| 3 , | "Digitized by the Internet Archive — ne in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto moe al “oe = PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL | SOCIETY : ae ee NOVA SCOTIA AUGUST 3rp, I9I5 NUMBER | “4 ‘ .“ " “sity Gt) (PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE) : 7 PRINTED BY NEWS PUBLISHING CO, LTD. TRURO, N. S. PROCEEDINGS Boaety “EVPOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 'NOVA. SCOTIA) AUGUST 38rp, 1915 NUMBER 1 (PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE) PRINTED BY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. LTD. TRURO, N.S. TABLE OF CONTENTS. eee Page Address: Dr. A. H. McKay - - - . s 5 Some Hemiptera Attacking the aoe W. H. Brittain - - : . 7 The Browntail Moth in Nova Scotia G. E. Sanders - - - - - A7 The Apple Maggot in Nova Scotia: C. A. Good - : “ > 54 Protective Coloration: E. Chesley Allen - - - - - 78 Budmoths in Nova Scotia: G. E. Sanders - - - - - 84 Green Fruit Worms in Nova Scotia: G. E. Sanders - - . - - 87 The Codling Moth in Nova Scotia: G. E. Sanders - - - - . 90 The Canker Worm in Nova Scotia: G. E. Sanders . - - - - 91 The Tussock Moth in Nova Scotia: G. E. Sanders - - - - - 9 The Parsnip Webworm: C. B. Gooderham - - - - 94 Hydroecia Micacea as a Garden Pest: W. H. Brittain - - . “ - 96 The Teaching of Entomology in the — Schools: L. A. De Wolfe - - - 98 The Oblique Banded Leaf Roller coe os Harr: Alan G. Dustan - - 100 Lepidoptera Collected at Truro in 1915: E. Chesley Allen’ - - - - - 103 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nova Scotia Entomological Society A meeting to organize a society to be known as the Nova Scotia Entomological Society to constitute a branch of the Ontario Entomo- logical Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Normal College, Truro, on Aug. 38rd, 1915, at 2.00 p.m. At the request of the meet- ing Mr. L. A. DeWolfe took the chair and called the meeting to order. The aims and purposes of the society were set before those present by Mr. W. H. Brittain, and a number of papers were presented. At the close of the afternoon session, the meeting proceeded to the election of officers. The following officers for the year were duly elected:- Hon. President............Dr. A. H. MacKay, Halifax, N.S. PYOGHONIG (2 choc inl ees E. Chesley Allen, Yarmouth Vice-President ........... L. A. DeWolfe, Truro Secretary-Treasurer ...... W. H. Brittain, Truro Asst. See’y-Treas ....... ..G. E. Sanders, Annapolis Royal Committee... 50566. C. A. Good, and J. M. Scott, Truro At 7.30 p.m. the newly organized society reassembled and further papers were read, after which a general discussion took place. Nova Scotia Entomological Society PROCEEDINGS, 1915 ADDRESS. By Dr. A. H. McKay, Superintendent of Education. | gives me a great deal of pleasure to see a movement of this kind going on without my initiative. It is asplen- did illustration of the great advance which has been made in the appreciation ef the study of science since, say, the year 1887, when with the late Dr. Hay, the Educational Review was founded as the teachers’ organ for the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. Its first number contained the beginning of an illustrated series of lessons on in- sects for the schools: and to-day DeWolfe of the Normal and Perry of Acadia, are still brilliantly carrying on in the same publication the Nature Study cult. One of the first of the leading teachers of that day to encourage the work in the Review was the late Dr. John Brittain, of Macdonald College, the father of the Professor W. H. Brittain, who is well known to be the power behind the present movement. _ It is over a quarter of a century since; but I must acknowledge the origin of my inspiration inthe Ontario Entomological Club, a branch of which you are to-day organizing in Nova Scotia. Membership in the Ontario Club had given me regularly its Annual Reports, which on ac- count of its popular character and good figures was worth far more than the annual fee itself. But in addition it brought the monthly Canadian Entomologist, with its more technical descriptions and articles. I have been a regular member of the club up to the present day; and can rec- ommend the same course to every teacher who can appropriate one dol- lar for so interesting and practicala key to the wonders of the insect world. The great war of the future will be between man and insect. Man is greater; but the insect propagates more rapidly. Were the insects not divided against themselves in six years the human race would be starved into extinction. Even now in the United States alone, it is esti- mated, they tax the farm, fruit and live stock produce over one thousand million dollars a year. But they attack man more directly than by capturing his food. House and stable flies carry disease germs and plant them invisibly on his food. The mosquito inoculates him with malaria, or yellow fever. 5 6 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. » Body vermin carry the dreaded typus and plague. The glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome, it is now claimed were de- stroyed really by the malaria infected mosquitoes introduced about then time of the Persian and Punic invasions. Xerxes and Hannibal and their myrmidons could be repulsed but the insidious Anopheles was then unrecognized and therefore irresistible. They sapped the blood not only of the mighty men of war, but the energy and genius of the artists, of the orators, of the intellectuals, and of the common laborer. It is knowledge gives us power. The greatest forces in the world are often the invisibly small; and so long as we do not know them, and how and when they act, we are as hclpless as inert matter. It is only a knowledge of the truth which can give us a chance of freedom from the effects of a noxious environment. In no department of the study of nature is there an easier and more interesting introduction to the understanding of the character and power of what we call the laws of nature and of life than in the study of the insects around us everywhere. When we know enough, we can check their development at their critical stages; or can set insects to fight in- sects for us. In this latter direction some of our most valuable discoveries are being made. To every one, a working knowledge of entomology is valuable first, as an insight into the physical and biological nature of the world in which we live; and secondly, to save our labor, our health, and our lives, from our natural enemies. No subject is more convenient for school room hints. No subject more interesting after pupils once learn how to observe and demonstrate things for themselves, just as the men did who found things out before the books themselves were written. But the book will be useful in start- ing both teachers and pupils to observe, by giving them hints as to how to start—for that, and for little more, it should be remembered. From my own experience, which has given m2 a great deal of educa- tive pleasure, I can recommend every teacher to try membership in the Nova Scotian Branch of the Ontario Entomological Club. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 7 SOME HEMIPTERA ATTACKING THE APPLE. By W. H. Brittain, Provincial Entomologist. HE following is a brief account of some of the more important species of the order Hemiptera attacking the apple in Nova Scotia. The short popular descriptions of the insects and their work are for the benefit of those not acquainted with these forms; the life histories given have, for the most part, been worked out by us during the past sum- mer and therefore only represent the work of one season. Orchard Aphids. Among the insect pests of crops, members of the family Aphididae (aphids or plant lice) take a prominent place. All our aphids are small species, none being morethan one quarter of an inch long and most of them much smaller. They are more or less pear shaped in form, have relatively long legs and antennae and a four jointed beak of varying length. The antennae have from 3 to 6 cylindrical joints. On the back of the fifth abdominal segement there are usually a pair of tubes called cornicles, through which a clear transparent substance is secreted. Of the insect enemies of the apple in Nova Scotia, this family sup- plies two pests of prime importance, viz. the Green Apple Aphis (Aphis pomi DeG.) and the Rosy Apple Aphis (Aphis sorbi Kalt.); also one pest of minor importance viz.,the Woolly apple aphis (Eriosoma lanigera Hausm). In explanation of the terms used in describing the various stages of aphids and their work, the following definitions are given. Primary Host. The plant upon which the egg is laid and upon which the insect first feeds, is known as the primary host. Some species spend their entire lives on one plant, but others migrate to other plants and there spend a part of their life history. ' Secondary Host. The plant to which the aphids migrate and spend a portion of their life history, is known as the secondary or alternate host. The Stem Mother. The form which hatches from the egg in the spring, and is the mother of all succeeding generations, is known as the stem mother. The stem mothers are all females, which produce living young without being fertilized. Because the young are born alive the fe- males are said to be viviparous. The production of young without the intervention of males is called parthenogenesis. The Spring Migrant. In the second or third generation of certain species of aphids, winged forms appear that leave their primary host and fly to some other plant, where they settle down and produce young. The term pupa is applied to the stage preceding the winged form. In this stage the wing pads are distinctly visible. Fall Migrant. One of the fall brood of wings forms that fly back to the primary host. 8 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Honey Dew. The various species of aphids throw off through their anus, a sweet, sticky excretion called honey dew. This fluid is often given off in such abundance as to render the surface of the food plant sticky. It is attractive to ants, bees and wasps which feed upon it, and it also forms a suitable sub-stratum for the development of certain fungi. The stem mothers are invariably wignless. The viviparous females of the summer generation may be either winged or wingless. The males and females may be either winged or wingless depending on the species, and in some species both forms occur. Since the true females produce eggs instead of living young they ar2 said to be oviparous females. The Green Apple Aphis. (Aphis pomi DeG.) - The young of the green apple aphis as it hatches from the egg is a small dark green insect about 1-32 in. long, more or less quadrangular in shape but widening slightly toward the posterior extremity. Later it becom s a lighter green and somewhat pear shaped in form. These are the stem mothers from which all future generations spring. The vivi- parous females of the future generations resemble the ‘stem ‘ mothers closely in appearance, being more or less pear’shaped and green or green- ish yellow, about 1-15 in. long and about one-half as broad as long at the widest part. The sexual females are about the same length as the vivi- -parous females but narrower and a bright yellowish color, sometimes tinged with green. The male, Hkewiey is a lata in color and much smaller than the female. Life History. The winter is passed in the egg state. The small, oval, black, shiny eggs are frequently present in abundance upon the twigs. Speaking generally, the hatching of the eggs coincides with the period at which the leaves about the blossom clusters begin to show green. The writer, however, has found aphids hatched before there was any sign of growth and while the snow was still on the ground. Others again have been found to emerge within a very few days of the opening of the blossoms. Such cases, however, may be regarded as exceptions. The winged forms, which compose one half or over, of the second and third generations and a small proportion of succeeding generations, spread the insects from tree to tree; but there is no alternate host, this species spending its entire life upon the apple. — As previously stated, all the summer generations are viviparous females, but with the approach of cold weather in the fall, a sexual gen- eration of true males and females is produced. The females greatly out- number the males and one male has been observed to mate with several females. Following mating, the female deposits her eggs upon the twigs. The maximum number of generations of the Green Apple Aphis PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 9 in Nova Scotia, as determined by us during the past two seasons, is nine, and the minimum number, six.. These figures were obtained by rearing the first born young of the first born young, and the last born young of the last born young respectively, through all generations. This gives us an average number of 7 1-2 generations for this insect in Nova Sco- tia. The various details in connection with the life history of the species are shown in Fig. 1 and Tables 1, 2 &3. ene - vagion Mey June July August Seplember|Oslober November ied” 65 days sé $73 La ? 9 ——fal (mee ee ee eee ee om + = [Disconhnued OD mm Fe be Jeol | [A [ow [S| — ee” Fig. 1. Generations of Aphis pomi DeG., 1915 Injuries. The injury of this insect may involve leaves, twigs and fruit, and as the insect continues breeding on the apple throughout the entire season the damage done may be considerable. ; _ The leaves curl up as a result of the insect’s attacks,much to the de- triment of the crop, as in severe cases, the leaves are so badly affected as to seriously interfere with the nutritive processes of the trees. The tender succulent twigs are likewise attacked. In exceptionally severe cases such twigs may even die, or become so weakened that they succumb to winter injury. Frequently also, the work of the insects paves the way for wood destroying fungi. In trees with a rapid spindly growth, the twigs may be curiously bent and twisted as a result of the aphid work. Injury to fruit is by no means uncommon in Nova Scotia, and in years of severe outbursts the yield may be considerably reduced in this way. Small pimples or proturberances mark the injury and the fruit may be otherwise scarred and misshapen, The green aphis shows a prefer- ence for succulent rapidly growing shoots. N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 10 “+ *. 0 L g LP 9 . T Ane ee ee “. . . . . se ee oe 0 98 R89 “ae G oun paar ; ‘ d 0 vs | Lg '"p oune Sy ‘| 0 T | 0 | 88 | ¥9 og oun || ¢ Seed BO 0 | 8% | 99 "*g§ oune ‘10 § é LE | 99 6g eunr ; Bs SBR ve | 9F ""g oun : "| 0 § 6°) Sh | 2g 8g eunr : ea = 0 of | &¢ ‘*T oune Sy ME Ss I er | &9 Le eune 7 ~ lth Eee fae Ty | 6g 9g eunr ; ; ; 0 | 8 | 99 ‘Tg ABW : ‘| 0 I T | 8% | 99 gg eune an oN By 0 | 98 | ¥9 "08 Av : c “| 0 6 |3 | $¥| gg be oun ; ; 0 LE | oP "* 6g ABW , ‘| |8 | 6 | 2h | 99 €g eunr 0 L& | bP '* 9g ABW : 1. ¢@ OF EO LSP Leg ee oun ee ve | FF “" 13 ABW 0 |9 os | 8g Tg eune : 0 88 | Tg "9g ABN : 0 |9 og | $9 "06 oun 0 6g | 99 "9g ABW 0 T vy | PL '* 6T oun 0 6g | 09 "9e ABN 0 bp | && | &9 | °° ST oune 0 99 | L9 '¢g ABW 0 & eg | 99 | °° LT oun 0 LE€ | 99 "3 ABN 0 |& | 9F | 69 9T oun “| 0 | 98 | 29 "1g ABW *. 0 I 9F | 6S gT oun || °° 0 Lé | 9F 02 AB 0 I 8& | 2g pT oun 0 9€ | 8P "61 Av 0 6 | Sv | 2g I oun || : a ee 0 o& | &g “" gT Avy 0 €& | 6F | Lg "or oun 0 LZ | Lg “LIT AB 0 § &y | 09 | °° IT eune : 0 vé | LY “9T AB 0 & | 6% | 09 “OT oune 0 66 | Sg ‘oT ABW 0 8 69 | 69 | °° 6 eune || ° 0 86 | Og “" 7T Av : flv >) SF 02 “"g oune i ? 0 8& | 87 “ST ABW : : : ee Wes ee ee "L oun ; ale Pe: Bee ee Mg "oT ABW ae : 0 9€ | OL “*g oun f “"iHha@ | 8 | 9F “TT ABW ‘do | “do er a a a a > a nt _ ow = > Al » ow bo oa PF) e)e) el el aya] se] BS P/&)e/e) el) ale) es] Be] & el] a|é e| 8 | 2 co c i) £ =I : : = 2 = cy =| 38 3 = ayeq 2 > 3 2 3 Fy a Rae 3 5 aed 5 S = 56 Seles uoHNeieueD Ulog-4sily caemeees L Selleg UOI}eJoUer UlOg-4SILy aa “NOLLVUYANAD SNOUVdIAO OL 9DA WOU IINOd SIHdV AO SNOLLVYANAD AO ANIT ‘T ATEVL 11 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. ‘20000 eoccocooocoocoooocooooococ\|];ycc$*cyse “POSCOCOCOOCOOOHNOCHO MOH MOLIMYMAMDUINSOMMSOONON eeceeheveuwhLeaceheoeesetvoeferewaefeeceusaeneiersvee @moconoononro MOnMnONOCSCS rir RSESESEES +6 6 “-RmRocccec «lLewee CSOoowmononon -Reoooooo -cooo nanoccoo MROOSOSSSSSSSSOANLSSBASOAMNOMAN COSCSCOSCHTONOGCOSHOYHHOAOMNOMHNOHWHOMOK onmooo MIOWMDMONOOWOS NOonmonmnmomoceceso PAN OD SHLD SB CO Ss NOMIOOM WOH N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 12 "YMG JO eyep soqvorpuy gq | *‘SNOIBCIAO [[V » +8 } 89 | F | | 2% | 29 | 69 | 69 S[B20,], - ' 0 9% | 0S “3. 0 0 **eie wee he we & «& 9g Sf ZI ‘po g 0 *e>leeeeteeeeaetie 0g 9P ne T "~O 0 (oc. Fe oe ce ses «6s 034 0 gee elahe «sees 6g | 0¢ Il ‘0 Soy bast) Eats pede: bP | LP "OT ‘PO || 0 0 8& | zo |" ** 0g “4deg 0 *eeshe ecesdeecesite ge 29 - 6 ‘20 0 0 8p SP ora Ore 62 “4dag 0 ee ee se ee IP gc o-. 8 "290 0 0 98 GP . . 82 “4ydeg I seesteoecestdoecestes PF Ze * a ‘po t \ . eee ee LZ “4deg 0 Cacstieceestiececasye = ge bad o-* 9 ‘PO I 0 82 gE rh Na 92 dag es bn Ree ed —O€ | 6F ““¢ “PO T 0 vr | Ly | Ge “4dag T seeeteeeete eeante OF SF: “* P ‘PO 0 i eV Fg oe 0% “4dag EEG poets Raed ROAD ph oP | LP "vs 99990: || 0 0 98 | 0S "* $Z “-gdag ‘do | “do ‘do | lo Ld a oa a > ) n _ co a a on ~ *) bo - Fleleleil el ales 3 5 Ol Poe Re Be ee e 3 o/ 2) & | —& | & si ele Bh e fee: : : : : : 3 : s B 5 a1eq : $ : 2 3 : ad ry B 3 aqeq 3 z Sellag UONeieuer UlOg-4sILg saoatee L Sallag UOeIeUer UlOg-4SI1J cecaeha L “SNOLLV4ANAD SNOUVdHAAO OL 9DA WOU IWOd SIHdV AO SNOLLVUANSD AO ANIT ‘ponuyuog—T a TaVL 13 : ‘ PROCEEDINGS, 1915. ‘o[Buley snoredtAg (#) (®) : « ‘gS ‘dag 6 9F st ‘PO! & 190 8 g &I L ‘PO! 62 “*"9g'ydag |" “ez 4deg |" "4g ‘3ny | 8 19 91 ‘?O;} ¢ ert &9 L bP 6 ‘PO! II ‘2g ‘any | "og any |" ‘9T ‘any | 2 LI a 3ny | 2 99°0 4 I 9 Ig ‘any It gt ‘3ny | Pr “3ny |'''¢g “any| 9g 18 02 “3ny | 8 69°T 3% & ras LT ‘any 91 g ‘any |'"*g ‘any |"""0g Aine | g 6% g ‘any| ¢ 69 T oo 4 &I I ‘any 8&1 02 Aime |" LE Aime | 2 «Arne | oF &h ¢ “any JI 62°3 69 g Lz @ ‘any! FI L Ane |'"'g Ame |'"“gzounr] ¢ vs er Aime | 8 £9 '& 69 I 61 It Aime | ST gg eunr |" [Tg eunf | *'g oun, @ $9 gt Aime} 8 13 69 9 33 “6 Aine] 82 g oung |'**, ounr|**'TT Ae | T skeq sheq sheq sheq : 4 co P wee “unos ot teen Bunod | -onpoid | -Zunoé a powed | “Zunof 3s4ty “Zuno£ *4]nouL “uaat “uo mabnor | TH00P I leiedSana| SEM | ade | ue | onptia | -po'sea-| wdaq |-so'nea | scerta | 2 8C | we ; ; { -ue TOL 8d wnuw | Sunod ont ye any 2 = s “1xByy | edei0aAy _. “SIMI UOPes9UIhH Wiog-3s1p4 40 SNOLLV4ANAD AO ANTI ‘6 TTAVL 14 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. TABLE 3, 1S INDIVIDUAL EXPERIMENTS OF ®PPRP POMI. Aver- Age age Date of Date of | at Date of | Pro- | Life | No. | young birth. first birth last duc- | after| of | per day young. of young. | tive | last |young| during first per- |young produc- young iod tive period Days Days | Days | | May 22 | June 1 10 | June19/| 19 2 73 3.84 June 1 June 24 23 | Junel4/| 21 6 65 3.09 June 1 June 28 27 | July 1 4 1 5 1.25 June 1 June 14 13 | June 27 14 0 59 4.21 June 1 June 14 13 | July 6] 28 7 63 2.73 June 14 |July 1 17 | July 16 | 16 0 56 3.50 June 14 July 3 19 | July 11 9 0 33 3.64 June 14 | June 29 15 | July 20 | 22 9 89 4.04 June 14 | June 29 15 | July 20 | 22 0 72 3.27 July 1 |July 9 8 | July 21 13 1 44 3.38 July 1 July 9 8 | July 26 18 2 84 1.88 July 1 |July 1 9 | July 22 13 0 61 4.69 July 1 |July 9 8 | July 21 13 1 62 4.77 July 1 |July 12 11 | July 20 9 0 24 2.55 July 9 |July 17 8 | July 22 6 0 21 3.50 July 9 |July 22 13 | Aug. 8 18 0 22 1.22 July 9 |July 17 8 | July 22 6 1 21 3.50 July 9 |July 17 8 | July 23 7 0 26 3.68 July 9 |July 17 8 | Aug. 6 21 5 68 8.24 July 9 |July 17 8 | July 21 5 0 23 4.60 uly 17 | July 26 9 | Aug. 10 16 a7 73 4.56 uly 17 | July 26 9 | Aug. 6| 12 0 49 4.08 July 17 | July 26 9 | Aug. 1 7 0 33 4.71 July 17 |July 26 9 | Aug. 10/| 16 0 60 3.75 July 17 |July 26 9 | Aug. 11 17 0 62 3.63 July 17 | July 26 9 | Aug. 5 11 1 53 4.82 July 26 | Aug. 3 8 | Aug. 10 8 0 41 5.12 July 26 | Aug. 4 9 | Aug. 7 4 1 12 3.00 July 26 |Aug. 5 10 | Aug. 9 5 sw | 33 6.60 July 26 | Aug. 3 8 | Aug. 11 9 1 60 6.66 July 26 |Aug. 4 9 | Aug. 10 7 0 38 5.43 July 26 |Aug. 3 8 | Aug.17 | 15 0 77 5.13 Aug. 3 | Aug. 11 8 |Sep. 4] 25 1 80 3.20 Aug. 3 | Aug. 11 8 | Aug. 14 4 0 12 3.00 Aug. 3 | Aug. 11 8 | Aug. 24 14 14 62 4.43 Aug. 3 | Aug. 11 8 | Aug. 12 2 1 4 2.00 Aug. 38 | Aug. 11 8 | Aug. 19 9 0 24 2.66 Aug. 11 Aug. 19 8 | Sep. 22 35 0 39 1.11 Aug. 11 | Aug. 23 12 | Sep. 17 | 26 1 36 1.38 Aug. 11 Aug. 19 8 | Sep. 23 36 0 58 1.61 Aug. 11 | Aug. 25 14 | Sep. 2 9 1 16 1:97 Aug. 19 | Aug. 30 11 | Sep. 24 | 26 0 71 2.77 Aug. 19 | Aug. 30 11 | Sep.- 3 5 1 14 2.80 Aug. 19 |Sep. 1 13 | Sep. 4 4 2 17 4.25 Aug. 19 |Sep. 1 138 | Sep. 7 7 8 28 4.00 Aug. 30 | Sep. 10 il | Sep. 24 15 25 13 . 86 Aug. 30 |Sep. 8 9 | Sep. 25 18 2 31 172 Aug. 30 |Sep. 9 10 | Sep. 14 6 2 11 1.83 Aug. 30 |Sep. 9 10 | Sep. 17 9 0 16 1.77 Aug. 30 |Sep. 9 10 | Sep. 13 5 0 4 . 80 Aug. 30 | Sep. 13 14 | Sep. 20 8 0 12 1.50 Sep. 10 |Sep. 24 14 | Sep. 26 3 1 6 2.00 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 15 TABLE 3.—Continued. INDIVIDUAL EXPERIMENTS OF POMI. ph Aver- * : age ate of | Total Date of Date of | at | Date of | Pro-| Life | No. | young | death (length birth. | first. |birth| last | duc-|after| of |perday| or dis- | of young. of young. | tive | last |young) during | appear. | life. first per young produc-| ance, young od. tive period. Days Days | Days Days Sep. 10 | Sep. 25 Oct. 5] 11 | 22-| 18 | 1.18 | Oct. 27 Sep. 10 | Sep. 24 14 | Oct. 20; 27 0 22 -.80 | Oct. 20 | 40 p. 10 | Sep. 26 16 | Oct. 4 9 11 4 .44 | Oct. 15 | 35 Sep. 10 | Sep. 25 14 | Sep. 29 6 0 10 1.66 | Sep. 29 | 19 p. 24 | Oct. 8 14/0 9 2 1 2 1.00 | Oct. 10 | 16 Sep. 24 Oct. 9 15 | Oct. 9 1 11 1 1.00 | Oct. 20 | 26 Sep. 24 | Oct. 7 13 | Oct. 16} 10 13 8 .80 | Oct. 29 35 Sep. 24 | Oct. 13 19 | Oct. 15 3 0 4 1.33 | Oct. 15] 21 = ee June 19 |......| June 23 5 1 32 6.40 | June 24 |...... June 19 | June 29 10 | July 13; 15 0 44 2.93 | July 13 24 June 29 | July 10 11 | July 19 10 0 70 7.00 | July 19 | 20 July 10 | July 26 16 | Aug. 12/| 18 0 32 1.77 | Aug. 12 | 33 July 26 | Aug. 6 11 | Aug. 23; 18 5 56 3.11 | Aug. 28 | 383 Aug. 6 | Aug. 20 14 | Sep. 21 | 33 0 28 .85 | Sep. 21 | 46 Aug. 20 |Sep. 3 | 14 | Sep. 21 | 19 3 | 12 63 | Sep. 24 |° 35 Sep. 3 | Sep. 23 20 | Sep. 23 1 0 1 1.00 | Sep. 28 | 20 Averages ....... 11.71 112.13] 2.62|35.08} 2.78 27.35 Fe 16 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Rosy Apple Aphis. (Aphis sorbi Kalt). This aphis gets its name from the fact that the wingless summer forms have a rosy or pinkish tinge. The stem mothers that hatch from the egg vary greatly in color,but are usually of a somewhat blueish shade with a tinge of green. The hinder part of the body is tinged with pink. The young of these forms are pinkish, and like the stem mothers are covered with a whitish powder. The third stage develop into brown or black spring migrants. The fall migrants resemble the spring migrants very closely in appearance, and except by a very careful examination, the migrants cannot be distinguished from the males. The oviparous are wingless, much smaller than the viviparous females and yellowish in col- or. Life History. The eggs of the Rosy Aphis which resemble those of the green aphis in appearance, are laid upon the twigs or even upon the trunk of the tree. They are not so noticeable as those of the green aphis being more scattered and often concealed under a bud scale or elsewhere. They hatch at about the same period as does the the green apple aphis and the stem mothers on reaching maturity, begin to produce young very rapidly. The five stem mothers which we reared produced 236, 187, 110, 274, and 78 young respectively, or an average number of 177 young, while 37 in- dividuals of the second generation produced an average of 106.51 young each. The third generation females develop into spring migrants that fly . to plantains (Plantago major or Plantago lanceolata) and there deposit young. From two to five generations are spent on the plantains in Nova Scotia, the last generation developing into winged fall migrants that re- turn to the apple and there give birth to sexual males or females, which pair in the ordinary way, after which the female deposits her eggs. As in the case of the green aphis the female sex predominates in numbers and a single male serves several females. Under certain conditions a certain proportion of the species may not develop migrants, but instead remain upon the apple throughout the season. Crowding of specimens upon a single plant stimulates the pro- duction of winged forms. Where there is plenty of room, however, wing- ed forms fail to develop. Thus in the laboratory, where only one aphis was kept on a plant, with one exception, no spring migrants were pro- duced. Where a large number are placed on a single plant, all developed into spring migrants in the 8rd generation. Strange to say most of the specimens kept on separate plants be- came winged in the 7th generation. Most of these died, but some when transferred to plantains began to give birth to young. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 17 Attempts were made throughout the summer, to transfer plaintain forms to apple, and vice versa. Most of these failed. In one case, how- ever, where fourth generation young from the @qemdm, the progeny of a g/, wingless viviparous female,were placed on the apple, they came to matur- ity and produced young that developed into ordinary plantain forms. The rosy aphis has a maximum of nine and a minimum of six genera- tions in Nova Scotia. Most of the details concerning generations, num- bers, etc., are shown in Fig. 2, and Tables 4, 5, 6,7, & 8. Gene- t . wants May dune | duly | August [Seplember October | November a / " al 64 days 2 ' ss : 35 Bb “ 7+ . 4 me ee ee eee m we be = = © om [Discontinued r 5 26 op 20 —e ee ee eee © ace ef er ee © t 6 Tm 22 x, ses esebeesesecs x ’ “ i= . g Bees . 9 a Smet SPEER Fig. 2. Generations of Aphis Sorbi Kalt., 1915. TABLE 4. DURATION OF NYMPHAL STAGES OF APHIS SORBI. Total Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of length birth. 1st moult. | 2nd moult. | 3rd moult. | 4th moult. nymphal stage. wee Dies sa June 5....| June 7....| June 9..../| Junel13.. 12 days pate tik ate up teas is Oe’, ae | eee | Fe 14% pobre: rll lied eR ewe 145 eee + P eae * ee 11.*¢ ate. HPT > ee ‘yee | iat OG er. Sine 13:9 eae hes yy ee eS oes bare + Bap aay | F oe See: + Seth. eA SRNR, See ie atte § Re panie ! Mere) 8 23% WN c asada scare oe ete se ited | oe eae: 12..° mea Sees! qe) Be siveh | Fe ow ae oe Bae: > Bion ae | RLS Se ioe | Fe 7, es. ae Be ithe 18. ™ iy Eww oe rest Ghee te oe tt ess alae ee Sb Fis ae) | See cele aahieey | ie ier , Pe > iy ae eae a ge. Sree ey “ -30.. July 3.. July 5.. July 8.. 4 oes es July 3.. on VF ct th oe atep | ie 19 % July vo Meeps lie [et eR) ME ee | SO RAD 4 Bg 7 i a AR ie eed n= Bae “30. ee St AUS. Races 10.52 fee athe By Aug. 10. Aug. 12. 7. 14... « eas 16% Average ...... 12.19 days N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL{SOCIETY. 18 Ty ae Oe ee ee es ee oe ** eee 0 L L Pr PL a oun; ES ie 2 A SS Pp iE Biss s “lo fe Jat] e9 | eo fcc ge oung ATS SEAS hikes es cates feel og fe te ao | 99 |: seeoE ounp fee Rod oP Bere bee ete ee 0 vec te o ] eg ft: ‘<7 ung "Eee pe BSS Pa eae BD eee es lo be be op } eg [ccc op. oune TH aye eRe ere ECG rege) Re sgh peas 0 16 18 lege | ag fcc pe. oung 3 ARE RG | Ge See 4 eS ee > ie es op | gg [ttcceteee ep. ounp = RY Bae eahint cetes onbtsst di epg ae ED , tec TE 6p | 2g frctttersete gy ounp **e e* re ee ee *elee eee ** eeleeeee q Z 9 &P 09 . ** hs te A Y eune a5 aS Rae Gis: See ne IS aS ae ie aH ey lop fens -Seeescor une RE SUS PASS, Beem RCP MR oy aed lB ay Ay) Bais 60.1 69. foresee teeseeeg” gun ee ee ee “* . “* . ele. . . . 0 6 8s PL se . . ‘9 oun ee ee . . “se ee “ese . ** ese ee ** 0 g VAY OL ob eaten oe 2 alec ais! oun ee ee ee a a os . ee . . “ee ee 0 I 9g OL eat WR oune ee Oe ee’ as eee . See ee Ce oe a 0 OL | 9g Beg it ht ee oune . . a a . ** . . 0 c rE Lg S10 8. e,0Gihe “* ites. oun i ee ee ee ee es ee. "see. . ** “eee ** . 0 Z 8Z .- 99 Ag Se ale a Res oun b> ohals <9 lavemalcn «4a j sfesefernl g- [gp P81 OP [ote eee une Be ere pees Pee 28 5 ase 0 13 ze | g¢ OF te gang: ro oune 4 eoeefoerceecefeneenineeccretsocececcicsecvets ee ee ee os “hq 9 re 93 Oe 16.618 cy 6 R560) ee 0 Te AVI ee ee ee. eee ae 2 . oe ee oe “* oe 0 98 24] OE Seep Ea ee ABW ee ee ee ee ee ee eee fee ae eee are i * 0 Lg CP TY Sea Ss oe her in Ge oe 62 “ABIN as ‘do ‘fo os n is = co a a a — wo to | sad Siok) 8b 8 Boose ff Bo] Be ise | BY RY. Ss ’ ee cube ® & zB : : ry : g 3 = 2 2 : £ Ft B B g dipaets Cian ‘saLlog UOTeIeUeH UI0g-IsI1y aaa ‘ayeq “NOLLV4YANAD SNOUVdIAO OL YFHLOW-WALS WOUA IdNOS SIHdV AO SNOLLVYANAD JO ANIT ¢ OTavVi 19 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. eee . 0: sees leweee q es 7 elewwee eweeele Ce ee er ae a a ee es a on ee ee ee es er ee ee ee a eeeee a er a ee ee a a e ee ee . ewe eee se eee . eee ee eee ee eae ele oe ele ween see rs ee see sneer eee re es ee eee es es wae . . . os ee weele oe oe) ee) so “* we eee * eee wee shee . ee od ae oe i wae eeee +. wee . a is sae see es a sae ce er ce a oe a . . o. . oe * see eee hae BOSSSSS SOSSSSSSH OM SOAOUE“ WAH BOON GNSOSCONNS oe . ee eeeee Ce ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ener . . eewwele “* ee eee eeeleee re re ee wnee wee eee . . ee ewe eee ee ewele ween oe ee see eee ener es we eee . eeee * se eee eee seen steer es eee ae wae es as es ee ee eee wee ee 0 L 0 L 0 4 0 ¢ 0 g 0 0 0 g 0 ge 0 g q g a é mole 0 he 0 Hae i. nf 9 ‘10 vent :2:} 9 a1 Sa: e* eee "eee a ee eee SAIN S OC m1 919 09 mt Neooococooe oe Ne DBOHOHOrnGoooooesceo mre SSSSSS3E8 - ~ GL SSRSSoSSHSS Soroesscese See ee eee eww wee i a ee ee ee eevee eeeeenees eee we wm nm wn wnaee co ow oy oe a ee ae i ee | Ce GOS B 6.86 Bee 0 eee eee . ee re . one ee . . . . eve ‘ wee orn eee eae eee eee . ee eee eee eee eee eee wee ee eee eee eee . . eee wwe . eee seer ee ee ee eer eee eee eeeee Ce ee se ewe .- er see ee . “eee e eee . . AN WISDOM AOD N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 20 oO feist lo Reed one Cone Cooke) Coed ier 7.) rl eT “any seer 0 weeeelew eee s*+* 0 eeeeeteeene ** elee . 6P 19 Pa ae We ae we &Z ‘sny . 0 seees ee. ** 0 . eee *- ee eeeetes . PS OL eeeeeaeeees . tae ‘sny ese 0 . ehesees 0 seueete ee ee wee! paw sbasecs GF 19 ee eee 6 6 ‘ a > ‘sny . * 0 eee ee leew eeteeeee 0 eeeeeteeeeat« . . eee PP 69 seer eeeeeneens ee ‘sny esese 0 eeesteeeestoeves 0 eee seeseteweeeteosesetsseseteeees 1g 9 Past bs eS ee ‘sny =. 0 eeeeetlaeee erleeses 0 ee ee ee ee ee ee a ee a ee SP gg 6 Ele ba 16 ie 6 & ST ‘sny eran 0 eeeeetaeeeeetioes 0 @aeseteeceesteeeesfoecesetecesetoesere gs P9 LPS SMS ee ‘Bny eeeee 0 0 . . 0 e. . eee . . . 6S aL ¢ ORS Se ‘sny es q Z seer . 0 teste secesitc ereeteseseta © teeese 99 69 eovaeveseorn ‘ ‘er ‘any eeeeetloeeee 0 eee es eee 0 “* 0 eee ee ee ee eee 09 eh 8 eS oe ee ‘ony eeeeslieeees g eeeeelenecee 0 . 0 weeveedescsevetovese 6S 69 AisMmr AL Rae ‘sny eeeceteceuce I eeeeele wees 0 g ee ee 2g aL Pet aos hoki. cee ‘sny e@eeeeteseses 0 eerteeese 0 eeeee ¥ ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ae 99 89 os 3 ess eee See “sny eseeeteesee 0 eeeeete eee 0 eeeee Z ee ee ee ee eertlewreae 9S 99 eMeaaueaerua te | ‘Bny eeeeeteeees 0 eeeeetloeesee 0 eeses 0 ee ee ee ee ee ee ey eae) 6S oo 8 Seta tse “Bny eeeeetaw eee 0 ~eeeetle eens 0 “eens 0 eee ee ee es ee 09 r9 petit eat oe te “Bny eeeee . . 0 eeeelewees 0 eee g . . &P 89 even ire bape =~) “ony eeeeeteeeae 0 eeeeele wees 0 0 g eee eee ee ee ed UAB &P el Ee agaei cee eens 8 ‘ony eeesetloeeees 0 eeeeelsecees 0 Z 9 ee . . seeee ve eae SP OL Her ai 6 ian 9, «| “any eeeeeleeeee 0 eeeeetleoweee q Zz c ee ee ee ee es . 8g 69 OL lee a Sa 2 ‘any eeeeele eee 0 0 ee ee 0 0 . ee ee eeeeeleweeae cg 9 hi gaa ReneS * “3ny eccesioceee 0 0 . e 0 g eocefecccsfoeesesiocs oe @9 99 JAE * ‘sny ** * 0 0 . . . 0 9 . ee oe ee ee 8g ZL eC Se Me oe ee ie ee ee re I ‘any % a ao Lo os eo i] _ oo a a a — _ Bi 2) £84 84 BL EP ere Fer ae ice a . y S 3 . MY & & : 2 F 2 : 3 3 : 2 $ 3 5 =} 3 ~ x. e fe Lies U0 c ‘ain - x samt “Se: aaerl Selleg UOIVIeUeL UlOg-jsILy - stg aces L eyed “penuyue)—NOLLVAANAD SNOUVdIAO OL YHAHLOW-WALS WOUA IdxOS SIHdV AO SNOLLVHYANAD AO ANIT ‘¢ GTaAVL 21 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. radon lao doc acNeh he RAR ANG ee eee a ocaae . eooornr © co N = 12 tse mei SOT Sees wets OE SO uals Gerdes fe Oe ce oe Perea ate . . . . . . . . . . ene eS “hae. 1s . . > = = > a 2 “ 5 & 3 a 5 4 s $ z : - : : 2 2 : 3 & Py B 3 g “selies U0l} : ‘any ; ~erauat) wi0g Sallag UOIBJeUer U1Og-z8I1 J ~e1oduia J, aqeq ‘penupue)—SNOLLVAANAD SNOUVdIAO OL AAHLOW-WALS WOU IGHOS SIHdV AO SNOILLVAANAD AO ANIT ‘S ATAVL ed 23 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. ‘ajdde uo SUIIO} [ENXES 0} OS] UOAIS GARY SSeT}qNOp pjnom yy “YIZI “ydeg uo peveddesip puv jueIsIW [eq e OZUI pedojeaep styde styy, (q) “WIOj [enxeg (B) 6 @e Cer kes 2816 F856 GC. core ie OO UW Ce ee 4 (q) Z qdag . ‘g 8 tc 9T |'' "1g ‘any 63 ‘Sny |“ “oT ‘any | ***F mB fh SI | '' ‘ar ‘3ny 8 ‘any |*' ‘og Ane cee a 02 y ydeg| TI 99° 3 3 Fo ae ® @ +deg| gt |'''6 Ane 8 Ane |" * pg oung pay & 9 8I 91 ‘any | ¢§ os't | 9 I so) ees gt ‘any ; 35 87 y ‘any! 6 98°8 | FL g Fi ees og Aine (®) gg 4dag 7 &P or “30! & 19° 8 g 15% ipa L ‘Bny!