4 . } _ ‘ ' 4 . ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ t ' ‘ * ‘ ‘ “ue ’ ‘ teach ‘ ‘ ; ‘ y 7 Aa ign ore ‘, ink WARS ole ‘ hd . ais ee scme-sreltvan-henagitehnittiamisieahit nie Caitie-npaeincin aia ia iru Maines and sen de trrvee tig riyeny SINS: Nepract eagy tated iw rhe ean sere — i a en M - Sa aot cae (eee cea Py or = rox, 4 La pees : (= 7, 6) ? abe tam un fanny. eo om one ; ae ay a | ip aa eres Pin 4 He Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/proceedingsofsecO6akad eats was iN pe Wisi’ ag SJA eg A canta ae ees Ae bald aed ares at ee la ot Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen PROCEEDINGS OF TILE pee ee Ne Or Ss Orr EN On Ss: —$—$$_.~5 > 4——___—___ Wp 5 SE OBA Ee AMSTERDAM, JOHANNES MULLER. July 1904. (Translated from: Verslagen van de Gewone Vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling van 30 Mei 1903 tot 23 April 1904. Dl. XII.) ERR A TUM. Page 644 line 36 for chloride read chlorine. » 647 >» 24. 3) 7200 » 7920 Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. PROCEEDINGS OF THE pee) 4.0 ON - OF Cle N OC E'S. LS od WCE RAE VEL. (Ist PART.) AMSTERDAM, JOHANNES MULLER. December 1903. aa a gen >vemb - crgad co > A is a y ’ v ie) ‘ = A Q ; eras * oY ia KE eto) [ie 8 1%,) an 5 ¢ ( f Q 2 Shas “to Ae aay vo a x: - 3 Mes <= } . § = lo) es 3 s E yas sts sy 2 —~ * ms CONTENTS. Sch : of the Meeting of May 30 Rees 2 aes Na ~ cys >» » June 27 MR at ba, oe "4 > » » ¥ September 26 > BGR Aol Use alae Sas ene oem rmmnar gas iy 3) ee » » October 31 | » a Sa Fn 279 ras ‘ i ¥ Se ae November 31 » te aS) hee eet ef 7 3 . Bat —_ ‘ cay ; * a = ~ ra “ ‘ om : 3, ei, = f. ~ F i KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN TE AMSTERDAM. PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING of Saturday May 30, 1903. ——~—)) { $Co—_______—_—_ (Translated from: Verslag van de gewone vergadering der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling van Zaterdag 30 Mei 1903, DI. XII). CONTENTS. J. W. Dito: “The action of phosphorus on hydrazine”. (Communicated by Prof. C. A. Lopry DE Bruyn), p. 1. J. W. Coumenty and Erxsr Conen: “The electromotive force of the Dayirii-cells”. (Com- municated by Prof. W. H. Junius), p. 4. Jax pe Vries: “On complexes of rays in relation tu a rational skew curve”, p. 12. W. A. Versrvys: “The singularities of the fucal curve of a curve in space’. (Communicated by Prof. P. H. Scnovurr), p. 17. P. Zeeman and J. Gersr: “On the double refraction in a magnetic field near the components of a quadruplet”, p. 19. J. J. vax Laan: “The course of the melting-point-line of alloys (3.d communication). (Com- municated by Prof. H. W. Bakuuis RoozeBsoom), p. 21. M. C. Dekuvuyzen and P. Vermaar: “On the epithelium of the surface of the stomach”. (Communicated by Prof. C. A. PEKELIARING), p. 30. E. Wexwa: “On the liberation of trypsin from trypsin-zymogen”. (Communicated by Prof. H. J. Hamecrcer), p. 34. A. Paxnekork: “Some remarks on the reversibility of molecular motions”. (Communicated by Prof. H. A. Lorentz), p. 42. C. A. J. A. Oupemans and C. J. Koxrse: “On a Sclerotinia hitherto unknown and injurious to the cultivation of Tobacco (Sclerotinia Nicutianae Ovp. et Konine), p. 48 (with one plate). J. E. Verscuarrerr: “Contributions to the knowledze of vay pen Waats’ ¢-surface. VI!. (part 3), The equations of state and the /-surface in the immediate neighbourhood of the critical state fur binary mixtures with a small proportion of one of the components”. (Communicated by Prof. H. Kameriincu ONNES), p. 59. The following papers were read: Chemistry. — “Vhe action of phosphorus on hydrazine.” By Mr. J. W. Diro. (Communicated by Prof. C. A. Lopry pr Bruyn). (Communicated in the meeting of April 24, 1903.) The last number of the Berichte!) contains a research on phos- phorus by R. Scuenck. Several of his observations quite corroborate those which have been announced some time ago’) and which were made 1) Ber. 36. 979. 2) Recueil 18. 297. (1899). Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam. Vol. VI. (2) \ in 1900—1901, but the publication of which was postponed owing to other studies which are not yet complete. In 1895') and also afterwards *) Lopry bE Bruyn, in his studies on hydrazine, observed that yellow phosphorus in contact with aqueous hydrazine turns the solution first yellow, then dark brown and finally black. After some time brownish black amorphous flakes are deposited. As already stated, I submitted this reaction some years ago to a closer examination and studied it, both with aqueous and with anhydrous hydrazine. I. If we introduce into vacuum tubes 16 gr.(=6 at.) yellow phosphorus and 5 ¢.e. of a concentrated 90°/,(—1 mol.) aqueous solution of hydrazine and allow these to be in contact for 1 or 2 months at the ordinary temperature the whole solidifies to a black amorphous mass in which a white well-crystallised substanee is distributed. On opening the tubes a large quantity of hydrogen phosphide appears to be present. As preliminary experiments had shown that the white substance was soluble in absolute alcohol but not the black substances, the tubes were filled with absolute alcohol out of contact with the «air, the black substance was freed from the white crystals by repeated washing with absolute alcohol and then dried over sulphuric acid in vacuum. The crystalline product obtained on evaporating the alcohol, was particularly hygroscopic. The analysis agreed best with the assumption that it consisted of hydrazine phosphite. Found 30.4°/, P and 12.3°/, N (this was determined in a nitrometer by means of vanadic acid) *). If however notwithstanding the necessary precautions, the substance has attracted a good deal of moisture in the course of the different manipulations, there is a possibility of its being hydrazine hypophosphite *). The black mass is insoluble in alcohol, ether and carbon disulphide and free from excess of yellow phosphorus. It has an odour of hydrogen phosphide; in contact with the air it becomes moist and the black colour changes to yellow. It contains chemically combined hydrazine which, in company with a little hydrogen phosphide, is obtained on distilling with dilute sodium hydroxide and which could he identified by means of its dibenzaldehyde-derivative which melts at 93". 1) Recueil 14. 87. *) Recueil 15. 183. 5) Horrmann and Kisperr Ber. 31. 64. 4) Sapaneverr, Z. anorg. Ch, 20, 21. (1899). (3) The black substance is strongly attacked by dilute nitric acid and also by bromine water. On heating at 100° in a current of dry hydrogen it loses weight continuously and the black colour changes to red. On treatment with dilute acids it behaves exactly like the product isolated by Scuunck from red phosphorus and ammonia’). It is then converted into a light red amorphous powder whilst the solution appears to contain a salt of hydrazine. The red powder has the external appearance of red phosphorus but is distinguished from this by a more orange tinge and its behaviour towards alkalis. Ammonia and dilute soda or potash yield black products, which however on prolonged washing with water lose their feebly combined alkali and assume their original red color. The substance, therefore, behaves as a weak acid which forms black alkali salts which readily undergo hydrolysis. Strong alkalis act energetically on the red substance with formation of hydrogen phosphide and a salt of hypophosphorous acid. In the analysis of the black and the red substance the phosphorus was determined by means of dilute nitric acid (in sealed tubes) and with bromine water. The nitrogen determination was done volume- trically with bromine water in a current of carbon dioxide and the hydrogen by an elementary analysis. | The average result was 45.9°/, P, 19.8 N and 5.5°/, H; total 71.2; the balance may be taken as representing oxygen. The red eompound was free from nitrogen so that the black product appears to be the hydrazine derivative of the red substance. The product dried in a desiccator in vacuo contained 91.7 °/, 2 sms. ds ?/,s He). 2. If we place in a vacuum tube an excess of yellow phosphorus with free hydrazine N, H,, we also notice (although sooner than in the ease of the aqueous solution) the formation of a black amorphous substance which in appearance quite resembles the product obtained from hydrated hydrazine. No white substance is of course formed, hardly any pressure is noticed and also little or no formation of hydrogen phosphide takes place. This gas, like the hydrazine phos- phite, therefore owed its origin to the well-known reaction between phosphorus and a base. 1) That black compounds are also formed from liquefied ammonia and white phosphorus is shown by the experiments of Gore, Proc. Roy. Soc. 21. 140. (1872), Franxun and Kraus, Amer. Ch. J. 20, 820. (1898), and Hueor, Ann. Chim. Phys. 21. 28. (1900). 2) This figure is almost sure to be too high owing to the nature of the process (elementary analysis). (4) The black substance was washed with carbon disulphide and alkohol and dried in a desiccator in vacuo. Apparently it has absorbed oxygen during this operation for the analysis showed a deficit of about 13 °/,. We found: 78.5°/, P, 1.9°/, H and 6.5°/, N. When treated with dilute acids a red substance was again formed which in appearance and properties corresponded exactly with the one already described and contained the same amount of phosphorus |found, average 92°/,|. The hydrazine has passed into the acid. 3. From the foregoing it follows that substances quite analogous to those formed by Scuenck’s (impure) red phosphorus and ammonia are generated directly from hydrazine and vellow phosphorus. Evidently, the black compounds which are formed from aqueous and anhydrous hydrazine are of a different nature ; their investigation remains however very unsatisfactory, owing to their amorphous conditions and want of tests for purity, in addition to their unstability towards washing- liquids. But it is pretty certain that the orange red product which hoth yield, when treated with acids, is a weak acid composed of phosphorus, hydrogen (and oxygen ?) Hydrazine is therefore capable of directly giving up hydrogen, not only to sulphur but also to phosphorus. Organic chem. Lab. University. Amsterdam, April 1903. Chemistry. — “The electromotive force of the Danwut-cells.” By Mr. J. W. Commenin and Prof. Ernst Conrex. (Communicated by Prof. W. H. Junius). (Communicated in the meeting of April 24, 1903). 1. In the present state of our electro-chemical knowledge an exhaustive study of the electromotive force of the Danie.i-cell would have but littke importance if it related to the use of this cell as a standard-cell, as we are now in possession of standard-cells which, if properly constructed, satisfy all requirements. We have, nevertheless undertaken an exhaustive investigation of such a cell because J. Cuavpier has published in the ‘Comptes Rendus”*) certain views which are entirely opposed to our modern theories on the origin of the electromotive force in cells of this kind. 1) 134, 277 (1902). (5) 2. CuHavpier gives the following form to the well-known formula of Nerxst for the electromotive force: Teens Wh (1 ee log =) -L en +, Cae ar This is evidently a mistake as the second term after the sign of equality does not belong to this formula but forms part of the well- known equation of Grpps and von Hr_mnontrz'). This mistake we may pass over. The following table contains Cuavpier’s results which have been obtained by means of Boury’s method for the measurement of electromotive forces. His cells were constructed according to the scheme: Copper sulphate solution Dilute solution of Zine | Copper | saturated at 15° C. | sulphate. Zinc. 3. The paper contains but few details of the manner in which the experiments were conducted: “lélément Dante. est constitué par deux vases en verre, contenant Pun la solution de sulfate de zine, Vautre Ja solution de sulfate de cuivre; ces deux vases sont réunis par un siphon formé Wun tube de verre rempli de coton imbibe de la solution de sulfate de zine dans Vune des branches, de la solution FABLE I. ZoSO,.7H,0 in 100 parts Elektromot. force (15°C.) Coefficient of temperature. of water. 0) 1.0590 Volt —U.0024 Wa 1.4138 —0.00015 1/, | £14154 —0) 00013 Vy 1.1368 40 .00005 1 | 1.1331] -L0 00005 2 1.1263 40 00003 4 1.1249 -+0).0003 6 | 1.1208 0.00016 10 | 1.1188 —f). QO0038 3U | 1.1054 / —0 0002 60 | 4.41003 —0. 0002 900 (saturated) | 4.0902 — 00026 1) Cuavupier wrongly calls this equation, the equation of Lord Ketvry. (46 de sulfate de euivre dans l'autre. Ce dispositif m’a paru donner des resultats plus constants que les autres.” It seems to us strange that the E.M.F. should be given to '/,, millivolt. All authors who up to the present have made a study of the Daniei-cell have pointed out how difficult it is to obtain constant values with such cells. For instance, the E. M.F. is in a high degree dependent on the nature of the copper or zine electrode. For particulars in this direction we refer to the researches of ALDER Wricut'). In connection with the measurements under consideration the following table of Fiemine’s will be found interesting: ELM. F. of a certain Daxve..-cell. Copper, perfectly pure, uoxidised 1.072 Volt ” slightly oxidised, brown spots 1.076 ” more oxidised 1.082 » " covered with dark brown oxide film 1.089 iY cleaned, replated with fresh pinkish electro-surface 1.072» 4. In repeating CHacpinr’s measurements it is of the greatest importance to have the determinations mutually comparable; errors eaused by an unlike nature of the electrodes had to be carefully excluded. As negative electrodes we used pure zine amalgam (1 part. of zine to 9 parts of mercury) as used in the Ciark standard-cell. The zine Was a very pure specimen from Merck of Darmstadt in which iron was not even detectable. The mercury was first shaken with nitric aid and then distilled twice in’ vacuum according to HtLerr’s *) method. As we know, the potential difference between this amalgam and pure zine is very small. Previous experiments by one of us *) have shown that this difference is) only 0.00048) volt. at O° and 0.000570. volt. at 25°. As positive electrode we used at first a thick wire of pure copper. The copper sulphate solution in the different cells was prepared !) Philosophical magazine (5), 18, 265 (1882); Fiemine, ibid. (5), 20, 126 (1885). Sr. Linpeck, Zeitschr. fiir Instrumentenkunde 12, 17 (1892). Comp. also Carnart, Primary Batteries (Boston 1899). Litterature up to 1893 in: Wiepemans, die Lehre von der Elektricitit. (Braunschweig 1893), pag. 798. *) Zeitschr. fur phys. Chemie 88, 611 (1900). *) Conen, Zeitschr. fiir phys, Chemie 84, 619 (1900), (7) by first making a saturated solution at 15°. Pure, Merck’s copper sulphate (free from iron) was dissolved in water and boiled with copper hydroxide to remove traces of free acid. After filtration the liquid was cooled and after introducing a crystal of CuSO,. 5 H,O set aside to erystallise. The salt was then shaken for a long time (3 to 5 hours) with water at 15° in a thermostat, use being made of Noyes’) shaking apparatus. All the thermometers used in this investigation were tested by means of a standard thermometer from the “Physikalisch-technische Reichsanstalt’” at Charlottenburg. To make sure that complete saturation had indeed been attained we took after 38. and 5 hours small samples from the solution in the shaking bottles and analysed these liquid by means of NeuMANn’s electrolytic process *). In this way we found: (9 hours) 100 parts of water dissolve 19.22 parts of anhydrous Cuso,. (3 hours) 100 parts of water dissolve 19.28 parts of anhydrous CuSOQ,. The zine sulphate solutions were prepared from a solution which was saturated at 15° in the same thermostat as the copper sulphate solutions. The different dilutions were done by weighing. The zine sulphate gave no reaction with congored; moreover the same preparation had served in the construction of Crark-cells which appeared to be perfectly correct. By way of a check we also determined the quantity of ZnSO, which at 15° is present in the saturated solution. A weighed quantity of the solution was evaporated in a platinum dish and the residue (ZnSO, .1H,O) was weighed *). In 100 erams of water we found 50.94 erams of ZnSO, (as anhy- dride) whereas previous determinations had given 50.88. If we accept the figure 50.94, the saturated solution then contains at 15°, 150.56 grams of ZnSO,.7H,O to 100 grams of water. We fail to see how Cuavpier has arrived at the figure 200 (see table 1). 