DBBBEBHOOMIMIWHI ROLL OF HONOUR accf.df:re fontks integros MEMBERS OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES WHO SERVED IN THE GREAT WAR - 1914 - I9I8 ' A. a KILLED IN ACTION D. B. FRY '^ H. STEPHENS ACTIVE SERVICE M.AUROUSSEAU. .'n.C. » CBADHATH E. 1. BICKFORD t R.W. BRETNALL PROF. R. BROOA\ - W. M. CARNE PROF. T.W.E.- DAVID, D.S.O. " A\. HENRY E.W.FERGUSON - G. A\. GOLDFINCH C.O.HAMBLIN - L.M.HARRISON C.F.LASERON ^ W. R . B. O L 1 VER F.H.KENNY " D.S. NORTH - E.S.STOKES MUNITION WORK ETC. E.GRIFFITHS ^ SIR.D.MAWSON '^ C.E.TILLEY ■ imi«imimimi«imimimimimjmimim[mi«i»i»imi«im;«imi«wii PROCEEDINGS fe ' "— )'i OF THE X^ # K/ LiMMEnM Society OF New South Wales For the Year 1920 Vol. XLV. WITH THIRTY-TWO PLATES And 138 Text-figures. StdNB Y : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY THE SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE PUBLISHING CO., LTD, 11 Wilmot Street, Sydney, AND SOLD BY THE SOCIETY. 192a21 . lU. C0NTE/NT5 OF PROCEEDINGS. 1920. PART I. (No. 177). {Issued 25th June, 1920.) Pages. Presidential Address, delivered at the Foi-ty-fifth Annual Meeting, 31st March, 1920, by J. J. Fletcher, M. A., B.Se. (Plates i.-viii.) .... 1-47 Ropiness in Wattle Bark Infusions. By R. Gi-eig-Suiith, D.Sc, Macleay Bacteriologist to the Society. (Plate ix.) .. ■ 52-89 Australian Syllidae, EusylUdae, and Auiolytidae. By W. A. Haswell, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Biology, the Univer- sity of Sydney. (Plates x.-xiii.) 90-112 The Carabidae of Tasmania. By Thomas G. Sloane. (Four Test- flgures. ) '. 113-17S A New Genus of Australian Delphacidae (Homoptera) . By F. Muir, F.E.S. (Commwfiicated by E. W. Ferguson, M.B., Ch.M.) (One Text-figure.) 181-182 An Undescribed Species of Clytocosmus Skuse. By C. P. Alexander, Ph.D. (Communicated bi) R. J. Tilh/ard, M.A., D.Sc. F.L.S., F.E.S.) , .. .; 183-184 Hon. Treasurer's Balance Sheet 48-50 Elections and Announcements 47, 51, 179 Notes and Exhibits 179-180 PART II. (No. 178). {Issued 16th August, 1920). Descriptions of Australian FUes of the family Asilidae (Diptera), with synonyms and notes. By G. H. Hardy. (Sixteen Text-figures.) 185-202 Report on the Neuropteroid Insects of the Hot Springs Region, N.Z., in relation to the problem of Trout Food. By R. J. Tillyai-d, M.A., D.Sc, F.L.S., F.E.S., Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Zoology. (Two Text-figures.) 205-213 The Panorpoid Complex. Additions and Corrections to Part 3. By R. J. Tillyard, M.A., D.Sc, F.L.S., F.E.S., Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Zoology. (One Text-figure.) 214-217 C\ }^ l-\ i IV. CONTENTS. Pages. Notes on Some Australian Tenehrionidae, with descriptions of new species; — also of a new genus and species of Buprestidae. By H. J. Carter, B.A., F.E.S. (Fourteen Text-figures.) 222-249 On the male Genitalia of some Kobber-flies belonging to the sub-family Asilinae (Diptm-a) . By G.H.Hardy. (Twelve Text-figures. ). . 250-259 Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. By A. A. Hamilton .. .. 260-2G4 The Atrypidae of New South Wales, with references to those recordetl from other States of Australia. By J. Mitchell and W. S. Dun, (Plates xiv.-xvi., and Five Text-Figau-es.) 266-27G Note on certain variations of the Sporocyst in a species of Saprolegnia. By Marjorie I. Collins, B.Sc, Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Botany. (Eleven Text-figures.) 277-284 The Geology and Petrology of the Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part ix. The Geology, Palaeontology and Petrography of the Currabubula District, with notes on adjacent regions. By Professor W. N. Benson, B.A., D.Sc, F.G.S., W. S. Dun, and W. R. Browne, B.Sc. Section A. — General Geology (W. N. Benson). (Plates xvii.-xviia^ and Nine Text-figures.) 285-317 Special General Meeting (Macleay Centenary) 218-223 Elections and Announcements 203, 221, 2G5 Notes and Exhibits 203-4, 221, 265 PART III. (No. 179). (Issued 8th November, 1920). A List of the Species of Australian Carabidae which range beyond Australia and its Dependent Islands. By Thomas G. Sloane .. 320-323 On dental incrustations and the so-called "Gold-Plating" of Sheep's Teeth. By Thos. Steel 324-328 On the Structure of the Resin-secreting Glands in some Australian Plants. By Marjorie T. Collins, B.Sc, Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Botany. (Twelve Text-fig\ires. ) 329-336 The Geology and Petrology of the Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part ix. The Geology, Palaeontology and Petrography of the Currabubula District, with Notes on Adjacent Regions. By Professor W. N. Benson, B.A., D.Sc. F.G.S.. W. S. Dun. and W. R. Browne, B.Sc. Section B. — Palaeontology. (W. S. Dun and W. N. Benson). Ap- pendix by r. Chapman, A.L.S. (Plates xviii.-xxiv., jmd eight Text-figures. ) 337-374 Section C . —Petrography . (W. R. Browne). (Plate xxv.) .... 405-423 Descriptions of New Species of Australian Cnleoptera. Part xvi. By Arthur M. Lea, F.E.S 375-403 The Chemical Examination of Macrozamia spiralis. By .Tames 1\I. Petrie, D.Sc, F.T.C., Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Biochemistry 424-442 CONTENTS. V. Pages. Two New Hymenoptera of the Superfamily Proctotrypidae from Aus- tralia. By Alan P. Dodd. (Commmiicated by W. W. Froggatt, F.L.S.) 443-446 Cyanogenesis iu Plants. Part iv. The Hydrocyanic Acid of Hetero- dendron — A Fodder Plant of New South Wales. By James M. Petrie, D.Sc, F.I.C., Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Biochemistry 447-459 Notes on Australian Tabanidae. By Eustace W. Ferguson, M.B., Ch.M., and Gerald F. Hill, F.E.S. " 460-467 Descriptions of New Forms of Butterflies from the South Pacific. By G. A. Waterhouse, B.Sc, B.E., F.E.S 468-471 Elections and Announcements 318, 404, 472 Notes and Exhibits 318-9, 404, 472 PART IV. (No. 180). {Issued 7th March, 1921.) Revision of Australian Lepidoptera — Liparidae. By A. Jefferis Turner, M.D., F.E.S ". 474-499 A new Avian Trematode. By Eleanor E. Chase, B.Sc, Demonstrator in Zoology, University of Sydney. {Communicated by Professor S. J. Johnston, B.A., D.Sc.) (Plate xxvi., and one Text-figure.) .. 500-504 Studies in Life-histories of Australian Diptera Brachycera. Part i. Stratiomyiidae. No. 1. Metoponia rubriceps Macquart. By Vera Irwin-Smith, B.Sc, F.L.S., Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Zoology. (Plates xxvii.-xxviii., and Twenty-three Text- figures.) '. 505-530 A Revision of the Chiromyzini (Diptera). By G. H. Hardy. (Plates xxix . -XXX . ) 532-542 Some new Brachiopods from the Middle Palaeozoic Rocks of New South Wales. By John Mitchell, late Principal of the Technical College and School of Mines, Newcastle. (Plate xxxi.) 543-551 Nematode Parasites of the Domestic Pigeon {Cohimba livia domestica) in Australia. By Vera Irwin-Smith, B.Sc, F.L.S., Linnean Macleay Fellow of the Society in Zoology. (Nineteen Text-flgaires. ) 552-563 A Few Notes on the Botany of Lord Howe Island. (Sixth Paper. ) By J. H. Maiden, I.S.O., F.R.S., F.L.S., Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Gardens, Sydney 564-566 The Society's Heritage from the Macleays. Address by the President, J. J. Fletcher, M.A., B.Sc, at the Special General Meeting, 14th June, 1920 .. .. 567-635 Donations and Exclianges 636-648 List of Members, 1920 649-653 Notes and Exhibits 473, 531 Elections and Announcements 53I Title-page j Contents ;;; Corrigenda Yi_ List of New Tribal and Generic Names vi. List of Plates vii. Index i.-xri. yi. CONTENTS. LIST OF NEW TRIBAL AND IN THIS V Page. Agoniea (Agonicini) 130 Agonifiui (Carabidae uniperfor- atae) 1^9 Amygdalophyllum (Coelenterata : Actinozoa) 339 Atrypoidea (Atrypidae) .. .. 'Ill Boreoides ( C'birouiyzini, Dip- tera) 539 Calyptogonia (Migadopiui) .. 121 Cephaloslrungylus ( Tricbo- stroiigylidae) 553 Chylnus (Broscinij 1-9 Cycloidotrypa (Polyzoa, Cyclo- stomata) 366 GENERIC NAMES PROPOSED GLUME (1920). Cyriuides ( Chrysot-broinae) Habrophylla (Liparidae) . . llemilexomyia (Diapriidae) Menearch us ( Tenebrioninae ) Merizodini (^ Carabidae unipe foratae ) Molungia ( Spirif eridae ) .. Oligeria (Liparidae) Percodermus ( Meiizodini ) . Pseudembulophora (Homoptera Pterocyrtus (Merizodini) .. Pterugmim (Pterosticbiui) Page. 222 482 443 229 139 546 480 14(1 181 140 155 CORRIGENDA. Page 43, for line 48 (fourtb from bottom) read whether, if one pair of piunae persists at a certain stage, that pair is always the 190, line 16— 1 198, explanation of text-flg. 12-— [ for vwrgites, read margitis. 199. lines 11. 12. 19— ) Page Page Page Page 198, line 24 (third from bottom) for little beyond discal cell, read little Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page beyond the middle of the diseal cell. 199, line 10 — for paratype, read allotype. 265, line 32 — (tifth from bottom) for artica, read arctica. 267, line 27 — for fig. 13, read fig. 6. line 27 — for Ptycomphalu-s, read Ptychomphalus. 290, read Phanerotrema hurindia, line 30 — for Phanerotrema aitslralis, the former name being preoccupied. line 35 — for Hyolites, read Hyolithes. 291, line 26 — for resting, read rest. 309, line 41 — for western, read ea.stern. 356, lines 37. 38 — for Ptiicomplialux, read Ptychoniphalufi. 359, lines 8, 28 — for Phnrierotr.ema au-MraJh, read P. hurindia. 363, line 1 — for Hyolites, read Ilyolithes. 365, line 11 — for Torryourn, read Torryburn. 374, lines 26, 28, 31 — for PhoMerotremu anntralitt, read P. hurindia. lines 30, 32 — for Ptycomphalii.i-ise, because the organisation, co-operation, co-ordination, concentration, single-mindedness, unity of purpose, were about as I'erfect, and as perfectly proxided for as tliey could be, in a very ■ limited space, under very strenuous and exacting conditions, waste of every kind, including energy potential and otherwise, eliminated, and friction reduced to a minimum — what more did the sequel amount to than revenovs a nos moutonn, strikes, discord, ebullitions of accentuated, vituperative party- feeling on the eve of two elections, &c., &c. "Man is a scholar eager imlecd to learn, but most forgetful having learned.'' PRESIDENTS ADDRESS. 3 Other events that have come home to us by the experience of a shortage of bread, or a shortage of sugar, and the interruption of communications with tlie distant vStates or New Zealand, or in some other way, are the numerous Strikes which have interfered with what we are accustomed to call our normal, every-day social and business-life and activities. Fortunately the meeting oi the Austral- asian Association for the Advancement of Science was due next year, and not this, or it must have lapsed. We have also had the disturbing experiences of a Federal Election and a State Election, both carried out with a great deal of friction, and personal as well as party-bitterness and recrimination. June 13th, ensuing, will be the centenary of the birth of the Society's bene- factor. Sir William Macleay. The Council is arranging for a Special Meeting, to be held on June 14th, the actual day of the anniversary being Sunday this year. Further particulars will be furnished to Members in the Abstract of Pro- ceedings after the Meeting to be held on 26th May. Since the last Annual Meeting, more of our Soldier-Members, or Members •who volunteered for war-work abroad, have returned to Australia; and we have had the pleasure of personally welcoming some of them at one or other of our Meeting's. We are now able to compile a complete list of those who have served the Nation or the Commonwealth abroad, in some capacity or other as follows : — Active Service. Aurousseau, M., M.C. Ferguson, E. W. Laseron, C. F. Badham. C. *Fry, D. B. North, D. S. Bickford, E. I. Goldfinch, G. M. Oliver, W. R. B. Bretnall, R. W. Hamblin, C. O. "Stephens, H. Broom, Prof. R. Harrison. L. M. Stokes, E. S. Carne, W. M. Henry, M. David, Prof. T. W. E., D.S.O. Kenny, F. H. * Killed in action . MuxiTiON" Work, etc. Griffiths, E. Mawson, Sir D. Tilley, C. E. ' A special Honour Roll is in contemplation, of such a character that coloured copies of it can be prepared for insertion in the Parts of the Proceedings, so that every Member may have one, especially those Members who live at a distance. It is proposed that the original shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the Hall; and that it shall be formally unveiled in a becoming manner, as part of the programme of the Special Meeting for the celebration of the William Macleay Centenary, on June 14th. It is to be a permanent, memorial record of the names of those Members of the Society, who represent, to the rest of us, the great aggre- gate of comrades who successfully strove to save the rest of the world from Might as against Right. The Council thinks that Members would like to have a direct, personal interest in this appropriate memorial; and it accordingly invites us to contribute, according to our means, a share of the cost of providing it, as a tribute to the great aggregate which our Soldier-Members represent, as well as to them collectively. I commend the proposal to your favourable consideration. The concluding Part of Volume xliv., of the Society's Proceedings was is- sued on the 15th instant. The complete volume (912 and sxsii. pp., 47 Plates, and 212 Text-figures) contains thirty-four papers, ten of which were contributed 4 PRESIDtXr S ADDRESS. by members of the Society's research staff. These cover a representati\-e series cf the subjects in which the Society is directly interested. Our exchange-relations with Societies and Institutions outside the Common- wealth have begun to show gratifying signs of recovery. The Bureau of inter- national E.xchanges at Washington has been able to resume its despatches to this part of the world, after suspension brought about by war-conditions; and this means a great deal to the Society. Postal communications have improved some- what, though still not altogether normal. Consequently, Scientific Societies in neutral and other countries are seeking to fulfil the obligations which were inter- fered with by abnormal conditions. But it affords me very special pleasure and satisfaction to be able to announce, that, after the turmoil of war, five out of the seven Belgian Scientific Societies with which we liave exchanged publications for so many years, and from whom we were so abruptly cut oft' in 1914, have succeeded in getting into touch with us again. These are I'Aeademie Royale des Sciences des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Societe Entomologicjue de Belgique, Societe Geologique de Belgique, Societe Royal de Botanique de Bel- gique, and Societe Royal Zoologiqvie et Malacologique de Belgique. I gladly avail myself of this opportunity of offering to them the Society's cordial greet- ings on the resumption of their scientific activities, its sj-mpathy with them in the anxieties and trials which they have endured, as well as any help that we can give, if it be necessary. The total number of exchanges received during the Session 1918-19 amounts to 799 additions to the library, received from 132 Socie- ties, Institutions. &c., and ten private donors, as compared with 687, 846, 1243, 1028, and 1285 for the five preceding Sessions. Effort has been made, on the Society's part, to bring its despatches as far as possible up to date. Six Ordinary Members were elected, five have resigned during the year; we have lost one of our older members by death; and, in addition, news came to us of the decease of one of our soldier-members some time ago. Harrt Stephens, like Dene Try, was a very promising young biologist, whose career ended ]>rematurely amid the havoc of battle. After leaving school, he entered the Department of Agriculture as a cadet; later on he took the degree of B.Sc, in Agriculture; and was subsequently appointed to a Walter and Eliza Hall Agricultural Fellowship with the object of doing research-work upon Cereal Rusts. He had made some progress in this work, when war was declared, and he enlisted for active service in 1915. He left for the front, as Second Lieu- tenant, in February, 1916, and spent some time in Egy]5t. Thence he pro- ceeded to Salisbury, where he was promoted to First Lieutenant ; later, he ac- companied his battalion to France, where, in May, 1917, he became Captain. On the night of 18th November, 1917, three weeks after his twenty-seventh birth- day, he luid just entered the trench to which he was allotted, when he was killed instantaneously by a bursting shell. Captain Stephens was elected a Member in 1915, Init, in conse(|uonce of the pressure of his I'niversity and other work, we never had the pleasure of welcoming him to our Meetings. Professor Watt, with whom he liad most to do at the University, as well as Mr. Maiden, speak of him in the highest terms as possessing in a marked degree the qualities which go to make a successful investigator, as well as a keen sense of honour and of duty. His University course was higlily creditable, as he gained the Belmore Scholai-ship for Chemistry and Geology in his first year, and l^fr. Maiden's jirize for Agri- cultural Botany; and first class lioiioui's and a I'niversity medal at grailuation. Biological ivsearch in Australia has suffci-cd a groat loss by the untimely deaths of the only two of our Sohlicr-Mcnibers wlio liavc nut n>tnriu'd to us. PKESIDEXT S ADDRESS. O WiLLiAii Joseph Rainbow, elected a Member in 1893, migTated from Eng- land to New Zealand iu 1873, and ten years later eame to Sydney. While en- gaged in journalistic work, he became enthusiastically intei'ested in natural his- tory; and, in 1895, he was appointed entomologist to the Australian Museum, and continued to. hold that position until his death on 21st November, 1919 . He was especially interested in the Araiieidae; and his numerous contributions to a knowledge of this and other groups, include seventeen papers in the Society's Proceedings for the years 1892-1902 ; and others in the Records of the Australian Museum, and in the "Australian Naturalist." He was also the author of two useful additions to our popular science manuals, namely "A Guide to the Study of Butterflies," and "Mosquitoes: their Habits and Distribution." Mr. Rainbow was personally known to many of us as a kindly, earnest, upright man, very keenly interested in his work, and very desirous of helping others to realise the attractiveness and the interest of the wonderful Australian fauna. One of his sons enlisted soon after the outbreak of war, and was killed at the Dardanelles on May 24th, 1915. This sorrowful event hastened the death of his wife soon afterwards. Another son also enlisted, and returned a few days after his father's decease . Recent events have brought about some changes directly or indirectly affect- ing the scientific life of the community. Their decease has deprived it of two of our scientific veterans — Sir Thomas Anderson Stuart, Professor of Physiology in the University of Sydney; and Robert Etheridg-e, .Tunr., Director and Curator cf the Australian Museum, both, at one time, Meml)ers of this Society, and the latter, tor some years, a Member of Council. Several of our Menibeis have retired from acti\e work after [lutting up long records of faithful and productive service. Professor Anderson Stuart, Dean of the Facidty of Medicine of the Uni- versity of Sydney, and Chairman of Directors of the Royal Prince Alfred Hos- pital, has been a very prominent figure in the educational and public life of the State ever since his arrival in 1883. The development of the Medical School and its growing infiuence as a factor in medical education, aft'ord abundant testi- mony to his organising capacity and his forceful character. His death, on Feb- ruary 29th, 1920, at the age of 61, closes an impressive chapter of personal his- tory, as well as a very important stage in University history on the medical side. Robert Etheeidge, June., was, I think, the oldest scientific worker in liarness iu Australia. His first contribution to scientific knowledge, a geological ([uarter- sheet map of the Yan Yean district of Victoria (2 N.E.), embodying the results of his field-work during the preceding year, was published in 1869. His last, the second of two papers on the early history of the Australian Museum, was issued on 4th December, 1919, about a month before his decease; so that his pub- lished work covers a period of fully fifty years. He was the son of Roljert Etlieridge, Senr., to whom there is a vei-y interesting reference in Geikie's "Life of Sir Roderick Murehison" (1875) (Vol. ii., p. 259) to this effect— "Early in July, 1856, Murehison betook himself into Gloucestershire to see some of his old Silurian haunts. Mr. Ramsay joined him, and some time was spent by them among the Silurian and Oolitic rocks of the Tortworth district, where they en- joyed the hospitality of Loi-d Ducie, who accompanied them iu their excursions." "Among the Cotteswold liills," Murehison records in his journal, "we made various excursions in the range of the Lower Oolites, and were accom- panied by a very intelligent person who had been in Imsiness in Cheltenham, and 6 president's address. hail i|Uitted It fur the hammer. Thi.s was Kobert Etheriilge. Judging from his celerity, liis quickness in finding shells and naming them, and in drawing sec-tions, I said to Ramsay •This is the man we must have to put our Jermyn Street ^Museum in order.'" Geikie adds, in a footnote, — "Mr. Etheridge. whose merits were al- ready known to Lord Ducie, had been asked by his Lordship to meet the geologists at Tortworth. He was soon after appointed Assistant Naturalist to the Geo- logical Survey; subsequently, on the resignation of Mr. Salter, he became Palae- ontologist, and siuee that time has gradually risen to hold a foremost place among the palaeontologists of this country." Roliert Etheridge, Junr., was a boy about nine years old at this time; and he seems to have inherited his father's interest in geolog-y, and especially in pal8et>ntology ; for, about 1868, as field-geologist, he joined the staff of the Geological Survey of Victoria, so ably organised in 1852 and conducted for seventeen yeai-s by Dr. Alfred Selwyn, with the eo-operation of men like Richard Daintree. C. s' Wilkinson, C. D'Oyley H. ApHn, H. Y. L. Browii, and others, who not only left their mark on tlie records of Victorian geology, but subseijuently occupied important official positions in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, or elsewhere in the Commonwealth, or in New Zealand . R . Etheridge, Junr., on severing his connection with the Geo- logical Survey of Victoria, became palieontologist to the Geological Surrey of Scotland, and afterwards senior assistant in the Geological Department of the British Museum. In 1887, he came back to Australia to fill the position of palaeontologist to the Geological Survey of New South Walet and to the Aus- tralian Museum, of which, in 1895, he became Curator, and later on Director. The list of his contributions to seientifle knowledge, and especially those I'elating to the palaeontology and anthropology of Australia is very voluminous and valu- able. Thirty-six of his papei-s, together with six joint papers, are to be found in the Society's Proceedings for the years 1888-1915, together with one in the Macleay Memorial Volume. One needs to be a palfpoutologist to appreciate the merits of his long-sustained work; but I think that it may l)e said of him, that he did very much for Australian palaeontology, what his father did for British paliBontology. But over and above this, in connection with the Australian Museum, he has left a good record as an able organiser and director. His laboure ended on January 5th, 1920, in his seventy-third year, while he was away for a holiday at ]\rittagong. We may hope for a more extended biography written by one who was a colleague, and had a direct interest in his work. The untimely death of Dr. T. M. Gellatly, Director of the Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, at the early age of 40, is much to be deplored . He was appointed Chairman of Directors of the future permanent Institute, only so recently as June, 1918, with the object of organising the industrial scientific investigations of the Commonwealth. He possessed some special (jualifications for the work to which he was apiminted; l)ut an attack of pneumonic infiuenza prematurely ended his pi'omising career on 24th September, 1919, and deprived the Commonwealth of an able officer for whom it will be difficult to find a sub- stitute with like (|ualifications. Several of our Membei's, including Mr. J. E. Carne, Mr. T. Steel, Mr. C. T. Musson, Mr. A. G. Hamilton, and our Corresponding Member, Sir Baldwin Spencer, of Melbourne, have recently retired from active official work, but happily without losing their interest in scientific work generally. Mr. Carne's connection with the Department of Mines dates from 1879, and, on his retirement at the end of the \ear, he had been Gt)vernment Geologist for about four yeai-s. His con- PRESIDENT S ADDRESS. < tributions to a knowledge of the geology of New South AVales are numerous and important; and all he knows is not yet on record. Mr. Steel has been associated for many years with an institution which provides one of our necessary food- stuffs, and, at the same time, is notable for its appreciation of the importance of the application of science to industry, and for its regard for the status and wel-; tare of its scientific officers. Mr. Musson has been a member of the scientific staff of the Hawkesbury Agricultural College ever since its foundation in 1891. Mr. Hamihon has been connected with the Department of Education for many years, and latterly a member of the staff of the Teachers' Training College. Professor Baldwin Spencer, by his professorial work, his zoological and anthro- pological contributions, and the scientific records of his travels in Australian out- of-the-way places, has deservedly come to the front as one of Australia's repre- sentative men of science. Those of the younger generation who are coining on, nowadays more than ever, need the encouragement, the help, and a share of the fruit of the long experience of veterans such as these; and we may be sure that it will not be withheld when the opportunity offers. The Society is fortunate in having three of them still on the Council. To Mr. E. C. Andrews, who has been appointed to succeed Mr. Carne, I would offer, on behalf of ^itlembers, our cordial congi-aiulations, not only on his appointmen*^^ to the important position of Government Creologist, but also on his ha\ing such worthy predecessors to follow, in carrying on the development of tlie geological knowledge of New South Wales. To Dr. .J. B. Cleland. who has recently been appointed to the newly estab- lished Chair of Pathology in the University of Adelaide, our congratulations are due. We regret that his removal to another State deprives us of an active Member, and also a Member of Council. But we know that his ' with iiis environ- ment. The severity of the annually recurring winters compels him to house and feed his stock; therefore, he must grow enough fodder to provide for them, and he must cull his flocks and herds, so that the demand for fodder shall not exceed the supply. What helps him to learn his lesson is, that the recurrence of winter- conditions, on the whole, is so regular, that he can arrange his programme of work by the almanac; and, not less, that he certainly knows that he will be ruined, if he does not come up to the mark. So, knowing exactly what he has to do, and how to do it, and what will happen if he fails to do it, he makes good ; and abstains from talking nonsense and heresy about his relentless, cruel environment, even when the thermometer goes below zero; or about winter being a curse. In a word, lie Ijccomes a ]>hilosopher, in the primary sense of the word; and the idea of a long, weary gamble with malignant frost and ice finds no place in his mind. The man on the land in Austi-alia, Subtropical S..uth America, and South Africa, has to carry out his work on a ditferent basis, inasmuch as he lias to learn how to adapt himself to Nature's arrangements for giving the land its needed rest and sweetening, juot by a regularly, annually recurring winter-sleep, but by a periodical but not regularly lecurring drought-sleep. Nature, in Austi'alia, has proWded a genial climate, with splendid natural jiasture-grasses and fodder- plants; with no hard, annually recurring winter, recjuiring the man on the land to house his stock, and grow crops to feed them under those circumstances, as well as to cull out all but what he can feed; and, in many cases, with procurable water, tiiough it may not always be visible on the sui'face. Nevertheless, he ha.s not yet learned to live in harnumy with his enviroinncnt, so successfully as his representative in the Northern Hemisphere, because, though he knows from ex- perience or from historical recoi-ds, that droughts are certainly to be looked for from time to time, lie cannot tell from the almanac exactly when to exiiect them. This recunence of dro\ights at uncertain intervals, which he cannot calculate. — and Science cannot definitely ]iel]> him in that respect at ])rcsent — is a dis- turbing factor, wliich )iei indically makes Ids environment erratic, and ]nits him out president's address. 