ie ee ye em : ong | Author ot ee ee ee ee eR ee ee eee SESS See mem ee me we ne ne a et a eee ee ae Renae ee wee ee eta ee eee a ewe ee eee ee en eee eee eee er ee ee Nemes Sewn keen tena mw a a oo en Se RR 8 RRS RR Re RRR RR em a a GPO 16—7464 he Ls : ZA OF THE By ANNUAL Convention ie OF THE a iis JayMan § Iss HELD AT Fremont, December 9 and 10, 1885. Compiled by H. H. WING, Sec’y. 18886. HERALD BOOK AND JOB PRINTING House: FREMONT, NEB. CLAUDIUS JONES. WM Lig Owns Claudius Jones gon. PROPRIETORS Prairie {awn ond : Hlakdale Stock aris. BREEDERS OF . Mhul- ein and GHalilein Oalltle. S™WARD, - NEBRASKA. vek for Sale. : R, GEO. W. E. DORSEY. : E. H. BARNARD. J. DIXON AVERY. They pay Cash for Butter and Eggs. No Freight, Cartage or Commission charged. Are always in the market, desirous of shipments. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also J. DIXON AVERY, Manager. oe Yobbers of ftaple Fruits, Cranberries, ¢ic. | APPLES A SPECIALTY. F : REFERENCES:—Any Bank or Banker in Nebraska. fail Orders solicited: FREMONT, NER. PROCEEDINGS OF THE First Annual Convention OF THE Nebraska Doirymen’s Association, - Fremont, December 9 and 10, 1885, Compiled by H. H. WING, Sec’y.: 1886, HERALD BOOK AND Joz PRINTING HOUSE 3 FREMONT, NEB, ales SU GS Ae SEcTIon I. This organization shall be known as THE NEBRASKA DATRYMEN’S ASSO- CIATION; its objects shall be the premotion of the dairy interests of the State. Src. I. Any person who snuall pay into the treasury of this Association one dollar shall be a member one year. and be entitled to all the privileges and immunities thereof, and any person who shall pay into the treasury five dollars shall be a life member thereof, and shall be exempt from annual payments. Ske. Ill. The ofiicers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secre- tary and Treasurer, and five Directors, who shall be chosen from its members, and as many addi- tional Vice Presidents as may be deemed advisable, chosen annually at the regular annual meeting, and shall be the officers for the year next following their election and until their successors shall be chosen. Sec. IV. The President, Secretary and Directors shall constitute a Board of Managers, who shall manage the affairs and control the business of the Association. A majority of the board ata regularly called meeting shall constitute a quorum to transact business. Sec. V. A meeting of the Association shall be held annually on the second Tuesday of Decem- ber, tor the election of officers, and for holding a convention at such place in the State as shall be designated by the Board of Managers. Sec. VI. Publie notice of all regular meetings of the Association shall be given by the Secre- tary at least twenty days before the meeting. and a written or printed notice shall be mailed to every member thereof. All meetings of the Board of Managers shall be called by the President or Secre- tary, or by any three of the Board of Managers. notice of which shall be given to each of the mem- bers thereof at least five days before the meeting. Src. VII. Any vacancy which may occur in the Board of Managers may be filled by appoint- ment, by the Board, for the unexpired term for which such officer was chosen. i SEC. VIL. The place of business of this Association shall be where the Secretary has his residence. Src. TX. These by-laws may be changed or amended by a majority vote of all the members of the Association present at any annual meeting. ie LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SEP 30 1937 DIVISION OF DOCUMENTS SA 12N41 kh nn A At the time of the Fremont convention it was not thought pos. sible by the board of managers to publish a report of the proceedings The substantial support received there has rendered publication pos- sible. Having no stenographic notes to depend upon, the discussions - are naturally incomplete; but the compiler wishes to acknowledge the aid rendered by the Fremont and Omaha daily papers and the kindness of the authors of the various papers read_in furnishipg him extra copics OL Lede uunuseripts, a OG oe ee President—J. DIXON AVERY, Fremont, Dodge county. Vice President—K. McINTYRE. Seward, Seward county. Secretary aud Treasuver—H. H. WING, Lincoln, Lancaster county, « BOABR OF DIRECTORS: «. S. C. Bassett, Gibbon, Buffalo county. W. A. Carpenter, Sutton, Clay county, W. G. Whitmore, Valley, Douglas county. H. B. Nicodemus, Fremont, Dodge county. O. M. Druse, Lincoln, Lancaster county. VICE PRESIDENTS AT LARGE: R. W. Furnas, Brownville, Nemaha county. Allen Root, Omaha, Douglas county. J, W. Liveringhouse, Grand Island, Hall county. D. P Ashburn, Gibbon, Buffalo county. D. A. Cowell, Beatrice, Gage county. Davis Richardson, Clarks, Merrick county. J. O. Chase, Fairmont, Fillmore county. H. H. Brainard, Fremont, Dodge county, J. J. King, West Point, Cuming county. J. B. Dinsmore, Sutton, Clay county. Thomas Carroll, Ayr, Adams county. Smith Atkins, Seward, Seward county. Henry Fry, York, York county. J. G. Southwick, Bennett, Lancaster county. LIFES MEMBERS. D. P. Ashburn, Gibbon, Buffalo county. J. Dixon Avery. Fremont Dodge county. W. A. Carpenter, Sutton, Clay county. L. S. Cofiin, Fort Dodge, Iowa. R, W. Furnas, Brownville, Nemiha county. Otto Magenau, Fremont. Dodge county. Lewis Schroeder. Omaha, Douglas county. J G. Southwick, Bennett, Lancaster county. W.G. Whitmore, Valley, Douglas county. HH. Wing, Lincoln, Lancaster county. Honorary, W. D. Hoard, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. - ANNUAL Elijah Allen, Omaha, Douglas county. Mrs. D. P. Ashburn, Gibbon, Bufialo county. S. D, Atkins, Seward, Seward county. E. H. Barnard, Fremont, Dodge county. S. C. Bassett, Gibbon, Buffalo county. C. E. Bessey, Lincoln, Lancaster county. . H. Brainard, Fremont, Dodge county. . B: Brainard. Fremont, Dodge county. +, W. Bull, Chicago, Tl. homas Carroll, Ayr, Adams county. . G. Cherry, Cedar Rapids, lowa. . Christensen, Fremont, Dodge county. . B. Dinsmore, Sutton, Clay county. 412), rag North Bend, Dodge county. . M. Druse, Lincoin, Lancaster county, ndrew Eicke, Omaha, Douglas county. . L. Eno, Fremont. Dodge county. . B. Fargo, Lake Mills, Wis. H. KE. Fish, Walworth, Wis. T. Frahm, Fremont, Dodge county. Henry Fuhrman, Fremont, Dodge county. L. A. Griffith, Fremont, Dodge county. Horace E. Griswold, | remaat. Dodge county. Honorary, Hammond, Bros., fribwee, btu li.t. L. M, Keene, Fremont, Dodge county. F. J. Hoerger, Sutton, Clay county. hes, Fremont, Dodge county, night, Minneapolis, Minn. W. J, Use, Fremont, Dodge county, 2oosgosE id O N. L. H Sok MEMEERS. J. W. Liveringhouse, Grand Islana, Hall county. W. A. Margritz, Mapleville, Dodge county. M. Matthieson, Kennard, Washitgton county, Ed. Mcintyre, Seward. Seward county. J. C. Merritt, Sutton, Clay county. Phil. D. Miller, Panora, Lowa. W. H. Munger, Frement, Dodge county. H. B. Nicodemus, Fremont, Dodge county. Chas. Pease, Fremont, Dodge county. H. M. Quackenbos, Omaha, Douglas county. W. T. Ransdell, Columbus, Platte county. J. H. Reed, Columbus, Platte county. Wilson Reynolds, Fremont, Dodge county. Davis Richardson, Clarks, Merrick county. W. E. Riddle, Omaha. Douglas county. Allen Root. Omaha, Douglas county. Chas. W. Sheldon, Fremont, Dodge county. Honorary, N. W. Smails, HERALD, Fremont. A. F, Smith, Fairbury, Jefferson county. J. G. Southwick. Bennett, Lancaster county. D. J. Springer, Fremont, Dodge county. C. W. Stevenson, Fremont, Dodge county. D. VY. Stevenson, Falls City, Richardson county Frank Stevenson, Fremont, Dodge county, Wm. Sutton, Table Rock, Pawnee county. Julius Treitschke, Omaha, Douglas county. J. M. Williams. Waterloo, Douglas county, Y. A, Wolcott, ELs City, Douglas county, ° Pavers and Rddresses Read before the First Annual Convention of the Nebraska Dairymen’s Association, held at Fremont, December 9 and 10, 1885. The first session of the convention acs -mbled in the opera house at 8 p.m. on Thursday, December 9. There was a large audience, many counties of the state being represented. The meeting was called to order by J. Dixon Avery, of I'remont, and after the audience had sung America and prayer had been offered by Hon. L. 8. Coffin, of Fort Dodge, lowa, Chairman Avery introduced Geo. L. Loomis, Esq., who welcomed the convention to Fremont as follows ; ADDKESS OF WELCOME, G. L. LOOMIS, ESQ., FREMONT. e fr. President, and Gentlemen of the Associations In the city of Fremont honest men, engaged in honest work, or actuated by honest motives, are always sure of a cordial reception. Our doors are ever open, our hearts ever warm, our hands ever rea uy to greet and welcome the stranger who comes among us to work in a good cause or in an honorable calling. And recognizing, as our citi- zens do, the magnitude of the interests that you g@ centlemen represent, and the impor bares of the work that you are doing, and knowing full well the high character and standing of the men engaged in that work, they could not let the occasion of your meeting among Us pass without extending to you a formal and hear ty - welcome to our city; without assuring you ‘of their interest in your work; and without, as far as possible, helping y you to enjoy that occasion, and to feel at Wome while you are here. The great aim of the industrial world at present is tewatee per- fection. The inventor. the artisan, the manufacturer and the producer are all striving to reach the hichest attainable excellence. Improve- ment follows close upon improvement; what was the best but a few years ago has already passed out of use, given way to something vastly better. The advancement, both in knowledge and in skill, during the past few years has indeed been wonderful, aud the man who does not appreciate this fact, and who does not try to keep abreast of the 6 advancing spirit of the age, had better retire from business at once and give way to some more energetic person. But this advancement has not been brought about solely by isolated individual effort, and associated knowledge and counsel have been strong elements in producing this grand result. Life is too short for any one man to learn by personal experience and research all that may be learned upon any one branch of human kuowledge or industry; but by taking advantage of the experience and wisdom of others he may learn in a few minutes what he could not acquire by years of personal effort. The world recognizes this fact—industrial humanity is acting upon it. Prompted by a desire to utilize, as far as possible, the experience and wisdom of the ablest for the benetit of the many, and to promote a more thorough practical knowledge of various subjects, societies have been formed fond associations organized in the different professions and branches of industry. The doctors, the dentists, the lawyers, the manufacturers in different lines, laborers in various specialties, agriculturists, horticulturists, wool producers, wine producers, stock raisers, and men engaged in various other pur- suits all have their organizations, and why should not you gentlemen who are identified with the great dairying interests of the country have yours, where you can meet ‘and counsel together, interchange thoughts and ideas, relate experiments and experiences and give to one Another the benefit of what you have individually learned; so that each one at the end of the year may not only have the peaeaa of his own observations and experience, but of the observations and experience of many others in the same indust The dairying interests of our country have already reached vast proportions, and should not be underestimated by any one. epre- senting as they do, in the manufacture of butter and cheese alone, an annual production approximating one thousand million pounds of the former, and thirty million pounds of the latter; with an investment of many millions of dollars; with hundreds of thousands of laborers elpl loyed ; and with millions of people who see the fruits of this industry every day upon their tables, and who could scarce eat their daily bread without sweetening it ith the products of the dairy, interested in the result, surely this is by no means an infant in tlic ereat family of human industry. To assist in educating this vast army of producers by collecting, condensing, and disseminating the practical knowledge and aa oF the ales so as to place them within the reach of all; to bring avout a more general knowledge and appreciation of lie dairying interests; to raise the standard of excellence in dairy products, aud to protect them from base imitations; to promote concert of action, ussuciated effort aud associated knowledge and couusel; in shiort, to zi advanee the intéres's of this oreat industry, and in 80 doing romote the welfare of the people, is a part of the work you have BPs you, and a noble work it is. And we of Fremont feel honored that you gue come to our city to hold your first annual meeting. And we assure you, one and all, that you are not only welcome here, but that we are heartily glad to have you among us. We trust your session here will be both a pleasant and profitable one, and that you may all have safe return to your homes, carrying with you none but the pleasantest recollections of your meeting in Fremont. In response Hon. Robt. W. Furnas, of Brownville, said that he came only to be a looker-on, but as fates had decreed that he should respond he would do so, only wishing that it had fallen to abler hands. Te assured the audience that it was a pleasant duty to speak for the delegates and thank the people for their warm and hearty reception. He showed that it was absolutely necessary for the farmers of Nebraska to resort to the very best methods of “ con- densation” in order to make a living protit above what was charged for freight rates. He said that this soil is capable of raising a diversity of crops and the dairying interests cannot fail to be as rofitable as any others. Hon. L. S. Ceffin, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, also responded to the address of welecine. He said he was glad to see so much interest manifested in this convention, and hoped that the farmers of the neighboring country were hem to become interested in the discus- sions and proceedings. The mission of this Association is to bea school of instruction. It is not to be a dress parade. What we want to make is better farms, better farmers, and a richer State. The poorest counties in Iowa as to soil are the very richest in wealth because the farmers are in the dairying business. ‘This interest is one which benefits everybody, the merchants, the mechanics, and “everyone else. I visited the Fremont Creamery after arriving here and a peculiar feeling came over me. I felt that the farmers living contiguous to I'remont did not fully know the value of this institu- tion 0 the country. It is a great educator and there is not a farmer’s wife living wishin a radius of many miles of Fremont but now knows much more about making butter than she did before it was built. Time will come when there will be better farms in this vicinity, more tame grass meadows, a better class of cows than now graze on the wild prairie grass in the summer and run in the corn stalks in the winter time. Miss Edith Turner, of Fremont, then appeared and sang “The 8 The eae of the. ‘Association, S. C. Bassett, of Gibbon, | was then introduced and delivered his annual address. ‘ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT. : 8. C. BASSETT, OF GIBBON. Ladies and gentlemen of the Nebraska Dairn ymen 8 Associations One year ago during the meeting of the Fine Stock Breeders’ Association of this State, held in the city of Lincoln, a few persons interested in dairying met and organized the Nebratee Dairymen’s Association, and this is its first annual meetin The only work done at the meeting of one year ago was the adoption of a constitution and the election of officers. The object of the founders of this Association was the promo- tion of the dairy interests of the State, and to this end we invite the co-operation of everyone interested in develop’ ne the resources of the State, and most earnestly desire the heart ty encouragement and sup- port a all manufacturers of or dealers in da ury eoods. sr Nebraska cifers unusual advantages to those desiring to engage in dairying. The climate is healthy, and all kinds of live stock are free from disease. Our broad prairies, in their natural state, are covered with a luxuriant growth of nutritious grasses, and enterprising farmers, in every well settled county of the State, have demonstrated time and again that tame grasses, such as clover, timothy, blue grass, red top, &e., will not only grow, but produce bountiful crops of well matured hay. Croakers are wont to say, “Oh, the Missouri valley does well enough, but how about the 100th endian. 