PROCEEDINGS OF THE Biological Society of Washington. WITH THE ADDRESSES READ ON THE OCCASION OF THE DARWIN MEMORIAL MEETING, May 12, 1882. PUBLISHED WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITTTTION. Volume I. November 19, 1880, to May 26, 1882. WASHINGTON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 18S2. V 9^^ k \ PUBLICATION COMMIHEE. G. BROWN GOODE. RICHARD RATHBUN. LESTER F. WARD. , ./I ^ INTRODUCTORY NOTE. This volume of Proceedings is published in obedience to the vote of the Society, passed May 26, 1882. The Biological Soci- ety OF Washington was organized December 3, 1880, and at the time of its summer adjournment, in 1882, carries upon its roll the names of one hundred and thirty-nine active members, one hon- orary member, and twenty corresponding members. It has held thirty-one regular meetings, three special meetings, and one field meeting. At its regular meetings fifty-four communications have been presented, nearly all of which, except informal verbal com- munications, have already been published, as is indicated in the bibliographical foot notes. It has inaugurated and, in conjunction with the Anthropological Society, carried on a course of eight popular scientific lectures, four of which were delivered in its special behalf, and all of which were delivered by its members. The meetings of the Society have always been held in rooms provided by the courtesy of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution ; the first fifteen in the Regents' Room of the Smith- sonian Institution ; the sixteenth to the twenty-fourth in the Archive Room of the National Museum'; the subsequent meetings in the Lecture Room of the Museum. In preparing the proceedings of the Society for publication, the Secretaries have omitted the record of the election of members from the minutes of the several meetings, the information there contained being presented in a much more convenient form in the " List of Members." i I H-S-l LIST Council and Officers or TUB BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 1882. COUNCIL. THEODORE GILL, President. TARLETON H. BEAN. RICHARD RATHBUN. JOHN W. CHICKERING, Jr. ROBERT RIDGWAY. G. BROWN GOODE. CHARLES V. RILEY. JEROME H. KIDDER. HENRY ULKE. OTIS T. MASON. GEORGE VASEY. D. WEBSTER PRENTISS. LESTER F. WARD. OFFICERS. PRESIDENT. THEODORE GILL. VICE PRESIDENTS. CHARLES V. RILEY. LESTER F. WARD. JOHN W. CHICKERING, Jr. HENRY ULKE. SECRETARIES. G. BROWN GOODE. RICHARD RATHBUN. TREASURER. ROBERT RIDGWAY. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCmTY OF WASHINGTON. Da*e of Election. i88i,Jan. 14. 1882, Mar. 31. 1881, April 8. 1882, April 28. 1881, Feb. 25. l88i,Feb. 25. 1882, Jan. 6. 1882, April 14. 18S2, Jan. 6, JXJL.Y 1, 188S. HONORARY MEMBERS. Baird, Spencer Fullerton, M. D., LL. D., M. N. A. S. Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and Director of the U. S. National Museum. U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Sinitlisonian Instihition, and 144J Massachuseiti Avenue N. W. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Agassiz, Alexander, A.B., S. B., M. N. A. S. Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. Cam- bridge, Masiachitsetts. Allen, Jo^l Asaph, M. N. A. S. Assistant in Ornithology in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. Cam- bridi^e, Massachusetts. Brewer, William Henry, Ph. D., M. N. A. S. Professor of Agricuhure in the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale College, New Haven. Nexo Haven, Connecticut. Brewster, William, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Brooks, William Keith, Ph. D. Associate Professor of Biology and Director of the Marine Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Baltimore, Maryland. CoLLETT, Robert, Docent and Assistant in the Zoological Museum of the University of Christiania. Christ ia:tia, Norway. Derby, Orville Adelbert, M. S., Chief of the Geological Survey of Brazil. Rio de yaneiro, Brazil, Farlow, William Gilson, A. M., M. D., M. N. A. S. Professor of Cryptogamic Botany in Harvard University. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 10 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Date of Election. i88i,Mar. ii. 1882, Jan. 6. 1882, Mar. 31. 1882, Jan. 6. 1881, April 8. 1882, Mar. 31. 1882, Mar. 31. 1882, Mar. 3. 1881, Feb. 25. 1882, Mar. 31. 1882, April 28. 1882, Mar. 3. COURESPOXDING MEMBERS— Continued. GiGLiOLi, Enrico Hillyer, Director of the Royal Zoologi- cal Museum of Vertebrates, and Professor of Vertebrate Zoology in the Royal Institute, Florence. Ji. Instittito de Studi Superiori, Florence, Italy. Gray, Asa, M. D., LL. D., M. N. A. S. Fisher Professor of Natural History in Harvard University. Botanic Gar- den, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Grimm, Oscar von. Ph. D., Professor of Natural History in the Forest Academy, St. Petersburg. St. Petersbu7-g, Russia. Hyatt, Alpiieus, S. B., M. N. A. S. Professor of Zoology and Paleontology in the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Custodian of the Boston Society of Natural History. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lawrence, George N., .