lig pees a Ys ell) bY Fgdteifaibsiboth Pige>= 7 it: ete T heir tO penis ee Reheat aia we Pade vate “¥caP ieee Poh A DE WORT Rie Het Es ees ele ey nan oe uh fe s i re) elvan i ie nh Tue 4 5! > © = e Fo sr ‘ut p he Pay tars a ’ _ re ' = x THE PIROC © BIDS Gs oF THE hea SOCIETY OF NEw Sousa VV ALES FOR THE YEAR 1949 VOL. LXXIV. WITH FOUR PLATES. 207 Text-figures. SYDNEY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY: BY AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL PUBLISHING CO. LTD., Seamer Street, Glebe, Sydney, and SOLD BY THE SOCIETY. 1949. ii CONTENTS OF PROCEEDINGS, 1949. PARTS 1-2 (Nos. 341-342). (Issued 15th June, 1949.) CONTENTS. Pages. Presidential Address. Seventy-fourth Annual General Meeting: A Gummosis Disease of Citrus in Relation to its Environment. By Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. i-xviii Elections Bea, BOG ache Gee, AS yen At es aie Vib cr ool ca ern a CAS Rae aT eRe Re xix Balance Sheets for the Year ending 28th February, 1949 itr a an Hien nce ee SRORS NCR T Australian Formicidae. New Genera and Species. By J. J. McAreavey, S.J. (Seventy Text-figures.) SO OR aoe Ip lectin) AC MUS Og, 2 (cic are Rea arta ee ae 1-25 The Distribution of Formic and Alcohol Dehydrogenases in the Higher Plants, with particular Reference to their Variation in the Pea Plant during its Life-cycle. By Daphne C. Davison, M.Sc. (Nine Text-figures.) .. .. .. 26-36 The Importance of Formic Dehydrogenase in the Oxidation Mechanisms of Pisum sativum. By Daphne C. Davison, M.Sc. (Two Text-figures.) .. .. 37-56 On Australian Species of Creophilus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). By W. O. Steel. (Communicated by J. W. T. Armstrong.) (Nine Text-figures) .. 57-61 Graptolites from Tallong and the Shoalhaven Gorge, New South Wales. By Kathleen Sherrard, M.Sc. (Plates i, ii; thirty-three Text-figures.) .. .. 62-82 The Genus Dawsonia. By Alan Burges, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Twenty-six Text-figures.) 83-96 Revision of the Genus Brachycome Cass. Part II. New Zealand Species. By Gwenda L. Davis, M.Se. (Twenty-four Text-figures. ) Becton teal diet eke 97-106 On Australian Dermestidae. Part V. Notes and the Description of Four New Species. By J. W. T. Armstrong. (One Text-figure.) So EWn ae ere) eles eer OFS CONTENTS. PARTS 3-4 (Nos. 343-344). (Issued 21st October, 1949.) Australian Rust Studies. VII. Some Recent Observations on Wheat Stem Rust in Australia. By I. A. Watson and W. L. Waterhouse. (Plates iii, iv) Notes on Microspore-types in Tasmanian Permian Coals. By se A. and Roma Dulhunty. (One Text-figure.) A New Subspecies of Aédes (Stegomyia) scutellaris Walker (Diptera, Culicidae) from Northern Australia. By A. R. Woodhill. (Four Text-figures.) .. Revision of the Genus Brachycome Cass. Part III. Description of Three New Australian Species and some New Locality Records. By Gwenda L. Davis. (Seven Text-figures.) Notes on the Morphology and Biology of a New Species of Tabanus (Diptera, Tabanidae). By Kathleen M. I. English. (Fifteen Text-figures.) Crania in the Macleay Museum. By N. W. G. Macintosh The Hair Tracts in Marsupials. Part III. Description of Species, concluded. By W. Boardman. (Two Text-figures.) .. Studies on Australian Marine Algae. V. Observations on and Geographical Records of Various Species, particularly those of the Gelidium Complex. By Valerie May iii Pages. 113-131 132-139 140-144 145-152 153-160 161-191 192-195 196-202 1V CONTENTS. PARTS 5-6 (Nos. 345-346). (Issued 15th December, 1949.) Pages. The Stratigraphy of the Lower Marine Series of the Permian System in the Hunter River Valley, New South Wales. By G. D. Osborne, D.Sc., Ph.D. (Two Text-figures. ) 203-223 The Cotypes of Fordonia papuensis Macleay. By Arthur Loveridge. (Communi- cated by S. J. Copland.) 223 A Note on the Experimental Crossing of Aédes (Stegomyia) scutellaris scutellaris Walker and Aédes (Stegomyia) scutellaris katherinensis Woodhill (Diptera, Culicidae). By A. R. Woodhill. (One Text-figure.) 224-226 A Detailed Study of the Field Distribution of Strains of Clover Nodule Bacteria. By Hilary F. Purchase and J. M. Vincent. (One Text-figure. ) 227-236 Abstract of Proceedings Fp ae NCE areata ech Gis othe Cue e Ria LaDy eneim cL pie 8c XXili-xxvi IS Or vNSTAD ERS te Aca eet et ote coastline ware eit seasaes Creuict tel UMERNT So ara Seba t)s raya amine kia opp TeRe XXV1i-Xxxi List of Genera and Species XXXii List of Plates XXxii General Index ETN tie Sigs Ua ee uae NE AIRE el calle Pie Plea NN Ne eh at ann eR PAN Wank 5M: O.O-GUN k=O. 0,1 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. WEDNESDAY, 30th Marcu, 1949. The Seventy-fourth Annual General Meeting was held in the Society’s Rooms, Science House, Gloucester Street, Sydney, on Wednesday, 30th March, 1949. Dr. Lilian Fraser, President, occupied the Chair. The Minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting (31st March, 1948) were read and confirmed. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. During the past year the Society has made some advance from the inactivity neces- sarily imposed on it by the war and members have shown increased interest in the general meetings, the attendance at which has on several occasions strained the avail- able seating accommodation of the meeting room. Some meetings were devoted entirely to talks and exhibits and papers were read by title only. A symposium on “James Stuart and his Paintings” was arranged by Messrs. A. Musgrave, G. P. Whitley, T. Iredale and Dr. Frank Marshall for the June meeting, and members of the University Biology Society presented Notes and Exhibits on an Excursion to the Great Barrier Reef to the July meeting. In August, Miss Joyce Vickery gave a talk, illustrated by colour photographs, on the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and its association with the history of botany and botanical exploration of Australia. The Secretary also gave a brief talk on several Western Australian minerals of economic importance. At the November meeting Dr. R. N. Robertson, who had recently been abroad, gave a talk on “Some Impressions of Botanical Laboratories Abroad’’. Exchanges received from scientific societies and institutions totalled 1,423 for the year. There were many new requests for exchanges, those granted being to: Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc; Miincher Entomologische Gesellschaft; Musée Heude, Universite l’Aurore, Shanghai; Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Shanghai; Institute of Biological Research, Fukien Academy, Foochow; Institute of Zoology, University of Florence. It is pleasing to note that many European exchanges which lapsed during the war have been resumed. Some complete sets of Proceedings were sent abroad to replenish libraries destroyed by enemy bombing and grateful thanks have been received from the Société Linnéenne de Normandie, Caen, and the University of Louvain. There has been a steady demand for reprints of papers and for subscriptions to the Proceedings, the latter particularly from the United States. By exchange the Society has received a very large number of reprints which, with those already in its possession, will be card indexed for the use of members. The Library shelves have been numbered and the numbers added to the card index of periodicals so that each periodical may be readily located by members using the Library. The printing of the Society’s Proceedings has continued fairly satisfactorily during the year, Parts 5-6 of Volume 73 having been issued on 21st January, 1949. Volume 73 consists of 465 + lvi pages, 22 plates, and 579 text-figures. The Society is faced with a further increase of approximately 50% in the cost of printing and the future will be dificult. Financial assistance was obtained from the Commonwealth Publications Fund, the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and the N.S.W. Department of Agriculture for the publication of certain papers. This further increase in costs will seriously curtail the Society’s ability to accept lengthy systematic papers in the publica- tion of which it has somewhat specialized. A link with the Society’s past was severed last July when Macleay House in College Street was sold to the Returned Nurses’ Association, who intend to build on the site club-rooms and a hostel for nurses. A li PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. The nett return from Science House was rather lower than in the previous year because of the purchase of equipment for the main hall which, however, is credited to the Society’s capital invested. The Science House Extensions Committee has been revived and the Council will be discussing the proposed extension, particularly with regard to the Library and Reading Room and the provision of amenities during the coming year. The numerical strength of the Society at the 28th February, 1949, was: Ordinary Members, 201; Honorary Member, 1; Life Members, 14; Corresponding Members, 3; total, 219. During the year 27 new members were elected and 5 members were lost by death. Short obituary notices are given at the end of this address. New members from the Science departments of the University took an active part in the proceedings of the Society. Linnean Macleay Fellowships. The Council during the year presented a petition to the Suprenie Court in Equity on 19th November to obtain a variation in Sir William Macleay’s Will so that it could be more easily administered under the present economic conditions. As the result of the Court’s decision the conditions upon which the Linnean Macleay Fellowships may be awarded by the Linnean Society of New South Wales are (in addition to the applicant being a member of the Society): (a) The number of Fellowships to be awarded in any year shall be such number as the Council of the Society shall determine, not exceeding four. (0) Qualifications of candidates shall be as follow: (i) Residence in New South Wales. (ii) The expression Science degree in the said will shall include a degree in the Faculty of Science in Agriculture. (c) (i) The salary of each Fellow shall be such amount not being less than £400 nor more than £800 per annum as the Council of the Society shall decide provided that the total amount of the salaries and allowances of all Fellowships awarded in any one year shall not exceed £1,600. (ii) The Council of the Society may upon the application of any Fellow make grants to him out of the remaining income from the Linnean Macleay Fellowship Fund received by the Society in any year provided the total sum, including the amount of salaries paid to Fellows during such year does not exceed £1,600, to defray field and other research expenses incurred or to be incurred by him in carrying on his work and investigations as such Fellow. (d) The appointments to Fellowships shall be made from year to year provided no Fellow shall hold a Fellowship for a total period exceeding five years. The Court declared that persons residing in the Australian Capital Territory (who are otherwise qualified as candidates) are not persons from whom the Council of the Society may properly receive applications for appointment as Linnean Macleay Fellows. The Society’s two Fellows appointed for 1948 made satisfactory progress in their chosen investigations. Miss Muriel Morris, Linnean Macleay Fellow in Zoology, had her first paper (on work completed just prior to the award of the Fellowship), ‘‘Life-history of an Australian Crustacean, Acetes australis (Decapoda, Tribe Penaeidae)”’, published in Parts 1-2 of Volume 73. She was awarded a Fellowship to continue research on the planktonic population of the Hawkesbury River Estuary, to determine the food of the commercial oyster (Saxostrea commercialis) and to correlate this with the plankton hauls; and to determine the mode of action of the foot of the sand-snail, Polinices. In the investiga- tion on the plankton population samples were collected at regular intervals throughout the year and the material worked through qualitatively, but no quantitative estimations have yet been made. In collaboration with the Fisheries Division of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research a series of catches from four stations up the Hawkes- bury Hstuary were examined, adding very greatly to the amount of material available PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. lili for estimating the seasonal variations of the plankton population. The investigation of the mode of action of the foot of the sand-snail, Polinices, has been completed and a paper for publication is being prepared. Miss Morris was reappointed to a Fellowship for 1949, Miss Mary Tindale worked throughout the year on a revision of the ferns of New South Wales and completed a taxonomic revision of the south-east Australian species of the following families: Azollaceae, Cyatheaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Angiopteridaceae, Osmundaceae and Psilotaceae. In addition studies were carried out on some of the members of the Schizaeaceae, Ophioglossaceae and Marsileaceae occurring in this region, as well as on the Australian species of Cyathea and Rumohra. Detailed descriptions were made of each species and subspecies. A representative list of specimens examined was cited in each case. Artificial keys were provided to the genera and species. To supple- ment the collections in Sydney, material was lent by the National Herbarium of Melbourne, the Queensland Herbarium, the North Queensland Naturalists’ Club and the Herbarium of the D.S. and I.R., Wellington, New Zealand. Field studies were carried out on a number of species, particularly Gleichenia, Azolla and Marsilea. Miss Tindale is desirous of continuing the work at the Kew Herbarium, and for this reason did not apply for reappointment. She will leave shortly for England, where she proposes to work for the next two years as Australian liaison officer. The Council made three new appointments to Fellowships for 1949, Misses Judith Balmain and Adele Millerd in Biochemistry and Miss Mary Hindmarsh in Botany. Miss Balmain proposes to continue investigations of the biochemical basis of inhibitory action of aromatic compounds related to phenol, benzoic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid in bacteria and fungi. Miss Millerd will investigate the oxidative metabolism of Solanum tuberosum from the point of view of the cytochrome oxidase system which is the link between the cell and oxygen in animal tissue. Miss Hindmarsh will study the effect of sulphanilamide in mitosis and it is proposed to investigate in detail the structural changes in the chromosomes and the disturbances of the mitotic mechanism caused by subjecting roots to various concentrations of sulphanilamide. Macleay Bacteriologist—Following the resignation of Dr. H. L. Jensen in September, 1947, the Bacteriology Committee, consisting of Professors J. R. A. McMillan, H. K. Ward, W. L. Waterhouse, N. A. Burges, Mr. J. M. Vincent, and the Executive, met on several occasions to discuss the filling of this position. Financially the Bacteriology Account has suffered through the general reduction of interest rates, and the Society could only offer a little over £500 p.a., which would not attract a bacteriologist of the standing required. On behalf of the Society a deputation waited on the Deputy- Governor of the Commonwealth Bank to ask for financial assistance. Subsequently appeals were made to the Commonwealth Bank, the Rural Bank of New South Wales, the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney and the Bank of New South Wales, with the result that the Rural Bank made a donation of £200 p.a. for five years to assist the Society. Later the Commonwealth Bank appproved grants totalling £1,750 from the Rural Credits Development Fund towards the cost of the research programme submitted by the Society, the grants to be in annual instalments after the appointment of a suitable bacteriologist. The position is now being advertised. Other Research.—The only other research sponsored by the Society was a mineralogical investigation of sedimentary rocks which was done by the Secretary largely in the Geology Department of the University through the courtesy of Professor L. A. Cotton. A paper, “Mineralogy of the Cheltenhamian Beds at Beaumaris, Victoria’, was accepted for publication in the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. Notes of Members. Dr. Robert Broom was honoured on the occasion of his 80th birthday by a special publication of the Royal Society of South Africa in recognition of his outstanding work on fossil reptiles, fossil men and apes, etc. A bibliography of his published work includes a list of 402 papers, beginning in 1885 and continuing to the present day. A tribute AA iv PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. is paid to his work in Nature, Vol. 162, 20th November, 1948. He was awarded the Wollaston Medal by the Geological Society of London. Professor N. A. Burges was appointed to the Senate of the University of Sydney. Professor J. B. Cleland received the C.B.H. in the New Year Honours List. Mr. D. H. Colless was appointed Entomologist to the Malaria Research Station at Labuan, British North Borneo. Professor W. J. Dakin has been awarded the Mueller Medal by the Council of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science. Miss Daphne Davison was awarded an 1851 Exhibition Scholarship and left to study at Cambridge University in August. Mr. E. H. Ealey left towards the end of the year to join the Australian Antarctic Expedition. Mr. T. Manefield left in March for the same purpose. Mr. D. J. Lee was appointed lecturer in Entomology at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, University of Sydney. Dr. I. M. Mackerras was appointed Director of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. The Rev. H. M. R. Rupp has been awarded the Royal Society’s Clarke Memorial Medal for 1949 for his distinguished contributions to knowledge of Australian Orchidaceae. Dr. J. L. Still was in the United States on a Rockefeller Fellowship first at New York and later at Wisconsin, where he became a foundation member of the Enzyme Institute at the University of Wisconsin. Mr. R. H. Wharton was appointed Entomologist at the Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. Dr. A. B. Walkom attended the Unesco Conference at Beirut, Lebanon, in November as a member of the Australian Delegation, and subsequently visited museums in Great Britain and the Continent, returning to Sydney shortly before the Hobart meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, at which he delivered his Presidential Address entitled “Gondwanaland, a Problem in Palaeo- geography”. He also attended the Seventh Pacific Science Congress in New Zealand in February at the invitation of the President of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Professor W. L. Waterhouse has been awarded the Medal of the Royal Society of New South Wales and the Medal of the Federal Council of the Australian Institute of Agriculture for his research on cereals and other aspects of agricultural science. The Secretary was granted leave to attend the Pacific Science Congress in New Zealand in February, where she represented the Australian National Research Council and the Royal Society of New South Wales. Obituaries. It is recorded with regret that the following members died during the year: Messrs. EK. C. Andrews, M. S. Barnett, Captain J. D. McComish, Rev. E. N. McKie and Mr. Rowland EH. Turner. ERNEST CLAYTON ANDREWS, B.A., F.R.S.N.Z., died at Bondi, New South Wales, on Ist July, 1948, aged 77. He was a member of the Society since 1899 and a member of Council from 1922 to 31st March, 1946, and President, 1937-38. He resigned from the Public Service, December, 1931, after 45 years’ service. He was Government Geologist from 1920 to 1931. Mr. Andrews received the David Syme prize for contributions to Australian geology in 1915, and in 1928 he received the Clarke Memorial Medal of the Royal Society of New South Wales for original contributions to Australian geology and general natural science, and in 1931 the Lyell Medal of the Geological Society of London for researches in economic geology in New South Wales, and physical geology. He led the Australian delegation to the Pacific Science Congresses in 1929, 1933 and 1939. He was President of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science in 1930 and General Secretary of this Association from 1922-1926. He was awarded the Mueller Medal of this Association in 1946 in recognition of his work in modern physiography and associated studies. Mr. Andrews was President of the Royal PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. Vv Society of New South Wales in 1921. He delivered the Silliman Lectures in April, 1927, at Yale University, the subject being “The Geology of the Pacific Region’. He contributed five papers to the Society between 1902 and 1913 and one with B. Sawyer in 1901. (See also Obituary Notice in Australian Journal of Science, xi, 48.) Marcus STANLEY Barnett died on 15th July, 1948. He had been a member of the Society since 1919 but contributed no papers. He was formerly a chemist in the Colonial Sugar Refining Company, but since his retirement he lived at Mt. Victoria, New South Wales. Captain JAMES Doran McComisu, F.R.G.S., died on 3rd June, 1948, aged 67 years, shortly after his election as a member of the Society. He was Captain, N.Z. Military Forces (Retired List), and for the sixteen years prior to 1948 had spent most of his time in the capacity of an Honorary Botanical Collector (mainly in the South Sea Is.) for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England; the National Herbarium, Sydney, New South Wales; the Dominion Museum, Wellington, New Zealand; the Auckland Institute and Museum, Auckland, New Zealand; the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, and (latterly) was preparing his notes for publication. At the time of his death he was engaged on identifying and classifying the plants and trees of Lord Howe Island which he had collected over a long period and he was preparing a paper which he wished to read to this Society. Captain McComish had spent many years on various investigations in connexion with the Pitcairn Islanders and on early missionary history of French Oceania and the trees and plants there. The manuscripts have been given to the Mitchell Library and to Dr. Oliver, Dominion Museum, Wellington, New Zealand, respectively. Rev. Ernest Norman McKir, B.A., died on 19th May, 1948. He was a member of the Society since 1927. The Rev. McKie was installed as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church on 10th May, 1938, and ministered for twenty-six years prior to 1938 was minister of St. Columba’s Church, Guyra, New South Wales, the centre of a large country parish, embracing also the Wandsworth district. He was born at Guyra, but spent the whole of his earlier years at Glen Innes. Mr. McKie first entered the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, from which he resigned to enter St. Andrew’s College within the University of Sydney, graduating Bachelor of Arts in 1906, and completing his theological training in 1908. He was licensed by the Presbytery of New England and later was ordained and inducted by the same presbytery to his first charge, Manilla—Bendemeer, in 1909. From Manilla he went to the charge at Guyra, in 1912. In addition to his ministerial labours Mr. McKie found time to follow scientific interests, of which botany has been the chief. He has worked on the flora of New England and other districts for several years. He was a member of the Royal Australian Historical Society and of the Royal Society of New South Wales. In his country parish he assisted rural improvements comprised under the Junior Farmers’ Club and the Agricultural Bureau organization. RowLanp EH. Turner, F.R.E.S., F.Z.S., died on 29th November, 1945, at Mossel Bay, South Africa. He had been a member of the Society since 1904. He contributed five papers to the Society on Hymenoptera between 1907 and 1913 and one in 1904 in collaboration with Dr. G. A. Waterhouse, on Australian Rhopalocera—Lycaenidae. A GUMMOSIS DISEASE OF CITRUS IN RELATION TO ITS ENVIRONMENT. Contents. Page. Introduction Leh chung aoe ae ed rae se See we & Saas bias oe ae Ave oe Pe ae ret Vv Historical Survey SOMES iG cue Cased Ghiesec ra eceatlY Getcha? | LovAOus Ain haa oa eric ietoave ene Mare eLertsotitni ema Nia IMATE OF Was lol G5 oo a 6 Oe an! 640. oe oo bol) oo! ba vob 965) op Xdhi/ Spread of Disease Tig CR eR Vora TAS ONO YAO Win rch PROD OU MCR Ste EGR. Rae RNa aire ane | tre -vip Aid CONCLUSION ME eh ice ye, Gul gectth tien Scott Soto) Maem) yong colade “Weiict. aefawletp ute aie torieiet vera 60 oo BAA INTRODUCTION. The plant disease which is the subject of this address is the gummosis disease of citrus caused by the fungus Phytophthora citrophthora (Sm. and Sm.) Leonian. The vi PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. title may seem unnecessarily obvious since all plant diseases are bound up more or less closely with the environment and it is clear that the range of conditions under which a disease can occur must be limited by the character of the fungus which causes it. Those, for example, which attack the exposed parts of plants are more obviously at the mercy of the environment than are the soil inhabiting species, which are subject to changes usually less extreme and less sudden than occur in the atmosphere, but in each series there are species which can exist under relatively dry conditions, which require continuously high humidity or which flourish at high or low temperatures. Most pathogenic fungi are limited in the parts of the plant which they can attack, for example, to the leaves alone, to leaves and fruit, the young stem, special tissues or to special parts of the root system. We have on the one hand fungi whose habitat is the soil, and on the other those whose whole life is spent above the ground. P. citrophthora has this very unusual ability that it can invade any part of its host. I propose to deal rather generally with those environmental factors which govern the various phases of the disease which it causes. P. citrophthora belongs to the Phycomycetes, it produces a branching, non-septate mycelium which is thin-walled and very vulnerable to desiccation. Its only recorded spores are zoospores produced in water or in a saturated atmosphere, and requiring water for their distribution. It is a simple species without specialized strains. It is of microscopic size, and its presence can be diagnosed only by its production of characteristic symptoms in the host and its recovery in culture from diseased plant tissues. This has led to the confusion of the cause of the disease with the conditions which favour the growth of the fungus, and to a widely held belief that the weather and not a pathogen is the primary cause of the disorder; a belief which has persisted ina way it could not have done if the fungus were more easy to see, produced masses of spores like a powdery mildew, or rings of toadstools, like Armillaria mellea. By modern standards the disease has a moderately long history. A disease which attacks a staple food crop such as Irish Blight of potatoes or Stem Rust of wheat is more likely to be referred to in historical records than a disease of a luxury crop such as the orange, but some of the aspects of gummosis are sufficiently spectacular to have aroused attention long before the days of plant pathologists, though the causal organism was not isolated and described until comparatively recent times. At the present time gummosis disease is co-extensive with its host, and it is without doubt the most important disease affecting the citrus crop. It is the object of this paper to show that P. citrophthora is the major factor determining the present distribu- tion of the citrus tree. The Causal Fungus.—The earliest attempt by a mycologist to discover the pathogen was that of Briosi in 1878 (quoted by Fawcett, 1923). He described the fungus Fusarium Limonis and was inclined to regard it as the cause of the disease. Later Comes, in 1891 (quoted by Fawcett, 1923), attributed the disease to a bacterium, but it is probable that he had confused two separate diseases and had isolated the cause of the minor one. The extensive literature dealing with the possible causes of gummosis is fully reviewed by Swingle and Webber (1896) and by Fawcett (1923). Many early writers attributed it to so-called physiological causes. There was no critical experimental approach to the problem until after the description by R. HE. and E. H. Smith in 1906 of Pythiacystis citrophthora as the cause of brown rot of lemon fruit. Fawcett (1913, 1923, 1936), in a very exhaustive investigation, proved that this fungus, now known as Phytophthora citrophthora, was the cause of collar and crown rot also. Two other related fungi, P. parasitica and P. palmivora, have since been found to be associated with P. citrophthora in the U.S.A., but in New South Wales only P. citrophthora has so far been implicated. The Gummosis Disease.—P. citrophthora is, strictly speaking, a soil inhabitant, but it can produce sporangia on the soil surface and these can be splashed up on to leaves and fruit. It causes a brown rot of fruit, stem and shoot blight, leaf spotting, collar rot (i.e., the rotting of the bark of the main trunk), foot rot, which is the rotting of the base of the trunk and the upper parts of the crown roots and finally the rotting of both fibrous and permanent roots. Considerable gum formation usually accompanies the PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. vii collar rot and to a less extent the foot rot phases. This gum formation is one of the spectacular features of the disease and has earned for it its common name. The severity of the root rot phase varies with the soil conditions. In the early stages or in mild attacks when the environment is not altogether favourable for the rapid growth of the fungus, the attack may be limited to the fibrous roots. The fibrous roots normally die off as their period of activity ceases, but if the fungus is present in the soil and the level of soil moisture is high, young active fibrous roots can be destroyed in a few days and replacement may not be sufficiently rapid to maintain the tree in a vigorous state. If the soil is wet for lengthy periods, the fungus extends its attack to the permanent roots, invading the cortical and phloem tissues. Smaller laterals are killed back and lesions are formed on the larger roots, first on the lower roots and then on the lower sides of surface roots. The first roots to be affected are the lowest, mainly because the lower soil levels are most likely to be wet continuously. As the disease progresses the tree will come to exist with the aid of the surface roots only. At this stage the tree is obviously far more sensitive to the drying out of the surface soil than trees with intact lower roots. Such trees scattered through an other- wise healthy block greatly increase irrigation difficulties, since they require lighter but more frequent watering than healthy trees. The parasite is very sensitive to fluctuations of moisture and when the soil dries out its activity ceases, the lesions begin to heal around the edges and new fibrous roots are formed. Renewal of wet conditions causes a renewal in fungus activity. The surface roots feeding in a zone of soil most subject to drying out are the last to be affected by the disease. The first symptoms in the above ground parts of a tree affected with root rot are the thinning out of the foliage and the failure to make vigorous new growth. As the disease progresses the foliage becomes an unhealthy yellow and die-back of twigs occurs which is not compensated by renewal. Depending on soil conditions and treatment, the tree may die out quickly, or make periodic attempts at regrowth. It is quite usual for a tree in which the disease is progressing rapidly to set a heavy crop of fruit before it dies. Trees affected with collar rot show severe yellowing and the death of the whole or part of the top is rapid. The Principal Factors Influencing Disease Development.—By far the most important factor is water. The fungus being without protective structures of its own development ean grow only in an atmosphere, whether soil or surface, whose humidity approaches saturation. This is very well illustrated by the history of the disease and the distribution of its different phases in New South Wales. Other environmental factors which may be of local importance are, directly, soil reaction and temperature, and indirectly through its effect on tree vigour and the rate of replacement of roots, the general level of soil fertility, and lastly, but from the point of view of control the most significant, there is the differing susceptibility of the various species of citrus. HISTORICAL SURVEY. Distribution of the Species of Citrus—In order to provide a background for an account of the history of the disease, let me outline very briefly the way in which the economic variaties of citrus have reached the areas in which they now grow. The species of the genus Citrus are native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and the Malay Archipelago (Webber and Batchelor, 1943). The sweet orange was grown in China for centuries before its introduction to Hurope and the sour orange, mandarins, citrons, kumquats and the trifoliate orange have also been in cultivation there for a very long time. They have also been grown in India (to which some varieties are thought to be indigenous) for centuries, the orange, no doubt, reaching there from China along the trade routes which were well established in early times. The first species to be introduced to the Western Hemisphere was the citron, which preceded the now much more highly prized varieties by many centuries. It is thought to have been brought to Egypt by one of the Egyptian kings following his wars in Asia and it has been identified in the inscriptions in tombs of the 12th-15th centuries pB.c. viii PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. Citron seeds have been identified in southern Babylonian ruins of 4000 B.c., though there is no means of finding out whence they came (Tolkowsky, 1938). The citron was well known to the early Greeks and Romans; Theophrastus refers to its growth in Media and Persia and says that its fruits were prized for their exquisite odour and its leaves used as a protection against moths in clothing. It was well established in Italy and had become wild in some southern parts by the middle of the first century A.D. The next species to be introduced from the East was the sour orange, known to us as the Seville. It appears to have been carried to Basrah from India, and spread by the Arabs to Persia, Syria, Palestine and Egypt and later through the Mediterranean countries. Its uses are referred to by the Arab writers of herbals of the eleventh and twelfth centuries A.D. There is evidence both geographical and etymological that the lemon is a native of the eastern Himalayas or Upper Burma. It was established in India and introduced by the Arabs into Spain and northern Africa by about a.p. 1150 and to Italy and other Mediterranean and European countries from Palestine by the Crusaders in the thirteenth century. It did not reach China until about a.p. 1175 and is said to have come from the “southern barbarians”. The rough lemon, which has become one of the most important citrus root stocks in use today, is believed to have originated in India as a hybrid between the lemon and possibly the citron. It is an immensely vigorous type and grows wild in parts of India. It was obtained in India by the Portuguese, and has since become naturalized in Florida and southern Rhodesia. The sweet orange is a native of China or Cochin China and had reached India and become established there by the thirteenth century. It was introduced to Europe in the fifteenth century and was well established in southern Europe by the sixteenth century and an important item of trade. The introduction of a superior variety by the Portuguese at the end of the fifteenth century gave a considerable impetus to the industry. Since their introduction, oranges and lemons have been grown very extensively in the Mediterranean countries. They were introduced to the Americas in the early sixteenth century by the Spaniards and Portuguese. Citrus was brought to Australia with the first fleet in 1788 by Captain Hunter and succeeded well enough in the Sydney district. By the middle of the 19th century quite good types of oranges—the Parramatta (a local seedling), the St. Michael (from the Azores), the Bahia (now known as the Washington Navel from Brazil), and mandarins and lemons were commonly grown around Ryde and Parramatta and were a source of great profit to the growers. The Origin and Spread of the Disease——The early outbreaks of gummosis are well summarized by Swingle and Webber (1896, quoting from Briosi), McAlpine (1899) and Fawcett (1923). Fawcett referred to various minor types of gummosis which had been described by early writers in the seventeenth century in various parts of the Mediter- ranean, and early in the eighteenth century in South America, and Shiraz-el-din (1934) quoted an early Arab source as mentioning gummosis in the tenth century in Spain. It is open to doubt, however, that these were in fact due to Phytophthora attack. The first record of a very serious attack, undoubtedly due to Phytophthora, is from the Azores, where gummosis evidently gained a foothold about 1832. It is clear from the accounts of this that it must have been newly introduced. The outbreak is vividly described in a letter to Charles Moore, Director of the Sydney Botanic Gardens, by one of the largest planters in the Azores. Unhappily none of Charles Moore’s correspondence appears to have been preserved and we know of this letter only in a quotation given by Alderton (1884). Part of it is worth requoting: “The disease was first observed in our gardens about the year 1836, but it is probable that for a year or two previous it must have been not inactive, inasmuch as the consequences we then observed were very general and disastrous. At first we noticed that our orange trees were dying one after another, and were wholly unable to divine the cause; ere long we found it was our best and oldest trees that were thus disappearing. At that time we had trees producing from 6,000 to 20,000 oranges a year—trees that were as much as two hundred and three PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. ix hundred years old. By degrees we began to observe that all the trees affected with the disease produced a very large crop exactly in the year that the disease manifested itself; that the leaves became yellowish and fell off in large quantities; and that on the trunks or stems near the ground (and sometimes beneath the ground) the bark opened and drops of a kind of yellow gum exuded. ... At first many orangeries were quite destroyed and had to be replanted, so that a remedy for so great a misfortune was earnestly sought for. Opinion as to the cause of this disease was very much divided. Many thought it must be that the orange tree had but a limited period for its existence, and that, this being reached, the tree must naturally decay. As the only method which we then had for propagating orange trees was by layers, we thought that the proposed explanation was not an unreasonable one; but later it was found that new seedlings were attacked in the same way, although not with so much violence. Then again, others thought that it must be something in the atmosphere which prevented the free circulation of the sap and other fluids, and supposed that this must be the origin of the disease. The great point, of course, was to find an easy and practical mode for remedying the evil. Gradually, after repeated trials, we found that superabundance of moisture in the soil was one of the worst conditions for the disease, and every kind of drainage was the best way of improving the health of the trees. Soon afterwards we found that the destruction of all the diseased bark and wood in the stem of the tree affected was the best method for us to adopt to save the trees.” He goes on to describe the methods of treatment and maintenance of stocks for replanting where trees had failed, and concludes: “although the disease continues to exist, our gardens now look very prosperous for the remedy is known, and the disease causes no such ravages as it did for the first seven or eight years after it made its first appearance. Orange trees take very easily by transplantation and we always keep our plantations fully supplied. The only and great difference which our orange gardens present is that we have no longer old and large trees in our plantations; you can no longer count on handing your orange trees over to your children.” From the Azores the disease spread through the Mediterranean countries, causing devastation, and a complete change in the system of citrus growing. It appeared in California in 1875 and in Florida in 1876 and caused a discontinuance of the use of the common lemon, lime and citron as stocks and the general adoption of sour and sweet orange as the principal stocks. In the few cases where information is available, the outbreaks of the disease in severe form have been related either to seasons of heavy rain or associated with excessive irrigation. At present the disease is the most destructive of the citrus crop in Japan and also is of general occurrence in China. It is also well known in Egypt, India, Palestine, South America, South Africa, etc. By the year 1860 citrus growing was a very prosperous industry in the Parramatta, Ryde and Baulkham Hills districts near Sydney. The trees were grown in loamy soil derived from Wianamatta Shale or in pockets of sandy soil and were probably dependent entirely on the natural rainfall without supplementary irrigation. In the year 1860 the rainfall recorded at Parramatta was 72:9 inches and in Sydney 82-8 inches, and in that year gummosis made its first appearance in Australia. In the year 1862 the rainfall was only 24 inches in Sydney but in 1864 it was 72-1 inches. By 1867 many orchards in the hills around Ryde were yellow and sickly, with gumming dying trees (McAlpine, 1899). The disease was known as Bark Disease, Sore Shin, Bark Rot, The Fatal, and most invidiously, the Sydney Disease, as well as the Italian Mal di gomma and the Portuguese Lagrima. Between 1860 and 1870 hundreds of acres of orange trees were destroyed (Alderton, 1884). A commission was appointed which inquired into the loss and attributed it to “unusual climatic influence, induced or accompanied by excessive rainy seasons, the earth thereby becoming too cold and wet to support the orange tree in perfection; and second to defective cultivation”. The position was regarded as so serious that in 1867 Charles Moore, the Director of the Sydney Botanic Gardens, was sent to Spain and Portugal to examine the state of the citrus industry in those countries and to find whether something could be learned x PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. of the treatment of the disease which had recently devastated parts of the citrus growing areas there which might be of value to New South Wales growers. His “‘Report on the State and Management of the Orange Plantations in Spain and Portugal” is dated 18/3/1868, and I quote from it extensively because of the light it throws on horticultural practice at that time as well as the relation of this to the progress of the disease. He went first to Portugal, where “inquiries revealed that a disease of a most fatal character had destroyed an immense number of trees, chiefly about Lisbon, Setubal and Evora, and a commission had been appointed to inquire into the origin and nature of the disease, but no satisfactory results had been obtained, not even a report. As Lisbon only a few solitary trees remain .... The whole country (about Setubal) is occupied by orangeries, the old trees being more or less affected, in a similar manner, in many respects as those which perished in our colony. In every quarter the appearance of the orchards reminds me of those about Ryde some few years ago, when they were fast going to destruction. The foliage yellow, the tops of the branches dead; the bark dry, shrivelled and peeling off, a small portion at the base of the stem on one side soft, and the wood underneath rotten and discoloured, the roots on the same side being in a similar condition, emitting an offensive smell. ...It was only when the roots were in a very putrid state that any evidence of fungus was observed.’’ He then discussed whether this fungus might be the cause or the effect of the disease. He went on: ‘No remedy which had been tried had proved effectual. That generally adopted is, on its first appearance (indicated by a resinous gum exuding from the bases of the stem) to carefully remove the earth on this side, cut out all the unhealthy parts of the stem and roots, and to take these, together with the soil which had been in contact with them, some distance off and burn them. Such parts of the plant as are operated on are left for some time exposed to the air, and then fresh, richly manured earth placed about them. Some cultivators, instead of exposing the roots to the air, cover the wounds with pinepitch or coal tar and immediately cover the parts with fresh earth. Both plans only retard—they do not cure the disease.” He then summarized the position: “1. Oranges have been cultivated in Portugal for upwards of a century. 2. There is no record of disease until the last 10 years. 3. Old trees have suffered more from disease than young ones. 4, Many young plantations are now quite healthy, although situated close to those of older growth much affected by the disease. 5. It is not known in what part the disease commences. Some persons believe that the young roots are first attacked, others that it begins at the base of the stem. 6. The upper parts of the stem, the branches and leaves continue in apparent health long after many of the roots are quite rotten. 7. Sometimes only half of the tree will die, and the other half bear good fruit for 2-3 years and then perish.... 10. In every case, constant irrigation during the dry season is considered to be indispensable... . 12. The seedling orange is considered to be a better and far more permanent stock than the lemon. 13. The tree attains here a considerable age and few were known to die until the present disease appeared.” In Andalusia in Spain, Moore found the plantations around Seville and Cordova in beautiful condition: ‘At Seville, Palma, Mairena, Gibralean and Cordova, the soil is light and loamy in comparatively flat situations, but the trees look equally well if not better on the slopes of the Sierra Morena—a mountain range near Cordova. In every case constant irrigation was resorted to, and to such an extent that in some places I observed the water standing on the surface around the trees and retained there by means of basins formed by ridges of earth, the whole extent of the ground being so thoroughly saturated as to be quite unfit to walk upon.... PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. xi “The great orange-producing parts of Spain, however, are further to the eastward of this; much of the rich, low, cultivated land in the Province of Valencia and Murcia towards and along the Mediterranean coast being occupied with this fruit. I therefore proceeded to examine these districts, and entered the former Province via Almansa, passing through the beautiful valley called Huerta de Manuel—one of the most extensive, rich and best cultivated parts of the country. On every side oranges appeared and all evidently affected by some disease; signs of decay being evident in the yellow foliage, and in the great number of dead and dying branches. ... It or any other disease was entirely unknown until about five or six years ago.” Discussing the methods of control in vogue, he said: “When the stem at the base is attacked and the disease extends in a lateral direction, or around the stem, the tree seldom or never recovers. When, on the contrary, it proceeds upwards, affecting one side of the stem only, it may be checked, and effectually eradicated by cutting out every part that is diseased both in the stem and roots, covering the wounds with a liquid preparation of lime and sulphur; removing all soil which has been in contact with the diseased parts and replacing it with fresh soil enriched either by guano or good rotten manure, and thoroughly incorporated by lime and sulphur in a powdered state... .” The benefit of lime and sulphur “would naturally lead to the inference that the disease in this part of Europe is attributable to a minute fungus whose insidious mycelium or spawn penetrates the softer tissues of the roots, extending in the course of development upwards to the stem and unless speedily arrested, causing the death of the tree... . All the trees in this area, whether healthy or otherwise, were subjected to constant irrigation during the summer months, every tree was kept thoroughly soaked. This system had been practised from the time of the first introduction of oranges, but there are now many intelligent growers who believe that it may be done to too great an extent; as a proof of which I had pointed out to me fine orchards occupying the drier situations in which the trees were altogether healthy. Some persons even attributed the cause of the disease to excessive irrigation; but in Andalusia, where its fatal effects are as yet unknown, the orange grounds are kept as thoroughly and as continuously saturated with moisture as anything I had met with.” The differences in susceptibility shown by different citrus stocks were clearly recog- nized by Moore. “Formerly young trees from buds on stocks of citron or lemon were preferred. These, at two years old, are now scarcely saleable, even at the low price of two reals, or about sixpence each, whilst those of the same age, on stocks of the bitter orange, are readily purchased at 12 reals, or about 2s. 6d. each. Although the Spaniard is averse to change in any old custom, yet the fact that trees on stocks of the bitter orange were seldom or never touched by the disease could not fail to fix his attention, and the result has been to bring plants propagated in this manner into great demand. One of the many remarkable instances of trees of this description resisting the disease was pointed out to me in what had been a very fine plantation, near Alcira. Here every tree was almost either dead or dying, with the exception of a group of about a dozen all of the bitter orange, which were entirely unaffected, and in fine healthy condition, while some of those surrounding them which had suffered so severely from the disease were raised from seed, others budded both on the citron and lemon. . Hitherto, in the Murcia and Valencia plantations, 90% of the worked orange trees were upon citron stocks, about 8% on lemons, which were the first attacked by the disease, as were the lemon trees themselves, and with such fatal results that this fruit had almost ceased to be exported from these districts, at one time the most productive.” It is obvious from this admirable report that Moore had a clear and accurate conception of the problem. He recognized that a pathogen must be involved, that it had been introduced and was spreading and that it was favoured by heavy irrigation, and he pointed to the remedy, in the use of a resistant stock, the remedy which today we have concluded is the only real one, although for the present we recommend a different stock. If the report could have been followed up from this stage the problem would have been solved, but the science of Plant Pathology was at that time in its infancy. Investigation into the behaviour of plant pathogens was only beginning and xii PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. mycologists had barely started to work out techniques for the study of these fungi, and it so happens that this pathogen, Phytophthora citrophthora is not altogether easy to isolate except from very favourable material. It was not until nearly 25 years after Moore’s report was written that a plant pathological laboratory was set up in the United States Department of Agriculture and shortly after that pathologists were appointed to the Departments of Agriculture in Victoria and New South Wales (1890). Meanwhile after its first dramatic outbreak gummosis receded somewhat in import- ance, and the New South Wales fruit grower, like the Azores orange grower before him, became resigned to the continued presence of the disease. It became just an additional burden to be borne. As the result of Moore’s recommendations the sour orange stock was tried here, but it never gained favour in coastal New South Wales. Alderton (1884), in his review of the citrus industry, states: “There is plenty of evidence to support Mr. Moore’s theory that the seville is the hardiest of all trees, and is the least subject to disease, but it is a very slow grower, and for that reason it finds but little favour. In fact the stock which is known to be the most productive of disease, the lemon stock, is the most popular in N.S.W., for the reason that it is a vigorous grower, makes a tree the soonest, and produces the quickest return. A good grafted lemon stock will grow into a tree twice as fast as a grafted orange stock, produce soon and heavily, and die young (twenty years old and upwards)... .” The recession in importance of the disease after the initial outbreak is to be ascribed to a combination of improved cultural practice, extension of citrus growing to better drained soils and the absence of such flooding rains as were experienced in 1860 and 1864. Previous to the original outbreak the trees were commonly planted in basin-shaped depressions. The lodgement of water in these holes during wet weather became recog- nized as conducive to gummosis and the planting system was improved by the trees being set higher. Gummosis, however, continued to be a source of loss, and frequent references to it, citing various causes and treatments, occurred in the agricultural literature from that time forward, and its association with heavy or ill-drained soils was confirmed by many observations. However, for 75 years following Moore’s report there was no substantial advance in Australia in treatment or recognition of the disease. Early plant pathologists accepted the fact that a pathogenic fungus was responsible for gummosis, but the full extent of the damage which could be done and the limitation of the productive life of the tree caused thereby were not appreciated. The agricultural population generally continued to blame the weather and the soil. McAlpine (1899) in Victoria and Darnell-Smith and MacKinnon (1916) and Hamblin (1920) in New South Wales followed Briosi in regarding Fusarium Limonis as the cause. It is true that various soil-dwelling Fusaria are always close followers of the real pathogen, which is itself fugaceous, and it is not in the least to be wondered that Fusarium Limonis was blamed. Darnell-Smith and MacKinnon (1916) referred to Fusarium Limonis as the cause of the disease known as collar rot, but did not link it with gummosis and foot rot, which they associated with poorly drained or excessively irrigated soils or heavy spring rain. They concluded that ‘‘a review of the whole case leads to but one conclusion, viz., that the one great capital preventive measure for gummosis to be applied when laying out an orchard is proper attention to drainage; and the one supremely important remedial measure for gummosis to be applied to an orchard already established is, again, proper attention to drainage”’. The disease was not restricted to coastal orchards. In 1912 orange and lemon trees at Hay, subjected to over irrigation, became sickly and died, the roots being stated to be rotted. The next outbreak of disease in New South Wales sufficiently serious to demand attention occurred in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas. This region had been developed as a soldiers’ settlement in the years following the 1914-1918 war. In the desire to get men started quickly on productive farms, large areas of land were laid out for fruit growing, and were planted up before any soil survey had been made. A large proportion of the settlers had little agricultural training, the irrigation layout was x PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. xiii frequently inefficient, water was cheap and the tendency was therefore for the growing trees to be given more water than they could utilize or which could be removed by existing drainage systems. This did not matter in those soils where the natural drainage was good, but much of it was rather heavy, or had a heavy phase below a permeable top soil. The result was that artificial perched water tables were built up in many sections. By 1928 this condition was well recognized and advisory services stressed the need for minimum applications of water to citrus. The average rainfall received in this area is of the order of 16 inches p.a. and the evaporation rate during the summer is high. The rainfall is, however, not altogether reliable, and occasional seasons occur when more than the average rainfall is received. The winter of 1931 was one such season of high rainfall, and flooding occurred in some sections. Taken in conjunction with the previous history of overwatering, this resulted in a considerable decline in tree health and a survey was undertaken by Barnard at the request of the advisory committee of the C.S.I.R. Citrus Research Station at Griffith, to inquire into the cause. In his report Barnard (19386) cites some interesting figures regarding tree mortality. An analysis of the planting figures showed that considerably more than 5,000 trees over six years old had gone out of production between 1931 and 1935 and less than 28% of the new trees planted in 1926-1929 reached the age of six years. The possibility that the condition might be due to the action of a parasite was not raised, and waterlogging due to faulty methods of irrigation accentuated by heavy rains and floods was given as the main factor causing the decline. The possible value of the sour orange stock was mentioned, but this was considered to be because it was resistant to waterlogging as such. The Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas were again subjected to heavy rain and flooding during the winter of 1939, and the winter of 1942 was continually wet though floods did not occur. The decline in tree health continued. In a report of the Irrigation Research Extension Committee of 1943 the following statement is made: ‘An orchard survey carried out during the 1940 winter showed that of the 6,000 acres of citrus planting only 53% of the trees were healthy, 25% were slightly unhealthy and 22% were very unhealthy. Since then the decline in citrus tree health has become much worse. A particularly heavy loss of trees followed the wet conditions during May and June, 1942.” (1.R.E.C. Report, 1943.) In the report of a meeting of extension officers held in Leeton in October, 1942, it is stated: “(a) By 1942 at least 50% of the citrus plantings in the M.I.A. had gone out of commercial production; (0) no orchard in the whole of the Areas is completely unaffected; (c) young as well as older orchards are being affected; and (d) it is extremely difficult to establish new plantings.” This story is quite similar to that of the early troubles of the citrus industry in California and could be duplicated for the Australian settlements of Mildura, Tresco and to a less extent Curlwaa, Coomealla and others. Catastrophes like this meant that except in well-drained soils citrus growing could not be regarded as a stable type of agriculture, and it was urgently necessary for the cause to be established without doubt, and if possible a remedy found. Investigations into the possible pathogenic nature of the condition of the trees in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas commenced in 1942, by good fortune a year of unusual rain. The impetus which the weather gave to the disease during the winter of that year greatly facilitated the isolation and identification of the organism, as well as the experimental work necessitated by the discovery. It was possible to prove that here was a pathological problem which had been treated as a cultural one and that the pathogen was P. citrophthora. As by this time the fungus was well known and had been thoroughly investigated overseas, this knowledge was at our disposal to apply to our local problem. Here, however, the fungus was found to be playing a more insidious role than had hitherto been ascribed to it. This is the root rot phase described above. There was no foot rot associated, none of the gum production which was a feature of the early outbreaks in New South Wales and elsewhere. The conspicuous feature of the many root systems examined that year was the extremely poor development of fibrous roots except in the upper soil levels (Fraser, 1942). B Xiv PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. As well as trees showing clear evidence of infection there were other orchards in which the trees were without obvious symptoms of decline. The colour of their foliage was quite good, but a gradual decrease in fruit production took place after the fifteenth year, soon after they had reached full bearing maturity. These trees might never have been waterlogged, but it was always found that the soil in which they were growing was retentive of moisture. The condition was found to be due to the continual rotting of the fibrous roots before they had reached maturity, but without much damage to the permanent roots. It was not due to nutritional exhaustion as suggested by Barnard (1936). A precisely similar disease of avocados caused by P. cinnamomi has been investigated in California and South Africa by Wager (1942). INFLUENCE OF THE ENVIRONMENT. The Present Distribution of the Major Disease Phases in New South Wales.—Iin the Murrumbidgee and Murray irrigation settlements the disease is limited to the root system. Though this phase of the disease had not been recognized previously, it is probably in the aggregate the most important, since there is not any direct method of dealing with it. With increasing age citrus trees on any but sandy, well-drained soils gradually become unprofitable because of the continuous toll on the fibrous roots. The process may take 20 years or more if excessive water is not applied, but it seems none the less to be inevitable. Though less general, this phase of the disease is also important in many coastal districts. Along the Hawkesbury River and its tributaries citrus has been grown for almost a hundred years. Parts of the river banks are fixed sandhills, and on these, with their excellent under-drainage, citrus grows to perfection, but on the heavier soils of the flats and in those areas subject to flooding the story is the same as in the Murrum- bidgee Irrigation Areas. In parts of the Hills district where the soil is a clay loam overlying heavy clay subsoil, this phase of the disease is also present. In special localities in the Gosford district, too, root rot has been found to be a major problem. Orchards where seepage collects from neighbouring hills, particularly if an impervious sheet of rock underlies the soil, are likely to be affected. The importance of the removal of surplus water from such soils is illustrated by the behaviour of two blocks of lemon trees in an orchard at Calga. One of these was planted in the standard way, trees 20 feet by 20 feet on the square. The other block was double planted, the trees 10 feet by 20 feet apart. Both blocks of trees were well grown for their age (15 years) when they were examined some years ago, but following on a season of heavy rain the double-planted block appeared reasonably healthy whereas in the other block considerable root rot was evident. Both blocks were subject to a comparable amount of seepage from adjoining higher land. The collar rot phase of the disease is quite common in coastal orchards, particu- larly in the autumn following periods of rain and high humidity. The lemon is the variety most usually affected, the bark of the butt above the bud union is attacked and rotted, the lesion very often stopping at the bud union. The lemon is extremely susceptible and can be attacked under conditions in which other more resistant species are not. That this phase of the disease should be unknown in western irrigation districts must be due to the fact that the air humidity is not sufficiently high for long enough periods to allow this type of attack to take place. In some coastal and Hills district orchards fruit and leaf attack is also not uncommon under conditions of high humidity and discontinuous rain; this also is unknown in the west. In coastal nurseries, where seedlings are grown in crowded beds under moist conditions, outbreaks often occur in which leaf, shoot and roots are all affected. Soil Reaction.—In artificial culture P. citrophthora grows best in media where the pH lies between 6:0 and 7-5. In media of pH below 5-0 it grows more slowly and below pH 4:5 it makes only slight and abnormal growth. It is to be expected, therefore, that a similar effect should occur in the field. Citrus trees are very tolerant of soil acidity and grow well in soils of pH between 4-0 and 8-0. In soils whose reaction is naturally PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. XV around pH 4:5 or below, root rot is rarely found. In the Gosford district there is a considerable acreage of citrus planted on flats along the banks of creeks, and these are sometimes flooded. When this occurs leaf and fruit infection commonly results but the roots remain almost unaffected. The pH of these soils is about 4:5. A striking instance of the effect of soil reaction on disease intensity occurred in a nursery at Wyong. One bed of seedlings on the river flat where the pH of the soil was 4:5 was flooded for several days following heavy rain. The seedlings developed some shoot blight, but the roots were little affected. Several other seed beds were situated not 25 yards away on sloping ground above the level of the flood. The soil, which was a moderately heavy loam, was wet but not waterlogged for the duration of the rain. The soil pH here was 5-6, and in these beds very extensive root rot developed which destroyed all the seedlings within a month. This relationship with soil acidity has been investigated under experimental conditions, using year-old seedling rough lemon stocks grown in 6-inch pots in soil which had received various admixtures of lime or sulphur. The greatest amount of root rotting took place in soils of pH between 5:4 and 7:5; a moderate amount at 4-8 to 5-0 and very little between 4:3 and 4:5. This would appear to offer some prospects as a means of field control but so far the results have not been altogether satisfactory, perhaps because of the difficulty of obtaining the uniformity which is possible with hand-mixed potting soil. The effects of two different nitrogenous fertilizers are of interest in this connection. Sulphate of ammonia has an acidifying effect when added to the soil, and this effect has been demonstrated by a number of investigators to be greater in the immediate vicinity of a root where absorption is actively proceeding. Nitrate of soda on the other hand decreases the acidity. In pot experiments the addition of small quantities of sulphate of ammonia gives very great protection to roots against the attack of P. citrophthora even in soils where the average pH value may be in the danger range, and it seems reasonable to assume that this is because of the development of a more acid shell around the roots. In soils where the average pH value ranged from 3:8 to 5-1 as the result of the addition of sulphate of ammonia to soils originally less acid, little or no damage from root rot could be induced. Nitrate of soda has a precisely opposite effect. The addition of small quantities was found to stimulate root rot greatly while raising the general level of the pH value. Severe rotting occurred from 4:8 upwards, very much more than in soils of the same degree of acidity where only sulphur had been added. Probably in these cases the pH of the soil immediately around the roots was higher than the general average. In soils between 5-8 and 7:0 practically the whole root systems were destroyed three months after inoculation. The pots were not kept excessively wet, but moist enough to ensure good growth in the control plants. Some effects of the application of fertilizers on root rot development have been observed in the field. In some orchards under high soil moisture conditions nitrate of soda applications have resulted in rapid stimulation of root rot and lime or dolomite applications have in few cases been known to have the same effect. The effect of soil reaction on disease development has been established for a number of pathogens. One of these, Phytophthora cinnamomi, is very similar in behaviour to P. citrophthora. In Queensland this species causes a wilt of pineapples and there Lewcock (1935) has found little disease in soils whose natural acidity is below pH 5:1. White (1937) has found that the root rot of Rhodendrons caused by the same species is very slight in soils of pH 4:0 and is much less serious at 4:7 than at 5-2 and 5-4. Temperature.—The optimum temperature for the growth in culture of P. citrophthora is 25-28 degrees C., no growth is made at temperatures over 32 degrees C. and only very slight growth at 5 degrees C. This sensitivity to high temperatures no doubt is one of the reasons for the absence of the pathogen from the surface soil layers of soil during the summer, and the healthy nature of the fibrous roots developing there. Variation in Susceptibility of Different Species of Citrus——The resistance of the sour orange stock and the special susceptibility of lemon, lime and citron were well known long before the cause of the disease was discovered. The relative susceptibility of a large BB Xvi PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. number of different varieties and species of citrus to P. citrophthora was determined by Klotz and Fawcett (1930) on the basis of the average size of the lesion produced following inoculation of the trunk of mature trees. Their results showed the lemon to be very much the most susceptible, followed by lime, sweet orange, certain varieties of mandarin, rough lemon, Sampson tangelo, sour orange and kumquat. Certain tangelos were resistant, others susceptible. Of three trees of Poncirus trifoliata inoculated two gave no reaction but the third proved extremely susceptible. In Brazil Fawcett and Bitancourt (1940) found much the same order of resistance to three species of Phytophthora, P. parasitica, P. citrophthora and P. palmivora, lemon being the most susceptible followed by sweet lime, grapefruit, valencia orange and tangerine. With one important exception the general grouping has been confirmed by the inocu- lation experiments carried out in New South Wales, firstly using potted seedlings in the glasshouse and secondly using trees about 15 years old at Leeton. The method of inoculation of the potted seedlings was (a) to make a small incision in the bark, insert a fragment of mycelium and wrap the area in damped cotton wool. Wounding is not necessary, but it is desirable to ensure a uniform start of infection in all plants inocu- lated at the same time; and (0b) to inoculate the roots by inserting the inoculum into the soil. In field inoculations all incisions were covered with vaseline. By this means the following classification was arrived at: Very susceptible: Lemon, sweet lime. Moderately susceptible: Sweet orange, rough lemon, grapefruit. Fairly resistant: Sampson tangelo, Thornton tangelo, sour orange. Resistant: Citremon. Immune: Carrezo citrange, Poncirus trifoliata. The Cleopatra mandarin was intermediate in susceptibility between the sour orange and the rough lemon. In all the experiments, which covered many hundreds of trees and some dozens of different isolates of the fungus, the reaction of the two species chiefly studied, the rough lemon and P. trifoliata, remained constant. The resistance of P. trifoliata has never shown any signs of breaking down. For this reason the results obtained by Klotz and Fawcett with one out of three trees appears to be open to doubt, the most possible explanation being that their susceptible tree was of hybrid origin. The immunity of the P. trifoliata stock has been confirmed by many field observations in New South Wales and Victoria. SPREAD OF THE DISEASE. We are not likely to know where this fungus originated. The history of its ravages, however, does very strongly suggest that it spread from a focal point rather than that it is naturally present in soils. The description of the outbreak in the Azores and Moore’s account of his observations in Spain leave little room for doubt on this point. The widespread nature of the first bad outbreak in New South Wales suggests that it had been introduced at an earlier date than 1860, and had become established through the Ryde and Parramatta districts, causing only minor and unrecognizable injury, so that when the wet conditions of the 1860’s were experienced, the collapse of trees was general. Its distribution in New South Wales since that time is very easily understood. Practically all the citrus trees grown in eastern Australia are raised in the Carlingford— Ermington districts, close to, or even on the sites of old orchards. Field observations jndicate that once introduced into the soil the fungus takes its place in the soil assemblage of micro-organisms and may remain there indefinitely. In most seasons the citrus trees grown in the metropolitan nurseries are healthy. If they carry infection, it is of a minor type, but when a rainy autumn occurs considerable infection may be present and this, of course, has a very serious effect on the young tree when it is planted out. For instance, of the trees sent out by one Carlingford nurseryman to the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas in the spring of 1945, over 60% died in the first year, though planted in virgin soil, and many of the remainder produced only poor trees. On the coast losses of up to 100% of trees from the same source occurred within three months of planting. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. Xvii Young trees with partially affected root systems are particularly susceptible to frost injury and are killed back badly at temperatures at which healthy trees are unaffected. To illustrate the importance of nursery infection I quote the case of an orchard planted at Narromine, close to the river. It consisted of valencia oranges and grape- fruit, both from the same nursery and planted in adjacent blocks at the same time. The ground was partially flooded during the first year of growth and several times subse- quently. By the time the trees had reached the age of 12 years more than 50% of the grapefruit were dead (some had died quite soon after planting) and most of the rest showed a greater or less degree of infection. The valencias were all healthy and well grown. In this case it was quite evident that the grapefruit had been infected in the nursery, and the valencias, which would have been raised in a different bed, were free of infection. The soil was a sandy loam of pH 6-0 and quite suitable for supporting the healthy growth of citrus for considerably more than 12 years. There is some evidence that the fungus can become established in soil in the absence of the host plant. I shall quote one case from the Wyong district. Seedbeds were planted on a flat quite close to Wyong Creek, and in these seedbeds three patches of seedlings each about 4 feet across succumbed to root rot. The area had been under grass for a few years previously, and before that under natural timber. No citrus had ever been grown in or near it. But Wyong Creek flows through citrus country and floods have been known to cover the seedbed site in past years. It seems most likely that the infection was carried down in a flood, possibly as an infected fruit or leaf and that the fungus was able to establish itself in the soil from this. CONCLUSION. The citrus tree is evergreen and its roots are active at all times of the year. There are bursts of seasonal activity in the early spring and in the summer when new roots are formed in quantity. The root system is a rather specialized type. The active absorp- tion is carried out by what are called fibrous or feeding roots. They are rather coarse, mycorrhizal, usually devoid of functional root hairs, closely branched but of limited growth, often forming a mat close to the soil surface, and developing with great vigour in organic matter. When actively growing they are white, becoming yellowish brown with age, due to the suberization of the walls of the outermost cells, but active absorp- tion of water and solutes goes on through this suberized layer (Kramer, 1945). The length of time for which these roots are functional has not been determined, but it probably exceeds one year. The health of the citrus tree depends on the condition of the fibrous roots and on its ability to produce new roots in abundance. If Phytophthora is present and periodically destroys a percentage of these, the tree will be reduced in vigour, and if the process is unimpeded a stage will be reached when the number of roots lost exceeds the new roots formed. When this balance is upset, the deterioration in tree health will be evident and will proceed with increasing speed. It can be assumed that the pathogen is now so widely distributed that it is always present in the soil in which a citrus tree is growing, any factor, therefore, which favours the fungus will be unfavourable for the tree, anything which promotes root growth will diminish the importance of the fungus attack. The level of nutrition is of obvious importance since good nutritional status encourages abundant root growth. Young trees whose roots are spreading into new uninfected soil are more likely to survive an attack following unusually high soil moisture than old trees whose new roots are made within the orbit of its already formed root system. The importance of fluctuations of soil moisture needs no emphasis. A young tree planted in infested soil or with already infected roots is facing a very heavy handicap, and only in soils quite unfavourable to the fungus—i.e., very freely draining types—can it be expected to grow into a mature tree. The advantage of even a slight degree of resistance is very obvious. The Seville orange is an example of this; under glasshouse conditions, where everything favours the pathogen, the Seville is readily attacked. P. citrophthora can invade the tissues at a rate slightly less than half that at which it can invade those of the rough lemon. This XVili PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. means that in the field conditions favovring the fungus must be operative for much longer for it to affect the Seville than for the rough lemon, thus giving the host much more opportunity for throwing off the attack. In practice this gives the Seville a very high degree of resistance, much more than would be expected purely from controlled infection experiments. Similarly with the lemon and the rough lemon. Under conditions in which the fungus can attack and rot the bark of the lemon, the rough lemon may remain unaffected, so that the collar rots which commonly affect the lemon in coastal orchards do not. often invade the tissue of the stock. I have gone into the history of the disease in some detail because it shows clearly the importance of the fungus as a determining factor in citrus culture. Particularly in New South Wales, where the stock used is a susceptible one, it is responsible for the distribution of the crop. Well drained sands and sandy loams are spoken of as “good” citrus soils and it is clear that the reason for this is that P. citrophthora makes little or no progress in such soils, and the small amount of damage which it occasionally does is quickly repaired. Damp rather heavy soils are spoken of as unfit for citrus, but this is so only because in these soils P. citrophthora is active and its continual ravages gradually upset the balance of loss against gain of new roots. It is not because citrus trees, even on rough lemon stock, will not grow in such soils, in fact they grow very well until P. citrophthora overtakes them. References. ALDERTON, G. E., 1884.—Treatise and Handbook of Orange-Culture in Auckland, New Zealand. BARNARD, C., 1936.—Citrus Decline in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas. Comm. Aust. Jour. Coun. Sci. Ind. Research, 9: 163-170. DARNELL-SMITH, G. P., and MAcKINNON, E., 1916.—Fungus and Other Diseases of Citrus Trees. Dept. Agric. N.S.W., Farmers’ Bulletin No. 90, Citrus Culture, 90-120. Fawcett, H. S., 1913.—Two Fungi as Causal Agents in Gummosis of Lemon Trees in California. Phytopath., 3: 194-195. ————, 1923.—Gummosis of Citrus.—Jour. Agric. Research, 24: 191-236. ————, 1936.—Citrus Diseases and their Control. and Brrancourt, A. A., 1940.—Occurrence, Pathogenicity and Temperature Relations of Phytophthora Species on Citrus in Brazil and Other South American Countries. Arquivos do Instituto Biologico, 11: 107-118. FRASER, L. R., 1942.—Citrus Decline in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area. Agric. Gazette N.S.W., 53: 415-419. HAMBLIN, C. O., 1920.—Collar Rot of Citrus Trees. Ibid., 31: 439-441. IRRIGATION RESEARCH EXTENSION COMMITTEE, 1943.—Report on Citrus Decline in the Murrum- bidgee Irrigation Areas. Kuotz, L. J., and Fawcett, H. S., 1930.—The Relative Resistance of Varieties and Species of Citrus to Pythiacystis Gummosis and Other Bark Diseases. Jour. Agric. Research, 41: 415-425. KRAMER, F. J., 1945.—Absorption of Water by Plants. Bot. Review, 11: 310-355. Lewcock, H. K., 1935.—Pineapple Wilt Disease and its Control. Queensland Agr. Jour., 43: 9-17. McALPINgE, D., 1899.—Fungus Diseases of Citrus Trees in Australia and their Treatment. Moore, C., 1868.—Report on the State and Management of the Orange Plantations in Spain and Portugal. N.S.W. Parliamentary Papers, 1868. SIRAG-EL-DIN, A., 1934.—Citrus Gummosis in Egypt. Ministry of Agric. Egypt, Technical and Scientific Service, Bul. 131. SmitH, R. E., and SmitrH, FE. H., 1906.—A New Fungus of Economic Importance. Bot. Gaz., 42: 215-221. SWINGLE, W. T., and WesBBER, H. J., 1896.—The Principal Diseases of Citrus Fruits in Florida. U.S. Dept. Agr. Divn. Veg. Phys. and Path., Bull. 8. TOLKOWSKY, S., 1938.—Hesperides: A History of the Culture and Use of Citrus Fruits. WacerR, V. A., 1942.—Phytophthora cinnamomi and Wet Soil in Relation to the Dying Back of Avocado Trees. Hilgardia, 14: 517-532. WEBBER, H. J.. and BATCHELOR, L. D., 1943.—The Citrus Industry, Vol. 1, History, Botany and Breeding. WHITE, R. P., 1937.—Rhododendron Wilt and Root Rot. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 615. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. xix The Honorary Treasurer, Dr. A. B. Walkom, presented the Balance Sheets for the year ended 28th February, 1949, duly signed by the Auditor, Mr. S. J. Rayment, F.C.A. (Aust.); and he moved that they be received and adopted, which was carried unanimously. No nominations of other candidates having been received, the President declared the following elections for the ensuing year to be duly made: President: R. N. Robertson, B.Sc., Ph.D. Members of Council: D. J. Lee, B.Sc., R. N. Robertson, B.Sc., Ph.D., E. Le G. Troughton, C.M.Z.S., F.R.Z.S., H. S. H. Wardlaw, D.Sc., F.A.C.I., W. L. Waterhouse, M.C., D.Se.Agr., D.1.C., and A. R. Woodhill, B.Sc.Agr. Auditor: S. J. Rayment, F.C.A. (Aust.). A cordial vote of thanks to the retiring President was carried by acclamation. ‘IOUIPRY ae “PET ‘WOLeMT TST ‘houpsS ‘“6P6L ‘WOIVy UI, ‘Cysny) JUBIUNODDYV poloJIVYO ‘INAWAVY “([ 'S IIINSVILT, ‘WOH ‘poyoodsul Useq VAVY SJUIWIJSOAUL VY} JO SaVVOyIAGDQ ‘syooq oy} Aq ‘WOWIVM ‘GF “V UMOYS SB ‘“G6P6T ‘ATVNAGaT YSZ 1B SITBHe S,AJaI00G oY} JO 9}¥4S on} ay} JUeSeId UOTUIdO AUT UL PUB ‘YIMOIOY} VDUBP1ODNB UL PUB }d91109 BIB JUNODDW sULODUT SuIAUedUIODDR pu }e0TS aouR[eg VAOGe 9Y} Jey} AJI}190 pue ‘6PGT ‘Atenagaq Y18Z pepus Ive VY} 1OJ SeTeAA YINOS MON JO AJOIOUG UBIUUTT 24} JO StoyoNOA puev JUNODDe Jo Syoog 9} pourulexe sAKeY T ‘SUUENHW OL LYHOdHY S.YOLIGNV L LL 990°S L LL 990°¢S 8 OL Pel ‘“* junoovoy SUIpUIqyoog 0} Joysuviy, “ 6 6 T8T Lee we 0 oT Z ee oe. q.o 00 oo sosuodxa yuegd 6é 7 ST VACA ee oe ee oe we OG oe 0S-676IL 01 oouRleg “ce 0 T T oe oe oe w. oe ae Mexstola | “ec P ST Z oe oro oe oe ee oe oe ee sosusdxa yueg “eé a7 ST IP oe oe oe oe errs) ee) ALBIQUT “é OL OT 86 oe oe oe oe oe . ee (punjo. ) $o1By ce 0 0 ae oe oro oe M10 Ho oe OO SUIUBIIO 6é Z SL 9Le De eel pee @atennes ‘6P6L ‘Arenigaq Ot - 8g eke Sa ie hoes sere SSO SUS (EX 1182 7B sulODULT sn{dins) Junods.y sdiysMoTpfoyq “ hy i SS fs Se AIOUOHHETS pue suuiig “ 8 OL F8Z “* CM'SN Jo JuewUIeAOy Aq poseyoind 0 OT OT ee eg PKS yipny “ SPNIGHGIONG jo Bordo. 09 SUIPN]OUT) seTeg “ € TL 8 Sa 9 ST LEG ee oe oe Q-0 oe 0-0 oe asnoH BdU9SLIS ee I eT GZ ; 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“SHILITIAVIT “6P6I ‘Arenaqay 4IgZ © LAAHS AONV IVA “LNNODODV ADOTOMALIVG AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE. NEW GENERA AND SPECIES. J. J. McAREAVEY, S.J. (Seventy Text-figures. ) [Read 30th March, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. All but one of the new species of ants described in this paper have been collected by Mr. J. W. T. Armstrong of Nyngan, N.S.W. During 1946, in the area around Nyngan, over 160 different species have been collected, and it is interesting to note that the larger Subfamilies, Cerapachyinae, Ponerinae, Myrmicinae, Dolichoderinae and Formicinae are all well represented. There are about thirty new species, but unfortunately in the case of several of the obviously polymorphic species, only one form has been located, so that the descriptions of such species have to be delayed to avoid future confusion. With some hesitation the new genus Nchizopelta is proposed for a very interesting Myrmicine, collected by Mr. Armstrong in October, 1946. In certain notes this ant resembles specimens of Vollenhovia, but the conformation of the clypeus is so peculiar that it seems best to place the species in a new genus and await the decision of other myrmecologists. Only one male has so far been collected, and consequently certain details of the anatomy have been passed over rather than risk damaging this specimen by more extensive examination. A considerable number of workers, however, have been examined, and very little variation was found. The species of the second new genus, Stenothorar, was collected on the top of a sandy hill near Greensborough, Victoria, in 1938. A complete colony was taken, but unfortunately during the years all specimens but three have passed through various collections, and at the moment cannot be traced. In the paper the genus has not been placed in a tribe, though it appears to be close to both Solenopsidini and Pheidolini. Subfamily PoNERINAE Lepeletier 1836. Tribe ODONTOMACHINI Mayr. 1862. Genus ANOCHETUS Mayr 1861. ANOCHETUS ARMSTRONGI sp. nov. (Text-figs. 1-6.) Worker. Length 5:5-6 mm. Head, thorax, node, legs, mandibles and antennae clear yellowish red, with the vertex of the head darker brownish red; eyes, tips of mandibular teeth and anterior border of the pronotum black; gaster deep reddish brown with the apex paler. Head smooth and shining except for the longitudinal fine striae on the area between the frontal carinae. Thorax shining and smooth except for the dorsum of the epinotum which is very finely and transversely striate. Petiole, gaster and legs smooth and shining. Scape with a few longitudinal ridges. Hair confined to the inner border of the mandibles where it is long, erect and yellowish. Pubescence yellow, very short, adpressed confined to the funiculus and tibiae. Head, excluding the mandibles, as long as the broadest part, that is the line from eye to eye, slightly broader in front than behind, sides straight except for the distinct bulge at the region of the eyes, occipital border deeply concave; mandibles as long as three-quarters of the length of the head, curved downwards abruptly at the tips, and terminating in three teeth, of which the two outer ones are sharp and twice as long as the centre one; clypeus short, narrow with the anterior border straight; frontal carinae diverging behind and extending beyond the eyes while in front they form two 2 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, flattened lobes; frontal groove distinct and terminating behind in a deep pit; eyes large, placed just before the centre of the sides of the head; scapes extend beyond the occipital lobes by twice their thickness; first and third segments of the funiculus equal, and longer than the second, all segments longer than broad, the apical longer than the two preceding together. 5 Text-figures 1-6, Anochetus armstrongi sp. nov. 1. Worker head. 2. Worker head in profile. 3. Worker, dorsal view. 4. Worker, lateral view. 5. Female, dorsal view of thorax. 6. Female wings. Thorax more than twice as long as the broadest part; pronotum slightly longer than broad, with very convex sides and convex anterior border, which is slightly margined; mesonotum broader than long, three-quarters as broad as the pronotum with feebly convex sides; all thoracic sutures clearly impressed; epinotum more than twice as long as broad, the dorsum is broader behind than in front. In profile the pronotum and mesonotum form an even convexity with a slight dip at the promesonotal suture. There is a marked depression before the epinotum. Dorsum of the epinotum straight, lower behind than in front, one and a half times as long as the feebly concave declivity. The epinotal corner is almost right angled. Petiole about three times as broad as long, deeply concave on top. In profile higher than the epinotum, about twice as high as broad at the base, and twice as broad at the base as at the top, the faces are almost straight. Postpetiole slightly longer than broad, broader behind than in front, with convex sides and anterior border. There is a deep constriction separating the postpetiole from the first gastric segment. Sting long. Legs long and slender. Female. Length 6-6-8 mm. Colour as in the worker, though some examples have the legs, mandibles and antennae more yellowish. : Pilosity and sculpture of the worker, except that the striae on the epinotum are confined to the posterior half. Very similar to the worker, but the scape is shorter, not reaching the occipital border by its thickness. Ocelli yellowish, small but distinct. Thorax slightly more than twice as long as broad; pronotum almost twice as broad as long, convex and margined in front, the sides feebly convex; mesonotum slightly broader than long, the parapsidal furrows not impressed; all thoracic sutures deep; scutellum large, twice as broad as long; postscutellum indicated; epinotum very slightly co BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. longer than broad, with almost straight sides, and feebly concave posterior border. Petiole as in the worker except that the dorsum is entire and almost straight. Rest as in worker. