoRrRTHINGTON CHAUNCEY Forp. SIR BENJAMIN BAKER (1840-1907) Foreign Honorary Member, Class I, Section 4, 1899. Sir Benjamin Baker, K. C. B., K. C. M..G., D.Se., LL.D., Mi: Ac I., F. R.S., was born at Keyford, Frome, Somerset, March 31, 1840, and died suddenly from heart failure May 19, 1907. At the age of 16 he was apprenticed to Messrs. Price and Fox of Neath Abbey Iron works, and remained with them four years. During the next two years he was engaged on railway work, and in 1862 joined the staff of the late Sir John Fowler, with whom he remained associated until the death of the latter in 1898; — rising from the position of Junior Assistant to that of partner. During this long period Mr. Baker was actively engaged upon vari- ous kinds of engineering work, including some works of the greatest importance. Although without collegiate training, Mr. Baker early established a reputation as an authority on the theory and practice of engineering, displaying a remarkable combination of practical and scientific knowledge. He was interested in education, and did much to bridge the gulf which had long separated theory from practice. Much of Mr. Baker’s work was connected with railways. He was consulting engineer for the earliest “tube” railway in London, and also for the first projected Hudson River Tunnel in this country. He was SIR BENJAMIN BAKER. 781 for many years connected with great engineering works in Egypt. He was also consulted in the design and construction of railways and other engineering works in West Africa and other colonies, and in the construction of docks and bridges in England. The two greatest works, with which his name will forever be asso- ciated, are the Forth Bridge in Scotland, and the Assuan Dam in Egypt. The Forth Bridge, in its present form, owes its conception and design to him, who worked it out upon scientifie principles with the greatest care. This bridge possessed for many years the longest span in the world, which is now only surpassed (and by only 90 feet) by the re- cently constructed bridge across the St. Lawrence at Quebec. Mr. Baker was undoubtedly one of the greatest engineers that Eng- land or the world has ever produced. The great variety of his work, the care with which he studied and worked out the various problems upon which he was called to advise, the combination of experience, judgment, and scientific knowledge which he possessed, made him a tower of strength, upon which those who consulted him could rely with confidence. He was an honorary member of the American and Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; and in 1895 was President of the British Institution of Civil Engineers. He became a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1899. His name and works will not be forgotten. He did much for humanity, education, and the engineering profession, and to prove to the world that the development of civilization depends largely upon the work of the engineer. G. F. Swain. 182 FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. (1849-1900.) Foreign Honorary Member in Class III, Section 4, 1890. if Ferdinand Brunetiére was born at Toulon, on the 19th of July, 1849. His father, a naval officer, came from the region still best remembered as La Vendée, about whose name lingers a romantic savor of loyalty to tradition. As a boy Brunetiére seems to have had no fixed home, but an unusual experience of France, ranging from Provence to Britanny. He studied at the Lycée of Marseilles, and finally at the Lycée Louis Le Grand in Paris, where among his fellow-students was Paul Bourget. In 1869 he was examined for admission to the Ecole Normale, and was rejected — an ironic incident in the life of a man destined to be the most eminent French critic of literature during the next thirty years. In 1870 he served as a soldier in the defense of Paris. The subse- quent excesses of the Commune probably intensified his temperamental distrust of revolution as distinguished from evolution. The next four or five years he passed obscurely, reading and studying with characteristic intensity and precision, but supporting himself by teaching at secondary schools. Among his fellow-teachers he again met Paul Bourget, to whose thenceforth close friendship he owed the chance which fixed the outlines of his career. In 1875, the director of the Revue des Deux Mondes asked Bourget to write an article which required more conservative affection for literary tradition than Bourget then cherished. He therefore called the attention of the director to his friend Brunetiére, whose opinions happened to coincide with those desired. This almost accidental introduction to the Revue des Deux Mondes not only brought to public notice the remarkable individuality of Brunetiére, but began the relation between the man and the review destined to last and strengthen steadily. For years before he died, people thought of them together — almost as one. Though Brunetiére in time found many other vehicles of expression, his numberless writings for the Revue des Deux Mondes were the basis of all the rest. Yet his ~I f. FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. other fields of work were various and noteworthy. In 1887, for example, his rejection at the Ecole Normale was more than nullified by his appointment there as a lecturer on literature. He was soon recognized as, on the whole, the most distinguished lecturer of his generation, even by those who dissented from his principles and dis- liked the massive power of his written style. No teacher has ever had much more influence on his pupils. Public lectures presently fell to him, at the Sorbonne, in various regions of France, and finally in foreign countries — in Italy, in Spain, in Holland, in Switzerland, in the United States. Meanwhile he had other recognitions,— the Legion of Honor, for example, in 1887. Six years later, in 1893, he received the crown of French literary distinction, admission to the Académie Frangaise. In this year, he became head of the Revue des Deux Mondes. He remained so for the rest of his life. In 1895 came the beginning of the last phase of his career. During a visit to Rome, he had a private audience with Leo XIII, of which the result was an article in the Revue des Deux Mondes implicitly setting forth the opinions uttered by the Pope, and also implying Brunetiére’s increasing disposition to accept Catholic orthodoxy. Up to this time he had been technically a free thinker, whose freedom of thought had led him to increasing respect for tradition. Before long, he joined the church, and presently became, so far as a layman could be, the most conspicuous exponent in France of intelligent Catholic thought. The politics and the passions of that time and of his ensuing years made this course at once bold and self-sacrificing. The tendency of the French government was by no means favorable to established religion; the Dreyfus affair gave rise to discussions and misunderstandings — profoundly honest on both sides — which in- tensified beyond precedent the warmth of feeling always smouldering beneath differences of religious and political principle; and _ finally the abolition of the Concordat disestablished the church in France. Meanwhile Brunetiére was deprived of his chair at the Ecole Normale, and was refused all opportunity of teaching in any institution under government control, such as the established universities and the Collége de France. Though by this time stricken with the tuberculosis which proved fatal, he never relaxed his energy, nor his prodigious fecundity of expression. So long as his voice lasted, he lectured still, his private lecture-rooms always full to overflowing. When his voice was no longer at his command, he wrote if possible more copiously and vigorously than ever. During the last year of his life he exhibited 784. FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. his highest powers, as a critic, a thinker and a man of letters, in what he wrote concerning matters literary, political and religious alike. He died at Paris, the mere shadow of a body enshrining the full power and brilliancy of his mind, on December 9th, 1906. i: Among the numerous notices of Brunetiére, and of his strong and copious literary work during a full thirty-five years, three stand out, as deeply sympathetic. Immediately after his death, Monsieur Paul Bourget sent Le Temps a letter of tenderly personal reminiscence; this is published in Bourget’s “Pages de Critique et de Doctrine,” (1912) I, 282-293. Less than a month later, the Revue des Deux Mondes, for January, 1907, published an analogous paper by the Vicomte Eugéne-Melchior de Vogiié, like Bourget a fellow academician and a personal friend, though in this case the friendship began after Brunetiére’s reputation had become established; the article is reprinted in Monsieur de Vogiié’s “Les Routes” (1910), 202-225. And in the Revue des Deux Mondes (1 March, 1908, and 1 April, 1908) Brunetiére’s pupil, Monsieur Victor Giraud, published a more careful study of the master’s life and work, which was later included in Monsieur Giraud’s “ Maitres de Heure”’ (1912), 59-137. All three of these articles are critical in that excellent sense of the word which implies earnest effort sincerely to set forth what is best in thought and in life, with no sentimental suppression of what is not quite so. All three are affectionately sympathetic. Together they give an extraordinary impression of a character which all must respect, even though now and again disposed hardly to agree with the conclusions honestly and combatively set forth in its profuse and scattered utter- ances. The power of summary possessed by Monsieur Victor Giraud is held by those whose works he has had occasion to summarize remark- able for intelligence, for sympathy and for justice. In the case of Brunetiére, his summary is based not only on love for a teacher who stimulated him when he was a student, and thereafter was a personal friend and guide, but also on thoughtful study of everything that Brunetiére had published. “Thirty-two volumes,” he tells us — mostly collections of articles for the Revue des Deux Mondes, ete.,— “two pamphlets, five editions of (French) classics, a hundred articles or so scattered far and wide and never collected, represent the visible FERDINAND BRUNETIPRE. 785 and tangible work of a man who was not only a writer but a pro- fessor, a lecturer, and the editor of the Revue, and who died at the age of fifty-seven. He touched on criticism, history, aesthetics, sociology, ethics, pedagogics, philosophy, apologetics, and theology; and if he did not remake them all, he seldom left things exactly as he had found them. By signs like that you can recognize the true masters. Brune- tiére was probably among the two or three greatest influences upon the French thought of his time.” To attempt here any detailed summary of this great though frag- mentary work would be presumptuous. It is not, perhaps, presump- tuous to say that Monsieur Giraud’s memorable tribute to his master and friend revives and confirms an impression which Brunetiére made on American readers and hearers during his life time. Nobody was ever more French than he, in uncompromising intellectual honesty, in untiring assiduity of work, in a vigor and a precision of thought inexhaustible and ultimate, in fervent effort to attain and to set forth the truth. Nobody was ever more French, either, in what may per- haps be called the limitations inevitable to precision. To see things clearly, you must fix your point of view. This fixed, you may look either backward, bemoaning the faded virtues of the past; or for- ward, anticipating the gleaming virtues of the future; or you may strive to define that inexorable process of change which the opti- mism of America calls progress and complacently assumes to tend heavenward. Brunetiére, intensely French, chose the third of these alternatives, always conscious that the present is the creature of the past and the creator of the future. In their passage from past to future, those who love the past are apt to lament and those who love the future are apt enthusiastically to hope; meanwhile, the general run of mankind are content to live in the present, thoughtlessly accepting commonplace. Now commonplace is the instinctive expression of humanity:— in literature, for example, it asserts the enduring merit of works which survive to be classics; in religion, it comfortably accepts the doctrine of the church. Which is all very sensible; but, when asked to account for its conclusions, its reasons are apt to be stupid and flimsy. A rather shallow kind of conventional thought, nowadays called radical, assumes that the task of intelligence is to dissipate the fog of canting reasons in which commonplace assumptions are enshrouded, and ingenuously believes that folly can thus be swept nowhere. A more distinguished type of mind, admitting the old reasons often wrong, is not willing to conclude that the old assumptions are equally so. It 786 FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. believes that the highest task of the intellect is not to reject what has been unreasonably accepted, but rather to give true reasons for sound conclusions hitherto accepted chiefly as a matter of instinct. This seems on the whole to have been the purpose of Brunetiére from begin- ning to end. There has hardly ever been work more faithfully true than his to an ideal once stated in this country as the aim and end of all education — the illumination of the commonplace. III. We are fortunate in having among us now a French scholar and man of letters who was a pupil of Brunetiére at the Ecole Normale. Without his friendly aid, this memoir must have stayed secondary. He has kindly consented to make it more memorable. So instead of proceeding with my own fragmentary memories of Brunetiére when he was hereabouts in 1897, and when I saw him at Paris in 1905, I have been so bold as to ask Professor Louis Allard, of Harvard University, to send the Academy some account of his personal memories of the master, and of the master’s teaching. And, remembering that “translation is at best like the back of an embroidery” I have asked him to send it in his own French words. ' Whoever reads them will surely share my gratitude for his kindness. BaRRETT WENDELL. EV. Mr’. le Professeur Barrett Wendell m’a fait ’honneur de me de- mander d’ajouter quelques notes personnelles 4 l’article substantiel qu’il a écrit sur Ferdinand Brunetieére. Je le remercie de l’occasion qui me permet de rendre hommage & la mémoire d’un maitre que j’ai beaucoup admiré et aimé. Ce n’est done pas que je me propose ici de donner de son oeuvre une analyse critique. Ou peut la trouver dans les livres que M*. Wendell a signalés, et surtout dans “Les Maitres de l’heure” de M®. Victor Giraud, qui me parait avoir dit sur le sujet le mot définitif. Brune- tiére, d’ailleurs, avait désiré un jour qu'il fait son biographe; et je ne doute pas qu’il n’etit été Content d’un portrait dessiné par le disciple avec amour et fidélité. Mon but est plus modeste. Sur l’invitation de Mr. Wendell, je retracerai de mémoire quelques traits de l’homme et du professeur, qui pourront peut-étre rendre un peu de relief et de FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. 787 couleur & une figure jadis si vivante, et qui n’auront d’autre mérite que d’étre l’oeuvre d’un témoin oculaire. J’ai eu Ferdinand Brunetiére pour professeur de littérature fran- caise, pendant ma seconde année d’Ecole Normale. II était alors A Vapogée de sa carriére. Directeur de la Revue des Deux Mondes, membre de |’Académie francaise, il avait été récemment, dans |’am- phithéatre de l’ancienne Sorbonne, le conférencier acclamé d’un public de dix-huit cent personnes qui avaient suivi avee enthousiasme ses lecons sur |’évolution de la poésie lyrique. Ce public avait consacré sa réputation d’orateur; et ¢’était de son éloquence qu’il était le plus fier. Son éclatant succés lui avait été d’autant plus sensible qu’il rencontrait de l’opposition, peut-étre devrai-je dire, de l’antipathie chez certains professeurs de la Faculté des Lettres, depuis surtout sa visite au Vatican et le fameux article qui en avait été le résultat. A coup sir, les applaudissements qui l’interrompaient ou saluaient la fin de chaque le¢on, en prenaient pour son amour-propre plus desaveur. Quelque temps avant l’ouverture de son cours, il avait confié & l’un de mes amis: “Je leur montrerai ce que je peux faire chez eux.’ Etcertes, il n’avait jamais été plus inspiré: grand critique, il s’était révélé maitre de la parole. J’ai fait allusion 4 cet article qui souleva tant de polémiques, et qui lui attira tant de reproches, bien qu’il protestat n’avoir jamais voulu proclamer la faillite de la science. Comme le remarque M’. Wendell, son entrevue avec le pape Léon XIII était le point de départ d’une ‘nouvelle orientation de sa pensée: il allait au catholicisme. Bientét méme, il devait délaisser les travaux de pure critique littéraire pour prendre une part de plus en plus active aux luttes religieuses de son temps. C’est alors que normalien de la section des lettres de seconde année, jassistai, avec mes vingt-six camarades, 3 ses deux cours sur Moliére et sur Encyclopédie du XVIII° siécle. Les bruyantes discussions qui venaient de s’agiter autour de son nom stimulaient notre curiosité d’approcher d’un homme qui avait pris déji une si grande autorité dans le monde intellectuel. Tous, nous ne l’avions vu que de loin, dans la salle de la Sorbonne, ou méme nous ne le connaissions que par la Revue des Deux-Mondes. Quel- ques-uns, et parmi ceux 1a le Charles Péguy i vingt ans, 4 cause de leurs opinions politiques radicales ou socialistes, se tenaient sur leurs gardes, et adoptaient par avance une attitude défiante: ils reconnais- saient volontiers en lui le lettré et l’orateur, mais ils lui déniaient le droit ou la capacité de penser en philosophe. 788 FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. Brunetiére avait quarante-sept ans. Petit, maigre, et légérement voité, le front plissé, le visage fatigué et mélancolique, parfois éclairé d’un sourire ironique, il gardait l’empreinte de ’homme qui avait connu les labeurs d’une dure jeunesse, avait prodigieusement lutté pour parvenir, et s’était habitué a regarder sans illusions le monde et la vie. Il venait & ’Ecole avec un cahier 4 converture de serge noire, qu’il ouvrait sur sa table, pour s’aider des grandes lignes du plan de sa lecon. Il ne le regardait que trés rarement. Pendant une heure et demie, il nous parlait avec le méme soin, la méme verve, la méme éloquence que si nous eussions été le public de ses grandes conferences de Sorbonne. Les yeux pereants et fureteurs sous le lourd lorgnon d’éeailles circulaient autour de la petite salle comme pour nous saisir sous le joug de ses idées. Mais surtout ce qui s’imposait a nous deés le début, ce qui nous prenait, ce qui séduisait les plus rebelles a sa pensée, e’était cette voix si nette, si sonore, si métallique qui le servait 4 mer- veille, lorsqu’il lisait des textes pour illustrer le cours. Et au moyen de cet organe incomparable, il développait, dans un ordre aussi inflexible qu’un sermon de Bossuet et dans des phrases souvent périodiques qui coulaient de ses lévres comme une improvisation naturelle, ces series d’arguments qui se pressaient vers leur conclusion avec une vivante logique. C’est qu’il ne lui suffisait pas de jeter sur le solide charpente de ses lecons les chaines des faits et des idées; quand le sujet le portait, il y mettait un mouvement qui venait de l’ardeur de sa conviction et de son énergie de lutteur. C était de la dialectique vibrante. Un geste lui était familier. Entrainé par la force de ses idées, et pour donner 4 l’une d’elles plus d’accent, il jetait la main droite en avant, tout en tirant sa manchette. Parfois ce geste s’adressait & un adversaire qu’il lui fallait réfuter, ou raillait une sottise, ou détruisait une erreur: mouvement de polé- miste qui adorait le combat aussi bien contre les morts que contre les vivants, Voltaire et Jean-Jacques Rousseau, comme Ernest Renan ou Berthelot. I] lui arrivait de donner 4 son humeur un tour amus- ant. Dans une de ses premiéres lecons sur Moliére, il avait pris a partie le notaire qui, dressant l’inventaire de la succession du poéte, avait oublié sa bibliothéque. Je l’entends encore, de sa voix mordante et scandant les mots, la mamchette en avant, dire son fait au tabellion comme s’il efit été encore de ce monde: ‘“ Eh! qu’est ce que cela nous importe, Messieurs, que cet imbécile de notaire ait pensé a nous donner le compte des chemises du grand homme si tout justement il a oublié lessentiel qui était de nous apprendre quels livres il lisait FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. 789 sans doute le plus volontiers?’”” — Le reproche était mérité. Brune- tiére regrettait une source précieuse de renseignements sur la forma- tion intellectuelle de Moliére. I] donnait aussi par li un exemple de la conscience de cette érudition inépuisable qu’il possédait en littérature, en histoire, et en philosophie. Il paraissait avoir tout lu et tout retenu. Oui, sans doute, il était homme ou l’orateur des idées générales; il y ramenait toute sa science et toute sa réflexion. Mais il n’a jamais prononcé ou écrit une phrase a vide; sa logique et son éloquence reposaient sur des faits accumulés par une lecture inlassable, étudiés avec une conscience rigoureuse, classés avec une réflexion tenace. J’en ai une preuve sous les yeux, dans des notes que j’ai conservées de ses conférences. Seulement, les faits n’étaient pour lui que la base indispensable. ‘‘ Faites-les vivre” nous disait-il. Ne prenez |’érudition que comme un moyen et non un but. Des faits, doivent jaillir les idées. Et c’est ainsi que son enseignement était a la fois si nourri et si vivant. Voici comment il pratiqua sa méthode en collaboration avec ceux d’entre nous qui devaient, en troisiéme année, subir le concours d’agrégation des lettres. II s’était chargé des six premiéres lecons sur Moliére, chefs-d’oeuvre par la stireté de l’information et la pénétration de la critique. Puis, a tour de réle, chacun de nous devait analyser et discuter une comédie; pendant la derniére demi-heure, il corrigeait la conférence de I’éléve et quelquefois la refondait. Ce travail achevyé, il fit six legons de conclusion qui étaient six lecons d’idées générales, interprétation des faits ou des remarques que les analyses avaient fournis ou suggérées sur l’art, le naturalisme et la morale de Moliére. On a parlé souvent de son dogmatisme, et on lui a fait la réputation d’une sorte de préfet de police de la littérature, qui ne pouvait souffrir la contradiction. Certes, il tenait fortement & ses idées, et il combat- tait pour elles de toute son Ame, avec une puissance oratoire que Jaurés seul, de son temps, a égalée. Mais ce serait le voir sous le jour le plus faux que de croire qu’il cherchait 4 imposer ses opinions comme la vérité intangible. Au contraire, il n’appréciait rien tant chez les autres que l’indépendance de l’esprit, et il aimait 4 solliciter la dis- cussion. Dans la seconde de ses conférences hebdomadaires, il traitait, comme je l’ai dit, des Encyclopédistes. Sujet brilant alors, car la France, A la suite de l’affaire Dreyfus, était déchirée par les dissensions religi- euses. En un temps oii il passait par les premiéres étapes de sa con- version et commengait a s’affirmer comme le champion de l’Eglise, il avait vu occasion de rechercher au XVIII® siécle les origines de 790 FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. nos luttes et de manifester un jugement a la lumiére de ses nouvelles convictions. Quelques-uns de mes camarades, qui se groupaient autour de Jaurés, étaient préts 4 lui opposer une vigoureuse résist- ance. Ille savait. Aussi, chaque fois, avant de parler, nous deman- dait il de faire nos objections ou de poser des questions a propos de la lecon précédente. Si la discussion était offerte en termes courtois, il était heureux d’y entrer. Ce mérite fut éminent chez lui: ayant horreur pour lui-méme, de l’opinion toute faite, du cliché, du convenu, il excitait ses éléves 4 en avoir le méme dégotit; avant tout, il leur imposait le devoir intellectuel de penser par eux-mémes. Aussi a-t-il été un incomparable éveilleur d’esprits, et quinze générations de _ normaliens lui ont rendu cet hommage. J’emprunterai 1a dessus un témoignage significatif 4 un de mes contemporains de |’Ecole, connu pour son socialisme anticlérical, et qui, lancé dans le journalisme, écrivait au lendemain de la mort de Brunetiére: “Ce n’était pas seulement un professeur, c’était un maitre....Ceux qui secouaient son joug en gardaient quand méme Il’empreinte....Frais émoulus du collége, ses éléves prenaient plaisir a briler dans son feu tout ce quwils avaient adoré avec leurs maitres de rhétorique. Brunetiére n’enseignait pas l’admiration convenue, mais le doute méthodique et Virrespect: il animait ses disciples de ses haines vigoureuses; juste ou non, sa critique excitait l’intelligence, et en l’affranchissant des manuels, des clichés et des formules, lui apprenait 4 penser librement.,, Comme je l’ai marqué au début, je n’ai pas intention de refaire ce qui a été si bien fait, l’analyse de son esprit et de son oeuvre. Je voudrais cependant dire un mot de sa conversion. J’étais son éléve, au moment ot il s’acheminait vers le catholicisme. Sa croyance était alors d’ordre tout intellectuel; il ne devait arriver a la pratique que plus tard, a la pratique intégrale que vers la fin de sa vie. J’ai cru en ce temps-la, et comme beaucoup d’autres, que c’était pour des raisons d’ordre social qu’il acceptait la religion catholique, et je l’ai cru longtemps. En relisant plus attentivement ses Discours de Combat, j’ai changé d’avis, et j’ai admis une explication plus simple. Brunetiére, 4 |’€poque ot il niait Dieu, la Divinité de Jésus et la liberté morale, admirait passionnément Bossuet. Tourmenté par les prob- lémes de notre origine et de notre fin, n’en trouvant pas la solution dans la philosophie, il fut amené & la demander A la révélation et I’Eglise, et cela conduit par la main de notre grand orateur chrétien. Ecoutons-le 4 Besan¢on, en 1900: “Moi aussi, quand je me suis mis 4 l’école de Bossuet, nourri que jétais des ideés de mon temps et des lecons de mes maitres, moi aussi j'ai résisté, et j’ai résisté longtemps. FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. 791 Puis, quoi qu’on dise qu’un homme ne peut pas beaucoup sur un autre, jal trouvé dans ce commerce avec Bossuet tant de bon seus, tant de génie, tant de probité intellectuelle, que je me suis laissé faire....”’ Qui, j’en suis convaincu aujourd’hui, c’est la lecture de Bossuet qui l’a amené au seuil du Vatican. A partir de 1895, il mit toute son ardeur de logique et toute la force de sa parole au service de Vidée religieuse. L’enseignement n’occupait plus dans ses préoccu- pations qu’une place secondaire. Cet apostolat lui apportait un immense surcroit de travail. Mais il avait travaillé toute sa vie et il affrontait ses multiples responsabilités avec une énergie surhumaine. C’est en ces années-la qu'il montra “ce que peut, selon le mot de Bossuet, une Ame indomptable dans le corps qu’elle anime.” Ce corps portait les marques des labeurs acharnés de sa_ premiére jeunesse. M* Paul Bourget nous a raconté comment, aprés s’étre livré tout entier pendant le jour a ses devoirs ingrats de professeur libre, en y montrant la conscience intransigeante qu'il eut toujours, il passait ses nuits a lire et a étudier. Dés lAge de vingt-quatre ans, sa santé était compromise. Pourtant, il avait continué de travailler inlassablement. Alors qu’il était mon maitre, la phthisie commengait a s’emparer de lui, ou, du moins, a le menacer. I] semblait défier la maladie, “en menant de front des travaux suffisants pour user quatre activités d’homme.” “Mon ami,” lui disait le Comte d’ Haus- sonville, “la vie que vous menez est une gageure, vous la perdrez.’’— “Qu’est-ce que cela fait?” répondait-il.— Pour lui la vie ne valait la peine d’étre vécue que s’il pouvait s’en servir—— Pendant les dix derniéres années, il fut un miracle perpétuel de volonté invincible: en voici un émouvant témoignage. Un matin qu’il devait comme d’habitude venir & neuf heures et demie donner son cours sur |’Encyclopédie, nous avions lu dans les journaux que, trés souffrant, la veille, il avait appelé en consultation deux illustres médecins spécialistes. A notre grande surprise, nous le vimes apparaitre & Vheure fixée. Ayant su que la presse avait répandu le bruit qu’il était gravement malade, il s’était habillé a la hate, jeté dans un fiacre, et il était accouru nous apporter par le fait de sa présence son démenti. II parlait de Montesquieu. Toutes ses €nergies étaient ramassées dans ses yeux un peu fiévreux et dans sa voix plus vibrante et plus dominatrice peut étre que de coutume. Soudain, il fut interrompu par une terrible quinte de toux qui le secouait tout entier et qui nous parut interminable. Nous attendi- mes, douloureusement oppressés. II acheva enfin de tousser, sourit de ce léger sourire ironique qui plissait parfois ses lévres pincées et dit 792 FERDINAND BRUNETIERE. comme pour s’excuser: “Messieurs, la nature est la plus forte.” Puis il continua sa conférence jusqu’a onze heures, et retourna prendre le lit pour quelques jours. Tel était homme. Sa vigueur morale se reflétait dans la gravité un peu jJanséniste de son allure. II n’invitait pas la familiarité. Aussi ses ennemis, et ils étaient nombreux dans la littérature, dans la politique et dans le journalisme, le représentaient-ils comme d’abord revéche et hargneux. La vérité est que je n’ai pas connu d’homme plus poli, mais sa politesse était digne et mesurée comme d’un homme de Port-Royal; sa parfaite courtoisie dans sa conversation comme dans sa correspondance avait le ton des “ Messieurs.”’ Ce qui ne veut pas dire qu’il n’aimat pas a se détendre, jusqu’a la plaisanterie, et parfois au calembour. Dans ses cours, il avait des éclairs de raillerie mordante ou d’amusante mauvaise humeur qui nous faisaient rire. Chez lui, rue Bara, pres du Luxembourg, ou dans son cabinet de la Revue des Deux-Mondes, quand il se sentait en confiance, il s’épanchait volontiers 4 propos des idées qui l’occupaient alors. Je dois dire que sa conversation tournait vite au monologue; mais elle apprenait ou suggérait tant de choses qu’on n’etit pas pensé 4 s’en plaindre. Ici et 1a, il décochait un trait a l’adresse de quelqu’un de ses contemporains. La derniére fois que je le vis, en 1904, pour lui rendre compte d’une mission littéraire dont je lui devais l’honneur, il me parla de différentes personnes que nous connaissions. D’un prélat dont il était vaguement question 3X Rome pour le cardinalat, il caractérisait la vertueuse mais un peu terne personnalité en ces mots; “c’est une sainte nullité”’; d’un jour- naliste qu’il n’aimait pas, “c’est un écrivain qui est toujours a la veille d’avoir du talent”; ou encore d’un évéque canadien de passage a Paris, “aimable homme,”’ disait-il, “mais qui a l’air de prendre la France pour un petit Canada”’. Et la malice, chaque fois, touchait juste. On m’a dit qu’A table, hdte ou invité, dans l’intimité de personnes qui lui plaisaient particuliérement, il pouvait étre le plus étincelant des causeurs. ’ Sous le masque sévére, qui lui était le plus habituel, et qui effa- rouchait les timides, il cachait une bonté tendre que n’ont connu que ceux qui en ont été l’objet ou qui ont vécu prés de lui. En vrai fidéle de esprit du grand siécle, il mettait une pudeur jalouse 4 dissimuler ses sentiments ou A en atténuer l’expression. I] les prouvait surtout, sans les montrer. Ce qui le caractérise de ce point de vue, c’est la maniére dont il protégea les débuts de Paul Hervieu qu’il ne connais- sait pas encore. Aprés l’avoir recu froidement 4 propos d’un roman de jeunesse qu’il avait promis d’accepter pour la Revue des Deux ARTHUR TRACY CABOT. 793 Mondes, en sa qualité de lecteur, et qui n’avait pas encore paru, il menaca Buloz, alors directeur, de donner sa démission, si le roman n’était pas inséré. Hervieu en sut que douze ans plus tard que Brune- tiére, devenu un de ses chers amis, avait joué son avenir pour rester fidéle A sa parole. I] poussait si loin la discrétion et la retenue dans la manifestation de sa confiance et de son estime que certains de ses anciens éléves n’en eurent la révélation qu’aprés sa mort. M". Bédier, aujourd’hui le brillant successeur de Gaston Paris, au Collége de France, avait eu avec lui depuis |’Ecole Normale des relations affectueuses qui n’avaient jamais été jusqu’al’intimité. Grande fut sa surprise, lorsque M™*. Brunetiére lui apprit que par son testament, son mari l’avait chargé de l’examen et du classement de ses papiers. S’il était permis de parler de soi, j’ajouterais que j’ai eu l’expérience de cette bonté qui s’exercait avec délicatesse et gravité. Mais il apportait dans le discernement de ses protégés et dans la maniére d’accorder ses bienfaits la scrupuleuse conscience qu'il mettait a remplir ses devoirs de critique, de professeur et d’homme privé. C’est sur ce mot de conscience que je voudrais terminer cette rapide esquisse. Puissant écrivain, orateur hors de pair, il a été dans sa vie comme dans son enseignement et dans son oeuvre littéraire un grand honnéte homme. Louis ALLARD. ARTHUR TRACY CABOT, M.D. (1852-1912) Fellow in Class II, Section 4, 1889. It is not easy, at once adequately and briefly, to set forth even the salient facts and evolution of the life of a man of such varied activities and interests as was the late Arthur Tracy Cabot. He was of complex ancestry, Scotch, Irish, English and Norman French (Chabot, Island of Jersey) blood mingling in his veins. One of his great grandfathers, Thomas H. Perkins, was perhaps the most conspicuous merchant of his day in Boston, public spirited, enterpris- ing, a large man in every sense of the word. The Perkins Institution for the Blind is one of his monuments. Samuel Cabot married one of his daughters and became a partner in the firm of Perkins & Company. Samuel Cabot, jr., was the second son of this marriage, the first of 794 ARTHUR TRACY CABOT. the family to embrace medicine as a profession. After the completion of his medical studies in Paris he went to Yucatan on the Stevens Expedition. His independence of thought and action, his sterling character, his services to this community as one of its leading practi- tioners and for many years surgeon to the Massachusetts General Hospital are still fresh in the memory of many. Dr. Samuel Cabot married his distant cousin, Hannah Jackson, daughter of Patrick T. Jackson, whose brothers James and Charles were as eminent in medicine and law as was he in business. Arthur, third son of this marriage, was born in 1852. From the Perkins-Cabot side he inherited largely his marked taste for nature, out-of-door manly sports and love of art, traits so prominent in some of the race as to be almost over-mastering. From the Jackson side he derived his physique, a slight but wiry frame, dominated by a will and sense of duty which go far to promote sustained effort. Promptly after his graduation at Harvard in 1872, he began the study of medi- cine, taking his M.D. in 1876, and serving as Surgical Interne at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He then went abroad, giving special attention to surgical pathology, but neglecting no opportunity of laying a firm foundation in all pertaining to the Healing Art. In Vienna and Berlin he got nothing helpful in the line of antiseptic surgery; but later passed a month in London, heard Lister’s Inaugural Address at King’s College, and ever after kept on the crest of the advancing wave of clean surgery. In 1877 he began general practice in Boston, and steadily won recognition, alike from the profession and the public. To surgery he had strong leanings from the first; but, conservative, cautious, ruled by reason more than impulse, always thinking things out to their ultimate results, it was not until ten or more years later that he gave up all strictly medical practice. From 1878 to 1880 he was Instructor at the Medical School in Oral Pathology and Surgery; from 1885 to 1896, Instructor in Genito-Urinary Surgery. He would, doubtless, have become full Professor but for his election to the higher position on the Corporation in the latter year. He was for several years Surgeon to the Carney Hospital, Assistant Surgeon at the Children’s Hospital from 1879 to 1881, Visiting Sur- geon 1881 to 1889; Surgeon to Out-Patients at the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1881 to 1886; Visiting Surgeon, 1886 to 1907. As a general surgeon he was eminent; as a genito-urinary surgeon, pre-eminent. True surgeon that he was, his head always ruled his hand. He could not be persuaded into operating. He must be convinced in his own mind of its necessity or desirability; nor would ARTHUR TRACY CABOT. 