PROCEEDINGS OF THE a^d Sorbtg of i^irtoria. VOL. I. (New Series). Edited under the Authority of the Council. ISSUED JUNE 1889. THE AUTHORS OF THE SEVERAL PAPERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SOUNDNESS OF THE OPINIONS GIVEN iVND FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS ilADE THEREIN. MELBOUENE : STILLWELL AND CO., PEINTEES, 195a COLLINS STEEET. AGENTS TO THE SOCIETY: WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, To whom all comniunications for transmissiou to the Royal Society of Victoria, from all parts of Europe, should be sent. 1889. S(p gf& ■ .L '-^ •* » CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. (New Series). Art. I. — On the Anatomy of an Arenaceous Polyzoon. By Arthur Dendy, Esq., M. Sc, F.L.S. ; with Plates 1, 2, 3 . . 1 II.— The Maintenance of Energy. By Egbert Abbott, Esq. .. 12 III. — Irrigation and Water Supply in the Australian Colonies. By Newton E. Jennings, Esq., M. Inst. C.E., P.E.I.B.A. . . 21 IV. — An Experiment to show how the Earth is made to Gravitate towards the Sun. By T. Wakelin, Esq. . . . . 28 v.— The Babbit Question. By H. C. Wigg, Esq., M.D. Ed., F.R.C.S. Eng. .. .. .. .. ..28 VI. — An Alphabetical List of the Genera and Species of Sponges described by H. J. Carter, Esq., F.R.S., together Avith a number of his more important references to those of other Authors, with an Introductory Notice. By Arthur 7)endy, Esq., M.Sc, F.L.S... .. .. ..34 VII.— On Two New Fossil Sponges from Sandhurst. By T. S. Hall, Esq., M.A. ; with Plate 4 . . . . . . . . 60 VIII. — Preliminary Notes on the Structure and Development of a Horny Sponge (Stelospongus fiabelliformis). By Arthur Dendy, Esq., M.Sc, F.L.S. .. .. .. ..62 IX. — The Active Volcano on Tana, New Hebrides, with some Remarks on the Cause of Volcanic Action. By Frederick A. Campbell, Esq., C.E. ; with Plates 5, 6, 7 and 8 . . 71 X.— The Oceanic Languages Semitic. By Rev. D. Macdonald . . 83 XL— Notes on the Physiography of the Western Portion of the County of Croajingolong. By James Stirling, Esq., F.G.S. ; with two Woodcuts . . . . . . . . 84 Notes from the Biological Laboratory of the University of Melbourne — (1) On the Presence of a Fluke in the Egg of a Fowl. By Professor W. Baldwin Spencer. . .. .. .. .. 109 (2) On the Presence of a Pentastomum Parasitic in the Lung of the Copper-head Snake (Hoplocephalus superhus). By Professor W. Baldwin Spencer . . . . . . HO (3) On the Structure and Presence of the Cestode Amphiptyches parasitic in Callorhynchus Antarcticus. By Professor W. Baldwin Spencer . . . . . . . . . . HI (4) Note on Some Actinian Larvfe parasitic upon a Medusa from Port Phillip. By Arthur Dendy, Esq., M. Sc, F.L.S. . . 112 Meetings of the Society . . . . . . . . . . 114 List of Members . . . . . • • . • • • . 140 List op Institutions and Societies Receiving Copies of the "Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria" .. 149 42815 §lcri|al S0ncto 0f Krtoria* 1888. patron. HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY BROUGHAM LOCH, K.C.B. PROFESSOR W. C. KERNOT, M.A., C.E. E. J. WHITE, P.R.A.S. | J. COSMO NEWBERY, B.Sc.,C.M.G. JAMES JAMIESON, M.D. '§0X1. ^tmtmus. H. K. RU8DEN. | P. BARNARD, JAMES E. NEILD, M.D. ^anmil E. BAGE, Jdn. C. R. BLACKETT, F.C.S. A. H. S. LUCAS, B.Sc, M.A. W. H. STEEL, C.E. ALEX. SUTHERLAND, M.A. R. L. J. ELLERY, P.R.S., P.R.A.S. G. S. GRIPPITHS, P.R.G.S. PROF. ORME MASSON, M.A., D.Sc. H. MOORS. J. T. RUDALL, F.R.C.S. PROF. W. BALDWIN SPENCER, B.A. C. A. TOPP, M.A., LL.B. 13 « A W Y 1^' V PROCEEDINGS. Art, I. — On the Anatomy of an Arenaceous Polyzooii. By Arthuu Dendy, M. Sc, F.L.S. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Biology in tlie University of Melbourne. [Keail May 10, 1888,] During the last Easter vacation I was enabled, through the kindness and hospitality of Mr. J. Bracebridge Wilson, to accompany him on several occasions while engaged in dredging operations at various localities near Port Phillip Heads. On one of these occasions we obtained a consider- able quantity of a very remarkable arenaceous organism attached to the base of a mass of Ascidians. On my i-etnrn to the University I examined my spirit-preserved specimens of this organism with some care, but witliout being able to elucidate its true nature. As it promised to prove of unusual interest I wrote to Mr. Wilson, asking him if he could send me some more specimens in a living condition. In consequence of my request Mr. Wilson devoted a considerable amount of time and trouble to again searching for the organism in question, and succeeded in a few days' time in sending me living specimens, not only of the species which I had previously obtained, but also of another quite distinct species of the same genus. These specimens reached me in excellent condition, and a o-lance at the livino; animal at once proved it to be a Polyzoon of very novel and peculiar form. The genus, which is new to science, would appear to be not uncommon in Port Phillip, for Mr. Wilson informs me that he has been familiar with it for many years, and has often dredged it by the handful. He has also kindly suggested that, considering the difficulty experienced in determining- its true character, the generic name Cri/ptosoon would not be inappropriate, a suggestion of which I am very happy to be able to avail myself I propose to call the species with which I first became acquainted Gryptozoon ivilsoni, in honour of the well-known discoverer of this and many other new and remarkable B 2 Fi-oceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. marine forms. The second species may l)e callecl Crypto- zoon Goncretuin, from the manner in wliich the sandy "nodes" have grown close together, with corresponding shortening of the chitinous ir)ternodes. The new genus may be briefly diagnosed as follows : — " Ctenostomatous Polyzoa, with tubular, chitinous zooecia enveloped in common aggregations of sand. Polypides provided with a muscular gizzard containing two horny teeth." Before proceeding to describe the distinctive characters of the two species I will give a general account of the anatomy of the genus, so far as I have been able to work it out in such an unfavourable subject for investigation. The chief difficulties in the way of a study of the soft tissues in Cryptozoon, consist (1) in the very minute size of the individual polypides ; and (2) in the difficulty experienced in separating them from the mass of sand grains in which thej' are enveloped, and to which the zooecia firmly adhere. In the living animal I was able only to study the anatomy of so nmcli as is protruded beyond the margin of the sandy mass when the animal is in a state of expansion (Fig. 1), that is to say, only the tentacles and a v^ery small portion of the body, including the mouth and anus, together with the soft retractile portion of the zooecium. Moreover, owing to the impossibility of separating the ]iolypide in a living condition from the sandy mass, I could only examine it with a low power of the mici'oscope. Somewhat curious and more or less satisftictory results were obtained b}'' teasing up with needles the masses of sand containing living ])olypides on a slide in a drop of sea water, then staining with carmine or magenta, and replacing the sea water by glycerine. After this process, there remains on the slide a quantity of more or less isolated sand orrains, with here and there scattered about amonorst them a polypide which has been forcibly torn from its zooecium. The most interesting point about this method is that the polypides are killed in an expanded condition, i.e., with the lophophore expanded and the tentacles spread out at length, and separate from one another, instead of being all curved in and massed together in a compact bunch, as is the case in spirit-preserved specimens. Sometimes the lophophore, with the tentacles, is torn off from the remainder On ike AnaUwijj of on Arenaceous Pohjzoon. 3 of the polypide and can be examined from the suilace, wlien it ])resent,s the ap[)eai-ance shown in Fig. 6. Tlie greater part of my oljservations were, howevei, made upon sj)irit-preserved material. Small ]30rtions of the zoarium, comprising several of the sandy masses, were stained in toto in borax carmine, according to the usual method. After dehydrating and dealing, the material was transferred to a slide and teased up with needles in a drop of balsam. The teased preparation was examined with a low power of the microscope, and it was possible with care to pick out the individual separated ])olypides on the point of a fine needle and mount them by themselves on fresh slides. When a separate })olypide was thus mounted it was possible, by carefully jnishing the cover-glass with a needle, to roll it over into vari(jus positions, as might be required. The Ccencecium. The Coencecium is dichotomously branched, and the branches come off in seveial planes (Figs. 2, 3, 4.) It consists primarily of a slender chitinous tulje. At fairly regular intervals, usually at each angle of the branching system, this tube breaks up suddenly into a number of very delicate tubular zooecia, which are invested in a common sandy mass. Thus the whole coencecium is divisible into what may be termed, for the sake of convenience, nodes and internodes. The nodes are dense ao-oreorations of grains of sand, enveloping and firmly held togetlier by the chitinous zooecia (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, N.) The internodes ai'e longer or shorter, slender chitinous tubes, connecting the nodes together. I have already mentioned that the coentecium, as a whole, is dichotomously branched. This results from the ftict that whereas only a single tubular internode enters the lower surface of each ai'enaceous node, there are usually two such tubes originating from its upper surface. The branching, howevei", is not always a perfectly regular dichotomy; sometimes more than two internodes come out from the upper surface of a node. Thus in Cryptozoon concrefuni I have observed in one instance no less than six short tubes coming out from the surface of a terminal node, in addition to the internode on which it was supported. As the node B 2 4 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. from wliicli six tubes originated was the terminal node of a branch, and probably had not as yet reached its full development, it is impossible to say how many of the six young tubes would have developed into perfect branches. Each one of them was short and had a rounded apex. It is especially worthy of note that the tubular internodes are not continuous through the substance of the sandy nodes, but each one breaks up on entering the sand}" mass into a kind of rete mirabile, formed chiefly of the delicate tubular zocecia. In Cryptozooih tullsoni, the type of the genus, the chitinous internodes are comparatively long, and the sandy nodes are well sepaiated from one another. In C. concretuon, however, the internodes are very much shortened, and the sandy nodes are brought close together, and in the older parts may even be confluent, forming a continuous sandy mass (cf iFigs. 2, 3 and 4). The zocEcia are very delicate and adhere firmly to the sand grains, so that it is impossible to separate them. Perhaps in Gvyptozooii, as in those horny sponges which take on an arenaceous habit, the chitinous portion of the skeleton is actually reduced in consequence of the addition of the sand, which may be considered as supplementing, and possibly, to a certain extent, replacing the chitiu. However this may be, it is very difticult to obtain an idea of the true sliape and arrangement of the zooecia. I can t)nly say that they are tubular, and appear to spring one from another in an irregular manner (Fig. 11). The mouth of the zocecium, as in all the Ctenostomata, remains soft and unchitinised, and, when the polypide is retracted, is pulled into the hinder part by a special series of muscular bands (Fig. 11, rti.) The points where the zooecia arise from one another are marked by oval scar-like areas — the rosette plates (Fig. 11, r.'p) The structure of the internodes of the coenoecium wvcxy best be studied in Cryptozoo)i wihoni. In that species they are short, somewhat dumb-bell-shaped tubes (Fig. 5 Inn.), with swollen extremities, breaking up suddenly on reaching the sandy node at either end into small, irregular branches, or giving rise directly to the zooecia (Fig. 5). The wall of each internode appears in optical longitudinal section (Fig. 10), to be clothed internally with a deeply staining epithelium {cp.) I have not succeeded in demonstrating On the Anatomy of an Arenaceous Polyzoon. 5 with any degree of certainty the existence of nuclei in this layer, but there can be no doubt that it is composed of cells which secrete the chitinous wall of the tube. Very often this chitinous wall is roughened on its inner surface by minute, sharp prominences and ridges (Fig. 10, p.), which mark the points where secretion is most actively taking place. There can be no doubt that the epithelium lining the internodes is a direct continuation of the coelomic epithelium of the polypides, and it appears to be the only organic connection between the different polypides of the colony. The Polypide. The structure of the Polypide is essentially the same in both species. As much of it as can be made out in the living animal is represented in Fig. 1, while a more extensive view, such as is represented in Fig. 12, can only be obtained by teasing out the polypides in the manner already described. The lophophore (Fig. 6) is of course circular. From its margin spring from 10 or 12 (in C. wilsoni) to 14 (^in G. concretum) tentacles. Within the circle of tentacles ar-e the mouth (oj, placed somewhat excentrically, and the nerve- ganglion (n.g.), lying to one side of the mouth. The anus is outside the circle of tentacles, and is so placed that it lies in a line with the mouth and nerve-ganglion (Fig. 1 2). The tentacles are hollow cylinders closed at their distal extremities. The wall of the cylinder, as already pointed out by Allman in the case of the fresh-water Polyzoa, is composed of two layers — an inner, apparently structui'eless layer (Fig. 7, s. I.), and an outer, epithelial layer. The epithelium does not present the same character all over the surftice of the tentacle. Over the greater part of the surface it is composed of the ordinary, somewhat flattened, nucleated cells (Fig. 7, ep.), but on the in-turned face of each tentacle there are two parallel longitudinal rows of small columnar cells (Fig. 7, c c), each containing a relatively large, deeply-staining nucleus. When the tentacles are examined in the living condition each one is seen to possess two rows of vibratile cilia, projecting on each side beyond its margin. Each cilium is nearly as long as the tentacle is thick, and they always move in a perfectly definite and regular manner, although detachments of them are capable of temporarily ceasing G Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. their movement, while the remainder go on. If we imagine the inner face of the tentacle to be anterior and the outer posterior, the cilia are seen always to move upwards on the right hand side and downwards on the left. Although I have not succeeded in observing the cilia in my mounted preparations, yet we may with safety conclude that they are definitely related to the two longitudinal rows of columnar cells just described, and that each of these cells bears a single cilium as represented in Fig. 7. The alimentary canal is very complex, and we can dis- tinguish no less than five perfectly distinct regions, viz., liharynx, aisopliagus, gizzard, stomach, and intestine. The mouth, as already observed, is excentrically placed within the circle of tentacles (Fig. 6, o.) It leads directly into a dilated pharynx lined by columnar cells (Fig. 12, x>h.) The inner surface of the pharynx, i.e., that turned towards the stomach, is more strongly curved than the outer surface, and the constriction at the lower end of the pharynx, which separates it from the oesophagus, is formed chiefly by a deep inward fold of the inner surface. A sharp re-entrant angle is thus formed, and over this angle the columnar epithelium is higher than elsewhere. The oesophagus (Fig. 12, (e.) is a simple, thin- walled, saccular organ, inter]30sed between the pharynx and the gizzard. The gizzard (Fig. 1 2, giz) is certainly the most remarkable portion of the whole alimentary canal. It is globular in shape and has thick muscular walls, consisting mainly of a stout circular band of muscles (Fig. 8, c. m. h. ; Fig. 12, c. on. h), oval in section and composed of a great number of delicate fibres, surr-ounding two relatively large chitinous teeth {t.) The teeth are squarish in shape, and flattened. They are planted within the muscular mass in such a manner that their broad surfaces lie parallel with the plane of the loop of the alimentary canal. This arrangement will be best understood by reference to Figs. 8 and 12. The gizzard opens directly into the side of a very large, elongated, saccular stomach, of the shape sliown in Figs. 9 and 12. The stomach is differentiated by the character of its lining membrane into two totally distinct regions — an upper, non-digestive, and a lower, digestive portion. The upper portion, next to the intestine, is lined, like the pharynx, by columnar epithelium, and the cells of this epithelium are ciliated (Fig. 9, c. e., cil.) At about the upper level of the On the Anatomy of an Arenaceous Polyzoon. 7 opening of the gizzard the walls of the stomach thicken, and the single layer of columnar cells gives place to several layers of spherical cells (Fig. 9, s. c), containing yellow- granules. As was the case in the pharynx the walls of the digestive part of the stomach are thicker in certain places than elsewhere, as shown in the figures. In Gryptozoon concretum (Fig. 9) the difference between the digestive and non -digestive portions of the stomach is more strongly marked than in G. wilsoni, and it is in the former species alone that 1 have succeeded in detecting the cilia at the upper end, although there is no reason to doubt that they occur also in the latter. It should be noted, that these cilia are also figured by Allman in certain fresh-water forms. A rather narrow aperture (Fig. 9, o. i.) places the upper end of the stomach in direct communication with a saccular, very thin-walled intestine (Fig. 12, int.), terminating at the anal opening («.), the position of which, outside the circle of tentacles, has already been indicated. The entire alimentary canal, which in all Polyzoa has the form of a loop, is clothed externally by a delicate, closely- fitting, flattened epithelium — the coelomic epithelium (Fig. 9, e/j. ; Fig. ] 2, n. e.), the nuclei of which are plainly discernible over the greater part of its surface. On the intestine, these nuclei are in places elongated in the transverse direction, and this takes place especially in the region just opposite to the nerve ganglion, giving rise to a deceptive appearance of columnar epithelium in this locality. To the lower portion of the stomach is attached the funiculus or posterior mesentery (Figs. 11 and 12, fun.) in a perfectly normal manner. The muscular system is well developed. There are : — (1) A circle of short retractor muscles (Fig. 1 1 , m.) attached above to the introversible portion of the zooecium. Of these muscles, each of which is composed of a band of simple fibres, I have counted four, and they appear to be all attached at the same level. It is possible that a fifth occurs, but has escaped notice owing to its being hidden behind the others; (2) A broad band of long fibres (Fig. 11, r. m.; Fig. 12, 771.) attached above in a semi-circle just beneath the bases of the tentacles, around the margin of the lophophore remote from the anus. These fibres converge below to a point (Fig. 11, a. m.) deep down on the near side o the wall of the zooecium. Tliis band is the great retractor muscle of 8 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. the polypide, by means of which it can be withdrawn right inside the zooecium, as in Fig. 11. Each of the long muscle fibres (Fig. 12, on. f.) appears to consist of a single cell, and at a point about the middle of each there is an oval swelling ; here the fibre stains more deeply than elsewhere, and this spot must doubtless be regarded as the position of the nucleus (Fig. 1 2, n. m. /.) All that I have been able to observe concerning the nervous system of Cryptozoon is the presence of an oval ganglion, situated in the usual position between mouth and anus. So far as I am aware, Cryptozoon is the only Polyzoon which makes use of sand in the formation of its skeleton, and it is interesting to find a Polyzoon acquiring a habit with which we are already familiar in other groups, such for example, as Foraminifera, Sponges, and Annelids. The genus is obviously closely allied to Boiverhankia, as is shown by the presence of the gizzard, and the aberrant stracture of its ccenoecium may perhaps be best understood by comparison with that genus. In Boiverhankia ijustidosa, for example, the coenoecium is entirely chitinous. It branches dichotom- ously, and at each angle of the ramification there is a close- packed group of tubular zooecia. We have only to imagine these zooecia to become more irregularly and diffusely arranged and invested in a common sandy matrix, beyond the surface of which the tentacles are protruded, and we shall arrive at the condition of Cry])tozoon. Cryptozoon, therefore, may be regarded as a Boicerbankia, which, for the sake of additional protection, has acquired the habit of agglomerating particles of sand on to the zooecia. It might perhaps even be doubted whether there exist sufficient differences to separate Cryptozoon from Bower- hankia, l)ut the fact that there are at least two totally distinct species which form arenaceous nodes seems to me to render desirable the erection of a new genus. I will now briefly enumerate the distinctive characters of the two species. Cryptozoon wilsoni. The zoarium (Figs. 2, 8) forms dense, bushy masses attached to foreign objects. Sometimes it appears to be provided with a common basal agglomeration of sand On the Anatomy of an Arenaceous Polyzoon. 9 particles, but sometimes it springs direct from the sub- stratum on which it grows. It is, as a rule, dichotomously branched, and the branches come off in many planes. The ramification is very profuse, which gives to the whole colony a reticulate appearance, but 1 have not succeeded in detecting any actual anastomoses. The fully grown sandy nodes are spherical, and usually about 1 mm. in diameter. They are perfectly distinct from one another, and the internodes are well developed, being a little shorter than the diameter of the nodes. The terminal, young nodes are much smaller than the older, fully grown ones. The polypides have up to 12 tentacles, although sometimes it is possible to count only 10 or 11. In the living animal the fully expanded tentacles are about 0 2 mm. long. In one slight varietal form (Fig. 3) the nodes are somewhat larger and nearer together than in the typical form. It is this slight variety which I was able to examine in the living condition, and from which the anatomical figures are drawn. Cryptozoon concretum. The zoarium (Fig. 4) forms dichotomously branched tree-like masses, provided with a common sandy base. The entire growth is very much coarser than in C. wilsoni, and the branching, which takes place in several planes, is less copious and intricate. Sometimes, but only rarely, the branches appear to form anastomoses. The internodes are reduced almost to nothing, and the nodes usually touch one another, or are actually fused together. It is only in the upj^er, younger portions of the colony that separate spherical nodes can be distinguished. In the lower, basal portions, they fuse together into common, stem-like, sandy masses. The diameter of a stem, near the base of a colony and above the basal expansion, is about 2 mm. ; while the nodes which are in process of fusion and still separate gradually decrease in diameter as they approach the ends of the branches. The polypides are larger than in C. wilsoni, their tentacles being 0 3 mm. long in the fully expanded, living animal. The number of the tentacles is 14. The dift'ereutiation of the stomach, into digestive and non-digestive regions, is somewhat more strongly marked than in C. wilsoni. 10 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Plate I. Fig. 1. A node of Cnjptozoon wilsoni, with the polypides alive and their tentacles protruding from between the grains of sand. Owing to the manner in which the node is viewed the polypides are visible only around the margin, though, of course, occurring all over the surface, {pop.) Projecting portion of polypide. (s.g.) Sand grains. (Inn.) Chitinous, tubular internodes. Fig. 2. Portion of coenoecium of Gryptozoon wilsoni, more typical form, x 10. (iV.) Nodes. {Inn.) Internodes. Fig. 8. Portion of coenoecium of Gryptozoon wilsoni, larger variety, x 4. {N.) Nodes. {Inn.) Internodes. Fig. 4. Coenoecium of Gryptozoon concrctiirn. x 4. (B.e.) Basal expansion. {N.) Nodes. {Inn.) Internodes^ in this case almost entirely suppressed. Plate II. Fig. 5. A tubular internode of Gryptozoon wilsoni, sepa- rated by teasing, with a number of sand grains, held together by the chitinous branches and the zooecia, still adherent at either end. {Inn.) Internodes. {s.g.) Sand grains. {cJi.) Remains of chitinous branches and zooecia, cementing the sand grains together. Fig. 6. Lophophore of Gryptozoon concretuni seen from above ; from a specimen teased up alive. (o.) Mouth. (n.g.) Nerve ganglion. (ten.) Tentacles (bases only represented). Fig. 7. Diagrammatic longitudinal section of a portion of a tentacle of Gryptozoon, passing through one of the longitudinal rows of columnar ciliated cells. (can.) Central canal, (s. I.) Inner structureless lamella, (ep.) Ordinary epithelium, (c. c.) Columnar cells, (ci.) Cilia. Fiof. 8. Diacrrammatic section throuoh the ffizzard of Gryptozoon, showing the chitinous teeth implanted in the muscular mass. The section is supposed to pass through the two openings of the gizzard, and at right angles to the plane of the paper in Figs. 11 and 12. {c.m.h.) Sections of circular muscle band, (t.) Sections of chitinous teeth. Fig. 9. Optical longitudinal section through the stomach of Gryptozoon concretuni, passing through its two The Anatomy of Crypt ozoon. '^"JT Dendy del. Lithilmp Camb. Sci.lnstCo, Fig 9 FiglG. The Anatomy of Cryptozooii. Fi^ll ■Jr Dendy.del. Imp- Camb R.S Victoria Plate 3. The Anatomy of Crypto zoon. Arthur. Dendy. del . LiiKS, Imp Camb. Sci. Inst.Co. On the Anatomy of an Arenaceous Polyzoon. 11 openings, and showing the differentiation into non- digestive region above and digestive region below, (o. g.) Opening from gizzard. (o. i.) Opening into intestine, (ep.) The ccelomic epithelium, which invests the entire alimentary canal, (c. e.) Columnar epithelium of the upper, non-digestive portion of the stomach. {cil.) Cilia of the columnar, nucleated cells. {s. c.) Spherical cells containing yellow granules, forming the wall of the lower, digestive portion of the stomach. Fig. 10. Optical longitudinal section through the wall of an internode of Cryptozoon wilsoni. (chi.) Chitinous wall, raised here and there into angular prominences — (p.). {e.'p.) Deeply staining epithelium clothing the inner surface of the tube. Fig. 11. A tubular zooecium of Cryptozoon ivilsoni, con- taining a retracted polypide. The zooecium has been separated by teasing, but portions of other zooecia are still adherent on the right-hand side, and two sand grains are still attached near the mouth of the zooecium. (s. g.) Sand grains. (tv. z.) Wall of zooecium. {inv.) Invaginated portion of zooecial wall, {riio.) Mouth of zooecium. (w.) Retractor muscles ot invaginated portion of wall of zooecium. (r. m.) Retractor muscle of polypide. (a. m.) Attachment of retractor muscle to wall of zooecium. (?■. p.) Rosette plates, indicating where other zooecia have been attached. (ph.) Phaiynx. (a?.) OEsophagus. C^'^'--) Gizzard. (st.) Stomach. (int.) Intestine. (6. 6.) Brown body (1). (fun.) Funiculus, {n. g.) Nerve ganglion. PLATE III. Fig. 12. A polypide of Cryptozoon wilsoni separated from the zooecium b3^ teasing, and seen from the side as a transparent object, (ten.) Tentacles. (ph) Pharynx. (oe.) (Esophagus, (giz.) Gizzard, (st.) Stomach, (int.) Intestine. (fun.) Funiculus. (a.) Anus, represented open for the sake of clearness, though normally closed. (n. g.) Nerve ganglion. (m. f.) Fibres of retractor muscle. (71. m. f) Nuclei of muscle fibres. (t.) Horny tooth of gizzard. (c. m. b.) Circular muscle of gizzard seen in section. (n. e.) Nuclei of the ccelomic epithelium investing the alimentary canal. Art. II. — The Maintenance of Energy. By RoBT. Abbott, Esq., Licensed Surveyor. [Read April 12, 1888.] In course of a conversation with Mr. J. P. Thomson over twelve months ago, I mentioned to him that I lieJd different views respecting the nature and causes of volcanic action, and of elevation and subsidence, to those usually accepted. Mr. Thomson was then good enough to ask me to contribute a paper to your Society setting forth these views. I have since been collecting materials. The theories I hold depend almost entirely on the action of a force which I venture to think has not received the attention it merits. I propose to devote this short paper chiefly to the consideration of the form of energy in question. It has frequently been said by geologists that discussions regarding the origin of the earth are outside the province of their science. It is difficult to conceive on what grounds this statement rests. How are we to understand the laws which regulate volcanic action, elevation and subsidence, earthquakes, and other kindred phenomena unless we know how the solid earth was formed ? Everything must depend on this. One of the most noteworthy facts brought before students of astronomy and geology is the extraordinary discrepancy in the evidence presented by the two sciences respecting the age of our planet. Geologists are almost unanimously of opinion that at least something like one hundred millions of years must have elapsed since the first appearance of life on our globe. Astronomers would limit tiie age of the sun himself from beginning to end, to some such period as thirty millions of years. Whatever opinions may be formed regarding the theories which follow, it must be borne in mind that those now received are admittedly incompetent to Tlie Maintenance of Energy. 13 explain facts. While the geologist can apparently furnish satisfactory reasons within the limits of his science, his conclusions clash with the requirements of physical astronomy, and vice versct. The nebula theory of Kant and Laplace is, that all the materials out of which the bodies of our solar system were formed were in the beginning of things resolved in their original elements, and filled all the space of the universe in which these bodies now move. This nebulous mass was in an intensely heated gaseous condition. It condensed towards the centre, and in doincj so threw off successive lings which on further disruption and condensation assumed the form of planets. The sun himself is now supposed b}^ most astromers to be almost altogether gaseous to the centre (Young.)