21 of harmony with it. This iinfertaiuty introduces the teinj^tation to take chances, which may l)e disastrous, and underlies the idea of the "Gamble out West." What Australia needs to learn, by the guidance and co-operation of Science — and there is no Ijetter way of doing' it — is, how to insure against damage by droughts. That is: — (1) How to prevent the production of "necessitous farm- ers,'' re<]uiring St&te aid, to the amount of about £1,000,000, in order to re- habilitate themselves after a visitation of drought. The State Trea^surer reports that, already, £600.000 has been disbursed for this purpose. Do hard winters in the Northern Hemisphere ever or often produce "necessitous farmers" re(|uir- ing to be relieved l)y the State, to such an amount ? (2) How to prevent droughts from cuUing the herds and Hocks, on the customary colossal scale ; and from obliterating the promise of harvests . This can be expressed in another way — How can the man on the land in Australia, with the aid of Science, learn to solve the following questions? 1. In attempting to in.sure against, or to cope with droughts, is he at- tempting to accomplish the impossible; or is he only in some districts, or in some cases, trying to accomplish the impossible? 2. Or is he attemjiting to accomplish the possible (a) in the right way; or ( b ) with good intentions, l)ut with insufficient knowledge or equipment, or with inadequate resources? From time to time, especially on festive occasions, important j'ersonages in- dulge in forecasting the future population of Australia as 100 millions, or even 200 millions, and in descanting upon the necessity of filling up the empty spaces of the continent, but, in the reports of their speeches in the newspapers, as far as I have seen, without insisting on the very necessary stipulation — if and when Australia learns, or is going to learn, or has learned, how to cope with drought problems. The strengfh of a chain is the strength of the weakest link. The population that Australia can support, is the population that she can safely carry when droughts come. The State is recovering in part from a very severe ex- perience of drought. Great activity is lieing displayed in all the States in the way of facilitating the settlement of returned soldiers, and immigrants on the land. This Meeting seems to me to Ije an opportune occasion for asking what, I think, is a proper and a ]>ertinent question, because drought problems are primarily scientific problems, and, therefore, the guidance and co-operation of Science is needeil for their solution. The question, I would ask, is the twofold, neglected question — How is it, seeing that drought-problems are so very important, that we ha\e no Handbook, or Manual, or fade mecum of Australian Drought- Problems; and if not, why not; and how soon may we look forward to having one? We have manuals of the flora, of the fauna, of the birds, of the fishes, of the fungi, of the fodder-plants and gi'asses, of the minerals and fossils, and so on : and we know them to be of fundamental importance, and to be most helpful and suggestive, in the investigation of problems to which thej' relate. In antici- pation of the visit of Members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1914. an admirable series of Handbooks, one for each of the older States, and one for the Commonwealth as a whole, was published. These served not only for the enlightenment of the visitors, but are standard works of reference to-day. Wliat I have in view is something different from these, and something which is not intended in any way to clash with, or supersede the publications of the State Department of Agi-iculture, for example, some of which contain articles bearing upon some aspect or other of drought-problems. It is not to be a l)Ook -I PRESIDEXT S ADDRESS. to teach the man on the huul how to grow crops, or how to raise stock, primarily, or how to accumulate shekels, or anythinir of that sort. Jt is to be a book solely for the purpose of setting forth the complemental, theoretical side of the practical activities of the man on the land, esjjecially in relation to drouaht-iJroblems. with tlie object of enabling him to understand what it is he needs to learn in order to make the most of his resources in providing against disaster; that is how to live and keep in harmony with his somewliat erratic environment: and tu understand that drought is not a curse, and that he is not called on to fight droughts, but to fight his ignorance about how to cope with them, which ought to be. sooner or later, enlightenaljle, provided that Science is afforded an opportunity of helping him. Apart Ironi the fact that no such book, as 1 have i>roposed. is available at ]>resent, the need nt such a book is not that nothing at all is known al)out drought-problems, hut that so much of what is known is to lie found in back numbers of newsijapers or in scientific .journals, where it is not accessible to those who want it, and could make use of it; and that tliese contributions to knowledge deal only with jiarticular aspects or cases, and not eomijrehensively witli the subject in its entirety. What is wanted, as I think, is a selfcontained Handbook of the complementary, theoretical side of drought-problems. I give a sketch of the ground that, in my opinion, nught l)c covered by it, just as some- thing for consideration and discussion: — ■ Synopsis. Nature and Man, Nature's Insurgent Son---Disturbance of Nature's Balance by Settlement, and what that involves; the reckless or careless introduction of undesirable Aliens, lil^e Rabbits, Prickly Pear, &c. ; and the reason why they flourish in tlicir new environment — Droughts: their Histoi-y and Periodicity in Australia — Droughts in South Africa, and Subtropical South America — Their Cause and ]\reaning in the Economy of Nature: Nature's two ways of resting or sweetening the land, and, at the same time, of clearing up. putting thing's in order, and striking a balance, by (1) severe cold, or (2) more or less intense aridity — The year after a drought, the bumper year for crops and lierbage. and the scientific explanation of the resting and sweetening of the land — The Lessons to be learned from the high level and low-level Flood-plains of the Hawkcsbury River Valley, as in evidence at Richmond; and from the desiccated Lake Eyre Basin of Central Australia, called by Gregory "The Dead Heart of Australia" — The Adap- tations of the indigenous Plants and Animals to arid conditions, and the lessons to.be learned from them — The Man on the Land in the Northern Hemisphere, with an annually recurring liard winter, in harmony with his environment — The Man on the Land in the Southern Ileniisjjhere. witli mild winters hut periodical droughts, whose ]ieriodicity cannot at present be calculated, not yet wholly in harmony with his environment — The need to conserve the fertility of the Soil, and the indigenous grasses and fodder-plants — Disturbance of the Soil-organisms, and of their long-standing association with the indigenous Plants, especially the Acacias and Euily there have been and are men on the land in Australia, who have leariicil tlijit droughts are not a cui'se, tliough rabbits and prickly pear may be; PRESIDEXT'.S .iDDRESS. 23 fliat the land needs a periodical rest or sweetening; that it is the dry climate and (he high-class uutritixe native grasses and herbage, wiiieh are largely responsible for the excellence of Australian wools; that if every season were a good one, the stock and sheep would suffer severely from parasites, and from diseases; and, best of all, men who do not believe that Nature's great scheme of tilings, which, by flow degrees, has evolved from the womb of Time, has arrived at its present advanced state of development, for the sole and only purpose of gratifying the money-making instincts of the Get-rich-quick Dollarton Shekelf ords, just as and how they would like to be able to order it. Records of the actual experience of intelligent and enlightened men of this kind, are among tlie things wanted ; and some of it is already on record in the files of old newspapers. They are men who can appreciate the words of Mr. Roosevelt, when President of the United States, in his opening Address to the American Forest Congress, held at Washing- ton, January, 1905 — "All of you know that there is opportunity in any new country for the development of the type of temporary inhabitant whose idea is to skin the country and go somewhere else. . . . That man is a curse and nut a l)lessing to the country. The prop of the country must be the business man who intends so to run his business that it will be profitable to his children after him. ... I ask, with all the intensity I am capable of, that the men of the West will remember the sharji distinction 1 have just drawn between the man who skins flie land, and the man who develops the country." Tile book should not be a one-man book, but a team-work book, supervised by a capable editor. It should lie simply but scientifically written by specialists in the different branches, after the manner of the Handbooks ])repared, at dif- ferent times, for the Meetings of the Australasian and of the British Associa- tions for the Advancement of Scienece. But, for the chapters to which they relate, and especially those on the lessons of droughts and their application, from the practical man's side, the files of tlie newspapers, at least as far back as the drought which began in 1888, should he systematically looked up. Some of the articles therein are excellent, for they are often the records of actual experi- ence and first-hand knowledge; and, as such, they are of historical interest. The cream of all these should be skimmed, sup]ilemented as may be required, and put into the Handliook; and, if desirable, referred to in the Bibliography. Papers in scientific journals should lie utilised in a similar manner. But the pnblicati(m of a Handbook, in the way of pro])aganda, is not enough . Tlie annual output of books is so enonnous, that any particular book is apt to lie ]iut on the shelf, and perhaps forgotten. Therefore some propagandists are needed . A good way of providing for these, I think, would be the endow- ment of a course of three annual lectures. One lecturer always to be a scientific man; another always to be a man on the land; and the third always to be a business man callable of dealing with the statistical and financial aspects of drouglit-probleras. The lecturers to be appointed annually, a year in advance, so that they may have time for the preparation of their lectures. The lecturers to be allowed to choose the subjects of their lectures, provided — and this is to tie a sine qua )ion — that the aim and object thereof is to elaborate, to expound, to make clear, and, if possible or necessary, to amplify tlie Handbook. The lec- tures sometimes to be delivered in Sydney when the primary jiroducers come to hold their annual Congresses; and, sometimes in one or other of the centrally situated and accessible country towns, as may be decided . In this way, attention would periodically be focussed on the Handliook, and on tlie subject with which 24 president's address. it lias to do. Discussion tliereon would be promoted. If taken up and entered into entliusiastically, tlie subject of drought-problems should become a live sub- ject, as it ougbt to be, ami as it needs to be; and then we may expect to make some progress. Next only to the need of righteousness, and of the maintenance of tlie in- tegrity and welfare of the Empire, the question of how to cope successfully with droughts in Australia, stands second to none in its importance. For Australia's bid for greatness rests upon this, inasmuch as her agriculture and other possi- bilities can only be imperfectly realised without it. (Kv TlIK CORRKCT I XTKRPKET.iTlOX OP TH !•; SO-CALLKU PhYI.LODES OF THE AUSTRALIAX PhVI.LOUIXEOUS AcAt'IAS. (Plates i.-viii. ) The Australian Hora furnishes numerous examples of plant-structures, which, as one usually sees them, are difficult to understand, jiartly because they repre- sent secondary developments which have been superimposed on the primal y, natural order of things; and partly because one commonly meets with complicated adult structures, of which the early stages are not always readily obtainable. The so-called phyllodes of Australian Acacias are one of the most common and familiar examples of these plant-puzzles. These have been regarded as the '•classical'' examples of phyllodes, because there are so many species of pliyllo- dineous Acacias, and they are so widely distributed . Nevertheless, strictly sjieak- ing. they are not "phyllodes" within the meaning of the recognised definition of these leaf-substitutes. For example, in the Glossary of Terms prefixed to the first volume of the Flora Australiensis (p. xxxix.) will be found the definition — "Pli,\llodiuin - a flat petiole with no blade." Asa Gray defines a phyllodium as "a petiole usurping the form and function of a leaf-blade." In both cases, these definitions are intended to apply to the flattened leaf-suljstitutes of the Australian phyllodineous Acacias.* Bentham says of Division i., PIn/llodiiieae — "Leaves all (except on young seedlings and occasionally one or two on young branches') re- duced to phtjllodia, that is to the petiole either terete or angular or more or less vertically dilated so as to assume the appearance of a rigid simple leaf, with an upper and a lower edge or margin, and two lateral simifar surfaces, and either sessile or contracted at the base into a short petiole, the upper edge often bearing 1, 2, or rarely 3 or more sliield-shaped or tubercular or depressed glands." (Fl. Austr., ii.. p. 319.) But the so-called phyllodes of the Australian phyllodineous Acacias are not simply Hattened petioles which have lost their blades. The current statements about them, such as those f|uoted above, are imperfect generalisations based upon inadequate material. On the contrary, they are the flattened, primary leaf-axes or common petioles of bipinnate leaves which ha\e lost their iiinuiv; and it is the fiirmer which have usurped the forui and I'unctiou of the latter; and not fiatteneil petioles which have usurped the form and function of leaf-blades. The so-called phyllodes of Au.stralian Acacias may be long, or short, or very short. If long, they are the flattened primary axes, or common petioles, (.f potentially long bipinnate leaves, with numerous pairs of lunnir. If short, or very short, they are the flattened primary axes, or common petioles, of potentially •tiray's Botanical Text-book (18871. pp. 110. 426. PRESIDENT S ADDRESS. -3 short, bipiimatc loaves, with several, or only one pair of pinnse, whose pinnae have vanished. Tlierel'ore, as the so-called phyllodes of the Australian phyllo- dineous Aeaeias are not e.xaetly eomparable with the phyllodes of other plants, and are not phyllodes witliin the meaning of the current definitions thereof, they should be distinguished from ordinary phyllodes, and also have a distinctive name. As they are neither cladodes nor phylloclades, within the meaning of the current definitions of these stru<;tures, I propose to call them Euphyllodia or euphyllodes, in tlie sense that they are something more than is implied in the accepted defini- tion of phyllodes; and. therefore, something more than simply flattened i^etioles; inasmuch as they really are. as 1 shall show, in what follows, vertically flattened, primary leaf-axes or common petioles, whose pinna? have been suppressed, which have usurped the form and function of lea\es. Instead of Phyllodinea! and phyllodineous Acacias. T propose to use the terms Eupliyllodines and euphyllo- dineous Acacias, in order to be consistent. Several more detailed interpretations of the phyllodes. so-called, of Aus- tralian Acacias are on record. One was offered by Morren. in 1852.* Unfor- tunately, no copy of this paper is available in Sydney, and I do not know on what kind of evidence he based his views. But two authore, Maxwell Masters and Baron von Mueller, have given the substance of Morren 's hypothesis. Mas- ters says§ — "When the blade of the leaf is suppressed it often happens that the stalk of the leaf is flattened, as it were, by cimipensation, and the petiole has then much the appearance of a flat ribbon (phyllode). This happens con- stantly in certain species of Acacia, Oxalis, &c.. and has been attributed, but doubtless erroneously, to the fusion of the leaflets in im early state of develop- ment and in the position of rest." Baron von Mueller seems to have acceiited Morren's hypothesis, but without mentioning the author of it. In his "Introduction to Botanic Teachings" (p. 25. 1877), he says of the Australian Acacias — "This enormous number of con- generic plants [about .300 species] can conveniently be separated into two main groups, according to the structure of their leaves, whetiier consisting of a simple blade, or whether formed by distinct leaflets. The first of this primary division is called that of the Phyllodineje, from a Greek word implying leaf-like form, because the supposed simple leaves are in reality formed by the confluence of leaflets, stalldets and stalks into one leaf-like mass, or according to the more generally adopted but less accurate views simply dilated leaf-stalks (piiyllodia ) ; this metamorphosis is most readily demonstrated and proved by observing the apparently simple-leaved Acacias in early growth, when the first leaves developed by the young seedling will be found to be compound, consisting of leaflets ar- ranged in two rows, thus forming iiinnae, several again of these pinnetiole." Xow the passage (juoted is very remarkable, liul hardly more so than others of similar import to be found in s. flattened leaf-axes lor pairs of jiiuuie, irom the nature ot the case, the suhstitu- tion or ruplaeeuient caiiuot take place iustautaneously in a flash, but only by gradual, intermediate stages. It necessarily follows, therefore, that some indi- cation of both can and may be present at the same time, but in an invei-sely pro- portional ratio. If the pinnse are strongly in evidence, after the struggle be- gins, the euphyllode will be only slightly indicated; wiiereas if the euphylloiie is strongly in the ascendant, but not yet complete, the pinnas will show signs of some kind ur other that they are on the wane. Tiie swamping, euphyllode- producing tendency usually acts too promptly in young seedlings to show the inversely proportional relations between the two contestants very satisfactorily. But good examples of reversion-foliage, and the leaves of reversion-shoots sliow them most beautifully and convincingly. Sir Jolin Lubbock, afterwards Lord Avebiuy, in his great book "On Seed- lings" (18i)2), mentions or describes, or describes and figures seedlings of se\en species of Acacia. But his material was very limited, and sometimes lestricted to a single seedling. It is remarkable that the species, whose seeds he was able to get, are all out-of-the-way or inland species, and do not include a single example of our common and familiar species. Lubbock was interested in them as seedliug-s merely; and it was not his object to discuss the nature of the euphy- lodes of those that were euphyllodineous species. Having complete seedlings at his disposal, he was able to recognise, this time, that the flrst of six of them was an abrujitly pinnate leaf. But of two species, not tigured, A. Oswaldi and A. aeanthocarpa he says — ''Leaves compound and abruptly pinnate or reduced to phyllodes," and "First leaves compound, abniptly pinnate"; but as he makes no mention of the presence of bipinnate lea\es in either case, one does not know how to take these statements, since his descriptions of the seedling's of these two species are all that are available at present. On the other hand, he describes I he flrst six leaves of a seedling of A. Burkitti as bipinnate. This is the oidy Acacia-seedling, without an abruptly pinnate flrst leaf, or a pair of them, yet recorded. Lubl)o(k also recognises the presence of Hentiiam's terminal seta in the seedlings of two species, but unfortunately he locates it on the petioles. Thus, of the flrst six leaves of .^1. Burkitti, all bipinnate with one pair of pinn;e, he says "petiole excurrent between the pinn;e, with a subulate slender point." Also of A. vertieillata he say.s — "Leaves at flrst pinnate then bipinnate, then reduced to phyllodes . . . petioles laterally compressed . . . and ]>ni- jecting beyond the pinnw with a subulate acute aristate point." The petiole of a comjxiund leaf is tiie portion of the common petiole, or primary leaf-axis, below the lowest pair of piniia»; therefore, all the ])inna3 are attached to the rhachis; consequently it is the common petiole, or its distal couipcment, the rhachis, which terminates in an excurrent point or terminal seta. If the petiole terminates in an "excurrent i)oint," then, since the latter is above the pair of pinnw. these nuist be attached to the petiole — whidi is absurd. He correctly adds, however — • "rhachis of pinna- excurrent in the form of a small subulate point." And lie sliould have said — common petiole, or the rliachis which is its distal component, with an excurrent point. But, accepting the current idea, tliat the phyllodes of Acacias are simply flattened petioles, he tacitly assumed and took for granted, as he did in the earlier passage quoted above, that the single pair of pinnae of his bipinnate leaves was the lowest or basal pair, whereas it is the apical or uppermost pair which appears first; and that the stalk to which the pinnffi were aflaclied was the petiole, whereas it was the common i>etioh> or primary leaf- axis, as is proved by its lerminating in an excurrent point or terminal seta. phesidext's address. 