24 Pe -ermit me to say that very near to said meridian there was har vested this year 24 tons per acre of well cured, mixed clover and timothy hay, and 14 tons of clear timothy hay, and this on meadows which have been mown for three successive years. Blue grass, even when sown on the raw pr airie, soon crowds out the natural grasses. The same section produces well matured crops of corn, oats, flax, wheat and other grain, as Ww cll as all vegetables suitable to this laa tude. So that the 100th meridian when mentioned as “an arid waste,” “The great American Desert,” “'The extreme ‘limit of land euicable for agricultural purposes, ” exists only in the imagination. In no State can millet, timothy or prairie hay, corn fodder, corn, oats, rye, and roots, some or all of which are needed at times 9 to supply 2 profitable food ration for the Cairy cow, be raised at less rime cost to the producer than in Nebraska. In addition we have an inexhaustible supply of pure water, of a uniform temperature the year around of about 50° Fahrenheit, warm enough for drinking purposes, and yet just the temperature required for raising cream by the deep can system. Our distance from market is greatly to our disadvantage in marketing the coarse and bulky products of our farms, but this does not hold true as regards dairy products. : It costs $1.10 per 100 lbs. freight charges. to market butter within a radius of 200 or 300 miles of New York City, while butter ‘an be shipped in refrigerator cars from this State to said city for 91.35 per hundred pounds. Although we can place our dairy goods on eastern markets at a less expense for freight, as compared with their value, than any other product of our farms, yet we are not compelled to depend entirely on eastern markets for sale of these goods. At our very door is one of the best of markets for dairy prod- ucts. The mining regions of Colorado, Wyoming and adjoining territories are large consumers of these products, and Nebraska dairy- men should and can if they will supply their wants in this respect. It has been urged that as good butter cannot be made here as in States farther east, yet when the better grades of Nebraska made butter are placed in the open market in competition with that made in older and acknowledged dairy States they have not been found wanting in any respect. Eastern dairymen deacon their calves because they cannot afford to raise them. To Nebraska dairymen they are a source of consid- erable profit; at 6 months, one or two years of ace they find ready sale at a cash price equal to that received in almost any market in. the United States, while the expense of raising is not one-fourth that of an animal raised in eastern States. The pig, next to the cow, the western farmers’ best friend, thrives no where so well as on a dairy farm, turning into hard cash and at good profit the skim milk not required for raising young calves. Thousands of steers come annually from the great cattle ranges to be finished for market on Nebraska corn and for each steer is needed one or more shotes to follow him in the feeding yard. So that there is always a good market at top prices for pigs weighing 100 to 200 pounds, and I will add, by way of parenthesis, that there is more real protit to the feeder, in the first 100 pounds weight of a pis that is made to grow from the word “ go,” than in any additional uudred, 10 The prices of farms in our State are cheap, altogether ‘too cheap considering their real value (and everyone owning land in Nebraska should keep it and not fool it away at present prices), and far less capital is required to purchase a dairy farm here than in older dairy States. Cows cost no more; hay and grain about one-fourth as much, while our dairy products net as much for the same quality of goods as do those of eastern dairymen. Nebraska is destined to take front rank as a dairy State, and the question for her farmers to determine is whether they will push the business and at once reap the benefits. Look at this industry in its broadest sense, view it from any and all directions, and it seems that every effort should be put forth to develope the dairy interests of this State. A dairy farmer means a prosperous farmer. A dairy com- munity a prosperous community. A dairy State a wealthy State. There is the least possible dead capital on a dairy farm. ‘The ma- chinery is not intricate and expensive, but simple and durable. Dairy stock is always saleable at a price closely approaching its real value. There is the least possible waste on a well conducted dairy farm. No need tc burn strawpiles to get them out of the way. There is nothing about the business which tends to impoverish the person engaged in it or the land occupied, but just the reverse. The tendency of exclusive grain raising is to impoverish the soil and like- wise the tiller thereof. The business men of o.:e of the interior towns of this State, to- gether with some of the farmers living in that vicinity, met a few days since to try and devise means to compel the elevator men to pay better prices for grain. It seems hard, and is hard, for those farmers who receive the present low prices for the only product of their farm, ‘viz: grain. Such farmers seem not to realize that in raising grain to be shipped to a distant market, they place themselves, financially, in the position of those laborers whose lcbor is merely drudgery, and who receive the least wages for their work. On the fertile farms of this Stxte, with almost inexhaustible soil, it does not require a very high order of intelligence to simply raise crops of grain. It is largely a matter of muscle or brute force, and such labor cannot, in the nature of things, be very remunerative. Nebraska farmers need to do as did the painter who, when asked how he mixed his paints, replied, ‘with brains.” | We need to mix ~ brains with the coarser products of our farms. We need manufac- tures to condense these products, and 1 know of no manufactory which is more profitable, costs less, is within the reach of all, than is that queen of all animals, the dairy cow. Under skillful manage- ment she takes these coarser products, and converts them into sweet il rich milk, from which is made that prime necessity in every Tamil —oood butter. A portion of the skimmed milk with the addition of a little grain makes a sufficient ration for the growing calf, which in turn assimilates much that on Nebraska farms would go to waste, and which can any day be sold te help replenish the farmers’ pocket- book. The dairyman’s pig calls loudly for the remainder of the skimmed milk, increases in weight at the rate of a pound or more per day, and in a few short months is eagerly sought for by that man, whom common report says has more money than ordinary mortals—the hog drover. The skillful, enterprising, wide-awake dairyman, who controls and manipulates this manufacturing estab- lishment, stands financially on the level with the skilled mechanic, whose services are always in demand, and at wages-far above that paid for ordinary labor. Your attention is invited to the constantly increasing manu- facture and sale of fraudulent butter called “ Butterine.” but sold to the consumer as butter, and so skillfully are the ingredients of this fraud compounded that even butter experts are often unable to tell, either by taste or smell, the fraud from the geriuine article. Just what stuffs are always used in the manufacture of this ‘What is it’ no one knows. Ooinmissioner of Agriculture Colman, who delivered the opening address at the Butter, Cheese and Egg Association in Chicago, said. «That soon after his appointment as commissioner he detailed a special agent to procure statistics and facts regarding the manufac- ture and sale of imitation dairy products. But he found it difficult to obtain any reliable information, Manufacturers generally refused to give any information in regard to their processes or the quantity they turned out. It was learned, however, that most of the material they used was treated with nitric acid, and employes disclosed the fact that their clothes and shoes were ruined in a short time in a but- terine factory from the action of the nitric acid in the material which they handled. The imitations are now mainly made from swine fat, as that is cheaper than beef tallow, which furnished the basis of oleomargarine in the early days of manufacture. Not only was the bogus stuff made in large quantities by the manufactories established for this purpose, but the oleo oils and other adulterations were openly advertised for sale to dairymen to be mixed with the cream on the farm before churning, threatening to demoralize and corrupt the dairy business itself. He thought a remedy for these practices among dairymen might be found in tabooing the parties engaged in them, and excluding them from dairy associations. Among the con- stituents of bugus butter he named the following, viz: Sour milk and animal fat, soda ash, salt, nitric acid, borax, stearine, butyric 12 acid, bi-carbonate of soda, @lycerine, coloring matter, butter milk, pepsin, salt petre, ground slippery elm bark, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, caustic soda, corn starch, cooked farinaceous flour, sal soda, oil of sesame, oil of sunflower seeds, ete.” The evidence all goes to show that this “What is it” is every- where sold under the name of butter. Dairy Commissioner Brown, . of New York, said: i “Te did not dispute that an article could be made which was not intended to deceive, but he had never found such an article in bogus butter. No retail dealer of whom the commissioner had pur- chased such goods had ever told that they were imitations. They had always been sold as genuine. It was a cheat andafrand. He had no information that anybody wanted it and the consumption of butter was diminished by those who would not eat butter when away from home. If it was not intended to deceive, why was it colored like butter, made to look like it and labeled ‘Alderney Dairy Butter,’ or some other deceptive names?” J. W. Gould, of Ohio, says: “Imitation butter was almost in- variably seid for the genuine, and the buyer paid the full price of a good articie. The health ofticer of Cleveland had lately examined some samples of bogus butter sold in that city and found it to be 88 per cent. vaseline. In the following week the sales of butter in that city fell off 20 per cent. It disheartened a dairyman to have to com- pete with the oil wells of Pennsylvania or the Standard oil company.” Commissioner Rice, of Minnesota, said: “All the butterine that came into that State was labeled ‘ creamery’ or ‘dairy. Why were they so branded if there was no intention to deceive? He de- fied any man to find butterine or oleomargarine in Minnesota. It was sometimes branded with the mark of known creameries.” Statistics show that notwithstanding the large amount of butter consumed in tue city of Chicago, yet the shipments of butter exceed the receipts. It is estimated that at least 10,000,000 pounds of but- terine were manufactured in that city (Chicago) in 1884, 13,000,000 pounds in 1835, and that 20,000,000 pounds will be. manufactured in 1886. G. W. Stearne, a Chicago butterine manufacturer, in a speech before the National butter, cheese and ege association, explained the manufacture of butterine in his establishment. He claimed that their product was sweet and wholesome, and that they were perfectly willing to sell it under its true name and on its merits. Se Mr. Stearne, in answer to the question “ Why, if he was willing as he said to sell this product under its true name and on its own merits” that he branded the packages as butter and shipped it as butter; he 13 hesitated and finally replied that “they shipped it as butter because the railroads had no butterine rates.” The above evidence and much more that might be given all proves that the dealers in fraudulent butter are compelled to resort to deception to dispose of their wares, that consumers do not want and will not knowingly buy it instead of genuine butter. It cannot be successfully maintained that there is any sathority under our form of government to prevent its manufacture, but both the general govern- — ment and individual state have power to prevent its sale under a fraudulent name and as genuine butter. Your attention is respect- fully invited to the following resolutions relating to this question and adopted by the National butter, cheese and egg association: Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention that every ex- ertion be made to induce the legislature of the various States to pass stringent laws, with the appointment of proper officers, and sufficient appropriations to prevent the mannfacture out of any animal fat or vegetable oils not produced from unadulterated milk, or cream from the same, any article or product in imitation or semblance of natural butter or cheese from pure unadulterated milk, or cream of the same; nor shall there be used, compounded with, or added to, milk, cream or butter, any acids or deleterious substances or any animal fats or animal or vegetable oil not produced from milk or cream with design or intent to render, make or produce any article or substance of natural butter or cream, nor keep or offer for sale any such imitation. Resolved, That a special committee of three from each State be appointed by the chair to be known as a State legislative committee, for the exclusive Oa of promoting and forwarding uniform leg- islation thrcughout the several States. Resolved, That our association earnestly request that congress shall, in its wisdom, enact such measures as it may deem necessary to suppress the fraud. Mr. Hoard, of Wisconsin, offered as an amendment to the report a fifth resolution that congress be asked to impose a tax of 10 cents per pound on spurious butter. The amendment was adopted, after which the report of the committee was adopted as a whole. Action should be taken by this association to secure the enact- ment of laws preventing the sale of fraudulent butter in this State. A committee on legislation should be appointed to work in connec- tion with the special committee appointed by the National butter, cheese and egg association. That the members of congress from this State be requested to support any reasonable measure tending to the suppression of these frands. That a committee on dairy statistics for the State be appointed, a part of whose duty shall be to ascertain to what extent, it any, butterine or the neutral oils psed in the man-. 14 ufacture of fraudulent butter are used in this State, together with the names of the parties engaged in its manufacture or sale, and that the constitution of our association be so amended that no person engaged in the manufacture or sale of these frauds can become a member. The ground work for success in dairying, not only to the individ- ual but to the State at large, begins with the dairyman himself—the man who owns and milks the cows. And if this Association would be true to the object for which it was founded, to advance the dairy in- terests of the State, it must enlist the sympathies and secure the at- tendance at its convention of the cow owners and cow milkers of the State. How to reach the individual dairyman is the great question. If he can be reached he can be benefited. To successfully solve this question is worthy of our best efforts. «JT Fear no Foe” was then sung by Mr. Julius G. Lumbard, of Chicago. He was uproariously applauded and responded sii a beautiful: Scotch serenade, “ Are Ye Sleeping, Maggie.” W. D. Hoard, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis., editor of Hoard’s Dairy- man, then made a short address. He sid he had been working 1 in this cause for tw enty years and detailed the wonderful transition he had seen follow in the wake of that mother of the race, the cow. He said there was too much prejudice against throwing away the plow and adopting the cow. The only ‘thing in the way of the farmer’s salvation is the farmer himself. Nebraska farmers are not ignorant, they are only mentally lazy. These conventions will be pr Soeancriae of good in arousing the public to,a proper und’ = nding of this question. W.G. Whitmore, of Valley, D..P. Ashburn, of Gibbon, and Allen Root, of Omaha, followed with interesting short speeches. On motion of Mr, Avery the president was directed to appoint five committees, as follows: , On legislature, dairy statistics, resolu- tions, nominations and finance. The committee of finance consisting of Messrs. J. Dixon Avery, W. G. Whitmore, D. P. Ashburn, W é T. Ransdell, W. A. Carpenter, J. M. Williams, and Lewis Schroeder was appointed, and aftcr a song by Mr. Lumbard the meeting ad- journed, PHU DAY. DEE} 10. 