¥ (or susceptibility). As for the influence of other living microorganisms found in and about a given animal, it first should be noted that infectious agents can be isolated regularly from the bloods or tissues of many otherwise normal animals. This is especially true of arthropods (Steinhaus 19^6, Cameron 193^) and indeed is a necessity if those ar- thropods are to transmit infections like malaria parasites, bacteria, rickettsiae and viruses to vertebrates and even to their own offspring (through the egg) . Some of these organisms isolated from tissues may be true pathogens of the host under study, others may be mere secondary invaders unable to invade by their own capabilities, but whose inherent pathogenicity may seal the fate of the host if they do get in. For ex- ample, Cameron states, with respect to virulent strains of certain bacteria in the alimentary tract of larval moths, that they "tend to invade the body cavity if for any reason the defensive mechanism is disturbed." Drs. Cort, Hussey and Ameel have given me the privilege to re- port their unusual and as yet unpublished findings with certain fresh- water gastropods. These snails, if infected with flatworm larvae, may then be infected with a microsporidian protozoan which invades and damages not the snail but the flatworm larvae within the snail . It seems probable that the microsporidian hyperparasites are regularly invading these snails, but can be established only when the snails con- tain a suitable tissue for their growth, namely, the trematode larvae. An analogous situation, also in snails with trematode larvae, was re- ported much earlier (Cort, Olivier and Brackett 19^l) • The point I wish to emphasize from these examples is that the epithelial surfaces of animals are being penetrated regularly, and perhaps most often, by adventitious non-pathogenic organisms present in relative abundance at points where entry can most frequently occur. It is believed by some that this explains in part the so-called normal agglutinins in man and other animals to so many essentially non-pathogenic organisms (Wagner 1959^ Springer, Horton and Forbes 1959). ACQUIRED RESISTANCE In this section naturally acquired resistance will be discussed chiefly; there will be only casual reference to that artifically in- duced by Injections of dead organisms . If thus restricted and if -Ik- defined as a heightened responGc of a host as the result of previous contact with the infecting agent, then the following statement from Stelnhaus is pertinent: "It is somewhat surprising that so few ob- servations have been made on naturally acquired resistance in insects. We know practically nothing, e.g., concerning the residual immunity in insects that have survived an epizootic wave" (italics mine). Huff (1930), with avian malaria parasites in mosquitoes, clearly indicated no change in susceptibility with reinfection, but there is a large literature showing that injections, especially of old cultures of bacteria, into the body cavity of caterpillars (Metalnikov and others) have immunized the caterpillars in as short a time as 2i<- hours to doses of virulent organisms lethal to unvaccinated controls . Huff (19^) writes that "insects have poor powers of overcoming parasitic protozoa, fungi, and insects once these organisms have invaded their tissues." Concerning the oyster we know even less. The apparent de- crease in the numbers of Dermocystidium in oysters during the winter (Mackin 1953^ Ray I958, Andrews and Hewatt 1957) or of Nematopsis when infected oysters are transplanted to clean water (Feng 19 58) fur- nish us with instances which could be investigated for heightened re- sistance to subsequent infection. That so few exajnples of acquired resistance are known among invertebrates may even be quite logical. Because of their relatively short generation times, their usual small size and often enormous re- productive capacities, subsequent epizootics would be much more likely to be circumvented by the appearance of resistant stocks through na- tirral selection, as in "Malpeque disease." Even with very high mor- tality rates a residual stock of animals under favorable conditions later might repopulate an area. Indeed, this seems to be our chief hope in the present catastrophic mortalities of oysters in New Jersey and has been given consideration in the discussions of mortalities caused by Dermocystidium (Andrews and Hewatt I957). If this reasoning is adequate to explain the lack of evidence for the occiirrence of acquired resistance in most of the invertebrates, perhaps those invertebrates with a long life span, like Limulus , should be investigated more fully as likely hosts capable of demonstrating acquired resistance. Since acquired resistance must yet be demonstrated for the oyster it seems unnecessary to discuss this topic further in this paper . CONCLUSIONS It is fair to state that although invertebrate immunology has been under study for a long time, little precise knowledge is avail- able for the oyster and its relatives . Since some of the mechanisms of resistance reported here for invertebrates may not even occur in molluscs and more specifically in oysters (like melanin deposition). -15- I am concerned that I should not mislead you. The only satisfactory conclusion to draw is that much painstaking effort is needed to fur- nish the information we so greatly need at this time . ACKNCWLEDGMEM'S I am deeply indebted to Dr. Thurlow C. Nelson and Dr. Harold H. Haskin for inspiration, encouragement, counsel and criticism over the years spanning my interest in this work. Gratitude also goes to , the former and present students of all three of us; they have bene- fited us in many ways by their work and enthusiasm. Those needing special mention here are Drs . M. R. Tripp and K. 0. Phifer, Messrs. L. M. Adelson, W. J. Canzonier, A. F. Eble and S. Y. Feng. The research reported in this paper was supported in part by a research grant (E-781) from the National Institution of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Public Health Service, and in part by funds from the Oyster Research Laboratory, Agricultural Experiment Station, Rut- gers - The State University. LITERATURE CITED Andrews, J. D. and W. G. Hewatt, 1957- Oyster mortality studies in Virginia. II. The fungus disease caused by Dermocystidium marinum in oysters of Chesapeake Bay. Ecol. Monogr. 27:1-26. Bengston, I. 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As pointed out by Gross and Smyth (1946) decimation of oyster populations is one of the most im- portant biological phenomena of the first half of the twentieth century, and is worldwide in scope. Studies of mortality are essentially studies of one phase of population ecology. On a broad basis there are only two phases of population studies . One is the exajnination of all of those forces which tend to build up and maintain a population, the other focuses attention on all agencies which tend to reduce populations (produce mortalities) or to prevent them from exploding. Ideally these two classes of forces should balance each other to maintain a static popu- lation. Actually any population, at any one time, is either crescent or it is declining, the two processes alternating ajid progressing by a series of waves. These waves may average out, over a long period of time, in an increase, or in a decline. For oysters, decline has been the rule. In the following sections, the most important types of mortal- ities classified as to origin are discussed. Emphasis is placed on those types which are generally classed as of "unknown origin." The literature is full of these enigmas, and it is this type which has produced the most spectacular declines in population of oysters, some- times extending over many years, and destroying entire industries over certain areas . Mortalities deriving from predation are subordinated in this paper, not because they are unimportant, but because symposiums of rather exhaustive nature have been organized and completed in the 1 Contribution from the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, Oceanography and Mete- orology Series . -21- past, which dealt with the principal predators. Oyster biologists quite generally have dedicated a very high percentage of their efforts to study of problems of predation, and the author believes that there is less reason for extensive treatment of this phase of oyster popu- lation studies at this time, important as it is. TYPE I. MORTALITIES CAUSED BY EXTREMES OF THE NATURAL PKYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Examples are extremes of cold and heat, low salinity caused by floods, and hurricane damage. Cases of mortalities of this type are numerous and nearly everyone can recall several. I chose the mortality in the Mississippi Sound caused by flood of the Mississippi in 19^5 as a prime example (Gunter 1950^ Owen 1950). Flood crests of the Mississippi rose so high that the Army Engineers opened the Bonne Carre Spillway locks in early 19^5- Floodwater from the Mississippi was shunted through Lake Fonchartrain and thence into Lake Borgne and Mississippi Sound. Water was fresh or near-fresh over the oyster beds of Mississippi Soiond from Grand Island (not the same as Grand Isle) eastward for about 10 miles. The great oyster-producing areas of the Louisiana marsh were similarly affected in the northernmost part. The kill was 100 per cent through much of the area but graded off to zero in the more easterly and southerly parts of the Sovond and marshes . Many other cases could be cited: The Santee floods of South Carolina, (Lunz 1936) upper Chesapeake area affected by floods of the Susquehaxma (Beaven 19^6), and many others. Details of such losses are too well known to need further description. In some areas, mortalities by flood and low salinity are not so drastic. Marginal areas which lie on the landward side (or river- ward side) of all estuaries are annually threatened with loss to fresh- water kill. In some years loss is 100 per cent, in others zero, but in most years a certain percentage of the oysters are lost, but the number fluctuates between the maximum and the minimum. Oysters planted in marginal low-salinity areas are spared most sources of mortality other than low salinity. Characteristics of losses to extremes of physical environments are as follows: (1) The duration of the mortalities is apt to be sharply limited. (2) Recovery is rapid and complete and the oysters rebound to a level of population higher than that prior to the flood (because the floods also destroy predators and foci of disease, and reduce fouling). (3) The effects of extremes of physical environment extend to many marine forms other than oysters, and the oyster community as a whole is affected to greater or lesser extent. -22- (k) The mortalities are density independent. (5) The mortalities are quite apt to be seasonal, since ex- tremes of temperature, floods, etc., are usually seasonal. There may be difficulty in some instances in distinguishing between mortalities caused directly by heat and cold, or other natural environmental extremes, and those caused by disease. However, the application of other yardsticks should eliminate confusion. Disease is selective and spotty in occurrence, and is density dependent, while the opposite is true of environmentally induced mortality due to phy- sical extremes. TYPE II. MORTALITIES DUE TO DISEASE Of the greatest interest to present studies are those mortal- ities known to have been caused by disease or in which disease is sus- pected to be the cause. These cases are fairly numerous and the mortality waves attributed to disease may affect wide areas over the host range. Disease is known to have caused high rates of mortality of oysters in Europe, Australia, Japan, and North America for well over a half century. Generally the study of diseases of oysters in the United States has lagged far behind other studies. In spite of that, much has been accomplished in the past ten years. This has been the resiilt of development of method, and a better understanding of the nature of the diseases of oysters. In earlier years, with few exceptions, workers assumed that etiologic agents of disease in oysters must be bacteria, and that these bacterial parasites could be isolated by the time-honored methods used in hvmian diseases . Crude methods were used in testing for pathogenicity, with little or no regard for epidemiological factors . The crudity of the methods was primarily responsible for failures to establish etiological relationships. Often, even when disease was suspected, no efforts at isolation of a pathogen were made. The science of the study of diseases of marine inverte- brates is lagging at least a half century behind disease studies in insects and crop pleints . It seems certain at the present time that all oyster-producing bays are endemic areas for one or more diseases . It would be exceed- ingly strange if this were not true. It has been the general opinion until recent years that oysters were somehow unique in that diseases are rare. A great preponderance of evidence now indicates that not only are bivalve molluscs frequent hosts for pathogens, but that they are regularly parasitized by a lonique group of low fungi, which are so far off the beaten path of scientific inquiry that knowledge of taxo- nomy, relationship, life cycles, physiology, and epidemiology is only beginning to be accumulated. An entire new field of research is being opened in oyster biology. This is not intended to suggest that only this low group of fungi is important. Diseases involving bacteria and protozoa are known, ajid the oyster is afflicted with a wide variety -23- of diseases. It is predicted that viral diseases will be found in the near future. It is proposed to examine here several of the mortality waves attributed to disease and to analyze the factors peculiar to these waves of high mortality. It is believed that a study of representative types may be of value. A. The Mortalities of 1919-192^ on the coast of Europe Beginning in 1919^ a series of mortalities decimated oysters (Ostrea edulls) in various parts of Europe. Orton (192U) investigated this mortality wave and wrote two voluminous reports . Mortalities occurred in Italy, Atlantic coast of France and Holland, Ireland, and south England. The time of deaths is believed by Orton to have been mainly suimner and spring, but a careful reading of accounts shows that the data given reflect periods when the mortalities were noted and not when they actually occurred. There are frequent mentions of mortali- ties continuing into the winter. This part of the accounts is con- fused, as are the reports of the numbers of oysters dying. It is my opinion that "unusual" mortalities were recorded which were far from being out of the ordinary, and were observed mainly because everyone was, at the time, mortality conscious. Be that as it may, it seems certain that the mortalities continued through several years; they began in either 1919 or 1920, and in some areas had not subsided until the mid-1920s. Most of the deaths appear to have been in warm weather, but some may have been in the fall, winter, or spring. The mortalities in Italy probably had no real relation to those of the Atlantic coast of Europe. Spottiness of locale of mortalities was marked. It was at first believed that munitions diimped into the sea after World War I were responsible for the mortalities. Oil from siinken tankers was also considered as a possible cause, as was arsenic. These hypotheses were eliminated by experimentation, and the pollution hypothesis generally discarded. There were also those hypotheses which involved weather extremes as directly responsible for the mortalities, and lastly, disease was considered. Study of weather data led Orton to conclude that extremes of weather were not responsible for the mor- talities and he was not able to find parasites in the oysters. As stated, crude experiments with bacteria were negative, but it is cer- tain that there was nothing in the results which actually ruled out a bacterial parasite. Incidentally, some of Orton 's figures show what appear to the author to be intracellular stages of Hexamita in the tissues. However, if Orton was correct, and the mortalities were con- centrated in svmmier months, Hexamita probably was not a cause of the mortalities. He was handicapped in that his investigations were al- ways several months behind the mortalities . It seems probable that he made most of his studies of disease on some other than the one operative when oysters were dying at the greatest rate . -2U- Although Orton stated that he failed to find a cause of these mortalities, it is clear that he believed they were due to disease. He listed a number of histopathologies characteristic of "hockley" (sick) oysters and in his book on oyster culture (1937) referred to the mortalities as an "epidemic". Dollfus (1922) listed these mor- talities as caused by a disease of unknown origin. Korringa (19^7) referred to the mortalities in France and England in I92O-I92I as "mysterious and catastrophic", and later (l952) stated that what is known indicates that they were caused by a disease. The mortalities are so treated here, with the reservation that it is probable that there was more than one disease, and that in the efforts aimed at completeness of data, deaths from causes other than disease were intro- duced to compoimd the very evident confusion. For example, Korringa, although he accepted the disease hypothesis so far as mortalities of French oysters were concerned, believed that the Dutch mortalities occurring at the same time were due to low salinity. Gaarder and Alvsaker (l9^l) fiorther befogged the issue by suggesting that all of these oysters starved to death. Groping through the interminable non-pertinent details, the author believes that the following things are probably true of the European oyster mortalities of 1919-1925: (1) A great mortality of oysters occurred on the Atlantic coast of Europe and the south coast of England, and the mortalities peaked in at least two years, I92O-I92I. (2) The mortalities were concentrated in summer. The two summers involved were warmer than usual, but not as warm as some years in which no "abnormal" mortalities occurred. (3) Affected oysters showed strongly marked histopathologies, the most important of which was probably myolysis. However, oysters tended to die fat. Other histopathologies included severe cellular reactions, reduction of liver pigmentation, reduction of Leidig cell tissue, excess development of mucoid glands in epithelia, abscesses, and degeneration of the gonads . {h) Mortalities were spotty in distribution, affected areas and apparently unaffected areas sometimes lying close together. (5) The mortalities followed a long period of ' neglect of oyster beds during World War I. (6) The mortalities failed to affect organisms other than oys- ters , Even the Portuguese oyster (Crassostrea angtilata) was not af- fected. (7) The mortalities were superposed on a background of regu- larly occurring "normal" mortality variously estimated at 10 to 25 per cent. Certain studies cited by Orton tend to indicate that the -25- background mortalities were grossly underestimated, as they nearly always are in every great mortality. (8) There are data which indicate that there were earlier mortalities which at least approached the severity of the I92O-I92I wave. Circumstances indicate very similar conditions for some of these. Others were definitely winter mortalities which probably should be kept separate from those of high temperature periods. (9) Oyster stocks apparently never recovered completely from the I92O-I92I mortalities, suggesting a higher level of endemic dis- ease following the epidemic. B. The Australian "winter disease" Roughley (1926) described a disease of oysters (Crassostrea commerclalls) occurring in the George's River of New South Wales, Australia. Oysters in this estuary had for 8 or 9 years previous to 192^4- (the year of Roughley 's study) died in varying numbers. From Roughley 's accoimt the following facts relating to the mortalities may be stated: (1) The mortalities occurred in late winter and spring, and were accentuated by unusually cold weather. (2) Although mortality was associated with cold weather Roiighley showed by several studies that cold was not a direct cause of death, and indeed those oysters exposed to lowest temperatures were not af- fected to the extent that others were. (3) The mortalities were associated with cessation of feeding activity which occurs in C. commercialis at 10° C. (k) The sick oysters showed various histopathological conditions when sectioned and stained. Diapedesis was marked, the digestive gland was pale, and some oysters had severe ulcerations and abscesses, espe- cially in the gonadal region. Myolysis was marked, and in some oysters the gills disintegrated. (5) Most mortalities were in the lower half of the intertidal zone although not confined to that level. (6) Winter disease was not confined to the George's River, but appeared intermittently elsewhere in southeast New South Wales. (7) Plankton studies showed that a normal fauna and flora was present while oysters were dying nearby in large numbers. No mention was made of mortalities of animals other than the one species of oyster. Oatrea angasl inhabits the same region but is not considered to be a commercial oyster. -26- (8) Oysters died "fat" in most cases. (9) Mortalities were "spotty." They might cover only a small section of a bed, or occiar on one side of an estuary and be absent on the other, or involve only some sections of one part of an estuary. Mortality rates also varied greatly in different beds. (10) Different years differed radically in the extent of the mortalities. Death rates might be high in one winter, and quite low in others. Roughley failed to find the cause of these mortalities, but believed that they were caused by disease of bacterial origin. It has been my privilege to study Orton's slides of diseased oysters as well as slides made from oysters dying of winter disease in Australia in recent years. Some of these latter (and perhaps all) were infected with Hexamita. The histopathologies were identical to those described for oysters (0. edulis ) from Holland with "pit disease" (Mackin, Kor- ringa, and Hopkins I952). Oysters in holding basins in Holland are subjected to low temperatiires (5° C). The histopathologies in these oysters also correspond with those observed in Ostrea lurlda from Puget Sound in Washington. Winter disease of Australian oysters was chosen as an example of an intermittently recurring mortality producer which apparently is world-wide in distribution. While Hexamita is associated with the disease, there is some evidence that there may also be another simul- taneously operative disease, or there are phases of Hexamita attack which have not as yet been definitely associated with the parasite. There may be several species of Hexamita involved. A careful reading of much of the European literature dealing with the decline of the Ostrea edulis industry indicates that devastat- ing losses of oysters associated with cold winters have played a con- siderable part in elimination of the species from certain areas as, for example, parts of Scotland. Epidemiological data suggest that cold was a factor only when coupled with other agencies. A very simi- lar picture is found in Washington (State), where 0. lurida has been eliminated from certain areas for no known cause, except overfishing. Overfishing may explain radical reduction on natiural beds only, but cannot explain failiire to recover when fishing ceases over a period of years . C. Fungus disease caused by Dermocystidium marinum. This is by far the best documented of the diseases. Because the details are relatively well known, only a very brief analysis is here presented. The major factors are as follows: (1) The caiisative agent is a low fungus, Dermocystidivmi marinum. -27- closely related to the Synchytriaceae . General outlines of the life cycle are known with some details of the biochemistry of the parasite. (2) The disease caused by this fungus produces annual summer epidemics in its host (Crassostrea virginica), the severity of which increase southward in its range, sometimes reaching high peaks, e.g., death rates of 90 per cent in a single summer in Louisiana. Various environmental factors modify these death rates in a quite regular manner . > (3) The known range is apparently from New Jersey to Texas, with some areas of low concentration or even complete absence scat- tered along the coast within the range. (k) Scouring of bays by fresh water, and low salinity generally may control the disease in certain years. Conversely, a build-up of high salinity and high temperature over several years results in de- cimation of oyster populations. (5) Dense planting of large numbers of susceptible seed oysters produces maximiom conditions for development of the fungus . Under- con- ditions of high temperature, high salinity, and dense pop\ilations of susceptible oysters, the maximum losses occur. (6) Immature oysters under field conditions are resistant to infection, and susceptibility increases with age. In Louisiana, mar- ket oysters two years old and older are most often victims of attack. Resistance of young oysters probably is due to lesser feeding volumes (Andrews and Hewatt 1957) and possibly a tendency of yoimg oysters to reject infective cells. Epidemics sweeping beds of older oysters and leaving freshly planted young oysters barely touched are often observed in Louisiana. (7) There is evidence that resistant strains of Crassostrea vlrginica exist. (8) There is also some evidence of acquired immunity. D. Characteristics of mortalities caused by disease. A study of the conditions surrounding mortalities of oysters produced by disease permit the formulation of some general character- istics of this tj'pe of mortality. There are as follows: (1) Mortalities due to disease are almost always specific, that is, one species of oyster, or possibly two, may be affected, but the oyster community as a whole is unaffected. It is, of course, not impossible that a disease-producing organism might attack a variety of related hosts, but the commiinity as a whole will be unaffected. -28- (2) Mortalities due to disease are almost always seasonal. Peaks of mortality are more or less sharply defined in limited periods of the year, while low-level losses may spread into other seasons . (3) Peaks of mortalities may be ciomulative over several years, sometimes building up to a peak year and then declining. These cyclic effects may sometimes be correlated with climatic cycles. {k) The rates of mortality in epidemics nearly always are den- sity dependent. That is especially true if there is only one host (the oyster) and no free-living stages. In cases where alternate hosts are involved, abundance of the parasite may be controlled by the alter- nate host, or by conditions obtaining during free-living stages . Shell disease of Ostrea edulis is such a case, where the abundance of the fungus causing the disease is controlled by the abundance of dead shell of molluscs other than oysters. But most disease-producing parasites of oysters seem to have only one host and free-living stages exist as spores which may not reproduce, but simply bridge an intervening ecolo- gically unfavorable period for the parasite. (5) Recovery from the effects of disease is slow. Introduction of new host susceptibles as seed in an area, may largely counteract the natural agencies working toward reduction of peaks of mortality. Den- sity reduction and elimination of imports will speed up recovery from disease-produced mortalities . (6) Mortalities from disease are "spotty", i.e., they affect different beds in one locality in a seemingly haphazard manner, esp- ecially in the beginning of a cyclic wave of mortalities. Unequal effect on different plantings in the same locality will continue be- cause of difference in the local rates of elimination of susceptibles and because of varying densities of plantings, variations in suscepti- bility due to different origins of seed, and perhaps other factors . (7) Survivors of an epidemic generally are found to be in good physiological condition. They survive either because of chance escape or because of individual resistance. In either case growth and re- productive capacity will be unimpaired. However, those oysters attack- ed by disease but not becoming fatalities may be found to be variously affected. (8) Sections of oysters dying of disease will show character- istic histopathologies which will contrast markedly with the normal tissues of siirvivors in general. Some of the survivors, infected but not so heavily as to cause death, will inevitably show developmental stages in the histopathological conditions, and often the parasite it- self will be found, also in developmental stages of infection. But most survivors will be largely free of characteristic histopathologies. The author believes that, of all causes of mortality, disease -29- ranks first. Disease not only produces spectacvilar major declines in production, but also accoimts for much "background" mortality. Studies of disease in invertebrates have lagged behind those of commercially valuable vertebrates, with the exception of those diseases of insects, which form a segment of research well worth review. Best general works on Insect diseases are the volumes by Steinhaus (19^6, 19^9)* E. Some basic principles of epidemiology The development of epidemics (technically epizootics) is de- pendent on three things. These are (l) variance in virvilence and in- fectivity of the pathogen, (2) variance in the susceptibility of a population, and (3) the effectiveness of the methods of transportation of the parasite. All three of these are influenced by variation in the physical and chemical environment, and all vary with time. Thus epidemics develop, or fail to develop, develop partially, develop fully, or terminate because of an almost unlimited interaction of variables, which progressively change from the beginning to the end of an epidemic. Without going into those factors having to do with virulence, infect- ivity, and immunity, the population composition factors effective in epidemic development are discussed briefly. ^y popiilation of animals is made up of several well defined categories of individuals so far as disease is concerned. These are as follows : (1) Susceptible individuals, i.e., those which can be infected by a pathogen, and which will develop typical disease following infec- tion. (2) Immime non-carriers, those individuals which, if they can be infected, do not develop disease, and which rid themselves com- pletely of the pathogen. (3) Immune carriers, which do become infected and harbor the pathogens but do not react with the typical disease syndrome. (k) Infected individuals, which will later develop disease (latent infections) . (5) Cases with typical disease. (6) Atypical cases. (For a full discussion of these six cate- gories, see Topley and Wilson 1936). If a case of oyster mortality is considered in which the dis- ease is a new import, and has not been endemic in the area in question, there are only two types of individuals in the host population: the susceptibles and natural Imraunes. The degree of development of an epidemic under such conditions would depend on the relative numbers -30- of these two categories, with the likelihood that innnunes will be scarce. Given proper density of the host population, epidemics under these conditions are apt to he very severe. However, after a disease has become endemic, all six categories will appear and as the epidemic progresses, their relative numbers change. Susceptibles become fewer, and with development of induced immunes, the percentage of the population capable of becoming infected decreases. With significantly high death rate, the population of sus- ceptibles becomes more and more thinly scattered with proportionately greater difficulty in transmission of infective elements. The epidemic is thus self -limiting. Introduction of a new host population into the area, either by natural accretion of spat, or by planting, will again tip the scales in favor of the disease. As a result, in the face of an endemic dis- ease, an oyster population is itself self limiting. When density of the population of susceptibles reaches a point where transmission be- comes easily accomplished, a new epidemic is triggered. The matter of host susceptibility varies very greatly with changes in the external environment. For example, in recent studies on Dermocystidium marinum in Louisiana it was fo\md that deaths per thousand cases increased from 23 in April to 207 in August, a result of increased temperature; this was an overall increase of more than 900 per cent (Mackin and Sparks 1959) • The effect of the introduction of non- Immunes into an endemic area also was shown in the study cited above. One thousand oysters from non-endemic territory for Dermocystidium marinum were placed be- side 1000 oysters in the endemic area. Culture tests of samples showed that 690 out of the thousand endemic . oysters were in one or the other of the groups of carriers, ranging from a few typical cases to numerous lightly infected oysters. The non-endemic oysters, in the following summer epidemic, all became infected with fungus disease and developed the highest rate of mortality to disease ever observed, kjQ deaths per 1000 population in one month's time at the peak period, while the en- demic oysters attained only a rate of I85 deaths per 1000 population in the peak month. Just what part acquired immunity played in this is not certain. Other studies have showed that a reimiant population left after a severe epidemic may develop as high death rate due to disease in the following summer as the original population attained in the ini- tial subjection to disease. TYPE III. MORTALITIES DUE TO STARVATION This category is discussed more because the literature con- tains supposed cases, than because of a personal belief that mortalities due to starvation occur on a large scale. There are no cases supported -31- by conclusive data. On the basis of certain studies and observations made in past years the author believes that it is almost impossible to starve an oyster to death in the natural habitat. Hoek (1902) studied mortalities of oysters in Holland which occurred in the latter years of the past century. The mortalities were accompaaiied by failure of oysters to fatten and grow properly. Hoek concluded that the oysters had been starved to death, and that for any given area there would be a maximum number of oysters which could successfully be grown without starvation. For the limited area of Dutch ground under study, the number was stated to be 100 million. Korringa (19^7) agreed with Hoek that certain mortalities of Dutch oysters were due to starvation. The bases for the decision that Dutch oysters starved to death when the populations became too great were (l) the large population Itself, and (2) the fact that the oysters failed to fatten properly. Other than these two reasons there seems to be no basis for this theory. But mortality following over-population can be caused by disease. Thinness, and even death of oysters can be a result of over-concentra- tion of food (Loosanoff and Engle 19kk) , or a result of disease. The possibility of initiating a significajit mortality by means of plankton blooms due to overfertilization, as shown for the Great South Bay area, is more impressive than is the starvation theory. Phytoplankton has been shown to have toxic properties in some cases, and may control a habitat by means of metabolites . In any event, if oysters are starved to death, the mortalities must necessarily involve other plankton feed- ers and cannot be so selective that the oyster is the only organism affected. No data showing a similar effect of the hypothetical lack of food causing starvation of Dutch oysters on other general plankton feeders was presented by Korringa or Hoek, and the theory must be con- sidered to be unproved. In the early part of the century, there were two years (1905 and 1906) in which oysters in Louisiana were very poor, and in fact largely unmarketable. This condition was attributed to lack of food (Oyster Commission of Louisiana I906) . H. F. Moore of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries investigated this matter, but failed to find a deficiency of food plankters in the water (Moore and Pope I9IO). The periodic failure of oysters to fatten properly is characteristic in many parts of the world and is not a result of so simple a factor as lack of food. It is believed that lack of metabolites, or over-con- centration of metabolites is a better hypothesis, but this too remains to be demonstrated. TYPE IV. MORTALITIES RESULTING FROM SPATIAL COMPETITION Korringa (l9^7) described a case of oyster mortality due to competition with the slipper limpet, Crepidula fornicata, in Dutch -32- waters. This Crepldula was an import from the United States, and shortly after importation developed tremendous populations on old cockle shells. They were so numerous that space normally utilized by spat for setting was preempted, resulting in setting failure. Korringa ranked the crisis in the industry produced by the sD.ippers along with that caused by shell disease. Apparently both crises were met by cleaning all beds in the affected area down to the bare mud. Use of Crepidula on a commercial basis during World War II completed the counter measures against the limpet. Space competition between yoiong oysters and various foulants is common everywhere. Barnacles are perhaps the most important of these competitors, but in some areas encrusting Bryozoa, serpulids, or others may become important. All this usually may be classed as background mortality to be expected in average years . Such competition may sometimes be helpful when set of young oysters is so plentifiil as to be embarrassing, as it is in some parts of the Gulf Coast. New Englanders will find that difficult to understand, but it is a very real handicap in the South. TYPE