795 he undertake any operation which he thought could be better per- formed by another. This absolute integrity of character, combined with rare soundness of judgment and with manual skill, won him the implicit confidence of all who came into contact with him, and natur- ally led to a wide consulting practice. He was as painstaking and conscientious in the after-treatment as in deciding whether or not to operate. He never in the least shirked responsibility; but it wore upon him more than it does upon some men of different temperament, and prevented him from doing as much work as he might otherwise have done. Among his contributions to general surgery may be mentioned his use of the valve acting dressing and chlorinated soda irrigation for empyema operations, and a wire splint for fractures of the lower leg, devised while Surgeon to the Children’s Hospital, in large use through- out the world, and, curiously enough, save in Boston, known by his name. It displaced the old fracture box. He early advocated and practised incision without drainage for tubercular peritonitis. In 1874 to 1875 he assisted his father in the first two successful abdominal operations connected with the Massachusetts General Hospital. They were on hospital patients, but the operations were done in a neighboring house in Allen Street. It appears that Dr. Arthur Cabot did the first successful abdominal operation within the hospital walls in 1884, on a case of large strangulated umbilical hernia. The patient had been admitted to Dr. Hodges’ service. He, however, being ill, Dr. Bigelow was taking his place, and Dr. Cabot, then Surgeon to Out-Patients, was assisting the latter. Dr. Cabot was called in the evening. Dr. Hodges had recently published a paper on cases of this nature, concluding that operation was always fatal, recovery occa- sional without operation. Dr. Cabot therefore sought Dr. Bigelow, whom he found at Dr. Hodges’ house. He stated the case. Dr. Bigelow: “What do you want to do?” Dr. Cabot: “Operate.” Dr. Bigelow: “Whether you operate or not the patient will die, therefore do as you like. Is not that so, Dr. Hodges?” Dr. Hodges: “No, if you operate he will die; if you don’t he may get well.” After some discussion, Dr. Bigelow agreed that Dr. Cabot should do as he liked, so he returned to the hospital, operated, and in a few weeks the patient was well. We tell the story thus in full for the light it throws on the state of surgery less than thirty years ago. In 1886, Dr. Cabot had three successful cases of laparotomy in rapid succession, one for ovarian cyst, two for fibroids. Dr. Cabot’s qualities did not escape the keen eye of the late Dr. 796 ARTHUR TRACY CABOT. Henry J. Bigelow, who made him his heir, as it were, in litholapaxy, and thus led to Dr. Cabot’s becoming the leader in genito-urinary surgery that he was, admitted to be such far and wide. As evidence of his thoroughness and of the soundness of his judg- ment it may be mentioned that in his paper on “Rupture of the Bladder,” 1891, and in another on “Rupture of the Urethra,” 1896, he laid down rules of procedure which stand unchanged today. Here, as well as elsewhere, may be mentioned that about 1886, realizing the importance of immediate pathological examination of many surgical cases while under operation in order to determine the scope and nature of the necessary operation, he and his brother Samuel established a fund of $10,000, known as the “Samuel Cabot Fund for Pathological Research,” in memory of their father. The interest on this fund is used for paying a pathologist to be on hand operating days and making such examinations as the surgeons require. If not the first, it was surely an early effort to make thorough patholog- ical study go hand in hand with the surgical operation. Dr. Cabot was also the prime mover in starting the Clinico-Pathological Labora- tory, was a leader in raising the necessary funds and planning the build- ing. He became Librarian to the Hospital, and evolved order from chaos in the book and case records, both now thoroughly available. He was President of the Massachusetts Medical Society in 1905 and 1906. In his visitations to the District Societies he did yeoman service in stirring up our profession to more actively interesting itself in the campaign against tuberculosis. It was probably this leadership which induced Governor Guild in 1907 to appoint him a Trustee of the Massa- chusetts State Hospitals for Consumptives, and at the first meeting of the Trustees, in September of that year, he was elected Chairman. The amount and quality of his work in this capacity deserves fullness of treatment, which, it is to be hoped, it will receive, but which it is impossible to give here. In his automobile he traversed the State to select suitable sites for the three hospitals for one hundred and fifty patients each. The North Reading Hospital was opened in the fall of 1908, those of Lakeville and Westfield early in 1909. The appro- priation of $300,000 was not exceeded, and the requirements were fully met at a cost of $700 a bed as against nearly $2000 a bed for the Boston Consumptives Hospital at Mattapan. The Rutland Hospital was then placed under the Trustees. Only those on the inside fully know how much of the conspicuous success of this new departure was due to the compelling wisdom and unremitting labor of Dr. Cabot. In this, as in all his other work, its quality was only matched by his - ARTHUR TRACY CABOT. 197 modesty. He was influential in procuring the passage of the bill requiring instruction in hygiene and preventive disease in the public schools. His counsel was sought by the General Electric Company with regard to the safeguarding and promoting the health of its employees at Lynn and Pittsfield. So deeply did he become interested in this line of work that in the spring of 1910 he retired from all practice and its emoluments that he might husband his strength for public work alone. During about thirty years he published over one hundred and twenty papers. The last is a plea for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in childhood, to be found in the Atlantic Monthly for November, 1912. He was a member of many medical societies and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. This is a meagre account of his strictly professional activities. In 1896, as has been stated before, he was chosen a member of the Corpor- ation of Harvard College, that small body of seven which fills its own vacancies, has exclusive charge of the funds, the initiative in most appointments, and may, in a way, be compared, as regards the govern- ment of the University, to the Senate of the United States; though it has more power, relatively, to that of the lower House — the Over- seers. Membership in the Corporation is no sinecure. It involves a deal of work. Questions large in variety and great in moment con- stantly arise and demand careful, deliberate, ripe judgment. Nobody in active professional or business life can accept the honor and the service without large sacrifice of time and strength; no physician without also loss of income. After careful consideration he accepted the election, and we saw the unprecedented occupation of two seats on the Board by physicians. The part which he and Dr. Walcott have taken in the marvelous development of the Medical School can be, in a measure, appreciated by the most matter-of-fact. They were the Building Committee on the part of the Corporation. Dr. Cabot’s feeling and love for art, always keen and discriminating, led to the Trusteeship in the Museum of Fine Arts in 1899. Here, too, he was a worker. Everywhere and always the “good enough” for him was nothing short of the best of which he was capable. In social life he was more and more sought after. He had at times a certain grimness of manner which could be raised to the nth power by anything mean, petty or under-handed. This grimness concealed more or less to the casual acquaintance the steady glow of one of the warmest of hearts and the most lovable of natures; but abated, in a measure, as he grew older. He was sympathetically receptive, and 798 ARTHUR TRACY CABOT. gave close attention to those who asked his opinion or advice. He was fond of horses and a good judge of them, played polo and rode to hounds. No form of boating was foreign to him. Tennis, golf and the like he enjoyed and played when he could get time and opportunity. His vacations were mostly spent in hunting and fishing trips from Florida to Canada, and as far as the Rockies. Shortly before his death he sold his interest in the Long Point Ducking Club, probably the best in the country, and devoted the proceeds to the purchase and maintenance of land in Canton, his legal residence, as a playground for the town. Combining harmoniously and in a high degree intelligence, sound judgment, courage both moral and physical, sense of duty, manual dexterity and mechanical skill, he devoted his powers to the service of others, with small thought of pecuniary return. For him to give was, indeed, more blessed than to receive. He was, in truth, a noble gentleman, a conspicuous example of a man born in high social posi- tion, with means sufficient to tempt a less ardent nature to idleness, but serving only to carry him to fields of great usefulness and public service. He taught us how to live, and, again, how to face disease and death with cheerful fortitude. : He is survived by his widow, Susan, daughter and only child of the late George O. Shattuck, a leader of the Suffolk Bar. F. C. SHATTUCK. Ee CYRUS BALLOU COMSTOCK. 799 CYRUS BALLOU COMSTOCK (1831-1910) Fellow in Class I, Section 4, 1892. General Cyrus Ballou Comstock was born in West Wrentham, Massachusetts, February 3, 1831, and represented the ninth generation of an old New England family, which came from Devonshire, England. His ancestors lived in New London, and the earliest of them in this country fought in the Pequot war, taking part in the expedition which captured the fort at Mystic in 1637. Later generations of the family lived in Rhode Island and in Massachusetts. The General’s great- grandfather was a Quaker, and took no active part in the Revolution, but was a member of the Massachusetts convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, February 7, 1788, and was also a member of the General Court of Massachusetts in 1789. General Comstock was educated in the local publie schools and at a private academy. His interest in engineering arose from his happen- ing to see the operations and instruments of a party making a railroad survey, and also of a coast survey party. The General began his professional work as a rodman and leveler on the Providence & Worces- ter Railroad, but in 1851 was nominated as a candidate to West Point, and was graduated with first honors in 1855. He served through all grades in the Corps of Engineers to that of Colonel, and was retired from active service by operation of law in 1895. He was promoted to the grade of Brigadier General on the retired list in 1904. General Comstock, after serving on the construction of fortifications before the Civil War, and as Professor of Natural Philosophy at West Point from 1859 to 1861, was, during the Civil War, engaged in the construction of the defences of Washington, and in service on the engineering staff of the Army of the Potomac, of which he was Chief Engineer. He was present, under General Grant, at the siege of Vicksburg, and in 1864 was appointed Aide-de-camp to General Grant, being engaged in a number of the most sanguinary battles of the war. During the war he received rapid promotion, and attained the rank of Major in the Corps of Engineers, and Brevet Brigadier General. General Comstock’s principal work after the war was in the conduct of the geodetic survey of the Great Lakes, which had been inaugurated in 1841. This work was conducted with all the precision necessary to 800 CYRUS BALLOU COMSTOCK. determine not only the topography and hydrography of the region, but also to be of geodetic value. The measurements were made with extreme accuracy, involving eight primary base lines, a primary tri- angulation about 1650 miles in length, and a hydrographic survey covering nearly 10,000 square miles, and also the investigation of the earth’s magnetism. His report on this great work, published as Professional Paper No. 24 of the Corps of Engineers, in 1882, is a docu- ment of great value and permanent interest to geodesists, and is a monument to his professional ability and that of his associates. General Comstock was also engaged in studies relating to the improvement of rivers and deltas, and was sent to Europe to investi- gate these subjects. He served on several boards, and was Super- intending Engineer to examine the progress of jetties built by Captain Eads at the mouth of the Mississippi. He was a member of. the Mississippi River commission for 16 years, and its President for five years, during which time he had to deal with many difficult hydraulic problems. He was also a member of the permanent Board of Engineers for fortifications and river and harbor improvements, and commanded the Engineer School of Application at Willets Point, New York, for about a year. General Comstock was a member of the National Academy of Sciences, to which he donated a trust fund to be devoted to researches in electricity, magnetism and radiant energy, the value of which subjects his own experience had led him to appreciate. He became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1892. In addition to his classic report on the Lake survey, General Com- stock’s name appears as a signer of the reports of sixty local engineer- ing boards, of twenty-one of which he was President. His life furnished a good illustration of the value of science to the professional engineer, and of the value of the engineer to science. He died at New York City, May 29, 1910. G. F. Swan. i This memoir is abstracted from a longer memoir of General Comstock by General Henry L. Abbot, in the annual of the association of graduates of the United States Military Academy, in 1912. JAMES MASON CRAFTS. SO1 JAMES MASON CRAFTS (1839-1917) Fellow in Class I, Section 3, 1867. The passing of another from among the few survivors of the older generation of leading chemists arouses sorrow for our great loss and gratitude for his devoted labor. Among the honored names of Ameri- can scientific men of the 19th century that of Professor Crafts will always be remembered. Both in the direction of organic chemistry and in that of physical chemistry he rendered contributions of great permanent value. James Mason Crafts was born at Boston on March 8, 1839. He was the son of Royal Altamont Crafts and Marianne (Mason) Crafts. He is remembered by his schoolmates at the Sullivan School in Boston as a serious boy, but one glowing with vigor and at times full of fun and jollity. The most vivid impression was of his mechanical ingenu- ity and dexterity: he was able at the age of nine or ten to pull to pieces and successfully reassemble his watch —a rare possession in those days among school children. All his childhood was spent in Boston, where he completed at the Boston Latin School and under the private tuition of Dr. Samuel Eliot the excellent training in mathematics with which he entered the then recently founded Law- rence Scientific School of Harvard University in 1856. At Harvard he pursued the study of chemistry under Professor Horsford, and graduated with the degree of S. B. in 1858. The winter of 1858-59 he spent as a graduate student of engineering at Cambridge, whence he went to the Bergakademie at Freiberg in Saxony to continue once more the study of the science to which he was to devote his lifework. In 1860 he migrated to the University of Heidelberg, where he studied under Robert W. Bunsen, at that time and for many years afterwards director of the chemical laboratory there. In the following year the young chemist left Germany for Paris, where he came under the influence of Wurtz, and for four years continued his studies at the Ecole de Médicine. Ever afterwards his interest centered in France rather than in Germany. Returning to America in 1865 he became mine examiner in Mexico during 1866-1867 —a task which involved courage and resourceful- ness as well as expert knowledge, since the country was alive with bandits and filled with difficulties. His adventures were thrilling, 802 JAMES MASON CRAFTS. but he told of them very modestly. In the following autumn (1867) he became professor of chemistry and dean of the chemical faculty at Cornell University, a position which he retained for three years. From Ithaca he was called to the professorship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as successor to Professor F. H. Storer. He devoted himself to the work, and his health suffered. The call of France was insistent, and changing in 1874 his title to that of non- resident professor at the Massachusetts Institute, he turned again to Paris, where, in collaboration with Professor Charles Friedel, he dis- covered the important organic reaction which will always bear his name. After 1880, when he resigned even the non-resident professor- ship at the Massachusetts Institute, he spent most of the succeeding decade in France, and it was not until 1891 that he returned to America as a permanent abiding place. Then he once more became connected with the Institute in Boston, conducting research there, and for five years (1892-97) filling the chairmanship of the chemical department and the professorship of organic chemistry. His work as a teacher was inspiring and effective. From October, 1897 to 1900 he was first acting president and then president of this great technical school. After his resignation of the presidency, which offered a sort of work never entirely to his taste, he returned to the labors which really claimed his interest, namely, research in the direction of organic and physical chemistry, still doing part of his work in the old Walker building of the Institute near Copley Square. He worked for the love of science, not for fame or money, and his ample means never led him away from high aims and solid attainments. His noteworthy contributions to the sum of human knowledge gained for him recognition on all sides. In 1885 he received the Jecker prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences, and was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France. In 1898 he was awarded the hono- rary degree of LL.D. by Harvard University, and in 1911 the Rumford Medal by this Academy “for his researches in high temperature thermometry and the exact determination of fixed points on the thermometric scale.”’ He was first elected a fellow of the Academy in 1867 and was reelected to resident membership in 1891 after an interval of non-membership due to his prolonged absence in France. As long ago as 1872 he became a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and was later corresponding member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, foreign member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (1904) as well as fellow of many other learned academies and chemical societies. He was a member also of the Saturday Club of Boston, famous in the annals of American literature. JAMES MASON CRAFTS. 803 On June 13, 1868, he married Miss Clemence Haggerty of New York, who died in 1912. He is survived by four daughters: Mrs. Russell S. Codman, Mrs. Gordon K. Bell, Miss Elizabeth Crafts and Miss Clemence Crafts. Although much of a traveler during the early part of his life, toward the end he divided his time between his Boston residence on Common- wealth Avenue and his beautiful country place at Ridgefield, Connecti- cut, where he had a small laboratory well fitted for his work, and where he enjoyed quiet and seclusion, always more to his taste than publicity or the whirl of city life. He retained his vigorous mental powers to the end, although somewhat restricted in physical activity by illness during his last few years. His well-rounded and useful life of over seventy-eight years came to an end at Ridgefield on June 20, 1917, when he succumbed to a sudden, painful illness of the heart. As already stated, his scientific work divides itself naturally into two groups of researches, namely, those in organic and those in physical chemistry. His earliest published contributions to knowl- edge concerned the organic compounds of silicon, upon which he pub- lished an interesting and important paper in 1865. This was followed by work upon the arsenic and arsenious esters, which appeared in 1871. Six years afterwards, with Professor Charles Friedel, he published in volume 84 of the Comptes Rendus the first notice of the method of organic synthesis by means of the chloride of aluminum, which has had such a remarkable effect upon the growth of organic chemistry. In the succeeding years paper after paper from these two eminent collaborators appeared, amplifying their great discovery. In 1880 Professor Crafts’s work upon accurate thermometry showing the peculiar hysteresis effects in glass, which must be considered in any accurate determination of temperature by the mercury thermometer, began to appear. At about this time also he published valuable papers in collaboration with Professor Friedel and others concerning vapor densities of the halogens at high temperatures. His work on thermometry led to the determination of new fixed points to which the thermometric scale might be referred; and his study of the boiling points of naphthalene and of mercury attained a degree of accuracy little short of amazing, considering the state of these matters before they had come under the scrutiny of his insight and patient experimentation. Later in Boston, from 1900 almost to the time of his death, he devoted himself to chemical research, espe- cially to the study of organic catalytic reactions in concentrated solu- tions, feeling that such reactions had not received the attention which 804 EDMONDO DE AMICIS. was their due. At the same time he spent much time and thought on the construction of an exceedingly accurate barometer, by means of which he could measure atmospheric pressure with great precision and thus obtain yet more accurate values for the boiling points of various substances which should serve as standards. In viewing collectively the outcome of Professor Crafts’s varied work, one may note that much of it, both physical and organic, had as its object the providing of means and methods for further advance, of use to others in many fields. Those whose labor is lightened, broadened, and simplified by the important contributions of his scientific imagination and of his persistent, effective research in the laboratory are deeply grateful for the indispensable aid which he rendered, and will be, far into the future. His intimates mourn a generous, loyal, high-minded friend, whose vigorous intellect always turned toward worthy ends. THEODORE W. RICHARDS. EDMONDO DE AMICIS (1846-1908) Foreign Honorary Member in Class III, Section 4, 1901. Edmondo De Amicis was born at Oneglia, a little town on the sea- coast southeast of Genoa, October 21, 1846. Having attended school at Cuneo and Turin, he went to the Military Academy at Modena, from which in 1865, he was appointed Second Lieutenant of the Third Regiment of the Line. The following year he took part in the Battle of Custozza. In 1867 he became managing editor of Italia Multare, an important military journal published at Florence. To this he contributed many sketches of the life actually lived by Italian soldiers and officers, and when these were reprinted in a volume with the title “La Vita Militare” in 1868, they gave him an immediate popularity which went on widening until his death. They had also real influence in improving the conditions of the soldiers, by moderating the harsh- ness of their discipline, a harshness then common in European armies. De Amicis continued to edit the Journal for some time and he remained in the Italian army until 1871. He was present when Cadorna’s troops entered by the Porta Pia and freed Rome from Papal rule September 20, 1870. After resigning from the service he devoted himself to literature, making Turin his headquarters and he was, with WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. 805 two or three exceptions, probably the only Italian writer of that time whose works had so wide a circulation as to bring him a livelihood. They were of three kinds: first, fiction, including under this head several novels and his very realistic sketches; second, descriptions of his travels; and third, poems. His books of travel made him known outside of Italy and were translated into several languages. The earliest, on Spain, appeared in 1873; Holland in 1874; Constanti- nople, 1877; Morocco, 1879; Argentina, to which he gave the title “Sull’ Oceano” in 1877; besides recollections of London and of Paris. In his later years he became like Lombroso and other intellectuals at Turin and Milan, a socialist, and he issued several volumes in support of this cult. He interested himself in writing for the young and his “Cuore,” of which more than 400,000 copies had already been sold several years ago, aims at teaching the young, (through a story which has enchanted them by multitudes), the elements of a strong and noble character. No other book in modern Italian, except Manzoni’s “T Promessi Sposi’’ has been so popular. He wrote also, “ L’ Idioma Gentile” which glorifies the Italian language; and, besides several polemical tracts and later recollections, he produced more fiction, of which “I] Romanzo d’un Maestro” was the most important. He died at Turin, March 12, 1908. De Amicis was a remarkably clear writer, a master of vivid description, and he possessed an indefinable charm which endeared him to most of his readers and diffused a magnetic quality over whatever he wrote. Wiuitam RoscorE THAYER. WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN (1831-1912) Fellow in Class III, Section 2, 1859 (President 1903-1908). William Watson Goodwin died in Cambridge, June 15, 1912. He was elected Fellow of the Academy, January 26, 1859, was a member of the Publication Committee from 1871 to 1880, and President from 1903 to 1908, in which year his failing health compelled him to decline re-election. His interest in the Academy was shown by frequent addresses and by letters when he was in Europe. His last communica- tion was an interesting description of the character of the meetings in his early years (Proceedings, vol. XLVI, 1910). S06 WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. The son of Hersey Bradford Goodwin (Harvard College 1826, Harvard Divinity School 1829) and Lucretia Ann Watson, he was born May 9, 1831, at Concord, Mass., where his father was the colleague of the Senior Minister, Dr. Ezra Ripley. Both his parents having died during his infancy, he lived at Plymouth with his grandmother, Lucretia Burr (Sturges) Watson until he entered Harvard College in 1847. After receiving his Bachelor’s degree in 1851 he lived in Cam- bridge for two years as resident graduate taking a few private pupils, (among others John C. Ropes), but devoting the major part of his time to the pursuit of his own studies in company with Ephraim Whitman Gurney and Henry Williamson Haynes. Finding, however, that there was no opportunity for advanced study at Harvard (the Graduate Department was unknown until 1872), he determined to seek instruction in Géttingen, which had been the resort of many Harvard men, such as Everett, Bancroft, Longfellow, Motley, and, nearer his own day, Gould, 44, and Child and Lane (both ’46), with whom he was to be so long associated in Cambridge. He used to recall with interest the fact that of the five holders of the Eliot Professorship of Greek Literature, since its foundation, three had studied at the Georgia-Augusta. The great classical scholars there in his day were Schneidewin and K. F. Hermann, the latter the last of the encyclopae- dists in classical philology. After studying in Gottingen, Bonn, and Berlin for two years, he received the degree of Ph.D. from Gottingen in 1855. His doctor’s dissertation dealt with the Sea Power of the Ancients (“De potentiae veterum gentium maritimae epochis apud Eusebium”’). During his stay abroad he visited Italy and Greece. Returning in 1856, Goodwin found that he had been made Tutor in Greek and Latin at Harvard, a post he exchanged, in the following year, for that of Tutor in Greek. In 1860, he succeeded Felton, who, in that year, resigned the Eliot Professorship of Greek Literature to become President of the College. For forty-one years Goodwin was in active service; even after his resignation in 1901, when he became Emeritus, his zeal did not permit him to sever himself from the work of actual instruction, and for seven years he continued to lecture on Plato and Aristotle. From 1903 to 1909 he was Overseer of the University, a distinction attained by relatively few of its teachers. : In the history of education in America few men have exceeded Goodwin’s period of service; and few have conferred greater distinc- tion on American scholarship. His life is no exception to the rule that the annals of a scholar’s career are short and simple. His many years WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. SO7 were spent in unremitting and unobtrusive labor for the welfare of Harvard in a period fruitful in far-reaching changes, a period that witnessed the decline of the old type of American college and the rise of the American university. He was clear-sighted in his judgment and temperate in his reasoning alike when he advocated, or when he op- posed, the policies that shaped the conduct of Harvard University to its present estate. The controlling motive that directed him during the revolutionary changes that transformed the Harvard of his youth was the welfare of scholarship, not merely in the Classics, but in every other discipline as well. He opposed the reduction of the college course from four years to three years because he believed that any reduction should be made at the beginning, not at the end; and he never changed his opinion as to the importance of classical study as a basis of literary culture. He was ingenuously dismayed at the failure of some of his contemporaries to see the value of Greek for modern education; and he witnessed with regret a generation of youth invited, as it were, to aim at literary culture without a knowledge of the language of Homer, Sophocles, and Plato. But if he could not view untroubled the dis- solution of all the old ideas as to the value of a “liberal”? education, he never wished for the return of the system of required studies prevalent in his undergraduate days and still in force until 1867-68; he advocated the abandoning of obligatory Greek in the Sophomore year; he welcomed the advent of the more fully developed elective system, though he foresaw some of the defects it has disclosed. He was not a blind worshipper of the classical literature of the ancients; he saw in it, not an agent for the discipline of the intellect of all youth, but an instrument, imperative for the understanding of the develop- ment of European letters, and salutary for those who would win a true appreciation of English literature. In him the intellectual spirit of scientific research in the field of grammar did not blunt the literary and artistic sense, which, as has well been said, is partly also moral. The old-time humanities translated themselves in him into the spirit of just and refined living. He did not confine his sympathies to the ancient world that was his by the association of daily work; but he realized, in the words of Renan, that “progress will eternally consist in developing what Greece conceived”; and from Greece he gathered, what many of the noblest and best have gathered thence, a large part of that wisdom of life which is more precious and more enduring than mere learning. As a teacher, as I recall him in the late seventies, Goodwin insisted SOS WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. on rigid accuracy in the understanding of the words of the text as the approach to the larger understanding of the thought — the only true method, if a vapid sentimental enthusiasm is not to be the goal of the appreciation of Greek, or of any other, literature. He laid no special emphasis on formal grammar, but he had taken to heart, perhaps unconsciously, the saying of Godfried Hermann, that without gram- mar there can be no appreciation of literature. Looseness of method Goodwin detested, and as he held us to strict accuracy, so in his range of exposition he confined himself to essentials in comment and illus- tration. His instruction was sound and informing, laying stress on fact rather than on subjective impressions. He managed his large store of knowledge with an ease and a security that awakened at once our admiration and our confidence. In textual criticism, as elsewhere, he abhored supersubtle ingenuity; he permitted no diffi- culty or obscurity, especially in phraseology or historical allusion, to pass unexplained, but he had the sincerity to confess his inability to understand passages corrupt beyond all cure. No one who knew Goodwin, no one who has ever listened to the sustained flow of his facile translation of the “Agamemnon,” could ever doubt that he had a deep love for Greek literature. But he was temperamentally alien to panegyric; he would not allow the language of emotional appreciation to trouble the beauty, the calm, the harmony of imagination and reason that give to Greek literature its sempiternal charm. Like the very reticences of that literature, the reticence of its expositor marked his power. He appealed therefore less to the many than to those, who, like himself, needed no spur in their “chase after beauty’’—if I may use Plato’s phrase in another application. His formative influence may be traced in the temperate and rational style, in the absence of extravagance, exaggeration, and perverse ingenuity, in the work of many of his pupils. It is the common fate of men who have devoted themselves with success to the welfare of a beloved college, that later generations should allow the memory of their many labors to pass into forgetfulness. As an Hellenist, however, Goodwin’s name will live, for directly and indirectly, as an interpreter of the literature and language of ancient Greece, he had a large influence on the temper and conscience of classi- cal scholarship in the United States. In the middle of the last century our native classical scholarship had scarcely awakened to the possibility of the independence born of original research. A leisurely interest in the classics as the humani- ties, a somewhat torpid belief in their efficiency as a discipline for all WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. SO9 mental dispositions, which was tempered but rarely by incursions into the larger meanings of Hellenic literature, sufficed with but rare exceptions for the generation under which Goodwin grew to manhood. In the year when, at the age of twenty-nine, he succeeded Felton in the Eliot Professorship, Goodwin gave evidence with a certain brilliant audacity that he had severed himself from the past. The year 1860 may well be taken as the mark of the appearance of a new spirit in our classical scholarship. In that year Hadley at Yale published his “Greek Grammar” based on the work of Georg Curtius; at Harvard, Goodwin brought out the book with which his name will be longest associated — the “Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb.” I cannot discover that Goodwin had occupied himself especially with the problems of systematic Greek grammar in any of its aspects during his residence at the universities of G6ttingen, Bonn, and Berlin; but the “Moods and Tenses” is itself a witness to the quickening spirit exercised by European masters upon the American philologists who, about the middle of the last century, began to cross the ocean in search of the inspiration they could not find at home. Yet the work, alike in its first form and when rewritten and greatly enlarged thirty years afterwards, owes relatively little to European research for its essential distinction. Not that Goodwin was not indebted, as he himself gladly acknowledged, to the labors of the great Danish scholar Madvig, or that some of his positions had not already been occupied by German syntacticians. But at the very outset of his career he had learned to think for himself — “ Librum aperi, ut discas quid alii cogitaverint; librum claude, ut ipse cogites.’’ It was due to his native and trained sense and knowledge of language as the instrument of the most delicate and refined expression that he was enabled to safeguard the subject of the modal and temporal relations of the Greek verb from the twofold danger that menaced it at the time. On the one hand, metaphysical subtlety exercised a malign influence in disturbing a clear understanding of the facts and their interpretation; on the other hand, comparative grammar, a science at that time in its infancy, by the very width of its horizon and the insecurity of its basis, threatened to carry back to the primitive home of the Aryans many of the problems that pertained in the first instance to the history of the Greek language on Greek soil. It was Goodwin’s clarity of judgment — with characteristic modesty he called it “common sense’”’— that saw the truth when the Germans had generally failed to release themselves from the intricacies of philo- S10 WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. sophical abstractions; and with equal sagacity and discernment he refused to trust himself upon the shifting sands of comparative syntax. The metaphysical syntax that held sway when Goodwin began his career is largely a thing of the past; but historical syntax, both in the wider area of the Indo-European languages and on Greek territory, has immeasurably increased its influence as it has steadily built upon securer foundations. The wonder is that after thirty years the large increments of scien- tific research should have found themselves easily at home and should have worked no disturbance to the principles laid down in a book, of which its author, in his revision of 1890, said that it had appeared “in the enthusiasm of youth as an ephemeral production.” The truth is that the “ Moods and Tenses”’ of 1890 is at bottom the “ Moods and Tenses” of 1860; for, though there was much to add in a work de- signed to fill a larger compass, there was astonishingly little to curtail, to modify in important particulars, or to reject out-right. I know of no book of like character that possesses the quality of prescience in equal degree. The “Moods and Tenses,” like every other piece of work done by its author, is marked by perfect sanity, displays the working of an independent and resourceful thinker, who with steadied purpose aimed at presenting the vital principles and the essential facts, freed from the entanglements of specious and shifting theories. It is the expression of a cautious scholar who possessed a varied and exact knowledge of English speech, which he wielded with precision in setting forth the fine distinctions of the delicate Greek idiom. To its judicious presentation of the facts, to its lucidity and exactness of statement, perhaps even to its very refusal to enter at all points and at all hazards upon the treacherous ground of absolute definition, the book owes its fame as a standard work, still indispensable, despite the subsequent mass of treatises, both large and small, that traverse the whole or some part of the same field. And it has had a wider and more salutary influence than any American or English book in its province for more than half a century. Apart from its virtues of lucidity and orderliness, there are certain special features of the “ Moods and Tenses” that have commanded most attention: the distinction between the time of an action and the character of an action, the-distinction between absolute and relative time, the division of conditional sentences (and in particular the treat- ment of shall and will and should and would conditions, which Goodwin discussed at some length in the Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. 