* One of the most interesting questions of cosmical physics is how the sun has been radiating heat into space for millions of years without any apparent diminution of the supply. How is this continued outpouring of heat maintained ? If we calculate at what rate the temperature of the sun would be annuall}^ lowered by the radiation from its surface, we find it to be 2|° F. per annum, supposing its specific heat to be that of water, and from 5° to 10° F. per annum, if we suppose it to be the same as most of the substances which compose our globe (Young). It would entirely cool oft* in a few thousands of years after its formation if it had no other source of heat than that shown by its temperature. It has been attempted to explain the source of its maintenance of heat in two ways. The first is known as the meteoric theory and it is — that the heat of the sun is kept up by the impact of meteors upon his surface. It is considered that though the sun may at some past time have received a large supply of heat in this way, the quantity of meteoric matter now falling is totally inadequate to keep up the supply. The second is the contraction theory which appears to be accepted by most astronomers. As the sun's globe cools off" it must contract, and the heat generated by this contraction Avill suftice to make up the entire loss. Knowing the amount of energy which the sun annually radiates in the form of heat, it has been calculated from the mechanical equivalent of the heat thus radiated, by what amount it must contract to make it up. With the present * The Sun. International Scientific Series. J 4 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. inao;nitude of the sun it has been found that the diameter must contract about 220 feet a year to produce all the heat which it radiates. This I'ate of contraction diminishes as the sun grows smaller, at such a rate that in five millions of years it will be reduced to one half its present volume. At the present rate of i-adiation the sun will be as dense as the earth in about twelve millions of years. As to the past, it has been calculated that the heat evolved by conti'action from an infinite size or by the falling together of all the parts of the sun from an infinite distance would only have been sufficient to last eighteen millions of years at the present rate of radiation. This is the extreme limit of the heat the sun could acquire. Professor Young says if this hy]jothesis is true, as it probably is in the main, we are inexorably shut up to the conclusion that the total life of the solar system from its birth to its death is included in some such period as thirty millions of years. No reasonable allowances for the fall of meteoric matter based on what we are now able to observe, or for- the development of heat by liquefaction, solidification, and chemical combination of dissociated vapours could raise it to sixty millions. According to Geikie the argument from geological evidence is strongly in favour of an interval of probably not much less than one hundred millions of years since the earliest forms of life appeared upon the earth, and the oldest stratified rocks began to be laid down. Let us start on the assumption that the space in which the members of the solar system now move was filled with the matter now forming them. First, as to the constitution of this nebula. Wo may either assume it to have been one element out of which all substances have been in some way evolved, or we may assume it to have been a mixture of various substances which are themselves elements. Since we have absolutely no proof that the substances known to us as elements can be resolved into a singly element, we are hardly justified in making the first assumption. Let us then suppose the nebula to have been composed of diflferent elementary sub.stances, which may have been present in various quantities, and that these substances were uniforml}' distributed throughout it ft'om centre to surface. Second, as to its condition, we may suppose it to have been in a more or less heated condition or at the absolute zero of temperature. We have already seen that on the assumption that it Avas in a heated condition we cannot account for such Tlic Maintenance of Energy. 15 a maintenance of energy as would satisfy geological requirements, let us assume that the whole was at the absolute zero of temperature. We regard this nebula then as having at tirst a uniform density throughout, a uniform composition throughout, and at the absolute zero of temperature, i.e., with an entire absence of molecular motion. Now its components cannot have been in a gaseous state, since a gas, to exist as such, requires molecular motion, neither can they liave been liquid. They must therefore liave been in the solid state of matter. Let us now conceive the whole volume condensing, or growing smaller, by gravitation to the centre of gravity of the whole. It is evident that the matter nearest to the centre of gravity would eventually be the matter at the centre of the sun. Now the heat generated by the collision of a ijilling body varies as the square of the velocity of that body at the point of impact. But the matter nearest to the centre of gravity would have the least distance to fall, and the force of gravity would there be least. Its velocity thei'efore at point of impact would be least, so that less heat would be generated by the falling together of any given quantity of matter near to the centre, than would be generated by tlie falling together of an equal quantity situated at a further distance from it. A body therefore formed in this way would be relatively cold at the centre, and the temperature would increase in a definite ratio towaids the surface. The heat generated would not wholly be lost l)y radiation into space ])art of it would, by conduction, heat the cooler matter nearer to the centre and would perform work. On this view of its formation we may then conclude, that the sun was never wholly in a gaseous or plastic state, that its centre at first was cool and solid, that its formation was attended by the gradual development of heat, that as heat was generated the more volatile substances became vapours, that on approaching the surface the heat was much more than sufficient to turn all substances into a gaseous state. As the cooler matter in the interior became heated by conduction, the various materials would on arriving at their successive critical temperatures turn to vapour. In dealing with the question of the maintenance of the sun's energy we have to consider the action ot two forces, namely, the contraction of the matter in a gaseous state on its surface, and the expansion from excess of heat of the materials nearer the centre. The question of the duration of the sun's energy 16 Proceedings of tJte Royal Society of Victoria. is therefore an extremely complicated one. Any given substance would on arriving at its critical temperature turn to vapour, this vapour would exercise an explosive force on the materials between it and the surface. There are between sixty and seventy elements, and the critical temperature of each one differs. The matter about the surface would be upheaved or disturbed an indefinite number of times. This would continually generate an enormous amount of heat. If this is the case it is an almost hopeless task to compute the duration of the sun's energy. It would depend partly on the proportion in which the various elementary substances were present, and ])artly on the rate of conductivity of the solid materials deep down from the centre and the resistance offered. Until the greatest possible amount of heat had passed by conduction to the centre, and the vapours formed had ]^e]formed work, we would not be justified in regarding the sun as a body actually cooling. He is continually parting with the energies, and their expenditure maintains the heat. What is known of the phj'sical constitution of the sun's surface would appear to support this view. There would be a continual storing up of energy, the force of which would be dependent on the amount of resistance to be overcome. The suns[)ots and facultB with their periodicity might be caused by the gathering up of the internal forces during seasons, followed by outbursts relieving the internal energies. The eruptive or metallic prominences whose spectra show the lines of sodium, magnesium, barium, iron and other metals, occasionally^ rise to a height of over 200,000 miles above the chromosphere. The velocity of the motions of these prominences sometimes reaches 200 miles a second. This points to the existence of enormous eruptive forces in the sun's interior. We might regard the sunspots, faculai, and eruptive prominences as analgous to terrestrial volcanoes, the difference between tlie solar and terrestrial forces being due to the greater intensity of the former, and to the sun's surface being in an intensely lieated gaseous condition. So far we have dealt with the sun himself and have not considered the mode of formation of the planets. As the nebula condensed heat would be generated by friction between the solid particles themselves while falling, and the more volatile substances would become vapourised, the less easily melted parts would be enveloped in a gaseous atmosphere, and the light particles would not fall so quickly as Oil the Maintenance of Energy. 17 the heavier ones. This would occasion a decrease of density at the outer parts of the nebula. Now the formation of the planets can be explained in somewhat the same way as before. The sum total of the rotary motion now existing in the planetary system must have been in the nebula, and as the volume contracted by gravitation towards the centre, its velocity of rotation would constant!}^ increase, so tliat at last the centrifuoal force due to rotation would balance the attractive force of gravity. The orbits of all the larger planets are approximately in the plane of the ecliptic, and a planet may be regarded as having been formed from masses of the nebula thrown off by centrifugal agencies. On assuming a separate existence from the parent nebula, we must consider its development to have been analagous to that of the sun. There would be a continual falling together of the particles composing it to the centre of gravity of the mass. This condensation would be accompanied by the generation of heat through friction between the particles, and a further differentiation of matter would be occasioned So that the matter com])osing satellites would be of less density. The forces at work were exactly the same as those in the sun, but different in degree. We may draw then the following conclusions concerning the earth ; that it was never wholly in a plastic or a gaseous state, that its centre was relatively cool and solid and tliat the temperature gradually increased towards the surface ; that tln-ough loss of heat by radiation into space a solid crust was formed, and that the cooler matter in the iiiterior became gradually heated through conduction, and the more volatile constituents continually assumed a liquid and vapourous condition. Now these vapours would be obliged to find some outlet. The cooled crust at the surface would crack just in the same way that a boiler full of water, subjected to intense heat and without a safety valve, would crack. Now terrestrial volcanoes ai'e built up along lines of fissure in the earth's crust and almost all the active ones are situated on rising areas. Nearly all can be shown to be thrown up along three well-marked lands or great fissures and the branches proceeding from them. They traverse the surface of the o-lobe in sinuous lines with a o-eneral north and south direction and the branches often appear to form connections between the great bands. The first and most important of these bands is nearly 10,000 miles in length. It stretches from near the Arctic Circle at Behring's Straits, c J 8 Proceedings of the Royal Soviet n nf Victoria. to the Antarctic Circle at South Victoria. The volcanoes in Kanischatka, in the Aleutian Islands, in the Kuriles, and in the Islands of Japan are on this band. I'he second band starts I'roni near the last in tlie neighbourhood of" Behring's Straits, and stretches along the westein coast of the American continent. It is about 8000 miles in length. The third forms a lidge running through the Athmtic Ocean, and divides it longitudinally into two basins. This last chain appears to be verging on extinction, as the number of extinct volcanoes is greater than the active ones, and partial submergence has taken place. With regard to volcanic phenomena, the two great factors which have to be accounted for are the presence of highly heated rock masses within the earth's crust, and the existence of various vapours and gases in a state of most intimate mechanical but not chemical union wdth them. (See Judd oil VolcaQioes, page 360.) The active phenomena of vol- canoes must be referred to the presence ot these gases and vapoin-s. It niciy be remarked that the theory advanced explains the linear arranpement of volcanoes, the cause of the intense heat, and the presence of vapours and gases in the earth's interior, without assuming it to be other than a rigid mass. In investigating the changes and movements which the earth's crust has been sidtjected to throughout geological time, we must considei' the action of two forces. Loss of heat through radiation into space is continually going on from the extei'nal portions of the globe. This is accompanied by contraction. On the other hand, access of heat by the materials far down in the interior would give rise to an expanding or explosive force. The extent of this force would depend on the amount of volatile materials among the substances in the earth's interior, the rate of conduction of heat to them, and the resistance to be ovei'come. In early geological times subteri-anean action, or rather its effects, may have been less because the crust was not so thick, and the resistance to be overcome would have been less. This may account for the enormous times occupied during the deposition of some of the older formations and the greater uniformity observed among their rocks. If the resistance to be overcome was great the forces would accumulate, but they must at some period find an outlet. The phenomena in On the Maintenance of Energy. 19 connection with elevation and subsidence, and the formation of mountain chains, ma}^ to a great extent, be explained in this manner. Throuo-h extended observations of the I'ocks in different formations and localities, it has been ascertained by geologists that the subterranean forces are in a state of continual flux over the surface of the globe. They make themselves felt in an area, attain a maximum, and then decline. As regards the formation of mountain chains — The first stage appears to be the opening of a number of fissiures running along a line near to that at which, in a long subsecjuent period, the elevation of the mountain masses takes place. The second stage consists in a general sinking of the surface along the line of weakness and the deposition of great quantities of sedimentaiy materials. The third consists of a series of movements affecting the parts of the earth's crust on either side of the line of weakness. By these movements a series of tangential strains are produced, which result in the violent up-crushing, folding, and crumpling of the sedimentary materials deposited. Fissures again appear on either side of the original line of weakness from which volcanic outbursts take place. Mountain chains may be regarded as cicatrised wounds in the earth's crust. The subtei'ranean energies after probably accumulating for ages, appear to first find an outlet. Enormous quantities of gases, vapours, and molten rocks are brought to the surface. The forces at last become exhausted and siibsidence takes place. The original fissures become closed up and covered with sedimentary deposits of immense thickness. The line of weakness becomes stronger than the adjacent poi'tions of the crust. After long ages the accumulated forces again make themselves felt, elevation takes the place of subsidence, new fissures are formed in the weakest places, the lateral forces come into play, and the sediments overlying the original fissure are upheaved. If we admit the existence of this internal energy, we may have these processes repeated an indefinite number of times over any portion of the earth's crust. In this paper I do not propose to enter more fully into the subject, but hope, at some future time, to have an opportunity of exhaustively reviewing that branch of dynamical geology which treats of it. I think that by means of this force, a more or less complete explanation of the majority of the most interesting problems presented can be given, especially as regards the causes of the movements of portions of the c 2 20 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. earth's crust in the carboniferous age, and the origin of eartliquakes, earth-tremors, and earth-oscillations. It must be remembered that the nebula theory of Kant and Laplace was given to the world before the discovery of the mechanical equivalent of heat. The whole question of the maintenance of the sun's eneigy would seem to depend on whether the original nebula was in a heated condition or not. Now, the conception of Kant was that the entire universe was tilled with this nebulous matter, and that all the heavenly bodies have been evolved from it. If space had been altogether filled with this intensely heated nebulous matter, it is difficult to conceive how heat could have been lost by radiation into space. We know that heat is molecular motion, and we know that molecular motion is caused by intercepted mechanical motion. It is hard to see what a priori right we have to assume the ])resence of intense molecular motion in the orioinal nebula without accounting for it. If we sup]iose infinite space to have contained an infinite number of almost infinitely small particles at equal distances apart, holding potentially, by virtue of their diffusion, all the energies subsequently evolved, we may assume the entire absence of molecular motion. In its absence the particles must have been in the solid condition of matter. Let them aggi-egate to centres of gravity, those nearest a centre must at point of impact have acquired less velocity than those falling from a further distance, consequently less heat would be generated, and a body formed thus would be constituted as previously indicated. As to the ultimate origin of these things, science can offer no explanation, but points to the existence of an Infinite and Eternal Power. Art. III. — Irrigation and Water Supply in tlie Australian Colonies. By Newtox E. Jennings, M. Inst. C.E., F.R.I.B.A. [Read April 12, 1888.] The want of water in many parts of these Colonies for irrigation, as well as for the working of mines, the supply of stock, and domestic purposes is generally acknowledged, it is consequent]}' unnecessary to use any arguments to prove this The rainftill, so fai- as the records show, at least in Victoria, is enough to provide a sufficient supply for all purposes if ])roperly distributed ; but being intermittent, and the supply from the various creeks, channels and rivers being variable, it cannot be relied on without the aid of some artificial means. Various plans have been proposed, such as the construction of dams or anicuts in rivers or streams to raise the water to channels for distribution ; the supply of these channels by pumping and sinking wells. In the first case, the dams interfere with navigation, and in most natural watercourses the level of water varies so much, that in order to take off water at the driest seasons, the bed of the channel must be so low that the water level in it, for a considerable distance, will be below the level of the country, and a great deal of the water must be lifted, or else what is frequently the best and most pi'ofitable land, viz., that near the river, is left without irrigation, and any expenditure on lifting water where it can be avoided diminishes the profits of the cultivator, and thus renders the land less capable of bearing the cost of works necessaiy to bring it under irrigation, besides also employing labour which could be profitably utilised elsewhere. Water taken off from the natural channels while in flood also contains a very large quantity of silt, and as the rapidity of the flow is retarded in the channels, both because a very rapid flow would injure the banks, and because the inclination of the bed of the canal is reduced as low as possible in order to keep the level of the water above the level of the country as far as possible, the silt isdej^osited in the channels, thus causing considerable expense for clearing them. There is always also a tendency 22 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. for the Lead sluices to silt up. The cost of raising water by steam power is very great, necessitating a large initial outlay and a constant fixed expenditure for maintenance, Avhich bears a large proportion to the profit of irrigation, and in case of partial failure of the crops, absorbs probably the whole. The use of windmills for pumping no doubt minimises the cost, but there is an element of uncertainty in their use which it is desirable to eliminate as far as possible, and consequently the suppl}'' of water should, wherever practicable, be by gravitation. The supply of water from wells (jccasions great cost in lifting, as a rule, and the su])ply is small in comjjarison to the quantity required, and is seldom profitable except for garden crops, or particularly remunerative ones, such as chilies in India. The direction therefore to which irrigation schemes sliould turn, is the regulation of the supply of water by storing it before it I'eaches the rivers and watercourses, thus reducing the risk of floods, and providing against deficiency in times of di'ought. The distribution of water so stored is a matter for subsequent consideration. In India, the periods of drought are ordinarily about six months. Here, they are usually about the same number of weeks ; the proportion of area to storage required here is consequently much less If storage is provided for the whole of the ai'ea under command, the construction of channels for distribution may to a great extent be postponed, as in most cases only a small proportion of the irrigable land is under cultivation ; and, although distribution through the natural channels is in most cases wasteful, this waste might at first be disregarded, and the channels could be constructed as more land comes under cultivation and the necessity for economy arises, while the increased area cultivated would enable the necessary funds for the work to be provided. It would very frequently be found also, that the first cost of storing the water, and thus securing a thoroughly satisfactory system of irrigation would be less, and it would very seldom exceed that of constructing weirs or anicuts on rivers of au}'^ size. It does not follow that weirs or anicuts are never desirable, but there is little doubt that in most cases storage is preferable, and that endeavours should be made to adopt this system wherever practicable. The first steps to be taken are, to note the various catchment basins, and to establish rain gauges in suitable places. Considerable care and judgment is requisite in Irrigation and Wuier Supply in Aaxt. Colonies. 23 selecting these situations, and experience in irrigation works is almost indispensable, so that wlien sites for leservoirs are selected, it may be possible to ascertain correctly the amount of rainfall which will be intercepted by the reservoir. The gauges should be of one pattern, and a uniform system of observation should be adoj)ted in every case. Care should be taken to note the largest rainfall in limited peiiods, from one hour upwards, as this is of the greatest conse- quence to enable propei- ]H'Ovision to be made for the discharge of the surplus water when the reservoir becomes full, as any deficiency in this respect is the principal source of danger to a resei'voir. Notice should likewise be taken of the longest periods of drought and rainfall, and the minimum and maximum rainl'all for extended and continuous pei'iods, so that the capacity of the reservoir may be determined — the object being to store sufficient water for any period of drought, together with sufficient to keep up a full supply before or after the drought, during any time that the rainfall alone is insufficient for the requirements. The next thing to be ob.served is the determination or the amount of I'un off corresponding to any i^articular rainfall in any district. This depends upon the nature ot the soil, the slope of the country, the ratio of rainfall to the time in which it falls, whether the land is under cultivation or not, whether it is bare or wooded, and other local peculiarities. Attempts have been made to reduce these to formulfe in particular instances, but so far no one has succeeded in finding any formulae or constants Avhich would be aj)plicable to difierent conditions. It is a subject u])on which very little is accurately known, and although the o-auoino- of rivers and streams would, to a o;reat extent, solve the question, the ordinary systems of ascertaining the velocity and discharge give results that are by no means reliable. To oive one instance, a river was gauo-ed in the ordinary way with fioats, and at the same time a series of observations were taken for every 10 ft. in bi'eadth and every 2 ft. in depth, by means of an electric current meter, and the results of the two seiies of experiments difiered by more than 25 per cent. The same sections of the river were used in each case, so that one element of uncertainty^ was wanting. Probably the latter was about as correct a i-esult as could be obtained for a large river where it was impossible to take the actual quantity of water that had passed in a certain time, and measure it ; but there is always some 2t Pi'oceadi i)(j-^ of the Royal Society of Victoria. amount of eri-ov iu the section of a river taken in a strong current, and with probably a varying level of water. Whether any correct proportion can be arrived at between observations' taken in this way, and tliose taken with floats in the ordinary manner, remains to be seen ; but as really rolial)lo results cannot be obtained without a very large nunil.)er of scientiticalh^ conducted experiments, it will lirobaltl}' be a long time before any very great progress is made in the gauging of rivers and streams, and as the cost of observ^ations taken in the way above named is very considerably greater than those taken in the ordinary manner, it is to be feared that this method will not be very generally practised. It would be very desirable if some arrangement could be made by which the various scientitic bodies, eno-ineers, and o-overnments would communicate to each other any observations that were made by them, and the results that each deduced from them. Meanwhile the ordinary observations should be made systematically, and by tlie very best operators obtainable, but even then it will be necessaiy to be guided a good deal by the opinions of those who from experience are able to estimate approximately the amount of rini off in proportion to the rainfall in different diotiicts and under different conditions. The next thing is to select the sites for reservoirs in comiection with tlie land to be iirigated. For this ])urpose men of special experience are required, as they must be able to choose sites favourable for the construction of reservoirs, judge approximately whether the rainfall over the catchment area would be sufficient to till it, whether if tilled it would provide foi' the irrigation of all the land under its command, and to do this they must be able to judge what land would be irrigable from it. The site for a reservoir should be selected to connnancl an area proportioned to its capacity, and the probable length of drought must also be taken into consideration. The de})th of the water sliould be great, so as to reduce the proportion of loss b}^ evaporation. The dam or bund to impound the water should be as short as possible, to save exj)ense. The foundation inust be carefully examined to see that it is suitable, and can be made water-tight. Notice must also be taken of what material is available for its construction, so as to determine whether it would be most advantageously constructed of earth or masonry. There must be a satisfactory site for Irrigation, and Water Supply in Colonies. 25 a weir or oversow, of such a length as would be necessary to carry off the maximum rainfall, and at a suitable level. It is also necessary to see that a suitable channel to carry oft the overflow, either exists, or can be constructed. Note must also be made of the land which is likely to be submerged, as in many cases this is an important factor in the practicability of the scheme. It must also be seen how the head works are to be constructed, and what provision can be made for the distribution of the water ; and also what facilities, or otherwise, thei'e are for the provision of a complete system of irrigation channels. In addition to all these items, it is necessary to consider whether the quantity of land under command is sufficient to comjiensate for the construction of the reservoir and channels, and whether the land immediately irrigable would give a return for the cost of the reservoir, and if n(jt, whether the prospects of additional land coming under irrigation are sufficient to compensate for any present deficiency, and the cost of pre]:)aripg land not previously irrigated for the reception of water must not be lost sight of; and in estimating the probable cost of the work, the accessibility of the site, or otherwise, the means of obtaining the supplies, and method of housing the men employed, must be taken into consideration. Having determined that on all the foregoing poiuts there is a balance in favour of the scheme, the surveys can be proceeded with. These will commence with contours at every 10 feet in height, so as to make svn'e whether the anticipations are so far correct as to render it worth while to proceed. This will be a very small expense, and it found satisfactory, the survey would be continued, and intermediate contours to ascertain the exact contents of the reservoir must be taken. For this purpose, contours every 5 feet will ordinarily be sufficient to prove indisputable that the storage capacity is sufficient for the area under command, and that the rainftill will suffice to fill it up to the height proposed for the weir, and to keep up the requisite supply. In case there has not been a fairly accurate survey of tlie drainage area, it may be necessaiy to survey this also ; but in cases where there is no doubt that the area is more than sufficient, or the rainfall is so heavy as to make certain of a sufficient su])ply, this may be postponed, uidess the site for the weir is restricted in length, in which case it should be done at once, in order to 26 Proceedmgs of the Rorjal Society of Victoria. see that sufficient waterway can be provided for tlie surplus water. After dealing with many other important considerations, Mr. Jennings said, with regard to the materials for construction, it will generally be found that if earth is obtainable wliich is not of too porous a nature, the cost will be less than stone, even if this is available on the spot. The supply of water during construction must also be taken into consideration, as the most satisfactory way of constructing an earthen dam is to water it and roll it in. layers of about 6 inches thick, this forms a stronger and more impervious dam than one with only a puddle wall in the centre. It is desirable, if possible, to face the side slope next the water with stone, and consequently it will have to be noted how near the site this can be procured. fStone or brick will be required for the head works, and in most cases for the weir, and the facilities for procuring brick earth must also be investigated, as well as the question of fuel for making bricks. Sometimes a site, which to an unexperienced eye appears most umpromising, turns out particularly desirable ; for instance, it may be possible to consti'uct a tunnel which will bring land under command which at first seems inaccessible, or a weir may be constructed by cutting- through rock wliich would be su{)posed to be too costly, until it is remembered that the stone excavated will be wanted for the head works and for facing the dam. A low spui* may run out from a range of hills, and it might appear as if the length of the dam would be excessive, but on investigation it may be found that this spur is just about the height of the dam proposed to be erected. But the discrimination of all these points can only be acquired by practise, united with natural capacity, and no theoretical knowledo-e will enable a man to select a site. To sum up, therefore, what is necessary to be done in order to carry out irrigation, and thus raise the value of land many-fold, it Avould ap])ear desirable that Government should take in hand the stoi'age of water, so as to avoid any jealousies and conflict of intej-ests. The storage should be on high ground, and well up the rivers or streams, as there can be no question as to the right of Government to intercept the rainfall of its own land, and numberless disputes may arise as to the proportion which may be intercepted ov taken from a river. All works of this description should be arranged so as to be reproductive Irrigation and \yater Supply in Aust. Colonies. 