V. MORTALITIES DUE TO PREDATORS Along with mortalities due to disease, predator-produced losses take front rank in importance. Oysters have an unusual number of the most effective kinds of predators . At least several of these are ef- fective in mortality in any area where oysters are grown. Most of them are well known, but a few have only recently been described. There are five major groups of animals which prey an oysters: (1) Fishes. Most important of the fishes are the drum, sheeps- head, and skates or rays . Locally any of these may produce major dam- age, especially to young oysters on newly planted beds. Fishes as oyster predators seem to be more common in subtropic areas than they are in temperate zones . Predation due to fishes is apt to be very local. In Louisiana, oystermen, lontil very recently, were in the habit of fencing oyster beds against this type of predation. It is believed that much of the damage attributed to fishes actually may be due to other causes, especially crabs. (2) Crabs. Any of the larger crabs may destroy oysters, de- pending on the size of the oysters, size of the crabs, environment, etc. However, the large Cancers and their relatives are most effective in destruction of oysters. On the Gulf Coast the most active is Menippe mercenaria, a crab with very heavy and strong claws, which caji crack large, heavy shelled oysters (Menzel and Hopkins 195^). These authors found densities of crabs of 3500 to an acre of oyster reef in parts of Louisiana. They showed that these crabs could kill spat at the rate of 10 per day, and all sizes of oyster were killed in experimental tests at the overall rate of 219 oysters per crab per year. Extended, -33- these data could be taken to show that it is possible for an average population of stone crabs (Menippe) to destroy 7^6, 500 oysters per acre per year. If only l/3 of these oysters were market-size this would mean around 800 Louisiana sacks, or about the maxira\jm capacity of oys- ter bedding grounds to hold oysters . Experimental figures may not be projected directly to field conditions and the normal natural kill is unquestionably only a fraction of the experimentally demonstrated pos- sibilities; nevertheless, losses to the large crabs are unquestionably very much heavier than generally recognized. The extent of damage by ' crabs is very difficiilt to measure because of fragmentation of the shell by the predator. (3) Predaceous snails . Mortalities of oysters due to preda- ceous snails are probably better known, and certainly have had wider publicity and have been subjected to more research than mortalities of any other kind. On the Atlantic Coast, for many years, intensive re- searches have been directed at problems of the drill (Urosalpinx cinerea) - Carriker (1955) tias recently summed up these researches and there have been recent seminars directed at the predaceous snail problem alone. Because of these thorough reviews, it is not thought necessary to attempt to add anything here . However, a high percentage of the back- groimd mortality of oysters on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and in the Pacific northwest, is caizsed by various species of predaceous snails, which are present on certain oyster grounds in all parts of the country. (k) Echinoderms . Starfishes, where they are present, consti- tute the caiise, both of continuing background mortality in years of normal abundance, and of catastrophic mortalities in those years when the starfish cyclically produce enormous populations. Burkenroad (19^6) predicted a peak of abundance of starfish in Long Island Sound for 1957^ a remarkably accurate forecast. Burkenroad studied I85 cases of sub and super-normal abundance, which he found to alternate at about "J-year intervals . The most interesting point in the study of the intermittent "plagues" of starfish is that the peaks of abundance are in no way de- pendent on abundance of oysters . Just what cyclic changes are operative is not known with any degree of certainty. Indeed, a study of the pre- dators of oysters indicates that their abundance may not be based on oyster abundance, since most oyster predators have alternate prey and may prefer some food source other than the oyster. (5) The predaceous f latworms . The predaceous flatworms maJce up the last major group of oyster predators. Some genus of polyclad is present in most oyster producing areas. Extensive mortalities have been attributed to these worms in various places. In the United States, the outstanding examples have been Florida and the Puget Sound area of Washington. In the latter case, the flatworms actually drill a hole through the shell (Woelke 1957) • This author estimated the population of flatworms (Pseudostylochus ostreophagus ) in one area at 600,000 per acre, and indicated a loss of 88 per cent of spat in a one-year period (1953-5^). The worms were fo\ind on nearly all oyster beds in South Puget Sound. -3h- Generally speaking, the characteristics of mortality waves due to predators are of the same nat\ire as those outlined for diseases . However, the less pronounced dependence of predators on any one "host" species or taxonomic group of prey species, makes their population variation less density-dependent, and it is often completely independent of numbers of oysters. Herein, the classic picture of predator-prey population interdependence breaks down. Otherwise mortalities due to predators are generally simple to detect, because of the large size of the predator itself, and the more or less obvious attack of the pre- dator. The factors of (a) seasonal development, (b) non-physiological effect on escapees, (c) non- involvement of the community as a whole, parallel the same characteristics as given for diseases . TYPE VI. MORTALITIES DUE TO TOXINS The literature is full of studies dealing with the effect of suspected toxic substances on oysters. Most of them stand in the cate- gory of the so-called pollutional toxins, and nearly every recent mor- tality that had no readily ascertainable cause has been claimed to be of pollutional origin, irrespective of whether the characteristics fit or not. But the nimiber of proved cases of pollutional damage to oysters is surprisingly small, and all such are local in nature, and the facts obvious to all concerned. The best examples of destruction of oysters by toxins are those caused by red tide organisms in the Pacific area. There are several reports of such cases from Australia, and they appear to be common in Japan. There have been claims that oyster mortalities due to red tide have occiorred in the northeast Pacific (i.e., Willapa Har- bor), and on the west coast of Florida. Gonya-ulax poisoning appears to affect humans more than it does the oyster, and mussel poisoning is well known. A. Characteristics of mortalities of toxic origin. (1) The mortalities are non-specific. Considerable numbers of animal species other than the oyster affected are also destroyed. These are not necessarily related molluscs. Industrial wastes are generally toxic rather than specifically toxic and would be expected to destroy a great part of a fauna, irrespective of taxonomic relations of the species, if oysters are affected. At the same time that most of the fauna is being destroyed, a few species may be stimulated to develop larger populations . One would then expect profound changes in the community of organisms associated with oysters . These changes woxild not take the form of reductions in numbers of individuals but would appear as wholesale complete eliminations of dominant and sub- dominant species, genera or families. (2) When a mortality of oysters is caused by toxic substances, and that mortality destroys any considerable part of the oyster -35- population, a continuation in time of subjection to the toxin will destroy the entire popiJiLation . It is not possible, for example, to reach the LD50 for oysters which is then followed by a revival of the oyster population and cessation of mortalities if the pollution is continuing. Continuation in time of such lethal concentration must result in destruction of the popiilation, since the LD50 is essentially that level of toxicity which is lethal threshold to the population as a whole. Additionally, when a level of toxicity is reached which will destroy a significant part of an oyster population, an increase in concentration of the pollutant will, in the same time, destroy the whole popiilation. (3) A level of toxicity which can directly destroy a part of a pop^ilation will so affect survivors that the individuals of the population will be physiologically altered. The two most basic of physiological yardsticks, growth and reproduction, may be used to test for sub-lethal levels of pollution. It is not possible for a mortality due to pollution to be followed or accompanied by normal gonadal de- velopment, spawning, ajid setting in the face of continued pollution. Neither can survivors of pollutional mortality continue to grow and fatten as long as pollution continues. Before lethal levels of pol- lution are reached these basic functions will be destroyed and both growth and reproduction will cease. (k) Mortalities due to pollution are non-seasonal. While it is obvious that resistance to toxic effect may vary with the metabolic level of the oysters, which in turn varies with seasonal temperature changes, such variation only modifies in some small degree the amount of the lethal dosage. In the face of such drastic effect as death from toxin, the small threshold modification produced by seasonal temperature or other change is hardly measurable. Certainly a concen- tration of toxic substance effective. to the point of producing death of oysters in one season cannot be so ineffective in a succeeding sea- son that deaths and physiological depression do not occur in any degree. Physiological damage is a yardstick often overlooked in measiorement of effect of pollution. (5) The effects of pollutional damage are greatest at the source of the toxin and the effects on oysters diminish with distance away from the soxoxce. This criterion would seem to be self-evident. The decrease in effect is due to two factors, the most important being dilution. The other is biological and chemical modification of the pollutant which tends to reduce toxicity. (6) Deaths from toxic effects are not density-dependent. Concentration of the oysters or population densities have no effect on death rates . (7) In a given area of approximately equal pollution, all oyster beds will be fo\Jnd to be affected. It is not believed to be -36- possible for beds with high mortality from toxic substances to alter- nate or be interspersed with bedti in good condition and with little or no mortality. Extremes of variation with respect to mortality rate within a limited area are not consistent with nat\aral effects of pol- lution. Pollution may not involve a toxin, but instead may modify the habitat in some indirect manner. The usual non-toxic effect is to ex- ert a strong oxygen demand. Deaths are due to asphyxiation rather than to toxic effects. All of the characteristics mentioned above apply equally well irrespective of whether or not the action is direct or indirect. VII. MORTALITIES DUE TO METABOLIC COMPETITION It is not known for certain that mortalities due to metabolites actually exist, but, because of the developing interest in this field, the matter is explored briefly. For a recent discussion of researches on metabolites in the sea, see Lucas (1955)- I't tias become increasing- ly apparent that dominant organisms produce substances, which, excreted or secreted into the sea, exercise control over other organisms . More to the point, large and rapidly growing organisms may suppress growth of smaller, less rapidly growing organisms of the same or closely re- lated species (Rose 1959). Thus, when a large fast-growing species of oyster is introduced into an area originally populated by a small, slow- growing species it is apparent that there may develop a competition ion- related to competition for either food or space. Modern oyster pro- duction requires populations of oysters of such density that artificial dominance is set up and sometimes maintained. In some cases attempts have been made to maintain two such oyster dominants in the same area. There are three such cases, in which species of Crassostrea appear to be in direct competition with species of Ostrea. The first of these is the Crassostrea angulata - Ostrea edulis combination on the French coast. C. angulata was introduced to the French coast originally in the middle of the 19th century in the basin of Arcachon. In I868 another introduction was made in the Glronde estuary. Natural reefs developed from these introductions, and the conditions seemed to be well suited to the imported species. It successively became numeri- cally dominant over estuaries farther and farther north on the French coast. Oystermen found it easier axid more profitable to cultivate than was the native 0. edulis. Lambert (l9^6) described the reduction in numbers and importance of 0. edulis throiigh the years. He believed that C. angiilata will take over the entire French coast and replace the native. In Australia a similar situation exists. Crassostrea commer- cialls originally coexisted with the flat oyster, Ostrea angasi, which is very similar to 0. edulis . 0. angasi disappeared from the north part of its range and is now restricted to the colder waters of the -37- south of Australia where C. commercialls does not grow. In the South Puget So\md area of Washington^ the introduced Japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is now preempting the area for- merly occupied exclusively by 0. l\rrida, the excessively small native species. The C. gigas population has increased rapidly in late years, with a corresponding decrease in 0. lurida. Oystermen have increasing difficulty raising the latter, while at the same time the C. gigas industry has grown enormously. In all of these cases, there is reason to believe that economics may play a part in the substitution of a fast-growing, large oyster for a slow-growing, smaller oyster. Also there is the possibility that in- troduction of predators and diseases may have had some influence. Cer- tainly, in the case of 0. lurida, the introduction of the flatworm Fseudostylochus has played a part. Such a species wo\ild certainly be more effective against a small, slow-growing species such as 0. liirida than against the large, fast-growing C. gigas . In Australia it has been reported that 0. angasl was decimated by the "worm" disease (Poly- dora ciliata or P. ligni ) . REFERENCES Andrews, Jay D. and W. G. Hewatt. 1957. Oyster mortality studies in Virginia, II. The fungus disease caused by Dermocystidium marinum in oysters of Chesapeake Bay. Ecol. Monogr. 27:1-26. Beaven, G. Francis. 19^+6. Effect of Susquehanna River stream flow on Chesapeake Bay salinities and history of past oyster mor- talities on upper Bay bars. Third Annual Report, Maryland Bd. Nat. Res., pp. 123-133- Burkenroad, Martin D. I946. Fluctuations in ab\mdance of marine ani- mals. Science 103(2684) : 6^-686. Carriker, M. R. 1955. Critical review of biology and control of oys- ter drills, Urosalplnx and Eupleura. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Spec. Sci. Rept. - Fish. No. l^fS, 1^9 pp. DollfuB, Robert Ph. 1922. Resume ^e nos principales connaissances pratiques sur les maladies et le ennemis de I'huitre. Office Scientifiques et Techniques de Peches Maritimes, Notes et memoires. No. "J, 58 PP- Gaarder, T. and E. Alvsaker. 19^+1. Biologie und Chemie der Auster in den Norwegishen Pollen. Bergens Mus . Aarb., Naturv. Rekke 236 pp. Gross, F. and J. C. Smyth. 19^+6. The decline of oyster populations. Nature 157:540-5^2. -38- Gunter, G. 1950. The relationship of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to oyster beds in Mississippi Sound and the "Louisiana Marsh", etc. Mimeographed Report, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, 60 pp. Hoek, P. P. C. 1902. Rapport over de Oorsaken van den Acteruitgang in Hoedanigheid van de Zeeuwsche Oester. Ministerie van Waterstaat, Handel en Mzverheid, s ' Gravenhage . Hopkins, S. H. 19^9 • Preliminary survey of the literature on Stylo- chus and other flatworms associated with oysters. Texas A & M Research Foundation, Project 9 Report, April I8, 19^+5. Korringa, P. I9U7. Les vicissitudes de 1 'ostreiculture Hollandaise elucidees par la science ostreicole moderne. Ostreiciilture ciiltures Marines, 16 (juillet I9U7) :3-9 Korringa, P. 1952. Recent advances in oyster biology. Quart, rev. biol. 27:266-308, 339-365. Lambert, L. 19^6. Les huitres des cotes f rancaises . Peche Marit. 29:31-33. Loosanoff, V. L. ajid James B. Engle. 19^4. Feeding and fattening of oysters. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc, Convention addresses, 19^4. Lucas, C. E. 1955- External metabolites in the sea. In: Papers in Marine Biology and Oceanography, Deep-Sea Research, Suppl. to Vol. 3, Pergamon Press, London and N. Y., pp. 139-147' Lunz, G. Robert. I936. The effects of the flooding of the Santee River in April, 1936, on oysters in the Cape Romain area of South Carolina. Mimeographed Report, Corps, of Engineers, U. S. Army, 2k pp. Mackin, J. G. and A. K. Sparks. 1959- A study of the effects on oys- ters of crude oil loss from a wild well. Texas A & M Research Foundation, Project 23 Report. Mackin, J. G., P. Korringa, and S. H. Hopkins. 1952. Hexamitiasis of Ostrea edulis L. and Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) . Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Carib. l(4) : 266-277. Menzel, R. W. and S. H. Hopkins. 195'+- Studies on oyster predators in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. Texas A & M Research Foimd- ation. Project 9 Report, l^tO pp., I8 figs. Moore, H. F. and T. E. B. Pope. I9IO. Oyster culture experiments and Investigations in Louisiana. Report, U. S. Comm. Fish. 1908, Doc. 731, 52 pp. -39- Orton, J. H. I92U. An accoimt of investigations into the caiose or causes of the unusual mortality among oysters in English oys- ter beds during I920 and I921. Gt. Brit. Min. Agr. Fish., Fish. Invest., Ser. II, 6(3):1-199, 1923; 6(i+) :l-69, 1921^. Orton, J. H. 1937- Oyster biology and oyster cultvire. Buckland Lectxires, Wo. Ill, Edward Arnold, London, 211 pp. Owen, H. Malcoljii and L. L. Walters. 1950. Report of the investigation to determine the effect of the 1950 opening of Bonnet Carre Spillway on Mississippi Sound. Louisiana Conserv., March- April, 1950, pp. 16-19 j 26-27. Oyster Commission of Louisiana. I906. Second biennial report. Oyster Commission of Louisiana, Secretaries' Report, 18 pp. Rose, S. Meryl. 1959- Failure to survive of slowly growing members of a population. Science 129 (3355):1026. Roughley, T. C. I926. An investigation of the cause of an oyster mortality on the George's River, New South Wales, 1924-25.- Proc. Lliin. Soc. N. S. Wales 51:^1^+6-491. Steinhaus, E. A. 1946. Insect microbiology. Comstock, Ithaca, N. Y. 767 pp. Steinhaus, E. A. 1949. Principles of insect pathology. McGraw-Hill, New York. 757 pp. Topley, W. W. C. and G. S. Wilson. I936. The principles of bacterio- logy and immimity. William Wood, Baltimore. l654 pp. Von Brand, Theodore. 1946. Anaerobiosis in invertebrates. Biodynamica Monograph, No. 4, Biodynamica, Normandy 21, Missoiiri. 328 pp. Woelke, C. E. 1957- Flatworm Pseudostylochus ostreophagus Hyman, a predator of oysters. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc, I956: 62-67. -40- A METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF MORTALITY RATES IN OYSTERS J. G. Mackin^ In Louisiana, and sometimes elsewhere, it has been customary to use the "box count" method of estimation of mortality. It has been widely used in short-term studies of planted beds and natural growths of oysters. Where more elaborate studies are possible, with sufficient periods of time, the tray method is highly accurate, and has been ex- tensively used by the author and others (Hewatt and Andrews 195^^, Bea- vin 19^9) . Otherwise productivity studies may be based on analysis of mortality and growth as interacting factors (Hopkins and Menzel 1952, McHugh and Andrews 1955, Andrews and McHugh 1957) • Basically this method compares the number of oysters planted per unit measure with the number harvested per unit measiire taking into consideration also the number of units harvested per unit planted. This also is a highly efficient method. Estimation of mortality rates on natural reefs and planted beds when it must be done quickly and without knowledge of planting and har- vesting data, and without long-term use of trays, has been mostly based on the "box count" method. In using the method, random samples of oys- ters are collected and percentage of hinged shells in the total of live oysters and hinged shell is usually reported as "mortality" . It has been my contention that this method is highly inaccurate, misleading, and, as a method of population investigation, unacceptable. There are legitimate uses for box counts and studies of condition of boxes and shells when it is necessary to make rough calculations of the extent of very recent and cataclysmic mortality. But box counts are a source of gross error in any study of oyster populations or productivity. To show the inadequacy of the system, two illustrations are given. Nine samples of oysters from natural reefs in one limited area of Louisiana were pooled to make a total of 3252 oysters, of which lU.l per cent were boxes. This normally would be reported as "mortality." But there is no hint as to the time required to produce the ik.l per cent of boxes foiindj neither is there any method of determining Just how many "boxes" lose their right valves in a given length of time and hence cease to be boxes. The 1^.1 per cent boxes cannot in any sense be a rate, and only rates are useful in productivity or population calcul- ations. In the case cited above, a careful analysis indicated that the population did not contain any oysters older than four and one- half years. This being true, the mean annual loss could not be less than 50 per cent and actually must have been greater. Menzel and Hop- kins (1952), in studies of bottom plantings made very near the area from which these samples were taken, also found that boxes were a poor indicator of mortality rates and demonstrated, using the tray method. 1 Contribution from the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, Oceanography and Mete- orology Series. -41- that mortality rates ranged from 25 to 31 per cent annually in oysters two months old (at start) to 96 to 100 per cent annually in oysters 16 months old or older. This indicates that the l4.1 per cent boxes in the nine samples mentioned above gave a grossly unrealistic indication of mortality rates . A second check was made using samples of South Carolina oysters from Wadmalaw Island's We Creek. Through the coiirtesy of Dr. Robert Lunz^ a sample of I29I oysters was analysed. This sample contained eight per cent boxes, but the oldest oysters were roughly about four years of age. The mean annual mortality was, therefore, in excess of 60 per cent. Because increasing data indicate that oyster mortalities are generally much higher than the estimates fo\md in the literature, a study of the matter using statistical methods borrowed from fin fish- eries Investigations, has been projected. This study has only begun, but it is believed that the approach may be helpful in population analyses . It is remarkable that so few studies of natural oyster populations have been made. This is more to be wondered at since it has been assumed by most researchers that oysters are ecological do- minants in the oyster reef community, both as to numbers and as to community control. STUDIES ON MORTALITIES IN LOUISIAm OYSTERS USING THE TRAY METHOD Prior to beginning this study, all available data beajring on mortality rates in Louisiana oysters were studied. A considerable number of studies using the tray method were examined. In these, oysters were held in trays or cages for varying lengths of time and in different areas. Results of these studies are presented here as backgroimd material. These tray (or cage) studies showed unexpectedly high rates of mortality at widely scattered places in Louisiana. In Table 1, the data are summarized and reduced to an annual basis. This, in some cases, was difficult to do because of different rates which pertain to different seasons, but they are believed to be within +5 per cent of the true rates. Most studies reported for Menzel and Hopkins are round-number approximations of means for several studies in each area, as is true also for some studies by Mackin and Wray. The data from Owen (1955) were difficult to assess, since he ran his tray studies only during the summer, for seven and one-half months. However, winter mortalities are generally light, so Owen's figures were only raised to the next higher figure which roxonded to the near- est 5 per cent. The same applies to figures from Mackin and Sparks (1959)' These authors reported on tray check of mortality from March to September In 1957. St. Amant et al. carried one group of caged oysters (equivalent to tray) for six months, with a mortality of kk per cent. This one would have been about 60 per cent if extended to one year, but the data are reported for the six months only in this case, because of uncertainty of the locale of the study. -U2- Table 1. Annual rates of mortality of oysters in Louisiana as shown by tray studies (Oysters one year old or older) . Period of Study Author Place Per cent Mortality 1947-48 Mackin and Wray I949 Bayou Rigaud 80 191+7-1+8 Mackin and Wray I949 Sugar House Bend, Baratarla Bay 80 19^7-48 Mackin and Wray I949 Bassa Bassa Bay 70 19^7-48 Mackin and Wray I949 Chene Fleur Bay 30 19I+8-49 Mackin and Wray I95O Bayou Rigaud 80 19I+8-I+9 Mackin and Wray I95O Lower Baratarla Bay 75 1948-49 Mackin and Wray I95O Bassa Bassa Bay 60 1948-49 Mackin and Wray I95O Chene Fleur Bay 30 19I+8-49 Mackin and Wray I95O Lake Grande Ecaille 70 1947 to 1949 Menzel and Hopkins 1952 Bayou Bas Bleu 65 1947 to 1949 Menzel and Hopkins 1953 Bay Ste. Elaine 60 1947 to 1949 Menzel and Hopkins 1951 Lake Barre 70 1947 to 1949 Menzel I95O Lower Terrebonne Bay 75 1947 to 1949 Menzel I95I Lake Pelto 80 1949 Owen 1955 Bayou Pierre 60 1949 Owen 1955 Quarantine Bay 45 -43- Table 1 (Continued) Period of Study Author Place Per cent Mortality 1949 Owen 1955 Grand Bay 50 191^9 Owen 1955 Sandy Point Bay 50 19^9 Owen 1955 Bayou Scofield 60 19^9 Owen 1955 Bay Adam 65 19^9 Owen 1955 Lake Grande Ecaille 70 19if9 Owen 1955 Northern Baratarla Bay i^5 19^+9 Owen 1955 Bassa Bassa Bay 40 1949 Owen 1955 Lower Baratarla Bay 75 19*19 Owen 1955 Lake Felicity 45 19^9 Owen 1955 Sister Lake 30 19I+8-49 Mackln, Welsh and Kent I95O Bay Adam 85 191+8-1^9 Mackin, Welsh and Kent I95O Bayou Cook 75 19I+8-49 Mackin, Welsh and Kent I95O Bastian Island 80 19li8-l^9 Mackin, Welsh and Kent I95O English Bay 90 1948-49 Mackln, Welsh and Kent I95O Bay Pomme D'or 80 19^8-49 Mackin, Welsh and Kent 195O Skipjack Bay 75 1948-49 Mackin, Welsh and Kent I95O Bay Jacque 65 1948-49 Mackln, Welsh and Kent 1950 Bay Tambour 55 ^k- Table 1 (Continued) Period of Study Author Place Per cent Mortality 1957 Mackin and Sparks 1957 Mackin and Sparks 1957 Mackin and -Sparks 1957 Mackin and Sparks 1957 Mackin and Sparks 1957 Mackin and Sparks 1957 Mackin and Sparks 1956-57 St. Amant, at al. Billet Bay 65 Northern 55 Grande Ecaille Southern 65 Grande Ecaille Dredged cut 30 Freeport S\ilph\ir Southern 45 Baratarla Bay Southern 80- Baratarla Bay Sugarhouse Bayou 55 (not stated) kk* * Six months only; estimated about 60 per cent for a year. Data in Table 1 indicate that annual mortality rates of oysters more than a year old are usually in excess of 60 per cent annually. St. Amant et al. (1958) believed that 20 per cent is a "normal" rate for bedded oysters "over the growing period." This latter, in Louis- iana, could be any period from three months to tvo years . It was in- dicated that in most bedded oysters, the growing period might be about nine to ten months . If that is so, 20 per cent is much too low an estimate . It is believed that there has never been a mortality rate consistently that low in Louisiana. St. Amant et al. (1958)^ in sev- eral mortality studies, failed to find any that low, and one study by these authors showed about 80 per cent anniial mortality. It may be that these authors consider all mortality rates in Louisiana to be abnormal, and that the "normal" is a desired low rate of mortality, never to be actually attained. A5- MORTALITY RATES BY YEAR-CLASS ANALYSIS Because of the objections to box counts stated above, it was decided to apply the method of year-class analysis to determine whether or not such a method used with natural oyster populations would cor- roborate figures derived from the tray method as shown in Table 1. It was believed that if a natural population of oysters could be made to yield data from which the number of year-classes represented in the population could be determined, and also the approximate nvimber of oysters in each year-class, the problem could be resolved with the simplest kind of calciilation. As a beginning, calculations were made to determine the time necessary to bring any year-class population to practical extinction, using various rates of mortality. "Practical extinction" was arbit- rarily decided to mean that less than 5 per cent of the original popu- lation would remain. This procedure was adopted because the time re- quired to eliminate a population completely, when the percentages of annual loss are very low, is a very long time. For example, even at 50 per cent annual mortality, a population may be reduced to less than 5 per cent of its original size in four to five years, but to eliminate the remnant 5 per cent requires another six to seven years. Since sampling methods cannot be depended on to detect remnant populations of very small size, and because mortality rates become excessively erratic when dealing with small nimibers of oysters, the compromise re- duction to 5 per cent of original size was adopted, and found to be satisfactory. In Table 2 are figures showing the time required to reduce a population of oysters to less than 5 pei" cent of its original size at various annual mortality rates . Table 2. Time required to reduce a population of oysters to less than 5 per cent of its original size with different mean annual rates of mortality. Annual mortality rate, percent Years required to reduce to less than ^ per cent 10 20 30 ko 50 60 70 80 90 28-29 about 13 8-9 about 6 U-5 3-i+ 2-3 nearly 2 1 plus -46- This table shows that in any natural undisturbed population of oysters, there should be about 28 recognizable year-classes if the mean annual mortality rate is 10 per cent, and a small part of the population would be 28 to 29 years old. If the rate was 20 per cent, one should find oysters about 13 years old, etc. These preliminary calculations emphasized the fact that commonly- quoted low annxial mor- talities of 10 to 20 per cent in Louisiana oysters have no validity, since oysters attaining an age of five years are certainly rare, if they exist at all. Analyses were made of a considerable number of natural popu- lations to determine whether or not it could be determined with a fair degree of accuracy how many year-classes were represented in a sample and approximately how many oysters made up each year-class. If this could be done, it would greatly simplify determination of annual death rates. Oysters in large samples were carefully measured for length of the right valve, and size distribution diagrams were made. Most of these showed clearly that the approximate age of the oldest oysters could be determined, and that fused modes of the year-classes could be recognized. This can be done only if recruitment is reasonably constant. One of the diagrams in block form is shown in Figure 1. The process of separation of year-classes was aided because oysters in their first year could be recognized by fonn and color. Other year classes were clearly indicated by sub-modes, and corroborated by grow- th data. The histogram in Figiwe 1 showed that the 195^ year-class was the oldest in the population and made up only about one per cent of the total. Where difficulty in recognition of year-class modes is encoun- tered, aid is found in a knowledge of normal growth rates . Menzel and Hopkins have made extensive studies of growth in Louisiana oysters (see any of several references given in the bibliography). These data indicate that oysters in their first year have a modal length of about 30 mm in three months, 55 "to 6o mm in one year, 85 to 95 nm in two years, and I05 to 115 n™ in three years. Depending on the area, these growth rates are greater or less. Oysters which are older than four years are rare and usually form a remnant population on the right ex- tremity of a size-distribution diagrajn. Estimates of numbers in each year-class may be made by recon- structing the normal curves for each year-class. Accuracy in this is not necessary, so long as the numbers in the youngest and oldest year- class are approximately correct. An error in estimation of niimbers in the second, third, or fourth year-classes must necessarily be com- pensated for by opposite error in the next older or younger class. After numbers are estimated, the approximate mortality from one year- class to the next is easily computed. It is convenient to plot the numbers or per cent in each year-class as the logarithm of the per- centage of the population in each, as shown in Figure 1. This type of plot is the same as the fishery statisticians' "catch curve" (Ricker 19^8). Considerable information can be derived from these curves. -47- CO K U} UJ tc 1- III V) 1- (0 >- o >- o o 0> o Ifi o- u — _I bi a. _l 5 Q. < 2 e Ol a: < v ^ < lil i u. . o 9 o ^1 . d O -H r-\ IVh O O M cd d o o •H M ■P +J :3 ^ P o ■H CQ -k h 2 •H (1) III nd 0) ?H N vO ON ^ CO o * o o en o o H ^ a CVJ OJ l/N ITN ^ -4- CO ITN ON ITN lTn uS v2 3 ITN O R 3 o •p a o o o * ,-^ CO 9 1 ,-^ ^ — s. CO oo N^-^ o ^ CO •H •H ^ H a 3 •H o cd 0) U H o ^ erf 3 (U 0) 4J w ai H m o to CI o o 7i a) a o a) cd •^ C) ■H , bO Td fi M w u U o ctl M bO U a) ^t () 0) () o +j ,o ft fro 4) 01 M (U h ^ u 1 w Q) crt O o () o m w +J () rt ■■"S a s 9 erf 0) ■A a o o O W m o 1 9 o (U ft o u Q) r -56- ^ u 0) -p a] U ?!. -p to •H tH ^1 tH 0) :^ bO S 01 -p o H O -P C o o CO 9) ■P (0 o o •H O o •H CM H •p rt 0) en CM CM 'vO CJ > • • • cv a OT) CO en h (U -:t (1) Ph ^ ON t^- H I^ -P -4 LTN o () r-\ H CO ^ UN tn cv o H on CO -^ ^ o en CM LfN MD o o OO en ir\ H ^ CM OJ on LTN CT\ c\ H ir\ at H ^'■^^ ;1 1- H ^ OO H CM ir\ ir\ -^ CM vo ^^ O • o\ H CO CM CO u-\ C3N LTN O Lf\ o CM '•^'^^ -4- H • 00 H M3 CM CM LTN CT\ n H -4- LfN ^ "^^^ ITN r- rH t f- H CD O CVI C3N Lf\ -:t vi: on r- ^J • '-^^,^ t- 1- (M ^ O UJ H CM CM li\ s ir\ CM rt -d ^.— ^ pE O ^ r~ P o •H CM n- ^ 'M ■P (U II U u c •H ft is; T o P rH to cd 0) ^3 (1) ■^ ;:^ (I C) !>i R H ■^P bO H P( U ^ •d Fl O o •H I CO -p o H Pt O o o CO lU CO o o P4 O ■P •H ■^ OO H ■p d (U Ch -4- a\ CVi o ' • « • ^ UN OJ ^ ^ (1) Pi< H U\ OJ ^ X) H O H OO -4- ic\ CVI H t\j u\ o • -4- i>- OO -4- u\ H H O H CM 9 H CM ai UN ITN OO o O H H OO ■~-^^ t^- * ^ rH 0,1 C3N UN -4- H O CM 0^1 UN • o\ CM CI IC\ ^ a O O O O CO OJ CM UN ^ H H CI u\ O • t- VD UN cvi OO U\ OO CM CM • CM MJ CM u\ UN OO UN g t y. ^ .- O •iH ir\ r- P d >j U ^ •r cd M ■P (U fj U M •H Pi ^ -a o CO H rtal ime 0) "^ cd Si ^ •H a n t>i h4 P tH ^S^rQ -57- •P ■P (U •P •H O a u o o w -4- - OJ ur\ UN ^ es H rH H H • MD a^l^-^- CO t— rH -4- -^ Lr\ CM t^- ON CTn CM OJ b-QO ,a q 5 • OO L/N LTN • S^ ^1 H-> i) cd ^ ^ s ^^ H CVi CM H UN o o 1. i -p U) 0) a CO -=1- t^MD LTN CO t^VO UN -P oj ITN o lr\ LPv LTN a UN UN UN U\ 9^ o\ ON ON On (J\ ON ON CTN H ^1 H H H +J ^H H H H H ■P fH H 1) O 0) O lU (h Oh EH PL. Bi Ph a o "fH •^^ O -P ^ t— 00 ^t ITN ir\ UN a\ ON CT\ 0) (U H H H iH m ^ o -58- Table 5« Sumnary of North Puget Sound Pacific oyster mortality data Year of Planting year Total oyatera checked Dead oysters Causes of ieath Mortality In per cent observation Drill Crab Unknovm Total Drill Crab Unknown 1951 1951 1950 Totals Per cent 187 129 21 25 u 11 15 lit 11.2 19. !( 3.2 8.5 8.0 10.9 31^ 1.6 ll»,6 17 29 9.2 1952 1952 1951 Totals Per cent 22lt 19't a 16 3 11 5 5 3.6 8.2 1.3 5.7 2.2 2.6 1.18 2k 5.7 ll* 3.3 10 2.1* 1953 1952 1951 Totals Per cent 118 103 18 8 2 1 16 7 15.3 7.'» 1.7 0.9 13.6 6.5 226 26 11.5 3 1.3 23 10.2 195l« 195'» 1951 Totals Per cent l8i» lt53 36 75 7 22 27 ?9 2 11* 19.6 16.6 3.8 k.9 lit. 7 8.6 1.1 3.1 637 111 17.5 29 k.6 10.1* x6 2.5 1956 1956 1955 195't 1953 1952 Totals Per cent i.ioU 666 936 363 338 62 122 186 56 II.2 26 ll* 37 10 3k 36 108 1U9 1*6 108 5.6 18.3 19.8 15.1. It2.0 2. It 2.1 3.9 2.8 10.0 3.3 16.2 15.9 12.6 32.0 3>7 568 16.7 121 3.6 IA7 13.1 1957 1957 1956 1955 195'* 1953 Totals Per cent 661 l,ll(0 560 1.58 Ik 67 35 82 19 1 16 1 2 6 1 3 3 1 k 12 1»8 31 79 9 2.1 5.9 6.3 17.9 13.1 0.2 l.ll 0.2 O.lt It.l 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.2 2.8 1.8 It. 2 5.5 17.3 6.2 2,96l* 217 7.3 26 0.9 12 0.1* 179 6.0 1958 1958 1957 1956 1955 195'* Totals Per cent 291 1,897 2,978 1,562 579 13 kkk 1.26 222 112 3 ^k 8 5 15 1 1 5 9 389 1»18 212 97 i*.5 23.1* ik.Z lit. 2 19. •♦ 1.1 2.8 0.3 0.3 2.6 0.3 . 0.1 0.3 3.1 20.5 llt.O 13.6 16.8 7,307 1,217 16.7 85 1.3 7 0.1 1,125 15.3 -59- VD iTv HVO CM ^- ir\ 1 — 1 •H * • • ♦ • « • • « oJ fH o o H H CM O H O O ■p O U ■^ cr\co t— po O H u^H 00 O CU O +3 • • « • • • * • * • •, • O OJ o o\^ CO CJN^ CM -^ 00 t^CO Eh H H H H H iCN o O CT\Q0O t-OO cjNco ^- ON 00 CO H S^. -:t OO ON O co-5 -4- 00 H VD r- • f H H ^ VO H u\ ^ UN rH-4- xi i< ♦>H ■p c H 03 t> 0) o '§ -^ H iTSr^ H H H VO U>^ ir\ o ?H « * CO CO tr- . M h H on ooo i>-l^-Ch CV] CM CM ON LTN O OJ ON uaCvj vo O -=t- CM CJ\ O UA o cjncB LPv CO S -P :?^^ a\ • CO • H H H O- ICN LTN CM VD ft b o •xrH H tfl nj CM t--t--VO cvj t-LTN-zf _:t o CO O CM H VD -4- on M3 i/\ 3- vO 0\ l/N OOOO COVO OJ CO On CA UA VD •P -P o H t-OOO H CO H t--^ H LA O M 0) n "N •» •* •v •\ •s •* •* •v ei >.xi C\J H H VO H CM H CM CO ^- O V •H U v£) ir\^ CO to 8 l^-VO ITN^it W 0) OO t~-VO ITN 0 W 0) 1- CJ CO -P 03 u^ ir\ ir\ LfN a LPv LTN LTN LfN H o ITN LTN LTN LTN 9^ C5n ON ON cr\ C3N On cr\ ON ^H ON ON ON cr\ H H H H ^ U H H r-i r-\ H H H H +J ^1 H O 0) O Q) O 0) P4 EH P4 B^ Ph fi P4 g H in P o -.60- -P cd ■d -P •H •^ 0) +> M >^ O •H O 03 P4 >^ ■H ts tp o !