6. Measurements with Danieni-cells are rather diffieult, for if the smallest amount of copper sulphate solution comes in contact with 1) Zeitschr. fur phys. Chemie 9, 603 (1892). 2) Neumann, Analytische Elektrolyse der Metalle, (Halle 1897). Pag. 106. We may casually remark that the figures given in the literature for the solubi- lity of copper sulphate are incorrect. Compare: Eryst Conen, Vortriige fiir Aerzte liber physikalische Chemie (Leipzig 1901) pag. 70. 3) See CaLLenDAR en Barnes, Proc. Royal Society 62, 147 (1897); Exnst Couen, Zeitschrift fiir phys. Chemie 34, 181 (1900). Ss the zine electrode by diffusion, the E. M. F. of the system is dimi- nished considerably. FLEMING for instance states, “the smallest deposit of copper upon the zinc, due to diffusion of the coppersalt into the zinc is indicated by a marked depression amounting to 2 or 3 percent”, whilst Wricut afier prolonged diffusion) noticed depressions up to 6 percent. After a few preliminary experiments which convinced us of the accuracy of these remarks we constructed for the definitive measure- ments the little apparatus shown in fig. 1. PC ) Fig. 1, —- — — It consists of three tubes A, B, C, (Sem. high, internal diameter 1.8 em.) which communicate by means of connecting tubes. To the tube f, 7; a glass tap with a very wide bore (5 or 6 m.m.) is attached. The zinc amalgam is introduced into A and the platinum wire /% is then fused into it. A and B also 7, are now filled with the zine sulphate solution after the bore of the tap has been plugged with fat-free cottonwool previously sucked in the same zine sulphate solution. While the tap is still closed, the saturated copper sulphate solution is poured into C' and also into 7,: The cell is now closed ; with the india-rubber corks A, A, and A,. Through A, is introduced a thin glass tube reaching just below the cork. Through this tube the copper electrode AK may be introduced into the solution when the measurements take place. The whole apparatus is now plunged as deep as possible in a thermostat (15°). If required the tap may be opened or closed by means of the wooden rod GH. By the introduction of the tube £6 the possibility of contact of the zine electrode with the copper sulphate solution is quite excluded. Even if a trace of copper sulphate has diffused into the lower part of 6 (af the copper solution is lighter than the zinc solution, the former will float in 5 on the latter) we never find a trace of copper in the tube A. In the final experiments, the measurements lasted so short a time that as a rule no copper diffused even into B. 7. After preliminary experiments had shown that the cells cannot be reproduced when we make use of copper electrodes which have been cleared with nitrie acid, we afterwards followed the direction of Wriegnt and Fiemme who electrolytically cover the copper electrode with a layer of copper immediately before the measurement. For this purpose we used the bath deseribed by Orrrer ') for the copper coulometer. After being copperplated the electrode was rinsed with distilled water and dried with cottonwool. It was then at once put through the tube into the cell. We always take care that only the electrolytically copper plated part of the electrode gets into contact with the liquid. 8. The EK. M. F. of the cells was determined by the compen- sation method of PoGGEnporrr. As working cell we used a storage 1) Electrochemische Uebungsaufgaben (Halle 1897) pag. 5. All copper electrodes were always copperplated during 10 minutes with the same current-strength (0.15 ampere) (or density) and at the same temperature. We have also tried, but unsue- cessfully, to work with copper amalgam. As to copper amalgam, compare PEeTTEN- KOFER, DinaLerR Polytechnisches Journal 109, 444 (1848) and v. Gersueim. Ibid. 147, 462 (1858). ( 10 ) cell (Deutsches Telegraphenelement), as normal cell a Weston-cell which was always kept in a thermostat at 25°. In this thermostat was also placed a Ciark normal cell to allow comparison between the normal elements. The rheostats used (2 rheostats of 11111.11 ohms each Hartmann and Brawn) were carefully compared with a third rheostat standar- dised by the “Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt.” filled with the required solutions it was (without the copper electrode) placed in the thermostat at 15°. After having reached that temperature the copper electrode was taken from the copperplating bath and after having been treated as directed it was introduced through the tube 9 The measurements: took place as follows: after a cell had been into the solution. The tap was now opened and the measurement carried out; this lasted 1 or 2 minutes. When the tap had been closed, the cell was taken from the thermostat. The solution in A was then tested for copper, but as already stated not the slightest trace of copper was found in this part of the apparatus. 10. As the measurements of ALDER Wrieut, FLeminG and Lorp RAYLEIGH 2), which were done with fairly concentrated solutions of zine sulphate bad proved that the reproduction of these cells to less than 1 millivolt is almost impossible and as our own experiences had shown us that with more dilute zine sulphate solutions we get. still vreater deviations, we only give our measurements in millivolts although the method of measuring employed rendered the determina- tion of tenths of millivolts (and less) quite possible. As CHAvpIER only gives one series of measurements We can say nothing as to the reproduceableness of his cells. According to our experience no importance need be attached to statements of tenths of millivolts. Whether it would be possible to attain a greater accuracy when working with solutions quite free from air is a matter which we cannot go into any further as our results are quite accurate enough to completely answer the question in dispute’), 11. Before proceeding to communicate our figures we would point out that a cell constructed according to the scheme: | . copper sulphate solution | Zine | water DI ae ps | copper | saturated at 15 | cannot practically be classed among the reversible cells. 1) Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. 76, 800 (1886), *) See Epetine, Wiep. Annalen, 30, 530 (1887) and G,. Meyen, ibid, 83, 265 (1888). CEA.) We have, therefore, not repeated Cravpirr’s experiment with this cell. When we consider that cells with very dilute solutions show deviations amounting to 6 millivolt, we cannot expect much from measurements with an element of the kind described. 12. The subjoined table contains the results of Our measurements. Below I and It are placed the values of the E. M.F. which we found for the same cell in independent experiments. From these figures it may at the same time be seen in how far the said cells may be reproduced. TABLE UE oe a ~ —_— Klectromotive force irams of Zn SO,.7 HO flectre ive force ; Se Hi Ge fs : : Grams of Zn SO,.7 Hy Electromotive force at 15 at 15°0 in. Volt. to 100 gram water. in Volt. (COMMELIN and COHEN). (CHAUDIER). I | II | average, Vio 1.4143 | 4.4149 1.4146 1.1138 1, 1.444. | 14.446 1.144 oat lg Yo 1435 | 4.434 oes 1.4368 14st | 4.a3n | 4,431 1.1331 2 Ee Be i Wa F255 1.1263 4 res US ey bee La FC Satay, 1.4249 6 1.416 1.416 1.416 1.4208 10 ps iy i I 2) ip be 1.1188 30 1.104 1 104 1.104 4.i054 150.65 (saturated). AOSts e084 1.081] 1.0902 (200 saturated ?) 15. From this table it will be seen at once that a maximum value of the E.M.F. at about '/, gram of ZnSO, . 7 H,O to 100 grams of water, as CuHacpirr claims te have found, does not exist. The progressive change of the values is on the contrary, quite in harmony with the equation given by Nernst, which shows a decrease of the E.M.F. for an increase of the concentration of the zine sulphate. It would be superfluous to criticise the other conclusions of CHAUDIER as these are based on the figures discussed. Utrecht, April 1908. ( 12 ) Mathematics. — “On compleces of rays in relation to a rational skew curve.’ By Prof. J. DE Vrtks. (Communicated in the meeting of April 24, 1903). 1. Supposing the tangents of a rational skew curve /?” of degree n to be arranged in groups of an involution /’ of degree p, let us consider the complex of rays formed by the common transversals of each pair of tangents belonging to a group. So this complex contains each linear congruence the directrices of which belong to a group of Iv. If these directrices coincide to a double ray a of J? the con- eruence evidently degenerates into two systems of rays, viz. the sheaf of rays with the point of contact A of a as vertex and the field of rays in the corresponding osculating plane «a. To tind the degree of the complex let us consider the involution Iv of the intersections of the tangents with an arbitrary plane g. The surface of the tangents intersects g according to a curve C™ of degree im = 2 (n—1) and the complex curve of g envelopes the lines connecting the pairs PP’ of ?. This involution having (m—1) (p—l) pairs in common with the involution forming the intersection with an arbitrary pencil of rays, the complex is of degree (2 n—8) (p—1). 2. We then consider the correspondence between two points Q,Q of C™ situated on a right line PP’. As Q lies on the lines connecting any of (m—2) (p—1) pairs, there are (m—2) (p—1) (m—3s) points Q. The correspondence (Q, Q’) has (im—2) (m—8) (p—1)* pairs in common with /?, so the complexcurve has 1 (m—2) (m 3) (p—1)? = (n—2) (2 n—S) (p—1)? double tangents, the complercone as many double edges. Evidently these double rays form a congruence comprised in the complex, of which order and class are equal to (n—2)(2n—S)(p—l)’. The complexcurve also possesses a number of threefold tangents, each containing three points of /?’ belonging to one and the same vroup. To find this number we make each point of intersection S of Cm with the right line PP" to correspond to each point P” of the group indicated by P. To each point P" belong 4 (y—1) (p—2) pairs P, P', so 4 (p—1) (p—2) (m—2) points S; each point S lies on (m—2) (p—]) connecting lines P/, and therefore it is conjugate to Gn—2) (p—1) (p—2) points P". Every time P?" coincides with S, three points 7 lie in a right line and each of those points is a coincidence of the correspondence (P",S); so we find 4 (m—2) (p—1) (p—2) threefold tangents. From this appears at the same time that the (13 ) right lines of which each euts three tangents of R" belonging to a same group of /?, form a congruence of which order and class are equal to (n—2) (p—i) (p—2). 3. Let us consider more closely the group where @ is a double element and a’ one of the other elements. To the just-mentioned congruence evidently belongs the pencil of rays in the plane (A,a’) — a,, with vertex A and the pencil of rays in the osculating plane « with vertex (a@,a@,)—=A,. So the congruence contains at the least 4 (p—1) (p—2) pencils of rays; each of the 2(p—1) singular points A is the vertex of (j—2) pencils placed in different planes; each of the 2 (p—1) singular planes @ bears (p—2\ pencils with different vertices; on the other hand the 2 (p—1) (p—2) singular points A, and the 2 (p—1) (p—2) singular planes a, each bear a pencil. The complex curve is as appears from the above of genus + [(2n—3) (p—1)—1 | [(2 n—3) (p—1)—2] — (n—2) (2 n—5) (p—1)*— 3(n—2) (p—I) (p—2). For p=3 this becomes equal to zero which could be foreseen; for, to each point ? of the curve C™ the connect- ing line P’P’’ can be made to correspond, by which the tangents of the complexcurve coincide one by one with the points of a ‘ational curve. In a plane g through a tangent a’ the complexcurve degenerates, a pencil of rays the vertex of which lies on the tangent a separating itself from the whole. In a plane e@ evidently (p—2) pencils of rays separate themselves. 4. We shall consider more closely the simplest case, where the complex is determined by a quadratic involution of the tangents of a skew cubic; n=3, p=2. If A and & are the points of contact of the tangents a and / forming the double rays of the involution, and if @ and P are the corresponding osculating planes, we assume as planes of coordinates 2, = 0, z,=0, x7, = 0, 2, =O successively the osculating plane a, the tangent plane (a, 5), the tangent plane (4, A), the osculating plane B. The curve F#* is then represented by AS SE ee ng aie gad el and for its tangents we have the relation Dee aie ee Pee = C8 A SP 2 TL —28 e. The points A and # being indicated by the parameters ‘=O and to, the parameters ¢ and ?¢’ of the points of contact of two conjugate tangenis satisfy the relation ¢-+ ¢’ = 0. ( 14 ) The coordinates of a common transversal of the tangents (f) and (—1t) evidently satisfy the conditions i 2 9,2 043 256 Piz P,; + UDPy, 4 3t P23 == t'Ds4 = 2t Paz 0, = ‘ ' 2933 ea Pir t+ 2tp,, + Pi, | Ob pas 4 t Pa 2t*p,. = Y, therefore also Pra + © (Pi, + 3pa3) + Pas = 0 and OP ss = Pais: By eliminating ¢ we find the equation of the indicated complex: Pris Pisa 1 Pas Paz (Pras + 3P33) + Psa P13 — Y. To this cubic complex belongs the linear congruence p,, = 90, Y,, = 0. Its directrices / and m are represented by .7, = 0, v, = 0 and «,=0, ,=0; the former connects A with the point («, 4), the latter unites B and (f, a). Each ray of the congruence rests on two pairs of tangents; the corresponding parameters are determined by the equation Psat’ + (Pig + 3p 25) + Piz = 9- So the complexcone has a double edge, the complexeurve a double tangent. 5. This is also evident in the following way. With given values of ¥,, Ys Y3,Y, the equation p,,=4p,, OF ¥,%,.—Yy,7, =4Y.4, ie) represents a plane intersecting the complexcone twice according to P=, py,==0. and moreover according to a right line of the plane a” (Ya — Yi") + i [(y.,—4."4) ae 3 (5%3—Yar"'s) 05 (3 — Ys") = 0. 0 ,,'= 0;'p,, = 0 is.a:-doublevedge. If the plane y,.,—y,", = 4(y,2,—y,;) is to touch the complex- cone along the double edge, the three planes at —— ig Q) ; A 5 og — A ee 0, (A?y,+4y,)e, + (BAy,—A*y,) e, + (y,—3 ay.) a, — (49, +93) @, = 9 must pass through one right line, so OS AY Oye ’ dAy, —VYy, = Oy Ys — SAY, =—.09; 3 44+). =e must be satisfied. sy eliminating @ or o we find PIs + AY ty = Fy) +959, =O. The roots of this quadratic equation determine the tangent planes of the complexcone along the double edge, which becomes a cuspidal edge when that is when Bee Ua Sa ee WY Yadn OK =O . ; 4 (15 ) So these quadratic skew surfaces of which the first evidently passes through /?* contain the vertices of the complexcones having a cuspidal edge. 6. For the points P? of the F*® this cone of course degenerates into the plane connecting /? with the tangent jp’ in the conjugate point P' and a quadratic cone touching that plane. For points on the right lines / and i the complexcone must con- sist of a plane counted double and the single plane «,=0 or.r,—0. For, each ray in e« and belongs to the complex, whilst all right lines resting on / and m are double rays of the complex. Indeed the substitution y, =O, y, =O in the equation of the complex gives the relation 2, (y, 7,—y, 7,)? = 0.. For points on one of the tangents « and 4 the complexcone breaks up into the plane e@ or @ and into a quadratic cone touching it. For a point of the intersection of @ and ¢ we find a degeneration into three planes. For the complexcurves analogous considerations hold good ; e. &. the complexcurve degenerates into three pencils of rays when the plane passes through AB. 7. The complexcone degenerates into a plane and a quadratic cone if the vertex lies in @ or in @ or on the surface of the tangents of FR. In the former case « or 3 belong to it; in the latter the plane through the vertex P and the conjugate tangent p’. To investigate whether there are more points for which sueh a degeneration takes place, we suppose that the equation of the inter- section of the complexcone with .«,— 0, thus that YY," =f ye, —Y sift "i, Yu ly Ws sa (Y2Y~— OY sy, ae + BY, Y3%q°©,— 24,9 8,2, —3Y Yt, + (YY, + SY 2Ys)® Cyt, = O, is deducible to the form (5,127 +0, 404° +0, 03? +26, e206, 270, +26, ugu’s) (Ct + O,7,+6,2;) = O. Then the following conditions are to be satisfied: aan | 6,40. —YiYar oF a ae b, €,+26, ,c ea ae b, ,€,+26, ,c, — a4 Jools +e Des =o Uae) b,4¢, +20, ,¢,—=3Y,Y55 b,,¢, +20, ,c, == 24 Y30 ties mari SUM as (61563 + 55 3¢, + 91 3¢,) = Yi¥s + BY Ys: Let us in the first place put 56,,= 0 and c,=~y,, then 26,, is equal to —y, and 2h,, equal to y,. Further we find 4,, = —y, and ¢; = —y,. After some deduction we get as only condition ( 16 ) Wd + 4 Ys?