27 either immediately, or in the near future, and to make them so, either a charge for water should be made according to the quantity used, or the area irrigated, or else a charge on all land under command which could obtain water if the owners or occupiers wished to take it. Whether there should be different rates for pasture and cultivated lands need not just now be discussed. Investigations as to rainfall and discharge of rivers, &c., should be systematically and energetically proceeded with, bearing in mind, that the longer the period during which such observations are made, the more correct will be the results, and they should not therefore be postponed, until any juirticular work is about to be executed. The country should be examined by thoroughly experienced irrigation engineers, who should select sites which appear appropriate for the construction of reservoirs, and which command land which is, or is likely to come under cultivation. Some preliminary survey of tliese sites would be desirable, though not essential, as, if irrigation works are required in any particular district, and funds a]-e available, it would be preferable that these should be completely surveyed, and designs and estimates made, and wlien time permits, or funds are available, preliminar}' surveys of the rest can be curried out. If experienced men and money are still available, detailed surveys should be made, so that Government may have in their possession complete irrigation schemes for every part of the Colony, and they would be able to proceed at once whenever the necessity arose in any particular district. Although irrigation only is mentioned in the above remarks, they are intended to apply to the conservation of water wherever required for other purposes, the only modification being as to the command of land. The questions of the distribution of water and construction of the channels for the purpose, and the discussion of the manner in which the revenue should be raised to make the works reproductive, may be left for remark on a future occasion. Art. IV. — An Experiinent to slievj hovj the Earth is made to Gravitate toivards the Sun. By T. Wakelin. Art. V. — The Rabbit Question. By H. C. WiGG, M.D. Ed., F.R GS. Eng. [Eead March 8, 1888.] The loss and even desolation cansed in many parts of this country by the excessive multiplication of rabbits, and the great reward of £25,000 offered by New South Wales for their extirpation, have induced many efforts to discover a cui'e for the plague. Of these the most important has been that of M. Pasteur ; but his proposed remedy is so uncertain, and at the same time contains such elements of danger, that I have thought it right, as a matter of urgency, to direct the attention of the Royal Society to the subject. He liHS discovered that a certain virulent epidemic disease found in France and pai'ts of the Continent, and called the fowl cholera, can be easily communicated to rabbits, and with fatal effect. The poison of this disease he intends to scatter broadcast throughout the colonies, hoping in this maimer to destroy the rabbits everywhere. It is this scheme, the prospects of its success, and the grave risks attending it, that we liave to consider to- night. His plan is to obtain the microbe, which is the effective cause of the disease, to cultivate it in properl}'' prepared infusions, until he has multiplied each single particle of the poison into hundreds of millions, and then to spread it over the ground or over food prepared for the rabbits. The microbe is a living being, extremely minute, and found in The Rabbit Quedion. 29 the blood of diseased animals, and it is supposed that there is a special one for each form of disease. There is much difficulty ill saying whether it is vegetable or animal. It is now nearly forty years since microbes were first noticed by Davaine, but their real importance as factors in disease was not recognised thoroughly until 1877, when the celebrated paper of MM. Pasteur and Joubert was read before the Academy of Sciences. These o-entlemen selected anthrax, a disease affecting- men and cattle, callea in the first case " malignant pustule," and in the second " splenic fever," and showed that in the blood myriads of these little organisms were found, either as slender waving rods, or minute oval spores, or as curled filaments ; and also proved that the poison if it existed in these could be cultivated out of the body to an indefinite extent without losing any of its infectious virulence. The method was this : — A neutralised decoction of yeast in water was strained and heated so that all germs in it were destroyed, and a drop of the diseased blood was then placed in it. After a day or two it was full of the microbic growth, and a single drop let fall into a fresh quantity of yeast water produced a second crop, and so on. Of course the latter cultivations give the microbe free from any foreign matter, and it is from these that its form is best studied. Over fifty successive cultivations of the anthrax microbe have been made, and the last one was as virulent as the first. I spoke of the spores of the microbe. While the active form is very sensitive to degrees of heat (the typhoid microbe being very inactive at low temperatures, and the anthrax microbe inactive at high ones), the spores, the seeds as one might call them, which form when the protoplasm of the active plant is drying up, can endure the greatest heat and cold, and could be swept in dust storms from one end of the colony to another, carrying disease and death for thousands of miles. This should be borne in mind when we consider the proposal to carry on the experiments "safely" here within walled paddocks. We might as well build a post and rail fence to keep out the cholera, or attempt to enclose small- pox within open wire network. Even an island would not secure safety, for the germs might be blown across, or be carried on a boat, or on the clothes and hair of the experimenters. This is one of the great dangers — once admitted, the disease is practically uncontrollable. so Proccedlii.(j.'i of flic Royal Society of Victoria. There is another point that I will ask \^ou to bear in your minds, as upon it hinges all the value of the experiments held on sheep that we have received by a recent mail, and which are to prove that they could not be attacked by the disease. I quote the words of M. Valery Radot, M. Pasteur's son-in-law, and his recognised organ : — " Easily inoculable and fatal to the ox, the slieep, the rabbit and the guinea pig, splenic fever is very rare in the dog and pig. These must be inoculated several times before they contract the disease, and even then it is not always possible to produce it." He proceeds to state that fowls never take it, but that if they are artificially chilled they do take it easily — (the logic is not mine) — and it proves exceedingly fatal to them. Now all this simply .shows that under varying circum- stances of temperature and of intensity of the contagion, the microbe afiects different animals, including those rarely susceptible, and those supposed to he never susceptible to its infiuence. Now for the Rheims experiments, to which so much importance has been attached. A walled-in vine3'ard of 1 9 acres (8 hectares) was greatl}^ infested with rabbits, and when they had multiplied so much that there was not sufticent hei'bage left to keep them from starvation, the amiable old lady to whom the place belonged had them fed each day with hay and dry clover. After some time, however, even she found that it was too much and called in M. Pasteur, who saturated the food with his cholera-poisoned broth, and in two or three days there where hardly any of them left. That is, that famished rabbits within an enclo- sure and accustomed to artificial food one day find that food poisoned and die accordingly, a result that might safely have been predicted even by non-scientific people, and that is all. One reason why this experiment was not dangerous and, indeed, ^jrobably why it was allowed to be performed at all : it was not done in summei', and still less in the fierce heat and far sweeping dust storms of our plain; it was done in the depth of a French winter and amid falling snow. Again, he inoculates one or more sheep, and allows others to be in the fields with the poisoned rabbits, and says they cannot take it because they did not become infected then, but this, too, was done in the depth of winter ; and all know how much the action of zymotic poisons is affected by season and temperature. TJte Rabbit Questiov. 31 Information has been withheld as to what birds it attacks, and whether we may expect to lose our domestic poultry of every kind. It is, however, pretty certain that we should lose our native insectivorous birds, and with them the only res- traint we possess over locusts and grasshoppers, which, no longer unchecked as they are now, might become a plague fiir worse than the rabbits. But it will naturally be said, if such things happen here, how is it that they do not occur in France ? The answer to this question is twofold. In the lirst place, whenever a new disease falls upon virgin soil adapted to its growth, it extends with singular rapidity and virulence, and that whether the di.sease be in man, as small-pox, or in the earth as thistles and brambles. After a time, however and often after the most frightful ravages, the disease appears to have consumed either the whole or a very large portion of the special material required for its growth, and then either disappears altogether or is confined within moderate bounds. A most striking example of this is within the memory of all. In lS7-i King Thakombau left Fiji to pay a visit to the Governor of New South Wales at Sj^dney on the occasion of his cession of his realm to the British Crown. While there he contracted measles, a disease entirely unknown in Fiji, and unfortunately returning home before he was free from the microbes, these minute particles spread to his immediate attendants and grew and multiplied in them, till at last the di.sease swept like a storm over the islands and no fewer than 40,000 people out of that small population died from its affects. After four or five months the epidemic ceased in its virulent chai'acter, and now measles there is scarcely more severe than in Europe. In the same wa}', I am informed that the growth of the briar rose in Tasmania, which at one time threatened such great mischief to that colony, is now far more easily controlled than at first ; and that thistles in Victoria, partl}^ no doubt, through the special legislation, but partly also from the exhaustion of certain ingredients of the soil, are becoming greatly restricted in area. Now in France the plants, the animals, and the diseases have, for thousands of years, been adapting themselves to each other, and, if I might use a rather far-fetched simile, they have established a 7)iodus vivendi. Here we have new birds, new animals, a virgin soil and new climate conditions. Who can tell what results will 32 P roceed'Diys of tke Royal Society of Victoria. occur when these are brought into contact with a new choleraic disease ? Next, besides the fact that in France the choleraic microbe is on a worn out soil — worn out for its own purposes, I mean — we must remember that the frosts and snows and rains of the long winter there are unfavourable to the extension of the microbe, while in that country of small farms, where every range of trees, every growing field, acts as a filter, the conditions are totally dissimilar to those on our vast sweeps of plain, "growing weather" all through the win- ter, and dust winds raking the country sti'aight down from the rabbit infected fields to the fertile distiicts of the coast. Is there, then, any certainty as to what would be the result of the introduction here of this poison ? There is no certainty. Microbes of some of the most malignant diseases are sterile in certain countries ; thus, although typhus fever is endemic in England and Ireland, we have never had one case in Australia. It seems as if it could not live out here. And the poison of the yellow fever of America dies out rapidly in England. So it may be with the chicken cholera in the colonies, but that is only a I'emote chance, and — no one knows. Lastly, is there any reason why we should endanger our flocks, our green crops, the whole prosperity of tlie country, at a word from M. Pasteur ? He is a man who has done brilliant scientific work, especially in the diseases of silk- worms, the diseases of wine, and the investigation of zymotic disease, but who has the intensely French pasbion for pushing great ideas further than they will go. A few brief references to his last great work, the cure of hydrophobia, will illustrate my meaning, and at the same time give us a salutary caution as to believing too much of what we are vaguely and grandiloquently told about his successes. He attenuates the virus of mad dogs by passing it through the systems of a rabbit and a monkey, and then injects with modified cultures, usually from the monkey's brain, into men and dogs as a ])rotective and curative measure. For a year or two all went on well, and one enthusiastic writer even declared that he had " built (upon mad dogs) the eternal temj)le of his fame." Centres for mad dog vaccination were established at Vienna, Buda-Pesth, and half a dozen other towns ; and in March iy8(i, w^e find from the Lancet that 350 cases had been treated by M. Pasteur, and that but one death had occurred, and that in a case recognised as very serious from the beginning. On loth The Rabbit Quxdion. -33 May we find that three persons more have died from one set alone. On 1 2th June another is dead ; on 21st August a boy is dead ; on 28th August three more boys, two French and one English ; on 4th September a patient dies ; on 13th November another, and so on. Then at the end of December the statistics of the Pasteur Institute for the previous 14 months are published, and we find that 31 of the patients are dead ; but it is conclusively proved to us in the report by figures (which cannot lie) that during this ])eriod M. Pasteur had saved the lives of 163 of his patients. This was a truly great result, and would have excited much admiration had not Professor Peter, of the Hopital Necker, pointed out from the vital statistics that the average mortality for the whole of France before the discovery of the infallible cure was 30 per annum. And to obtain this result thousands of men and women, many nevei bitten by rabid animals at all, have been inoculated with the virus and are scattered all through France. The poison intended for us is now on the ocean, and scarcely a fortnight's sail from our shores. Two of M. Pasteur's assistants are on board the Guzco with large supplies of the choleraic microbe, and perhaps even the germs of other diseases as well. The opinion I offer to you, and which I hope that you, as the leading scientific body in Victoria, will confirm, is that our Government should immediately take steps to make not only the introduction but the use of these things highly penal. It seems to me that in trifling with such diseases we should be rushing blindly towards a precipice ; and what lies in the darkness beyond it no man living can say. J> Art. VI. — An Alphabetical List of the Genera and Species of Sponges described bij H. J. Carter, Esq., F.R.S., together with a Number of Ills More Important References to those of other AutJtors, with an Introductory Kotice. By Arthur Dendy, M. Sc, F.L.S. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Biology in the University of Melbourne. [Read June 14, 1888.] I. — Introductory Notice. Mr. Carter is, and has for a long time, been justly recog- nised as the oldest and most experienced of all those who have made a special study of the sub-kingdom Porifera, or Sponges. He produced his lirst paper on the subject, entitled " Notes on the Species, Structure, and Animality of the Freshwater Sponges in the Tanks of Bombay," whilst stationed at Bombay as a surgeon in the army. This paper was published in the " Transactions of the Bombay Medical and Physical Society " of 184^7 (No. 8), and was reprinted in the " Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Seiies 2, vol. I) in the following year. The last paper on the subject which appeared from his pen, on a collection of sponges from the Mergui Archipelago, was published only last year in the Journal of the Linnean Society of London, and in the same year he published four other papers in the " Annals and Magazine of Natural History." In the forty-one years from 1847 to 1887 (inclusive), Mr. Carter has published no less than 125 papers on sponges, a far greater number than any other author. These papers treat of nearly 800 distinct species of sponges, arranged under over 200 distinct generic names. By far the greater number of these 800 species ai-e described by Mr. Carter for the first time. Although both his first and last papers were published elsewhere, it was a very rare exception for Mr. Carter to publish anywhere except in the " Annals and Magazine of List of Sponges Described by H. J. Carter. 35 Natural History," which renders the study of Ids papers, and the production of such a list as the pi-esent, a Hir easier task than it would otherwise have been. It is much to be regretted, however, that Mi\ Carter has never been able to collect his numerous observations and bring them together in a more coherent form. As it is, they remain scattered about in a state of almost hopeless confusion through the 125 papeis above mentioned, and without the assistance of some such list as the present, it is 5 5) A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, 5, xvii, p. 49 xvii, ]). 50 „ megalorhapliis J) A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 368 „ nigrocutis )J A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 50 ,; stellifera )) A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 344 Amoi'pliino])sis excavans „ Jour. Linn. Soc. , vol. xxi, p. 77 Aphrocallistes beatrix A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 359 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 451 „ Bocagei A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 359' A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 450 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 199 Apliroceras asconoides Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 134 „ syconoides Aplysina aerophoba )» A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, 4, 5, xviii, p. 135 xvi, p. 191 ix, p. 270 ,, caespitosa „ capensis Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 4, xviii. p. 282 xvi, p. 192 viii, p. 110 „ carnosa A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 ,, cauliformis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 270 P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 18S4, p. 202 „ clialinoides Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 192 „ conipacta J) A.M.N.H. 5, viii, ]). 109 „ couipressa ,, corneostellata A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, 4, ix, p. 270 X, p. 105 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 ,, cruor >> A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 286 „ fenestrata A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 272 „ fusca Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 36 List of Spourjes Described by H. J. Carter. 39 A.M.N. H. 5. viii, p. 107 Aplysina incrustan.s Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 231 )) inflata 55 A.M.N.H. 55 viii, p. 108 >j Isevis 55 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 204 >j longissima 55 A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 271 J5 massa J> A.M.N.H. 55 xviii, p. 284 }} naevus 55 A.M.N.H. 45 xviii, p. 229 A.M.N.H. 55 xviii, p. 285 55 purpurea 55 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 36 A.M.N.H. 55 viii, p. 103 Ai-abescula parasitica 55 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 464 Ascaltis Lamarckii P. Acad. "Nat. Sci., Philad., 1844, p. 208 Ascetta clatbrus A.M.N.H. 5, xiv, p. 17 Askoneiiia setul.alense A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 361 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 368 Aulodictyon Woodwartlii A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 360 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 452 Axinella atropurpurea Carter A.M.N.H. 55 xvi, p. 359 )5 chalinoides 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 358 55 „ var. cribrosa ,, A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 377 J» _ „ „ glutino sa „ A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 359 J> cinnaniomea A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 55 cladoflagellata Carter A.M.N.H. 55 xviii, p. 37 r 55 coccinea 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 378 55 flabellata 55 A.M.N.H. b, xvi, p. 361 >5 melnniforuiis 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 362 55 pilifera 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 362 55 poly})oideb P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. 205 55 setacea Carter A.M.N.H. 55 xvi, p. 359 55 solida 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 362 55 stelliderma 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 360 55 ,, var. acerata ,, A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 360 55 villosa 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 361 )5 virgultosa 55 J' our. Linn. Soc ;., V ol. xxi, p. 68 55 ,, var. massa „ J( Dur. Linn. Soc ;., vol. xxi, p. 68 Axos anchorata J) A.M.M.H. 5, vii, p. 382 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 288 „ Cliftonii A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 „ libulata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 383 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 288 „ flabelliformis ;> A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 285 „ spinipoculum » A.M.N.H. 55 iii, p. 286 Azorica PfeitFeraj 55 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 439 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 442 A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 466 Battersl )ya Bucklandi A.M.N.H. 4. xvi, p. 199 40 Proceedings of the Royal Society of VictoHa. Cacospongia cavernosa A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 193 '.' ^P- Jour. Linn. 8oc., vol. xxi, p. 64 Carmia macilenta A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 276 Carteriospongia caliciformis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 221 Caulospongia plicata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 „ verticillaris A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 Cavochaliiia bilamellata A.M.N.H. ^ xvi, p. 287 ,, (ligitata var. arenosa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 281 Cellulophana pileata A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 258 Chalina coni}»ressa A.M.N.H. •■>, x,p. 112 ,. digitata var. arenosa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 280 „ inornata Midi; and Naturalist, vol. 3, p. 194 ,, oculata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 193 P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pliilad., 1884, p. 204 ,, ,, var. fibrosa Carter Jour. Linn. Soc !., vol. xxi, p. 66 „ „ „ repens >> A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 375 ,, pahnata A.M.N.H. ry, X, p. 109 ,, polycliotoma A.M.N.H. ^ xvi, p. 284 ,, „ var. anchorata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 289 „ „ angulata 3? A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 285 „ „ „ couipressa 5) A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 284 „ ,, ,, moniliformis 3) A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 285 „ ,, ,, oculata A.M.N.H. ^, xvi, p. 284 ,, „ „ robusta Carter A.M.N.H. •5, xvi, p. 285 „ ,, ,, tiichotoma )) A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 115 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 284 ,, rubens A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 276 „ seriata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 ., spinifera Carter Jour. Linn. Soc. , vol. xxi, p. 66 Chalinopsis clathrodes A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 195 Chondrilla australiensis Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 23 A.M.N.H. ^^, viii, p. 249 ,, distincta A.M.N.H. ^, viii, p. 249 „ embolopora A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 249 „ mixta A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 249 „ nucula A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 249 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 268 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 277 „ papillata A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 278 ., })hyllodes A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 249 „ sacciformis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 299 ,, secunda A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 277 Chondrocladia virgata A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 217 CLondropsis arenifera Carter A.M.N.H. 0, xvii, p. 122 Cliondrosia plebeja A.M.N.H. •5, viii, p. 248 ,, reniformis A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 248 List of Sponges Described by H. J. Carter. 41 Chondrosia spurca Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xix, p. 286 ,, tuberculata A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 248 Ciocalyptapenicillus var. aciculata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 366 „ Tyleri A.M.N.H. T), xvi, p. 366 Cladorhiza abyssicola A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 21(S „ var. corticocancellata Garter A.M.N.H. ^5 xviii, p. 319 Ciathria conipressa A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 195 „ oroides A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 195 Clathrina cavata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 502 „ clathrus A.M.N.H. 55 xiv, p. 17 ,, laniinoclatlirata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 509 „ latitubulata ?5 A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 515 ,, osculum )? A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 503 ,, primordialis A.M.N.H. •55 xvii, p. 510 „ sulphurea A.M.N.H. 55 xiv, p. 18 „ tripodifera Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 505 „ „ var. gravida „ A.M.N.H. 55 xvii, p. 507 „ veiitricosa J5 A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 512 Clioiia abyssorum J) A.M.N.H. 45 xiv, p. 249 A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 353 „ bacillifera Carter Jour. Linn. See. , vol. xxi, p. 76 „ caribbtea n A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 346 „ celata A.M.N.H. 45 xvi, p. 197 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 349 A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 353 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 458 „ corallinoides A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 353 „ ensifera A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 354 „ gracilis A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 353 ,, Howsei A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 353 „ lobata A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 353 „ mazatlanensis A.M.N.H. 5. ix, p. 353 „ mucronata A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 354 „ northumbrica A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 353 ,, subulata A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 354 „ vastifica A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 353 „ verinifera A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 353 „ Warreni Carter A.M.N.H. 55 vii, p. 370 Colviinnitis sqnamata A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 252 Cometella pyrula Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 388 „ simplex 55 A.M.N.H. 45 xviii, p. 395 Corallistes aculeata A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 143 ,, borealis 55 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 439 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 443 „ Bowerbankii A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 460 „ clavatella A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 438 42 Proceedings of tJte Royal Society of Victoria. Corallistes elegantioi- „ elegant issim a Carter „ microtuberculatus „ noli tangere „ poly discus „ typus ,, verrucosa Carter Cornulum textile ,, Corticium abyssi „ „ australiensis ,, , , candelabrum „ Kittonii Carter ,, parasiticum Carter „ plicatum ,, stelligerum ,, versatile ,, Wallichii Carter Coscinoderma lanuginosum ,, Crateromorpha Meyeri Cribrella hospitalis Dactylia cbaliniformis Carter „ impar „ ,, palmata ,, Dactylocalyx Bowerbankii „ Masoni „ polydiscus ,, Prattii ,, puniicea ,, pumiceus ,, siibglobosa Dactylocaly cites callodiscus Carter ,, ellipticus ,, A.M.N H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 5 , vi, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii P- A.M.N.H. 4 xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii. P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 5, yi, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xviii. P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii P- A.M.N.H. 4, xyi, P- A.M.N.H. 5, viii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, P- A.M.N.H. 4. xyi, P- A.M.N.H. 5, viii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xiy, P- A.M.N.H. 5, viii. P- A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, P- A.M.N.H. 5, viii. P- A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. A.M.N.H. 5, viii, P- A.M.N.H. 5, iii, P- A.M.N.H. 5, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 5, XV, P- A.M.N.H. 4, X, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii. P- A.M.N.H. 4 xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xviii. P- A.M.N.H. 5, XV, P- A.M.N.H. ^\ XV, P- A.M.N.H. 5, XV, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii. P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii. P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii. P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii. P- A.M.N.H. 4, xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4 xvi, p. A.M.N.H. 4 xii, P- A.M.N.H. 4 vii, P- A.M.N.H. 4 vii, P- Li' tituliaus A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 197 Dictyocjliiidrus abyssi Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 29 fi abyssorum 11 A.M.N.H. 4. xviii, p. 232 )) aceratus ,, Jour. Linn. Soc ., vol. xxi, p. 67 J5 anchorata 11 A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 251 J> cacticutis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 354 5> dentatus A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 5> hisjiidus A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 Jou r. Linn. Soc, . vol . xxi, p. 66 53 laciniatus Carter A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 296 JJ iiianaarensis 11 A.M.N.H. •'>, vi, p. 37 )J liiuiforniis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 354 11 jtiiinatitidus 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 353 11 Pykii ') A.M.N.H. ^1 iii, p. 297 11 ram OS us A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 195 11 reticiilatus Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 377 11 sessilis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 38 11 simplex 11 A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 234 11 Yickersii A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 292 11 virgultosus A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 234 Discodermia aspei-a Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 147 11 laM idiscus 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vi. p. 149 11 papillata 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 146 11 2 )oly discus A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 462 11 sceptrellifera Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 372 11 siuuosa 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 372 11 s]>inispirulifera 11 A.M.N.H. •5, vi, p. 148 Donatia auiantiuni A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 11 ly ucurium A.M.N.H 5, ix, p. 358 Jou) r. Linn. Soc, vol . xxi, p. 77 11 multifida Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 358 Dotona pu Icliella 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 57 l)ysidea '. antiqua 11 A.M.N.H. 5, i, p. 139 ,, chaliniformis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 217 11 fn igilis A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 193 44, Froceedinf/s of the Royal Society of Victoria. Dysidea hirciniformis ,, Kirkii A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, A.M.N.H. 5, XV, Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xv, A.M.N.H. 5, vii, A.M.N.H. 5, XV, ramoglomerata Carter Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, ,, var. granulata ,, Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, ,, „ ramotubulata ,, Jour. Linn. >Soc., vol. xxi, tenerrima Carter P. Acad. Nat. 8ci.,Philad., 1884, tubulosa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 232 p. 215 p. 217 p. 374 p. 216 p. 64 p. 65 p. 65 p. 203 p. 275 Echinoclathria favus „ var. arenifera „ gracilis ,, nodosa „ subhispida „ tenuis Echinonema anchoratum ,, csespitosa ,, flabelliformis „ incrustans „ pectiniformis „ typicuni ,, vasiplicata Ecioneniia conipressa ,, nana Ectyon cylindricus ,, flabelliformis ,, mauritianus ,, sparsus Ectyonopsis raniosa Esperia borassus ,, Cunningliami ,, cupressiforniis „ „ var. bihamatifer „ „ ,, haniatifera ,, indica „ laevis ,, obscura ,, parasitica ])lacoides ])lun)osa A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N, A.M.N. A.M.N. A.M.N, Carter A.M.N, A.M.N. A.M.N, A. M.N. A.M.N, A.M.N A.M.N Carter A.M.N, A.M.N. A.M.N, A.M.N, a „ A.M.N A.M.N „ Jour. Linn. A.M.N A.M.N A.M.N A.M.N Carter A.M.N A.M.N Jour. Linn. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. .H. .H. Soc, H. ,H. ,H. .H. H. .H. Soc, XVI, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. vii, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. xvi, p. vii, p. X, p. XI, p. xi, p. xii, p. xii, p. xii, p. vii, p. xvi, p. ix, p. xii, p. 4, xviii, p. 5, ix, p. 4, xiv, p. 4, xviii, p. 4, xviii, p. vol. xxi, p. 5, ix, p. 5, ix, p. 5, XV, p. .5, xviii, ]t. 4, xviii, p, 5, ix, p, vol. xxi, p. 292 350 356 356 356 355 379 352 352 353 353 195 378 114 362 362 314 311 310 270 195 281 315 317 300 215 318 471 72 291 299 108 455 316 299 79 List of Sponries Described by H. J. Carter. 45 Esperia serratohaniata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 49 ,, socialis )j A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 276 „ tunicata A.M.KH. 5, vi, p. 49 „ villosa Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 213 Esperiopsis villosa >' A.M.N.H. 5. ix, p. 296 Esperites giganteus )» A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 131 A.M.X.H. 4, xviii, p. 459 „ haldonensis Carter A.M.KH. 4, vii, p. 131 Euplectella aspergillum A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 359 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 366 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 199 „ cucumer A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 362 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 367 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 200 Eurete ftim'eopsis Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xix, p. 122 Euspongia anfractuosa )5 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 316 „ CO 111 pacta 1> A.M.N.H. •5, x, p. 106 „ infundibuliformis >5 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 374 Fanea densa >» A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 463 ,, facunda A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 454 ,, fecunda A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 360 ,, infundibularis Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 360 „ infundibuliformis »> A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 448 ,, occa A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 360 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 454 A.M.N.H. ^ XV, p. 388 Fibularia niassa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 282 „ ramosa j> A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 283 Jour. Linn. Soc, , vol . xxi, p. 71 Fibulia carnosa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 51 Forcepia colonensis jj A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 248 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 110 A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 53 „ crassanchorata )! A.M.N.H. •5, XV, p. Ill Geelongia vasiformis >> A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 120 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 306 Geodia arabica )) A.M.N.H. 4, iv, p. 4 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 „ areolata >> A.M.N.H. '% vi, p. 133 ,, canaliculata A.M.N.H. 5, xi, p. 346 „ gibberosa A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 364 „ globostellifera Carter A.M.N.H. •'>, vi, p. 134 ,, megastrella J) A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 400 „ ,, var. Irevispina jt A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 401 ,, nodastvella »> A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 397 4G Proceed In (J K of Ihv Royal Societij of Victoria. Geodia perarmata A.M.N. H. 5, vi, p. 131 ,, lamodigitata Caiter A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 133 „ tuberculosa A.M.N.H. .}, ix, p. 364 P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1S84, p. 208 „ tumulosa A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 362 „ zetlandica A.M.N.H. 4, .\vi, p. 198 Geodites lialdonensis Carter A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 129 Gompbites Partittii „ A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 127 ,, parviceps „ A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 127 Grantia ciliata Midland, vol. iii, p. 19.5 ,, ,, A-ar. spinisj>icu]um Carter A.M.N.H. .i, xiii, p. 156 „ „1 var. spinispicnlum ,, A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 468 „ clatlirus A.M.N.H. ."), xiv, p. 17 „ conipressa Midland Nrttur; vol. iii, p. 19-5 A.M.N.H. .'), xviii, p. 37 „ „ var. fistuiata Carter A.M.N.H. .5, xviii, j). 3" „ subhispida ,, A.M.N.H. ."), xviii, p. 36 „ tesselata Midland, vol. iii, p. 195 Grayella cyathophora Carter A.M.N.H. 4, iv, p. 190 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 251 Guitarra fimbriata ,, A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 210 Gumraina ecaudata A.M.N H. 5, viii, p. 248 „ gliricauda A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 248 Wallichii Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 252 Habrodictyon corbicula A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 861 ,, speciosnni A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 361 Halichondria abyssi Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 245 A.MN.H. 4, xviii, p. 315 „ aceratospiculuni ,, A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 49 ,, a;gagro})i]a A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 197 „ albescens A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 48 „ Vnrotulata A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 52 Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. 72 „ carnosa Phil. Trans. Poy. 8oc., vol. clxviii, p. 287 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 353 , conipressa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 450 ficus A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, jd. 197 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 353 „ foliata A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 310 ,, forcipis A.M.N.H. 4. xiv, p. 246 „ ,, var. bulbosa Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 312 „ Hyndniani A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 197 „ incrustans A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 197 P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pliilad., 1884, p. 206 „ infre(]uens Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 369 List of Sponges Described by H. J. Carter 47 Halicliondi'ia isodictyalis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix p. 285 A.M.N.H. 5, xvii p. 52 )» niaculans A.M.N.H. 45 xvi p. 195 >) palmata A.M.N.H. ^5 xvi, p. 194 ?5 panicea A.M.N.H. 4, xvi. p. 196 Phi . Trans. Roy. Soc, V ol. clxviii, p. 286 Midland Naturalist, vol. iii, p. 194 P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. 206 Jour. Linn. Soc , vol. xxi p. 69 5) phlyctenocles Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 314 ?5 plumosa A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 195 Phil . Trans. Roy. Soc, V o\. clxviii, p. 287 A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 368 )5 pustulosa Carter A.M.N.H. 55 ix, p. 285 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 450 >> sanguinea A.M.N.H. 45 xvi, p. 197 Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, V ol. clxviii, p. 287 P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. 208 JJ scabida Carter A.M.N.H. •5, XV, p. 112 A.M.N.H. 55 xviii , p. 449 >} seriata A.M.N.H. 45 xvi, p. 196 3J simulaus A.M.N.H. 45 xiv. p. 331 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 3} stelliderma Carter A.M.N.H. 55 xviii, p. 451 5) suberea A.M.N.H. 45 xvi, p. 197 5) suberia A.M.N.H. 55 ix. p. 353 Halicneni ia patera A.M.N.H. 4, xvi. p. 198 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 357 Halisarca ascidiarum Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 273 5) australiensis 55 A.M.N.H. 5, XV5 p. 197 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 273 )> ,, var. arenacea „ A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 277 5) bassangustianim 55 A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 373 >> cruenta 55 A.M.N.H. 4, xviii. p. 228 A.M.N.H. 5, viii. p. 247 J> Dujavdinii A.M.N.H. 4, xvi. p. 191 A.M.N.H. 5, viii. p. 245 J> guttula A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 246 55 lobularis A.M.N.H. 4, xiii, p. 434 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 A.M.N.H. 55 viii, p. 245 5> ,, purpurea A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 246 55 mimosa A.M.N.H. 55 viii, p. 246 55 reticulata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 274 55 rubitingeiis 55 A.M.N.H. 55 vii, p. 366 55 tessellata 55 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii. p. 275 Halispongia clioanoides A.M.N.H. 45 xvi. p. 192 48 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Halispongia Mantelli A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 193 5> veil trie 11 loides A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 193 Hemiasterella affinis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 147 11 - tyims „ A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 146 Heterop ia couii)ressa 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 51 11 erectu 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 53 ) > iiiaceia 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 50 11 patulosculifera 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 49 11 pluiiosculifera 11 A.M.N.H. f>, xviii, p. 52 11 polyperistoniia )) A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 47 11 spissa )) A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 54 Hexactinella ventilabium A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 397 Higginsia coralloides P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. 205 11 ,, var. niassialis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 357 11 „ „ natalensis „ A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 293 11 lunata 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 358 Hircinia I aruiidiiiacea A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 36 n caiacasensis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 273 11 clatlirata 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 366 11 communis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 314 11 flabellopalmata 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 313 11 flagelliforniis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 372 11 fusca 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 36 11 intertexta 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 120 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 312 11 panicea A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 192 11 pulchra Carter A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 314 )) rectilinea A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 373 11 solida Carter A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 310 11 tubulosa Carter P. Acad. ! Nat. 8ci., Philad.. ,1884, p. 203 11 typica A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 192 11 variabilis A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 192 11 sp. Jour. Liuu. Soc, , vol 1. xxi, p. 63 Histodernia apijentliculatuni Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 220 Histiodernia polymasteides 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 453 11 verrucosum 11 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 452 Holasterella confeita 11 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 211 11 _ Wright ii A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 141 Holopsamuia crassa )j A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 211 11 fuligiiiosa 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 213 11 la? vis 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 212 11 lamiiifefavosa 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 212 11 turbo 11 A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 213 Holtenia L Carpenteii A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 362 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 372 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 199 »> Pourtulesii A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 361 Lht of Sponges Described hy H. J. Gaiicr. 4!) A.M.N.H. i, xii, p. 370 Hyalonema cebuense A.M.N.H. i, xvi, p. 199 It lusitanicuni A.M.N.H. i, xii, p. 362 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 199 J) Sieboldii A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 302 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 199 A.M.N.H. T', XV, p. 387 J) Smithii A.M.N.H. '"^ i, p. 129 Hymedesmia capitatostelliferi ,, Johnstoni 1 Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 53 4, vi, p. XVI, p. 51 197 jj Moorei Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 50 spinatostellifera stellivarians •3 ?3 A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, •53 vi, p. vi, p. 51 50 5J ^ trigonostellata 33 A.M.N.H. •5, vi, p. 52 Hymeniacidon angulata „ Bucklandi A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. ^3 4, ix, p. xvi, p. 352 199 j> carnosa A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 353 )) niacilenta A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 27G A.M.N.H. ^3 xvi, p. 197 » plumosa Midland Naturalist, a- ol. iii, p. 194 35 J) pulvinatus sanguiiiea A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, 4, ix, p. XVI, p. 350 197 ^Midland Naturalist, v ol. iii, p. 195 )> suberia Midland Naturalist, vol. iii, jx 195 Hymeraphia microcionides Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 390 5J spiniglobata stellifera 5) A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, 4, iii, p. xvi, p. 301 195 53 vermiculata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 33 „ var. erecta Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 307 33 verticil lata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 321 Hymerhaphia clavata A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 46 )) eruca Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 46 A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 368 ,, unispiculum „ A.M.N.H. ,, vermiciilata var. erecta Carter A.M.N.H 5, • 5, vi, p. , yi, j>. 45 46 Hypograntia extusarticulata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 43 33 hirsuta 33 A.M.N.H. •5? xviii, p. 41 33 35 infrequens intusarticulata 33 33 A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, 5> xviii, p. xviii, p. 39 45 33 medioarticulata 33 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 46 35 sacca A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 42 lanthella (flabelliformis) A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 Iphiteon Isodictya paiiicea mirabilis A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 4. 4, xii, p. x\"i, ]). 357 196 33 Xormani Midland Naturalist, vol. iii, p. E 194 50 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Isodictya rosea A.^I.N.H. 4, xvi, \\ 196 Phil. Trans. Eoy. Soc, vol. clxviii, p. 286 ,. simulaus vav. cancellata Carter Jour. Linn. 8oc., vol. xxi, p. 69 „ ., „ sub. var. albida Carter Jour. Linn. 8oc., vol. xxi, p. 69 „ „ „ sub. var. fusca Carter Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. 69 Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. 70 Jour. Linn.Soc.,vol. xxi,p. 70 A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 310 A.M.N.H. 4, x^d, p. 196 ,, ,, incrustans ,, ,, tubuloramosa spinispiculuni vai'ians Kaliapsis cidaris A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 438 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 441 Labaria heraisphairica A.M.N.H. 4, xi, p. 275 A.M.KH. 4, xii, p. 362 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 373 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 200 Lacinia stelliiica A.M.N.H. 5. viii, p. 249 Latruncula corticata Carter A.M.N.H. •5, iii, p. 298 Latrunculia corticata >? A.M.N.H. ■\ viii, p. 252 jj A.M.N.H. ."), ix, p. 355 „ cratera A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 396 ,, purpurea Carter A.M.N.H. •'"', vii, p. 380 Leiodeiiuatiuni lynceus A.M.N.H. 4, xii. p. 439 „ raniosuni A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 439 Lelapia australis A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 138 A.M.N.H. '^, xviii, p. 148 Leucaltis floridana vai-. aust raliensis Carter A.M.N.H. 5. xviii, p. 145 Leucetta clatlnata j> A.M.N.H. 5, xi, p. 33 Leuconia compacta >5 A.M.N.H. T), xviii, p. 144 ,, echinata )) A.M.N.H. •', xviii, p. 129 „ erinaceus >J A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 130 „ Hstulosa var. australiensis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 127 ,, John.stonii A.M.N.H. 4, viii, p. 3 ,, ,, var. australiensis ,, A.M.N.H. T), xviii, p. 133 „ hispida }5 A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 128 „ lobata )J A.M.N.H. T), xviii, p. 143 ,, inultifida A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 1 4 1 „ nivea var. australiensis „ A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 131 Leucophla?a massalis 5» A M N.H. T), xvi, p. 366 Leucophheus corapressus 7» AM.N.H. 0, xii, p. 324 „ massalis ?3 A 3] N.H. ^ xii, p. 323 Leucosolenia contorta Midla nd Naturalist, vol. iii, p. 195 List of 8'pongefi Described by H. J. C irter. 51 Leucosolenia coriacea A.M.N.H. 5, xiv, J). 17 5> lacunosa var. Hillieri Cartel I- A.M N.H. 5, xiv, p. 24 Lithospongites Kittonii )i A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 439 Luborairskia bacillifera A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 103 5» baicalensis A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 103 J? papyracea A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 104 Luffaria caulifonnis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 268 }■> „ var. elongo-reticulata ,. A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 269 jj ,, „ rufa J) A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 269 5> digitata 7; A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 201 f1 fistularis A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 » raniosa Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 J) sessilis 5? A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 191 MacAndrewia azorica A.M.N.H. 4. xii, p. 438 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 441 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 199 Macandi 'ewia azorica A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 464 Melonanchora elliptica Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 212 Meyenia . anonym a )) A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 95 5J Baileyi A.M.N.H. ^ vii, p. 95 J> Capewelli A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 93 J? fluviatilis A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 92 » „ var. augustibirotulata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 454 >J ,, „ gracilis ,, A.M.N.H. 5. xvi, p. 180 ;5 gregaria A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 91 >j Leidii A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 91 }) plumosa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 94 Meyerina clavreformis A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 200 >j claviformis A.M.N.H. 4, X, p, 110 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 362 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 372 Microciona acerato-obtusa Carter Jour. Linn. Soc.,vol.xxi,p. 67 >j atfinis j> A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 41 >> armata A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. 457 » A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 40 >> atrosanguinea A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 195 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 40 » bulboretorta Carter A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 41 >j curvispiculifera J' A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 43 j» fascispiculifera jj A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 44 »> intexta )? A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 238 jj jecusculum A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 237 )> longispiculum Cai'ter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 237 >» plana jj A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 238 >7 plumosa Midland Naturalist, vol. iii, p. 1 94 E 2 52 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Microciona pusilla Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 239 „ quadriradiata J? A.M.N.H. •^ vi, p. 42 „ quinqueradiata ;> A.M.N.H. ■\ vi, p. 43 Monanchora clathrata 5) A.M.N.H. •^5 xi, p. 369 Monilites haldonensis » A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 132 „ quadriradiatus 55 A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 132 Myliusia callocyathes A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 358 „ Grayi A.M.N.H. 4. xii, p. 359 A.M.N.H. 4, xix, p. 126 Ophiraphidites tortuosus Carter A.M.N.H. 45 xviii, p. 458 Osculina polystomella A.M.N.H. •5, viii, p. 251 Pachastrella aljyssi A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 199 „ amygdaloides Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 406 „ geodioides j> A.M.N.H. ■i, xviii, p. 407 „ intexta 55 A.M.N.H. ^5 xviii, p. 409 „ parasitica ?) A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 410 A.M.N.H. ■h vi, p. 60 „ stellettodes JJ A.M.N.H. •^, XV, p. 403 Pachymatisma Johnstonia A.M.N.H. 4, iv, p. 8 ,, Johnstonii A.M.N.H. ^5 xvi, p. 198 Paraspongia laxa Carter A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 318 Parmula Batesii A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 99 ,, Brownii A.M.N.H. ^"^5 vii, p. 99 Patuloscula procumbens Carter A.M.N.H. .5, ix, p. 365 A.M.N.H. ■^, xvi, p. 286 „ „ var. flabelliform is ,, A.M.N.H. o, xvi, p. 286 Periphragella Elisae A.M.N.H. ■^, XV, p. 394 Phakellia brassicata Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 363 ,, crassa 5) A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 363 „ fiabellata 55 A.M.N.H. o, x^'i, p. 363 „ infundibulifoniiis A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 240 „ papyracea Carter A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 379 „ ramosa 55 A.M.N.H. •55 xii, p. 318 ,, ventilabrum A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 239 ,, villosa Carter A.M.N.H. '5 5 xviii, p. 379 Pheroneiiia Annae A.M.N.H. ^5 xii, p. 362 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 372 „ Grayi A.M.N.H. -i, xii, p. 362 A.M.N.H. ^5 xii, p. 372 Pbloeodictyon birotuliferum Carter A.M.N.H. '^, xviii, p. 447 ,, cobserens 55 A.M.N.H. ^ xviii, p. 446 „ bondurasensis 55 A.M.N.H. ^ x, p. 122 „ isodictyiforme 55 A.M.N.H. •5, X, p. 122 Jour. Linn. Soc. vo . xxi, p. 69 List of Si^onges Described by H. J. Carter. 53 Phloeodictyoii uululiformis Carter „ singaporense ,, ,, vasiforrais ,, Phorbas amaranthus ,, anchoraia Carter , fibulata ,, Phycopsis fruticulosa ,, ,, hirsuta „ Placospongia luelobesioides Plumohalichondria arenacea Carter ,, mamniillata ,, „ microcionides ,, ,, plumosa var. purpurea ,, Podospongia Lovenii Polymastia bicolor Carter „ ,, var. crassa ,, ,, ,, glomerata ,, ,, massalis „ ,, stipitata „ Pseudoceratiiui crateriformis „ ,, durissima ,, „ typica „ Pseudoesperia enigmatica ,, Pseudohaliehondria clavilobata ,, Ptilocauli.s gracilis ,, rigidus „ Pulvillus Thoiiisouii ,, Purisiphonia Clarkei Racodiscula asteroides Carter Radiella spinularia Ilaphiophora patera Raphyrus Griffithsii A.M.N.H. A.M.KH. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.KH. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, ^ 5, 4, 5, .% 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, ■5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, .^, 5, 4, 4, 4, Philad. X, xii, ix, ix, ix, xii, xii, xvi, ix, xvi, xvi. xviii, p. xviii, p. xviii, p. xvii, p. xvii, p. xvii, p. xvii, p. xviii, p. XV, XV, xviii, xviii, xviii, xii, xii, i, h XV, xvi, xvi, xvi, 1884, P. Acad. Nat. Sci „ ., var. ramotubulata Carter P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. Reniera calyx A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. A.M.N.H. 5, X, p. Carter A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. A.M.N.H. 5, x, p. Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. fibulata A.M.N.H. 4, xiv, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. crassa cruteriformis digitata 123 326 123 287 288 288 320 319 198 53 357 367 355 236 376 396 119 120 119 121 393 205 204 287 455 454 321 322 137 376 400 198 197 197 207 207 196 124 312 115 71 287 205 250 196 284 5-i Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Reniera fibulifera A.M.N.H. j^ vi, p. 48 „ vasiformis Carter A.M.N.H. r. xviii, p. 445 Rhaphidhistia spectabilis jj A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. f,' iii, p. 300 ix, p. 354 „ vermiculata ?) A.M.N.H. _r, i, p. 140 Rhaphidotheca affinis ,, J. R. Micro. Soc, „ Marshall-Hallii J. R. Micro. Soc, vol. ii, p. 497 vol. ii, p. 498 Rhaphiodesma floreutn Rhaphiophora patera Rhaphyrus Griffithsii Midland Naturalist, v A.M.KH. 5, A.M.N.H. 0, ol. iii, p. 195 ix, p. 349 ix, p. 349 Rhizochalina caroita A.M.N.H. 5, X, p. 121 „ oleracea A.M.N.H. 5, X, p. 121 Rinalda uberrima A.M.N.H. h xvi, p. 198 Rossella antarctica Carter A.M.N.H. i, ix, p. 414 A.M.N.H. +, xii, p. 361 A.M.N.H. 4, XV, p. 114 ,, })hilippinensis A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 4, 4, xii, p. 361 xii, p. 370 „ philippensis ,, velata A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 4, 4, XV, p. 118 xii, p. 361 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 370 A.M.N.H. 4, XV, p. 120 Samus anonynia A.M.N.H. '"', iii, p. 350 A.M.N.H. 5, viii, p. 250 ,, anonyinus „ complicatus Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. vi, p. 59 vi, p. 61 „ parasiticus „ simplex !> ?» A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 60 vi, p. 60 Sarcocornea nodosa )) A.M.N.H. ^ XV, p. 214 Sarcomella medusa A.M.N.H. r>, viii, p. 251 Sarcotragus foetidus A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 193 Schmidtia clavata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 Semisuberites arctica Carter A.M.N.H. 4, XX. p. 39 Spirastrella cunctatrix A.M.N.H. ^ ix, p. 351 A.M.N.H. •'^, xvii, p. 113 Joui L'. Linn. Soc, vol 1. xxi, p. 75 ,, ,, var. porcai yd Cartel • A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 115 ,, „ „ robusta „ A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 114 Spongelia avara P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. 203 ,, incrustaiis A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 193 ,, pallescens A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 232 „ stellidermata Carter A.M.N.H. i5. XV, p. 219 Spongia aculeata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 „ agaricina A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 „ cancellata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 ,, clavata A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 196 List of Sponges^ Described by H. J. Garter. 55 Spongia compressa „ coriacea „ Dysoni ,, muricata ,, officinalis „ othahetica „ villosa Spongilla alba „ bombayensis „ Carteri ,, cerebellata „ cinerea ,, erinaceus „ fluviatilis ,, „ vai\ Parfitti ,, fragilis ,, friabilis ,, lacustris „ Lordii „ Mackayi „ Meyeni „ „ var. Parfitti ,, multifoi'is ,, navicella „ nitens ,, paiipercula „ plumosa ,, sceptrifera Spongionella Holdswortliii Stelletca aeruginosa „ aspera „ australiensis ,, bacillifera ,, ,, var. robusta „ crassicula ,, discophora ., euastrura A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. Jour. Linn. Sec, A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. „ A.M.N.H. „ A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. Carter A.M N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. ., Jour. Linn, Soc A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 5, xiv, p. 17 5, ix, p. 350 4, xvi, p. 194-5 4, xvi. p. 192 4, xviii, p. 231 .5, ix, p. 272 vol. xxi, p. 63 4, xvi, p. 193 4, xvi, p. 194 2, iv, p. 83 2, XX, p. 21 5, vii, p. 88 5, X, p. 369 5, vii, p. 86 5, vii, p. 88 2, iv, p. 82 5, vii, p. 26^5 5, vii, p. 91 4, xvi, p. 199 5, vii, p. 93 5, vii, p. 93 5, XV, p. 18 2, iv,p. 83 5, vii, p. 87 5, vii, p. 89 5, XV, p. 19 2, iv, p. 84 5, vii, ]). 93 4, i, p. 247 5, vii, p. 88 5, vii, p. 87 5, vii, p. 89 5, vii, p. 86 2, iv, p. 85 5, vii, p. 93 4, xvi, p. 193 5, xvii, p. 123 4, vii, p. 7 4, xvi, p. 1 98 5, xi, p. 350 ,, vol. xxi, p. 78 5. xi, p. 351 5, xvii, ]i. 123 5, vii, p, 371 4, xvi, p. 19S 4, xvi, p. 19s 50 F roceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 135 Stelletta geotlides Carter A.M.N.H. •">, xvii, p. 125 7) globostellata J J A.M.KH. '^, xi, p. 353 >> Grubii A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 It lactea Carter A.M.N.H. -t, vii, p. 9 A.M.N.H. i, xvi, p. 198 >J mauiniilliformis j> A.M.N.H. •^ xvii, p. 124 n ocliracea J) A.M.N.H. '57 xviii, p. 458 5» pachastrelloides jj A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 403 1 1 reticulata n A.M.N.H. •5, xi, p. 352 t1 tethyopsis >> A.M.N.H. ^\ vi, p. 137 Stellettinopsis coriacea )) A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 126 ,, corticata )» A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 348 5> lutea >» A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 45D >J purpurea :■) A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 459 ?7 simplex ly A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 349 A.M.N.H. '"J, xvii, p. 126 5) tuberculata ,, A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 126 Stelletites haldonensis jj A.M.N.H. 4, vii, p. 129 Stelospoiigus cribi-ocrusta M A.M.N.H. ^ xviii, p. 371 >» flabelliforuiis >) A.M.N.H. •'>, XV, p. 305 >) levis A.M.N.H. ^■^7 XV, p. 303 jj tuberculatus Carter A.M.N.H. '''7 XV, p. 306 Suberites angulo.spiculatus j> A.M.N.H. •^, iii, p. 346 )i antarcticus J5 A.M.N.H. •'5, ix, p. 350 jj appendiculatus A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 )? biceps Carter A.M.N.H. '5, xvii, p. 117 >? capensis )> A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 350 J? carnosa Jour. Linn. 8oc., vol . xxi, p. 74 ).