I ' J?-^ I HARVARD UNIVERSITY MM LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology PROCEEDINGS OF THE Indiana Academy of Science ^■5^<^«SI<^^ 1 9 O 3 '^s^^^ss^ PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1 Indiana Academy of Science I 1903. EDITOR, - - William J. Karslake. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: AMOS BUTLER. ^. S BLATCHLEY, C. H. EIGENMANN. p. n. EVANS, DONALDSON BODINE, THOMAS GRAY, JOHN S. WRIGHT. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. INDIANAPOLIS: Wm. B. Burford, Printer. 1904. TABLE OF CONTENTS. P AGE An act to provide for the publication of the reports and papers of the Indiana Academy of Science 5 An act for the protection of birds, their nests and eggs 7 Ot!icers, 1903-1904 9 Committees, 1903-1904 10 Principal officers since organization 11 Constitution 13 By-Laws 16 Members, Fellows 16 Members, non-resident 17 Members, active 18 List of foreign correspondents. 22 Program of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting 28 Report of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science 31 Report of the Field Meeting of 1903 32 The President 's Address 33 Papers presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting 61 Index 253 -3- AN ACT TO PROVIDE' FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE REPORTS AND PAPERS OP THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. [Approved March 11, 1895.] Whereas, The Indiana Academy of Science, a chartered scientific as.sociation, has embodied in its constitution a Pi'^'^m^'e- provision that it will, upon the request of the Governor, or of the several departments of the State government, through the Governor, and through its council as an advisory body, assist in the direction and execution of any investigation within its province, without pecuniary gain to the Academy, provided only that the necessary expenses of such investigation are borne by the State; and, Whebeas, The reports of the meetings of said Academy, with the several papers read before it, have very great educational, industrial and economic value, and should be preserved in permanent form; and Whereas, The Constitution of the State makes it the duty' of the General Assembly to encourage by all suitable means iutellectual, scien- tific and agricultural improvement; therefore. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General AH.^emhly of the State Of Indiana, That hereafter the annual reports of the fh^RrpoH^:/ meetings of the Indiana Academy of Science, beginnino- the Indiana With the report for the year 1894, including all papers of tZt7 "' scientific or economic value, presented at such meetings, after they shall have been edited and prepared for publication as hereinafter provided, shall ),e published by and under the direction of the Commissioners of Public Printing and Binding. Sec. 2. Said reports shall be edited and prepared for publication without expense to the State, by a corps of Editing editors to be selected and appointed by the Indiana Acad- ^'''"'*'- emy of Science, who shall not, by reason of such services, have any claim against the State for compensation. The form, style of binding, paper, typography and manner and extent of illustration of such reports, shall be determined by the editors, subject ^d"" °' to the approval of the Commissioners of Public Printing Reports, and Stationery. Not less than 1,500 nor more than .3,000 "copies of each -5- 6 of said reports shall be published, the size of the edition within said limits to be determined by the concurrent action of the editors and the Commissioners of Public Printing and Stationery: Provided, That not to exceed six hundred dollars (iftJOO) shall be expended for Proviso. ^^,,.ij p^iblication in any one year, and not to extend beyond 1896: Provided. That no sums shall be deemed to be approi.riated for the vear 1S94. Sec. ;;. All except three hundred copies of eacli volume Disposition of said reports shall be placed in the custody of the State of Reports. j j,,!..,!.,-!!,^ ,vho shall furnish one copy thereof to each pub- lic library in the StatJ, one copy to each university, college or normal school in the State, one copy to each high school in the State havmg a library, which shall n^ake application therefor, and one copy to such other institutions, societies or persons as may be designated by the Academy through its editors or its coun<.il. The remaining three hundred copies shall be turned over to the Academy to be disposed of as it may determine. In order to provide for the preservation of the same it shall be the duty of the Custodian of the State House to provide and place at the disposal of the Academy one of the unoccupied rooms of the State House, to be designated as the oflflce of the Indiana Academy of Science, wherein said copies of said reports belonging to the Academy, together with the original manuscripts, drawings, etc., thereof can be safely kept, and he shall also equip the same with the necessary shelvmg and furniture. . Sec. 4. An emergency is hereby declared t.. exist toi Emergency. ^j^^ immediate taking efl-ect of this act. and it shall there- fore take effect and be in force from and after its passage. AN ACT FOR THE' PROTECTION OF BIRDS, THEIR NESTS AND EGGS. rApproved March 5,1891.] Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Indiana. That it shall be unlawful for any person S^""^^^- to kill any Avikl l»lrd other than a game bird, or purchase, offer for sale any such wild bird after it has been killed, or to destroy the nests or the eggs of any wild bird. Sec. 2. For the purpose of this act the folloAA'ing shall be considered game birds: the Anatida\ commonly called ^^me Birds swans, geese, brant, and river and sea ducks; the Rallidtie, commonly known as rails, coots, mudhens, and gallinules; the Limicolpe, commonly known as shore l)irds. plovers, surf l)irds, snipe, woodcock and sand- liipers, tattlers and cui-lews; the Gallina\ commonly known as wild turkeys, grouse, prairie chickens, iiuail, and pheasants, all of Avhich are not intended to be affected by this act. Sec. 3. Any person violating the provisions of Section 1 of this act shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not P'^"''*'^'^^- less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, to which may be added im- prisonment for not less than five days nor more than thirty days. Sec. 4. Sections 1 and 2 of this act shall not apply to any person holding a permit giving fhe riglit to take birds P'^''™^'^- or their nests and eggs for scientific purposes, as provided in Section 5 of this act. Sec. 5. Termits may be granted bv the Executive ^i -. . Permits to Board of the Indiana Academy of Science to any properly Science accredited person, permitting the holder thereof to collect Inrds, their nests or eggs for strictly scientific purposes. In order to obtain such permit the applicant for the same must present to said Board written testimonials from two well-known scientific men certifying to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be entrusted with such privilege, and pay to said Board one dollar to defray the necessary expenses attending the granting of such permit, and must file with said Board a properly executed bond in the sum of two ^°°'*' hundred dollars, signed by at least two responsible citizens of the State as sureties. The bond shall be forfeited to the State and the permit become void upon proof that the holder of forfeited. such permit has killed any bird or taken the nests or eggs of any bird for any other purpose than that named in this section, and shall further be subject for each offense to the penalties provided in this act. Sec. (I The permits authorized by this act shall be Two years. .^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^. ^^^.^ years only from the date of their issue, and shall not be transferable. Sec. 7. The English or European House Sparrow Birds of prey, (^pj^ggej. domesticus), crows, hawks, and other birds of prey are not included among the birds protected by this act. Sec. 8. All acts or parts of acts heretofore passed in Acts repealed . ^^Qj^flip^- ^.jtij the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. An emergency is declared to exist for the im- Emergency. j^ediate taking effect of this act. therefore the same shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. OFFICERS— 1903-1904. PRESIDENT, CARL L. MEES. YICE-PRESIDEXT, GLENN CULBERTSON. SECRETARY, JOHN S. WRIGHT. ASSISTANT SECRETARY, J. H. RANSOM. PRESS SECRETARY, G. A. ABBOTT. TREASURER, WILLIAM A. McBETH. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Carl L. Mees, Glenn Culbertson, John S. Wright, J. H. Ransom, G. A. Abbott, William A. McBeth, Willis S. Blatchley^, Harvey W. Wiley^ M. B. Thomas, D. W. Dennis, C. H. Eigenmann, O. A. Waldo, Thomas Gray, Stanley Coulter, Amos W. Butler, W. A. NOYE-, J. C. Arthur, J. L. Campbell, O. P. Hay, T. C. Mendenhall, John C. Branner, J. P. D. John, John M. Coulter, David S. Jordan. CURATORS. BOTANY J. C. Arthur. ICHTHYOLOGY C. H. Eigenmann. HERPETOLOGY ^ MAMMALOGY [ Ajios W. Butler. ORNITHOLOGY i ENTOMOLOGY W. S. Blatchley. 10 COMMITTEES, 1903-1904. G. W. Benton, Stanley Coulter, Donaldson Bodine, Mel. T. Cook, Stanley Coulter, PROGRAM. John S. Wright, MEMBERSHIP. G. A. Abbott, NOMINATIONS. Robert Hessler, AUDITING. Katherine Golden. A. L. Foley. W. J. MOENKHAUS. Wm. J. Karslake. STATE LIBRARY. A. J. Bigney, O. L. Kelso. LEGISLATION FOR THE RESTRICTION OF WEEDS. M. B. Thomas, D. M. Mottier, C. O. Deam. PROPAGATION AND PROTECTION OF GAME AND FISH. C. H. Eigenmann, a. W. Butler, Glenn Culbertson. EDITOR. W. J. Karslake, Butler College, Indianapolis. Address all communications to the Editor to 5780 Oak Ave., Indianapolis. DIRECTORS OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. Charles R. Dryer, C. H. Eigenmann, Stanley Coulter, M. B. Thomas, Mel. T. Cook. RELATIONS OF THE ACADEMY TO THE STATE. C. A. Waldo, William Watson Woollen, R. W. McBride. GRANTING PERMITS FOR COLLECTING BIRDS AND FISHES. A. W. Butler, D. W. Dennis, W. J. Moenkhaus. DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROCEEDINGS. Thomas Gray, Donaldson Bodine, L. J. Rettger, H. L. Bkuner, John S. Wright, W. J. Karslake. 11 ■^ 3 'j^ 3 '-3 'iS 2 2 3 3 3 3 ?^ ^ p p p m m i-si-sH-si-5i-si-;P>P*J2i/jLCa}-y^r^r/jr/2r/2 fLJ Ph' PM pLi PM PLJ ^" -< CU ^ Ph ^ ^- ^ ^ ^ ^ "^ *< a s s a 3 o o o o o pq pq w pq m 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ <1 ^ d 6 6 6 6 ^ <^ C.J ^. OJ ^ 0/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ii O o s >-. k. >i >-. ;h UJ q; c be &c 'be tit Ct &c 02 £ 02 f£ rn rS CQ cS '? '^ ''-i 'f-i 'f-' 'f-< 'f-i '^ 'f^ ''-' '^ oooooooo^iiaaaaaaaaaa a a a a a a a 2^^,^,^,^^^^^,^^ ^ .2S ss pq 00 CO oo qo o^ coGOooxGOc/5abX)^xoD5oxiai556a: G2 C^ Ci Ci G5 C5 Ot) -^ C^ CO 13 OONSTlTUTIOJSr. ARTICLE I. Sectiox 1. This association shall l)e called the Indiana Academy of Science. Sec. 2. The objects of this Academy shall be scientific research and the diffusion of knowledge concerning the various departments of science; to promote intercourse between men engaged in scientific work, especially in Indiana; to assist by investigation and discussion in devel- oping and making known the material, educational and other resources and riches of the State; to arrange and prepare for publication such reports of investigation and discussions as may further the aims and objects of the Academy as set forth in these articles. Whereas, the State has undertaken the publication of such proceed- ings, the Academy will, upon request of the Governor, or of one of the several departments of the State, through the Governor, act through its council as an advisory body in the direction and execution of any investigation within its province as stated. The necessary expenses incurred in the prosecution of such investigation are to be borne by the State; no pecuniary gain is to come to the Academy for its advice or direction of such investigation. The regular proceedings of the Academy as published by the State shall become a public document. ARTICLE II. Section 1. Members of this Academy shall be honorary fellows, fellows, non-resident members or active members. Sec. 2. Any person engaged in any department of scientific work, or in original research in any department of science, shall be eligible to active membership. Active members may be annual or life members. Annual members may be elected at any meeting of the Academy, they shall sign the constitution, pay an admission fee of two dollars. .14 and thereafter an annual fee of one dollar. Any person who slmll at one time contribute lifty dollars to the funds of this Academy, may he elected a life member of the Academy, free of assessment. Non-resident members may be elected from those who have been active members but who have removeil from the State. In any case, a three- fourths vote of the members present shall elect to membership. Appli- cations for membership in any of the foregoing classes shall be referred to a committee on application for membership, who shall consider such application and report to the Academy before the electit)n. Sec. 3. The members who are actively engaged in scientihc work, who have recognized standing as scientihc men. and who have liceii members of the Academy at least one year, may lie recommended for nomination for election ;is fellows by tlu'ce fellows or mendjers per- sonally acijuainted with their worlv and cliai'.ncter. Of mendxTs so nominated a numlicr not exceeding hve in one year may, on reconi- mendation of tlie Kxecutive t'omnnttee. be elected as fellows. At tlio meeting at wlncli tins is adopted, tlie mendters of the Executive Com- mittee for 1,S!)4 and hfteen others sliall lie elected fellows, and those now honorary nu'udiers shall become lionorary fellows. Honorary fel- lows may lie elected on accinint of siiecial prominence in science, on the written i-ecommendation of two nienil;ei-s of the Academy. lii any case a tliree-fourths vote of tln' members present shall elect. ARTICLE III. Se(-tiox 1. The officers of tliis Academy shall lie chosen liy ballot at the annual nu'eting. and shall hold olHce one year. They shaU consist of a I'l'esident, ^'i(•e-^resident, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Press Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their respective ottices and in addition, with the ex-Presi- dents of the Academy, sonll constitute an Executive Committee. The President sliall. at each annual meeting, appoint two mendiers to, he a committee which shall prepare the programs and have chai-ge of the arrangements foi' all meetnigs for one year. Sec. 2. The annual meeting of this Academy shall lie held in the city of Indianapolis within the week following Christmas of each year, uidess otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee. There shall 15 also be a suiiimer meeting at such time and place as may be decided upon by the Executive Committee. Other meetings maj* be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The past Presidents, together M'ith the officers and Executive Committee, shall constitute the Council of the Academy, and represent it in the transaction of any necessary liusiness not specially provided for in this constitution, in the interim between general meetings. Sec. 3. This constitution may be altered or amended at any annual meeting by a three-fourths majority of the attending members of at least one year's standing. Xo question of amendment shall be decided on the day of its presentation. BY-LAWS. 1. On motion, any special department of science shall be assigned to a curator, whose duty it shall be, with the assistance of the other memliers interested in the same department, to endeavor to advance Ivuowledge in that pai'ticular department. Each curator shall report at such time and place as the Academj' shall direct. These reports shall include a brief summary of the progress of the department during the year p^-eceding the presentation of the report. 2. The President shall deliver a public address on the morning of one of the days of the meeting at the expiration of his term of office. 3. The Press Secretary shall attend to the securing of proper news- l)aper reports of the meetings and assist the Secretary. 4. No special meeting of the Academy shall be held without a notice of the same having been sent to the address of each member at least fifteen days before such meeting. 5. No bill against the Academy shall be paid without an order signed by the President and countersigned by the Sec•retarJ^ (■». Members who shall allow their dues to remain unpaid for two years, having lieen annually notified of their arrearage by the Treasurer, shall have their names stricken from the roll. 7. Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 16 MEMBERS. FELLOW,'^. ^- J- ^^^y .*1898 Bloomington. J. C. Arthur 1.S98 Lafayette. George W. Benton 1896 Indianapolis. A. J. Bigney 1897 Moore's Hill. A. W. Bitting 1897 West Lafayette. Donaldson Bodine 1899 Crawfordsville. W. S. Blatchley 1893 Indianapolis. H. L. Bruner 1899 Ii-vington. Severance Burrage 1898 Lafayette. A. W. Butler 1893 Indianapolis. J. L. Campbell 1893 Crawfordsville. M^l- T.Cook 1902 Newcastle. John M. Coulter 1893 Chicago, 111. Stanley Coulter 1893 Lafayette. Glenn Culbertson 1899 Hanover. D. W. Dennis 1895 Richmond. C. R. Dryer 1897 Terre Haute. C. H. Eigenmann 1893 Bloomington. Percy Norton Evans 1901 West Lafayette. ^- L- ^olej' 1897 Bloomington. Katherine E. Golden 1895 Lafayette. M. J. Golden 1899 Lafayette. W. F. M. Goss 1893 Lafayette. Thomas Gray 1893 Terre Haute. A. S. Hathaway 1895 Terre Haute. ^- ^- Hatt 1902 Lafayette. Robert Hessler 1899 Logansport. H. A. Huston 1893 Lafayette. Arthur Kendrick 1898 Terre Haute. Robert E. Lyons 1896 Bloomington. V. F. Marsters 1893 Bloomington. ^- ^- ^'^^^^ 1894 Terre Haute. W. J. Moenkhaus 1901 Bloomington. ■■Date of election. 17 Joseph Moore *1896 Richmond. D. M. Mottier 1893 Bloomiugtou. J. P. Naylor 1903 Greeucastle. W. A. Noyes 1893 Terre Haute. J. H. Ransom 1902 Lafayette. L. J. Rettger 1896 Terre Haute. J. T. Scovell 1894 Terre Haute. Alex Smith 1893 Chicago, III. W. E. Stone 1893 Lafayette. Joseph Swain 1898 Swarthmore, Pa. M. B. Thomas 1898 Crawfordsville. O. A. Waldo 1893 Lafayette. F. M. Webster 1894 Champaign, 111. H. W. Wiley 1895 Washington, D. C. John S. Wright 1891 Indianapolis. NON-ItESIDENT MEMBERS. George H. Ashley Charleston, S. C. M. A Brauuon Grand Forks, N. D. J. C. Branuer Stanford University, Cal. D. H. Campbell Stanford University, Cal. A. Wilmer Dulf Worcester, Mass. B. W. Everman Washington, D. C. Charles H. Gilbert , . . Stanford University, Cal. C. W. Green Stanford University, Cal. C. W. Hargitt Syracuse, N. Y. O. P. Hay New York City. Edward Hughes Stockton, Cal. O. P. Jenkins Stanfoi'd University, Cal. D. S. Jordan Stanford University, Cal. J. S. Kingsley Tufts College, Mass. D. T. MacDougal Bronx Park, New York City. T. C. Mendenhall Worcester, Mass. Alfred Springer Cincinnati, Oliio. L. M. Underwood New York City. Robert B. Warder Washington, D. C. Ernest Walker Clemson College, S. C. ■'Date of election. 2— A. OK Science, '03. 18 ACTIVE MEMBEBS. George Abbott Indianapolis. Frederick W. Andrews Bloomingtoii. George O. Ashman Frankfort. Edward Ayres Lafayette. Edward Hugli Bangs Indianapolis. "Walter D. Baker Indianapolis. Arthur M. Banta Franklin. J. W. Beede Bloomington. William N. Blanchard Greencastle. Edwin M. Blake Lafayette. Lee F. Bennett Valparaiso. Charles S. Bond Richmond. Fred. J. Breeze Pittsburg. E. M. Bruce Weston, Oregon. Herman S. Chamberlain Indianapolis. E. J. Chansler Bicknell. Otto O. Clayton Geneva. Howard W. Clark Chicago, 111. George Clements Springfield, 111. Charles Clickener Silverwood, R. D. No. 1. U. O. Cox Mankato, Minn. William Clifford Cox Columbus. J. A. Cragwall Crawford.sville. Albert B. Crow Charleston, 111. M. E. Crowell Franklin. Edward Roscoe Cumings Bloomington. Alida M. Cunningham Alexandria. Lorenzo E. Daniels Indianapolis. H. J. Davidson Baltimore, Md. Charles C. Deam Bluffton. Martha Doan Westfield. J. P. Dolan Syracuse. Herman B. Dorner Lafayette. Hans Duden Indianapolis. E. G. Eberhardt Indianapolis. Frank R. Eldred Indianapolis. 19 M. N. Elrod Columbus. Samuel G. Evaus Evansville. Carlton G. Ferris . . Big Rapids, Mich. E. M. Fisher Urmeyville. "Wilbur A. Fisk Richmoud. W. B. Fletcher ludiauapolis. Austin Funk New Albany. John D. Gabel Montpelier. Charles W. Garrett Logausport. Robert G. Gillum Terre Haute. Vernon Gould Rochester. Walter L. Hahn Bascom. Victor Hendricks Indianapolis. Mary A. Hickman Greencastle. John E. Higdou Indianapolis. Frank R. Higgins Terre Haute. S. Bella Hilands Madison. John J. Hildebrandt Logausport. J. D. Hoffman Lafayette. Allen D. Hole Richmond. Lucius M. Hubbard South Bend. John N. Hurty Indianapolis. C. F. Jackson . . Greencastle. Alex. Johnson Ft. Wayne. Edwin S. Johonnott, Jr Terre Haute. Ernest E. Jones Kokomo. Chancey Juday Boulder, Colo. O. L. Kelso Terre Haute. Norton A. Kent Crawfordsville. Charles T. Knipp. Bloomington. Henry H. Lane Lebanon. William E. Lawrence Riclnnond. V. H. Lockwood Indianapolis. William A. McBetli Terre Haute. Robert Wesley McBride Indianapolis. Rousseau McClellan ... Indianapolis. Richard C. McClaskey Terre Haute. Lynn B. McMulleu Indianapolis. 20 Edward G. Maliin West Lafayette. James E. Manchester Vincennes. Clark Mick . .ludiauapolis. "W. G. Middleton Riclimond. John A. Miller Bloomiugton. H. T. Montgomery South Bend. Walter P. Morgan Terre Haute. Fred Mutchler Terre Haute. Charles E. Newliu Irvington. John Newlin West Lafayette. John F.Newsom Stanford University, CaL R.W.Noble Chicago, 111. D. A. Owen Franklin. RoUo J. Peirce Logausport. Ralph B. Polk Greenwood. James A. Price Ft. Wayne. Frank A. Preston Indianapolis. A. H. Purdue Fayetteville, Ark. Ryland Ratliff Bloomington. Albert B. Reagan Rose Bud Agency, S. D. Allen J. Reynolds Peru. Giles E. Ripley Decorah, Iowa. George L. Roberts Greeusburg. D. A. Rothrock Bloomington. John F. Schnaible Lafayette. E. A. Sclmltze Ft. Wayne. John W. Shepherd Terre Haute. Claude Siebenthal Indianapolis. J. R. Slonaker Madison, Wis. C. Piper Smith Alexandria. Retta E. Spears Elkhart. J. M. Stoddard Indianapolis. Charles F. Stegmaier . Greensburg. William Stewart Burlington, Vt. William B. Streeter Indianapolis. Frank B. Taylor Ft. Wayne. J. F. Thompson Richmond. C. H. Underwood Indianapolis. 21 A. L. Treadwell Oxford, Ohio. Daniel J. Troyer Goshen. A. B. Ulrey North Manchester. W. B. Van Gorder Worthington. Arthur O. Veatcli Rockport. H. S. Voorhees Ft. Wayne. J. H. Voris Huntington. Frank B. Wade Indianapolis. Daniel T. Weir Indianapolis. B. C. Waldemaier West Lafayette. Jacob Westlund Lafayette. Fred C. Wliiteomb Delplii. William M. Whitten South Bend. Neil H. Williams -. Indianapolis. William Watson Woollen Indianapolis. J. F. Woolsey Indianapolis. Lucy Youse Indianapolis. Fellows 4g Non-resident members 20 Active members 127 Total 1^ 22 LIST OF foreig:n' ooRREsrois dents. AFRICA. Dr. J. Medley Wood. N:ital Botanical Gardens. Berea Durban. Sontli Africa. South African Philosophical Society. Cape Town. South Africa. ASIA. China Branch Royal Asiatic Society. Shanuliai. China. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, India. Geological Survey of India. Calcutta. India. Indian Museum of India, Calcutta, India. India Survey Department of India, Calcutta. India. Deutsche (Jesellschaft. fiir .\atur- und \'r>llierlvunde Ostasiens, Tokio, Japan. Imperial University, Toldo, .lapan. Koninklijlic Xatur]auidi,i:e Vereeniying in Xederlandsch-Indie, Batavia, Java. Hon. D. D. Baldwin, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. EUROPE. V. R. Tschusizu Sclimidhorfen. Villa Tannenhof, Halle in Salzburg, Austria. Herman von Vilas, Innsbruck, Austria. Ethnologische Mittheilungeu aus Ungarn, Budapest, Austro-IIungary. Mathematische und.Naturwissenschaftllfhe Berichte aus Ungarn, Buda pest, Austro-IIungary. K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna (VVien). Austro-IIungary. K. U. Naturwisscnschaftliche Gesellschaft. P.udapest. Austro-IIungary. Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischer Verein in Innsliruck (Tyrol), Aus tro-Hungary. Editors "Termes/.etra.izi Fuzetk." Hungarian National :\Iuseum. Buda pest, Austro-IIungary. Dr. Eugen Dad.-u. Ad.j. am. Nat. Mus.. Budapest, Austro-IIungary. 23 Dr. Julius von Madarasz, Budapest, Austro-Hungary. K. K. Naturliistorisclies Hofmuseum, Vieiiua (Wien), Austio-Hunyary. Oruitholoiiieal Society of Vienna (Wien). Austro-Hungary. Zoologisclie-Botanische Gesellseliatt in Wien (Vienna). Austro-Hiuigary. Dr. J. von Csato. Nagy Enyed, Austro-Hungary. Botanic Garden, K. K. Universitat, Wien (Vienna), Austro-Hungary. Malacological • .Society of lielgium. Brussels, Belgium. Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium. Royal Linnean Society, Brussels, Belgium. Societe Beige de Geologie, de Paleontologie et Hydrologie, Brussels, Belgium. Societe Royale de Botanique, Brussels, Belgium. Societe Geologique de Belgique, Liege, Belgium. Roval Botanical Gardens, Brussels. Belgium. Bristol Naturalists' Society, Bristol, England. Geological Society of London, London, England. Dr. E. M. Holmes, British Pliarm. Soc'y, Bloomsbury Sq., London, W. C, England. Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine, London, England. The Liln'arian. Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W., England. Liverpool Geological Society, Liverpool, England. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester, England. ■'Nature." London, England. Royal Botanical Society, London, England. Royal KcAv Gardens, London, England. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, Penzance, England. Royal Microscopical Society, Loudon, England. Zoological Society, London, E'ngland. Lieut. -Col. John Biddulph. 40 Charing Cross, London. England. Dr. G. A. Boulenger, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.). London, England. F. DuCane Godman. 10 Chandos St.. Cavendish Sq., London, England. Mr. Howard Saunders, 7 Radnor Pl;ice, Hyde Park, London W., England. Phillip L. Sclater, 3 Hanover Sq., London W., England. Dr. Richard Bowlder Sharpe, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, England. Prof. Alfred Russell Wallace, Corfe View, Parlvstoue, Dorset, England. 24 Botanical Society of France, Paris, France. Ministerie de rAgricultnre. Paris, France. Societe Entomologique cle France, Paris, France. L'Institnt Grand Ducal de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Lux., France. Soc. de Horticulture et de P>otan. de Marseille, Marseilles, France. La Soc. Linneenne de Xorniandie, Caen, France. Societe Liiineenue de P>ordeaux, Bordeaux, France. .Soc. des Naturelles, etc.. Nantes. France. Zoological Society of France. Pai'is, France. Baron Louis d'llanionvillc. .Mcurthe et Moselle. France. Pasteur Institute. Lille. France. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, France. Bontanischer Verein der Provinz P.randenburg. P.erlin, Germany. Deutsche Geologische (iesellscliaft. I>erlin. Germany. Entomologischer Verein in Berlin, P>erlin, Germany. Journal fiir Ornitliologie. P.erlin. Germany. Prof. Dr. Jean Cabauis, Alte Jacob Strasse, 103 A.. Berlin. Germany. Augsburger Naturhistorisclier A'erein, Augsburg, Germany. Count Ilans von BerlsiuMi. .Miiuden. (ierniany. Braunschweiger Verein fiir Xaturwissenscbaft, Braunschweig, Germany. Bremer Xaturwissenschafllicher \'erein. Bremen, Germany. Ornitholiigisclier Verein Miiiichcii. Thierscbstrasse, -MYj. Miincheii. Ger- many. Royal Botanical (Jardens. P.ei-lin W., (Jermany. Kaiserliclie Leopoldisclic-Carolinisclie Deutsche Akademie der Xaturfor- scher, Halle a Saale. Wilhemstrasse 37, Germany. Koniglicli-Siichsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch- Physische Classe, Leipzig, Saxony, (ierniauy. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Hanover, Hanover, Prussia, Germany. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Verein fiir Erdkunde, Leipzig, Germany. Verein fiir Naturkunde. Wiesbaden, I'russia. Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Belfast, Ireland. Royal Dn))lin Society, Dublin. Roval I'.otanic Gardens. Glasnevin, Countv Dublin. Ireland. 25 Societa P^ntomologica Itnliana. Florence, Italy. Prof. II. H. Giglioli, Museum Vertebrate Zofilogy, Florence, Italy. Dr. Alberto Perngia, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa, Italy. Societa Italiana de Scienze Natural!, Milan, Italy. Societa Africana d'ltalia. Naples. Italy. Deir Academia Pontifico de Nuovi Lincei, Rome, Italy. Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce. Rome, Italj'. Rassegna della S'cienze Geologiclie in Italia. Rome, Italy. R. Comitato Geologico d'ltalia, Rome. Italy. R. Comitato Geologico d'ltalia. Rome. Italy. Prof. Count Tomasso Salvadori, ZofUog. Museum, Turin, Italy. Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences, Throndhjem, Norway. Dr. Robert Collett, Kongl. Frederiks Univ. Christiana, Norway. Academia Real des Sciencias de Lisboa (Lisbon), Portugal. Comite Geologique de Russie. St. Petersburg, Russia. Imperial Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg, Russia. Imperial Society of Naturalists, Moscow, Russia. Jardin Imperial de Botanique, St. Petersbui'g. Russia. The Botanical Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. John .J. Dalgleish. Brankston Grange, Bogside Sta.. Sterling, Scotland. Edinburgh Geological Society, Edinburgh, Scotland. Geological Society of Glasgow, Scotland. John A. Ilarvie-Brown, Duniplace House, Larbert. Stirlingshire, Scotland. Natural History Society, Glasgow. Scotland. Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Glasgow. Scotland. Royal Society of E'dinbiu-gh, Edinliurgh. Scotland. Royal Physical Society. Edinburgh. Scotland. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland. Barcelona Academia de Ciencias y Artes. Barcelona, Spain. Royal Academy of Sciences, Madrid, Spain. Institut Royal Geologique de Suede, Stociiholm, Sweden. S'ociete Entomologique a Stockholm. Stockholm, Sweden. Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Stockholm, Sweden. 2C Naturforscliende Gesellscliaft, Basel, Switzerland. Naturforscbeude Gesellscliaft in Berne, Berne, S\A'itzerland. La Society Bontaniqne Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland. Society Helvetique de Sciences Natnrelles, Geneva, Switzerland. Societe de Physique et d'Historie Naturelle de Geneva, Geneva, Switzer- land. Concilium Bibliograpliicuni, Ziiricli-Oberstrasse. SAvitzerland. Naturforscliende Gesellscliaft, Ziirich, Switzerland. Schweizerische Botanische Gesellscliaft, Ziiricli, Switzerland. Prof. Herbert H. Field, Ziiricli, Switzerland. AUSTRALIA. Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sidney. New South Wales. Royal Society of New South Wak's. Sidney, New Soutli Wales. Prof. Liveridse. V- R. S., Sidney, New South Wales. Hon. Minister of Mines. Sidney, New South Wales. Mr. E. P. Ramsey, Sidney, New South Wales. Royal Society of Queensland, Bris))an(\ (Queensland. Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia. Victoria I'ub. library. Museum and Nat. Gallery. .Melliourne, Victoria. Prof. W. L. Buller. Welliniiton, New Zealand. NORTH AMERICA. Natural Hist. Society of I'.ritisli Columbia. \'ictori;i, P.i'itish Columbia. Canadian Record of Science. Montreal, Canada. McGill University, Montreal. Canada. Natural Society, Montreal. Canada. Natural History Society, St. .lulins. New Brunswiclc. Nova Scotia Institute of Science, Halifax, N. S. Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. Winniiie.u, Manitoba. Di'. T. Mcllwraith, Cairnbrae, Hamilton, Ontaria. The Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Natural History Society, Toronto, Ontario. Hamilton Association Library, Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa, Ontarici. Department of JNIarine and Fisheries, Ottawa. Ontario. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelidi, Ontario. :ii Canadian Institute, Toronto. Ottawa Field Naturalists" Club, Ottawa, Ontario. University of Toronto, Toronto. Geological Survey of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. La Naturaliste Canadian, Chieontiui, (Quebec. La Naturale Za, City of Mexico. Mexican Society of Natural History, City of Mexico. Museo Nacional, City of Mexico. Sociedad Cientitica Antonio Alzate, City of Mexico. Sociedad Mexicana de Geographia y Kstadistica de la Rei)ul)lica Mexi- caua. City of Mexico. WEST INDIES. Botanical Department. Port of Spain, Trinidad. British West Indies. Victoria Institute, Trinidad, British West Indies. Museo Nacional. San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Aroerica. Dr. Auastasia Alfaro. Secy. National Museum. San Jose, Costa Rica. Rafael Araugo, Havana, Cuba. Jamaica Institute, Kingston. Jamaica, West Indies. The Llope Gardens. Kingston. Jamaica, West Indies. SOUTH AMERICA. Argentina Historia Natural Florentine Amegline, Buenos Ayres, Argen- tine Repiiblic. Musee de la Plata. Argentine Repul)lic. Nacional Academia des Ciencias, Cordoba, Argentine Republic. Sociedad Cientitica Argentine, Buenos Ayres. Museo Nacional. Rio de .laneiro, Brazil. Sociedad de Geographia. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. Herman von Jhering, Dir. Zoiil. Sec. Con. Geog. e Geol. de Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Deutscher Wissenschaftlicher Verein in Santiago, Santiago, Chili. Societe Scientitique du Chili, Santiago, Chili. Sociedad Guatemalteca de Ciencias, Guatemala, Guatemala. 