>. to H EH p . d o ^ o^u^ O CM O VO t-H LTXOO H OJ Jlj • • « • • « • ft • • ft ft o "ri CM M3 C~- H-^ Lr^ OOVO 00 rH H CT\ H ^1 D a) Pi a s •H o • >^ o H -P •H H (ri H -P ci -^ a\u\ O CM O vo tr-H Lr\0O H ^1 •P • ft • • • ft • • • • • • O o CM VO I>- CM ^ UA mvo CO H H C3N S EH H -P 7 m O CM cr\ CM m Lf\ LTNCX) CO ^^ -* CT\-4- 1^- o CO O CO VD H (1) d CM en t- en ft ^ Lf\ m t— u^ VD . CJ\VD VD . -d d H i^ H en Hvo H CO tH t3 O 0) 3 ■§ ir\ UA CM cd U • O o O w f^ -d dJ CM CnCM CO ITN OOO (X5 U5 H -^ o\^- h-O CO O CO VD H oj p CM 0-) t^- cn • H-4- UA ^J PO D— Lr\ VD .' gnvd VD • (U w ■-1 UA HVO H 00 CO >d H fH 0) OOOO C7\ H C^ CM-^ LPv oo on_^ - UM>- M o o to (U *v •v • •^ •v •> •, &H l>.^ CM H H CM H CM OJ o o •H fn CO t— VD to -vo tn (U ITN LP\ ir\ r- o CT\ cr\ o\ ro p cd LP. LTN Lf\ H O Lr\ Lf\ Lr\ H u 0\ 0\ 0\ 03 S ^ cr\ cr\ cr\ cd H H H +^ fH H H H -P ^ H H H pi ^ H rH H P> ^1 H O (1) O 0) O (U O (U (1h EH PM EH Ai e^ P^ Eh (U rt O ^,— ^ y — ^ ^—^ ^-_^ CTN 1 H PI ■^ ^ H ^ H 3 <; < <; CO '^— ^ "^—^ ^-^ '•^ — ^ o 1 -61- Table 8. SiJmmary of statewide Pacific oyster mortalities Per cent total mor" bality Per c snt unknown ..mortality Year of North South Grays Wil- North South Grays Wil- obser- Age in Puget Puget Har- lapa Puget Puget Har- lapa vation years Sovind Sound bor Harbor Sound Sound bor Harbor 1956 0+ 5.6 2.9 2.4 3.3 2.0 2.4 1+ 18.3 10.3 6.9 16.2 10.0 6.9' 2+ 19.8 9.7 15.5 7.5 15.9 9.7 11.6 7.5 3+ 15.4 1^.3 12.6 14.3 1++ Average i+2.0 32.0 all ages 16.7 7.2 15.5 5.5 13.1 6.8 11.6 5.5 1957 0+ 2.1 3.0 4.2 2.0 1.8 1.2 2.0 1.0 1+ 5.9 9.1 8.8 4.2 4.3 7.6 6.9 4.2 2+ 6.3 6.5 7.4 5.0 5.5 4.4 5.9 5.0 3+ 17.9 12.1 17.2 11.5 Average 13.1 6.2 all ages 7.3 7.0 7.5 4.1 6.0 5.2 5.7 3.9 1958 0+ h.^ 4.8 7.7 3.6 3.1 3.0 4.0 3.6 1+ 23. i^ 18.0 12.5 6.7 20.5 16.0 10.1 6.7 2+ lif.3 17.2 15.8 8.1 l4.0 15.7 15.0 8.1 3+ 1U.2 53.0 15.9 13.6 53.0 15.4 k+ Average 19.3 16.8 all ages 16.6 16.4 13.6 6.1 15.3 14.6 11.8 6.1 Table 9. Summary of mortality by cause from annioal statewide surveys Oysters checked Dead Crab Drill Mass mortalities Unknown Totals Per cent 48,370 272 0.6 348 0.7 1.155 2.4 3,734 7.7 -62- Data collected are siimmarized by age of oysters (O-l year and 1-2 years) in Table 2 and 3. In view of the small niomber of oysters per area (6O-80) no intra-area comparisons are attempted. Total mor- tality during the first year of life was 48.6 per cent with drills causing 22.3 per cent, crabs 3.2 per cent and "-unknown causes" (neither valve of dead oysters damaged) 23.2 per cent. Over 20 per cent of the total loss and over 50 per cent of the annual loss from unknown causes occurred during the first month after planting. Losses were largest between May and November. From November to April slightly over 3 per cent mortality was recorded. Considerably lower loss was recorded on second year oysters with a total annual mortality of 21.2 per cent. Drills caused 5-9 per cent, crab 2.k per cent, and 12.9 per cent died from caioses not determined. Loss of 6.0 per cent was recorded diiring June with all other observations less than 3.0 per cent per time period except for 7.0 per cent during the four months from January to April. In general, decreased mortality with increased age, increased mortality d\;iring summer, and a predominance of losses from undetennined causes summarize this study. ANNUAL MORTALITY SURVEYS Statewide mortality surveys begun in 195^ cover approximately 70 per cent of the major oyster beds in the state and 90 per cent of the general oyster producing areas. The surveys are conducted on the last two or three daylight low tide series of the year (August and September). All age groups present on the beds are sampled. Mortality vp,lues are generally derived from random samples of 200 or more oysters per planting. Mortalities are the shells of dead oysters held together by the hinge ligament at the time of sampling. These samples have been demonstrated to be statistically valid at the 5 per cent level. In col- lection of data, mortality causes are assigned as drill, crab, "mass mortalities" or unknown. Mass mortalities, i.e., sudden, excessive losses (over 20 per cent) are recorded only when observed in action, since starfish, sea weed and siltation can also cause heavy losses but may not be operating at the time of sampling. This method of re- cording results in a large proportion of the losses being classified as unknown. On occasion, losses are due to burying of oysters (espe- cially spat) by mud shrimp (Callianassa and/or Upogebia) . Decomposition of large "mats" of Enteromorpha and other sea weeds which settle on oyster beds cause moderate to serious mortalities . Tables k through 7 present summaries of mortality data from the four principal oyster areas by year and age. In the northern Pu- get Sound sxmmary, data from 1951-195^ (primarily from Samish Bay) are also shown. Mortalities by cause are given in percentages. In Table 8, percentage mortalities only are shown by area, age, and year. To demonstrate the relative importance of the categories into which the mortalities fall. Table 9 siommarizes all data collected in the annual -63- surveys. In the absence of information on decomposition rate of the hinge ligament of Pacific oysters^ these data in no sense can be in- terpreted as true annual mortalities but rather relative from year to year and area to area at the time surveyed. A second limitation of the annual survey data is its failure to measure losses of any given age group when they are greatest, i.e., the first month or two after planting. No extensive analysis of these data is presented; however, the following tentative conclusions are drawn: 1. Mortality from unknown causes generally increases with age, especially after the third year on the beds . 2. Based on ^8,730 oysters checked in the three annual sur- veys, 88.7 per cent were live at the time evaluated. 3. Willapa Bay has best survival, southern Puget Sound second. Grays Harbor third, and northern Puget Soimd poorest. k. Except in localized instances, none of the known predators appear to have a major influence on the industry. 5. From the annual survey data, on an industry-wide basis, unknown mortalities account for the bulk of the losses followed by mass mortalities, drills and crabs. MASS MORTALITIES Pacific oysters, on occasion, have heavy losses for which no causative agent has been found. Nearly every year at least one mass mortality may be encountered and in some years they may be quite common. In terms of overall industry plantings, they do not seem to be serious; however, to the individual grower they are often important. These mor- talities usually follow a common pattern. In most cases they are lo- calized to a single bed or planting and may result in over 50 per cent loss in a 2-4 week time period. The loss is nearly always on the yearling (l+) oysters which are in their second growing season after planting, though both seed and older oysters are occasionally affected. They are without exception fast-growing, fat (or spawny) oysters . Usually the areas of loss will be in coves, at the head of a lagoon, or other type of relatively "dead water" area (in terms of new water replacement only - often good localized curi'ents exist with rise and fall of the tide). Heaviest losses are in the sununer when water tem- peratures are in excess of 18" C. Type of bottom, tidal level of planting, presence or absence of pollution, salinity (20-30 0/00) and number of degrees above 18° C seem to have little relationship to the losses. Occasionally "red tide" is associated with the losses. Los- ses occur in both diked and open bed plantings. Level of planting .6k~ relative to tidal height seems to have no bearing on the occurrence of the mortalities. Fidalgo Bay, Case Inlet, Henderson Inlet, Eld Inlet, Totten Inlet (Gallaghers Cove and Burns Point), Grays Harbor (Damon and Alder Points) and Willapa Bay (Stackpole area) seem to have these losses quite regularly. Neither Dermocystidium nor Hexajnita are associated with the mortalities. Limited work by this laboratory has uncovered no potential pathogens. Usually these mortalities are as- cribed to either "red tide" or "heat kill." Neither of these suggest- ed causes appear to fit the circimistances associated with the mortal- ities . SUMMAEY 1. At least two species of crab, one species of starfish, the flatworm and the Japanese oyster drill are predators of the Pacif- ic oysters. 2. Mud shrimp and seaweed, while not predators, will cause Pacific oyster mortalities. 3. Annual oyster mortality rates decrease with age during the first two years after planting. k. Summer is the period of greatest mortality. 5. In control plot studies, mortalities from unknown causes made up the largest portion of oyster losses . 6. Annual survey data indicates increasing mortality from un- known causes after the third year on the beds . 7. Based on ^8,730 oysters checked in the three annual sur- veys, 88.7 per cent were live at the time evaluated. 8. In comparing annual survey oyster mortality data from the four major oyster ing areas, Willapa Bay has the lowest mortality fol- lowed by southern Pi:iget Sound, Grays Harbor and northern Puget Sound. 9. Except in localized instances none of the known predators appear to have a major influence on the industry. 10. From the annual siorvey data, in order of magnitude, un- known mortalities account for the bulk of the losses followed by mass mortalities, drills and crabs. 11. Certain conditions surrounding mass mortalities are des- cribed. 12. No causative agent for the mass mortalities has been dis- covered. -65- REFERENCES Calm, A. R. 1950. Oyster culture in Japan. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Leafl. 383. Chew, Kenneth K. and Ronald Eisler. 1958 • A preliminary study of the Japanese oyster drill Ocinebra japonica. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 15 (i^) : 529-535- Elsey, C. R. 1933. Oysters in British Columbia. Biol. Bd. Canada, Bull. 3^ pp. Galtsoff, Paul S. 1932. Introduction of Japanese oysters into the United States. U. S. Bur. Fish., Fish. Circ. 12. Glud, John B. 19^?. Pacific and Olympia oysters. Ann. Rept. Wash- ington State Dept. Fish. Kincaid, Trevor. 1951. The oyster industry of Willapa Bay, Washing- ton. Calliostoma Co., Seattle. Thomson, J. M. 1952. The acclimatization and growth of the Pacific oyster (Gryphaea gigas) in Australia. Austr. Jo\ir. Mar. Freshw. Res. 3 (l):64-74. Woelke, Charles E. 1957. The flatworm Pseudostylochus ostreophagua Hyman, a predator of oysters. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc, U7: 62-67. -66- HEXAMTA SP. AUD M IlfFECTIOUS DISEASE IN THE COMMERCIAL OYSTER OSTREA LURIDAl J. E. Stein, J. G. Denison Rayonler Marine Laboratory, Hoodsport, Washington J. G. Mackin Agric\iltural and Mechanical College of Texas ABSTRACT Recent mortalities (1958-59) of the Olympla oyster, Oatrea lurlda, have occurred In southern Puget Soxmd, Washing- ton. The mortalities were generally associated with cold water conditions. Examination of the tissues revealed the presence of Hexamita sp. and hacterla. Consequently, experiments were set up ■to ascertain if dead oysters Infected with Hexeimlta and hacterla could trajismit an Infection of Hexajnlta or hacterla and cause mortalities. Healthy oysters were therefore exposed to oysters Infected with Hexamita and bacteria. For controls, healthy oysters were exposed to autoclaved oyster tissues. Continuously running water was used and the experiments were carried out at two temperature levels, 6 and 12° C. At 6° C, 70 per cent of the healthy oysters exposed to diseased tissues died within 76 days, whereas only l^t per cent of the controls died within the same period of time. All of the dead oysters had moderate to heavy infection of Hexamita. Bacteria were not apparent at light levels of Hexamita Infection and were either present or absent at higher levels of infection. Tissue dsimage was severe. Hexamita was found in survivors, but no bacteria were in evidence. In the warm water experiment, there was no significant mortality difference between experimental and control aquaria. INTRODUCTION HexEunita is a flagellated protozoan having two anterior nuclei, six anterior flagella and two posterior flagella (Figiire l) . Members of the order Polymastigina, to which Hexamita belongs, have been foimd to be parasitic in trout, salmon, turtles, toads, -^ pigeons, and man (Mackin et al. 1952). In 1950 and 1951, oyster mortalities in Holland, commonly re- ferred to as "pit disease", were associated with the presence of Hexa- mita, (Mackin, et al. 1952) . More recently, the protozoan has been 1 Contribution No. 51 from the Research Department of Rayonier Incor- porated. -67- Fig. 1. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a trophozoite of Hexamita showing flagella and axostyles (Mackin, et al.^ 1952). reported present in mortalities of introduced Ostrea edulis in Prince Edward Island, Canada (Medcof 1959)* Ttie authors have observed similar mortalities of the small commercial oyster Ostrea lurida in the southern Puget Sound area of the Pacific Northwest. These mortalities occurred in Little Skookum Inlet in April of 1958 and. 1959^ and Hexamita was found In the tissues of dying oysters. Cold temperature, poor circulation over the "beds, and overcrowd- ing appear to be optimum conditions for an epizootic associated with the presence of Hexamita (Mackln et al. 1952). From external appearances the oyster generally died fat, but histological exajoinations revealed protozoan-occluded blood vessels, necrosis of the gastro-intestinal tract, and histolysis of supporting connective tissues. Specimens dying in the field frequently had massive concentrations of Hexajnita and bacteria. Preliminary experiments by the authors (unpublished) involved the insertion of Hexamita-infected oyster tissue in the mantle cavity. The Insertions were made by wedging the valves apart approximately 1 to 2 mm. For controls, autoclaved tissues were inserted. No mortali- ties resulted from the mechanical separation of the valves. After the tissues were inserted, all oysters were held out of water at 3° C for approximately 12 hours; this increased the exposure time by preventing the oyster from immediately ejecting the tissues. -68- Within 2k daya, 78 per cent of the experimental oysters died, while in the control group there was only a 10 per cent mortality. These experiments were carried out in 2^-gallon glass aquaria^ each containing k liters of standing, aerated sea water. The water temper- ature varied from ^4- to lOO C, with an average for the 24 days of 70 C, The following experiments were designed to test the effect of Hexamita on healthy oysters under more natural conditions, to explore the role of temperature, and to determine whether or not Hexajnita can be transmitted through running water. METHODS AMD PROCEDURES Materials 1. Standard 15-gallon aquaria were used. Each aquarlijm had a hole in one end to facilitate a constant level of running water. Throughout the course of these experiments, a 3-inch water head was maintained over the oysters (total volume = 13.8 liters). 2. Running water was supplied by a salt water circulating system which pumped directly from Hood Canal (chlorlnlty lh-l6 parts per thousand) . 3. Ostrea lurlda (2 to 3 year class) were used after all barnacles, spat, and epiphytic plants had been removed. These oysters were obtained from Little Skookum Inlet on January 22, 1959 and kept In Hood Canal until the start of the experiment. k. Proximity tissues, i.e., tissues heavily infected with Hexamita and bacteria, were obtained by the simple expedient of exposing 0. lurlda to overcrowding in non-circulating 3° C water. Ade- quate levels of Infection were thus obtained in 30 to kO days . 5. Control proximity tissues were obtained by autoclavlng healthy 0. lurlda for 15 minutes at 120° C and I5 lbs pressure. Experimental Design In order to test the possibility of Hexajnita and bacteria trans- mission through water, proximity experiments were designed in the fol- lowing fashion; A. Cold Water Experiment: 1. All test oysters (O. lurlda) were held in running water aquaria for a one-week period of observation. Each aquarium contained approximately 100 oysters. In this manner, any weakened oys- ters would probably be eliminated before the start of the ex- periment . -69- 2. Ten oysters heavily Infected with Hexamlta and bacteria were selected for a source of Infecting elements in the experimental aquarium. Hereafter, these oysters will he referred to as proximity-oysters . The right valve of each proximity-oyster was removed and the tissue held in place with rubher bands. This was done to assure a more effective circulation of water over the tissues of the proximity-oysters, and to prevent them from floating away from the shell and possibly blocking the aquaria outlets. 3. In the control aquarium, ten autoclaved oysters were used for proximity-oysters. In each case, one valve was removed as des- cribed above. k. In the experimental and control aquaria, the oysters were ar- ranged so that five healthy oysters surrounded each proximity- oyster. In this manner, ^O'o oysters were located in each aquar- ium. '^- 5, The aquaria were set up in a cold room and aeration was provided for approximately 6 hours until the aquaria water temperatiure equaled that of the cold running water system (6.0° C). At that time water circulation was started in each aquarium. Oys- ters received an average of 5.0^ liters per day at the start of the experiment. However, as the dead oysters were removed, the remaining oysters received proportionately increasing a- mounts of water, e.g., on the "jSth day, the remaining I5 ex- perimental survivors were receiving l6«8 liters per day. 6, Since this experiment was started in JvuLy, it was necessary to design a system that would lower the incoming Hood Canal water to approximately 6° C, Toward this end, six 50-gallon barrels were placed in a cold room. These barrels were connected by a series of siphons such that water flowing into one end of this system would be progressively cooled to 6° C. It was found that the maximum rate of flow could not exceed 21 liters per hour. Accordingly, two lines were metered to provide a flow of 10.5 liters per hour through the experimental and control aquaria, (Figure 2) . 7, Both experimental and control proximity-oysters were periodi- cally renewed to prevent fouling of the aquaria. 8, Each aquarium was examined once every 2k hours, at which time gapers were removed. 9, When a gaping oyster was removed, the tissues were immediately examined and the levels of Hexamlta trophozoites were determined. These slides were prepared by lightly smearing the entire oyster, gills down, on a slide and approximating the level of Hexamlta infection. When using a wide field 12. 5X eyepiece and lOX objective, the following criteria were employed: -70- Pump J Hood Canal 1 Intake Punfip Cold Room ////////////////////// ///////J^f /////////////// Bl= 50 Gallon Barrel With Floof Valve B2-6=&0 Gollon Barrels Tl = Control Aquarium T2 = Experlmental Aquarium 3- Fig, 2. Schematic diagram Illustrating the experimental set-up of the cold water experiment. -71- Levels of Niimber of trophozoites trophozoite Infection per mlGroscoplc field Heavy = over 100 Moderate = 50 to 100 Light = 10 to 50 Very Light = 1 to 10 None = None The above criteria apply only to freshly prepared, wet slides. 10. After each oyster was examined, sections were made for histo- logical study. Giemsa, Heidenhain's Iron-hematoxylin, and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stains were used. For the PAS stain, tissues were predigested with diastase ajid, following the Schiff reaction, were couaterstained with hematoxylin (Lillle 195^). 11. At the termination of this experiment, all remaining survivors were examined in the manner descrihed above. B. Warm Water Experiment: 1. On March 26, 1958^ a similar experiment was conducted in which the running water temperature ranged from 8° C in March, to 170 C in J\me with an average of 12° C for the 76-day period. In this study, running water was provided directly from a 10,000-gallon storage tank without preliminary cooling. The rate of flow per oyster averaged "J. 2 liters per day. In all other respects this experiment was the same as the cold water investigation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION General Discussion In both the cold and warm water proximity experiments the same sovurce of Infected tissues was used in the experimental aquaria. In the control aquaria, autoclaved tissues were used. The frequent re- placement of proximity-oysters for both control and experimental aquaria Increased the probability of having higher levels of Hexamlta and bac- teria In the experimental aquaria as compared to the controls . At the end of the cold-water experiment there was a decided difference between the mortality rates occurring in the control and -72- experimental tanks. The mortality for the control aquaria was ll<- per cent over a period of 76 days and for the experimental tank it was 70 per cent for the same period of time. No difference in rate of mor- tality was found for the control and experimental aquaria of the warm water experiment. In the 76-day period of the warm-water atudy, both the control and experimental tank had a 6 per cent mortality. These data indicate that in the presence of Hexamita and bacteria there is an interaction between temperatiu-e and mortality. Examination of tissues from Giemsa-stained sections revealed variable levels of bacteria in dead and surviving oyster tissues. Al- though no counts were made, the level of bacteria in the surviving oysters from both the experimental and control aquaria was similar to that observed in tissues of healthy oysters removed from the field. In most cases extensive searching was required to find evidence of bacteria in the tissues of surviving oysters - even when moderate levels of Hexamita, as determined by wet slide preparation, were found. In the mortalities of the experimental aquarium, 36 per cent of the oysters having moderate to massive levels of Hexamita also had very evident bacterial infections . The remaining 6k per cent had no appar- ent bacterial infections, nor were bacteria obvious in the tissues of oysters having light to very light infections of Hexamita . Hexamita was consistently present in the experimental and control mortalities, while bacteria were frequently absent even at elevated levels of the protozoan infection. Furthermore, no developing bacterial levels were observed in the survivors, thereby depreciating the role of bacteria as a factor in the cause of death. The consistent presence of Hexamita and the freqxxent absence of bacteria in freshly dead oysters points to Hexamita as a prime suspect for the cause of death. Figure 3 shows the level of infection of each oyster at the time of death in the cold-water st\jdy and the survivor levels of in- fection at the termination of the experiment, A pooled Chi-square analysis (Cochran and Cox 1957) was carried out to determine if the levels of Hexamita infection in the survivors of the experimental and control aquaria were signlficajitly different. A Chi-square value of 9.35 was obtained ajid found to be significant on the ,05 probability level. In order to locate the cause of this significant difference, the respective levels of infection for the control and experimental aquaria were compared separately, e,g., moderate level of Hexamita infection of control survivors against moderate levels of infection for experimental survivors. None of the separate tests were found to be significant. As a consequence, a Chi-square test of significance for linear regression was carried out (Cochran and Cox 1957) • The linear regression Chi-square was found to be 8.60, which is very sign- ificant for the one degree of freedom associated with regression. Therefore, the meaning of the significant "pooled" Chi-square is that the level of Hex/^m-tta Infection was building up at a greater rate in the experimental than in the control aquarium. -73- e t a CO tm cm czD eza eza GDCOCZDZZaBffl CD CD ZZa ZZa HHJ CZ3( CZJCZDODI CD CD QDI CZDGDCDI CZDCZDCDI CDCDCDI CD IZDCDI dDtmCDI CZKZDCDI naorra ODB ZZZIHH ez2)i BUI eza e Z if ilS S s > CZD CD o u . o rH O h o o TZf ^ ^ ^1 0) j o -P •H bD ^^ !>i OT -d ^ fj CO ;>> si cd ai R -d CO -Tlf- 100 90 — 80 — 70 3 cc o UJ > 60 fc50 2 O z u o a: UJ Q. 40 — 30 — 20 — 10 ® « • • ® EXPERIMENTAL MORTALITIES ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CONTROL MORTALITIES AVERAGE TEMPERATURE - 6.3 ^C -'-'— "■*^-^— ■■»>**■- 1-ifi - 0 10 20 30 40 50 DAYS 'eb' ' ' Vo' " bb" ' 'cb' ' Pig, k. Compares per cent cumulative mortalities of the experi- mental and control oysters. -75- V'-i ' ;*«. -.^1 ..» ^-j Fig. 5* Occlusion and inflammation of a "blood vessel. This photo- graph shows the results of vascular Involvement "by Hexamita. (Approxi- mately lOOX) ■■■■ *■' ^^ »"^ • -'-'01 t Fig. 6. Destruction of intestinal mucosa. The photograph on the left shows the normal intestinal mucosa. The middle and right-hand photographs represent varying degrees of destruction seen in oysters having moderate to heavy infections of Hexamita . (Approximately lOOX) -76- Tatle 1. X^ for pooled date of survivor level of Infection in cold rtinnlng water proximity experiment, Siirvivor Levels of Infection None Very Light Light Moderate Total Experimental 1 7 5 2 15 Control 12 26 1^ 1 ^3 Total 13 33 9 3 58 X2 = 9.3512 A significant difference at the 0.05 probability level. (3 d.f.) The occurrence of Hexamlta in dead and siirviving oysters of the cold-water control aquaria indicates that the protozoan is endemic to southern Puget Sound- Had the experiment continued for another 70 days it is conceivable, \jnder the conditions of this experiment, that a substantial number of the control oysters would have died due to hexamitiasis (Figure k) . Altho\agh there was no difference in the number of dead oysters in the control and experimental aquaria of the warm-water experiment, the few that died (6 per cent) were heavily infected with Hexamita. This indicates that the protozoan, may well be a saprozoite at warmer temperatures and takes on the role of a parasite in colder temperatvures . This may be due to the decreased pumping rate and lowered metabolism of 0. lurida when exposed to water temperatures at or around 6° C. It could be speculated that decreased pumping and metabolic activity per- mits the accumiilation of large Hexajnlta populations which, directly or indirectly, cause extensive tissue damage and death. Hlstopathology Whenever moderate to heavy levels of Hexamlta were observed in wet slide preparations, stained slides prepared from these tissues re- vealed one or more of the following pathological aspects: 1. Blood vessels — frequently the involvement was characterized by inflammation of the vascular epithelium and at times trophozoites were numeroiis eno\:igh to occlude the vessel (Figure 5)« 2. Gastro-intestinal tract — necrosis of the intestinal mucosa was frequently observed when trophozoites were common in the intes- tinal tract (Figirre 6), 3. Leydlg cell connective tissue — in the presence of trophozoites, lysis and/or disarticulation of the connective tissue was often -77- evident (Figure "j) , h. Gill TDraJichla — gill tissues frecLuently manifested vario\is stages of decomposition when trophozoites were common In this tissue. Moreover, wet slide preparations indicated that the gills appeared to he the favorite site of trophozoites. Blood vessels occluded hy hypertrophic leucocytes were also en- countered in many of the stained slides prepared from the cold-water > experimental mortalities. These leucocytes frequently contained an intracellular parasite thought to he a reproductive stage of Hexamita (Mackin et al. 1952) . These Intracellular forms appeared in 20 per cent of the experimental mortalities, while few were observed in either the experimental or control survivors of the cold-water investigation. Figure 8 is a photomicrograph of the parasitized, hypertrophic leuco- cytes described ahove. While it has heen assumed that parasites found in leucocytes and free in hlood vessels are Hexamita, it has not been demonstrated that that interpretation is the correct one and these parasites may represent an unrelated infectious agent. 1. A lethal disease can be transmitted from Hexamita infected tissues to healthy oysters . 2. Bacteria were depreciated as a causative factor In the death of oysters infected with Hexamita . The "intracellular stages" of Hexamita may be an associated but independent parasite. 3. The accelerated mortality rate of the cold-vater experimental aquarium (6° C) and the absence of acceleration at warmer tem- peratures (l2° C) suggest that there is an interaction between oyster mortality and parasitization at the colder temperature. k. There was no difference between the mortality rates of the experimental and control aquaria of the warm-water experiment; however, the few oysters which did die had heavy levels of the protozoan and bacteria. This indicates that vinder these tem- perature conditions, Hexainita may act as a saprozoite. 5. The accelerated mortality rate in the cold water experiment suggest that under these conditions Hexamita and the associated intracellular stages act as parasites. This may be due to the decreased metabolic activity of 0. lurida at low-water temper- atixres . 6. Severe tissixe damage accompanies infections. -78- \ \ ^ *H*r ^*IWI*t.,».^# 5> c^ Si \ «! )• **^ J "^ ^- N. Fig. 7- Trophozoites in Leydig cell connective tissue. Note the histolysis and disarticiilation of the connective tissue cells. (Approx- imately i4-50X) -79- Fig. 8. Intracellular parasites found in leucocytes associated with Hexamita infected tissues. (Approximately 2500X) -80- REFEflEWCES CITED Cochran, W. G. and G. M. Cox. I957. Experimental designs. Second edition, Wiley, New York, 61I p. Lillie, R. D. 195!;. Histopathologic technic and practical histo- chemistry. P. Blakiston, New York, 501 p. Mackln, J. G., P. Korringa, and S. H, Hopkins. 1952. HexamitiaBls of Ostrea ed\ilis L. and Crassostrea virglnlca (Gmelln) . Bull. Mar. Sci. G\n.f Carih. 1(4) : 266-277. Medcof, J. C. 1959. Address given at the National Shellf Isherles Assoc, meeting, Washington, D. C, July 26-30, 1959. Stein, J, E. and J. G. Denlson. I958. Hexamita transmission by the insertion of infected tissue. Unpublished manuscript, Rayonler Marine Laboratory, Hoodsport, Washington, -81- EFFECTS OF THE FLATWORM STYLOCHUS ELLIPTICUS (GIRAKD) ON OYSTER SPAT IN TWO SALT WATER PONDS IN MASSACHUSETTS Anthony J- Provenzano, Jr. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Milford, Connecticut ABSTRACT During the summer of 1957 'the larvae and juveniles of the flatworm Stylochus elllptlcus occurred in great abundance in two salt water ponds on Martha's Vineyard Island. Setting rates of flatworms were as high as one per shell per day. Data over a period of three years indicate that such larvae and post-larvae occurred in these ponds only when salinities were helow 20'-'/oo . Mortality of newly set oysters due to depre- dation by these flatworms was severe, approaching 100?!i in some samples. Dipping infected oyster spat in a concentrated salt solution proved an effective method of ridding the set of flat- worms, but this is an effective remedy only if the treated spat are protected from reinfestation. Because of the widespread distribution of S_. ellipticus in many oyster-growing regions in New England and elsewhere the need for a more effective con- trol of its predation on oyster spat is obvious. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Marine Biological Labora- tory at Milford, Connecticut, in cooperation with the Oyster Institute of North America, is engaged in a study designed to develop the prin- ciples of shellfish cxilture in salt vater ponds. Two of the ponds under study. West Tishury Great Pond and Oyster Pond on Martha's Vine- yard Island, Massachusetts, are periodically open to the sea and con- tain pop\ilations of soft clams and oysters of economic importance. These ponds are veil suited for oyster seed production since they are remarkably free of such oyster enemies as drills, starfish and sponges. However, observations during 3 years of study indicate that the flat- worm Stylochus ellipticus is an important predator on oyster spat in these ponds and that the future utilization of such ponds for produc- tion of seed oysters may depend on effective control of this pest. The potential of some polyclad flatworms as oyster enemies has long been known and certain aspects of the biology and predatory nature of related species have been published by Pearse and Wharton (1938)^ Dawson (1953)> and Woelke (195?) • Hopkins (l955) ascribed some oyster mortality to Stylochus and Menzel and Hopkins (195^) included Stylochus ellipticus in their list of predators on Louisiana oysters. Loosanoff 1 Present address! University of Miami Marine Laboratory, Miami, Florida. -83- Table 1. Occurrence Pond, 1957 of larval and • post-larval fla- bworms in Tisbury Date In Pln.nkton Sallnlty o/oo 18 On biweekly cultch samples #/20 shell faces 20 June no tow 53 21 a few 18 no sample 2k a few 17 2k 26 present 17 57 28 present llv-l8 no sample 1 July present 16-17 22 3 present 16 no sample k no tow 16.5 k 5 present 16.5 no sample 8 many 15.5-16.5 18 10 present 13 12 12 present 16.5 no sample 15 present 16.5-17.5 6 IT present 15.5-16.5 2 l8 Tlsbury Opened • Pond 19 present 10.5-13.5 no sample 22 no tow 11.0-11.5 22 25 July - August 18 absent 21-28 absent l8 August closed Pond 2U 30 September 1 IndlY. 15 -81h (1956) was the first to publish an account of predatlon on oyster spat by Stylochus elllptlcus in the laboratory. G?lie present paper la a record of observations on the numbers of StylochuB and their predatlon on oyster set^ dxrring I956, 1957, and 19 5S in the tvo ponds on Martha's Vineyard. During the summer of I956 very few S. ellipticus, either adults or recently set individuals, were seen. Again in 1958 the population was very sparse. In 1957, however, large numbers of larvae, recently set individuals and adults were ob- served. The first Indication that this was to be an unusually large year class was the discovery on June 20, 1957 of large nxmibers of what appeared to be recently set flatworms on Tlsbury cultch examined for oyster spat. Continued observations on the development of these ani- mals confirmed their Identity. Plankton samples were being taken three times a week with a #20 silk net. On June 21 large numbers of what were assumed to be Stylochua larvae or post-larval stages were noted In the plankton of Tlsbury Pond. These forms appeared as miniature flatworms, oval in shape, and measured about 82 x 7I micra. During the first week of July such numbers occurred that they constituted a major component of the zooplankton. Flatworm larvae were also found in the plankton of Oyster Pond, but in smaller numbers. In Tlsbury Pond, flatworm set were found in considerable numbers until July 18 when this pond was opened to the sea. Some flatworm larvae wei-e found in Tlsbury plankton samples until July 22 but only occasional specimens were found on the biweekly set bags after the pond was opened. Data for three stations in Tlsbury Pond were similar with re- spect to dates of occurrence of the larvae and approximate nimibers of flatworm set per shell. Values for one of the sampling stations are presented in Table 1. The disappearance of flatworm larvae and ces- sation of flatworm setting just after the pond opening was striking. While it is possible that this would have occurred regardless of whether or not the pond was opened, it is more likely that the disappearance was due to large numbers of larvae being swept out of the pond at the Initial opening, for at least one quarter of the pond water was esti- mated to have escaped within 2ij- hoxirs of the opening, and additional losses of plankton and pond water occiirred with each tidal cycle. Oys- ter Pond, which was closed most of the summer, continued to show a few flatworms in the plankton but none were found on cultch until July 29 when pond salinity had dropped to 20 0/00. A few flatworms continued to set diiring August &a salinity continued to fall. VThether the rapid change in salinity which followed the open- ing of Tlsbury Pond was detrimental to the yoving flatworms can only be conjectured at this point. Available data from 3 years' observation indicate that planktonlc and recently set flatworms occurred in these ponds only when salinities were below 20 0/00. Menzel and Hopkins (195^) found adult Stylochus elllptlcus in ab\indance only in waters of "relatively low salinity." In several cases in the literature other -85- species of flatworms were found associated with high rather than low salinities (Dawson 1953^ Pearse and Wharton 1938) • Apparently each species has its own requirements which need not be similar to those of other members of the same or a related genus . Some adaptability to salinity is to be expected. Woelke (1957) showed that despite a pre- ference for 28 o/oo by Pseudostylochus ostreophagus^ that species could tolerate 10 o/oo for at long as a week and even lower salinities for a shorter time. > Predation by Stylochus on oyster set became apparent when on August 7 some cultch bags from Tisbiory Pond were examined and in half an hour several hundred flatworms measuring form X/h to l/2 inch in length were found. In some cases as many as 15 worms were found on the two sides of a single shell. Dead oyster spat were common, but at this time there were still some live spat. A number of times flat- worms were observed entering live oyster spat up to l/2 inch in great- est diameter. When the top valves were lifted from recently dead spat, 1-3 flatworms usually were found, occasionally one of them in the act of eating the young oyster. In one instance a small recently set flat- worm was observed closely appressed to a two-day-old oyster. The flat- worm was slightly smaller than the spat. To estimate mortality due to flatworms and other causes, sajnples of broadcast cultch were secured on August 13. These samples yielded 590 dead spat, 33 live spat and 8 flatworms. Only those spat were counted which had grown large eno\igh to leave a scar or be seen with the unaided eye. This meant that a mortality of at least 95^ tiacL oc- curred since setting. There are no drills, and no starfish in either pond. There was no evidence of crab damage and no reason to suspect epidemic disease. Silting was responsible for some of the mortality, for portions of the cultch with spat scars showed blackening from a mud coating over the dead spat. In contrast to the mortality on broad- cast shell, a sample of bagged cultch showed 303 dead spat, 179 live spat and 9 flatworms, or a total post-setting mortality of at least 50^. In this case there was virtually no evidence of silting and near- ly all mortality could be ascribed to flatworm predation alone. In Oyster Pond a sample of spat examined in September 1957 ^^^ again in October, showed a mortality of 62fo for a six-week period. These spat were bagged and had been washed by wave action, so silting was not a factor and there was no evidence whatsoever to indicate causes for mortality except for the presence and behavior of flatworms among the living and dead spat. Survivors had grown well in the interval be- tween examinations. It is obvious from the above that an outbreak of the natvire described would be very serious in a pond culture operation. In an effort to find a method for field control in the summer of 1957> the Milford laboratory began a series of experiments immediately. One suggested method which had been tried experimentally in earlier years -86- vas the use of concentrated salt solution as a dip for Infested seed. The method vas field tested "by immersing bags of cultch with spat in- to pond vater saturated with rock salt. Flatworms curled and after one minute immersion, none recovered. Q?he treatment also killed algae, polychaetes and other organisms associated vlth the cultch. Eels and toadflsh trapped In the bags reacted violently and soon died. After 15-30 minutes draining following a one-minute dip, the bags were divid- ed into two lots. Some bags were placed in a floating raft to keep them off the worm- infested bottom. Althoiogh there were no longer large numbers of flatworm larvae in the plankton, a few Stylochua were f ovind on the suspended bags several weeks later. These may have resulted from a few pelagic larvae remaining in the water and setting late, from a few flatworms surviving the dip treatment inside spat boxes or may have been carried to the suspended cultch by water currents. Mortality on the treated bags was arrested but bags replaced on the bottom became reinfested and again began to suffer mortality. On December 11, 1957 ^ control sample of vmtreated bagged cultch vas taken from Tisbury Pond, Shells which in August had shown 50/i post- setting mortality now yielded 60O scars, 7 live spat and 7 flatworms, a total mortality of at least 99^* The treatment with salt was effective in killing the flatworms but to be commercially practical in these ponds a method of handling the cultch and seed oysters will have to be developed and methods of preventing reinfestatlon found. ACKNCWLEDQEMEINTa I wish to thank Mr, Ralph J. DePonte for assisting in obtaining the information presented, I am. also grateful to members of the staff of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Mllford for critical review of the manuscript. REF'ERENCES Dawson, C, W, 1953. A survey of the Tampa Bay area, Florida Board of Conservation, Tech, Ser. No, 8, 39 PP» Hopkins, 3. H. 1955' Oyster setting on the Gvilf Coast. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc, k^: 52-55. Loosanoff, V. L, 1956. Two obscure oyster enemies in New England waters. Science 123(3208) 1 1119-1120, 1957 • New method for control of several oyster ene- mies and competitors. Bull. Mllford Biol. Lab., U. S. Fish Wlldl, Serv, 21(5) i 1-6. -87- Menzel, R. W. and S. H. Hopkins. 195^* Studies on Oyster predation in Terrebonne Parish. Louisiana. Project 9^ Texas A & M Re- search Foundation, 145 PP- . 1956. Crabs as predators of oysters in Louisiana. Proc, Ifa,tl. Shellfish. Assoc. 1+6: 177-184. Pearse, A. S. and G. W. Wharton. I938. The oyster leech, Stylochua inlTTilcus Palombi, associated with oysters on the coasts of Florida* Ecol. Monogr. 8: 605-655. Woelke, C. E. 1957* Flatworm, Pseudostylochtis ostreophagus Hyman, a predator of oysters. Proc, Natl. Shellfish. Assoc, k^i 62-67 -88- FIATWORM DISTRIBUTION AND ASSOCIATED OYSTER MORTALITY IN CHESAPEAKE BAY John R. Webster and Royston Z. Medford Fishery Research Biologists^ Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Annapolis, Maryland ABSTRACT The marine flatworm Stylo chus elllptlcu3 (Girard) Is reported from 73 widely scattered localities In Maryland Chesa- peake Bay and Its tributaries. It Is the only polyclad turbel- larlan so far Identified In dredglngs from oyster beds within that area. Occasionally found In fresh spat boxes, the worm Is considered to be a predator of oyster spat In the Bay. Evidence for worm predatlon on small oyster spat Is presented. Of the 567 worms found In 90 seed-oyster samples, about 95 per cent were recovered from fresh spat boxes. Statistical treatment of the data concerning worm Incidence and recent spat mortality Indicated the probability that such mortality resulted from predatlon by S. elllptlcus. INTRODUCTION Although the marine flatworm, Styloehus elllpticus (Girard), has heen known to occur in Chesapeake Bay for some time, little atten- tion has "been given to its potential as a predator of oyster spat. In view of this, a systematic collection of this species was started in 1958 to determine its distribution and possible association with oys- ter spat mortalities . DESCRIPTION OF THE WORM The largest specimens of S. elllpticus collected in Maryland Chesapeake Bay measure about 25 nnn. The wonn is oval, leaf -like, flat and thin with undulating margins. The most common color is brown, but dark pink, orange and olive drab worms have also been observed. The ventral surface is usiially lighter than the dorsal. There Is commonly a median dorsal stripe of lighter color athwart which are paired ten- tacles near the anterior end. There are numerous ocelli (eye spots) around the anterior margin and on the tentacles. The mouth, with its short pharynx, is situated about I/3 back from the anterior end of the body on the ventral side. The pharynx may be everted to a con- siderable distance. The intestine has many branches and terminates in a fine network along the edges of the worm. Male and female genital pores, situated close together near the ventral posterior margin, pro- -89- Fig. 1. -90' vide for sexual reproduction. Hyman (l9ifO) gives a detailed taxonomlc description of this species. DISTRIBUTION OF STaLOCHUS ELLIPTICUS IN MABTCAHD CHESAPEAKE BAY The geographical range of this species, as listed by Hyman (19^10), is from Prince Edward Island to Texas. Pearse (1938) records the presence of S. ellipticus from a number of localities in Chesa- peake Bay and Engle (unpublished field data) reported this species fairly abundant on oyster beds in the Bay as early as l^kk. Our present collection was started in 1958. Most specimens were foimd in samples of bottom material dredged dioring spring oyster- popiilation surveys. These surveys included dredgings on some of the public oyster beds in Maryland Chesapeake Bay and'.most of its tribu- taries. The actual finding of worms in these dredgings was incidental to coxonts bearing upon the age composition of oyster popiJlations . Thus, while the collection data are not quantitative, the survey records show that flatworms were present at 73 widely scattered locailitles in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay (Flguxe l). The total number of worms collected on the baywide surveys since 1958^ about I50, is small in comparison with their broad distri- bution. Within limits of our collection methods, however, Stylochus has been found in greatest numbers on oyster beds in the lower Potomac River and its Immediate tributaries. Hyman (19^0) reports that the habitat of this species is littoral and that it is generally found a- mong oysters and old shells, barnacles, and under rocks. The data pre- sented in this paper relate only to flatworm distribution on oyster beds in the Bay. EYTDENCE OF PREDATION Sometimes during oyster-bed surveys flatworms were fovmd in fresh oyster spat boxes (hinged valves with clean inner faces but no meat). Pearse and Littler (1938) and Hyman (l9^0) consider S. elllp- ticus to be an oyster predator. Pearse and Wharton. (I938) demonstrated that a related species, Stylochus frontalis (=inlmicus), is an active oyster enemy in Florida. Loosanoff (195^) has shown in laboratory ex- periments that S. ellipticus feeds on oyster spat. In one experiment, 10 worms consumed 21 spat in less than one month. Although other mem- bers of the genus Stylochus may be present in Chesapeake Bay, S. ellip- ticus appears to be the dominant species of polyclad turbellarlan common to oyster beds in the Maryland part of the Bay. It was the only species present in our collections as Identified by Dr. Libbie H. Hyman of the American Museum of Natural History. Thus, while attacks by flat- worms against healthy oysters were not specifically observed, our find- ing of worms in fresh spat boxes certainly suggests that predatlon of -91- oyster spat "by £. elliptlcus does occur in Chesapeake Bay. The contention that predatlon of oyster spat hy flatworms may he common in the field is supported hy the relationship of worm dis- tribution and spat mortality. The data vere obtained in conjunction with an oyster-seed production experiment conducted in 1958 at Smith Creek, a tidal estuary of the Potomac River. Wire hags, each containing one- quarter bushel of oyster shells, were suspended in vertical strings at 10-foot intervals along a 2^+0- foot transect running outward from the shore across groiinds planted with shell. Depths ranged from 3 feet at the inshore end to about 8 1/2 feet at the offshore end of the transect. Most strings accom- modated k bags arranged at various depths between surface and bottom. The entire transect was represented by 90 bags. After removal of bags in the fall, they were examined and counts were made of living spat (a measure of survival after setting) and spat boxes (an approximate measvire of recent spat mortality) . A search was made for flatworms on shells, in spat and in all spat boxes. Some bags were free of worms j in others the co\mt ranged as high as 19 . In all, 567 worms were found for an average of about 6 per bag. Nearly 95 per cent of the worms were found in fresh spat boxes, the remainder occurring elsewhere on culch shells or in the debris on the examining table. In most cases, worms were not present in spat boxes whose inner faces were covered with fouling growth or silt. . RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPAT MORTALITY AND WORM INCIDENCE Spat-box counts were limited to material from 26 bags distri- buted throiighout the transect. These counts showed a positive cor- relation between the percentage of boxes in the total of spat and boxes together and the numbers of worms per bag. The coefficient of this correlation was + O.58. Linear regression variance was summarized as follows: DF SS MS F li Point Explained by regression 1 15^^ 15^ 12.1 7.82 Unexplained deviations 2k 30 56 I27 Total 25 h6O0 Apparently the relationship between spat mortality and worm incidence was not a consequence of chance alone. A scatter diagram of the cor- relation points, with the line of regression determined by the method of least squares, is shown in Figixre 2. -92- • — * — t — • 8^ _ e- 1^ s g; ?. f g^ en r*» ("^ ^ o\ j» o^ ^ e- N Ov c^ -^ ^J &v r\ N N (NJ N rH •-< c O •H O 1^ o a •H H o "d ^.5 bb-p •H 03 f^ Pi ofi wd LJds io tuawriM 3 a o •H u H O o •H t^ H O o o •P •H ft • CQ CM ."S bO (U •H O -d jjasxHi snoa ins to wowu -93- DF ss MS F 1> Point 1 26)+256 2614-256 28.2 6.96 88 82U883 937^^ 89 1089139 KELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPAT SURVIVAL AMD WCKM INCIDENCE Counts representing spat survival and worm incidence for all 90 "bags were treated without regard to l)ag position in the transect. Here, a coefficient of correlation of approximately - 0.^9 was cal- culated. Despite this low coefficient, a simple analysis of variance showed high probability that the relationship was not a consequence of chance. In this instance: Exrplained by regression Unexplained deviations Total A scatter diagram of the ralationship between spat survival and worm incidence, with the line of regression calcvilated by the method of least squares, is shown in Figiire 3« CONCLUSIONS Our field collections prove that the turbellarian flatworm, Stylochus elllpticus, occurs widely in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Recovery of worms from fresh oyster boxes, mostly spat, suggests a predatory relationship in explanation of many oyster mortalities. The evidence is circumstantial but corroborates reports of predation by investigators elsewhere. Returns from a seed-oyster production experiment in southern Maryland show that the vulnerability of oyster spat to flatworm predation could be real and markedly detri- mental to seed production. The possibility is substantiated by the statistical association between three sets of numbers, one representing flatworm incidence, another representing spat mortality and the third representing the rate of spat survival during the summer. LITERATURE CITED Hyman, L. H. 19^10. The polyclad flatworms of the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Canada. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 89(3101)1 1^1^9-^95. Loosanoff, V. L. 1956. Two obscure oyster enemies of New England waters. Science 123(3208): 119-1120. Pearse, A. S. I938. Polyclads of the East Coast of North America. Proc. of the U. S. Nat. Mus. Q6{30kk)i 67-98. -9^- and J. W. Littler. I938. Polyclads of Beaiifort, N. C. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Scl. Soc . 5^(2): 235-2llJ4-. and G. W. Wharton. 1938. The oyster "leech," Stylochus Inlmlcus Palombi, associated with oysters on the coasts of Florida. Ecol. Monogr. 8t 605-655. -95- THE EFFECTS OF SALT SOLUTIONS OF DIFFEIRENT STRENGTHS ON OYSTER ENEMIES L. W. Shearer and C, L. MacKenzle, Jr. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mllford, Conn. ABSTRACT Boring sponges (Cllona celata), starfish (Asterlas forbesl)^ and tunlcates (Molgula manhattenslB) were treated in salt solutions of different strengths for 1. 3, 5, 10 and 15 minutes . Oyster drills (Uroaalplnx clnerea) were exposed to a saturated solution for 30 minutes, one hour and three hours. Sponges were killed by a 5-niinute exposure in a saturated solu- tion and by a 10-minute exposure in solutions 90, 70 and 60 per cent saturated. If sponges were dried following exposures, greater mortalities occurred. A one-minute exposure, followed by a one-hour drying period, was sufficient to cause complete mortality in solutions 100 ajid 90 per cent saturated, three minutes in 80 per cent saturated, ten minutes in 70 &nd. 6o per cent saturated, and fifteen minutes in 50 per cent saturated. Starfish were killed by a 3-ialiiute exposure in solutions 50 per cent or more saturated. Tunlcates were killed by a 5-niinute exposure in saturated and 90 per cent saturated solutions, 10 minutes in solutions 80> 70 and 6o per cent saturated, and 15 minutes in solutions 50 and ^40 per cent saturated. Although drills, Urosalpinx and Eupleura, are not killed readily by salt solutions, embryos of both can be killed by treating them in a saturated salt solution. Caution should be exercised in ex- posing seed oysters (Crassostrea vlrglnica) with damaged bills to salt solutions, since they are killed by high salt concen- trations . INTRODUCTION Of more than a thoiisand chemical compounds tested at Milford Laboratory for their effects on shellfish enemies, none killed the "boring sponge, Cllona celata, at concentrations low enough to be non- injurioiis to oysters. In the past, certain workers, including Dollfus (1921), deLaubenfels (19^7) and Warburton (1958), recommended that sponges be killed by placing infested oysters in fresh or brackish water. Loosanoff (19^5) reported that starfish can also be killed in sea water of reduced salinity. With both sponges and starfish, how- ever, periods of lethal exposure to fresh water are too long to be practical. Since death in fresh water is tJie res\ilt of upsetting the iso- tonic beilance between body fluids of the organism and its environment (Prosser et al. 1950, and many others), it was suspected that death -97- could be achieved much more rapidly in waters of greatly increased salinity. In a highly hypertonic solution, an aquatic animal's body fluids might be lost resulting eventually in destruction of cells and organs , Loosanoff (195T) conducted experiments in which he killed sev- eral oyster enemies by exposing them to saturated salt solutions (300 parts per thousand) for certain periods followed by drying them in air (Table l) . The present study was undertaken to determine the effects , of less than satiarated salt solutions on these enemies. METHODS In these experiments a saturated solution of "rock salt" was prepared and then diluted with sea water to give 90^ 80, ^0, 60, 50, kO and 30 per cent saturated solutions. Because it had previously been found that oyster enemies were killed within 15 minutes in a saturated salt solution (Table l), the periods employed In this study were 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 minutes. Table 1. Minimum exposures in a saturated salt solution and drying times required to cause 100 per cent mortality of six species of oyster enemies (Loosanoff 195?) • Exposure in minutes Drying time in minutes None 5 10 15 30 1^5 6o Asterlas forbesi Molgula manhattensls Cliona celata Crepidula fornicata Urosalplnx clnerea and Eupleura caudata egg cases 3 5-10 3-5 5 5 X X X X X Drying, which prolongs the contact of animals with salt and concen- trates unsaturated solutions by water evaporation, was used only where it had proven necessary before. Starfish and drills were kept for ik days in running sea water in the laboratory following salt treatments. Other animals were suspended for the same period in Milford Harbor in perforated plastic boxes which allowed adequate circulation of water. -98- RESULTS Boring Sponges Two samples of ten marketable-sized oysters infested with Cliona celata were exposed to salt solutions for each Immersion period. One sample from each was dried for one hovir. Drying caused much higher mortalities (Tables 2 and 3) . Sponges, extended with their oscula open in normal sea water, contracted during exposure. Dying and decomposing sponges pass through several color changes. From a deep, rich yellow they change to tan, black and then to white. Starfish All starfish (lO per sample) were killed by an exposure of one minute in 100, 90, 80 and 70 pe^ cent satiorated solutions. In 6o and 50 per cent saturated solutions three-minute exposures killed them. Starfish were not killed when exposed 15 minutes in solutions less than 50 per cent saturated. Water temperatures during this experiment rang- ed between 13 and I7.20C. During the drying periods, red pigment was observed to leach slowly from the starfish's Integument. If starfish were placed in normal sea water immediately following exposiire, much red pigment was lost from their ruptured body cells and organs, and their rays shrajik and curled at the tips. Soon the starfish flattened out, and autotomy of the rays and rapid disintegration of the animal followed. Tunicates Twenty-five lonattached Molgula manhattensis were used in each sample. Salt solutions 100 and 90 per cent satinrated killed tunicates within five minutes. Solutions 80, "JO and 60 per cent satijrated killed them within ten minutes and 50 and kO per cent saturated solutions, within 15 minutes (Table h) , Dead tvinlcates usually remained rigid for several days after their return to sea water, but then became flabby aiid often eviscerated themselves . -99- Table 2. Per cent mortalities of sponges 1^1 days after their exposure to salt solutions of different strengths and immediate return to sea water. Sea water temperatvtre 9 - 11°C Immersion in Per c ;ent saturation mi nil tea 100 90 80 70 6o 50 iHD 30 1 0 0 ■X- 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 0 •X- 0 0 0 0 0 5 100 50 50 0 20 0 0 0 10 100 100 90 100 100 50 0 0 15 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 *Sajnple lost TalDle 3. Per cent mortalities of sponges ik days after their exposure to salt solutions of different strengths ajid drying for one hour. Sea water temperature 9 - 11°C Trmtierslon in Per cent saturation minutes 100 90 8o 70 6o 50 i^o 30 1 100 100 50 6o 75 25 0 0 3 100 100 100 80 100 80 0 0 5 100 100 100 90 50 50 0 0 10 100 100 100 100 100 50 25 0 15 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 0 -100- Table k. Per cent mortalities of tunicates ik days after exposttre to salt solutions of different strengths. Sea vater temperature 5.2 - 11.5°C TTmnersion in Per cent saturation minutes 100 90 80 TO 60 50 ko 30 1 8 12 8 8 16 1^- 0 0 3 72 ko 20 52 2k k 8 8 5 100 100 6k 81+ 20 12 12 0 10 100 100 100 100 100 ,96 80 k 15 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 Drills Urosalpinx cinerea is an extremely hardy animal capable of Isolating itself from unfavorable environmental conditions by tightly closing its operculiom (Carriker 1955)' Therefore, it vas decided to try a saturated solution for periods as long as 30 minutes^ one hour and three hours before proceeding to weaker solutions and shorter ex- posures. Groups of 50 drills were exposed to these conditions. Fol- lowing exposures to salt solutions one-half the drills in each group were returned to normal sea water and the others were dried for one hour. Only three of the six treatments caused any mortality. Eight per cent of the drills died after three hours of exposure and immediate return to sea water; 12 per cent died after one hour of exposure and one hoior of drying; and 32 per cent died following three hours of ex- posure and one hovor of drying. Although drills are not readily killed by this method, it was found to be quite successful in killing embryos of U. cinerea and Eupleura caudata, regardless of their stage of development (Table l) . Oysters Eight to 15 Crassostrea virginica, 10 to 20 millimeters in length, were used in each sample. Few oysters died after exposvire to any salt treatment, provided the edges of their thin shells were not chipped (Table 5). Chipped oysters were killed. While exposed to salt solutions, oysters remained tightly closed, except when they opened their sheila slightly, probably to test the water. There was evidence that oysters were adversely affected by salt solutions be- cause some of them did not produce true feces for several days follow- -101- ing a treatment j however, all produced pseudofeces. Table 5. Per cent mortalities of young oysters, 10 to 20 millimeters in length, l^J- days after exposure to salt solutions of dif- ferent strengths. Sea water temperature 9 - 11°C Immersion in Per ( 2ent saturation minutes 100 90 80 70 60 50 ko 30 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 2.1 11.1 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 3.1 k.o 10 i+.3 3.5 0.0 9.0 2.3 0.0 1.8 0.0 15 0.0 3.3 * 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 •'<5ample lost DISCUSSION Several oyster enemies can he killed readily hy exposing them to partially saturated salt solutions. Effective concentrations can he easily maintained hy constantly stirring salt crystals into solution. In practice, if several enemies are involved, the salt treat- ment shoiild he administered to kill the species most resistajit to it. Since water temperatures during these experiments ranged from 5 to 17.2°C, repetitions of them are planned for water temperatures ranging between 15 and. 25°C. At higher temperatures, minljnum exposures for these enemies may be considerably shorter. ACKNOWLEDGMEfflS The authors would like to express their thanks to Dr. V. L. Loosanoff for s\iggesting the studies and to Mr, H. C. Davis for his advice in the preparation of this report. LITERATURE CITED Carriker, M. R. 1955. Critical review of biology and control of oys- ter drills. U. S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sol. Rept. Fish. No. ll|8, 150 pp. -102- de Laubenfels, M. W. 19^7» Ecology of the sponges of a "brackish water environment at Beaufort, North Carolina. Ecol. Monogr. 17 (l): 3l-h6, Dollfvis, R. 1921. Resume de noa princlpales connaissances pratiques sur les maladies et les ennemls de I'hultre. Office Scl. et Tech. des Peches Marltlmes, Notes et Memoirs T: 1-^6. Loosanoff, V. L. 19^5* Effects of sea water of reduced salinities upon starfish, A. forbesl, of Long Island Sound. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Scl. 36: 813-835. , 1957. New method for control of several oyster enemies ajid competitors. Bull. Mllford Biol. Lab., U. S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 2l(5): 1-6. Prosser, C. L. , P. A. Brown, D. W. Bishop, T. L. Jahn, and V. J. Wulff. 1950. Comparative animal physiology. Saunders, Philadelphia. 888 pp. Warburton^ F. E. 1958. Control of the boring sponge on oyster beds. Progr. Rept. Atlantic Coast Stations, Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 69: 7-11. -103- CHEMICAL CONTROL OF FOLYDORA WEESTERI AMD OTHER AJTOELIDS INHABITING OYSTER SHELLS Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr. and L. W. Shearer U. S. Fish and Wildlife SerArlce, Milford, Conn. ABSTRACT A number of chemical compounds were tested and found either to compel Polydora websteri and nereid worms to emerge from oyster shells or to kill them directly within the shells. Compounds which caused more than 50 per cent of both groups to emerge from shells within three hours were considered effective vermifuges . Compounds which killed more than 50 per cent of worms within the same time were considered effective vennlcldes. The most efficient vermifuges for P^ websteri were benzene and ethylene compounds . Common salt was the most practical vermi- cide tested because It is simple to use^ inexpensive and kills worms quickly. Worms of the genus Polydora, conmonly called miid-blister worms, are serious pests. They not only form unsightly black areas on the inner faces of oyster shells, rendering infested oysters undesirable for half -shell trade, but also make oyster shells brittle. There are several published reports of attempts to use chemicals to control these worTiis. Among them is that of Korringa (l95l) who reports that P. hoplura and P. cillata can be killed by immersing infested oysters for three hours in sea water containing di-nitro-ortho-cresol at 500 parts per million or by placing oysters for l6 hours in fresh water; and Mackln and Cauthron (l952) observed that a solution of phenol at 500 ppm in sea water causes P. websteri to emerge. These authors do not state the rate at which worms leave the shells. During the screening of a large number of chemical compounds for possible use in combatting shellfish enemies, a study carried on at Milford since 19^6, several compounds have been found which are more effective against P. websteri, the species which occurs in south- ern New England waters, than those proposed by earlier workers. Two categories of compounds coiild be used in control of these worms: (l) vermifuges, chemicals that cause worms to emerge from their tubes and leave the oyster shell, and (2) vermicides, chemicals that kill worms within their tubes, but do not ordinarily cause emergence. Oysters heavily infested with P. websteri were gathered from uncultivated beds in West Tisbury Great Pond on Martha's Vineyard Is- land. They were kept in wire baskets in Milford Harbor until 2k hours prior to their use when they were brought into the laboratory and allowed to become acclimated gradually to room temperature. For each -105- experiment two oysters, each In a separate finger bowl, were submerged in a nine-liter container of the solution to he tested. In initial tests each compound was tried at a concentration of 100 ppm. Following each test, oysters were kept in warm running sea water for five to eight days to allow any living worms to recover from the effects of the compound tested. They were then placed for 2^4- hours in a solution of 0-dichlorohenzene at 100 ppm which was fo\md to cause aJinost 100 per cent emergence of both Folydora and nereid worms. Thus-, a group of eight oysters which yielded an average of 88.7 P. websteri and 10.7 nerelds per oyster upon Initial treatment gave only one or two worms per oyster on the second treatment with this chemical. Any worms which survived the initial test could be collected and counted by this method. Because oysters immersed for 2k hoxirs in a 100 ppm solution of 0-dichlorobenzene may die, this treatment was used merely to insure 100 per cent emergence of worms. As many as 332 P. websteri were recorded for a single oyster. The effectiveness of vermifuges was calculated directly by com- paring the number of worms emerging in the experimental vermifuge with the number emerging in the subsequent treatment with 0-dichlorobenzene. Since no simple method exists for qviantltatively removing from oyster shells worms that have been killed in situ, it was necessary in evaluat- ing vermicides to use the average number from the eight oysters mention- ed above as the total worm population and the nimiber emerging on subse- quent treatment with 0-dichlorobenzene as survivors of various chemicals, Obviously, the data for effectiveness of vermicides are less accurate than those for vermifuges. Over 30 compounds caused some P. websteri to emerge, but only those causing 50 per cent of worms to emerge within three hours are considered effective vermifiiges (Fig. l) . Of these, 0-dichlorobenzene was selected as the most practical vermifvige because at concentrations below 100 ppm it is more effective than monochlorobenzene, trichloroe- thylene ajid tetrachloroethylene . Moreover, the latter two compounds are quite volatile and may be somewhat dangerous to people handling them on a large scale. One compoxond more effective than 0-dichloro- benzene, J|-nitrobenzene-azo-resorcinol, is difficult to dissolve in sea water and is expensive. Phenol is not an effective vermifuge at concentrations much below 500 ppm, e.g. at 100 ppm it caused emergence of only about 33 per cent of the worms. Naphthalene might be effective, but is difficult to dissolve in sea water. When added to 0-dichloro- benzene, however, enoiigh of it goes into solution to increase the ef- fectiveness of the 0-dichlorobenzene. Certain nereid vermifuges, such as emulsifiable rotenone, Bulan crystalline, and Tris (acetoxy methyl) nitro methane, caused P. websteri to retract into their tubes but did not cause emergence. Usually it reqxiired about five or six minutes for the first P. websteri to emerge, probably becaiise it takes about that long for the chemical to penetrate the worm's tube. Worms usually back away from -106- TRICHLOROETHYLENE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fii;;:;!;:::;!;:;: H MONOCHLOROBENZENE PER HOUR i FIRST mmmmmmmmm x^mm 4-NITR0BENZENE-A20-RES0RCIN0L mmmmmmmmm^ mmmm O-DICHLOROBENZENE m:mf(^f^m^(mm^mm0i \mm SEVIN 1 1 P-DICHLOROBENZENE TETRACHLOROETHYLENE ^ vmmmi mmmm r-^ 1 1 stCUN U 1 PHENOL (500 PPM) 1 THIRD ^iiiMiiiiiii!iiif!fiiifiifiif!ii!f!iiii!!!iii W^^ tiiiik Wm6iimm6^^iimmiKm6imKKmi^ l.::::::;:::::| • • • • • • 1 1_ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PER CENT Pig. 1. Rate of emergeace of P. velpsterl from oyster bnells dur- ing exposure to 100 ppm solutions of various chemicals for three hours, Only those compovinds that were more than 50 per cent effective are shown. Rate of emergence was not determined for Savin. chemicals and emerge posterior end first. Since they do not swim^ worms drop to the bottom of the pans and, if removed to another vessel containing untreated sea water and some bottom detritus, they soon be- gin building new mud tubes. Nereid worms appear to be more sensitive to certain chemicals than P. websteri and react to them more quickly (Fig. 2) . Since they do not live in long narrow tubes and contact a chemical with their whole bodies, nereids usually begin to emerge as soon as oysters are placed in the solution. Several compoimds killed P. websteri within their tubes (Fig. 3). Dl-nltro-ortho-cresol at 100 ppm killed few worms. At 500 ppm, however, the concentration which Korrlnga (l95l) used, 8l.if and 90.5 per cent were killed by exposures of one and three hours, respectively. A 500 ppm solution of 2-chloro-l-nltro propane killed 96.6 per cent of the worms within three hours. Victoria Blue at 200 ppm killed 82 per cent with only a 5-mlnute immersalj 89 per cent were killed within 10 minutes j and 97 per cent, within 15 minutes. Actually, the lethal effects of this dye on annelid worms were discovered at this laboratory before the -107- a^ •p ^ W P( I il i o| ^1 -I -I 5l 'I -I i K ^ >-^ ■i ^ ^ ^1 SJ y "^ 5 i I. ; 2} " o t £ Id X U. « H IDD- I ^1 >- 8 ^1 ^ •H nJ (U > 0) o • o 0) CO o o o > O a o u -p -108- present study, and this compound has been used routinely during the last four years to exterminate worms In clam hatchery troughs . The ahove compounds, except 2-chloro-l-nltro propane, were also lethal to nereids as were other compounds listed in Figiire k. VICTORIA BLUE 2,4- dichloropmenol 2,4,5 - TRICHLOROPHENOL ^mmm. PENTABROMOPHENOL SEVIN 4-CHLOROBENZYL CHLORIDE DDT \A 0 " 40 80 60 70 PER CENT 80 90 100 Fig. h. Mortality of nereid worms in oyster shells after exposure to various chemicals at 100 ppm for three hours. Perhaps the most practicaJ. compoimd for worm control is common salt. From 87 to 98 per cent of P. websteri were killed by a 10- to 15-ininute dip in a saturated salt solution followed by 15 or more min- utes of drying in air. Shorter dips required a longer period of dry- ing to kill worms, but even a 1-minute dip was 89 per cent effective when combined with a drying period of at least two hours . These studies showed that it is almost impossible to kill every P. websteri in an oys- ter shell within three hours. At low concentrations several compounds apparently acted as Inhibitors to P. websteri. For example, in 2-chloro-l-nltro propane the worms neither extended their tentacles as in feeding nor emerged. When combined with vermifuge i^-nltrobenzene-azo-resorcinol, worms emerged only as the concentration of the inhibitor was decreased (Table l) . -109- Table 1. Comparison of numbers of P. vebsteri emerging within three hours from shells of two oysters in a 10 ppm solution of vermifiige ^4— nitrobenzene-azo-resorcinol in the presence of an Inhihltor^ 2-chloro-l-nltro propane, at various concen- trations . Concentration of Number of worms Number remaining inhlhltor in ppm emerging alive in shells 50 37 103 20 63 kQ 10 77 78 5 112 67 0 158 35 Inasmuch as oysters stay closed while immersed in solutions of most chemicals, they are -usually not harmed by them. They pump inter- mittently, however, in benzene and ethylene compounds j hence, these compounds may be lethal if the Immersal is too long. In 0-dichloro- benzene at 100 ppm, for instance, an Immersal of three hovirs caused little mortality of oysters, but one of 2il- hours killed aljnost all of them. At the end of this period oysters gaped widely and did not re- cover after being placed in running sea water. They also pump in a solution of Victoria Blue, which, even if the concentration is low, accumulates in their tissues and eventually kills them. Consequently, in these experiments we used Victoria Blue in fresh water which kept oysters closed and therefore prevented them from absorbing the dye. Oysters with chipped bills (7 of 4o) could not keep the dye out and eventually died. We believe these vermicides can be applied in commercial oyster culture. Oystermen could use them to kill worms in- shells of oysters in spring, thus giving oysters a chance to deposit layers of white shell over the black m\id blisters by fall. This treatment, however, would not prevent setting of young P. websteri which could form small blis- ters at the periphery of shells . ' A saturated solution of salt appears to be most practical for oystermen, because it is simple to use, in- expensive, requires only a short exposure to kill worms, and kills some other foiaing organisms as well (Loosanoff 1957). The other com- po\mds would be difficult to maintain at precise concentrations. Ver- mifuges could be used in various ways in studies of the biology of worms and of oysters. To cause all worms to emerge without harming oysters. Infested oysters could be alternately immersed in O-dichloro- -110- benzene for not longer than three hours in which the worms will emerge and then in sea water for recovery of the oysters, until all worms have emerged. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their gratitude to Dr. V. L. Loosanoff for sioggesting these experiments and for his guidance in planning them, and to Mr. Harry C. Davis and Miss Rita S. Riccio for editing the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Korringa, P. 1951- The shell of Ostrea edulis as a habitat. Arch. Neerl. Zool. 10: 32-135- Mackin, J. G. and Fred Cauthron. 1952. Effect of heavy infestations of Polydora websteri Hartman on Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) in Louisiana. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. 