| 92 9% 3dag 6% idag |" Og ‘Bny "8 IP PI ydag| T "TES I et? Tg ‘3ny| 92 0g “any oo 3ny |p ‘any }°***, ST 9 ‘any| 2 “o\ PF I ra g ‘any| &I by ‘3ny @ ‘any |''° 3g Arne "9 % S ve vr ‘3ny| g 60 F | 06 rd TE tees ar ‘3ny/ It 22 Aine 02 Arne Ir Aine g's. 3a 02 “6r Ame} 2 €8'€ | OF 0 a Baek 6 Aime} 2r It Arne Or Aine 62 eunr 'y fed 1 0s Tg Aine | ar 9) SIL | PT 1 Sal ieee LI Ame} gt Scented a Bie reprise 4 TT eune 8 B Z9 88 8 Aime} OF | LL°h} SOT 9 oS eee @ Aine] It TI oun |"** “OT eunr Tg Aen ae BS eee cI Aine SI 129 982 ose g ‘rs Ang} ***** 1g Avy “6g Avy ee a ae ah Se! sheq d | skeq sk{eq “pol “ep | -1ed T Ur | ean Zuno4| -on bos Zunodé Past “ay ‘a0ue Oo | -01 no *por *Zuno “q]now 0) -iveddestp txt Buump| jo |Zunod| -sed *Bunod qsuy jeuy “YqdIq *SUOT] BIBL) Yyoue]; 40 YyBep =| -uinu = qoq | 38] | 8A 488] 4wiq | jo a3eq jo ajeq jo ayeq 1230, |} jooueq |unw -WNN| 104j2 | -onp jo eq ye —Ixeyy |Zunoé ayV] | -O1g o3y a3e -IdAV “IGAOS SIHdV ‘SNOILLV4YANAD AO ANIT 9 DTAVL N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 24 9 "St pO] 9 ¥9°T 8% G3 LI ‘*-gr'adeg | eg [°°'*'s ‘adeg|'''''T ‘3deg]’**** "OT any 92 "**"og Sny | 8 99°$ €8 g 6 <2 ERY 1 ME Pe eee ee ag Aa 61 - ee ee 00°% 9 & 8 “-g -Bny| br [cg “any [scp “Bny |['°'* 8s Aine See zz “3ny | 6 Ig ¢9 3: wr of os any | at fe 8ny gs “any “gg Ane 99 “***"9g-adeg | 9 893 cL 92 63 “<“Te‘any] gr ['''''s ‘Bny i's “Buy | ee AME SI “7 "*g Bay} 3 00°Z Pr I z ‘g ‘Bny] St [''"'e ‘Bny | ''g “Bny |''' as Ame lap © haps Ir ‘3ny| F OFT L b ¢ “2 SnO] 3s f''* es “Say ]'''' "08 Aime yet Aine 8% A 6 ae 29% 12 I 8 g ‘sny| og [Tr ‘any | rs Aime] er Aine eS ee ¢ ‘Sny| 2 91'S 6h I raf ‘+p ‘Bny] 2@r [°°*° ‘es Aime ]* "ae Arne “Tp Arne eg eee FI ‘3ny | 8 60 F 06 rd as aI ‘any | It |'*°*‘ae Ame ]’'** og Sime |)" "tr Aime Sey? Tes 83 @ 3dag; 8 bra | 86 9 88 4g “8ny | 8I “7g Aine |" "0g Aine |e Arne a ee LU ‘any L 0€ 2 69 I og gt ‘3ny| LT [°° "st Aime |" "2 Arne ‘*T Ayne zg “"*"Tg any} OT GLP o6 ad 02 “0g Aine | Tr [°° * TE Aime [°° ‘or Aime “9g ount &Z "9g Amp] FP b's rad g L “seg Amp} pr | ' ‘AT Aue | ' ot Aime |'** 8 AIOE nd leche oz Aine) & 00°2 9 T g “6. Aine | FT eee) Ee eee rey “*g Apne 02 ““"""6r Ame] 2 $8 og 0 6 6 Aine | or | IT Arne |**** OT Arne "6g ount ee tee, or Aine) 00° 2 0 8 or Aine | ST eR Ee = g Ang |***** gt oune OP... 3 Tg Aine | 2 €8°3 re LI al pr Aine |: st |°''''s Aime |°**' ‘9g eung | ‘gy ounf cg ““""ET ‘Sny| OT 69 F 101 cz rad $2 Aine | 61 [°° ** 5. Ae og eunr eT ount ee ES: Ir Aime} IT Lot 96 z 1Z “6. Sf PL GEeepe |’. LT oung |****** ¢g ount eee 8 SS og Aine | ST 59'S Z0r SI 8% et Aine | pr |° "gt oun |" GT ounr ‘"*p ounf 8Z ““*"ogeunr | &f 26° LL I rae 6g eunr| gt |" LT eung |***"* GT ounr ""°g eunt m-th a pe eunr| IT gg'¢ IP T L gg eunr| FT | LT oung |**** "pp oung |'"**'"g ount eee eee Ir 3ny| 6 cof 00 4 rar ES: AIOE Obi ot) 0g oung |**"** Lz oung |*** "gr eune ee ae 2 Tg Aime | 31 00°9 SIT al 61. LT Aine} gt | Os Gunes ei “** TT eunf SR: LS pl L Ame) &1 Lg'¢ LIL g 1 Se: MAP heated 3 ol eung |" "°° OT eunr oe. SEL, Cee ae > g Ame) Or LLY Sor 9 3s. pee 1) ae ay + RS ae TT eung |"*"** OT eunr ‘'' Tg ABI Siz «Se a A cI Ane SI Iz'9 982 g gg . L Aine ee . “* Tg Avy eee ‘62 AVI . i | ee ee sheq ¢ sheq | sheq seq “poled Aep[ut| ear sunof “oe Zunod | -jon *BunoA | ‘poised 4siy “sunof i) "a0uB jo -O1 4SP] @Al *Bunod jo 4saiy jo *4[noul y33ue] | -seeddesip | Jequinu| Zulmmp “‘BunoA | Joye -jonp 4sP] Yyqwiq La macel jeuy *Y4dIq jo T®30.L 10 4QBvep uinut | Aep Jed} jo ‘oN avy -O1g jo a3eq 4e jo o4eq jo o4eq a4e%q jo a38q -1xeyy | Zunoé o3y asRBloaAy “"¥lddV NO IduOS SIHdV 40 SLNAWINAd Xa TWAGIAIGNI ‘L ATaAVL 25 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. eee 4 é 6) 6.60 eener “ewer see ee eee eee ee “seer se eee io 2] N 2 . . NAA OH OID DID 1G OO HINO HO MAYANNANSHNNSH OOOH OMON IOI SSSBSATILCSNZSERES . N ww Le) N OOF OR 8 8h 08S ot vr nt mt ot Be wd wh AD OD 928 OS GD 1D WD GD mt WP wt O8 = O88 OO Ht 1 09. © si Bw mt . “***-@7 oun “+98 aune é b | a 5 ~ fr) mt > — = - 20 nN © = 5 ir) — 2 5 5 “+++ - eT oun 1 = eo a = ba) — A > 3 - HOO OOO ORE EEE N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 26 me perseee Lz Aine | ST Lys | PPT I LI “gr Bny | at [°'* ee Aime | * te Aine [tr Arne NS OL any FI see SIT or T. {°**og- Amare] tr fo OT Amel te .Ame eg eune a Bae ze 3ny | FT 99 SIT 9% LI “eng Se] Bt at Ser aren See eee SS Agere eo foe 6z Aime | ST eg L Orr 9 PI - ospg ame | Tl frame ee ae "Og ounr 2 21 9 ‘Bny!| SI 68°S Pal P $2 ‘eg Aine | If | °** ‘or Ame [''***g Arne |***** 6g ounr wm jee gz Aine | ST 00°L eT 6 61 ae Mey | OR ““"TT Atne |’ **'6 «Ane |'**' og ouns a rates 9 ‘any! SI 09 SST ST ae 61 Aine | ST |" T Ang |'****gg oung |'**** gt eunr eS eee. PI ‘3ny | &I ges III § Tet ep er | SE st T Ane |'*** 6g oung |'**** “gT eunr ee lias 92 “3ny | 6 1g 'F 96 8% ad 9 oe ng Me eae al Aroe | * "or Arne {st Ane Bees conan gr “3ny | &1 69°S | 6IT 9 moe eee | er "ss ST Apne {°° TT Ame fst | Ane - EY eee: te Ame | > gts | 61 g TE eer SAY “*3t Aqag |! sg sndmap se see a Eton 9 ‘Sny/| §&I LP's POT 8 61 ‘gt Aire | srt l'' * ‘st Ane |'' tr Arne |'**** og ounr ie, ee o¢ Amr! 6 00'S | 96 I 61 '6¢ Aime | IT “TT Ate }'*' 6 Ane |**** ** og eune NS bee: L ‘3deg| SI 08's 9L 8 &% ¢ 4) TO 9 Oe aie 0 ar.) Ls) ae 6 Ane |''*'* og ounr ae see ez Aine | &I L¢e°9 26 I PI Seal en SS 7 eee ens a Ray“! 4 9 ‘sny /''''''9% Ane ORES Seas zi ‘any LI 6¢°9 cPl Iz ae meee’ i’ |) dl ee 9 ee eee i 3 See ole Re 6 Ane “og ounr = btee 9 “3ny| &I se°9 PSI 91 1. oo Se ee ey de eae 6g oung |" *** LT oun ERS lacy, 62 Aine | &T oss Zeal 6 1Z mt 3c. 1 en 2 Gee a T Ajne *6e oun |''**": LT eunre Sys gt Aine | IT Lge°s 98 0 91 ‘oz Ainge | gt |'°** ‘0g eune gg wun |e LT eung ieee BS, L ‘B8ny!| &I c8 FP 981 II 82 "OT Aer i ery ss tak. oe ea gg eunr |'' ‘LT ounr ee eek. z ‘3ny | 02 1g°¢ 9ST L 82 yaar. LV a 2 Ge 0g eunr |" ** gz oung |" * ‘9T ounr esd GA: og eunf | CT cz°9 cL 0 ra “95 Ane’) et f° *** 6g oung |"*** "yg eung |****** gT ounr ee ape og Ame | gt I'L LST Iz Ze ‘ogeounr| oT |'*°*’ 6T eung | **** Li wang? ' <8 p oune ees eae: ct Aine | FT #0°9 IST g GZ 6. er aT ay SI oung |'°**" g—T oung |****"* p oun See eae. PI Aine | 61 G2 L PLT g rz ike a 7 ee coe be ST oung |" 9, oanp ssr5 g oun Fee, Boek. Le Ame | LT 98°8 26 I II a ae ee ee gT eung [°° yT gung s**t g oun | a ieee 12 Aine | 2t 00°2 og 0 g 9g eunr} §—T |''°"’ gT eunr Be Sa dara oe ee g oun hake) Bienes g Aine! 61 Zs 8 €0Z I &Z “‘FgZeune | epi ft: "* LI oune ‘pl oung |"""*° ‘Z oune skeq seq skeq sh{eq : “potied Aep[ur}) ey sunos *Bunod “ay “a0ue jo —onpoid *Bunod | *poied *Bsunod 4siy 4say jo *4[noul jo -ivaddesip aquinu | 3ulimp | ‘*ZunoAé 4SB] aAl 488] jo Yyqaiq jeuy “YIq q33ue] 10 y3vep unu | Aep ded/ jo on Jaye -jonp jo a4eq yqaiq jo 94eq jo o4eq jo o4eq [®70.L jo a3eq -Ixeyy | Zunodé ayy -O1g ye asBIVAY ony “a1ddV NO IduOS SIHdV AO SINAWIAAdXA TWAGIAIGNI “penuyuop—L ATAVL 27 92°6 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. “ee ee “ee ee ee ee ts ie see ee <4 %.6 "« se ene se eee se eee se eee San BI OND SES A I aS O08 1 WED OR SHIASSECSERSSSSLBRELSLES | ee eee ener ee ee Ce a er “eeee “ee ee ee ee se eee "ewer ee ee “ee ee oe eee “ee ee "*e eee eee seen ee se eeee a see eee set wne setees see eee setae tet ene teen eee see wee ee oe oe see wee eet eee cee nee eeeees eee eee seeeee see eee cen eee cee eee ee ewe N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 28 Tite Sieber Ir ‘3ny/ ¢ 91% 9% g er ‘seg “Boy | 3 str gg & fl "Le Aine Rita Aine i Se SI wWdes| F PIT 8 I L “*** "yp. 9dag | 33 ““TE 3408 |" "8 9Geg 0% ‘3ny Se 02 3deg | iT 00'T I 6 I “Tp adeg) ps [IT adeg]****'g adeg |'*' gt “any oe. Base gt deg) iT 00'T I P T “so Tp adeg] pe f°. IT deg ['**''g adeg /'' eT ‘any oe Ske og deg; F 00 '€ 9 er rd “gp. adeg |] ge |'* LT adeg |****'g gydag ['** “oT “3ny SS ee PI ydas| I oor | 3 al rd “Tg ‘3ny | 93 [°°°" ‘08 “Bny |" "eg any | y “any ($21 epee 9t ‘PO; T 00'T T L ea ea) 6 “PO| 08 “9B 9990 [eb 900 1 6 aes SS aaa st ‘PO; at 08 3 83 9% or “"""6T 3dag | 92 “OT adag |*" gydag |****9T “any a Se 9t 3deg/| II 02 F 13 z } an Sati FI 3deg | 92 “OT gdag |**'*'g gdeg |'***‘9T “any | 3) eae 3 PO! 9 a I II lai 6 “"" "ST gydag | oz “OT gdag |'*°''6 9dag |*'* oT “any oS ee tI “PO! at Il’é 6I 9% 6 ‘ST ydag | 92 “OT ydag |** "gydag |** “OT “3nV | RS acacia €z 3des| 9 99°§ It ar § “Tr sdeg | Po fC 6 ydeg|*'***g ydeg |**'*‘gT “3ny -- 0z 3dag| & 00'T | &@ 8 Sa aI ydeg | OT | *'': Tg ‘Sny |*;"*“6T “Sny |" **'"g° “any 7s Se 9 3des] § 6I'T | 9 I me QT 3deg |) IT |°°°"°9T “Bny |''** pT Bny |'*"* "9 *Bny ees agate og “Sny | 6 PPT 8&3 T oe) 62 ‘3ny | OT | °° *° pl ‘ny |'" eT any | Py “any EE eco g ‘Sny g 00°¢ ec g 1S lie baa G ‘3ny 91 seer g ‘any see "9 ‘sny eee 02. Aqne its eee 61 “Bny Z 99° P Or 9 . ‘6 ‘any cI se eee P “any ee eee 02 Aine po Se aay 6 ‘3ny ¢ 0¢ 4 ¢ fb Z eceee g ‘any cI eeeee fp ‘any os aksce Zz ‘any eee ee 02. Ayne 0z ~*eeee 6 “sny c o¢ . F 6 P Z "ee ee c “any cI ener P ‘any a Te Arne o. 02 Ane eS ens ¢ ‘any! Z@ el" IT rd gT “cg ‘“Bny | OT “*"°9g Ane |"° "gt Arne |" oT Ame |: Sh “aes or any | §& €8'T IT ST ERS eee op ARE TT Te Ane |****° 8r Aine “OT Arne RS "apace L ‘ny/| 9 8's | 8 Ee eee os Aine | OT [°° *° og Atnp |'** gt Atme |'** ‘or Aine AS ongeee 6 “sny| & g0'r | &I 6 I ee Tg.4ime | OF | *** 02 Aine |-***" St Ayne |" ** or Aine a ¢ eee: > 10.09) 6"8 0z Aine CZ 02°2 eg T cI Se BT Aine eee ER Aine 6. . ap, Steaks, ee a ee 0:06 6.0 & ye eee eee eee. Fe weee 0z Aine t oe T ZI I g Meee § Ane a ene ee | Aine PU ral at gd a OO . . . . eeeeee Feevee 9I Aine €T GL°s &Z T ¥ Paes) 2 Aine fee ey Aine Ce ee ee cee e ee Peeves 92 Aqne 0z 13°Z IP 9 9T saber | Aine a ee Shoe cteires Aine tials 2 8.6 wie oo . . ee “EMSC Ree ten ee 9I Arne 22 09°2 9z Z OL rope |) | Aine nS Salh steer e Aine Ps) PO eae Ga 8 Bk) ee be 60/6 et skeq sh{eq skeq sheq “£B *potied I “4 Yeh Zunof| ‘Sunos Zunod | -jon *BunoX | ‘potsied “Buno£ 4siy 4s1y jo *q[noul “ay ‘a0ue jo -O1 4SB] aAly 4S8B] jo Yqaiq jeuy "UMIq jo -rveddestp | Jequinu| Zutmmp |-3unod | Jeqyje -onp jo a38q qqaiq jo a3eq jo o3eq jo a1eq yqsue] 10 YQeep unu | Aep ded| jo “ON aT -O1d 48 LZUR A jo a38q -Ixeyy | Zunod aay asvivAVY "NIVLNV Id NO ISOS SIHdV ‘SLNAWTad Xd TWAGIAIGNi °8 DTIAVL 29 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. ge Se e9°¢ Int 98° LI 6L°S 91 OT 89° LI ee ee ae ee a eateaeer . SdsBIOAY eg ener L 190 g €3°1 It 0z 9 eeeee LI ydag 8Z eevee ZI ydag eee vseewee ele - ST ‘ny 9F "08 3dag| § “0O'T | 8I g | eae eae a 85.3008 | Pe 4°25" 8 .adeg fi: ores "GT ‘any. Tg “""3g 3dag | 2 SL II g tL **ET 4deg | gt -i**:°% 3degt-**- I. ‘3degy- °°’ ae “Sny Rt" &Z ydeg| ¢ LgT 0g I Sr [yee Se 340g ft OF -1° =": y 300g |’ <*"*g “4deg| “Ar 1g ‘3ny Tg see 0g ‘Bny Z 00°T ¢ & ¢ . &Z ‘any 0Z eter 61 ‘any tee LI ‘any we eee 0g Arne 2g oeeeae its “Bny x) tr'zZ Vad F? 6 . A “‘3ny LI wy WO ST “Bny eevee €I ‘any “eve we 62 Aine oo a 82 Wag} ¢ 6L° LZ g ee ne €I ¥deg]} eg [** Tz ‘3ny |'***" SI ‘3ny |" 62 Ane 9 ““"g “any | ¢ gL'T L Z ees gtd: T ‘any! Ir |'**'°6¢ Aine |'**** L@ Ane |°* gr Aine a yes Ir ‘3ny/ ¢ GL" 6 z i 6 “any i] ir [°° *" 62 Aine |°*** “9g Ainge |**** SI Arne eS PS 62 ‘3ny | 9 6L°T 2g g le Saga o2‘3ny| Ir |" 62 Aine |*"* °° Le Ainge |" *** SI Aine ma Tt py ‘sny/ 2 ‘79'S 68 T 5 ES 9 tere ¢ ‘any g2 |'°''‘pe Aing | *** a. 4g): * T Ajnge ae Cael g ‘any | ¢ an 3 OF IT 4 Smee eel y ‘8ny| gr |'***‘st Aime |**** ‘gt Apne "0g ounre as ra br wWeg/] T 99° Z Z 9: “3 -$deg | Ot -|°*" ‘ite say f+": 62 “‘3ny |""** GT ‘8ny RAR eee Teé “3ny |] T 00°T Z ¢ = “9g aay )..8r |" 2" 9s “Sny-' “pg tng [ic ZI ‘sny_ 96-—-t 33 g¢ weg} 8g c2°3 6 9 ¥ “°° "og “Bny | 61 [°° “2g any |<" 2g any |°'*"<‘g <3ny a oe z weg] Z OF 9 Z aT 4 Tg “3ny | St [°° LT “8ny | pT Bny [°° *Z ‘any oe) ae cs oI ‘3sny | F 08° 1z Z LZ Ol seen OF 1. gt ‘any |" "eT ‘any |*"T “any LZ } SI -“3ny | ¢ Itt LI Z ar (leo) St Be oe ee g ‘any |'‘"''g any |°**'**Zg Ajne ae de Tg “sny | ¢ 92° T 82 9 ae -"**9g Suny i st | °°» “any | g ‘any |'''**gg Ane 9s 92 3ny | ¢ Itt LI or 7 eS wire 91 ‘3ny | ¢T 9 Mapas: y ‘any |'*'"‘Ig Aine GB “oT ‘Bny |]. 9 So'T ST T + geet nd 6. ‘3ny| gt |°*"* 6% Aime |****-gz Apne |" * “gt Ajng 30 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Injuries. The chief seat of injury of the rosy aphis is to the leaves about the blossom clusters. The most serious effect of this is to dwarf the apples borne on these clusters. The dwarfing may only be slight or the apples may not grow any larger than acorns. In cases of bad in- festation, large bunches of these small dwarfed apples, so well known by farmers who have had any experience with this pest, will be found hang- ing on the tree. A curious effect of the aphis work about the fruit cluster is the re- tention of many apples that would have dropped to the ground had they not been so attacked. This was particularly noticeable during the past year, when clusters of these gall apples would be seen where the insect had been at work, while elsewhere on the tree, the crop was in many cases, very light indeed. In fact in some orchards, the only fruit that could be found on certain trees was the clusters that had been attacked by the Rosy Aphis. The fruit itself may also be attacked, causing similar in- juries to that produced by the green aphis. Control of the Green and Rosy Aphis. Several species of Syrphus Fly larvae were observed feeding*upon both species of aphids. Also a predaceous mite (Anystis agilis Bks.) destroyed a large number. Considering its small size, this mite can ac- count for an enormous number of aphids. It is bright red in color and travels at an amazing speed. According to Mr. Banks, who determined the specimen,it is found all over the eastern portion of the United States. During the summer click beetles (Elateridae),were frequently found in curled leaves containing aphids, under circumstances that gave rise to the suspicion that they were preying upon the aphids. Accordingly a careful watch was kept, and it was found that the click beetles undoubt- edly destroyed a large number of aphids, and are an appreciable factor in their control in this province. The species chiefly responsible for this work was determined by Dr. Van Dyke as Dalopius lateralis, one of our most common species. Several species of lady bird beetles were also captured feeding upon © the aphids but the most common species in the summer of 1915 was the twice-spotted-lady-bird-beetle, (Adalia bipunctata). Accordingly, ex- periments were conducted to ascertain the life history of the species and the number of aphids destroyed by them. Accordingly, on June 12th, a pair were captured in copulo and placed in a rearing cage. On June 15th a batch of eggs was laid, and on the 18th the pair were again observed in copulo, followed by the deposition of another batch on the 20th. In all the female deposited 32 eggs. How many eggs, if any, were deposited before capture, we cannot say. The insects hibernate in the adult condition in houses and other shelters and PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 31 to be sure of this point, it would be necessary to secure the adults before, or just after, they left their winter quarters. Of the total number of eggs laid, 25 hatched, nine of which were reared to the pupal stage and data taken of their aphid consuming capac- ity. Table No. 9 gives details of their life history and number of aphids consumed. Adults were kept in the cages and fed in the same manner as the larvae. In the period kept they ate on an average of 4 aphids a day, but this does not probably represent the normal number, as they do not thrive in confinement and ultimately die. At the approach of cold weather the adults in the orchard seek some shelter in which to pass the winter. During the past season the Adalias were very numerous in most orchards and in many cases prevented the aphids from doing any great amount of damage. Control by Spraying. Certain investigators have reported excellent results from dormant sprays applied to the egg. This is possibly due to the fact that only a small proportion of the eggs hatch under ordinary conditions. According to our results secured by counting 23,000 eggs of aphis pomi, the number which hatch normally was 11.5 per cent. Others have secured a much higher figure than this and still others as low as 3 per cent. In order to secure accurate results in our experiments, we de- termined the number that hatched from an equal number of sprayed and unsprayed eggs, in each case the difference between the two totals giv- ing the approximate number killed. Lime Sulphur solution 1-10, Lime sulphur solution and lye, Sulphur resin solution and Blackleaf 40, 1-500 were used in the dormant sprays. Though a large proportion of eggs were killed by the treatment in no case was the number sufficient to make any of these sprays a commercial success. The control of the pest by dormant sprays was accordingly aband- oned and various summer sprays were experimented with at several dif- ferent dates. To sum up the results obtained, the most satisfactory treatment for both species was Blackleaf 40 in the strength of 1 pint to 900 gallons of water, applied when the leaves about the blossom clusters began to show green. This may be used in conjunction with lime sulphur and arsenate of lead. Flour paste considerably improves this mixture as an insecticide. When used alone 1 lb. of soap added to the mixture im- proves Black leaf 40 as a spray, but of course, soap cannot be added to a mixture containing lime sulphur. With the green aphis this spray may be deferred if necessary until the spray just before the blossoms open, provided the trees are not too N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 82 “reysuy [ednd Burmp perp yoosuy (8) 99°ZI |F9 IT |se°PIZ|PP' ST |Z Sst €8 98 og'eg[ cc * sedereay [one SEN ee a ee 9LIT | LbZ IZ coz |°°'''tg Ame) of |'*''tr Aime| ot |b Arne |*** ‘og oung | (8) OT ee Te Aime} Zt | 00°SE | Zé6r ot | O8f |'*'°*6t Ame) Th . |: eT Ame] 12 “6 Ane |g. Aqne 6 ie eee Me ee oe $8 FI | gez SI SLI | <° "Ite Aime, OF —|°°' St Ame] OF “'TT Arne |--*-g Aqne | (®) 8g eet ee ee Bee LE°Il | 912 61 Ost | “ee Aime] gg |°.° "st Aine | 18 “gt Atne |****g- Aqng | (®) Z ee tg Aime} St | oF St | OLT I 92I |. °St Atmel 6r |" ‘et Aime]. te [°° ° tr Ame |" 'p Arne 9 5 SY og Aine} 21 SZ-Il | $22 02 OST |’ “St Ame] 8 [°° IT Aine | 1% ‘*g Arne |" ** gg oune g ure te og Aine} FI | OF OT | 902 02 z6r |" °9t Aine) 9 “t'p AINE] g ““"T Apne |" *'9g eunr g So a 12 Aine) Zt | 92°01 | SéT 61 opr [st Amel ps8 [°° 'L Aime! OT “**g Apne |*** 9g oune Z <-*s"9g: Ame | 81 - | LP Sts 61 StI {°° at. 44mg) 2o «°° 8 «Aine i 8 “*[T Apne |** "9g oung T skeq sheq ; : Ae “po *potied | ‘1ejsu "i *1e4su _ | 1e4sut : *g0usZI0NIO *a3eis a tie [BAIR] my uonednd maa ‘qyjnou = |: 48T Ul *4ynour *Bulyoyey *qoosul jo a3eq jednd | uazve |a:ueqzeve| 4yZue]) uezee jo a3%q ueyve puz ayeq_ | ueyve 4s[T 01%q jo a4eq ‘ON yyBuey| oe “ON | 1230, | “ON ‘ON _ | Spryde| — -ldAVY Te0.L “ON “6 AIAVL PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 33 lager, are well pruned and a heavy drenching spray is given. In the case of the rosy aphis, however, when the stem mother causes the leaf to curl about her like a paper cylinder, the spray must be applied when the aphis first hatches, otherwise it is quite wasted. The Woolly Apple Aphis. (Eriosoma lanigera, Hausmann.) This pest is well known everywhere the apple is grown. The aphid colonies appear as bluish white, cottony patches, which, on closer ex- amination are seen to be made up of a large number of small reddish brown aphids, covered with a white waxy secretion. They are particu- larly abundant upon wounds on the trunk or on a place where a limb has been removed. Later in the season they move out on the smaller twigs and form colonies there. In many countries the woolly aphis at- tacks the roots of the trees and causes its most serious damage in this way, but injury to the roots by this insect in Nova Scotia is rare. Life History. Though this insect has been a well known pest for man its complete life history has only recently been worked out. The 2. Ge has been shown to be the elm and the following is a brief summary of the life history of the insect as worked out by Mr. A. C. Baker of the U.S. Bureau of Entomology:* The eggs are laid singly in cracks or crevices of the bark, usually on the elm. There hatch in the spring and the first three generations of the insect are pessed on the elm. The leaves of the elm curl and form a characteristic rosette as a result of the work of the insect, and inside this shelter the aphids live. Insects of the third generation develop wings and these spring mi- grants fly to apples or related plants, where they settle down upon leaves, stems and water sprouts. The next three generations are on the apple, the last one developing into a fall migrant which flies back to the elm, where the sexual forms are produced. Here mating takes place and the eggs are deposited, one female producing one egg only. As in the case of the other aphids discussed the female sex predominates. The foregoing is apparently the normal life history of the insect, but it does not necessarily go through all these stages. In our own work we have found that only a small proportion of the sixth generation become fall migrants, that the insect can be carried on from year to year without any sexual stage intervening and that a number always winter upon the tree in some sheltered place such as cracks or crevices of the bark. It would thus appear that the sexual generation is not an essential stage in the life of the insect. *The Woolly Apple Aphis, Report 101, U. S. Dept. Agr. 34 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Some overwintering females were placed on apple seedlings this spring and the details of numbers of young, generations, etc., determined as shown by Fig 3, and Tables No. 10 and 11. ne: - Length pool June July August | September October | November dt / ee — 23 7 6 days A 4s TH 7-- = =~ Nibernating a8 Tooee oe . a)> s Fig. 38. Generations of Eriosoma Eanigera, Hausmann. Injuries. In more southern countries where damage to the roots is frequent, this insect is a much worse pest than in Nova Scotia, where injury to roots is seldom found. The injury to the parts above ground consists in open wounds or cankers, but only under circumstances par- ticularly favorable to the insect, is much damage done. Sometimes galls are found on the twigs,which resemble those produced on the roots by the attacks of the same insect. + RASA Control. Thoroughly drench insects with a 15 per cent solution of kerosene emulsion. Where the aphids are not too numerous they may be readily destroyed by simply painting affected parts with kerosene. When the aphids have moved out on the smaller branches late in the sea- son, a heavy spray of Black Blackleaf 40, (nicative sulphate) 1-700. ’ 35 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. ‘Buyyeuseqry (8) 8 n (®) PI | OT3deg |'"**L “deg LZ “3ny em ge8 iG og “‘3ny | & os Tt | 6 & | PP Hoses LZ ‘3ny| LI {°° 83 ‘any |°** ‘0g ‘any g ‘any ie RES oP LI ‘any & 69° It ia; | ay Sari g9 ‘Sny| of |'°''2e Aime |*** 6T Aime 9 Aine |" 'S o's OP L ‘PO| F os '€ | 12 02 hy eS LI ‘3dag} St | °° ‘st 3deg |'** oT ‘3deg 83 ‘any *"9 be | gg a2 '3deg | ¢ oe I | 83 6 8% gt3des| pe | 2g ‘3nyv | '“ 61 ‘3ny 62 Arne |°""'F & Ba 63 or ‘any | 2 Svs | LZ é 3 SS ies g ‘Bny| LT |°°' “62 Aime |" ‘ “92 Aine 2t Aine |" "'§ F fe &v g ‘8ny| 9 | 80°9| der | TI ct bg y ‘“Sny| 6r | ‘ot Aime | *''6 Aine €g eunr |S &s5 see ee L Aine 6 82 P 09 I al ees sa Ayngls + ** “+ "92 aune |° og Wea es “2¢ | skeq sfeq | sheq skeq poised ean -on BZunod eoue Aep | -o1 por 4suy “Bunof& q[nour ‘oy, | -aveddesip | | ur |Zurmp} Zunod| -ied jo 4s1y jeug “YyqIq “uolIyeseuer ) 10 Zunod = Sunod| ysey | aay “Bunof& yy1q jo eq jo a3%q jo ayeq 4qysue| qyeep “ON jo | 40338 | -onp 488 bad Teq0, | jooeq § | ‘xe “peng ON | OWT | Od | = joaed § | oy JAY “V4UAIONVI VANOSOIND 40 SNOLLV4HANA9D AO ANII | « ‘Ol ATAVL N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 36 ‘Buyyeusoqry (¥) cP ss 00°¢ Shs 8L°88 | 82'F es ST GF Ne ee ee : sosBIOAY (B) Shen “nat 91 4deg | ST dag |'''' 6g “3nV ee ¢ ee Pe ie Pe ar ee a (8) 12 se eee L ‘0 Ms i Ye oe: P ‘po . o OT ydag Swe eeeesebe er eeseeseees g ee er er i (8) ee mw actebe on | ‘20 oe '*6z 4dag . ‘67 ‘any eseeeeesisseeestesessss Zz pA gee oe 1S ORD oS ake ee Oe ae a Sor 6I ‘*** "OT 4dag ‘pT qdag ‘1°97 ‘3ny SR aes L ‘PO! & 68 8 gI Gi Ss 8% deg | eo | 9T 3dag |**'* ST 3deg |" *** 9g Aine | Soe Se 9 “PO! @ 00'T 8 §I eh Teer | Bt2ees.| oti. 5". aI ydeg | OT 3dag | 8g ‘sny .. ad BEY L ‘PO}| F o¢ § Te 02 9 (8) a ee OT ydeg | 6 3deg;''*'” Le Aine Fe ee 0z deg | 9 6% gs § | et ta LT 3deg.| 68 |": 9 ydeg |: § 4das "6g Ane ine Sao Si 3deg| 9 00 '§ 69 I a 3h en: WI 3deg | 92 | 82 ‘3ny |" Te “any |: 62 Aine eee pete ae 3des| ¢ rae | 83 6 ee ee §I des] Fo | oo ‘Sny "6, ‘any “6g Arne xe “og “3ny/ § os T 6 § eee Lg any) L2T |’ 6g “3ny |" * 0g ‘3ny [°° g ‘sny && "2g “Sny| F brs | 8 0 | Seek Peaks Le “3ny | of joo * 6T ‘any |""** OT ‘any |""**' g¢ Ane _, fae Se OI 3des| ¢ 9¢ 1 0g g 2 aes a a L 3deg/ 92 [°° *° LT ‘Sny |" *'** GT ‘8ny |" eo Ane | Pee soe tI “PO; 9 86 T SIT g > Peano dea eee OS Re? pI ‘3ny |" 19 ci, de ON oe A[ne a eee: ct ‘any | 2 82 & 9g 0 See Sera Srey toa fT: og Aine |." 82 Aine |°* gr Ane A Besar 6I 3deg | 8 96 T 86 § OPV ehieeecrs 91 3deg | OT |’ 6% Ane | * Le Ane |* et Aine Ege te Spe or ‘any | 2 Sha LG é RN aera Se 2 ee 6% Aine | 92 Aloe | er Arne Ee he eat LI “3ny| & 69° IT IT SPs Geum 9 ‘any 91 “""@g Ane [°° 61 Ane |° °°" 9 Ane | Bae eo IZ 3ny | 6 ao & sor g fies eae 9T ‘3ny | Zo |'°°"° ST Aer |e br Aine | ye oun Se eS ez Aime | 6 82 F 0€ T oh ee oo Aine | 22 |’° °° 9t Aine |'**'* gt Aine |’ pe oun gee Pad 9 “any F ao % OF v Baty Ses @ ‘8ny | ae | 9T Aine |" br Ane | ye oun _ Beet ¢ “any| 9I 80's eer I va ‘‘y ‘Bny | 61 at i es Fe ne eee €¢ oun ee es L Aine 6 82°F 09 I al ae Aine re Wa es | Saas ee eune oo ea eune oe Sar Ne ey Oe ok tee 2 ea PY skeq sfeq skeq skeq | “Aep | ‘ported “al “a0uB auo eal} *Bunod | ‘poised Zunodé to) -ivaddesip Ul “ON | -onpoid 4st] aAyy “Buno£ 48ST jo *Bunof& *q[nouwl “YqAIG 433u2] io y3Bep unu | Zulinp | ‘ZunoA | Jejje -onp 4SB] yyiq 4siy jeuy jo a3eq 1230, jo a3eq -Ixeyy | Aep ged| jo “on aT -O1g jo a3eq ye jo a4%q jo a3eq Jequinu any aselaAVy “VHAI9INVI VAOSOIAA AO SLNAWIAAdXa TVAGIAIGNI Il @TaVvs PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 37 Leaf Hoppers. The family Jassidae furnishes us with one pest, viz., the Rose-leaf Hopper (Empoa rosae L.) and the family Bythoscopidae with another viz. the Black leaf Hopper (Idiocerus fitchi Van D.). Neither of these are of much economic importance in Nova Scotia. The Rose-Leaf Hopper. (Empoa rosae L.) From our observations of last season it would appear that the above insect and not its relative the Apple-leaf Hopper, (Empoasca mali) is the -common apple insect in this province. Though only a minor apple pest, it occasionally does a certain amount of injury to nursery stock or young trees. To rose bushes they are much more injurious. The small light yellowish nymphs of this insect feed upon the under sides of the leaves and are seldom seen. They are more conspicuous in the adult or winged condition, when they will hop on the slightest dis- turbance. The young nymphs are incapable of hopping, though the last nymphal stage possesses this power to a slight extent. When a tree or bush badly infested with adult leaf hoppers is shaken the insects rise up in a cloud. Life History. The eggs of this insect are laid by the female in the fall one or two in a place, beneath the bark of the young wood, forming a small blister on the surface of the bark. These eggs begin to hatch as the leaf buds unfold and the insects come to maturity about four weeks later. Shortly after this mating takes place and eggs are laid for a sec- ond brood, which begins to hatch about a month after the first brood reaches maturity. This brood matures in a little under four weeks’time and lays the eggs which serve to carry the insects over the winter. The following tables give the details of the life-history of this insect : TABLE 11A FIRST BROOD OF EMPOA ROSAE IN THE SUMMER OF 1915. Total No. length of Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of | of in- | hatching.| lst moult. | 2nd moult. | 3rd moult. | 4th moult. | 5th moult. |nym- sect phal stage Days 1 May 27..| June 6 June 8...| June 13...| June 20...| June 30...| 34 2 May 27..| June 1...| June 7...| June 1l...| June 18...| June 27...| 31 3 May 27..| June 1...| June 6...| June 10.../ June 17...| June 27...| 31 4 May 27..| June 1...| June 8.../ June 13...| June 19...| June 29...| 33 5 May 27..| June 1...| June 7...) June 9...| June 15...| June 24...| 28 6 Brae OP. ot. ae June 5...| June 8...| June 14...| June 22...| 26 7 May 27..| June 1...} June 7...} June 11...| June 18...| June 29...| 33 38 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. TABLE 11b SECOND BROOD OF EMPOA ROSAE IN SUMMER OF 1915. Total No. length of Date of Date of |. Date of Date of Date of Date of rs) in- | hatching.| 1st moult. | 2nd moult. | 3rd moult. | 4th moult. | 5th moult. | nym- sect phal stage atts pa 1 Da 1 Aug. 1..| Aug. 4 Aug. 10 Aug. 14...| Aug. 18 Aug. 25 2 2 | Aug. 1..| Aug. 5 Aug. 11 Aug. 14...| Aug. 20 Aug. 26 25 8 | Aug. 1..| Aug. 3 Aug. 10 Aug. 14 Aug. 17 Aug. 24 23 4 | Aug. 1..|} Aug. 4 mae. 8...|:+<0:c0e enh eeean’ Aug. 23 22 5 | Aug. 10..|} Aug. 13 Aug. 17 Aug. 24...| Aug. 29. Sept. 7 28 Re OE RRS BOAR BRS eee ee Aug. 12...| Aug. 16. Aug. 24 23 7 | Aug. 8..| Aug. 11 Aug. 16 Aug. 23 Aug. 29. Sept. 4 27 8 | Aug. 1..]| Aug. 2 Aug. 7 Aug. 11...| Aug. 14 Aug. 23 23 9 | Aug. 3. | Aug. 7 Aug. 10 Aug. 14...| Aug. 20 Aug. 24 21 10 | Aug. 8../ Aug. 8 Aug. 11 Aug. 14...| Aug. 19...| Aug. 25 22 11 Aug. 5..| Aug. 10 Ave, 14. . 1... s «ikea Aug. 26 21 12 | Aug. 5..| Aug. 8 Aug. 13 Aug. 18 Aug. 24...| Aug. 30 25 13 UO. upmues Mail WiNs eo whl. Aug. 15 Aug. 21. Aug. 27 22 14 | Aug. 10..| Aug. 14 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 29 Sept 3 24 15 | Aug. 6..| Aug. 11 Aug. 14 Aug. 18 Aug. 23 Aug. 31 25 Injuries. The chief symptoms of leaf hopper injury is the mot- tling of the leaves with yellowish spots, which may be quite conspicuous in severe cases. Injury of this kind is most common on very young trees or nursery stock, but is rarely so severe as the damage done to rose-bushes. Occasionally some damage may result as a result of the egg blisters in the twigs, but the insect does not often occur in sufficient numbers in Nova Scotia to cause much trouble in this way. This pest is far more plentiful and injurious in the orchards of the Pacific northwest than in this province. The Black Apple-Leaf Hopper. (Idiocerus fitchi, VanD.) (I. maculipennis, Fitch.) In the spring of the current year a number of small black leaf hopper nymphs were noticed wandering over some apple twigs, that have been brought into the laboratory and placed in jars of water. These were re- moved and placed separately on apple seedlings for rearing. The following table summarizes the data secured regarding their seasonal history: PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 39 TABLE 12. LIFE HISTORY OF IDIOCERUS FITCHI VAN D. No. | Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of re) of | hatching. | 1st moult. | 2nd moult. 8rd moult. | 4th moult. | 5th moult. | nym- 1 May 25..| June 1...| June 8...} June21...|/ July 5...| July 12...) 48 2 | May 22..| May 28...| June 5...| Junel9...| July 3...| July 19...| 58 8 | May 28..| June 4...| June 10...| June 23...| July 7...) July 17...) 54 4 | May 22..| May 28.../ June 10...| June 21...| July 3...| July 16...) 55 5 | May 28..| June 4...| June 12...| July-1-...| July 9...| July 19...| 57 6 | June 18..| June 20...) June 29...) July 6...) July 14...| July 30...| 46 7 | June 18../ June 20...) June 26...) July 2...| July 14.../ July 26...| 42 8 | June 13..| June 18...) June 29...) July 2...| July 24...) Aug. 4...| 51 9 | June 13..| June 19...| June 27...) July 4...| July 27...) Aug. 2.. 49 Average duration of nymphal stage .....................00055 51 Days Upon emergence, the adults, males and females, were placed to- gether upon one seedling. On August 17th, a pair of adults were seen copulating and on the 19th the first female was seen in the act of ovipo- sition. The first made a puncture with her beak in the bark of the twig ‘on a roughened surface at the base of the petiole of a leaf. Then drawing herself forward she inserted her ovipostior in the spot, leaving it there for the space of a minute. It was then withdrawn but almost immediately reinserted, this time for two minutes. She again withdrew her ovipositor and again inserted it in the bark, remaining this time for the space of fifteen minutes. One other female was found ovipositing, the place chos- en on this occasion being at the surface of an old wound, marking the spot where a small twig had been cut off. Here she inserted her ovipositor remaining in this position for several minutes. Injuries. Though fairly common throughout the Annapolis Valley the injury caused by this insect can scarcely be detected. There is no noticeable blotching of the leaves or any sign of curling as far as we could discover. Occasionally a globule of clear sap might be seen oozing from the petiole of a leaf where it has been punctured by the insect. Other than that there was no apparent injury. Scale Insects. Scale insects belong to the family Coccidae, a group containing many ‘species of great economic importance. They are usually quite small in- sects, scale-like or gall-like in form, or grub-like and clothed with wax. 40 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The females are wingless and usually stationary with head and thorax united; the males are usually provided with two transparent wings, have no mouth and unlike the females undergo a complete metamorphosis. In nearly all forms the tarsus has but a single segment provided with a single claw. Most scale insects are oviparous, but a few, e. g. the San Jose Scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus) are viviparous. The female only produces young once in a lifetime. The eggs may be protected by a waxy covering se- creted by the female as in most of our common species, or by the body of the insect itself, or in other ways. In their nymphal state, scale insects are active, possess well developed antennae and the three pairs of legs typical of insects. In this stage they are strikingly unlike the motionless, legless females from which they spring. San Jose Scale. (Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.) This insect has done so much damage throughout the fruit growing districts of North America that its name is familiar to everyone. On account of its very small size, however, it is seldom recognized by the ordinary observer. Fig. 4. Female Scale. Fig. 5. Male Scale. When very numerous the insects form a greyish coating over the bark, which, when examined with a magnifying glass, will be seen to be composed of a large number of tiny bodies, circular in outline and about the size of a pinhead. The scales are slightly raised and the female scales, which are most numerous, have a nipple-like prominence in the centre. The male scales are smaller than the females and with sides nearly par- allel. The nipple-like prominence is at one side of the scale. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 41 San Jose Scale. Securfy Scale. Oyster Shel! Seale. Fig. 6. Three Comman Scales infesting the apple (after Slingerland.) Life History. The males and females of this insect pass the winter partly grown. They reach maturity the following summer and after mating, the females give birth to living young, no eggs being laid. The tiny yellow young move rapidly over the twigs for a short time, but ev- entually settle down, insert their beak, and begin to secret a scale, which forms a protective covering over their body. As the female develops, she loses antennae, eyes and legs. Like other scale insects she molts twice in the course of her life. Unlike the female, the male undergoes a complete metamorphosis, emerging a tiny two-winged insect, entirely devoid of mouth parts, which, after mating with a female, dies. This insect may have a number of different broods a year, and a its has been determined that each female may produce about 400 young, the pest may reach enormous numbers. In Nova Scotia itis not more than two-brooded. Injuries. As this insect has never been allowed to gain a firm foot- hold, and as the Department of Agriculture is taking steps to stamp out all infection and to prevent further importations, it is unlikely that Nova Scotia growers will be called upon to deal with this pest for some time to come. Though it is not likely that Nova Scotia conditions are as favor- able for the development of the insect as those of certain other fruitgrow- ing countries, nevertheless, we have seen that the insect can bring about the death of a tree even in this province. All parts of the plant above ground are attacked and the effect of so many tiny mouths all sucking away at the juices of the plant, is to seriously reduce its vitality. Young trees that are attacked will usually succumb long before they reach maturity. 42 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Oyster Shell Scale. (Lepidosophes ulmi L.) This is the commonest of all the Scale Insects affecting orchard trees and is doubtless the best known. The scale as the name implies is shap- ed like a diminutive oyster shell. It is brown to dark brown in color. The male scale resembles the female scale in appearance, but has sides more nearly parallel, widening toward the posterior. At the extremity is a sinuate flap which permits the exit of the male. Life History. If the female scale be turned over during the winter months, it will be found to be filled with small, oval yellowish white eggs, closely packed together and varying in number from 11 to 50, the average being about 28, while, at the cephalic extremity,will be found the dead and shrivelled body of the female. The eggs hatch shortly after the time the apple blossoms fall and for a short time the young larvae may be seen moving over the host plant. During their active period the young may travel as far as the fruit, and there settle down, and form their scales. This often happens even when the scales are not overcrowded on the twigs. The eggs are laid during September, there being but one brood per year. Injuries. The injury to the tree is similar in nature to that of the San Jose Scale, but as the insect is not so prolific, serious harm only rarely results. While the trouble is frequently serious enough to demand special treatment, it rarely does harm in orchards that are properly sprayed for apple scab. Scurfy Scale. (Chionaspis furfura Fitch.) The scale of the female insect is greyish white in color, sometimes slightly tinged with brown. It is narrow in front but widens out behind and is very thin and papery in texture. It soon becomes discolored by the weather, assuming almost the color of bark, so as to be searcely distin- guishable from it. The scale of the male is smaller, snow white in color and provided with three elevated ridges, one down the middle, and one on each side. Life History. The dark red eggs hatch in June. There is only one brood. : Ostreaeform or Curtis Scale. (Aspidiotus ostreaeformis Curtis.) The scales of this insect are more or less circular in outline, but more a Se ee — ——— PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 43 or less distorted by overcrowding. The cast skins are placed near the centre of the scale and are large and orange colored. The scales vary in color, usually being a dark ash grey in the centre with lighter margin. Life History. The insects winter partly grown and there is but one brood a year. Control of Scale Insects. For all scale insects the most satisfactory treatment is the lime sul- phur wash, dormant strength. This may be applied when the trees are dormant or it may be deferred until the leaf buds show signs of opening. The trees must be thoroughly drenched, so that not a single scale escapes contact with the spray. If the regular summer spray of lime sulphur ap- plied when the blossoms fall, be deferred a few days it will catch and de- stroy the emerging young of the oyster shell scale. Various miscible oils are now on the market for controlling scale, but as lime sulphur is used almost universally for other purposes in Nova Scotia it is not necessary or advisable at the present to resort to their use. The dry substitutes for lime-sulphur, viz., soluble sulphur and B. T. S., are also used for controlling scale. Plant Bugs. The family Miridae (Capsidae), (Plant bugs) constitutes the largest family of the Heteroptera (True Bugs) and contains many forms of eco- nomic importance.They are, for the most part, plant feeders, but some species are predaceous as well. This family contains a number of forms of considerable economic importance, but only one species is known as a serious pest of the apple in this province, though another the False Apple Red Bug (Lygidea mendax), is known to occur. The Green Apple Bug. (Lygus invitus Say. var. novascotiensis Knight*) History, Distribution and Seriousness of the Pest. For a number of years fruit growers in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia have complain- ed of the non-bearing of certain varieties of apples, especially the Non- pareil. Such trees would bloom heavily every year, but would invariably fail to set a crop of anything but a few gnarled, twisted apples. At the same time there came frequent reports of pears that “‘grew woody” and were covered with corky disfiguring scars. No one appears to have suspected the connection between the trouble in the apple and pears or that either of them was due to an insect. Ex- amination of affected orchards about blossoming time showed them to *In MSS. 44 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ‘be swarming with small yellowish or green sucking insects, which in ap- pearance resembled long-legged plant lice. These insects moved with ex- traordinary rapidity and had a wonderful ability to hide. They later developed wings and became a delicate brownish insect about one quarter of an inch long. This insect resembles closely an insect known as a pear pest in New York state under the name of False Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus invitus) of which species it forms a variety. Lately it has gained an unenviable reputation in Nova Scotia as the “Green Bug” or the “Green Apple Bug.” The pest is well distributed through the main fruit producing centres of Hants, Kings, Annapolis and Digby counties, but, though the adult is a fairly strong flier, it does not seem to spread very fast. It is certainly one of the most serious pests in the Annapolis Valley, in fact, where it once becomes established there is no pest to compare with it, either in amount of damage done or in the difficulty of controlling it. That such a pest should have gone so long unnoticed is rather surprising and can only be attributed to the very elusive habits of the insect. Food Plants. As far as we have determined, the insect breeds only on the apple and pear. It has been found feeding on plums in the adult stage, but has not been known to lay its eggs in that plant. When shaken from the tree, the young insects have been observed to feed on various plants growing on the ground, but when it reached the winged state it always seeks the apple and pear tree to feed and deposit its eggs. Life History. The eggs, which are laid beneath the bark of the twigs, begin to hatch a few days before the blossoms open. The height of the emergence coincides with the opening of the blossoms and practically all are out by the time the last blossoms fall. From 31 to 34 days elapse from the time the insect hatches until it gets its wings. Soon after hatch- ing the eggs are laid, after which the adult insects begin to die off, few re- maining after a month has passed. Habits of Young Insects. The young bugs are very active and when disturbed run rapidly, hiding in the axils of the leaves or any place that affords concealment. When suddenly disturbed they frequently drop, but generally alight on another branch before reaching the ground. When forced to drop by heavy rains, winds, sprays, etc., they may re- ascend the tree or they may feed on the herbage at its base until their wings are obtained, when they will fly up into the trees again. | Experiments have shown that insects that fall to the ground are ‘capable of feeding and completing their transformations on timothy, red clover, couch grass, dandelion and a great variety of other plants. In feeding, the young insects prefer the young leaves of apple and PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 45 pear, but also puncture the tender twigs. Later on they attack blossoms, but when the fruit is set, they feed on it to the exclusion of other food. The later stages will not feed on the leaves if other food can be obtained. Habits of Adults. Adult insects are, like their young, very active and take to flight readily when disturbed. The nymphs prefer green pears to all other food, but also feed upon the fruit of apples and plums. Pear- trees kept free from the young insects by spraying had their crops de- stroyed later by bugs flying in from nearby apple trees. Character and Extent of Injury. 1. Injury to the Apple. The first evidence of injury is to the tender foliage in the form of purplish spots upon the surface of the affected leaves, accompanied in severe cases by a slight tendency to curl, as the leaves unfold and later reach full size, the discolora- tion disappears, but if affected leaves are held to the light they ‘will be found to be pierced through and through with small holes. In very severe cases they have a ragged, frayed appearance. The tender succulent twigs are favorite points of attack and as the insect removes its beak a clear drop of liquid oozes through the bark. Later, as the twig increases in size, quite a decided lump may develop at the point of puncture, with, in severe cases, a cracking of the bark. In heavily infested orchards where insects are present in hundreds of thous- ands, the twigs may be literally stung to death, and afterwards remain clinging to the tree for some time, in a brown dried-up condition. Blossoms are attacked with equal freedom and like them, may fre- quently be stung to death by the countless number of beaks all with- drawing their sap at the same time. The dead, dry blossoms usually fall to the ground in a short time. These facts explain why susceptible vari- eties bloom year after year without giving any crop. As soon as the young fruit has set, drops of gum oozing through the skin, reveal the spot of the insect’s attack. A slight reddish purple raised spot will mark the puncture and the young apple generally drops, after being stung. Fruit that is able to still cling to the tree, or that is not at- tacked until it has reached some size, is usually badly gnarled and twisted as a result of the insects’ attack. The failure of the tissue about the punc- ture to develop, results in a one-sided apple, with a pronounced depress- ion, surrounding a brown slightly raised scar marking the spot where the insect inserted its beak. Injury to Pears. Injury to the leaves, stems and blossoms of the pear resembles that of apple, except that in this case the tissue about the puncture turns black. Stinging of the young pears does not often result in dropping as in the case of apples. The effect of the punctures on the fruit is, however, very conspicuous, it being covered with hard, granular, 46 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. corky scars, which are often split open as in the case of those on the apple. Hard, flinty areas extend into the pulp, making the fruit useless for any purpose whatever. Injury to Plum. Injury to the fruit of plums is not uncommon, where these trees border on affected apples or pears. Plums injured by the bugs do not usually become scarred and twisted, as in the case of ap- ples and pears, though they may sometimes grow somewhat one-sided. The seat of injury is usually at the extremity of the fruit furthest from the stem. As usual in the case of stone fruits this injury is marked by the exudation of colorless gum which flows through the small puncture, sometimes forming a globule and sometimes a coil of gum which finally hardens in the air. Susceptibility of Varieties. Nonpareil (Roxbury Russet) is the most susceptible variety of ap- ple, next in order comes Ribston, Gravensteins, Golden Russets, Blen- heim, and Greening. There is a tendency in an orchard for the insect to spread from the more susceptible to the less susceptible varieties. The Bartlett pear is more subject to attack than other varieties, but Clapp’s Favorite, Burbidge, Maria and Flemish Beauty are also affected. Conditions Favoring Increase. As a result of our observations throughout the infested area it ap- pears that the most suitable conditions for an undue increase on the part of the insect are shady orchards, with closely planted thick growing trees, where air drainage is poor and a certain amount of herbage onthe ground. These conditions are not essential, however, as the pest is known to flour- ish under all conceivable conditions. Control. Several factors make the control of this pest more difficult than that of any insect with which we have to contend. First, the insect is very active, and very clever at hiding, making it very difficult to hit it with the spray. Second, when the tree is sprayed, large numbers of the young insects drop to the ground and may reascend the tree when the spraying is over. 1389 insects were found going up one tree after it had been spray- ed—enough to ruin the entire crop. Third, the insects are capable of coming to maturity on timothy, clover, couch grass, and other plants that may be growing at the bottom of the tree, after which they can fly - back to the fruit trees and continue their work of destruction. The following are, therefore, the measures to be followed in control- ling the Green Apple Bug:— PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 47 1. In normally planted, well pruned orchards, with only a moder- ate infestation, spraying the apples with Blackleaf 40, 1 pint to 100 gals. just before and just after the blossoms fall, and pears just after the blos- soms fall and again five days later, should be sufficient. In others special measure must be taken. 2. The trees must be banded with tree tanglefoot to prevent the reascent of those insects that have fallen to the ground. 8. The orchard must be kept in a state of clean cultivation until the end of the first week in July, in order to starve all insects that have been forced down the tree. 4. The trees must be thoroughly thinned out and pruned so that all parts can be reached by the spray. 5. A very heavy drenching spray must be given. THE BROWN TAIL MOTH IN NOVA SCOTIA. By G. E. Sanders. Field Officer in charge Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Annapolis Royal, N.S. In preparing a paper on the Brown Tail Moth in Nova Scotia, I have had difficulty in keeping my paper down within even moderate limits, owing to the large amount of data which has been gathered since the in- troduction of this pest into America and its discovery in Massachusetts in 1897. Description and Life History. The adult Brown-tail is a snowy white moth about 1 1-4 inches across the expanded wings. Both sexes have a characteristic tuft of brown hairs at the tip of the body from which they get their name Brown-tail. Both sexes are strong fliers and are frequently carried very long distances by the wind, the counties of Yarmouth and Shelburne having been in- fested in 1918 by female moths which blew across the Bay of Fundy from infestations along the New England coast. In ordinary years a moderate flight of male moths is found at Yarmouth but as very few nests are found following these flights we know that it is the exception for female moths to cross the Bay of Fundy from the New England coast, although we have had a moderate flight of male moths in Yarmouth every year since 1910 at least. The eggs are deposited on the under sides of the leaves in late July or early August. The egg cluster contains about 300 eggs deposited in an irregular mass about 1-4 inch wide and 1-2 inch long, and is covered with brown hairs from the tuft of the tip of the body of the female which ad- heres to the egg mass as the eggs are deposited. In about three weeks the eggs hatch and the young larvae feed on the leaves within six inches of the egg mass, nibbling at the surface and 48 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. reducing the leaf to a skeleton. As the season progresses one or more leaves are tied together with silk to form the winter nest. About Octo- ber 15 this nest is well formed and dirty yellow in color, later bleaching out with the rain and sun to the characteristic gray white winter nest. On dry sunny days during the winter these nests reflect the sun and show up a bright white for a long distance; when dampened by fog or rain the white color disappears and the nest becomes a dirty gray, about the color of the bark of the tree and is very hard to see. The winter nests contain on an average in Nova Scotia about 250 small caterpillars,which emerge when the first leaves appear in the spring, usually about May Ist. When they first emerge from the winter nest the larvae are strongly positively heliotropic, climbing to the top of the branches there feeding on the young leaves, in about two weeks the positive heliotropism disappears and the larvae scatter over the trees feeding singly and maturing about the first week in July. The full grown larvae are from 1 to 1 1-2 inches in length, brown, very hairy with lateral rows of white spots on the abdominal segments and an orange colored tuft of hairs on the dorsal side of both the 6th and 7th abdominal segments. The pupa is formed either singly or with a few others in one or more curled up leaves,the leaf being loosely drawn together into a very open cocoon of brown silk. The pupa is from 1-2 to 7-12 inches in length and brown in color. The pupal stage lasts about three weeks. History of Infestation in Nova Scotia. The infestation in Nova Scotia was first uncovered in 1907, the first nest being found by Mr. Perry Foote, of Lakeville, Kings Co., The infes- tation at that time extended from Lakeville, Kings Co., to Deerfield, Yarmouth County, the greatest number being found in the east end of Digby and the west end of Annapolis Counties. At the time of its dis- covery there was considerable speculation as to the methods of intro- duction into the Province. In view of recent developments, particularly the flight of 1913 it seems probable that the Brown-tail was first intro- duced into the Province by a flight, similar to the flight of 1913, some two _ or three years prior to 1907. The following shows the number of nests Brown-tail found in the various years since its discovery in Nova Scotia: TUN ce a ee. is. ee se cs 6000 Approximate Ube oye eae | 2 0 eS ae aCe 4000 an TOS AOS: Sete tlie Sirs Sis same te. 800 a BAS! eg Ut ele soo os Ie nee an 1496 Actual Count LOT QH 1A acces aie Gan eye tie ss os ite 4362 *p BS 96 Eos aire ie i Sos Sn a 7707 5 1912-19 2 eee A Sa hee. ok 11054 ig LILO. Se bees sh es eee 24156 at SOLS LO Cen Ces ak eee eke an 18154 val PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 49 The total area infested at the present time includes a portion of Hants County, Kings, Annapolis, Digby and Yarmouth, and one nest found in 1914-15 in Shelburne County. So the spread of the insect since its first discovery in Nova Scotia has not been great, the increase having come from gradual increase within the originally infested area in the districts where apple orchards are most numerous and the least spraying done, i.e. Western Annapolis County, and from new infestations from the New England Coast into Yarmouth and Western Digby Counties. The spread of Brown-tails in the Province has on the whole been from west to east following the prevailing wind, the main, and in fact the only spread worth considering being from the flying adults. Town pro- perty is as a rule infested before country property showing that the lights of the towns have some effect in attracting the flying female moths. The small valleys opening on the Annapolis Valley, particularly those on the south, such as Bear River, Deep Brook, Smith’s Cove, Clementsport, Lequille, Mochelle, Round Hill and Nictaux, have almost invariably, been infested before the intervening exposed territory becomes infested showing that the distribution is to a great extent involuntary on the part of the flying moths. The moths evidently being caught up by the wind when flying at night and swept along until the wind blowing across the small valley at right angles an eddy is formed and the flying moths alight. As a rule the first infestations are found on the west side of these small valleys. That the distribution is to a great extent involuntary is also shown up in the difference in control in Yarmouth and Western Digby and in Western Annapolis County. In Western Annapolis orchards are sO numerous and join each other so closely that if a moth blows out of one orchard the chances are it will blow into another, very little spraying is done and as a result Western Annapolis is our very hardest territory to work. In Yarmouth and Western Digby the orchards are as a rule small and separated by strips of woodland or open fields. In this ter- ritory we find it quite easy to control Brown-tails and cause large de- creases Or even exterminate them in many cases where work of the same character would give us increases in the unsprayed portion of the valley. Practically no spraying is done in Digby and Yarmouth, so the only way we can explain the ease with which we control them in that territory is that a portion of the flying moths are blown into the woodland and perish there on account of not finding suitable food plants. Food Plants. — In bringing up the Brown-tail moth question we are very often asked the question, What willitdo to the forests whenit gets established there? The only answer we can make definitely is the following list showing the 50 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. number of nests found on each plant in Nova Scotia during the past three years: 1914-15 1913-14 1912-13 SION seth hts iiile asin oleiers.aie ss 15524 20811 9755 POOP ii, ivavks, Sadie) ides Liaise « 839 877 359 MOTT His rwlhs Laub ad Didi vice 835 1090 338 Asmelanchier isiiz wietied ober. oe 319 364 122 PRET cia ucg cit SNS wie ecadel'e: «6 285 761 327 CM te ee Me as, vy wis 223 141 80 1 RO es Me a 41 34 11 BORE sci, VR ELE Wee tie sim o.nis 2s 26 23 11 RUM ee ae Wiel sede 's 0 0 _ 20 5 1 PRN Oe a ae, a vss ess 14 19 16 PE AGEN Wh Gilg Dursials so aie b 0 10 2 2 WTS SOO AL trey ook} so 0a 0 5 16 14 SoC, WIC eka ed ecet ee cae 3 4 9 ee git BY 6 TE 2 oe 2 1 1 RAE COMI E eis hg ck cas oc oes ey se ee hp ae IEW. ete see Yaia wikis. oo 6 0 2: 1 ane seo ey 5 EMS Coat ea te ee sic otc ae 1 Ak DF ae tA RE POMOUN ite ee Ne nas sek os ae » abe te RS by RSE Sycamore Maple.............. 1 eee dee os Me ae ve ak ows a ec 1 » ph a Se NS apne oes ala raed Lee eee RRR Rtn cts ene sess oe Re 1 4 OG es en aks Soe sso ee 1 1 ROE es Woes fe Co c8s's, obi 1 1 Withee Gn eer aut... a eee 1 1 PRUNE CS Repo ke es ee res 1 RUABDORIEG OC ee ccs che a) Nig ees 1 18154 24156 11054 This table while it shows that the Brown-tail will form its nests on a number of forest trees yet the great bulk of the nests are on orchard trees or roadside bushes. The percentages found on apple 88.2 in 1912-13, 86.1 in 1913-14 and 85.4 in 1914-15 may indicate that the Brown-tail is to a slight extent changing its food habits,or it may indicate more careful work outside of the orchards. I am inclined to think it means more care- ful work on the part of our inspectors as years goon. In spite of the long list of forest plants that the Brown-tail will live on,and the large amounts of oak a favorite food plant found in some parts of the Province the Brown tail has never been found on forest trees at any distance from orchards, and it will probably be a long time before the Brown-tail will be a forest pest in Nova Scotia, although there is every possibility of a strain de- PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 51 veloping which will prefer birch or thorn or amelanchier to apple and pear. Our present Brown-tail problem therefore is in controlling them in actual orchard property and in woodland and roadside trees near orchard trees. Control of the Brown-tail. During the first two years after its discovery in Nova Scotia a sys- tem of paying bounties to the school children for nests collected was car- ried out. During the two following years the Province furnished inspec- tors who, working under Mr. H. G. Payne, Mr. G. H. Vroom and Prof. Smith, collected the winter webs. During the winter and spring in 1910 Dr. C. Gordon Hewitt, the Dominion Entomologist succeeded in con- vincing the authorities at Ottawa that the Brown-tail moth was a national, rather than a local menace, and succeeded in securing means of co-opera- ting with the Province in its control. Since 1910 a joint force of inspectors, one-half of whom are furnished by the Dominion and one-half by the Pro- vince, has scouted the Province during the winter months and collected and destroyed the webs of the Brown-tail moth. At the present time a force of ten inspectors is employed from November Ist to May I1st,who examine every fruit tree, and as many wild and shade trees as possible,in the Counties of Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby, Annapolis, Kings and Hants and scout Cumberland, Queens, Lunenburg and Halifax. A por- tion of this territory is examined twice,and the most heavily infested three times. By studying carefully the characteristics of these winter nests we have been able to increase the efficiency of the work of the inspectors con- siderably, for instance, we formerly started our inspection work later in the season about Jan. Ist. Then we found that a large number of nests were very loosely attached to the trees, some dropped off when touched with the pole and in many cases we found bits of web from which the nests had already dropped remaining on the trees. Last winter we con- ducted some preliminary experiments to determine the actual danger of infestations, being continued from these fallen nests. We found the actu- al number falling from the trees during the whole winter in one experi- ment to be 25 per cent., in another which was accidentally disturbed, so not accurate, somewhat less. In another experiment we placed 50 Brown- tail nests in a row between two standard rows of apple trees,in November 1914 and then tanglefooted the orchard in April 1915 so as to catch all of the Brown-tails ascending the trees. We found that 10.14 per cent. of the total Brown-tails contained in the nests, lived over on the ground and climbed up the trees in the spring. We counted them as they were caught under the tanglefoot bands. I may say here that the winter-kill in nests exposed on the ground is very small, in extreme low temperatures often less than in nests exposed in the air. We have also found that Brown- tails will not survive on ordinary ground herbage,although they will eat it to a certain extent at first, and it will sustain a number of them until 52 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. they find trees, but we have been unable to rear them to the adult larvae on ordinary ground herbage such as clover, cinquefoil, strawberry, ete. However, we have demonstrated that where the drop from the trees is heavy and the nests not picked until spring that even if perfect work were done and every last nest picked from the trees, there would be enough Brown-tails survive in the nests that had already dropped,and enough find the trees so that under ordinary circumstances we would get the next season about 70 per cent of the number of nests taken the previous year. We therefore endeavor to get just as many nests as possible off the trees in the early part of the season, not doing the work so as to get every last nest in any district, but working the heavily infested orchards only,dur- ing November and December,so as to get the greatest number of nests possible, going over the same territory later doing careful tree to tree work. In regard to the actual picking work we find it very difficult to get every last nest from the trees, the nests may be prominent and easily seen, or they may be in a gnarled fruit spur close to the limb,and almost in- visible. On a clear dry day the nests will be very conspicuous, on a damp day following a rain when the nests are wet and almost the same color as the bark,it is impossible to get more than 75 per cent of the nests. The inspectors work such days but they always return to the same territory on aclear day as they know from experience that they have left nests be- hindthem. So far very little, we might say no assistance has been rend- ered by the public in collecting and destroying nests. Most people seem to think that it is not up to them to help in any way. Great assistance could be rendered if each property owner would examine his trees in No- -vember before the winter drop begins, and burn all Brown-tail nests found. We found last season that a lot of good could be done by the apple pickers as the nest shows up conspicuously during early October being easily located by the cluster of brown skeletonized leaves surrounding the nest. Apple pickers could very easily gather a large number of nests when picking their apples. Toward the last of October as the leaves begin to turn brown and drop, the nests become more inconspicuous, appearing again as soon as the leaves drop from the trees. Parasites. During the past three years the Dominion Entomological Branch has introduced the European predacous climbing ground beetle Calasoma sycophanta partly to prey on Brown-tail moths and partly in advance of the Gipsy moth which will come sooner orlater. Two true parasites, a tachinid Compsilura concinnata anda Braconid Apantetes lacteicolor, and one fungus disease Entomophthora Aulicae, of these parasites only the Apanteles has yet been recovered. With the equipping of our new La- boratory at Annapolis the introduction, increase and spread of parasites of the Brown-tail will increase but we cannot look for quick spectacular Ss a etl ll ee ee a se ee PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 53 results from this parasite work. At best it will be very very slow work getting the parasite established so that they will be real factors in the control of the Brown-tail,although we realize that it is the only means of permanent control and are making every effort possible to get the para- site established. Spraying. The work that is giving the most value at the present time in con- trolling Brown-tail is that expended on the campaign for more spraying. Our best instance is Kings County, where the first Brown-tail nest in the Province was found eight years ago and which has been repeatedly infest- ed since. But even yet we have not a serious or well established infesta- tion in the whole county although we have had repeatedly small out- breaks. According to Prof. Brittain’s last census 87 per cent of the apple trees in Kings County are sprayed. We have, therefore, carried on a number of experiments to gain as full a knowledge of spraying in the An- napolis Valley as possible, in order to demonstrate the value of spraying, how to spray the most economically, etc. We have given this information to the Brown-tail inspectors who are instructed to try to persuade all of the owners of property on which Brown-tails occur to spray the following spring. This campaign following the work of the Dominion Fruit In- spectors and the very active and convincing campaign which has been carried on by the United Fruit Companies for more and better spraying is having the effect and this season saw more spraying than ever before done in the Annapolis Valley. By this spraying campaign and by continuing the winter work in collecting the nests we hope to keep the Brown-tails down, as they have been kept down, so that they will not do one dollar’s worth of damage in the Province until we are able to get enough parasite introduced to hold them in check without the winter collecting of the nests. Ba N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. THE APPLE MAGGOT IN NOVA SCOTTA. By C. A. Good, Assistant Provincial Entomologist. i this apple pest on the increase inour province, and is it to be an in- sect which every fruit grower will have to contend with eventually? Are there any practicable means for controlling itin those orchards already infested? With these main questions guiding us, we carried on, during the summer of 1915, experimental work relative to the insect’s life his- tory and means of control; and altho the results of the latter are very encouraging, only after another season’s work can definite conclusions be made. The apple maggot is generally supposed to be a native of North Am- erica, having originally bred in the fruit of the hawthorn. This plant it now infests to a greater or less degree in the several districts in which the pest has been found,but it has extended the scope of its activities,so that both wild and cultivated apples are attacked. Crab-apples also are frequently badly infested. Quite recently it has been found working in the blueberries of Maine, but investigation in this province failed to lo- cate any of the insects in our blueberry barrens. Nature of Injury. As the eggs are deposited under the skin of the apple and as the lar- vae only leave the fruit to pupate in the soil, the maggots hence, spend their entire stage of development within the fruit. Beginning as soon as hatched, they burrow through the flesh in all directions, the injured tis- sue turning brown. At first these burrowings arescarcely distinguishable, but as the maggots develop the faint brown streaks change to distinct tunnels and, as the fruit matures and the tunnels coalesce, the whole centre of the apple is eventually a rotten mass. Fig. 1. Apple, cut in half, showing workjof the Maggot. Infested apples fall prematurely, and frequently the whole crop of a variety such as the Gravenstein or Bough Sweet, drops to the ground. Although they may be apparently sound when picked, and sold, they will PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 55 soon spoil and the reputation of the grower is bound to suffer. So much so is this the case that in one district, no one risked buying the summer or early fall apples from the farmers as they inevitably rotted. In an- other locality the evaporators refused to buy one man’s fruit, as the ap- ples spoiled before they could get round to them. Infested apples, cannot be satisfactorily used for cooking either, as the browned tissue does not soften, but remains as a hard piece in the apple sauce. Extent of Infestation. As a result of our inspection of this year (1915) we find that the in- sect is distributed over a far larger territory than was formerly suspected, it being quite serious in some localities. whereas mere traces were found in others. It has been found, then, in varying degrees in the counties of Yarmouth, Digby, Annapolis, Kings and Hants, and altho the remainder of the province was given a hurried inspection, no signs of the insect’s work were seen. In Yarmouth two orchards were found seriously infested with the maggot, these being located near Woodstock. In Annapolis county, a scattering, but very slight infestation was found at Deepbrook, Middle- ton, Wilmot, Torbrook, and Nicteaux. Maggots were found working in the fruit of a hawthorne bush near Waterville, Kings Co., but this wa the only instance of the insect’s work in this county altho several orchard just across the line near Hantsport showed evidences of the insect’s work By far the worst districts were those localities near Digby, Wind- sor and Hantsport. Those were given a very careful farm-to-farm in- spection, and the interesting facts thus derived may be found in Tables No. I and II. History. The first official record of the fly in this province was made in 19138. In that year the then Provincial Entomologist, Dr. Matheson, having found maggots in abundance in early apples from Ontario issued a warn- ing through the press regarding this pest. This elicited a reply from the Secretary of the United Fruit Companies,calling his attention to an out- break of the insect at Smith’s Cove, where it had been recently discover- ed by Mr. Geo. Sanders. Later inspectors sent to that district, uncover- ed a considerable infestation in the vicinity of Digby. The presence of the pest in Nova Scotia was recorded in the reports of both the Provin- cial and Dominion Entomologist for that year. * *Rept. Sec’y for Agric. N. S. 1913:36 (1914) *Rept. Dom. Expt. Farm 1913:503 (1914) N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 56 613 bss 83 esi oT 6h foe T&8 T9 08% 619 86698 {°° °°" ** 81890], 0 0 0 6 ss 0 0 9T 0 6 0 $28 oe" * * U9LOM7UO MA T 0 T § 0 0 9 or I 8 T GLI “ate * *osnoy sie I 0 I 8 0 0 0 g i 8 I 908 ‘** peoy udsT{Oo1g L 0 § & 0 0 3 S § & L TL3 Ye ee ae g 0 § 8I 0 0 g v2 _ 8T g 699 "* dOUlOK) WOAGMON 0 0 0 é 0 0 0 I 0 3 0 Sv seeeeses* grodMeN 8 1é 0 6 I ai SZ 19% g 02 of os7g | 8x07 JOspulM g él 0 82 & Pb a) ost 8 && LT 8089 |'°' °° wosued “IW xe 92 I Tz Pp g rs vg 6 ve 0g PLZ =| yaodsjueHy él 0 & 1g 0 0 &P 89 § Té él vee eS ee uojza[de 0 0 0 § 0 0 0 0 & 0 eV "7" **" "B78 10dMaN 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 vI 0 v 0 ape: eas a[[IApBYyYIO'T 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 1é 0 v 0 wer sa “He UOWOH 8 0 § It 0 0 g {LE & IT 8 tl cael Cereal tee 9071B LI él I SI 9 &% eg f08T or 8& && Gc8crl | °° Yynowley T6r &ST él &% 9 9 t89 498 G3 66 egé Cr Sir "JOspulm ‘spieyd | ‘spieyo | “peyseyul | peqyseyur ‘pa *pa -10 -10 pe spivyd | “spieyo | ‘spieyo | ‘spieyo *peqoeds| -ysejur | -yoedsul) ‘pa ‘pa peAeids | -Avids ul} -10 pa -10 pa -10 -10 *poysejul| = -ur sejied | sosed | -ysezut | -yoedsut *A4I[BI0'T -un ul | paysayur |-Avidsuna) -Avidsun ;paAeids | poXeids| e8veioe | e8veioe| -o1d -o1d $001} $001} peysejut | seel2°ON| “ON ‘ON ‘ON “ON 1270, | [8301 ‘ON ‘ON ‘ON ‘ON $e01} “ON “SI6E NI LOIS.LSIG YOSGNIM AHL YOA SLINSAA SNOILIAdSNI ‘T ATaV 57 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. LT80T OLL SZ £6 8hP L L G-P Sst | L:9F9 | OOT SSP c6L | 9F0LT ae eee s[®IO.L ogg fcc psc fee Pek eae epee es 60g | a coe 6zz. aUury Yoopre 099 oti * Se 61 SY Fane ean - ths T'89 6T St 68 9782 | °° PAOD 8,4RTWIS “ee nene T TS an es I I ee a “* “*-. t 9 *g IT gT T E8Z “eer ee UMO}J[[VYSIV Py yt ee i Oooo ones Coe el gtp fests nets Coe 5 FIL --8** guMmopsuey eres ¢ es ime - 8 a ete Be 9 knee I Q'1 z g ¢ 16 “+++ UMOqUBpsO F 962 pt Eaped Pere. ar og Sb Eee Sr | OT ar 02 Lg ME ep esplig ulszor o 6 ee, oO Oe so Re ae § 6°e'é 6 6 £0 RE 6 BiR.e we 9 G.0 o's ¢ “ev ewe C2. 