28 PROORAM OF THE Nineteenth Annual M:EEXiNa OF THE Indiana Academy of Science, STATE HOUSE. INDIANAPOLIS, December 28 and 29, 1903. OFFICERS AND EX-OFPICIO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. S. Blatchley, President. C. L. Mees, Vice-President. John S. Wright, Secretary. Donaldson Bodine, Assistant Secretary. G. A. Abhott, Press Secretary. W. A. McBeth, Treasurer. H.W. Wiley, Stanley Coulter, T. C. Mendenhall, M. B. Thomas, . Amos W. Butler, John C. Branner, D.W. Dennis, W.A.Noyes, J. P. D. .John, C. H. Eigenmann, J. C. Arthur, John M. Coulter, C.A.Waldo, J. L. Campbell, David S. Jordan. Thomas Gray, 0. P. Hay, With one exception, the sessions of the Academy will be held in the State House, in the rooms of the State Board of Agriculture and Horticulture; the President's address will be given in the auditorium of the Shortridge High School. Head.iuarters will be at the English Hotel. A rate of $2.00 and up per day, American plan, will be made to all persons who make it known at the time of registering that they are members of the Academy. Reduced railroad rates for the members can not be secured under the present ruling of the Traffic Assoi-iation. Many of the colleges can secure special rates on the various roads. Those who can not do this, could join the State Teachers' Association, whose sessions begin on December 29, and thus secure a one-and-one-third round-trip fare. PROGRAM COMMITTEE. Mel. T. Cook, Greencastle, Indiana. Glenn Culbertson, Hanover, Indiana. GENERAL PROGRAM. Monday, December 28. Meeting of Executive Committee at Hotel Headquarters 10:30 a. m. General Session followed by Sectional Meetings 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. President's Address, Shortridge High School 8 p. m. If advisable, the President's Address may be followed by a short session. TiEsDAY, December 29. General Session, followed by Sectional Meetings 9 a. m. to 12 m. 29 LIST OF PAPERS TO BE READ. ADDRESS BY THE RETIRING PRESIDENT, WILLIS S. BLATCHLEY, At 8 o'clock Monday evening, at Shortridge High School. Subject: " The Indiana of Nature ; Its Evolution." The following papers will be read in the order in which they appear on the program, except that certain papers will be presented "pari panau" in sectional meetings. AVhen a paper is called and the reader is not present, it will be dropped to the end of the list, unless by mutual agreement an exchange can be made with another wliose time is approximately the same. Where no time was sent with the papers, they have been uniformly assigned ton minutes. Opportunity will be given after the reading of each paper for a brief discussion. N. B.—By the order of the Academy, no paper can be read mil II an abstract of its contents or the written paper has been placed in the hands of the Secretary. GENERAL. 1. '-Cokls" and Cohl. 10m '. . .Robert Hessler 2. A Preliistorie Fortiticatioii near ^Madison, Indiana, ~m\ Glenn Ciilbertson 3. The Apache Stick Game, lOni Albert B. Reagau 4. Some Paintings from one of the Estnfas; in the Indian Village of Jemez, New Mexico, 10m Albert B. Reagan *5. Notes on the Caves of Cnl)a I. W, Beede G. What Bacteriology has done for S;iaiitary Science, lOni Severance Bnrrage 7. Conditions affecting the distribution of Birds in Indiana. 20m. Amos W, Bntler PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY A?«:i) GEOLOGY'. 8. A new problem in Hydrodynamics with Extraneous Forces Act- ing, 10m E. L. Hancock 9. On the use of Nickel in the core of the ^larconi Magnet Director, 10m Arthnr L. Foley *10. Effect of Ultraviolet IJglit on the action of the Coherer, lOm. Arthnr L, Foley *11. The Life of Radinm, 5m Arthtir L. Foley 12. The Edison eff'ect in a "Hylo" Lamp, 10m Arthnr L. B^)ley 13. On the nse of MnO,, in the generation of O from KCIO3, 5m. R. R. Ramsey, Arthnr L. Foley *14. A ]\Iethod of Determining the Absolnte Dilation of Mercury, 5m., Arthur L. Foley. ■'Paper not presented. 30 15. Geology of the Fort Apache Region, Arizona, (by titk^i Albert B. Reagan IG. Geology of Monroe Comity, Indiana, North of the Latitnde of Bloomington Albert B. Reagan 17. What is the Age of the Anbery Limestone of the Roclcy Moun- tains? Albert B. Reagan *18. Some Fossils from the Lower Aubery and Upper Red Wall in the Vicinity of Fort Apache, Arizona Albert B. Reagan ]!). The Fossils of the Red Wall Compared with Those of the Kansas Coal Measures. Idin All)ert B. Reagan 20. Double Salts in Solution. 10m I'. N. Evans 21. Ionic Friction. 10m P. X. Evans 22. A Topographic Result of the Alluvial Cone, 10m A. II. I'urdue 23. A Note on the Rndio-Activity of Strontium-Salicylate. 10m J. F. Woolsey 24. Progress in Locomotive Testing, lOm W. F. M. Goss BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. 25. A Note on the Bi-eeding Habits of the Common (ir White Sucker, 3m Gli'un ( 'ulbertson 26. Additions to the Flora of Indiana, Sm II. B. Dorner 27. Additions to the List of Gall-Producing Insects Common to Indi- ana, 5m Mel. T. Cook 28. Botanical Notes. 10m M.N. Elrod 29. Bird Notes from the Indiana State Forestry Reservation Chas. Piper Smith 30. Notes Upon Some Little Known Members of the Indiana Flora. 10m Chas. Piper Smith 31. The Development of the Spermatozoid of Chara, 10m. .1). ]M. xMottier 32. Further Studies on Anomalous Dicotyledonous Plants, 10m D. :\I. Mottier 33. A Crow Roost near Richmond, Indiana, 5m D. W. Dennis and W. E. Lawrence 34. A New Adjustable Stand for Physiological Apparatus and Modi- ttcations in other Physiological Devices, 10m J. F. Woolsey and John S. Wright 35. An Abnormalitv in the Nut of Hicoria ovata, 5m. .. ..John S. Wright Paper not presented. 31 *3G. Contribution to the Flora of Indiana, No. VIII, 10m. .Stanley ( 'milter *37. On the Germination of Certain Native Weeds, 10m. .Stanley Coulter 38. Revised list of Indiana Plant liusts, 10m J. C. Arthur *39. Cuban Notes, 10m C. H. Eigenmann 40. Ecological Notes on the Mussels Winona Lake, 10m.. .T. J. Headlee 41. Ecological Notes on the Birds occurring within a radius of 5 miles of the Indiana University Campus (v\-ith photographs by G. C. Littell), 10m Waldo L. McAtee *42. List of :\Iammals, Reptiles and Batrachians of Monroe County, Indiana, 10m Waldo L. McAtee 43. Birds Nests of an Old Apple Orchard near Indiana University Campus, loai Gertrude Hitze 44. Nerve end organ in the Pancreas, .jm E. O. Little 45. Discoidal Pith in our Woody Plants, 5m F. W. Foxworthy 46. New Science Laboratory. Moores Hill College, 5m A. J. Bigney 47. The Sun or Gunelpiya Medicine Disk Albert B. Reagan THE NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. The nineteenth annual meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science was held in Indianapolis, Monday and Tuesday, December 28 and 29, 1903. Monday 10:45 a. m., the Executive Committee met in session at hotel headquarters. At 2 o'clock p. m. President Willis S. Blatchley called the Academy to order in general session in the room of the State Board of Agriculture, State House. The transaction of routine and miscellaneous business occupied the first part of the session. Following this, papers of general interest were read and discussed. After the disposition of these, special technical subjects occupied the time until adjournment at 5 p. m The address of the retiring President, Willis S. Blatchley. was de- livered in the auditorium of the Shortridge High School at 8 p. m., before the members of the Academy and a number of invited guests, subject— "The Indiana of Nature; its Evolution." ■Taper not presented. 32 Tiiesday 29, 9 a. m.. the Academy met in general session before wliich the remaining- papers of the program were read and discussed. Follow- ing the disposition of the papers unfinished business was considered. Adjournment. THE FIELD MEETING OF 1903. The field meeting of 19f)3 was held in Madison and Hanover, Thurs- day and Friday, May 21 and 22. Thursday evening a well attended public session was held in the auditorium of the Madison High School; the pro- gram consisted of musical numbers and addresses. President W. S. Blatchley spoke on the mineral fuels of the State and Dr. Stanley Coulter on forestry work in Indiana. After the adjournment of the public session a short business meeting was held in the Madison Hotel. At 8:30 a. m., Friday tlie 22d, the members left hotel headquarters for the field, proceeding by carriages over the Hanover road to the mouth of the gorge which leads to Cliffy Falls. The remainder of the trip to the Falls was made on foot over territory of great interest to naturalists, especially to geologists and botanists. Cliffy Falls was reached about noon. Luncheon was served here, after which a cross-country drive was made to Hanover College. The remainder of the afternoon Avas spent in viewing the college buildings and e(iuipment, and in enjoying the magnifi- cent scenery of the vicinity. At 0 o'clock dinner the visiting members of the Academy were guests in the homes of the memljers of the Hanover College faculty. At 8 o'clock a public meting was held in the college chapel, addresses were made by Drs. Stanley Coulter, .T. C. Arthur. M. T. Cook. N. A. Kent and A. F. Foerste. After this session an enjoyable reception was tendered the Academy at the home of President Fisher. The return to Madison was made tliat night, after wliidi a very brief business meeting was lield in the hotel head(iuarters. Adjournment. 12 o'clock, midnight, Friday, May 22. The s])ring meeting of 190.3 will l)e remembered as one of the most successful and enjoyable in the history of the Academy. The weather was delightful and the locality interesting from every standpoint. The Academy gratefully acknowledges its oliligations to the .Madison Commer- cial Club and to the members of the Hanover College faculty, especially to Professor Culbertson, for their generosity and thoughtful courtesies which anticipated every want of the excursionists. 33 • PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. The Indiana of Xature ; Its Evolution. By W. S. Blatchley. Afar out in the limitless realms of space a planet moves— propelled onward by an unseen, uncontrollable force around its parent orli. a sun. For millions, perhaps billions, of years, as man counts time, that planet has moved in the same pathway, meanwhile undergoing most wonderful changes in bulk and form. At tirst a vast, irregular mass of burning, gaseous matter, thrown off from that sun about which it still revolves, the planet gradually cooled, condensed, and assumed a spheroidal form. Its gaseous elements rearranged themselves to form new compounds, at first liquid, then solid, until in time it came to be a solid globe, or at least one with a solid but uneven crust. The processes of cooling and contrac- tion still continued. The ocean of vapor which formed a large portion of the atmosphere about the planet condensed and fell and formed an ocean of water which tilled the depressions in its crust. Above the rim of this ocean there showed in places large areas of land— bare igneous rock, abso- lutely devoid of life — as, for millions of years, the teniperatxire of both rock and ocean remained too high for living things. When the mean temperature of its oceanic waters by continued and oft repeated evaporation, cooling and condensation, was reduced to about 150° (degrees) F., there occurred the grandest event in the history of that planet. //; some iitikiioini. inikiKjicdhlc nutuncr. Life (■(iiiie to he. Within the waters of its ocean there was brought about a combination of matter — a living thing— which could take from the water and from the air above certain elements, and by their aid increase in size and reproduce its kind. The first lowly parasites upon the face or surface of the planet were thus aquatic plants— algpe, fungi and kindred forms. In the course of ages there evolved from them other and higher plants which could live on land; for the decay and erosion of the igneous rocks, added to the remains of the aquatic plants thrown upon the beaches of the ocean, produced a soil from which the higher land plants could derive a part of their nour- ishment. As the centuries and the a>ons rolled by, the plants— true para- sites that they were— found their way to every part of the planet's 3— A, OF Science, '03. 34 surface. Onto the tops of the loftiest mountains, into the abysses of the deepest oceans, they made their way; their province being the conversion of inorganic matter— earth, air. water— into a form of food suitable to the needs of a higher type of parasite Avhich meanwhile was coming into existence upon the planefs surface. For, as the temperature of the ocean gradually decreased, the Era of Animal Life was ushered in. The tirst animals on the planet were also lowly a(iuatic forms— scarcely differing from tlie tirst plants, but possessing a freedom of mo- tion which enabled them to procure a better supply of air and water. Then, evolving into higher and more varied forms as they l)ecame adapted to new environments, they spread far and wide through ocean's depths and over plain .and mountain, until the whole surface of the planet was peopled, too. by them. Hut, evci' :uul always, from the time the tirst ani- mal came to be upon that planet, until the last one tinally disappears into the dnrluiess of everlasting night, the (iroirth of animal life will de- pend upon liriinj food pr(>pared by the plant— the iiiolimi of animal life upon energu stored within the cells of the plant. That sun, which In the beginning first cast off the matter of which the planet is formed, still controls it— still rules over it and its destinies with an iron will. I'.otli plant and animal parasite must forever bow before its power. Of the vast floods of energy which stream forth from that sun's disk, in the f(irm of heat and light, an insigniticant fi'actiou falls upon the surface of its satellite. Of the minute portion that the planet thus arrests, an equally insignificant part is caught up l)y its plants and used directly in their growth. Yet the entire productive force of the living portion of that ])lanet turns on this insigniticant fraction of an insignificant fracticni. The vegetable cell is thus a storer of power— a reservoir of force. It mediates between the sun— the sole fountain of energy— and the animal life on the planet. The animal can not use an iota of power that some time, either directly or indirectly, has not Iteen stored in the i)lant cell. Thus, of the two great groups of parasites upon the surface of the planet, the plant must, perforce, have preceded the animal. For thousands of centuries each type of animal and plant parasite upon that planet was content if it could secure food enough to reach ma- turity and then a mate to reproduce its kind. All the energies put forth —all the variations in organ and form— all the adaptations to modified environment— were but means toward the better accomplisliment of these r{5 two ends. Soiiietinies a type would reach a cidmination or highest point, beyond whicli it eoidd not advanee. Then a degeneration would occur along side lines, or, in many instances, even total extinction of the race or group. Finally, after the planet was hoary with age, a race of animal parasites evolved from the lower forms, whose variations were ever con- centrated toward the head or cephalic region. During untold ages their brains slowly but surely increased in size until, in time, they became possessed of the power of reason and of abstract thought. lu that age the "prince of parasites" was born. From then on he began to rule not only the other animal and plant parasites about him, but to discover and control the powerful forces of natiire, heretofore wholly latent. As he grew in ln'ain power, he grew in greed, in egoism. He came to think that the planet, on which he was but a parasite, was created for him alone; that all other plants and animals were put there for his especial benefit, though many of them out-dated him liy millions of years. He began to modify the surface of the planet in all w^ays possible — to change, as it were, its every aspect to conform to his ideas. He imagined, vain creat- ure that he was, that he could improve upon the works of Nature. In time he divided up the entire land surface of the planet by using some- times imaginary lines and again natural boundaries. Acres and sections, townships and counties, states and republics, kingdoms and empires were the terms he used to denote his subdivisions, and over all lands, and even seas, he proclaimed himself chief ruler. For that planet is the earth. That "prince of parasites" is Man. To 30,350 square miles of the earth's surface, lying between the imag- inary lines 37° 41' and 41° 46' north latitude, and between 84° 44' and 88° (V west longitude, man, in time, gave the name "Indiana." How came this area to be where it is? Of what kind of matter is its surface composed? What was its condition at the time of the advent of the white race? These are questions which should be of interest to every resident of the Hoosier State. The oldest known rocks on the American continent are those of Archiean Time laid down during the Azoic or lifeless seon of the earth. They are known as the Laurentian System of Rocks and consist mainly of coarse granites, thick-bedded gneisses and syenites, serpentines, schists and l)eds of modified sandstones, limestones and clays. They wei'e formed from the debris of other rocks still older than themselves; these in their turn having l)een derived ages ago from those original igneous or 36 primary rocks whose uiolteii sands roso tirst .-iliovt' tlu' Itoiliug tioods and cooled and crnsted into a cliaotie continent. For Arclinean ^ime com- prised tliose millions of years which elapsed while the crust of the earth 'was cooling down to a roint where life was possible. The Laurentian locks are thus devoid of fossils or contain only the remains of the simplest acpiatic forms. In North America they com- prise the surface of a vast. \'-shaped area of 2.000,000 or more square miles which lies, filled witii wild lakes, pine clad, rugged, almost impass- able, spread in savage sleep from Labrador to the Arctic Ocean. This area embodies the general f.s L. nf'.yont 8t w A H a n ij rlying Bedford and Harrodsburgh limestones, afford a series of rocks which are more 49 or less jointed, and tlieretore easily eroded by underground waters. As a result, large caves, some of them possessing great vaulted rooms, rcen i, HtiJs.n Riv»r Sliaies I Hi a gar a S halt ani Ltmfcfotn " INDIANA al Ihe Clos e oj Lowf r C ar ooin^etoui Time . deep pits, high v^^aterfalls and streams of water large enough to allow the ready passage of a boat, are found throughout this area. All of these caves are due to the action of water— that greatest of nature's 4— A. OF SCIKNCE, '03. 50 solvents and abraders — its work of a day, a year, a century, upon the solid limestone not appreciable to the eye— yet by slow unceasing action through the ages which have elapsed since that limestone was raised above the sea, it has carved every room and passage, constructed every pillar and stalagmite existing beneath the surface of southern Indiana. The Huron limestone or Huron group of rocks represents in Indiana the latest epoch of the Lower Carboniferous Era. It is composed of three beds of limestone with two intervening beds of sandstone, their combined thickness being about 100 feet. The sandstones carry in places concretions of iron ore and thin beds of coal, the latter being the fore- runners or harl)ingers of those vast veins of stored energy which, in southern Indiana, represent the Carboniferous and tinal era of Paleozoic time. The Carboniferous Era is noted as one of gentle oscillations in the surface of those shallow seas bordering the land, these "causing suc- cessive moi-e or less wide emergencies and submergencles, the former favoring the growth of boundless forests and jungles, the latter burying the vegetable debris and other terrestrial accumulations beneath fresh water or marine deposits." During the era, that cryptogamous land vegetation which had sprung into existence in the Devonian Era, advanced with wonderful strides. The temperature was mild: tne atmosphere moist and heavy laden with carbon dioxide. As a result the vast lowland marshes were overgi'own with great trees of Sigillaria, Lepidodendron and Calamites; while at their base grew dense thickets of fern underbrush, inhabited only by insects and amphibians. For the first examples of the latter evolved during this period from some mud-loving, fish-like creature. No flow- ering plant had as yet unfolded its petals. No bird had, as yet, winged its way through the buoyant air. No mammal was, as yet, a denizen of earth or sea. Those dim watery woodlands were flowerless, fruit- less, songless, voiceless, unless the occasional shrill of a cricket or grass- hopper could be called a song. Yet in the cells of the semi-aquatic plants and trees of those old forests there was stored that heat which was destined in after ages to be freed by man and used in doing the work of the world. The rocks laid down during this era were alternating beds of sand- stone, shale, clay and limestone with occasional beds of compressed vegetation which, during after centuries, has been changed into coal. 51 The basal formation of the Carboniferous Era in Indiana, as generally elsewhere, is a bed of coarse-grained sandstone, known as the Mansfield sandstone or "Millstone Grit." It has a total thickness of 150 feet and forms tlie surface rock over a strip 2 to 22 miles in width, extending from the northern part of Warren County in an east of south direction to the Ohio River, a distance of ITo miles. In Martin and Orange counties it occurs with an even, sliai-p grit, furnishing a most excellent material for whetstones and grindstones. Above this sandstone are the I'roductive and Barren Coal Measiu-es, which comprise T.oUO siiuare miles of tlie land surface of the State. At the time of their deposition or formation the area which they cover, as well as a large part of Illinois, was a great basin or depression, but little above the level of the sea. and stirrotmded on every side ex- cept the southwestern by the higher lands of the older formations. By successive alternations of upheaval and subsidence— carried on through thousands of years— this depression was at times an area of the southwestern sea, again a fresh water lake, and then, for a period, a vast swamp or marsh. ' AVhen raised high enotigh to form a marsh, the luxuriant vegetation, above mentioned, sprang up from the ooze and mud at its bottom, flourished for centuries, the newer growths spTinging from between the fallen masses of the older, as in the peat bogs Of today, and so formed a mighty mass of carbonaceous material. By subsidence, the level of the marsh was, in time, lowered until it becan>e a lake into which rivers from the surrotinding highlands flowed, bearing with them millions of tons of clayey sediment and disintegrated qtiartz, the remgnns of the older decayed rocks. This sediment was spread otit ovet .the mass of submerged vegetation, compressing it into the hard, rhinefral coal; the clayey sediment itself being in time compressed into vast beds of shale, and the particles of quartz into sandstone. In some places a more pro- longed subsidence took place, sinking the floor of the lake below the level of the sea, and allowing the waters of the latter with their accompanying forms of marine life to flow in. In time beds of limestone were then formed over those of the shale or sandstone, but none of these cover an extensive area or are of great thickness. After each subsidence, with its restiltiug beds of coal, shale and sand- stone or limestone, had taken place, an upheaval followed. The floor of sea or lake was again raised so near the surface that the semi-aquatic 52 vegetation for a uew coal seam could spring up and, in time, the processes above detailed were again undergone. Such, in brief, was the origin and Legfnii. Mudjo n Rive r llmcstonPS and SAaUs I JJ{a.(j ara ShuU «i\d limtsfone Lower HtlifrifTj tnd i^ctex-Unti ~ Knobsfo-ne LiwfrCaTloni\triius Limtshna O "MinsHtli Prciuct ive lA/D/ANA at 1 h e C Z 0 s e 0^ Caihonildous Time. formation of those Ave great veins of coal which form today the chief mineral wealth of our State, and of those vast beds of overlying shale which, in recent years, have come to be used for so many varied products. 53 We have now traced the growth of the area comprishig Indiana through Paleozoic time. We have seen how that area gradually appeared above old ocean's rim. But it was not yet the "Indiana of Nature"— the finished product of the ages ready for the advent of man. Centuries un- told had yet to come and go before it was complete— centuries during which changes of momentous importance were to come to pass. For, as yet, no palm, no angiosperm or flowering plant with seeds, no osseous or common fish, no reptile, no bird, no mammal had come to be upon the surface of the earth. All these were evolved from pre-existing forms during the age or era immediately succeeding the Carboniferous or final period of Paleozoic time. This age is known as that of the Mesozoic or Middle Time, represented by the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous eras. For our piu-pose there may be combined with these eras the Tertiary of Cenozoic or recent time. During the myriads of years ascribed to these eras, while vast changes were taking place in other parts of the American Continent, the surface of Indiana probably remained above sea level. On it there grew the plants and over it there doubtless roamed, in their turn, the animals of each successive era, but as its surface was above the sea, they left no fossil bone or footprint to tell us of their presence. All this time, however, the silent processes of nature were unceasing in their labor, and wrought great changes in the surface of the future State. Decay and erosion were in action then as they are today. Sun- shine and rain, wind and frost, trickling rills and strong streams were ever at work, softening and sculpturing and wearing down the exposed rocks, forming clays and sand and gravel and bearing them away to lower levels. At the close of the Tertiai'y Era, the entire surface of what is now Indiana resembled that of today in the driftless area of its southern part, being cut up by erosion into a complex network of valleys, ridges and isolated hills. In certain portions of the northern half great sti-eams, of which there are now no surface indications, had worn their channels a half mile in width, 200 feet or more down into the solid Niagara lime- stone. The Ohio River valley, a trench from one to six miles wide and 400 feet deep, was mainly eroded during this period, as was also the greater portion of the Wabash Valley, from Huntington to its mouth. Everywhere over the surface was a thin soil, formed from decaying rocks and vegetation, poorer, perhaps, than much of that which at present covers the surface of the driftless area, where the underlying limestones and shales have been the parent rock. In this soil grew the cedar and the 54 sassafras, the willow and the maple, ihe oak and the beeeh. while over its surface spread many of the coarser grasses, sedges and mosses of the present day. , During these long periods of erosion and decay, mild climatic condi- tions had prevailed. But near the close of the Tertiary a change in these conditions came gradually to pass — a change which was most sweeping and far-reaching in its final results. For some, as yet unknown, reason, the mean annual temperature of the northern hemisphere became much lower. The climate of the regions to the east and south of Hudson's Bay became similar to that of Greenland of today, or even colder. The snow, ever falling, never melting, accumulated during hundreds of centuries in one vast field of enormous thickness. Near the bottom of this mass a plastic, porous sort of ice was gradually formed from the snow by the pressure from above. This ice mass or glacier took upon itself a slow, almost imperceptible motion to the south or southwestward, until it covered three-fourths or more of what is now Indiana. As it moved slowly southward great masses of partly-decayed rock and clay from hillsides and jutting cliffs rolled down upon it and were carried on and on until, by the melting of their icy steed, they were dropped hundreds of miles from the parent ledge. Large irregular masses of rock from the region in which the glacier Avas formed were either frozen into its nether portion or rolled along beneath it, and as the ice sheet moved they served as great stone drags, grinding down and smoothing off the hills and ridges and tilling up the valleys, until the irregular, uneven surface of the old preglacial rocks was planed and polished. From the stria^ formed by these imprisoned boulders and from other evidence which it is diflicult to otherwise explain, it is now believed that there were several distinct epochs in the glacial period. The great ice sheet, which was at first formed, several times advanced and as often— by an increase of the temperature of the region which it entered— melted and receded; its retreat or recession being each time as gradual as its advance had been. Like a great army which has attempted the invasion of a country and has been compelled to withdraw, it would again assem- ble its forces and start in a slightly different direction. But, perchance, before it had reached the limit of its former invasion a force of circum- stances would render a retreat necessary. Its advancing margin was thus not in a straight line, but in lobes, or long, gradual curves. 55 When the tirst ice sheet reached its greatest advance into the region now comprising Indiana, the ice "was at least 500 or 600 feet deep over L t tj e n d Area □ lllinot a 11 Wi 5C 0 n ; I n DnH Area ^ fe- ? i the present site of Terre Ilante and nearly as deep over that of Indianap- olis, and it thicl^ened gradnallv northward. If an observer could have stood on one of the hills in Brown county at that time, he would have 56 seeu to the east of him the great wall of the ice front extending sonth toward Kentucky, while toward the west it would have been seeu in the distance stretchiny away toward the southwest. For hundreds of miles to the east and west, and for 2,CHJ0 miles or more to the north, the glaring, white desert of snow-covered ice, like that seen in the interior of Green- land by Nansen and Peary, would have appeared, stretching away out of sight, with not a thing under the sun to relieve its cold monotony." By the incursions of the various ice sheets all the so-called "drift soils" of northern and central Indiana were accumulated where they lie. Derived, as they were, in pai'l. from the A'arious primary and igneous rocks in the far north, ground tine and thoroughly mixed as they were by the onward moving force of a luighty glacier, they are unusually rich in all the necessary constituents of plant food. Principally to them does Indiana owe her present high rank as an agricultural state. All the level and more fertile counties lie within this drift covered area, and its southern limit marks, practically, the bomidary of the great corn and wheat producing portidu of the State. But few of the present inhabitants of Indiana realize how much they owe to this glacial invasion of our domain iu the misty past. It not only determined the character of the soil, the contour of the coimtry and the minor lines of drainage, but in manifold other ways had to do with tlie pleasure, the health and the lirosperity of the present population. When the tinal ice sheet gradually receded from the area now com- prising Indiana, the surface of the glaciated portion was left covered with a sheet of drift or till composed mainly of clay, gravel and lioulders, and varying in thickness from one to 400 feet or more. Over the greater por- tion of this area the surface of the drift was comparatively level, but in the northern fourth of the State it was in numerous places heaped up in extensive ridges and hills, due to irregular dumping along the margins and between the lobes of the melting ice sheets. In the hollows or low places between those ridges and hills the waters of the melting ice accu- mulated and formed those hundreds of fresh water lakes Avhich are today the most beautiful and expressive features of the landscape in the region wherein they abound. At first all of those yet in existence were much larger than now. while for every one remaining a score have become extinct. A new vegetation soon sprang up over the land left desolate and barren by the retreating ice. The climate gradually became much 57 warmer tliaii it is today. The great e.\i ar.se cf water iii lalces and rivers, aided by tlie increase in temperature, yave rise to excessive moisture. Fostered l)y tlie rich soil and the mild, moist atmosphere, a vast forest of deciduous trees spread over the lai'ger portion of our State. Through this forest and al)out the margins of the lakes and marshes tliere Avan- dered for centuries the mammoth and tlie mastodon, the giant bison and the elk, the tapir and the peccary, the mighty sloth and that king of ro- dents, Cdstofoides oMoensis. Preying upon these and smaller mammals were the great American lion, and tigers and wolves of mammoth size. The bones and teeth of all of these species of extinct animals have been found buried lieneath the surfaces of former bogs and marshes in various portions of the State. It is not improbable that with them was also that higher mammal— man— in all the nakedness of his primitive existence. But over this phase in the evolution of the future Indiana there came again a change, for natiu-e knows no stich thing as rest. The great rivers which had liorne south and southwestwardly the floods and debris of the melting glaciers gradually diminished in size and filled but a small por- tion of their former valleys. Extensive shallow lakes in the northwestern part of otir present area gave way to marshes and these, in time, to wet prairies, possessing a rich black soil derived largely from the decay of aquatic vegetation. The climate gradtiallj' grew less moist, more cool. The mammoth, the mastodon and contemporaneotis mammals disappeared, and in their stead came countless thousands of buffalo and deer. With them came, too, that son of Nature— that descendant of the naked barba- rians of centuries before — the noble Red Man. From out of that dark night which hangs forever over all we know or shall know of early America he came — a Avaif flung by the surge of time to these later ages of otir own. With the advent of the Red Man the "Indiana of Nature" Avas com- plete, Avas perfect. It possessed that primeval savage beauty of a world unmarrod by man. Lakes, streams, forests, prairies, stored fuel, noble game— all were here. For centuries the Indian lived in peace AA'ithin its^ bounds. The forest yielded him bear and deer— the prairies, Iniffalo and wild foAvl. On the higher ridges, overlooking the larger streams and lakes, he had his principal Aillage sites. Over their placid Avaters he paddled his birch bark canoe. From their depths he sectired Avith spear and hook fishes sufficient to supply his needs; Avhile the skins of mtisk- rat, otter and beaver Avhich he trapped al)out their marshy margins 58 furnished him protection against the cold. Through the forest glades, when returning from the chase, his cries of triumph were echoed. Here, in a land of plenty, his wants were few and easily satistied; his ambitious lowly, his hopi'S eternal. But to this, as to all things peaceful, there was an end. From across the seas came that "prince of parasites." the white man— self-styled heir to all the ages — so-called conqueror and civilizer— but in reality the great- est devastator that Nature has ever known. First as a discoverer came he. Then as a trapper and trader among the Indians; last as a settler of the future State. His first permanent hamlets or settlements were, like those of the Indians, located on the larger streams. From these he penetrated farther and farther tlie forest, building his cabins wher- ever a spring purled forth from a hillside to furnish water. In less than two centuries^a mere second as compared \vith those measureless eterni- ties before he came— the white man has changed Ijeyoud recognition the "Indiana of Nature." Only its outlines remain as they Avere. From its bounds he has driven forever the l)Uffalo. l)ear. panther, elk, deer, wild turkey, ivory-billed woodpecker, paroquet and wild pigeon, together with the noble Red Man, the one-time contemporary and lord of them all. From its surface he has cleared that dense forest of tall trees— of which no domain could boast a better— leaving in its stead a mere remnant of what Avould have Ijeen termed underbrush a century ago. FolloAving the felling of the forests came, as a direct result, the drying up of springs and the dwindling to mere rlvtilets of former creeks and streams. To gain control over a fcAV more acres of mother earth, he has dredged deep ditches and so lessened greatly the size or brought about the total extinction of JM) per cent, of those crystal lakes wliich once gave variety and beauty to the northern fourth of the State. He has caused the picturesque trails and woodland paths of the Indian to disappear, and in their stead we find, at intervals of a mile or two, those broad unshaded roadways, many of Avhich are floods of dust in summer and seas of mud in Avinter. As a complement to these he has, in nearly every county, leveled hills, filled up valleys, bridged streams, and stretched long bands of steel spiked to Avooden ties. DraAvn by the harnessed forces of Nature, he rushes over these at almost lightning speed; while along them he sends, with many a roar and rumble, those necessities and luxuries of his artificial life. 59 Not content witli his di'struction of the natural beauty of the surface of the State, he has delved deep into its depths, in search of those riches of stored power, there hidden since the sun gave up its heat and light to the plant cells of the old Silurian seas and Carl»oniferous marshes. With his iron drill he sunk, in eighteen years, ten thousand vents to the Trenton rock. Through these there poured natural gas valued, even at the extremely low price at which it was sold, at .