0 AG Mt, The meeting was called to order at 10 o’clock, Hee president in the chair. On motion of Mr. Wing a committee of three, constant of J. Dixon Avery, Wm. Sutton anid H. H. Wing, was appointed to con- fer with the State Board of Agriculture at its coming meeting and 15 urge it to offer more liberal prizes for dairy produets exhibited at the State Fair. On motion the Board of Managers were constituted a commit- tee to secure the incorporation of the society under the laws of the State. On motion W. D. Hoard, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis., was made an honorary life member of the Association. Mr. J. W. Liveringhouse, manager of the Grand Island cream- ery, then read a paper upon “Test churns, their use and abuse.” Unfortunately Mr. Liv eringhouse’s manuscript was lost, and it has been impossible for him to reproduce it. He said in general that the large proportion of failures in the dairy business, and especially in the creamery business, was largely due to the fact ‘that the test churn was not used, or else used injudiciously. There is a wide variation in the productiveness of milk as to cream, and of cream as to butter, and when this fact is thoroughly understood the test churn will be as indispensable as the scales for weighing. He then exhib- ited test tubes from his regular creamery tests, which showed that the cream from a dozen of his patrons varied foe. 10 to 25 per cent. of butter and one of them produced no butter at all, from the fact , that the patron who furnished it made it from cornstarch flour and some sort of oil. Mr. Hoard explained the utility of the test churn, and said the reason of its value was the wonderful difference in cows. He de- tailed an experiment made with three cows at the Wisconsin Ex- periment Station. They were each fed 17 cents worth of fodder per day. The grade short horn made 1 lb. at 2 oz. per day of butter; the grade Jersey made 1 1b. and 8 oz.; the thor oughibred Jersey yielded 1 lb. and 15 0z. The product of is first was worth 82 cents per day, the second 45 cents and the third 56 cents. It thus be- hooves every farmer to know just what his cows are producing and _ which are paying him. If a man has a cood wife he should love her the more; if she is not a good oie he should love her little, and it will be a eaaiier loss to himself. Just so with his cows. D. P. Ashburn, of the Gibbon creamery, and A. T. Smith, of the Fairbury creamery, both were emphatic as to the value of the test churn, declaring it indispensable. . Mr. Hoard spoke as to color in butter. He said it was due to the quality of the cow and to the kind of feed fed. To produce yel. low butter green fodder should be fed, as green is the chemical basis of yellow. Hay should be cut as green as possible, and good green corn fodder is superior to the best tame hay. Pres. Bassett added that he had found corn fodder very valuable. D. P. Ashburn, of Gibbon, then read a paper upon Bogus Butter. wo BOGUS BUTTER. D. P. ASUBURN, GIBBON. The great question of the day in the reading and thinking dairy world is bogus butter. Every intelligent dairyman is compelled te recognize in it a dangerous rival, and those whose minds take a broad, comprehensive view of the situation to-day, are appalled at the magnitude of the danger with which this illegitimate product of rancid tallow and of the lard of diseased hogs threatens the dairy interests of the country. While it is of recent origin, it has made a miraculous growth, until it has by the combined efforts of capital, enterprise and auda- city assumed an important place among the various articles of com- merce of the nation. Ten millions of pounds of bogus butter were manufactured the present ycar in the city of Chicago alone; other cities and localities produced many millions more. All this vast amount fonnd a ready market, forcing the inevitable conclusion that it is already established as an article of commerce, that it is rapidly growing in volume, and with each year is becoming more firmly established. Each pound of this spurious article crowds out and takes the place of a pound of legitimate butter; and on account of the cheapness of the materials which form a large share of its com- position, it can be made and sold for less than a remunerative price of good butter and yet boar a good profit. The producers and handiers of bogus butter are not only insolent and audacious in selling it as butter, but are defiant in regard to competing prices. Such skill is brought to bear in making it imitate good butter that experts are often deceived and thousands of butter consumers, know- ing their inability to detect the fraud, prefer to do without butter entirely than risk the possibility of eating the grease of some hog. that has died of disease or in transit; thus the fact of its existence tends to diminish the consumption of butter, It is therefore a three- fold danger—it ranks as butter and takes its place through fraud— it has the advantage of cheaper production—and it lessens the con- sumption of butter. Well may dairymen be alarmed at this state of aifairs. Now My. President, it becomes us as intelligent thinking men to look the matter squarely in the face, take the situation as we find it, place the blame where it belongs and by honest manly effort cope with and if possible down this gigantic wrong and retrieve as far as possible the prosperity of the past. It is folly for us to look to 17 legislation to suppress the manufacture of this article. The courts have established its legitimacy when sold without deception. Our various state legislatures may and should pass stringent acts against the fraud of selling it for bntter. But fraud is always hard to detect, prove or punish, and the abuse will doubtiess be checked only in a small degree by such legislation. And after the enactment and best possible enforcement of the most stringent constitutional laws, we will still have to meet this giant fraud on the common crounds of competition, and on this ground the battle fought and vietory won, if victory is ever achieved. The battle is not between bogus butter and the best brands of creamery butter,—really godd butter will always find a ready market at a remunerative price,—but there is great dancer, through fraud, of its worsting secondary grades of butter in the strife for the aiseueua of the world’s market. And there is equal danger that it would in a fair fight win the battle of competition agains t the poorest gr ades of bution The manufacturers of poor butter need not ery Fraud! Adulteration! Suet! Lard! &e., &e.; the world already knows that, and prefers the abomination of boous butter to the worse abomination of dirty rancid butter. As well one lover, competing for the affection of a fair maiden, point with his soiled hands, in scorn, at his false tho’ fairer rival, and make mouths at him with a dirty face, and try by derision and ; show of bad temper to insure his success by denouncing his com- petitor as unclean and unworthy. Such a course would doubtless disoust the fair damsel, causing her to either turn in preference to the other or remain single cane a worthy suitor offered. The deplorable fact is that a large share of the butter made in the private dairy and placed on the mar rket is unfit for use, even in cooking, and while much of it may have been endurable when made, it has so deteriorated in handling and storage that it is positively disgusting when it reaches the consumer, and he will turn from it with loath- ing and eat b 108s butter with a knowledge of its true character with a BeHISE of relief. And upon those who make bad butter, and those who spoil good butter by bad handling, rests the responsibility ot the present es situation. With a total indifference to the rights or wants of others, they have paved the way for the triumphal march of bogus butter; and little would be the pity for them if they were the only sufferers, but, alas, their folly and frauds drag honest efforts into the common ruin. It is no less a fraud to sell dirty, stinking butter to a consumer, who expects he is buying a fair article, than i. is to sell him lard for butter. Both are frauds, and both should be punished. He who, through laziness or criminal ignorance, will destroy the natural rich flavor of cream and butter by any of the many slatternly methods often practised in the dairy, is guilty of the 18 ; wanton destruction of one of God’s best gifts to man, and he deserves the condemnation of the giver. And when he seeks to sell the spoiled product perpetrates a wilful fraud and deserves the punish- ment of his fellowmen. Neither does it become him to use epithets against bogus butter. If the dirt begrimmed lover instead of railin at his adversary had cleansed his own person, educated his own hea and heart, and cultivated an amiable disposition, and then renewed his suit, he would have found the maiden whom he thought ecapric- ious, was in reality discerning and she would have smiled upon him and banished his rival. And if the manufacturers of bad butter will do their part well and render their article meritorious, they will find an appreciative market, and bogus butter will soon be a thing of the ast. But alas, how shall this reformation be brought about? How shall the cure be affected? The disease is of long duration and deep seated and the invalids are totally indifferent to their situation. And itis a thankless tiresome task to arouse them to a sense of their actual condition. And if aroused would they take the necessary medicine? The work of bringing about so desired a revolution must be purely philanthropic, for the Reus: must be borne by those who now make or handie good butter, and who need no instructions and who will have no hope of reward except the consciousness of meritori- ous effort. Is it worth the cost? Let us see. For want of later statistics, I take those of 1850. We find there was made in that year in private dairies 777,200,287 pounds of butter, and it is fair to say that if all this vast amount had been. strictly prime, it would have sold for an average for ten cents per pound more than it did bring, thus $77,725,028.70 would have been added to the products of the dairymen of the country, and untold discust would have been changed to happy satisfaction on the part of the consumer. Think fora moment of this vast sum of money. It would in a few years pay off the entire national debt or relieve all the sufferings of pov- erty in this great land. Such a revolution in the butter production of the country would not only add millions to our profits but would mive it character abroad. Are not such great results worth the time, ineans and encrgy neccssery to success? And surely he who honestly desires that the world shail be better for his existence, can find an appropriate ficld for labor here. But how shall this desired result be obtained? What are the means to be employed? Better informed and more experienced men will doubtless devise wiser ways than mine, but I will venture a few sugcestions: ist! . Pass stringent laws in cvcry state against fraud aud adul- teration. 19 2d. Organize law and order leagues everywhere to enforce the laws. 3d. Provide by law for inspectors to be appointed in every city, town and village, whose duty it shall be to inspect all butter sold or shipped and place his stamp upon the good and confiscate all the poor, whether made in the factory or on the farm, whethcr made of lard or cream. 4th. Use all honorable means to induce the establishment of cash markets for all inspected butter in every city, town and village, and thus take the butter trade out of the hands of the retail mer- chant or grocer, who dreads to handle it, but is compelled now to do so by competition, and who is neither qualified or willing to give it the required time or attention necessary to its proper handling. This, with the system of inspection, would drive poor butter from the mar- ket, and at the same time raise good farm butter from the degreda- tion of mere barter to the dignity of a cash article of commerce. This system would stimulate and encourage the good and increase its volume, by compelling the reformation of poor grades. The present system of barter (trading butter for goods) discourages the good and encourages the bad, because the merchant mixes and sells all grades together and gets only the market price of the poorest for the mixture, and, therefore, is compelled to pay in trade for all grades only the price he can get in cash for the mixture. Je dare not discriminate in price for fear of offending the poor butter maker, who may be a valuable customer in other respects. This particular feature of the present system is very pernicious and must be overcome beforea gen- eral reformation will take place. So long as poor butter will command the same price as good butter in the home market, so long will farmers and dairymen remain indifferent to the quality of their roduct. With the above named points in practise, and a constant, tireless effort to educate the masses by holding frequent live institutes and conventions, and by the diffusion of th best dairy papers, we must look for gradual but sure success. After the reading of the paper a general discussion of the sub- ject of adulteration took place. Allen Root and others took excep- tion to the plan of confiscation, holding it was unjust to the producer who yet did not know enough to make a good article. Mr. Ashburn sustained his position by saying that one lesson of confiscation would be an educator that would open the eyes of the poor butter maker in a way nothing else would. The president appointed as a committee on resolutions Hon. L. ~ 20 S. Coffin, Louis Schroeder, J. W. Liveringhouse, A. T. Smith, S. D. Atkins. Adjourned to 2:30 p. m. TEURS DAY, DEC. 10,.2:30° 1. M. The meeting was called to order by the president, who intro- duced Prof. C. E. Bessey, of the State University, who read a paper upon Grasses and Forage Plants. GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS. PROF. C. E. BESSEY, LINCOLN. There are no plants in the world more important, all things con- sidered, than the grasses. We may value other orders of plants for delicious fruits, fair flowers, strong fibres, or durable wood; but the great grass family in its grains which furnish us with flour and meal, in its stems which supply the world with sugar, and in its leaves and smaller stems which furnish forage for cattle and horses, is of far more everyday importance than all the others put together. It is true that there are some people in the world who are not dependent upon the grasses. Thus in regions where the palm trees grow, these great plants supply every want. But the civilization of the palm countries is an oriental one, and is far simpler than ours. Ours is the less ornamental, but far more useful, as well as more complex civilization of the grain and sugar eaters, whose herds feed upon the succulent grasses. If time and space permitted, I should delight to dwell upon this phase of the topic, and there is unquestionably a close connection between the food of a people and the degree of civilization-attained by it. But I must not linger upon this part of the subject. Suffice it to say that we are preeminently grass-feeders. My topic is, however, to be narrowed to the grasses and other plants which are used as food for our domestic animals, and partieu- larly for our cattle. In this State, filled as it is with its great herds of cattle which are grown for their dairy products, or whose sole function is the conversion of food into beef, the question of the best forage plants is one of paramount importance. Let me during the 21 discussion divide the topic into the subdivisions of Pasture Grasses, and Hay Grasses, and the Clovers. 1% The Pasture Grasses. A grass in order to be valuable for pasture must possess the following charac- ters, viz: 1—It must be suited to the locality both in respect to soil and climate. 2—It must be nutritious. 3—It must be palatable. 4—It must be of continuous growth so as to endure cropping throughout the season. 5—It must be able to endure the tramping to which it is necessarily subjected, 6—It must be easily propagated. No one of these above is sufficient, and all are desirable. But if the grass grades up fairly well on most of them it may be reckoned among the valuable pasture grasses, Now let us apply these tests to several grasses and see what results we obtain: BLUE GRAss' (Poa pratensis.) For permanent pasture upon rich soils which are not too dry, there is no known grass which excels the blue grass. I refer now to what is property known by this name, and what in many places is know as Kentucky blue grass. Its long nutritious leaves which maintain their tenderness and juiciness throughout the season, have given it a well-merited supremacy over other pasture grasses, and I have but little doubt that one of the most important advantages which Kentucky has had as a grazing state has been this one of possessing such immense tracts of blue grass. I need not take the time to praise blue grass to members of an Associatiop like this one. Everybody knows and acknowledges and admits that a perfect blue grass pas- ture comes nearer to perfection than most things with which we are acquainted in this world. But let us take up the character of a good pasture grass as I have given them and see exactly how they apply to blue grass. 1—As to fitness to this locality, that is, to Nebraska. The question is often still asked whether blue grass can be grown in Nebraska. You gentlemen know that it can be, and that it is extensively grown, and successfully grown, too. But our people are fond of taking testimony, and so a year ago I asked a good many questions about our grasses, directing my inquiries to the older inhabitants and those who had had widest experience in the matter. ‘ : The answers which I invariably received showed that, at least so far as the eastern half of the state is concerned, there is no reasonable question as to the fitness of blue grass for pasturage. The testimony was uniformly that as good growths could be obtained in Nebraska as in other northern states, and im the opinion of some it even rivals that of Kentuckyitself. Even in Colorado, according to Professor Blount, blue grass thrives upon a variety of soils, and when once thoroughly estab- lished, makes a good pasture. Upon this point, then, of adaptability to this soil and climate, we are doubtless safe in saying that blue grass meets every requirement. 2—As to the nutritiousness of blue grass we have the testimony from two sources, both of which are conclusive. (a)—The testimony of many years of experience on the part of stock growers all over the country is uniformly that it is one of our most nutritious of grasses for pas- turage. The sleek herds of Kentucky have long borne testimony to the truth of this assertion. (b)—The chemical test which, under proper restrictions, is after all the most exact of any, shows blue grass to take high rank among all the pasture grasses on the score of its nutritiousness. 3—The third characteristic of a good grass is palatability. The answer to this 22 is given by the cattle themselves. There is but one answer and that is favorable to biue grass. Who ever saw a hungry animal refuse good blue grass ? 4—As to the continuous growth of blue grass, everyone who has ever examined it with care must have been struck by the admirable mechanism of its growth. Take up a blue grass plant from the pasture and note the long narrow leaves, attached at an angle to a shorter part which wraps around the stem. Now at the point where these two unite—this angle of which I speak—the continuous growth goes on. If you cut off the tip end of a blue grass leaf for, say, six or eight inches, in a few days’ time you will find that it has been replaced by the growth at the leaf angle, and this will go on all summer, I do not know how many inches of growth a single leaf can make, but I know it to be at least between three and four feet, and it is probably much more. Now it is this continuous growth which is one of the strong points in favor of blue grass, and I know of no other grass which possesses it to an equal ex- tent. 5--But a pasture grass must endure not only continuous cropping, but also the very considerable tramping and crushing to which it is constantly subjected. Here blue grass fully meets the requirements. It endures this test better than any of the other grasses commonly used for pasturage. 