85.0 6 9° eee eee 9 oa 281 ee: CO F119 5 | SIP GZ 0 g AS aan Rae 3 a A 8°83 g oP SZ See te oe Aq3iq LSTS 3 8 é v9 3 3 fOr SOIT; F 99 or Suan ot te yooiqdeed ROL ee ee ee ee le ee ke oe 92 on &e se eae cq fs 'e & 61416. Sr g . A eee eee 92 see eevee OSPF qlodszuewe[O oe es os ce ee Ge Ce shag foc en oe gzt. ltt pleywoorg o9T 6LT LT v% pol g g a) 9°02 | 62 69T 961 SL89 | ''° WeATY Jv0g ae +: A Ses es | Wea te ¥y 6% 9°T& 82 ve o&P SIvT | °° OTAtipeoy (S161) @ ie vPL Tg 6L poe & 6 Is Tvl | Se [sb | 68 ELE S6L T986T [°° °° STBIOL ee ot: 8& 0 LI oP 0 0 GZ 83 L8& 8T a4 8& T6lg |" PAOD 8,q3TUIS Res a ® 0 0 1g 0 0 0 2 tt 0 12 0 629 “UMO}|[VYSIV IY he th od er 0 ¢ 4 Se I L6 8°92 g &I LT GLYIT | °'' °° ouMOpsUBT ieee ae I 0 I 9 0 0 se “él I 9 I 00r sees" uMozUBps0L aa OL 0 6 ae 0 0 gI'st 9°LT 8 as OL PSII | °° ‘e8piig ulssor See 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 g'12 | 0 6 0 Lag. | aout ie. a ad | oe g 0& I I oL'6 $°3e v Té 9F Sal |S a ae ay eee Té sr or og T g PL at 9°L9 9T gg 6v 8062 | °°" * * qoomqdeed eae =| =O 0 0 92 0 0 0 2 91 0 9% 0 9T¢- “**** qlodspusUle[D "2, eee ea T 9T Sot I v Le € Lst| 61 601 TIT | -¥8I9 "*" doaTy tvoq Bt €9P 0 st 62 0 0 oe'98$ | g8°68| 8I 6% e9P EK > Tees Seas * o[[[Avpeoy “pe “SplByo “SplVyo |"pezsesul "pswyo | -3sejul “pe “pe ~10 -10 Spievyo | -10 pa |spreyo |“spieyo “pe ~sajul | -yoodsut; “pe “pe *saai3 |Avids ut) Avids ul} -10 pe | -Aeids | -10 pa | -10 pe |"paysazul | -yoedsul| so | saxjsed | -yseyur | -yoodsut “AY RIO'T But | poysesut| peyseyur|Aevidsun| -un | -Avids| -Avids| a3veioe | adverse) -oid -oid $004 $9014 ~Iveq | seer} S901} | JO "ON | JO "ON | JOON | JO'ON| [890L | [2701 “ON “ON “ON ‘ON -uON | JO"ON | Jo "ON (vI6D) W , “U0D—SIGE-bIGE “LOTALSIG AGDIG AOA SLINSAA NOLLOAdSNI % ATAVL 58 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. One fruit grower who lives near Digby, and has had experience with the insect in the New England States, says that the insect has been on the increase in that neighborhood ever since he first found it in his or- chard eleven years ago. At Woodstock, the owners of the orchards claim- ed to have first noticed the work of the maggot about six years ago. Sev- eral fruit men near Middleton, who were also accustomed to the insect in the United States, say that it was quite serious in that district nine years ago, but that it has been on the decrease since that time. At Wind- sor the insect seems to have only been noticed these last three years, but it must have been present many years before that to have reached the present state of distribution in that county. Thus the evidence is rather conflicting, with an increase in one sec- tion’and a decrease in others. This means that a watch will have to be kept upon the insect for some few years to determine whether there is a serious danger to the province. Natural Enemies. There is a great mortality among the eggs, larvae and pupae this being due to disease, parasitism and to predatory insects. There is no- doubt that pupae lying exposed in the surface of the ground would soon be picked up by either birds or insects, such as the ground beetles and ants. ki: ie Ai, all & Fig. 2. A parasite of the Apple Maggot (Biosteres rhagoletis, Rich.) In 1914 Mr. W. C. Woods, of Orono, Maine, reared for the first time, from pupae of the apple maggot, a parasite—Biosteres rhagoletis, Rich- mond (Braconidae)—butin this account he stated he had not seen the insect at work. This insect the writer found near Digby in the past PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 59 summer, Ovipositing in apples, so that this is doubtless a larval parasite, which probably accounts for the high percentage of mortality in the lar- val and pupal stages. Experimental work in this coming season of 1916 will give us some figures as to the extent of this parasitism. Adult. 1. Description and General Behaviour. The adult is a little smaller than the house-fly, the general color being a shiny black with a few white markings. The head is of a brownish color,with the eyes colored in life a bluish green sheen. The thorax is black with two fairly distinct white longitudinal bands and a white spot at the rear end—the scutellum. The wings are transparent with dark markings, as shown in the drawing of the female. The abdomen is also black with cross-bands of white,4 the number of these bands depending upon the sex, three in the male {and four in the female. Fig.3. The Apple Maggot Fly (Fema!e) (Rhagoletis pomonella, Walsh) The flies are quite sluggish and usually can be quite easily caught with a small bottle. Their favorite resting place is on the sunny side of the tree, in the shade however, of a leaf. Frequently they are found sip- ping at the surfaces of the leaves and fruit, preferably the latter, upon which they obtain moisture, honey dew, or juices that have exuded from wounds. Emergence. The flies begin emerging about the third week in July and continue until almost the end of September, to judge from the emergence from our rearing cages. The first fly observed in the orchards was on July 27th, but for some reason flies did not appear in our rearing cages until August- 60 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 6th. The latest fly emerged on Sept. 29th, while the period during which the most emergence took place,was during the last two weeks of August. After emergence,the flies rest for some time to allow their wings to fully expand, and while their brownish color changes to black and while the ptilinum recedes. Depth from which Adults will emerge. From what depth will the flies work their way upto the surface of the soil? To determine this point, pupae, in lots of one hundred, were buried at different depths beneath our special rearing boxes, the soil being pressed above them, but not pounded. The following table shows the emergence from these cages: TABLE III. Depth at which No. of No. of Adults, | No. of Adults, . of pupae pupae were : emerged from emerged from placed. (in each box) Box 1. Box 2. 2 in. 100 12 17 he 100 20 1l in” 100 2 5 oT 100 13 8 24” 100 3 0 36” | 100 0 0 It is curious to note that more flies struggled up 18 inches than there were in the 12-inch box. But the depth of six inches had not the slightest effect upon the emergence. This latter point has a practical bearing, as it shows that plowing under infested fruit in an effort to bury the mag- gots, would be of little value, if any. Adaptation of Emergence to Variety of Fruit. It has often been questioned whether the adults adapt their emer- gence to the variety of fruit they are infesting, that is, if flies resulting from larvae infesting early fruit,appeared sooner than those from fall fruit. A number of the pupae were obtained from summer apples and from Gravensteins, and the emergence was recorded, as in Table IV. Evidently the “summer” adults did not appear any sooner than did the “fall” ones; but unfortunately these summer apples were not of a very early type, and so we should not base too much upon these figures. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 61 TABLE IV. ADAPTION OF EMERGENCE TO VARIETY OF FRUIT. | nario | Latest | No. of No, Of; | omar Wigaaet. Maximum emer. | adults pupae. emergence. emer- ms bes gence. gence. ged. 100 ar 3 June 30/ Aug. 16) Aug. 26—Aug. 28 | Sept. 23 26 Ml June 30} Aug. 20) Aug. 24—-Aug. 26 | Sept. 20 20 whit: “tang June 30| Aug. 12| Aug. 22—-Aug. 24 | Sept. 14 15 Gravenstein | June 30} Aug. 11; Aug. 19—Aug. 23 | Sept. 10 11 Oy ee ee ee LL LU _ Susceptibility and Relative Infestation of Varieties. In table No. V., is given the results of our field inspections, of both the Digby and Windsor districts, relative to this question. and 2 are self-explanatory. No. 3 gives what really is the susceptibility of the variety to attack showing which ones are more subject to infesta- tion, while the figures in column 4 show the relative infestation of these varieties, as found in those trees which were infested. Where only a few trees of a variety were inspected, the figures for susceptibility or relative infestation should not be taken as conclusive since only by the examina- tion of a large number can definite conclusions be reached. TABLE V. SUSCEPTIBILITY AND RELATIVE INFESTATION OF VARIETIES. Columns 1 Susceptibility of Varieties. Percentage apples on Total No. infested Variety of Apple. trees in- Total No. | Percentage |trees show- spected in trees in- of trees ing one or infested fested. infested. more punc- orchards. tures. PIN i he, ic ww as 30 8 26.7 23.7 ys Sg P*, e ee 32 3 9.4 3 De ay ee 1 0 0 1 sag PUNOOEPIODED 6. ci cee ss. ss es 5 3 60 25 SOMME e eS tie hy Seb ek 6 0 0 Pore RIOR isis «ate gin wees 2 2 100. 90 MUI ro Ck oo Slide piven <5 2488 46 1.8 12.8 aati: RRR a Oe eves Pie 705 21 ye 13.4 gS 9 RE Cane Seeley pe 888 4 4 4. DS ae Se ie ee a 26 8 3.7 24 CTPIBEIION chika. Cbeniaie he wre 2 0 0 zal Re de cele ie 6 1 16.7 12 ene urenge... 6. B26 es 65 0 0 Ree NN SE ER Sd Ae 11 1 9. 5 Bishop Finnin. ... i... 2 6... 459 59 12.8 22.8 WORRY Bete ts oe Me ee cle yi 51 24 47. 35.5 62 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. TABLE V—Con. SUSCEPTIBILITY AND RELATIVE INFESTATION OF VARIETIES. Susceptibility of Varieties. Percentage gy nb on Total No. Variety of Apple trees in- Total No. | Percentage | trees show- spected in trees in- of trees ing one or infested fested. infested more punc- orchards tures. Conquer Pearmain.......... 11 4 86.4 20 Duchess: at... shee tienes 12 11 91.6 4.7 Tuten Cogling .! iit kcenees 118 5 4.2 11.4 Early Sweet Apple .......... 84 37 44. 45.4 MUG WRUET 5). ois Gaels otek ee es 253 0 0 PN G9 Fall Jeanette ....... pi Sapa 88 20 52. 56.5 Golden Ball. ok eek 4 0 0 ere Gravenstein st .: 010... 20e8 2.63 14038 413 29.4 27.6 TREMOLO aos us sess 1 0 0 ates Hurlburt +: 6.06. 04. 0% ly aia ee 8 1 0. - 0 vies Grimes Golden. RIAL GaN er 9 6 66.7 38 (AE i ne aL eae ea 1267 37 2.9 16.2 Lemon Pippin ........... A aN 9 5 55.5 42 EMOTE PINGOE) . hia cues ses 2 2 100. 35 DITO, «iia shih inobaeeiee Bal a oie 2 0 0 swe MAHAR ee Gin e brc a 6 Gok Geen 5 0 0 rp Munsen Sweet MF WRG A pe ala ce 2 0 OF: zh'st Maiden’s Blush............. 9 5 55.5 9 MacIntosh Red ............. 7 0 0 ay Newton Pippin: 2.80. 205.4. ; 30 0 0 (a4 Northern: Stan je cr.cdgis. uginte ts 30 0 0 eae POMIIUR OEE i k's 0's, b 'ecepate eae >: Ss 661 11 i ly 6.6 Northern Spy......... pL MA Aa 768 10 1.3 25.9 NGHSU CR: scree ibid stokm ree las 3 1 33.3 3 PN GA TIOaiicse Gls Gren ik clan eles al oie 10 3 30. 16.6 Pinkney iy Ne eee, Ne Ee 14 0 0 ss RO On FIO ois ees 4 0 0 te Pewaukee! op cic. Us diakee soy 64 2 3.1 40 ON ROO Ba sin ey eee eS 87 10 je a. Russet, English ......... oem 1 0 0 ae Russet“ Sweeteoo. .F 3 oa 4 0 0 4¢ Russet,: Golden...........0. 755 8 10. 8 Royal: Pippen) .::.. 0.3 keen 1 0 0 AN Ribstoh: oss. fas sae 811 40 4.9 20.3 smb Ie Greeking 3°35). £"". 294 26 8.8 11.6 Sa, CRA! ba eek. 3 3 100. 90 Spitaburgen GR Pree wren Ca Bes ee 4 2 50. 10 aker Greening ............ 2 0 0 ifiee ALONG ie AG bon ee eee aerate 1 0 0 sys g Snow) oe Se aa eee 8 3 87.5 10 Smokehouse .6 ic ..Ge: si eal. 12 0 0 pits Stark ee ok CoG ere 1642 7 4 4.5 Sweet, Jersey. cabs ead. 1 0 0 sees rk Lolman: 2.7 suse ent. a 55 12 21.8 17.5 ee Bough’... shea aes 47 27 57.4 34.6 “ Pumpkin... {A206 16 7 43.7 21 ee Orange... sj seeseke:. 7 4 57.1 10 TOUGISEYy «4. c ike pe es 4 0 0 oe Unknown |. ac eee 424 21 4.9 36. Wendevere.... .. Jn2eg case. 63 4 6.3 16 WPOGIGRY so oii 5c. oS 28 12 42.8 2.5 MIG | os.s-o so o.c Ra eS 1209 392 32.4 51.3 POMBE ico ks A: ee 3 0 0 14 Wpenes 2 oo ee ee 201 5 28 7 Wor. wuver ...5 0250 Sones . 2 0 0 Hee Yellow Transparent ......... 8 2 25. 5 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 63 These two questions depend upon a combination of factors, although individual ones sometimes seem to have a predominating influence. Thus, as a rule, it seems that the early-maturing sweet or sub-acid varieties such as the Sweet Bough or Gravenstein are more seriously infested than the acid fruits such as the Red Astrachan. Thick-skinned apples are not very badly attacked. In the same badly infested orchard this summer, for instance, were Spies, Baldwins, Kings, and Nonpareils, the Spies being very badly punctured, while the other varieties mentioned were scarcely touched. The Northern Spy is a thin-skinned apple, while the others are characterized by the thickness of the skin. Aroma may also have an influence. When once infested, the early maturing apples give the best possible chance for the maggots to develop, because of the warm weather, whereas with the late fall or winter vari- eties, the frost or cold weather catch the larvae before they have fully developed. The growth of the maggot is closely correlated with the ma- turity of the apple, as the former keeps pace with the latter. This is prob- ably due to the increase in the food supply, for as the apple matures, the sugar content is increased with the resultant hastening of the develop- ment of the larva. ; . Feeding Habits. As mentioned previously, the flies obtain their nourishment from the gum and juices found on the surfaces of the leaves and fruit, pre- ' ferably the latter. This is important to know, since our control measures are based upon this fact. The mouth parts of the fly are fitted for sucking, so while all li- quids are at once pumped up, solid food must first be rasped free, and then being dissolved or held in suspension in the saliva of the fly, which is eject- ed, the whole is sucked up. Thus, if poison is thoroughly sprayed on the leaves and fruit, the vast majority of the flies will be killed. Relative Number of Males and Females. From observations taken in the orchard of the number of flies seen, the proportion of males to females was found to be about 5.1. And yet in our untreated cages we had a total emergence of 610 flies, 353 of which were females, which makes the percentage of females as 57.8 per cent. Dispersion. In the past season an effort was made to determine how far the adults fly. “Two methods were used—the spraying of rosalic acid on the adults, and the tying of a white silken thread to their legs as a distinguish- ing mark. 64 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Anything sprayed with rosalic acid will afterwards give a red colora- tion to a potash solution,thus if flies were sprayed with it, they would give the required re-action if dropped into the potash. Hence, if flies were liberated, after being sprayed, from a certain tree, on a certain date, and a few were later caught which reacted, we would thus have informa- tion as to how far they had flown and to the number of days they had been abroad. With the kindly assistance of Mr. G. E. Sanders, Domin- ion Field Officer for Nova Scotia, some 152 flies were accordingly sprayed and liberated from certain trees in orchards which were already badly in- fested. Tanglefoot bands were then hung on all the trees to a distance of about 200 feet on each side of the tree to catch any adults, some of the bands having kerosene poured over them, since this liquid seems to have an attractive force for the adults. But only two flies were captured and these failed to re-act. Other flies were marked by having a white silken thread fastened to one of their legs, but although we cut the thread as short as possible, it interfered with flight and we accordingly had to discard this method. Although we could obtain no definite information upon the length of flight it is quite evident that they do not fly for long distances, for if they did, the whole apple growing section of the province would soon be infested. Frequently, it is only one orchard in a neighborhood that will be infested, and just as often, only a few trees in those orchards. Severely though these trees may be attacked, those nearby may be quite free. How then, is the pest spread? It is very probably disseminated by the importation of maggoty fruit into non-infested localities. If the culls, rotten apples or cores from such fruit, are thrown out, say, in the yard or orchard, the maggots present would pupate, with the result that in the following season the adults would infest the nearby orchards. An owner of a cider press, near Digby, attributes the infestation of his orchard to the use of the waste from the very badly infested apples as fertilizer in his orchard. It is also known where apples from the same neighborhood from which the badly infested apples mentioned previously came, have been carried up into the Valley to be repacked at warehouses. It is not known what happened to the culls from these apples, but the danger is present, nevertheless, for the fruit growers in that district. Infested fruit should not be sold outside the infested area, as there is always this danger of spreading the pest. Length of Life. In working out this point, numbers of flies were kept alive in pots for varying lengths of time. In ordinary flower pots were planted seed- ling trees, over which lantern globes were placed, and which also enclosed the flies. The flies were provided with moisture and food in the shape of sliced apples or molasses. By this method several flies lived for si x PROCEEDING 1915 65 weeks, while one lived for two days longer. It was noticed that the cool- er the weather the longer the flies survived, so although we may not be able to correctly estimate the length of life of the flies in nature, this gen- eral principle holds good, that in the heat of the summer they succumb more quickly than in the cool weather. The Egg. The eggs are about 1-10 of an inch long, white, and somewhat cy- lindrical. They are placed singly under the skin of the apple, toa depth of about 1-10 or 1-32 of an inch, andat an angle of about45 degrees with the surface of the fruit. Just before oviposition the female moves quickly over the apple, apparently searching for a suitable place. Finding.one, she rises high on her legs and bending her abdomen downwards at almost a right angle, she exserts her ovipositor and prods away at the skin. After reaching the required depth she enlarges the opening in the flesh of the apple, by pry- ing her ovipositor from side to side, after which the egg passes down into the puncture. Different times are taken at this operation, but the aver- age is about a minute and a half. The punctures becomes filled with the escaping juices, which, on drying, form a white waxy plug. The first. punctures were noticed on July 27th and the last day we observed fe- males ovipositing was on September 11th. They could not have de- posited very many more eggs as the weather turned wet and cool about that time. To determine the length of incubation for the eggs, numerous punc- tures were marked just as soon as the fly had finished ovipositing, and then after a lapse of a few days examination of the puncture revealed whether the young maggot had hatched. In this way it was found that. on the average it takes six days for the egg to hatch; at this period the weather was warm although of course, the nights were usually quite cool. There is always a very great difference between the number of punc- tures observed on an apple, and the number of maggots which emerge, the former being much greater. This mortality is present in both the egg and larval stages. In regard to the former, numerous punctures were carefully opened and it was determined by the presence or absence of the brown track whether or not the egg had hatched. The accompany- ing table gives our results; and it is seen there is a considerable mortality among the eggs, the cause for this not being known. 66 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. TABLE VI. MORTALITY OF EGGS. | No. of | No. of Eggs | Percentage Variety of Apple. | Punctures | Found | Mortality. Examined. | Dead. | ' yep veneee. 2. sie... ss 2775 312 11.24 Fall Jenneting............ 866 162 18.71 DORN i hy fp oe iit ks 3 1895 163 8.60 POW ste od eke 591 73 12.35 GT Be rSiey & Semi ae ie a 251 46 | 18.32 WAN, series wile Ske. a 747 116 | 15.52 Pippin Sweet........ 810 66 8.14 Rihetow 4 1.02 ho ek: | 166 16 | 9.63 AlOeander < ..g. sd. . 375 39 10.40 Tolman Sweet...... te oI 358 70 19.55 Grimes Golden...........| 889 128 14,39 Porter’ Pippin... 6. 850 145 17.05 Larva. 1. Description. The larva is a stout, cream-colored maggot, with- out legs and without a head. It is about 5-16 of an inch in length and tapers gradually to the anterior end. Although there is no true head, there are two large hooks on either side of the mouth, with which the maggot rasps the cells of the apple pulp. The liberated juices are then absorbed, and the dead cells turn dark, forming the brown tracks. Fig. 5. Larva of Apple Maggot. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 67 The length of life within the apple depends upon factors such as the weather, and the state of maturity of the apple. Development is natur- ally hastened in warm weather and retarded in cold. The growth of the maggot is, also, very closely correlated to the maturing of the apple, as with the increase in sugar in the apple, as it ripens, the maggots naturally develop more quickly. Hence if eggs are deposited in already ripening fruit, the resulting maggots would reach maturity sooner than if the apple had been less mature. Thus it is almost impossible to give any definite length of time, although approximately it can be placed at four weeks. When the maggot has reached full growth, it works its way out of the apple and into the ground to a depth of from one to two inches deep in sandy loams, and less so, in those of a clayey nature, depending upon the porosity of the soil. There is also a great mortality among the lar- vae, but through stress of inspection and counting,we were unable to car- ry on experiments to determine what itis. Probably a great deal of this is due to the parasitism of Biosteres rhagoletis. Pupa. The pupa is small, cylindrical and of the size of a grain of wheat, and very much of the same color. The size varies with the sex of the flies. Thus those to produce males are small, while those which produce fe- males are larger. This difference in size was noted last spring when we were counting our pupae, and so, 47 of the small ones were set aside and 48 of the large ones. By the end of the Season, five males and one female had emerged from the former lot,and five females from the latter,showing that the size of the pupae depends upon the sex of the forthcoming flies. There is a great mortality amongst the pupae. In our check cages, in which were untreated pupae, we only had an emergence of from 5 to 25 percent. A great deal of this is the work of the parasite, as it has been proved that the adult parasite emerge from the pupal cases of their vic- tims. Weather conditions account for much of it also, as drying has a very injurious effect upon the pupae. Control. 1. Destruction of FallenFruit. Infested fruit falls to the ground pre- maturely, and the maggots stay within the apples for. from two to four- teen days before they emerge. Hence if these drops are gathered and destroyed in some way, the maggots within would also be destroyed. These apples could be fed to hogs, taken to the cider mills or evaporators or buried in deep pits, but covered first with quicklime. Calves and hogs in the orchard are very good to keep the windfalls picked up, but even they will leave a good many from which maggots will emerge, to result the following spring in new flies and further infestation. 68 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Laborious as this method is, two or three years of careful picking up all drops will effectively control the pest. However, a great deal of time must be expended and if there are simpler and more efficient ways they would be more practicable for the fruit growers. Cultural Methods and Chickens. Many insects are combatted with ordinary cultural practices, such as fall plowing, constant cultivation and short rotations, and, according- ly, experiments were carried on to determine whether the apple maggot could be controlled in a similar manner. One hundred pupae were placed in each of several of our special rearing boxes and buried at a depth of about 2 inches. These cages were used to work out the effect in each case, of: —Constant stirring of the soil; packing the surface; burying of pupae at different depths, and the placing of heavy sods over the earth. The results are seen in Table VIL.: TABLE VII. EFFECT OF CULTURAL METHODS ON PUPAE. No. of No. of Treatment. pupae adults placed | emerged. in box Soil stirred every few days to a depth of 2” . 100 * 781 Pe ache dn ah » uv nub pce eee 100 22 Ground og with water and packed........ ioe es EIN ees wok a» o « 9 ate 1 .| Thick sod placed overearth . 2.2. 2a 100 2 Padma lyse «6 6 & <'o ve 100 4 Pupae baad Rear crac si ss « aa eee 100 20 BR re ee. ccs a ee eee 100 11 Pande Bane hc... ss... cee 100 2 SOS (| a Re 5 2 100 63 Check ee) NR. ti vcs acs oO 100 26 PME aay ks wos oe os ov Sa 100 20 Do Se Siatera «Sic o's ss be cae Ss 100 15 se ees co ow oe Pe 100 11 Cultivation does not seem to have much effect. In these boxes, the soil was stirred every few days to a depth of about two inches, and al- though many pupae were doubtless exposed, the emergence from those cages is not any lower than that from the check cages. The packing of the soil when it was moist reduced the number of flies, since the crust which was formed no doubt prevented some from working their way through. The flies even struggled up from a depth of 6 inches in undi- minished numbers, so it is quite evident that plowing them under to that (ers 6. " a a a oe PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 69 depth would be of little avail in their control. The thick sod, how- ever, seemed to keep the flies down. Thus it appears that surface cultivation in an infested orchard would result in only a few pupae being destroyed. Plowing, and so burying the pupae would not be of any benefit, unless, perhaps, thick sod could be turned under, thus burying therotten apples beneath a thick mat of roots. If, however, the soil has been stirred, allow chickens to run in the or- chard, as they are very fond of the pupae and will scratch for them. This summer two large cages were made and a hen placed in each, after 200 pupae were buried to a depth of almost two inches in the enclosed soil of each box. The hens were given food and water and kept there for two weeks. A close watch was kept for adult flies in these cages, but only three were observed in one, and none in the other. Thus chickens run- ning loose in the orchard will render valuable assistance to the fruit-grow- | er in picking up the pupae of the apple maggot. Soil Fumigants. It has been asked whether chemicals applied to the soil would kill the pupae contained therein. To settle this point, a number of pupae were counted out in lots of 100 each, from our collection boxes, and, after being buried 2 inches in the earth within special boxes, were treated in duplicate, with a number of chemicals, dry and liquid. The soil fumi- gants were scattered over the ground atthe rate indicated in Table VIII, and then worked in with a small hoe. The liquids were sprinkled over the soil with a watering can and the ground well soaked. 70 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. EFFECT OF CHEMICALS ON PUPAE. No. of Box No.| Pupae : No. laced Chemical. Strength Used. Adults in box. emerged. 1 100 {| NE RSS A errr 6 oz. to 4 sq. ft...... 0 13 do. a BN eee a P Ge: aids. Ook 0 2 do. Clifts Manurial............. ernede Edis snk ba eel re Pe 0 14 oe we mhe Oe ad sneered 0 8 do. Apterit (New from factory) ee Ola. Yee 4 15 OTE NST ig SC er ORG hoe eee 0 4 do. Koterite (Several years old) e >. SY Ray 0 16 Mr ee eR A) wes t's hoe o ee MP tL 1 5 do. RRR Saree 4 lb.-2 gal. H20 13 17 do. he eer fe By SO 11 6 do. Kerosene Emulsion.......... 50% sais 7 StU a 0 fe Ss do. Rema srt +> sation the F af beaters: ’ B 0. NERD eo , .. Nos o's inl af Dy OF Bh OOF tao t's 19 do. Te: sty Cia hes as bh ehtetete re io bs when 8 8 do. IE aia ce’ joc) oe Si oe ea 4 pt.-2 gals. H20 .... 10 20 do. MeN stick OA, +. a os 3 Cae Ges Suit eee ae 3 9 do. Pyrethrum FOWwae......:auen 1 oz.-2 gals. H20 3 21 ESS aga a ee ee we SE ee 2 10 do. Vermine clas sas tes 644 cee 1 oz.-2 eal. H20 [15 a do. 5 barat sii ie Pea ats i : 0. SENN ccs owe oo bc 2 oz.-2 ga 23 do. ‘ ticks Sha hie Cee oie c sits sheet sis 0 12 do. Cheek ORIG 5... 5.0 + s,iis ¢.d.2\ > pe eee ae 4 24 SUD beck: Ai Ayre ic mes ee). 8 25 do. ac. By Se-bie Sie'e ob «fbb baie NNR Ride gO een 12 31 do. | rr = I ee 17 43 do. ae RA i ir 26 45 | do. OO. Gio. cscs. 6553 ee A i eee 20 44 do. Oe, 8h, capi bts «© 0.0-0 sin $ocba cil a eee ee eee 15 464 do. | hhh A Rai Pt hk Se So hee 11 It will be noted that from the soil treated with Vaporite, Clifts Manur- ial Insecticide and Kerosene Emulsion, no flies emerged, and only a few survived the Apterite and Crysphen. Unfortunately, however, the em- ergence from the check cages, those that were not treated, is not constant, and there is nothing very definite to compare with. The other substances had a more or less deterrant effect but they are far from being satisfac- tory. Control measures of this type would probably be quite expensive, as the fumigants and liquids used in the cages,were of a greater strength than could be economically used in an orchard. However, they are worth testing again. Spraying. The efficiency of the sweetened poison spray was tested this past sum- mer, two orchards being sprayed near Digby and three at Windsor. Suit- able orchards were left unsprayed in each locality to act as checks, in ad- dition to the sprayed orchards. But in the table showing our results only the 1915 infestation (in sprayed and check orchards) is taken into account. 0 ee a ee ee ee ae PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 71 The Digby orchards were sprayed on July 27th and August 4th, and the Windsor ones on August 4th and 27th. Constant rain interfered with the work in the latter place, hence the late dates. A barrel pump was used for all the sprays except the second one at Windsor, when a power out- fit was hired for the purpose. The spray used was as follows: 3 lbs. lead arsenate paste, one gallon molasses, 2 lbs. flour, to 40 gallons water; in one orchard the flour was omitted. The molasses gives a fragrance and a sweetness to the spray which is supposed to attract the flies. The flour is first made into a paste and is used to increase the adhesive powers of the spray, since the mo- lasses almost completely spoils the excellent adherring qualities of the lead arsenate. The results of the spraying are given in tables 9 and 10. These fig- ures were obtained from careful examination of every apple, windfall and hand-picked, in all the orchards and the total numbers of punctures count- ed. In all, some 191,497 apples were examined at Digby and 67,148 at Windsor, so that our results are based on the entire crop of the orchards, and represent actual counts. eee eeweewnee eee eee eee ee * T 19 cz * 66 pesg oy péAvidsuy g ee re . 