$77,018,189. So greedy was he, so ignorant of the real value of this gaseous fuel and the manner of its formation, so reckless in its consumption, that at the end of less than a score of years there remains only the dregs of the plenty that has been. As with natural gas, so with its mother liquid, criide petroleum. Since 1891, ls at times resemble in filthiness the habitation of some domestic animal. Since interurb.-ni cars have come into use a new phase of this (juestion of railway colds, so to speak, has developed. The open car furnishes an al)undance of fresh air while the closed one in the winter season may not dilfer greatly from th? steam road cars in regard to the polluted atmos- phere. Susceptible persons have often been puzzled how they catch cold o:! a closed car on a cinnparatively warm day and do net catch cold in an open car y the arm of sanitary precautions. Further evidence is shown by a study of vital statistics during the past fifty years, wherein may be seen a marlved reduction in the deaths from all preventable diseases. All of this has come a I tout, and nmch more is yet to come, I believe, through this re- naissance period in the science of sanitation, marked by the estab- lishment of the germ theoi'y of disease and the l)irth of bacteriology. Fiom that time the bacteriolcgist and the sanitarian have marched hand in h.'uul iu tlieir grand tiglit against disease and death. 81 On the Use of Xickel in the Core of the Marconi ^Iagnetic Coherer. By Aethur L. Foley. The magnetic detector of electric waves, described and used by Marconi,* consisted of a "core or rod of thin iron wires on which were wound one or two hiyers of thin insulated copper wire. Over this windin.a- insulating material was placed, and over this again, another longer Minding of thin copper wire contained in a narrow bobbin." One terminal of the inside winding was connected to earth, the other to an elevated conductor. The ends of the outside winding were con- nected to a telephone. A horseshoe magnet, suitably placed, was moved by clockwork so as to cause a continuous change or successive reversals or the magnetism of the iron core. Electric oscillations of suitable period appeared to reduce the effects of magnetic hysteresis, hence the magnetism of the iron core increased or decreased suddenly with each spark of the transmitter, inducing a current in the outer winding con- nected to the telephone. Marconi had (June, 19(12) used this apparatus for some months in the reception of wireless telegraph messages over a distance of 152 miles, and with less power employed at the transmit- ting station than would have been required had he used a reliable coherer instead of the magnetic detectoi-. Marconi noticed that "the signals in the telephone are weakest when the poles of the rotating magnet have just passed the core and are increasing their distance from it, whilst they are strongest when the magnet poles are approaching the core." To obtain more definite results on this point I arranged to use a ballistic galvanometer instead of a telephone, and to take readings for various determined positions of the magnet and core. The core, which was 5 cm. long, consisted of twenty-six pieces of annealed piano wire, .063 cm. in diameter. Over this was wound a single layer of two hundred turns of silk insulated copper Avire No. 30, giving a total diameter of core and coil of approximately .4 cm. One end of the coil was connected to a vertical wire 200 cm. long; the other end was put to earth. RoySZ(:^y:V^^^^^:;!%^^X^l:!!g: ^'--- ''^ «• Marconi, Proceedings of the 6— A. OF SciRxCK. '03. 82 The outer or secondary coil, consisting of one thousand turns of No. 30 wire, was wound on a wooden spool of sucli dimensions that the coil itself was 1.7 cm. long and .6 cm. in diameter (inside). The terminals of this coil were connected to a Rowland D'Avsonval galvanom- eter through a key arranged to short-circuit the galvanometer after each throw of the needle. This brought the needle to rest very quickly, and permitted the position of the magnet to be changed Avithout affect- ing the galvanometer. The induction coil (one inch) of the transmitter was operated by a storage cell and was adjusted to give a 2 mm. spark between two small brass spheres, one connected to a vertical Avire 200 cm. long, the other to earth. The distance between the transmitter and receiver was varied from two meters to twenty meters. The results given in this paper were obtained when the distance was made live meters. No effort was made to "tune" the circuits. The magnet Avas made from a bar of steel 1.6 cm. square and 3.7 cm. long, bent so as to make a horseshoe magnet about 16 cm. long with parallel legs 4.S cm. apart. The primai-y and secondary coils were fastened in place on a board grooved and graduated so that the magnet could be slid back and forth in the same hoi'izontal plane with, and in a direction at right angles to, the iron core, and placed at any desired distance from it. The graduatjons extended from 0 to 12 cm., zero distance corresponding to contact between the ends of the magnet and the core. To get a reading the galvanometer was first short-circuited and the magnet placed in position. The short circuit was then broken, the transmitter operated as long as the deflection of the needle was increasing, and the throw observed. Table I gives the throws of the galvanometer for the given distances between the magnet and core. A. When the magnet is placed 10 cm. from the core and moved one space nearer each successive reading. B. When the magnet is placed in contact with the core and is moved one space farther fiom it each reading. C. When the magnet is removed some distance after each reading and the transmitter operated before the magnet is placed in position for another reading. D. When the magnet is turned over (the field reversed) between readings. 83 TABLE I. Distance. A B C D 0.0 cm 2.0 cm. 2.3 " 2.0 " 1.3 " 0 4 " 0.3 " 0.2 " 0.1 " 0 0" 0.0 " 0.0 " 0.0 " 7.6 cm. 0.6 " 0.8 cm. 0.9 " 1.0 " 0.9 " 1.0 " 0 6 " 0 4 " 0.3 " 0 2" 0.2 " 0.1 " 4.0 cm. 3.2 " 2.0 " 1.2 " 1.0 " 0.5 " 0 3 " 0 2" 0 2" 0.1 " 0.1 " 7.9 ' 6 1 ' 3.5 • 16 ' 1.1 ' 0.8 ' 0.6 ' 0.4 ' 0.3 ' 0.25 ' 0 2 ' 1.0 " 2.0 " 3.0 " 4.0 " 5.0 " 6.0 " 7.0 " 8.0 '• 9 0" 10.0 " Fig. 1. The data of Table I are plotted in Fig, 1. A comparison of curves A and B sliows that the sensitiveness of the magnetic detector depends 84 upon both the distance and direction of motion of tlie moving magnet. When the magnet is near the core the detector is more sensitive when tlie magnet is approaeliing, Init when some distance from the core the detector is more sensitive when the magnet is receding. Both cnrves indicate a maximum of sensitiveness at a distance from the core, the distance being less when the magnet is approaching than when receding. Removing the magnet and operating the transmitter tended to de- magnetize the core. Then when the magnet was placed in position and the transmitter again opei'ated, as in Curve C, there was a relatively greater change in the magnetism of the core than was obtained under the conditions of Curves A and B. Hence the deflections in column C are greater than those in A or B. It is evident that the relative change in the magnetization of the core would be greater still where the magnetic held is reversed after each reading, as in Curve D. Since nickel is more susceptil)le than iron in weak magnetic flelds, and less susceptible in strong fields, it occurred to the writer that a more uniform sensibility for varying distances between the moving magnet and core might be obtained by making the core of nickel. Four cores were made, each one being 5 cm. long, approximately .4 cm. in diameter, and being wound Avith two hundred turns of No. 36 copper wire. Core 1 consisted of 26 pieces of piano wire, .063 cm. in diameter. Core 2 of 10 pieces of piano wire and 10 pieces of nickel wire, .082 cm. in diameter. Core 3 of 2 pieces of piano wire and 13 pieces of nickel wire. Core 4 of 14 pieces of nickel wire. Table II gives the deflections at various distances between the magnet and each of the four cores, the magnet being moved one space at a time and having its poles reversed after each reading. The data for three of the cores is plotted in Fig. 2. TABLE n. Distance. Core 1. Fe. Core 2. Fe & Ni. Core 3. Fe & Ni. Core 4. Ni. 0.0 cm 7.6 cm. 7.9 " 6 1 " 3.5 " 1 6 " 1 1 " 0 6 " 0 3" 0.2 " 10.2 cm. 9.5 " 8.0 " 4 6 " 3.0 " 1.7 " 0.5 " 0 2" 0 1 " 7 5 cm. 7.5 " 7 2" 4.0 " 2.0 " 1.0 " 0.4 " 0 2" 0 1 " 6 . 1 cm. 0.5 " 10 " 2.0 " 9.0 " 8.9 " 4 7" 3.0 " 40 " 1 35 " 0 7" 6.0 " 0 35 " 8 0 " 0 2 " 10.0 " 0.1 " n 10 ». Nj> &. Ni 5 /Js \ / "A / ' \^^ 8 ( I \A ^ \\ M 55 4 3 \ [ \ V\ \\ 2 \ \ •i ^ ^ ^-i.^^^ 0 ^ ■-~^ J^-^^; — ==( 8 10 2 3 DEFLECTIONS Fig. 2. The sensitiveness of the detector with a nickel core was not very different from the sensitiveness when an iron core was used. Contrary 8G to expectations, however, the sensitiveness with tlie nicliel core ap- peared to be the greater in strong fields and with the iron core in wealv fields. Both showed a maximum of sensitiveness at a short dis- tance from the magnet, the maximum for nickel being the farther re- moved. The nickel core proved to be more sensitive than the iron core for distances up to 2.5 cm. When the detector was worked with the mixed core of iron and nickel wires the deflections of the galvanometer increased as the magnet approached the core, even up to the point of contact. The curve (Fe & Ni, Fig. 2) lies above the Fe curve at all points and above the Ni curve at most points, showing that a mixed core consisting of annealed piano wire and hard-drawn nicliel wire produced a more sensitive de- tector than was obtained l)y using a core of piano wire only. The detector gave small deflections of the galvanometer when I used an antimony core; also when I used a core of iron filings contained in a thin-walled glass tube. In both cases deflections were obtained only when the magnet was near the core. A core of bismuth gave no deflection. It is probable that the form of the curve of Figs. 1 and 2 depends upon other points than those considered in this papei", as for instance, the frequency and intensity of the oscillations sent out by the trans- mitter and the annealing of the steel wires used in the core. Since electric oscillations appear to "have the power of reducing the effects of magnetic hysteresis," it has occurred to the writer to test their effect upon the hysteresis loss of transformers, armatures, etc. Some experimental worlc on tliis subject has been done, but I am not yet ready to announce results. Physics Laboratory of Indiana University, April, 1903. 87 The Edison Effect in a " Hylo " Lamp. By Arthtjk L. Foley. The figure is a cliagi-am of a "Hylo" turn-down incandescent lamp in which N and s represent (Avlien the current is in the direction indi- cated) the north and south ends respectively of the IG c.p. filament (F) and the 1 c.p. filament (f), the former consisting of two and the latter of three turns. Whatever be the direction of the current the filament coils are of opposite polarity, the potential difference between legs 3 and 4 is small, and that between legs 1 and 4 a maximum. When f is burning F is in series with it, but the current is insufficient to render the latter luminous. When F is burning f is short-circuited, but has the same potential as leg 4 of F. P Let P and P' be points on the globe at the ends of a diameter through the plane of the filaments, and NS and sn be points on the globe where the axes of the filaments F and f meet it. At P there is a deposit from one to two cm. wide, while the globe is perfectly clear on either side. At P' the conditions are exactly reversed, the central region being dark with clear glass on each side. At n, also at s, there is a small circular deposit about half the area of a turn 88 of f. This deposit is siinouiidcd )iy nuotlier in tlie fonn of a ring ulxmt 1 cm. wide and 2 em. in diameter, the ring being open next the base of the himp. Between the central deposit and tlie ring the glass is clear. There is no deposit within 2 cm. of the base of the lamp, and very little on the crown. The theory of molecular shadows and the E'dison Effect, so thor- oughly Avorked out by Fleming* and others, explains the general char- acter of the deposit, but seems to fail to explain the definiteness of it. In general the deposit i.s of uniform density and quite dark, while the clear places are perfectly clear, the line of separation being ;is definite as if the deposit had been laid on with a brush. The weak magnetic tield of the small filament was suflicieut to concentrate the deposit at the ends of its axes, leaving certain regions perfectly clear. It seems that it should l)e possible to Iceep clear any desired part of the wall of a vacuum tube. The peculiarity of the deposit above described was noticed but a few weeks since, hence the incompleteness of this investigation. An attempt to age a num1)er of similar lamps by running at an excessive voltage resulted in a practically uniform deposit. '■Molecular Shadows in Incandescent Lamps. Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 20, 1886. A Further Examination of the Edison Effect in Glow Lamps. Philosophical Magazine, Vol.42, 1896. S9 On the Use of Manganese Dioxide in the Generation of 0XYGE>J FROxM POTASSIUM ChLORATE. By R. R. Ramsey, The statement is sometimes made in texts on eliemistry that tlie ])art played by manganese dioxide in the generation of oxygen from potassinm clilorate is one of conduction only, that any other oxide, or ordinary sand, which would come in intimate contact with the potas- sium chlorate, would do as well. Since the Itlack oxide, although not expensive, is more expensive than sand, the use of sand would to some extent diminish the cost of oxygen when g'enerated from potas- sium chlorate. To test this point Prof. Foley and the writer, at the suggestion of the former, made the experiments as described below. The potassium chlorate, mixed with a detinite proportion of blaclc oxide or other material, was placed in an ordinary sheet-iron generating retort which was heated with a large Bunsen burner. The oxygen was led through a lead pipe coiled inside a •calorimeter. From the calorimeter it passed through an experimental gas meter reading to 10 c.c. By this means the total volume of oxygen generated and th-^ generating rate could be determined directly, and from the rise of tem- perature of the contents of the calorimeter the approximate temperature of the gas could be determined. Experiments were made with man- ganese dioxide, powdered silica, sand, and Venetian red.* In no case except with the manganese dioxide, did tlie amount of gas given off compare with tliat computed from the chemical formula. In fact the rate of generating, when using sulistances other than manganese dioxide, was so slow that calorimetric determinations could not he made. The following table will give a general view of the results: ■'Eqvial parts iron oxide and ealeiuin sulphate. 90 Substance. KCI03 Genei"a'inj Time. Volume. lObserved. Calculated. SOgins.MnOo .. 200 " " .. 186 " Silica . 500 '• Sand .. 120 " MnOj.. 65 Venetian red 250 gms. 1000 " 930 " 500 " 600 " 325 " 18.5 24 20 11 25 73 Liters. 257 " 56 " 16.7 " 137.5 " 21.9 " 74.4 296.5 273 147.5 177.5 97.6 Gas lost. Exploded. Gas lost. The first column gives the amount and name of substance used; 2d, amount of potassium chlorate; 3d, duration of the experiment iu min- utes; 4th, the volume of gas liberated as shovpn by the gas meter; 5th, volume of gas as calculated from mass of potassium chlorate and tem- perature and pressure of gas in the meter; 6th, temperature of gas in meler. In tlie third experiment with powdered silica heat was applied stead- ily for twenty-four minutes until suddenly the delivery tube connecting the retort to the calorimeter was blown off and a stream of blazing molten silica was shot a distance of fifteen feet across the room. Upon cleaning the retort it was found that the mass of chlorate and silica had been in a foaming semi-fluid condition filling the entire retort and forcing itself through the delivery tube. In the case of sand (from the shore of Lake Miclygan) heat was applied for twenty minutes with ;i very small amount of oxygen given off. In every case with manganese dioxide the gas had been entirely driven off in a shorter time with a flame greatly reduced from the normal. In fact a considerable amount of gas bubbled through the meter owing to the rapid rate of generation. With Venetian red a very small amount of oxygen was obtained, al- though the temperature was raised to the point where the entire mass was fused. Subsequent experiments performed in a test tube showed the temperature of fusion to exceed 360° C, while the temperature at which oxygen is liberated from the manganese dioxide mixture as shown by Mahin [Proc. lud. Acad. Sci., P. 170, 1002] does not exceed 180° C. Calorimetric computations and direct observation in test tubes show the temperature of the gas to be from 65° to 100° C. It would seem that there is a lowering of temperature at liberation analagous n to the fall of temperature -when water vapor is driven from a salt solution. In conclusion, it seems that manganese dioxide serves for more than a distributer of heat, that it has a catalytic effect upon the potassium chlorate, permitting the oxygen to be liberated at a much lower tem- perature than when potassium chlorate is tlsed alone. Powdered silica» sand, and Venetian red do not produce tills effect, at least not to the same extent, at low temperatures, as black oxide of manganese. 93 Double Salts in Solution. By p. N. Ea a>s. lu a paper presented to this Academy four years ayo, the author called attention to numerous apparent exceptions to the rule that an electrolyte is less soluble in a solution of another electrolyte Ayith an ion in common with the first than in Ayater alone. The eyidence presented at that time was that many saturated solutions fail to giye precipitates on addition of second electrolytes havins' ions in common Avith those already in the solutions. Since that time some of the cases then noted hav(> been further inyestigated. and it has been proyed, as then suspected, that in these cases the electrolyte is more instead of less solnide in a solution of a second electrolyte Avith a common ion tlian in Ayater alone. The substances chosen were lead chloride and nitrate, and barium chloride and nitrate. The method of inyestigation Avas the determi- nation of the soluliility at zero centigrade of one compound in solutions of the other of yarying concentrations up to satiiration, one hundred €ubic centimeters of the solution being used in each case for analysis. Lead chloride Ayas estimated ))y determining chlorine in the solution A-olumetrically, beginning Ayith pure Avater and ending AAitli a saturated solution of lead nitrate, after saturating AA'ith lead chloride. It was found that the solubility of the chloride increased AA'ith the concen- tration of the nitrate, the curA'o being a straight line AAithin the limits of experimental error. The solubility of lead chloride in Avater Avas found to be 0.542<; grams in one hundied cul>ic centimeters of the solu- tion: in saturated lead nitrate solution. 1.8'.^ grams. The solubility of lead nitrate in solutions of lead chloride Ayas not determined, on account of the yery limited solubility of the latter. Barium chloride was estimated by determining chlorine in the solu- tion. It Avas found in this case also that the solubility of the chloride increased Avith the concentration of the nitrate, the curye again lieing a straight line. The solubility of barium chloride in Ayater AA-as found to be 33.89 grams in one hundred cubic centimeters of the solution: in saturated barium nitrate solution, 37.42 grams. 94 Barium nitrate was estimated by determining barium in tbe pure water solution, barium and chlorine in the solutions containing chloride, and considering the excess of barium over chlorine to be present as nitrate. Again the curve was a straight line, showing an increasing solubility of nitrate with higher concentrations of chloride. The solu- bility of barium chloride (anhydrous) in water was found to be 5.11 grams in one hundred cubic centimeters of the solution; in saturated barium chloride solution, 9.38 grams. These results all agree with the assumption that double salts are formed when these salts are mixed in solution, as lead chloride-nitrate and barium chloride-nitrate. A single instance of this kind has been noticed by other observers, potassium nitrate and lead nitrate by LeBlanc and Noyes. In this instance it is interesting to note that the common ion is the anion, while in the new cases here presented it is the kathion. These exceptions to the general rule are apparently not uncommon and deserve more consideration in the text-books on physical chemistry, where they are rarely mentioned at all. In conclusion, the author desires to express his appreciation of the careful experimental work performed by Mr. R. W. Duncan, B.S., at that time a student in Purdue University. Lafayette, Indiana, Decemlter, 1903. 95 Ionic Friction, By p. N. Evans. The velocity of a moving body is proportional to the impelling force and inversely proportional to the resistance offered by the snrroundings. In the case of dissolved particles moving through a solution the resist- ance is of the nature of friction. The movement of ions through solutions may be observed in the diffusion of dissolved electrolytes from positions of higher to those of lower concentrations, and also in the migrations of the ions during the electrolysis of solutions. The impelling force in the first case is the osmotic pressure; in the second, electric tension. The resistance in both cases is the friction against the other particles— mostly those of the solvent. That this resistance or friction is enormous is seen in the force necessary to overcome it— three hundred and two million kilograms will move a gram of hydrogen ions in water with a velocity of one centimeter per second. It has been observed that the addition of a non-electrolyte to a solution of an electrolyte increases the resistance to the passage of the electric current. This might be due to either or both of two causes— the number of ions or carriers of the current might be diminished by the non-electi'olyte's causing a partial deionization of the electrolyte, or the resistance of the solution to the migration of the ions— the ionic fric- tion— might be increased. The second of these two hypotheses has been shown to be the correct one when only moderate quantities of the non- electrolyte are added, though the first also becomes appreciable with larger quantities. The lines of reasoning and experiment leading to this conclusion have been of two kinds. First, the degree of ionization of the electrolyte in pure water and in water containing the non-electrolyte was deter- mined in the usual way, based on the conductivity at some definite concentration compai'ed with that at infinite dilution and found to be the same when moderate quantities of the non-electrolyte were present. Second, the increase in the resistance to the passage of the electric 96 current aud to the uiovemeiit of ions by diftusion due to osmotic pressure has been found to I)e approximately proportional to the increase in in- ternal friction measured by the rate of flow through a capillary, indi- cating friction as the immediate cause. The purpose of the investigation here reported was to attack the problem by a method not hitherto used ai)parently in this connection. The freezing point method was employed, and the solutions examined were those of hydrochloric acid and sucrose. The freezing points detex-- mined Avere those of water, of twice-normal ami twentieth-normal water solutions of hydrochloric acid, of water solutions of sucrose containing 1, 5, 10, 25 aud 35 grams in 100 cubic centimeters, and of water solutions of hydrochloric acid and sucrose of corresponding concentrations. The ordinary Beckmauu apparatus was used. It was foimd that the loweriugs of the freezing point produced by known weights of acid aud sugar mixed in a given quantity of water was equal to the sum of tlie loweriugs produced by the same weights of acid and sugar each dissolved separately in the same quantity of water. This result harmonizes with those found by the other methods mentioned above in showing no effect of the sugar on the degree of ionization of the acid, and leading to the conclusion that the increase in resistance to the current observed in corresponding solutions of hydro- chloric acid on addition of siigav. was due wholly to an inci'oase in the friction between the ions and the solutions. The author desires to express his appreciation of the expi'iinicntal work done by Mr. H. E. Bachtenkiiclier. r..S.. at that time a stialeiit in Piu'due Univeisity. Lafavptte. Indiana. December. l!Mi:]. 97 A New Problem in Hydrodynamics with Extraneous Forces Acting. By Edward Lee Haxcock. The solution of most problems in hydrodynamics depends upon thu proper combination of the equations of motion of the tluid interior of a given closed surface with the differential eciuation of the surface, or with tlie (Hiualimis expressing the boundary conditions. Lord Kelvin has shown that the differential equation of the surface for botli comprcssilile and incompressilile fluids has the following form: u.F'(x) + v.F'(y) + w.F'(zj f F'(t) = 0 where (t) is a varialile parameter of the equation F (X, y, z, t)=0. In the treatment of problems of the motion of incompressible fluids in tlH'ee dimensions, where the surface under discussion is spherical or nearly so. the usual particular solutions of Laplace's equation ( ^2 ^ __ (J j_ such as, zonal, tesseral and spherical harmonics, are adequate, since in these cases the velocity-potential satisfies Laplace's equation. The solution used in any particular case depends upon the symmeti-y of the boundary conditions. Where the surface differs much from the .'-pherical form as in ellipsoids, eUipsoidal harmonics are used. Problems of this kind have been extensively investigated. In discussing the anclior ring :Mr. V>' . M. Hides' has derived modified forms of the zonal, tesseral and spherical harmonics by means of which the potential both outside and inside the ring may be completely inves- tigated. The same problem has been solved by ^Nlr. F. W. Dyson- by using elliptic integrals. The problem is much simplified when the motion takes place in a single plane, in which case, if the boundary consists of a straight line, two parallel straight lines, or is rectangular, the velocity-potential may be expressed as a Fourier's series or a Fourier's integral. 1. Phil. Trans. 1893. 2. PhiL Trans. 1881, Part III. 7— A. OF SciEXCK, '03. 98 In other cases there is no direct method of procediire. The inverse process of finding whnt lionndary conditions will give known solutions of Laplace's equation is used, with the hope of finding the desired solu- tion. The method of images is also applicable to some cases, more especially perhaps in the case of rotational motion. For the irrotational motion of a perfect liquid there always exists a velocitj^-potential Mhicli satislies the equation V-'?> = 0. The potential o and the rtctaugalar velocities u, v and w may be found from the given conditio.is, for all points of the intericn-. The potential being always least at the boundary the lines of flow and equi- potential lines begin and end there. This is true whether the motion is "steady" or nut and true, therefore, when the extrane;ins force is gravity. Much work lias been doiu' on the motion of many of the regular solids immersed in a liiiuld, when acled upon Ity a system of impulsive forces and also by constant forces. The niotioiis of the liquid in Uw neighbor- hood of such solids has also been discussed. Both tidal waves and waves due to local causes have been investigated and their properties discussed to some extent. The related problem of the effect of high land masses upon neighboring bodies of water has been worked out liy Professor R. S. Woodward and others. Perhaps the most familiar problem of the effect of an extraneous i force upon a body of li(iuid, is the "Torricelli Theorem" on the efflux of a liquid from an aperture in the side or bottom of the containing vessel. There the vessel is kept filled to a constant level the motion becomes steady making ^'^^O- J^ = 0 ^^^^^ = ^' '"'"^ ^'"'"'^ ^^'^ well-known re- sult q2 = 2 gz, where q is the velocity. In case the liquid rotates under . . dv du „ I the influence of gravity angular velocity is introduced, givmg ^ — — — ^w, j Showing that a velocity potential does not exist, and that such motion could not take place in a perfect liquid. , Cases of motion where no extraneous forces are acting have been com- j pletely worked out by methods of conjugate functions and the theory of images, iln these cases the lines of flow and equipotential lines are orthogonal systems of curves, and methods of plotting such are easily devised. But when extraneous forces are acting these lines no longer 99 belong to orthogonal systems of enrves and no method has yet been de- vised by means of which the lines could he drawn under specified condi- tions. It was hoped that some graphical method apiilicable to all cases might be found in connection with the present work, but thus far none has been discovered that is at all general. I have found the equipotential lines and lines of flow for a rectangular area where a constant extrane- ous force is acting. Taking the liquid as incompressible since the external forces is con- stant the motion is steady and the velocity potential may be made to satisfy the equation andl^^^ku, '!^ = kw. ''X fS z A constant must be added to one of these velocities to express the el3fect of the constant force. This is more clearly seen perhaps in the case of vertical motions due to the force of gravity. In this case the constant to be added to w is of course g and since this is a constant Laplace's equa- tion is still satisfied. The lines of tlow and equipotential lines are no longer orthogonal, but are, as we shall presently see, inclined at different angles, being tangent at some points of the interior. If the area be taken in the sphere of attraction of tlie earth and near enough so that the attraction may be taken as constant we shall have dx V = k -I 4- kns:. dz^ '^ wiiere 0 satisfies Laplace's equation. Professor C. S. Slichter^ has shown that the motions in an area A B C D, Fig. 1, filled with sand and having water flowing through it, entering along A B and flowing out along A D-the sides B C and C D being impervious-may be fully discussed by replacing the sand and water by a perfect liquid having a velocity potential, and that the velocity po- tential in this case would be identical with the pressure function. This being true, it is possible to flnd the pressure at any point in the interior ««^^vellji^ component velocities at these points, just as soon as the 1. 19th Annual Eerort, U. S. Geological Survey, Part II. 100 boundary conditions are Icnown. Aceordin.iily in wliat follows the velocity- potential will be replaced by the pressure function. If the section be horizontal, the problem may be treated in the usual Avay, but in case the section is vertical the extraneous force, gravity, gives a system of curves which are not orthogonal. Let D C = a and A D = b, and suppose the head of water along A B zero. The boundary conditions then to be satisfied are: P =:: 0 when x = 0 P =:; 0 when x = a P = h when z = b w := 0 when z =; 0 And since the area is a rectangle P, u and w are expressed as Fourier's series: . , UT (b — z) n = oc smii -c -, „ p _ •*BF^ N . sin — i^- -2 '-' UTrb ^"^ n ^ 1 n^ cosh gn, This differentiated with respect to x and z for u and w gives: . , n-(b — z) 11 = 00 smli ^ 11 TTx 4gp_k V ?