6—The last requirement is ease of propagation, which includes also the ready production of seed, for upon the lattor largely depends the cost of the seed money for laying down a pasture. In this, again, as in the foregoing, blue grass makes a good showing. It seeds readily, and the expense of collecting and threshing is not so great as to make the purchase of good seed inordinately expensive. Looking over the foregoing pages we see that it is perfectly safe for one to rec- ommend the use of blue grass for pasture in Nebraska. Care must, however, be taken to secure a good stand, and especial care must. be taken to secure first-class seed. I have known of disaster coming from a neglect of the last precaution. Much of the seed in the markets is old and musty, or it has been gathered so late as to be composed of only the lighter and less active seed. I am assured that in many cases the ‘seed’ turns out to be largely chaff, the plump seeds themselves being fallen before the harvesting of the crop. Here, again, some of the seed instead of being blue grass is something else. I once knew of a field being sown, as it was supposed, with blue grass seed, but when it came up it proved to be red top—not so bad a mistake as it might have been—but still vexatious. In other cases instead of blue grass the seed turned out to be largely composed of wire grass seed, a vile grass which resembles blue grass when in head, but at-no other time, and in no other way. If a man sows seed for a blue grass pasture and gets a wire grass meadow, he may be pardoned for feeling very indig- nant indeed. Dr. Gordon, an eminent authority on blue grass in the south, made a careful study of the best methods of laymg down a pasture, and fimally settled upon the fol- lowing practice, as the best for this region: He sowed either in the autumn or spring months, as suited his convenience. He usually sowed with rye, wheat or barley. After sowing the rye, wheat or barley, land was harrowed and, if possible, rolled, and after this the grass seed was sown, and the ground brushed lightly. Immediately afterwards all the cattle, horses and sheep were turned in that could be secured. If there were not enough he borrowed his neighbors’ stock, and let them run on it until the ground was well packed all over the surface, and then, and not till then, were they removed. The treading of the stock packed the seeds and prevented the grass from drying up in the summer drouth, or freezing out in the winter frosts. He kept the stock off from the young grass until it was well rooted (generally for the better part of a year) but did not allow the seed stalks to shoot up and go to seed. Possibly we may profit by a modi- fied application of this Kentucky method of securing a good blue grass pasture. TIMOTHY {Phleum pratense.) This grass I shall notice but pecan here, and shall do so in order to point out its defects as a pasture grass. 1—That it is adapted to the soil and climate of Nebraska I shall show further on when I take up the hay grasses. 1t will grow, and does grow well in Nebraska. : 23 2—It is fairly nutritious, not ranking so high, however, as blue grass. 3—It 1s palatable, and especially when young is greedily eaten. 4—It does not show, however, the power of continuous growth to such a degree as does blue grass, and so it can be easily cropped out. 5—It does not endure tramping over at all, and may be easily tramped out. 6—It seeds abundantly, and upon this count nothing can be said against it. Ii. Hay Grasses. A grass to be valuable for hay must possess the following characters, viz: 1—It must be suited to the locality both as to soil and climate. 2—It must be nutritious. 3—It must be palatable. 4—It must yield a good crop per acre. 5—It must be easily cut, cured and handled. 6—It must be easily propagated. Let us now take up several grasses and examine their claim to a recognition to a place among the hay grasses of Nebraska. TIMOTHY (Phleum pratense.) The question as to whether timothy will grow in Nebraska has been practically answered by many a farmer and stockman in ‘the eastern half of the state, and there is good evidence that the western limit of its production may be in time "carried far up towards the western border. The answers which my inquiries drew out a year ago were very conclusive as to the fact that timothy is at home in eastern Nebraska, and we need have no hesitation in recommending it for this section. I have spoken of the nutritiousness and palatableness of timothy, in both of which peated ars it is satisfactory. 4—Does timothy stand the special test of productiveness? In other words, does it in Nebraska yield enough per acre to render it profitable for a hay crop? One of my correspondents speaks of a field at Kearney which averaged ‘nearly three feet in height, certainly tall enough to please any hay-maker. I have myself seen fields in this state which would rival those of the eastern states in the length of stem and thickness ‘of stand upon the ground. We need not fear as to the produc- tiveness of this grass for hay making purposes. 5—Timothy is one of the easiest ot the grasses to cut and cure. The mowing machine runs through it making a clean cut, and doing it with an ease which is sat- isfactory both to the team and driver. When cut it dries readily and is easily cured into a first-class hay. It handles easily, and does not pack so closely in the stack or mow as to be much subject to mouldmg. It is one of the easiest of grasses to turn into clean, sweet hay, free from mustiness. Almost anyone can make good hay out of timothy, Timothy thus stands the test well, having all the Chataotaniatinn of a good hay grass well developed. Now these two grasses, blue grass for pasture and timothy for hay, may be taken as giving us the basis of our grass-feed for cattle and horses. In fact, we could get on with these alone very well. I will, however; take a little time to call especial attention to ORCHARD GRASss ( Zactylis glomerata) As a valuable grass for early hay. It grows well in many parts of eastern Nebraska where it has been tried, and makes a fair hay. It is more nutritious than timothy, and is as easily cut and cured. Its yield is good, the amount per acre being about the same as that of timothy. Care must be taken to secure good seed. Some varieties of orchard grasg are of much less value than others. Only the seed of the larger and more productive varie- ties should be sown. EIT. The Clovers. The clovers are distinguished from the grasses by several well-marked character- 24 istics. They are all broad-leaved plants, with the leaflets usually in threes; their stems are never properly hollow, and they have no thickened joints. They all pro- duce showy flowers which are gathered into more or less compact heads. There are two commonly grown species, red clover and white clover. RED CLOVER (Tripolium pratense.) This plant is a native of Europe. It was first cultivated in England two hun- dred and fifty years ago, and is said to have produced a revolution in the agriculture of that country. It is now regarded as one of the most valuable of the forage plants of modern agriculture. As commonly grown red clover is a biennial plant, that is, it lives for but two years. It is well known that it may be made to live for a longer period, but in ordinary farming it will be better to treat it as a biennial. It has as a consequence to be renewed from time to time, making necessary that very desirable practice—the rotation of crops. As a hay-producing plant red clover ranks high, possessing a nutritious value which exceeds that of the best hay from ordinary grasses about as two to one. ‘That is, taking the tables of chemical analyses computed by Dr. Way, we find that a ton of clover hay contains about twice as much nutritious matter as a ton of ordinary grass hay; or we may say that as far as chemical analyses may be depended upon in deciding the matter, a ton of clover hay ought to go as far in feeding as two tons of hay from the common grasses. Now, no farmer can afford to ignore such a valuable forage plant as this is, It is too good a food to be left out from the list of plants to be grown upon the farm. As to the soils best suited to it, it may be stated in a general way that those soils which contain a good deal of lime grow the best red clover. ‘Trials upon the soil of Nebraska show it to be admirably adapted to red clover, excellent crops hav- ing been produced almost wherever trial has been made. | feel safe in recommend- ing its general introduction into all the eastern portions of the state, and have no doubt that it can be grown away up the plains in favorable localities almost if not quite to our western border. WHITE CLOVER (Trifolium repens). This well-known pasture plant is a native of both Europe and America. It was first brought into cultivation about the year 1700 in England, and since that date it has held a place in English agriculture. In many parts of this country it has been greatly neglected, and in many regions it is more purposely sown. It is, however, one of those blessings which will continue to come to us persistently, although we do not appreciate it as we should. Its small size and creeping habit unfit it for a hay crop, but these very charac- teristics make it an excellent pasture. It is nutritious and palatable, and is freely eaten by cattle and sheep. It is very tenacious of life, and can endure a great deal of hard usage and close cropping. It will grow almost any place, and upon almost any kind of soil, attaining, of course, a greater size and furnishing more food upon the richer and moister soils than upon the poorer and drier ones. The chemical analyses of Dr. Way, betore quoted, show white clover to be less nutritious as a pasture than red clover, but the difference is not great, there being only a difference of one in ten in favor of red clover. We may make this plainer by saying that nine pounds of red clover contain as much of nutritrious matter as ten pounds of white clover. This difference is so little that when we consider the per- sistence and productiveness of white clover we readily see why it has been looked upon by so many with favor, and why it has been carried wherever modern agricul- ture has been introduced. There is another value possessed by white clover which | cannot forbear adver- ting to, that is. its usefulness in supplying the bees with a fine quality and a great quantity of honey White clover honey is justly famed the world over. If white clover had no other value this one would be sufficient to warrant its wide and gener- al growth, but when we add to this, its great value as furnishing a durable and tenacious pasture, we are forced to acknowledge it as one of the most valuable of farm plants. 25 As to the merits of white clover for pasture, allow me to quote from some of the best of our authorities: Flint, in his standard work ‘‘Grasses and Forage Plants,’’ remarks (page 188) as follows: ‘‘ Its chief value is as a pasture grass, and it is as valuable for that pur- pose as the red clover is for hay or for soiling, though there are some who place a low estimate upon it.”’ Professor Blount, of the Colorado Agricultural College, in a recent report, says, ‘* It is the best of the clovers for permanent pasturage in most localities and soils.”’ Dr. Darlington, in a well-known book of his—‘‘American Weeds and Useful Plants’’—speaks of it as ‘‘Affording an excellent pasture in the cooler portions of the country.”’ Dr. Killebrew, the commissioner of Agriculture for Tennessee, in a work pub- lished by him in 1880, and entitied ‘t Grasses, Meadows and Pastures,”’ says (page 83), ‘It is beyond question, next to blue grass, one of our most valuable grazing plants.” I consider that I am, therefore, justified in urging that a good deal of attention should be given to this valuable plant in this great grazing State. OTHER CLOVERS. I have now taken up two clovers, one a hay plant, the other a pasture plant, and have not the time now to discuss the others, many of which are of high value. hus we might enumerate: Alsike Clover (Trifolium hybridium); Perennial Clover ( Trifolium medium); Buttalo Clover (T. reflecum); Hop Clover (7. procumbens); Al- falta or Lucerne (Medicago sativa); Bokara Clover (Melilotus alba), besides others less well known. I can only say this in passing that there is little doubt that when we practice a higher and more intelligent agriculture we shall make use of very many more forage plants than we now do, and that the clovers will then figure more largely than ever among farm products. In closing this hasty sketch of this great subject, permit me to urge upon you the careful study of the forage plants of the world, and to make constant and intelli- gent efforts to enlarge the list, and improve the quality of those grown in Nebraska. The pasture and hay plants named in this paper make a meagre list, although they rank high in quality. Let us extend the cultivation of these, for they are very good; but let us at the same time see to it that we add others to the list, so that there shall not be an acre in all the length and breadth of the State, from the fertile valleys of the east, to the sandy hills and plains of the west that shall not bring forth Sane food for the millions of cattle and sheep which roam over and fatten upon them. , W. G. Whitmore said that the lecturer’s theory concerning timothy as a pasture plant did not correspond with his experience with it. He said he had pastured this year sixteen head of yearlings and two-year olds upon ten acres of timothy, and that it had served him better than blue grass. A variety of grasses should be sown because cows prefer a change of feed. Allen Root said his experience with timothy was similar to that of Mr. Whitmore’s. He had found that timothy was the best forage plant for Nebraska. L. 8. Coftin said the farmers of Iowa were just finding out what was already known by the farmers of Nebraska. J. H. Reed, of Columbus, said he had sown fifty acres of blue grass, and a neighbor ‘had sown one hundred and fifty acres, and in neither case had they been able to discover a single blade of the grass. * 26 Mr. Coffin said this was most likely the fault of the seed, and extreme care should be taken in its selection. Mr. Hoard gave an instance of a farmer in Wisconsin who had a four acre field of white clover which he used for night pasture. He ploughed it up and raised four successive crops upon it. After this he sowed red clover, but the white clover sprang up and entirely choked it out. The seed will lie dormant in the ground for years. Hon. H. B. Nicodemus, of Fremont, then read a paper on “Seeding Down to Grass and Clover, and Stock Management.” SEEDING DOWN TO GRASS AND CLOVER, AND STOCK MANAGEMENT. HON. H. B. NICODEMUS, FREMONT. The subject of seeding down to grass and clover, and stock management is one that we may talk, and write about for days, weeks and months, and yet there will be room for new ideas and new theories to put into practice and experiment with. The subject of seeding down to grass and clover is one that demands our most serious attention in this, a prairiecountry. ‘Take the wild or native grass either on the low or uplands and you will find that after a few years of pasturing, especially if the seasons be wet, the grass will begin to die out in places, and will be succeeded by red weeds, or weeds of all kinds, in fact anything will grow but grass, and yet people contmue to pasture that kind of land, put just as many head of cattle to the one hundred and sixty acres of pasture as they did when the pasture was new, and then at the end of the pasturing season wonder why their cattle do not thrive as they did several years previous. Now, gentlemen, the answer is very evident, and you can see for yourselves that if you want an animal to thrive you must give them good, nutritious food and not turn them into a pasture where the grass is killed out and nothing growing but bitter weeds, for | tell you that kind of provender will not make good, tender beet, or sweet, rich milk. Now the next question is, how are we going to avoid or remedy this dis- appearing and passing away of our native grasses? That question brings in the very subject of our paper, viz: by seeding down to tame grass and clover. I will tell you how I have experimented with it, and the result has been all I could have desired; have also seen it practiced by others with like results. In the first place | think tame grass will grow on bottom lands, after they have been pastured out, much better without the aid of cultivation than with it. Sow your grass seeds on the ground just as early in the spring as possible, run a smoothing harrow over the ground after you sow the seed Do not wait to sow your seed till the frost is all out. but sow it when the frost is out say four or five inches. Then in the spring when the grass begins to grow and while small and tender, do not kill it out by turning a lot of stock on it, but give it a chance for its life, and keep off till eight or ten inches high, then when stock eat it down, if there are places where the seed did not catch. sow again during the summer, and if one misses, probably the other willnot. Seed just before a rain, especially if you have any information when it is coming, or just after, so that the little, diminutive grass seed gets a hold in the ground and does not blow away with our Nebraska zephyrs, as you cannot harrow it in after the first sowing very well. I have tried this plan myself on several hundred acres of bottom land and always sow a mixture of seed consisting of red top, timothy, white clover and blue grass If the land is low and wet would sow nearly or quite all red top as that seems to take hold and thrive better than any other in wet land, and if the ground is high bottom or medium, would mix a little white clover, tim- othy and blue grass. ‘he white clover is very prolific, takes hold and spreads very rapidly and makes very good pasture for any and all kinds of stock. Red clover does very 27 well in Nebraska; I have seen some persons who have derived excellent results with this most highly and valuable plant. It can be grown very profitably on high and low land, only not in the wet land, as it is most sure to freeze out during the