7 (1876), and in the Journal of Philology, Vol. 8 WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. S11 (1879)), the relation of the optative to the subjunctive -and other moods, and the origin of the construction of od w with the subjunctive and the future indicative. The author of the “Mood.and Tenses,” the doctor irrefragabilis of Greek syntax, as he has been called, would have been the last to claim that he had, with Browning’s grammarian, settled all of “7's business.” He had not been, like Tom Steady in “The Idler,” “a vehement assertor of uncontroverted truths; and by keeping himself out of the reach of contradiction, had acquired all the confidence which the consciousness of irresistible abilities could have given.” There is much in Greek syntax that is debatable territory; but when- ever Goodwin entered that territory — though he was not a statisti- cian, as the earlier great scholars were not — his prevailing soundness of judgment and his range of illustration afford the controversialist only rarely the luxury of holding a different opinion. Goodwin’s “Greek Grammar” appeared ten years after the “ Moods and Tenses,” and inherited as by right the distinction and the distine- tive features of the earlier work. The “ Moods and Tenses”’ appealed to the advanced student and the teacher; the “Grammar”’ brought before the neophyte the facts of the language in exact and clear form; and showed that its author possessed the rare (and often underesti- mated) faculty of making a good elementary book. Only he who has himself followed in the tracks of Goodwin can adequately realize the elarity and compactness of his statements that never err through undue emphasis either on logical or on aesthetic relations. The very excellence and success of Goodwin’s work in the depart- ment of grammar made the wider public, and to a certain degree even the Hellenists of this country, ignorant of the scope and the distinction of his work in other fields. It is an altogether erroneous notion that Goodwin was purely a grammarian, honorable as that title has been made by many illustrious scholars. The range of his sympathies with Greek literature was indicated early in his career. The “‘ Greek Gram- mar’”’ appeared in 1870; in the same year was published Goodwin’s revision, in five volumes, of the translation of Plutarch’s “Morals”’ made by various hands in the seventeenth century. Innumerable errors and infelicities of the old translation were cleared away by Goodwin, whose work was termed a “vindication” of Plutarch by Emerson, who contributed an Introduction to the revision. English readers who would acquaint themselves with the deep and broad humanity of the sage of Chaeronea, in whom the intellect was illumi- nated by the force of morals, will long continue to use the translation of the Cambridge scholar. 812 WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. In common with many men of his position Goodwin turned at times to editorial work of a humbler character. He re-edited Felton’s edition of Isocrates’ “ Panegyricus” (1863), of the “ Birds” (1868) and the “Clouds” (1870) of Aristophanes. One of the most excellent books of its kind is the “Greek Reader” (1877, and in many later editions), while his edition of the “Anabasis” (1885, and in many later editions), prepared in conjunction with his colleague, Professor J. W. White, and augmented by an Illustrated Vocabulary, the work of Professors White and Morgan, is a model for its exact attention to grammatical details. With Greek philosophy Goodwin never claimed the intimate ac- quaintance of one whose special interests and sympathies mark him as a philosopher by profession. The temper of his mind was not metaphysical. Yet he had a large knowledge of the great ethical books of Greek literature, and years of close study made him a wise and judicious interpreter of the “ Republic” of Plato and of Aristotle’s “Ethics.” To the investigation of the history, antiquities, and law of ancient Greece he brought a mind keenly observant of the similari- ties and differences between ancient and modern times. It is in the interpretation of the masterpiece of Greek oratory that the scholar must be able to draw, in well-nigh equal measure, upon a sound knowledge of ancient history and ancient law. Goodwin’s mastery of this double field appears in his editions of Demosthenes’ “On the Crown” (1901) and “Against Midias” (1906). He wrote also on “The Relation of the zpdeépor to the tpuTaves in the Athenian Senate,” and on “The Value of the Attic Talent in Modern Money” (Traas- actions of theAmerican Philological Association, Vol. 16, 1885). To Thucydides he devoted a large share of his attention, and for many years lectured also on certain masterpieces of the Greek drama. It is to be regretted that Goodwin would not allow himself to be persuaded to prepare an edition of Aeschylus, to the interpretation of whose text he devoted years of profound study. He edited the text and prepared a translation of the “ Agamemnon,” to be used in con- nection with the public presentation of that play by the Department of Classics at Harvard in 1906. Of his critical method we have a lumi- nous example in the paper entitled “On the Text and Interpretation of certain passages in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus.” (Transactions Amer. Philol. Assoc., Vol. 8,,1877). In confronting the great difficul- ties of the text of Aeschylus, Goodwin was invariably hostile to the sciolist who complacently substitutes his emendations for the words of the poet. “Est quaedam etiam nesciendi ars et scientia’’— an WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. 813 admonition applied far more rigorously by the American scholar than by its German author. It was Goodwin’s good fortune to visit Greece as a young man when fresh from his studies in Germany; and it was he who was the first Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (1882- 83), an appropriate honor for the foremost Greek scholar of his time who was also one of the founders of the American Institute of Archae- ology. To his acquaintance with the land of Greece, reinforcing his knowledge of Greek literature and history, we owe the admirable paper on “The Battle of Salamis,” first published in 1885 (Papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, vol. 1); and in another form in 1906 (Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, vol. XVII). Goodwin’s careful sifting of the evidence determined the several localities in question and convincingly described the disposi- tions and movements of the Greek and barbarian forces in connection with that memorable contest. During his sojourn in Greece he be- came intimate with Prime Minister Tricoupis and long continued in association with the family of that statesman. His interest in the land of Greece was fittingly signalized by his being named a Knight of the Greek Order of the Redeemer. Apart from the books and separate articles already mentioned, Goodwin wrote relatively little. He contributed to “The Christian Register” an appreciation of Jowett which deals sympathetically with the “Essays and Reviews”; he prepared memoirs of Professors Torrey and Lane, and communicated to the Massachusetts Historical Society the Records of the Old Colony Club (1769-1773). In 1896, when the Venezuelan dispute was in the air, he sent to the Crimson a vigorous reply to Roosevelt’s letter in the same journal branding as unpatriotic a Harvard protest against the war-policy of the national executive and national legislature. But of all his writings not dealing with things Greek, the most admirable in its tone and farthest-reaching in its influence is the address “On the Present and Future of Harvard College,” delivered before Phi Beta Kappa in 1891. It commands attention for its description of the standards of the College in his undergraduate days and for its temperate discussion of the elective system, which in his view had immeasurably raised the scholarship of the studious though it had possibly dulled the high personal enthu- siasm that marked the ambitious three generations ago. But, above all, the address is invaluable for its analysis of the relation between liberal and professional studies and for its expression of Goodwin's profound loyalty and affection for his College, which, “like a queen, S14 WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. can do no wrong,” though her ministers may err, and which, “has more than an imperial treasury in the love and respect of her sons and in the confidence of the community.” His life was bound up with the interests of Harvard, with which he was connected, as student or-as officer, for fifty-six years. Long before he reached an advanced age he delighted in reminiscence, in tales of the simplicity of college life in the fifties, and not the least part of his charm for those of the younger generation who had a lively interest in Harvard’s past, consisted in the inexhaustible (and now irrecoverable) fund of anecdotes about early academic worthies — and unworthies — that lay in the memory of one who had been a student under Everett and Sparks and an officer of the college during the administrations of Walker, Felton, Hill and Eliot. Harvard has had few sons who have displayed greater devotion than he; a devotion that he was able to signalize by the foundation of a Scholarship in memory of his son Charles Haven, whose career of promise was cut short by his death one year after his graduation in 1888; and, at the end, by a bequest sufficient to establish one of the best endowed Scholarships in the bestowal of the University. To the cause of the higher education of women Goodwin gave his influential support. He was one of the first of the few teachers of Harvard who were early encouraged to try the experiment of giving instruction to advanced women students; and for many years he continued to make certain of his courses accessible to members of Radcliffe. He was one of the incorporators of the Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women and afterward of Radcliffe College, served on the Academic Board of the Annex from 1882 to 1893, was Chairman of that Board in 1885-86, a member of the Council of Radcliffe College from 1888 to 1911, and a member of the Associates of Radcliffe College from its incorporation until his death. Such are the landmarks in the career of a scholar whose life was spent in quiet devotion to high things, a life that made no parade and sought none of the noisy ways of fame. Yet to few Americans of our time has been given an ampler measure of the tribute of recognition that great powers have been used effectively and serviceably. Good- win’s mastery of Greek syntax enfranchised in Great Britain the Hellenic scholarship of the United States. The “Moods and Tenses”’ became there, as at home, a standard treatise; the Journal of Philology and Liddell and Scott’s Greek Lexicon contain further evidences of his exact learning. He received the degree of LL.D. from Cambridge in 1883, from Edinburgh in 1890, and the degree of D. C. L. from WILLIAM WATSON GOODWIN. 815 Oxford also in 1890. In 1905 Géttingen renewed honoris causa the degree of Ph.D. which he had received at that University in 1855. At home he received honorary degrees from Amherst, Chicago, Columbia, Yale, and Harvard. He enjoyed the rare distinction of being twice president of the American Philological Association (1871 and 1884); he was vice-president of the Egypt Exploration Fund; for many years he was closely identified with the work of the Archae- ological Institute of America. He was a member of the American Philosophical Society, an honorary member of the Hellenic Society of London, of the Philological Society of Cambridge, England, of the Hellenic Society of Constantinople, of the Archaeological Society and Academy of Science at Athens, and a foreign member of the Imperial German Archaeological Institute. Like the “high-minded man”’ of Aristotle, praise or blame neither elated nor dejected him. He was unfeignedly modest, and always took for himself far less than he deserved. He knew much about things of which he professed to know nothing. Laudation of his work did not cause him to think unduly of his powers, and he could rejoice in siding with a critic against himself, the mark (according to Emerson) of the cultured man. He kept unimpaired the serenity of the scholar whose only aim is the truth and who sinks his personality in his work. He was no lover of controversy and indirect challenge did not provoke him to break silence. He never strove to be eloquent or subtle. Dis- ingenuousness was utterly foreign to him. His every spoken and written word was as clear and simple and straightforward as his life. Not that he made his deeper self familiar even to his friends. Re- serve warded off the aggression of emotion in others as it was his defence against its promptings in himself; but, like some unde- monstrative natures, he had a large capacity for tenderness. He had none of the latent unsociability of the typical scholar, but was averse to “talking shop,” when many would gladly have had him yield to that academic temptation. He delighted in the offices of an unosten- tatious and refined hospitality; he seasoned life with humor and keen wit. At the public dinner in 1901 in commemoration of his retirement he proposed to amend Solon’s maxim “call no man happy till he is dead” to “call no man happy till he resigns.” He relished the dry humor of the descendants of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, and matched their aphorisms with those of the ancients. His sayings about people often had a quaint and humorous acidity, but they were never prompted by ungenerous feeling. No one could pass the barrier of his aloofness 816 EDWARD HENRY HALL. and come really to know him without loving him for the warmth of his heart, his sympathy and his never-failing kindliness. The large influence enjoyed by Goodwin was not due merely to his profound scholarship and solid achievements, nor to the fact that he was the embodiment of Greek culture, nor yet because to the younger ceneration he was the representative of an older time and had clothed himself with the wisdom of long experience. His influence was due above all to his high personal distinction. To his intellectual vigor and broad culture he united a noble temper, energy in repose, and a character that commanded respect and veneration. He measured the efficiency of his college by an exalted standard of scholarship; he was just and fair and broad-minded; never disabling his judgment by surrendering it to the caprices of momentary feeling; his character retained the sterling qualities of his Pilgrim ancestry while it had been softened to a gracious gentleness by the temper of his culture and a cosmopolitanism that had made him conversant with many lands and many men of distinction. But, more than all this, his whole life bore witness to purity and loftiness of soul. And his beautiful face and noble bearing affirmed the inner man —in very truth kados kat ayaos avnp. HERBERT WEIR SMYTH. EDWARD HENRY HALL (1831-1912) Fellow in Class III, Section 4, 1907. Edward Henry Hall was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 16, 1831, and died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 22, 1912. He was son of Edward Brooks Hall (Harv. A. B. 1820, S.T. D. ’48) and Harriet Ware Hall, daughter of Henry Ware, Sr., Hollis Professor of Divinity 1805-1845 (emeritus after 1840). After graduating from Harvard College in 1851, and from the Divinity School in 1855, he was ordained minister of the First Church in Plymouth on January 5, 1859, where he remained until July 1867, with an interruption from September 12, 1862 to June 18, 1863, during which he served as chaplain of the 44th Inf. M.V.M. From February 10, 1869 to February 26, 1882, he was minister of the Second Congregational Church of Worcester, and from March 30, 1882 to March 31, 1893 of EDWARD HENRY HALL. S817 the First Parish and Church in Cambridge. He was also Lecturer on the History of Christian Doctrine in the Harvard Divinity School, 1899-1900. In 1902 Harvard conferred upon him the honorary degree of S. T. D. as, in the apt phrases of President Eliot, “army chaplain in the Civil War, pastor, preacher, candid student of early Christian history, independent outspoken citizen.” Dr. Hall was a conspicuous example of the clerical type once preva- lent here in New England but now rapidly disappearing. Abhorring sensationalism and sentimentalism, he maintained the most exigent ideals of personal and civic righteousness, intellectual integrity and personal honor. Utterly fearless, and with the sincerity and sim- plicity which accompany courage at its best, he spoke out his full mind on theological and social topics. Severely aristocratic in his tastes and pleasures, with a native dignity superior to all baseness and a fine contempt for sham and pretence, which he was keen to detect, he was also thoroughly democratic in social principles and mental at- titude. There was a significant difference between his appearance on foot and on horseback. Walking the streets of Cambridge, often accompanied by his dog, he would have attracted little attention from a casual passer-by unless, indeed, the raising of his head to acknowledge the greetings of a friend had given a glimpse of his keen, strong, intellectual face, but when he rode, erect and martial, he was a distinguished figure of whom no one could have failed to take notice. As a scholar, he was interested in Christian History, particularly in the earlier period. In this field his work was conscientiously thorough and accurate, but the “enthusiasm” of the early church, and particu- larly of Paul, was so alien to his own habits of mind and life, as to make sympathetic appreciation difficult and hence he never quite suc- ceeded in making its,scenes and characters live. The title of his last book “Paul the Apostle, as viewed by a Layman” was significant of his devotion to the ideals of Congregationalism according to which a clergyman, as such, has no existence apart from his relation to the particular church of which he is minister. From this point of view, Dr. Hall, having resigned his Cambridge pastorate, properly and con- sistently described himself as a layman. His published works are:— Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Christian Church— Worcester (pri- vately printed) 1874; Boston, American Unitarian Association, 1883. ; First Lessons on the Bible — Boston, Unitarian Sunday School Society, 1882. 818 WILLIAM WIRT HOWE. Lessons on the Life of Paul — Boston, Unitarian Sunday School Society, 1885. Discourses — Boston, George H. Ellis, 1893. Papias and his Contemporaries — Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. Paul the Apostle, as viewed by a Layman — Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1906. W. W. FENN. WILLIAM WIRT HOWE (1833-1909) Fellow in Class III, Section 1, 1900. William Wirt Howe was born at Canandaigua, New York, on November 24, 1833. He was of English descent, an ancestor having come to America from Warwickshire about 1630. After graduating from Hamilton College in 1853 he studied law in St. Louis and began to practise there, but attracted by the greater opportunities in the East soon moved to New York City. At the outbreak of the civil war he gave up his profession for service in defense of the Union and became a Lieutenant in the 7th Kansas Volunteers. Throughout the war he was continuously engaged in military duty and rose to the rank of Major. In 1862 he was married at Utica, New York, to Frances A. Gridley. At the end of the war Mr. Howe established himself in New Orleans and resumed the practise of the law. He was appointed by General Sheridan during the latter’s military administration under the Recon- struction Act as judge of the principal Criminal Court in New Orleans, and in 1868 was appointed by Governor Warmoth to the Supreme Court of Louisiana, a position which he held until 1873. In 1900 he was appointed by President McKinley, United States District Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana; he was reappointed by President Roosevelt and served until in 1907 failing health compelled his resignation. In 1909 Judge Howe died at the age of seventy- six. He left a widow and one son, Wirt Howe, a graduate of Harvard University and of the Harvard Law School. In his profession Judge Howe achieved success and a reputation for | character as well as for capacity that was rewarded by his election WILLIAM WIRT HOWE. 819 in 1907 to the presidency of the American Bar Association of which he had become a member in 1881, three years after its organization. In his profession too he was recognized as a lecturer of exceptional ability and delivered courses of lectures at the St. Louis Law School, the Law Schools of the University of the South, Boston University, the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University. At Yale University he delivered the Storr’s series of lectures and these were published in 1896 and a second edition in 1905 under the title of, “Studies in the Civil Law.” Judge Howe’s interests and activities were not, however, confined to the law. For four years he was president of the New Orleans civil service board, receiving his appointment from the mayor of the city. He served as president of the Louisiana Historical Association and published a Municipal History of New Orleans, a Monograph of Johns Hopkins and a life of Francois Xavier Martin, for more than thirty years a judge of the Supreme Court of Louisiana and known as the “Father of Louisiana Jurisprudence.’’ Always prominent in philanthropic and public enterprises Judge Howe was one of the incor- porators and at his death a trustee of the Eye, Ear and Nose Hospital; one of the original members of the Louisiana Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; administrator of the Charitable Hospital of New Orleans; treasurer of Tulane University; an incorpo- rator and first president of the New Orleans Art Association; an active member of the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade; for thirty-four years senior warden of Christ Church C athedral, and a trustee of the Carnegie Institution in Washington. Settling in New Orleans immediately after the civil war in which he himself had taken an active part on the Northern side, Judge Howe began his career in a hostile community. The stormy years of recon- struction followed. A Northerner and a republican, he could not look with favor on the reestablishment of the old slaveholding aris- tocracy, and he received his judicial appointments from the republi- can party. But whatever sympathy he may have felt with the original aspirations of the radical republicans who for five or six years were supported by the federal government and maintained a pre- carious rule only through the use of federal troops, he revolted from the carnival of extravagance, dishonesty and corruption that marked the period of republican control. He was not one of the infamous horde of carpet baggers who after the war invaded the South intent only on loot, and, seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of an impoverished and distracted people, greatly aggravated the difficulties, 820 WILLIAM WIRT HOWE. sufficiently great under the best circumstances, of the race problem. When Judge Howe settled in New Orleans it was with no desire to exploit the South but with the purpose of becoming a permanent resident and of doing his part as he would have done it elsewhere for the public good. Long before his service as a judge of the Supreme Court ended it had been demonstrated that continuance of the negro republican rule meant the ruin of Louisiana. Judge Howe, like other good citizens, rallied to the support of Francis T. Nicholls and the men who with him were struggling to save the state from further spoliation and degradation, and without renouncing his political faith worked patriotically for redemption of the city and the state. It is seldom that any man starting life afresh at over thirty years of age in a new environment, almost an alien in race, under the handicap of most violent political and social prejudices, achieves success. Judge Howe faced all these conditions. Probably no community in the South felt a greater bitterness towards the North than did New Orleans at the end of the war. This bitterness was increased ten fold by the experiences of the reconstruction period. Yet Judge Howe succeeded in overcoming the obstacles. First appointed to public office by a hated military commander and later to a higher judicial office by an equally hated republican governor, he so won the esteem of political opponents and enemies as to be selected by a staunch demo- crat and ex-confederate soldier for a position of honor and responsi- bility as administrator of the Charity Hospital, and long before his death had become, as the roll of offices of trust and honor which he held shows, one of the leading citizens of his adopted state. The secret of Judge Howe’s success was character. Those thrown into association with him could not fail to recognize the cultured gentleman, the public spirited citizen, and the loyal friend and associ- ate. Political advancement, if he desired it, he could not expect in Louisiana, without apostasy to his republican convictions. But once the political atmosphere was cleared so that men judged their fellows by other than political tests his integrity, ability and high standards earned for him the respect and the confidence of his neighbors in New Orleans, as they earned for him national recognition. His election to the presidency of the American Bar Association stamped him as a fit representative of the South in his chosen profession; his appoint- ment as a trustee of the Carnegie Institution showed that his reputa- 3 as a wise and responsible administrator had become more than ocal. An interesting and amusing conversationalist, of ready wit, with a LEONARD PARKER KINNICUTT. 821 store of dry humor and a mind well stocked with reading, study and travel, he was much in demand for both public and private entertain- ments and filled with distinction a social position seldom attained in a city like New Orleans by one coming from without. Judge Howe’s work upon the Supreme bench of Louisiana showed courage, learning and conscientious discharge of his duties. He dared in a strong dissenting opinion to declare against the constitu- tionality of a state law which denied to one who in good faith had purchased for value a note originally given for the price of a slave the right to recover on the note. But the times were not favorable for any great judicial career in Louisiana, and the practice of the court which did not favor long opinions makes the reports of his decisions for the most part little more than a record of the conclusions reached. On the bench and in his subsequent career Judge Howe acquired a deserved distinction as a capable judge, an able counsellor and an effective lecturer. He lacked perhaps the attainments that would warrant calling him a great jurist, a great advocate or a great teacher. But if he fell short of the highest professional rank, his diversified interests, his large public spirit, the traits which won him the respect and esteem of the community and the affection of numerous friends, fully entitle him to be written down as “one who loved his fellow men’’ — and served them well. Witi1am H. DunBar. LEONARD PARKER KINNICUTT (1854-1911) Fellow in Class I, Section 3, 1883. Leonard Parker Kinnicutt ! was born in Worcester, May 22, 1854, the son of Francis H. and Elizabeth Waldo (Parker) Kinnicutt. He received his early education in the schools of Worcester, graduating from the high school in 1871. He went at once to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he devoted himself chiefly to the study of chemistry. Following his graduation in 1875 he spent four years in professional studies in Germany. At Heidelberg he came under 1 This sketch was published by the writer in Science April 28, 1911. 822 LEONARD PARKER KINNICUTT. the inspiring influence of Bunsen from whom he acquired an apprecia- tion of the value of careful and accurate analysis. Here also under Bunsen’s guidance he was initiated into the refinements of gas analy- sis. This was the period when organic chemistry was developing with tremendous rapidity especially in Germany. Bunsen had passed the zenith of his career and was not in sympathy with the new tendency which was manifesting itself in chemistry. It is not surprising then to find the young Kinnicutt leaving Heidelberg and matriculating at Bonn. Only ten years before, Kekulé had been called to the Uni- versity of Bonn to take charge of the newly built laboratory which at that time was the finest in all Germany and after which later labora- tories were patterned. Kekulé’s was a charming personality. His lectures were a model for simplicity of arrangement and clearness of presentation, and the experimental demonstrations were carried out with such fascinating ease and dexterity that the young Kinnicutt was captivated by the spirit and beauty of organic chemistry and devoted himself diligently to its study. He was fortunate in being accepted into the private laboratory of the master, where he became associated with Richard Anschiitz, the present director of the Chemical Institute at Bonn. In collaboration with Anschiitz he published a number of papers, chiefly on phenyl- glyceric acid. This association ripened into a lasting friendship. Returning to the United States in 1879, he spent a year in study with Ira Remsen at the Johns Hopkins University, and then three years at Harvard, where he served as instructor in quantitative analysis and as private assistant to Wolcott Gibbs, at that time Rumford Professor of Chemistry. In 1882 he received from Harvard the degree of doctor of science and in September of the same year accepted an appointment as instructor of organic chemistry at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. In the following January he became assistant professor of chemistry; three years later he was made full professor, and from 1892 was director of the department. As early as 1885 Professor Kinnicutt began to give attention to the question of sewage disposal and sanitary problems. He became an authority on the sanitation of air, water and gas; on the methods of analysis and on the disposal of wastes. He paid particular attention to the examination of water and watersheds and the contamination of rivers and ponds by trade wastes and sewage. He made numerous reports, both as regards private and public water supplies. He visited England on an average every other year since 1894, familiarizing himself with the work done in that country and the results were embodied in various articles which he published on the LEONARD PARKER KINNICUTT. 823 subject. He paid special attention to the subject of the pollution of streams by wool-washings, and made a careful study of this problem at Bradford, England, where a greater amount of wool is washed annually than in any other city in England or in this country. He was employed as an expert in numerous cases regarding the pollution of streams and ponds, and was one of the experts in the case of the pollution of the Mississippi River at St. Louis by the sewage of Chicago. In 1903 he was appointed consulting chemist of the Connecticut Sewage Commission, a position which he retained up to the time of his death. He was a frequent contributor to scientific periodicals and the proceedings of learned societies upon topics relating to his specialty. In 1910 in collaboration with Professor C. E. A. Winslow, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Mr. R. Winthrop Pratt, of the Ohio State Board of Health, he published a book entitled “Sewage Disposal” which is considered to be one of the best treatises on the subject of sewage disposal in the English language. Professor Kinnicutt’s reputation was not confined to this country. He enjoyed a wide acquaintance, both in England and on the conti- nent, and possessed the rare faculty of keeping ever fresh and active a friendship once established. One of his highest honors was the appointment as president of the Section of Hygiene of the Inter- national Congress of Applied Chemistry, which was held in Washing- ton and New York in September, 1912. Even to within a few days of his death he continued to work with characteristic zeal in perfecting plans for the success of the section over which he was to have presided. Professor Kinnicutt was deeply interested in the sanitary problems of his native city, Worcester. He kept a careful watch upon the city’s water supply. During the “water famine” of the winter of 1910 to 1911 he directed from his sick bed the tests to be made, had daily reports brought to him and outlined the policy by which, in his opinion, the city’s health might be best safeguarded. He devoted a great deal of time and money to secure a pure milk supply in summer for the babies in needy families, and at the time of his death he was a member of the Worcester Medical Milk Commis- sion. Professor Kinnicutt was widely connected with scientific associ- ations; he was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an active member of the C. M. Warren Committee from its foundation in 1893 and its chairman from 1903 to his death; a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, of which he was vice-president in 1904; a member of the American Chemical Society, and councillor for a succession of years; a member of the §24 LEONARD PARKER KINNICUTT. Society of Bacteriology; a fellow of the New England Water Works Association; of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers; of the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society, and of various foreign associations, including the Association of Managers of Sewage Disposal Works of England, the London Chemical Society, and the German Chemical Society. He was a member of several social clubs in Worcester and Boston and retained to a remarkable degree his interest in the alumni reunions of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, of the John Hopkins University and of Harvard University, and he rarely failed to be present and add his geniality to the general good cheer. Esteemed and honored by the scientific world, and beloved by a wide circle of acquaintances, yet it was as a teacher that the true worth of his character manifested itself. Possessed of a broad training and knowledge of his subject, and a fund of personal experiences, with which he punctuated his lectures, he was enabled to drive home the truths which he desired to impress on the minds of his students. Interest in his students, however, did not cease with the lecture or the laboratory. He was ever ready to listen sympathizingly and indul- gently to those students who were in distress, and to all such he gave liberally of his time and purse. This conscientious devotion to duty and unselfish human interest endeared him to the students and alumni. It came as a great shock to all when, after a delightful summer of European travel and the resumption of his academic duties, apparently in his usual good health, he was attacked by a slow fever which confined him to the house after but a few days of activity. The trouble was diagnosed finally as tuberculosis. He received his first warning that he had this insidious disease in his system when he was a student in Germany, but had apparently fully recovered from this earlier attack. It was hoped that a year’s leave of absence and careful nursing would restore him to health and the resumption of a part at least of his former activities. Toward the end of January, 1911, however, his heart became seriously affected, and he failed rapidly until the end came peacefully on the morning of the sixth of February. Professor William T. Sedgwick, a lifelong friend paid a fitting trib- ute to his memory when he said, “His was a unique, lovable and altogether charming personality. Kindness and friendship such as his life exemplified could no further go. He was critical, yet just; fearless, yet considerate of others; honest to a fault; a hard worker; and . a degree nowadays unusual, an accomplished and cultivated gentleman.”’ W. L. JENNINGS. 