1952: ll+-2l+. Loosanoff, V. L. 1957* New method for control of several oyster ene- mies and competitors. Bull. Milford Biol. Lab., U. S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 2l(5): 1-6. -Ill- TRIAL INTRODUCTION OF EUROPEAN OYSTERS (OSTREA EPULIS) TO CANADIAN EAST COAST J. C. Medcof Fisheries Research Board of Canada Biological Station, St. Andrews, W. B. ABSTE^CT In the spring of 1957, 1958 and 1959, seed oysters be- ginning their second and third growing seasons were imported from the United Kingdom oyster breeding tanks at Conway, North Wales. They were examined for parasites and extraneous organ- isms, carefully cleaned ajid planted in screen-bottomed trays in Passamaquoddy Bay near St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Some were taken in late 1958 to Ellerslie, Prince Edward Island, and held in Malpeque Bay water. Growth was good in Sam Orr Pond, a warm inlet from Passajnaquoddy Bay, but poor in the cool open Bay. The oysters brought in by steamer in 1957 suffered a 95^ mortal- ity within a month after arrival. The 1958 lot was brought in by air freight and showed a post-shipment loss of only 35^- The 1959 lot, also air-shipped, suffered only 9^ loss up to July l6, 1959, but mortalities rose to 53^ by Aiigust 6. Over- winter survival varied greatly and the flagellate Hexamlta was found in most moribund oysters . It was found in Ellerslie aquarium stock which died after three weeks ' exposure to below- zero water temperatures and in St. Andrews aquarium stock which survived reasonably well at water temperatures that remained above 2^0 . It was also found in native oysters taken directly from their beds and in a sea scallop which was held in an aquar- ium with European oysters but not in quahaugs . The oysters In trays under the ice In Sam Orr Pond survived the relatively mild winter of 1957-58 but died during the severe winter of 1958-59 showing heavy Hexamita infestation. INTRODUCTION Since I95O there has been a drastic decline in the production of soft-shell clams (Mya arenarla) from the Canadian east coast, with a consequent serious economic effect on shore communities. Ef- forts at clam farming have been discotiraging. Clams can be farmed in some areas but the expenses are too high to make the operation profit- able. In an attempt to replace this loss in clam production, the approval of the Minister of Fisheries was obtained for a trial intro- duction of the European oyster (Ostrea edulis) , -113- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to acknowledge my dependence on data collected by my colleagues at this Station, Miss Joan Mortimer (impublished MS reports), Mr. Peter J, Downer (unpublished MS report), and Dr. Louis Lauzier. Mr. R. E. Drinnan, of our Ellerslie Sub-Station, has generovisly fur- nished the information reported here on his studies of oysters we sent to him. I am indebted to Dr. J. E. Stein and Dr. Marshall Laird, who examined specimens for Hexamita infection, and to Dr. E. L. Bousfield, and Dr. J. P. Harding for identification of invertebrates encountered in this work and for permitting me to refer to their findings . I would like to thank Dr. H. A. Cole, Dr. N. Reynolds, Mr. B. T. Hepper and Mr. P. R. Walne, officers of the United Kingdom Ministry of Food, Agricultiire and Fisheries, for their co-operation in supply- ing the oysters. I am also grateful to Dr. J. L. Hart for his encouragement and assistance, and to Mr. Drinnan and Mr. Downer for assistance in pre- paring this paper. CHOICE OF CONWAY OYSTERS The European oyster was selected for trial introduction be- cause it is known to thrive in places where summer water temperatures resemble those recorded in our soft-shell clam areas. It is readily marketable and practical culture methods for it have been worked out. This choice was also influenced by the establishment of a breeding population of this species from the spawning of a relatively small stock which Dr. Loosanoff brought to Boothbay Harbor, Maine, in 19^9 (personal communication) . The choice of the Conway hatchery stock was influenced by its relative freedom from oyster diseases and parasites. This was consider- ed to be particularly important in view of the danger of introducing undesirable species. In this case, care was taken to guard against the Dutch shell disease, the mussel parasite, Mytilicola intestinalis, which occurs in some European oysters, and the barnacle, Elminius modestus, a recently- introduced pest of oyster beds in western Europe. At the SBjne time it was necessary to obtain oysters which could withstand the low winter water temperatures in eastern Canada. All things considered, the oysters bred at the Conway hatchery and subsequently reared in the Menai Straits seemed to be the best prospect. IMPORTATIONS In May 1957 about 5,000 oysters of the 1955 set were packed, -114- with damp seaweed (Fucus) in wooden boxes and shipped in the chilled vegetable compartment of a passenger steamer. These oysters were out of water for 11 days during transit. In April 1958> approximately 5,000 of the I956 set were placed in plastic bags, surrounded by "Vermiculite" as an insulating medium, and packed in cardboard boxes. They were shipped in a pressurized, temperature-controlled compartment of a freight aircraft. They were out of water for approximately k days. In April 1959, approximately 1,000 of the I956 and 5,000 of the 1957 set were shipped in the same way and were out of water for k days. REMOVAL OF UNDESIRABLE ORGANISMS There were considerable numbers of barnacles on the oysters imported in 1957* In case these should include specimens of KlTnln^ns modestus, it was decided to remove them prior to planting the oysters. Subsequent identification of samples by Dr. E. L. Bousfield of the National Museijm of Canada, and Dr. J. P. Harding of the British Museum of Natijral History, showed that Elminius was present. Trial batches of oysters were immersed in seawater solutions of Lindane (benzene hexachloride) in an attempt to kill the barnacles. The solutions were made up from a commercial powder, which contained 25^0 by weight of this poison, to give concentrations of the active ingredient of li 50,000, 1:225,000, and Ij 500,000. This poison is known to be toxic to several species of Crustacea (lobsters and green crabs) but proved ineffective on the barnacles at the concentrations used. After overnight exposure, many were still active although a few appeared to be paralyzed. In case prolonged exposure to Lindane might harm the oysters, it was decided to abandon this method of de- stroying barnacles. It was finally decided that Individual cleaning by hand was the only satisfactory method. Each oyster was therefore scrubbed clean of mud and debris and then barnacles, tube worms and other en- crustations removed with a scalpel. This proved effective as no barn- acles were found on the oysters in subsequent handling. This method was again used in 1958 sjid. 1959* Examination for Dutch shell disease and L^ilicola gave nega- tive results . During 19 5^ "the protozoan Hexamita appeared in the oyster stock during the late summer and following winter. Inspection of the 1959 import immediately after arrival showed none of this protozoan. As Hexamita had been previously reported from our native oysters ( Crass - ostrea vlrginica) by Mackin et al. (1952) and by Logie (personal -115- coimii\mlcation) and was encountered again by Dr. Laird in 1958^ it is concluded that our Eiiropean oysters were infested after their arrival in Canada. PLANTING The oysters were planted out in trays with 8- inch legs to raise them off the bottom, and l/i<— inch mesh wire bottoms and lids . Periwinkles (Llttorina littorea) were placed in the trays to keep down epiphytic algal growth. Plantings were made in several locations. Some oysters were retained in the Station tanks, and some on the beach below the Bio- logical Station in the cool water of Passamaquoddy Bay, but most of them were set out in Sam Orr Pond, a warm, salt-^ater inlet of Passa- maquoddy Bay. GROWTH During their first year in Sam Orr Pond, where temperatures rise at times to 25^0, the oysters showed excellent growth (Table l) . This was greater in 1957 than in 1958^ presumably because 1957 '^^^ warmer (Table 2). The survivors of the 1957 stock which lived through 1958 grew well in their second siommer in the pond. By August their mean length was 80 mm. Table 1. Growth of oysters during their first year in Sam Orr Pond trays . Import Shell Annual Year Length Growth mm mm May 35 1957 39 Nov. Jk May 3h 1958 26 Nov. Go In both years the oysters in Station tanks and in Passajnaquoddy Bay grew less than a third as much as those in the pond. This is -116- attributed to the cooLnass of the Bay (Table 2) where the highest temperature recorded in the two years vas I5.80C. Table 2. Two-year comparison of summer water temperatures in Sam Orr Pond and Passamaquoddy Bay. Passamaquoddy Sam Orr Pond Bay Year No. ( Df days No. of days temperature temperature vas above was above 15°C 20OC 15°C 1957 67+ 26 k 1958 hh 6 6 SURVIVAL The oysters imported in 1957 seemed vigorous. When placed in water Immediately after arrival^ many appeared to begin pumping. How- ever, next morning gapers appeared and steadily increased. Approxi- mately 90/0 died during the first week (Fig. l) and by the end of June 95^ were dead. The 5^ remnant of the stock showed no further losses, grew well during the summer and survived the 1957-58 winter 100^ in Sam Orr Pond. This encouraged belief that Sana Orr Pond was a safe wintering place. The heavy mortality on arrival was attributed to prolonged air exposure during transit. This conclusion was supported by Korringa's (1956) experience and by observations on storage of our native oyster, Crassostrea vlrglnlca, which shows a similar mortality if placed in water after long air exposure (Medcof 1959)* Survival and growth after the initial mortality was over, en- couraged the 1958 Importation by air which reduced air exposure to approximately k days. This shipment was made in April before com- mencement of the growing season. As an added precaution, the oysters were held in the intertldal zone in Menal Strait for several days prior to shipment to accustom them to prolonged air exposure. The Japanese reg\ilarly condition spat of Pacific oysters in this way be- fore shipping them to the west coast of North America (Glude and Lindsay 19^+7). The precautions taken in 1958 did not avert a heavy initial loss but they seem to have delayed It until some 8 weeks after arrival and to have reduced it. Approximately kofi of the stock survived until winter (Fig. l) as compared with 5!/^ in 1957 • -117- to 1/ 1/ F K O 0) — SI O o CM ,-'? < -3 2 0> lO < 2 I -I I -D J. / — y - J. J. < -3 CO < ID t I in i o CO o o o (NJ m u 0) -P n o 0) ft o w 0) o O w -p o 01 •p o -d o O CO Pi •H la CQ IVAIAMOS 39VlN3Dd3d -118- r u> — i- Oo 3dniV«3dW31 d31VM lo ^ ro P (U fd -- I (U P • fl CQ > O) a -d tJ ivj d fro , An re cor u o\ la ■" OJ H > o> < -> to •^ ^j S fH d +^ ft M ^ -p ^ — CO •i^ " ^ • L. o o o oo o o o CVi nVAIAdflS 39VlN30d3d ■p -p -119- In JuLj 1958^ Dr. Marshall Laird, a protozoologlst from the Institute of Parasitology, McGill University, examined samples of the 1957 and 1958 imports. In the 1958 import he found ciliates on the mantle and gills of all specimens and one oyster showed trophozoites of the flagellate Hexamita inflata in the intestine. All these oys- ters were in poor condition, thin ajid watery. No ciliates and no Hexamita were found at that time in oysters imported in 1957* Hiese oysters were in excellent condition, fat and creamy-white. During their second (1958) summer in the pond the survivors of the 1957 importation showed almost no mortality. This was encourag- ing. On July 11 and November 6 samples of I50 and 200 oysters, res- pectively, of the 1958 importation were sent to Mr. Drinnan at Ellers- lie. Prince Edward Island. He held some of these in trays in Bideford River and some in laboratory tanks. The oysters transferred in July grew well and were quite fat by autumn. The November transfers grew little and were still thin when cold weather set in. All oysters in both lots died in early winter. Drinnan 's records show that the mor- tality began about 3 weeks after water temperatures dropped to O^C Eind below, and that it reached lOOfo within 2 months (Fig. 2). After the mortality began Mr. Drinnan made many examinations of living, mori- bund and dead oysters. Most but by no means all proved to be heavily infected by trophozoites of Hexamita. Mr. Drinnan 's observations at Ellerslie stimulated sampling of the oysters wintering in Sam Orr Pond. On March 5 "the ice, which was 28 inches thick, was sawed through and a tray containing oysters of the 1958 importation was located and raised. Only 2'fo were sound. The remainder were either weak gapers or dead. On examination, all of them, livixig and dead, proved to be heavily Infected with tropho- zoites of Hexamita. Samples were sent to Mr. Drinnan, Dr. Laird and Dr. Stein, all of whom confirmed these findings. On April 22 when the ice had cleared from Sam Orr Pond, all the oysters from both im- portations were foimd to be dead. In contrast, about two-thirds of the oysters held in the labo- ratory at St. Andrews survived the winter. The water temperatures in these tajiks are shown in Figure 2. They were consistently higher than those in Ellerslie tanks and higher than those in Sam Orr Pond for at least part of the winter of 19 58- 59. This is shown by two readings at the pond with a reversing thermometer lowered through holes in the ice which were +O.IOC on February 5 and -O.^OC on March 6, 1959- These St. Andrews tank temperatures were probably higher than the pond temperatures in the winter of 1957-58, but there are no direct obser- vations to support this assumption. Passamaquoddy Bay hydrographic records supplied by Dr. Laiizier show that the winter of 1958-59 was more severe than that of 1957-58 (Table 3). -120- Table 3» Comparison of monthly means of Passamaqvioddy Bay water tem- peratures (°C) taken dally during the two winters oysters were held at St. Andrews, N. B, Winter Decemher January Febrixary March 1957-58 5.^+ 3.5 2.1 2.7 1958-59 3.^ 1.1 -0.1 0.1+ The oysters Imported in 1959 arrived hy air on May 2. They were given the same Intertidal hardening treatment in Menai Strait "before shipment as those Imported in 1958. The sinrvival since plant- ing seems to he following the regular pattern (Fig. l) . Up to July 16, 1959^ 10 weeks after arrival. 97^0 of the 3-year-old3 (1956 set) and 91^ of the 2-year-olds (1957) were still alive. By July 2h, how- ever, these values had fallen to 88fo and 55/" ^^^ tiy August 6 to 86.5^ and 47. 3^". Diiring the peak of the mortality all the moribund and dead oysters were heavily infected with Hexamita trophozoites. Healthy- looking oysters have been consistently free. ADDITIOML OBSERVATIONS ON HEXAMETA The q^uahaug (Mercenaria mercenarla) is native to Sam Orr Pond and at no time has Dr. Laird found it to harbour Hexamita . Even when held in tanks at the Biological Station alongside heavily infested oysters, the quahaugs have not been conteuninated. A scallop (Placopecten magellanlcus) which had been living in a St. Andrews tank with infected oysters was found dea^ on May 30, 1959> aiid as heavily Infected with Hexamlta trophozoites as the oys- ters. Dr. Laird found the flagellate in samples of mud taken April 6, 1959^ from the bottom of Sam Orr Pond at the place where the oyster trays were wintered. DISCUSSION Apparently the European oyster may thrive on our coast in sheltered inlets in summer but may or may not survive our winters de- pending on their severity. Mr. John Hurst of the Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries reports (personal communication) that one winter the Eioropean oysters (Netherlands strain) growing in Maine showed substantial mortality, when severely cold weather coincided -121- with extreme low tides. But only intertidal animals were affected. Gaarder and BJerkan (193^) report that the Norway strain of European oyster does not withstand severe winters very well even when submerged. Korringa (1957) also recognizes this hut suggests that there are rac- ial groups within the species which show differences in cold-hardiness. In his opinion the Netherlands strain is quite hardy. Owe laboratory and field experiments with Conway oysters clearly indicate that at temperatures about and slightly below 0°C they suffer some kind of stress. Under present conditions they may or may not survive, depend-* ing on the severity of the winter. McLellan and Lauzier (195^) report sea water temperat\ires for the Bay of Fundy and the outer coast of Nova Scotia and predict more severe winter conditions on this coast for the next 25 years. Their statements discourage hope that this species can be established here. We find that present conditions are marginal — perhaps too risky to justify fijrther trial introductions of Conway oysters. If conditions were less favorable they could rule out any chance of success with any strain of European oyster. The role of Hexamita in oyster mortalities is by no meajis clear. It lives freely in the mud in Sam Orr Pond and is probably present in the water supply to laboratory aquaria at St. Andrews and Ellerslie. But it does Infect oysters with various effects imder various conditions. Some of these are clear] others can be only vague- ly outlined. Oysters can tolerate Hexamita infection for long periods with- out unusual mortality at low temperatures, about i4-°C. This is shown by the St. Andrews tank experiments. Hexamita may cause death of oysters that are in stasis (hiber- nating with low metabolic rates) or that are suffering stress from still lower temperatures (approaching the lower lethal temperature) Our observations of low-temperature mortalities in Sam Orr Pond and at Ellerslie illustrate this and parallel those by Stein (1960) for Olympia oysters . Hexaml ta will also attack at high temperatures when oysters are experiencing difficulty (stress) in adjusting to new conditions or in obtaining enough food. This is illiistrated by Dr. Laird's I958 summer studies of the thin-meated Sam Orr Pond stock. Intermediate temperatures which prevented normal summer growth of oysters (e.g. in St. Andrews aquaria) apparently favored chronic Hexam-t ta infection. Food shortage may have been involved in this situation. Hexamita does not ordinarily infect quahaugs, which live well in aquaria and show great cold-hardiness. But it may attack sea scallops which do not thrive in aquaria, although they are tolerant -122- to low temperatures (Dickie 1958) • From this variety of evidence oiJr Hexamlta could be considered a facultative parasite. It seems to have taken the first evolutionary- step toward parasitism. If it were a well-adjusted parasite, our oys- ters might have survived "better. On the other hand, the occurrence of the flage2J.ate in slow-growing, weak or dying oysters and in scallops living in aquaria may he purely coincidental with approaching death. Hexamita may he simply an opportunist. PLANS FOR FUTURE At the moment we are still convinced that we need more species of shore molluscs to stabilize our shellfish fisheries. We would like to establish some exotic species in our depleted clam areas- We are not quite satisfied that the European oyster is not adaptable to this coast. We have tested the Conway strain without very encouraging re- siilts but Dr. Loosanoff 's experience and the experience of the Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries with the Netherlands strain are more heartening. There are several strains^ and one or more of these may have the degree of low-temperat\ire tolerance that would make the European oyster adaptable to our coast. Even though hydrographers warn us to expect colder winters in the next few years, search for a suitable strain may be Justified. Aside from this possibility there are other species of shore molluscs which we have considered as possibly adaptable, for example, the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), the Japanese littleneck clam (Tapes philippinarum), and the Atlantic bay scallop, (Aequlpecten irradians) . This last species has been reported from the Canadian Atlantic coast emd the second last is already established on the Brit- ish Columbia coast. At this stage no decision has been made to go on and make an exhaustive study of the possibilities of finding an adaptable strain of European oyster or to try out what seem to be the hardiest strains of some of these other species. LITERATURE CITED Dickie, L. M. 1958- Effects of high temperature on s\irvival of the giant scallop. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 15(6): II89-I2II. Gaarder, T. and P. Bjerkan. 193^. jZ^sters og )/flterskultur i Norge. Bergen. Glude, J. B. and G. E. Lindsay. 19^T« Japanese oyster seed export program for 19^7. NRS, SCAP, Tokyo, Prelim. Study No. 13: 1-13. -123- Korringa, P. 1956. Oyster culttore in South Africa. Union of South Africa, Div. Fish. Invest. Rep. 20: I-85. ^^^ 1957 • Water temperature and breeding throughout the geographical rajige of Ostrea edulis . Coll. Internat. Biol. Mar., Stat. Biol. Roscoff, Ann. Biol. 33(l/2) 1I-I5. McLellan, H. J. and L. M. Lauzier. I956. The prediction of water temperatures. Canadian Fisherman ^3(9)' 11-12. Mackln, J. G., P. Korringa and S, H. Hopkins. 1952. Hexamitiasis of Ostrea ediJlie (L.) and Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). Bull. Mar. Sci. Giilf Caril). 1(4): 266-277. Medcof, J. C. 1959. Studies on stored oysters (Crassostrea virginica) . Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. k9 (1958): 13-28. Stein, J. E. I960. Hexamita sp. and an infectious disease in the commercial oyster Ostrea lurida. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. 5O167. -12it- PRELIMINARY REPORT ON GROWTH AMD SURVIVAL OF THE PACIFIC OYSTER IN WASHINGTON WATERS""-'^ Albert K. Sparks and Kenneth K. Chew College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington INTRODUCTION The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea glgas, has become increasingly important as a fishery resource in the Pacific Northwest of America. Yet, we have relatively little information on its growth and mortaJLity rates in local waters, information basic to the utilization of this valuable resource. Chapman and Es veldt (l9^3)^ in their study of spawning and Betting of the Pacific oyster in Washington waters, gave a brief ac- coimt of its growth. Woelke (l955) discussed the growth of a small group of the Kumamoto variety of this species and graphicaHy compared its growth with that of the typical £. gigas seed; both were grown on the same bed. Quayle (1951), working on the Pacific oyster in British Columbia waters, followed the increase in length, width, and thickness of a group of 6' to 8-year-olds for one year. We are not aware of other published acco-unts dealing with growth and mortality of the Pacific oyster in our local habitat. Clearly, more information is desired and needed. In March 1959^ we started a field study, with emphasis on grow- th and mortality, of some 3^000 yearling Pacific oysters (1957 year class) originally Imported from Japan. Results through January I960 on growth, condition index, and mortaility rates at three field stations are presented in this report. MATERIALS, METHODS, AM) FIELD STATIONS The Western Oyster Company at Purdy, Washington, provided more than 3^000 yearling Pacific oysters, which were imported as seed from Miyagi Prefecture, Japan in the spring of 1958* These oysters were ciilled to singles in the laboratory of the College of Fisheries, and length, height, and thickness of each individual were measmred to the nearest millimeter. The condition index was determined from 30 oysters, and 10 specimens were fixed for histological examination. ■^This research was supported by "State of Washington, Initiative 17I Funds for Research in Biology ajad Medicine". ^Contribution No. 65 from the College of Fisheries, University of Wash- ington, -125- m 4? H ■P a I CM •rH * o SATJJ5" N (/■ 3 3 0 J , J I 0 V d H ■p d bO ^1 0) 05 ^^ O l+H o d o (V •H -P -P Cd ci3 -P O CQ O rd A d bO M •H d f^ o •H ■P CO -126- Tlaen 1,000 oysters were distrilDuted during the first veek of March, 1959^ to each of three field stations: Oyster Bay in southern Puget Sound, Pt. Whitney in Hood Canal, and Wahcotta in Willapa Bay (Fig. l). Each station consisted of a float (Fig. 2) much like that used hy Collier (1953)- Four woven-wire baskets, each measuring 35«5 hy 17.0 by 7-0 inches, were contained in the float, and in each basket were placed 250 oysters. Three baskets at each station were designated as experimental] with a few exceptions, they were examined each week from March until September and every other week thereafter. During these weekly and biweekly examinations, measurements of length, height_, and thickness were taken on 100 randomly selected oysters, 33 each from two baskets and 3^ from the third. The random sample was obtained by thoroughly stirring all oysters in each tray, then removing a portion of the pile estimated to contain approximately 33 oysters ajad measuring from this randomly selected group. Dead ajid dying oysters were also measured; the latter were fixed in Zenker's solution for subsequent histological study. Boxes were measured and discarded. Associated fauna was re- moved, enumerated, and preserved. Every other week one live specimen from each basket was fixed for histological study and three specimens from each basket were measured for condition index, making a total of three normal oysters fixed from each station at each sampling, and a pooled total of nine oysters for condition at each sampling. Condition index (C. I.) of oysters was determined by a method outlined by Medcof and Needier (l9^l) who used the ratio of the dry weight of oyster meat to the volume of shell cavity, multiplied by 1000. In this study the ratio is multiplied by 100. The fourth basket at each station was designated as a control. Oysters contained therein were left undisturbed except that in July and October 1959^ aJid. January I960 they were measured once along with those in experimental baskets. This was to determine if frequent hand- ling of oysters in experimental baskets had any effect on growth and survival. TT Water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and p were determined by standard methods at each station on each visit. RESULTS Growth of oysters was measijred In terms of increases in length, height, and thickness of shells. Data on growth in shell length from the beginning of the experiment (first week of March) through January i960, are shown in Table 1. Only the mean values of each set of mea- surements are given, and the final cumiilative percentage increases are calculated. -127- Table 1. The mean length In ram. of oysters in experimental and control baskets at each station from March 1959 through Janiiary I960 Hood Canal Oyster Bay Willapa Bay Exp. Control Exp. Control Exp. Control Beginning of Experiment 59.8 55-0 56.6 58.2 60.I 59.3 March 61.O 57-6 60.5 April 6h.9 61.2 62.0 May 65.5 6k. Q 61*^.8 June 70.9 73.7 73.7 July 76.6 91.2 82. If 99.2 80.1 90.2 August 78.0 85.6 82. 1+ September 8I.5 92.1 89.2 October 82.0 98.^ 95-1 117.3 89.5 107.if November 82.2 97. 0 86.2 December 8l.2 96.2 88.6 January 82.8 97.6 92.7 125-6 87.6 10^^.1 Cumulative percentage increase 38.5^ 77-5^ 63.8^ 115.8^ J+5.8^ 75*5^ As shown in this table, the experimental oysters at the Oyster Bay Station revealed the greatest percentages of increase in shell length. The percentage of shell growth of experimental oysters was next highest at Willapa Bay, followed closely by Hood Canal. At all stations growth shown by increase in shell was greater in the control trays than in the experimental ones. This was probably due to break- ing off of fragile new extensions of shell margins by handling. At all stations, growth ceased by the end of October, after decelerating greatly during that month. From the middle of September until the end of October water temperatures had gradually dropped from approximately 16.OOC to about 12.0^0 (Table 3). Condition indices of the experimental and control oysters are presented in Table 2. Condition indices of oysters at the three sta- tions were virtually the same in March when the study began; Oyster Bay, however, was soon superior to the other two stations. By April 30, the condition index of Oyster Bay oysters reached 13-9 compared to 8.8 at Willapa Bay and 8.7 at the Hood Canal station. During the summer months the C. I. of Oyster Bay oysters remained high, between 13.1 and 15.5, while the Hood Canal and Willapa Bay oysters improved to a level of 10.0 to 11.0. In October the condition indices of the oysters at Oyster Bay and Willapa Bay began to decline while those at Hood Canal remained high, with the year's highest values for this sta- tion, 13.1 and 13.0, occurring at the end of October and the middle of December. Temperature and other hydrographic data showed no obvious reason for the C. I. remaining high at Hood Canal. -128- Table 2. Condition index (C.I.) of experimental and control oysters from three stations Hood Canal Oyster Bay Willapa Bay Date Exp. Control Date Exp. Control Date Exp. Control 3-18-59 5.2 3-18-59 5.^ 3-18-59 5-5 h- 4-59 6.3 h- 5-59 7.6 k- 5-59 8.7 i+-l6-59 7.5 4-16-59 9.6 4-18-59 7.8 4-30-59 8.7 5- 3-59 13.9 5- 3-59 8.8 5-28-59 11.1 5-30-59 1^.6 5-30-59 9-8 6-18-59 10.9 6-18-59 15.5 6-16-59 11.0 7- 2-59 10.8 7- 2-59 13.6 6-30-59 10.5 7- 7-59 9.1 7- 7-59 15-2 7- 9-59 8.3 7-29-59 9.8 7-29-59 13.4 7-30-59 9-5 8-12-59 11.3 8-12-59 1^.6 8-14-59 10.5 8-25-59 9.8 8-25-59 13.5 8-26-59 11.0 9-10-59 11.5 9-10-59 13.1 9-11-59 10. 0 10- 3-59 11.8 8.7 10- 3-59 11-5 9.0 10- I-59 9.0 6.2 10-15-59 13.1 10-15-59 10.6 10-17-59 7.6 10-29-59 11.9 10-29-59 10.8 11- 1-59 7.1 11-11-59 12.3 11-11-59 12.6 11-14-59 8.1 11-29-59 12.1 12- 1-59 10.0 11-29-59 7.5 12-17-59 13.0 12-16-59 11.4 12-20-59 9.8 1- 8-60 11.7 8.5 1- 9-60 10.1 7.3 1-12-60 7.1 5.6 1-22-60 11.0 1-22-60 9.5 1-25-60 7.3 -129- Table 3- Temperatiire data for thi'ee experimental atationsl from March to December 1959 Date 1959 Temperature OC Date 1959 Temperature ' 3C H C 0 B W B H C 0 B W B March Avigust > 1- k- 9 8.9 9.h 9.h 5- 5- 7 19.^ 20.0 18.8 18-18-21 10.0 8.9 9.h 12-12-iU 20.0 17.7 18.3 27-27-28 8.3 8.9 9.h 18-18-20 18.3 17-2 18.3 25-25-26 19.7 18.3 17.7 April k- 5- 5 9.^ 9.h 10.3 September 9-11-11 12.2 11 .1 11.1 10-10-11 16. U 16. U 16.1 16-16-18 10.6 10.6 11.7 19-18-17 13.1 16.1 16.1 23-23-26 12.8 11.7 12.2 30- 0- 0 11.7 October 3- 3- 1 13.6 15.3 15.3 May 15-15-17 12.2 II+.2 Ik.k 0- 3- 3 12.2 12.2 29-29- 0 11.1 12.8 7- 7- 9 13.3 ik.k Ik.k 21-21-23 li^.I^ 13.9 18.3 November 28-30-30 12.8 17.2 16,7 0- 0- 1 12.8 11-11-lit 10.0 10.6 8.6 June 28- 0-29 9.k 9^k 10-10- 8 15.6 15.6 16.7 18-18-16 15.6 15.6 17.2 December 2i+-2l4-25 15.6 16.7 18.3 0- 1- 0 10.0 0- 0-30 18.8 17-16-20 8.3 8.6 8.9 July Janiiary 2- 2- 0 19.^ 16.7 8- 9-12 6.k 6.7 5.0 7- 7- 9 17.7 16.1 18.8 21-21-0 23.3 20.6 29-29-30 18.8 16.9 20.6 1 H C, Hood Canalj 0 B, Oyster Bay; W B, Willapa Bay -130- The C. I. of controls was approximately the same as that of the experimental oysters in Jiily. In subsequent measurements, however, control oysters showed much lower condition index than the experimental ones . This was probably due to overcrowding of oysters in the control baskets, as a result of rapid growth, low mortality, and lack of re- moval of oysters for condition index and histological study. Sixty oysters were removed from the control basket at each station during the first week of October to alleviate crowding. These were placed on the bottom in nearby areas and will be compared in subsequent per- iods to the float oysters for growth, condition, and survival. Mortalities of both experimental and control oysters were s\ir- prisingly low at all stations. A Chl-square test indicated that the survival of the experimental oysters between stations was not signi- ficantly different at the 5 per cent level. The same result was ob- tained for the control oysters between stations, but a further Chi- square test revealed that the mortality was significantly greater at the 5 per cent level in the control tray at the Oyster Bay Station than in the experimental trays at the same location. No significant difference was found when the total survival data for the experimental oysters were pooled and tested by Chi-square against the pooled data for the controls. Adjusted cumulative mortalities, based on mortalities less those oysters removed from the trays for condition index deter- mination and histological studies, in the experimental trays were 2.6 per cent at Willapa Bay, and k.l per cent at both the Oyster Bay and Hood Canal stations. The pooled cumulative mortality of the experi- mental oysters at all three stations was 3.5 per cent. Mortalities in the control trays were 2.8, h.^, and 'J .1 per cent at the Willapa Bay, Hood Canal, and Oyster Bay stations, respectively. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS From the first year of this study it has been demonstrated that growth in Crassostrea gigas in Washington waters occurs largely diiring the sijmmer months; mortality rates are extremely low under the conditions of the present study. The growth data contrasts with that reported by Woelke (l959) who found growth to be more or less continu- ous during the year at Case Inlet. Of the three locations studied, growth was best at Oyster Bay and next best in Willapa Bayj survival was greatest in the Willapa Bay station. Woelke (1959) found growth to be better in Willapa Bay than in southern Puget Sound, but condition index at Hood Canal has been superior to the C. I. in the Willapa Bay station throughout most of the study and better than in Oyster Bay from October through December. It should be pointed out, however, that parts of Willapa Bay are suitable for growth, and other areas for fattening, with the Nahcotta station selected as Intermediate bet- ween the two extremes. Because of this, these data probably do not reflect either best condition or best growth for Willapa Bay. The relationship between growth and handling is of particular -131- Interest because of possible use to the industry. Althovigli handling vas shown to affect growth as measxired by increases in shell length, it did not appear to increase mortality. LITERATURE CITED Chapman, W. M. and Esveldt, G. D. 19^3. The spawning and setting of the Pacific oyster. Wash. Dept. Fish., Biol. Rept. No. i|3Asl-25. CoU-ier, Albert. 1953. Oysters, their growth rate and survival when retained under crude petroleum. I-I56. (Unpub. Rept. to Gulf Refining Co.) Medcof, J. C. and Needier, A. W. H. I9J+I. The influence of tempera- ture and salinity on the condition of oysters (Ostrea virginica) . J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 5(3): 253-257- Quayle, D. B. 1951. The seasonal growth of the Pacific oyster ( Ostrea gigas) in Ladysmith Harboior. Ann. Rept. British Colimbia Dept. Fish. 1950 : L85-L9O, Woelke, C. E. 1955. Introduction of the Kumajnoto oyster Ostrea (Crassostrea) gigas to the Pacific Coast. Wash. Dept. Fish Res. Paper 1 (3)1 1-10. . 