86 ¢ . 9¢ 002 q90M8 MOTIOA peAvidsuy vA “T6 SBA PIGT Ul WOTIBISEsUI eSEQUBDIEg| OL O'L 00F umouyuy | JO2Zew ojdde 10j ad1M9 poAvidg! T oecw dena ce ees eee wh UF 6 6h)\s Pr 2el ¢6°99 €809 a pe ewidsu 57 a, on Ee Ty Po re hn 90°9 LS"s¢ TESt wireyuelg| 1033eu e[dde 10jJ e01M4 poAvidg| [| + cee e eee eras etenscesesee 6°IT LIU'OL 0029 pa Bidsuy z Selita Sere ee ee 6°2P 16°82 OSLT “ peAvidsu P so Bae Ge ieee em She es Che ee a 8z°I Iz'T OOFT uUIMpleg 4o33eu aldde I0j O0IM} akBl S I S “sojdde may Alaa!) 6°969 | 98°96 | Z6I ” peAvidsuy)| ¢ oh Fe) Se re ere oe eee gOS 69°86 PLZE * poAvidsuy) Pp cae alee eS ae oe 06 ge Sg 0069 xs poAvidsuy) g = *Ajuo sfeids oO Je[nZal F ay} YM peAvids|) Z° 76% | 8L°96 | I66T ” peAvidsu 3S = 9°8 £6°S ZSLPST | WleysueABID | 3033eUI o[dde 10j ad1M} poAvidg| [ 3 *soiny = a ae -ound © sain} a10Ul “peur *paeyo -gund | 20 uo | -wexe By soi -10 JO Z “SyIBUleyy jo ‘ON Suraey | sejdde | jo Ajole, *pleyoig jo JueWyveaLy, ‘ON eg | Seidde | jo on a b pet so3e 2 TTP) |-,ua010g 72 “Bulfkeldg wolg sz[nsexy “LOTALSIG AddDId 6 ATAVL 73 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. “uoljeoldde vizxe UB USAIZ SEM PlBYIIO SIU. L169 82°28 | $092 ” pefvidsun| ¢ ‘a3pea[Mouy ino . jnoyrM plos sejdde ysaq |ZZ°4z | -H8'FT | PHOT wjeyuo[g |}033eur o[dde 10J ed1m9 pekvids} = T ee Z . Z Il . Z 9912 Fe 4033euUl aidde 10j 901M} poeAeidg T “ee eee “eevee eenweeneeenenennne oz 822 L89PF UIA p[eg yo32euUI aidde IO} 901M} efkeidsg a eer wm eee enenenwn ween meen ene wee Z 8ST 98 SI 0022 ¥ pe eidsu P Taree Pere) ee ra ae g . g 1g . Z 0028 yo33eur aidde 10j 8oIM4 pode Sg T ee 9 . P 0 . Pr OShz Zulusely ‘TY 4o33eur eidde 10} a0IM4 akeidg Zz ee €'SPI PS 6P 099 a pe Ridsu P Siapuexely Mey Aled |oL'T cL't 1g Japuexely |}033eu a[dde 10j eo1M} peAvidg| Z ee 2°93 “ 6°F LOPI me pe RBidsu P ee oF" 68° 6LZI 7 4033euL eldde 10j O0IM4 poker Sg T ee EL . I gL . T POP ylBig 4o33eur eldde 10} O0IM4 Aeidg Z 2 a me “eee “ee ee ee “* 2:88 g¢ sg OTST ‘3 pe eidsu c eo Sie ee St ear Osa ” yosZeur a[dde s0j eo1my poAvids) | ge eet ome £0°6 rSo'9 £002 Zury |}033eu o[dde 10j a01m4 Feseics Z Bae peat ae eB RB ” Lepr Se “ssee*"*) 9° PST | LO°SS | 3202 ” pedvidsuy)| F ‘aysed nop ynoyzMm yng aUT} auIES oy} Je pedvids) Z°g 82% v2I9 ” qo33euw ojdde 10j a01m} pokeids| *pesn aysed imoy ‘aqe] P 003 sXep Maj ® ds} ¢°92 80° SL | &haL ” qosseu ojdde 103 ao1my pokeids| % *pesn aqsed imoy $838] 003 SAep maj e paABids| Z°7% SI'S | LOL UuleysUaA BID |j0O3Zeu e[dde oj 901M} poAvids| T “‘Buifeidg wioly s}[nsey j *“LOTALSICG HOSGNIM ‘Or ATAVL 74 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. All these orchards have been very badly infested for several years. Since 1907, the owner of orchard No. 1 (Digby) has twice lost his entire crop, while in other years the majority of it has served as hog-feed, until the past two seasons, when, in 1914, we sprayed a portion of it and, in 1915, the whole orchard. The Gravensteins very soon became rotten when sold and complaints were not long in coming in; but since his orchard has been sprayed, he has sold all these apples without any ensuing trou- ble. The same man owns orchard No. 4, which has gradually been grow- ng worse witheach year. The Gravensteins of Orchard No. 2 have been allowed to rot beneath the trees for some time, since the fruit always spoiled when picked, and in theowner’s words: “It did not pay to bother withthem.” The varieties mentioned in Orchards No. 4 and 5 have long been infested, and in the case of the former, the insect is on the increase. In regard to the Windsor orchards, No. 1 and 2 had their Graven- steins fully 75 per cent infested, while No. 3 was not so seriously infested. The pest does not seem to have such a hold on these orchards, probably due to the fact that its advent to that district is comparatively recent. The Gravensteins from No. 5 of our check orchards were refused at the evaporator in Windsor a year or so ago, while those of No. 4 have been complained of for several years. Thus when comparing our results from spraying with the check orchards, and with the infestation of past years, it appears that consid- erable benefit has arisen from the use of the sweetened poison spray; and although they cannot be taken as final after only one year’s work, yet they are very encouraging. Orchard No. 3 (Windsor) was given three applications, for as the flour was not added to the spray the excessive rain washed off the spray material sooner than it otherwise would, nevertheless, the results are more favorable than where the flour was used, and hence this spray must be tested out more fully next season, to definitely decide the value of the flour. It has been said that the arsenical residues left on the leaves after the regular orchard sprays is quite sufficient to control the apple maggot, Orchard No. 2 at Digby was selected for this point. It received four re- gular orchard sprays at the same time as No. 1, two pounds of lead arsen- ate being used,but the special apple maggot sprays were later omitted. In the fall the apples all dropped and when examined proved to be as badly punctured as though the orchard had been wholly neglected. This seems to indicate that the arsenical residues have very little effect in the control of the insect; but another season’s work must be carried through before definite conclusions are given. ©. a ee ee PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 15 To test the relative value of different poisons, a number of small seedling trees in flower-pots were accordingly sprayed, both with and without moiasses. Lantern globes were placed over them and flies plac- ed within while the tree was still wet. In this experiment, several other interesting points were suggested which will give us assistance in out- lining the spraying experiments for next year. Table XI gives us all the data relative to this experiment. Arsenite of lime is the quickest acting poison, but unfortunately the entire foliage of the trees was burnt. The two strengths of commercial lead arsenate paste are next, the pound strength being a little the quicker; whereas the home-made article is slower than either of them. Corona Dry is even slower acting, which fact may partly account for the high percentage of infestation for orchards No. 1 and 2 at Windsor, as they were sprayed with the powder. Whether there is really this difference between the different forms of lead arsenate, can only be decided by or- chard results. More or less burning occurred when molasses was added to the other’ poisons, but no scorching has ever been done to our sprayed orchards, except in one case when arsenateoflime and molasses were used in one spray, when about 30 per cent of the leaves were slightly burned. Furth- er, it seems that the molasses is not altogether necessary in this spray as the unsweetened poison killed just as quickly as the sweetened, indica- ting that the molasses did not necessarily act as an attraction. And even in the second series of experiments (Table No. XII) when new flies were put into these same globes to note how soon they would succumb, when the poison was dry, the addition of molasses does not seem to justify its use. If this is really the case, our spray can be made much cheaper if only the poison may be used alone. N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 76 “pedeose Ay auc ” i. . ; : oe ; ” 3 68 ” 3 bi =f a. ” A 88 » Alpeq_,, ” “4 L L P x | Ses Waa ” 3 Iv peuing Aje,e;dwoo sea ne - t g i ES ee ow'yT Jo aqeuesiy| Z OF ” + T § 3 T ~¥ ” a 98 pesiowe zene) ** | & z AES ee ss ” o | 98 ” ”» ” I e9e| g rd ra T 3 T ” 3 vs peuing Ajeze;du00 sea ve] I fy Z g “¢ 2 ay I |@38uesIy pveyTepewmewoy| Z g8 a penn ee a os o tlee or eee " g | 3 a Ajaqeyduroo a I €8°Z IT c “* g “* I "ee ee eee 2 Z 0g “pouing A[peq seater] I eS 3 te SNe oulZ Jo oywuesIy) Z | 62 . ae = I ‘ I Te Eek ® stn 53 x 8% : ry = I ‘ I ac ane Ee Claes « _ " 12 ra L4E°3| & 3 ; bs 15 ies, ” 3 LE Z + g ro p - OTe ee, (‘s[e3 0F—"Sq] @) ‘eysed ‘pee jo oyvuasiy| Z 9% 3 i a z T BS gay bee oath ” 3 GZ “peuing Ayeza;du09 z 9t'3| TI 3 T ha Baas tae Gaede ” 2 | FS SAA BQ] $480] SP1092y mr = ce rs + na a Ms z £2 “Suyusng 343s AeA ra za T g y ; oe he or ee (s[@3 0F—"SqI Z) ‘aqsed ‘peey joojyeuesiy| Z AA < 3 4 - ts I - és I par Peseta 2 o z 1Z ” ” ? Va 29 : T T € T T aay, bs Somer aan Es ” A 02 2 xi x - Ps I € I ze 2 Ga a Z 6I peuing 4ye}e]duI100 Seavey] g . T I a @ ** T “ee ee weer oul'y jo aqlUuesIy Z ST *pedeose T g “* “* g Z T oe amet: be ator cr ag to ee ey vat oe + Z 9L € oe! z - : I Woe re ere eee : a GI peuing A]}431]8 sea very & % v v Re Re Retin eaten ey = ” 3 vr *pedeose qI0g o- “. o* “* ee * . T ee Aiq euoloyg z eT Te |Ap puz|Ap 4sT|Ag pug|Ap 4ST 78 Ul *yno apt qoee "seqo[3 FEM | “UIE "aqo[3 “aqol 10} ut gnd UL pe |"eqo]3 “syIeUley ul peoeid | ‘ade | alem SoIy | “HOIS poAles -oeid| jo ueyM eBy | -IeAY| Joqe ayy jo | -qo alom *pesn uosiog s}[Npe| “ON shep JO"ON | s3[npe [119 ‘ON shep JOON | ‘sosseloyy "uoI}aV jo : Aypidey “SLSAL DNIAVAdS AMOLVAOAVI ‘IT GTIAVL 77 PROCEEDINGS, 1915. *pedvose 4[npe | *podeose 4[npe | pesieule qsne T T T T pe3sauie qsne T x pesiewe ysne 09°F 00° og? oo + >> bor NN ON -10N , = LOE QNCD «HOOD OD Conr . . “ + +0 “-Nrioon ha Re ae eee eee ee eee ee eee see ee ewes re ee ee eens ” ee eee nne eee ew nae ” “ee wee eee ” 2 te wares ourz Jo aqiuesiy ”? “eee enee (‘ste8 0F-"sqI 8) ‘aysed pa] jo ojeuosiy “ee ewe ee ” ("s[@3 F-"SqI Z) ‘aqsed pve] jo ojeuesiy ee eer eenne eee ewww ee ee ee BNANANANH BNANN ANANANANNANNNANANNAN ‘syrBUIEY ae OAM OU OD ODET 1S 1090009 109.09 09 E> CU WH HI OD mn “SOHPS “A SLSAL ONIAVAdS AMNOLVAORVI “Ol ATAVL 78 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, The results as shown in Table XII of the second series of experiments, show that there is a considerable difference in the rapidity of the action of the wet and dry poisons on the leaves, the latter being much the slow- er. Naturally the flies would be attracted to the moisture, so in the spray- ing, care must be taken so that the flies will have all surfaces before them wet. Otherwise a day or so may elapse before the adults have taken up sufficient dry poison to even sicken them—days during which the females may be busy ovipositing. To sum up, so far the use of the sweetened poison spray has proved its. lf to be efficient and practicable in the control of the apple maggot. In conclusion, I wish to thank most heartily Professor Brittain for his guidance and assistance in this work. Much credit is also due to Mr. L. G. Saunders for his carcful drawings and for his help during the past season. To the inspectors, praise is also due for the excellent way in which they tackled the problems of inspecting the orchards and examining the apples, all of which work was extremely tedious to say the least. Sincere thanks are also tendered to the fruit-growers for the way they kindly put their orchards at our disposal, for their assistance in the spraying of the same, and for their encouragement. PROTECTIVE COLORATION. By E. Chesley Allen. | ba the few remarks that Iamto make this evening, I do not pre- tend to present anything new, and I trust that the professional entomologists present will not be expecting anything but principles with which they are perfectly familiar. In other words it should be understood that my remarks are those of an amateur for the amateurs present. And since the principles of protective coloration apply not only to insects but to nearly all classes of animals as well. I am going to ask the liberty to use an illustration of these general principles examples of ani- mals other than insects. For example, we have here a specimen of a bird, well known to all our sportsmen—the woodcock, and I wish to call your attention to two main principles in its coloring. First, you will no- tice the decided lighter coloring of the under parts,as compared with the back. This is only one example of thousands of instances in which animals are lighter below than above. In fact it is difficult to think of any larger mammal, bird, fish, or reptile in which this is not so. Now what is the reason of this almost universal principle? We are all aware that if a rounded object of one uniform color be held before the eyes, that the ob- PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 79 ject will appear darker below than above, owing to the fact that the source of light is usually above, and it is this fact that helps us to detect the presence of a solid body even when placed before a background of the same color. And so we will readily see if this under shadow effect is counteracted by the under parts being lighter color2d, that the animal so colored will be less likely to be seen. The second principle we notice is,that the back is mottled with greys, browns, and black, and that these are precisely the colors of the forest floor, the dead leaves, mud, dead twigs and innumerable other brown, grey and black things which cover the ground on which the bird settles, and lives. And the bird knows perfectly well how well its coat blends into its surroundings, for it will remain motionless depending upon its pro- tective coloring until almost trodden upon. We have become so used to this resemblanee of creatures to their natural surroundings, that we seldom think of it as anything wonderful. It is likely that it is only an accident that the tiger living among the tall yellow jungle grasses has its body marked with black and yellow stripes, that the leopard living in the checkered lights and shadows of the forest, has its body marked with leaf shadows, that the lions tawny brown coat blends so well into the yellow sands and rocks of the desert? How closely the nocturnal moths resemble the bark of the trees on which they rest, only those who have hunted for them in these positions know. The cases we have touched upon thus far, have all been examples of general resemblance, i:e. their coloring resembled their general surround- ings. I will now mention one or two cases of special resemblance. In these the form of the animal usually assists the coloring in making the de- ception perfect. I will take the liberty to use one more example outside the insect class. Along our coasts when the tide goes out, there are left among the rocks, little pools that are veritable fairy worlds of wonder. Covering, many of the rocks in these pools are finely branched sea-weeds, and living among them is a strange little creature, (shown here much enlarged) which is called a “‘sea-slug’’ and which bears along its back strange branched- processes, so that the creature seems to be merely a part of the weed covered rock upon which it rests. Here is an insect which is more often heard than seen—the katydid. It is drawn here in resting position and you will notice that not only do the folded wings resemble in general outline and coloring a narrow leaf, but that the veiny framework of the wings is so arranged as to resemble the veining of a leaf. A near relative of the Katydids is our common brown locust, found on hot dusty roads. After crackling along in front of us hé comes to rest a perfect sliver of stone. 80 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Not long since, while collecting, a small brown moth was noticed to settle on the ground under a spruce tree and completely disappear, and although the place where he settled was known within six inches, it took some time to find him. The ground was thickly covered with spruce “spills” and it was not until it was noticed that one of these “‘spills” pos- sessed fine thread-like legs and antennae pressed close against the wings, that the fake was discovered. Here we have the butterfly of the hop caterpillar. When resting on the ground with folded wings we have the turned-up edge of a dog-leaf. The resemblance of some of our geomedrid caterpillars to twigs is amaz- ing, even the buds being faithfully represented by outgrowths on the larva skin. ‘A phase of the subject that should be mentioned here is the fact that in some cases the decaptive coloring is purely protective, in others ag- gressive, while in still“other it may be both. For example, the wood- cock, or katydid, or hop butterfly have their wonderful coloring and form only as a protection, while the lion or tiger or leopard which have little to fear from natural enemies, are so clothed that they may approach their prey unseen. In many of our common insects the coloring is both protective and agressive. The mud colored nymph of the dragon-fly often escapes un- seen the fish that would gladly devour him, but woe to the smaller cre- ture that approaches the unseen death that lurks in his hooked lower lip. The water scorpion so well imitating a sunken twig on the bottom of the pool doubtless has protection from its natural enemies, but many an unwary insect comes within reach of its hooked front legs. In view of all that has been said concerning protective coloring, may at first seem strange to think that any creature should find protec- tion in being conspicuously marked, but nevertheless, such is the case. Certain animals are immune from attack, owing to the possession of some special means of defense, and to make these means more effective they advertise themselves by conspicuous coloring. A familiar example will make this clearer. Any animal that has once attacked a skunk, unless it be a natural born fool, will never attack another. Now what is the color of the skunk? Black and white in sharp contrast, and most con- spicuously arranged. He is also provided with a large plume-like tail, also black and white, and held erect, so that as he saunters quietly along, the black and white plume is simply a placard reading “hands off.” And the skunk is perfectly aware of his immunity to attack for there is no creature of the woods which meets one with such perfect unconcern, and at the same time no creature receives such perfect respect from those he meets. Now it is obvious that if the skunk were colored in the usual grey or brown of the woodland folk, his natural means of defense would often fail to protect him from attack. a a PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 81 Many of our insects have, like the skunk, the power of emitting an odor most offensive to their enemies. Here we have a common carrion beetle which is an insect having this power, and we find it conspicuously marked with yellow. The common potato beetle, the lady-bugs and many others are distasteful to most birds, and we find them advertising their presence by conspicuous bright-colored bands or spots. Here again is another insect commonly called the “‘horn-tail” from the form of the ovipositor. This ovipositor though for the purpose of de- positing eggs beneath bark, can be used as a most effective weapon of de- fense, and so that insectivorous birds and mammals may make no mistake she is advertised by a bright orange abdomen and metallic wings and thorax. For the same reason, our bees, wasps, ichneumon-flies, and other insects, that possess such sharp means of defense, are most conspicuously colored. It is generally known that our hairy caterpillars are distasteful to most birds, so in them we find no attempt at concealment, many of our tiger moths larvae being most glaring in their coloring. This brings us to one of the most startling and wonderful principles in connection with the color of animals,—what is known as “protective mimicry.” I will ask you to note carefully this upper figure. It represents the milkweed, or monarch butterfly, a wonderful insect in many ways. This is one of the protected insects of which we were speaking a moment ‘ago. It is evidently distasteful to insect-eating birds, and is remarkable for its leisurely drifting flight, and its high colouring. Now notice the lower figure. At first you see but littk difference, but a closer examination will show that the veining of the wings is quite dif- ferent. In fact this butterfly, the ‘‘Viceroy” belongs to an entirely dif- ferent genus, and what is more remarkable has no power of self-protec- tion. But we see by imitating so closely the coloring of the protected *‘monarch”’ it steals its thunder and so often avoids death. But here we have a much more startling case of mimicry. I will ask you to notice for a moment just the two figures at the top of this plate. This is our ordinary wasp, you have all, doubtless, at some time met her, and you are quite prepared to understand that insect eating birds choose to leave her in peace. You see that she is advertised by the usual bright colors of protected insects. Now this other figure is not a wasp at all, and is about as nearly related to a wasp as a sheep is to a wolf. This is really a moth, a creature without defense. But notice how in coloring and form it resembles our acquaintance the wasp. Notice too, that even the wings have lost a good portion of the feathery scales common to most moth’s wings, leaving them nearly transparent, the better to imi- tate the wings of a wasp. Now, though absolutely weaponless, this little moth secures a great deal of protection from its close resemblance to the 82 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, wasp. This, you will agree, is afar more wonderful a case of mimicry than that of a butterfly mimicing another butterfly. The third figure does not, in itself, illustrate a case of mimicry, but is drawn here simply as a representative of a large family of moths known as sphinx orhawk moths. This particular sphinx moth, is sometimes called the modest sphinx, from the fact that when at rest the sober col- ored forewings lie above and hide the more beautiful hind wings. Most of our hawk moths lie hidden during the day and come forth to hover over our flowers in the dusk of evening. But here is a moth that is a true hawk moth, in development and struc- ture, but which has forsaken the ancient customs of its family and flies only by day in the brightest sunlight. You will see, too, it has departed in appearance from the other members of its family and lost part of its wing scales, and that it has developed both in shape and coloring a very bumble-bee like appearance, so that to more than a casual observer, this hawk-moth hovering over a clover bloom, is merely an ordinary bumble bee. ' _ Perhaps one of the most remarkable cases of Protective Mimicry is that mentioned by Thomas Belt, as occurring in Central America. He mentions that certain ants use in their domestic economy fragments of green leaves, and may often be seen carrying them in a vertical position over their backs, and he testifies that a certain hemipterous insect has developed which closely resembles one of these ants carrying a leaf frag- ment. There is one more principle of protective coloring that should not be passed without remark. That of Signal Marking. It is quite obvious that for the perpetuation of any species of animal, it is necessary that individuals of thesame species should be able to re- cognize each other. How this shall be possible without the individual be- ing conspicuous to its enemies is a problem which nature has overcome in many cases in this way. Many creatures are perfectly protected by their coloring when at rest, but when in motion, and less easily caught by their enemies, show some conspicuous marks by which they may be re- cognized by their own species. This principle is illustrated by the insects of this plate. This tortoise- shell butterfly, when resting on the trunk of a tree is simply a bit of bark turned up, while in flight its upper wing surfaces are quite conspicuous. Again this locust when resting on the ground is only a chip of stone, but on the wing shows black and yellow banners, and in addition has the power to draw the attention of its friends by the loud istics sound which it is able to produce. ee eS eS ~ PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 83 Now in the course of what has been said to-night, there is one point which the amateur is in some danger of misunderstanding. It is this:— When we speak of the moth “imitating’’ the color and form of .the wasp, or the hawk-moth “‘imitating’’ a bumble-bee we must un- derstand very clearly that this imitation is by no means conscious effort on their part. How much the lower animals are aware of their protec- _tive coloring, isan entirely different matter, but this one thing is certain. No insect has any voluntary control over its form of coloring. How then does it come about that we have such wonderful phenomena, that is, through what forces or laws does nature mould and keep these almost inviolate types that we have illustrated tonight. Right here let me make an apparent digression. It would be a very moderate estimate to say that any of the insects we have spoken of to- night lay at least 100 eggs. Now if these eggs all hatched and the young developed into mature insects we would have one hundred offspring from each pair, or an increase of fifty fold. But since we know that this does not happen, but that the abundance of insects remains about the same from year to year, we see that (even following the very moderate estimate we assumed at first) an insect egg would have about one chance in fifty of coming to maturity and this we are ready to admit is pretty sharp competition. But we need not depend upon theoretical evidence alone, to argue the existence of the great and universal war waged by living creatures in the struggle for life. Even an observer of very ordinary calibre cannot remain quiet amid natural surroundings,without seeing on all sides evid- ence of the great and intense warfare that living creatures are making on each other. We see it everywhere, from the minute creature in the drop of stagnant water that pursues the more minute form across the field of the microscope, to the hawk—that drops like a bolt out of the blue upon the unsuspecting victim that has transgressed ever so little into the open. In this universal struggle we realize the first great force by which the types of living forms are moulded. Now another apparent digression, and we are done. If we had here hundreds of these tortoise-shell butterflies we would perhaps be struck with the very close resemblance they had for one another. Perhaps there is nothing so wonderful in all nature,that from two minute, almost micro- scopic eggs, deposited by different parents perhaps hundreds of miles apart, there will develop and expand two creatures, so intricate and beau- tiful in pattern, and yet so similar as to appear almost as if stamped with the same die. This is what scientists call ‘‘conformity to type.” And yet if we examined these specimens closely we would find that no two of them would be exactly alike. One would have perhaps a little more white in its pattern than the others, or another would be a little 84 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. browner than the average. Thisslight dissimilarity or lack of absolute conformity, to type, is called by scientists, “tendency to variation.” Now you will easily see that this tendency to vary slightly from the norm- al type may, under the very severe competition, that we were speaking of a moment ago, work out favorably or unfavorably for the chances of life of the individual. That is, a creature of a protectively-colored species vary from the normal, in being a little more conspicuous than his broth- ers, the odds are against him in the struggle. Nature simply says:— “‘transgress in the wrong direction and death is the penalty.” But if the individual be so fortunate as to appear in a dress a little more protectively colored than his fellow, he is at an advantage in the struggle, and not only so, but we have a greater chance of perpetuating this advantageous character to future generations, so that we see a favorable variation is more likely to be perpetuated than an unfavorable one. This natural weeding out of the unfortunates, and the sparing of the favored is what is known as “natural selection.” These few principles, the ‘Conformity to Type,” accompanied by a “Tendency to Variation,”’ and the severe forces of nature working upon these variations by the process of ‘‘Natural Selection,’”’ make up what is commonly known as the ‘“‘Theory of Evolution.” BUDMOTHS IN NOVA SCOTIA. By George E. Sanders, Field Officer in Charge Dominion Entomotogical Laborotory, Annapolis Royal, N.S. There are known at present four species of budmoth which attack the apple in Nova Scotia. The Eye Spotted Budmoth, Spitonota, (Tme- tocera), ocellana Schiff, is the most common, far outnumbering all the other species taken together. The next most common species is the Ob- lique Banded Leaf Roller—Archips rosaceana* Horr, which is found in greater or less numbers throughout the province, but only occasionally in small localities, becoming a serious pest for a year or so, and then dis- appearing. The third species,Olethreutes consanguinana, is found through- out the western end of the Province, but has been found attacking apples only about Kentville, where in some orchards it is doing an im- mense amount of damage, apparently twenty-five per cent of the bud- moth injury being done by this species. Olethreutes consanguinana was recorded under the name O. frigidana, as feeding on apple, for the first time by the author in the Fiftieth Annual Report of the Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association. The fourth species, the Lesser Budmoth, Recurvaria nanella Hubn is a native of Europe, which has during the *For full description see paper by A. G. Dustan, P—of this report. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 85 past few years been recorded from many districts in the eastern half of the United States, and is here recorded for the first time from Nova Scotia. Although the extent to which this insect damages the apple in Nova Scotia has not been accurately determined, nor has its dis- tribution been carefully worked out, it has been taken from both ends of the Annapolis Valley. Being an imported insect there is a possibility of it becoming a serious pest; already E. W. Scott and J. H. Paine, in Bull. 113 of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture have recorded it as infesting 45 per cent of the buds in an apple orchard in Benton Harbor, Michigan. This insect will receive careful attention in Nova Scotia during the next few years. General Life Histories. All four of our species of budmoths have somewhat similar life his- tories. They all pass the winter as larvae in hibernating cocoons: they all emerge as the buds begin to swell in the spring, and bore into the open- ing tips; they all feed in the same manner until the blossoms open, usual- ly under cover of a mass of dead and partly eaten leaves. The date of pupation varies, some pupating during or immediately after the blos- soms period, some three or four weeks later. All pupate among the leaves on the trees. In all species the eggs are deposited on the leaves, rosaceana depositing its eggs in a mass, the remainder depositing them singly. In R. nanella, the young larva acts as a tree leaf miner during the autumn; in O. consanguinana and §S. ocellana the larvae act as semi-miners, al- ways feeding under cover, but where possible tying two leaves together, or the leaf to a limb or an apple, often disfiguring the fruit by feeding on it. In A. rosaceana, the larvae feed on the leaf rather than in it. All species are single brooded in Nova Scotia, and leave the leaves on which they are feeding to form their winter hibernating cases with the first frosts, to pass the winter as partly grown larvae. Extent of Injury. There has been much controversy in regard to the extent of damage done by the budmoth entering the bud in the spring. The boring of a budmoth larva into a bud very seldom prevents blossoming. Actual count shows only 35 per cent of the blossoms in infested clusters to be no- ticeably injured; the actual damage done, however, exceeds this. Counts on Wagners in 1913 and 1915 show the set in blossom clusters infested to be reduced 74.7 and 79.4 per cent respectively, so by counting the num- ber of buds infested with budmoth in an orchard, and then reckoning that the percentage of reduction in crop will amount to about three quar- ters of that figure, one can estimate fairly accurately the amount of dam- age the budmoths are doing in an orchard. 