winter. By sowing the seed early in the spring, on ground that has been sown in rye the fall previous is almost a sure way of getting a good stand, although a great many sow it with barley or most any kind of small grain sown in the spring, and it does very well. he small grain protects the young clover from the searching rays of the sun and it gets a good start before harvest comes, after which it grows very rapidly till winter, when the stubble of the small grain protects it, and the next year you have an abundant crop, either for pasture or for hay and seed. Never sow clover on ground that has not been cultivated. You will see this is entirely different from my advice and experience with the grasses, and I think I am correct. Stock management is a subject which should demand more of the time and at- tention of the Nebraska farmer and stockman than it does. As a general thing we keep more cattle than we can attend to properly, to give us the profit for the outlay of money we have invested, therefore, instead of realizing a large per cent. from our investment, our greediness makes it in many cases rather. small. I[ cannot help but think that if we had one third the money we have in stock invested in good sheds and comfortable winter quarters to protect the stock from fierce, cutting storms, we would make more money than by letting them rough it. I am proud to say, how- ever, that most of the farmers, especially the dairymen, are taking better care of their stock than in years gone by. ‘The dairyman finds very little profit in allowing his cows to stand day and night behind the protection of a barb wire fence, with their backs bowed up, eating at times a little hay from a rack filled with snow and hay, and night and morning a few ears of hard corn. Then for the milkman, as we have no mikmaids in Nebraska. to sit down on his three legged stool or molasses keg, whichever comes handy, and endeavor to induce those cows to give down milk. They won't do it, and | don’t blame them; but let the fellow pull away, and go back to the house cursing his luck that his cows are not as good as his neighbor’s. On the other hand the dairyman finds there is a good profit in keeping good cows, having a good warm stable to put them in at night, giving them all the good hay they can eat, and a variety of grain twice a day. I do not think all ground food is better than at times, ground and then unground, as cattle are like persons, be- coming tired of one kind of food, and like a change. We don’t like to have all beef tor a month, neither do we want bacon all the time. I think we should treat our cattle and stock of all kinds the same as we would like to be treated ourselves. The stockman and especially the dairyman finds that by a humane treatment of his stock they will not only bring him in a good profit on his investment, but be a source of great pleasure to him. After the reading of Mr. Nicodemus’ paper, there was a general discussion on the subject of “The Dairy Cow.” Mr. Coffin said the dairy cow was the queen of the farm and should always be treated gently ; she should never be made to go off a walk. A boy on a pony with a big whip and a dog can never exist on a farm with a dairy cow. Mr. Hoard said the broad basis of a dairy cow is her maternity. She gives the milk primarily for her offspring. The best dairy cattle of the world are those with fineness of outline and extreme femininity. The dairy cow is one which has been bred with especial reference to the heifer proclivities, while on the other hand the beef producing animals are bred with reference to the male proclivities. A cow’s milking functions are maternal, and it necessarily implies care and knowledge by the owner. To make a cow do her level best the far- 28 mer should write “comfort” in big letters above the door of the barn where he may see it every day as he goes in and out. To be successful, Ist, get a good cow; 2d, give her good feed; 3d, give her good shelter; 4th, a plenty of good pure water. Above all, it is essential that the cow should have tender treatment, and it is below the dignity of any man to abuse her. After the discussion, the president appointed the following com- mittee on nominations: W. G. Whitmore, O. M. Druse, Otto Magenau, W. A. Carpenter, D, P. Ashburn. Cn motion of Mr. Whitmore, the editors of the local papers who have so faithfully chronicled the proceedings of the convention were made honorary members of the Association. Adjourned to 7:30 p. m. THURSDAYS DEC VO: iza0 WME: The meeting was opened by a quartette, “The Fremont Blues,” by Messrs. Fowler, Avery, Richardson, Rogers, and Harris, of Co. EK, N. N. G.; Earl Brink at the piano. The committee on nominations recommended the election of the following officers for the ensuing year : President—J. Dixon Avery, Fremont. Vice-President—E. McIntyre, Seward. Secretary and Treasurer—H. H. Wing, Lincoln. Board of Directors—S. C. Bassett, Gibbon; W. G. Whitmore, Valley; W. A. Carpenter, Sutton; H. b. Nicodemus, Fremont; O. M. Druse, Lincoln. Vice-Presidents at Large—R. W. Furnas, Brownville; Allen Root, Omaha; J. W. Liveringhouse, Grand Island; D. P. Ashburn, Gibbon; D. A. Cowell, Beatrice; J. O. Chase, Fairmont; Davis Richardson, Clarks; H. H. Brainard, Fremont; J. J. King, West Point; J. B. Dinsmore, Sutton; Thos. Carroll, Ayr; Smith D.Atkins, Seward; J. G. Southwick, Bennett. The report of the committee was accepted and adopted. A paper on * The Creamery—its relation and advantages to the Nebraska Farmer,” by W. A. Carpenter, Sutton, was owing to the indisposition of Mr. Carpenter reac by the secretary. THE CREAMERY AND ITS RELATION AND ADVAN. TAGES TO THE NEBRASKA FARMER. W. A. CARPENTER, SUTTON. In order to touch the keynote to the creamery’s future and ultimate success, I believe their system should be so conducted as to induce the tarmers to co-operate 29 with the management in producing the very best results, which is certainly to the interests of both patrons and manufacturers. It is my honest conviction, after years of careful consideration, practice and ex- perimental tests, that the original method of buying cream by the “inch” (degree of 113 cubic inches) i is the proper system te adopt. I do not claim that at all seasons the results will be necessarily and exactly the same, for we all know that the influences of the summer sun and abundance of the most nutritious of all green food, ‘‘Nebraska grasses,’’ on the cows, and also that cream rises more solid or compact in warm weather , which, of itself necessitates a smaller loss in skimming by way of stirring and condensing in with milk, but I do claim that _any given period, where patrons take satisfactory care of milk with the aid of wind pumps (with which most of our farmers here are supplied) that the “‘but- ter test” will be practically the same, provided a proper method of skimming be ob- served and performed by a competent person who knows whether the milk has been disturbed or tampered with since its original setting or not. !hese summer influ- ences referred to can be very easily and satisfactorily adjusted by manufacturers mak- ing proper allowance on price paid for cream. A great many creamery men will say at once, ‘‘ The inch method is not practica- ble; that it always shrinks; that farmers cheat us so we have to abandon it in order to protect our own interests.” - Toall such let me say, that idea is erroneous; it is simply uncalled for abuse heaped on the farmers which they do not merit. In my experience, nine in every ten of these shortage instances are caused di- ‘rectly by the incompetency ot the skimmers sent out by the creamery. With our patronage of over 200, even single instances of putting up jobs on cream is very rare, and when one does occur we simply notify such patron, and then do discontinue taking his cream, and of course that has a great influence on others that might be tempted with the same step. While [ believe our patrons to be a model class, yet don’t see any reason why ee creameries may not have more or less equally as fine people among their patrons. The most important point for consideration is ‘‘,how to produce the very finest grade of butter.’’ This system recommends itself at once as the only true course to pursue, for in this case the skimmer should be supposed to examine each and every can betore skimming, and any such as is not in satisfactory condition to be either returned or putin a separate vessel, delivering all first class cream by itself to the butter maker, giving him the absoiute control thereaiter. While the ‘‘ gailon’’ or the ‘‘ test’’ system necessitates taking cream after it has been skimmed by patrons, and when old and new has become mixed together, it : a matter of impossibility for even an caved to determine its exact condition or value. Our western farmers, as a rule, are suspicious of all mercmants that come among them to deal; they thmk they are squeezed and oppresseu by them, and [| know that I speak their feelings when I say they will never willingly submit to the creamery’s agent driving up and saying, ** we will take your cream to our creamery, take sample of that and samples of 199 other patrons, test each one sep- arate, and if we make no mistakes and our process is accurate, will inform you of yours and the other 199 of each of their values at tbe end otf the month, or some future time, as the case may be.”’ My theory is to use a method that will establish mutual and friendly relations between patrons and manufacturers. Every creamery is supposed to procure the most skilled butter- eee possible, and in order for him to produce the best possible grade of butter, first let him decide this: that the cream when received is in its best possible condition, and the battle is three-fourths won; for then with judgment and dispatch he can torce the cream to that vital point that insures first-class butter every time. Therefore, would advise putting butter-makers on the routes in company with the skimmers certain number of days each week, and on such routes as most require his services. Let his duty be to instruct patrons in the proper manner of setting and caring for the milk, ana instructing skimmers in their duties and manner of skimming, and 30 further, te consult patrons on all differences and topics that come under the general requirements of the business, . Don't be afraid to let patrons know that you send your best man among them to look after mutual interests, instead of only sending uneducated or careless skim- mers collecting cream, and threatening patrons that they must make up all losses caused by such skimmer’s carelessness or inability. Then I think the sentiment will be somewhat changed between farmers and manutacturers. . In this way I consider that the quality and results would be far better by the butter-maker looking after mutual outside interests, he reporting to and avila assistant how to operate in his absence. Produce a clipping from N. Y. Dairyman of December, 1884: Mr. Cromwell, of the Buena Vista Creamery, has called upon us to make a correction in our statement concerning his factory in last week’s issue. That is, while he has been able to get a very tair average from testing his patrons’ cream but once a week, yet he has tound such a tendency to vary in its quality from day to day that it is now his practice to test the cream of each patron every day so as to du as nearly as pussible absolute justice all around. He has found that with a commu- nity so new to the dairy business as that of Iowa there is almost a total lack of sys- tem among them. One member of the family will attend to the milk ana do the skimming to-day, while the whole matter will be intrusted to another to- morrow, and sometimes the youngest child in the family will have to look atter the milk. With such treatment there is, of course, a great variation in the percentage of cream yield, and to overcume this trouble he has felt compelled,to make his tests daily, with of course some exceptions with those patrons who are most systematic in handling their milk and cream. As they become more expert dairymen he has more confidence in his frequent tests, but the matter has to be more closely looked after in order to do fair and equal justice to all parties. But one thing Mr. Crom- well wishes to state emphatically. and that 1s, that making these churning tests 1s not nearly so much trouble as he at first thought it would be, simply because he-has all the necessary apparatus, a ,faithtul man to-work it, and the whole thing fully Seared. He advises every man who attempts tbe cream gathering system to adopt it You will please see in above that Mr. C.’s system admits of one member of the family attending to the milk and doing the skimming to-day, while the whole mat- ter will be intrusted to another to-morrow, and sometimes the youngest child in the family will have to look after the whole thing. Now, that kind of a process may suit Mr. C. there in Iowa; but I think that we here in Nebraska (if we know our business) don’t want to adopt that system, and I for one don’t want my butter dish affected by the results of that kind of a process. Our farmers theniselves have a great duty to perform, that is to patronize the creamery, or any other Jegitimate business whose purpose is to concentrate tle products of one soil into the least buiky form possible to pay freight on to market, for while we have to pay fully 100 per cent of its original value for freight te market our grain, and by cencentrating our energies and grain into dairy pursuits and products, we can then get the result, ‘tbutter,’’ to market at a cost. of only 8 to 10 per cent. of its value. Our patrons that are the most benefited are tarmers with large families and small farms—they are enabled to use their surplus labor in dairy pursuits—this pro- vides tor monthly expenses of family; the children are raised to labor, thrift, econ- omy and independence. From necessity such farmers are continually improving their stock and necessarily bringing their land to the highest state of cultivation. It does not seem possible that this State could be beaten or even equalled in natural resources for dairy pursuits; its fine climate and water, prolitic soil and nutritious grasses, all tend to make it unparalleled. Peter Henderson, the popular New York florist, was lately credited with replying to a friend who asked him how to procure the very best soil, ‘‘Go to Nebraska and get you a car load of soil—you can’t make a mistake if you get it anywhere in that State.”’ While there have so many enterprising parties built and equipped in the most 31 modern and improved manner creamery plants in nearly all of the most eligible sections of our State at large outlays, who are willing to operate them on reasonably fair margins, it only remains now tor the farmers to get their eyes open to the true facts of the case, and then Nebraska will certainly become the leading dairy State of the Union. In an interview by an exchange reperter, the Hon. W. H. Seymour, ex-presi- dent of the N. Y. Mercantile exchange, in describing the States comprising the grand dairy belt of this country, made special reference to Nebraska and said it was tast coming to the front, and wound up by saying, *‘Butter has been and always will be a staple article, that this line of business could never be overdone.” Will read a clipping from N. Y. Dairyman ot Dec. 18, 1884: WORTH CONSIDERING. In the columns of the Storm Lake Journal (Iowa) we find some very suggestive figures trom the pen of its dairy correspondent, Mr. Cromwell. ‘They relate to the prices in the local market ot the various farm products, for instance, this year, 1884, wheat is from 30 to 40 cents a bushel, corn 17 cents, oats 16 cents; hogs, $3.75 per 100 pounds, while butter sells fur 20 cents a pound, In 1883 wheat was 45 to 60 cents a bushel, corn 30 cents, oats 20 cents, and hogs again $3.75 per 100 pounds, while butter then sold from 16 to 20 cents a pound at the local stores. The moral that the writer draws from this isa good one and is to the tollowing effect, that while all other products of the tarm go up and down, wanting every feature of stability, the product of the dairy yields the same steady price one year with an- other. Brother Smith accounts for it in this way: Everybody, big, little, and medi- um sized, intelligent or ignorant, rich or poor, can in one season go into hogs, wheat, corn, oats, or almost any other product of the tarm, and thus vastly and ruinously overstock the market, which is a thing they not only can do, but they are constantly doing it. Now. how is it with the dairy? It takes two years to make a new cow, and three years to work ail the produce on to the market, besides other appointments of a permanent character, such as houses and utensils, must be fur- nished, so that it is next to impossible to get up a glut in the market, even of the lower grades of butter or cheese from overproduction, while the best quality is never overdone. It takes too many years for a man to become a first-class dairyman to create anything lke a glut in that branch of the business. The man who goes intelligently into dairying must go in to stay, if he hopes to make a success of it. He must make a life study of it, and then he bas one of the most stable and permanently remaunerative occupations that farming furnishes. While it may not be wise to look for any brilliant results like a fortune in a few years, which after all is only the dream of gamblers, and is as rarely realized as other and less foolish dreams; but if the man is honest and square ard consents to live by the sweat of his brow, and live modestly as becomes his station in tite, mak- ing a happy home, and thus gathering about him ail the comforts that an honest ambition can desire, then we say mike of yourself a good dairyman. It has been demonstrated over and again that among our general farmers (es- pecially in the older States) that to raise grain to sell, expecting to make of it a lucrative business, has proved itself a complete failure. At the time of the first introduction