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ACR y 1 ~ i= ie e 7 % dk Raat |e ae eral Ga | poh I Falling . “Jae et ares: | ee: 5 ‘ Pe ees | Va tidy - * | ope i : ee iw Ae, Mali A ) q < Y C3 ceed se ee: OS Dre , oF | oa een a eae, RR Ee ded uv ‘J “Ot de) Gee, Se ae ee ae ’ Pee ae: res Abe i q PES REG) of CRON ey Re. WY WY" =. 2o-> pa “y aed a fe PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA AGADEMY | OF SCIENCES. VOLUME VI. WSS: SAWN FRANCESCO. 1876. wes Ne PROCEEDINGS ee Peiot Oa A AA DEY SCIENCES. Annuat Meetine, January 4TH, 1875. Vice-President Hewston mm the chair. Fifty members present. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President read the annual address. The Corresponding Secretary read his annual report, stating that the correspondence is becoming more extensive and impor- tant with the growth of the Academy. The Recording Secretary submitted a brief report, giving the average attendance at meetings as 31 members, and the total resident membership as 301, and the life membership 78. The Treasurer’s annual report places the balance on hand at $2,958.43. The Librarian’s report gives the number of books in the libra- ry at 5,000 volumes, 2,500 of which are bound. Dr. A. B. Stout, from the committee appointed to gather in- formation sought by the French Acclimatization Society, re- ported that certain of the questions had been answered by dif- ferent individuals. The report was accepted, and Dr. Stout was Proc. Cau. AcAD. Scr., Vou. VI.—1. Dy PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA requested to forward the material to Consul Breuil, for trans- mission to the Acclimatizing Society of France, The reports of the Judges and Inspectors of election were re- ceived, signed by J. H. Smythe and Henry Chapman, Judges, and John Currey and J. D. Pierson, Inspectors. They reported the result of the annual election, as follows: PRESIDENT. GEORGE DAVIDSON. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. | RECORDING SECRETARY. HENRY EDWARDS. CHAS. G. YALE. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. | TREASURER. HENRY GIBBONS, Sr. | ELISHA BROOKS. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. LIBRARIAN. HENRY G. HANKS. | Wan. J. FISHER. if DIRECTOR OF MUSEUM. ALBERT KELLOGG. TRUSTEES. DAVID D. COLTON, GEO. E. GRAY, JOHN HEWSTON, Jz., RALPH C. HARRISON, ROBT. E. C. STEARNS, | THOS. P. MADDEN, WM. ASHBURNER. Reautar Mererrine, January 187s, 1875. Second Vice-President Henry Gibbons, Sr., in the chair. Seventeen members present. Donations to the Museum: The Alaska Commercial Company donated two Aleutian mummies, a complete description of which appeared in the S. P. Chronicle, of January 8th, 1874; Jesse AGADEMY OF SCIENCES. 3 Walton donated specimen of Liparis pulchellus (?) or mucosus, Ayres; Mr. B. L. Savory, of Tuolumne County, presented, through Mr. Brooks, two specimens of pound pear, one picked from the tree October 1st, 1873, and the other fresh. The Vice-President stated that General Cobb had signified his intention of depositing in the Museum of the Academy, the articles found in the shell mound at Saucelito. Dr. Kellogg exhibited plants, and read a paper on California and Colorado Loco Poisons. California and Colorado ‘‘Loco’”’? Poisons. BY DR. A. KELLOGG. Dr. Kellogg stated that very many thousands of horses, cattle and sheep had been poisoned by plants, exhibited and accompanied by sketches, called the Rattle Weed, Pompous Pea, Pop Pea, or Menzies’ milk, Vetch, (Astrag- alus Menziesii, Gray) of the vicinity of San Francisco, and also quite wide- spread over the State. The fact had been known to himself and to the public for the last ten or fifteen years. How long it has been known to the native Californian he was unable to say, but reiterated experience has taught sad lessons to independent observers everywhere. To some, however, the cause of their misfortune still remained a mystery. He had reason to know that there are also other similar causes, of which more would be said hereafter. The subject had been frequently brought before the Academy, but as no records had hitherto been made, he thought it proper to suggest that much useful information was often thus lost—was glad to add that no such fault could be attributed to Mr. Yale, the present indefatigable Secretary. This, and some allied forms, have been figured and published here; so that the public are supposed to be somewhat familiar with it. The plant has much the appearance of Bladder Senna. As no chemical an- alysis has been made, nor any carefully-noted experiments tried on animals, all we know is the serious results, often obscurely and imperfectly reported by the farmer, ranchero or herder, and the shepherd. Horses and cattle in this vicinity, he noticed, would shun it so long as the pasture was good, but as it became bare, and hunger impelled, they would eat it, and became narcotized or intoxicated, stagger, and are unsteady in all their movements, act strangely and stupidly, losing their good ‘‘ horse sense’”’ or common brute sagacity, in short, acting like a jfool; hence the Mexican name, ‘‘Loco,’’ given it. At length they become thinner, and cannot be re- stored to ‘‘condition.’’ The brutes get to like the weed more and more, be- ing apparently as infatuated as the Sandwich Islander is for his ‘‘Ava,’’ (Mac- ropiper methysticum,) in water, which demoralizes worse than ardent spirits, or the drunkard for his bottle. If only slightly ‘‘locoed,’’ the animal, to a great extent, becomes unfit for uses, except the simplest kind, being unreli- 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA able in perilous paths or ordinary emergencies, acting so like a fool, to the shame of all sensible animals. What is most remarkable with this, and the Colorado Loco, is the perma- nence of the impression, often lasting many months, or even for years, half demented, until at length they die. Death often supervenes suddenly; the effect is similar with horned cattle and sheep. The allied Tephrosia, or Devil’s Shoe-string of the south, although it stupifies and intoxicates, yet the impression soon wears off. This species of Rattle Weed is by no means con- fined to damp ground, but thrives well on dry hills and all soils. The stem is tall and leafy, growing in bunches from a perennial root, leaflets many- paired (twenty or more), stipuls at base of the leaves trianguloid, membra- naceous flowers dirty pale yellowish or whitish, tinged with red, bent forcibly back. Pods inflated, about two inches long, and thinly membranous, indeed so bladder-like that boys amuse themselves by popping them—hence the name jPoOpyeeas.: Lambert’s milk-vetch, of Colorado Territory, Oxytropis Lamberti, Pursh; (Astragalus Lamberti, Spreng.) consists of about six to eight varieties, which, for all popular purposes one description might suffice. The root is perennial, stemless, or nearly so—not considering the flower or fruit-scape, as such— they grow in tufts or stool-like suckers, springing out by very short branches from the root-crown—are more or less silvery, satiny-silky in every part; the common leaf-stem is about three inches long, the upper oddly pin- nate portion the same, or whole length of leaf about six inches, or much shorter than the flower scape stem; pea-blossomed flowers, purplish, blue and white, violet, etc.; leaflets five to fourteen pairs, usually about eight or nine; stipular appendages at the base of the leaves, at, or under the soil, sheathing; pods white, satiny-silky, with very short close-pressed hairs, erect, somewhat cylindric, one-half to an inch long, sharpening out at the point, and partly two-celled. Found from Saskatchewan to Texas, New Mexico, west to Rocky Mount- ains, and Colorado to Washington Territory, and, in the opinion of Hooker, to Arctic America and Labrador. Of this species of ‘‘loco’’ we have no personal observation. Asst. Surgeon P. Moffatt, U.S. A., writing from Fort Garland, Colorado Ter., says: ‘‘ Cat- tlemen inform him that the weed abounds in damp ground; he is assured that after eating it the animal may linger for months or years, but they invariably die from its effects. The animal does not lose flesh apparently, but totters on its limbs, and becomes crazy. While in this condition a cow will lose her calf and never find it again, and will not recognize it when presented to her. The eyesight becomes affected so that the animal has no knowledge of dis- tances, but will make an effort to stop, or jump over a stream or an obsta- cle while at a distance off, but will plunge into it, or walk up against it on arriving atit. The plant pointed out to him seemed related to the Lupin.’’ The members were notified that the appointments of corres- ponding members would be made shortly, and those desiring to present names could do so by leaving their lists with the Sec- retary. aie Someta if ae op bay iasss a: Pied hea oat es a0 Be aha bet SE rae diame ge ne So fe Bt ms bet nena hay i A ge 4 ‘ton 7 k Bay tit CE ae a te aS se we ah 6 Ea VOL. VI. relary. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. , 5 ReautakR Meeting, Fresrvary Ist, 1875. Second Vice-President in the Chair. Forty-five members present. The following new members were elected: Cornelius Herz, Horatio Stone, J. R. Scowden, Jeremiah Clark. Donations to the Museum: From I. C. Raymond, a valuable case and drawers. From J. ©. Merrill & Co., the spy-glass that originally belonged to Capt. Wm. Bligh, who commanded H. B. M. ship Bounty when taken by the mutineers, who afterwards settled Pitcairn Island. The glass was left at Tahiti, and came into the hands of _ Kamehameha III of the Hawaiian Islands, and was presented by Kamehameha V to Capt. Joseph Smith, who left it with Messrs. J. C. Merrill & Co., who present it to the Academy. They also donate a family Esquimaux boat or “oomiak;” also teeth of whale. Dr. H. Behr presented the web of the larvee of the Eucheira Socialis from New Mexico, found in about the same climate as California. It feeds on a species of arbutus, and could therefore be introduced if. desired. It forms a water- ‘proof sac or bag into which it retires for shelter from rain or storms. This bag is remarkable for its exceeding delicacy and lightness. W. G. W. Harford presented several specimens of Crustacez from Santa Barbara, EHpicellus productus, Hippa analoga, and two other species. W. J. Fisher presented thirty specimens of Crustaceze from Japan, Behring’s Straits and Arctic Ocean. Several of these species are new, and none of them are in the cabinet of the Academy. T. J. Lowry, of the U. 8. Coast Survey, read the following: The Protracting Sextant—A New Instrument for Hydro- graphic Surveying. BY T. J. LOWRY. Sextants, and the three-arm protractor, are indispensable instruments, in hydrographic surveying. And in the special work of determining and plotting the position of the sounding-boat or vessel in the usual manner by the three- point problem, they ave the only instruments of precision in use; and yet the CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. VOL, Vi. THE PROTRACTING SEXTANT. (LOWRY.) (TO FACE PaGeE 5.) > e 7 7 ( os te ms a> A Rae alsa | eo oe Fgh og Ss ob. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA facts of there being three separate instruments and requiring the simultaneous and rapid manipulations of two observers (and their subsequent efforts in setting off the angles on the protractor) have long been felt to be defects. And the hydrographic world has studied, but unsuccessfully, to devise an in- strument that would do the work of these three. But this problem finds a solution in my protracting sextant, which enables one observer to accomplish in hydrography the desideratum of measuring at the same instant two angles, and plotting them with the same instrument. We have represented here in the annexed figure, ‘‘ The Protracting Sex- tant,’’ consisting of a circle D, graduated to degrees and minutes from the zero point around by the right and left each way to one hundred and eighty degrees, and three radiating protractor arms, f,g andh. The arm g, is fixed with its true edge at the zero point of graduation, and the other two, f and h, are capable of being revolved around the hollow cylindrical axis of the circle. Between this fixed, and each of these movable protractor arms, we have an index arm—and each of these indices, m and n, also find in the center of the circle a common center of motion, and carries an index-mirror mounted per- pendicular to its plane of motion but slightly eccentrically so that the hollow axis of the instrument can be readily gotten at. Along these index arms m and n, are cut rectangular slots (whose longitudinal axes are radii of the cir- cle), in which slide the projecting ends of the pivots which rivet the equal rectangular bars, 0, s, and u, w, together. And these indices and protractor arms are so connected by means of jointed parallelograms that the right hand index-arm always bisects the angle included between the fixed and right hand protractor arms, and the left hand index always bisects the angle con- tained by the fixed and left protractor arms. Now by a well-known optical principle we know that the angular distance moved over by a mirror while measuring an angle is only one-half of the ac- tual angle measured, and since each of the movable protractor arms of this instrument is by means of this jointed parallelogramic gearing, driven along its are simultaneously with, and twice as fast as its corresponding index-arm (and mirror), we hence see that the angles included between the fixed and movable protractor arms are the actual angles which the indices (and their mirrors) have measured. The index niirrors, y and z, may be mounted to move either in the same or in parallel planes, as shown in the forms of the writer’s two-angle sextants described in the proceedings of the Academy, February 16th, 1874. A horizon glass, x, half-silvered to admit of direct and reflected vision is attached to the frame of the instrument nearly opposite the index mirrors, with its plane perpendicular to the plane of the instrument. The arms, f and h, are clamped and adjusted with the ordinary clamp and tangent screws, / and k. The requisite adjustments of the ‘‘ Protracting Sextant”’ are the same as those of the ordinary sextant. When observing with the new Protracting Sextant, the hydrographer holds it lightly in his right hand and movesit until its face is in the plane passing through his eye, 7, and the three objects, A, B, C, whose angular distances are required, and then sets and clamps his in- dex arm so that the reflected and direct images of the objects (say left hand and middle) of one of the angles which he is to measure, are not coincident ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 7 yet approaching on account of the progress of the boat; then with the second index glass he makes the direct and reflected images of the middle and right hand objects coincident, and keeps them coincident with tangent screw until the first two objects become coincident, then clamps, and he has the two angles observed at the same instant—and also has them set off on the proper limbs of the instrument simultaneously with, and by the same effort that measured the angles. And hence after measuring two connected angles with this instrument, we have only to lay it down on the ‘‘ Field Sheet’’ (which should always be spread on a board before the observer in the boat), and shift it until the fiducial edges of the three protractor arms traverse the three points (representing the signals observed upon), and the center of the in- strument will then occupy the relative place of the observer; now dot the cen- ter, and the position is plotted, without any of those tedious transfers of angles from the limbs of sextants to the limbs of the protractor, which are un- avoidably incident to the execution of practical hydrography with the forms of sextants and protractors now in general use. However, with the hydrographer, it is necessary to read the angles off of the instrument and record them for future reference and closer plotting on the ‘‘ Office Sheet.”’ The angles observed with the Protracting Sextant, or any other reflecting instrument, are measured in the plane of the objects. If this plane be in- clined to the horizon and a result rigorously accurate be sought, the angles of elevation of each station above the horizon should at the same time be observed to afford data for reducing the hypotheneusal to the horizontal angle. But this reduction may be neglected in all cases where the difference of elevation of the objects does not exceed two or three degrees, and when the observed angle is larger than (the minimum angles allowed in determin- ing a boat’s position by observations from the boat), twenty or twenty-five degrees—for the reduction to the horizon would, in such cases, deal with quantities more minute than the amount of error to which the measures of all angles observed at an unstable station are liable. When the difference of the objects is considerable, an ideal vertical line may be drawn from the highest object downward to an elevation corresponding to that of the lower object, and the angle measured between this vertical line and the lower object —this with some experience and correctness of eye, will give results sufficiently near the truth, z.e., within the limit of the errors of plotting. Objects very close should not be observed on account of the parallax of the instrument. The Protracting Sextant should have supplementary attachments (such as were described by the writer before the Academy, February 16th, 1874), so that angles between one hundred and forty and one hundred and eighty degrees may be measured with equal facility with those of smaller magnitude. But these larger angles cannot be plotted in the usual way, for they are too great to be set off at the same time on the limbs of the instrument because of the jamming of the movable protractor arms; now, under this contingency, if we have no tracing paper, and don’t wish to sweep the circles of position, then we may use the following easy and accurate method of plotting by supplementary angles, viz.: Suppose A, B and C, the left, middle and right hand objects on which are measured two angles, too large to be set off on the 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA limbs of the protractor at the same time, then set off the supplement of the left hand angle on the right hand limb, and the supplement of the right hand angle on the left hand limb; cause the right and left arms of the instrument to traverse points A and C, respectively, and draw a line along the middle arm, then shift the center of protractor (taking care to keep the points A and C bisected by the true edges of right and left arms), and draw another line along middle arm and the intersection J, of the two lines thus drawn, will be a point on the right line through point B, and the required place of observation ; draw this line through Band J, and with the center of the instrument on this line, cause the fiducial edges of the right and left arms to traverse A and C respectively; dot the center, and this is the place of observation. Another method of plotting a position by supplementary angles is to set off the right hand angle on the left hand limb, and the sum of the supplements of the observed angles on the right hand limb of the protractor—cause the left, middle and right arms to traverse the middle, right and left signals, respectively; dot the center, and it is the required position. And this instrument also enables the hydrographer and topographer to determine and plot their positions by the two point problem (in a manner equal in accuracy and second only in point of simplicity to that by the three point problem), as shown by the writer at page 18, Vol. 2 of ‘‘ The Analyist.”’ And, in fact, with one piece of tracing paper and the Alidade, the topographer can plot his position, by the three point problem—and with two pieces of tracing paper and the Alidade, he can plot his position by either the two or four point problems shown by the writer at page 146, Vol. 1, of ‘“The Analyist.”’ This instrument also furnishes the ready means of orienting the sounding bout. If out in a bay, lake orriver, or along near the sea coast, and your compass functions badly, and you have while angling and plotting, or for some other reason lost your bearings, and hence wish to catch some fixed object ahead or astern on the general direction of the line you wish to ram—then take from the sheet, with the Protracting Sextant, the angle between some visible signal and the general direction on which you desire to continue your line of sound- ings, and then lifting the instrument to your eye, shift it until you bring the image of this signal into the horizon glass, and whatever fixed object this image then covers will be a point on the desired course. By this means, the hydrographer, even if out on a large expanse of water, and swept about by winds and currents, with his compass crazed by localattraction or the heaving of the waves, may “* orient himself,’’ and thus ply the helm more intelligently. And, in fact, by this maneuver, and by observing (and plotting as you go) twice or thrice as many angles as must necessarily be recorded, the boat can be steered without the aid of the compass. These practical hints will be found to come most opportunely to the relief of the distressed hydrographer when surveying close in shore along much of the Pacific coast, with its beaches of ferruginous sand, or along the iron bound shores of Lake Champlain, where the magnetic needle often becomes worse than useless. In nothing will the skill and dexterity of the hydrographer be more advantageously displayed than in deciding at once upon the line his boat is to pursue, and with the glance of intuition grasping all the conceivable combin- ations of visible points that will determine his position. But in practical ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 9 hydrography no less necessary than this skill and dexterity, is rapidity of execution in determining positions; and, to this end, with two observers, the requisite promptness and oneness of action are found deplorably deficient, and that, too, at moments the most critical. A sunken rock or reef is to be determined, and on it a sounding gotten. The rock is found, the ‘‘ cast’ is taken—the word ‘‘ stand by for an angle ’’ is given—and at length comes the response, r-e-a-d-y; by which time perhaps a tangent screw is jammed (hard up) or the boat has drifted from over the rock, and thus the reward, for hours, or it may be for days, of persistent and arduous exertions is lost. And such mishaps must ever continue to recur where two observers are called upon to act quickly and simultaneously under exciting circumstances. But if in the boat there is only one observer, with a Protracting Sextant, then we may confidently expect that promptness and oneness of action, in observing, under every contingency, which are so essential to the rapid and successful execution of a hydrographic survey. Although we do not presume to say that the theory of this instrument is so obvious, or its manipulations so simple, that ‘‘the simpleton, though he run may understand,” or that the smatterer and blind routiner (who could not look a quadrilateral in the face without blushing) may manipulate it with ease and accuracy, yet we do not assert without the fear of a contradiction, that to the eye of the ingenious geometer, its theory is most clear, and that in the hands of the hydrographer, who isa master of his profession, this Protracting Sextant will be tound the ready and efficient means of determining and plotting (unassisted and alone) his position, with a facility, ease and accuracy not now attained with two ordinary sextants and one protractor in the hands of two observers and one plotter. The Secretary read the following from Professor George Davidson: Transit of Venus. BY GEORGE DAVIDSON. To the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal.:—The instructions of the Commission permit me to give general results of our work, and I con- dense as much as possible for presentation to the Academy, our labors of preparation and final results. We have determined the difference of longitude by cable, between Nagasaki and Vladivostok, whence it will be carried westward to St. Petersburg by tel- -egraph, and in connecting the Venus Station with the Telegraph Observatory we have determined the latitude and longitude of the French Venus Station and two other points on the bay. We have determined the latitude of our station by the Talcatt method; ob- serving upon twenty pairs of stars for five nights. We have observed fourteen occultations of stars by the moon for longitude differences with Peking and other stations. This was work which we had to 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA discontinue on account of the smallness of the party and the continued hard labor to be done. Incidentally we have determined the magnetic declination, magnetic dip, and horizontal intensity. Of course all our work looked to only one object—the Transit of Venus. And in order to be properly prepared for work thereon, I had erected ona hill, 900 feet high, three miles to the north of our station, an artificial Venus under four different phases. First, when the planet was about four-fifths or more on the disc of the sun; this was for practice in measuring the distance apart of the cusps by means of the double-image micrometer of the equatorial. Then when she was 40 seconds on the disc. This was to study her appear- ance and to measure with the micrometer the distance of the limb of the planet on the sun’s disc. A third phase wos when Venus was 40 seconds wholly within the sun’s limb. This was for measuring the distance apart of the limbs of the planet and of the sun. Another phase was to study her ap- pearance when only 10 seconds on the sun’s disc; and this was one of the most instructive studies, as convincing one that, with instruments the size of our equatorial, that is, 5-inch objective, it is next to impossible to observe the contact with the eye alone, until she has entered fully five seconds. Another practice was to measure the diameter of the artificial planet. As these phases of Venus were drawn to appear of the same size as I should see her, the prac- tice of measuring upon them, under all circumstances, of clear and cloudy weather, steady and unsteady atmosphere, gave me confidence in what I should be sure to see ina week or more. Before the day of the transit we were ready and anxious for the event; the weather was gathering for the worse and the prospect was decidedly bad. On the morning of the 9th, at 4 a:m., when we observed star transits, the sky was as clear as a bell; at 5 a. m. densely clouded. The clouds broke partially at about half past 8 a. m., and we obtained our preparatory photographs and had all the final adjustments made by 9:15, when the clouds thickened, and the prospects were dark as the lower stratum of clouds touched the mountain top four miles south of us and only 2,000 feet high. There were two strata of clouds—the upper one, moving very slowly, was a curtain of cirrus and cirro-stratus; the lower gathering heavily and slowly from the southwest, was cumulo-stratus. Ten minutes before the first contact a break in the lower stratum occurred, and near the first. Iwas sure of it, but a thicker mass deadened the image so that I could not be sure of the contact; and when the light increased, the planet was certainly ten seconds on the sun’s limb, Then the clouds increased, and no measures for cusps could be undertaken until the planet was half way on, when it became bright, and I observed the second contact as well as such an event can be noted by eye alone. There was no ligament joining the limbs of Venus and the sun; no black band or black drop. There was a slight unsteadiness ot limbs, such as we see in our regular groedetic work, but no hanging together, no distortion of outline of either. The separation might have been much sharper, but the result conld not raise a doubt of more than two seconds in my mind. Then I commenced measuring with the double-image micrometer the sep- aration of the limbs until Venus was on one diameter; then made measures ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 11 of the diameter of the planet. These were made to study the question of irradiation. During this time there was no sign of an atmosphere or haze around the planet. In these different measurements about 150 micrometer readings were taken. I should here mention that Mr. Tittmann, the first as- sistant astronomer, also observed the second contact with the Hassler 3-inch equatorial of the Coast Survey, and noted no ligament or band. After diameter measures came thicker clouds, but fortunately at noon they broke away, and with the Coast Survey meridian instrument No. 2, I was en- abled to observe the meridian transit of the sun’s first limb over nine threads, the first limb of Venus over eight threads, the second limb of Venus over eight threads, and the second limb of the sun over six threads. Mr. Titt- mann with another transit measured the difference of declination of the up- per limb of the sun and both limbs of Venus by eighteen micrometer readings. These meridian observations and the diameter measures were not contem- plated by the Commission. Then the weather thickened and threatened rain; but at third contact broke away slightly, and I was defeated in the third contact. Just a few seconds before, I had the Jine of separation very narrow and well defined, and with- out ligament, but the clouds deadened it, and even without colored glass it only cleared to let me see that the planet had broken across the sun’s limb about five seconds; thence to close, dense clouds. During the day there was no time after 10 a. mw. when the sun shone from a blue sky. The upper stratum of clouds acted as a screen to the sun’s heat- rays, and the atmosphere was quite steady. Objects at a distance were dark but clearly defined. Of photographs we got none near first contact; only began to receive them when the planet was half on. After that we obtained about sixty good ones. Altogether, with the second contact, the micrometric measures, the merid- ian transits, and the difference of declination, and the photographs, I believe we have more than average satisfactory results. We did our best; there was no hurry, no jar or clash or hindrance; everything worked smoothly and like machinery, as by our practice and drill we had anticipated. Our observed first and second contacts were about 1 min. 45 seconds after American Almanac data, and about 3 minutes 30 seconds after the English. The third contact was near the time of the American data. Enough. Ina subsequent letter I will place before the Academy my opin- ion of methods and instruments and elevations to be chosen for the transit of 1882. Dr. Gibbons read a paper on ‘‘Climatic Changes in California.”’ W. N. Lockington read a paper on ‘‘ Sponges.” 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA The following papers by Dr. J. G. Cooper were submitted: The Origin of Californian Land-Shells. BY J. G. COOPER, M. D. In previous articles I have given some observations on the Distribution and Variations of the Californian Banded Land-shells, which naturally lead to the consideration of their probable origin or past history. In the ‘‘ Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy,’’ (Cambridge, Mass., June, 1873, p. 202), Mr. W. G. Binney writes, ‘‘ the west alone is left to us from whence to trace the Pulmonate Fauna of the Pacific region, and there the secret of its origin lies buried under the Pacific Ocean.” Mr. Binney probably alluded to the supposed existence of a continent jn the South Pacific, embracing the mountain summits now forming the archipelago of Oceania, which became submerged, as Prof. Dana suggests, during the later tertiary period, while most of California was emerging from the ocean. But even if this were proved to have happened, the great distance of the nearest islands (the Hawaiian) from us, and the great depth of the ocean between, as well as north of them, besides the total dissimilarity of their living land-shells from ours, forbids any supposition of a former land connec- tion by which such animals could travel directly from one country to the other. A glance at a globe shows that the islands, besides being tropical and wholly south of lat. 23°, are as far from us as the Aleutian Islands, the Arctic Ocean, or Florida, and I propose to show that whatever migration to California has occurred, came from the direction of the regions named last. No confirmation is given to a derivation from the west, by the more probable former existence of an ‘‘Atlantis’’ connecting the two continents across the Atlantic, the few island remnants of which really contain several species of land-shells common to one or both sides. The great similarity of our banded groups to those of Europe has always been an argument for supposing them to have had a common origin. The same similarity is found in many others of our animals as well as plants, and is plainly connected with the well-known similarity of climates in the two countries. But as the known laws of nature do not permit us to consider climate as the cause of specific resemblances, we must look for some other way of accounting for them in this case. The fact that very similar species exist in Japan and the Amoor Valley, Siberia, contradicts, indeed, the theory of climatic causes, since we know that the climate of those regions is very similar to that of our Atlantic States, where no similar species exist. At the same time, their existence there sug™ gests the probable central point from which all originated. Going back in geological history to the supposed beginning of all living species, few, if any, of the terrestrial, can be traced farther back than the ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 1) Eocene Tertiary, and most of them much less far. But some included in the comprehensive genus “ Helix,” are found fossil in the Eocene of Nebraska, ete., sufficiently like living American forms to be considered the ‘‘Darwinian’’ ancestors of perhaps the whole of them! Or we may go back only to the Miocene epoch, when trees scarcely distinguishable from the Californian Redwood and Libocedrus flourished in Greenland and Spitzbergen, between lat. 70° and 78-. What is more natural than to suppose that land-shells also, like those now living among our redwoods and cedars, existed in the shade of those trees? I have no doubt that such will yet be found fossil in the lignite beds of the Arctic Zone. It is easy then to see, that having their central position (if not their origin) in points so near the present North Pole, the subsequent gradual cooling of those regions, which is supposed to have driven the living species of Redwoods southward to California and Japan, as well as other trees into Europe, would, if a slow change of climate, also drive southward the land-mollusca ‘‘at a snail’s pace’ into the same regions, where we now find their descendants occupying countries, which are about equidistant in longitude, around the northern hemisphere, in lats. 40°-650°. We have strong confirmation of this theory, in the well-known distribution of circumpolar species of land-shells southward, on both continents, along meridians of similar temperature, and along mowntain ranges (especially those running southward, as in America), and which are supposed to have thus migrated south during the ‘‘ Glacial Epoch.”’ Besides these two groups, the ‘‘ circumpolar’’ and the ‘‘ representative ’’ species, we also have on the west slope a very few of the Eastern American types. I do not, however, consider these as evidence of a migration westward, but would explain their occurrence as proving a former existence of ancestors common to both, in the middle regions of Oregon and Nebraska, where are found so many tertiary remains of animals that once inhabited both regions, before the Rocky Mountains became a barrier to migration, or caused different climates on the two slopes. The few fossil land-shells yet found in California are not sufficiently abundant or ancient to furnish data for their geological history. The fresh water forms, however, which I hope at some future time to describe and illustrate, indicate avery different and more tropical group in the Pliocene and Miocene strata. The occurrence of Pupa and Conulus in the carboniferous strata of Nova Scotia, shows that land-shells existed long before the Eocene period. The great northern glacial drift, and local glaciers farther south, have so generally destroyed the softer tertiary deposits that it must be long before the routes of migration can be traced from Greenland southward, but as tertiary land plants are found there fossil, some similar deposits must have escaped elsewhere in the intermediate regions. Species much like the living ones of California may be expected to occur in the Pliocene of British Columbia. There can be no doubt that the local migration has been westward along this coast, from the facts before stated as to the occurrence of species in the coast ranges and islands, which are unquestionably not older than Pliocene in age, while their allies in the Sierra Nevada may have existed there since the Eocene, but at a greater elevation than they are now found. As they move ’ 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA westward, we also find the few older forms developing into many ‘‘specialized’’ varieties. Going south of California we find further confirmation of the theory of southward migration in Mexico, where species closely resembling the Pomatia of Europe occur on the higher mountains, which, unless special creations, could only have reached the two regions by a process like that I have described. The genera Bulimus, Glandina and Clausilia may also have traversed a similar route, though their absence in the tertiary strata of the Eastern States seems to be evidence to the contrary. They may, however, be found in the tertiary of the Great Basin, which is known to contain fossils of some other genera now found only south of the United States (Berendtia and Holospira). Indica- tions, however, are known, which point to a connection of tropical regions by land in tertiary times, independent of a polar route. The supposed ‘‘Atlantis ’’ connecting South America with Africa would also have connected it eastwardly with Asia and Oceania. The humble and despised snails thus become among the most important evidences of geological changes and conditions of the land, climate, etc., in the past history of the globe. Being terrestrial and easily fossilized when of moderate thickness, they furnish evidence not supplied by any other class of fossils, while their persistency of types is shown by the close resemblance of the carboniferous species to modern tropical forms. One species at least, which still lives in the Eastern States, is found only fossil in England (in Pliocene or later strata) like the trees found under similar conditions, and careful examination of fossil forms on both continents will no doubt show™ other curious coincidences. It may be mentioned also that genera of abundant occurrence in the Eastern States have a few representatives in Europe and Asia, as they have on this Coast. Hyery fact like this tends to prove that their former migrations have not been to the east or west, but from a common northern centre toward the south. On Shelis of the West Slope of North America. No: LL: BY J. G. COOPER, M. D. Genus Henrx Linn. A very thorough investigation of the subject with the aid of all the light afforded by the works of Pfeiffer, etc., has brought me to the conclusion that the Linnean type of Helix must be a form very different from Pomatia, and probably including the Californian banded forms. After excluding Planorbis, a prior genus, Pythia, and perhaps others, not agreeing with the diagnosis, the first Linnean helicoid land-shell is H. lapicida. Al- though this does not agree well with the diagnosis in form, it has been shown by Morch to be of the same genus, as to the soft parts, lingual teeth, etc., as H. arbustorum, aud probably H. Hispana, which are typical in form, and were *See Vol. III, pp. 62, 259, 294, 331, IV, 92, 150, 171, V, 121, 172, and Amer. Jour. Conch. Zz ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 15 placed by Linnwus in about the middle of the series, H. lapicida representing indeed their carinated condition. Furthermore, Pfeiffer only quotes Edition XII, for ‘‘H. Pomatia,’’ while the genus Helix was founded in the Systema Nature, Ed. X. Other species have been subsequently adopted by authors as the type, but the laws of nomenclature seem to require that the first-named, or most typical and well-known species of the author, should be considered his generic type. 4H. lapicida occurs in Sweden, but none of those adopted by southern authors do so. Each of the latter seems to have taken a form used as food or medicinally, but less known to Linneus. Until Hanley identified the Linnean types of species, two of them were even supposed to have been unknown to him! We may therefore give: 1. HA. lapicida (or H. arbustorum) as type of Linn. , 2. H. grisea L. (=‘‘aspersa Miill.’’ Hanley) as type of Risso. 3. H. PematiaL. (Syst. Nat. Ed. XIT) as type of Fitzinger. 4. H. lucoruml. (=‘‘lactea Mill.”’ Hanley) as type of Swainson. Thus it becomes necessary to consider H. lapicida the Linnean type, and Arionta arbustorum as subgeneric, though Mérch has placed them in the contrary positions. As to H. Hispana there seems to be some doubt, as it was not recognized by Hanley among the types, and the description is not full enough. Tf, however, it is the H. umbilicaris Brum., it is the type of Campylea Beck, which probably includes part of the Californian species, formerly placed by me in Lysinoe (Aglaia part, auct.). It,comes nearly between ‘‘H. fidelis ”’ and “‘ H. Dupetithouarsi.”” C. setipila Ziegl. is placed next to H. Mormonum by Pfeiffer, and retains its bristles permanently, dike var. Hillebrandi. Besides the 1-banded or fillet-banded series like ours, there is another in Europe with 3 or 4 bands, which seems a passage to the § Pentatenie to which Pomatia, etc., belong. Compare also ‘‘ H. peliomphalia’’ Pf. and H. Simode Jay, of Japan, H. Middendorjii Gerst. Amoor R., H. jaspidea Pf. and H. Patasensis Pf., Andes, Peru. Species are included in Campylea that are subangled, (e. g. C. Banuatica Partsch, and cingulella Ziegl.) thus approaching lapicida, which is said by Mérch sometimes to ‘have four bands like its allies,’’ but he may confound two species in this case. One, C. Raspailli Payr. is imperforate.* *I am indebted to Dr. Newcomb for the use of numerous Conchological books. Theshell figured by Chenu (Manuel, I, p. 461) as ‘‘Macrocyclis (Vallonia) pulchella Miill.,” is a species of Campylea much like Mispana (umbilicaris) or cornea. The error probably arose from the confusion by some authors of Corneola (type pulcheila) with Campylea (corned) . “ Helix peregrina (Bosc) quoted by Bland & Binney (Pulmonata Geophila, 186), from ‘‘the islands on the west coast of America,’ is probably Gmelin’s species of same name, which Pfeiffer has shown to be probably the same as the ‘‘H. octona’’ Chemn. (not of Lam.), Stenogyra octona of B. & B. p. 282, quoted by Pfeiffer as from West Indies, Guatemala, West Columbia, Pacific Is. (Opara, etc.) Chemnitz no doubt mistook it for the Linnean H. octona. and Gmelin rectified this by calling it peregrina, which name probably belongs to the West Indian shell, not in Mex. or Cal. In Pfeiffer’s synonymy is also Achat. Panamensis Muhlf. Mss., not Bulimus Panamensis Brod., but Dr. Newcomb tells me the Panama animal differs from the West Indian, and also considers those of the Pacific Islands distinct. 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA The name Lysinoe proves also inapplicable to our species, being only a sub- stitute for Aglaia, of which the type, H. Axdouinii, is quite different. The Mexican species, Ghiesbreghti, adopted as typical, has been made a type of the new subgenus Odontura, Crosse & Fischer. On the whole, the most scientific plan seems to be to consider the West Coast banded forms as belonging to subgenera of Helix, and to include them under that name. There are about ten species on this slope, however, which seem to differ enough in the shells alone to be separated generically, besides Patula, Macrocyclis, Hyalina, ete., which differ both in shell and soft parts. Subgenus ARIONTA. H.ramentosa Gld. = reticulata Pf. Dr. Newcomb informs me that the types sent by him to both these authors were from Mission Peak, 25 m. 8. E. of Oakland, Cal. The former name has several months’ precedence in description, the latter being merely a variety of it, and both are probably varieties of Californiensis, with which they are connected by the subglobular form figured as H. Bridgesii by Binney & Bland (Pulm. Geoph. 169, f. 294). A very small Oakland specimen is 0.85 by 0.60 inch. Another exactly resembles the Monterey var. in form (vincta). Among the collections of the Geol. Survey of Cal. in 1860, were some Helices, encrusted with lime from a tufa-spring, nearly 14 inch thick, and supposed to be fossils. I softened the crust in dilute acid, and scaled it off from a perfect specimen of this species, retaining epidermis, band, etc., others being more or less kleached. The locality was ‘‘ Sergeant’s Ranch,”’ about 25 m. N. E. of Monterey (where it is replaced by the vars. vincta and nemorivaga). The form of H. arbustorum from Switzerland, called H. Repellini Charp., seems to represent this var. in Europe. Compare ‘‘ H. lutacea’’ Pf. Noy. Conch. I. 120, pl. 34 f. 1 (bandless var.?). H. arrosa var. Holderiana. Specimens found on the east side of San Francisco Bay, along the first range of hills opposite the Golden Gate, for 15 miles N. and §., have the color and seven whorls of typical arrosa, but in form and sculpture approach ramentosa, being examples of the law of inferior development in a warmer climate, retaining characters of the young of the type. They measure 1.05 to 1.28 by 0.60 to 0.75 inch. The first specimen, found several years since by Mr. W. W. Holder, was considered a variety of exarata, being imperfect and faded. Dr. Newcomb identifies it as his ‘‘ var. of ramentosa with seven whorls,’’ mentioned in Amer. Jour. Conch., but I cannot yet see cause for uniting a7rosa with that series. Iam, however, less certain about evarata and arrosa being distinct, having found specimens exactly intermediate in the Coast Range 25 m.S. of San Francisco. They do not, however, appear to mix at Santa Cruz, where both occur, with varieties of Californiensis. The animal of exarata differs also in being reddish, not smoky-gray, more slender, with longer tentacles, foot narrower, more pointed behind. H. arvosa var. Stiversiana. A specimen obtained from Dr. Stivers, col- lected in Marin or Sonoma Co., has but 64% whorls, and dimensions agreeing with Lea’s figure of ‘‘ Nickliniana,”’ viz.: 1.05 by 0.70. It has, however, numerous ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. LG impressed grooves on the body whorl, parallel to the suture, asin Townsendiana, fidelis, etc. Others from Point Reyes, Marin Co., are similar, with only 6 whorls. This is possibly Lea’s original ‘‘ Nickliniana,’’ which was ‘‘longi- tudinally strite,’’ but the striz are not mentioned by later describers, and the ‘*5 whorls, whitish, mottled, paler beneath, size 90 by 70, locality San Diego,’’ of Lea, cannot be made to apply to it. Mr. Carlton received specimens from Sonoma Co. (Healdsburg?) with the same revolving grooves, but more like var. Holderiana. The animal of arrosa is smoky-gray, about twice as long as the width of shell, coarsely granulated, the tips of granulations paler; eye-pedicles % of total length. Foot very broadly expanded, nearly three times the width of body, its margins flattened above. One from east of San Leandro is a typical small arrosa. H.tudiculata Binn. This species approaches the coast farther north than before reported, being found in considerable numbers in the bottom land of Santa Clara River, six miles east of San Buenaventura, where it lives in colonies near a colony of H. Traskii, but without any intermingling of the two species. I found one which had been injured when half-grown, and after- wards formed another whorl without a band, showing that this variety is the result of disease. They grow only half their greatest size there, it being rather too dry a climate, but the first locality south of Monterey in which a valley runs direct to the ocean from the Sierra Nevada, where they are more perfect. Two species of Succinea seem to have followed the same outlet to near the coast. (See notes hereafter.) These shells come very near ‘‘ Nickliniana’’ Lea. A tracing of his figure laid over Binney & Bland’s fig. 287 (var. ‘‘cypreophila’’), agrees almost exactly, but Lea’s description appears mixed with a var. of Californiensis (and of Kellettii ?). H. Kellettii Fbs. and vars. In the descriptions of vars. Tryoni and crebristriata (Proc. Cal. Acad. III, 116), forms are mentioned as sometimes larger, angled, or with lips enormously thickened and connected by a thick callous deposit on the parietal wall. I found these on the islands to which the two varieties mentioned are now confined, the fossils of the two being undistinguishable, except that those of var. crebristriata have the tubercle of var. Tryoni even more developed than in the living form of the latter (which does not now exist on the same island), while those of var. Tryoni have the ‘ deep striz of crebristriata well developed. These were among the proofs on which I considered ‘‘ H. Tryoni’’ a var. of Kellettii in a former article. In the Journ. de Conchyl. for 1861, Pl. VIII, f. 12-16, are represented fossils from Algeria bearing similar relations to species now living there. Crosse also notices their similarity to the living H. dentiens of the West Indies (belonging to the subgenus Dentellaria, apparently not very different in animal from Helix § Arionta). This, together with other Algerian species, both recent Proc. Cau. AcaD. Sci., Vou. VI.—2. 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA and fossil, closely resembling West Indian forms, as well as some of the Canary and Azores Islands, he considers good evidence of the exist- ence of the connecting land ‘‘Atlantis’’ within tertiary periods at least. The cireum-tropical existence of this northern group is, however, to be ex- plained in another way by a southward migration, as I have more fully shown in another paper. The repetition of forms with very thick lips, in different longitudes, on islands between latitudes 35° and 30°, is rather the conse- quence of the excessive development of shell in mild foggy climates, on islands, especially, where lime abounds. The animals may differ very much, as shown by those with similar shells, from New Caledonia described by Crosse & Fischer. The Algerian fossils no doubt lived when the Sahara was an inland sea, and Algeria a group of islands, the later rise being possibly at the time ‘‘Atlantis ’’ sunk. Our fossil island varieties also show the effects of a former moister and warmer climate, perhaps pliocene. As might be expected, the Algerian shells belong to a different subgenus, forming a gradual series from the toothless Tachea lactea, Mull. (‘‘=lucorum L.,”’ Hanl.) to one and four-toothed Dentellarian forms, and some of, the fos- sils retain the characteristic five bands of the § Pentatenie. Our island Helices also connect with the Lower Californian many-banded areolata, etc., which much resemble lactea, etc., but according to Morch, Tachea is a subgenus of the carinated genus [berus (type Gualteriana L.) As partial evidence of the greater antiquity of our fossil forms, we may note that numerous eastern species found fossil in the Mississippi valley Quater- uary strata, do not differ from those now inhabiting the surrounding regions. In that case, therefore, there may have been no great change of climate. The angled form of Kellettii, found fossil, is the link connecting our ‘‘Ar- ionta-form’’ species with the ‘‘ Chilotrema-form”’ lapicida, and with the angled forms of the next group. Subgenus CAMPYLAA. (?) H. Mormonum Pe. In their splendid work on the Land Mollusca of Mexico, and also in the Journ. de Conchyl. XXI, 1873, 263, Messrs. Crosse & Fischer give as a locality, ‘‘Sonora, Mex., Dr. Frick.”” This is undoubtedly amistake arising from specimens collected by him at Sonora, Tuolumne County, Cal., where he informed me himself that he found it common, as well as at Columbia, near the same place, localities noted for the marble and lime mentioned by me in other articles. Lest other foreign authors may - suppose this shell to be from Utah, I may state that the original locality, ‘‘ Mormon Island,” is a rocky islet in the American River, Cal., 70m. N. N. W. of the town of Sonora, and on the same Limestone belt.* The animal of H. Mormonum, (Pioneer Cave, El Dorado Co., J. G. C.), is long and slender, semi-cylindrical, foot not projecting much behind, flattened, *In the same works the anthors repeat the error of locality for H. Pandore, viz: ‘‘ Santa Barbara, Cal.,” though it has been several times exposed. They also redescribe Nassa fos- sata, Gld.. as ‘NV. Morleti, Crosse, Habitat unknown.” J. de C., 1868, 169, Pl. VI, f. 3. \ ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 19 wedge-shaped. Color dark brown, tentacles darker. Surface thickly studded with paler tubercles very regularly arranged in front, less so behind the shell. A deep furrow at upper edge of foot, which spreads to twice the width of the body, forming a sharp edge all around. Head obtusely rounded, tentacles long and slender. It resembles that of H. Traskii most nearly, differing much from the others nearest allied in their shells. A remarkably flat variety of H. fidelis, found by Mr. Harford at Dalles, Oregon, is so much like forms of this species as to suggest that they are of a common origin. If the animal proves to be intermediate in colors, it will show that they are only varieties of one species, but so far as known, the animals are more distinct than usual in shells no nearly allied. H. Traskii Newe. Specimens from near San Buenaventura, where it abounds in moist bottom lands, have the young shell bristly up to the growth of four whorls, but the adult shows no trace of this. The animal has the form of that of var. Diabloensis (figured in Proc. Phil. Acad. 1872), but differs in paler purplish (not slaty) tint, and tubercles tipped with white, probably only a more southern variation. The young shell is also distinctly subangled, though not always to the same degree, some being far flatter above than others. Out of over fifty adult shells, one measures 1.30 by 0.60 inch, looking like a pale H. fidelis, with but 644 whorls. I found them to bein the habit of climbing small willow trees in a swamp up to a height of 12 feet. Dr. Yates has found var. Diabloensis in Colusa Co., 100 miles north of Mt. Diablo, near Cache Creek, the outlet of Clear Lake, inhabiting only the eastern ridges of the coast ranges as farther south. Also near Calistoga, Napa County. The supposed hybrid mentioned by me in these Proceedings, III, 331, is the type of this form. H. fidelis var. infumata Gld. In a former article, I have stated that specimens from Humboldt Bay are intermediate between the northern and southern shells; also suggesting that the latter might sometimes show the normal bands of the group. I have verified this suggestion by finding a young faded specimen two miles east of Oakland, in which the darker band is quite distinct just above the angle, on several upper whorls, the light marginal ‘‘ fillets ’’ also showing above and below it. This specimen is also roughly ribbed and clouded above, exactly as in H. lapicida for which it might be taken if found in Europe. Tt will be observed from the description of the colors of the animal here given, that they resemble those of /fidelis. All the species analogous to ** Campylea’’ differ much more in animals, as well as in shells, than the ** Arionta’’ group. This is connected with their extensive range in latitude, while the latter are limited to more constricted circles, as shown in the article on the ‘‘ Law of Variation.” The animal is black, with brick-red tubercles, conspicuous even to the end of the tentacles, the furrows of the back not quite symmetrical, except one on each side of the median dorsal line. Mantle edge smoky gray. Length twice the diameter of shell; height of body half the breadth of foot. Form and tentacles more slender than in the polished species; tail sharper. The 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA slender elongated form is always connected with many whorled species, having a rather narrow aperture in the shell. Specimens from Alameda Canon, about lat. 37° 30’, its most southern known range, have the scaly epidermis as much developed below as above. As in bristly species this roughening seems to aid in concealing the shell by retaining a coating of mud. Mr. G. W. Dunn has found many of this species on the branches of Buckeye trees (sculus) near Baulines Bay, showing another resemblance to its ally H. fidelis. Dr. Yates has found it near Calistoga, Napa Co. I have also found banded young of all ages under the loose bark, up to 20 feet above the root of a dead tree, at Haywards. Glyptostoma Newberryana W.G.Binn. In the Amer. Jour, of Conch. V, 190, Bland & Binney call this a ‘‘ true Helix,’’ but from their de- scription of jaw and teeth merely prove that it is neither a Macrocyclis nor a Zonites. Since then they have made it the type of a subgenus Glyptostoma, from the grooves in aperture, According to the Agassizian rule, the external form of the shell is enough to separate it from the same sub-family with any type of Helix. The animal differs materially also as follows: ‘Length 14% times the width of shell, spiracle just above middle of its back when creeping, only 4 inch from angle of aperture. Granulations very long and coarse, reticulately furrowed between, and one straight furrow running obliquely down from spiracle toward mouth on right side of body, about five furrows above, and five below it. A distinct furrow around flattened margin of foot, with branches connecting it with another close to edge. Tail flattened and obtusely wedge-shaped without mucous gland. Hye-pedicles nearly one- third of length of body, and like lower tentacles, finely granulated. Foot narrower than height of body. Color smoky gray, foot paler beneath, edge of mantle yellowish. The form of the animal is indeed almost the same as in our species of Macrocyclis (and this of course is connected with the similar form of the shell), but the external characters otherwise differ as well as the jaw and teeth. Genus Mersopon Raf. Rafinesque’s ‘‘General Account, etce.,’’ 1818, mentions as found in Kentucky, of ‘‘Helix four species,’’ while his descrip- tions of Mesomphix, etc., distinctly state that he considered the typical Helix imperforate, no doubt adopting the type of his friend Risso (and of Leach?), viz.: aspersa (=‘‘grisea L.’’ teste Hanl.) Taking W. G. Binney’s list of species of the ‘‘ Interior region,’’ it is easy to identify the four nearest to that type, viz.: albolabris, multilineata, Pennsylvanica, Mitchel- liana. His ‘‘ twelve species of Mesomphix’’ include some of Macrocyclis, Zonites (and Patula?); his ‘‘ Trophodon, ten species,’’ must include the ‘*Odotropis’’ of next year. Both are from the same Greek words, meaning “toothed whorl.’’ From his later ‘‘ Enumeration, etc.,’’ 1831, it appears that he divided T’rophodon into three groups, giving the name ‘‘ Mesodon, 1819,”’ to the first, though it is known only as a catalogue name, the M. leu- codon of that date. The description “Differs from Helix by lower lip ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 21 with atooth. ©. maculatum. Depressed, five spires, hardly striated, upper lip reflexed, tooth careniform. Fulvous with brown spots,’’ agrees best with multilineata, for he does not state that it has a tooth ‘‘on the spire,’’ as in Odotropis, but a ‘‘ careniform ”’ ridge on the lower (not ‘‘inner’’) lip. Thus Mr. Tryon’s statement that he figured albolabris as type in Mss. is intelligible, showing that the tooth referred to was not on the parietal wall as usually understood.* We must then suppose that he made the genus to include the species he before placed in Heltx. It appears most proper, if we adopt any of Rafinesque’s names, to use those published before 1825 in preference to later ones, invented after his mind became affected. His earlier writings are as clear as those of most naturalists of his time, and from his allusion in some places to unjust sup- pression of his descriptions in Europe, we may suppose he would have done better after 1825 but for his unhappy condition. On this account the name Odotropis having an excellent description given with it would be far preferable, if he had not unfortunately,omitted to mention a type species. As it is, it can only be used for a section, as done by me in 1868. As to the distinctness of this genus from Helix as defined before, there can be no doubt, and it is still more different from the Pomatia group. The large, typical species all differ definably in shell, jaw and lingual teeth, as well as in the form of the animal, which has the foot less expanded. The nearest approach to Helix, in shell, is seen in 0. multilineata and O. profunda, but their bands and jaws are quite different. As subgenera it includes Aplodon Raf., Polygyra Say?,t Stenostoma Raf., Triodopsis Raf., Dcedalocheila Beck. Mesodon Raf. only differs from Odotropis in absence of a parietal tooth and of umbilicus, and Ulostoma is synonymous with Mesodon, having a tubercle on the lower lip. Trophodon Raf. is doubtfully distinct, connecting Odotropis and Triodopsis, while Xolotrema includes only the imperforate species of the last, connecting it with Stenostoma. é The lip and teeth alone furnish only subgeneric characters, and the umbilicus is scarcely of specific value. While some of the above divisions approach nearer to Helia in internal characters, their shells are still more different. M. Townsendiana var. ptychophora A. D. Brown, Journ. de Conchyl. 1870, p. 392. =H. pedestris Gld. (part, animal excl. smooth var.) 1846. = H. Townsendiana var. Bland & Cooper, Ann. N.Y. Lye. VII, 362, and var. minor Tryon, Mon. Terr. Moll. of U. 5. Hab. Montana and Nebraska, Rocky Mts. It seems yet unsettled whether this species belongs to Arionta or Mesodon, and I have been unable to obtain living specimens for comparison. Mr. *Mesodon Raf. (1819?) 1831, type H. thyroidus Say, teste Ferussac (from specimens ?), albolabri steste Tryon from Raf. Mss. ‘‘ Type elevata Say,” teste Gray, but this was probably a type of Trophodon 1818, which differed in the ‘‘ upper lip notched.” Gray, however, fol- lowed the strictrule of adopting the first recognizable species named in Ferussac’s catalogue’ = Odomphium Raf, 1831 (umbilicate group of Mesodon). Raf.’s Mss. figure of ‘‘ M. leucodon thyroide”’ is certainly thyroidus, but called ‘‘ spotted,” and the trinomial term used indicates that it was not his original type. 7This name though anterior, is inapplicable to all the species. 22, PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA Binney’s latest work states that its lingual dentition differs from the other known Arionte, approaching the last-named genus. M.anachoreta W. G. Binn. Compare *‘ H. lesa Rve.’’ Conch. Icon. Helix, Pl. CCX, described as ‘‘ granulated, Hab. unknown.”’ Subgenus Apntopon Raf. ‘‘ Differs from the genus Helix by its rounded mouth, one-toothed columella, and umbilicus. One specimen in Kentucky, remarkable, A. nodosum. Three whorls of spire embossed, and lightly wrinkled concentrically beneath ’’ (Journ. de Physique, 1819). The rounded mouth also distinguishes it from Stenostoma* and there seems to be no species in Kentucky to which it can apply, except a variety of monodon, common in the west, retaining the embossing lett by the bristles of the young (Helix Leati Ward). That species forms a link between the subgenus Stenostoma and the more different group of Odotropis , to which I applied it in 1868. Our two species are so closely connected as to be hard to separate, and one, the germanda, has often, if not always, the internal tubercle characterizing most of the subgenus Stenostoma. They agree with O. monodon in fewer ribs on the jaw than in the type forms. Mesodon (Aplodon) Columbiana Lea. The uncertainty of the difference in the jaws of this species compared to that of germana (as described and figured by Bland & Binney in Ann. N. Y. Lyc. N. H. X, p. 304, pl. xiv, f. 2 and 4) is shown by jaws extracted by myself from shells that would prob- ably be all considered Columbiana by those authors. 1. A Sitka jaw is strongly arched, with eight broad ribs. 2. §S. F. specimens have nine or ten ribs, stronger, but narrower. 3. A Santa Cruz specimen (toothed and imperforate) has them similar, thus exactly filling the gap between B. & B.’s jaw of Columbiana with eight narrow ribs, and that of germana with eleven broader ones. The proportions they give for the soft internal organs are very unreliable, as aleohol produces very different forms in those of the same species, and they even differ in individuals with season and age (see Prophysaon). I am, therefore, compelled to consider germana as only a variety of Columbiana. This species has been found near Calistoga, Napa Co., by Dr. Yates, with Vancouverensis, infumata and Diabloensis, associated at no other locality. M. (Dedalochila) Harfordiana Cp.t I have heard of what was probably this species in the mountains east of *This name, used in 1818 and 1831, was evidently intended to include Stenotrema described in 1819, that name having been pre-occupied in 1815, and being as applicable to ‘‘ narrow umbilicus”’ as ‘‘narrow mouth.” Raf.’s type convexwm is prior to Ferussac’s name, and his manuscript was probably altered in Europe before printing. + Genus Gonosroma Held. This European form, type obvoluta, is connected with my Ammonitella Yatesti, by the ‘* Drepanostoma nautiliformis’”’ Porro, of Italy, but the three species are different enough, apparently, to form three subgenera. ‘‘ H. ammonitoides Rve.”’ of Australia, is still more like mine in the form of the mouth, but highly colored. The animals of all need thorough comparison, and also with similar concave shells from the Pacific islands. Those who unite mine to Helix should call it ‘‘ H. ammonttella Cp.,”’ there being a H. Yatesii Pfeiff. 1855. v ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 23 San Diego. Mr. Hemphill also informs me that he collected it in Idaho, thus approaching the range of allied polygyrella. Genus Patuna Held. Type ‘‘ H. radiata Penn.”’ (or ‘ H., alternata Say.,”’ teste Gray, Genera. ) This genus was founded on one of the group of ‘‘ Anguispira’’ Morse, a name used by me in the ‘‘West Coast Helicoid Land-Shells,’’ but according to Bland & Binney includes also P. Hornii’’ Gabb, and striatella Anth., with var. Cronkhitei Newc., though not the others I included in it. P. solitaria Say. Compare ‘‘ Helix Kochi’’ Pf. Monog. I, figured by Reeve, Icon. Pfeiffer places them close together, but the habitat was unknown. If the collector was the Dr. Koch of ‘‘Sea Serpent’? fame, he no doubt collected it in Osage Valley, Western Missouri, where he exhumed Mastodon bones. The figure looks like one of the varieties of solitaria. Patula pauper Moric. (not Gould) Alaska. ‘‘Helix ruderata’’ Stearns, Proc. Cal. Acad. III, 384 (mot of Studer). ‘* Patula ruderata ?’’ Cooper, Amer. Journ. Conch, V, 202. Genus Macrocycuts. The animal of the tropical type of this genus seems to need comparison with the northern forms. By strict rules, the name Mesomphix belongs to this group, the type being plainly concava, as shown by Ferussac. Me? “Helix” Beicheri Pfeiff. 1, Reeve, Icon. Compare this with the Alaskan form called ‘‘ Vancouverensis,’? but which seems different. The locality of Belcher’s specimen was unknown, but he visited that coast. M. Voyana Newe. Found rarely in Alameda County, by Dr. Yates and H. Hemphill, common and large near §. Diego. The animals show the fol- lowing differences: 1. Alameda Co. Dusky white, back purplish-brown, a distinct dark stripe on each side, running back from base of eye-peduncles, which are whitish- brown. 2. San Diego. Yellowish-white, middle of back, stripes and tentacles all pale slaty. 3. San Francisco specimens (called ‘‘ Vancouverensis’’) are darker yellow than the last, with no central or dark stripe. They thus agree closely with the description of the animal of A. concava by Dr. Binney, but differ much from that of Oregon Vancouverensis as described by him and by Dr. Newcomb, in Amer. Journ. of Conch. Vol. I. The animals of Alaska specimens, with a greener shell, are paler than all the others. M. Durantii Newe. = Patula Durantii of former papers. According to Bland & Binney this little species shows the same disregard for generic uniformity of size seen in Patula, Zonites, Hyalina, etc., and makes the terminal member of the series ou this coast represented by three or four species, regu- larly diminishing in size. I have lately found it in one spot (on limestone only), two miles from Oakland, so that its name, from the late President of the University of Cali- fornia, is more appropriate than when given (see these Proceedings, ITI, 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA 118). It was also found several years ago by Mr. Rowell, at Haywards, also in Alameda Co. I have not found it there, where, however, occur the following mollusea: HeliaCaliforniensis, typical, H. (var.) infumata, Triodopsis loricata, Mace. concava, and all the species without shells common to California. Punctum pygmeum Drap. This most minnte of our species has lately been found, also, near Haywards, by Dr. Yates. Suecinea lineata W. G. Binn. The specimens from Mojave River mentioned by me in Vol. IV, p. 151 as probably S. rusticana Gld., are more likely to be lineata, as I found this west of the first locality along Santa Clara River, down to within 8 m. of San Buenaventura. The animal is yellowish-white, paler beneath, eye-tentacles dark, with a dark line running back in the animal’s head from each. Shell honey-yellow, thick enough to hide the colors of animals. S. Sillimani Bland. The Mojave R. specimens mentioned with the above as S. NVuttalliana Lea, are probably the present species for the reason just mentioned, this having been found by me in the same swampy thickets. The animal is quite different from that of the last, being lead-color, paler beneath, but showing also the dark lines in and behind tentacles. The shell is greenish, and so thin that the viscera show through it, but is nearly always so encrusted with mud as to partially conceal it. I have noticed the same habit in S. Stretchiana, the mud being evidently plastered on in ridge-like layers by the animal itself. Hyalina arborea Say. Not rare with the Succineas, the only place where I have found it near the level of the sea in Southern California. Con- stant moisture and summer fogs, are found in few other locations southward. Genus Propuysaon Bland & Binney, 1873, type ‘‘P. Hemphilli’’ B. & B., Ann. N. Y. Lye. X, 293-297, Pl. XIII. The authors remark that they had only compared alcoholic specimens with my description and figure of ‘‘ Arion Andersonii’’ (Proc. Phil. Acad. 1872, 148, pl. III, f. F). I have compared their description and figure with alcoholic specimens of my species, and find that the differences mentioned by them are caused chiefly by the contraction by the alcohol. The distinct locomotive disk, minute caudal pore, and position of generative orifice, all become changed as described bythem. The jaw figured by them differs only in being immature, and in some of the ridges being consolidated, thus showing eight single and six double ones, making twenty, as given by me. This difference, with other possible distinctions in color in fresh specimens, may be sufficient to separate their species by the name of P. Hemphilli. Mine is, however, of the same genus, and though I had before suggested a name for it in Mss., I am willing to adopt Prophysaon Andersonii. It is not unlikely that the Oregon animal may be the ‘‘Avion foliolatus’’ Gld., still imperfectly known. My species is common in winter along the large creeks east of San Francisco Bay. Ariolimae-Californicws Cp. In the dry season these animals crawl down into deep fissures made by the sun in some soils, or hide on the northern exposure of catons on streams, in cellars, etc., where some can be ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 25 found all summer within ten to twenty miles of the coast. Ata place near Oakland where the kitchen-refuse of part of the town is dumped, near a swampy spot, they come out in hundreds to feed on the rotten vegetables, etc., emerging about 4 p.m. up to June, when fogs prevailed, but not until sunset in August. A few L. campestris inhabit the same spot, but remain in the wet grass only. A. niger Cp. This, described with P. Andersonii, I have since found once near Cypress Point, Monterey, as well as in several places within the range given before. Near Oakland it does not appear until the ground is well soaked with rain, about November, and deposits its eggs in December to February. It does not occur in gardens, but in uncultivated oak-groves on clay lands. “A. Hemphilli W. G. Binn., lately described from Niles Station, Alameda Co., seems externally only like a pale var. of A. niger. Limax (Amalia) Hewstoni Cp. In our Proceedings IV, p. 151, 1871, I referred to this as ‘‘another new species of Limacide,’’ being uncer- tain whether it might not be imported, as I found it only in San Francisco. It certainly agrees nearly with the too brief description of L. Sandwichensis as well as the figure, in Voyage of the Bonite, II, p. 497, Pl. 28, f. 8, but comparison of living specimens will be necessary. Mr. Binney in Ann. N. Y, Lye. XI, 22, states that specimens of an Amalia were sent to him by Mr. Hemphill from Los Angeles, and though differing in its dentition, thinks it indicates that the genus is native to California. I am more inclined to think some species has also been introduced there with orange trees, grape vines, or otherwise. My reason is, that I have searched carefully for these animals in Southern California since 1871, and found only Limax campestris, which is common near San Buenaventura, and occurs south to San Juan Capistrano, while I found none in the mountains or valleys near San Diego, and no other one at Los Angeles. ; This species has apparently succeeded in establishing itself in spots on the east side of 8. F. Bay, where the climate is much drier than in the city. I have found it only in one very damp garden in Oakland, and in some 12 miles east of there, while outside of cultivated gardens, even where always moist, it does not occur. Alexia (myosotis var.?) setifer Cp. Since my first notice of this species, it has been nearly exterminated in Mission Creek, by street cross- ings and obstructing the tidal flow, so that I have lately found it only in one spot near the mouth. It may, however, remain more scattered in Mission Bay, though so exceedingly tender that it has died in every other locality where I have tried to colonize it. The name givenin Vol. V, p. 172, as ‘‘ Melampus ciliatus’’ should be Auricula ciliata Moricand. Ancylus crassus Hald? A specimen received from Humboldt River, Nev., by Dr. Yates, appears to be a thin variety of this, approaching ‘‘ A, Kootaniensis’’ Baird, and thus counecting the latter with former, as I doubtfully placed them in these Proceedings, IV, 101, 1870. 