HARVARD UNIVERSITY ^ Ernst Mayr Library of th e Museum of Comparative Zoo logy , Mcz f-IBRARY DEC 4 2006 ^«&^ 'S/TY MCZ LIBRARY AHo o o ,.., PROCEEDINGS AUG 2 2 1991 of the LJ A e^k / A r=>i-\ uiv San Diego Society of Natural History Founded 1874 Number 6 i July 1991 Redescription, Ontogeny, and Demography of Parascothorax synagogoides (Crustacea: Ascothoracida), Parasitic on Ophiophthalmus normani (Ophiuroidea) in the Bathyal Basins off Southern California Mark J. Grygier Sesoko Marine Science Center, University of the Ryiikyt4S. Sesoko. Motohu-cho. Okinawa 905-02. Japan Current address: I4H04 Noti'ey Road. Silver Sprini>. Maryland 20905. U.S.A. ABSTRACT. — A lectotype is designated for the ascothoracidan Parascothorax synagogoides Wagin, and this species' host ophiuroid in the Sea of Okhotsk is reidentified as Ophiophthalmus normani (Lyman). Both sexes off. synagogoides infesting O. normani in the bathyal basins of the Southern California Continental Borderland are described, and a distinct post-larval stage is recognized. Parascothorax is distinguished from Ascothorax mostly by plesiomorphies. and ontogenetic variability in male Parascothorax makes the previous use of male features in diagnosing species oi Ascothorax unreliable. Three brooded naupliar stages corresponding to at least five instars are described, as well as the first- and last-instar ascothoracid larvae. The parasite's cyst, which partly blocks one of the host's bursal openings, develops principally as a proliferation of the host's genital bar; as the cyst grows, it becomes perforated and finally breaks open, leaving a permanent scar. The overall infestation rate in over 1 5,000 O. norma«( collected off southern California was 5.0% (an underestimate due to missed small cysts) and ranged from 0.5% in the Tanner Basin to 9.0% in the San Diego Trough. Multiple infestations were more common than expected by chance; in double but not triple infestations, bursal openings flanking the same arm were preferred. Most cysts housed one female, nevermore, and zero to five males and/or last-instar ascothoracid larvae, the latter often being ready to molt into post-larval males. Most males apparently join females when the latter are small and the cyst is not yet closed. Brood sizes ranged from 3 to 183 depending on the female's size; individual broods were synchronous, and evidence suggests that females have more than one brood. A hyperparasitic cryptoniscid isopod infested P. synagogoides with a prevalence of 1.5 to 15.4%; female isopods prevented brood deposition. These demographic findings are compared to published data on two species of Ascothorax and a chordeumiid copepod that are bursal parasites of other ophiuroids. INTRODUCTION ascothoracidans, and the only large-scale autecological survey has been that of Brattstrom (1947) on Ulophysema oeresundense Superorder Ascothoracida. — The ascothoracidan crustaceans Brattstrom. which infests Scandinavian heart urchins, are parasites of echinoderms and anthozoans. About 90 species in I have had the opportunity to examine a large collection of an five families have been described worldwide (Grygier, 1987d). ascothoracidan found off southern California that belongs to the They are characterized primitively by a bivalved carapace enclosing genus Parascothorax, and to collect it alive. This has provided not the body, a pair of large, grasping antennules, piercing mouthparts only material for a taxonomic description, but also for rearing the enclosed in an oral cone, six thoracomeres and six pairs of biramous larvae, observing the parasite's behavior and its effects on its host, thoracopods, and a five-segmented abdomen with a penis on the and documenting its population structure and demographics. All first segment and large furcal rami on the last. There are trends these subjects are treated in the present paper, which I hope will within the higher Ascothoracida for the females to undergo reduc- serve alongside Brattstrom 's as a benchmark for biological studies tion of the thorax and abdomen, including simplification or loss of on ascothoracidans. limbs, with a concommitant increase in the relative size, morpho- Parascothorax. — This is a monotypic genus in the ophiuroid- logical complexity, and presumably physiological importance of infesting family Ascothoracidae, part of the order Dendrogastrida, the carapace, within which the eggs and larvae are brooded. There which includes most of the ascothoracidans with echinoderm hosts, is also a more or less pronounced sexual dimorphism, often mani- Parascothorax synagogoides Wagin was first reported to infest fested in the dwarfism of males, except in the one hermaphroditic Ophiiira qiiadrispina Clark at a depth of 1197 m in the Sea of family. No complete life histories are known, and information about Okhotsk, where 57 of 270 examined ophiuroids were infested settlement and metamorphosis is especially lacking. In most genera (Wagin, 1964). Unfortunately, the original host was misidentified; brooded and sometimes planktonic nauplii are known (Grygier, following my inquiry Dr. I. S. Smimov has reidentified 12 infested 1987b), followed by less extensively documented bivalved ophiuroids from the parasite's type lot in the Zoological Institute in ascothoracid larvae. There have been few biological studies of LtnmgraA as, Ophiophthalmus {= Ophiacantha) normanHLymim). Mark J. Grygier Wagin described females and dwarf males living within perforated cysts that occlude the host's bursal openings. He considered Parascolhora.x morphologically intermediate between generalized ectoparasitic species now divided betv^een Synagoga and Waginellci in the family Synagogidae and the more advanced genus Ascothorax. which also infests ophiuroids. In this context Wagin (1964, 1970) also discussed the historical biogeographical signifi- cance of Parascothorax. Rokop (1975) noted a low prevalence of an ascothoracidan parasitizing O. normani in the San Diego Trough, a bathyal basin off southern California. This species of ophiuroid occurs in the North Pacific from the Gulf of California to Japan at depths of roughly 70-3000 m (Clark, 1911; D'yakonov, 1967). In the South- em California Continental Borderland, a topographically complex regime of islands, ridges, and bathyal basins (Fig. 1 ), O. nornuini is by far the dominant epibenthic organism in at least the Catalina Basin (Smith and Hamilton, 1983), as well as an important animal in the San Diego Trough. Rokop's parasite proved to belong to Parascothorax, and I have already remarked on its sexuality, de- scribed the larval ontogeny of its antennules, and briefly summa- rized its occurrence and host relations (Grygier, 1987a, 1987b, 1988). A comparison with type specimens from the Soviet Union shows that the Califomian form is also P. synagogoides. METHODS AND MATERIALS Soviet specimens. — I found twelve specimens of Ophiophthalmus normani bearing multiple cysts and labelled in Russian in V. L. Wagin 's handwriting as "Parascothorax synagogoides. Sea of Okhotsk, 1949, Ushakov" in the Zoological Institute in Leningrad in 1989. These I assume to be syntypes. I borrowed one of these ophiuroids, with two cysts and the enclosed parasites in good condition, for detailed study. Another infested O. normani with five cysts (misidentified as Ophiura qiiadrispina; one cyst opened and a female parasite displayed separately) is housed in the teaching collection of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology at Leningrad State University (.shelf A8). Wagin had deposited this lot in the Department many years before he published his description of P. synagogoides, and it bears a manuscript name, "Ascothorax witjasi n. sp." I consider this another lot of syntypes of P. synagogoides. Califomian specimens. — The Scripps Institution of Oceanogra- phy (SIO) Benthic Invertebrate Collection houses many sorted lots of Ophiophthalmus normani [see Luke (1982:34—35) for catalogue numbers and detailed collection data] as well as unsorted trawl samples containing large numbers of this species (Table I). They were collected between northern Mexico and Big Sur (32°25'- 35°37' N), mostly in the various bathyal basins of the Southern California Continental Borderland (Fig. I ), and from the southem half of the Gulf of California (25°l7'-27°43' N), at depths of approximately 900-1900 m by various investigators between 1951 and 1981. A few additional samples collected in the Catalina Basin by K. L. Smith and colleagues were made available. All these .samples, comprising 15,373 individuals of O. normani. were sur- veyed for infestations of P. synagogoides; in large samples, aliquots of 200-800 individuals were examined. All the ophiuroids with evident Parascothorax cysts were isolated, and the number of cysts, including broken, healed ones, was noted. In the earliest stage of the study, small numbers of other species of ophiuroids may inadvertently have been counted as uninfested O normani. Wet and dry collections of Ophiophthalmus normani (labeled Ophiacantha or Ophialcaea nornuini), taken by the U.S. Fisheries Steamer Albatross between southem Califomia and Japan and housed in the National Museum of Natural History, Smith.sonian Institution, were examined for additional distribution records of Parascothorax. Living specimens. — I obtained living specimens of Parascothorax .'synagogoides for laboratory rearing of larvae and observations of behavior from an otter-trawl sample consisting mostly of O. normani taken on 19 Mav 1982 in the San Diego Trough, 33°35.5' N, 117°30.0' W, at a' depth of about 1200 m. Twenty-six ophiuroids bearing large cysts were placed in seawater slush for transport to the laboratory (about 10 hr), where they were transferred to Whatman #2-filtered seawater at 8°C. When I re- moved the parasites from their cysts four days later, I found living individuals in 21 ophiuroids, dead ones in three, and only healed cysts in two. The living females and males of Parascothorax were kept in a refrigerator in a large bowl of filtered seawater, occasion- ally changed. Many died during the first three weeks after capture, but about one-third of the males and one-quarter of the females were still alive on 18 July 1982, two months after capture, when they were preserved. Escaped eggs and larvae from females" brood chambers were tranferred at intervals to a separate bowl; subcul- tures of offspring were maintained in petri dishes of filtered seawa- ter. Nauplii did not molt in culture except for some late metanauplii that molted to the first-instar ascothoracid larva; some of the latter isolated into a subculture were still alive on 26 July 1982 (9.5 weeks), when they were preserved. Demography. — A detailed survey was conducted on the largest available SIO samples (E1439, E1668, E1782. R7139, R7145) and one small one (R7128). El 439 was from the Catalina Basin, and the others were from the San Diego Trough. With an ocular micrometer I measured the radii of the ophiuroid discs (mean distance from center to interambulacral margins), the diameters of the cysts in the direction parallel to the bursal slit, the carapace widths of the female parasites (no allowance made for distortions; newer stage measured in molting specimens), and the carapace lengths of males and/or last-instar ascothoracid larvae that accompanied the females (newer stage measured in molting specimens; both stages measured in ascothoracid larvae molting to post-larval males). The repro- ductive state of the females (immature, gonads visible in carapace, or brooding), the number and type of progeny present in the brood chamber (eggs, embryos, or nauplii of three distinguishable stages), and the incidence of hyperparasitic cryptoniscid isopods were also noted. Nauplii were easy to count, but undeveloped eggs were very fragile and could not be separated for counting without damage; therefore, numbers of eggs were often estimated. For each multiple infestation, the spatial relationship of the affected bursal slits was noted. This detailed study revealed previously unnoticed sites of infestation, usually involving very small cysts, on ophiuroids al- ready known to be infested. Therefore, one lightly (E2125) and two heavily (E1668, R7139) infested whole samples were reexamined for additional infested hosts, and any additional data were logged as described above. DESCRIPTION Parascothorax Wagin, 1964 Diagnosis. — Carapace of female a rounded pentagon in dorsal view, with T-shaped array of longitudinal and transverse grooves; pair of lappets flanking antennules. Four setae and two teeth on antennular chin; antennular claw movable; claw guard with two setae and up to two small spines. First three thoracomeres in females with transverse ridges, fourth and fifth with smaller medial humps. Filamentary appendages short, conical. Round lateral swellings at bases of several thoracopodal coxae; coxa of sixth thoracopod produced into large, rounded plate. Epaulets knob-shaped. Older males with more than four terminal furcal setae. Parasites in cysts formed from genital bar and bursal wall of ophiuroids. Redescriplion, Ontogeny, and Demography of Parasco/hora.x synagogoides |.,NEMPORT BEACH SANTA CRUZ \ BASIN TANNER BASIN SAN NICOLAS '^ ISLAND SAN NICOLAS BASIN \ I CORTES BANK ^ - . ' WEST COP.TES BASIN ~ - - ^£^2S^.\NTA ^% \ \ ^ CATALINA ^&- V 1 "-V ISLAND ^%i. "" V ^^iiasaife; 3 >& ^ ^ ^-iiS^ \* ^^ CATALINA BASIN ^ \ ) UCKANSIDE v' \ ^ f ^ ^ / •• \\\ ' ^-, ^ _ _^--^ \s SAN' \Sv--^ /' t ~' \ p CLEMENTE 1; X ' \ \ ISLAND ^%^ v.. ' ^ '■. \ SAN I SAN f^aSiA. / \ V DIEGO ; DIEGO Iffec V, ' \ \TR0UGH V y^ k\" ' V 1 '^ fl V ■ ^ , -- ' y ^ -^ ~" N ^ ^1 ■■ / SAN CLEKENTE BASIN N \ 1 \ ■> ' '■' ' ^ s ^ \ '\ \ %. CORTES ^ " ~v. ^ " - ^ ^ I V % BASIN ^ , ^ ^ ' ^ '< \ \ V \ \ \ ^ > \ ' \ Ni \ 1 1 ^ Figure 1 . Part of the Southern Cahfomia Continental Borderland. Outlines of bathyal basins roughly follow the 500-fathom isobath. Type species. — Parascolhorax synagogoides Wagin, 1964, by monotypy. Remarks. — Species of the other genus in the family Ascothoracidae, Ascothorax, live entirely within their hosts" bursal cavities. Gi^gier (1983) remarked on the difficulty of telling Parascolhorax from Ascothorax without knowing whether a cyst was formed. Wagin (1964) proposed discriminative features that are inadequate (Grygier, 1983), and though the diagnosis above includes a few more features, doubts about the distinctness of Parascolhorax remain. Ascothorax pilocaiidatus Grygier has a pair of vanes on each of the first three thoracomeres, and its males have more furcal setae than is usual in the genus, both features reminis- cent of Parascolhorax. Ascothorax brattstroemi Grygier has little thoracic expansion and no elaborations; its sixth thoracopods have enlarged coxae, as in females of Parascothorax. Most species of Ascothorax lack seminal receptacles in the second thoracopods (Grygier, 1983). Morten.sen (1936) reported "a heavily plated cyst. opening through a pore in the ventral interradius" of Amphiura helgicae Koehler that enclosed Ascothorax hulbosiis Heegaard, but Heegaard ( 195 1 ) did not mention such a cyst when he described the species, just that the parasites were in a bursa. The dorsal groove gives P. synagogoides an incipiently lobed carapace. A better de- veloped, bilobed brood chamber occurs in Ascothorax ophioctenis Djakonov and the undescribed /lie of/!o/a.v sp. B of Grygier (1983). Wagin (1964) considered Parascothorax a grade of organiza- tion intermediate between Synagoga and Ascothorax. In fact, it is organized in much the same way as is Ascothorax but has anten- nules slightly more generalized and better armed and a thorax less hypertrophied than in most species of Ascothorax. No small spines are recorded from the antennular claw guard of any species of Ascothorax, and though one of the teeth on the fourth antennular segment's chin in A. gigas Wagin and A. sosci Grygier is bifid (the medial and the lateral one, respectively), no vestigial seta on the medial side of the chin, like that of Parascothorax. is recorded in any species of that genus (Grygier, 1983: Grygier and Fratt, 1984). Since these morphological differences are plesiomorphies. it is primarily the effect on the host and secondarily the carapace mor- phology that lead me to retain Parascothorax as a separate genus. Parascothorax synagogoides Wagin, 1964 Diagnosis. — As for genus. Type material. — Lectotype female 3.3 mm wide, allolectotype male 0.7 mm long, here designated (ZIN 1/66582), from the same cyst in one of 1 2 specimens of multiply infested Ophiophthalmus normani in the Zoological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, collected by A. 1. Savilov and P. V. Ushakov, "Vityaz"" sta. 114, Sea of Okhotsk, 52°02'N, 147°58' E, depth 1197 m, 1947. 