^. ccs"£^ 7z n~b ■^^ U = 1 11 COSll "9jj^ , UT (b n = GO cosli TV u~b ^a u = 1 11 cosh ~2ar In the above e(iuations // represents each of the successive odd numbers, a and b being the sides of the rectangle may have any desired value. But for simplicity they were in the present case taken equal to ten, and for the same reason gpk was taken equal to unity. Making these changes the (Miuations become: . , n-(10 — z) n = x smh ^^ ^^^ -'^ iiT 2U u ^ 1 u- cosh - - 101 . , 1177(10 — 2) „ _ X Slllll — '- i sr 20 n-x COS V ~ , ,1171- 20 u ^ 1 11 cosh — , ii-(10 — z) X cosh V 20 . IITTX . i\=^\ u cosh -— From these equations the vahies of P, u and w were found at each of the one hundred points given in the area. This was done by computing the series for x — 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. G, 7, 8. 0, 10 when z =--^ 1, and then when z=^2, o, 4. 5, G. 7, 8. !>, 10, i. e., by making one liundred computations of eacli series. The value of u and av being found for each point it was not ditficult to determine the resultant in both magnitude and direction. This gave the flow at eacli of tlie points of tlie area. We find from Fig. 1 that there is actual motion throughout the whole area. The motion, indeed, at some points is very sliglit, but there is no point in the entire area wliere there is no motion. Tliis is imporraut if we regard this as an immense area in lioinogeneous ore-bearing rocli. It indicates tliat at every point of tlie area the water is continually moving and coming into contact witli new roclv surfaces, thus increasing its capacity for dissolving the mineral salts from the area. From the length and direction of the arroAvs it is seen that at the corner D the lines are crowded doAvn closer together than at A. This shows that the constant force gravity has distorted the field, causing the lines of flow to be con- centrated at the bottom, and shoAving that underground waters must talce very long journeys before reaching their destination and so come in con- tact with a very great area of rock surface. As before stated, the relations of the equipressure lines to the lines of flow differ from that found in horizontal planes. From Fig. 1 it is seen that the angle lietween the systems of cuiwes varies from nearly a right ancle to two right angles, that is, to tangency. In fact, there is in the area Avhat may be called a line of tangency meeting the sides A D 1 and D C. These lines of floAv as before indicated taken at equal dis- tances along A B croAvd near each other doAvii near D, shoAving the effect of graA'ity upon them. If we cause the constant force g to cease to act in the case under consideration, the lines of flow Avould be arcs of circles cutting A B and A D at e(jnal distances from A. The effect of 102 gravity then is to pnll these arcs of circles out into cycloidal-like curves crowding near I) C. As a matter of fact the curve drawn from x = 5, z ^ 10 is nearly a cycloid. Those in the upper left-hand corner being too low and long and those in the lower right-hand corner too short and high for cycloids. The lines of pressure are liyperbola-like curves drawn for pressures, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., all the curves beginning and ending in the boundary. It is easy to see that we may take a similar area a b to the right of A B C D and leaving an open face similar to A D and an impervious bot- tom and water at zero pressure along the top. We should then have these two areas one on each side of B C with the liquid flowing in opposite directions. The li(iuid in each area flows directly doAvn B C and so the motion will not be interrupted if B C be removed. That is. the method of images is applicable horizontally. If. however, a similar area to A B C D be taken just Vtelow C D wo can not say that the method of images as usually applied holds true. We may regard A D in the upper area as an absorbing slit and A D in the lower area as a similar slit and the position C D between them as a mirror the corresponding iiarts of A D in the upper and lower slits are not found at equal distances above and below C D. They are found drawn down by gravity so that the method of images must be modihed for vertical distrilmtions. By 9 9 integrating u with respect to z between the limits b and -- . b; jq ^ and ~ . b, etc., tlie amount of flowage from each of the ten equal divisions of A D may be calculated. And in a similar way the amount of liquid going in at each of the ten equal divisions of A B is obtained by integrating ,. . ,9 9 ,8 w with respect to x between the limits a and jQ-a; j q • ^ and jq • a> etc. The equations for the flowage and the amount absorbed are then: , n TT (b — z) n = 00 cosii 7i n, f- rd udz- ^^^ ^" - . cos^ t_ j udz _ _ . iiTTb 2a I ^ '^ 11 — 1 u^ cosh J n zr: 1 11 ' cosh ^^ c ^ n-(b — z) n ^ CO cosh Tz .. _ -t-1 d Id a- ro J ^ ^' ,^-l u^ cosh '1^ ''^ J c J 2a 103 9 9 where c varies from - . b or — . a down to zero, and d varies from a or b down to r-- . b or ^. a. Solving the ten equations for the ten different values of f and a, we get the following table: No.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a .958 .875 .800 .726 .664 .611 .566 .535 .512 .502 f .042 .126 .216 .315 .424 .556 .716 .935 1.24 2.07 Table I. It will be seen from the table l)y counting the divisions from A as 1, 2, 3, etc.. that nearly half the water flows through the first three divisions and that there is a gradual decrease toward B. The relative value of f from the different divisions sbows a very slight tlowage from the Hrst division with a rajjid increase from each of the succeeding divisions until the two lower divisions at I) carry off one-half of the amount absorbed. This shows in a very vivid way the iironounced effect of gravity or any constant external force upon a liquid. The amount going in along A B is of course equal to the amount flowing out along A D. since the equation of continuity must hold true. It is interesting to note that the curve given by plotting the flowage from A D is very nearly a tractrix or antifriction curve. See Fig. 3. It would undoubtedly be an exact tractrix had the number of divisions of A D been taken small enough, i. e., if twenty or thirty equal divisions had been taken instead of ten. In Fig. 3 the line O X corresponds to the distance A D in Fig. 1. and the y-coordinates of the curve are given by the values f taken from 'xable I. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of absorption into the area A B C D along A B, the line A B of the figure corresponding to the line .^ B of the area. The y-eoordinates of the curve being taken from Table I as the different values of a. Figs. 3 and 4 then show the distril)ution of absorption ana flowage along A B and A D. Extending this method ])y taking A B one hundred and keeping A D ten, we get approximately an artesian well area. The values of f and a for this case are given 1)elow: No.... 1 2 3 4 5 a 5.51 1.44 .139 .044 .028 f .040 .162 .210 .348 .446 6 7 8 9 10 .005 616 .762 .981 1.32 2.53 104 Table II. It will he sei-n tlint the niuouiit tloAviiig in at the tirst division of A B is alout two-thirds the total amount flowing into the entire area, and that this supplies the tlowage for the lirst nine divisions of A D while the tenth division of A D gives out the water from j% the distance A B. If the rock in the area be soluble it is easily seen that the water flowing from this lowest division of A D will be very highly charged with mineral matter, while the remaining two-thirds that flows out above will be very slightly charged. This is more especially evident when the long sweeping paths of the water are considered compared with the very short paths of the ^^■a\evs of the first division of A B. We have this represented graph- ically in Fig. 5, where the lines of flow are drawn for the case where A B = 100 and A D = 10, or a typical artesian area. If A D bo a crovice in the rock it is evident that this place Avill be favorable for the deposition of the mineral salt dissolved in the water since the pressure is released at this point and there is apt to exist some reagent that will cause a precip- itate of the ore. This reagent may exist in the crevice itself or in the opposite wall. In Fig G the curve has been plotted for the flowage from A D for the case A D = 10 and A B = 100. This does not differ much from the case where A D = 10 and A B = 10. except that the convexity downward is somewhat more pronounced, making the curve less like the tractrix. Ten equal divisions were taken along A D and the values of y taken from Table II corresponding to different vahies of f. The absorption curve for the case A D = 10 and A B = 100 is given in Fig. 7. Here the scale has Been somewhat changed due to the large value of A B. The distance A B was divided into one hundred equal divisions, while the same vertical scale was used for y as in the preceding cases. The values of y were taken from Table II, being the different values of a in that table. The rapid fall of the curve at first and then more gradual fall corre- sponds to the values of a found in Table II and also emphasizes the relative slowness of the motion of the water in the right-hand half of the area A B C D. Fig. 5, as compared with that of the left-hand half. The method used in the preceding cases might be extended to areas of different dimensions, but the residts would not differ much from those alreadv stated. 105 If A B be taken sreater than one hundred, while A D remains ten, or if we have any similar relation between the two, it will ))e more ad- vantageous to use the Fourier's integral instead of the Fourier's series, since for such a difference betAveen A li and A D the area ma}' he con- sidered as an infinite strip. The results obtained are especially interesting in connection with the motion of ground ^^ater, because of their bearing on the theory of ore deposits, artesian wells and drainage flumes. The fact that sand through which water is floAving, as before indicated, can be replaced by an ideal liquid having a velocity-potential which is identical with the pressure opens a new field of investigation in hydrodynamics from which many important results Avill be obtained. Ti<^.-X 106 J3 B<^-4- / ^ ^ -^ T,^.-S lo: T1G.-7 109 A Topographic Result of the Alluvial Cone. By a. H. Px'Rdue. An alluvial cone that is cnmposcd mainly of more ov less finely com- minuted material Avould not last long' enougli after the area covered by it ceases to be one of deposition to produce an enduring- topographic feature. It would soon succumb to the agents of erosion and transportation. Even if composed of coarse material, its life might lie short if the lithological character and climatic conditions were such as to bring rapid disintegra- tion. But if the cone be composed mainly of coarse material that can withstand the weathering agencies, there is every reason to believe that it would have lasting topographic results. In transverse section, alluvial cones are higlier in the middle than on the borders next the escarpment, as shown in Fig. 1, so that the tendency is for the streams which form them to shift either to the right or to the left, running along the base of the escarpment. If such a stream is not overloaded at this point, it becomes a cutting stream, and the profile, that shown in Fig. 2. Should the cone be formed immediately below the .lunc- tion of two streams, as in Fig 3, both streams might shift, one to either 110 •'"Milli '/; ' x\ A\/ , // \^\>.- iv f l^niKi;;^^'!^ ^?iU- side, Icaviug the cone between tliem, us in Fig. 4, and witli tlie profile as shown in Fig. 5. The writer lias in mind a case of this Ivind, where the shifting has recently talcen place. r.Q.s. Ill In the Boone chert region of northern Arkansas, there are many alluvial cones, composed almost entirely of fragmentary chert. This chert withstands weathering to a remarkable degree. It readily permits the rainfall to pass through it, thus preventing erosion, and forming an ideal protection for the underlying rocks. Also, over this region, there are numerous knobs of the character shown in Fig. 6. These knobs are capped with fragmentary chert, I'estiug upon the magnesian limestone that underlies the Boone chert. The sur- F.J. 6 I'nunding gecgraphy is that shown in Fig. 4. Nearly all the capping material is angular, l)ut close search will often reveal water-worn pebbles. The Avriter is of the opinion that the capping material is that of alluvial cones, and that the preservation of the rock beneath from erosion, is due to the protection afforded by the cones. Such knobs are sometimes 500 I'eet above the valleys beneath. The small numljer of water-worn pebbles is accounted for in the fact that the debris of the cones was transported Ijut short distances, and there was not time for much round- ing. Besides, the material is liard. and woiUd wear slowly. The material of these old cones must not be confounded with the gravel that is common in this region, and which occurs on the hill sides (see Fig. G) often extending up to the height of 2O0 feet or more above the present stream level. This material, unlike that capping the knobs, is all water-worn, mid was left on the inside curve of the streams as they shifted laterally. Hi PROiiREss IN Locomotive Testing. By W. F. M. Goss. It is now fourteen years since tlie initial steps were tal^en to install at Purdue University a locomotive testing plant. Plans which were then formulated were rapidly Avorked out, and in the fall of 1891, the completed plant was put into operation. It consists of a mounting mechanism, upon which any locomotive can be operated in much the same manner as upon the road, while retaining its fixed position in the laboratory; and of such accessory apparatus as is needful in measuring its power and in de- termining its elHciency. A locomotive mounted upon the testing plant can be tired as if upon the road and can be run at any speed and under any load, its action bein^g controlled in precisely the same manner as when in actual service, while its fixed position in the laboratory allows the attachment of delicate apparatus, and permits great accuracy in the methods employed in studying its performance. The practical value of the Purdue plant was at once recognized. It had long been understood that in testing a steam engine, the maintenance of constant conditions was of prime importance, whereas tlie operation of a locomotive on the road is attended by a great variety of changes in conditions which affect its action. Again, upon the road, so great are the limitations governing the attachment of apparatus that observations Imd necessarily been of a very elementary sort. Difficulties in testing arising from these and other causes were entirely overcome by the advent of the testing plant. By its use it became possible to apply to the locomotive the same accurate methods in oljserving the performance of a locomotive which had previously been elaborately developed for testing stationary engines. Mechanical engineers and superintendents of motive poAver visited the laboratory to witness the operation of the Purdue testing plant, from many parts of our oAvn country, and from several foreign countries. Other plants were soon proposed. In 1896 the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company equipped its Chicago shops for locomotive testing, and more recently, Columbia Univer.sity has supplied a locomotive testing plant for its engineering laboratory. Other institutions have plants in ..contemplation. Meanwhile, the Avork of the Purdue plant has proceeded 8— A. OF Scie.ncp:, "03. 11-1 steadily from the lie,ffimnng. Besides serving in the instruction of liun- dreds of students, it has supplied the means for conducting- a numl)er of important researches, the results of which have been duly pul)lished and important problems are noAv in process of solution under the patronage of the Carnegie Institution. This, Avhile in terms too brief to be entirely complete, gives a fair picture of the present status of locomotive testing- from a laboratory point of view. Just at this time, all who are interested in locomotive design or per- formance have their faces turned to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Engineers have always looked upon ji great exposition as serving in many ways to advance the practice of their profession. It has often happened that in addition to the far-reaching influence of their general exhibit, sucji expositions have given occasion for a considerable amount of highly scientific work. At tlie ("entennial Exposition at Philadelphia, in 1S7G, a system of steani-l)oil(>r testing was developed. The Columbian Exposi- tion at Chicago in ISO."', had its engineering congress, and it is of interest to know that the Louisiana I'urcliase p]x])osition at Pt. Louis is to be em- phasized by the working out of extensive iilans foi- locumotive testing. It has been announced that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company is 1(v make a locomotive testing iilant the central features of its exliibit at St. Louis, and is to conduct tests uimn loconintives tlirnugliout tlic periol of the Exposition. To this end. it is now installing in the Transportation Building at the Exposition, an elnboi-ale and most l>eautiftilly designed testing plant. The undertaking is being directed by ^Nlr. V. D. Casanave, acting as special agent in charge of the company's exhibit, witli whom the various technical departments of the railroad are co-operating. That the work of testing locomotives may be free from all taint of seltishness, and that it may serve as large a purpose as possible, the company has in- vited the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Aiuerican Railway Master Mechanics' Association to have a part in giving direction to its work. Each of these organizations, in accepting the invitation has appointed a committee of three to represent it, which committees, acting together, constitute what is now known as the Advisory Committee of the Pennsylvania Company for Locomotive Testing. The writer's connec- tion with the work is that of a member of the Advisory Committee. It has lieen planned to test twelve locomotives, a number of which will be of foreign manufacture. One is to be a de Glehn balanced emu- pound, which has lieen ordered by the Pennsylvania Company and will 115 lie iniportccl from France for use on the testing plant. German manu- facturers are to send locomotives equipped with superheaters. The com- ing" to this country for the purpose stated of these typical foreign locomo- tives is a matter of more than ordinary significauce. The American locomotives selected for test will represent different types of modern freight and passenger engines. It is expected that a test will be started each day between eight and nine o'clock in ihe morning, and will be continued for from tAVO to four hours, depending upon the conditions of running. Any engineer, there- fore, interested in locomotive testing may see a test in progress by visit- ing the Transportation Building during any morning of the Exposition. It is proposed to have the results obtained from all the tests given publicity by means of bulletins, which will be issued from time to time by the Pennsylvania Company, and Avhich will be sent to the technical press and to individuals under conditions yet to be announced. Bulletin No. 1, describing the organization and the methods has already been issued. 11' Al>dition8 to the Flora of Indiana. By Herman B. Dorner. The plants given in the list below, are some which were collected, by the writer within the past three years, and have not, as yet, been included in the State flora. It was thought best, in presenting this list, to add such notes as might be of interest to botanical workers of the State. The nomenclature used is that of "Britton's Manual of the Flora of the Northern United States and Canada." 1. Pdiiii'iini (Uiliniibiauiini Scribn. Tippecanoe County. Collected, in 1902, along the Wabash Railroad east of Lafayette. 2. Paii'ivuiii L(i)iu(jiiios}iiit Ell. Tippecanoe County. This species was collected, dtiring the season of 1902, in three locali- ties. It was first collected along the Wabash Railroad, east of Lafayette, and again on a wooded hillside about three miles east of the city. The third collection was made about three miles north of the city, along a shaded roadside. Britton gives as the range of this species, "from sotitheru New .lersey to Florida and Alabama." 3. Pmiimtm oUgosnntlies Schult. Tippecanoe County. This was first collected, in 1901, along the AVabash Railroad east of Lafayette. Observations in this locality, during the sticceeding years, sTiow that it is gradually spreading over more territory. In 1902, it was again collected south of the city, along Wea Creek. Britton gives for its range, "Virginia to Georgia and Mississippi." Its introduction into the State is probably due to the railroads. 4. Sporoholtis longifolhis (Torr.) Wood. Tippecanoe County. This occurs in Tippecanoe Connly in several localities. It was first collected south of Lafayette, along the banks of Wea Creek. Later it was found on a dry, open hillside, about three miles east of the city. It is quite abundant where found. 5. Bromvs patuhis M »fc K. Tippecanoe County. Quite common on Ptirdue farm and on State Street, West Lafayette. All attempts to determine this species referred it to B. squarrosus but the description did not seem to fit it. Specimens were then sent to Prof. Hitchcock who determined it as B. patulus M. & K. In regard to it he 118 «n.vs, "It is allied to B. squcrrosus, but has a more loose and open panicle. It is not described in the manuals, as it seems to be introduced in only a few places in this country." A description of this species will be found in 'Sir. Shear's '■Revision of the Genus I'romus." published as bulletin 2:') of the Division of Agrostology. The plant seems to be Avell estal)lished in this locality. (■(. Horch-iDn pusillum Nut. Tippecanoe Comity. This species was collected along the Wabash Uailroad. east of La- fayette, where it seems to be well established. It was first collected in 1!)00 and specimens have been taken each succeeding year. This species was prol>ably inlidduci'd in refuse, thrown out from oat tie-cars. 7. TnuUnctnitiu ii-criciiiili.s Raf. Tipjieciinoe County. Found very commonly, aliout I.ai'ayitte. on partly shaded hillsides. 8. Astii-inii y the end of the ovary, is an erect, membranous appendage, composed of two pieces about one line long. Its function is not obvious, but it may serve as an increased protection to the stigma against self-poUenation. So far as seen it is peculiar to iDipdtiois aiirca. Ini pattens hip ova, Walt. After two years of observation, I am led to believe that the spotted touch-me-not produces its crop of cliestogam- ous flowers in the spring only, before the conspicuous flowers begin to appear. This fact has led some writers, who looked for them in autumn, to state that this species does not produce concealed flowers. Last spring hundreds of them were examined and concealed flowers found in the axils of the leaves of all the plants over six inches high. The glau- cous stem of the I. anreri distinguishes the young plant of that species before it blooms, but to make sure of the species, they were again visited after conspicuous flowers had become abundant. The first conspicuous flowers had the stigmas exposed through a hole in the hood. But this exposure of the stigma was confined to the spring flowers. The first normal flo^Aer seen in my yard camo into bloom .June the 9th, and pro- duced a se( d-bearing cai)sule. The distance at which this plant grew, from any otliers then in bloom of the same species, probal)ly excludes the possibility of cross-fertilization. Those blooming a few days later had holes in the hood. The touch-me-not is cross-fertilized through the agency of bees. Rarely a humming-bird poises over a flower, but does not seem to find anything to detain it long. Its bill is too long and slender to make it a good instrument for carrying pollen. Humble-bees become numerous about the flowers late in the season, and by their size and clumsy move- 124 ments, not only detach the anther cap. but frequently manage to bring themselves to the ground imprisoned in a withering corolla. Other smaller bees, in search of honey, enter the spur Avithout touching the anthers. Chn/tonia yin/iiiica L. The movements of the stamens and stigmas of this phint are curious and somewhat piizzling. When the petals first open the pistd is longer than the proterandrous stamens, but of the same length after the branches of the stigma are recurved. In some flowers the stamens remain clustered around the style and closed stigma for a time after the petals have opened, and while in this position, the under part of an insect-visitor readily becomes dusted with pollen. Later the sta- mens are bent backward until the anthers rest on the face of the hori- zontal pistils. When this outward movement of the stamens takes place the lobes of the stigma are also bent outward and in position for cross- fertilization. Quite often it happens that it can scarcely be said that the stamens are proterandrous, all the movements before described occurring at the time the anthers become dehiscent. When this takes place the insect-visitor has little chance of collecting pollen, but it leaves the stigma in an ideal position for cross-fertilization. FloAvers can be found in all of tiiese stages at the same time; and the honey-bee in making its rounds soon becomes dusted Avith pollen, witluiut having to depend on the re- curved stamens for a supply. T^nlike many flowers tnat are in part or wholly dependent on insicts for fci tilizaiiiin, llie spring beauty lasts but one day. It comes into bloom early in the seasmi and its day is past before insects become numerous, hence, as miglit lie expected, there is a provision Avhich assures self- pollenatidii. 'Jhc petals that open in the morning begin to close in the afternoon, ;uid liy night are gathered into an imbricated roll. If tlie day has been cold and tlie lubes of the stigma have not become fully recurved, so as to bring tlieir pa;)illie on a level Avith the anthers, the process of recurvation is completed before they are caught by tlie closing petals. Examination shoAvs that after closing the anthers with pollen still adher- ing are in close contact Avith the stigma. Pollen Avas found at niglit on the papilla^ of the old flowers that Avas not there lief ore insects ceased to tly that afternoon. No insect other than the honey-bee Avas seen about them. and. as its visits wei'e rather rare, the numerous and Avell tilled <-apsuh's must have b( (>n the result of self-pollenation. 125 Hi/dirjpluiliuii tipiiciKlienluni Miclix. is proterandroui?. When tlie flower first comes into bloom the pistil is about oue-lialf the length of the mature stamens. The dehiscing' anthers are gray with pollen, which dis- appears within six hours. By the time the pollen is gone the pistil has grown to the same length as the stamens, the two lobes of the stigma are recurved and ready for eross-poUenation. Bees are the pollen carriers, which they get from the anthers of flowers that bloom at irregular hours throughout the day. A plant in my yard began to bloom early in May and was still producing a few flowers August Sth. During dry weather in July, the tto-wers were less than one-half the normal size, the tube very much shortened, and in others the corolla changed from campanulate to rotate. roJcmoniinn reptoDS L. The stamens are not as long as the pistil. Dehiscence begins when the corolla is about half open, and before the lobes of the stigma are recurved. Later the stamens are bent outward and the pistils left to occupj- the center field. Honey-bees enter the half- blown flowers and come out well dusted with pollen, Avhich they carry to the older flowers. Invariably, when a bee comes to a plant, it pays its respects first to the half-blown flower, and may not visit the older ones at all. It seems to know that they have been exhausted of nectar. As it en- ters the slenderly supported flower it clasps all the organs at once, and its movements are about as graceful as those of the humble-bee. The pistil of Lysimachia qiKidrifoIiit Jj. and of />. tcfrcstris (L.) B. S. V. when the flowers first open are sharply curved to one side by a liend near the middle of the style. After the anthers have shed their iiollen the pistil is erected and the stigma in position for cross-fertilizatiDii ;)y the insect-visitor. That this may be accomplished, the blooms last for ■several days. The sliiniatic lobes of SSuhhtitid dinjiihiris (I..) PinsJi. are as lung or longer than tlie supporting style and tlie whole pistil only about one half the length of the stamens Avlien tlie lh)wer first opens. To make it doubly sure that self-poUenation sliall not occur, the lobes are closely twisted together until the coiled anthers have unrolled and shed their 1 ollen. In the meantime the pistil has increased in length and the lobes curved back at right angles to the style. The lobes are stigmatic along the inner side, and remained twisted after they are recurved, so that an insect passing over or under them with pollen on its back or uniUn' jtarts, would be likely to effect fertilization. ]\Iany of the flowers are in bloom 12G at the same time, are quite handsome, fragrant, and stay in bloom a week or more. It is curious that tinding the phmt in a certain locality one season is no sign that it can be found there next year. Tdra.raciiin Taraxacum (L.) Kerst. While watching the effects of tem- perature on the dandelion in Tune .-i number were found which Avere not producing pollen, the heads were perfect in every way. ))Ut had no pollen on the styles or branches of the stij^mas when the bees were excluded. The connate anther-tubes, which were of the normal form in all stages of development, were examiiit d under the microscope and not a grain of pollen found in them. The sterde heads were of a uniform pale yellow and lacked the golden tinted center of the fertile heads found growing neai- by. Bees indifferently passed from one kind to the other. Seed was fornu'd on the sterile heads, lint tlnu'e were more a))orted achenes than usual. The dandelion is very sensitive to change of temperature, while the absence of sunshine has very little effect. Early in the season the same heads may lie exposed as often as three days in succession, and the in- volucre not lie opened for more than two or three hours at any one time. As the temperatui-(> imreases they stay exposed from early morning until shut up by the falling temperature of the afternoon, and may not open again next day. h'licUia str'jx'iis I., produces a large crop of cleistogamous flowers- during late summer and autumn. The flowers are clustered in the axils and hidden by the long segments of the calyx. The change from con- spicuous to concealed flowers involves more than a change from gamo- petalous to apetalous. The stamens are reduced in length to that of the ovary with a small pollen-producing surface at the tip, which is in close proximity to the sessile stigma. The resulting capsuh s are numeious and well filled with seed. Falcata coiiiosa (L.) Kuntze sends forth long, slender, stoloniferous runners in early summer that produce apetalous flowers before the con- spicuous blooms appear. Not only is the form of the flower quite differ- ent from that of those coming later, but the early, ovoid, single-seeded, fleshy pod is very unlike the three-seeded, bean-like pod of the later flowers. The mature single-seeded pods are found on or near the ground after the conspicuous flowers have come into bloom. If O.ralis stricfa L. produces cleistogamous flowers on recurved scapes, at the base of the plant I have not seen them, but have found flowers in 127 July in Avliicli the calyx remained closed over the dwai'fed corolla. The only change in striictni-e noted was that the five shorter stamens bore aborted anthers, and that the pollen-bearing anthers were in contact with the stigma. Contrary to what some writers state the stamens of 0. Stricta are often dinorphic. Tlie self-pollenation of the normal flower is accomplished by the corolla closing after exposure, and pressing the anthers against the stigma. One of the most interesting changes in structure from a conspicuous to a cleistogamous flower is seen in the violet. The shoAvy flowers are so constructed that the honey-bee is the only insect that I know to be of service in its fertilization, and only a part of. the anthers are called into use by it. To reach the spur in which the nectar is stored, the bee, after it settles, has to reverse its position, and force its tongue between the two appendages on the lower stamens. In doing this it comes in contact with the stigma and at the same time is dusted with pollen from the appendagrd stamens. The anthers of the other three stamens do not aid in supplying the bee with pollen, and seem to be of very little if any use to the plant. In the concealed flowers, they are aijorted. The pistil, of the cleistogamous flowers of ^'iola Sti-hitd Ait., is declined, so as to bring the stigma against the end of the ovary, and in contact with the two con- niven.t anthers. Two appendages grow from the fertile stamens, just below the anthers, that are expanded so as to cover the anthers and the whole of the pistil. r. striatii continues to produce showy flowers longer than many other species, and as a consequence its concealed flowers come in summer. Yiohi piihfsrciis Ait. develops a few yellow flowers in early spring. It continues to grow until August, and as it grows, concealed flowers are developed in the axils of the leaves. The aliruptufss of the change from a showy to a cleistogamous flower was beautifully shown on a plant of Iiiipatiens hiffora that produced a well- developed, cons]ucuous flower on one branch of a peduncle and a concealed flower en the other branch. The fact that the stigma of Tecoma radicans returns to its former posi- tion in two hotirs after it has been changed in response to an irritant, imless the irritation has been accomplished by pollen of a certain quality, shows that the process of fertilization begins within two hoiu's after the right kind of pollen has been applied, and that the stigma is endowed with remarkable selective power. The whole process suggests the shad- 128 owy beginning that has culminated in tlie will, and recalls Professor Minot's definition of consciousness, "the function of consciousness is to dislocate in time the reactions from sensations.'' In Tecomu the reaction is- not dislocated from the sensation, for there can not he such a thing as sensation in a plant, biit there is a curious tendency in that direction. The calyx of Scentellaiia ((inlifolia Muhl. splits back to the base at maturity, and the lielmet-like upper lip falls away. Before the upper lip falls the ripe nutlets lie loose in the bowls of the persistent lower lip. A gust of wind strong enough to set the dry leafless stems to swaying will detach the upper lip and send the seeds flying with tlie wind. The following plants, which are not included in I'rofessor Coulter's "Flowering Plants and Ferns of Indiana," are known to occur in Barthol- omew County. Qiicrciist ScJnicckii liritton is common in tlie westei'ii part of the county, and frecpieutly wherever red and black oaks grow. Quercus AJcxandcri Britton formerly was abundant on the Knnbstone hills of Bartholomew and Brown counties and the north part of Jaclcson County. Locally it is known as chestnut oak or tan-bark oak. Some years ago the bark was an important source of revenue to the inhabitants of Brown County. Along the line of the Baltimoie & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, Avhere it groAvs In dense forests, it is being shipped for use as telephone poles. Pcrilhi fnitcstrns (L.) Britton grows on the south side of Columbus, Hope & Greensburg Railroad one-lourth mile east of Lambert's Switch. It is abundant in that locality. Tradcscantid hractcata Small occurs sparingly, and T. reflexa Raf., commonly, on the sandhills of Bartholomew and Brown counties. T. hractcata blooms in April, and does not last later than May. The oaks above named have been reported as occurring in the State by Professor Coulter, the others are believed to be new to the Indiana list. 129 Bird jSTotes From the Indiana State Fokestry Reservation. By Chas. Piper Smith. During the summer of 1903 I was fortunate in being located, for f.ome five "weelcs, upon tlie State Forestry Reservation, in tlie "Knob" region of soutliern Indiana. Altliougli engaged in malving a survey of the plant life of the Reservation, my ears were ever attentive to the bird voices about me, and a list of the various species heard or seen was pre- served. Sixty-one species were noted within Reservation limits, as_ re- corded below. No especial care was taken to study the relations of the birds to the trees and their other natural surroundings; but a few genei'al remarks may be based upon a review of the bare list. It will be noticed that the birds enumerated include forms character- istic of both woodland and open, though the number of woodland species far exceeds the number of kinds loving the field, sky or orchard. The absence of running water, during the summer and fall months, makes impossible the conditions necessary to attract water and swamp-loving forms; hence the scarcity of such in the list. Of the two thousand acres composing the Reservation, possibly eighteen hundred are wooded. Thus it is apparent why the woodland birds exceed in number of species; and it is likewise true that many of these woodland forms lead in regard to number of individuals. Some four hundred feet difference in elevation exists between the lowlands and the tops of the higher knobs, the deep ravines between the knobs forming tempting bird haunts. Although not intending to give time to my favorite study, the l)irds and all that concerns them, I was ready to give heed to Mr. Butler's sug- gestion to look for the Pine Warbler, Dendroica rUjorsii, and evidence of its nesting there. As far as known to us, this bird has not been definitely reported as a breeder within our State, although there are several locali- ties which have conditions apparently meeting the demands of this pine- loving little warbler. What evidence I was able to glean is contained in the following testimony, but it is, of course, not equal to the best evi- dence, namely, the collection of a nest with the eggs and the parents. I first saw the Reservation on the twentieth of July and I began my 9— A. OF Science, '03. 