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: Hight females and sixty workers. There are slight variations in colour. The specimens are much larger than those of A. rectangularis Mayr, or of Forel’s variety diabolus, and distinguished easily by the shape of the node. Types: Holotype worker and female in C.S.I.R., Canberra. Subfamily Myrmicinakr Lepeletier 1836. Genus STENOTHORAX gen. NOV. Worker. Small. Mandibles large, triangular, and strongly dentate. Clypeus narrow with a slight depression at the centre in front. In profile it is seen to project slightly over the mandibles. The frontal carinae are broadly flattened and cover the insertions of the scapes. Between the lobes, formed by the carinae, is a deep broad groove extending as far back as the end of the carinae. Antennae eleven segmented, the scape reaching just beyond the eyes. First segment of the funiculus as long as the four following which are broader than long. There is a three-segmented club with the apical segment longer than the preceding two segments. The eyes are very small, placed about the middle of the sides of the head. The head is almost square. The thorax has no sutures on the dorsum, but is greatly narrowed and depressed about the meso-epinotal area. The pro-mesonotum is large in front and tapers away almost to a point. The epinotum is roughly wedge-shaped without a distinct posterior border, since the dorsum is concave and merges into the sloping declivity. There are no spines or teeth, but the lateral border is sharp. The stalk of the first node is long and slender, but the nodes and gaster are closely placed together. The nodes are cubic when seen from above with the first node much smaller than the second. Gaster ovate. The anterior tibiae have pectinate spurs, the middle and hind tibiae without spurs. Claws simple. Worker major: Head very similar to that of worker. The clypeus is not notched in the centre nor overhanging the mandibles. The frontal carinae are shorter. The eyes, placed at the centre of the sides of the head, are very large, hemispherical. There are two very distinct ocelli but no trace of the third. The rest of the body is exactly the same as that of the worker though slightly larger. There are no traces of sutures on the dorsum of the thorax. The legs are the same as in the worker. Genotype: Stenothorax katerinae sp. nov. STENOTHORAX KATERINAE Sp. nov. (Text-figs. 7-16.) Worker minor. Length 3 mm. Uniformly light reddish brown with the legs slightly paler. Mandibles smooth and shining; clypeus and the space between the frontal carinae faintly shagreened; head including the flattened frontal carinae longitudinally finely rugose with the spaces between the rugae smooth and shining; pronotum finely rugose, the rugae having a circular direction, the spaces smooth and shining; epinotum fainily sculptured, microscopically reticulate-punctate; sides of pronotum transversely striate; sides of rest of thorax and the whole of the stalk microscopically reticulate-punctate; petiole, postpetiole and gaster very faintly shagreened; legs smooth. Hair golden, long, erect on head and body, suberect on legs, abundant but never hiding the sculpture. Pubescence paler and confined to funiculus, tibiae and tarsi. Head without the mandibles square, with the sides and the occipital border almost straight, the corners rounded; mandibles large triangular, with six strong teeth, the apical three being stronger than the other three; clypeus narrow with anterior border rounded. There is a faint depression at the centre of the anterior border. Frontal carinae broadly flattened, forming two lobes that overhang the clypeus. Between the lobes is a deep rectangular groove, twice as long as broad. The scapes extend to the posterior quarter of the head, and are not thickened; first segment of the funiculus Cc 4 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, almost as long as the four following, second to sixth broader than long, seventh longer than broad, the three following segments form a distinet club, of which the apical segment is as long as the two preceding together; eyes very small, placed just behind the middle of the sides of the head. Thorax twice as long as broad and has no sutures; pro-mesonotum large, longer than broad, in front slightly narrower than the head and tapering away to a point behind, the anterior border rounded and without marked corners. The small area between the pro-mesonotum and the epinotum strongly depressed, from this arises the peculiar epinotum. It is wedge-shaped, and the dorsum is concave, so that it is difficult to say where it emerges into the epinotal declivity. At its broadest part it is less than half as broad as the pro-mesonotum. The lateral borders are sharp so that from certain angles the posterior corners seem to be sharp. In profile the pro-mesonotum is strongly convex, flattened slightly at the middle. There is a very small raised metanotum which is not noticeable in the dorsal view. The epinotum is low, with the dorsum straight and sloping into the slightly shorter and feebly concave declivity. The stalk is long and narrow; petiole almost square, slightly narrower in front than behind, the anterior angles rounded, the sides and posterior border straight. There is hardly any stalk between the petiole and postpetiole. The postpetiole is larger than the petiole, square, with the faces straight and the corners rounded. In profile the petiole is higher than the postpetiole, as high as long, with the anterior face feebly convex, dorsum sharply convex, and the posterior face straight. The postpetiole is dome-shaped. Gaster ovate. Legs short, robust, with femora and tibiae slightly thickened. Worker major. Length 3-8 mm. Head reddish brown with the area around the ocelli very dark, almost black; mandibles except for the reddish tips, antennae reddish brown, thorax light reddish yellow with the legs pale yellow; petiole and postpetiole brownish yellow and the gaster dull yellow. Hair golden, long, erect on body and suberect on legs, abundant throughout, but not hiding the sculpture. Pubescence pale, confined to funiculus, tibiae and tarsi. Mandibles smooth with a few faint striae. Rest of the sculpture as in the worker but the circular rugae on the pronotum are more pronounced, and the punctuation on the epinotum very clear. The anterior coxae have a few longitudinal ridges, and the sides of the petiole are densely and microscopically reticulate punctate. Head almost square with almost straight occipital border and feebly convex sides; clypeus not notched at the centre, and not overhanging the mandibles; mandibles as in worker; frontal carinae as in worker, but not extending back quite so far; antennae as in worker, but the scapes slightly thickened, extending as far as the posterior border of the eyes; eyes very large, hemispherical, and placed at the centre of the sides of the head. There are two very distinct ocelli but no trace of a third, nor even a pit for an ocellus. Thorax is very similar to that of the worker, and has no sutures of any kind. In profile the pro-mesonotum appears to be flatter, the small metanotum is hardly visible, the dorsum of the epinotum is not so sloping. The petiole and postpetiole are very similar to those of the worker. In profile they are almost the same size, the anterior face and dorsum of the petiole form almost a single convexity. Rest as in worker. Collected by J. J. McAreavey, S.J. Type locality: Greensborough, Victoria. Types: Holotype worker in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Tribe METAPONINI Forel 1911. Genus METAPONE Forel 1911. METAPONE TRICOLOR sp. nov. (Text-figs. 17-19.) Female. Length 7:2 mm. Head except for the mandibles and clypeus, which are reddish, thorax and petiole dark chestnut (almost black in parts). The postpetiole is very dark brown but lighter than the thorax. The first segment of the gaster is brownish red. The rest of the gaster is yellowish red, The antennae and legs are yellowish. BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 5 Head smooth and shining except for the antennal grooves and the lateral portions of the clypeus, which are evenly and strongly striate longitudinally. There are faint traces of striae on the central portion of the clypeus. The thorax, petiole and post- petiole are smooth and shining, with scattered piligerous microscopic punctures, which 22 23 Text-figures 7-25. 7-16, Stenothorax katerinae sp. nov. 7. Worker major, head. 8. Worker major, dorsal view cf body. 9. Worker major, lateral view of head. 10. Worker major, funiculus. 11. Worker major, lateral view of body. 12. Worker minor, head. 13. Worker minor, dorsal view of body. 14. Worker minor, funiculus. 15. Worker minor, lateral view of head. 16. Worker minor, lateral view of body. 17-19. Metapone tricolor sp. nov. 17. Female, dorsal view. 18. Female, lateral view. 19. Female, wings. 20-25. Xiphomyrmex capitalis sp. nov. 20. Worker, head. 21. Worker, funiculus. 22. Worker, lateral view. 23. Worker, dorsal view. 24. Female, dorsal view. 25. Female, wings. cc 6 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, are more numerous on the petiole and postpetiole. The sides of the thorax are striate. The upper half of the sides of the petiole is striate, while the lower half is densely and microscopically punctate. The sides of the postpetiole are densely reticulate punctate. The gaster is smooth and shining with faint traces of reticulation. Head, including the mandibles, nearly twice as long as broad, slightly narrower in front than behind, with the sides and the posterior border straight; mandibles large, with five strong sharp teeth; clypeus, flat, narrow, and projecting slightly over the mandibles. The anterior border is feebly concave, and produced at each corner in a small tooth. The sides are margined but there is no distinct posterior border. There is a deep groove extending from the clypeal area to the anterior ocellus. Eyes are large, but placed low on the sides of the head, so that they are not visible from above; ocelli yellow, hemispherical, placed near the posterior border of the head; scapes stout, flattened and very short; funiculus with an enlarged three-segmented club; the first segment nearly as long as the three following, second to seventh very much broader than long, apical segment as long as the two preceding together. Thorax long and slender, two and a half times as long as broad, pronotum one and a half times as broad as long, with the humeri bluntly angular, the anterior border and sides almost straight; mesonotum. slightly longer than broad, slightly broader than the pronotum, with the sides feebly convex; scutellum rather large, broader than long; wings short, the veins extending to the apex of the wings; epinotum broader in front than behind, almosi twice as long as the posterior border, the sides straight, and the posterior border feebly concave. In profile the thorax is very low, at least three times as long as high, with the dorsum almost straight. The epinotal declivity is slightly concave, and one-third as long as the epinotal dorsum, into which it passes through an abrupt curve. Petiole twice as long as broad in front, broader behind than in front, with anterior border and sides straight and the posterior border concave and terminating on each side in a sharp tooth. In profile the anterior face is concave, the dorsum flat, and the posterior face concave. The petiole is about one and a half times as long as high, and on the ventral surface is a long sharp projection. Postpetiole is square with the sides feebly convex and the corners rounded. In profile the anterior face is convex and merges into the flat dorsum, while the posterior face is concave. On the ventral surface are two massive, bluntly pointed projections. Gaster long and narrow, broader than the postpetiole by only half the width of the gaster. First segment longer than broad. Legs are short and the femora greatly enlarged. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: One female. This species resembles M. leae Wheeler, but there are noticeable differences in colour and sculpture. It differs also in the shape of the petiole, the width of the gaster, the length of the first segment of the funiculus and the outline of the head. Type: Holotype female in collection C.S.I.R., Canberra. Tribe TETRAMORIINI Emery 1895. Genus XIPHOMYRMEX Forel 1887. XIPHOMYRMEX CAPITALIS sp. nov. (Text-figs. 20-25.) Worker. Length, 3-3-2 mm. Head almost black with the antennae and mandibles yellowish; thorax, petiole and postpetiole brownish yellow; gaster and legs yellowish. There is considerable variation in colour. Some examples have the thorax and nodes very dark, almost as dark as the head, other examples have the head brownish with a darker area on the vertex, and this dark area varies in size among such examples. Mandibles finely longitudinally striate; head longitudinally striate rugose with the spaces between the rugae feebly shagreened; thorax rugose longitudinally, the rugae joined by transverse ridges to form large rectangular messes. The epinotum is more irregularly rugose. The spaces between the rugae densely and microscopically punctate. BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 1 Petiole and postpetiole are densely microscopically punctate with a few longitudinal ridges; gaster densely but faintly microscopically punctate. Hair yellow, erect, long and abundant. Pubescence greyish, apparent only on the funiculus. Head very slightly longer than broad, with the sides and occipital border almost straight, and the posterior angles rounded. Mandibles large, triangular, with five or six sharp teeth; clypeus with the large central portion raised and convex, the lateral portions narrow, with their posterior borders raised to form strong ridges of the antennal sockets. The anterior border of the whole clypeus is almost straight. Frontal area is not indicated; frontal carinae rather long, flattened in front and widely separated, merging behind into the rugae of the head. Scape does not quite reach the occipital border; first segment of the funiculus as long as the three following, fourth to sixth as long as broad, apical segment of the three segmented club as long as the two preceding together; eyes large, convex, placed at the middle of the sides of head. Thorax one and a quarter times as long as the anterior border of the pronotum, which is the broadest part of the thorax. There are no thoracic sutures, though there is. a marked depression at the region of the meso-epinotal suture. The pro-mesonotal area is rounded in front, with sharp corners and the sides feebly convex, more than twice as broad in front as behind. Epinotum is one-quarter longer than broad, with feebly convex sides and concave posterior border. The posterior angles are produced as long sharp spines directed backwards and slightly outwards, and almost as long as the interval between them. There are two shorter spines at the base of the declivity. In profile the dorsum is convex, more so on the pro-mesonotum than on the epinotum. The epinotal declivity is short and almost vertical, though the upper and lower epinotal spines give it the appearance of being concave. Petiole margined, slightly broader than long, convex on the sides, but almost straight on the anterior and posterior borders. In profile it is slightly higher than long, rectangular, with all faces straight and the angles sharp. Postpetiole is ovate, almost twice as broad as long; in profile dome-shaped, as long as high, with convex faces. Gaster ovate. Legs long but robust. Female. Length 3:2-4-2 mm. Head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole dark reddish brown, with considerable variation in the shades of brown. Some have the pronotal angles lighter brown, others the sides of the head lighter than the vertex and the front of the head, others have the mesonotum lighter than the rest of the thorax. Mandibles, antennae and legs brownish yellow. In some examples the legs are much lighter than the antennae. Gaster dark orange. Mandibles smooth; head longitudinally striate with the spaces between the rugae shagreened; pronotum with a few transverse striae; mesonotum, scutellum and epinotum regularly longitudinally striate, the spaces between microscopically punctate, especially between the epinotal spines; petiole and postpetiole microscopically punctate and longi- tudinally rugose; gaster finely reticulate. Hair as in worker. Head similar to that of worker, but slightly broader than long; the frontal area clearly indicated; the frontal carinae slightly more diverging behind; the scapes slightly shorter. The eyes are placed a little behind the middle of the sides; ocelli brownish, large and distinct. Thorax is more robust, nearly twice as long as broad. The pronotum from above is narrow, three times as broad as long, rounded in front, the anterior corners sharp; mesonotum slightly longer than broad; all thoracic sutures deeply marked; scutellum elliptical, broader than long. The epinotum is slightly broader than long, the sides straight and the posterior border feebly concave. The epinotal spines similar to those of worker, though more robust. In profile the mesonotum and scutellum very feebly convex, almost straight. The epinotum is lower and almost straight, as long as the straight declivity. Petiole, postpetiole and gaster as in worker. 8 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: Six females and ten workers. The workers show considerable variation in colour. This species differs from X. turneri Forel in colour and in the sculpture of the nodes and gaster. The posterior border of the head is straight, not strongly concave. The eyes are placed at the middle not before the middle of the sides of the head. The petiole is broader in front than behind. The specimens are larger than those of X. turneri var. fuscipes Viehmeyer, and the petiole and the postpetiole are broader, and the sculpture is different. Types: Holotype worker in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Genus pAcRYON Forel 1895. DACRYON MARGINATUS sp. nov. (Text-figs. 26-29.) Worker. Length, 45-5 mm. Head, antennae, thorax, petiole and postpetiole rich red, gaster ‘darker, more reddish brown; legs brownish with the coxae and tarsal joints reddish; eyes, margins of head, thorax and petiole black. Mandibles finely longitudinally striate; head densely and microscopically punctate. There are seven longitudinal ridges between the frontal carinae, and these ridges extend to the occipital border. Antennae, legs, neck, thorax, petiole, postpetiole and gaster microscopically punctate. There are a few longitudinal ridges on the thorax and nine coarser ridges on the postpetiole. First segment of the gaster is finely longitudinally striate. Hair yellowish, confined to the clypeus and apex of the gaster. Pubescence greyish, adpressed, abundant on the funiculus. Head very slightly longer than broad, with the sides feebly convex, occipital border feebly concave, the angles rounded. Mandibles triangular, with five sharp teeth; clypeus almost straight, with a slight incision in the centre; frontal area hardly noticeable; frontal carinae widely separated, raised and covering the insertions of the scapes, and extending back almost to the occiput; scape short, extending beyond the eyes by their width; first segment of the funiculus as long as the two following, second to seventh as broad as long, the remaining three segments thickened, giving the appearance of a club, the apical segment longer than the preceding but not as long as the two preceding together; eyes large, convex, placed at the middle of the sides. Thorax is almost twice as long as the broadest part, which is the anterior border of the pronotum. Pronotum and mesonotum strongly margined, with anterior border convex, the pronotal angles produced forwards and outwards as blunted teeth; the sides as far as the mesonotal region almost straight. At that point on each side there is a short triangular tooth, after which the dorsum narrows to half the width of the anterior border of the pronotum. Meso-epinotal suture is deep. The strongly margined epinotum is longer than broad, with convex sides and feebly concave posterior border. The posterior corners are produced in two long-blunted spines, directed outwards and back- wards, almost as long as their interval. In profile the pro-mesonotum is strongly convex, the mesonotal tooth just noticeable. The epinotum is feebly convex, about twice as long as the straight declivity. The epinotal spines almost as long as the declivity, directed upwards and slightly backwards, the edge facing the dorsum straight, the other edge convex. Petiole broader than long, oval, the margined dome is convex and produced behind in two spines which are directed slightly upwards as well as backwards. In profile longer than high, wedge-shaped. The anterior face is straight, and sloping inwards to the apex of the node and terminating above in a short, sharp spine. Dorsum almost missing, the posterior face concave. Postpetiole broader than long (one and a half times), with convex borders. In profile it is longer than the petiole, dome-shaped; the anterior face almost straight, and parallel to the anterior face of the petiole; the dorsum and the BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 9 posterior face convex. Gaster ovate. Legs short and robust, the femora very strongly thickened, the tibiae also thickened but not so much. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: Three specimens of worker. Text-figures 26-41. 26-29. Dacryon marginatus sp. nov. 26. Worker, dorsal view. 27. Worker, head. 28. Worker, funiculus. 29. Worker, lateral view. 30-35. Monomorium (Holcomyrmex) armstrongi sp. nov. 30. Major worker, head. 31. Minor worker, head. 32. Major worker, lateral view. 33. Minor worker, lateral view. 34. Male, lateral view. 35. Female, dorsal view. 36-41. Monomorium (Holcomyrmex) niger sp. nov. 36. Major worker, head. 37. Major worker, lateral view. 38. Minor worker, lateral view. 39. Minor worker, head. 40. Male, lateral view. 41. Female, lateral view. 10 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, Species nearest to D. ferruginea Clark but distinguished by the clear black margins on head, thorax and petiole, the sculpture and the colour. The scape is shorter, the petiole broader than long, the postpetiole broader, and in profile the nodes are quite distinct. Type: Holotype worker in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Tribe SoLENOPSIDINI Forel 1913. Genus mMoNoMORIUM Mayr 1855. Subgenus HOLCOMYRMEX Mayr 1878. MONOMORIUM (HOLCOMYRMEX) ARMSTRONGI Sp. nov. (Text-figs. 30-35.) Worker major. Length, 6-8-7-2 mm. Black; mandibles and front of head more brownish black; articulations of the legs, the tarsal segments, apex of gaster, tip of the apical segment of the funiculus reddish. Mandibles smooth and shining with a few small punctures; clypeus smooth with scattered punctures; head smooth behind, but in front are fine longitudinal striae which are coarser between the frontal carinae. Thorax reticulate-punctate, and also has longitudinal fine striae which have a circular direction on the pronotum and a transverse direction on the epinotum; petiole and postpetiole densely and finely punctulate; gaster very finely and densely reticulate. Hair yellowish, long, erect, sparsely scattered throughout, shorter and sub-erect on the legs. Pubescence very short and fine, confined to the funiculus. Head large, slightly longer than broad, almost as broad behind as in front, with sides convex and the occipital border slightly concave, distinctly excised in the middle, corners broadly rounded. Mandibles large, triangular, with five sharp teeth. Clypeus is narrow on the sides, but the central portion is raised and bordered by two flattened carinae which are produced forward in two sharp teeth. The interval between the teeth is concave. Close to the outer side of these teeth is a much smaller tooth; frontal carinae short and prominent, diverging at their posterior fourth, but parallel on anterior three-quarters of their length; frontal area large, impressed with a narrow frontal groove extending back as far as the level of the eyes; scape not thickened towards apex and extending to the posterior quarter of the head; first segment of the funiculus slightly longer than the second, all segments longer than broad. There is no club but the last three segments are large, twice as long as broad, the apical slightly longer than the second last; eyes large but very flat, placed about the centre on the sides of the head. Thorax broadest through the pronotum which is only half as broad as the head; pronotum as broad as long, convex in all directions; promesonotal suture not distinct; mesonotum short, broader than long, broader in front than behind with almost straight sides; meso-epinotal suture impressed; epinotum about two-thirds as broad as the pronotum, slightly longer than broad, with the sides straight and almost parallel. There are two blunt tubercles directed upwards, towards the middle of the posterior border of the epinotum, one each side of a concave depression. In profile the pro-mesonotum is rather conical with the dorsal part of the mesonotum and the epinotum much lower and sloping downwards towards the petiole. The dorsum of the epinotum is feebly convex and slightly longer than the almost straight and vertical declivity. Petiole pedunculate; the dorsum almost square, but the whole node is about twice as long as broad. Postpetiole almost circular, very slightly broader than the petiole. In profile the petiole is dome-shaped, with anterior face very feebly convex, the anterior angle sharp, the dorsum, which is half as long as the base of the petiole, is feebly convex and rounded into the posterior convex face. Postpetiole lower, dome-shaped, and convex on all sides. Gaster large, elliptical. A small sting is exposed in some examples. Legs long and robust. Worker minor. Length, 5-7-6-2 mm. Colour and pilosity as in major. BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 11 Sculpture as in major but much finer. This is especially the case with the striae of the thorax, which are merely indicated. Head as in major though proportionately smaller, and the scapes very slightly longer. Thorax as in major but the dorsum of the epinotum slightly longer, and the tubercles on the posterior border are missing. Legs long and slender. Rest as in major. Female. Length, 10 mm. Colour of major but the front of the head and the mandibles bright red and the funiculus is wholly black. Sculpture of the head as in major but coarser; pronotum, mesonotum and scutellum strongly striate-rugose longitudinally; epinotum transversely striate-rugose; petiole almost smooth, reticulate-punctate on the sides; postpetiole with fine circular striae and a very finely and densely reticulate-punctate ground sculpture; gaster reticulate. Hair reddish, longer and more abundant throughout. Head broader than long, with feebly convex sides and almost straight occipital border. Mandibles as in worker, but the apical tooth is extremely long. Scape extends to the posterior fifth of head. Ocelli pearl white and large. Rest of head as in worker. Thorax one and a half times as long as broadest part, which is a line through the middle of the mesonotum; pronotum short, not noticeable from above; mesonotum massive, broader behind than in front with convex borders. The parapsidal furrows are deeply impressed. Scutellum is broader than long, broader in front than behind; all thoracic sutures deeply impressed; epinotum as long as broad at anterior border, which is twice as broad as the concave posterior border. There are no spines or tubercles. In profile the pronotum is vertical; the mesonotum and scutellum almost flat or very feebly convex; epinotum almost straight and sloping; the declivity as long as the dorsum. Petiole is slightly broader than long, convex on all faces. There is a slight hollow in the centre near the posterior border. In profile the anterior face is convex, the dorsum very feebly convex and the posterior face feebly concave. Dorsum of the post- petiole is reduced almost to a straight line, but it presents the anterior face which is as long as broad and convex in all directions; in profile wedge-shaped, with a long, sloping straight anterior face meeting the straight almost vertical posterior face in a point. Gaster large, elongate. Legs long. Male. Length, 5:1 mm. Entirely black except for the tarsi and the apex of the gaster, which are reddish. Hair black, long, abundant throughout. Pubescence greyish, short, confined to the funiculus and the tarsi. Head and promesonotum irregularly, closely and finely shagreened; scutellum has in addition some fine longitudinal striae; epinotum reticulate-punctate with a few fine transverse striae; petiole, postpetiole and first segment of the gaster finely densely reticulate-punctate; rest of gaster more transversely striate. Head longer than broad, with the sides and occipital border strongly convex. Mandibles rather large, furnished with denticles. Clypeus appears to be rounded in front, but it is difficult to see the front of the head, which is concealed by long black hair. Scape is short, reaching to the eyes, which are very large and occupy most of the side of the head. All segments of the funiculus are much longer than broad, except the first, which is short, and just slightly longer than broad. Ocelli are pearl white, hemispherical, and large. Pronotum short and not visible from above; mesonotum longer than broad, with the sutures indistinct; scutellum as long as broad, broader in front than behind; epinotum as long as broad in front, where it is twice as broad as the posterior border. Petiole longer than broad, with feebly convex borders, the corners broadly rounded; in profile rather bluntly conical, with sloping, feebly concave anterior border and feebly convex posterior border; postpetiole slightly longer than the petiole, slightly longer than broad, and slightly broader behind than in front, the lateral borders feebly convex; in 12 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAR, profile very much lower than the petiole, forming merely a low convexity. Gaster elliptical. Legs long and slender. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: Large complete series of all forms. Wheeler described the major worker of Holcomyrmex whitei, the first of the subgenus to be found in Australia. His major worker is much smaller than the minor worker of H. armstrongi and the colour is red and yellow. There is no possibility of confusing either of the following two species with H. whitei Wheeler. Type: Holotype worker major, and series of worker minor, male and female, in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. MONOMORIUM (HOLCOMYRMEX) NIGER Sp. nov. (Text-figs. 36—41.) Worker major. Length, 5-2 mm. Entirely black. Except for the smooth frontal area, the anterior third of the head and the portion between the frontal carinae are finely striate. The rest of the head is smooth with scattered microscopic piligerous punctures. Thorax is shining, rather smooth with scat- tered microscopic punctures and a few traces of striae, which are longitudinal on the pronotum and transverse on the epinotum; petiole smooth; postpetiole very finely transversely striate and with traces of reticulation; gaster feebly shagreened. Hair reddish, short, erect on head; a few long hairs on the petiole and postpetiole; longer hairs on the gaster but none on the thorax. Pubescence fine, reddish, confined to the legs and antennae. Head slightly longer than broad, as broad behind as in front, with sides feebly convex and the occipital border concave with a marked incision at the middle of the posterior border. Mandibles large, triangular with five strong teeth; clypeus narrow on sides, the central portion raised and bordered by two carinae which are produced forward as two stout blunted teeth. Flanking the outer side of each tooth is a sharper slightly shorter tooth. Frontal carinae are short diverging outwards slightly; frontal area large and distinct, the suture between it and the central portion of the clypeus deep. Scape extends to the posterior fifth of the head, thickened very slightly towards the apex; first segment of the funiculus longer than the second, the rest as long as broad, except the three apical segments, which are thickened, and at least twice as long as broad, the apical segment slightly longer than the second last; eyes moderately large and very flat, placed at the centre of the sides of the head. : Thorax twice as long as broad though the pronotum, with both sutures obsolete, rounded in front, and constricted at the region of the mesonotum, where there is a deep depression. The meso-epinotal area is reduced to half the width of the convex pronotum and has the sides almost straight, and the posterior border coneave. There is a small tubercle at each posterior angle of the epinotum. In profile the dorsum of the pronotum convex; the dorsum of the meso-epinotum almost straight and sloping; the short epinotal declivity feebly concave. Petiole and postpetiole equal, as broad as long with feebly convex borders. In profile the petiole is as high as long, with sloping, feebly concave anterior face, feebly convex dorsum which is rounded into the almost vertical posterior face. The post- petiole is much lower and forms a dome with the posterior face feebly concave. Gaster ovate. Legs long and slender. Worker minor. Length, 4mm. Black, but the anterior border of the head, mandibles, joints of legs and tarsi brownish. Hair similar to that of major. Sculpture as in major but the sculpture of the pronotum is more reticulate and the epinotal declivity transversely striate; petiole and postpetiole reticulate-punctate; gaster smooth with scattered elongated punctures. BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 13 Head as in major but the scape is slightly longer, and the eyes a little more convex and placed slightly nearer to the anterior border of the head. Thorax is similar to that of major but proportionately shorter with the pronotum larger and more rounded. The tubercles of the epinotum are not noticeable from above. In profile the dorsum is much flatter, almost straight. The epinotal tubercles are visible, giving the declivity the appearance of being concave, though actually the upper half is straight and sloping, the lower half bulges outwards towards the petiole convexly. Petiole twice as broad as long, the borders almost straight; postpetiole with the dorsum reduced to a convex line, showing a full view of the almost square anterior face. In profile the petiole is higher than long, with sloping almost straight anterior face, convex dorsum, and feebly convex posterior border. Postpetiole as in major, low and dome-shaped. Female. Length, 65-7 mm. Black with mandibles and front of head yellowish red. The gaster varies from black with dull reddish bands at the borders of the gastric segments to dull red with black borders to the gastric segments. Front of head except for the smooth frontal area finely longitudinally striate-rugose. The posterior half of the head and the thorax have scattered small elongated piligerous punctures, which are denser on the head than on the thorax. The epinotum is finely transversely striate. Petiole and postpetiole feebly shagreened on top, but the pedicel is densely microscopically reticulate-punctate. Gaster smooth with sparse elongated punctures. Pilosity as in worker but more abundant. Head as in major but is as broad as long. The frontal carinae diverge further behind and are wider apart. The carinae of the clypeus are more pronounced, further apart in front and terminating in larger teeth. The eyes are comparatively smaller. The ocelli brownish, small and convex. Pronotum hardly visible from above; mesonotum massive, as broad as long, feebly convex; the parapsidal furrows deeply impressed; scutellum circular, very slightly broader than long; epinotum much lower and very sloping, so that at times it is difficult to distinguish the dorsum from the declivity; dorsum as long as broad, broader behind than in front. There is a slight margin between the dorsum and the declivity with a small blunt tubercle at each corner. In profile the pronotum is vertical, the mesonotum and scutellum very flat, the scutellum overhangs the epinotum slightly. Dorsum of the epinotum straight, as long as the slightly concave declivity. Petiole is twice as broad as long, excised on top in the middle; postpetiole twice as broad as long, longer than the petiole, elliptical and slightly concave on top. In profile the petiole is higher than long, the anterior face convex, rounded into the feebly convex dorsum, posterior face straight and vertical; postpetiole lower, anterior face and dorsum form one convexity while the posterior face is concave. Male. Length, 7 mm. Black; joints of legs and gaster, except for the black basal segment, yellowish red. The reddish part of the gaster varies in extent among individuals of the same nest. ° Head longitudinally striate on those parts where the sculpture is not concealed by hair; dorsum and sides of thorax coarsely reticulate-punctate; petiole and postpetiole densely and microscopically punctate. There are some transverse striae on the posterior face of the petiole. Gaster is smooth with traces of shallow punctures on the first segment, and very fine reticulation on the other segments. Hair reddish and long on gaster. It is black on the head and thorax, copious, especially on the head where it is longest. Head as broad as long, with strongly convex sides and occipital border. Mandibles are narrow, with three large strong teeth; clypeus rounded in front, apparently without any teeth or spines; scape short, extending to the posterior border of the eyes; first segment of the funiculus slightly longer than broad, second very long, fully three times 14 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, as long as first, all the remaining segments at least twice as long as broad; eyes very large, hemispherical, occupying most of the sides of the head; ocelli pale yellow, hemispherical, rather large. Pronotum from above small and rounded in front; mesonotum very large, as long as broad, with convex sides; scutellum circular; epinotum very short, and from above it is similar to that of the female, but the two tubercles on the posterior border are more distinet. In profile the pronotum and mesonotum form a hump, with the top of the hump about the pro-mesonotal suture. The epinotum is much lower than the scutellum which slightly overhangs it. The dorsum of the epinotum is longer than the feebly concave declivity, the faces separated by the small tubercles. Petiole as broad as long, almost circular. In profile as high as long, dome-shaped, with the faces forming an even convexity; postpetiole almost the same size, but slightly broader behind than in front. In profile it consists of an evenly convex low hump on the pedicel. Gaster long and slender. Legs long and slender. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: Large series of all forms. This species resembles H. armstrongi but is easily distinguished by the size and sculpture. The scape of the major is longer and the petiole and postpetiole are alike, whereas they differ greatly in H. armstrongi. The male and female are separated from those of the other species in colour and sculpture, shape of the nodes. The male is, moreover, relatively much larger. Type: Holotype worker major, and series of worker minor, male and female, in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Genus SCHIZOPELTA gen. Nov. : Worker. Monomorphie. Mandibles triangular, moderately large with few strong teeth. Maxillary and labial palpi two segmented. Clypeus narrow, but produced forward in two long prongs, which are slightly longer than broad at their base. The exterior border of the projecting part is convex, and the inner border concave. The frontal carinae are straight and almost parallel. Between these frontal carinae is a deep furrow, bordered on each side by a carina, and this whole frontal area is produced forward over the clypeus, and terminates in two small teeth. In profile the frontal carinae are raised, and the clypeus extends over the mandibles. The antennae have twelve segments. The first segment of the funiculus is long, the apical three segments are also long and form an indistinct club. Eyes moderately large and convex, placed about the middle of the sides. No ocelli. The head is rather square and broader than the thorax. There are no thoracic sutures, and the pronotal area is strongly convex, and twice as broad as the epinotal area. The pronotum is rounded in front, the epinotum armed with moderately long teeth. The petiole is almost square, hardly pedunculate. The postpetiole is also cubic but larger than the petiole, very close to the petiole and gaster so that it is very difficult to see the stalk. Gaster ovate. Legs robust, the femora and tibiae hardly thickened. The anterior tibiae have pectinate spurs, the middle and hind tibiae without spurs. The claws simple. Pseudogyne. Slightly larger than the worker. Head similar to that of worker and there is no trace of ocelli. Thorax has no wing sclerites but the other sutures are well developed. The pronotum is more angular in front, and the mesonotum is large, and slightly higher than the rest of the thorax. The epinotal spines are a little shorter than those of the worker, and the dorsum of the epinotum is strongly concave. Rest as in worker. Male. Mandibles short and narrow. Clypeus raised and overhanging the mandibles. Instead of the forked projections, found in the worker and female, the clypeus has a deep notch in the middle and this is margined by a carina which extends to the posterior BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 15 border of the clypeus. The frontal carinae are raised and almost parallel. There is a frontal groove and a small but deep depression just in front of the anterior ocellus. Ocelli large and the eyes very large and convex. The articulations of the scapes are exposed. The scape is slightly more than twice as long as broad. The funiculus is twelve segmented with the first segment short. The parapsidal furrows are impressed. The anterior wings have open radial cells, single closed cubital cells and a small discoidal cell. The venation of the posterior wings is very restricted. The nodes are low and dome-shaped. The fore tibiae have pectinate spurs, middle and hind tibiae without spurs. Claws simple. Genotype: Schizopelta falcata sp. nov. SCHIZOPELTA FALCATA Sp. nov. (Text-figs. 42-47.) Worker. Length, 3-3-5 mm. Reddish brown with legs, antennae and gaster more yellowish; eyes black and the front of the head very dark brown, almost black. A yellowish short pilosity is confined to the clypeus, antennae, tarsi, tibiae and apex of gaster. The head is covered with small shallow punctures, slightly elongated. The spaces between the punctures are smooth and shining. The dorsum of the pronotum has similar sculpture. The rest of the thorax, the petiole and the postpetiole densely microscopically punctate. Gaster smooth and shining. Head slightly longer than broad, with convex sides and concave posterior border. Mandibles, hidden by the clypeus, are moderately large, with four stout teeth. Clypeus is narrow, but produced forward in two long prongs, which are slightly longer than broad, with convex outer and feebly concave inner borders. Frontal carinae are straight and parallel. Between these carinae is a deep furrow, bordered on each side by a carina which terminates in a small tooth. Scapes extend to the middle of the eyes. The first segment of the funiculus is almost as long as the two following together, second to eighth almost as broad as long. The apical segment of an indistinctly three- segmented club is longer than the two preceding segments together. Eyes moderately large, rather flat, are placed at the middle of the sides. Thorax not quite twice as long as broad; pronotum broader than long, strongly convex in all directions. The pro-mesonotal suture is hardly present in most examples. The meso-epinotum is halt as broad as the pronotum, with no trace of meso-epinotal suture. The epinotum terminates in two long teeth, directed upwards and backwards, the space between concave. In profile the dorsum is feebly convex and in most examples there is no trace of sutures. Petiole is hardly pedunculate, slightly longer than broad, and very slightly narrowed in front, with feebly convex sides and straight anterior and posterior borders; post- petiole more rectangular, longer than broad, the anterior border feebly convex, the remaining borders straight and the corners bluntly rounded. In profile the petiole is slightly higher than the postpetiole. The petiole is slightly higher than long with feebly concave anterior face rounded into the feebly convex dorsum. The postpetiole is cubic with the upper corners rounded into the feebly convex dorsum. The basal segment of the gaster occupies most of the gaster. Legs robust. Pseudogyne. Length, 4:2 mm. Head except for a dull red spot on the vertex, deep black. Antennae reddish yellow; thorax, petiole and postpetiole brownish red; the lower margin of the sides of the thorax, the coxae and the upper half of the femora of the anterior pair of legs black; remaining part of the front legs, the other four legs, and the gaster light yellowish red. The sculpture of the head as in the worker but the flattened frontal carinae are finely longitudinally striate. The pronotum and mesonotum have scattered elongated punctures. The rest of the thorax, petiole and postpetiole are densely and micro- scopically punctate. Gaster smooth and shining. D 16 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAR, Head as in worker, but it is square with the sides and occipital border almost straight, and the posterior corners rounded. Hyes flat, moderately large, are placed at the centre of the sides; no trace of ocelli. Thorax with very distinct sutures; pronotum three times as broad as long, with convex anterior border and almost straight sides. The anterior angles are rather sharp. Mesonotum is raised, large, twice as long as broad; metanotum depressed slightly, narrow and indistinct; epinotum as broad as long, slightly broader behind than in front. The Text-figures 42-56. 42-47. Schizopelta falcata sp. nov. 42. Worker, head. 43. Worker, funiculus. 44. Worker, head in profile. 45. Worker, dorsal view. 46. Worker, lateral view. 47. Male, lateral view. 48, 49. Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) armstrongi sp. nov. 48. Worker, lateral view. 49. Worker, head. 50-52. Camponotus (Myrmogonia) sanguinea sp. nov. 50. Major worker, head. 51. Minor worker, head. 52. Major worker, thorax, lateral view. 53-56. Camponotus (Myrmogonia) armstrongi sp. nov. 53. Major worker, head. 54. Minor worker, head. 55. Minor worker, dorsal view. 56. Minor worker, lateral view. BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 17 epinotal spines are shorter than those of the worker, the dorsum of the epinotum concave. In profile the pro-mesonotum evenly convex, a little flattened at the pro- mesonotal suture. Dorsum of the epinotum is flat, nearly twice as long as the declivity; epinotal spines stout, directed upwards and slightly backwards; petiole, postpetiole and gaster as in worker. Male. Length, 3:2 mm. Entirely black, except for the tips of the mandibles and the tip of - the gaster which are dull reddish brown. Hair yellowish, long, and abundant throughout. Densely reticulate punctate on head, petiole and postpetiole. The thorax is more coarsely rugose and the gaster smooth. Head very slightly longer than broad across the eyes, with the sides strongly convex, and the occipital border short and almost straight. Mandibles short and narrow, dentate; clypeus raised and overhanging the mandibles, deeply notched in the middle; frontal carinae straight and raised above the articulations of the scapes. Frontal groove is faint but there is a deep pit just before the anterior ocellus. Scape is short, about three times as long as broad; first segment of funiculus almost as broad as long, all other segments twice as long as broad; eyes large hemispherical; ocelli distinct. Thorax slightly more than twice as long as broad. The pronotum-is hardly notice- able from above; mesonotum very large. The parapsidal furrows are impressed, but difficult to see because of the coarse sculpturation. Scutellum is broader than long, broader in front than behind; epinotum much lower than the scutellum, as broad as long, broader in front than behind, with almost straight sides and posterior border. There are no spines on the posterior border of the dorsum but merely sharp corners. The small spine at the base of the epinotal declivity is present, as in worker. Petiole and postpetiole are much more elongated and more rounded than in worker. In profile these are low humps. Legs rather long and slender. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: One male, one pseudogyne, and a large series of workers. The pseudogyne was taken with four workers from an incipient colony, some time after the male and a large series of workers had been examined from the same area. Type: Holotype worker and allotype male in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Subfamily DoLIcHODERINAE Forel 1878. Genus DOLICHODERUS Lund 1831. Subgenus HYPOCLINEA Mayr. Hypoclinea Mayr, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ver..Wien., 5, p. 377, 1855. Hypoclinea sens. str. Wheeler, Psyche, 42 (1), p. 68, 1935. DOLICHODERUS (HYPOCLINEA) ARMSTRONGI sp. nov. (Text-figs. 48, 49.) Worker. Length, 3-5-4 mm. Head, thorax and node rich brownish red (the head just slightly darker than the thorax and node); eyes and margins of the node black; margins of the thorax brownish black; antennae and legs light brownish red. In some examples the femora are light yellowish red. Gaster is deep orange or yellowish red. Mandibles smooth; head shining, coarsely reticulate-punctate, the bottoms of the punctures smooth and shining. (There is no fine reticulation between the punctures as in H. reflexus.) Antennae are smooth; thorax and node reticulate-punctate but on the node the sculpture is finer. The epinotal declivity is smooth (it is feebly transversely striate in H. turneri). Gaster is very finely reticulate (reticulate punctate in H. reflerus and H. turneri). Legs are smooth. Hair greyish yellow, long, erect on head, mandibles, clypeus and antennae, on other parts of the body there is very little hair. No pubescence. (Abundant pubescence covering the sculpture of the gaster in H. turneri.) DD 18 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, Head one-quarter longer than broad, convex feebly on the occipital border and strongly so on sides, widest just behind the eyes, narrowed greatly in front. Mandibles large, armed with three strong teeth in front and about five or six denticles behind; clypeus almost straight on anterior border with a deep longitudinal impression in front, the posterior border is very indistinct; frontal°area not noticeable in most specimens; frontal carinae raised, very slightly diverging behind, slightly longer than their distance apart. There is a trace of a scrobe at the side of the carinae, and extending as far as the end of these carinae. (This appears to be absent in both H. reflexus and H. turneri.) Scape, as in H. reflexus, extends beyond the occiput by a quarter of its length. (Slightly beyond occiput in A. turneri.) Eyes globular, placed slightly behind the middle of the sides. First segment of funiculus twice as long as the second, which is shorter than the third. (In H. reflexus the first segment is one-fifth longer than the second, which is longer than the third.) Thorax twice as long as broad; pronotum nearly twice as broad as the rest of the thorax, one and two-thirds broader than long with the sides feebly convex and the anterior angles bluntly produced; mesonotum as long as broad, broader in front than behind, with the sides feebly convex and margined; epinotum one and three-quarters longer than broad, with the sides and posterior border straight. In profile the dorsum of the pronotum and of the mesonotum are convex, with the pronotum slightly longer than the mesonotum. Dorsum of the epinotum is very high, convex, and raised behind where with the very concave declivity it forms a sharp point. The dorsum of the epinotum overhangs the declivity by half its length. At the base of the declivity, just in front of the node, there is a small spine. Node massive, in profile more than twice as high as long, with the faces straight almost to the top, where abruptly they slope in to meet at a blunt point. From above the node is twice as broad as long. Gaster oval. Legs robust. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: About forty workers which show very little variation in colour and size. : This species is near both H. turneri Forel and H. reflexus Clark, but differs slightly in the structure of the thorax and node, and clearly differs in the points indicated in the description. Type: Holotype worker in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Subfamily FormicinarE Lepeletier 1836. Tribe CAMPONOTINI Forel 1893. Genus CAMPONOTUS Mayr 1861. Subgenus myrMogonta Forel (Mann emend. 1921). CAMPONOTUS (MYRMOGONIA) SANGUINEA sp. nov. (Text-figs. 50-52.) Worker major. Length, 8-3 mm. Mandibles and anterior border of head black or brownish black; clypeus dark reddish brown; frontal carinae black; insertions of scapes reddish yellow; antennae dark brown with the tip of the funiculus lighter; head, thorax and node dull blood red, the epinotum is darker, more brownish; legs reddish brown with tibiae and tarsi darker; first segment of the gaster red, second brownish red, rest of gaster brown. Mandibles with scattered elongated punctures; clypeus finely, densely reticulate- punctate; head very finely and densely striate transversely. The striae are joined together to form a wide meshed reticulation. Thorax is striate punctate, on pronotum more transversely arched, and coarser on the meso-epinotum; node transversely finely striate; gaster transversely striate. Hair long, erect, reddish, abundant on mandibles, epinotum node and gaster. Head slightly longer than broad, with the sides almost straight, and the occipital border straight, corners abrupt. Mandibles thick triangular, with five strong teeth; clypeus large, not carinate, the anterior border rounded and furnished with two large blunt teeth in front; frontal area small, rhomboidal; frontal carinae elevated, very BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 19 distinct and diverging behind; frontal groove distinct. Scape extends to the posterior border of the head. Eyes moderately large, flat, are placed at the posterior third. Ocelli lacking but there is a pit in place of anterior ocellus. Thorax nearly twice as long as the broadest part which is the pronotum; pronotum nearly twice as broad as long, rounded in front and with feebly convex sides. The pro- mesonotal suture is black and very distinct. Meso-epinotal suture very faint. Meso- epinotum is nearly twice as long as broad in front, narrowed so that it is about a quarter as broad behind as in front. In profile the dorsum of the thorax is flatly convex with the epinotal declivity slightly concave. Node very transverse, from above it presents a very narrow surface. In profile nearly three times as high as long, with slightly convex anterior face, which meets the vertical, straight posterior face in a sharp point. Gaster oval. Legs moderately long and strong. Worker minor. Length, 5-1 mm. Colour much more brownish and there is considerable variation. Often the posterior part of the head is black, and the dark area varies in extent. The node and legs in some species are very dark brown. Sculpture similar to that of major. The hair is much more noticeable on the thorax, more abundant on the whole body than in case of major. Head as broad as long, slightly broader behind than in front, with the sides and the posterior border almost straight. There are no noticeable teeth on the anterior border of clypeus and the teeth of the mandibles are longer and sharper. The eyes are larger, more convex, placed at the posterior corners of head. The scape is longer, extending beyond the occiput by half its length. The thorax like that of major, but the pronotum is relatively broader, the meso-epinotum longer and more tapering, appearing to end in a point. The node is thicker in profile, about twice as high as long. Rest as in major. Collected by F. Heugel. Material examined: Twenty minor workers and a major worker. This species is nearest to M. sponsorum Forel, but is larger and differs in colour. The node of the major is much thinner, the clypeus is more rounded in front and the eyes placed further back. Type locality: Broome, N.W. Australia. Type: Holotype worker major in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. CAMPONOTUS (MYRMOGONIA) ARMSTRONGI Sp. nov. (Text-figs. 53-56.) Worker major. Length, 6-8 mm. Head and gaster shining black, with the antennae slightly lighter and the articulation of the scape yellowish; thorax, node and legs, except the tarsi and the apex of the tibiae, bright brownish red; apex of tibiae and the tarsi more brownish. Head, thorax, node and gaster very finely and densely striate transversely, finer on the gaster which is shining and almost smooth in parts. The striae are joined together to form a wide meshed reticulation. There are also a few scattered punctures on the front of the head. Hair yellowish, long, sparse on the head and thorax, more abundant on clypeus, node and gaster. Head rectangular, one-third longer than broad, with the sides almost straight, the occipital border straight and the posterior angles abrupt. Mandibles furnished with four strong, sharp, teeth; clypeus large, feebly carinated, the anterior border rounded and faintly crenulated in centre; frontal area feebly marked; frontal carinae raised, very distinct, and diverging behind; frontal groove distinct, reaching to the end of the frontal carinae. Scape reaches just beyond the occiput; first segment of funiculus longer than second, all segments twice as long as broad; eyes moderately large, rather flat, placed at the posterior third of head; no ocelli but there is a slight pit in place of the anterior ocellus. 20 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, Thorax nearly twice as long as the broadest part, which is at the pronotum; pronotum one and a half times as broad as long, rounded in front, with feebly convex sides. On the front of the pronotum is a sharp semicircular ridge or margin which extends some way back along the sides. Pro-mesonotal suture is distinct; mesonotum broader than long; meso-epinotal suture feebly marked. The meso-epinotum is nearly twice as long as broad in front, compressed laterally behind so that the dorsum at the epinotum is reduced to a sharp ridge. In profile the whole dorsum of the thorax forms a single strong convexity, with the pronotal region slightly flattened. The epinotal declivity is feebly concave with the stigmata near the base very distinct. Node twice as broad as long, elliptical. In profile thorn-like, twice as high as long, the anterior face convex, merging into the dorsum. The apex is sharp and the posterior face is straight and almost vertical. Gaster small and ovate. Legs robust. Worker minor. Length, 455 mm. Colour, sculpture and pilosity as in major. Head as broad as long, broader behind than in front with convex sides and occipital border. The scape extends beyond the occiput by a third of its length. Hyes large, convex, are placed at the posterior corners of the head. The thorax as in major but the meso-epinotal suture is missing. Ali the rest as in the major worker. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: A large series of major and minor workers which shows very little variation. The species is smaller than most Australian Myrmogonia and the vivid red thorax and shining black head and gaster readily distinguish it from all other species. Type: Holotype worker major in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. TRIBE MELOPHORINI Forel 1912. Genus MELOPHORUS Lubbock, 1883. Melophorus “Lubbock, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zool., 17, p. 51, 188. Melophorus sens. str. Wheeler, Psyche, 42, p. 70, 1935. MELOPHORUS (MELOPHORUS) BRUNEA Sp. nov. (Text-figs. 57-65.) Worker maxima. Length, 4 mm. Dark brown with the thorax slightly lighter than the head and gaster; legs, antennae, mandibles, clypeus and cheeks more yellow. Mandibles smooth; head almost smooth, very faintly reticulate on the sides of the clypeus, the reticulation tends to be transverse; thorax reticulate but slightly coarser than on the head, and the epinotum is almost reticulate-punctate; gaster smooth and shining with faint reticulations similar to those of the head. Hair yellowish, long, erect on clypeus, shorter on the rest of the body. Pubescence yellowish, short, adpressed, confined to the antennae and legs. Head, excluding the mandibles, as long as broad with very feebly convex sides and occipital border, the posterior corners rounded. Mandibles large, triangular, with four strong teeth; clypeus large, convex, rounded and entire on anterior border; frontal area triangular and distinct; frontal carinae short and parallel. Scape fails to reach the occipital border by twice its width; first segment of the funiculus as long as the two following, second shorter than the third, as broad as long, apical segment just slightly longer than the second last; eyes large, convex, placed at the middle of the sides: ocelli very small but distinct. Thorax half as broad as the head, and nearly twice as long as broad; pronotum as broad as long, very convex in all directions; mesonotum almost circular; pro-mesonotal suture distinct. There is a rather broad interval between the mesonotum and epinotum and the stigmata of the dorsum are very distinct. Epinotum is less than half as broad as the mesonotum, almost square, with the sides and the posterior border straight. In BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 21 profile the pronotum and mesonotum form a single strong convexity. The dorsum of the epinotum is straight, slightly elevated behind. The epinotal declivity is abrupt and straight or feebly concave, twice as long as the dorsum.~- Node scale-like, from above it appears as a narrow transverse line; in profile three times as high as long with almost straight faces and pointed apex. Gaster large. Legs slender. Worker media. Length, 3:2 mm. Colour, sculpture and pilosity as in maxima. Head slightly broader than long, with convex sides and occipital border. The scape extends just beyond the occipital border. In other respects the head is similar to that of maxima. The thorax differs merely in not having any noticeable interval between the mesonotum and epinotum. Rest as in maxima. Worker minima. Length, 2.1mm. Black with faint metallic sheen; legs brownish black with the tarsi yellowish; mandibles, front of head and scape brownish; funiculus yellowish with the apical segments slightly darker. Whole body densely microscopically punctate. Hair silvery grey, most abundant on the gaster. Head broader than long, the sides and occipital border convex. Mandibles triangular with sharp teeth of which the apical is by far the longest; clypeus large with the anterior border almost straight; frontal area triangular, very clearly indicated. There is a well-marked frontal groove. Frontal carinae are short and almost parallel. Scapes extend beyond the occiput by half their length; eyes extremely large, occupying most of the side of the head; ocelli small but distinct. Thorax slightly more than twice as long as broad at the pronotum; pronotum three- quarters as wide as the head, slightly broader than long, convex in all directions; pro- mesonotal suture indicated; mesonotum one-quarter longer than broad, broader in front than behind, with the sides almost straight; meso-epinotal suture deeper than the pro- mesonotal suture; epinotum as long as the mesonotum, one and a half times as long as broad, very slightly broader behind than in front. In profile the pro-mesonotum forms a single moderate convexity. Dorsum of epinotum is almost straight and rounded into the straight declivity, which is almost twice as long as the dorsum. Node is elliptical, twice as broad as long, slightly broader behind than in front; in profile twice as high as long at the base, anterior face feebly convex, rounded into the convex dorsum, posterior face straight and vertical. Gaster small. Legs long and slender. Female. Length, 45 mm. Head dark brown with mandibles, front of head, antennae reddish brown; thorax dark brown with a patch of orange which varies greatly in extent in different examples—in most the posterior half of mesonotum and all the scutellum are orange; node and gaster dark brown; legs brownish yellow but much lighter than the antennae. Sculpture as in maxima but smooth except on gaster where it is coarser than in worker and the reticulation has a transverse direction. Pilosity as in maxima. Head similar to that of maxima but slightly broader than long. Mandibles large, triangular, with four strong sharp teeth, the apical tooth very long, and the third tooth longer than second and fourth; clypeus produced to a blunt point in front; frontal groove very clearly marked; scape extends to the occiput; eyes large, convex, placed slightly behind the middle of the sides; ocelli brownish, large and convex. Thorax nearly as broad as the head, almost twice as long as broad; pronotum from above reduced to a narrow convex strip; mesonotum large, as broad as long; parapsidal furrows deeply marked; scutellum very large, broader than long, slightly broader in front than behind; epinotum twice as broad as long, slightly broader in front than behind, sides and posterior border straight. In profile the pronotum is vertical, _mesonotum and scutellum almost flat with a marked indentation between the mesonotum 22 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, and scutellum. The dorsum of epinotum is much lower than the scutellum, straight, one- third as long as the declivity, the posterior angle rounded. Node transverse, about six times as broad as long. In profile thorn-like, anterior face convex, posterior face concave and apex sharp. Gaster large. Legs slender. Male. Length, 2:1 mm. Black, legs brownish black with the joints and the tarsi lighter, mandibles reddish brown. 68 70 65 Text-figures 57-70. 57-65. Melophorus (Melophorus) brunea sp. nov. 57. Maxima worker, head. 58. Maxima worker, lateral view. 59. Maxima worker, dorsal view. 60. Media worker, head. 61. Minima worker, head. 62. Minima worker, lateral view. 63. Male, lateral view. 64. Female, head. 65. Female, dorsal view. 66, 67. Plagiolepis nynganensis sp. nov. 66. Worker, lateral view. 67. Worker, head. 68-70. Stigmacros elegans sp. nov. 68. Worker, lateral view. 69. Worker, head. 70. Worker, dorsal view. BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 23 Head and thorax densely microscopically punctate; node and gaster smooth. Hair greyish, long, sparse, more abundant on gaster. Pubescence greyish, fine, adpressed on antennae and legs. Head as broad as long, slightly broader behind than in front, with the sides and occipital border convex. Mandibles large, at each corner of the terminal border is a small tooth, the edge between these teeth edentate; clypeus large, convex, with anterior border rounded; frontal area small, merely indicated; frontal groove distinct; frontal carinae small and parallel; scape long, extending beyond the occipital border by half its length; funiculus twelve segmented, the first segment as long as the two following, the second shorter than the third, the rest twice as long as broad, the apical slightly longer than the preceding; eyes very large, convex, occupying most of the side; ocelli large and convex. Pronotum twice as broad as long, anterior border and sides almost straight; mesonotum large, as broad as long, broader in front than behind; epinotum at least twice as broad as long, broader in front than behind, sides almost straight, the posterior border feebly convex. In profile the dorsum is convex, slightly flattened at the meso- notum. The dorsum of epinotum is much lower than the scutellum, and about a quarter as long as the convex declivity. Node is transverse; in profile scale-like, anterior face straight and vertical, meeting the posterior face, which is convex, in a sharp point. Gaster small. Legs long and slender. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: A large series of all forms. There is very considerable variation in colour in the females, worker maxima and worker media. The worker minima does not seem to vary. This species is distinct from all known species, but in many cases not all the forms of the other species are described, so that it is difficult to make comparisons in this genus. The worker minima of this species resembles slightly Melophorus (Erimelophorus) scipio Forel, but the dorsum is much shorter than the declivity, the scape is longer, and the eyes larger, but the whole ant is much smaller. Types: Holotype worker minima, allotype male, and a series of worker maxima, worker media and the female in the collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Tribe PLAGIOLEPIDINI Forel 1893. Genus PLAGIOLEPIS Mayr 1861. PLAGIOLEPIS NYNGANENSIS sp. nov. (Figs. 66, 67.) Worker. Length, 1-5-2 mm. Dull light brown to dark brown, with mandibles, clypeus, antennae and legs paler. Mandibles and clypeus smooth; rest of head densely microscopically reticulate- punctate with the occipital region more longitudinally striate; thorax and gaster densely microscopically punctate, the punctures on the gaster rather elongated. Hair yellowish, long, erect on clypeus, more adpressed and thicker on the gaster. Pubescence yellowish, fine adpressed, abundant but not hiding the sculpture. Head, including the mandibles, almost one and a half times as long as broad, as broad in front as behind, with feebly convex sides and occipital border and rounded corners; mandibles large, triangular, with five small teeth; clypeus large, convex, not carinated, the anterior border broadly rounded and entire; frontal area very distinct, triangular; frontal carinae sinuous, very slightly approximating behind; eyes moderately large, rather flat, placed just behind the middle of the sides; no ocelli; scapes extend beyond the occiput by a quarter of their length. The funiculus is slightly enlarged towards the apex; the first segment as long as the two following together, second and third subequal, and as broad as long, the rest nearly twice as long as broad, the apical as long as the two preceding together. Thorax short and rather stout, broadest through the pronotum; pronotum, including the neck, broader than long, very convex in front and on the sides; mesonotum three- quarters as broad as the pronotum, as long as broad, with convex sides; both thoracic 24 AUSTRALIAN FORMICIDAE, sutures deeply marked, and at the meso-epinotal suture are prominent stigmata. Epinotum is almost as broad as the mesonotum, very slightly broader behind than in front, twice as broad as long, with feebly convex sides and feebly concave posterior border. In profile the pronotum and mesonotum form a single strong convexity. The epinotum is much lower with the dorsum very short, passing gradually into the declivity which is about five times as long as the dorsum, and is straight and sloping. Node is hardly noticeable from above because of the overhanging anterior border of the gaster. In profile it is low, rather thin on top, strongly inclined forward, the anterior face straight, the posterior face convex and the apex sharp. Gaster broadly elliptical, voluminous, and overhanging the node. Legs long and rather robust. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: Seven workers which show only slight variation in colour. Resembling P. lucidula Wheeler and P. squamulosa Wheeler, but differing from these Western Australian species in colour and sculpture. The head differs from P. squamulosa in length, and it is not broader behind than in front as in P. lucidula. The mandibles and funiculus are distinct. The thorax is more like P. squamulosa but the dense pilosity is lacking. Type: Holotype worker in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. Genus sTIGgMAcROS Forel 1905. STIGMACROS ELEGANS Sp. nov. (Text-figs. 68-70.) Worker. Length, 1-8-2 mm. Head and thorax shining black; node very dark brown on top but light brown towards the base; gaster clear brown or amber; legs, mandibles and antennae brownish yellow with the funiculus slightly darker. Head shining, shagreened and almost punctate; thorax, node and gaster smooth and shining except for some very scattered elongated scratches. Pilosity hardly noticeable on any part of the body. Head, excluding mandibles, slightly longer than broad, with the sides feebly convex and the occipital border straight, the corners rounded; mandibles triangular with at least four strong teeth; clypeus convex above, with anterior border broadly rounded; frontal area indistinct; frontal carinae short, and almost parallel; eyes large, convex, and placed at the middle of the sides; scapes extend very slightly beyond the occipital border; first segment of the funiculus as long as the two following, second to eighth as broad as long, ninth twice as long as broad, apical nearly three times as long as broad, and longer than the two preceding together. Thorax one and three-quarters as long as the broadest part, which is at the pronotum. Pronotum is twice as broad as long, strongly convex in all directions; pro-mesonotal suture deeply impressed; mesonotum slightly broader than long, broader in front than behind, with the sides convex; meso-epinotal suture deep and wide; epinotum nearly twice as broad as long, broader behind than in front, the anterior corners rounded, the sides almost straight, and the posterior border concave. In profile the pronotum and mesonotum are flat, rounded in front and truncated behind. The dorsum of epinotum is flat and shorter than the slightly concave declivity, which is almost at right angles to the dorsum. Very near the top of the declivity is a short broad tooth directed back- wards. Node from above transverse, three times as broad as long, feebly notched on top. In profile it is thorn-like, twice as high as long, the anterior face feebly convex, and rounded into the short dorsum, while the posterior face is almost straight and vertical. Gaster longer than broad. Legs short and robust. Female. Length, 2-2-8 mm. Colour as in worker but the gaster is much darker. Sculpture as in worker but the thorax is more shagreened, especially on the epinotum. Pilosity as in worker but there is a fine greyish pubescence on the funiculus. BY J. J. MCAREAVEY. 25 Head as in worker, except that there are three very smali and indistinct ocelli. Pronotum is almost three times as broad as long, with anterior border and sides almost straight, the anterior corners abrupt, almost right-angled, though not sharp; mesonotum broader than long, with distinct parapsidal furrows; scutellum large, broader than long, slightly broader in front than behind. The veins and pterostigma of forewings brown, and there is a single cubital cell and no discoidal cell. Rest as in worker. Collected by J. W. T. Armstrong. Type locality: Nyngan, N.S.W. Material examined: Six females and twelve workers. This species resembles S. fossulata Viehmeyer and 8S. medioreticulata Viehmeyer, but differs from both in colour and sculpture. The scape is much shorter than in either of these species and segments of the funiculus differ in length. The thorax is nearer to that of S. medioreticulata but the pronotal angles are not sharp. There are no lateral teeth on the node. Type: Holotype worker in collection at C.S.I.R., Canberra. 26 THE DISTRIBUTION OF FORMIC AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASES IN THE HIGHER PLANTS, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THEIR VARIATION IN THE PEA PLANT DURING ITS LIFE CYCLE. By DAPHNE C. Davison, M.Sc. (From the Department of Biochemistry, University of Sydney.) (Nine Text-figures. ) [Read 30th March, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. In the study of any enzyme it becomes necessary to obtain some idea of its distribu- tion in nature. So it was that the present investigation arose from a study of the formic dehydrogenase system of pea seeds. This dehydrogenase has only been reported in the seeds of pea and the French or Kidney bean so that the problem to be attacked was whether it occurred in other plants and if so was there any generic significance in its distribution. As a companion study the distribution of alcohol dehydrogenase has also been investigated. Thunberg (1921, 1936a) first discovered a formic dehydrogenase in the seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris (French bean). The same enzyme, obtained from peas by Fodor and Frankenthal (1930), was found to differ from the formic dehydrogenase of bacteria in that it required a coenzyme which was present in boiled pea juice and, to a lesser extent, in boiled yeast juice. Andersson (1934) and Lichtenstein (1936) were able to identify this factor as coenzyme I. In 1937 Adler and Sreenivasaya, again using peas, studied the formic dehydrogenase system in detail. They drew attention to the strong inhibition obtained with small amounts of cyanide, a property differentiating this enzyme from all hitherto known cozymase-requiring dehydrogenases. The alcohol dehydrogenase of plants is much better known than is formic dehydro- genase and although alcohol does not seem to be readily oxidized in some plants (Thomas and Fidler, 1941), the presence of an active alcohol dehydrogenase has been reported from many sources. Thunberg (1921, 1929, 1986b) found the enzyme in the following species: Phaseolus vulgaris (French bean), Citrus aurantium (orange), Corchorus capsularis (jute), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Echinocystic lobata (a climbing herb), Hvonymus europaeus (spindle-tree), Mucuna utilus, Pistachia vera, Pisum sativum (green pea) and Poinciana regia. Andersson (1933) mentions this enzyme as one of a number of cozymase-requiring dehydrogenases found in cucumber seeds. Adler and Sreenivasaya (1937) studied the alcohol dehydrogenase of pea seeds and determined its pH optimum and equilibrium constant. Some later work by Berger and Avery (1943) includes a study of alcohol dehydrogenase as it occurs in the Avena coleoptile. These references are by no means exhaustive but point to the relatively widespread interest in alcohol dehydrogenase as a distinct contrast to the lack of attention to formic dehydrogenase by plant biochemists. MATERIAL. (a) Seeds.—Most of the seeds used in these studies were obtained from the National Herbarium, Sydney. Pea seeds (unless fresh peas are speeified) were commercial household dried peas bought in 1 lb. packets. The dehydrogenase content was indepen- dent of the brand, several local brands being used. (b) Pea Plants—These were grown in a normal garden plot between November and February. They were always used within two hours of gathering. bo co | BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. METHODS. Preparation of Extract—For the preparation of materials used in testing for formic and alcohol dehydrogenases a standard procedure was adopted. Seeds were soaked in distilled water overnight. Often it was necessary to soften those with hard testas either by putting in boiling water or by mechanical cracking before soaking. The material was frozen before extraction but otherwise the preparations were made at room temperature. All plant materials were homogenized by mincing and/or grinding in a mortar with sand depending on the procedure required to produce a fine state of subdivision. Water was added in small quantities, the amount depending on the material—usually twice or three times the dry weight of the seeds; generally none was needed with other plant material, the cell sap providing the necessary consistency. Homogenates were squeezed through muslin and the extract centrifuged and/or filtered through kieselguhr. The filtrate, which was examined immediately, was usually moderately clear and colourless so that the decolorization of the redox dye was easy to follow. Thunberg Technique.—In studying the distribution of formic and alcohol dehydro- genases in plants the Thunberg technique was invariably used. The contents of the main part of the tube were: 1 ml. extract, 0-6 ml. 0:2 M phosphate buffer pH 7:0, 0:2 ml. coenzyme I solution (60ug.), 0-3 ml. substrate or water. In the hollow stopper was 0-3 ml. 0:0025 M thionine. These concentrations of reactants are based on the series of experiments outlined below which aimed to find the optimum conditions. The tubes were evacuated three times by means of a water aspirator and refilled with nitrogen gas freed of oxygen by passing over heated copper filings. The tubes were then closed and incubated at 38°-C. for 10 minutes before the dye was tipped into the reaction mixture. The times taken for decolorization of the dye were noted and the time of the blank containing water was compared with those taken for the tubes containing alcohol and formate. Buffer —The buffer used had a final concentration of M/20, a concentration which seems to be most suited for plant work, from frequent mention in the literature. Adler and Sreenivasaya (1937) state that the optimum pH for formic dehydrogenase lies between 5:5 and 6:0. Using both 0-5 M acetate and 0-2 M phosphate buffers the formic dehydrogenase system has been tested in this laboratory at all hydrogen ion concentra- tions from pH 4:4 to pH 8:0. The pH of each reaction mixture was checked at the conclusion of the experiment and found to agree very closely with the pH value of the buffer used. A Leeds and Northrup portable glass electrode was used for these deter- minations. The optimum pH was found to be pH 6-0-6-1 (Text-fig. 1). Below pH 5:3 no reduction of methylene blue could be obtained and precipitation generally occurred. On the acid side a sharp drop from the optimum is seen while the activity decreases more slowly towards the neutral point and in alkaline reaction up to about pH 8-2 it remains constant. It is noteworthy in connection with the type of buffer used that this anaerobic system was just as active in borate, phthalate and acetate buffers as in phosphate buffers of the same pH values. In these experiments as well as those in the following sections an ammonium sulphate precipitate was used in order to reduce the blank and obtain more clear-cut optima. The peas are soaked overnight in distilled water. The soaked peas are homogenized under nitrogen in a Waring Blendor for two minutes with twice their dry weight of distilled water. The homogenate is squeezed through muslin and the extract centrifuged for ten minutes. The supernatant is half- saturated with ammonium sulphate and the precipitate taken up in distilled water, equal to half the amount used for extraction, and dialysed overnight in the refrigerator against a large volume of distilled water. The dialysate is centrifuged for five minutes and the supernatant is the enzyme preparation referred to in Text-figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. The optimum pH of alcohol dehydrogenase is, between 7:8 and 8-3 (Berger and Avery, 1943). For these experiments then pH 7:0 was chosen as it lies mid-way between the optima of the two dehydrogenases, and both enzymes work well at that reaction. Substrate—The concentration of formate used (0:3 ml. 0-2 M sodium formate) was optimum as decided from experiments with pea extract purified by half-saturation with 105 28 FORMIC AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASES IN THE HIGHER PLANTS, ammonium sulphate as above (Text-fig. 2). Further increase of the formate concentration from the optimum of 0-025 M to 0:18 M has no effect. The rather high final concentration of alcohol was chosen to allow for loss of substrate during the evacuation and gassing of tubes. 4 Ww (mins) IO/DECOLORISATION TIME (mins) TIME 50 DECOLORISATION LS) wn oO 0:06 O12 O18 2 FORMATE CONCENTRATION (Molar) Text-figures 1, 2. 1.—The effect of pH on the decolorization of methylene blue by the formic dehydrogenase system of peas. Thunberg contents: 0:5 ml. enzyme preparation, 0:2 ml. coenzyme I (60xzg.), 0-3 ml. 0-2 M sodium formate, 0:5 ml. buffer of various pH values, 0:2 ml. 0:025% methylene blue. 2.—Formate concentration curve. Thunberg contents: 0:5 ml. pea enzyme preparation, 0-5 ml. 0-2 M phosphate buffer pH 6:0, 0-2 ml. coenzyme I (60ug.), 0-2 ml. 0:025% methylene blue. Total volume 2:3 ml. Coenzyme I.—This substance was prepared by the method of Williamson and Green — (1940), and although purity was only about 6:0% as determined by spectrophotometric measurements of the absorption of the dihydroderivative at 340my, nevertheless the activity of the preparation in the formate and alcohol systems was very high. The amount used (60ug.) was optimal as decided from Text-figure 3 where the amounts of coenzyme stated are the amounts actually present, 6:0% purity being allowed for. BY DAPHNE CG. DAVISON. 29 The reversibly oxidizable Dye—Theoretically any reversible indicator whose potential is more positive than that of the formate-bicarbonate and alcohol-acetaldehyde systems would be reducible by these two dehydrogenase systems. From a consideration of H’, values it is probable that more negative dyes would have been more suitable for the study of these systems but the choice was limited to methylene blue (H’, + 0:01 volt) or thionine (Lauth’s violet; HE’, + 0-068 volt). That thionine is the more efficient of the two is seen from Text-figure 4. This is particularly the case with alcohol dehydrogenase. TABLE I. Distribution of Formic and Alcohol Dehydrogenases in the Seeds of Gymnosperms. Decolorization Times. Order and Name of Genus Family. and Species. Common Name. Blank. Formate. Alcohol, GINKGOALES— Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo biloba. 29% m 12% mn. ++ 25 m + CONIFERAER— Pinaceae Callitris calcarata. Black Murray Pine. 20 hrs 20 hrs. = 20 hrs. _ Pinaceae Callitris cupressi- | Victorian Cypress. 22 hrs 21 hrs. _ 21 hrs. — formis. TABLE 2. Distribution of Formic and Alcohol Dehydrogenases in the Seeds of Monocotyledons. Decolorization Times. Order and Name of Genus Family. and Species. Common Name. Blank. Formate, Alcohol. GLUMIFLORAE Graminae Triticum aegilopoides. | Wheat. 14 m. 18 m. _ 4m. dk ale LILIFLORAE— Amaryllidaceae Doranthes Palmeri. Palmer’s Spear Lily. 12 hrs. 103 hrs. ? 63 hrs. + Liliaceae . | Smilax glycyphylla. N.S.W. Sarsaparilla. 10 brs. 103 hrs. — 94 hrs. = SCITAMINEAE— Cannaceae Canna spp. Canna. >4 hrs. 130 m. + 103 m Jt te TABLE 3. ; Distribution of Formic and Alcohol Dehydrogenuses in the Seeds of Dicotyledons. Decolorization Times. Order and Name of Genus Family. and Species. Common Name. Blank. Formate. Alcohol. URTICIFLORAE Moraceae Ficus Bellingeri. Bellinger River Fig 62 m. 57 m, + 15am: ++ Tree: Urticaceae Urtica dioica. Stinging Nettle. 50 m. 43 m. =f 45 m. + PROTEALES— Proteaceae Grevillea Hilliana. White Silky Oak. 53 mM. 103 m. +4 34 m. +4 Proteaceae Macadamia terni- | Queensland Nut- 88 m 23 m. ++ 4 m. ++ folia. tree. Proteaceae Stenocarpus sinuatus. | Queensland Tulip | 120 m 120 m. _ 62 m. zis Tree. Proteaceae Telopea speciossima. | Waratah. 31 omis 103 m. ab ae 2m. ++ SANTALALES— Santalaceae Fusanus acuminatus. | Quandong. 40 m. ef Waal, qe P4005 ++ LE 30 FORMIC AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASES IN THE HIGHER PLANTS, TABLE 3.— Continued. Decolorization Times. Order and Name of Genus Family. and Species. Common Name. Blank. Formate. Alcohol, CENTRO- SPERMAE— Chenopodiaceae Atriplex spongiosum. | Spongy Salt Bush. 10 hrs. 105 m. + 5 m. ++ RANALES— Lauraceae Cryptocarya obovata. | Obovate - leaved 16 hrs. 18 hrs. — 18 hrs _ Australian Nut- meg Laurel. Lauraceae Cryptocarya tripli- | Three-nerved Aus- 16 hrs. 18 hrs. _— 18 hrs. _ nervis. tralian Nutmeg ‘Laurel. Ranunculaceae Clematis aristata. Australian Virgin’s 20 hrs. 20 hrs. = 20 hrs. - Bower. RHOEADALES— Capparidaceae + | Capparis nobilis. Caper Orange Tree. 43 hrs. 65 m. + + 3 hrs. ++ Cruciferae Brassica oleracea | Cabbage. 16 hrs. 16 hrs. _ 16 hrs. — (var. capitata). B. oleracea (var. | Brussels sprouts. 16 hrs. 16 hrs. — 16 hrs. - gemnifera). B. oleracea (var. | Broccoli. 16 hrs. 16 hrs — 16 hrs. — botrytis). 3 B. oleracea (var. | Cauliflower. 17 hrs. 17 hrs. _ 17 hrs. - boyrytis). B. rapa. Turnip. 60 m. 50 m. + 25 m ++ Rasphanus sativus. Radish. 55 m. 66 m. — 20 m = PARIETALES— ‘ Passifloraceae .. | Passiflora edulis. Passionfruit. >150 m. 120 m. ar 19 m aR Se CUCURBITALES Cucurbitaceae Cucurbito pepo. Pumpkin. 29 m. 22 m. + 43 sec. + Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita pepo. Squash. 23 m. 20 m. — 1 m. +4 10 sec. Cucurbitaceae Cucurbito melo. Honeydew Melon. 29 m. 35 m. — 34 m. ++ Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita melo. Rock Melon. 15 m. 14 m. - 1m. ++ 10 see. MALVALES— Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus cyaneus. | Pink-flowered Olive- 5 hrs. 5 hrs _ 4? hrs. _ Berry Tree. Sterculiaceae Brachychiton discolor. 24 m. 60 sec. ++ 30 sec. +4 GERANIALES or RUTALES— Rutaceae Boronia Barkeriana. | Barker’s Boronia. 8 hrs 17 hrs ? 19 hrs. — Simarubaceae .. | Guilfoylia monostylis. | Yellow - flowered 10 hrs 9 hrs _ 60 m ++ Pyramid Tree. Meliaceae Synoum glandulosum. | Spurious Rosewood. 170 m 170 m. _ 70 m — SAPINDALES— Akaniaceae Akania Hillii. Hill’s Horse-Radish | 225 m 240 m. _ 10 m +4 Tree. Sapindaceae Alectryon subcinereus. 20 hrs 21 hrs. - 20 hrs — Sapindaceae Cupariopsis anacar- | Carrot Wood. 20 hrs 19 hrs. ? 20 hrs. - diodes. Sapindaceae Harpullia pendula. Moreton Bay Tulip 12 hrs 12 hrs. — 12 hrs = Wood. Sapindaceae Dodenaea viscosa. Victorian Lignum 60 m 11 m. ++ 3m. ++ vitae. CELASTRALES— Celastraceae Celastrus australis. Australian Staff 10 hrs. 150 m. ++ 22 m. +4 Vine. Celastraceae Elaeodendron australe.| Australian Scarlet- | 225 m. 180 m. + 19 m. ++ fruited Olive Plum. ROSALES— Pittosporaceae Pittosporum phyl- | Butter-bush. 19 hrs. 20 hrs. = 20 hrs. - lyraeoides. Pittosporaceae Pittosporum revo- | Yellow -_ flowered 6 hrs. 6 hrs. - 4 hrs. 2+ lutum. Brisbane Laurel. Rosaceae Pyrus malus. Apple. UO) W006 20 m. aR ar 14 m. ar SF BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. TABLE 3.—Continued. Decolorization Times. Order and Name of Genus i Family. and Species. Common Name. Blank. Formate. Alcohol. Leguminosae .. | Acacia elata. Cedar Wattle. 74 m. 30 mn. + + 83 m a IF Leguminosae .. | Acacia hakeoides. Black Wattle. 66 m. 35 m 4 17 m a St Leguminosae .. | Acacia mollissima. 50 m. 43 m + 84 m +4 Leguminosae .. | Cassia corymbosa. 145 m. 90 m + 25 m ++ Leguminosae .. | Cassia didymobotrya. 55 m. 20 m. let 24 m ar ar Leguminosae .. | Cassia eremophila. Desert Cassia. 70 m. 40 m. + 10 m ++ Leguminosae .. | Cassia laevigata. Golden Glory Bush. | 120 m. 45 m. a Sr 154 m ++ Leguminosae .. | Chorizema cordatum. | blame Pea Bush. 3 hrs. 70 m. + 40 m +4 Leguminosae .. | Caesalpinia Gillesci. 60 m. + m. t+ 5 m Stet Leguminosae .. | Dillwynia brunioides. 6 hrs. 64 m. ++ 34 m. ++ Leguminosae .. | Erythrina crista-galli. 50 m. 14 m. + + 4m. +4 Leguminosae .. | Genista alba. 3 hrs. 70 m a 23 m aoe Leguminosae .. | Hardenbergia coc- > 330 m. 57 m. SF A 50 m aP 45 cinea. Leguminosae .. | Hardenbergia ovata- 300 m. 120 m + 110 m + rosa. Leguminosae .. | Kennedya rubicunda. | Red Bean Flower. > 300 m. 63 m ++ 33 m aP oP Leguminosae .. | Phaseolus caracalla. > 300 m. 95 m. ae Se 23 m coe Leguminosae .. | Phaseolus vulgaris. French Bean. 4 m. 1 m. ap ar 55 sec ++ 20 sec. Leguminosae .. | Pultenaeae flezilis. Flexible Pultenaea. 2) hrs. 80 m. = 17 m. +4 Leguminosae .. | Leucena glauca. >300 m. 190 m. 3b 22 m. oP ae Leguminosae .. | Spartium junceum. Spanish Broom. 195 m. 38 m. +--+ 84 m. +4 Leguminosae .. | Swainsona coronilli- > 280 m. 190 m. _ 220 m. ar folia. Leguminosae .. | Viminaria denudata. | Australian Bush |>280 m. 220 m + ca, 280 m. 2B Broom. Leguminosae .. | Sesbania tripellii. Sours: 65 m. 4p SP 13 m. qF ar Leguminosae .. | Vicia faba. Broad Bean. 3m. 2m. + 1 m. ataesty 20 sec. Leguminosae .. | Pisum sativum. Pea. 5 m. iL in; +--+ 1m. ++ 10 see. 15 sec Leguminosae .. | Glycine soja. Soya bean. 160 m 135 m + 145 m + Leguminosae .. | Trifolium repens. White Dutch Clover. | 180 m 65 m. aa 70 m + Leguminosae .. | Trifolium subter- | Subterranean Clover.| 55 m 30 m. + 32 m + raneanum. | MYRTIFLORAE Thymelacaceae Phaleria Neumanni. iZehrss 9 hrs + 84 hrs. se Myrtaceae Tristania laurina. Turpentine Box. 16 hrs. 16 hrs. _ 13 hrs. + UMBELLI- FLORAE— Araliaceae Tieghemopanax 16 hrs 1534 hrs _ 153 hrs. _ elegans. Umbelliferae Daucus carota. Carrot. 54 hrs. 5} brs — 53 hrs. — Umbelliferae Pastinaca sativa. Parsnip. 5 hrs. 5 his — 44 hrs — Umbelliferae Petioselinum hor- | Parsley. 43% hrs. 4% hrs — 4? hrs. = tense. EBENALES— Ebenaceae Diospyros pentamera. | Black Myrtle Plum. 49 m. 27 m + 37 m + CONTORTA E— Apocynaceae .. | Carissa orata. Black Lime Bush. 20 hrs. 16 hrs ae 15 hrs + TUBIFLORAE— Verbenaceae Vitex acuminata. 2% hrs. 2¢ hrs = 23 hrs. = Solanaceae Solanum lycoper- | Tomato. 100 m. 47 m. ar 23 m. aa sicum. PLANTAGINALES Rubiaceae Hodgkinsonia ovati- 6 brs. 5 hrs = 6 hrs. = flora. CAMPANULALES Goodeniaceae .. | Goodenia paniculata. | Panicle - flowered |>16 hrs. 6 hrs. ae 110 m. SP ar Goodenia. Compositae Cichorium endivia. Endive. 44 hrs. 44 hrs. — 30 m. ++ Compositae Lactuca sativa. Lettuce. 43 hrs. 4 hrs, = 25>m: SP Ar 32 FORMIC AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASES IN THE HIGHER PLANTS, TABLE 4, Distribution of Formic and Alcohol Dehydrogenases in Pisum sativum during its Life Cycle. Decolorization Times. Age of Seedling. Part of Seedling. (Days.) Blank. Formate. Alcohol. 0) Mature seed .. 5 m. 1 malo s: aR 52 4n oP Abe rao, 155s) aR 45 4p SF 1 Residual seed 54+ m. an ap ar aR ar 50 s SP SF Sr ar Testa >60 m. >60 m. = >60 m. = Embryo 7 m. 14 wm. SE ae ae lems OSS SP SR SF =F Whole seedling 53 m. I Sos 3) = stiataeate 55 s. Spar SP Oo 2 Whole seedling 6 m. Teme 5s: qe Se ae Se 1m. 50s. |}+++ (+) 3 Residual seed 64 m. 1 am: ar i 10, By Sy qe SP ae Testa >150 m. >150 m. = >150 m. _ Embryo 6 m. 24 m. aR AP ar 3 m. qr Sr Whole seedling 64+ m. 24 m. aR an ar 44 m. ah oe 4 Whole seedling 64 mn. 3} nak, Siaalceaia 44 m. af ar 5 Residual seed Tite OS 2m. 40 s. ap Arar 3m. 10's. ar oar ar Radicle 5 m. 2m +++ 5 m = Plumule 7 m. 2? m. iaiataala 6m aF 6 Residual seed 8m. 10s 34 m. SP AP ar 4m SE Se 5 Radicle 5S inal; YO) Se 3m. ap oF 5} m = Plumule 10 m. 6 m. qe ar 8 m. Se Whole seedling 74 mM. 4m. ++ 7 m. + 7 Residual seed 94 m. 4m. 10s. Satan 5m. 10 s. ap 6 Radicle 8 m. 8 m. = 8 m. = Plumule 20 m. 17 m. ae 15 m. =F 14 Residual seed 52 m. 39 m. SPF 50 m. = Root 5 m. 115) 190%, = 15 m. = Shoot .. 31m 23 m. +b 27 m. ar 21 Residual seed >5 hrs. >5 hrs. = >5 hrs. = Root 27 m™. 