1 designate as paralectotypes the remaining specimens of P. synagogoides from these 12 ophiuroids and those housed in the Department of Invertebrate Zoology of Leningrad State University (display shelf A8, labeled "Ascothorax witjasi n. sp.'"). Other material. — Hundreds of female and male specimens, some of the females brooding offspring, obtained from southern Califomian Ophiophthalmus normani (Table 1). Specimens from the six samples studied in detail are in my possession; the other infested but undissected ophiuroids are in the SIO Benthic Inverte- brate Collection. Califomian Females Carapace. — The carapace is more or less globular, 0.41-3.85 mm wide, and at maturity is shaped like a rounded pentagon in dorsal view (Fig. 2a); it is also rounded in most juvenile specimens. The carapace's aperture occupies about 40% of the sagittal-circum- ference; its margins are considerably thicker than the rest of the carapace, and the anterior end of the aperture is flanked by a pair of Mark J. Grygier Table 1 . Infestation of Ophiophthabnus iwrmaiu by Parascothorax synagogoides in four bathyal basins off soutfiem California, based on samples in the Scripps Institution of Oceanog- raphy Benthic Invertebrate Collection. Number of Cysts Percent Number of Cysts Sample 1 >2 Infested Sample Percent Infested Tanner Basin e:i34 405 T — — 0.5 E2125 403 1 E2130 250 1 — — 0.4 E2155 3.56 1 E2121 617 3 — — 0.5 El 656 472 1 E2180 366 5 — — 1.4 San Clemente Basin E1641 1 — — — 0 El 747 65 4 El 750 9 — — — 0 El 649 7.36 20 B 17427 337 1 — — 0.3 El 758 2 — B 17427: 4Apr 1974, 33°05'N, 118°17-W, 1114 m. Calalina B isin El 755 2 — — — 0 E352 158 3 E1789 227 3 — — 1.3 E356 81 2 E1651 710 2 — — 0.3 E683 350 1 E1439'' 800^ 59 17 4 10.0 SV 596 — El 632 395 33 4 — 9.4 El 629 121 2 SX 427 2 — — 0.5 Mil 635 59 SV: SABRAT V, 33°12'N. U8°08'W, 1050 m. SX: SABRAT X. 23 Apr 1981. 33°35'N, 118°22'W, 1098-1116m. Mil: MET II Sta. 103, 13 Jun 1981, 1350 m. San Diego Trough 0.2 0.3 0.2 6.2 2.9 0 1.9 2.5 0.3 0 1.7 12.1 El 856 112 2 — — 1.8 El 853 59 2 1 — 5.1 E1812 20 — — — 0 E947 3 — — — 0 El 866 20 3 3 — 30.0 El 663 778 27 2 — 3.7 £1782* 800'' 62 12 6 10.0 R7120 200'' 7 — — 3.5 R7I28 ' 191 4 6 1 6.3 R7137 El 668'' R7145'' 260 32 1 2 13.5 R71,38 , 549 19 2 — 3.8 632 108 23 6 21.7 R7139 ^ 396 50 10 — 15.2 748'' 49 12 2 8.4 El 806 17 — — — 0 E1777 4 — — — 0 El 679 4 — — — 0 E2715 32 1 — — 3.0 E638 56 2 — — 3.6 El 446 35 3 — — 8.6 SIV 108 3 — — 2.8 R7120 18/19 Jan 1971. 32°27'N, 117°29'W, 1204-1 226 m. R7128 21 Jan 197 ,32 '35'N, 117°34'W. 1184-1217 m. R7137 21 Apr 1971,32 °26'N 117°30'W 1098- -\\9t m. R7138 21 Apr 1971,32 °34'N 117°30'W 1208 m. R7139 12 Jul 1971 , 32°37'N, 117°33'W. 1162- 1199 m. R7145 14 Jul 1971 ,32' 25'N, I17°27'W, 1208- 1244 m. SIV:S ABRAT IV, 12Augl980,32°25'N , 1I7°41W 1100 m. "Collection data for most samples were given by Luke ( 1982); data for those that were not are given here. Additional samples from other localities were also examined: E1681, E1745, E1715, E612. E626, E1814, E1760, E766, E1808, E1710, E1948, E2056, E1937, E2165. Sample used in demographic analysis. 'Aliquot. lappets that partly cover the antennules. The thin-walled dorsal brood chamber is split by a longitudinal groove beginning above the anterior end of the aperture and is bounded behind by a pair of transverse grooves. A shorter anterior pair of grooves is sometimes visible and is very clear in the lectotype. The ovary diverticula of older females loop within the carapace from the side of the head to the anterior pan of the aperture, then split into a short anterior and long posterior branch parallel to the aperture (Fig. 2b). The gut diverticula follow the ovary diverticula, with proximal branching into the thin wall of the brood chamber. Antennules. — The five-segmented antennules (Fig. 2d) reach as far ventrally as the oral cone. The first segment forms a flat cup applied to the side of the head. The second segment is as broad as the first but shorter and is partly retracted into it. The distal three segments are much narrower than the basal two. The third segment is trapezoidal, longer than wide. The fourth is sector-shaped (Fig. 2e); its anterior chin has two strong apical teeth, a subapical pair of short, vestigial setae on the proximal side, another such seta next to the medial tooth (not always visible in mounted preparations), and a fourth vestigial seta laterally on the distal side. The fifth segment (Fig. 2e) is small, roughly square in side view, narrower than the fourth, and is armed along its anterior edge with a stalked aesthetasc, a seta, a short, stubby claw guard with two setae and up to two small distal .spines (latter sometimes difficult to see), and a movable claw with three vestigial setae at the base. The antennular musculature, shown schematically in Figure 2d (also valid for males), was previously illustrated by Wagin ( 1964: fig. 7A), Most of the individual muscles cortespond to ones illus- trated by Grygier ( 1987c: fig. 7A) in the six-segmented antennules of a relatively generalized synagogid ascothoracidan. Redescription, Onlogeny, and Demography of Parasiolhorax synagogoides Figure 2. Parascothorax synagogoides, mature Califomian females, a, carapace, dorsal view; b. inner view of carapace valve; c. body of mature female; d. antennule, lateral view, musculature shown schematically, including one muscle (?) not identifiable with any muscle in more generalized antennules; e, distal antennular segments, medial view; f. thoracopod 1 and filamentary appendage; g, thoracopod 4 (also typical of thoracopods 2 and 3), showing musculature, dashed muscles based on another leg; h, thoracopod 5; i, thoracopod 6; j. bases of thoracopods; k, most of abdomen, including musculature (proximal muscles originating in first abdominal segment); 1, furcal ramus from another specimen. Thoracic, abdominal, and antennular segments and thoracopods numbered. Scale bars 0.5 mm in a-c, otherwise 0.1 mm. ad, adductor muscle; an. antennule; eg, claw guard; ch. chin; cl. claw; e. eggs; ep. epaulet; es, aesthetasc; fa, filamentary appendage; fr, furcal ramus; gd, gut diverticula; gp, genital pore; n, endopod; oc, oral cone; ov. ovary diverticula; p, penis rudiment; sr. seminal receptacles; x, exopod. Mark J. Grygier Gorgnnolaureus muzikae Gr>'gier, but there are several differences. In P. synagogoides but not G. muzikae the lateral extensor of seg- ment 2 is divided, the extra part originating on the edge of segment I. The lateral and medial flexors of segment 4. originating in segment 2. are parallel, so differing from G muzikae. The more proximal of the two muscles extending between the anterior edge of segment 3 and the opposite proximal edge of segment 4 is not readily identifiable with any muscle in segments 3 and 4 in G. muziliae. The medial extensors of the last segment originate only on the side of segment 4, none more proximally. The two claw retrac- tors both originate from the sides of the last segment, not from the medial side and proximal comer. Mouthparts. — The oral cone is very small relative to the body (Fig. 2c). and the mouthparts are like those of the males (cf. Fig. 4e). The labrum is open behind, the mandibles are long and slender with setulate tips, the maxillules are short and blunt, and the maxil- lae are basally united, w ith harpoon-like bifid tips. A pair of maxil- lary-gland papillae protrudes from the base of the maxillae. Thorax