31 Mr. K. H. Canibage has recently taken up the study of Acacia-seedlings where Lubbock left off; and, from his extensi\-e knowledge of the Australian flora, sud' of Acacias growing under natural conditions, he is eminently tjualifled to undei'take it. Since 1915, lie has iiublished live instalments of a monograph on "Acacia-Seedlings." which include descriptions and excellent photographs of the seeds, pods, and young seedlings of fifty-five species. This is an excelfent be- ginning of a very important contribution to knowledge, which can only be done properly as he is doing it, with personal knowledge of the jslants under natural conditions, and with adequate material. As it is necessarily a leisure-time study, he deserves, in an especial manner, all the encouragement and help that we can give him. If he will take into consideration the evidence I am now bringing forward, and will modify his terminology accordingly, 1 venture to predict that liis work will become more inspiring and interesting even than it has been. Cambage's papers and illustrations show admirably, how promptly the swanii)ing effect of the usurping, euphyllode-produeing tendency takes place in all the eupliyllodineous sjiecies he has described, with the exception of .1. Dielatioxtjlon. This is one of a small group' of exceptional species, which includes ^1. ruhida, and apparently also the non-Australian species, A. heterophi/lla, that is in need of special and detailed study of good series of gradational stages. The transition from an abruptly pinnate leaf, or more usually from a bi- pinnate leaf with one pair of pinnae, or sometimes two pairs, to the first complete euphyllode, of seedlings of the euphyllodineous Australian Acacias, may take place on any leaf, from the second to the ninth, or even later, according to the species, and according to circumstances. The difference in seedlings of the same species is mainly due to the absence or the presence of lingering stages of the dwindling pinnae. It is usually, but not invariably, complete before the seedlings are able to develoji leaves with two pairs of pinn». Cambage has found it to be the second leaf in A. alata (not counting the members of the opposite first pair of simply pinnate leaves separately), in about a dozen specimens, so that no bipinnate leaves with one pair of pinnae had a chance to develop. He has also found it to be the third leaf sometimes in A. excelsa. In the seedling figured by me (PI. ii., fig. 2) it is the fourth leaf. This is the seedling of the species (prol)ably A. implexa, as Mr. Cambage has been good enough to advise me) which has furnished me with my best and most instructive reversion-shoots and suckers, because the euphyllodcs are so long, up to about 9 inches. I was not interested in the plants before they were scorched, and the portions of the plants above ground killed, but without damage to the root-system, by a bush-fire, or in some cases injured in other ways; and there has not been time yet for the new shoots to flower; and I have been unable to find adult, uninjured plants in a condition suitable for exact identification of the species. In the seedling shown, the first abruptly jjinnate leaf had three pairs of leaflets, but the apical pair, and one of the next i)air below, were missing, when I got the sjiecimen. The second, third, and fourth are bipinnate, with only one pair of pinnae in all of them. One pinna of the second is damaged, and is represented by one leaflet and a portion of its fellow. Above what remains of the damaged pinna in the position shown, the terminal seta at the apex may be seen in the photogTaph of the com- mon petiole, projecting to the left. Tlie fiftli is a short, relatively broad, com- plete euphyllode, 23 inches long; the sixth is longer but narrower; the seventh is still longer; the eighth (bent in the photo) is 7 i inches long. An average sample of a complete euphyllode from a reversion-shoot, 8J inches long, is shown 32 " president's address. beside tbe seedling on the left. My leveision-sboots show fifteen later stages that are skipped in this seedling, to be referred to later on. Of sixteen bush-seedling's of .1. falcata, the tirst comijlete euphyllude was the fifth leaf in nine, tlie sixth in sis, and the seventh of one; the leaf immediately preceding the first comijlete eviphyllode in each of two seedlings had two pairs of pinnw. Of sixteen bush-seedlings of A. myrtifolia, the tirst complete euphyl- lode was the fifth of two, the sixth of seven, the seventh of six, and the eighth of one; seedlings of this species also sometimes have one, and occasionally two leaves with two pairs of pinnse. Seedlings of A. lini folia, of which tbe first complete eupbyllode may be the sixth-ninth, may also have one leaf, or two leaves, or, as in one of my specimens, three leaves, with two pairs of pinna?. The leaves of seedlings of A. suaveolens often sliow most interesting lingering stages of dwindling pairs of pinnse, the last of which may be represented by only a single pair of leaflets, with the terminal seta at the apex of the rhaehis; and this is quite as conspicuous at the apices of tbe succeeding euphyllodes. Further details will l)e found in Cambage's papers.* Thk Terminal Seta or Recurved Point of the Bipixnate Le.-isks and El'phyllodes op Australian Acacias. No. 3 of the definitions given in Bentham's paper on the Jlimosea\ referred to later on, is very important, namely — "A small point terminates the petioles whether common or partial, in all or nearly all Mimoseae. It is usuaUy setifoi'm, though sometimes short and thick, and occasionally almost foliaceous, sometimes apparently continuous with the jjetioles [i.e., the common or partial petioles as defined on p 324; but not petioles in the sense in which some later authors use the term, foLuwing Kunth], at other times falling readily oflE. This point has by some been termed a gland; but, it would appear, erroneously. It may pos- sibly be the rudiment of a terminal i)inna or leallet ; but as there is no evidence beyond its position [i.e., terminating the common or partial petioles] to show that it is so, I have been unwilling to give it any other name than seta termiiialis.'' Now this was written some seventeen years before the publication of Dar- win's "Origin of Species." Chapter xiii., of the "Origin" deals, in part, with the subject of Rudimentary Organs. Darwin's treatment of the subject gave an altogether new view of the imjjoi'tanee and significance of rudimentary organs and vestigial structures. To-day, remnants and \estigial structures mean very much more to the morphologist than they did seventy-eight yeare ago. Then, Bentham knew of "no evidence, beyond its position,"' to say more than that the seta terminalis was possibly "the rudiment of a terminal pinna or leaflet." To- day, I imagine, no one qualified to speak, will take exception to the statement that it really is, what Bentham, seventy-eight years ago, said it possibly might be. The setn terminalis of the pari-pinnate leaf of (a.-ysia Candotleana. for example, a common garden plant, or of the pari-pinnate first leaf of Acacia-seedlings, undoubtedly represents the remnant of an aborted terminal leaflet, corresponding to the terminal leaflet present in Rohinia pseudacaeia, for example: just as. in the bipinnate foliage of seedlings or of the adult i)lants of tiie Bii)innatae, or in the bipinnate foliage of seedlings, on the young euphyllndes, and frequently on the adult eui)hyllodes of the Euphyllodiueae. unless accidently missing, it repre- * Cambage, "Acacia Seedlings." Parts i.-v. Jouvn. Proc. K. Soo. N.S.Wales, Vols, xlix -liii., 191,")-19. president's address. 33 sents tbe remuaut uf a vanished terminal pinna corresponding to the terminal pinna of the impari-bipinnate leaves of Caesalpinia &illiesii. (PI. ii., fig. 1) . Moreover the setae terminales of the reversion-foliage of A. suaveolens are sometimes green and foliaceous, like incomplete leaflets or a pair of leaflets (PI. i., fig-s. 4, 8, 9, 10) ; and the leaves of reversion-shoots of A. implexa (?) and A. podalyriae folia sometimes have thread-like rudiments of the axes of the terminal pinna present, without leaflets, but with a terminal seta at the apex (PI. viii. 5, 6). Admittedly, the seta terminalis is of no practical importance to the describer of species. Nevertheless, in his paper on the Mimoseae, almost aU the species of which have bipinnate leaves, Bentham took the trouble to discuss what he conceived to be its meaning and significance. It was unfortunate, therefore, that, when he came to deal with the Australian Acacias in the second volume of the Flora Australiensis, especially as the euphyllodineous species far outnumber the bipinnate species, he took no account of the seta terminalis, as defined in the paper on Mimoseas, or of its significance, except that he merely mentions its occurrence, under another name, the "recurved point," in two only of the twenty- two species of Bipinnatas which he describes, as if these were the only two species in which it was to be found. Thus of A. polyhotrya he says — "the rhachis ter- minating in a recurved deciduous point'' (p. 414) ; and of A. leptoclada — "Pinnje 3-5 pairs, 3-4 lines long, on a common petiole of 1 to A in., ending in a recurved point" (p. 416). But the recurved point, or seta terminalis, unless it is accidentally missing, is usually e(|ually constant and significant, not only in other bipinnate Acacias in which no mention is made of its presence; but also on the leaves of seedlings of the EuphijUodineae, and at the apices of euphyllodes, especially in the young stages. Bentham furnished descriptions of 271 species of ""euphyllodineous Acacias. It is remarkable, therefore, that the setae terminales of some of them did not attract his notice, or arouse his suspicion that the so-called phyUodes of Acacias were something more than merely flattened petioles. Kerner is the only author known to met who rightly recognises that there is 3 vestigial stracture at the apex of the so-called phyllodes of Acacias, which, in reality, is Bentham's seta terminalis, in which the common petiole, or the rhachis. its distal component, terminates; but not the petiole, as Lubbock expressed it. — Thus he says — "In many of the vetches of the Southern European flora (Lathyrus, Nissolia, Ochrus) but especially in a large number of Australian shnibs and trees, principally acacias (Acacia longifolia, falcata, myrtifnlia, armata, cultrata, Mela- noxylon, decipiens, etc . ) it is the leaf -stalks which are extended like leaves placed vertically, and then the development of the leaf-lamina is either entirely arrested, or has the appearance of an appendage at the apex of the flat, green leaf -stalk or "phyllode" as it is called."* As far as the Acacias are concerned, the appendage at the apex of the "phyllodes." here referred to, is simply Bentham's seta ter- minalis, or recurved point, the rudiment of an arrested terminal pinna, in which the common petiole, or its distal comjionent, the rhachis, terminates. It is not, as Kerner supposes, under the influence of the current dogma, that Acacia- phyllodes, so-called, are simply flattened leaf-stalks or petioles, the remnant of an arrested leaf-lamina. The pinnse only have been arrested, and not the rhachis as well. Consequently, the tenninal seta retains its normal position at the apex of the rhachis, that is, the apex of the common petiole, or the primary axis of •Natural History of Plants, English Edition, Vol. i., p. 335. fBut see the reference to Goebel's views f>ostea, p. 44. 34 president's address. the leaf. But that Kerner should be the only author, so far as I can learn, to liave recognised the occurrence of an apical, vestigial structure on the so-called phyllodes of the Australian Acacias, is both surprising and interesting. His mistake, like the mistakes of others, was attributable to a lack of adequate ma- terial for study. Nevertheless, his obseixation is notable. The meaning and significance, and in some cases the occu.Tcnce, of the ter- minal seta or recur\ed or excurrent point, or rudiment of tiie terminal pinna, of the leaves of the Australian Acacias, whether in the seedling-stage or otherwise, have received such scant eonsideratiou from authors, that a comparison of the leaves of Acacias with those of other genera with remarkable bipinnate leaves is not only very instructive, but wliat can be learned in this way needs to be em- phasised and allowed for. For comparative purposes, the most satisfactory material is afforded by the leaves of three plants belonging to exotic genera, more or less common in gardens in Sydney. I am unable to find anything about them in any books available to me, from the particular standpoint in which T am interested in them. These are Caesalpinia GiUiesil Wall., native of La Plata States, which is of interest because the leaves have a terminal pinna, but the i)inn» lack a terminal leaflet ; Jacaranda ovali folia R.Br., native of Brazil, which is remarkable because the leaves have a fugacious terminal pinna which is wanting in the mature leaves, the pinnas have a terminal leaflet, and the mode of succession of both the pinnae and the leaflets in the development of the bipinnate leaf is basifugal; and the West Indian Calliandra portoricensis, whose leaves, like those of the bipinnate Acacias, have neither a terminal pinna, nor have the pinna? a terminal leaflet; but, in both cases, especially in the young leaves, vmless it is accidentally missing, the ter- minal setae are conspicuous. C. Gilliesii has leaves up to nearly 7 inches long, to the base of the terminal pinna; witli twelxe or thirteen pairs of short pinnae, with about eight to ten pairs of leaflets. As in the Acacias, the leaves present anomalies. Some of the pinnae are alternate instead of opjjosite; one of a pair is sometimes missing; the ter- minal pinna is occasionally missing; the number of pairs of leaflets of tiie idnnai is variable. The leaves show: — (1) that the internodes are about as long as the spread of an expanded pair of leaflets, measured from tip to tip across the partial rhachis; (2) that the pinnae of the lower pairs are fairly at right angles to the axis, but that the ajiical pair and several paire next below do usually move in- wards slightly, so that there may be some slight overlapping of the lower leaflets of the ajiical pair and the terminal pair, even though the latter has a longer petiole tlian the others; (3) and that the petiole uuiy lie no longer tlian tiie lowest internode, or half as long again ; but however mucli it may be. it is liut a small fraction of the length of the entire axis or conmion [letiole. Fig. 1 of PI. iii.. represents the upper portion of a leaf, in which the pinna? of the apical \r.\\v are at right angles to the .axis; and this was chosen for illustration because the terminal pinna was fully displayed. Lubbock figures a very young seedling of this species, with only the first leaf, which is nliru|illy lunnatc. but no I'urthcr ]iar- ticulars are given . The longest .Tacai'anda leaf that 1 liavc, without (lortion of the ti]), which is missing, is 211 inches long, petiole 2if, with .32 pairs of pinna\ some of which are alternate. Longer leaves may be seen on some trees. Mature leaves rarely show anything at the ajicx, but the basal scar of something which is missing. 1 figure a small leaf from a young plant Si inches long, which should have eighteen pairs of ])inna' and a terminal ))inna: l)ut tlic terminal i>inna, and four pairs of presidext's address. 35 piiuife are represented by large leaflets, some of them with serrated edges. I have also other leaves showing more advanced, but still, incomplete transforma- tions. On the other hand, one can get examples in which the terminal pinna is jH-esent, Ijut the leaHets are not expanded. In this condition, it is apt to be fugacious; and one often tinds only a withered or broken remnant of it. The basifugal succession of both the pinna! and the leaflets in the development of the bipinnate leaves is vei-y interesting. The pinna in the basal region are usually short; in the middle region they are very long, with numerous pairs of pinnae, and s tei-minal leaflet. The internodes may be as long as, or shorter than the spread of an opposite pair of expanded leaflets. The petiole is relatively very short, as long as about two or three, or more, internodes, if some of the possible lowest pinna' do not develop. The variable length of mature leaves on the same plant, that is the variable number of the pairs of pinnae present, is, I think, attributable to accidents, at different stages of gi-owth, to the apical portion of the leaves before the basifugal development of the full number of pinnae is complete. The leaves of CalUandra have up to six or seven pairs of pimiffi. As in the bipinnate Acacias, the terminal pinna, as well as the terminal leaflet of the pinnae, has been arrested; but, in Iwth cases, their remnants, the terminal seta3, are pre- sent, unless accidentally missing, and are esjieciully noticeable in young leaves. Of a leaf with six pairs of pinnae, the length of the common petiole was 34 inches; Ihe spread of a pair of opposite expanded leaflets 11, or about the length of two internodes; and the length of the petiole 2-1. The petioles of these leaves, proportionately to the length of the common petioles, are the longest I have met w^th; and the length of the internodes is less than the spread of an opposite pair of leaflets ; but this causes no overlapping .as the apical pair of pinnie, and one or two pairs below them move upwards and inwards, and the basal pair move downwards and inwards. The youngest leaves of .1. discolor that one can get, siiow excellently the ter- minal setae both of the common petiole and of the pinnae (PI. viii., fig. 2). Also that there is no addition of pinnae at the apex of the leaf, after the lowest pinna? are developed, as in Jacaranda. All the pinnae that are to be present in the mature leaf, are represented in the primordium of the leaf; and when the pinucP of the young leaves move into place, and the leaflets expand, the iiinnfe are all equally developed . Similar statements are applicable to the very young leaves of A. decurrens. Fig. 2 of PI. iii., shows the leaf of a seedling of this speciei*, with three pairs of pinnae, the middle pair of which illustrate the incomplete ba-sipetal development of the leaflets. Due recognition of the meaning and significance of the terminal setcB of the leaves of the bipinnate Acacias, and especially of the leaves of seedling's with only one pair of pinnae, is the key to the understanding of euphyllodes. What- ever else may be wanting, the apical pair of pinnae- is always present, unless acci- dentally missing, except in decadent stages such as are shown in Plate vii. The Petioles or the Lea\'es of Bipinx"ate Australiax Acacias The euphyllodes of some Australian Acacias are very long, from 12-20 inches. In considering the nature of such remarkable developments as these, it is neces- sary to consider some of the characters of the leaves of the bipinnate Acacias. and especially of their petioles. 36 • president's address. Seventy-eight years ago, Mr. Bentbam monographed the species of Mimosa. He began his paper by formulating some definitions." Thus he said — "Before entering into descriptive details, some preliminary explanations may be necessary relating to some of the terms used in characterising Mimoseoe, and applied by different writers in different senses. ... I have uniformly adopted the phraseology usually followed by De Candollc, giving the name of pinnae to the primary divisions, and of foliola to the ultimate divisions [of the bipinnate leaf]. I have also designated by petiolus communis, the xi-hole of the stalk to which the pinnae are affixed, not (as is done by Kunth), that part only which is below the lowest pair of pinnae, and by petiolus partialis I have meant the whole of the stalk to which the foliola are attached." Accordingly, in this paper, Bentham refrains altogether from using the terms petiole and rhacbis. The adoption of the term common petiole, in the sense defined, has the ad- vantage of avoiding a possible difficulty — namely, if the portion of the common petiole of a bipinnate leaf below the lowest pair of pinnae, the petiole in the Kuuthian sense, is longer than the internode immediately above, how is one to be cjuite sure that at least one pair of pinnse, below the lowest pair present, has not been suppressed; and that, consequently, the supposed petiole is only ap- parently, and not really, the actual petiole? When Bentham came to deal with the Acacias in the second volume of the Mora Austrabensis (18G4), he adopted a somewhat different and mixed termin- ology, partlj- as defined above for the Mimoseae proper, and partly in accordance with the definitions given in the Introduction and Glossary prefixed to the de- scriptive matter in the first volume. While stiU using the term common petiole for the whole of the stalk to which the pinnae are affixed, he also uses the term petiole, in the Kunthian sense, for that part which is below the lowest pah- of pinucB; and he also uses the term rhachis. But I do not understand Bentham to use the term common petiole as synonymous with the term rhacliis. as defined in the Introduction- — "39. The common stalk [of a compound leaf] upon which the leaflets are inserted is called the common petiole or the rhachis." If one examines the impari-pinnate leaves of Tecoma capensis (4 pairs), T. radieans (4-5 pairs), Rohinia pseudacacia (8 pairs), Ailanthus glanduhi!ositc jiair of leaflets. Hax'ing done tliis, then look tor the bipinnate analogue among the l)ipinnate s])ecies described by Rent ham, or others, and figured in Mueller's "Iconoi;ra|)hy of the Acacias," or elsewhere. But. of course, reversion-foliaiie. and es])ecially i-cversion-shoots. if one can get good S|)ecimen.s, will show N'alurc's method of actually doing it. Hk\HRS10\-1''0I,IAGK, KeVKRSI0N-Si1(X)TS, .\NI) SrCKKRS. Textbooks sometimes nu'ution, in an inairs of leaflets or single leaflets, at different levels, on the margin of the developing euphyllode or half-euphyllode, instead of on the mid- rib; other's show foliaceous terminal setae; and two have three leaves at a node. Figs. 1, 3, and 11 have no or but slight development of the lower side of the euphyllodes. All three have an odd pinna below the first jsair of iiinnse, or just below the second pair (the leaflets missing in Fig. 3); and, at a lower level, a pair of pinnae with a reduced numlier of leaflets, on tlie margin of the euphyl- lode. A. suaveolens is remarkable in this respect, namely, for the transference of the leaf -buds to the margin of the eujihyllode, instead of their remaining on the midrib . Figs. 2 and 6 show two pairs of pinnae (one pinna missing in Fig. 0) and a single, small pinna, with but few leaflets, on the edge of the euphyllode. They are figured especially to show, what I have seen only in the reversion-foliage of this species, in which it is common — the occurrence of three leaves at some of the nodes, of which the middle one is always the most developed. In the examples given, the two lateral leaves of the trio are simjjly pinnate. But, sometimes, one or both may be bipinnate ; or the middle one may be a complete large euphyllode, while one, at least, of the lateral ones may be a smaller euphyllode. The two lateral leaves probably develop from reserve-buds. Lubbock describes and figures a seedling of ^1. i-erticillata, of which the sixtli leaf was represented by a single euphyllode. but some of the succeeding ones by broken or complete whorls of euphyllodes. Other species may also have whorled or verticillate or grouped euphyllodes; but, as far as I know, nothing analogous to it is known in bipinnate Acacias. Fig. 2 shows the terminal seta; and the retarding effect of the pre- sence of the second jiair of pinn^ on the flattening of the internode, and for some distance below. Figs. 4, 5, and 7 show a pair of leaflets, or two odd leaflets, on the margins of the euphyllode at different levels. Sometimes a jiinna, or a leaflet or leaflets, may be quite close to the base, indicating that the petiolar portion of the euphyl- 40 president's address. lode is relatively very short. I liave two examples of nearly complete eupbyl- lodes, one of which has an apical pair of pinnae, and a large leaflet with an op- posite pair of small ones, on the margin | inch from the base; while the other has an apical pinna with two pairs of leaflets, and a marginal pinna with two l)airs of leaflets, § inch from the base. Another specimen has one pair of pinnair, together with a terminal ]>inna), thev are, as yet, the first to be recorded . What I believe to be tlie correct explanation of them is, that they are merely examples like the three shown in ray PI. iii., fig. 3; and PI. viii., figs. 9-10. The first of these is the leaf of a reversion-shoot. I have others like it; and otliei-s with the two pairs complete, but separated by a very short internode. The second is a leaf of a seedling of .1. my rti folia, and the only specimen I have. But Cambage has figured similar leaves of A. huxifolia and A. pycnantha [Acacia Seedling's. Part iii., p. 393] . When the termisal seta is taken account of, there is no dilliculfy in interin-efing them. The third is a leaf of .1. decurreiis, which is comjiarable with the others. I have failed to find any e^-idence whatever that the lowest or proximal i)air of leaflets of the first simply pinnate leaf is ever replaced by a pair of strongly developed pinnae, while the rest of the axis runs on simply pinnate, and rather weak in structure. On the contrary, the apical pair of leaflets is replaced by an apical pair of jsmnsp; and there is no replacement at all of the lower leaflets of the first pinnate leaf before the transition of complete euphyllodes in seedlings of many species, though there is in others, as in the Bijiinnatse. Tlierefore, in every leaf, at every stage -of development, whatex'er else may be present or absent, the apical pair is normally present, and, in the very early stages, it is the only pair. The succession of the pinnae in the development of the bijiinnate leaf is basipetal. The leaf of A. decurretis figured by Preston as '"showing a tendency towards a triple pinnation," that is, "showing clearly the third degree on some of the l)asal leaflets of the jjinnas," is a remarkable Ijut rare aberration. This species is a very common one in the Sydney district, and I have examined many leaves; but T have not succeeded in fuiding specimens of this or any other Acacia which sliow it. But I have collected three leaves of Jacaranda, which have a few of the liasal leaflets of the lowest pinnae exemplifying a tendency toward a triple pinnation. But what Preston has to say about the leaves of A. heteroplii/lln, of which he gives illustrations, is very important. Tliis is a si)ecies indigenous t^o the Island of Bourbon and Mauritius, or both of them, T believe; and T cannot liear that it is cultivated in Sydney gardens. It is sometimes mentioned in textbooks, and it appears to be a remarkaljle species, like A. melanoryJon, A. nibida. and ])erhaps some ., terminal pinna — t. s., terminal seta Plate i. — A. suaveolejis (reversion-foliage). Figs. 1-7 and 11 show leaves with two pairs or one pair of good pinnae on the •upper part of the common petiole or primary leaf -axis; and poorer pinnse with a reduced number of leaflets, or a pair of leaflets or odd leaflets on the margin of the lower part of the flattening leaf-axis below the second good pair (when there are two pairs), that is, on the developing half-euphyllode (the flattening on the upper side of the axis only), or euphyllode. Note the inversely proportional ratio in which the two antagonists are present. Figs. 2 and 6 show also three leaves at a node, the two lateral ones simply pinnate. Figs. 4, 7, 9, 10 show green, foliaceous, terminal setae. Plate ii — A. implexa (?). Fig- 1 — An average complete euphyllode. Fig. 2. — K seedling showing the transition from a bipinnate leaf with one pair of pinnae (the apical pairl to a complete euphyllode on the fifth leaf. The fourth leaf is a portrait of the two juvenile antagonists — a pair of pinnae (bantam), and the leaf-axis or common petiole to which they are attached (the potential heavy- weight, which, after the tussle is all over, attains the dimensions of the example shown in Fig- 1) . 