25 m. ar 24 m. + Shoot .. 39 m. Lay 1001, sr 30 m. + Nodules 40 m. 40 m. = 35 m. ae 28 Root 30 m. Pah 100s ae 24 m. oF Shoot .. 45 m. 40 mn. ate 36g ae + Nodules 8 m. 6 m. SF 45s SF SE ar 35 Root 38 m. 35 m. ae 21 m. ap ar Shoot .. 50 m. 47 m. ate 42 m. aia Nodules 5 m. By rel, ap ar Tain, 10) Ss a atiaealcicig 63 Root 80 m. 50 m. SE Se 2 nie ar SP ae Nodules 7 m. 4m aP AF 14 m. siietatalpteste Leaves... 70 m. 59 m. al 49 m. Spar Stems ee 52 m. 44 m. = 38 m. or aR Whole shoot 65 m. 52 m. ai 45 m. =F ae Flowers and buds BY Adie 18 m. aP ae 25 m. ale 63 Pods 1:5 em. long .. 30 m. 18 m. aisecte 18 m. SP St Pods 2:0-3°5 em. 35 m. 16 m. Shar ae 13 m. SP SP oe Pods 3:5-6:0 cm. 50 m. 12 m. SP Se APs 8 m. SS ae op ae Very young seeds... 17 m. 10 m. te 43 m. qc ar ae 77 Seeds from full pod.. 2m. 5) 20. ++4+ 14 m. Se i=teista te RESULTS. ile DISTRIBUTION OF FORMIC PLANTS. AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASES IN THE SEEDS OF THE HIGHER The preparations tested and the results found are contained in the following tables. The system of classification adopted is that of Engler (taken from Rendle, 1930). In the tables actual decolorization times are given but in order to simplify their study signs are also used. A negative result is denoted by the sign —, a positive result, indicating the presence of the enzyme, by +, and if the enzyme is very active (decolorization time less than half that of the control) the sign ++ is used. On examination of the data presented in Tabies 1-3 no positive evolutionary trends are appar ent. However, one important fact emerges and that is that in the seeds tested, BY DAPIINE GC. DAVISON. 33 tormic dehydrogenase is relatively widespread, since the orders chosen cover an extensive range of Dicotyledons as well as some Gymnosperms and Monocotyledons. It remained to be seen whether this widespread occurrence of the formic enzyme was purely a property of the seed. It was, theretore, decided to follow the activity of formic dehydrogenase, together with alcohol dehydrogenase, throughout the life cycle of the pea (Pisum sativum). 60 (rmins) TIME 30 DECOLORISATION fo) 2 3 3 COENZYME | (mg) ifefe) SO DECOLORISATION TIME (mins) 4 5 10 ff 15 REDOX DYE CONCENTRATION (Molar x 10-) Text-figures 3, 4. 3.—Coenzyme concentration curves for the formic and alcohol dehydrogenases of peas. Thunberg contents: 0:5 ml. enzyme preparation (ammonium sulphate precipitate as in Fig. 1), 0-5 ml. buffer pH 7:0, 0:3 ml. 0:2 M sodium formate or 0:3 ml. 3:6 M ethyl alcohol, 0-2 ml. 0-025% methylene blue. Total volume 2:3 mls. x———x, formate as substrate; O—-——O, alcohol as substrate. 4.—Methylene blue and thionine compared as redox indicators in the formate and alcohol dehydrogenase systems. Thunberg contents: 0:5 ml. pea enzyme preparation (as in Fig. 1), 0-5 ml. 0-2 M phosphate buffer, 0:2 ml. coenzyme I solution (60u4g.), 0:3 ml. 0:2 M formate or 6-3 ml. 3:6 M aleohol. The dye, in various concentrations, was placed in the hollow stopper as usual. Total volume 2:0 ml. x —x, formate as substrate ; O————O, alcohol as substrate; e— @, blank. Dotted lines denote the decolorization when methylene blue is used; the entire lines denote the decolorization when thionine is used. 34 FORMIC AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASES IN THE HIGHER PLANTS, 2. VARIATIONS IN FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE CONTENT OF THE PEA PLANT DURING ITS LIFE CYCLE. Seedlings up to seven days old can be grown quite readily in a dissecting dish on damp filter paper and covered by a sheet of glass. Specimens older than this were obtained from a normal garden plot. Correlation of the activity of the enzymes at the various times and from different parts of the plant were made from dry weight deter- Ke) 8 WHOLE SEEDLING RESIDUAL SEED fe) 2) 4 6 6 60 40 20 fe) 7 40 NODULES 20 3 O © a 42 63 8 9 Text-figures 5-9. 5-9.—Variations in formic and alcohol dehydrogenase during the life cycle of the pea. x—-———-x, formate as substrate; O————O, alcohol as substrate; e————e blank. Decoloriza- tion time in minutes is plotted along the ordinate, the age of the plant in days along the abscissa, cto ot BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. minations of the water extracts used. The results are seen in Table 4. The decoloriza- tion times quoted have been corrected for a dry weight of extract of 0:03 gm. Signs have again been used to facilitate inspection of results. + indicates a decolorization time >75% of the blank but still positive for the dehydrogenase; ++, 50-75% of the control decolorization time; +++, 25-50% of the control, and +++ <25% of the control time. In Table 4 and Text-figures 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 the general trends in the activity of these two dehydrogenases are apparent. Alcohol dehydrogenase decreases in activity as germination proceeds until after six days there is very little present. When the plant becomes older, however, there is a gradual increase of this enzyme, especially in the nodules and later in the root, shoot and young seed. Formic dehydrogenase similarly diminishes on germination although not as much as the alcohol enzyme. It does not reach high activity again until the seed pods begin to develop. Finally it was necessary to discover whether these enzymes are dormant in the mature dried seed, or whether they only appear upon soaking and germination. Comparison between the dehydrogenase activity of seeds soaked overnight and the flour of seeds ground up in a coffee grinder before extracting revealed no difference. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. Once again the widespread occurrence of formic dehydrogenase must be emphasized. Of the ninety-three species of plant seed examined it is of interest to note that fifty-four contained formic dehydrogenase and sixty-nine alcohol dehydrogenase. The striking generic trend in this survey is that all of the 28 species of Leguminosae seeds examined contain the formic enzyme, mostly in a very active form. Some work has been carried out on the possibility of a special role for this enzyme in nitrogen fixation in the Leguminosae and it was shown (a) that not only is formate not ' metabolized by Rhizobia but that it actually inhibits the small endogenous respiration of the latter and (b) that the presence of the formic dehydrogenase does not depend on the nodule bacteria, since it is present whether the sterile plants are inoculated or grown without nodules. Finally, it appears from results in Table 4 that the formic enzyme is most active in the seed. This activity is dormant in the mature dried seed, diminishes in activity with germination of the seed and growth up to the adult stages and increases in activity again in the germinating seed. Activity of the alcohol enzyme follows a similar course except that it decreases much more rapidly on germination and it-is greater in the mature plant than that of formic dehydrogenase. The extremely active alcohol dehydro- genase of nodular material is worthy of special note. SUMMARY. 1. Ninety-three species of plant seed have been examined for the presence of formic dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase. Of these, fifty-four contained the former enzyme and sixty-nine the latter. — 2. Variation in the activity of both enzymes throughout the life cycle of the pea are reported. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This work was supported by a grant from the Commonwealth Research Committee. The writer wishes to express her thanks to Mr. Constable of the National Herbarium, Sydney, for his assistance in obtaining most of the seeds used. References. ADLER, E., and SREENIVASAYA, M., 1937.—Uber die Komponenten der Dehydrasesystema. XVI. Zur Kenntnis der Formicodehydrase und der Alkoholdehydrase in Pflanzensamen. JZ. physiol. Chem., 249; 24-39. ANDERSSON, B., 1933.—Uber Co-Zymaseaktivierung einiger Dehydrogenasen. Ibid., 217: 186-190. —, 1934.—Die Co-Zymase als Co-Enzym bei enzymatischen Dehydrierungen. Ibid., 225: 57-68. BerGER, J.. and AveERy, G., 1943.—Dehydrogenases of the Avena coleoptile. Am. J. Bot., 30: 290-297. 36 FORMIC AND ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASES IN THE HIGHER PLANTS, Fopor, A., and FRANKENTHAL, L., 1930.—The mode of action of dehydrogenases. 1. The dehydro- genase of the pea and its so-called coenzyme. Fermentforsch., 11: 469-489. (Seen in abstract only.) LICHTENSTEIN, N., 1936.—The effect of enzymic dephosphorylation of cozymase on its action in the dehydrogenase system of peas. Ibid., 15: 44-48. (Seen in abstract only.) “RENDLE, A. B., 1930.—The Classification of Flowering Plants. Cambridge University Press. THomas, M., and Fipuerr, J. C., 1941.—Studies in zymasis. VIII. The discovery and investiga- tion of aerobic HCN zymasis in apples treated with HCN and comparison with other forms of zymasis. New Phytologist, 40: 217-239. THUNBERG, T., 1921.—The presence of certain oxidising enzymes in the seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris. Arch. intern. physiol., 18: 601-606. (Seen in abstract only.) ————, 1929.—Uber das Vorkommen einer Hexose-diphosphorséure-dehydrogenase in Pflanzen- samen. Acta Univ. Lund., 2 Avd., 25; 1-16. ——-.——, 1936a.—Uber das Vorkommen einer kraftigen Ameisensdure—Dehydrogenase in Samen von Phaséolus-arten. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 74: 16-26. ————, 1936b.—Zur Kenntnis der Alkoholdehydrogenasen verschiedener Samen-arten. Ibid., 75: 38-48. : WILLIAMSON, S., and GREEN, D. E., 1940.—The preparation of coenzyme I from yeast.. J. Biol. Chem., 135: 345-346. THE IMPORTANCE OF FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM. By DapPHNeE C. Davison, M.Sc. (From the Department of Biochemistry, University of Sydney.) (Two Text-figures. ) [Read 30th March, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. The widespread occurrence of the enzyme formic dehydrogenase in plant seeds has been reported in a previous paper (Davison, 1949). Any attempt to understand the position of this enzyme in the metabolism of the plant must include a study of the respiratory mechanisms to be found. The oxidative chain reactions already postulated for plants are summarized in Scheme I. As ean be seen from this scheme, there are three main terminal oxidases and one peroxidase and at least six paths by which biological oxidation could proceed. Attempts have been made to find out which of these paths can be used in the breakdown of formic acid to carbon dioxide and water in the pea seed. In order to make the results more complete and perhaps discover some significant changes in activity, the enzymes of the seven-day seedling were also studied. METABOLITE DEHYEROGENASB#B es PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE - 285 - 2H Fel ANV On PER OnTeko i Nid DEHYDROASCORBIC ACID \-24 ASCORBIC 24H ACID (7) SUCCINATE- lM : @ OXIDASE PUMARATE +92 CYCLE ASCORBIC ACID__=28 »O0-QUINONE -2 H Seog H +2 8 CATECHOL CaY=T, 0 CoH ROM ES - OXIDASE QUINON POLYPHENOL ~ 2H PEROXIDASE CYTOCHROME TH, 0% OxIDASE PHENOL OXYGEN SCHEME I MATERIALS AND METHODS. The peas used were dried peas bought in 1 lb. packets and soaked overnight before use when they took up their own weight of water. Various methods were used for the preparation of the extracts depending on the nature of the enzymic relationships and the conditions necessary for their demonstration. These methods are described in their appropriate places. The seven-day-old seedlings were grown on damp filter paper in an 38 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, enamel tray under a glass cover. The whole seedling was used in the preparation of extracts which were made in the same way as the corresponding seed extract. The Thunberg technique was followed in anaerobic experiments on dehydrogenases and a variation of this technique in work on ascorbic acid-formic dehydrogenase coupling. Oxygen uptake was measured in Warburg manometers fitted with flasks carrying two side arms; the volumes were between 20 and 25 ml. The manometers were shaken at 102 cycles per minute in a constant temperature water bath at 38°C. Usually the final volume of each flask was 3:2 ml. To absorb CO, produced, 0:2 ml. 20% NaOH was placed in the centre well, together with a KOH-paper made of Whatman No. 40 filter paper as suggested by Dixon (1943). . Coenzyme I was prepared by the method of Williamson and Green (1940) from yeast, and its dihydro derivative estimated spectrophotometrically by absorption at 340mu. Sodium pyruvate was prepared by the procedure of Robertson (1942) and estimated manometrically by the production of CO, by enzymatic decarboxylation (Westerkamp, 1933). Other chemicals were of reagent grade purity and were neutralized or brought to the appropriate pH before use. Buffers and the pH of flask contents were checked frequently by means of a Leeds and Northrup portable glass electrode. RESULTS. DEHYDROGENASES AND CARRIER-LINKED DEHYDROGENASE REACTIONS. In the first instance formic dehydrogenase must be regarded simply as one of the many dehydrogenases to be found in the pea. In this connection the effect of a large number of substrates has been tested anaerobically in Thunberg tubes and aerobically in manometers. In anaerobic studies peas were soaked overnight, homogenized for two minutes under nitrogen in a Waring Blendor with an equal volume of water, squeezed through muslin and the extract centrifuged for 5-10 minutes to remove starch. The green cloudy super- natant fluid was 80% saturated with solid (NH,).SO,, the sediment taken up in water, the solution centrifuged for 15 minutes and the supernatant used. Substrates which were found to reduce the decolorization time include formate, alcohol, malate, fumarate, glutamate and lactate (Table 1). As a rule succinate could only be included in this list when an untreated, lightly centrifugd water extract was used. This is not surprising since succinic dehydrogenase is not soluble in distilled water. Substances which either made no difference to the decolorization time or else inhibited the reduction of the dye were glucose, citrate and glycerophosphate. TABLE 1. Dehydrogenases Present in Pea Seeds and Seven-day Old Seedlings. Tube contents : 1-0 ml. extract, 0-5 ml. 0-2 M phosphate buffer pH 6-4, 0-2 ml. coenzyme I (60 wg.), 0-3 ml. substrate (final concentration 0-02 M), 0-2 ml. 0-0025 M thionine. Decolorization Time. (Minutes.) Substrate. Seed Extract. Seedling Extract. Water +3 ae A 65 51 Formate te ee 7 16 Alcohol Bo as Si 4 45 Malate te a Ae 16 14 Fumarate .. re a 18 15 Glutamate .. ee Aas 30 32 Lactate BA Ne ae 40 42 Succinate oe ae as 34 35 Glucose oS xe ab 65 51 Citrate ats a 62 50 8-Glycerophosphate sis 67 ; 51 BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. 39 In the seven-day seedlings there were only two marked changes in the dehydrogenase content as measured by the Thunberg technique and correlated on the basis of dry weight. The activity of both alcohol and formic dehydrogenases had fallen off, the former considerably (Table 1). In both preparations it was interesting to note that, when malate and fumarate were substrates, the time of incubation before the dye was tipped was an important factor in comparing the decolorization times. The longer the period of incubation (generally 15-20 minutes were enough) the more closely the times agreed. This was due no doubt to the fact that the enzyme fumarase has first to add water to the fumarate to form malate before it can be dehydrogenated by malic dehydrogenase. Of the dehydrogenase found, formic, malic, alcohol, glutamic and lactie all required the presence of coenzyme I before reduction of thionine would take place. Possibly the negative result with citrate was due to lack of coenzyme II (necessary for the working of isocitric dehydrogenase). However, citrate failed to reduce the decolorization time even in the untreated water extract which, presumably, contains some coenzyme II (van Herk, 1935). For the aerobic experiments a water extract of peas was used after centrifuging for 10 minutes to remove starch and cellular debris. Methylene blue was used as hydrogen carrier in these manometric experiments and a pH of 6-4 was chosen since that is the natural reaction of pea juice and of water extract of peas. The results of a typical experiment using seed extract are seen in Table 2. TABLE 2, Effect of Added Substrates on Oxygen Uptake of Pea Seed Extract. Manometer contents: 1:6 ml. extract, 0-8 ml. 0:2 M phosphate buffer pH 6-4, 0-2 ml, coenzyme I (602g.), 0-3 ml. 0-2 M substrate, 0-1 ml. 0-5% methylene blue, 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in centre well. Substances which have No Substances which Increase - wl. O» in Effect or which Decrease ul. O, in the Endogenous O, 60 Mins. the Endogenous O, 60 Mins. Consumption. Consumption. Water .. aS ae Na 85 Lactate an Re ue 79 Formate Ee ds 25 164 Oxalate tay ue ad 83 Alcohol ae #5 a 156 Glycerophosphate ay: 85 Malate is ae te 118 Formaldehyde ug, ae 75 Glucose ce ane Ae 127 Acetaldehyde ee Fumarate on wis a 120 Acetate Ne ae re 85 Succinate a ae at 97 Pyruvate .. LS Ag 59 Glutamate .. a ae 138 Citrate ee ee ue 77 Glycine a: Hs ae 122 Sucrose bos ae xe 83 Tyrosine ne BS ay 80 Catechol ue os ue 69 m-Cresol He cae ee 77 Phenol In aerobic experiments using seven-day seedlings the O, uptake of the blank endogenous respiration was higher but the effect of the various substrates was much the same as for seeds, except that, in the seedling, sucrose, lactate and citrate can be included in the list denoting increases in oxygen uptake (Table 3). Carrier-linked Reactions.—Eixperiments were next made to determine whether the formic dehydrogenase could be linked with any of the other dehydrogenase systems found in the pea seeds. Of these three were immediately eliminated because of the fate of their reaction product. Both oxalacetate and pyruvate, the substances resulting from dehydrogenation of malate and lactate, are immediately decarboxylated by pea extract. In the case of glutamic dehydrogenase, the reversibility of the reaction, glutamic acid + O——> a-keto-glutaric acid + NH,, is difficult. There remained the possibility of coupling EF 40 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, TABLE 3. Effect of Added Substrate on Oxygen Uptake of Seven-day Seedling Extract. Flask contents as in Table 2. Substances which Increase Substances which Decrease O, Uptake. ul. O2/hr. O, Uptake. ul. O./hr. Water .. es ap a 183 Oxalate mn ne ‘aA 180 Formate xe Be “4 239 2-Glycerophosphate om 183 Alcohol soe Ae ae 200 Formaldehyde e2 es 178 Malate a Ha ae 197 Acetaldehyde Bs a 185 Glucose ae at Se 199 Acetate aS LG oe 180 Fumarate a, ae ee 202 Tyrosine ae ee A 177 Succinate as me oe, 195 Pyruvate oh ah 3h 169 Glutamate a6 5G aie 214 Catechol Ses Be aA 179 Glycine ws ie os 212 Phenol ah Ls a 175 Sucrose ne Ae ne 190 Lactate ae a a 194 Citrate ae ae ae 192 with either succinic dehydrogenase and fumarate or alcohol dehydrogenase and acetalde- hyde. Succinic dehydrogenase will dehydrogenate succinic acid to fumaric acid only if an acceptor of hydrogen is present. If, however, activated hydrogen is supplied, for example in the form of dihydrocozymase from formate dehydrogenation, and there is no acceptor like methylene blue present, then one would expect the reaction to go in the other direction. In the case of alcohol dehydrogenase in the absence of methylene blue or other substances which oxidize the reduced coenzyme I, the equilibrium position of the reaction, C.H;OH + coenzyme I — CH,CHO + reduced coenzyme, is far to the left (Euler, Adler and Hellestrom, 1936). For these coupling experiments an untreated water extract of pea seeds was used after light centrifuging (5-7 minutes). The supernatant therefore contained formic, alcohol and succinic dehydrogenases. Briefly, the principle of the method used was that if one employs a bicarbonate buffer in an atmosphere of CO., CO. released by the enzymic reactions taking place will escape into the atmosphere and can be measured mano- metrically. If a coupling of dehydrogenases does occur this will be indicated by increased formate oxidation, and hence increased CO, output, in the presence of either acetaldehyde or fumarate. A wide range of pH values were used in these experiments. A typical result at pH 6-4 is presented in Table 4. It can be seen from this experiment that here there are two carrier-linked reactions in each case, the carrier being reduced by the negative system, formate plus formic dehydrogenase and reoxidized by the positive system, fumarate plus succinic dehydro- TABLE 4, Carrier-linked Dehydrogenases. Flask contents: 1:9 ml. supernatant, 0-3 ml. 0-023 M NaHCO;, 0-2 ml. coenzyme I (60 ug.), 0-3 ml. 0-2 M sodium formate or 0-3 ml. water in one side bulb. In the other side arm was 0-3 ml. 0:05 M acetaldehyde, 0-3 ml. 0:2 M fumarate or 0-3 ml. water. The gas phase was 5% carbon dioxide in nitrogen. ul. CO, produced in $0 minutes. CO, Due to Water. Formate. Formate Oxidation. Blank 90 102 12 Fumarate 115 155 40 Acetaldehyde 95 150 55 Note.—Acetaldehyde is extremely volatile and cn all occasions boiled extract controls were done. These figures are corrected for the boiled extract. BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. 41 genase on the one hand, acetaldehyde plus alcohol dehydrogenase on the other. Coenzyme I is the only carrier needed in the case of the alcohol enzyme. With the succinic dehydro- genase flavoprotein may, and probably does, also function as an intermediate. These coupled reactions are only two of the many possible, e.g., between the lactic and malic enzymes as negative systems and the above two, alcohol and succinic dehydro- genases, as the positive systems. Such coupled reactions must play a big role in the economy of the pea seed and the fact that formic dehydrogenase can take part in them increases the importance of this enzyme as a factor in the first step in biological oxidation in the seed. INTERMEDIATE HYDROGEN CARRIERS. FLAVOPROTEIN AND THE DICARBOXYLIC AND TRICARBOXYLIC ACID CYCLES. The next step in the study of formic dehydrogenase as related to oxidation mechanisms was to examine pea extract for the presence of any intermediates or terminal oxidases of Scheme I, and then to establish the relation of formic dehydrogenase to any of the hydrogen carrier systems thus found. The enzyme preparation used for these studies was generally a fine homogenate from which starch and cellular debris had been removed by light centrifuging. Such a preparation contains much insoluble material and particulate matter, including insoluble enzymes plus soluble enzymes and a solution of the freely soluble diffusible components such as inorganic ions, coenzymes and carriers. In addition the energy reservoir is maintained and the study of reaction mechanisms which involve a number of co-ordinated enzymes is possible. Flavoprotein.—A crude flavoprotein preparation was made from 12-day pea seedlings by the method of Lockhart (1939), but this preparation contained too much formic dehydrogenase to be used in experiments coupling formate oxidation with flavoprotein. Attempts to purify it further by adsorption on C y alumina only led to its destruction, because of the unstable nature of plant diaphorase (Lockhart, 1939). Soluble diaphorase was therefore prepared from pig’s heart (Straub, 1939) and estimated by means of its absorption at 451myu. The results of experiments with water extracts of pea seeds and seedlings using this diaphorase preparation are seen in Table 5. TABLE 5. Effect of Flavopretein on Formate Oxidation. Flask contents: 1 2 ml. enzyme, 0:8 ml. 0:2M phosphate buffer pH 6-4, 0-2 ml. coenzyme I (60 g.), formate (0-3 ml. 0-2 M solution) and 0-5 ml. flavoprotein (5 Ug. bound lactoflavin) as indicated, 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in centre well, water to 3-2 ml. | ul. O, Uptake in 60 Minutes. Increase. Alone. Formate. Seed Extract— Blanks ee a or 48 58 21% Flavoprotein A 52 75 44% Seedling Extract— Blank .. as See 110 109 — Flavoprotein .. as 1a) 182 57% | Although flavoprotein does not markedly influence the blank O, consumption, it has a stimulating effect on formate oxidation especially in the seedling. It can be concluded then that, in the seedling particularly, the oxidation of any formate present can go through this carrier. Dicarbozylic and Tricarboxylic Acid Cycles.—Malic and citric acids are of common and perhaps universal occurrence in plant tissues. Succinic, fumariec (Pucher and Vickery, 1942) and isocitric acids (Krebs and Eggleston, 1944) have also been found. The critical biochemical evidence for the occurrence of oxalacetic acid in plants rests 42 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, ultimately on Virtanen and Laine’s (1939) isolation of its oxime from legumes and their nodules and the conversion of the oxime (oximinosuccinic acid) to aspartic acid by reduction. However, no evidence has yet been obtained that these acids take part in a Krebs or Szent-Gyorgyi cycle. In peas, aS mentioned above, malate, fumarate and succinate increase the oxygen uptake of pea extract but, so far from the acids acting catalytically, the extra oxygen consumption was equivalent to only a fraction of the acid added. Citrate was found to have no effect on seed extract. The effect of these acids on formate oxidation by pea extract was measured manometrically at pH 6-4. The results are shown in Table 6, from which it appears that citrate increases formate oxidation more than the other added substrates. Malate and fumarate also have very marked effects but succinate has no effect on the oxidation of formate as revealed by the oxygen consumption. TABLE 6. Effect of Acids on Formate Oxidation in Seeds. Flask contents: 1-4 ml. water extract, 0-8 ml. 0-2 M phosphate buffer pH 6-4, 0-2 ml. coenzyme | (60 Ug.). Various additions of C, acids, citrate, formate and water were in the side arms, 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in the centre well. ul. O. Uptake in 60 Minutes. Py ‘ Change. No Formate. Formate. Blank a At ot 53 67 26% increase Malate .. x oe 49 73 59% rh Fumarate oe sa 47 72 52% »” Succinate ae Ae 60 57 4% decrease Citrate .. Se Sie 36 61 . 70% increase 3 6 ~9 9 ' CYTOCHROME C (Molar x 10”) Text-fig. 1.—The cytochrome saturation value for the formic dehydrogenase system of pH 7-0 buffer extract of pea seeds. Manometer flask contents as for Table 9. The cytochrome is stated as final concentration. x...... x, formate as substrate; @...... @®, water (blank). BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. 43 In the seven-day seedling the effect on formate oxidation is not so great, possibly because of the much lower activity of the formic dehydrogenase in seedlings (Table 7). In the pea seed and seedling, then, although there is no evidence that the C, acids and citrate act catalytically there is some indication that they hasten formate oxidation. TABLE 7. Effect of Acids on Formate Oxidation in Seedlings. Flask contents as for Table 6. wl. O, Uptake in 60 Minutes. Change. No Formate. Formate. Blank ie es ae 147 153 4% increase Malate .. Me Ras 148 159 8% a Fumarate oe oie 149 161 8% es Succinate ss ea Ne 2 150 142 5% decrease Citrate .. te a 131 142 9% increase | TERMINAL OXIDASES: CATECHOL OXIDASE, CYTOCHROME OXIDASE, ASCORBIC ACID OXIDASE AND PEROXIDASE. Catechol Oxidase.—Although this enzyme has been found in the nodules of peas (Keilin & Smith, 1947), no evidence could be obtained in the present investigations that it occurred in the seeds. No colour was obtained with catechol or a-naphthol, and none of the substrates tested (Table 8) increased the oxygen uptake of an untreated buffer extract. The extract was prepared by homogenizing 25 gm. peas (dry weight) in a Waring Blendor under nitrogen in the usual way, 50 ml. 0:07 M phosphate buffer at pH 7:0 being used instead of water. The supernatant was used after centrifuging for seven minutes. TABLE 8. Catechol Oxidase in Pea Seeds. Flask contents: 2-0 ml. supernatant, 0-3 ml. 0-5% gelatin, 0-3 ml. substrate (2 mg.), 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in the centre cup. ul. O, Uptake Substrate. in 45 Minutes. Blank .. Sh Si is on Be eS 59 Catechol A ae ae ie A Be 49 Phenol a ao oa oe ar ae 53 m-Cresol af ae ate ae oe ans 55 Tyrosine ae Pe ae a wis Sis 57 Finally, injured seed tissue does not discolour on standing as is usual in plants containing phenolases (and as was found in making extracts of nodules). Similar experiments were made with seven-day-old pea seedlings again with negative results so that it can be concluded that there is no catechol oxidase present, a decision which eliminates two of the paths in Scheme I as applied to formate oxidation in peas. Cytochrome System.—Hill and Bhagvat (1939) have found the four characteristic absorption bands of cytochromes, a, b, and c in the embryos of legumes as well as other plant tissues. Shaking with air caused the bands to disappear, succinate caused reap- pearance, and reoxidation was prevented by the presence of cyanide and azide. Cyto- chrome c from ox heart was rapidly reduced by the ground-up plant tissue poisoned with cyanide. 44 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, In studying the effect of cytochrome c on formate oxidation the extract was made in the same way as that used for catechol oxidase experiments, i.e., a pH 7-0 buffer extract. The cytochrome c was prepared from ox hearts by the method of Keilin and Hartree (1937) and estimated spectrophotometrically by absorption of reduced and oxidized cytochrome c at 550myu. The results of experiments on pea seeds using this preparation are seen in Table 9. The amount of cytochrome used is taken from Text- figure 1 and is well over the saturation concentration for seed extract. TABLE 9. Effect of Cytochrome ce on Formate Oxidation in Seeds. Flask contents: 1-5 ml. extract, 0-2 ml. coenzyme I (60ug.); 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in centre well; in the side bulbs, 0-3 ml. 0-2 M formate, 0-3 ml. water or 0-5 ml. 2-7x10-7 M cytochrome as indicated below. Total volume 3-2 ml. ul. O. Uptake in 50 Minutes. Blank aes bys Me Be ae a 68 Formate Ag ons ae a, ae ae 70 Cytochrome ¢ ae Se sts oe oe 89 Formate and cytochrome ¢ AG ne 0 165 Results of this type show that cytochrome ec accelerates the endogenous O. uptake of pea extract and that in the presence of formate this increase is much greater, indicating that the cytochrome system is being used for formate oxidation. Seedlings were prepared in the same way, i.e, a pH 7-0 buffer extract, and the results are presented in Table 10. TABLE 10. Effect of Cytochrome ec on Formate Oxidation in Seedlings. Flask contents as for Table 9. ul. O. Uptake in 50 Minutes. Blank .. Be dys ae ee en at 210 Formate Se o0 50 ue SEER er 202 Cytochrome ¢ Mr ni ay BG ee 216 Formate and cytochrome ¢ to Le ae 234 These results show that cytochrome c has far less effect on the O. uptake of seedling extract than on that of seed extract. Ascorbic Acid Oxidase——Although peas before germination do not contain any ascorbic acid, this substance begins to appear immediately upon soaking the dried seed. The following table, taken from Harris and Ray (1933), gives the data on the synthesis of ascorbic acid during germination. The oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid is reversible and Szent- Gyorgyi’s suggestion (1930) that it might behave as a redox body in plant respiration has more recently been substantiated by the discovery of a mechanism for its reduction. James and Cragg (1943) have shown that barley saps catalyse the oxidation of lactic to pyruvic acid by means of the ascorbic system. Later James, Heard and James (1944) established a similar link between the ascorbic acid system and an important inter- mediate of glycolysis, hexosediphosphate, this time with the hydrogen transfer taking place between coenzyme I and ascorbic acid. It was desirable to find out whether coupling of this latter type could be demonstrated in pea seeds. BY DAPHNE C, DAVISON. 4}, TABLE 11. Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid During Germination. Ascorbic Acid Content. Material: Seed Feas. aL u.g./Seed or mg./gm. Seedling. Before germination a 2 ae 0-00 0-00 Soaked 24 hours .. aye eh st 0:08 0-02 48 hours (germinated) os are ae 0-69 0-21 72 hours (germinated) ae ae ei 0-82 0-26 96 hours (germinated) ae ae & 0-86 0-27 Preliminary experiments designed to show the presence of ascorbic acid oxidase in pea seeds were done on an ammonium sulphate precipitate (Text-fig. 2). The Waring Blendor could not be used in this preparation because the oxidase was inactivated in the process. Peas were ground up in a mortar with sand and twice their dry weight of water. The enzyme was precipitated from the centrifuged extract by 83% saturation with solid ammonium sulphate and the sediment was taken up in one volume of water, dialysed overnight against distilled water and filtered through kieselguhr. This method precluded the occurrence of any cytochrome oxidase in the preparation so that any enzymic oxidation of ascorbic acid observed was due to ascorbic acid oxidase and not the cytochrome—cytochrome oxidase system (see Stotz, Harrer, Schultze and King, 1937). Special precautions were taken to ensure the purity and freedom from copper of all glassware and chemicals used in these experiments. Triple glass distilled water was always used. 120 Bl O, 40 60 120 180 2 TIME (min) Text-fig. 2.—The presence of ascorbic acid oxidase in pea seeds. Manometer flask contents: 1:2 ml. enzyme preparation, 1:5 ml. 0:07 M phosphate buffer pH 6-0, 0-3 ml. water or 0:3 ml. ascorbic acid solution (0-01 mM=112 ul. O,), 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in centre cup. Curve 1: ascorbic acid. Curve 2: water. Curve 3: ascorbic acid plus boiled enzyme. Identical experiments done on the pea seedling revealed a more active ascorbic acid oxidase than in the seed. In the latter 0-01 in M ascorbic acid was oxidized in 130 minutes. In a seedling preparation, corrected for the same dry weight, the time taken was 90 minutes. This increase in activity can be correlated with the increase in substrate concentration in the seedling. As quoted from Harris and Ray (1933), there 46 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, is 0:02 mg. ascorbic acid per seed as used after soaking for 24 hours but 0-27 mg/seedling after 96 hours’ germination. From these preliminary experiments the presence of a specific ascorbic acid oxidase in seeds and seven-day seedlings was confirmed. Further experiments, designed to demonstrate the coupling of formic dehydrogenase and this ascorbic acid system, were of two types, one aerobic the other anaerobic. In both cases the pea seeds or seedlings were ground up in a mortar with twice their dry weight of Cu-free M/10 phosphate buffer at pH 6:0. The extract was centrifuged for 15 minutes and the supernatant used. Although formate by itself, with no carrier, caused little increase in the O, uptake of the buffered extract of seeds, substantial increases were obtained on addition of formate to ascorbic acid plus extract. To ensure that the increased oxygen uptake in the presence of formate and ascorbic acid was not due to increased loss of ascorbic acid rather than increased loss of formate, ascorbic acid was estimated at the end of each experiment by titration with 2:6 dichlorphenol indophenol in acid solution (Harris and Olliver, 1942). The results of a typical aerobic experiment are shown in Table 12. TABLE 12. Effect of the Ascorbic Acid System on Formate Oxidation. Flask contents: 2:0 ml. enzyme preparation from pea seeds, 0-2 ml. coenzyme I (120 wg.), 0-3 ml. water or 0-3 ml. ascorbic acid (0-01 mM) in one side arm, 0-3 ml. water or 0:3 ml. 0-2 M sodium formate in the other side arm, 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in centre well. Total Loss of ul. O. Uptake Ascorbic Acid. in 60 Minutes. (mg.) Blank He ite af at oe 56 — Formate is 2 as a oe 59 — Ascorbic acid ay ox Be we 87 0-57 Ascorbie acid+formate .. Ree Pe 129 0-60 This experiment is typical of many and, in all cases, in the presence of ascorbic acid and formate, there were increases in oxygen uptake over and above that caused by ascorbic acid alone. In most experiments these were not accompanied by any increased loss of ascorbic acid and even if some increased loss were observed (as in Table 12), it was not equivalent to the extra oxygen consumed. For example, the increase of 0:03 mg. ascorbic acid lost here would only entail an increased oxygen uptake of 2ul., a negligible quantity. It seems clear then that the increased oxidation (hydrogen loss) is finally borne by the formic acid and not by ascorbic acid. That is, the ascorbic acid system is acting as a carrier in formate oxidation. The chain of reactions responsible for formate oxidation here seems to be: CH,OH CH,OH . | is(O—C——lal HO—C—Fi | ascorbic | H—C——_—— acid He | -H,O+0 > | C—OH oxidase HO—C—OH | | | O C=0H 0 HO—C—OH | | mae cca | | || O coms reduced coenzyme I Ascorbic Dehydroascorbie acid acid BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. 47 The reduced coenzyme is produced during the formate oxidation and after being reoxidized by the dehydroascorbie acid is again ready to be reduced by formate. A buffer extract of seedlings gave evidence of a very active ascorbic acid oxidase and, as with seeds, formate oxidation is increased by the ascorbic acid system although the effect was not so marked probably because of the lower formic dehydrogenase activity as this stage (Table 13). TABLE 13. Effect of the Ascorbic Acid System on Formate Oxidation in Seedlings. Manometer flask contents as for Table 12. ul. O. Uptake Total Loss of Ascorbic Acid. in 40 Minutes. (mg.) Blank 84 = Formate 83 pas Ascorbic acid é 179 1-50 Ascorbie acid +formate 186 1-56 The increased importance of ascorbic acid oxidase in the endogenous respiration of the seedling as revealed by inhibitor studies is discussed below. In the anaerobic experiments coupling between ascorbic acid oxidase and formic dehydrogenase was demonstrated by observing the reduction of a redox indicator by the negative system (formic dehydrogenase + formate + coenzyme I) and reoxidation of the dye by the positive system (ascorbic acid oxidase + ascorbic acid). The reducing system together with the redox dye are placed in the main part of a Thunberg tube and the components of the oxidizing system are placed in the hollow stopper. In the control tube water takes the place of ascorbic acid. After evacuation and filling with nitrogen the tubes were incubated at 38°C. until the maximum reduction of dye is obtained. Then the contents of the stopper are tipped in and if any reoxidation of the dye occurs, the time taken for a second decolorization is noted. It is evident that an indicator which is either more positive than the oxidizing more negative than the reducing system cannot function as a carrier. Theoretically any reversible indicator whose potential lies in the range between the two system er enzyme systems should be able to catalyse the interaction if one is to occur. TABLE 14. Methylene Ascorbic Acid Oxidase-Formic Dehydrogenase Coupling in a pH 6-0 Buffer Extract of Pea Seeds. Main tube— Enzyme preparation Coenzyme I (120 tg.) 0:2M sodium formate 0:05% redox dye Stopper— Enzyme preparation Ascorbic acid (1-76 mg.) Water Time for first decolorization Time for second decolorization 1 2 3 4 0-5 mil. 5 0-5 0-5 0:2 ml. as OR 2 0:2 0-5 ml. “5 0-5 0-5 Nile |blue Methyle|ne blue 0-5 ml. af) 0-5 0-5 0-5 ml. 5) 0-5 0-5 — -3 mil = 0-3 0:3 ml. — 0-3 = 25 mins. 25 mins. 17 mins. 17 mins. No colour 80 mins. No colour |developed developed 48 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, blue and thionine, whose potentials of + 0-011 and + 0-63 respectively are more positive than the oxidizing system, were not suitable for these experiments. The carrier most suited was Nile blue, whose potential of —0-116 lies in the range between the potentials of the two enzyme systems. In all experiments with Nile blue the indicator was either partly or completely reoxidized by the ascorbic acid system before being again reduced to the leucoform. The extent of the reoxidation was found to be determined by the relative activities of the oxidizing and reducing systems as shown by control manometric experiments. The ascorbic acid and extract were mixed some time before gassing to allow for formation of the dehydroascorbic acid necessary for the reoxidation of the leuco-dye. Controls with enzyme + water in the stopper showed no trace of reoxidation of the indicator. From gas exchange measurements the equation for the oxidation of formate by tormic dehydrogenase of pea seeds has been worked out by Adler and Sreenivasaya (1937) and found to be: HCOOH + 4 0,——>H.0 + CO,. From the results in Table 14, then it seems that the entire system in such anaerobic experiments is: (a) Formate + coenzyme I ——> coenzyme I H, + CO. (bo) Coenzyme I H, + dye —— coenzyme I + leuco-dye. Possibly flavoprotein is involved as carrier between coenzyme and dye in reaction (bd). (c) Ascorbic acid + H,O + % O, IN ~ ascorbic + dye H, \ acid (or leuco dye) \ oxidase Dehydroascorbie acid. The nature of the mechanism involved in the reduction of dehydroascorbic acid has not been investigated. The close association of glutathione and ascorbic acid is seen in the observation that in germinating pea seeds these two substances appear at the same time and increase in concentration in a parallel manner (Hopkins and Morgan, 1943). In any such plant tissue the possibility that the ascorbic acid—-glutathione relationships, as outlined by Hopkins and Morgan (1936), have some physiological function cannot be overlooked. That the reduction of ascorbic acid by glutathione in some plants is due to a reducing catalyst, an enzyme to which the name dehydroascorbic acid reductase has been given, is now an accepted fact and its properties, pH optimum, occurrence, etc., have been thoroughly worked out (Crook, 1941). Reducing catalysts of this type have been demonstrated in the juice of peas and beans by Kohman and Sanborn (1937), who showed that the juice of peas catalysed the reduction of dehydroascorbic acid by reduced glutathione (G.S.H.). However, as shown by Crook and Morgan (1944), the activity of the dehydroascorbic acid reductase is much lower than that of ascorbic acid oxidase so that the presence of G.S.H. does not completely protect ascorbic acid from oxidation. Some other system for the reduction of dehydroascorbic acid must therefore be operative in peas. Possibly there is a simple transfer of hydrogen from coenzyme I to dehydro- ascorbic acid. ; Peroxidase.—In the question of ascorbic acid oxidation the presence of a specific ascorbic acid oxidase as distinct from a cytochrome catalysed oxidation, and the absence of any catechol action has left only the possibility of a peroxidase forming a terminal oxidase system with ascorbic acid. It was found that a fresh extract from either pea seeds or seven-day seedlings would not produce any colour with 0-1 ml. of a 1% solution of guaiacol, benzidine (slight coloration) or a-naphthol. However, on the addition of 1 drop of 6% hydrogen peroxide to each tube, there was a marked positive reaction. Peroxidase then is present in both stages. An experiment carried out by James and Cragg (1943) on barley sap was repeated with pea extract. The latter plus hydrogen peroxide will oxidize benzidine almost immediately. If ascorbic acid is added there is a lag period until the oxidation of the ascorbic acid by the quinone formed (p-quinone di-imide) is complete. Then the blue BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. 49 colour of the oxidized benzidine suddenly appears. As in James’ experiment, it was found with pea extract that the length of the lag was proportional to the amount of ascorbic acid added. From this it seems inevitable that, if hydrogen peroxide is formed in the pea seed, the peroxidase system should co-operate in the oxidation of ascorbic acid. However, the absence of H.O, in pea extract is shown in experiments quoted above which showed peroxidase activity only when H.O. from an external source was added. Also it is doubtful whether enough H.O. can occur in cells which, like those of the pea, contain a strongly active catalase; and whether sufficient phenols are present is also somewhat unlikely. Further, 0:001 M cyanide almost completely inhibits ascorbic acid oxidation in a pH 6:4 buffer extract of pea seeds. At this concentration the inhibition of peroxidase is far from complete, so that peroxidase cannot be responsible for the oxidation of ascorbic acid to the exclusion of a direct ascorbic acid oxidase. What the value of peroxidase is to the plant is still an open question. On the whole it seems extremely unlikely that peroxidase should combine with ascorbic acid in forming a terminal oxidase system. INHIBITOR STUDIES. Some ideas on the relative importance of the various oxidation mechanisms in the respiration of the pea seed and seedling can be obtained from studies using specific inhibitors. The following experiments on the effect of inhibitors on endogenous respira- tion were all carried out at the normal reaction of pea extract, pH 6-4. The enzyme preparation is an untreated water homogenate centrifuged for 10 minutes. Manometer flasks contained 1:9 ml. of this supernatant, 0-8 ml. 0-2 M phosphate buffer pH 6-4, 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in the centre well. In the side bulb 0-3 ml. water or 0:3 ml. inhibitor was placed. All inhibitors were neutralized before use and made up to their final concentration in phosphate buffer pH 6-4. Oxygen uptake was measured over a period of 60 minutes and all results are given as percentage inhibition caused by the inhibitor. Under the conditions set down above the oxygen uptake for seed preparation in 60 minutes is 42—55 ul., and for a seedling preparation, 50-67 wl. Cyanide.—Both the cytochrome system and the ascorbic acid system are sensitive to small concentrations of cyanide. The inhibitor is, therefore, by no means specific but its effects are interesting in determining the activity of the respiratory system resistant to poisoning with dilute cyanide. One cannot conclude at present that such a fraction of the respiratory oxygen uptake is necessarily operated by flavoprotein systems. However, coupled with the observation that the flavoprotein content of peas rises on germination (after two days it increases to three times its original value; van Herk, 1935) the fact that cyanide inhibition is less in the seedling (Table 15) makes the flavo- protein hypothesis extremely likely. TABLE 15. Inhibition Produced by Cyanide on Seeds and Seedlings. Percentage Inhibition of Control. Cyanide (Final Concentration). Seeds. Seedlings. ea Ome Vi 58 25 5x10°3M 52 24 1x105°M 45 18 5 M 22 9 Another point to be considered here is that no serious inactivation of dehydro- genases is obtained with cyanide concentrations of less than 0-002 M. The one exception 50 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, to this, however, is formic dehydrogenase, which is inhibited by concentrations of 1:3 x10 M. The fact that formic dehydrogenase activity decreases in the seedling is in agreement with the decrease in cyanide inhibition in the seedling. In experiments on cyanide loss of concentration of the inhibitor by distillation into the alkali of the centre cup was prevented by using cyanide-alkali mixture (Krebs, 1935). Azide.—This inhibitor is specific in that it poisons the cytochrome system but not the ascorbic acid system (James, 1946). The results obtained with various concentra- tions of azide are summarized in Table 16. TABLE 16. Inhibition Produced by Azide on Seeds and Seedlings. Percentage Inhibition. Azide Concentration. Seeds. Seedlings. 10-2M aye site ei Ree 53 38 10-7 M Bd se bbe Aa 43 35 10°4*M se es a oe 37 26 107>M wee an aS as 21 12 Diethyldithiocarbamate.—Ascorbic acid oxidase is strongly inhibited by this copper precipitant but cytochrome oxidase only slightly (James, 1946). Coupled with the results obtained with azide then the figures in Table 17 can give some information on the relative activity of these two terminal oxidases in seed and seedling. It appears that azide inhibition is greater in the seedling whereas diethyldithiocarbamate is more effective in inhibitng the oxygen uptake of the seed extract. These results can be correlated with those reported earlier in this paper, namely, the increased ascorbic acid oxidase activity on germination and the decreased effect of cytochrome on seedling respiration. It seems very probable then that while these two terminal oxidases are of more or equal value to the economy of the seed, the ascorbic acid system becomes the more important in the seedling. TABLE 17. Inhibition Produced by Diethyldithiocarbamate on Seeds and Seedlings. Percentage Inhibition. Diethyldithiocarbamate Concentration. Seeds. Seedlings. NO-SBIML 56 a0 a We oe 31 40 UOTE 5. ae oh Le Ble 25 36 TOS oe Ae oe ve a6 19 28 Iodoacetic Acid.—Triosephosphate accumulates in iodoacetate-poisoned barley digests containing hexosediphosphate, and the acid is known to inhibit also the alcohol dehydro- genase of oat seedlings (Berger and Avery, 1943). James (1946, p. 429) and Turner (1937) agree in attributing the sensitivity of plant respiration to iodoacetate poisoning to an inhibition of the triosis stage of glycolysis. Table 18 shows the inhibition produced by iodoacetate on pea seeds and seedlings. The increased inhibition on germination can be correlated with the fact that the C, acids and citrate have been found to exert more effect in the seedling. Albaum and Hichel (19438) found similar effects in the oat seedling where iodoacetate inhibition and C, acid stimulation could be demonstrated only after 72 hours of growth. They were BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. 5] TABLE 18. Inhibition Produced by Todoacetate on Seeds and Seedlings. Percentage Inhibition. Todoacetate Concentration. Seeds. Seedlings. OWE 5. ae ee ae Aa 38 58 NOTE ME 5 - Aes abs By a3 21 3 UOTE 5, Ds ne ie aes 14 30 WOFSME os oe ae oe Ae 11 22 able to conclude from this and other evidence that fat is metabolized mainly in the early stages and that sugar is the main metabolite after 72 hours. However, pea seeds have very little fat, none of which is storage material but only phosphatides concerned in the cell and nuclear structure. Also, in the seedling, pyruvate and the dicarboxylic acids should produce a reversal of iodoacetate inhibition if this substance is poisoning the triosis stage of glycolysis. Malate and glucose were found to overcome this effect slightly but certainly not when used in catalytic amounts. Succinate and pyruvate were entirely without effect. ; It is impossible to conclude then that iodoacetate is inhibiting only the “triosis stage of glycolysis” in peas or to make any suggestions as to the type of respiratory substrate being used either before or after germination. Malonate.—This acid is known to inhibit slightly succinic dehydrogenase and has - been used to elucidate the relations between the C, acids making up what is known as the Szent-Gyorgyi cycle. Neither in the pea seed nor seedling could any significant inhibition be obtained with malonate, however, the results being given in Table 19. TABLE 19. Inhibition Produced by Malonate on Seeds and Seedlings. Percentage Inhibition. Malonate Concentration. Seeds. Seedlings. WOT 5.5 9 10 Om? Mie 8 5 1OmA Mae: 5 iG Ope Vinee 4 3 The whole question of the significance of malonate inhibition in plants is at present uncertain, but it seems clear from these results that no C, acid system in the sense of the Szent-Gy6rgyi cycle is operating here. Semicarbazide.—This substance has an interesting effect on the endogenous respira- tion and alcohol oxidation of pea seeds and seedlings as shown in Table 20. These results show that seedlings contain much less active alcohol dehydrogenase than seeds and also the effect of semicarbazide is quite different in the two materials. In the seed alcohol oxidation is greatly accelerated by semicarbazide presumably because of its binding effect on the reaction product, acetaldehyde. Endogenous respiration in the seed is also accelerated by semicarbazide. In the seven-day seedling the substance was found to inhibit endogenous respiration and, to a lesser extent, alcohol oxidation. These effects suggest that endogenous respiration in seeds is partly due to alcohol dehydrogenase whereas in the seedling it is not. 52 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, TABLE 20. Effect of Semicarbazide on the Endogenous Respiration and Alcohol Oxidation of Pea Seeds and Seedlings. Manometer flask contents: 1:0 ml. untreated water extract, 0:8 ml. 0-2M phosphate buffer pH 7:9, 0-3 ml. coenzyme I (90 Ug.), 0-1 0:5% methylene blue (one side bulb), 0-3 ml. 3-2 M ethyl] alcohol, and 0:5 ml. 0-25 M semi- carbazide solution as indicated. Water to 3-2 ml. ul. O, Uptake in 90 Minutes. Addition. Seed. Seedling. Blank .. aN a ant ae 100 65 +Semicarbazide Sf ae Be 165 47 Alcohol .. a ae me 133 75 Alcohol +semicarbazide Bs Ne 337 62 In support of this hypothesis of an important role for alcohol dehydrogenase in the endogenous respiration of the seed we find that pyruvic decarboxylase activity which is extremely high in the seed falls off with germination (Tables 21, 22). TABLE 21. Carborylase Activity in the Seed. Flask contents: 1:4 ml. pea extract, 0-8 ml. 0:2 M phosphate buffer pH 6-85, 0-1 ml. 0-5% methylene blue, 0-3 ml. 0-03 M pyruvate or 0-3 ml. water in the side arm. R.Q. was determined by the direct method outlined in Umbreit, Burris and Stauffer (1945, p. 16) over a period of 60 minutes. O, Uptake. CO, Output. iRE@)> Blank .. a 56 401. 661. 1-66 Pyruvate =e ate 25 wl. 275 wl. 10-83 TABLE 22. Carboxylase Activity in Seven Day Old Pea Seedlings. Manometer contents as in Table 21. These results are for an 80-minute period. O, Uptake. CO, Output. R.Q. Blanket eee ee 107 ul. 166 ul. 1°55 Pyruvate Bhs ahs 96 wl. 197 wl. 2-03 With the seeds 96% of the pyruvate added was decarboxylated in 60 minutes, whereas in the seedling extract only 14% was decarboxylated in 80 minutes. This decline of a reaction which seems the most likely source of alcohol, at a time when there is a parallel decline of alcohol dehydrogenase, points to a probable use for the dehydro- genase in the economy of the seed. Finally, in discussing the place of alcohol dehydrogenase in the seed, it can be recorded here that the endogenous respiration of the seed is accelerated by the addition of small amounts of coenzyme I whilst in the seven-day seedling the effect is less marked (Table 23). , Van Herk (1935) points out that the cozymase of germinating peas is initially large and remains so for four days, but after seven days it has fallen to one-fifth or one-sixth of its original value. These observations make it extremely likely that much of the BY DAPHNE C. DAVISON. 53 TABLE 23. Effect of Coenzyme I on Endogenous Respiration. Flask contents: 1:6 ml. untreated water extract of peas, 0-8 ml. 0-2 M phosphate buffer pH 6-4, coenzyme I added from side arm (30ug.-180 zg.), 0-2 ml. 20% NaOH in centre well. ul. O, Uptake in 120 Minutes. Amount of Coenzyme I Added. Seeds. Seedlings. = ae a He a 50 181 30ug. eee a 53 182 60 ug. fils as ul 58 185 120ug. i a! zt 65 186 180g. is Sey gies Ut 76 188 dehydrogenation in the seed depends on coenzyme I-requiring dehydrogenases and less so in the seven-day seedling. The only plant dehydrogenases known to need coenzyme I are alcohol, formic, lactic, malic, glutamic, $-hydroxybutyric and _ triose-phosphoric dehydrogenases. The first five have been studied in peas and only alcohol and formic dehydrogenase have been found to fall off in activity during germination. The difficuluty in the way of proving formic dehydrogenase as a normal link in biological oxidation in the pea is that there is no specific inhibitor of the enzyme which, by application to the endogenoyis respiration, can prove a Similar inhibition. With alcohol dehydrogenase, however, there is the supporting evidence of the semicarbazide and carboxylase experi- ments quoted above. In the seed, then, alcohol dehydrogenase and possibly formic dehydrogenase are the main enzymes concerned in the first or dehydrogenating step of biological oxidation. DISCUSSION. On examining the results obtained with inhibitors in seeds and seedlings some correlation can be obtained with the increase or decrease of certain enzymic activities with growth. The results obtained have been tabulated below (Table 24). TABLE 24, Correlation of Results Obtained with Inhibitors in Seeds and Seedlings with the Increase or Decrease of Certain Enzymic Activities with Growth. Hydrogen Carriers. Inhibitors. I. Seeds— Ascorbie acid oxidase present. 10-3 M diethyldithiocarbamate gives 31% inhibition. Cytochrome system operative. 10m2 M ‘cyanide—45%: Alcohol and formic dehydrogenases active. 10°2°M azide—43%. C, acid system—no activity. 10-2 M iodoacetate—21%. High carboxylase activity. 10-2 M malonate gives no inhibition (2%). Added coenzyme I has marked effect on endogenous Semicarbazide gives 63% acceleration of endogenous oxygen uptake. respiration. : II. Seedlings— More ascorbic acid oxidase activity. Diethyldithiocarbamate inhibition rises to 40%. Less cytochrome effect. Cyanide and azide inhibition fall to 18% and 35% Alcohol dehydrogenase almost absent. No malonate inhibition. Formic dehydrogenase less active. Todoacetate inhibition rises to 43%. Flavoprotein effective in formate oxidation. Semicarbazide inhibits by 28%. C, acids slightly more effective. Low carboxylase activity. Added coenzyme I has less effect on endogenous O, uptake. 54 FORMIC DEHYDROGENASE IN THE OXIDATION MECHANISMS OF PISUM SATIVUM, It is difficult to interpret the effects of poisons on such complex processes as oxida- tion since so many consecutive reactions are involved. However, coupled with the information obtained on the activity of the hydrogen carriers the following general conclusions can be stated. 1. Based on the coenzyme activation of the respiration of seed extract and the degree of activity of the various dehydrogenases in seed and seedling, it seems likely that in the seed alcohol dehydrogenase and formic dehydrogenase are the main enzymes concerned in the first or dehydrogenating step of biological oxidation. This is supported in the case of alcohol dehydrogenase by the falling off of carboxylase activity in the seedling, a reaction which seems the most likely source of alcohol and the acceleration of seed respiration but not that of seedlings by semicarbazide. 2. Formic dehydrogenase is capable of coupling with other dehydrogenases. ; 3. Development of both iodoacetate inhibition and C, acid utilization with germina- tion indicate the utilization of sugar as respiratory substrate only after about 72 hours. However, this could not be confirmed by demonstrating a removal of iodoacetate inhibition on the addition of C, acids and pyruvate. SEED FORMATE=@HycOENZYME I—Y FLAVOPROTEIN COUPLED FCAYWALASE | REACTIONS Cc SYSTEM y (?) OTHER 3UBST ) RATES SSRs We “SS. cyTocHRomeE AVSNOLOURUB TC! ea, GY S TELM ACID SYSTEM SEEDLING FORMAT pTE——2HycoOENZYME ean COUPLED TCA LASE REACTIONS c eos H B RATES Jeane SYSTEM a AQID SYSTEM ie SLE —— indicates main terminal oxidase. SCHEME II 4. Lack of malonate inhibition and of noticeable effects on addition of catalytic amounts of C, acids make the operation of the Szent-Gyérgyi cycle extremely improb- able. However, formate oxidation is accelerated by two of these acids, malate and fumarate and also citrate so that they may be of some importance in biological oxidation. 5. The main terminal oxidase in the seed is cytochrome oxidase. With germination this activity falls off and the activity of ascorbic acid oxidase, already of importance in the seed, increases. Finally, after seven days, most of the cyanide sensitive respiration can be accounted for by the oxygen consumption of the ascorbic acid system. Formate oxidation has been shown to be coupled with both cytochrome and ascorbic acid systems in seed and seedling. BY DAPHNE CG. DAVISON. 55 6. With regard to the cyanide insensitive respiration which seems to amount to a fairly high percentage (41% in the seed, 75% in the seedling), this is in all probability due to a flavoprotein system since there is a corresponding rise in flavoprotein content on germination. Also formate oxidation is accelerated by flavoprotein, especially in the seedling. Some conclusions on the oxidation mechanisms of the seed and seven-day seedling, and the place of formic dehydrogenase therein, can now be made. The paths used in the breakdown of formate have been narrowed down and, in place of Scheme I, the following diagrams give mechanisms for the oxidation of this substrate, based on the results of experiments quoted above (Scheme IT). SUMMARY. 1. Various oxidation mechanisms of the green pea seed and seedling and their relation to formic dehydrogenase have been studied. These include other dehydro- genases, intermediate hydrogen carriers such as flavoprotein and the dicarboxylic acids and terminal oxidases. 2. Asa result of these studies a normal role in the first or dehydrogenation step of biological oxidation can be assigned to formic dehydrogenase. 3. Inhibitor studies on seed and seedling extract have revealed some significant changes in enzyme activity on germination. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This work has been supported by a grant from the Commonwealth Research Committee. References. ADLER, E., and SREENIVASAYA, M., 1937.—Uber die Komponenten der Dehydrasesysteme. XVI. Zur WKenntnis der Formicodehydrase und der Alkoholdehydrase in Pflanzensamen. Z. physiol. Chem., 249; 24-39. ALBAUM, H. G., and EICHEL, B., 1943.—Relationship between growth and metabolism in the oat seedling—Avena Sativa. Am. J. Bot., 30: 18-22. Bercer, J.. and Avery, G. S., 1943.—Action of synthetic auxins and inhibitors on dehydrogenases of the Avena coleoptile. Ibid., 30: 297-302. Crook, E. M., 1941.—The system dehydroascorhbic acid-glutathione. Biochem. J., 35: 226-236. ———— and Morean, E. J., 1944.—The reduction of dehydroascorbic acid in plant extracts. Ibid., 38: 10-15. Davison, D. 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Biochem. J., 33: 412-427. WESTERKAMP, H., 1933.—Uber Ketoséuren im Blutserum. Biochem. Z., 263: 239-244. : WILLIAMSON, S., and GREEN, D. H., 1940.—The preparation of coenzyme I from yeast. J. biol. Chem., 135: 345-346. 57 ON THE AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF CREOPHILUS (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE). By W. O. STEEL. (Communicated by J. W. T. Armstrong.) (Nine Text-figures. ) [Read 30th March, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. Three species of Creophilus have been recorded from Australia, erythrocephalus {Fab.), lanio (Er.) and oculatus (Fab.). Erythrocephalus is a very well known species and is common in carrion throughout Australia. It has also been recorded from Tahiti and Chile. Lanio is listed by Bernhauer and Schubert (Col. Cat. 57, 1914, 398) as a distinct species, but is stated by Lea (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., 1925, 229) to be synonymous with erythrocephalus. This latter view has apparently been accepted, as no records of lanio can be traced in the literature. Some years ago two specimens (4, 2) of a Creophilus collected at Lake Burrumbeet, Vic., were received from Mr. M. F. Leask of Ballarat. These were obviously distinct from erythrocephalus and agree well with Hrichson’s description of lanio. An examina- tion of the series of erythrocephalus in my collection brought to light a further specimen of lanio and the British Museum collection provided about a dozen more. In all, well over 100 specimens of “erythrocephalus” were examined. Oculatus is recorded by Fauvel (Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen., 1877, 250) as occurring in Australia. This species is very common in carrion in New Zealand, and Lea (l.c.) states that Fauvel’s Australian record requires confirmation, at the same time placing the species as a variety of erythrocephalus. There is one specimen in my collection from Rockhampton, Queensland (ex Pilcher coll.), and this is the only Australian specimen seen up to the present. The insect would, however, be expected to establish itself fairly quickly should it gain a footing in Australia. The main purpose of this paper is to point out the differences between erythro- cephalus and lanio, but it has been thought advisable to give, at the same time, full descriptions and figures of the three Australian species of the genus, together with a short key. CREOPHILUS ERYTHROCEPHALUS (Fabricius). (Text-figs. 1, 4, 9.) Staphylinus erythrocephalus Fabricius, Syst. Ent., 1775, 265. Staphylinus unipunctatus Hope, in Gray, Zool. Misc., 1831, 32. Head and pronotum shining, elytra (except humeral areas) and abdomen duller. Head red, the dise with a rather small circular black spot, the edge of which is sharply defined; narrowly black around the insertions of the antennae. Pronotum and abdomen black, elytra blue-black, the humeral areas black. Antennae black, segments 7-11 with close-set, short, greyish pubescence. Mandibles, palpi and legs black. Length: 17-22 mm. Male. Head as wide as or somewhat wider than the pronotum, about one and one-half to one and three-fifths times as broad as long,* distinctly widened behind, the sides prac- tically straight, the posterior angles very distinct, rather sharply rounded (Text-fig. 9), the base almost straight. On the inner margin of each eye, towards the front, with a * Wor the length, the head is measured from the “occipital suture’ to the front of the clypeus. 58 AUSTRALIAN CREOPHILUS (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE), well-marked setiferous puncture and a transverse row of some four similar punctures near the base, the whole surface with rather diffuse, very fine punctules and between these an indistinct ground-sculpture consisting of extremely fine, close-set wavy striae. Antennae with the third segment slightly shorter than the second, the fourth subquadrate, slightly broader than long, the fifth to tenth gradually becoming more transverse, the eleventh about twice as long as the tenth, bluntly pointed. Pronotum a little longer than the head, very slightly broader than long, widest in front of middle, the sides slightly rounded, the anterior angles distinct, scarcely rounded, the posterior angles normally very broadly rounded (sometimes much less so*), the sides slightly emarginate just in front of these angles, the base rounded. Towards the anterior angle on each side with a small patch of rather close punctures, each of which bears a short seta; elsewhere impunctate and without visible ground-sculpture. Scutellum rather closely punctured and with dark pubescence. Elytra about one and one-sixth times as long as pronotum, very slightly broader than long, a little widened behind. A small area around each humeral angle impunctate and with, at most, traces of a rather coarse ground-sculpture; elsewhere closely punctured and with dark pubescence, the surface between the punctures reticulate. Tergites of abdomen finely and closely punctured and with dark pubescence, the surface between the punctures with a ground sculpture consisting of extremely fine and close, transverse, wavy striae. The sternites sculptured as the tergites. The apical margin of the eighth sternite with a slight, median, triangular emargination. Aedeagus as Text-figs. 1 and 4. Female. Head at most as wide as pronotum, often distinctly narrower, about one and two- fifths to one and one-half times as broad as long, rather less widened behind than in the male, with the posterior angles rather more broadly rounded. Sternite of the eighth abdominal segment rounded apically. In other respects, outwardly similar to male. The differences between this species and lanio are discussed after the description of the latter. - CREOPHILUS LANIO (Hrichson). (Text-figs. 2, 5, 7, 8.) Staphylinus lanio Hrichson, Gen. et Spec. Staph., 1840, 352. Staphylinus erythrocephalus Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, 265 ex parte.; Staphylinus oculatus var. Gravenhorst, Mon. Micr., 1806, 127. Head and pronotum shining, the elytra (except humeral areas) and abdomen some- what duller. Head red, the disc with a rounded black spot which is wider than long, with the edge not sharply defined; narrowly black around the insertions of the antennae. Pronotum and abdomen black, elytra black, with a purplish reflection. Antennae black, segments 7-11 with close, short greyish pubescence. Mandibles, palpi and legs black. Length: 17=23) mm: Male. Head rather variable in size and shape. In large specimens (Text-fig. 7) somewhat broader than the pronotum, rather more than one and three-fifths times as broad as long, distinctly widened behind, the sides almost straight, the posterior angles rather broadly rounded, the base almost straight. In small specimens (Text-fig. 8) narrower than the pronotum, rather less than one and one-third times as broad as long, distinctly less *JIn all the specimens seen, except two, the posterior angles of the pronotum, though showing some variation, are broadly rounded and sometimes hardly discernible. The two exceptions (two females collected by Mr. J. W. T. Armstrong, near Nyngan, N.S.W., and in my collection) have these angles very well marked, just as marked as in lanio. 7 The type material of S. erythrocephalus Fab. is in the British Museum collection and consists of two specimens. One of these is the species normally known as erythrocephalus Fab., the other is lanio Er. To save confusion in nomenclature, the first mentioned specimen is taken as the type of the species. BY W. 0. STEEL. 59 widened behind, the sides rounded, the posterior angles very broadly rounded. Various intermediates occur between the above-mentioned two forms. Sculpture similar to that of erythrocephalus. Pronotum similar to that of erythrocephalus, but with the posterior angles always well marked. Aedeagus as Text-figs. 2 and 5. In other respects similar to erythrocephalus. Female. Head at most as wide as pronotum, usually narrower, about one and one-third to one and one-half times as broad as long, widened behind, the posterior angles broadly rounded. In other respects, outwardly similar to male. The head in the males of this species is very variable in size and shape, much more so than is the case with erythrocephalus, but, even in large specimens, the posterior angles are distinctly more rounded than in the latter species (cf. Text-figs. 7 and 9). The black discal spot on the head is distinctly larger than in erythrocephalus, some- times markedly so, and is broader than long, with the edge rather diffuse, instead of being sharply defined and circular. The posterior angles of the pronotum are always distinct and may normally be used as a determinative feature, though, as mentioned above, specimens of erythro- cephalus are occasionally encountered which have these angles just as marked. The elytra are constantly black in colour, with a purplish reflection, in marked contrast to the blue-black of erythrocephalus. As will be seen from a comparison of Text-figs. 1 and 2, the aedeagi, particularly the median lobes, of erythrocephalus and lanio are quite different and show without doubt that the two species are distinct. From material examined, lanio appears to be rather an uncommon species, though it has most probably been mixed with erythrocephalus in collections. Having regard to the fact that its habits would be expected to be the same as those of erythrocephalus, which is common in carrion throughout Australia (as are other species of the genus in the countries where they occur) it would be thought that lanio would be abundant where it occurs. All the specimens seen have been collected in the south-eastern part of Australia and the species may be restricted to that area. Specimens have been seen from the following localities: Lake Burrumbeet, Vic.; M. F. Leask (Steel coll.); Tasmania: M. F. Leask (Steel coll.); Victoria (British Museum, ex Sharp coll.); Tasmania (British Museum, ex Sharp coll.). CREOPHILUS OCULATUS (Fabricius). (Text-figs. 3 and 6.) Staphylinus oculatus Fabricius, Syst. Ent., 1775, 265. Head and pronotum shining, elytra (except humeral areas) and abdomen duller. Head black, with a small red area on each side between the eye and the posterior angle, pronotum black, elytra black, with a slight brownish reflection, abdomen black. Antennae black, segments 7-11 with close set, short, greyish pubescence. Mandibles, palpi and legs black. Length: 14-23 mm. Male. Head rather variable in size and shape, in large specimens slightly wider than the pronotum, about one and three-fifths times as broad as long, scarcely widened behind, the sides almost straight, the posterior angles broadly rounded, the base almost straight. In small specimens, slightly narrower than the pronotum, a little less than one and one- third times as broad as long, slightly widened behind, the sides straight, the posterior angles broadly rounded. Various intermediates occur between the above-mentioned two forms. Sculpture similar to that of the preceding two species. Pronotum similar to that of erythrocephalus, the posterior angles broadly rounded and not very distinct. 60 AUSTRALIAN CREOPHILUS (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE), Aedeagus as Text-figs. 3 and 6. In other respects similar to the preceding two species. Female. Head rather small, distinctly narrower than the pronotum, about one and one-third times as broad as long, slightly widened behind, the sides straight, the posterior angles broadly rounded. In other respects, outwardly similar to male. 7 Text-figures 1-9. 1. Creophilus erythrocephalus (Fab.). Aedeagus, ventral view. 2. Creophilus lanio (Er.). Aedeagus, ventral view. 3. Creophilus oculatus (Fab.). Aedeagus, ventral view. 4. Creophilus erythrocephalus (Fab.). Apical portion of aedeagus, viewed from left. 5. Creophilus lanio (Er.). Apical portion of aedeagus, viewed from left. 6. Creophilus oculatus (Fab.). Apical portion of aedeagus, viewed from left. 7. Creophilus lanio (Er.). Portion of side of head of large male, showing posterior angles. 8. Creophilus lanio (Er.). Portion of side of head of small male, to same scale. 9. Creophilus erythrocephalus (Fab.). Portion of side of head of male, showing posterior angles. This species may easily be separated from the preceding two by colour alone. It also differs in the shape of the head and in the form of the aedeagus in the male. It - is definitely a distinct species and there seems to be no justification whatsoever for regarding it as merely a variety of erythrocephalus, as was done by Lea, BY W. 0. STEEL. 61 The males show much variation in size and also in the size and shape of the head, though this latter is not as marked as in lanio. The shape of the head in the females appears to be remarkably constant, even in very small specimens (14 mm.). bo Key to the Australian Species of Creophilus. FeAdeReG a tiemCiscmwAth eam blacks Otemermkecccncnsstere «sks “ncieiorels sicbaioe: ciel ener etee (ie eh eusledeliee, «, seers 2 Headsplackaathessidestapehind themeyess rede... ss tidn etiehe «niet cle) soa elders = oculatus (Fab.) Elytra blue-black, discal spot on head circular, basal angles of head less rounded (Text-fig. 9), aecdeasusmqdistinete @Lext-fieshelmamd 4) cn . sais de seiae s+ oe ue. erythrocephalus (Fab.) Elytra black, with a purplish reflection, discal spot on head transverse, basal angles of head more rounded (Text-figs. 7 and 8), aedeagus distinct (Text-figs. 2 and 5) .. lanio (Er.) 62 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, NEW SOUTH WALES. By KATHLEEN SHERRARD, M.Se. (Plates i and ii; thirty-three Text-figures. ) [Read 27th April, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. The village and railway station of Tallong are situated on the Southern Tableland of New South Wales 2,000 feet above sea-level. Into the tableland the Shoalhaven River has cut a gorge 1,500 feet deep. For four-fifths of its length this river flows north, but about four miles south of the village of Tallong it swings to the east, maintaining this direction for about 40 miles until it enters the Pacific Ocean near Nowra. Steeply folded Upper Ordovician slates and quartzites are exposed on the tableland (Woolnough, 1909) as well as in the gorge. Veins in the slate have been mined for tin and copper (Carne, 1911) at the Tolwong mine in the gorge. While the mine was being worked graptolites were obtained ‘‘a little north of Tolwong Extended” (Carne, 1911) and were described by T. S. Hall (1909), first in a paper “On a Collection of Graptolites from Tallong, N.S.W.”. Since these graptolites were not obtained from Tallong, in the present meaning of that locality name, some explanation of this title is called for. The syllable “Tal” or “Tol” is in wide use in the district, for example in Tallong, Talwong, Tallawa, Tallawal and Tolwong and is of ‘aboriginal origin. It is variously interpreted as meaning in English either ‘‘water” or “tongue of land”. The word ‘“Tallong”’ did not solely signify the immediate neighbour- hood of the railway station until 1905, when the name of the railway station, known until then as “Barber’s Creek”, was changed to Tallong. (Information from Public Relations Office of N.S.W. Railways Department.) It seems probable that the graptolites were collected before this change, because the metalliferous lode at Tolwong in the gorge was discovered in 1904, when the word “Tallong” had not the restricted significance it later acquired. The collection may have been sent to Hall at the Melbourne University with the locality label ‘‘Tallong”’. Hence arose the title of his first paper. A second paper by the same author dealing with a collection from the same locality was published in 1920 (five years after Hall’s death). This was called “On a Further Collection of Graptolites from Tolwong”, although the specimens described were from the same locality as those dealt with in the 1909 paper. The name “Tolwong” here was perhaps introduced by the Editor, since by 1920 Tallong would be well known as the name of the railway station. However, in the body of this second paper Hall writes of “Tallong’’. A further complication is introduced, since the specimens Hall described, now in the Mining Museum in Sydney, are labelled as from ‘“Talwong”’. A certain amount of confusion has resulted from these various names. It has, for instance, been stated erroneously that graptolites from Ballanya Hill, Tallong (Naylor, 1935) were described by Hall. In neither of Hall’s papers were described any graptolites from Tallong, using that word to mean the neighbourhood of the railway line on the Tableland level. In the present paper graptolites from eight localities on the Tableland level near Tallong are described. Several of these localities lie on the Razorback, which Dr. _Woolnough (1909) defines as the long spur extending south between the Shoalhaven River and its tributary, Barber’s Creek. Graptolites collected recently at four localities at the river level in the Shoalhaven Gorge are also described. BY KATHLEEN SHERRARD. 63 As far as can be judged from information available about the locality from which the specimens described by Hall (1909, 1920) were obtained, it is not the same as any of the four places in the Gorge from which graptolites described here were collected. Carne (1911) describes it as ‘‘a bed of carbonaceous shale a little north of Tolwong Extended”. In the same report, Tolwong Extended is said to be on Mining Lease 6. The Geological Survey Office in Sydney supplied the information that Mining Lease 6 was about one mile north of the main mine. Its position is shown on the map with this paper. It is two and a half miles directly south of the nearest locality from which graptolites described in this paper were obtained. That locality is at the mouth of Bungonia Creek and separated from Mining Lease 6 by the tortuous windings of the Shoalhaven River as well as by being on the opposite bank. The graptolites recorded by Hall differ to a certain extent from those obtained from any locality described in this paper. He records forms characteristic of more than one zone. The site of the Tolwong Mine is now deserted and forgotten. The mine and the remains of the smelting works are on the east side of the Shoalhaven River and the trestles of the “flying fox’? which supplied the mine are 1,000 feet above those remains on the opposite or western side of the gorge. The trestles are connected with Bungonia village by a road built when the mine was being exploited, but now fallen into disrepair. The site of Mining Lease 6, which is extremely difficult of access now, was visited in the course of the present work. The river has to be forded and may be high after rain. The ground rises precipitously from the water’s edge. A reasonable area north of the lease was carefully examined but no graptolites were found. SOURCES OF COLLECTION. Graptolites have been collected from the following localities (see Text-figure 33). Locality 1.—Portion 109, Parish of Bumballa, junction Old Bungonia road and the timber track leaving it to the south, 0:8 mile west of the Caoura road. Slates dip 60 degrees E.S.E. Locality 2.—Ballanya Trigonometrical Station. Locality 3.—North-west corner of Portion 96, Parish of Bumballa, about 200 yards east of road to Long Point Lookout at point two miles south of railway line. Slates dip S.E. at 50 degrees. Locality 4.—Eastern edge, Portion 95, Parish of Bumballa near disused mining shafts in dry, hanging tributary to Digger’s Creek. (Turn off from Long Point Look-out road 3-1 miles south of railway line.) Slates dip W.N.W. at 65 degrees. Locality 5.—Public Reserve, Long Point. On narrow track, which, about 30 yards from signpost, leads downhill off the main track from the car park to the Long Point Lookout. Slates dip W.N.W. at 70 degrees. Locality 6—On scenic track, west of car park at Long Point overlooking Barber’s Creek, about a quarter of a mile west of signpost, about Portion 128, Parish of Bumballa. Slates dip W.N.W. at 60 degrees. Locality 7.—On track from Long Point to Shoalhaven River, low cutting in slate near junction of tracks, about 400 yards west of shelter shed at Long Point Lookout. Slates dip W.N.W. at 50 degrees. Locality 8—On track from Long Point to Shoalhaven River, cuttings in slate between 1,475 and 1,500 feet above sea-level, that is 525 and 500 feet below Lookout. In the Shoalhaven Gorge graptolites have been collected at the following localities: Locality 9—Junction of Barber’s Creeek and Shoalhaven River, on. left bank of creek. Shales dip east at 75 degrees. Locality 10—Bank of Shoalhaven River, a quarter of a mile downstream from mouth of Bungonia Creek on left bank of river. In highly dipping micaceous phyllites. Locality 11—Bungonia Creek, from its mouth to a quarter of a mile upstream in slates dipping E.S.E. at 60 degrees. Locality 12—Two hundred yards upstream from Badgery’s Crossing of the Shoal- haven River on left bank of river in quartzite dipping 80 degrees south of west. iH 64 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., NATURE OF ROCKS. The Marulan igneous intrusion which outcrops to the west of Tallong has meta- morphosed the Ordovician slates. The degree of metamorphism affects the ease of split- ting the slabs and the condition of the graptolites contained in them. Intense folding has also affected them. The slates of Locality 4 are the least affected. Slabs down to almost wafer thinness and up to eight inches across can be obtained, though some of the slates are considerably leached. In Localities 2, 6 and 7 incipient chiastolite crystals powder the rock and slabs cannot be obtained more than three inches across so that big graptolites are always incomplete. At Localities 3 and 5 the slate is strongly silicified and it is almost impos- sible to break off anything but cuboidal blocks with sides not plane and not more than one or two inches across. However, comparatively good specimens were obtained from slabs exposed in a small quarry made some years ago at Locality 5. At Locality § intense folding and crumpling has affected the slate as much as has the igneous intrusion. At fossil Localities 9 and 11 in the bottom of the gorge the slates split well. It is remarkable that slates with admirably preserved graptolites are obtained at these localities, but for long stretches elsewhere in the Gorge the slates are completely metamorphosed to phyllites with few or no traces of fossils. However, Messrs. Packham and Veevers were successful in finding graptolites in a phyllite at Locality 10. At Locality 12 the rock is a coarse quartzite. Graptolites are accompanied by phyllocarids at this place. GRAPTOLITE ZONES REPRESENTED. The assemblages of graptolites given in Table 1 show some characteristic differences. Locality 11 is characterized by overwhelming numbers of Climacograptus bicornis and its former varieties, by Corynoides and fragments of Mastigograptus. Orthograptus truncatus var. pauperatus, Climacograptus minimus, a very small Dicellograptus angulatus and the delicate Plegmatograptus nebula are found in Localities 4 and 9. At Localities 4 and 8 Cl. tubuliferous and Cl. caudatus occur. However, at any one of these localities big diplograptids, often fragmentary, are likely to be found. An Upper Ordovician age is clearly indicated for all these localities. Miss G. L. Elles, who has been good enough to examine some specimens from Localities 3, 4, 9, 11 and 12, writes: “I think there is no doubt about the horizon. I should refer all of them except those from Badgery’s Crossing (Locality 12) to the zone of Dicranograptus clingani and near its base.” Localities 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, from which no specimens were sent to Miss Elles, seem to belong to the same zone. It may be that localities 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 represent a higher section of zone 12 (Dicranograptus clingani zone) than Localities 5, 6 and 11. Locality 1 is indeterminate. Localities 10 and 12 are entirely distinct. At Locality 10 the rock is a phyllite and hence the contained graptolites must have been subjected to considerable pressure. Dicellograptus cf. sextans and a Diplograptid, cf. Amplexo- graptus have been identified. These suggest either zone 9 or 10 of the Upper Ordovician. Graptolites obtained from Locality 12 at Badgery’s Crossing have been identified by Miss Elles, who says they belong to one species only, a new species of Glyptograptus, which is described later. Glyptograptidae are not recorded from Zones 12, 13 and 14 of the Upper Ordovician, but are known from zones below and zones above these. Miss Elles, referring to the Glyptograptus from Locality 12, has expressed the view: “I can only say that it seems closer to the Silurian types, but it would not be safe to bank on it.” The quartzite at Locality 12, from which this Glyptograptus was obtained, occurs on the south-western limb of a steeply folded anticline, which has every appearance of being conformable to the slates containing undoubted Upper Ordovician graptolites. The Silurian rocks found in the south-west of the area have, however, been regarded as unconformable to the Ordovician (Woolnough, 1909). The implication from present information is, therefore, that Locality 12 belongs to an uppermost Ordovician zone. BY KATHLEEN SHERRARD. Icm. Text-figure 1.—Dicellograptus caduceus Lapworth. Proximal portion, Loc. 9, No. S.1645. (Drawings made of specimens examined through a camera lucida. Where not otherwise stated, specimens are in the collection of the author.) HH 65 66 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., DESCRIPTIONS OF GRAPTOLITES. Family DICRANOGRAPTIDAE Lapworth. Genus DICELLOGRAPTUS Hopkinson. DICELLOGRAPTUS CADUCEUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 1; Plate i, fig. 1). Dicellograptus caduceus Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1904, p. 161. Stipes 9 ecm. long, enclosing an axial angle of 330 degrees and crossing about 1 cm. from proximal end. Stipes slightly less than 1 mm. wide and frequently twisted. Sicula with very long virgella (4 mm.). No lateral spines. Thecae 12 in 10 mm., nearly 2 mm. long with curved ventral margin, aperture introverted and sac-like, overlap one-half. Stipes show graceful double curvature after first crossing but do not cross again. Associates: Plegmatograptus nebula, Diplograptus truncatus var. pauperatus, Dicellograptus angulatus. . DICELLOGRAPTUS cf. SEXTANS Hall (Text-fig. 2, a and D). cf. Dicellograptus sextans Hall, Elles and Wood, 1904, p. 1538. Stipes 4 mm. long and 0:6 mm. wide. Axial angle 300-325 degrees. Axil pointed. Thecae 13-15 in 10 mm. Thecae 1:3-1:5 mm. long, overlap slight, ventral margins curved, apertures sometimes introverted, through pressure, sometimes rolled out into long mucros. Sicula faintly visible in axil. The stipes of some of these very small dicello- graptids show what look like thecae on both sides. This appearance is too frequent to be due to two minute diplograptids having come to rest in such a way as to make a similar angle between them. Ruedemann (1908, p. 309) figures a similar braided appear- ance in his Dicellograptus sextans var. tortus. Dicellograptus cf. sextans occurs in the Shoalhaven Gorge only in a phyllite. Hence the graptolites have been subjected to much pressure and the stipes are probably twisted until they are seen in scalariform view. Associate: cf. Amplexograptus sp. DICELLOGRAPTUS ANGULATUS Elles and Wood (Text-fig. 3, @ and b). Dicetlograptus angulatus Elles and Wood, Elles and Wood, 1904, p. 149. Stipes, greatest length seen 1:3 cm., shortest 3 mm. Generally straight. Diverging at angles 260-340 degrees. Width 0-4-0:8 mm. Axil square, delicate lateral spines. Thecae 11-10 in 10 mm., 1-5 mm. long, overlap one-quarter, sometimes introverted and sometimes everted. Ventral margins slightly curved. Sometimes several of this species occur together, but generally this is not the case. Associates: Cryptograptus tricornis, Orthograptus truncatus var. pauperatus, Dicello- graptus caduceus. DICELLOGRAPTUS Cf. FORCHAMMERI Geinitz .(Text-fig. 4; Plate i, fig. 2). cf. Dicellograptus forchammeri Geinitz, Elles and Wood, 1904, p. 150. A very well preserved proximal portion of a Dicellograptus from Locality 4 is difficult to place specifically. The axial angle is 305 degrees, the stipes are straight and 2 cm. of each is preserved. The stipes increase in width from 0-6 mm. to just over 1 mm. Th. 1+ and th. 1° are inclined downward, their ventral margins making an angle of 90 degrees, and are produced in spines 3 mm. long. The virgella is very short. The sicula is a large blunt knob. The second thecae on each side grow upward and not horizontally. Spines are visible on all the proximal thecae and seem to-appear just below the aperture, which is said to be characteristic of D. forchammeri (Hlles and Wood, 1904, p. 137). The thecae are 10 in 10 mm. and seem not more than 1:3 mm. long with scarcely one-third overlap. The curvature of the ventral margins is very slight and the apertures almost everted. The excavation is triangular, occupying one- half the stipe. The lateral spines‘on this form suggest D. elegans, but there is no double curvature of the stipes nor are the ventral margins of the thecae sufficiently curved for this species. The distal portion of the stipes is covered with a mass of stipes of frag- ments of other graptolites. Associates: Dicellograptus angulatus, Climacograptus tubuliferus, Glossograptus hincksu. BY KATHLEEN SHERRARD. 67 DICELLOGRAPTUS FORCHAMMERI Var. FLEXUOSUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 5, @ and 0). Dicellograptus forchammeri var. flecuosus Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1904, p. 152. Stipes up to 5 cm. long. Width of stipes 0-4 mm., axial angle 260-305 degrees. Thecae 12-10 in 10 mm., each 1:5-1:0 mm. long, overlap one-third, aperture introverted, excava- tion pocket-like, occupying half width of stipe proximally, apertural spines seen on many thecae in some specimens. Fine lateral spines, 1 mm. long. Pronounced sicula. This form suggests a Leptograptus, but lateral spines are not found there. The thecae are not of the Leptograptid shape and they are more crowded than is the case in that genus. Associates: Orthograptus calcaratus var. basilicus, O. truncatus var. pauperatus, Climacograptus bicornis. Genus DICRANOGRAPTUS Hall. DICRANOGRAPTUS NICHOLSONI Hopkinson (Text-figs. 6, @ and b; PI. i, figs. 3, 4). Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopkinson, Elles and Wood, 1904, p. 171. Biserial section 5-7 mm. long, increasing in width from 1 to 2 mm. Spines on 4 proximal thecae on each side. Spines up to 1:3 mm. long. Slender virgella under 1 mm. long. Axial angle 40-60 degrees. Biserial thecae slightly over 1 mm. long with one- fourth overlap. Septum fairly well marked. Uniserial thecae 14-10 in 10 mm., 2 mm. long, overlap about one-half, curved ventral margin with introverted and introtorted apertures which practically fill excavations. No spines on uniserial thecae, thus differen- tiating this form from Dicranograptus furcatus. The length of the uniserial stipes varies considerably, it is often only 3 cm. but has been found up to 6 cm. Long stipes curve back towards one another as recorded by Ruedemann (1908) of D. nicholsoni var. diapson. In one specimen from Locality 12 the uniserial stipes meet at 6 cm. (Text-fig. 6, a; Plate i, fig. 3). Associates: Climacograptus bicornis, C. peltifer, Cryptograptus tricornis. DICRANOGRAPTUS FURCATUS var. MINIMUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 7). Dicranograptus furcatus var. minimus Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1904, p. 179. At Locality 5 the most common fossil is a Dicranograptus with biserial portion uniformly 3 mm. long and 0-5—0:7 mm. wide proximally and up to 1-5 mm. wide at the point of bifurcation. There are four thecae on each side of the biserial stipe and half of these have spines up to 1 mm. long. The virgella is never distinct and the presence of a septum is doubtful. The axial angle varies from 35-60 degrees. The uniserial stipes are 1 mm. wide and never more than 2 cm. long and have only a few spines. After diverging at the point of bifurcation, they curve back until they are more or less parallel and resemble D. nicholsoni var. diapson Gurley, but the biserial portion in that form is longer (up to 6 mm.). DICRANOGRAPTUS cf. CoONTORTUS Ruedemann (Text-figs. 8 and 9; Plate i, fig. 5). ef. Dicranograptus contortus Ruedemann, Ruedemann, 1908, p. 337. ef. Dicranograptus contortus Ruedemann, Ruedemann, 1947, p. 389. Biserial portion 2-4 mm. long and 1-2-1:8 mm. wide, sometimes with septum well marked. Up to five thecae on each side, each nearly 2 mm. long, overlapping one-third with curved ventral margin. Uniserial stipes diverge at angles up to 100 degrees from sharp V, then either curve strongly concave upward, or one stipe may be concave and the other convex. Uniserial stipes are 0-8-1 mm. wide and 1-3 cm. long. Thecae up to 12 in 10 mm., about 1-5 mm. long, with strongly curved ventral edge, slight overlap and deep excavation. Apertures sometimes introverted. All thecae appear non-spinose. Associate: Dicranograptus furcatus var. minimus. Family DreLoGrRAprTipar Lapworth. Genus CLIMACOGRAPTUS Hall. CLIMACOGRAPTUS BICORNIS (Hall) (Text-fig. 10, a@ and Db). Climacograptus bicornis (Hall), Elles and Wood, 1906, p. 193. 68 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., 2c \, s\ 1 ty i ns) P ! Db i il t ! f -—— Depa Neem ~ nw ew ] Oe a nn oY al CO oe ne O Icm. Text-figures 2-9. Dicellograptus cf. sextans Hall, Loc. 10, collected Messrs. G. Packham and J. Veevers. Pay Oly (Oe Dicellograptus angulatus Elles and Wood, Loc. 5, No. 8.1739. ah Gh 3, b. Dicellograptus angulatus Elles and Wood, Loc. 4, No. 8.1771. 4. Dicellograptus cf. forchammeri Geinitz, Loc. 4, No. 8.1761. 5 Dicellograptus forchammeri var. flexwosus Lapworth, Loc. 4, No. 8.1748. 5 Dicellograptus forchammeri var. flexuosus Lapworth, Loc. 11, collected by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik and Scott-Orr. 6, a. Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopkinson, Loc. 11, No. 8.1657. 6, b. Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopkinson, Loc. 11, No. S.1678. > . 5 w BY KATHLEEN SHERRARD. 69 C. bicornis and its former varieties now raised to specific rank, are found in profusion at Loc. 11. The development of the appendages in the former varieties which Ruedemann has studied and figured (1908, p. 80, Plate A) can be paralleled and surpassed at this place, where the length of the virgella in Cl. tridentatus and the size of the wings on the shield in Cl. peltifer greatly exceed anything shown in Ruedemann’s plate. In C. bicornis itself, the rhabdosome is 2:0—2:5 ecm. long, 1 mm. wide proximally and 2 mm. wide distally. Thecae 12 in 10 mm., about 15 mm. long and overlapping about one-third. Apertural excavations one-quarter width of rhabdosome. The spines on the basal thecae vary from 3 to 6 mm. in length and may be thin downward curving threads or stout structures protruding at an angle of 120 degrees. Associates: Climacograptus tridentatus, Cl. peltifer, Cryptograptus tricornis. CLIMACOGRAPTUS PELTIFER (Lapworth) (Text-fig. 11, @ and 0b; Plate ii, figs. 11 and 12). Climacograptus bicornis var. peltifer Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1906, p. 195. Climacograptus peltifer (Lapworth), Elles, 1925, p. 340. Rhabdosome 5 cm. long. Width proximally is not more than 0-7 mm., widens rapidly to 2-5 mm. in 2 cm. Thecae 11 in 10 mm., about 2 mm. long, overlapping nearly one- half, with small, square apertures occupying no more than one-sixth width of rhabdosome. The basal spines are imbedded in a thick crescent shaped membrane nearly 2 mm. wide normally. The virgula extends beyond the distal end of the rhabdosome. In some specimens the crescent is surrounded and obliterated by an almost circular structure (Text-fig. 11, b; Plate ii, fig. 12) measuring at its greatest extent 11 mm. long by 6 mm. wide. The greater length is developed parallel to the length of the rhabdosome. It is not unusual to see a small membrane surrounding the basal spines or bulging from portion of them in this species, but the development now described far exceeds anything previously seen. As mentioned above, it also exceeds anything figured by Ruedemann. Cl. wilsoni is characterized by the development of a proximal vesicle of elliptical form. However in that species the greater length is seen at right angles to the length of the rhabdosome. In the specimens from the Shoalhaven Gorge the crescent shape is retained to some extent in the vesicle, and since figure 10c, Plate xxvi, in Elles and Wood (1907) shows a vesicle of the same shape though of a much smaller size, this supports retaining these in Ol. peltifer. The virgella seems to protrude from below the membrane in the Shoalhaven specimens. Associates: as above. CLIMACOGRAPTUS TRIDENTATUS (Lapworth): (Text-fig. 12, a and 0; Plate ii, fig. 13). Climacograptus bicornis var. tridentatus Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1906, p. 195. Climacograptus tridentatus (Lapworth), Decker, 1935, p. 707. Climacograptus tridentatus (Lapworth), Ruedemann, 1947, p. 439. Rhabdosome not much more than 3 cm. long preserved, exclusive of the virgella, which may add another centimetre. Width never more than 2:0 mm. There is a prominent virgular tube commencing after the sixth theca and measuring 0-3 mm., where the rhabdosome is broken distally. There are 11 thecae in 10 mm., each measuring 1-5 to 2 mm. long, and overlapping one-third. For half its length the ventral edge of the theca is nearly parallel to the axis of the rhabdosome and then curves down towards the proximal end. The aperture is generally concave upwards, sometimes showing a denticle. The virgella is stout and may be slightly more than 1 cm. long. It is often surrounded by a membrane for half its length. The spines on the basal thecae may be 5 mm. long and make with the virgella an angle of about 90 degrees. T. S. Hall (1902) erected a species, Climacograptus hastata, to include forms with a long virgella. The proximal extremity is also reminiscent of Diplograptus calcaratus. Miss Elles has kindly examined examples from the Shoalhaven Gorge and identifies them as the species tridentatus. Associates: Orthograptus apiculatus, Climacograptus bicornis, Cl. peltifer. 7. Dicranograptus furcatus var. minimus Lapworth, Loc. 5, No. 8.1719. 8, 9. Dicranograptus cf. contortus Ruedemann, Loc. 11, collected Messrs. Ingall, Joklik, Scott-Orr. 70 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., 4 =-— O Icrn. Text-figures 10-20. 10, a. Climacograptus bicornis (Hall), Loe. 11, No. 8.1683. 10, b. Climacograptus bicornis (Hall), Loe. 11, collected by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik, and Scott-Orr. 11, a. Climacograptus peltifer (Lapworth), Loc. 11, No. 8.1676. 11, b. Climacograptus peltifer (Lapworth), Loc. 11, collected by Messrs. Packham and Veevers. 12, a. Climacograptus tridentatus (Lapworth), Loc. 11, No. S$.1662. 12, b. Climacograptus tridentatus (Lapworth), Loc. 11, Coll. Messrs. Ingall, Joklik and Scott-Orr. 3. Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth, Loc. 4, No. 8.1754. 14. Climacograptus caudatus (Lapworth), Loe. 8, No. 8.1873. 15. Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers), Loc. 9, No. 8.1653. 16. Climacograptus brevis (Elles and Wood), Loe. 11, No. S.1657. BY KATHLEEN STERRARD. 71 CLIMACOGRAPTUS TUBULIFERUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 13). Climacograptus tubuliferus Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1906, p. 203, Pl. xxvii, fig. 8, a—d. Rhabdosome 2 cm. long and 2 mm. wide attained gradually from 0-5 mm. proximally. Thecae 12 in 10 mm., 2-5 mm. long, free ventral edge slightly inclined. Thecae closely overlap so that excavations not more than one-sixth of width of rhabdosome. Virgella 1 mm. long, virgula 0:2 mm. wide and prolonged 2 cm. beyond rhabdosome and visible in body. The specimens are short and narrow for Cl. tubuliferus, suggesting Cl. minimus, but the virgula is strongly developed and the number of thecae in 10 mm. agrees with Cl. tubuliferus. Associates: Dicellograptus angulatus, Orthograptus calcaratus var. basilicus. CLIMACOGRAPTUS MINIMUS (Carruthers) (Text-fig. 15). Climacograptus minimus (Carruthers), Elles and Wood, 1906, p. 191, Pl. xxvii, fig. 1, a-g. Rhabdosome 7 mm. long, nearly 2 mm. wide distally, increasing rapidly from width of 0-7 mm. proximally. Thecae alternate, 14 in 10 mm. with slightly curved free edges, overlap slight, perhaps one-quarter. Apertural margin horizontal or everted, opening within triangular excavation one-quarter width of rhabdosome. Virgella 0-7 mm. long, virgula, thread-like, prolonged 1:5 cm. Associates: Dicellograptus angulatus, Retiolites nebula. CLIMACOGRAPTUS CAUDATUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 14). Climacograptus caudatus Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1906, p. 202. Rhabdosome 1—2 cm. long, 2 mm. greatest width, gradually increasing from 0:7 mm. Hair-like virgella prolonged 1:5 cm. surrounded by membrane for about 2 mm. near rhabdosome. Thecae 11 in 10 mm., 1-5 mm. long, overlap one-third, ventral wall slightly sloping, aperture opening within semi-circular excavation, taking up one-sixth of rhabdo- some. Virgula prolonged up to 1 cm. Associates: Orthograptus calcaratus var. basilicus, Climacograptus tubuliferus. CLIMACOGRAPTUS BREVIS Elles and Wood (Text-fig. 16). Climacograptus brevis Elles and Wood, Elles and Wood, 1906, p. 192. Rhabdosome 5 mm. long, gradually increasing in width to maximum of 1 mm. Thread-like virgula prolonged at least 3 mm. Thecae 15 in 10 mm., about 1 mm. long, overlap one-third, with slightly curved ventral edge, short virgella, sicula indistinguish- able. The differences between C. brevis and C. minimus are slight. Associates: Lasiograptus harknessi. Genus DrpLograptus McCoy. Sub-Genus oRTHOGRAPTUS Lapworth. DIPLOGRAPTUS (ORTHOGRAPTUS) Cf. QUADRIMUCRONATUS Var. SPINIGERUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 17). cf. Diplograptus (Orthograptus) quadrimucronatus var. spinigerus Lapw., Hlles and Wood, 1907, p. 225. Spined, biserial graptolite, the best specimen of which is unfortunately broken and the distal end lost. A poorer specimen is not more than 2 cm. long in all. In the best preserved form a length of 143 cm. can be seen with sicula and proximal thecae in excellent preservation. Thecae are set 12 to 10 in 10 mm. They are 1:5 mm. long and overlap one-half. Width of rhabdosome at sicular end is 0-6 mm. It increases rapidly to 2-5 mm. and this width is retained. All thecae are furnished with apertural spines and there is a short virgella. The apertural spines are rising in a distal direction as they leave the thecae but soon become horizontal. They increase in length from 0:5 mm. on 17. Diplograptus cf. quadrimucronatus var. spinigerus (Lapworth), Loe. 11, coll. Messrs. Ingall, Joklik, Scott-Orr. 18. Diplograptus truncatus var. pauperatus (Elles and Wood), Loc. 9, No. 8.1648. 19. Diplograptus calcaratus (Lapworth), Loc. 11, No. 8.1662. 20. Diplograptus calcaratus var. basilicus (Lapworth), Loc. 3, No. 8.1826. 72 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., the first theca to 1 mm. on the 6th, while the 8th and 9th thecae on each side have spines 6 mm. in length, but spines on succeeding thecae are not more than 1 mm: long. The spines on the 8th and 9th thecae are also broader than the others. The rhabdosome is preserved as a clathria in the form of a hexagonal network with no exochitin remaining between the crossbars. The dimensions are small for D. (0.) quadrimucronatus var. spinigerus and the associated graptolites belong to a lower horizon than that which it characterizes. Dr. T. S. Hall has described from near Mt. Haston, Victoria (Hall, 1906), a graptolite with four long spines on “about the 7th or 8th thecae” which he referred to Diplograptus quadrimucronatus. D. quadrimucronatus var. spinigerus is also recorded (Thomas and Keble, 1933) from a locality on Emu or Bolinda Creek, Victoria, which was a collecting place of McCoy. Dr. Ruedemann (1908) excludes all spinose forms from the genus Diplograptus because he considers with the development of spinosity changes take place which are of generic value. He points out further “that the spinose forms of ‘Diplograptus’ possess as a rule a layer of retiolid meshes ...and that the development of this layer of meshes and ledges is roughly proportional to that of the spines”. He places spinose forms among the Glossograptidae. Elles and Wood (1907) state briefly the resemblance of O. quadrimucronatus to the Glossograptidae but leave it among the Diplograptidae. Dr. Ruedemann quotes Glossograptus quadrimucronatus in a discussion on spines, copying a figure of Lapworth’s showing a graptolite from Ireland with two long spines on the “fourth or fifth theca’. Ruedemann points out that spines in this position cannot have been developed to protect the graptolite but “they express ... an intrinsic tendency to a repetition of the lateral apertural spines’’. O. ef. quadrimucronatus var. spinigerus is rare at Loc. 11 but found more commonly, though in very bad preservation, at Loc. 5. Associates: Olimacograptus peltifer, Cryptograptus tricornis, Dicranograptus furcatus var. minimus. DIPLOGRAPTUS (ORTHOGRAPTUS) TRUNCATUS Var. PAUPERATUS E. & W. (Text-fig. 18). Diplograptus (Orthograptus) truncatus var. pauperatus EB. & W., Elles and Wood, UNOS 1s BB. Longest specimens nearly 4 cm., though most about 2 cm. Width 2 mm. Thecae alternate, 13 in 10 mm., up to 2-5 mm. long, overlap one-half. Aperture horizontal to everted. Ventral edge slightly curved. No virgula or virgular tube. The longest of the forms included in this species suggest O. truncatus var. intermedius, but as 4 cm. is the maximum length, probably all are O. truncatus var. pauperatus. Associates: Dicellograptus caduceus, D. angulatus. DIPLOGRAPTUS (ORTHOGRAPTUS) CALCARATUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 19; Plate ii, fig. 6). Diplograptus (Orthograptus) calcaratus Lapw., Elles and Wood, 1907, p. 239. Rhabdosome often in fragments, which may be 7 cm. long, though incomplete. Complete examples 3 cm. long. Width 2-3 mm. proximally, increasing to 3-5 distally. Thecae 11 in 16 mm., up to 3 mm. long and 0-4 mm. wide. Overlap one-half, inclined 30 degrees. Ventral walls generally convex outwards and apertures are horizontal, everted or concave. Conspicuous virgular tube within rhabdosome throughout its length, 0-6 mm. wide. Virgula continued more than 5 mm. beyond rhabdosome. Proximally shows well-developed basal spines, 2-3 mm. long and virgella up to 8 mm. Virgella sometimes appears distorted and split but this may be due to the covering membrane breaking away. Associates: Climacograptus tridentatus, Orthograptus apiculatus. DIPLOGRAPTUS (ORTHOGRAPTUS) CALCARATUS Var. BASILICUS Lapworth (Text-fig. 20). Diplograptus (Orthograptus) calcaratus var. basilicus Lapworth, Elles and Wood, 1907, p. 243. Rhabdosome over 4 cm. long, 2-5 mm. wide, with short basal spines and virgella. ’Thecae 11 in 10 mm. Thecae 2 mm. long, overlap one-half or more. A suggestion of spines on some thecae. Central virgular tube not always distinct. BY KATHLEEN SHERRARD. 73 Associates: Dicellograptus angulatus, D. forchammeri var. flexuosus, Climacograptus tubuliferus, Cl. minimus. DIPLOGRAPTUS (ORTHOGRAPTUS) APICULATUS (EH. & W.) (Text-fig. 21, a, b, c; Plate ii, fig. 7). Diplograptus (Orthograptus) rugosus var. apiculatus BE. & W., Elles and Wood, 1907, p. 245. Diplograptus (Orthograptus) apiculatus (Elles & Wood) Bulman, 1946, p. 51. The rhabdosome is generally short, less than 2 cm. long, though broken fragments of more than 4 cm. have been obtained. Its greatest width is slightly more than 3 mm., and is attained rapidly from an initial width of 1 mm. It narrows slightly distally. The thecae number 11 in 10 mm. and are 2 mm. long overlapping one-half. The apertural margin is usually everted and produced into a denticle. A short spine, 0-5 mm. long, appears on the two basal thecae. A short, stout virgella is about the same length usually. Excavations are pronounced. The thread-like virgula may be produced for at least 2 cm. beyond the rhabdosome. Associates: Climacograptus tridentatus, Orthograptus calcaratus. Sub-Genus GLYPTOGRAPTUS Lapworth. DIPLOGRAPTUS (GLYPTOGRAPTUS) ROSTRATUS sp. nov. (Text-fig. 22, a, b; Plate ii, figs. 9, 10). Rhabdosome 4 cm. long, width proximally 1:5 mm., widening gradually to 3 mm. Stout blunt sicula with no virgella preserved. Short curving basal spines. Thecae alternate, 12-10 in 10 mm. Each theca about 2 mm. long and overlapping one-third to one-quarter. Excavations wide and triangular. Ventral margins of thecae first convex then concave. Apertural margin convex, produced to a denticle which forms a beak when it meets the ventral edge, hence the specific name. Septal groove well marked. Thecal margins strongly marked. Indistinct virgula. Specimens preserved in relief. Moulds of thecae seen as comparatively deep pockets which deepen towards the apertural denticle. This species is found in one locality only, that is Locality 12, close to Badgery’s Crossing of the Shoalhaven River (Joplin, 1945). Graptolites and phyllocarid carapaces are preserved in black in low relief in a dark-grey coarse-grained quartzite. There is a noticeable parallelism in the arrangement of the rhabdosomes. The majority are not preserved in the bi-profile aspect but are seen in three-quarter face, half face and quarter face. In some cases they almost look mono-serial. On one slab of 17 graptolite frag- ments, only one when examined in the field with a hand lens appeared to show thecae on both sides. Miss G. L. Elles was good enough to examine some of these specimens which were sent to her at the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, and she has stated: “The specimens from Badgery’s Crossing are, I think, all different views of the same graptolite which is certainly a Glyptograptus, but seems to be a new form, or rather one unknown to me. The thecae are of the advanced type of Glyptograptus and recall G. serratus but it is not serratus. All the Glyptograptids I know from early Ordovician rocks have a simpler type of cell. I can only say that it seems closer to the Silurian types but it would not be safe to bank on it. You have it in all sorts of aspects, half face, quarter face, three-quarter face and scalariform views and those in (or nearly) profile view are not quite like any known to me.” Sub-Genus “mMESOGRAPTUS” Elles and Wood (Bulman, 1929). Group II. AMPLEXOGRAPTUS. cf. DIPLOGRAPTUS (AMPLEXOGRAPTUS) sp. indet. (Text-fig. 23). Fragments up to 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide. Well-marked septum, slightly undulating. Thecae 16 in 10 mm., alternate, 1 mm. long, overlap one-third, with vertical ventral edge and horizontal aperture. Excavation strongly marked, taking up one-third width of rhabdosome. Associate: Dicellograptus cf. sextans. 74 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., 2 | Z| SPIT DUVIING SV QM Cx S-. ~My TMA ON pvt tI WAS Text-figures 21-32. a. Diplograptus apiculatus (Elles and Wood), Loc. 11, No. 8.1662. b. Diplograptus apiculatus (EH. & W.), Loc. 11, coll. by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik, Scott-Orr. c. Diplograptus apiculatus (EH. & W.), Loc. 4, No. S.1762. a. Glyptograptus rostratus sp. nov., Loc. 12, No. 8.1926. b. Glyptograptus rostratus sp. nov., Loc. 12, Sydney University Geological Department Collection, Reg. No. 8289. cf. Amplexograptus, sp. indet., Loc. 10, coll. Messrs. Packham and Veevers. . a. Cryptograptus tricornis (Carruthers), Loc. 11, No. 8.1683. BY KATHLEEN SILTERRARD. 75 Family CryproGRAPTIwDAr Hadding, restr. Bulman. Genus CRYPTOGRAPTUS Lapworth. CRYPTOGRAPTUS TRICORNIS (Carruthers). (Text-fig. 24, a and Db.) Cryptograptus tricornis (Carruthers), Elles and Wood, 1908, p. 296. Rhabdosome 0-5 mm. to 2 cm. long and slightly more than 1 mm. wide, sometimes wider proximally than distally. Thecae 12 in 10 mm., of Climacograptus type and 1:5 mm. long, overlapping for one-half their extent. Apertures sometimes inclined and sometimes semicircular when they occupy one-fourth width of rhabdosome. Basal spines very conspicuous up to 2 mm. long, may be drooping or stiff and at right angles to direction of rhabdosome. Sicular spine wide and noticeable, up to 0:'5 mm. long. Faint thread- like virgula prolonged beyond rhabdosome for 2 mm. and visible through test of rhabdo- some from about third theca. Sicular ring bearing four spines very noticeable in some specimens. (See Text-fig. 24, b.) As Ruedemann points out, the specific name is a misnomer. Associates: Climacograptus bicornis, C. peltifer, C. tridentatus. Family GLossoGRAPTIDAE Lapworth. Genus GLOSSOGRAPTUS Emmons. GLOSSOGRAPTUS HINCKSII (Hopkinson). (Text-fig. 25; Plate ii, fig. 8.) Glossograptus hincksii (Hopkinson), Elles and Wood, 1908, p. 309. Well-preserved specimens of this graptolite are incomplete. Rhabdosome 2 cm. long but broken at both ends. It maintains a uniform width of 1:8 em. Thecae of diplo- graptid form and about 8 in 10 mm. Some thecae with aperture pressed into a denticle only, but usually prolonged to a spine of 1 mm. length. Septal spines are very conspicuous, and are stout and stiff and 1 mm. long. The impression is clearly that of a form with a rounded or hexagonal cross-section. This is shown because of the grouping of the spines which are more closely preserved in some places than others, on account of the chance as to which side the spines behind the rhabdosome have been bent over and preserved. For this reason the number of thecae per millimetre is difficult to determine. The best preserved impressions are sub-scalariform and therefore the width is not as great as in a bi-profile view. Septal threads are occasionally seen. Associate: Cryptograptus tricornis. Genus LASIOGRAPTUS Lapworth s. str. LASIOGRAPTUS HARKNESSI (Nicholson). (Text-fig. 27 a, b, c; Plate ii, fig. 14.) Lasiograptus (Thysanograptus) harknessi (Nicholson), Elles and Wood, 1908, p. 325. Lasiograptus harknessi (Nicholson), Bulman, 1947, p. 71. Rhabdosome up to 8 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, exclusive of spines. Width at proximal end 0-5 mm. Three spines, possibly paired, seen at proximal end in some specimens. In one example, what appear to be a pair of basal spines 4 mm. long and a virgella (2-5 mm.) are preserved immediately below the rhabdosome, but with no connecting test retained (see Text-fig. 27, c). Thecae 15-16 in 10 mm., from 1-2 mm. long, overlapping one-half. They are diplograptid in shape with everted apertures. Apertural spines up to 1 mm. long on all thecae which anastomose to form the marginal network, which, however, is never entirely complete. The size of the rhabdosome allies this with L. harknessi, though the number of thecae per millimetre, which can be measured quite exactly in some cases, are those found in the variety costatus. Associates: Orthograptus calcaratus, Corynoides calicularis. 24, b. Cryptograptus tricornis (Carruthers), Loc. 11, No. 8.1659. 25. Glossograptus hincksii (Hopkinson), Loc. 11, coll. Messrs. Ingall, Joklik, Scott-Orr. 26. Lasiograptus cf. mucronatus (Hall), Loc. 7, No. 8.1895. 27, a. Lasiograptus harknessi (Nicholson), Loc. 11, coll. Messrs. Ingall, Joklik, Scott-Orr. 27, b. Lasiograptus harknessi (Nich), Loc. 8, No. 8.1857. 27, c. Lasiograptus harknessi (Nich), Loc. 8, No. 8.1865. 28. cf. Neurograptus margaritatus (Lapworth), Loc. 2, No. S.1777. 29. Neurograptus cf. fibratus (Lapworth), Loc. 8, No. 8.1862. 30. Plegmatograptus nebula Elles and Wood, Loc. 9, No. 8.1645. 31, a and b. cf. Mastigograptus, sp. indet., Loc. 11, No. S.1667. 32. Corynoides calicularis Nicholson, Loc. 11, No. S.1670. 76 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., Sub-Genus HALLOGRAPTUS Carruthers MS. LASIOGRAPTUS cf. (HALLOGRAPTUS) MUCRONATUS (Hall). (Text-fig. 26.) cf. Lasiograptus (Hallograptus) mucronatus (Hall), Elles and Wood, 1908, p. 321. Rhabdosome 2:5 cm. long and 2 mm. wide, limp and lax. Thecae 12 in 10 mm., 2 mm. long, overlapping half, mesial spines usually preserved on ventral edge. Virgella short. What appears to be a scopulate process is shown on one theca. It is 4 mm. long and 0-$ mm. wide and has a two-pronged end. Associates: Climacograptus bicornis, Lasiograptus harknessi. Sub-Genus NEUROGRAPTUS Lapworth. LASIOGRAPTUS (NEUROGRAPTUS) cf. FIBRATUS (Lapworth). (Text-fig. 29.) cf. Lasiograptus (Neurograptus) fibratus (Lapworth), Elles and Wood, 1908, p. 381. Incomplete rhabdosomes, 23 em. long and 24 mm. wide. Test attenuated, especially distally. Clathria strongly outlined. Thecae 11 in 10 mm., Diplograptus-like, apertural margins of adjoining thecae connected by vertical threads. Short spines on the outside of these. Associates: Climacograptus tubuliferous, Lasiograptus harknessi. cf. LASIOGRAPTUS (NEUROGRAPTUS) MARGARITATUS (Lapworth). (Text-fig. 28.) ef. Lasiograptus (Neurograptus) margaritatus (Lapworth), Elles and Wood, 1908, Pp. 332. Limp, lax rhabdosome, 2 cm. long, and 1:5 mm. wide. Thecae 15 in 10 mm., of Lasiograptus type, 2 mm. long, overlap nearly one-half. Lacinia incomplete, but spines visible. Associates: Diplograptus cf. calcaratus, Climacograptus minimus. Family ReEtTIioLiripaAr Lapworth (restricted). Sub-Genus PLEGMATOGRAPTUS Elles and Wood. RETIOLITES (PLEGMATOGRAPTUS) NEBULA Elles and Wood. (Text-fig. 30.) Retiolites (Plegmatograptus) nebula Elles and Wood, Elles and Wood, 1908, p. 340. This form is preserved as a delicately traced silvery network, without a continuous membranous test. The rhabdosome consists of a clathria of horizontal threads joined together by vertical strands of which the obverse and reverse members are almost super- imposed by compression. Attached to notches on the threads of the clathria is the reticula, made up of 5- or 6-sided meshes the sides of which are about 0-2 mm. long and exceedingly fine, distinctly finer than the bars of the clathria. In some cases a network representing a lacinia is fairly complete. The meshes of the lacinia are slightly larger than those of the reticula. The largest form is 11 mm. long and 5 mm. wide. In the absence of a continuous test the shape of the thecae is difficult to dissociate from the reticula. Apparently there are 13 thecae in 10 mm., each theca being about 1 mm. long and overlapping one-third. The ventral wall is strongly inclined. The virgula is prolonged 14 cm. beyond the rhabdosome and a short virgella (0-5 mm.) can be seen. Retiolites (P.) nebula is the only recorded Upper Ordovician Retiolites. Dr. T. S. Hall found Retiolites to be very common in the New South Wales Geological Survey Collection from Stockyard Flat Creek, County of Wellesley, which he described (1902), and he erected a new species, Retiolites caudatus, with a conspicuous nema and virgula. Specimens of the species were 22 mm.. long and 6 mm. wide. However, Miss G. L. Elles, in the correlation table which she drew up for Sir Edgeworth David’s Explanatory Notes (1932), indicates that Ret. caudatus T. S. Hall is equivalent to Plegma. nebula EK. & W. The diagnosis of the form records a maximum width of 2 mm., but it is noted that “a larger and wider form is referred to this species. (It) may eventually be separated off as a distinct variety”. Order DENDROIDEA Nicholson. Family DENDROGRAPTIDAE Roemer. Genus MASTIGOGRAPTUS Ruedemann. (Text-fig. 31, a, D.) ct. Mastigograptus sp. indet. Ruedemann, 1908, p. 210. STHLERRARD. BY KATHLEEN >. NUTT re) - se - aN O A BY Ww = * $ Jc ) re TE Mt N OF VILL “Y, Via Zs Z 4 0 stricts. Di Map of the Tallong and Shoalhaven Gorge 3.—Geological Sketch Text-figure 3 Geological boundaries after Woolnough, Craft and Regional Map issued by Premier’s Department, N.S.W. 78 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., At Locality 11 a large number of minute graptolite-like forms are found on some slabs of slate. They lie crowded in a random arrangement about 30 to the square inch. They can be divided into two types. One type consists of a tangled mass of short, straight or slightly curved forms, sometimes branched, all incomplete. None is longer than 1-5 cm., nor wider than 0-3 mm. They lie massed on top of one another at all angles. Since there are no specimens with wide stipes such as Ruedemann (1908) describes in Thamnograptus where the main stipe by secondary thickening is found up to 1-5 mm. wide, these fossils seem best compared to Mastigograptus sp. indet. Only one branch is seen in any one specimen, and no triangular appendages are found attached to stipes or branches as described by Ruedemann (1908), p. 212. However, he states that these must have been easily detached and loose fragments on the slabs from Locality 11 may represent them. Ruedemann records Mastigograptus from the Trenton and Utica horizons, which are equivalent to Zones 9-12 of the British succession of the Upper Ordovician. In Victoria, Mastigograptus has been recorded from the Cambrian. (Chapman and Thomas, 1936.) Family Corynompipar Bulman. Genus coryNnomeEs Nicholson. CORYNOIDES CALICULARIS Nicholson. (Text-fig. 32.) Corynoides calicularis Nicholson, Ruedemann, 1908, p. 234. Corynoides ef. calicularis Nicholson, Bulman, 1945, p. 27. The second type of graptolite-like form from Locality 11 is smaller than cf. Mastigo- graptus, not being more than 5 mm. long (excluding nema) and slightly less than 0-5 mm. wide. This has been identified as Corynoides calicularis Nicholson. The rhabdosome is suspended from a very slender nema (2 mm. long) which sometimes, however, is not preserved. At the base of the rhabdosome- can be detected the aperture of the sicula, with that of a theca on each side of it. The structure of Corynoides has been recently considerably elucidated by Bulman (1945-47) from material preserved in limestone, which could be dissolved away leaving Corynoides which could then be examined under a microscope. Bulman found that the sicula extends the full length of the rhabdosome from the slender nema to the base where is the aperture of the sicula with the virgella projecting. Its-aperture is seen as a concave structure at the base of the specimen. Thecae up to three in number bud off in turn from alternate sides of the sicula and near its apical end and grow down along the sicula until their apertures, too, open on either side of the sicular aperture. As well as the virgella of the sicula, each theca has a virgella also, which projects beyond the base, making an angle with the sicular virgeila. These were taken previously for spines. These features can be recognized in Corynoides calicularis from the Shoalhaven Gorge, where it is, however, preserved as thin, chitinous films on slate. The systematic position of Corynoides has been a question of debate and even now Bulman says (1945, p. 23), “I am leaving it provisionally as a distinct family of the Graptoloidea’’, which suggests he foresees later revision. Corynoides has apparently not been recorded from any other locality in Australia, until identified from the Shoalhaven Gorge (Sherrard, 1947). It occurs fairly commonly in North America and Europe. The fact that it had not been identified from South America caused Bulman to comment in 1931 “the absence of Corynoides is remarkable, as this constitutes such an important member of the Canajoharie fauna and of that of the Dicranograptus clingani Zone of Northern Europe”. Its discovery in Australia provides further evidence, if any were needed, of the similarity of graptolite faunas of the same age throughout the world. SUMMARY. Upper Ordovician graptolites from Tallong and the Shoalhaven Gorge are described and figured, one of them a new species. Corynoides calicularis, characteristic of North European and North American graptolite-bearing beds, is recorded from Australia for the first time. Graptolites Collected from Various Localities at Tallong and the Shoalhaven Gorge. BY KATHLEEN SHERRARD. TABLE 1. 79 Recorded from. Extra-Australian Localities. Australian. Zone 9. | Zone 10.| Zone 11.] Zone 12.} Zone 13. Nema. CH Cl. Dicer. Pl. Gis- Hast- | Bolin- gracilis. | peltifer. | wilsoni. | clingani.| linearis. | POTNian.| onian. dian. LOCALITY 1 contains : Indeterminate graptolite fragments. LOCALITY 2 contains: Climacograptus sp. indet. Cl. cf. minimus (Carr.) = x Xe x Diplograptus (Orthograptus) cf. calcaratus Lapworth as Aa Xs X xx xx x Cf. Lasiograptus (Neurograptus) margaritatus (Lapworth) .. Xs x x LOCALITY 3 contains : Dicellograptus forchammert var. flexuosus Lapw. é ee xe xX Dicranograptus furcatus var. minimus Lapworth x Bx ax x D. nicholsoni Hopk. Xe x: X x x x Climacograptus bicornis (Hall) x x Xs x aX: x Diplograptus (Orthograptus) cal- caratus var. basilicus Lapw. x x x: x Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.) x x Xe x x x Retiolites (Plegmatograptus) nebula E. and W. x x x LOCALITY 4 contains: Dicellograptus Gis forchammert Geinitz ae ae ny axe xe x Bs x x x D. forchammeri var. flexuosus Lapworth xe x D. angulatus E. and W. 3 x x Climacograptus tubuliferus Lap- worth xX x x x: Cl. bicornis (Hall) xe x BX x x x Cl. minimus (Carruthers) ; xX x x Diplograptus (Orthograptus) trun- catus var. pauperatus K. and W. axe x xe x D. (O.) calearatus var. basilicus Lapw. Ba ae x xX Xe x D. (O.) apiculatus (E. and W.) x Glossograptus hincksii (Hopk.) Xs x x Xe Dx x Retiolites (Plegmatograptus) nebula E. and W. x x x LOCALITY 5 contains : Dicellograptus angulatus Elles and Wood a aD cas Xe x Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopk. aXe x He x Xs x D. furcatus var. minimus Lapworth x x x x D. cf. contortus Ruedemann Bx Climacograptus sp. indet. Diplograptus © (Orthograptus) cf. calcaratus Lapworth ae ae aX xe aXe Xs x D. (O.) cf. quadrimucronatus var. spinigerus Lapworth x x x Glossograptus sp. indet. Lasiograptus harknessi (Nich.) x x x LOCALITY 6 contains : Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopk. x Ke Ke x x x D. furcatus var. minimus Lapworth x x x x D. cf. contortus Ruedemann Xs Climacograp‘us sp. indet. Diplograptus (Orthograptus) cf. calcaratus Lapw. . . a a: x x x x Xe 80 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., LOCALITY 7 contains: Climacograptus bicornis (Hall) Cl. brevis E. and W. 55 Pie Diplograptus (Orthograptus) cf. calcaratus Lapw. . . ag Lasiograptus (Hallapranene) cf. mucronatus (Hall) L. harknessi (Nich.) .. TABLE 1.—Continued. LOCALITY 8 contains: Dicellograptus angulatus E. and W. Dicellograptus sp. indet. Climacograptus tubuliferus Lap- worth t a Cl. caudatus Lapw. Cl. minimus (Carr) . ie Diplograptus (Onnograpie) cal- caratus var. basilicus Lapw. Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr) Lasiograptus harknessi (Nich.) L. (Neurograptus) cf. fibratus (Lapw.) LOCALITY 9 contains : Dicellograptus angulatus Elles and Wood 3 D. caduceus eprosn Climacograptus bicornis (Hall) Cl tridentatus (Lapw.) Cl. minimus (Carr.) é ae Diplograptus (Onnogranhe) trun- catus var. pauperatus Elles and Wood ae os x D. (O.) calearatus var. basilicus Lapw. Cryptograptus TA CONIVILE (Came) Retiolites (Plegmatograptus) nebula Elles and Wood LOCALITY 10 contains: Dicellograptus cf. sextans Hall Cf. Amplexograptus sp. indet. LOCALITY 11 contains : Dicellograptus forchammeri var. flexuosus (Lapw.) Cf. D. caduceus Lapworth Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopk. .. D. cf. contortus Ruedemann Climacograptus bicornis (Hall) Cl. tridentatus (Lapw.) Cl. peltifer (Lapw.) : Cl. brevis Elles and Wood! é Diplograptus (Orthograptus) cal- caratus Lapw. oo ID, (5) Pair Crone var. spinigerus Lapw. D. (9.) apiculatus (EB. and Ww.) Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.) Glossograptus hincksii (Hopk.) Lasiograptus harknessi (Nich.) Corynoides calicularis Nich. Cf. Mastigograptus Ruedemann sp. indet. 7] nw al nw nAnA WK iv) al nnn wK al LOCALITY 12 contains: Diplograptus (Glyptograptus) ros- tratus sp. NOV. Phy!locarid carapaces. BY KATHLEEN SITERRARD. 81 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Professor L. A. Cotton, M.A., D.Sc., has been good enough to allow me facilities for work in the Geological Department of the University of Sydney. Miss G. L. Elles has added immeasurably to the value of this work by readily agreeing to examine some specimens sent to her at the Sedgwick Museum. Dr. Ida Brown, of the University of Sydney, has generously helped me with advice and has given liberally of her time and skill in photographing graptolite specimens for me. Miss F. M. Quodling, B.Sc., of the University of Sydney, and my’ son, J. M. Sherrard, have kindly accompanied me at various times to Tallong and the Shoalhaven Gorge. Messrs. Ingall, Joklik, Packham, Scott-Orr and Veevers kindly lent for description specimens collected by them. References. BuLMAN, O. M. B., 1929.—Genotypes of the Genera of Graptolites. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10:4, 169-185. ————. 1931.—South American Graptolites. Arkiv. for Zoologi, 22A: 3, 111. , 1945-47.—Caradoec (Balclatchie) Graptolites from MLimestones in Laggan Burn, Ayrshire. Mon. Pal. Soc., xcviii-c, pp. i-xi, 1-78. CARNE, J. E., 1911.—Tin Mining Industry in New South Wales. Geol. Surv. N.S.W. Min. Reés., 14: 346. CHAPMAN, F., and THomaAs, D. E., 1936.—-Cambrian Hydroidea of the Heathcote and Monegeeta District. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. (n.s.), xlviii: 2, 193-212. CraFrt, F. A., 1931.—Physiography of the Shoalhaven River Valley, i. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ivi: 99-132. Davip, T. W. E., 1932.—Explanatory Notes to Accompany a New Geological Map of the Commonwealth of Australia. S8vo. Sydney. DeEcKER, C. E., 1935.—Graptolites of the Sylvan Shale of Oklahoma and Polk Creek Shale of Arkansas. Journ. Pal., 9: 697-708. Ewues, G. L., 1925.—Characteristic Assemblages of Graptolite Zones of the British Isles. Geol. Mag., \xii: 337-347. — and Woop, EK. M. R., 1903-12.—British Graptolites. Mon. Pal. Soc., lvii-lxiv. Hau, T. S., 1902.—Graptolites of New South Wales. Rec. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., vii: 49-59. , 1906.—Reports on Graptolites. Rec. Geol. Surv. Vict., i: 4, 266-278. —_—— , 1909.—On a Collection of Graptolites from Tallong, New South Wales. Rec. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., viii: 4, 339-341. , 1920.—On a Further Collection of Graptolites from Tolwong, New South Wales. Ree. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., ix: 2, 63-66. Harris, W. J., and THomaAs, D. E., 1938.—A revised Classification of the Ordovician Graptolite Beds of Victoria. Min. and Geol. Journ. Vict., 1:3, 62-72. JOPLIN, G. A., 1945.—Petrological Studies in the Ordovician of New South Wales. iii. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ixx, 158-172. KEBLE, R. A., and BENSON, W. N., 1939.—Graptolites of Australia. Mem. Nat. Mus. Melb., 11: 11-99. Naytor, G. F. K., 1935.—Note on the Geology of the Goulburn District. Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 69: 75-85. RUEDEMANN, R., 1908.—Graptolites of New York. New York State Musewm, Mem. 11: 2-488. , 1947.—Graptolites of North America. Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 19: 1-652. SHERRARD, K., 1947.—Exhibit to Geological Section, Royal Society. Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S.W.., SxeReXCI Sy GREXTVe THomaAs, D. E., and Kesey, R. A., 1933.—Ordovician and Silurian Rocks of the Bulla-Sunbury Area. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict (n.s.), xlv: 2, 33-84. WooLNouGH, W. G., 1909.—General Geology of Marulan and Tallong. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., xxxiv: 782-808. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. (Photographs kindly taken by Dr. I. A. Brown.) Puate I. Dicellograptus caduceus Lapworth, Loc. 9, No. 8.1645. x 1. Dicellograptus cf. forchammeri Geinitz, Loc. 4, No. S.1761. x 2:3. Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopkinson, Loc. 11, No. 8.1657. x 2-3. Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopkinson, Loc. 11, coll. by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik and Scott- (Oper 3 74 5. Dicranograptus cf. contortws Ruedemann, Loc. 11, coll. by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik and Scott-Orr. x 2. BP wnw PLATE If. 6. Diplograptus calcaratus Lapworth, Loc. 11, No. S.1662. x 2-3. 7. Diplograptus apiculatus (Elles and Wood), Loc. 11, No. 8.1662. x 4. 82 GRAPTOLITES FROM TALLONG AND THE SHOALHAVEN GORGE, N.S.W., Glossograptus hincksii (Hopkinson), Loc. 11, coll. by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik and Scott- Orr oe2ro- ; Glyptograptus rostratus sp. nov., Loc. 12, Sydney University Geological Collection Reg. No. 8289, aspect one-quarter face. x 2:3. Glyptograptus rostratus sp. nov., Loc. 12, No. 8.1926, aspect almost bi-profile. x 2:3. Climacograptus peltifer (Lapworth), Loc. 11, coll. by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik and Scott- Oyae; 9 3% Climacograptus peltifer (Lapworth) with greatly enlarged vesicle, Loc. 11, coll. by Messrs. Packham and Veevers. x 2:3. Climacograptus tridentatus (Lapworth), Loc. 11, No. 8.1662. x 2:3. Lasiograptus harknessi (Nicholson), Loc. 11, coll. by Messrs. Ingall, Joklik and Scott- Orr °x 4: THE GENUS DAWSONIA. By ALan Burces, Botany School, University, Sydney. (Twenty-six Text-figures. ) [Read 27th April, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. The species of the genus Dawsonia form a well-marked group of mosses, and although closely resembling members of the Polytrichaceae in vegetative structure, the dorsiventral capsule with a peristome composed of a large number of hairs clearly distinguishes Dawsonia from any other genus. It was originally described by R. Brown in 1811 for the species D. polytrichoides from Eastern Australia. Since then fourteen other species have been recorded. The genus extends from Tasmania and New Zealand through Australia and New Guinea to Borneo, the Celebes and the Philippines. As in the related Polytrichaceae, there is a conspicuous uniformity of major vegetative characters and considerable taxonomic interest has been centred on the structure of the longitudinal lamellae which occur on the upper surface of the leaf. Schleiphacke and Geheeb (1896) gave the outlines of a proposed monograph of the genus but, so far as the writer has been able to discover, this monograph was never completed. -In the preliminary report they divided the genus into two sections: Section 1.—Polytrichoides, in which the apical cells of the lamellae, as seen in cross section, were not differentiated from the lower cells but were only a little longer; and Section 2.—Superba, in which the apical cell of the lamellae was distinctly different from the lower cells, usually the upper cell being considerably larger and more transparent. In the present treatment these divisions have not been followed, instead, two new subdivisions are proposed: the Longifolia and the Brevifolia. The Longifolia section has its main centre in New Guinea but extends southwards into Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand with D. superba, and northwards to the Philippines with the closely related D. altissima. The Brevifolia section has a similar distribution with the northern D. brevifolia in Borneo and D.. polytrichoides and D. longiseta forming the southern limit in Eastern Australia and Tasmania. DAWSONIA. R. Brown: Trans. Linn. Soc., 10: 312, 1811. Triplocoma La Pyl. in Desv. Jour. Bot., 1813, p. 7. Robust plants, usually gregarious, covering considerable areas and forming distinct communities. Stems simple, in the sterile and male plants, normally unbranched, varying in height from a few cms. up to 70 or 80 ems. The lower part of the stem is buried in the ground and covered with white rhizoids. Above ground the stems are usually naked in their lower part, distinctly three-ribbed, shiny, dark-brown or black, with scars indicating the positions of old leaf bases. The ribs on the stems twist spirally, usually clockwise, when viewed from above. In most species the leaves are uniform and show no marked differentiation into cauline and comal leaves, but a few species have distinct scale-like cauline leaves with no lamina. The basic leaf structure is very uniform throughout the genus. The sheathing base which encloses two sides of the three-ribbed stem, the midrib corresponding to one of the stem ridges, is usually colourless or of varying shades of orange-brown with a distinct red-brown nerve. The cells of the wings of the leaf base are thin-walled, linear, about 10-124 broad by 80-120u long, with either pointed or straight end walls. At the shoulders of the leaf base the cell-walls are very conspicuously thickened and the cell-cavities become small and I 84 THE GENUS DAWSONIA, lenticular, about 8 x 3u with their axes at right angles to the long axis of the leaf. A group of the most heavily thickened appear to form a group of motor cells which determine the angle the leaf blade makes with the stem, according to their water content. Above the sheathing base the leaf contracts abruptly to form a narrow lamina which has a central nerve and is covered on most of its upper surface by vertical lamellae. These lamellae never occupy the full width of the leaf and in all species there is a distinct border of thickened, usually reddish brown cells. In some species, owing to the lamellae being squashed somewhat flat during examination, it is often difficult to detect the border, but in others the border is obvious and in D. longiseta may become consider- ably infolded particularly at the apex and make the leaf almost cucullate. The margin bears reddish brown spinose teeth in all species. These teeth are large, usually 60—-80u long and are formed from a single cell with very heavily thickened walls. Occasionally the apex of the teeth become hyaline. In older plants the teeth and margin become eroded, particularly in the smaller species, and may disappear even before the capsule is fully ripe. The lamellae are composed of a single layer of cells and vary in height from 30-100u. There is a considerable variation in the structure of the lamellae in the different species. The discoid male flowers are terminal, reddish in colour and usually about 3-4 mm. in diameter. The perigonial bracts resemble very enlarged cordate leaf bases with a short point in place of the leaf blade. After flowering the stems often proliferate and plants may show evidence of many successive male flowers. Female plants are similar to the sterile, the terminal female flowers being less conspicuous than the male. At first the young capsules are erect and completely covered in a densely hairy calyptra, which is usually bright orange to red. As the capsule matures it becomes inclined and assumes its dorsiventral structure. The mature capsule is horizontal or slight hanging with the operculum obliquely set and often almost vertical. The main body of the capsule is broadly ovate, flattened or slightly concave above, convex below. When old and empty it becomes almost V-shaped in cross section. The peristome is composed of a large number of linear hairs forming a dirty white tuft which usually is very slightly twisted and contorted. New shoots may occasionally arise below the female flowers and form branched stems. Hach stem usually produces only a single capsule but in most species two or more may sometimes be found arising from a single female flower. Key to Species. ile j Leaf bladesmore-thant. 20mm VOM AI tens cussccern Geir bene vere noma aperote ales eect onal ceen on n rc aeenoe 2 | Leaf bladevless: thants2 Oram! Om Sar (Aer cata ale ee eule tae hay cae cie tee e ete TORE SDS ocean arene tl 2. if Mareintorlamellaexcrenace sin) SId emi Gwaun iercraciornometeucrsia ate noiene mectereee enelnee eens eee 3 ) Margin Of lamellae rplanenycSi-ih.r iis as ey baad eas chats elhle, S Ebs te GROMER Ch Ia OSTEO une 4 3. { Lamellae 5-6 cells high’........... enn OIC OM eetins OMG hia asad clo SB SS bo D. Pullet ) eevencilene: 23s GSMS IMIR Sac aasecococoo abo Doce sono oon DCdoDOODOSOSCUOECH OOS D. papuana 4, iy Leaves not spirally twisted nor with faleate tips when dry .....................---- 5 | Leaves Spirally, twisted om with faleatel tips whenratryese sascenectee aciere ciokeloicinneieies 6 by § Apical cell of lamellae heavily thickened, lamellae of 3-5 rows of cells ...... D. gigantea | Apical cells of lamellae not heavily thickened, lamellae of 5-9 rows of cells .. D. superba 6. Lowest row of cells of lamellae quadrate or hexagonal .................... D. altissima LAt leastisomevot lowest row, of cellsrrhomboidalararcsrmieeie ie chore: D. grandis fits j Stems Less) theames5) Crys Wa ey tes isan sas ere cep ees seiner ie pratie ees eee a koa ee mee NCH ie re ec 13 Sissy Tanvornsy Wingham, WAN Gos acdoccbsoodsuccndocsoslbansadsdcecdouoocUaoaCSLOE 8 8. j Leaves sSomewhatetal care wdistinctly crispedawhenednry: - se seis citer ieeen D. crispifolia | Leaves not talcate;shardlyienispedenwhene dryer. a ace noncieie nee teie ee meats ie eee renee 9 @). { Leaves distinctlyz-appressed Swihen vary, Vy eA ins canine eiecenaialicl Sta eee ee ee Ae 10 ) Leaves ONE Siaeosaked ye loi oneesierol yaveral \CbAY Go odosudGbocububbooUrboDDOO oo UbMObE AUD OS BOS ilal 10. j Leaves linear inanrow,, (9 hmm lone ene Miey gt. hiked Sivepe bcp eee Seat ater ene ae D. limbata ) Leaves INHARO\W? wokenorbilehe, CealGy incvan, WOK? SS on anocenoodonundcunogududeauocen D. Beccarii ial, {f Stem with distinct scale-like leaves in the lower part ..................... D. brevifolia ) Stem without: distinct Scale leaviesn ru: fscrs ake eines ears he cure Ree Oe ee 12 N27 j Lamellae Of = Oy LOWS GOL COlISiicrah Sas pore oes toe caeemeter atone | eceee ua ilon sloth paren ore aT cra eet D. intermedia | Lamellae OHENTC Hie MON ASuCOue MCX Binks og ctolao dole MIDS SG OU Ge Macao So oad ooo GOS D. polytrichoides 13, j Leaves IDG UES OLNWSS Or’ AMMO OHWSS Yocoodsssudussdiocochoedoooconbos D. longiseta leaves linear wWanceolatetacnte lass np ee aie ieee D. polytrichoides var. minor BY ALAN BURGES. 85 LONGIFOLIA. Plants tall 20-60 cms., lower part of the stems naked and shiny, leaves long 20-35 mm., linear or narrow linear-lanceolate, very acute. Capsule robust, usually 1 cm. or more long. 1. Dawsonia Papuana F.v.M., ex Schlie. et Geh. Rev. Bryol., 23: 76, 1896. Schliephacke et Geheeb. Stems tall, more than 20 ems. high, the lower part naked, the upper 15-20 cms. clothed with leaves. Leaves, when moist, flat and standing almost at right angles to the stem, when dry, twisted along their axis, flexuose, the tips usually somewhat falcate and the margins only slightly inrolled except at the tip. Leaf base sheathing, reddish brown 2-3 mm. long by 1:5-2 mm. broad, with a distinct nerve. Leaf blade narrow linear lanceolate, tapering to an acute toothed apex, 25-30 mm. long. Margin toothed almost to the base. Apex of the leaf thickly set both back and front with numerous teeth 80u long. Lamellae about 80 in number, not quite touching each other, 30—-35u high, usually of three rows of cells, occasionally only two, the apical cell only slightly differentiated from the lower and a little larger. Margin slightly crenulate from the curved upper walls of the apical cells. In side view apical cells usually elongated at right angles to the long axis of the leaf, measuring 12u x 8u but occasionally square. Cells of the central row fairly regularly hexagonal about 8u across. Male plants not known. Seta long, 3:5 cm., yellowish below, reddish above, capsule 1 cm., horizontal to almost pendant, light brown. Operculum somewhat attenuated 6 mm. long. The above description is based on material from the type gathering now in the Melbourne Herbarium and the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. Text-figures 1 and 14 were drawn from material now in the Natural History Museum Collection. The original gathering was made by McGregor at 4,900 feet about 48 miles N.E. of Kikori near the Hather Gorge on the Upper Purari River, Mount Musgrave, New Guinea, on 25th June, 1889. Portions were distributed by Mueller as D. Papuana n. sp., Geheeb being one of the recipients. It has not been possible to find any trace of a description having been published by Mueller and it would appear that the first published description is that given by Schliephacke and Geheeb in 1896. The same species was again gathered by McGregor in 1890 from Mt. Yule and in 1891 from Mt. Suckling, New Guinea. The species appears to be closely allied to D. superba and D. altissima. It is, however, readily separated from the former by the lamellae, being no more than three cells high, whereas in D. superba they are rarely less than five cells high and by the difference in the marginal cells of the lamellae. From D. altissima it can be distin- guished by the apical cells in side view being taller than they are wide, and in the crenulate margin of the lamellae. In dried material the flexuose, twisted, flatter leaf blades readily distinguish D. Papuana from the straight more inrolled and more appressea leaves of D. superba. 2. Dawsonia superba Grev. Greville, Ann. Nat. Hist., 19: 226, 1847. D. longifolia Brown m:.s. Stems tall 20-70 cms., usually about 380-40 cms., unbranched except the female plants, which may sometimes produce one or more lateral shoots below an inflorescence. In the field the stems are straight but often show a tendency to be flexuose when dried. Lower part of stem naked, shiny, dark brown to black, in places light brown due to persistent leaf bases. Upper 15 cms. of stem leafy, leaves when dry, straight and almost vertical although not markedly appressed to the stem. Leaf margin inrolled from immediately above the sheathing leaf base so that the leaf blade appears very narrow and tapering and only very occasionally shows any tendency to be twisted or flexuose. When moist, leaf blade flat, standing at right angles to the stem or slightly refiexed. Leaf base sheathing, orange-red becoming light brown when old; up to 4 mm. long, 1:5 mm. wide at the base, 3 mm. wide at the shoulder with a distinct central nerve. 86 THE GENUS DAWSONIA, Leaf base suddenly narrowed to the long linear blade. Leaf blade 20-24 mm. long, slightly less than 1 mm. wide, remaining more or less constant in width for about two-thirds of its length and then tapering to a fine point. Margin strongly toothed throughout. Apex toothed at both back and front for about 5 mm., teeth at the back of the nerve usually in pairs or in threes. Lamellae about 60 in number, 60-804 high usually of about six rows of cells but the number is variable and may be as many as nine or occasionally as few as four. Margin almost straight. Apical cells distinct from Yoodddo, «© JUODUDO IOHOCMO, «= SABRI TC i JOUGOUONICDUG JOsmBOs Sou | SCC OUD BOS ny + Text-figures 1-6.—Detail of lamellae shown in side view. 1. Dawsonia Papuana. 2. D. superba. 3. D. altissima. 4. D. grandis. 5. D. gigantea. 6. D. Pullei. AU x 220. the lower cells of the lamellae, usually colourless and almost square, 14u across, very variable in their degree of thickening. At times the apical cell wall hardly differs from that of the lower cells; at others the apical cell walls are heavily thickened. A similar variation is seen in sectional view; the apical may be much wider than the lower cells and be almost obovate or may be very little wider and almost rectangular and subquad- rate, about 10u in diameter. Female plants similar to the sterile plants, perichaetial leaves hardly differing from the foliage leaves. Seta usually short and somewhat flexuose, the capsule usually not exceeding the comal leaves in the dry condition. This, BY ALAN BURGES. 87 however, appears to be a variable character and although average measurements for the seta are 10-15 mm. by 0:5 mm., some New Zealand specimens have the setae up to 3-5 ems. long by 1 mm. thick. Calyptra large, up to 1 cm., densely covered with silky red or orange hairs. Capsule flattened, borne at right angles to the seta, concave above, convex below, 7 X 4 mm. Peristome a dense tuft of pale brown or dirty white hairs 3 mm. long. The orientation of the capsule is very variable owing to the manner in which the seta curves when dry. Type not seen. Text-figures 2 and 15 drawn from material collected from Dorrigo, N.S.W. This species is widespread and abundant throughout Eastern Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, where it is usually found in rain forests or wet sclerophyll forest. Dixon (1922) includes D. superba for New Guinea. I know of no certain record from New Guinea. The material collected by Brass and assigned by Bartram to D. superba is D. Pullei (see p. 91). There is, however, a sheet in the Melbourne Herbarium simply labelled “New Guinea” with no collector, locality, or date. This specimen is D. superba but approaches much nearer to D. altissima than any Australian or New Zealand material I have seen. Bartram (1939) refers the Philippine species to D. superba. The identity of these Philippine plants is discussed on page 89 and reasons are given there for regarding them as D. altissima Geh. For the present, the writer regards D. superba as a plant confined to Eastern Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, and considers the closely related plant found in Borneo, the Celebes and the Philippines as D. altissima. 3. Dawsonia altissima Geh. Geheeb, Flora, 69: 352, 1886. Stems up to 50-60 cms., unbranched, the upper 20-30 cms. leafy, lower part denuded of leaves, triangular, shiny dark brown, three ribbed. Leaves when moist straight and flat, standing almost at right angles to the stem. When dry crisped and twisted often markedly so. Leaf base sheathing orange brown, with distinct mid-rib 3 x 2-5 mm. Leaf blade linear, tapering in the upper third to a sharply toothed apex, 30-35 mm. long. Margin toothed to within a short distance of the base. Apex very strongly toothed both back and front, teeth at the apex up to 250u long. Lamellae about 60u, not quite touching each other, 35u to 45u high of 4-5 cells. Lower cells fairly regular, usually subquadrate 6-8u across, apical row very distinct, usually without chlorophyll and much wider than high, about 10u x 164. Margin of lamellae almost straight, each individual apical cell often corresponding fairly distinctly with two cells in the layer below. Seta variable in length 2-3-5 cms. by 0:5-1 mm., usually slender, slightly curved or very slightly arcuate when dry. Capsule large, 9 x 5 mm. Dixon (1934) records that the specimens from the Celebes were characterized by having a very short stout seta, but otherwise did not seem to differ from the Borneo plant. The material collected by Burbidge on Mt. Kinabulu, Borneo, 1877-78, part of which is now in Kew Herbarium, would appear to be the type material. Text-figures 3 and 16 and the above description are based on this material. Apparently not uncommon in the higher mountains of Borneo, the Philippines, and the Celebes. There appears to have been considerable confusion regarding this species. When it was first received by Geheeb, he regarded it as merely a robust form of D. superba. Subsequently, however, he considered it to be sufficiently distinct and named it D. altissima. The differences which separate it are admittedly slight and somewhat dificult to define, nevertheless they were regarded as sufficient to warrant is retention as a separate species, by Gepp (1913) and Dixon (1922). Confusion is only likely to arise with D. superba. In typical specimens the difficulty is not very great. D. altissima is a taller plant with longer leaves which always show some twisting along their axis. In dried material the leaf blade is always flatter than in D. superba and the leaves are less erect. In D. superta the leaves are usually straight and, when dry, the leaf margin becomes inrolled from immediately above the sheathing base making the leaf very narrowly triangular. Differences also exist in the appearance of the apical cells of the iw ao al SOHN ae ey) wala a 6 a Ce Scay ete aitigy 2 = 6 US oe IO i oe og i LOINABA SSK) we eRe iL PEIN SRE BSaceee| ee OOF qe MO) = GASES MSO SROT) LE SHOT (PeBWRSS | Oe leas Seas. = ESR See S05 a BY ALAN BURGES. 89 lamellae when seen in side view. This difference is difficult to define but seems to be due to the way in which the thickening is laid down. In D. superba the vertical walls between the apical cells appear as if made of a single layer which may vary greatly in thickness; in D. altissima the thickened wall seems to consist of two distinct layers. In most specimens of D. superba the apical cells are approximately square in side view and those of D. altissima are about twice as long as they are high, but this difference is of less value than the others given above. In the collections examined there has been little trouble in placing material from Borneo and the Celebes as D. altissima. The material from the Philippines has, however, proved much more difficult and approached much more closely to D. superba as it occurs in Australia than did the specimens from Borneo or Celebes. The Philippine material has previously been regarded as D. superba, first by Brotherus and subsequently by Bartram (1939). It is possible that Brotherus, when he identified the Philippine material, did not fully understand D. altissima as when Pflanzenfamilien, Ed. I was written he had not seen D. altissima. The Philippine specimens examined by me were: (1) Collected by Elmer, Mt. Apo, 1909, identified by Brotherus as D. superba. (2) Collected by Hachisuko, Mt. Apo, 1921. (3) Collected by Mearus and Hutchinson, Mindanoa, identified by Brotherus as D. superba. In this material the twisting of the leaves, while never so distinct as in material from Borneo, was, however, quite apparent. Most of the leaves, when dry, lacked the typical inrolled margins and straight triangular outline of typical D. superba. Examina- tion of the lamellae showed them to be very variable both in shape of the apical cell and in the height of the lamellae. Nevertheless all the preparations showed the charac- teristic thickening of D. altissima. Taking all the characters together, I feel that the Philippine plants are best placed as D. altissima. Whether D. altissima is worthy of full specific rank must be reconsidered at a later date. When a wider range of material is available it may be found that several of the large species such as D. altissima and D. papuana should be regarded as geographical subspecies of D. superba, but in view of the lack of material and scanty state of our knowledge regarding the moss flora of the area between Australia and the Philippines, I do not think it wise to lump at present and have therefore retained D. altissima as distinct. 4. Dawsonia grandis Schliep. and Geh. Schliephacke and Geheeb, Rev. Bryol., 23: 88, 1896. Stems simple, tall, 40 or more cms. high, the upper 20-30 cms. leafy; the lower part of the stem triangular, denuded of leaves or with the torn remains of the sheathing leaf bases, shiny dark brown to black, with scars of the old leaves. Leaves, when moist, straight or with their tips slightly curved, standing at right angles to the stem; when dry, usually somewhat twisted, the leaf blade about 45° to the stem. In material which has been heavily pressed, the leaves tend to be rather straight with the apices of the leaves, particularly the upper ones very regularly and noticeably falecately hooked. In material which has dried without being heavily pressed, the regular falecate curving of the leaf apices is less noticeable owing to the general crisping of the leaves. Leaf base 4 x 2-5 mm. orange-brown; leaf lamina 3-4 cm. long, 1-1:5 mm. broad, linear, upper third tapering to a point. Apex toothed back and front, margin toothed almost to the base. Lamellae about 120, 20-304 high. Margin of the lamellae straight, apical cells not very different from the lower cells, approximately 12 x 12u, sometimes a little wider than high. Cells of the lowest layer somewhat variable with many cells distinctly rhomboidal. Capsules usually borne singly but not infrequently two capsules occur on a single stem. Seta stout, rigid, usually about 3 cms. long by 1-2 mm. thick, brownish, often showing distinct ribs when dried. Capsule large, 12 x 8 mm. broadly oval, compressed, about 3 mm. thick, slightly concave above, convex below horizontal to somewhat downward pointing; when old, often becoming V-shaped in cross section. Peristome dirty white up to 5 mm. long. 90 THE GENUS DAWSONIA, Type material was collected by W. Armit, Mt. Musgrave, New Guinea, June, 1894. This was distributed by F. v. Mueller as D. papuana; Geheeb, when he received it, recognized it as distinct, and described it as D. grandis. Figures 4 and 17 and the description were made from part of the original material. D. grandis is apparently restricted to New Guinea, where it is probably the commonest species. The stout rigid seta and the rhomboidal cells of the lower row in the lamellae readily distinguish this species from all others. In some lamellae the bulk of the lower cells may appear regular, but groups of rhomboidal cells are always present. 5. Dawsonia gigantea C.M. C. Mueller, Hedw., 36: 336, 1897. Stems simple up to 50 cms. high, upper 10-20 cms. leafy, the lower part denuded of leaves or covered with the remains of tattered leaf bases. Leaf base 3-5 x 3 mm. orange with distinct central nerve. Leaf blade about 25 mm. long, 1-1:25 mm. wide, very narrowly lanceolate, slightly contracted immediately above the sheath. When dry, leaves show a slight tendency to be crisped, the leaf blade, however, tends to remain flatter and the margins are less incurved than in some of the other species. Margin toothed to within about 3-4 mm. of the base, apex strongly toothed, nerve toothed at the back near the apex. Lamellae about 90 in number, approximately 50u high usually of four, occasionally of three or five rows of cells. Apical cell very distinct both in side view and in section. In side view l16u high, 20-254 wide, walls considerably thickened, outer wall 4-64 thick. Lower rows of cells, subquadrate, thin-walled about 10u across. Capsule on a relatively stout seta, 10-15 mm. long by 1-2 mm. thick. Capsule large, 10 x 7 mm., horizontal; operculum 5 mm. long. Peristome dirty yellowish-white, 3 mm., slightly twisted. Text-figures 14-19.—Leaf outline. 14. Dawsonia Papuana. 15. D. superba. 16. D. altissima. 17. D. grandis. 18. D. gigantea. 19. D. Pullei. BY ALAN BURGES. 91 Type not seen. Collected by Beccari, July, 1875, from Mt. Arfak, New Guinea, apparently as No. 160 in Geheeb’s collection. Material from which the above description and Text-figures 5 and 18 were drawn was collected by Gibb (No. 5523), Mt. Arfak, December, 1913. A very distinct species readily distinguished by the thickened apical cells of the lamellae. Apparently restricted to New Guinea. 6. Dawsonia Pullei Fleischer. Stems tall, up to 50 ems., upper 15-30 cms. leafy, lower part naked or covered with torn leaf bases. Leaves, when dry, strongly crisped, the upper third of the leaf often tightly coiled, leaf margins not inflexed, except near the apex. Lower leaves 15 mm. long, upper leaves up to 30 mm. Lamellae about 80 in number, 50-70u high usually of 4-5 rows of cells, margin crenulate, apical cells in side view 15u high by 9u wide, occasionally almost square. Walls of the apical cells very heavily thickened, particularly on the outer wall. Lower cells variable, quadrate, rectangular to rounded hexagonal. Seta 3-5 cms. by 2 mm. wide, dull orange-red above, later becoming dark brown or black. Capsule large, 12-13 mm. by 5 mm., horizontal when maturing, operculum up to 6 mm.; calyptra covered with hairs, reddish orange. Peristome dirty white, 2-3 mm. long. Type material collected by A. Pulle on Mont Hellwig, alt. 1,800 M., No. 727, 17th December, 1912, on the Third Dutch Expedition to New Guinea. Material of this species was distributed as D. Pullei n. sp. Fleischer. So far I have been unable to find any published description of this species. What is clearly the same species was collected by L. J. Brass (No. 10554) at Lake Habbema, New Guinea, in October, 1938. This material was recorded by Bartram (1942) as a form of D. superba. The above description and figures 6 and 19 have been drawn from the part:‘of the original collection now in Kew Herbarium. D. Pullei is by far the most distinct of the large Dawsonias; the tight spiral coiling of the leaves and the characteristic lamellae readily separate it from the other species. It is known only from the two New Guinea collections. BREVIFOLIA. Plants 10-25 ems. high, leaves usually under 15 mm. long, narrow linear or narrow linear triangular, very acute, seta slender, capsule usually 4-8 mm. long. The species of this section fall naturally into three groups. D. polytrichoides and D. intermedia from Australia, which form the first group, suggest small specimens of the longifolia. The New Guinea species D. Beccarii, D. crispifolia and D. limbata, with their narrow, almost subulate leaf blade, are clearly closely allied to each other. The Borneo and Celebes, D. brevifolia, as might be expected from its distribution, stands somewhat apart from the others. 7. Dawsonia intermedia C.M. C. Mueller, Hedw., 1897, 335. Stems simple, variable in height from 10-30 cm., lower part of stems bare, triangular, blackish, upper 6-10 cm. leafy. Leaves uniform, when moist, standing at right angles to the stem; when dry, making an angle of about 45° with the stem. Sheathing leaf base 3 x 2 mm. colourless or orange with an orange-brown central nerve. Lamina narrow linear lanceolate, about 10-15 mm. long by 1 mm. broad, margin strongly toothed. Apex with several closely set teeth, often reddish. Margin inrolled, when dry, making the leaf almost terete. Lamellae 50-60 in number, about 100u high, of 5-9 rows of cells. Margin of lamellae almost straight, marginal row of cells differentiated from the lower cells variable in size and shape, usually rectangular, 16 x 244 with long axis either at right angles or parallel to the leaf axis, thick outer wall usually with a granular appearance. Lower cells quadrate or polygonal, 10u across. Perichaetial leaves grading into the cauline, innermost with few lamellae, the lamina being reduced to a toothed subula at the end of a large sheathing base. Seta 15 mm. x 0-75 mm., when dry somewhat flexuose and twisted, ribbed with 5-8 ribs in the upper part. Capsule ovate 8 x 6 mm. Peristome 28 mm. long, dirty white, slightly twisted. 92 THE GENUS DAWSONIA, Above description and Text-figures 7 and 20 are based on material collected by Luehmann, 1881, Upper Yarra, Victoria, originally in Herb. Bescherelle, now in Natural History Museum collection. Luehmann’s gathering apparently forms the type material. Not uncommon in eastern New South Wales and Victoria, and probably also occurs in Queensland. It appears to be a rain forest species and is fairly distinct. Although resembling D. polytrichoides in the field, it can readily be separated on the size of the lamellae. 8. Dawsonia polytrichoides R. Br. R. Brown, Trans. Linn. Soc., 10: 316, 1811. Stems simple, 5-20 cm., mostly about 10 cm., lower part of stem usually brownish with the remains of the old leaf bases, triangular. Leaves, when dry, somewhat loosely appressed but not markedly so. Sheathing base, 2 x 1-5 mm., pale or orange with orange- brown central nerve. Lamina narrow linear lanceolate, 6-10 mm. x 0:75 mm., margin and apex strongly toothed, nerve toothed at back above. When dry, leaf margin inrolled making the leaves almost terete. Lamellae about 60 in number, 50u high, of 4 or 5 rows of cells. Margin of lamellae distinctly crenate from the projecting margin cells. Marginal cells distinct, thickened, outer wall often granular, about 10 x 12u elongated in either direction. Lower cells 10 x 8u usually elongated parallel to the axis of the leaf but sometimes almost quadrate or hexagonal. Perichaetial leaves consist of a spiny flexuose subula and a greatly lengthened sheathing base. Seta about 2-5 cm. x 0-5 mm., orange-red when young, dark brown when old. Capsule ovate 5 x 3mm. Calyptra large, 1:55 cm. x 5 mm. densely set with crimson hairs. Peristome dirty white. 20 ae = 22a 22 b 3 23 Pee ae ee 5 25 er 26 Text-figures 20-26.—Leaf outline. 20. Dawsonia intermedia. 21. D. polytrichoides. 22. D. brevifolia. 23. D. Beccarii. 24. D. limbata. 25. D. crispifolia. 26. D. longiseta. Above description and Text-figures 8 and 21 are based on material collected from National Park, N.S.W., by the writer. The material in the Herbarium, Kew, collected by R. Brown, “Australia”, probably is the type. Examination of this material shows it to agree well with numerous collections from New South Wales and Queensland. Var. minor C.M., ? in lit. only. BY ALAN BURGES. 93 Stems 2-4 cm., lower 1-2 cm. naked. Leaves when dry usually distinctly appressed making the stems appear clavate, occasionally not very much appressed. Seta 1-5-2 cm. Differing from the type in the short clavate stems. Superficially the plants resemble D. longiseta in their short stems and by comparison long setas, but the structure of the leaf is typical of D. polytrichoides. Whitelegge’s specimen from Kangaroo Valley, 1885, would seem to be the type. D. polytrichoides is by far the commonest species of the genus, it is widespread and abundant in Eastern Australia where it and its var. minor most frequently occur on freshly disturbed earth banks in sclerophyll forest. It is distributed from Tasmania to Queensland. 9. Dawsonia brevifolia Gepp. Gepp, Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond., 42: 209, 1914. D. Kinabaluensis Broth. MS., in herb. Stems mainly simple, female plants occasionally branched, 20-30 cm. tall, slender lower part of stem base naked or covered with scale leaves, upper 3-10 cm. with normal leaves. Leaves, when dry, appressed to the stems making the shoots almost cylindrical, occasionally somewhat crisped, when moist, more or less patent. Sheathing leaf base 2-5 x 1:75 mm., orange to brown with a central dark brown nerve. Cells of the shoulder uniformly thickened, irregular, oval 8 x 124 without any well-marked motor cells. Leaf blade variable from 7-10 mm., occasionally up to 15 mm. in the comal tuft, narrow linear acute. The cauline leaves reduced to a triangular leaf base with an apiculus formed, from the excurrent nerve, devoid of lamellae; cells of the wings of the base much laxer and more parenchymatous than of the comal leaves. Comal leaves with strongly toothed margin, somewhat inflexed. Lamellae about 70 in number, 80-1004 high, usually of 6-7 rows of cells. Margin crenate with projecting cells. Marginal cells 16 x 104 without any marked thickening, elongated at right angles to the axis of the leaf; lower cells very regularly quadrate, 10-124 across. Perichaetial leaves similar to comal leaves, slightly more strongly toothed. Seta 1:5-2-5 em. x 0:75 mm., often slightly curved. Capsule horizontal, ovate, 8 x 4 mm. Operculum narrow, pointed, 3 mm. Description and Text-figures 9 and 22 are drawn from type material in Natural History Museum, collected by Gibb, 1910, Kinabalu, Borneo. This species has been collected several times from Borneo and also from the Celebes (Dixon, 1934). Gibb collected it in 1910 and Gepp’s description was published in 1914. The same species was collected by Clemens (her. No. 10549), also from Kinabalu in 1915 and provisionally named by Brotherus, D. Kinabaluensis n. sp. Apparently he later became aware of Gepp’s description and dropped the name D. Kinabaluensis. The name, however, does appear in Hertzog’s Geographie der Moose. An examination of material collected by Clemens, a sheet of which is in Kew Herbarium, shows that Brotherus’ D. Kinabaluensis is clearly D. brevifolia, a very distinct species in the leaf structure. The absence of typical motor cells in the leaf base gives the plant a very distinct habit and the structure of the lamellae readily distinguishes it from any of the other species. It occurs in both Borneo and the Celebes. 10. Dawsonia Beccarii Broth. et Geh. Brotherus and Geheeb, Rev. Bryol., 23: 73, 1896. Ibid., Biblioth. Bot. Hfte., 44: 14, 1898. D, altissima C.M. MS., herb. D, filicaulis Geh. MS., herb. Stems simple, tall, up to 40 em., lower part of the stem bare, dark brown to blackish, triangular. Leaves straight or occasionally somewhat crisped on the lower part of the stem. When dry leaves closely appressed giving the stem a very slender appearance, when moist standing away from the stem but still more or less erect. Leaf base sheathing 3 x 1:5 mm., colourless to brownish, with an orange central nerve. Leaf blade very narrowly triangular varying in length from 8-15 mm. Margin strongly spinose, inflexed, apex very spinose, orange red, the lamellae ceasing some distance below the / 94 THE GENUS DAWSONIA, apex. Lamellae about 40 in number, 60u high, margin crenate due to projecting cells, usually 5-6 rows high, margin cells distinct with thickened walls, square to rectangular, 12 x 12-20u, lower cells variable quadrate or hexagonal, about 10-12 across. Some of the cells of the lowest row are often elongated parallel to the axis of the leaf and may measure 20-30u x 8u. Seta about 2 cm. x 1mm. Capsule ovate 8 x 5 mm., horizontal. Type not seen, originally collected by Beccari on Mt. Arfak, New Guinea, July, 1875. The above description and Text-figures 10 and 23 are based on material collected by Gibbs (No. 5521 and 6005) from Mt. Arfak. Subsequently recorded from Lake Habbema and Mt. Wilhelmina, New Guinea. The appressed leaves and the slender appearance make the species easily distinguish- able from the others. 11. Dawsonia limbata Dix. Dixon, Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond., 45: 486, 1922. Stems simple, 10-15 cm., lower 3 ecm. bare, triangular dark brown. Leaves when dry straight and appressed, when moist more or less spreading. Sheathing base of leaves 3 X 2 mm. orange, with an orange brown central nerve. Leaf blade narrow linear 7-9 mm. x 0:5 mm. wide. Margin spinose, incurved, often somewhat whitish, apex toothed. Lamellae about 40, 70u high, margin crenate from projecting cells, 6-9 rows high, marginal row distinct thick-walled, 12 x 12u, lower cells quadrate or rectangular, 8 across, walls somewhat thickened. Capsule apparently unknown. The above description and Text-figures 11 and 24 are based on material in Herb. Dixon now in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. This and the two preceding species are readily separated from the remainder of the genus when dry by their uniformly appressed leaves. The leaves of D. limbata are shorter, more linear and less acute than those of D. Beccarii, which taper more or less gradually throughout their length. The species is so far known only from New Guinea. 12. Dawsonia crispifolia Dix. Dixon, Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond., 45: 486, 1922. Stems simple, 15-25 cm. high, subfiexuose, lower part covered with the remains of the old leaf bases, dirty brown. Leaves very characteristically crisped when dry, slightly crisped to falcate when moist. Sheathing base almost triangular, orange brown with a central reddish brown nerve. Leaf blade narrow, gradually tapering from 0-5 mm. to an acute point, somewhat falcate, 8-10 mm. long. Margin with slender slightly curved spinose teeth. Lamellae 40-50, about 80u high, margin crenate due to the projecting cells. Lamellae mostly of 6 rows of cells, sometimes 7-8, marginal row conspicuously thickened 14 x 6y elongated at right angles to the axis of the leaf, lower cells with thickened walls, subquadrate or subrectilinear, mostly 6 x 10u. Seta about 2 cm. x 0-75 mm. slightly arcuate, capsule horizontal to hanging, broadly ovate, 8 x 6 mm., peristome large, 4 mm., dirty white. The above description and Text-figures 12 and 25 are based on the type material collected by Kloss, Mt. Carsters, New Guinea. Readily distinguished from all other species of the genus by its narrow falcately cerisped leaves and slender almost rigid habit. Brotherus in Pflanzenfamilien, Ed. II, gives D. crispata Dix., apparently a slip, for this species. Fleischer evidently following Brotherus returned D. crispata for specimens collected by Lam in New Quinea, and this name thus appears in Lam’s Fragmenta Papuana (p. 119, English translation). D. crispifolia is so far known only from New Guinea. 13. Dawsonia longiseta Hpe. Hampe, Linn., 1860, 634. Dawsonia appressa Hpe., Linn., 1860, 634. Dawsonia Victoriae C.M., Hedw., 1897, 331. Stems simple, 1-3 cm., lower part with small scale leaves, upper part densely clothed with normal leaves. Leaves when moist set at right angles to the stem, usually with a somewhat glaucous appearance; when dry appressed to the stem so that the sterile BY ALAN BURGES. 95 shoots appear clavate. Leaves narrow lingulate, often slightly curved and asymmetrical, incurved when dry. Margin wider than in the other species, strongly inflexed so that at first sight the margin appears entire. At the apex the inflexed margin makes the leaf almost cucullate. Leaf base sheathing 2 x 15 mm., usually colourless except for the brown nerve; lamina 6-7 mm. long x 0:75 to 1 mm. wide. Lamellae numerous, usually about 80, up to 65u high, of four to five rows of cells, margin crenulate due to projecting cells. Marginal cells 20 x 15u, outer wall strongly thickened up to 5u thick, usually elongated at right angles to the axis of the leaf. Lower cells very variable from thickened quadrate or hexagonal to thin-walled rectangular, mainly 12 across. Seta orange-red, long, up to 3:5 cm., by 0-5 mm. Calyptra conical, 8 x 2 mm., densely covered with orange-crimson hairs. Perichaetial leaves with a very much reduced lamina and usually without lamellae. Apex very variable, in some plants obtuse and jagged toothed, in others finely acute. Capsule ovate 5 x 2 mm., horizontal, peristome silky or dirty white, 1:5 mm. The above description is a composite description based on a wide range of material from Eastern Australia. Text-figures 13 and 26 are from the type specimen in Hampe’s herbarium now at the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. D. longiseta is common on recently disturbed soil in sclerophyll forest from Tasmania to Queensland. Easily recognized by its small size and lingulate leaves. In this latter respect the figures in Plate ix of Mueller’s Australian Mosses are somewhat misleading. In reducing Hampe’s D. appressa and C. Mueller’s D. Victoriae to synonyms, it may seem that I have lumped more than is justified. However, after examining almost a hundred collections of plants attributed to these species I find no justification for retaining them as separate species, as all intergradations exist between the three forms which can be regarded as the original species. Furthermore, characters which might perhaps be associated with one species may be found together with characters from another and several combinations of characters will often occur in the one tuft. Examination of the type specimens of D. longiseta and D. appressa, now at Natural History Museum, South Kensington, and a comparison of these with part of the type gathering of D. Victoriae from the Melbourne Herbarium shows them to be somewhat distinct. D. longiseta with stems about 2 cm. long, seta about 3 cm. straight, the leaves thick and inrolled appearing almost terete when dry; D. appressa with stems about 2 cm. long almost clavate from the appressed leaves, seta about 2 cm., usually with a pronounced curve a few mm. behind the capsule; D. Victoriae a small plant usually with the leaves flatter and more curved. There are also minor differences in the cells of the lamellae. When a range of specimens is examined these distinctions break down and it is impossible to assign the majority of specimens to one or other of the forms just mentioned. C. Mueller separated his D. Victoriae from D. longiseta on its smaller size, etc., and its obtuse perichaetial leaves. A dissection of a plant from the type gathering, however, shows obtuse and acute perichaetial leaves on the same plant. He does not compare his plant with D. appressa, which it much more closely resembles. Hampe distinguishes D. appressa as follows: “D. longiseta proxima differt; caule clavato longiore, foliis brevioribus, sicca appressis, seta breviore, theca minore, angulata et peristomia sericeoniveo.” These characters, however, will not stand, and it seems clear that both D. Victoriae and D. appressa are forms of a fairly variable D. longiseta. Other workers seem to have met similar difficulties in separating these three supposed species. Most Victorian material seems to have been labelled D. Victoriae, apparently for no other reason than that it came from Victoria. All the New South Wales and Queensland material has been called D. longiseta. In herb. Dixon there is a good range of D. longiseta and alongside one packet from Fernshaw, Victoria, Dixon has written “much of this might well be D. appressa’, yet some of the plants might equally well have been the original for F.v.M.’s figure of D. longiseta in his Australian Mosses. Invalid Names. In addition to the species described above, the following names appear either in the literature or in herbaria: 96 THE GENUS DAWSONIA, D. altissima C.M., herbarium MS. name only = D. Beccarii Broth. and Geh. D. crispata Dix. Appears in Pflanzenfamilien, Ed. II, and is apparently an error for D. crispifolia. The same name appears in Lam’s Fragmenta Papuana. D. insignis. In the Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie, Bd. VII/I, Anatomie der Laubmoose. Lorch refers (p. 65) to a D. insignis. I have been unable to find any other trace of such a species. D. Kinabaluensis Broth. Brotherus’ species was never published although distributed with specimens. On the appearance of Gepp’s D. brevifolia, with which it is obviously conspecific, D. Kinabaluensis was dropped. D. longifolia R. Brown. Appears on herbarium sheets at Kew and South Kensington. The specimens are clearly D. superba. D. longisetacea appears as an error for D. longiseta in F. v. Mueller’s Australian Mosses. D. Novae—Zeelandiae appears on a specimen at Kew, collected by Colenso near Auckland, New Zealand. It had subsequently been labelled D. superba, which it clearly is. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I would like to express my grateful thanks to the following for making available specimens and records in their care and for their generous help in the present work: Dr. Ramsbottom and Mr. Sherrin, of the Natural History Museum, South Kensington; the Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Mr. Jessup and Mr. Willis of the Herbarium, Botanic Gardens, Melbourne; Mr. Anderson of the National Herbarium, Sydney; and Mr. Bartram of Bushkill, Pike County, U.S.A. References. Bartram, E., 1934.—The Mosses of the Philippines. Philippine Journ. Sci., 68:1. —, 1942.—Third Archbold Expedition. Mosses from the Snow Mountains, Netherlands New Guinea. Lloydia, 5: 245. Dixon, H. N., 1922.—The Mosses of the Wollaston Expedition to Dutch New Guinea, 1912-13, with some additional mosses from British New Guinea. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., 45: 477. , 1934.—Mosses of the Celebes. Ann. Bryol., 7:19. GeEpp, A., 1913, in Gibbs, L. S., 1913.—A contribution to the flora and plant formations of Mount Kinabalu and the Highlands of North Borneo. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.), 42: 1. SCHLIEPHACKE, C., and GEHEEB, A., 1896.—Essai d’une monographie du genre Dawsonia. Rev. Bryol., 23 2 (3- 97 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART Il, NEW ZEALAND SPECIES. By Gwenpa L. Davis, B.Sc., Lecturer in Biology, New England University College. (Twenty-four Text-figures. ) [Read 30th March, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. The genus Brachycome was first recorded from New Zealand by J. D. Hooker (1853) with the description of B. radicata. Since that date extensive exploration has shown that the genus is widely distributed in that country, particularly in the South Island. In Part I of this paper (these ProcEeprines, Ixxiii, 142-241) the suggestion was put forward that this genus had already colonized New Zealand prior to its connection being severed with the Australian mainland. This hypothesis would account for the fact that all species belong to the subgenus Hubrachycome, there being no representatives of the subgenus Metabrachycome in New Zealand. If the present areas occupied by species be any guide to their origin, it would appear that it was B. radicata, or its ancestral form, which was the original colonist and that it spread widely before the land mass separated into North and South Islands. B. Sinclairii, on the other hand, had it originated later in the South Island, would have been prevented from migrating both to the North Island and to Stewart Island by effective barriers of water. No specimens of B. Sinciairii have been examined from either Stewart or North Islands, though the possibility cannot be overlooked that it exists but has not been collected there. Should this prove to be the case, it would go a long way towards explaining the presence on Three Kings Islands of this species. Up to date no specimens of Brachycome have been collected in the North Island north of the Kaimanawa Range. The similarity in the flora and fauna between the islands of Subantarctica and New Zealand has been the occasion for comment by various authors. Chiltern* (1909) points out “the flora of the islands to the south of New Zealand is in its main characters and alliances nothing more than a branch of the New Zealand flora, to some extent changed and modified by long ages of isolation”. He also remarks that Campbell and Auckland Islands ‘are not oceanic islands, but once formed part of a continental area connecting them with the present mainland of New Zealand’’. It is therefore interesting to examine specimens of B. radicata from Campbell Island. Unfortunately these are in flower only, but the very young fruit present are densely glandular, and the habit agrees with that of B. radicata from the mainland. It is more than likely that this species occurs also on Auckland and Macquarie Islands. This record supports the view that B. radicata was the original species of Brachycome in New Zealand, but it is remarkable that in isolation on Campbell Island it has followed an identical line of development to that pertaining in New Zealand. B. linearis has been collected only from the shores of Lake Te Anau. In the glabrous and smooth nature of the fruit it appears to be most closely allied to B. Sinclairii, but the affinity is not close. NOMENCLATURE. The general principles formulated in Part I of this paper are followed here. It is regrettable that both the well-known specific epithets ‘odorata’ and “Thomsonii” must be abandoned in favour of a little-known but earlier synonym. In the past there was a strong tendency for botanists to regard each species and variety as static. It is now coming to be generally recognized that each category is made * The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. Vol. II, pp. 467 and 796. 98 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART II, up of living individuals which, since they are living, have an inherent capacity for variation, and once that capacity is lost the population is in danger of dying out in a changing environment. The former practice of honouring each variation with a separate name adds confusion rather than clarity to taxonomic work, and in this paper, separate names are only applied to units of a discontinuous series. Within each unit limits of variation are established within which the individuals of the particular population oscillate about a hypothetical central point to which the term “typical” is applied. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Several hundred specimens have been critically examined as a result of the courtesy of the Directors of various public herbaria who lent their collections for this purpose. These specimens are all listed under appropriate species, the source in each case being indicated as follows: Auckland Institute and Museum (A). Canterbury Museum, Christchurch (C). Dominion Museum, Wellington (W). National Herbarium, Melbourne (MEL). National Herbarium, Sydney (NSW). Brisbane Herbarium (BRI). Specimens in young flower only, are indicated by an asterisk, but microscopic characters of the very young fruit are such that little doubt exists as to their correct determination. TAXONOMY. Compositae, Tribe Asteroidea. Brachycome Cass., Dict. Sci. Nat., 37 (1825), 491. Subgenus Hubrachycome Davis. Synonymy and definition of the genus as in Part I. Key to the Species. 