— 89 Yo sta BY a Ys + Ys Ys = 9; or (9.9:—9.93) = A(y,%3— Ys) 5) that is the verter of the compleacone belongs to the SUP Face of tangents. If we put c,=90, we then arrive after excluding y, =O and y,=9 (for which the indicated degeneration always takes place) at the double condition Yo = Ux ANd YY, = Yas: that is at the points of FR’. 8. Let us suppose that the tangents of /#* are arranged in the triplets of a -/*. To determine the degree of the complex of the common transversals of the pairs of tangents we can also set about as fol- lows. In an arbitrary pencil we consider the correspondence of two rays s and »’, which are cut by two tangents belonging to J/*. To the coincidences of this correspondence (8, 8) belong the four rays resting on the double rays a, bc, d of J*; the others are united in pairs to six rays, each resting on two tangents of a triplet, so the complex is of degree 6. To find the degree of the congruence of the right lines, each resting on the three tangents of a group, let us consider the rays they have in common with the analogous congruence belonging to a second /*. If »,, 7, is one of the four common pairs of the two involutions, and 7, and +,’ successively the tangent forming with 7, and 7, a eroup, the common transversals of 7,,7,, 7, and 7,’ belong to the two congruences *). Evidently they can have no other rays in common than those eight, which are indicated by these; consequently the con- eruence is of order two. The complexcone of an arbitrary point ? has as appears from the above, two threefold edges; as it has to be rational, it has moreover four double edyes. If P lies on the surface of tangents of /’, this cone degenerates into the system of planes which connect /? with the two tangents conjugate to p and a biquadratic cone with threefold edge. 9. The quadratic serolls determined by the triplets of tangents, evidently form a system of surfaces two of which pass through any point and two of which touch any plane. This system is thus represented in point- or tangential coordinates by an equation of the form ‘) This consideration leads to no result if we consider a rational skew curve of higher order. CHE) P+22Q4+4R=0. From this ensues that all the surfaces of this system have the eight common points (tangential planes) of P=0, Q=0, R=0 in common. The degenerations of this system are four figures consisting each of two planes as locus of points and of two points as locus of tangential planes. One of those figures is formed by the planes @ and «, —(Aa’) and the points A and A, = (ea). The eight common points A,, B,, C,, D,, A;,6;, C,,.D, and the eight common tangential planes @,, 8,, ¥,, 5), 43. 23,359; Of the scrolls are singular for the congruence (2,2). The remaining singular points and planes are evidently A,B,C, D, A,,B,,C,, D, and 4,3,7,64,,.8 7154, These 16 points and 16 planes form the well known configuration of KuMMER. We can choose the notation in such a way, that A, bears the planes 8, y, d,a, and A, the planes @,,y,,d,,@, etc. Let us bear in mind that three osculating planes of /* intersect each other in a point of the plane of their points of contact and let us further mark the symmetry of the figure, we can then easily deduce from the preceding, that i @ ihe poms Ar tA bs... D,; ny Gy UT] sae Pale Ak. Bs Ce DD; 2 : sh Ose BD Re AAP i AeA Ay Tea ame " Ze Aen Ass pis! Co IDs, are situated, whilst A bears the planes @, @,, @,, B,, ¥., 4, A, I TT] 7] Opie, ia Vas Os, A; Ui " / a, a, a, 8, Y> J, A 3 / " " a, a, a, 5) B, > v1 5) J, . It is clear that for each of these 16 points the complexcone is composed of a plane counted double and a cone of degree four. Mathematics. — “Vhe singularities of the focal curve of a curve in space.’ By Dr. W. A. Versiuys. (Communicated by Prof. P. H. Scnoure.) In paper N°. 5 of the “K. A. v. W.” at Amsterdam, Vol. XIII, I have deduced some formulae expressing the singularities of the focal developable and of the focal curve in function of the singulari- ties of a plane curve. In like manner it is possible to deduce the following formulae which express the singularities of the focal developable and of the ”) _ Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam. Vol. VI. oe ( 18 ) focal curve of a curve in space in function of the singularities of this curve. | Let the curve be of degree u, of rank 9, of classy; let its number of stationary points be ~, that of its stationary tangents @. Suppose the curve to have no real nodes or double tangents and no particular position with respect to the plane at infinity or with respect to the imaginary circle at infinity. . In that case the singularities of the evolute or of the cuspidal curve of its focal developable (G. Darsovx: Classe Remarquable ete. p. 13} are the following: Tak 9 2 (pu ms 0). class, m = 2 9 number of stations ary planes, a= aes (py + ae double osculating planes, G = stationary tangents, v7 = 0. nodes, H=2z=3(u—9) + 7+ 4. double tangents, @ = 0. degree, n= 2(3u+r+ 6). degree nodal curve; «= 2 (u-+ 9)? —10u—29—3(+ 6). number of planes through two lines which pass through a given point, y=2 (ue)? — 4u — 49 — (r++). stationary points, 8 = 12 4u—49—6(v-+ 8). iene The chief singularities of the focal curve are: degree, n= 2° +4nu0+ 0?—11lu—o—38(e4+ 9). rank, 7 =4uo0+ 0°—4u—4e0 number of stationary tangents, v = 0. class, m= (8u+2vr+26)(2u+o0)+3u09— 36u-+ 12 o— (+ 8). number of stationary points, ? = 2 (84+ »+ @)(2u+ 0) — 574+ 21 9 — 27 (vw + 6). “ a planes, a= 6(2u+r-+ 0)(Qu+ 0)—4w— 2u0—20°— 107 u+ 47 9 —57 (w+ 8). When comparing these singularities with the values of the singu- larities of the evolute and of the focal curve of a plane curve, we see that they differ only in the rank of the curve in space being substituted for the class of the plane curve and in the number of stationary tangents « being replaced by (v-+ 9). From this follows that the singularities of the evolute and of the focal curve of a curve \ in space c are the same as those of a plane curve d, which is the projection of ¢ on an arbitrary plane from an arbitrary point. (19 ) Physics. “On the double refraction in a inagnetic field near the components of a quadruplet.” By Prof. P. Zxeman and J. Grxsr. Qn a former occasion the results were communicated to the Academy, of an investigation on the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarization in sodium vapour, in the immediate neighbourhood of the absorption lines. *) In the case of very thin vapours this rotation appeared to be positive outside the components of the doublet, in which the original spectral line is resolved by the influence of the magnetic forces: between the components, however, it becomes negative and very large. In these experiments the light of course passed through the vapour in the direction of the lines of force. In the same way, if the light is transmitted through sodium vapour in a direction normal to the lines of force, we may expect from the examination of the immediate neighbourhood of the components, in which the spectral line is split up by the magnetic forces, results which are of theoretical importance. Voret has deduced from his theory of magneto-optical phenomena the existence of a double refraction, which must be produced in isotropic media, as soon as they are placed in a magnetic field, but which should only be observable in the neighbourhood of an absorp- tion line.*) Vorer, together with Wircuert, has observed, that plane polarised light of a period near that of the lines D, and D,, is no longer plane polarised but has become elliptically polarised when it has traversed the flame, there being generated a difference of phase between the components vibrating parallel and those vibrating per- pendicularly to the field. This elliptical polarisation was demonstrated by the above mentioned physicians with the aid of a Basinet compensator, using a flame with much sodium and a small Row1anp grating. The object of our investigation of the magnetic double refraction was to examine the phenomena, which show themselves, if, beginning with very small vapour densities, the quantity of sodium is gradually increased. The present communication deals only with the line D, in the case of very small densities. This line is resolved into a quadruplet by the action of the magnetic field. The grating employed for this investigation and its mounting for 1) Zeeman. Proc. Roy. Acad. Amsterdam Vol. V p. 41, 1902, cf. also Hato Dissertatie. Amsterdam, 1902. 2) Vorer. Géttinger Nachrichten. Heft 4. 1898; Wiepemany’s Annalen. Bd. 67. p- 399, 1899. 2% ( 20 ) parallel light (which was necessary also now) have been described already more than once. *) The light from an are-lamp or from the sun passed successively through a Nicol’s prism, whose plane of vibration was inclined at an angle of 45° to the horizon, the magnetic fieid with its lines of force normal to the beam, a second Nicol at right angles to the first. Between the Nicols the BaBiner compensator was placed, the edges of the two prisms being horizontal. An image of the com- pensator was formed on the slit of the spectral apparatus; in the middle of this image the central dark interference fringe, surrounded by the coloured ones, was seen. In the spectrum a pair of dark interference fringes are observed and with the field off, only the fine absorption lines of the vapour are seen. Generally the reversed sodiumline is observed already in the spectrum of the arc-light itself and then the presence of sodium vapour between the poles makes of course no difference at all. In order to obtain the degree of sharpness of the interference fringes, necessary for this part of the investigation, we tried several compensators. Sufficient results were obtained with a Basimer compensator of which the prisms had angles of about 50', obtained from the firm Srenc & Reuter. The light passed the flame (a gas flame fed with oxygen) over a length of nearly 1'/, em. If the field had an intensity of about 23000 C.G.5. units, the quantity of sodium in the flame being very small, the image observed was very similar to that represented in Fig. 1. The latter is constructed with the aid of photographie negatives and of eye observations. The whole phenomenon is of course very delicate as it only extends to the region of the magnetically broadened D, line; moreover it depends very much on the quantity of sodium present. We did not yet succeed in getting negatives, which showed the parts which are of very unequal intensity all equally well. Fig. 1. Already some time ago Prof. Voigt was so kind to inform one of us of the result, which according to his theory may be anticipated in the case of a quadruplet. This conclusion is easily arrived at, if the calculation be simplified by applying a certain approximation, the soundness of which cannot be judged a priori, because constants appear whose numerical value is not yet known. With this reservation the behaviour predicted 1) Zeeman |.c, and Arch. Néerl. (2) 5. 237. 1900. ( 21 ) Rae a by theory is represented in Fig. 2. The dotted rat vertical lines are the four components of the qua- ! druplet. : i: In comparing the figures 1 and 2 one must take into consideration, that in Fig. 2 is represented the shape of the fringes, which arise from a single f horizontal band. In Fig. 1 in the central part of the field also occur parts, originating from fringes -- lying above and under the middle. The vertica] Fig. 2. medium line of Fig. 1 corresponds to the almost ever present absorption line due to the are light and is thus in no way connected with the phenomenon which occupies us. The agreement in the region between the two interior components of the quadruplet is undoubtedly of great importance. The whole form of the double curved line may certainly be regarded as a con- firmation of theory. How far the darker parts between the exterior components in the middle of Fig. 1 correspond to the U-shaped parts of Fig. 2 is at present not yet to be decided. Chemistry. — “Vhe course of the melting-point-lne of alloys.” (Third communication). By J. J. van Laar. (Communicated by Prof. H. W. Baknuis Roozesoom). I. I have shown in two papers (these proceedings Jan. 31 and March 28, 1903) that the expression (see the second paper) : (ig eae ry 7] (i = ra)* 1 isc U8 Se) ee ate eae 1—J log (1—2z) very accurately represents the solidification temperatures of tin- amalgams. This equation may be derived from the general expressions for the molecular thermodynamic potentials of one of the two com- ponents in solid condition and in the fluid alloy. I also pointed out (in the first paper), that already the simple formula 2 at ere ge ee ek 1--6 log (1— x) qualitatively represents the course of the melting-point-line perfectly. This is simply done by not omitting the logarithmic function /og (1—x). Though it is a matter of course, that — /og (1—x) can only be replaced by x, or v-+-$.2°-+ ete. in the case that « is very small, it fh ( 22 ) seems necessary to continually draw attention to this circumstance. Already in 1893 in his thesis for a doctor’s degree: “De afwijkingen van de wetten voor verdunde oplossingen” Honprus BoLpinGH used the function — log (1—a); also the correction term ex’, omitting however the denominator (1 + 77)?. Le Cuarrrirr *) used the simple equation (2) in a somewhat modified form for the melting-point-curves of alloys. The way however in which he derived this equation is totally wrong °*). II. Many melting-point-curves show the same type as those of tin-amalgams; it may therefore be important to investigate, whether they also may be represented by formula (4). It must however be observed, that this formula is applicable only in the case that the solid phase does not form any mixed crystals. Tf the formula (1) does not hold good, this may therefore indicate the occurrence of mixed crystals in the solid phase, though it is of course also possible that other influences e.g. dissociating multiple molecules have caused the deviation. In 1897 Heycock and Nrvi.LE ji. a. made experiments on a great many alloys*). They found that the alloy s¢lver-lead shows the type of tin-mercury very accurately (comp. the figure on p. 59 of their paper). I have subjecied the data relating to this point (comp. the tables of p. 87 and 39) to some numerical investigations. The initial course is again nearly straight — up to about 20 atom procents of lead and this part yields for @ the value 0,805. If we now use this value for the calculation of the quantities @ and 7 from the observations at lower temperature, we do not find constant values, as in the case of tin-mercury, but considerably different values according as we have calculated these constants at mean tem- peratures or at low temperatures. If we take the data for #=0,63 and = «=0,80, or «70,63 and #=0,96 (the eutectic point) as basis for our calculation, then we find in both cases: a= 0,453": fae a The following table may show how bad the agreement is, specially for the mean temperatures: ') See ia, “Rapport etc.” (Paris, Gauthiers-Villars): La constitution des alliages métalliques par S. W. Roperrs-Ausren et A. Sransriep. (1900), p. 24. ) On different occasions I have pleaded already before for not omitting the function log (1—). (comp. i.a. Zeitschr. fiir Phys. Ch. 15, p. 457 sequ. 1894). 5) Complete Freezing-Point Curves of Binary Alloys, containing Silver or Copper together with another metal (Phil. Trans. of the R. S. of Londen, Series A, Vol. 189 (1897), p. 25-—69), ee ee eee ( 23 ) eA aaa i) 0.0052 0.0103 0.0154 0.0254 0.0361 0.0504 0.6733 0.1057 0.1360 0.4732 0.2156 0.2537 0.2949 0.3432 0.4038 0.4542 0.4966 0.5330 0.5851 *0.6312 0.6790 0.7042 0.7353 0.7692 *0 8064 0.8333 #0, 9615 | | 0 | 1.0000 | an 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 959.1 959.1 0 0.00003 1.0042 | 0 00001, 0.9966 | 4.00001 | 9540) 954.3 | — 0.3 0.00%t) 4.0083 0. 0000*| 0.9934 | 1.0000 | 948.9) 949.0 | — 0.1 0.0002" 1.0125 | 0.00005, 0.9900 | 4.00009 | 944.0 | 944.0 0 0.0006* | 4.0207 | 0.00098) 0.9835 | 1.0002 | 934.5) 934.4] +0. 0.00139) 4.0296 (00048 0.9767 | 1.0005 | 924.3 | 924.4 | = 104 0.0025!| 1.0416 | 0.00099 0.9675 | 1.0009 |} 910.9} 910.4} 4 0.5 0.00537) 1.0613 0.00191, 0.9530 | 1.0020 390.3 | 886.6 eee 0.01117, 41,0900 0.00897 0.9324 | 1.0043 | 8621 | 853.4] + 8.7 0.0185°| 1.4477 | 0.0065"! 