46 president's address. Plate iii. Fif. 1. — Upper portion of a leaf of Caesalphiia Gilliesii to show th; terminal pinna present in this species. This, in the Acacias, aborts, and is represented by a remnant, the terminal seta. Fig. 2. — Leaf of a seedling of A. discolor, showing the basipetal. incomplete developments of the leaflets of the middle pair. Figs 3-6. — Leaves of Reversion-shoots of .,•/. iutf. The one on the left, whose fellow did not develop, represents an incomplete second pair next below, very close to the apical pair because the internode did not lengthen. Fig. 4. — Leaf with one pinna of the second pair missing. Two alternate, or perhaps odd pinnae below, represented by large leaflets. Fig. .5. — Leaf with the apical pair of pinnae only, and a terminal pinna repre- sented by a leafiless thread-like axis, and a terminal seta. The whole of the axis is more or less flattened. Fig. 6. — Another leaf with three pairs of good pinnae, and a rudimentary, leaf- less, terminal pinna, and a terminal seta. Some flattening of the axis throughout, but retarded where the pinnas are. Plate iv. Fig. 1. — Complete leaf (back view) of A. Baileyaiia, with four pairs of pinnae, and a terminal seta, visible with a lens. Note the excessively short petiole. Figs. 2. — Leaves of reversion-shoots of A. implexa, including two complete euphyllodes. The branchlet shows the order of the succession. Xote the inversely proportional ratio in which the two antagonists are present — good pinnae on the upper part of the axis: much flattening on the lower part, extending upwards, but retarded where the pinna are (especially in Fig. 31. Also the termmal seta at the tip of the larger phyllode : rudimentary pinnae in the smaller one. Plate V — Leaves of Reversion-shoots of A. iviplexa (?). Figs. 1-5. — Most interesting stages of the contest when the antagonists are fairly equally matched. Good pinnae on the upper part of the axis: flattening most marked on the lower part, extending upwards, but retarded where the pinnae are. Note the terminal setae, with some indication of the developing pinnae of the apical pair in the youngest euphyllodes, and the terminal seta alone in the largest one. Plate vi — Leaves of Reversion-shoots of A. implexa (?). Figs. 5-6 supplement the series shown in Plate v., and are fine specimens. Figs. 1-3. with 11 and 10 pairs of pinnae, the maximum number, as yet seen, show the pinnae doing their very best. Some of the lowest pinnae show reduction in the number of leaflets. The lowest pinnae in all three are represented by leaflets. The presence of so many pinnae has obviously put the brake on the flattening of the axes. Note the short petiole in Fig. 3. and the terminal seta in Fig. 5. Also, that, in the leaves of this species, the pinnae are attached to the midrib, and not to the margin, as in A. suaveoletis (PI. i.). Plate vii. — Leaves of Reversion-shoots of A. implexa (?). Figs. 1-7.— Six decadent stages of the waning pinnae, variou.sly located, and a complete euphyllode. The common petioles or primary leaf-axes show more or less flattening from base to apex. TTie distal portion of No. 4 is missing: but note the retardation of the flattening in the lower portion of this and No. 6. where the reduced pinnae, or leaflets are: and how the flattening increases distad of the distal pinna or pair of" them. Note also the short petiolar portion of No. 6. in which the two proximal pairs of pinnae are represented by leaflets. president's address. 47 Plate viii Figs. 14. — Four, developing half-euphyllodes of A. podalyriaefolia with two pairs of pinnae; some flattening of the internode; and the broad flap-Uke flattening of the axis below the second pair of pinnae, with a loose end, which, but for the presence of the lower pair of pinns, would be joined up with the apex by the fully flattened, internodal portion. Figs. 5-7. — One half-phyllode, and one nearly complete, with one pair of pinnae, and a rudimentary, leafless, terminal pinna and terminal seta, of the same species. Fig. 7.— Young euphyllodes of the same species, showing the conspicuous ter- minal setae. Fig. 8. Three very young leaves of A. discolor, showing the terminal setse of both the rhachis, and of the partial rhachises. Fig. 9. — Upper portion of seedling of A. myrtifolia with the fifth leaf apparently tripinnate. TTie middle one and the one on the right, with the terminal seta be- tween but behind them, are the apical pair. The one on the left represents an incomplete second pair next below, the internode not having lengthened. Fig. 10. — Upper portion of a leaf of A. decurrens, showing the same sort of thing, the middle pinna and the one on the left being the apical pair. The rest of the leaf, together with eight pairs of pinnae have been removed. Fig, 11. Upper portion of a not mature remarkable leaf of Jacaranda (the rest of the leaf, with eleven pairs of pinnae having been removed!, showing four pairs of pinnse towards the apex, and the terminal pinna, all represented by leaflets, some with serrated edges; and the pinna: with terminal leaflets. Mr. J. H. Campbell, Hon. Treasurer, presented the balance sheets for the year 1919, duly signed by the Auditor, Mr. F. H. Rayment, F.C.P.A., Incor- porated Accountant; and he moved that it be received and adopted, which was carried unanimously. No valid nominations of other Candidates having been received, the President declared the following elections for the ensuing Session to be duly made : — president: Mr. J. J. Fletcher, M.A., B.Sc. MEMBERS OF COUNCIL (to fill six vacancics) : — Messrs. J. E. Carne, F.G.S., H. J. Carter, B.A., F.E.S., Prof. T. W. E. David, C.M.G., D.S.O., D.Sc, F.R.S., Prof. W. A. Haswell, M.A., D.Sc, A. H. S. Lucas, M.A., B.Sc, and J. H. Maiden, I.S.O., F.R.S. auditor: Mr. F. H. Raj-ment, F.C.P.A. It was resolved, on the motion of Miss S. Hynes, seconded by Mr. A. G. Hamilton, "that it is the opinion of Members of this Society that in the interests of Science, the Rowan Collection of paintings should be retained in this the Mother State." On the motion of Mr. A. G. Hamilton, a very cordial vote of thanks to the retiring President, Mr. J. J. Fletcher, was carried by acclamation. 48 o o o o 00 to •^J< O CD 05 — I (N O O O o o o ■ O O Q ■^ o o o_ o_ en W 'SI < 0 o Si a w » CO 0^ o CO o (O o w to =** 25 ^ c OJ ? C aj r rt +J . • 4) J3 'S 2 - o " ■ o O O 00 o o to o o o o t^ to o" _5 = O A O o V) o o -^' CD 2i^ «1 ' 3 E~ >^ '-' -O K» " > C -1^ lU ^ U §^ s ° « 3 CJ ■*-> U5 C3 •H a s ^ o e O O CO O O CI O iC t^ CO o o 1^ O (M CC CD t^ Tt< (M -rp r^ Oi « O — ' CO .o a ^ 5 « u o Q cq O d) ' a c c . O! -si" CO to • (M -- " O 00 05 O CO CO o o en CO -- ^ CO CO o 10 t>. co CO 0 0 Tf 0 0 — c 0 to >0 ^ CO ^ 0 (M 0-- 10 "O rt CO 'O — ' -■ 10 »o < T3 C CO Co 3 X '^^ 2 w c ta ■ - +J -*J b c ''^ O - . ■•fi o t >, c S 2 a' '5 a. « C — t-. .22 .s 5 ^ ^ D. ^ m CJ C « 3 ^ .Sex C c „, « oj 2 -^ ^ i/i O'l- 3 S) ra 1j J« a V " < c/; « p.fo w 49 H SS ^ o O 0> Q «< M X « ti! O )J H o u 03 o u Ul C 01 ^u c *H E" o c W i o g Ss u OJ 0) Q PShh « >! . ^ CQ ■ ■2 ■a c! yi O O CC O I-» 00 I^ 8g o c CO ^ TJ< v> oo oo t-H s !3 ■a - _^ : ft rt . " 01 ^ ^ nj 01 ctj oi OJ Ki; cu c ra o K w m < K •p 3 3 I* O U ft fL, ffi ■c Bj 3 CM c 2 ■a c H. o w ',:: so 0 = 0 000 10 to o irs i-< CO o^ CD 05 en H ^ 0 0 u 2 u o> •a! tH tT xn 0 Pu A M 2 » 1 09 ^ Q 0 -«A »J 1^ eo H -*3 h ca t« H H ,oo nl 00 u rt 0 0 (M t^ P 0 --' rt ^ C/3 w J 5 Si '^ o 13 3 " ■a 3 Ocn 1 •a iz; o u u < O u m ; o 00 CO o w ui o 00 — ' o o o c^ o o i^ i:*^ O 'O ^- O 05 ■* O) C^l CO O K n c« . CD o g C.S ^^ 3<^ B o 4) cii «; o . - - - H - - " c o a ►J n < S C ca c •a >^ w y^ W 0 0 e S •a 3 (N W . • •s< 0 • 3&. "C , ; oCJ u • p. ft. Vl CJ ■^H ■C/'. 3K as M;^ < rtf ^^ 3 O T3 C ca fl- ea •A W 31 ORDINARY MONTHLY MEETING. 31st MARCH, 1920. Mr. J. J. Fleteher, M.A.. B.Sc, President, in the Chair. Tlie Donations and Exchanges received since the ]3revious monthly meeting (26th Novemher. 1919), amounting to 40 Vols., 480 Parts or Nos., 51 Bulletins, 18 Reports and 15 Pamphlets, received from 106 Societies and Institutions and 5 l)rivate donors, were laid upon the table. 52 HOPJXESS IN WATTLE BARK INFUSIONS. By R. Greig-S-mith, D.Sc, Macleay Bacteriologist to the Society. (With Plate ix.) The development of i-opiness in tan liquors is oeeasionally met with and \n-o- Ijably would be of more conunon occurrence but for the fact that tanners have learnt by experience how to treat their liquors in order to avoid this objectionable fermentation. The phenomenon does not appear to have been examined, or at least no information about such rojiiness has been published. Doubtless the rea- son for this lies in the difficulty of isolating an organism, capable of producing ropiness, from such a population of diverse organisms as must be present in a fluid with the history of tan. liquor. But, beyond this fact, there is something about the subject that is peculiar, as was shown before this investigation was begun. A tan li(|uor claimed to be ropy was sent to the laboratory and upon being examined no ropiness could be detected. It was (uiite limpid and, upon being tested for viscosity, showed a water ratio of 1.0714 at 19°. When allowed to flow through a tine capillary, 100 e.e. of the reputed ropy liquor ran through in 210 seconds as against 196 seconds for distilled water. The liquid was plated and the bacteria examined, but no ropy organisms could be detected. The Isolation of the Bacteria. On account of the diversity of the tan liquor fliu'a and the difficulty of ob- taining a good specimen of ropy liquor at the time, the writer considered that the ]>roblem could best be attacked from the side of the wattle bark. There promised to be more chance of obtaining an organism capable of causing the ropy fermen- tation of raw bark infusions than of isolating a similar organism from a ropy tan liquor. As a matter of fact, during some experimental work, ropiness did de- velop in a bark infusion and a search showed, among many colonies, one pos- sessing a ropy consistency upon a plate of dextrose medium. The organism also caused a fluid medium containing dextrose to become ropy. It was reserved until occasion permitted its further examination . Some months later, it was decided to isolate fresh races of the ropy organism. FragTiients of wattle bark (Acacia p/ionnitha) were jiut into boltles and covercil with water and sometimes with nutrient li(|uids. Two bottles out of many showed ropiness. One of them had received raw tap water, the other boiled tap water with 0.25 % meat-extract. It was evident that the bacterium was to be found in the bark and was not derived from an outside source such as the tap water and, from the great number of bottles that were prepared, it was shown that the liacteria were not to be found on every bit of bark. A further test as to the .absence of the bacteria in tap water was made by filtering a (piantity of water and using the sli'ne that adhered to the candle in conjunction with sterilised and raw baiks. No ro]iiness developed in either case. BY n. GREICi-^^MITiI. 53 It was noted, but this may be of no importance, that the ropy infusions were slow to show gi-owths of moukls on the surface of the fluids, while all the non- ropy tests soon became covered with mould. Possibly the ropy bacterium utilised all the available carbohydrate. The ropy fluids in both of the positive tests contained many bacteria capable of forming slime on dextrose media, but only one of the numerous forms pro- duced ropy colonies and the same organism was found in both positive tests. It gave a canary-coloured, loose, slightly raised growth on nutrient agar, and under the microscope appeared as a round yellow colony with central granules and homogeneous periphery. The bacterium was gi-own in bouillon and after some time another bacterium of identical form but with different cultural characters appeared. This was at first supposed to be an impurity in the original colony but the same supposed impurity appeared in both races and in others obtained at a later date from bark. The supposed impurity was subsequently recognised as a phase of the original organism. Al . The ropy organism first isolated and set aside for future examination will be referred to as B., the most active phase of which is P>2. The organism isolated later and obtained several times from wattle-bark will be called A. Both bacteria exist in phases best recognised by the appearance of the colonies growing on the surface of nutrient agar. There is the primary phase, such as Al, a weak rope- produeer, which can be altered into the strong rope-producer, A2 . The change of phase is not abrupt and transition phases are met with. Some of these, generally yellow in colour by transmitted light, are closer related to Al, others, grey or smoky, are nearer akin to A2. The phase Bl was occasionally noted but, as com- pared with A2. B2 is remarkably stable. The ropy bacterium, mixed i)ossibly with the altered phase, readily developed ropiness in nutritive solutions containing dextrose, but did not have any apparent acti(m upon a sterilised infusion of wattle bark. In case the infusion had been altered by the sterilisation and become unsuitable tor tlie development of the ropy substance, the bacteria were grown in pasteurised infusion, then in infusion stei-ilised by filtration through porcelain and finally in raw infusion, but in none of these was there any trace of ropiness. This was rather aggTavating but cjuite in keeping with certain earlier attempts to transfer the ropiness of the original infusion to bottles containing healthy infusions. Unless a mass infection were made, the ropine-ss could not be transferred, and one had the suspicion that the ropy substance had not increased, but had simply become more diffuse. The explanation of the apparent anomaly was found after it had been shown that the slime or ropy material was coagulated by tannic acid. It follows from this observation that in the original case the ropiness had developed liefore much tannin had passed into the water, otlierwise the slime ])roduced by the bacteria would have been coagiilated upon the bodies of the bacteria, and would have pie- vented them becoming distributed in the bulk of the liquid. To prove the rea- soning, wattle bark, sterilised at 130°. was covered with water, seeded with the bacterium, B2, and incubated at 28°. In sixteen hours a ropy infusion was ob- tained. A repetition gave the same result. So far we have arrived at the stage that ropiness is developed in weak in- fusions of bark substance and not in strong, and it remained to determine the amount of tannin wliich would permit or prohibit the production of slime. On account of the inability to obtain a pure tannin, tannic acid was employed in the experimental wdik with s^Tithetic media. TVattle bark infusion contains 54 ROPINESS IN WATTLE BARK INFUSIONS tanuiu with certain nutritive substances. These consist partlj- of salts, partly of nitrogenous bodies, probably amido-aeitls akin to asparagin and pai-tly of sugar. The latter is either free or so loosely combined with the glucosidal tannin as to be readily fermentable by yeasts or by B. eoli communis. A saline solution containing 2 <"<- dextrose, 0.2 % asparagin and mixed salts was treated with increasing quantities of tannic acid and portions were seeded with the phase B2. The portion with 5 % of tannic acid showed a gi-owth of bacteria but there was no evidence of ropiness. The portions with 2 % and less were ropy in 16 hours. Twenty-five days afterwards, the portion with 1 % was ropy, the others were not and contained fiocculent sediments. This experiment mdi'-ated tliat the organism could develo)i ropiness in fluids containnig dextrose and up to 2 % of tannic acid. This amount seemed to be the limit, as in coui-se of time it slowly coagulated the ropy substance. Experiments with Infusions of Bark. An infusion of wattle bark was sterilised by filtration through porcelain. It had a Sp.G. of 1.026 at 22° which is roughly equivalent to 5% of tannin. Portions of this infusion were diluted and seeded with bacterium A. subsequently tound to be a mixture of Al and A2. Ropiness appeared in 16 houi-s with the quarter streng-th while the half strength was unaltered . An extension of this ex- periment with more graduated strengths was made with the results as shown in the table. Table i. — "Diluted Infusion of Bark. Days at 28" 3 Bark infusion, diluted. Sp. G., 1.026. 10 to ion 1.5 tc 100 20 to 100 2.5 to ion ;io to 100 35 to 100 s s o 0 - - s 0 - + + o 0 s + 0 0 s ^ o 0 « + o •In this and subsequent tables, "S" indicates a slight ropiness, the Huiil t^ivint; threads varying from oue-sixti'eutli to one-eighth of an inch in length. "4-" indicates tlireads of one quarter of an inch or longer. ■•O" means no apparent ropiness and. in some cases, no groivth. The small amount of ropiness obtained with water containing 10 ^'c of the infusion may have been due to ihe paucity of nutrients and the slower appear- ance of the ropiness with 25 <"( and over was possibly caused by the retarding action of the tannin which appeared to hfive coagulated the ropy material liy the 6th day. The disappearance of the ropiness may not iiave been entirely due to the coagulation of the ropy substance, for other experin.ents with acids and with salts, wliich will be descrit)cd later, gave indications of a digestion or solution taiing place. Some time afterwards, eighty days to be exact, the filtered extract which luid thrown a deposit was dihilid with water in the proportion of three parts of BY R. GEEIG-SMITH. 55 extract to seventeen oi water, thus briugmg the original approximately 5 % of tannin down to about | %. The solution was divided into three sets, each set containing a control and two other portions, one with 0.2 % and one with 0.4 % of calcium lactate. The sets were seeded with phases Al, A2 and B2. Phase Al did not become ropy. Phase B2 developed ropmess in the control only, while phase A2 showed ropiness in all tests . In these, the ropiness did not appear until the third day at 28° and it had disappeared by the sixth, giving place to cob- webby growths consisting of bacteria emmeshed in coagulated slime. The ex- periment showed that ropiness may develop in dilutions of old extract of wattle- bark and that it soon disappears. It also seemed to sliow that calcium lactate, a substance probably occurring in old tan liquors, has little or no influence in as- sisting the ropy fermentation. During the investigation the bacteria were tested to see if they retained the power of making infusions of wattle bark ropy. Their- physiological activities were being tested in sj'nthetic solutions, and in these the characteristic ropiness was being produced, but it -vras considered advisable to prove that this also hap- ]iened in bark infusions. Thirty gram portions of raw bark were put into sterile 4-oiince bottles and 50 e.c. portions of sterile water were added. The water just covered the bark. The liquids were seeded with the bacteria and incubated at 28°. Upon the first occasion of this routine testing, phase Al produced the characteristic ropiness in a day and phases B2 and A2 in two days. Twelve days later the test was repeated. Phases B2 and A2a developed the ropiness in two days, a duplicate race of B2 in three days. By the fourth day, phase A2 had developed ropiness. Phase Al, which had given a positive result twelve days before, was negative. Other tests made from time to time showed, like the above, a certain varia- bility in the activity of the phases. Tliis was to be expected, for a stock culture could not be kept on account of the alteration . of one phase into another. The bacteria were carried over from colony to colony, that is, plates were smeared every few days and from these, colonies were picked out and seeded into bouillon. It was only by proceeding in this way that the phases Al and A2 could be main- tained in a pure state. When infected bark is covered with water and allowed to stand, the bacteria gr-ow and produce the ropy substance, while the solution increases in strength. The bacteria apparently grow in clumps of slime, that is to. say, they form a coherent sHrne and remain imbedded in this slimey environment. This is demon- strated when the bacteria are gTown in saccharine nutrient solutions containing chalk ; the blobs of cohesive slime can be seen upon rotating the flask, and they are meapable of being broken up by the rotation of the flask. Once the blob of slime around the bacteria is admitted, it becomes a matter of question as to the diffusive speed of the tannins and non-tannins through the slimes, just as it is a question about the diffusive speed of the non-tannins and tannins from the bark. If in making an extract, the non-tannins, which we will presume are chiefly bacterial nutrients are the first to diffuse, or preponderate in the initial diffusion, the bacteria will grow and, in doing so, form a protective slime envelope which may be protective until the tannins become sufficiently concentrated to coagulate it. Such a coagulation occurs experimentally in dilute infusions of bark, but it has not been observed to occur in cases where the bark has been covered with water, and the infusion allowed to remain in contact with the bark. In an endeavour to throw some light upon this matter, portions of raw bark were treated with water in the ratio of three of bark to five of water, and after 56 ROPINESS IX WATTLE BARK INFUSIONS contact for varying times, the infusions were filtered. Tlie following were the Specific Gravities of the extracts : — 15 minutes, 1.010 ; 30 minutes, 1.013 ; 1 hour, 1.016; 2 hours, 1.020; 3 hours, 1.024; 4 hours, 1.027; 5 hours, 1.029; 1 day, 1.048; 3 days, 1.052. The infusions were portioned into tubes and seeded with phases of the bacteria. Phase Al: no ropiness in any of the extracts. A2: ropiness in all up to three hours. B2: ropiness in all up to 24 hours. The experiment was repeated with new extracts i\\> to ti\e hours. Phase Al : no ro]>iness in any of the extracts . A2 : ropiness in al! extracts. B2 : ropiness in all extracts . From the earlier tests with bark extract, it appeared pi'obable that tannin when present in excess will prohibit the formation of the ropy substance. But we are in doubt as to just hnw much will constitute an excess. Tannic acid seemed to act differently t'nnn tlie tannin in bark extract, and it is possil)le that ropiness occui's when there is a balance between the tannins and non-tannins of the extracts. Several experiments were made with the idea of feeling the way in this direction. A quantity of bark was infused for two days at 28° with twice the weight of water. The infusion had a Sp. G. of 1.053. Portions were seeded with the various phases of the bacteria and in no case was ropiness obtained. The extract was probably too rich in tannin to permit the formation of the slime. It was then jn'ogressively diluted down to one-tenth the strength and seeded with phases A2 and B2. No ropiness became apparent. Bearing in mind the earlier ex- periment with the tamed infusions of bark, in which the live hours' infusion having a Sp. G. of 1.029 became ropy, it seems that this longer infusion, after dilution to an approximate Sp. G. of 1,005, failed to produce ropiness because the tan- nins overwhelmed tlie activity of the nutrients. In another experiment bark was treated for two hours with twice its weight of water and filtered. A i|uantity of water equal to that removed was added to the residual bark and allowed to remain in contact for 22 hours. The tivo infusions were callei of solids and 0.232 The two infusions were mixed in descending and ascending proportions from 5 to 0 and from 0 to 5 and seeded with A2 and B2. The tests witli B2 did not become ropy. Table ii. — Medium and Stronu- Infusion of Hark. Phase A2 Days at 28" 1 2 3 "A" 1 ( •B" 0 + 5 0 + 4 1 o — s :i 'J o S s 'f :i o s 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 BY R. GREIG-SMITH. 