00 lo or ROBERT KOCH. ROBERT KOCH (1843-1910) Foreign Honorary Member in Class II, Section 4, 1901. Robert Koch died May 27, 1910, in his sixty-seventh year. He was born in Klaustal; was one of thirteen children; eleven sons and two daughters. He was at first intended to be a tradesman, but later was allowed to carry out his own desire, which was to study medicine. In April, 1862, at the age of eighteen, he entered the University of Géttingen, and devoted himself to the study of mathematics, physics and botany. The physiologist, Meissner, and the pathologist, Henle had a special influence upon him during his stay here. In his second semester, he was made an assistant in the Pathological Museum, and shortly after took an academic prize. In January, 1866, he took his Doctor’s examination in Géttingen, and in March of the same year, after a short stay in Berlin, passed his state examination with great distinction at Hanover. He then spent a month as an assistant in the General Hospital of Hamburg, and from October, 1866 to July, 1868, combined general practice with that of physician to the Idiot’s Hospital of Langenhagen near Han- over. He then practised a short time in Neimegk in Brandenburg, and from 1869 in Rakwitz in the province of Posen. From Rakwitz he went as a volunteer surgeon to the war against France; returning home — at the suggestion of one of his friends, he passed the exami- nation for, and until 1872 served as, District Physician in Wollstein near Rakwitz. In spite of all the interruptions that come to a busy practitioner, Koch had found time for microscopic studies during the preceding years, but it. was first in Wollstein that, thanks to his improved financial condition, he secured better apparatus and instruments and could control his time better. He cut off half his consulting room for a laboratory, in which was installed a photomicrographic apparatus and a dark room. It was in this room that the young District Physician and busy practitioner made the discoveries that stamped him as a master of knowledge. The aims of his life stood now clear before his eyes. He threw a search-light on the darkness surrounding the infectious diseases: he placed the old, much disputed doctrine of 826 ROBERT KOCH. contagium vivum upon a solid foundation, and showed the methods of attack and control of pestilences. : The opportunity offered itself, at this time, to study anthrax, which formed the subject of his first recorded and published paper: (“Die Atiologie der Milzbrandkrankheit, begriindet auf die Entwickelungs- geschichte des Bacillus anthracis,’ Cohn’s Beitriige z. Biologie der Pflanzen, 11, 1876, 1 Pl.) This was the first of the series of papers upon this disease: studies which involved him in the bitter contro- versy with Pasteur. Before this was finished, came his special contributions on methods (“Verfahrung zur Untersuchung, zum Konservieren und Photographieren der Bakterien,’ Cohn’s Beitriige, II, 1877, and “Zur Untersuchung von pathogenen organismen,” Mitt. a. d. Kais. Gesundheitsamte, I, Berlin, 1881). Then came his work on suppurations and septicemias (“Untersuchung iiber die Atiologie der Wundinfektionskrankheiten,” Leipzig, 1878) on disinfection (“Uber Desinfektion,” Mitt. a. d. Kais. Gesund., I, Berlin, 1881), and his results on tuberculosis, first indicated in 1882 (“Die Atiologie der Tuberkulose. Nach einen in der Physiologische Geselleschaft zu Berlin am 24 Marz, 1882, gehalten Vortrage, Berlin, Klin. Woch. 1882,” and “ Die Atiologie der Tuberkulose,” Mitt. a. d. Kais. Gesund., II, Berlin, 1884.) This subject took much of his attention for many years, and as his demonstration of the etiological factor served to give his reputation the solid world-wide acceptance that it received, so the forced circumstances surrounding the announcement of the remedial substance “tuberculin,” and the disappointment of the extreme hopes. aroused, served to embitter much of his later life. The circumstances of this occurrence are tragic, as those familiar with the facts well know. In 1882, however, his work on tuberculosis was interrupted by the expedition to Egypt and India for the study of cholera. The results appeared in 1887 in a separate volume (Arb. a. d. Kais. Gesund- heitsamt, 1887, III), and like all his previous communications bear the marks of painstaking research and great accuracy. His work on “infectious-wound-diseases ” especially aroused Cohn’s interest, so that through his influence, Koch became District Physician in Breslau in 1879. But his reputation was so rapidly growing that on June 28, 1880, he was brought to the Kaiserlichen Gesundsheitsamt in Berlin, and was at last free to work and carry out his great aims. uninterrupted. It was here that he perfected his methods of staining, of photomicrography, and of solid culture media — all of them used before, but not widely known and accepted — methods that form the base of much of our knowledge of microscopic organisms, and the perfecting of which is in itself a claim to great distinction. ROBERT KOCH. 827 In 1885 a new promotion came —to the Chair of Professor of Hygiene in the Medical Faculty of the University of Berlin, and Director of the newly established Hygienic Institute. In June, 1891, he was again transferred — to become the head of the new Institute for Infectious Diseases, with a hospital attached. In this place he became the leader and director of campaigns against epidemics in all parts of the Empire. He was made Surgeon-General of the Health Service, and Professor and Fellow of the Science Senate of the Kaiser Wilhelm’s Academy. As early as 1881, he had suggested that other micro-organisms than bacteria might be the cause of some infectious processes, and that blood-sucking insects might easily be the intermediate hosts. This he later demonstrated in his work in India, New Guinea and Africa upon many of the infections there prevalent. Koch’s characteristics were those necessary for the successful inves- tigator — patience, a strong will and great persistence. The earlier part of his career was marked by such definite and clear-cut results in all his published papers that the scientific world was ready to accept the claims attributed to him as to the effects to be expected from the use of tuberculin. His personality was modest and unassuming, his diction, in conversation, simple, clear and convincing. These qualities seem to have been lessened in later life, for there then appears a tend- ency to general and dogmatic statement, and a greater inclination to controversial methods than had been seen before. Nevertheless, second only to Pasteur, his career stands as one of the first importance in the advance of our knowledge of the infectious diseases and the relief of human suffering. H. C. ERWwST: 828 SAMUEL PIERPONT LANGLEY. SAMUEL PIERPONT LANGLEY (1834-1906) Fellow in Class I, Section 2, 1883. What can a writer of a notice of Samuel Pierpont Langley, twelve years after his death, add to the notices already published in the lead- ing scientific societies of the world: especially the full notices at the memorial meeting in the Smithsonian Institution, Dec. 3, 1906? The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, however, would feel that it would be lacking in respect to the memory of one of its most distinguished members if it did not commemorate, even in a brief note, his achievements. The American Academy early recognized his ability by the bestowal of the Rumford medals; and it can now point with pride to the justification of their confidence in the value of his work. Samuel Pierpont Langley was born in Roxbury, Mass., Aug. 22, 1854. He was educated in the Boston Latin School and in the Boston High School. Having adopted the profession of an architect and a civil engineer, he went to the West and engaged for a time in practical life; but his scientific tastes prevailed and he came back to the east to take up the study of astronomy. He became an assistant in the Harvard College Observatory, and at the age of thirty-two was ap- pointed Director of the Allegheny Observatory, where he remained for twenty years. He became a pioneer in the new subject of astrophysics and soon began a series of investigations on radiant energy, especially mani- fested in the solar spectrum. In his early experiments he used the apparatus made classical by previous investigators — the combination of junctions of bismuth and antimony, called the Melloni pile. These junctions are very sensitive to radiant heat, and the thermo-electric currents developed at the junctions can be measured by a suitable instrument —a galvanometer — placed in an electric circuit — namely the circuit of the junctions and the galvanometer. Langley found, as so many did, that thermo-electricity cannot be depended upon for accuracy of indications of small amounts of heat. He therefore adopted the electric balance, in which the increase of electrical resist- ance in a coil submitted to heat, is balanced by other coils. The electrical balance is what is known as the Wheatstone’s Bridge. Langley’s contribution to the electrical balance was the use of an SAMUEL PIERPONT LANGLEY. 829 excessively fine metallic filament for the resistance submitted to radiant energy. This filament responded to extraordinarily small increments of heat. I well remember his enthusiasm, when on a visit to Cam- bridge, he showed me the modification of the balance which he called a bolometer and said “I have found a means of overcoming all my difficulties.” A new instrument often marks the beginning of a new epoch in science, Langley opened a great field of investigation in that portion of the solar spectrum which extends into darkness beyond the visible red — the portion called the infra red; and mapped lines and absorption bands in a region eight to ten times the extent of the visible spectrum. With his bolometer he undertook an investigation of the heat of the moon; but could not distinguish between the heat given off by the body of the moon and that due to reflection of the sun’s rays. He made journeys to Mt. Whitney where the height and steadiness of the atmosphere promised to enable him to determine the constancy of the radiation of the sun. He laid the foundation of the subsequent refined measurements of Dr. Abbot. When Langley was called to the Smithsonian, as Director he founded an astrophysical observatory in connection with the Institution which has become renowned as a centre of investigation of radiant energy. Langley obtained by his investigations with the bolometer an en- during place in the history of science which, however, was to be greatly increased by his later work on the aeroplane. My acquaintance with him began on a camping out expedition in Maine. He impressed me as a man wrapped in heavy thought. One evening Professor Alfred M. Mayer, who was of the party, expressed the conviction that a scientific man could acquire in half an hour the practical expe- rience which had taken our guide twenty years to obtain; and he and Langley took lessons in paddling a canoe. There was no wind and the lake, on the shores of which we were encamped was placid. Langley, taking with him a copy of Maxwell’s Matter and Motion, paddled across the lake. A thunder cloud presently arose and Langley endeavored to return; but there was no stone in the bow of the canoe; and it did not occur to him to shift his position to the middle of the canoe. He had to summon the guide. Later we were together in London, and on one occasion while riding in the suburbs, he broke a moody silence by remarking, “ How absurd it is to be carried by this horse — a mass of flesh and bones, nine hundred pounds in weight, I have an engine, which weighs only four pounds and develops two horse power.” 830 SAMUEL PIERPONT LANGLEY. When the idea of flying possessed him he went ahead without regard to the universal ridicule which greeted those who believed that flying was possible —a ridicule fully expressed by the poem, “ Darius Green and his flying machine,” and was constantly showing his friends little devices, modifications of boomerangs, arrangements of wings and screws which showed marvellous capabilities of flight. Finally in 1896 he constructed a machine which was driven by a small steam engine and which flew down the Potomac a distance of over a mile. The machine was set off on a car which ran forward on ways, and which fell down at the extremity of the car’s motion, releasing the aeroplane for its flight. In 1898 a board consisting of army and navy officers was appointed to investigate Langley’s experiments. Their report was favorable and the board allotted $50,000 for the development and construction of a large aeroplane. A difficulty was met in obtaining a suitable light engine and suitable materials for the guys and wings. In 1901 a gasoline engine was secured and work proceeded. The first machine weighed 830 pounds and had a surface of 1,040 square feet. The entire power plant weighed less than 5 pounds to the horse power. The successful small mechanical model which made the flight of a mile, weighed 58 pounds, had a surface of 66 square feet and an engine which developed 23 to 3 horse power. The same launching apparatus which had worked successfully in the case of the small model was prepared for the large machine. The weather conditions on the Potomac were most baffling. It seemed as if the winds followed the course of the river and Langley, with hope deferred must have suffered great perturbation of spirit in studying the weather conditions. There seemed to be a malevolence in nature; which we feel in war times. A small house had been erected on the banks of the Potomac and the launching ways carefully tested. On October 7, 1903, in the presence of a curious throng of spectators the conditions of the atmosphere seemed propitious. The engineer took his seat and the car with the aeroplane sped down the ways. Just as it left the track, with the 50 horse power engine whirling the propellor, one of the guys was caught by the falling ways, a front guy post was also caught. The front of the machine was dragged downwards and the machine plunged into the water about 50 yards in front of the boathouse. After some repairs a second attempt was made on December 8, 1903, with a resulting disaster. The rear guy post seemed to drag, bringing the rudder down on the launching ways with a crashing rending sound and a collapse of the rear wings. The machine was THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. 831 wrecked and the funds, exhausted. Langley said, “Failure in the aerodrome itself, in its engines there had been none: and it is believed that it is at the moment of success, and when the engineering problems have been solved, a lack of means has prevented a continuance of the work.” If he had only thought of mounting his aeroplane on bicycle wheels! what a small thing prevented his success. One recalls the canoe episode on the Maine lake. I know of no more touching episode in the history of invention. He had success in his grasp. A critic has said that he ought to have stopped with his mechanical model; for he had not the engineering skill to perfect his invention. It seems to me that this is not true. Langley combined with his theoretical knowledge of mechanics a remarkable practical skill. His aeroplane afterwards flew. Perhaps he underated the necessity of practical experience in balancing even after a successful launching. With what exultation of spirit he would survey today the progress of aviation. It is one of the unintelligible things in this life that this exultation was denied him; for he was a man especially fond of distine- tion. He failed for the want of a few thousand dollars; and the United States Government is now appropriating millions for aero- planes. In the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections for 1907, will be found a complete bibliography of Langley’s papers. It contains 284 references. JOHN TROWBRIDGE. THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY (1838-1915) Fellow in Class I[I, Section 2, 1896. if Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury, son of Thomas and Mary Janette (Woodward) Lounsbury, was born on January Ist, 1838, at Ovid, New York, where his father was pastor of the Presbyterian Church. At the age of seventeen he entered Yale College; he took his degree in 1859. His undergraduate career was distinguished by sundry prizes and other such recognitions of literary propensities. After gradua- tion he was for some time employed on the not too mature staff engaged in preparing Appleton’s New American Cyclopaedia. From 1862 to 1865 he served as an infantry officer in the Civil War, 832 THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. during the latter part of this time as Adjutant of the Draft Rendezvous at Elmira, New York, which was also a depot for Confederate prison- ers. The next five years he passed in school teaching, private tutor- ing, and eager study, particularly of the English language and literature. In 1870 he returned to Yale, as instructor in English at the Sheffield Scientific School; the next year he was made professor of English there. As such he continued his work, scholar and teacher alike, for thirty-five years, retiring in 1906. He died at New Haven, on April 9th, 1915. For a long time he had then been recognized not only as one who will hardly be forgotten among the worthies of Yale but as a scholar of national and international importance — after the death of Professor Child, of Harvard, in 1896, undisputedly the most eminent master of his subject in the United States. This eminence was attested by many degrees and similar honors. He was Doctor of Laws of Yale, of Harvard, and of Aberdeen; he was Doctor of Letters of Princeton; and, to go no further, he was from the first a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He had been made a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences April 8, 1896. Apart from occasional writing, his publications were not precocious. The first which he chose to record in Who’s Who was a compact handbook concerning the History of the English Language, published so late as 1879. In 1882 — though it bears the date of the following year — appeared his Life of James Fenimore Cooper, in the American Men of Letters Series. In 1891 came what is generally thought his most important work, the three-volume Studies in Chaucer, affection- ately dedicated to Professor Child. Between 1901 and 1906 came the three volumes which he grouped together under the title of Shakes- pearan Wars: Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist, Shakespeare and Voltaire, and The Text of Shakespeare. Meanwhile, in 1904, he had extended into a small volume papers originally written for occasional purposes, concerning The Standard of Pronunciation in English. This was followed in 1908 by a similar but rather more extensive book on The Standard of Usage in English. In 1909, he completed this third of his trilogies by his book on English Spelling and Spelling Reform. In 1911 appeared his four lectures, originally given at the University of Virginia, on the Early Literary Career of Robert Brown- ing; in 1912 followed that rhost compact and satisfactory of anthol- ogies, The Yale Book of American Verse. His last considerable publication was posthumous: The Life and Times of Tennyson (From 1809 to 1850) he had left unfinished; in December, 1915, only eight THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. 833 months after his death, it was printed under the supervision of his junior colleague and devoted friend, Professor Wilbur Cross. In 1871, Professor Lounsbury married Jane, daughter of General Thomas J. Folwell, of New York. With one son, she survived him. II It is happily characteristic of Professor Lounsbury that when he retired from the drudgery of teaching, in 1906, a neighbor more than twenty years younger than he sent the Yale Alumni Weekly a column touching on the humanity of him just as a neighbor. There have rarely been men more stoutly themselves; but you could hardly meet him, even occasionally and casually, without a contagious sense of human fellowship. As one thinks of him now, the first thought is that he was of the few who can unwittingly help fellow beings to be better fellows. His appearance was by no means academic; rather his burly vigor bespoke the old soldier. So late as 1915, when he was more than seventy-five years old, he allowed to stand in Who’s Who the statement that his favorite recreations were cycling and tennis. A tall man and a large, sandy-haired and bearded, with heavy-lidded eyes which troubled him in his later years, he might have looked ponder- ous, if he had been less alert. He was voluble yet affable; whether you talked back to him or not, you felt as if you did. His boundless range of information was always at his command. He had the buoyant potency of a great scholar; he could master books and they could not master him. No man was ever more free from the insidious bonds of pedantry. Life is real, books are the record of past realities; to under- stand books we must take them for what they truly are — the data from which imagination can revive aspects of life no longer visible to living men. Your pedant stops at the letter, imprisoned in the walls of his library; your scholar finds his library an open gate to worlds he can never explore too eagerly. He loves his path, no doubt, but mostly because it is the way to boundless journeys of discovery; and discovery is discovery, be it of a new flower or of a new continent or planet. We may seem to be straying from a life which passed half its allotted span in the teaching of boys at an American Scientific School; yet those who remember Professor Lounsbury can hardly help, from the very force of his memory, starting away from daily commonplace. How tremendously commonplace the circumstances of his profes- sional work must have been, anyone who has taught undergraduates 834 THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. must sadly know. The independence of Professor Lounsbury’s nature kept him apart from the rigid curriculum which persisted at Yale College during the greater part of his teaching years. In the Scientific School he was more free to deal with his still new and some- what suspected subject of English than he could have been in the college itself; but this very freedom brought its penalties. Students of science, at least in his time, have been so largely because they would not take the trouble to make themselves students of the humanities; and students of English, as a class, have been so largely for the reason that they could thus dispense with the vexatious need of learning any other language than their own. Until very late in Professor Louns- bury’s career as a teacher, there was little graduate study of English at Yale: even now, your graduate student of English anywhere is seldom inspiring. So perhaps only men who have had to teach English. at a Yankee college can fully enjoy two of his remembered comments on this task. The first is in his life of Cooper (p. 7), who was for a while an undergraduate at Yale. “We need not feel any distrust,” writes Lounsbury, “of his declaration that little learning of any kind forced its way into his head. Least of all will he be inclined to doubt it whom extended experience in the class-room has taught to view with profoundest respect the infinite capability of the human mind to resist the introduction of knowledge.’’ The second of his comments on pupils, though perhaps legendary, is at once equally characteristic and more familiar. Towards the close of an unusually restless hour, he is said to have admonished his class in some such words as these: “You must stay with me a little longer. I have a few more pearls to cast before you.” And pearls they were, those words of his, whether they concerned learning or sport, reminiscence or what a less robust nature would have found the benumbing chill of college conservatism. He was a Yale man to the core, and lived to be in his later years among the most secure of Yale worthies in the hearts of men that loved Yale. The way in which he instinctively combined simplicity with distinction breathed the best spirit of the college which was his from boyhood to the last. He was a born and a trained lover of literature. Above all, though, he was a pitiless enemy of literary cant; he never forgot the supreme truth of fact; and no one ever sought or asserted fact with more sturdy common-sense. Before his time, the teaching of English at Yale had been mostly concerned with formal rhetoric and oratory. His own first teaching directed the attention of his pupils straight to the texts of Shakespeare, of Milton, of Dryden, and of THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. 835 Pope — poets who have survived so surely that, whether you care for them or not, their works are touchstones by which those who will may test the worth of works lesser or newer. And what he thought of the trivial conventions of petty literary grace may be gathered from the saying attributed to him by Professor Cross, that “a man who hasn’t brains enough to write a grammar writes a rhetoric.” Those who knew Professor Lounsbury, even though slightly, can never forget him. No one can remember him without interest, few without affection. III Whoever, with such memory, turns now to the books where he has left his record for future times must feel, more than usual, how little books, even though deeply characteristic, can preserve the atmosphere of amemorable personality. Something similar is true of two Harvard worthies — Lowell and Norton. Lowell’s poems and essays are securely placed among the standards of literature in America, Norton’s books and letters are lasting records of the most gracious American culture. But Harvard men who studied under Lowell or Norton, or who know them as they lived and moved in the Cambridge they had seen transformed from a unique college town to populous suburban commonplace, grow impatient of their printed utterance. This is doubtless good; but the men themselves were so much better that the sense of their loss grows heavier with each page. Lounsbury’s books are as characteristic as either of theirs — not least for his disdainful disregard of conventional literary pretension. He wrote, as he talked, volubly and idiomatically. He did not attempt to make literature; he was content to know it, to love it, to assert the standards of it and to maintain them with all the power of his insatiable study and of his unswerving common-sense. No man ever had a sounder appreciation of literary and poetic values; none could insist on them more sanely or more valiantly. When he came to discussing them, however, he was a little too apt to take them for granted. This, as one reflects, was evident in his talk. There one felt nothing to seek; if he strayed a bit from things themselves worth while to things about them, a word or two would recall him to the heart of the matter; oftener, gladly yielding to the sweep of his utterance, one was content for the moment to take for granted with him that there was no need to dwell on what we all knew anyway. The pitiless impersonality of print, however, reveals too clearly this error, if indeed it be not a foible, of his strength. 836 THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. A shrewd contemporary of his, at another college, was apt to say that books are alive, that books about books are anaemic, and that books about books about books are still-born. In his writing as in his talk Lounsbury was red-blooded and always animated. As one turns the pages of his volumes, though, one sometimes suspects that the greatest wonder of all about him is that he could manage to make a constant impression of vigor in works which may so nearly be generalized as books about books about books. This is not the case throughout, to be sure. His little handbook on the English Language, compact from the conditions of its limits, states the facts as they were ascertained in 1879 so firmly and with such animation that after forty years it still seems an authority. His Life of Cooper is an excellent piece of literary biography, where you may find not only faithful portraiture set in veracious historic back- ground, and supplemented by compact critical comment, but now and again pearls of such water as that which we took from its setting a little while ago. His Studies in Chaucer, generally deemed his principal work, may justly be called diffuse and disorderly; but, for all their voluble vagrancies, they unquestionably accomplish the essential task of books about books. They make you eager to read the poet they concern, impatient again to open his pages which they irradiate with countless gleams of new light, and above all aware of what manner of human being that poet was, the greatest gentleman who ever made English poetry. When we come to Lounsbury’s second trilogy, however, which has to do with Shakespeare, the case is different. Shakespeare lurks in the background; the foreground is full of faintly reanimated folks who between his time and ours have had opinions about him. The tireless erudition displayed throughout is beyond compare; Lounsbury read more extinct criticism, you grow to feel, than would have seemed within the range of human power. What is more, his own vigor gives his statements about this forgotten stuff a semblance of animation. But, after all, discussions of such things as the Unities and as Eighteenth Century Views do not lead you into the heart of Hamlet or of The Tempest; and if Voltaire had done nothing but first praise and then jealously blame the greatest of English poets we should trouble ourselves no more about Voltaire; and when it comes to The Text of Shakespeare, the matter leads us rather to the murky depths of the Dunciad than either to anything Pope lives by or a bit to the poetry with which Theobold dealt so faithfully as to rouse Pope’s hateful spite. Lounsbury’s Virginia lectures on the early career of Browning, too, tell you not so much THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. 837 about Browning as about what critics thought of him. And Louns- bury’s unfinished study of Tennyson leaves on your mind more dis- tinct notions of English reviewing before 1850 than of either the poetry or the poets with whom the reviewers concerned themselves. Your notions of Tennyson himself meanwhile grow rather hazier than clearer, and in the end you are not eager to clear them up. On the whole, The Yale Book of American Verse gives one the best notion of how admirable the critical sense of Lounsbury really was. There are some thirty-five pages of discursive introduction, nowhere more sturdily his own than where he touches on our national hymns, the Star-Spangled Banner and America (pp. xli-xliv). There are some five hundred and fifty pages of selections from American verse, beginning with a hymn by Timothy Dwight (1752-1817) and ending with two longish poems by William Vaughn Moody (1869- 1910). The pages are admirably printed and widely spaced. As should always be the case with poetry, they tempt the eye to linger and the mind to read at leisure; and, as there are extracts, sometimes rather long, from the work of fifty-two nineteenth century poets, there is not too much of anybody. The very mention of our national hymns, and of the names which open and close the selections, is enough to remind us that these range widely in point both of quality and of renown. The two sure things about the book are first that whoever knows our national characteristics cannot help feeling it admirably and comprehensively American, and secondly that it demonstrates as hardly ever before the merit of poetry in nineteenth century America. Thus dealing directly with literature, Lounsbury could surely make others know afresh what literature is. His disdain of conventional rhetoric somewhat obscures this power. Professor Cross, in his pious introduction to the posthumous volume on Tennyson, draws a touching picture of Lounsbury, in his later years and with sadly weakened eyes, writing in the dark, and carefully considering the turn of his phrase. Except for incessant clearness, one would hardly suspect from his published work that he could ever have been haunted by any such artistic conscience as is here implied. In general his style seems carelessly diffuse; and his passion for the neuter pronoun was almost unholy. To take a casual example of this, he was capable of writing and of leaving unchanged in his proof such a sentence as “It is equally evident that it is Shakespeare’s practice which is the one followed upon the modern stage’’ (Shake- speare as a Dramatic Artist, p. 13). Amid the very pages blurred with these rhetorical inadvertences, however, you will constantly 838 THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. find passages to prove that if he had chosen he might have been a master of style. Here are two or three, taken at random as one reads. Writing of Chaucer’s character of the Knight, he closed a paragraph thus: “He must be a man of honor, he must be a man of courage, above all, he must be a gentleman in his feelings, his instincts, his aspirations. He might be stupid; it was incumbent upon him to be chivalrous. If his virtues were heroic, his vices accordingly had to be of the same stamp. They must be of a bold and open sort. The knight could be licentious and arrogant and even cruel; the thing forbidden him was to be petty and mean and false.” (Studies in Chaucer, II, 481-2). Again, he could summarize Warton’s opinion of Chaucer in words like these: “In his eyes Chaucer was a Goth —a Goth of genius, to be sure — but still a Goth. Being a Goth, he had not the severe self-restraint of the moderns, their chastity of diction, their propriety of manner; in fine, their Art.” (Studies in Chaucer, III, 250). Better still, when touching on an edition of Chaucer once projected by Samuel Johnson, he thus concludes, “Scholarship suffered no loss by the failure to carry out a scheme which was probably never more than vaguely thought about. Liter- ary criticism certainly has. An edition of Chaucer by Johnson could never have been an authority, but it would always have proved an entertainment.” (Studies in Chaucer, I, 299). You must search far and long to find criticism or parody better than that. Another feature of his learned books bespeaks if not literary con- science at least literary instinct. One may fairly doubt whether any other American scholar of the nineteenth century was capable of disfiguring so few pages with footnotes. On general principles, every- body would probably agree that what belongs in a book ought to be there and that what does not belong there ought to be left out; in general practice, the Germanic passion of American scholars for annotating their own texts rivals Lounsbury’s passion for the neuter pronoun. Lounsbury’s repugnance for this kind of troublous cant was part of his pervasive common-sense. He carried it, indeed, almost to excess. More than once, as you read his torrents of authoritative statements, you would be glad if he had given you more references to supplement or to verify what he says. All the while, you rejoice that when he chose to say anything he said it out loud and not in the whisper of small print. Lounsbury’s third trilogy comprises his most nearly popular work. Originally written for Harper’s Magazine, or other similar periodicals, his papers on Pronunciation in English, on Usage in English, and on English Spelling at once delighted the cock-sure and enraged the metic- THOMAS RAYNESFORD LOUNSBURY. 