and ihoiacopods. — The thorax is moderately expanded (Fig. 2c). The first thoracomere is distinct from the head. The first three segments are usually broader than the rest, and each has an anterior transverse ridge or flap that is sometimes interrupted at the midline or ornamented with low lateral and medial processes. The fourth segment often has a medial hump, and the fifth has a smaller one. The sixth segment is unmodified except for a pair of knob- shaped lateral epaulets. There are six pairs of thoracopods. The first pair is uniramous (no endopod) and bears short plumose distal setae (Fig. 2f). At its base is a genital papilla and, usually sitting reflexed over the base of the limb, a small filamentary appendage ending in one or two short spines (Fig. 2f, j). Thoracopods 2-5 are leaf-like with the posterior ones narrower (Fig. 2g. h); a tiny seta arises from the body wall just above each limb insertion (Fig. 2j). The coxa is relatively shorter in thoracopod 2 than in the other pairs, and the basis is shorter than wide in all pairs. The basolateral part of the coxa has a round proximal process on which the seminal receptacles open in thoracopods 3-5 (Fig. 2j); there are fewer than 10 narrow elongate receptacles per thoracopod, and they are usually or always absent in thoracopod 2. The tapered, usually unsegmented rami are no longer than the basis, with the endopod wider and slightly longer than the exopod; occasionally two segments are evident, most often on an exopod (Fig. 2g, h). Short plumose setae line the rami and the distal parts of both edges of the protopod, more found medially than laterally. The sixth thoracopods are flattened against the sides of the abdomen; the coxa has a large, rounded, posterior plate covered with short hairs (Fig. 2i), and the coxa-basis articulation is usually indistinct; the rami are unsegmented and more densely setose than those of the other thoracopods. The musculature of thoracopods 2-5 (Fig. 2g) is simpler than that illustrated by Grygier (1987c: fig. 7C) for the generalized thoracopods of Gorgouolaureus muzikae. No lateral diagonal coxal muscle was positively identified, and only one muscle was seen reaching to the midlength of each ramus (6". muzikae has two). Abdomen. — The abdomen has five unequal segments, the first with a ventral penis lobe and the fourth with a moderate ventral protrusion. The musculature is shown in Figure 2k. The straight, tapered furcal rami are about three times as long as their basal height and have 10-20 short, simple terminal setae and several shorter, slightly lateral setae along the distal half or so of the ventral edge (Fig. 2k-l); an occasional seta is bifid or trifid. Post-larvae (Fig. 3). — The smallest settled females are consid- ered post-larvae. While their carapaces are rounded, unlike the laterally flattened ones of males, their bodies are almost exactly like those of post-larval males (males described and illustrated below). At that stage there are no differences between the sexes in the antennules and oral cone. Both sexes have thoracopods with few or no setae and no filamentary appendages, and the furcal rami are only as long as the telson, with three or four terminal setae. I observed a nub-like frontal filament in one female post-larva in contrast to the longer filaments of males; older females seem to have no frontal filaments. Califomian Males General features. — The carapace is bivalved, oval, and laterally compressed (Fig. 4a). 0.47-1.34 mm long, and 0.75-0.90 times as high as long. The valves are soft and flabby with clusters of internal guard hairs along the free margins except anteriorly. The body tagmosis is 5-6-5 if only limb-bearing segments are considered as thoracic; the thorax is lightly arched, and the abdomen is U-shaped (Fig. 4b, 1). The smallest males (post-larvae, see below) lack testes, but larger ones have testes and short-headed sperm in the carapace. Cephalic appendages. — The antennules consists of five seg- ments, and segments 3 and 4 are immovably joined (Fig. 4c). Segments 4 and 5 form a subchela (Fig. 4d) and agree structurally with those of females in most respects. The chin is more pronounced in the males, and the subapical pair of vestigial setae on its proximal side is larger. The fifth segment's aesthetasc is somewhat longer than the segment and appears to have a pore at its tip (pore also seen in lectotype female; not a true aesthetasc?). Antennae and eyes are absent, but a pair of frontal filaments arises from the inner surfaces of the carapace valves next to the antennules (Fig. 4c). The oral cone is like that of the females (Fig. 4e) but much larger relative to the body (Fig. 4b). Thora.x and thoracopods. — The thoracic segments are unmodified dorsally, but the posterior ones are slightly longer, with a pair of knob-like epaulets on the sixth segment (Fig. 4b). There are six pairs of thoracopods. The first pair is shorter than the others and is uniramous with one or two setae. The other five pairs are Figure 3. Parascothora.x synagogoides. Califomian female post-larvae, a. body removed from carapace, some thoracopods obscured, lYonlal fda- ment added from another specimen: b, left thoracopods of another specimen, ad. adductor muscle; an, anlennule: d. mandible: ep. epaulel: ff. frontal filament; fr. furcal ramus; la. labrum: nil. niaxillulc: mx. maxillae. Scale bars 0. 1 mm. Redescription. Onlogcny, and Demography of Pcira.sailhorax synagogoides Figure 4. Parascothorax synagogoides. Califomian males, a, carapace, lateral view, front end left; b, body of post-larva: c, antennule of mature male and frontal filament; d, distal antennular segments, lateral view; e, oral cone; f, thoracopods of post-larva; g, thoracopods of medium-sized male, fine hairs omitted except on one seta; h, thoracopods of large male, progressively more posterior from left to right; i, furcal ramus of post-larva; j-k, furcal rami of mature males; 1, schematic diagram of abdominal musculature of young male, all illustrated muscles actually paired, proximal ones without arrows onginating in sixth Ihoracomere. left one with arrow the ventral longitudinal muscle, ad. adductor muscle; an. antennule; eg. claw guard; ch, chin; cl. claw; d. mandible; es. aesthetasc; fg, foregut; fr. furcal ramus; la. labrum; md. maxillary gland duct; ml. maxillule; mx. maxillae; n. endopod; oc, oral cone; ts. testes; x, exopod. Scale bars 0. 1 mm. Mark J. Grygier biramous: the endopod is sometimes small in the sixth pair, but otherwise the endopods are approximately equal to or slightly shorter than the exopods. The rami are obscurely segmented, but often two segments are visible. The setal armament varies with the male's size (Fig. 4f-h). In the smallest males, there are just fine hairs on the endopods and one simple seta on some exopods. In medium-sized males, the edges of the thoracopods are hirsute and each ramus has one or two plumose setae. Larger males additionally have a lateral coxal and medial basal seta on the second and sometimes third thoracopods. The largest males have up to four plumose setae on the exopods of thoracopods 2^. Abdomen. — The abdomen is five-segmented with a furca (Fig. 41). The first segment has a simple midventral penis lobe. The fourth segment is short, the others subequal, and the fifth is broad- ened posteriorly, with ctenate ventral scales. The furcal rami are rectangular and elongate, shorter than the telson in the smallest males, but otherwise at least 1 .5 times as long as the telson (Fig. 4i- k). The lateral and medial faces of the rami have ctenate scales. The smallest males have three or four terminal setae, and the largest ones have ventral setae as well (I observed at most 13). The distal halves of the furcal setae are pilose. The abdominal musculature is shown diagramatically in Figure 41. All the described muscles are actually paired. Muscles insert at the bases of the furcal rami dorsolalerally, ventrolaterally and ventromedially. and at midheight medially: in younger but appar- ently not in older males, a ventromedially inserting