86 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Fall Injury. The damage that the budmoths do to the foliage in the fall is ne- gligible, but the habit of two species in tying the leaf up to the apple and marring the surface, making it usually fit only for a No. 3 or a cull, often causes serious loss. Usually for every ten per cent of the buds damaged by budmoth in the spring, three per cent of the picked fruit will be mar- red by the budmoth tying the leaf up to it and feeding off the surface of the fruit. Extent of Damage in Nova Scotia. The highest percentage of infestation recorded, in the buds, in 1915, was in the Early William variety,96.4 per cent of the buds in one plot be- ing infested. The average infestation in unsprayed orchards for all vari- ties, runs about 40 per cent; that would mean an average reduction in crop in such orchards of 30 per cent; in such an orchard about 12 per cent of the apples would have leaves tied up to them. Varieties which have crinkly twigs, such as Wagner, Ribston Pippin, Nonpareil, Early William, etc., are almost invariably more heavily in- fested than clean limbed varieties such as Golden Russett, N. Spy and Ben Davis. This is due to the crinkly twigged varieties offering better protection to the cocoon in which the half grown larvae hibernate. Controls. It has for several years been recognized that the best time to spray to control budmoth, is after the leaves open and before the blossoms, the semi dormant spray with Lead arsenate, for some time recommended, having been proved almost worthless in budmoth control in the experi- ments conducted in R. S. Eaton’s orchard in 1912-13. A spray applied about four days before the blossoms having given the best results in that experiment. In 1915 experiments were carried on in S. B. Chute’s or- chard to determine the value of two sprays before the blossoms, one when the leaves are the size of a ten cent piece and the other immediately be- fore the blossoms, as compared With one spray about four days before the blossoms. The results show that one spray five days before the blossoms followed by two after the blossoms, killed 51 per cent of the bud- moths, which normally become adults, while the two sprays before the blossoms killed 75 per cent. In an experiment conducted in the George Hoyt orchard, Annapolis, to compare the new Friend Drive nozzle with the Friend Calyx nozzle in Budmoth control, the two plots received four sprays, each with the same 2 lbs. Lead Arsenate, 1 gal. Lime Sulphur solution to 40 gallons. - Where the Calyx nozzle, which throws a mist spray very similar to the mistry and whirlpool nozzles, was used, 84 per cent of the budmoths ee oe PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 87 which would otherwise reach maturity were killed. Where the Drive nozzle was used 92 per cent of the budmoths were killed. The recommendations for budmoth control are, 5 to 7 lbs. Arsenate of Lead or 2 Ibs. Arsenate of Lime to 100 gals. of water, applied when the leaves are the size of a ten cent piece, with a drive nozzle, immediately before the blossoms with a drive nozzle, and immediately after the blossoms with either a Calyx or drive nozzle. The spray two weeks after the blossoms has very little effect in budmoth control. FRUIT WORMS OR APPLE WORMS IN NOVA SCOTIA. By George E. Sanders, Field Officer in Charge Dominion Entomotogical Laboratory, Annapolis Royal, N. S. The Fruit Worms present in Nova Scotia probably number a dozen species, belonging to the general Xylina, Calocampa and Scople- soma. The life history and damage done by each species is very similar. On species, Xylina Bethunei G. and R. is the most common, far out- numbering all of the other species combined, and its life history is in a general way similar to that of all species of fruit worms so far studied in Nova Scotia. Life History of X. Bethunci. The adult moth emerges in September and early October, flies until winter, hibernates under rubbish in old fences, grass, etc., and is one of the first moths to be found on the wing in the spring, usually being found flying early in April. About one month after its emergence in the spring it begins depositing its eggs on the apple. The eggs are deposited singly, about one inch back from the tip, on the under side of the outer limbs of the apple. The period of egg deposition covers the month of May. Eighteen days after the egg is deposited the larva emerges and begins to feed on the leaves. The greatest number of larvae emerge about the time the Gravenstein buds begin to show pink. For the first three weeks of its existence, or until it is in the third instar, the larva feeds on leaves and blossoms. At the beginning of the third instar it forsakes leaves almost entirely and feeds on the fruit, eating holes in the sides of the young ap- ple, usually biting into a new apple for each meal, so that the larvae may do an enormous amount of damage in one season. In all,the larvae moult five times and begin to pupate about July 12; pupation continues until about August 5. For a week or so before pupation, the larvae revert to their early feeding habits, eating as much, if not more of leaves than of fruit. The pupa is formed in a very thin silken web, one or two inches be- low the surface of the earth. The pupal stage lasts about two months, the first adults emerging about Sept. 15. 88 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. General Description. In general the adults of the Fruit Worms are strong flying, some- what sharp winged moths, from 1.25 to 1.5 inches across the extended wings. The eggs are conical, ribbed vertically, with a small depression on the top. The larvae are for the most part, green in the earlier stages, sometimes faintly marked with white. The final stage may be any color in X bethunci, the sixth stage larvae being slatey gray. In the Calocam- pids the sixth stage larvae are heavily striped with brown; in some of the Xylinids the final stage of the larvae is greenish white with white mark- ings. ; Injury. The fruit worm larvae during the first three weeks of its existence feeds on leaves and blossoms, eating proportionately more surface for a meal than later when it is feeding on the fruit. During this period the damage to the leaves is negligible, but the damage to the blossoms quite extensive, as the young larvae have been observed eating the pistils, stamens and corolla, but owing to the number of false blossoms always present the actual percentage damaged cannot be determined. When the apples are a little thicker than a lead pencil the third stage larvae begin feeding on them, eating small regular holes in the sides, consuming a large quantity of inner pulp in proportion to the amount of surface eaten. As a rule a fresh apple is eaten into, for each meal. In cases where the fruit worm eats through the outer pulp or what is tech- nically the receptacle of the apple, and in to the core, serious malforma- tion of the fruit usually results; in cases where the injury is confined to the outer pulp, the injury heals out to form a somewhat regular rough- ened area with very little or no malformation. It has been found by actual count that 72 per cent of the apples eaten by fruit worms in the spring drop, as a result of the injury; so, roughly speaking, for every three apples found in picked fruit showing fruit worm injury, seven have already dropped to the ground as a result of the injury. On the picked fruit, which was No. 1 and No. 2 in size, and showed no defect excepting fruit worm injury, 78 per cent was thrown into No. 3 and culls, in an observation conducted to determine the actual injury. Distribution in Nova Scotia. Although the numbers of fruit worms vary slightly from year to year, they are on the whole,fairly constant and evenly distributed in ev- ery locality where apples are grown in Nova Scotia. An observation car- _ ried on in one locality, with the idea of determining the amount of dam- age done in various orchards, showed the most sheltered orchard in the locality to have 8.2 per cent of the picked fruit injured by fruit worms, while in the most exposed orchards 8 per cent of the picked fruit only, PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 89 showed fruit worm injury. Further observations showed that the per- centage of fruit worms varied directly with the sheltered location of the orchard. This is no more than one would expect from studying the life history of the insects. They are very active, strong flying moths and are on the wing for one and one half months in the fall, and one month in the spring before they deposit their eggs; and one could hardly expect them to be other than least numerous in the exposed wind swept orchards, and most numerous in the sheltered orchards where they would blow in, and not blow out. Controls. From following the life history of the fruit worm, it can easily be seen that the time to spray for it, is when it is in its earliest stages, and when it is eating the greatest amount of surface in proportion to the a- mount of food consumed. Actual experiment proves this to be the case, and the two sprays one immediately before the blossoms, and one immedi- ately after, gave a reduction in injury of 65 per cent. The spray applied from ten days to two weeks after the blossoms, gave no reduction in in- jury for the year in which it was applied, but gave a slight reduction the following year, showing that it poisoned the fruit worm after it had done its damage for the year, probably when it was feeding on leaves just before entering the pupal stage. Carnivorous Habits. During the season of 1913, in collecting the larvae of Xylina bethunci in the field, it was found that the fifth and sixth stage larvae, ordinarily when they find the cocoons of the common Tent Caterpillars, Malacosoma disstria and M. americana, they gnaw their way in through the cocoon and feed on the pupa contained. In 1913, 34.82 per cent of the M. dis- stria cocoons collected on apple, on July 12 and 13, were found to be de- stroyed by X. bethunei. In 1914 the cold season retarded the Tent Cat- erpillars more than the Fruit Worms, which pupated at about the same time as the Tent caterpillar, so only 5.99 per cent of the tents were de- stroyed by them in that season. 90 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. THE CODLING MOTH IN NOVA SCOTIA. By G. E. Sanders, Field Officer in Charge Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Annapolis Royal, N. 8. Cine to its comparative scarcity in Nova Scotian orchards, the Codling Moth has received very little attention as yet in the province. It is very rare to find even an unsprayed orchard which give over five per cent wormy apples, so the spray after the blossoms may be retarded or advanced as the control of other insects or fungus diseases may demand, with no risk of extensive damage to the apple crop through failure to control codling moth. One very interesting bit of information in regard to the Codling Moth was obtained from the experiment in R. S. Eaton’s orchard in 1912 —13, where it was shown that thespray applied immediately before the blossoms, alone controls some 71.3 per cent of them; while the spray two weeks after the blossoms alone controlled 65.6 per cent, the spray im- mediately after the blossoms alone controlled 89.2 per cent, and where all these sprays were applied they controlled 92.2 per cent. The infestation in this orchard was very light, running 4.16 per cent wormy apples in the check plots, so the liability to error was greater than if the infesta- tion had been more severe. The experiment shows that in Nova Scotia, the life periods of the Codling Moth are drawn out over an enormous period; this evidence is corroborated by the findings of Siegler and Simanton, in Bull. 252 of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in which they state that in Maine it is thirty- seven days from the time the first larva emerges from the egg until the last one emerges. The same authors also state that only two per cent of the first brood pupate to form a second brood. Here in Nova Scotia we have never found any definite indications of a second brood. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 91 THE CANKER WORM IN NOVA SCOTIA. By G. E. Sanders, Field Officer in Charge Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Annapolis Royal, N. S. "TS Canker Worm like the Tussock Moth is one of our perio- dical insects which is controlled after serious outbreaks by para- sites, and which is now on the increase throughout the Annapolis Valley. During 1915 a great many orchards throughout the valley were partially or wholly defoliated. The reports of the Browntail Moth Inspectors for November 1915 give the Canker Worm as being more or less common in every section of the Valley, so we may look for a great deal more damage in 1916 than we had in 1915, unless measures for its control are made more effective. The most common species in Nova Scotia is the Fall Canker Worm, Alsophila pometaria Har, the adults of which emerge and deposit their eggs in the fall. In 1915 the maximum emergence took place between Nov. 12 and 30; during this period the wingless females or slugs were crawling up the trunks of the apple trees while the winged male moths could be seen fluttering about the trunks of the apple trees. Those who applied tanglefoot to their trees before Nov. 12, have therefore safe- guarded their orchards from damage by Canker Worm next spring. In the great majority of orchards in the valley that are lightly, mod- erately or even heavily infested, no tanglefoot was applied, and the own- ers will have to rely on spraying to protect their orchards in the spring of 1916. Time to Spray. In 1915 the Canker Worm eggs in Nova Scotia hatched on May 25, or just half way between the time when the leaf is the size of a ten cent piece and when the buds are showing pink. The Canker Worm is a no- toriously hard insect to poison after it is one-third grown, and the only way to control it by spraying in bad infestations, is to use an excess of poison say 8 to 10 pounds of Arsenate of Lead to 100 gallons and have the leaves thoroughly coated with the spray when the young Canker Worms are beginning to feed. For very light infestations, such as might occur in poorly sprayed or- chards or where the infestation is just beginning, the two regular sprays before the blossoms, one when the leaves are the size of a ten cent piece and the other immediately before the blossoms with 5 lbs. of Lead Ar- senate or 2 lbs. of Arsenate of Lime to 100 gallons, should control it. In case of a bad infestation it would be advantageous to hold the first spray until the leaves are the size of a twenty-five c2nt piece, or else 92 _ N.L. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. put on thesecond spray, which goes on next before the blossoms, or when the first Gravensteins begin to show pink,—using an excess of poison as men- tioned above. Either of these changes would result in a heavily poisoned spray being applied within two or three days of the emergence of the young larvae from the egg. Which spray should be moved, must be de- termined by the grower in his own orchard, as he must be governed by the other insects or diseases present. In case the orchard is badly in- fested with budmoth, the first spray should go on on time, while the sec- ond spray can go on a day or so earlier with no bad effect in budmoth control. In case the orchard is infésted with the Green Apple bug, the second spray would need to go on as near before the opening of the blos- soms as possible, while the first spray would be retarded two or three days with no reduction in control of Green Apple Bug. Tanglefoot Bands. The ideal method of controlling Canker Worm is of course by means of tanglefoot bands placed about the tree between Oct. 25 and Nov. 1. The band should be about three inches wide, and in the case of commer- cial tree tanglefoot or the homemade Castor oil and rosin mixture, may be placed directly on the bark of the tree with no danger of injury. In experimental work it has been found that extra thin commercial Tree Tanglefoot will remain sticky and act as an effective barrier longer than any material at present known to the writer. If it is desired to use, ‘the home-made Tanglefoot, 5 lbs. rosin and 3 pints of Castor oil heated together should prove effective; if the season is cold more Castor Oil should be added, so that the mixture will remain sticky. This is usually inferior in lasting qualities to the commercial article, but has the advan- tage of costing less. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 93 THE TUSSOCK MOTH IN NOVA SCOTIA. By G. E. Sanders, Field Officer in Charge Dominion Entomotogical Laboratory, Annapoliz Royal, N.S. HE white marked Tussock Moth is common throughout Nova Scotia and periodically does extensive damage to orchard and shade trees. The last serious outbreak in the Annapolis Valley oc- curred in 1906. In 1912 a heavy outbreak occurred in Halifax with an accompanying slight outbreak in the Valley. The Brown Tail Moth In- spectors’ reports for 1914-15 showed Tussock Moth egg masses scatter- ing throughout the Valley. During the summer of 1915 many larvae were noticed, and in a few cases serious damage to the fruit was seen, one Non- pareil tree in Mochelle showing at least 50 per cent of the fruit eaten and made worthless by Tussock larvae. It would appear, therefore, that we are at the beginning of what may prove a serious outbreak of Tussocks and it would pay any orchardist to examine his trees, pick off the winter egg masses and to add plenty of poison to his last summer spray, or the spray applied about June 25-30 in 1916. How to Identify the Tussock Moth. The most common species in Nova Scotia is the White Marked Tus- sock Moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma Stea. The eggs of this species are deposited on the old pupa case and may be found among the twigs and branches of the tree. There are about 150 medium sized white eggs in the mass which is covered with a white froth or frosting. The eggs are deposited about August 30 and hatch the next season about June 27.- The caterpillar which reaches maturity about August 11 is, when full grown, from 1 1-4 to 1 1-2 inches in length, hairy, with two characteristic tufts or pencils of long black hairs projecting forward from either side of its head, and one projecting backward from the tip of th> body just above the anal plate; there are four short, dense tufts of white hairs in a row along the back, just behind which are two vermillion red raised glands; the head and thoracic shield just back of the head are also vermillion red. In the adult, the male has wings and is a strong flier, is rather pretty, somewhat inconspicuous brown moth with a characteristic white spot on the inner angle of the front wing. The female has no wings but emerges from the pupa case which is formed among the branches and fruit spurs, deposits her eggs on the outside of this case, covers them with froth and dies, without having moved an inch from where the pupa case was formed. Remedies. The date of applying the last summer spray or spray 4, from June 25 94 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. to 30, coincides with the hatching of the Tussock Moths, and the ad- dition of Lead Arsenate to this spray with thorough work in applying it should protect any orchard from outbreaks. The earlier sprays are of practically no value in Tussock Moth control. Gathering and burning the egg masses in winter when pruning is of some value but control can- not be assured from such methods. PARSNIP WEBWORM (DEPRESSARIA HERACLIANA). By C. B. Gooderham, Truro, N. 8S. N the summer of 1913 while collecting along the Salmon River bank, it was noticed that the seed heads of the wild parsnip were turning brown and covered with aweb. Upon closer examination it was found that a large number of caterpillars were feeding on the seeds, and, as they attacked new parts, they tied them all up with silk, making for themselves a complete covering. Some of these caterpillars were collected and later on some of the pupae were taken and adults reared from them. The following spring the plants were carefully watched, and eggs were found the latter part of May. These eggs hatched and the resultant larvae were reared to maturity. The same summer a large number of parsnips that were being grown for seed purposes were attacked by this pest, and much damage was done to the crop, making it almost impossible to raise seed. This spring the eggs were first found on the 18th of May. They were then very thick on both the leaves and stems of the plants, chiefly around the sheath surrounding the developing seed heads. The eggs were watch- ed closely and in a few days the young larvae escaped from the egg and- immediately bored through the covering to the flowers. The eggs are very small, measuring from 32-40 microns in length and 17-19 microns wide. They are shining white and are ribbed longitudinally. They are glued to stem or leaves of the plant and deposited singly. The larva inits first instar measures 1.5-2 mm. long, isa light greenish color covered with small black tubercles, most of these tubercles bearing a stiff bristle. The head and prothoracic shield are black. © It moults five times before it enters the pupal state and when mature measures about 8-4 of an inch long. The adult is a smell orek math aa a wing expanse of 2 1- 2em. The wings are fringed with long hairs, the front ones narrower ‘and darker than the hind wings. | When folded they are held flat on the back giving’ the insect a flattened appearance.. They are very activeand PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 95 conceal themselves in small crevices, behind old boards, etc., during the winter. Life History. The eggs are deposited singly on the leaves and stems of the plant during the second and third weeks of June. They hatch ina few days and the young caterpillar immediately eats its way through the sheath which covers the seed head of the plant. When it reaches the young flower bud inside, it commences to feed and tie the flowers togeth- er with silken threads, so that when the head breaks open, instead of spreading out, it is a mass of web with caterpillars inside. The larva feeds for about four weeks, completely destroying the seed of the plant and often eating all the leaves. About the middle of July the nearly mature larva crawls down the stem of the plant, until it reaches the axil of a leaf, when it commences to eat its way through into the hollow stem, where it feeds for afew days before reaching maturity. When mature the larva spins a small silken cocoon in the stem and en- ters the pupal state, which lasts for about two to three weeks, the adults emerging about the second or third week in August. It passes the winter as an adult behind old boards or rough bark of trees or in old buildings and in the spring it leaves its winter quarters to deposit its eggs to start a new generation. Control. No satisfactory method of control has yet been worked out. Spraying with arsenate of lead, 4 Ibs. to 40 gallons of water, with flour paste as a sticker, just as the eggs are hatching, does not appear to have any effect. Dusting with Paris green, 1 part to 25 parts air-slacked lime, when the umbels are open will prevent them from damaging any new seed, but will not affect the caterpillars in that part of the umbel which is already tied up withsilk. The only way to check it, until some better method is worked out, is to cut off all affected heads and destroy them. These few observations were taken in the immediate locality. Just how far this pest is distributed through the province I cannot say. I have only had the opportunity of seeing it in one other place, namely, Gaspereau on some cultivated parsnips which were practically all destroyed, but I have no doubt that it is quite widely distributed throughout the province. 96 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. HYDROECIA MICACEA AS A GARDEN PEST. By W. H. Brittain, Provincial Entomologist. hy the early summer of 1914, a boring caterpillar suddenly ap- peared in large numbers in the rhubarb plantation on the N. S. Agricultural College Farm, and practically destroyed the crop. The infestation was repeated during the past season with equal severity and reports of similar injuries occurring in the neighborhood were sent in. As the rhubarb is a plant usually so free from insect enemies, considerable comment was caused by this outbreak. A number of adults were reared to maturity and submitted to Mr. Arthur Gibson, who determined them as Hydroecia micacea Esp. No attempt has been made to make a detailed study of this pest, but sufficient has been done to determine the main points in its life history, and to point the way to the formulation of practical control measures. No sign of injury is noticed to the rhubarb until about the middle of June or later, when a wilting of the leaves becomes evident. On cutting into an injured plant the larvae will be found boring in all directions through the crown or in the stem. Late in July orearly in August,the larvae enter the ground and transform to pupae remaining in that state for about three weeks or slightly less, the moths emerging during the greater part of August and on into September. The first eggs were found on August Aug. 81st, the favorite place of deposition being the stems of couch grass (Agropyron repens) which was abundant in the rhubarb plantation. The eggs are laid loosely and sometimes in quite large numbers upon the stems, are often partly surrounded by the leaf sheath and can only be found aft- er a careful search. The fact that, under natural conditions the egg of the moth is deposited entirely on this weed, makes the method of control appear sufficiently obvious, viz.: carefully to destroy all weeds, etc., upon which the eggs would likely be laid. The eggs of this insect are circular in outline, faintly ribbed, and sculptured. They have a faint pinkish tinge. Diameter 82 mm. The mature larva is about 35 mm. long, the body being soft, distinctly segmented and without markings of a greyish color tinged with pink, sometimes quite deeply on the dorsal surface. The ventral surface and the legs are paler in color. The head is a shiny chestnut brown; the mandibles almost black. The tubercles are paler brown each provided with a stiff black bristle. The spiracles are shiny black. The pupae are brown in color and about 20 mm. long. PROCEEDINGS, 1915. 97 The adult has a wing expanse of 32-35 mm. The ground color of the fore wings is light brown with a slight tinge of red, and is transversed by a darker median band. The hind wings are a uniform dingy grey, crossed by a central light brown line. Besides injuring rhubarb, Hydroecia micacea has done considerable damage to potatoes in gardens in the vicinity of Yarmouth, numerous complaints having reached us from that district. The insect is of Euro- pean origin, the only other American records having been made by Mr. Arthur Gibson, one from Westport, N. S., where the larvae was found boring in a corn stalk and one from Tramore, Ont., also in a corn stalk. The adults of the moth have been captured at St. John, New Brunswick. In England it is known as the Potato Stalk Borer, as it seems to be particularly injurious to that plant, especially in gardens. English writ- ers mention various other plants upon which the larva is supposed to feed. Miss Omerod mentions potatoes, dock and Equisetum; Buckler, Equise- tum, Stainton, the roots of various Cyperaceae and Kappel and Kirby, the roots of Glyderia spectabilis, ete. It is apparent, therefore, that the insect is a pretty general feeder and the sudden outbreak in the rhubarb should occasion no surprise. REFERENCES. PwOL. Li As DeWeller Stainton, H. T., British Butterflies & Moths, Vol. I: 198 (1867) London. Kirby & Kappel, Brit. & Eur. Butterflies & Moths, :125 (1882) London. Buckler, Wm., Larvae of British Butterflies & Moths. Vol. IV.:51. Roy Society. (1886-1901) London. Tutt, J. W., The British Noctuidae and their Varieties. Vol. I: 64-66. (1891-1892) London. Meyerick, E. A. Handbook of British Lepidoptera, :119 (1895) London. Omerod, G. A., The Potato Stem Borer (Hydroecia micacea Esp.) Rep. Inj. Ins. (1898-1899) Staudinger-Rebel, Cat. der Palaearctichen Lepidopteren, :186 (1901) Berlin. Entomological Notes, Hydroecia micacea Esp. Jour. Bd. Agr. (1903) No.4: 519. London. Gibson, A., Hydroecia micacea Esp. in Canada. 39th Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont.: 45-51 (1908) Guelph, Ont. Hampson, G. F., Cat. Lepid. Phal. Vol. 9. : 43 (1910) London. Grunberg, K., Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands: 104-105. (1910) Jena. Brittain, W. H., The Stalk Borer (Hydroecia micacea Esp.) Rept. N.S. Sec’y for Agriculture, for 1914, :29 (1915) Halifax, N, S, 98 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. THE TEACHING OF ENTOMOLOGY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Prof. Ip fy De Wolfe Director ofeddaam! Education. Societal one of the most fascinating topics for Nature Study in schools is that of Insects. I shall outline briefly what I think are a few of the strong points in favor of this subject. First. A Study of Insects is Suitable to all Grades. Very young children, in their play, are interested in “‘bugs.” The unnatural fear and disgust displayed by some of our school teachers when asked to pick up a caterpillar are quite absent with children. The young- er children, therefore, play with them. Older ones become acquainted with the habits of a few common insects; and still older ones study them from the economic standpoint, or possibly even the scientific standpoint. Second. Material is Abundant. Children may search long and far for some rare plant. But if we use the material at hand, plants are abundant. Soitis withinsects. In the winter,eggs and cocoons may be found; and in summer the caterpillars, maggots, grubs and their corresponding adult forms are everywhere. Possibly the teacher feels more competent to teach about plants; but it is a mistake to ignore the insect world, when our gardens are over- run with insect pests. Third. This Study Teaches Scientific Observation. We make many mistakes by not having learned the scientific habit of thinking and reasoning. Nothing, perhaps, will better teach this habit than a study of insects. Cause and effect are often separated. One ob- serves a certain result. The cause may not be evident; but is usually as- sumed. A man told me, only a few days ago, that the Lady Beetles were destroying the leaves on his elm trees. The leaves were curled and with- ering; and the Lady Beetles were there. Therefore, his conclusion was convincing. He had not noticed the plant lice on his trees. He did not know they were the real cause; and that the Lady Beetles were possibly there through a personal interest in the plant-lice. He might have no- ticed ants on the same trees; and blamed them for the damage. But it chanced that he did not. One accustomed to careful insect study will examine more closely before drawing a conclusion. They will prove rather than assume. Fourth. Some Insects (Butterflies and Moths) are Beautiful. The showy insects always claim first attention, through their beauty. Children become interested in collecting them. The teacher will use PROCEEDINGS,"1915 Dg them for drawing and color work. Incidentally, the habits and life his+ tory will be studied, and the economic importance discussed. Fifth. Insects Can Move. There is much more sport in chasing a butterfly or moth with a net then in walking up to a defenceless buttercup and plucking it from the field. Therefore, children find an interesting side to insect study that did not belong to botany. How interestedly we all have watched the “‘mea- suring worms” loop their way along, always bent on “getting there.” How to Teach Entomology. Every teacher will have her own way of teaching the subject. Avoid the scientific classification and technical study of wing-veining and minor details that cannot appeal to any normal child. Let the children collect caterpillars and rear them to adult moths and butterflies. Their discoveries will prove sufficiently fascinating to induce them to make further investigations. Become acquainted with the garden pests. Find out from farmers the various means of control. Use common names for common things—and many insects are too com- mon! Possibly the children can find out where grubs and maggots come from. The teacher will give suggestions. Teach the control of the fly pest; and give talks on insects and their relation to disease. We are heirs of all the ages. Therefore tell the children the interest- ing things other people have found out. Then set them some problem to find out. Don’t, however, set them a discouraging task. Begin with the nearest material, such as the cut worms or the army worm. The children can get the life history of these insects very readily during July, August and September. Study habits of flies and mosquitoes. In fact, be on the alert at all times. Don’t worry about lack of material. When an interest is once aroused, the children will take care of that. Keep Government Bulletins and Reports on hand and allow the children to read them. As teachers, you can help each other and help us all by reporting your successes and your failures in teaching this subject. Let us know your experiences. 100 N.S. ENTOMODOGICAL SOCIETY. THE OBLIQUE BANDED LEAF ROLLER, ARCHIPS ROSACEANA HARR. By Allan G. Dustan, Asst. to Dominion Field Officer. Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Annapolis Royal N.S. HIS species is one of the commonest leaf rollers found in our Pro- vince, where it does considerable damage to the foliage in spring and early summer and again in the fall. The spring and summer injury is caused by the larvae in the more advanced stages of develop- ment, which live in nests formed by rolling or folding and tying together leaves of apple, pear, plum and many other common fruit trees. The fall injury is due to the feeding of the immature larvae which live in small silken tunnel-like shelters on the under leaf surfaces. The winter is passed by the partially grown larvae, usually in the third but more rarely in the fourth stage, in tiny nests found at the tips of the twigs and fruit spurs, hidden away under small pieces of bark, dead leaves or bud scales. These hibernacula are constructed of fine, soft whitish threads closely woven together to form a structure varying great- ly in form and dimensions, yet closely adhering to the shape of the dor- mant larvae. When the tips of the buds show green the tiny caterpillars emerge, and feeding on the tender foliage, bore their way into the centre of the bud in a manner closely resembling the common Budmoth (T. ocellana). With the unfolding of the leaves the larvae leave the buds and feed upon the new foliage, rolling and tying down the edges of the leaves so as to form a tight shelter within which they feed and rest. Here they remain until mature, usually in the last two weeks of June, when they transform, right in their nests, to brown pupae from which the oblique banded, light cinnamon-brown colored moths emerge in two weeks or thereabouts, depending on the season. Mating now takes place and the eggs are laid, often in less than a week after the female emerges, in _ flat, greenish patches on the upper sides of the leaves. In ten days or two weeks the young hatch, the regularity of their emergence being truly marvelous. In one case noted, 90 per cent of the larvae, from an egg mass of over 150 eggs, hatched in less than ten minutes. They quickly crawl, or drop by means of silken threads to other leaves, where they wander about for a few hours, ultimately settling on the under surface, and there spin silken shelters under which they feed. A peculiar thing is that the larvae, when under these coverings, in almost all cases lie with their dor- sal surface towards the leaf and their ventral next to the web. This posi- tion is maintained even when actually feeding—the larvae bending their heads back until the mandibles come in contact with the leaf surface. Af- ter moulting two or three times, varying with the individual, the cater- pillars enter their winter quarters and by the end of August few are to PROCEEDINGS 1915. 