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA On p. 174 of same volume, I referred specimens from Spokan River to A. patelloides Lea, by mistake for A. crassus. Gundlachia Californica Rowell. Two specimens found by me in a little sandy rivulet at Baulines Bay, appeared to be merely the common Ancylus fragilis, but some months after, in taking out the animal, I found that one had a ‘‘deck’’ covering nearly its whole aperture, exactly as in the *‘voung of (7. Stimpsoniana’’ figured by S. Smith in the Ann. N. Y. Lyc. May, 1870. The other, though exactly similar above, is an Ancylus below! That from Merced Falls, mentioned in our Vol. IV, p. 154, differs in being much smaller and paler, as were the Ancyli found with it. Mr. Smith states that the animal of his was exactly like that of Ancylus fuscus, and Dr. Stimpson described the dentition as similar also, to that of A. rivularis. These facts seem to show that the forms called Gundlachia are only modifications of Ancyli, analogous to the thickening of lip observed in Physas that survive a winter or a dry season. Some individuals, better nourished than others, secrete so much shell as to nearly enclose themselves in their first year’s shell. In the following year they may continue to form shell, and thus make a two-storied Gundlachia from a one-storied Ancylus. Thus we see why the specimens of the former so much resemble those of the latter found with them, in the respective localities of each so-called species. Limnophysa Binneyi Tryon. Many specimens of this fine species were found by Mr. Dunn at the Cascades of the Columbia, with a Physa, apparently a large var. of P. diaphanda. Pomatiopsis intermedia Tryon. Found once near Clear Lake by Dr. Yates, and by mein a small spring near Saucelito, Marin Co., the last proved by the animal. Bythinella Binneyi Tryon. Ihave found what I suppose to be this near the summit of ‘‘ Black Mountain,’’ Santa Clara Co., over 1,500 ft. alt., in a cold mountain rivulet. Others from branches of Alameda Creek found by Dr. Yates, differ entirely in the animal from that of Pomatiopsis, but it externally resembles closely that of Amnicola, of which this is scarcely more than a subgenus. Cochliopa Rowellii? Tryon. Two fossil specimens from post-pliocene beds near Green Valley, Contra Costa Co., are so much like this species, as figured, that it may still exist in California, even though found at Panama also, as Mr. Tryon believes, from specimens received. Several Central American fresh-water shells seem to be identical with the northern, and a Tropical American Pompholyx is described as closely resembling that of California. Hydrobia Californica Tryon. After long search I have found specimens of a true Hydrobia in a very limited station at the head of a brackish creek on the south side of ‘‘Lake Peralta,’’ Oakland, where they occur on floating sticks. The shell described by me in Proce. Acad. Se. Phil. 1872, as Assiminea Californica ‘Tryon,’ and mentioned in these Proceedings, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. ye IV, 173, is quite distinct, and inhabits the outlet of the same creek abundantly, 14 mile lower down. They must be distinguished as follows: A. Californica Cooper (Tryon in part?). Dark horn-brown, shining, acute, whorls rapidly increasing, and flattened on spire, a slight parietal callus, not connecting lips. Animal whitish, tentacles and muzzle tinged black, a rufous patch on top of head, its foot ovate, twice as long as shell; tentacles oculiferous, two. HA. Californica Tryon (emend., figure and part of description). Shell nearly white, translucent, rough, rather obtuse, whorls slowly increasing, and very convex, mouth suboyate, lip nearly continuous, leaving a slight notch in umbilical region. Animal white, top of head and tentacles (four) yellowish, a black jaw (?), visible in proboscis. which is very extensible; foot with pointed lateral lobes in front spreading sideways, tapering to a long acute point behind, tentacles long and sharp, the eyes at their base; foot 174 times the length of shell—proboscis half its length, tentacles about as long. The animal of Hydrobia is much more active than that of the former, and easily observed in a bottle of water taken from its peculiar station. Reeutar Meretine, Fresruary 15ru, 1875. The President and Vice-Presidents being absent, Mr. Stearns was called to the chair. Eighteen members present. Donations to the Museum: From Mrs. F. F. Victor a collec- tion of shells from Modoe Lake, on the northern border of Cali- fornia. Henry Hemphill donated sundry reptiles and crusta- ceacez, (not identified); from W. Russel a mole-cricket; from Dr. Kellogg a specimen of Pinus muricata from Santa Cruz, illustrat- ing the enlarged umbos when much exposed to the winds of the coast, also cones of Pinus monophylla, one of the most nutritive and delicious of all the pifiones. From F. Gruber, the follow- ing birds: Perdix cinerea, or Kuropean Field Partridge; Ampelis garrulus, or wax wing; Alauda brachydactyla, or Crossbill; Fring- illa Coccothraustes, or Grosbeak; Oriolus galba, or Golden Oriole. The Secretary read a paper from Professor George Davidson, as follows: 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA Abrasions of the Coast of Japan. BY GEORGE DAVIDSON. In approaching the coast of Japan on the voyage from San Francisco, there is opportunity for seeing but a very few miles near the southern eastern point of the entrance to to the Gulf of Yedo. This we made before daylight, and so far as I could make it out, there was no feature resembling the well marked terraced points and capes met with on the northwest coast of North America. The surface features of the coast are nevertheless well marked and distinctive, reminding one of parts of the Pacific coast of Mexico, and of parts north of latitude forty, except the absence of the heavily timbered slopes and summits. On the coast of Japan the hills rise steeply to elevations reaching - two and three thousand feet, and are either cultivated or covered with a dark green chapparal, with occasional limited masses of small timber. There are no indications of broad deep valleys, but mostly of short narrow valleys with sharply sloped sides. Aiter entering the Gulf of Yeddo the only terraces I could detect are at Cape Canon, on the western side about twelve miles south of Yokohama, and at a the part of the Gulf where a moderately sharp contraction of the width of the Gulf takes place. At this point are exhibited some of the characteristics of the terraced points off our Pacific Coast. The coast-liné is of quite recent formation; the stratification somewhat distorted, and has a moderately large inclination; but the surface of the contracted terraces is parallel with the sea- level, and has evidently been planed off by the Glacier which moved along the face of the sloping higher land. On the surface of these terraces lies a thin layer of soil which is cultivated. Upon leaving Yokohama for Nagasaki I had another opportunity of ex- amining this terrace and confirming my previous judgment. Thence to 06 Sima, the coast line was passed in the night time until we made Ise Bay, where the high, broken and dark outline of the coast hills is seen. Every hillside is covered with dark green chapparal and small timber; the hills reach two thousand feet elevation and give no indications of extended valleys. Skirting along this coast in moderately thick weather we saw no terraced shores until we neared the promontory off which lies the island of 06, with its lighthouse, in latitude 32° 25°. Here were unmistakable evidences of ter- raced coast line, not in one or two cases, but for miles to the northeast of 06 Sima (a), and especially in the island itself. The single terrace of this island is very well marked parallel to the sea-level, and is about 100 feet above the water. When abreast of it several slightly projecting terraced points are seen along the coast to the northeastward, and also on the coast immediately abreast of the island. But I did not see the terraced lines along the north- (a) Sima = Island. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 29 west coast line of this promontory, even in the vicinity of O6 Sima. Bad weather and night shut in further opportunity. This promontory forms the eastern shores to the eastern entrance to the great strait, called the inland sea of Japan, through which we passed for two hundred and fifty miles, enjoying some of the most enchanting views I have ever seen, reminding me forcibly of the great inland waters from Puget Sound to the Chilkaht River, but enlivened by hundreds of junks and fishing vessels; shores lined with villages; steep hillsides terraced for cultivation to heights of neazly one thousand feet, wherein the numerous terrace walls would certainly form a total height of four hundred feet, as I have verified here. Some of the passages are tortuous, narrow and deep—through high islands or between steep fronted capes. Cultivation on every spot where even five hundred square feet and less can be terraced. No heavy timber; sparsely distributed patches of small timber; large growth of chapparal on the higher and steeper parts of the hills. The mountains rise to elevations of probably 3,000 feet, but the average height of the outline will be about one thousand feet. Again no indications of valleys except of the most limited character. I looked in vain through all these shores for signs of terrace formation. So along the outer coast and through the islands from Simonoseki strait to Naga- saki, the hills preserved their characteristic outlines and shapes, except Table Mountain, fifteen hundred feet high and lying a few miles west of Naga- saki. Here I have had ample opportunity to judge of the general geological char- acter of the country. It is of the most recent formation, has been violently distorted by pressure from below, and then eroded into its present irregular surface. I have looked occasionally for local traces of glacial action in some of the harder materials, but failed to satisfy myself beyond doubt. But of the glacial action at Cape Canon, and at O6 Sima, and the adjacent coast, I have no doubt whatever; but in both cases I could trace but one ter- race, and that at O6 Sima had an elevation of one hundred feet. I have communicated this short note to the Academy as an additional evi- dence to what I have already given of the abrasions of coast line by the action of glaciers bordering them. The Secretary also read a paper from Professor Davidson, as follows: ‘Note on the Probable Cause of the Low Temperature of the Depths of the Ocean. BY GEORGE DAVIDSON. In my first note upon the ‘‘ Abrasions of the Continental Shores of North- west America, and the supposed Ancient Sea Levels,’’ I attributed these abrasions to the action of a great body of ice contiguous to the whole line of our coast, and which moved along the coast line either by the combined forces 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA of ocean currents and the pressure of the greater masses from the northward; or as part of the great ice sheet that covered the continent and moved slowly southward. As a glacial mass it extended seaward many miles, as indicated by its action upon the islands which I therein named. And it seems not only possible, but highly probable, that this great ice sheet not only covered and bordered the continent, but that it projected far into the oceans; and not improbably may have occupied a large part thereof ! We know its effect in the terracing of the rocky coast of Northwest America; and in cutting the channels through the Santa Barbara Islands; and still further, I believe we see other effects of its existence and extent in the present nearly ice-cold temperature of the great depths of the ocean! The theory which attempts to account for that low temperature by the transfer of Arctic waters to the depths of ocean utterly fails in the case of the Northern Pacific Ocean, where the narrow contracted throat of Behring Strait not only could not give egress to such a volume of cold water in millions of years, but is actually the channel for the passage of the Kamschatka branch of the Japan warm stream into the Arctic basin. A small thread of the Arctic waters does pass through Behring Strait, but it is of very limited section, for the strait itself has a section of only thirty miles in width by twenty-five fathoms in depth. The more that I have looked at the discussions of the theory of the inter- charging heated surface waters of the equatorial regions with the cold waters of the Arctic basin, the more strongly I am convinced of its weakness and insufficiency. And in searching for the cause of the nearly ice cold waters of the ocean depths, the proved former existence of the great ocean coast ice belt, and probably of ice masses occupying the high northern and south- ern areas of the oceans, have seemed to me sufficient to account for the low temperatures which deep sea explorations have proven to exist. Dr. Kellogg read a paper describing the different varieties of Kucalyptus, with their characteristics. Different Varieties of Eucalyptus, and their Char- acteristics. (Letter to Mr. Ellwood Cooper, of Santa Barbara.) BY DR. A. KELLOGG. According to promise, I collate a few brief notes on Hucalypti.* As you have Dr. Mueller’s work I need not quote from it, but give such information as can be obtained from other sources. For the medical properties of extracts, etc., I refer you to the Doctor. I wish to say, first, that I know of but two trees (which now occur to me) that are perfectly proof against the Teredo navalis, or pile-borer of tide water, * There are one hundred and thirty-five species. A long time may elapse before a thorough knowledge of these and their numerous varieties are fully known. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. aa or their like. These are the Palmetto (Chamerops palmetto) of our southern coast, and the Yarrah of Australia. There are doubtless many more. (?) Tf at any time you visit the city, we shall take great pleasure in showing specimens of timber that have been tested, now in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences (of which your correspondent is Director in charge). So that no one need take second-hand opinions, or the [pse dizit of any one writer, author, or personal friend. This much is due, by way of introduction. And further, we need to be cautioned against considering that any one knowsit all. Much experience and careful experimentis yet requisite ; I trust, however, that thorough tests of all timbers, native and cultivated, will, ere long, be made, either at our State University or the Academy. If Iam right, the common Eucalyptus globulus (of which you ‘cultivate so much) is not an Australian Gum at all, but Tasmanian—New Zealand has none; if wrong in this impression, I will write again. L. globulus is greatly infested by beetle borers when transplanted into parks in Australia. We have a specimen badly eaten by the Teredo, but the card attached omits to name the species. E. rostrata.—This is the famous Yarrah (or by corruption, Jarrah of some. It should be noted that this name is applied by the natives, and vulgarly, to almost any tree). This specimen is also called Flooded Gum, Red Gum, or White Gum—described as a striking object on the landscape—so wild and picturesque ; its huge, gnarled or coiled branches—shining bark of white or light red—contrasting with dark masses of foliage above, and glancing shad- ows below, produce peculiar scenic effects of the wildest forests, awakening the ideas of grandeur, as the lofty object lifts its signal flags high over all the trees; inspiriting the thirsty, weary and worn traveller from afar with the living assurances of water. This is the true species that has proven so perfectly proof against the white ant and beetle borers; and altogether impervious to the Teredo that infests the piles of our wharves. A specimen of this timber, presented by Mr. I. C. Woods of this city, has stood the best of actual trial, as here seen. This is also largely used for railway ties, etc. The wood is solid as iron; specific gravity 0.858 to 0.923 or variable, and does not always bear so good a chazacter—climate, soil, etc., have much to do with the quality of this and all timber, as we know full well. A large tree, along streams or adjacent to water. E. tereticornis.—Called Gray Gum, often Red Gum or Blue Gum, and some- times Bastard Box—a very variable species. Flowers generally seven in a cluster; seed box has a broad rim, the valves protruding. The wood is good for posts and rails, or as fuel—has a beautiful grain like oak—takes a fine polish, and whether exposed or not is durable. Used where the Iron Bark cannot be had. E. punctata.—This is mostly termed Hickory or Leather Jacket; has rather spreading habit; is exceedingly tough and durable; fine for fencing, railway sleepers, and for fuel. The rim of this seed-vessel is not so broad, nor valves so prominent; there are several varieties. E. Stuartiana var. longifolia, is the Yellow Gum; seldom 80 feet high; timber good; leaves very long; valves of seed-vessel not so prominent as the preceding; ay PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA wood only used for fencing or fuel; decays rapidly if exposed; easily killed by a wet season. E. viminalis.—This is the Manna; also Drooping; called also White Gum; yields manna, and is remarkable for its elegance; 150 feet high, 8 feet diameter; not much esteemed. The Gray Gum (£. saligna) sometimes mistaken for this, etc. E. dealbata is one of the so-called White Gums, about 50 feet, without branches, capped with dense foliage, covered with a white powdery bloom (easily rubbed off); bark of a purplish tinge when young, becoming brown with age; wood light color, too soft to be of general use; said to shed its bark every third year. E. albens is also one of the White Gums; 80 feet high, etc.; wood of little or no use. E. goniocalyx is one of the most useful; in some districts called Flooded Gum; in others, Blue Gum; chiefly found on rivers and creeks, and is also a forest tree. One mark of this species is the angular calyx—hence specific name; another, the short, flat peduncles (flower-stems) in umbels or clusters of seven flowers on short, thick stems; 80 feet or more, 7 feet diameter. Although the wood varies with soil, it is generally considered highly valuable ; several of the Blue Gums of catalogues belong to this species; a tree of rapid growth; specific gravity less than that of any other Gum. The timber is extensively used for building purposes, as scantling, battens, floors, posts and rails, ship’s planks, etc. Indicates good soil. £. dumosa—-the big chaparral bush so annoying to travelers. E. incrassaia is another of the small species that together constitute the Mallee Scrub; the natives sharpen and harden in hot embers for digger sticks, like metal; famous for ramrods, etc. E. uncinata is Dr. Mueller’s #. oleosa—still another of the above list of Mallee Scrub; the root runners retain a copious supply of pure water for the thirsty. E. hemastoma—Mostly known as White Gum, but in some districts the bark has gray patches; hence known as Spotted Gum; little esteemed for fuel or any other use. £, stellulata—This is the Mountain White Gum; in some districts the bark is lead-colored, hence named Lead Gum; 30 to 40 feet high, and 2 feet diameter; wood of no service, save for fuel; distinguished by veins or nerves that start near the base of the leaves, and run almost parallel to the midrib. E. coriacea—This is another of White Gums from the Blue Mountains; 40 to 80 feet; not much valued. E. radiata—The River White Gum (by some considered a variety of the Messmate or EL. amygdalina). This is a smooth tree with bark often hanging in long strips from the upper branches; it never grows away from water; 50 to 60 feet; timber not valued by the settler. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 38 E, eugenioides—The Mountain Blue Gum; 100 feet high, and much used by wheelwrights and carpenters, but is not equal to EL. goniocalyx, the Flooded or Blue Gum. E. gracilis is Dr. Mueller’s E. fruticetorum; a small tree or shrub of several varieties. ; : £. Saligna a Gray or Flooded Gum of rather drooping habit and no great size; in low grounds, near salt water; although a fine looking tree, sometimes 100 feet in height, the wood is inferior. E. maculata or Spotted Gum is one of the handsomest; 100 feet and upwards; well defined by its double lid and urn-shaped seed-vessel; some esteem it equal to the English oak, others regard it as fire-wood; used for staves and upper parts of railroad bridges, etc.; grows in poor soils, New South Wales and South Queensland. E. virgata—Styled Mount Ash (this name, I see, is given to #. amygdalina or Messmate in the Government Report of the Secretary for Agriculture of 1874). This is a fine tree, 120 feet high, growing on rocky mountain ridges; makes better staves, good shafts, and all common carpenter work, fences, etc. E. obtusiflora—An inferior kind of Box or Blackbut; has large flowers, and an ovid blunt seed-vessel; the wood is valueless. E. pilularis or Blackbut of South Queensland, Gipps Land and New South Wales, is one of the largest and most valuable species of the Gums. A tree of over 46 feet circumference 5 feet from the butt; 150 to the first limb. The wood is excellent for house carpentry, ship building, and, indeed, for any purpose where strength and durability are required; specific gravity 0.897: no species known bears a greater crushing strain in the direction of its fibre; it prefers good soil, and grows rapidly. E. acmenoides, or White Mahogany, is remotely allied to the above. E. Bicolor comprises several varieties, called Bastard Box or Yellow Box; this resembles the narrow-leaved variety of Iron Bark; has grey and white patches, hence the specific name; 80 to 100 feet high; when young, smooth above, or half-barked like the Box; older, nearly all the bark falls off; the wood is very hard, good for fencing, shafts, poles, cogs, etc.; exceedingly durable; heavy, but does not split well; as it does not sun-crack, it is es- teemed for spokes, weather boards, etc. E. hemiphloia is the well-known Box. In first-class repute for hardness, toughness and durability; burns brilliantly, and emits great heat, but it is attacked in the ground by dry rot and the white ant; specific gravity, 1.129; shafts, spokes, plough-beams, etc. Proc. Cau. AcaD. Sci., Vou. VI.—3. 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA E. longifolia, usually called Wooleybut, though in some districts called Peppermint,* on account of the oil of the leaves having that flavor. buds and seed-vessels small, eight, in axillary or lateral umbels. E. polyanthemos is a tree of moderate size called Lignum Vite, Poplar-leaved Gum, or Bastard Box; wood brown towards the centre; very hard and tough. E. pulverulenta and E. cinerea—Two varieties of small tree called Argyle Apple (being similar to Angophora subvelutina, or Apple of the Colonists). E. acmenioides or the White Mahogany; often mistaken for the Stringy Bark (2. obliqua, capitella, etc.), but the bark is not so fibrous, nor the leaves so oblique, whilst the specific gravity of the wood is much greater; found near the coast; timber useful for building purposes, palings, ete.; when nicely planed, has an ornamental appearance. E. robusta is the Swamp Mahogany, a very large tree; over 100 feet, and 5 diameter; in low marshy places; seed-vessel more than one-half an inch long, the capsule deeply sunk; in young trees the leaves are large and glossy. The wood is not considered durable, though people differ in opinion; used for cough furniture and inside work, ship-building, wheelwrights, and for mallets, ete. E. botryoides is the Bastard Mahogany of workmen; it grows in sandy places near the sea. A tree of gnarled and crooked growth of no great height; used for fuel, knees, etc., of vessels. E. resinifera, often called Red and Forest Mahogany; the-first name is taken from the color of the wood, the other from being found in forestsremote from the coast. The wood is very strong and durable, and is used extensively for fencing, beams, rafters and rough work; specimens of sound wood that had been fifty-four years in a church were taken down and sent to the Paris Exposition. E. corymbosa, or Bloodwood, from the color of the resin that exudes from between the concentric circles; inland species; 120 feet; for fences and fire- wood; of rapid growth; the wood is soft, especially in young trees; becomes * This we take to be the far-famed fire-proof shingle tree; sparks can only burn a hole through, but it will neither flame nor spread; splits to a charm. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 35 harder in age; said to stand well in damp ground; some affirm its great strength and durability; seeds winged. E. eximia is the Mountain Bloodwood; Bentham thought this species more nearly allied to EZ. maculata or Spotted Gum than to Bloodwood; flowers large, corymbose; the operculum or lid is double, the seed-vessel is urn-shaped, nearly an inch long; top of capsule deeply sunk. E. stricta is a shrubby species; fine linear leaves; forms thick brushes; it is the E. microphylla.of Cunningham. E. dives* and E. piperita are two of the Peppermints; the first has small, and often opposite leaves; the latter very large, like a Stringy Bark, but not so thick, nor are they so oblique at the base; flower-buds smaller; lid more hemispherical and sharper at the point, whilst the seed-vessel is more globose; but they vary from Mountain Ash (£. radiata) in bark and habit; 5 to 15 feet diameter; 200 feet of clear shaft, etc. E. melliodora, the Red Flowering or Black Iron Bark; flowers ornamental; delicious honey-like odor, as the name indicates; 60 feet; timber in quality variable. E. panniculata, and E. cerebra (one species), are mere varieties of the White Tron Bark, one of the most valuable trees; specific gravity, 1.016; the breaking weight of a transverse strain of a beam four feet between bearings 17% square, 4,519 lbs.; best of all the Iron Barks; a smooth, uniform outer bark; hard, tough, inlocked strong wood; highly esteemed by coach-makers and wheel- wrights for poles, shafts, ete., of carriages, spokes of wheels; also largely for piles and railway sleepers; 150 feet high by 16 feet diameter; both of these are united into one species. _ E. siderophloia is the Red or Large-leaved Iron Bark, formerly described as E. resinifera; this yields the brown gum or Botany Bay Kino (inspissated juice). The wood though not so tough as the preceding, is considered one of the strongest and most durable of timbers. There are two varieties; both vary from 80 to 120 feet, distinguished by the bark, which is darker color than the £. panniculata or White Iron Bark, and the leaves are more uniformly larger. E. melanophioia is the Silver-leaved or Broad-leaved Iron Bark; a taller tree than the other Iron Barks, and readily known by its stemless or sessile opposite leaves, which are glaucous or mealy white. E. obliqua, E. capitella and E. macrorhyncha—Hon. Wm. Woolls, F. L. 8. (from whom we collate), considers them all as forms of the Stringy Bark, only varying with climate, soil, elevation or proximity to the sea, etc.; rises to 100 *It is possible this may be the Shingle tree (?) of a previous note. 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA or 120 feet; some of these woods are reported as excellent for house-carpentry, whilst others were inferior; 300 to 400 feet high; the bark makes packing, printing, and even writing paper; also good for mill and paste-boards; the pulp bleaches readily; forms the main mass of forests of the more barren mountains; the thick bark has also been successfully manufactured into door-mats, cheap fences, palings, shimgles and wood-work. E. amygdalina or Almond-leaved Eucalyptus, or Messmate, is like the Stringy Bark, but the upper branches are smooth; 200 feet high; wood not much valued; a hard tree for the settlers to kill, it is so irregular at the base; wood folded or deeply indented, forming clefts or ‘‘ pockets ’’ so that they cannot ring, belt or girdle the tree to advantage, for they fail to reach all the bark of these hollows. In the Messmate the leaves are not so thick as in the Stringy Bark, nor are they so oblique at the base; flower-buds are smaller; lid more hemispherical, and its point sharper, whilst the seed-vessel is more globose; but they vary from #. radiata in bark and habit; 5 to 15 feet diameter, with 200 feet of clean shaft. Dr. Mueller’s scientific work abounds in varied information; but collations from that work are omitted to avoid repetition. For medical and manifold uses see his work. P. 5.—As Dr. Mueller’s ‘‘Additions to the List of Principal Timber Trees, etc.’’ (Issued 1871-2, by the Victorian Acclimatization Society) is not access- ible to many, we extract the following: E. botryoides, Smith. From East Gipps Land to South Queensland. One of the most stately among many species, remarkable for its dark green shady foliage. It delights on river banks—80 feet without a branch, diameter of 8 feet. Timber usually sound to the center; water work, wagons, knees of boats, etc., for posts very lasting, as no decay was observed in 14 years. E.. brachypoda, Ture. Widely dispersed over the most arid tropical and extra-tropical inland regions of Australia. One of the best trees for desert tracts; in favorable places 150 feet high. Wood brown, sometimes very dark, hard, heavy and elastic, prettily marked, used for cabinet work, but more particularly for piles, bridges and railway sleepers. (Rey. Dr. Woolls). E. calophylla, R. Brown. §.W. Australia. More umbrageous than most Eucalypti, and of comparatively rapid growth. The wood is free of resin when grown on alluvial land, but not so when produced on stony ranges. Preferred to EL. marginata and E. cornuta for rafters, spokes and fence-rails— strong and light but not lasting long underground. Bark valuable for tan- ning, as anjadmixture to Acacia bark. E. cornuta. §. W. Australia. A large tree of rapid growth, prefers a some- what humid soil. Used for various artizan work, preferred for strongest shafts and frames of carts, and work requiring hardness, toughness and elas- ticity. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 37 E. crebra, F. V. Mueller. The narrow-leaved Iron Bark of N. S. Wales and Queensland. Wood reddish, hard, heavy, elastic and durable; for bridges much in use, also for wagons, piles, fencing, ete. H. melanophoia, (F. V. M.) the silver-leaved Iron Bark; LE. leptophieba; E. trachyphloia and E. drepanphylla are closely allied species of similiar value. They all exude as- tringent gum-resin in considerable quantity, like Kino in appearance and property. E. Doratoxylon, F. V.M. The spearwood of 8. W. Australia. In sterile districts. The stem is slender and remarkably straight, wood firm and elas- tic; nomadic natives wander far to obtain it for their spears. E. eugenioides, S. N.S. Wales. Regarded by the Rev. Dr. Woolls as a fully distinct species. Its splendid wood, there often called Blue Gum tree wood, available for many purposes, and largely utilized for ship building. E. goniocalyxz, F. V. M. From Cape Otway to the southern parts of N. S. Wales. A large tree, which should be included among those for new planta- tions. Its wood resembles in many respects that of EH. globulus, proved a valuable timber for house building, fence rails, etc. E. Gunnii, J. Hook. At Alpine and sub-Alpine elevations. The other more hardy Eucalypts comprise EL. coriacea, HE. E. alpina, urni- gera, E. coccifera, and EH. vernicosa, which all reach heights covered with snow for several months in the year. E. Leucoxylon, F. V. M. (E. siderorylon, syn.) The common Iron bark of Victoria. Some parts of §. Australia and N. 8S. Wales. As this durable timber is falling short, and for some purposes superior to almost any other Eucalypt, its culture should be festered, especially as it can be raised on stony ridges of little use. The wood is pale, sometimes dark. The tree restricted generally to the lower silurian sandstone and slate, with ironstone and quartz. It is rich in Kino. E. Phenicea, F. V. M. Little is known of the timber, but the brilliancy of its scarlet flowers should commend it to extensive culture. For the same reason also E. miniata from North Australia, and £. ficifolia from S. W. Aus- tralia. Carpenteria and Arnheim’s Land. E. platyphylla, F. V. M. Queensland. One of the best shade trees. Rev. Mr. Woods saw leaves 14% long by 1 foot wide. Thrives in open or exposed localities. ; E. tesselaris, F. V. M. N. Australia and Queensland. Furnishes a brown, rather elastic wood, not very hard, available for varied artizan work, staves, flooring, ete. Exudes much astringent gum-resin. 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA Mr. Stearns made some verbal remarks concerning Dr. Kel- loge’s paper, and mentioned the proper and improper methods of transplanting the young trees. Mr. Stearns also called the attention of the Academy to the peculiarities of certain young trout in the hatching troughs at Berkeley. Some of the fish which were hatched from eggs brought from the Eastern States by rail, were double—some two heads and one tail, and others. were distinctly formed but joined together by a filmy substance. A letter was read from Prof. D. C. Gilman, President of the University of California, inviting the members of the Academy to hold a session at Berkeley on Monday, February 22d. The invitation was accepted, and the Academy adjourned to meet at Berkeley on Monday, February 22d, at 11 a. m. Speci, Merrine ar Burxenny, F'epruary 22d, 1875. Henry G. Hanks in the Chair. Mr. Stearns, in behalf of the Academy, made some remarks to those present, reminding the members that the Academy must depend mainly upon the University to fill its ranks as time thinned it of its pioneers. Professor Joseph LeConte read the following paper, the result of original investigations near Lake Tahoe: On some of the Ancient Glaciers of the Sierra. BY JOSEPH LE CONTE, Professor of Geology of the University of California. TI.—SomeE or THE TRIBUTARIES OF LAKE VALLEY GLACIER. Last summer I had again an opportunity of examining the pathways of some of the ancient glaciers of the Sierra. It will be remembered, by those interested in this subject, that two years ago I published a paper with the above title.* One of the grandest of the glaciers there mentioned was one *Am, Journal, Ser. III, Vol. 5, p. 125. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sciences, Vol. IV, part 5, p. 259. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 39 which I called Lake Valley Glacier. Taking its rise in snow fountains amongst the high peaks in the neighborhood of Silver Mountain, this great glacier flowed northwards down Lake Valley, and gathering tributaries from the summit ridges on either side of the valley, but especially from the higher western summits, it filled the basin of Lake Tahoe, forming a great mer de glace, 50 miles long, 15 miles wide, and at least 2,000 feet deep, and finally escaped northeastward to the plains. The outlets of this great mer de glace are yet imperfectly known. A part of the ice certainly escaped by Truckee Caion, (the present outlet of the lake); a part probably went over the north- eastern margin of the basin. My studies during the summer were confined to some of the larger tributaries of this great glacier. Truckee Caron and Donner Lake Glaciers.—I have said that one of the out- lets of the great mer de glace was by the Truckee River Cafion. The stage road to Lake Tahoe runs in this canon for fifteen miles. In most parts of the canon the rocks are voleanic and crumbling, and therefore ill adapted to retain glacial marks; yet in some places where the rock is harder these marks are unmistakable. On my way to and from Lake Tahoe, I observed that the Truckee Caton glacier was joined at the town of Truckee by a short but powerful tributary, which, taking its rise in an immense rocky amphitheater surrounding the head of Donner Lake, flowed eastward. Donner Lake, which occupies the lower portion of this amphitheater, was evidently formed by the down-flowing of the ice from the steep slopes of the upper portion near the summit. The stage road from Truckee to the summit runs along the base of a moraine close by the margin of the lake on one side, while on the other side, along the apparently almost perpendicular rocky face of the am- phitheater, 1,000 feet above the surface of the lake, the Central Pacific Rail- road winds its fearful way to the same place. In the upper portion of this amphitheater large patches of snow still remain unmelted during the summer. My examination of these two glaciers, however, was very cursory. I hasten on, therefore, to others which I traced more carefully. As already stated in my former paper, Lake Tahoe lies countersunk on the very top of the Sierra. This great range is here divided into two summit ridges, between which lies a trough 50 miles long, 20 nriles wide, and 3,000- 3,500 feet deep. This trough is Lake Valley. Its lower half is filled with the waters of Lake Tahoe. The area of this lake is about 250 square miles, its depth 1,640 feet, and its altitude 6,200 feet. It is certain that during the fullness of glacial times this trough was a great mer de glace, receiving trib- utaries from all directions except the north. But as the glacial epoch waned— as the great mer de glace dwindled and melted away, and the lake basin be- came occupied by water instead, the tributaries still remained as separate glaciers flowing into the lake. The tracks of these lingering smaller glaciers are far more easily traced, and their records far more easily read, than are those of the greater but more ancient glacier of which they were. but once the tributaries. Of the two summit ridges mentioned above, the western is the higher. It bears the most snow now, and in glacial times gave origin to the grandest 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA glaciers. Again: the peaks on both these summits rise higher and higher as we go toward the upper or southern end of the lake. Hence the largest gla- ciers ran into the lake at its southwestern end. And, since the mountain slopes here are towards the northeast and therefore the shadiest and coolest, here also the glaciers have had the greatest vitality and lived the longest, and have, therefore, left the plainest record. Doubtless, careful examination would discover the pathways of glaciers running into the lake from the eastern sum- mits also; but I failed to detect any very clear traces of such, either on the eastern or on the northern portion of the western side of the lake; while between the southwestern end and Sugar Pine Point, a distance of only eight or ten miles, I saw distinctly the pathways of five or six. North of Sugar Pine Point there are also several They are all marked by moraine ridges running down from the summits and projecting as points into the lake. The pathways of three of these glaciers I studied somewhat carefully, and after a few pre- liminary remarks, will describe in some detail. Mountains are the culminating points of the scenic grandeur and beauty of the earth. They are so, because they are also the culminating points of all geological agencies—igneous agencies in mountain formation, aqueous agencies in mountain sculpture. Now, I have already said that the mountain peaks which stand above the lake on every side, are highest at the southwestern end, where they rise to the altitude of 3,000 feet above the lake surface, or be- tween 9,000 and 10,000 feet above the sea. Here, therefore, ran in the great- est glaciers, here we find the profoundest glacial sculpturings, and here also are clustered all the finest beauties of this the most beautiful of mountain lakes. I need only name Mt. Tallac, Fallen Leaf Lake, Cascade Lake, and Emerald Bay, all within three or four miles of each other and of the Tallac House. These three exquisite little lakes, (the Emerald Bay is also almost a lake) nestled closely aguinst the loftiest peaks of the western summit ridge, are all perfect examples of glacial lakes. South of Lake Tahoe, Lake Vailey extends for fifteen miles as a plain, gently rising southward. At its lower end it is but a tew feet above the lake surface, covered with glacial drift modified by water, and diversified, especially on its western side, by débris ridges, the moraines of glaciers which continued to flow into the valley or into the lake long after the main glacier, of which they were once tributaries, had dried up. On approaching the south end of the lake by steamer, I had observed these long ridges, divined their meaning, and determined on a closer acquaintance. While staying at the Tallac House I repeatedly visited them, and explored the canons down which their materials were brought. I proceed to describe them. Fallen Leaf Lake (lacier.