^y East 21st St., New York City. Morse, Edward S., M. N. A. S. Director of the Peabody Academy of Science, Salem. Salem, Massachusetts. Packard, Alpheus Spring, Jr., M. D., M. N. A. S. Pro- fessor of Zoology and Geology in Brown University, Provi- dence. Providence, Rhode Island. Smith, Sidney Irving, Ph. B. Professor of Comparative Anatomy in Yale College, New Haven. Ne%v Haven, Con- necticut. Velie, John \V., M. D. Secretaiy and Curator of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 26J Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illi- nois. Verrili., Addison Emory, A. M., S. B., M. N. A. S. Pro- fessor of Zoology and Curator of the Zoological Collections in Yale College, New Haven. Neiv Haven, Connectictit. Watson, Sereno, Ph. D., M. N. A. S. Curator of the Her- barium of Harvard University. Botanic Garden, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Wilson, Edmund Beecher, Ph. D. Assistant in the Bio- logical Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Baltimore, Maryland. LIST OP MEMBERS. 11 Date of Election. Orig. Member. i88i, Jan. 14. 1882, Mar. 3. 1881, Nov. II. Orig. Member. 1881, Mar. 25. 1881, Nov. II. 1882, Mar. 17. ACTIVE MEMBERS.* AsHi'ORD, Francis Asbury, M. D. Dean of Faculty and Professor of Surgery in the Medical Department of the University of Georgetown, i^^o A'ew York Avenue iV. VV. Baker, Frank, M. D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy and Prosector to the chair of Anatomy in the Medical De- partment of Columbian University. Office of Light House Board, and 326 C Street JV. W. Barker, John Shepard, 7 ij H Street N. W. Barnard, William Stecbins, S. B., Ph. D. Assistant in the Entomological Division, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. 130J Q Street N. W. Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, M. D. Curator, Dep'tof Fishes, U. S. National Museum. National Museum, and 1404 S Street N. W. Bessels, Emil, M. D., Ph. D. 1441 Massachusetts Avenue N. W. Beyer, Henry G., M. D. Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Naval Hospital. Billings, John Shaw, A. M., M. D. Surgeon and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army. I^ibrarian of the Surgeon General's Office. Surgeon Generals Office, and josy N Street N. IV. I88I, Jan. 14. Birney, Herman Hoffman, /go/ Harewood Avenue, Le Droit Park. 1882, Jan. 20. Birney, Gen. William, /go/ Harewood Avenue, Le Droit Park. 1882, Feb. 17. Blish, John Bell, Midshipman U. S. Navy, on duty in the National Museum. Smithsonian Institution. I88I, Nov. II. Bransford, John Francis, M. D. Passed Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., on duty at the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Institution. Orig. Member. Brown, James Templeman, Aid, U. S. National Museum. National Museum, and /42s S Street N. IV. * When not otherwise expressly stated, all addresses are in Washington. By the word •Founder" are designated those who signed the call for the meeting for organization November 26,1880; by "Orig. Member" those who attended this and the succeeding meeting. 12 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. Date of Election. Orig. Member. Orig. Member. 1882, Mar. 17. Orig. Member. 1881, June 3. iSSi, June 3. 1882, Feb. 17. Founder. 1 88 1, May 20. 1882, Mar. 17. i88l,Jan. 28. i88i,Feb. 25. Orig. Member. 1881, Dec. 23. 1881, Dec. 23. ACTIVE MEMBERS— Continued. Brown, Stephen Carv03S0, Registrar, U. S. National Mu- seum. National Museum, and gsS B Street S. W. BuRDiCK, Edson Almeron, Pension Office, and 406 Spruce Street N. W. Burnett, Swan Moses, M. D. Lecturer on Ophthalmology and Otology in the Medical Department of the University of Georgetown. 121^ I Street N. IV. BusEY, Samuel Clagett, M. D. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Department of the University of Georgetown. 1^2^ I Street N. W. Canby, William Jackson, 413 Tenth Street N. JV. Carman, Myron Albert, D.B.S., io/j Foiirteenth St. N. IV. Chase, Henry Sanders, Midshipman, U. S. Navy, on duty in the National Museum. Smithsotiian Institution. Chickering, Rev. John White, Jr., A. M. Professor of Natural Science in the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Kendall Green, N. E. Chickering, John Jameson, A. M. Schools. Kendall Green, N. E. Teacher in the Public Christie, Alexander Smyth, Astronomical Computer in the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Coast Survey Office, and 207 New yersey Avetme N. W. Clark, Alonzo Howard, Special Agent in the Fishery Division of the Tenth Census. National Museum, and gS3 G Street N. W. Collins, Joseph Willt.a.m, Special Agent in the Fishery Division of the Tenth Census. National Alusewn, and Gloucester, Massachusetts. CoMSTOCK, John Henry, S. B. Assistant Professor of Eth- nology and Lecturer on the Zoology of Invertebrates in Cornell University, Ithaca. Ithaca, New York. Conant, Woodbury Page, Assistant Botanist, Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Department, CoUES, Elliott, M. D., Ph. D., M. N. A. S. Professor of Anatomy in the Medical Department of Columbian Univer- sity. Smithsonian Institution, and ij2i N Street N. M'. Date of Election. l88l, Nov. II. i88i, Feb. 25. 1881, Jan. 28. 1882, Feb. 3. 1881, Feb. 25. 1881, Nov. II. 1881. Nov. II. 1882, Jan. 20. 1881, Jan. 28. 1 881, Feb. 25. 1881, Nov. 25. 1 88 1, Jan. 28. 1881, Mar. 25. 1881, Feb. II. 1881, Dec. 9. LIST OF MEMBERS. ACTIVE MEMBERS— Continued. 13 Cox, W1LLI.A.M V.\N Zant, a. B. Fish Commission Office, and 201 1 Twe/fih Street N. IV. Dale, Frank C, M. D. Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N., on U. S. Steamer " Palos" on China Station. Dall, William Healey, Assistant, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Honorary Curator, Dept. of MoHusks, U. S. National Museum. Coast Survey Office, and 11 ig Twelfth Street N. W. Davis, Harry C, A. B. Adjunct Professor of Greek in Columbian University, bjj Maryland Avenue S. W. DeHaas, Wills, M. D. Care of Bureau of Ethnology, Sm ith sonian Institution . Dewey, Frederick Perkins, Ph. B. Assistant, Dept. of Metallurgy, U. S. National Museum. National Museum, and Whitney Avenue N. IV. Dodge, Charles Richards, Special Agent, Tenth Census, Division of Fruit and Orchard Statistics. 1^36 Vermont Avenue N. IV. DosH, Frank Bowman. Johns Hopkins University, Balti- more. Earll, Robert Edward, S. B. Special Agent in the Fishery Division of the Tenth Census. National Museum, and 601, M Street N. W. Elliott, Henry Wood. Smithsonian Institution, and Cleve- land, Ohio. Ellzey, Mason Graham, A. M., M. D. Lecturer on Hy- giene and Medical Jurisprudence in the Medical Department of the University of Georgetown. 70/2 / Street N. IV. Ferguson, Thomas B., Assistant Commissioner of Fisheries. 14JJ Massac/msetts Avenue N. W. Fletcher, Robert, M. D„ Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. Surgeon GemraVs Office, and IJ26 L Street N W. Flint, James Milton, M. D. Surgson, U. S. Navy. Hon- orary Curator, Section of Materia Medica, U. S. National Museum. National Museum, and Riggs House. Foreman, Edward, M. D. Assistant, U. S. National Mu- seum. National Museum, and 200 Eleventh Street S. IV. 14 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. Date of Election. 1882, Feb. 17. 1881, Mar. 25. Orig. Member. 1 88 1, Mar. 11. 1882, April 28. Founder. Founder. Orig. Member. 1881, Nov. II. Orig. Member. 1881, Feb. 25. 1882, Feb. 3. 1882, Feb. 17. ACTIVE MEMBERS— Continued. Garrett, LeRoy Mason, Midshipman, U. S. Navy, on duty at the National Museum. Smithsonian Institution. Gannett, Henry, S. B., A.Met.B. Geographer of the Tenth Census and of the U. S. Geological Survey. Office of Geological Survey, and 1881 Harewood Ave., Le Droit Park. Gedney, Charles DeForest, Coast Survey Office, and ji^ F Street N. E. GlHOX, AuiERT Leary, A. M., M. D. Member of Naval Board of Inspection. Medical Director, U. S. Navy, ijjf) I Street N. W. Gilbert, Grove Karl, Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey. In charge of the Division of the Great Basin. Office of Geological Szirvey, and 18S1 Harewood Ave. , Le Droit Park. Gill, Theodore Nicholas, M. D., Ph. D., M. N. A. S. Lecturer on Natural History in Columbian University. Cos- mos Club, and J2I and J2j Four-and-a-half Street. GooDE, George Brown, A. M. Assistant Director of the U.S. National Museum. Chief of Division of Fisheries, U. S. Fish Commission, and Special Agent in charge of Fishery. Division, Tenth Census. Smithsonian Institution, and 1620 Massachusetts Avenue N. W. Gore, James Howard, S. B. Adjunct Professor of Mathe- matics in Columbian University. Honorary Curator of the Food Collection, U. S. National Museum. Columbian Uni- versity, and 130^ Q Street JV. IV. Griffith, Samuel Henderson, M. D. Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Bureatt of Medicine, U. S. Navy. Hassler, Ferdinand Augustus, M. D. /2j^ Thirteenth Street N. W., and Tustin City, Los Angeles Co., California. Hawes, George Wesson, Ph. D. Curator, Dept. of Min- eralogy, U. S. National Museum. Special Agent in charge of the Budding Stone Division, Tenth Census. Died at Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 23, 1882. Haw^kes, William Himes, A. B., M. D. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. U. S. Army Dispensary, and iioj F Street N. IV. Hayden, Edward Everett, Midshipman, U. S. Navy, on duty at the National Museum. Smithsonian Institution. Date of Election. 1882, Mar. 31. l88i,Jan. 14. Orig. Member. 1882, April 14. 1882, May 26. 1882, April 27. Orig. Member. 1881, Feb. 25. Founder. 1882, Mar. 3. 1882, Jan. 20. 1882, Feb. 3. LIST OF MEMBERS. ACTIVE MEMBERS— Continued. 16 Orig. Member. Orig. Member. Orig. Member. Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee, Special Agent in the Indian Division of the Tenth Census. Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, and go j M Street JV. IV. IIessel, Rudolph, Ph. D., Superintendent of Government Carp Ponds. ^14 Tenth Street N. W. Hoffman, Walter James, M. D. Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, and 222 E Street N. W. Hornaday, William Tell, Chief Taxidermist U. S. National Museum. National Museum, and Ilarewood Avenue, Le Droit Park. Hough, Franklin Benjamin, Ph. D. Chief of Division of Forestry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Department. Hough, Myron Beach Warner. U. S. Treasurer's Office, and J 72 Indiana Avenue AL W. Howard, Leland O., S. B. Assistant in the Entomological Division, U S. Department of Agricuhure. Agricultural Department, and f4oy Fifteenth Street N. IV. HowLAND, Edwin Perry, M. D. 2ri Four-and-a-half Street N. IV. Ingersoll, Ernest. New York City. Johnson, Arnold Burgess, A. M., Chief Clerk, U. S. Light House Board. Le Droit Park. Johnson, Blanchard Freeman. Le Droit Park. Johnson, Joseph Taber, A.M., M.D, Professor of Obstet- rics and Diseases of Women and Infants, in the Medical Department of the University of Georgetown. Gynecologist to Providence Hospital, gjj New York Avenue N. PV. JouY, Pierre Louis, Assistant Naturalist of U. S. Steamer "Palos" on China Station. Kidder, Jerome Henry, A.M., M. D. Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Bureau of Medicine, U. S. Navy, and iboi O Street N. W. King, Albert Freeman Africanus, M. D. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, in the Medical Department of Columbian University. ^26 Thir- teenth Street N. W. 16 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Date of Election. 1881, Nov. 25. Orig. Member. 1882, Mar. 17. 1882, Jan. 20. i88i, Jan. 28. 1881, May 20. 1881, Nov. II. 1882, Feb. 17. 1882, Jan. 20. Orig. Member. Orig. Member. l88l,Jan. 28. 1 88 1, June 3. 1882, Feb. 17. 1881, Dec. 9. Orig. Member. ACTIVE MEMBERS-Continued. KoEBELE, Alrert, Aid, U. S. National Museum. Thirteenth S'.reet N. W. 1700 Lee, William, M. D. Professor of Physiology in the Med- ical Department of Columbian University. 211/ Pennsyl- vania Ave7tue N'. W. Leech, Daniel, Sniithsonian Institution, and IJ07 Vermont Avenue N. IV. Lehnert, Rev. E., Pastor, German Lutheran Church. McDonald, Marshall, Chief of Division of Propagation and Transportation, U. S. Fish Commission. Commissioner of Fisheries for the State of Virginia. Special Agent Fisheiy Division of Tenth Census. Fish Commission 0£ice,andgog Twenty-third Street N. IV. McMurtrie, William, E. M., M. S., Ph. D. Examiner of Wool in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agt icnltural Department, and IJ2S I Street N. IV. Mann, Benjamin Pickman, A.M. Assistant in the Entomo- logical Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agri- ctdtural Department, and 120J Q Street TV. IV. Marsh, Charles Carrolton, Midshipman, U. S. Navy, on duty at National Museum. Smithsonian Institution. Martin, Frank, Aid, U. S. National Museum. National Museum^ and 183S G Street N'. W. Marx, George, Zoological Draughtsman, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Department, and 1626 Four- teenth Street N'. IV. Mason, Otis Tufton, Ph. D. Principal of the Preparatory Department of Columbian University, fjoj Q St. A^. IV. Merrill, George Perkins, M. S. Aid, U. S. National Museum. A^ational Musewn, and 30JJ N Street N. W. Millhr, Benjamin, Jr. i^ib Thirty-first Street N. JV. Miner, Randolph Huntington, Midshipman, U. S. Navy, on duty at National Museum. Smithsonian lustitutioti. Nelson, Edward W., U. S. Signal Service observer at St. Michael's, Alaska. Smithsonian Institution. NoRRis, Basil, M. D. Surgeon and Brevet Colonel, U. S. Army. jSsg G Street N. W. LIST OF MEMBERS. 17 Date of Election. Founder. Orig. Member. Orig. Member. 1881. Feb. XI. Orig. Member. Founder. 1 88 1, May 20. 1881. Dec. 9. Founder. Founder. 1882, Mar. 17. 1882, April 28. 1882, Mar. 31. Orig. Member. 1882, Jan. 20. i8§l, Mar. 11. ACTIVE MEMBERS— Continued. Patton, William Hampton, A. B. New York City. Pergande, Theodore, Assistant in Entomological Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 321 D Street N. W. PcRTER, John Hampden, M.D. 2^20 M Street N. W. Powell, John Wesley, Ph. D., LL. D., M. N. A. S. Direc- tor, U. S Geological Survey, and Director, Bureau of Eth- nology, Smithsonian Institution. National Museum, and gio M Street N. W. Prentiss, Daniel Webster, A.M., M.D. Professor of Ma- teria Medica and Therapeutics, in the Medical Department Columbian University. Commissioner of Pharmacy, District of Columbia. 1224 Ninth Street N. W. Rathbun, Richard, Curator, Dep't of Marine Invertebrates, U. S. National Museum. Smifhsojiian Institution, and 1622 Massachusetts Avenue N". W. Rau, Charles, Ph. D. Curator, Dept. of Antiquities, U. S. National Museum. Sr.iithsonian Institution. Reyburn, Robert, A. M., M. D. Profes:or of Physiology and Hygiene, Medical Department, Howard University. 2i2g F Street N. W. RiDGWAY, Robert, Curator, Dep't of Birds, U. S. National Mu- seum. S:nithsonian Institution, and2i8 Eleventh Street S. W. Riley, Charles Valentine, Ph. D. President, U. S. Ento- mological Commis.sion. Entomologist U. S. Department of Agriculture. Honorary Curator, of Insects in the U. S. National Museum. Agricultural Department, and i-joo Thirteenth Street N. W. RiCHEY, Stephen Olin, M. D. 1426 New York Avenue. RussnJr^, IcRAEL Cook, Assistant Geologist U. S. Geological Survey. Salt lake City, Utah. RVDER, John Adam, Embryologist, U. S. Fish Commission. Smithsonian Instiuition, and Chambersburg, Pa. ScHviiFFER, Edward Martin, M. D. St. Cloud Building, and 1 1 14 Nineteenth Street N. W. ScHoNBORN, Henry. 213 Seventh Street N. W. ScHUERMANN, Carl Wilhelm, V. S. National Museum and gj6 D Street S. W. 18 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Date of Election Orig. Member. 1881, Jan. 14. Orig. Member. 1882, May 26. Orig. Member. Orig. Member. 1881, Nov. II. 1882, Feb. 17. 1881, Nov. II. Orig. Member. 1881, Nov. II. 1881, Mar. 25. 1882, Mar. 17. 1881, Feb. 25. 1882, Feb. 17. ACTIVE MRMBERS— Continued. ScHWARz, Eugene Amandus, Assistant in tlie Entomological Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 606 H Street N. W. ScuDDER, Charles Willis. Clerk, U. S. Fish Commission. 127 F Street A' E. ScuDDER, Newton Pratt, A.M. Aid, U. S. Fish Commis- sion. I2J F Street N. E. Seaton, Charles W., Superintendent of the Tenth Census. Census Office, and ^oj AI Street N. W. Seaman, William Henry, A. M. Professor of Chemistry in the Medical Department of Howard University. 