1959. Growth of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in the waters of Washington State. ( Unpub, Mas., 8 pp.) -132- GROWTH OF Tim PACIFIC OYSTER CRASS OSTREA GIGAS IN TEE WATERS OF WASHINGTON STATE Charles E. Woelke Washington Department of Fisheries Shellfish Laboratory, Quilcene, Washington ABSTRA.CT Seasonal growth^ year to year growth variation in a single area, growth relative to tidal height, and growth between areas of Crassostrea gigas as determined from experimental plant- ings are reported. The possibility of predicting the market size of oysters after six months growth is siiggested. Growth on commercial beds is described by area from data collected in annual industry-wide growth surveys. INTRODUCTION Growth of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Washington state has been systematically studied on an industry-wide basis only since 1956. Seki (1937) followed monthly growth of Crassostrea gigas in three areas of Japan. Quayle (1951) reported seasonal growth of stunted specimens of Crassostrea gigas moved to a more favorable en- vironment. Thomson (l952) followed the growth of this oyster in ex- perimental plantings in Australia. Woelke (l955) described growth of a variety of Crassostrea gigas (the Kumamoto oyster) in Washington waters in a report on the introduction of this oyster to the Pacific Coast. This report summarizes data collected from two sources on growth of Pacific oysters in Washington. First is a series of studies designed to evaluate seasonal growth, year to year growth variations in one area, growth relative to tidal level, and growth variation be- tween areas. The second source is data collected in annual indvistry- wide s\irveys measuring growth, mortality and "fatness" of oysters on commercial beds. METHODS Measurement of oyster size is made by two methods, linear and voltimetric. Quayle (I95I) measiu-ed length, width, depth and volume in studying oyster growth. He observed, "Because of irregular shape of the Pacific oyster and the high degree of shell fluting, consistent- ly accurate linear measurements are difficult to make." Beaven (l952) recognizes the simplicity of volume measurements but objects to their use because of problems arising from small oysters, spat, mussels etc. -133- Drayton Harbor ^ 4 s\iiish Bay Fidalgo— ^nis^^dilla Bay Simllk Beach Pig. 1. Principal oystering areas in Washington state, -13^- attached to the oysters. Hopkins and Menzel (l952) stress the value of a volumetric measurement which can be related to net yield. Butler (1952a, 1952h, 1953) uses volume measurements in growth studies and points out (195213) the need of using oysters of common heredity axid known age and avoiding mixed year classes. All data in this report are from volume measurements . After removal of aJLl organisms, volume is meas\ired in the laboratory by subtracting weight in water from weight in air and in the field by water displacement. Increased speed and reduced measuring error (less than 0.5 cc per oyster in samples of 10 or more) are achieved by pro- cessing an entire sample in one measurement rather than measirring indi- vidual oysters. Intertidal ciiltivation and limited reproduction in most Wash- ington oystering areas eliminate the serious fouling problems found objectionable by Beaven, As a result of the unique method by which the Pacific Coast oyster industry replenishes most of its oyster stocks, i.e., annual importation of seed from a common stock in Japan, the problems of known heredity or mixed year classes are absent. The data reported have been collected from oysters grown on the bottom in the intertidal zone. The diurnal tide range in most Puget Sound areas is about l4 feet. In coastal areas (Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay) diurnal tide range is about 10 feet. Experimental plantings, as well as most commercial beds, are located between one foot below and five feet above mean lower low water. All sampling is done at low tide when the beds are exposed and are easily accessible. EXPERIMENTAL PLANTINGS Seasonal growth as determined by repeated measiirement of the same oysters (less mortalities) over a 2+ year time period in Case Inlet is presented in Table 1. Average temperatures and salinities for the time period preceding each growth observation are also in- cluded in the table. While the time intervals between data collection were variable (generally 2-3 months), growth occurred within each in- terval. The greatest per cent growth occurred during periods of war- mer water (average of about l8°C), and higher salinities (27-5 - 30.6 0/00). Less growth occurred during lower temperatures (down to 6.U'-'C) and reduced salinities (20.2 0/00). While these data disagree in part with Quayle (l95l)> who indicates cessation of shell growth at about 9°C, the same general trends are evident in both studies. From Australia, Thomson (1952) reports growth during all seasons (temper- ature range 1.1 - 25.6°c) though at a reduced rate dviring periods of low temperature. To measure growth variations on a long-term basis, represent- ative samples are collected quarterly from our experimental beds and brought to the laboratory for volume measurement. Growth at the same -135- Table 1. Seasonal gro\rth of the Pacific oyster in Case Inlet - 1952 planting Growth Age in Ave. size increment Per cent Ave. temp Ave. sal. Date months in cc (^) in cc Increase ^ C"'^ o/oo ** V22/52 0 1.2 (100) 9/12/52 5 8.5 (91) 7.26 590.2 18.5 27.9 11/2/52 7 lk,k (89) 5.89 69.3 12.5 30.6 1/1V53 9 16.6 (87) 2.22 15.i+ 9.6 20.2 V30/53 12 20.6 (85) 4.03 2lf,2 Q.k 20.5 7/29/53 15 38.8 (if9) 18.16 89.1 18.6 27.5 11/22/53 18 61^.0 (61) 25.22 65.0 12.6 30.2 1/31/5^ 21 77.2 (57) 13.16 20.5 6.k 22.9 6/30/5^^ 26 92.5 (40) 15.33 19.8 13.6 22.1 * Ntmiber of oysters measured. •** Average of samples collected during time period preceding date of growth observation. -136- tide level in Case Inlet from I952 to I958 "by year and year class shows vide fluctuations (Table 2). In the seven years covered, the average size of oysters at I5 months has varied from 27.3 cc to 8O.7 CG. During excellent growth years the size at I5 months has "been greater than that of other years' plantings at 27 months of age. This point is further emphasized by comparing the per cent growth of the various plantings. First year growth has ranged from 192^ to 2,126/0, second year from llhio to l6itfo. Limited data collected on 2- to 3-^ and 3- to 4-year-olds do not permit comparison of per cent growth on the older oysters . It is demonstrated that a poor growth year is reflected by per cent growth of all year classes on the beds; therefore, routine sampling of a single age class adequately detects changes that occur, younger oysters being the more sensitive measure of change. Annual growth declined between 1952 and 1955^ and increased markedly from 1955 to 1958. 140 01 a ■H S 120 rH u a rt 100 A C o a o > 80 S 60 40 20 Y = 5.9x + a. 7 r = 0.09 12 16 20 24 28 32 Volume in cc. 6 months after planting Fig. 2. Six month vs. 26 month size of Pacific oysters, -137- Table 2. Annual growth variation of Pacific oysters in Case Inlet 1952 thru 1958 Year of observation Year class Age Ave. size cc (*) Per cent growth 1952 1952 1951 0 + 1 + 8.5 (91) 80.7 (20) — __ 1953 1953 1952 1951 0 + 1 + 2 + 15.7 (^2) 38.8 (I19) 357 195^ 195^ 0 + — 1953 1 + ^5.7 (31) 192 1952 2 + 90.0 (25) 132 1951 3 + 166.8 (20) 1955 1955 0 + 5.3 ( ^^ 195^ 1 + 52.0 ( 22 1953 2 + 103.5 ( :35) 127 1956 1956 0 + 2.0 ( ;75) 1955 1 + 29.3 I ^5 iH3 I95i^ 2 + 111.3 ( !35 114 1957 1957 0 + 3.0 ( ;59) 1956 1 + 27.3 < 20) 1,263 1955 2 + 1^.1 < 15) 155 195^ 3 + 179.1 ( !i7) 61 1958 0 + 6.5 ( ;3i) 2,126 1957 1 + 65.9 < 22) i6if 1956 2 + 71.9 ( 21) 77 1955 3 + 132.1 ( :i9) 23 195^ k + 221.1 ( 1958 * Number of oysters measured. -138- From industry's standpoint a very practical application of growth data is indicated in Figure 2. In this figure the 6-month size is plotted against the 26-month size of oyster seed planted on our ex- perimental beds for six successive years. These data suggest the pos- sibility of using the size at six months to predict the size of oysters at harvest age. With an r value of O.89, a strong correlation is indi- cated at the 5 pel" cent level. Within general parameters these data may provide a useful tool for oyster farmers. Whether this pattern is peculiar to our experimental beds has not yet been determined. It seems reasonable to assume that where oysters are intertid- ally cultured the feeding time of the population is limited by the tidal level at which they are planted, which in turn might be expected to materially affect growth of the oysters. Data in Table 3 were col- lected from seed of a common stock planted at the +2.8, +1.3 and -O.9 foot tide levels in Case Inlet. At 26 months after planting, the average sizes were 80.4 cc, 10^4-. 7 cc and II8.8 cc in order of decrea.s- ing tidal height. Oysters planted only 3-7 feet lower in the inter- tidal zone were nearly 50 per cent larger at 26 months. Table 3* Pacific oyster growth relative to tidal height in Case Inlet Tide Date Date Age in Ave. size level* planted harvested months in cc (**) +2.8 V23/52 6/30/5^ 26 80. 1| (17) +1.3 V23/52 6/30/5^^ 26 ioi^.7 {ih) -0.9 V23/52 6/30/54 26 118.8 (31) * Reff erred to mean lower low water ** Number of oysters measvired In 1952 a study was begun to measure the growth of a common seed stock in several of the principal oyster growing areas of Wash- ington at about the same tidal level (plus 2.5 feet). In Table k the accumulated growth at 28 months of age is presented for the various areas. Sizes range from 57 "^c to 131 cc. The poorest growth was in Oakland Bay and the best in Willapa Bay -139- Table k. Growth of 1952 year class Pacific oysters in five different areas Area Size in cc at 28 mos. (2+ years) Case Inlet 90 (62)* Oakland Bay 57 (22) Oyster Bay 109 (17) Samish Bay 79 (26) Wlllapa Bay 131 (23) * Number of oysters measured. GROWTH ON COMMERCIAL BEDS Extension of growth data collection from experimental plots to industry-wide measurements was begun in 195^. These data were col- lected on an annual survey basis covering about 70 per cent of the major oyster beds and 90 pe^r cent of the general oyster-producing areas of the state. Surveys have been conducted on the last two or three daylight lower low tide series of the year (August and September). All year classes present on the beds in each bay were sampled and eval- uated. Between ^5 and 50 separate beds in the four principal oyster- growing areas of the state (norther Puget Sound, southern Puget Sound, Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay) have been sampled each year. The same areas on the same beds were sampled in each survey to provide continu- ity of comparable data. Each sajnple consisted of 20 or more randomly selected oysters of each year class. In areas of natioral reproduction, "wild oysters" were excluded from the samples. Volume measvirements were made in the laboratory . The results of these surveys are summarized by year, year class and area in Table 5« Grouping of data by areas in this table masks the internal variations; however, the average values in general (with the exception of Drayton Harbor in northern P\iget Sound and Oakland Bay in southern Puget Sound)* demonstrate oyster growth in the fovir areas. •^Because of reduced growth and fattening, many northern P\jget Sound growers did not plant seed in 1957 and 1958- The absence of plantings on much of the poorer ground gives an apparent Improvement in growth in these years. Oakland Bay, in southern Puget Sound, has been a poor growing area throiighout the period covered by this study. -livO- Table 5. Growth of the Pacific oyster as determined by annual state- wide siii'veys Average vol. in cc statewide average North South Year Puget Puget Grays Willapa Ave. Size observed Age Sound Sound Harbor Bay N cc 1956 0+ 6.2 h.Q h.k 8.9 2,125 5.3 1+ 22,9 37.0 36.0 71.7 985 38.1 2+ 70.2 104.7 89.0 120.8 7if5 97.9 3+ 105.5 129.9 173 116.8 W 127.8 103 12i^.3 1957 0+ 5.6 5.8 6.3 21.0 l,2i+l| 11.9 1+ 33.1 h^.k kk.2 77.6 633 kT.k 2+ 66.2 80. i^ 95.6 13^^.6 3i^5 103.2 3+ 105.9 179.1 6k 118.5 k+ 112.5 3h 112.5 1958 0+ 6.8* 5.8 8.1 12.9 1,350 8.9 1+ 58.9* 52.5 81.2 75.6 719 61+. 0 2+ 80.6 ioif.3 122.8 133.1 816 ioi+.9 3+ 122.3 132.1 216 108.2 h+ 1^3.1 221.1 78 15^^.9 * These data reflect the planting of 1957 and I958 Japanese seed on optimum ground available in the area. Using the 2+ age oysters for comparison, Willapa Bay has con- sistently had the best growth and northern Puget Sound the poorest. Grays Harbor and southern Puget Sound have been alternating at second place. Using 1+ oysters for comparison, since they seem to provide the best short-term measure of growth, Willapa Bay seems to be staying about the same, with northern Puget Sound, southern Puget Sound and Grays Harbor improving. It moat be remembered that improvement in northern P\aget So\ind reflects the cessation of seed plemtings on a.1 1 except the two best beds. During three years of observation there appears to be a general increase in growth in all areas except northern Puget Sound from I956 to 19 58. In Table 6, data on size of oysters in all surveys to date are summarized by year class. Since the Pacific oyster is generally harvested between the second emd third year after planting, the aver- age market size lies between 102 and 113 cc. -l4l- Table 6. Pacific oyster average size by age as determined in state- wide surveys^ 1956-1958 Age Average size in cc 0+ 8.1 1+ 48.6 2+ 101.8 3+ 113.0 k+ 133.5 SUMMARY 1. Growth of the Pacific oyster in Case Inlet appears to he a continuous process with no evidence of winter hibernation. 2. Between 1952 and 1958, year to year growth fluctuations have been such that the size at 15 months has varied from 27.3 cc to 80.7 cc in Case Inlet. 3. Percentage growth for the first year after planting has ranged from 192/0 to 2,126fo, and from UUfo to iCkf in the second year. k. In our Case Inlet study area growth declined between 1952 and 1955 and has been steadily increasing during the I955-I958 period, 5. There are Indications that it may be possible to predict size of the Pacific oyster at 26 months from their size 6 months after planting . 6. Growth of oysters planted intertidally between +2.8 and -0,9 feet increases inversely with tidal level. 7. Accimiulated growth on oysters 28 months of age at about the same tide level in different areas has varied between 57 cc and 131 CO. 8. Based on annual indxistry-wlde oyster growth sxirveys, Willapa Bay is the area of best growth, northern Puget Soimd the poorest, with Grays Harbor ajad. southern Puget Sound alternating between second and third. 9. With the exception of northern Puget Sound, growth gener- ally increased between 1956 and 1958. 10. Based on the age-size relationship, the Pacific oyster is usually harvested when 102 cc to 113 cc in size. -ll^2- REFEEIENCES Beaven, G. Francis. 1952. Some otservations on rate of growth of oysters in the Maryland area. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. Conv. Addresses 1952: 9O-98. Butler, Philip A, 1952a. Shell growth versus meat yield in the oys- ter £. virginica. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. Conv. Addresses 1952: 157-162. . 19521). Seasonal growth of oysters C. virginica in Florida. Natl. Shellfish, Assoc. Conv. Addresses 1952: 188-191. 1953. Oyster growth as affected by latitudinal temperature gradients. Comm. Fish. Rev. 15 (6): 7-12. Hopkins, Sewell H. and R. Winston Menzel. 1952. Methods for the study of oyster plantings. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. Conv. Addresses 1952: 108-112. Quayle, D. B. 1951* The seasonal growth of the Pacific oyster (Ostrea gigas) in Ladysmlth Harbour. Ann. Rept. British Columbia Dept. Fish. 1950 1 185-190. Sekl, H. 1937* On the difference between Ostrea gigas from Hiroshima and Sendal Bay. Fish. Invest. Imp. Fish. Exp. Sta. Suppl. Rept., No. kf pp U5-5O (in Japanese). Reported in Cahn,A.R. (1950) Oyster culture In Japan. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Leafl. 383. Tliomson, J. M. 1952. The acclimatization and growth of the Pacific oyster ^G. gigas ) in Australia. Aust. Jour. Mar. Freshw. Res. 3 (1) 1952: 6k-^k. Woelke, C. E. 1955* Introduction of the Kumamoto oyster (Ostrea (Crassostrea) gigas ) to the Pacific Coast. Wash. Dept. Fish. Res. Papers 1 (3): 4l-50. -li^3- SELECTION AM) EVA1UA.TI0W OF A METHOD FOR QUAUTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF OYSTER CONDITION Ronald E. Westley Washington Department of Fisheries Shellfish Laboratory, Qullcene, Washington ABSTRACT Fatness is one of the most Important considerations of oyster culture. The "Grave method of condition factor index determination" was used initially but found to lack reprodu- cibility. Two Improved measuring techniques are presented plus an evaluation of the modified procedure as used by the Washing- ton State Department of Fisheries. Fatness Is one of the most Important considerations in evalua- tion of oyster culture "by either commercial operators or hlologistB . Researchers, recognizing the need, have devised various methods for evaluation of oyster fatness. This paper presents and evaluates the method found most suitable by the Washington Department of Fisheries . Grave (1912) describes a method for measuring oyster condition. This method consists of dropping uaopened oysters into an overflow container and measuring the water displaced. The same procedure is followed with the empty shells and the volume of the shell cavity is then calculated. Volume of the drained meats is measured by water displacement. "Condition factor index" is the ratio of meat volume to volume of the shell cavity: C.F. = Vol Meat X 100 Vol. Shell Cavity In monitoring oyster condition in Washington state, the "Grave method" was initially used. Subsequently it was found to lack repro- ducibility in volumetric measurement and in estimation of meat quantity, Quayle (1950), measuring volumetric growth of the Pacific oys- ter (Crassostrea gigas), utilized a method borrowed from J, C. Medcof involving an application of Archimedes' principle. Oysters are weighed first in air, then in water. The difference between the two weights equals volume. To eliminate errors present in wet-meat volume measure- ments, Higgins (1938) suggests oven drying of meats at 100°C, and Galts- off et al. (19U7) propose initial drying at 50°C and final drying at 100°C. Haydu (personal coramvmicatlon) found variation in drying at 100°C due to removal of varying amounts of chemically-bound water that -llf5- did not occin* with Initial drying at 500C. More recently, Korringa (1955) suggests further improvement in drying meats ty use of toluene distillation. By combining the weight-in-alr, weight-in-water method with oven drying of the meat, we have evolved a procedure for measurement of fatness of Craesostrea gigaa and Ostrea lurida In Washington state. Seunple size is based on size of adult oysters, reproducibility of measurements, and variation in meat qviality in oysters. In the case . of the large Pacific oyster (average adiilt size 125 cc volume) 20 oys- ters are used, giving a total sample size of 25OO cc. In the case of the small Olympia oysters (average adult size h.O cc volume), 50 oys- ters were used giving a total sample size of 200 cc. In both cases, amount of variation is only about +0.6 condition index unit at the 95^ confidence level (Table l) . The following procedures ■*<■ are followed! 1. Oysters are carefully cleaned. Those gaping or having chipped edges are rejected, 2. The oysters are held in running sea water for at least one hour prior to weighing to insure that no air is trapped between the valves . 3. Volume is determined and oysters are opened, care being taken not to break the shells or leave meat attached to the shells. Then the volume of the shell cavity is determined by subtracting volume of shell from total volume. h. The meats are placed in a tarred aluminum foil tray and dried in a forced air oven for two days at 50°C and two days at 100^0 (producing constant weight) and weighed. 5. Calculations I A. Dry weight of meats in grams ^^. _ ,.,. _, =7-^ ^ — r— rrj T-7 — 7 X 100 = Condition Index Volume of shell cavity in cc In measuring oysters, considerable error can be Introduced if there is air between the valves of the whole oysters (reason for step 2 in the procedure). The weight of the whole oysters in water should be equal to, or slightly greater thaji, the shells in water if there is no air trapped in the whole oyster. * When routinely sampling the same age oysters from an established station, this procedure provides data which can be used for growth evaluation. The procedure and calculations can be shortened if growth data are not desired. -146- Table 1. Results of replicate analyses of multiple lots of oysters Crassostrea gigas Area: OflWancJ Ba.y Date: July 25, 1956 Ave. vol. per oyster: C.I. 7.1 7.7 S.D. = = 0.66 6.3 t for N-i 95?^ 7.8 7.0 + 1.0 Area: Oakland Bay Date: July 5, I956 Ave. vol. per oyster: 100 cc C.I. 7.8 S.D. = 0.40 7.2 t for N-1 95$ C.I. 8.0 7.8 + 0.6 8.1 100 cc C.I. Area J Oakland Bay Area: Worth Bay Date: July 12, 1956 Date: August 8, 1957 Ave. vol. per oyster: 100 cc Ave. vol. per oyster: 125 cc C.I. C.I. 7.6 13.3 7.5 15.0 S.D. = 1.10 7.1 S.D. = 0.61+ 12.3 t for N-1 9% C.I. 7.1 t for W-1 95^ C.I. 13.if 13.5 + 1.7 6.2 7.1 + 0.7 Area: Oakland Bay Date: July 19, 1956 Ave. vol. per oyster: C.I. 100 cc 7.3 7.0 7.1 6.7 S.D. = 0.20 t for N-1 95^ C.I. 7.0 + 0.3 Ostrea lurida Area: Oyster Bay Area: Oyster Bay Date: July 11, 1957 Date: August 8, I957 Ave. vol. per oyster: Ij-.O cc Ave, vol. per oyster: k.O cc C.I. C.I. 7.2 S.D. = 0.30 17.3 6.7 t for N-1 9'?$ C.I. 17.4 S.D. = 0.60 6.6 6.8 + 0.5 16.9 t for N-1 95^ C.I. 6.6 16.1 16.8 + 0.6 17.2 16.0 -147- RelialDility of the method Is affected by two factors^ acciaracy of techniques of measurement and sampling error^ and variation of oys- ters on the heds . To check the accuracy of the measuring method re- peated measurements of the same oysters and ohjects of known volume were made^ which demonstrated that measurements are hoth accurate and reproduciiale. The problem of sampling error^ or adequacy of sampling. Is more complex and has no easy solution. To minimize this, field samples are collected at set locations. Table 1 presents data from several sets of Pacific and Olympia oyster samples. Each set was col- lected from the same area (bed) on the same date. The various sets were collected from known areas of good and poor oysters . These data demonstrate the combined effect of accuracy of method and sajiipling error. The standard deviations of Crassostrea gigas samples indicate consistency of results when oyster condition is poor with increased variation in better oysters. In the case of Ostrea lurida the devia- tion is low for both poor and good oysters. The failure of the method to distinguish whether a high condition factor index is due to fatness or spawn poses no serious problem as presence of spawn is easily deter- mined by eye. To date the relationship between condition factor index and commercial yield has not been determined. The method provides a rapid and reproducible way of evaliiating oyster condition. The actual time required to process a sample is less than any method using the overflow technique, although the intro- duction of oven drying creates a four-day waiting period. The pro- cediire has been utilized for five years by the Washington Department of Fisheries for measurement of oyster condition and has proven to be a valuable tool (Westley 1959). Information collected permits de- tection of seasonal variation, long range changes, and effects of ex- treme weather conditions. The method is also being used in assessing oyster condition in laboratory and field bio-assays. The writer wishes to gratefully acknowledge the help and £id- vice of Dr. D. B. Quayle in setting up this procedure. REPEIIENCES Galtsoff, Paul S., Walter A. Chipman, James B, Engle and Howard N. Calderwood. 19^7, Ecological and physiological studies of the effect of siilfate piilp mill waste on oysters in the York River, Virginia. U. S. Bur. Fish., Fish. Bull. 43:59-186. Grave, Caswell. 1912. A manual of oyster culture in Maryland. Fourth Kept. Board of Shellfish Commissioners of Maryland, 376 pp. Higgins, Elmer. 1938. Progress in biological inquiries. U. S. Dept. Commerce Adm, Kept. No. 30, page 50. -Ilf8- Korringa, P. 1955. Quality determination of musBels (Mytilus edulis) and oysters. Q,ualitat8be3timniiingen an Miesmuscheln \md Austem. Arch. f. Fischereiwiss. 6(3/i^) :l89-193. Medcof, J. C. and A. W. H. Needier. 19i^l. The influence of temperature and salinity on condition of oysters (Oetrea virginica) . J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada ^ (3): 253-257. Quayle, D. B. 1950. The seasonal growth of the Pacific oysters (Ostrea gigas ) in Ladysmith Hartour. Kept. British Columbia Dept. Fish. I95O185-9O. Westley, R. E. 1959. Olympia and Pacific oyster condition factor data. State of Washington 195^^-1958. Mimeographed report of Wash. Dept. Fish. Shellfish Lab. -Ilt9- EFFECT OF HYDRAULIC ESCALATOR PIAEVESTER ON WIDER-SIZE SOFT-SHELL CLAMS J. C. Medcof Fisheries Research Board of Canada Biological Station, St. Andrews, N. B. ABSTMCT A modified Maryland-type hydraulic escalator shellfish harvester was used at high tide on Intertldal beaches In Nova Scotia to determine Its effect on soft-shell clams less than 2 Inches long. The boat was equipped with a propeller guard to prevent bottom scouring aaid three types of experiments were carried out with small, marked clams: (l) Dead clams were re- leased in the scoop to determine their scatter pattern after passing through the harvester. (2) Plots of pleinted dead clams were dug through to discover breakage rates ajid distribution. (3) Plots of planted living clams were dug through to see how the harvester affects their distribution and ability to re- establish themselves. Results were observed on the dry beach at low tides . Most of the small clams sifted through the mesh of the escalator belt before they reached the surface of the water. In spite of strong currents from harvester jets and the boat propeller, 90?^ of the clams were returned to the harvester track within 75 or 100 feet of the place where they entered the harvester. Soil is heavy and settled first in the track. Clams are lighter and were deposited on the soil surface, not burled and smothered. The harvester broke 7 to 10^ of the living clams but the rest dug In again quickly. Because damage was so small compared with that caused by conventional clam hoes we think production would be improved if hydraulic esca- lator harvesters were used. INTRODUCTION Since 195^ the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, with support from Industrial Development Service of the Department of Fisheries, has been modifying the Maryland-type hydraulic escalator clam harvester (Manning 1957) • This machine works vmder water from a "boat containing a pump supplying powerful jets of water to wash shellfish from the soil into the harvester's digging head, or scoop, and then onto the escalator belt which brings them up to the boat at the surface. We were looking for ways of increasing productivity of stocks of soft-shell clams (My a arenaria) which are depressed by Intensive fishing and by wasteful methods of fishing. Our early work with the harvester was described by Dickie and MacPhall (l957)' Fiirther modifications have been made in design of -151- the scoop, and a larger pump installed (75O gallons per minute at ^^^0 pounds pressure per square inch). Harvester performance has greatly- improved. Now it takes more than 95^ of marketahle-size, soft-shell clams in its path and. when fine-mesh escalator "belts are used, it takes small clama (3/V' to 1") with this same efficiency. It has al- so been used successfully in harvesting quahaugs and "bar clams from "beds up to, 6 feet deep. In 1959 a new- type head, designed by Mr. J. S. MacPhail and Mr. H. Y. Brownrigg of our Station, proved highly efficient for fishing bedding-size and adult oysters from shallow grounds and for cleaning oyster beds . The Department of Fisheries has approved use of harvesters for fishing quahaugs and bar clams from public beds and for fishing oysters from leased grounds, but has hesitated to legalize it for fishing soft- shell clams. We knew too little about how it might affect productivity of clam grounds and economics of industry. The Fisheries Research Board carried out experiments described here to provide a partial basis for regulatory policy. The work was done in May I958 with M. B. Cyprina (Skipper Earl Durkee). I am grateful to Mr. Durkee and Mr, MacPhail for co-operation, to Dr. L. M. Dickie who initiated work with the harvester, to my Direc- tor, Dr. Hart, who fostered the project, and to Mr, L. S, Bradbury, Director of Industrial Development Service, Department of Fisheries, for providing funds. PROCEDURE GeneraJ. Three types of experiments were carried out with sub-legal size clams — release of dead clams in the harvester scoop to determine scatter patterns of clams and guide designing of other experiments, diggings through planted plots of dead clams to discover breakage rates and distributions of under-size clams that might be expected in ordinary digging and, finally, diggings through planted plots of live clams to see how harvesters affect ability of under-size clams to re-establish themselves , Clam Harbour, Nova Scotia, was chosen as a work site because it has wide expanses of nearly level, uniform-textured, sandy flats. In 1958 these flats supported only sparse populations of clams, which was an important advantage because it reduced catch-culling efforts. Minimum legal length for market clams in eastern Canada is 2 inches. Our interest was focused on smaller sizes because harvester effects on them would influence recruitment of marketable stocks. Accordingly, we used only clams 1 l/h to 1 'i/k inches long in all ex- periments. It is difficult to do marking experiments with smaller animals and this is the sole reason for choice of this size. Shells were marked with Volger's ink for identification. -152- The harvester was equipped with an escalator belt vlth 1-inch- square mesh, which is commonly used for commercial harvesting, and the scoop lip was adjusted to dig I5 inches into bottom as in regular fish- ing for commercial-size clams. A propeller guard (Manning 1957) was used to prevent bottom scouring and in other ways the harvester was run as in commercial fishing. M. B. Cyprina draws 2 feet of water and the shallowest depth she will work in satisfactorily is 28 inches. This limits periods of operation on intertidal flats. Scatter Patterns Clams were killed by soaking them overnight in a 10^ solution of formaldehyde. Next day at high tide the harvester was set on a straight coiirse and run for 200 feet. Then 110 clams were released deep in the harvester scoop jtist above and behind the lip by dumping them through a 6-foot pipe (diameter 5 inches) whose upper end was at gunwale level. A buoy was cast overboard when clams were dumped to mark the release point and the harvester was kept in operation for another 100 feet. Experimental clams probably experienced full effects of propeller blast and hydraulic jet currents as do under-size clams in normal commercial fishing. This same release operation was carried cut at three water depths (30, kO and 50 inches) over intertidal flats. About a third of the animals csune up on the escalator belt and dropped off over the end. The rest apparently passed through belt meshes and dropped back to bottom before reaching the water sxirface. In contrast, many large native clams were brought up. At the next low tide, plots were visited and distribution of marked clams on the dry beach was simply recorded because, being dead, they did not burrow in. Gulls were everywhere and some were feeding on damaged native clams left exposed in shallow trenches or tracks which marked harvester paths. So far as could be judged they had not touched experimental animals. These retained a strong odour of form- aldehyde but it is doubtful that gulls would detect this. • Recovered marked clams were classified as buried or exposed on beach surface and as occurring in harvester track or on shoulders of undisturbed flat beside tracks. Besides this, clams were classified as having broken or intact shells. They were also classified accord- ing to distance transported from point of release. For this classi- fication, 25-foot-long zones were marked off along digger tracks in front of and behind release points which were identified by buoys. If any part of a clam's shell was showing above sand that ani- mal was classed as surfacing. We searched for buried clams only in harvester tracks where soil wa^ loose. Elsewhere the surface was firm and londisturbed and without soil deposits that could bury clams. Track soil was usually soft eno\igh to probe with the hands for the first two hours after tidal exposure. When it was too firm it was turned with conventional clam hoes. Both methods of search co\ild have damaged -153- Table 1. Distribution coimts of small, dead clams released throiigh a shoot into harvester scoop and recovered on dry beach at next low tide. "T" indicates clams found in harvester track. "S" indicates clams found on the shoulders beside the track. Water depth when clams were released (inches) 30 50 Disposition of clams Surface Buried T S T S Surface Buried T S T S Distance behind -50-0 point of release (feet) 0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100 100-125 2 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 15 3 0 0 22 10 0 0 30 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 5 0 0 6k 11 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JNo. Recovered Distribution of recoveries No. recovered Ko. released No. broken No, recovered 87 15 0 0 85^ 15^ 05^ oi) (102) ^^ 78 19 00 80^ 20^ oio oio ( 97) (Ho) ( 97) 88^ 2$ -15^- Table 2, Distribution coiJJits of small, dead^ planted clams recovered on beach at next low tide after harvester cut through plots . "T" indicates clams found in harvester track, clams found on shoulders beside track. Water depth when plot was dug (inches) 1^0 i^O Disposition of clams Surface Buried T S T S Surface Buried T S T S Distance behind -50-0 plot (feet) 0-25 25-50 50-7^ 3 0 0 0 &k Q 10 J+1 10 ho 111 0 10 10 0 0 Ik 7 10 163 7 10 0 05 00 No. recovered Distribution of recoveries No. recovered No. in path of digger Washouts (difference) No. broken No. recovered 239 18 60 9lfo Ji 2 0$ 263) 1660^ I5H) ^^^ 105 ( iM (253) 178 19 11 0 (208) ,^2^ (155) ^32^ 150 ( 18) (20H) 32?i -155- some of the recovered clams "but very few were burled and most were so close to surface that numbers broken in searching must have been neg- ligible. Looseness of track soil persisted for more than a week. Results of tests conducted at 30 and 50 inches appear in Table 1. Those for kO inches were essentially like those for 50. Digging Planted Dead Clams Fo27malin-killed clams were planted, 9 per square foot, in plots measuring 7 by 15 feet. Long axes of plots were set at right angles to prevailing directions of tidal currents across the flats . For precision in density of planting we used a grid frame, about 3 by 5 feet, strung lengthwise and crosswise with cod-line to give U-inch squares. In planting, this frame was laid on the beach, a hole was made for each square with a wooden spike and a clam placed, siphon-end up, in the hole. Upper ends of clams were 2 to 3 inches below surface, which is normal for clams of this size (Medcof 1950)« Corners of plots were marked with stakes. Next day at high tide the harvester was set in operation on a straight course 200 feet from each plot. Digging was continued up to and through each plot and 100 feet beyond. Few planted clams were brought to water surface. At next low tide clams that could be found on the dry flat were classified as before. Harvester tracks measured 50 to 75 inches wide and their sur- faces averaged il- to 6 inches below levels of adjacent beach. Apparent- ly crumbling of track shoulders and erosion by ebb-tide currents ex- tended track widths sometimes to twice or more the original widths (digger scoop 30 inches wide). Where tracks had cut through plots, several clams were found in various stages of being washed from plant- ed positions along shoulder edges. Approximate numbers of washouts were estimated roughly from differences between the expected number of clams (158) in direct path of harvester and the numbers actually recovered (Table 2) . In spite of erosion there were few buried clams in the track. Results of two diggings at intermediate depths (^0 inches) appear in Table 2. Meats were missing from four of the I8 broken clams found in the second plot (Table 2) as though they had been eat- en by gulls. Digging Planted Live Clams Procedures were as in previous tests except that living clams were used. These were dug manually at low tide, marked, and kept in flowing water until next day's planting. Beach soils were firmer in some plots than in others. Depths of water over plots, when they were dug, varied but were mostly less than kO inches. Few marked clams were bro\ight to water surface by the escalator belt, -156- After digging one plot we rowed a small boat over the track. Tidal currents cleared the water soon after harvester operation ceased and marked clams could "be seen lying on sandy tottom. All had closed shells but In a few minutes many extended siphon and foot and within a quarter of an hour from the time they had been disturbed most had burled or partly burled themselves . This observation agrees with others, for example Mead's (19OI), that clams of this size re-establiah themselves quickly. We visited the flats at following low tides before gulls could attack the experimental clams . Table 3 reports results of four tests. By surface-picking and digging it was Impossible to recover all marked clams distiorbed by the digger. Sometimes more than I58 (the number directly in harvester path) were recovered, sometimes fewer. This is understandable because we know from experience that careful digging of a plot with hand tools seldom recovers more than 80^ of market-size clams in it. DISCUSSION The propeller guard prevented scouring of bottom which was a problem in early trials (Dickie and MacPhail 1957) • We assume that observed effects on clams 1 l/4 to 1 3/^ inches long are typical of effects on all sub-legal sizes. In digging in 30 inches of water they were seldom carried more than 100 feet (Table l) and in 50-lnch depths seldom more than 75 feet. All tables show that most clams are carried backward by water currents set up by the har- vester and deposited "behind" the place where they entered the har- vester. There are exceptions. After the harvester passes, tidal currents in digger tracks, which form shallow channels, apparently carry some clams "ahead" as much as 50 feet. Such distributions are Indicated by negative values in the tables. The general res\ilt of all disturbeinces is that most clams come to rest near their former homes where they should find equally good conditions . The harvester deposited about SQ^o of test clams on the loose track soil and live ones burrowed in quickly. Ebb-tide currents in tracks washed some clams out of their plots. Sometimes we visited the flats before they were completely exposed and when this washing- out process was still going on. The flats dried off before some of the washouts had a chance to dig in and oounts of surfacing clams were accordingly high (Table 3)- This leaves opportunity for attacks by strictly surface-feeding clam enemies. And looseness of track soil might leave buried clajns more than ordinarily s-usceptible to attack by gulls (Medcof I9U9), flounders (Medcof and MacPhail 1952a) and clam drills (Medcof and Thurber 1958). It la not believed that this risk is greater than that Involved in manual harvesting even though track erosion sometimes affects almost as many more clams as lie in the -157- u ^ -p 1 o OT O d u H o M o u -P m u tin (D p cS +J cd ■d > •H 0) > ^ o- -p H D3 M P O 01 a > 0) d) U ^ U n3 (U ^ > i a "5 CO -H E H 0 o Tj H Td o 0) O u +^ '+^ -p fi M ai "3 CO p •rA 01 -p rH 4J cd d •^ o H iH •H H ■d cd a • S •H M M o - cd - ■CJ 1 cl •rH ^ 0) --^ A -P — * c 3* ? -p ^< > d '". > o 3 0) o P. m X o o p > o ■P o o (U Ch o 0) .a g u 0) !h U o ^^ o p f< +> lU ^ « o in U tH 0 * o 3 « o o 3 ft 3 3 » is H -158- harvester's direct path (Tables 2 and 3). Unpublished studies indicate that disturbance enliances clam growth. This effect would offset dis- advantages of greater exposures to enemies . It is obvious, even without making allowance for clam breakage caused by probing in search for distiorbed animals^ that the total break- age was slight. Table 1 suggests that after clams enter the scoop breakage increases by only 2 to 3/o. An eq.ual or slightly higher break- age is caused by the scoop cutting through the soil. This is not easy to estimate becaiise its frequency is masked by the numbers of washouts which do not pass through the harvester. If no allowance is made for these, total breakage works out to about 7fo (Table 2). If it were worked out from the number of clams directly in the harvester path (158) and we assumed complete recovery of these, then the breakage would work out to about lO/o. Breakages exceeding lO/o, like those re- ported in Table 3, are attributable to damage done experimentally in recovering live clams that burrowed in. However, even Table 3 values seem low compared with breakages caused by hand tools (Medcof and Mac- Phail 1952b). Table 2 shows that the escalator harvester buries few clams (less than ^fo) and biiries these shallowly in soft soil where \mbroken live clams can quickly establish themselves. This low b\irial freq- uency is attributed to differences in the settlement rates for soil and clams . Apparently almost all bottom soil disturbed by the har- vester settles out first (Manning et al. I959) ajad in the track. Clams are not much heavier than water and settle out last, landing on top of the soil. Thus, in accounting for damage done by the harvester, biurlaJ. and smothering seem far less important than shell breakage. The reverse is true for damage caused by hand tools (Needier and Ingalls 19^) where burial and smothering are chiefly responsible for 50/° mor- talities at every digging. From this it is deduced that if hydraulic harvesting were adopted, damage incidental to digging would be reduced to about 20'fo of that now regularly inflicted by clam hoes. The ordinary clam digger with his conventional hoe seldom har- vests more thaji 6ofo of the marketable clams from the soil he tijrns (Medcof, unpublished MS report). The other kO'fo are hidden in soil clods ;-ind encourage him to return soon and redig the same grovtnd. Every digging is attended by 50/0 mortality of the clams left behind. Experiments (MacPhail, unpublished MS report) have shown that the hydraulic digger harvests more than 90^ of marketable-size clams in its path. This means that grounds exploited by hydraulic harvesters are likely to be redug at longer intervals than those dug with hoes. This might reduce digger damage to even less thein 20'fo of that now be- ing caused by hoes. Conservationwlse oirr results agree in all es- sential respects with those reported from Maryland (Manning 195?) where harvesters have been used since 1950 ♦ It is generally accepted (Glude 195l) that clam fishing is the chief of controllable factors regulating clam abiondajice in ex- -159- ploited areas. Other data (Needier and Ingalls 19^^) show that in- direct effects of fishing (damage Incidental to digging with clam hoes) are more Important in contributing to fishing mortality than direct effects (removal of marketahle clams). Our experiments indi- cate that present indirect fishing mortality rates would "be reduced by 80^ or more if escalator harvesters were adopted. Such a reduction should substantially Increase per-acre yields of clam grounds. It must not be assumed that such benefits could be brought a- ' bout in all clam areas . The whole Bay of Fundy region has such high tides that ordinary escalator harvesters could not work profitably. In many outer-coast Nova Scotia harbours tidal amplitudes are suitable but clam beds are too rocky^ too small or too intricately shaped to make escalator harvesting practicable. In these areas conventional harvesting methods, or some other type of harvesting yet to be develop- ed, will have to serve. There are many places, however, both on the outer coast of Nova Scotia, and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where tides are right, where soil texture is right and where extent and topography of well-stocked clam beds are right for successful esceilator harvester operations. The majority of these beds are Intertidal and more or less regularly fished, although wastefully, with clam hoes. But there are beds, such as those around Heron Island in Bay of Chaleur, that are permanently submerged and seldom fished. Use of escalator harvesters woiild be expected to bring about the most con- spicuous per-acre yield benefits in these areas because they would then be efficiently fished for the first time. The harvester would be expected, to effect smaller per-acre yield Improvements in inter- tidal beds that are now dug. But, because of their vaster area, their Improvement would likely mean more to the clam Industry than develop- ment of the few currently unexploited areas like Heron Island. REFEREKCES Dickie, L- M. and J. S. MacPhail. 