57 The experiment seems to indicate that as the water lies in contact witii the bark, tlie nutrients and tannins diffuse out and the proportion of these is such that ropiuess can develop. But after a time, the tannins begin to preponderate and the development of ropiness is prevented . Infusion "A" was treated with increasing amounts of tannic acid and seeded with A2. Ropiness developed in the ccatrol, but not in the portions containing _0 . 5 % and over . The Change in Reaction. During the growth in synthetic media, the bacteria prc.duce a small but definite amount of acid from the sugar. In the presence of gljcerine the medium may remain unaltered or it may become less acid. For example, a ropy dextrose fluid showed -4-3.4° while the control was -(-1.7°. A bulk culture with glycerine had at the start -\-2° to methyl red, -f5.5° to litmus and -(-8.5 to phenolphth- alein . On the 6th and 12th days, when ([uite ropy, the same respective acidities were determinl-d . This however is unusual, for in other cases the glycerine me- dium became alkaline, as will be seen in some experiments given in the pages that follow. The effect of varying the original acidity upon the development of ropiness was tested in a few expei'iuients. A fluid containing glycerine, meat extract and salts was divided into 50 c.e. portions, and these were given progressive quantities of phosphoric acid before being seeded with the bacterium A which was probably a mixture of the phases Al and A2. Ropiness appeared on the fourth day at 28° in the portions con- taining originally an acidity of from -3° to methyl-red (=-(-2.5° to phenolphth- alein) to -(-6° (=11.5°) but not in those containing -(-16° (=21. f°) and over. The conditions were unchanged on the sixth day. A similar test was made with dextrose in place of glycerine . After sterilisa- tion the fluid showed -9° to methyl-red and -[-6° to phenolphthalein . The por- tions were acidified progressively and seeded with the mixed phases, Al and A2. Table iii. -Dextrose with increasing acidity. Phase K1 + A2 Days at 28° 1 2 .3 4 7 Acidity to methyl-ved H- + S -1° and under 0 0 -fl° 0 -(- + 4- O +5° 0 + + + s -f-8° 0 -f + 4- 4- 4-12° J- 4- 4- + 0 4-15° and over flocciiles Portions in which the phosphoric acid was replaced by sulphuric and hydro- chloric acids gave similar results. The experiment shows that there is a certain range of original acidity from about -(-5° to -(-12° as' shown by methyl-red which conditions a rapid production 58 ROPINESS IN WATTLE BARK IXFVSIONS of ropiness. When tbe acidity is greater the ropy material assumes the tloeculent condition. In most cases the ropiness was evanescent and soon disappeared, a circumstance which was subsequently traced to the presence of the phase Al. The acidity in the presence of dextrose probably increased, for the portions with -f-15° of original acidity showed -(-20° at the end of the experiment. Another test was made with glycerine, using 0.5 % of the hydrated phosphate of soda instead of the usual mixture of salts. The medium as prepared was neutral to methyl-red and portions were acidified with jiliosjihoric acid. Table iv. — Glycerine with increasing acidity. Phase Al A2 Acidity to methyl-red Days at 28° 2 4 11 2 i 11 17 Acidity to methyl-red o 1 , + + -f5= +3° +7.5° s + + + + — — 10° + + + + + T-5° -1-12.5° + + + -X- - - — + 15° 0 s + + + -r — +20° + + + 0 s + +7° On the eighth day the portions infected with phase Al showed, in the case of the 12.5° and of the 15°, the presence of transition forms. The original acidity decreased as time went on; on the seventeenth day, the test with an original acidity of -|-5° had become +3°. -|-1()° had become -|-5°. and -|-2n° had become -\-7° to methyl-red. The original acidity of a glycerine medium does not seem to liave much in- fluence upon the production of ropiness, but this may be explained by the fact that the acidity is reduced during the growth of the organism. The acidity of spent tan liquors seems to vary from -|-12.5° to -(-20° by Proctei''s lime water test, and one which was tested showed -|-10.4° by this test and -(-5° by methyl-red. So far as mere acidity is concerned, the organism should produce ropiness in such an end-liquor, but when tested it did not do so. The Disappearance of Ropiness. The disappearance of the ropiness in cultun' fluids was noted first in the case of B2 when growing in a medium containing saccliarose 2^r. meat extract 0.5 % and mixed 'salts (KH.l'O^, 0.2 %: MgSO+ Aq. 0.1 %; CaCIo, 0.02 %) made neutral to methyl-red. The fluid was ropy on the fourth day at 28° and quite limpid on the 6th when the acidity had risen to -)-8° . Again the experiment with varying amounts of acid noted on p. 57 showed a solution or digestion of the ropy material in the case of A. a mixture of Al and A2. The speed in the digestion of the ropy substance was tested up(in several oc- casions by growing tlie phases of the bacteria in medium containing 2 ''c of dextrose witli meat extract and mixed salts at 28°. The bacterial phases had been picked fi-om agar plates and were typical, that ij to say, they were the PV R. (iREIG-SlIITH. 59 pliases known as Al, A2 and A2a. From the plates they were seeded into nutrient broth and transfers were made daily. In tliis medium they doubtless altered in the one direction or the other, but the change was very much slower tlian when a sugar or glycerine was present. The first test with the dextrose medium was made one day after isolation from the plate, and during the growth the medium became ropy and then, after an inter\al, the ropiness disappeared and the liquid became limpid. Al became lini|)icl mi the 3rd day. A2 15th day. A2a 2()th day. The second test was made six days after the isolation of the phase. Al became limpid on the 3rd day. A2 20th day. A2a was still ropy on the 26th day. The tliii'd test was made thirteen days after the isolation. Al Ijecame limjiid on the 6th day. A2 was limpid on the 22nd day. A2a was still ropy on the 22nd day. Al -\- A2 was limpid on the 8th day. Al -)- A2a was limpid on the 8th day. In this test the purity of the phases was examined in a few eases. On the 12th day, Al contained a few pure typical colonies, and on the 19th day no bac- teria were found in a large loop of the culture. The digestion of the slime is apparently a prelude to the disintegration or death of the bacteria. On the 12th day both A2 and A2a contained bacteria which grew as colonies ■^ith the tint of Al but much more granular; the granular lumps radiated to the margin and became larger as they appi'oached the edge. This was the transition stage be- tween phase Al and A2. On the same day, large loops taken from the mixed growths of Al with A2 and A2a were found to l)e sterile. Phase A2 consisted of Al with a few of A2. Other instances of the solution of tlie ropy material will bo seen in the ex- periments dealing with the saline and carbonaceous nutrients. The phase A2a gives a more ropy colony on nutrient agar than A2 which is somewhat gelatinous and is not so elastic when touched with the needle. It is, however, difficult to discriminate between the two as, when free to grow, the phase A2 often preponderates. That is to say, a plate when smeared with a reputed culture of either A2 or A2a may show a preponderance of A2a in the comparatively thickly sown parts and A2 in the areas with few colonies. At times, the two phases seemed to be I'emarkably consistent in remaining true to phase. In the majority of the experiments, A2a, has been classified under the phaSe A2 foi< the sake of simplicity but where both A2 and A2a have been simultaneously tested, the original designations have been retained to indicate a duplicate test. The earlier observations led to the belief that the disappearance might result from the formation of acid from the sugar but this was negatived by an experi- ment made with tlie idea of determinhig the nature of the acids formed in the presence of sugar. The medium contained dextrose, meat-extract, potassium chloride and chalk; it was seeded w^th a mixture of Al and A2 then known as Bact. A. The liquid never became acid and the particles of chalk were freely suspended when the fla.sk was rotated. It was first incubated at 37°, at which (iO ROPINESS IX WATTLK HARK IXFUSIONS temperature uo ropiness developeil. Then the fiask was trausf erred to au iu- cubator at 28° and the culture became strongly ropy, the brownish ropy blobs, one (it which was about two inches iu diameter, were clearly shown against the milky chalk suspension. The flask was returned to the incubator at 37° when the ropiness disappeared. Once more the ropiness appeared at "28°. These ob- servations clearly show that a digestion of the ropy substance occurs at 37° in a neutral solution. An acid reaction of the medium is not essential for the diges- tion of the slime but it is possible that it may assist. That the temperature has mucli to do with the speed of the digestion of tlie slime was shown in a test in whicii jihase Al was grown at 22° and at 28°. Both were ropy on the second day. the 28° test was limpid on the 5th and the 22° test on the 8th day. The experiment with chalk suggested the secretion of a slime-dissolving enzyme by the i>hase Al. Prolmbly this is so but when experiments were made in which old fluid cultures of Al were added to lumps of the purified gelatinous slime of A2 in presence of an antiseptic, no solution of the slime was ol)tained. It became evident that phase Al was capable of forming and eventually digesting the ropy substance. It also rapidly dies out and it may be noted in this connection that it jn-oduces a more rapid liquefaction of gelatine. If the A2 phase is used originally, the ropy substance may j)ersist, while if a mixture of the phases is initially present, digestion occurs, but at a later period than in the case of the pure Al phase. It seemed to be entirely a question of the rela- tive numbers of the two phases during the period of bacterial growth. Instances of the autodigestion of the ropy material will be found in tlic exiiciiments with the various svfgars and salts. Change uf Phase. These observations led to testing the reversion or alteration of the pha,ses. It had been noted that glycerine favoured the production of ropiness from phase Al and that dextrose did not or, if it did, the ropy fluid subsequently became limpid. This was confirmed in experiments subsequently recorded with sugars, etc., where i-opiness slowly developed and persisted in the presence of glycerine but did not persist when other sources of carbon were used. -V specific test was made with cultures of the phases Al and A2 taken from ]iuic colonies and grown in broth for one day before being seeded into tlie test bottles. Phase Al was .sown in a fluid containing glycerine, meat-extract and sodimu phosphate while phase A2 was grown in dextrose with mixed salts as on p. .58. Rotli tests were ropy on the third day, and on tile thirteentli day, phase Al in the glycerine was quite ropy, while phase A2 in the dextrose was limpid. Plates were piepared on the thirteentli day and these showed that piiase Al con- sisted of a mixture of typical colonies of phases Al and A2, and that iiha.se A2 hail licen altered into more or less vacuolated colonics of phase Al . The experiment conclusively slmwed that the phases were reversil)h'. The Action uf I'lnniic Acid. The bacterium B2 was peculiar in giving iiroiKJunced riqiy solutions when seeded into infusions of wattle l)ark of increasing strength and little ropiness in synthetic liiiiiids. The reason for this could only he explained liy testing tlie various nutrients in tlie presence of the nearest approach to the tannins avail- able. niiiMch laiiriic acid. It imiv lie that the tannins in wattle bark infusions BV R. GREIG-SIIITH. 61 behave dili'ereatly to commercial tannic acid and this should be kept in mind when interpreting: the results obtained in testing the commercial acid. A solution of dextrose, meat extract and mixed salts was prepared, and to portions quantities of tannic acid rising from zero up to 0.6 % were added before the addition of B'2. That with 0.1 <'f gave a faint ropiness and those with 0.2 % to 0.5 Sc contained slimey striug-s. There was no pronounced ropi- ness in any of them. As meat extract forms a precipitate with tannic acid, it was replaced by asparagin. In this solution, B2 produced ropiness in the presence of 0.1 % and 0.2 % of tannic acid. The control test and those with quantities greater than 0.2 % ga\e a good growth of bacteria but no slime. The experiment was repeated with a slightly greater percentage of asparagin (0.2 %) and dextrose (3 %) with mixed salts. Phase A2 gave ropy liquids with the control and 0.1 % of tannic acid, but not with larger quantities. Phase B2 only produced feebly gelatinous surface ring's with quantities of tannic acid up to 0.2 Si:- A medium containing levulose, 3 %, asparagin, U.2 r^ and potassium citrate, 0.1 %, was prepared and .seeded with phases A2 and B2. The former was a very active sUme producer when used and produced ropiness in the presence of quan- tities of tannic acid up to 0.5% and a slight ropiness with 1 %. Phase B2 gave an evanescent ropiness in the flask containing 0.5 per cent only, and not in any of the others. The influence of the original acidity of the medium was tested by means of a solution containing dextrose, asparagin and mixed salts. One set had an acidity to phenulphthaleiu of -|-17°, another was neutralised until the acidity was -|-2.5°. Both were seeded with phase B2. That with -(-17'- gave no ropiness in the control, a slight ropiness with 1 % of tannic acid and a distinct ropiness with 0.2 % ; larger amounts were negative. With -|-2.5°, ropiness developed in the control test only. Thus the production of ropiness was irregular. Phase B2 gave ropiness in the control with -(-2.5° and not with -[-17°; with -(-17'' and a small cjuantity of tannic acid it produced a ropy fluid. In these experiments with tannic acid, either dextrose or levulose had been used and with them a certain irregularity of effect had been obtained. It was therefore deemed advisable to test the effect of other sources of carbon. As will be seen later, the experiment with nitrogenous nutrients seemed to indicate that a maximum amount of ropy substance would be formed in the presence of asparagin or ammonium sulphate. Similarly, the saline experiments indicated that sodium succinate was a favourable salt. Accordingly, media were prepared containing asparagin or ammonium sulphate 0.25 %, sodium succinate 0.2 % and a source of carbon 2 %. Tannic acid to the extent of 0.5 % was added to each flask after infection, by which procedure a coagulation of the infecting droplet was avoided. When a drop of infected bouillon, is added to a solution of tannic acid, the drop is coagulated and the contained bacteria are probably prevented from being dis- persed freely in the liquid. It is possible that much of the irregularity in the previous experiments may have been due to this imprisonment of the bacteria. The gToups of flasks were seeded with A2 and B2. Another group was seeded with Bl but as a plate, smeared at the time of infection showed that the phase had become altered to B2, the group became a duplicate of B2. Phase B2 was pure, while A2 at the time of seeding contained 90 % of A2 and 10 % of Al. 62 ROPINESS IN WATTLE BARK IXPUSIONS Table v. — Sugars, etc. with 0-5% Tannic Acid. Phase A2 B2 Source of Nitrogen Asparagin Ammonium Sulphate Asparagin Ammonium Sulphate Days at 28° 6 i 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 1. Dextrose 2. Levulose 3. Saccharose 4. Maltose o. Galactose 6. Raifinose 7. Mannit 8. Control (0 O O 0 O s o o 0 s o o 0 ( o o i o i. ( o ^ is - + + + + 0 0 0 0 o - ^ + -l- -r 0 0 0 0 0 - + _1_ - 0 0 0 0 + + - - 0 o 0 0 o + 0 s o 0 4- o 0 o 0 o o o s s o 0 s o o o o o o o s 0 10 o On the 4tLi tlav, the ammonium sulphate tests of A2 were phited to see how far the pliases liad altered. Table va. — Percentage of Phase A2 in Ammonium Sulphate at 28° Start. 4 Days. 10 Days. Mannit 90 90 13 Saccharose ... 90 6.5 15 Maltose 90 :?5 25 Raffinose 90 30 5 Galactose 90 20 -0 Dextrose 90 10 0 Levulose ^ Control ) 90 0 0 In all oases, except mannit, the cohesive pha.se A2 had become, by the fourtli day, more or less altered to the ditt'use phase Al, and it is rather c-vtraordinary that those with a maximum proportion of the diffuse ])liase should have been ropy. It is possible tiiat the ropy substance was formed before the alteration to the dif- fuse phase occurred and the gradual suppression of the phase A2 as shown by the relative numbers on the 10th day, bears out this idea. Another jieculiarity is that while the maltose test with asparagin gave no ropiness, and with ammonium sulphate a jjronounced ropiness xii. Chauge of Kcactiuii with Siigar.« iind (xlvfci-iu. Phase Al + A2 B2 Eiul acidity to inethyl-recl End aciility to methyl-red Days at 28° 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 •A 4 4 Dextrose L(;vulose Saccharose Glycerin 0 O s s ■(- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- -4- 4- 4- 4-8° 4-9° 4-6-.5° — 9-5° 0 0 o 0 0 o s 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 o 0 4-9-,5° 4-9° +-8° 6-5° nV R. GREIG-SMITH. 71 The eNpfi'iment showed a distinet advance of I'roiH +0° to -(-9° in the acidity with the sugai-s iind a reduction of about the same number of degrees with glycerin during' the four days' growth at 28°. A more comprehensive test was iiiaik' into the effect of various sources of carbon upon the jiroduction of ropiness. A medium containing 2 % of sugars, etc., 0.25% meat extract and 0.5% of crystalline sodium phosphate was prepared and portions were seeded with the phases. Table xiii. — Sources of Carbon (1). Phase \1 A2 A2a B2 Days at 28° li2 4 6i9 1 d 2 + 4 + 6 + 9 O 1 0 2 0 4 S 6 0 9I1 0|0 2 0 4 0 6 0 9 Dextrose ... 0 S 0 0 0 0 Levulose ... 0 + S[0 0 o + + + s o + + + +:o 0 s 0 0 Saccharose 0 o 0 0 o + + + + + + + + + + 0 0 0 0 0 Glycerin 0 0 s + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 0 0 0 0 Lactose 0 0 0 0 0 o s s B s 0 S + s 00 1 0 0 0 0 Galactose ... 0 s s s 0 o + + + + 0 + + + + 0 0 s s 0 Mannit 0 0 0 o o + + + +. + + + +■ + + 0 0 + + + Maltose 0 s o 0 0 + + + + + 0 + S s s 0 0 0 0 0 Dextrin o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0^0 0 0 0 0 Gum acacia <^ o oio 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Control 0 0 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 When the experiment was well undi-r way, it was found tnat ])hase A2 and (A2a) had altered and contained more oi- less of Al, a fact that should be taken into account in considering the disapi)earauce of the ropiness. It had also been discovered that the growth of phase Al in glycerin caused some of the bacteria to assume the phase A2, possibly on account of the medium beeoming alkaline in contrast to the acidiiication in the presence of sugars. The results of this ex- l)eriment engender the belief that glycerin is the only substance of those tested wliich can alter Al into A2 and that dextrose can rapidly alter A2 into Al. The role these sulistances play is presumably in the suppre.ssion or exaltation of the ]>ower of the bacteria to secrete a slime dissolving enzyme. Meanwhile it had been determined that the saline constituents of the medium had an influence in the production of the ropiness, especially with i)hase H2. la a saline test, Table xvi., Al gave a ropy medium in the pi-esence of sodium chloride and with no other salt, while pota-ssium citrate was most favotirable wirli phase B2 and as good as several others with phase A2 (A2a). A nieilium was accordingly prepared containing 2 '^c of carboliydrate or other nutrient, 0.25 % meat extract and 0.2 % of common salt for phase Al and of potassium citrate for the others. The bacteria had been pickeil from plates three days previously. 72 ROPIXESS IN WATTLE BARK INFUSIONS, TiiliU) xiv. — Sources of Carbon {2). Phase Al (NaCl) A 2 (Citrate) n 2 (Citrate) Days at 28° 1 2 ^ 5 n 1 2 4 5 7 11 1 2 4 5 7 11 1. Dextrose 0 0 0 o 0 o + + + + + ^ -t- + S s 0 o 2. Levulose 0 0 ^ - 4- + + + + + -f o 0 +■ + + - 3. Saccharose 0 0 + s 0 0 + + + ■ + + 4- o s + + + - 4. Glycerin s + + _{- + + s J- 4- 0 0 0 0 0 0' 5. Lactose 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0. Galactose -^ o 0 o + + -f 0 + + + _L _i_ 7. Mannit 0 0 ^ J- + s + + - -~ -4- 0 s + + + -r 8. Maltose o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9. Raftinose o 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. No Sugar 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 o ' Confirmed by a separate test. On the first clay of the experiment, Al (6), when plated, showed a pure cul- ture of phase Al. On the eleventh day, B2 (1) contained no living bacteria in a large loop of the medium ; tests Al (2,1 and 7) contained a mixture of the two phases, Al and A2, as well as transition colonies. A consideration of the last two experiments leads to the conclusion that in the presence of glycerin the phase Al tends to become A2 irrespective of whether the salt is present a.^ a phosphate or a chloride. With phosphate of soda and the various sugars the teudoncy is for it to remain unaltered. The case is differ- ent with sodium chloride, for levulose, and mannit (and also glycerin) change the phase to A2, the predominance of which gives a permanent ropiness within the limiting time of the experiment. The phase A2 tends to change to Al in the presence of dextrose and phos- phate, but not so mucli with the other sugars, while in the presence of citrate it seems to remain unaltered. Phase B2 (Table xiv.) is peculiar in giving no ropmess in the presence of glycerin and in the ropiness dissohing in the presence of dextrose. Dextrose ap- pears to have caused the reversion to a phase T?l akin to Al before assisting in the death of the organism. Tiie (|uantity of sugar has an influence in determining the ropiness of fluid media. For cxaniple a solution containing 0.25% each of meat extract and sodium pluisphate and 1 . 2 and 5 % of dextrose showed the following with two cultures of Al. Phase Al(l) showed a colony with a granular centre, Pha,se Al(2) had a stipi)lcd centre. These had been picked from a jilate thirteen days previous 1o tlic licninniug of the experiment, and had been transferred daily in bouillon. Tt is clear that 2 % and 5 % of dextrose are best for obtaining roi>y solutions with rai-es of Al sliowing colonies with granular centres. The colonies with stippled centres liave lost much of their slime-forming power. The stippling is Vr R. GREIO- SMITH. Table xv. — Increasing Amounts of Sugar. V3 Dextrose 1 % 2 % 5 % Days at 28° 1 2 3 i 6 9 1 2 3 4 6 9 1 2 3 4 6 9 Phase Al(l) S S 0 0 0 O + + + + 0 0 + + + -1- + O Phase Al (2) 0 o 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 O O + + 0 O Acidity to methyl-red +.S° +4° -1-6° caused l)y the preseuce of dusters of microscopic crystals of magnesium am- monium phosphate and these are not in evidence in the granular colonies. Large crystals, however, develop slowly in the agai-. and are found in the old plates. It would appear that the development of ammonia runs pari passu with the forma- tion of slime-digestive fennents, for it seems reasonalile to consider that the ropy fubstance was digested as soon as it formed in the case of phase Al(2) with 1 % and 2 % of sugar. With 5 %, the increased sugar resulted in the slime-forming power temporarily overbalancing the slime-digesting power of the bacterium. A synopsis of tables v., xiii., and xiv. gives a dearer view of the effects of the various sources of carbon than a detailed reference to the tables themselves. In this sjTiopsis dextrin and gum-aeacia have been omitted because under no circumstances did they ever assist in the formation of ropiness. Table xiv;?. -Synopsis of Sugar, etc., Experiments. Phase Al A2 B: 1 Meat Extract with Tannic Acid with Meat Extract with Tannic Acid with Meat Extract with phos- phate chlor- ide ammon. sulph. aspara- gin phos- phate citrate ammon. sulph. aspara- gin phos- phate citrate Galactose S + - ' "- -L - ^ + S -r Levulose + _i_ - ~^ + + S S + Saccharose s + + -L. + + + + s + Mannit 0 + + + -r + S + +, 4- Dextrose s O + -!- + + + + 0 -f- Glycerin 4- + + + + + — 0 0 Lactose 0 ' 0 - - O — — 0 0 Maltose s o + j 0 + o 0 o 0 0 Raffinose — 0 0 0 — S 0 0 _^_ o Of all the sources of carbon, galactose seems best fitted to produce the ropy material. This is to be expected since the ro])y substance is essentially a galac- tose anhydride and one would naturally think that the bacteria could form it most easily from this sugar. But the other sugars are not far behind in their capacity 74 ROPIXESS IX WATTLE BARK INFI'SIOXS^ for assisting in the production. Levuldsc and saccharose aic .yoodseconds. There is a suggestion that suerase or invertase is secreted by tlie bactci-ia as saccharose is the only biose that is utilised to any extent, but a search for this en/.ynie did not show its existence. It is curious that the hexatomic alct)hol, manuit, should l)e so good, but it seems to be peculiarly suitable for the i)roduction of many kinds of slime and is ver\' frequently used in bacteriology for the nutrition of slime-forming bacteria. Dextrose probably acts (|uite as well as the other substances, but it seems to be specially adajited to form a slime dissolving enzyme and on this account the rope-producing action of the stigar is not so clearly shown. Glycerin is peculiar. It acts as a source of carbon for tne phase A'2 and alters Al to this phase, it does not seiTe as a favourable nutrient for B2; in- deed, it is not only unfavourable, but it also slowly changes B2 to the jihase Bl, ■ind therefore acts in op]Josite directions with the two bacteria. Like mannit, it is a general nutrient for the production of .slime from the majority of slinie-formiu^ bactei-ia, as will be seen from a perusal of my papers upon slime-forming bac- teria. Maltose, raffinose anil lactose may be considered as being ineapable of utilisa- tion by the bacteria A and B. It is true that A2 can utilise them to some exten'^. I)ut this phase is very active, and is able to make bouillon ropy, a fact which should be considered in connection with the production of ropiness in the presence of meat-extract. It is probable that with suitable nitrogenous and saline nutrients and suitable conditions as regards acidity, the liacteria A and B are capable of fonning ropy solutions from any source of carbon, and that the absence of the bacteria, rather than an unsuitable pabulum, sho\dd lie the object aimed at in preventing ropiness in wattle bark infusions. '///(■ fiifliD'nce (if Salts. It is customary to add salts to bacteriological Ihuds for tlie |)urp(ise of sup- plying all those that may be necessary for the nutritiim of the bacteria and of raising the osmotic pressure. The ordinary nutrient bouillon, agar and gelatine contains J % of common salt together with the salts that may be contained in the meat-extract used in the jireparation of the media. With this amount of saline matter, the ordinary bacteria grow very well, but it does not I'olhiw that this amount is best for all bacteria. Water and soil bacteria, for example, exist upon nuich less, and it is a matter of common knowledge to the bacteriologist that the saline content of bacteriological (luids can be raised or lowered considerably without harming the bacteria to any great e.xtent. In the earlier experiments the saline matter had been \isually added to the extent of ()..S %> ••"'! generally consisted of pota.ssium ])iiosphate 0.2 %. mag- nesium sulphate, 0.1 ''/c, and calcium chloride. 