of creameries into lowa, their farmers had reached that point of realizing that as grain growers simpiy they were becoming bankrupt, land poor, prematurely aged. and impaired in health and trying to hold their own by annual increase in acreage, which only resulted in reaping a smaller average ot crops per acre. Since the adoption of the creameries. those farmers began at once to reap the rewards, and now generally where we, ten years ago saw a farmer wearing his weary life away trying to earn a living by raising grain on 160 to 240 acres, may now be seen on the same and similar tracts of land as many 2s two to three thrifty dairy farmers possessing 80 to 100 acres each, who have so far recovered trom their former mistakes as to be surrounded by all the necessary and modern conveniences, to- gether with a nice little account to their credit at the bank in their nearest town, all resulting from the benefit of condensing grain crops into a less bulky matter to pay 32 freight. on to market, or, in other words, occupying and farming a limited number of acres for all there was in the land, instead ef spreading themselves over an un- limited number of acres for all there was in their bodies. The chiet western industries seem now to be verging in two channels—one is the vast grazing interests which are capitalizing vast sums of money and influences which is absorbing the rights which our would-be farmers should possess, and are tast creating such a monopoly as to soon suggest a possibility of the foreign land- lord system so disastrous abroad; while the other is, farmers content themselves on inoderate sized farms, well looked after and managed, to be producing biggest re- sults, with industrious efforts in dairy pursuits. We have one enemy here—bogus iard and tallow butter. While these manu‘acturers of the bogus article are few in number, yet they rep- resent large capital, and they consolidate their capital and wits to the very farthest extent, in forcing this illegitimate article on the market to be palmed off as ‘honest batter.” Shall we as honest farmers, engaged in an honorable, healthy and life-giving dairy pursuit, be usurped by these glaring frauds. Let every good citizen of our State make his voice heard before our representa- tives in congress. Our individual farmers are largely in the majority, and when they realize the necessity of exerting themselves in causing proper legislative meas- ures to be established and enforced, then we will have good reason to look tor suc- cess in its final suppression. In the meantime let our manufacturers observe all measures that have a tend- ency to raise the quality and merits of their buiter above any chance of competition with the spurious article. Will introduce some testimonials that were suggested, turnished and signed by several of our patrons, and published in our town paper, showing what could be and was being realized by farmers in our locality, then new to the business: This is to certify that I have sold cream to the Sutton Creamery for the year ending January 1, 1885, from 9 cows, receiving for the same in cash,...... $158.12 Have l0-calves on hand) Januany ds) valed abe rears ee ccm Setelnitatarstele erclanciel=t= 150.00 [Signed. ] , $308.12 This is to certify that I have sold cream to the Sutton Creamery for the year ending January 1, 1885, trom 6 cows, received for same................5- $140.83 January 1; 1885. 5 calyes on hand worth..............+.+0<<- avec Sete tegs 75.00 [Signed. | $215.83 This is to certify that I have sold cream to the Sutton Creamery for the past Vean irom blercowasas CeCelvine stom Samer eremmcie one eicaeeieleeisiieiteiee cite $294.47 Have on hand to date, January 1, 1885, 11 calves worth.................. 165.00 [Signed. ] $459.47 This is to certify that I have furnished the Sutton Creamery with cream for the past year trom 3 cows and received for same. .... 2.0... + sciere se cle $124.96 Haveion hand Januany 1 1885). calves valued at... 2). ase eciniel= 42.00 [Signed. | $166.96 Will ceive a few more figures in way of showing the merits of the creamery sys- tem and then be done: Our creamery at Sutton manufactured during|the eleven months ending Dec. 1, 131,200 pounds of butter. (Have procured from the most reliable source New York prices of dairy butter as sold there tor each and all of the 11 months.) Had this 131,200 lbs. of butter been made by our patrons and marketed in New York at the average price of the three highest grades of dairy butter, they would have received $12,229.81. "9-32 33 The creamery company paid them directly for the cream $17,620.16, or $5,390.00 more than they would have received by the other process, When the farmer thinks he has to pay for the teams that are sent around to collect the cream, let him study these figures until he sees his mistake. In conclusion let me ask, has not the creamery been an advantage to the Ne- braska farmer, and 1s 1t not for his interest to continue to patronize it. After a duet, “ The Alpine Maid,” beautifully rendered by Miss Edith Turner and Mrs. J. H. Wheeler, and a cornet solo by Dave Stewart, a paper was read Hon. L. 8. Coffin, of Ft. Dodge, Lowa: ADDRESS. HON. L. 8. COFFIN, FT. DODGE, IOWA. I am glad to be able to meet with your association in its first annual meeting. I was at its birth, and I[ stand as a sort of God-father to it, if you know how much that means. Webster, | think, says this God-father makes himself a surety that this child will torsake the devil and all his works. It | am to be God-father to this association in that sense it may give me the right to take a tatherly oversizht ot it, and give it on proper occasions some whole- some advice. Solomon says, ‘‘ train up a child in the way he should go, so when he is old Le need not depart therefrom.”’ If this be true, too, then in order to save myself trouble in my sponsorship over this yeariing, just celebrating its first anni- versary, perhaps | had better begin to-night and give such words ot counsel and advice as the time and the circumstance might indicate. Mr. President: I may mean far more by the words ‘‘ the time and the circum- stance’ than the common or casual hearer might think, and the fulness of their meaning may develop farther along in the paper. Tis child is born in ‘‘perilous times.’’ It is to meet with terrible temptations right at the threshold of its existence. When its elder sisters, born in lowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, first saw the light, very different skies hung over their advent mto lite than what looks down upun this latest born of the dairy maids of the great west. To them everybody held out open arms, and farmers’ families all oyer the land—those who intelligently understood the meanmg of such advents— shouted aloud for joy. The consumers of dairy products also sang like the morning stars of old; they sent up the wild Chorus over the new born world. Not so now—your birth comes in under lowering skies instead of clapping of hands and wild, thrilling songs of joy— dark torebodings, lurking suspicions. The day comes in without the bright morn- ing star of hope—the black pall of discouragement spreads out over every farm and dairy household, When your elder sisters were born there was sure and good profit in the cow, She was the animal with the golden hoof. Every man that kept ten cows on his farm knew that these ten would buy him from the proceeds of their milk alone ten more by another year. He knew he could double his working capital each year. The poor, indebted and mortgage ridden grain raiser saw the way out of the clutches of the money loaning fiend. He could get a few cows and in a short time their milk would float his debt. This isall, or to a very great extent, entirely changed now. The man with cows and dairy fixtures has had his income cut right in two by the middle. Men are wanting to sell and but few wishing to buy dairy cows. In all the years of tarm industry up to the present time men have been wont to look upon the dairy as something sure. Sometimes and under some circumstances the income may have been slow, still it was one of the sure things. In the last decade nothing has paid the western farmer better; since skill, intelligence and money have all lent them aid in developing the dairy interests to a wonderful degree. Prix 3B4 vate dairies and association creamery and cheese factories have sprung up as by magic all over the west, when a short time ago it was thought nothing but grain raising could exist. Now creameries are closing up, private dairies are curtailing their work, and general depression and discouragement sit brooding in homes where a short time ago all was hope and cheertul expectation. Bad times this for the dairymaid of what is to be one of the grandest states in the nation to be ushered into iife. Those who have attended these meetings understand tull weil what I mean when I thus refer to the perils to which the young life ot the fair daughter of your state 1s to be exposed. I may be allowed for the sake of those present who have not been able to attend the other meetings, to state briefiy the situation. = I would do this for another reason. Should the finances of your association al- low of printing the proceedings and papers of these meetings I want to place before that large audience who may read these reports the real facts in order to awaken all © a proper sense of the need of urgent and united action upon this important point. Strange and even paradoxical as it may seem—while the world génerally is growing better—while our civilization 1s constantly rising higher and higher, and there are more good men and women on the earth to-day than at any time in the history of our race, there are at the same time the most gigantic swindlers; and the most unblushing swindlers, carrying their dark and selfish, schemes to an extent never before known or dreamed of. This is an age of money-making. There is a craze to amass vast sums—-to ac- complish this some men stop at nothing. No scheme is too vile—no plan that may involve in.its extension the utter ruin of others is objected to on that account, pro- vided it brings the dollars. Acquisitiveness is all right in its place. It is indeed the imperative duty of everyone to acquire a sufficient amount to make himself and family independent of want—yes, to be in affluent circumstances even. It is right and proper for some to acquire largely more than the comfort of him- self, and those dependent upon him, demand; this, that he may use it for the good of his race, in founding and building up institutions for the uplifting of manhood. But this insane rush to amass millions for the name of it, or for the sordid pleasure of having it, 1s so small and mean that I have hard work to have any re- spect at all for such miserly souls. You know how the New England Yankee is naturally educated to save every cent, and to hoid on to every qnarter till the imaged eagle would scream for the squeezing grip. This kind of an early education I had. ‘* To be sure and get the best end of a trade’’ was the gospel with the average Yankee; economy of the most rigid stamp was a necessity. ‘I'his was all right if it went no further. But, alas! for poor hu- man nature, when it was so hard to earn a dollar honestly among the rocks of New Hampshire, it was a sore temptation to give a ‘* leectle’’ better character to the cow or the horse we were selling, if by so doing we could get a dollar or two more for the animal than it was actually worth. Yes, it was something to be prond of, and I was so taught by the example of some of those around me that to be sharp ne get the best in a bargain was a sign of smartness and an omen of good for the uture. Such an one they would say is ‘‘bound to get ab ad; he will be rich; and to be rich was the magnum benum of all good. When I came west and commenced life as a man for myself, there was something about these broad, free prairies that somehow made me ashamed of my little, narrow, penurious Yankee ways and longed tor a wider manhood. It took me years to conquer myself—years before I could look on the other man’s side who was either buying of or selling to me. Now I would not exchange the satisfaction I have in being able to say to a man, ‘* that animal you don’t want be- cause of this or that defect,’' If I can better a man or his finances by a trade with him, then [ trade. It has now become so that it is hard for me to conceive how a man can coolly and deliberately go to work to deceive another in order to take from him some 35 money he could not otherwise do. I can’t understand of what stuff such men are made. Such men I fear. If a man will deceive me so as to take from me money with- out returning an equivalent, would he not, if be could do it. and steer clear of the law, waylay and rob me? Now, applying these thoughts and principles let us go on with the thought this seeming diversion led trom. We will return to it by a round-about way With what high hopes; with what visions of good have the tarmers, the dairy- men and creamery men started out iy this promising state. A great many may have made the mistake here as in lowa, that of sticking too long to grain raising. but consider for a moment the great number in the aggregate szattered throughout this entire state who Own cows and depend more or less on the cream and butter they expect to sell to get many of the thousand and one things with which home is made up. How many here, learning how well dairymen have done in Iowa, have with great effort and sacrifice provided themselves with a few cows to go into dairy- ing. How many have planned to se2d down their land so as to have tame meadows and pastures for their cows. How many energetic, enterprising men have put their money mto creameries and have induced the farmers around them to buy cows, with the expectation of selling cream. I wish it possible [ could get at the entire number in your state who are this very night prepared, or are preparing, to so shape their affairs that their future in- come is to be more or less affected by the price of butter. I wish it were possible that I could arrange them in marching order and lead the long prozession by this audience so you could count them Oh, what an army would file past you, Mr. President. How we should become interested in the various families and individuals as they passed by. This family was sure that their ten cows would, in a year or two, pay off the mortgage on the homestead; that one was expecting to make enough this year so that Sarah, the oldest girl, could be sent to the high school next year. See that widow with those five children; the oldest boy is a cripple for life, but what a head and eye. The mother is saying to herself, it I can get enough tor the cream trom. my eight cows what I shall sell to the creamery to put my son under the tuition of such a teacher, and if so | am sure he will make his mark in the world even it he is lame. We could sit for hours as the long train of hopeful families passed vy. It would indeed be a long train, thousands on thousands, so many that the morning hght would find us still here, waiting for the rear of the column to pass. Who can measure the high hopes, the many expectations? How full our own hearts would be, who have been in any way instrumental in shaping those hopes and reasonable expectations. I say reasonable—who ever heard of a failure when calculations were based on the cow? Good butter has always, since the world began, brought cash, and who expects to make otuer than good butter now the creameries have come and taught us ailso much. Then if we are so situated we cannot make good butter at home, the creameries will buy our cream and give us as much for the cream that will make a pound of butter as we usually get for the butter after we have put our time and work in to make it. Of course there is good money in dairying here where land is so cheap and feed so plenty. If dairying pays away back in New York and the New England states where land is worth $75 an acre, hay $20 a ton and corn gets to a dollar a bushel, why it is as clear as sunlight we can make it pay and pay big here, for it costs but a trifle more if any for us to send our butter to New York or Boston than from farms in those states. So the happy and expectant families reason, and with full faith they go on with perfecting their plans for creameries and for private dairies. I said I wish I could tell the number of the individuals in your state whose tuture is to be affected more or less by the price of the butter they expect to sell. I wish I could arrive at something of an estimate of the amount of butter all these hopeful people would make in a year. It would be millions on millions of pounds, wouldn't it? In Iowa we estimate we have sold in some years as high as $50,000,000 worth ‘ 36 of dairy products. I see no reason why Nebraska cannot in the near future expect to equal us in dairy matters. As it is even now the amount you can produce this coming year is enormous, and the amount of money you expect, or have reason to expect, to receive is so large that it is difficult for the mind to completely grasp it. Certainly none of us can reach out and take into adequate comprehension all the good the money it should bring would carry to the numberless families and individuals. Now, Iam most reluctantly compelled to turn another side of this picture to the audience. I have struggled and labored to bring to your minds some idea of the vast number of pounds of your dairy and creamery butter possible to be made for sale in your state this coming year. Please keep that undefined, indefinite vast amount in your minds. © Vast as that amount is, there is one man in Chicago who can make and send out from his factory and put upon the market more pounds of what is sold as choice creamery or first class dairy butter than all the butter makers and creameries in this great state of yours, and that man will not have a cow to his name for the pur- pose. This is not all. That man can undersell you till be reduces your price below the cost