1957- An experimental mechanical shellfish-digger. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Progr. Kept. (Atlantic) • 66j 3-9. Glude, Jolin B. 1951. The effect of man on shellfish populations. Trans. l6th N. Aaier. Wlldl. Conf., pp. 397-^03- Manning, J. H. 1957. The Maryland soft shell clam industry and Its effects on tidewater resources. Maryland Dept. Res. Educ, Resources Study Rept. 11, 25 pp. , Carol B. Whltesell and H. T. Pf itzenmeyer . 1959. Some effects of intensive hydraiilic clam dredging on the biotlc and physical structure of a Maryland clam flat. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. (Unpublished.) -160- Mead, A. D. 190l(l900). Observations on the soft-shelled clam. Ann. Kept. Rhode Island Comm. Inl. Fish. 31: 21-4i<-. Medcof, J. C. 19^9- "Puddling", a method of feeding by herring gulls. Auk. 66 I 204-205. 1950 ♦ Bxirrowing habits and movements of soft-shelled clams. Fish. Res, Bd. Canada, Progr. Rept. (Atlantic) 50' 17-22. and J. ST MacPhail. 1952a. The winter flounder — a clam enemy. Ibid. 52: 3-8. 1952b. Breakage — the bug -bear in clEun handling. Ibid. 5^: 19-25 . and L. W. Thurber. 1958« TriaJL control of the great- er clam drill (Lunatla heros) by manual collection. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 15(6): 1355-I369. Needier, A. ¥. H. and R. A. Ingalls. 19^4. Experiments in the pro- duction of soft-shelled clams (Mya) . Fish, Res. Bd. Canada, Progr. Rept. (Atlantic) 35 J 3-8. -161- INHERITANCE OF SHELL MARKINGS AM) GROWTH IN THE HARD CLAM, VEMUS MERCENARIA Paul E. Chanley U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Milford, Conn. ABSOEACT Inheritance of Venus mercenaria (Mercenaria mercenaria) notata shell markings was followed throiogh two generations . Offspring from three crosses of unmarked "white" clams were unmarked, while three crosses of white clams with clams having the "notata" marking, produced about half unmarked offspring and about half marked with the reddish-brown zigzag lines, typ- ical of notata subspecies. When two clams with notata shell markings were crossed, about one-fourth of the offspring were unmarked and about half were marked with zigzag lines . The re- maining one-fourth were almost solidly reddish-brown, with a light band from the umbo around the lunule, and two other light bands from the umbo to the margin of the shell, dividing it roughly into thirds. This marking is considered typical of clams homozygous for the color factor. The zigzag lines, which are commonly used to identify the notata subspecies, are con- sidered the phenotyplc markings of heterozygous clams. Offspring from fast-growing sibling clams were 6o per cent larger, after 15 months, than offspring from clams ran- domly selected from wild stock. This suggests that only a few generations would be required to develop fast-growing races of clams. INTRODUCTION Advances in the laboratory culture of lamelinDranch larvae have made possible the rearing of shellfish of known parentage. Be- cause of these advances, studies of inheritance in shellfish are now possible. Knowledge of the principles of inheritance has permitted great improvements in agrictilture in the past and knowledge of the principles of molluscan Inheritance may be as beneficial to modern shellfish cultivation in the future. Because of length of time required and difficulty in rearing larval stages, genetic studies of commercial bivalves are scarce. In- terspecific crosses have been reported by Bouchon-Brandely (1883) and Davis (1950). Survival and growth of V. mercenaria, V. campechiensls and their hybrids have been studied in Virginia by Haven and Andrews (1957) and in North Carolina by Chestnut, Fahy and Porter (l957). Chanley (1955) reported that clean larvae from one set of parents grew more rapidly than those from other parents, but dealt only with larvae. Davis (1955) reared five generations of Olympla oysters (Ostrea lurlda) -163- (U •ft j: J3 4-t n) <*H XI • •-( 0 ■n >H u U, (1) x: 0, X x; 0) lU ^ in 0 C! X! J2 BO a H (4 H in XI O Oi X 4) c 01 in O U o o CO fO O ro O — . in o o o in o A A O rt o ■^ •^ in in r- t^ Tf o (4 ^1 t) (3 0) a c m a, 3 * 4J B ■b X o ll e c 3 3 * S * V X It) 6 —. —« .C -- f>J i<> —t < < n) o* o C # « V Tl -a O > »H M N 0 Xi o T3 V hi 01 3 O XI I JZ 10 •fH T3 XI lU ^ .f-4 -H & XI x: « 4-> 4) -(H 4) u > (U x: (0 3 in nj XI 4) e| 10 «) 4) 4) .« :q o <2 ;i E ^ nJ 4) 4-t o <-» M C nJ 4J j2 >H o m (X XI 4J ♦ M (U T3 •r^ to c 0 u -l6k- in an unsuccessful attempt to develop a strain that would survive New England winters, but there are few reports involving more than one generation. The purposes of these experiments were (l) to study inheritance of the typical reddish-brown shell markings of V- mercenaria notata, and (2) to determine the feasibility of developing fast-growing races of hard clams by selective breeding. RESULTS Inheritance of Notata Markings The subspecies V. mercenaria notata is easily identified by typical reddish-brown zigzag lines on both valves of the shell (Abbott 195^). It occurs along the east coast from Maine to Florida but is rather uncommon particularly over the northern part of its range (Miner 1950, Morris 195^) . This form is rarely seen in Long Island Sound not only because it is uncommon but also because the shell markings are frequently obscured by shell discoloration caused by the substrate. In studies of the Inheritance of notata markings, two original crosses of Long Island Sound clams were involved. In each case female A, displaying notata markings, was used. In the first cross this fe- male was crossed with vinmarked male A. The ratio of notata- marked to unmarked offspring was close to the 1 to 1 ratio expected when a heterozygous individual is crossed with a homozygous recessive one (Table l). When the same female, A, was crossed with male B, also bearing the notata markings, the ratio of marked to unmarked offspring was essentially 3 'to !• This is the expected phenotypic ratio in a cross of two individuals heterozygous for a simple Mendellan character. Counts were not made until marked and unmarked clams had reach- ed a minimum length of about 5 inm^ since the notata markings were not always apparent in smaller clams. Even at this size markings were sometimes faint and difficult to detect. Subsequent counts, however, failed to show any appreciable change from the original ratios. Offspring from the cross of marked female A with unmarked male A were raised to matiirity and used in another series of crosses. Prog- eny from the female A by male B cross were not yet large enough to give adequate amoionts of spawn at this time. Improved techniques in culture methods provided more clams than could be conveniently examined in these crosses and, therefore, random samples of 1,000 were counted. The first three crosses of the Fi generation involved unmarked clams (Table l) . Although a few marked clams were found among the off- spring, we believe that these crosses actually produced no marked clams. It is possible that they were introduced accidentally from other groups during the handling that was necessary to rear the clams from eggs to more than a year old. -165- Both Fi crosses involving a marked clam with an unmarked clam produced offspring roughly in a ratio of 1 marked to 1 unmarked. This is again the expected ratio for a cross of a heterozygous Individual with a homozygous recessive. When two notata-marked clams from the Fi generation were crossed the offspring bore notata markings in a 3 to 1 ratio as expected in a cross involving heterozygous individuals. In this last cross two types of markings coxjld he recognized (Fig. l) . The most common markings BT^^ HETEROZYGOUS ^^hI HOMOZYGOUS ^^1 Fig. 1. Juvenile V. mercenaria notata showing the difference between homozygoiis and heterozygous markings. were the typical reddish-brown zigzag lines. This marking was quite variable and ranged from faint fragments of lines to dark, heavy lines so concentrated that they produced almost a solid color. The other type of marking also varied, but typically the shells were almost solidly colored reddish-brown with a light band from the umbo around the lunule. Two other broad light bands extended from the umbo to the margin of the shell, dividing it roughly into thirds. The zigzag lines occiirred only in lighter areas of the shell. Althovigh this marking has not been described for the notata subspecies, it is probably the color- ation characteristic of clams homozygous for the color factor, since it occurred only when two notata-marked clams were crossed. Apparently the more familar zigzag lines, accepted as characteristic of the notata subspecies, are actually a phenotypic blend exhibited by heterozygous clams. -166- A count "based on these different markings gave 233 unmarked, 507 marked with zigzag lines, and 260 solidly colored with light bands. This is roughly the expected 1 to 2 to 1 genotypic ratio resulting when two heterozygous individuals are crossed. Chi square in this case is equal to 1.65^, a value that woiild occur "by chance in over 30 per cent of such crosses. Unfortunately, time and space limitations did not per- mit raising these clams so that homozygous marked clams could be crossed. If we assume that the notata marking is a simple Mendelian character, either with complete dominance (marked vs. unmarked) or more probably with incomplete dominance in which the heterozygous individuals can be separated from the homozygous dominants by careful examination, then the chi square test shows no evidence that observed ratios are significantly different from the expected Mendelian ratios, except in three Fi crosses of unmarked clams where a few marked individuals were fovmd at the end of one year (Table l) . Selective Breeding The second phase of these studies was an attempt to demonstrate the feasibility of deve2.oping a fast-growing race of clams through selective breeding. The original plan involved rearing the fastest and the slowest growing offspring from a single pair of clams. Hered- itary influence on growth would then be determined by comparing the rate of growth of offspring from each group. However, the slow-grow- ing clams did not respond to spawning stimuli and parents from wild stock had to be substituted. The experiments were begun by crossing one female hard clam with one male and rearing the surviving offspring. In several instances individual clams grew well during the first growing season and then poorly or not at all the second season. Undoubtedly, some variation in the rate of growth was caiised by environmental factors, even though clams were reared londer as nearly identical environmental conditions as possible. At the age of 28 months these clams ranged from ll4-.5 to 42.0 mm in length. Of these, the 120 largest clams were selected as brood stock. When these clams were about kk months old a large male was crossed with a large female. At the same time, one female and 2 male clajns, chosen randomly from wild stock, were spawned and their larvae reared as controls. Soon after setting it became apparent that the selectively- bred clams were growing more rapidly than the controls. At the age of 10 weeks approximately 10,000 control clams had a total volume of 8.6 cc, while 10,000 selectively-bred clams were about 70 per cent larger with a total volume of ik cc. When the clams were about I5 months old the total volume of 200 randomly-selected control clams was 53 cc, while the total volume of 200 randomly-select- ed selectively-bred clams was 86 cc or, roughly, 60 per cent greater (Fig. 2). -167- SELECTIVELY -BRED CONTROL 1 1 I^^HH Fig, 2. Ftfteen-month-old V. mercenarla, showing the largest clams from a group of selectively-bred clams compared with the largest clams from a group of clams that were not selectively hred. At 15 months the selectively-hred clams ranged in length from 5.5 "to 23.0 mm, while the control clams ranged from 6.6 to I9.O mm. The average length of the selectively-bred clams was 13.2 mm, or 11.3 per cent greater than the average length of the controls, which was 11.8 mm. Further selective breeding should resvilt in even more rapid average growth of progeny, as the selection of brood stock becomes more stringent. These studies suggest that a rapid-growing strain of clams could be developed in only a few generations since in one gener- ation of selective breeding, clams attained a 60 per cent larger size in 15 months than control clams. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author expresses his gratitude to Mr. Spofford Woodruff for his assistance with this work and to Dr. V. L. Loosanoff and Mr. H. C. Davis for their valuable advice and assistsmce in all phases of these experiments, from counting and measuring clams to the critical review of this report. -168- LITERATURE CITED Abtott, R. Tucker, 195^. Americaa aeashells. Van Nostrand, New York. 5^1 pp. Bouchon-Brandely, G. I883. Report relative to the generation and artificial fecxmdatlon of oysters^ addressed to the Minister of the Marine and the Colonies. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 2; 319-338. Chanley, P. E. 1955. Possible causes of growth variations in clam larvae. Proc. Katl. Shellfish. Assoc. J+5 (l95^)j 8^4-9^^. Chestnut, A. F., W. E. Fahy and H. J. Porter. 1957. Growth of yoimg Venus mercenarla, Venus campechiensis, and their hybrids . Proc. Katl. Shellfish. Assoc. 47 (195&)i 50-56. Davis, H. C. 1950. On interspecific hybridization in Ostrea. Science 111:522. . 1955. Mortality of Olympia oysters at low temper- atures . Biol. Bull. IO91 l+0l+-if06. Haven, D. and J. D. Andrews. 1957. Survival and growth of VenuB mercenarla, Venus campechiensis^^ and their hybrids in sus- pended trays and on natural bottoms. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. k-J (1956): ll3-^9. Miner, Roy W. 1950. Field book of seashore life. Putnam, New York. 888 pp. Morris, Percy A. I956. A field guide to the shells of our Atlantic and Gulf coasts. 3d ed. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. 236 pp. -169- PROGRESS IN THE COOPERATIVE STATE-PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE- INDUSTRY PROGRAM FOR THE CERTIFICATION OF INTERSTATE SHELLFISH SHIPPERS Eugene T. Jensen Senior Sanitary Engineer U. S. Public Health Service ABSTRACT The Cooperative State-PHS-Industry Program for the Cer- tification of Interstate Shellfish Shippers has been effective in preventing the interstate spread of disease due to shell- fish, and Is, therefore, of importance to health agencies. This program la also Important to the shellfish Industry since it Insures public acceptance of their product. However, the program also has a pronounced Impact on Industry operations by regulating available sources of supply and by Influencing costs of operations . During 1958-1959 the program made considerable admini- strative and technical progress . Important administrative ad- vances Include: Adoption of new sanitation standards; a de- cision to develop equipment construction guides; the adoption of a new interim bacteriological standard for shucked oysters at the market level; the formation of regional shellfish sani- tation seminars In the New York-New England, Gulf and West Coast areas; and the adoption of quarantine levels for paralytic shellfish poison in shellfish growing areas . In the technical field, progress was made In establishing bacteriological re- lationships for eastern shelli"lsh; in development of a simple colorimetrlc test for the freshness of shucked oysters; ajid, in the perfection of better methods for assaying for paralytic shellfish poison. The National Institutes of Health have also supported a number of research projects which have application in the shellfish sanitation field. Training has been accom- plished through a one week shellfish sanitation course held at a West Coast location. The shellfish Industry requires large estuarine areas which are essentially free of sewage pollution. Federal grants to communities for the construction of sewage treatment plants apparently have accelerated construction of such facilities. In 1958 contract awards reached $389 million versus $222 million in the period preceding the grants program. However, It is es- timated that construction must be at a rate of $575 million yearly to meet the Nation's requirements. The Cooperative State-Public Health Service-Industry Program for the Certification of the Interstate Shellfish Shippers Is an unu- sual control program In which the regvilated industry has an Important administrative role. This cooperative program has been most success- ful in the prevention of disease transmission through fresh or frozen -171- shellfish. In almost 35 years of operations, there have "been no major disease outbreaks attributed to commercially distributed oysters, clams and mussels. This is in sharp contrast to the pre-certification period when shellfish were frequently associated with disease. Since the economic health of the shellfish industry is almost entirely dependent upon the acceptability of its product by the public, it is obvious that this program is of great importance to them. In addition, the certifi- cation program has a significant impact on management through its In- fluence on the availability of shells tock and on the unit cost of pro-' cesslng and marketing. Regulation of this degree — and the shellfish industry is probably one of the most strictly regulated Industries in the food industry — could be extremely oppressive to management if the sanitary requirements adopted by the official agencies were unrealistic or were not well understood by industry. Industry therefore has both economic and moral reasons to take an active part in the administration of this program. The informal organization of the certification program has posed many difficult administrative problems. It is essential, for example, that we avoid overlaps and conflicts between the Federal agencies which have adjoining responsibilities. The Public Health Service Act directs the Public Health Service to cooperate with the States in preventing the interstate spread of commimicable disease. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act gives the Food and Drug Administration, also of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, legal responsibility for safety and purity of foods shipped in interstate commerce. Also, by law, the Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of Interior has primary responsibilities in the fishery field. In both cases, bilateral agreements have been developed which define each agency's responsibilities. These intragovernmental agreements are fulfilled throiigh almost daily contacts at the working level and through more formal liaison meetings. By these means, we have been able to occasionally pool research resour- ces, to avoid overlaps in inspectional operations, and to avoid con- flicts of interest in which one Federal agency directs industry to fol- low one set of instructions while, at the same time, another agency is advising a quite different course. In the past we have also encountered many problems in maintaining adequate communication channels with State regulatory agencies and industry. Adequate communications are, of coiorse, essential if these groups are to have an adequate voice in the direction of this program, and if they are to be kept acquainted with the technical and administrative problems that the Public HeaJLth Ser- vice encounters in its position as trustee for this program. Real progress has been made in the administration of the pro- gram during the past year which will ultimately place it on a sounder technical basis. This will improve its public-health effectiveness without placing a substantially greater burden on the major part of the shellfish industry. This paper is essentially a progress report for the past year. -1Y2- Very satisfying progress was made at the 3rd biennial Shellfish Sanitation Workshop held in Washington on August 26-27, 1958. This workshop — and it was a workshop in the truest sense of the word — was attended by about 93 persons representing some U3 State and Federal agencies. The shellfish industry had 9 representatives at this meet- ing. From the standpoint of the regulatory agencies, the most impor- tant accomplishment of the workshop was the completion of Part 1 of the Shellfish Sanitation Manual. This manual, which has been under development for the past two years, is an essential step toward the adoption of uniform appraisal methods which can be used by the Public Health Service in the evaluation of the adequacy of States' shellfish sanitation programs. From the standpoint of industry, the most important change in the program is probably the adoption of the so-called 80^ rule which is stated in the manual as follows: "Effective September 1, 1959, interstate shellfish shipper certificates are Issued only to those establishments sub- stantially meeting the construction requirements of Part II of this maniial ajid which maintain a plant sanitation rating of at least 90 per cent during periods of operations. (The State shellfish control agency shall suspend or re- voke certificates if a plant sanitation rating drops be- low So per cent or if significant Individual sanitation item is violated repeatedJ.y . ) Ratings will be determined on the basis of compliance with the applicable provisions of Part II of this manual as measiired by an inspection report comparable to that contained in appendix B of this manual , " Under this rule those shippers who have substandard plants or who fail to maintain reasonably sajiitary conditions in their operations will not be included on the Public Health Service list of State certi- fied shippers even though they may have valid operating permits from the State in which they are located. This new plant inspection system and the uniform scoring procedvire has been in use for two years by our regional shellfish sanitation consultants in most parts of the country. Their experiences indicate that most shippers should have little dlffi- culty in meeting these requirements if they give a reasonable ajnount of attention to plant operating procedures. The importance of good operating procedures should be emphasized since previous scoring pro- cedures attached less importance to this aspect of shellfish sanitation. Plant inspections will, as in the past, be made by State officials with occasional check inspection by Public Health Service officers. The problems which the shellfish industry has experienced in obtaining equipment which will meet the needs of the packer and yet be acceptable to the inspecting agency were also discussed at the workshop. This problem is not, of course, peculiar to the shellfish industry, and, in fact, has been faced by most of the food processing -173- industries. It was agreed that equipment construction and fabrication guides would help the shellfish industry secure equipment which would meet their needs, which could he manufactured economically, and which would also meet the sanitary requirements of the official agencies. Since the shellfish industry is quite small, and since there are only three or four equipment suppliers, it was decided that a formal organi- zation such as the milk industries 3-A group was not necessary. The Public Health Service agreed to develop preliminary construction guides for review by the shellfish packers, the equipment fabricators, ajid official agencies. Such guides would not have any legal standing ajid would not constitute official agency approval of equipment. Real progress has been made in the organization of regional shellfish sanitation seminars which will meet annually to discuss specific problems in the local administration of the cooperative pro- gram. Shellfish sanitation seminars have been organized in the New England-Worth Atlantic, Gulf and West Coast areas. These groups pro- bably follow the same general pattern of operation as that of the Chesapeake Bay Seafood Seminar. These regional meetings, coupled with a biennial national shellfish sanitation meeting should insure that both States and the shellfish ind\istry will have an ample voice in the organization and administration of the cooperative certification pro- gram. The effort to develop workable bacteriological standards for shucked oysters at the market level was continued. The project is now nine years old. For many years a coliform MPN (Most Probable Wiim- ber) or coliform score (also a statistical estimate of bacterial den- sities) and Standard Plate Coimt have been used as rough guides to the sanitary quality of oysters as marketed. More specifically, these tests have been used as an Index of sanitary conditions in the packing plant and the adequacy of refrigeration since it has long been recog- nized that such laboratory tests cannot always distinguish between shellfish from polluted and non-polluted sources. To gain additional information on the validity of these tests for oysters as marketed, several of the Eastern and Southern States, the government of Canada, the New York and Chicago City Health Departments and the Public Health Service in 1955 undertook a cooperative study of the changes in the bacteriological quality of oysters diiring shucking and shipment to market . The 1958 Workshop spent almost a full day in an evaluation of the results which had been obtained in this study and concluded that the interim standards adopted at the I956 Shellfish Sanitation Work- shop were of questionable value. Accordingly, the following interim standards were adopted for use during the 1958-59 and I959-60 merket- Ing season} Satisfactory A fecal coliform density (MPN) of not more than 78 per 100 ml -171^- of sample as Indicated by production of gas in E.G. liquid broth media and a Plate Count of not more than 100,000 per ml of sample, except that a fecal coliform density (MPN) up to and including 230 per 100 ml of sample and/or a Plate Count up to and including 500^000 per ml of sample will be accept- able in occasional samples. (For convenience these will be referred to as Class 1-A and 1-B samples, respectively) . The official agency in the receiving area should notify the shipper and shellfish control agency at the point of product- ion of any Class 1-B results. If two consecutive Class 1-B shipments are fo\md, the receiving area is justified in ex- cluding the shipper from the market area until a satisfactory report on the shipper is received from the State control agency in the producing area. Unsatisfactory A fecal conform density (MPN) of more than 230 par 100 ml of sample or a Plate Coirnt of more theua 500,000 per ml of sample. (For convenience these will be referred to as Class II sample3). The official agency in the receiving area should immediately notify both the shipper and shelQjfish control agency in the producing area of a Class II result. A single Class II result is Justification for excluding the shipper from the market pending receipt of a satisfactory eKplanation from the official control agency in the producing area. The same groups of agencies continued their studies of these bacteriological relationships in the I958-59 marketing season. The resiilts have not yet been subjected to statistical analysis or to evalimtion by the bacteriologists. However, it appears that these new Interim standards are realistic. The study will be continued for at least another year. The real significance of this change in standards lies in the use of the Eijkman test. It la believed that these organisms are a more concliisive indicator of fecal pollution and should be much better adapted for use with shellfish sanitation work. Unfortunately, the use of the Eijkman positive coliform means discarding years of exper- ience with the coliform group — an action which many reg\ilatory agencies ajre reluctant to take. The Workshop agreed that if these interim standards were to have real value, they should, if possible, be related to sanitary con- ditions in the growing areas. Accordingly, several States have agreed to vindertake comprehensive studies of these organisms in their shell- fish growing areas. The results of these studies over the next two years should do much to test the validity of the presently recommended -175- market standards. If proven successful, these new 'bacteriological procedures should make it possible for the regulatory agencies to make much more exacting sanitary siorveys of shellfish growing areas. Paralytic sheULflsh poison was also discussed at the 195^ Workshop, and, for the first time, definite quarantine levels were established for domestic production areas. This problem is not of immediate concern to the oyster industry; however, because of the trade inter-relationships, the oyster industry cannot ignore any such problem which affects other segments of the industry. The Workshop agenda included a limited discussion of the re- lationships between shellfish production and radioactive waste disposal practices. It has been amply demonstrated that shellfish, like other marine animals and plants, can accumulate radioactive materials from their environment. It is, therefore, quite Important that this char- acteristic be considered in any proposals for disposal of radioactive wastes in marine or estuarine areas. The use of nuclear reactors in merchant and naval vessels and the increasing tempo of construction of nuclear-powered electric generating stations may make this a pro- blem which the control agencies and the shellfish industry will have to face in the quite near future. The Public Health Service Shellfish Sanitation Laboratory, under the direction of Mr. C. B. Kelly, has been moved from Florida to the State of Washington to undertake long-ran.ge studies on the bacteriological relationships in Western shellfish. This is also a cooperative undertaking in which the Washington State Department of Health is providing the research facility and the Public Health Ser- vice the staff and equipment. The organized shellfish industry of the West Coast has taken an active part in getting this laboratory estab- lished and in planning the research activities which will be under- taken during the coming years. An entirely new research development is found in the color test for oyster freshness. This simple chemical test, being developed by the Public Health Service Sanitary Engineering Center is based on a color change in a chromate solution. It will apparently indicate the age of shucked oysters and/or the temperatijre at which they have been stored. This simple colorimetric test is still in an early stage of development; however, the preliminary work with it has been quite pro- mising. A traced-lot field trial will probably be undertaken. During the past year a new brochure on the cooling rates of oysters was also published. This study, made by the American Can Com- pany, gives information on the amoiint of time required to cool shucked oysters in various size cans. The Public Health Service Sanitary Engineering Center has also continued experimental work on chemical and laboratory procedui-es for measuring the amo-unt of paralytic shellfish poison present in shellfish, -176- Their collaborative efforts have resulted in the refinement of the bioassay procedure to a point at which it has heen accepted as an Official Method by the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists. A second AOAC collaborative study of a chemical method for measure- ment of the poison has also been initiated. The Public Health Service, through the National Institutes of Health, has also supported shellfish research by a number of Univer- sites, and State and private research agencies. For example, the Maryland Department of Research and Education has undertaken a long- range study of the bacteriological relationships between the soft- shell clam and its aquatic environment, and of the effects of the hy- draulic dredge on the bacteriological quality of the clam. At the Haskins Institute in New York City a research grant has made possible some very significant advances in the shellfish poisons field and which may greatly facilitate control of this problem. In another NIH supported study, which incidentally was carried on in Japaja, a research group has apparently found that certain types of industrial wastes may be concentrated by shellfish and cause illnesses in consumers. A specific sanitation program, if it is to be successful, must also include training activities. In this respect, we have been parti- cularly successful in the shellfish program this past year. For the first time the training branch at the Sanitary Engineering Center ar- ranged to present the one-week Shellfish Sanitation Course on the West Coast. Consequently, this course was very well attended by both re- presentatives of the West Coast regulatory agencies and by plant man- agement. In our opinion it was a great success. Detailed plans have been made with the States of Virginia and Maryland for two three-day courses in shellfish sajiltation. These courses will emphasize plant sanitation practices. The activities of the Public Health Service in the administra- tion of the certification program are important to the economic health of the shellfish industry. However, the Water Pollution Control acti- vities of the Service are also very important. As presently operated in the United States, the shellfish in- dustry requires large estuarine areas which are aJLmost entirely free of sewage pollution. In years past it has not been difficult to find such areas because of our relatively low population density; however, this has changed rapidly in recent years I Our population has been expanding at a very rapid rate and gives every evidence of continuing do do so in the foreseeable future. The impact on the sanitary quality of our surface waters has been unmistakable. The control of pollution depends on the construction and ade- quate operation of treatment facilities by both communities and industry. Many sewage treatment plants have been constructed in the United States over the years j however, the population has continued to increase at a rate faster than new treatment plants could be constructed. As a conse- -177- quence of this deficit in sewage treatment plant construction and the wearing out of existing facilities, the problem of water polution has become very acute in the United States. The Congress has recognized this problem and for the past several years has made Federal grajats available to communities to assist in the construction of sewage treat- ment plants. During the five-year period from 1952 through 1956 immed- iately preceding the Federal grants program, contract awards for sewage treatment works construction averaged $222 million annually. In the first full year of the program, 1957^ construction expanded 58 per cent over the previous annual average to reach $351 million. The second year of the program brought an even greater increase in construction, with contract awards reaching $3^9 million — 75 per cent over the earlier five-year average. The lion's share of the Increase in construction during 1957 and 195^ came from projects receiving Federal aid. This amounted to $ll8 million in 1957 and $ll<-3 million in I958. These facts point strongly to the conclusion that had it not been for Federal grants, sewage treatment works construction would have remained at a- bout the average level experienced during the five-year period preced- ing the grants program. They also indicated that a doubling of grant fiinda would further Increase construction to about the required level of $575 million, the rate which has been necessary to eliminate our high backlog of construction needs and to compensate for pleint obso- lescence and population growth. It should be quite apparent that without this sxirge in construc- tion many additional coastal areas would have been lost to the shell- fish industry. It should be equally apparent that this construction pace must be at least maintained If the industry is to avoid a further loss of growing areas. On the positive side of this, it should be pointed out that we now have a few instances in which growing areas have again become available for shellfish culture as a result of the construction of sewage treatment facilities. From this discussion of our activities during the past year, it should be apparent that the Cooperative Program for the Certifica- tion of Interstate Shellfish Shippers is on reasonably solid ground, both from the administrative and research standpoints although there are some pressing administrative problems which have not been discussed in this paper. It is hoped that the program can continue to provide adequate public-health protection to shellfish consumers at minimum cost both to the taxpayer and to industry. However, this progress will require the wholehearted cooperation and support of industry, both as individuals and as an association, and of the interested State regulatory agencies. REFERENCES Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, February 1959. -178- Proceedings^ I958 Shellfish Sanitation Workshop, U. S. Public Health Service. Sanitary control of the shellfish Industry, Public Health Ser- vice, Pub. No. 33, Gov't Printing Office, 1959. -179- A BACTERIOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE NATURAL FLORA OF PACIFIC OYSTERS (CRASSOSTREA GIGAS) WHEN TRAJISPLANTED TO VARIOUS AREAS IN WASHINGTON 1> 2 R. R. Colvell and J. Listen., College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington ABSTRACT Total viable bacterial populations on oysters held ex- perimentally on floating trays in areas of different water con- ditions fluctuated between 10^ - lo5 organisms per ml oyster liquid. ColifomiB were never higher than 0.5^ of the total viable bacterial flora. Study of 152 randomly Isolated cul- tures (taken from gill, flesh, Intestine and oyster liquid) indicated that Gram negative, asporogenous , rod-like bacteria of the Psevidomonas, Vibrio, Flavobacterium and Achromobacter groups predominated. The bacterial flora of fin fishes is overwhelmingly oxidative in nature, but 50^ of the oyster bac- teria tested were able to ferment glucose anaerobic ally. INTRODUCTION Most of the bacteriological work on oysters, from Cameron (l88o) to the present day, has been concerned with the detection of human enteric bacteria. The studies of Fabre-Domergue (l912), Dodgson (1928) and Kelly and Arcisz (l95^) revealed that molliiscs contaminated with enteric bacteria will cleanse themselves in a few days when placed in clean, uncontaminated sea water. As a result of application of pro- cedures based on these and similar findings, and of the very close con- trol exercised on shellfish growing areas, the oyster is now the safe food product that it is. Little information is available concerning the other types of bacteria which are present in oysters, the so-called saprophytic bac- teria, harmless in the main to man, but known to be potent agents of spoilage in foodstuffs. Earlier workers have noted such groups in oysters as Splrochaeta (Dimitroff I926), Proteus, Alcaligenes and Pseudomonas fliiorescens (Geiger, Ward and Jacobson I926) without actu- ally analyzing the flora to determine the relative importance of each. Two reports concerning the bacterial types involved in the spoilage of oysters have been made. Eliot (I926) observed that during spoilage ■^ This work was supported in part by Grant No. 