1424 Eleventh Street A'. W. Sheldon, Charles Stiles. Census Office. Shufeldt, Robert Wilson, M.D. Assistant Surgeon and Captain U. S. Army. Hon. Curator, Section of Bird Skele- tons U. S. National Museum. A^ational Museum, and 8 ig Seventeenth Street A^. W. Shute, Daniel Kerfoot, A. B. Children's Hospital. Co- lumbian College Hill. Smith, William Robert, Superintendent of U. S. Botanical Garden. Botanical Garden.' Smiley, Charles Wesley, A. M. Chief of Division of Records, U. S. Fish Commission. Special Agent, Fishery Division, Tenth Census. Fish Commission Office, and 1207 Eleventh Street N. W. Stejneger, Leonhard, (of Bergen, Norway.) Aid U. S. National Museum.' Absent in Siberia. Sternberg, George Miller, M.D. Surgeon, U. S. Army. Secretary of the National Board of Health. Fort Faint San yose, San Francisco, Cal. Stevenson, James, Executive Officer of the U. S. Geological Survey. National Museum. Stimpson, William Gordon. National Museum, and 211 Twelfth Street S. IV. Streets, Thomas Hale, M. D. Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Bureau of Medicine, U. S. Navy. LIST OF MEMBERS. 19 Date of Election. 1882, Mar. 17. Orig. Member. 1881, Dec. 9. 1881, Jan. 28. Orig. Member. Founder. 1881, Dec. 23 Orig. Member. 1881, Mar. 25. Founder. Founder. One:. Member. 1 88 1, May 20. 18S1, Tan. 28. ACTIVE MEMBERS— Continued. Taylor, Frederick William, Chemist, U. S. National Mu- seum. National Museum, and 1120 Vermont Avenue N. W. Taylor, Thomas, M. D. Microscopist, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Department, and 2j8 Massa- chusetts Avenue N. E. Thompson, John Ford, M. D. Professor of Surgery, Med- ical Department, Columbian University. 1000 Ninth Street N. W. Todd, James Edward, Ph. D. Professor of Natural History in Tabor College and Lecturer in Beloit College. Tabor, lozva. Toner, Joseph Meredith, M. D. 6/5- Louisiana Avenue N. IV. True, Frederick William, M. S. Librarian, and Curator Dep't of Mammals, U. S. National Museum. National Museum, and jojj N Street N IV. Turner, Lucien M., Observer, U. S. Signal Service. Ungava, Labrador. Ulke, Henry, iiii Pennsylvania Avenue N. W. Upham, Edwin Pori'er, Aid, U. S. National Museum. Smithsonian Institution, and IJ17 Eleventh Street N. W. Ya^^-ky, George, M. D. Botanist, U. S. Department of Ag- riculture. Agricultural Department, and 14J7 S Street N. IV. Ward, Lester Frank, A. M., LL. B. Paleo -botanist, U. S. Geological Survey. Honorary Curator, Dep't of Fossil Plants, U. S. National Museum. National Museum, and 1464 Rhode Isla)td Avenue N. W. White, Charles Abiathar, A.M., M.D. Curator, Dep't of Fossil Invertebrates, U. S. National Museum. Paleontolo- gist U. S. Geological Survey. National Mus/'um, and ^og Maple Avenue, Le Droit Park. White, Maurice Putnam, Teacher, Public Schools. 507 Sixth Street N. W. Williams, Alfred, Department of State, and 134 C Street N. E. 20 Date of Election. Orig. Member. 1881, Dec. 9. 1881, Jan. 28. 1882, Feb. 17. Orig. Member. 1881, Feb. 25. 1882, Jan. 6. BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. ACTIVE MEMBERS— Continued. Wilson, Joseph McMunn. U. S. Pension Office, and 1108 Maryland Avenue S. W. WiNSLOW, Francis, Lieutenant, U. S. Navy, on duty with U. S. Fish Commission. Brightwood, D. C. WoLFLEY, William Irvin, A. M., M.D. 140 C Street N. E. Yarnall, John Hepburn, M. D. ^028 P Street N. W. Yarrow, Henry Crecy, M. D. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army. Hon. Curator, Dept. of Reptiles U. S. National Museum. Surgeon GeneraPs Office, and 814 Seventeenth Street N. IV. Yeates, William Smith, A. M. Aid, U. S. National Mu- seum. National Museum, 2^22 L Street N. IV. ZuMBROCK, Anton, M. D., Electrotyper and Photographer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Coast Survey Office, and 306 C Street N. W. THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON CONSTITUTION Adopted December 3, 1880. ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this Society shall be " The Biological Society OF Washington." ARTICLE II. OBJECTS. 'Its objects shall be to encourage the study of the Biological Sci- ences, and to hold meetings at which papers shall be read and dis- cussed. ARTICLE III. MEMBERS. The Society shall consist of active, corresponding and honorary members. Candidates for membership shall be proposed to the Council, in writing, by at least three members, and, upon recom- mendation of the majority of the Council present at its regular meeting, shall be balloted for at the earliest ensuing meeting. A majority vote of the members present when the ballot is taken shall be necessary to election. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. The officers shall be a President, four Vice Presidents, two Sec- retaries, and a Treasurer. There shall be a Council, consisting of the officers of the Society and five members, to be elected by the Society. A quorum of the council shall consist of seven members. 