of production even here where land is cheap, and feed so low as to com- mand almost no price at all. The mere statement of this fact is so appalling in its far-reaching consequence that it is with the utmost difficulty I can command my emotions so as to intelligent- ly make it. Its terrible truth for me to stand up here and utter, so astounding is this fact that its realization nearly paralyzes the entire dairy people of this nation, and well it may. Do you ask what is the stuff made of? I can’t tell. Some say tallow and leat lard together with a small per cent. of butter are the main ingredients. Butit mat- ters not what it is made of. No one asks what a counterfeit bill is made of, or what kind of ink is used to printit. Itis enough that it is counterfeit. That condemns it. This bogus butter is a counterfeit. That is enough. It is never sold to the consumer under its real name. Consumers are interested in this thing as well as the makers of the real article. Mark the point I am now about to make: Mr. Armour, one of the largest manufacturers of this stuff, a very rich man, claims that he makes his out of clean, pure tallow and leaf lard, some chemicals and with a certain per cent. of butter. He claims that his product is wholesome and no one can tell it trom genuine cow butter. Admit it tor the moment, it is a fact that tallow and lard can be deodorized so that neither can be detected by the smell. It is also a fact, now mark, that tallow and lard from diseased cattle and cholera hogs can also be deodorized so that it cannot be told from that of healthy or recently killed animals. Now, if Mr. Armour, professing to be honorable and making only from pure tallow and lard, ‘but allows it to be sold not for what it really is, but as pure butter, will not some other man, in order to make money, buy up cheap, impure and cholera hog lard, put it through the same process and make an imitation of Mr. Armour’s dutterine and sell it for his, and let it go on the market as butter also? flere is where the thing leads, and there is no safety if we once consent to the fraud in any way or shape. There is no escaping the conclusion, hence | say the con- sumer is vitally interested as well as we producers. It wonld be useless for me to state in numbers the millions of pounds of the fraud stuff that are made each year now. It is enough to say as I have that one man has in Chicago an establishment of a capacity to make more pounds than all tbe private dairies and creameries in Nebraska put together, and there are at least tourteen factories in Chicago alone. How many there are at other ca‘tle and hog slaughtering points the Lord only knows; I don’t. I have said I could not conceive of what material a man goul’ be made who could deliberately work for the sake of the dollars and cents and rob thousands on thousands of hard working, honest people as Mr. Armour and thoge engaged in a like work are robbing them. f Q If there was left any manhood in them, [ would like to have them come and sit 84 down by your side, Mr. President, while I would again order a counter-march of thé vast army we have had pass in review before us this evening, yes, I would like for that man Armour to sit here and look these people in the face as they come march- ing back with a full realizing sense of all his work meant to them. I would have him understand how these people had come mostly empty handed into this new country, how they had endured all the privations of pieneer life, and liyed in cabins and dugouts, had contended with drought and grasshoppers and cyclones, had struggled manfully with debts, had lived on cornbread and potatoes and salt until they had began to see daylight ahead; had; as I have said, collected a few cows around them, and were just building hopes of schooling their children, mortgages lifted, the old claim cabin exchangeu for a comfortable farm house, were in fact just beginning to feel that they wece men and women. Over again I say I would like for them to look into this man’s soul, if he has one, as he reads in the faces of all these people as they pass slowly by how hope had fled, how the bright visions of an hour ago had fled. Could he look that crippled boy in the face? Could he meet the fiery indignation of that mother’s eye when he knew he had taken from her the last prop, the only hope for that darling first born, crippled boy? _ If he had the least particle of the soul of a true man he would need no other hell than to be obliged to sit there and Jook on the p2ople his greed had ruined. Weil, here we are confronted with these monstrous facts. The next thing comes the pertinent question ‘* what are we going to do about it?” Shall we tamely bow down and take upon our necks the yoke? Shali we sit still and let one man’s interest out-weigh the interest of ten thousand men, women and children who personally are a thousand times his superior morally? No, I trust, yea, no. A thousand times no! The American born man and woman will submit to no such robbery and im- position. A counterfeiter is a counterteiter the world over. We, the people, rule here in America. If we have no law now on our statute books that’tan reach these scoundrels we can mighty quick put some there. If the men we have already elected to make for us suitable laws to protect the interests of the people do not do it, we can put others in their places so quick 1t will make them think that a cyclone is about. Let every man, woman and child who can write, sit down at once and write to their member of congress, and give him to understand that this thing must stop or his head comes off at once. — These butter fraud chaps may have the money, but we, the people, have the votes. Money goes a good way with a congressman, I know, but votes go further. It is the ‘‘ dear people’ they will be most anxious to please, therefore, I repeat it, sit down and write at once; this week, next week and the next, and so on every week. Let them understand up at Washington you mean business and they will do it. All we ask is a law that shall compel them to sell the ‘‘ fraud” as a ‘‘ fraud.”’ Put a revenue officer after them; let there be a weigher in every slush factory, and let him put a revenue stamp on every package, large or small, that will stay there until the last ounce is sold to the consumer, or Uncle Sam will ask why. State laws they will manage some way to evade, but when Uncle Samuel gets after them they are terribly afraid, tor his big cowhides come down with the weight of a ton on the toes of those who presume on his ignorance or verdancy. Yes, we must all, everybody, arouse and let these fellows who are robbing us and imposing their vile compounds on the people know that this great country is not quite ready to go to the dogs, just that a score of swindlers might get the earth. Why, I had on my tongue to say the other day while in Chicago, that the womans’ broom brigade ot Iowa would march down to the city and sweep every last brick of the cussed factories into the Jake and the men that run them with them, and they will do it, too, before they will submit to such robbery. don’t know when to stop, Mr. President, when I get upon this subject. I . don’t see how any man can hold his peace. ‘‘Cry aloud and spare not”’ is the great command sent forth by the pressing wants and wrongs of an outraged people. We who are more interested in the production of dairy goods are not the only 38 ones interested. What man or woman is to be found who is sunken so low but who has some desire to know what it is they eat, especially when it is so important an article of diet as butter? I have already said that the most objectionable and offensive fats can be put through a process of deodorizing so that they cannot be distinguished trom clean, healthy lard and tallow, of which these compounds imitating butter can be made, but because it looks like butter do you want to eat it? Already many patents have been issued from the patent effice for the making of this stuff: Here are some of them: WHAT IS IT? The patents for counterfeit butter which were named in Commissioner Colman’s paper read before the National Butter, Cheese and Egg convention, involve the use, among other things, of the following named ingredients: sour milk, ali kinds of animal tats, lactic acid, peanut oil, almond oil, olive oil, seda ash, salt, stearine, orris root, leat lard, treated with a solution of nitric acid and borax; milk, sugar, bi-carbonate of soda, butyric acid, beet suet, glycerine, coloring matter, buttermilk, tullow, pepsin, saltpeter, boracic acid, benzoic acid, ground slippery elm bark, sali- cylic acid, caustic soda, corn starch, cooked farinazeous flour, annatto, benne oil, prepared cows udder, sal soda, oil of sesame, oil of sunflower seed, vaseline; etc. Who cannot relish bogus butter after this? No, we producers are not alone in the work of dealing with ‘‘fraud.’’ All will help. All we ask is that it shall go upon the market under its own name, As it is now it has stolen the livery of heaven to serve the devil in. It has stolen our tubs, all our choice packages, and it has stolen, too, all the dear, sweet pet names we have inyented with which to cali our dear, pure, rich and aromatic products of our best dairies and creameries. Here are some of them: Spring Rock Creamery; Maple Grove Dairy; Cloverdale Dairy; Jersey Isle Herd Butter; Cream Foam Dairy; Iowa’s Best Creamery, etc. When asked why they steal these names they reply, ‘‘ Oh, we don’t beheve that creamery and dairymen have got a monopoly of the English language.” We have heard much about the cheek of the government mule, but Mr. Presi- dent, ladies and gentlemen: hereafter it will only be an insult to long-abused ani- mals and to the father of mules to mention a bogus butter man’s name the same day with that of a jackass or his offspring, the mule. Cheek! Cheek! I have seen pretty hard things in my hfe, living as J have part of it in the granite State, but I take my hat right off at once and vote a inedal to a butterine man for hardness of cheek. I would give it to him for hardness of heart, but [ find on careful post mortem examination he has none. Leaving this part of my subject, I come to the fatherly advice part of my work. The God-father becomes a surety that his foster-child will forsake and eschew all the ways of the devil. You may do this. I mean this State Dairyman’s Association and it may not be hard for you todo this. When Webster defined a God-father the bogus butter devil was not known. Evolution had not gone far enough then to make his birth possible. He is on earth now. He goes up and down the land not seeking whom he may devour. but goes doing it. The men, women and children who are his natural prey are so many and so thick he does not need to hunt. They are on every hand and he is devouring them. The question is, will you kill this devil er help him? As a God-father I offer myself as surety that you will forever forsake his ways. Now [ am going to ask you as a state association just entering upon what can be a path of great usefulness this pertinent question: Will you keep wholly and perfectly aloof from the way of the meanest of all devils, this butter fraud man. I mean a good deal by this question. Some years ago when the butter and cheese association was held in Cedar Rapids of our state, | was asked to prepare a paper and read there. I did so. That paper was a plea as strong as I could make it, that Iowa creamery men would for- ever stand aloot from mixing anything with their butter. I wanted that the word 39 ‘| ‘‘Towa’’ on any dairy product from our state should be an open voucher for its urity. ? I had dropped on to perhaps the first one and up to that time, the only one of our many creameries in the state which had just begun to use neutral oil. I don’t know as any do it now, I don’t want to believe that we have a creamery in the state that does it. The olio oil makers in Chicago say that many of the creameries of the country buy their neutral to mix with and cheapen their out-put. This may be a false accusation from a set of counterfeiters and frauds to turn the storm of scorn and condemnation they see coming upon their own swindling pates. It would be no more than natural to expect from such a set of swindlers, but supposing that every creamery man and every dairy man in our state had, from that date, to set his face aguinst this fraud so that there was a moral certainty that all Iowa products were the true article? It would have been millions to-day in our hands. Let this association take high grounds on this matter, expel and put the mark of Cain on every man that may join your association who, I was about to say, was even suspected of using a pound of neutral! oil, but certainly everyone who uses it. Let it be the laudable and bounden duty as well as ambition to have all of tae dairy products from your great, grand state true to name. Have it so that the word ** Nebraska”’ shall be a warrant to the genuineness of your goods, so much so that it will tempt others in other states to steal your good name. Do this and then shall I indeed be proud to stand sponsor for this fair, young and latest born dairy maid of this great west. A grand career is open to you for great usefulness. Lest some may be discour- aged by what I have said in this address and be deterred from entering into the dairy industry, let me say be not so alarmed. So great is the crime against an in- dustry in which so many are interested, an industry of the farm which can employ all the members of a farmer’s family better than any other; an industry that has, since we were people, been one of the most reliable if not the most remunerative; an industry that has invested in the cows alone more money than in all the nation put together, and one, too, that will be protected. So great is the wrong sought to be perpetrated that its very magnitude and heinousness will work its own cure. The people are being aroused and we shall see a wave of frenzy sweep over the land like one of our tornadoes, carrying destruction to all engaged in this work, the equal of which the devil himself had never dreamed of. Take, then, not one step backward. Sell not acow. Let him that hath none sell a reaper or a horse and buy one. This land will and must be a land of milk and butter, if not flowing with milk and honey. God makes no mistakes. Such a state as this, such a soil for grasses, such streams and springs of water were not made without a design. The time is coming end that not far away when the population upon the square mile of this land will be a marvel. In the economy of a densely populated rural district the cow must and will figure as one of the chief economic forces. Let, then. no one be for a moment disheartened. As sure as grass grows and water runs dairying is to be one of the most pleasant, sure, profitable and important industries of your state. It is the industry of the masses of farmers. It is one of the certain roads to independence. It leads to intelligence and refinement. No swindler like Armour or any of his clan can thwart the ways ot good in the heart of God to his children. Do well your part, lift high the standard of excellence and purity of all your dairy products and you are sure to win. This agitation about this fraud is going to disgust people more and more with the miserable imitations and create a larger demand for the genuine article. It is in fact to be one of the best really in the end that could happen to the dairy interest. The true bill becomes all the more precious because of the many counterfeits. Miss Edith Turner and Mr. J. G. Lumbard then appeared and rendered “The Fisherman,” which fairly captivated the audience, 40 After short speeches by Mr. Hoard, Mr. Lumbard, and others, the committee on resolutions through its chairman, Mr. Coffin, offered the following: Wuereas, The great creamery and dairy interest is in imminent danger of utter destruction, “and one of the most important and attractive industries of the rural districts, through which more people are ‘interested than any other, would be frustrated and untold numbers would be disastrously affected by the unchecked and uncon- trolled manufacture and sale of a counterfeit butter; therefore Resolved, 'That we, as a State Dairy Association, do most earnestly and emphatically enter our decided protest against the great swindle, and we call upon Congress to take immediate steps to protect the people in an honest industry against a consummate and cowardly swindle, both because of the ate insic merit of the industry as well as that of public health. Resolved, That we, as an association of creamery and dairymen of the State of Nebraska, do hereby pledge ourselves that we will, as an association, as well as in our individual capacity, in no way or man- ner countenance or encourage the manufacture, sale or use of any of the compounds, imitations or counterfeits of Pee neither will we in any way or manner buy or use any of the neutral oils or oleo to mix with or otherwise adulterate pure milk or cream butter. Resolved, Should any of the members of this association, or any who may become members hereafter, be found guilty of using any foreign oils or any substance whatever to cheapen the products of his creamery or dairy by adulteration, he shall be expelled from the asso- ciation and his name published to the public as one who practices such adulteration. Resolved, That this association recommend to every creamery man in the state to secure the names of all his patrons and all dairy- men and all who are interested in the production and consumption of of pure dairy products to sign petitions to Congress, asking for immediate legislation which shall place the manufacture and sale of all compounds, imitations and counterfeits of butter under laws simi- lar to those regulating the manufacture and sale of whiskey and tobacco, with a revenue Sis of not less than ten cents a pound upon all such articles, and that when any of it is found offered for sale without the U. S. revenue stamp it and the vender shall be held responsible to the federal laws, as are those who are found dealing in unstamped tobacco. Ltesolved, That the secretary of this association is hereby instructed to prepare and send out to the creamery and dairy men of 41 the state proper blanks for petitions to Congress, as contemplated in the preceding resolutions. Resolved, That as a first, and in fact the important step in the improvement of the dairy interest of Nebraska, the owner of the cow should become more intelligent as to her nature, her breeding, her care and feeding, we pledge ourselves to do all we can to induce the keepers of cows and farmers to take and read good agricultural and dairy papers. feesolved, That the most hearty thanks of this association are hereby tendered to the citizens of Fremont for the cordial hospitality shown to the members of this association, and ftesolved, Further, that great credit is due to the local committee for its untiring efforts to make this, our first annual, the grand suc- cessit has had. Also Resolved, That we are under special obligation to the band and musical talent of Fremont for the aid and pleasure they have afforded to our meetings. fesolved, That we gratefully acknowledge the courtesy of the railroads extended to the members of this association in giving us reduced rates. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The following, offered by Hon. H. B. Nicodemus, were also unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this association are due and are hereby tendered to Col. W. D. Hoard, of Wisconsin, and Hon. L. 8S. Coftin, of Iowa, for their presence, their valuable aid, many words of advice and highly appreciative manner in which they have entertained us from their vast store of knowledge on dairy as well as other matters. fiesolved, That the thanks of this association are hereby tendered to Prof. Julius G. Lumbard, of Chicago, for the soul-inspiring music with which he has entertained us during this, our first annual con- vention. The president then appointed the following committees: On Legislation—W.G. Whitmore, H. B. Nicodemus, Allen Root, D. P. Ashburn, O. M. Druse. On Dairy Statistics—-R. W. Furnas, H. H. Wing, J. H. Reed, W. A. Carpenter, Davis Richardson. . Adjourned sine die. 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Te following rules adopted by the Michigan Dairymen’s Ase. ciation have been thought worthy of a place in this report: RULES FOR THE CARE OF COWS, MILK, AND MILK UTENSILS. The dairymen of Michigan in convention assembled at Kalamazoo, Feb. 16, 17 and 18, 1886, after due deliberation, give as the experience of long years devoted to the business of caring for cows, taking care of milk and milk utensils, that it is ab- ~ solutely necessary that the following rules should be practiced by milk producers in order to furnish to cheese and butter factories milk in good condition for the manu- facture of butter and cheese and wholesome milk to consumers: 1. Cows of whatever breed shoutd have an abundance of good, wholesome food and good, pure water—not too cold in winter—and salt, to which they should have access at all times. 2. Cows must not be overheated or unduly excited by fast driving or worrying. 3. The udder and teats should be thoroughly cleaned vefore milking (by wash- ing, if need be) and the teats should not be wet by the milker during the process of milking. 4 Kindness and gentleness should be used at all times and under all circum- “tnebiee At no time shoulda the cow be excited by loud or boisterous talking or aughing. a Cows should be milked by the same milker and the milking should be done as quickly as possible. 6. During cold weather cows should be comfortably housed and their stalls should be well cleaned and littered. 7. Milk kept over night should be cooled to at least 70 degrees. 8. If the milk is for butter, or cream for the creamery or market, cool the creamer to about 40 to 45 degrees before commencing to milk. Put the milk into the creamer as soon as drawn. It should remain from 12 to 24 hours for a complete separation. 9. For the cheese factory aerate the milk well by thoroughly stirring and cool- ing to 75 degrees before starting to the factory. : 10. Milk should never be allowed to stand where it is subjected to foul odors of any kind. 11. Nothing but bright and absolutely clean tin pails and cans should be used in handling milk. 12. Whey must never be allowed to stand in cans after being returned to the farm, and the cans should be thoroughly cleaned as soon as emptied. 13. To properly clean milk utensils, they should be first thoroughly washed with warm water and then scalded with water that is boiling hot. They should be scoured with salt at least twice a week. YYood & Shireen —WHOLESALE— Creamery Butter and Cheese, —ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF— ELGIN, - - ILLINOIS, THE DAVIES WAREHOUSE & SUPPLY CO. AWSALTEK IMPORTERS. NO. 200 LASALLE ST. CHICAGO. We import from Liverpool the celebrated Price, 2 24ib Sacks, (White Linen).................... $2.40. We Pay 25c per Sack for every reasonably clean and whole Sack returned to us. Will buy at whelesale one of our 10-foot Vuune or Vane- less Windmills, where we have no Agent. A good re- cord of six yeurs, and the First Premium at the World’s Fair at New Or- leans, in the Dairy Depart- ment. Don’t you want one? Write to CORNISH, CURTIS & GREENE, FORT ATKINSON, WIS. Thomas B.Wales, jr.& Son, IOWA CITY, - - - IOWA, BREEDERS OF CHOICE Merchants Déspatch Transportation Company’s DAIRY: FREIGHT = LINK Our New and Improved Refrigerator Cars Awarded First Premium and Medal at the World’s Exposition, New Orleans; are in regular service for the Quick TRANSPORTATION of ======DRESSED BEEF ====== Quiter, Gheese, iB ee, And all other Perishable Property, From all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest, £0 NEW YORK, BOSTON, ALBANY, PHILADELPHIA, And other Eastern Points. Freight should be MARKED and CONSIGNED v1A Merchants Despatch Dairy Line, and Suiprrne Tickets should so read to insure despatch and to prevent ship- ments from being diverted. Postau Carbs for giving notice of shipments and STEeNcILs for marking pack- ages will be furnished upon application to Gen 1 Western Agent. M. D. T. Co.’s Refrigerator Cars will be-supplied for Car Loans on appli- cation to AGENTS OF RAILROADs at point of shipment. Md Goods for Foreign Ports forwarded on THROUGH BILLs oF LaDING. G, F. DExTER, Geo. W. Butt, Western Traveling Agent, CHICAGO. Traveling Agent, CHICAGO. W. W. Hook, M. W. SEIBERT, Treveling Agent, CHICAGO. Traveling Agent, TOLEDO. GEORGE H. SMITH, General Western Agent, 112 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. hae Dyers SET The children a itis JUST FUN tochurn. One churn at wholesale price where there is no agent. CORNISH, CURTIS & GREENE, Fi, Atkinson, Wis. =~) Mitiversity of —=sINDUSTRIAL COLLEGE FARM.=— SHORT-HORN, HEREFORD Galloway, Holstein-Friesian Ayrshire and Jersey Cattle. GRAN DVR WAY; Sui MEAs Young Stock for fale. TMA | Gino Correspondence Solicited. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, Plans of Creameries and Cheese Factorves. BURRELL & WHITMAN, Manufacturers of all the Latest and Most Improved Machinery and Apparatus for the manufacture of both Butter and Cheese and all kinds of Dairy Supplies and Furnishings. SEND FOR ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Centrifugal Cream Separating or Milk Machines. Warranted the best either for Sm4ini Darrres or LARGE CREAMERIES. The only system of extracting the cream from milk that can be advantageously employed where the cream-gathering plan is practiced. Ky means of these machines the FARMERS are enabied to take out EVERY PARTICLE of the cream from the milk when it is fresh, or immediately atter it is drawn trom the cows, thus furnishing the best quality of cream, and leaving the skim milk pure and sweet, and in the best possible condition for teeding te Pigs, Calves and other stock. Note what is said ot these machines in the manutacture of Commercial Cream for making Ice Cream, Charlotte Russe, ete., ete.: Isaac Rorr, of Cohoes, N. Y., to whom we have furnished Cream for the past two seasons, says: ‘‘ The best cream I have ever used.”’ G. W. Parrriner, of Buffalo, N. Y., and for some time president of the Com- mon Council of that city, says: ‘* Have had trade that I could never get for cream raised under the old system.’ Also many other TESTIMONIALS from the MOST PROMINENT MANUFACTURERS OF BUTTER throughout the country. All ot our Apparatus, such as Centrifugal Machines. Gang Presses, Vats, Boilers and Engines, &c., and also Seam- less Bandage, Cheese-box Hoops and Rims, Butter Boxes, Annatto Seed, Annattoine, Rennets, As well as everything that enters into the manufacture of Cheese and Butter, are either manufactured or imported by us. We can guarantee them of the very best quality, and, as we are first hands for all of these, we can make LOWER PRICES than any others. In making finest Butter and Cheese, use only the DANISH RENNET EXTRACT, BUTTER COLOR and CHEESE COLOR furnished by us. Our goods can be obtained from our authorized agents in all Dairy Districts. Fraser Patent Gang Cheese Press and Hoops, Exclusive Manufacturers and Sole Owners of Patents Pertaining Thereto. As some parties have advised that we were not the manufacturers or importers of all the machimery and goods which we furnish to the Dairy interests, we desire to state that we manufacture or import all our specialties exclusively. All patents in- volved are taken care of by us, so that, we sell to all parties, guaranteeiug'them in the right to use our goods free from all claims from any other parties whomsoever We welcome visitors to our STOCK FARMS, MODEL CREAMERIES, SILOS, &c., AT LITTLE FALLS, N. Y., Where we shall with pleasure show the latest and most approved methods, to- gether with the best possible Machinery and Apparatus in every department. Cor respondence solicited. Address BURRELL & WHITMAN, Little Falis, N. Y., U.S.A. Our Factories are located as follows: LITTLE FALLS N. Y.—Vats, Tinware and Gen-- WYANDOTTE, MICH.--All Box Material, Barrel eral Supplies; also Stock Farm, Silos, &c. : Hoops, Thin Veneers Head Linings, &c. ROME, N. Y.—Patent Gang Presses and Hoops, POUGHKFEPSIE, N. Y.--Boilers & Engines, Vats, &¢ , and Depot for Dairy Supplies. : Cheese and Butter Tryers &c. PHILADELPHIA—Cream Separatng Machines SUNDERLAND, VT.—Butter Packages. NEWPORT, MIDDLEVILLE, TRENTON & LITTLE FALLS, N. Y.—Creameries for manufacture of GLENSIDE BUTTER. Jira WADA nes Dealers in and Manufacturers of Creamery and Dairy Supplies, Engines and Boilers. Specialties of our own Manufacture: Creamery Box Churns, Cream Steam and Ice Vats, Wood Jacket Trans- portation Cans, Iron Clad Milk Cans, J. F. Swab’s Pat. Transportation Can, Railroad Shipping Cans, J. F, Swabh’s Pat. Ventilated Milk Cans, Common Milk Setters, Stewart’s Gold Medal Butter Color. Avents for the De.aval Cream Separator and Ashton's Daity Salt WRITE FOR DISCOUNTS BEFORE BUYING. No, 8 and 9, North First, - - Cedar Rapids, Iowa. USS. Canadian Patent Patent Issued Granted Dec. ., 1885, Jan. 3, 1886, The “Acme” Calf Feeder Takes all the disagreeable features out of Calf raising. Measures the milk in equal portions to each calf, and feeds From one to ten Calves in three minutes. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY GEO. LANING, « . La Salle, QT, THE COOLEY or Submerged System. ‘LSA LS39 SHL St LI WV3HO ONIYSHLVS 4O4 Produces more Cream and of Better Quality than any other Can in use. SAVES IN TRANSPORTATION OF CREAM ITS ENTIRE COST EVERY THIRTY DAYS OR LESS. IT PRODUCES ENOUGH MORE MONEY FROM THE MILK TO PAY FOR ITSELF EVERY THIRTY DAYS, OVER AND ABOVE’ ANY OTHER APPARATUS ON THE MARKET. THE SOoie eee el NMS Has been fully sustained by the United States 9 Court. By decision of the United States Court % it is the only creamer or milk-can which can be used water-sealed or submerged without infringement. IT HAS RECEIVED MORE GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS THAN ALL OTHER CREAMERS PUT TOGETHER, AND THE BUTTER MADE FROM IT HAS BEEN HONORED BY MORE PREMIUMS. Cooley Can as =r for ; Cooley Can as used in the gathering cream. whole-milk factory. For prices ee cans for collecting cream, or Cooley reamers for private dairies, apply to JOHN BOYD, MANUFACTURER. 199 LAKE STREET. Ae Mpa eee UM. ELT + @ READ FO LLOWING* TESTIMONIALS. FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER. PRE-EMPTION, ILL., Aug. 1, 1885. Mr. Joun Boyp: I am satisfied that it is almost impossible to operate a Creamery successfully in a prairie country without the Cooley System. It brings better results in both quantity and quality of cream, and I find in the transportation cream per week in the tin Hauling cans, and more, during the season I have sold my butter for extra Western. During last January and February I only gathered my cream once a week and sold for 34 cents New York market. I also have an offer of 144 cents above western extras for the year. I find that my competitors who are using the open setter or shot-gun cans are ashamed to let the public know what they are getting for their butter. And more, I am paying 2 cents a gauge’ more for cream than my neighbors are paying through May, June and July. They are using the open can. I am making about one thousand pounds per day. D. We Litre: THE SILVER SPRING CREAMERY (0. HINCKLEy, ILLrNo1s, August 4, 1885. Joun Boyp: We have used about two hundred of your Cooley cans this year, and they have given good satisfaction. Our patrons like them the best of any can they ever used, and they have used several patented cans. We expect to put out at least five hundred Cooley cans next year (in place of other patented cans.) We consider the Cooley can the best made for raising cream. We are also sure we can make the best butter from the cream gathered from the Cooley cans. GuRLER Bros. & Co. * ORANGEVILLE CREAMERY. and 8% inch pails (or shot-gun cans) and shallow open setting for gathering cream. Our experience has demonstrated the fact, to our satisfaction, that the Cooley Sub- merged Can is the can to place amongst a miscellaneous set of farmers preferring to exclude the air from the cream and milk as much as possible and leave the ripening of the cream to be done at the factory. Cooley cream bears transportation better than any other. Scnocu & BoLenper. PRAIRIE CITY CREAMERY CO. PRAIRIE Crry, Iowa, January 22, 1884. JouHN Boyp: After using the Cooley cans for three years, and supplying them left at our creamery for sale, and agents of other cans have distributed their cans among our patrons, but, without an exception, the verdict of our patrons has been in favor of the Cooley can. We heartily recommend them to either proprietors of creameries or farmers who think of buying cans for the purpose of engaging in the creamery business or furnishing cream to a creamery. PotTeR & Ryan. INDIANOLA CREAMERY C0. _ INDIANOLA, Iowa, February 1, 1884. Joun Boyp: I can give you no better proof of the merits of the Cooley sys- tem than to state the results in this vicinity since engaging in the creamery business here three yearsago. We have sold to the farmers and dairymen in this county over Two Thousand Cooley Cans and their necessary equipments, and have made during the year 1883 over One Hundred and Forty-four Thousand Pounds of Butter. With the exception of a small strip of land in the west part of this county, where we have not bought cream, I feel safe in saying that 19-20ths of the cans used are Cooley, and there is virtually no call for any other. Personally, with sev- eral years experience as a practical dairyman, I cannot afford to use any other than the SUBMERGED SysTEM. C. L. TRuEBLoop. For economy of daily expense and uniformity of work, both as to quantity and quality of product we cordially invite the closest scrutiny into the practical working of the Cooley system. JOHN BO Ye 199 Lake St, Chicago, Manufacturer and Owner of the Cooley and Lockwood Patents. ‘al | i ‘yh sah i ny mw nif y it i ‘yh i ; ik OY AN ! IWR AYN NEAL ii HNWAMIA, si i mh aaa TAA AIT} ‘ TA \ NE | HN itt HI if iN NE i at aM AU -- _ GLAUDIUS JONES & SON, | Propr’s Prairte Lawn and Oakdale Steck Farms,€ Brexpers or Snort-Horn anv Ho stein Carrye. _ SEWARD, NEBRASKA. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS a! 1011 G11 1OO18 Bil ee itl HA An | Ie ACMA il °F | = N oo a : This worker operates on the only correct principle of working butter, and com- bines in a power machine the best features of the most perfect hand-workers. *‘The working roller is suspended from a lever, operated by a pitman and crank attached to a driving shaft. It 1s not driven by gearing, but made very loose in its bearings, so as to be entirely free to follow the butter, which is worked by simple pressure. Being driven by simple contact with the butter, there is nothing whatever | that can cause the roller to slide upon, rub or grind it in any way so as to injure its grain. As the rolleris raised on the upward stroke of the lever, fresh butter is car- ried beneath it hy the revolving table, to be pressed on its return stroke. In the Power Workers heretofore used, the rollers have all been driven by gearing, and experience has demonstrated that, even with the utmost care in hand- ling, the grain of the butter is injured by their use. The action of the geared roller is to draw the butter under it, which cannot be done without grinding it and conse- quent injury. The tables of these workers are made both with and without staves, and the rollers plain or fluted as desired. An extra roller may also be attached if wanted. They are guaranteed superior to any other Power Worker in use, and if not found as represented can be returned and money refunded. —PRICES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION TO— D. EL. Roe & Co., Manufacturers of Every Description of Cheese and Butter-Making Apparatus, Creamery Builders, and Whosesale and Retail Dealers in General Dairy Supplies. 253 « 255 Easr Kinzim Srreer, : - CHICAGO, ILLS. RICE’S POWER BUTTER Worn i * >