• carnosus A.M.N.H. •">, xviii, p. 456 j> coronarius Carter A.M.N.H. 0, ix, p. 352 Jour. Linn. See, , vol . xxi, p. 74 5> douiuncula A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 197 A.M.N.H. 0, ix, p. 353 ?? fistulatus Carter A.M.N.H. r>, vi, p. 53 A.M.N.H. '^, vii, p. 370 A.M.N.H. ^ ix, p. 354 5? flabellatus 7? A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 117 17 fuliginosus 5; A.M.N.H. '"5, iii, p. 347 A.M.N.H. <">, ix, p. 354 » globosa >7 A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 116 J> insignis 77 A.M.N.H. '% xvii, p. 118 JJ niassa A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. 391 A.M.N.H. ;■), ix p. 351 5> nioutalbidus Carter A.M.N.H. .'i, vi, p. 256 A.M.N.H. ^ ix. p. 353 J» montiniger 77 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 256 List of Sponfjes Described by H. J. Cmier. 57 Suberites parasitica ,, spinispirulifer „ spinispirulifera ,, stflligerus „ tiincomaliensis ,, vestigium „ Wilsoni ,, ,, var. albidus Sycandra Ramsayi Sycon rhaphanus Sycothaninus alcyoncelluin Sympagella nux Taonura fiabellifonuis Tedania digitata „ ,, var. verrucosa Teichonella labyrintliica „ prolifera Terpios can-ulea „ fugax Tethea muricata Tethya antarctica ,, arabica „ atropurpurea ,, casula Carter Jour Carter A.M.KH. 5, ix, p. A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. A.M.N.H. 5, X, p. . Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. A.M.N.H. 5, XV, p. A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. ,, A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. Midland Naturalist, a^oI. iii, p. xY.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. Carter Carter Carter A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.Pt. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. X, p. xvii, p. xvii, p. ii, p. xviii, p. ii, p. xviii, p. ix, p. ix, p. ii, p. ix, p. Cliftoni cranium ,, var. abyssorum Carter ., ,, australiensis ,, ,, ,, infi'erpiens ,, „ robusta dactyloidea lyncurium Pliil. Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. clxviii, p. Carter A.M.N.H. 4, iv, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. A.M.N.H. 4, vi, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. „ A.M.N.H. 4, viii, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xviii, p. Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. A.M.N.H. 4, iii, p. A.M.N.H. 4, ix, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. A.M.N.H. 4, iv, p. A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1884, p. 3.5.3 119 345 456 124 74 52 113 116 116 35 195 38 361 368 108 52 53 37 38 35 146 355 355 174 412 287 3 198 176 198 99 198 122 198 405 127 405 79 15 82 198 79 7 198 208 58 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Tethya merguiensis Cax-ter A.M.N.H. 5, xi, p. 366 Joiir. Linn. Soc, vol. xxi, p. 80 „ sphaerica A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 360 „ stipitata Carter A.M.N.H. •5, xviii, p. 460 ,, zetlandica J) A.M.N.H. -i, ix, p. 417 Tetilla polyura A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 Textilifornia foliata Carter A.M N.H. 5, xvi, p. 288 Tlialysias massalis 5) A.M.N.H. •% xvii, p. 50 „ subtriangularis A.M.N H. 4, xvi, p. 196 Phil . Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. clxviii, p. 287 „ tener Carter Jour. Linn. Soc, v( jI. xxi, p. 70 Thecophora semisuberites A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 Thenea fenestrata A.M.N.H. 5, xi, p. 362 „ muricata A.M.N.H. •"5, xi, p. 362 „ Wallicbii A.M.N.H. •5, xi, p. 362 Theonella Swinlioei A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 438 A.M.N.H. 4, xii, p. 441 Thoosa socialis Carter A.M.N.H. 0, vi, p. 56 A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 370 Tisiplionia annulata }> A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 140 ,, nana 35 A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 138 „ penetrans >) A.M.N.H. 5, vi, p. 141 Trachya durissima J> A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 357 ,, globosa J> A.M.N.H. 5, xvii, p. 121 ,, ,, var. rugosa 5} A.M.N.H. ^ xviii, p. 457 „ borrida 5J A.M.N.H. 5, xviii, p. 457 ,, pernucleata 5) A.M.N.H. 4, vi, p. 178 A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 198 Tracbycladus kevispirulifer 5J A.M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 343 A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 357 Tricbogypsia villosa J? A.M.N.H. 4, viii, p. 1 Tricbostemma bemispbericum Midland Natui-alist, ^ fol. iii, p. 195 Trikentrion Iseve Carter A.M.N.H. •5, iii, p. 294 A.M.N.H. •5, X, p. 114 „ 111 urica turn A M.N.H. 5, iii, p. 293 Tuba acapulcaensis Carter A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 279 „ armigera A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 A.M.N.H. •">, ix, p. 278 „ digitalis A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 A.M.N.H. 5, ix, p. 277 „ Escbricbtii A.M.N.H. ■'>, ix, p. 365 „ lineata A.M.N.H. ■5, ix, p. 277 „ longissinia A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 „ plicifera A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 A. M.N.H. •% ix, p. 365 ,, poculum Carter A. M.N.H. 5, XV, p. 403 ,, sororia A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, p. 194 List of Sponges Described bij H. J. Garter. 59 P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phih ^d., 1884, P- 204 Tuba tortolensis A.M.N.H. 4, xvi, P- 194 Tubella paulula A.M.N.H. •5, vii, P- 9G „ recurvata A.M.KH. 5, vii, P- 08 „ reticulata A.M.KH. •5, vii, P- 97 „ spinata Carter A.M.N.H. •5, vii, P- 96 Tubulodigitus communis >> A.M.N.H. •5, vii, P- 367 Uruguaya corallioides „ A.M.N.H. 5, vii, p. 100 XJte capillosa Phi]. Trans. Roy. See, vol. clxviii, p. 288 Vioa Carter! A.M.N.H. •>5 ix, p. 3-54 „ Johnstonii A.M.N.H. 4, xvi. p. 197 A.M.N.H. 5, ix. p. 354 A.M.N.H. •5, xviii, p. 458 ,, Schmidtii A.M.N.H. 5, ix. p. 354 Verticillites anastomaiis A.M.N.H. •'>, xiv. p. 27 ,, helvetica A.M.N.H. 5, xiv. p. 27 Wilsonella australiensis X'arter A.M.N.H. 5, xvi, p. 366 „ echinonematissima „ A.M.N.H. 5, xix, p. 210 Xenospongia patelliformis A.M.N.H. A.M.N.H. xvi, p. 198 ix, p. 357 Explanation of Abbreviations. A.M.N.H. — Annals and Magazine of Natural History, J.R. Micro. Soc. — Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Jour. Linn. Soc. — Journal of the Linnean Society of London — Zoology. P. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad. — Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. — Pliilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Art. VII. — On Tvjo New Fossil Sponrjes from Sandhurst. By T. 8. Hall, M.A. (Communicated by A. Dendy, M. !Sc., F.L.S.) [Bead July 12, 1888.] Both the specimens, figures of which I append, were found at Iron bark, Sandhurst, Victoria, in rock of the Landeilo flag age. The spicules are of a dead black colour, and are preserved in a soft, cream-coloured, slightly micaceous schist. Genus. — Protospongia. Fam. — Protospongida; (Hinde). Sub-Order. — Hexactinellida^. Hinde defines Protospongia as follows: — "Form of sponge unknown. The portions preserved consist either of detached spicules, or fragments of a delicate spicular framework, formed of a single layer of four-rayed spicules of various dimensions. The larger spicules are arranged so as to form regular squares, which are divided by smaller spicules into smaller squares, and these are again sub-divided, so that the surface of a fairly complete specimen resembles lattice-work." Protospongia Reticulata (n. sr. Figs. 1 and 2). Description. — The specimen is nearly circular in outline, and probably in its living state had a somewhat spherical form. Its length is about 7 cm. and its width about G cm. The spicules are crucifonn, the four rays crossing at angles varying from 70" to 90°, the variation from the usual rectangular form of Hexactinellid .spicules being probably due to compression. The spicules are of various sizes. The larger ones (the rays of which measure 3'5 mm. in length and o mm. in diameter) are so placed that they enclose squares, and smaller spicules, the rays of which measure 1'5 mm. in length, are placed inside these larger squares so as to divide each into four smaller squares. Numerous smaller cruciform spicules are scattered about in an apparently irregular manner, and it does not appear that the subdivision of the squares is carried as far as in ty[)ical \i-<^ V am nam / JIbt f V^\ ^ > ,-r'y .=^-. T.S.Hall del. Proc.R.S.Vkloria. Plate 4. A ♦^-'n!: ' /( i» cc?' F(a.4. ' 1 / Troedel&C- On Two New Fossil Sponges from Sandhurst. Gl Protospongia. With this exception, the measurements agree very closel}'- with those of a Lower Cambrian form, P. Hicksi (Hinde), the figures of which are given in his " British Fossil Sponges," though the desci'ijition, unfortunately, has not yet appeared. The specimen was found by Mr, J. E. G. Edwards, of Sandhurst. P. Cruciformis (n. sp., Figs. 3 and 4). Form of sponge unknown. The fragment preserved is somewhat oblong in shape, its width being about 3'5 cm. and its length about 45 cm. The spicules are cruciform in shape, the length of the rays being 2 mm. and their diameter o mm. They are placed end to end, so as to form approximate squares. Smaller and irregularly placed cruciform spicules, the rays of which are about "75 mm. in length, are present in places. In one instance a broken i-ay, about 15 mm. in length, lying in the angle of one of the larger spicules, suggests the possible presence of a fifth ray at right angles to the plane in which the other two lie. At one side of the specimen occurs a spicule about 6 mm. long. This has three rays at one end, forming obtuse angles with it, and may possibly be an anchoring spicule. The specimen more nearly agrees with Proto.spongia than with any other form, though the apparent absence of two sizes of squares suggests that it may possibly be of a new genus. A more perfect specimen would, however, be required for the foundation of one. The specimen was found by Mr. J. O. Liddle, of Sand- hurst, and is in the Melbourne Universit}' Biological Museum. My warmest thanks are due to Mr. Dendy for his advice during the preparation of the paper, and for the loan of books on the subject, which I was unable elsewhere to procure. DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES. Plate 4. 1. P. reticulata, natural size. 2. Portion of 1 magnified 4 times. 3. P. cruciformis, natural size. 4rt. 46. 4f. Spicules fi'om 3 magnified 4 times. Art. VIIT. — Preliminary Notes on the Structure and Development of a Horny Sponf/e {Stelospongus fiahelli- formis). By Arthur Dendy, M. Sc, F.L.S. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Biology in the University of Melbourne. [Read July 12, 1888/ I. — Anatomy and Histology. («) External Characters. — This sponge, which was discovered by Mr. J. Bracebridge Wilson, M.A., near Port Phillip Heads, Victoria, and briefly described b}- Mr. H. J. Carterin the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, consists of a stout cylindrical stalk terminating below in a basal expansion for attachment to the substratum and above in a broad, compressed, but thick frond. Along the upper margin of the frond is a single row of large oscula. The character of the surface of the frond is subject to considerable variations. On both sides it usually exhibits a number of prominent, branching and anastomosing ridges, enclosing a number of concave depressions. The entire surface of the sponge is more or less thickl}' encrusted with particles of sand ; these are, however, more abundant over the ridges than in the depressions, and the latter are characterised by a minutely reticulate appearance, due to the presence of the inhalant pore-areas. The pores are enormously abundant all over the depressed portions of the surface, but are absent on the ridges. (b) Skeleton. — The skeleton is composed of a rather irregular reticulation of cylindrical horny fibres, branching and anastomosing freely. The filires are rather slender and the meshes between them are wide. It is easy to distinguish primary and secondary fibres. The primaries are long and rather stouter than the secondaries, about 0'096 mm. in diameter. They radiate towards the surflice of the sponge, and end in the sandy incrustation. They are easily Sfri'duir (Old Dcvelopmenf of a Horny Spoiir/c. G3 distinguislied by tlie presence in tliein of nimieious foreign bodies, which form an axial core, surronnded and lield together by the s])ongin. The secondary fibres are short and contain no foreign bodies, they run in various planes and unite together adjacent primary fibres, meeting them at various angles ; they may also branch and anastomose infer .sr. Thus the skeleton is thoroughly typical in structure and arrangement, and essentiall}' the same as that of the ordinary bath sponge, only much coarser. In the stalk, the skeleton is more strongly developed, and hence the latter acquires a tougher and denser character than the remainder of the sponge. (c) CdiKil Si/stem. — The inhalant apertures, or pores, are thickly scattered all over the depressed areas on the surface of the sponge. These larger areas are themselves subdivided into a great number of smaller ones, which are the true l)ore-areas, comparable to the pore-sieves of Phakellia and MyxiUu. Each poie-area is irregularly rounded or oval in outline, and measures about 019 mm. in its longer diameter. Each one overlies a subdermal cavity, and contains five or six oval or rounded pores, averaging O'Oo mm. in diameter. The subdermal cavities are hollow spaces in the ectosome, corresponding in size and shape to the poie-areasAvhich they underlie, and communicating with the exterior by means of the pores in the latter. Adjacent subdermal cavities are separated from one another by anastomosing veitical walls of tissue, constituting the bulk of the ectosome, and each coiiimunicates below Avith an inhalant space or canal. Thus each subdermal cavity receives the water from the exterior through five or six distinct apertures (the pores) in its roof, and passes it on thrt)ugh a single (?) ajierture in its floor into a large inhalant channel. Just as a number of pores lead into one and the same subdermal cavity, so also a number of subdermal cavities lead into one and the same inhalant channel. There is, however, a good deal of variation in the arrangement of the inhalant canal system, and it Avould probably be difticult to find two cases in which it was exactly alike. The large inhalant channels, into which the subdermal cavities directly open, lead, in their turn, into an irregular system of much smallei', more or less lacunar channels, whose ultimate i-amifications open into the flagellated chambers. O-i Proceedings of iJie Royal Society of Victoria. Numerous flagellated chambers open out of one and the same ultimate inhalant lacuna. The chambers themselves are more or less spherical sacs, about 004 mm. in diameter, with two wide aperture?! of about ec^ual size placed at opposite }>oles, whei'cby they communicate on the one hand with an ultimate iidialant lacuna, and on the other with an ultimate exhalant lacuna. Several chambers may lead into one and the same ultimate exhalant lacuna. Both the inhalant and exhalant apertures of the flagellated chambers are usually drawn out into short and relatively wide cameral canalieuli, much as in Enspougia officiitalls, as figured ])y Schulze. The exhalant canal system is partly lacunar and partly composed of very definite tubular canals (the oscular tubes) with proper walls of their own, separable from the remainder of the choanosome. The ultimate exhalant lacunse, into which thc^ flagellnted chambers open, collect together and finally discharge their contents into Ijranches of the oscular tubes. Each oscular tube is a })erfectly definite, wide, cylindrical cannl, with distinct walls, and leads vertically upwards to a wide circular osculum situated on the upper margin of the sponge. In connection with the exhalant canal system, I must also mention certain spherical cavities lying in the neighboiu'hood of the oscular tubes, and containing each a single large embryo. These cavities appear now to be entirely closed and cut off" from the remainder of the canal system of the sponge, but it is possible that they are really poi-tions of the exhalant canal system, specially modified to serve as receptacles in which the embryos aie lodged during a large ]>ortion of their development. (d) Histology of the Soft Tissues. A. The Ectosome. — The ectosome forms an external layer of varying thickness all over the surface of the sponge. Owing to the presence in it of a large amount of sand, especially abundant on the raised ridges, it is very hard and tough, and forms an excellent })rotection against the attacks of jnirasitic crustaceans, worms, &c., to wdiicli sjionges are very subject. The outermost layer of the ectosome is formed by an extremely thin and delicate epidermis, most readil}^ visible in the pore-areas, where the sand grains are absent. The nuclei of the epidermic cells may be easily distinguished in the transparent ]iore-bearing membi'ane ; they are round or oval in shape, and about 0-0()4-8 mm. in diameter. Structure and Dcvdopment of a. Horay Sponge. 65 Beneath the epidei'mis a very lai'ge i^roportion of the eetosonie is occupied by the sand grains above mentioned, but suiTounding these is a considerable quantity of mesodermal tissue. This is for the most part made up of cystench^'me, but stellate mesoderm cells are also present. The name CysteiichyiiLe has been applied by Sollas to a peculiar form of tissue not uncommonly met with in the ectosome of sponges. In Stelosjwnrjii.^, the cystenchyme cells are oval or subglobular in shape, measuring about 0 024 mm. in diameter, and tlie nucleus is small and granular. The protoplasmic strands which connect the nucleus to the cell wall are best seen in unstained preparations mounted in glycerine. They are then seen to form a network, branching and anastomosing inter se. In balsam preparations, owing doubtless to the greater transparency, the i)rotoplasmic strands are not nearly so distinct. I may mention here that cystench^'me occurs also in the choanosome of Stelospon) a lining epithelium. The fibrous layer is very dense next to the lining epithelium, but further in it becomes looser, and is broken into by large lacunar spaces. It is composed of circularly arranged fibres, each consisting of a greatly elongated, fusiform, granular cell, with a deeply-staining, oval nucleus in tlie centre. The fibres are so densely packed in the outer part of the layer, next to the lining epithelium, that the outlines of the individual cells can no longer be distinguished ; but further in the cells lie further apart, and the tissue partakes more of the nature of a compact, stellate mesoderm. Stt-^icture and Development of a Horny Sponge. G7 The lining epithelium of the embryo capsule is very peculiar, and, so far as I am aware, entirely different from anything which has hitherto been described in sponges. It is composed of a single layer of enormous polygonal cells. These cells, although flattened, are thick. In the youngest embryo capsule they average about 0 072 mm. in diameter, but up to 012 mm. in diameter in older ones, and they are about 0024! mm. in thickness. The body of the cell is finely granular, and each contains in its centre a very large, flattened, oval nucleus, enclosing a number of deeply staining granules. In transverse sections, the outer surfaces of the cells are very often seen to be indented, and these indentations would appear to correspond in some way to the upper portions of the outer layer of cells of the embryo, which in lite are closely connected with the epithelial layer of the embryo capsule. In transverse sections also the body of the cell is seen to be o-ranular throuohout, but the granules are very much finer around the nucleus than towards the periphery of the cell. I'lie cell always has a very definite bounding wall on its outer and sometimes also on its inner surface ; but frequently its inner surface, which in life is pressed against the fibrous layer of the embryo- capsule, exhibits no such wall. In sections the nucleus sometimes appears solid and sometimes as a hollow vesicle provided with a distinct wall and enclosing a granular substance. These large epithelial cells very readily become detached from the undeiiying fibrous layer of the capsule, and sometimes remain adherent to the embryo when the latter is removed from the mother sponge. Owing to its relationships to and intimate connection with the outer layer of cells of the embryo, and for certain other reasons, I believe this peculiar lining epithelium of the embryo capsule to be nutritive in function. (3) The walls of the fiagellated chambers. — The walls ot the fiagellated chambers are, of course, composed of collared cells, but these cells exhibit certain ver}^ interesting details in structure. Last year Professor Sollas showed* that in certain sponges the collars of the collared cells (cho(inocytes) are united together at their margins by a continuous membrane, which forms a kind of inner lining to the chamber. I have * Article Sponges in the Encyclopaedia Britaunica. Ed. ix. F 2 68 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. been able to demonstrate the existence of this connecting membi-ane, which for the sake of convenience we may terra Sollas's membrane, in the flagellated chambers of Stelof^pongus. The collared cells are arranged at about equal distances all around the chamber, but they are interrupted at the proximal pole by the inhalant aperture, and at the distal pole by the exlialant aperture. They are not all of the same size, but largest around the inhalant aperture, and gradually diminishing towards the exhalant aperture, around which they are smallest. Each cell consists of a cylindrical collum or neck with a large nucleus lying in its slightly expanded base (the body of the cell). The collum projects into the chamber, and gives support to the delicate membranous collar, which is rather longer than the collum, and considerably wider at its summit. Thus the whole cell, including the collar, has somewhat the shape of a dice-box, being narrower in the middle than at the two ends. I have not been able to trace any definite outline to the body of the cell, which is imbedded in a highly granular ground substance, but the nuclei are always very conspicuous. The flagella cannot be detected in my ]>reparations, being entirely shrivelled up, or possibly retracted when the sponge was placed in spirit. The margins of the collars are all connected together by a continuous delicate membrane (Sollas's membrane), which lies in a plane at right angles to the long axis of the collared cell. This membrane is seen in thin vertical sections as a fine thread running from collar to collar. If, however, the .sections be taken in a plane more or less parallel to Sollas's membrane, then the latter frequently appears as an irregular network of delicate transparent strands, shiivelled up and distoi'ted by the action of reagents, but easily recognisable lying within the chamber. From what has been said of the sizes and arrangement of the collared cells in each chamber, it will be seen that the membrane joining their margins will not run parallel to the wall of the chamber, but will be furthest from it at the proximal or inhalant pole, and nearest to it at the distal or exhalant pole. At the proximal pole, in fact, the membrane is widely separated from the wall of the chamber, while at the distal pole, the two became confluent. Hence the mem brane has the form of a cup, whose concavity is turned towards the exhalant aperture of the chamber. Structure and Development of a Horny Sponge. 69 {\<) The general mass of mesodermal tissue in which the canals, flagellated chambers and otiier structures are imbedded. — The flagellated chambers are pretty closely packed together in the choanosome, and togetlier with the various branches of the canal system, make up the greater part of its bulk. Hence the amount of fundamental or ground tissue in which they are imbedded is not very great. What there is is packed full of minute, highly refringent graiudes, fairly evenly distributed through it. Imbedded in this granular matrix may be observed, here and there, small nucleated cells of irregidarly rounded outline, doubtless the amoeboid cells of authors. This ground tis.sue appears to agree thoroughly Avith that which Schulze has described as existing in Euspongia. (.")) The spongoblasts and other mesodermal cells surroundinor the fibres. — In most parts the skeleton flbres are surrounded by a sheath or" ordinary stellate or slightly fibrous connective tissue. In some places, however, the stellate mesoderm cells are specially modified as spongoblasts or glandular cells whose function it is to secrete the spongin of which the horny fibre is composed. The spongoblasts form a layer one cell thick around the fibre. Each one is a somewhat club- .shaped, slender, elongated, granular mesodei'mal cell, about OO+S mm. long ; one end is drawn out into a long, gradually tapering neck, and the other, broader end is usually rounded ofi' but sometimes stellate, and contains a spherical nucleus. The whole cell is frequently more or less bent or contorted. Its long axis, however, always lies approximately at right angles to the surface of the fibre against which its narrow end abuts. There is commonly, if not alwaA's, a layer of stellate mesoderm outside the layer of spongoblasts, and it is easy to see that the spongoblasts themselves are simply slight modifications of the ordinary stellate type of cell. II. — Development. My observations on the embryology of Stelospongus are as yet very imperfect, for all the embryos which I have as yet found are in pretty much the same stage of development. Of this particular stage there is, however, an abundant supply, and it presents some very remarkable features. 70 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. The ovum, of which I have found one example in my sections, ap])eai-s in section as a somewhat oval cell, lyii'g in a fibrous capsule, as described above. The body of the ovum is granular and deeply staining. At one pole there is a laige, oval nucleus, with a very definite wall, and right up against the wall at the outer pole of the nucleus there lies a small, spheiical nucleolus. Within the nucleus there is a quantity of coarsely granular protoplasm, chiefly aggregated towards the jjole remote from the nucleolus. The nucleolus stains deeply and is ahnost if not quite homogeneous. The embryos, which are abundant, are spherical solid bodies, about as large as small peas. When the surface of the embryo is examined with a pocket lens, it exhibits a minutely punctate appearance, due to the presence of an immense nuujber of shallow pits, somewhat polygonal in outline and separated from one another by low ridges. Eacli one of these pits is the i)n{)rint of one of the large epithelial cells of the embryo capsule. In sections, the embryo is seen to consist of an outer layer of rather large, closely packed cells, enclosing a central mass of clear, transpaient, jelly-like substance, in which immense numbers of amoeboid wandering cells are imbedded. The outer layer, or ectoderm, consists of a. single layer of large, sac-shaped or somewhat flask-shaped cells, measuring about 0024- mm. in length. The narrower portion, or neck of the cell is on the outside of the embryo, and the swollen portion l^rojects inwards into the gelatinous intercellular substance, and from its inner extremity the ceil frequently .sends out a few short, slender, protoplasmic processes, resembling pseudopodia. The body of the cell is coarsely granular, but less so in the neck than in the swollen portion. Ihe greater part of the neck is, ho we vei-, occupied by a large, spherical nucleus, which appears to consist of a hollow vesicle containing a few deeply staining granules. The nuclei of adjacent cells ai-e all an-anged ;.t just about the same level, so that they form a continuous row, which is a very conspicuous feature in transverse sections of the embryo. Frequently the outer end of the neck of each ectodermal cell may be seen to be drawn out into a short, slender protoplasmic process, which extends to the outer siu'face of one of the large, investing epithelial cells and attaches itself to it. Thus the ectodermal cells of the e ubryo often appear to lie suspended from the outer surf tees of the investing epitiielial cells b}^ short protoplasmic processes. Judging Structure and Development of a Horny Spov(je. 7 1 from the number seen in si single transverse section, it would a])pear that each of the large epithelial cells may have a liuiidred or more sac-shaped ectodermal embiyonic cells hanging from its lower surface. 'J'he unusual length of time during which the embrj^o remains within the mother sponge, and the great size to which it attains, necessitate some special arrangement whereby it can be nourished. The peculiar relations of the ectodermal cells of the embryo to the investing epithelium, and the very unusual character of the latter, cause me to believe that the investing epithelium has for its function the nutrition of the embryo, and that this is effected by the absorption of nutriment through the necks of the ectodermal cells. Sometimes, however, the ectodermal cells exhibit no prolongations of the neck, but are smoothly rounded off at the free end, and such cells may form a continuous layer over a considerable area. The entire mass oi the embr3'o, Avithin tlie ectodermal la3'er, is made up of a clear, jelly-like matrix, in which immense numbers of large, amoeboid wandering cells are imbedded. These cells appear somewhat larger than the ectodermal cells, but there is ver}^ strong reason for believing that they are simply ectodermal cells which have left their ])Iace in the outer layer and, becoming amoeboid, wandered into the central jelly. Between the large amoeboid cells very delicate branching stellate cells may sometimes be seen. The amoeboid cells may put out pseudopodia in all directions, but often tliey appear to be radially elongated, and more or less bi-polar. I think my sections show conclusively that the amoeboid cells are derived from the ectodermal layer. They agree at tirst in all essentials with the cells of the latter, and in those parts where the ectodeiinal cells have the clearer, outer end of the neck evenly rounded off — and thus present a characteiistic feature — a precisely similar clear rounded neck may often be seen in the cells immediately beneath the ectoderm. The amoeboid cells are from the first highly granular, and at what I believe to be an early stage in the proceedings each one has a sy)herical nucleus, resembling that which occurs in the ectodermal cells. Sometimes the amoeboid cells lying near the outside of the emlnyo have two or three nuclei, and very rarely also even the ectodermal cells appear to have two nuclei. At a later stage, the entire cell is seen to 72 Proceedings of the Royid Society of Victoria. have become iiidi.stiuct in outline, and in place of one large cell we have an ago-regation ot very many minute spherical bodies, eacli with a dark spot in its centre, but each aggregation still retains the form of the original amroboid cell. In the same sections which exhibit this condition many of the amceboid cells appear to have become rounded off, and their contents have arranged themselves around a central cavity, so that we have a hollow chamber lined by small spherical cells. These chambers I believe to be the young* flagellated chambers. They are certainly very different in structure from the flagellated chambers of the adult sponge, and only about half the size ; but this difference is readily exj)lained by their embryonic condition. I have not been able to trace the development of the chambers any further, nor is it to be expected that the collars and flagella would be developed before the young sponge was set free and required them. Coincidently with the formation of the chambers in the manner just descril)ed, a slit-like invagination appears on the surface of tlie young sponge, and it is chiefly, if not solely, around this invagination that chamber formation takes place. This invagination I believe to be the commencement of a communication between the chambers and the outside. Unfortunately, I have only obtained a single embryo which is sufficiently advanced to show the formation of the flagellated chambers and the slit-liUe invagination, but I see no good reason for doubting the normality of the ])henomena above described. It thus appears that the flagellated chambers in Stelospongus are formed by the breaking up of large amoeboid cells, exactly as described by Mr. Carter in the development of the gemmules oi' Spoiif/ilk'.. Art. IX. — TliG Active Volcano on Tana, Neiv Hebrides, with some remarks on. tJte Cause of Volcanic Action. With Map and Plates 5, 6, 7 and 8. By Frederick A. Campbell, C.E. (Melb.) [Read 11th October, 1888.] Tana is one of the southern islands of the New Hebrides group, and lies approxiniatel}^ in 20"" south latitude and 170° east longitude. It is about 30 miles long by 12 miles wide, and is densely covered with the most luxuriant tropical vegetation. The interior is occupied by a range of mountains which rises to a height of about 2500 feet, and so far as I know, has never yet been explored. The shores are partly fringed by a narrow coral reef, outside of which the water deepens rapidly, and good anchorage is difficult to find. There is only, or more correctly speaking was only until recently, '^ne harbour on the island, viz., Port Resolution, a picturesque basin about one mile in diameter, situated upon the south-eastern side and opening towards the north. Four-and-a-half miles to the north-west of this harbour, the active volcano Mount Yasur, is situated. It rises from a plain or wide flat valley which sej)ar;ites the elevated land of the Port Resolution district from the still moi-e lofty ranges of the interior. A ridge 100 or oOO feet high extends from the harbour towards the volcanic cone, descending as it jipproaches that hill, the summit of which stands about 500 feet above the plain beyon > p i/P^£ /? Iioiifniosay 4M^ 1l!9J/\[ <- ^ 'V :^' Proc. R. S. Victoria, PI. 6. LavA CrBv/'ces t'EiKijiq Overflow from Lake 100' A K V > P^ The. Active Volcano 0]i Tuna, Xeiu Hebrides. 