0.02 %. As these may or may not be good for assisting the bacteria in the production of the roiiy substance, a num- ber of tests -were made to get some information upon the matter. In ah early experiment, a solution of glycerin, 2 %, and meat-extract, 0.25 %, was divided into portions, and each received 0.1 % of certain salts. They were seeded with A. a mixture of Al and A2. Tiiat with calcium nitrate seemed to give the most slime on the second day. After twenty days' incubjition the slimes were coagulated with alcohol and weighed. The inilliai'anis nl' ash-free slime ficr 100 c.c. of li(|uiil are given below:— BY B. GRBKi-SMITH. 75 Calt'ium iiitrati'. a(| 2()() 'Jalcium i-hlorkle 175 Caleium lactate 152 Magnesium sulphate. a(| 132 Potassium mondliydiotjeii ])hospliate . . . . 105 Sodium acetate 88 No salt 85 Sodium succinate 82 Sodium lactate 80 Potassium-sodium tartrate, acj 57 The influence of the salts of the earths in promoting- the formation of the ropy substance is clearly shown. Potassium, as represented by the phosphate, has more influence than the indifferent salts of sodium. The weights of slime obtained from the media containing the lactates of caleium and sodium show that the base and not the acid is the active component of the salt, but that the acid has some influence is indicated by the slime obtained in the presence of sodium- potassium tartrate. These results were obtained in a medium containing glycerin, which in other tests had been found to maintain the original reaction or to bring about an alka- line condition of the medium. Dextrose and other sugars produced an acid eoti- dition and as wattle bark extracts are acid and as the carbohydrate in such ex- tracts is probably of the nature of dextrose, possibly as a glucoside, it was con- sidered advisable to test the activity of the bacteria in media containing this sugar with various salts. Accordingly a fluid containing dextrose 1 %, meat-extract 0.25 %, was prepared, .and portions of it received 0.1 % of anhydrous salt. After sterilisation the sets were infected with bacteria which had been (aken from pure colonies upon the previous day. Table xvi. — Salts with Dextrose 1%. Phase Al A2 A2a. B2 Days at 28° 1 3 5 1 3 5 7 13 1 3 o 7 13 1 3 13 Magnesium sulphate S o 0 s + + S 0 + 0 0 0 o 0 0 o Calcium lactate 0 o 0 0 s s s s + s o 0 0 o o 0 Calcium chloride o 0 0 s + _l_ -1- 0 + 4- s o 6 o 0 0 C:ilciui]i nitrate o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SdiMuiii chloride + 0 0 s + -r o 0 + 0 0 0 o 0 0 o Sodium acetate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sodium phosphate o 0 o + + + + s + + + 0 o 0 s 0 Sodi im liictate o 0 0 s 0 0 o 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Pot. sotlium tartrate 0 0 0 s + + + + + + + s 0 + o o Potiibsium citrate 0 o 0 s 4- + -1- + + + + -f 0 + s 0 Potassium nitrate 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 No salt o o o s 0 0 0 o + 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 76 ROPIXESS I.\- WATTLE BARK IXFUSIONS, Certain of the tests were examined by plate cultui'e from time to time, and it was found that Al was pure on the 1st and 4th days. Phase B2 was pure on the 12th daj-. Phase A2a appeared to be a mixture of Al and A2. Phasj A2 seemed to \k- influenced in its persistence by the salt. In the sodium lactate test it was pure on the 12th day, in the citrate it contaLued a few of Al tm the 7th day and on the same day the sodium chloride test consisted chiefly of Al. In the presence of sodium acetate and of calcium nitrate, not only was 1 here no sUme formed, but there was a complete absence of growth, a circumstance which led to the examination of the influence of the acetate ujiou the production of ropiness in bark extracts infected with rope-producing organisms. The quantity of dextrose in the medium did not seem to affect the results to any degTee, for the medium was strengthend with 3 ^r of dextrose and seeded with Al. Calcium chloride gave a slight and fugitive ropiness on the 1st day and citrate gave a fugitive ropiness on the 2nd day. All the other tests were negative . As the activity of the saline constituents appeared to be of importance, espe- cially in regard to the nmtation of the organism, another test was made. In this the dextrose was used in 2 % strength with meat-extract 0.2.5 %, and the salts as before, viz., 0.1 % of the anhydrous salt. The infecting phases liad been taken from typical colonies two days before the experiment was started. a . . Table xvii.- —Salts with De.xtrose 2%. Phase Al A2 A2a. B2 Days at 28° 1 2 3 + 7 0 10 0 1 0 2 + 3 + 7 + 10 0 17 0 1 + 2 + 3 + 7 0 10 0 17 0 1 s 2' + 3 + 7,10 17 1. Magnesium S + O 0 0 snlphato. 2. Calcium 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + 0 0 + + + + s Si 0 + -f + s s lactate. '^. Calcium s + s 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + + + + o 0 + + + + ,- 0 chloride. 4. Calcium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nitrate. 5. Calcium + + + 0 0 + + + + 0 0 + + + + 0 0 + + + + s 0 sulphate, 6. Sodium 0 + + 0 0 0 + + + 0 0 + + + + 0 0 + + + + s 0 chloride. 7. Soflium 0 + + + 0 + + + + + + + 4- + _L 0 0 + + -1- + + 0 phosphate. 8. Soclium 0 0 -1- 0 0 0 + + 0 0 0 s _t- + 0 0 0 + + + + 0 0 lactate. 9. Sod. Pot. 0 + + 0 0 0 + + + s 0 + + + + 0 0 o + + + + o tartrate. 10. rotassium o + + + 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + 0 0 + + + + o citrate. 11. Sodium 0 + + 0, 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4- succinate. 12. No salt. 0 + + 0 0 + + ± + 0 0 + + + 0 0 0 + + ± + 0 0 On the seventh day some of the tests were plated with the Inllciuitig results: — Al (succinate), typical colonies of Al. A2 (sod. lactate), colonies of Al with stippled centres. A2a (control), a mixture of colonies of Al and A2. B2 (magn. sulph.). colonies of Bl, some with stippled centres. BY R. GREIG-SMITH. 77 On the teuth day other tests were plated. A2 (phosphate), typical colonies of Al as well as transition colonies ol' the same. A2a (citrate), typical colonies of Al. B2 (cale. sulph.), colonies of Bl with 2 % of B2. B2 (phosphate), colonies of Bl. B2 (citrate), colonies of Bl. The disappearance of the ropiness in the test with magTiesium sulphate iirst suggested the possibility of there being a phase of B2 secreting a digestive sub- stance akin to Al, and the actual presence of this phase Bl upon the plates led to the examination of the stock culture. The latter was found to be pure B2 and the conclusion was reached that bacterium A was not peculiar in alone possessing phases or conditions with less physiological stability than races. Part of expei-iment xvii. was repeated to confirm the changeability of phase B2, in media containing 1 % of dextrose, 0.25 % of meat-extract, and 0.1 % of anhydrous magnesium sulphate, sodium chloride or sodium lactate. Tabic xvii] ■- -Change of Phase. Phase Al A2 A2a B2 Days at 28° 1 2 3 6 8 1 2 3 6 + 8 S 1 + 2 -f- 3 + 6 + 8 0 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 8 1. Magnesium sulphate 0 S s 0 0 + + -f 0 2. Sodium chloride O 0 s 0 0 + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + 0 3. Sodium lactate 0 0 0 0 0 S + + + 0 0 + + 0 0 + + + + s Plates were prepared- on the eighth day. A2 (magn. sulph.), Al, coarsely granular as well as transition fonns. A2 (sod. chloride), Al with stippled centre. B2 (mag-n. sulph.), Bl, some with stippled centres. B2 (sod. chloride), phase Bl. The experiment confirms the previous one, and shows the alteration of phases A2 and B2 into phases Al and Bl, in the presence of dextrose, some aid being possibly given by the salt. Typical colonies of phase B2 wei'e ])ut into l)ottles containing dextrose with mixed salts and into s-lycerin with sodium phosphate, both with meat extract as a nitrosi'enous nutrient. No ropiness had occurred by the third day when plates were prepared . The glycerin contained phase Bl and B2 with transition colonies . The dextrose did not alter phase B2. Tyijical colonies of phase B2 were seeded into fluid media containing 3 % of levulose or dextrose with 0.2 % of potassium citrate and 0.25 % of meat- extract. In four days the dextrose medium was ropy, while the levulose was not, and both contained the introduced phase in pure culture. By the seventh day the ropiness had disappeared in the dextrose flask, but plate cultivation showed that it contained the introduced cohesive phase B2 only. The levulose meHum contained the cohesive and introduced phase B2, together with 25 % of the diffuse pha.se Bl. The diffuse phase is akin to Al, but differs in being brownish or pale buff instead of yellowish or pale straw. Furthermore, there is the suggestion of 7g ROPINESS IN WATTLK BARK IMFDSIONS, a wavy structure as it' the tlatteued colony liaroximate increase in the acidity during the seven days' incu- bation of -|-5° with levulose and -j-12° with dextrose. It is possible that the greater development of ropiness with levulose may be traced to the lesser produc- tion of acid favouring the stal)ility of the cohesive phases of tlie bacteria. Phase Al, in the tirst experiment, showed no ropines.s in any of tlie tests luilil the 10th day, when that with succinate was ropy, and contained a mixture of jihases Al and A2a. In the second exiK'riment, the tests were negative until llie 5th day, when the phosphate gave a positive result. On the 13th day, the phos- phate contained A2 with a few transition forms of Al . On the same day the potassium sulphate and sodium chloride tests contained the phase Al with a few ivansition forms. On the 19th day, the ropiness had disappeared in the phos-' l>halc test, and the medium contained A2, 2.5 %, Al, 5 % and transition forms 70 % . In this case the pliosphate ajiparently altered the phase to A2, which pro- duced the ropy substance and, as the i)r(jportion of A2 decreased, the ropy sub- stance dissolved. Al has been omitted from the table. Phase A2 produced ropiness witli all the salts as well as in tlie control. It wa-s api)areiitly too active to reijuire any assistance from the saline constituents. On the 1 2th day, the tests containing the salts of lime were gelatinous as well as ropy, and the media flowed like a soft jelly. In the second experiment, ])ha.se A2a was used, and all the tests were ropy on the 2nd day, and the ropiness persisted to the end of the experiment on the 19tli day. Thus A2a duplicated A2. Phase H2 with dextrose gave a slight ro])incss on the first day with tartrate and succinate, but it liad vanished by the Si'd day. Then all tests were negative until the 12th day, when the citrate test became ropy. In the second experi- ment no ropiness was obtained with any of the salts. Phase B2 with levulose gave more favourable results, but there was a derided (iitt'erence lietween the two experiments. Tlint made on the later date gave a greater ara2 . The controls became ropy. 80 ROPINESS DT WATTLE BARK INFUSIONS, and so did phase A2 with the acetate. The phases Al and B2 with the acetate did not become ropy. From these two tests, it appears that the limiting strength of the acetate for cheeking ropiness in bark infusions lies between 2 and 3 parts per 10,000. Still one more test was made with bark and water containing 1. 2, 3 and 4 parts of acetate of sodium per 10,000, the liquids being seeded with phases Al, A2, and B2. Ropiness developed in the tests seeded with phases A2 and B2 containing one part per 10,000 but not in the stronger solutions. Phase Al did not produce ropiness in the weakest solution. The conclusion that we come to from al consideration of all the tests is that crystalline sodium acetate, when added to the water used for extracting wattle bark, in the proportion of three parts of salt to 10,000 of water or 3 pounds to 1,000 gallons will prevent the formation of ropiness in wattle bark extract. The Natuie of the Eopt/ Substance. An attempt was made to obtain the slime in bulk by growing the bacterium A in fluid media containing dextrose or glycerin, but the quantities of slime were very small. This may possibly have been caused by autodigestion as noted in the various experiments with sjoithetic media, but of this I have no definite in- formation to offer. More successful results were got by gi-owing the organism on solid agar. Several drojis of a broth culture of the organism was smeared on plates of a medium containing glycerin 5 %, meat-extract 1 So potassium nitrate 0.1 % and sodium phosphate 0.2 %. The first gi-owth obtained in a few days was yellow, loose, and was easily scraped off. The second growth that came up was translucent and elastic. It adhered w^th more or less tenacity to the agar, and some bits could not be removed. It was noted that the toughness increased with time, and the reason for this was explained later when it was learned that glycerin caused the phase Al to alter progressively to A2, the more insoluble phase. The collection of films was treated with alcohol and filtered ; the coagulum was treated with water in which it simply swelled up; there was no solution. The swollen slime was heated in an autoclave at three atmospheres' pressure for half an hour when a solution and a sediment were obtained. The liquid was fil- tered with the aid of aluminiimi hydrate, and the filtrate was concentrated by evaporation. A portion sufficiently dilute to enable light to pass through was tested in the polariscope and found to give a reading of -|-2.i2'' in a 200 mm. tube. Thus the gum was dextro-rotatory. The solution was further evaporated to a mucilaginous consistency and tested dropwise with various reagents. Coagulation was effected with alcohol, basic lead acetate, ammoniacal lead acetate, ferric chloride and phosphotungstic acid, but the following had no act-on: lead acetate, baryta water, lime water, milk of lime, copper sulphate, the same followed by sodium hydrate. Fehling's solution, iodine, tannic acid, sodium hydrate or sulphuric acid. These are the general reactions with the autoclaved slimes, i.e., slimes which by the autoclave treatment have l)een separated into a soluble gummy matter nn lie for testing the rotary power. The osazones were precisely similar to those furnished by A2. and yielded similar fractional crops of crystals melting at tem- peratures ranging from 202° to 193°, showing that the hydrolytic products of the sHme of B2 were precisely similar in composition to those of A2. The evidence goes to show that the ropy substance is essentially a dextroro- tatory galactan. A crop of films of the B2 slime of B2 was subsequently obtained upon im agar medium containing agar 2 %, saccharose 5 %, ammonium sulphate 1 %, 82 ROPIXESS IJf WATTLE BARK INFUSIONS, potassium citrate 0.3 <^-r with 0.1 St <'t taunic aciil atlded at tlie time of poiiriiig the jilates. After 17 clays at 22°, the tihiis were jiicked off. suspeiuled in water overnight, and coagulated with alcohol. The water and alcohol treatment was repeated. The films suspended ill water were heated in the autoclave fo'" 15 minutes at three atmospheres pressure, l)ut tlie treatment did not liquefy them. The water was acidified with two c.c. of normal sulplnnic acid wliich produced an acidity of -)-5°, and the suspension was again autoclaved for an liour. The films liad dissolved. The solution was carefully evaporated to smaller volume, and a ijoi'tion was clarified with alumina cream and the rotation of the fluid observed. The ash-free solids had a specific rotation of [a]D = -|-0.017°. The solution gave a yellow precipitate with Fehling's .solution, and it apjieared that the treatment had partly hydmlysed the gum. It was treated witli alcohol, and the unaltacked gum was filtered off. The ash-free solids in the filtrate had a specific rotation of [,i]ji ^=-|-0.002°. The ditlcrence between these two rota- tions shows that the gum. ]ireci|>itabl(' by alcohol is slightly dextro-rotatory. Tlie Aciih fiiriiicd hij the Biirleriii. In the routine testing, the bacteria, A and B, were found to produce acid and gas from dextrose and saccharose when these sugars were present in broth. The nature of the acids was further examined. Tlie bacteria were grown in a medium containing 5 % of dextrose, 1 % of meat-extract, and 0.5 % of sodium jihosphate with the addition of chalk from time to time. The bacterium B2 used up the carbonate more quickly than Al or A2, and naturally yielded a greater quantity of acids when tlie cultures were worked up at the end of a month's inculiation. Tlie methoil followed in determining the nature of the acids, etc., was es.sen- tially that described in these Proceedings* Ethyl alcohol was found in small amount in the cultures from both bacteria. It was proved by giving the iodoform test, by burning with a blue flame and by having aB.P. of 79°. A small quantity of insoluble fatly acid was ohlaiiicd fnim the culture of each bacterium. That from A melted at 37°, and from B at 32°. Both were pro- bably mixtures, but the quantities were too small to separate. The softer acids of B were spread on a piece of filter paper and incubated at 28°. when the more fluid portion was absorbed, leaving a resid\ie which melted at 40°, and be- came clear at 42.5°. The volatile acids did not contain formic acid. The solutions were neutralised with baryta water, and after evaporation were dried at 140°. The A salts con- tained .52.36 % of barium, the B salts 53.8 %. As barium acetate contains 53.73 % of l)ariiuu. it is clear that the volatile acids in both ceases consisted entirely of acetic acid. The non-volatile acids contained a small (|uantity of an acid giving a lime salt insoluble in 70 9r alcohol. After aciilification and extraction with ether, monoclinic prisms, melting at 182°, were ol)tained. Succinic acid under the same conditions melted at the same temperatnre, and thus it was proxcil that botli bacteria form a small (|uantity of succinic acid. The only other non-volatile acid was lactic. The zinc salt of lactic acid was jircpared from two cultures of the A bacterium originally seeded with Al and •/.or. cit., 1901, 606; 190.% 114. r>Y K. GREIG-SMlTIi. 83 A2. The ihst: Al. was separated as the lime salt t'vom the non-volatile acids; the second was prepared directly t'nim the total acids. Al contained 18.12 % ot water of crystallisation, and A2 contained 18.42 %. The latter showed a specific rotation ot [Jp --= — 3.35°, and upon being acidified with hydrochloric acid in the proportion of 2 c.c. of strong acid to 20 c.c. of solution it showed no rotation. The acid was theiefore inactive lactic acid with a laevo-rotatory zinc salt, and this was apparently the only form of acid present. In preparing the zinc salt of the B2 acid, three crops of crystals were obtained. The first weighed 2.02 grams, and contained 13. 2G % of water of crystallisation. Zinc jjaralactate contains 12.9 %, equivalent to two molecules. The zinc salt when dissolved in water had a specific rotation of [aJD ^ — 5.18", and with the adilition of 2 c.c. of strong hydrochloric acid to 20 c.c, the rotation became [Jd = -(-2.74°. The firet crop of crystals therefore consisted of paralactate. This acid is said to be contained in meat-extract, but in this ease it was the result of tile bacterial activity, because it was not found in the cultures from Bacterium A which was grown in media prepared fiom the same formula. The second croj) of crystals weighed 0.8 grams, and contained 15.18 % of water of crystallisation, showing it to be a mixture of two forms of acid. The third crop weighed 0.30 grams, and contained 18.75 % of water. The zinc salt of ordinary ethylidene or fermentation lactic acid contams 18.18 %, equivi-.lent to three molecules of water, and this was undoubtedly the form of acid in the third crop of crystals. The calcium salt was prepared from a portion of the non-volatile acids. It containcic characters as in their phy- siological properties, that is, in their ])ower of forming the ropy substance under different conditions, especially as regards nutrition. The bacteria lia\'e been pro- visionally named A and B. Like several gum-formiug bacteria which have been descrilied by the writer,* each bacterium can show two phases, one forming' a comparatively soluble slime, the other giving a viscous slime. The pos.session of two phases is not unique and possibly a double phase may be expected to occur with many slime-forming bacteria. The alteration of phase is possibly associated with the presence or comparative absence of a gum-digesting enzyme. The soluble phase certainly possesses a larger amount id' a gelatine- dissolving en/.yme, and one can, at will, by altering the incubation temi)erature, obtain a mobile or a viscous fluid. There appears to be something in liark infusions that induces the snliilile phase to become the insoluble phase and gives rise to ropiness. The tannins of hark infusions liave a prohibiting action upon the formation of ropiness, cm account of their property of co.ag'ulating the slime, and for this to occur a certain concentration is necessary. For Racterium .\ this is e(|uiva- lent to a specific gravity of 1.024, and for Bacterium B, 1.048. Pure tannic acid is more active, for the prohibiting amount is much under the (|iianlities of tannin represented by the gravities of the infusions. In synthetic media. 2 '^ r of tannic acid prevents the formation of ropiness by coagulating the slime, as it is formed, upon the bodies of the bacteria. In view of this differenti.nl action of tannin as compared with tannic .-ii-id. 'Tlie liaotei-iii rusponsible for tlic |iv)iess. Mr. F. A. Coombs, Lecturer upon Tanning in the Sydney Technical College, circularised a number of master tanners asking their experieuee regarding the occurrence of ropiness in wattle bark liquors, and the replies are thus summarised. Kopiness does occur in wattle bark liquors, but as to its frequency in barks from particular places or from young or old trees no inforin%tion could be ob- tained. It occurs in liquoi-s prepared from immature or freshly-stripped liark. It is met with most frequently during the Summer months, January, Febru- ary, and March, but may also occur in the Spring. Ropiness may develop in weak or .strong liquors. If the liquors stand for a fairly long time without handling they may become ro|iy. It may not be attributed to the constant use of spent colouring li(|uors, but this presumes that they have been treated in some way. One tanner was definite in stating that the trouble starts with the use of weak colouring liquors that ought to be run away, and added tliat ixissibly some fanners, wlien strengthening the six'nt li(|uor.'., let the bark ferment. Kopiness occurs in liquoi-s other than wattle-bark li(|Uors. The weak or sjjent liquors, when not run away, are either steamed, boiled, or treated with disinfectant, and in these ways tlio development of ropiness in the liquors is prevented. BY R. GRBIG-SMITH. 89 EXPLAN'ATiON OF PLATE IX. Colonies growing on the surface of Nutrient Agar. 1.— Cobny of Al. 2. — Colonies of Al and A2a growing side by side. The almost homogeneous character of Al and the cog-wheel structure of A2a are brought out. 3. — Colony of A2. This was a specially translucent colony. They are generally opaque, except at the margm. 4,- — Colonies of B2. Thickly sown colonies, showing the ivy-leaf structure. 5. — Colony of B2. Mature colony, showing the r.nesenteric structure. 6. — Ropy Bark infusion, flowing siphon-wise. (Photographed by Mr. W. W. L'Estrange.) 90 AUSTHALiAX SYLLIDAE. /■:CS) J.I.I OAl-J AXi!) AUIOLYTIUAE. llv W. A. Haswki.l, yi.X.. D.Si'.. I'Mi.S.. K.mkritus Professou oi' liioLOuv, UnIVKRSITV (II- SvilXEY. (Witii i'hilcs x.