furcal muscle arises in the fourth segment. Abdominal segments 1^ each have one to three dorsal flexor muscles and one to three ventral exten- sors. The ventral longitudinal muscles of the thorax insert ventrolaterally in the first abdominal segment. Post-larvae. — I propose that a distinct post-larval stage be rec- ognized for the smallest males, which as yet have no testes devel- oped, almost no thoracopodal setation, and furcal rami remarkably small compared to those of larger males (Fig. 4b. f. i). As mentioned above, aside from the shape of the carapace and the length of the frontal filaments, male post-larvae are morphologically indistiguishable from the smallest females, which I also term post- larvae. Adult Behavior Living females exhibited little behavior. They could open the carapace but not close it completely, so eggs and larvae readily escaped from females removed from their cysts. They could abduct and adducl their furcal rami and point the oral cone in different directions. They usually beat the rear pairs of thoracopods. some- times in a slow metachrony, but more usually in a less organized manner with a simultaneous recovery stroke. Their most consistent behavior was to extend the antennules ahead one at a tune from below, opening the subchela when doing so. and then to retract them, all in one continuous motion. Males were immotile. However, the oral cone was in constant motion, protruding and retracting and bending somewhat in all directions. Males extended their antennules alternately straight ahead, as did the females, with an open subchela that was clo.sed before being withdrawn. The abdomen, usually curled under the thorax, sometimes beat as an unstraightened unit with some motion of the splayed furcal rami, but the furca and thoracopods did not beat for locomotion. Comparison to Types Wagin's ( 1964) females of Pciiascolhora.x .tyiuiiiofioiih's aver- aged 4 mm in diameter, and reached 6 mm (those I examined were not so large), while the Califomian specimens are smaller than 4 mm. Wagin's males were 0.7-1.2 mm long, as are the Califomian ones. Examination of the antennules of the lectotype (Fig. 5a, b) and allolectotype (Fig. 5e, f) shows the same armament of the chin and basically the same armament of the fifth segment, except that both the male and the female probably have only one small spine on the claw guard (variable in the Califomian material). Wagin ( 1964: fig. 8E) confused the mandibles and maxillules and drew the former as halves of a sucking tube lacking setules at the lips: he did not draw the tips of the maxillules as bifid. In the type specimens the maxillae are minutely bifid (Fig. 5c), but the tips of the mandibles are hidden from view within the oral cone. The furcal rami of the males have, according to Wagin, five to seven setae and a hairy surface. The vertical grooves he drew on the lateral surfaces of the rami are exaggerated (compare Fig. 5f and Wagin, 1964: fig. 9), and the true sculpturing is a slightly weaker version of that of the Califomian males (Fig. 4i-k); in the allolectotype not all of the furcal setae are pilose. In all significant respects, therefore, speci- mens of Parascothorax from Califomia agree with the original specimens from the Sea of Okhotsk, and I consider them to repre- sent the same species. Post-larvae. — Grygier and Fratt (1984) proposed that the molt at which natatory setae are lost be considered the end of larval development. Now I have propo,sed that the early post-settlement stage of males and females in Parascothora.x be considered a post- larval stage. The male post-larvae are smaller than the settled last- instar ascothoracid larvae (Fig. 6) but the same size as the males that were about to molt from those ascothoracid larvae. The number of instars in either sex after the metamorphosis to the post-larva is unclear. Most of the preserved females examined, no matter what their size, had loose cuticles, so females seem to have no terminal molt. Ta.xonomic remarks. — In males the marked changes from post- larva to maturity in features such as size, thoracopodal setation, and relative length of the furcal rami (Fig. 4f-h, i-k) suggest that these features are probably variable and size-dependent in the closely related genu?, Ascothorax. It is likely that most of the male charac- ters employed by Grygier (198.'^) in diagnoses of species of Ascothorax are unreliable. LARVAL DEVELOPMENT General remarks. — Wagin (1964) gave very little information about the larvae of Parascothorax syngagogoides. However, an ontogenetic sequence based in part on laboratory-reared larvae is available for the Califomian population. Grygier (1987a) discussed some aberrant, possibly female nauplii in connection with sex determination; here only ordinary nauplii (possibly all males) are discussed. The ontogenetic sequence includes brooded eggs, three brooded naupliar stages not conclusively linked to instars and re- ferred to here as nauplii. early metanauplii. and late metanauplii, and at least two non-brooded cypris-like larvae, referred to as first- instar and last-inslar ascothoracid larvae. I estimated the number of naupliar instars by counting the unshed exuvia of older larvae, of both cultured ones and ones preserved upon capture, as I did for another ascothoracidan, Gorgonolaiireus miizikae (see Grygier, 1987b). I have often found brooded larvae with several nested, unshed cuticles in preserved ascothoracidans, and I assume this to be nomial for this group. The maximum replicable observation in P. synagogoides was five old cuticles investing the ascothoracid larva ready to molt, so there must be at least five naupliar instars. All of the available first-inslar ascothoracid larvae were derived from late metanauplii that molted in culture, usually one or two days after release from a brooding female: none of these molted again in culture. Since I never observed this stage being brooded, it must appear in nature only after the metanauplii are released and Redescriplion, Ontogeny, and Demography of Purascolhorax syna^ogoides Figure 5. Parascolhorax synagogoides. type specimens from Sea of Okhotsk, a-d, lectotype female; a, whole animal with right carapace valve removed; b, distal antennular segments; c. tip of oral cone; d, distal half of left furcal ramus (setae do not go so farproximally on right one); e-f. allolectotype male; e, whole animal; f. body removed from carapace, ad, adductor muscle; an, antennule; eg. claw guard; ch. chin; cl. claw; e. eggs; ep, epaulet; es, aesthetasc; ff, frontal filament; fr. furcal ramus; gd, gut diverticula; md. maxillary gland duct; mx, maxillae; oc, oral cone; ov, ovary; p, penis rudiment. Scale bars 1 mm in a and b. otherwise 0. 1 mm. undergo a final molt. I found last-instar ascothoracid larvae, all apparently male, together with females as independent individuals, never brooded, and they were often ready to molt to the post-larval male. None bore an unshed cuticle of any earlier larva, and it is unclear, though unlikely, whether any additional free-living instars exist between the two known ascothoracid larvae. E^gs. — Brooded eggs are spherical, dark red, and 440 |j.m in diameter. Nauplius (Fig. 7a-e). — The earliest larvae are rotund, almost 0.7 mm long, filled with yolk, and provided with a small protruding labrum, two furcal and one terminal papillae, and no frontal fila- ments or eyes (Fig. 7a, b). The antennules are unsegmented with the setation lm-lm-2m.ll-2t (Fig. 7c). The antennae have a small enditic spine on the coxa and a short medial protuberance on the basis: the endopod is unsegmented with two terminal and often one subterminal setae; the exopod is unsegmented with four or five setae (Fig. 7d). The mandibles resemble the antennae, but the protopod has only a small medial coxal flange, the endopod has no subterminal setae, and the exopod has three to five setae in different specimens (Fig. 7e). Early melanauplius (Fig. 7f. g). — This larva has a kite-shaped dorsal shield flatter than that of the nauplius. It is unclear whether papilliform