101 be found on the leaves, the old shelters and feeding grounds on the under surface of the leaf alone showing where once the larvae had been at work. There is but one brood a year in Nova Scotia. Description of Archips Rosaceana. THE EGG. Eggs oval, 1.2 mm. long, .80 mm. wide; laid overlapping, shingle-like, in flat irregular pale green masses which appear as though covered by a thin film of wax. The membrane enveloping the egg is very thin and transparent and is traversed by a fine network of ridges which divide the surface up into many irregular cells. This membrane is finely pitted. The average number of eggs per egg mass, 159. THE LARVA. Stage I. Length after emerging from egg 1.7 mm. Head .24 mm. wide, shiny black. V-Shaped suture arising at occiput and spreading to clypeus. Mouth parts, light brown. General body, color pale yellow to lemon. Prothoracic shield slightly darker in color, shiny. Tubercles raised, also pale yellow, each bearing a short yellow seta. Thoracic and prolegs and anal plate concolorous with body. Stage II. Length soon after moulting 2.6 mm.—Head .34 mm. wide, light olive green, shiny, V-shaped suture distinct. Ocelli black arranged in irregular masses at the sides of the head. Prothoracic shield also light olive green, somewhat darker on posterior third. General body color dark to dirty yellow. Tubercles now more distinct, being still concolorous with body but more prominent, each furnished with a single hair. Anal plate, thoracic and prolegs all concolorous with body. Stage III. Length in this instar 4.0mm. Head .43 mm. wide, light brown in color, shiny. V-shaped suture as in previous stages. Ocelli black, arranged in crescent at sides of head. Prothoracic shield slightly lighter in color. General body color dark yellow, the intestine showing through as a darker orange band. Tubercles more distinct, raised above and concolorous with the surrounding surface. Each tubercle tipped with brown, and bearing a short seta. True legs black, prolegs dark yel- low. Anal plate shield shaped, concolorous with general body color. Stage IV. Length 6.5 mm. Head .57 mm. wide, jet black, shiny, V-shaped suture, spreading from occiput to clypeus, distinct, mouth parts prominent,greyish, tipped with black. Prothoracic shield piceous, bearing an anterior yellow band varying in width. General body color yellowish green. Tubercles darker, tipped with black, each bearing a silky hair. Spiracles raised, surrounded by a dark ring. Anal plate com- paratively small, shield shaped, very light brown in color and furnished with long hairs. 102 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Stage V. Length 8.5mm. Head .95 mm. wide, piceous. Mouth parts varying in color, in part light yellow tipped with black,the re—- mainder wholly black. Prothoracic shield concolorous with head. Gen- eral body color a shade darker than in previous stage. Tubercles tipped with black, each bearing a moderately long silky hair. Spiracles raised, circular, banded by a dark ring. Prolegs concolorous with venter, each bearing two dark bands situated on their outer lateral surfaces. True legs piceous, anal plate darker green than general body color. Stage VI. Length 15 mm. Head 1.75 mm. wide, shiny black. Mouth parts very light brown. V-shaped suture distinct. Prothor- acic shield jet black, divided into two lateral halves by a very narrow longitudinal green line. Dorsum dark velvety green, with a narrow darker green, dorsal line extending along its entire length. Venter much paler green. Tubercles lighter green than dorsum, each fur- nished with at least one hair. Spiracles round, ringed with black. True legs black, prolegs concolorous with venter. Anal plate large, shield- shaped, a shade lighter in color than dorsum. All the larvae reared, with the exception of one, pupated in this in- star. A single individual moulted a sixth time and did not pupate until the seventh stage was reached,when the body measured 17 mm. long and the head 2.2 mm. wide. THE PUPA. Length 13 mm. Width where widest 3.2 mm. General body color rich brown, darker on dorsal than on ventral side. Wing covers slightly wrinkled, more markedly so on posterior third. Abdominal segments finely pitted on anterior half, coarsely so on posterior. Dorsal segments bearing two rows of blunt spines. Spiracles oval, raised, darker brown than general body color. Abdominal segments bearing many yellow silky . hairs. Cremaster black, much wrinkled, bearing eight out-curving hooks— four of which are situated at the apex in a cluster, and the remaining four are born in pairs, a third of the way down, on opposite sides of the cre-_ master. PROCEEDING 1915. 103 A PARTIAL LIST OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OBSERVED IN AND ABOUT TRURO, N. S. From July 7 to August 4, 1915. By E. Chesley Allen. HE following species of Lepidoptera were captured in and about Truro, N.S., chiefly through the efforts of the students of the Ru- ral Science School, which was in session there at the time above men- tioned. Many species beside those given here were taken by the students, but owing to pressure of class work and the lack of material for compari- son, the writer was unable to identify many of the specimens, in the short time available for observing the students’ collections. This brief list has been prepared in the hope that students attending the Agricultural College and Rural Science School may endeavor to add to its numbers . It is hoped, too, that lists in other orders may be started. RHOPALOCERA. (Butterflies.) aoe) Peo true, LINNSOGe ys)... ...... 2.6.20 6 ee Swallow-t ail . Very Common. 88d. Pontia napi, var. oleracea. Harris......... Grey-veined White Nearly as common as Pontia rapae. 40. ERS A AP Pr ree Wr Cabbage Very Common. ya bs Eurymus interior. Scudder.............. Pink-edged Sulphur Several. ; 102. Argynnis atlantis. Edwards.......... Mountain Silver-spots Common. : 146. Euphydrias phaeton. Drury.......... Baltimore Checker-spot Several(at least half a dozen) were taken during the month by different collectors. This butterfly is apparently rare in other parts of the province. 189. Phyciodes tharos. Drury................Pearl Crescent-spot Common. Several unusually dark specimens taken. 217. Envanessa antiopa. Linnaeus............... Mourning-cloak Larvae common. 104 N. 8S. ENTOMOLOGICAL 219. Vanessa atalanta. Linnaeus.................. Red Admiral Several. 237. Basilarchia arthemis. Drury.................. Banded Purple Several. 239. Basilarchia archippus. Cramer...........+..+-++++: Viceroy Several. 258. Cercyonis alope. Fabricius.............. Clouded wood-nymph The specimens taken were intergrades between the forms alope and nephele, approaching, however, the latter. 288. Satyrodes canthus. Linnaeus......... Common Grass-nymph Very common in Victoria Park near the last week of July. 385. Feniseca tarquinius. Fabricins.................... Harvester_ Two specimens taken. 484, Atrytone hobomok. Harris............... Hobomok Skipper Several. 520. Thymelicus mystic Scudder............. Long-dash Skipper ; Several. 523. Thymelicus cernes. Boisduval and Le Conte. Common. 526. Pollotes peckius,. Kirby... ..... sss dei oe ob Peck’s Skipper Common. Heterocera. (Moths.) 656. Hemaris thysbe. Fabricius...Humming-bird Clear-wing. Several. 7038. pone: wonmmas, Stoll... 2. oO. dgeees + cas Gordian Sphinx : Several. 704. Sphinx luscitiosa. Clemens............... Clemen’s Sphinx One taken by Miss Olive M. Baldock. 721. Ceratomia amyntor. Geyer............. Four-horned Sphinx Two. Taken by Miss M. E. Young and Miss H. L. Lindsay. 728. Marumba modesta. Harris............. Big Poplar Sphinx Several. 729. Smerinthus jamaicensis. Form geminatus. Drury. The Twin-spotted Sphinx Several. 7380. Smerinthus cerysii. Kirby................. Cerisy’s Sphinx Several. 7381. Paonias exaecatus. Smith & Abbot........ Blinded Sphinx Several. PROCEEDING 1915. 105 732. TAT. Paonias myops. Smith & Abbot........Small-eyed Sphinx Several. Tropaemiamen uemnaeus 2 055.026. ee Ee Several. Telea polyphemus. Cramer...Polyphemus American Silk-worm Several. Anisota rubicunda. Fabricius. . ...Rosy Maple Moth Several. Ctenucha virginica. Charpentier..Brown-winged Ctenucha Several. Haploa confusa. Lyman.. .Lyman’s Haploa Two specimens only. Taken by ‘Miss E. M. Munro and the writer. Estigmene acrea. Drury.............. Salt-marsh Tiger-Moth Common. Isia isabella. Smith & Abbot............Isabella Tiger-moth Common. Diacrisia virginica. Fabricius......... Virginian Tiger-moth Common. Hyphoraia parthenos. Harris....... St. Lawrence Tiger-moth This moth, usually rare in Nova Scotia, was unusually common in Truro during the month. At least a dozen specimens were taken. Apantensis virgo. Eee cd. < . ws ws ese Virgin Tiger-moth Common. Halisidota maculata. Harris...........Spotted Tiger-moth Common. Alypia octomaculata. Fabricius....... Eight-spotted Forester One. INNS RIM... ons eee Cnae hae ae Several .. Apatela americana. Harris........... American Dagger-moth ; Common Apatela dactylina. Grote............. Fingered Dagger-moth Several Microcoelia dipteroides. Guenée........... tga ag ga Om ane One. Hadena ducta. Grote................Speckled Gray Hadena Two. Rhodophora florida. Guenée...............--- see eee eee e eee Two. Taken by Miss Anna McGregor & Miss N. J. Sinclair. Dome AIOE, Ee ata css 5... a ei aca eee deb ween Several. Pheosia dimidiata. Herrich-Schaeffer...................-.+--- One taken by Miss M. C. Moseley. 106 ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 3120... Sophodontaferruginea.. Packard... .... 0.0.55. wsbete ls... sh One. 3125. Symmeristaalbifrons. Smith & Abbot....... One. 3149. Schizuraconcinna. Smith & Abbot..................4.5 00-00 One taken by Miss M. C. Moseley. $160a; Ceturamultiiesrivta. Riley..........«siesoiti shee eee One taken by Mrs. E. C. Allen. 3229... Drepans.arquata.. Walker..i.......«sadwales okeoweed Ds sac cee One. 3248. Eudulemindica. Walker............ Very Common. 3332. Euchoecaalbovittata. Guenée.. White-striped Black-Geometrid Several. 33840. Hydria undulata. Linnaeus........ Seallop-shell Geometrid Very Common. 3359. Rheumaptera hastata. Linnacus...... Spear-mark Geometrid Common. . S871. Meésolenca runcilliata. Guen6e.si).. ieee s sce e sd cedekeswheeeen : One. 3604, ..:Buildonianotataria, Walker... .:i.avanseiasiais .d sie eke x ee Common 3606. - Orthofidonia semiclarata. Walker..........°:...wedsti esse eee One. 3608. Orthofidonia vestaliata. Guenée.......0........0.0 ec eee ee Common. 3647. Sciagraphia granitata. Guenée....... So eae Granite Moth One. $164: : Caripetadivaettia. Walker.:':’.’. G0ts@eaegee 7). foie Two. 3855., Cleora larvariasGuenée...°. onsen cs... See eee Several. 3925. Xanthotype crocataria. Fabricius......... Crocus Geometrid Very common. ) 3954. Euchlaena serrata. Drury..............Saw-wing Geometrid . One. . 3981. Metanemainatomaria. Guenée. One. Taken by Miss M. C. Mossley. 4277. Desmia funeralis. Manner ee Grape-leaf Folder One. Taken in Victoria Park. . _ 4472. Pyranstafunebris. Strom...... PME ling een ha a Several. 4487, Nymphuls icciusalis. . Walker... ....,.. .. ... -ci5ce, cee oes Very common in cat-tail swamp west of Truro. PROCEEDING 1915. 107 Nymphulaekthlipsis. Grote............... ss le dle'al e Pelee as Schoenobius melinellus. Clemens............................ One. . Schoenobiusforficellus. Thunberg......-.---..--...-.-..::.ee00ee Very common in cat-tail swamp west of Truro. Crambus girardellus. Clemens.................. Close-wing Five. Alltaken in Victoria Park. , Crambpus leachellus. Zineken..................... Close-wing Common. Crambus alboclavellus. Zeller....................Close-wing Several. Crambus perlellus. Scopoli..c.-................. Close-wing Very common. ES, 0 Several. Crambus calignosellus. Clemens-..--.---------+-----+:+sseeeeees Several. RU ECC VIUG. IRE, og cee ce ct ce ete ensees One. rei Wr ivGl Itt SIIICLQCCVIM MES, . oo. ot eo ase e oduis wee Several. Mpesocesumarmene. Clone sis... . 2... 0-ceccusasepeee’s One. Tortrix fumiferana. Clemens. ........... Spruce Bud moth The larvae were very common in Victoria Park near the first of July, and by the end of the month, the moths were flying. Sthenopis argenteomaculatus. Harris..-.-.--.-----+-++:++++++++: Several. $5 tee ‘- ers 3 jes j ' P 4 if F — The Second Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Nova Scotia was held at Truro on August 4th, 1916, some one hundred and five persons being in attendance. The proceedings took the form of a short business session in the morning, followed by the reading of papers at the afternoon and evening meetings. Following the afternoon session a short collecting trip was made, during which a number of interesting captures were made and discussed. The following officers for the year were elected: ign: SeORIGeRE Ceo ets... 6. oo Dr. A. H. McKay, Halifax Predgent c.c2 ta eceies. soo oe E. C. Allen, Truro Ni@@sFTOBIUGUNUia ic teeta... ce eee L. A. DeWolfe; Truro Secretary-Treasurer............................W.H. Brittaim, Truro Asst. Secretary-Treasurer.......................G. E. Sanders, Annapolis MC OMIMICER Ne wea en a Sk ee o) hee oe ee J. M. Seott, Truro A. G. Dustan, Annapolis Secretary-Treasurer’s Report INCE the last meeting was held about 100 letters have been written relative to the work of the society. In November last year your Secretary attended the meeting of the Ontario Entomological Society at Ottawa, and made a re- port on the formation of our Branch. The members seemed gratified to learn of the organization of a society in this province and were pleased to welcome us as a branch of the parent organization. The existence of strong societies in British Colum- bia, Montreal, Nova Scotia and elsewhere, should do a great deal towards stimulating entomological work throughout the Dominion. The publication and distribution of our annual report was arranged for, and 2000 copies printed, a number of which are still available. It is to be regretted that the proof- reading could not have been given more careful attention, a circumstance that is re- sponsible for several bad typographical errors occurring on the pages of the Report. Care should be taken to prevent a recurrence of this in future years. However, I think that the publication was appreciated by the members of the society, and numbers of congratulatory letters have been received from entomologists in various parts of Can- ada and the United States. The sincere thanks of this society are due to Prof. M. Cum- ming, through whose efforts we were enabled to have our report printed by the Provin- cial Government. A list of insects contained in the collection at the Agricultural Coliege has been pre- pared and will be published. The assistance of the membersis solicited to fill up the gaps in this collection. A record will be made of all such donations and due credit given. With the start already made and with the facilities at our disposal, we are now in a posi- tion to build up a strong central collection of the insects of this province. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM H. BRITTAIN. FINANCIAL REPORT. Year Ending December 31, 1915. Printing Programmes, eee See $ 2.50 Subscription to ““Canadian Entomologist” .......................... 20.00 Membership Subscriptions received...........................040-. $40.00 NS SENS MEIGS I AEE CADE AS EDO $17.50 6 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. T GIVES ME the greatest pleasure to see at this meeting such a large and repre sentative body of the teaching profession of the province, and as a member of that profession I ask the liberty of addressing my few remarks principally to the teachers present. Since this is but the first anniversary of the founding of the society, I wish to take the opportunity to explain something of its aims and purposes. The society was formed a year ago for the double purpose of stimulating interest in the general study of entomology, and for the dissemination of knowledge concerning our insect enemies and friends; and since these purposes can best be accomplished by working through the rising generation it has been wisely chosen, I believe, to hold our annual meetings at a time when such a large body of teachers can be present. The dignity and importance of insect study needs no vindication. There are still, but only among the uninformed, traces of the old notion that the study of “‘bugs’’ is a somewhat silly pastime, but the last remnant of this ideais fast disappearing before the march of modern scientific thought. It has been wisely said that the next great war will not be a war between nation and nation, but a conflict between the human race and the insect world for the possess- ion of our globe. Every farmer and fruit grower in the country is ready to testify to the fact that, owing to the increase of insect enemies, it is becoming more and more dif- ficult to raise his crops; and every year the market in certain food products is more or less affected by the ravages of insect pests. We do not need to be reminded that the thorough knowledge of the habits of any enemy is a mosi necessary factor in successfully combating that enemy. Hence the in- ereasing importance of insect study. It is to the teachers of the province that we must look for assistance in this work. No intelligent teacher will ever experience any difficulty in interesting children in the study of insects. Children are’naturalists by nature, and it is only from lack of en- eouragement, or in many cases the presence of positive discouragement, that in so vast a majority of men and women this love for nature and interest in natural objects died in childhood. Nor should any teacher be dissuaded from assisting her pupilsin their observations of insect life by the fact that she herself is lacking in entomological knowledge. Rather let her and her pupils be seekers togetherfor knowledge, and the very fact that the teacher herself is in quest will serve as an inspiration to her pupils. It is not the teacher who does not know all that is asked her who is the depressing agency in a school, but the teacher who is satisfied not to know, or worse still, the teacher who, not knowing, at- tempts to conceal her ignorance. Not long since, it was my privilege to have from the mouth of one of the oldest entomologists in America an account of that famous school in nature study conducted by Agassiz. To that great class, many of whom have since become famous in the an- nals of science, the greatest inspiration was the frequency with which their renowned instructor said “I don’t know,” or broke into delighted exclamations over the marvels of some marine form, new alike to him and to his pupils. We wish you, as teachers, and all others at all interested in insect study, to make this society your society, and to feel perfectly free to call upon any officer or member of the society for information, or for assistance in identifying your specimens. We also wish you to help the society by giving us at our meetings or in our publications the re- sults of any interesting observations t hat you may make, and by assisting in building up the provincial collection of inSects toward which Prof. Brittain has already made such an excellent beginning. PROCEEDINGS, 1916. 7 ADDRESS. Dr. A. H. MacKay, Superintendent of Education. T IS only a year since I spoke at the organization of the Nova Scotia Entomolog- _ ical Society and we have already a well illustrated and valuable volume of Pro- ceedings of more than one hundred pages. This creditable beginning could not have been made if we had not in our Secretary-Treasurer a man of unusual energy as well as of scientific enthusiasm and accurate scholarship, which has been and is a characteristic of his distinguished family. Such a volume alone is well worth the annual fee of members; but when member- ship in the Nova Scotian Society gives membership in the great and now venerable En- tomological Society of Ontario, with its monthly output of Canadian Entomological Research, and its Annual Report written and illustrated for the untechnical public— just the kind of introduction needed by the beginner—it appears to be a sin for any teacher to miss the chance of getting such interesting and valuable literature. In addi- tion to all this Mr. Brittain puts each member on the list for the Dominion Entomolo- gical reports, We are fortunate here in Nova Scotia to have the Normal College so closely asso- ciated with the College of Agriculture and its growing laboratories for research work into all that concerns agriculture, horticulture, forestry and the cognate sciences under- lying the industries based on the soil. Our teachers, therefore, have a grand opportun- ity to prepare themselves to develop in the schools an appreciation of the good points and eminent advantages of intelligent rural life. And while doing so they are simul- taneously preparing their pupils for success in any other vocation whose success depends on accurate observation and sound reasoning therefrom. These are qualities of mind essential to success in the learned professions, and especially in those who may aspire to leadership of any kind up to statesmanship. Now a good practical outline of entomological fundamentals and of a few local Species will be of very great value to the teacher for several reasons. First, the insects are always at hand, at home in the garden, on the crops in the fields, on the shrubbery by the wayside, on the roadway itself, in the logs and trees and water pools along the pupils’ route, and under the chips and stones by the playground. Second, their life history and work are among the easiest biological phenomena to be observed from beginning to conclusion, and thus they offer most convenient ma- penn enable pupils to understand nature’s way, and how nature’s ways can be dis- covered. Third, even a very limited knowledge of a few species may have great practical value. For instance, when we discover how we may destroy most economically insects which attack crops or fruits or prevent their excessive multiplication. The countryman who would laugh to scorn attempts to study the relation between cause and effect when they did not appear to have any bearing on what he considers useful, would have no objections when he could see a utilitarian application. In the June Canadian Forestry our own Mr. J. M. Swaine reports that the Canadian lumber industry is damaged annually to the extent of from $25,000,000 to $75,000,000 by in- sects which bore into the wood or bark, or otherwise injure the forests. Therefore in- sects habits are important—of cash importance. In the United States the damage to the lumber business exceeds $100,000,000 every year. To crops, cattle, etc., as well as to the forests, they damage industry to the extent of one billion dollars annually. If the farmer’s taxes should be raised from one per cent to one and a half in order to have a first class school, what a howl would be raised! The insects on an average tax him at least 10 per cent of his annual crop. Were a human power to impose a tax of the ; or pagan imposed by insects we should have rustics arise on every farm who would e 8 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ‘‘Some village Hampden that with dauntless breast The little tyrant of his fields withstood.” find at least a vigorous voice if not effective action. The Hessian fly has for many years taxed the United States annually $40,000,000; the cotton-boll weevil $30,000,000; the codling moth $15,000,000,000; the chinch bug $7,000,000. To these add the gipsy and browntail moths, the San Jose scale and the like, and the amount will soon amount high towards the billion dollars. From Deuteronomy 28:38 we read of the ancient experiences of the Fast: “They shall carry much seed out into the field, ‘‘And shall gather little in; ‘For the locust shall consume it.”’ The year I moved down to Halifax from Pictou,18',a cloud of locusts,two thousand miles wide, crossed the Red Sea, eating up every green blade visible. And only eight years before, in the little island of Cyprus, not far from the coast of Palestine, over 1300 tons of locusts eggs were collected and destroyed. Now, instead of sitting supinely under a supposed judgment, we endeavor to discover the real cause, which enables us already in many cases to prevent or abort the incidence of old time plagues. A know- ledge of the truth of nature sets us free. Ealand says in his ‘‘Insects and Man’’: “Ttis fortunate for man that theinsect world is divided against itself; ““except for this check the human race would be extinct in five or six years.” Huxley estimated that a single green fly would in ten generations, providing all conditions were suitable, produce a mass of organic matter equivalent to five hundred million human beings. From the Proceedings of our own Entomological Society during its first year you can estimate how much Nova Scotia is taxed each year by several of these petty ty- rants of our fields—and that is only a small part of the cost; for they not only destroy human food but human energy and human life as well as useful animal life. Fourth, the proper study of the relation of the cause and effect in the insect world is one of the easiest introductions to the understanding of the characteristics of natural law. It emphasizes the importance of accurate observation for the discovery of truth. Things are not always what they seem. Belief in a falsehood will inevitably bring its own punishment. The truth alone can make us free from the penalties of ignorance. No matter how innocently, righteously, or wrongly we may place ourselves in the course of the stone just about to fall in virtue of the law of gravity, we may be ground to powder. In other words, one who lives in God’s world must know God’s laws, conform his conduct to them, or suffer the inevitable penalty. Such anintroduction to the work of Nature’s God, and its subsequent extention, is equally important (if not more so) to the scholars and leaders of men, as to those in the humbler planes of life. For reasons of which these are only suggestions I hope all our teachers may interest themselves in this sub-department of nature study, when they can so easily obtain a- bundant hints and aids at the expense of so small an annual membership fee as that fix- ed for the Entomological Society of Nova Scotia—one dollar for several dollars’ worth of popular as well as the most important entomological literature of our own country. There is the patriotic side of it. I recognize this in all our teachers who come to Truro during their vacation to prepare themselves for more effective teaching in the elements of science so necessary not only for our rural schools, but for those ofourtowns and cities. For our population we have the best attended rural science training schools PROCEEDINGS, 1916. 9 in Canada—probably in America. The pecuniary advantage to you ib so small that this extra effort and expense on your part is the clearest proof of your patriotic spirit. You are doing it from the pride of excelling in your profession, and from the belief that you are thus becoming more useful to your country. Andso yor are. You may not reap an equivalent in increased salaries but you will have thesatisfaction of feeling that your country owes you more than you oweit. And all the wise people developed under your influence will for ever afterwards bear testimony in their careers, as well as in their words, of your valuable service in training them to see and think to advantage. Such people as you are the real builders of a progressive and happy country. SOME RESULTS FROM A FEW COMBINATION SPRAYSIN 1916. By W. H. Brittain. HE following paper records the results of some spraying experiments conducted under the direction of the writerin some small orchards in Digby Co., using various combinations of fungicides and insecticides. In addition to the four regular summer sprays ordinarily recommended these orchards received one or two additional sprays for the apple maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella), a pest that has been abundant and destructive in these orchards for a number of years. These special sprays applied for this insect were of arsenicals alone, without the addition of a fungicide. The apple maggot is not a pest ordinarily met with in the commercial or- chards of the main fruit belt of Nova Scotia, and the results of the control experiments directed against it are published elsewhere. For these reasons only the eTects of the four regular sprays are considered in this paper. These sprays were applied at the fol- lowing periods: When the leaf buds were just beginning to open out. Just before the blossoms opened. Just after the blossoms fell. Two weeks later than the third spray. ae ett In addition to the foregoing the results obtained by one fruit grower, viz: Mr. John Buchanan, of Waterville, Kings Co., are given for the reasons that he used a very weak solution of Bordeaux mixture, employing an excessive quantity of lime, and this mater- ial was not used in any of our own experiments. Those of another grower, Mr. William Bishop of Williamston, Annapolis Co., are also given, as he tested two combinations against each other in his own orchard. These orchards received only the four regular summer sprays. Table No. 1 summarizes the teatment given the diferent orchards. Numbers 1 to 4 inclusive were sprayed under the direct supervision of the writer. No. 5 is Mr. Buchanan’s orchard, and No.6, Mr. Bishop’s. In the cases where lime sulphur was used the dilutions given are for the ordinary commercial product,testing 33 degrees Beaume. A power outfit was used in all the orchards except No. 4, where only an ordinary barrel ‘pump was available. N. 8. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 10 qgnoysnoiyg3 “sTe3 “J9ZVM JO *"109BA JO *10ZBM JO *10VVM y ‘aysed pay jo aqe “PESM FYING LOMO | OF OF "SQLS | SHOP TEST | Spor pes T /f1g 09 [V3 T | gg 07 [eB T |-uosie pus mnydins owyy] 9 qnoysnoiy3 J0}VM “sTes | JazVM “sles | JozVM “syes | J0qzVM “sTe3 | J0yUM “STR “OULT] JO oVRUAS “PASM 3YINO LOMOT! OF OP"GTE | OF OF“GLT | OF OF°QIT | OF 99QIT OF OF “GQ ] | AB pus anydyns a[qnjog 9 “pe -ppe owt jo AyWQUenb “104 “104 104 “104 @AISSIOXS PUB BINUIIO] —BM'S]23 YOT |—Ba's]e3 OT | -eM ‘sTe3 OQT| -eM “sTe3 COT AIVUIPIO UVYZ JoyBEM | ynoYsnosyy | ‘aur “sq] OZ | ‘eur, sq] OZ | ‘eurT] “sqT 0 ‘Oull] “Sq] OF Yonul Xnvepiog eG], | Jez ‘sjes (ayeydins Jed jazeydins sed |ayeydns sed | 93eyd[ns sod! -aysed pve] Jo oyvUuesIB “PasN 7YINO JaMOd| OF OF'Sq| ET | teddoo-q] f | -doo ‘sq, ET | -doo ‘sq, fg | -doo ‘sq. ig | pue oinjxl xnevopi0og G “spieyo ~10 Zutpeveid ul uey} | ynoysno144 * (peiep YIOM YSNOIOYY Ssa] |10}zBA"S[V3 OF) J0zVM “sye3 | JozeM ‘sTe3 | 10zeM ‘s]e3 | Joq@M ‘s[e3 | -mod) pt a 9} eUes Pus pesn zygNO pu) OF °G[TB JOE! OF OGL T | OF O94 T | OF OF GIT | OF 09 ‘qIT | -ae pus AInYaTNs e[qnjos v qynoysnoly4 . |109BM‘STRS OP) JoZVM STeZ | JezVM “sTeZ | 10zeM “sTeZ | J0QeM “s[e3 “@UII[ JO ayRueS “PESN FYING JaMOT! 07 “1B JOE | OF OF'S4TE | OF 97 SQLE | OF 09 SqTE | OF 07 SqTE | -ze pue inyding wnweg g qgnoysnoi144 **(pelep J07ZBmM “S[V3 OF) 10}VM “s[eB | JozVM “sTe3 | 103eM “s[eB | 10}eM “sTe3 | -mod) ‘QUI JO o4vueSs “PESN FYING TOMO) OF-QTBJOE | OFOF'GTT | OF O94 T | OF 02°41 T | OF 09 GIT | -a8 pus AINYaTNS e[qnjos 3 qnoysno144 Ja}VM JO*sTeZ| “JoJVM ie *194BM JO *10zVM p *1OVBM og ‘aysed pve] jo 038 “PESN FYINO JOMOT! OP OF “SQL Z | $9 03 123 T | OG 0 [eS T | OG 07 [eB T | Gp 07 “[e3 T |-uosze pus inqa[ns oury T “uOsIog “£vidg *Avidg “Avidg *Avidg [voruesiB “Udy “Pls pug “987 piByoio “SyIVUSY jo “Pesf) [2072 yO ON wonnid ‘eplisung jo wong “S@UVHINO 'TIVINAWINAdXA LINANSAIIG NIAID LNAWLVAGL ‘I'ON ATEaVL ll used PROCEEDINGS, 1916. since this variety was found in all the orchards and is very Table No. 2 summarizes the results obtained. In this table Gravensteins are used susceptible to apple scab. For the convenience of the reader the spraying solution in each orchard is repeated in this table. as a basis for comparison, “Avids 1S¥] Wl01j SAA TO] “@Ul] JO ayBUasIB jo SuimojeA awiog 002 (2st | 9 rd LZ | pue inyd[ns ajqnjog “Peay Jo a}Bues 00% |I8t | 0 0 ZI | -av pue inydyns ewry ) "peal jo o48 00% |OLT | & 9 ZI | —Uesie pus xneveplog ‘saA Be] JO doup oinjeu -oid puv Jurmorjed nt -iapisuos pesnes Avidg UIT] JO ayBUesIE “‘pasn yzno pues 0001 ose | FI él 0LZ| pus anydjns efqnjos “Avids siqesopmtiog epasyose Sulpesesd uy se eed s1qd qSUIVIE HIOM OA NIE ourEs| ‘Supa of ou pmo gunoo age — wae ‘@UI] JO ay BUESIB SUIOWUPATID MOj U ATU 002 |90L | @ g OL pue inyd[ns wnweg peounouoid sel} aul0s *pBal jo oqeues UO SAAB] JO SULMOTIAA 00OT |108 | ¢ 8 &% gg | ae yinydinse[qn[os; 2 "PBa] Jo ayeues 0002 |9F8I| 2 L 1y 18 Wy Inydns eury|) J 2|§7| #2) ¢ e2| (8 ; SYUVNGY Beh go| & hie ey] peaPen |e . Z 2. SLS4d LNA4F A410 WOUASATANENI AO “ON ‘THON @TavV 12 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. In the foregoing experiments soluble sulphur (sodium sulphide) and barium sul- phur (barium tetrasulphide), two commercial preparations sold in powdered form as substitutes for lime sulphur, appear to be inferior to this preparation in fungicidal value. Both of them, particularly soluble sulphur, caused some leaf injury, and this was the general experience throughout the Annapolis Valley where these preparations were used. In some cases there was very little or no injury in evidence, and in most cases this in- jury was only apparent following the third and fourth sprays. It should be noted that this season all solutions seemed to give more injury than in ordinary years. Orchards 1, 2 and 3 were sprayed by the same man in the same locality and under very similar conditions, but the other orchards were in different localities and doubtless under a variety of conditions. We were not able, in all experiments to make as large counts as we would have wished, to secure accurate results, though in most cases they corresponded quite closely with those observed elsewhere. These experiments are here described as a matter of record and should be regarded as a basis for further work. The investigation was undertaken in consultation with Mr. G. E. Sanders, of the Dominion Entomological Branch, to whom the writer is indebted for suggestions. ‘* Vv HOW TO COLLECT AND PRESERVE INSECTS. By L. A. DeWolfe. UTTERFLIES and moths are more attractive than other insects. On this account, however, one should not refuse to study all branches of insect life. Different insects must be caught in different ways. For butterflies and day flying moths an insect net is necessary. It may be made as follows: Take a piece of stout wire 4 feet long,—a wire barrel hoop will do very well,— and bend it into a circle about eleven inches in diameter. This will leave about six inches at each end to be twisted to- gether to form a handle. After twisting these ends together get an old broom handie or similar straight stick, and with strong twine firmly tie the wooden handle tod the short wire handle in such a way that the combination will form one stiff handle. Then get a yard of cheese cléth or mosquito netting, sew it into a bag and sew the bag to the wire circle. Plate II, Fig. 7 shows the net complete. With this net do not try to catch butterflies on the wing, but wait until they alight. Exact directions for manipulating the net are scarcely necessary. After one loses a few insects, one will originate ways of preventing this, which will be far better than following printed instructions. The next necessity is a poison bottle for killing the insects. Text books give elab- orate ways of preparing such a bottle. Personally, I prefer the simplest way. I sug- gest that you gét a pint fruit jar—or even a half pint jar may be more convenient—and five cents worth of potassium cyanide. Wrap the cyanide in a small quantity of cotton batting to prevent its tumbling about in the bottle, place it in the bottle, and then cut a piece of pasteboard or blotting paper slightly larger than the inside area of the bottom of the bottle. When this is foreed down against the cotton batting it should fit so tightly against the sides of the bottle that even tho the latter be turned upside down the contents will remain in place. Adda drop or two (no more) of water, screw or clamp the cover in place, and the bottle is complete. The Queen fruit jar is the most convenient form. It fastens with a wire clamp Always keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use. Don’t attempt using a bottle that is not air tight. The cyanide will need renewing each spring; and possibly once about mid-summer. It is obtained from druggists. Be extremely careful in handling the cyanide, for it is deadly poison. Be sure to wash your hands immediately after handling it. PLATE I. we — — ow - a — le wey eo t 1. Schmidt box of Coleoptera. 