0.9136 | 4.0072 | 837.2] 990.0 | 417.9 0.03009) 1.1531 | 0 01065) 0.8906 | 4.0120 | 808.4] 782.7 | 495.7 0.04645) 1.1955 | 0 01659, 0.8647 | 4.0191 72! 14.6 | 135.6 0.0643°| 1.2356 | 0 02985| 0.848 | 4.0971 | 751.4| 710.0 | 444.1 | 0.08697) 4.2813 | 0.0308*| 0.8176 | 1.0378 | 725.0] 684.1 | +40.9 0.1178 | 1.3385 | 0.0418?| 0.7894 | 1.0530 | 6963] 659.5 | +368 0.1631 1 4164 0.05791! 0.7548 | 4.0767 | 663.4! 635.4 | +28.0 0.2063 | 1.4876 0.07324) 0.7266 | 1.1007 | 688.5) 6193) 449.2 0.2466 | 1.5527 ; 0.0875'| 0 7032 | 1.1244 | 619.41 | 606 2 | +412.9 0.2841 | 4.6131 | 0.1029 | 0.6836 |. 1.1476 | 603.4} 596.14 | 47.3 - 0.3493 | 4.7083 | 0.1215 | 0.6558 | 41.4853 | 581.9) 580.8 | + 1.1 0.3984 | 1.8032 | 0.4414 | 0.6319 | 1.2938 | 563.1 | 563.0 | + 0.1% 0.4610 | 4.9149 | 0.1637 | 0.6073 | 1.2696 | 543.9] 548.3) —44 0.4959 | 1.9808 | 0.1761 | 0.5946 | 1.9962 | 533.2| 536.9 | — 3.7 0.5407 | 2.0702 | 0.1920 | 0.5791 | 4.3316 | 519.5) 593.6 | — 44 0.5917 | 2.4816 | 0.2101 | 0.4727 | 4.3735 | $03.0! 505.5 | — 2.5 0.6503 | 2.3921 | 0.2309 | 0.5695 | 4.4944 | 482.5 | 481.6 | + 0.9% 0.6944 | 2.4425 | 0.2465 a4 14.4635 | 465.4 | 460.6 | -+ 4.5 0.9245 | 3.6226 | 0.3982 | 0.5318 | 1.6943 | 303.2 | 303.3 | — 0.4% | 1) 7%) The values of values of x marked with asterics are those which are used for tne cal- culation of the constants z and 7. ( 24 5 Jetween «0,10 and «0,53 the agreement is decidedly bad; at lower temperatures slightly better. It is striking that the value we find for « is much too large, namely 0,855; for tin-mercury we found for @ only the value 0.0453. We will further investigate whether the value of @ which is calculated from the initial straight part of the melting-point-line, namely G—O0,805, is in agreement with the latent heat of solidification of pure silver. As and as Person has found g, = 107,94 X 21,07 = 2274 Gr. kal., we should have for @: 2X 1232 G==- x == ic t34- 9974 We have, however, found the much sma//er value 0,805. This indicates the oceurrence of mixed crystals already in the initial part of the melting-point curve, unless we assume, either that the value of Person is about 1,35 times too small, or that the association of the lead, contained in the silver, is 1,35. III. Let us discuss in the second place the melting-point curve of silrer-tin. We conclude at once from the figure of Hrycock and NevitLe, that complications, mixed crystals for instance, must occur. For though the melting-point curve from 30 atom-procents tin upwards shows the normal typical course, the initial part, instead of being nearly straight, is strongly concave towards the side of silver, so that fwo inflection points occur, quite contrary to the course indicated by formula (4) or (2). It is accordingly impossible to determine the value of @ from the initial part of the curve. If we calculate 6, @ and 7 from three observations, for instance a = 0,43, «=0,61 and «= 0,86, then we get with: T, = 961,5*) + 273,2 = 1234,7 the following values (comp. the table of Hrycock and Neviiin, p. 40 and 41): O=—1491 . he Do : r= — 0,277. ') The value 959°.2 given by Heycock and Nevitte has been augmented to 961°.5 on account of the accurate observations of Horporn and Day (quoted in Z. f. Ph. Ch, 35, p. 490—491), from which appeared that pure silver, the air being excluded, so that no oxygen can be absorbed, has a higher melting point (961°.5) than silver containing oxygen (955°). ( 25 ) We see that the value calculated for J is considerably higher than the normal value 1,08 and that @ is also again excessively high. In order to get a survey of the degree of the deviation from the theoretical course we will perform here the calculation of equation (1) with these values of 0, @ and 7. (see table p. 26), This bad agreement does not improve considerably if we determine (, « and y from other values of x, for instance from #=0,30, 70.61 and «#=0,93. For these values of .« we find: P1326 - a= 07474 : r = — 0,38, so @ has come somewhat nearer to 1,08 and @ is also somewhat lower. It is true that the agreement for values of « below «0,30 has somewhat though not noticeably improved (4 = —70,3 for w=0,13 becomes now A= -— 55,7) but the agreement for values of x higher than «2=0,30 is in general still worse. So we find for instance for a—0,47 for A the value A—-+8,5, whilst in the above table we found A=-+2,6, ete. 1V. For completeness’ sake we shall draw attention to the two very short melting-point curves of lead-silver and tin-silver. We may easily calcuiate the quantities G from the data of the two eutectic points. As namely these lines may be considered to be straight, we find J immediately from We have for lead-silver : oe 10+ 203,02 —= 6008 3 2==3038)3-+273,2—576,5 ; #=0,03885 4, therefore 24,3 ie eee sts _— 1,095, 576,5 X0,0385 hence RT, 2X 600,8 ea Oke 1005 Person found g, =5,369 K 206,9 1111 Gr. cal. The agreement appears to be nearly perfect. From this follows that siver, solved in /ead, occurs in it as atom, at least for small concentrations. As to the melting-point curve é-silver we have for it: T, = 232,14273,2—505,3 ; 7=221,7+273,2—494,9 ; «—0,0385+. We find therefore : — 1097 Gr. eal. 10,4 ye ~ 494.9 0,0885 0,546, and ( 26 ) | SILVER-TIN. | eT eS Sarak. | eae: | = Boe te lee ES ete eS ae 0 | 0 | 4.0000 0 | 4.0000 | 4.0000 | 961.5} 959.2] -+ 2.3 0.00459 0.00002, 4.0068 | 0.00002, 0.9975 | 1.00002 | 953.2 | 936.4 | — 2.9 0.01299, 0.00017, 4.0195 | 0.00012) 0.9928 | 1.0001 | 938.0} 950.0 | —12.0 0.03058, 0.0009" 1.0463 0.00067, 0.9831 4 0007 | 907.9 | 936.8 | —28.4 0.04842, 0 0023'| 4.0739 | 0.0016°| 0.9734 | 1.0017 | 878.4| 921.8 | —43.4 aw 0.00686! 1.1960 | 0.00473] 0.9555 | 1.0049 | s98.7| so1.o | —62.3 0.1324 | 0.01758, 1.2114 '0.0195"| 0.9979 | 1.0136 | 759.9 | 830.2 | —70.3 0.1813 | 0.03947| 1.2978 | 0.02360] 0.9091 | 1.0262 | 703.2| 755.9 | 52.7 0 2953 | 0.05078| 4.3801 | 0.0364) 0.8791 | 1.045 | 658.5) 691.7 | —93.2 0.2633 | 0.06933] 1.4549 | 0.04978) 0 8595 | 1.0579 | 624.6 | 648.2 | —23.6 0.3095 | 0.09579| 1.5514 | 0.06878] 0.8359 | 1.0823 | 588.1 | 603.4 | —15.0 0.3516 | 0.1936 | 1.6450 | 0.08874, 0.8147 | 1.1089 | 559.0 | 567.5 | — 8.5 0 3917 | 0.1534 | 1.7400 | 0.1101 | 0.7948 | 1.4385 | 534.8] 538.7 | — 3.9 #0.4371 | 0.4914 | 1.8555 | 0.1372 | 0.7725 | 4.1776 | 510.4] 510.2 | + 0.9" 0.4764 | 0.9970 | 1.9633 | 0 1630 | 0.7534 | 41.2164 | 49:.8| 489.2] + 2.6 0 5107 | 0.2608 | 2.0644 | 0.4873 | 0.7370 | 1.9541 | 476.9| 474.0 | 4 2.9 0.5426 | 0.9944 | 2.4643 | 0 2144 | 0.7290 | 1.2998 | 464.3] 463.6 | 40.7 0.5731 | 0.3984 | 2.9672 | 0.2958 | 0.7076 | 1.3332 | 452.8] 453.3] - 0.5 0.6148 | 0.3780 | 2.4203 | 0.9714 | 0.6884 | 1.3943 | 438.9 | 487.9 | + 0.3# 0.6510 | 0.4937 | 2.5670 | 0.2042 | 0.6719 | 1.4597 | 4956] 494.9| 40.7 0.6812 | 0.4640 | 2.7019 | 0.3332 | 0.6582 | 4.5062 | 415.1 | 413.0] + 2.4 0.7173 | 0.5145 | 2.8808 | 0.3694 | 0.6421 | 1.5753 | 402.0] 399.2] + 2.8 0.7547 0.5696 | 3.0921 | 0.4090 | 0.6255 | 1.0539 | 387.2) 381.4] + 5.8 0.7687 | 0.5909 | 3.1796 | 0.4243 0.6195 | 4.6849 | 381.0] 380.8 | 4+ 0.2 0.8192 | 0.6711 | 3.5463 | 0.4819 | 0.5977 | 4.8063 | 55.7 | 355.2 | + 0.5 #0.8692 | 0.7555 | 4.0283 | 0.5495 | 0.5764 | 4.9442 | 391.8] 392.6] —0.8* 0.9006 | 0.8114 | 4.4369 | 0.5824 | 0.5633 | 2.0330 | 299.8 9296.9 | — 4.4 0.9344 | 0.8731 | 5.0557 | 0.6269 | 0.5494 | 2.4411 | 999.9 | 959.5 | 29.6 0.9615 | 0.9945 | 5.8490 | 0.6638 | 0.5383 | 2.9399 | 198.2 | 291.7 | —93.5 ( 27 ) _ 2X 505,38 Sth BAG Prrson found for the latent heat of solidification for tin 14,252 118,5 — 1689 Gr. eal. The difference is so small, that we may assume also here that the sloatetgr. cal. silver is present as atom also in tin. This conclusion is the more justified as Hrycock and NeviLie give for «: “somewhat smaller than 0,0385”, from which follows that @ will be somewhat greater and Gy somewhat smaller, so that g, approaches still more to 1690. I draw attention to the fact, that the good agreement of the value for tim tound by Pkrrson justifies the conclusion that this value is really rather accurate, so that we must assume that the mercury (see my previous communication), solved in tin, is present in par- tially associated condition, the association amounting to about 1,5. It appeared namely that — when mercury did not occur in the solid phase, which consisted therefore exclusively of tin — the value of O was such, that it yielded g, = 2550. In order to make this value 14 times smaller, G must be augmented, i.e. « must be dimi- nished, and this can only be done by assuming association to the same amount. V. Let is now return to the question of the point of injlection on the melting-point curve. From: ax a ae ay 1—d log (1 —.t) follows ar: fe =O an a 2 ata: ape a ee AT2. 1 2 == > ° au du N* |—a (1+ 72) N (1+ 72) therefore 0 ig be igs 0 20 aa? = — — i, 1+ ———_— | — da == N* (f— 2)? i Nv (1+ re)? He 7) Zan i lhe 2a(1—2rx) =a Sle a a N?1—w#(1+re)? N (14+7re)‘ or ‘ad lated 8 0 29 ata? Aaax(1—.) ] = SoS see eel ae At Gy cal \( =) (1+ rx)’ =o) 12 ee re ae Wes If a=0, this equation may be written: ( 28 ) Gat vey Et 20 1 dz? =N*(1—2)\ N as we have also found before (see p. 481 of my first communication). Whereas for ¢=0O a point of inflection at e=0O (N=1) was determined with the aid of the simple equation 20=1, or 6=‘/,, this condition becomes, in the case we are treating now, somewhat more intricate. If we equate namely the second number of equation (5) to zero, and further put z=0, N=—1, then we find: 0 (2 @—1) + 2 a=0, SO GP—t16t1a=0. We find therefore that a point of inflection occurs beyond «=0, always when O20. aU, a ey al oe ee In the case of tn-mercury (see the second communication) we had J=0,396, and a=0,0453; therefore: 0,1568 — 0,1980 + 0,0453 = 0,0041. This value being positive, a point of inflection was to be expected between #=O0 and «=1. In fact a point of inflection was found at 4=0.(5. The equation (4) may also be derived in the following way with- out making use of equation (3). If we resolve equation (1) into a series according to x, we get for small values of «: L=T, (A— 62 + (6? —10 4+ a) x’... The melting-point curve turns therefore at =O the concave side towards the ordinate =O in the case that 0? —160+a< 0; and as the curve approaches the ordinate #=1 asymptotically, a point of inflection cannot occur. If on the other hand 6? —40+a>0, then the conver side is turned towards the ordinate «=O and there- fore a point of inflection must necessarily occur between #=0 and 21. As @ can be +2 at the utmost, there must exist a value, which the abscissa of the point of inflection cannot exceed. This maximum value is found by equating the second member of equation (3) to zero, and 0 to © [N being equal to —@ log (1-—a)], so we find: aaa |(Space t+ ax* 4 aaz(1—zwz) if (1—xz)?’ | — lag (1 -- av) (1 a al tre)? | — 2alog (1 —w) (1—2 re) = (1+,r2)* 3 a Only if a=0, this may simply be written: 2 — log (1—«) from which we find: 20,865. If however ea is not zero, then the equation — log (1-—r) = 2 transforms the above equation into the following one: —1=0, or —log(1—wx) = 2, i! | 4aa(l—xz)) | 4a(1—2re) a — Sees 2 (l—e#)*{ .(i4ra)? } (1+ra)' or av 1—2re = ——— (1+ re), ra OES: (1-4) which is only true, if 1 wet a 1,156—2 : p= —— = == - = 0,744. 2—w 2-—0,865 We happened to find exactly = — 0,74 for tin-mercury, so - if O had been equal to «2 — the point of inflection would have been found at 2=—0;865. Negative values of @ (or qg,) ave required in order to find a point of inflection between that value of 7, for which we find the point of inflection with @—=o , and w—1. These negative values will occur very seldom, if at all. The principle result of the above investigation is therefore that the melting-point curve — the case of mixed crystals being excluded — will show a point of inflection if FTO E> 0, ? ee sealants oer oga re were i Jo Vo or, O being equal to ere i225 : ——4RT, +4, >, Jo He. 11 2RT, ie i RT. As &, expressed in Gr. Cal., amounts to 2, the condition may finally be written: (re te ee eae (3) 1 a, Jie where ¢, represents the latent heat (in Gr. Cal.) of the metal, which is deposited in solid condition, 7, the absolute melting temperature a, b,? — 2a,,6,b,+ a, b,? ; ee ep ay -__=*__ also expressed in Gr. Cal. ) 1 ( 30 ) 1 i ae ra? represents in general the heat, which is given + ra)? As the quantity (i out pro molecule when an infinitely small quantity of the pure molten metal is mixed with the fluid metal mixture, the quantity a, 2? will represent that same quantity of heat for «= 0. We must here notice that the accurate values of @ and q, must 1 be used, as well in equation (4) as in (5). So in the case of tin- mercury for instance d6—0,396 is accurate only if the mercury is solved into the tin as atom. If this is not the case and in the example mentioned we have every reason to suppose that the mercury is associated to an amonnt of 1,5 — then @ must undergo a propor- tional increase. O was namely calculated from 7 ae If we apply = . wv the condition in the form (5), then we must substitute the experi _ mentally determined value of the latent heat for q. So in the case of tin-mercury @ will not be equal to 0,4 but in reality to 0,6, and therefore @? — $0 + «= 0,36 — 0,30 + 0,04—0,10, from which the existence of a point of inflection appears still clearer than in the supposition 6 = 0,4. If we apply condition (5), ¢, being equal to 0,0453>1690=77 Gr. Cal., we have certainly 3 AS 503 L100 << ahs -= 1— | : 7 ns © - " | | paper. | paper. | consumed, paper consumed, - - ee ee | fresh P.juice +See. acetic acid2!/5"\y acid acid 0 acid 0 } / | » +5 Ces » 1 dF | » 5) ' 0 ) () | | | | » +See. » 0.5 5/4 | »y | » 0 » 0 } | » +5 ce. » 04 %, } >» | » 0 » 0 | } < = : 1.404 » +5 Che » 0.05%, » ! ) 0 weak ae. | Tae ay 40 j H ; o 1. 40-130). » Dee, water neutral neutral | 0 weak alk!) ° eae bh eak Ik. 4 90-441.30)° J | | } | } ’ © = ve ; ~ | 5 , DA) A0 - D +5 ee, Na,CO* sol 0.1%) | alkaline alkaline | 0 alkaline 904 ye. 60 sag sie, ; | | = + | | O.10+0O.: 2 > hee. » 0.5°/. » » 0 » : 10), ).90 ! fe O+0 ) { . | | » +5ee, ») | 0 0 » » 0 ) 0) » 5 GE. » J sah fi ) ) 0 | » | 0 ' ~_ | - j D +5ee. > » A » cae | 0 > | 0 » +5ee. » 3 Wee » » | 0 » 0 | » + See. Extract from the or 4 ) SO years 41-440), 2 1.9041 80). 4 i+-4.1 610 i Sting ycosa | p ie FeaAK ALK | rentcoalls intestinal mucosa ) ne utral weakalk, LSt-L.so)” 1) wealkalk. Aik) Table HI shows us, that when a few drops of fresh, pressed out pancreas juice, which according to fig. 9, 10, 11 and 12 contained no trypsin, are mixed with acetic acid of 2'/,, 1, 0.5 and 0.1 °/,, there is no digestion of white of egg. But when the acetic acid is used more diluted, viz. 0.05, then afier a long time, formation of trypsin takes place, but not to a greater extent than when water is taken instead of acetic acid. It could now be supposed that the trypsin would, under the influence of the acetic acid be liberated, but could not operate actively in the present acid reaction. Table TV shows that this is partly the ease. For when an old panereas is taken, in which according to 9, 1) Extract from the intestinal mucosa may be used for the liberation of trypsin instead of the natural intestinal juice, In a following communication we expect to treat this subject more fully. ( 40 ) TABLE IV. eee Juice of a pancreas which has been ex-| | : - | : | posed for 24 hours to room-temperature. Reaction Reaction yrijjimeters of Re action) vriimeters of ‘Directly. After 18 hours. After 40 hours. : , litmus- | litmus-| white of egg litmus-' white of egg wo drops. paper. -heinapers| consumed. | paper. | consumed. 1 | old P juice +5 ce.aceticacid2!/,%y | acid acid 0 acid 0 2 ) oa D ee. ) 4 J 0 | ) | » 1) | » O 3 ) + 5ce. » 05 47 ) oP 0 | » 0 g f | 1.30-H1.30) - me 33 eas 4 » + eC. » O:14257- » | » rae ny 5.40 » ae ' 12 | = = 1.701-1.70) pon | _, dAO+3.30) yo of 5 » + dce. » 0.05°/, » | » 170-4-1.70 6.80 weak UC. 5 99 19 Of) 13.20 . ) | 0+3 20) 9+-9 10) - 3.70-+-3 70) ,- 6 » + water neutral weakalk. aL 80} 7.90 weakalk. = 4013.80) 15 | | } 5 i | . | 90-L3 / 7} > f5.ee, NasCo,sol.04"% |alkaline | alkaline heey 6.20 alkaline 324 3.00) 12.40 | } if 5 et fi e lp A 9 ( eee fe ieee eel ee pee eee Rh oe ee 3799 11.20 | Par ig ae | | 14.2041 .30) - 2.604-2.7 7 9; » Fcc, aap aT ep tale 304-4:30) 210 » 60970) 10:60 | | ] | z = | '4.90-+1.30) - 2.4042.40 10 » -+ aw iGGe » 1.5 Thy » » 4 301 30) Dd.10 » S019 60} 9.90 | | 4130-4. 