83 The phenomena connected witli the violent state might be explained liy the fact that a lowering of the atmospheric pressure would l)e followed by the rising of the column in the vent, and so giving a larger (piantit}^ of lava to be ejected. It would also be followed bj^ an increased quantity of steam generated from the lava, which added to that formed as before in the steam chamber, would cause the eruptions to be much more rapid. This would be assisted also by additional water supply in wet weather. The }jaroxysmal state may perhajjs be explained by the sudden lowering of atmos])heric pressure for a great distance along a volcanic fissure, the consequent formation of a large quantity of steam, which h'nding its way to the place of least resistance, would by its sudden exit cause a catas- trophe. In conclusion I wish to state, that one of my chief objects in submitting this paper to you is to direct attention and inquiry towards this unique and little known volcano, and also to the group in wliich this and other volcanoes exist ; -and I have to express the hope that a S3^stematic and thorouiih investigation of the manv interestin<»" scientific features in the New Hebrides and surrounding islands, may be a W(jrk in which the Royal Society of Victoria may see its way to engage. X. — The Oceanic Langmaje'^ Seniitlc. By Rev. D. Macdonald, Fate, Havannah Harbour, New Hebrides. At!T. XI. — N'otes on fhe Phy ly of the Western ■portion of the County of Crocjingolong. With two \Yoo(l-cnts. By James Stirling, F.G.S. [Read Dec. 13, 1888.] Part I. — Topography. Hie extreme eastern portion of the Colony of Victoria is, perhaps the least known area within its boundaries. Having recenti}' traversed the area in several directions, from the coast line to the colony bonndary, in order to examine areas being prosjiected for gold, the author embraced the opportunity of making, in addition to geological observations, some notes on the native vegetation or botany, and climate or meteorology of the area, wdiich it is hoped may serve as an introductory notice of the physiography of this little known region of Victoria. The Watercourses. The principal valleys excavated from the area are tlie Snowy and its tributaries, and the Bemm and Cann rivers. The Snowy forms the western boundary of the county of Croajingjlong, and has the largest drainage area. Rising outside the limits of the area, amid the snow-clad heights of Mount Kosciusko, the Pilot, and Mount Cobberas, at an elevation between GOOO and T-oli feet, the Snowy has eroded its [)assage through rock which may be said to present geotectonic features of great interest to the geologist, mainly, palaeozoic rocks in the u})per valley, and tertiary in the lower. The effects of the unecpial ratios of denudation and erosion of different rock masses under similar and different climatal conditions, are strilcingly exhibited in the Snowy watershed area ; but as the main features lie outside the county of Croajingolong, partly in the county of Tambo, Victoria, and in the Maneroo table land in New South Wales, they cannot be properly discussed in this paper. In the Rev. W. B. Clarke's " Southern Gold Fields," and Physiography of Western Portion Of-oailnyoloiig. 85 A. W. Hewitt's "Devonian Rocks of North Gippsland, will be found most interesting information on the eastern and western sources of the Snowy River. The enormous erosion of the middle portion of the Snowy Valley is plainly seen from Turnback Mountain on the old Maneroo road, or from the summit of Mount Tingiringy, near the New South Wales border. The landscape looking north from the latter mountain is perhaps the finest mountain scene in Australia — it is certainly one of grandeur. To the north, beyond the deep gorge formed by the Snow}' River, rise a series of bold wooded mountains, the lower spurs of the latter almost invisible in the soft haze of the deeper portions of the valley. Beyond the wooded mountain ranges appear in silhouette tile rugged porphyry heights of Mount Cobberas, the coned peak of Mount Pilot, and rising tier aliove tier the bold granite knobs of the Snowy Kosciusko ]3lateau. Away to the right stretches the fine open and undulating downs of the Maneroo plateau, relieved here and there by minor ridges covered with timber, or along the creeks by belts of the Snowy Rivei- pine. While to the south the bold outlines of Mount Delegate, Mount Bowen, and the coast range, mark the sites of rock masses which have longest i-esisted the effects of subaerial denudation and the borderland between the jungle country of Croajingolong and the south-western extension of the Manei'oo table land. As the Snowy drains the highest elevations in Australia, and runs almost due south from their high altitudes to the coast line, its is almost torrential throughout, except where it enters the rich alluvial flats of, where the stream becomes sluggish. To enter into a minute description of the salient points in the topography of the eastern water- shed area, would form tlie subject matter for an interesting- paper, so varied is the surface configuration. The principal eastern source afluents drain the extensive Maneroo plateau outside the boundaiy of the colony, and need not bereferi-ed to. The streams within the county compiise the Deddick or Jingallala and its tributaiies, the Tingiiingy, Dellicknora, Cabanandra, and Bonaug. There are several others which, ultimately flowing into the parent stream in New South Wales, rise in the coast range, such as the Delegate, Bendoc, Queensborough. Below the junction of the Deddick, several torrential streams enter the Snowy from the east, tlieir coui'ses mainly south-we.sterly, such as Mountain Creek, the Broadbent, Yalma, and Rodgers Rivers. Below the Orbost 8G Proceedings of flie Royal Society of Victoria. flats, and near its estiiaiy, the most impoitaiit tributary the Broadribb and its afttuent, the Cabbage-tree Creek, enter the paifht stream, liising in the coast range at Bonang Mountain, and running pai-allel with tlie Snowy, the Broadribb drains the western slopes of the highest points in the county, viz., Mount Ellery and the M'Culloch ranges. With tlie exception of some modei'ate extent of flats and undulatory sloj)es at Goonegerah in the upper portion of the valley, and the flats and morasses near its junction with tlie Snow}^ this river intersects rangy territory of very little use for cultivation, while the tributaries are covered with dense jungle. In the heads of the Cabbafre-tree Creek, St, Patrick's Creek, and other eastern atiuents draining the M'Culloch ranges, is a very rich vegetable mould and soil, which may hereafter repay cultivation, although the cost of clearing would necessarily be considerable. The flats and spurs towards the coast regions are already occupied by an enterprising bod}^ of selectoi's, who are fast reclaiming the morass and forest lands in the vicinit3^ The streams which flow southerly through the central portion of the county com])rise the Bemm and Cann, with two other unimportant minor streams, the Little River and Yeerung. The Cann forms the eastern boundary of the area under consideration, and has the largest area of land available for settlement. To the north of Morgan's station, on the road to Genoa, a considerable area of flats and undulatory ranges has been selected, and west of Mount Kate there is a limited area of well grassed pasture lands awaiting settlement, and on the up])er poition of the valley, as at Buldah, are other limited areas. In the Bennn valley, as at Combinebar Creek, are rolling well grassed hill.s, and some rich but densely timbered flats, while several of the wesfern aifluents, as the Glen Arte River and portions of the McKenzie, present favourable areas for future .settlement, although the dense jungle in the gullies and the large trees in the flats will make clearing expensive. In the Yeerung valley towards the coast, and also in the Cabbago-tree Creek, are open heath lands which may be converted into pasture lands, especially in places where thei'e is a coating of black, vegetable mould and claye}'' material overlying the sandy deposits. The area in which the cabbage jnUui (Liui-^to)ia Aust)ulis) flourishes has been leserved from destruction. Physiography of Western Portion Croajingolong. 87 The Ranges and Mountains. The main features of tlie mountain sj^steni is indicated Ly the courses of the piincip;d streams. The principal water- shed line is the coast range intersecting tlie northern portion of the county in ati easterly direction and lateral ridges running southerly t'^wards the coast from this main water- shed line. The highest points on the coast range are Mount Bowen at the head of Mountain Creek, Mount Gooiimurk, 4300ft., at the head of the Bemm. and Mount Tennyson on the Colony boundary towards the head of the Caim river. The most prominent peak in the countv is perhaps Mount Ellery, on the r-idge dividing the Broadrilib and Bemm. Viewed from the coast, the southward extension of this watershed line, the McCulloch Ranges are next in importance, while near the coast, on the ridge dividing the Broadribb and Cabbage-tree Creek, I'ises a rounded peak, Monnt Raymond. The highest point on the divide between the Bemm and the Cann is ))erhaps Mount Bengow (near the Coast Range), while towards the south, nearer the coast, Mount Cann is a ])rominent landmark. On the eastern watershed of the Cann, Mount Kate stands high above the surrounding ranges. The higher points on the north of the Coast Range — Mount Goolinbabylon, between tl)e B(»nang and Delegate Rivers ; Mount Delegate, between the Beudi>c and Delegate Rivers : and Mount Tingiringy, near the Colony boundary, between the Jinoallala and Mount Richie Creek. M ETEOROLOGY. In looking at these mountains as a whole, and after examining the character of their rocky structure, viz., hard silicious I'ocks, quartzites, and indurated slates, granites, &c., the conviction is forced on the observer that tiiey are formed by sub-aerial denudation, having longest resisted the degrading influences of the rain, frost, and snow, while the surrounding softer materials have been removed. The difference in the amount of excavation exhibited by the south-flowing streams and those flowing northerly may, I think, be ascribed to gi-eater precipitation of rainfaii <>n the southern slopes, the combined influence of the south-we^t and south-easterly moisture-laden winds, an extension of the 88 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. warm tropical rains coming from the east north-east along tlie eastern Australian coast reaching the area. In the Bendoc district, at an elevation of 2500 feet, severe frosts are not uncommon, and the range of temperature is frequently gi-eat. The snow falls annually over this area, but in the upper valleys of the Broadribb, Bemm, and Cann humidity prevails, and the temperature is more equable, frosts being far less frequent. This difference in the hygro- metric and thermometric conditions produces tlie differences observed in tlie vegetation at similar elevations north and south of the coast range. And this is again very marked as the coast line is reached, so that the meteorologic condi- tions affect the vegetation directly. And the latter are mainly due to the varied surface configuration, resulting from the unequal decay of the different rock masses. BOTANY. Notes on the Vegetation (Peculiar Features) The most striking feature in the vegetation of the areas examined in Croajingolong is the presence of many East Australian types not found elsewhere in Victoria, and in tlie luxuriance of the climbing plants The arboreous form of the Waratah (Telopea oreades) with its magnificent clustei's of rich carmine-tinted flowers on terminal spikelets, surrounded by glossy sap-gieen leaves, at oncearreststhe atten- tion of the botanical observer. Flowering during October and early in November it attains in the rich humid valleys surrounding the M'Oulloch Ranges, the heads of Cabbage-tree Creek, and in the upper portions of the Bemm valley— along the coast range, &c., a height of between 40 and 50 feet. Next to the Waratah, the profusely llowering native clindnng pea (Kennedya rubicunda) is, with its brick-red blossoms, one of the most striking features, and is widely distributed over the area. In localities where it flourishes along with the native virgin's bower (Clematis aristata) and the native sarsaparilla (Kennedya monophylla), the contrasts of red, white, and blue, are most charming. Although in those places where it is interwoven with the wire yrass (Ehrharta stipoides). it is the bete noire of the prospector or explorer. Even the dreaded thorns of the climbing lawyer (Smilax Australis) are less objection- Physiography of Western Portion Croajingoloiuj. 8!) able than the finely serrated stems and leaves of the latter, i.e., the wire grass. On the eastern tributaries of the Snowy River and in the Bennn valley, the most prolific undergrowth is that of Haloragis tetragyna or fire weed, which forms here a most useless herb, sujiplanting the native grasses with the exception of the scented grass — Hierochloa rariflora (a comparatively useless grass for fodder purposes, and which flourishes along with the fire weed or Haloragis tetragyna). The occurrence of the cabbage palm, Livistona Australis, on Cabbage-tree Creek, near Orbost, where it grows to a height of over 100 feet, is also a remarkable feature in the vegetation of the area. The isolation of this species fi-om its tropical home in a humid valley in the temperate zone, require further elucidation at the hands of botanists, or of those interested in the geographical distribution of plants. I am inclined to consider it as a survival of a once tropic vegetation which covered South Eastei-n Australia in earlier Pliocene times, and which was destroyed by the subsequent glacial action of which there are not wanting evidences in South Eastern Austi'alia since Miocene times. Numerical Proportion of the Orders. There does not appear to be any exception to the general lule respecting the orders richest in species and genera fi-om what ])revails generally over South-Eastern Australia, except that there is a closer alliance with the flora of Southern New South Wales than with the southern and western portions of Victoria. Here, as elsewhere, the grand order — Legumiuosse, and the sub-orders — Papilionacese and Mimosese, are richest in species and genera. Comparing the different orders, we find thatcomprised within the list are thirty species of Leguminous plants represented by fourteen genera, that tlie genera richest in species are Acacias and Pulteneaa. Of Myrtacese there are twenty-nine species and nine genera, the genus Eucalyptus being richest in species. Among Com- posit?e there are twenty-five species and twelve genera, the Helichrysa being most abundant. Among Proteace?e the Persoonias are richest in species. This interesting order is. represented by fifteen species and seven genera. The Filices or fern-family has twenty-one species and eleven genera, the Orchids twelve species and eight genera, and the Lillies or Liliaceas eight species and seven genera, while the Gramineie or grasses include nine genera and species. 90 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Distribution of Species. The area under examination may be said to comprise four well-marked re,i;;'ions, each broadly characterised by the presence of certain species of plants which impart a distinct physioo-riomy to the situations wherein they flourish. If a line is drawn parallel to the coast line at a distance of G miles, it will be found that up to an elevation of 300 feet above sea level the vegetation differs from that found in the gullies and valleys further inland up to the flanks of the coast range to, say 4000 feet elevation ; that the crests of the ridges within the middle area contain species not found in the gullies ; and that in the more open table land north of the coast range there are abundance of sub-alpine species not found in an}-^ of the other areas or situations. The Coastal Regions. Along the sand hannnocks, Salsolacese and Ficoidefe prevail — Rhagodia, Ohenopodium, Atriplex, and Mesembrianthemum (or pig's face) ; and in the hollows, such Myrtaceous shrubs as Melaleuca armillaris, Kunzea corifolia, Leptospermura myrsinoides ; and grasses, as Zoysia pungens. Jn the open undulating coastlands, between belts of Eucalyptus, including the mahogany E. botryoides and abundance of Banksia serrata, are grass-tree flats with Xanthorrea Australis, and X. minor — the dwarfed sheoak, Casuarina paludosa, in the undulating sand hills, where the timber vegetation is more prolific, an abundance of Caustis flexuosa and L3'copodiura densum, Ricinocarpus pinifolius, and other shrubby and herbaceous species, together with a great number of species less peculiar to the coastal areas as Epacris impressa, Hibbertias, Styphelias. To enumerate them would extend this paper to an unusual length. Inland Region. — Gullies and River Flats. The most arboreous vegetation is found in the moist gullies and on the river flats, and with the exception of the hollows or lowest points in the ridges yields characteristic forms, differing from those on the ridges. Among many such arboreous forms may be mentioned the Waratah (Telopea oreades), the native musk (Aster argophyllus), Lillypillies, Physiography of ]Yedern Portion Croajingolong. 91 (Eugenia Sinitliii), native pepper tree (Drimys aroniatica), the native sassafras (Atherosperma moschatum), native fire- wood (Hedyearya Cunningliami), Pittosporum undulatum, P. bicolor, Zieria Suiithii, Acacia decurrens, A. melanoxylon, Eucalyptus aniygdalina, E. pilularis, E. longifolia, and others ; Prostanthera lasiantha, Lomatia ilicifolia, Sambucus Gaudichaudiana ; and such creepers as Lyonsia stramina, Smilax Austialis, Vitis hypoglauca, &c., and Sarcopetalum Harve^'anuni, Kubus rositolius. Ridges. On the heads of gullies and lower points of the ridges— Eriostemon trachyphyllus, Senecio Bedfordii, Correa Lawrenciana, Dodoueas, Oxylobium ellipticura, Hovea longifolia, Indigofera Australis, Goodia lotifolia, and several Acacias, Eucalypts, Pomaderris, Panax, Persoonia, Lomatia longifolia, Piuielea, Coprosma hirtella, Asters, Notelea lanceolata, h'olanuin, Helichrysum obcordatuni, Cassinia aculeata, Helichrysum cuneifolium, and others. The Sub- Alpine or Table- land Areas. Here in the open giassy valleys and woodlands are found, between 2500 and ^UOO feet, numerous species, which extend over large areas in the Australia u Alps, patches of Stellaria pungens, fine undershrubs, as Uxylobium procumbens, xMirbelia, Pulteneas, Persoonia Chamaepeuce, Hakea microc- carpa, Pimelia ligustrina, Brachy comes. Aster megalophyllus, Lagenophora Biilardieri ; Helichrysums, as H. apiculatum, H. semipapposum, Gna{)halium Traversii, Gentiana saxosa, Euphrasia Brownii, Ajuga Australis, Styphelia Macraei, Epacris microphylla ; Diplarrhena Moraea, and many others Around Bonang the latter attains its richest luxuriance at an elevation of 2U00 feet, although it also flourishes in the river flats towards the coast line as at Gooncii'erah and Cann. Territorial Range of Species. Here, as elsewhere, the gum tiees have the greatest territorial range, and magnificent forests of splendid splitting timber exists, notably on the flanks of the McUulloch Range D2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. in the Broadribb and Bemm watersheds, and along the south side of the coast range in the heads of the Bemm and Cann rivers. While it is patent, that many of the giant gums exceed a height of 350 feet, I have not yet observed any over 400 feet ; if there are any exceeding the latter length, it is probably in the Arte, Goolingook, or Cabbage- tree Creek valleys that they will be met with. The tallest trees are not always those with the greatest diameter of trunk. I have certainly measured trimks fully 4-0 feet in circumference, but as a rule the taller trees measured had a lesser circumference of from 20 to 30 feet. Next to the Eucalypts the Acacias have the greatest range, and after these the Daviesias, Haloragis tetragyna, Comesperma ericinum, and Kennedya rubicunda, together with the wire- Sfrass. The Evolution of Varietal Forms. Between the summits of the higher peaks, Mount Ellery, Mount Kate, Mount Goonmurk, on the Coast Range, Mount Tingiringy nori/h of it and the coast line, there are consider- able variations in the hygrometric and other meteorologic conditions, which I believe so powerfull}'^ affect the evolution of varietal forms. I have elsewhere* endeavoured to point out as regards the Alpine and sub- Alpine florula of South- East Australia that under the slowly changing surface configuration, due to prolonged sub-aerial denudation and erosion, the transfer of soils, abraded and decomposed from the great rock masses, and the action of their chemical constituents on plant, food, &c., gradually modifying its environment, may eventually result in the differentiation of the varieties as to assume characters so distinct and apparently constant as to justify the appelation of species. Among many species which present differential characters over large areas in different habitats, I would mention Craspedia Richea, Daviesea latifolia ; some Heliclnysa, especially Helicluysum rosmarinifolium ; some Rutacea', Drimys aromatica, Hymenanthera Banksii, Claytonia Aus- tralasica, Panax sambucifolius, Gentiana saxosa, Styphelia •ericoides, and Microseris Forsteri. * Ou the Physiography of the Anstrahan Alj^s. Transactions of Austrahan Association for Advancement of Science, 188 s. Physiof/raphy of Western Portion Croajingolong. 93 List of Species of Plants Collected in the Aeea, AND ARRANGED ACCORDING TO BaRON VON MuELLER's Classificatory System, "Systematic Census of Australian Plants." Ranuncvlaceia (A. L. de Juss.) Kanunculus aqiiatilis (Dod.) Orbost. „ lappaceus (Sm.) Orbost and Bendoc. „ livularis (Bks.) Orbost. Clematis aristata (R. Br.) Orbost, Broadribb, k Coast Range. DiUeniacew (Salsb.) Hibbertia Billardieri (F. v. M.) Cann River. „ dentata (R. Br.) Goolingook River. Magnoliacece (J. de St. Hil.) Drimys aromatica (F. v. M.) Coast Range and Goolingook Valley ; tree 20 to 30 ft. high. Menisjjermem. Stephania hernandifolia (Walp.) Cann Valley. Sareopetaliim Harveyanum (F. v. M.) Lower Snowy River. Monhniece (A. L. de Juss.) Atherosperma moschatum (Labill.) Forms dense forests along Coast Range ; at Mt. Goonmnrk, trees are 120 feet to 150 feet high, with trunks 6 feet in diameter. Hedycaria Cunninghami (Tulasne). Mt. Goolinbabylon and Coast Range. Lauvacew (Vent.) Cassytha pubeseens (R. Br.) Upper Cann Valle}'. „ melantha (R. Br.) Broadribb and Orbost. Cruciferew (A. L. de Juss.) Cardamine hirsuta (Linn.) Bendoc. Violdcew (De Cand.) Viola hederacea (Labill.) Orbost. ,, Caleyana (Don.) Bendoc and Orbost. Hyraenanthera Banksii (F. v. M.) Broadribb and Cann. Pittosporea' (R. Br.) Pittosporum undulatum (Andr.) Snowy, Broadribb, Bemm, and Cann Rivers, near Coast. 04 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Pittosporum revolutum (Aitn.) Canii Valle3^ „ bicolor (Hook.) Bursaria spinosa (Cav.) Bioadiil>]j and Caiiii. Maiianthus procumbens (Beiith.) Broadribb and Orbost. BiJIardiera scandens (Smt.) Cann and Orbo«t. Broseracece (Sals.) Drosera auriculata (Bach.) Orbost and Cann. PolygalecG (A. L. de Jiiss.) Comesperma ericinnm (De Cand.) Orbost and Benn. „ volubile (La bill.) Orbost, Broadribb, Cann and Benim Valleys. Very aromatic, like true .sar.saparillii root, and can be used as an alterative. Comesperma detbliatum (F. v. M.) Broadribb River. Tremandveai (R. Br.) Tetr-atheca ciliata (Linn.) Very abundant on eastern tributaries ofSTiowy River. Rutacem (A. L. de Juss.) JZieria Smithii (Andr.) Coast Range, Cann, cV: Bemrn Valleys. Eriostemon trachyphyllus (F. v. M.) Upper Bonang and Broadribb Valleys. Corr^a Lawrenciana (Hook.) M'Cullocli Ranges, Bonang. „ speciosa (Andr.) Coast region. Luiecc (De Cand.) Linum marginale (Cunn.) Orbost. Geraniaceoj (A. L. de Juss.) Pelargonium Australe (VVilld.) Coast region. 2hdv(i('eaj (Adanson). Howittia trilocularis (F. v. M.) Orbost. Stercidlacew (Vent.) Brachychiton populneum (R. Br.) Broadbent River. Comniersonia Frazeri (J. Gay) Cann Valley. Liisiopetalum dasyphyllum (Sieb.) Coast Range, Broadribb Valley. Tiliaeea' (A. L. de Juss.) Elajocarpus holope talus (F. v. M.) Broadribb, Bemm, Cann, Bonang, and Mt. Gooumurk. Physiography of Western Portion Croajingolong. 95 Euphorbiacece (A. L. de Juss.) Micrantheum hexainlrum (Hook.) Cann Valley. Ricinocarpus piiiitblius (Destont). Broadribb, near Coast. Bertya Cunningbainii (Planch.) Snowy River. Amperea spartioides (Brong.) Broadribb River. Phyllantbus thymoides (Sieb.) Cann and Bemm Rivers. ,, Gunnii (Hook.) Broadribb. Adriana acerifolia — tomentosa — (Hook.) Snowy Rivei'. Gasuarinece (Mirb.) Casuai-ina paludosa. Marlow. ,, distyla (Vent.) Orbost. Viniferoi (I. de St. Hil.) Viti.s liypoglauca (F. v. M.) Broadribb, Bemm, and Cann Valley^^. Sdplvdacece (A. L. de Juss.) Dodonaja viscosa (Linn.) Broadribb. Stackhousiew (R. Br.) Stackhousia linarifolia (Cunn.) Orbcst. Portulacece (A. L. de Juss.) Claytonia Australasica (Hook.) Bendoc. Caryophylleoi (Linn.) Stellaria pungens (Brong.) Bendoe. „ llaccida (Hook.) Bemm and Cann Valleys. Salsolacere (Linn.) Rhagodia Billardieri (R. Br.) Coast Region. Chenopodium murale (Linn.) Cann, towards Coast. „ glaucum (Linn.) Coast Region, Atriplex erystallinum (Hook.) Coast, Snowy River. Ficoidew (A. L. de Jnss.) Mesembrianthemum aequilaterale (Haw.) Sand Hammocks. Polygonaceca (A. L. de Juss.) Mlihlenbeckia axillaris (Hook.) Snowy River. Leguininoseo3, sub order PapiUoiiaceai. Oxylobium ellipticum (R. Br.) Glen Arte River, Coast Range, 96 Proceedings oj the Rojjul Societij of Victoria. Oxylobiuni juDCumbeiis (F. v. M.) Mt. Tingiring}'. Mirbelia oxyloboides (F. v. M.) Near Beiidoc. Gompholobium Huegelii (Benth.) Delegate & Bonang Rivers. Daviesia latitblia (R. Br.) Orbost. ,, ulicina (8m.) Delegate River. Aotus villosa (Sm.) Broadi'ibb. Pultenca daphnoides (Wend.) Bemm Valley. „ retusa (Sm.) Broadribb. ,, jiuiiperina (Labill.) Bonang. ,, fasiculata (Benth.) Cann Valley. Platylobium obtusangulum (Hook.) Orbost. Bossia^a buxifolia (Cunn.) Cann Valley. ,, microphylla (Sm.) Orbost. Hovea longifolia (R. Br.) Broadribb. Goodia lotifolia (Sals.) Broadribb, Bemm, and Cann Valleys. Tndigofera Australis (Willd.) Goolingook, Bonang River. Glycine dandestina (Wend.) Orbost and Broadribb. Kennedj^'a rubicunda (Vent.) All over Middle of County. „ monophylla (Vent.) Orbost, Bonang, &c. Sub order, Munosetv. Acacia joniperina (Willd.) „ vomeriformis (Cunn.) „ stricta (Willd.) „ penninervis (Sieb.) „ pvcnantha (Benth.) „ myrtitblia (Willd.) ,, linearis (Sims). ,, melanox^don (R. Br.) „ longifolia (Willd.) ,, decurrens (VViUd.) Rosacea (A. Rubus parvifolius (Linn.) ,, rosifolius (Sin.) Saxifragem (Vent.) Bauera rubiodes (Andr.) All over the Bemm Valle}' and around Orbost. Crassiilacem (De Cand.) Tillea verticlilaris (De Cand.) Orbost. Oimgrecv. E[)ilobium tetragonum (Linn.) Bendoc and Snowy River. Cann Valley. Cann. Cann. Cann and Snowy. Broadribb Valley. Cann Valley. BroadriV)b, Bemm, and Cann. Cann Valley. Cann, Bemm, and Broadribb. L. de Juss.) Orbost. Orbost, near Marlow. Physiography of Westevn Portion Groajingolong. 97 Salicariece (Adanson). Lythrum Salicai'ia (Linn.) Broadribb and Snowy River, on marshy flats. Haloragece (R. Br.) Haloragis heteroplijdla (Brogn.) Snowy River. ,, tetragyna — fire weed — (R. Br.) All over the County ; a useless weed, replacing the grasses over large areas. Myriophyllum elatinoides (Gaud.) Delegate River. Myrtacece (Adanson). Baeckea virgata (And.) Snowy River. Leptospermum lanigerurn (Sm.) Coast Regions. ,, myrsinoides (Schlech.) ,, Kunzea peduncularis (F. v. M.) Upper Snowy River. „ eorifolia (Reich.) Coast Regions. Angophora intermedia (De Cand.) Cann Valley. Eucalyptus stellulata (Sieb.) Bendoc. capitellata (Sm.) Bemin, Cann, and Broadribb. pauciflora (Sieb.) Mounts Eller}^ Tingiringy, and Delegate. amygdalina (Labill.) Cann and Bemm Valleys. obliqua (F. v. M.) Broadribb River. piperita (Sm.) Mount Goonmurk and Cann Valley. melliodora (Cunn.) Cann and Snowy Rivers. lonoifolia. Coast Reo'ions, Cann, and Bemm. botryoides (Sm.) Snow}* and Broadribb. tereticornis (Sm.) Snowy River. Stuartiana (F. v. M.) Bendoc. Gunnii (Hook.) Mount Goonmurk. eugenioides (Sieb.) Bendoc and Cann A'alley. robusta (Sm.) ,, ,, pilularis (Sm.) Broadiibb and Bemm. macrorrhyncha (F. v. M.) Orbost. Sieberiana (F. v. M.) Coast Range. hemiphloia (F. v. M.) Snowy Rivei'. Tristania laurina (R. Br.) Bemm Valley. Eugenia Smithii — Lilly pillies — (Poir.) Snowy River, Orbost. H 98 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. RhamTWLceoi (A. L. de Juss.) Pomaderris elliptica (Labill.) Broadribb. „ apetala (Labill.) Bemm and Broadribb. „ prunifolia (A. Cunn.) Near Coast, Snowy Rivei-. Discaria Australis (Hook.) Upper Snowy River. Araliacem (Vent.) Astrotricha ledifolia (De Cand.) Cann Valley. Panax sambueifolius (Sieb.) (a) Var. with broad leaves. Cann Valley. (6) ,, with narrow pinnate foliage. Bemm and Broadribb. Umbelliferce. Trachymeme Billardieri (F. v. M.) Broadribb, on ridges. Crantzia lineata (Nutt.) Snowy River (entrance). Santalacea; (R. Br.) Leptomeria aphylla (R. Br.) Bonang. Omphacomeria acerba (De Cand.) Cann. Exocarpus cupressiformis (Labill.) Cann, Bemm, Broadribb. „ striata (R. Br.) Goonegrah and Cann. Proteacece (A. L. de Juss.) Conospermum patens (Sch.) Bendoc. Persoonia confertiflora (Benth.) Cann and Marlow. „ linearis (Andr.) Snowy River, Orbost. ,, Chamaipeuce (Lhot.) Yeerung River. „ lanceolata (Andr.) Bonang. „ juniperina (Labill.) Cann. Orevillia ei'icifolia (R. Br.) Cann River. „ parvillora (R. Br.) Broadribb. Hakea eriantha (R. Br.) Broadribb and Cann. „ microcarpa (R. Br.) Orbost. Telopea oreades (F. v. M.) Broadribb, Cann, Bemm, Cabbage Tree Q-eek, Coast Range near Bombay. Attains a height of 50 feet in humid valleys near McCulIoch Ranges. Lomatia longifolia (R. Br.) Coast Range. ,, ilicifolia (R. Br.) Cann River and Orbost. Banksia serrata (Linn.) Coastal Regions. ,, collina (R. Br.) Shrubby species Near Cann. Physiography of Wederii Portion Groajingolong. 