21 22 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Its duties shall be to act on nominations for membership, have the direction of the finances, audit the accoimts of the Treasurer, and provide a programme for each meeting of the Society. The officers shall be elected by ballot at each annual meeting, and shall serve one year, or until their successors are elected. ARTICLE V. PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENTS. The President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice Presidents, shall preside at meetings of the Society and Council. The presid- ing officer shall appoint all committees in the Council and in the Society, unless otherwise ordered. It shall be the duty of the re- tiring president to deliver an address at the second meeting in January. ARTICLE VI. SECRETARIES. The Secretaries shall take and preserve correct minutes of the proceedings of the Society and Council and a record of the mem- bers, shall conduct its correspondence, give due notice of all meet- ings, and inspect and count all ballots. ARTICLE VII. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have charge of all money and other property of the Society, and shall make disbursements under the direction of the Council. He shall collect all fees and assessments, and notify members who may be in arrears. ARTICLE VIII. SECTIONS. Sections for special work in any department of Biology may be formed upon the recommendation of the Council. ARTICLE IX. MEETINGS. Stated meetings shall, unless otherwise ordered, be held on Friday of each alternate week, at eight o'clock P. M. The annual meeting CONSTITUTION. 23 for the election of officers shall be the first meeting in January. Special and field meetings may be called by the Comicil. ARTICLE X. FEES. The initiation fee shall be one dollar ; the annual fee one dollar. Members in arrears for one year shall, after due notification by the Treasurer, be dropped from the rolls. No member in arrears shall be entitled to vote at the annual meeting for the election of officers. ARTICLE XL AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. The constitution of the Society may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting, after at least four weeks' notice. ARTICLE XII. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The order of business at each regular meeting, unless otherwise provided by the Council, shall be as follows : I. Reading of minutes. II. Reports of Committees. III. Balloting for members. IV. Nominations for membership. V. Miscellaneous business. VI. Reading of papers, discussions and exhibition of specimens. Article XII may be suspended at any time by a two-thirds vote of the members present. PROCEEDINGS. Preliminary Meeting, November 19, 1880. In response to a letter of invitation signed by C. V. Riley and G. Brown Goode, ten gentlemen met at the house of the former, No. 1700 Thirteenth Street N. W., to take into consideration a project for the organization of a natural history society in the city of Washington. Capt. C. E. Button, U. S. A. was chosen chair- man. After an informal interchange of views and a discussion of various propositions advanced by those present, it was decided to send out a call for a general meeting to be held on the following Friday evening, to which all known to be interested in the objects of the proposed society should be invited. The following persons were in attendance at this preliminary meeting : Captain Clarence E. Button, Prof. Theodore Gill, Messrs. G. Brown Goode, Ernest Ingersoll, W. H. Patton, Richard Rathbun, C. V. Riley, Fred- erick W. True, Lester F. Ward, and Br. George Vasey. Meeting for Organization, November 26, 1880. In response to a call signed by C. E. Button, J. W. Chickering, Jr., Theodore Gill, G. Brown Goode, Ernest Ingersoll, W. H. Pat- ton, Richard Rathbun, Robert Ridgway, C. V. Riley, F. W. True, Lester F. Ward, and George Vasey, about thirty gentlemen assembled in the Regents' Room, at the Smithsonian Institution. Prof. Riley was elected chairman, and Mr. Goode, Secretary. After much dis- cussion it was decided to organize a society to be called The Biological Society of Washington. A committee consisting of Messrs. Gill, Goode, Rathbun, Riley, and Ward was appomted to draw up a form of constitution for the proposed society, and to submit the same at a meeting to be held on the evening of Friday, Becember 3. 24 PROCEEDINGS. 25 First Meeting, December 3, 1880. Thirty-five gentlemen assembled in the Regents' Room of the Smithsonian Institution, to hear the report of the Committee ap- pointed to prepare a constitution for the projected society. Prof. Riley acted as chairman and Mr. Goode as secretary. The com- mittee presented its report, and the form of constitution proposed by them was read article by article, and article by article modified and adopted. The constitution as a whole, in the form appended to these proceedings, was then adopted. The Society then adjourned to Friday evening, December 10, at which time a meeting was ap- pointed for the completion of the organization of the Society by the election of a board of officers. Second Meeting, December 10, 1880. Twenty-two persons met in the usual place. Professor Gill was called to the chair, and, on the motion of Prof. Ward, the Society proceeded to ballot for officers for the ensuing year. The following board of officers was elected : President — Theodore Gill. Vice-Presidents — C. V. Riley, J. W. Chickering, Lester F. Ward, Henry Ulke. Secretaries — G. Brown Goode, Richard Rathbun. Treasurer — Robert Ridgway. Membe7's of Council — J. H. Comstock, O. T. Mason, J. H. Kid- der, A. F. A. King, George Vasey. The Society then adjourned to meet on the 24th of December. Third Meeting, December 24, 1880. The President occupied the chair, and thirty-one members were present. Messrs. Riley, Goode and King were announced as having been appointed a committee on communications. Dr. Tarleton H. Bean presented a communication entitled Notes on a voyage along the Coasts of Alaska and Siberia in the summer of 1880.