2 2 | | | | } ( c ‘4 ¢ 9 | | | » +- ny CC. » BU oh » } » rag 5 3.80 | » 3011.70) 7.40 | es 4 050-+40.50) . | 4+4.90),. 42 | AF See BS | Ss hye ape ae Hea eae 1101.99 450 | Ip 4 Or 4.4 hs 13 » + 5ee. Extract fromthe neutral weakalk. a 2-69) 10.10 weak alk. i 9044903 17.10 intestinal mucosa hee ) le =a 10, 11 and 12 free trypsin is found and according to Table TI, acetic acid has been added of 2'/,, 1 and 0.5 ,/°, there is no action whatever. The acid in these concentrations prevents the trypsin from acting. When however acetic acid of 0.1 °/, is used, then the action of the trypsin is not neutralized as is shown in Table 4, fig. 4. Therefore in fig. 4, Table II, the Mheration of trypsin must have been precented hy acetic acid of Ne Rea Moreover Table If teaches us that in no single case digestion of white of ege was obtained with fresh panereasjuice after 18 hours, except in fig. 15. Hereby is clearly shown that water and acetic acid of 0.05 °/, are (41 } far behind intestinal mucosa, resp. intestinal juice, with regard to their influence of liberating trypsin from = trypsinogen. Equal results as with acetic acid were obtained with hydrochloric acid, lactic acid and butyric acid. For hydrochloric acid this may appear from the following summary. TABLE V. | Atter having been allowed to st ind for 41 hours in the ineu- Millimeters of white of ege |bator, so much of | \Na,C 0, soleus aiael Fresh pancreasjuice, two drops. consumed. ito 6 and 7, until the ‘proportion of the Na, | CO, amounted to about 4 %/o. ) Digest. of white ege After 17 hours. , After 41 hours. \after once more 2X24 hours in 6 and 7. 1.80-41.70 ¢- ! 1) panereasjuice+- 3 ce. water | 0 LL70-441.90 | 7.10 2) » + 3 ce. Na, CO, opl. 1°. | 0 sec. extr, from the in-) 4.60-+1.50 2, “ i testinal mucosa. | 1.50-4-1.50 | 1640, — A+. tai0} — 4 1.70-+-1.80 jp 4) » +3 ec. HCl 0.02", %o. | 0 | 170-4770 ey > ‘ a Wink | 1.704-1.60 j ¢ - 5) ; 4.3 ec, HCL0.05 %o. 0 | (6014 60 (6.50 6) » + 3c. HCLOM %. 0 0 0 7) » + 3 ee. HCI 0.5 "/. LH) | 0 0) These figures show that hydrochloric acid in exfremely weak con- centrations (0.02"/, and 0.05 °/,) does not hinder the trypsin from being set free. The effect is not favourable however. Somewhat stronger concentrations of hydrochloric acid (0.1 °/,, 0.5 °/,) prevent the liberation of trypsin entirely. That no trypsin has been set free in 6 and 7, the action of which may have been prevented by the hydrochloric acid, has been proved from the fact that no digestion of white of egg had occurred, even after 2 24 hours, when after 41 hours a solution of Na, CO, had been added to the liquids named in 6 and 7, until the proportion of Na, CO, amounted to cirea 1 ° From these researches we may with certainty draw the following conclusions. 1) Hemeynaty’s opinion, which has been current since 1875 and ( 42) widely accepted, as if acids could have the power. of liberating trypsin from trypsinogen is not correct; on the contrary, they prevent this liberation. 2) That Hemennais came to this conclusion must be ascribed to the accidental occurrence, that instead of using the pressed out juice or watery extracts of the pancreas, he had taken glycerin-extracts from the gland. The favorable action caused by the presence of acetic acid in his experiments and which I have been able to confirm, is to be aseribed to the fact that acetic acid decreases the injurious action of the glycerin on the liberation. 3) As it has now been proved that the gastric juice does in no wise further the liberation of trypsin, but rather opposes it, we may therefore draw the conclusion, that in this process of liberation all the work falls to the intestinal juice; a Jact stil LCreASINY in tin- portance where — the vestigations of Popietski have proved, that no Sree trypsin whatever (Lppears in the pancreassecrela, hut that it is only there in the shape of trypsinogen. Having arrived at the end of my communication, I beg Prof. Hampercer to accept my warm thanks for the opportunity afforded to me to make these researches and also for the useful hints kindly given to me. Physiological laboratory of the State University at Gronimgen. May 1903. Physics. — “Some remarks on the reversibility of molecular motions.” By Dr. A. Paxxekork. (Communicated by Prof. H. A. Lorentz). 1. The following considerations deal chiefly with the question Whether a mechanical explanation of nature is possible. Mechanics treat the motion of diserete particles or of Continuous masses; now the question may be raised, whether all natural phenomena can be explained by means of such a motion. In other words, it is the question, Whether or no we know particular properties of these pheno- mena, Which exclude the possibility of a mechanical explanation of general application. A particular property which seems to do so, is the irreversibility of the natural phenomena, the change ina definite direction. When investiguling whether this is really the case, we need only consider the simplest form in) which the irreversibility of natural phenomena occurs: the second law of the mechanical theory of heat. ( 43° )j Porxcar¥é says about this in his “Thermodynamique”, that it entirely excludes the possibility of a mechanical explanation of the universe. The motions of which mechanics treat, are all reversible: there occur only forces which depend on place, so relations between the Ot and the 2"¢ derivative according to time; if the sign of / is reversed. these equations retain their validity. It is true that in mechanics also cases are treated in which the first derivative according to / occurs in the equations (friction); we are, however, justified in calling these cases not purely mechanic, because in them heat is produced, so that in a complete explanation we must introduce considerations (thermodynamic ones), which we are just trying to solve in purely mechanic ones. It is therefore desirable to call only those cases purely mechanic which are reversible; these only are conservative. In the above-mentioned not purely mechanic cases there is dissipation of energy, so that, the law for the conservation of energy being a general law of nature, a mechanical description of them is not ecom- plete. The kinetic theory of gases shows us that this description only mentions the visible motions im the system, but not the molecular motion, which is required to make the description compléte. The word mechanic, occurring in the question raised in the beginning must therefore be interpreted in such a way that we consider only cases of conservative systems as purely mechanic. The question whether the irreversibility of the natural phenomena decisively excludes a mechanical explanation, must be answered in the negative, when we succeed in giving a mechanical description of one typical and simple irreversible process, or in other words, if we ean point out in a certain case that a process consisting of purely mechanic, so reversible motions, is irreversible. We rust then at the same time get an insight into the question, how it is in general possible, that a process in its general character can be so different from that of the partial processes of which it consists. 2. BowrzMaxn has shown that we meet with such a case, though an abstract one, when we have a perfect gas, consisting of perfectly elastic spheres, between which no other forces aet than those even- tuating in collisions between two particles. He proved that the fune- tion H=Sf flog fide, in which fd is the number of the molecules whose points of velocity lie in the volume element (/w of the velocity diagram *), can only be made smaller, never greater by the collisions. }) The “velocity diagram” is obtained by representing the velocity of every molecule by a vector drawn from a fixed point. This vector ends in the “point of velocity” of this molecule. ( 44 ) As this function taken with the reversed sign, expresses at the same time the logarithm of the “probability” of a certain distribution of the velocities, BottzMaNN expresses his result also under the following form: the effect of the collisions is that a gas always gets from a more improbable to a more probable condition. Here we have therefore a process, consisting of purely mechanic partial processes, which shows change in one direction only. That however Bo.rzMaNy’s considerations have not yet led to a perfectly satisfactory insight, and that this contrast is felt as a contradiction, is proved by the objections and doubts, which have been adduced against these considerations without refuting them. Let us assume a fictitious system in which at the moment ¢, all the places are the same, but all the velocities exactly the opposite of those of the real system. The two systems can represent a gas in exactly the same way, there being no possibility of seeing which is the real and which the ficti- tious one. Yet the fictitious one will successively pass through all the conditions through which the natural one has passed before the time ¢,, in reverse order; all the collisions take place in opposite direction, and the system gets from a “more probable” to a ‘more improbable” condition. BoLTZMANN denies that this involves a contradiction, for the fictitious system is “molecular-geordnet’. That this remark does not solve the difficulty (BrinLoury, among others, expressed doubts as to this in a note in the French translation of Bonrzmann’s Vorlesungen) must be ascribed to the fact, that the ideas ‘ordened” and ‘‘unordened” for molecular motions are difficult to define sharply. Sometimes ordened is interpreted as if if meant that in the fictitious system to every molecule its future course is accurately prescribed. This however is hot satisfactory. If we know at the moment ¢, the places and velo- cities of the natural system, we are enabled to determine beforehand, so to prescribe, the future course for the natural and for the fictitious system and for both in exactly the same way. The fact that the motions in the fictitious system are ordened can be better pointed out by means of the following consideration. If we take two groups of molecules with the points of velocity 7, and P', which come into collision, then after the collision the points of velocity Q, and Q)', R, and &,' ete., will all lie on a sphere of which the line P,P,' is a diameter. The places of Q, 2, ....on the sphere depend on the direction of the planes of coilision A Bove to every plane of collision belongs a definite place of the points of velocity and the latter are seattered all over the sphere, because the former have all kinds of directions. If we now take the reversed, ( 45 ) fictitious system, all these points of velocity come back in P,P, because definite planes of collision uf, .... belong to every pair of points of velocity Q,Q,'.... The fictitious system, therefore, is sub- jected to the condition, that molecules with definite points of velocity do not collide according to arbitrarily chosen planes or to planes whose direction is determined by chance, but according to planes which are entirely determined by the position of these points of velo- city. This condition may be called an ordening of the motions. We must, however, add another remark. In the natural system we had not only points of velocity in 7,7’, but also at the ends of the other diameters of the sphere P?,7P,', 2,7,’ .... ete. and these too can reach the same points Q,Q,' as P,P,', if only the planes of collision have every time the required direction different from A. Of all the points of velocity and planes of collision we have just now chosen and considered separately all those which in the natural system lie before, in the fictitious system after the collisions in ?, 7,’ We might, however, just as well have chosen and considered separately those which in the natural system lie after, in the fictitious system before the collision in Q,Q,'; in this case we might have been inclined, to call the fictitious system unordened, and the natural system ordened. The difference between the two would of course become clear, when we paid attention to the number of collisions which cause the points of velocity to pass from P,P,’ to Q,Q,', R,R,' etc. or vice versa. In reality the collisions in the natural system have a scattering effect, through which the distribution of the points of velocity over the sphere is more regular and arbitrary after impact than before. In this respect there is a real difference between the natural and the fictitious system, that in the former the distribution before the collision is more irre- gular, less accidental. The difference between being ordened and unordened in the molecular motions in the two systems appears here as a difference in the degree of the ordening. It seems to me that though we cannot bring forward conclusive objections against the denomination used by Bo.rzmany, yet further considerations which throw some light on these phenomena, might be of some value. 3. The ordening of the motions, in which the difference between the natural and the fictitious system consists, can only be clear, when, as in the kinetic theory of gases, we examine larger masses and mean values, in which the coordinates and velocities are considered as fluently varying quantities. When we take the particles separately, in which the coordinates and velocities are perfectly defined, the ( 46 ) difference between a natural and a fictitious system does not appear, and the process can only be taken as perfectly reversible. The result of each of the steps of which the whole process is built up (free path + collision), is determined 1st by the coordinates and velocities, 2°¢ by the direction of the normal to the collision plane. In the statistical method of treatment of the kinetic theory of gases the latter is considered as an independent datum, which therefore is thought to be defined by chance; we may then give if different values, which are distributed according to chance, i. e. regularly, and in this way the seattering, regulating effect of the collisions appears, which is the cause of the irreversibility of the process. In the purely mechanic conception, in which we must take the condition of every separate particle as rigorously defined, the direction of the normal is no independent datum; in reality this direction is accurately defined by the coordinates and the velocities of the colliding particles. Here the result is therefore determined by the coordinates and the velocities only and according to this way of considering the question, the process must be considered to be reversible. The question how it is possible that a process may be considered in two ways, so totally different comes therefore to the same as the question, how quantities which in reality are rigorously determined by other quantities, may yet be considered to be independent and determined by chance. We shall find the answer to this question in the fact, that very small variations in the coordinates and velocities bring about consider- able variations in the direction of the normal. If we determine the directions by means of the points in which they cut a spherical surface described with a radius equal to the mean free path, the velocities being measured by the path covered in the mean time interval between two collisions, and if we call the ratio between the radius of a molecule and the mean free path a small quantity of the first order, then we may formulate this proposition more pre- cisely as follows: variations of a given order of smallness in the coordinates and the velocities bring about variations in the direction of the normal which are of one order lower; variations in the direction of the normal give rise to variations of the same order in the coor- dinates and the velocities after impact. If we aseribe to the coordinates and the velocities of two colliding molecules values iy yy 2, ly Yo 25 My Vy IP, My Vy we, Which are rigorously determined, then the direction of the normal 2p is also rigorously determined. Tf however we mean by these 12 data that these quantities ( 47 ) lie between z, and r, + dx, ete.... w, and w, + dw,, i.e. that the condition is included in a twelve-dimensional volume element or the jirst order, then 4, w and vy are left undefined. This way of proceeding is that of the kinetic theory of gases in which we are therefore justified in considering the normal to the tangent plane of two colliding molecules to be determined by chance. If we wish to know this direction accurate to the first order. then the 12 coordinates and velocities must be known to the second order. If within this volume element we determine the place by means of new coordinates .r,'y,'2,'... 