839 ulous. He expanded them into three small volumes which appeared between 1904 and 1909. In the matters of pronunciation and usage, he stood firm on the ground that the true question concerning any language still unmummied is not what ought to be the case but what has been the case and what is. In the matter of spelling, his extensive reading, his knowledge of language and his impatience of pedantic pretence combined to transform his common-sense into that semblance of folly which, throughout the whole range of human activities nowa- days, claims authority under the magic name of reform. So far as English spelling goes, most will agree that there has never been any long settled practice, and the practice imposed by nineteenth century proof readers is little better than nonsense. Wherefore, you may feel for once, here is a region where common-sense and general principles may unite. Perhaps so. What the reformers forget is the essential amenity of acknowledged manners — the civilizing effect of not doing a thing for the simple reason that it is not done. Good men have been known to raise a casuistical question as to whether your word of honour can fairly be held binding when honor is spelt without the w. The spelling-books of the nineteenth century are often condemned as training only that unimportant phase of the mind, the memory. So they do, if you are thinking only of the reasoning powers in con- trast. There is another aspect of the whole question, though. To master the luxuriant unreason of modern English spelling, any child must develop to considerable degree the power of accurate observa- tion. More than a few old-fashioned teachers are apt to believe; unreasoningly if not unreasonably, that the training thus given chil- dren has had a value beyond reason. Not to dispute, now and then, would be not to admit the mood which Lounsbury excited and loved to excite. Throughout his books you may often find yourself reluctant to agree; and the very sturdiness of his voluble assertions may arouse a temper of denial. As he loved sport, he loved contest, for its own invigorating sake; but he was a true sportsman, he played fair. His writings, as we have said, do not express anything like the fulness of his contagious humanity, yet, as one thinks of them altogether, one cannot avoid the glad knowledge that, like his human self, these writings are strong, honest, manly, simple and masterly in their union of erudition with common-sense. IV One dare hardly hope, no doubt, that his books will long survive, except as old mile-stones in the interminable journey of scholarship. S40 CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. His memory, more living now than any of his living words, must fade as those who knew him pass. Yet his life has done work which must endure. Whether he attracted or repelled, he never left indifferent those whom he influenced, and he influenced almost all who came within his range. Among the scholars and teachers who have made the study of the English language and of English Literature important in American universities, he was second only to Professor Child, his elder by half a generation. Child, like Lounsbury, may soon be little more than a name, or the shadow of a name. But the spirit of them lives and shall live so long as the language and the literature they loved and taught are studied and taught and loved. BARRETT WENDELL. CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT (1852-1914.) Fellow in Class II, Section 3, 1882. Charles Sedgwick Minot was born in Boston, December 23, 1852. His parental home, five miles from Boston, and comprising about thirty acres, stood on the edge of the forest area which then stretched from Forest Hills on the north to the Blue Hills and the Great Ponds in Canton and Braintree on the south. The region even now, as seen from the summit of Blue Hill, is largely a low forest, most of it of second and third growth, with areas of cleared land in which are small towns and villages, with farm lands about them. There are inter- spersed fine villas inhabitated by wealthy Bostonians, and most of the Forest is now included in the Metropolitan Park system and will be preserved. There are extensive low marshy flats, subject to over- flow, along the Neponset River, and included in the forest there are large areas of swamp. Fine trees, elms, oaks, ash, beeches and pines abound in the region, but the trees in the forest areas are generally small. The flora and fauna are abundant and diversified. It is a stimulating region even now to a boy who has the capacity to see things and joy in seeing the wonder and beauty in nature. In Minot’s boyhood the region must have been much wilder and hence more interesting than now. In such surroundings the boy grew up and early acquired the love of nature, the capacity of seeing, and the scientific curiosity to find out the meaning of the things he saw, which dis- tinguished the life of the man. CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. S41 He was a member of a large and well known family, with “inherited wealth and distinguished in useful service. The usual course for a boy in his social class would have been to go through Harvard College and it is uncertain why he went to the Institute of Technology instead. The Institute had but recently been founded, it was just entering upon the great career which it has attained, and had the glamour of a new enterprise. At that time Minot could not have obtained in the Institute much stimulation in the study of natural science which from boyhood he had enthusiastically followed. He had already, at the age of sixteen, made his appearance in scientific literature by the description of the male of Hesperia Metea, a small butterfly cap- tured in Dorchester and of especial interest because only the female of the species had been previously found. He derived probably a great stimulus from the meetings of the Boston Society of Natural History, which he regularly attended and took part in the discussions. He graduated from the Institute in 1872, at the age of twenty. The influence of the training he acquired at the Institute can be seen in his later life by the interest he had in mechanics and which led him to devise a number of laboratory instruments, among them the well known Minot microtome, which were characterized by simplicity of structure and admirable adaptation to the end in view. The micro- tome made it possible to cut thin serial sections of organs and is now, with slight and unimportant modifications, the instrument almost universally used for this purpose. After graduating from the Institute he studied for a time with Agassiz, but he found the most congenial atmosphere in the laboratory of his friend, Henry Bowditch, who had returned from Europe in 187] and established the first physiological laboratory in this country. Minot was his first research student and found in the older man both a congenial friend and an enthusiastic teacher. The period was one in which teaching in medical science with the laboratory as a basis was just beginning in this country. Previous to this the only labora- tories, if they could be called such, in connection with medical schools were the dissecting rooms, and in Bowditch’s laboratory the torch of science which was kindled in the ardent flame of the physiological laboratory in Leipzig burned brightly. His work with Bowditch turned his mind into channels which he afterwards followed, his early interest in form and structure being never lost, although modified by his study in physiology of the phenomena of life. In 1874 he pub- lished, in collaboration with Bowditch, a paper on the influence of anaesthetics on the vasomotor system, and in 1876 a short paper on transfusion and autotransfusion. 842 CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. He went to Europe in 1873, working first at Leipzig with Ludwig in physiology, then at Paris with Ranvier in histology, and at Wiirz- burg with Semper in zodlogy. His was not the common fleeting visit to these laboratories, but in each his stay was sufficiently long for him to become acquainted not only with the laboratory work and methods, but with the ideals which directed it. While at Leipzig under Lud- wig’s direction, he studied the production of CQO: in the active and resting muscle. He returned to America in 1876 and conducted an extensive series of experiments on tetanus, which was published in 1878, and in the same year received from Harvard University the degree of Doctor of Science. In 1880 he received his first academic appointment, that of Lecturer on Embryology in the Harvard Medical School, and Instructor in Oral Pathology and Surgery in the Dental School. At that time it was unusual anywhere that instruction in a medical subject should be given by a person who had never taken the degree of Doctor of Medi- cine, and the appointment of Minot was a distinct break in the academic tradition. The appointment was due to the far-sighted intelligence of Mr. Eliot, who recognized the ability of Minot and de- sired for the Medical School the influence which a man trained in the traditions of pure science would exert on both the faculty and the stu- dents. The appointment was not welcomed in the faculty, and fora long time Minot undoubtedly suffered from his supposed deficiencies. The idea that a man teaching in a medical school should have some knowledge of disease and be able to give an added interest to the subject he teaches by pointing out the practical application of what is taught is not altogether a faulty one, for medicine, certainly for the majority of those entering into it is an art, but like all other arts founded on science. In 1883 he was advanced to the position of Instructor in Histology and Embryology, and this subject was given a satisfactory place in the curriculum, though it was a number of years before labo- ratory instruction in this subject was made obligatory and a definite part of the course. In the year 1887 he was advanced to the position of Assistant Professor. After the usual term of five years he was made Professor of Histology and Embryology, and when the James Still- man Professorship of Comparative Anatomy was founded he was transferred to that position. Upon the death of Doctor Dwight, in 1911, the subjects of Anatomy and Histology were placed together, and in 1912 he was made Director of the combined laboratories. As a member of the faculty Minot was always outspoken, clear and logical. He never sought to obtain any end by suavity or the CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. 843 claims of friendship. His arguments were always keen, definitely to the point in view which was strongly presented, sometimes even too much so. There is apt to be some suspicion in the minds of men when a policy advocated is too clearly presented; it is not flattering to those holding the opposite view. The general discussions in medical faculties do not suffer from clear and logical statement, and Minot’s presentation of a subject was in marked contrast to that usually heard. While it often took a long time for men to agree with him, and he usually obtained what was desired, there was never a suspicion that the ends in view were personal and selfish. His active support could always be obtained for any measure looking to the betterment of instruction and the advance of scientific interest. He was in all respects an admirable teacher; as a lecturer simple and clear, interesting, often enlivening the subject by shafts of keen humor, and in the laboratory stimulating, always insisting that the students should cultivate the faculties of independent observation and judgment. Minot was the first to introduce into the medical schools of the country the laboratory method of student instruction, and the way is never easy for the pioneer. It was a method new to the students, for the men entering the medical schools seem to acquire neither in the home, nor in the schools, nor in the colleges sufficient training in the methods of science. Minot lived to see the modest beginning of this method of teaching, which he made under most unsatisfactory conditions in the old Medical School on Grove Street, become the dominant method used alike in the pre-clinical and clinical branches. Minot was an excellent director of a laboratory. His laboratory was always orderly, giving one entering it the impression given by a well ordered household. He devised a method of giving each student the use of a microscope by having him pay the school a small sum, which sufficed for their upkeep and renewal. He early began the collection of embryological material, the embryos being cut in serial sections and arranged in suitable and permanent steel cabinets which he devised. In the course of time this grew into an unrivalled collec- tion, serving an admirable purpose, not only in teaching, but in research also, as is shown by the number of researches based upon the material of the collection. The collection was freely used by the other departments of the school, so that any question arising which was wholly or partly based upon the course of embryological develop- ment could be here studied on admirably preserved material. Minot gave much time and thought to the plans for his new laboratory at 844 CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. the school and here first put into effect what he described as the labo- ratory unit. The unit of the teaching laboratory is a room for twenty- five students, provided with the essential instruments for laboratory work and under the direction of one instructor. The entire class comes together for lectures and demonstrations. The method renders it possible to extend a laboratory indefinitely without confusion, provided the necessary space and instructors are at hand. Minot had moreover an excellent business sense and made the small budget at his disposal cover a wide field. He was a prolific writer, his most striking contributions being not in small single researches, but in more extensive publications in which he brought together and made more serviceable the accumulated knowledge of a subject. Sometimes, as in the case of his well-known Human Embryology, the work covered a large field. This large and comprehensive work, the result of ten years labor, was in no sense a compilation, but was based on his personal knowledge of facts, expanded by the knowledge contributed by others. The American edition was published in 1892 and a German edition in 1894. Of this work His, at that time the leading anatomist of Germany, says, “ Minot’s work is at present the fullest embryology of man which we possess, and it will retain its value as a bibliographical treasure-house even after its contents in many parts have been superseded.” He early became interested in the subject of growth, the stimulus probably coming from Bowditch, who was carrying on his well known studies on the growth of school children while Minot was working in his laboratory. His first paper on the subject, 1878, was “Growth as a Function of Cells”? which was quickly followed by another “On Certain Laws of Histological Differentiation” and in the same year he presented in an address “On Conditions to be Filled by a Theory of Life” an outline of his future work. There were many papers on the subject of growth and senescence, the whole being brought together in a book “ The Problem of Age, Growth and Death” based on lectures at the Lowell Institute, March 1907. This work has been so well analyzed by Lewis in his Memoir that I quote from it. “Senescence and rejuvenation were studied by tabulating the Weights of guinea-pigs from birth to old age, and of rabbit embryos up to the time of birth, using weight as a measure of growth. The conclusion was drawn that the fertilized ovum is endowed with an enormous power for growth, over ninety-eight per cent of which has been lost at the time of birth. The remaining two per cent is largely exhausted in infancy. Therefore he concludes that “senescence is at CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. 845 its maximum in the very young stages and the rate of senescence diminishes with age.’”’ He protests against “the medical conception that age is a kind of disease,” chronic and incurable, of any such nature as intestinal intoxication or arteriosclerosis. On the contrary he finds that it has a cytological cause, equally operative in the lower animals which have neither intestines or arteries and in man; and he ascribes senescence to the increase and differentiation of cytoplasm as compared with nucleoplasm. In 1901 he proposed “the new term cytomorphosis to designate comprehensively all the structural alterations which cells, or suc- cessive generations of cells may undergo, from the earliest undiffer- entiated stage to their final destruction.” His latest works on this subject, aptly characterized as “thoughtful and suggestive,” refer to cytomorphosis as a most promising field for further study, and at the time of his death, plans had been made for careful investigations to test the validity of his cytomorphic hypothesis concerning age.” Of Minot’s shorter contributions perhaps the best known is a paper, 1900, “On a hitherto unrecognized form of blood circulation in the organs of Vertebrata.” Everyone was familiar with the differences in the thin walled capillaries running in the connective tissue of most organs, easily compressible, their calibre varying with the activity of the circulation, and the vessels in the liver which were wide, closely applied to the parenchyma and whose calibre cannot easily vary. He regarded such vessels not as capillaries but as sinusoids, showed their manner of development and the organs in which they were found. Minot was greatly in demand as a giver of addresses and these cover a wide range of subjects. His style was vigorous, graceful, the subject enlivened by humor, sometimes with a little satire, and always interesting. They were collected and issued in a German translation under the title “Die Methode der Wissenschaft und andere Reden”’ — Jena, 1913. Altogether he has published more than one hundred and eighty notes and papers, including his addresses. In 1912-1913 he was Harvard Exchange Professor at Berlin and Jena, and used the position largely in bringing to the attention of his German colleagues the amount and character of the contributions of American investigators. The position was very enjoyable to him, for he renewed and extended his wide acquaintanceship with the German men of Science. Minot possessed a wide acquaintance with scientific men here and abroad; he was constant in his attendance on scientific meetings, taking part in the discussions, and occupying a prominent place in 846 CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. the conduct of societies. He was at different times chosen President of the Naturalists, the Anatomists, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was frequently a member of the councils and of impor- tant committees. He was an active or corresponding member of many of the learned societies of Europe, and was honored with the L. L. D. of Yale, 1899, Toronto, 1904, St. Andrews University, Scotland, 1911, and Se. D. of Oxford, 1902. No account of Minot would be contplene without some mention of his beautiful country home at Hyde Park, the region over which he must have rambled as a boy. The house was a plain one, roomy, furnished simply and in exquisite taste, and stood near the road, the land sloping away from it toward the south and west to a low lying wood, through which a small brook ran. The whole place was in keeping with Minot’s character. It was well ordered in its plan and keeping. The trees he planted were properly placed, selected with care, and were fine specimens of the species. He bought a large num- ber of seedlings of many varieties and as these grew he selected from them the finest specimens for planting. Every tree and shrub was well cared for and showed the effects of this in their health and vigor- ous growth. The garden, formal in design, with well kept grass paths, was at the foot of the slope, some distance from the house, and entered through a small arbor covered with climbing roses. Though formal, it was not severe and contained good specimens of the usual annuals and perennials and many rare plants. The two plants to which he gave most attention were irises and peonies, of each of which, but particularly of the latter, he had a large and rare collection. There were several hundred varieties of peonies, every plant showed intelli- gent care, and his system of cataloging and labelling was as simple and complete as the system in his laboratory. It was a great joy to go with him among the blooming peonies and see their beauty through his observant and well trained eyes. It is not an easy thing for an amateur gardener to obtain the prizes of the Massachusetts Horti- cultural Society, but Minot obtained prizes both for peonies and for the general excellence and beauty of the garden as a whole. The grounds and garden showed that highest art by which art is concealed and every plant grew and bloomed as though for the mere joy of living under conditions in all respects the best. There was a profusion of bloom from the earliest spring bulbs to the late chrysanthemums. Many of his plants had a personal history which he would delightfully relate, as having been procured under unusual conditions, or being CHARLES SEDGWICK MINOT. 847 transferred to a more suitable situation, or having developed some uncommon and interesting characteristic. He was most generous with his plants, delighting to assist young beginners in horticulture. Through the wood along the brook there wandered a simple path, along the sides of which were many flowering plants collected from the swamps and fields, each in the situation best adapted for its growth and display; as a mass of dog toothed violets at the base of a decayed stump overgrown with moss, or a yellow mass of marsh marigolds intermingled with the beautiful though maloderous swamp cabbage. I first became acquainted with Minot through the series of excel- lent articles on anatomy of the uterus and the changes associated with pregnancy, which were published in 1886 in the Handbook of the Medical Sciences, to which I also contributed. He was at all times a delightful companion, always loyal as a friend, sympathetic and helpful. He never hesitated to testify to his friendship. He was in all things generous, in helping younger men both materially and other- wise, a hospitable host, one who knew how to make a guest feel that he contributed to the pleasure of the host. He spoke well on most subjects, as an impromptu speaker thought came clearly and quickly and was expressed in simple language and without hesitation. In June, 1889, he married Lucy Fosdick of Groton, Mass., in whom he found a sympathetic, helpful companion, and those who knew Minot will always associate her in their thoughts of him. Science has been enriched by his life; in devising instruments which facilitated work, in teaching and inculcating good methods, in the research he personally conducted, and in his masterful method of presenting the work of others he added to the sum of knowledge and made its pursuit more profitable. He was a good patriotic citizen with high ideals of civic duty. He increased the joy of living by bring- ing to many people a richer and fuller sense of the beauty of living things; the world is a better place by his having lived. In the preparation of this Memoir I have made use of the Memoirs by Frederick T. Lewis, by H. H. Donaldson, and by Charles W. Eliot. W. T. CouNcILMAN. 848 ALPHEUS SPRING PACKARD. ALPHEUS SPRING PACKARD (1839-1905) Fellow in Class II, Section 3, 1868. Alpheus Spring Packard was born in Brunswick, Maine, on February 19, 1839, and died at his home in Providence, R. I., on February 14, 1905. In view of the present interest in the backgrounds of American scholars it may be recorded that his grandfather Hezekiah Packard, a revolutionary soldier, recetved from Harvard College the degrees of A.B., A.M. and D.D. and was an able preacher, teacher and writer. The Rev. Dr. Jesse Appleton, one of the early Presidents of Bowdoin was his maternal grandfather. His father was the Professor Alpheus Spring Packard who for sixty-five years taught various classical sub- jects at Bowdoin, the venerable scholar to whom Longfellow addressed his “Morituri Salutamus.”’ Packard graduated from Bowdoin in 1861; received the degrees of A.M., Bowdoin, 1862; M.D., Bowdoin, 1864; S.B., Harvard, 1864; Ph.D., Bowdoin, 1879; LL.D., Bowdoin, 1891. After graduation he studied under Louis Agassiz at Cambridge for three years and subsequently taught with him at the Anderson School of Natural History at Penikese. The comprehensiveness of his interests which included geology, paleontology, systematic, structural and economic zodlogy, embryology and anthropology may be said perhaps to have been an academic heritage through Agassiz from the generation of Humbolt, Cuvier, Lamarck and St. Hilaire. His geological researches are recorded in books and papers on glacial phenomena of Labrador, Maine and the White Mountains. He published (1867) a “ Revision of the Fossorial Hymenoptera of N. A.” In the U. S. Geological Survey (1875-1877) under Hayden he served as a zodlogist. As a member of the Kentucky Geological Survey in 1874 he investigated with Putnam the great caves and their fauna of which he later wrote, “The Cave Fauna of N. A.,” 1888. He studied also the Florida reefs and the fossil fauna of Charleston, S. C. In 1882 he published a text book “First Lessons in Geology.” He published works so diversified as “The Development and Anatomy’ of Limulus Polyphemus,” 1871, the “ Monograph of North American Phyllopod Crustacea,” 1883, the “Life History of Animals, including Man, or Outlines of Comparative Embryology,” 1876, the “Zoology ALPHEUS SPRING PACKARD. 849 for Students and. General Readers,” 1879, miscellaneous notes and papers on anthropology and ethnology and the notable book “La- march, the Founder of Evolution, his Life and Work,” 1901. Ento- mology, however, was his chief interest. Professor Samuel Henshaw in “The Entomological Writings of Alpheus Spring Packard,” enu- merates three hundred and thirty-nine papers, books and notes, pub- lished up to 1887. He continued to produce papers upon this subject literally up to the last week of his life when he corrected the proof of his “Monograph of the Bombycine Moths of America” etc., Memoir of the National Academy of Sciences. In his long and active career as Naturalist, Packard was associated with many American institutions and had a prominent part in found- ing some of them. In 1865 he became, on returning from service as assistant surgeon in the Army of the Potomac, librarian and acting custodian of the Boston Society of Natural History. With Hyatt, Morse and Putnam, his former associates in Agassiz’s laboratory, he accepted a position in the Essex Institute in Salem, and subse- quently when the Peabody Academy of Science absorbed the Essex Institute, he became Curator of Invertebrates and later, 1876, Director of the Academy. The American Naturalist was founded by this group of men in the Peabody Academy in 1868 and Packard remained its editor-in-chief for twenty years. He was also prominently con- nected with that novel undertaking of Agassiz’s which has proved to have been of inestimable value to biology in America, the Anderson School at Penikese. He taught there both years and when the school was given up on account of Agassiz’s death, he perpetuated the idea by establishing a summer school of natural history at Salem under the auspices of the Peabody Academy. This he directed until 1878 when he left Salem to accept the Professorship of Zoélogy and Geology at Brown University, the position which he held until his death. As is evident from the title this professorship permitted a latitude in subject matter that suited the range of his scientific interest. As a teacher, judged from the view point of students who have since achieved maturity, Professor Packard represents a well recog- nized type. He was not a disciplinarian, a pedagogue or an “edu- cator.” With impregnable faith in youth, he tried unremittingly to awaken his students to the vision of nature which to him was totally absorbing. “Tt was from the judgment of his confreres, from the men who had traversed the same intellectual territory and knew it, that he reaped his supreme honors. From these alone could the reward have come; 850 BENJAMIN OSGOOD PEIRCE. for below the judgment of his peers there was no other guide but conscience.”’ “Precisely to such bodies of inexorable critics did the intrinsic strength of the work of Professor Packard ultimately appeal.” The American Academy of Arts and Sciences elected him to member- ship in 1868; the Société Royale des Sciences de Liége, 1875; the Society of Friends of Natural Science in Moscow, in 1891. In 1891 he was elected foreign member of the Linnean Society of London. He was elected also to membership in the entomological societies of London, Paris, St. Petersburg, Stockholm and Brussels; was made one of the honorary presidents of the International Zoélogical Congress in Paris, 1899; honorary president of the Zodlogical Section of the French Association for the Advancement of Sciences; vice-president (1899) of the corresponding Section of the American Association. A. D. Meap. BENJAMIN OSGOOD PEIRCE (1854-1914) Fellow in Class I, Section 2, 1884. The following biographical notice of Professor Benjamin Osgood Peirce is taken for the most part from the Minute on his life and services which was placed on the records of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the meeting of February 17, 1914. A much more extended biography will be published by the National Academy of Sciences. Our colleague, Benjamin Osgood Peirce, who died in Cambridge on the fourteenth of January, 1914, was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, February 11, 1854, of a family belonging for several generations to the city of Salem. Of his ancestors, Richard Norman came to Gloucester in 1623, John Peirce to Watertown in 1637, John and Christopher Osgood to other parts of eastern Massachusetts before 1640. John Peirce had a son Robert, but after the Cromwellian era names taken from the Old Testament prevail in the family, and it is hard to refrain from using the robust terms of the Old Testament genealogies in recit- 2 Carl Barus, Memorial Address. BENJAMIN OSGOOD PEIRCE. 851 ing the generations that follow. The son of Robert was Benjamin, and the son of Benjamin was Jerathmiel, and the son of Jerathmiel was Benjamin, 2d, who fell at Lexington, and his son was Benjamin, 3d, whose son was Benjamin Osgood, Ist, the father of our friend. From Jerathmiel, potent name, were descended also Jerathmiel, 2d, and his son Benjamin, Librarian of Harvard College from 1826 to 1831, and his son Benjamin, Tutor or Professor of Mathematics at Harvard from 1831 to 1880, among whose sons were James Mills, also Professor of Mathematics at Harvard; and Charles Sanders, projector of the philosophic cult of Pragmatism. In the annals of intellectual achievement in America there is no greater name than Peirce. The father of our colleague was a graduate of Waterville College in Maine. He married, in 1841, Miss Mehetable Osgood Seccomb, a native of Salem, whom he had met for the first time in Georgia, where both were engaged in teaching. After his marriage Mr. Peirce re- mained for several years in the South as Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy at Mercer. Returning to Massachusetts in 1849, he engaged in the South African trade, and in 1864 he visited the Cape of Good Hope, taking his son with him. When the son was sixteen years of age and a graduate of the Beverly High School, he developed an indisposition to study, a phenomenon which must have seemed a portent in his household. He was accord- ingly apprenticed to learn carpentry, and he worked for two years at this trade, an experience which was doubtless to his advantage in various ways. The boy having proved a faithful apprentice received in 1872 per- mission to go to Harvard. He devoted himself to his studies with great zeal for the next two or three months in preparation for the Col- lege examinations, which he took all at one time in September, 1872, and he was then admitted to Harvard, with a condition, it is said, in some particular of elementary mathematics. He did not have a college room, but lived with his family in a rather distant part of Cambridge, whence he ran a telegraph line to the room of two classmates and inti- mate friends, Lefavour and Pine, in one of the College Halls. It is said that his health was somewhat impaired for a time by his too severe labor in preparation for the admission examinations, and it is not improbable that he established the telegraphic communication with his friends by way of diversion during this indisposition. Illness was usually for him an opportunity to do something which he might not have found time for in health. 852 BENJAMIN OSGOOD PEIRCE. His first scientific paper, On the Induction Spark Produced in Break- ing a Galvanic Circuit between the Poles of a Magnet, was printed in the Proceedings of this Academy, having been presented February 9, 1875, about the middle of his Junior year in college. He graduated at Harvard in 1876, ranking second in his class for the whole course, his friend Lefavour being first. He remained at Har- vard for a year more, as an assistant to Professor Trowbridge in the Physical Laboratory, and then went to Leipsic, where he received the degree of Ph.D. in 1879. After a year in the University of Berlin, and a year of teaching Mathematics in the Boston Latin School, he returned to Harvard as Instructor in Mathematics. In 1884 he was made Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Physics, and in 1888, on the retirement of Professor Lovering, he became Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. At the time of his death he was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the American Physical Society (its President during the last year of his life), of the American Philosophical Society, of the American Mathematical Society (Vice-president in 1913), of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, of the National Academy of Sciences, of the Société Frangaise de Physique, and of the Circolo Matematico di Palermo. He married in 1882 Miss Isabella Turnbull Landreth of Edinburgh, whom he had met when she was a student at the Leipsic Conservatory. Intimacy with her brothers, all ministers of the Scotch Church, has been one of the happy relations of this marriage. His wife and his two daughters survive him. Our colleague was a great scholar and a remarkable man. Big and powerful of body, and ambidextrous, he was in mind also capable and proficient far beyond the ordinary measure of his fellows. He seemed to grasp with equal ease and to retain with equal tenacity the pro- foundest generalizations of mathematics or physics and the smallest bits of information likely to be of service in his work. He always knew the best materials and the best tools to use and the best way to use them. Fertile in ideas, strong of purpose, ceaseless, literally so, in industry, businesslike by instinct and tradition from his merchant ancestors, sympathetic and generous beyond the wishes of his friends, he was a mighty, beneficent, and genial power, wherever he took his stand; and he was successful, as few men are successful, in winning the confidence, the admiration, and the affection of those with whom he was associated. His work, always masterly, thorough, and important, was never of BENJAMIN OSGOOD PEIRCE. 853 a kind, in subject or in treatment, to flare upon the attention of the public; but whenever he made the acquaintance of a mathematician or a physicist of the first rank, like the late Sir George Darwin, he was recognized as a fellow and a peer. Professor Andrew Gray of Glasgow says, “All mathematicians and physical workers in this country looked up to him as a leader of thought and investigation in America.” Sir Joseph Larmor speaks of “the increasing company over here who knew and appreciated him personally” and of “the still larger number who knew only his scientific work.” Karl Pearson, who was a fellow student with Peirce in Germany, writes, “Benjamin Osgood Peirce was representative of all that was best in science; he was never a self-seeker nor a self-advertiser, and I learnt more from him than from many of our professed teachers in Berlin.”...“If I had to give the name of the man who represented America best to me, I should still say, after thirty-four years, Benjamin Osgood Peirce.” It is plain from these quotations that the reputation of our friend was increasing at the time of his death. Eminent in his profession, beyond its wide limits he was an out- standing personality to all who knew him well. He was a prodigious reader, and once told the present writer that he had read the Encyclo- pedia Britannica through several times. He was fond of meeting classical scholars on their own ground; not long before his death he quoted Ovid fluently and evinced a lively interest in the psychology of the Greek Optative. His service for many years as a member of the Harvard Committee on Honors and Higher Degrees in Music was justified by his extraordinary musical sensibility and his appreciation, intuitive as well as learned, of musical compositions. He made music in various ways, some of them rather surprising. In a place and a time of the least restraint in religious matters he quietly declined to enter upon discussions of personal religious belief, and, though perhaps shaken at times by the same tremendous questions which beset Carlyle, he remained steadfastly in the Baptist communion to which his father had belonged. With characteristic force of gro- tesque phrase he described the varieties of belief which were exhibited in Appleton Chapel after the breaking up of the World’s Congress held at Chicago, in 1893, as “a job lot of religions.’”” These words indicated no bitterness or bigotry, but merely his conviction of the needlessness and uselessness of seeking abroad for religious doctrine or spiritual inspiration. At the last his own faith and trust were serene. Peirce was proverbial among his friends for a certain habit of S54 BENJAMIN OSGOOD PEIRCE. extravagant self-depreciation and for a frolicsome humor of speech and action. His self-depreciation was partly caution, partly genuine modesty, of which he had great store, partly an endeavor, not always successful, to make others content with themselves, and partly it was a humorous pose. A man of his intelligence could not be altogether unaware of the scope of his own powers, and a man of his keen sym- pathy could not be indifferent to the appreciation of his fellows. If he found that his habitual professions of ignorance concerning matters of which he was a master were being taken seriously, he speedily took effectual measures to remove the false impression. His habit of humorously grotesque speech was the natural outcome of abounding energy, lively invention, and an amiable desire to enter- tain; but it was sometimes also a measure of precaution, intended to prevent the discovery and invasion of his real thought. For, with all his genuine and hearty good-fellowship, Peirce was a man of profound reserve; he was wont to go into his closet and shut the door, and his privacy was respected. Behind his superficial timidity and his abound- ing kindliness there was always the suggestion of something formidable, and he was not a man to be trifled with. Peirce’s last scientific paper, The Maximum Value of the Magnetiza- tion in Iron, June, 1913, was, like his first paper, printed in the Pro- ceedings of this Academy. This was, indeed, his customary channel of publication, and all the members of the Academy may well be proud of this fact. Epwin H. HALL. ISRAEL COOK RUSSELL. 855 ISRAEL COOK RUSSELL (1852-1906) Fellow in Class II, Section 1, 1904. The bones of a living memorial of I. C. Russell are found in the successive volumes of Who’s Who down to 1906-7. Among the notices shortly after his death two are pre-eminent,— the one by Bailey Willis, his colleague on the U. S. Geological Survey,? which contains a full bibliography. This notice was prepared for the Geo- logical Society of America, of which Russell was President when he died, and for which he had prepared his Presidential Address just before he was stricken with pneumonia, his last sickness. The other was by one of his colleagues at Ann Arbor, Dr. Chas. A. Davis,* who himself has just been called from this life. Professor Russell’s life may be divided into three parts: — 1. Before his connection with the Geological Survey. He was born at Garrattsville, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1852, son of Barnabas Russell and Louisa Sherman Cook Russell. He was of New England descent, and Willis tells good stories of the New England reserve characteristic of his ancestors and somewhat of Russell himself. When he was twelve years old he moved to Plainfield, N. J. He was then on the Newark formation, a monographic study of which was one of his principal scientific works. From his birth until the time of his connection with the United States Geological Survey we might consider him in train- ing,— first in the High School near his home, then in the Hasbrook Institute in Jersey City, next in New York University (A. B. and C. E. 1872) then in the Columbia School of Mines. In 1874 he was photographer and naturalist to the U.S. Transit of Venus Expedition to New Zealand and Kerguelen Island. When he came back he was made assistant Professor of Geology at the Columbia School of Mines and was there from 1875 to 1877. This time included a season in New Mexico and a journey to Europe and finished the first quarter century of his life. Probably the happiest and most fruitful part of his career was the period from 1875 to 1892. 