* * Published in part in the New York Times for September 17, November 21, and December 6, 1880. 26 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP WASHINGTON. Fourth Meeting, January 14, 1881. (First Annual Meeting.) The President occupied the chair and thirty members were present. In accordance with the recommendation of the Council one of the Secretaries of the Society was instructed to cast the vote of its members for the entire board of officers elected at the meeting of December 10, such having been the understanding at the time of that election. The officers elected at that time were then an- nounced as having been re-elected to serve during the coming year. The President announced that the Secretary had been authorized to have printed 250 copies of the constitution, with list of officers and members, and requested all members to send in their full names, that the customs of similar societies might be conformed to. Prof. L. F. Ward read a paper entitled The Flora Columbiana OF 1830 AND 1880, which contained comparisons between the list of the plants of the District of Columbia printed in 1830 by Dr. Brereton and the lists perfected by the resident botanists of to-day. * Prof. D. S. Jordan, of the Indiana State University, read a paper entitled The Salmon of the Pacific Coast. f Fifth Meeting, January 28, 1881. The President occupied the chair, and thirty-six members were present. The President delivered his first annual address upon The Prin- ciples OF Biology with reference to Taxonomy. J In the discussion of the presidential address, Messrs. Comstock, Mason, Ward, Riley and White participated. * Included in the following paper : 1882. Ward, Lester F. Guide | to ] the Flora | of ( Washington and Vicinity | By | Lester F. Ward, A. M. | | Washington : Government Printing Office, | 1881. Svo., pp. 264 + 2, with ;«a/ = Bulletin of the U. S. National Museum, No. 22. (U. S. National Museum, No. 26.) f 1881. Jordan, David S., and Charles H. Gilbert. Observations on the Salmon of the Pacific. <^American Naturalist. XV, 18S1, (March,) pp. 177- 186. J The essentials of this address are embodied in the articles Biology (Vol. I, 1875,) and Morphology (Vol. Ill, 1877,) in Johnson's Cyclopedia. New York, 1875-8 PROCEEDINGS. 27 Sixth Meeting, February ii, 1881. The President occupied the chair, and thirty-seven members were present. An hour was devoted to the completion of the discussion of the presidential address, Messrs. White, Ward, King and Gill taking part. Dr. J. H. Kidder, U. S. N., exhibited a series of photo- micrographs of objects obtained floating in the air of Washington. He also exhibited photo-micrographs of the dry rot fungus from the U. S. Steamer " Portsmouth," after its infection by yellow fever, of spores of various organisms collected in the yellow fever hospitals of Cuba, and of blood corpuscles from patients affected by various febrile diseases.* Seventh Meeting, February 25, 1881. Prof C. V. Riley, V. P., occupied the chair and thirty-two mem- bers were present. Prof Riley read a paper entitled The Fertilization of Yucca. f Dr. C. A. White gave an account of a collection of fossils, includ- ing 1500 species, duplicates of the celebrated collection of James Hall, State Geologist of New York, recently received by the National Museum from the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Mr. Frederick W True read a paper entitled SucroRiAL Prehension in the Animal Kingdom.J Eighth Meeting, March ii, 1881. The President occupied the chair, and thirty-four members were present. In discussing Mr. True's paper on "Suctorial Prehension" Prof. * 1S81. Kidder, Jerome II. Report | on ] an examination | of the | exter- nal air of Washington | by J. H. Kidder, M. D., | Surgeon, U. S. Navy. | | [Extracted from the Report of the Surgeon General | of the Navy for i88o.] | I Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1882. | 8vo., pp. 22 -|- i (-|- i), 10 plates. f 1881. Riley, Charles V. Further notes on the Pollination of Yucca and on Pronuba and Prodoxus. <^Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 18S1, Vol. XXIX, Part II, pp. 617-639, figs. 1-16. X To be published in the proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. 