0.) u.', (we might call them coordinates of the 2"¢ ¢lass) which vary within that element over a finite region, e.g. from 0 to 1, then the direction 4 ur is a funetion of these coordinates of the second class, and they determine the 12 coordinates and velocities after impact also to the first order. Every collision brings about a lowering of the order of determination of the coordinates and the velocities ; every collision causes a scattering by which the condition of the system becomes one order less determined. In order to know the condition (the coordinates and the velocities) after 7 collisions (at least accurate to quantities of the first order) we must know the initial values of the coordinates and the velocities accurate to the (+ 1)" order. The longer the period is for which we want to predict the motion, the higher is the order which is required for our knowledge at this instant. The limit is here the pure mechanic conception, according to which the state is determined for ever, because the data are determined with absolute accuracy. BoLTzMANN’s observation, that a system, whose motion is reversed really proceeds from a more probable condition to a less probable one, namely to that from which the natural system started, and that afterwards conditions are reached, which show again an increasing probability, includes the assumption, that in the initial state the coordinates and the velocities were determined to the (2, + 1)™ order, so that the reverse motion brings the system after n collisions back to the initial volume element of the first order; afterwards the direction of the normal is no longer determined, and the further process must be investigated according to the rules of the calculus of probabilities. The condition whose validity is required for the proof of the H-theorem, is not satisfied during the whole backward course of the process; if is here therefore impossible to decide anything as to the decrease or increase of H. As soon as the initial state is again reached the direction of the normal cerses to be determined, and the required condition is satisfied. From the further course we may therefore predict with certaimty, that /7 must decrease. ( 48 ) The observation may here be inserted, that we speak of chance in nature, when small variations in the initial data occasion considerable variations in the final elements, because we cannot observe those small variations. Cyclic motions for instance will also always give rise to such cases. For the special case considered here the result we have found may be formulated as follows: when in a purely mechanic, reversible process which occurs a great many times in the same way, events oecur in which small variations in the initial data occasion considerable variations in the final state, then the total process gets the properties of an irreversible process. Botany. — “On a Sclerotinia hitherto unknown and injurious to the cultivation of tobacco.” (Sclerotinia Nicotianae Ovp. et Koning). (By Prof. €. A. J. A. Ovupemans and Mr. C.J. Konine). The following communication contains five paragraphs. 4. IT gives an account of a visit to the tobaccofields in the Veluwe and Betuwe, in the autumn of 1902, about the time that the tobaccoleaves begin to be gathered. Par. IT contains an investigation of the disease which had attacked the plants, evidently a fungus, which had long been known as “Rot?, but the nature of which had not yet been cleared up. Par. IT gives a summary of the experiments made with the Selerotia of the fungus. Par. TV deals with the anatomy of the Sclerotia and the Selero- fia produced from them. Par. V contains the result of some biochemical investigations. “ur. VI gives a few hints, the application of which may prevent or reduce the damage caused by Selerotinia Nicotianae. l. A VISIT TO THE TOBACCOFIELDS. In order to study more closely the origin of the well-known patches and specks on dried tobaccoleaves, one of us repeatedly visited the tobaccofields in the Veluwe and Betuwe in September 1902. These visits repaid the trouble very well indeed, as they gave an opportunity of becoming acquainted with an evil which caused much damage, had not yet been clearly defined and so deserved a closer study. In these visits one was first of all struck by the fact that the very extensive fields under cultivation were divided into smaller square ( 49 ) plots by beanhedges and that these hedges consisted partly of scarlet: runners (Phaseolus coccineus = Ph. multijlorus) and partly of “curved- beak” (a variety of French beans Phaseolus vulgaris Savi’). On account of their height these plants were considered effective as windscreens. Tobacco leaves namely, by their large surface as well as by their tender structure, cannot very well stand air-currents, which is proved by the fact that the scouring or rubbing of two leaves against each other by the wind, may cause discoloured spots, bruising of the tissues and even loss of substance. Though the method of protecting the tobaccoplant against wind had evidently been weil chosen, yet the growers themselves had noticed that if was wrong to use two different kinds of Phaseolus, because diseased tobaccoplants are much more frequent within hedges of scarlet-runners than of French beans. Experts are certainly right in their opinion that the reason of this is that scarlet-runners retain their leaves much longer than French beans. The latter begin to lose their leaves already in September and October, when the season can already be rather damp, whereas the scarlet-runners show no sign of it yet then. Hence the soaked soil as well as the damp plants can much better be dried by the wind within the hedges of French beans than of scarlet-runners. Accordingly. the ‘rot” is in damp years always much stronger inside the leafed than inside the leafless hedges. Another drawback of scarlet-runners is that their flower-clusters have not yet fallen off in September and October, so that, after having died, they not unfrequently drop down on the tabaccoplants and soaked through, remain hanging in the axils and in other places, where like wet sponges they foster the germination of conidia or spores. In a visit to the tabaccofields of Mr. N. van Os at Amerongen on Sept. 27, 1902, many plants were found suffering from “rot’’. As such the growers considered specimens with limp, slippery leaves and with stems having discoloured stains. This was supported by the experience that such leaves and stems possess very infectious properties and that a single diseased leaf, carried to the drying-shed under a big heap on a wheelbarrow, can in one night easily infect some fifty others. Any precise idea of the agent here at work, was not found however among the experts, so that the only means of 1) The tobacco-growers themselves informed us that hedges of beans, especially of scarlet-runners and ‘“curved-beaks’” as windscreens, have been in use on tobacco fields as far back as can be remembered. In accordance with this they are mentioned by the late Prof. van Hatt on page 60 and 61 of his ‘Landhuis- houdkundige Flora” dating from 1855. 4 Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam. Vol. VI. ( 50 ) arriving at a scientific result was to take parts of sick plants to the laboratory and to study them there. Meanwhile a continued walk through the tobaccofields had revealed that this was a case not of a bacterial disease as had originally been supposed but of a sclerotial disease, since in various places in a greater or less degree spots were found on leaves and stems consisting of a white down and besides greater or smaller black grains, embedded in or lying on that down, so that on account of other observations made elsewhere, it seemed probable that these black organisms under favourable conditions might produce an ascigerous generation, from the morphological properties of which the place of the fungus in the system and its identity or difference with other known species might be inferred. The richest crop of material for experiments was gathered in the dampest places, i.e. in the corners of hedges of scarlet-runners, while on the other hand in the vicinity of French beans often not a single grain was to be found. Where flowers or flower-clusters of scarlet- runners were held fast in the axils of tobaccoleaves, sclerotia were rarely sought in vain. It can be understood that the uninitiated — growers and working-men — imagined that the source of the evil had entirely to be sought in the blossoms of the scarlet-runners. Il. INVESTIGATION OF THE DISEASE WHICH HAD ATTACKED THE PLANTS. On various days of September 1902 sick parts of stems and leaves were taken home from the tobaccofields as well as from the drying sheds. In doing so each leaf and each stem were separately put into a sterilised tube and in the laboratory placed into a sterilised glass- box over wet filtering paper. At a temperature of 22° C. a distinet change could already be observed in all the objects after 24 hours. They had developed a flimsy, transparent, much-branched mycelium. At a lower temperature the same phenomenon had occurred though less vigorously. After 3>< 24 hours small bits of the obtained net of threads were with the necessary precautions placed on malt-gelatine and kept at 22°. Already after 24 hours these bits had grown much and it was possible after another 24 hours to take away new bits from the margin of the circular cultures which had now grown to a diameter of 3,5 centimeters and to inoculate them on freshly prepared malt- gelatine. In this way a sufficient quantity of pure cultures were obtained in a relatively short time. As healthy tobacco-plants were largely at our disposal, it was ( 54 ) / possible to carry the downy substance on them and to place the oO es bo infected parts of leaves and stems in damp glass-boxes at 2: Again a beginning growth was noticeable after 24 hours. The pure cultures on the malt-gelatine plates became more and more extensive, forming circles which after three days had diameters of 8, after four days of 13 centimeters. By and by the malt-gelatine was peptonised and in a smaller or greater number of places, near the margin more than in the middle of the circles, small, white, glossy points arose, which secreted drops of a colourless, quite clear liquid, but which required no more than 12 hours to turn into black dots. These also continued the process of drop-formation for some time, when after some further increase in size they changed into shorter or longer, round or angular little bodies, which clearly belonged to the class of sclerotia. Having erown more and more independent of the hyphae which at first occluded them, these black bodies could now be removed without damaging them and they appeared to have reached a maximum length of 10 millimeters and a thickness of 5 The experiments on infection with parts of living tobaccoplants were all successful on condition that the place of inoculation was kept very wet, e.g. by wrapping it up in very wet cottonwool or some woodshavings steeped in water. The attacked tissues became discoloured also here. From what precedes we may infer that the fungus cultivated on malt-gelatine does not differ from that of the tobaccofields, which was irrefutably proved later when from the sclerotia of both the same Sclerotinia was obtained. It is worth mentioning that the myceliumeultures on the malt- 6 millimeters. gelatine which had produced the sclerotium, had besides given rise in several places to dull white, granulated spots, which microscopical examination revealed to consist of 1st. clusters of flask- or cone-shaped conidiophores, borne by erect or ascending hyphae and 2"¢. a number of curious crystals pressed against the thread-shaped cells, partly loosely spread, partly assembled in clusters. The colourless conidiophores were high 12—16 uw and_ broad 45m and consisted of a cylindrical body tapering a little towards the lower end, a thinner short neck and a spherical head, which latter just slightly exceeded the neck in breadth and produced spherical colourless conidia of 2.5 diameter, which were at first connected to short chains, but soon broke up and commenced an individual existence. The crystals and other bodies, often striated, not occluded in cells, +* ( 52 ) of varying shape and size, soluble in diluted hydrochloric acid in which they left a structureless residue, soon appeared to belong to the class of “caleospherites”: organic compounds of calcium treated by the late Professor P. Hartine in 1872 in a quarto Treatise of the Royal Academy of Sciences, entitled: “Morphologie Synthétique sur la production artificielle de quelques formations calcaires organiques’’. There could be no doubt that these calecospherites stood in no relation to the fungus, but had been produced by the gelatine, while on the other hand, the presence of conidia proved that the new Sclerotinia, \ike other species of the same genus, could multiply by conidia as well as by ascospores. On the maltgelatine-plates which had been exposed to the air of the tobaccofields and in the drying-sheds, the same mouldy spots developed under the most favourable conditions of the laboratory, which had drawn our attention on the stems and leaves in the fields, and which had afterwards been artificially multiplied. More important still is that somewhat later the same sort of Sclerotia developed, the germination and further development of which gave origin to the formation of apothecia. There cannot be the least doubt that the conidia floatmg in the air, by settling on the gelatine-plates, had produced the infection and the ensuing phenomena, so that these last experiments throw a clear light on the possibility of extensive tobaccofields being ruined in a very short time, as soon as by a prevailing uncommonly damp con- dition of the atmosphere a small patch of mould has anywhere found occasion to develop threads. At the same time they show that the opinion of von Taven (Vergl. Morph. der Pilze, 1892, p. 105): “Es (die Arten von Sclerotinia) sind parasitische Pilze, deren Sclerotien im Innern der Pflanzentheile sich bilden ganz nach Art einer Claviceps” cannot be admitted for Sclerotinia Nicotianae, and that here an ectogenous formation of the Seclerotium has been substituted for an endogenous one. [II]. CULTIVATION-EXPERIMENTS APPLIED TO SCLEROTIUM NICOTIANAR. The sclerotia whose development it was desired to study were buried in sand, garden-soil, forest-soil and leaf-earth respectively, placed in suitable dishes partly in daylight, partly in dark, and after having been properly watered exposed to various temperatures among which that of 22° C. Not earlier than 6 weeks later the first sign of new life was observed in the shape of numerous black-brown ( 53 ) little hills with a lighter-coloured top. The earliest appearance was in the dishes filled with forest-soil aud placed in daylight at 15° C., whereas a temperature of 22° C. seemed to have hindered develop- ment. The culture in sand always remained backward. The hills gradually assumed the shape of little rods, but took 3—4 months to reach the appearance of thin little stems or threads, bent down over the surface. These latter moved in the direction of light. The number of threads varied widely for the different grains (Fig. 2 and 5), but did not exceed 20. The progress of the growth was at first very small indeed (2 millimeters in 40 days) and was even insignificant between Nov. 1902 and Febr. 1905. But then the threads rapidly grew in length and in March measured as much as 6 centimeters. After the thickness of the sprouts had very long remained unchanged, at last (in March) a distinct swelling appeared at their top, which at first club-shaped rounded and closed, soon divided into a somewhat inflated neck (apophysis) and a broader dise-shaped terminal piece, which latter could easily be recognised as an open shallow apothecium with the edge slightly bent inward (Fig. 8). The correctness of this view appeared when the miscroscopical examination had revealed the presence of spore-bearing asci and paraphyses in the disc (Fig. 9). A single sclerotium appeared to be able to bear some six well- developed apothecia and besides some dwarfish