130 list that day. Two days later, while upon the HoUister knob, an un- familiar bird song diverted my attention from stuffing plants and leaves into my "botany-can," and, forgetting my botanical work for a few mo- ments, I turned aside to seek the singer. The song ceased upon my intrusion, but after a sliort search, I spied a family of four small dull- colored warblers which seemed not anxious to make my acquaintance. As I had no means of getting one of these into my hand, I was about to pass the group by as too imcertain of identification for recording, when a male Pine Warbler, as easily recognized, joined them and showed him- self to be no stranger amongst them. Thou resemblances in plumage were noted whicli removed all doubt on my pai't as to the identity of the others. Three of the family, in appearance and voice, strongly suggested young of the year, and, before 1 left them, (.r rather they left me, I had the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing the supposed female side up to and feed one of the tliree of juvenile appearance. Later tliis song was heard on various occasions, and, on .luly 21st and August istli, 1 had most satisfactory observation of Pine Warblers, both of adult males and their duller-colored followers; but no further evidence was secured as to the breeding of this species there. All my Pine Warbler ohsci-vntions were ui)()n tlie knob-tops, close to the pine areas. I am anxious to visit tlie Reservation during some May or June when, I am confident, 1 could collect more conclusive evidence of the breeding of the Pine AYarl)ler witliin our State. As to the other Reservation birds 1 will limit myself to the mere list- ing of them, the species recognized being: 1. Colinu.'i virgiiiianiis (Linn.). Bob-white. 2. Zenaidura mdcnnmi (Linn.). Mourniug Dove. 3. Cathartcs (lion CLinu.). Turkey Vulture. 4. Falco spairerins Linn. American Sparrow Hawk. 5. Megascopx a>iio CLinn.). Screech Owi. 6. Cocci/zm amrrk-aniif (Linn.). Yellow-billed Cuckoo. 7. Dryuhiitr^ r/7/o.v»/,s (Linn.). Hairy Woodpecker. 8. DryolMtrx imhesren.'^ mnliiuiufi (Swains.). Downy Woodpecker. 9. Melaiu'i-pci^ eriilhnM-ephahix (Linn.). Red-headed Woodpecker. 10. Colaptes aratna luteus Bangs. Northern Flicker. 11. Antrostomiisvociferus{Wils.). Whip-poor-will. 12. Chordeih-s ri'rgiiii'dnun (Gmel.). Niglitliawk. 13. Cha'tiira pdagica CLinn.). Chimney Swift. 14. TmchilKS coliibri>> Liuu. Rubj-throated Hiinimingbird. 15. Ti/raumis ti/rdriniix ('Linn.). Kiugbird. 16. Mi/iarchiis criuitus (Linn.). Crested Flycatcher. 17. S (I ijor Ill's phcebe {lja,ti\.). Phoebe. 18. Contujiu.'f rirem CLinn.). Wood Pewee. 19. Eiripidona.r rire.'.). Chipping Sparrow. 30. Sjmella pxsdla {Wi\s.). Field Sparrow. 31. Peiicsea !£istimli.'< bachmanli (And.). Bachman Sparrow. 32. Pipilo ci-j/tJiruj>}ith(thniif! (Linn.). Towhee. 33. Canllnidix i-nrdiiixdis (Linn.). Cardinal. 34. Ci/aiiospiza ri/anca (Linn.). Indigo Bunting. 35. Pinuigii rrijIlL'-oinrhix Vieill. Scarlet Tanager. 36. Pii-diiga ndira (Linn.). Rose Tanager. 37. P/'oy/K' .9H?>/.v (Linn. ). Purple Martin. 38. Ifinnida enjthrugdxtcr Bodd. Barn Swallow. 39. Amprjis cidi-oniin (Vieill.). Cedar Waxwing. 40. lAiiiitis ludoririaiius Linn. Loggerhead Shrike. 41. I'ireo oJinircxs (Linn.). Red-eyed Vireo. 42. r/yv'o 7///».s (Vieill. ). "Warbling Vireo. 43. Miiiotdta niria (Linn.). Black and White W^arbler. 44. lldmiidhoplnbi pi mix (Linn.). Blue-wiuged Warbler. 45. 1 )end mica rigorsii [Xvid.). Pine Warbler. 46. Seiiinis iturocapdlnx (Linn.). Oven-bird. 47. Gc'illdi/pis formosa (Wils.). Kentucky Warbler. 48. (jeoOdijpis trichas (Liini.). Maryland Yellow-throat. 49. Ictcria rirens (Linn.). Yellow-breasted Chat. 50. Wdxoiiiii mdnita (Gmel.). Hooded Warbler. 132 51. Gul('()'< ctis (Linu. ). Catbird. 52. Tn.roMomn riifam CLinn. ) . Thraslier. 53. Thfijothnnis liidovkianus (Lath.). Carolina Wren. 54. Thri/omaiies heirlrki! (Aud. ). Bewick Wreu. 55. Siftd caroliiii'iisis Latli. "White-breasted Nuthatcli. 56. BieolopJiKs bicolor (Linn.). Tufted Titmouse. 57. Pai-Kx caroliiicnsis Aud. Carolina Chickadee. 58. PolipotiJu (■(vrnlca (Linn.). Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. 59. Hi/locicJda inii>afay('tte, as also various specimens of Alcxandrii and (icuiuiudhi ahont lndiana[iolis, and I am sin-e that the Reservation chestnut oaks should be referred to this species. ISisijuihriuiu ciltissimuii} L. Tall Sisymbrium. Taken by Mr. Benj. AV. Douglass and myself ahnig the "Monon," north of the State Fair Grouuils, Indianapolis. One tine, large specimen was the only one found. Agrimonia pvmlla Muhl. Small-fruited .Vgrimony. Taken upon the Reservation. Not very common. Found with A. uiollis. Avliich was quite conunon. Tiria aiujustifuli'i Rotli. Smaller Common Vetch. Taken by Mr. Harley, H. Bai'tlctt and myself along the ".Monon," north of the State Fair Grounds, liulianapolis. Hi/pcricuui HKiciildtiiui Walt. Si);)tted St. John's-wort. Reported from only one county (Steuben), but frequent in Marion County, and abundant upon the Reservation. H. perforatum was also taken in Marion County, and was used for comparative study. SarotJira (jtutianoidcs D. Pmc-Avecd. Presumably one of the i-arest plants of the State. A small patch of plants was found ujion the Reservation. Lccltra raccnnilosa Michx. Oblong-fruited Pin-Aveed. 135 Lechca tciniifolia Mielix. NaiTow-leaved Pin-weed. These two pin-weeds are common in certain dry, barren areas on the Reservation, and are ahvays associated where foimd. /.. racemiiJosa has not been recorded from the State. Anf/elica villosa (Walt.) B. S. P. Pubescent Angelica. A common plant on the Reservation. An addition to the State flora. Sciitelhnia canipestris P.ritton. Prairie Skullcap. Noted as common on one liarren knob-side upon the Reservation. First record for the State. >S'. puyruhi was also taken, in moist soil in the lowlands. The hairy form seems to be well defined. Stachiis aiiibiyiia (A. Gray) Britten. Dense-flowered Hedge Nettle. Taken upon the Reservation. First record for the State. Salvia lanceolata Willd. I^ance-leaved Sage. Found sparingly at a dumping ground along Fall Creek, at Central Avenue, Indianapolis. Identifieation verified by Prof. W. S. Blatchley. Second Indiana station of this western plant. IlysaHthes attenuata (Muhl) Small. Short-stalked False Pimpernel. This easily recognized form was taken upon the Reservation. First record for the State. 137 The Development of the Spermatozoid of Chara. By D. M. Mottier. (Abstract.) The spermatozoid of Chara fraglUs is a spiraUy-coiled body con- sisting of a nucleus and a specially differentiated part of the cytoplasm, the blepbaroplast, existing in the form of a thread, or band, bearing two long cilia. The nucleus occupies the middle part of the sperma- tozoid. The anterior end of the blepbaroplast is thinner than the posterior and tapers slightly toward the extremity. The two cilia are borne some distance back of the anterior extremity. The posterior end is broader and thicker and terminates bluntly. In cross section the blepbaroplast is crescentic, being convex on the outside and concave within. With the exception of a strip of granular substance along the concave side of the posterior end, it is of a homogeneous structure. The entire spermatozoid makes two and one-half or three spiral turns. The blepbaroplast arises as a delicate thread-like differentiation of the cytoplasm at the surface of the cell, extending some distance along the cell from the nucleus and on opposite sides of the latter. It seems to be a modification of the plasma membrane. No centrosome-like body, or "Plasmahocker," was observed from which the blepbaroplast might develop as described by Belajeff, Strasburger and others. The nucleus is transformed from an elliptical or oval body, with a hollow chromatin spirem, to a dense, homogeneous, sausage-shaped structure making one spiral turn or more. The cilia were always found attached some distance back of the anterior extremity of the blepbaroplast. Their origin was not traced to a centrosome-like body, but they seemed to grow directly from the thread-like blepbaroplast. Contribution to the Flora of Indiana. By Stanley Coulter. (By title.) ]89 Further Studies on Anomalous DicotyledOxNous Plants. By D. M. ]Mottiei?. (Abstract.) The stiidip.s referred to deal with the development of the embryo with special reference to the origin of the cotyledons in Actcii alba, Stylnplioriiiii diiJiijllinii and Sancju'uiariti ccniadeiisis. In the origin of the cotyledons all three species show, in varying degrees, the distinguishing characteristics of typical anomalous dicots. In each the embryo be- comes i)ear-shaped before any indication of the cotyledonar primordium is apparent. The primordium of the cotyledons now appears as an almost complete, circular, ridge-like outgrowth from the margin of tlie broadly truncated end of the emiiryo. With tlie further growth oi: this ridge a bifurcation soon appears at a point exactly opposite the pri- mary cleft of the primordium, so that the Iavo young cotyledons, which may or may not be of the same size, seem to represent two separace and opposite lobes of the distal end of the embryo with one of tlie clefts a little deeper than the other. In some cases (Stylophoruni) the two cotyledons seem to arise as separate and independent outgrowths. but a little later their common base grows faster on one side than on the other, and in this manner the two clefts or liifurcations become unequal in depth. It is important to note, however, that in embryos of different indi- viduals of the same species the anomalous character is much more strongly marked than in others. On the Germination of Certain Xative Weeds. By Stanley Coulter. (By title.) 141 Revised List of Indiana Plant Kusts. By J. C. Arthur. Five years ago a list of tlie plant rusts of Indiana was prepared, and printed in the Proceedings for 1S9S, to show not only how many and what species occur within the State, but the application of the revised nomenclature, to Avhich great attention has been directed within the last decade. At that time the writer had made little study of the basis for the generic names, but accepted largely the conclusions an- nounced by Kuntze in his Revisio genertDii pUintariiiu. Since the presen- tation of the list, two other papers have been brought before the Acad- emy by the writer, discussing the status of the genu& names Piiccinia and Ginnnosporavgiuin, the onlj^ considerable points in controversy touched by the Indiana list. In order to embody the latest conclusions and reaffirm those remain- ing unchanged, as well as to correct a few errors and add the species brought to light since that list was issued, the writer presents herewith a revised list of the Indiana plant rusts. It is given in the latest nomenclatiu'e to familiarize the members of the Academy with this phase of scientific movement. It is not a nomenclature that can be generally used at present, for the reason that no standard works of reference are yet available employing the accepted names. But it does not materially detract from the usefulness of a local list, like the present one, and yet gives the reader a chance to see the direction in which the new movement is leading. The present list, like the preceding one, does not include the unat- tached aecidia and uredo. Some thirteen of these that have been men- tioned from time to time in the Proceedings of the Academy have been traced to their teleiitosporic connections since the last revised list was published, and are here included as autonomous species. Besides these, eleven species of rusts have been added to the State flora, having never been reported in any form before. The hosts reported in this list for the first time are recorded by month, county and collector. The speci- mens, on which these data are based, are in the herbarium at Purdue University. The references after the other hosts are to the page and 142 year of the Proceedings of the Academy, where additional information can be found. The nomenchitnre for hosts is tliat of Britton and Brown's "Illustrated Flora of the Nortliern States and Canada." The present list contains Ifl.j species of plant rusts under sixteen genera, being an increase of more than :J3 per cent, over the previous list of 1898, which contained 80 species under ten genera. COLEOSPORIACE.E. 1. COLEOSPORIU-M SoNCiri-ARVENSIS (PcrS.) Willf. On Hieracium scabrum Miclix. Vigo Co., 5, 1893 (Underwood). 2. COLEOSPORIUM IpoMCE.E (Srhir.) Buy. On Ipomoea pandurata (L.) Mey. 1896:171, 218. 5. COLEOSPORIUM SOLIDAGINIS {/SV7((/'. ) TflXCm. On Aster azureus Lindl. 1893:50. Ou Aster cordifolius L. 1893:51. On Aster NoviB AngliiP L. 1893:51. On Aster paniculatus Lam. 1893:51. Oji Aster puniceus L. 1893:51. On Aster sagittifoliiis Willd. 1893:51. On Aster salicifolius Lam. 1893:51. Ou Aster Sliortii Hook. 1893:51. On Aster Tradescanti L. 1893:51. On Solidago arguta Ait. 1893:51. On Solidago csesia L. 1893:51. On Solidago Cauaden.sis L. 1893:51. On Solidago flexicaulis L. (,S'. latijolid L. ) 1893:51. On Solidago patula Muhl. 1893:51. On Solidago rugosa Mill. 1893:51. On Solidago serotina Ait. 1893:51. 4. CoLEOSPORiuM Vernoni^e B. & C. On Vernonia fasciculata Miclix. 1893:51. On Veruonia Noveboracensis (L. ) Willd. 1893:51. MELAMPSORACE.^. • 5. Chrysomyxa albida KilhiK (ColcoxpDriinn Rnhi E. it II.) On Rubus cuneifolius Pursh. 1893:50. On Rubus villosus Ait. 1893:50. 143 6. PucciNiASTRUM Agkimon'I-Ii: {I>(\) Diet. { Ciidiiia Agrimonix Scl\w.) On Agrimonia liirsuta (Mulil. ) Bick. (.1. Eupatoria Am. Auct. ) 1893:50. 1896:218. Ou Agrimonia parviflora Sol. 1893:50. 7. Thecopsora Hydrange.e ( R i( C ) Magn. (Ureclo Hi/drangea:B. &C.) On Hydrangea arboreseeus L. 1893:56. 1896:218. 8. Hyalopsora PoLYPODii {Pers.) Magn. {Uredo Poly pod ii BC) On Cystopus fragilis (L. ) Bernh. 1893:56. 9. Melampsora Medusa TImenu On Populus balsamifera L. 1893:51. On Populns deltoides Marsh. (P. nionilifcra Ait.) 1893:51. 1896:218. • On Populus grandidentata Michx. 1893:51. On Populus tremuloides Michx. 1893:51. 1898:188. 10. Melampsoka farinosa (Pern.) Schru't. Ou Salix amygdaloides Anders. Steuben Co., 8, 1903 {KeUcnnan). On Salix cordata Muhl. 1893:51. On Salix discolor Muhl. 1893:51. 1896:218. Ou Salix fluviatilis Nutt. (S. longifnJki Muhl.) 1893:52. Ou Salix interior Rowl. Steuben Co. , 8, 1903 { Kellennan). On Salix nigra Marsh. 1893 : 5 1 . 11. MeLAMPSORIDIUM: BETULINUM (Pci:^.) Kiel). OnBetula lutea Michx. Steuben Co., 8, 1903 (Kdkrmcni). PUCCINIACE.E. 12. Areuma DisciFLORA (Tode) AvtJi . { Plii-agmidium subcorticium. Whit.) Ou Rosa Carolina L. 1893:52. Ou Rosa humilis Marsh. {R. lucida Am. Auct.) 1893:52. Ou Rosa setigera Michx. 1893:52. 13. Aregma Fragarli.s (DC) Arth. On Poteutilla Canadensis L. 1893:52. 1896:218. 14. Aregma speciosa Fr. (Pliragiiiidiion spcciofiinii Cke. ) Ou Rosa Carolina L. 1896:219. On Ro.sa luimilis Marsh. 1898:179. 15. Triphragmium Ulmari.e (ScIkuik) Lk. OuUluiaria rubra Hill. Tippecanoe Co. , 6, 1899 (Arlhur). 144 16. Gymnoconia inteestitialis (Sc]il.) Lagh. (Pwcinia Pcckiana Howe and ^Ecidiiiiii nitens Schw. ) On Riibiis occidentalis L. 1893:54. On Rubus villosus Ait. 1893:54. 1896:220. 1898:188. 17. O.EOMURUS ACUMINATUS (Afth.) KlintZC. On Spartina cyno.sm-oides Willd. Jasper Co., 5, 1903 (Arthur); Steuben Co., 8, 1903 (KcJlrrmnn). 18. C.EOMUKUS Caladii (,S'r/((r. ) Kuntw. { Uromi/ci's Cakidil Farl.) On ArisiBina triphyllum (L.) Torr. 1893:56. 1896:222. 1898:189. On Arisiema Dracontium ( L. ) Seliott. 1893:56. 1896:222. 19. C^OMURUS CARYOPHYLLINUS (Schr.) Kunt:e. On Dianthus Caryophyllns L. 1893:56. 20. C-EOMURUS EUPHORBI.E {Sriiir. ) Kunlze. On Eupliorbia dentata Michx. 1893:57. 1896:222. On Euphorbia nutans Lag. ( E. hi/pericifoUa Gr. ) 1893 : 57. 1896 : 222. On Euphorbia humi.strata Engelm. Tippecanoe Co., 6, 1902 (Arthur). 21. C-EOMURUS Solidagini-Cauicis (Arth.) iiom. nor. On Carex lanuginosa Michx. Jasper Co., 3, 1903 (Arthur). On Carex varia Muhl. Jasper Co., 3, 1903 (Arthtir). 22. C-EOMURUS GRAMINICOLUS (Ihirr.) Kuut'C. On Panicum virgatum L. 1893:57. 23. C^OMURUS HOWEI (Pk.) Kuutzr. On Asclepias incarnata L. 1893:57. 1896:222. On Asclepias purpurascens L. 1893:57. On Asclepias Syriaca L. (A. fhmuti Dec.) 1893:57. 1893:222. 1898:187. 24. Ceomurus Hedysari-paniculati (SHiiv.) Arth. On Meibomia Canadensis (L. ) Kuntze (Dcvriodlum C). 1896:222. On Meibomia canescens (L. ) Kuntze (Drsiuudiuui. r.). 1893:57. On Meibomia Dillenii (Darl.) Kuntze {De.wiodiuui D.). 1893:57. 1896:222. On Meibomia laevigata (Nutt. ) Kuntze {Tk'.vnodium L). 1893:57. On Meibomia paniculata (L.) Kuntze (Desmodium p.). 1893:57. On Meibomia viridiflora (L. ) Kuntze (Desmodium v.). 1893:57. 145 25. C.EOMURUS Hyperici-frondosi (Schir.) Arth. On Hypericum Canadense L. 1893:57. On Hypericum mutilum L. 1893:57. On Triadeuuni Virginicuni (L. ) Raf . {Elodea campanulata Marsh. ) 1893:57. 26. CiEOMURUS JuNCi (Sf/iir.) Kvntze. On Juncus tenuis Willd. 1896:222. 1898:187. 27. C.EOMURUS Lespedez.e-procumbentis (Schw.) Arth. On Lespedeza frutescens (L. ) Brit. (L. reticulata Pers. ) 1893:57. On Lespedeza procumbens Miclix. 1893:57. On Lespedeza repens (L.) Bart. 1896:222. On Lespedeza capitata Michx. Jasper Co., 3, 1903 (Arlhur). On Lespedeza liirta (L.) Ell. Marshall Co., 10, 1893 {Underwood). 28. O^^OMURUS Orobi (Fers.) num. nor. On "Vicia Americana Muhl. 1896:222. 29. C^^OMURL'S PERIGYMUS (//'^/.y/.) Kuntzc. On Carex virescens Muhl. 1893:57. 30. C^OMURUS Phaseoli {Perx. ) .irtli. On Strophostyles helvola (L) Brit. (Fhaseolns dirersifoUus Pers.) 1893:56. 1896:172, 222. On Vigna Sinensis (L. ) Endl. Tippecanoe Co., 10, 1903 (Arthur), 31. C.EOMURUS PLU5IBARIUS {I'L\) Kiintzc. (Urcdo cjawlna (Pk. ) DeT. ) On Gaura biennis L. 1896:222. 32. C-EOMURUS POLYGONI (J^'r.s.) Kunl:<'. On Polygonum avicularo L. 1 893 : 57. 1896 : 223. On Polygonum erectum L. 1893:58. 33. Ceomurus RuDBECKi.E (Artli. & IIolw.) Kuntze. On Rudbeckia laciniata L. 1891:152. 1898:187. 34. C^EOMURUS Trifolii (//(y7(/'. ) Gray. On Trifolium hybridum L 1893:58. On Trifolium medium L. 1893:58. On Trifolium pratense L. 1893:58. 1896:223. 1898:187,189. On Trifolium repens L. 1893:58. 35. C^OMURVS Rhyxcospor.e {E. & G.) Kuntze. On Rhyncospora alba Vahl. Tippecanoe Co., 10, 1894 (King). 36. DiO-EOMA ALBIPERIDIUM (Arth.) nom . nov. On Carex pubesceus Muhl. Tippecanoe Co., 4, 1901 {Arthur). 10— A. OF SCIKNCE, '03. 146 37. Dic^OMA Aletridis {B. d C.) Kvntze. On Aletris farinosa L. Lake Co., 7, 1884 {Hill). 38. DlCEOilA AMBIGUA {A. t( >S'. ) KlliitZC. Ou Galiiim Apariiie L. 1896:172. .39. DiC.'EOMA AndropOGONIS iSrhir.) Kiint:f. {Pun-; II ill A ml rojxjgi Schw.) On Andropogon fnrcatns Muhl. 1896:219. On Andropogon scopariiis Michx. 1896:219. On Pent.stemon hirsiitus (L. ) Willd. 1896.:217. 40. DiC.'EOMA Anemones-Virgi\ian.-E (ScJitr.) Arth. {Piuriiriii mluJa Schw. ) On Anemone cylindrica Gr. 1896:219. On Anemone Virginiana L. Tippecanoe Co., 6, 1908 ( Arthur) ; Steuben Co., 8, 1903 (Kdlcrumii). 41. DiC.EOMA AXGUSTATUM (Pk.) KlllifZi'. Oil Eriophorum poly.stachyon L. Noble Co., 8, 1884 ( ]'(tii Gorder). On Eriopliorum Virginicum L. Noble Co., 8, 1884 ( \'iiii Gorder). On Scirpus atrovirens Mulil. 1893:52. 1896:219. On Seirpus cyperinus ( L. ) Kuntb. 1893:52. On Lycopus Americanus Miibl. (L. shuuitas Ell. ) 1898:189. 42. Dk'.eoma apocryptum {E. c( Tr.) Kinitze. On Hjstrix Hystrix (L. ) Millsp. 1893:52. 43. Dic.EGMA ai;gentatu>i (N'7/"//: ) Knntz/'. On Impatiens biflora Walt. ( L. fidnt Nutt. ) 1893:52. 1896:220. 44. DlC.^OMA ASPARAGI ( DC. ) KinitZC. On Asparagus officinalis L. Lake Co., 10, 1899 { lirciifdijh') ; Foun- tain Co., 9, 1900 (I!nia Willd. Tippecanoe Co., 4, 1901 (Arthur). 49. Dic.EOMA Caricis-Erigerontis {Artli.) lunn. nar. On Erigerou annur.s L. 1894:151. On Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) B. S. P. Jasper Co., 6, 1903 {Ar- thur). On Leptilon Canadense (L. ) Brirt. Jasper Co., 6, 1903 {Arthur). On Carex festucacea Willd. Tippecanoe Co., 4, 1901 {Arthur). On Carex straniinea Willd. 1893:52. 50. DlC^OMA CaRICIS-SoLIDAGINIS {Arth.) Il(»n. nor. On Solidago Cfesia L. 1893:49. On Solidago Canadensis L. 1893:49. On Solidago flexicanlis L. (N. latifolla L.) 1893:49. On Solidago patula Mulil. Tippecanoe Co., 6, 1902 {Arthur). On Carex Jamesii Schw. Tippecanoe Co., 4, 1902 {Arthur). On Carex tetanica Schk. Tippecanoe Co., 6, 1899 {Artliur). 51. DiCL^OMA Chrysanthemi {Roze) mnn. nor. On Chrysantliemiini Indicuni L. Tippecanoe Co., 10, 1899 ( Dorner) . 52. DiC-EOMA CiRC.'E.'E (Pir^. ) Kuntze. On Circtpa Lutetiana L. 1893:53. 1896:219. 53. Did;o>iA CoNVOLVULi ( /'//-.s-. ) Kuntze. On Convolviiliis sepinm L. 1893:53. 1896:219. 54. DlCJEiniA. Dayi (Clint.) Kuntze. On Steironema ciliatum (L. ) Raf. 1893:53. 55. DiC.EOMA DULICHII {Si/(l.) nom. nor. On Dulichium arundinacea (L. ) Brit. 1893:52. 148 56. DiC-3i;oMA Eatoxi.e (Arth.) nom. nov. Ou Eatouia Pennsylvanica (DC.) Gray. Tippecanoe Co., 5, 1903 (Arthur). Ou Ranunculus abortivus L. 1893:50. 57. Dic.EOMA Eleochakidis (Arth.) Kunize. On Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. & S. 1893:53. 1896:219. 58. Dic.EOMA Ellisianum (Tluicm.) Kuntze. On Audropogon scoparius Michx. Tij)pecanoe Co., 11, 1898 (Stu- art). 69. Dic.EOMA EMACULATUM (Sdiw.) Kuutze. On Pauicum capillare L. 1893:53. 1896:220. 60. DiC-'EOMA EPIPHYLLUM {L.) Kuntzc. (Puccinia Poarum Niels.) On Poa pratensis L. 1893:57. 1898:189. 61. DiCiEOMA FUSCUM (Pcrs.) Kuntze. On Anemone quiuquefolia L. {A. nemoroKn Ms..) 1894:151. 62. Dic.EOMA Helianthi (»Sc7(«'. ) Kuntze. On Helianthus annuus L. 1893:55. On Helianthus divaricatus L. 1893:55. On Heliantlms giganteus L. Steuben Co., 8, 1903 {Keller man). On Helianthus grosse-serratus Mart. 1893:55. 1896:221. On Helianthus mollis Lam. Jasper Co., 3, 1903 (Arthnr). On Helianthus strumosus L. 1893:55. On Helianthus tracheliifolius Mill. 1893:55. 63. Dic.EOMA Heliopsidis ( Schw. ) Kuntze. On Heliopsis scabra Dunal. 1893:54. 64. DlC^OMA MUHLENBERGI.E (A. d. II.) noin. )tor. 65. Dic^OMA WiNDSORi.E (Schu-.) Kuutze. On Siegliugia seslerioides (Mx. ) Scrib. {Triodia cujirea Jacq.) 1894:154. 1896:221. On Ptelea trifoliata L. 1893:50. 1896:217. On Muhlenbergia diffusa Schreb. 1893:53, 55. On Muhlenbergia sylvatica Torr. 1896:221. (U). DiC-EOMA LviPATiENTis (iScIur.) nom. nov. On Elymus Virginicus L. 1893:55. 1896:221. On Impatiens biflora Walt. {I. fulva Nutt. ) 1893:50. On Impatiens aurea Muhl. 1896:217. 149 67. Dic.EOMA KUHNI^ iSchic.) Kuntze. Ou Kulmia eupatorioides L. 1893:54. 1896:220. 68. DiCEOMA LATERiPES (B. ct E.) Kuntzc. On Ruellia strepeus L. 1893:54. 1896:218. 69. DlC^EOMA LoBELi.^ ( Gcr. ) num. nor. On Lobelia syphilitica L. 1893:54. 1896:220. 70. Dic^OMA LUDiBUNDUM {E. & E. ) Knnt:e. On Carex sparganioides Mulil. 1896:220. 7J. Dic.EOMA Ma.janth.e](. ^'i Br. On Rhus radicans L. (B. Toxicodendron Am. Auct. ) 1893:58 1896:228. 105. UuoPYXis Amorph.e {Curt.) Schroef. On Amorplia canescens Pursh. 1893:58. 153 Additions to the List of Gall-Prod ucinu Insecta^Common to Indiana. By Mel T. Cook. One year ago the writer presented a list of gall-producing insects, with a list of host plants, for the State of Indiana. This list is no doubt very incomplete, since the writer has collected specimens in Illi- nois and Ohio which have not been reported from Indiana. Further- more, this collection of galls which I have received from other parts of the United States and Canada lead me to believe that galls have a very wide distribution; it is probable that the galls are distributed over as wide an area as the host species and, in some cases, are as widely distributed as the host genera. However, the insects may in some cases be restricted to smaller areas, due to other environments. Our Ivuowledge of American galls is at present so limited that it is impossible to draw any definite conclusion on this subject. "Within the yast year I have collected a large number of galls in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, but, of course, many of these duplicate those reported in the list of one year ago. I have also received collections from various parts of the United States and Canada, and wish espe- cially to thank Mr. F. L. Sims, of Laporte. Indiana. Mr. C. C. Deam, of Bluffton, Indiana, and Prof. W. A. Kellerman, of Columbus, Ohio, for interesting collections of Indiana galls. The additional list Avhich I uoav present gives an increase of two genera and eleven species of insecta. HeDirptera: 41. Pemphigus populis-caulis. Riley, on Populus deltoides Marsh. 42. Pemphigus populis-transversus, Riley, on Populus deltoide.3 Marsh. Di])tcra : 43. Sciara ocellaris, O. S., on Acer saccharium L. 44. Cecidomyia holotricha, O. S., on Hicoria alba L. (Britton.) 45. Cecidomyia tubicola, O. S., on Hicoria alba L. (Britton.) fli/Diruoptrra : 154 46. Anipbil)olii),s senlpta Bass, on Qiiercus rubra L. 47. Andricns femoratus Aslim. on Qnereus rubra L. 48. Andricus lana Fitcli. on Quercus rubra L. 49. Diastrophus nebulosus O. S. on Riibus villosus Ait. 50. Diastroplius cuscutseformis O. S. on Rubus nigrobaccus Bailey. 51. Kliodites dichlocerus Harris, on Rosa sp . Nos. 41 and 42 were collected in Wells County, Indiana. Ity C. C. Deam; j\os. 4G and 47 were collected near Laporte, Indiana, by F. L. Sims; No. 50 was collected in Steuben Covinty, Indiana, by Prof. W. A. Kellernian, of the Ohio State University. All others were collected by me near Greencastle, Indiana. No. 11', Trypeta solidaginis of the last report should have been placed under the order Dijjtera. I should very much appreciate collections of galls from various parts of Indiana. .55 Nerve-End Organs in the Pancreas. By E. O. Little. The following is an abstract of woii-c done to determine the number, position, and distribution of the I'aeinian corpuscles in the pancreas of the cat. Ml'. F. C. Jackson sectioned tlie material and counted the corpuscles. Cubic Centimeters of Pancreas. Number of Pacinian Corpuscles in Pancreas Number of Pacinian Corpuscles per c. c. Pancreas, No. I. . . 10 5 72 6.85 No. II., 12 43 3.58 No. Ill 5 5 25 4.54 No. IV 5 22 4 4 No. V. 7 85 12 14 Average munber of corpuscles in pancreas 40.4. average number of corpuscles in per cubic centimeter of pancreas C.i7. Ninety-five per cent, of the corpuscles are near the surface of the gland and may be stripped off v^'ith the mesentary; 5% are deep in the gland tissue. Of the 95% found near the surface, 28% were near dorsal. 72% near the ventral surface. Only occasionally Avas a corpuscle found in contact with the intestine. 157 A Crow Roost Near Richmond, Indiana. By D. W. Dennis and Wm. E. Lawrence. What is said in this paper about crows and their roosting is based upon observations tali en by Professor Dennis and myself of one particu- lar roost found about three miles south of Richmond, Indiana. Through the latter part of January, 1903, crows were noticed flying in a direction about south by east in the evening and returning from the same direction in the morning. The evening flight was from 3 to 5:30; the crows were in flocks of from two or three or in a constant stream. The principal line of flight was about one-half mile west of Richmond. By actual count crows passed at tlie rate of one hundred or more in a minute for more than two hours. They were often so numerous it was impossible to count them. Judging from tliis there must have been at least 15,000 crows which roosted at this place. By 7 o'clock in the morn- ing nearly every crow had returned from the roost on its Avay to corn- fields, etc., in search of food. Not far west of Richmond, in a small woodland, they stopped to rest or for some other reason. I -have seen croAvs here by the thousand. It was here at this resting station that very evident exemplification was noted of their fear of man and their signaling to others following. 1 entered the woods and climbed a tree in order to watch better their maneuverings; however, they were not so kind and not one flew over the tree in which I was stationed. Repeatedly they flew at top speed in a line directly overhead but ahvays, on discovering my presence, made a quick turn, uttered a peculiar call and passed around. This call evi- dently was a signal for those following to fly in like manner, because for the next few minutes the line passed to one side. Then some crow, not noting the signal, would appear coming directly towards me; but he never failed to make the sudden turn, utter the call and fly around. This is more clearly brought out by "Driving the line." It was only necessary to walk in a railroad cut under a line of flying crows and it would bend around at a greater distance, the crows at the bend all the 158 while signaling to those behind. In this numner on one occasion Pro- fessor Dennis drove them one-half mile to the west after which they passed on the east. On his return he in like manner drove them an equal distance to the east. For some reason the crows never went directly to the roost. Whether it was done purposely to conceal the real roost can not be stated. How- ever, thej^ deceived us in this manner and caused us much trouble to tind the roost. Three visits were made to the vicinity, two at night and one in the day time. The lirst visit, February 21st, they were found in a wood and an adjoining cornfield along a small stream of water. As we approached they pi-eceded us. Approaching as (juietly as possible, we stopped by a large tree and remained quiet, thinking we might be in the midst of the roost. Gradually all left; meanwhile scouts had been sent to watch us. They would tly directly overhead and tlien return to give information to the others. The roost was j-et to be found. We went to the top of a neighboring hill and saw in the darkness several hundred feet beyond thousands of crows on tlie snow-covered ground. We could not apiu'oa.ch without disturbing (hem. We did not remain till they went to the trees. The next time was February "J.'ld, from C! to (i:.jO p. m. We now found all the crows in the trees, most of them across the river from the place where we lirst saw them, in a large wood, the others in the sycamores along the river (luite a distance from the main roost. They must have been doing picket duty, because they uttered no cries, while the others were constantly cawing; also when we purposely disturbed them some of them left silently to join the others. The last visit, March 2d, was in the day time; the ground was care- fully gone over; the boundaries were easily determined by the droppings, examination of which gave good evidence that they were eating a great deal of corn. The main roost was located on tlie north side of a hill, 12L» feet high, thickly woaded witli beech, elm, and ash, and near the foot of this hill. Reference to the map Avill show that the roost was located in a gorge shut in by hills 1)0 feet high on the east, 50 feet high on the north and west, and, as before mentioned, 120 feet high on the south. A public road runs north and south to the east of tlie roost, and, as would be expected, the ground gave evidence of more crows roosting some distance from the road. 159 This particular hill ^yas only used during the coldest weather; at other times the croAvs moved about from place to place for their roost. The hill MAP OF VALLEY OF CROW ROOST. ...