28 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Seaman referred to the climbing organs of the Virginia creeper, Ampelopsis qidnquefolia, and of the so called "suckers" of various sea-weeds, which though perhaps not suctorial in action seem to cling to objects in a manner which is similar to suctorialism. Prof. Riley spoke of a suctorial organ of prehension in the thoracic proleg and anal pseudopod of Siinulium larvss and to the ventral branchiae of the helgramite or dobson, Corydalis conmtus, larva, which are suctorial in function. Prof. Gill, speaking of the suctorial powers of young marsupiates stated that he believed them to exert an actual suctorial power, even though the teats be somewhat modified to aid them in clinging. Their first attachment to the teat is purely suc- torial, though afterward probably the result of a spasm-like action of the sphincter-oris muscle. He also referred to the suctorial organs possessed by certain bats. Mr. Patton called attention to the peculiar structure of the larva of Blcpharocera which inhabits tor- rents and has six segments, each provided with a separate suctorial organ, probably prehensive. Dr. A. F. A. King read a paper entitled Septenary Periodicity in Living Organisms ; in the discussion of which Messrs. Prentiss, Riley, Scudder, Ward, and many others participated. Ninth Meeting, March 25, 1881. The President occupied the chair, and thirty-five members were present. Col. Marshall McDonald read a communication On the Laws of the Relation of Periodicity in Development to Temperature. This paper was discussed by Messrs. Prentiss, King, Busey, Gill and Chickering. Prof. J. W. Chickering, Jr., read a paper entitled Roan Moun- tain AND ITS Flora. -!^ Prof. J. E. Todd read a paper entitled On the Flowering of SOLANUxM ROSTRATUM, AND CaSSIA CHAM^CRISTA.f *See 1882. Chickering, John W., Jr. Notes on Roan Mountain, North Carolina. <^ Bulletin, Philosophical Society of Washington. IV. 1881. pp. 60-64. (Flora, p. 63). ■{-1882. Todd, James E. On the Flowers of Solamim rostnitum, and Cassia chamcccrista. <^American Naturalist. XVI, 1882. (April), pp. 281- 287. PROCEEDINGS. 29 Tenth Meeting, April 8, 1881. The Pi'esident occupied the chair, except when reading his paper, at which time he was replaced by Vice President Ward. Twenty- three members were present. Prof. Gill read a paper entitled A Critical Review of Gun- ther's Study of Fishes,* and a short discussion upon the merits of this article ensued, participated in by Messrs. Goode, Gill and Ward. Eleventh Meeting, April 22, iSSi. The Pi'esident occupied the chair, and thirty-eight members were present. A committee of the Council submitted the following report upon the formation of sections, in accordance with one of the provisions of the Constitution : The committee recommends, (r.) That five sections be formed as follows : I, Vertebrates; II, Articulates; III, Mollasks ; IV, Radiates; V, Plants. For these sections the following members are suggested as chairmen : I, Mr. Goode ; II, Prof. Riley; III, Mr. Dall; IV, Mr. Rathbun ; V, Prof. Ward. (2.) The members of the Society shall be requested to inform the Secretary what section or sections they desire toco-operate with. (3.) New members on joining the Societ) shall be requested to signify to the Secretary what departments of Biology they are each respectively interested in. Signed by the Committee : C. V. Riley, O. T. Mason, George Vasey, G. Brown Goode, Robert Ridgway. The President announced that the temporary chairman would be authorized to call meetings of the sections, and that members were expected to hand in their decisions as to the sections which they desire to join. Dr. George M. Sternberg, U. S. A., Secretary of the National Board of Health, read a paper entitled A Fatal Form of Septi- ■^1881. Gill, Theodore. Reprinted from the "Forest and Stream." | I Giinther's | Literature and Moq^hography of Fishes. | A review of | Dr. Giinther's introduction to the | study of Fishes. | | By Theodore Gill, M. A., M. D., Ph. D., I Member of the National Academy of Sciences, etc., etc. | I New York : | Forest & Stream Publishing Co., | 1881. l2mo., pp. 16. See also The Critic, I, (May 21, 1S81,) pp. 132-3; The iVeia York Times, May 29, 1881 ; Forest &= Stream, XVT, p. 428, (June 30, 1881;) Science, VII, pp. 323-6, (July 9, 1881 ;) The Nation, XXXIII, pp. 120-2, (August 11, 1881.) 30 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. c^MiA IN THE Rabbit, produced by the Subcutaneous Injec- tion OF Human Saliva.^ This paper was discussed by Messrs, Thomas Taylor, Fletcher, King, Comstock, Ward, and Gill. Mr. Ernest Ingersoll read a paper entitled On the Mortality of Marine Animals in the Gulf of Mexico.* At the close of the meeting the roll of members was called, and the following persons enrolled themselves as members of the several sections : Section I. Messrs. Baker, Birney, Clark, Earll, Gill, Goode, Hoffman, King, Mason, Prentiss, Ridgway, N. P. Scudder, C. W. Scudder, Smiley, Thomas Taylor, True, Ward, Wolfley, Fletcher, Flint, Schuermann, Sternberg. Section II. Messrs. Birney, Comstock, Merrill, Patton, Pergande, Riley, Schwarz, Marx, Howard, and Ulke. Section III. Messrs. Gill, Sheldon, and Ingersoll. Section IV. Messrs. Gill and Rathbun. Section V. Messrs. Comstock, Earll, Goode, Gore, Merrill, Pat- ton, Riley, Schwarz, Seaman, Sheldon, Smiley, Thomas Taylor, Vasey, Ward, Williams, Wolfley, Sternberg, Hawes, Flint, and Hoff- man. First Field Meeting, April 30, 1881. On Saturday, April 30, the Botanical Section held a field meeting at High Island, in the Potomac River, above the Chain Bridge. Seventeen members were present. Twelfth Meeting, May 6, 1881. Vice-President Ward occupied the chair. Twenty-three members were present. * iSSi. Sternberg, George M. A fatal form of Septiccemia in the Rabbit, produced by the sub-cutaneous injection of Human Saliva. <^ Studies from the Biological Laboratory of Johns Ilopkini University. II. 1882, pp. 183-200. Plate XIV. (March.) * 1881. Ingersoll, Ernest. On the Fish Mortality in the Gulf of Mexico. rV.