—Fallen Leaf Lake (see map) lies on the plain of Lake Valley, about one a half miles from Lake Tahoe, its surface but a few feet above the level of the latter lake, but its bottom far, probably several hundred feet, below that level. It is about three to three and one-half miles long and one and one-fourth miles wide. From its upper end runs a cation bordered on either side by the highest peaks in thisregion. The rocky ~ walls of this canon terminate on the east side at the head of the lake, but on the west side, a little further down. The lake is bordered on each side by an ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 4] admirably marked débris ridge (moraines) three hundred feet high, four miles long, and one and one-half to two miles apart. These moraines may be traced back to the termination of the rocky ridges which bound the cafion, On the one side the moraine lies wholly on the plain; on the other side its upper part lies against the slope of Mt. Tallac. Near the lower end of the lake a somewhat obscure branch ridge comes off from each main ridge, and curving around they form an imperfect terminal moraine, through which the outlet of the lake breaks its way. é On ascending thé cation the glaciation is very conspicuous, and becomes more and more splendid at every step. From Soda Springs (map s.s.) up- wards, it is the most beautiful I have ever seen. In some places, for many acres in extent, the whole rocky bottom of the caion is smooth and polished, aod gently undulating, like the surface of a glassy but billowy sea. The glaciation is distinct, also, up the sides of the cafion 1,000 feet above its floor. There can be no doubt, therefore, that a glacier once came down this canon, filling it 1,000 feet deep, scooped out Fallen Leaf Lake just where it struck the plain and changed its angle of slope, and pushed its snout four miles out _on the level plain, nearly to the present shores of Lake Tahoe, dropping its débris on either side, and thus forming a bed for itself. In its subsequent retreat it seems to have rested its snout some time at the lower end of Fallen Leaf Lake, and accumulated there an imperfect terminal moraine. The out- lines of this little lake, with its bordering moraines, are shown in the diakram map. 2. Cascade Lake Glacier.—Cascade Lake, like Fallen Leaf Lake, is about one and one-half miles from Lake Tahoe, but, unlike Fallen Leaf Lake, its discharge creek has considerable fall, and the lake surface is, therefore, prob- ably 100 feet above the level of the greater lake. On either side of this creek, from the very border of Lake Tahoe, runs a moraine ridge up to the lake, and thence close along each side of the lake up to the rocky points which terminate the true mountain canon above the head of the lake. I have never anywhere seen more perfectly defined moraines. I climbed over the larger western moraine and found that it is partly merged into the eastern moraine of Emerald Bay to form a medial at least 300 feet high, and of great breadth, (see map.) From the surface of the little lake, the curving branches of the main moraine, meeting below the lake to form a terminal moraine, are very distinct. At the head of the lake there is a perpendicular cliff over which the river precipitates itself, forming a very pretty cascade of 100 feet or more. On ascending the canon above the head of the lake, for several miles, I found, everywhere, over the lip of the precipice, over the whole floor of the canon, and up the sides 1,000 feet or more, the most perfect glaciation. There cannot be, therefore, the slightest doubt that this also is the pathway of aglacier which once ran into Lake Tahoe. After coming down its steep rocky bed, this glacier precipitated itself over the cliff, scooped out the lake at its foot, and then ran on until it bathed its snout in the waters of Lake Tahoe, and probably formed icebergs there. In its subsequent retreat it seems to have dropped more débris in its path, and formed a more perfect terminal moraine than did Fallen Leaf Lake Glacier. 492 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA Emerald Bay Glacier.—All that I have said of Fallen Leaf Lake and Cas- cade Lake, apply, almost word for word, to Emerald Bay. This beautiful bay, almost a lake, has also been formed by a glacier. It also is bounded on either side by moraines, which run down to and even project into Lake Tahoe, and may be traced up to the rocky points which form the mouth of the canon at the head of the bay. Its eastern moraine, as already stated, is partly merged into the western moraine of Cascade Lake, to form a huge medial moraine. Its western moraine lies partly against a rocky ridge which runs down to Lake Tahoe to form Rubicon Point. At the head of the bay, as at the head of Cascade Lake, there is a cliff about 100 feet high, over which the river precipitates itself and forms a beautiful cascade. Over the lip of this cliff, and in the bed of the canon above, and up the sides of the cliff-like walls, 1,000 feet or more, the most perfect glaciation is found. The only dif- ference between this glacier and the two preceding is, that it ran more deeply into the main lake and the deposits dropped in its retreat did not rise high enough to cut off its little rock basin from that lake, but exists now only as a shallow bar at the mouth of the bay. This bar consists of true moraine mat- ter, i. e., intermingled boulders and sand, which may be examined through the exquisitely transparent water almost as perfectly as if no water were present. Some of the boulders are of large size. All that I have described separately and in detail, and much more, may be taken in at one view from the top of Mt. Tallac. From this peak nearly the whole course of these three glaciers, their fountain amphitheaters, their cation beds, and their lakes enclosed between their moraine arms, may be seen at once. The view from this peak is certainly one of the finest I have ever seen. Less grand and diversified in mountain forms than many from peaks above the Yosemite, it has the added beauty of extensive water surface, and the added interest of several glacial pathways in a limited space. The observer sits on the very edge of the fountain amphitheaters still holding large masses of snow: immediately below, almost at his feet, lie glistening, gem-like, in dark, rocky setting, the three exquisite little lakes; on either side of these, embracing and protecting them, stretch out the moraine arms, reaching to- ward and directing the eye to the great lake, which lies, map-like, with all its sinuous outlines perfectly distinct, even to its extreme northern end, twenty- five to thirty miles away. As the eye sweeps again up the canon-beds, little lakes, glacier-scooped rock basins, filled with ice-cold water, flash in the sun- light on every side. Twelve or fifteen of these may be seeu. From appropriate positions on the surface of Lake Tahoe, also, all the moraine ridges are beautifully seen at once, but the glacial lakes and the caiion-beds, of course, cannot be seen. I have attempted, in the rough sketch accompanying this paper, to express the combined results of observations from many points. The outlines of the great and small lakes are accurate, as these have been taken from reliable maps. Also the general position of the rocky points, and the moraine ridges, are tolerably correct. But, other- wise, the sketch is intended as an illustrative diagram rather than a topo- graphical map. The view is supposed to be taken from an elevated position above the lake surface, looking southward. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 43 There are several questions of a general nature suggested by my examina- tion of these three glacial pathways, which I have thought best to consider separately. a. Evidences of the existence of the Great Lake Valley Glacier.—In my former paper I have already given some evidence of the former existence of this glacier in the glacial forms detectable in the upper part of this valley. I will now give some additional evidence gathered last summer. On the south shore of Lake Tahoe, and especially at the northern or lower end of Fallen Leaf Lake, I found many pebbles and some large boulders of a beautifully striped, agate-like slate. The stripes consisted of alternate bands, of black and translucent white, the latter weathering into milk white, or yel- lowish, orreddish. It was perfectly evident that these fragments were brought down from the cafton above Fallen Leaf Lake. On ascending this canon I easily found the parent rock of these pebbles and boulders. It is a powerful outcropping ledge of beautifully striped silicious slate, full of fissures and joints, and easily broken into blocks of all sizes, crossing the canon about a half mile above the lake. This rock is so peculiar and so easily identified that its fragments become an admirable index of the extent of the glacial transportation. I have, myself, traced these pebbles only a little way along the western shores of the great lake, as my observations were principally confined to this pait; but I learn from my brother, Professor John Le Conte, and from Mr. John Muir, both of whom have examined the pebbles I brought home, that precisely similar fragments are found in great abundance all along the western shore from Sugar Pine Point northward, and especially on the extreme northwestern shore nearly thirty miles from their source. I have visited the eastern shore of the lake somewhat more extensively than the western, and nowhere did I see similar pebbles. Mr. Muir, who has walked around the lake, tells me that they do not occur on the eastern shore. We have, then, in the distribution of these pebbles, demonstrative evidence of the fact that Falien Leaf Lake glacier was once a tributary of a much greater glacier which filled Lake Tahoe. The only other agency to which we could attribute this transportation, is that of shore ice and icebergs, which probably did once exist on Lake Tahoe; but the limitation of the pebbles to the western, and especially the north- western shores, is in exact accordance with the laws of glacial transportation, but contrary to those of floating ice transportation—for lake ice is carried only by winds, and would, therefore, deposit equally on all shores. Again: I think I find additional evidence of a Lake Tahoe mer de glace in the contrasted character of the northern and southern shores of this lake. All the little glacial lakes described above are deep at the upper end and shallow at the lower end. Further: all of them have a sand beach and asand flat at the upper end, and great boulders thickly scattered in the shallow water, and along the shore at the lower end. These facts are easily explained, if we remember that while the glacial scooping was principally at the upper end, the glacial droopings were principally at the lower end. And further: that while the glacial deposit was principally at the lower end, the river deposit, since the glacial epoch, has been wholly at the upper end. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA Now the great lake, also, has a similar structure. It also has a beautiful sand and gravel beach all along its upper shore, and a sand flat extending above it; while at its lower, or northern end, thickly strewed in the shallow water, and along the shore line, and some distance above the shore line, are found in great abundance boulders of enormous size. May we not conclude that similar effects have been produced by similar causes—that these huge boulders were dropped by the great glacier at its lower end ? Similar boulders are also found along the northern portion of the eastern shore, because the principal flow of the ice-current was from the southwest, and in the fullness of glacial times the principal exit was over the northeastern lip of the basin. b. Origin of Lake Tahoe.—That Lake Tahoe was once wholly occupied by ice, I think, is certain, but that it was scooped out by Lake Valley glacier is perhaps more doubtful. All other Sierra lakes which I have seen certainly owe their origin to glacial agency. Neither do I think we should be staggered by the size or enormous depth of this lake. Yet, from its position, it may be a plication-hollow, or a trough produced by the formation of two parallel mountain ridges, and afterwards modified by glacial agency, instead of a pure glacial-scooped rock-basin. In other words, Lake Valley, with its two summit ridges, may well be regarded as a phenomena belonging to the order of mountain- formation and not to the order of mountain sculpture. I believe an examination of the rocks of the two summit ridges would probably settle this. In the absence of more light than I now have, I will not hazard an opinion. ec. Passage of slate into granite——From the commencement of the rocky canon at the head of Fallen Leaf Lake, and up for about two miles, the canon walls and Led are composed of slate. The slate, however, becomes more and more metamorphic as we go up, until it passes into what might be called trap. In some places it looks like diorite, and in others like porphyry. I saw no evidence, however, of any outburst. This latter rock passes somewhat more rapidly into granite at Soda Springs. From this point the cafon bed and lower walls are granite, but the highest peaks are still a dark, splintery, metamorphic slate. The glacial erosion has here cut through the slate and bitten deep into the underlying granite. The passage from slate through por- phyritic diorite into granite, may, I think, be best explained by increasing degree of metamorphism, and at the same time a change of the original sedi- ments at this point, granite being the last term of metamorphism of pure clays, or clayey sandstones, while bedded diorites are similarly formed from ferruginous and calcareous slates. Just at the junction of the harder and tougher granite with the softer and more jointed slates, occur, as might be expected, cascades in the river. Itis probable that the cascades at the head of Cascade Lake and Emerald Bay mark, also, the junction of the granite with the slate—only the junction here is covered with débris. Just at the same junetion, in Fallen Leaf Lake Canon, burst out the waters of Soda Springs, highly charged with bicarbonates of iron and soda. d. Glacial Deltas.—1I have stated that the moraines of Cascade Lake and Emerald Bay glaciers run down to the margin of Lake Tahoe. An examina- tion of this portion of the lake shore shows that they ran far into the lake— ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 45 that the lake has filled in two or three miles by glacial débris. On the east margin of Lake Tahoe, the water, close along the shore, is comparatively shallow, the shore rocky, and along the shore-line, above and below water, are scattered great boulders, probably dropped by the main glacier. But on the west margin of the lake the shore-line is composed wholly of moraine matter, the water very deep close to shore, and the bottom composed of pre- cisely similar moraine matter. In rowing along the shore, I found that the exquisite ultramarine blue of the deep water extends to within 100-150 feet of the shore-line. At this distance, the bottom could barely be seen. Judg- ing from the experiments of my brother, Professor John Le Conte, according to which a white object could be seen at a depth of 115 feet, I suppose the depth along the line of junction of the ultramarine blue and the emerald green water, is at least 100 feet. The slope of the bottom is, therefore, nearly, or quite, 45°. Itseems, in fact, a direct continuation beneath the water of the moraine slope. The materials, also, which may be examined with ease through the wonderfully transparent water, are exactly the same as that composing the moraine, viz: earth, pebbles, and boulders of all sizes, some of them of encrmous dimensions. It seems almost certain that the margin of the great Lake Valley glacier, and of the lake itself when this glacier had melted and the tributaries first began to run into the lake, was the series of rocky points at the head of the three little lakes, about three or four miles back from the present margin of the main lake; and that all lakeward from these points has been filled in and made land by the action of the three glaciers de- seribed. At that time Rubicon Point was a rocky promontory, projecting far into the lake, beyond which was another wide bay, which has been similarly filled in by débris brought down by glaciers north of this point. The long moraines of these glaciers are plainly visible from the lake surface; but I have not examined them. Thus, all the land, for three or four miles back from the lake-margin, both north and south of Rubicon Point, is composed of confluent glacial deltas, and on these deltas the moraine ridges are the natural levées of these ice-streams e. Parallel Moraines.—The moraines described above are peculiar and almost unique. Nowhere, except about Lake Tahoe and near Lake Mono, have I seen moraines in the form of pdrallel ridges, lying on a level plain and ter- minating abruptly without any signs of transverse connection (terminal moraine) at the lower end. Nor haveTI been able to find any description of similar moraines in other countries. They are not terminal moraines, for the glacial pathway is open below. They are not lateral moraines, for these are borne on the glacier itself, or else stranded on the steep cafon sides. Neither do I think moraines of this kind would be formed by a glacier emerging from a steep narrow canon and running out on a level plain; for in such cases, as soon as the confinement of the bounding walls is removed, the ice stream spreads out into an ice lake. It does so as naturally and necessarily as does water under similar circumstances. Thedeposit would be nearly transverse to the direction of motion, and, therefore, more or less crescentic. There must be something peculiar in the conditions under which these parallel ridges were formed. I believe the conditions were as described below. 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA We have already given reason to think that the original margin of the lake in glacial times was three or four miles back from the present margin, along the series of rocky points against which the ridges abut; and that all the flat plain thence to the present margin is made land. If so, then it is evident that at that time the three glaciers described ran far out into the lake, until reaching deep water, they formed icebergs. Under these conditions, it is plain that the pressure on this, the subaqueous portion of the glacial bed, would be small, and become less and less until it becomes nothing at the point where the icebergs float away. The pressure on the bed being small, not enough to overcome the cohesion of the ice, there would be no spreading. A glacier running down a steep narrow canon and out into deep water, and form- ing icebergs at its point, would maintain its slender, tongue-like form, and drop its débris on each side, forming parallel ridges, and would not form a terminal moraine, because the materials not dropped previously would be carried off by icebergs. In the subsequent retreat of such a glacier, imperfect terminal moraines might be formed higher up, where the water is not deep enough to form icebergs. It is probable, too, that since the melting of the great mer de glace and the formation of the lake, the level of the water has gone down considerably, by the deepening of the Truckee Canon outlet by means of erosion. Thus, not only did the glaciers retreat from the lake, but also the lake from the glaciers. As already stated, similar parallel moraine ridges are formed by the glaciers which ran down the steep eastern slope of the Sierras, and out on the level plains of Mono. By far the most remarkable are those formed by Bloody Cafon Glacier, and described in my former paper. These moraines are six or seven miles long, 300-400 feet high, and the parallel crests not more than a nile asunder. There, also, as at Lake Tahoe, we find them terminating abruptly in the plain without any sign of terminal moraine. But higher up there are small, imperfect, transverse moraines, made during the subsequent retreat, behind which water “has collected, forming lakes and marshes. But observe: these moraines are also in the vicinity of a great lake ; and we have abundant evidence, in very distinct terraces described by Whitney,* and observed by myself, that in glacial times the water stood at least six hundred feet above the present level. In fact, there can be no doubt that at that time the waters of Mono Lake (ora much greater body of water of which Mono is the remnant) washed against the bold rocky points from which the débris ridges start. The glaciers in this vicinity, therefore, must have run out into the water six or seven miles, and doubtless formed icebergs at their point, and, therefore, formed no terminal moraine there. That the glaciers described about Lake Tahoe and Lake Mono ran out far into water and formed icebergs, I think is quite certain, and that parallel moraines opened below are characteristic signs of such conditions, I also think nearly certain. f. Glacial Erosion.—My observation on glacial pathways in the high Sierra, and especially about Lake Tahoe, have greatly modified my views as to the * Geological Survey of California, Vol. I, p. 451. T ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 4 nature of glacial erosion. All writers on this subject seem to regard glacial erosion as mostly, if not wholly, a grinding and scoring; the débris of this erosion as rock-meal; the great boulders which are found in such immense quantities in the terminal deposit, as derived wholly from the crumbling cliffs above the glacial surface; the rounded boulders, which are often the most numerous, as derived in precisely the same way, only they have been engulfed by crevasses, or between the sides of the glacier and the bounding wall, and thus carried between the moving ice and its rocky bed, as between the upper and nether millstone. Ina word, all boulders, whether angular, or rounded, are supposed to owe their origin or separation from their parent rock to atmospheric agency, and only their transportation and shaping to glacialagency . Now, if such be the true view of glacial erosion, evidently its effect in. mountain sculpture must be small indeed. Roches moutonneés are recognized by all as the most universal and characteristic sign of a glacial bed. Some- times these beds are only imperfectly moutonneés, i. e., they are composed of broken angular surface with only the points and edges planed off. Now, moutonneés surfaces always, and especially angular surfaces with only points and edges beveled, show that the erosion by grinding has been only very superficial. They show that if the usual view of glacial erosion be correct, the great cations, so far from being formed, were only very slightly modified by glacialagency. But Iam quite satisfied from my own observations that this is not the only nor the principal mode of glacial erosion. I am convinced that a glacier, by its enormous pressure and resistless onward movement, is constantly breaking off large blocks from its bed and bounding walls. Its erosion is not only a grinding and scoring, but also a crushing and breaking. It makes by its erosion not only rock-meal, but also large rock-chips. 'Thus, a glacier is constantly breaking off blocks and making angular surfaces, and then grinding off the angles both of the fragments and the bed, and thus forming rounded boulders and moutouneés surfaces. Its erosion is a constant process of alternate rough hewing and planing. If the rock be full of fissures, and the glacier deep and heavy, the rough hewing so predominates that the plane has only time to touch the corners a little before the rock is again broken and new angles formed. This is the case high up on the cafon walls, at the head of Cascade Lake and Emerald Bay, but also in the cavion beds wherever the slate is approached. If, on the other hand, the rock is very hard and solid, and the glacier be not very deep and heavy, the planing will pre- dominate over the rough hewing, and a smooth, gently billowy surface is the result. This is the case in the hard granite forming the beds of all the cafions high up, but especially high up the cafion of Fallen Leaf Lake, where the cation spreads out, and extensive but comparatively thin snow-sheets have been at work. In some cases on the cliffs, subsequent disintegration of a glacier-polished surface may have given the appearance of angular surfaces with beveled corners; but, in other cases, in the bed of the cavion, and on elevated level places, where large loosened blocks could not be removed by water nor by gravity, I observed the same appearances, under conditions which forbid this explanation. Mr. Muir, also, in his Studies in the Sierra, gives many examples of undoubted rock-breaking by ancient glaciers. 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA Angular blocks are, therefore, mostly the ruins of crumbling cliffs, borne on the surface of the glacier and deposited at its toot. Many rownded boulders also have a similar origin, having found their way to the bed of the glacier through crevasses, or along the sides of the glacier. But most of the rounded boulders in the terminal deposit‘of great glaciers are fragments torn off by the glacier itself. The proportion of angular to rounded boulders—of upper or air-formed to nether or glacier-formed fragments, depends on the depth and extent of the ice current In the case of the universal ice-sheet (ice-flood) there is, of course, no upper formed or angular blocks at all—there is nothing borne on the surface. The moraine, therefore, consists wholly of nether-formed and nether-borne severely triturated materials (moraine profonde). The boulders are, of course, all rounded. This is one extreme. In the case of the thin moving ice-fields—the glacierets still lingering amongst the highest peaks and shadiest hollows of the Sierra—on the other hand, the moraines are composed wholly of angular blocks. This is the character of the terminal moraine of Mt. Lyell glacier, described in my previous paper. These glacierets are too thin and feeble and torpid to break off fragments—they can only bear away what falls on them. This is the other extreme. But in the case of ordinary glaciers— ice streams—the boulders of the terminal deposit are mixed; the angular or upper-formed predominating in the small existing gliciers of temperate cli- mates, but the rounded, or nether-formed, greatly predominating in the grand old glaciers of which we have been speaking. In the terminal deposits of these, especially in the materials pushed into the lake, itis somewhat difficult to find a boulder which has not been subjected to severe attrition. Professor John LeConte described two new pieces of appar- atus lately added to that of the University, one for projecting microscopic objects, and the other for measuring the force of electric currents. Dr. Kellogg read a paper on Hops. Resolutions expressive of interest in the affairs of the Univer- sity, and satisfaction at the advancment made, were adopted. President Gilman then addressed the members, after which the Academy adjourned to examine the buildings and grounds. VOL. Vi. LAKE TAHO won Ve. SS mene A) —— nite ll, ee | } j 1 } } | Hy ‘4 : S3ITIW 40 JIVIS ANCIENT |) 4 cies OF THE SIERRA. (Le CONTE.) (To FACE PAGE 48.) | / lf ere) 7 4iaei4 ( ac hativy at : ear if (a ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 49 Reeutar Meertine, Marcu Ist, 1875. Robert E. C. Stearns in the Chair. Highteen members present. The following names were submitted as candidates for mem- bership: Alfred EK. Regensberger, Jas. B. Clifford and Charles Frances. Donations to the Museum: From Professor Davidson, specimen of Mandarin Duck from Nagasaki, Japan. From Mrs. John Torrence, specimens of Ostrea titan from San Luis Obispo Co. From Captain S. P. Griffin of the Steamship ‘‘ City of Peking,” specimens of eyeless eels (genus Petromyzen or Bellostoma?), caught coiled around fishing line in seven fathoms of water, mud bottom, in Fortesque Bay, Straits of Magellan, November 25, 1874; also intestinal worms found in the porpoise. Jas. Dean presented three Indian pestles made of stone, and nine bone bodkins or pins, from a large mound, covering two acres, and, twenty-five feet deep, at Visitacion Valley, near San Bruno road; also specimens of coals from Queen Charlotte’s Island; also coal from Vancouver’s Island, and specimen of bog iron. HE. O. McDevitt donated a large and choice assortment of New Zealand minerals. From Mrs. J. J Greene, fossil, Tamiosona gigantea, from Wild Horse Cafion, eight miles from Lowe’s station. The Secretary read a paper by S. B. Christy, as follows: Notes on a Meteor seen at Berkeley. BY S. B. CHRISTY. On the evening of December 9, 1874, as I was sitting in my room, I hap- pened to have my attention called to something without, and while looking from my window saw, what at first appeared to be the moon in her first quar- ter, of about the same size, color and brilliancy, shining through a dim fog, which latter was heavy enough to obscure all the lesser stars. As, however, Proc. Cau. AcaD. Scr., Vol. VI.—4. HO PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA it flashed over me in a second that the moon was not out at that time and place, and as above all it was moving steadily downwards, and to the left, I watched it with attention and noticed that it seemed to grow a little larger and brighter, until finally, like a piece of burning paper, it seemed to flare up suddenly with a reddish light, and go out in silence. The next day but one, as Professor John LeConte had asked me to record its appearance, as near as may be, I repaired to the same place at about the same time as before, so as to have the conditions as near the same as before, and with a transit took the bearings of its course as nearly as could be done by such a rude means of approximation. Bearingaticommencement 755 oe: 3 <<. spots wetness a aelele S. 83° E. Bearing atienditer cis. - eee a ee sono. lon sean §. 81° E. Altitude at commencement...... ............. =\6.6 A Nets a payee 35° Altitud Grab ema: so e-4 cosas sso Seren ere) ores Fo) vena che eel ore Se oe AE A ate 25° The duration, as near as I could judge, was one second. The date, Decem- ber 9, 1874; 6:30 P. M. Charles Wolcott Brooks read the following: Report of Japanese Vessels wrecked in the North Pacific Ocean, from the Earliest Records to the Present Time. BY CHARLES WOLCOTT BROOKS. Every junk found adrift or stranded on the coast of North America, or on the Hawaiian or adjacent islands, has on examination proved to be Japanese, and no single instance of any Chinese vessel has ever been reported, nor is any believed to have existed. This may be explained by the existence of the Kuro Shiwo, literally ‘‘ black stream,’’ a gulf stream of warm water, which sweeps northeasterly past Japan toward the Kurile and Aleutian Islands, thence curving around and passing south along the coast of Alaska, Oregon and California. This stream, it is found, has swept these junks toward America at an average rate of fully ten miles a day. There also exists an ocean stream of cold water, emerging from the Arctic Ocean, which sets south close in along the eastern coast of Asia. This fully accounts for the absence of Chinese junks on the Pacific, as vessels disabled off their coast would naturally drift southward. A noticeable feature is the large number of disasters on the coast of Japan in the month of January, during which season the strong northeast monsoons blow the wrecks directly off shore into the Kuro Shiwo. The climate of Japan is temperate, with the exception of the extreme north- ern provinces, where intense cold prevails and where snow is abundant; and the extreme southern provinces, whose climate is very warm. About the year 1639 the Japanese Government ordered all junks to be built with open sterns, and large square rudders, unfit for ocean navigation, hoping ieee” bp, - Gy d \ enw fe fg - stack ia ae A) aay ae ae ee. ee] IY: mat a x » \ / | Saat ‘os ak OC | s ) | WN / hee [ ) | : ———S a ——-N } v in Bae | ! \ RS © baa | 3 ! | ean? | &% / as a | ‘a “af 5 ee | Lol Se | é | | a , | 7 i | 2 | . | | ¢ . 1 x | | | $e v SCN eet 2 ee | : Se oa = ’ | tae PS \ al | ES) Sosy 1 ale | 2 \™ wee a 36 | aus P | 2 3 | | | : i es a 7 - lh | | — is) © i; ioe | 6 |; & | a \| ¥ yn = Sek ok, er a es - a O [== @e A | yl 7] . en Pe aes Sees “a g , is | | ie ts AS $ ‘ A+ = ie SEs z —— i | es, Oe. ss E | | |S E e® aanan = : Ar acca ee Stee ge ecy | fF 1 rae dal 3 ae ere | : ees op —-—-> La te . ‘ A | ee ee | oo a Neti € do Sa ‘thas ee - Peal ae | . By ee 22 ia ae & | of ee ff 9 + | \ | /é © a | ie, Eo ~ wa NSREA yy ESSA Y = Ss SS... DRAWN BY CHARLES WOLCOTT BROOKS. + JAPANESE WRECKS. OUTHINE MAP OF THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Distribution of Disabled Japanese Junks by Winds and Currents; also Direction of: \o Kuro Shiwo, or Japanese Warm Streafth, _— Showing the tidson, U. S. C. S. the Observations and Investigations of Professor George | as corrected h ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 5t thereby to keep their people isolated within their own islands. Once forced from the coast by stress of weather, these rudders are soon washed away, when the vessels naturally fall off into the trough of the sea, and roll their masts out. The number, of which no record exists, which have thus suftered during the past nineteen centuries must be very large, probably many thousand vessels. Among Japanese mariners, the fear of being thus blown off their coast, has been an ever-threatening danger; and the memory of such time-honored accidents, is a common feature in the traditions of every seaport settlement along the eastern coast of Japan. ° By the Government Census, taken in 1874, the total population of Japan was 33,300,675 souls, and there were 22,670 registered sailing vessels of Jap- anese style, (junks) of from 8 to 383 tons, engaged in the coasting trade. The crews of ordinary trading junks average from eight to twelve men each. In the sixteenth year of the reign of the Emperor Suizin, B. C. 81, merchant ships and ships of war are first spoken of as built in Japan. Under the Shogoon Iyémitsu, about 1639, edicts commanded the destruction of all boats built upon‘any foreign model, and forbade the building of vessels of any size or shape superior to. that of the present junk. By the imperial decree of 1637, Japanese who had left their country and been abroad, were not allowed to return, death being the penalty for traveling abroad, studying foreign Janguages, introducing foreign customs, or believing in Christianity. The Empire of Japan is situated in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, and is composed of four large islands and of a great number of smaller ones. It faces to the northwest the Kingdom of Corea, and is separated from it by the Japan sea. To the northeast the archipelago of Chijima (Kurile Islands) extends towards Kamschatka. At the southwest the Liu Kiu Islands are situated opposite the Island of Formosa. Its whole length, extending from one end to the other of the empire, meas- ures more than 500 Ris (about 1225 English miles), and its breadth varies from 20 to 60 Ris (about 734% to 146 English miles.) Its total area is 23,740 Square Ris. The sources of information at command have been exceptionally good. During seventeen years, in which I represented the Government of Japan at this port, it has been my pleasure to devote much critical attention to the subject of Japanese wrecks, picked up adrift in the North Pacific Ocean and stranded upon the northwest coast of America and its various outlying islands, and those of the chain extending from Hawaii towards Niphon. Besides keeping a detailed record of all wrecks reported during this period, I have also collected and verified many cases of earlier reports, which although still extant, were likely to be overlooked. In at least 37 of the cases quoted, I have either seen the saved, or received a personal account from those who were themselves witnesses. Hawaiian and Japanese traditions I have myself gathered in those countries. In March, 1860, I took an Indian boy on board the Japanese steam corvette Kanrin-maru, where a comparison of Coast-Indian and pure Japanese words was made at my request, by Fukuzawa Ukitchy, then Admiral’s Secretary: ip PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA the result of which I prepared for the press, and it was at that time published in the Evening Bulletin, suggesting further linguistic investigation. The following examples submitted for consideration to the Academy, fairly illustrate the subject in its various phases :— 1. In Mr. Hubert H. Bancroft’s unparalleled collection of ancient books and valuable manuscripts relating to the early history of the native races of the Pacific States, mention is made of several Japanese vessels reported in some of the Spanish-American ports on the Pacific. In 1617 a Japanese junk belonging to Magomé, was at Acapulco. In 1613, June 10th, the British ship Clove, Capt. John Saris, arrived at Nagasaki, having on board one Japanese, picked up from the island of Bantam. 