1. Glandular branching perennials up to 25:6 cm. high, with cauline leaves which are often clustered basally. 2. Lower leaves oblanceolate or spathulate and toothed. Fruit oblong-cuneate, slightly flattened, more or less densely covered with short glandular hairs. Pa PPUSHCONSDICWOUS ase ez chaceasecio eee at acu ssecereaesianace = Ne Ree Eee EE Bode HOUT Rea 1. B. radicata 2*. Lower leaves spathulate and entire to pinnatifid or pinnatipartite. Fruit narrow- obovate, flat, glabrous. Pappus conspicuous, deciduous ......... 2. B. Sinclairu 1*. Glabrous annuals not more than 3:4 em. high. Leaves radical, linear to narrow lanceo- late, entire or with a single small tooth. Fruit narrow oblong, glabrous, turgid. Pappus MICLOSCOpPIeFaNndAECIAUOUSM te ee cee IC ICO aon eae can 3. B. linearis 1. BRACHYCOME RADICATA Hook. f., Fl. N.Z., I (1853), 127. (Text-figs. 1, 4, 7.) Synonymy: B. radicata Hook. f., var. a, Fl. N.Z., I (1853), 127. odorata Hook. f., Handb. N.Z. Fl. (1864), 138. Thomsonii T. Kirk, Trans. N.Z. Inst., xvi (1884), 372. Thomsonii var. membracifolia T. Kirk, St. Fl. N.Z. (1899), 261. Thomsonii var. dubia T. Kirk, St. Fl. N.Z. (1899), 261. polita T. Kirk, St. Fl. N.Z. (1899), 261. Thomsonii var. polita Cheesem., Fl. N.Z. (1906), 277. Haptotype: Patea, Wellington Province. Col. 1732. W. Colenso (A). Weakly erect to erect stoloniferous perennials up to 25:6 em. high, branching from the base, more or less densely glandular all over, rarely almost glabrous. Lower cauline leaves oblanceolate or spathulate in gross outline, basally attenuate into a petiole, up to 9-5 cm. long, 2:3 cm. broad, with obtuse to acute teeth. Upper leaves sessile, often becoming entire, and finally scale-like. Radical leaves present on young plants and similar to lower cauline. Peduncles leafy and terminate branches, scape-like when solitary. Inflorescences usually 1 or 2, but up to 6 may be present, 7-13 mm. diameter. Involucral bracts 18-24, 3-5-4:-5 mm. long, 1-5-2 mm. broad, broadly oblanceolate, apex obtuse to acute with torn-ciliate margins and usually bearing short glandular hairs on by ty ty ty by by vadicata. 1. B. radicata. Habit. x 3. Fruit. of B. radicata. J BY GWENDA L. DAVIS. Text-figures 1-8. 2. B. Sinclairii. Habit. x 4. 3. B. linearis. Habit. x 1. 4. B. x 22. 5. B. Sinclairii. Fruit. x 22. 6. B. linearis. Fruit x 45. 8. Distribution of B. Sinclairii (@) and B. linearis (x). 99 7. Distribution 100 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART II, the outer surface. Ray florets 14-30, 3-5 mm. long, 1:1-1:5 mm. broad, apparently always white. Receptacle 3-5-7 mm. broad, 1-7-5 mm. high, hemispherical. Frwit 2-3-5 mm. long, 0:9-1:'4 mm. broad, dark brown to black, oblong-cuneate, slightly flattened, more or less densely covered with short glandular hairs. Pappus conspicuous, straw-coloured, bristles of irregular length and often spreading. Range: North Island south of Kaimanawa Range, and widespread in both South Island and Stewart Island; also Windlass Bay, Campbell Island. Specimens examined: North Island: Tutira Run, Hawke Bay, H. Guthrie Smith (A); Kaweka Mt., 2,500 ft., H. Tryon (W, BRI); Kaimanawa Range, 1.1914, B. C. Aston (A, W, C); Kaimanawa Range, 1.1914, D. Petrie (W); Ruahine Range, 1.1914, B. C. Aston (W) ; Waimarino Co., “in forest’, 1.1918, H. Carse (W); Matatoke Gorge, 1.1918, H. B. Matthews and H. Carse (A); Wanganui (W); Patea, Wellington Province, W. Colenso n. 1732 (Haptotype of B. radicata var. a, A); Mt. Holdsworth, Tararua Range, 3,000-4,000 ft., W. Townson (A). South ~ Istand: ‘Cobb > Valley, Ne Wi -sNelson; pe Gs Gibbs EG) Me Arthur plateau, Nelson, 4,000 ft., 1.1886, T. F. Cheeseman (lectotype and 2 lectoparatypes of B. Thomsonii var. membracifolia, A; lectoparatype, W); Mt. Arthur, Nelson, J. Adams (A); W. Nelson, W. Townson (C); Nelson, W. Townson (A); Mt. Murchison, W. Townson (W); Mt. Murchison, 3,000 ft., W. Townson (A); Brunner Range, 3,000-4,000 ft., W. Townson (A); Tarndale, Nothofagus forest, 3,800 ft., L. Cockayne (W); W. region of Amuri Co., W. G. Morrison (W); Mt. Miro Miro, 19.1.1919, L. Cockayne (W); Mt. Miro Miro, 3,500 ft., D. Petrie (W); Arthur’s Pass, 3,000 ft., T. Kirk (W); Arthur’s Pass, T. Kirk (lectotype of B. polita and B. Thomsonii var. polita (A); Arthur’s Pass, “in moist ground near Lake Misery”, 26.1.1898, L. Cockayne (W, A); Arthur’s Pass, T. F. Cheeseman (W); Arthur’s Pass, 2.1919, A. Wall (C); margin of bush, Mingha Valley, 21.1.1932 (C); near Lyttleton, “‘rocky stations’, 1.1908, D. Petrie (W); Oamaru Bluff, D. Petrie (W); Cape Whanbrow, T. Kirk (lectotype and lecto- paratype of B. Thomsonii var. dubia, A; lectoparatype, W); Mt. Pisa Plateau, 5,500 ft., “soil on rock’, 9.3.1921, lL. Cockayne (W); Mt. Pisa Plateau, 9.3.1921, W. R. Reid (A); *Upper Routeburn, 4,000 ft., 7.5.1921, L. Cockayne (A); Otago Penin., 1.2.1920 (W); Dunedin, D. Petrie (W); near Dunedin, between Otago Hbr. Isthmus and Green Is., 300 ft., D. Petrie (W); Green Is., “sea cliffs’, D. Petrie (W); Black Head, St. Clair, Dunedin, 1.1920, A. Wall (C); Black Head, Dunedin, A. Wall (A); Mt. Cleghearn, W. of Waiau R., Southland, 1.1914, I. Crosby Smith (W); Takitimo Mts., ‘‘moist slopes in tussock’, 30.12.1912, D. Petrie (W); Bluff Hill, Southland, 21.1.1913, D. Petrie (W); Fortrose, ‘‘near sea’’, 4.1.1913, D. Petrie (C); Fortrose, “on clay near sea cliffs’, 4.1.1913, D. Petrie (W) ; Fortrose, 1.1913, D. Petrie (A). Stewart Island: Mason Bay, 1.1907, LL. Cockayne (W); Mason Bay, ‘“‘open places amongst scrub’’, 30.1.1907 (W); Mason Bay, 1910-1911, J. W. Murdoch (W); Mason Bay, 15-18, 1.1940, J. E. Attwood (A); Paterson Inlet, Stewart Is., G. M. Thomson (A, C); near Pegasus Sound, 1.1877, D. Petrie (W); Sydney Cove, 1.1882, T. Kirk (W); Stewart Island, 1.1880, G M. Thomson (BRI); Stewart Island, 12.1883, T. Kirk (W),; Stewart Is., J. W. Murdoch (W); Stewart Is., T. Kirk (lectotype and three lectoparatypes of B. Thomsonii, A; two lectoparatypes, MEL). With the exception of var. minima Kirk (‘Dog Is.”’), syntype material of all varieties of B. Thomsonii has been located in New Zealand and lectotypes nominated. B. radicata var. a was described by Hooker from three specimens (“Northern Is., Cunningham, Colenso; Middle Is. Lyall’), and in 1864 he described B. odorata with the comment “the B. radicata of Fl. N.Z. was founded partly on this, and partly on specimens of a Brachycome in A. Cunningham’s herbarium, which I am now convinced were intro- duced there by accident, and belong to an Australian species. The name of B. radicata had therefore better be abandoned”. B. odorata was accordingly described and the type locality given as “Patea Village, Colonso”, a somewhat more detailed locality record than that quoted in connection with B. radicata, but apparently based on the same specimen. Attempts to trace syntypes of B. radicata have only been successful to the extent of locating a specimen collected by Colenso bearing the type data in the Auckland Museum. Since, however, there must remain some doubt as to whether Hooker actually handled this particular specimen, it has been nominated haptotype both of B. radicata and B. odorata. It is unfortunate that all Hooker’s syntypes are no longer extant, but in the event of one belonging to another species, as Hooker suspected, the validly published name cannot be abandoned for that reason alone, B. radicata is accordingly redescribed and the name B. odorata rejected as a later synonym. * Campbell Is.: Cliffs above Windlass Bay, 10.12.1944, K. L. Oliver (W) >; cliffs, Windlass Bay, 12.1.1945, K. L. Oliver (W). BY GWENDA L. DAVIS. 101 Specimens available show a continuous variation of vegetative features, and many have been examined which occupy intermediate positions between varieties. Since the prac- tice of naming variations in a continuous series is not upheld by the present author, these varieties, having probably an ecological basis, are abandoned. In his description of B. Thomsonii var. minima Kirk records “Flower heads smaller, ray florets wanting. Habitat Dog Island’. Hither the ray florets were overlooked or this was a specimen of Lagenophora, and since no syntype specimens have been traced this variety is not listed in the synonymy of B. radicata. Syntype material of B. polita has been located and type selection made. These specimens fall well within the new specific limits of B. radicata except that the pappus recorded by Kirk as being absent is certainly present but tends to be dehiscent with age. Variation within this species is not great, the most striking feature being that of the indumentum. The vast majority of specimens are more or less densely glandular, certain of them being macroscopically so. However, sparsely glandular plants are not uncommon, and a few were seen from the Otago district which were glabrous. The degree of development of the indumentum cannot be correlated with either altitude or geographical position and probably has a genetical basis. All specimens examined from Stewart Is. were densely glandular, which tends to support this latter view. Variation in size and shape of leaves is no more than would be expected in a species occupying a variety of habitats in a relatively extensive range. In this connection it is interesting to note Cheesman’s comments (1925) following his redescriptions of the following species: B. odorata: “...1am inclined to think that this is not separable from B. Thomsonii.” B. Thomsonii: “. .. A most variable plant, only separable from B. odorata by the larger size, coarser habit, and larger heads.” The strong fragrance of this species has been commented on by various authors but no information is available as to the position of the glands responsible. 2. BRACHYCOME SINCLAIRII Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. (1864), 137. (Text-figs. 2, 5, 8.) . radicata var. B Hook. f., Fl. Nov. Zel., I (1853), 127. Sinclairii var. a Hook. f., Handb. N.Z. Fl. (1864), 137 Sinclairii var. B Hook. f., Handb. N.Z. Fl. (1864), 137. Sinclairii var. y Hook. f., Handb. N.Z. Fl. (1864), 137. pinnata Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. (1864), 138. Sinclairii Hook. f. var. montana T. Kirk, St. Fl. N.Z. (1899). Weakly erect to erect stoloniferous perennials up to 26 cm. high with a glandular hairy indumentum, rarely almost glabrous. Leaves clustered basally, up to 4:2 em. long, 1:1 cm. broad, very variable in shape, from spathulate and entire to pinnatifid or pinnati- partite. Segments obtuse to acute, usually regular. Blade passes abruptly into the petiole, or the leaf may appear sessile. Peduncles scape-like, naked or with a single bract, usually densely glandular distally. Inflorescence 0-9-1 cm. diameter, usually 1 or 2 present, rarely 8. Involucral bracts 16-84, 3:5-5-5 mm. long, 1-2-1:-5 mm. broad, lanceolate, glandular on outer surface, obtuse to acute, with torn ciliate margins. Ray florets 25-39, 5-9 mm. long, 1:2 mm. broad, apparently always white. Receptacle 2-5 mm. diameter, 1-4 mm. high, hemispherical. Frwit 1:7-2-3 mm. long, 0-:9-1:1 mm. broad, narrow-obovate, glabrous, flat, with narrow smooth margins, dark brown. Pappus conspicuous, deciduous. Synonymy : my by by bY OD oy Range: Widespread throughout the South Island, otherwise only recorded from Three Kings Islands. Specimens examined: *Three Kings Is. (W). South Island: *Mt. Arthur, 3,000 ft., “in Beech forest’, 1.1.1934, E. M. Heine (W); *Mt. Arthur Plateau, 1.1886, T. F. Cheeseman (A); Mt. Owen, 4,500 ft., 1.1882, T. F. Cheeseman (A); Mt. Owen, “about 4,500 ft.”, W. Townson (W, C); Mt. Owen, W. Townson (A); *Wairaw Valley, 4,000 ft., 1.1878, T. F. Cheeseman (A); Whites Bay, 18.1.1880, F. M. Reader (MEL) ; Awatere Valley, 12.1926, I. M. McMahon (C); Ward, “limestone hills near coast’, 12.1915, B. C. Aston (W); *Ward Hills (W); Camden Ra., Kiakoura Mts., 2.1930, A. Wall (C); Clarence Valley, 3,800 ft., 1.1875, DT. Kirk (W); Clarence Valley, 3,000 ft., 1.1893, Tl m Cheeseman (A); western region of Amuri Co., W. G. Morrison (C, W); Hanmer Plains, Christenson (W); Mt. Percival, Amuri Co., about 4,000 ft., 10.2.1914, W. G. Morrison (CW); Amuri. T. Kirk (W, MEL): *Mt. Halfmoon, Dillon R., about 5,000 ft., 12.1926, A. Wall (@)) 2 JS 102 i REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART II, *Upper Hurunui R., 10.1913, A. Wall (C); Bealey, Mingha, 1.1.1928 (C); Bealey Valley, near Mingha Junction, “river bed’, 15.1.1928, W. R. B. Oliver (W); *Mingha Valley, “Beech Forest’, 15.1.1928, W. R. B. Oliver (W); slopes of Rolleston, 4,500 ft., 25.1.1929, LL. Cockayne (C); Blimit Cirque, 16.2.1928 (C); *Blimit Cirque, 29.1.1928, W. R. B. Oliver (W); Rough Crk., Avalanche Ridge, 4,500 ft. (C); Graham’s Creek, 1.1928, M. Laing (C); mountain above Avalanche Gully, 17.1.1928, W. R. B. Oliver (W); Broken River, D. Petrie (W); *dry banks of Broken R., 11.1936, N. Lothian (MEL); Craigie Burn Mts., Canterbury Alps, 1.18938, D. Petrie (W); *Canterbury Alps, N. T. Carrington (W); Canterbury Plains, T. Kirk (A,* MEL) ; Canterbury, J. Haast (MEL); *Southern Alps, 2-5,000 ft. (W); Thomas River, Canterbury, T. Kirk (C); Burnham (W); Ashburton Mts., T. H. Potts (W); Ashburton, 11.1921, H. H. Allan (A); vicinity of Ashburton, H. H. Allan (A); *Mt. Potts, R. M. Laing (NSW) ; Woolshed Creek, Mt. Somers, 4.1926, A. Wall (C); Little Spur Mt., Upper Rangitata, 5,000 ft., 1.1921, A. Wall (C); *Mt. Peel, Canterbury, H. H. Allen (W); *Mt. Peel, “grassland. Abundant in tussock, 1,500-3,000 ft.”, H. H. Allan (W); *slope of Mt. Peel, ‘‘about 600 metres, in tall tussock land’, 2.1.1919, H. H. Allan (C); Ball Spur, above Tasman Glacier, 1.1924, A. Wall (C); Lake Tekapo, 5,000 ft., 1.1853, T. F. Cheeseman (A); Tasman Valley, north of Lake Pukaki, 13.2.1911, D. Petrie (W); *mountains near Hunter River, Lake Hawea, 1920, R. A. Wilson (W); Mt. Arnould, head of Lake Hawea, 1920, R. A. Wilson (W); Lake Ohau (W); mountains on Temple Crk., Lake Ohau, about 5,000 ft., 1.1931, A. Wall (C); Mt. Turner, 1.1926, A. Wall (C); *Lake Wanaka (W); *Mt. Ernslaw, 5,000 ft., E. Phillips Turner (A); Mt. Pisa, about 4,500 ft., D. Petrie (W); Mt. St. Bathans, about 3,000 ft., 12.1892, D. Petrie (W); Mt. Cadrona, D. Petrie (W); Mt. Cadrona, about 4,500 ft., D. Petrie (C, W); Ben Lomond, Lake Wakatipu, 1.1932, A. Wall (C) ; *Remarkables, east side of Lake Wakatipu, about 4,000 ft., 2.1886, D. Petrie (W); Remarkables, 5,500 ft., D. Petrie (W); Remarkables, 5,000 ft., 1.1923, A. Wall (C); *Cromwell, 12.1925, A. Wall (C); Matahanui, Manukerikia Plain, 11.1892, D. Petrie (W); Kurow, Waitaki River, 4.1892; 10.1893, D. Petrie (W); *Mt. Ida, Maniototo Co., 10.1.1911, D. Petrie (W); Mt. Ida, 12.1908, B. C. Aston (W); Ngapara, D. Petrie (W); Ngapara, L. Cockayne (W); Earnsleugh flat, near Clyde, D. Petrie (W) ;.*Rock and Pillar Range, 12.1908, B. C. Aston (W); Kyeburn Crossing, Maniototo Plain, about 1,400 ft., 11.1892, D. Petrie (W) ; Maerea’s Flat, Petrie (W); Macrea’s Flat, about 1,800 ft., D. Petrie (W); near Green Island, Dunedin, ‘‘sea cliffs’, D. Petrie (W); Old Man Range, about 5,000 ft., 2.1920, A. Wall (W, C); *Old Man Range, 2.12.1923, J. Speden (W); *Old Man Range, 1.1924, J. Speden and H. L. Darton (W); *Old Man Range, 2,000-4,000 ft., D. Petrie (W); *Strath Taieri, D. Petrie (W); *Bluff (W). The following localities have not been traced: Trelissick Basin, T. Kirk (W); Tinker’s Diggings, 1,000 ft., 11.1892, D. Petrie (W); Mt. Princess, about 3,000 ft., 1.1927, A. Wall (C). Since syntype specimens of all varieties are in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, they have not been examined by the author, and type selection has there- fore not been made. There is no doubt, however, as to the identity of this species. B. radicata var. B was described by Hooker from a single specimen (“Southern Is., Lyall’) with the note “var. 6 looks like a different species, but I have only one small specimen and that in young flower only’. Later (1864), and apparently without having obtained further specimens, Hooker raised this variety to specific rank as B. pinnata with the comment “I have but one specimen of this pretty little plant’. The description is, of necessity, limited to vegetative characters. The practice of describing any new category on a single incomplete specimen needs no comment. Hooker’s specimen is now at Kew, but several plants which agree perfectly with his description have been examined, and the fruits are identical with those of B. Sinclairii. The extremely variable nature of the leaves of this species is reflected in the long synonymy listed above. This variation from entire to almost pinnate margins is shown to be continuous (Text-figs. 9-24), and it is not uncommon for specimens to bear both entire and divided leaves in varying proportions. Five specimens were examined from Cromwell (12.1925, A. Wall), one of which bore exclusively the almost pinnate leaves of Hooker’s var. pinnata, another bore the usual pinnatifid leaves, and the remaining three specimens bore both pinnatifid and pinnate leaves. In view of this, to give separate status to each peak of variation is a fruitless attempt to discover vegetative stability where none exists, and this entire population is now grouped under one name. In his original description of B. Sinclairii, Hooker describes the pappus as being “minute, bristly or 0”. Examination of a long series of specimens shows that while in mature fruit, the pappus is frequently lacking or poorly developed, in younger fruit on the same plant it is invariably well developed. The pappus is therefore commonly deciduous, seldom persisting into the mature condition. BY GWENDA L. DAVIS. 103 9 3. BRACHYCOME LINEARIS (Petrie) Druce. Bot. Exc. Club, iv (1914-1916), 614. (Text-figs. 3, 6, 8.) Synonymy : Lagenophora linearis Petrie, Proc. N.Z. Inst., xxv (1892), 271. ; Brachycome lineata T. Kirk, St. Fl. N.Z. (1899), 259. Lectotype: Lake Te Anau, 1.1886, D. Petrie (A). Lectoparatypes: Three, Lake Te Anau, 1.1886, D. Petrie (A); *three (W). Erect glabrous annuals, 1:7-3-4 cm. high. Leaves radical, linear to narrow oblanceo- late, obtuse, up to 2:3 em. long, 1-2 mm. broad, entire or rarely with a single linear tooth. Scapes 1-6, glabrous, naked, filiform. Inflorescences 2-5-3 mm. diameter. IJnvolucral bracts 8-12, 1-1-6 mm. long, 0-6-0-9 mm. broad, ovate to oblong, obtuse to subacute with minutely torn-ciliate margins. Ray florets about 12, the rays 1-1-2 mm. long, 0:2—0:3 mm. broad, apparently white. Receptacle 1:5 mm. broad, 0:2 mm. high, very slightly convex. Fruit 1-1-2 mm. long, 0-5-0-6 mm. broad, narrow oblong, glabrous, golden brown, turgid at maturity. Pappus white, microscopic, deciduous. Range: Apparently confined to the type locality. Specimens examined: Lake Te Anau, 1.1886, D. Petrie (lectotype and three lectoparatypes, A); three lectoparatypes (W); shores of Lake Te Anau, at foot of lake, 1.1892, D. Petrie (W) ; Lake Te Anau, 1.1932, A. Wall (W). ? B. linearis is known only from Lake Te Anau, though the possibility cannot be ignored that owing to its small size its presence elsewhere has been overlooked. It shows no close affinity with other described species, though in the glabrous and somewhat flattened fruit it is nearest to B. Sinclairii. B. linearis may represent a relic of the primitive stock persisting in isolation, but if so, similar forms should reasonably be expected to occur in similar pockets elsewhere. If the distribution of this species is restricted to its present known locality then it probably originated there directly from the ancestral stock as a mutation and its lack of variation suggests that its chances of survival are small. The following three species were described in 1943, the types of which are, according to the original descriptions, in the Herbarium of the Plant Research Bureau, Wellington, but since it has not been possible to examine these specimens the original descriptions are merely transcribed with comments. Brachycome humile. Simpson and Thomson, Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z., \xxiii, Pt. 3, 1943. “A very small tufted plant. Leaves radical, 1-2 cm. long, linear spathulate, 1 mm. broad at the tip, entire, or with 1-2 notches on one or both margins towards the tip, rather fleshy, gland dotted or minutely pubescent. Scapes 1 or more from the base, + 3 cm. long, almost filiform, glabrous below, with glandular hairs at the tips; heads solitary, + 6 mm. diam.; involucral bracts 9-10, lanceolate; margins purplish, scarious. Ray florets about 12, twice as long as the involucral bracts, oblong obtuse, yellowish and pilose at the base. Achenes obovate, slightly compressed, with a few stiff hairs; pappus of small scales. “Habitat: Snow hollows. “Type specimen from the summit of Rock and Pillar Range, Otago, in the Herbarium, Plant Research Bureau, Wellington. Smaller in size than B. linearis and differing by larger flowers, longer ray florets, by the hairs on the corolla and achenes and the distinct pappus scales.” If this species is as close to B. linearis as the description suggests, it may well represent another relic of the ancestral stock which, in isolation, has developed along slightly different lines to the present B. linearis population. The presence of stiff hairs on the fruit, however, is an unusual feature, unique among New Zealand species, and what is meant by ‘distinct pappus scales” is, in the absence of a text-figure, obscure. Brachycome longiscapa Simpson and Thomson, Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z., \xxiii, Pt. 3 (1943). “Rootstock short, stout, with many slender roots, branching closely to form small dense clumps. Leaves radical, 4-6 cm. long, 8-12 mm. broad, spathulate or linear spathulate, rather fleshy, darkish green, minutely or mealy pubescent; petiole stout, flattened above, rounded beneath, widened at the base, as long as or longer than the blade; blade obovate, rounded or blunt at the tip, narrowed to the petiole, entire or the 104 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART II, margin very irregularly lobed or toothed or pinnatifid, the midrib sunken above, prominent beneath. Scapes strict, long, 10-20 cm., slender, pale brown or purplish, naked, glabrous at the base, closely covered towards the tip with short, stout, glandular hairs. Heads 1:5 em. diam.; involucral bracts 4 mm. long, in two series, oblong, reddish, glandular hairy, with the margins scarious, rough and blackened; ray florets 8 mm. 6 see eel?, 4 ee. ee aoe ee. 20 20 208 ISA I9B : 22 23 24 21A Text-figures 9-24. Leaf variation in B. Sinclairii. Leaves of the same ordinal number are taken from the same plant. x &. BY GWENDA L. DAVIS. 105 long, numerous, linear obovate, obtuse; dise florets green. Achenes obovate, compressed, with minute pappus scales. “Habitat: Grassland. “Type specimen from the Upper Shag Valley, near Kyeburn, in the Herbarium, Plant Research Bureau, Wellington. “A common grassland plant in the valleys of the Shag and Waitaki Rivers and their tributaries, Lindis Pass, L. Pukaki, etc. The irregularly margined, minutely pubescent, darkish green leaves, and the long, slender scapes are unlike those of any other species.” The vegetative characters as listed in the original description fall within the limits of variation of B. Sinclairii, and although certain of these are referred to by the authors as unlike those of any other species, in this revision vegetative characters alone are not considered sufficient to warrant specific status. In the description of the fruit the pappus is said to consist of minute scales whereas that of B. Sinclairii is conspicuous but commonly deciduous at maturity. It is possible that in the fruit examined by the. authors of B. longiscapa the pappus had already broken off leaving the persistent bases of the original bristles which were then described as scales. Brachycome montana Simpson, Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z., xxv (1945), 197. “Rootstock short, 2-3 mm. diam., with many slender roots, branching closely to form small dense clumps. Leaves radical, 2-3 cm. long, 4-8 mm. broad, linear obovate- spathulate, rather fleshly, greyish green, surfaces and margins closely dotted with stiff glandular hairs; petiole as long as or twice as long as the blade, flat above and grooved, rounded beneath; blade differing in shape and in the division of its margins, rounded or narrowed to the petiole, sometimes almost entire, more usually with 2-7 irregularly disposed, conspicuous, rounded lobes. Scapes 4-6 cm. long, rather stout, pale brown, naked or with a single linear, acute bract, glandular hairy as the leaves. Heads 1 cm. diam., involucral bracts 5 mm. long, in three series, linear oblong, acute, glandular hairy, with scarious tips; ray florets 5 mm. long, in two series, linear obovate, rounded at the tip, much recurved, disc florets numerous, yellowish. Achenes. “Habitat: Type specimen from Mount Cardrona, Central Otago, collected by Mr. D. Leigh and cultivated by Mr. W. B. Brockie at the Botanic Gardens, Christchurch, in the Herbarium, Plant Research Bureau, Wellington. “The diversiform, greyish green, glandular hairy and somewhat fleshy leaves separate the species immediately from others of the genus.” This description, being devoted exclusively to vegetative characters, is of little diagnostic value, and could apply to certain variations of B. Sinclairii. Apart from the word ‘‘Achenes’’, no mention is made of the fruit. The following species are listed as nomena dubia, with transcriptions of the original descriptions: B. simplicifolia Armst., Trans. N.Z%. Inst., xiii (1881), 338. “A small tufted branching perennial herb, 3-4 in. high, stout and leafy. Radical leaves 2-3 in. long, linear-spathulate or linear, obscurely 3-nerved, obtuse, with broad membranous sheathing petioles and revolute margins; quite entire, except the sheaths which are somewhat shaggy, glandular-pubescent, or glabrous. Scapes 1-3 in. high, pubescent, 1-2 flowered, striated or channelled. Cauline leaves or bracts few, 1 in. long, linear-spathulate, obtuse, subamplexicaul, glandular-pubescent, more distinctly nerved than the leaves. Heads half an inch in diameter. Involucral scales 12-16 in one series, or with a second outer series of 2-3 scales only, linear-lanceolate or oblong, acute, distinctly 3-nerved, coriaceous, appressed, with purplish membranous margins. Ray florets short, oblong, obtuse, few or absent, white. Disc florets tubular, 3-5 toothed. Pappus entirely absent. Achenes compressed, one-tenth inch long, glandular-pubescent, thickened at the tips. Receptacle very narrow, convex, papillose. “Habitat: Nelson Provincial District. Mr. C. W. Jennings, Marlborough Provincial District (1869), J.B.A.” Cheeseman (1925) notes: “B. simplicifolia J. B. Armstr. is quite unknown to me, and there are no specimens in any public collection in the Dominion. It probably does not belong to the genus.” Armstrong’s private herbarium is now housed in the Canter- bury Museum, Christchurch, but contains no such specimens. It can only be assumed 106 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART II, that all syntypes have been lost, and consequently there no longer exists any foundation for the name. B. alpina W. Colenso, Trans. N.Z. Inst., xxx (1898), 271. “Plant small, slender, slight, hairy, simple (sometimes 2-branched); rhizome 3 in. (and more) long, filiform. Leaves radical, scattered, suborbiculate, 4 lines diameter, tapering, faintly crenate lobed, lobes few, their tips pointletted, hardened from vein produced, dark-green above, paler below, membraneous, much veined; hairs sprinkled, appressed, substrigillosa, white, flat, subulate, strangulated, thicker on upper surface. Petioles very slender, 1 in. long, canaliculate and dilated at base with membranous margins, and patent hairs, dark purple-brown. Scape erect, 3-34 in. long, filiform, with 2-3 small linear distinct bracts, glabrous but pubescent towards tip. Head small, drooping, 2 lines diameter. Involucral bracts numerous, sub 20, linear dark-green with a thick purple central nerve, margins membraneous, white; tips acute, jagged. Florets few; ligulae white, revolute. Receptacle broad, naked, shining, alveolate. Pappus 0. Achene sublanceolate, one-tenth inch long, slightly glandular, viscid. Habitat: Ruahine Mountain Range, east side; Feb., 1898; Mr. H. Hill.” This species is not mentioned by either Kirk or Cheeseman in their floras and no specimens have been traced. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This revision was made possible only by the co-operation of the Directors of various herbaria, who generously made available their specimens for examination. In this connection I would like to thank Dr. M. R. S. Oliver of Canterbury Museum, Christchurch; Dr. Archey of Auckland Museum, Auckland; the Director of the Dominion Museum, Wellington; Mr. R. H. Anderson of National Herbarium, Sydney; Mr. A. W. Jessep of National Herbarium, Melbourne; and Mr. C. T. White of Brisbane Herbarium. I am also indebted to Miss B. E. Molesworth, formerly of Auckland Museum, for transcriptions of several original descriptions and assistance in tracing type specimens. References. ARMSTRONG, J. B., 1881.—Descriptions of new and rare New Zealand Plants. Trans. N.Z. Inst., xiii: 338. CHEESEMAN, T. F., 1925.—Manual of New Zealand Flora, 2nd Hd., 907-910. Wellington. CHILTERN, C. (Ed.), 1909.—Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, ii. Wellington. CoLENSO, W., 1898.—A description of a few more newly discovered indigenous plants; being a further contribution towards making known the Botany of N.Z. Trans. N.Z. Inst., xxxi: 271. Davis, G. L., 1948.—Revision of the genus Brachycome Cass., Part I. Australian Species. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, Pts. 3-4, 142-241. DruseE, —, 1916.—Report of the Botanical Exchange Club, iv, 610. Hooker, J. D., 1853.—Flora Novae-Zelandiae, Pt. I, 127. London. , 1864.—Handbook of the New Zealand Flora, 137-138. London. Kirk, T., 1884.—Descriptions of new plants collected on Stewart Island. Trans. N.Z. Inst., xvi: 372-373. ; , 1899.—Student’s Flora of New Zealand: 259-261. Wellington. PETRIE, D., 1892.—Descriptions of a new genus and new species of native plants. Proc. N.Z. MGOMan, FO 273 11h SIMPSON, G., and THOMSON, —, 1943.—Notes on Some N.Z. Plants. Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z., xxiii, Verbs G3 8° IHAILOe)e , 1945.—Notes and Descriptions of New Species. Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z., xxv, Pt. 2: 197. WutuFr, EH. V., 1943.—Introduction to Plant Geography. Waltham. CoRRIGENDA TO REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME Cass. Part I. (Volume 1xxiii, Parts 3-4.) P. 171. The record of B. cardiocarpa from Queensland should be deleted. Southport, in this case, refers to the Tasmanian locality. 223. Last line. For Nochnagar read Lochnagar. 228. Fourth line from the end of page. For obtuse to entire read obtuse and entire. 240. For map 24 B. longiscape read map 24 B. Readeri. rd hd 107 ON AUSTRALIAN DERMESTIDAE. PART V. NOTES AND THE DESCRIPTION OF FOUR NEW SPECIES. By J. W. T. ARMSTRONG. (One Text-figure. ) [Read 30th March, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. This paper contains the description of four new species of Australian Dermestidae that have come under notice since Part IV* of this series was published. Anthrenocerus stigmacrophilus n. sp. is a true inquiline, both the larvae and newly emerged adults being found in the nests of the ant, Stigmacros foreli, which treats them with complete toleration. Notes are also given on some previously described species. TROGODERMA SILVICOLUM Nl. Sp. Types: Holotype 6 exs. on card in coll. Armstrong, paratypes in British, Australian and South Australian Museums and the collections of F. KE. Wilson and H. J. Davidson. Type locality: Acacia Plateau, N.S.W. DESCRIPTION. Ovate, black, nitid, clothed with moderately short semi-depressed black setae, antennae, mouth parts and tarsi fuscous. Pronotum: Widest at base, sides evenly rounded to apex, medial lobe rather wide with apex lightly emarginate, posterior angles acute, disc finely and not closely punctate, with a wide, well-marked oblique depression on each side before the base. Elytra: Three-quarters as wide as long, base as wide as pronotum, sides expanding to shoulders, then lightly so for about half length, thence evenly rounded to apex, more closely and strongly punctate than pronotum. Antennae: ¢ long, extending well beyond base of presternum, first two joints rather large moniliform, the remaining nine forming a long, loose, narrow club, of which the first four become progressively larger, the next four are approximately similar and the eleventh is ovate; 9? club four or five jointed, the seventh is somewhat wider than the preceding one. Size: 2-5-2 mm. x 1-:7-1:3 mm. Discussion: Fifteen examples, taken on a flowering creeper in the edge of the rain- forest in December, resemble the black variety of 7. reitteri Blackb., but that species has only a three-jointed antennal club. They are more compact and shining than T. maurulum Blackb. in which the club is eight-jointed. Distribution: Acacia Plateau and Acacia Creek, N.S.W. (Armstrong). TROGODERMA INCONSPICUUM Armst. Armstrong, J. W. T., 1942.—Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixvii, 326. Type: In South Australian Museum. Type locality: Swan River, W.A. Discussion: Hight specimens in the C.S.I.R. Collection evidently belong to this species. Three have the elytra red except round the scutellum. In both sexes the antennal club is three-segmented, but that of the ¢ is much stouter. Distribution: Swan R. (Lea), Wurarga (A. Goerling), W.A. * These PROCEEDINGS, Ixx, 1945, 47-52. 108 AUSTRALIAN DERMESTIDAE. PART V, TROGODERMA LONGIUS Blackb. Blackburn, T., 1903.—Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., xxvii, 163. Type: In British Museum. Type locality: ? Glenelg R., Vic. Discussion: Four specimens from Acacia Plateau were at first thought to be a new species, but they agree with the description of this species, except that the antimedial elytral fascia is absent and is represented only by a sparse pale pubescence. It is there- fore considered better to treat them as a local variety, unless comparison with a typical specimen, which is not now available to me, should reveal other differences. Distribution: Glenelg R., Vic., Tas., Acacia Plateau, N.S.W. (Armstrong and Davidson). TROGODERMA CARTERI Armst. Armstrong, J. W. T., 1942.—Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixvii, 328. Types: In the author’s collection. Type locality: Bogan R., N.S.W. DESCRIPTION OF 6. The ¢ differs from the 9 as follows: Smaller. Elytra: More or less darkly castanious. Antennae: First two joints rather stout, club nine-segmented and stoutly pectinate. Size: 2-75 x 1-25 mm. Discussion: The form of the ¢ antennae places this species close to T. macleayi Blackb., but it is narrower, less shining, and the third antennal segment distinctly forms part of the club, and is not minute as in Blackburn’s species. Larvae were found in the oothecae of mantids, the adults emerging at the end of August. Larvae were also found in spiders’ webs, under loose bark and infesting stored insects. They are remarkable for the very strongly clubbed black hairs on their dorsal surface. They have short hastisetae, rather evenly distributed, but not numerous, barbed setae at sides, but no long caudal setae. Specimens have been submitted to Dr. Bryant E. Rees for description. From late in June, the adult insect is usually found fully developed resting in the exuvia. When disturbed they are quite lively. Distribution: Only known from type locality. TROGODERMA CALLUBRIENSE (Armst.). Armstrong, J. W. T., 1945.—Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1xx, 48 (Psacus). Type: In the author’s coll. Type locality: Bogan R., N.S.W. Synonymy: Psacus callubriensis Armstrong, 1945, loc. cit. (n. syn.). Discussion: Hinton (Mon. Beetles Assoc. Stored Products, 1945, 375) placed the genus Psacus aS a synonym of Trogoderma. My species therefore also becomes a Trogoderma. MEGATOMA FOVEOLATUS Lepesme. Lepesme, P., 1941.—Bull. Soc. ent. Fr., 142. Type: Unique, ? either in coll. Lepesme or Paris Museum. Type locality: Australia. Discussion: This species is unknown to me in nature. The description, however, is very suggestive of a 9 of Trogoderma attagenoides (Pasc.) = Psacus attagenoides Pasc., though my specimen of this has not the pronotal depressions mentioned. These, however, may have been caused by damage to the specimen when immature. Lepesme separates the two Australian species attributed to Megatoma as follows: “Corps court et large, noir; une seule fascie transversale, étroite, subdroite, sur les élytres) 222.555 tenuefasciata Rtt.” BY J. W. T. ARMSTRONG. 109 “Corps allongé, brun rouge; trois fascies transversales, étroites, sinueuses, peu marquées, sur les élytres ........ foveolatus, n. sp.” Some specimens of 7. attagenoides are brown in colour. ADELAIDIA RIGUA Blackb. Blackburn, T., 1891.—Trans. Roy. Soc. 8S. Aust., xiv, 130. Type: In British Museum. Type locality: South Australia. Discussion: A specimen taken in the Bogan River district is evidently the male of this species. It is 3-25 mm. long and the combined length of the three segments of the antennal club exceeds that of the remainder, each segment being more than twice as long as wide, with the terminal the longest. This is the only specimen known to me in Australian collections. Distribution: S.A., Bogan R., N.S.W. ANTHRENOCERUS ARROWI, Nl. SD. Types: Holotype in the author’s collection; paratypes in the British Museum, etc. Type locality: Bogan R., N.S.W. Synonyms: Anthrenocerus bicolor Armstrong nec. Arrow, Armstrong, 1943.—Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1xvili, 61-(n. syn.). DESCRIPTION. Ovate, sub-convex, nigro-piceus, elytra dark brown, antennae and legs brownish, clothed with not very short dark and light depressed setae, the latter white interspersed with stramineous and disposed much as in A. australis (Hope), in four irregular elytral fasciae and two apical spots, and at sides, front and on basal lobe of pronotum; clothing oi ventral surface short, ashy white and very fine. (Hvans, “Insect Pests and their Control’, Dept. Agr. Tas., 1943, 154, gives a good figure of Hope’s species.) Pronotum: Transverse, widest at base, sides evenly rounded to apex, deeply, closely and moderately punctate. ; Elytra: As wide as prothorax at base, expanding to shoulders almost in the same line as sides of pronotum, thence gradually narrowing for approximately half length, then evenly rounded to apex, coarsely and closely punctate. Size: 2:5-1:9 mm. x 1-6-1 mm. Discussion: Arrow recently pointed out my mistake in identifying this species as his A. bicolor, and kindly sent a cotype of the latter which comes very near some varieties of the species, regarded by Blackburn and myself as A. variabilis Reitt., but the pronotum is black. The species here described differs from it in having the elytra darker and not so uniformly brown, the clothing longer and coarser and the light setae of two colours. The brown elytra separate it from A. australis (Hope), signatus Armst., and blackburni Armst. There are forty-one specimens under examination, and numerous others have been identified by me as A. bicolor Arrow in the various museum and private collections of this country. It is hoped these identifications will be altered. The species is tabulated under Arrow’s name (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1943, 58). Specimens in the British Museum from Townsville tend to be somewhat more robust and those from Western Australia have finer clothing. The species is named in gratitude for the help and co-operation received from Mr. G. J. Arrow of the British Museum. Distribution: Bogan R., N.S.W. (Armstrong), Townsville, Q. (F. P. Dodd), Yallingup, southern W. Aust. (R. E. Turner). Widespread in southern and eastern Australia. ANTHRENOCERUS BLACKBURNI Armst. Armstrong, J. W. T., 1943.—Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixviii, 60, fig. 4. Type: In South Australian Museum. Type locality: ? Victoria. . Discussion: In view of the detailed description of A. australis (Hope) given by Hinton (Mon. Beetles Assoc. Stored Products, 1945, 369), which is presumably based on material collected in England, it seems likely that this form represents only an extreme 110 AUSTRALIAN DERMESTIDAE. PART V, variety of that species. 4 ; ey ¥ a Calf ah Se Seat ts MWe Ae ais aneds avr strane: i Cy OATAAT AL BY to ABE Mea phe ae ay attend ; ce TK aap ighoean Kits ty, i eR Ae SET ES ae Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1949. PLATE I. Graptolites from Tallong and Shoalhaven Gorge. ’ 113 AUSTRALIAN RUST STUDIES. VII. SOME RECENT OBSERVATIONS ON WHEAT STEM RUST IN AUSTRALIA. By I. A. WATSON AND W. L. WATERHOUSE, University of Sydney. (With Plates iii, iv.) [Read 31st August, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. It is now generally recognized that the only satisfactory way of controlling wheat stem rust is by the use of resistant varieties. In this country, as elsewhere, the progress of wheat breeding has been such that the disease no longer constitutes a menace in rust liable areas to those growers who cultivate resistant varieties. To a large extent the success of these breeding programmes can be attributed to the fact that in the countries concerned, annual surveys of the stem rust flora have been made. These surveys have two essential objectives. They aim firstly to classify and describe in terms of Stakman’s standard set of differential varieties the physiologic races present in a particular area, and secondly, they aim to disclose whether new rusts are arising which are capable of attacking either the resistant varieties under cultivation or those that are valuable as parents. There is at present considerable information available in the literature on the results to be expected from physiologic race surveys. Most of the data have been collected in the United States and Canada, but from the work of Waterhouse a good deal is known of the cereal rusts present in Australia since 1920. Although the range of variability of P. graminis tritici in Australia has been much lower than in North America, rust surveys form an essential component of the local wheat-breeding programmes, and population studies are reported from time to time. Although no report has been published since 1939, in this paper certain facts are summarized concerning recent major changes in the stem rust flora, leaving fuller details to be published later. RESISTANT PARENTAL MATERIAL. When the varieties Hope, Webster and Iumillo were imported into this country they formed the main source of resistance to race 34 of stem rust which had first appeared in December 1925 (Waterhouse, 1929). The first two of these varieties—Hope and Webster—were crossed with Federation shortly after they were received in 1926, and Hofed and Fedweb resulted as commercially cultivated stem rust resistant varieties. About the time these three parents were received, the New South Wales Department of Agriculture imported from Kenya Colony three varieties which have been used widely in crosses. Macindoe (1931) and Waterhouse (1938) have reported on their value as rust resistant parents. They have been carried in University of Sydney Accession Books as Kenya 743, 744 and 745. The New South Wales Department of Agriculture designations for these are C6040, C6041, and C6042 respectively. It has been shown (Watson, 1943) and Watson and Waterhouse (1945) that these three varieties are very different both morpho- logically and genetically. Each has a single major gene for resistance to race 34 of stem rust in Australia, but each gene is inherited independently of the other two. Kenya 743 and 744 are only partially resistant to flag smut while 745 is practically immune. Differences also occur in grain colour, awn production and several other characters. K 114 AUSTRALIAN RUST STUDIES. VII, Until 1942, the field reaction of all three Kenya wheats was highly satisfactory, and no difficulty was experienced with high temperature effects as reported in Canada (Johnson and Newton, 1941). They all had a further advantage in that their physio- logical resistance made possible the use of glasshouse tests, since the reactions of seed- lings and adult plants were correlated. Seedlings of these three varieties were not identical in their reaction to the same race of rust, and there were also differences in field reactions. Macindoe regarded Kenya 743 as having a greater field resistance, and he concentrated on using this variety in breeding. At the University of Sydney, where seedling reaction to several races was determined, it was found that Kenya 743 was only moderately resistant to race 45. For this reason Kenya 745 was preferred, and of course it possessed flag smut resistance as well. Kenya 744, although it possesses resistance to race 95 of leaf rust, was rejected mainly on account of its very weak straw and lower seedling resistance to race 34. This variety has, however, been used to some extent in Western Australia and Queensland. Eureka was the first resistant commercial variety to be evolved from the Kenya wheats. Actually Macindoe named two strains, Eureka and Hureka 2, from the cross (Kenya 743 x Florence)F, x Dundee. Eureka 2 is distinguished only with difficulty from Eureka, but in general the former strain is later, with a stronger straw and with less tendency to shatter. When released to growers they each appeared to have the full resistance of the Kenya parent (Macindoe 1937). CULTIVATION OF RESISTANT VARIETIES. In the north-western areas of New South Wales, the resistant varieties Hofed, Fedweb and the two strains of Eureka made an immediate appeal to growers, since stem rust is a potential serious menace every season in this area. The Hurekas rapidly increased in popularity on account of their rust resistance plus attractive agronomic characters, including ability to produce high yields. From 1938 onwards, increasing acreages were sown to the Hurekas, mainly at the expense of Ford, Nabawa and similar varieties. Prior to 1941 the resistance of the two Hureka strains was undoubted, for repeated close observations made throughout the wheat belt failed to reveal the presence of stem rust on them. Kenya 743, the resistant parent of Hureka, remained virtually immune in our field tests at Cowra, Glen Innes, Richmond, Tichborne and Gunnedah. Rust Reactions of Eureka in 1941. As a result of the strong resistance that Eureka had shown up to this time, it was surprising to find rusted plants of this variety in 1941. In that year Mr. J. A. O’Reilly forwarded rusted Eureka plants collected at Gunnedah and Tamworth. He reported that the attack was not general, only isolated rusted plants being found in these fields of Hureka. The rusted plants Mr. O’Reilly forwarded had well-formed grain, and were accessioned in the University of Sydney varietal collection and have since been carried on. When the rusts from these collections were received they were used to inoculate seedlings of Kanred, Arnautka and Hinkorn. In addition they were put on to seedlings of EKureka from several different sources, as well as on to seedlings from the actual plants that had been rusted in the field. S.U. Culture 334, which was regarded as the standard Australian culture of race 34, was used as a check on seedlings from the rusted plants and on Hureka seedlings from Gunnedah grain. Eureka was known to be highly resistant to this culture both in the seedling and adult plant stage at 65-70°F. The reactions are given in Table 1. These tests were carried out during the latter part of November and the early part of December 1941. The reactions of Kanred, Arnautka and Hinkorn, which up to this time had been regularly sown to identify the Australian races in the survey work, failed to differentiate between these three rusts. On account of the increased temperature at this time of the year, Kureka from Gunnedah gave a fully susceptible reaction to a at BY I. A. WATSON AND W. L. WATERHOUSE. 115 TABLE 1. Rust Reactions Produced by Three Cultures on Several Selected Vartieties at Summer Temperatures. | Number and Locality of Rust Culture. | | Variety. | 334 7150 7159 Sydney Tamworth. Gunnedah. University. | 2 SSS 2 Kanred 3 3 Arnautka 3) 3 | Einkorn a Me e : ! Eureka (seed from Cowra) 3.4 3b 5 Ff ;, Gunnedah) 3 + 3 3 Eureka 2 Se ve ie 5) or 3. = Eureka seed from rusted plants 7150 3 +E = 3 pees 5 a 3 7159 = 3 + 3 culture 334. From Table 1 it is clear that the two rusts 7150 and 7159 showed their ability to attack Eureka from Gunnedah and each was capable of attacking seedlings from the plants on which it had been collected. Culture 334 could not be distinguished from them, since at these temperatures all Eureka seedlings tested were susceptible to all three rusts. Since these tests were unsatisfactory as a means of separating the two new cultures from 334, it was decided to compare the three cultures on seedlings of Hureka at low temperatures during the autumn of 1942. The average glasshouse temperatures had fallen and the reactions given in Table 2 were obtained. TABLE 2. Reactions of Eureka to Three Cultures at Low Temperatures. Rust Culture. Variety. 7150 7159 334 Eureka an 56 30 eal sult Boal Eureka 2 ae a ae ; 1 and 3 + ; l and 3 + ; 1 and 3 + In this test Eureka showed the same resistance that had been characteristic of it in previous years and produced mainly tiny flecks with all cultures. Hureka 2, on the other hand, gave seedlings which proved to be a mixture of resistant and susceptible types. The only conclusion possible from the tests thus far was that Hureka 2 showed heterozygosity for reaction to stem rust. As this could be easily overcome by selection no serious view was taken of it. The cultures 7150 and 7159 were, however, retained as refrigerated stocks for further testing. Eureka Rust Reactions in 1942. During the spring of 1942, Mr. O’Reilly again submitted rusted stems of Hureka. He reported that on the property of Mr. A. B. Foxe, “Lyndhurst”, Narrabri, Eureka was fairly uniformly infected by rust. One culture, 7316, collected from this field was treated in the usual way and was placed on to seedlings of Kanred, Mindum and Hinkorn as well as of Eureka. At this time it was compared with culture 334 and with 7150 and 7159—the two latter being from rusted Hureka in 1941. These tests were carried out in the summer of 1942: the glasshouses temperatures approximated to an average of KI 116 AUSTRALIAN RUST STUDIES. VII, 80°F. Under these conditions Eureka was susceptible to all four cultures 334, 7150, 7159 and 7316. Johnson and Newton (1941) had already demonstrated that Hureka was susceptible at these temperatures, and indeed it was known that Kenya varieties in general did not retain their resistance when the temperatures were unduly high (Newton et al 1940). At this stage the four cultures appeared so much alike that it was considered that any differences between them would not allow a reliable separation to be made at these high temperatures and no further tests were made on seedlings during the summer months. Despite the fact that the glasshouse tests had failed to demonstrate clearly that a new rust had arisen, it was obvious from at least two sets of field data collected late in 1942 that a new rust capable of attacking Eureka was present. The first evidence was from yield trials carried out by the Department of Agriculture on the property of Messrs. White Bros., Boggabri, and already reported by Macindoe (1945). In these tests the sowings had not been made until August and the rust developed on the susceptible varieties to such an extent that they scarcely produced any grain. (See Plate iii.) The yields are given in Table 3. TABLE 3. Yields of Grain in 1942 Harvest at Boggabri. | Yield, Variety. Rust Reaction. Bushels/acre. Charter .. Ae a Resistant. 34 Celebration as 25 Yalta si 20 Eureka 2 as a4 Susceptible. 6 Eureka ss 3 Ford $8 1 The second lot of data came from our own field experiments made on the property of Mr. C. H. Beeson, Gunnedah, in the same year. It was found that an entirely new situation had arisen, in that rows of Eureka and Eureka 2 were fully susceptible. It was obviously not due to heterozygosity in the variety, as no plants showed any resist- ance. It must have been due to the occurrence of a new type of rust. In these field tests it was usual to sow seed of the three Kenya strains 748, 744 and 745 together with the varieties of Stakman’s differential set. For the first time in our observations, Kenya 743 was completely susceptible. | Its reaction was indistinguishable from that of Eureka, and it was apparent that the new rust could attack each with equal virulence. In contrast to this, Kenya 744 and 745 were just as resistant as they had been previously. The occurrence of this new rust at Gunnedah in 1942 gave the first opportunity to assess the value of the other potential stem rust resistant parents. The following were quite resistant; Hope, Hofed, Webster, Fedweb, Gaza, (Bobin x Gaza) F, x Bobin [Gabo], (Double Cross x Dundee)F, x Dundee [Celebration], (Kenya x Pusa 4)F, x Dundee [Yalta], Kenya x Gular [Charter], Dundee x Kenya [Kendee], Hochzucht and Iumillo. The susceptible varieties such as Bencubbin, Ford, Gular and others did not appear to be more heavily rusted than normally, even though they were exposed to an epidemic caused in the main by this new rust. The most striking feature of the field result was the complete susceptibility of Eureka. (See Plates iii and iv.) Glasshouse Tests since 1948. During the winter of 1943 when average glasshouse temperatures had fallen to well below 80°F., the refrigerated stock cultures collected on Eureka in 1941 and 1942 were tested on the differential varieties, using culture 334 as a check. In the first instance, cultures 7316 and 334 were each placed separately on to seedlings and adult plants of BY I. A. WATSON AND W. L. WATERHOUSE. - 117 Eureka. After incubation the seedlings were kept inside the glasshouse but the adult plants were grown outside. As mentioned earlier, seedlings of this variety reacted similarly to both rusts during the summer tests. Winter tests at temperatures approximating to 65°F. indicated clearly that these two cultures, 334 and 7316, were very different rusts. Seedlings and adult plants of Eureka when inoculated with culture 334 gave the characteristic fleck and type 1 reactions, but 7316 on this same variety gave only 3 + reactions. These winter tests on plants at two stages of development gave full confirmation of the field results and demonstrated with certainty that a new race of stem rust had arisen capable of attacking Eureka at low temperatures. In order to determine the particular physiologic race involved in this new attack on Eureka, seedlings of the standard differential set of varieties were inoculated with cultures 334, 7150, 7159 and 7316. The seedlings were raised in an artificially heated room at approximately 75°F. during July, 1943. On the standard set of varieties at, those temperatures the four cultures could not be distinguished with certainty, although the reactions on Kubanka and Acme were such as to indicate that possibly separations could be made on these varieties. In the main, however, the reactions were similar to those given by the standard 334 culture. Although this general similarity existed, there appeared to be certain anomalies in the reaction of some of the differential varieties and it was decided to make a comprehensive analysis of collections taken from various localities. A series was studied consisting of the four collections mentioned above as well as further collections from Gunnedah, Tamworth, Narrabri and Richmond, N.S.W. To these were added collections from Werribee and Longeronong, Victoria, and a collection of race 34 obtained from the United States (“U.S. 34”). These comparisons were carried out over a period of three years, and for purposes of differentiation, Kenya 743 was added to the Stakman list of differential varieties. This was essential, as on the standard set, with the exception of the U.S. 34, the cultures were very similar. The most important difference between them was their ability or inability to attack Kenya 7438. As a result of this analysis, which was carried out both during winter and summer, certain differences showed up on these varieties. They can be summarized as follows: (a) Kubanka. During the early stages of these critical comparisons it became obvious that the Kubanka reactions were not similar to those previously recorded for culture 334. A check on this rust reaction was made using Kubanka seed from all possible sources. Since all seed lots gave the same result, fresh seed was requested from Dr. BE. C. Stakman. However, on plants from the new sceed as well, culture 334 gave either flecks or x reactions or a combination of both instead of the usual 3 + reactions. Repeated comparisons showed that culture 7316 also gave this reaction on Kubanka and was indistinguishable from 334. This variety when tested with the United States race 34 under the same conditions proved fully susceptible. All other rust collections in the series gave Kubanka reactions which were not consistently different from those of 7316 and 334. (b) Acme. Cultures from Edgeroi, Narrabri, Richmond, Gunnedah, Tamworth . (N.S.W.) and from Longeronong and Werribee (Victoria) were compared on the variety Acme. There was considerable variation, and gradations between high and low reactions on this variety were obtained. Cultures 334, 7150, 7159 were characterized by a mixed reaction, the pustules being mainly of type 8 together with some of type 1. Repeated separations showed that only one rust was producing this mixture. Culture 7316 and several others showing Kenya 743 susceptibility also gave a mixture of type 3 and type 1 pustules, but the majority were of type 1, the overall reaction type being one of greater resistance. Here also attempted separations demonstrated that only one rust. was present. These differences were consistent though slight. They could be decided upon with some confidence when pure cultures were being compared, but mixed cultures could 118 AUSTRALIAN RUST STUDIES. VII, not be determined with any degree oi certainty. In view of this, Acme was considered of little use as a variety for differentiation. (c) Arnautka, Mindum and Spelmar. It has already been pointed out that these varieties are resistant to culture 334 at low but susceptible at high temperatures (Waterhouse, 1929). All three varieties have reacted similarly in previous studies with Australian collections of rust. During the late winter and early spring these varieties appear to be mixed for rust reactions, giving the x type, but the “mixture” is in fact due to the process of change from resistance to susceptibility. The cultures used in this study, and others collected throughout the wheat belt, all showed this variable reaction on Arnautka, Mindum and Spelmar, and confirmed the earlier work. As a rule it was found that Arnautka showed less variation to these changes in temperature and became susceptible at temperatures at which the other two varieties showed partial resistance. Slight differences were found between certain collections in their ability to attack these varieties, but it was impossible to use them as a safe basis for differentiation. In contrast to this, the United States collection of race 34 gave the characteristic 3 + and 4 reaction on these varieties at all temperatures. (ad) Kenya 743. The local cultures of rust could be readily placed into two classes on their ability or otherwise to attack Kenya 743. The U.S. race 34 was intermediate in its reaction on this variety, and necrotic areas appeared around the large pustules that developed. This reaction was quite unlike that of 7316. (See Plate iv.) A typical set of reactions obtained on the varieties is shown in Table 4. TABLE 4, Reaction of Differential Varieties to Cultures 334, 7159 and 7316. Typical Reaction to Rust Culture. Variety. | C.I. Number. 334 7159 7316 Little Club ae abe 4066 4 4 4 Marquis... Bye ie 3641 4 4 4 Kanred re as cs 5146 3) ae 3+ 38+ Kota ae ay a0 5878 3+ 3+ 3 + Arnautka .. Se a 1493 x +, 4 x +, 4 x +, 4 Mindum .. pal a 5296 x, 4 x, 4 xan: Spelmar .. Me ne 6236 x, 4 xa: 4: Kubanka ats ah 2094 Bb SEX. 2X: Acme AiG a A 5284 3 and 1 3 and 1 1 and 3 Kinkorn .. a ae 2433 : ; p 2 Emmer Ben Sis oo 3686 ; : : Khapli Ne 5h i 4013 : : ; Kenya 743 NR Be — : 5 3 + Kureka a ate of = : ; 3 ar | These reactions reveal the tendency for Arnautka to be more severely rusted than Mindum or Spelmar. The Acme reactions are shown as a mixture of pustule type with all three cultures. With 7316 Acme had a predominance of the 1 type reaction while with the other two cultures it showed a greater frequency of the 3 type reaction. In view of the fact that Kenya 743 at low temperatures served to distinguish the two groups of rusts as represented by 334 and 7316, tests were made to determine whether other varieties would also serve this purpose. It was equally important to find a variety that would separate the 334 and 7316 types at summer temperatures, when the bulk of the rust survey work is done. Over 80 varieties selected from earlier work for their seedling resistance to 334 were tested as seedlings at two different temperatures with cultures 334, 7159 and 7316. The range of temperature in one house was from approximately 60°-65°F. and in the other 70°-75°F. The rust reactions in general were higher at the higher temperatures. It was found, BY I. A. WATSON AND W. L. WATERHOUSE. 119 however, that the varieties could be classified according to their reaction type as shown in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8. TABLE 5, Varieties showing Fleck Reactions only when inoculated with Cultures 334, 7159 and 7316. 8.U. 5 Siu. S.U. No. Name. No. Name. No. Name. | 277 Gaza. 758 Beladi 129. 905 Portugal 24, 745 Kenya. 724 Marquillo. | 908 Portugal 60. 752 Beladi &5. 791 Poona. 911 Portugal 86. 753 Beladi 114. 806 Pinet. 913 Portugal 90. 754 Beladi 141. 880 Egypt 7. 916 Portugal 100. 755 Beladi 31. 893 Egypt 50. 945 Morocco 34, 756 Beladi 98. 896 Egypt 59. 1229 Rhodesian. 757 Beladi 132. 904 Portugal 3. TABLE 6. Varieties showing Flecks with some and X Reactions with others of the Three Cultures 334, 7159 and 7316. $.U. 8.U. No. Name. No. Name. 321 Palestine durum. 794 Poona 806. 668 Pinet. 795 Poona 809. 676 Russian. 797 Poona 808. 687 Trigo africano. 827 Russian 2995. 717 Vernal Emmer x Iumillo. 832 Russian 1309/2. 726 Nodak. 870 Greece 11. 728 Palestine. 882 Egypt 14. 741 Beladi. 889 Egypt 31. 751 Africano. 891 Egypt 45. 759 Beladi 26. 895 Egypt 56. 760 Bianrollo 20. 906 Portugal 24. 764 Covelle. 914 Portugal 98. 770 Greek 10. 939 Traq 11. 774 Hordeiforme. 1116 Margerito 11. 790 Nodak. 1227 Hochzucht. 792 Poona 804. These varieties classified in Table 6 could probably be regarded as having physiologic resistance to all three cultures. Under the conditions of fluctuating glasshouse tempera- tures it was found that with any one variety there was a considerable range of TABLE 7. Varieties having Moderate Seedling Resistance to the Three Cultures and Designated 3=C. S.U. No. Name. 744 Kenya. 1228 Egypt NA965. 1231 Sabanero. 1238 Rhodesian. 1240 La Estanguela. 1313 Fronteira. 1314 Frondosa. 1315 Supreza. 120 AUSTRALIAN RUST STUDIES. VII, reaction type. All varieties that appeared to have possibilities for the separation of these cultures were tested during the summer of 1945 but none proved satisfactory as a differential. Another group of these varieties is shown in Table 7. Included in this list are those lacking the physiologic resistance but nevertheless having some resistance to the cultures. ; In Table 8 are shown those varieties which at low temperatures served to differentiate the culture 7316 from 334 and 7159. While these varieties served that purpose, none of them was of any use at high summer temperatures: then they were all completely susceptible. TABLE 8. Varieties which at Low Temperatures are Susceptible to Culture 7316 but Resistant to Cultures 334 and 7159. | | 5.U. No. Name. 743 Kenya. 1232 Red Egyptian Special. 1233 Red Egyptian. 1234 Birdproof. 1235 Talberg. 1236 Rhodesian. 1237 ty 1239 5 1311 Eureka. From these studies it is clear that no variety has been found which could be used to separate the 334 and the 7316 rust types with any degree of certainty during the summer months. Work has been in progress for some time with selections of T. Timopheevi, and it is hoped that a satisfactory differential may be found among these. DESIGNATION OF THE CULTURES. It has been customary in the past to relate the reactions of any particular rust to those that have been summarized and tabulated by Stakman and Levine (1944) for their differential hosts. Such a procedure has not proved entirely satisfactory as far as the Australian collections are concerned. The difficulty always arises of having some relative standard with which to compare and contrast in detail rusts occurring in different countries. Until some international clearing house is established in which detailed comparisons can be made under identical conditions, we must continue to assume that a good many of the large number of races already described are sufficiently alike to be given the same race number. We must assume too that many of the rusts designated as the same race by independent workers in different countries are sufficiently dissimilar to be given the status of separate races. There is abundant evidence for the existence of biotypes within the described races, and one must not™ assume that varieties resistant to race 34 in Canada will necessarily give that same reaction to race 34 in Australia. For this reason, from the international viewpoint, the present results from physiologic race surveys must be interpreted with extreme caution. It is well known now that the breeding of varieties resistant to stem rust is not nearly so complex as might be expected from the large number of races that have been described. One of the reasons for this simplification is that races tend to fall naturally into groups, and one major gene frequently governs resistance to all members of a group. Stakman and Levine in an effort to draw attention to possible affinities between the races, show in their key the races which may be related. For example, they show race 34 to bear some relation to races 63, 77 and 126. Races 56 (which has been recorded in Australia), 125 and 126 are related to race 127. Races 34 and 127 show affinity with race 126. BY I. A. WATSON AND W. L. WATERHOUSE. 121 A consideration of the similarities between these races in the light of the patho- genicity of cultures 334 and 7316 will probably help in the most appropriate designation of these latter cultures. For this reason the respective pathogenicities recorded for all nine are given in Table 9. The reactions of the described races are in this case taken from the table of Stakman and Levine (1944). : TABLE 9. Reaction of the Differential Varieties to Seven Described Races and to Cultures 334 and 7316. s : = ; g ao g S : Race or — | zr : = = S ‘S < 5 es ca Culture No.| = 2 elas (tee SS & z = S Ss # = = = a e S Es = eS = 5 = = r= 4 e 4 I < = Rn Na 4 ea es i | T 34 44 4 — re | 4 4= 4 = 4+ NSE i 0; 1+ r 56 4 3+ 3i = 3045 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 1 | 1 leeeeel r 63 4 +4 Xo 4 3 ap 4+ Aaa 4+ 4+ 4n + i 1= OF ar + qr | me Eh 4 4 3 = 3 - 3e 3c BiG 4 — 3+ 1+ xs il r 125 Be 44 4 4 4 0 0; 05 5X. 4 t= | 0 il = r 126 | 4= 4 = 3 4 3+ xt ate x + x — Le | l= 1 | | | Teles la AN |e A See a ft Py ie x 0; 0; 1 — Culture 334 | 4 4 3 + 3 + |x +,4 oe, Lh x, 4 Gee (83: enael All) 8 laos $ Culture 7316| 4 4 | Bak Ise dh aie Al Se a aox \|fand 3": lee ; When comparing these reactions with those observed during the course of this study, race 63 can be eliminated from the list since at no time did the present cultures show any tendency to produce an X reaction on Marquis. Similarly all cultures have consistently shown the typical, or type 1, reactions on Emmer. Race 77 can therefore be excluded. In all previous work done here, culture 334 showed the ability to attack vigorously Kubanka, and with its other reactions, was appropriately designated race 34. Much data, accumulated from 1926 to 1941, confirmed this reaction type many times. The results reported here indicate that sometime during or just after 1942 a change occurred in this rust so that it now gives a resistant or at high temperatures a meso- thetic reaction on Kubanka. It is apparent that culture 334 can not now be designated as either race 34 or 56. There remain to be considered races 125, 126 and 127. As indicated earlier, it has been demonstrated that temperature is a very important factor to be considered in the determination of rust reactions (Waterhouse 1929). For this reason determinations have been made at a temperature as close to 70°F. as prac- ticable. This is essential since the Australian culture 334 which up to 1941 has been called race 34 is very sensitive to low temperatures. At temperatures below optimum, Arnautka, Mindum and Spelmar are resistant to this culture, and the reaction type is that of race 56 (Waterhouse 1929). This character of the Australian rust is absent from the United States race 34 (Waterhouse and Watson, 1941). In the above table showing the reactions of races 125 and 127, Arnautka, Mindum and Spelmar show a resistant reaction. Cultures 334 and 7316 show these reactions only at low temperatures, and as the temperature rises, X reactions change to X+ and finally to the 4 type. As this susceptibility is not typical of either of the races 125 and 127 they can safely be eliminated from the list. When these eliminations have been made, it appears that of the races described by Stakman and Levine, race 126 best fits the reaction types of the cultures that have been examined in these studies. There are certain anomalies to be explained before giving the Australian cultures this designation. For example, race 126 is tabulated as showing X reactions on Arnautka, Mindum and Spelmar whereas the conditions under which these cultures 1272 AUSTRALIAN RUST STUDIES. VII, produced that reaction must be regarded as sub-optimal. The fact that they showed the range from ; to 4 with changing temperatures, whereas the United States race 34 consistently gave 3+ to 4 reactions under the same conditions, seems to warrant their designation as different races. To call these cultures race 126 would necessitate regarding the x reaction as an average of those found with varying temperatures, and this seems a satisfactory compromise. Another difficulty is that Acme shows a variable reaction to these cultures, type 1 and type 3 pustules being mixed on the same leaf. This reaction is not typical of the mesothetic reaction since the full range of pustule type does not occur. There is no recognized reaction which adequately describes this condition. The X, however, probably describes it as well as any, and this would be a satisfactory classification for all prac- tical purposes. While admitting these two anomalies, it is considered that these cultures can best be called race 126. In order that some degree of international co-ordination could be arrived at in the description of these cultures, Dr. Stakman kindly agreed to test certain material. In 1947 uredospores of culture 7316 were forwarded to him by air mail. This is identical with 334 on the differential set, except for the Acme reaction. Although he carried out two separate tests, the glasshouse conditions at the time were not good and the following reactions were obtained: Variety. Infection type Marquis ae 34 4 — 4 Reliance .. aie 4 — 384+ Kota ee) ae “4 — 3+ Arnautka .. ait 4 —c¢ x+ Mindum ... ee x — xe Spelmar .. At x x= Kubanka .. ae x — x = Acme thy Sn 3, 4-br 3¢br Einkorn.. Ey, 0; bl 0; bl Emmer ae ke 0; bl 0; bl] Khapli ae ae Op, al, lol 2. br indicates browning. bl + blasting. He remarked that on account of the browning observed on Acme and the tendency to blast part of the leaf as on Hinkorn, Vernal Emmer and Khapli, the rust does not appear to agree with their race 34. The reaction types he gives are very close to race 126 except for that on Acme: the reaction of this variety was complicated by browning. From the evidence presented here and from the United States results, it appears that culture 334 can now be listed as race 126. Since culture 7316 can only be differen- tiated satisfactorily from 334 on varieties outside the standard set, it would be convenient and satisfactory to regard the present Australian Eureka-attacking rust as race 126 B. Comparison of 7316 with the United States Race 34. Although independent workers engaged in rust survey working in different continents may identify the same race from among their rust collections, it is now well known that they may be dissimilar. Biotypes of existing races can be readily detected by the inclusion of further differentials in the recognized set of 12 varieties. The authors have found (Waterhouse and Watson, 1941) that an American collection of race 34 could be distinguished from an Australian 34 by incorporating into the differential set the varieties Marouani, D5, Nodak, Pinet, Trigo africano, Egypt 75 and Greece 18. Inbred lines of rye also separated these two rusts; and the temperature sensitivity of the Australian 34 was a further important contrasting character. When the detailed comparative tests were reported in 1941, the 7316 culture had not been collected. About this time, however, Macindoe, working at St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A., found that Eureka was susceptible both as seedlings and adult plants in the field to the American culture of race 34 with which he worked. He showed that it was a susceptibility which was not the result of high temperatures as reported by Newton and Johnson (1941). Since this reaction of Eureka in the United States was so unlike 9 BY I. A. WATSON AND W. L. WATERHOUSE. 123 that of the New South Wales reaction, consideration was given at an early stage to a possibility that American uredospores may have gained entry to this State and that 7316 was nothing more or less than a biotype of United States race 34. Repeated comparisons of the three cultures 334, 7316 and U.S. 34 were made during the course of the work. Reactions on certain of the differentials were compared more often than others but Table 10 is an average of the reaction types: TABLE 10. Comparison of Reactions of Cultures 334, 7316 and U.S. 34. Culture. Variety. | 334 7316 | U.S. 34 | | | | | Little Club | 4 | 4 4 Marquis | 4 4 3+ Kanred ul 3+ | 3+ 3+ Kota bi oh a) ae | 3 + 34+ Arnautka x-+, 4. | x +, 4 4 Mindum x 4 mg, us 4 Spelmar xan 4: | x 4 4 Kubanka .. -- | RaD:< 5x 34+ Acme oe ai ||| 3 and 1 | 1 and 3 | ict Emmer we | : | ; | 3 Einkorn.. | : | ; ; Kap ivees ees sees | Bureka.. all ; | 3+ 3cn Kenya 743 a | ; | 3+ gen From these results it is clear that 334 and 7316 are separable only with difficulty on varieties other than Eureka and Kenya 743. Both cultures can be readily distin- guished from U.S. 34, however, by their reactions on Kubanka and Acme. Hureka gave a characteristic reaction to all three rusts. It was resistant to 334, fully susceptible to 7316, and intermediate in its reaction to U.S. 34. The large pustules produced by this rust at either low or high temperatures were surrounded by heavy chlorosis and necrosis. (See Plate iv.) In this regard, U.S. 34 was distinct from any of the cultures with which we had worked previously. Apart from the reactions on the differential varieties, the Eureka reactions to these rusts made it unreasonable to suppose that U.S. 34 had taken any part in the alteration of Eureka resistance. Field Reactions of Eureka in 1946. When new rust-resistant varieties are released and suffer the fate of Eureka, the accusation may be made that the variety was never fully resistant to rust. The build-up of the 7316 type of inoculum in north-western New South Wales has been such that Eureka is probably the most susceptible variety grown in that area at the present time. Indeed, it is not easy to realize that this variety was one of the most resistant grown in these same areas prior to 1941. Despite this change in N.S.W., Eureka has maintained its resistance in those areas where only the old type of rust occurs. It has been reported that Eureka is still resistant in Western Australia (Thomas, 1948) and except for one suspicious case in 1947, only the 334 type has been recovered from that State. Our own observations many times confirmed the high degree of resistance which prior to 1941 had been shown by Eureka, and this has been observed again in recent years. At Killara in 1946-47 observa- tion plots of Pusa 4, Cailloux, Gabo, Eureka 2 and Charter were grown. A severe rust attack developed on Pusa 4 and Cailloux and they suffered extensive damage. Despite the widespread occurrence of the 7316 type in the County of Cumberland, Eureka 2, Gabo and Charter remained completely free from rust. In the latter part of the summer season identifications were made of the stem rust present in this plot. Only the 334 124 AUSTRALIAN RUST STUDIES. VII, type was found. Under the conditions of this test where only the old type of inoculum occurred, Hureka was quite as resistant as it had been when it was first released to ‘growers in 1988. ORIGIN OF THE 7316 TYPE. In the stem rust areas of North America it is not unusual to find new races of rust arising from time to time. In many cases when such new races have been collected their origin has been correlated with the presence of barberry bushes in the neighbour- hood. Since it is well known that new races are produced by the crossing or selfing of certain races on this alternate host, barberry infection is a very satisfactory explanation for the occurrence of pathogenicity changes. It is difficult to advance this suggestion as a means of explaining the origin of the 7316 type in N.S.W. Barberries are known to occur on the tableland areas of this State, but on only one occasion have they been reported as naturally infected by rust (Waterhouse, 1934). While this new 7316 rust could have arisen in this way, it seems on circumstantial evidence most unlikely. It must be conceded that as far as we know, new cereal rusts are continually arising without the sexual stage on an alternate host. In the case of leaf rust (P. triticina), for example, over 100 races have been recorded for this organism (Johnston et al, 1942), but field-infected plants of the alternate host, Thalictrum spp., occur only very rarely, and such have never been observed in Australia. For the present it must be assumed that something in addition to hybridization is involved in the formation of new races. We could conveniently postulate that these new races arise by mutation. However, there is insufficient evidence to explain the process by which these mutations arise. It is known that changes in the characters of fungi can be induced by incorporating chemical substances into the substrate, but to date no such treatment has been possible with the cereal rusts. Mutations both for pathogenicity and for spore colour have been observed here as elsewhere, and their importance in explaining the variability of rust fungi has been shown (Newton and Johnson, 1944). However, the causes responsible are still unknown. Gene mutations may be involved in these changes, or they may be associated with a rearrangement of the dicaryotic nuclei as suggested earlier (Waterhouse, 1929). As a result of the work by Rodenhiser and Hurd-Karrer (1947) it is clear that hyphal fusions may take place between vegetative (dicaryotic) hyphae, but there is no evidence yet that new races would result. Should contrasting types be brought together by new associations of old nuclei in a dicaryotic mycelium, the “hybrid” may exhibit enhanced pathogenic capabilities. It is probable that even if hyphal fusions do occur within the host plant, a good many of the new combinations would not differ pathogenically from the old. When one of us (I.A.W.) was engaged in extensive race mixing experiments (Watson, 1942) a close watch was kept for the occurrence of new races either by mutation or otherwise, but no changes in pathogenicity were observed. Again, in earlier work by the other author, races 43 and 45 were kept in association for 18 successive generations without any change being discernible. In spite of the difficulty of explaining how a mutation has produced the culture 7316, it seems more likely that it has arisen in this way than by hybridization on the barberry, since this process is so rare in this country. The mechanism concerned in the formation of these new types is important because it is fundamental to the general problem of variability in fungi, and in this way it is closely associated with breeding for disease resistance. The idea that certain species may act as bridges, enabling pathogenicity to be built up, was initiated at a very early stage of the work on specialization in fungi. However, it was dropped quickly when physiologic races were sorted out and were regarded as stable entities fixed in their pathogenic capabilities. At the present time there are many happenings which lead to the belief that they are not always very stable. It seems that the work of Reddick and Mills (1938) on Phytophthora infestans has revealed certain hazards in the cultivation of varieties with a moderate degree of resistance only. From this work they found that the virulence BY I. A. WATSON AND W: L. WATERHLOUSE. 125 of the pathogen was increased by successive passages through certain varieties ranging from somewhat resistant through considerably resistant to usually immune. In the field, previously immune varieties became infected as a result of this progressive increase in virulence. If the result obtained with potatoes could be applied to wheat varieties infected with stem rust, then it is easy to visualize certain varieties acting as satisfactory bridging hosts, since many possess only a moderate field resistance. In 1944 a small experiment was carried out to determine whether in fact seedlings of Hureka could serve as a bridge to build up the virulence of culture 334 so that it could attack Eureka. Four single pustules of this culture were taken, two were increased on Federation and two on EHureka. Those on Federation. were kept at low temperatures (60-65°F.) and those on Eureka at high temperatures (75—-80° F.) so that the seedlings of this latter variety produced sufficient rust to enable sub-cultures to be made. After the rust had produced each generation of uredospores, those on Federation were transferred back to Federation, those on Hureka back to Hureka. These transfers were continued on the duplicate pots of Eureka and Federation for six successive generations. During the course of the experiment there was no sign of any increase of virulence on Hureka. After the period of six generations, which occupied almost six months, the cultures from Eureka and from Federation were compared at low temperatures on Hureka. Those grown on Hureka for this period showed no greater pathogenicity for this variety than those that had been grown on Federation. The experiment proved of no value in helping to arrive at an explanation of the origin of 7316. With the limited amount of information available it is possible only to speculate as to the origin of the 7316 culture. There is also no information to help in explaining what has occurred in culture 334. The change in this latter rust is all the more perplexing because not only has the glasshouse culture altered from race 34 to race 126, but a similar change has been shown by all rusts that we have collected in the field in recent years. It is most difficult to visualize any agency so far-reaching in its effects that both glasshouse and field cultures would mutate at about the same time from the old to the new rust. Nevertheless the fact remains that sampling widely in the State gives in the main two rusts. One is of the 334 type, which cannot attack Eureka and which we have called race 126. The other, which is of the 7316 type, occurs on EKureka and we have designated it as race 126B. THE OCCURRENCE OF NEw RUSTS IN RELATION TO THE BREEDING PROGRAMME. When new physiologic races of stem rust arise, it is essential to know how potential parents will react when tested with them. Observations since 1942 have indicated that several of the well-known varieties, such as Hope, Webster, Iumillo, Gaza and Khapli, are fully resistant to the 7316 type in the field. The chief undesirable agronomic characters of Hope, Webster and Gaza have been removed and their resistance factors are available in Hofed, Fedweb and Gabo respectively. In addition to these (Nabawa hd hd I | bei esel Ss | oes | pees e ete as] lrorvlwerwlrweenwen | wwmanwe | cae) ine] iS) 4 ‘S) x > ia | | | | | | = | rm | = | ww | |enomecveellbenoanouoncctcom arco lenomasecom un Omatecom om lmhsuicasteon Kon oMnonorl ono Komodns [iS Soi | Sos hea e eae enone pmol] Ssomeeswnw Vom ew Oe ewe mm le lel el wel ol | | | wren | | | elel lilt] He mrewrprrmerweee | rewrrunmrnuwl wl] |e | eer! | eee | Type P13B (No. 2, Text-fig. 1). Ellipsoidal with oval to sub-oval outline. Monolete; frequently exhibiting well- defined suture or opening running the full length of the body. Length 40 to 60; width 30 to 40. Exine reticulate with a widely spaced system of anastomosing ridges . 136 MICROSPORE-TYPES IN TASMANIAN COALS, 1 to 2 in width and 3 to 5 apart. Ridges appear at the margins of the spore producing irregularities in its outline. \ WAY : Si, ° . \ \ ~ MAL : Text-figure 1—Permian microspore types present in Tasmanian coals, but not recognized in New South Wales Permian Measures. Type P28B (No. 3, Text-fig. 1). Ellipsoidal with oval to sub-oval outline. Monolete; at times showing a wide longitudinal opening. Length 55 to 65; width 40 to 50. Exine verrucate with large closely packed warts, 1 to 2 in width, arranged in a regular system of longitudinal rows. Distribution and variation in abundance of the foregoing types are indicated in Table 4. P5D is widely distributed in Tasmanian coals, its abundance number varying from 2 to 3. P13B is also widely distributed, varying in abundance from 1 at Mount Pelion to 3 in the Mersey Coalfield. P28B was found in coal from the Illamatha Mine, where its abundance was only 1. In addition to the three types described above, a single example of an unusual echinate spore (No. 4, Text-fig. 1) was found in Illamatha coal. A new type number was not given to this spore, as one individual was not considered sufficient to establish the occurrence of the type. It was spheroidal with approximately circular outline, and exhibited dehiscence along trilete sutures extending more than half-way round the body, which was 60 in diameter. The exine was echinate with very small spines, 0-75 to 1:0 in length, somewhat irregularly spaced at 1 to 2 apart. This spore is distinct from any other spined spores so far observed in Permian coals, and it was the only spined type found in samples from the Mersey Coalfield. COMPARISON OF GENERAL ASSEMBLAGES IN TASMANIA AND NEW SOUTH WALES. Of the 48 spore-types described from New South Wales Permian measures, 43 were found in Tasmanian coals. The types not recognized were P21A, P29B, P32A, P34A, and P34C. P21A is the unusual tetrahedral trilete type of special interest owing to the presence of three dome-shaped protuberances, somewhat resembling pollen-tube pores, situated at the centres of the three distal interfaces. It is rare in New South Wales coals, occurring only in the Newcastle Measures with sporadic lateral distribution. P29B is a large spheroidal verrucate trilete spore. It is widely distributed throughout all three subdivisions of New South Wales Permian and attains maximum abundance in the Greta Measures. P32A is a small tetrahedral trilete spore with a flangelike wing BY J. A. AND ROMA DULHUNTY. Iasi situated in one place and attached to the distal interfaces which appear as the triangular outline of the body in proximal view. It is one of the two types (P32A and P15A) found only in the Greta Measures in New South Wales. Types P34A and P34C are monowinged spores with spheroidal trilete bodies. P384A occurs only in the Newcastle Measures, but P34C is found in all New South Wales Permian coal measures. Some important differences were found in the Tasmanian and New South Wales microspore assemblages with respect to groups of closely related types. The mono- winged spores (P33B, P34A, P34B, and P34C) which are relatively common in all New South Wales coal measures are almost completely absent from Tasmanian coals. Only three examples (one of P33B and two of P34B) of monowinged spores were found in all the Tasmanian material examined. These were in coal from Mersey and Wynyard areas, aS indicated in Table 4. Three individuals are not sufficient to establish the presence of monowinged spores in the Tasmanian assemblage, as they may have been transported by wind from the mainland. This apparent absence of monowinged spores represents one of the principal differences in the two assemblages and it suggests that certain plants bearing monowinged spores may have been absent in Tasmania, although they flourished in New South Wales, during Permian time. Monowinged spores, similar to the New South Wales types, occur in Permian tillite at Bacchus Marsh in Victoria; in Lower Gondwana shales in India (Virkki, 1939); they have been observed by the writer in Permian coal from Collie in Western Australia; but they were not found in Queensland Permian coals examined by de Jersey (1946). The echinate spores (P16A to P20A), absent from many of the Tasmanian coals, are less abundant than in the New South Wales Permian, where they occur persistently in coals from all measures. The biwinged spores, particularly P40A and P40B, are also far less common in Tasmania than in New South Wales. Psilate tetrahedral trilete spores (PIA, PIB, P2A) are represented in all Tasmanian coals but occur as minor constituents, whereas in New South Wales they are among the most abundant types. Ellipsoidal monolete types (P3A and P3C), and the small spheroidal monolete spore P5C, occur persistently and abundantly in both Tasmanian and New South Wales Permian measures. The above results do not appear to bear any special stratigraphical significance. Of the types not found in Tasmanian coals, some are confined to the Upper Coal Measures and some to the Greta Measures in New South Wales. It would seem, however, that the results are significant in relation to the distribution of Permian plants in Australia. This subject, which is beyond the scope of the present work, requires further knowledge about relations between Permian spores and plants, but the general absence in Tasmania of certain spores relatively abundant in New South Wales, and vice versa, suggests that important results regarding distribution of Permian floras may be obtained from the study of microspores when the plants to which they belong are known. VARIATIONS IN TASMANIAN SPORE ASSEMBLAGES. Spore assemblages vary considerably in coals from different Permian localities in Tasmania, as illustrated in Table 4. The spined spores (P16A to P20A) appear to be completely absent from Illamatha, Aberdeen, and Tarleton coals in the Mersey Coalfield and also the Wynyard sample, although they are present in the other coals, including Mole Creek. Types P40A and P40B were found only in Mount Pelion and Cradoc materials, being absent from all the Mersey coals and Wynyard sample. The only examples of spheroidal monowinged spores, whether transported or indigenous, were found in Illamatha and Wynyard samples, and these were also the only two coals in which P38B and P4A were found. Mole Creek and Mount Pelion were the only coals in which P38A was present and from which P5A was absent. These results indicate a general similarity in spore assemblages in coals from Iliamatha, Aberdeen, Tarleton, and Wynyard, supporting the conclusions of previous workers that the Mersey and Wynyard coal measures are stratigraphically equivalent. Assemblages in. Mount Pelion and Cradoe coals are similar, but differ somewhat from 138 MICROSPORE—-TYPES IN TASMANIAN COALS, those of the Mersey and Wynyard materials. This also supports existing views that Mount Pelion and Cradoec measures are equivalent but occur on a different horizon to the Mersey and Wynyard coals. The Mole Creek sample, however, contains an assemblage similar to that of Mount Pelion and Cradoc coal, and distinctly different from assemblages in samples from the Mersey field. This suggests that Mole Creek coal may be stratigraphically equivalent to that at Mount Pelion and Cradoc rather than seams mined at Illamatha, Aberdeen, and Tarleton collieries, as previously suggested. The foregoing results suggest that it may be possible to use the absence of spined spores in correlating Tasmanian Permian areas equivalent to the Mersey and Wynyard coals, which are regarded as lower Permian in age. Insufficient spore-types were recognized in the Latrobe material to indicate an assemblage, and the types identified bear no special stratigraphical significance, as they were found in practically all the Tasmanian coals examined. APPLICATION OF RESULTS TO CORRELATION WITH NEW SOUTH WALES PERMIAN. Attempts to apply preliminary results, recorded in this paper, to correlation of various Tasmanian occurrences with subdivisions of New South Wales Permian are not promising. The two assemblage groups, into which Tasmanian coals fall, cannot be matched with any assemblages in New South Wales coal measures. Certain spore- types appear to have restricted stratigraphical ranges in New South Wales (Dulhunty, 1946). Some of these occur in Tasmanian coals, but results based on their presence, or absence, are conflicting. P15A (confined to New South Wales Greta coal) is present in two of the Mersey coals and absent from Mole Creek, Mount Pelion, and Cradoc samples. Also, P40A and P40B (confined to Upper Coal Measures in New South Wales) were found only in Mount Pelion and Cradoc coals. While this suggests that Mersey coal is of Greta age and that Mole Creek, Mount Pelion, and Cradoc occurrences are of Upper Coal Measure age, it is contradicted by the fact that P8B and P13A (confined to Upper Coal Measures in New South Wales) occur in the Mersey and Wynyard coals but not in the Mount Pelion and Cradoc samples. Furthermore, P9A (absent from New South Wales Greta) was found in two of the Mersey coals and the Cradoc sample. It follows that no conclusions can be reached at this stage by studying the presence and absence of types which appear to have restricted ranges. This is not surprising in view of the distance between Tasmania and New South Wales and the palaeogeographical variations in environment which probably existed between the two areas during Permian time. Conditions favouring certain plants in New South Wales during Greta or Upper Coal Measure deposition may not have existed during deposition of equivalent strata in Tasmania, some 700 miles away. SUMMARY. Permian coal samples were examined from nine localities in Tasmania and microspores were found in all except one from Preolena. Of the forty-eight spore-types described from New South Wales Permian coals, forty-three were found in Tasmania. Four new types, not recognized in New South Wales, were observed in Tasmanian coals. Monowinged spores are almost completely absent in Tasmanian coals, although they are present in the Permian of New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and India. Biwinged spores are far less common in Tasmania than in New South Wales. Coals from Wynyard and the Mersey field (Illamatha, Aberdeen, and Tarleton) are characterized by the absence of echinate spores which are relatively abundant in Cradoc, Mount Pelion and Mole Creek coals. Evidence based on assemblages supports existing views that Mersey and Wynyard coals are equivalent and occur on a different horizon from Mount Pelion and Cradoc coals. The assemblage in Mole Creek coal resembles that of Mount Pelion and.Cradoc materials rather than the Mersey coals, with which it was previously believed to be equivalent. The study of presence and absence of types with limited ranges in New South Wales produced conflicting results when BY J. A. AND ROMA DULHUNTY. 