99 Thymelece. Pimelea ligustriiKi (Labill.) Mount Goonmurk and Coast Range. „ axiflora (F. v. M.) Bendoc River. „ sp. Orbost. Mubiacew. Coprosma Billardieri (Hook.) Cann and Orbost. „ hirtella (Labill.) Bonang. Morinda jasminoides (A. Cimn.) Broadribb and Snowy. Cor)i2yositce. Bracliycome decipiens (Hook.) Bonang and Orbost. Aster megalophyllus (F. v. M.) Delegate River. ,, argopliyllus (Labill.) Coast Range and streams flowing Soutli. „ stellulatus (Labill.) Bemm Valley. (Var. (juercifolia.) ,, iodochrous (F. v. M.) Snowy River, Orbost, Cann, kc. Calotis lappulacea (Benth.) Snowy River and Oi'bost. Lagenophora Billardiei'i (Cass.) Bendoc. Podolepis acuminata (R. Br.) Bendoc. Helipterum antliemoides (De Cand.) Mount Delegate. Helichrysum scorpioides (Labill.) Bonang. ,, bracteatum (Willd.) Coast Range. „ leucop.sidium (De Cand.) Broadribb. „ apiculatum (De Cand.) Bendoc and Orbost. „ seinij^apposum (De Cand.) Bendoc and Bonang, „ rosmarinifolium (Less.) Delegate River. (Var. thyrisoicles.) „ obcordatum (F. v. M.) Mount Buck. „ cuneifolium. ., Cassinia aculeata (R. Br.) Bonang and Delegate Rivers. Humea elegans (8m.) Broadribb. Gnaplialium Traversii (Hook.) Craigie Bog. Craspedia Richea ((]!ass.) Bendoc and Orbost. Senecio spathulatus (A. Rich.) Oi-bost. „ lautus (Sol.) Bemm Valley. „ Australis (A. Rich.) Snowy River. „ Bedfordii (F v. M.) Broadribb, Bemm and Cann, Coast Range, Bonang. Cdprifol'iacea'. Sambucus Gaudicliaudiana (De Cand.) Orbost. H 2 100 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Camjxcnulacece (A. L. de Juss.) Lobelia purpiirascens (R. Br.) Snowy River. Wahlenbergia gracilis (A. de Cand.) Orbost. Canclolleacece (R, Br.) Stylidiarn graniinifolia (Swartz.) Orbost. Goodeniacece (R. Br.) Goodeiiia [laiiiculata (Sm.) Snowy River. Sca^vola hispida (Cav.) Broadribb and Bemm. Darnpiera stricta (R. Br.) Goolingook Ranges and Orbost. Gentianece (B. de Juss.) Limnanthemum crenatum (F. v. M.) Delegate River. Gentiana saxosa (Forst). Mount Goonmurk. Primulacecv (Vent.) Samolus Yalerandi (Linn.) Orbost. Myrsinaceoi (R. Br.) Myrsine variabilis (R. Br.) Snowy, Broadribb, Bemm, and Cann Rivers. Jasminece (A. L. de Juss.) Notela^a lanceolata (Yent.) Sardine Creek Ridges. ApocynciC (A. L. de Juss.) Lyoiisia straminea (R. Br.) Bonang, Broadribb. Asclepladcu:: (Jacq.) Tylopliora barbata (R. Br.) Snowy River. Marsdenia rostrata (R. Br.) Broadribb. Convolcidacew (A. L. de Juss.) Convolvulus erubescens (Sims). Orbost, Bonang. „ marginatus (Poir.) Broadribb & Snowy Rivers. Solanacett (Hall.) Solanuni vescum (F. v. M.) Bonang, Orbost. „ aviculare (Forst.) Snowy River. ,, pungetiuni (R. Br.) Broadribb River. Physiography of Western Portion Groajingolong. 101 iScrophidarince (Mirb.) Oratiola Peruviana (Linn.) Snowy and Bonang Rivers. Veronica Derwentia (Andr.) Orbost. ,, perfoliata (R. Br.) Bonang and Delegate. Euphrasia Brownii (F. v. M.) Bendoc. Lahiatce (Adanson). Mentha laxiflora (Benth.) Snow}^ River. Plectranthus parviflorus (Willd.) Broadribb and Snowy. Salvia plebeja (R. Br.) Broadribb and Snowy. Prostanthera lasiantha (Labill.) Coast Range, Bonang. Tencrium corymbosum (R. Br.) Upper Bemm Valley. Ajuga Australis (R. Br.) Orbost and Bonang. Myoporince (R. Br.) Myoporum floribvmdum (Cunn.) Orbost and Bonang. EpacridecB (R. Br.) Styphelia lanceolata (Sm.) Cann River. „ Macraei (F. v. M.) Cann and Uj)per Bemm. Epacris impressa (Labill.) Marlow. „ microphylla (R. Br.) Bendoc. Orchideoi (Hall.) Dipodium punctatum (R. Br.) Broadribb Valley. Spiranthes Australis (Linn.) Broadribb Valle}', Snowy River. Thelymitra ericoides (Sm.) Snowy River. „ longifolia (Forst.) Orbost Diuris punctata (Sm.) „ ,, pedunculata (R. Br.) „ „ longifolia ( R. Br.) Cann. •Cryptostylis longifolia (R. Br.) Orbost. Pterostylis nutans (R. Br.) „ Caladenia Patersoni (R, Br.) Cann. „ carnea (R. Br.) Bonang. Glossodia minor (R Br.) Cann and Bemm. Iridece (Vent.) Diplarrhena Moraea (Labill.) Broadribb, Bonang, Orbost, and Snowy Rivers. Patersonia glabrata (R. Br.) Snowy River, Marlow. Sisyrinchium paniculatum (R. Br.) ,, „ ]()2 rroceeduKjs of the Roijal Society of Victoria. Liliacece (Hall.) Smilax Australis (R. Br.) Bonang and Snow}- Rivers. Rhi})oo(»niim allnini (R. Br.) Snowy River. Eustreplms latifolius (R. Br) ,, Tliysanotus tuherosns (R. Br.) Canii and Broadribb. Styj)andra glauca (R. Br.) Orbost. Xerotes longifolia (R. Br.) Goonegerah and Marlow. Xanthorrhcea minor (R. Br.) Coast Regions. „ Australia (R. Er.) „ Palmoi (Ray). Livistona Australis (Mart.) Cabbage Tree Creek. Typhacem (A. L. de Juss.) Typlia angustifolia (Linn.) Snowy River. Juncew (R. Br.) Luzula campestris (De Cand.) Orbost. Restiacexe (R. Br.) Centrolejiis strigosa (Roe). Snowy River. Leptocarpus Brownii (Hook.) „ Cyiieracew (Hall.) Cyperus lucidas (R. Br.) Orbost. Schoenus axillaris (Poir.) ,, Caustis Hexuosa (R. Br.) Coast Region, Cann. Graininew (Hall.) Panicum marginatnni (R. Br.) Snowy River, Oplismenus compositus (Pal.) Broadribb. Zoysia j)ungens (Wiild.) Coast Region. Anthistiiia ciliata (Linn.) Broadribb. Hierochloa rariflora (Hook.) (Scented grass.) All over the Broadribb, Snowy, Cann, Bemm, and Bonang Valleys. Pappophoruni commune (F. v. M.) Snowy River. Poa Ccesjntosa (Forst). Broadribb Valley. Agropyron peetinatum (Pal.) Snowy River. Erharki stipoides (Labill.) All over the area. (Wire grass.) 1 PhysiograpJiy of Westerti Portion Groajingolong. 103 Lycopodinecv (Swartz.) Phylloglossurn Drummondii (Kunze) CanD. Lycopodium clavatum (Linn.) Snowy River. „ densum (Labill.) Cann River. Filices (Linn.) Gleichenia circinata (Swartz.) Bonang. fiabelJata (R. Br.) Yalma River. Todea Africana. Broadribb, Bonang. Dicksonia antarctica (Labill.) MeCulloch Range.s, Broadribb, Cann, Bemm. Adiantum Aetliiopicum (Linn.) Orbost. Adiantum formciyiim (R. Br.) Broadribb and Snowy. Pteris falcata (R. Br.) Bemm, Cann, and Broadrilib „ tremula (R. Br.) Snowy River. ,, aquilina (Linn.) ,, Lomaria discolor (Willd.) Orbost, Bonang, Bemm, and Broadribb. „ capensis (Willd.) Bonang, Mt. Goonmurk. Blechnum cartilagineum (Swartz.) Broadribb and Cabbage Tree Creek. Doodia aspera (Mett.) Broadribb and Snowy Rivers. Asplenium triebomanes (Linn.) Rodgers River. „ fiabellifolium (Cav.) Bendoe. ,, bulbiferum (Forst.) Bonang. „ umbrosum (J. Sm.) Snowy and Broadribb. Aspidium aculeatmn (Swartz.) Snowy River. „ decompositum (Spreng.) ,, Polypodium punctatum (Thun.) Broadribb and Snowy. „ serpens (Forst.) Cabbage Tree Creek, Broadribb, Orbost. The Geological Structure. The I'ocks of the western portion of Croajingolong do not present many pecuhar features. In the upper portion of the area, silurian slates and sandstones prevail ; in the middle, a belt of granite stretches across from east to west ; and towards the coast, are pliocene bouldery deposits over- lying occasional outliers of partially denuded mioeene gravels, clays, and limestone bands. Infolded with the Silurian are occasional outliers of conglomerate shales and limestone bands, and some patches of tertiary basalt. Towards the Cann Valley are masses of 104 Proceedings of the Roijal Society of Victoria. brown and red sandstones and conglomerates, and grits apparently Devonian ; while still further eastward towards the colony boundary are some yellow sandstones and grits bearing a striking resemblance to the lower members of the N.S.W. carboniferous series. The localities where each group of rock formations are found may be best described by taking each group according to stratigraphical succession. Sedimentary Rocks. Loiver Silurian. The oldest sediments observed are the black slates of the eastern tributaries of the Snowy, as at Deddick and at the Yalma, where graptolites occur. These black slates are vertical and finely laminar, and are evidently lower Silurian. So far as known at present, these black graptolitic slates do not extend further to the eastward. At Bonang they are leplaced by ash-coloured and brownish shales and grey quartzites, and at Bendock by fawn-coloured, pinkish, and yellowish slates, shales, and tine-grained felsitic sand- stones with a lesser angle of dip by from 50° to iSO°. In the Broadribb Valley, the sediments are more indurated, and have suffered much contortion, as seen on the range dividing the Broadribb and Sardine Creeks, northerly from Mount Buck, where they consist of brown, indurated sandstones, and flexured hard slates full of quartz segregations. On the Black Watch Creek and Goolingook the slates are blue and more persistent in strike, with interlaminated bands of grey close-grained quartzite. The former resemble upper Silurian sediments, while the latter the lower. No line of demarcation has yet been found within the area. The lithological characters and angle of dip are not sufficient to determine a stratigraphical horizon. The induration of much of the sedimentary masses is evidently due to the intrusion of granite masses either as bosses in situ or ramifying dykes of hornblende (diorite) rock associated with the intrusive masses. Uixper Silurian. On the range dividing the Broadribb and Snow}^ Rivers at the head of Sardine Creek (northern branch) is a band of greyish and whitish marlile and masses of coarse conglomerates and jointed shales. I'he marble band yields some stems of Actinocrinus of apparently upper Silurian facies. The con- Physiography of Western Portion Croajingolong. 105 glonierates are lithologically similar to certain beds lying at the base of the middle Devonian elsewhere, as at Bendi ;* and also to some outliers at Giblo River f They may, 1 think, be provisionally classed as upper Silurian. Devonian. On the divide between the Bemm and Cann, the eastern watershed of the Combinebar Creek, and at Buldah, are masses of quartzose conglomerate and red sandstones, pre- senting in places a low angle of dip 80° to 60°, presenting similar features to the Devonian sandstones and conglom- erates of Mount Tambo-i They are certainly stratigraphically superior to the slates and sandstones of the Yalma and Bendoc, and may be provisionally classed as Devonian. Like the former, they have been subjected to the indurating effects of adjacent granite masses occupying the lower part of the Cann valley. The sandstones being convei'ted into quartzites, and the conglomerates into porphyries or por- phyritic conglomerate, I cannot assign any age to these masses ; they may represent upper Devonian. Ail that can be safely said in the absence of fossils is, that they are younger than any members of the upper Silurian, and are overlaid further to the east by what appears to be an outlier of carboniferous sandstone. The latter will be referred to in a subsequent paper on the " Physiography of the Eastern Portion of the County of Croajingolong," for which I am preparing data. Plutonic. From the Cabanandara valley, and also at Bonang and the Delegate River north of the coast range, a mass of granite stretches through the centre of the county to the Cann River at Morgan's homestead — Mount Elleiy is the centre of this broad band of granite. A huge tor, occupying the highest point of the mountain, forms a prominent feature in the landscape. From the induration and metamcnphism which this plutonic mass has effected along its margin, it is younger than any of the palaeozoic sediments. At Bonang it is a ternary compound of glassy quartz, white and greyish * Notes on the Physiography of the Tambo Valley. J. StirUng, in Transactions Geological Society of Australasia, 1887. t Notes on the Giblo Kiver Tableland. J. Stirling, in Mining Eeports for September, 1887. + On the Devonian Rocks of North Gippsland. By A. W. Howitt, F.G.S. Government Report Geological Survey of Victoria. 106 Proceedings of the Royal Soeiety of Victoria. orthoclase felspar, and greenish mica. The upper portion of the mass has a gneissose appearance, as if the mass had been subject to hiteral strain and crushing, causing re- arrangements of the constituents subsequent to its original solidification from a plastic molten mass. To the south as at-Sardine Creek, on the Broadribb, the middle portion of the Erinundra, on the Bemm, the heads of Tongii Creek, and on the Cann at Morgan's, it has accessory hornblende in places, is in fact syenitic. The age of these granitic masses is probably Devonian : they form part of the plutonic masses which invaded the Palaeozoic sediments at the close of the Devonian period, and exposed b}^ subsequent denudation. At the Yeerung River are masses of quartz, porphyry, and felsites, also probably pai-t of the later Devonian volcanic activities. So far as known at present, the Mesozoic series are absent. Tertiary. — Miocene. The next defined group of rocks are the yello\y limestone bands resting on the denuded surfaces of the Silurian or granite rocks, and overlaid by bouldery wash clays, gravels, and sand deposits. This formation is found near the coast, well exposed cliffs are seen on the west side of the Snowy near Orbost, and occasional remnants are met with on the east side, yielding characteristic fossils. At Bonang, and in certain places along the western watershed of the Broadribb River, are outliers of tertiary basalt which appear to have filled the Miocene River valleys although the surrounding hills have been degraded. At Bonang, underlying the basalt there and on the western rim, are outcrops of what at first would be considered a heavy river bouldery deposit. Fm^ther close examinations suggested to me that it was in reality a remnant of a Devonian conglomerate (some of the watervvorn boulders are 3 feet in diameter). The locality is about 450 feet above the Bonang river. Unless these boulders are, as suofnrested, remnants of Devonian heavy conglomerates (they are probably of glacial origin), it is difficult to conceive of fluviatile agencies transporting them along a comparativel}^ flat valley sach as existed in situ durincj Miocene times. A little gold has been obtained in some of the lighter gravelly wash associated with the larger boulders. Physiography of Western Portion Croajingolong. 107 Met AMORPHIC. On tlie McCulloch Ranges, running south from Mt. Ellery, is a broad band of metamorphic schist and gneiss, apparently metamorphosed Siku'iau. The central mass is a coarsely sili- ceous gneiss, the siliceous material standino- out in weathered samples in wavy lines. On either side is a band of micaceous schist, and outward from this, nodular schist and phyllites. The difference between this mass and the metamorphism exhibited along; the contact with the hornblendic trranites, is that in the latter the adjoining slates or sandstones are only altered for a short distance from the contact — in the former, the alteration has taken place along a north and south line over a large area. The lithological character of these meta- morphic rocks at once places them on the same stratigraphical horizon as the Omeo metamorphic schists. Here, as elsewhere (in the Australian Alps), the approach to the metamorphic schists is marked by frequent quartz segregations along the margin of the schistose area. At Mount Raymond are numerous quartz diorites and felstones, apparently associated with an intrusive mass of Devonian age in situ. Pliocene and Pleistocene. The bouldery wash overlying the yellow miocene lime- stones and clays may be taken as a Pliocene. The deposition of these washes may be said to have taken place during an area of great rainfall. They are widely distributed along the coast regions of Gippsland, and are overlaid by the sandy coast deposits, which are probably Pleistocene and recent. The rich soils on the Snowy, at Orbost, and in the Bemm and Cann valleys, McCulloch Ranges, &c., are all younger formations. Auriferous Areas. The only metal mined for within the area is gold, and principally in the Bendoc and Bonang districts north of the Coast Range. Here both quartz and alluvial workings occur. Although the prospecting parties have discovered many new auriferous localities on the south side of the Coast Range, no payable goldfields have yet been opened up. The upper portion of the Bemm, as at Combinebar Creek, contains alluvial gold in the creek flats ; while recentlj', the ])rospectors, under control of Mr. Norman Whitelaw, leader of track-cutting parties, found rich specimens in the 108 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. McKenzie, a western tributary rising in the McCulloch Ranges. In the upper tributaries of the Broadribb, alluvial gold has also been found towards the Coast Range. At both the McKenzie, Combinebar, and Upper Broadribb a legitimate field exists for quartz prospecting, the geological conditions being favouraljle in each place for such discoveries. It is on the north side of the Coast Range that payable alluvial and quartz gold is found. The Queensborough, Back Creek, Little River, Bendoc, Delegate, and Bonang Rivers have all been worked success- fully for alluvial gold, and at present reefs are being worked in the Bendoc and Bonang valleys. In the former, the Eclipse, Morning Star, and Come Love mines ; and in the latter, the Rising Sun, Duke of Westminster, Croesus, New Chum, Exhibition, and Young Australian. Most of these mines are in slate and sandstone formation, in some cases, as in the Rising Sun, heavily charged with pyrites and the joints coated with graphitic substance, rendering the ore refractory. Chlorination works, accoiding to the Newbery- Vautin process, are being erected in the district. On the Snowy River are some cupreous lodes, which have not yet been mined. The original observations of that eminent geological observer, the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., on the Bendoc auriferous areas, and his remarks as to future discoveries, have been amply borne out by recent mining- developments. As one of the pioneers of geological research in Australia, his work stands, in the light of recent examina- tions, a model of patient and painstaking observation and sound geological reasoning. It must be borne in mind that Mr. Clarke did not follow the pick of the miner in these areas, but was in advance of such. I am confident the members of the Royal Society will pardon this digression from the subject matter of my paper, in the humble endeavour to do justice to the memory of one of Australia's scientific pioneers. In a future paper, on the eastern portion of the county, I will endeavour to summarise the observations I have made on the physiography of the area, dealing at greater length with the meteorology, and also the mineralogy. The present article may serve as an introduction to the piiysiography of a little-known region of Victoria. Granite. Contact Silurian Kocks. Slates A Saudatou APPROXIMATE GEOLOGICAL SKETCH SECTION ACROSS EASTERN TRIBUTARIES OF THE SNOWY RIVER, By James Stiulinc, F.G.S. NOTES FROM THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE. By W. Baldwin Spencer, Professor of Biology iu the Uuiversity of Melbourne. (1) On the presence of a FluJye in the Egg of a Foivl. I owe the specimens, upon examination of which this note is founded, to the kindness of Miss Stone, of St. Kilda, by whom they were found, and to whom my best thanks are due, for the very kind and untiring assistance which she rendered in searching for the animals in a great number of eggs. Miss Stone Avas successful in finding the living Trematode in three eggs and undoubted traces of the animal in numerous others obtained both in Melbourne and Ballarat, and she has thus succeeded in showing that the animal, which has been but comparatively rarely recorded before from the hen's Qgg, is probably not infrequentl}^ present iu this position in Australia, and that its ova protected in their hard cases, are really often to be found in the hen's eo-g. The animal itself was first described and named b}^ Rudolph as occurring in the bursa fabricia of different birds, and hence the adult on rare occasions apparently travels up the oviduct and reaching the part in which the " white of the egg" is formed, becomes entangled in this and carried down again, till finally the shell is secreted on the outside and the animal enclosed. The fluke was close to the ovum in the centre,and therefore must have travelled a considerable distance up the oviduct, or may have worked its way in towards the centre, after deposition of the egg. In the majoi-ity of cases there were present in the eggs what were undoubtedly remains of flukes in a more or less decomposed state. Their nature was rendered evident by the presence of the very characteristic ova of the flukes with the minute oval brown- coloured &gg cases. How long these ova could remain alive, and Avhether when swallowed by some other animal they would develop, it is of course impossible to say, without experiment. no Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. The adult Huke is at most not more tlian ^-4 in. in length. The alimentary canal has the usual form. The ovary is a racemose gland surroundirjg and opening into the part where the two ducts from the yelk-glands join and the uterus arises. The much-coiled uterus is full of ova witli brown shell cases, and runs forward to open, not close to the male organs, but, as can be seen both in the whole animal and by means of a continuous series of transverse sections, anteriorly by the left side of the head sucker. The three adult animals examined agreed in this respect : in the ■whole animals the eggs could be traced forwards to the sucker, but this might of course have been due to their lying in a groove on the surface ; sections showed that this was not so, but that the oviduct ran forward. The testes are two large oval bodies, one on each side of the ventral sucker, sucker. Their ducts unite and open in the usual position. Tlie excretory vesicle is well developed, and has strongly muscular walls. In sections the median canal can be traced as a sino-le duct as far forwards as the ventral sucker. (2) Oil the presence of a Pentastomum parasitic i n the Lung of the Copper-head Sncd-e ( Hoplocephalus superhus). My attention was first drawn to this arthropod by my friend and pujiil, Mr. Dombrain, who noticed its presence when cutting open a snake on King Island in November, 1887. Further searching showed me at once that the copper- head snakes of the island were infected by the parasite, which lives in their lungs. In one snake I counted no fewer than T29 specimens in the lung, and yet to all appear- ance this animal was perfectly healthy. When living they are of a briglit red colour, due to the amount of blood sucked into the body from the lung of the snake. The parasite lies with its head buried in the lung tissue and firmly attached by means of its four very definite hooks. The female, which is much the largest, measures when full- grown some 2 inches in length, and has from ablogical Survey Committee, account for more than tlie amount of the reduction of the balance. 120 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. OOOOOC5C;OC20NOOO<-lOiOO:COO i-H iH ;o-t<»Oi-itooi-ii-(ooooooo-t*-*occ5 CCCf5.-IC;,-t'M-'5C^OT-lc2-) in ^ a I "a ^ !>■. - Q g Ph fe <^ 3 Ch . ■ 2 "^ 2 .3 5 a o a m a o J? S _fcp t> a a S (:0pL|PPfc a -S -« o °o p eS a a> rt tj —. Q o a •- fl a .2 a ^^ i-i cs o £? ^ f^ J -9 1 i ^ I -fill O «D -^ CI ^^ p: C5 'in '2 H pj 'i 60 ^ T' w _g o cS ,a '3 rS •^ 15 CD O -2 __- a 1^ a •-p, n^ o M M ri f^. - :: r o o o o ^ » o i-H o T-H 00 o r-l c« a O CO o a Tl ^^ ft a Ol a ^ 0) ■-S H m Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 123 On the motion of the President, seconded by Mr. White, the Annual Report, as printed and eircuUited, and amended as under, was received and adopted. It was agreed that a refei-ence to the death of Professor Balfour Stewart should be inserted immediately after the obituary paragraph. It was also agreed that the name of Mr. A. H. S. Lucas, which had been accidentally omitted from the list of members of the Committee for the Biological Exploration of Port Phillip, should be inserted. After some discussion with regard to the publication of a catalogue of books in the library, the office-bearers for the coming year were elected as follows : — President, Professor Kernot, M.A., C.E. ,.. „ -^ . f E. J. White. Esq., F.RA.S. Vice-Preside.nts, ^ j ^^^^_^^ Newbery, Esq., C.M.G., B.Sa Hon. Treasurer, James Jamieson, Esq., M.D. Hon. Librarian, J. E. iNeild, Esq., M.D. rT a ^ • f H. K. Rusden, Esq. non. Secretaries, • tt. -d a -c^ r. I r. Barnard, Esq. Members of Council, R. L. J. Ellery, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S. ; G. S. Gi-iffiths, Esq., F.G.S. ; Prof Orme Masson, M.A., D.Sc. ; H. Moors, Esq. ; J. T. Rudall, Esq., F.R.C.S. ; Prof W. Baldwin Spencer, B.A. The meeting then resolved itself into an ordinary meeting, and the minutes of the last ordinary meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. James Wilson was elected as an associate. The President read a letter received from Professor Liversidge in reference to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. The letter was in reply to one addressed by Mr. Rusden to Professor Liversidge regarding the proposal made by the Exhibition Commis- sioners, that a gathering of scientists should be held in Melbourne some time within the period set apart for the Exhibition. The President added that it had already been decided to hold the first meeting of the Association in Sydney, in August or September, and it remained to be seen how the desire of the Exhibition Commissioners could be met. Mr. Jennings' paper on " Irrigation " was postponed, in the absence of the author from the colony. J 24 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Dr. WiGG read a paper on " The Proposed Introduction of New Diseases into Australia." The President said it would be agreed that this question was one of great importance, indeed of urgency at the present moment. The steamer on which M. Pasteur's emissaries had embarked was close at hand, and unless some step were taken the experiment would be tried. Of course it was possible that nothing would come of it, that it would hurt no one, not even the rabbit. It might affect the rabbit and no one else. Yet there was reasonable probability, as Dr. Wigg had stated, that it would do a great deal of harm, in any event it was a step that should not be taken blindly. Mr. Marks was glad to be able to say that Dr. Wigg in his paper mentioned a great many points on which he (Mr. Marks) had laid great stress, in a letter written to the Chief Secretary. If the influence possessed by the Royal Society were brought to bear on the Government it might be the means of preventing the introduction and extension of cholera microbes in the colony. Dr. Jamieson said there could be no doubt of the importance of the question Dr. Wigg had dealt with that evening. Dr. Wigg liad been good enough, at comparatively short notice, to undertake to brinff the matter before the Society. The fact that the paper was not on the notice paper might have pievented some from trying to make themselves better acquainted with the subject. However, it was but fair that the matter should be brought before this, the leading Society of the colony, as the Society was known to have weight with the Government. He had been endeavouring, with such opportunities as he had had, to make himself acquainted with the present state of knowledge of this question. On some of the points Dr Wiofg had referred to, he had been able to collect some important information, which might be useful in connection with this discussion. Firstly, with reference to the nature of the disease. As far as he understood it, it was not cholera at all. He understood that it got its name — fowl cholei'a — from the fact that it occurred with great virulence and spread violently in France at a time when the genuine cholera was very prevalent. It had not the symptoms of cholera, and in other countries than France it was not called cholera. In Germany it was called "fowl typhoid," or " bird typhoid." Dr. Wigg referred to the fact, as he Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 125 said, that information had been withheld. He did not know how far it was proper to say that it was withheld, deliberately withheld, for some purpose ; but certainly, they had not got specific information as to the spread of the disease from fowls to other birds. In the year 1883 a report was made by a well-known veterinarian, in a fowl-fancier's journal, published in Dresden, as to an examination which had been made of the bodies of a large number of birds that had died. His report was, that out of 865 birds examined after death, no fewer than J 22 had died of this fowl typhoid. Included in the number of birds that had died of this disease were 79 fowls, ] 7 pigeons, '.) geese, 8 turkeys, 5 ducks, 3 ordinary pheasants, and a foreign pheasant. Considering that only domesticated or semi-domesticated birds were likely to be found d3'ing of disease, and have their bodies examined, it miffht be taken for ^-ranted, iudoino- from the laro-e variety of birds that had been affected, as stated, that the disease would spread through all kinds of birds. It had not been proved that it affected any special kind. In so far as birds were known, there was apparent evidence that it would spiead to any kind. It could not be limited to fowls and rabbits. If it once got into this community it might possibly sweep over the country, and, if not exterminate, gradually diminish the number of both tame and wild birds. That was an important point, and might be taken as supplying evidence that Dr. Wigg and himself thought should rightly and properly have been supplied. There was another important matter to be considered, and that was the relation of this disease to diseases in other animals. He found that in the year 1S78 a disease was very prevalent in Germany amongst game animals, particularly deer. A very large number died from some not well understood epidemic disease. An inquiry into the nature of that disease was conducted by a well-known veterinarian. His first suspicit)n was that it w^as anthrax. He did find, correctly or not, that there was abundance of room for a difference of opinion. He found an organism that he considered w^as the cause of th.e disease. If not identical witli the organism found in fowl cholera and the disease affecting rabbits, yet it l>ore a very close resemblance to it. The disease in fowls, the disease afi'ecting rabldts, and one called "swme disease," all bore a great similarity as regards tlie organisms present in all of 126 Proceedinfjs of the Royal Society of Victoria. them. More recently the question had been taken up again. He held in his band a very full summary of papers published on the subject in Berlin, at the end of 1886, by a well-known authority on this particular question. His inquiry was as to the relation ])robably existing between this disease and others. His general conclusion was, that the swine sickness, probably also the rabbit and fowl cholera, were only vaiious manifestations of a disease which he would describe in a ge"ceral way by one name. Therefore, tliough it might be said that M. Pasteur is a great discoverer, anxious to gain further fame, yet there was reason to suppose that some risk would attend the introduction by him of the fowl cholera. A serious responsibility would be incurred by the Government of this or any other colony were they, without very careful inquir}', to allow experiments to be made on this continent in the rash way proposed. However, it was somewhat doubtful, supposing the disease were introduced, whether or not it would serve the purpose of destrojdug the rabbits. Dr. Wigg had clearly pointed out that the experiment in France was made under conditions different to those which were to be met with here. The result of that experiment was simply that a certain number of rabbits had been poisoned and nothing more. It had been shown that the disease would be spread over large areas by the ordinary means of contagion. No satisfactory proof had been given that it would serve the purpose intended, and in view of that fact, and of the supposition that the disease might spread to other animals and birds, the matter was one which should be seriously considei'ed. He did not agree with many who, in speaking and writing on the subject, had stated that the disease would acquire here new features, of special virulence for instance. It was very true, as Dr. Wigg had stated, that a great many deaths from measles occurred in Fiji, but apart from the fact that measles were then introduced for the fii'st time, it was known that the natives deliberately refused to be treated, and exposed themselves to dangers such as would cause disease to be fatal in any countiy. Still it nuist be borne in mind that when scarlet fever came into this country from Europe, and when its nature w-as first discussed liere in 1854- and 1855 it was quite a mild disease. It did not rage then at all. The same held good of measles, which alwa^'S was an extraordinary mild disease in Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 127 So far as his experience went, he was not aware that any disease introduced into Australia had shown more virulent properties here than it had in other parts of the world. He did not think the fowl cholera would acquire new properties here — would become extraordinarily virulent, or would be the cause of effects unknown elsewhere. It was now recognised that fowl cholera was making great havoc amongst domestic fowls and birds in France and Germany, and probably in other countries of Europe, and that in all likelihood it would spread to a considerable extent here, though it might happen, on account of our large areas, that it would not spread so readily as it did in the more crowded parts of Europe, where fowls were met with at every few paces all over the country. He did not know of any evidence showing that the disease would spread to human beings. It had been said that there had been ample opportunities for such a power if it existed to have been developed in the old countries, and it was not at all likely that such a property would be developed by the mere introduction of the disease into Australia. Mr. C. R. Blackett thought that Dr. Wigg's paper was timely. It would be better to bear the ills they had, than fly to others they knew not of It should be known that M. Pasteur had saved millions to France. He had benefitted the wine culture by investigating the disease in vines, and had discovered the cause of disease in silk worms. Though he had gained the respect and even the confidence of scientific men, still they were not to accept without question all that he proposed. Dr. Jamieson had alluded to the fact that various diseases in certain animals were modifications of the same thing, but the investigations of the ablest microscopists seemed to indicate that they were quite distinct. He agreed with Dr. Wigg and Dr. Jamieson that the Government were bound to take steps to prevent the introduction into the colon}'^ of the form of disease pro])osed to be introduced by M. Pasteur, except under the most stringent conditions. It might be advisable to quarantine M. Pasteur's emissaries at Flinders Island. If the fowl cholera would kill the rabbit, and could be propagated amongst rabbits, and if its origin was with the winged tribes generally, would it not go back to them ? That appeared to be the logical conclusion. He thought M. Pasteur had not thoroughly recognised the enormous distances in this country, nor that Australia was sparsely 128 Proceeding.'