-xiii.) INTHdHrcTIOX. This paper deals with the faiuilies Sjiiliiluc, EuaiiUidac and Aulolijtidac of the section Syllidea (Polychaeta Phanerocephala), and is to some extent a con- tinuation of one on the Exoc/onea recently* published. Unlike the latter, how- ever, it is entirely systematic and descriptive, structural and developmental jjoints bein": reserved for separate treatment. The material consists almost exclusi\-ely of specimens collected by the author al)out low-water mark in Port Jackson atul examined in the living condition in the Hrst instance. The types of the species described as new have been deposited in the Australian Museum. In 1885 I published descriptions of six uieml)ers of the family Si/llidar I'ound in Port Jackson. The original specimens jiave been lost, but the identity of Ave of the six species is definitely determined as a result of Aus^-ener's study of the Polychaeta collected by the Ilamburj;' Expedition to South-western Australia (1), together witli the present contribution. There remains in doubt Giiutliosi/llis sonata niihi. This was founded on a solitary specinuni obtained with the dredge. There are indications that Auyener's identification with this of a TjipoiiiiUis in liis collection is incorrect. The general classification here followed is that ol' IMalaquin, and, witliin the extensive genus StiUh. the division into sul)-gcnera proposed by Langerlians and followed by various recent writers (De Saint-. Joseph, Gravier, Augener) lias l)een adopted . 1 have found some dilficulty in dealing with the uenus PidimsiiUis. Mahn- gren's original diagnosis (41, p. 3i)) comprises the following points — a single pharyngeal tootli; compound setae with long slender bidentate appendages; capil- lary setae on I lie middle and posterior segments; other characters as in St/llis. The type species, P. compacta, has '"palpi ilistantes,"' "tentacula indistincte arti- culata" and "cirri dorsuales vix articulali." In the classification of the S/iUidca clalxirated by Langerlians (3f)). Piono- syllis is characterised as having the palpi not fused, the tentacles and dorsal cirri not articulated, and as having the |iliarynx aniicd with a single tooth which is situated anteriorly. In Malaquin's scheme (-10). I'iniKisiillis is grouped among the EunyUidae— Syllidea possessing ventral cirri, having the jialpi fused at the base only, the tentacles and dorsal cirri indistinctly articulated, and reproducing only directly without schizogainy. From the other geiicia of that family it is distinguished by the single, anterior \ pharyngeal tooth. ,Joiu\ Linn. Soo. Lond., xxiv., No. 227. BV W. A. HASWELL. 91 The following suggi'steil iliaguosis of Plo)iosyUis assuiiios that the type species, P. compacta, has tlie palpi united at the base. Syllidea witli ventral cirri, the palpi luiiteil at the bases only, tlie tentacles ami cirri devoid of segmentation or incompletely segmented, tl'e compound setae bidentate. The pharynx with a single tooth situated anteriorly; no schizogamy, This would exclu,hridia packed with sperms in roiuidetl groups. T. pectinans occurs veiy abundantly between tide-marks in Port Jackson, and is particularly numerous among the tulics ol' the common Sorpulid. Cideolaria hystrlx. Relying on Langerhans's account (30, ]>. 5.'30, Taf. 31, fig. 3) of the species wliich he identified with S. prolij'era Krohn, I was at first indmed to regard the form above described as referable to that species. One of the chief reasons for thi.i view was the exceptional position in both of the pharyngeal tooth. A care- ful comparison showed, however, that such a determination could not be main- tained. Langerhans refers to the compound setae in 5. prnlifera as "bidentate" without any qualification. jMoreocer, .V. armutidi, wliich Langerhans regards as identical, is described liy Claparede (5, p. 70) as having setae with bidentate appendages; and the same holds good of .v. lussincnsis Grubo (20, p. 40). also regarded by Langerhans as synonymous with the sai\ie species.* Mcintosh's figures (39) of the coiniiound setae in ,s'. (Pioiios/iUis) prolifera also all represent them as strongly bidentate. On the whole the evidence .seems to be in favour of the conclusion that the Australian sjiecies is a hitherto undescribed s])ecies of T/iposi/His, characterised by llic combination of two unusual characters — the back- ward position of the tooth and the ]>i('sciic(' of unidcntate compound setae. Svi.i.is (Ti-posVLLis) TitcxcATA. n.s|i. (Plate x., Iig;. 7-14.) Tliis, like 7'. jiecHindis, is a slender eloiigafcd Si/lli^, wliicli. when alive and fully extended, becomes a narrow thread. There are over a hundred segments (110-120) in a I'ldl-grown siiecinien . The general colour is reddish Avithout definite markings, darkened behind liy the intestine. The length is from 1 to 2 cm. The tentacles and dorsal cirri are full of twisted (vermionlate) unicellular glands similar to those of S. rnrinidla. •Langerhans regards S.fiuvieiisis of Elders i»« also identical with .s'. firoliffnt : if that view bo woll-finmilcil. Ehlers's figure (fi, Taf. ix.. fig. 4) of a coinpoiinil seta must he incorrect . BV W. A. IIASWELL. 95 The prostoiiiium is nearly twice as Ijioad as Jong, with four very small eyes. The median tentacle is about thrice the length of the ijrostomium. with about 25 joints; the lateral a little shorter, with about 17 joints. The palpi are ovate, veiy little narrower at the apex, with the inner edges, in close contact with one another at the base Init not fused, diverging very slightly distally. The dorsal peristomial tentacle is nearly as long as the median, with about 18 joints; the ventral a little shorter. The parapodia are relatively long; nearly half the breadth of the body in length, and in general outline resemble those of ,S'. pectinans. Each has about 8-10 compound setae. These (Plate x., figs. 8 and 9) are all of the same type, the only ditt'erence between them being a gradual reduction in length of the falx from the dorsal to the ventral side; all are bidentate with a small secondary tooth and a row of tine cilia along the cutting edge. A simple seta ( Plate x., fig. 10) lies on the dorsal side of the compound seta in a variable number of the most posterior segments. It differs from the simple setae of S. variegata and S. pectinans in being truncate. A shorter, simple, pointed seta lies on the ven- tral side in the last two or three segments. There is sometimes a single aciculum in each parapodium, sometimes two or three: they are sharply bent forwards at the ends. (Plate x., figs. 11-14. ) The dorsal cirri are long and thick, the first being the longest, with about 28 segments. The rest are alternately longer and shorter, the longer (about 25 joints) longer than the breadth of the body, the shorter (about 17 joints) about e(iual to it. The ventral cirri scarcely reach as far as the ends of the parapodia. The anal cirri have about 16 joints. There is a narrow median process between them as in S. pectinans. The pharynx is red in colour. When the proboscis is fully drawn back it is long and narrow, extending from the fourth segment, in which the tooth is situ- ated, to tlie thirteenth. The proventriculus is relatively short, extending through only about four to six segments. Syllis tricncata has been found in Port Stephens as well as Port .Jackson. Many specimens of S. truncata bear either one or two white spots on the dorsal surface over the proventriculus or its junction with the intestine. When two are present they may occur on the 16th and 17th or on the 17th and 18th segments ; when one only occurs it is usually found on the 18th segment . These white bodies lie in the substance of the dorsal body-wall between the ejiidermis and the muscular layers, and extend across a considerable part of the breadth of the segment. Contained in each are a large number of rounded masses of an average diameter of about .05 mm., each made up of innumerable minute cor- puscles of an approximate diameter of 0.002 mm. That these bodies are encysted Sporozoa appears to admit of little doubt . The constancy of their position would appear to be accounted for by the position of the ventriculus and caeca^ — the walls of the latter being comparatively tliin and easily traversed by the trophozoite in its migration outwards from the lumen of the alimentary canal. In liis description of the Polycliaeta of the Canaries Langerlians (35) gives an account of a species of Ti/posi/llis, which he calls T. pulvinata, characterised by the presence of cushion-like elevations of the dorsal surface of the 18th, 19th, and 20th segments. There can be little doubt that in this species the swellings are due to the same cause as in T. truncata. T. pulvinata is described as having 96 AUSTRALIAN SYLLIDAE, KUSYLLIDAE AND AUTOLYTIDAE^ the setae distinctly iinidentate, and tlius aijpoars to differ in a definite way from 2". truncata. Syllis (Ttposyllis) punctulata, u.sp. (Plate xi., figs. 1-lG.) The length of this very well-marked species is about 1 cm. and the breadth .75 mm. There are about 70 segments in all. The prevailing colour of the dorsal surface is dark red, usually lighter behind, with innumerable minute colour- less dots marking the position of integumentary glands. The prostomium and peristomium are much lighter than the body, of a bright orange, the prostomium with an irregular pattern of a darker colour concentrated in front in the position in which frontal eyes usually occur. Vibratile cilia occur on the sides of the segments between the parapodia. The prostomium (Plate xi., tig. 1) is broader than long; the presence of frontal eyes is inconstant : the ordinary eyes are rather small, the posterior neaier together than the anterior. The palpi are divergent from the base, slightly nar- rowed distally, longer than the prostomium. The median tentacle is more than twice the length of the prostomium, of about 20 to 30 segments; the lateral ten- tacles are twice the length of the prostomium, of about 12 to 20 segments. Of the peristomial tentacles the dorsal, which is slightly the longer, is of about the same length as the median. All the tentacles are very distinctly segmented, as are also the dorsal and anal cirri. The parapodia (Plate xi., fig 2) are not deeply divided. There are 10-12 compound setae (figs. 3 and 4), all of one type, with bidentate falces, which are slightly longer in proportion in the more anterior segments. There are two simple setae in all the posterior parapodia. One of these (figs. 5 to 10) is dorsai to the compound setae : it first appears about the twenty-eighth segment and continues to the posterior end; it is obscurely bidentate; the other (fig. 11) which occurs only on the last few segments, is ventral to the compound setae and is very strongly bidentate, its extremity closely corresponding to the end of the appendage of one of the compound setae. The acicula (figs. 12-16). of which there are three or four in each parapodium, vary a little in shape, but one (the most anterior, (figs. 12 and 13) is always strongly bent forwards at the end, and another (fig. 16) symmetricallj- pointed. The dorsal cirri are very distinctly articulated. The first are the longest, as long as the median tentacles, with about 25 to 35 segments. The remainder are shorter than the breadth of the segments and contain 18 to 35 segments: there is no regular alternation. The ventral cirri are short, not extending beyond the ends of the parapodia. The anal cirri are of about the same length as the aver- age dorsal. The pharyngeal tooth is not quite anterior. The pharynx extends to the 7th segment; the proventriculus lies in the 8th to the 13th. One specimen has a buff-colouri'd female stolon; the ova extend forwards several seguicnts in front of the head of the stolon. S. piiiictulnta occurs about the liases of Algae growing on rocks about low- water mai-k in Port .Jackson and P.o(nny Pay. SVI.I.IS (TVPOSVLLIS) Ci.OSTEROBRAXC'lIIA Schuiiivda. Syllis closlerohranchla, Sclnnarda. (40). 2 Tlieil, p. 72. Siillis clnsterobraiichia, Ehlers (10), I., p. 19. Taf. iii., fig. 1-4. St/llis (Ti/po.'iiillis) dosterohranchiii, Augener. (1). ii. 201. Text-fig. 23. (For some additional synonyms, see Augener.) BY W. A. HASWELL. 97 Ehlcrs ill 1904 identified specimeiis of a iSyllis received from New Zealand with Schmarda's ^'. cloaterobranchia, the types of which (from S. Africa) he had the opportunity of examining. Augener found specimens in the collection from S.W. Australia, and gives some additional particulars. The species thus defined is quite common a little below low-water mark in Port Jackson. The largest specimens measure 4 cm. in length and 1.5 mm. in breadth. A simple, pointed seta, obscurely bidentate, is present on the dorsal r-ide of the compound setae in the last nine or ten parapodia, disappearing at the point where the characteristic thick, "pseudoypsiloid," compound setae begin to make their appearance. A very similar simple seta lies on the ventral side in a few of the terminal segments. In a male specimen of 147 segments, the segments are filled with sperms from the 120th backwards, but there is no definite indication of a stolon. Another specimen of 95 segments had no sign of gonads. Syllis (Typosyllis) gracilis Gravier. (Plate x., fig. 15.) Syllis gracilis, Gravier, (16), p. 150, PI. 9, figs. 4-6. (?) Syllis longissima, Gravier, I.C., p. 154. Syllis (Typosyllis) gracilis, Augener (1), p. 206. For further synonymy, see Langerhans (36) and Mcintosh (39) . This widely-distributed form, found by Augener in the Hamburg collections froiii South-west Australia, occurs frequently among Algae etc. brought ap from below low-water mark in Port Jackson. Dorsal simple setae, pointed and obscurely bidentate like the corresponding .=ietae in /S*. closterobranchia, occur on a few of the last segments. The acicula (Plate X., fig. 15) are peculiar, each having a slight rounded terminal enlarge- ment from which a peg-like process projects obliquely. Syllis (Typosyllis) parturiexs, n.sp. (Plate xi., figs. 17, 18.) This small Syllis, of which I have only obtained a single specimen, differs from all the other members of the group, with the exception of S. vivipara, in being viviparous. It is only 4-5 mm. in lengfh, and colourless but for a mottling of bluish green in the epithelium of the middle part of the intestine. There are 32 segments. The prostomium is slightly broader than long, and bears four very small eyes in addition to a minute frontal pair. The palpi are about equal in length to the prostomium; they are sub-conical, divergent from near the base, where they are in contact for a short distance. The median prostomial tentacle is about six times the length of the prostomium, and lias about 35 segments; the lateral about four times. The dorsal peristomial tentacle is much longer than the ventral, nearly as long as the median prostomial. All the tentacles, with the dorsal cirri, are very distinctly segmented. The parapodia are not deeply divided. Each bears about 10 compound setae with bidentate falces. In a few of the last seg- ments there is a single simple seta on the dorsal side of each parapodium. There is a single aciculum which is slightly enlarged and slightly oblique at the end. The dorsal cirri are alternately longer and shorter, the longer containing about 35 segments, and their length much exceeding the breadth of the body. The ventral cirri are slender, and scarcely extend as far as the extremity of the parapodia. The anal cirri resemble the longer dorsal. 98 ^U.STKALIAS' SYLI.IDAK, Kl'SYLLIDAE AND At'TOIATIDAE, The pharynx extends tu the 5th segment, the pro\eutiiculus to the 9th. There are two advaiu-eil embryos, one in the 14th ami the other in the loth segment. In the l'2th and 13th segments there is a single ovum on either side. Hitherto, as already stated, Hyllis viiipara Ivrohn has been the only vivi- parous Syllid known.* From that species the jiresent form differs in the b.den- tate fharaeter of the compound setae, as well as in the piesenee of frc>ntal eyes and the greater lengfh of the dorsal cirri. Though it seems probable that .s'. partiirieiis is hermaphrouite, and that te.stes are present in most of the segments, the specimen does not afford conclusive evi- dence of this. SVLLIS (TyPOSYLLIS) AUCiEXKRl, U.SJl. ( Phitc xi.. tigs. 1!) to 22.) Syllis (Typosi/Uis) kinhei(jiaiia Haswell. Augeiiei-, (1). |>. 197, Text-fig. 22. Taf. iii., tig. 38. Si/Uis (Typosi/Uis) Kinberyiaiia Haswell, Fauvel, (13), p. 194. The species of iSyllis which Augener described under the name of S. kinbergiana Haswell, while expressing some doubts as to the correctness of the determination, is not very rare in Port Jackson, and. as it appears to be unnamed, I have given it the above name. Augener's -wrong' determination is doubtless partly due to my having given insufficient data; but theii- are at least two points given in my original account which are entirely inconi])atible with Augener's eou- elusiou — viz the very indistinctl.v articulated cirri and the transverse intraseg- mental lines. Augener's description is verj' ade(]uatc. juid I will merely add the following brief notes : — There are frecjueutly no markings, but sometimes theie is a pair of grey transverse lines on the doreal surface of each segment in the anterior region. Frontal eyes are present in most if not all cases, but they are sometimes repre- sented by minute dots which may not be symmetrically placed. The ordinary compound setae resemble those of ^■. variegata in shape, but the fringe of processes along the cutting edge of the fals is less developed. These are the only compound setae in the posterior region. But in the anterior and middle regions the two most dorsally placed in each parapodium (Plate xi., fig. 20) have the appendage relatively long and narrow — longer and narrower than is represented in Augenei-'s fig. 22a. The obscurely bidentate simple setae of the posterior region which are similar to those of 6'. variegata, may extend for- wards as far as about the 20th segment from the anterior end. The acicula (figs. 21 and 22) are one to four; when there are two, the more anterior (fig. 21) is very slightly bent fonvard at the end, with an oblique terminal (posterior) face which is slightly concave: the more posterior (fig. 22) nearly symmetrically point- ed. When only one aeiculum is present it is of the former typo: when there are three or four, two or three are of the latter. Syllis (Typosyllis) KtSBERGiANA Haswell. (Plate xi., figs. 2.3-27: IMate xii., figs. 1 and 2 ) . Syllis kinbergiana, Haswell, (25), p. 7, PI. 51, figs. 1-3. Nnti Syllis (Tyjjosyllis) kivherc/iana Ilasw.. Auircner. (1). ]>. 107, Taf. iii., fig. 38, Text-fig. 22 a-c. Nee Syllis {Typosyllis) kinbergiana, Fauvel, (IS), ji. 194. • See Goodrich (14), and Potts (47). BY ^•. A. HASWELL. 99 In the living- condition the eolouring of thi.s species renders it readily capable of recognition. In preserved specimens in which the colour is lost, the most striking features are: — (1) the presence in the anterior region of the body of an impressed line or narrow groove running transversely across the dorsal surface of each segment; (2) the deeply bi-lobed character of the parapodia; (3) the imper- fect segmentation of the dorsal cirri. In the living condition the body is greenish-yellow or light yellow with greenish transverse lines. On the doi-sal surface just behind the head is a patch of white, and on each segment is a pair of very light yellowish- or greenish-white dots. The head and the palpi are red, the eyes crimson. The length of the largest specimens is 6 cm., the breadth in the uncontracted state only 2-3 mm. In all the anterior part of the body, as far back as the be- ginning <.)f the intestine, are tlie transversa grooves above refen-ed to, appearing in contracted specimens as notches in the lateral edges of the segments (Plate sdi., flg. 1). Sensory cilia are present on the tentacles and cirri and the ends of the palpi . Vibratile cilia occur on the palpi and on the sides of the segments. The ■whole integument is full of small oval glands. The peristomium is bilobed, the lobes ,-ounded on the dorsal aspect. The eyes are rather small, the posterior much the smaller. The palpi are twice the length of the prostomium when fully extended; they are fused together at the base for a short distance. The prostomial tentacles are usually sub-equal, a little longer than the palpi, segmented, but not very distinctly. The parapodia (Plate sii., fig. 2) are very deeply divided into anterior and posterior lobes. There are about 20 compound setae (Plate xi., figs. 23 to 26), all with long and rather narrow falees which are bidentate and have extremely minute teeth along the cutting eclge. On the posterior segments there is a very tine, truncate, simple seta on each parapodium dorsal to the compound setae. Theie are two, sometimes three, acieula of which one, the most anterior (tig. 27), is sharply bent foi-wards at the end and the others are obliquely truncate or obliquely pointed. No capillary setae have been seen. The dorsal cirri are rather short, very imperfectly segmented. The pharynx runs through only three to six segments, the proventriculus usually only through three or four. Stilis (Typosyllis) coru.scans Haswell. (Plate xi., figs. 28-31). Syllis corruscans, Haswell, (25), p. 734, PL 1., fig. 1-3. and Iv., fig. 5. ? Syllis corruscans Hasw., Augener, (1), p. 208. This is the largest of the Australian Syllids, attaining a lengih of as much as 14 em. with a maximum breadth of about 5 mm. There are 150 to 200 segments. The colour of the dorsal surface is usually dark green, sometimes dark brown; that of the ventral surface and of the parapodia and cirri light red or orange. The prostomium is bright crimson. On the dorsal surface of the peristomium ap- pears a bright green spot or band. The integ-umentary glands are so arranged and developed as to give a corru- gated appearance to the darkly-pigmented dorsal surface, the eoiTugations being sometimes arranged in transverse rows, two or three on each segment with narrow furrows between. The breadth of the prostomium is nearly twice the length. It becomes partly withdrawn under the prostomium when the animal is touched or irritated. The 100 AUSTRALIAN SYLLIDAE, EUSYLI.IDAK AND At'TOI-YTIDAE, palpi are broad at the l)ase, fused with oue another lor a shoi't distance, longer thau the prostomium, usuaUy directed downwards, hollowed out lielow and internally. The eyes are rather small, those of the anterior pair larger and wider apart than those of the posterior. The three prostomial tentacles are feubequal, a little longer than the palpi, indistinctly segmented or entirely unseg- mented. The peristomial tentacles which are also indistinctly ringed, are subei|iial, the dorsal a little longer than the ventral, shorter than the prostomial. The parapodia are relatively short. Each bears 15 to 20 compound setae. These (Plate xi., figs. 29-31) are all of the same essential character, with bideatate falces, but the most dorsally situated (fig. 29) have the falces long and slender, a gradual transition taking place towards the most ventral setae which have the falces short and comparatively broad. In a few of the most posterior segments tliere are also simple setae — one dorsal to the comi^ound setae of each jjarapodium. slender and hair-like, the other ventral, very short, terminating like the compound setae but without the articulation. There are 5 to 7 or more pointed acicula in each parapodium, one sharply bent forwards at the end. The dorsal cirri are alternately longer and shorter, about equal in length to the breadth of the body, not very distinctly segmented, smooth and unsegmented at the base, indistinctly segmented towards the apex. In the original description I stated that in this species male stolons are given off from a female stock. In my more recent notes I can find no confirmation of this. Female stolons are very rare, but they occur. In the case of the female, as in that of the male, stolon, sexual elements similar to those in the stolon occur also, as in other species of Syllis, in the posterior region of the stock. It may be that in certain circumstances, or at certain seasons, the formation of a female stolon may so rapidly follow that of a male that the posterior region of the stock contains well formed ova before the male zooid becomes detached. But I have been unable to find any such case among recently examined specimens, which all show evidence of normal schizogamy without hermaphroditism.* S. eoruscans is far from being a typical Syllis. Structurally, in fact, it is closely connected with various species of Eusyllis, and it might quite well be described as a Eusyllis which i-eproduces with schizogamy. Apart from the super- ficial features of connection between the palpi at theu- bases and imperfect seg- mentation of the tentacles and dorsal cirri, S. eoruscans is Eusyllis-M^n in having the rim of the cuticle of the pharynx ocea-sionally divided in an iiTegular way into a number of lobes, which can hardly be termed teeth. t Moreover the arrangement of the radial muscles of the wall of the pro vent riculus corresponds completely with that which characterises Eusyllis, and differs from that which occurs gener- ally, if not universally, in typical sjiecies of Syllis. Sub-geniis Haplosyllis Langerhans. Syli.is (Haplosyllis) spoxgicola Grube. Syllis sponyicola, Grube, (18), p. 104, PI. 4, fig. 4. Syllis djiboutiensis, Gravier, (Ki), p. 147, PI. 9, fig. 3, lOOO. Syllis djiboutiensis, Augener, (1), p. 213. (For additional synonymy see Mcintosh, (39), p. 197.) 