139 applied to correlation of Tasmanian occurrences with subdivision of New South Wales Permian. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This investigation was part of a programme of coal research supported by funds from the Commonwealth Research Grant to the University of Sydney. The authors wish to acknowledge the generous co-operation of the Tasmanian Department of Mines in providing samples of coal and stratigraphical information, and the assistance of Miss N. Hinder in the preparation of microspore concentrates. References. DE JERSEY, N. J., 1946.—Microspore Types in Some Queensland Permian Coals. Univ. Q’land Papers Dept. Geol. I11(5), 12 pp. DuLHUNTY, J. A., 1945.—Principal Microspore-Types in the Permian Coals of New South Wales. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ilxx: 147. JOHNSTON, R. M., 1888.—A Systematic Account of the Geology of Tasmania. Lortrus HILus, RIED, A. M., Ny#, P. B., Kemp, H. G. W., 1922.—The Coal Resources of Tasmania. Tas. Dept. Mines., Geol. Sur., Min. Res. No. 7. VirKKI, D., 1939.—On the Occurrence of Similar Spores in a Lower Gondwana Glacial Tillite from Australia and in Lower Gondwana Shales in India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Vol. ix, No. 1, Sect. B. VoisEyY, A. H., 1938.—The Upper Palaeozoic Rocks of Tasmania. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., G8 8 309. 140 A NEW SUBSPECIES OF AEDES (STEGOMYIA) SCUTELLARIS WALKER (DIPTERA, CULICIDAE) FROM NORTHERN AUSTRALIA. By A. R. WooDHILt, Department of Zoology, University of Sydney. (With Four Text-figures. ) [Read 31st August, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. A considerable amount of work has been carried out in recent years on the scutellaris group by Farner and Bohart (1945), Stone and Farner (1945), and by Stone (1947). The last-named author has shown that Aédes variegatus var. hebrideus Edwards is synonymous with Aédes scutellaris Walker. Prior to 1944 no members of the scutellaris group had been recorded from Australia, but in December, 1944, and January, 1945, R. H. Wharton collected three females and one male at Batchelor in the Northern Territory of Australia. These were forwarded to Stone, who pointed out that they differed in the femoral markings from A. scutellaris, but the material was considered inadequate for description. In January, 1948, Mr. A. EH. Wynn forwarded to the author a batch of eggs from Katherine, Northern Territory of Australia, and these, when developed, proved to be similar to the specimens collected by Wharton. They have been retained as a continuous laboratory culture for a year and several hundred specimens have been examined. It has been found that they show a constant variation in the marking of the mid femora from A. scutellaris Walker, but are identical as regards the male genitalia and in all other respects, including the eggs, larvae and pupae. In addition, males of this North Australian form, when crossed with females of A. scutellaris from New Guinea, gave fertile progeny to the F, generation, although the reciprocal cross was sterile. In view of these facts it was considered advisable to describe the new form as a subspecies of Aédes scutellaris Walker. AKDES SCUTELLARIS SCUTELLARIS Walker.* Synonymy. Culex scutellaris Walker, 1859. Proc. Linn. Soe. Lond., Zoology, 3, pp. 77-131. Culex zonatipes Walker, 1861. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zool. 5, p. 229. Aédes variegatus var. hebridews Edwards, 1926. Bull. Ent. Res., 17, p. 102. Aédes scutellaris var. hebrideus Edwards, 1932. Gen. Insect., fase. 194, p. 163. Aédes scutellaris hebrideus. Edwards. Knight, Bohart and Bohart, 1944, Keys to the Mosquitoes of the Australasian Region, Nat. Res. Council, Washington, D.C., p. 55. Aédes hebrideus Edwards. Farner and Bohart, 1945, U.S. Naval Medical Bulletin, 44, p. 30. Type Locality: Aroe Islands. Distribution: Farner and Bohart (1945) and Stone and Farner (1945) give the distribution as eastern New Guinea (including the D’Entrecasteaux and Trobriand Islands), New Hebrides, Palau Islands, Ceram and the Philippine Islands. Additional records supplied to the author by D. J. Lee are as follows: New Britain: Rabaul (Taylor), 1933. New Guinea: Gona (O’Connor), 1948; Lae (Clinton), 1943; Lalapipi (Atherton), 1943; Finschaffen (Berril), 1944; Dobadura (Ratcliffe), 1943; Salamaua (Woodhill), 1944; Merauke (Roberts), 1943; Port Moresby (Wharton), 1947; Kanusia (Lee), 1947. Morota (Clarke), 1945. * This combination has previously been used by Knight, Bohart and Bohart (1944), and Farner and Bohart (1945) give it as a synonym of Aédes quasiscutellaris F. and B. BY A. R. WOODHILL. 141 AEDES SCUTELLARIS KATHERINENSIS, nN. subsp. Type Locality: Katherine, Northern Territory of Australia. Types: Holotype female, allotype male, ten female and ten male paratypes and a series of mounted male genitalia deposited in Macleay Museum, University of Sydney. Distinctive Characters: This subspecies can be distinguished by the presence of a broad distinct line of white scales on the anterior surface of the mid femur; this line is entirely lacking in A. scutellaris scutellaris (Text-figs. 1 and 2). iD Text-figures 1 and 2. 1. Anterior surface of mid femur of Aédes scutellaris katherinensis, n. subsp. x 50. 2. Anterior surface of mid femur of Aédes scutellaris scutellaris Walker. x 50. DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE. Head. The head is clothed with broad flat black scales and with flat white scales forming a median longitudinal band and a lateral and ventro-lateral longitudinal white band on each side. The median white band includes the inter-ocular vertex and extends as a few white scales along the dorsal margins of the eyes; the ventro-lateral white bands also extend along the ventral margins of the eyes. The occipital region carries a small patch of black upright forked scales and a row of long black post-ocular bristles is also present on each side. The clypeus and antennae are black with a band of flat white scales round the anterior margins only of the pedicels. The palpi are clothed with black scales except for a conspicuous patch of white scales covering the dorsal aspect of the third segment. The proboscis is entirely black scaled. ; Thorax. The thorax is dark brown to black in colour, conspicuously marked with bands and patches of white scales. The scutum is covered with narrow dark brown scales, except for a small median bare area at the posterior margin and two small bare areas on the postero-lateral angles, and carries scattered dark bristles which are particularly abundant above the wing bases. A conspicuous white longitudinal stripe which narrows posteriorly extends from the anterior margin of the scutum to the bare patch on the posterior margin, and a band of broad flat white scales occurs on the postero-lateral margin above the wing base and extends to the bare area on each side, i.e., almost to the scutellum. In a few specimens out of some hundreds examined there is also an indistinct line consisting of a few yellowish scales on each side of the posterior bare area. The scutellum is dark with a broad band of flat white scales extending across its whole width, and each lobe carries four to six long dark bristles. The metanotum is bare and dark brown in colour. The anterior and posterior pronotum carry a band of broad white scales continuous with the white scales on the lateral region of the head and with the lateral white band on the scutum, so that a continuous white bang M 142 A NEW SUBSPECIES OF AEDES (STEGOMYIA) SCUTELLARIS WALKER, runs from the head over the wing bases to the scutellum. Below this and parallel to it is another continuous band of white scales extending from the propleuron to the posterior margin of the mesepimeron. In addition, there are two separate patches of white scales near the lower margins of the sternopleuron and mesepimeron. The ornamentation of the dorsal and lateral aspects of the thorax is identical with most other species of the scutellaris group and has been admirably illustrated by Farner and Bohart (1945). 4 Text-figures 3 and 4. 3. Basal lobe of coxite of Aédes scutellaris katherinensis, n. subsp., dorsal aspect. x 650. 4. Basal lobe of same from the lateral aspect. x 650. 3) Pleural Chaetotazxy. The anterior pronotum carries a tuft of ten to twelve strong dark bristles and the posterior pronotum has a single strong dark bristle near its posterior margin. The propleuron has a group of three to five bristles, there are no spiraculars, and the post- spiracular bristles are usually two in number, but may vary from one to three, including a small weak bristle. The pre-alar bristles vary from five to nine, the upper sterno- pleurals from one to three, and there is a row of lower sternopleurals varying from three to five. The upper mesepimerals occur as a tuft of weak pale bristles varying in number from two to eight, and lower mesepimerals are absent. Halteres. These are pale basally, with the apical knob covered with flat black scales. Wings. The veins are clothed with both broad and elongated dark scales, with particularly dense scaling on the costa, subcosta and R,, these scales being mainly broad. At the extreme base of the costa is a small patch of white scales. The upper fork cell is slightly longer than the lower fork cell. The wing fringe is of the usual type and the alula bears a row of small flattened scales on its margin. Legs. The coxa of each leg bears a conspicuous patch of white scales anteriorly and also a row of strong bristles. The fore femur is black with an anterior apical patch of BY A. R. WOODHILL. 143 white scales and a narrow line of somewhat scattered white scales on the anterior surface extending from the base to one-half to one-quarter the length of the femur. This line is very variable and may be absent or represented only by a few scattered scales. The posterior surface of the fore femur is pale scaled on the basal half. The mid femur is black with a white anterior apical patch and a broad distinct line of white scales on the anterior surface extending from the base almost to the apical white patch; this is a constant character in all specimens examined. The posterior surface of the mid femur is black with a few scattered pale scales on the basal half. The hind femur is black with an apical anterior white spot and practically the whole of the anterior surface is covered by a broad longitudinal band of white scales which tapers apically; the posterior surface also has a broad white longitudinal band which tapers apically and extends about half the length of the femur. The fore, mid and hind tibiae are completely black. The fore and mid tarsi are black with the exception of incomplete narrow basal rings on tarsi I and II only. Hind tarsi I to IV are black with complete wide white basal rings, occupying approximately the following proportions of the segments: tarsus I, one-third; tarsus II, two-fifths; tarsus III, one-half; tarsus IV, three-quarters. Tarsus V is completely white. Abdomen. The abdomen is clothed with flat black scales and has conspicuous transverse bands and patches of flat white scales. Tergite I is clothed with long fine hairs, sternite I lacks both hairs and scales, and the remaining tergites and sternites each carry a row of short fine hairs on their posterior margins. The white markings are arranged as follows: Tergite I has a lateral white patch on each side and tergites II to VII have transverse bands which commence at the antero-lateral corners and run backwards and upwards to cross the tergites transversely slightly closer to the anterior than to the posterior margins. These bands are complete on tergites IV to VII but may be interrupted dorsally to a greater or lesser extent on tergites II and III. Sternites II to VII have similar bands which commence at the antero-lateral corners and run backwards and downwards to cross the sternites slightly closer to the anterior than the posterior margins. These are complete on all sternites and may be expanded on sternites II to V only to form mid-ventral patches which may extend from the anterior to the posterior margins. DESCRIPTION OF MALE. The markings and chaetotaxy are similar to those of the female. The palps are approximately equal in length to the proboscis and are black scaled with the exception of a basal white patch dorsally on the second segment, a white ring covering the basal two-fifths of the third segment, and ventral basal white patches on the fourth and fifth segments. The genitalia are indistinguishable from those of Aédes scutellaris scutellaris, the basal lobe of the coxite carrying a series of hairs at the apex with several longer hairs joined to form a spine. The degree of development of this spine varies in both sub-species and it is frequently very transparent and difficult to detect. The shape of the basal lobe also varies in accordance with the exact angle from which it is viewed and also with the degree of flattening in the individual preparation. Text- fig. 8 shows the basal lobe in the allotype male from the dorsal aspect and Text-fig. 4 shows the lateral aspect from another specimen. EGGS, LARVAE AND PUPAE. These are also indistinguishable from those of Aédes scutellaris scutellaris. Material Examined. Several hundred specimens of males, females, eggs, larvae and pupae of laboratory cultures ex Katherine, three females and one male from Batchelor and two females from Kummunya Mission. MM 144 A NEW SUBSPECIES OF AEDES (STEGOMYIA) SCUTELLARIS WALKER. Distribution. Batchelor (R. H. Wharton, 27/12/44, 5/1/45, 15/1/45) and Katherine (A. G. Wynn, 17/1/48), Northern Territory of Australia; Kummunya Mission, Port George IV (EH. J. Davies, 1/2/44), Kimberley Division, Western Australia. References. KnicHT, K. L., BoHART, R. M., and BoHarT, G. E., 1944.—Keys to the Mosquitoes of the Australasian Region. Nat. Res. Council, Washington, D.C., 55. FARNER, D. S., and BoHArRT, R. M., 1945.—A Preliminary Revision of the Scutellaris Group. U.S. Naval Medical Bulletin, 44 (1), 21-37. SToNE, A., and Farner, D. S., 1945.—Further Notes on the Aédes Scutellaris Group. Proce. Biol. Soc. Washington, 58, 155-162. SToNE, A., 1947.—A Topotypic Male of Aédes scutellavis Walker. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 49) 13), (815: 145 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART III. DESCRIPTION OF THREE NEW AUSTRALIAN SPECIES AND SOME NEW LOCALITY RECORDS. By Gwenpa L. Davis, B.Sc., Lecturer in Biology, New England University College, Armidale. (Seven Text-figures. ) [Read 25th May, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. Recent intensive collection of this genus by Victorian botanists has brought to hand several specimens which are quite distinct from any described species. Similar collecting in other States will probably increase the number of known species considerably and at the same time lead to a more accurate knowledge of the distribution of those already described. TAXONOMY. COMPOSITAR, tribe ASTEROIDEA. Brachycome Cass., Dict. Sci. Nat., xxxvii (1825), 471. Subgenus EUBRACHYCOME G. L. Davis. Superspecies TENUISCAPA. BRACHYCOME STOLONIFERA, Sp. nov. (Text-figures 1-3.) Holotype: Summits of Kosciusko plateau, N.S.W., ca. 7,000 ft., 3, 1947, A. Costin (MEL). Paratypes: Eleven, loc. cit. (MEL). Herba perennis, erecta, glabra, stolonifera, ad 6-7 cm. alta; folia ad 3:2 cm. longa, 1:2 mm. lata, radicalia, lato linearia, integra, obtusa, basibus involutis; omnis herba 1-4 stolonibus quorum folia, brevia sed typica, ultima parti radicata, moriuntur. Capitula sola, 6-7 mm. transverse lata; pedunculi uno phyllo robusti; involucri phylla 18—24, circiter 4-5 mm. longa, 1:4 mm. lata, lanceolata, acuminata, marginibus fimbriato- ciliatis; flores radii circiter 38, ligulis 6 mm. longis, 2:1 mm. latis, albis; receptaculum 2 mm. latum, 2 mm. altum, praecipiter conicum, punctum; achaenia 1:8 mm. longa, 0-9 mm. lata, fusca, cuneata, in septato-piloso disco turgida, margine angusto et tenui et in labro septato-piloso; pappus setis, sericis, albis, conspicuis. Erect glabrous stoloniferous perennials up to 6-7 em. high. Leaves up to 3:2 cm. long, 1:2 mm. broad, radical, broad-linear, entire, obtuse with sheathing bases. Hach plant bears 1-4 stolons on which the small but typical leaves die off when the tip becomes rooted. Inflorescences solitary, 6-7 mm. diameter. Scapes robust and provided with a single bract. IJInvolucral bracts 18-24, about 4:5 mm. long, 1-4 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, with torn-ciliate margins. Ray florets about 38, rays 6 mm. long, 2:1 mm. broad, white. Receptacle 2 mm. broad, 2 mm. high, steeply conical, pitted. Fruit 1:8 mm. long, 0-9 mm. broad, dark brown, cuneate, thick in central region, with a narrow thin margin. Septate hairs are scattered over the central area and along the edge of each margin. Pappus of silky white conspicuous bristles. Habitat: Not recorded. Range: Only known from the type locality. Specimens examined: Type series only. This species is vegetatively very similar to certain specimens of B. nivalis var. alpina (F. Muell. ex. Benth.) G. L. Davis, and B. radicans Steetz, which is possibly the reason it has been overlooked for so long. The fruit structure is closest to B. Stuartii Benth., but the margin is thinner and wider and the longitudinal folds are absent. 146 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART III, Text-figures 1-7. 1-2. B. stolonifera. Holotype and paratype. x i. 3. B. stoloniferas Hruit. << 920% x 4. B. obovata. Holotype. x 3. 5. B. obovata. Fruit. 20. 6. B. petrophila. Holotype. x #. 7. B. petrophila. Fruit. x 20. BRACHYCOME OBOVATA, Sp. nov. (Text-figures 4-5.) Holotype: Echo Flat, Lake Mountain, about 4,700 ft., margin of alpine sphagnum bogs, 25.1.1948, J. H. Willis (MEL). Paratypes: Two, loc. cit. (MEL). Herba perennis, glabra, ad 19 cm. alta, radicalibus foliis in basi. Folia ad 10-5 cm. longa, 1-1-3 mm. lata, linearia—lineari-obovata, integra, quorum latiora in basi petiolum habent. Capitula 1-2; 8-9 mm. transverse lata; pedunculi 4—6, foliosis phyllis; involucri phylla 22-26, 4:3-4-5 mm. longa, 1:1-1:-5 mm. lata, subacuminata-acuminata, serrata, glabra aut in parti exteriora mic. glandulosa; flores radii circa 24, 5 mm. longi, 1:4 mm. lati, simulate albi-caeruiei; achaenia 2:3-2-5 mm. longa, 1—1:3 mm. lata, fusca, obovata, levia et planata; pappus setis brevibus fulvis. Erect glabrous perennials up to 19 cm. high with a basal cluster of radical leaves. Leaves up to 10-5 em. long, 1:1-3 mm. broad, linear to narrow-obovate, entire, the broader leaves tapering proximally into a petiole. Inflorescences 8-9 mm. diameter, 1 or 2 present on each plant. Scapes provided with 4-6 leaf-like bracts. Involucral bracts 22-26, 4:3-4-5 mm. long, 1:1-1:5 mm. broad, subacute to acute with serrulate margins and either glabrous or microscopically glandular on the outer surfaces. Ray florets about 24, rays 5 mm. long, 1-4 mm. broad, apparently white to bluish. Fruit 2:3-2:5 mm. long, 1-1:3 mm. broad, light brown, obovate, smooth and flattened. Pappus of short straw- coloured bristles. Habitat: Apparently swampy conditions at high elevations. Range: Eastern Victoria. Specimens examined: Victoria: Echo Flat, Lake Mountain, about 4,700 ft., margin of alpine sphagnum bogs, 25.1.1948, J. H. Willis (MEL. holotype and paratypes) ; Snowy Mountains, 6-7,000 ft., 2.1890, W. Bauerlen (MEL); Genoa district, 3.1885, W. Bauerlen (MEL). BY GWENDA L. DAVIS. 147 The above series, although small, shows a certain amount of variation in the shape of the leaves. Those of specimens from Lake Mountain and Genoa agree in that they are linear and grasslike and the plants resemble certain specimens of B. radicans Steetz ex Lehmann. On the other hand, the specimens from Snowy Mts. bear narrow-obovate leaves and are very similar to B. nivalis var. alpina (F. Muell. ex Benth.) G. L. Davis. It is anticipated that more critical collecting in the highlands of Victoria will produce specimens intermediate between these two forms of B. obovata. The fruits are very distinctive but are superficially similar to those of B. graminea (Labill.) F. Muell. They can, however, be readily distinguished by the small but distinct pappus. Dissection of the fruit shows that the whole of the interior is occupied by the embryo and cotyledons, whereas in B. graminea these are completely enclosed by the spongy margins. For this reason the affinities of B. obovata are to be found within the superspecies tenuiscapa. BRACHYCOME PETROPHILA, Sp. nov. (Text-figures 6-7.) Holotype: Little River Falls, about five miles N.E. of Wulgulmerang, E. Vic., “on dripping cliff faces’, 16.1.1948, J. H. Willis (MEL). Paratypes: Four, loe. cit (MEL). Herba perennis, inferme erecta aut adscendens, ramosa, glanduloso-pubescens, ad 33°5 em. alta; folia caulina, ad 4:5 cm. longa, 1:7 cm. tata, grosse orbicularia, superiora plerumque sessilia, dentata, 5 utrimque dentibus, inferiora petiolo brevi et interdum fere crenata; capitula 1-3, 6-7 mm. transverse lata; pedunculi graciles, axillares, 6-5-10:-7 cm. longi, uno folioso phyllo; involucri phylla circiter 24, ad 4 mm. longa, 1 mm. lata, angusto-lanceolata, acuminata, in exteriora parti glandulosa, marginibus fimbriato-ciliatis; flores radii circiter 28, ligulis 6 mm. longis, 1:3 mm. latis, albis; receptaculum 3 mm. latum, 2:1 mm. altum, hemisphaericum, punctum; achaenia 1-9 mm. longa, 0:9 mm. lata, fusca, cuneata, compressa, margine angusto glabro 2 longis sinibus utrimque separato; discum tubercula pauca, parva, sparsa, in ultima parti mic. glanduloso pilo, habet; pappus clarus, fulvus, setis in fasciculis inaequibus dispositis. An apparently weakly erect or ascending branching ? perennial, shortly glandular pubescent all over and up to 33:5 cm. high. Leaves cauline, up to 4-5 cm. long, 1-7 cm. broad, orbicular in gross outline, mainly sessile but the lower ones tapering proximally into a short petiole; upper leaves dentate with usually five teeth on either side, lower leaves sometimes almost crenate. Inflorescences 1-3 on each plant, 6-7 mm. diameter, and borne on slender axillary peduncles 6:5-10:7 cm. long, each of which is provided with a small leaf-like bract. IJnvolucral bracts about 24, up to 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, narrow-lanceolate, acute, glandular on the outer surface and with torn ciliate margins. Ray florets about 28, rays 6 mm. long, 1:3 mm. broad, white. Receptacle 3 mm. broad, 2:1 mm. high, hemispherical, pitted. Frwit 1:9 mm. long, 0-9 mm. broad, dark brown, cuneate, flat, with two longitudinal folds down each side, cutting off a narrow smooth margin. Central region of fruit bears a few small scattered tubercles, each of which is tipped with a microscopic glandular hair. Pappus conspicuous, straw-coloured, the bristles grouped in bundles of irregular length. Habitat: “In moist shaded places in soil amongst the rocks, on ledges or in crevices” (N. A. Wakefield). Range: Eastern Victoria. Specimens examined: Victoria: Little River’ Falls, about five miles N.E. of Wulgulmerang, HE. Vic., “on dripping cliff faces’, 16.1.1948, J. H. Willis (MEL, holotype and paratypes); Little River Falls, Wulgulmerang, ‘on ledges and in crevices amongst moist porphyry rocks, 2,500 ft., 17.1.1948, N. A. Wakefield (NAW); Murrundal River, “in shaded crevice of porphyry rock, about 500 ft.’, 19.10.1947, N. A. Wakefield (NAW). Vegetatively this species is very similar to B. Nova-Anglica G. L. Davis, and the leaves, though larger, are of the same type. Both species appear to occupy the same type of habitat. In details of the fruit (ie. shape, presence of longitudinal folds and a narrow margin) a definite affinity is indicated with B. Stuartii Benth,, but a pappus of the type present in B. petrophila has not been previously described in the superspecies. 148 REVISION OF TIE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART ITI, Superspecies tenwiscapa. Amended Key to the Species. (1). Herbs with a glandular indumentum. Fruit cuneate and flat. (2). Leaves radical, oblanceolate to ovate-cuneate, distally dentate, with sheathing bases. Fruit 1-2 mm. long, 0-9 mm. broad, smooth, with slightly thickened margins. IZM oP OOK STONE EOC” WAIL). © idaho oo o-p-d.o-0 bd oo. opD Strom Old odo blO.0 B. tenuwiscapa. (2).* Leaves cauline, orbicular in gross outline, dentate to almost crenate, usually sessile. Fruit 1:9 mm. long, 0:9 mm. broad, with a longitudinal fold down each side and smooth margins. A few tubercles are present on the central area. Pappus conspicuous and straw-coloured, bristles grouped in bundles of irregular length AEE Rae TARA Laon Ry Bethe TA APIS, Ge LCR elas Ruacianitc-s eae Dta cy. 0.-C “O -aeeROec Non eG 8 Unc. B. petrophila. (1).* Glabrous herbs with radical leaves. (3). Leaves entire, linear to oblanceolate or narrow-obovate. (4). Base of the plant surrounded by the dead remains of former leaves. Fruit 2-3-3 mm. long, 0:8-1:2 mm. broad, glabrous, the margins slightly thickened Bliovol Sranoyoidoy - JERVIS SINOIAE SoaucoosousoocudubddooooesuououS B. scapigera. (4).* Bases of dead outer leaves not persistent. (5). One to four leafy stolons present on each plant. Fruit 1:8 mm. long, 0-9 mm. broad, cuneate, thick in central region, with a narrow margin. RappuswCONSPICUOUS! we: cas eueteeesk el Cheese Dksdonee sale ere nate there ele B. stolonifera. (5).* No development of stolons. Fruit 2:-3-2-5 mm. long, 1-1-3 mm. broad, obovate, smooth and flattened. Pappus short ............ B. obovata. (3).* Leaves pinnatisect, crenate or acutely toothed. ; (6). Leaves oblong-cuneate to elliptical, crenate to acutely toothed distally. Fruit 3 mm. long, 1-4 mm. broad, with relatively long straight hairs on each flat surface and a shallow longitudinal groove down the outer edge of each slightly thickened margin. Pappus short .........-......... B. decipiens. (6).* Leaves pinnatisect, the segments entire or again divided. Fruit 0-9-1-7 mm. long, 0:5-0:9 mm. broad, with two longitudinal folds on each face. Pappus Shores bristles motesimne quae emeiuhmeeeresrcsrry eae sierenen iemeam ese n B. Stuartii. Since the publication of Part I (Proc. LInn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 142-241) of this series further specimens have been examined from the herberia of two private collectors. In addition, a large amount of unworked material collected by Mueller and his contemporaries has recently been found in the National Herbarium, Melbourne. Although the majority of these specimens. are from well-collected localities, and therefore of no great interest, a number of them establish new locality records and extend the known range of certain species, in some cases, considerably. These fresh records are recorded under the appropriate species, the present location of each specimen being indicated as follows: National Herbarium, Melbourne (MEL). F. A. Rodway (FAR). N. A. Wakefield (NAW). Superspecies TENUISCAPA. BRACHYCOME TENUISCAPA Hook. f., var. a TENUISCAPA (Hook. f.) G. L. Davis. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 153. New South Wales: Moona R., Walopa (MEL). Tasmania: Cradle Mt., 12.1915, F. A. Rodway (FAR); Cradle Valley, 12.1915, F. A. Rodway (FAR). This species has not previously been recorded from New South Wales, and unfortunately the locality has not been traced. Since ‘N.S.W.” is recorded on the label it is assumed that Walopa is either too small to be indicated on the maps consulted or is now known by another name. BRACHYCOME TENUISCAPA Hook. f., var. 8 PUBESCENS (Benth.) G. L. Davis. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 153. New South Wales: Swamp near Tenterfield, C. Stuart, n. 925 (MEL). BRACHYCOME SCAPIGERA (Sieb. ex Spreng) DC., Prod. vii, (1838), 277. New South Wales; Braidwood district, 3,000 ft., 10,1886, W. Bauerlen (MEL). BY GWENDA L. DAVIS. 149 BRACHYCOME DECIPIENS Hook. f., London Journ. Bot., vi, (1847), 114. New South Wales: *Near Dubbo, 1882, J. M. Curran (MEL); Upper Macquarie R., 10.1882, J. M. Curran (MEL). Victoria: Hume R., 1883. Jephcott (MEL); *Upper Livingstone, Omeo, 1882, Howitt (MEL) ; Slopes around Omeo, metamorphic schist for 2,200 ft. above sea level, 26.9.1882 (MEL) ; Gippsland, 1882, Howitt (MEL); Daylesford, 1880, Wallace (MEL); Ballarat, 9.1884, D. M. Spence (MEL); near Geelong, 1884, Wilson (MEL). Tasmania: *Victoria Valley, past R. Ouse crossing on road to L. St. Clair, 12.1917, F. A. Rodway (FAR). This-species was previously recorded in New South Wales only from the southern highlands. BRACHYCOME STUARTII Benth., Fl. Aust., iii, (1866), 5138. New South Wales: Mudgee, Woolls (MEL). ’ These specimens depart from the typical condition in that they are glandular hairy and the pappus is microscopic. Hitherto this species was thought to be confined in New South Wales to the New England Tableland. Superspecies LEPTOCARPA. BRACHYCOME DEBILIS Sond., Linnaea, xxv, (1852), 477. New South Wales: Lower Edward’s R., Mein (MEL). Victoria: Little R., Fullager (MEL); Werribee, Fullager (MEL); Wimmera, 1890, J. Eckert (MEL). Specimens from the above Victorian localities were intermixed with vegetatively identical ones of B. leptocarpa F. Muell., an association previously noted (Davis, 1948). The range of this species is now extended to south-western New South Wales, west of Port Phillip and western Victoria. BRACHYCOME ANGUSTIFOLIA A. Cunn. ex DC. var. a ANGUSTIFOLIA (A. Cunn. ex DC) G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1xxiii, 1948, 161. New South Wales: Foot of the Pulpit Rock, 54 miles south-west of Nowra, Sandstone, 22.3.1947, F. A. Rodway (FAR); Nowra, roadside, 1.1921, F. A. Rodway (FAR); Grassy Gully, Shoalhaven R., 14 miles west of Nowra, moist slope, 3.5.1941, F. A. Rodway (FAR). BRACHYCOME ANGUSTIFOLIA A. Cunn. ex DC. var. 8 HETEROPHYLLA (Benth.) G. L. Davis, Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 162. New South Wales: Joadga (Southern Tablelands), 10.1919, F. A. Rodway (FAR). Victoria: Prince’s Highway at Karlo Crk., Mt. Drummer and Wingan River, E. Vic., 25.1.1947, J. H. Willis (MEL). Previously this species was only recorded from New South Wales, where the southern limit was Newcastle, so the range is extended considerably. These specimens differ from the type series in that the leaves are orbicular and regularly dentate, and Bentham’s type specimens are to be regarded as representing one extreme of a variable series. BRACHYCOME DISSECTIFOLIA G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 163. Victoria: Moyston, 10.1881, D. Sullivan (MEL); Mt. William Creek, 10.1879, D. Sullivan (MEL). This species has not been previously recorded from Victoria. BRACHYCOME PROCUMBENS G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 164. Victoria: Gorge country of the Upper Snowy River, near Deddick, 21.1.1948, J. M. Béchervaise (MEL). The fruits of these specimens show a small variation from those of the type series in that the wing is approximately equal to the breadth of the body. 150 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART IL, This is the first record of this species from Victoria, where it appears to occupy a similar habitat to that of specimens in New England. BRACHYCOME LINEARILOBA (DC) Druce, Rep. Bot. Hach. Cl. Brit. Isles, iv (1917), 610. New South Wales: Trundle, 8.1916, H. M. R. Rupp (FAR). South Australia: Charlotte Waters, 1889, W. Schwartz (MEL). Western Australia: Eucla, 1877, Richards (MEL); Eucla, 1882, J. Oliver (MEL). BRACHYCOME GRAMINEA (Labill.) F. Muell., Frag. Phytog., i, (1858), 49. New South Wales: Moonie Creek, Jervis Bay, 4.1916, 2.1921, F. A. Rodway (FAR); Tabourie Island, 15.5.1938, F. A. Rodway (FAR). This species is not confined to the tablelands of New South Wales, as was previously stated. Superspecies BASALTICA. BRACHYCOME BASALTICA F. Muell. var. 6 GRACILIS Benth., THE, AMSiop. sa (AUS) 5 SLs New South Wales: Balranald, 1878, Lucas (MEL); Murrumbidgee R., 9.1878, EF. Mueller (MEL). Victoria: Swan Hill district, 10.1888, C. French (MEL); Albury, 1890, J. Wilson (MEL) ; Western border of Victoria, C. Walter (MEL). These records are interesting in that they link up those already recorded and support the suggestion advanced previously (Davis, 1948) that this variety migrated to Queensland along the basin of the Darling River. BRACHYCOME MULTIFIDA DC, var. a MULTIFIDA (DC) G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 181. Victoria: *Bolwarra, near Ballarat, 1882, W. H. Wooster (MEL); Bendigo, 12.10.1892 (MEL). These specimens extend the range of this species into central Victoria. Superspecies ACULEATA. BRACHYCOME PAPILLOSA G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., lxxili, 1948, 191. New South Wales: Murrumbidgee R., 9.1878, F. Mueller (MEL); Murrumbidgee, 1885, Bruckner (MEL). - BRACHYCOME MUELLERI Sond., Linnaea, xxv (1852), 475. South Australia: Yorke’s Penin, 1888, Beythieu (MEL). é In this specimen the fruits are smaller than previously recorded, being 1:3 mm. long, 0-9 mm. broad. BRACHYCOME MUELLEROIDES G. L. Davis, Proc. LINN. Soc.. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 1948, 194. Victoria: Granite summits of the mountains on the lower Snowy R., 1.1874, F. Mueller (MEL). This species was known previously only from two localities, Wagga and Nathalia, consequently further records are of considerable interest in determining the limits of variation. The specimens from the Snowy River bear fruit 1 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, so that they are slightly larger than those of the type series. A further difference is apparent in that the body of the fruit is dark brown and the wings golden brown. Vegetative variation is shown in the leaves, which bear 3-6 acute linear lobes. BRACHYCOME CARDIOCARPA F. Muell. ex. Benth., Fl. Aust., iii (1866), 517. New South Wales: Upper Darling R., near Queensland border, 1884, L. Henry (MEL). Victoria: Lower Glenelg R., 1891, Eckert (MEL). Tasmania: *Cape Portland, 1884, Bandinet (MEL); Lake Crescent, 9.12.1938, E. P. Rodway (FAR). Hitherto this species has been recorded in New South Wales only from the Southern Highlands. BY GWENDA L. DAVIS. 151 BRACHYCOME DIVERSIFOLIA (Grah. in Hooker) Fisch and Mey, var. y DISSECTA G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxili, 1948, 202. Victoria: Treasure’s Homestead, Dargo High Plains, E. Vic., 4,500 ft., 28.1.1946, J. H. Willis (MEL). This variety has not previously been recorded from Victoria. SuperspecieS TESQUORUM. BRACHYCOME BLACKII G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., xxiii, 1948, 206. Central Australia: James Range, 3.1883, Kempe (MEL). Subgenus MrETABRACHYCOME G. L. Davis. Superspecies IBERIDIFOLIA. BRACHYCOME IBERIDIFOLIA Benth., Enum. Pl. Hueg. (1837), 59. South Australia: Mt. Eba, 1880, E. Giles (MEL); between the Alberga R. and Mt. Olga, 1873, Giles (MEL). BRACHYCOME TATEI J. M. Black, Proc. Roy. Soc. S8.A., lii (1928), 227. Western Australia: Eucla, 1889, J. D. Batt (MEL). Based on these specimens the following notes can be added to the redescription of this species (Davis, 1948). “Receptacle 2-5 mm. broad, 1 mm. high, conical, shallowly pitted.” BRACHYCOME PARVULA Hook. f. var. a PARVULA (Hook. f.) G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxili, 1948, 212. Victoria: Lakes Entrance, 12.1878, D. Sullivan (MEL); Gippsland, 1882, Howitt (MEL); Nhill, St. Eloy D’Alton (MEL); Lower Glenelg R., 1891, Eckert (MEL). Tasmania: Cape Portland, 2.1885, Baudinet (MEL). This variety is now known to extend along the whole coast of Victoria and to occur also in the western district. In Tasmania the only definite record hitherto was from the Gordon River on the west coast. BRACHYCOME PARVULA Hook. f. var. 6 LissocarRPA (J. M. Black) G. L. Davis, Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., lxxiii, 3-4, 1948, 213. Victoria: Port Phillip, 1891, J. G. Luchmann (MEL); Ballarat, 1887, G. Day (MEL). A specimen was examined from the Wimmera district (1893, W. E. Matthews, MEL), which in size and general appearance very closely resembled this variety except that the leaves were entire. BRACHYCOME PUSILLA Steetz, Pl. Preiss, i, (1845), 426. Western Australia: Between Dundas Hills and Lake Lefroy, 1893, J. D. Batt (MEL). This constitutes the most easterly record of this species. BRACHYCOME EXILIS Sond., Linnaea, xxv (1852), 449. New South Wales: Between Bogan and Darling Rivers, 1877, L. Morton (MEL). Western Australia: Greenough R., 11.1877, F. Mueller (MEL). It would now appear that this species occurs in western New South Wales, and since there are now records from two widely separated localities in Western Australia (Israelite Bay and Greenough River) it is probably to be found also in intermediate areas. Superspecies TRACHYCARPA. BRACHYCOME TRACHYCARPA F. Muell., Linnaea, xxv, (1852), 339. Victoria: Werribee, Fullagher (MEL). South Australia: Great Bight, 1875, E. Giles (MEL); Eucla, 1889, J. D. Batt (MEL). 152 REVISION OF THE GENUS BRACHYCOME CASS. PART III. Hitherto this species was only recorded from western Victoria, and in South Australia no farther west than Denial Bay. BRACHYCOME CILIARIS (Labill.) Less. var. a cILIARIS (Labill.) G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1xxiii, 1948, 221. Victoria: Snowy R., 2.1890, W. Bauerlen (MEL). Tasmania: Near Swansea, 1882, A. Simson (MEL); Port Arthur, 1892, J. Bufton (MEL). From previous records this variety appeared to be confined in Victoria to the western districts and no specimens had been examined from Tasmania.. Superspecies CILIOCARPA. BRACHYCOME CILIOCARPA W. V. Fitzgerald, SOW WA NiGigeHist: |SOGe iim 905) uae. New South Wales: Yandarlo via Wilcannia, 1886, B. Kenney (MEL); Cobar, 1883, H. Andrae (MEL); Parkes, 22.9.1947, E. F. Constable (NSW). The known range of this species is now extended to western and central New South Wales. Superspecies SILPHIOSPERMA. BRACHYCOME GLANDULOSA (Steetz in Lehmann) Benth., FY. Aust. iil (1866;) 521: Western Australia: Stirling Range, F. Mueller (MEL). No previous records exist of this species occurring in the coastal area, and although vegetatively similar to the inland specimens, the growth of some specimens is more luxuriant. The largest specimen reaches a height of 26-5 cm. and bears 44 inflorescences. The largest fruit examined was 4 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, but although exceeding the previously defined upper limits of size shows no structural variation. BRACHYCOME PERPUSILLA (Steetz) Benth. var. TENELLA (Turez) G. L. Davis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 3-4, 1948, 231. Victoria: Werribee, Fullager (MEL). : Western Australia: Hast of York, 8.1889, A. Eaton (MEL); Stirling Range, F. Mueller (MEL). These specimens extend the range of this species to the Port Phillip district of Victoria and to the south-western area of Western Australia, where it was only previously recorded from far inland. © An atypical specimen was examined from Yorke Peninsula (1879, Tepper, MEL) in which a height of 5-5 cm. was attained and whose leaves were up to 2 em. long and entire. In all other specimens examined the leaves were pinnatisect, but in view of the robust branching habit its affinities seem closest to this variety. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. My thanks are due to Mr. A. W. Jessep, Director of the National Herbarium, Melbourne, for forwarding a number of specimens for examination, to Dr. F. A. Rodway, Nowra, and Mr. N. A. Wakefield, Cann River, Victoria, both of whom placed their private herbaria at my disposal. I am also indebted to Miss Greta Baddams, of New England University College, Armidale, for writing the Latin descriptions of new species. All examinations and drawings of specimens were carried out with equipment provided by a Commonwealth Research grant. Reference. Davis, G. L. 1948.—Revision of the Genus Brachycome Cass. Part I. Australian Species. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiii, 142-241. 153 NOTES ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND BIOLOGY OF A NEW SPECIES OF TABANUS (DIPTERA, TABANIDAE). By KATHLEEN M. I. ENGLISH, B.Sc. (Fifteen Text-figures. ) [Read 25th May, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. This new species was found on sandy ocean beaches near Narooma on the south coast of New South Wales. Adult flies were first taken on Mystery Bay beach in January, 1937; others were taken on the same beach in January, 1938, when also a pupa was found emerging from damp sand at about 3.15 p.m., from which the fly emerged about fifteen minutes later. The part of the beach from which the pupa emerged had been covered by water at high tide between 6 and 8 o’clock that morning. A week later another fly was found emerging from its pupa in the damp sand. Altogether five pupae were found, and of these, two died and three adults emerged. A search was made for empty pupal cases and many were found on this beach and on others near Narooma. In November, 1938, during a search for the immature stages of an Apiocerid (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxi, p. 296), ten large Tabanid larvae were found, one large larva was found dead on the surface of the sand, and six larval exuviae were found in the sand. Of these larvae five pupated, but only two adults emerged, both females. One pupated on 24th November and emerged on 15th December, 1938 (21 days); the other pupated on 19th or 20th December and emerged on 2nd January, 1939 (13 or 14 days). Fourteen pupae were found in the sand, and of these, eight died and six emerged. Another pupa found was deformed and from it many small nematodes emerged. Larvae and pupae were more numerous about the level of high-water mark than farther back on the beach;. no search was made in the sand near low-water mark because of the difficulty of sifting the wetter sand. The depth at which larvae occurred was not determined, as none were found in position, but all sand sifted. was taken from between two and’ about ten inches from the surface, the top two inches of sand being cleared away before sifting was commenced. Adult flies were humerous on the beach in January, many were to be seen resting on the sand in the sun, mating pairs were seen and one pair was caught. No egg-laying was observed nor were eggs or young larvae obtained. All larvae found were large, probably last instar. The flies were not troublesome on the beach, but men who had been fishing on headlands near by said they had been bitten by similar flies; however, this is inconclusive evidence, as no biting specimens were procured. The adult was identified tentatively by Mr. G. H. Hardy as being near to Tabanus rubricallosus Ric. (1914) from New Caledonia, so specimens were sent to Mr. H. Oldroyd at the British Museum for comparison with the type and paratype, and . to Dr. Bequaert at Harvard, who has specimens from New Caledonia. Mr. Oldroyd instanced a number of small differences between the flies from Narooma and the type series of 7. rubricallosus, but he also considered that the close resemblance between these two littoral forms should be emphasized. Dr. Bequaert instanced a number of differences, sufficient, he considered, to constitute a separate species. The most striking differences are: 1. The presence of erect hairs on the subcallus; no trace of these is to be detected in his two females of 7. rubricallosus. N 154 A NEW SPECIES OF TABANUS (DIPTERA, TABANIDAE), 2. The eyes in both sexes are decidedly pilose all over, the hairs being readily seen with a hand lens. In 7. rubricallosus females the hairs are extremely sparse and short and not to be seen with a hand lens. 3. The basal (or anterior) bare area and callus of the frons is very extensive, occupying slightly over half the length, whereas in 7. rubricallosus this bare area extends only over about one-third of the frons. Also the lower margin of the callus is only slightly convex, much less so than in 7. rubricadllosus. 4. The antennae are more thickset in the New South Wales species. 5. The New South Wales species is more hairy than 7. rubricallosus; for instance, the upper part of the frons has many long black hairs; in 7. rubricallosus such hairs are few and very short. There are no males of 7. rubricallosus in the other collections for comparison. No precise locality was given by Miss Ricardo for 7. rubricallosus, but Dr. Bequaert had been told by the collector that one of his specimens was caught on a beach at Lebris. TABANUS ORARIUS, Nl. SD. In Hardy’s key to species of Tabanus with hairy eyes (1939) this new species runs down to the first part of couplet three and falls into the regisgeorgii group; group characters are: frons diverging towards the antennae, and thorax with well- defined dark stripes, four anteriorly and three posteriorly. Included in the group are the species 7. regisgeorgii Macquart with synonyms 7. spadix Taylor and T. brisbanensis Taylor, and the species 7. diemeniensis Ferg. These are of a general brownish colour. The new species can be very easily distinguished from them by the general grey colour and the more extensive bare area and callus of the frons. DESCRIPTION. ADULT. A medium-sized, grey, hairy species with a large frontal callus. Female. Length 13 mm., width across head 5 mm., length of wing 12 mm. Head: Eyes sparsely covered with fine short hairs of an indeterminate colour and which can be seen with a hand lens. Behind the eyes is a fringe of erect silvery hairs. Frons with sides almost parallel, very slightly wider anteriorly, twice as long as wide, posterior half clothed with white tomentum and dark brown hairs which are longer on the vertex. Bare area and callus large (Text-fig. 1), extending back half the length of the frons and reaching the eyes for almost its whole length, lower margin very slightly convex and posterior margin irregular, shining chestnut brown in colour, lower centre bare, the rest with sparse hairs, mostly brown. Subcallus with white tomentum except on narrow median groove, and with a small patch of erect fine white hairs on each side (Text-fig. 2). Antennae (Text-fig. 2), length 1-5 mm., first segment with light olive-grey tomentum and clothed with short hairs, mainly black on dorsal half and mainly white on ventral half; second segment with some grey tomentum and short hairs mostly black, a few white on ventral surface; third segment broad, clove brown in colour, with some very short recumbent metallic pubescence. Face not sunken, covered with white tomentum and fine silvery-white hairs, beard long and white. Palpi long (Text-fig. 2), extending past the middle of the proboscis, first segment short and bulbous, second long and tapering to a point, both segments ochraceous-buff in colour, clothed with fine silvery white hairs, and on the second segment a very few black hairs also. Thorax: Dorsum with tomentum in longitudinal stripes of iron-grey or dark olive- grey alternating with light olive-grey (Text-fig. 3), four main anterior and three main posterior dark stripes; median stripe very fine anteriorly, short lateral posterior stripes partly obscured by a fold in the dorsum on each side. The whole dorsum clothed with erect fine silvery hairs and coarse black hairs, together with recumbent bronze, and some recumbent black, hairs. Long silvery white hairs form a fringe BY KATHLEEN M. I. ENGLISH. 155 above the base of the wings and on the edge of the scutellum. The notapleura have cinnamon drab tomentum and very long hairs, fine silvery white and coarse black. The ventral surface is covered with tomentum, mostly olive-grey, and densely clothed with long silvery white hairs. . Subcallys with hairs. i] OF Vy, My, \\ ly, Ny Text-figs. 1-3. Tabanus orarius, n. sp. 1. Head of female, front view, x 8. 2. Head of female, side view, x 10 approx. 3. Dorsum of thorax, x 8. Legs: All coxae and femora covered with olive-grey tomentum and fine silvery white hairs, except on the inner edge of the fore femora, where the hairs are short and dark; and on the distal ends of all femora which are bare of tomentum, tawny in colour, with a few long black hairs. Fore tibiae russet, mid tibiae tawny, on proximal three-fourths, with many silvery hairs and some black hairs, the distal fourth and the tarsi mummy brown in colour with short hairs, mainly black. Hind tibiae russet with black hairs in a line along mid-dorsal surface and covering apex; and with a very noticeable fringe of long hairs along edges, on inner edge silver hairs only, except at distal end, where they are short and nearly all black, on outer edge silver with one or two black hairs on the proximal half, then black and silver mixed on the distal half. Hind tarsi mummy brown with short hairs mainly black. Wings: Clear, veins hazel brown, appendix short, stigma inconspicuous. Abdomen: Dorsal surface covered with tomentum, mostly light olive-grey toning into light cinnamon drab on posterior and lateral edges of segments 3 to 6. Silvery white hairs cover most of the first segment and the lateral edges of all segments; they occur on the posterior edges of segments 2, 3 and 4; and also form a small triangular patch in the centre of segments 2 to 5; these patches form a median longitudinal stripe; elsewhere the surface is clothed with short black hairs. The ventral surface is covered with tomentum, pinkish buff on lateral and posterior edges of all segments except the first, elsewhere light olive-grey, with short silvery hairs on all segments and many black hairs also on the seventh segment. In the female paratypes the colour of the callus varies from hazel brown to almost black, and the colour of the legs varies correspondingly. The labial palpi are deformed in one specimen. The cinnamon tinge in the tomentum is more evident in some specimens than in others, and the dark transverse bars on the abdomen, as described in the male type, are very evident in some of the female paratypes. The appendix in the wing varies in length from 0:3 mm. to little more than a sharp angle on the vein. The wings are damaged in most of the bred specimens. Neave (1915) states “it is really more difficult to obtain perfect specimens of Tabanidae from bred 156 A NEW SPECIES OF TABANUS (DIPTERA, TABANIDAE), individuals than from collected ones”, for “Flight seems invariably to take place before the wings are completely hard and dry”. Male. Length, 15-5 mm., width across head, 6 mm., length of wing, 11 mm. Head: Eyes with large facets hazel brown in pinned specimens and densely covered with bronze hairs; small facets fuscous in colour and sparsely covered with shorter hairs. Subcallus with white tomentum except on median groove and in angle between eyes, where it is bare of tomentum and is fawn in colour, there is a small patch of hairs on each side, the hairs are shorter and finer than in the female. Antennae not as broad as in female. Face sunken, same covering as in female. Palpi with first segment about the same width as the second and more than half as long; second segment has rounded end; the first segment is light olive-grey at base, the rest of the segment and the second light ochraceous buff in colour and clothed as in the female. Thorax: As in female except that recumbent hairs are very sparse and the erect hairs are longer. Abdomen: On dorsal surface the anterior border of segments 3 to 5 is bare of tomentum, and the dark surface with black hairs forms almost black transverse bars. The hairs are longer except on the median triangular patches, where the silvery hairs are shorter and sparser, so the central stripe is a little less evident than in the female. In one male paratype there are no hairs on the subcallus; in the other the dark transverse bars on the abdomen are less evident than in the type. The colours in this description have been identified as accurately as possible with the aid of Ridgeway’s colour chart (1912), a binocular microscope with artificial light being used to examine the colours of the specimens. LARVA (Text-figs. 4-10). The larva is white in colour, the skin striated, shining, and transparent enough for the internal organs to be seen. A live larva when quiescent measured 22 mm. in length and 4 mm. in breadth; when active the larva extended up to about 28 mm. At the anterior end (Text-fig. 4) the larva tapers gradually to the small head; at the posterior end it tapers only slightly and the last segment (Text-fig. 5) is abruptly truncated. ; Head: The head capsule measures up to 5 mm. in length and about 1 mm. in width, it is mainly cream in colour with some light brown portions and very dark brown mandibles. The eye-spots are small. Various parts of the head of Tabanid larvae have been described in detail by Boving (Webb and Wells) 1924, Stammer 1924, Cameron 1934, and Fuller 1937, and these authors differ somewhat in naming parts. The antennae (Text-fig. 6) are two segmented, the first segment is long and cylindrical in shape, the apical segment is much shorter, it is slender and tapers to a rounded point, and at its base is a very short and slender branch. Hach antenna arises from near the end of a structure called by Cameron (1934) “a flattened cephalic sclerite’, and by Fuller (1937) “an elongated plate of the lateralia’’, this structure is considered by Boving (Webb and Wells 1934) to be the basal segment of the antenna, which he describes, therefore, as three-segmented. Philip (1931) devotes a paragraph of “Special Comment” to this question. Situated just behind the antenna on the lateralia are two minute structures, probably sense organs. Mouth-parts (Text-fig. 7): The heavily chitinized mandibles agree in general with the descriptions of other writers. The maxillae differ in shape from that figured by Fuller (1937), but resemble the one figured by Boving (Webb and Wells 1934) and called by him “the proximal part of the mandible’. The maxillary palpi are three segmented, the basal segment is long, thick at the base and tapering distally; towards its anterior end on the ventral surface there is a side growth bearing a long hair. The middle segment is short and thick, the distal segment is about the same length but more slender, and it bears sensory papillae at the tip. 157 BY IXATHLEEN M. I. ENGLISH. 2 External pore of Graber’s orga. il ip Sf. Be zi Seracular SH. | AGU AMM | B (GRIND Text-figs. 4-15. Tabanus orarius, n. sp. 4. Anterior end of larva, lateral view, x 16 approx. 5. Posterior end of larva, lateral view, x 16 approx. 6. Antenna of larva, x 130 approx. 7. Mandible and maxilla of larva, x 50 approx. 8. Posterior spiracle of larva (with fringe shown on one side only, and filament branches omitted), x 50 approx. 9. Branched filament of spiracular fringe, x 135. 10. Anterior portion of Graber’s organ, x 150 approx. 11. Pupa, lateral view, x 5. 12. Anterior end of pupa, ventral view, x 5. 13. Orbital seta of pupa, x 25. 14. Thoracic spiracle of pupa, x 50 approx. 15. Posterior segment of male pupa, end view, x 20 approx. 158 A NEW SPECIES OF TABANUS (DIPTERA, TABANIDAE), Thorax: The prothorax is encircled anteriorly by pale brown unstriated skin densely covered with minute hairs or spines; this hirsute skin covers the anterior retractile portion of the prothorax and forms a broad collar on the non-retractile portion (Text-fig. 4); running back from it for more than two-thirds the length of the segment are five projections, paired laterals and a single ventral one. At the anterior edge of both meso- and meta-thorax is a band of hirsute skin, much lighter in colour than on the prothorax, and on these are small backwardly directed projections situated at the lateral furrows, along which the hirsute skin is continued in broken lines. On the ventral surface of each thoracic segment are two groups of fine hairs, one group on each side of the middle line, five or six hairs in each group. Spiracular openings occur on the prothorax near the posterior edge, and on the meta-thorax in the hirsute band at the anterior edge of the segment. The actual evagination of the anterior spiracles during the prepupal stage described by Philip (1931) and Cameron (1934) was not observed. Abdomen: At the anterior border of segments one to seven are pseudopodial cireclets, each composed of four pairs of retractile prolegs; the ventral, latero-ventral and lateral pairs are more or less rounded and prominent, the dorsal pair is only slightly raised and is more or less elongated. In conjunction with these locomotor swellings are more or less complete bands of hirsute skin. On the posterior border of segment seven there is a wide complete band of hirsute skin, which is hidden when the larva contracts. On segment eight brown hirsute skin forms a wide collar round the spiracular prominence; it covers the ridges round the anus and forms two irregularly shaped patches on each side of the segment. Between the ventral pseudopods on segments one to seven is a pair of fine hairs, one on each side of the middle line. Isolated single fine hairs occur also on the thorax and abdomen. There are very small spiracular openings on segments one to seven, posterior to the lower edge of the lateral pseudopods. Very slender tracheae were found connected to some of these openings in the last larval exuviae, the only stage secured. Philip (1931) states “close observation during the act of moulting reveals that tracheal filaments are cast loose laterally on every segment except the prothoracic and anal’. The posterior spiracle (Text-fig. 8) is situated on the last segment on an oval area surrounded by a thickened collar. It has the felt chamber and antechamber depicted by Stammer (1924). The visible part of the spiracle is in the form of a pair of vertical chitinous ridges each crossed by a series of bars of thicker chitin, as depicted by Stammer (1924) and described by Fuller (1937); this external part and the felt chambers are orange- coloured. The lips of the spiracular slit can be drawn over the chitinous ridges of the spiracle and so close the antechambers leading to the trachea. A little back from the edge of the spiracular slit is a fringe of branched filaments (Text-figs. 8 and 9); these are long enough to extend across the oval area and on to the hirsute skin of the surrounding collar, and in some preserved specimens this fringe can be seen standing out just beyond the end of the segment with magnification as low as ten. A group of four setae is situated at the dorsal end of the chitinous ridges, and other groups occur on the surrounding area. Graber’s organ (Text-fig. 10). This organ was not observed in living specimens, as the larvae had been killed and preserved before close examination was possible. In the preserved specimens, all large, probably last instar, two black bodies only were found; and similarly two black bodies were found in the last larval exuviae, in the posterior section of the tube cast off from Graber’s organ. The external opening of this tube can be seen in mounted exuviae (Text-fig. 8); it lies above the spiracle in the fold between the oval area and the hirsute collar. PuPA (Text-figs. 11-15). Pupae vary in length from 18 to 20 mm., and the largest was 4 mm. in width across the thorax. The head and thorax (Text-figs. 11 and 12) are armed with long slender setae (Text-fig. 13), the ends of which are expanded, and on the distal surface have a BY KATHLEEN M. I. ENGLISH. 159 minutely branched coral-like structure. A central canal runs the length of each seta, and all setae are borne on prominent tubercles. There is a pair of frontal setae, a pair of anterior and a pair of posterior orbital setae, and on each side there is a large lateral orbital tubercle bearing two setae. On the dorsal surface there is a pair of vertical setae and a pair each of anterior and of posterior meso-notal setae. Laterally there is a pair of basal alar setae. The nomenclature of the setae is that used by Cameron (1934). There are no setae on the meta-thorax. The thoracic spiracle is prominent (Text- fig. 14), and the mesal opening is large, with a pair of minute openings on the dorsal edge. The wing sheaths extend to the second abdominal segment. There are eight abdominal segments. On the first there are two tergal and three pleural setae on each side; they are long and slender and the ends are only slightly expanded; they are each borne on a very small tubercle. On pupal exuviae the expanded ends have usually been broken off the setae on the first abdominal segment, and sometimes off the thoracic setae also. Segments 1 to 7 each bear laterally a pair of small spiracles on low backwardly directed elevations. Segments 2 to 7 are divided by longitudinal lines into dorsal, ventral, and paired lateral regions. These segments each bear a girdle of spines on the posterior half, the girdle is formed by a posterior series of mostly long spines, and an irregular anterior series of mostly short spines, but there is considerable variation in the lengths of the spines in both series. The spines become more numerous and slightly longer on each segment as they progress backwards. The last segment terminates in an aster (Text-fig. 15) of paired tubercles each bearing a long slender spine. In male pupae there is a large anal tubercle with a continuous row of spines beneath it, and in the dorso-lateral comb the number of spines varies from three to five, usually there are three long and one or two short spines, and in the dorsal comb there are only two short spines. In the female pupae the anal tubercle is small and there is a wide median gap in the row of spines beneath it, the spines in the dorso-lateral comb are usually longer and more numerous than in the male (as many as seven occurred in one specimen), and the spines in the dorsal comb are longer and may be four or five in number. TYPES AND DISTRIBUTION. Types: Holotype female, allotype male with pupal exuvia, morphotype pupae (male and female) and larva; six female paratypes (one with larval and pupal exuviae, three with pupal exuviae) and one male paratype with pupal exuvia. These, together with slides used in the prepration of this paper have been placed in the Macleay Museum at the University of Sydney. Paratypes male and female have been placed in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney, and in the C.S.I.R. Museum at Canberra. Specimens were sent to the British Museum and to the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Type locality: Narooma, N.S.W. Distribution: In the collection at the Macleay Museum there are two females from Sydney, N.S.W., and three from Rockhampton, Queensland. CONCLUSION. Three records have been found of Tabanid larvae in beach sand. Surcouf, in Wytsman’s Genera Insectorum (1921), refers to the finding in sand on the coast of Brittany of a larva which developed into an adult identified as 7. nigrifacies Gobert, later included by Szilady in the sub-genus Ochrops. Again in 1922 Surcouf records the finding of a hundred Taon larvae in damp sand on the shore in Tunisia, and some more in Algiers; adults obtained from these larvae were described as a new species, Ochrops seurati. Spencer (1942) records the finding of a larva on the sea shore in British Columbia from which was obtained a Tabanid identified as a new species of Hybonitra. Unfortunately no description of any of these larvae has been found. 160 A NEW SPECIES OF TABANUS (DIPTERA, TABANIDAE). In the larva of 7. orarius are two features, the striated dorsum of the thorax and the abruptly truncated posterior segment, which occur also in 7. froggati, T. gentilis and JT. neobasilis described by Fuller (1937), who states “all other species described have the thoracic segments unstriated on the dorsum” and “all other Tabanus larvae described are pointed posteriorly, most having long siphons”. Also in this larva the fringe round the posterior spiracle, and in the pupa the length, and expanded ends, of the cephalothoracic setae are characters that have not been found in descriptions of other Tabanidae. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The writer is indebted to Dr. E. A. Briggs, Department of Zoology, University of Sydney, for the use of laboratory accommodation at the Department; to Mr. G. H. Hardy, University of Queensland; Mr. H. Oldroyd, Department of Entomology, British Museum; and Dr. J. C. Bequaert, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, for their interest and assistance in identifying the adults; to Mr. A. R. Woodhill, Department of Zoology, University of Sydney, and Mr. D. J. Lee, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney, for their helpful criticism of the paper. References. CAMERON, A. EH., 1934.—The Life-History and Structure of Haematopota pluvialis Linné (Tabanidae). Trans. Roy. Soc. Hdinburgh, lviii, pp. 211-250. FERGUSON, EH. W., 1921.—A List of the Tabanidae (Diptera) in the South Australian Museum with Descriptions of New Species. Rec. S.A. Mus., i, No. 4, p. 374. Fuuuer, M. E., 1937.—Notes on the Biology of Tabanus froggati, T. genitilis and T. neobasilis (Diptera). Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ixii, pp. 217-229. Harpy, G. H., 1939.—Miscellaneous Notes on Australian Diptera. V. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ixiv, p. 43. NEAvE, S. A., 1915.—The Tabanidae of Southern Nyasaland, with Notes on their Life Histories. IONE, JH LIS Wo Iies 4h, To, 74Bile PuHtuip, C. B., 19381.—The Tabanidae (Horseflies) of Minnesota with Special Reference to their Biologies and Taxonomy. Univ. Minnesota Agric. Exp. Sta., Tech. Bull. 80, 132 pp. Ricarpbo, G., 1914.—Species of Tabanus from Polynesia in the British Museum and in the late Mr. Verrall’s Collection. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, xiii, pp. 476-479. , 1915.—Notes on the Tabanidae of the Australian Region. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, xvi, pp. 278 and 284. , 1917—New Species of Tabanidae from Australia and the Fiji Islands. Ann. Mag. INGE. VASES Shexixeyep. i228 RIDGEWAY, R., 1912.—Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. Washington. STAMMeER, H. J., 1924.—Die Larven der Tabinaden. Zeitch. fiir Morph. und Okcologie der Tiere, i Band, Berlin, pp. 121-170. Surcour, J., 1921.—Wytsman’s Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 175, Diptera Fam. Tabanidae, p. 22; and Supplement, p. 193. ———., 1922.—Note sur un Diptére 4 Vie Larvaire Littoral. Bull. Soc. ent. France, No. 19, pp. 297-299. WALKER, F.., 1848.—List of Diptera of British Museum, Pt. i, p. 178. WesB, J. L., and WELLS, R. W., 1924.—Horse-flies: Biologies and Relation to Western Agriculture. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bull., 1218, 35 pp. WHItTsm, A., 1915.—The Diptera-Brachycera of Tasmania. Ite Th Families Tabanidae and Therevidae. Pap. and Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1915, p. 11. 161 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM. By N. W. G. MAcINTOSH, Anatomy Department, University of Sydney. [Read 31st August, 1949.] Contents. At aie Page. Introduction EET ROME Te Nat RECs AP ree reo oid oh car eshte ete Makan LUNecdive | BuSW Uncek@ hh duster fetes 6) thee. a Gd: Analysis Raa ey eae a ee aU tg Skirt GMa tn Ae wh aay es osu d. Patek Loe kay rah “Epo mos Loma, wae OD History PMR Spt Ue Ra hal SOG out ode DEE rete ihe peer) Say) a ey ists 2 = euelp canes Cuiener daa eal O8 IEresent Status.) a... cae eerie ager Cunt Meares bos tedMeat er Nitec son wera Ro eeuuen |G Historical aspects meleinen to ine eotlection® NDOSULACESEEelauine to thes pastestatusmor the collectionman) Gell se slate eee) so e8) 1 64 Expeditions possibly related to the collection .. .. Beeh we Sorehom pense) cegee s ee LOT: References in literature to Crania now located in the MEKIAG Meeunes Exhibitions of Crania MPR TIE Ae: AeA EAS my Peal Ardsley eh Yea Mus meet, eee eT BS Wilhelm Krause ‘ove fic TCR seri a cae art Ne el see PICaMe CAM, We ip LEE LP eRe eS 8 emma Besa N. N. GeeMiilounio Macias ee ENCE Se Leh PMR ce Me USAT YS de Bull Meee EPs eels s ek Gt cel) Geographical Catalogue. MOLLeSe Stuaite Groups OLraniaveNOS l= S\cand) SUMMarye ase el eeole es) se eect | en Te: Admiralty and Ninigo Group, Crania Nos. 19-22, and summary .. .. Sie eerie Wepre LIfe) North East Coast of New Guinea Group, Crania Nos. 23-38, and summary Sa eat ee eS, Philippines and Hast Indonesia Group, Crania Nos. 39-45, and summary .. .. .. .. 180 USI nine GrOUD as CraniagieNOS4 6-40 sande SUmMIManya iy, le ucie Fie een ini a) eee ell Sell Various Regions, Crania Nos. 71-81 .. .. Seudtes ae: Pee Ree AL Saat ech ital pices orci a beer il Lteie IP Ghrowio, (Ciena INOS: Sob), Ennel Gibkeaban po Ge Nao ego oo. pe ee © Sol pac ea al3hs Viti Levu Group, Crania Nos. 96-99, and summary Dey Lb ese! Um eneceey cota aueO eee eM tte ae be woe D6eh59 Various Melanesian Islands, Crania Nos. 100-103, and summary .... .. .. .. .. 186 Mallicolo Group, Crania Nos. 104-129, and summary Sooay Merole Pach eee sent cre ah Oe iirc’ UM ier Wepre sibel ieoi(e) Vivant CAvGl Origen as pete sete Meese rae a) EAS SE ie et el ee eet. SA Our FREE Sos VEEN GH CS ane ROT ER ie ear, rn er ame nay de eats ire tet cee (as. Moet ite okt EG LE TE QIG Miscellaneous ob ie Lee Bima Rope RES Ge DG IE Co eRe iry patie hry 2 MOON ot GMS EPL SE SAR MD AL dentine [°C Acknowledgments =e oi ae Bi een Me ai aie More aie BA tg tes oes EP ie ea ee ee LSD) Bibliography POL a ge ye bees Rete) eae Bae Race RP eaewer SRI Baie se a wae BNR ao ney ea ciel ects) INTRODUCTION. A year ago Messrs. Lee, Henry and Woodhill asked the writer if he would examine the craniological collection in the Macleay Museum and offer some suggestions or assistance. The skulls were found scattered in different parts of the Museum, some wrapped in brown paper, some in canvas bags, some lying loose among a variety of other specimens (shells, grass skirts, etc.). The majority of the mandibles were found piled here and there in loose heaps. No catalogue could be found. A heavy coating of dust and other accumulations concealed any identification such as labels or markings on the skulls themselves. Some paper labels which had originally been attached to the skulls were lying on the floor of one cabinet. The material was first segregated into groups, on the basis of morphological appearance. Then the mandibles were restored to their rightful crania, by comparing texture of bone, relationship of condylar process to mandibular fossa, age similarities, general morphological congruities, and character, colour and fit of teeth. The crania were cleaned, care being taken to preserve gummed paper labels, ink, or pencil inscriptions or numbers as they emerged from the coating of grime. Highteen of the crania had no attached documentation of any kind. The literature was searched for data relevant to the labels or inscriptions remaining. The inscriptions in some cases required translation from Russian to English, and the geographical location of these inscriptions (village names) had then to be discovered. O 162 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, The frontal regions of the skulls were then marked with consecutive numbers in Indian ink, a typed card index was provided, and the collection set up in two large glass display cabinets, where comparison and contrast of the geographical groups can be seen at a glance. A catalogue of the crania is appended, recording the original data—i.e., serial numbers, paper labels, ink and pencil inscriptions, symbols—that accompanied each skull. This is followed by comments for further identification. The collection now consists of one hundred and twenty-nine crania (including fifty which are complete with mandible), three full skeletons, two mummified bodies, and thirteen mandibles. Among the best preserved skulls are twenty of ethnological interest in which over- modelling with clay or fibre, or integumentary mummification has been attempted. Five of the crania must remain in the category of “unclassified”. Four have the base missing and gaps near ‘the bregma and suggest head-hunting trophies. Two have gaps in the temporal bones and a missing base suggesting artificial procedure of a cannibal or ritual nature. Two show pre-mortem trauma with healing. Twenty-seven are artificially moulded (deformed) skulls. In order that the documentation of these crania may be as complete as possible, considerable research into their past history has been undertaken. Reviews of the history of the collection as a whole and of any later references to them in the literature are first presented as part of the evidence on which is based their individuai documentation. Also an attempt has been made to establish the story of these skulls particularly in relation to their collectors. In this latter aspect it is necessary to indicate that Maclay (Baron Nicolai Nicolaevitch Miklouho-Maclay) and Macleay (Sir William Macleay) are two separate and distinct identities. Although contemporary and sometimes working together in the same place and on the same material, they were not related, and a careful distinction between Maclay and Macleay must be kept in mind. This paper purports to be no more than a superficial record of cranial material. Nevertheless its preparation has consumed nine months of spare time and involved many searches through literature in various languages, often without any relevant information resulting. The writer thinks the paper has some value in putting on record material which has never been fully catalogued and which, for the past fifty years, has been almost completely overlooked. The material would undoubtedly have been used by anatomists and anthropologists during that time had its existence been known and data relevant to it available. ; ANALYSIS. Apart from entries in Sir William Macleay’s private diaries or journals of additions received, the only effort in the past to preserve the identity of the crania has been (1) the writing of a place name on the skull, which may have been done by the original collector; (2) the affixing of labels Sie XIII, 1644-1669, probably between the years 1875 and 1888. It is very obvious that some selection was made and that twenty-six skulls were serially labelled and placed on display; tit» remainder were consigned to obscurity and ignored. Labels in a more or less semi-legible and tattered state have remained on 26 of the selected crania, Sie XIII 1660 being one not found, although two appear to have the label Sie XIII, No. 1659. Eleven skulls have pasted above the glabella a 1:0 sq. cm. label with a legible or partly legible number. Another eighteen have in the same situation a 1:0 sq. cm. area bearing traces of gum or a shred of paper where a similar label was formerly attached. Twenty-six of them bear Miklouho-Maclay’s handwriting. There are a further ten skulls carrying Miklouho-Maclay’s handwriting. Crania Nos. 73 (label 49) and 74 (label 50) are two heads identified as Maclay’s embalmed Chinese and Malay who were hanged BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 163 in 1880. Cranium No. 3 (label 37) is a curious specimen in which squamous occipital, parietals and temporals have been removed by disarticulation at the sutures, and the facial skeleton has been decorated with clay ochre and fibre. The technique differs rather from that of Darnley and could possibly be from New Ireland. Cranium No. 72 has its inscription printed in English script and there is nothing to identify its collector or donator. Twenty-four of these skulls carry a year alongside the place name which coincides with the date of Maclay’s expeditions to the regions named, but none of them has a Sie XIII No. .. . label attached to it. It appears fairly certain, then, that the fifty Maclay skulls presented by Lady Maclay in 1889 were numbered 1-50 by Miklouho-Maclay himself. After being accepted by the Macleay Museum they were probably neither catalogued nor exhibited, but stored out of sight in cupboards, where their numbered paper labels fell off, and their inscrip- tions gradually became obscured by dust. Forty of these can now be definitely identified and one more probably. Twice Miklouho-Maclay lost specimens. In January, 1880, when he transferred from the Sadie F. Caller to the Hllangowan he left his collection in the former ship and half of it was lost, apparently consisting of skulls from Noumea, Loyalty, New Hebrides, Solomons, New Ireland and the Admiralty Group. There is no record of what cranial specimens Miklouho-Maclay had in the Garden Palace, but whatever they were, all were lost in its destruction by fire in 1882. Maclay often found himself unpacking collections about which he had forgotten— for example, the three skulls obtained ix December, 1872, from HEnglam and Bongu (Maclay, 1874, p. 246). In 1885 he unpacked a lot of accumulated material which included the fifty skulls presented by Lady Maclay. It seems probable that the Luzon, Cebu, Sulu, Timor, Solor crania (Nos. 39-45) belong to his 1873 expedition to the Philippines and subsequently via Timor to the south-west New Guinea coast. The Englam, Sangdinbi, Sambul, Bongu, Gorendu, Bili Bili skulls belong to the 1876-77 second sojourn on the Maclay coast of New Guinea. The Ninigo, Andra, Erub, Mabiak skulls belong to his 1879-80 voyage through the Melanesian islands, Torres Strait, and south-east coast of New Guinea. The Balonna skulls and the embalmed Chinese and Malay heads belong to the 1880-81 Australian period of research. HIstTory. It would appear that historically the existing material falls into four sections: 1. An original few skulls represented by the massive rugged skull No. 66, marked “Old Collection”, which is undoubtedly an Australian aboriginal cranium. No labels, numbers, documentation or record accompanied these. 2. About seventy crania, the product of expeditions or the donations of collectors. Examples are skulls from Darnley, Derby, Darwin, Cape York, Fiji and Mallicolo. 3. Occasional crania donated singly or in pairs. Examples are two Australian skulls, one collected at Bondi by Mr. O’Brien and another obtained via the Nicholson Museum; also skull No. 62 from Bega, exhibited by Masters, and skull No. 59, dated 1924. 4. Fifty skulls which had been collected by Miklouho-Maclay. The interest of the curators in the Macleay Museum has always been, and is still, predominantly entomological. The least emphasis has been on human skeletal material. This makes the lack of any deliberate recording. or cataloguing of these crania easier to understand. Absence of such documentation as precise locality, tribal affinities, genealogy, time period, age at death, mode of death, etc., takes from a skull almost all its value. Without the data that have been collected, correlated and interpreted in this paper the Macleay crania have unidentified curio value only. 164 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, PRESENT STATUS. The collection now represents value in the following terms. The Miklouho-Maclay skulls are unique historical relics of an extraordinary man. It is doubtful whether an equal number of any of his specimens in any of his fields of enquiry exists elsewhere in the world. It is also a link with early Australiana and with the early days of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. The entire collection is unique in its historical associations in similar, though perhaps less spectacular terms. A collection of 129 crania, of which 124 are reasonably documented and classified, though small, is by no means to be despised. It is worth observing that the Anthropological Section of the Anatomy Department, University of Sydney, contains only 447 skulls, of which approximately 330 have reasonable documentation (Macintosh, 1948). The huge collection of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, was destroyed by bombing during the 1939-45 war. The Tasmanians became extinct as recently as 1876, yet no more than 200 authentic Tasmanian crania exist in the world’s total collections (Wunderly, 1939, p. 306). During the nineteenth century crania of many native races were obtained by trifling purchase and traded as curios—tattooed Maori heads for example. Today customs export and import barriers have become rigid; international conventions prescribe burial for the fallen in battle; legislation aims at the prevention of most aspects of native exploitation; Western Australia has declared her native regions out of bounds; New South Wales has at least partial prohibition of the excavation of native burial grounds. Native peoples in most parts of the world have become somewhat emancipated, have learned something of White monetary standards, and either refuse to provide, or ask high prices for, their crania. The scarcity of cranial material is indicated by the fact that the individual work of anatomists and physical anthropologists has been for some years performed on known collections which have already been the repeated subject of scrutiny by a succession of workers. Krause toured the museums of several countries to describe 200 Australian skulls. Hrdlicka in 1925 visited the museums of the world to place on record the precise measurements of as large a number of crania as he could find, recognizing that hew additions would be few in number. That Hrdli¢ka, when visiting Australia, missed the Macleay crania indicates the obscurity to which they had been relegated (Hrdliéka, 1928). HISTORICAL ASPECTS RELATING TO THE COLLECTION. ABSTRACTS RELATING TO THE PAST STATUS OF THE COLLECTION. Sir William Macleay kept his collections in.a single building at Elizabeth Bay until 1876, and subsequently in two buildings in the same grounds. His collections did not go to the Garden Palace, but following its destruction in 1882, he presented Linnean Hall, Elizabeth Bay, to the Linnean Society in 1885. The collections were removed to the University building in 1889-90. University of Sydney. Chancellor’s address, 13th April, 1889. Hon. William Macleay. New benefactions: ce . consist of Mr. Macleay’s payment to the Senate of the sum of £6000 for a Curatorship in Natural History, and his handing over to the University of his large collection. Both had been promised as far back as 1876... . This promise is now carried out, and the Senate has appointed Mr. Macleay’s own Curator, at a salary of £300 a year, to remove and take charge of the Collection.” Calendar of the University of Sydney for the year 1890: “In the year 1874, the Hon. W. Macleay, M.L.C., undertook to present to the University of Sydney his collection . . . the collections were, with the exception of the department of Entomology, removed to the University in the beginning of the year 1889.” In the Donations Ledger in the Macleay Museum there are only two entries relating to crania: BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 165 “1889. Oct. 17. Presented by Lady Miklouho-Maclay, 50 Human skulls, 1 skeleton of child, several miscellaneous bones (human), 5 Human Tongues, 1 ear and portion of scalp.” “Web. 15. 1876. Two Fijian skulls—Archibald Boyd.” In Sir William Macleay’s 1876 diary volume is an entry referring to ‘Mr. J. A. Boyd, collecting at Herbert River’. In his 1879 diary he refers to Mr. J. A. Boyd of Ripple Creek, Ingham, making collections from the vicinity of Herbert River. Also in this 1879 volume he writes of Mr. A. Boyd of Fiji sending seven consignments from Fiji and the New Hebrides: ‘‘Native weapons and implements, and osteological specimens (human) from Fiji, Mallicolo, and other islands.” There is mention of the material being too dear, but shortly afterwards he records that purchases were made from Mr. A. Boyd, Fiji—received March 15th. Fletcher (1929, pp. 267-269) quotes these two entries and makes the additional comment that no further particulars can be discovered. Dr. Cox in a Presidential Address (25/1/1882) refers to purchases from Mr. A. Boyd, Fiji, on 14th March, of specimens from Espiritu Santo, Solomons and New Hebrides. It would appear, then, that Mr. J. A. Boyd and Mr. A. Boyd are two separate individuals, as they would hardly be in Queensland and Fiji simultaneously in both 1876 and 1879. It is reasonably certain that cranium No. 55, marked in pencil as Herbert River, was obtained from Mr. J. A. Boyd, of Ingham; and that crania Nos. 82-94 (Fiji) and Nos. 104-129 (Mallicolo) were purchased from Mr. A. Boyd of Fiji, between 1876 and 1881; while the crania from Viti Levu, Pentecost, Lakoni and Solomons (Nos. 96-103) are probably from the same source. There are also references in 1879 to material obtained from Mr. Cockerell (Solomons), Mr. A. Goldie (Port Moresby), and Mr. Goodman (Richmond River). Cranium No. 60 (Sie XIII No. 1659), Richmond River, seems a probable link with Mr. Goodman. The Visitors’ Book in the Macleay Museum contains no entry relevant to crania. Several drawers in the Macleay Museum contain a mass of loose papers and correspondence; a single sheet of manuscript was found, dated 19th January, 1892, unsigned, listing the material in the Macleay Museum. The list mentions the following: “Six human skeletons, 1 Darnley Island and 1 Peruvian Mummy. Two hundred and six Human skulls from Australia, New Guinea, South Sea Is. ete. Ethnological. A fairly representative collection numbering hundreds of specimens from Australia, New Guinea, and South Sea Islands.” The handwriting is that of George Masters, then Curator. The Macleay Memorial Volume, in enumerating the contents of the Macleay Museum, contains the following paragraph: “The anthropological and ethnological collections include over 200 crania of aboriginal Australians and natives of New Guinea and the South Sea Islands, six entire skeletons of natives of Torres Straits, and many hundreds of specimens of native weapons, implements, and utensils from Australia, New Guinea, Melanesia ete. ~ (®letcher, 1893, p. xlix.) A letter from J. J. Fletcher (11/10/1920) to Mr. Shewan, Curator, requests to see Sir William Macleay’s notebook containing his record of the additions to the collections between 1874 and 1876. Fletcher thinks he gave the notebook back to Mr. Masters. He wants to compare the notebook with “Sir William’s private Journals for 1874-82 (with some blanks) now in my possession” and not available when the Macleay Memorial Volume was produced. The notebook has not been traced in the present search, but the private journals for “1873-81”? have been perused. Letter from Thomas Steel (26/7/20) to the Curator, Mr. J. Shewan: “Could you inform if circa 1877-79 N. de Miklucho-Maclay deposited specimens illustrative of ‘Macrodontism’ in the Museum .. .?” 166 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, Answer (29/7/20): “I am unable to find any records of donations to Maclay collection such as you state in your letter. There were no records kept as far as I know until the collection came to the University ten years later... .” A letter (25/9/30) from Dr. W. Arndt, Keeper of the Zoological Museum, University of Berlin, asking for information re specimens of sponges collected by Miklouho-Maclay from Kamaka-Vallar, S.W. New Guinea, produced the Curator, Mr. Shewan’s reply (10/11/30): “I have had a careful search through our Museum material and records, but found no trace....I have also consulted with Dr. Anderson, Chief of the Australian Museum in Sydney, who confirms my opinion that Baron M. Maclay did not give any material to Sydney Museums. He is believed to have sent all his material to St. Petersburg some time before his death, and the boxes are reputed to have been there unopened some years after his death, regretting that I have no further information on the subject.” “Veuillez corriger cette 6épreuve’, dated 1934, from M. de Montessus de Ballore, Directeur, under the proof paragraph headed “Macleay Museum, 1933, University, Sydney (founded 1874—W. Macleay)”, gives no mention to crania. A copy was found of the reply of the Curator, Mr. K. HE. W. Salter (30/11/34). The text of this reply appears in the 1934 edition, under the Hthnological subheading: “Large colection of New Guinea native weapons, aboriginal implements and a series of 120 skulls of South Sea Island Natives.” (Index Generalis, Sorbonne.) Undated. Cyclostyle Notice. Practical Geography II. Ethnology. Technology. A. Each student must study the examples in the Macleay Museum, from Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Fiji, New Zealand and Samoa. B. With the permission of the Trustees, Mr. Shewan has kindly agreed to allow students to handle specimens. These must not be removed from the Museum, etc. This series of abstracts suggests that Miklouho-Maclay’s cranial collection com- pletely lost its identity from the time of his death up to the present year, a period of sixty years, also that all the crania in the Macleay Museum were relegated to obscurity for about thirty years (1902-1932) and that possibly the majority of the crania in the collection were never individually recorded. Among loose papers in the Macleay Museum are two University of Sydney Examina- tion Books. One is labelled “Contents of Case C, Macleay Museum, 1913”. In it, under the heading Drawer 39, is written ‘Skulls taken from downstairs, Balance in M.22’. The other is labelled “Contents of Case M, Macleay Museum, 1913”. In it, under the heading Drawer 22, is written ‘Skulls, too large for Drawer 29. (Taken from downstairs.) The handwriting is Mr. Shewan’s. The deduction could be that the “Balance in M22”, presumably an odd 77 skulls, represents the difference between the 206 of Masters (1892) or over 200 of Fletcher (1893), and the 120 of Salter (1934) or the 129 of Macintosh (1948); the six full skeletons (1893) are reduced to three (1948), and the two mummies are still present. In other words, almost one-third of the cranial collection disappeared between 1893 and 1934. Yet every single skull of the eleven described by Krause in 1897 is accounted for in the present collection. On the other hand, Dr. Cox, in his Presidential Address (25/1/82), when listing exchanges, mentions skulls, birds, crustacea and three mammals in spirit, sent to Dr. Bidie, Madras, on 22nd February, 1881. Could the assessment of Mr. Masters (19/1/1892) have overlooked the skulls sent to Madras in 1881? If his estimate was made from a notebook of specimens received, rather than from an actual stocktaking of the material, it might be that the 200 or so skulls mentioned in the Memorial Volume, should in fact have been recorded as 130 approximately. Two photographs of the interior of the Macleay Museum were found, both dated 1918. In these the building has no second floor. Rearrangement of the collections occurred following the building of the second floor, and also when the ground floor was given over completely to geological material. Finally, following the June 1942 submarine alarm in Sydney, much of the collection was bundled into cases for evacuation, which BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 167 did not eventuate. During the 1939-45 war a considerable quantity of correspondence, loose paper documents, calendars, etc., relating to the early 1900’s, or earlier, was given over to pulp salvage. EXPEDITIONS POSSIBLY RELATED TO THE COLLECTION. The original log of the Chevert, 1875, kept in the Macleay Museum, records the taking of fishing and hunting parties to and from the barque, but no reference is made to any anthropological matters. The Chevert Expedition had as its object the collection of “all branches of Natural History”, in the north-east coast of Australia, New Guinea, and Torres Strait. Places visited included Brooke Is., Coconut Islands, Darnley Is. (2/52), Dungeness Is., Fitzroy Is., Flinders Is., Palm Is., Percy Is., Somerset (Cape York), Three Sisters (Sue, Bet, Poll), Turtle Reef, Warrior Is., York Islands and Yule Islands. . Sir William kept an independent journal (Diary) for the cruise, the first entry being on the 29th May, 1875, and the last on the 28th August, 1875. The following are the only references to human skeletal material. Sat. 19th June (p. 26). Somerset. Cape York. “Natives dying out ...are lying unburied....’ He intends to get the doctor to conduct investigations into the cause. Mriday, 25th June (p. 32): “Mr. Brazier . . . brought back, inter alia, four aboriginal skulls.” These must almost certainly be the Cape York crania Nos. 50, 51, 52, 53; 50 having the label Sie XIII, No. 1648, 51 having the label Sie XIII, No. 1650, and 53 the label Sie XIII, No. 1651. Saturday, 3rd July (p. 38): “Katow River, Mokatta village ... all around the houses ... remains of animals, human skulls... .” It is probable that crania Nos. 78, 79 and 80, with the word “Papuan” pencilled on them, can be ascribed to this occasion. Sir William uses the word ‘‘Papuans” (p. 44) for these people, and the pencil writing of Papuan on the skulls is very like Sir William’s handwriting. The newspaper dated 14th Oct., 1878, wrapped round three teeth and tucked inside one skull would seem to indicate a scrutiny of the skulls at leisure at a later date. Monday, 2nd August (p. 49). At Treacherous Bay, Darnley Island. “I went ashore with Brazier and in the evening I purchased ...a mummified human head.” Friday, 16th August (p. 50). “I have succeeded in getting several mummified heads and the mate has gone round in the boat to the village today to get me a complete mummy which has been promised him.” Wednesday, 21st August (p. 51). ‘Mr. Williams got the mummy on Friday and it is now securely packed away with sundry heads.” In a published preliminary review of the results of the Chevert Expedition, he said he had not neglected the Hthnological and Anthropological branches, but made no further comment on these subjects (Macleay, 1875, p. 36). In his 1876 diary volume, under 4th July, Sir William writes: ‘‘two tables erected ... the other with Darnley Island Mummy and a number of human skulls.’”’ This extract is quoted also by Fletcher, 1929, p. 259. Crania Nos. 4 (Sie XIII, No. 1644), 5 (Sie XIII, No. 1645), 6 (Sie XIII, No. 1646), 11 (Sie XIII, No. 1647) are beyond any doubt identified; Nos. 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10 obviously represent the members of the series which were not selected for display purposes and were not given a serial number. The selection was apparently based on a desire to display a variety, i.e, 1 full mummy, 1 integumentary preservation—the male cranium No. 4, 2 clay restorations—the female crania Nos. 5 and 6, and 1 bare skull—cranium No. 11. The choice of No. 11 rather than No. 10 was probably influenced by the fact that No. 11 was complete with mandible. Cranium No. 1 cannot be identified by deduction. It represents, in company with cranium No. 3, a departure from Darnley Island technique and may be a Miklouho-— Maclay specimen. Walter Wilson Froggatt “In 1886 collected for the Macleay Museum at Cairns, Russell River, Daintree and Mossman Rivers, North Queensland. In 1887-88 collected 168 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, for the Macleay Museum at North West Kimberley, West Australia, and Derby, Barrier Range, Leonard and Fitzroy Rivers’. (Musgrave, 1932, p. 101). The Froggatt Collections received much attention. Macleay exhibited snakes from Port Darwin, Fletcher plants from Derby, Ramsay marsupials from Derby. Macleay published notes on the collections from Derby in 1887, and Froggatt gave an anthro- pological account of the natives of West Kimberley. (Froggatt, 1887, pp. 556, 557, 550, 1017; 1888, p. 651). Reticence is always more pronounced in the collection and/or donation of human remains, than in other fields; such reticence may partly account for the absence of precise information about the origin of many of the Macleay Crania. It appears quite probable that the Derby and Port Darwin skulls were obtained by Froggatt. REFERENCES IN LITERATURE TO CRANIA NOW LOCATED IN THE MAcLEAY MUSEUM. EXHIBITION OF CRANIA. “Mr. Masters exhibited the skull of an aboriginal female remarkable on account of a large oval aperture about 1” x 4” at the junction of the two parietal bones. The exhibit was the skull of the ‘gin’ of ‘King Charley’ of Bega. The woman had been accustomed for many years to wear a cap of wet clay upon her head.” (Masters, 1877, p. 30.) This skull carries the label SIE XIII, No. 1649, and is numbered “62” in the present arrangement of the collection. Inscribed in ink across the frontal bone is Coolangubre, N.S.W. (Map of the County of Auckland Hastern Division N.S.W., 1929, 29/11/29, gives a parish of Coolangubra, 7 miles S.W. of Bega.) This same skull was described by Krause, 1897 (vide infra) as having a parietal hole 24 x 16 mm., the margins showing exostoses, in a gutter 10 x 5 cm., which begins at the anterior end of the sagittal suture. Krause calls it a male skull; apparently he was not aware of its history. This skull is dolichocephalic, has characteristic Australian aboriginal features and is probably female. The lesion looks traumatic rather than congenital, suggesting successful marginal healing, the posterior margin of the aperture being situated at the mid-point between bregma and lambda, on the sagittal suture line. The measurements of the lesion are as quoted by Krause, except that the width of the aperture is 18-5 mm. A slicing blow from a fighting boomerang or a furrow from a bullet might be consistent with the condition. The wet clay cap mentioned by Masters suggests a protective mechanism for her traumatic cranial decompression.* Mr. Masters exhibited “A new species of Serranus and a new Percis from the Fiji Islands, and two heads of Malicolo Chiefs, showing the skull lengthened out as is done during infancy. The profiles had been reproduced with prepared clay”. (Masters, 1879, p. 244.) Sir William Macleay’s 1879 diary volume under Wed., 26th March, refers to the meeting and comments on the exhibits in these terms: “... 2 skulls of Chiefs of Island of Mallicolo by Mr. Masters from my museum.” (Vide supra—the purchase from Mr. A. Boyd in March, 1879, of human osteological specimens from Mallicolo, Fiji, etc.) “Mr. Harper exhibited also deformed Malekulan crania to illustrate photographs sent to him by Mr. R. Parkinson of New Britain, who had recently found among the inhabitants of South Cape, New Britain, exactly the same deformation as that practised by the people of South Malekula and the Maskelyne Islets.” (Harper, 1901, p. 311.) There are 26 deformed Mallicolo crania in the collection, consisting of 19 bare skulls and 7 with the face modelled in the “Rambaramp” (Deacon, 1934, p. 544) fashion. Of these, 2 built up skulls and 7 bare skulls have labels Sie XIII, Nos. 1661-1669. The two *T am indebted to Professor W. K. Inglis for the following comment relative to the same skull: “On the whole, the appearances suggest that the abnormality is due to a pathological condition, inflammatory in nature, though it is possible that trauma predisposed to the inflam- matory reaction.” This opinion was obtained on ist July, 1949, after the manuscript had been submitted. BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 169 heads labelled 1661, 1662, would be those exhibited by Masters, the 7 bare skulls 1663- 1669 those exhibited by Harper. HERR WILHELM KRAUSE. Krause in 1897 says: “W&ahrend meines Aufenthalts in Australien in Sommer 1897 . Die Schidel ... Nr. 34-36 und 38-45 befinden sich im Macleay Museum in Sydney.” Krause described about 200 Australian skulls distributed in various museums, and his conclusion was that the mean indices of Australian skulls from various regions differed very little (p. 519). He was apparently directed to the cranial collections in the Macleay Museum, the Anatomy Department, University of Sydney, and the Australian Museum, Sydney, by J. T. Wilson, Professor of Anatomy in Sydney. In the reprint of Krause’s paper in the Library of the Anatomy Department, University of Sydney, a marginal note in Professor Wilson’s handwriting occurs against each description of a Macleay Museum skull. The eleven skulls in the Macleay Museum described by Krause are: * Krause’s No. Present Catalogue No. Other Identification on Skull. 34 60 Sie XIII, No. 1659, Richmond River. 35 46 Derby, N.W. Aust. 36 53 Sie XIII, No. 1651, Cape York. 38 54 Sie XIII, 1652, Cape York. 39 50 Sie XIII, 1648, Port Darwin. 40 62 Sie XIII, 1649, N.S.W. 41 51 ; Sie XIII, 1650, Cape York. 42 48 Derby, N.W. Aust. 43 56 Hinchinbrook Is., N.E. Australia. 44 52 Cape York. 45 58 [35| ¢ H. Austral., Balona R., 1880. (Krause, 1879, pp. 519, 534, 535, 536.) BARON N. N. DE MIKLOUHO—-MACLAY. The classification of Maclay’s skulls presents a threefold problem. 1. The inter- pretation of the Russian script for the Villages and Islands and/or people written on the skulls. 2. The geographical placing of these names, which existed over 75 years ago, but which in the custom of native villages have since changed or disappeared. 3. The correlation of the named and geographically placed skulls with Maclay’s published observations and deductions. The Maclay Coast is defined by Miklouho-Maclay as extending for 150 miles between Cape Croisilles and Cape King William, and 30-50 miles inland to the mountains of Mana-Boro-Boro or Finisterre Mountains (Maclay, 1885, p. 713). The village of Aralu is on the coast between the Gabeneu and Koli Rivers, Gumbu village is slightly further inland, and Sangdinbimana is near the River Koli, not less than 1,200 feet above sea-level (Maclay, 1885, pp. 964, 967). On his last visit to the Maclay Coast in March, 1883, Miklouho-Maclay distributed seeds from Macassar and Amboina to villages of Bongu, Bogati and Bili-Bili. (Maclay, 1886, p. 354.) His last visit was of one day duration; these can therefore only be coastal. The geographical situation of some villages is indicated in the following: Maclay explained to the people of Bongu that he wanted guides to take him to Kuliku; “. . . ging ik Bongoe en deed den inwoners verstaan, dat ik eenige mannen noodig had om mij naar Koelikoemana te geleiden’. Footnotes: “Bongoe: Hen dorp aan de kust (p. 117). Koelikoe: Hen dorp in de bergen—Mana beteenkent berg” (p. 118). “o.a. had ik medegewerkt tot de herstelling van een Papoea van Gorindoe, wiens schedel zwaar beschadigd was door den val van een boom” (p. 119). “Van daar, dat ik aan dien eilandengroep den naam gegeven heb van ‘Archipel der tevreden menschen’” (p. 121). “de eilanden Bili-Bili en Kar-Kar (Vitias eiland en Dampier eiland)” (p. 123). “Zoo noem ik de kust, gelegen om de Astrolabe golf en de baai, 170 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, waarin de ‘Archipel der tevreden menschen’ ligt...” (p. 125). “Gabinau—Inlandsche naam van de kleine baai bij mijn woning” (p. 126). After a general comment about the Astrolabe Gulf, the neighbouring islands, the 6-S000 feet mountain ridge, and the many scattered villages (p. 277), Miklouho-Maclay speaks of ‘Die Hinwohner von Sambul- und Seguana-Mana (Bergodrfer) binden an einzelnen Locken verschiedene kleine Gegenstande ...” (p. 236). As very few ‘Papuaschadel” are to be found in Huropean museums, he tried very hard, but could only get 10: ‘mir nur 10 Stuck zu erhalten” (p. 238). The custom is exhumation after a year, the mandible is cleaned and stored and is not willingly surrendered; the rest of the skull is thrown anywhere in the village or bush, and can be taken. With great difficulty he got two full skulls only: “‘“Mit vieler Muhe habe ich mir zwei vollstandige Schadel verschaffen konnen” (p. 239). He once got five skulls in less than 10 minutes, brought from different corners of huts of the village, by boys, for tobacco and calico: “Ich habe ein Mal in einem Dorfe (Gumbu) in weniger als 10 Minuten 5 Schadel erhalten...” (p. 239, footnote). (Maclay, 1873, pp. 225-250.) Miklouho-Maclay expressed his intention of working out the Papuan skull thoroughly at a later date; in the meantime he presented a general picture: Maclay-Kuste: Dolichocephalic, Breadth Index 77, Height 72, lateral view suggests considerable height, posterior view shows roof-shaped vault; forehead is laterally compressed, malars very prominent, supraorbitals often strongly developed, occiput wide but flat; maxillae strongly prognathic with protruding upper teeth; mandible narrow with angles projecting laterally, and lower teeth receding; chin also receding; contrast between prominent malars and narrow, low, sloping forehead is marked; nose is wide and flat. This is the dominant type, but variants exist (pp. 239, 240). (Maclay, 1873, pp. 225-250.) Among general observations he says circumcision does not occur in the mountain villages of Englam, Tengum, Maragum, or in Tiara Island, though it is general and skilful on the Maclay coast: “In den Bergdorfern Englam-Mana, Tengum-Mana, Maragum-Mana (Mana heisst Berg), auch der Insel Tiara (eine der Insel des Archipels der zufriedenen Menschen) fand ich diesen Gebrauch nicht” (p. 244). Papuans generally die between 50 and 60, because of accumulated ill health; “die altesten schatzte ich zwischen 50-60 Jahre” (p. 249). His conclusion is that Papuans are members of one race which falls into not clearly distinguishable types: “Hin Schluss aber drangt sich schon jetzt, nachdem ich die Papuas Neu-Guinea’s (der Maclay-Kuste und von Doreh), Neu-Ireland’s, die Negritos von Luzon (die zweifelsohne echte Papuas sind), die Bewohner der Neu- Hebriden und der Salomon-Insel gesehen habe, entschieden auf, namlich der, dass der Papua-Stamm in mehrere von einander distincte Varietaten zerfallt, die aber nicht schroff von einander geschieden sind” (p. 250). (Maclay, 1873, pp. 225-250.) In deseribing three skulls obtained in the last days of December, 1872, Miklouho- Maclay says two are from the mountain village of Englam-Mana and one from the coastal village of Gumbu, on the Maclay-Kuste (Maclay, 1874, p. 346). t Other references to locations given by Miklouho-Maclay are: ‘Insel Bili-Bili im Archipel., Zufriedener Leute; Bili-Bili Jam-Bomba Griger Tiara; Englam-Mana und Tiengum-Mana; Bergdorfer Tiengum-Mana, Englam-Mana, Maragum-Mana; Bili-Bili, Kar-Kar (Dampirs Insel), Wag-Wag (Insel Rish). (Maclay, 1875, pp. 77, 78, 83, 87, 88.) On the Maclay Coast again, the following are indicated: “des Dorfes Bogati; Bongu; Billi-Billi, Jambomba und den Inseln des Archipel’s der Zufriedenen Menschen; Insel Tiara; In Englam-Mana (einen Bergdorf); des Dorfes Tiengum-Mana; ‘Bogge’ (Mann von Englam-Mana), ‘Buggay’ kam nach Bongu ... um bei (mein gutter Freund); ‘Saoul’ von Bongu; In Gorendu; In Billi-Billi; ‘Tui’ (Bongu); des Kindes von Gagu und dem Bau; Mareolan und Lalaulan waren Higennamen Gorima ist der Name eines Kastendorfes.” (Maclay, 1876, pp. 300, 312, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320, 325.) Galton’s “reviews” in Nature are abbreviated semi-literal translations of some of Miklouho-Maclay’s publications in Natuurkundig Tijdschrift, and are not as helpful as BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. zl the originals; for example, 1876, p. 108, briefly refers to “the inhabitants of Bili-Bili and the Archipelago of Contentment” (Galton, 1876, 1880). Maclay’s intended regions of investigation, after leaving the Maclay Coast, were Cebu, Luzon, Sunda Island, and another part of the coast of New Guinea: “Ik maak den tocht mede en ben van plan onder anderen Cebu aan te doen en de Negrito’s op Lucon te bezoeken; dan ga ik naar de Soenda-eilanden en van daar naar Nieuw Guinea, maar aan een ander gedeelte van de kust” (Petermann, 1873, p. 113). In notes to Petermann, abstracted from a letter to Baer, Miklouho-Maclay says he arrived in Manila on the 21st March, 1873, went next day by perahu to the coast village of Limai, the following day to the mountains of Limai, and stayed two and a half days. The people were negritos, and a typical skull was exhumed for him. “Der Negrito-Schadel, der fur mich in den Bergen beim Dorfe Pilar (auf Luzon) ausgegraben wiirde, hatte ebenfalls eine Breite von 89:5” (Maclay, 1874, p. 22). In a footnote to a letter read by Virchow in 1878, Miklouho-Maclay, referring back to the same 1873 visit to Cebu, Manila and the Limai mountain, says that after measuring 21 living Negritos he subsequently, through the kindness of an official in Balanga, obtained a true negrito skull of which the C.I. of 89-5 was in harmony with the 21 he measured. “Ich erhielt bald darauf durch die Freundlichkeit eines Beamten in Balanga einen sicher achten Negrito-Schadel, dessen Breitenindex (89-5) mit dem durch die Kopfmessung gefundenen Extreme (87-5-90-0) gut stimmte’ (Maclay, 1878, p. 101). Maclay supports his opinions by referring to measurements he made on 148 individuals and 23 skulls of the Maclay Coast: “so dass, gestutzt auf meine, an 148 Individuen (beiderlei Geschlechts) gemachten Kopfmessungen und auf die Unter- suchung von 23 zweifellos achten Schadeln, ich ein ziemlich sicheres Urtheil uber die Schadel der Papuas der Maclay-Kuste werde fallen konnen” (Maclay, 1878, p. 101). Maclay regarded the Ninigo people as similar to Micronesians, who were very different from the Melanesians of Agomes and Kanies (Maclay, 1878, p. 100). The two Ninigo skulls (Nos. 21, 22 in the present arrangement) are almost perfect in condition, are of massive appearance, and look very different from any other skull in the collection. Carl Baer wanted a perfect brachycephalic skull from Papua and from the Philippines. Maclay soon concluded that dolichocephaly was by no means as common in Melanesians as was supposed. He estimated the Cephalic Index of New Guinea natives as varying from 62—84:3; the 62 was a Namatote Islander of the Kowiay Coast. He also observed that short heads were more frequent in the women. In New Guinea, Maclay’s interest in skulls was directed towards the frequency of brachycephaly (Maclay, 1876, p. 167); while in Australia he was more interested in extremes of dolichocephaly (Maclay, 1884a, pp. 395-396; 1884b, 401-403). The difficulty of geographically locating native named villages was recognized by Miklouho-Maclay himself: “Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass dei Namen ofters veloren gehen, und statt derselben, neue eingefuhrt werden, denen es wiederum ahnlich gehen kann.” Apart from that, very few place names existed on the Kowiay-Kuste; he heard some natives calling part of Triton’s bay “Uru-Lenguru” (Maclay, 1876, p. 160). Phonetic spelling of native names presents difficulty in geographical diagnosis. Maclay made his notes in Russian, then translated them into German. He also wrote in HWnglish, French and Dutch. His spelling varied (Greenop, 1944, p. 265). Note Bili-Bili and Billi-Billi; Belonne, Balonne, Balonna, Balona River. Amboeang might indicate Zamboeanga Harbour in Mindanao or a mixed Russian-Dutch phonetic for Amboina. In either case, why does it occur on a skull also marked Timor? (Skull No. 44.) Similarly, Skull No. 45 is marked Solor, Kidang, Lomblen; Solor and Lomblen are separate islands near Timor. The bibliography indicates some of the variations in the spelling of his own name in his different publications. Some of his comments written on the cranial bones are initialled M—M, others MM, others B—M, and B—Mkl. 172 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, A single sheet of blue foolscap in the Mitchell Library purports to represent a list of fifty place names in New Guinea as employed in Maclay. Of names already placed ~ from Maclay’s own publications abstracted above, the list omits Englam, Sangdinbi, and Gorendu, but confirms Bili-Bili, Bongu and Sambul. In the villages of the Mariveles Mountains of Luzon he found Negritos who had customs and facial features similar to Papuans. While admitting that, in general, the Papuans of the Maclay Coast are dolichocephalic with some variation to brachy- cephaly, and the Negritos of Luzon are brachycephalic with some variation to dolichocephaly, he considered that their origin was probably the same (Maclay, 1874, p. 23). The primitive mountain dwellers on the borders of Pahang, Trengenau and Kelantan had the heavy brows, thick lips, receding foreheads, kinky hair and skin of Melanesians; nomadic, unmixed, few in number, retiring before the Malay, they were to Maclay the faint echo of a Melanesian past. Dark people of the Malay Peninsula, Negritos, Andamanese, Melanesians, were linked by his observations, whereas previously the link had been merely presumed. Maclay was looking for similarities. Hence the Luchon (Sbu) skulls might have come from Luzon or Cebu in the Philippines, from south-west New Guinea, or even from the Admiralties, or the Maclay Coast. The map accompanying Maclay’s address to the Imperial Russian Geographical Society about his March 1879—January 1881 expeditions (Iswestija, 1882—Mitchell Library) gives no additional solution to the problem. Luzon in Maclay’s time would receive in Spanish a pronunciation of “Luthon”’. The Russian language does not provide for “th”, and a Russian phonetic representation might be ‘“Luchon’’, the “ch” being a soft modification of the pronunciation ‘‘ch” as in the Scottish “loch”. In Dutch, Luzon is expressed as Lucon in Maclay’s publication; and in German he writes it as Luzon. A large Russian commercial atlas in the Geography Department, University of Sydney, shows Luzon as Luson; the Russian characters are identical, save that Maclay’s Russian X is shown in the map as a Russian C, that is, an English S. The same problem of the Timor Amboeang and Solor-Kidang-Lomblen skulls occurs again with the Luchon (Sbu) skull (No. 40). The English pronunciation of the S is “see’. Why are two separate islands, Luzon and Cebu, written on the same skull? The next question is whether the negrito skull exhumed for Maclay in the Limai Mountains and the negrito skull obtained by the kindness of the official in Balanga are to be regarded as two references to the same skull or whether they are two separate skulls. After several discussions with several linguists, and after reconsidera- tion of Maclay’s story in his own words, and of the appearances of the skulls, the two skulls marked Luchon and Luchon (Sbu) (Nos. 39 and 40) have been accepted as the two mentioned in his Luzon excursion. ; There is one fact against this conclusion: Maclay gives the Breadth Index as 89-5 for one or both Negrito skulls. The Breadth Indices of Skulls 39 and 40 are, by present-day methods, 74:7 and 74:0. On the other hand, Maclay says he had a makeshift instrument; he does not define his bony points for measurement, and the indices of 87-5-90:0 which he quotes for 21 living Negritos, are higher than the highest in the world as quoted by Martin (Martin, 1928, pp. 775-778). The Russian script in pencil on Skull No. 41, like that on Skulls 39 and 40, is partially rubbed. Having received preliminary assistance from others (acknowledged), the writer accepts responsibility for the translation as Sulu (Island or Sea). In having no base, and in demonstrating large post-mortem temporal gaps, the skull is very similar to skull No. 40. The bony gaps are similar to those in the classical descriptions of many writers, of ritual cannibalistic and other procedures, particularly in the Philippines regions. Miklouho-Maclay lists places visited by him between March, 1879, and January, 1881, as Lifu in New Caledonia, Tanna, Vate, Tongoa, Mai, Epi, Ambrim, Malo, Vanua Levu, in the New Hebrides; Lub, Ninigo, Trobriant, Solomons, islands of south-east end of New Guinea, and the islands of Torres Strait; the terminal period was spent in Brisbane and on the Balonne River. Also, “In order to eliminate any doubts as BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 173 to the correctness of the cranial measurements on living individuals, I have not neglected to collect a considerable number of undoubtedly authentic skulls from New Caledonia, New Guinea, the Admiraltys, Ninigo, and Solomon Islands” (Maclay, 1881, pp. 171-5). The Murray Islands consist of three islands, Mer, Uga and HErub; Hrub is now known as Darnley Island. They lie at the eastern end of Torres Strait. Mabuiag is a populous island half-way between Cape York and New Guinea, and its Anglicized spelling is Mabiak. Referring to his observations in 1880 in Mabiak Island, Torres Strait, and in the south-east coast of New Guinea, Miklouho-Maclay says: “I possess a skull from one of these villages of the south coast of New Guinea, on which the above described saddle-shaped ridge is well marked .. .” (Maclay, 1881, pp. 627-630). Miklouho-Maclay states that he visited the hill villages on Basilaki Island (Moresby Island) in 1880 (Maclay, 1886, p. 353). Skulls Nos. 12, 13 and 14 marked Erub (translated from Russian script) and Nos. 15, 16, and 17 marked Mabiak, are obviously Maclay’s, the names being in his own handwriting. Skull No. 18 is marked in Russian script, which translates possibly to Mabnyly, 1880. It therefore has to be from Torres Strait or the south-east coast of the eastern tip of New Guinea. Maclay speaks of obtaining from this southern coast one skull with a saddle depression 4 mm. deep across the anterior margins of the parietal bones. Skull No. 18 is the only one in the collection which has such a transverse depression behind the coronal suture. The precise geographical position of the name has not been traced. Maclay said he received brains and skulls, including a range of interesting brains of Melanesians, from Sydney Hospital in 1881, Sydney being one of the centres of trade with the Pacific Islands (Greenop, 1944, p. 188, quoting from Maclay to the Russian Geographical Society). It is worth observing that between 1868 and 1876 over 11,000 New Hebrideans were brought to Australia and approximately 4,000 only of these were returned. In 1886 there were 10,000 recruits in Queensland (Harrisson, 1937, pp. 197-8). These included deformed Malekulans, for trade was always concentrated in the southern part of the group rather than the north. However, Maclay probably had no relation to the Mallicolo skull collection, because in his fight against the trade me says: “New Ireland, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands are now the chief places of kidnapping” (4/3/1884, to Admiral Wilson; quoted by Greenop, p. 223). Gulnarber Station, near St. George, on the Balonne River, Queensland, was visited by Miklouho-Maclay in 1880, to examine “hereditary atrichia universalis” in Australian aborigines (Maclay, 1881, p. 175). Subsequently, ‘Baron Maclay exhibited photographs and dissections of the brains of a Malay, Chinaman, and Australian Aboriginal; photographs of the hairless family, Balonne River’ (Maclay, 1881, p. 196). Greenop went to the Macleay Museum in search of any surviving Maclay specimens. The Curator, Mr. Salter, showed him two heads; the Sheriff of the Supreme Court, Brisbane, furnished extracts of official records identifying these as Jimmy Ah Sue, convicted on 20th April, 1880, at Rockhampton and hanged at Brisbane on 31st May, 1880; and posibly Maximus Gomez, alias Pedro, convicted at Cooktown on 30th April and hanged on 21st June. Greenop says: “I was able to examine and photograph these—the only two specimens in existence now, I believe, upon which Miklouho-Maclay actually worked in pursuit of his studies” (Greenop, 1944, pp. 174, 175; photograph of Jimmy Ah Sue, p. 160). Of all the evidence collected, the last quotation from Greenop is the one most indicative of the almost total eclipse of Maclay’s craniological material for a period of sixty years. A Russian film, “Without Prejudice’, as reviewed in The Sydney Morning Herald (12/10/48), allegedly states: “Sidney’s Anglo-German conspirators callously destroy Maclay’s all-important anthropological specimens.” At the present moment 40 skulls arranged on the shelves of the Macleay Museum can be conclusively identified as Maclay’s and linked with his published observations. 174 CGRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, Of the total 206 crania (19/1/1892) there are now 129. These 206 included 50 from Lady Miklouho-Maclay, presented in October, 1889, of which there are now 40, or perhaps 41, that can be identified. Yet of the 11 Australian skulls examined by Krause in 1897, six having a Sie XIII No... . label, four having a place name, and one being a Miklouho-Maclay skull, all have survived. GEOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE. A new series of numbers has been instituted and the skulls arranged on a geographical basis. The notes include any previous numbers, or distinguishing marks on the skull; also brief comments of ethnological, historical or anatomical interest. The date and circumstances under which the skull was obtained are added wherever possible. TORRES STRAIT. 1. Skull and mandible. No documentation. The exterior of the facial skeleton is built up into a clay mask and painted brown and white. The clay has been pushed into the nasal cavity as far back as the posterior nares; also into the orbital cavities, and from the lateral aspect into the temporal and infratemporal fossae. The modelling of the face presents a thin straight nose, straight lips of medium thickness and slightly protruded. The clay appears to have been fired after application. The teeth have been retained by the clay and can be seen from the base of the skull. The skull is intact, the basilar suture ununited. Possibly female, aged 18. Location possibly Torres Strait Islands; the technique is a little different from that of Darnley or Mabiak. Possibly a Miklouho-Maclay specimen. 2. Skull and mandible. No documentation. The tissues of the face and scalp have been mummified, possibly by smoke curing. Deficiencies have been replaced by rolls of fibre thrust into the infratemporal fossae. A very thin layer of clay closely follows the outline of the facial bones. The nose is narrow and straight. A dise of pearl shell, with a central daub of clay for pupil, occludes each orbit. The integuments over the vault are not covered with clay. The entire skull is coloured red. Fibre cords hold the mandible to the skull by passing round the symphysis and through each nasal aperture, and by binding the condylar neck to the zygomatic arches. Other fibre cords pass coronally round the skull in front of the mastoid processes, are gathered into a suspensory loop above the skull, and end in a further decorative set of strings suspending eight nuts and four carved sticks. The teeth are large and show considerable attrition. Muscle markings are pronounced in the bare occipital region. Almost certainly male, probably over 40. The technique is identical with that in specimens 4 and 9. Darnley Island technique. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 3. Facial skeleton and mandible. Paper label one cm. square with the number 37 pasted on the frontal bone. A most unusual preparation in which the parietals, the temporals, and the squamous occipital bones have been removed by disarticulation at the sutures. The remainder of the skull is intact, including sphenoid, basi-occiput, and condylar occiput. The outer and inner tables are well displayed at the coronal margin, and the diploe has been in process of resorption. Clay modelling has overbuilt the face, eyeballs, floor of the mouth and tongue, the lower jaw being wide open. The teeth show considerable wear by attrition. A fringe beard of fibre is attached round the mandibular border up to the zygoma. The clay face is painted black, white and red, the eyeballs being black, the nostrils red and directed forwards. The appearance is that of a venerable old man. Almost certainly male, possibly 50. The technique is that of New Ireland. The label 37 places it as one of Miklouho-Maclay’s 1880 collection. 4. Skull and mandible. Paper label SIE XIII, No. 1644, pasted on right parietal. The tissues of the face and scalp have been mummified, the tissues of the base removed. A thin layer of clay has been modelled over the tissues of the face, nose BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 175 and orbits. Pearl shell discs, with a central daub of clay occlude the orbits. The face is coloured red, the vault black. Fibre cords passing through the nares and round the symphysis are slack, following shrinkage of the tissues. The teeth are perfect save that three lower incisors have fallen out post mortem; horizontal wear on the upper incisors almost suggests artificial filing rather than attrition. The exposed base of the skull shows fire blackening. Almost certainly male, possibly 35. Technique is Darnley, identical with that in specimens 2 and 9. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 5. Skull and mandible. Paper label SIE XIII, No. 1645, pasted on frontal; Darnley Island, Macleay Museum, printed in Indian ink on frontal region. The integuments remain on the mid-face only; the upper face is over-modelled with a thick layer of clay, which probably covered the skull more extensively, but has since broken away. The moulding of the nose is thin and straight; nostrils and septum are so arranged as to present a side-to-side pathway for a nose stick. Pearl shell discs with a central clay daub occlude the orbits. The clay is a dull red colour. Fibre cords attaching the mandible pass from the symphysis through the nares, and from the condyles to the zygomatic arches. The remaining teeth show little attrition. One molar shows advanced caries. Epipteric bones are present. Muscle markings are not prominent. The line of the suture between squamous temporal and parietal is unusual. Probably female, possibly over 35. The technique is identical with specimens 6, 7 and 8, but differs from that in specimens 2, 4 and 9. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 6. Skull and mandible. Paper label Sie XIII, No. 1646, pasted on frontal; Darnley Island, Macleay Museum, printed in ink on frontal. The face has been modelled with a thick layer of clay, which follows the contours of the facial bones. Rolled leaves are inserted in the infratemporal fossae and nasal cavities and clay superimposed. Pearl shell discs with a central clay daub occlude the orbits. The face is red, the vault black. The nose is thin and straight, with a septal aperture for a nose stick. Fibre cords attach the mandible by passing from symphysis through nares and from condyles to zygomatic arches. The teeth show attrition, but no caries. Probably female, probably adult. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 7. Skull and mandible. No documentation. The face is modelled with a thick layer of red clay. The bones of the vault are blackened. Pearl shell discs with a central clay daub occlude the orbits. Fibre cords attach the mandible by passing over the symphysis and nares only. The nose is modelled as in specimens 2, 4, 5, and 6. The majority of the teeth have fallen out post mortem. Probably female, possibly over 55. The technique is identical with specimens 5, 6, and 8. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 8. Skull and mandible. Letter M or W incised on right parietal. The technique is very similar to specimens 5, 6, and 7, but the clay modelling is more extensive, the entire mandible being included in the clay which extends on to the basi-sphenoid. The fibre cords passing from the symphysis through the nares are incorporated in the clay. Fibre and rolled leaves are used as packing for the nasal cavities. Pearl shell discs with a central daub of clay occlude the orbits, the nose has a septal perforation, the face is red and the vault and eyebrows blackened. Probably female, adult. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 9. Skull and mandible. No documentation. The integuments are mummified, the shrivelled ears well defined, and a very thin clay reinforcement is present in the upper facial region. The pearl shell discs and septal perforation are similar to the other specimens, the face is red and the tissues over the vault are blackened. There are no fibre supports to the mandible. A fragment of decorative cloth, portion of a head band, still adheres to the left frontal region. The teeth show no caries and the third molars are unerupted. Probably male, possibly 14. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 176 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, 10. Skull. Darnley Is. 1. printed in ink on frontal bone. In pencil on right parietal appears 725 grms., 1578 cc... . The teeth show no caries, very little attrition and the incisors are shovel-shaped. Probably male, adult. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 11. Skull and mandible. Paper label Sie XIII, No. 1647, pasted on frontal; Darnley Island, Macleay Museum, printed in ink on frontal. Fibre cords attach the mandible to the skull in precisely the same type of knotting as occurs in the integumentary and clay heads described above. Some teeth have fallen out post mortem; the second left lower premolar was lost pre-mortem. Epipteric bones are present. Chevert Expedition, 1875. 12. Skull and mandible. EHrub Is. 9 in ink on left parietal. Russian script. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates the site of a former label. Corded fibres attach the mandible to the skull in precisely the same manner as described in the built-up heads, passing from symphysis through the nares, and from the condyles to the zygomatic arches. A small, delicate, well-preserved skull. Undoubtedly one of Miklouho-Maclay’s collection, probably 1880. 13. Skull and mandible. Erub Isl. in ink on left parietal. Russian script. Also possibly a translation of Sangdo. ¢ on the left temporal. Corded fibres attach the mandible as in No. 12. A skull very similar in appearance to specimen 12. Undoubtedly one of Miklouho- Maclay’s collection, probably 1880. 14. Skull. Erub Isl. in ink on left parietal. Russian script. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates the site of a former label. A skull very similar in appearance to specimens 12 and 13. A double loop of cord fibre braided in similar fashion to the fibre cords already described is loosely wound round the skull. Undoubtedly one of Miklouho-Maclay’s collection, probably 1880. 15. Skull and mandible. Mabiak in ink on left temporal. Russian script. Undoubtedly one of Miklouho-Maclay’s collection of 1880. 16. Skull and mandible. Mabiak in ink on left temporal and in blue pencil on left parietal. Russian script. Paper label one cm. square with the number 38 pasted on the frontal bone. Undoubtedly one of Miklouho-Maclay’s collection of 1880. 17. Skull and mandible. Mabiak Isl. M. 1880 in ink on left parietal. Russian script. The entire skull and mandible are coloured light red. One of Miklouho-Maclay’s. 18. Skull and mandible. Mabnyly ° M. 1880 in ink on left parietal. Russian script. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates site of former label. This skull carries flecks of red colouring matter. There is a slight depression of the parietals, one cm. behind and parallel to the coronal suture. It is possibly the skull obtained from a village on the south-east coast of New Guinea and referred to by Miklouho-Maclay (1881, pp. 627-630). Summary. These eighteen Torres Strait crania offer an excellent study of range of genetic expression within the series; also an opportunity for measurement, detailed description, and contrast with other Torres Strait series already in the literature. The details of tissue preservation, remodelling and decoration offer a study of random behaviour super- imposed on a basic pattern. Geography.—Erub Island is the former name for Darnley Island and is one of the Murray Group at the eastern end of the Strait. Mabiak Island is further west, half-way BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 747 between Cape York and New Guinea. Mabnyly may be a village on the northern shores of the Straits. Specimens.—Erub (Darnley) is represented by crania Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Mabiak by crania Nos. 15, 16, and 17. Cranium No. 1 can only be hazarded as from somewhere in the Torres Strait area. No. 3 is certainly from New Ireland. Anatomy.—The eighteen Torres Strait crania in the Macleay series offer a range from males with heavy supraorbital and occipital ridges to almost delicate female crania. The males with narrow temporals, low sloping frontals, wide zygomatics, low orbits and prominent brows, marked alveolar prognathism, and teeth worn by attrition have distinct Australoid traits. It is doubtful whether the noses are as narrow and straight as the clay modelling would suggest. The average cranial capacity of the males looks rather higher than Australian averages. Thomas speaks of the “low Australoid natives of the Torres Straits Islands” ... “ prognathism and extreme length of palate” . in one skull ‘‘all the marks of degradism .. . in an exaggerated degree ... the lowest and most simian human cranium likely to occur at the present day” (pp. 335-6). The measurements and descriptions he gives are typical of the extreme type of Australian, Cull, GileY ues Material—A modelled or mummified head ensures a much greater likelihood of obtaining a perfect skull. The teeth are less apt to be lost, bones less likely to be broken, the mandible is practically never missing. Thomas, describing his series of 49 Torres Strait crania, complains that nearly all have lost the greater part of their teeth. The Rev. S. MacFarlane, who obtained these 49, observed that they were “painted a deep vermilion which came off as a fine red powder; ... the skulls are rubbed with earth from Laibi and New Guinea fresh-water swamps; it is a light colour until burnt, when it becomes a deep red”. His 49 were Banks, Mulgrave and Dauan skulls, taken by skull-hunting Jervis Islanders, and ornamented with artificial wooden noses (Thomas, 1885, p. 328). Barnard Davis had no Torres Strait crania in his collection and could only refer to Pls. 33 and 34 in Dumoutier’s Atlas, showing Tond Island skulls (Davis, 1867, p. 305). Social Anthropology.—Haddon (1932, pp. 58-59), however, says that in Erub and Murray Islands the wizened corpse ... was lashed to a bamboo framework, ... was painted red, and pieces of mother-of-pearl from a nautilus shell were inserted in the orbits, a round spot of black beeswax serving for a pupil. After it fell to pieces an artist who was “skilled in making portrait faces in beeswax on skulls” made a wax model on the deceased’s face. Haddon says the length of the nose was accurate, as immediately after death the length of the nose was measured with a piece of wood which was kept to secure the right proportion of the imitation nose. The modelled skulls of relatives were kept partly for sentimental reasons, but mainly for divinatory purposes. He says (1932, p. 83) that on the sacred islet of Pulu near Mabuiag, skulls were painted red and provided with noses made of beeswax and eyes of mother-of-pearl, but this was probably done in only a few cases. This would infer that Haddon considered that male and female skulls were treated alike; Haddon apparently did not see the actual procedure. In view of MacFarlane’s information and of the findings on this Macleay Series, the following interpretation is put forward. Crania 2, 4 and 9 show a technique which is essentially integumentary mummifica- tion with a minimum of clay restoration; they are light red in colour and are probably all males. Their preparation is identical with that of the Darnley Island mummy in the Macleay Museum, which is also male. Crania 5, 6, 7, and 8 display a technique which is essentially clay restoration with practically no attempt at tissue preservation. Their colour is dark red, and they are probably all female. Some elements are common to both sets—the pearl shell occlusion of the orbits and the septal nose-stick perforation. 1 178 CRANIX IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, Within each group the basic procedure has minor variants of decoration; for example, in the male group, additional sticks, cords, nuts occur in one, a head band occurs in another. Cranium No. 1 is probably female and basically belongs to the clay restoration technique; minor variation lies in the varied colour pattern of brown and white. Cranium No. 3 is probably male and essentially belongs to the mummification technique, but variants of the standard lie in a non-perforated septum, forwardly directed red nostrils, rounded black clay modelling of the eyeballs, absence of pearl shell, bizarre decoration, and the curious removal of the vault bones to leave a skeletal mask. This series reveals a general principle for the Torres region; while perpetuation of the heads of both sexes is attempted, the attitude demands mummification of the actual tissues of male heads, but merely a clay modelling of the females. The neat and careful binding of the mandible to the skull in the bare crania Nos. 11 and 12 and the red coloration of both mandible and skull in No. 17, indicate that the mandible is given equal ritual value with the skull. This is in marked contrast with the north-east coast of New Guinea, where the mandible is treasured and the skull thrown away; and with some parts of Indonesia, where the skull is preserved and the mandible thrown away. The writer has not had the modelling material analysed and has used the word clay as a general term. Haddon specifically mentions beeswax, while MacFarlane speaks of earth from fresh-water swamps. ADMIRALTY AND NINIGO GROUPS. 19. Skull and mandible. Andra Is. (Mt. Munrach) MM 1879 in ink on left parietal. Russian script. A one cm. square label with a partially obliterated number ending in 6 (? 46) pasted on the frontal. Undoubtedly one of Miklouho-Maclay’s specimens. 20. Skull and mandible. Andra Isl. (Mt. Munrach). MM 1879 in ink on left parietal. Russian script. A one cm. square label with a partially obliterated number ending in 5 (? 45) pasted on the frontal. Undoubtedly a Miklouho-Maclay specimen. 21. Skull and mandible. Ninigo in pencil on the left temporal and on the left mandible. Also M.. English script. A one cm. square label with a partially obliterated number, either 6, 4 or 8. 22. Skull and mandible. Ninigo in pencil on a thin cardboard label, tied to a leaf wrapped round a broken fragment of the left zygomatic arch and inserted in the left orbit. English script. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates the site of a former label. Summary. These four crania are undoubtedly of the Miklouho-Maclay collection of 1879, and represent the only survivors of an apparently large number of skulls which he left in the American vessel Sadie F. Caller and did not recover. Andra is an island off the north-east coast of the Admiralty Group; Ninigo is the name of a small group of islands, equidistant west of the Admiralty Group and north of New Guinea. Maclay considered the Andra crania to be typically Melanesian; the Ninigo skulls he thought were very similar to Micronesian crania. The two Ninigo skulls, Nos. 21 and 22, are large, handsome, rugged; apart from the small fragment broken from the left zygomatic arch of No. 22, they are in perfect condition and are possibly the most striking skulls in the collection. They are probably reasonably rare as well. NORTH-EAST COAST OF NEW GUINEA. 23. Skull. Mau ¢ Englam 1876. B—M in ink on right parieto-temporal. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates site of former label. Russian script. BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 179 24. Skull. ¢ Englam M. 1876. B- in ink on right parieto-temporal. Russian script. A one em. square area on the frontal indicates site of a former label. 25. Skull. Englam 1876 B—M in ink on right parieto-temporal. Russian script. A one em. square area indicates site of former label. 26. Skull. ¢ Englam. M. M—M 1876 in ink on right parietal. Russian script. 27. Skull. Sangdinbi. 1876. Russian script in ink on right parietal. 28. Skull. Sangdinbi. M. 1876. Russian script in ink on right parietal. 29. Skull. Sangdinbi. M. 1876. Russian script in ink on right parietal. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates site of former label. Paper fragment with Dutch printing wrapped round bone inside skull. 30. Skull. Sangdinbi. M. 1876. Russian script in ink on right parietal. 31. Skull. 2 Sangdinbi. M. 1876. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates site of former label. Russian script in ink on right parietal. 32. Skull. Sangdinbi. M. 1876. Russian script in ink on right parietal. A one cm. square label with the number 15 pasted on the frontal. 33. Skull. Sambul. M. B-M. 6 1876. Russian script in ink on right parietal and temporal. 34. Skull. Andan. Bongu. @2 Bongu. B-M. 1877. Russian script in ink on right parietal and temporal. 35. Skull. Ibor or Ebor. ¢ Bongu. B-M. 1877. Russian script in ink on right parietal and temporal. A one cm. square area on frontal indicates the site of a former label. 36. Skull. Keik. 92 Bongu. B-M. 1877. Russian script in ink on right parietal and temporal. A one cm. square area on frontal indicates the site of a former label. 37. Skull. Panake. ¢ Gorendu. B. Mkl. 1877. Russian script in ink on right parietal. 38. Skull. Bili Bili Isl B-M. 1877. Russian script in ink on right parietal. No base or facial skeleton. The loss has been by weathering. Summary. Geography.—The Maclay Coast extends 150 miles from Cape Croiselles to Cape King William and 50 miles inland to the 6,000-feet Finisterre Range. Bongu and Gorendu were villages one mile apart on the sea coast. Sangdinbi, Sambul and Englam were mountain villages near the Koli River, 30 miles inland, 1,200 feet above sea level. Bili-Bili or Vitias Island is near Madang. Material—In his first (1872) visit Maclay pointed out the difficulty of obtaining skulls, and particularly mandibles. He got 10 skulls without mandibles and two with mandibles from Gumbu and Englam. These he either left in Java or sent to Virchow or Car! Baer. In his second (1876-7) visit Maclay obtained 23 skulls, and crania Nos. 23-38 are 16 of these 23. Anatomy.—Maclay gave the following data: Breadth Index 77. Height Index 72. Nose wide and flat. MRoof-like vault; narrowed frontals, wide malars, strong supra- orbitals, flat occiput, alveolar prognathism with protruding upper teeth; narrow mandible with laterally deviated angles. Physical anthropologists and anatomists, particularly Germans, for example Poch (Bondy-Horowitz, 1930), have been over the New Guinea coast extensively, so the main value of these 16 skulls lies in their historical significance. They are all without mandibles. Six are marked male, three female, and seven are not sex labelled by Maclay. The fact that the five skulls (Nos. 23, 34, 35, 36, and 37) carrying an additional name in front of the village name are all sex labelled would appear to indicate that 180 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, Mau, Andan, Ibor, Keik and Panake are the personal names of natives known to Maclay and who had died between his 1872 and 1876-7 visits. These 16 crania are all on the small side, lack a robust appearance, and have less sex differentiation than, for example, Australian crania. Similar observations can be made in over 100 New Guinea crania in the Anatomy Department, University of Sydney. PHILIPPINES AND EAST INDONESIA. 89. Skull. Luzon derived from Luchon in Russian script in pencil on left temporo- parietal. A one cm. square area indicates site of former label. The skull is smoke-blackened, remnants of caked soil adhere to its interior. Its features are compatible with negrito affinities, but it is mesocephalic. A 1-0 mm. thick encrustation of reddish clay coats the skuil deep to the smoke blackening. 40. Skull. Luzon (Cebu) derived from Luchon (Sbu) in Russian script in ink on left temporal, and in pencil on right parietal. A one cm. square label with the number 16 is pasted on the frontal. The nose is rebuilt with a hard reddish black clay. A 1:0 mm. thick incrustation of reddish clay coats the skull, which is fire blackened in the parietal and occipital regions. There is an elusive similarity between skull 39 and skull 40 in anatomical features, and between skull 40 and skull 41 in treatment. 41. Skull and mandible. Sulu in Russian script in pencil on right temporo-parietal. A one cm. square area indicates site of former label. The base is missing, there is a large ragged gap in the right temporal, and a smaller circular gap in the left temporal. The mandible is attached by ratten cane bindings from neck to zygomatic arches. 42. Skull. Timor on right temporal in ink, in English script, in Miklouho-Maclay’s handwriting. A one cm. square area on the frontal indicates site of a former label. The base is missing, there is a ragged gap one inch in diameter at the bregma. 43: Skull. Details the same as No. 42. 44, Skull. Amboeang in pencil and Timor in ink, in Maclay’s handwriting on right temporal. Other details the same as Nos. 42 and 43. 45. Skull and mandible. Solor. Kidang-Lomblen in pencil on the frontal, in ink on the right parietal. Homme in blue pencil on the right parietal. English script. Maclay’s handwriting. A one cm. square site of former label on frontal. The base is missing and a gap in the vault is situated one inch behind the bregma. Summary. Crania Nos. 39-45 are undoubtedly Miklouho-Maclay specimens, and probably belong to the 1873 period. After long examination the conclusion has been reached that the gaps in these skulls are post-mortem effects. There is an extensive literature relating to native cranial operations, their healing, and subsequent cranial appearances. A comprehensive review of the subject can be found in Ford, 1937, pp. 471-477, and in Rogers, 1937-38, pp. 321-340. The region between Java, Borneo, and the Philippines for over two centuries provides historically substantiated piracy, head hunting and cannibalism. Malay, Menankabau and Dyak were outstripped in ferocity by the Sulu marauders. Trophy skulls were suspended in long houses, by a variety of methods, a knotted rope through the foramen magnum, through a hole knocked in the vault, or by a basket framework round the skull (Hose, 1926, pp. 138, 140, 145; Mundy, 1848, p. 196). Breaking a hole in the temporals bilaterally to suck the blood, and breaking away the base to secure the brain is substantiated in prehistoric and historic cranial studies. Crania Nos. 42-45 are almost identical with each other in appearance, and suggest exposure to weathering and bleaching. S) BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 181 Geography.—Luzon is the largest of the northern islands of the Philippine Group. The Mariveles Mountains are in the south-west corner of Luzon. Miklouho-Maclay obtained a negrito skull in Pilar Village in the Limai Hills in Mariveles. Cebu is a small island in the middle of the Philippine Group. Sulu Island and the Sulu Sea are to the south-west, between Timor and the Philippines. Lomblen is an island north-west of Timor. Solor is an island west of Timor. AUSTRALIA. 46. Skull and mandible. Derby. N.W. Aust. in ink on left temporal. Described by Krause under 36 in his series. The skull shows the classical Australian features, and is a representative of the extreme range of strongly developed bony prominences, namely, supraorbitals, nuchal lines, maxillary tuberosity, external occipital protuberance, cone-shaped mastoid, and flat occipital shelf with very pronounced muscular markings. 47. Skull. Derby. N.W. Australia in pencil on left temporal. Very similar to cranium No. 46, but a less extreme grade of development of bony prominences. 48. Skull and mandible. Derby. N.W. Aust. in ink on left temporal. Described by Krause under 42 in his series. The skull has been treated with red ochre and fired; some soil adheres to the interior. It is much smaller, lighter and thinner boned than Nos. 46 and 47. Upper incisors have been subject to ritual removal. The third molars are unerupted, the basi-sphenoid is not fused and the lower face is asymmetrical. The Australian features so pronounced in Nos. 46 and 47 are lacking. Facial and alveolar prognathism is marked. Krause calls it a male skull, but a good case could be supported for its classification as a female aged about sixteen years. 49. Skull. Derby, N.W. Aus. in ink on left temporal. Very small; bone disarticulated at the sutures; third molars not erupted. Frontal suture obliterated. May be a child of nine. 50. Skull and mandibie. Port Darwin. Macleay Museum in ink on frontal and right mandible. Paper label Sie XIII No. 1648 on right parietal. V in ink on left mandible. Described by Krause under 39 in his series. It is a large skull, but lacks the hypertrophy of bony prominences; the bones are smooth and rounded; the extreme Australian characters are not obtrusive. A pterion point is present on the right, an epipteric bone on the left side. 51. Skull and mandible. Cape York Macleay Museum in ink on left temporal and mandible. Paper label Sie XIII No. 1650 on frontal. IX in ink on left mandible. Collected by Brazier of Chevert Expedition; Somerset, Cape York, 1875. Described by Krause under 40 in his series. Epipteric and Wormian bones in the sutures and orbits. Bony prominences are rounded off. Occipital shelf is undulant. 52. Skull and mandible. Cape York in ink on frontal and right mandible. Probably obtained by Brazier, Chevert Expedition, Somerset, Cape York, 1875. 53. Skull and mandible. Cape York in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII No. 1651 on frontal, VIII on left temporal, X on left mandible. Collected by Brazier, Chevert Expedition, Somerset, Cape York, 1875. Described by Krause under 36 in his series. A very similar cranium to No. 52. 54. Skull and mandible. Cape York Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII No. 1652 on frontal. X on left temporal. Collected by Brazier, Chevert Expedition, Somerset, Cape York, 1875. Described by Krause under 38 in his series. Very similar cranium to Nos. 51, 52 and 53. These four skulls are dolichocephalic, large and have reasonable vault height. Like the Port Darwin skull, they are less rugged than the Derby skulls but show classical Australian 182 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, features. The mandibles were incorrectly linked with the skulls and have been re-arranged. 55. Skull and mandible. Herbert River in pencil on left temporal (unusual printed script). Herbert River, Queensland in pencil on frontal. Probably collected by J. A. Boyd of Ingham, 1876-79. The zygomatics are broken away. The occipital shelf is flat and the occipital part of the vault is shortened in the vertical plane. Characteristic Australian features. Skull is weathered. 56. Skull and mandible. Hinchinbrook Island. N.E. Australia in ink on paper label tied to the skull. Described by Krause under 43 in his series. A very dolichocephalic skull, the narrowness is uniform throughout the entire length of the skull. The bones are thin and light, and there is a lack of excessive bony prominences. 57. Skull. H. Austral. Balona R. 1880 in Miklouho-Maclay’s handwriting in ink on left temporal. A one ecm. square area indicates the site of a former label. The calvarium is sawn through and present. 58. Skull. H. Austral. “4 Balona R. 1880 in Miklouho-Maclay’s handwriting in ink on left temporal. A one cm. square label with the number 35 is pasted on the glabella. The calvarium is sawn through and missing. Described by Krause under 34 in his series; he refers to a colossal canine fossa 10 mm. deep. This skull looks almost a twin to No. 57. The short vertical face is noticeably in contrast with the wide bizygomatic. extent. 59. Skull. Cumeroogunja. 1924 in ink on left maxilla. Individual bones are disarticulated. The bones are thin and delicate. Cumeroogunja is possibly a station property, location unknown. 60. Skull and mandible. Richmond River Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1659 on frontal. XI on left temporal and mandible. Probably collected by Mr. Goodman, 1879. Part of base is missing. The skull is stained with iron. Small multiple erosions may have been made by ground beetles or water weathering. A rugged dolichocephalic skull. 61. Skull. Australian p. 1 Kokeruga. M. Tork in ink in Russian script in Miklouho- Maclay’s handwriting on right temporal. Serpiginous iron stains on the skull indicate that it had been lying on its left side in a swamp margin. Multiple erosions are identical in appearance with those of Skull 60. Collected probably in 1880-81. 62. Skull and mandible. Coolangubrie N.S.W. in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1649 on left parietal. Exhibited by Masters (1877) and stated to be a known female from Bega. Coolangubra is about seven miles south-west of Bega. It was described by Krause under 40 in his series and classified by him as a male. The classical Australian features are present and bony prominences are moderately rugged. Krause was probably unaware of the history of the skull. This is a good illustration of the difficulty of classifying sex with certainty. A gap occurs in the vault between bregma and lambda. (Vide supra previous discussion.) 63. Skull. Female, N.S.W.? in ink on occipital. 851 in ink on frontal. The norma verticalis is five-ssided, very wide at the parietal eminences, narrow at the frontal margins. The skull suggests Melanesian affinities rather than Australian. 64. Skull and mandible. Paper label with the number 1184 on the frontal. A card with the number. 1184 tucked inside the skull states “portion of a skull found near Bondi by Mr. F. O’Brien”’. BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 183 The skull is complete, has an excellent set of teeth and shows evidence of weathering in sand. It is large, characteristically Australian and almost certainly male. Exceptionally developed alveolar prognathism. 65. Skull and mandible. Paper label with number 1185 on the frontal. A card with the number 1185 tucked inside the skull states “adult male aboriginal presented by Sir Charles Nicholson”. The condition of the skull is identical with No. 64. A smaller, less robust edition of No. 64. It is much more likely to be a female than a male. In fact Nos. 64 and 65 look like brother and sister. 66. Skull. Old Collection printed in ink on frontal. An extreme grade of the rugged Australian characteristics, almost approaching Neanderthaloid type of brow ridge. 67. Skull. No documentation. Almost certainly Australian. Classical Australian characteristics. 68. Skull. No documentation. Norma verticalis five-sided, wide parietal bones, narrow frontal. Extreme alveolar prognathism. Its affinities appear to be those of Melanesia. 69. Skull and mandible. No documentation. A one cm. square area indicates site of former label, i.e. probably a Miklouho-Maclay specimen. A well-preserved cranium with some of the integumentary tissues adhering to it and an excellent set of teeth with no attritional wear. Very dolichocephalic and with some features suggesting Australian affinities. 70. Skull. No documentation. Its affinities appear to be very like those of Darnley Island skulls. Summary. Documentation which can be accepted is available for crania Nos. 46-65, with the exception of cranium No. 63, which looks like a Melanesian skull, although carrying the label “Female, N.S.W.?”’; also cranium No. 59, in which the place name cannot be located. Of crania Nos. 65-70, which have no label of geographical identity, Nos. 66 and 67 can almost certainly be accepted as Australians, and No. 69 has some Australian morphological characters. Nos. 68 and 70 remain “Unknown skulls”. The geographical range or scatter of the 18 crania identified with certainty is very satisfactory, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania being the only States not represented. For comparison and contrast this small series represents a valuable addition when studied with the larger numbers of documented Australian crania in the Australian Museum and the Anatomy Department in Sydney; the last possesses no crania from some of the sites of the Macleay crania, for example, Derby, Darwin and Hinchinbrook. The literature concerning the Australian aborigines contains much disagreement. The writings of Wood Jones would appear to indicate that the Australians form a homogeneous race which expresses itself over a range from large crania with exaggerated masculine characters to exceptionally small-headed female crania (Wood Jones, 1934, Deeoze)) Of the writers who considered the Australians non-homogeneous, it is sufficient to contrast the following two: Topinard said a smaller dolichocephalic negroid type belonged to the west, and a larger, less dolichocephalic, non-negroid type occupied the rest of the continent (Topinard, 1872, p. 211). Birdsell practically reverses this opinion, claiming a pigmy type in the east, and a Murrayian type and a Carpentarian type in the rest of the country, so giving the Australian a trihybrid origin (Birdsell, 1946, p. 103; Tindale and Birdsell, 1941, p. 9). The 18 geographically located Australians in the Macleay Museum present examples of the extremely rugged large type, the thin-boned lightly ridged type, and intermediate grades; further, these variations are scattered, not locally concentrated. Crania No. 46 from Derby, No. 50 from Darwin, No. 52 from Cape York, No. 60 from Richmond River, 184 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, No. 64 from Bondi, and No. 66 “Old Collection” are comparable in size, dolichocephaly, and exaggeration of bony prominences. In addition, however, superimposed on the basic similarities, there do appear to be local concentrations of modified genotypes. Howells arrived at this conclusion, although he expressed it in different terms; ‘‘there are definite regional deviations in a remarkably homogeneous people” (Howells, 1937, p. 40). As an illustration, the inferior part of the squamous occipital in the large heavy skulls quoted above is, in the Derby crania, a flat shelf with exaggerated muscle markings; in the Darwin skull it is uniformly curved and smooth; in the Cape York crania it is undulant and smooth, and in the Bondi skull the flat shelf reappears. Apart from this, many miscellaneous subjects for study are available in these crania, to mention a few examples: epipteric and Wormian bones, a pterion point in one (Skull 50), metopism, thickness and thinness of cranial bone (a subject on which the literature is not very adequate), range of cranial capacity—which appears in this series to be considerable, and so on. VARIOUS REGIONS. 71. Skull. Marked out in phrenological areas. Probably European. 72. Skull. Sakkara. Egypt printed in ink on the basi-occiput. A one cm. square area on the glabella indicates the site of a former label. Apparently a Miklouho-Maclay specimen. No clue to its history is available. Maclay conducted marine biological observations in the Red Sea region and passed the Egyptian region several times. 73. Skull and mandible. Hanged, amputated, preserved head. Paper label one cm. square with the number 49 pasted on the glabella region. Jimmy Ah Sue, Chinese, hanged at Brisbane (31/5/1880). The brain was removed by Miklouho-Maclay. The calvarium is missing but scalp and hair are still present. (See Greenop, 1944, pp. 174, 175, photograph p. 160; also Maclay, 1881, p. 196.) 74. Skull and mandible. Hanged, amputated, preserved head. Paper label one cm. square with the number 50 pasted on glabella region. Maximus Gomez, alias Pedro, hanged (21/6/1880). The brain was removed, dissected and exhibited by Miklouho-Maclay. Bones of the calvarium are missing, scalp and hair are still present. (Greenop, 1944, pp. 174, 175; Maclay, 1881, p. 196.) 75. Skull. New Zealand in ink on frontal. 76. Skull. New Zealand in ink on frontal. 77. Skull. New Zealand in ink on frontal. There is no information available for crania Nos. 75, 76 and 77. 78. Skull. Papuan written in pencil on the left parietal. The script was written with the skull held in the inverted position. A piece of newspaper dated October 14th, 1878, Brisbane, is wrapped round three-teeth and tucked inside the skull. The bones are bleached by weathering, and the vault stained, suggesting that the skull was originally lying on its vault in swampy or marshy ground. 79. Skull. Papuan written in pencil on the right parietal. The script was written with the skull held in the inverted position. The skull is similarly bleached and the vault similarly stained. 80. Skull. Papuan written in pencil on the right parietal in the inverted position. The skull is similarly bleached. ; Crania Nos. 78, 79 and 80 are marked by the same handwriting and it is like that of Sir William Macleay. These might be specimens from Mokatta Village, Katow River, described (3/7/1875) by Sir William as lying around the village among refuse and filth (Macleay Chevert Diary, 1875, p. 38). 81. Skull. No documentation. Some tissues adhere to the base. Probably female, possibly young, very brachycephalic. BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 185 FIJI. 82. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. 83. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. 84. Skull: Fiji Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie. XIII. No. 1655 on left temporal. Gap in left temporal. 85. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. 86. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. 87. Skull. Fiji Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1653 on left parietal. 88. Skull. Fiji Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1654 on left parietal. 89. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. Facial skeleton missing. 90. Skull and mandible. Fiji Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1656 on left temporal. VII on left temporal and left mandible, and Fiji. 91. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. 92. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. 93. Skull and mandible. Fiji in ink on frontal. Mandible fractured post mortem. 94. Skull. Fiji in ink on frontal. 95. Skull and mandible. No documentation. Summary. Crania Nos. 82-95 are remarkably similar in size and morphological appearance. Possibly the majority are female. As a general statement, they are dolichocephalic and hypsicephalic, with vertical facial outlines and little prognathism, fairly high frontals and practically no supraorbital prominences. The Donations Ledger records two Fijian skulls from Archibald Boyd (15/2/1876). Sir William Macleay’s Diary, 1879, records osteological specimens (human) from Fiji, Mallicolo and other islands, purchased from Mr. A. Boyd. Dr. Cox (25/1/1882) refers to purchases from A. Boyd, Fiji, from Espiritu Santo, Solomons and New Hebrides. This series of 14 crania accords well with Flower’s description of the cranial characters of Fijians (Flower, 1880, pp. 153-173). VITI LEVU. 96. Skull. Vatu Co. on paper label pasted on left temporal. Face and base missing through weathering. 97. Skull. Vatu Co. E. Coast, Viti Levu Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1659? on right temporal. Vatu Catho. E. Coast Viti Levu on paper label on left temporal. 98. Skull. Vatu Co. E. Viti Levu Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper labels on right temporal Sie XIII No. 1657, and Vatu Co. E. Viti Levu. 99. Skull. Viti Levu Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Also paper label Sie XIII. No. 1658. Summary. The four crania Nos. 96-99 from Viti Levu are badly weathered and look like trade specimens. As a contrast group with the previous group they are of some value; they appear to be more hypsicephalic, particularly No. 99, and more prognathic, particularly No. 97, than the Fijian Group. No. 98, probably male, has some Australoid affinities in the facial skeleton and in the inferior part of the squamous occipital. 186 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, VARIOUS MELANESIAN ISLANDS. 100. Skull. Pentecost in ink on paper label pasted on left fronto-parietal. This skull has been artificially moulded (deformed). The technique appears to have been circumferential binding in the coronal plane, so that the frontal has been moderately flattened, the squamous occipital pushed back and up. The binding has been applied most effectively on the anterior parietals, so that the skull presents in norma lateralis a moderate hump on the frontal, a more pronounced hump on the posterior parietals, and a wide saddle between the two humps. This form of deformation is rather different from, and of less degree than, the Malekulan deformation. This skull has a metopic suture and a left epipteric bone. 101. Skull. Pentecost Is. New Hebrides in ink on paper label pasted on left fronto- parietal. This skull is artificially moulded like No. 100, but to a much less pronounced stage. 102. Skull. Lakoni (Gama) Banks Group in ink on paper label pasted on right fronto- parietal. Morphologically this small skull is very like the Fiji crania Nos. 82-95. 103. Skull and mandible. Solomon Is. printed in ink on the frontal. A well-preserved skull, the mandible is attached by string at the condyles and mandibular fossae. Summary. Crania Nos. 96-103 probably represent purchases from Archibald Boyd between 1876 and 1881. Pentecost and Banks Islands are in the New Hebrides Group, which, according to most authorities, is populated by at least three racial elements, possibly four or five. These skulls permit of some comparison with the following series of 26 crania from Mallicolo, also in the New Hebrides. MALLICOLO. 104. Skull. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1667 on frontal. III on left temporal. 105. Skull. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1664 tied to palate. IV on left temporal. 106. Skull. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. 107. Skull. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1665 on right parietal. 108. Skull. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1666. 109. Skull. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1667 on left parietal. 110. Skull and mandible. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1668. II on mandible and temporal. 111. Skull. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal. Paper label Sie XIII. No. 1669. 112. Skull and mandible. Mallicolo in ink on frontal and on right mandible. IV on left mandible. The mandible does not fit cranium No. 105; it undoubtedly belongs to No. 112, which it fits perfectly. The posterior half of the vault is blackened, and the nares and orbits are stuffed with fibre. 113. Skull. No documentation. Posterior half of the vault is blackened. 114. Skull. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. 115. Skull and mandible. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 187 116. Skull. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. 117. Skull. No documentation. 118. Skull. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. 119. Skull. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. 120. Skull. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. 121. Skull. Mallicolo in ink on frontal. 122. Skull. No documentation. Of these 19 crania, three have no name and no label attached. These three, Nos. 113, 117, and 122, have been arranged in the series so that they lie adjacent to the crania which they most closely resemble. The 19 crania all present artificial moulding in the same technique but of varying degrees. Nos. 104, 105, 113 and 122 possess a metopic suture. No. 108 shows advanced obliteration of the cranial sutures. All except Nos. 108 and 116 present epipteric bones. In eleven crania epipterics occur bilaterally, in six crania epipteric formation is unilateral, four being left-sided, two right-sided, in position. The crania all exhibit occipital elongation, sloping up and back from low flattened frontals; prominent brow ridges, moderately wide zygomatics, high and wide palates, and facial and alveolar prognathism of moderate degree occur in all these skulls. 123. Skull and mandible. No documentation. Presents a complete Rambaramp reconstruction, with a wig and feathers on the vault, and sticks supporting the neck. 124. Skull and mandible. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal region. Sie XIII No. 1661. in ink on paper label tied to left zygomatic arch. Rambaramp reconstruction. N25) Skull and mandible. No documentation. Rambaramp reconstruction, including wig. 126. Skull and mandible. Mallicolo Macleay Museum in ink on frontal region. Sie XIII. No. 1662 in ink on paper label tied to left mandible. Rambaramp reconstruction, including wig. 127. Skull and mandible. No documentation. Rambaramp reconstruction of the face. A perfect set of teeth. 128. Skull and mandible. Mallicolo in ink on frontal bone. Rambaramp reconstruction on face and on floor of mouth; remainder of skull bare. A full set of teeth, upper central incisors have a peg-top appearance unlike those of No. 127. An epipteric bone is visible on the left side. 129. Skull and mandible. No documentation. Rambaramp reconstruction. These seven crania include four without name or label, but they can quite safely be accepted as belonging to the same series; in morphology and in Rambaramp reconstruction they are very similar and characteristic of South Malekula. These Malekulan crania can be fairly well substantiated historically. The Macleay diary entry of 15/3/1879 records receipt and subsequent purchase from Archibald Boyd, of human osteological specimens from Mallicolo; on 25/3/1879 Masters exhibited “two heads of Malicolo Chiefs’. Macleay in his diary of 26/3/1879 records “two skulls of Chiefs of Island of Mallicolo by Mr. Masters from my Museum’. Harper (1901) exhibited Malekulan crania; and finally there is the evidence of the serial numbers on two heads and five bare skulls in sequence from Nos. 1661-1669. Harrisson refers to the “interesting long-headed folk farther south’ who adorn the skulls of the dead with bright coloured clay and “good spider’ web hair”. He refers one to Deacon for a fuller- account (Harrisson, 1937, pp. 417, 423). Flower, as early as 1881, was fully aware of the functional intent of the recon- struction when he used the term “Monumental heads”, i.e. memorials in the modelled likeness of the dead (Flower, 1881, pp. 75-81). 188 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, Deacon gives such a complete description of the manufacture and the ingredients in the reconstruction that there is no point in repeating it (Deacon, 1934, p. 544). Both he and Harrisson point out that the face is modelled to resemble the dead as closely as possible, that degree of care in decoration depends on the former rank of the owner, and that interest in the reconstructed heads persists for no more than a year, when they are thrown into the clan ossuary. The technique of execution in South Malekulan reconstructions is standard and is rather different from reconstructions in any other region. In colour and amount of decoration, however, variation does occur. The heads in the Macleay Museum are a plain black, in the Anatomy Department there are similar elongated heads, with the Malekulan reconstruction, but the colour is pink. Reconstructions appear to be confined to male skulls; the women had their own ceremonials, but the Rambaramp is not part of them. It may be suggested, therefore, that Masters and Macleay, and possibly Archibald Boyd also, were not necessarily accurate in referring to crania Nos. 124 and 126 (i.e. Sie XIII, Nos. 1661-1662) as heads of chiefs. Cranium No. 123 is far more complete and elaborate in its reconstruction than these two and might possibly be the young son (perhaps aged 15) of a chief. Cranial artificial deformation is widely mentioned in the literature, but intensive work on the subject appears to be less than in many other cranial fields. Among fairly recent work, Cilento, 1921, described seven deformed crania from New Britain. Hambly has dealt fully with the craniometry of Ambrym Island, 20 miles east of Malekula, and proposed to use these undeformed Ambrym crania as a control for comparison with 55 Malekulan deformed crania collected by A. B. Lewis in 1909-13 (Hambly, 1946, pp. 1, 2). So far as the writer knows, the study has not yet eventuated. Of approximately 35 artificially deformed crania in the Anatomy Department, University of Sydney, 13 appear to be definitely from Malekula. There are others in the Australian Museum, Sydney. The writer hopes to combine these with the 26 Macleay specimens -and carry out an intensive study of the Malekulan cranium. A minor start has already been made at the suggestion of Professor A. N. Burkitt. Geography.—Malekula was formerly spelt Mallicolo, sometimes Mallicollo; in the report of Masters’ exhibit it appears as Malicolo. The old navigators give a variety of spellings—Mannicana, Manicolla, ete. It is the second largest island of the New Hebrides group, lying south of Espiritu Santo and west of Pentecost, Ambrym and Epi. The Maskelyne Archipelago is off the east coast. The Banks and Torres subgroups are at the northern end of the New Hebridean chain. MUMMIFICATION. A complete male obtained (16/8/1875) from a village at Treacherous Bay, Darnley Island, by Mr. Williams, first mate of the Chevert. It is extended on, and lashed to, a frame of wooden poles and displayed in a glass table case. Photographs of the specimen have been sent to other museums from time to time. Anatomists including Sir Grafton Elliot Smith have referred to it. A complete Peruvian mummy. The technique accords with the classical descriptions of many writers on Peruvian evisceration and preservation. The body is more or less rigid in a position of foetal flexion. MANDIBLES. There are 13 spare mandibles. They have been tried against all the crania but do not fit any of them. One has Fiji Macleay Museum in ink on the right ramus, but does not fit any of the Fijian crania. One has New Zealand in ink on its inferior border, but does not fit any of the three New Zealand crania. The others have no labels. The majority are mildewed and non-European in appearance. BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 189 MISCELLANEOUS. Three complete, skeletons in perished canvas bags; they are in a good state of preservation and covered with sandy soil, suggesting exhumation. No documentation. Possibly Darnley Islanders obtained by the Chevert Expedition (1875). Finally, there are two drawers filled with Aboriginal skeletal fragments, mostly from coastal New South Wales. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Professor A. N. Burkitt for translation of Dutch literature, Dr. A. Capell, Lt. Cmdr. L. Hinchliffe, V.R.D., and Mr. F. Greenop for translations of Russian script, and Miss S. Orlay for translation of German literature. Personal friends who have lent or given me Russian and German textbooks. Mr. Rainbow and Miss Dixon of the Australian Museum, Miss Hunter of the Anatomy Department, University of Sydney, Messrs. Steel and Burrows of the Fisher Library for suggesting, obtaining and lending relevant literature. Professor A. N. Burkitt and Professor A. A. Abbie for inspecting -and commenting on the crania after they had been arranged, and offering further suggestions, all of which were used. Dr. Murray of the School of Tropical Medicine, and Miss B. Orr and Mr. Mackenzie of the Geography Department, University of Sydney, for search for place names. Messrs. Woodhill and Lee, who suggested and made the subject available. Mr. F. A. Greenop, who gave much time and asistance, both in the Macleay Museum and in his own office, to the writing of this paper. Mr. J. Henry, Curator of the Macleay Museum, who cheerfully joined with the writer in moving about one-sixth of the contents of the Macleay Museum from one place to another. Miss A. Scot Skirving who typed and re-typed the entire paper. To these my complete acknowledgment and thanks are due. Bibliography. BIRDSELL, J. B., 1946.—Trihybrid Origin of the Australian. Quoted by Hooten, E. A., Up from the Ape. New York. P. 103. BousHo!l SOVETSKII ATLAS MiIrRA.—Great Soviet World Atlas, Vol. i, 1937. Bonpy-HorowitTz, E., 1930.—Beitr. Anthrop. Nordost-Neu Guinea. Rudolph Plchs Nachlass. Series A: Phys. Anthrop. II Band. Im Verlage der Anthrop. Gesell. Wien. CALENDARS.—University of Sydney. CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS, 1889.—University of Sydney, 13th April. CILENTO, R. W., 1921.—Observations on a Series of Artificially Distorted Skulls. Ree. S. Auwst. Mus., 1 (4) : 325-346. CYCLOSTYLE NOTICE TO STUDENTS.—Undated. Davis, J. B., 1867.—Thesaurus Craniorum. Catalogue of the Skulls of the Various Races of Man. London. DEACON, A. B., 1934.—A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. (Wedgwood, C. H.) FLETCHER, J. J.. 1893.—The Macleay Memorial Volume. LINN. Soc. N.S.W. FLETCHER, J. J., 1929:—The Society’s Heritage from the Macleays. Part II. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 54 (3) :185-272. (Edited and collated by Walkom, A. B.) FLOWER, W. H., 1880. On the Cranial Characters of the Natives of the Fiji Islands. J. R. anthrop. Inst., 10: 153-173. FLOWER, W. H., 1881.—On a collection of monumental heads and artificially deformed crania from the island of Mallicolo (Malekula) in the New Hebrides. Jo Re anthnrope Inst, Qos ols Forp, E., 1937.—Trephining in Melanesia. Med. J. Aust., 2 (12), 18th Sept., 471-477. FROGGATT, COLLECTIONS.—Macleay—Snakes, p. 556; Fletcher—Plants, p. 557; Ramsay—Mar- supials, p. 550; Macleay—Review, p. 1017. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 1887. FRoGGATT, W. W., 1888-9.—Notes on the Natives of West Kimberley, North West Australia. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 3: 651. GALTON, J. C., 1876-1880.—The Ethnology of the Papuans of the Maclay Coast, New Guinea. Nature, 14: 107-109, 136-137; 21: 204-206, 226-229. GREENOP, F.. S., 1944.—Who Travels Alone. Sydney. Happon, A. C., 1932.—Head-Hunters, Black, White, and Brown. Thinker’s Library, No. 26. (First published 1901.) HAMBLY, W. D., 1946.—Craniometry of Ambrym Island. Fieldiana: Anthropology, 37 (1). HARPER, W. R., 1901.—On the “Onvar’”’ of Malekula, New Hebrides. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 26: 233-237, 26th June. HARRISSON, T., 1937.—Savage Civilization. HosE, C., 1926.—Natural Man. A Record from Borneo. 190 CRANIA IN THE MACLEAY MUSEUM, HOWELLS, W. W., 1937.—Anthropometry of the Natives of Arnhem Land and the Australian Race Problem. Pap. Peabody Mus., 16 (1). HrpuicKa, A., 1928.—Catalogue of Human Crania in the United States National Museum Collections. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 71, Art. 24, 1-140. (A journey in 1925 to South Asia, Java, Australia, and South Africa, cataloguing crania). INDEX GENERALIS.—Sorbonne, 1933, 1934. ; KRAUSE, W., 1897.—Anthropologische Reise nach Australien. Verhandlungen der Berliner anthropologischen Gesellschaft, 20th Nov., 504-558. LEDGER OF DONATIONS TO MACLEAY MUSEUM, SYDNEY UNIVERSITY, 1889.—In the Macleay Museum. Loc oF THE CHEVERT, 1875.—Original in the Macleay Museum. MacintosH, N. W. G., 1948.—Survey of the Crania and Skeletal Remains in Department of Anatomy, University of Sydney, 23rd August (unpublished). Mactay, N. DE MIKLOUHO, 1885.—Notes on Zoology of the Maclay Coast (1) in New Guinea. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 9: 713. Macuay, N. DE MIKLOUHO, 1885.—On Volcanic Activity on the Islands near the North East Coast of New Guinea and Evidence of Rising of the Maclay-Coast in New Guinea. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 9: 963-967. C Macuay, N. DE, 1873.—Mijn Verblijf aan de Oostkust van Nieuw Guinea in de jaren 1871 en 1872. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind., 33:114-126. Macntay, N. von MIcKLUCHO, 1873.—Anthropologische Bemerkungen ueber die Papuas der Maclay-Kiiste in Neu-Guinea. Natuwurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind., 33: 225-250. Mactay, N. v. MIKLUCHO, 1874.—Nachrichten von Dr. N. v. Miklucho-Maclay; seine zweite Reise nach Neu-Guinea. Die Papuas der Insel Liizon. Petermanns Geog. Mitt., 20: 22-23. Mactay, N. von, 1874.—Ueber Brachyocephalitat bei den Papuas von Neu-Guinea. Natwurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind., 34: 345-347. Mactay, N. von MIKLUCHO, 1875.—Ethnologische Bemerkungen uber die Papuas der Maclay- Kiiste in Neu-Guinea. Natuurk. Tijdschr., 35: 66-93. Macray, N. vON MIKLUCHO, 1876.—Meine zweite Excursion nach Neu-Guinea (1874). Natuurk. Tijdschr., 36:148-179. Mactay, N. von MIKLUCHO, 1876.—Ethnologische Bemerkungen Uber die Papuas de Maclay- Kiiste in Neu-Guinea. Natuwurk. Tijdschr., 36: 294-3338. Maciay, N. voN MIKLUCHO, 1878.—Anthropologische Notizen, gesammelt auf einer Reise in West-Mikronesien und Nord-Melanesian im Jahre 1876. Z%. Hthn., 10: 99-118. Mactay, N. DE MIKLOUHO, 1881.-—A Short Resume of the Results of Anthropological and Anatomical Researches in Melanesia and Australia Mar. 1879-Jan. 1881. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 6: 171-175. Macuay, N. DE MIKLOUHO, 1881.—Exhibits, Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W.; 6:196. Mactay, N. DE MIKLOUHO, 1881.—Cranial Deformation of New-Born Children of the Island Mabiak, and other Islands of Torres Straits, and of the Women of the S.E. Peninsula of New Guinea. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 6: 627-630. Mactay, N. pe MIkKLOUHO, 1884a.—Remarks on a Skull of an Australian Aboriginal from the Lachlan District. Proc. LINN. Soc., 8: 395-396. Macuay, N. pp MIKLOUHO, 1884b.—On a Very Dolichocephalic Skull of an Australian Aboriginal. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 8: 401-4038. i Macuay, N. DE MIKLOUHO, 1886.—Plants in Use by the Natives of the Maclay Coast of New Guinea. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 10: 353-354. MACLEAY, W., 1875.—Notes on the Zoologicai Collections made in Torres Straits and New Guinea during the Cruise of the Chevert. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 1: 36. MAcLEAY, W.—Diaries 1873-1881 (Volume 1878 missing). Stored in the Library of Linn. Soc. N.S. W. Macueay, W., 1875.—Journal (Diary) of the Chevert Expedition. Stored in the Library of the Linn. Soc. N.S.W. MARTIN, R., 1928.—Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. Zweite Auflage. Zweite Band. Jean. MASTERS, G., 1877.—Exhibition of, and Remarks upon, the Skull of an Aboriginal Female. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 2. MASTERS, G., 1879.—Exhibits. Proc. LInn. Soc. N.S.W., 4: 244, 25th March. MIKLUHO-MAKLAY, NIKOLAI NICOLAEVITCH, 1846-1888.—The Australian Encyclopaedia, 2:, 1926, 82. Munpy, R., 1848.—Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes from the Journals of James Brooke, Esq., Vol. I, London, 96. MusGRAVE, A., 1932.—Bibliography of Australian Entomology, 1775-1930, 101. NEW GUINEA PLACE NAMES (claimed as Maclay’s handwriting).—Single sheet of blue foolscap, Mitchell Library. PAPERS AND CORRESPONDENCE.—Unbound and scattered in the Macleay Museum. PETERMANN, A., 1873.—Brief van Dr. N. de Miklucho-Maclay. Natwurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind., aaj Jaililoilale3. Rocers, S. L., 1937-38.—The Healing of Trephine Wounds in Skulls from Pre-Columbian Peru. Amer. J. phys. Anthrop., 23: 321-340. ’ BY N. W. G. MACINTOSH. 191 THOMAS, O., 1885.—Account of a Collection of Human Skulls from Torres Straits. J. R. anthrop. Inst., 14: 328-337. TINDALE, N. B., and BIRDSELL, J. B., 1941.—Tasmanoid Tribes in North Queensland. Results of the Harvard Adelaide Universities Anthropological Expedition 1938-39. Rec. S. Aust. WH Roe Up (QD), Be ToPINARD, P., 1872.—Etude sur les races indigénes de l’Australie. Bull. Soc. Anthrop., Tome 7, 211. Visitors’ Book.—Macleay Museum, 1890. Woop JONES, F., 1934.—Contrasting Types of Australian Skulls. J. Anat., 68: 323-330. WUNDERLY, J., 1939.—The Cranial and Other Skeletal Remains of Tasmanians in Collections in the Commonwealth of Australia. Biometrika, 30 (iii-iv), 305-340. 192 THE HAIR TRACTS IN MARSUPIALS. Part III. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES, CONCLUDED. By W. BOARDMAN. (Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne.) (Two Text-figures.) [Read 31st August, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. The marsupial pouch young, all from Western Australia, which form the subject of this communication are part of the collection of the Western Australian Museum, Perth. I am very appreciative of the kindness of Mr. L. Glauert, Curator of the Museum, who made available to me both the specimens and his knowledge of marsupials. Suborder POLYPROTODONTIA. Family DASYURIDAE. Subfamily PHASCOGALINAE. PHASCOGALE, Sp.