•'■%./■■■,., Indicate? roosting crow.=. IndicatBs path of crows entering the valley. Contour lines 10 ft. apart. and the elevation of the surrounding land (as shown in the map) certainly furnished protection against tlie cold. The crows began to arrive about 4 p. m., alighting in the neighboring trees and along the river bank, drinking water and picking pebbles. The 160 main line seemed to arrive from tlie nortlieast and from no otlier direc- tion. But, to our surprise, on our AA'ay liome after leaving the valley, it was discovered that the ci'ows from the northwest were flying southeast on a tangent with the valley and alighting in the trees and fields to the east; then turning at almost right angles they flew over the hill down into the valley where the roost was. Was this purposely done for protection? In conclusion the main things to be noted are the bending of the line when men are seen; the signaling of danger to the oncoming line; that the crows never approached the roost directly and that they only roosted on the hillside during the coldest weather. IGl Some New Forms or I'iiysiolocucal Apparatus, By J. F. WooLSEY. All l)ranches of scientific work require special apparatus to fulfill their particular needs. The apparatus here shown was devised to meet certain requirements for adjustable apparatus, for use with the Icymo- graph, in recording physiological experiments. It is apparently desirable in tliis work to have as many adjustments to the apparatus as possible, tlu' solidity of the apparatus being unimpaired. ADJUSTABLE STAND. This stand consists of a base 5i{,"xS"xl": a standard IS" high and 1" in diameter, to whicli is attaclied. by means of arms, the swinging rod upon which is supported, by means of universal clamps, the va- rious forms of apparatus used in making the records upon the smolvod drum of the kymograph. The entire stand weiglis 15 pomids. Tlie swinging portion of tlie apparatus deserves special notice. Fig- ure 2 of the mechanical parts serves as the top arm, and the upper plate of the lower arm. It is 3Vu'" long and 1%" wide at the broadest part. Figure 1 is the lower plate of the lower arm, and is proportional in size to the upper plate. Figures o and 4 show the entire mechanism. In Figure 3, (a) is the coarse adjustment, and l)y releasing the set-screw tlae swinging rod (d) can be revolved about the standard (o: the desired pres- sure of the stylus against the drum of the kymograpli is obtained by the manipulation of the more tinel.v-tlireaded screw (1j). In Figure 4. (b) rep- resents rile tine atl justing screAv, and (I) tlic strong roiled spring, which operates the swinging rod attaclied to (gi, as sliown in Figure 3. The swinging rod is 14" long. The T'^nl versify of Pennsylvania uses adjustal)le stands, devised and made liy themselves, but the entire movement of the swinging rod is obtained from the l)ottom, and the mechanism is entirely different from 11-A. OK S(MKNCK, '03. 162 the alH.ve. Credit is due Mr. il. P. HoUbs for His assistance in devising the nicelianical parts. FROG TABLES. These tables are modifications of those used in the University of Pennsylvania, and meet certain requirements better. They consist, Figure 6 of a brass plate 4yo"x8", to which is glued a single piece of cork i/o" thick, and the adjustable arm or support. The adjustable part consists of a brass block (c) which slides upon the s.iuare rod (e), the set-screw (b), and has a horizontal play of 4%". The set-screw (a) allows of a further circular movement of the plate, and the s.iuare supporting arm is held to the stand l»y a nniversal clamp. , ^A^^^tc^bVe 51^-^. 103 Fig. 5. Adjustable Stand. Fig. 6. Frog Tables. 165 An Abnormality in the Nut of Hicoria Ovata (Mill) Britton. By John S. Wright. The abnormal hiekoi-y nut figured and described here was one of a lot purchased in the market. In all outward appearances it was normal, the peculiarities were noted in cracking it. Fig. 2. a transverse section of a normal nut, shows the relative proportion of shell and seed. Fig. 3. transverse section of the alinormal fruit, shows the cavity one-celled and greatly reduced l)y the tliickened walls (P). Figs. 3 and 4 show the in- terior filled with a nut somewhat like that of the hazel; (s) the walls hard and shell-like, and (K) the kernel, folded. as indicated by the convolution on one side. Tlie kernel had a bland, oily taste, faintly reseml)ling that of the hazel nut. At the apex the tissues of the shell of this smaller nut appear to be continuous with those of the outer shell (Tp), The inner nut had a jiedicel. indicated (st) in the figure. In cracking, this pedicel separated from the body of the small nut along a definite line. The shaft of this pedicel reached through the thick outer shell and readily sei>arated from the surrounding tissues. In view of the fact that the hickory nut is not extensively cultivated and apparently has not been observed hybridizing to any extent, or other- wise modified by breeding, the occurrence of this deviation from the type is deemed worthy of notice. 3,— Trans &«< 3_Tro.n%.a8-c. fl.Vporm.al tt»i. 1G7 I3iRD Xests of an Old Apple Orchard Xear Indiana University Campus. "^ Bv Gertijude Hitze. As part of my work in Nature Study during the Spring of 1002 I was assigned an old orchard east and north of Indiana University €ampus. My work was to locate and report on all of the birds' nests of this orchard. As a preliminary a plot was made of the orchard. The rows of trees were numbered serially from 1 to 22. and the individual trees in each row were also numbered. The orchard was thoroughly searched for nests between the latter part of April and the early part of June. The exact location of the nests is omitted in this report. From an ethical and sentimental standpoint the work was very discouraging. Two-thirds of the nests were not completed or were destroyed in different ways. In all, 24 nests were found, and IS of these came to grief in one way or another, as the report will show. The report will be of interest as showing the vicissitudes of birds near a town, and the expense at which birds l^ecome and remain adapted to their environment. TURTLE' DOVE. May 21st I found a nest loosely made of twigs, lined with hay and feathers, and containing two pure white eggs. May 23d this^ nest was robbed and destroyed. The old birds were tlying about the orchard. On June 2d I saw no doves in the orchard. CHIPPIXG SPARROW. May 21st I found a little nest under a grapevine. It was built of dry grasses and lined with horsehair. The nest was built in a little hole in the ground. It contained one white egg with many brown ^Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of Indiana University. No. (51. 168 spots. Mi\y 2:ia tins nest li.-ul ln-rii robbed like so rnnu^ others. The uest was not destroyed but the birds never returned. May 2:5d I found a nest under anotlier grapevine. The nest had four eggs In it. Two of the eggs were pipped. June 2d four little birds were in the nest, one of them with a lady beetle in its mouth. June 4th. birds almost feathered. They seemed not to be afraid of me as 1 drew near tliem. The motht>r did not go far from the nest as long as I was near. June Sili. th," birds have tlown. There were si.r little birds li..pping aliout in a tree near the deserted nest. S()X(; Sl'AltKOW. May 2:'.d, along llie north fence 1 found a uest in a grapevine, nicely "hid.len among the haves. The nest was made of twigs lined with dry grass. There was one white egg, spotted with heavy brown spots. Jun.> 2d. two eggs were in the nest. No bird was near at this time. Jun.' 4\h. the nest had been robbed but not destroyed. No birds were near. WHITE-THKC )ATEI > SPARKOW. On Ai)ril I'.oth 1 found a White-throated Sparrow building a nest in a brush heap. The bottom of the nest was tinishe.l and made of twigs. Every time the Sparrow carried any material to the nest a Cntbinl wouhl tly down an.l take it away. The Catbird fought and chased tlu' Sparrows until they left tlie nest unfinished. HOT'SE WHEN. May 23 St. in the southeast corner of a shed I found a nest in the old woodwork. The nest was mad., of dry roots lined with chicken and turkey feathers. There were s.'ven y.nmg almost feathered and nearly ready to fly. :SIay SMI. the birds have floAvn. CHESTED FLYCATCHER. May 7th I saw two Crested Flycatchers flying around an old tree. They were building a nest, for one carried a feather, while the other flew at me whenever I came near tliem. I was unable to And their 169 nest. Miiy 9tli I looked again for the nest but was unable to find it. May 21st I found the uest in a hole in the old tree. It was in a dead limb at a depth of about twelve inches from the opening. It was lined witli feathers. There were five light eggs with heavy brown markings, especially at the large end. May 23d, no change in the nest. The birds were near. June 2d, five little birds were in the nest. June 9th. birds are just ready to leave the nest. June 11th, Itirds have tlowu. r.liOWX THRASHERS. I found a nest in a brush pile on April 23d. The uest was made of twigs lined with dry grass. There were three eggs with brown specks, more spots at the large end. On April 3ilth the nest had been robbed and no birds were near. On April 30th I found another nest in another brush heap. There Avere two eggs in it. The mother remained hiding in tJie l)rusli. On May 5th I found the brush pile was burned and the birds gone. On May 7th I found an unfinished nest in still another brush pile. May 9th, the nest was linished Imt no l>ird was near. May 14th, four eggs in the nest with the Brown Thrasher on the nest. She was not a bit shy, and allowed me to come quite close to her. She then hopped off the nest and from twig to twig, and out upon the ground, and then tlew away. The male sat oft" at the other side of the orchard and sang very merrily. May 16th, the female was still upon the nest, the male was very happy as he sat up in the tree and sang. May 21st. the nest had not been destroyed. The bird was quite friendly, as she would sit and allow me to talk to her. On the 23d I found that some boys had l)een in the orchard. They had rolibed and destroyed all the nests. This one was not spared. Tlie birds have disappeared. On May Ttli I found the foundation of a uest in a tree, nicely hidden by leaves. It Avas built of large tAvigs and lined Avith a fcAv dry grasses. The nest seemed deserted. On ]May 9th no birds Avere near and no Avork had lieen done on the nest. June 1st, the birds had been Avorking on the nest. It had been entii-ely relined. June otli, one egg, blue, flaked Avith brown. AA'as in the nest. June 9th, there Avere 170 three eggs in the nest. The mother bird was qnite nervous when I was near the nest. No further observations were made on this nest. CATBIRD. On May 2d I saw two Catbirds weaving straws into a nest. May 5th, the nest Avas gone. Catbirds not near. I believe they are hard to please, for they begin a nest and then desert it, sometimes leaving the foundation and other times entirely destroying every trace of it. On May 7th I found a nest made of twngs and dry grass with Catbirds near it. On May 9th this nest was partially destroyed. The birds were gone. On May 7th I found a nest in a tree. I chased the birds off from the nest to find two greenish eggs in it. The eggs were smaller than the Robin's eggs. The old birds fought me. May 9th, no change in the nest. Birds fought even harder than the last time. May 14th, one egg was pipped. May 16th, I climbed the tree. No birds flew at me, and I soon found that, like so many other nests, this one had been robbed. The eggs were gone. No shells nor birds were near. On May 7th I found an unfinished nest. It was nicely hidden by leaves. It was built of twigs and a few dry grasses; no birds were near. This nest Avas deserted, as no more work had been done and no eggs were found in it on later visits. On May 9tli I found the fifth Catbird's nest. It contained one egg- No bird was near to fight. On May 14th two eggs were in the nest, and on May 16th the eggs had been broken and the nest torn up. No birds were near. The sixth nest was found on ]\Iay 9th. It contained one egg, but no bird was near to fight. On the 14th the nest had two eggs in it, but they were broken and the nest was destroyed. On May 14th I found a nest quite high in the tree. There was one egg in it. May 21st, the egg was gone; it looked as though it had been broken. The inside of the nest was torn out. On May 21st I found a newly built nest. The Catbirds were in the tree and seemed very interested in the nest. On May 23d the nest was desti-oyed and no birds were near. 171 uor.JN. On April 21st, 1002. a Ro1)iu's nest Avas found ou the rail of a fence, about four feet from tlie ground. The nest was made of roots, dry twigs, dry grass, plastered together and to the fence with clay. Softer grass was used in the center. Two blue-green eggs were in the nest, their small ends toward the center of the nest. On the 23d the bird was on the Jiost when 1 made my roiuid, but she tlew off. There were four eggs in the nest, and just as soon as I left she flew back. On the 30th the nest was found to have been torn from the fence and thrown upon the ground. The eggs were broken. No birds were no- ticed near this place again. On April 14th I found an unfluished nest in a tree. It was being constructed like the one above described. Birds working hard. April 17th the nest was completed, but the birds were not near. April 21st I found one blue-green egg in the nest. April 23d I found that three eggs had been laid but had been broken, and the shells were on the ground near and far. The nest was wet with the white of the egg, and the inside of the nest destroyed. I was unable to find the cause of the nest being destroyed. Nothing further Avas done on this nest by the birds up to the end of the observations. On April ITtli I found a nest in a tree which had been completed. The Blue Jaj^s and the Robins were fighting, the latter being driven away. On April 23d I found a Robin on the nest sitting on one egg. April 30th I found the bird sitting on three eggs. The Robin seemed quite friendly, for she allowed me to come very near to her. Then she flew only after 1 made a motion as though to touch her. May 2d I found the bird sitting on four eggs. May 5th the Robin was still on the nest. She allowed me to come quite near. May 7th, two little Robins in the nest; the other two eggs were pipped. May 9th, four little birds. They seemed all mouths and eyes. The mother flew as soon as I came near the nest, but did not go more than five feet. The male followed me a long distance. This was the first time he had shown fight. On March 14th, the l)irds have grown very much. They would not take anything from me. Botli tlie old birds tried to fight, and as I left the nest the male followed. May 16th the birds were nearly feathered; very shy. May 17th, all the 172 birds have flown. In just one month from the time I found the nest all trace of the birds was gone. It was twenty-fonr days from the time the first egg was laid in the nest until the nest Avas empty. On May 4th I found a Kol)in's nest up high in the tree. Made like those aliove descril)ed. May 7th I found four blue-green eggs in the nest with the female on the nest. On May 14th two of the eggs were pipped. The mother was very nervous. On May 16tli four little birds were in the nest. On May 21st the little l)irds were nearly feathered, and on the 23d the birds nad flown. BLUEBIRD. May 21st 1 foinul a nest with one blue egg in an old and partially hol- low tree. It was in a eavity on the east side about ten inches from the opening. The nest was lined with fine feathers, but in pulling ofC the bark mtich of the loose, decayed stuff fell into the nest. Maj'^ 23, the nest has been rol>bed and the lining pulled otit. List of Mammals, Reptiles and Bairachians of Monroe County. By Waldo L. McAtee. (By title.) f 173 Ecological Notes on the Mussels of Winona Lake.* i By T. J. Headlee and Jajees Simonton. In the summer of 1903 the writers, under the direction of C. H, Eigenmami, made observations on tlie mussel distribution of Winona Lalve with ti view to determining the reason for the same. We examined the shore line fi-om 4 inches to 4 feet by wading, from 4 to 7 with a clam rate, fi-om 7 to 86 feet with an iron dredge. The species found were determined by comparison with shells that had been named by Call, Simpson and Balder. The nomenclature i& that used by Call in his report on Indiana Mollusca, Geological Report, 1899, They were: Unio luteolus. Unio subrostratus, Unio glans, Unio" fabalis. Unio rubiginosus. Anodouta grandis, Anodonta edentnia Mar- garWana marginata. This is a deep kettle-hole lake. In general the beaches are composed of sand and gravel, which shade off with varying rapidity into marly sand, tlien into sandy marl, then into coarse white marl, and finally into the fine dark marl that covers the bottom in all the deeper parts of the lalve and which is the accumulation of plankton tests. The bottom steadily grows softer as the proportion of dark marl increases. So soft does it beeome that a small sounding lead sinks into it of its own weight from G to 12 inches. In some places, especially tlie southwest side and in the little lake the shalloAV part of the beach is formed of mucli which shade>; off into marl without the presence of any sand or gravel. In geneiiil it may be said tliat the mussel zone extends from the shore line to where the bottom changes to very soft marl. This region will averag-e from 4 inches to 9 feet of Avater, although in some places the mud comes to within a few feet of the water's edge, while in others the sandy and gravelly bottom runs out into 22 feet of water. A. grandis is usually found just on the outer edge of the sand and gravel bank, while A. edentnia appears most numerously a little farther out. A few specimens of both species were taken closer in shore, "Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory oflndiana University, No. 62. 174 graudis oeing sometimes foiiiid on sandy bottom, edeutiila. however, invariably upon a soft bottom. Neither (healthy forms) was ever taken on hard sand or gravel. L'. glans has been taken upon sandy and gravelly bottoms, in from 4 feet out. 17. fabalis appeared in about the same region except that it goes out on the soft bottom even farther than edentula. U. subrostratus appears on the outer edge of the sand and gravel banks in about four feet of water and extends out as far as the light form of U. luteolus. L'. luteolus is the most variable, the most widely distributed and the most abundant species in the lake. It varies from a moderately thin, light straw-colored shell, marked by radiating greenish lines, to an extremely heavy, almost black form. The gradations of form, color, and size are shown in the plate and are very nearly perfect. The straw-colored variety is found in from 4 inches to 22 feet of water; it is. however, dominant inshore, in weed patches (Potomogeton and Ceratophyllum). and on chara-covered bottoms. The dark variety occupies the same region but is dominant upon sand and gravel bottoms in from three and one-half to twenty-two feet of water. The inter- grading forms cover the same territory as the straw-colored and dark varieties but can not be said to be dominant anywhere. U. rubiginosus occupies about the habitat dominated by the dark form of U. luteolus. except that it was not found in deeper water than ten feet. ^I. marginata was found so infrequently (only six times) that the writers coiUd tell little of its distribution. The specimens found were taken on sand and gravel, and white marl bottoms in from foiu' to twenty-two feet. There are a number of conditions in the environment which sug- gested themselves to us as possible explanations for this distribution — age, sex, light, heat, food supply and oxygen, pressure, wave action. character of the bottom, and enemies. Sex can not be important, for males and females are found together throughout the habitat; light can have but little to do with it, for mussels are absent in places in three feet of water and are abundant in others in fifteen feet, the difference in light being considerable. Further, the light over some of the immense beds in White River is no greater and perhaps even less than in twelve feet of lake water. That heat has little effect, during the summer at 175 least, is shown by the fact that heiivy beds were found in different temperatures, and l>y the fact that temperature variation in the mussel zone did not amount to more than two degrees: oxygen is not important, for the supply of oxygen throughout the mussel zone varies very little; pressure can have but little to do with it. for Ave found specimens on a sandy bottom in twenty-two feet of Avater. while on dark marl bottoms^ in ten feet none Avere taken in any case. Food supply can not be effec- five, for it is about equally abundant throughout the zone. The food consists principally of diatoms: secondarily of Ioav algje forms, and one- celled animals. It seeuis to us that there are three causes which control the distribu- tion of mussels as it appeared in Winona Lake— wave action, character of the bottom and enemies. The hrst cause applies only in water less than three feet deep. As U. luteolus and A. grandis appear in this region they are subjected to this agency. Specimens of both A. grandis and the dark form of TJ. luteolus have been found washed ashore after a storm, and scores of these shells appear along the shore line. Under similar conditions we have seen the light form of U. luteolus moAing from the water's edge out into deeper parts; these facts point to the conclusion that the two first mentioned forms are preAented from occupying shallow water by waA-e action, but that the light form of U. luteolus. being very active and having a thick shell, can Avell occupy this region. Not only is washing ashore fatal to A. grandis, but wave action quickly action quickly wears away the shell and leaves the animal open to attack. Unio glans. fabalis, edentula, and sul^rostratus are very light and slow moving; U. rubigin- osus is heaAy and clumsy, like the dark form of luteolus; the first three, if AA'ashed ashore. Avould be unable to get back, and their shells would be unable to resist the Avearing action of the AAaves. Avhile the last men- tioned form could resi.st wave Avearing but would be unable to get back if washed ashore. The character of the bottom applies throughout the mussel zone. The bottom in the weed patches diifers from that in the deeper parts of the lake in being slightly less soft. The sandy and gravelly bottom affords firm foothold and allows the mussel to assume that position which enables it to get the best supply of food and oxygen, while the pure marl allows it to sink so far as to be smothered. Even if the animal does not sink entirely imder. the overlying sediment is suf- 17C ficient to smother it. That there is an overlying; sediment is shown by the following- experiment: "NVe iiumped water from twelve and six inches aliove tlie sandy and gravelly bottom in seven, ten, fifteen, twenty-five feet of water: the specimens revealed no sediment that would not settle on standing. Specimens were taken in thirty and thirty-six feet of water over a marl bottom and the twelve-iueh samples- yielded a small amount of such sediment, while the six-inch samples showed a decided amount. That matter in suspension is fatal to the mussel is shown liy the fact that we found in the west side and south end of the lake Avhat were evidently once thriving mussel beds, bm-ied under a thin layer of coarse marl, which had been stirred up by the action of the steam dredge two years before. These mussels were found in the normal position undisturbed in any way. That the mussels were alive five years ago is shown by Dr. Moenkhaus' statement that he and his classes collected an ahundance for study in those same regions at that time. In order to lest the ability of the mussel to stand these l)()ttom conditions we made three wire clam baskets, lowered one in twenty- five feet of walei-. anoth(>r in thirty-five feet, another in eighty-five feet. We got the following results: August .">, a basket containing thiiti'cn I', luteolus and one A. grandis was placed in L'.") feet of w.iier du a dark marl bottom. On the loth two examples (if T'. lutenlus were dead: on the l."»th one U. luteolus was dead: on tlie ITtli two V. luteohis \\erc dead and four were missing. August '.1. .-I basket cnntaining five U. luteolus of the light variety and one of tlie dark, .iiid diie .\. (deiitula was lowered in .".5 feet of water on a sandy gray marl liottoni. On the l.lth, one A. grandis and one U. rubiginosus were added. On the I'tith one U. luteolus of dark \ariety was dead: on the 24tli five U. luteolus and one U. rubiginosus were found -to have the gills badly choked witli sidiment, while the anodontas were missing. August iri, a basket containing seven U. luteolus of light and oiu^ of dark variety, two A. edentula. and one A, grandis was lowered in So feet on a pure dark marl lioitom. On the 21st one U. luteolus of dark variety was dead: on the 24th seven 1'. luteolus and one A. grandis showed gills liadly choked with sediment, while the two edentula were iu better condition, showing very few patches of marl in gills. 177 To sum up: In the basket in twenty-five feet, lowered on dark marl, in nineteen days five Avere found dead and four missing; in tlie basket in tlilrty-five feet, lowered near Sandy Point on a sandy gray marl l»ottom. in fifteen days one was dead, all sliowed gills partly filled with si>diment: in tlip 1)asket in eiglity-five feet, lowered on pure dark marl, in nine days two were found dead and the gills of all but A. edentula badly choked witli sediment. U. faltalis. U. glans and U. subrosti'atus were not included in tliis experiment 1)ecause the first two would liave slipped out through tlie meshes and the third could not be obtained at the time. However, it seems reasonable to suppose that they would have proven not unlike the others. It seems, therefore, that tho.se forms possessing" light weiglit in proportion to surface exposed and close-fitting valves are best able to I'esist the soft marl and the overlying sediment. A. grandis and edentula. having light and close-fitting valves, are found accordingly on the outer edge of the sandy marl l)ank; the edentula, being better fitted to withstand the liottom conditions, is found out in the edge of the dark marl. U. glans and fabalis. owing to lightness and close-fitting valves, occupy about the same situation, the fabalis having much tlie lighter shell, tieing found out as far or farther than the edentula. They are also found insliore. where not sulijected to wave action. I', subrostratus. liaving medium weight valves, which are also close-fitting, is confined to the gravel and sand banks, weed patches and chara-covered beds. U. rubiginosis, having very heavy and rather loose- fitting valves, is confined to clear sand and gravel banks. The dark form of luteolus. liaving extremely heavy and rather loose-fitting valves, is confined to hard sand and gravel banks. The straw-colored form by its medium weight and tight-fitting valves is able to live on sand, gravel, in mud i)atches and on chara-covered bottoms. Owing to the fact that so few specimens of :\I. marginata were found we were unable to draw any conclusions as to its ecology. The muskrat is the principal enemy of the mussels; around his house many mussel sliells are found, but no live mussels. Shells of all the species in the Lake except tlie smaller ones are found, the Ano- donta shells being in much greater evidence than is proportionate to their total nunilier. They do not appear so on first examination, for they are Ijroken up by the animal and worn by the waves. The con- ditions on the sand l)anks beyond reach of wave action are very favor- 12— A. OF Science. '03. 178 able for Anodonta life, except for the preseuce of the muskrat. Ano- dontas are absolutely absent from water some distance from his home, where we found Unios rather abundantly. This points to the fact that the muskrat confines the Anodonta to the deeper waters at the edge of the sandy and gravelly banks. It seems to us that the foregoing facts give basis for the following conclusions: First, that the mussel zone lies mainly upon sandy and gravelly banks, and on the outer edge of the same; second, that wave action and the muskrat determine the limit of the distribution shoreward, and that tlie character of the bottom is the pi-mcipal factor determining the outer boundary of the zone. (JlXI.edcntula. + = U. lubiQiuoSus. JamesSirrvoKTow T J. Htadlee. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate I. 1— Unio f;il)nlis; 2 — I'nio ghms: 3— L'lilo siil)rostr;itiis; 4— Unio nil»i- giiiosiis; 5— Mar.iiiiritaiia luarginatii: G— L^nio luteolns; 7— Anotlouta grandis: S — AnotTonta edeiitnlu.s. Plate II. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are pairs of U. liiteolus, which exhibit gradations of form, -color and size from the light straw-colored forms to the almost black variety. a, 1), c, d, e, f. g. and h exhibit the gradations of color and niiuiungs ;found, from white to darli varieties, witliout regard to sex. ISO Conditions Effecting the Distribution of Birds in Indiana.* By Amos W. Butlek. GEXEKAL CONr)ITION8. The rt'jiiiliir iiniu];il nu)vemeuts of liirds. their migrations, are among- thi' most strilviug of the manifestations of Nature. With the revivifying breath of spring, the aV)sent birds return. Last fall, when the summer's work was done, they Avent to warmer climes. Now, they seek anew their breeding grounds. Some make their homes with tis; others go farther north to rear their young. The semi-annual ebb and flow of these tides of bird-life, the breeding range and the food supply are general factors that enter into the distribution of birds everywhere. Our ancestors noted them as signs of the seasons. They exist today, though we do not see them so readily because of our changed conditions. ZOOLOGICAL AREAS. Indiana is a meeting-ground of various birds. Into it range typical forms of different zoological regions. From the Avest, are prairie birds; slightly tinging the north, are northern forms; wliile the dominating- influence of the lower part of the State is southern. Indiana lies within the eastern (Atlantic) fatinal province. According to Mr. Allen, it is distinctively Carolinian (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoc'il. II, No. .'5. pp. 39;j-.395), yet the southwestern part is within the range of many birds char- acteristic of the Lotiisianian Fatina (Austroriparian Province of Prof. Cope, Bull. LT. S. Nat. Mus. No. 1. 187.5, pp. r. Merriam would include the bulk of the State in the L'pper Austral Zone, the Lower Austral Zone reaching into sotithwestern Indiana and the Transition Zone intiuencing the northern part (Bull. No. 1<» Biol. Surv. U. S. Dept. Agr. 1898). '•■'Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of Indiana University, No. 37. 181 DISPERSAL BY STORMS. Folldwiiij;- heavy sttiinis, of wide extent, at sea. it soinetiines happens that birds are blown or driven far inland. This, in part, accoinits for the unusual oceurrence, at times, of numliers of certain birds. One of the most notable instances of this was the wide dispersal of Briiunich's Mnrres (Uria iomviai by a north-Atlantic storm, in December, 1896. They Avere driven as far south as South Carolinji and over the eastern United States, at least to Indiana and Michigan. A number of specimens were taken in Indiana (Butler. The Auk, XIX. ISItT, April. I'.tT-i'OlM. CHANGES IX COXDITIOXS. The l)irds aliout us are not those that were familiar to our fathers. Many kinds that were common to them have disappeared. Others that they did not know have come to take their places. In the early days of our history, dense forests stretched unbroken, save by water courses, from the Ohio River northward almost to Lake Michigan. Through these, threaded the runways of wild animals and the trails of wild men. Within the gloom of these continuous woodlands dwelt birds peculiar to such surroundings. With the clearing of our land, there disappeared from that area many forest-inhaliiting- birds. The range of others became restricted to the remaining timber districts. Meadows and pastures re- placed the forests. Birds loving such surroundings, prairie forms, there made their homes. The beatitiful little Carolina Paroquet (Conurus carolinensis), which once ranged in countless numbers throughout the eastern United States, as far north as the Great Lakes, has not only disappeared from our limits, but also from almost every part of its range. From but a few almost inaccessible localities in the Southern States has it been recently reported, and it is now on the verge of extinction. It w%as last reported in Indiana from Knox County in 1859 (Hasbrouck. The Auk, YIII. Oct. 1891. pp, 369-379; Butler. Ibid. IX. Jan., 1892, pp. 49-56). The Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), the largest representative of its family, was found in the early part of this century in suitable localities in southern Indiana, notably in Franklin and Monroe counties and in the lower Wabash Valley. Their shy. retiring ways led them to leave when men appeared bearing the evidences of civilization. 