rods. Unburied Sclerotia do not develop, although they remain resting on the bed of mycelium-threads which produced them. Cultures in Petri-dishes were mostly spoiled by bacteria. Bits of a fruit-stem, grown from a Sclerotium buried in humus, when placed on malt-gelatine gave origin to the development of white pads, wiich in their turn sometimes produced new Sclerotia in a week’s time. Bits of white Sclerotial flesh behaved similarly. The fungus-generation grows very rapidly on malt-gelatine as well as on bits of tobaccoplants at 22° C., though its temperature optimum is at about 24° C. At 37° C. the growth is arrested. Between 15° and 20° C. the development is still satisfactory. TV. ANATOMICAL INVESTIGATION. The mouldy threads which in the field develop on the surface of green parts of plants and which afterwards produce the Sclevotia, grow equally in all directions and so gradually form white discs, of increasing diameter, finally reaching an average breadth of 2 centi- meters. These threads are colourless, 2 m tick, much ramified, repea- ( 54.) iedly sepiate, filled with a finely granulated protoplasm and occasionally accompanied by threads five times thicker, the significance of which could not be discovered. From the thinner, creeping fibres others rise up on which either singly or in small clusters, flask- or cone-shaped organs develop, whose function is to split off conidia and which hence deserve the name of conidiophores. They are on an average 15 @ high and 3.5 a broad and consist of a thick body, tapering a little at the bottom, a short, thick neck and aspherical head, only slightly thicker than the neck. From the spherical or knob-shaped head colourless, spherical conidia of 2.5 yw diameter come forth, which are very soon detached from each other, but the multiplication of which goes on for a very long time, as may be inferred from their extremely large number. The Sclerotia, externally black, internally white, diverge little from the common type as far as their structure is concerned. They consist of a pseudoparenchym the cells of which are somewhat bigger in the middle of the grains, somewhat smaller near the surface, show various, mostly distorted shapes (fig. 7), have very thick walls and are not separated by intercellular spaces. The walls of the more superficial cells are black, of the more central ones colourless. If a sclerotium rests with part of its surface against the glass of a tube or box, the black colour does not develop there. The spore-bearing generation (fig. 8) which under favourable conditions comes forth from not too old Selerotia and consists of a long, thread-shaped stem and a miniature apothecium, shows, in the first-mentioned part short, eylindrical or column-shaped, closely packed cells, which at the surface bend dorsally, but in doing so assume the shape of clubs or retorts and turn thew broadest part outside. They have a light-brown shade and impart to the stems and cups a peculiar appearance as if they were covered with downy scales. The hymenium consists of asci and numerous loosely packed paraphyses, of which some protrude a little above the others (Fig. 10). The asci are tubular, with rounded tips, insensible to iodine, 160—180 > 6—7 | and contain in their */, upper parts 8 inclined, colourless, oval spores in a_ single row. The paraphyses are only slightly swollen at the top and almost colourless. Germinating spores were not seen. V. BIOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION. In order to study the conditions of life of Sclerotinia Nicotianae, (25D) the fungus was cultivated on and in different nutritive materials of known composition. It appeared in the first place that the presence of free oxygen is absolutely necessary for its growth; with anaerobic methods of eul- tivation according to Bucnner and Liporivs no trace of development took place. It is not improbable that this is the reason why the mycelium only grows extremely slowly in nutrient liquids, where the quantity of oxygen below the surface is necessarily small. On the other hand the fungus appeared to grow very rapidly when inoculated on malt-gelatine, malt-agar and also on parts of leaves and stems of the tobaccoplant, sterilised at a high temperature. Then a woolly mycelium developed, in some places rising above the surface. Below the surface of liquids or filtrates, obtained from parts of stems or leaves, after inoculation with the fungus, only a meagre cloudy mycelium appeared. As soon however as part of this had reached the surface of the liquid, its growth became much more vigorous. In some cases a floating sclerotium was even produced. Next the influence of the reaction of the nutrient liquid was studied. In a solution of 0.1°/, of potassium nitrate, 0.5°/, glucose, 0.050°/, magnesiumsulphate and 0.050°/, potassiummonophosphate, containing carbon and nitrogen assimilable by the fungus, Sclerotinia Nicotianae does not easily support free acid or alkali. The acid limit lies with this solution at about 1 cubic centimetre of '/,, normal sulphuric acid to 100 cubic centimetres of liquid, and the alkaline limit at 0.5 cM’ of */,, normal potassiumhydrate. Neither limit can be sharply drawn as the fungus only slowly produces acid in the solution men- tioned. With 1.5 cM’. of */,, normal sulphuric acid no growth whatever takes place any longer; with the alkaline solution the limit could not be sharply defined. Moreover an elaborate investigation was made as to which com- pounds were profitable to the fungus as carbonaceous and which as nitrogenous foods. As a carbonaceous food glycose, as a nitrogenous one saltpetre in the above-mentioned concentration, proved most satisfactory. Ammonium nitrate, a very good nitrogenous food, was not available of course in the presence of alkalies. In the further experiments the saltpetre was replaced by a similar quantity (0.1 °/,) of the nitrogen compound to be studied or the elycose by the carbon compound to be studied in the same con- centration. a. Nitrogenous food. Nitrogen was offered to the fungus in the form of potassium (S50: % nitrate, potassium nitrite, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, carbonate of ammonia and ammonia. Ammonium nitrate gave the best results. The other compounds showed little difference. Of ammonia which was added in very small quantities, hardly anything Was assimilated. Of amido compounds, which are generally known as good sources of nitrogen for fungi, glycocoll, asparagine, aspartic acid, alanine, tyrosine and leucine gave good results in the present case also. The nitrogen of urea, creatine, parabame acid and uric acid has little nutritive value. From the last mentioned substance also carbon can be assimilated. Amone aromatic compounds, only the nitrogen of ammoniumsalts has any nutritive value; among the derivatives of pyridine only the nitrogen of the residue, not the carbon. To develop the fungus glycose has consequently to be added to the nutritive material. Nicotine, being a free alealoid can serve as a source neither of nitrogen nor of carbon. If assimilable carbon is present, the nitrogen is used from the ammoniumsalts of oxalic, tartarie, citric and benzoic acids, least from ammonium succinate. b. Carbonaceous food. Of fatty acids only very dilute acetic acid (0.050 "/,) has a nutritive value for carbon. The polvacid alcohols are bad sources of carbon, as was shown by an investigation with glycerine, erythrite, mannite, sorbite, adonite and duleite. Least satisfactory was sorbite and also glycerine, a good carbon-food for many fungi, gave bad results here. Lactie acid in very small quantities, was available as a carbon-food. Very differently behaved the sugars. As was already mentioned, elycose comes first in nutritive value. Besides were studied: arabinose, xylose, saccharose, fructose, maltose, lactose, raffinose and melibiose. Of all these only xylose and arabinose had any value as sources of carbon. In all other solutions only a trace of growth was observed. Though not without difficulty the fungus was able to derive carbon from cellulose. On filtering paper wetted with the above-mentioned nutrient solution, but without glycose, a snowwhite, woolly mycelium developed. Also from inuline carbon may be obtained. c. Nitrogenous and carbonaceous food. As mixed sources of carbon and nitrogen we must mention aspa- ragine, aspartic acid and alanine. The addition of potassium nitrate (57 ) improved the growth more with aspartic acid than with asparagine, which must probably be ascribed to the two carboxylgroups, active as sources of carbon. Finally it must be mentioned that also peptone can furnish carbon as well as nitrogen, but that the nutritive value for nitrogen is increased here by adding glycose. In accordance with the results of Kimps, it was found that a high nutritive value of the liquid had influence on the formation of Selerotia with alanine, leucine, aspartic acid and glycose. These bodies appeared under the mentioned favourable conditions at the surface of the liquid in about three weeks’ time. VI. HINTS ABOUT THE PREVENTION OF THE SCLEROTINIA-DISKASE (‘ROT’) IN TOBACCOFIELDS. As a damp soil and a damp atmosphere are both absolutely necessary for the development of the “rot” or Sc/erotinia-disease and as this disease in wet years appears about the time when the tobacco- leaves begin to be gathered, it is absolutely necessary, for the reasons given above, to stop the cultivation of scarlet-runners (Phaseolus coccineus, also named Phas. maitijlorus) on the tabaccofields and only to admit and to continue the cultivation of French beans (Phaseolus pulgaris SAVI). Besides limp leaves or stems or such as are covered with the least quantity of a white down must immediately be removed and burned. The leaves that have been carried into the drying-sheds must at once be laid asunder and hung up to be dried. Suspected leaves must be sorted out and destroyed. DIAGNOSIS LATINA. Sclerotinia Nicotianae Oud. et Koning. — Sclerotiis ad super- ficiem caulium et foliorum primo in compagine densissimo filorum mycelii niveorum absconditis, celeriter mole augentibus, mox itaque expositis, tandemque a substratu decidentibus, extus nigris, intus albis, nune subglobosis, tune iterum oblongis, 10 maxime mill. longis, 5—6 mill. maxime erassis, teretibus vel subangulosis. —- Ascomatibus plu- rimis (usque ad 20) ab uno eodumque sclerotio protrusis, longe sti- pitatis, tenerrimis; stipite filiformi, tereti, flexuoso, 4—6 centim. longo, 1/, mill. crasso, deorsum scabro, sursum laevi, summo obesiore, sic ut ascoma satis longe apophysatum videatur, una cum ascomate ( 58 ) pallide fuscescente, floccoso-squamuloso. Ascomate proprio minimo, primo coniformi, clauso; dein p.m. expanso, perforato; tandem pa- telliformi, late aperto, 0.8 mill. in diam., 0.2 mull. alto, margine incurvato. — Ascis eylindricis, apice rotundatis, iodo haud_ caerules- centibus, deorsum breve stipitatis, 160—i806—7 uw, paraphysibus 7<3—4yu, in partibus ascorum ®,, superioribus oblique monostichis, levibus, hyalinis. obvallatis, octosporis. — Sporidis ellipticis, 5 Paraphysibus filiformibus, summo subclavatis, numerosissimis, dense congestis, ascos paullo superantibus, 2'/, & erassis, protoplasmate dilute-fuscescente farctis. Ex mycelii hyphis repentibus hyalinis, septatis, ramosis, numeros- simae assurgunt hyphae basidiiferae; basidiis sive conidiophor's lageni- formibus utplurimum conglobatis, summo conidia sphaerica, hyalina, Conidia ex aére in patellam gelatina praeparata repletam delapsa, mox germinare incipiunt, myceliumque proferunt, cujus hyphae, quum plurimis locis arctius inter se coalescant, sclerotiorum novorum exordia edunt. diam. 2.5 uw, in catenas breves coadunata procreantibus. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 1. Four mature sclerotia (4—8 X3—4 mill.), magnified. Fig. 2. Two Selerotia with a certain number of sprouts (juvenile ascomata) magnified. Fig. 3. Mieroscopical representation of erect branches of the mycelium, against the top ef which free calcospherites (from the gelatine) and also clusters of them have fastened. Vig. 4. Microscopical representation of lying and ascending mycelium-threads, with the conidiophores produced by them and the apical conidia and chains of conidia originated therefrom. Fig. 5. . « ® ~ mo, Mos Further in the last Proceeding p. 329 line 9 for the coefficient of RT, ke read 4 instead of an ( 61 ) first double-plaitpoint case of KorrewrG'). The second case for a double-plaitpoint, i. e. 4 ¢,e;—d,* = 0, does not occur on the w-surface. 16. Application to a particular equation. In a communication published in the Proceedings of the Academy for 31 Jan. 1903, Korrewre has determined the plaitpoint and critical point of contact for mixtures with a small proportion of one component, but on the assumption that these mixtures satisfy VAN pER WaA4ALs’ equation of state RT ae he v—b, pee where ay = a, (l—«)? + 24,, ¢(1 -2) + a, 2? and b, = b, (1—a)? 4 2 b,, # (1—2) + 4, 2’. The formulae found by Kortrwre can be immediately deduced from my formulae, when we introduce the special forms which my coefficients will then assume. First we may note that, in this case, the critical constants for the homogeneous mixture are i ee tier Lo Des tk 27 b,R Pek Urk k 1) l.e.p. 1166. In using the same method with Korrewea’s equation (2), as I have used to determine the critical constants, [ have found the following expression: 4c,e,e,+ d*,e,—4d,d,e,—4c,d, f, += Sree dod) a ke + #,)s 2 d, yr. (as 3) pee ot, I Ly), 5 and Ade” ,—2d,e,e,td*, 7, LZ, — «= SO (a, 1) (Ys — : 2 1 ; 2e.(«?,—4¢,e,) ( 2 == 7) (y, Y;) where 2), %, Y; and Yg are the coordinates of the ends of the tangent-chord. In the special case when d; =O we get z é 1 2 i= — =~ Cs *,) ’ Dine ae pe i a CUR 2), 5 ; Lk and Opie (22 at =), 8) — = — | — — —— }(«, + 2z,)’. ¥, Y;) 2e. C es 8 e, 32 H 1 - By the introduction of the above values for the coefficients, my expressions for , 9 and € are again found. The first approximation for dj, ¢ and ¢3 will then be certainly insufficient in the last expression, ( 62) so that KAMERLINGH ONNES’ Coefficients @, 8B and y become a b a b b OY (te ay Se a er ee ital. 12 yee a CY See ere ¥ (*: 2) ( ay b, ) f €; Further we find, by comparing my equation (18) with the above equation of state: 3H hes is bat 2 a, l 3 fa > Ors 7 =| = ee SD {— = i Ed Ty, ALOE a, b, eae a9) 2 Vie ed Cees nee Ov Our, Tk 27 ie a, b, 1 “O*p tage Rise eee Se et sae Se; 6\ dv® / 7; 486 b, If these special values are substituted in my general formulae, KorTEWEG’s special formulae are obtained, and in addition some which he has not given. These are not given here as they are not sufficiently simple and they can also be easily reproduced. KortTEWkG has already given the results obtained from these formulae. I will here only remark that the special cases 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Kortewee’s fig. 1 agree with my fig. 15 and the cases 5, 6, 7 and 8 with 14. As fig. 15 is obtained for the case that m?,,+ RT; m,,>0 and fig. 14 when m?,, + R7;,m,,< 0, the boundary between the two cases is determined by m?,, +- R77,m,, = 0, which in connection with the special equation of state can. be written 3 dy, 6.22 By Uae ] — ——+2—-}4+ 8 an a, b, a, b, This is the equation of the parabolic border curve given by KorTEewee. (June 24, 1903). (Sing eal KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN TE AMSTERDAM. PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING of Saturday June 27, 1903. DoS (Translated from: Verslag van de gewone vergadering der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling van Zaterdag 27 Juni 1903, DI. XID). SS heb aa ES. If. W. Baxuvis Roozesnoom: “The boiling-point curves of the system sulphur and chlorine”, p- 63. A. Smits and L. K, Worrr: “The velocity of transformation of carbon monoxide” (II). (Communicated by Prof. H. W. Baxuvuis Roozesoom), p. 66. ; J. K. A. Wertrurerm Satomoyson: “A new law concerning the relation between stimulus and effect.” (Communicated by Prof. C. WiNkLEr), p. 73. (With one plate). Extract from the Report made by the Committee of advice for the according of the Buys Batior-Medal, p. 78. Cc. A. J. A. Oupemans and C. J. Koxine: “On a Sclerotinia hitherto unknown and injurious to the cultivation of Tobacco (Sclerotinia Nicotianae Oup. et Konine). Postscript. p. 85. (With one plate). A. Gorter: “The cause of sleep.” (Communicated by