* Material.—M.2407-9—three males (length of head and body about 37 mm.), young of M.2406; Woolleen Station, Murchison District; coll. B. H. Sharpe, 28th March, 1940. Hair tract pattern as recorded for Dasycercus cristicauda (Boardman, 1946a) is repeated in this species. The forearm reversal enters into the formation of a convergent point placed postaxially about a third or more of the length of the forearm from the elbow. : | Fine —. : =] Sandstone Basalt Noel ae LS aN Beret - --- e-.-] Sandstone ee --2-| Ravensfield andstone Sandstone (Plants) : 2 ; L.S. Bryozoal Tuff Tuffs and Bishops Hill Conglomerate Bed. Gosforth Shales Text-figure 2. 212 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES, (0) Details of the Section. We begin with 80 feet of conglomerate which eeetiee the topmost shaly beds of the Lochinvar Stage. This is succeeded by dark greenish-black tuff 20 feet thick, and then by 150 feet of very coarse conglomerate. This conglomerate is split in only one place by a band of tuffaceous sandstone of the “Harpurs Hill” type, 15 feet thick. This conglomerate contains the famous Hurydesma Bed, great numbers of the lamellibranch, together with Keenia, Notomya, Edmondia and other types, making a regular shell- bank deposit eighteen inches thick. Succeeding the conglomerate whose pebbles are almost entirely of albitized amygdaloidal andesite derived from the Kuttung inlier to the south, come 50 feet of the true Harpurs Hill tuff overlain by 20 feet of soft brown shale with erratics. Next follow 80 feet of conglomerate, similar in structure and lithology to that exposed in the more easterly of the two railway cuttings. Succeeding the conglomerate is a dark greenish-black tuff, obviously of the same general facies as the “Harpurs Hill” type. Towards the top of this unit one finds the Pecten bed. This is about three feet in maximum, but 14 feet in average, thickness, and contains numerous examples of Deltopecten together with fragmental material partly representing broken-up shells of Spirifera and Martiniopsis. Fenestella is also prominent on this horizon, which is followed by the topmost unit of fine conglomerate, 10 feet thick. The section on the Allandale cross-road indicates clearly that glacial conditions were present not far from the Hunter region in Allandale time, this being the third glacial epoch of the Lower Marine Series. The Allandale Section is tabulated thus: Feet Pebbly mudstone SURE ath Steen toy come oem eee) See en MS ear 10 Tuff with Pectens .. aay Meee ak oe 2 eS hn = dose Per SD 3 Blackish-green tuff aig te. Cal lenctith! Polis) crams eeeey yt eeren aes ales 50 Conglomerate (andesite Boulders) AIS aN cares ae iets sO ie bea 80 Soft brown shales with numerous erratics ce eh BA eta 3 20 Tuffaceous sandstone (Harpurs Hill type) ae 50 Heavy Conglomerates with 15 ft. tuff band ain Thue desi MOTIZ OT AEE Saeed ae Ca ae Sayin Ron ates Oe cacti Re eee ananL tye au prema Ey () Greenish-black tuff ete Ane Vie erica ie ee, nets Un) Case ens 20 Conelomenater cea ea iis ye eee Re aise Lev Aree ps See 80 Total .. 463 Feet 2. The Allandale Stage in the Pokolbin District. The Pokolbin area is very complicated geologically, and the elucidation of the detailed stratigraphy and structural relations of the Kuttung and Permian rocks will be possible only after much more field work has been carried out. The somewhat special nature of the structural features of the Pokolbin region as a whole is due to the following: (i) Permian sedimentation probably did not take place until the beginning of the Allandale Stage. (ii) The conglomerates accumulated upon an uneven floor during conditions that gave rise to strong overlap. (iii) The folding of the Lochinvar anticline was attended by the development of local structural irregularities due to the Permian sediments being squeezed around and against the rigid inliers of Kuttung rocks. It is somewhat difficult in this district to know just where to draw the line between the Allandale and Rutherford Stages, but by tracing the latter from areas of favourable exposure it is clear that the only units definitely to be assigned to the Allandale Stage at Pokolbin are the conglomerates and sandstones which in places mantle the lower slopes of the Kuttung inliers, and the overlying basalts and basic tuffs. The conglomerate, 200 feet thick, is very distinctive, possessing a fair variety of volcanic pebbles, derived from the Kuttung floor. The coarse andesitic matrix contains BY G. D. OSBORNE. 213 Eurydesma cordatum as well as other typical Lower Marine forms. Excellent exposures are seen in many parts of the area. The sandstone is fairly coarse and definitely tuffaceous in places, being 300 feet thick. The succeeding basalt is obviously of submarine development, being sometimes vesicular, sometimes amygdaloidal with zeolites, and in places showing pillow structure. The maximum thickness is 400 feet. It is overlain by basic tuffs approximately 100 feet thick containing many Pectens. Overlying these come the foraminiferal and bryozoal marly limestones of the Rutherford Stage. 3. The Allandale Stage at Comerfords. In the neighbourhood of the cutting where the Helah Road crosses the North Coast Railway the Allandale Stage is exposed in the form of strong outcrops of a coarse, ill- assorted shingle and tuff deposit in which Hurydesma, Spirifer, Fenestella and Delto- pecten are abundantly developed. This bed is about 20 feet thick, and rests on a basement of basalt. It is clear that here the Hurydesma and Deltopecten horizons have coalesced. Immediately following the tuff is a fine-grained felspathic rock which suggests volcanic activity coeval with that which produced the tuffs of Harpurs Hill and Pokolbin. THE RUTHERFORD STAGE. These strata, in so far as they occurred on the eastern side of the area, were referred to by Professor David as the Rutherford Shales, being regarded as the upper portion of the Lochinvar Stage. The present writer has instituted a separate Stage because of the following reasons: (i) Detailed study of the areas of this Stage has provided much information not available when Professor David wrote his Memoir. This indicates that the rocks are fairly definitely marked off stratigraphically and lithologically from the underlying Allandale Stage on the one hand, and from the over- lying Farley Stage on the other, except perhaps in the case of the topmost part of the Rutherford Stage on the eastern side of the Lochinvar anticline. (ii) Within the Stage there is a greater variation of facies-development than in any other part of the Lower Marine in the Hunter region. Thus in the east the rocks are mostly shales, definitely non-calcareous, except for very local concretionary structures. In the Pokolbin—Rothbury—Illalong districts, however, there is extensive development of marly shales, foraminiferal and bryozoal limestones. (iii) In the Stage are two well-marked fossiliferous zones which are of distinct stratigraphical value. These are: (a) Foraminiferal and Ostracodal marl and limestone containing also Bryozoa and other fossil remains, this being the horizon of the well- known Pokolbin unit described by Chapman and Howchin (1905). This occurs about 200 feet above the base of the Stage. (b) Sandy shale with abundant remains of Spirifer, Martiniopsis and Fenestella. This occurs about 700 feet above the base of the Stage. A. B. Walkom noted two horizons of limestones in the rocks which I have designated the Rutherford Stage, and as far as I can make out from his paper, the two horizons given above are identical with his zones (see Walkom, 1913). However, he did not deal with the rocks of the marly type, rich in foraminifera, which are abundant in the Old Rothbury-—Black Creek—Chick Hill District. Through the country stretching to the south and south-west of a line from Allandale to Red Hill Trigonometrical Station, and particularly to the west of Black Creek these horizons can be traced, and break the monotony of the rest of the Stage which is formed chiefly of buff-coloured sandy shale and sandy tuff. The foraminiferal limestones do not appear anywhere on the eastern side of the Lochinvar structure, but the other zone marked by many Brachiopods and Fenestella has been located at two places on the 214 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES, eastern side. These are near Bishops Bridge, and in the bank of Black Creek in portion 25, Parish of Allandale on the edge of the Parish. The latter outcrop is identical in appearance and fossil assemblage with that in Portion 63, Parish of Rothbury. The basal unit is a pebbly tuff with Bryozoa, which shows a marked lithological contrast with the underlying Allandale Stage. It is here called the Bishop’s Hill Horizon, because of its strong development in that area. SECTIONS IN THE RUTHERFORD STAGE. It will now be appropriate to take the details of development along various section- lines. In the case of the intricate area around Pokolbin and Mt. View a generalized section has been determined. 1. The Rutherford Section in the Pokolbin District. The following has been prepared from areas adjacent to one another: Feet. Sandstone (probable equivalent of Ravensfield) Se oe cee: — Sandy mudstone with abundance of Martiniopsis and Ptycomphalina ra Oe th ote oF gee Elita egy Me ay ASE ee AY ieee al Win Fda A oem ante) (0) Sandy shale A Gateee FAA eee chante sae tps weer in eran MLE () Ferruginous cemaetane with iMantinionsts Sete Ge ey om RE eco 10 Sandstone ie Sa mua een AAU Ce aN ested oh UR ey 10 Sandy limestone Aaah emestena ie haps hy a keee yt coeetice La sae te) se eae ee 10 Shaly sandstone BITSY be SNe ENE Ss Se eee rae Search Ae ok My ial am onal oh cpt LNG) Sandy limestone SEU EERE eb eh | Rema eG ae be eal eo OSes [in et RSIS Renee NN EAS 10 Basalt ah SOIL SAMs ae ene ace SE MIAPON ” PANS ye, Banh otek Sr acen EDC) Sandy shale itt arnatios Be gst ta PE) EO ey ane ates Son een we 200) Fine sandstones and tuffs Hee SS ne te eal se ae WE TO a 35 Foraminiferal limestones aah hee Aint eye 2 eaten See Sea Noes 20 INGA OS ISH IBiAyOVORNl WenEE 55 aol Boll ee.’ oe) oo on os oc 25 Total ..1,170 Feet In the neighbourhood of Jackson’s Hill and to the north the broad succession is: Feet. Sandy shale with erratics .. . Pe ieee Si eevmnmece | Pretive nee, Sandstone with Martiniopsis and Spir ifer pot PeUNARE SAM RR! pulse bere tedbilly 30 ShalyasandstonemwitheMenvestellan wean bled nln ean tee eet 50 Sandstones, often ferruginous Si iy Rel OA eater taeicun bole ookod Be eae Eee OU. Marls and Ostracod limestone eM Sy cerca eee htleler adel ce} ies caiseann mtn (0) Notaly = 38 0lneet Near Pokolbin itself, where Foraminifera were first collected, a little to the west of “Ben Han” vineyard, and in the neighbourhood of ‘‘Maluna” in Portion 112, Parish of Pokolbin, we have the following section: Feet. Foraminiferal Limestone with Bryozoa and Pectens oth, picke, Meee 4 Fossiliferous shale .. .. soatgray Meee sun tetas tevree apa 5 Limestone with Fenestella and SEenOnOnG” SO, Sach aero anie a cee oh ts BA Ry keg 7A) Blue limestone .. .. ne baeaet ga eas 5 Mudstone with Ine VeCnieniGn apne aren peodal IRONING. G5 oa os 10 Total .. 44 Feet These strata succeed the Allandale Stage. The detail of the Foraminifera which occur in the topmost bed can be obtained from a perusal of the Memoir by Howchin and Chapman (1905). There are several places in the broad belt of Rutherford Stage rocks north of Pokolbin where interesting sections are available. Thus a cutting on the main road from Pokolbin to Branxton at a point about five miles south of Branxton exposes the following section of the Rutherford Stage: BY G. D. OSBORNE. 215 Feet. Fossiliferous sandstone with marked band rich in Martiniopsis and Spirifer se REN AP hou caEmeke. | isis 25 Finely bedded shales sittin enell erential Ee Matyi st een vk meee 25 Sandstone .. . Cie Oe cre Ue revaMbres a lnietesemeiale: sic foie i cele 20 Pebbly ironstone aan foaaile WEE fie: CSCS MRUetc gent ET, oes feats thew 2 Hines shalestwithiescatvteredmpebblesems. | srcusmcism asi anise eye ler 20 Totaly... 92 Feet The highest unit in the above section is the uppermost of the two fossil zones already referred to at some length above. Between Mt. View and Pokolbin on the road running west of Jackson’s Hill there are many exposures of the foraminiferal limestones and associated rocks. In the cutting near portion 106, Parish of Pokolbin there occurs a beautiful polyzoal limestone, which is approximately the equivalent of the ‘‘Ben Ean” horizon. The section on the roadside is as follows: Feet. Polyzoal limestone .. .. Miata UPA pa otic Hay ese Wie ait S US wrt bey tice Melia 152 Marly shale, with small foseils Sher yu ib tS a oc SRA pe eee Meera il) Limestone with Stenopora .. . S Sees Gee GES Cervantes meee erat 12 Calcareous shales with Wenesicua te FAA; si gHahY donepseriaie sy ais 12 Polyzoal limestone crowded with small fossiley seeks Bite ate 4G 10 Totals: 61 Feet The only place on the west side of the Lochinvar anticline where the sandy phases of the Rutherford are developed to the exclusion of the calcareous types is along the right bank of the Hunter River to the N.E. of Greta and east of the Leconfield Road. Here in a cliff and scarp-section one can note the presence of sandy rocks, mostly unfossiliferous, but possessing one band with fragments of Fenestella. Passing over to the eastern side of the area we find a section of the Upper Ruther- ford exposed on the main Northern Road about three miles from Maitland. Beginning opposite the gate of a small cemetery we have— Feet. Brownesandstones GRavensfield) horizon), 5. a8 6s oc) es — Pebbly reddish sandstone Oe, Sia RE Ge Sch ae: ERG” eee aie 15 Tele! TSO! WRURAOCSCOWE GENTOO Go aco oo 6n coo od oOo oD 10 Current bedded sandstone a Saat LepeO RARE SED EARS Tone eh y e 25 Brown sandstone with shell fneients abt ESTE RO EP ENN, Del Leask 34 Pebbly sandstone .. nie ACEO SEES Mice Pr MIRE CDR eK oar 12 Whitish shale with Piycomphatina Pia Mere eI erg Le ere ne ome ee Nile ees 10 Buff sandstone .. .. Memo meen ealohte, hore etme taints catch ale 12 Fine grained sandstone atin Spir ifer UMAR Sirst hed acute ReGen sateen ctr is wtelss 15) IEVAO\ AN WUNIEKOCOUIS SENNOKMONKS Gh do ° op oe con 2 65 G0. 65 oo 40 Total .. 173 Feet A fuller section of the Rutherford Stage in this eastern part of the province is given in the cuttings along the railway line between Lochinvar and Farley. Starting at a point east of Lochinvar and near the 125 mile peg on the railway line, the section begins on very soft and poorly exposed shales, but to the east stronger outcrops are seen and we have the following: Feet. Shales ra RE aie otek enone Ga ee 80 Cherty shale iki ‘eainy plant. atenis b Sab make A nly 4 etal Geyer ial BeciaaeD teste 60 Shinolsicome Tien Ganev il vols 54° (gok abl Go “om ool. “ae dine os 30 CHICAIeSOUIE ComocnOneinr SONI soso Soot “Gol “oo Mba le6 eae 60 Hard sandstone SER esto 7 nabloy LIS et Mil Ponies Rae mers DNS rd satin ee one 35 Bluish chert oa) us SUBLE ze Maree Pathe Caen ene es na eeks 40 Decomposed bluish mudetone ae Teoh AC OST es eat eee: 20 Shaly mudstone with shell eernentan Pe a ey Sole SPs baer Ly nT 30 Sandy mudstone ne 40 Alternating shales and sane n ee Sain occasional, “aiken remains andeoddmlayerserich lnweManCintOpSisaas sees else) ee SO Totaly escwomomiecc 216 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES, Reviewing the data for the Stage it is seen that the maximum thickness is 1,170 feet. THE FARLEY STAGE. This Stage, the topmost of the Lower Marine Series, extends from the base of the Ravensfield Sandstone to the base of the Greta Coal Measures. The maximum thickness measured by the writer is 985 feet, but in some places the Stage dwindles to about 125 feet thick. The persistence of the Ravensfield Sandstone has made it relatively easy to refer to their correct stratigraphical positions certain sandy beds which occur associated, both above and below, with that sandstone. Although there are many arenaceous horizons in the Rutherford and Farley Stages which approximate in general lithology to the Ravensfield Sandstone, certain features about the latter give it a character by which a worker thoroughly accustomed to it is able, in almost every case, to distinguish it from similar horizons. This sandstone was mapped by Professor David as an indicator horizon. As regards the extent of the Ravensfield Sandstone, it is interesting to note that it ends abruptly in two places at least. One locality is near Mt. View and the other is north of Rutherford. On “Aberglasslyn’”’, Nicholson’s Quarry has exposed a greenish-black to buff sand- stone which weathers brown in a manner suggesting the Ravensfield, and so regarded by some workers. A close scrutiny of the available exposures, however, has led the writer to regard it not as the Ravensfield horizon but as equivalent to some unit in the section seen on the left bank of the Hunter River opposite “‘Aberglasslyn”’. Distribution and Sections of the Farley Stage. This Stage is the most consistent, lithologically, of all the groups of sediments in the Lower Marine. The beds are dominantly sandy with occasional shaly layers and are often decalcified, interbedding of rocks of differing resistance giving characteristic topographic expression. The Farley Beds have an areal distribution greater than that of any other group. The stage is exposed in and around the village of Farley, and stretches to the south in a broad belt through the Bishops Bridge and Sawyers Gully district. From Sawyers Gully to the south and south-west the Stage is well represented, and occupies high country in the Mt. View—Milfield districts. On the west of the Mt. Bright inlier it is cut out by the Matthews Gap Fault, but reappears on the eastern side of the fault in the country north of Pokolbin. These rocks are well exposed in Black Creek west of Rothbury. Further north from here they are prominently developed on the northern and western slopes of Molly Morgan Ridge and the high country running north from the Trigonometrical Station. Further north the Farley Stage is found immediately east of Greta, and again well exposed east of the Leconfield Road, and near Dalwood crossing of the Hunter River. The next place northward is in the Cranky Corner Basin where the Stage is much diminished. In the north-east of the province near Comerfords and west of Bolwarra this Stage is represented by about 300 feet of strata underlying the Greta Measures. In this case the Farley beds thin out quickly and eventually become overlapped by higher beds. Marine fossils are abundant on some horizons. Apart from the fauna of the Ravensfield Sandstone, there is a fairly wide variety of type, as shown by the list given below, some thin ironstone bands being crowded with Martiniopsis and Spirifer. Conularia is also quite common in certain gritty ferruginous rocks, and Ptycomphalina is abundant on two zones which occur at widely separated places. Sections in Farley Stage. Three sections are taken to illustrate the stratigraphical features. (1) Farley Station to Farley Road Corner. This gives a completle sequence, and may be stated as follows: BY G. D. OSBORNE. Mudstones and brown sandstones Shale crowded with Martiniopsis Tuffaceous grit Bluish mudstone Bluish sandy shale .. Sandstone with Martiniopsis ae Ser ycompnalne Plant-bearing tuff Bluish-grey tuffaceous grit Sandstone : Shale rock with Pivcenronalind Bluish sandstone Fine buff sandstone Pebbly sandstone Ravensfield sandstone (2) On Bushland track south of Mt. View. The section begins about eight chains from the Mt. View school on a sandy unit which is just above the foraminiferal limestone at the top of the Rutherford Stage, the Ravensfield sandstone having temporarily failed. Section: Buff and brown sandstones .. = Shaly sandstone with Ptycomphalina Mudstones with plant stems .. Sandstone with Martiniopsis .. Concretionary Limestone Sandstones with Martiniopsis pana Calcareous shales with fossils Sandy and slightly tuffaceous beds Gritty calcareous tuff with Fenestella (3) Farley Stage on the extreme west of the Province. North of the Pokolbin inliers (where the Farley Stage is excluded by the Matthews Gap Fault), the strata of this division emerge as the fault swings a little to the west of north and transgresses successively younger beds at the surface outcrop. The lithology of the Farley representatives here is similar to that of the beds on the Sawyer’s Gully road. A section was measured from the outcrop of the Ravensfield Sandstone beside the bridge over Black Creek where crossed by the Pokolbin—Branxton road. The details are as follows: Sandstone and grits Grey sandstone : : Blue sandy shale with Tete remains .. Shale , Fine blue shale cartin Fa eats ei Brachiopods Sandstones with plant remains Blue shales with Spirifer Bluish-grey mudstone Sandy tuffaceous rocks arith worm encke. Buff sandstones with pebble beds, occasional Bal, vers Ant some fragments of shells Ravensfield sandstone Total Total Total Feet. 200 12 20 2 v 20 100 15 220 155 10 100 30 70 20 985 Feet The following is a summary Feet. 600 10 100 5 10 50 10 100 10 895 Feet 100 10 12 430 20 737 Feet THE LOWER MARINE ROCKS OF THE CRANKY CORNER BASIN. This basin is entirely divorced from the rest of the Permian province. north side the Permian are brought against the Carboniferous by the Webbers Creek 217 of the On its 218 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES, Fault, a fracture connected with the Hunter Overthrust System. Elsewhere the relations of the Lower Marine to the underlying Kuttung is one of essential conformity. The chief interest of the Basin is that, although lying to the west of the probable axis of early sedimentation in the Lower Marine trough, the Lower Marine displays a condensed section of representatives of the Lochinvar, Allandale, Rutherford and possibly Farley Stages, the total thickness being about 810 feet. A. B. Walkom described the strata of the Basin in 1912, and the present investigation extends the data given in his paper. The lowest beds are coarse plant-bearing sandstones exposed on the N.E. corner of the Basin against the Webbers Creek Fault. In the extreme N.W. of the area blue chert occurs which is to be correlated with other occurrences as discussed below. Over a good deal of the area of the Lower Marine outcrop there are flows of amygdaloidal basalt which often rest directly upon the Kuttung Series. Beginning with the basalt in the S.W. there follows bluish chert about 180 feet thick. The next 200 feet comprises several fossiliferous bands of shale, the most significant being two Fenestella horizons, separated by grey shale. Small fragments of lammellibranchs occur in the beds overlying the upper Fenestella bed and then follow sandstones with well preserved Spirifer and Martiniopsis. On top of these comes the Hurydesma Bed. This unit is crowded with thousands of shells, which are more abundantly developed here than anywhere in the Hunter region. The matrix of the mass is a greenish tuffaceous grit or sandstone. Overlying this zone is a buff-coloured series of tuffaceous sandstones and grits with almost a quartzitic appearance. These are partly Rutherford and partly Farley. On top of these rocks come the Greta conglomerates. The section may be tabulated thus: Feet. Tuff and sandstone, etc. .. et aes 14 A ETE AR CU a Seto. | crore ey eer eG) Hurydesma bed Dea) Ae eetgens = clave iil atade ) A (cue) iy SNe mA Bete ten AROrS Ue cay SRDS 15 Yellowish shale Bar ENG oe Wace ko Steet toe a oe etek tae eae ce ee aed tte 50 Blue shale .. .. Pe ee S 3 os Sn PMR Ta ah ERS Nene fea thee ALS Fossiliferous GRO SR Rs 5 a Nt cs hrcm yest tad isla: See ae ee tae 10 Blue chert with small Teameltoranicher Bed vac EN Saher oy Ee 20 Massive: SANGStONED: sim aeekte hee escie sian Diciiseiaiarcie thea” aspen) Vue omen ne 30 Fenestella bed No. 2 ite cos co eR te ae ees aoe a eae 5 Grey shales as TERRA LA NE ah NVI Cosine, Rede Pe hi ee ne 50 Fenestella bed No. i is Sx tee eh sikeas Sig so Pau ekg WA ret Mote oo eee 5 Mudstones in eee itr Susie, tone Oe ARE ero ee MEO 40 Olive green eretOne Se MR nee se aT Um rer met | aerate ie ag TA 10 Blue cherts Be ricaaiciee ee eee sh hahaa Seem ethan Bais ae oe JLS@ Basalt Be DAMS TIMP hohe oe Mae ort Ee ly ton Oiaa ENE ibs eum aLOA |) Plant-bearing Sandctonen aydjen Percy aiaeese feaael ay feyea Ma aa ae ee mate eel 00) Total .. 810 Feet THE LOWER MARINE IN THE MUSWELLBROOK DISTRICT. From a brief examination of the Lower Marine at Muswellbrook, the writer can add practically nothing to what H. G. Raggatt (1929) has reported. Thus there are two main sets of rock comprising the Gyarran Series and forming a relatively small area of outcrop. These are amygdaloidal basalts (identical with those of the Lower Hunter), overlain by rhyolitic lavas, breccias and tuffs. The former are about 600 feet thick and the latter 115 feet. There are no sediments worthy of examination, as the tuffs are thoroughly igneous. CORRELATIONS OF SECTIONS. A certain amount of correlation can be effected between sections in the various Stages from fairly widely separated districts, but considerable difficulty has been encountered because of the scarcity of outcrops in low-lying country and the unreliable character of the dips shown in surface expression of some strata. The Lochinvar Stage. The plant-bearing sandstone so well developed in the Gosforth district is probably to be correlated with the coarse tuffaceous rock with plant stems at the N.E. of the BY G. D. OSBORNE. 219 Cranky Corner Basin and with some plant-tuffs at Helah. (The question of the correlation of the basalts is left until later.) The blue sporangia cherts which occur in the roadside exposures west of Lochinvar are regarded as the equivalent of one of the Paterson Horizons, probably the lowest which outcrops on the road west of the township. The similar cherts in the North Coast Railway cutting near Quarry Creek, Tocal, are the equivalent of the highest of the chert horizons on the Helah road section. The blue cherts on the north-west and in the southern part of the Cranky Corner Basin are the equivalent of the rocks on the road west of Lochinvar, corresponding also to the similar rocks from Butterwick and Dunns Creek district, east of the Paterson River. The Fenestella beds in the Cranky Corner Basin, seen best in the creek below Mr. Thomas’ property, are probably on the horizon of the marine shales outcropping on the Northern Road one mile west of Lochinvar, and also of the similar strata overlying the Ptycomphaiina bed near Lochinvar station. Fenestella is particularly abundant in this horizon near Lochinvar. The Allandale Stage The Hurydesma cordatum horizon is developed at five places. In two of these Pectens are commonly associated with the Hurydesma, mostly in the beds immediately overlying the conglomerates. This is the case at Comerfords and at Pokolbin and is due to convergence in the sequence whereby 280 feet of strata have been cut out. The lithology of the matrix to the Hurydesma fossils is variable. At Pokolbin and Allandale the rock is a coarse conglomerate with tuffaceous cement; on the south side of Blair Duguid a sandy tuff with large glacial erratics; at Cranky Corner a greenish tuffaceous sandstone, and at Comerfords a very gritty impure calcareous tuff with irregular boulders. The Harpurs Hill tuffaceous sandstone of the Allandale district can be correlated with the tuff overlying the Pecten Beds at Comerfords and with the basic tuff on the road near Portion 193, Parish of Pokolbin. Greenish tuff associated with basalt on “Aberglasslyn” is also to be placed at this horizon. The Rutherford Stage. Mention has already been made of the essential contrast in the general lithology of this Stage as shown by its outcrops on eastern and western sides of the province. In spite of this change, correlation can be carried out by using the horizon of concretionary limestone carrying abundant Spirifer and Martiniopsis. Along the sector from Red Hill and the Molly Morgan Ridge through to Pokolbin and Mt. View correlations can be made between detailed sections of the marls and bryozoal limestones. Thus one unit which can be detected in many sections is a grey limestone with much Fenestella but also an abundance of tubular Stenopora. The Farley Stage. Apart from the Ravensfield sandstone which is so uniform and persistent there are two zones rich in Martiniopsis and one with Ptycomphalina which help to link the widely separated Pokolbin—Milfield and Farley districts. These three horizons are well displayed on the Farley road, the main Northern Road, the Sawyer’s Gully Road, and on the bushland track south-west of Mt. View. Also two of the horizons can be traced in the bed of Black Creek west of Old Rothbury. Horizons and Correlations of the Lower Marine Basatits. An exhaustive petrological examination and much more field-work are required before many of the problems peculiar to these rocks are solved. Concerning their correlation it is clear that they do not occupy constant stratigraphical positions. The section from Gosforth to Lochinvar Station and westward on to Allandale shows the presence of four horizons of flows and associated tuff, and examination of the small quarry to the east of Lochinvar reveals that the second group of basic rocks is composite, embracing at least two and perhaps three flows. av 220 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES, Almost all the flows are or have been vesicular, and many are now amygdaloidal. The textural features, however, are of no use in linking flows stratigraphically. The basalts of Lochinvar Village, Gosforth, Anambah and near Lochinvar Station can be correlated satisfactorily amongst themselves. The basalts of the Cranky Corner Basin are regarded as being on the same horizon as that in the village of Lochinvar outcropping on the roadside. This view is based on the relations between the basic rock and the sporangia cherts in the two places. Difficulty arises in attempting to correlate the great quantity of basalt about Paterson and Northern Tocal with the flows near Comerfords and a little to the north thereof. At Comerfords the main group of vesicular and massive basalt underlies the Eurydesma bed, and this is well above the highest sporangia cherts. At Paterson the bulk of the basalt is between the two main sporangia chert horizons, and this suggests a partial correlation of the Paterson units with the second group of flows at Lochinvar. In the neighbourhood of “Aberglasslyn” a thick mass of amygdaloidal basalt and basic tuff appears to be stratigraphically above the Comerfords flows. This immediately suggests some linking with the somewhat similar rocks which overlie the Hurydesma beds at Mt. View—probably the highest flows (stratigraphically) in the Lower Hunter River areas. Tt is of interest to note that as one goes northward up the Hunter Valley one finds the basalts becoming younger in general, although their petrological characters remain fairly constant. The Lower Marine basalts of Muswellbrook, to which reference has already been made, are very similar petrologically to the Lochinvar Village type, but any direct correlation between the two districts is impossible. Speaking generally about these basic rocks, it would appear that for a considerable portion of Permian time the Hunter region was underlain by an alkaline basic magma from which lava was drawn off at successive stages, and that basic tuff was frequently developed, but chiefly in association with the later flows. SUMMARY OF THE STRATIGRAPHY. From the foregoing details of the succession we arrive at the following summarized statement of the sequence, giving maximum thicknesses for the various Stages: Feet. MATIC Y Ti OtAR eb aie) ete ites so mie ee ce ee tks bine Aye ctr aeons sale fege, eee 985 RUCHESrfOrd Stas aes while oh Meher Me chee dees DT eG vidverod oraehtrl) Tee greamsb ie orate bel an] () Allandale Stage iy BUA IA are elas Mah es San meNly eran PAA pty aarp aml Go bac ap seen) C) Lochinvar Stage be aie BY ean lays ae as See, Tp loo ata ate eed ar AO) Total .. 5,895 POSSIBLE UNDERGROUND EXTENSIONS OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES WEST AND SOUTH OF THE HUNTER VALLEY. Considering the Lochinvar Stage and its position in the sequence of groups in the geosyncline, I would emphasize the probability that a great development of basalt exists underground between the Lower Hunter and the Muswellbrook area. This is based on the following criteria: (a) The increase of Lower Marine basalt in regions west of the meridian of the Lochinvar—Gosforth zone. (bv) The abundance of volcanic rock and the absence of true sediment in the Lower Marine Sections at Muswellbrook. (c) The evidence of basalt ascending stratigraphically as one goes westerly from the Lochinvar—Cessnock line. In view of the heavy sedimentation implied in the Rutherford Stage of the country between Old Rothbury, Pokolbin and Mt. View to Milfield, the writer is inclined to the view that in a prolongation of the axis of the Lochinvar Dome and particularly along the trend of the Pokolbin section of the Dome, we may expect to find fairly extensive BY G. D. OSBORNE. 22 development of that Stage to the $.S.W. The Allandale Stage is marked by much basic rock, but one does not expect any considerable development of the sediments of the Allandale horizons, in the country south and west of the Lochinvar Anticline. In the general problem of development of the Lower Marine beyond the Hunter, the significance of the Cranky Corner Basin must be appreciated. In that sequence we find a condensed section, showing a continuity of stratigraphical development (qualitatively, although not quantitatively) over a large section of the Permian trough of sedimentation, because the Cranky Corner Basin lies to the west of the strike of the main axis of sagging in the trough. Thus, traced westward from the region lying north of Pokolbin, the Lower Marine Series may be expected to thin out so as to give very much reduced thicknesses for at least the Lochinvar, Allandale and Rutherford Stages. The most important underground extension of the Rutherford Stage would be to the south. Coming now to the Farley Stage, we note considerable development of strata on the extreme west of the Hunter Province. It would appear that this upper arenaceous part of the Lower Marine succession would be the most likely of all units to show a sustained extension of lithological type underground to the west. In conclusion, it appears that the typical Lower Marine section beneath the country to the west and south-west of the Lochinvar Dome would be basements of basalt with little Lochinvar Stage material, followed by Rutherford Stage in fair development in the south, and less well developed in the north, overlain by a considerable thickness of the arenaceous Farley Beds. List oF FOSSILS OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES. In the foregoing text reference is made in many places to certain fossil-types which are characteristic of well-known horizons, and some remarks upon the general nature of the faunal content of the various groups of strata are given. In this section lists are provided for purposes of general reference. These lists are for the most part based upon the palaeontological data in Walkom’s papers (1912, (a) and (0)), to which are added names of fossils more recently described or recorded. The Foraminifera, Bryozoa and Ostracoda are those described in recent years by Crespin and Crockford (see references). It is hoped that the grouping of fossils into lists for the respective Stages may assist future workers. The data are not absolutely exhaustive as the numerous records of Permian fossils in N.S.W. Mines Department Reports have not been revised in the light of modern palaeontological knowledge and classification. THE LOCHINVAR STAGE. (a) The Lower Portion in the Gosforth District. Crinoid stems and ossicles, Polypora internata, Fenestrellina* fossula, F. sp., Seminula sp. nov,, Martiniopsis radiata, Spirifera aff. tasmaniensis, Deltopecten linaeformis, Aviculopecten englehardti, A. tenwicollis, A. mitchelli, Chaenomya sp., Conocardium sp. nov., Moeonia sp. nov., Orthoceras sp. In the plant-bearing sandstone, Spirifera of the striati group, Dielasma, Conularia, Platyschisma. (b) The Main Part of the Lochinvar Stage. Tribrachiocrinus sp., indeterminate crinoid, crinoid stems, Fenestrellina (?) internata, F. (?) fossula, Stenopora tasmaniensis, Spirifer duwodecimcostata, 8S. stokesi, S. avicula, 8S. vespertilio, S. tasmaniensis, Martiniopsis subradiata var. cf. morrisii, Productus cora var. farleyensis, Strophalosia jukesi. Chonetes (?) sp., Hdmondia (?) noblissima, Chaenomya sp., Merismopteria sp. nov., Aviculopecten sprenti, A. tenwicollis, A. englehardti, Deltopecten subquin- quelineatus, D. farleyensis, Moenia sp., Pleurophorus, Notomya (?), Pachydomus, Mourlonia rotundatum, Ptycomphalina triflata, P. nuda, Platyschisma, Keenia, Conularia levigata. * Dr. Ida Brown informed me that she had recently heard from Mrs. Beattie (Joan Crockford) that Dr. M. K. Elias intends to use Fenestella as a valid name (as used for 112 years). An application for suspension of Rules of Zoological Nomenclature for the generic name Fenestella Lons. 1839 was submitted to the International Commission on Zoological Nomen- elature by G. E. Condra and M. K. Elias (Jowr. Palaeont. 15, 1941, 565-566). 222 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER MARINE SERIES. The Allandale Stage. Hyperamminoides sp. cf. proteus, Hyperamminoides acicula sp. nov., Ammodiscus multi- cinctus, Ammobaculites woolnoughi sp. nov., Calcitornella stephensi, Frondicularia woodwardi, Geinitzina triangularis, Crinoid stems, Fenestrellina fossula, F. dispersa, Polypora pertinaz, Dyscritella restus, D. porosa, Stenopora. spiculata, S. etheridgei, S. johnstoni, Dielasma hastata, D. sacculus, Martiniopsis subradiata var. cf. morristi, Spirifer vespertilio, S. stokesi, S. tasmani- ensis, S. clarkei, Solenopsis sp., Chaenomya etheridgei, C. sp., Allorisma curvatum, Aviculopecten tenuicollis, A. squamuliferus, A. mitchelli, A. sprenti, Deltopecten illawarrensis, D. fittoni, D. linaeformis, Hurydesma cordata, Aphanaia sp., Modiola crassissima, Pleurophorus, Orthonota sp., Notomya sp., N. cuneata, Pachydomus antiquatus, P. laevis, P. ovalis, Orthonycia altum, Platyceras n. sp., Hdmondia (?) noblissima, Palaearca subarguta, Merismopteria macroptera, M. n. sp., Avicula intumescens, Ptycomphalina triflata, P. morrissiana (?) Keenia platyschis- moides, Platyschisma oculus, P. depressa, Conularia inornata, C. laevigata, Huomphalus, Bairdia nyei, Cavellina kulnurensis. The Rutherford Stage. Foraminifera, Stenopora tasmaniensis, Fenestella, Protoretepora, Polypora, Spirifer duodecimcostata, S. tasmaniensis, Martiniopsis subradiata, Productus sp., Aviculopecten mitchelli, A. tenuicollis, A. sprenti, A. squamuliferus, Deltopecten farleyensis, Moeonia carinata, Pachydomus, Ptycomphalina (?), Platyschisma, HEuomphalus (?). The Farley Stage. (a) The Fauna of the Ravensfield Sandstone. Lasiocladia, Palaeaster clarkei, P. stutchburri, P. giganteus, Fenestella fossula, Dielasma cymboeformis, D. biundata, D.* sp., Spirifer tasmaniensis, S. duodecimcostata, Cyrtina, Martiniopsis subradiata, Solenopsis, Carimorphia (?), Chaenomya mitchelli, C. etheridgei, Hdmondia (?) noblissima, Aviculopecten squamulferous, A. profundus, A. tenwicollis, A. sprenti, A. mitchelli, Deltopcten linaeformis, D. subquinquelineatus, D. farleyensis, D. fittoni, Hurydesma cordata, Moeonia carinata, Pleurophorus, Pachydomus, Astartila corpulenta, Platycerus altum, Platyschisma, Ptycomphalina triflata, Conularia inornata, Hyolithes lanceolatus, Agathiceras micromphalus, Orthoceras. (b) The Fauna of the Upper Part of the Farley Stage. Textularia eximia, Hyperamminoides sp. cf. proteus, Ammobaculites woolnoughi, Dielasma sacculus, D. cymbaeformis, D. biundata, D. amygdala, D. inversa, Spirifer duodecimcostata, S. stokesi, S. tasmaniensis, Martiniopsis subradiata, var. morrisii, var. konincki, Productus cora, var. farleyensis, P. fragilis, Rhynchonella, Chonetes, Cardiomorpha gryphoides, Edmondia (?) noblissima, Aviculopecten squamuliferus, A. tenwicollis, A. sprenti, A. englehardti, Aphanaia sp., Mytilus bigsbyi, Modiolopsis, Moeonia, Pleurophorus sp., P. gregarius, Stutchburia farleyensis, Pachydomus, Platyschisma oculus, P. rotundatum, Conularia inornata, Goniatites micromphalus, Nuculana waterhousei. Acknowledgements. For permission to publish some stratigraphical information in this paper, which resulted from a geological assignment with Oil Search Ltd., Sydney, the writer expresses his thanks. He also gratefully acknowledges financial help from the Commonwealth Research Grant administered by the University of Sydney. References. BROWNE, W. R., and WALKom, A. B., 1911.—The Geology of the Eruptive and Associated Rocks of Pokolbin, N.S.W. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 45: 379. BROWNE, W. R., and Dun, W. S., 1924.—The Stratigraphy of the Basal Portion of the Permo- Carboniferous System in the Hunter River District. Jowr. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 58: 198. Browne, W. R., 1926.—The Geology of the Gosforth District, N.S.W., Part I. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 60: 213-277. Browne, W. R., and WuHitr, H. P—The Hypersthene Andesite of Blair Duguid, near Allandale, N.S.W. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 60: 372. CHAPMAN, F., and HowcuHin, W., 1905.—A Monograph on the Foraminifera of the Permo- Carboniferous Limestones of N.S.W. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal. 14. CRESPIN, I., and Parr, W. J., 1941.—Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Permian Rocks of N.S.W. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 74: 300. CrEsPIN, I., 1945.—Some Permian Foraminifera from Eastern Australia. Proc. Roy. Soe. Q’ld, 56: 23-30. —, 1945.—Permian Ostracoda from Eastern Australia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Q’ld, 56: 31-36. CrocKForD, J., 1940.—Permian Bryozoa of Eastern Australia, Part 1. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., TES BET , 1940.—Permian Bryozoa of Hastern Australia, Part 2. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 74: 502. , 1942.—Permian Bryozoa of Eastern Australia, Part 3. Jour. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 76: 258. ————., 1945.—Stenoporoids from the Permian of N.S.W. and Tasmania. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 70 (1-2): 924. 223 Davip, T. W. E., 1907.—The Geology of the Hunter River Coal Measures, N.S.W. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Geol. 4. De Koninck, L. G., 1898.—Description of the Palaeozoic Fossils of N.S.W. Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal. 6. RaGeatt, H. G., 1929.—Report on the Singleton-Muswellbrook Coalfield. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mines, N.S.W., pp. 100-104. and FuprcHer, H. O., 1937.—A Contribution to the Permian-Upper Carboniferous Problems. Rec. Austr. Mus., 20: 150. Watkom, A. B., 1912.—Geology of the Permo-Carboniferous System in the Glendonbrook District. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 38: 115-145. —, 1912.—Stratigraphical Geology of the Permo-Carboniferous System in the Maitland- Branxton District. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., 38: 146-159. THE COTYPES OF FORDONIA PAPUENSIS MACLHBAY. By ArtHur LoveripGe, Musum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. (Communicated by S. J. Copland.) [Read 26th October, 1949.] Recently, like Boulenger (1896, Cat. Snakes Brit. Mus., 3, p. 23), I suggested (1948, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 101, p. 388) that the brown water snakes described by Macleay (1877, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., II, p. 35) might be synonymous with Fordonia leucobalia (Schlegel) and should be re-examined. Through the courtesy of J. Henry, Esq., Curator of the Macleay Museum, and the kindness of Mr. S. J. Copland of Sydney, I have been enabled to do this. Macleay designated no type, merely referring to “several specimens’. However, the character he stresses—exclusion of the upper labials from the orbit—occurs only in the solitary male (M.M., 1466), while the scale counts and measurements furnished by Macleay (for one snake only) coincide most nearly with the male which should, there- fore, be regarded as the type or lectotype. The only other character cited by Macleay as distinguishing his papuensis was the number of midbody scale rows which he gave as 22, actually there are 25 in all four snakes! Apparently no grounds remain for regarding papuensis as even subspecifically distinct from leucobalia when we take into account all available data of this widely distributed species. The Macleay series (M.M., 1463-6) consists of a male and three females having preocular 1; postoculars 2; upper labials 5, the third entering the orbit (M.M., 1463-4), or the second and third (M.M., 1465), or labials entirely excluded from the orbit by an extension of the postocular (M.M., 1466); lower labials 7, first three in contact with the anterior sublinguals; midbody scale rows 25; ventrals 146-152; anals 2; subcaudals 27-33 (the highest number being present in both sexes) pairs, or a few (one to six) single. A NOTE ON EXPERIMENTAL CROSSING OF AEDES (STEGOMYIA) SCUTELLARIS SCUTELLARIS WALKER AND AEDES (STEGOMYIA) SCUTELLARIS KATHERINENSIS WOODHILL (DIPTHRA, CULICIDAE). By A. R. Woopnitt, Department of Zoology, University of Sydney. (One Text-figure.) [Read 28th September, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. The “scutellaris group” of mosquitoes has been recorded from a wide area including parts of Polynesia, Melanesia, the Philippines, North Australia, the Netherlands East Indies and the Andaman Islands. Numerous varieties and subspecies have been described by earlier workers and considerable confusion existed, but in recent years our knowledge of the group has been greatly enhanced by the work of Farner and Bohart (1945), Stone and Farner (1945) and Stone (1947). These authors have straightened out the previous confusion in nomenclature and have described twelve forms, giving each of these full specific status. In addition, a form from North Australia has been described by the author (Woodhill, 1949) as a subspecies of A. scutellaris Walker. Some forms of this group have also been recorded (as A. variegata) from Celebes (Bonne— Wepster and Brug, 1932), Sumatra (Brug, 1931) and the Andaman Islands (Barraud, 1927)), but much more knowledge is required of this western portion of its range before any separation into species or subspecies can be made. It will be seen from Text-figure 1 (based on the work of the authors mentioned above) that the ‘scutellaris group” presents a very interesting problem in speciation. The differences used to separate the species consist of small variations in the markings of the thorax, legs and proboscis and in slight variations in the structure of the basal ae palate | ean ae poullis/ | Saipan Guam hensillt Marshall _| Is | Mor shaslens1s pLseuooscutclaris { * \ A ts ° Christmas | rs : c eee ; a Society Is. Sy} (S) }! ela calce andrews! F sculéloris kohverinensis scutelaris ; scufelaris iS . AUSTRALIA Hii ian DISTRIBUTION of Aedes scutellaris Walk. and closely related species. a Forrescens ongae OW DAVIES Text-figure 1. BY A. R. WOODHILL, 225 lobes of the male genitalia. It has not been found possible to separate the larvae of any * of the species, with the exception of A. horressens. The breeding habits and general ecology of all the species are similar, as far as is known, throughout the whole range. Farner and Bohart conclude from the differences in the genitalia and from the fact that two distinct forms may occur in the same area that they should be considered distinct species. However, further study may possibly reveal intermediate forms, and consider- able light should be shed on the problem by attempts at crossing the different forms. It was with this in view that laboratory crossings were made by the author between A. scutellaris scutellaris Walker (= A. scutellaris Walker of Stone) and the newly discovered A. scutellaris katherinensis Woodhill. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND. RESULTS. Laboratory cultures of scutellaris from Lae, New Guinea, and of katherinensis from Katherine, Northern Territory of Australia, were set up in small cages 12 inches by 10 inches by 10 inches, supplied with raisins and given a blood feed twice weekly. The ' temperature was maintained at 80°F. and the humidity at 70% to 80%. Eggs were collected on filter papers immersed in water and the larvae were fed on pulverized dog biscuit. Under these conditions, abundant eggs were obtained and continuous cultures maintained without difficulty. Crossing was carried out by setting up pupae in individual tubes and sexing the adults before liberation in cages. There was thus no possibility of females being fertilized before liberation in the appropriate cages. Crossing was carried out by means of bulk lots of 40 to 100 males and females. Crossing of individual males and females was found to be very difficult and was abandoned. The results are shown in Table I. TABLE 1. Results of Crossing A. scutellaris scutellaris and A. scutellaris katherinensis. | | Numbers of Sexes | Number | and Subspecies. Approximate | Number | Percentage of Number | Period of Egg of Eggs | Eggs Experiment. | of Eggs | Production. | Hatched. | Hatched. ; scutellaris. katherinensis. | Produced | | 1 | 6063 4999 | 1970 | 28/8/48 to 19/4/48 | 0 0 2 3799 50gd 1490 26/3/48 to 19/4/48 | 1490 | 100 3 555d 999° | 2160 20/8/48 to 4/9/48 | 0 | 0 4 6229 56g dg 1900 21/8/48 to 15/9/48 | 1900 100 5 = | 64 virgin 99. 340 7/5/48 to 27/5/48 0 0 | | It will be seen from Table 1 that @ scutellaris x ¢ katherinensis gave normal numbers of fertile eggs. These eggs were subsequently bred through to the adult stage, and perfectly normal Fl, F2 and F3 generations of adults were obtained. The recip- rocal cross, however, proved completely sterile, no development of the embryo taking place within the egg. In these sterile crosses copulation was frequently observed, and ten females selected from Experiment No. 3 on 4th September, 1948, when dissected, showed living spermatozoa in the spermathecae. It will also be noted that small numbers of sterile eggs were deposited by virgin females of katherinensis, and that mating provided an obvious stimulus to egg production even when the eggs were sterile. While there are numerous examples in the literature of sterility or partial sterility in Fl adult hybrids, this complete sterility of Fl eggs in one cross while the reciprocal cross is completely fertile down to the F3 generation, appears to be unusual. The only similar record is that of a cross between A. aegypti and A. albopictus, made by Downs and Baker (1949). These authors state that albopictus males crossed with aégypti females gave fertile progeny to the F2 generation, but that the reciprocal cross was unsuccessful. In this unsuccessful cross twenty-four females were dissected, but 226 EXPERIMENTAL CROSSING OF AEDES (STEGOMYIA) SCUTELLARIS SCUTELLARIS WALKER. only one showed spermatozoa, although copulation had been observed, and only a few eges were deposited. Examination of the chromosomes in the testes of scutellaris and katherinensis has not so far shed any light on the problem. The only morphological difference between the two subspecies is a distinct line of white scales on the anterior surface of the mid- femur, this white line being present in katherinensis and absent in scutellaris. The F1 adults of the fertile cross all show an intermediate condition, i.e., a few scattered white scales, while in the F2 adults the character referred to above is either present, inter- mediate or absent. In one series of F2 adults the line of white scales was present in 85 individuals, showed an intermediate condition in 181, and was absent in 99, suggesting a 1:2:1 ratio. CONCLUSIONS. It would appear from the above experiments that if scutellaris and katherinensis were present in the same area they would interbreed and produce a population showing all degrees of intergradation between the two forms, since, as far as is known, they occupy similar ecological niches, unless some unknown biological factor prevented them from mating under field conditions. Nevertheless, some differentiation must have taken place, as evidenced by the sterile reciprocal cross, and it is therefore concluded that one is justified in regarding these two forms as subspecies. It is hoped to carry out further studies to determine whether there are any inherent differences in the two subspecies in relation to temperature and humidity. References. Barraup, P. J., 1927.—Revision of the Culicine Mosquitoes of India, Part 23. Ind. Journ. Med. RES.) lib 6b3e: Bouwart, R. M., and INGRAM, R. L., 1946.—‘‘Mosquitoes of Okinawa and Islands in the Central Pacific.” Dept. of the Navy, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, D.C. BONNE WEPSTER, J., and Bruce, S. L., 1932.—The Subgenus Stegomyia in Netherland India. Geneesk. Tijds. Ned. Indie. Bd. 2: 39-119. Brue, 8. L., 1931.—Arch. f. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Bd. ix: 1. Downs, W. G., and Baxer, R. H., 1949.—Experiments in Crossing Aédes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linnaeus and Aédes (Stegomyia) albopictus Skuse. Science, 109, No. 2826, 200-201. FARNER, D. S., and Bouart, R. M., 1945.—A Preliminary Revision of the Scutellaris Group. U.S. Naval Medical Bull., 44 (1): 21-37. STONE, A., 1947.—A Topotypic Male of Aédes scutellaris Walker. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, ae) (33) 3 Se STONE, A., and FARNeER, D. S., 1945.—Further Notes on the Aédes scutellaris Group. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 58: 155-162. WooDHILL, A. R., 1949.—A New Subspecies of Aédes (Stegomyia) scutellaris Walker (Diptera- Culicidae) from Northern Australia. Proc. LINN. Soc. N.S.W., Ixxiv, 140-144. 227 A DETAILED STUDY OF THE FIELD DISTRIBUTION OF STRAINS OF CLOVER NODULE BACTERIA. By Hinary F. PurcuaAser and J. M. Vincent, School of Agriculture, University of Sydney. (One Text-figure.) [Read 26th October, 1949.] INTRODUCTION. Although the difference in nitrogen fixing ability of different rhizobial strains is well known, and this property shows considerable specificity in relation to the nature of the testing host, little information appears to be available on the uniformity or otherwise of strains from within a smaller or larger area in the field. An earlier detailed study (Hughes and Vincent, 1942), using antigenic properties as a guide to strain identity, has shown that isolations from the same species on the one farm can yield many distinct strains and that different nodules on the same plant are often inhabited by distinct serological types. The present paper reports the results of similar and more extended studies, chiefly using the pattern of effectiveness with four testing clovers as criterion of strain identity. At the same time, serological data have been obtained for a large part of the isolated strains. Attention has also been given to possible relationships between the nature of the field host and behaviour with testing host, and the extent to which grouping within the four testing hosts appears to be valid. ; For the present purpose, involving the simultaneous testing of a large number of cultures, an agar tube method is convenient and permits adequate differentiation between effective and ineffective strains. EXPERIMENTAL. Source of cultures. Isolates were obtained in the usual way from clover plants collected according to the following schedule: Series. Locality. Field Host. Year 4) Tichborne,’?) 4 sub-localities and paired large and T.G. 1947 small nodules. QQ) Parkes to Coonabarabran, 5 sub-localities and paired T.G. 1947 large and small nodules. 3 Tichborne®) sub-locality 1. T.G. 1948 4 Tichborne,'?) single additional sub-locality. T.S.(a) T.R.(a) T.G.(b) T.T.(b) 1948 () Serological data available. (2) At ** Woodbine’, the property of Mr. C. Watson. (a) From plants sown as sterilised seed. (b) From plants sown as sterilised seed and from naturally occurring plants. T.G.=Trifolium glomeratum L.; T.S.=Trifolium subterraneum L.; T.T.=Trifolium tomentosum L. Trifolium repens L. GB) ME pe It will be observed that in series 1-3 the field host has been restricted to the one species. The soil at Tichborne is classified as red brown earth, and is relatively acid (pH approx. 5). Along the Parkes—Coonabarabran route soils are mainly red brown earths, with occasional patches of darker soils of higher alkalinity (e.g., soil from sublocality 5 was of this type). No detailed soil surveys have been made of this area. Testing method. Commercial seed of four clover species (Trifolium glomeratum, T. subterraneum, T. pratense L., and T. repens), sterilized with 1/500 mercuric chloride, germinated U 228 FIELD DISTRIBUTION OF STRAINS OF CLOVER NODULE BACTERIA, aseptically after the fifth washing and inoculated with the appropriate rhizobial strain, was planted at the top of an agar medium having the following composition: CaHPO, 1 gm.; K,HPO, 0:2 gm.; MgSO,.7H.O 0:2 gm.; NaCl 0-2 gm.; FeCl, 0-1 gm.; agar 8 gms.; water 1 litre. pH was adjusted to 6:5 with sodium hydroxide. In some experiments a nitrate control tube was included, containing 0:05% KNO,. Complete bacteriological control was aimed at throughout and only one out of eighty tubes used as uninoculated controls in many different experiments was found to be contaminated by rhizobium: mould and actinomycete development was consistently observed in a small number of cases and some tubes had to be discarded because of bad infection. In later experiments previously tested effective and ineffective strains were included for comparison. A series of isolates was tested at the one time, provision being made for the analysis of block effect on replication and the position effect within the tube in relation to light source. Interaction terms were examined by comparison with error variance associated with the individual plant, using the F test. Estimates of effectiveness were based on the mean of single plant wet weights, known to be highly correlated with nitrogen content and much simpler to determine, transformed to logarithms to allow greater homogeneity of errors. Criterion of effectiveness. An improvement of 1-5 times the mean growth of control plants was selected as the mean level of effective strains. To equalize the chances of wrongly classing a mean either way, averages showing an improvement at least 0-5 x log 1:5 + log control mean were classed as effective (E), the others being regarded as not different from the control and therefore, ineffective (I). The probability of the Type I (and Type II) errors is determined from the t value (one tail) using the interaction term (blocks x organisms) variance to determine the standard error of the mean deviation. ‘ Classification of strains. In the effectiveness tests these are classed according to the combinations of gradings assigned to each testing host. Serological groupings are arrived at in the usual way (Hughes and Vincent, 1942) according to the detailed flagellar and somatic reactions. In the present case more antisera were available than in the earlier paper. RESULTS. GENERAL REVIEW OF EFFECTIVENESS TESTS. Log weight mean values for each isolate have been grouped in classes and set out in Text-figure 1 to provide a histogram pattern for each host tested with each series of strains. Certain features are common to all hosts: (1) Uninoculated controls for each host are fairly consistent in different experi- ments, except for subterranean clover in series 1, where larger sized seeds were used. (2) Of the two check strains tested in series 1, 3 and 4, the ineffective strain 4/12S has been consistent in its behaviour; strain 3/2L has been always effective, but has varied to some extent in its more detailed performance between experiments. (3) Plants provided with nitrate have also varied in the growth attained. With the small seeded varieties, it is likely that insufficient nitrate was provided to supply an excess of nitrogen during the whole of the experiment. Probability of the Type I (and Type II) errors (approximate values tabulated below) varies considerably for the different hosts, but is fairly consistent between experiments: Host. Series. 1 2 3 4 Trifolium glomeratum ve thd >25% 20% WAS 30% T. subterraneum.. Bie ne 5% 1:5% 12% 7% T. pratense .. ae ate a 12% 15% YM WIM T. repens +. ae +2 ais 22% AYE 27% 2% BY HILARY F. PURCHASE AND J. M. VINCENT. 229 In general, the variances are least for subterranean clover and highest for ball and white clovers, and this is reflected in the magnitude of the errors which are directly related to the variances. GROUPING OF STRAINS ACCORDING TO EFFECTIVENESS PATTERNS. A summary of effectiveness patterns observed in the localities investigated is provided in Table 1. Parallel reactions on test plants. Statistical tests have shown that there is a better than chance parallelism of behaviour between responses on the paired hosts, ball and subterranean clover; red and white clover, despite the 75% disagreement observed between reactions of the second pair in the 1948, Tichborne sublocality 1 isolates. Concurrence between the two groups is no better than chance. It is interesting to observe the high proportion of cultures effective on the four hosts. (Strain A, Table 1.) TABLE 1. Frequencies of Strains from Various Localities Grouped According to Effectiveness Behaviour on Four Hosts. Tichborne. Parkes-Coonabarabran. a Testing Host. Sub-locality. Percentage = General 5 Sub-locality. P-C. | Total. 1947. 1948. | 1947 | Tich- Total. Tich- Te Gra Ee Se Dae sky. Total. | borne borne.| P.C. To tals |e 2 ee ee HN BY ol Beit a ah th & PAG OB ea Hee stearate de (Ol Wude (ne 160 27 94 GN Bay 2 11 105 49 26 B/E 1h) |] TB) y] Ge fata eb ee | pe 11 21 32 1 i it 8 7 39 17 17 C TH 4) Jd) aa E i} Bi} 8 21 | 8 7 36 iL] B 83). al 8 44 19 19 1D) Jd) fp aby | a I 4/3 il 8 9 |) ey) Bog 15 24 5 36 IB} |] 1D) | dL E E Wy) 1 1 4 by 5 3 0 a 1d ae I E 1 1 1 J <1 0 (By i) ADs eal 1p} |} IL 1 1 2 2 2 1 0 jel} 13 |} I I I il | 2 2; 5 5 5 3 0 i I E E | E 1 1 1 i > Parts 1-2 (Pages {-xxii; 1-111 oe CONTAINING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND PAPERS READ IN MARCH-APRIL. With two plates. [Plates i-ii.] SYDNEY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL PUBLISHING CO. LTD., Seamer Street, Glebe, Sydney, and SOLD BY THE SOCIETY, Science House, Gloucester Street, Sydney. Registered at the General Post Office, Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical. Agent in Europe: David Nutt, 212 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2. The Linnean Society of New South Wales LIST OF OFFICERS AND COUNCIL, 1949-50. President: R. N. Robertson, B.Sce., Ph.D. Vice-Presidents: Ida A. Brown, D.Sc. A. R. Woodhill, B.Sc.Agr. G. D. Osborne, D.Sc., Ph.D. Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. Hon. Treasurer: A. B. Walkom, D.Sc. Secretary: Dorothy Carroll, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., D.LC. ~ Council: R. H. Anderson, B.Sc.Agr. G. D. Osborne, D.Se., Ph.D. Ida A. Brown, D.Sc. R. N. Robertson, B.Sce., Ph.D. W. R. Browne, D.Sc. T. C. Roughley, B.Sc., F.R.Z.S. Professor N. A. Burges, M.Sce., Ph.D. EK. Le G. Troughton, C.M.Z.S., F.R.Z.S. Dorothy Carroll, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., D.1.C. J. M. Vincent, B.Se.Agr., Dip.Bact. A. N. Colefax, B.Sc. A. B. Walkom, D.Sc. S. J. Copland, B.Sc. H. S. H. Wardlaw, D.Sc., F.A.C.I. Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. Professor W. L. Waterhouse, M.C., Professor J. Macdonald Holmes, B.Sc., D.Se.Agr., D.I.C. Ph.D., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.G.S. A. R. Woodhill, B.Se.Agr. D. J. Lee, B.Sc. Auditor: S. J. Rayment, F.C.A. (Aust.). NOTICE. Complete sets of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (the stock of the First Series, Volumes I-VI, 1875-1881, being limited), and separate Parts, with the exception of Volume II, Part 4, Volume V, Part 2, and Volume VI, Part 4 of the First Series, may be purchased from the Society, Science House, 157 Gloucester Street, Sydney. Separate Parts may be obtained also from David Nutt, 212 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2. Year.| Volume. | Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. Year.| Volume. | Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. 8. d. s. d. s. d. s. d s. d s. d s. d s. d 1875— 76 I*| 3 0 30 5 0 76 1899 XXIV | 12 6 12 0 10 0 10 6 1877 Ir | 4 0 4 0 4 0 —_ 1900 XXV |} 8 0 10 6 10 6 17 6 1878 iI ya) 5 0 6 0 7 6 1901 XXVI | 10 O 9 0 5 0 iy) Ar 1879 IV 6 0 6 0 8 0 6 6 1902 XXVII 7 0 7 6 1.162 SAO 1880 Vi 6 6 _ 7 6 78 1903 XXVIII 9 0 12 6 14 0 15 0 1881 VI | 6 O 10 0 10 0 _ 1904 xXxXIX | 10 0 ThE 9 0 10 0 1882 VII 7 6 10 0 5 0 10 0 1905 xxx 6) 40*))|:102,0 12 6 8 0§ 1883 VIII | 10 0 5 0 7 0 8 0 1906 XXXTI | 12 6 T2E86 12 6 15 0 1884 Ix 8 0 12 0 25 0 | 25 0 1907 XXXII 8 0 8 6 15730) is 0 1885 xX |12 0 7 6 15e10 DiaG6 1908 XXXII 7 0 9 0 14 0 12 6 1886 Ift| 10 6 1220 13 0 12 6 1909 XXXIV | 12 0 LO 14 0 16 6 1887 II 7 0 8 0 12/0 27 0 1910 XXXV {110/11 0 AW) LZ NG 1888 EEE tb) 30 24 0 | 20 0 18 0 1911 XXXVI 9 6 9 6 9 6 10 0 1889 Iv | i1 0 16 0 19 0 11 0 1912 XXXVIIT |} 8 6 25 0 12 6 15 0 1890 Ve} 11 +0 9 0 9 0 9 0 1913 | XXXVIII | 14 0 7 6 6 0 13 0 1891 VI | 10 O 9 6 e0 7 6 1914 XXXIX | 13 O bec 4O a 2by 20 19 0 1892 VII] 6 6 4 6 8 0 8 0 1915 xXL/|17 O TZG 10 0 11 0 1893 VIII ea) 11 0 6 0 9 0 1916 XLI | 10 O 12 0 15 0 19 0 1894 IX | 12 0 12 0 13 0 8 0 1917 XLIT | 14 0 9 0 126 16 6 1895 Bie orl 8 6 TOOL a ean 1918 XLITI | 20 0 14 Onn |poteno 19 0 1896 XXI 9 0 6 6 7 6 27 6 1919 XLIV | 12 6 11 6 17 6 13 0 1897 XXII | 10 O 8 6 9 0 12556 1920 XLV |10 9 et6 SO tal lesg 1898 XXIII} 3 0 6 0 12 0 14 0 1921 XLVI 9 0 8 0 (G 9 6 * First Series. : 3? Supplement 3s. additional. + Second Series. > ‘Supplement is. additional. 1 Supplement 1s. 6d. additional. 5 Supplement 2s. 6d. additional. 2 Supplement 2s. 6d. additional. INDEX TO VOLUMES I-L OF THE PROCEEDINGS [Issued 15th February, 1929]. Pp. 108. Price 5s. The MacLteEaAy MEMORIAL VOLUME [Issued 13th October, 1893]. Royal 4to, li to 308 pages, with portrait, and forty-two plates. Price £2 2s. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF AUSTRALIAN FISHES. By William Macleay, F.L.S. [1881]. A few copies only. Two volumes and supplement. Price £2 2s. The TRANSACTIONS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF New SouTH WALBS, 2 vols., 8vo. {Vol. I (complete in five parts, 1863-66), price 70s. net, Parts 2-5 10s. each; Vol. II (complete in five parts, 1869-73), price 30s. net, or single Parts 7s. 6d. each.] . SUBSCRIPTION: £3 10s. 6d. per annum; postage 2s. Year. Volume. | Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. | Part 5. | Part 6. 8. d. s. d s. d. s. d. s. d. 8. d. 1922* XLVIL 2 6 138 6 11 0 13 0 2 0 _ 1923* XLVIII 2 6 12 0 16 0 13 6 2 0 — 1924* XLIX 2 0 13 6 12 6 10 O 290 —_— es 1925* L 2 0 12 0 8 9 14 6 2 0 _— 1926* .. LI 2.0 13 «6 9 6 15 0 2 0 _— 1927* LIT 2 6 10 6 14 0 12/3 2° 0 — 1928 LIT 2 0 8 6 8 9 10 0 9 0 2 0 1929 LIV 2 0 6 3 8 6 11 O 12 6 2 0 1930 . LV 2 0 10 0 8 9 8 6 16 3 2 0 1931 LVI | 2 0 8 0 7 0 7 3 8 9 2 0 * Volume complete in five parts. Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Year. Volume. 1-2. 3-4, 5-6. Year. Volume. 1-2, 3-4, 5-6. s. d s. d. s. d. s. d. 8. Sends 1932 LVII | 6 6 9 6 8 6 1946 LXXI | 6 9 13 9 0 1933 LVIII | 8 0 11 9 8 6 1947 LXXII 8 3 12 0 18 6 1934 LIX 6 6 8 6 |.10 9 1948 LXXIII | 13 0 0 25 0 1935 5 LX 7 9 10 3 11 3 1949 LXXIV | 18 6 1936 LXI 6 6 7 O 9 9 1937 LXII 6 0 9 3 8 9 1938 LXIII 6 3 hieeG 9 9 1939 LXIV | 12 3 12 3 8 9 1940 LXV |11 9 10 6 8 0 1941 LXVI 6 6 9 3 9 6 1942 LXVII 9.0 UP 8} 6 9 1943 LXVIII 5 6 6 9 8 3 1944 L 6 6 9 0 8 0 1945 Lxx 6 0 8 9 13 6 - NoTicE TO AUTHORS. Authors are requested to assist in facilitating the Society’s publishing work by observing the following recommendations when preparing papers for submission to the Council. Perusal of the PROCEEDINGS will show the general style to be adopted. Manuscript.—Manuscripts should be double-space typed with a margin of at least one inch on the left-hand side, top and bottom of each page. The title should be spaced clearly above the text on the first page. The original should be submitted and a copy retained by the author for checking proofs. A Table of Contents, on a separate sheet, should accompany each manuscript; this is not necessarily for publication, but will serve to show the proper relation of the headings. A manuscript when submitted to the Council should be complete in every detail, both with regard to text, references and illustrations, for any extensive alterations or corrections made on the proofs, if allowed, will be at the author’s expense. No words except generic and specific names, and those to be printed in italics, should be underlined. An Abstract of the paper should accompany the manuscript. References.—References should be carefully checked by the author, who is alone responsible for their accuracy. They should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript, and should be cited in the text by the author’s name, e.g., Bullough (1939) or (Bullough, 1939) ; and in the list thus: BuLutouecH, W. S., 1939.—A Study of the Reproductive Cycle of the Minnow in Relation to the Environment. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 109, A, Pt. 1: 79-108. Abbreviations.—Standard abbreviations should be used in tabulations and after numerals in the text. The abbreviations of names of periodicals should conform to those in the World List of Scientific Periodicals, Tabulations.—Tables should be numbered consecutively and referred to specifically in the text by number. Each table, provided with a heading descriptive of the contents, should be submitted on a separate sheet. Illustrations. * Plates.—The size should not exceed 7% x 5 in. except if the subject will bear reduction. A number of small photographs should be arranged to make one plate. Photographs should show good contrast and be printed on glossy paper. Line drawings will, as far as possible, be printed in the text. Drawings should be made on white board or stife white paper with Indian ink. It is advisable to arrange a: number of text-figures, all to bear the same reduction, on a single large sheet, which can be reduced to one-third, one-half or one-quarter the original size, giving a block 8 x 5 in. or 4 x 5 in. without loss of essential detail. Hach separate figure should be clearly numbered and all lettering should be plain and large enough to be clearly readable when reduced. If co-ordinate paper is used for graphs it should be blue-lined. The explanation of Text- figures should be supplied on a separate sheet; but the explanation of Plates should be given at the end of the manuscript. Text- figures and Plates should be numbered consecu- tively and referred to in the text by number. Indicate in the manuscript where each Text-figure or group of figures is to be inserted. Proofs should be corrected and returned as soon as possible together with an order for any reprints required in addition to the 50 supplied gratis by the Society. PROCEEDINGS, LXXIV, PARTS 1-2, 1949, CONTENTS. Presidential Address. Seventy-fourth Annual General Meeting: A Gummosis Disease of Citrus in Relation to its Environment. By Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. Elections Balance Sheets for the Year ending 28th February, 1949 \ Australian Formicidae. New Genera and Species. By J. J. McAreavey, S.J. (Seventy Text-figures.) : The Distribution of Formic and Alcohol Dehydrogenases in the Higher Plants, with particular Reference to their Variation in the Pea Plant during its Life-cycle. By Daphne C. Davison, M.Sc. (Nine Text-figures.) ‘The Importance of Formic Dehydrogenase in the Oxidation Mechanisms of Pisum sativum. By Daphne C. Davison, M.Sc. (Two Text-figures.) .. On Australian Species of Creophilus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). By W. O. Steel. (Communicated by J. W. T. Armstrong.) (Nine Text-figures) Graptolites from Tallong and the Shoalhaven Gorge, New South Wales. By Kathleen Sherrard, M.Sc. (Plates i, ii; thirty-three Text-figures.) The Genus Dawsonia. By Alan Burges, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Twenty-six Text-figures.) Revision of the Genus Brachycome Cass. Part II. New Zealand Species. By Gwenda L. Davis, M.Se. (Twenty-four Text-figures. ) On Australian Dermestidae. Part V. Notes and the Description of Four New Species. By J. W. T. Armstrong. (One Text-figure.) Pages. i-xVili xix XX-XxXii 1-25 26-36 97-106 107-111 Way Vo re Lxxv. pie Nos. 343-344. ‘Parts 34, Pe BINGS _ LINNEAN SOCIETY OF New SouTH WALES _____ Marine Bisigotcal L MAE) Faia be et A MAY 15 (85t WOODS HOLE, Mass ~ Parts 3-4 (Pages 1138-202). CONTAINING PAPERS READ IN MAY=AUGUST. With two plates. [Plates iii, iv.] SYDNEY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL PUBLISHING CO. LTD., Seamer Street, Glebe, Sydney, and SOLD BY THE SOCIETY, Science House, Gloucester Street, Sydney. ~ Registered at the General Post Office, Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical. ; i Agent in Europe: David Nutt, 212 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2. The Linnean Society of New South Wales LIST OF OFFICERS AND AND COUNCIL, 1949-50. : President: E ; R. N. Robertson, B.Sc., Ph.D. Vice-Presidents: ; A. R. Woodhill, B.Se.Agr. Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. Hon. Ree errs ASB: Walkom, D.Sc. Secretary: Dorothy Carroll, B.A., B.Sc., PhD, 2 EC.) Council: G. D. Osborne, D.Sc., Ph.D. R. N. Robertson, B.Sc., Ph.D.- _ T. C. Roughley, B.Sce., F.R.Z.S. EK. Le G. Troughton, C.M.Z.S., F.R.Z.S. J. M. Vincent, B.Sc.Agr., Dip.Bact. A. B. Walkom, D.Sc. H. S. H. Wardlaw, D.Sc., F.A.C.I.. Professor W. L. Waterhouse, M.C., D.Se.Agr., D.I.C. A. R. Woodhill, B.Se.Agr. Ida A. Brown, D.Sc. - G. D: Osborne, D.Sc., Ph.D. R. H. Anderson, B.Sc.Agr. Ida A. Brown, D.Sc. W. R. Browne, D.Sc. *Professor N. A. Burges, M.Sc., Ph.D. Dorothy Carroll, B.A., B.Se., Ph.D., D.I.C. A. N. Colefax, B.Sc. Ss. J. Copland, B.Sc. Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. Professor J. Macdonald Holmes, Ph.D., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.G.S. D. J. Lee, B.Sc. B.Sc., Auditor: 8. J. Rayment, F.C.A. (Aust.). NOTICE. . Complete sets of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (the stock of the First Series, Volumes I-VI, 1875-1881, being limited), and separate Parts, with the exception of Volume II, Part 4, Volume V, Part 2, and Volume VI, Part 4 of the First Series, may be purchased from the Society, Science House, 157 Gloucester Street, Sydney. - Separate Parts may be obtained also from David Nutt, 212 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2. Year Volume Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. Year.| Volume. Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. sands Sod: Seeds s. d. s. d. S.0 dean: shiids 1875- Soe: : : Z Ti 13) 0 S20) OO te EO 1899 XXIV | 12 6 12 0 10 O 10 6 1877 II 4 0 4 0 4 0 — 1900 XXV 8 0 10 6 10 6 17 6 1878 Tit la5.7 (0) ee) 6 0 7 6 1901 XXXVI} 10 O 9 0 5 0 17 6 1879 IV 65044 26270 8 0 6 6 1902 XXVII Chie AU) las) YASH Uae) 1880 ood 6rG —_— (0 wee: 1903 XXVIII 9 0 12 6 14 0 15230 1881 - VI 6 0 10 0 10 0 —_— 1904 XXIX | 10 O 7 6 9 0 LOS: 1882 VII M36 10 O 5 0 10 6 1905 XXX 6/202 10280) 12-6. 8 05 1883 VIII} 10 O 5 0 (fea) 8 0 1906 XXXI | 12 6 12 6 12 6 15 0 1884 Ix 8 0 12 0 25 -0 25 0 1907 XX XIT 8 0 8 6 15 0 18 0 1885 x] 12-0: 36 15 0 17. -6 1908 XXXII 7 O 9 0 14 0 12) 6 1886 Iy| 10 6 12°20 13250 12 6 1909 XXXIV | 12 O 170 14.0 16 6 1887 ep 8h PES) 8 0 120 27 0 1910 XXXVj/|i11 O 11 0O Fle XY) 12 6 1888 Iii | 15 0 24 0 20 0 18 0 1911 XXXVI 9 6 9 6 9 6 10 0 1889 EV a0 16 0 19 0 1 0 1912 XXXVIT 8 6 25 0 12) 6 15750 1890 Vidoes Ors 9 0 9 0 9 0 1913 XXXVITI | 14 O Go 6 0 13 0 1891 Vie atOn0 9 6 Wiee30 16 1914 XXXIX | 13 O EO 25 O 19 0 1892 Vil 6 6 4 6 8 0 8 0 1915 XL | 17 O 12 6 10 0 fat) 1893 VIII DO celal de Oe 6 0 9 0 1916 XLI} 10 O 12-0 15 0 19 0 1894 TW L220 12°20 13 0 8 0 1917 XLII | 14 0 9 0 12 3620, | eGo 1895 Kobe O 8 6 LOMO el 20, 1918 XLITI | 20 0 14 0 21 0 19 0 1896 XxXI 9 0? 6 6 a0. Pt 1919 XLIV | 12 6 TIAG Lec Ger, | slowne . 1897 XXII |} 10 O 8 6 9 0 12 6 1920 XLV /}10 9 Ths 9° 0 11 0O 1898 XXIII 30 6 0 12 0 14 0 1921 XLVI 9 0 8 0 7 6 9 6 * First Series. + Second Series. 1 Supplement is. 6d. additional. 2? Supplement 2s. 6d. additional. 8’ Supplement 3s. additional. 4 Supplement is. additional. 5 Supplement 2s. 6d. additional. INDEX TO VOLUMES I-L oF THH PROCEEDINGS [Issued 15th February, 1929]. Pp. 108. Price 5s. The Macitezay MEMORIAL VOLUME [Issued 13th October, 1893]. Price £2 2s. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF AUSTRALIAN FISHES. Price £2 2s. with portrait, and forty-two plates. -eopies only. Two volumes and supplement. Royal 4to, li to 308 pages, By William Macleay, F.L,S. [1881]. A few The TRANSACTIONS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL Socisty or New SoutTH WALgs, 2 vols., 80. [Vol. I (complete in five parts, 1863-66), price 70s. net, Parts 2-5 10s. each; Vol. II Room in five parts, 1869-73), price 30s. net, or single Parts 7s. 6d. each. ] SUBSCRIPTION: £3 10s. 6d. per annum; postage 2s. 3 Year, | Volume. | Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4.| Part 5. | Part 6. — | | cel ql e—_— i ucuxqum—- 8. da s. d 80. d. s. d. 8s. d. s. d. 1922* XLVII 2 6 18 6 11 O 13 0 2 0 —_ 1923* XLVIII 2 6 12 0 16 0 13 6 2 0 —_ 1924* XLIX 2 0 13 6 12 6 10 O 2 0 —_ 1925* 2 0 12 0 8 9 14 6 .2 0 — 1926* . LI 2 0 13 6 9 6 16 0 2 0 _ 1927* .. LIT 2 6 10 6 14 0 12 3 2 0 —_— 1928 LITt 2 0 8 6 8 9 10 0 9 0 2 0 1929 LIV |. 2 0 6 3 8 6 11 O 12 6 2 0 1930 LV | 2 0 10 0 8 9 8 6 ian oe} 2 0 1931 LVI 2 0 8 0 7 0 i833 8 9 2 0 * Volume complete in five parts. Parts Parts Parts : Parts Parts Parts Year. Volume. 1-2. 3-4, 5-6, Year. Volume. 1-2. 3-4, 5-6. s. d s. d s. d. 8s. d sds Sica: 1932 LVII 6 6 9 6 8 6 1946 KA - LXXI 6 9 13 0 9 0 1933 LVIIi 8 0 11 9 8 6 1947 st LXXII 8 3 12 0 18 6 1934 LIX 6 6 8 6 10 9 1948 ach LKXITI | 13 0 20 0 25 0 1935 LX heey) 10 3 i Bees} 1949 at LXXIV | 18 6 12 6 = 1936 LXI 6 6 050: 9 9 1937 LXII 6 0 9 3 8 9 1938 LXIII 6 3 11 6 9 9 1939 LXIV | 12 3 L2hes 8 9 1940 LXV }|}11 9 10 6 8 0 1941 LXVI 6 6 9 3 9 6 1942 LXVII 9 0 12) <3 6 9 1943 LXVIIt 5 6 6 9 8275 1944 LXIxX 6 6 9 0 8 0 1945 LxXxX 6 0 8 9 13 6 = Notics To AUTHORS. 3 Authors are requested to assist in facilitating the Society’s publishing work by observing the following recommendations when preparing papers for submission to the Council. Perusal of the PROCEEDINGS will show the general style to be adopted. Manuscript.—Manuscripts should be double-space typed with a margin of at least one inch on _ the left-hand side, top and bottom of each page. The title should be spaced clearly above the text on the first page. The original should be submitted and a copy retained by the author for checking proofs. A Table of Contents, on a separate sheet, should accompany each manuscript; this is not necessarily for publication, but will serve to show the proper relation of the headings. A manuscript when submitted to the Council should be complete in every detail, both with regard to text, references and illustrations, for any extensive alterations or corrections made on the proofs, if allowed, will be at the author’s expense. No words except generic and specific names, and those to be printed in italics, should be underlined. An Abstract of the paper should accompany the manuscript. References.—References should be carefully checked by the author, who is alone responsible 5 for their accuracy. They should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript, and should be cited in the text by the author’s name, e.g., Bullough (1939) or (Bullough, 1939) ; and in the list thus: BuLLouGH, W. S., 1939.—A Study of the Reproductive Cycle of the Minnow in Relation to the Environment. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 109, A, Pt. 1: 79-108. Abbreviations.—Standard abbreviations should be used in tabulations and after numerals in the text. The abbreviations of names of periodicals should conform to those in the World. List of Scientific Periodicals. S Tabulations.—Tables should be numbered consecutively and referred to specifically in the text by number. Hach table, provided with a heading descriptive of the contents, should be submitted on a separate sheet. Illustrations. : Plates.—The size should not exceed 74% x 5 in. except if the subject will bear reduction. A number of small photographs should be arranged to make one plate. Photographs should show good contrast and be printed on glossy paper. Line drawings will, as far as possible, be printed in the text. Drawings should be made on white board or stiff white paper with Indian ink. It is advisable to arrange a number of text-figures, all to bear the same reduction, on a single large sheet, which can be ' reduced to one-third, one-half or one-quarter the original size, giving a block 8 x 5 in. or 4 x 5 in. without loss of essential detail. Hach separate figure should be clearly numbered and all lettering should be plain and large enough to be clearly readable when reduced. If co-ordinate paper is used for graphs it should be blue-lined. The explanation of Text- figures should be supplied on a separate. sheet; but the explanation of Plates should be given at the end of the manuscript. Text-figures and Plates should be numbered consecu- tively and referred to in the text by number. Indicate in the manuscript where each Text-figure or group of figures is to be inserted. Proofs should be corrected and returned as soon as possible together with an order for any reprints required in addition to the 50 supplied gratis by the Society. PROCEEDINGS, LXXIV, PARTS 3-4, 1949. CONTENTS. Australian Rust Studies. VII. Some Recent Observations on Wheat Stem Rust in Australia. By I. A. Watson and W. L. Waterhouse. (Plates iii, iv) Notes on Microspore-types in Tasmanian Permian Coals. By J. A. and Roma Dulhunty. (One Text-figure.) .. : A New Subspecies of Aédes (Stegomyia) scutellaris Walker (Diptera, Culicidae). from Northern Australia. By A. R. Woodhill. (Four Text-figures.) .. Revision of the Genus Brachycome Cass. Part III. Description of Three New Australian Species and some New Locality Records. By Gwenda L. Davis. (Seven Text-figures. ) Notes on the Morphology and Biology of a New Species of Tabanus (Diptera, ‘Tabanidae). By Kathleen M. I. English. (Fifteen Text-figures.) a6 Crania in the Macleay Museum. By N. W. G. Macintosh ~ The Hair Tracts in Marsupials. Part III. Description of Species, concluded. By W. Boardman. (Two Text-figures.) .. . Studies on Australian Marine Algae. V. Observations on and Geographical Records of Various Species, particularly those of the Gelidium Complex. By Valerie May Pages. 113-131 132-139 140-144 145-152 153-160 161-191 192-195 196-202 (Issued 15th December, 1949.) Vol. LXXIV. Nos. 345-346. Parts 5-6. THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF New SOUTH WALES FOR THE yeanViaring Biolagizal ieee ea LUh y vA En Ph CLS 4 | MAR 26 1951 WOODS HOLE, MASS. Parts 5-6 (Pages 203-236; (= BH HD) SS CONTAINING PAPERS READ IN SEPTEMBER-NOVEMBER, ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, LIST OF MEMBERS AND GENERAL INDEX. SYDNEY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL PUBLISHING CO. LTD., Seamer Street, Glebe, Sydney, and SOLD BY THE SOCIETY, Science House, Gloucester Street, Sydney. Registered at the General Post Office, Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical. Agent in Hurope: David Nutt, 212 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2. The Linnean Society of New South Wales LIST OF OFFICERS AND COUNCIL, 1949-50: President: R. N. Robertson, B.Sc., Ph.D. | Vice-Presidents: Ida A. Brown, D.Sc. A. R. Woodhill, B.Se.Agr. G. D. Osborne, D.Se., Ph.D. Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. Hon. Treasurer: A. B. Walkom, D.Sc. Secretary: Dorothy Carroll, B.A., B.Se., Ph.D., D.I.C. ~ Council: R. H. Anderson, B.Sc.Agr. G. D. Osborne, D.Se., Ph.D. Ida A. Brown, D.Sc. R. N. Robertson, B.Se., Ph.D. W. R. Browne, D.Sc. T. C. Roughley, B.Sc., F.R.Z.S. Professor N. A. Burges, M.Sc., Ph.D. EH. Le G. Troughton, C.M.Z.S., F.R.Z.S. Dorothy Carroll, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., D.L.C. J. M. Vincent, B.Sc.Agr., Dip.Bact. A. N. Colefax, B.Sc. A. B. Walkom, D.Sc. S. J. Copland, B.Sc. H. S. H. Wardlaw, D.Sc., F.A.C.I. Lilian Fraser, D.Sc. ‘ Professor W. L. Waterhouse, M.C., Professor J. Macdonald Holmes, B.Sc., ‘D.SeAgr., D.1.C. Ph.D., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.G.S. A. R. Woodhill, B.Se.Agr. \ D. J. Lee, B.Se. Auditor: S. J. Rayment, F.C.A. (Aust.). NOTICE. Complete sets of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (the stock of the First Series, Volumes I-VI, 1875-1881, being limited), and separate Parts, with - the exception of Volume II, Part 4, Volume V, Part 2, and Volume VI, Part 4 of the First Series, may be purchased from the Society, Science House, 157 Gloucester Street, Sydney. Separate Parts may be obtained also from David Nutt, 212 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2. , Year.| Volume. | Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. Year.| Volume. | Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. te s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 1875- 7h I*#} 3 0 3F10 GS (0) f. 36 1899 XXIV / 12 6 PAN (H) 10 0 10 6 1877 II 4 0 4 0 4 0 — 1900 XXV 8 0 10 6 10 6 17 6 1878 Til OD Meise 0) 6 0 a6 1901 XXVI | 10 O 9 0 bie7O) LNGO: 1879 IV 6 0 6 0 8 0 6 6 1902 XXVII 0) Thon 7631 150 1880 Vv. 6 6 — 16 Wane 1903 XXVIII 9 0 1206 14 0 TBA) 1881 VI 6 0 10 0 10 0 — 1904 XXIX | 10 O ThA 9 0 10 0 1882 Vit eG 10 0 5 0 10 0 1905 xXxXX 625024 atO Nn 12-6 8 05 1883 Vill | 10 0 BO ai 8 0 1906 XXXT | 12 6 12 6 12 6 15 0 18384 IX 8 0 127570 25 0 25 0 1907 XXXIT 8 0 8 6 15 0 18 0 1885 aXe) AD OF ENG 15 0 17 6 1908 XXXIIT 7 0 9 0 14 0 12 6° 1886 Ij| 10 6 12 0 13 0 12726 1909 XXXIV | 12 O 1750 14 0 16 6 1887 IT 7 0 8 0 12 0 PAO 1910 XXXV/|i11 0 tO Gan0) 12.36 1888 Til | 15 0 24 0 20 O 18 0 1911 “XXXVI 9 6 9 6 9 6 10 0 1889 Iv | i1 0 16 0 19 0 tO 1912 XXXVII 8 6 25 0 12 6 15 0 1890 ae oe) 9 0 9 0 9 0 1913 | XXXVIII | 14 0 7 6 6 0 13 0 1891 VI | 10 O 9 6 ATO) Wee 1914 XXXIX | 13 O 17 0 25180 19 0 1892 VII 6 6 4 6 8 0 8 0 1915 XL /|17 O 12°56 10 0 dO 1893 Vill 5 0 INE YG) 6 0 9 0 1916 XLI |} 10 0 12 0 TO 19 0 1894 TX |} 120 12 0 13 0 8 0 1917 XLIT | 14 0 9 0 L2G 16 6 1895 DG NETIE YEA) 8 6 10 0 | 12 0 1918 XLITI | 20 0 14 0 21 0 19 0 1896 XXI 9 0? 6 6 nO 27 6 1919 XLIV | 12 6 eG LS S10 1897 XXIT/ 10 0 8 6 9 0 12 6 1920 XLV /}10 9 TENG 9 0 PANO 1898 38 0 6 0 12,0 14 0 1921 XLVI 9 0 8 0 1.6 9 6 * First Series. ? Supplement 3s. additional. + Second Series. £ Supplement 1s. additional. 1 Supplement is. 6d. additional. 5 Supplement 2s. 6d. additional. 2 Supplement 2s. 6d. additional. ° INDEX TO VOLUMES I-L OF THE PROCEEDINGS [Issued 15th February, 1929]. Pp. 108. Price 5s. The Mactnay MemoriaL VOLUME [Issued 13th October, 1893]. Royal 4to, li to 308 pages, with portrait, and forty-two plates. Price £2 2s. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF AUSTRALIAN FISHES. By William Macleay, F.L.S. [1881]. A few eopies only. Two volumes and supplement. Price £2 2s. The TRANSACTIONS OF THE HENTOMOLOGICAL Society oF NEw SouTH WALES, 2 vols., 8vo. [Vol. I (complete in five parts, 1863-66), price 70s. net, Parts 2-5 10s. each; Vol. II (complete in five parts, 1869-73), price 30s. net, or single Parts 7s. 6d. each.] SUBSCRIPTION: £3 10s. Gd. per annum; postage 2s. Year. Volume. | Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. | Part 5. | Part 6. s. d Band s. d. s. d Sands SauiGe TOQORN rs XLVII 2 6 one 11 0 13 0 PAD) — UPB aie XLVIII 2/6 12 0 16 0 13/6 2 0 — 1924* .. XLIX | 2 0 1SyaG 12 6 10 0 ee) — 1925* .. L 2 0 12 0 8 9 14 6 2.0 = 1926* .. LI 2 0 13 6 9 6 15 0 2 0 —_— 1927* .. EP 2 16 10 6 14 0 PA G3 Pe KU) — 1928 .. LITT} 2 0 8 6 8 9 10 0 9 0 ZnO) 1929... LIV | 2 0 6 3 8 6 11 0 12 6 ZnO 1980 .. DWI 120 10 0 8 9 8 6 16 3 2 0 LOST LVI 2 0 8 0 7 0 83 8 9 2 0 * Volume complete in five parts. Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Year. Volume. 1-2. 8-4, 5-6. Year. Volume. 1-2, 3-4, 5-6. s. d. Say. Sud. s. d Sd Fp (s 1932 LVII 6 6 9 6 8 6 1946 A LXXI 6 9 133.00) 9 0 1933 LVIII 8 0 11 9 8 6 LOA ENN LXXII 8 3 12500 18 6 1934 LIX 6 6 8 6 10 9 1948 a LXXIII | 13 0 20 0 25 0 1935 LX Tpecoks} 10°43 TEE 383 1949 Hes LXXIV | 23 6 23006 23°16 1936 LXI 6 6 Go 9 9 1937 LX 6 0 9 3 8 9 1938 LXIII (3/83 11 6 9 9 | 1939 § LXIV | 12. 3 pA 83 8 9 1940 LXV |11 9 10 6 8 0 1941 LXVI 6 6 Outs) 9 6 1942 LXVII 9 0 ADS 6 9 1943 LXVIIT 5 6 6 9 Sue 1944 LXIxX 6 6 9 0 8 0 1945 LxXx 6 0 8 9 13 6 | Notice To AUTHORS. Authors are requested to assist in facilitating the Society’s publishing work by observing the following recommendations when preparing papers for submission to the Council. Perusal of the PROCEEDINGS will show the general style to be adopted. Manuscript.—Manuscripts should be double-space typed with a margin of at least one inch on the left-hand side, top and bottom of each page. The title should be spaced clearly above the text on the first page. The original should be submitted and a copy retained by the author for checking proofs. A Table of Contents, on a separate sheet, should accompany each manuscript; this is not necessarily for publication, but will serve to show the proper - relation of the headings. A manuscript when submitted to the Council should be complete in every detail, both with regard to text, references and illustrations, for any extensive alterations or corrections made on the proofs, if allowed, will be at the author’s expense. No words except generic and specific names, and those to be printed in italics, should be underlined. An Abstract of the paper should accompany the manuscript. References.—References should be carefully checked by the author, who is alone responsible for their accuracy. They should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript, and should be cited in the text by the author’s name, e.g., Bullough (1939) or (Bullough, 1939); and in the list thus: BuLLouGH, W. S., 1939.—A Study of the Reproductive Cycle of the Minnow in Relation to the Environment. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 109, A, Pt. 1: 79-108. Abbreviations.—Standard abbreviations should be used in tabulations and after numerals in the text. The abbreviations of names of periodicals should conform to those in the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Tabulations.—Tables should be numbered consecutively and referred to specifically in the text by number. Hach table, provided with a heading descriptive of the contents, should be \ submitted on a separate sheet. | Illustrations. Plates.—The size should not exceed 7% x 5 in. except if the subject will bear reduction. A number of small photographs should be arranged to make one plate. Photographs should show good contrast and be printed on glossy paper. Line drawings will, as far as possible, be printed in the text. Drawings should be made on White board or stiff white paper with Indian ink. It is advisable to arrange a number of text-figures, all to bear the same reduction, on a single large sheet, which can be reduced to one-third, one-half or one-quarter the original size, giving a block 8 x 5 in. or 4 x 5 in. without loss of essential detail. Hach separate figure should be clearly numbered and all lettering should be plain and large enough to be clearly readable when reduced. If co-ordinate paper is used for graphs it should be blue-lined. The explanation of Text- figures should be supplied on a separate sheet; but the explanation of Plates should be given at the end of the manuscript. Text-figures and Plates should be numbered consecu- tively and referred to in the text by number. Indicate in the manuscript where each Text-figure or group of figures is to be inserted. Proofs should be corrected and returned as soon as possible together with an order for any reprints required in addition to the 50 supplied gratis by the Society. PROCEEDINGS, LXXIV, PARTS 5-6, 1949. CONTENTS. Pages. The Stratigraphy of the Lower Marine Series of the Permian System in the Hunter River Valley, New South Wales. By G. D. Osborne, D.Sc., Ph.D. (Two Text-figures. ) TIGER ee SUR RS aol Nave Bae SMa aaah Cita Ni ie Svat ae Se aM CR ames (tore ~-The Cotypes of Fordonia papuensis Macleay. By Arthur Loveridge. (Communi- cated by S. J. Copland.) PSC Ue Seen ae EU MIA Cau A PULL Ly PURI dR aan aA AS UR hans 223 A Note on the Experimental Crossing of Aédes (Stegomyia) scutellaris .— scutellaris Walker and Aédes (Stegomyia) scutellaris katherinensis Woodhill (Diptera, Culicidae). By A. R. Woodhill. (One Text-figure.) .. 224-226 A Detailed Study of the Field Distribution of Strains of Clover Nodule Bacteria. By Hilary F. Purchase and J. M. Vincent. (One Text-figure.) Pes NaN Meek=ooO Abstract of Proceedings AeA a Ny A OMbral Wake Cera Na Sek ST Na onan aA AS : SS ARRAN Ru XX11i-xxvi Mist of? 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