3 (Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 18, p. 582). 4 (Published in the 9th report of the Michigan Academy of Sciences for 1907, p. 28). See also Science, Oct. 5, 1906, vol. 24, p. 427, and Journal of Geology, vol. 14 (1906), p. 663. 856 ISRAEL COOK RUSSELL. 2. Work as Government Geologist, 1877-1892. For a quarter of a century he was a servant of the United States in the Geological Sur- vey. And that was practically his sole occupation until 1892. He ranked with Gilbert and Powell as one of the great geologists of the early years of the Survey. Like them he was an explorer, like them he had an admirable literary style. I remember he once said that it was his custom never to write anything until the end of the day’s work. In this he was doubtless aided by his retentive memory. In the relatively arid regions of the great West where geology was on a large scale such a method was no doubt quite serviceable and gave to his work a literary quality which constant jottings cannot pretend to have. But I remember well the shock it gave to one who, accus- tomed to working in the mines and Michigan woods, would have been utterly lost unless he had kept some sort of continuous notes. Ar- tistie temperament was manifest in Russell not only in his literary style but in his keen appreciation of the beauties of nature, which he saw not only with the eye of the savant but with that of the artist. His description of his ascent of Mt. St. Elias is interesting to any one; his report of the Mono Lake region of California was so vivid that a demand was made for a reprint of the report, to be paid for by the residents as a tourist advertisement of the region, for which purpose its beauties of style well fitted it. His artistic temperament was also shown in his skill and success as a photographer. Many of the illustrations of the U.S. Geological Survey which are reprinted in the text books of geology will be found to have been taken by him. He had the knack of knowing whether a photograph would really show and bring out the scientific point which one can often see with the naked eye so much better than in a photograph. He also took pains to get something which would make his records not only of sci- entific but also of artistic value. His artistic temperament also showed in a certain fastidiousness and reserve which perhaps made him less successful as a teacher. To be a popular teacher one must not be too fastidious or too critical of the half-baked endeavors of the partly educated. And he had not much of that superficial bonhommie which goes far toward making one generally popular. 3. At Ann Arbor. In 1892 he became Professor of Geology at the University of Michigan and remained so the rest of his life. He continued his connection with the U. S. Geological Survey after he became Professor of Geology at Ann Arbor; being, however, em- ployed upon various special problems, often connected with water ISRAEL COOK RUSSELL. 857 resources. Even such problems, however, he could not handle solely from an economic point of view. His studies of Snake River Valley and other similar problems made a decided contribution to the general scientific theory of igneous action. In Michigan University he made no such impression as in the work of the Geological Survey. President Angell himself told me that he did not consider that it was necessary for every State University to build up a great geological department; and as Wisconsin had had two great geologists as presidents he did not feel called upon to rival her. Nor was Russell, with his artistic temperament, the type of man who rejoices in running a large department. He was, however, keenly interested in the Michigan Academy of Science, was among its early presidents, and served it in many ways. As his connection with the U. S. Geological Survey became less he found time to take up some of the local problems of Michigan. He was never a specialist in Paleontology and therefore did not pretend to continue the researches of Alexander Winchell, his predecessor; but he reverted naturally to those studies of the lakes and of surface geology which had interested him from the very first paper he printed. He really inspired the study of the almost unique delta of the St. Clair River made by Leon J. Cole, one of his students. He also prepared a study of the surface geology of a good part of the upper peninsula and its molding under the ice, and threw light on the origin of drumlins and hills of the same canoe-shaped type due to the remodelling of preexisting till sheets, and also on the curious Indian ridges known as eskers. Having been used to topographic maps in his western work he naturally felt the lack of them on coming to Michigan and began to agitate for the co-operation of the State with the U. S. Geological Survey in their preparation. If it had not been for him I do not think this co-operation would have begun as soon as it did. His scientific works, a complete bibliography of which is given by Willis, may be grouped as follows:— Ist, a series of papers on lakes, their origin and phenomena, in which he treats the modern Great Lakes and those of New Zealand and those shrunken remnants of lakes like the Great Lakes, out West, especially Lake Lahontan, the monograph on which he prepared; 2nd, a series of papers culminating in a correlation essay on Triassic and allied beds of the Atlantic Coast, which he called the “ Newark Formation’’; 3rd, a series of descriptions, in which he appears both as artist and savant, of those | great contrasted phenomena of nature, the volcanic eruption and the wondrous obelisk of Mt. Pélée on the one hand, and on the other 858 ISRAEL COOK RUSSELL. Mount St. Elias and its piedmont glaciers. Thus his studies in the igneous rocks of the Newark formation, into the activities of Mount Pélée, the Snake River and other voleanic regions of the great West, gave him opportunities to add. materially to our knowledge of igneous geology, while his explorations in Alaska, the northwestern United States and Michigan, made him one of the authorities in glacial geology. He was, as C. A. Davis says, a delightful story teller if drawn out, brilliant and witty, so that his speeches at the early dinners of the Geological Society of America, and the passages at arms between him and Emerson shine in the writer’s memory, yet he was not a man of many words. Physically he seemed small and slender for one who had proved himself an intrepid explorer, and is another illustration of. the fact that much may be done by one of small size. His civic public spirit was shown by his careful report on the water supply of Ann Arbor. He held the academic distinctions which one might expect; he was President of the Michigan Academy of Science, Chairman of Section E of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, was President of the Geological Society of America at the time of his death, May 1, 1906, and was honorary Doctor of Laws of New York and Wisconsin Universities. He was married Nov: 27, 1886, to J. Augusta Olmsted and by her had four children, three daughters, Ruth, Helen, Edith, and a son, Ralph. Ruth was grad- uated with the degree of A.B. from the University of Michigan in 1910, and subsequently married and now resides in Salt Lake City. Helen also married and lives in Chicago. ALFRED C. LANE. CO (| to) AUGUSTUS SAINT GAUDENS. AUGUSTUS SAINT GAUDENS (1848-1907). Fellow of Class III, Section 4, 1896. Born in Dublin, Ireland, on the first day of March 1848, the son of an Irish mother and a French father, Augustus Saint Gaudens, brought to this country at the age of six months, lived to see himself acclaimed as the foremost of American sculptors. His bent for artistic expression first took the form of cameo-cutting by which he practically supported himself from the time he was thirteen till he was twenty and to which he occasionally turned for revenue during his course of art study abroad,— in Paris at the Academie des Beaux Arts from 1867 to 1869 and in Rome from 1869 to 1872. His first important work of a public character was the statue of Admiral Farragut erected in Union Square, New York, in 1881. This work was instantly hailed as a masterpiece and the test of thirty-five years upholds the judgment of the moment. Saint Gaudens’ fame dates from this time and was augmented by his later productions,— the Lincoln in Chicago, the Shaw in Boston, the Adams Memorial in Washington and the Peter Cooper and the equestrian statue of Sherman in New York,—all on the same high plane of excellence and all with an appeal so general as to win the applause and interest of the man in the street as well as of the artist and the connoisseur. The success of Saint Gaudens as a sculptor of heroic works was equaled by his skill in portrait relief. One has but to recall the Stevenson Memorial, and the children of Mr. Jacob H. Schiff to acknowledge his supremacy in this domain. His treatment of the medallion, as exemplified in the portraits of Sargent and LaFarge, of Howells and Gilder, of Millet and Bunce established a precedent for an attractive form of the art that bids fair to be followed (probably at a respectful distance) for all time. The art of Saint Gaudens is unique. Although it possesses the qualities of technique and composition, of truth to nature and respect for traditions that are common to all good art, his style is so personal, the technique is so entirely his own, and his conceptions are so original that we are hardly reminded of any preceding master in looking at them. To everything that he did, he gave the best that was in him with a thoroughness born of conscientiousness and of devotion to the 860 AUGUSTUS SAINT GAUDENS. art that he loved and revered. Critical and suspicious of his own work, proving and trying every experiment by which any improve- ment might be gained, entirely regardless of the time expended, his successes were achieved by infinite patience and travail. This thoroughness and conscientiousness had a marked effect upon his contemporaries, and the example that he set by them and by his absolute fidelity to his ideals of perfection, by his sincerity and his impatience with sham and affectation, and, finally, by the superlative excellence of the works themselves, was felt not only by his associates, but wherever art was practiced in the land. Besides the general influence of his finished productions, he had a more direct, if less extensive, influence through the sacrifice of time and strength that he made in teaching modeling both in his own studio and in the art schools in New York. His connection with the World’s Fair in Chicago in 1893 afforded another opportunity through which his influence upon the art and artists of the country was widely extended. He was one of the committee which conceived the splendid plan of the Exposition and was the principal advisor for the sculptural decoration of the grounds, aiding inealculably the impetus that was given to art in general and to sculpture in particular by this great object lesson. It was in Chicago that the movement was inaugurated by McKim and seconded by Saint Gaudens that led to the founding of The American Academy in Rome. Even more important was the service that he rendered to the Nation as a member of the Commission, appointed by Congress, which made the comprehensive plan for the development of the City of Washington, now being carried out. Of “Honors” Saint Gaudens naturally had many. The Degree of LL.D. from Harvard, Yale and Princeton, his election as an Officer of the Legion of Honor of France and as Corresponding Member of the Societé des Beaux Arts in 1899, and his election as a member of the Royal Academy of London in 1906 were among the most important. Many medals came to him, also. An urbanite from infaney, it was not till he was nearly forty years old that he discovered the country. In 1885 he began spending his summers in Cornish, N. H. where he later acquired a home and lands among the hills, and practiced, with the delight of a novice, the pas- times of skating and swimming, of tennis and golf, of which he had been defrauded in his childhood. His position as a sculptor, and the fascinating qualities of mind and heart that endeared him to all who came near him, attracted to him many distinguished artists and literary people who, with their disciples‘and families, made up the WILLIAM SELLERS. 861 community which has become famous. His later years were spent entirely here, and here on the third of August, 1907 he died after a long and painful illness. This notice of a master-sculptor cannot close better than with the characterization of him by President Eliot upon giving to Saint Gaudens the Degree of LL.D. at Harvard in 1905: — “Augustus Saint Gaudens,— a sculptor whose art follows but enobles nature, confers fame and lasting remembrance and does not count the mortal years it takes to mold immortal forms.” DANIEL CHESTER FRENCH. WILLIAM SELLERS (1824-1905) Fellow in Class I, Section 4, 1875. Mr. William Sellers was a representative of the school of Engineers, Manufacturers, Producers and Works Managers, which the modern trend of industry has caused very largely to disappear. He grew up with his establishment from small beginnings previous to the Civil War and was able to carry the burdens of personal supervision of its increasing work through the years until his death. He was born in Upper Darby, Pa., on September 19, 1824. His early education was in a private school maintained by his father and his relatives for the education of their children. He served the usual apprenticeship to the machinists’ trade with his uncle, John Morton Poole, of Wilmington, Del., and in 1845 he took charge of a large machine shop in Providence, R. I. After moving to Philadelphia the firm of Bancroft and Sellers was formed in 1848, and in 1853 what was then called the “new shop” at 16th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue was occupied. The firm became William Sellers and Com- pany on the death of Mr. Bancroft about 1856, and in 1886 the com- pany was incorporated with Mr. Sellers as President. Their specialty was the manufacture of heavy machine tools and they followed largely the practice set by the British designers as contrasted with the types which had their origin in the shops for lighter machine work in New England. For example, they adhered to the lathe bed of flat-top shears and had no use for the V-top shears of the smaller builders. 862 WILLIAM SELLERS. Probably the best known of his achievements in this field is the spiral gear planer drive, in which the table is moved back and forth by a multi-thread screw engaging with a rack on the under surface of the table. In 1868 Mr. Sellers formed the Edgemoor Iron Company which furnished the structural material for the Centennial Exhibition build- ings of 1876, in Philadelphia and the structural material for the first bridge between New York and Brooklyn. In 1873 he reorganized the Midvale Steel Company at Nicetown near Philadelphia which, under his management entered the field of producing material for steel cannon for the Government. In 1860 Mr. Sellers had his attention directed to the Gifford injector for feeding hot water to steam boilers. He commenced the manufac- ture of injectors under this design, but in 1865 invented and patented the self-adjusting combining tube, which automatically adjusted the supply of water to the apparatus to meet the varying requirements as the steam pressure in the boiler might vary. These injectors were made in the Sellers shop by metric sizes and with the special gages which the use of this unusual standard compelled. Further develop- ments led to more advanced and larger sizes of injectors, particularly for locomotive service. The Navy Department at Washington sent out specifications for a turning and boring lathe in 1890 for its 16’’ steel cannon. The bed was to be 73 feet long with an extension of 53 feet for the bor- ing arrangement. Mr. Sellers made a complete new design which he considered superior to that offered by the Governmental Depart- ments and with the co-operation of a special commission created in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, at the request of the Navy Department and of which the late Professor John F. Sweet was an active member, the Sellers design was accepted and the Navy design was discarded. ‘This lathe weighed more than 250 tons. The Sellers firm is also identified with the formulation, through the Franklin Institute, of a system of standard screw threads which became known as the United States standard and was presented to the Institute at a meeting on September 16, 1864. Mr. Sellers received about 90 U. S. patents, the earliest one in 1857 and some were pending at the time of his death — January 24, 1905, in the Slst year of his age. Mr. Sellers received many honors in the field of applied sciences. He became a member of the Philosophical Society in 1864, and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1875. He was a member EDWARD HENRY STROBEL. 863 of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers of Great Britain, the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain, of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers of which he was a founder in 1880 and of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He was a corresponding mem- ber of the Societé d’Encouragement pour L’Industrie Nationale and also a Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur. This decoration was con- ferred upon him at the close of the Paris Exposition in 1899. F. R. Hutton. EDWARD HENRY STROBEL (1855-1908) Fellow in Class III, Section 1, 1902. It does not often fall to the lot of an American to fill positions so varied in character as those which Edward Henry Strobel held during his life of fifty-two years — Third Assistant Secretary of State, Secre- tary of Legation, Minister Plenipotentiary, head of a special mission, sole arbitrator between two powers, Professor of Law in the Harvard Law School, the trusted adviser of a progressive oriental government. He was born in Charleston, South Carolina, on December 7, 1855, of a family on whose fortunes the civil war bore heavily. After due preliminary education, he entered Harvard College, was graduated with his class, that of 1877, and thereafter entered the Harvard Law School in the autumn of 1877, but did not take the degree of LL.B. until 1882. After having been admitted to the bar, he practised in New York for a short time, but soon turned to public life. He participated in the presidential campaign of 1884, contributing an interesting pamphlet on Mr. Blaine and his foreign policy. This document seems to have attracted the attention of Mr. Cleveland, for when the latter became President, he offered Strobel the post of Secretary of Legation at Madrid. Strobel spent about five years in Spain, and acted as Chargé d’Affaires during a third of the time. In 1888 he was sent on a special mission to Morocco. On the change of administration, he tendered his resignation, but was retained in office until 1890. In 1893, President Cleveland appointed him Third Assistant Secretary of State. In 1894 he became Minister to Ecuador, and shortly thereafter was made Minister to Chile. He remained at 864 EDWARD HENRY STROBEL. the latter post until 1897, accomplishing excellent work under some- what trying conditions. At the close of his stay, he received a signal mark of distinction in being chosen by both France and Chile to arbi- trate a claim of a French citizen against the government of Chile. In 1898, Strobel was called to the Bemis Professorship of Interna- tional Law in the Harvard Law School. The founder of the chair had expressed the desire that the occupant should be not merely a professor of the science, but a practical co-operator in the work of advancing knowledge and good will among nations and governments. Strobel’s intellect and temperament peculiarly fitted him to improve the relations between States, and the years spent in the diplomatic service had added the qualification of experience which the late George Bemis had also mentioned when making his bequest. As Bemis Professor, Strobel gave courses in the Law School in International Law and Admiralty. He also taught International Law in the College. He was an interesting and able instructor, and gath- ered large classes about him. Perhaps he felt a little impatience with “theorizing,” but it is to be remembered that he had successfully handled large affairs and had carried considerable responsibilities. After four years of service as a teacher, he was called to a very different field. In a distant corner of the Far East there lies a land which has suc- ceeded in maintaining its independence while many other empires, kingdoms, and principalities of Asia have fallen under alien rule. How Siam has been able to accomplish this — often only with great diff- culty — forms an interesting study, but it is a study which cannot be undertaken here. Suffice it to say that when in 1902 Strobel entered into relations with Siam, its political situation was one of considerable danger. He was offered, and he accepted, the post of General Adviser to the Siamese Government. While he did not reach Bangkok until March, 1904, he was occupied during a great part of the intervening time in negotiations in Europe. These resulted in a treaty with France, signed in 1902, which failed of ratification by the French Government, and of another treaty signed on February 13, 1904, and afterwards duly ratified. On the evening of the day on which the latter treaty was signed in Paris, he started for Bangkok, with the new treaty sewed in his coat pocket. The post to which he was called was one which exactly suited his abilities and experience. Siamese foreign affairs occupied most of his attention, and here of course he was at home. The foreign affairs of the kingdom were in a condition where “theorizing” upon legal EDWARD HENRY STROBEL. 865 rights and wrongs would do more harm than good. What was needed was a practical solution of problems, some of which had been pending for years. The amount of work that came into the office of the Gen- eral Adviser was overwhelming. But Strobel’s mind quickly grasped the questions at issue, and — what was at least as important — he understood the men with whom he had to deal. These men were of many nations and races, they came from all the countries of Western Europe and of Eastern Asia. In addition to foreign relations, he was confronted with many questions of internal administration, and to them he brought the same intelligence and skill. In December, 1905, Strobel went home on leave. He stopped in Egypt on the way, and there was stricken with blood-poisoning, from which he never fully recovered. After fifteen months’ absence, during most of which he suffered greatly, he was able to return to Siam, and immediately resumed his many activities; but he was not to be long spared, for on January 15, 1908, he died in the midst of his labors. While the time he actually spent in Siam amounted to only about two and a half years, he left behind him a memory which is seldom, if ever, the crown of even a lifetime of work in the Far East. From the beginning, he inspired the confidence both of the Government which he served and of all with whom he came in touch. Before his arrival, perhaps not all persons in Siam looked forward with pleasure to the coming of an American to fill the highest post there open to a Euro- pean. But Strobel speedily made it clear that he felt he could best serve the Siamese Government by dealing fairly and justly with every matter laid before him. Once that reputation was established, the rest was easy. SAMUEL WILLISTON. S66 WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER. WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER (1840-1910) Fellow in Class III, Section 3, 1881. William Graham Sumner, for thirty-eight years professor of Politi- cal and Social Science in Yale University, passed away on April 12, 1910, at Englewood, New Jersey. He was born at Paterson, New Jersey, October 30, 1840, of English parents, his father, Thomas Sumner, having come to America in 1836 and his mother, Sarah Graham, in 1825. He states in an autobiographical sketch that his ancestors on both sides had been artizans, and that, so far as he knew he was the first member of the family who ever studied Latin and Algebra. His early years were spent at Hartford, Connecticut, he was gradu- ated from Yale College in 1863, studied French and Hebrew in Geneva in 1863-64, Divinity and History at Géttingen in 1864-66, and during a part of the year 1866 he studied Anglican Theology at Oxford. Having been elected tutor at Yale he entered upon his duties in September, 1866, in which position he remained until March, 1869. He was ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1867, and became assistant to the rector of Calvary Church in New York City in 1869. From September, 1870 to September, 1872, he was rector of the Church of the Redeemer at Morristown, New Jersey. In September, 1872, he began his long career as Professor of Political and Social Science at Yale, having been elected in June of that year. His death marked the close, as his appointment at Yale had marked the beginning, of an epoch in university teaching and in the develop- ment of economic thought in this country. When he began the teach- ing of Political and Social Science at Yale in 1872, his subject had received very little attention in our institutions of learning, and the scientific attitude was non-existent in our public discussions. Francis A. Walker began his work in the Sheffield Scientific School the same year, and Charles F. Dunbar had begun at Harvard the year before. For many years Professor Perry at Williams and Amasa Walker at Amherst had been lecturing on Political Economy. But the rapid development of interest in these subjects may be said to date from the early seventies. Probably no one contributed more to that awaken- ing than Professor Sumner. His teaching was so clear, so strong, and WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER. 867 so free from sentimentality or humbug as to compel respectful atten- tion even on the part of those who resisted his relentless logic. During the long controversy over soft money and free silver he stood uncompromisingly for sound money based upon the gold stand- ard. During the equally long controversy over protectionism, he stood with equal firmness for free trade. During the greater part of this period of controversy he was on the unpopular side of both questions, but he lived to see the unpopular become the popular side of the currency question and he only lacked two years of seeing it become the popular side of the question of protectionism. His death, therefore, marks the close of the epoch in which questions of currency and protectionism were the dominant questions in Ameri- can politics. Though he began as a teacher of Political and Social Science, he soon found it necessary to restrict his field and to specialize. His final years were devoted to sociology in some of its historical and anthropological phases. Some of the results of this final specialized study were published in his book entitled “Folkways,” which is a monument of exact knowledge and vast learning. It is unfortunate that no complete list of his publications has yet been compiled. Articles from his pen are still being discovered, but the list which closes this notice, while far from complete, will indicate something of the breadth of his interests and the scope of his tireless energy. If one were looking for the best example of the austere and produc- tive life, the life of Professor Sumner might well be selected. His austerity and self-discipline were proverbial among his colleagues and students, but it was not a useless austerity imposed for its own sake. It was the austerity which harnesses every ounce of energy to pro- ductive work. The following is as complete a list of Professor Sumner’s works as the writer has been able to compile. Books The Books of the Kings, by K. C. W. F. Bahr. Translated, Enlarged, and Edited. Book 2, by W. G. Sumner, in Lange, J. P. A commentary on the Holy Scripture. Scribner, Armstrong & Company. New York. 1872. Vol. VI, 312 pp. A History of American Currency, with chapters on the English Bank Restric- tion and Austrian Paper Money. To which is appended “The Bullion Report.” Henry Holt & Company. New York. 1874. 391 pp. 868 WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER. Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States. (Delivered before the International Free Trade Alliance) published for the New York Free Trade Club by G. P. Putnam’s Sons. New York. 1877. 64 pp. Andrew Jackson as a Public Man. (American Statesmen Series). Houghton Mifflin & Company. Boston, New York. 1882. 402 pp. What Social Classes Owe to Each Other. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1883. 169 pp. Problems in Political Economy. Henry Holt & Company. New York. 1884. 125 pp. Protectionism, the -ism which teaches that Waste Makes Wealth. Henry Holt & Company. New York. 1885. 170 pp. Collected Essays in Political and Social Science. Henry Holt & Company. New York. 1885. 173 pp. Alexander Hamilton. (Makers of America Series). Dodd, Mead & Com- pany. New York. 1890. 280 pp. The Financier and the Finances of the American Revolution. Dodd, Mead & Company. New York. 1891. 2 vols. 309 and 339 pp. Robert Morris. (Makers of America Series). Dodd, Mead & Company. New York. 1892. 172 pp. History of Banking in the United States. (In Dodsworth, A. W., ed. A History of Banking in all the Leading Nations. Published by Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, New York. 1896) 4 V. v.1., 3p. 1, ix to xv, 385 pp. Folkways; A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores and Morals. Ginn & Company. Boston. 1907. 692 pp. War and Other Essays. Yale University Press. New Haven. 1911. 381 pp. Earth-Hunger and Other Essays. Yale University Press. New Haven. 1913. 377 pp. The Challenge of Facts and Other Essays. Yale University Press. New Haven. 1914. 450 pp. Articles, ete. American Finance. Williams, Boston. 1875. (Pamphlet). Monetary Development. In Woolsey, T. D., and others, First Century of the Republic. Harper & Brothers. New York. Politics in America, 1775 to 1876. North American Review, Vol. 122, Centen- nial number, pp. 47-87. Preface to ‘Our Revenue System” by A. L. Earle. Published for the Free Trade Club by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2p. L., xi, 47 pp. (Economic Mono- graph No. V). Money and Its Laws. International Review. January and February, 1878. pp. 75-81. WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER. 869 Bimetallism. Princeton Review, November, 1879, pp. 546-578. — The Theory and Practice of Elections. Jbid. March, 1880, pp. 262-286, and July, 1880, pp. 24-41. Elections and Civil Service Reform. Jbid. January, 1881, pp. 129-148. The Argument against Protective Taxes. Jbid. March, 1881. pp. 241-259. Sociology. Jbid. November, 1881. pp. 303-323. Wages.: Ibid. November, 1882. pp. 241-262. Protective Taxes and Wages. Philadelphia Tariff Commission. 1882. 21 pp. Political Economy and Political Science. Compiled by W. G. Sumner, D. A. Wells, W. E. Foster, R. L. Dugdale, and G. H. Putnam. New York Society for Political Education. 36 pp. 1882. Economic Tracts, No. 2). Our Colleges Before the Country. Princeton Review. March, 1884. pp. 127-140. Sociological Fallacies. North American Review. June, 1884. pp. 574-579. Shall Silver Be Demonetized? Jbid. June, 1885. pp. 485-489. Industrial War. Forum. September, 1886. pp. 1-8. Mr. Blaine on the Tariff. North American Review. October. 1886. pp. 398-405. What Makes the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer? Popular Science Monthly, January, 1887. pp. 289-296. The Indians in 1887. Forwm. May, 1887. pp. 254-262. State Interference. North American Review. August, 1887. pp. 109-119. Trusts and Trade Unions. Independent, V. 40, 1888. pp. 482-483. The Fall in Silver and International Competition. Rand McNally’s Banker’s Monthly. February, 1888. pp. 47-48. The First Steps Towards a Millennium. Cosmopolitan. March, 1888. pp. 32-36. Do We Want Industrial Peace? Forum. December, 1889. pp. 406-416. What is Civil Liberty? Popular Science Monthly. July, 1889. pp. 289-303. Liberté des Echanges. Nouveau Dictionnaire d’Economie Politique, vol. 2, 1891. Guillaumin et Cie, Paris. pp. 138-166. Absurd Effort to Make the World Over. Forum, V. 17, 1894. pp. 92-102. Banks of Issue in the United States. Forwm, V. 22, 1896. pp. 182-191. The Fallacy of Territorial Extension. Forwm, V. 21, 1896. pp. 414-419. The Proposed Dual Organization of Mankind. Popular Science Monthly, V. 49, 1896. pp. 4382-439 The Single Gold Standard. Chautauquan, V. 24, 1896. pp. 72-77. The Coin Shilling of Massachusetts Bay. Yale Review, V. 7, 1898. pp. 247- 280. The Spanish Dollar and the Colonial Shilling. American Historical Review. V. 3, 1898. pp. 607-619. The Conquest of the United States by Spain. Yale Law Journal, V. 8, No. 4, 1899. pp. 168-193. Introduction to “Anthracite Coal Industry’ by Peter Roberts. Macmillan Co., New York, London. 1901. XII, pp., 11.; 261 pp. 870 FREDERICK WINSLOW TAYLOR. The Predominant Issue. Burlington, Vt. Reprinted from the International Monthly, V. 2, 1901. pp. 496-509. Specimens of Investment Securities for Class Room Use. The E. P. Judd Co. New Haven. 1901. 32 pp. The Yakuts. Abridged from the Russian of Sieroshevski. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, V. 31, 1902. pp. 65-110. Justification of Wealth. Independent, V. 54. 1902. pp. 1036-1040. Suicidal Fanaticism in Russia. Popular Science Monthly. V. 60, 1902. pp. 442-447. The Fallacies of Socialism. Colliers Weekly. October 29, 1904. pp. 12-138. Address at Dinner of the Committee on Tariff Reform of the Tariff Reform Club in the City of New York, 1906. Series 1906, No. 4. 7 pp. Sociology as a College Subject. American Journal of Sociology, V. 12, 1907. pp. 597-599. Mores of the Present and the Future. Yale Review, V. 18, 1909. pp. 233-245. Witcheraft. Forum. V. 41, 1909. pp. 410-423. The Family and Social Change. American Journal of Sociology. V. 14, 1909. pp. 577-591. The Status of Women in Chaldea, Egypt, India, ete., to the Time of Christ. Forum, V. 42, 1909. pp. 113-136. Religion and the Mores. American Journal of Sociology, V. 15, 1910. pp. Di —oole War. Yale Review, (new series). V.1, 1911. pp. 1-27. Ts N- CARVER: FREDERICK WINSLOW TAYLOR (1856-1915) Fellow in Class I, Section 4, 1915. It is not difficult to estimate the place of Frederick W. Taylor in the industries even though only a short time has elapsed since his death. He is the legitimate successor of James Watt. Many engineers and manu- facturers have made valuable additions to the efficiency of the steam en- gine and to labor-saving machinery but the improvement of James Watt opened the gateway to all the inventions of the nineteenth century. Out of them have sprung the development of power and the labor- saving machinery as we have them today, and also anentirely new prob- lem in the relation of great masses of labor to society.—It is exactly to this problem that Mr. Taylor has turned our attention. His solution of it is of precisely the same significance as James Watt’s contribution to the steam engine and Mr. Taylor’s work will equally transform society. FREDERICK WINSLOW TAYLOR. 871 He was born in Germantown, Pa., in the year 1856. His early education was in America and two years in France and Germany. He was prepared at Phillips Exeter to enter Harvard in 1874 but his eyesight failed and he became an apprentice in the Enterprise Hy- draulic Works from 1875 to 1878. Then owing to business depression he took a job as laborer in the Midvale Steel Works, where his ideas on the subject of greater system in the management of industry began to form themselves. Six years from the time of entering the Midvale Company he was Chief Engineer. In 1880 he began at night the engineering course as required at Stevens Institute, where he obtained the degree of Mechanical Engineer in 1883. He left Midvale in 1890, having inaugurated a system of shop management and having increased the output from two hundred to three hundred per cent. From 1890 to ’93 he was manager of the Manufacturing Investment Company, operating paper mills in Maine. From then on he was consulting engineer on machine-shop efficiency. He was employed by the Bethlehem Steel Company and there made the investigation on tool steel and with Mr. Maunsel White discovered the process of heat treatment which has revolutionized shop practice. He presented his system of shop management to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in a paper called “The Piece Rate System”’ and in 1906, when he was president of the Society, he presented the result of twenty-six years’ investigation in an exhaustive paper on “The Art of Cutting Metal.” This was a splendid example of scien- tific research by an engineer in active practice of his profession. He died on March 21, 1915. The term “scientific management,’ under which his work will probably be known, was devised by Mr. Taylor and gained currency chiefly through the testimony of Louis D. Brandeis before a committee of Congress on the Railroad Petition for a Raise in Rates. If the writer of the above may be permitted to comment through his per- sonal acquaintance with Mr. Taylor, he would say that the system never was intended or planned to fetter in any way the enterprise of workmen but was thought by the inventor to be a method of promoting ambition and the highest good of every workman as well as of society. His system, scientific management, is simply a plan under which the work of the industries can be done effectively and with a minimum expenditure of energy. It has come to stay because it has called attention to absolutely necessary organization if mankind is to have a real and lasting benefit from the inventions that followed the use of the steam engine and of stored energy. I. N. Hous. 872 FRIEDRICH DANIEL VON RECKLINGHAUSEN. FRIEDRICH DANIEL VON RECKLINGHAUSEN (1833-1910) Honorary Foreign Member in Class If, Section 4, 1898. Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen, one of the foremost among the German pathologists, distinguished both as a teacher and in- vestigator, was born in Westphalia in 1833. After passing through the gymnasium he studied medicine in the Universities of Bonn, Wiirzburg, and Berlin, and obtained the doctor degree in 1855. His dissertation and his first medical publication in 1855 was “ De pyaemiae theoriis”” in which he reviewed and discussed the different theories concerning pyaemia, giving the reasons in favor of its separation from wound infection. His entry into medicine was at the age when men here are graduating from college. He then devoted himself to pathol- ogy in the laboratory of Rudolf Virchow and after three semesters in Berlin, and studies in Vienna, Rome, and Paris, he was named an assistant in the pathological institute in Berlin in 1858, holding this position until 1864. In the summer of this year, without passing through the usual stages of Docent and Professor Extraordinary, he was chosen as Professor of Pathological Anatomy in K6nigsberg, and, after one-half year here, to the higher post in Wiirzburg. In 1872 he was one of the first professors chosen to the new University founded in Strassburg, where he remained as Professor of General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy until 1906, at which time he became Emeritus. After this he continued to work with his usual diligence in the institute with which his name will always be associated, com- plaining of the short space of time remaining to him for the comple- tion of his numerous investigations. He was instrumental in having called to the new university such men as Golz, Leyden and Waldyer. In 1877 he constructed the new laboratory of the University, and which at that time was regarded as in all respects a model. In 1883 he functioned as Rector of the University, and in 1884 he refused the call to Leipzig as the successor to Cohnheim. He died suddenly in 1910 in his seventy-seventh year. Up to 1862 he had published as assistant to Virchow a large number of minor papers on a variety of subjects, some of them involving chemi- cal research. In 1862 appeared the first of the great monographs for which he was distinguished on “ Die Lymphgefisse und ihre Beziehun- gen zum Bindegewebe.” In this he first described the method of the use of silver to demonstrate the lines of junction of cells, and showed FRIEDRICH DANIEL VON RECKLINGHAUSEN. 873 that the connective tissue was filled with spaces communicating with lymphatics, and in which the cells lie. This work led him to the study of the character of the cells in the tissue, and in a further publica- tion “ Uber Eiter und Bindegewebs-kérperchen” he showed the amoe- boid motion of certain of the cells, and their identity with leucocytes and pus cells. This work undoubtedly paved the way to the studies of Cohnheim on leucocyte migration and inflammation, Cohnheim being a young assistant in the laboratory. During his professorship in Wiirzburg a great number of important publications on pathological anatomical conditions appeared, in one of which “Uber Pilzmetas- tasen”’ he showed for the first time the relation between metastatic inflammatory foci and masses of bacteria in the blood vessels. It was during the period in Strassburg that his wonderful activity in scientific research reached its acme. There are few subjects, either in general pathology or in pathological anatomy, which were not advanced through his work. His various researches on the blood, the heart and circulation were followed in 1883 by a large and com- prehensive work “Handbuch der Ernahrung.” This work, which treats of the different forms of disturbances of the circulation and nutrition, is based on his rich experience and his wide knowledge of the literature of the subject, and remains a veritable mine of informa- tion for one working on the subject. In 1881 the monograph “Uber die multiplen Fibrome der Haut und ihre Beziehung zu den multiplen Neuromen”’ appeared as a contribution in honor of Rudolf Virchow’s twenty-five year jubilee. The article is a classic, showing the relation of the multiple fibromas to the nerves of the skin, and the condition since then has been known as von Recklinghausen’s Disease. In 1886 appeared in Virchow’s Archives a series of articles “ Untersuch- ungen iiber Spinabifida” which must be reckoned among the most important contributions of this painstaking and prolific author. The work is based on thorough macro and microscopic investigation of a large amount of material, and the subject, formerly obscure, was completely cleared up. The peculiar tumors of the uterus and Fallopian tubes, the adeno- myomata, are treated in a series of articles between 1893-99. He was especially attracted to the diseases of bones which form, from the complexity of the tissue and the nature of the material, one of the most difficult subjects in pathology. In 1891 he published a large mono- graph on “ Die fibrése oder deformierender Ostitis,” a condition which is also known as von Recklinghausen’s Disease, and this was followed by a great number of articles on various forms of bone disease and resulting deformities. The last great work, on the subject “Unter- S74 FRIEDRICH DANIEL VON RECKLINGHAUSEN. suchungen uber Rachitis und Osteomalacie” with 127 illustrations and 41 plates, appeared in 1910, the year of his death. In addition to the great number of medical publications he found time for several important addresses, he attended medical societies and associations and took part in discussions. He was never con- troversial, although critical of all that seemed to lack in scientific accuracy. He was equally great as a teacher; many of the men who hold important positions in pathology received their first inspiration and training from him, as Friedlander, Zahn, Schmidt, Késter, Foa, Stilling, Perteck, Aschoff, Murpiergo, Griffini and Sacordotti. His laboratory was sought by both German and foreigners, and there was a constant flow of publications from his students. As a lecturer he was simple and direct, using specimens freely in illustration; his style in writing however was the reverse of simple, and he was difficult to follow. The laboratory was constructed on the cell system, the students were given a small room, a subject for work, and material, and he inculeated independence of observation with simplicity of method. In all of his work he used the simple methods with which he had begun to work, and it is amazing what he was able to do with scalpel, scissors and microscope. When I worked in his laboratory in 1883 there was not a microtome in it, and this instrument had long been regarded as indispensable for microscopic work. Sections were stained with picrocarmine and mounted in glycerine, and he was suspicious of all the newer methods which were coming into use and which have led to enormous advance in knowledge of structure. I found his demonstrations in pathological anatomy, which were held three times in the week, of great interest and value. The students, ach with a microscope and a few reagents, were seated at long tables along which the specimens were passed after the professor had ex- plained them, and each student took pieces for study as they went along. The disadvantage of the method was that the progress of the material was so slow that in the two hours of the exercise the specimens rarely reached the last fourth of the class. Although in his great work on the diseases of the circulation he treated the pathology of function as well as structure, his conclusions are based more on his rich anatomical knowledge than on experi- mental evidence. He was_by nature conservative, and though he welcomed each advance in knowledge, he did not seem to realize the great change in the point of view which came into pathology with the discovery of the methods of bacteriological investigation, although his observations on bacterial emboli are among the fundamental studies in bacteriology. He was essentially a pathological anatomist, his OLIVER CLINTON WENDELL. 875 work was based on embryology and the study of stages of processes, as revealed in the abundant material which was at his disposal and of which he made skilful use, rather than on the experimental method. There is a disposition at present to decry all knowledge not based on experiment, but we must remember that there is not a radical difference between the methods of observation and experiment in disease. The anatomical lesions studied are the results of experiments made by nature in which it is true all the conditions are not known and judg- ment as to their nature mode of production and relations are based on embryology and stages in the process revealed in the differing single examples which arise. Of this method von Recklinghausen was a master, and most of his work has borne the test of time. He was a tireless worker, arriving at the laboratory at seven in the morning, and often remaining late into the night. His life was quiet, without distraction, and eminently serviceable. Our ideas of Ger- man culture have been derived from the work and lives of such men as this. W. T. CouNncILMAN. OLIVER CLINTON WENDELL (1845-1912) Fellow in Class J, Section 1, 1884. Oliver Clinton Wendell was born at Dover, N. H., on May 7, 1845. After a life largely devoted to astronomical research, he died in Cam- bridge, Mass., on November 5, 1912. Mr. Wendell was fitted for college in the old academy of his native town, and graduated from Bates College in 1868. From this college, also, he received the degree of Master of Arts, in 1871, and of Doctor of Science, in 1907. He was one of the comparatively few men who seemed “predestined”’ to a specific career, for on his graduation it was announced by the President of the college that one of the small class of five was to be an astronomer. ‘This was Wendell, who appar- ently had come to this decision in his sophomore year. Two months after leaving college he began work at the Harvard College Observa- tory, but a year later he was compelled to resign his position on ac- count of illness. For about ten years he found it necessary to engage in outdoor pursuits. During a part of this time he was an assistant to the emi- nent engineer, James B. Francis, a man to whom he often referred in 876 OLIVER CLINTON WENDELL. terms of the highest admiration. During this period, also, he was offered a professorship of astronomy at Bates College, a position he was obliged to decline on account of ill health. This was, perhaps, unfortunate, for such a position would have given him, as a teacher, an excellent opportunity for the full expression of his personality. He returned to the Harvard Observatory in 1879, and was made Assistant Professor of Astronomy in 1898, a position he held during the remainder of his life. His work at the Observatory was chiefly with the 15-inch equatorial, which in early days was often referred to as “The Great Telescope.”’ During the latter part of his life he was almost the sole observer with this telescope, and his relation with it was of the nature of an intimate friendship. Even on cloudy nights, when no work could be done, he appeared to enjoy being near the instrument, which he really loved. Mr. Wendell observed the eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter from 1891 to 1912. This work required his presence at all hours of the night, a hardship which did not lessen his enthusiasm. He often came to the Observatory on cold winter nights, even when the chance of securing observations was small. He took part in the observation and reduction of the work of the 4-inch meridian photometer, but his principal work was with the photometer having achromatic prisms, attached to the 15-inch telescope. With this instrument he observed variable stars and asteroids. The results are probably the most accurate which had been obtained up to that time. He discovered several new variable stars and two variable asteroids. Although he was able to devote less time to the subject, he had a deep interest in comets, and, in his earlier years at the Observatory, took part in their observation and the computation of their orbits. The results of his astronomical work will be found in Volumes 13, 23, 24, 33, 37, 52, and 69 of the Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Mr. Wendell took his vocation with great seriousness. To him, nothing compared in interest with astronomy. It absorbed him, not, however, to the exclusion of a poetic element, which expressed itself at different times in verse. Regarding this phase of his character, however, he was very reticent. Also, he had a sincere faith in the truth of the Christian religion, and an intense belief in the immortality of the soul. He was married, in 1870, to Sarah Butler, of Hanover, Mass., who was a most devoted and loyal helper. Her death, in 1910, was a shock from which he never fully recovered. It left him lonely and inconsolable till his own death two years later. Two sons survive them. S. I. Barry. American Academy of Arts and Sciences OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES FOR 1918-19 PRESIDENT. Cuar.Les P. BowpitcH. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Class I. Class II. Class III. Exurav THoMsSoN, WiuuramM M. Dayts, GeorGce F. Moore. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Harry W. Tyrer. RECORDING SECRETARY. Wo. Sturais BiGcELow. TREASURER. Henry H. Epes. LIBRARIAN. ArtTHuR G. WEBSTER. COUNCILLORS. Class I. Class II. Class III. Harvey N. Davis, BENJAMIN L. ROBINSON, Frep N. Rosinson. Terms expire 1919. Grecory P. Baxter, WintramM M. WHEELER, ARCHIBALD C. CooLipGE. Terms expire 1920. Henry LEFAvourR, WitiramM T. SEpGwIcK, Barrett WENDELL. Terms expire 1921. GeorcE D. Brrkuorr, CHARLES H. WARREN, FREepDERIC Dopae. Terms expire 1922. COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. Henry P. Watcort, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, Harotp Murpock. RUMFORD COMMITTEE. CuHaRLeS R. Cross, Chairman, Epwarp C. PICKERING, ArtTHuR G. WEBSTER, Euiavu THomson, Louts Bett, ArtHur A. Noyss, THEODORE LYMAN. Cc. M. WARREN COMMITTEE. Henry P. Tarsor, Chairman, Water L. JENNINGS, CHARLES L. JACKSON, Grecory P. Baxter, ArTuur A. NOYES, ArtTHur D. Litre, Wiuuram H. WALKER. COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. Epwarp V. Huntrneton, of Class I, Chairman, Jay B. Woopwortu, of Class LI, AuBeRT A. Howarp, of Class III. COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY. ArTHUR G. WEBSTER, Chairman, Harry M. Goopwin, of Class I, Tuomas Barsour, of Class II, Witiram C. Lane, of Class III. AUDITING COMMITTEE. GeorcE R. Agassiz, JoHN E. THAYER, HOUSE COMMITTEE. Louis Derr, GeorGE R. Agassiz, Chairman, Wm. Sturais BigELow. COMMITTEE ON MEETINGS. THE PRESIDENT, THE RECORDING SECRETARY, Witu1aM M. Davis, Epwin B. WILson, GeorGE F. Moore. a * os ‘ . 4 ‘ an) . s e @ ® Cs = . A , j b Q - + ' ih i ‘ t ’ -_ ry 1 ‘ j JZ be 1 ' iv LEST OF THE FELLOWS AND FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. (Corrected to July 1, 1918.) FELLOWS.— 526. (Number limited to six hundred.) Cuass I.— Mathematical and Physical Sciences.— 183. Section I.— Mathematics and Astronomy.— 39. George Russell Agassiz one 5... Cambndee harles, Scluchert 22). 2. Sa ee: 2 i s, 2 New Haven, Conn: Midis Berrynianjseott . ~ . . < .. 0%. « 2... Pmneeton,Ned Hervey; Woodburn Shimer.) :.-.° 2. -. + «jg... Watertown Charles Hichard- Van bse) 7 2. .> 5 %) <7) sn eee. Madison; Wis: Thomas Wayland Vaughan ..: <<. «. . ~« .Washmeton,.D: CG: Gharics Weoliitle Walcott: ~. <3. =... 2>s. Washington, D.C: Eonec, WeCourcy Ward=... < .o. s 2ae ee “Cambridge evanlesinvde Warren. 2 -; 2 .. 2 «he oO 2 Auburndale Pervert mercy Whitlock. °°. s 0.0 2. 0. a YE Albany, (N.Y: Bailey Willis .. ae aa ks ey wo dy ee bee alow mitorGale Samuel Wendell W hse, eae: ack eo 2 eae Chicago, Ill. PeunrPliog- Woliiq==; 202° ..-2 to 4. 2 uo » er, “Cambridge Pay tacks, Woodworth 4. /e- 22. is . Cambridge Frederick Eugene Wright ...... . WwW ashington, D. C. Cuass II., Section II.— Botany.— 30. Oakes Ames . . Bt 228. Gietreiod int. ot as OREM aston: Irving Widmer Bailey Pes ho mae ar wi eee, = (eam pra Liberty Hyde Bailey . . pee dnek oy Somes, =e neers in ee Douglas Houghton Campbell ey ree aoe NS Palo Alto, Cal. George Perkins Clinton: 9... 9... ©. ~. «...New Haven, Conn. Hanke pupley Collins... <2 2.2%, 2. . « ~ « ,Cambridge 886 Robert Almer Harper . John George Jack Edward Charles Jeffrey Fred Dayton Lambert . Burton Edward Livingston George Richard Lyman Winthrop John Vanleuven Oereehont Alfred Rehder Lincoln Ware Riddle Benjamin Lincoln Robinson . Charles Sprague Sargent . William Albert Setchell Arthur Bliss Seymour . Erwin Frink Smith . John Donnell Smith Willaim Codman Sturgis . Roland Thaxter . William Trelease New York, N. Y. East Walpole . Cambridge Tufts College Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. C. Cambridge Jamaica Plain Wellesley Cambridge . Brookline Berkeley, Cal. Cambridge Ww ashington, D. C. 3 Baltimore, Md. New Yorke: Nees Cambridge Urbana, III. Crass II., Section III.— Zodlogy and Physiology.— 54. Glover Morrill Allen Joel Asaph Allen John Wallace Baird . Thomas Barbour Francis Gano Benedict Henry Bryant Bigelow Robert Payne Bigelow . John Lewis Bremer . William Brewster Charles Thomas Brues Hermon Carey Bumpus Walter Bradford Cannon . William Ernest Castle . Charles Value Chapin . Samuel Fessenden Clarke . Edwin Grant Conklin . . <= William Thomas Councilman Joseph Augustine Cushman . William Healey Dall Charles Benedict Davenport . hor» Boston New York: Nowy Worcester . Boston . Boston Concord Brookline Boston Cambridge Do ee Osta Tufts College Cambridge Belmont Providence, R. I. Williamstown Princeton, N. J. . Boston Sharon Piyaciiaetert DSC. Cold Sine Harbor, NY. FELLOWS. Gilman Arthur Drew Alexander Forbes Samuel Henshaw Leland Ossian Howard Herbert Spencer Jennings Charles Willison Johnson . Charles Atwood Kofoid Frederic Thomas Lewis Ralph Stayner Lillie Jacques Loeb. . . Richard Swann Lull Franklin Paine Mall Edward Laurens Mark Ernest Gale Martin Albert Davis Mead . Edward Sylvester Morse . Herbert Vincent Neal . Henry Fairfield Osborn George Howard Parker John Charles Phillips James Jackson Putnam Herbert Wilbur Rand . William Emerson Ritter William Thompson Sedgwick Perey Goldthwait Stiles John Ehot Thayer . Addison Emory Verrill John Broadus Watson . Arthur Wisswald Weysse . William Morton Wheeler . Harris Hawthorne Wilder Edmund Beecher Wilson . Frederick Adams Woods . Robert Mearns Yerkes 887 . Woods Hole Milton . . Cambridge Washes ¢0nt D=C; . Baltimore, Md. Brookline Berkeley, Cal. Waban . Worcester New York, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. Baltimore, Md. . . Cambridge . Palo Alto, Cal. Providence, R. I. Salem “Tufts College New York; Na ¥2 Cambridge Wenham . Boston . Cambridge La Jolla, Cal. Boston Newtonville Lancaster . New Haven, Conn. . Washington, D. C. . Boston . Boston Northampton . New York,-N. Y- Brookline ‘ yea enoe Dac; Crass II., Section IV.— Medicine and Surgery.— 33. Edward Hickling Bradford Henry Asbury Christian . Harvey Cushing. . David Linn Edsall . . Boston . Boston . Boston . Boston 888 Harold Clarence Ernst Simon Flexner 4 William Crawford ares Robert Battey Greenough William Stewart Halsted . Reid Hunt . Henry Jackson Abraham Jacobi . Elliott Proctor Joslin William Williams Keen Frank Burr Mallory Samuel Jason Mixter Edward Hall Nichols Sir William Osler, Bart. Theophil Mitchell Prudden William Lambert Richardson Milton Joseph Rosenau Frederick Cheever Shattuck . Theobald Smith . Elmer Ernest Southard Richard Pearson Strong Ernest Edward Tyzzer Frederick Herman Verhoeff . Henry Pickering Walcott . John Collins Warren . William Henry Welch . Francis Henry Williams Simeon Burt Wolbach . Horatio Curtis Wood Jamaica Plain New York, N. Y. : Wee DG: Boston Baltimore, Md. Brookline .« «ue Boston New Yorks, Ne aye : . Boston Philadelabien Pa. Brookline . Boston 2) x BOSLOM aatan Eng. New York, N. Y. . Boston . Boston : Boston Princeton, N. J. . Boston . Boston . Boston . . Boston Cambridge ../ 4 Boston: Bales Md. . Boston . . Boston Palade Rae Crass III.— Moral and Political Sciences,— 172. Section I— Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence.— 47. Thomas Willing Balch Simeon Eben Baldwin . Willard Bartlett . Joseph Henry Beale Melville Madison Bigelow Charles Warren Clifford Edmund Burke Delabarre . Philadelphia, Pa. New Haven, Conn. . ‘Brooklyn, No Y. Cambridge Cambridge . . New Bedford Providence, R. I. FELLOWS. James De Normandie . Frederic Dodge Edward Staples Drown William Harrison Dunbar Timothy Dwight Cc e.. William Herbert Perry Faunce . William Wallace Fenn Frederick Perry Fish George Angier Gordon John Wilkes Hammond Alfred Hemenway Charles Evans Hughes : Frederick John Foakes Jackson . William Lawrence Arthur Lord van William Caleb Loring . Nathan Matthews Samuel Walker McCall Edward Caldwell Moore . James Madison Morton George Herbert Palmer Charles Edwards Park Endicott Peabody : Francis Greenwood Peabody George Wharton Pepper John Winthrop Platner Roscoe Pound Elihu Root : James Hardy Ropes Arthur Prentice Rugg . Henry Newton Sheldon Moorfield Storey 2 William Howard Taft . William Jewett Tucker William Cushing Wait Williston Walker Eugene Wambaugh. . Edward Henry Warren Samuel Williston Woodrow Wilson 889 Roxbury Belmont Cambridge Cambridge New Haven, Conn. Providence, R. I. Cambridge Brookline . Boston Cambridge . Boston New vale Neuve New York, N. Y. . Boston . Plymouth . Boston . Boston Winchester Cambridge . Fall River Cambridge . Boston Groton . . -Cambridge Philadelphia, Pa. Cambridge Belmont New York, N. Y. Cambridge Worcester . Boston . Boston . New Haven, Conn. Hanover, N. H. Medford . New Haven, Conn. Cambridge . Boston Belmont . Washington, D. C. 890 Cuass III., Section IIl.— Philology and Archeology.— 50. Francis Greenleaf Allinson William Rosenzweig Arnold . Maurice Bloomfield . BranzeBoas is oe. tee See Charles Pickering Bowditch . Eugene Watson Burlingame . Edward Capps Franklin Carter . George Henry Chase Roland Burrage Dixon William Curtis Farabee Jesse Walter Fewkes : Jeremiah Denis Mathias Ford Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve . Charles Hall Grandgent Louis Herbert Gray Charles Burton Gulick William Arthur Heidel George Lincoln Hendrickson Bert Hodge Hill... Elijah Clarence Hills Edward Washburn Hopkins . Joseph Clark Hoppin Albert Andrew Howard William Guild Howard AleS Hrdliéka . Carl Newell Jackson Hans Carl Gunther von Jagemann James Richard Jewett . Alfred Louis Kroeber Kirsopp Lake . Henry Roseman Lang . Charles Rockwell Lanman David Gordon Lyon : Clifford Herschel Moore . - George Foot Moore . Hanns Oertel . Bernadotte Perrin Edward Kennard Rand Providence, R. I. Cambridge Baltimore, Md. o NeweVoniainna . Jamaica Plain Albany, N. Y. Princeton, N. J. Williamstown Cambridge . . Cambridge Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. : Cambridge . Baltimore, Md. Cambridge . Boston i Cambridge Middletown, Conn. . New Haven, Conn. . . Athens, Greece . New York, N. Y. . New Haven, Conn. Boston Cambridge Ake Cambridge Washington, D. C. : Cambridge Cambridge . Cambridge Berkeley, Cal. Cambridge New Haven, Conn. Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Cambridge FELLOWS. 891 George Andrew Reisner .. . . . . . . ... « +« Cambridge Buward*hobimson .. . . . .'. « % «ae 0° New York,.Ne Y¥- BreayNoris-tobmson . . 2... e784) «x. 2a) Cambridge Budelpihschevill . 2. .-y =. 8 se .« # Berkeley, Gal. Edward Stevens Sheldon. . . . .. =: =... =. +.» Cambridge etherver Smyth —.. 2. 2. om 6 en ee Cambridge Franklin Bache Stephenson . . . . . . . +. Claremont, Cal. Charles Cutler Torrey. . : . .%.. . ~ New Haven, Conn. muceaeVisrston Tozzer .° . 6 6s. : + % %.s = Cambridge Andrew Dickson White: ...... «. -< A” e-s, 2 Tthaea,eN2 Ye James-Haushton Woods ...- . = . . . » . . °.Cambrnidge Crass III., Secrion III.— Political Economy and History.— 37. OS AGAMSY 7 ln aileerir eye c. e ln ee oaks . Quincy George Burton’Adams 92.2 2.45. si. ew ieren Conn. Charles McLean Andrews ... . . . . . NewHaven, Conn. (Ghares. Jesse Bullock: 3% s- 2 -e SL ee as Sry (Cambridge piiiomaseNinum Garver “2.01 oo 5 shiny pee ae Cambridge Johnebares Clark § 4) Sous ra 8 G3 ‘en «ust MlewadYork, N.. Ye Prchiascary Cooltdze, so. 3 cs «. vessel es eee estou fichordeHenry Wana 2% 4 Ek oe ee Cambridge Amirewavickarland Davis. ~) :..°> <0? ."... &;(. ¢Cambrdge Paws Rick Dewey) Gt. >. les es a eee 4 SC Cambrdge Ephraim Emerton. ORR ag ny ee . . Cambridge FMeney yy aleott et armani ig ahi VeK a ays exe fe Ge Haven, Conn. IrvingHisher 52° 2. sy gee . . New Haven, Conn. Worthington Chauncey For ees es img 58 aoe. . puambridge Edwin Francis Gay. . . S45 * peg fos ombridge Frank Johnson Goodnow . . Ho + = lia a Baltrmores Mak ivarts Boutell'Green-. . 5 3... » %: 4 Champaign; T- Arthur Twining Hadley . . i» a? “New: Haven, ‘(Gonr Aipertusushnell Hart = ...0 . < « = « = <2) ~“Cambmdge Wharles; Homer Haskins’ s .°). 0 -f)20 3) es . Cambridge iSaneatinisshiays: peo. 6 2. aun “eo ese co tes Eilndelnin ‘Ba. Henry Cabot Lodge . . US sx ook (a thw op etn bean Abbott Lawrence Lowell . ee ee ee ea OT iclernl ee William MacDonald ..... ... . .. =. . Berkeley, Cal. Roger bigelow Merriman . od Ef She) 4, Gamibndee Samuel Eliot Morison . . of 2 EA 2 eoston: William Bennett Munro . 8s wl” ee 2h) Gamibadee 892 FELLOWS. James Bord Riltodes®!’ +. -..i- 52! Goh een ae ene ay | Boston William Milligan Sloane! \. «s.r oe oe New York; N.Y. Henry Morse Stephens <4... =. =.= 4. © seer oBerkeleyg@al John Osborne Summer; 20... 4.22 ee a ee cae Frank William Taussig = <= 2 » = . ssa. = “Cambudge William Roscoe Thayer: . a % << 2.0) ile) eae ee Combendpve Frederick Jackson Turner . .. +... . - : . Cambridge Thomas Franklin Waters 3.0". 2 (3 56% as ne lpswaelt George Grafton Wilson= 2) .) « (2 2p ee ee a bride George Parker Winship. . 4s . 4) 2:92 oshs ) 9 etcamabridae Cuass III., Section IV.— Literature and the Fine Arts.— 38. George Pierce Baker... {0.25292 3 oeeGe 27, Gamibridae Arlo Bates. . . 3 es RE OS SRE Bee ec . Boston James Phinney Baoan 3. pe ye ost Cece ee wees corns Pore Me. William Sturgis Bigelow >. soy 4 cane ee ee stare Le Baron Russell Brees er er eT eg fe rane bes Charles ‘Allerton Coolidge. 2. =. sa22- 55 2 1 Deo ee a ee Ocean Ralph Adams'Cram:> («4.2 4, GS) eee ee son Samuel McChord: Crothers.s. <2 « a) 2 2a eos 2 Cambudge Wilberforce Eames. .@ 22. % “5-2 aees eNews orien Neer Henry Herbert Edes: 2/2... Seger oe, eared ce Edward Waldo Emerson. = 4. %. 4 ass) ean eee Cemeord Arthur Fairbanks’ 3. 20-2 SAU eee ee Oa iclee Arthur Foote. . . . 6 8 La Regeedt oer ke et srookline Edward Waldo F loner oa! 7 Re pce nee . . Cambridge Kono raneke.. 40 4S ee ee (Gites ille, N. Y. DanielChester French... . «'/ 2 2% - = New evorka Ea Horace Howard Furness . . . . . . . ~ ~ Philadelphia, Pa. Robert Grant. ‘os 55>. ° ).°'¢e Ie Sees oe eee OsLonm Morris! Gray | toon «ne! Ga Ok) Re oe eee ic ieee boston Chester Noyes Greenenen! 0 ey Sek cathe eg ae aint ume seq MO catia places Francis Barton Gummere =~ . 3. . <4. 92). 2 dMaverfords ra: Henry Lee Higeinsoniges2 Wo Geeee ate “2 “Boston James Kendall Hosmer... < 9 Sieaioee vgnmenpelc! Minn. Mark Antony DeWolfe-Howe= . . . . . +. .°= = Boston George Lyman Kittredge. .-; . « 2°52). = =) S@ambridge William Coolidge Lane“. £.-.. <2 922s ee ea eee Allan Marquand. 9. V2. va >) .- 33) ae Ie oie eee Albert: Matthews *2:: 2.4) 4050) 2 See eee Boston Harold Murdock William Allan Neilson Herbert Putnam Denman Waldo Ross John Singer Sargent Ellery Sedgwick . ‘ Richard Clipston Sturgis . Barrett Wendell . Owen Wister . George Edward lard ee FELLOWS. 893 - Brookline Northampton . Washington, D. C. Cambridge London, Eng. Boston Boston : ae oe Boston: Philadelphia, Pa. Beverly 894 FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS.—66. (Number limited to seventy-five). Cuass I.— Mathematical and Physical Sciences.— 22. Section I.— Mathematics and Astronomy.— 6. Johann Oskar Backlund Felix Klein Tullio Levi-Civita ; Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer . Charles Emile Picard Beh es Charles Jean de la Vallée Poussin . Cuass I., Section II.— Physics.— 9. Svante August Arrhenius Oliver Heaviside Sir Joseph Larmor Hendrik Antoon Lorentz . Max Planck Augusto Righi ; Sir Ernest Rutherford . RE eee Rt. Hon. John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh Sir Joseph John Thomson : Sa er Crass I., Section III.— Chemistry.— 4. Johann Friedrich Wilhelm, Adolf, Ritter von Baeyer Emil Fischer . Fritz Haber Wilhelm Ostwald Petrograd Gottingen . Padua London Paris Louvain Stockholm Torquay Cambridge Leyden Berlin Bologna Manchester Witham Cambridge Munich Berlin Berlin Leipsic FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. 895 Ciass I.—Srctrion IV.— Technology and Engineering.— 3. Hemmch Muller Breslau. . 2... . ... 2. « % « « « Berlm Vsevolod Jevgenjevic Timonoff .... . .. . . Petrograd Mollammonwthorne-Unwin. «.. «9. « « «). sh ‘ss, Joondon Cruass II.— Natural and Physiological Sciences.— 22. Section I.— Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe.—8. Prankel awson Adams, = 9 .( 62. « « « «, « «..» Montreal Waldemar Christofer Brégger . . . . . « . « «, “Christiania Sir Archibald Geikie . . .. . . . .. . .« Haslemere, Surrey Muctor Goldschmidt? 4... 4. 2 5 + « Gea ds,» ddetdelbere be liniassialctiet rir aie ec AN ele fee Lente, cae) ae allege, Wo Aa pdoke LOTIRICE Albert Heim . . . Ee eked xp OG colt Se es eh aye EER Sir Wiliam Napier Shang Be fs ey Mati yiss 32 “rake ene coy ed LORGOR Jobanwlerman Icie-Vort. 2 <=: = ac je « i) &) eles ae rondhjent Cuass II., Section II.— Botany.— 6. NEE VANStaSP off pl Se seit ae gk. os | ae ee ah ee eCHeuae Adolf Engler . . . eo er oe Sets Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp Pfeffer Woe etek auc? Pt oe eee nelle Hermann, Graf zu Solms-Laubach . . .. .-:. + Strassburg dae A7 9 Uli OP ch Sa ee eR ee Berlin Hupene Warne qo. 2 cy se Aone fs. sas 4 a. - ss. Copenhagen Criass II.—Sxction III.— Zodlogy and Physiology.— 2. sir Bdwia Ray Lankester*. < . ss « . . =. « London Maenns Gustay Retzius . “<2 2%.é6 © 2 w. «4s Jetockholm Cuass II., Section IV.— Medicine and Surgery.— 6. Sir Thomas Barlow, Bart... -2.. 0. Ass « = « + ~benden Puvh vou Benrings ois. 5.6 ee os er A il ws eee ore Aairelon@ell, oes. Se (7, Sete Se 5 lo Sie: ea Me el ome Adam Politzer . . BP iiekfec a ca Ge outa bh gp eee zt) eg LC EREL Francis John Shepherd etme Ns Ne cece oe Pome omEneal Charles Seott Shermington=) ~ 8005.4 5s) sas. 5 (sy etord 896 FOREIGN HONORARY MEMBERS. Cuass III.— Moral and Political Sciences.— 22. Section I.— Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence.— 4. Arthur James Balfour. 2.0) 2st: Be oe oe restenkirk Heimrch:Bronner®):: 0. (<- S eee eee Berlin Albert Venn Dicey . . Pe Ee as we tes iy em Oe TINE Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart Bae ag WES pg Rac a icles me ERT OLR Section II.— Philology and Archeology.— 8. Friedrich: Delitzsch:: -\..." waeeeen ee eee eerie Hermann’ Diels: «<> 25 ee ee ee eee ee ee mar Wilhelm: Dorpteld . =... O. “0s ee ee einen Henry Jackson . . <> % 224) Getme po een ee oe Camonidee Hermann’ Georg Jacobi 01. oka sie ie eee oe ee re Alfred: Percival Maudslay, 33>. (202% a2 332 ss eleretorad Ramon. Menendez, Pidal *..4" 2 on Se. a ee ee aed RduardSeler... . . %..,,° 53 s0ee) an ee Sir Sidney Lee... sa-ss he cee eel Cae be oni er STATUTES AND STANDING VOTES STATUTES Adopted November 8, 1911: amended May 8, 1912, January 8, and May 14, 1913, April 14, 1915, April 12, 1916, April 10, 1918. CHAPTER I THe CORPORATE SEAL ARTICLE 1. The Corporate Seal of the Academy shall be as here depicted: Articte 2. The Recording Secretary shall have the custody of the Corporate Seal. See Chap. v. art. 3; chap. vi. art. 2. 898 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY CHAPTER II FELLOWS AND FoREIGN HonorRARY MEMBERS AND DUES ArticLe 1. ,The Academy consists of Fellows, who are either citizens or residents of the United States of America, and Foreign Honorary Members. They are arranged in three Classes, according to the Arts and Sciences in which they are severally proficient, and each Class is divided into four Sections, namely: Cuass I. The Mathematical and Physical Sciences Section 1. Mathematics and Astronomy Section 2. Physics Section 3. Chemistry Section 4. Technology and Engineering Cuass II. The Natural and Physiological Sciences Section 1. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physics of the Globe Section 2. Botany Section 3. Zodlogy and Physiology Section 4. Medicine and Surgery Cuass III. The Moral and Political Sciences Section 1. Theology, Philosophy, and Jurisprudence Section 2. Philology and Archaeology Section 3. Political Economy and History Section 4. Literature and the Fine Arts ARTICLE 2. The number of Fellows shall not exceed Six hundred, of whom not more than Four hundred shall be residents of Massachu- setts, nor shall there be more than Two hundred in any one Class. ARTICLE 3. The number of Foreign Honorary Members shall not exceed Seventy-five. They shall be chosen from among citizens of foreign countries most eminent for their discoveries and attainments in any of the Classes above enumerated. There shall not be more than Twenty-five in any one Class. ARTICLE 4. If any person, after being notified of his election as Fellow or Resident Associate, shall neglect for six months to accept in writing, or, if a Fellow or resident within fifty miles of Boston shall neglect to pay his Admission Fee, his election shall be void; and if any Fellow resident within fifty miles of Boston or any Resident Associate shall neglect to pay his Annual Dues for six months after they are due, provided his attention shall have been called to this OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 899 Article of the Statutes in the meantime, he shall cease to be a Fellow or Resident Associate respectively; but the Council may suspend the provisions of this Article for a reasonable time. With the previous consent of the Council, the Treasurer may dis- pense (sub silentio) with the payment of the Admission Fee or of the Annual Dues or both whenever he shall deem it advisable. In the case of officers of the Army or Navy who are out of the Commonwealth on duty, payment of the Annual Dues may be waived during such absence if continued during the whole financial year and if notification of such expected absence be sent to the Treasurer. Upon similar notification to the Treasurer, similar exemption may be accorded to Fellows or Resident Associates subject to Annual Dues, who may temporarily remove their residence for at least two years to a place more than fifty miles from Boston. If any person elected a Foreign Honorary Member shall neglect for six months after being notified of his election to accept in writing, his election shall be void. See Chap. vil. art. 2. ARTICLE 5. Every Fellow resident within fifty miles of Boston hereafter elected shall pay an Admission Fee of Ten dollars. Every Fellow resident within fifty miles of Boston shall, and others may, pay such Annual Dues, not exceeding Fifteen dollars, as shall be voted by the Academy at each Annual Meeting, when they shall become due; but any Fellow or Resident Associate shall be exempt from the annual payment if, at any time after his admission, he shall pay into the treasury Two hundred dollars in addition to his previous payments. All Commutations of the Annual Dues shall be and remain perma- nently funded, the interest only to be used for current expenses. Any Fellow not previously subject to Annual Dues who takes up his residence within fifty miles of Boston, shall pay to the Treasurer within three months thereafter Annual Dues for the current year, failing which his Fellowship shall cease; but the Council may suspend the provi- sions of this Article for a reasonable time. Only Fellows who pay Annual Dues or have commuted them may hold office in the Academy or serve on the Standing Committees or vote at meetings. ArtIcLE 6. Fellows who pay or have commuted the Annual Dues and Foreign Honorary Members shall be entitled to receive gratis one copy of all Publications of the Academy issued after their election. See Chap. x, art. 2. 