frontal filaments are present. The limbs are unchanged from the nauplius except that the protopods are unarmed. Rudi- ments of maxillules, maxillae, and the first two pairs of thoracopods are apparent under the cuticle. The yolk mass is arrowhead-shaped, pointing backward. Late melanauplius (Fig, 7h-n). — The bowl-shaped dorsal shield is 0.67-0.80 mm long and 0.5.'i-0.66 mm wide and is slightly in- dented at the midline at both ends (Fig 7h-j); it contains the bivalved carapace of the developing ascothoracid larva. Frontal filaments are present, and the labrum is short and pointed. The unsegmented antennules have new medial setae, and the apical setae are disposed differently, so the setation is lm-lm-lm-2m.21-lt (Fig. 7k). The antennal and mandibular protopods are unarmed, the endopods have a terminal and subterminal seta, and the exopods are annulate with six setae, the distal seta being short (Fig. 71, m). The maxillules and maxillae are represented externally by a pair of knobs bearing two bumps or spines each, and the thoracopods are represented by several pairs of spinules (Fig. 7n). The furcal region is developed into a pair of lobes protruding beyond the end of the dorsal shield, with cuticular ctenae and four spines on each lobe; there is a tiny terminal spine. Rudiments of all postcephalic appendages including the furca are present beneath the cuticle (Fig. 7j). the medially unfused maxillae being the largest and all but the first pair of thoracopods being biramous. The yolk is confined to a small central mass with lateral lobes corresponding to the future gut diverticula. First-Instar Ascothoracid Larva General features. — The carapace is bivalved, but the valves are inflated with rounded edges and are held partly splayed, not fully enclosing the main body (Fig. 8a). The valves are 0.67 mm long and 0..^9 mm high, with more or less straight dorsal and ventral mar- gins, the anterior end higher than the posterior, and the dorsal hinge line extending for over two-thirds of the total length (Fig. 8a, b). The body is divided into a head, thorax, and abdomen (Fig. 8c). Antennules. — The antennules are almost straight and indis- tinctly segmented (Fig. 8d). The first, fourth, and fifth segments are about as long as wide, and the second and third ones are shorter. The 10 Mark J. Grygier 20 15 10 h malel I ascothoracidlarvaQ] fu E1439 m XI 0.5 1 Carapace Length [mm) E1668 15 10 5 '—1 E1782 n n 0.5 Carapace Length [mm3 15 10 0.5 1 Carapace Length (mm) R7145 0.5 1 Carapace Length Cmm) £1 0.5 Carapace Length (mm) 1.5 Figure 6. Size-frequency histograms of males and last-instar ascothoracid larvae from five samples oi Parascothorax synagoi-oides. The smallest males are post-larvae. anterior side of the fourth segment has a chin-like protrusion at midlength with two basal setae, two apical spines, and a subapical seta on the distal side. The claw on the distal comer of the fifth segment has three setae around its base, and there are three setae on the posterior side of this segment, the pro.ximal one longest and the third one shortest and sometimes absent. The claw guard is twice as long as the claw, with a small cylindrical tube proximally in most specimens and two to four (usually three) short distal setae, one longer than the rest. A frontal filament complex, consisting of a knob and an aesthetasc, arises from the inner wall of each valve just posterolateral to the antennules (Fig. 8e). Mouthparls. — The labrum is a slightly curved triangular plate in front of the other mouthparts (Fig. 8e). The antennae and mandibles are reduced versions of the naupliar limbs, twice as large in freshly molted specimens as in ones kept in culture for several weeks (Fig. 8c, e-g). The antennae are lateral to the labrum and the mandibles arise behind them; both are biramous with vestigial setae on the exopods and usually inconspicuous endopods. The mandibles have a stout prolopodal endite formed cie novo and bearing an apical spine. The maxillules are a pair of sharp cones medial to the mandibles behind the labrum (Fig. 8c, e). and the unfused maxillae are behind them and about twice as long, with bifid or trifid lips (Fig. Sc. e. h). Thorax uiid llioracopods. — The six thoracomeres become longer and slightly lower posteriorly, and the first is not separated from the head by a suture. There are no elaborations or setae on any segment, but the sixth has a pair of small epaulets (Fig. 8c). Each segment has a pair of thoracopods with short setae, all except the first pair being biramous (Fig. 8c). The first thoracopod is shorter and much narrower than the others, with two distal setae and occasionally a medial one. The next four thoracopods are much alike but become somewhat shorter posteriorly: the elongate coxa has a basolateral bump, the basis is square, the exopod is two- segmented, and the endopod is three-segmented (segmentation better defined in older larvae), with four temiinal setae on the former ramus and three on the latter, the segments of the exopod being nearly equal but the distal one on the endopod being longer than the other two. The sixth thoracopod is the shortest, with a proximal constriction in the posterior part of the coxa setting off a "precoxa"; the two-segmented rami each have a longer second segment, that of the exopod bearing three terminal setae, that of the endopod bearing two. Abdomen. — The abdomen is four-segmented and bent into a U, with a pair of furcal rami not clearly separated from the last seg- ment (Fig. 8c). The first and third segments are as long as wide, while the the second and fourth are much longer, and the first segment bears a rudimentary penis. The furcal rami are rectangular. i..*! times longer than high and possessing some dorsal and ventral spinules. usually a dorsodistal spine, and seven setae set into deep pockets (probably three terminal ?nd four medial); all the setae are about as long as the furcal rami. Last-Instar Ascothoracid Larva General features. — The carapace is bivalved with a distinct hinge and sharp valve margins, about 0,67 mm long, 0.47 mm high, 0.29 mm wide (almost no variation; Fig. 6), and lenticular in shape except for the rear being slightly more produced than the front (Fig. 9a). The outer cuticle has a weak polygonal pattern of ridges and scattered conical pores; each valve also has two cardie organs (Ito and Grygier. 1990). elongate pits with thickened rims, near the front of the hinge and two more close together at the rear of the hinge. The anterodorsal part of the valve margin is irregularly pitted (Fig. Redescription. Ontogeny, and Demography of Pciniscolhorax s\mii>o)i(>iJes Figure 7. Normal naupliar development of Califomian Paiascothora.x synagogoides. based in part on reared larvae, a-e, "nauplii"; a, ventral view; b. lateral view; c. antennule; d, two antennae; e, two mandibles (setae cut short in d and e); f-g. "early metanauplii." lateral and dorsal views; h-n. "late metanauplii"; h. dorsal view; i, anterior view with selected limbs shown (redrawn from Grygier, 1987a); j, ventral view showing developing appendages of ascothoracid larva; k. antennule; I. antenna; m, mandible (setae cut short in I and m); n, ventral and caudal armament. Arrows in c and k mark site of newly formed seta; many setae omitted in a. b. f. and j. ad. adductor muscle; an. antennule; at. antenna; d. mandible; ff. frontal filament; fl. furcal lobe; la. labrum; mxl. maxillary rudiments: n. endopod; th. developing thoracopods; tsp. thoracic spines; x, exopod; y, yolk. Scale bars 0.1 mm. 9b). Culicular ctenae line the posterior end internally. No gonads are present within the carapace. The retracted body occupies no more than two-thirds of the space between the valves (Fig. 9a). It has a head, a six-segmented thorax with natatory thoracopods, and a five-segmented abdomen with a furca. Cephalic appemkijics. — The antennules are five-segmented, all the segments being roughly equal (Fig. 9c). The third segment has tufts of fine hairs anteriorly. The fourth segment has a chin relatively longer than the adult's, with