2. ‘‘In 1685,” we read, ‘‘ the Portuguese tried for the last time to re-es- tablish their trade by sending back a number of shipwrecked Japanese, picked up adrift, to their own country. The Japanese did not molest them, but strictly prohibited their re-appearance on the Coast of Japan.”’ 3. In 1694, a Japanese junk from Osaka was driven by adverse winds and weather and stranded on the coast of Kamschatka, at the mouth of the river Opala, on the south of Bolschaia Reka. The only survivor was after- wards taken to Moscow. Muller, in his ‘“‘ Voyages from Asia to America,’’ published in 1761, re- marks that when in 1696 the Russians reported the above, they said: ‘‘ we have learned of several other instances of Japanese wrecks previously strand- ed on the coast of Kamschatka.”’ 4, In 1710, a Japanese junk was stranded on the coast of Kamschatka, in Kaligirian bay, north of Awatscha. Ten persons landed safely, of which four were killed and six taken captive in an encounter with Kamschadels. Subse- quently four of the captives fell into Russian hands, and one named Sanima, was sent in 1714 to St. Petersburg. 5. On the 8th of July, 1729, a Japanese junk called the Waka-shima of Satsuma, in distress, after having been driven about at sea for six months, was finally stranded on the coast of Kamschatka, south of Awatscha bay, and 17 of her crew were saved. She was loaded with cotton and silk stuffs, rice and paper; the two latter articles shipped by Matsudaira Osumi-no-kami, (Prince of Satsuma) were government property. A petty Russian officer named Schtinnikow, desiring to plunder the cargo, had fifteen of the survivors shot; for which crime he was subsequently con- demned and hung. The two remaining, an old merchant named Sosa and a young pilot Gonsa, were sent to Irkutz in 1721, and thence via Tobolsk, they reached St. Petersburg in 1732, where one died in 1736, the other in 1739. 6. In 1782 a Japanese junk was wrecked upon the Aleutian Islands, from which the survivors were taken in one of the Russian-American Com- pany’s vessels to the town of Ochotsk, and thence to the inland city of Ir- kutsk. In 1792, the Governor-General of Siberia ordered the transport Cath- erine, then at Ochotsk, to return these men to their native country. The Russian vessel, after wintering in a harbor at the north end of Yeso, pro- ceeded to the port of Hakodaté, where the Japanese officials politely but ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 53 firmly refused to allow their countrymen to land. They were subsequently returned to Siberia. , 7. Among items of history mentioned in Japanese records, I find that in October, 1804, a Russian frigate commanded by Capt. Krusenstern, conveying Count Resanoff, as Ambassador of the Czar, brought back to Nagasaki five Japanese seamen, being part of a crew of fifteen rescued from a stranded junk; the other ten preferred to remain in Siberia. 8. In 1805, a Japanese junk was wrecked on the coast of Alaska, near Sitka; the seamen were quartered on Japonski Island, whence they were taken by the Russians, and finally landed on the Coast of Yeso in 1806. 9. In 1812, Capt. Ricord, commanding the Russian sloop-of-war Diana, took seven Japanese, six of whom were seamen recently shipwrecked in a junk on the coast of Kamschatka, in the hope of exchanging them for seven captive Kussians, confined in Japan. Being unable to land, they were returned to Kamschatka, reaching there October 12th. The Diana made a second attempt, and finally succeeded August 16th, 1813, in landing these Japanese at Kunashie Bay, the 20th Kurile, and effected the liberty of the Russian Capt. Golownin and his associates. 10. In 1813, the Brig Forrester, Captain John Jennings, when in latitude 49° N., longitude 128° W., rescued the captain and two seaman from a dis- masted junk, timber laden, when 18 months from Yeso, bound to Niphon. Thirty-five men were on board, of whom thirty-two died of hunger. They were delivered to the Russians, who undertook to return them to Japan. 11. Captain Alexander Adams, formerly pilot at Honolulu, relates that March 24, 1815, in latitude 32° 45° N., longitude 126° 57’ W., when sailing master of brig Forrester, Captain Piggott, and cruising off Santa Barbara, Cal- ifornia, he sighted at sunrise a Japanese junk drifting at the mercy of the winds and waves. Her rudder and masts were gone. Although blowing a gale, he boarded the junk, and found fourteen dead bodies in the hold, the captain, carpenter, and one seaman alone surviving; took them on board, where by careful nursing they were well in a few days. They were on a voy- age from Osaka to Yedo, and were 17 months out, having been dismasted in consequence of losing their rudder. 12. In 1820, a junk was cast upon Point Adams, the southern shore of the mouth of Coluinbia river. The vessel, which was laden with wax, went to pieces, and the crew, many in number, landed safely. 13. A junk was wrecked on Queen Charlotte’s Island, in 1831. 14. December 23, 1832, at mid-day, a junk in distress cast anchor near the harbor of Waialua, on the shores of Oahu. She was from a southern port of Japan, bound to Yedo with a cargo of fish; lost her rudder and was dismasted in a gale, since which she had drifted for eleven months. Five out of her crew of nine had died. December 30th, she started for Honolulu, but was stranded on a reef off Barber’s Point on the evening of January 1, 1833. The four survivors were taken to Honolulu, where, after remaining eigh- teen months, they were forwarded to Kamschatka, whence they hoped to work their way south through the northern islands of the group into their own country. This junk was about 80 tons burden. According to the tra- 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA ditions of the islands, several such junks had been wrecked upon Hawaii, before the islands were discovered by Captain Cook. 15,16. In 1833, a Japanese junk was wrecked on the coast of Washington Territory, in the immediate vicinity of Cape Flattery. Many of her crew had perished, and several dead bodies were found headed up in firkins, in customary Japanese style, ready for burial. Out of 17 persons, the only survivors, two men and a boy, were rescued from the Indians, by the Hudson Bay Company’s vessel Lama, Captain McNeal, who took them to England, touching at Honolulu on their way. Thence they proceeded to Canton, where they arrived in 1836, and stopped with Karl Gutzlaff, who learned their language, and intended accompanying them to Japan. In 1837, they left Macao in the American brig Morrison, dispatched by Clarence A. King for Yedo bay, to bear them home. Being tired upon, July 27, and prevented from landing, she sailed for Kagosima, where, being equally unsuccessful, she finally returned with the men to Macao. The Morrison, on whom Samuel W. Williams and Dr. Peter Parker were passengers, also had on board four other Japanese seamen, rescued from a disabled Japanese junk, which had drifted a long time at sea, until finally stranded on the eastern shore of the Philippine Islands, whence the survivors were forwarded to Macao, to be re- turned to Japan. 17. In 1839, a wrecked junk was boarded by Captain Cathcart of the American whale ship James Loper, drifting in latitude 30° N., longitude 174° W., or about half way between Japan and the Hawaiian Islands. 18. In the Polynesian, October 17, 1840, published at Honolulu, I find: ‘* The Japanese who took passage in the Harlequin remained at Kamschatka under the protection of the Governor awaiting an opportunity of returning to their native country.” Nore.—In 1834, the brig Harlequin conveyed to Petropaulski from Hon- olulu 18 Japanese taken from wrecks, who had remained 18 months at Hon- olulu. They were finally returned to Japan by Russian officials. In 1840, Mr. Nathaniel Savory, a native of Massachusetts, residing at Port Lloyd, Bonin Islands, reports a Japanese junk of about 40 tons, laden with dried fish, entered that harbor in distress, having been driven from her course along the coast of Japan through stress of weather, with her provisions ex- hausted. They repaired the damage to the junk during that winter, and she sailed in the spring for Japan. Had these islands been uninhabited, this case would have added another to the list of wrecks. i9. In 1841, a fishing junk from the southeast part of Niphon was wrecked on an uninhabited island, where the three survivors remained six months, until taken off by Captain Whitfield, master of the American whale ship John Howland, and brought to Honolulu, where Denzo and Goémon remained, while Nakahama Manjiro went to the United States, and was educated by Captain Whitfield. After being there several years he returned to Honolulu where he found his former companions, and embarked January, 1851, on the Sarah Boyd, Captain Whitmore, bound for Shanghai, taking with them a whale-boat called the Adventure, with a full rig and outfit. When off the Grand Liu-Kiu, the three Japanese effected a landing and the ship proceeded without stopping. Hence they finally reached Kiushiu and Nagasaki, in the ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 55 junk which bears the annual tribute money from Liu-Kiu to Japan. Man- jiro afterwards translated Bowditch’s Navigator into Japanese, and visited San Francisco as sailing-master of the Japanese steam corvette Kanrin-maru, which arrived there March 17th, 1860. 20. In 1845, the United States Frigate St. Louis took from Mexico to Ning- po, in China, three shipwreck Japanese, being survivors of the crew of a junk which had drifted from the coast of Japan, entirely across the Pacific Ocean, and finally stranded on the coast of Mexico, where they remained two years. The Chinese authorities were willing to receive these men and return them to their native country by their annual junk, which sails from Cheefoo to Naga- saki; but the Japanese objected to their landing, owing to the law of 1637. In 1845, the Japanese authorities informed Sir Edward Belcher, command- ing H.B.S. Samarang, that they would not receive returned Japanese from abroad, but ‘‘ had sent a junk-full back to the Emperor of China,’’ to whose country they had gone to obtain return passages by the annual junk permitted from Cheefoo to Nagasaki. The above leads to the inference that the Samarang may have had shipwrecked Japanese seamen on board. 21. In 1845, April lst, Captain Mercator Cooper, of Sag Harbor, when in the American whale ship Manhattan, rescued eleven shipwrecked Japanese mariners from St. Peters, a small island lying a few degrees southeast of Nip- hon, and took them to Yedo Bay, where they were received under exception. Captain Cooper is also reported to have fallen in with a sinking junk, from which he rescued as many more Japanese seamen. [See Dr. C. F. Winslow’s account in Friend of February 2d, 1846. ] 22. In 1847, a French whaleship while cruising off Stapleton Island, sighted a fire-signal on the shore, and sent a boat to the relief of five Japanese sailors, who were in a helpless plight; the only survivors of a crew, whose dis- abled junk lay stranded on the beach of asmall bay. Later, about 1853, a party of officers from the U. S. steam frigate Susquehanna landed and sur- veyed this wreck, which they then described as ‘‘ still partly kept together by large nails of copper, and portions of sheets of metal. Her planks, fastened together at the edge, were but little rubbed or decayed.”’ 23. In 1847, April 21st, the Bremen ship Otaheite, Captain Weitung, when in lat. 35° N., long. 156° E., fellin with a Japanese junk in distress, which had lost her rudder and had been driven off the coast of Japan in a gale No- vember, 1846, and had drifted five months. Took off the crew, consisting of nine men, also six tons of wax. She was about 80 tons burden and chiefly lad- en with paper belonging to Osaka, and bound north. Captain Weitung kept them on board four weeks, and May 19th, 1847, put them on board a junk in the Straits of Matsmai. [See Polynesian, October 17, 1847, and Friend, Dec- ember 2, 1847.] 24. In 1848, Captain Cox of New London, Conn., picked up fifteen of twenty Japanese seamen from a disabled junk in lat. 40° N., long. 170° W., and kept them on board six months during a cruise in the Ochotsk sea, and finally landed them at Lahaina, where they remained six or eight months. 25. In 1850, during the autumn, S. Sentharo, Toro and J. Heco—the lat- ter then aged 13 yeays—left Osaka in a junk for Yedo. After discharging and reloading they started to return via Woragawa. After leaving the latter 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA place their rudder was disabled and they lost their mast and drifted out to sea. Fifty days later the wreck was fallen in with by the American bark Auk- land, Captain Jennings, who took off and brought the crew of 17 persons to San Francisco, in February, 1851. They were quartered on board the U. 8S. revenue cutter, and cared for by order of the Collector of the Port. Our citi- zens generally took much interest in them. The Japanese were subsequently embarked on the U. S. sloop St. Mary's and conveyed to Hongkong, where 15 were transferred to the U. S. steamer Susquehanna to await the arrival of Commodore Perry and his expedition. Heco and the second mate, Toro, re- turned to San Francisco on the bark Sarah Hooper, reaching there in the autumn of 1852. Sentharo returned with Rev. Mr. Goble, from San Fran- cisco to Japan, and also Toro returned in the American bark Melita to Hako- daté from San Francisco, via Honolulu, April 19, 1859. Toro was for a while clerk with Wells, Fargo & Co., and Joseph Heco, clerk with Macondray & Co. Heco was subsequently appointed for duty on the United States Surveying Schooner Fennimore Cooper, about 1858-59, and left her at Honolulu, on account of sickness, but finally returned to Yedo, on the United States steamer Mississippi. [See Evening Bulletin, June, 1862. ] 26. In 1850, April 22d, in lat. 45° N. long. 155° E., the American whale ship Henry Kneeland, Clark, master, fell in with a Japanese junk having 13 persons on board. The vessel left Yedo for Kuno, but lost her rudder and was dismasted; then drifted to sea, and had been at the mercy of the winds and currents for sixty-six days, during forty of which they had subsisted on fish and snow water. The Captain and two seamen came to Honolulu on the H. K.; two of the crew were transferred to the Marengo; six were taken to Petropaulski and taken charge of by the Russian authorities, and two came to Honolulu by the Nimrod. [See Friend, October 15, 1850; also Friend, November 1, 1850. ] Notrr.—In 1851, by Japanese records I find that five Japanese seamen from Honolulu via China arrived at Nagasaki—probably the above. 27. In 1851, a Japanese junk was cast away upon Atka Island, and only three of the crew survived. 28. In 1852, April 15th, in lat. 31° N., long. 150° E., about 300 miles N. N. E. of Guam, Captain West, in the American whaleship Jsaac Howland, fellin with a small Japanese junk in ballast. The four men on board had but a little oil to sustain life, and were much emaciated. Their tiller was lashed, and the vessel having been forty-nine days out of their reckoning, the crew had given themselves up to die. Two of these men Captain West took to the Atlantic States, and two were transferred to an American whaler about to cruise in the vicinity of the Japanese Islands. 29. In March, 1853, the American ship John Gilpin, Captain Doane, passed a water-logged wreck of a junk, her deck awash with the water, in lat. 18° —’'N., long. 145° —’ E., just beyond Pagan and Grigan Islands. Large numbers of fish were around the wreck. There were no survivors on board. She had every appearance of having been a very long time in the water. 30. In 1853, Captain C. M. Scammon discovered the wreck of a Japanese junk, on the southwest or largest of the San Bonito group of Islands, off ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. BT Lower California, in lat. 289 N., long, 116° W., and near Cedros Island. [See Alta, April 22, 1860.] Her planks were fastened together on the edges with spikes or bolts of a flat shape, with all of the head on one side. The seams were not quite straight, although the workmanship otherwise was good. That portion of the wreck in sight, was principally the bottom of the vessel, and gave evidence of having been a long time on shore. [Extract from Captain Scammon’s log.] 31. In 1854, August 14th, just after Commodore Perry’s departure, the American ship Lady Pierce, Captain Burrows, arrived at Simoda from San Francisco via Honolulu June 2, 1854. She returned Diyonoské to Japan, who was the sole survivor of a crew of fifteen men, and was picked off from a drifting junk near the Hawaiian Islands, after being seven months helpless at sea. He had resided some time in San Francisco. 32. In 1855, “aptain Brooks, in American brig Leverett, which arrived here from Ayan, Siberia, November 29th, picked up an abandoned junk in lat. 420 N., long. 170° W., about 900 miles from the American Coast. 33. In 1856, the American bark Messenger Bird, Captain Homer, reported a disabled junk at Guam, Ladrone Islands. 34. In 1856, Captain Jno. C. Lawton, in the brig Prince de Joinville, while getting guano at Cedros and adjacent islands, reported a Japanese wreck, seen near Magdalena Bay. 35. In 1858, the U.S. surveying schooner Fennimore Cooper, Lieut. John M. Brooke, U.S.N. commanding, sailed from Honolulu for a cruise along the chain of islands extending thence towards Japan. He had on board a Japan- ese seaman named Marsa-Kitchi, whom he landed at Kanagawa. The junk from which this man was taken, was disabled at sea while engaged in the coasting trade, and her crew were forced to put her before the wind, heading to the eastward, a direction in which they were forced against their will. To prevent drifting too rapidly, they lowered their anchor in the open sea to act as a drag, paying out their full length of cable, and thus allowed it to remain until it finally parted. 36. In 1858, May 19th, the British ship Caribean, when in lat. 48° 40’ N;, long. 171° E., about 1,600 miles from the coast of Japan, fell in with a dis- masted junk, which had carried away her rudder, and had been about five months floating helplessly at sea. The captain, mate and ten seamen were rescued and brought to San Francisco, where they arrived June 7, 1858. They were cared for by Captain Winchester, who took them in the Caribean to Vancouver Island, whence he was bound for China, bnt having met a Brit- ish war vessel off Japan, the rescued men were transferred to her, and thus landed at a Japanese port. The junk was loaded with barley and rice, and barnacles two feet long were reported found upon the wreck. The British Government presented £400 to Captain Winchester as areward and in reimbursement of his necessary outlays. 37. In 1859, the bark Gambia, Captain Brooks, found the remains of a Japanese junk on Ocean Island, lat. 28° 24’ N., long. 178° 21’ W. 38, 39. In 1859, July 4th, the remains of two stranded junks, with lower 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA masts high on the beach, were found on the east or lagoon side of Brooks Island, lat. 28011’ N. long. 1779 18’ to 25’ W. 40. May 11th, 1862, the bark Yankee, Captain Claxton, passed in lat. 25° 39’ N., long. 138° 24° W., a wreck with the stump of one mast oniy standing, of which the wood was quite black with age. The junk was water-logged, and the sea washing entirely over her. Being satisfied there was no life upon her, and a heavy sea running, did not board; passed her three-quarters of a mile to windward, and the Yankee kept on her course. 41. In 1862, a Japanese junk was stranded in September near Attu. They had drifted in distress for 90 days, and out of a crew of twelve only three sur- vived.. These were taken in 1863 to Nicolaefsky, Amoor river, and then re- turned to Hakodaté by a Russian war vessel. 42. In 1862, May 4th, the ship Victor, Captain Crowell, arrived at San Francisco, with the captain, officers and crew, eleven in number, of the Jap- anese junk Jo-maru, from Kanagawa, December 21, 1861, for Owari and Hiogo. On January 5, 1862, was disabled and drifted fromland. Was about three months at the mercy of winds and currents, until picked up April 13th, 1862, in lat. 33° N., long. 1619 26’ E., by the Victor. They were cared for by Mr. Brooks, Japanese Consul, and by him returned to Japan, in the American schooner Caroline E. Foote, for Hakodaté. 43. A Japanese junk drifted past Baker’s Island, lat. 0° 13’ N., long. 176° 22’ W., some time in 1863. Boats were sent out and towed it on to the beach. There were four Japanese bodies on board; all were dead. 44, In 1864, February 4th, on Providence Island, lat. 9° 52’ N., long. 160° 65’ E., on the Lagoon shore of the island was seen the portions of a vessel which had been many years a wreck. Scattered along the outer shore were many redwood logs, some of them of great size. 45. In April, 1869, an abandoned junk was stranded on Adakh, one of the Aleutian Isles. 46. In 1870, in October, the San Salvador ship Louisa Canovera, Captain Demoro, when in lat. 37°46’ N., and long. 158° 10’ E., fell in with a dis- masted junk, laden with rice, having four dead bodies on board, and no living persons. The papers and effects were taken and delivered to the Japanese Consul at San Franesico, and by him returned to Japan, November, 1870. 47, 48, 49. In July, 1871, the old chief at Attu Island, aged 70 years, re-’ ported that three Japanese junks had been lost upon the surrounding islets, during his recollection, besides one stranded not far from the harbor of that island in 1862. +50. In 1871, February 2d, in lat. 33945’ N., long. 1419 31° E., about 150 miles from the coast of Japan, the American ship Annie M. Smull, Captain Packer, fellin with the Japanese junk Sumi-yoshi-maru, of Kiushiu, and rescued the Captain and three surviving seamen, and landed them at San Francisco, February 24, 1871. They sailed from Shiroko, province of Ise, January 17, 1871, for Dai Osaki, with a cargo of wood. Two days later they were disabled, and drifted to sea, and were picked up seventeen days later. 51. In 1871, May 23d, in lat. 34° 54’ N., long. 143° 32’ E., Pacific Mail steamship China, Captain Cobb, rescued five Japanese seamen from the dis- abled junk Sumi-ayee-maru, of Kobe. Eleven out of sixteen originally on ACADEMY OF SCIENCEs. 59 board died upon the wreck, and the captain of the junk died on the steamer after being rescued. They were cared for by Mr. Brooks, who returned them to Yokohama, July 1, 1571, and the government presented suitable rewards. 52. In 1871, the Japanese junk Jinko-maru, of Matsaka, of 180 kokus measurement, encountered a severe gale January 18, 1871, while going from Isé to Kumano, during which she lost her rudder, and while in danger of foundering cut away her masts. The junk drifted from the coast of Japan in the Kuro Shiwo for 2,500 miles in a helpless condition, her crew keeping a fire and living on rice, and fish they speared, until they drifted on the rocks at Atka, July 10th, 1871, where, by means of ropes, the three men on board landed safely. There they remained until September 19th, 1871, when they took passage by schooner H. M. Hutchinson for Ounalaska and San Francisco, whence they were returned to Japan by the Consul. 53. In 1873, Captain W. B. Cobb, in steamer China, rescued the crew from a wrecked junk in lat. —O—’ N., long. —OC —’ E., and landed them at Yokohama, in acknowledgment for which the usual present was made him by the Japanese government. 54, A junk has been reported as stranded on the coast of Alaska. 55. A junk was cast upon the windward side of Kauaii, one of the Hawa- jian Islands, and the survivors landed at Hanalei harbor. 56. An old resident of Petropaulski informed me there was a Japanese junk stranded below that harbor, previous to 1812, where many years since the wreck still remained. Six of the crew survived. 57. A Japanese wreck was sighted adrift below San Diego. Reported in the Alta. 58. A junk was wrecked at Nootka Sound. 59. In 1875, April 6th, in lat. 38° 02'N., long. 164° 38’ E., American ship Game Cock, Capt. T. C. Stoddard, fell in with the Japanese junk Woonohi- maru, of about 80 tons, dismasted, with her stern stove and rudder gone, and generally in a helpless condition, and rescued theretrom twelve Japanese seamen, The junk was bound from Hakodaté to Tokio, with a cargo of salt fish and sea-weed, when on December 3d they were blown off shore ina severe gale. December 10th they again made the land, when another heavy gale commenced and blew the junk off again. December 19th was forced to cut away the mast to save the hull. December 22d raised a jury mast and got under way, sailing towards Japan whenever the wind permitted; at other times took in sail and drifted. By their reckoning, they estimate having thus sailed 1500 miles west, principally with northeast winds, when, April 5th, in a bad sea, they carried away rudder, and soon after stove stern. At 8 a.m. the following day, they abandoned the wreck, from which they were rescued by the Game Cock, and landed at San Francisco April 28th, and were returned to Japan by Mr. Takaki May 1st, per Great Republic. For the rescue and kind treatment of these men, the Japanese Government presented Capt. Stoddard with a gold chronometer watch through His Excellency Yoshida Kiyonari, their Minister at Washington. 60. In 1876, July 3d, in lat. 37° 10’ N., long. 167° 35° E., British barque Abby Cowper, Capt. Nelson, fell in with the Japanese junk Koki-maru, of Otaru, island of Yeso, of 477 kokus government measurement, equivalent to 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA about 120 tons. The junk was dismasted and floating in a helpless condition. Sakaki-bara Katsubé, mate, and Tomokitchi, sailor, the only survivors of 12 men, were rescued from the wreck, and made the following statement, which is very interesting as anillustration of many doubtless similar struggles. In October, 1875, the junk loaded at Shari and Abashiri, on the northern coast of the island of Yeso, with salted salmon and preserved roe of salmon, Left latter place November 5th, and touched at Hakodaté, whence they sailed December 6th for Tokio, Niphon. On the 9th, when on the east coast of Japan between lat. 39° and 40° N., and about long. 142° E.. a severe westerly gale was encountered. December 12th carried away mainmast. Afterwards got it in and fished it with a piece of the main yard. On the 18th carried that mast away, and the yard was washed overboard. A sea soon after disabled the rudder, which was unshipped and taken in, the vessel in the meantime making water freely. To lighten her, 300 kokus of cargo (nearly two-thirds), was thrown overboard. From this time the vessel floated helplessly. Early in January, 1876, fresh water gave out, and all the rainwater possible was saved and used. Then three seamen were taken down with the scurvy, which soon appeared amony the balance. Towards the close of January, fire- wood gave out, but a small nucleus of fire was preservedin astove. Asalast resort, the junk’s boat was broken up for firewood. All hands subsisting on a little rice cooked in rain water, and principally on salt fish, with a very small allowance of water. February 5th Chojero died—the first death. March 9th, Capt. Sato Sangoro died; then followed Kitsaburo, April 16th; Bunkichi, 21st; Kizo, 24th; Renkitchi, May 2d; Skedjero, 2d; Taské, 2d; Heihichi, 14th, and finally, Matsutaro, June 10th. The two survivors, anti- cipating a similar death, lingered until the forenoon of July 3d, when they sighted a vessel, had strength enough to raise a signal, and were rescued. They caught rain May 24th, after nearly all had died, which largely assisted in preserving the survivors. They also caught fifteen large fresh fish called bonita. Before the captain died, he wrote and handed to the mate letters to his family and owners, describing all details. The two survivors, expecting death themselves, boxed these up, with the ship’s papers, and fastened them in a conspicuous place, whence they were taken and preserved. After the death of each person, the survivors enclosed their bodies in a Japanese coffin suitably inscribed, and stowed them in the hold of the junk, hoping they might reach some land an? receive burial. The survivors reached San Francisco August 15th, 1876, and after recuperating, were returned to Japan by Mr. Takaki.* Many more might easily be added, but these suffice to establish many facts valuable to science. The annual rainfall of Japan averages 70.33 inches, occurring on 197.7 days, two-1hirds of which falls between April and October; at Tokio the ther- mometer varies from a monthly maximum of 91° Faht. in August, to a min- imum of 20° in January, averaying 58° 22 for the year, and averages 48° 33 at Hakodaté, where the average number of hard gales per annum is 16.79. [See Kaitakushi Reports and Tables, Tokio, 1875. ] *_Note.—These last two cases haye been submitted by Mr. Brooks as additions to the list for publication since the reading of this paper. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 61 The presence of wrecks so far south near the equator, indicates that they had been swept northward from Japan by the Kuro Shiwo, and thence south- ward along the northwest coast of America until they fell into the equatorial westerly current, where, in company with redwood logs, and drift-wood from Oregon, they must have reached these islands in the equatorial belt. In illustration of this equatorial current, we have the report of residents of Christmas Island, which speaks of a westerly current setting past that island at the rate of one and a-half to two miles an hour. August 23d, 1861, there was picked up on the shore of the island of Niihau, in latitude 21° 50’ N., longitude 160° 15’ W.., a bottle containing a paper, thrown from the American ship White Swallow, thrown overboard July 21st, 1861, in latitude 21° 30’ N., longitude 151° 55’ W. It had made a nearly due west drift of 460 miles in about thirty-three days. This shows the existence of a very powerful westerly current around the Hawaiian Islands of about 14 miles per diem. In 1862, September 10th, an enormous Oregon tree about 150 feet in length and fully six feetin diameter above the butt, drifted past the island of Mauii, Hawaiian Islands. The roots, which rose ten feet out of water, would span about 25 feet. Two branches rose perpendicularly 20 to 25 feet. Several tons of clayish earth were embedded among its roots. Many saw-logs and pieces of drift-wood- came ashore in this vicinity about this time. These were evidently portions of the immense body of ship-timber launched upon the Pacific during the great flood of the previous winter along the American coast. Their almost simultaneous arrival at Mauii in September, seems to indicate quite accurately the force and direction of the currents in this ocean. Supposing them to have come from the Columbia River, leaving say February 18th, 1862, and to have drifted 2,800 miles, they must have drifted at an average rate of 14 miles per day to have reached Mauii September 10th. We may argue from the above that there were other ways of explaining the similarity of flora upon many islands of the Pacific and the high terraces of our Sierra Nevada mountains, beside the hypothesis of an intervening conti- nent where the broad Pacific now rests. There is a strong presumption that the present bed of the Pacific Ocean may once have been an extended valley, submerged by some abrupt and spasmodic catastrophe, at a period when the fiery interior of the earth was in a state of inconceivable agitation, and its equilibrium temporarily disturbed. Abundant ruptures of the entire combined strata of its crust along our mountain ranges, bear indisputable evidence, in prominences tilted up and raised to immense heights: conditions which must have necessitated corresponding depressions, and consequently established new beds for water, forming new islands, re-dividing and re-shaping continents. The existing shore lines of enormous empty basins, the pebble and cobble stones rounded by erotion, at present in the centre of this continent west of the Rocky Mountains, all contribute testimony of some great change. The spores or seeds of plants may, however, have been more recently transferred by clinging to the earth around the roots of such mammoth trees as floated from the high latitudes of the northwest coast of America. Once cast upon any island and rooted, they would soon replant and extend them- selves. Driftwood from Columbia River and Puget Sound distributed itself 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA throughout the North Pacific, and the windward shores of the Hawaiian Islands are literally lined with it, as well as with redwood logs of formidable size, Small parties of male Japanese have repeatedly reached the American continent by sea, cast upon its shores after floating helplessly for months. Until recently, the survivors must have remained permanently near where they landed, and naturally uniting with women of the native races, have left descendents more or less impressed with their physical peculiarities. Such a slow, limited, but constant infusion of Japanese blood, almost entirely from male seamen, was undoubtedly sufficient to modify the original stock of all coast tribes along our north-western shore. No marks exist of any immigra- tion en masse, neither is there any present record of any Japanese woman saved from such a wreck, although cases may formerly have occurred, but must have been very rare. These unfortunate seamen, often illiterate, and separated from their sources of learning, necessarily lost their own language; but in doing so, doubtless contributed many isolated words to the Indian dialects of this coast. Many shipwrecked Japanese have informed me that they were enabled to communicate with and understand the natives of Atka and Adakh Islands. Quite an infusion of Japanese words is found among some of the coast tribes of Oregon and California, either pure, as tsche-tsche, milk, or clipped, as hiaku, speed, found reduced to hyack, meaning fast, in Indian; or yaku, evil genius in Japanese, similarly reduced to yak, devil, by the Indians. In almost all words showing such similarity, the Indian word is always an abbreviated word, or shorter word than the Japanese, from which it may be argued that the latter was the original and the former derived. The construction of the two languages is, however, different. There are, however, a large number of pure Japanese words and some very peculiar Japanese ‘‘idioms, constructions, honorific, separative, and agglutinative particles ”’ found nearly identical in the American-Indian dialect. Shipwrecked Japan- ese are invariably enabled to communicate understandingly with the coast Indians, although speaking quite a different language. The great mass of the Japanese people stoutly disclaim any common descent with the Chinese, and firmly believe they have a wholly different origin. Any common ancestor must certainly have been in very remote ages. Professor George Davidson, in charge of the United States Coast Survey on the Pacific, our highest authority upon questions connected with the great ocean currents of this ocean, has bestowed much critical study upon the physical conditions connected with the Kuro Shiwo. In 1851, when sta- tioned at the mouth of the Columbia river, he began the interesting investi- gations necessary to demonstrate its complete outline. In 1868, he communicated to the National Academy of Science his deduc- tions establishing the existence of the return current northwestward, westward and southwestward along the shores of the Gulf of Alaska, and the southern coast of the Aleutian Islands, whilst the great body of the current is deflected down the northward coast until it is drawn into the Great Equatorial Current which moves westward until it strikes the Asiatic barrier, and thence starts on its course, about the island of Formosa, as the great warm stream of Japan. He first showed the striking analogy between this stream and that of the ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 63 North Atlantic, especially in their origin at latitude 23°, their being nearly 180 degrees of longitude apart, their general course, etc., etc. There is a branch of the Kuro Shiwo, which shoots off northward near Kamschatka, and is felt 50 or 100 miles off this promontory; whilst close in shore, a cold current flows southward from the Arctic through the western part of Behring’s Straits. On Kamschatka, the Kurile and Aleutian Islands, and on Alaska, great number of disabled Japanese junks must have been stranded in past centuries. Professor Davidson, who has had occasion to examine the Spanish, Eng- lish, Russian and American records of discoveries in this ocean, assures me that he has found mention of at least a dozen or more junks, wrecked on the coasts of Kamschatka, within a comparatively recent period; and in the earlier descriptions of the Kurile Islands, and of the Kamschatka Peninsula, he says frequent mention is made of the wrecks of Japanese junks upon these coasts. Both winds and currents of the North Pacific assist in driving disabled Japanese junks around the great circle of the Kuro Shiwo. A junk disabled in the latitude of Tokio would be swept by alternate southwest and northwest winds, and the existing northeasterly current, towards the northwest coast of America. The distance from Cape King to San Francisco is about 4,500 nautical miles. We have here abundant proof of the track taken by these disabled vessels, by a study of their positions when found drifting at seain the Pacific, at the mercy of winds and waves. For many, many centuries the coasting trade of Japan has employed alarge fleet of junks in exchanging rice from their southern, for salt fish from their northern ports. Although it may be presumed that the large number of their vessels thus disabled and rendered unmanageable, undoubtedly founder in the heavy gales they experience; yet comparatively large numbers having cargoes suitable for food, and crossing a region subject to much rain, which is easily caught, are enabled to sustain life until either picked up, or stranded somewhere on the American coast, or some island in their course. In the above sixty cases enumerated, there were, from 1613 to 1694, four cases; from 1710 to 1782, three cases; 1804 to 1820, six cases; 1831 to 1848, eleven cases; and since the rapid settlement of this coast in 1850 to 1876, only 28 years, we have a list of 36 wrecks reported. This apparent increase is not owing to their increased number, but solely to the fact, that increase of com- merce on the Pacific has distributed there a large fleet, whose presence has materially increased the chances of rescue to disabled vessels, and the likeli- hood of receiving reports from stranded wrecks. In addition to the list we have enumerated, are the Hawaiian traditions that several such junks were wrecked on Hawaii before the year 1778; to which add the wrecks from which the 18 Japanese were returned from Honolulu in 1834, also those from which came the junk full of shipwreck Japanese, who attempted to, and failed in returning, by Cheefoo to Nagasaki; also the dozen additional ones, alluded to by Professor Davidson, as stranded on the penin- sula of Kamschatka, within a comparatively recent period; and the frequent mention of similar wrecks on the Kurile Islands. These all taken together, with yet others not fully verified, could scarcely have been less than forty 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA more, rendering it reasonable to suppose that fully one hundred wrecked Jap- anese junks, have been heard from, in one way or another, adrift upon the North Pacific, or stranded on the northwest coast of America or some outly- ing islands. In answer to the question of whether any of these waifs have ever found their way back to Japan from the American coast. in early times, I can say, that from historical data still extant, and from the personal relations of de- scendauts of some of such returned voyagers, I have learned that in rare cases, occurring from 400 to 260 years ago, crews actually reached Japan with tidings of the American coast; and Professor Davidson informs me, that when recently in Japan observing the Transit of Venus, a very intelligent Japanese scholar, well known to me personally, related to him a well authenticated case within this century, Formerly such accounts were not allowed general pub- licity, because stoutly discountenanced by an ecclesiastical government, to whom such discoveries were quite as repugnant as were Galileo’s to the me- dieval government of Rome. To the peaceful masses, the confines of their archipelago, were but recently the horizon of the world. The famous voyage of the Buddhist priest from China, at the beginning of the seventh century, to a country called by him Fusang, (meaning, translated “*to aid or cultivating mulberries,’’) was at the exact period when Japanese historians record their first official intercourse with China; and was probably reached by a coasting voyage along the western coast of Corea, thence along the northern coast of Niphon, around Yeso, and southerly, to the southeastern shore of Niplron, where mulberry trees were then cultivated abundantly, and which was undoubtedly the land he called Fusang. A careful study of the native records seems to indicate that his much mooted Chinese voyage could not possibly have extended to the American coast. Of the sixty cases here reported, 27 wrecks were encountered at sea, and the balance stranded, as follows: On the Aleutian islands, 8; Coast of Kam- schatka, 6; Alaska, Oregon, Hawaiian and Brooks Islands, two each; Off San Diego, Acapulco, Nootka Sound, San Bonito, Queen Charlotte, Cedros, Prov- idence, Baker’s, Stapleton, Ocean and Ladrone Islands, one each. In 23 cases where the actual number on board was named, they aggregated 293 persons; an average of 12% persons to a junk; ranging from 3 to 35 in in- dividual cases. Where definite statistics of the saved are given, we find 222 persons saved in 33 cases; an average of 6%4 persons in each disaster. On eight occasions, three persons each were rescued; in four cases, one person; and on four other cases, four persons; three times, eleven were saved; and twice each, 5, 12, 15, 17; and once each 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18, were saved. By an examination of the above figures, we may estimate the probable ex- tent of Japanese blood infused into the Indian tribes around the shores of the North Pacific. Fifteen vessels mention having drifted helplessly at sea an aggregate of 1064 months, averaging a little over seven months each. Eleven cases report 122 deaths; averaging a little over eleven deaths to each wreck. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 67 Early Migrations—Ancient Maritime Intercourse of West- ern Nations before the Christian Era, Ethnologically considered. and Chronologically arranged, Dllustrat- ing Facilities for Migration among early types of the human race. BY CHARLES WOLCOTT BROOKS. In all subdivisions of races, we are apt, at first, to look superficially upon different nations as separate and complete types of humanity. The brief synopsis here collected from ancient histories, clearly reveals the extent of maritime intercourse, actually developed by western nations up to fully 4,000 years ago. By such statistics, acquired with sufficient details to trace facilities for admixture, the inference fairly follows: that maritime nations of Asia, including the Japanese, whose origin we are soon to examine, may have enjoyed like facilities of intercommunication; and consequently, in common with all maritime peoples at this stage of human existence, became to a cer- tain extent mixed and composite. Until we reflect, we know not the possibilities of human nature. The exact justice of all nature’s arrangements, and the unerring actions of her laws is exhibited in her method of developing man. He is carniverous, hence combative; gregarious, therefore social. This is equally true of individ- uals and of nations. If we follow out this thought, we shall find man, even in his perturbations, is a creature of law. ‘ All matter is similar in substance, differing only in degree of development. The refinement of matter is a process ceaselessly going on in the Eastern as well as in the Western hemisphere; for the parental law of physical and mental formation, and progressive development is universal, coéxtensive and coéyal with nature, No solitary world or people has a special code of laws. God, the controlling power, is law, impartial and universal. Man is the highest physical ultimate of matter endowed with a progressive prin- ciple. To him, religion is a grand, progressive, moral science, unfolding his physical and mental qualities by exact and eternal law. It everywhere teaches him that the aspect of all created things is continually changing, and in obedience to law he must advance, for all present conditions periodically perish. With constantly changing conditions, an endless evolution of forms and ideas is ceaselessly occurring. Nature is everywhere instinctive with life; attractive and repulsive forces are exerted over atoms and bodies, and equally over minds. These, in the latter case, influence migrations. Capricious influences often intervene to determine direction; for nature works by greater or lesser impulses, yet her methods determined by law, are always adapted to the end in view, to the plan of the Great Architect, the Intelligent Mind of the Universe. 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA Perfect arrangement and maturity of plan marks the order of creation. Life is to unfold, cultivate and develop our rudimentary powers. Every atom bears its own record. Our own soul is the parchment, whereon is indelibly engraved our virtues and our vices. Action and rest succeed one another. Periods of intense activity are succeeded by others, either dilatory or inert, when action gradually subsides. The world is now entering a period of great popular activity. Language is inadequate to convey a perfect idea of a spectacle, open to the analytical eye of every observing naturalist; sublime as it is wonderful, exact as itis impartial. All things are subservient to exact law, and similar con- ditions lead to similar results. An elementary study of the early intercourse among so-called western nations, seems imperative to those who would seek to unravel a corresponding movement among aborigines of the far East. The independence of thought and action, which this age has developed, precludes the acceptance of any theory by the educated classes, which is not in accordance with nature and reason. Only by practical illustrations can we properly comprehend nature’s intricate principles and processes. Science says: prove all things, all truth is susceptible of proof. Although many individual instances here quoted may be familiar to schol- ars; their ethnological value is especially apparent when massed in one col- lection, where they show early intercourse to have been habitual rather than exceptional, revealing the probability as well as the possibility of very early admixture of races, and finally elicit testimony to establish a certainty. From the éarliest dawn of human history, tribes and nations appear to have been more or less mixed, either when captured as prisoners of war, like the Sabine women of Rome, or united in friendly alliance for purposes of com- merce. General communication, here shown to have extensively occurred during the early stages of human development, naturally implies that all early races brought in contact by commerce, have to a certain extent, mu- tually left their impress upon each other. Before submitting the ancient records of Asia to a scrutinizing search, we briefly trace the early footsteps of national intercourse in the histories of western nations. Gradual progression marks the development of commerce, from the rude attempt of the ancients to follow their coast with primitive gal- leys, having solitary mast and sail, or oars double or treble banked, to the dauntless energy of ocean steamships at the present day. Slowly but surely commerce is raising inventive genius above the fame of military chieftains, and enabling Watt, Fulton, Arkwright, Whitney and Morse, to claim a greater share of our true admiration, than agents of destruction like Alexander, Cesar or Genghis khan. Maritime commerce, which exchanges what a nation can spare from ‘its abundance, for what it wants, is of very ancient origin, and may have had its beginning in the unrecorded era, nearly coéval with the development of in- telligence in man. The study of astronomy, a science essentially necessary to ocean navigation, was very ancient among oriental nations. Learned astronomers are persuaded that the celestial observations of the Chinese were accurately taken B. C. 2249; those of an eclipse, B. C. 2155, have been proved as authentic, and ACADEMY OF SCIENCEs. 69 other observations are recorded three centuries later. Astronomical observa- tions made at Babylon, calculated the rotundity of the earth, which they esti- mated at 40,000 miles in circumference; and those when transmitted to Greece by Alexander, and seen by Aristotle, B. C. 324, contained a calendar of above nineteen centuries, extending back to within fifteen years of those ascribed to the Chinese. Europeans first learned this science from Jupiter Belus, king of Babylon. The ancient kingdoms of India appear to have had observations fully as early as the Babylonians. We will now attempt to trace chronologically the naval growth and ancient commerce of western nations by their records, from B. C. 2249 to the Chris- tian era, to demonstrate the possibility of early migrations of races in pre- historic times. Migrations by water, which appear by our own histories to have occurred around the Mediterranean, may likewise have occurred on the Pacific, and in other parts of the habitable globe. Shore lines and water courses were early availed of for the distribution and subdivision of races. Mountain ranges were natural barriers. The authenticity of ancient history necessarily rests upon the evidence of ancient writers, when unimpaired by later discoveries. This summary has therefore required a judicious digest of many original authors, from whom its Statistics are compiled and arranged. Few seem to be aware of how early and extended an intercourse existed be- tween Asia and the western world, which in its earliest ages was principally conducted by the South Arabians, a people apparently more enlightened by science and commerce than any nation farther East except the Phoenicians. The South Arabian commerce is supposed to be the most ancient inter- course between far-distant peoples, of which western nations have any remaining records. That next in importance, and apparently also in order of time, was that of the Phcenicians and their colonies, especially Carthage and Gadir (changed by the Saracens to Cadiz). Those general enemies of com- merce, the Romans, soon abolished that of Cathage and of Corinth. With the increase of the Roman empire came the decrease of commerce, excepting only that branch necessarily enlarged by an increasing demand for Oriental luxuries. Of this very early trade of the Europeans and nations of Asia Minor, with the Orient, we happily possess a description which, for accuracy and minuteness of detail, when compiled, may almost rival a modern official account. As the Roman empire declined, the Oriental trade, supported merely by the redundant opulence of Rome, gradually decayed; and in the sixth cen- tury we find the intercourse with India turned into a new channel. During the many dark ages which succeeded the subversion of the western empire, gross ignorance prevailed, and commerce, in common with literature and science, became neglected in the western hemisphere, until renewed attention was drawn to it by the Saracens, and at some of the Italian seaports. The spirit of commerce afterwards arose in the Netherlands and at some German seaports, followed by Portugal and Spain, and latterly by Great Britain and other European nations. The Greeks esteemed Phoenicians as the inventors of commerce, shipbuild- ing, navigation, and the application of astronomy to nautical purposes; their 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA capital, Sidon, founded about B. C. 2200, became preéminently great and illustrious for the wonderful energy of its people, but it is presumed that com- merce was received by the Phcenicians from the Babylonians, and in turn found its way there from Indian countries farther East, along the Asiatic shore and Malayan archipelagoes. That Persian poem, the book of Job, generally admitted to be the oldest book in the Hebrew bible, shows that sciences were then cultivated, ship- building, useful and ornamental arts, were in an advanced state, and com- merce was vigorously prosecuted. Vessels are spoken of as distinguished for their speed, bringing gold from Ophir, and topazes from Ethiopia. B. C. 1728, the Arabians conducted an extensive and profitable trade be- tween Egypt and India, importing largely of spices, gold and silver; and it is recorded, B. C. 1556, that vessels were propelled by fifty oars. This custom continued, and in later history we find their size increased, and they were fur- nished with three, and at times five, tires of oars. The early history of Greece shows their vessels were Pheenician built, rowed by oars—long, slender, open boats, lightly constructed, capable of being transported upon shoulders, the smallest carrying 50 men, the largest 120—and although they had masts and square sails, they depended mainly upon their oars. Seventy geographical miles was considered a day’s work for a vessel with oars, and the sailors were paid four oboli, or about eight cents a day. Much of the early Greek mythology came originally from India. There is scarcely anything the Greeks ever learned from the far Orient, the invention of which they have not ascribed to their own countrymen. Many of our best scholars, aided by recent discoveries and researches, are now persuaded that the use of letters was known to the Greeks before Cadmus came from Phe- nicia, B. C. 1556. The earliest letters known in Greece were more probably those which Plato calls Hypoborean (i. e. northern), and describes as different from letters of his own age. According to Diodorus Siculus, Orpheus used Pelasgic letters, which were older than the Greek. Strabo says: the invention of rafts, the very first rude essays in navigation, was ascribed to Erythras, a king of some part of the coast of the Persian Gulf. Theophrastus is, I believe, the oldest author who alludes to cinnamon and other spices and aromatics, knowing them to be the produce of India. In- tercourse between India and Arabia was easy by availivg of the monsoons, whose periodical regularity were observed and taken advantage of, to bring cargoes of spices many ages before the time of Hippalus, whom the Egyptian Greeks supposed to be their first discoverer. The Southern Arabs traded to more remote parts of India than the Persians or Assyrians, and from the earliest ages enjoyed most generally the entire monopoly of the trade be- tween far India and the western world. It was not until Europeans found an ocean route to India via the Cape of Good Hope, that the ancient system of their most important commerce was totally overturned. This commercial history is quoted as showing how common and easy was the migration of colonies by sea in remote ages, and how great an ascendency the possession of shipping and maritime power gave to some of the pre-his- toric races. In very early times the Phenician merchants were the greatest ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. bs ocean carriers for the whole western world. B. C. 1280, the spirit of trade is recorded as having spread over the greater part of Asia. The religion of Egypt declared the sea unclean, because the dead body of their god Osiris was thrown into it. Egyptians therefore abhorred the sea, and formerly avoided any concern in maritime affairs. Their early trade was conducted by foreigners; on the Mediterranean and with Arabia, their com- merce was for a long time wholly entrusted to the Phenicians. According to Apollonius Rhodius, B. C. 1300, and prior to the expedition of the Argonauts, Sesostris, king of Egypt, built a fleet of 400 vessels on the Erythrean (Red) Sea. The Egyptians were, however, but fresh-water sailors; their hulls and masts were made of thorn, and sails of paper. The Greeks had skillful ship-builders, and Homer has immortalized Har- monides as the builder of the vessels which carried off the beautiful Helen from Sparta. During the ‘‘ heroic ages’’ of Greece, the petty princes on the sea coast frequently fitted out vessels to go on piratical cruises against the merchant ships upon the Mediterranean; hence it became common to question a commander whether he professed piracy or trade. Their course depended on the previous knowledge of the shore acquired by some member of the crew. Homer describes Ulysses as covering his ship with long planks, making probably a half-deck. B. C. 1194, when Paris carried off Helen, wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, Agamemnon, king of Argos, embarked a Grecian army of 100,000 menin a fleet of 1186 vessels to avenge the affront. Castor, of Rhodes, a writer cotemporary with Julius Czsar, made a cata- logue of nations who successively attained the empire of the (Mediterranean) Aigean Sea. 3B. C. 1280, the island of Crete was called by Aristotle the Em- press of the Sea. B.C. 1179, the Lydians, after the Cretans, were honored by Minos with the title of masters of the sea. B.C. 1058, the dominion of the seais ascribed to the Pelasgi. B. C. 1003, Castor alleges the Thra- cians had the Empire of the Sea, and held it 19 years. B.C. 890, the domin- ion of the sea is ascribed to the Phrygians. B. C. 753, the Milesians are represented as supreme in naval power, and having a wide commercial fame. B. C. 734, the dominion of the sea is ascribed to the Carians, buccaneers, noted for their piracies. B.C. 717, the Corinthians, a nation of Greece, made a considerable figure in naval transactions. Thucydides mentions their naval force soon after the Trojan war, kept up to protect their trade against pirates. B.C. 676, the Lesbians obtained and held command of the sea for 59 years. B.C. 67, the Romans were masters of the sovereignty of the sea without a competitor, having destroyed nearly all the mercantile nations. B. C. 1100, the Pheenicians extended their discoveries along the entire northern coast of Africa and the opposite shores of Spain. The Mediterra- nean was no limit to their enterprise, for they passed the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) and established powerful commercial settlements upon the Atlan- tic, mutually beneficial to themselves and natives of thecountry. Phoenician colonies were societies of opulent and intelligent merchants, ingenious manu- facturers, skillful artizans and hardy seamen, who left an overcrowded pop- ulation, with the good wishes of their parents and friends, to settle in a dis- tant country and there maintain a correspondence for mutual advantage. 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA B. C. 1046, Eupolemus says David built ships in Arabia, wherein he sent men skilled in mines and metals to the island of Ophir. B. C. 1012 and 975, Solomon extended his territories to the Red Sea, and despatched ships to the rich countries of the South and far East. Hiram, king of Tyre, wishing an opening to the rich commerce of the Orient, either acted in partnership or concert with him. Previously all Oriental products had been received at second-hand through the Arabians. Solomon’s ships, built and conducted by the Tyrians, sailed in company with those of Hiram to the rich land of Ophir and Tarshish. A voyage required three years to accomplish, and the returns were prodigiously profitable, consisting of gold, silver, precious stones, ivory, woods, apes and peacocks. They probably availed of the monsoons to visit Ceylon, Sumatra, India, and possibly communicated with China and Japan. The Phcenicians, when in the Indian Ocean in company with Solomon’s fleet, doubtless saw the beautiful Malay prows, and reported and improved upon the former models of their vessels, and multiplied their oars or paddles. B. C. 916, the Rhodians composed a Code of Maritime laws, which was copied by the Romans, and ingrafted into the law of Oberon, which is in a great measure in force to this day. They were of Phoenician origin. B. C. 890, the Greeks received from Asia coined silver money, weights and measures. B. C. 717, the commercial city of Tyre was attacked by Salmanasar, king of Assyria, who brought against it a fleet of 70 vessels, furnished and manned by Phoenicians. The Tyrians defeated this fleet with only 12 ships, and took 500 prisoners. This is the most ancient naval battle recorded in European histories. B. C. 700, great improvements were introduced into shipbuilding by the Corinthians. B. C. 641, Coleus, of Samos, sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar to Tar- tessus on the southwestern coast of Spain, and was the first Greek who ever saw the Atlantic. B. C. 616, Necos, king of Egypt, sent a fleet of discovery to circumnavigate Africa, engaging therefor Pheenician navigators who sailed by the Red Sea, and following the coast of Africa, returned by the Mediterranean, reaching home the third year after their departure. B. C. 594, according to Diodorus Siculus, Apries, king of Egypt, had a fleet on the Mediterranean, and fought a naval battle against the maritime cities of Sidon and Tyre, the former of which he captured, beating the fleets of Phoenicia and Cyprus, and returned to Egypt loaded with spoils. As Egypt had no ship timber, most of the Egyptian fleets were built by, and pur- chased of, the Phoenicians. B. ©. 588, The Tyrians employed workmen from all neighboring countries to labor in building and navigating their ships, which were magnificently adorned with ivory, purple and fine linen; their commanders were most re- spected, and every commercial and maritime calling was esteemed honorable. About this time, Thales, a Greek philosopher descended of Phcenician par- entage, pointed out to the Greeks the Ursa minor, by which Phoenicians steered their course at night; instructed them in the rotundity of the earth; fixed the year into 365 days, and predicted the year of an eclipse. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (3) Pythagoras, a native of the island of Samos, taught the rotundity of the earth, the existence of the antipodes, and a confused idea of the real motion of the planetary system as afterwards demonstrated by Copernicus. B. C. 550, the Phoenicians visited Ireland, and returned with reports of the islands now known as Great Britain. B. C. 548, we learn that the inhabitants of Phoca, a Grecian city on the Asiatic coast, were a commercial people, and the first Greeks who traded to remote Asiatic countries; performing their voyages in long vessels of fifty oars, in the management of which they were very expert. Strabo mentions a colony of Phoczans who were expelled from Corsica, who sailed to the south of Gaul, where, B. C. 538, they founded Massilia (Marseilles), a city which about the Christian era, sustained a high character as the seat of science, commerce and naval power. The Etruscans and Etrurians, says Didorus Siculus, founded colonies at a very early age, were good mariners, and appear to have possessed the greater portion of Italy before the Trojan war. Polybius says, B. C. 524, the Car- thagenians were possessed of hereditary preéminence in nautical science. Their ships were equal to any on the Mediterranean, carrying carved figure heads and sterns. Aristotle says they were the first who raised their ships of war from three to four rows of oars. They constructed wet docks, and were first to appoint second captains (mates) to their vessels. B. C. 524, the Carthagenians embarked 30,000 people in sixty ships of fifty oars each, and passed Gibraltar to the west coast of Africa to found colonies. These vessels must have carried 500 persons each. B. C. 506, Darius, king of Persia, invaded the Scythians with a fleet of 600 vessels. Darius was also sovereign of Phcenicia. B. C. 497, the Ionian fleet of 353 vessels was defeated by 600 ships belong- ing to the maritime vassals of Persia, chiefly under the direction of Phoeni- cians. B. C. 494, an expedition, conducted by Mardonius, son of Darius, com- posed of 300 ships, containing 20,000 soldiers, was cast away against the rocks of Mount Athos during a violent storm. B. C. 481, Xerxes, the mighty monarch of Persia and a greater part of Asia, sent a memorable expedition against Greece, composed of 1,207 triremes, or ships of war, carrying three tires of oars, and 3,000 transports, which formid- able armada was finally defeated by the Greeks. B. C. 477, Herodotus says, Amilcar a Carthagenian general, invaded Sicily with an army of 300,000 men. As Sicily is an island, this necessitated a naval fleet. : Frequent mention of large naval fleets transporting armies, is made from this date until the Christian era. From this time wide commercial intercourse existed,and many naval engagements of great magnitude are noted. The commerce which had flourished for ages in the hands of the Pheni- cians was largely desolated by the conquests of Alexander, B. C. 333. B. C. 260, the Romans, who prospered for a while by a perpetual violation of justice, resolved to establish a naval force for piracy and commercial plun- der. They had neither ship carpenters nor seamen, but got possession of a stranded Carthagenian quinquereme, and in sixty days from felling the trees, 74 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA their carpenters had constructed a fleet of 100 quinqueremes and 20 triremes. Roman sailors were drawn from the despised classes of the populace, and were unrespected, while the navigators and seamen of Tyre and Carthage were held by their people in high and deserved esteem. B. C. 242, although the Romans had considerably improved in nautical knowledge, the progress of Science among them was very tardy, and their losses by storms at sea were prodigious. In one gale almost every soul per- ished on 384 of their ships, which either foundered or were wrecked. At the same time the Carthagenian fleet made a good harbor and escaped damage. The haughty Romans thought commercial concerns beneath their dignity, and that extended selfishness which they called patriotism, soon rendered it impossible for any mercantile nation to flourish within the grasp of Rome. B. C. 219, superabundant wealth induced a,rage for shipbuilding, among Hiero, king of Syracuse, and other opulent kings of his age, vastly exceeding every purpose of utility in enormous bulk and extravagant ornament. As- sisted by Archimedes, Hiero constructed a galley of twenty tires of oars, sheathed with sheet lead, and carrying three masts, which no vessel had hitherto done. She had the embellishments of a palace with the fortifications and warlike stores of a castle. Athenzeus tells us, on the authority of Cal- lixenus and Mosepion, that Ptolemy Philopator, king of Egypt, built two huge ships. One intended for sea service was 420 feet long, 57 feet beam, consisting of two long flat vessels united by one deck, having two heads and two sterns. She carried 4,000 oars, disposed in 40 tires. Besides 4,000 rowers, she carried 2,850 soldiers, cooks, servants, etc. The other vessel, intended for inland navigation, was 300 feet long and 45 feet beam. B. C. 170, the Sabeeans, who possessed the southern extremity of Arabia, acquired great opulence by commerce, and preserved their liberty unimpaired by conquest during many ages. Agatharchides says they were in possession of the carrying trade between Asia and Europe, and commanded the com- merce of both. They filled the dominions of Ptolemy with gold and silver and precious stones (probably from Ceylon), and founded several colonies in for- eign countries. B. C. 146, the Romans, determined upon the total abolition of commerce, destroyed the mercantile city of Corinth, and thought themselves entitled to the exclusive privilege of plundering the world. B. C. 100, Strabo repeats a story of a vessel from India, picked up adrift in the Red Sea, with only one man aboard, almost dead, whose shipmates died of famine, and Ptolemy Eurgetes, II, king of Egypt during the Macedonian dominion, sent Eudorus to convey him back to India, whence the expedition returned with aromatics and precious stones. B. C. 67, Pompey, with 500 Roman ships under his command, captured 400 ships at Cilicia. B. C. 66, Lucullus, returning from Asia, brought as a part of his plunder, a large number of books. B. C. 57, the Veniti, said by Strabo to be a Belgie nation, settled near the northwestern extremity of Gaul (France), were distinguished for their nauti- cal science and experience. They had great numbers of vessels, excellent sea-boats, used leather sails, and iron chains instead of rope cables, and car- ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 75 ried on a considerable trade with Britain. Their feet of 220 such vessels was overpowered and captured by a Koman fleet of 600 galleys. B. C. 54, Julius Cesar collected above 800 ships and landed a large force in Britain, subduing a great many kings, four of whom were in Kent. B. C. 48, the profusion of luxury introduced into Rome by the conquest of enervated kingdoms of Asia, had now made alarming progress. B. C. 25, ambassadors are said to have been sent by an Indian prince called Porus, from India to Rome, and; according to Florus, also from the Scythians, Sarmatians, and even the Seres, to court the friendship of Augus- tus, who was then in Spain. Those from India were nearly four years upon their journey. Augustus was called the father of the Roman imperial navy, of which Ravenna on the Adriatic was the principal eastern station, and Misenum in the gulf of Naples, the western. Pliny says, in his reign some Roman navigators explored the coast of the North Sea as far as Cimbri (the north end of Denmark). At this time the Britons used small vessels of which the keel and principal frame was made of light wood, the bottom and sides of a kind of basket work made of osiers, and the whole was covered with hides. The Arabians, who furnished the greatest and most reliable part of articles imported into the Mediterranean, appear to have been the only traders from the West, whose voyages in very early days extended to India. Im 1851, I met a small native Arabian vessel far from land in the Bay of Bengal, bound towards the Spice Islands of the Malay Archipelago—a notable relic of an- cient times. People of such commercial and nautical knowledge as the South Arabians, could not have experienced the semi-annual changes of the monsoon, without early availing themselves of the advantages they offered to their navigation. It would by no means be extravagant to suppose that they traded to Taprobané (Ceylon), or even to countries and islands far beyond it. As early as the days of Solomon (B. C. 1000), no such spices were known in Jerusalem as those presented by the Queen of Sheba; and later we learn in the days Ptolemy Philadelphus, B. C. 280, the Sabzeans, whose long expe- rience in the nature of the periodical winds called monsoons, of the seas and various ports of India, undersold the merchants of Egypt, who coasted the whole way to India in their own small vessels. Ptolemy sent Dionysius to India as Ambassador, with a view of establishing direct intercourse with that country. In the ‘‘Periplus* of the Erythrwan Sea,’’ oriental vessels then in use are thus described: madaratc, small vessels joined together by sewing; trap- paga and kotymba, long vessels used by fishermen and pilots; sangara, pirat- ical crafts like double canoes; and kolandiophonta, which vessels were of the largest size, with capacity to perform distant voyages, and were in the trade of Arabia, with the river Ganges, and countries beyond it. This work which, for approved accuracy of geographical, nautical and commercial in- formation, stands unrivalled by any production of antiquity, comprehends under the name of the Erythrean Sea, all the ocean between Africa and *The PERIPLUS (circumnavigation) was written about the first century of the Christian era by an Egyptian Greek, an intelligent merchant and practical navigator upon the Eryth- rean Sea. 