'E,-2kl'J, National Insti- tutes of Health, and in part by the Initiative I7I Fund, University of Washington. 2 Contribution No. 67, College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle 5> Washington. -181- of shucked oysters at 20°C (68°F) "water" forms Including green fluo- rescent, pigmented and non-pigmented bacteria^ and "vibrio" types in- creased steadily in number while coliform types increased only during the first two days of storage. Tanikawa (1937) characterized bacteria from the groups which he considered of greatest importance in the spoilage of shucked oysters at 0°C (32°F), namely, Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium and Micrococcus. Similar types of bacteria are known to be Lmportajit spoilage agents in the deterioration of fin fishes, post-mortem, and have been shown to be derived directly from the normal bacterial flora of the living fish (Shewan and Llston I956) . The purpose of our study was to determine the natioral flora within the oyster as a first step towards providing information which will enable shellfish technologists to take rational measures to deal with potential spoilage agents at an early stage in storage. The in- formation was also sought to fill a considerable gap in oin: knowledge of the bacteriology of marine animals. MATERIALS AOT) METHODS Yearling Pacific oysters were maintained in floats in three areas, Willapa Bay, Oyster Bay and Hood Canal, and a control was kept in the seawater aquarixm at the College of Fisheries (Sparks and Chew i960). Most Probable Number (MPN) of coliforms and total viable counts were carried out on fluid extracted aseptically* from three oysters and also from seawater, taken from the aquari\im weekly and from the floats at three-week intervals, according to procedures out- lined in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes (19^5) . The mediiam chosen for the plate counts con- tained 0.8fo nutrient broth, 0.5/0 yeast extract and 1.5^ Bacto-agar in seawater (MacLeod, Onofrey and Morris 195^4-). From experimental data obtained in our laboratory, this medium appears to yield a maximum plate co\mt, in that it affords good growth of non-marine and also marine types which are otherwise not picked up. Cultures of microorganisms were obtained by random selection from the count plates Inoculated from gill> intestine, body flesh and liquid, purified by routine methods, and maintained as pure cultures in seawater peptone broth (l^ peptone in seawater) or in the basal agar medium described, depending on how fastidious the organism was. The microbiological procedures applied in the tests for classi- fication and identification are those described in the Manual of Micro- biological Methods (l957). \rlal counts on gill, intestine, whole oyster (flesh and liquid), and oyster liquid indicated that oyster liquid provided the most con- sistent, high total viable coiints. -182- Difco dehydrated media, including the Enterococcl Presumptive Broth, Ethyl Azide Violet Broth (foi* enteroccocci). Brilliant Green Bile Broth and Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar (for coliforms and E. coli), S S Agar and Triple Sugar Iron Agar (for Salmonella, Shigella) were used to assist in the identification of possible memhers of the En- terobacterlaceae. Pure cultures of all the organisms isolated In this study were streaked on basal agar plates for colonial morphology and for tests of sensitivity to 0/129 vibriostat compoxmd and to 2, ^, 10 \init Difco penicillin discs (Shewan, Hodgkiss and Liston 195^)' Tests and media used were as follows: litmus milk, seawater nutrient gelatin, lead acetate agar slopes, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, nitrate broth, indole, urea agar slopes, Koser's citrate broth, Hugh and Leif- son oxidative and fermentative medium (Hugh and Leifson 1953), lactose, dextrose, maltose, majinitol, and sucrose fermentation tubes, axid am- monia production. Temperature growth tests at 0°C, 25°C and 37°C were carried out in Vfo peptone water containing 0.5/" WaCl. Routine tests and identification media were inoculated and incubated at 25°C (RT), but selective media for enterobacteria were incubated at 37°C. One hundred fifty-two cultures were thus studied. RESULTS AJtD DISCUSSION The MPN of coliforms present in oysters and seawater during the course of the study (February- July 1959) is given in Table 1. Table 1. Coliform content of oysters and seawater examined at three- week intervals (expressed as MPK coliforms per 100 ml sample) Tim s (Weeks) Source 0 3 6 9 12 Aquarium Oysters 0 0 0 0 0 Aquarium Seawater (Control) 0 0 0 0 0 Hood Canal Oysters - 450 k^O 200 200 Hood Canal Seawater - 0 0 2 2 Oyster Bay Oysters - 0 200 0 0 Oyster Bay Seawater - 0 0 0 0 Willapa Bay Oysters - 450 1100 20 20 Willapa Bay Seawater - 0 200 2 2 -183- TOTAL VIABLE BACTERIAL COUNT OF OYSTERS a SEAWATER I -aye Aquarium Oysters( Control) 10 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8- 6-1 Z^'C KfV. 4- 3- '---- — --j-_-T.~ • 25°C 2- Hood Canal Oysters Hood Canal Seawater ( D 1 23456789 TIME (Weeks) Fig. 1. Total viable count of bacteria per ml oyster fluid and per ml seawater for aquarium-held oysters (control) and Hood Canal. TOTAL VIABLE BACTERIAL COUNT OF OYSTERS 8 SEAWATER lOq 8- 6- 4 3 C 10 2- 37°C -Willapo Boy Oysters •Willapo Boy Seawater -+- -+- -+- -+- -Oyster Bay Oysters -Oyster Bay Seowater 25''C sr-c 4 5 6 TIME (Weeks) Fig. 2. Total viable count of bacteria per ml oyster fluid and per ml seawater for Wlllapa Bay and Oyster Bay samples. -l81t- There was a low degree of pollution, indicated "by these tests, In the three areas except for a brief rise in the Wlllapa Bay area during the sixth week, and there was no apparent pollution in the aquarium. The ability of oysters to concentrate sewage bacteria from the surrounding water is demonstrated by the disparity in the counts for oysters and seawater at any given time. However, comparison of these results (re- calculated on a weight basis) with the total 25°C count results given in Figures 1 and 2 reveals that at no time did the coliforms constitute more than 0.5^ of the total flora. Numerically, therefore, the con- form bacteria represent an Insignificant part of the oyster flora. The total viable count in oysters at 25°C, which may reasonably be expected to include both mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria, re- mained constant in ail cases at about 10^ organisms/ml of body fluid, while the count in the surrounding seawater was consistently lower and subject to rather large variation. The generic distribution of the 152 strains obtained by random selection from the oyster plate counts is shown in Table 2. There is a remarkable similarity in the oyster flora in the four test areas. Gram negative rod-like bacteria, showing the characteristic marine properties Table 2. Generic distribution of organisms isolated from oysters in controlled and natural environments. Salt- water Wll- Oys- i> Aquar- Hood lapa ter Distri- lixm Canal Bay Bay Total bution Number of Isolates h3 50 30 29 152 100 Pseudomonas-Vibrio 20 27 18 Ik 79 52.0 Achromobacter 2 5 1 0 8 5.3 Flavobacteri\im 6 7 5 8 26 17.1 Coryneform 1 3 0 1 5 3.3 Alcaligenes 2 1 0 0 3 2.0 Micrococcus 6 5 2 3 16 10.5 Bacillus k 1 2 0 7 k.6 Enterococci 1 0 1 0 2 1.3 Miscellaneous 1 1 1 3 6 3.9 -185- of salt dependence and psychrophilic growth, predominated in each area. Outstanding among them was the Pseudomonas/Vihrio group which constituted ahout 50^0 of the flora in each case, while Flavobacterium present to ca. I7/0 were also prominent. Micrococcus alone among the Gram positive types was isolated in significant numbers, but was pre- sent only to ca. lO'fo. A corresponding identity of biochemical char- acteristics was observed among organisms isolated from the various areas . They were predominantly proteolytic and only weakly saccharoly- tic in nature. It thus appears that the natural flora of oysters is similar to the flora of free-swimming fish, the only other marine ani- mal extensively studied bacteriologically. The only major point of difference between the two floras is a biochemical one, since ca. 50^ of the organisms isolated by us from oysters were observed to ferment glucose anaerohically by the Hugh and Leifson (1953) test. This is a property which has not been re- ported for many fish bacteria. The difference may be related to the composition of oysters and of fin fishes. From the practical point of view the property may "be very significant in relation to spoilage. Eliot (1926) showed, and this has been confirmed repeatedly since, that there is a rapid fall in pH during the early stages of spoilage of oys- ters. This may be due, at least in part, to the fermentative activity of these "bacteria. The types of bacteria identified by Eliot and Tanikawa as being of primary importance in spoilage are so similar to the microorganisms found in this study to constitute the natural flora of oysters, that it seems very likely that we are in fact dealing with the same groups of organisms . It appears therefore that as in the case of fin fishes, the spoilage flora of oysters is derived from the natioral population of the living animal and the generally proteolytic character of the natural flora lends verisimilitude to the hypothesis. SUMMARY The natural flora of oysters was characterized by study of pure cultiires of bacteria isolated from plate counts of oysters held in floating trays in three areas of Washington: Southern Puget Sound, Hood Canal, and Willapa Bay, and the saltwater aquarium at the College of Fisheries, Seattle. Degrees of pollution were very low in each of the three natural environment areas, and there was none present in the saltwater aquarium, as detected by MPN of coliforms ajid standard plate •counts at 250C and 370C. From a total sample of 152 pure cultures extensively studied, it was concluded that the flora of the oyster consists primarily of the Pseudomonas /"Vibrio, Flavobacterium and Achromobacter groups, i.e. -186- the Gram negative, asporogenous bacilli. Gram positive organisms, except for Micrococcus, were found to be a very minor fraction of the total population. These results are discussed in relation to the known data and theories concerning post-mortem spoilage of free-swim- ming fishes and of oyster meats . LITERATURE CITED Arcisz, W. and C. B. Kelly. 1955. Self -purification of the soft clam, Mya arenarla. U. S. Pub. Health Kept. 70 (6):605. Cameron, C. I880. On sewage in oysters. Brit. Med. J. 2:^+71. Dimitroff, V. T. I926. Spirochaetes in Baltimore market oysters. J. Eacteriol. 12 (2)il35-177. Dodgson, R. W. I928. Report on mussel purification. Gt. Brit. Min. Agric. and Fish., Fish. Invest., Ser. 2, 10 (l):l-i^98. Eliot, C. 1926. Bacterial flora of the market oyster. Amer. J. Hyg. 6 (6):755-TT6. Fabre-Domergue, M. I912. Bacterial ptrrlfication of oysters by stand- ing in filtered artificial seawater. (See Chem. abstr. 6:10ii5,) Geiger, J. C, W. E. Ward, and M. A. Jacobs on. I926. The bacterial flora of market oysters. J. Infect. Dis., 38 (3) J 273-280. Hugh, R. and E. Leifson. 1953. The taxonomic significance of ferment- ative versus oxidative metabolism of carbohydrates by various Gram negative bacteria. J. Bacteriol. 66:2^-26. Kelly, C. B. and W. Arcisz. 195^. Siirvival of enteric organisms in shellfish. U. S. Pub. Health Rept. 69 (l2) : 1205-1210. MacLeod, R. A., E. Onofrey, and M. E. Norris. 195^. Nutrition and metabolism of marine bacteria. I, Survey of nutritional re- quirements. J. Bacteriol. 68 (6):680-686. Manual of microbiological methods. Society of American Bacteriologists. 1957. Shewan, J. M. and J. Listen. 1956. Objective and subjective assess- ments of fish quality. Bull. Inst. Refrig. Suppl. Annexe. 1956-1:137- , W. Hodgkiss, and J. Llaton. 195^. A method for the rapid differentiation of certain non-pathogenic asporogenous bacilli. Nature (Lond.) 173:208. -I8T- Sparks^ A. K. and K. K. Chew. I960. A preliminary report on growth and mortality of a population of Japanese oysters (Crassostrea glgas) when transplmited to various areas in Washington. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc. 5O: Standard methods for the examination of water, sewage and lnd\istrial wastes. A. P. H. A. 1955. Tanlkawa, E. 1937- Bacteriological examination of oysters stored at ^ low temperatures. Zentr. Bakt. Par., Ser. 2, 97:133-lil-7. -188- ASSOCIATION AFFAIRS ANMJAL CONVENTION The 1959 Convention of the National Shellflsheries Association and the Oyster Growers and Dealers Association of North America, Inc., was held July 27 to 30, 1959, at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. An interesting feature was a joint seminar at which reports on "Oyster cult lire in Europe" and "Oyster culture in Japan" were presented "by V. L. Loosanoff and J. B. Glude. These reports contained observations from their recent foreign trips. The membership voted overshelmlngly to increase Association dues from $2.00 to $4.00 to cover the cost of fi- nancing the Proceedings. Tlie Oyster Institute of North America has continued to support publication of the Proceedings. Vice President Cronln distributed a list of titles of all papers presented at annual conventions since 1930. Most of these papers are out-of-print eind no longer available. OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION - 1959 President - Melboiirne R. Carriker, Department of Zoology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Vice-President - L. Eugene Cronln, Maryland Department of Research and Education, Solomons, Maryland. Secretary-Treasurer - Philip A. Butler, Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Gulf Breeze, Florida. Editorial Committee - J. D. Andrews, editor; S. H. Hopkins, associate editor j Lawrence Pomeroy, associate editor. Executive Committee - M. R. Carriker, Chalrmanj L. E. Cronln, P. A. Butler, G. R. Lunz, H. C. Davis, G. F. Beaven. COMMITTEES FOR 1959 CONVENTION Program Committee - L. Eugene Cronln, Chairman; J. F. Allen, J. D. Andrews, D. H. Wallace Nominating Committee - A. F. Chestnut, Chalrmanj G. Gunter, V. L. Loosanoff, J. L. McHxogh -189- INFORMAa?ION FOR COWTRIBOTQRS Original papers given at the Annual Association Convention and other papers on shellfish biology or related subjects submitted by mem- bers of the Association will be considered for publication. Manuscripts will be judged by the Editorial Committee or by other competent review- ers on the basis of originality, contents, clarity of presentation and Interpretations. Each paper should be carefully prepared in the style followed in previous PROCEEDINGS before submission to the Editoral Committee. Papers published or to be published in other journals are not acceptable. Manuscripts shoiild be typewritten and double -spaced: original sheets are required but extra copies will facilitate reviews. Tables, numbered In arabic_, should be on separate pages with the title at the top. Scientific names should be underlined. Do not imderline section headings. Illustrations should be reduced to a size which fits on 8 x 10|- Inch pages with ample margins. Glossy photographs are preferred to ori- ginals. Illustrations smaller than a page should be carefully oriented and loosely attached to plain white paper with rubber cement. Legends should be typed on separate sheets and numbered in arable . Use the following style for literature citations: "Smith, Rebecca Joyce. 1958* Filtering efficiency of hard clams in mixed suBpensiona of radioactive phytoplankton. Proc. Natl. Shellfish. Assoc« kQx 115-12^)-." Note In Volume kQ punctuation for literature citations in text. In abbreviations for names of serial publications, follow Biological Abstracts (see 29(5) J v-xxxv, 1955)* Abbreviations for units of weight and measure in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 36th Edition, pages 3108-3134 will be followed. Punctuation will be strictly limited for abbreviations of common measurements, literature references in the text, and certain other usages. Note usage in re- cent PROCEEDINGS. Clarity of meaning and brevity of style are the keynotes of our policy. Each paper should be accompanied by an abstract which Is con- cise yet underetaxidable without reference to the original article. It ia our policy to publish the abstract at the head of the paper and to dispense with a summary. A copy of the abstract for submission to Biological Abstracts will be requested when proofs are sent to authors. Reprints and covers are available at cost to authors . Master sheets will be retained for one year after publication. When proof sheets are returned to authors. Information about ordering reprints will be given. The present agency from which authors may obtain re- prints is the Duplicating Department, Bingham Y, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C, Mr. J. Nelson Callahan, Head. For inclusion in the PROCEEDINGS of the current year, all manxiscripts should reach the Editor prior to October 1. Send manu- scripts and address all correspondence to the Editor, Dr. Sewell K. Hopkins, Biology Department, Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas. -190- DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL SHELLPISHERIES ASSOCIATION (To November I960) Active Members (Continued) Honorary Membera Coe^ Dr. Westley (Deceased) 138 E. Oleander Drive Chula Vista, California Coker, Dr. Robert E. University of North Caxolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina Gaits off. Dr. Paul S. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Woods Hole, Massachusetts Kincaid, Professor Trevor I90U East 52nd Street Seattle 5^ Washington Nelson, Dr. Thurlow C. (Deceased) 8 North Main Street Cape May Court House New Jersey Trultt, Dr. Reginald V. Great Neck. Farm Stevensville, Maryland Life Member Gunter, Dr. Gordon Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Ocean Springs, Mississippi Active Ifembers Aldrlch, Dr. F. A. Academy of Natural Sciences 19th & the Parkway Philadelphia 3> Pennsylvania Allen, Dr. J. Prances 5702 Queens Chapel Road Apartment 3 West Hyattsville, Maryland Andrews, Dr. Jay D. Virginia Fisheries Laboratory Gloucester Point, Virginia Arcisz, Mr. William Star Route, Box 576 Gig Harbor, Washington Arve, Mr. John E. Snow Hill, Maryland Atlantic Biological Station Fisheries Research Board of Canada St. Andrews, N. B., Canada Ball, Mr. Eric T. 212 Summit Street New Haven 13 > Connecticut Baptist, Mr. John P. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Beaufort, North Carolina Beaven, Mr. G. Francis Maryland Department of Research and Education Solomons, Maryland Blake, Mr. John W. Department of Zoology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina Blovint Seafood Corporation 383-393 Water Street Warren, Rhode Island Brittain, Mr, G, J., Jr. 56ii3 Flamingo Houston 21, Texas Buchanan, Mr. A. F. Seabrook, South Carolina -191- Bvirton, Mr. Richard W. Biological Laboratory- Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Oxford, Jlaryland Butler, Dr. Philip A. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Gulf Breeze, Florida Campbell, Mr. Robert Narragansett Marine Laboratory- Kingston, Rhode Island Carlson, Mr-. Frank T. Bioreau of Commercial Fisheries Mill-vllle, Delaware Carrlker, Dr. Melbourne R. Depar-tment of Zoology- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina Carver, Mr. Thomas C, Jr. Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Franklin City, Virginia Castagna, Mr. Michael Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Franklin City, Virginia Chanley, Mr. Paul E. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Milford, Connecticut Chapman, Mr, Charles R. River Basin Studies U. S. Fish anid Wildlife Service Vicksburg, Mississippi Chestnut, Dr. A. F. Institute of Fisheries Research University- of North Carolina Morehead City, North Carolina Chew, Mr. Kenneth K. College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle 5? Washington Chlpman, Dr. Walter A. Washington Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 73I+ Jackson Place, N. W. Washington 25, D. C. Collier, Mr. Albert Galveston Marine Laboratory A & M College of Texas Bldg. 311, Fort Crockett Galveston, Texas Colwell, Mr. J. H. 1115 East Iflst Street Seattle 5* Washington Cooley, Dr. Nelson R. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service G\ilf Breeze, Florida Cronln, Dr. Eugene Maryland Department of Research and Education • Solomons, Maryland Currier, Mr. Wendell N. Research and Development Campbell Soup Company Cajnden, New Jersey Darling, Mr. J. S. 8s Son P. 0, Box kl2. Hampton, Virginia Dassow, Mr. John A. Technological Laboratory U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Seattle 2, Washington Davidson, Mr. Ardell E. 16-D Westway South Baltimore 21, Maryland -192- Davis, Mr. Harry C. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Milford, Connecticut Dawson, Mr. C. E. iflO Pine Drive Ocean Springs, Mississippi Edwards, Mr. Malcolm B. Coast Oyster Company South Bend, Washington Eisler, Mr, Ronald College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington Deiler, Mr. Frederick G. Freeport Sulphur Company Port Sulphur, Louisiana Denison, Mr. John Rayonier Marine Laboratory Hoodsport, Washington Dow, Mr, Robert L. Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries State House Augusta, Maine Downes, Dr. Kenneth Department of Tidewater Fisheries State Office Building Annapolis, MarylEind Ellis, Mr. Ian E. College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle 5> Washington Engle, Mr, James B. Biological Laboratory Biireau of Commercial Fisheries Oxford, Maryland Esveldt, Mr. George D. E. H. Bendiksen CompeLny 820 Broadway South Bend, Washington Fahy, Dr. William University of North Carolina Institute of Fisheries Research Morehead City, North Carolina Drinnan, Mr. R. E. Federal Department of Fisheries Prince Edward Island Biological Station Ellerslie, P. E. I., Canada Dumont, Mr. William H. 3896 Porter Street, N, W. Washington I6, D. C. Dunker, Dr. Carl F. Seafood Processing Laboratory University of Maryland Crisfield, Maryland Dunnington, Mr. Elgin A. Department of Research and Education Solomons, Maryland Falk, Dr. Lloyd L. Engineering Department E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc . Wilmington 98/ Delaware Fieger, Dr. E. A. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge 3, Louisiana Fishing Gazette Carroll E. Pellissier, Editor k6l Eighth Avenue New York 1, New York Flower, Frank M. & Sons Bayville, Long Island, New York -193- Found, Mr. H. R. Department of Fisheries Prince Edward Island Biological Station Ellerslie, P, E, I,, Cajiada Priedrlchs, Mr. A. V., Jr« 806 W. Michigan Avenue Hammond, Louisiana Prisbie, Mr. Charles M. U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Box 65 Franklin City, Virginia Gaucher, Mr. Thomas A. Narragansett Marine Laboratory Kingston, Rhode Island Girard, Mr. John G. State Department of Health Smith Tower Seattle k, Washington Glancy, Jr. Joseph B. Shellfish Inc. Box 212 West Sayville, L. I., New York Glude, Mr. John B. Bureau of Commercial FlsherleB Department of the Interior Washington 25, D. C. Hammer, Mr. Ralph 9 North Cherry Avenue Annapolis, Maryland Hanks, Dr. James E. Biological Laboratory Bixreau of Commercial Fisheries Oxford, Maryland Hanks, Mr. Robert W. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Boothbay Harbor, Maine Hargls, Dr. William J., Jr. Virginia Fisheries Laboratory Gloucester Point, Virginia Harrlman, Mr. Donald M. Newagen, Maine Harrison, Mr. George T. The Tllghmaji Packing Company Tilghman, Maryland Haskln, Dr. Harold H. Department of Zoology Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey Haven, Mr. Dexter Virginia Fisheries Laboratory Gloucester Point, Virginia Grice, Dr. George D. Woods Hole Oceanographlc Institution Woods Hole, Massachiosetts Hewatt, Dr. Willis G. Biology-Geology Department Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas Griffith, Mr. George W. Box 65 Franklin City, Virginia Gusta.f3on, Dr. A. H. Department of Biology Bowdoln College Brunsvflck, Maine Heydecker, Mr, Wayne D, Atlajitlc States Marine Fisheries Commission 22 West First Street Mount Vernon, New York Hofstetter, Mr. Rt. 1, Box 132 La Porte, Texas Robert P. _l9li^ Hoplclns, Dr. Sewell H. Biology Department Texas A & M College College Station, Texas Hoss, Mr. Donald Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Beaufort, North Carolina Huber, Mr. L Albertson 297 E. Commerce Street Bridgeton, New Jersey Hulings, Mr. Neil C. Biology Department Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas Ingle, Mr. Robert M, Florida State Board of Conservation W. V. Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida Isaac, Geary Rayonier Marine Laboratory Hoodsport, Washington Jensen, Mr. Eiagene T. U. S. Public Health Service Shellfish Branch Washington 25, D. C. Kahan, Dr. Archie M, TexELS A & M Research Foundation College Station, Texas Kelley, Mr. R. L R. L. Kelley Farm Atlantic, Virginia Kelly, Mr. C. B. Shellfish Sanitation Laboratory U. S. Public Health Service Star Route, Box 576 Gig Harbor, Washington Kogenezawa, Mr. A. Tohoku University 15 Yakushido Minami Koizumi Sendai City, Japem Landers, Mr. Warren S. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Milford, Connecticut Lednum, Mr. J. M. Town Engineer Town of Islip, New York Lindsay, Mr« Cedric E. Washington State Shellfish Laboratory Quilcene, Washington Littleford, Dr. Robert A. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. Rochester 3^ New York Loesch, Mr, Harold A & M College of Texas College Station, Texas Logie, Dr. R. R. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Ellerslie, Prince Edward Island, Canada Loosanoff, Dr. Victor L. Biological Laboratory Biireau of Coinmercial Fisheries Milford, Connecticut Lunz, Dr. G. Robert Bears Bliiff Laboratories Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina MacKenzie, Mr. Clyde L., Jr. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Milford, Connecticut -195- Mackln^ Dr. J. G. Texas A & M Reseeircli Foundation. il-10 West Ifth Street Thibodanx:, Louisiana Macomber^ Mr. Ronald G. 11 Prescott Avenue Montclair, New Jersey Menzel, Dr. R. Winston Oceanographic Institute The Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida Merrill, Mr. Arthur S. Biological Laboratory Eiireau of Commercial Fisheries Woods Hole, Massachusetts Manning, Mr. Joseph H. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory Solomons, Maryland Mansuetl, Mr. Romeo Marylemd Department of Research and Education Solomons, Maryland Marshall, Dr. Nelson University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island McConnell, Mr. James L. P. 0. Box 103^ Bay Towing & Dredging Co. Mobile, Alabama McConnell, Mr. James N. Department of Wildlife and Fisheries 1+00 Royal Street New Orleans l6, Louisiana McHugh, Dr. J. L. Bureiiu of Commercial Fisheries Washington 25, D. C. McNlcol, Mr. Douglas Fire Island Sea Clam Co., Inc. West Sayville, New York Medcof, Dr. J, C. Fisheries Research Boajrd of Cajaada Biological Station St. Andrews, N. B., Canada Messer, Mr. Richard 1205 Dinwiddle Avenue University Heights Richmond 29, Virginia Miles, J. H. & Co., Inc. Norfolk 1, Virginia Miller, Mr. George C. Box 273 Ilwaco, Washington Mortimer, Miss Joan E. Biology Department Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Jolin's, Newfoundland National Fisherman Goff stown. New Hampshire Nelson, Mr. J. Richards The F. Mansfield & Sons Co. 6l0 Quinnlplac Avenue New Haven, Connecticut Novak, Dr. A. F. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana Penner, Dr. Lawrence R. Department of Zoology University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut Pereyra, Walter T. College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle 5, Washington -196- Perljnutter, Dr. Alfred 1776 Seaman Drive Merrick, L. I., New York Pfitzenmeyer, Mr. Hayes T. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory Solomons, Maryland Pomeroy, Dr. Lawrence Marine Biology Laboratory Department of Biology University of Georgia Sapelo Island, Georgia Porter, Mr. Hugh J, University of North Carolina Institute of Fisheries Research Morehead City, North Carolina Posgay, Julius 0, Box 431 Woods Hole, Massachusetts Price, Mr. T. J. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Beaufort, North Carolina Pritchard, Dr. Donald W. Chesapeake Bay Institute The Johns Hopkins Ifriiversity 121 Maryland Hall Baltimore 18, Maryland Provasoli, Dr. Lxiigi Haskins Laboratories 305 East if 3rd Street New York I7, New York Provenzano, Mr. A. J«, Jr. Marine Laboratory University of Miami Miami, Florida Quayle, Dr. Daniel B. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Nanaimo, B. C, Canada Ray, Dr. Sammy M. A 85 M College of Texas Marine Laboratory Galveston, Texas Rhode Island Department of Agriculture & Conservation Veterans Memorial Building 83 Park Street Providence 2, Rhode Island Rice, Dr. Theodore R. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Beaufort, North Carolina Ropes, Mr, John W. 29 Linden Street Salem, Massachusetts Ronholt, Mr. Lael L. College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington Russell, Mr. Henry D. Springdale Avenue Dover, Massachusetts Rust, Mr. John D. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Beaufort, North Carolina Sangree, Dr. John B., Sr, Qlassboro State Teachers College Glassboro, New Jersey Sayce, Mr. Clyde S. Box 205 Ocean Park, Washington Scheltema, Mr. Rudolf 3. Occajiographic Institute Woods Hole, Massachusetts Sellmer, Mr. George Department of Biology Upsala College East Orange, New Jersey -197- Shaw, Mr. Williain N. R. F. D. 1, Box 158 Falmouth, Massachusetts Shearer, Mr. L. W. 8 Elm Street Milford, Connecticut Shuster, Dr. Carl N. Marine Laboratory- Department of Biological Sciences University of Delaware Newark, Delaware Sieling, Mr. Fred W. Department of Research and Education Snow Hill, Maryland Smith, Dr. P. G. Walton The Marine Laboratory University of Miami 1 Rickenbacker Causeway Virginia Key Miami k9, Florida Sellers, Mr. Allen A. 1305 Park Avenue Baltimore 17, Maryland Sparks, Dr. Albert K. College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington Sprague, Dr. Victor Department of Research and Education Solomons, Maryland St, Amant, Dr. Lyle S. Wildlife and Fisheries Commisalon ItOO Royal Street New Orleans I6, LoulBlana Staples, Mr. George M. Box 66 Crisfield, Maryland III Stauber, Dr. Leslie Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey Stein, Mr. Jerome Rayonier Marine Laboratory Hoodsport, Washington Stern, Mr. Joseph A. Bothell, Washington Strawbridge, Mr. Bruce H. Jekyll Island Packing Co. P. 0. Box 26k Brunswick, Georgia Stringer, Mr. Louis D. 18 Marcia Coixrt Alexandria, Virginia Swabey, Miss Yvonne H. Academy of Natixral Science 19th & the Parkway Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania Thompson, Mr. Frank E., Jr. 4520 Newport Street Richmond 27, Virginia Trezise, Williaja R. 318 - 12th Street Raymond, Washington Tubman, Mr. Arnold W. Technological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries College Park, Maryland Udell, Mr. Harold F. State of New York Conservation Department Shellfisheries Management Unit 65 West Sunrise Highway Freeport, L. I., New York Ukeles, Dr. Ravenna Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Milford, Connecticut -198- Valaer, Mr. Edward P. D. C. Department of Public Health Bureau of Food & Public Health Engineering Washington 1, D. C. Varln, Mr. Clifford V. Fire Island Sea Clam Co. 95 Cherry Avenue West Sajrville, L. I., New York Virginia Commission of Fisheries Newport News, Virginia Wallace, Mr. Dana E. Department of Sea & Shore Fisheries Vlckery-Hill Biiilding Augusta, Maine Wallace, Mr. David H. Oyster Institute of North America 6 Mayo Avenue, Bay Ridge Annapolis, Maryland Webster, Mr. John R. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Oxford, Maryland Weiss, Dr. Charles M. Department of Sanitary Engineering School of Public Health University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina Welch, Mr, Walter R. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Boothbay Harbor, Maine Wells, Mr, Harry W. Box 162 Buxton, North Carolina Westley, Mr. Ronald E. Washington State Department of Fisheries Shellfish Laboratory Qullcene, Washington Whaley, Mr. Horace H. Chesapeake Bay Institute Edgewood Road R. F. D. 3, Box Ul^A Back Creek Annapolis, Maryland Whitcomb, Mr. James P. Virginia Fisheries Laboratory Gloucester Point, Virginia Wllbour, Mr, Frederick C, Jr. Division of Marine Fisheries 15 Ashburton Place Boston 8, Massachusetts Wilde, Mr. Frank W. Box 5 Shady Side, Maryland Wilson, Mr. Alfred J., Jr. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Gulf Breeze, Florida Woelke, Mr. Charles E. Box 323 Qullcene, Washington Wolffian, Dr. Abel The Johns Hopkins University Whitehead Hall Baltimore I8, Maryland Wood, Dr. John L. Virginia Fisheries Laboratory Gloucester Point, Virginia Woodruff, Mr. Spofford Apple Tree Lane Earrlngton, Rhode Island Wurtz, Dr. Charles B. 32U7 Disston Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -199- MBL/WHOI UBRARY WH lACK '^i^^i'M'ia'^lKlllH