900 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ArticLe 7. Diplomas signed by the President and the Vice- President of the Class to which the member belongs, and countersigned by the Secretaries, shall be given to Foreign Honorary Members and to Fellows on request. ArticLe 8. If, in the opinion of a majority of the entire Council, any Fellow or Foreign Honorary Member or Resident Associate shall have rendered himself unworthy of a place in the Academy, the Council shall recommend to the Academy the termination of his membership; and if three fourths of the Fellows present, out of a total attendance of not less than fifty at a Stated Meeting, or at a Special Meeting called for the purpose, shall adopt this reeommenda- tion, his name shall be stricken from the Roll. j See Chap. iii.; chap. vi. art. 1; chap. ix. art. 1, 7; chap. x. art. 2. CHAPTER III ELECTION OF FELLOWS AND ForeIGN Honorary MEMBERS ARTICLE 1. Elections of Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members shall be made by the Council in April of each year, and announced at the Annual Meeting in May. ArticLE 2. Nominations to Fellowship or Foreign Honorary Membership in any Section must be signed by two Fellows of that Section or by three voting Fellows of any Sections; but in any one year no Fellow may nominate more than four persons. These nomi- nations, with statements of qualifications and brief biographical data, shall be sent to the Corresponding Secretary. All nominations thus received prior to February 15 shall be forth- with sent in printed form to every Fellow having the right to vote, with the names of the proposers in each case and a brief account of each nominee, and with the request that the list be returned before March 15, marked to indicate preferences of the voter in such manner as the Council may direct. All the nominations, with any comments thereon and with the results of the preferential indications of the Fellows, received by March 15, shall be referred at once to the appropriate Class Commit- tees, which shall report their decisions to the Council, which shall thereupon have power to elect. Persons nominated in any year, but not elected, may be placed on the preferential ballot of the next year at the discretion of the Council, OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 901 but shall not further be continued on the list of nominees unless renominated. Notice shall be sent to every Fellow having the right to vote, not later than the fifteenth of January, of each year, calling attention to the fact that the limit of time for sending nominations to the Corre- sponding Secretary will expire on the fifteenth of February. See Chap. i1.; chap. vi. art. 1; chap. ix. art. 1. CHAPTER IV OFFICERS ARTICLE 1. The Officers of the Academy shall be a President (who shall be Chairman of the Council), three Vice-Presidents (one from each Class), a Corresponding Secretary (who shall be Secretary of the Council), a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, all of whom shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold their respective offices for one year, and until others are duly chosen and installed. There shall be also twelve Councillors, one from each Section of each Class. At each Annual Meeting three Councillors, one from each Class, shall be elected by ballot to serve for the full term of four years and until others are duly chosen and installed. The same Fellow shall not be eligible for two successive terms. The Councillors, with the other officers previously named, and the Chairman of the House Committee, ex officio, shall constitute the Council. See Chap. x. art. 1. ArTICLE 2. If any officer be unable, through death, absence, or disability, to fulfill the duties of his office, or if he shall resign, his place may be filled by the Council in its discretion for any part or the whole of the unexpired term. ARTICLE 3. At the Stated Meeting in March, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three Fellows having the right to vote, one from each Class. This Committee shall prepare a list of nominees for the several offices to be filled, and for the Standing Com- mittees, and file it with the Recording Secretary not later than four weeks before the Annual Meeting. See Chap. vi. art. 2. 902 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ARTICLE 4. Independent nominations for any office, if signed by at least twenty Fellows having the right to vote, and received by the Recording Secretary not less than ten days before the Annual Meet- ing, shall be inserted in the call therefor, and shall be mailed to all the Fellows having the right to vote. See Chap. vi. art. 2. ARTICLE 5. The Recording Secretary shall prepare for use in voting at the Annual Meeting a ballot containing the names of all persons duly nominated for office. CHAPTER V THE PRESIDENT ARTICLE 1. The President, or in his absence the senior Vice-Presi- dent present (seniority to be determined by length of continuous fellowship in the Academy), shall preside at all meetings of the Acad- emy. In the absence of all these officers, a Chairman of the meeting shall be chosen by ballot. ARTICLE 2. Unless otherwise ordered, all Committees which are not elected by ballot shall be appointed by the presiding officer. ARTICLE 3. Any deed or writing to which the Corporate Seal is to be affixed, except leases of real estate, shall be executed in the name of the Academy by the President or, in the event of his death, absence, or inability, by one of the Vice-Presidents, when thereto duly authorized. See Chap. ii. art. 7; chap. iv. art. 1, 3; chap. vi. art. 2; chap. vii. art. 1; chap. ix. art. 6; chap. x. art. 1; 2; chap. xi. art. 1. CHAPTER VI THE SECRETARIES ArticLE 1. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the corre- spondence of the Academy and of the Council, recording or making an entry of all letters written in its name, and preserving for the files all official papers which may be received. At each meeting of the Council he shall present the communications addressed to the Academy which have been received since the previous meeting, and at the next meeting of the Academy he shall present such as the Council may determine. He shall notify all persons who may be elected Fellows or F oreign OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 903 Honorary Members, or Resident Associates, send to each a copy of the Statutes, and on their acceptance issue the proper Diploma. He shall also notify all meetings of the Council; and in case of the death, absence, or inability of the Recording Secretary he shall notify all meetings of the Academy. Under the direction of the Council, he shall keep a List of the Fellows, Foreign Honorary Members, and Resident Associates, ar- ranged in their several Classes and Sections. It shall be printed annually and issued as of the first day of July. See Chap. ii. art. 7; chap. iii. art. 2,3; chap. iv. art. 1; chap. ix. art. 6; chap. x. art. 1; chap. xi. art. 1. ARTICLE 2. The Recording Secretary shall have the custody of the Charter, Corporate Seal, Archives, Statute-Book, Journals, and all literary papers belonging to the Academy. Fellows or Resident Associates borrowing such papers or documents shall receipt for them to their custodian. The Recording Secretary shall attend the meetings of the Academy _ and keep a faithful record of the proceedings with the names of the Fellows and Resident Associates present; and after each meeting is duly opened, he shall read the record of the preceding meeting. He shall notify the meetings of the Academy to each Fellow and Resident Associate by mail at least seven days beforehand, and in his discretion may also cause the meetings to be advertised; he shall apprise Officers and Committees of their election or appointment, and inform the Treasurer of appropriations of money voted by the Academy. After all elections, he shall insert in the Records the names of the Fellows by whom the successful nominees were proposed. He shall send the Report of the Nominating Committee in print to every Fellow having the right to vote at least three weeks before the Annual Meeting. See Chap. iv. art. 3. In the absence of the President and of the Vice-Presidents he shall, if present, call the meeting to order, and preside until a Chairman is chosen. See Chap. i.; chap. ii. art. 7; chap. iv. art. 3, 4, 5; chap. ix. art. 6; chap. x, art. 1, 2; ‘chap: x1. art. 1,3. ArTICLE 3. The Secretaries, with the Chairman of the Committee of Publication, shall have authority to publish such of the records of the meetings of the Academy as may seem to them likely to promote its interests. 904 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY CHAPTER VII THE TREASURER AND THE TREASURY ArtIcLE 1. The Treasurer shall collect all money due or payable to the Academy, and all gifts and bequests made to it. He shall pay all bills due by the Academy, when approved by the proper officers, except those of the Treasurer’s office, which may be paid without such ap- proval; in the name of the Academy he shall sign all leases of real estate; and, with the written consent of a member of the Committee on Finance, he shall make all transfers of stocks, bonds, and other securities belonging to the Academy, all of which shall be in his official custody. He shall keep a faithful account of all receipts and expenditures, submit his accounts annually to the Auditing Committee, and render them at the expiration of his term of office, or whenever required to do so by the Academy or the Council. He shall keep separate accounts of the income of the Rumford Fund, and of all other special Funds, and of the appropriation thereof, and render them annually. His accounts shall always be open to the inspection of the Council. ARTICLE 2. He shall report annually to the Council at its March meeting on the expected income of the various Funds and from all other sources during the ensuing financial year. He shall also report the names of all Fellows and Resident Associates who may be then delinquent in the payment of their Annual Dues. ARTICLE 3. He shall give such security for the trust reposed in him as the Academy may require. ARTICLE 4. With the approval of a majority of the Committee on Finance, he may appoint an Assistant Treasurer to perform his du- ties, for whose acts, as such assistant, he shall be responsible; or, with like approval and responsibility, he may employ any Trust Company doing business in Boston as his agent for the same purpose, the com- pensation of such Assistant’ Treasurer or agent to be fixed by the Committee on Finance and paid from the funds of the Academy. ArticLe 5. At the Annual Meeting he shall report in print all his official doings for the preceding year, stating the amount and condition OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 905 of all the property of the Academy entrusted to him, and the character of the investments. ARTICLE 6. The Financial Year of the Academy shall begin with the first day of April. ARTICLE 7. No person or committee shall incur any debt or liability in the name of the Academy, unless in accordance with a previous vote and appropriation therefor by the Academy or the Council, or sell or otherwise dispose of any property of the Academy, except cash or invested funds, without the previous consent and ap- proval of the Council. See Chap. ii. art. 4, 5; chap. vi. art. 2; chap. ix. art. 6; chap. x. art. 1, .2,.3; chap. xi. art..1. CHAPTER Vil Tue LIBRARIAN AND THE LIBRARY ARTICLE 1. The Librarian shall have charge of the printed books, keep a correct catalogue thereof, and provide for their delivery from the Library. At the Annual Meeting, as Chairman of the Committee on the Li- brary, he shall make a Report on its condition. ARTICLE 2. In conjunction with the Committee on the Library he shall have authority to expend such sums as may be appropriated by the Academy for the purchase of books, periodicals, etc., and for de- fraying other necessary expenses connected with the Library. ARTICLE 3. All books procured from the income of the Rumford Fund or of other special Funds shall contain a book-plate expressing the fact. ARTICLE 4. Books taken from the Library shall be receipted for to the Librarian or his assistant. ARTICLE 5. Books shall be returned in good order, regard being had to necessary wear with good usage. If any book shall be lost or injured, the Fellow or Resident Associate to whom it stands charged shall replace it by a new volume or by a new set, if it belongs to a set, or pay the current price thereof to the Librarian, whereupon the 906 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY remainder of the set, if any, shall be delivered to the Fellow or Resi- dent Associate so paying, unless such remainder be valuable by reason of association. ArtIcLE 6. All books shall be returned to the Library for examina- tion at least one week before the Annual Meeting. ArtIcLE 7. The Librarian shall have the custody of the Publica- tions of the Academy. With the advice and consent of the President, he may effect exchanges with other associations. See Chap. ii. art. 6; chap. x. art. 1, 2. CHAPTER IX THE CoUNCIL ArtTICLE 1. The Council shall exercise a discreet supervision over all nominations and elections to membership, and in general supervise all the affairs of the Academy not explicitly reserved to the Academy as a whole or entrusted by it or by the Statutes to standing or special committees. It shall consider all nominations duly sent to it by any Class Com- mittee, and present to the Academy for action such of these nomina- tions as it may approve by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting, of whom not less than seven shall have voted in the affirmative. With the consent of the Fellow interested, it shall have power to make transfers between the several Sections of the same Class, report- ing its action to the Academy. See Chap. ii. art. 2, 3; chap. x, art. 1. ARTICLE 2. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE 3. It shall establish rules and regulations for the transac- tion of its business, and provide all printed and engraved blanks and books of record. ArtTIcLE 4. It shall act upon all resignations of officers, and all resignations and forfeitures of Fellowship or Resident Associateship; and cause the Statutes to be faithfully executed. It shall appoint all agents and subordinates not otherwise provided for by the Statutes, prescribe their duties, and fix their compensation. ‘ OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 907 They shall hold their respective positions during the pleasure of the Council. ARTICLE 5. It may appoint, for terms not exceeding one year, and prescribe the functions of, such committees of its number, or of the Fellows of the Academy, as it may deem expedient, to facilitate the administration of the affairs of the Academy or to promote its interests. ARTICLE 6. At its March meeting it shall receive reports from the President, the Secretaries, the Treasurer, and the Standing Commit- tees, on the appropriations severally needed for the ensuing financial year. At the same meeting the Treasurer shall report on the expected income of the various Funds and from all other sources during the same year. A report from the Council shall be submitted to the Academy, for action, at the March meeting, recommending the appropriation which in the opinion of the Council should be made. On the recommendation of the Council, special appropriations may be made at any Stated Meeting of the Academy, or at a Special Meet- ing called for the purpose. See Chap. x. art. 3. = ARTICLE 7. After the death of a Fellow or Foreign Honorary Member, it shall appoint a member of the Academy to prepare a bio- graphical notice for publication in the Proceedings. ARTICLE 8. It shall report at every meeting of the Academy such business as it may deem advisable to present. See Chap. ii. art. 4, 5,8; chap. iv, art. 1, 2; chap. vi. art. 1; chap. vii, arted;\ chan: xi. art. 1) 4. CHAPTER X STANDING COMMITTEES ARTICLE 1. ‘The Class Committee of each Class shall consist of the Vice-President, who shall be chairman, and the four Councillors of the Class, together with such other officer or officers annually elected as may belong to the Class. It shall consider nominations to Fellowship in its own Class, and report in writing to the Council such as may receive at a Class Committee Meeting a majority of the votes cast, provided at least three shall have been in the affirmative. See Chap. iii. art. 2. 908 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ArticLE 2. At the Annual Meeting the following Standing Com- mittees shall be elected by ballot to serve for the ensuing year: (1) The Committee on Finance, to consist of three Fellows, who, through the Treasurer, shall have full control and management of the funds and trusts of the Academy, with the power of investing the funds and of changing the investments thereof in their discretion. See Chap. iv. art. 3; chap. vii. art. 1, 4; chap. ix. art. 6. (ii) The Rumford Committee, to consist of seven Fellows, who shall report to the Academy on all applications and claims for the Rumford Premium. It alone shall authorize the purchase of books publications and apparatus at the charge of the income from the Rumford Fund, and generally shall see to the proper execution of the trust. See Chap. iv. art. 3; chap. ix. art. 6. (iii) The Cyrus Moors Warren Committee, to consist of seven Fel- lows, who shall consider all applications for appropriations from the income of the Cyrus Moors Warren Fund, and generally shall see to the proper execution of the trust. See Chap. iv. art. 3; chap. ix. art. 6. (iv) The Committee of Publication, to consist of three Fellows, one from each Class, to whom all communications submitted to the Academy for publication shall be referred, and to whom the printing of the Proceedings and the Memoirs shall be entrusted. It shall fix the price at which the Publications shall be sold; but Fellows may be supplied at half price with volumes which may be needed to complete their sets, but which they are not entitled to receive gratis. Two hundred extra copies of each paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings or the Memoirs shall be placed at the disposal of the author without charge. See Chap. iv. art. 3; chap. vi. art. 1, 3; chap. ix. art. 6. (v) The Committee on the Library, to consist of the Librarian, ex officio, as Chairman, and three other Fellows, one from each Class, who shall examine the Library and make an annual report on its condition and management. See Chap. iv. art. 3; chap. viii. art. 1, 2; chap. ix. art. 6. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 909 (vi) The House Committee, to consist of three Fellows, who shall have charge of all expenses connected with the House, including the general expenses of the Academy not specifically assigned to the care of other Committees or Officers. See Chap. iv. art. 1, 3; chap. ix. art. 6. (vii) The Committee on Meetings, to consist of the President, the Recording Secretary, and three other Fellows, who shall have charge of plans for meetings of the Academy. See Chap. iv. art. 3; chap. ix. art. 6. (vil) The Auditing Committee, to consist of two Fellows, who shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer, with power to employ an expert and to approve his bill. See Chap. iv. art. 3; chap. vil. art. 1; chap. ix. art. 6. ARTICLE 3. The Standing Committees shall report annually to the Council in March on the appropriations severally needed for the ensu- ing financial year; and all bills incurred on account of these Commit- tees, within the limits of the several appropriations made by the Academy, shall be approved by their respective Chairmen. In the absence of the Chairman of any Committee, bills may be approved by any member of the Committee whom he shall designate for the purpose. See Chap. vii. art. 1, 7; chap. ix. art. 6. CHAPTER XI MEETINGS, COMMUNICATIONS, AND AMENDMENTS ARTICLE 1. There shall be annually eight Stated Meetings of the Academy, namely, on the second Wednesday of October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May. Only at these meetings, or at adjournments thereof regularly notified, or at Special Meetings called for the purpose, shall appropriations of money be made or amendments of the Statutes or Standing Votes be effected. The Stated Meeting in May shall be the Annual Meeting of the Corporation. Special Meetings shall be called by either of the Secretaries at the request of the President, of a Vice-President, of the Council, or of ten 910 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY e Fellows having the right to vote; and notifications thereof shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called. A meeting for receiving and discussing literary or scientific com- munications may be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, excepting July, August, and September; but no business shall be transacted at said meetings. ARTICLE 2. Twenty Fellows having the right to vote shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business at Stated or Special Meetings. Fifteen Fellows shall be sufficient to constitute a meeting for literary or scientific communications and discussions. ARTICLE 3. Upon the request of the presiding officer or the Record- ing Secretary, any motion or resolution offered at any meeting shall be submitted in writing. ArtTIcLE 4. No report of any paper presented at a meeting of the Academy shall be published by any Fellow or Resident Associate without the consent of the author; and no report shall in any case be published by any Fellow or Resident Associate in a newspaper as an account of the proceedings of the Academy without the previous consent and approval of the Council. The Council, in its discretion, by a duly recorded vote, may delegate its authority in this regard to one or more of its members. ArticLE 5. No Fellow or Resident Associate shall introduce a guest at any meeting of the Academy until after the business has been transacted, and especially until after the result of the balloting upon nominations has been declared. ArTIcLE 6. The Academy shall not express its judgment on literary or scientific memoirs or performances submitted to it, or included in its Publications. ARTICLE 7. All proposed Amendments of the Statutes shall be re- ferred to a committee, and on its report, at a subsequent Stated Meet- ing or at a Special Meeting called for the purpose, two thirds of the ballot cast, and not less than twenty, must be affirmative to effect enactment. ARTICLE 8. Standing Votes may be passed, amended, or rescinded at a Stated Meeting, or at a Special Meeting called for the purpose, by a vote of two thirds of the members present. They may be suspended by a unanimous vote. See Chap. ii. art. 5, 8; chap. iii.; chap. iv. art. 3, 4, 5; chap. v. art. 1; chap. vi. art. 1, 2; chap. ix. art. 8. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 911 STANDING VOTES 1. Communications of which notice has been given to either of the Secretaries shall take precedence of those not so notified. 2. Fellows or Resident Associates may take from the Library six volumes at any one time, and may retain them for three months, and no longer. Upon special application, and for adequate reasons assigned, the Librarian may permit a larger number of volumes, not exceeding twelve, to be drawn from the Library for a limited period. 3. Works published in numbers, when unbound, shall not be taken from the Hall of the Academy without the leave of the Librarian. 4. There may be chosen by the Academy, under such rules as the Council may determine, one hundred Resident Associates. Not more than forty Resident Associates shall be chosen in any one Class. Resident Associates shall be entitled to the same privileges as Fel- lows, in the use of the Academy building, may attend meetings and present papers, but they shall not have the right to vote. They shall pay no Admission Fee, and their Annual Dues shall be the same as those of Fellows residing within fifty miles of Boston. The Council and Committees of the Academy may ask one or more Resident Associates to act with them in an advisory or assistant ca- pacity. 5. Communications offered for publication in the Proceedings or Memoirs of the Academy shall not be accepted for publication before the author shall have informed the Committee on Meetings of his readiness, either himself or through some agent, to use such time as the Committee may assign him at such meeting as may be convenient both to him and to the Committee, for the purpose of presenting to the Academy a general statement of the nature and significance of the results contained in his communication. RUMFORD PREMIUM In conformity with the terms of the gift of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, of a certain Fund to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and with a decree of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts for carrying into effect the general charitable intent and purpose of Count Rumford, as expressed in his letter of gift, the Acad- emy is empowered to make from the income of the Rumford Fund, as 912 STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY. it now exists, at any Annual Meeting, an award of a gold and a silver medal, being together of the intrinsic value of three hundred dollars, as a Premium to the author of any important discovery or useful improvement in light or heat, which shall have been made and pub- lished by printing, or in any way made known to the public, in any part of the continent of America, or any of the American Islands; preference always being given to such discoveries as, in the opinion of the Academy, shall tend most to promote the good of mankind; and, if the Academy sees fit, to add to such medals, as a further Premium for such discovery and improvement, a sum of money not exceeding three hundred dollars. INDEX. Adams, Brooks, elected Fellow, 773. Adams, C. F., Notice of, 776. Adams, F. D., accepts Foreign Hon- orary Membership, 753. Adams, G. B., elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Adams, Henry, death of, 764. Agassiz, G. R., Report of the House Committee, 770. Algae, The, of Bermuda, 1. Allen, Mildred. See Webster, A. G., and Allen, Mildred. Amory (Francis) Fund, 766. Andrews, C. MclL., elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Animals, Racing, The Speeds, Powers and Fatigues of, 755. Ants, The Australian, of the Pone- rine Tribe Cerapachyini, 213. Archibald, R. C., accepts Fellowship, (isha Arizona, The Genus Fraxinus in, 197. Australian Ants, The, of the Pone- rine Tribe Cerapachyini, 213. Balch, T. W., elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Baker, Sir Benjamin, Notice of, 781. Ballistic Experiments by means of the Electrometer, 757. Barlow, Thomas, elected Foreign Honorary Member, 756, accepts Foreign Honorary Membership, 758. Bartlett, Willard, elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Pees B. A., accepts Fellowship, 53. Bermuda, The Algae of, 1. Bermuda Biological Station for Re- search, Contributions from, 1. Biographical Notices, List of, 775. Birkhoff, D., On Stability in Dynamics, 774. Boston, Post-glacial History of, 439, 754, 755. Bradford, Gamaliel, elected Fellow, 774. Bridgman, P. W., Thermo-electro- motive Force, Peltier Heat, and Thomson Heat under Pressure, 267. Brunetiére, 782. Brush, C. F., accepts Fellowship, 753. Ferdinand, Notice of, Burlingame, E. W., accepts Fellow- ship, 753. Cabot, A. T., Notice of, 793. Capps, Edward, elected Fellow, 773. Cerapachyini, The Australian Ants of the Ponerine Tribe, 213. Chinese Paper Money, Ancient, as Described in a Chinese Work on Numismatics, 465. Choate, J. H., death of, 753. Christian, H. A., the String Galva- nometer in the Study of Heart Disease, 757. Clark, W. B., death of, 753. Clifford, C. W., elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Collins, F. 8., and Hervey, A. B., The Algae of Bermuda, 1. Committees, Standing, elected, 771. Comstock, C. B., Notice of, 799. Coolidge, C. A., elected Fellow, 774. Coral-reef Problem, New Coast Sur- vey Charts of the Philippine Islands and their bearing on the, 763. Council, Report of, 764. Crafts, J. M., death of, 753, Notice of, 801. Cram, R. A., accepts Fellowship, 753. Cross. C. R., Report of Rumford Committee, 767. Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University, Contribution from, 695. Davis, A. M., Ancient Chinese Paper 914 Money as Described in a Chinese Work on Numismatics, 465. Davis, W. M., New Coast Survey Charts of the Philippine Islands, and their bearing on the Coral- reef Problem, 763. De Amicis, Edmondo, Notice of, 804. Delabarre, E. B., elected Fellow, 773. Drew, E. B. Drew, resigns Fellow- ship, 764. Dyadics, The, which occur in a Point Space of Three Dimensions, 387. Dynamics, On Stability in, 774. Edes, Henry H., Report of Treasurer, 765. Electrometer, Ballistic Experiments by means of the, 757. Emerson, E. W., accepts Fellowship, 753. Ernst, H. C., An Old and New Micro- scope, 757. Etiology, Studies on the, of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 757. Eupatorinae, 774. Faunce, W. H. P., elected Fellow, 773. Faxon, C. E., death of, 757. Fellows deceased, (12) — Henry Adams, 764. J. H. Choate, 753: W. B. Clarke, 753. J. M. Crafts, 753. C. E. Faxon, 757. W. DeW. Hyde, 753. M. P. Knowlton, 764. G. V. Leverett, 754. 1Bh Ib, leienr, 7s. H. L. Warren, 753. J. W. White, 753. P. S. Yendell, 757. Fellows elected, (36) — Brooks Adams, 773. G. B. Adams, 756. C. McL. Andrews, 756. T. W. Balch, 756. Willard Bartlett, 756. Gamaliel Bradford, 774. - Edward Capps, 773. C. W. Clifford, 756. C. A. Coolidge, 774. E. B. Delabarre, 773. W. H. P. Faunce, 773. EK. W. Forbes, 774. W. E. Ford, 755. INDEX. W. C. Gorgas, 755. Morris Gray, 774. E. B. Greene, 756. R. B. Greenough, 755. I. M. Hays, 774. G. L. Hendrickson, 773. E. C. Hills, 773. C. E. Hughes, 756. A. M. Huntington, 774. Henry Jackson, 756. Grinnell Jones, 755. Irving Langmuir, 755. Wiliam MacDonald, 756. J. M. Morton, 756. Harold Murdock, 756. T. N: Page, 774. W. H. Page, 774. Leighton Parks, 773. Endicott Peabody, 773. F. G. Peabody, 773. HB. Phillips) 773: Rudolph Schevill, 773. D. L. Webster, 773. Fellows elected, declining Fellowship, E. D. White, 753. Fellows, List of, 879. Fellows resigning Fellowship, dp lal \Wiaked tin VI O. K. O. Folin, 758. E. B. Drew, 764. Fisher, W. J., a Table of the Legendre Functions of the Second Kind Q:(x) and Q’:(x), 755. Folin, O. K. O., resigns Fellowship, 758. Forbes, E. W., elected Fellow, 774. Ford, W. E., elected Fellow, 755, accepts Fellowship, 757. Foreign Honorary Members de- ceased, (2) — G. C. C. Maspero, 754. Pasquale Villari, 757. Foreign Honorary Members elected, Qe Thomas Barlow, 756. W. N. Shaw, 756. F. J. Shepherd, 756. C. $8. Sherrington, 756. Foreign Honorary Members, List of, 94 Fraxinus, The Genus in New Mexico and Arizona, 197. Furness, H. H., accepts Fellowship, (oy Galvanometer, The String, in the Study of Heart Disease, 757. INDEX. General Fund, 765; Appropriations from the Income of, 759. Geological Observations along the a Coast of South America, 59. Glacial, post-, History of Boston, 439, 754, 755. Goodwin, W. W., Notice of, 805. Gorgas, W. C., elected Fellow, 755, accepts Fellowship, 764. Gray, Morris, elected Fellow, 774. Gregory, H. E., accepts Fellowship, 753. Greene, E. B., elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Greenough, C. N., accepts Fellow- ship, 753. Greenough, R. B., elected Fellow, 755, accepts Fellowship, 757. Gummere, F. B., accepts Fellowship, 753: Hall, Edward H., Notice of, 816. Harvard University. See Crypto- gamic Laboratory. Hays, I. M., elected Fellow, 774. Heart Disease, The String Galva- nometer in the Study of, 757. Hendrickson, G. L., elected Fellow, ees Hervey, A. B. See Collins, F. S. and Hervey, A. B. Hills, E. C., elected Fellow, 773. Hoppin, J. C., accepts Fellowship, 753. House Committee, Report of, 768. House Expenses, Appropriations for, 759. Howard, W. G., accepts Fellowship, 753. Howe, W. W., Notice of, 818. Hughes, C. E., elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Hull, G. F., accepts Fellowship, 753. Huntington, A. M., elected Fellow, 774. Huntington, E. V., Report of Pub- lishing Committee, 767. Hyde, W. DeW., death of, 753. Hyperspace, Rotations in, 649, 764. Jackson, F. J. Foakes, accepts Fel- lowship, 753. Jackson, Henry, elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Jeffrey, E. C., On the Origin of Rubber, 759. 915 see C. W., accepts Fellowship, Jones, Grinnell, elected Fellow, 755, accepts Fellowship, 757. Kansas Academy of Science, Semi- centennial anniversary of, 758. Kennelly, A. E., The Speeds, Powers, ang Fatigue of Racing Animals, 55. Kinnicutt, L. P., Notice of, 821. Knowlton, M. P., death of, 764. Koch, Robert, Notice of, 825. Laboulbeniales, Extra-American Dip- terophilous, 695, 764. Laboulbeniales, New, from Chile and New Zealand, 764. Langley, 8. P., Notice of, 828. Langmuir, Irving, elected Fellow, 755, accepts Fellowship, 757. Legendre Functions of the Second Kind Q:(x) and Q’:(x), a Table of the, 755. Leverett, G. V., death of, 754. Levi-Civita, Tullio, accepts Foreign Honorary Membership, 753. Library, Appropriations for, 759. Library Committee, Report of, 767. Lindgren, Waldemar, Some Geo- logical Observations along the West Coast of South America, 759. Lodge, H. C., War Legislation, 754. Loomis, F. B., accepts Fellowship, (D3. Lord, Arthur, accepts Fellowship, 1538: Lounsbury, T. R., Notice of, 831. Lull, R. 8., accepts Fellowship, 753. Lyman, Theodore, awarded Rum- ford Premium, 771. MacDonald, William, elected Fel- low, 756, accepts Fellowship, 760. Marquand, Allan, accepts Fellow- ship, 753. Maspero, G. C. C., death of, 754. McAdie, Alexander, accepts Fellow- ship, 753. Microscope, An Old and New, 757. Miller, W. J., accepts Fellowship, 753. Minot, C.8., Notice of, 840. Molecular Structure, Graphic For- mulas of Organic Chemistry: To what extent may they be considered true pictures of, 774. 916 Money, Ancient Chinese Paper, as Described in a Chinese Work on Numismatics, 465. Moore, C. H., The Decay of Nation- alism under the Roman Empire, 763. Moore, C. L. E., Rotations in Hyper- space, 649, 764. Moore, C. L. E., and Phillips, H. B., The Dyadics which occur in a Point Space of Three Dimen- sions, 387, 755. Moore, F. J., Graphic Formulas of Organic Chemistry: To what extent may they be considered true pictures of Molecular Struc- ture?, 774. Moore, G. F., The Properties of Num- bers and the Doctrine of Ideas, 755. Morley, Frank, accepts Fellowship, 753 Morton, J. M., elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Murdock, Harold, elected Fellow, 756, accepts Fellowship, 757. Nationalism, The Decay of, under the Roman Empire, 763. New Mexico, The Genus Fraxinus in, 197. Nominating Committee, 759. Numbers, The Properties of, and the Doctrine of Ideas, 755. Numismatics, Ancient Chinese Paper Money as Described in a Chinese Work on Numismatics, 465. Officers elected, 771; List of, 877. Packard, A. S., Notice of, 848. Page, T. N., elected Fellow, 774. Page, W. H., elected Fellow, 774. Park, C. E., accepts Fellowship, 753. Parks, Leighton, elected Fellow, 773. Bases Endicott, elected Fellow, Peabody, F. G., elected Fellow, 773. Peirce, B. O., Notice of, 850. Peltier Heat, Thermo-electromotive Force, and Thomson Heat under Pressure, 267. Philippine Islands, New Coast Survey Charts of the, and their bearing on the Coral-reef Problem, 763. Phillips, H. B., elected Fellow, 773. INDEX. Phillips, H. B. See Moore, C. L. E. and Phillips, H. B. Pidal, R. M., accepts Foreign Honor- ary Membership, 753. Pirsson, L. V., accepts Fellowship, 753. Ponerine Tribe Cerapachyini, The Australian Ants of the, 213. Pratt, B. L., death of, 753. Pressure, Thermo - electromotive Force Peltier Heat, and Thom- son Heat under, 267. Psychoanalytic Movement, A Gen- eral View of the, 753. Publication Committee, Report of, 767. Publication Fund, 766; Appropria- tion from the Income of, 759: Putnam, J. J., A General View of the Psychoanalytic Movement, 753. Raymond, P. E., accepts Fellow- ship, 753. Recklinghausen, F. D. von, Notice of, 872. Records of Meetings, 753. Rehder, Alfred, The Genus Fraxinus in New Mexico and Arizona, 197. Rice, W. N., accepts Fellowship, 753. Robinson, B. L., I. Diagnoses and Notes relating to tropical Amer- ican Eupatorieae. II. A descrip- tive Revision of the Columbian Eupatoriums. III. Keyed Re- censions of the Eupatoriums of Venezuela and Ecuador, 774. Rotations in Hyperspace, 649, 764. Royce (Josiah) Memorial Fund, letter signed by President, 763. Rubber, On the Origin of, 759. Rumford Committee, Report of, 767. Rumford Fund, 765; Appropria- tions from the Income of, 759; Papers published by aid of, 267. Rumford Premium, 911; award of, (yale Russell, I. C., Notice of, 855. Saint Gaudens, Augustus, Notice of, 859. Schevill, Rudolph, elected Fellow, C13. Sellers, William, Notice of, 861. Shaw, W. N., elected Foreign Hon- orary Member, 756, accepts For- eign Honorary Membership, 758. INDEX. Shepherd, F. J., elected Foreign Honorary Member, 756, accepts Foreign Honorary Membership, 757. Sherrington, C. 8., elected Foreign Honorary Member, 756, accepts Foreign Honorary Membership, 758. Shimer, H. W., Post-glacial History of Boston, 439, 754, 755. Slocum, Frederick, accepts Fellow- ship, 753. Standing Committees elected, 771; List of, 877. Standing Votes, 911. Statutes, 897; Amendment of, 763. Statutes, Committee appointed on Amendment of, 755, report of, 760. Strobel, E. H., Notice of, 863. Sturgis, R. C., accepts Fellowship, 753. Sumner, W. G., Notice of, 866. Talbot, H. P., The Nitrogen Ques- tion and the War, 774; Report of the C. M. Warren Committee, 767. Taylor, F. W., Notice of, 870. Thaxter, Roland, Extra-American Dipterophilous Laboulbeniales, 695-764. New Laboulbeniales oe Chile and New Zealand, Thermo-electromotive Force, Peltier Heat, and Thomson Heat under Pressure, 267. Thomson Heat, Thermo-electro- motive Force, Peltier Heat, and, under Pressure, 267. Treasurer, Report of, 765. 917 Union List of Periodicals, assistance to, 759. University of California, fiftieth anni- versary of, 754. United States Fuel Administration, Request sent to, 758. Villari, Pasquale, death of, 757. War Legislation, 754. Warren (C. M.) Committee, Report of, 767. Warren (C. M.) Fund, 766; Appro- priations from the Income of 759. Warren, H. L., death of, 753. Watson, J. B., accepts Fellowship, 753. Webster, A. G., and Allen, Mildred, Ballistic Experiments by means of the Electrometer, 757. Webster, A. G., Report of the Library Committee, 767. Webster, D. L., elected Fellow, 773. Wendell, O. C., Notice of, 875. Wheeler, W. M., The Australian Ants of the Ponerine Tribe Cerapachyini, 213. White, E. D., declines Fellowship, 753. White, J. W., death of, 753. Wolbach, 8S. B., Studies on the Etiology of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 757. Wright, J. H., resigns Fellowship, 757. Yendell, P. S., death of, 757. Zeleny, John, accepts Fellowship, 753. en ABRARY it = e = Siete aS? Ce ba Maer: .* t sbyece nt Sa aT he 7 - eee sf re 23 ’ 2 a - > “ee, Ver at tt . . * ea Fe of ttt 8 : 2 totett +e 22>? re) - x « ot 908, ARS YAR A AS vetet tittgtaties Ratan x ° ce \ f Tar etlt oe 4 e SOS * ARR = nf RR mint. & ahet,® tatet eratet Cath f oh ~ e.