182 They have almost entirely disappeared fiom earth. A few individuals linger among the almost inaccessible regions of the Southern States (Hasbrouck. The Auk, YIII. 1891, pp. 174-170)- The Pileated Woodpecker (Ceophloeus pileatus), known to the early ■settlers as Logcock and Black Woodcock, was familiar to the eyes and ■ears of the early colonists. They were averse to sharing their haunts -with the white man. Less and less their numbers grew. They disap- peared from one locality after another, until now but few are left in the more sparsely settled districts of the State (Butler. Birds of Ind., 1897, p. 838). The croak of the Raven (Corvus corax sinuatus) was a familiar sound to the early pioneers. They saw its numbers lessen from year to year, until their children, now, never see its form and do not know its voice. From one locality after another, the few remaining birds have disap- peared, until at this time it is probable that none are to be found within the State. Until within the last five or six years, they have been known to nest in ^Martin and Dubois counties. l)Ut I can learn of none having •done so since (Proc. Ind. Acad, of Sci., 1897, p. 202). The Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), our most noble game bird, lias been generally extirpated, although it is still reported from Knox, 'Gibson and other counties of the lower Wabash Valley. It, pi'obably, is also to be found, in rare instances, in some of the wilder regions, else- where, in soutluM'n Indiana. It formerly was numerous throughout the State. The Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) is known but to few. In 1812, Alexander Wilson reported these graceful, giant, swallow- shaped birds as abundant upon the prairies of Ohio and Indiana Terri- tories (Amer. Orn., VI, 1812. p. 70). For seventy years after that but one was reported from Indiana (Haymond. Proc. Phil. Acad. X. S., Nov., 1850. p. 287). Since then they have been seen at irregular intervals in the i-outhern two-thirds of the State. Wild Pigeons (Ectopistes migratorius) were formerly found in such countless numbers that no estimate could l)e made of their abundance. During the season of their flight, tlocks of enormous size successively passed, obscui'ing the sun and sometimes hiding the sky. At night, they gathered in roosts in favorite localities. These roosts were often of great extent. They alighted ui on the underbrush, crushing it to the ground, and so weighted the trees that liml)s of large size were broken oft' by the 183:: burden imt npon them. After the first third of the century, their num- bers began noticeably to diminis-h: but few large flights were seen in oui'- State after bSTd. Ten years later, they had almost disappeared. Now, they are nearly extinct. A few individuals are to be found in certain localities in the rougher portions of southern Indiana (Proc. I. A. S.^. 1899). In the extreme northern part of the State, prairies and swamps, lakes- and woodland alternate. The marshes and lowlands of northwestern In- diana form attractive spots to many swamp birds and waterfowl. Differ- ent kinds of ducks collect there and a number of species breed in the more retired places. Formerly, they were much more numerous. There, also, the Whooping (Grus americana) and Sandhill Cranes (Grus mexi- cana) bred in numbers. Snipe and Plover were found abundantly. Phalaopes and Black Terns (Hydrochelidon nigra suriuamensis) fre- quented the lakes and ponds. Gallinules, Coots and Grebes still rear- their young. Rails of four sp,ecies make their homes among the reeds. Marsh Wrens and both the American (Botaurus lentiginosus) and Least Bitterns (Ardetta exilis) frequent the sedges; while the stems of these plants are drawn together to form nesting places for the Red-winged (Agelaius phoeniceus) and Yellow-headed Blackbirds (Xanthocephalus- xanthocephalus), and their tops are woven into the globular nests of the two species of Marsh Wrens. The dryer marshes are the breeding grounds of such rare forms as Henslow's (Ammodramus henslowii) and Nelson's Sparrows (Ammodramus candacutus uelsoni). The swampy woodland is the home of other water-loving species. Among the tops of the tallest trees are still to be found the small remnants of large colonies of Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias) and Black-crowned Night Herons. (Nycticorax nycticorax ntevius). Here, too, we have recently learned that the beautiful White American Egrets (Ardea egretta) commonly made their homes, nesting In colonies or heronies. By this fact, its known breeding range is extended northward a distance about equal to the length of this State (Proc. I. A. S., 1897, pp. 198-201). Among the tree-tops, too, were to be found the nests of the Osprey (Pandion halia?tus carolinensis) and Bald Eagle (Halireetus leucocephalus). In the larger cavities in the tree trmiks, the Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa) still rear their broods, and the deserted Woodpecker holes in the old snags are occupied, by White-bellied Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and Prothonotary War- blers (Protonotaria citrea). 184 All this has greatly changed. 8oiiie of these cliaraeteristio forms liave almost disappeared, while the draining of the swamps and the re- claiming of the land have lessened the area favorable for the homes of others. Few. indeed, are the nuniiiers of most of these l)irds in this region compared Avith the innumeralile company that occnpied it a half century or more ago. Field Sparrows (Spizella pusilla). ^'cs]ler Sparrows (Poocivtes gram- ineusi, Dickcissels (Spiza americanal. Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammo- dramus savannarnm passerinns) and Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) are representatives of those that sought the tields with which man re- placed the native woods. Others, such as the Bobolink (I>olichonyx oxy- zivorus) and I*rairie Horned Lark (Otocoris alpestris praticola). also ex- tended their I'ange as favoralile localities were found. At the time of the settling of our State, the breeding-grounds of the Bobolink within our present limits were probably about the southern end of Lake Michigan, extending southward over the prairies of the Kankakee Basin and east- ward as fa I- as the site of Rochester. Possibly some bred in the smaller prairies in ihe northeastern part of the State. From these points they have gradually spread soullnvard. extending theii' lireeding range ij^a far south as the counties of Fnion. Decatui-. ^Lirion and Vigo. They are not numerous there: Imt under favorable conditions, a few may l»e found at nesting time, enlivening the scenes of rural life with their charming songs, as far sontli as has been indicated (Butler. Proc. 1. A. S.. IS'.Xi). The Prairie Horned Larks, too, from practically the same districts, have gradually l)een feund to nest farther south until they have been reported as breeding in Franklin, Decatur, .lohnson. Monroe and Kuox cotuities. Following tlieir extension southward, their numbers have gradually increased until now they are familiar birds in many places Avhere they Avere miknown a few years ago (Butler. Birds of Ind„ 1897. pp. 874-f;i. As tillable land is neglected and Itegins to grow up in bnslies and briers, other birds i)ress in to occupy such congenial haunts. The most notable of these, peihajis, are liachman's Sparrow fPeueiT'a aestivalis bachmanii), the Lark Sparrow (Clunidestes grammacus), the Cardinal or common Redbii-d (Cardinalis cai'dinalis) and the Yellow-lu'easted Chat (Icteria virens). All thest> have been observed to be extending their range, where conditions are favorat)le: luit the extension, perhaps, is the most striking in the case of tlie two sii.arrows tirst mentioned. 185- From the south other forms .-ire rnn.uin.ii- into our limits. The iU.nck Vulture (Catharist.-r atrata) was found by Audulion in southei'n Indiana. From 1834 to 1S79. it was not reported from the Ohio Valley. It was next noted in Indiana in 187'.» (Qu.ick. J. C. S. N. H. 1881. p. oil). It is now recognized as a resident in j-ome numbers in the lower Wal)ash and AVhitewater valleys, and is found in re.i;nlarly inereasing numl)ers In the southern third of the State. Kewielv's Wren (Thryothorus liewickii) is slowly spreading over the same district (Trans. Ind. Hort. Soc. ISO. p. !»!>). It soon becomes acquainted with man and takes up its abode about his huuie. In that region, it becomes the House Wren, re[>lacing the larger Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) which has. latterly, to a great extent, left the vicinity of man's structures and inhabits the thickets and the underl)rush of the more open woods. These are not to lie confused with the smaller Short-tailed \A'ren, the true House Wren (Troglodytes anion), that breeds in central and northern Indiana. Other birds, also, have changed theii- habits. The Purple Martin (Progne su'nis). P>arn Swallow (Chelidon erythrogaster) and Pho'be (Sayorni* phipbe) have generally sought after other breeding sites than the cliffs and bluffs where the white men first found their nests. The Chimney Swift (Cha^tura pelagicai now prefers an unused chimney to a hollow tree. We have become so accustomed to these sociable birds that it is. hard to realize that they have not always been dwellers with man about his home. Some of them, most notably the p]ave Swallow (Petrochelidon lunifrons) and the Purple Martin, have been the birds most persecuted by the European House Sparrow (Passei' doraesticus), generally called "English Sparrow." They have m.-ah" use of the nests of the former; have occupied the sites of the lattt r. The result is that comparatively few of either of these birds are left with us. INFLUENCE OF RIVERS. Tile rivers of Indiana penetrate the State from different direclions. and each has its influence, be it greater or less, upon the distributimi >>t' life. The most prominent streams are the Wabash and its triliutaries. and the Whitewater and Kankakee. Lake Midiigan touches oiu- limits; and its effect is likewise felt. The extension southward into the upland meadows, between the water courses, of the liirds of the oi)en prairies, and the 180 range of southern forms uii the vaHeys of our streams is as though the great spread tingers of two mighty liauds were interloclced. tlie one rep- resenting the extension of life soutliward and the other the projection of soutliern birds rorthward. The region of the Lower Waliasli. witli its bottoms, cypress swamps and ponds, was the liome of many southern birds whicli found there the northern limit of their range. Among these congenial surroundings were noted such southern forms as the White Ibis (Guara alba). Wood Ibis (Tantalus loculator), Yellow'-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax violaceus). Little Blue Heron (Ardea ctendea). Snowy Heron (Ardea candidiesima), American Egret (Ardea egretta) and Florida Cormorant (Phalacrocorax dilophus floridanus). Some of these there made their homes and reared their young. Other birds ranged farther up the stream and it, and other water-courses, are now known to Ite routes along which certain species move to breeding grounds farther nortli. The extreme effect of a river on the disirihution of a 1)ird is illustrated in the case of the Prothonotary Warl)ler. Prior to lS7.j. it was regarded as solely a bird of the Southern States, yet its actual range was then, without doubt, practically the same as we now know it. In that year Mr. E. W. Nelson observed it to be conuiion in the Lower Wabash Valley in Illinois (Bull. Essex Inst. Vol. IX, 1S7T. p. 34). In 1S7S. Mr. Will- iam Brewster found it abundant in Knox and Gibson counties, Indiana (Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, Vol. Ill, 187S. p. 155). The natural liaunts of these I)irds are the swampy woods and the thickets along water-courses or about ponds or lakes. As one suitable locality after another was dis- covered farther northward, it was found to be occupied by these birds. They were reported from Vigo, Clinton and Carroll counties and from just over the State line near Danville, Illinois. They extended up the Mississippi Uiver, sending off numljers of migrants up the different river courses. Some ascended the Kaskaskia and others the Illinois (Loucks Bull. 111. Lali. N. IL. Vol. IV, 1894). The Kankakee, a tributary of the latter stream, comes into northwest Indiana from the west and becomes quite a factor in its influence upon bird life. At Momence, Illinois, its course is blocked by an outcrop of stone. Above this, it is a sluggish stream, at times widening into lakes. Much of its course is bordered by woods. ;Marshes and sw'amps alternate with thickets and sloiighs along its valley. Amid such attractive surroundings, Prothonotary Warblers find summer (juarters and are characteristic birds. Tliey likely reach 187 this vnlloy by way of the Illinois River, though possibly some may come- from the Wabash Valley. The divide between the Kankakee Basin and the Lake Miehi.san Basin is but a slight barrier. Occasionally, these liirds are found near the Lake Shore in Lake and Laporte counties, and at places alons" the St. Joseph River and its tributaries, both in Michigan and Indiana (Cook. Birds of Mich. 1893. p. 110). In St. Joseph County, Michigan, and the counties of Elkhart, Lagrange, Steuben, and in the adjoining county of Dekalb, in this State, they have been found, at some places, breeding commonly. The Prothonotary Warbler has never been reported along the Ohio River above the mouth of the Wabash. The Sycamore Warbler (Dendroica dominica albilora) is another bird that prefers the vicinity of streams and in its migration follows their courses. It is found not only along the Wabash River, but also along the Ohio and Whitewater. It is common up the Wabash River to Carroll County and has been noted from Lafayette and Ft. Wayne. There is nothing to show that it is found in the Kankakee Valley or reaches the basin of Lake Michigan. It is common up the White River Valley, as far as Indianapolis, and up the Whitewater River to Brookville, ranging to Coniiersville and Richmond. By one of these routes, it pushes on to southeastern Michigan. There, is has been found in some numbers in the valley of the Raisin River, Monroe County, in Kalamazoo County, and has been reported as not uncommon near Detroit. The Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica rara) is not a bird living solely along the streams, but appears to prefer the wooded sides of the valleys. It extends its range up the Wabash River to Carroll, Tippecanoe and Wabash counties. It has been found at English Lake near Kouts in the Kankakee Valley. It ranges up the Whitewater River to its upper waters: is found about Muncie; is tolerably common in Dekalb County; and is one of the most common woodland birds in Monroe, Wayne and Ingham counties, Michigan. These localities are probably reached by way of the WhiteAvater or Miami river. It, like both the Warblers pre- viously referred to, breeds in suitable places throughout its range. Each of these three species frequ.ents different kinds of localities; the Pro- thonotary Warbler, as noted, prefers the wooded swamps; the Sycamore Warbler seeks the tall timber along the streams, preferably, as its name indicates, the sycamore trees; the Cerulean Warbler occupies the woods of the river valleys, but appears to prefer the wooded hillsides that 188 border them. Each is notably affected in distribntion by the Wi.ter- ■courses. EFFECT OF LAKE MICHIGAN. The effect of a large interior l)ody of water is well illustrated by Lake Michigan. There, on the open water, many kinds of water fowl, that would otherwise go south, remain through tlie winter. To it, come different forms of sea birds in spring, winter and fall. Among these are Jregers, the rarer Gulls and some Sea Ducks. It also attracts such cosmopolitan birds as the Knot (Tringa canutus). Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) and Sanderling (Calidris arenaria). The latter and the Semi-palmated Plover (.Egialitis semipahnatai are found iilong its shores in considerable nunilicrs in late summer. The Helted Piping Plover (.T^gialitis meloda rircunicincta). a Iiird suijjiosed to breed much farther northward, has licen found breeding along the l>el)bly lake beach. 1'lie effect of tlie lake upon the local climate has i)een observed by fanners. The result is noticeable in the fruiting of plants. Fringing tlie southern shores of Lake Michigan are sandhills or dunes of varying sizes, some reaching an altitude of more than loO feet. Upon and near these, grow northern pines and other characteristic vegetation. As would lie expected, birds that love homes among the pines are to be found. AVhile comparatively little study has been given to this region, it is known that the Pine Warliler (Dendroica vigorsiii breeds there (Hrayton. Proc. Ind. Hort. Soc. 1879. p. 108). Other northern forms have been reported, and it is likely careful investi- gation will show other interesting facts concerning this district. Wliere- ever pines grow, the American Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra minor) seem to be more or less regularly found. This is not only true among the sand- dunes near Lake [Michigan, but about Lafayette, Bloomington and Brook- ville. At each of the two first named places, they have been reported as breeding. While this would not Ite surprising the reports have not been verified. The pines in other restricted areas, notalily Pine Hills. Mont- gomery Connty, and the Knobs in southern Indiana, are interesting fields for the study of these points. The most notalile influence in the liird-life of our .State is the changes that havt> lieen wrought (lirougii maiTs influence. Tlie geiiei'al condi- 189 tions of misration. hreedinii' and food supply are those common to all regions. They operated in The days of the al)origines as they do this yeai", differing only in some of their manifestations. Tlie unusual conditions, such as storms, effecting the dispersal of birds, work now as hitherto. There are special conditions manifested in favorable surroundings, at- tractive l)ird-homes. and in topographical encouragement, leading them to extend tlieir range. These are strongly illustrated in this State. To him who carefully studies the birds of any locahty, these powerful in- fluences are apparent. They are emphasized by their details and their repetition. By grouping the residts of local oliservations. is tohl the storj- of the influences acting in the distribution of the birds of the State. 191 Discoid Pith in AVuody Plants. By F. W. Foxwortiiv. The occurrence of a discoid pith. i. e., one which is interrupted at frequent intervals by cross partitious variously knoTV'n as disks, dia- phragms, plates or lamellre, has been noted by numerous observers in certain of the woody plants. The first mention of it seems to have been by the Anatomist GreAV ul that this statenu'nt is incorrect. In the examination of the American and some of the Asiatic species, I have foxuid only two. .1/. \ irniniuiio and .1/. firlUhi. in which the fully developed disks (HH'uri'ed. In all the other species oxaniined. cells of the sort described as making up the disks occiu'red scattered singly or in small groups tbroughout the iiith. P.aillon. in his Natural History of riants. says of this: "In the rapidly developed shoots of some Magno- lias we have seen these septa reduced to a single cell, nearly central, on which all the surrounding cells of the ordinary parenchyma abut liy one end. bent, or drawn out in a quite iicculiar fashion." In I''ig. ■_', wliich is a longilndiujit sedidn (if a twig of I/, trijxtdhi. tJiesr scattered grouiis of cells are slmwn: and. Fig. ."! sliows tlie same kind of cells in a cross-sectii»n of a twig of tlie same species. In Asiiiiiiiii the disks seem to lie made uji of more i-egidar ;iiid thicker- walled cells tlian are found in Mdiinulid and /Jriuilciidrdii. In the slender woody twigs of Xiissii. vei-y strongly (h'velo]ieil disks were found, stronger in fact than in any other case examined. Finicfiiiii (if jiitli (if this lijpv: — Xii satisfactory explanation of the function of tliis type of jiitli has been offered. From superlicial examination, the suggestion th.at its func- tion was on(> of mechanical sui)port would seem reasonable; but. the fact tliai the most strongly develoiied diaphragms were found in the strong: and slender twigs of Xi/ssa, while the thick MmiuoVrt twigs with their relatively large pith showed the weakest development of tiiis tyjie. seems to indicate that the suggestion of mechanical support is not ;i sutlh-ient explanation of their function. The second type of ])ith has often been mentioned and figured in species of -lufiUnix. I have also studied it in I'tcro-urnn. Ccltis. Mohro- (IcjidroH {lldlcsim. I'drsythid riridissinid. JdsiiiiiiKin si)cci(s. J'diihnniid. and 193 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fitf. ;i 13— A. OF SflENCK, '03. Fiff. 4 194 Actinidia. Besides these, Solereder found it in Wormia {Dilleniacew). Diplotaxis {Crucifer(e)-Fomiera {Tamarisc), Princepia Chmomanacem), Aucuba (CornacecB, only in herbarium material), PeclaWnn [Pcdaliacew), DaphnyplniUum {Daphfiupliyllacea'): AYilliamson also found it in the fossil plants known as Sternhergm and mentions it as occurring in certain liv- ing species of Pinns. In some genera, as e. g. Fors,itl,ia and Jasmiuum. it occurs in some species but not in others. The cells making up the partitions are thin-walled, empty and often shrunken and the space between the partitions is irregular in outline and extent. Fig. 4, from a twig of Juglans cinerea, shows this type. Function and manner of formation :— Morren and Williamson both considered that the pith served as a mamilla for the bud and, as the nourishment is exhausted from the pith it separates into disks-beginning first in the immediate vicinity of the bud. The cells in the center of the pith become shrunken and the pith separates into layers. This takes place quite early in the growing season. Morren gives good figures of this process in Juglans re- mercially the Knobstone is of little value on account of its friable con- dition, but the arenaceous shales may be of value in the making of In-ick and cement. The Harrodsburg limestone lies on the Knobstone and below the Salem (Bedford) limestone. In the main, it forms a belt from three to five miles in width along the eastern outcrop of the Salem limestone or oolite, and is bordered on the east by the broken hills of the Knobstone. This lime- stone once covered the entire region east of the oolitic contact, as is attested by its patchy remains in various parts of the county. The triangle between Bean Blossom Creek and White River from Mt. Tabor east to within one mile of Canada Gap is capped with it. A large, irregular, much lobed area of it occurs as the surface rock in the vicinity of the Farr 215 schoolbouse east of Iliiidoslnn, and another just west of Hubbard's Gap. East of the raih-oad, about two miles southeast of Gosport, a small area of this formation is half submerged in glacial sand. Another small triangular area, with strata dipping to the east, lies on the east side of a ridge a mile south of the Beau Blossom Church. Besides the patches mentioned, there are several other small ones of this formation in the area. In addition to these, main lobes extend to the east from the limestone belt for several miles. One of these lobes extends in a linear strip to Union- ville. From there it turns back toward the northwest for three miles. This strip is the watershed of the region through which it extends. On the limestone lobes are located most of the roads in the Knobstone region. The Harrodsburg limestone as exposed on Ellet's hill is G5 feet thick. Its lower portions are limestones containing a great number of geodes, oi "mutton heads," which range in size from a pea to a bowlder two feet in diameter. Above the geode laj^ers the stone contains pyrite, is somewhat crystalline, and is tinted with blue, gray, or green. This limestone is thin-bedded. The bedding planes separating the sti'ata are, in many instances, lenticular, intercalated masses of chert. The strata were found to be more massive toward the top of the formation. Also as the top of the formation is approached the limestone gives up its molluscan fauna and takes on a Byrozoan fauna. "The contact of the Harrodsburg and oolitic limestones is almost always marked by a 'crowfoot' (stylolite), with which are associated masses of silicified oolitic fossils and black siliceons masses."* To the present time the Harrodsburg limestone has proved of com mercial value only for macadamizing purposes. The Salem limestone lies above the Harrodsburg limestone and beneath the Mitchell limestone. It forms a belt about three miles in width. It begins near Gosport and extends beyond Bloomington, embracing the quarry districts of Big Creek, Stinesville, EUetsville and Bloomington. Beside the belt strip there are several detached areas. One caps Ellet's hill, near Lemon Post Office. This latter patch covers an area of about ten acres. The oolite of this patch is of average thickness and is of fair quality. It is massive, free from lamination and bedding planes. ■^Siebenthal, loc. cit. p. 298. 216 Analyses of Salem liiiiestoiie: Sample 1 from Adams quarry-- Fcei. Residue insoluble in acid 41 Lime (CaO) 52.7(; Magnesia (MgO) 1.04 Carbon dioxide (C0„) 43.80 Alumina and ferric oxide (ALO;,, Fe^Oj) 1.57 SO; OC Total 99.67 Sample 2. .Tohnson quarry. liloomingtou— Feet. Residue insoluble in acid 77 Lime (CaO) -. r>4.(j7 Magnesia (MgO) (50 Carljon dioxide (COj 4:5.04 Alumina and ferric oxide (Al.O^,. Fe.O:,) 42 Phosphorus peroxide (P.On,) 19 SO, 19 Total 99.88 For exhaustive treatment of the Salem (Bedford) limestone the reader Is referred to Siebenthal's article already mentioned. THE GLACLIL DEPOSITS. The glacial deposits, so far as the writer's observations extend are: Glacial till, outwash and eolian deposits, ))ench or terrace deposits and delta deposits. GLACIAL TILL. The drift deposit was first ol)served on .Tack's Defeat Creek in the neighborhood of the old Dutch church. From there it continues in a north- easterly direction, crossing Beau Blossom Creek near the mouth of Cam- den Branch. According to Siebenthal's description* it then bends south of Lost Ridge, near the mouth of Indian Creek, and follows the course ■^21stQeol.Rep Iml. \>.?m. 217 of tilt' latter creek to Canada Gaj), coiitiiiuin.i;' in the same direction and, passin.ii' a half mile south of Godsey Post Office, it crosses into ^lorgau County three-quarters of a mile east of Godsey. Swinsiing southeastward- it re-enters Mouroe County where Hacker's Creek leaves it. extending up that creek to the neighborhood of Hacker's schoolhouse. From here eastward the drift limit becomes harder to trace. The ice-sheet must have been very thin, since the topography shoAvs little, if any, modifica- tion. Scattered erratics are found all over the ridge dividing the waters of Roberts' Creek from the headwaters of Honey and Hacker's creeks. It seems probable that the foot of the ice-sheet rested on this hill, and that the drift found in the head waters of Honey Creek was carried there by the water resulting from the melting of the glacier. Many large granite bowlders from one to three feet in diameter are found along the small stream leading north from Hubbard's Gap. in See. 11 (10 N., 1 E.), and along the other tributaries of Roberts' Creek. In section two of the same township heavy deposits of sand, gravel and till lie against the hillsides. In the neighborhood of Godsey Post Office the same phenomena may be seen. Heavy beds of gravel and till lie against the hillsides bordering their slopes on the south. In Canada Gap, section 9 (10 N., 1 W.), the evidences of ice occupation are plain though the quantity of drift material is very limited. The territory between Indian Creek and Bean P>lossom Creek and White River displays evidence of ice occupation in many places in modified topography and deposits of till, sand and gravel. Till, sand and gravel ot-cnr in the valleys leading south from Hubbard's Gap in the vicinity of Fleener Post Office, and patches of these same materials are occasionally met with south of the divide east of that gap. On the whole the drift is thick in the valleys and thin on the hills. This light drift on the hills indicates that the ice-sheet which crossed them was comparatively thin. OUT-WASH AND EOLIAN DEPOSITS. North of Mount Tabor and between there and Gosport. as well as the south slope of the hills between Mount Tabor and Ellet's hill are covered with a heavy deposit of sand. A sand apparently identical with the above caps several hills and fills several preglacial ravines on the south side of Bean Brossom Creek near Andrew Stine's residence about two 218 miles east of Stinesville. The saud near Andrew Stine's residence was evidently deposited in water. That it was of glacial origin is attested by the fact that it is banded with erratic gravel. The sand here is cross- bedded, stratified and, in several instances, finely laminated. The lamina- tion and stratification, however, are not constant. Towards the top of this sand the stratification ceases. This top seems to have been of eolian origin. This sand was deposited as an ont-Avash in front of the advancing glacier after it had filled the channel of Beau Blossom. That it was deposited in front of the advancing ice-sheet is clearly shown by evidence that after its deposition the glacier passed over it, crushing it under its weight until now the sand is almost as compact as the Knobstone forma- tion beneath it. Still further evidence that the sand was deposited just in front of the ice-sheet is the fact that the Bean Blossom was filled at that point with ice. Had it been filled with sand instead of ice to the level of the present deposits some remnants of the sand would still remain on the south side of the inner valley of Bean Blossom Creek, which is not the case. The sand in Ihe vicinity of Mt. Tabor and Gosport is very fine and flour-like. It usually forms a loose or slightly compact, massive bed twenty or more feet in thickness. Occasionally it shows indications of stratification, but at no place is the stratification constant. In speak- ing of this sand Mr. Siebenthal says that it seems to have been depositeutaries. (4) The benches rise toward the east with the rise of the shales. In preglacial time Bean Blossom Creek, as we shall see later, cut its channel to base level. At that time all its tributaries likewise cut to grade. Both the creek and its tributaries began to meander and to etch back 221 their valley sides. The thin Harroclsburg limestone being removed as well as the upper Knobstone. the shaly slopes, weathering flat, became, with the modifications mentioned above, the terraces of today. This subject will be further investigated in the near future. At that time it is hoped that the origin of the terraces can be more definitely determined. After the ponding of Bean Blossom Creek the tributaries silted up their channels which became miniature estuaries. They then began to form deltas in the lake and in the slack water regions. The western tributaries, for example. Buck Creek, built their deltas in a direct line toward the center of the lake. This demonstrates that the water in which the delta was built was free from strong currents. The deltas of the eastern tributaries swing westward, often forming an east and west bar, now a ridge, thus indicating that these tributaries entered a swollen, westerly-moving stream. The eastern deltas also attest that Bean Blos- som Creek was not then ponded but was a slowly moving stream reach- ing from bluff to bluff. When the estuaries were all filled and the deltas had reached the level of the benches the tributaries spread their del)ris over the benches as well, so that today it is hard to tell, so far as topographical appearance goes, where the terraces leave off and the deltas begin. Two of the most conspicuous deltas are those of Buck and Wolf creeks. In writing about these Prof. Marsters says:* "Besides the portion of each creek, wriggling across the valley bottom, there are ratheu long and narrow strips or delta-like accumulations simi- lar in content to tlie benches already described, and extending from the valley slope to Avithin a few yards of the Bean Blossom channel which hugs the south slope of its valley. The surface does not attain the char- acteristic flatness of the rimming benches, but is slightly irregular in relief and increasingly so towards the slope to which it is attached. This is especially true for the Buck Creek case, but not for the AVolf Creek. The increasing irregularity may be in part due to the nearly complete burial of a projecting spur, whose top is barely coated over with the delta deposits now spread almost across the entire width of Bean Blos- som; but it must be said that no outcrops of limestone or sandstone, such as make the slopes of the valley, have been discovered within its limits. On the other hand, the irregularity of relief may have I teen produced by 'Loc. cit. p. 235. 222 the piling np of the great load of silt within Bean Blossom by the trilju- tary, but did not succeed in building it up to the lake level; in other Avords, it is an incomplete delta, or bar. The Wolf Creek case differs from the former only in having a moder- ately flat top, or at least the higher flats on it attain about the same level, thus suggested that it was built iip nearer to water level, and hence more even and uniform in relief. These differ from the rim.ming benches only in that they extend across the valley floor, while the former, being made by smaller streams close to each other, have built a series of small benches or deltas which have become confluent, and hence continuous along the valley side." The delta material is derived from the disintegrated rocks of the adja- cent uplands or is of glacial origin or is of both glacial and residual debris according to the source of the tributary and the proximity of the foot of the ice-sheet. The ice-sheet entered both Canada and Hubbard's gaps and at several places between these two gaps its foot rested on top of the Bean Blossom Creek— White River divide. Consequently glacial mate- rial is to be found in the deltas of Indian and Honey creeks leading south from these respective gaps. Below are sections from some of the most conspicuous deltas of the area: Sections taken on the Buck Creek delta: Section 1.— Well on Dolan road one mile north of Dolan. Feet. 1. Yellow clay 18 Section 2.— Well on Dolan road, one-half mile north of Dolan. Feet. 1. Black soil 1 2. White sand 6 3. Yellow clay 15 Section 3.— On A. Oliver's place on the Dolan road one mile north of Dolan. A well was once dug here through yellow clay for 47 feet. Section 4.