two distal teeth (lateral one larger), two unequal soft and vestigial setae on the proximal side, and one (two?) seta on the distal side. The fifth segment forms a subchela with the fourth, and it bears a claw with three basal setae, a claw guard with two short and one minute distal setae, a long seta behind the claw guard, and a posterobasal strap-like aesthetasc about as long as the antennule. There is a pair of frontal filament cimiplexes as in the first ascothoracid larva (Fig. 9d) but no antennae. The conical labrum surrounds a pair of distally attenuated mandibles and the long, har- poon-like maxillae. The mandibles are probably unarmed distally, and the maxillules were not visible in whole mounts. Thorax and thoracopods. — The thorax is somewhat arched, and its segments become a little longer and lower posteriorly. The sixth segment has small lateral epaulets and a dorsal band of fine setae. The first thoracopods are small and uniramous, with one or two distal setae (Fig. 9e). Thoracopods 2-5 each have a distinct and oblong coxa and basis, a laterodistal coxal seta and mediodistal basal setae on thoracopods 2-4 only, a two-segmented exopod with four distal setae on the rather narrow second segment, and a three- segmented endopod with one seta on the second segment and three on the very narrow distal segment (Fig. 9f). The sixth thoracopod is much the same except for a "precoxa" and a two-segmented 12 Mark J. Grygier Figure 8. First-inslar ascolhoracid larva of Califomian Parascollwrax synaf>oi;()iJe.<:. based on reared larvae, a, whole larva, side view, from life; b. carapace, flaltened ventral view; c. body of several-week-old larva, only invaginaled bases of most thoracopodal and furcal setae shown; d, antennulc (redrawn from Grygier, 1987b); e. ventral view of mouth field and cephalic appendages on newly molted larva; f, antenna; g, mandible; h, maxillae, an, antennule; at, antenna; eg, claw guard; ch, chin; cl, claw; d, mandible; en, mandibular endite; ff, frontal filament; fr, furcal ramus; la, labrum; ml, maxillule; mx, maxillae; n, endopod; p, penis rudiment; x, exopod. Scale bars 0.1 mm. endopod (Fig. 9g); its exopod has three temiinal setae and the endopod has two. The setae on the thoracopodal rami are long with long, widely spaced setules; the protopodal setae are plumose when present. Abdomen. — The second and fifth abdominal segments are twice as long as thick, the first and third are shorter and equal to each other, and the fourth segment is the shortest (Fig. 9a, h). The first segment has a very poorly developed (lap-like ventral penis rudi- ment, and the fifth segment is scaly ventrally. The furcal rami are rectangular, about twice as long as high, and have four distal setae (three long ones and a much shorter ventral one), a dorsodistal spine, and 5 medial setae as long as the temiinal ones, four of these arising more or less basally, the other mediodorsally. Larval heliavioi: — The eggs and naupliar stages were neutrally or slightly positively buoyant in life. The nauplii did not actively swim. The first ascolhoracid larvae were also buoyant at first, but in culture they eventually sank. When floating, the first-instar ascolhoracid larvae had the abdomen tucked forward and the cara- pace valves closed as tightly as possible. They swam on their backs, with interspersed periods of non-locomotory abdominal Redescription, Ontogeny, and Demography of Pcirascothorax synagogoijcs 13 Figure 9. Lasl-instar ascothoracid larva of Califomian Parascolhorax synagogoides (male larvae), a, whole larva with right carapace valve removed; b, pits along anterodorsal edge of valve, dorsal end above; c, antennule, lateral view; d, frontal filament complex (redrawn from Grygier, 1987c); e, thoracopod 1 ; f, thoracopod 4; g, thoracopod 6 (setae cut short in f and g): h, most of abdomen, ad, adductor muscle; an, antennule; eg, claw guard; ch, chin; cl, claw; co, cardie organs; es, aesthetasc; fr, furcal ramus; n, endopod; oc, oral cone; x. exopod. Scale bars 0. 1 mm. contractures, during which they sometimes directed the abdomen forward beneath the body. In swimming they employed tail flicks (furcal strokes), spreading the rami at the top of the stroke as each downbeat began. The power stroke of the thoracopods was metachronal from rear to front and involved all but the reduced first pair of legs. To the eye the furcal downstroke seemed to be simulta- neous with the thoracopods' unified recovery stroke, but efforts to confirm this cimematographically were unsuccessful. The stroke rate was over 2 per second, and over 3 per second in one individual, but their swimming efforts were rather ineffectual because of the shortness of the thoracopodal setae. Remarks. — Grygier ( 1987b) divided ascothoracidan nauplii into those with complex protopodal armament of the antennae and mandibles and well-developed natatory rami, those with simple prolopods and well-developed rami, and those with vestigial limbs. The nauplii of P. syncigogoides belong to the second group, and those of the various species of Ascothonix belong to the second and third groups (Grygier, 1983), so the type of nauplius is not useful in discriminating the two genera. Possession of ai least five naupliar instars is a plesiomorphy. at least relative to the two naupliar instars 14 Mark J. Grygier Figure 10. Cysts formed by Califomian Parascothorax sxnagoi'oides on Ophiophlluilmus normani. gemla\ bars of host out of view alongside basal arm ossicles just within bursal slits, a. incipient cyst forming around newly settled female parasite; b, completed cyst; c. older, perforated cyst. Scale bars 1 mm. of another ascothoracidan in the same order, Ulophysema oeresundense (see Brattstrom. 1948); the greatest number accu- rately known in the Ascothoracida is six, the basic maxillopodan number, for a species of Baccalaiireus ( ltd and Grygier, 1990) in the other order, Laurida. Two instars of ascothoracid larvae, the first being incompletely formed, occur in other members of the order Dendrogastrida, the best documented examples being Ulophysema oeresundense and Ascolhorax gi^as (Brattstrom, 1948; Grygier and Fratt. 1984). 1 have taken this as evidence of a more anamorphic and thus more primitive ontogeny in the Ascothoracida than in the Cirripedia, where there is a single cyprid larval instar (Grygier, 1987c). How- ever, laboratory rearing did not reveal more than one instar of the ascothoracid larva in the aforementioned species of Baccakntreiis (Ito and Grygier, 1990), so the more gradual development may actually be restricted to the Dendrogastrida, or to part of it. I have previously (Grygier, 1987b) addressed the significance of the naupliar and ascothoracid larval antennules in the compara- tive morphology and systematics of the Ascothoracida. Parascolhorax sxnagogoides rather clearly shows how the claw arises subterminally in ontogeny and that the more distal part of the naupliar antennule moves to the posterior side of the appendage and gives rise to the various sensory elements there (claw guard, proximal sensory complex). The small lube on the antennular claw guard in the first-instar ascothoracid larva may be homologous to a similar tube-like structure seen apically on the aforementioned ascothoracid larva of Baccalaiireus (Ito and Grygier, 1990), where it is surrounded by an "apical hood." There is a progressive reduction in the first-instar ascothoracid larva of the vestigial rami of the naupliar antennae and mandibles, and an appearance de novo of a large protopodal spine on the mandible. This shows that the basal part of the mandible in adult Parascothorax and other ascothoracidans represents part of the protopod and that the usually elongate, more or less complexly armed distal part of the mandible is an endite or gnathobase. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Disc Radius Cmm] 5-1 E1668 / . • 4- 3- y=x/ '1 • ■ / T .-I • : • • 2- 1- 1 ". t . 