! of the Royal Society of Victoria. populated with people, and that the rabbits were scattered over wild and scarcely-populated districts. While the microbes might kill rabbits in one burrow, how could the disease be propagated for long distances ? Certain rabbits would escape, and their fecundity was well known. Those were matters for future consideration, but it was quite right that a warning note should be sounded. Mr. BosiSTO thought the Society was greatl}-- indebted to Dr. Wigg for bringing the matter forward, inasmuch as the results of the introduction of the disease might be very serious. Birds and animals might be affected by the disease. He would lefer to Pasteur's experiments in the 19 acres already alluded to. It was well known that if a field containinof a larj^e number of rabbits were walled in the rabbits could be destroyed by means other than that adopted by Pasteur, and just as rapidly as he destroyed them. He (Mr. Bosisto) was not speaking ignorantlj?- on this subject, as he himself had had to deal with l\h square miles of Mallee country, on which he had seen tens of thousands of rabbits — not altogether on that block, but in and around it. By paying attention to the matter of getting rid of them he had so far succeeded, that instead of their now being thousands of rabbits on his land he did not think that 500 could be found. Endeavours should now be made to induce the owners of land throughout A-Ustralia to rmdertake one uniform and regular system of destruction. There were peculiar circumstances con- nected with M. Pasteur's experiments in the 19-acre block. Firstly, the rabbits had eaten up the whole of the vegetation, so that when the clover, over which the liquid containing the microbes had been spread, was placed in the enclosure, they ate it greedily, and death resulted in a large number of cases. He (Mr. Bosisto) and others in Victoria had, in the dry seasons when the ground was bare, adopted somewhat similar means, with equally good results as regards the rabbits on this ground. In summer, when there was plenty of green grass which the rabbits liked to nip from the living plant, the only thing they found could be done was to place bi-sulphide of carbon in the warrens ; but when the ground was as bare as it was for M. Pasteur's experiment then they killed them by thousands. Little heaps of as much chaff as could be got into a tumbler were placed near the warrens, and vipon those heaps were poured a weak solution of arsenic. Simple as this remedy seemed. Proceedings of the Royal Society of VictoHa. 129 it did what was desired. Thousands and tens of thousands of rabbits were killed after eating the chaff, which they did ravenously. They could get nothing else. On Madame Pomeroy's ] 9-acre block they could get nothing more than what was given them by M. Pastern-. His (Mr. Bosisto's) candid opinion was that we had the remedy in our own hands. We wanted neither microbes nor any other dangerous material imported into this country. He made these observations to show that while we possessed an animal that bred rapidly, yet we possessed a remedy, and did not require to introduce others. He hoped the steps would be taken to carry out Mr. Blackett's suggestion of quarantining. If the imported disease destroyed the birds, a great evil would be done to the community, as locusts, grasshoppers, and other insects would increase. His land, to which he had referred, was now looking green and beautiful, the rabbits having been greatly lessened in numbers by the adoption of the remed}^ spoken of One day the locusts swept across the whole 600-acre block, and demolished every particle of green thing there, and still went on. Yet crows and other birds followed and feasted on the locusts. The poisoned chaff which the rabbits ate was sj^read so carefully, that very few birds were killed by it. The rabbits, however, died in thousands. Dr. KuDALL. — If such a disease as fowl cholera were introduced he did not think it was in the power of any human being to say where it would stop. In old countries it could be estimated, but not in a country like Australia. Dr. Wigg had instanced the occurrence of measles in Fiji, and stated that it was a new disease there, and had proved fatal in a large number of cases. Dr. Jamieson seemed to think that the disease had proved fatal in so many cases because of the great carelessness shown on the part of those who were attacked. He did not think that was a full explanation of the occurrence. Many years ago measles were introduced into the Faroe Islands. That disease had not been known there in the memory of man, j-et it was remarkably fatal, and it did seem therefore that when disease fell upon virgin soil it was very likely to be much more fatal than among communities who had been habituated to it. Mr. G. S. Griffiths moved, " That having heard Dr. Wigg's notes on this subject, and the remarks made by the other gentlemen present, the Royal Society K 180 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. respectfully advises the Australian Governments to refuse their permission to any person to introduce any form of disease for the purpose of checking the rabbit plague, until the whole question has been fully considered." Mr. Jackson seconded the motion. Dr. Wigg had done a great service to the Society in calling attention to the subject. He gathered from the remarks that had been made, that it was not yet certain whether or not this disease would be communicated from one set of rabbits to another set. If it were not so communicable, then its value as a means of ridding the country of the pest would be nil. If, on the other hand, it were valuable for the purpose of ridding the country of the pest, by being easily commu- nicable, it would have the disadvantage of carrying off a great proportion of the number of domestic fowls and other birds. It seemed to him, that the people here were on the horns of a dilemma. From either point of view, it was desirable to prevent the importation of the disease into the colony. The President said that before the motion was put, he would like to say a word or two. He did not speak as a medical man, nor as a biologist. He was an engineer, and, he trusted, a scientific one. It had been said, that M. Pasteur's investigations of the vine disease and the silk worm were models of scientific investigation. On the strength of that, it might be assumed that his experiments with the chicken cholera had been equally exhaustive and minute. If that were so, it was strange that no information of such an exact investigation was to be met with. An experiment, unless it were properly arranged and tried, would be simply misleading. There had appeared in The Argus a column or more containing the extraordinary story about the rabbits in Madame Pomeroy's vineyard. He was greatly astonished that such unscientific proceedings should be put forward as a conclusive experiment. Suppose instead that a solitary infected rabbit had been placed in that 19-acre paddock, and that then in tlie course of a week the rabbits had died the inference would have been difi'erent. The result obtained by M. Pasteur was in no way different from that arrived at by Mr. Bosisto simply by the use of arsenic. One ot the first questions that occurred to him was, could not the same result have been obtained with any ordinary poison, and if chicken cholera was not different to ordinary poisons that were Proceedings of tJte Royal Society of Victoria. 13'J used, what was the need of bringing it here at all ? ]\Ir. Bosisto's evidence regarding the arsenic was most important. Wh}'' go to an unknown and possibly very dangerous agent, when the desired object could be effected by a cheap and possibly safe one ? The motion was put and cairied unanimously. Thursday, April 12th. The President in the Chair. THE AUSTRALASIAN ASSOCIATION. The President said that a communication had been received from Professor Liversidge intimating that the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, having been duly established, with the concurrence and support of almost the whole of the scientific and learned societies throughout the colonies, the first general meetino- of the Association would be held in Sydney, on the 4th September next, and continue for several days following. The Association, it would be remembered, arose out of a proposal made by Professor Liversidge in November 18S6, on which occasion a meeting was held at the Royal Societj^'s House in Sydney, under the presidency of Mr. Russell, and at which a large number of the learned, scientific, and professional societies of New South Wales, New Zealand, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria wej-e represented. At that meeting it was resolved unanimously that the Association should be formed on the lines of the British Association, and that the first meeting should take place in the Centennial year, 18S8. The time was approaching for the holding of that meeting, and it was hoped that the members of the Roj^al Society of Victoria would not be slow in supporting so desirable a movement. The Association did not propose to trench upon the operations of oi' interfere with any existing scientific body. Its meetings were intended to be annual, as were those of the British Association. The first meeting would be held, as already arranged, in Sydney, and the second meeting, it was almost certain, would be held in Melbourne. Those annual meetings on the lines of the British Association would unquestionably do great good. They would bring scientific men together, and would enable those who had been working on different lines to come into personal K 2 132 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. communication. At present, the scientists of Melbom^ne met the scientists of Melbom-ne, but had not the opportunity of meetino- those of AustraLisia. The meetino-s of the Association would afford that opportunity. An annual volume such as was published by the British Association would be [lublislied. The great facilities that now existed for travelling between the j^rincipal Australian colonies would promote the prosperity of the Association ; in fact, he might say, they would render possible the existence of such an Association. In connection with the meetings it was proposed to have excursions to places of interest, especially of scientific interest. Therefore the meetings would not only be interesting from a scientific point of view, but would afford relaxation, health, and pleasure. The subscription was £1 Is. per annum. It was intended to pay the incidental expenses of holding meetings, printing, sending out notices and so forth, and also the expense of publishing the Transactions. Each subscriber would receive a copy of the annual volume, and, in fact, of all publications of the Association. That the movement should be warmly supported was highly desirable. It was a step in the direction of federation and of harmonious co-operation, and could not fail to be productive of good in a multitude of ways. Their Sydney friends had the right to claim that the first meeting should be held in Sydney, as New South Wales was the oldest colony, and this was the Centennial year. The movement had been fostered, and the pre- liminaries arranged by the scientific gentlemen in Sydney, and all that Victorians had to do was to support it as earnestly and warmly as they could. There would be a series of sections within the Association similar to those in the British Association, so that persons studying different branches of science would find a congenial sphere in which to work. The sections were ten in number. He trusted that members would not overlook this very important movement, nor allow their Sydney friends to accuse them of lukewarmness in the matter. If they paid their subscriptions, attended the meeting in Sydney in considerable numbers, and contributed papers, they might rest assured that their Sydney friends would be greatly encouraged, and that the year after they would have a large and successful meeting in Melbourne. The Pkesident then read the Annual Report of the Hon. Librarian, Dr. Neild. Proceedings of the Rayed Society of Victoria. 1 83 Mr. EusDEN read a paper by Robert Abbott, Esq., C.E., on " The Maintenance of Energy." The President remarked that there was one point in the paper with which he was not quite satisfied, viz., the mode in which the length of time necessary for the production of the features of the earth's surface and its flora and fauna was arrived at by the biologists and geologists. The physicists had certain definite data to go upon, but on the biological side he failed to see where were the data for such definite conclusions. Mr. Abbott did not seem to have given them a great deal that was new on the subject dealt with in the paper. Mr. Frazer thought the title of the paper incorrect ; that there was nothing in it to show how energy was maintained. Professor Masson said that Mr. Abbott asked them to follow him in assumptions, as, for example, that the primordial matter was below possibly the absolute zero of temperatui'e — that it was without molecular motion — which required much more justification than he had given for them. The President read a paper by Mr. Newton C. Jennings, on " Irrigation and Water Supply in the Australian Colonies." Mr. Fenton did not see anything in the paper open to discussion, and remarked on the peculiar fluctuation in the rainfall of the colony. Mr. F. A. Campbell thought that everything in the paper might be taken as a matter of course. Though the average rainfall of the colony was ample for all wants, yet in certain parts of the colony Avhere irrigation was most necessary, it was small. Search should be made to ascertain where water existed below the surface, so that it might be tapped. The President remarked that Mr. Jennings could hardly be aware of how much work had already been done. All the moi-e important sti'eams in the northern watershed of the colony were being gauged very carefully, and the results recorded and printed. He did not agree with Mr. Jennings' statement that there was no question as to the right of Government to intercept the rainfall on its own land. 134- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Thursday, May 10th. The President in the chair. Messrs. Wm. Bage, W. H. Nimmo, S. C. Candler, and Arthur Dendy, M.Sc, F.L.S., were nominated as members. The Hon. Librarian announced that since the last meeting, thirtj^-four scientific publications had been added to the library. The President announced that Mr. Lucas had resigned his position as Member of Council, owing to pressure of work. Mr. White proposed, and Professor Spencer seconded, a motion that Mr. Topp be elected to the vacant position. The motion was carried. Mr. RusDEN read a paper by Mr. T. Wakelin, B.A., of New Zealand, on " An experiment to show how the earth is made to gravitate towards the Sun." Mr. White re- marked that Mr. Wakelin wished to go beyond the theory of gravitation. Mr. RusDEN read a paper by the same author, on " The Dynamical Ecjuivalent of a Pressure." The President said he thought the author failed to appreciate the true conditions of such an experiment. The results of his experiment would vary in accordance with the way in which his apparatus was made. On the motion of Professor Spencer, seconded by Mr. Griffiths, the standing orders were suspended to allow of Mr. Dendy reading his paper on " The Anatomy of an Arenaceous Polyzoon." The President congratulated Mr. Dendy on having so soon after his arrival in the colony, made an original con- tribution to biological science. Mr. Bracebeidge Wilson had for long known the animal without suspecting its polyzoon nature. Professor Spencer referred to the important work carried on by Mr. Wilson in his biological explorations in the waters of Port Phillip, in which he had discovered many new and remarkable forms. Professor Spencer read a paper on " The Presence of a Fluke in the Ecw of the Common Fowl." Mr. Lucas did not quite understand how the adult fluke got into the egg. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 135 Mr. Fenton remarked that the presence of the fluke in eggs was entirely unsuspected by the general public, and the President sug-sfested that it would be interestino- to know to what extent, if at all, it was dangerous as far as human beino-s were concerned. Thursday, June 14^/i. Mr. White, Vice-President, in the chair. Mr. C. A. Topp, M.A., LL.B., F.L.S., was elected as a member of the Council. Messrs. William Bage, Samuel C. Candler, Arthur Dandy, M.Sc, F.L.S., and William H. Nimmo Avere elected as members of the Society. Professor Spencer read a note " On the presence of a Pentastomum parasitic in the Lung of Hoplocephalus siiperbus." A short discussion ensued. Mr. Arthur Dendy submitted a " List of all the Species of Sponges described by H. J. Carter, Esq., F.R.S., togetlier with a number of his more important references to the species of other authors." Mr. Ellery said he desired to mark his sense of the very great importance of the work to which Mr. Dendy had devoted himself Professor Spencer then read a note " On the Presence of a Rare Cestode (Amphiptyches) in Callorynchus antarcticus." Dr. Neild reported that since the last meeting 69 scientific publications had been added to the Society. Thursday, July l^th. The President in the chair. R. A. Bastow, Esq., F.L.S., was elected a member of the Society. The President introduced Sir James Hector, Chancellor of the University of New Zealand, and representative of the latter colony to the Centennial International Exhibition. 136 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Sir Jajmes Hectok thanked the members for the welcome accorded to him. A letter was received from Dr. Mclnerney stating that at a meeting of the Australian Natives' Association it had been decided that he should deliver a lecture upon Seals, and inviting members of the Royal Society to attend and speak upon the question, which had a connection with the subject of antartic exploration. Mr. RusDEN then read a paper for T. S. Hall, Esq., M.A., " On Two New Fossil Sponges from Sandhurst." Sir James Hector inquired if any researches had been carried on in the neighbourhood of Schnapper Point, since in beds similar to these in New Zealand he had discovered a beautiful specimen of Euplectella. Mr. Dendy stated that this was the first sponge recorded in Australia from palaeozoic formations. The President congratulated Mr. Hall, as a student of the Melbourne University, on his interesting discovery. Mr. Dendy then read a paper entitled " Preliminary Account of the Anatomy and Development of Stelospongus flabelliformis." After some discussion, in which Sir James Hector, Professor Spencer, and Mr. Lucas took part, the President gave a description of the new Hawkesbury Railway Bridge, Thursday, September \Wi. The President in the chair. Messrs. James Ivey, Henry Shaw, John Cockburn, and A. W. Dixie were nominated as members. The following were elected as members : — Dr. Alexander Morrison, Newton E. Jennings, Esq., J. M. Coane, Esq. Dr. Netld stated that the sub-librarian was working very hard in getting the librar}^ into manageable shape, and it was hoped that in the course of a few weeks a catalogue would be ready. The President gave an outline of the proceedings of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science held in Sydney. Professor Orme Masson read a paper by himself and Mr. Kirkland on "Polyhaloid Salts of Organic Bases." Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 137 After some discussion, in which Messrs. Blackett, A. Sutherland, Marks, and Lucas took part, Mr. Ellery exhibited and described a new Watkin's Aneroid. Mr. Ellery also exhibited and described a new instrument he had devised for calibrating a particular form of pressure-gauge tester, known as the " Admiralty P.G. Tester." Thursday, October llth. The President in the chair. Messrs. James Ivey, Henry Shaw, A. W. Dixie, and John Cockburn, were elected as members. The Hon. Librarian reported the addition of 75 new publications to the library, and that the Catalogue was nearly complete. The President drew the attention of the Society to the presence in the Exhibition of the first locomotive which ever ran. It was made by Murdoch and Fried, at Redruth in Cornwall. The President gave an outline of the history of the steam boat, and invited the Rev. Dr. Eraser to make a few remarks upon a model of the first steam boat built by Symington, and now exhibited to the Society. After an interesting account by the Rev. Dr. Eraser of Symington's work, Mr. F. A. Campbell read a paper on " The Active Volcano of Tanna, New Hebrides." A discussion ensued, in which the President, the Rev. D. Macdonald, and Professor Spencer took part. The President said that before closing he must refer to the great loss that the scientific community in Melbourne had sustained in the death of Professor Andrew. He had been for five or six years Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University, and for some time before that, Lecturer in the same subject. He had been for some time in delicate health, but not dangerously ill, and had been recommended to take a trip to Europe, for the purpose of recovering his health, and of gathering ideas. He had been connected with the Society for a number of years as a Member of Council and contributor of several papers. It was, therefore, fitting that they should not allow his early demise — he was 138 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. but 44 years of age — to pass without making some mention or record of it. He was one of the earhest students in the TJniversit}^, having entered in 1861, and led a very success- ful career there. He went to Cambridge, where he was fairly successful, and afterwards occupied a teaching post at Cirencester College. Subsequently, he returned to Victoria, and was for some time head of Wesley College, and after- wards Lecturer and Professor of Natural Philosophy at Melbourne University. In Professor Andrew's death they had lost one of the most active members of the University, and one who took a great deal of interest in the Royal Society. Thursday, November loth. The President in the chair. The President announced the resignation of Mr. Barnard as one of the Honorary Secretaries of the Society, owing to the pressure of other duties. Professor Spencer had been requested by the Council to act in Mr. Barnard's stead, and had acceded to the request. On the motion of Mr. G. S. Griffiths, seconded by Mr. White, Professor Spencer was elected to the vacant post. The Society then proceeded to the election of Honorary Members, on recommendation of the Council. Dr. Agnew, Dr. Bancroft, Hon. John Forrest, Sir James Hector, Hon . W. Macleay, and Mr. H. C. Russell, were elected. Mr. E. F. J. Love, M.A., was nominated as a member, and Mr. W, Swan, as an associate of the Society. Mr. Dendy read a " Note on some Actinian Larvae Parasitic on a Medusa from Port Phillip." Mr. Rusden read a paper by the Rev. D. Macdonald, on " The Oceanic Langfuacres Semitic." On the invitation of the President, the author of the paper made some further remarks, and on the proposal of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Rusden, a vote of thanks was accorded to him. The President exhibited specimens of materials which had been subjected to tests in the testing machine at the University. Notices of re-appointment of Committees were given by Mr. White and Mr. Rusden. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 139 Thursday, December IStJt. The President in the chair. Mr. E. F. J. Love was elected as a member, and Mr. W. Swan as associate. The President announced the names of the retiring Officers and Members of Council. Mr. A. H. S. Lucas was nominated as a Member of Council. The Hon. Librarian's report showed that 62 new publica- tions had been added to the library. The catalogue had been completed. Mr. RusDEN gave notice of motion, for the Annual Meetinsf in March, of some verbal alterations in the Rules. Professor Masson read a paper on "The Preparation of Alkyl-sulphine and Alkyl-phosphonium Salts," by himself and Mr. J. B. Kirkland. A discussion ensued in which Messrs. Marks, A. H. Jack- son, J. B. Kirkland, Professor Masson, and the President took part. The President read a letter from Mr. Culcheth, C.E., respecting the discontinuance of the publication of the Weather Chart in the daily paper. The matter was referred to Mr. Ellery. Mr. James Stirling, F.G.S., read a paper on " The Phj^sio- graphy of the Western Portion of the County of Croajin- golong." A discussion ensued in which the President, Professor Spencer, Mr. Marks, and Mr. Stirling took part. Mr. Stirling suggested that the delegates of the Royal Society to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, should advocate the sending of invitations to attend the next meeting to delegates of the principal Universities in other parts of the world. It was decided that it was better for Mr. Stirlino- to move in the matter in the Council of the Association. M E M B E E S OF Patron. Loch, His Excellency Sir Henry Brougham, K.C.B., G.C.M.G. Life Members. Bage, Edward, jun., Esq., Redan-street, East St. Kilda. Barkly, His Excellency Sir Henry, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Carlton Club, London. Bosisto, Joseph, Esq., C.M.G., Richmond. Butters, J. S., Esq., Collins-street West. Eaton, H. F., Esq., Treasury, Melbourne. Elliot, T. S., Esq., Railway Department, Spencer-street. Elliott, Sizar, Esq., Were street, Brighton Beach. Gibbons, Sidney W,, Esq., F.C.S., care of Mr. Lewis, Chemist, Collins-street East. Gilbert, J. E., Esq., Money Order Office, G.P.O. Melbourne. Higinbotham, His Honour Chief Justice, Supreme Court. Howitt, Edward, Esq., Rathmines-road, Auburn. Mueller, Baron F. Yon, K.C.M.G., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., Arnold- street, South Yarra. Nicholas, William, Esq., F.G.S., Melbourne University. Reed, Joseph, Esq., 9 Elizabeth-street South. Rusden, H. K., Esq., 75 Greville-street, Prahran. White, E. J., Esq., F.R.A.S., Melbourne Observatory. Wilson, Sir Samuel, Knt., Oakleigh Hall, East St. Kilda. Ordinary Members. Allan, Alexander C, Esq., Fitzroy-street, St. Kilda. Allan, M. J., Esq., 268 Smith-street, Collingwood. Allen, W. W., Esq., Wellington-street, Kew. Archer, W. H., Esq., F.L.S., F.I.A., J.P., Maryvale, Upper Hawthorn. List of Members. 141 Bage, Wm., Esq., M.A., C.E., 45 Collins-street West. Bale, W. M., Esq., Walpole-street, Hyde Park, Kew. Ball, W., Esq., 61 Bourke-street East. Barnard, F., Esq., Kew. Barnes, Benjamin, Esq., Queen's Terrace, South Melbourne. Bastow, Ed. A., Esq., F.L.S., 26 Atkins-street, Cotham-road, Kew. Beaney, Hon. J. G., M.D., M.R.I.A., F.R.C.S. Ed., Collins-street East. Bear, J. P., Esq., 83i Collins-street West. Beckx, Gustave, Esq., Queen's-place, St. Kilda. Bennetts, W. P., Esq., 180 Brunswick-street, Fitzi'oy. Blackett, C. P., Esq., F.C.S., 10 Burlington Terrace, Lansdowne- street, East Melbourne. Bowen, W., Esq., Chemist, Collins-street West. Bradley, P. S., Esq., Queen's College, Barkly-street, St. Kilda. Candler, S. C, Esq., Melbourne Club. Chapman, Jas., Esq., Beemery Park, Caulfield. Clendennen, Dr. F., Malvern-road, Hawksburn. Coane, J. H., Esq., Modern Chambers, 12 Collins-street West. Cohen, Joseph P., Esq., A. P. LB. A., Public Works Department, Melbourne. Cohen, J., Esq., M.P.C.V.S., Tattersall's Bazaar, Exhibition-st. Cornell, Henry, Esq., Barkly -square, East Richmond, 36 Collins street West. Corr, J. R., Esq., M.A., Holstein House, Murphy-street, South Yarra. Culcheth, W. W., Esq., F.P. Met. Soc, 31 Temple Court, 86 Collins- street West. Daley, W. J., Esq., St. Kilda-street, Elsternwick. Danks, John, Esq., 42 Bourke-street West. Davidson, William, Esq., C.E., Melbourne Water Supply Office. Davy, J. W., Esq., 61 Bourke-street East. Dendy, Arthur, M.Sc, F.L.S., University. Derham, Hon. Fred. J., 4 Queen-street. Deverell, Spencer R., Esq., 26a Alexandra-parade, North Fitzroy. DLxie, A. W., M.C.E., Shire Engineer, Tallangatta. Duerdin, James, Esq., LL.B., 105 Collins-street West. Dunn, Frederick, Esq., Little Flinders-street West. Ellery, P. L. J., Esq., F.P.S., F.R.A.S.,