2. Cyanide bottle and small phials containing larvae. 3. Spreading board with insects in position. 4. Glass top case of Lepidoptera. 5. Inflating apparatus. ; PLATE II. fig. 2. Bullerfly (dprsoplers) rig. 9 4b. Meliod of foleing Peper for envelopes: firs!” Reser cpoag mf AD ana CB; fren on BF and EA. (fearevn afer folland) PROCEEDINGS, 1916. 13 Use your bottle for butterflies and moths; but don’t put beetles in with them. Their sharp claws will injure the wings of the other insects. Plate 1, Fig. 2 shows the bottle in use. This figure also shows small phials in which larvae or chrysalids may be preserved in formalin. A collection is much more valuable if it shows the complete life history of a few in- sects. The larvae are more difficult to preserve than are the other stages. Any book on entomology, however, will give instructions which will enable one with average pati- ence to inflate the larva skins. Plate 1, Fig. 5, illustrates the apparatus used. Even with simpler apparatus than this one can do creditable work. For collecting moths at night either a light or a sweet bait is necessary. Very often the moths collect round our lighted windows on warm sultry evenings, and by holding the bottle below the moths they will often drop in without one’s having to touch them. To get a greater variety, however, it is wise to try the bait. Mix a cup of molasses with half a cup of water, and into this mixture put banana skins, rotten apples, spoiled preserves, or any such material to giveit a strong odor. It is well to have this mixture prepared a day or two before using. Then on a warm cloudy evening go out to the edge of a woodlot or into a park or even to the shade trees around the house, and, with an old cloth, rub a little of this bait on the trunks of trees. Do this just before dark. After dark go round to the same trees with a lantern and your cyanide bottle. If moths have come to the bait you had spread for them approach quietly, hold your open bottle be- low them and they will drop into it. Here, again, practice is worth more than further written detail. It is wise to have one side of your lantern darkened so that the operator is in the dark, while the moths are in the light. Do not be discouraged if the catch is small at first trial. Keepit up. Some nights one won’t get anything; other nights, one might get over a hundred specimens. I have caught as many as four hundred in one evening, made up of thirty-five kinds. Often, too, I have caught nothing. It is almost useless to use the bait near a flower garden. The flowers are likely to be more attractive than the bait. Neither is it wise to use it near town lights. Having caught the butterflies or moths the next thing to do is to preserve them. When dry, they cannot spoil. The only precautionis to have them in tight boxes where other insects cannot get at them. The larva of a small beetle is very fond of feeding on them. If possible stretch them the day after they are caught. The wings are then pliable. The method of stretching depends somewhat on whether the insects are to be mounted on pins or between cotton batting and glass. The latter for most purposes is preferable for it permits rougher handling. One way to stretch butterflies and moths is to have a very smooth board of pine or white wood, about two feet long,four inches wide, and with a groove about one-eighth of an inch wide and one-eighth deep lengthwise along the centre of the upper surface. This groove is for the body of the insect. Insert a small pin through the body of the in- sect from the upper side towards the lower, and between the front pair of wings. Then place the insect on the board with its body and feet on the groove, and push the pin into the wood at the bottom of the groove. This will hold the insect in place while you ar- range its wings. The front wings should be drawn forward until their hind edges are at right angles to the body. Then draw the hind wings forward to close the space be- tweer the two pairs of wings. Pin strips of paper on the wings to hold them in this posi- oe for two or three days until dry. They will then be stiff, and will remain so perman- ently. It would be wise to cross two pins astride the body to hold it in place, and then withdraw the pin which was put through the body at first. If one tried to withdraw the 14 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. pin after the insect has dried, the body is liable to break. Some collectors place the insect on its back on a smooth board or a shoe-box cover and arrange the wings while in that position. A stretching board is shown on Plate I, Fig 3. If it should happen'that you can’t stretch your insects within a day or two after catching them, you can re-soften them at any time—even in mid-winter—by putting them in a small paper bag which can be put into a tight fruit jar containing wet moss, Leave in a warm place for two or three days, and then stretch according to previous dir- ections. If left too long in this moist bottle the insects will mold. After having dried on the stretching board the insects should be mounted in some attractive, yet permanent way. While one can use box covers or spool boxes, filling them with absorbent cotton, cutting glass to fit, and finishing with passe partout bind- ing, it is much more satisfactory to buy Riker Mounts. They can be had in various sizes but a convenient size is 8x12 inches. Mounts of this size cost 40 cents tach, and the purchaser pays postage. Order by parcel post from Geo. M. Hendry Co., Toronto. Send say 20 cents extra for postage, and they will refund any surplus left over. Platel, Fig. 4 shows Lepidoptera mounted in this manner.. Many collectors, however, prefer to leave the insects mounted on pins,as in Plate 1,Fig.1. See Plate II, Figs.1-4 for cor- rect place toinsert pin. Common pins are not satisfactory for this work. It is better to get black insect pins, which cost 15 cents per 100. If your book-seller can’t supply them, order from Geo. M. Hendry Co., Toronto, enclosing two cents extra for postage. No. 2 is a convenient size. Do not mount beetles, flies and other insects in the same box with butterflies. Don’t include spiders with insects. Don’t put caterpillars in your cyanide bottle. Give them a chance to grow under your observation. Get a good insect book and find out what to look for in the field. Then look forit. Don’t stretch beetles. They should be mounted in their natural position. During the winter, one can start an insect collection. Watch for cocoons, on trees in grooves of rough bark, on board fences, and elsewhere. Put these in boxes or pickle bottles until spring. During the thaw in winter, one might find larvae or pupae in moss or under old leaves in the woods. Wood-borers may be found in old wood or inside the stems of elder, raspberry, etc. Trace hollow stems of currant bushes down to the roots. These ‘‘hollows’’ are made by the current borer. Get acquainted with our commonest insect pests. The commonest moths flying in August and September are the cut-worm moths. Keep cutworms in boxes of earth next summer, and try to discover which larva develops into each adult form. Use avail- able free sources of information. Get the annual reports of the Provincial Entomolo- gist, Truro, and of the Dominion Entomologist, Ottawa. For names of species, you can get assistance from the Agricultural College, or the Normal College, Truro. Besides, Mr. Arthur Gibson, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, and Mr. E. Chesley Allan, Truro, N.S., have kindly offered to name insects sent to them. Among helpful books which should be in every school library are:— Insect Life, by J. H. Comstock, Price... . 0... .e00s0.t5.0inde. $1.75 Moth Book; by Pollemé, Price .........% .2de tee. eh ee 4.00 Butterfly Book, by Holland, Price........................-. 4.00 Insect Book, by Holland, Price..................... 5 tones BOs 4.00 In each case the purchaser pays transportation charges. You may get these through your local book-seller or from MacClelland & Goodchild, Toronto. PROCEEDINGS, 1916. 15 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate 1, Fig. 1—Schmidt box of Coleoptera. Plate 1, Fig. 2—Cyanide jar and phials for larvae. Plate 1 Fig. 3—Setting board with insects in position. Plate 1, Fig. 4—Glass topped case, containing Lepidoptera. Plate 1, Fig. 5—Inflating apparatus. Plate II, Fig. 1-4—Insects of different orders, showing where pin should be inserted. Plate III. Fig. 5—An envelope with butterfly inside, showing how specimens may be kept when it is not convenient to spread them immediately. Plate II. Fig. 6—Paper with ruled lines, showing how to prepare the envelope. Plate II. Fig. 7.—Insect net. Note.—The illustrations in this paper have been kindly furnished by the members of the Entomological Staff, Agricultural College, Truro. THE NOVA SCOTIA DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY. By W. H. Brittain, Provincial Entomologist. HE entomological work in Nova Scotia has only been carried on as a separate branch of the Provincial Department of Agriculture for the past four years. Prev- ious to that time Prof.H.W. Smith, as Professor of Biology at the Agricultural College, and earlier at the School of Agriculture had given considerable attention to entomological work in addition to his other duties and had charge of the teaching of the subject to the normal and agricultural students, as well as those teachers attending the summer session of the Rural Science School. In this way considerable interest had developed throughout the province in entomological work. Owing to the great value of the Nova Scotia fruit industry, and the damage sus- tained through the activities of various insects, the need for further work along entomo- logical lines became increasingly apparent. The necessity for this was further empha- sized by the discovery of two new and destructive insect enemies in the province, viz. the Brown-tail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn.) and the San Jose Scale (Aspidio- tus perniciosus Comst.) Recognizing the importance of this subject and the dangers to which Nova Scotia fruit growers and farmers were subjected because of these pests, the government in September, 1912 appointed a Provincial Entomologist in the person of Dr. Robt. Matheson. During the year that Dr. Matheson held office a strong department was built up, the work of exterminating the San Jose scale was prosecuted with vigor, a study was commenced of our more important insect pests, demonstration exhibits of a number of injurious insects were prepared, the regular courses at the College were attended to, considerable general collecting was done, and the routine of the department carried on. The department also co-operated in the Brown-tail Moth campaign with the Dominion Entomological Branch. In addition to the foregoing Dr. Matheson prepared the fol- lowing bulletins:—San Jose Scale situation in Nova Scotia, a Bulletin of Information, Bulletin No.3; The Injurious Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act, 1911, and the Regu- lations Issued Thereunder, Bulletin No. 4; and The Brown tail and Gypsy Moths, Bul- letin No. 5. Since Dr. Matheson’s resignation the position has been held b y the writer. The work of the division follows several distinct lines. 16 N. 8. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1. Inspection. According to the regulations issued under the Destructive Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act, 1911, all nursery stock entering this province from other parts of Canada or from the United States, is subject to the fumigation and inspection at one of the two ports of entry, viz. Digby or Truro. No stock is allowed to enter except through these ports and its import is restricted to two months in the spring and two months in the autumn. To help pay a part of this cost a small inspection fee is charged. In addition to the inspection at the port of entry, a farm to farm orchard inspection has been made, in an effort to exterminate, if possible, the San Jose scale, which was scattered all through the fruit district on imported nursery stock. Though it would be unsafe to say that this pest has now been wiped out in Nova Scotia, it has at least been brought very close to that point. Should it eventually prove that the efforts of the en- tomological inspectors have been successful, it will be an achievement unique in the history of economic entomology. ; In our field inspection we were able to secure a very complete and accurate census of the fruit industry, the condition of the orchards, and the pests with which they are affected. In fact, we believe that we have the most complete records in existence re- garding this matter, and this information, which is on file at the office on the card index .plan, is of immense value in carrying on the work of the department. In addition to the foregoing the officials of this division co-operate with those of the Dominion in a cam- paign against the Brown-tail moth. 2. Investigation. During the past two years laboratories have been established with insectaries at- tached, for carrying on investigations regarding various orchard pests. The Smith’s Cove laboratory is situated in the midst of a bad apple maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella) infestation, and from this centre our work against this pest is carried out. Our Kent- ville laboratory, which is situated on the grounds of the Dominion Experimental Sta- tion, is the chief point from which we have been prosecuting our experiments with the green apple bug (Lygus communis var. novascotiensis Knight). We have also a wire house insectary at Truro, where general work is being done. At all these different places we have been making a special study of the different sucking insects that attack the apple and pear. For the results of this work the reader is referred to the Proceedings of this Society, and to Bulletins 8 and 9 of the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture. In addition to the foregoing an extensive investigation of insecticides and fungi- cides to be used by fruit growers is being made, in co-operation with the officials of the Dominion Branch. 3. Educational. The teaching of entomology to the students at the Agricultural College is one of the duties of the Provincial Entomologist and this occupies a part of the time during the dormant season. A certain number of classes are also taken with the students of the Rural Science School. In addition a certain amount of demonstration work is done in various orchards throughout the Annapolis Valley, which properly comes under this head. 4. The Insect Collection. During the short time in which this Division has been in existence something has been done in the way of building up a representative collection of Nova Scotian insects, No attempt at systematic collecting has been made. The specimens we have brought PLATE ITI, 1. Science Building, Agricultural College, Truro, N 2. Entomological Laboratory, Kentville, N.S PLATE IV. Entomological Laboratory at Smith’s Cove, exterior view. Entomological Laboratory at Smith’s Cove, interior view. PROCEEDINGS, 1916. 17 together are simply those that have been gathered at odd moments by the officials of the department. A list of this collection will be published as soon as time permits,which shows plainly the random nature of this collecting, for, while we have taken a consider- able number of forms that are new to the province and some that are new to North Am- erica, many of the commonest species are absent. For this reason donations of even the most common species will always be gladly accepted and due credit given. The collection is housed in the new Science Building at the Agricultural College, Truro, where the head office and laboratories are situated. 5. Aplary Inspection. An act for the suppression of diseases among bees (The Fou! Brood Act, 1916) has recently been passed by the local legislature, and by the terms of this Act the adminis- tration thereof has been placed under the Provincial Entomologist. An inspector has been appointed in the person of Mr. C. B. Gooderham, B. S. A., who is prosecuting this work and conducting an educational campaign for better methods in bee keeping. 6. General. A large correspondence regarding insects injurious to crops is carried on by the provincial entomologist, and many specimens are examined and reported on each year. A large demonstration collection of various injurious insects has been prepared and is being added to continually. The public are invited to make the fullest use possible of the information at the disposal of the department. With the very efficient work being carried on by Mr. George Sanders, Field Officer of the Dominion Entomological Branch, the entomological needs of the province should be fairly well attended to. THE EFFECT OF CERTAIN COMBINATIONS OF SPRAYING MATERIALS ON THE SET OF APPLES. By G. E. Sanders. URING the past three years many prominent growers in the Annapolis Valley have made the statement that they, “Sprayed the apples off the trees with lime and sulphur’’. In 1915 the writer was fortunate enough to be called into the or- chard of Mr. G. L. Thomson, of Berwick, who had been carrying on a few experiments privately. Mr. Thomson had used on all of his trees, for the two sprays before the blos- soms and one after, lime sulphur, 1.008 sp.gr.,or 1 gallon of commercial lime sul- phur to 37} gals. of water, adding ordinary paste (acid) lead arsenate two pounds to 40 gals. For the fourth spray, two weeks after the blossoms, the same combination was used on all but two rows of trees. On them a Bordeaux mixture was used consisting of three pounds of lime, three pounds of bluestone (copper sulphate) to 40 gallons of water, adding two pounds of paste (acid) lead arsenate. Aside from the difference in the fourth spray, the treatment of the two rows was identical with the remainder of the orchard. ‘The trees sprayed with Bordeaux mixture for the fourth time bore easily three times as many apples as any other trees of the same variety (Kings) in the orchard. On June 18th and repeated on July 10th, 1915, small tests of several spraying solu- tions were made on some young Wagner apple trees in the orchard of F. H. Johnson, of Bridgetown. On two pairs of trees lime sulphur 1.008 sp. gr., or 1 gallon of commer- cial lime sulphur to 37} gallons of water was used. The check or unsprayed trees aver- 18 N. 8. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. aged 34 apples each when picked, while the trees sprayed with lime and sulphur gave but 6 apples on the four trees or an average of 14 apples per tree. These two tests, corroborating the assertion of many of the most reliable growers, indicated that a great amount of damage was being done by lime sulphur in the ordin- ary strengths in removing the apples from the trees. Just at what strength the lime sulphur began to burn was not determined, nor just when the greatest injury occurred, but the Thomson orchard indicated that the fruit was most susceptible to injury about two weeks after the blossoms. In 1916 the young Wagner orchard already mentioned was secured in order to fully test out the points in question. The first experiment was arranged to determine the strength at which the ordinary lime sulphur solution burned and at what strength it began to remove apples from the trees. A number of young Wagner apple trees of even size and bearing as nearly as possible an even bloom were selected. They were sprayed three times, once immediate- ly before the blossoms, once immediately after the blossoms and once two weeks after the blossoms, with strengths of lime sulphur varying from 1.004 sp. gr., or 1 gallon of concentrated commercial lime sulphur to 75 gals of water to 1.010 sp. gr. or one gal. con- centrated commercial lime sulphur to 30 gals of water. Paste (acid) arsenate of lead was used in one series and arsenate of lime (44 per cent arsenic oxide) was used in the other. The following table shows the number of apples matured on each pair of Wag- ner apple trees with the different strengths of solution. The unsprayed trees averaged 277 apples per pair of trees. No. of Apples Matured per pair of Wagner Trees. Dilution of Lime Sulphur Arsenate of Lead Arsenate of Lime 1.004 sp. gr., or 1 to 75 212 122 1.005 sp. gr., or 1 to 60 86 126 1.006 sp. gr., or 1 to 50 159 125 1.007 sp. gr., or 1 to 43 27 152 1.008 sp. gr., or 1 to 373 33 56 1.009 sp. gr., or 1 to 33 1 44 1.010 sp. gr., or 1 to 30 5 36 These results show that lime sulphur used 1.007 sp. gr. or one gallon of com- mercial concentrate to 43 of water and stronger, with arsenate of lead causes serious re- duction in the number of apples picked. Where arsenate of lime was used the lime sul- phur, 1.008 sp. gr., or one gallon of commercial concentrate to 373 gals of water and stronger, caused some reduction in the number of apples picked, but not so great a re- duction as in the corresponding strengths where arsenate of lead was used. It will be noted from the table that in all cases the trees sprayed with even the most dilute solutions of lime sulphur gave fewer apples than the unsprayed trees. The trees were sprayed with a coarse driving spray throughout and heavily drenched. The fruit from the unsprayed trees was almost worthless on account of insect injury and fungous disease, so these results do not constitute any argument against spraying but rather they indicate the desirability of more dilute solutions of lime sulphur and the fur- ther investigation of the material with the idea of rendering it more harmless. PROCEEDINGS, 1916. 19 The foregoing observations would seem to be corroborated by the following figures compiled from Bulletin 369 of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station by Reddick and Crosby. The accompanying table shows the average number of apples per tree from the check and the lime sulphur sprayed trees of the various orchards. Average No. of Average No. ofjapples per tree apples per tree|from orchard No. | Owner and Location. Variety. from unsprayed (sprayed with lime orchard. sulphur and arsenate of lead. 1. |E. W. Mitchell, Baldwin 1244.5 2352.25 Stuyvesant Falls, N.Y 2. |W. P. Rogers & Co., Maiden Blush 2606.5 2132.75 Williamston, N. Y. 8. |Jacob Jungbluth, Twenty-ounce 508.75 286.75 Spencerport, N. Y. Pippin 4. |F. H. Glidden & Sons, R. I. Greening 1272.3 165 Holley, N. Y. 45. |F. H. Glidden & Son, Baldwin 1633.25 273 Holley, N. Y. 6. |E. J. McClew & Son, R. I Greening 577.75 436.5 Newfane, N.Y. 7. |E. J. McClew & Son, Baldwin 1732.75 362 .6 Newfane, N.Y. The lime sulphur was used 2} gals. to 100 gals. of water in all cases excepting in orchard No. 3 where it was used 3 to 100. It will be seen by examination of the foregoing figures that with one exception the yield from the check trees was greater than from those sprayed with lime sulphur and arsenate of lead. Regarding orchard No.1 the authors state that apple scab was not prevalent in the orchard during the summer, so that evidently the greater crop from these sprayed trees was due to individual variation and not to scab control and an ex- amination of the figures show that it is not accounted for by increased insect control. It is conceivable that the greater crop received from the unsprayed trees might have been due to chance but it is significant that the results should have been so consist- ‘tent throughout. Period at Which Spray Causes the Most Injury. To determine this point another set of Wagner trees was selected and sprayed at different periods with lime sulphur, 1.009 sp. gr., or 1 gallon of concentrate to 33 gallons of water, adding paste (acid) lead arsenate 2 lbs. to 40 gals. In this experiment other ‘Wagner trees were sprayed with Bordeaux mixture 4-4-40 formula at the same dates as 20 N. 8. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. the lime sulphur, to determine if at any time it was a safe spray as regards russetting the fruit and also to determine if it caused less drop than lime sulphur, as indicated in the Thomson orchard at Berwick the previous year. No. of Apples Matured per pair of Wagner Trees. Lime Sulphur 1.009 sp.gr.,, Bordeaux mixture 4-4-40 Time of Spraying. paste lead arsenate, 2 lbs.|paste lead arsenate, 2 lbs. to 40 gals. to 40 gals. ; Immediately before blossoms ODLY 6 shod dk eas 159 327 OBUY oo «seeks ROE Stead 108 204 QUIT is 0... Wisete ais alvin eee 30 231 These experiments, conducted in a small way, are all in favor of Bordeaux mixture as far as quantity of fruit is concerned. Where the Bordeaux was applied immediately before the blossoms 7 per cent of the apples were russeted slightly; where it was ap- plied immediately after the blossoms 43.6 per cent of the apples were russeted moder- ately,while on the trees that received Bordeaux two weeks after the blossoms only 3 per cent of the apples were russetted very slightly. Lime sulphur at one gallon of concentrated to 33 of water apparently does but little harm before the blossoms. It possibly does a little harm after the blossoms in re- ducing the quantity of apples, but does not at that period give the russeting that Bor- deaux mixture does. Two weeks after the blossoms seems to be the time when lime sulphur does its greatest damage, while at this period Bordeaux is comparatively harm- less in so far as russeting of the fruit and causing “‘drop” is concerned. Taken together with the observations of the previous year, and considering the cost of materials, the experiments in Mr. Johnson’s orchard indicated that the best and most economical combination of materials would be lime sulphur in a weaker solution than we have hitherto used it,with arsenate of lime, for before the blossoms; lime sul- phur about 1 gallon of commercial concentrate to 50 gallons of water, with a reduced quantity of arsenate of lime, for immediately after the blossoms; and a very weak Bordeaux mixture for two weeks after the blossoms. Soon after this opinion had been formed it was found that Mr. Wheelock Marshall - of Clarence had practically followed this plan, spraying his orchard as follows: Im- mediately before the blossoms with lime sulphur 1 to 50, adding 2 lbs of paste (acid) ar- senate of lead to forty gallons; immediately after the blossoms with lime and sulphur 1 to 60, adding 2 lbs. of paste arsenate of lead to 40 gallons; and two weeks after the blos- soms with a Bordeaux mixture made up of 6 lbs. of bluestone (copper sulphate) 6 lbs. of stone lime to 100 gals of water. The result was that a count of Gravensteins gave 98 per cent free from insect injury and 99 per cent free from apple scab. There was no noticeable leaf injury, no russeting that could be traced to the spray, and no tree in the orchard that indicated any drop of the “set” due to spray injury. Thespray calendar PROCEEDINGS, 1916. 21 for 1917 which has been formulated from numerous observations and small experi- ments during 1915 and 1916 was thus fortunately followed by Mr. Marshall in his orchard in Beaconsfield with entire success. Small experiments with other spraying materials and combinations indicate the possibility of greatly improving the present sprays as indicated here and as published in the spray calendar for 1917, but as they were tried out on a small scale only in 1916 it does not seem desirable to publish the results or make recommendations without further experiments on a larger scale. The writer is indebted to Prof. W. H. Brittain for advice and suggestions during the season on spraying problems. THE ACRIDIDAE OF NOVA SCOTIA. By C. B, Gooderham, Truro, N.S. HE Acrididae is one of the families of Saltatorial or jumping Orthoptera, out- ranking in numbers and importance all other families of this order. It only contains the short-horned grasshoppers with which we are so familiar. Every- where we go in the field or pasture, riverside or roadside, some member of this family will be seen jumping about during the summer. In some localities these insects appear in large numbers, causing considerable dam- age to our hay and grain crops. This loss is spread over such large areas that it is often passed unnoticed in our province, but in some other provinces and in the United States methods of control have to be practiced against them. LIFE HISTORY. All of our Acrididae, except the sub-family Tettiginae, pass the winter in the egg stage. These eggs are deposited during the fall months, from August till late October. The female selects a suitable place either in soft soil or old decaying logs or stumps. She bores a hole with her strong ovipositing plates and deposits her eggs about an inch below the surface. The eggs are laid one at a time and in regular order. During the egg- laying process a gelatinous fluid is emitted around them, which mixes with the surround- ing material and hardens, forming a protecting capsule or sac around the eggs. When the eggs are all deposited the insect slowly withdraws her abdomen, gradually filling up the opening with a mixture of fluid and dust, mixing it with her ovipositing plates. About the third week in May the eggs begin to hatch, and lively little nymphs can be seen almost everywhere. They have no wings, but in all other respects are similar to the adults. Born with a strong pair of jaws and a voracious appetite the little hopper com- mences to feed on the tender grass which surrounds him on every side. In a very short time the young nymph appears to be sick and refuses'‘to hop or eat. If it is watched for a short time a wonderful change is seen to occur. The skin splits along the back and gradually the young hopper emerges from its old skin, which is left hanging to the grass or other object upon which it was resting. This change takes place five different times during the nymphal stage of the hopper and at the fifth moult it emerges as a fully de- veloped grasshopper. . The sub-family Tettiginae passes the winter either in the nymphal stage or as adults. The eggs are laid during the spring and summer, hatching in a short time; those that hatch late pass the winter as nymphs. 22 N.S. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The members of this family can be recognized by the following characteristics:— The antennae are always shorter than the body, flattened at the base, filiform or threadlike; the joints are distinct. Ocelli are always present, foveolae usually so. The pronotum varies in form and size, but in most species it is saddle-shaped, the dorsal surface almost covering the three thoracic segments. In one sub-family it extends back over the abdomen, and in some species beyond it, and is often mistaken for the teg- mina. The tegmina and wings when present, and in repose, are held in a horizontal position along the dorsum and partly against the sides. The auditory organs are locat- ed on the first segment of the abdomen one on each side. The fore and middle legs are of about the same size, while the femora of the hind legs are enlarged for leaping. The tarsi are three jointed, the last joint bearing a pair of claws between which is a small pad or pulvillus, except in the sub-family Tettiginae. The ovipositor consists of four short, horny plates or valves, projecting from the tip of the abdomen. Key to Sub-families of Acrididae. A. Pronotum extending back over the abdomen. Tegmina represented by small ova! scales at sides. No pad between tarsal claws ...... Tettiginae. AA. Pronotum not extending over the abdomen; claws of tarsus with pads be- tween them. Tegmina varies. B. A prominent spine between front pair of legs.............Acridinae. BB. Nospine between front pair of legs. Cc, Face more or less oblique, usually meeting the vertex at an acute angle. Foveolae usually well developed. Pronotum never raised in form of a crest or cut by more than one sulcus.................. Tryzalinae. CC. Face more vertical and rounded than above; foveolae not well developed. Pronotum raised in form of a crest and cut by more than one sulcus. Oedipodinae. SUB-FAMILY TETTIGINAE. The members of this sub-family are known as ‘‘grouse locusts’”’ and are our small- est acridians. At first glance they are easily mistaken for immature grasshoppers, but upon closer inspection they are readily distinguished by the pronotum, which extends back over the abdomen. The tegmina are represented by small oval scales at the base of the wings. The hind wings are fully developed and are usually large and folded lengthwise beneath the pronotum. The tarsal claws have no pads between them. The ovipositing plates are armed with teeth on the outer edges. These small insects can be found on bright days, very early in the spring and all through the summer. They are quite common on grassy hillsides and by the sides of streams. There is great variation in color, yet blending so well with their surroundings as to make them difficult to find unless searched for very carefully. They are well dis- tributedithroughout the province. Key to Genera of Tettignae. A. Antennae with 12-14 joints. B. Median carina high, crest-like, arched longitudinally. Superior lateral sinus shallow, about half as deep as the inferior sinus...... Nomotettizx. BB. Median carina low, dorsum rather flat. Superior lateral sinus about same depth a8 interior RUA . 0. 6.055. clans.