— Solomon Laughlin's well about a mile south of Dolan. Feet. 1. Clay and sand 36 2. Solid rock ? 223 Section 5.— On t]ie road on the half section line between sections 34 and 35, Washington township, one and three-fonrths miles north of Dolan. Feet. 1. Yellow clay brealving down to yellow earlh 5 2. Whitish-yellow clay ] 3. Yellow clay 3 4. Whitish, laminated clay becoming very hard on exposure. . 5 5. Yellow jointed clay 5 6. YelloAV to brown jointed clay 5 7. Shale If No glacial material of any sort was found in this delta. INDIAN CREEK DELTA. Section 1.— Well at Lemon Post Office. The section here was composed entirely of loose material. The l)ot- tom of the well was in loose erratic gravel at a depth of 20 feet. Section 2.— Marion Coater's well, forty rods east of Lemon Post Office. Feet. Inches. 1. Black earth 2 0 2. Yellow clay 8 0 3. Yellow coarse sand 0 8 4. Gumbo clay 14 0 5. Fine quicksand 3+ The Indian Creek delta is composed more or less of glacial material, as is shown by the sections. This, of course, was anticipated as the stream heads in Canada Gap. Sections taken in the vicinity of the Honey Creek delta. Section 1.— Well north of the road one-eighth of a mile east of Pleasant Valley Church. Feet. 1. Clay 5 2. Erratic gravel 7 Section 2. — Another section near the preceding one. Feet. 1. Gravel 18 • Bowlder stratum 4 Like the Indian Creek delta this delta contains glacial material. The glacial material came through Hubbard's Gap. 224 A section tnkon on a delta at the mill south of Dolan gave the fol- lowing: 1. Bedded, jointed yellow clay banded with red. burns red... 20 2. Bedded, laminated, jointed bine clay, hard Avhen dry, soft . when wet 5 .S. Very soft, massive, bhic clay, burning' white 20 POST GLACIAL DEPOSITS. Under this head will lie considered the alluvium and Iho alluvial fan deposits. ALLrVlX'M. At the close of glacial times Bean Blossom ("i-eelc and its tribu- taries recut their channels to an unknown depth. Then a process of meandering and slight aggrading set in. which has continued to the pres- ent time. As a result the creek and its tributaries have developed large alluvial ]»lains. The alluvial ])lain of Bean Blossom will average a mile in width throughout INIonroe County, while many of its branches have bottoms a (piarter to a half mile wide in their lower courses. The depth of the alluvial deposits was not ascertained, but in lower Bean Blossom Valley they are probably quite thick. The best farms of the region are located on these plains. ALi.rviAT, Fans. A number of small V-shaped valleys with very steep channels were found traversing the steepest, southern sloi)es of Bean Blossom Valley. These on reaching the valley-floor spread out their debris in the form of alluvial fans, their channels disappearing altogether where the fan interc(>pts the valley floor. The fans pi-ojeet but a few yards beyond the mouths of the valleys. These are evidently fans as they do not possess the flat tops and steep outer margins of the deltas. That they are post- glacial is evident from the fact that some of the little valleys have cut their channels through glacial debris. The one just east of Andrew Stine's house will serve as an examjile. In addition to this the fans are built on the alluvial floor of the creek which has been made since glacial times. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Springs. The springs of the area are to be found mostly in the limestone regions. They owe their origin to underground drainage. None are min- eral springs so far as the Avriter Icnows. They furnish the water supply for the city of Bloomington and supply the water for domestic usq throughout the region where they are found. Abaxdoxed Swamps. About three-quarters of a mile north of the Lemon schoolhouse, on the top of tlie north bench of Ellet's hill, is a deposit of iron ore gravel. This limonite is scattered over a large area and is evidence of the exist- ence of a large swamp which has now dwindled down to a pond. This swamp probably dates back to glacial times. It was most likely formed between the foot of the ice-sheet and the ridge that terminates Ellet's hill at the south. Salt Licks. Several salt licks are to be found in Indian Creek and Bean Blossom valleys. They seem to be evidence of saline shales beneath the valley floors. Boulders xot Glacial in Origin. In a ravine just north of Ellet's hill, about a mile northwest of Lemon Post Office, are several large boAvlders some of which will weigh several tons. These bowlders are not glacial in origin because they are neither scratched nor worn, but are large concretions weathered from the adjacent sandstones of the ravine. That this conclusion is correct is attested by the fact that a half-weatheredout concretion of large size is in situ project- ing from the sandstone wall of the ravine near by. The concretions are largely composed of silica and are very hard.* Lost Ridges. Standing in line with a point between AVhite River on the left and Bean Blossom Creek on the right in section 5, Bean Blossom Township, is a subcircular knob called Indian or Pasture Mound. This mound lieing •In the vicinity of these bowlders were several granite bowlders of glaeial origin. 15— A. OK SCIEXCE, '03. 226 in liiu' with the iiKuiiul to the iiortli and being composed of the same kind of material suggests that the t^^•o were once continuous and iire yet con- tinuous beneath the valley floor. South of Bean Blossom Creek, opposite the railroad cut in section 9 of the same tOAvnship, there is another ridge standing in line with the projecting "mainland" east of Jack's Defeat Creek. It is almost a third of a mile in length. al)out 400 yards wide and some 80 feet above the valley floor. It seems to have been a ridge between Jack's Defeat and Bean Blossom creeks before the aggrading of the valley floor caused the former creek to change its channel to the east through a former wind gap in the ridge. This left the ridge isolated. North of the Bean Blossom, in section 24 of this same township, there is another conspicuous ridge known as "Lost Ridge.'' It is in line with the "main land" to the north, from which it is separated by only alwut a hundred yards of flat floor, through which a small stream runs from the Bean Blossom Valley to join Indian Creek. In this case, as in the previous one, the trend of the slope and the trend of the adjacent valley slope, together with the fact that the comi)osition of the rocks is identical, suggest attachment beneath the present valley floor. There are several other similar islands in the Bean Blossom Valley. These bits of relief are "islands" surrounded by alluvial material. They strongly attest that the I'>ean Blossom Valley has been aggraded very considerably. Half Submerged Points and Peninsulas. Several tied-on. peninsula-like ridges, known as knobs and points, pro- ject from llie valley walls into the valley of Bean Blossom Creek, Avith the connecting neck almost submerged beneath the alluvium of the valley. They also attest to the aggrading of the valley. Abandoned Valleys. In the glacial region on the south side of Bean Blossom Creek several of the shiirt valleys that were flU.ed with glacial debris still remain tilled. The glacial tilling of tlie other valleys have l)een removed wholly nr in l)art. Those which remain filled have had no springs at their heads since glacial times. Since much of the drainage of that part of the county is underground drainage the little valleys have remained filled. 227 YouxG Valleys. The steep-graded. Y-shaped valleys of the south side of the Bean Blos- som Valley have already been described in this article and shown to be postglacial. In writing of these valleys Prof. Maisters says:* "Traversing the steepest slopes of Bean Blossom are to bo found numerous V-shaped valleys, with remarkably steep channels, ending their lower course at the point of intersection of the valley floor with the adja- cent slope. In all cases small alluvial fans are built on the vlllev floor with their apex projecting but a few feet or yards at most beyond the mouths of the young valleys. In none of the observed cases was it found that the level of the valley floor would extend into the mouth of the young valley. It is therefore believed that the greater part of the cutting of these young valleys may date sul)sequent to the preglacial filling. The fact that alluvial fans and not deltas with steep outer edges and flat tops occur at their mouths, suggest that they have been constructed since the. hiking of the valley, and hence are regarded postglacial." Reversed Drainage Due to Aggrading. In section 24, Bean Blossom Township, the little stream which flows through the little gap between the "mainland" and Lost Ridge normally should flow direct to Bean Blossom Creek instead of into Indian Creek. Its head waters are in Bean Blossom Valley proper, not in Indian Creek Valley. The reversal of drainage is due to the aggrading of Bean Blos- som Crook, so that the fall is greater througli the gap. Change of Channel Due to Aggrading. Jack's Defeat Creek, running northeast from Stinesville. from all appearances normally ran just east of the Monon Railroad track be- tween the "mainland" and the lost ridge, previously described, to join the master stream. With the aggrading of Bean Blossom Creek this little creek likewise aggraded itself until, having dammed its lower course with debris, it turned east and joined Bean Blossom farther up stream. Abandoned Channels. There are two aliandoned channels of considerable size in the region The one. that of Jack's Defeat Creek, between the "main land" ancl^ the *Loc. cit. p. 236. 228 lost ridge just east of the railroad, has already been mentioned. The other channel extends I'roni the top of the divide .Inst north of the Abel schoolhonse Avest to the limestone ridge that is half suTimerged beneath the sand just east of the railroad track in section 5. Bean Blossom Town- ship. It is aboiit a mile in width and extends from the Bean Blossom Valley north to the White River Valley. The bed of this channel, which is now tilled with glacial sand, is at least twenty-five I'eet below the present surface, as is attested by the sections taken in the wells of the region. The origin of this channel is still undetermined. The data at hand seem to suggest that after the retreat of the ice-sheet from the immediate vicinity, an ice-gorge dammed AVhite River and compelled it to cut a new channel. After the lireaking of the ice dam the river, as the new channel was not as deep as the old. abandoned the new and resumed the old channel. As it was being abandoned the new channel became a slack water region in which was deposited the sand which now fills it. Wind Gaps. There are many wind gaps in the area. They are the result of the degrading action of small streams on opposite sides of a divide. The streams have etched luick their respective channels until they have cut through tlu> divide, thus forming a wind gap. Conspicuous among these are Canada and Hnlil>ard's gaps. These two ga]is are both on the divide betAveeu "White River and l'.e;in I'.hissom Cri'ck. They were both in existence in glacial times as they have glacial material deposited in them. In each i-ested the foot of the ice-sheet, and through each was carried south into the Bean Blossom Valley large (luautities of glacial debris as has been shown in the discussion of the deltas of Indian and Honey creeks; the latter creek heading in Hubbard's Gap and the former in Canada Gap. These gaps are in interest noAV as they furnish prospective routes for steam and electric railways. Bean Blossom Creek. Bean Blossom Creek entei's Monroe County from the east a little south of the northeast corner of the county and flows a little south of Avest to the uorthAA'est corner of Bloomington Township.* Here it changes its direction to a northAA^est course. It continues in this direction until it "The change in the course of this creek is duo to its sheering off to the norlhwefton coming in contact with the harder Harrodsburg and Salem bmestoncs. Its lower course follows the trend of these out-crops. 229 enters White River a mile below Gosport. Throughout the county it has a wide, flat-floored picturesque inner valley, averaging a mile in width, the sides of which range from 100 to 200 feet in height. In this valley the present diminutive creek persists In keeping to the southwest side. The slopes of the valley usually range somewhere between 25° and 40°; the steeper slopes being usually on the south side, the south slopes of Ellet's hill and Mt. Tabor north of the creek being the only examples to the contrary. Rimming the valley slopes are a number ; / benches of variable widths, as has been previously noted, while projecting above the alluvium of the valley are hummocks and ridges, "islands"' whose content is precisely the same as the coiuitry rock on either side of the valley. Beside these, tongues, promontories and tied-on ridges project into the valley. This stream has had a varied history as has l)een already roughly out- lined. It will l)e discussed under three heads, Preglacial. Glacial, and Postglacial history. Preglacial History of BEA^' Blossom Creek, At the close of the Mississippian period, or later in preglacial time, Bean Blossom Creek incised its channel to a depth much below its present level. That the incision was made in preglacial time is indicated by the following facts: (1) The old valley is now half filled with debris some of which is glacial in origin. (2) Its tributaries to the north as well as the wind gaps due to preglacial drainage likewise have glacial debris in them. (3) The glacier which crossed the northwestern part of Monroe County passed over and filled the creek, as is evidenced by the sand and glacial drift left in its valley. Tliat the channel was deeper in preglacial time than now is demonstrated by the following evidence: The creek now meanders on a flat floor a mile in width. The floor, which is com- posed of alluvium for the most part, is still being aggraded. (2) AYells dug in the valley floor north of the channel, show that the loose material has great thickness. Mr. James Hughes' well, at his home on the road one mile east of ]Mt. Tabor nearly in the center of the southeast quarter of section 10, is 65 feet deep, yet it does not penetrate the entire thickness of the valley filling at that place. (3) Many of the meander-cut slopes have been largely buried beneath the valley filling. (4) Many of the tributary valleys, such as Jack's Defeat Creek, are aggraded for some distance up stream. 230 After incising the valley and widening it by meander cutting, Bean Blossom Creek began to aggrade its channel and at the close of the pre- glacial time had filled it nearly to the level it is today. The evidence in favor of such a conclusion is as follows: (1) At all points where the creek was protected from the invasion of glacial debris by promontories, such as Mt. Tabor and Ellet's hill, it still flows on the north side of its valley. At all other places it was driven to the south side by glacial debris, (2) The greater part of the clay and silt occupying the valley floor Is of precisely the same kind as that covering the unglaciated highlands and valley slopes. It is evident that this filling simply represents the wash and soil-creep from the slopes and uplands on either side of the valley. (3) At the mouth of the creek Avhere the glacier crossed tlie country only a patchy film of sand associated with bowlders composed partly of crys- talline rocks cover the underlying clays, silts, etc. This conclusion agrees with the folloAving statement of Prof. ^larsters concerning the preglacial filling of the valley: "Inasmuch as the greater part of the claj' and silt occupying the valley floor is precisely the same in kind as that covering the unglaciated uplands and valley slopes, it is evident that this filling simply represents the wash and soil-creep from the slopes and uplands on either side. Moreover, the rate of filling was so far in excess of the ability of the stream to carry off its load that the preglacial valley became clogged with the waste to such a degree that the stream now occupying the valley floor is for much of its course (luite unalile to spread its meanders over the entire width; only at the narrowest sections does Bean Blossom succeed in occupying the entire valley from slope to slope. "Inasmuch as the filling of Bean Blossom at its mouth and for some little distance up stream is covered over by a patchy film of glacial sand associated with bowlders, composed partly of crystalline rocks, the under- lying clays, silts, etc., antedate the glacial coating. INIoreover, the occur- rence of benches (to be associated with the glacial history) resting upon the valley filling also point to the same conclusion, that the present filling of the valley, less the benches and the. glacial sands, etc.. near the mouth of the valley, is preglacial." The valley fillings, less the glacial sand, are, therefore, nupstiy jirc- glaeial. 2)51 Glacial History oi^- Bean Blossom Creek. As has been previously stated Bean Blossom Creek was laked bs' the ice-sheet which crossed its lower course. At the time of its lakins? there were deposited in its valley the deltas together Avith the loose materials that now cover the benches on either side.* Post-Glacial History of Bean Blossosi Creek. Since glacial time Beau Blossom has. been a diminutive, meandering creek in a broad, fiat-floored valley, and throughout all postglacial time it has persisted in keeping to the south or Avest side of its valley. Evidently it does not fit its present valley. This fact suggests that the creek has not been able, on account of its diminutive size and the lack of time, to do much constructive work since the ice retreated. It is now at grade for ten miles above its mouth and must be actually aggrading its channel. We quote Prof. Marsters for a more detailed description of this topic.** "Since the close of the laking stage Bean Blossom River has developed a meandering course on its broad fioor. Onlv in the narrowest sections ■ r of the valley has it succeeded in spreading its meander belt across the entire floor. For the most part it keeps to the west or south side of the valley, and yet still assumes a meandering liabit for considerable stretches. In other Avords, the stream does not flt the present dimensions of the broad A'alley, Avhieh, accordingly, must have been brought about by other conditions than that resulting from lateral cutting, by a mature stream. Cross sections of the valley at its broadest places reveal a slight curvature of surface in the center and occasional abandoned meandering channels. This slight variation from a plain surface suggests flood plain construction. AVhether this constructive work antedates the glacial episode of Bean Blossom is not certain, but it would seem from the data, at hand, that the jiresent postglacial Bean Blossom has not liad tinu' or the ability to do much constructiA^e AA^ork since pleistocene time." Tavo more tilings of interest in connection with Bean Blossom Creek remain to be explained. They are: (1) Tlie reason for the channel of the' creek keeping to its south bank, and (2) the reason why the slopes on the south side of tlie valley are steeper than those on the north. ''See Marster.«, loe. cit. for further discussion of this subject. •'■"'■'Loc. eit. p. 236. 232 The explanation of the former seems to be that the branches from the north carried in much more material than those from the south. The tributaries from the north are more numerous and larger than those from the south and carried into the valley great quantities of glacial material from the foot of the ice-sheet or material from the .slopes near its foot. This caused a greater accumulation of sediment on the north side of the valley, and the deltas thus formed drove the stream to the south side of the valley. The deltas of Buck and Wolf creeks, for example, extend nearly across the valley to the south side. AVhere Mt. Tabor, or Ellet's Hill, protected the valley from glacial or upland sediments from the north, the channel tinds its way to the north bluff. To sum up, it seems from the foregoing statements that tlie creek keeps to its south Iduff because of accumulated material fi'om its tributaries in the north side of the valley. The answer to the other (luestion. Why are tlie valle.\ slopes steeper south of Bean Blossom than north of it? seems to be as follows: It was observed that the variation in the slope had a direct relation to the minute- ness of dissection, or the spacing of the streams crossing it, and that the closer the streams are to each other, the more subdued the slope. As a greater number of streams cross the valley slope on the north side of the valley Ave tind the more subdued slopes on that side. In addition to this the stream occupying the south side of the valley has confined its side-cutting to that side whicli has tended to keep these bluffs steeper. Mineral Rksources. The priiiciiial mineral resources are rock, sands and clays. The rocks having been mentioned as to use and value, the sands and clays remain to be discussed. Sand. Tlie sand of the area is in the vicinity of Mt. Tabor, and between that point and Gosport. This sand is very fine and flour-like and, consequently, it is not a plastering sand. However, it is a good quality of moulding sand and may be used for paving purposes. For these purposes it has been satisfactorily tried, several car loads being used. There is, besides detached patches, a continuous sand area covering several square miles to a depth of 20 to 40 feet. 233 Clays. Tbe residual clay derived from the breaking down of the Harrods- burg limestone is very stiff and of a deep red color. The clay resulting from the decomposition of the Knobstone shales is usually blue except on weathered surfaces, where it is light yellow. All the other clays of the region, those of the deltas being good examples, are yellow. The blue clay is derived from the blue stone and shale of the Knob- stone. Only three patches of this clay were noticed, one north of Bean Blossom Creek near the Brown County line, one just across Honey Creek on the road east of Fleener, the other in the delta (bench) south of Muddy Plat Creek, about a half mile south of Dolan. There are probably several other patches of this clay in the area, but as my investigations did not have reference to clays, no particular search was made for them. The clay of the first two patches mentioned is residual, while that of the last is probably stream wash and about 25 feet deep. On being burned in a kiln it burns white. The foreman of the tile mill at Dolan states that it is a good potter's clay. In burning tile the blue clay is mixed with equal parts of the yellow clay. This mixture produces a tile of fair quality. Both the delta and bench formations in the Bean Blossom Valley are yellow above and sometimes down to a depth of 20 feet. This clay is the same in appearance as the yellow clay at Dolan that is made into tile. It is the opinion of the writer that a large tile and brick industry could be built up in this valley. Indiana University, December 31, 1903. Geolooy of the Fort Apache Region, Arizona. By Albert B. Reagan. (By title.) 235 What is the Age of the Aubrey LtxMkstone of the Uocky Mountains? By Albert B. Rea(4an. The Carboniferous rocks of the Rocky Mountains are divided litlio- logically and palaeontologically into two distinct groups: Tlie Red Wall and the Aubrey groups. The Red Wall is divided on palaeontologlcal grounds into the tpper and Lower Red Wall, and the Aubrey on strati- graphical and lithological grounds into the Upper and Lower Aubrey. The Upper Aubrey is usually called the Aubrey Sandstone, the Lower Aulirey the Aubrey Limestone. In this paper it is the Avriter's purpose to establish the age of the last named group. This group of rocks rests conformably upon the Upper Red Wall and shows conclusively by its position that it is Palaeozoic. Then as the Upper Red Wall is Coal Measures in age (see paper on "The Fossils of the Upper Red Wall Compared Avith those of the Kansas Coal Measures"), the Aubrey Limestone must be either LTpper Carboniferous or Permian. Its position immediately above the Red Wall suggests the former; that is, that it is Upper Carboniferous. This conclusion is attested by the fossils identified from the group. They are: Sciii'uiiila argentia, Productiis jmiv-t'itds, Prod net u.'i semi-recticulatus , Product ux costutitx (f), a Productus closely allied fo if not, P. porflockienus, Spirifcr ramendnx, Bellerophon, Spirifer liii- ecdiiK, Eii< (Gilbert), Melrlla striata-costata, etc These fossils were all obtained in the first 100 feet of the Aubrey Limestone. They are all Upper Carboniferous, not Permeo-Carboniferous, in age, and therefore establish the age of the rocl^s in which they are found to be Upper Carboniferous beyond a doubt. Note.— A few shells {Pleurophoriis, Scliizodus, and BalceveUa) found by :Mr. Gilbert (IT. S. Geographical Surveys west of the lOOth meridian, vol. 3, page 177) in the topmost layer of the Aubrey Limestone suggests the Permeo-Carboniferous of the Mississippi Valley. This would seem to imply tliat the Aubrey Sandstone which is conformably superimposed on the Aubrev Limestone is Permeo-Carboniferous in age. ^nl Some Fossils from the Lower Aubrey and Upper Red AVall Limestones in the Vicinity of Fort Apache, Arizona. By Albert B. Reagan. The Fort Apache region, Arizona, is the home of the White Mountain Apache Indians. The region, as described in the November number of the American Geologist for 1903. is included between the parallels 33° 15' and 34° 15', and the meridians 109° 30' and 111°. In this region, practically all the geological ages are represented from the Archteau to recent. The Carboniferous Age. to which the fossils belong, is represented by the Aubrey and Red Wall gioups (if locks. Eacli (if These groups is sepa- rated geologically and stratigraphically into two divisions; the Aubrey into the Upper and Lower Aniirey. and the Red AVall into the Upper and Lower Red Wall. The fossils were collected from the Upper Red Wall and Lower Aubrey divisions. Those from each division were collected separately, and their exact position will be given in the description. FUSULINA FISCHER (18.'">7). FUSULIXA SEC A Lie A. Plate, Figs. 1 a, b. AVliite's description (in parti: Shell varying from terete to subglobose, assuming all intermediate fusiform shapes, generally somewhat obtusely pointed, usually having the appearance of being slightly twisted at the ends; septal furrows moderately distinct, extending in more or less direct lines longitudinally, but are a little deflected .iust at the ends; centrifugal apertures about twice as high as the thickness of the cell-wall covering them, more than twice as broad as high, and of nearly uniform size throughout the whole coil. The locular or external aperture is seldom clearly shown upon the fossils. It Avas apparently linear the full length of the shell until closed by a new longitudinal septum at each side, leaving only a new centrifugal aperture at the middle, in line with the others. Volutions from five to eight: septa from twenty to thirty in (inter volution; septa nearly straight at their outer or external edges, liut laterally undulating at their inner «idges. where they join the outer surface of the next volution within. 238 as may be seen in specimens that have had a part of their otiter volution removed by weathering. Dimensions very variable. Position and Locality.— Strata of the Upper Red Wall, north bank of White River, twelve miles southwest of Fort Apache, Arizona. A few specimens of this species were also seen at several other places in the Fort Apache region as follows: At the crossing of the government trail on Carrixo Creek, on west bank of Cibucu Creek, one mile north of U. S. Indian farmer's residence, and on the east edge of the bluff one half mile Udi'tlnvest of agent's residence at White River, Arizona. CA^NIPHOPHYLLUM. [Milne Edwanis and Haiiiie, Brit. Foss. Corals, PI. LXVIII (1850).] CAMPHOPIIYLLUM TORQI'I'-M. Plate, Figs. 2a,b,c. Simple, usually large, conical to subcylindrical corallum, which in the case of specimens under three inches in length is usually bent or geni- culated, but in larger specimens is nearly straight. Epitheca thin, with small encircling wrinkles and strong undulations of growth. Calice not seen. Septa very numerous, strictly radial in arrangement, extending about two-thirds the distance frdm the exterior toward the center, stout and usually straight within the outer vesicular zone, but becoming attenu- ated and somewhat curved or a little flexuous in crossing the vesicular area, where they alternate with an equal number of very short, thin ones. Visceral chamber filled with numerous imperfectly developed tabulae, which pass nearly horizontally across the cavity with a more or less upward arching. Vesicular dissejiiments highly developed in the periferal portion, forming numerous obliquely ascending small vesicles. Entire length unknown. Range and Distribution.— Red Wall Group, Fort Apache, White River. Salt River, Carrixo Creek at the crossing of the government trail, and on Cibicu Ci-eek, one mile north of the U. S. Indian farmer's residence, Arizona. 231) ACERVULARIA Scliwei.%'. ACERVULARIA DAVIDSONI Milne— Edwaids aud Haiiiie. [Pal. Fo=8. des Terr. Pal. P. 4)8. PI. 9, Figs. 4-1 b (18-).]-' Coral composite, astra^iform and massive, composed of unequally sized, usually live or six-sided corallites, having liotb an outer and an interior, slightly undulated or zigzag wall. The outer wall is thin; the inner wall is rarely well delined; the surface sinlvs, at first gradually and then abruptly, to form the cup, the diameter of which is about one-fifth of an inch. The bottom of the true calice is flat to slightly elevated. The septfB are radially arranged, and are stout and finely denticulate, there ))eing about seven denticulations in the space of one line. They are usually about forty-two in number, and for the most part, extend into the true calice. The tabular are abundant in the central area; the dis- sepiments abundant in the periferal zone. The diameter of the larger corallites is about one-half inch. This species -is most nearly allied to A. Profviifhi Hall, from which it is distinguished by the larger size of the corallites, the greater constancy in the size of the calices, the less niimber and less conspicuous denticula- tion of the septa, and in the zigzag undulations of the outer walls. Range and Distribution.— Devonion formation, on the government trail, four miles east of Canyon Creek, Arizona; on the John Dazen trail, three- fourths mile southeast of the cliff houses near Oak Creek, and along the rim of the Tonto basin. Arizona: at the falls of the Ohio and at Sandusky, Ohio, etc. CERIOCRINUS? Plate, Fig. 3. The specimens referred to this genus are a few detached plates and are insutticient to fully identify even the genus. Position and Locality.— Upper Red Wall, north bank of White River Canyon, twelve miles southwest of Fort Apache, Gila County, Arizona. ARCH.l^OCIDARIS McCoy. ARCH.EOCIDARIS. Plate, Fig. 7. The specimens here called Areluvovidarls are some fragments. They are too imperfect for identification of the species; but, though much worn, are sufficient to identify the genus. "For a figure of the fossil here deaoribed the reader is referred to plate XXX of the November number of the American Geologist for 1903. 240 Position and Locality— Upper Red Wall, north side of Wbito River Canyon, twelve miles southwest of Fort Apache, Arizona. FENESTELLA? Plate, Fig. 4. Bryozoa; reverse side, branches ridged, long and generally straight; dissepiments from one-fourth to one-half the size of the branches; surface covered with a porous calcareous covering. Position and Locality.— Upper Red Wall, near Fort Apache, Arizona. PUGNAX HALL (1893). PUGNAX UTA. Plate, Figs. 8 a, b. Meek's description: Shell small, more or less variable in form, often suljtrigonial, generally widi-r than long, more or loss gibbous; front trun- cated, or sometimes sinuous in oiitline; anterior lateral margins rounded in outline; posterior lateral margins convex or nearly straight and con- verging toward the beak at an angle of from 90° to 120°. Dorsal valve more convex than the other, greatest convexity near the middle or between it and the front, which has a broad, rather deep, marginal sinus for the reception of the corresponding projection of the front of the other valve; mesial fold somewhat flattened, but slightly prominent, and rarely trace- able back of the middle of the valve; generally composed of three but sometimes four — rarely more— plications; side rounding doAvn rapidly on each side of the mesial fold, and each occupied by about three or four plications; beak curving strongly beneath that of the other valve; interior with a faint linear mesial ridge, on each side of which is a raised curved line enclosing an ovate space, occupied by the abductor muscular impres- sions. Ventral valve distinctly less convex than the other, with a broad, shallow, short sinus, occupied by about two or three plications: anterior lateral margins on each side of sinus, with from two to four plications; beak moderately prominent, and more or less arched, rather pointed; foramen s)uall." Position and Locality.— Upper Red Wall, north bank of White River, twelve miles southwest of Fort Apache, Arizona. 241 AMBR0C.5::LIA Hall (1860). AMBROC.ELIA PLANOCON^'EXA Slmmard. Plate, Figs. 9 a, b,c. White's description*: "Shell very small; breadth varying from a little more to a little less than the length; hinge-line of considerable length, bnt always shorter than the full width of the shell in front of it; lateral and front borders regularly and continuously rounded. The dorsal valve would be almost circular but for its truncation by the hinge-line; nearly flat, but slightly convex at the umbo, and sometimes slightly concave at the front; beak minute, not prominent; area very narrow. Ventral valve capacious, especially its posterior portion, which extends much l)ehiud the hinge-line, and ends in a prominent strongly incurving pointed beak; area very narrow, high, concave, mesial sinus absent, but in its place there is usually a slight flattening at tlie front and sometimes an indistinctly impressed line is to be seen extending from beak to front. Surface apparently smooth, but under a lens it is seen to be finely granular, the apparent granules being the bases of minute strife; a few