'Sec F. A. Potts (47). ' ' tDo Saint-Joseph (48) states :— "Chez beauccup de liiisylli.':, et cola indiifi'reinnieut dans chaque esp^ce, lo bord de la trompe, au lieu d'i-tro donti'h' nVst ijiic cli'cliiijuctr et s'^loigne peu du bord uni et quelquefois aussi an jieu di'chiquetc' de la tronipo dos Pionosyllis. ' ' BV w. A. haswf:ll. 101 I have only obtained in Poii Jackson two or three small specimens of this very Avidely-distributed species . Sub-tfcuus Eh l e u s i a Lancjerhans. Syllis (Ehlkhsia) ferrugixea Langerhans. (Plate xii., figs. 3-10. ) Ehlersia ferruginea, Langerhans, (35), p. 104, fig. 10. SylUs (Ehlersia) ferruginea, Augener, (1), p. 211, Text-tig. 2(J. The two sijecimens from Port Jackson which I refer to this species were not seen alive; in the preserved condition they have a dull yellowish-grey colour. Their length is about 8 mm., and each contains some ninety to a hundred very short segments the leng-th being less than a tenth of the breadth. The prostomium (Plate xii., tig. 3) bears six pairs of eyes — the frontal mere dots of pigment, the others also very small. The palpi are sub-triangular when viewed from above; behind thej' bulge out beyond the lateral edge of the pros- tomium. The median tentacle is over four times the length of the prostomium and is made up of about forty-five articuli ; the lateral are three-fourths of the length of the median. Of the peristomial, the dorsal, as usual the longer, is a little longer than the lateral prostomial. The parapodia are not deeply divided. In the anterior region there are in each parapodium dorsally three or four com- pound setae (fig. 4) of the Ehlersia type with long and slender falces, feebly bidentate: ventrally the rest of the compound setae (figs. 5-7), about ten in num- ber, have relatively short bidentate falces with the secondary tooth more strongly developed than the terminal. Posteriorly the setae of the latter type become gradually replaced by setae (fig. 7) with very short, strongly curved falces with the secondary tooth much larger than the terminal. In the posterior segments there is a simple seta with a rounded extremity dorsal to the compound setae in each parapodium . In the last two or three segTiients there is alfio a ventral simple seta (fig. 8) in each parapodium, similar to the adjoining compound setae, but without the joint. There arc usually two acicula (figs. 9 and 10), slightly knobbed and bent forwards at the end, in each parapodium. The anterior dorsal cirri are distinctly segmented, but in both specimens segmentation completely disappears before the middle of the body is reached. The first is longer than the rest, rather longer than the breadth of the liody. The ventral cirri are cylindrical and not as long as the parapodia. The pliarynx extends to the 10th segment; its tooth is anteriorly situated. The proventriculus extends to the eighteenth segment; it contains about 30 an- nular bands. Genus T r v r a x 0 s y l l i s Clajiarede. Trypaxosvi.lis ZEiiRA ftrube. Syllis zebra, Grnbe, (19), p. 80, Taf. iii., fig. 7. Triipanostjllis krohnii, Claparede, (5), p. 98. T. krohnii, Be St.-Joseph, (48), p. 56 (.180). T. ^ebra, Mcintosh, (39), p. 169, PI. 1.. fies. 9 and 10: PI. li., fig. 1; PI. Ixx., fig. 8: PI. Ixxix., fig. 18. ;' Eurymedusa picta, Kinbcrg, (31), iion Elders, (10). Syllis taeniae formis, Haswell, (25), p. 9, PI. 1., figs. 4 and 5. Trypanosyllis Eichardi, Gravier, (16), p. 168, PI. ix., figs. 12, 13. Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis, Augener, (1), p. 230. 102 AUSTIJALIAX SYLLIDAE, EUSYLI,IU.VE AXD AUTOLy'IIDAE, Whether Kinberg's Eury medusa pieta is the same as Trypanosi/llis zehra must remain somewhat uncertain until the type sjjecimen has l)een re-examined. The original diagnosis of the former is not very adequate; nor are the figures of it in the "Eugenies Resa" of much value in distinguishing the species. But the name, and the locality afford some indication "Port Jackson, Novae Hollandiae, summa aqua." On the other hand, the New Zealand and South Australian species whieh Ehlers put down as Eurymedusa picta Kinberg, after examining Kinberg's ori- ginal specimen, is quite distinct, and has been determined by Benham as a si^eeies of Odontosyllis (see Odontosi/Uis suteri Bonhain) . T. zebra is not at all rare a little below low-water in Port Jackson, frequent- ing especially the roots of the Laminarian Eklonia radiata. It is one of the larger iSyllids, attaining a length of as much as 6 or 7 cm. Both male and female stolons are white with two pairs of red eyes. The mode of stolonisation in the Port Jackson form is that des^cribed by Marion and Bobretsky (45), and De St.-Josoph (48) as characterising T. zebra [See Potts (47), p. 13] . When the stolon is ready for separation tlie stuck hears ventrally a small prolongation terminating in a pair of anal ciiri. Family EITSYLLIDAE. Genus S y l l i d e s Oersted. Syi.lides L0XGICI17HATA Oersted. Syllides longicirrata, Oersted, (46), p. 11, Tab. ii., fig. 2 a-h. Syllides longicirrata, Malmgren, (41), p. 39. Syllides longocirrata, Langerhans, (36), p. 548. AnoplosylUs ftdva, Marion et Bobretzky, (45), p. 28, PI. ii. and iii.. fig. 8. ? Syllis ochracea, Marenzeller, (42), p. 27, Taf. iii., fig. 1. Syllides longocirrata, De Saint-Joseph, (48), p. 165 (41). Syllides longocirrata, Augener, (1), p. 229. The three specimens of Syllides which I have obtained in Port Jaeksor agree very closely with Marion and Bobretzky's description and figure of Anoplo- sylUs fulva except in one point, which may be of some importance. My speci- mens have well-developed lenses in the frontal eyes — a condition rarely met with. The posterior eyes have no lenses. I have not been able to see the ventral simple setae referi-ed to by Langerhans. The dorsal simple setae, which are gently curved find blunt, occur singly on all the pai-apodia except the first tlu-ee. The yellow corpuscles which are distributed over the whole dorsal surface ol' the peristomium correspond very closely" with the constituent elements of the "yellow bodies" of the Exogoneae. In a female specimen ovaries occur from the ninth setigerous segment backwards. Genus E T' r y s t l l i s Ehlers. EORYSYLLIS TUBERCULATA EhlcrS. Eurysyllis tuhercuhihi, Ehlers, (0), p. 264. Taf. 11, fig's. 4-7. Polymasttis paradoxus, Claparede, (5), p. 109, PI. viii., fig. 3. I have seen only two sjiecimens of this remarkable form, obtained a1 Point Piper, Port Jackson. aiiKnig Algae. BY W. A. IIASWELL. 103 Genus Pionosyllis MaluigTcn . PioxosYLM.s iielakmixki'jii;a, n.sp. (Plate xii., figs. ]l-l(j; Plate xiii., fls,'. 1.) Complete, sexually mature specimens reach a length nL' about 1.4 cm. with a breadth of about 1 mm., and contain 05 to 75 segments. But many specimens show evidence of having lost a part of the fragile posterior region, which has become imperfectly regenerated . Thus a number of specimens contain only about 25 to 50 segments of nornud character, with or without a narrow posterior con- tinuation of 3 to 12 sundl segments, obviously formed by a process of regenera- tion . The general groun . 111. Si/llis nnrmamiica, Claparede, (4), ]>. 40, Taf. xiii.. fig. 24. PinnosyUis dh-aricrita. Langerhans, (SO. p. .54.5. Piotwsiillis ? diriiriraln. ^fclntosh, (38). p. llU. PI. lix., fig. 12; PI. Ix., fig. 7; PI. Ixxix., fig. 17. Tlu' only specimen of this species which T have obtained is about 8 mm. in lengtli in tlic preserved condition and less than 1 mm. in greatest breadth. It '\a.s almost colourless in I'roiit when alive, but for black pigment in the proto- BT V^^ A. HASWELL. 105 plasmic cores of the radial muscle-fibres of the proventriculus; but throughout the greater part of its leng-th it was strongly coloured with dark browu, almost black, pigment, not collected into transverse lines, but distributed over the dorsal surface and the parapodia, with a tendency to the formation, in places, of irregu- lar longitudinal lines. There are 43 segments, but some have been lost. To- wards the middle, where the body is broadest, the length of the segments is about one-fourth of the breadth. The prostomium is a little broader than long, and bears lour rather large eyes, the twiy of each side in close contact. The tentacles and dorsal cirri are entirely devoid of segmentation. The median tentacle is about three to four times the length of the prostomium, the lateral scarcely twice that length. The palpi diverge widely from one another, and their basal junction is of very slight extent. The dorsal peristomial tentacle is longer than the median prostoniial, about five times the length of the prostomium. The dorsal cirri are longer than the breadth of the segments in front ; shorter behind. The parapodia are simple and undivided, much shorter than the breadth of the segments. The setae (Plate xiii., figs. 2 and 3) usually about 12 in each parapodium, are very long and slender, and are all of one type, though decreasing as usual in the length of the fals from the dorsal towards the ventral side. The falx ter- minates in two teeth situated close together, the secondary tooth rather more pro- nounced than the terminal, and strongly hooked. No simple setae are present, but this may be due to the loss of the posterior segments. The acicula, two or three in number, are simple and straight and sharp-pointed or blunt. The ven- tral ein-i are shorter than the parapodia, long, conical, but with a suddenly nar- rowing terminal part. The phar^Tix extends to the tenth segment : its median tooth, which is blunt, lies just Ijehind its anterior margin in the 5th segment . The proventriculus ex- tends to the 15th segment, and has about 30 rows of muscle-columns. Though there are one or two points (such as the absence of frontal eyes) in which the single specimen does not agree with the description of the European species, the correspondence on the whole is very close. Genus Odoktosyllis Claparcde. Odontosyllis detecta Augener. Odontosyllis detecta Augener (1), p. 236, Taf. iii., fig. 33 and text-tig. 34. I have obtained five specimens which seem to be referable to this species — • three mature males and two mature females. Since Augener had only a single incomplete specimen before him, I am able to supplement his account with sundry additional particulars. The largest specimens are about 6 mm. in lengtli and contain 35 to 40 segments. There is no definite colouration apart from the colours of the int,rnal organs. Vibratile cilia are widely distributed on the surface — on the palpi, on the prostomium, on the peristomium, on the borders of the segments, and on the parapodia. Non-motile (sensory) cilia are also abundant, and are sjiecially elon- gated on the inner borders of the palpi. In the males the enonnous eyes occupy a large part of the dorsal portion of the prostomium, and posteriorly those of opposite sides are only separated by a very narrow interval ; in one specimen they bulge out beyond the normal limits 106 AUSTKALIAX tYLLIliAf,, KUSYLLIHAE AXD AVTOLYTIDAE, of the prostomiiim . In the specimen last referred to there is no clear indication that there are two eyes on each side, and only one lens is distinguishable; Imt in the remaining males the anterior and [losterior eyes, though intimately united, are to be distinguished by their sei)arate lenses and by slight fissures. In the female, on the other hand, the eyes are quite small and separate; in front of each an- terior eye is a small frontal eye which appears to have a small lens. The palpi are Cjuite conspicuous both in the living and fixed specimens, 'i'heir basal parts are fused to form a transverse bridge in front of the mouth. From this bridge, the anterior edge of which is slightly in front of the anterior border of the prostomium, s(>parated from one another by a wide- interval, arise the free portions of the palpi as uvate processes projecting forwards in front of the prostomium, or doubled back on the ventral side. There is no trace of a nuchal prominence . The tentacles and cirri present no trace of definite segmentation, though ir- j-cgularly annulated. Tlie median tentacle is about twice the length of the pros- tomium, the lateral a little shorter than the median. Of the peristomial tentacles the dorsal is, as usual, the longer, and is, approximately, of the same length as the lateral prostomial. Of tlie dorsal cirri the first is much longer than the others, and is about the lengtli of the median tentacle or a little longer. The rest are alternately longer and shorter: on the average tlieir length is about ('(lunl to half the breadth of the body. Tlie ])arapodia are bilolinl, the poslerinr (d.irsal) lobe being the larger. There are ten or twelve compound setae in each ])arapodium. These, which are figured by Augener (Text-fig. 34), have short, unidentate f aloes. On the dorsal .side of the compound setae in each parapodium there is, in all but the first 8 to IG segments, a very fine capillary simple seta; no ventral simple setae were found. Capillary swimming setae are present in one of the male specimens from the 14th segment backwards, absent in the others. There is a single aciculum with a .slightly knobbed extremity which is distinctly bent backwards. The ventral <-irri are broad, ovate, shorter than the parapodia. The pharynx extends as far Ijack as the 6th segment; the proventriculus to the 10th. The pharyngeal teeth are somewhat difficult of analysis. But tliere seem to be six teeth and two jaw-pieces, two of the teeth being closely connected with the latter, and the remaining four free between them. This is very near what is described and figured by IMarenzcller [(42). Taf. iv., fig. 2D] for Odoiiio- syllis virescens (O. ctenostoma). In the females, ovaries nccui' from the (ith or 7th segments backwards. In the male, testes begin about the lith segment. A limited region, comprising the 11th to the 14th segments, is in mU lliiee specimens specially developed, with large testes in the 13th and 14tli, and tlie body-cavities distended with ripe speniiatozoa which are absent in the rest of the body. The specimens were found among Algae at AVatson's Bay, Port Jackson . Augener, on the strength of the enlarged eyes, compares his Q. detrcta with (). hiialina (xrube; but there seems to be sufficient evidence to prove that the teature in (|uestion is a sexual and not a specific character. Apart from this, the affinities of 0. rletecta are much more with 0. ctenostoma, with Which Augener makes no comparison . In faet, the only differences to be detected are the ab- sence of the nuchal lobe, and also of the dorsal, simple, hooked setae, which, ac- cording to Langerhans [(36). p. 55('). fig. l.'jrt. /i.l and St.-.Toseph [(47). p. .53, 177], occur on the more posterior jiarajiodia in the latter species. EV W. A. HASWELL. 107 Odoxtosylli.s rrLGURANs And. et Edw. Odontosyllis fulgurans, Audouin et Edwards, Ann. Sci. nat., t. xxix., p. 229 Odontosylli^ fulgurans, Mcintosh, (39), p. 178, PI. xlix., fig. 5; PI. lix., figs. 15 and 15 a and 6; PI. Ixx., fig-. 11; PI. Ixxx., fig. 4. For i'urtlier synonymy see Mcintosh. I have obtained only two specimens of an Odvntosyllis which, if not identical with the European and North American species above named, is very nearly related to it. 0. fulgurans seems to be characterised lay the great length of the proventriculus, running through ten or eleven segments, the hooked falces of the compound setae with a minute tooth near the middle of the cutting edge, and the absence of nuchal or occipital lobe. In the living condition the Port Jackson specimens were of a brownish colour with iiregular whitish flecks; the eyes were red. The only complete specimen is about 7 mm. long', with about 50 segments. In one the pigment of the two eyes on either side is to some extent coalescent; in the other the two are close to- gether but clearly separated ; in the former a pair of frontal eyes are represented by a pair of veiltrally placed minute specks of pigment. The teeth in the retracted condition of the proboscis lie in the fourth seg- ment. As far as can be made out they are sis in number. A striking feature is the presence in the wall of tlie pharynx, just l)ehind the teeth and immediately in front of the anterior end of the proventriculus, of an opaque ring wliich ap- pears fjuite black in the cleared specimen. A similar appearance on a smaller scale is observable at the posterior end of the proventriculus. These two dark bodies are evidently the proventricular glands, anterior and posterior, wliich I described in the Exogoneae. They, or at least tlie anterior, occur in all Sgllidea bo far as I have observed ; but they ai'e usually very inconspicuous and only recog- nisable in sections* or, in the case of some of tlie Exogoneae, in favourably stained entire specimens. Odontosyllis suteri Benham. Odontosylhs suteri, Benham, (2), ]). 161, figs. 1 and 2. Euryrnediisa picta, Ehlers, (10). p. 21. Non Eiiry medusa picia, Kinborg, (.31) . Odontosylhs suteri has been found )jy Benham at various points on the coast of the South Island of New Zealand, and also occurs at the Kennadec Islands. I have only hitherto found two specimens in Port Jackson. Ehlers's confusion of this s|iecies with Eurymedusa jricta of Kinberg is referred to under Trypanosyllis zebra. 0. suteri is characterised (1) by the presence of a wellmarked nuchal lobe, (2) by the falx of tlie compound setae tei-niinating in a single tooth, but having a "secondary tooth" about the middle of the concave edge, and (3) by the very long proventriculus running through 15 segments. As in 0. fidgitrans the pro- ventricular glands are very consjjicuous in the cleared specimen. I am indebted to Professor Benham for New Zealand specimens. Odoxtostllis feeycinetensis Augener. OdontosyUis freycinetensis, Augener, (1), p. 234, PI. ii., flg. 7; text-fig. .33. I have obtained only one specimen of an OdontosyUis which is certainly identical with Augener's 0. freycinetensis from Western Australia. It is 4 mm. *A trace of the anterior crlands is distingiiishable in Auirener's fiffnre of O. "landir losa (Taf. iii., fig. :?7). ^ m ., 108 AUSTRALIAN- SYLLIDAE, EUSYLLIDAE AXD ACTOLYTIDAE, lonjr. and eorup rises only 24 segments, but is obviously incomplete. It is of a general gi-ey colour, darker in the region behind the proventriculus than in front. The colouration proves under the microscope to be due to the presence of irreguhir patches of black pigment partly arranged in broken transverse lines. This occurs not, as is usually the case, in the dorsal integument, but deep within the muscular layers — presumably in the peritoneum. The pharynx and proventriculus are displaced owing to rupture: tlie teeth and jaw-pieces, so far as they can be seen, closely resemble those of 0. detectn. The acicula do not end in a simple point, but are sharply bent forwards at tl.c extremity . Genus A ii B L y o s y l L I s Grube. AiiBLYOSYLLis SPECTABiLis Johnston. (Plate xiii., figs. -I-IO). Pterosyllis (Gattiola) spectabilis, Johnston, (29), p. 195, PL xvia. figs. 1-7. Pterosi/llis formosa, Claparede, (4), p. 46, PI. xiii., figs. 30-34. Pterosyllis plectorlnjncha, Marenzeller (42), p. 47, PI. 5, fig. 3. Amblyosyllis Madeirensis, Laugerhans. (3G|, p. 561, PL 32, fig. 19. Pterosyllis (Gattiola) spectabilis, St.-Joseph, (48). p. 63, PL 9, figs, 64-67. This small Syllid occurs sparingly among the roots of Eklonia a few feet below low-water mark in Port Jackson. The length is about 1 cm. iind the number of segments 14 to 30. Some specimens are colourless or nearly so, or have only the dorsal cirri pigmented ; others, in addition to the pigment in the cirri, have an elaborate pattern formed of dark pigment on the dorsal surface of the segments; others have a systom of transverse violet lines. In some female specimens, two longitudinal wolet lines run throughout the intestinal region. In some the only internal colouration is due to the orange intestinal epithelium. The tentacles and eim, including the ventral, are full of mulbeiTy-shaped glands which discharge fine thread-like bodies. All the tentacles and the dorsal ciiTi are alike in not being distinctly segmented at their bases. The prostomium. (Plate xiii.. fig. 4) rounded in outline, bears two pairs of eyes of variable size dorsally and a third, very minute, pair in front of them, but on the ventral surface, and therefore directed downwards. The median tentacle is about ten times the lengtii of the prostomium, the lateral about four or five times. The palpi (PL xiii., fig. 5) are very short, scarcely visible from above, united together for a short distance in front of the mouth to form a sort of upper lip with a median suture; laterally each extends outwards so as to pro- ject slightly beyond the lateral border of the prostomium. The peristomium. small and closely united to the prostomium, bears dors- ally and laterally, widely separated from one another, a pair of ciliated lol)es which represent the "ailerons occipitaux" or nuchal wings of other spe<'ies. 'I'hese may be short and globular, or may be elongated so as to extend back over the first setigerous segment. The dorsal iierisfnmial tentacle is longer than the ventral, about the lengtii of the lateral iirostmiiial. The parapodia (fig. fi) have a very distinct anterior lobe or lingula. Each bears some 5 to 12 stout, bidentatc. compound setae (figs. 7 and 8) witli very fine i;nd short cilia on the cutting edge. The acicula, usually five or six in each ]iarapodiuni, are straiglii and iiointed. The dorsal cirri are much longer than the breadth of the body in tlie living and active condition; tliey are not definitely segmented towards the base. The })road ventral cirri are longer than the para- podia. The penultimate segment has two pairs of jointed cirri, the dorsal the BY W. A. HASWELL. 109 longer, cousiderably longer than the breadth of the segment, the ventral composed of only two or three joints. The anal cirri are similar to the dorsal. The oral end of the pharynx i^ provided with a circlet of six well-separateil teeth (figs. 9 and 10), each of which is divided into five sharp cusps, the central one larger than the othex-s. The Port Jackson Amblyosyllis is very nearly related to that found at Dinarodium from above, (x 240). Fig. 7. ,-/. .•ipcctabilis Most dorsal compound seta, (x 1040). Fig. 8. .-/. spectabilis More ventrally situated compound seta, (x 1040). Fig. 9. .1. .spectabilis. Circlet of six coniposile teeth round the rim of the pharynx. Fig. 10. >■/. spectabilis. One of the teeth, (x 10-W). 113 THE CARABIDAE OF TASMANIA. By Thomas G. Sloane. (With four text -figures.) Tliis paper is founded on the Carabidae from the collection of the late Mr. Augustus Simson, of Launeeston, which has recently been acquired by the Trus- tees of the South Australian Museum. In addition, I have been able to examine the large collection of Carabidae made by Messrs. H. J. Carter and A. M. Lea in northern and western Tasmania dui-ing the month of January, 1918, which consisted of 51 species; 14 of these were new species, of which 11 were not represented in the Simson collection. The Tasmanian species in my own collec- tion, some belonging to Mr. Lea, and some sent by Mr. F. M. Littler from Launeeston have also been seen. The type specimens of the new species described in this paper have been sent to the South Australian Museum. I Synopsis of Paper. (1) Introduction. Scutellar stride of the Carabidae. Tarsal vesture of the Carabidae. Umbilicate punctures of the elytra of the Carabidae. Anterior cotyloid cavities of the Carabidae. , Middle cotyloid cavities of the Carabidae. Anterior tibiae and tibial spurs of the Carabidae. Components of the Tasmanian Carabideous fauna. Key to tribes of Carabidae in Australia and Tasmania. (2) The Carabidae of Tasmania and islands of Bass Straits. (3) Appendix. List of species not dealt with in the body of the paper. Introduction. Scutellar striole. In the Carabidae the elytra have usually nine striae and a short striole at the base of the first or second stria known as the scutellar striole.* There are many variations from this normal pattern; bometimes the elytra are without any striae, while in Planetes australis Macl., there are twenty-five striae; probably every number from one to twenty-five occurs, but I only know of more than seventeen as occurring in some species of Planetes and in the genus Polij- stichus. Only the scutellar striole will be considered, in order to obtain an idea of its taxonomic value; for, though it has been used as a classificatory character, its morphology and origin do not seem to have been given attention. The Carabidae must originally have had the elytra 10-striate, the scutellar striole * Sometimes in the tribe Pterostichini a well developed tenth stria occurs, but in such cases the series of umbilicate punctures is found in the( usual position on the ninth interstice, so that in these cases it seems evident that the extra stria has been developed on the ninth interstice. 114 THE CARABIDAE OF TASJIAXIA, beiug the rudiment of a stria now more or less lost. The clue to the original striation of the elytra may be found in tlie tribe Migadopiui of tlie Southern Hemisphere, and in the Holarctic genus Pelophila, where an extra second stria is found basad from the apical declivity. The text figures given below show the four distinctive forms of the normal Carab striation with regard to the scutellar striole. Fig. 1 is the pattern of the striation in Calyptogunia ater SI., a Migadopid from Tasmania, viz., ten striae on the basal two thirds, and nine towards the apex as a result of the abbreviation of the second stria. Fig. 2 shows the junction of the first stria with the remnant of the second stria as exemplified by Dicrochile ventralis Blackb. Fig. 3 gives the second stria reduced to a striole at the base of the second interstice as occurring in Gtiathaphunus herhaceus SI. Fig. 4 is drawn from the elytra of Culadromus elseyi to show the commonest form of striation in the Carabidae; here the base of the first stria has become the scutellar striole owing to the capture of the first stria by the second. It may be assumed that a strong tendency towards the reduction of the ori- ginal second stria by shrinking away from the apex must have developed very early in the history of the Carabidae, and that in many cases the reduced st;cond stria became united with the first; this union of the first and second striae has then been the means of the tendency for the elimination of one stria having been transferred to the basal part of the first stria. Often the second stria has been completely lost where the reduction has continued on the second interstice, but it is very rarely that when the base of the first stria has become the striole, it has been altogether atrophied. Fig. 1. Calyp/os^oaia atcr Sloane. Fig. 3. (iiiat/uiplianus herbaceus Sloane. Fig. 2. Dicrochile r'eiilicilis Blackliurn. Fig. 4. Catadromiis elseyi White. BY THOMAS G. SLOANE. 115 Vesture beneath joints of anterior tarsi tn