3 4 5 6 7 Disc Radius [mmJ b- R7145 / . , 4- y= x/ • • : 3- A • • • 2- 1- ' — 1 — - — 1 — 1 • • ._ ... • 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Disc Radius Cmm] Figure 11. Relationship in three samples between host disc radius and cyst diameter in Ophicpluluilmiis iiDimani infested with Paniscnthorax synagogoides off California. Cysts grow to a diameter just under the host disc radius. Large dots represent superimposed records. Redescription, Ontogeny, and Demography of Paniscothorax synajiogoides 15 CYSTS Cyst cycle. — Wagin (1964, 1976) described a cycle of cyst formation and rupture in brittle stars infested with P syiuifiOfioides. On the basis of the Califomian specimens I review the cycle here in more detail (Fig. 10: also see Grygier, 1988:778). A settling female establishes itself within the outer end of a bursal slit. One female post-larva was found thus In situ with cyst formation not yet begun, and another was found on the outer surface of an ophiuroid near a slit. The distal part of the genital bar. a long ossicle bordering the anibulacral side of the bursal slit (not visible in Fig. 10), proliferates to cover the end of the slit and also to thicken the aboral surface above the parasite. The female, most often still a post-larva, is not yet walled in on the side facing the interior of the bursa (Fig. lOa). Later the cyst closes when the proliferating genital bar fuses with the opposite wall of the bursa. The incorporated bursal wall does not become as thick as the rest of the cyst and remains composed of very thin skeletal plates. The exposed part of the cyst has a very thin skin without the small granules that are otherwise common externally on the host's disc. At this point about half of the bursal slit is closed and the cyst barely protrudes beyond the edge of the disc (Fig. lOb). As the parasite grows, the diameter of the cyst increases to just less than the host's disc radius (Fig. 1 1 ). The cyst protrudes notice- ably below and beyond the margins of the host's disc and gives the impression of a sphere partly embedded in the ophiuroid (Fig. lOc: also see Grygier, 1988: fig. 7). The aboral part connects with the nearest radial shield. Interstices develop between the small ossicles of the exposed portion, and these eventually perforate the half of the oral face nearest the arm and the exposed outer and aboral faces: i.e., small holes develop through all the thickened regions but not through the bursal wall into the body cavity. The cyst is now held to the genital bar by numerous trabeculae, is anchored to a radial shield aborally, and has host skin attached in a arc along the interambulacral side. Most of the bursal slit becomes blocked, but the innermost end always remains open because the genital bar does not reach that fan Such a cyst is fragile and easily broken, whereupon the parasites and the outer, oral side of the cyst is lost. The remainder heals, leaving a gaping scar that permanently disfigures the host. Wagin (1964) believed that Paniscothorax was exploiting a defense reaction of its host. The ophiuroid supposedly encapsulates the settled parasite as an irritant and eventually expels it. Encapsu- lation certainly does occur, but there is no obvious translocation of the cyst: it simply grows and remains attached to the genital bar without any activity on the host's part to expel it. Host relations. — Ophiophthaliims normani has a disc diameter of 3.5 to 22 mm (Clark, 1911). Califomian specimens infested with Parascothora.x syiiago^oldes covered much of this range (2.5-8.0 mm radius). Female parasites were generally loose within a cyst, but males commonly grasped the thin tissue lining the inside of the cyst with their antennules. The females fit so snugly that males left indentations in their carapaces. Males were most often found against or near the host's genital bar but could also be found elsewhere. Specimens of O. normani infested with Parascothorax often have well-developed gonads. DEMOGRAPHY Distribution and prevalence. — Of the 15,373 Ophiophthalmiis mn main of 109 to 437 ophiuroids were infested. At two of the latter stations. the number of parasites per host ranged from 1 to 29 (mean of 7); muhiple infestations were common, up to seven bursae with up to seven parasites each being infested. Unlike P. synagogoides and A. ophiocienis, A. gigas could fit up to three brooding females or a mixture of brooding and immature females in the same bursa; a few cases of brooding females without accompanying males were noted. as in P. synagogoides. The effect of even heavy infestation on the host was reduced gonad development, not castration. Parachorcleumiiim amphiurae. — In a recent ecological study of this copepod living in the bursae of British intertidal Amphiiira sqiiamata Delle Chiaje (Emson el al.. 1988; Whitfield and Emson. 1988). over 5000 ophiuroids were examined over 13 months. The copepod occurred with a seasonally varying prevalence ot 10 to 30% (highest in summer), w ith up to five female copepods per host. The distribution of copepods over potential hosts was clumped, as in Parascothorax. The smallest ophiuroids were uninfested, and the prevalence and incidence of infestation increased with host size except for a reduction in the largest ophiuroids. The reproduction of infested hosts was delayed and reduced or in cases of multiple infestations prevented. Conclusions. — It is clear that not all crustacean bursal parasites of ophiuroids infest their hosts at the same rate and have the same physiological effect on them. In most, however, multiple infesta- tions may be more commonplace than chance would predict. In part, different variables were measured in the different studies, limiting their comparability. In the future, standardized information about such host-parasite systems would be useful. The present data on Parascothorax represent a rare example of a detailed ecological study of a parasite (and its hyperparasite) that afflicts a community-dominating deep-sea invertebrate. Such stud- ies are so uncommon that no review of invertebrate parasitism in the deep sea has ever been published. My study was made possible by the availability of extensive collections from the region, so many specimens could be spared for parasitological examination. 1 hope that other large collections of deep-sea invertebrates, perhaps de- rived from environmental surveys, can be made available to para- sitologists. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Most of this work formed part of a Ph.D. Dissertation submitted to the University of California San Diego. I thank Dr W. A. Newman and Mr S. R. Luke, curator and collections manager, respectively, of the SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection, for grant- ing me access to specimens. Dr K. L. Smith and Ms. N. Brown for providing additional samples of the host ophiuroid. Dr Newman for laboratory facilities, and him and Drs. R. R. Hessler. N. D. Holland. W. H. Berger. and D. S. Woodruff for comments on my dissertation. 1 thank P. Unit! and two anonymous referees for help- ing me streamline the manuscript. Mss. M. Downey and C. Aheam assisted me at the Smithsonian Institution. I thank Drs. Ya. I. Starobogatov, I. S. Smimov. N. V. Vyshkvartseva, and Ye. L. Markhaseva (Zoological Institute. USSR Academy of Sciences) and Dr. T. A. Ginetinskaya (Leningrad State University) for their cooperation during my stay in Leningrad under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences Soviet and East European Exchange Program. The published manuscript was prepared during a term as a Visiting Foreign Researcher at the Sesoko Marine Science Center, University of the Ryukyus, and is a Contribution of Scripps Institu- tion of Oceanography, new series. LITERATURE CITED Brattstrom. H. 1947. Undersokningar over Oresund XXXII. On the ecology of the ascothoracid Ulophysemu oresuiulensc Brattstrom. Studies on Ulophxsema drestiiulense. 1. Lunds Universitetets Arsskrift N. F. Avd. 2. 43(7): 1-75. Brattstrom. H. 1948. Undersokningar over Oresund XXXIII. On the larval development of the ascothoracid Ulophxsema iiresundense Brattstrom. 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