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA India, including the Bay of Bengal. It observes that the unexplored ocean extends to the southward until it joins the Atlantic, information generally concealed from the age of Necos, B. C. 616, until the re-discovery of the Cape of Good Hope by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century. Some authors say that Solomon’s ships circumnayigated Africa and re- turned by the Mediterranean laden with gold. More likely they availed of the monsoons and went to Ceylon, India and Sumatra. The Seres, described as the most remote people of Asia known even by re- port to the Europeans, are said to have manufactured sericum or silk gar- ments from threads finer than those of the spider, which they combed from (cocoons like) flowers. Nearchus, the admiral of Alexander’s fleet, speaks of this precious manufacture which found its way to Rome in the days of Cesar, and being a monopoly and subject to a long succession of tedious and dangerous sea and land carriages, sold at a price making it equal in value to gold. Seres also shipped to Arabia steel much superior to all other kinds, the product of a country in the eastern part of Asia. White rock candy and porcelain such as is produced in China, was also shipped, and all these bore the expense of a succession of land and water carriages. May not the steel have come from Japan and the porcelain from China? When the Portuguese arrived on the coast of Asia in their first voyages of discovery, they found it frequented by vessels of various nations. The natives of India, deriving all the necessities and enjoyments of life from their fertile soil and own industry, cared very little for productions of the West. Grecian merchants were obliged to pay for their cargoes chiefly in money, and Pliny says, that at the lowest computation, 500 sestertia (equal to £403,645 16s 8d sterling) was every year sent out of the Roman empire for the purchase of goods, which were sold in Rome at an advance of one hun- dred for one. A sum equally large was also paid to Arabian merchants for articles from their country of mere luxury and female vanity. The increasing demand of almost the entire Roman empire for Oriental lux- uries, all of which when crossing Egypt in transitu paid especially heavy im- port and export duties, increased the revenue of that country immensely; some idea of which is given us by Appian, who says Ptolemy Philadelphus at his death, left in his treasury 740,000 talents, (equal to £191,167,666 13s 4d sterling), much of which, however, may have been derived from the plunder looted by his father from the Persian empire. In thus glancing at the early records of ocean navigation among the Ara- bians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Hebrews, etc., we discover the important po- sition occupied by the Phoenicians, as the principal supporters of an early and extended intercourse with the Orient. We may draw some analogies therefrom in a future outline of the early commerce of Asiatic nations, among themselves, and their intercourse with the American continent in very early times. All these movements of peoples have an important ethnological bear- ing, as revealing the possible methods of migrations along the shore-lines of countries. From early maritime records here cited in illustration, we are led to infer that intercommunication by water, along coast-lines, was very ancient among all western nations at a very early period, and we are persuaded that all ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 77 commerce was then in connected circles, like links of a chain; each orbit of trading fleets communicating at its extremes with others farther east and west. Thus the silk of China and Japan, unknown in Europe, found its way into ports on the Baltic Sea, through several limited districts of trade, each keeping within its natural limits, but acting as a medium for circulating the products of one extreme to the other. All trade being more or less a monop- oly, the point of production of many valuable commodities was frequently concealed. Certain terminal points exist in all trade where one system of commerce links into and connects with another reaching beyond. Such were Gadir, Massilia, Alexandria, Tyre, Sidon, Taprobané (Ceylon), Molucea, Seres, ete. Thus legends and traditions of far distant countries were communicated in advauce of their discovery, and although at first deemed mythical, were gen- erally founded on facts, and largely confirmed by later discoveries and ex- plorations in the field, and since found fully detailed in Oriental histories yet extant. Every variety of enormity has in all ages been the characteristic ascribed by ignorance to unknown nations, and these have been gradually removed farther and farther as discovery advanced. Great numbers of people were distributed by this early commercial enter- prise, and how large indeed must have been the number of ancient Phceni- cian and Malay wrecks, if the Japanese wrecks of the present day may be accepted as any criterion. Nature is universally consistent. In future papers I shall discuss the different origin of the Chinese and Jap- anese races, and conclude by expressing the opinion that early races have been far more spread and intermixed by early maritime intercourse, than the casual observer would suppose, and that, however distinct any type of mankind may appear, all will be found to be more or less composite, except- ing, perhaps, some remnant of early aborigines, driven into a forced seclusion among the fastnesses of interior mountain ranges. The authorities adduced in this paper might be greatly increased, but I have studied to be as brief as possible, aiming only to show the progressive quality and universality of natural law, whereby analogical reasoning is ren- dered comparatively safe, and to establish the fact of early intercourse among maritime nations of the West, rather than to fully illustrate either, by elab- orate details. Dr. Brigham read an invitation to attend the International Congress of Americanists, to be held at Nancy, France, July 22, 1875. Judge Hastings called the attention of the Academy to the fact that the work of the State Geological Survey on the ‘‘ Bot- any of California”’ would shortly be published. As the flora of the Pacific Coast develops some characteristic species, novel and interesting, worthy the attention of the students of this science, is is highly to be desired that the work on the botany of this State should be published. This publication is now secured 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA through the exertions of D. C. Gilman, President of the Univer- sity of California, at whose request the following named gentle- men have contributed the necessary funds to put the work in stereotype: Leland Stanford, Henry Pierce, R. B. Woodward, Lloyd Tevis, D. O. Mills, J. C. Flood, John O. Earl, Wm. Nor- ris and Chas. McLaughlin. These gentlemen are not known to be scientists, and do not appear to be actuated by any special or personal motive. The California Academy of Sciences, therefore, in recognition of their generosity, orders that their names be en- rolled upon the records of the Society as benefactors of Science. And it is deemed proper that honorable mention should be made of Professor Asa Gray, Professor J. D. Whitney, Professor Watson and Professor W. H. Brewer, for their personal devotion to the work without pecuniary consideration. The Secretary was ordered to incorporate the above remarks in the minutes. Reevrar Meerine, Aprit 51x, 1875. Vice-President Edwards in the chair. Sixty-five members present. Donations to the Cabinet: From Chas. D. Gibbes, bird’s nests from San Joaquin County; from Mr. Frink, collection of grasses, bark and nuts from Hawaiian Islands; from Professor George ‘Davidson, a collection of Japanese plants. Horatio Stone read a paper on the Unity of Arts. Amos Bowman read a paper on Coal Deposits of the Pacific Coast. Professor Brewer exhibited a map showing the distribution of woodlands in the United States. In speaking of the map he alluded to the theory of the connection of the existence of for- ests with rainfall. In the investigations of the Smithsonian In- stitution, no instrumental evidence had been found, in any part of the United States, that the destruction of forests had re- ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 79 duced the rainfall. The fact appears to be so, but has not been properly proven. Dr. Gibbons did not agree with Professor Brewer, and thought there was evidence to prove that there was a connection between the existence or non-existence of forests and rainfall. In California, in regions very limited in extent, the rainfall varies greatly in a few miles, the greater amount falling in the vicinity of timber. Dr. Gibbons exhibited a branch of poplar tree on which a piece of misletoe had grown in a peculiar manner. It came out from the end of the broken branch as if it had been grafted. Reeutar Meeting, Aprit 197TH, 1875. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, John Hewston, Jr., was called to the Chair. Fifty members present. The following new members were elected: Alfred E. Regens- berger, Jas. B. Clifford, E. T. Tarbox, Arthur C. Taylor, Chas. Frances, J. R. Stanton and F. P. Hartney. Messrs. 8S. B. Christy and Frank Soulé were proposed for membership. Donations to the Museum: From Professor Gustaf Hisen, University of Upsala, Sweden, two specimens of Pinus flexilis in foliage, two cones and foliage of the sub-alpine form from Mono Pass, former 12,000 feet, latter lower; also Hphedra antisyphalitica and Abies Pationiana (Williamsonii) from same locality. W.G. Blunt donated silky poppies of an unknown plant used in stuffing birds; Joseph H. Clarke, of Cahto, Mendocino County, Califor- nia, presented specimens of salmon trout. From T. J. Butler, Arizona, specimen of curious insect captured in Agua Fria River, Arizona. Professor W. H. Brewer read the following: 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA On the Formation of Ice-pellets or Hail, in the Spray of Yosemite Fall. BY PROFESSOR W. H. BREWER. On Wednesday last, April 19th, in company with Mr. Galen Clark (under the Commissioners, custodian of Yosemite Valley), I visited the foot of the upper Yosemite Fall. In the winter, a great ice-cone forms in front of this fall, mostly, it is probable, an accumulation of frozen spray. It is now much reduced by thawing from what it was a month ago. At our visit, it extended below the fall several hundred feet, bridging the chasm to an unknown thickness. The two persons most familiar with it, respectively estimated its thickness that day at ‘‘ sixty to one hundred feet,’’ and ‘“‘ nearer two hundred feet.’’ The outer side of this ‘‘cone’’ slopes away from the fall; the inner side rises like a wall in front of the sheet, which falls mostly behind it with deep, thunderous sound; the water flows beneath the mass, and emerges from an icy arch at its foot, which arch in shape and appearance strongly reminds one of the ice-arch in the foot of the glacier at the source of the Arveiron, at Mt. Blanc. The stream was so high from the melting of the snow, that it dropped from the extreme top, not clinging to the rounded crest, as it does when the water is lower, but leaping out so that the actual leap is perhaps fully 1550 feet to the rocky bottom, and to the top of the ‘‘ice-cone,’’ nearly or quite 1500 feet. Over the ice-cone the spray is furiously driven by the powerful air-blast produced by the fall. The day was warm and clear, the time of observation between 12 m. and 12.30 p.m., and the fall in its brightest illumination, as it faces nearly south. As we neared the ice-cone, certain appearances suggested to me that the spray which drifted over it was (in part, at least) snow. To examine this, we ventured on this cone farther than strict prudence dictated, and in the tempest, which stung our hands and faces like shot, we found the spray in part to be hail, or ice-pellets. The exact character of these pellets could not be studied in the blinding blast to which we were subjected. They appeared to be hard, like hail-stones, tolerably uniform in size, and I estimated them at about one-tenth of an inch in diameter. They accumulated quite copiously on our clothes, but most so towards our feet, as if they were most abundantly hurled along near the ice on which we stood. They also accumulated in thin sheets on the rocks which rose through the ice near its edge. The ice-cone, which had been very white during the winter, had been sullied by sand and dirt carried over it withthe spray in the heavy storm of the previous week. Near its lower edge, however, were many depressions filled with what appeared to be new and pure snow, which we believed to be in reality fresh accumulations of these ice-pellets, but from their position it was impossible to examine them. We however pushed our way back to the rocky ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 65 It is sincerely hoped that the publication of this record, which has so inter- esting an ethnological import, may result in awakening Japan to the adop- tion of immediate steps in the great interest of a common humanity; for by improving the models of her vessels, and adopting those with sea-going qual- ities, this long record of disasters may speedily be abridged, if not wholly terminated. About a year since it became my duty to forward to Japan, half a dozen wooden models, full drawings and specifications of small vessels, varying from 40 to 200 tons, ordered by the Japanese government for the use of ship- builders, which the now enlightened government has recommended them to adopt, instead of their present form of junks. Thus the edict of 1639 has passed away forever, and young Japan is rising to take her equal place among the advancing nations of the world. Few are better aware than the scientist, of the manifold and inevitable dan- gers which attend all radical changes, when suddenly made; for success is a problem seldom solved without repeated trials and inevitable failures. But to-day, Japan is earnestly seeking to establish her national perpetuity, by fos- tering a discriminating intelligence among her people, and by encouraging general and liberal education among the masses. Thus she reverses in the most practical manner, the other edict alluded to as promulgated in 1637. Her centuries of quiet seclusion are now embalmed with the history of the past, and she seeks true greatness in an enlightened administration of her national affairs, and bids fair henceforth to reciprocate a generous friendship towards all members of the great brotherhood of nations, from whom she may now claim equal sympathy and neighborly protection. The great changes in Japan can not be better illustrated than in the fact, that itis now customary for the government of Japan, in common with all other nations, to present through their Foreign office, some suitable reward in acknowledgement of kind service, to the captains of vessels who rescue their shipwrecked seamen. The Japanese Government have now in their navy ten war ships, five dispatch vessels, and five training ships, all steamers; and in their mercantile marine, one hundred and two steamers of various tonnage, aggregating 30,718 tons; also 32 modern sailing vessels built in foreign style of 7,346 total ton- nage. The great Pacific Ocean and its adjoining waters, under the impulse of this age of steam, is becoming the highway of an enterprising commerce, and steadily unfolds an attractive field of research to ethnological and linguistic archeologists. Many young Japanese are already attracted to scientific pursuits, and their valuable technical as well as general results, are beginning to claim the attention of naturalists. Much valuable scientific work has been done by Japanese scholars since their early lessons received from Professor Wm. P. Blake and Professor Raphael Pumpelly; two eminent American scientists, whom I had the honor Proc. Can. AcapD. Sci., Vou. VI.—5. 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA of selecting and engaging in the summer of 1861, on behalf of the government of Japan, to act as government Mineralogists and Mining Engineers. A glorious opening now presents itself for some reliable and competent scholar, with pecuniary means at command, to collect a library of books re- lating to the Asiatic, shores of the North Pacific ocean, as perfect in its way as is that of our great historian, Hubert H. Bancroft, relating to the native races of the American coast; and when as systematically classified, and as thoroughly studied, give to the world full and correct historical details and analytical classifications of all native races on the borders of Asia; many of whose records and traditions must necessarily fade with radical changes in civilization, and soon pass beyond human reach. The splendid sunrise, now dawning in the Orient, offers golden opportun- ities, which should be promptly improved while available. Old ways are giving place to new, and invaluable treasures of antiquity may be lost for- ever, or cast aside to linger for a generation or two, in the memories of the aged, before their shadowy forms become enshrouded in the misty veil of a forgotten past. Dr. Stout referred briefly to the death of Sir Charles Lyell, and a Committee of three was appointed to draft appropriate resolutions. The Chair appointed John Muir, H. G. Hanks, and Dr. A. Kellogg. Reevtar Meetine, Marcu 15, 1875. Vice-President Gibbons in the Chair. Twenty-two members present. Henry R. Taylor and J. W. Anderson were elected resident members; and Arthur C. Taylor was proposed. Donations to the Museum: From John Muir, lava from Mt. Shasta; also specimens of Pellea ternifolia and Cupressus McNab- tana. Mr. Amos Bowman read a paper on Terraces in the Coast Range as related to the detritus of glaciers and of the ancient rivers. Charles Wolcott Brooks read the following paper: X s tbe . Zan ’ Pe LAGE 4, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 81 wall beside the fall and as near the sheet as it was possible to breathe or to stand. If any of the pellets occurred there, I could not prove it. I could not feel them, and the water so blinded us that nothing could be seen distinctly. On returning, we kept on the rocks, and noticed none of the ice- pellets there. I had left my thermometer behind, and had no means of testing the temperature of this freezing blast. At Leidig’s Hotel, which is one and three-eighths mile distant and about a thousand feet lower, my thermometer stood at about 52° Fahr. at 6 a.m.; 78140 at 2.30 p.m.; 79° at 3.15. p.m.; 58° at 9 p.m., and 50° at 6 the next morning. I had no wet-buib to determine the dryness, but that the air was very dry was shown by the rapidity with which our saturated clothes dried. When this fall was visited by the State Geological Survey in June, 1863, the idea was suggested that we examine the temperature of the water above and below the fall, to see if any actual heating of the water occurred as a result of its concussion after falling from so vast a height. The dryness of the air was then so great that I was convinced that evaporation would coun- terbalance or at least vitiate any results that might be theoretically based on the mechanical equivalent of heat, so the experiment (which would have cost much labor and time) was not tried. And on seeing this new phenomenon, the hypothesis which immediately suggested itself to me as an explanation was that it was due to evaporation. That the fall is fed by melting snow, much of which still’ lies near its top; that the great volume of ice-cold water chills the adjacent air to near 32 degrees; that the air-current thus cooled, as it is drawn into and along with the immense descending mass, is a very dry current, and that its rapid saturation by this evaporation of a portion of the spray is sufficiently chilling to freeze drops of water up to a certain diameter. Had the ice-pellets been portions of the ice-cone torn off from its edge and hurled outward with its spray, we would not expect such an uniformity of size as I observed. Professor John LeConte, on my describing the phenomenon to him to-day, has suggested another hypothesis, more plausible, perhaps, than mine. Itis that the air carried down and cooled by the water is somewhat condensed at. the base of the fall, and that by its expansion asit gets away from the pressure, sufficient cold is produced to freeze the drops. Whatever may be the explanation, of the fact there is no mistake. T. J. Lowry read the following paper: Hydrographic Surveying. BY T. J. LOWRY, U. S. COAST SURVEY. Hydrographic surveys of bays, iakes, rivers, gulfs and the parts of oceans adjacent to coasts, are indispensable requisites to a safe navigation, and hence successful international commerce. Being of national importance, they are therefore national undertakings—and the Government Coast Surveys and Proc, Cau. AcapD. Scr., Vou. VI.—6. Thy piled LLL) PREY Pew J Jj ideih, gilded fromm prowto stern, and covered with a canopy Of silk.A.D.997~1797. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA navies of all countries are engaged in determining and mapping the topography of the water basins and channels of the earth. An accurate survey of waters adjacent to land is based upon a survey of the adjoining lands, by means of which the figure of the coast and the positions of a sufficient number of conspicuous and well-defined objects near the coast have been ascertained. These objects are the landmarks, by observations of which the positions of points on the surface of the water (and hence the soundings) are determined. The relative positions of the landmarks are ascertained with a degree of accuracy proportionate to the character and extent of information to be given by the chart. When perfect accuracy is aimed at; many stations on shore (and especially on island shoals and reefs) are first determined usually by a trigonometrical survey whose accuracy is tested by a base of verification. The stations in the triangulation being selected with reference to the ultimate ends in view (viz., the wants of the hydrographer and navigator), will be so chosen as to include or determine light-houses, headlands, and other remarkable objects—not allowing the triangles, however, to depart too much from the well conditioned forms. In making choice of stations, and thus giving shapes to the triangles, it is well to remember, that where all the angles are to be observed, the condition most favorable to the accuracy of computation—i. e., where instrumental errors and errors of observation will least affect the determination—is where each triangle is equilateral. But where, two angles only are to be observed, the unobserved angle should be a right angle, and the observed angles equal to each other and never less than twenty-five or thirty degrees. Experience proves that, in well conditioned triangles, the small errors made in* the measurement of the angles do not accumulate through each successive step in the operation, but on the whole tend to compensate each other. Whatever extent of coast may be surveyed, each series of hydrographic operations will be confined to comparatively limited spaces, and the whole will consist of numerous detailed charts correctly linked together and har- monized by means of the triangulation on shore; a description, therefore, of the modus operandi in making a hydrographic survey of a single harbor or short sea reach will apply equally to the system adopted in the survey of an extensive line of coast. Having made a reconnaissance of the region to be surveyed, and gathered a general idea of the facilities for, as well as the difficulties of doing the work, the next step is to locate tide gauges and tide observers. Judging from all information that can be gathered of the prevailing winds, currents, tides, shoals, and the configuration of the shore line, the hydrogra- pher will fix the number and sites of his tide gauges so as to get data for de- termining the figure of the surface of the water at any given instant. They should be more numerous the more the surface of the water at any instant deviates from the horizontal form. And the fewer the gauges used the greater the care to be exercised in deciding upon their locations. Placing a gauge within a bar, sand-bank or other impediment to the free action of the water, or within a lagoon which winds fill with water faster than it can escape, is to be especially guarded against. And in comparatively limited basins of water ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 83 at least two gauges should be established—one at that side of the basin near- est ‘‘whence the prevailing winds come,’’ and the other nearest ‘‘ whither they go.’’? These gauges are not only checks on each other when the wind’s action is an insignificant element, but where the wind drives water from one portion of the basin and piles it up in another, they furnish data indispen- sable for harmonizing soundings taken on those and calmer days. In such a basin, when but one gauge is used, the proper place for it, theo- rectically speaking, is the center of the basin. These considerations attended to, each gauge is firmly fixed in a well sheltered spot, so that its zero shall be below low-water at neap, and its top above high-water at spring-tides. By proper circumspection for the site of each gauge, one will generally be found to answer for each station, but where the observation is made from shore two or more may at times become necessary—the observer following the tide from gauge to gauge as it goes out and retreating over the same path as it comes in. The kinds of tide gauges are as various as the circumstances demanding them. The one ordinarily used is of the simplest kind, a straight vertical post divided into feet and tenths, numbered from the bottom upwards; this is found generally to serve its purpose, inasmuch as when it is too windy to read the gauge correctly, it is blowing too much to sound accurately. A ver- tical tube with small holes at the bottom to admit the water which supports a float, is, however, susceptible of closer readings under all circumstances; and for getting off-shore tides, Mitchell’s gauge is admirably adapted; while as a self-registering gauge, Saxton’s stands without a parallel and leaves nothing to be desired. The zero of each gauge should be referred by means of a spirit-level, or otherwise, to a bench mark cut distinctly and durably on some permanent object (and the remark made in the book), so that, if displaced, it can be properly replaced in position. For the purpose of reducing the soundings, it is mainly essential that the tide-gauge and sounding-boat watches be together; but where the laws of the tides of the locality are also desired, it is best to keep either lunar or mean solar time. A series of observations of the tides on these gauges, made simule taneously with the soundings, furnish data for reducing each sounding to the reference plane—the mean of the lowest low waters. This plane is also given by these tidal observations. The frequency of the necessary readings of the gauge varies from every half-hour to every five minutes, according to the rapidity of the rise and fall of the tide. And now, if there be not on the shore permanent well defined objects that will serve as signals—such as spires, towers, flagstaffs, light-houses, or tall slender trees, fixed by triangulation—then the hydrographer erects the neces- sary signals; usually tripods boarded up, and painted white if projected on dark back-ground from the sounding-boat, or red (or black) if against the sky or a sandy back-ground. The tide-gauges and signals being erected, the next step is to determine carefully with a theodolite the relative position of these signals, and plot them by the computed sides of the triangles of which they are the vertices. It is, however, not imperative that the actual sizes of the triangles be at first 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA known; but the triangles can be computed and plotted from any assumed base, since the ‘‘ relative positions of the signals ’’ is the essential desideratum, Hydrographic surveys all have for their main object the tracing, deter- mining, and plotting, on a suitable scale, the contour lines of navigable channels and water-basins. Contouring represents the inequalities of the earth’s surface by determining the relative heights of any number of points above or below a line equidistant at every point from the earth’s center. This line is what is understood by the term ‘‘a level-line,’’ and is that which is assumed by the surface of the water when at rest. In mapping the contours of parts of the earth not covered with water, after the principal contour lines are drawn on the topographical sheet, intermediate lines may, with the ground before the eye, be sketched in; but such interpolations are obviously impos- sible when tracing the contour lines of a basin filled with water, as in hydro- graphy, where a series of points in the curves of equal depths are brought out only by lines of levels made with the sounding-line. Now, since these lines of equal depths are analogous to contour lines on land—being contour- lines of the bottom of the water-basin, drawn through those points where the reduced soundings are equal—the same rule hence obtains in hydrography as in topography for the directions of the lines of levels for developing them— viz., perpendicular and parallel to the strike or dip of the bottom, i. e., one system of sounding-lines coincident with, and another at right angles to the lines of the steepest declivity of the bottom. The lines run in the general directions of the curves of equal depths, or horizontal curves, are the main lines in developing the contours of the bottom; yet the auxiliary lines which should be run perpendicular to these not only check these depths, but also furnish additional data for drawing these curves of equal depths. At a cross- ing of these lines the difference of the soundings should not be more than three per cent., and the limit of error must not exceed five per cent. of the depth. To form some idea of the general configuration of the bottom of a body of water, we must call in every available aid; as, the topography and geology of the adjacent coast, the effects of currents, tides, and prevailing winds, and, most of all, the revelations of our lead-line, which assist us in judging of the topography of the parts yet unsounded, and hence better fix upon the direc- tions of the lines to be run. The force and directions of winds and currents and qualities of the vessel must of course be considered in laying out direc- tions of sounding-lines. And the greater discretion exercised in giving direc- tions to these lines the fewer in number will it require to bring out the bottom’s varied features in the length and breadth of their modulation. The number of lines required depends upon the extent of the information to be furnished by the chart. ; If for purposes of general navigation, the soundings on the map will be sufficiently numerous when the horizontal curves (viz., fathom and _ half fathom, up to three fathoms, and inside of that, feet curves) can be drawn without doubt as to their directions in any case. As to the frequency of the casts, where the bottom is very irregular, are wanted not casts at studiedly regular intervals, but every possible sounding. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 85 Whether it is the demands of the navigator or the marine engineer that are being satisfied, along with these contour lines of the bottom are required the materials of which the bottom consists, the level, rise and fall of the water, the directions and speeds of its currents, and at times, the temperatures and specific gravities of the water. The accuracy of the methods and instruments for executing these surveys also varies with the amount of detailed inform- ation required. If the survey be made for the erection of a breakwater, in- stead of purposes of general navigation, then are desired nicer instruments for observations, more well-determined signals, more cast positions deter- mined, more soundings on a line and more lines of soundings, more specimens of bottom and more current observations. In every case, however, the whole ground should ke gone over thoroughly to bring out the general features of the bottom and detect each sudden irregularity of depth, which should be traced through its every line of approach, and if it proves to be an isolated knoll or ridge, it may be ‘‘ rayed off’’ by planting one or more temporary buoys on it, and to and from them running radii in different directions. However, as these radial lines are often insufficient to bring out its every feature, others may be run at right angles to them. Yet for general purposes of navigation the general features and extent of a reef and the shoalest cast on it are found amply sufficient. As each sounding is taken, the surveyor notes its depth and also the time which fixes its position with reference to other points on the line determined by either sextant, theodolite or compass angles on known fixed points. The degree of precision with which the positions of the sounding-boat are fixed determines the accuracy, and hence usefulness, of a hydrographic sur- vey. To fix the position of the sounding-boat, under every variety of circum- stances, is, therefore, the all-important problem in practical hydrography, and the method most universally relied upon by the hydrographer for deter- mining his boat’s position, is that by the three-point problem. This problem is wide in its application, accurate in its determinations, and most simple in its graphic solutions. The simultaneous observation of the two angles subtended by three signais fix the place of observation under every possible contingency—except when it is on the circle passing through these three signals—i. e., when the three circles of position are coincident. The accuracy of the determination of positions by this problem depends mainly upon the relative positions of the signals and the observer, and the size of the observed angles—being the very best where the signals are equi- distant from the observer, and subtending angles of 120 degrees. The three signals in a straight line, is a favorite location with many hydrographers, as it offers but one case of indetermination, and that very easily avoided, of being on the straight line passing through them. Butin general a most desirable location is where the circle through the three signals is convex towards the observer, and the middle one is the nearest of the signals, for then ‘‘a revol- ver’ isimpossible. Other things being equal, it is better to ‘‘ angle on ’’ the more distant objects which subtend good-sized angles—say from 45 to 135 degrees—for not only is the parallax of the sextant then less, but an error 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA made in getting an exact coincidence of the images of the signals is then less felt by the angles than if the signals were near or the angles very acute. And besides what is thus told by the relative positions of the signals, the hydrographer should be able to read the tale which the size of the observed angles tell’of a position’s fixedness. If the sum of the observed angles equals 180 degrees or more, then the observer is sure he is not on the circle of indetermination. But if this sum is less than 180 degrees, and equal, or nearly so, to the supplement of the angle subtended at the middle signal by the other two, then the position is not determined. By having these supplements written about the signals, between the proper lines, on the field- sheet, we can by a mental summing of the observed angles tell (without plotting) whether we are too near the circle to get a good determination; and may thus catch other angles that better fix our position. The three-point problem finds in the three-arm circular protractor an accu- rate, simple and most expeditious graphic solution, which is most extensively used in plotting positions of the sounding-boal. In practice the observed angles are set off on the proper lines of the protractor, and the fiducial edges of its arms caused to traverse the three points representing the signals observed upon, and the center dotted, and the position is plotted. If breakers denoting danger be observed at a time when it is impossible to anchor over them, or even approach them to fix a buoy to mark their locality, their position may be marked quite accurately by pulling around them and getting cross ranges (or cross magnetic bearings) of prominent objects on shore, so dis- posed as to guide the observer to the spot in more favorable weather, when a perfect calm may leave no trace whereby the danger can be recognized. Henry Edwards submitted the following: Pacific Coast Lepidoptera, No. 11.—List of the Sphingidze of California and Adjacent Districts, with Descrip- tions of New Species. BY HENRY EDWARDS. As the value of local lists is fully recognized by entomologists, I propose, in the present paper, to furnish a complete catalogue of the species of this interesting group of Lepidoptera, as far as known to me to inhabit the Pacific Coast, and to offer descriptions of what appear to me to be forms as yet un- recognized by science. The number of species, compared with those of the Eastern States, is but small, but extended exploration of our little known mountains and valleys may furnish us with others, while it is more than probable that many of those from Northern Mexico may yet be found within our borders; and, acting upon this belief, I have introduced the description of an exquisite species from the region of the Sierra Madre, which may some day have to be included in our lists. I have followed the arrangement pro- posed by Messrs. Grote and Robinson in their catalogue of Lepidoptera, (No. 1, Am. Entom. Soc., 1868,) and have invariably adopted the generic ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 87 terms of those authors. The notices of the habits and localities of the spe- cies are from my own observation, and for them I am personally responsible. Tribe MACROGLOSSINI. Arctonotus lucidus. Bdv. Head, palpi, antenns, thorax, and abdomen, yellowish olive. Thorax, with the tegule a little darker, and edged narrowly with white. Abdomen, with small anal tuft. Anterior wings, yellowish olive, with a darker median band, not reaching the interior margin, and surrounded by an oblique rich purple border along the interior margin, and obsolete before reaching the costa. This border hasa rather brilliant metallic reflection. Beyond the middle is a notched shade of olive, resting on the costa, a small linear patch near the apex, and a Junate streak near the interior angle, of the same color. Fringe of the exterior margin, yellowish, with the edges brown; that of the— internal margin, purplish, concolorous with the oblique band. Posterior wings, reddish fawn color at the base, with a rich claret-red submarginal band, narrowing inwardly, and lost in the brown hairs of the analangle. Margin, broadly reddish fawn color, the same shade as the base of the wings. Under : fo eae a olive, with a ferruginous patch on dise of the anterior wings. “Fringes, deep fawn color.. Middle tibiz, with four black, shining, palmated spines, recalling somewhat the structure of the fore tarsi of (ryllotalpa. Hind pair, with two spines, fawn color, clothed with hair. Expanse of wings, 2.00 inch. Length of body, 1.00 inch. Coll. Dr. Behr, Sacramento. H. E., Oregon. I have taken the liberty to redescribe this very rare Sphinx, as Dr. Boisdu- val’s description is both brief and vague, and as I have had the good fortune, recently, to examine six specimens of this little known insect, which were forwarded to me from the Dalles, Oregon, for the most part in excellent con- dition. At present, this is certainly one of the rarest species known to Amer- ican entomologists. I have followed Mr. Grote in placing this genus in the present group, though not without misgivings, as its general structure, par- ticularly the form of its antennz, its long body clothing, and its extremely short tongue, seem, as Clemens observes, to point out its proximity to the Bombycide. It has been piaced by this author, and by Walker, at the ex- treme end of the Sphingide. Hemaris Thetis. Bdv. Through the kindness of my friend, Mr. Grote, I have recently had the op- portunity of examining Boisduval’s type specimens of this species, the for- mer gentleman’s admirable description (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. 1, 1868) rendering further notice of it unnecessary. I should, however, observe, that in fresh specimens there is always present on the hind tibize a bunch of long, pale yellow hairs, which are not visible in the somewhat worn and faded type specimens. ‘lhe presence of the reddish apical spot in the anterior wings is, I think, byno means a safe character, asin any one of my specimens it is 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA quite apparent, while in two others it is entirely absent. This species may, ‘however, be always known by the thoracic and abdominal clothing, which is invariably dull olivaceous, with a brownish tinge, and is extended without any break to the yellow pre-anal segments. H. Thetis is found in the valleys of California, chiefly in the neighborhood of the Coast Range, and may be sought for, in May and June, in Napa, Sonoma, and Marin Counties. Itis especially attached to the flowers of various species of Lupinus. Coll. H. E., (exactly agreeing with Boisduval’s type) Dr. Behr, et al. Hemaris rubens, n. sp. (?) Hy. Edw. Under this name, if a true species, I wish to recognize two specimens, in my collection, in which the apical red mark is very distinct above and below, the oblique scale patch at the base of the primaries reddish, and the costa and margins of the wings on the lower side also with a decided reddish hue. In H. Thetis, the two pre-anal segments alone are yellowish, but in the two specimens referred to above, the yellow is carried on to the third segment, dorsally and beneath, but is interrupted on the sides by a black band. This appears to me to be a strong character, as in my examples of Thetis the yel- low shade is distinctly confined to the two pre-anal segments. Slightly smaller than Thetis. The tuft of yellow hairs on the hind tibiz is present in this species. Oregon, Lord Walsingham. Lake Tahoe, Cal., Mrs. Hy. Edwards. Coll. H. E. Hemaris cynoglossum, n. sp. Hy. Edw. Size of H. Thetis. Head above, pale yellowish olive; eyes, margined behind with white scales. Palpi, pale yellowish, with the terminal joint tipped with black. Thorax above, bright greenish olive, without the brown tint observable in Thetis. Basal segments of abdomen, rich velvety black. Two pre-anal segments, pale yellowish, with a darker median shade. The under side of abdomen, including the anal tuft, is wholly black, except the edges of the pre-anal segments, which are pale lemon yellow. The thorax is less covered beneath with yellowish hairs than in Thetis, and the pale scales are hardly visible at the base of the wings, while the tufts of yellow hairs on the tibia, so eminently characteristic of Thetis, are here wholly wanting. The wings above and below are similar to the allied species, but are decidedly more opalescent, giving out a most beautiful bluish reflection. Antenne, blue black. The fore wings are a little sharper at the apex than those of Thetis. Two 6’, two , Coll. Hy. Edw., taken by myself on flowers of Cynoglossum grande, Dougl.; Napa County; Big Trees, Calaveras County, Cal.; Vancouver Island. The species of the genus Hemaris are very closely allied, and can be separated only by characters which in other genera would hardly be deemed sufficient to indicate a difference of species. I think, however, that the absence of colored hairs on the basal segments of the abdomen, and of the pencils of yellow hairs on the hind tibiz, will serve as good grounds for ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 89 separating this form from its allies. The differences between them are very apparent in a series of each. Hemaris palpalis. Grote. Taken at Gilroy, Santa Clara County, by the late G. R. Crotch. Its chief difference from Thetis seems to be in the darker shade of the labial palpi. It is somewhat remarkable that no species of Mr. Grote’s genus Hemorrhagia has yet been discovered on the Pacific Coast, more especially as in the Atlantic States the species are more numerous than those of Hemuaris. Aillopos tantalus. Hubner. This fine insect is not rare in the neighborhood of Mazatlan and other portions of Northern Mexico, and I have seen a specimen taken at Cape St. Lucas, Lower California. It may, therefore, yet be found within our limits. Euproserpinus Phaeton. G. & R. = Macroglossa Erato. Bois. This exquisite little species, so rare at present in collections, appears to be found only in the vicinity of Los Angeles, two specimens in the collection of Dr. Behr and the original types in that of Dr. Boisduval having been obtained from that locality. Itis said to be an early insect, and probably disappears with the flowers of the spring. Proserpinus Clarkiee. Bois. As the delicate green tint of this beautiful insect fades very quickly, I subjoin the following description from a very fresh specimen, taken during the past summer, in which the original coloris at present admirably preserved. It will be seen that both Clemens’ and Boisduval’s descriptions give a wrong idea of the color of the insect. Head, greenish olive above, whitish beneath; labial palpi,. whitish, with green tinge. Eyes and tongue, brownish black. Antenne, black above, reddish beneath; terminal spinule, white, with the extreme hook yellowish brown. Thorax above, greenish olive, whiter at the sides and beneath. Abdomen, greenish olive with a white tinge, except the three anal and the fifth segments, which are dark olive green, the anal segment being marked in the center with a paler streak. Beneath, the abdomen is greenish olive, with the segments edged posteriorly with white. Anterior wings, rich greenish olive, the color of P._Hnothere, paler at their base, except towards the costa, where there is a darker shade. ‘‘The median space is rich greenish olive, narrowing to the internal margin, and enclosing a black discal streak.’’ Behind this band, and resting on the internal margin, is a pinkish shade, not visible in old specimens, and beyond this is a rich olivaceous band, spreading to and widening out upon the costa, the outer edge being somewhat notched. Fringe of the anterior wings, olive green, tipped with black Posterior wings, bright orange yellow, with a broad and moderately regular black marginal band. Fringes, yellowish white. Underside of wings, wholly olivaceous green, darkest at the base. Across the dise of the posteriors is a slightly waved 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA whitish band. The discal streak of the anteriors is scarcely visible. Feet and legs, whitish green. Not rare in the northern portion of California and southern Oregon. A number of specimens were taken by Lord Walsingham, near Fort Klamath, and it occurs not unfrequently, in May and June, throughout the Coast Range and the Sierra Nevada. It appears to delight in the flowers of the various species of (ilia. Dr. Boisduval says that his specimen was raised from the caterpillar by the late Mr. Lorquin. Itis a matter of regret that we possess no record of its earlier stages. This is undoubtedly the species referred to by Mr. Grote in Bull. Buffalo N. H. Soc., 1874, as Lepisesia Victoriw, the description having been evidently drawn up from a somewhat faded specimen. Proserpinus Terlooii, n. sp. Hy. Edwards. : r Head and palpi, yellowish olive. Eyes, black. Antenne, dark olive; pectinations, brown; hooked tip, white. Thorax and abdomen, yellowish olive, the former with some darker shading in front. Anterior wings, yellow olive, greener towards their outer margins, with a median band of olive green, widest on the costa, and a triangular patch, alittle paler than the band, resting on the costa near the apex. Fringe, mottled with brown. Posterior wings, dull claret red, paler along the costa, and shading into deep rich brown on the posterior margin. Under side. Anterior wings, yellow olive, with a wide central shade of dull red, reaching from the base to within three lines of the margin, but not touching the costa. Posterior wings, yellow olive, with indistinct waved me- dian band of a little darker color. Expanse of wings, 1.65 inch. Length of body, 0.70 inch. Two 3 Coll. Dr. Behr, taken near Mazatlan, Mexico, by the late Baron Terloo, to whom, at Dr. Behr’s request, I dedicate this interesting species. Tribe CHASROCAMPINI. Cherocampa procne. Clemens. I can learn nothing whatever of this insect, and think some error must have occurred as to its locality. Is it known that the type specimen is in existence, and, if so, where? Deilephila chameenerii. Harris. This species, which I am disposed to regard as different from (alii of Europe, is not uncommon in Vancouver Island, and has been occasionally taken in Oregon and Northern California. It would satisfy many entomolo- gists if a long series of this insect could be raised from the caterpillar, through a succession of years, as by these means alone can we arrive at a certain con- clusion as to its value as a species. It seems to me to be a much heavier and more clumsy-looking insect than (alii, and its general color is considerably ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 91 darker. But it appears somewhat absurd to claim for this the rank of a species, and deny the same position to its congener, which follows, as between Daucus and Livornica more really serious differences exist than between Chameenerii and Galii. Deilephila Daucus. Cramer. ' This is perhaps the most common of all the Sphingide: of the Pacitic Coast, being found from May to August in almost every garden, hovering about flowers, especially those of Verbena. The caterpillar, though well known, has never, to my belief, been described or figured. It feeds on various species of Rumex, Epilobiuwm and Polygonum. The additional white stripes upon the thorax certainly give this a wide separation from Livornica of Europe, while there is considerable difference in the shape of the median oblique band of the anterior wings. Ina specimen of Livornica from Italy, and also in one from the White Nile (both in my collection), this line is broader than in the American specimens, and, as it reaches the internal margin, spreads inwardly further towards the base of the wing. The costal markings also are more decided in the European and African specimens, and the marginal band of the posterior wings is certainly much narrower. Philampelus Linnei. G. & BR. A fine specimen of this very handsome species exists in Dr. Behr’s collection. It was taken by the late Baron Terloo in the northern part of Sonora, Mexico, at the base of the Sierra Madre. Philampelus Achemon. Harris. Very common, in some seasons, in the valleys of Napa and Sonoma Coun- ties, where the caterpillar is exceedingly injurious to the vines. In the sum- mer of 1874, at St. Helena, Napa County, over ten bushels of caterpillars were gathered from one vineyard, only four acres in extent, in the course of two days. I can perceive no difference whatever between the California spec- imens and those from the Eastern States. Tribe SMERINTHINI. Smerinthus ophthalmicus. Bdv. Formerly rather common in the vicinity of San Francisco, but owing to the drainage of large districts, and the consequent destruction of the willows on which the caterpillars fed, it has become quite a rare species. In the foot- hills of the Sierras and the Coast Range, as well as in Oregon and Vancouver Island, it is occasionally met with, and a strongly marked variety is also found, which I have called Smerinthus pallidulus, var. Hy. Edw. It differs from the typical form by its much paler color, as well as by the almost obsolete markings of the upper wings. The general color of these is a 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA pale fawn drab, with the waved band indistinct. The thorax is also much paler, and the median patch of this portion much narrower and less defined. Mr. Strecker’s figure of the 9 in Lepid. Rhop. et Heter. refers to this variety. Smerinthus modestus. Harris. Another very remarkable instance of departure from the specific type is found in our examples of this species, all of which are very large in size, the smallest I have seen being upwards of five inches in the expanse of wing, the specimens from the Atlantic States rarely measuring as much as four inches. There is also a remarkable difference in color, the western specimens being much paler, the basal space within the median band being, for the most part, of a delicate silver gray, which color is also extended to the thorax and abdo- men. The white discal streak is also more strongly defined, and the suffused reddish patch of the lower wings usually much larger. Knowing nothing of the caterpillar, I am unable to say if any difference exists between it and its eastern relative, but it is possible that in this instance we have to deal with a new species. I prefer, however, at present to regard it only as a variety, sug- gesting for it the name of Smerinthus occidentalis, var. Hy. Edw. Fort Yuma, Ariz. San Diego. Sacramento, Cal. Carson City, Nevada. Dalles, Oregon. Coll. H. E. Tribe SPHINGINI. Macrosila carolina. Clem. As far as I am able to discover, this species was unknown in California until the introduction of tobacco planting, a few years ago. It is now very common in some portions of the State, particularly in the San Joaquin and Santa Clara valleys, and promises to be as great a pest to the growers of tobacco as it has proved in other parts of the continent. Macrosila celeus. Hbn. Rather rare at present, though it has been taken near San Diego, and in Mendocino and Napa counties. The caterpillar feeds upon the potato, and it is probable that, like the preceding species, this may be an introduction from the Atlantic coast. Macrosila cingulata. Fab. I have seen only two Pacific coast specimens of this insect, one from San Diego, the other from Santa Barbara. It is very abundant in the Hawaiian Islands, where the caterpillar feeds on the sweet potato (batatas edulis). ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 93 Sphinx oreodaphne. Hy. Edw. (Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., July, 1873.) My friend Mr. H. Strecker, of Reading, Pa., has suggested to me that this may be only a small form of Sph. chersis, Hbn., and certainly there is a great resemblance, excepting in point of size, the largest specimen of Oreodaphne I have seen measuring only 37% inches in expanse, the smallest 234 inches, while the average size of Chersis is 4% inches. The markings, also, even in the most perfect specimens, are much less pronounced than those of Chersis, and the general color of the insect is much paler. If, however, Mr. Strecker’s conjecture be correct, the synonymy will have to be Sphinw chersis. Hbn. Var. Oreodaphne. Hy. Edw. Sphinx perelegans. Hy. Edw. (Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., July, 1873.) Iam inclined to think that this and the following species are only two of others which will yet be found in California, having an affinity with Sp. gordius and Sp. eremitus of the Atlantic States. The only specimen of this species was taken by the late G. R. Crotch, at Gilroy, Santa Clara county, and is in my collection. Sphinx Vancouverensis. Hy. Edw. (Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., July, 1873.) Since describing this species, I have had the good fortune to procure two other specimens, one from Portland, Oregon, and the other from the Big Trees of Calaveras county. They are so strongly marked as to put to flight any doubts I may have entertained as to the genuineness of the species. Hyloicus Sequoice. Bdv. I am only acquainted with one specimen of this very rare species, taken by myself in Bear Valley, Placer county, and noticed in Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., July, 1873. Hyloicus Strobi. Bdv. Dr. Boisduval is himself in doubt as to the locality of this species, and without a careful examination of the type it is difficult to say whether it be Californian or not. LIST OF SPECIES NOTICED IN THIS PAPER, PACE LOUISRUCICLUS DOV sae aici Metter tatoo aes) cei aee d wiglereiais California, Oregon. FEA CHE TE RIE LIS Es NV iyatnle Vo es eID Diels Moss iniere ois del sien gress ois crere Fatale’ California. IGM StRUUENS, “ELV. WGW» TSP ita sicsicee caccciaiesesecces California, Oregon. Hemaris cynoglossum, Hy. Edw. n. sp. ........ California, Vancouver Island. APO NIRM Rape BPE S VA EODE UY Jets eine e/a x'a!e =e 6\00 6) s xin d wie 6a ways wore gua eee California. EN ODOM CONUS: FLU DINE ae ars oft ass s kicleisis)s c onessciaiee Sinamere Mazatlan, Mex. Euproserpinus Pheton, G. & B Mio) cfotoleisp edie tore erase eis eisints sisiteet ols Los Angeles, Cal. Proserpinus Clarkie, Bdv............ California, Oregon, Vancouver Island. 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA ‘Prosenpinus: Lerloow, Ely dw. Ws Spies). slew) jelieleiayete ....Mazatlan, Mex. Chierocampaprocnes CLE ny er -telsleys ie - Sfateistedsl eine enema aa) eae Loc. dub. Deilephila chamenerii, Harris......... California, Oregon, Vancouver Island. Deilephila daucus, Cram......... Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, V. I. TEAL OTD CUS PLANT CI Ae Cram OGM eheyasa\s\ e)e/eis) 3: << ole trois teteeetatars Mazatlan, Mex. Philampelus Achemon, Harris................. Pereisn oe . California, Oregon. Smerinthus ophthalmicus, Bdv......... California, Oregon, Vancouver Island. Smerinthus ophthalmicus, n. var. pallidulus, Hy. Hdw............ California, Smerinthus occidentalis, n. sp. (?), Hy. Edw.. Cal., Nevada, Oregon, Arizona. MACHOSUONCOPONTO CEM waa a's «\\+) 2 a)s)s1o/s<1 « lelelere sitet ets California generally. MG CrOstlaCelenSamEl Mine eyes: ois sis os ss «sce SU EC ions California. Macrosila cinguldtd, BAD... 0.6026 0.3. - San Diego and Santa Barbara, Cal. Spline Orcodap nner mele, ExGNyia\ 2) o s)e.3.:< 0 Sass = FA = i ——— SS ———S== TTL TTT [e) a, robably meteori’ 0: w pi p ying frozen vapc ith by mountain rized at the clos | EL. (AFTER PROF. HITCHCOCK.) ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 123 Reeuntar Meeting, May 17, 1875. Vice-President Edwards in the Chair. Fifty members present. Gustave Mahé and Ernest L. Hueber were elected resident members. Joseph L. King and Pembroke Murray were proposed for membership. J Donations to Museum: Sponges and tertiary fossils from San Diego, by Henry Hemphill; concrete gum, from C. B. Smith; archil from Mazatlan, and Epiphites (Abies Douglassii), Henry Edwards; fragments of wood from a well 180 feet deep in Alvarado, Alameda County, California, from John Hall; Indian Mortar, from Amos Bowman; fine specimen of peacock (mounted), from James Lick; portion of skull of Ursus horribilis, from M. O’Hara; snake from Master Willie Lockington. Wm. Guerin read a paper on ‘‘ The Sewage System of San Francisco.”’ Mr. Stearns read a paper by J. E. Clayton, of Salt Lake, as follows: . The Glacial Period—Its Origin and Development. BY J. E. CLAYTON, In the summer of 1860, I discovered the markings and terminal moraines of the Glacial system of the Sierra Nevada mountains, on the head waters of the Merced and Tuolumne rivers. Upon my return to San Francisco, I reported the facts to the California Academy of Sciences. Since that time I have been a careful student of the glacial phenomena presented on the western slope of the continent. In other portions of the world, the phenomena of the Glacial period have engaged the attention of scientific investigators, ever since geology became a science. Many theories have been suggested to account for the sudden change of the climate of our planet, at the close of the tertiary age, from temperate and tropical heat to that of arctic cold. The theories put forth by the ablest ——————————— ———————————— eee —/dq#p _—————SSS== ——————SSSS= ee _ t.. ee A, Homogeneous central mass of molten matter—probably meteoric iron. B. Region of Basaltic Lavas. C. Porphyries, Trachytes, ete. a. Return Trade Wind from S. W. to N. E. conveying frozen vapors. e. Polar current from N. E. to §. W., deflected sonth by mountain ranges. Upper curved line shows volcanic belt where the waters were vaporized at the close of the Tertiary Age. IDEAL SECTION OF NORTH AMERICA ON LINE OF FORTIETH PARALiLEL. (AFTER PROF. HITCHCOCK.) (SEE PAGE 123.) a , i ae = La § Ce) ane wees f Soe So al : Pay he » 9 _ i t es haa ey ete ". pv yi 2 pgs on ‘ ‘ay , ‘ 2 - Tet a a j “9 ir , 9 eS ps 4 A tm, tar a : A all e Cage he ci 1h i * iw, * ~ * et a ’ 4 on : 4 i Viel ee i a ‘ A 7 toe. cel aOR a aa mn a ae =“ “shh uy ys mes ft Giyy? es wh ane bs Na oly Gory r 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA writers on the subject have failed to account, satisfactorily to my mind, for the most important facts observed. Many of these theories are based upon an assumption of conditions and causes that cannot be maintained by logical deductions from the general laws governing the progressive development of the planet. I will review briefly some of the theories put forth by eminent scientists, by which they attempt to account for the great changes in the climate at the close of the tertiary age. THE FIRST THEORY Is, that there occurred a great upheaval of land in the Northern Hemisphere, by which the currents of the ocean and of the atmosphere were greatly changed or modified, and that this great elevation above the ocean level was the primary cause of the change of temperature. This line of reasoning appears to me untenable, for the following reasons: Ist. If the elevation of the land surface had of itself sufficient influence on the climate to produce the Glacial epoch, it ought by the same law to have continued that condition until the present time, and to an indefinite period into the future ages. As this supposed cause has not been sufficiently potent to continue glacial condi- tions, it therefore follows that it was not the primary cause of climatic changes, but was merely a modifying influence, in so far as it changed toa limited extént the direction of the air currents. 2d. The thermal effect of the sun’s rays upon land surfaces is much greater than upon water surfaces. Hence the atmosphere becomes heated by its contact with the land even at great altitudes. The land surface of the North American continent will probably not exceed an average altitude above sea level of more than two thousand feet. Compare this altitude with the different heating power of the sun’s rays upon land and water, and the change would in all probability be an increase of atmospheric temperatures. 3d. The effects of the elevation of the continents would be to largely increase the land surfaces, and correspondingly decrease the areas covered by water. The interior basins or inland seas would be drained off, the water- sheds steepened, so that the surplus rainfall would be rapidly drained into narrow, swift-running streams, thus reducing the sources of vapor to very narrow limits as compared with the water surfaces in the beginning of the tertiary age. It therefore follows that a largely decreased evaporating surface | and a correspondingly increased thermal effect of the sun’s heat, could not supply the conditions for a continental glacier system. Hence I conclude that the elevation of land surface in the Northern Hemisphere was not an adequate or primary cause of the Ice period. SECOND THEORY. Some investigators suppose that, by some means, the relative positions of the poles of the earth have been changed, so as to bring the then frozen zone jnto the range of the now temperate and tropical latitudes. Asa proof of this, they cite the facts that the remains of vegetable and animal life, that are ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 125 now peculiar to the tropics, are found in abundance in the polar regions of our time. By what means a self-balanced rotating globe could change the position of its mass, without changing its line of rotation, is not shown by the advocates of the theory; and unless the cause of such change can be clearly shown by facts that cannot be accounted for in any other way, the theory cannot be accepted as even probable. t If the general proposition is true, that the earth was originally incandes- cent, and has been slowly cooling through past ages by radiation, it follows that the conditions for tropical life must have begun near the poles, and progressed toward the tropical zone, in harmony with the changes of climate. If no violent disturbances of level had taken place, the change would have been slow and almost imperceptible; but we know that violent changes in the earth’s crust have taken place, and have produced rapid if not sudden changes in the temperatures and climates of its surface. These changes have been sufficiently violent to destroy the characteristic types of life exist- ing at the time, and mark a distinct period in the progress of the globe toward its present condition. I therefore conclude that the theory of a change of the poles of the earth is not susceptible of proof, and therefore unworthy of serious consideration. THIRD THEORY. Another class of investigators, failing to apprehend the true causes which produced the Ice period, have proposed the theory that the solar system, in its sweeping circle throngh space, has encountered or passed through frigid zones in the stellar spaces that reduced the surface or atmospheric tempera- ture to an extent sufficient to give an Ice period to our climate. This theory, like the one above considered, has not been proved by any well considered facts, neither is it susceptible of proof by any known means within reach of human investigators. If this theory were true, the waters of the globe would have been frozen where they now are, and could not have been transferred to any considerable extent, by evaporation and condensation, upon the land surfaces. The extinction of life would have been a slow, starving and ‘‘ freezing out’’ process, that could in no reasonable way account for the facts of glacial times. The conclusion therefore follows, that cosmical influences had nothing to do directly, in producing the Glacial epoch at the close of the tertiary age. The facts, so far as I have been able to trace them out, all seem to indicate that the geological disturbances and volcanic eruptions that occurred at the close of the tertiary age, together with the return trade winds, were the only causes, ample and sufficient to produce the facts and phenomena of glacial times. The question then may be asked here: What are the conditions necessary to produce a glacial period? The answer is plain and simple: 1st. A folding and dislocation of the earth’s crust along great longitudinal lines (N.-S.) along the western borders of one or more continents. 2d. The issue of in- terior heat, followed by great outflows of lava along such lines of fracture. 3d. The local vaporization of the waters of the surface by contact with the lava 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA outflows and other points of escaping heat. 4th. The ascent of the vapors to a height sufficient to penetrate the return trade winds, or upper currents of the atmosphere. 5th. The general depression of the ocean beds, and cor- responding elevation of the continents, and development of the great mount- ain chains of the globe. That such conditions and facts did occur at the close of the tertiary age, substantially in the order named, is well known to every practical student of Geology. That such conditions and facts, in conjunction with the upper currents of the atmosphere, were ample of themselves to produce and would of necessity cause the glacial epoch, cannot, in my opinion, be seriously questioned. To bring this subject clearly before the mind, it will be necessary to make a brief survey of the physical geography of the continents.during the tertiary age. The geological records, so far as science has been able to trace them out and interpret their true meaning, show that, in the beginning of the tertiary age, the continents over their largest areas presented low, undulating surfaces, but slightly raised above the ocean level; that large districts were covered by fresh-water lakes and inland seas, some of them at one period presenting the forms of life peculiar to marine and brackish waters, and at other periods only such living forms as are kuown to exist in fresh water— thus proving that slight oscillations of the earth’s surface were sufficient to cause the oceans to invade some of the interior basins of the continents and fill them with salt water. Hence, in many of the tertiary formations, we have presented the various forms of life peculiar to marine, brackish, and fresh waters. During the progress of the tertiary times, great changes of level‘ were produced over large continental areas, until they became mostly dry land. In the later tertiary period, the marine deposits were gradually con- fined to the low borders of the continents, and the interior basins became filled exclusively with fresh water, and only fresh-water deposits were formed in their beds. The climate of tertiary times fluctuated from a tropical warmth, that was well nigh universal over the globe at the beginnin., to temperate and even Arctic cold in the higher latitudes, where great elevations of mountain chains occurred in the later periods. At the close of the tertiary age, the disturb- ances of the solid crust of the earth were enormous. Great mountain chains were elevated on all the continents, accompanied with corresponding de- pressions of the ocean beds, thus confining the oceans to narrower limits and increasing the land surfaces above the waters. This last grand change of land and ocean levels must have occurred mainly by sudden convulsions and re-adjustments of the earth’s crust. The con- tinued radiation of heat from the fluid nucleus of the globe caused its con- tinued shrinkage. The consolidated crust conformed to this shrinkage by corrugations and oscillations of level. The sinking down of the ocean beds and elevation of the continents went on slowly through the long periods of the tertiary age, until the lateral pressure of the earth’s crust became so great that it culminated in a series of dislocations an uplifts over all the conti- nents of the globe. The ocean beds were doubtless equally disturbed and broken, so as to relieve the. lateral pressure caused by the shrinkage of the interior. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 127 The immediate effect of this relief of lateral pressure would be the settling down of the broken, folded, and dislocated crust with nearly its full weight upon the molten mass of the interior. This would cause the outflows of lavas throngh the broken lines, until the fluid and solid portions of the globe were balanced according to their relative densities and weights, just as water will ascend in the fissures of broken ice to the points of equal weight. It would appear from this line of reasoning, that the greatest outflows of lava - ought to have occurred where the greatest downward folding took place; and this is strongly indicated, if not proved, by the islands of the oceans being nearly all of voleanic origin, and the lower flanks and plateaus of the conti- nents having the greatest lava outflows. While we must admit that the changes of level over large areas of the globe were very slow, and extended through long geological periods, we are still forced to the conclusion that sudden changes of vast extent have taken place at the close of the principal eras. These convulsive movements not only changed the relative positions of the land and ocean levels, but also swept away all living forms peculiar to the geological age that was terminated by such changes. The general results following such violent terminations -of geological ages would be— Ist. The escape of enormous quantities of interior heat, accompanied by great lava outflows along all the principal lines of disturbance. 2d. The consequent vaporization of large quantities of water, continued through the period of disturbance, and until the lavas were cooled and all the principal vents of escaping heat were closed. In the earlier geological periods, when the average temperature of the earth and atmosphere was much higber than it is now, the waters vaporized during periods of volcanic or igneous activity would descend in floods of rain; but in later times the general temperature became so much reduced by the radiation of heat, and the crust of the earth had become thickened to such an extent, that the atmospheric temperature was dependeht mainly upon the influence of the sun. Under these conditions, the vaporization of the waters by the outflows of lava and hot gases, at the close of the tertiary age, would give results greatly modified by atmospheric temperature. Near the points of igneous outbreak, the lower zones of vapor would descend in floods of rain; but those portions of the continents lying east of and remote from the lines of volcanic activity would be buried in enormous depths of snow. Prof. Tyndall says, ‘‘To produce a glacier, we must first vaporize the waters.’’ I think I have indi- cated how the waters were vaporized. The next thing to demonstrate is the freezing of the vapors, and their distribution over the continents, especially over those portions remote from active igneous disturbances. A careful study of the wind currents at this point becomes an essential part of the problem to be solved. The currents of the lower portion of the atmos- phere are modified in their movements to a great extent by the mountain ranges and continents, but their general tendency is toward the west, as they approach the equator. The upper currents are more uniform in their movements, and they have a general tendency toward the northeast and southeast, moving spirally from the equator toward the poles, in curves of great length around each hemisphere before the polar regions are reached, 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA where they curve under and azain become the lower currents on their return to the equatorial zone. If the globe was a perfectly smooth sphere of homogeneous material like water, the atmospheric currents could be mapped out with mathematical ac- curacy; but the unequal surface of the land and the different thermal effects of land and water surfaces produce great modifications of the wind currents in certain latitudes. This is especially the case along the west coast of the North American con- tinent, where the polar cnrrent swings far out to the westward over the Pa- cific, and the return trade wind, or upper current proper, swoops down be- hind it to the east and strikes the west coast, and sweeps northeastward over the continent. This fact is beautifully and conclusively proved by the trees on all the higher mountains from the Pacific coast to the summits of the Rocky Mount- ains. The scrubby trees in all exposed positions near the higher summits lean east and northeast; even the small twigs are bent around the limbs and trunk in the same direction, so that the whole aspect of the tree presents the appearance of reaching ont to the northeast with every limb and twig. These facts show that the wind does blow in that direction (N. E.) almost con- stantly. The general fact is well known, and I will not go into tedious details to prove what must be readily admitted by hundreds of careful observers. At the close of the tertiary age, the western slope of the continent was the principal scene of active volcanic disturbance. To comprehend the fearful extent of this disturbance, and the enormous masses of lava outflows, one must travel over the disturbed regions and see them. My powers of descrip- tion are too limited to undertake the herculean task. The whole western slope of the continent has been broken, crushed and distorted in every con- ceivable manner. Districts as large as some of the smaller States have been buried to unknown depths with lava and ashes. Large rivers and great lakes were swept out of existence by the overwhelming catastrophe. The lakes, rivers and oceans sent columns of hissing vapors miles in height into the upper air currents, where they were frozen as they were conveyed eastward, and spread broadcast over the more quiet eastern slope of the continent. Thus the waters of the Pacific coast were vaporized and spread over the con- tinent by the return trade winds. All living things were overwhelmed and buried in the sudden storms of snow. The mastodon and kindred tribes were buried up suddenly, with their stomachs full of food, their bodies loaded with fat, and not a trace of any slow process of change in climate from cosmical or other exterior causes. It was evidently no slow, starving-out process that destroyed the animals of tertiary times, but the sudden and overwhelming effects of a great geo- logical catastrophe. While the elephant, rhinoceros, and other large animals were being buried in the ashes and debris near the voleanic outbreaks on the Pacific slope, the same class of animals were being covered hundreds of feet deep in snow on the eastern slope of the continent. Those animals that were not buried, like Pompeii, in ashes and mud near the outbreaks, were overwhelmed and destroyed by the resistless floods of ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 129 rain, and the crashing shocks of the earthquakes The snow and ice period of the northeast was contemporaneous with the flood period of the Pacific coast. £ No continental glacial system covered the Pacific portion of the United States, notwithstanding the altitudes were much greater; the glaciers were local, and more or less isolated, clustering around the higher peaks of the mountains. The valleys and basins of this western volcanic region were filled with hot water, hissing steam, and volcanic products. No ice beds could form in the valleys of the Pacific; the hot rocks and escaping gases were busy, vaporizing the waters for the glacial supply of the east. No gentle snow-flakes could find a resting-place upon the table lands and valieys of the volcanic belt; but floods of rain descended, and plowed deep gorges down the steepened flanks of the recently elevated mountain ranges, thus establishing a new river system for the Pacific coast. The most prominent examples of this are seen on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada range, in the State of California, where the old river system has been completely buried, first by ashes and debris, brought down by the floods of water from the vents along the higher portions of the range, and secondly by broad streams of lava extending from such vents, to the plains of the valley. Notable instances occur in Tuolumne, Sierra, and Plumas coun- ties. The portions of the old river system that were covered by the lava outflows were protected by them from subsequent denudation, and are now the summit lines of long ridges that divide the waters of the newly formed river cafions. Under these immense fields of volcanic ashes and lava beds are found the relics of the tertiary life; and nota trace of such life has been found any- where existing on the Pacific coast since this period of uplift and volcanic activity which closed the tertiary age. The next notable changes were the development of the new river system, by the changes of the water-sheds and the enormous floods of water that fell for many years near the lines of escaping heat, and the formation of glaciers on the higher portions of the mountain ranges. In some places the glacial action has been traced down the slopes of the granite peak to the lava beds, and for considerable distances on their upper surfaces, thus showing that as the lavas became cooled, the ice pushed its way over their higher portions. Here we find events well marked in the order of their occurrence: 1st. An undulating, fertile country, of subtropical or temperate climate, teeming with the living forms of tertiary times. 2d.