Prof. C. WinKLER), p. 86. C. A. Lospry pe Bruyn aud C. L. Junaivs: “The condition of hydrates of nickelsulphate in methylalcoholic solution”, p. 91. C. A. Losry pe Bruyn and C. L. Juncivs: “The conductive power of hydrates of nickel- sulphate dissolved in methylalcohol”, p. 94. C. A. Losry DE Bruyn: “Do the Ions earry the solvent with them in electrolysis’, p. 97. C. L. Juxervs: “The mutual transformation of the two stereo-isomeric methyl-d-glucosides.” (Communicated by Prof. C. A. Losry bE Bruyy), p. 99. S. Trmsrra Bzy.: “The electrolytic conductivity of solutions of sodium in mixtures of ethyl- or methylaleohol and water”. (Communicated by Prof. C. A. Losry pe Bruyn), p. 104. (With one plate). ~ W. Exsrnoven: “The string galvanometer and the human electrocardiogram”, p. 107. (With two plates). J. E. Verscuarrett: “Contributions to the knowledge of vay per Waats’ ¢-surface. VII. (part 4), The equation of state and the ¢-surface in the immediate neighbourhood of the critical state for binary mixtures with a small proportion of one of the components”. (Communicated by Prof. H. Kameriincu Onnes), p. 115. (With one plate). J. D. van DER Waats: “The liquid state and the equation of condition”, p. 123. J. J. van Laar: “On the possible forms of the melting point-curve for binary mixtures of isomorphous substances.” (Communicated by Prof. H. W. Baxuvis Roozesoom), p. 151. (With one plate). The following papers were read: Chemistry. — “The boiling-point curves of the system sulphur and chlorine.” By Prof. H. W. Baxuurs Roozesoom. (Communicated in the meeting of May 30, 1903). Binary systems in which the formation of complex molecules may be assumed to take place in a greater or smaller degree have been frequently investigated as regards the equilibria between a liquid a Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam. Vol. VL. ( 64 ) phase and solid phases, but hardly ever with regard to the equilibria between liquid and vapour. I, therefore, proposed to further investigate this relation in the case of vapour pressure- and boiling-point curves on a series of rs) 40 4o go 40 59 60 7° $0 go (00 v + J at To S S Cty St, SCE examples in which the nature and the degree of the complex mole- cules varied, in order to obtain a more definite idea of the changes which these curves undergo as compared with the simple case in which the binary system consists only of two kinds of molecules. Such an example is furnished by the system sulphur-chlorine, the boiling-point curves of which are given in the accompanying figure, which is constructed from determinations made by Mr. ATEN. (%5 ) Liquid sulphur and liquid chlorine are miscible in all proportions. If in these mixtures no compound molecules were formed, two regular boiling-point curves might be expected which would diverge very much in the centre because the boiling points of the two components lie far apart. In these mixtures, however, a fairly stable compound §,Cl, is formed. If this compound were absolutely stable, that is if a liquid and a vapour of the composition §,Cl, consisted of nothing but molecules of this formula, then the liquid and vapour would at this point, have exactly the same composition. The system S+Cl would then in reality be compounded of the two systems S-+8,Cl, and §.Cl, + Cl, which could no doubt be represented in one figure, but then the liquid- and the vapour-pressure curves would not pass con- tinuously into each other at the composition §,Cl,. As it is known that the dissociation of the vapour of S,Cl, is small it may be anticipated that, in the system S—+ Cl, the connec- tion at the composition SCl might become continuous, but in such a way that the vapour and liquid curves nearly coincide at this point. This state of affairs was now confirmed and is indicated in the figure by the liquid curve 1,3 and by the vapour curve 2,4. It will be seen that the curves 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 nearly meet in a point situated near the composition SCl, but in reality we have here continuity, from which it appears that $,Cl, is not absolutely stable either in the form of liquid or vapour. The difference however, is so small that this type really exhibits one of the smallest forms of deviation. In the case of binary mixtures where the compound formed is more strongly dissociated the divergence of the two curves at the point representing the compound will be much greater. The liquid curve and the vapour curve of the entire system will then more and more assume the form which in the figure belongs to both halves. The investigation however, showed a further peculiarity in the lower half. The boiling-point curves 1 and 2 for the mixtures whose composition lies between Cl and SCI only relate to mixtures which are freshly prepared from liquid 8, Cl, and liquid chlorine. These mixtures at temperatures below 0” retain for a very long time their yellow colour and then exhibit the boiling point lines indicated at 1 and 2. At higher temperatures, and very quickly above 30°, the colour becomes darker and finally blood red, chiefly in the case of mixtures approaching the composition SCl,. The boiling points then rise, sometimes very considerably, to a maximum amount of about 70° so that the line 5 is found for the 3 3 ( 66 ) definite boiling points of liquids which have reached their final equilibrium, which occurs after some hours at the ordinary temperature. At the same time we get, in place of the vapour curve 2, the new vapour curve 6. As the velocity of reaction above 40° becomes very great, the lines 1 and 2 cannot be accurately determined above this temperature. For 1 this causes no inconvenience as its further course must be almost vertical, but the upper part of 2 becomes rather uncertain. The final boiling-pomt curves 5 and 6 are situated much closer together than the first named one and have moreover an exceedingly irregular shape. It cannot as yet be decided whether this is solely attributable to the formation of SCl, molecules in the mixtures, or whether other compound molecules are formed. The formation of compound molecules may be noticed not only from the change of colour, but also from a diminution of the volume and will if possible, be studied quantitatively. The important question in what manner the melting-point curve of solid SCI, is modified by the presence of more or less compound molecules in the liquid phase is still the subject of investigation. Chemistry: — “The velocity of transformation of carbon monoxide IV’. By Dr. A. Smits and L. Kk. Worrr. (Communicated by Prof. H. W. Bakuuis Roozxsoom). (Communicated in the meeting of May 30, 1903). In our previous paper on the above subject ') we communicated results obtained at the temperatures 256°, 310° and 340°, from which we concluded that at these temperatures the transformation of CO into CO, and C is unimolecular. Our present paper contains the results obtained at 445°. This communication appears to us to be of importance for the following reasons. Three months after our first paper a communication appeared from ScHEnck and ZiMeERMANN’) from which it appeared that they had also studied the transformation of CO into CO, and C and had arrived at the result that the reaction at temperatures from 310° and 360° was a unimolecular one, thus confirming our experiments, but that at 445° the reaction became bimolecular. On continuing our investigation we found, however, that the 1) Proc. 8 Jan. 1903. 2) Ber, 36. p. 1231. ( 67 ) reaction at 445° is also a unimolecular one and that therefore the observations of ScHENck and ZimMerRMANN must be faulty as far as the temperature 445° is concerned. Experiment. In order that the reaction might not take place too rapidly the reaction vessel was now filled one third with the catalyser (pumice- nickel-carbon) *). The object of the first experiments was to determine the order of the reaction according to the method of van ’r Horr. In the first measurement the initial pressure was 770.7 m.m. He. After 5 minutes the CO tension amounted to 430.5 m.m. Hg from which de, — = 68,04 dt and for the average pressure of the carbonic oxide c, = 600,6 In the second measurement the initial pressure was 442.2 m.m. Hg and after 5 minutes the CO pressure amounted to 239.0 m.m. He. de Here -= — 40,64 and c, = 340,6. If from this we calculate x according to the formula of van’ Horr de; de, He Se =X db} dt r= ————__., log (¢, } ¢y) we obtain = 0,987) 2. After having thus become convinced that the reaction at 445° is also a unimolecular one we made a series of measurements in order to calculate the reaction constant from them. The result was as follows: 1) The quantity of iron present in pumice did not appear to exert any influence as no alteration in pressure was noticed in a reaction vessel containing pumice and CO when heated to 445°. This time, however, as in Scuenck’s experiments, the iron was removed from the pumice by reduction with hydrogen and subsequent treatment with HCl and boiling in a Soxhlet apparatus. The Ni(NO3). originally contained much iron, but was completely freed from it by leaving the solution for some time in contact with NiCO;. *) Also after a longer time (10—15 minutes) ” was found to be practically 1. Time Pressure in 1 PR 4 2(P)—PA k= — log; hi = — ¢ ) in minutes. m.m. Hg. to" 2 PrP t Py (2P:—P,) Lene eee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas 0 769.5 4 660.4 0.03437 0.000129 6 | 616 6 () 03666 0.000143 8 579.1 0.03707 0 000159 10 548.7 | 0.03704 0.000175 ie | 497.8 | 0.03546 0.000208 20 416.7 0 03108 0.000206 30 456.3 0.02246 0 000164 The measurement was started here half a minute after the commencement of the filling. The filling lasted */, minute. The third column contains the values of / calculated on the supposition that the reaction is wnimolecular whilst the fourth column contains the values of 4’ assuming the reaction to be bamolecular, as believed by Scnenck and ZimMERMANN. In concordance with what has been found above, we see that the figures in the third column are much more nearly constant than those in the fourth. During the first 15 minutes the values of / (third column) agree fairly well with each other; afterwards a slow fall takes place. That the first constant would be smaller than the next was to be expected, as during the first 4 minutes a small expansion had still to take place. Although the starting point could not be fixed with the same accuracy as before, owing to the greater velocity of the reaction, the fall of / could not be attributed to experimental errors. It therefore, made us suspect that the reaction might perhaps prove to be perceptibly reversible at 445°. It is true that Boupovarp’) had found that CO when in contact with our catalyser was completely decomposed at 445° into CO, and C, but as his method was not very accurate we felt we might doubt this result *). In order to obtain certainty we made the following experiment. We filled the apparatus at 445° with CO, and observed whether an 1) Scuenck and Zimmermann have made a mistake calculating the value of k’. *) Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. [7] T. 24. Sept. p. 5—85 (1901). *) SApatier and SenpEReENs noticed a complete transformation between 230° and 400°. Bull. Soc. Chim. t. 29 p. 294 (1903), ( 69 ) increase of pressure took place which would indicate that the reaction CO, -+- C= 2 CO was proceeding. The experiment removed all doubt as not only an increase of pressure be could very plainly demonstrated, amounting after a few hours to several em. of mercury, but after exhausting the apparatus a quantity of CO could be detected in the gaseous mixture which accounted for the observed increase of pressure. Contrary to Boupovarp’s results we have therefore found that the reaction 2CO = CO, +C is reversible at 445°. The reason why fairly concordant constants were obtained during the first 15 minutes although no notice had been taken in the calculation of the reversal of the reaction, is simply that the equation aC et ek oe Se differs but very little from da ee SS Sa aT Oia ies eee) dt when & or x or both are very small. /, is very small at 445° and this is the reason why at first the second equation is satisfied, « being then not yet large. By means of the first equation we might be able to calculate / oes k if we knew the equilibrium constant K = —. k, As analysis seemed to us less accurate we have endeavoured to determine K in the following manner: The reaction vessel was filled again with CO, while the time was noted which elapsed between the filling and the first reading so as to be able to find the starting pressure by extrapolation. The heating at 445° was now continued until the pressure after the lapse of some hours did not undergo any further change. K could then be calculated from the pressure at the start and at the finish. To decide whether the final pressure corresponded with a real condition of equilibrium, the same experiment was repeated starting with CO,. If the first final condition had been a real equilibrium, the same value ought now to be found for 4. Up to the present we found this by no means to be the case but we do not at all consider the research finished in this direction. We 1) It is taken for granted lere that the reaction CO, + C= 2 CO is also a unimolecular one. (70 ) only mention it to explain why the values for / in our last table have not been corrected. 3. In criticising the experiments of ScHENcK and ZIMMERMANN, it must first of all be observed that they did not reduce their NiO with CO but with H,. This is of course, wrong as during the reaction carbon is deposited and the catalytic Ni surface is changed. If, as in our experiments, we start with Ni on which previously a coating of carbon has deposited, it is evident that a further precipitation of car- bon during the experiment will be of less consequence. In our former communication it has moreover been shown that the activity of the catalyser first diminishes owing to deposition of earbon, but finally becomes practically constant. If, therefore, we start with Ni without carbon we may expect that, on account of the deposition of carbon, # will continuously decrease. The values for / found by ScuEnck and ZIMMERMANN are not at all constants and show a decrease with an increase of the time. To find out what can be the’ cause of the bimolecular course at 445° as found by ScHeNcK and ZIMMERMANN we have repeated the experiment with pumice-nickel in which the NiO had been reduced with very pure hydrogen. *) Our first work was again the determination of the order of the reaction. dst measurement. Initial pressure = 756,0 m.m. He CO pressure after 3 min. = 528,6 i de > : == Voie wr = bane dt 2od measurement. Initial pressure — 275,1 m.m. Hg CO pressure after 2 min. = 210,9 y . de, : ; = eS Bae ee 4 dt 5 therefore Ric eet: Having found that, contrary to the statement of ScHenck and ZIMMERMANN, the reaction with this catalyser is also unimolecular we made a further series of measurements in order to calculate 4. The results were as follows: 1) By electrolysis of a NaOH solution, using nickel electrodes. 2) After a longer time (5—10 minutes) 7 was found to be practically 1, ar) Time | Pressure in | 4 P; mar | | bgp in minutes. | m.m. He. t 2 Pi—P | re | 0 762-4 2 671.7 0.0580 4 606.3 0.05708 6 560.5 0.05451 8 528.8 0.05143 10 508.6 0.C4753 The larger values of / and their regular change are due to the absence of a layer of carbon at the commencement of the experiment. If we compare this table with the one given by Scuenck and ZIMMERMANN for 445° Time Pressure in 1 Po f : k = — log ———— in minutes. m.m. Hg. t 2P:—P, 0 759 2 626 0.09369 4 548 0.08815 6 522 0.07090 10 510 0.04636 we notice that the very considerable change of 4 cannot be fully explained by the absence of a layer of carbon but that there must have been another disturbing factor. From Scuenck and ZiIMMERMANN’s description it is evident that it cannot be the absorbed hydrogen’), for this was introduced into their apparatus only in the jist series of experiments and the second series shows a still greater change. For want of further particulars as to the research of ScHENcK and ZIMMERMANN we cannot make any further suggestions as to the nature of this second disturbing factor. 1) We found that H, is very strongly absorbed by finely divided Ni but gradually expelled in vacuum. According to Sapatier and Senperens [G.r. 134 p. 514—516 (1902)] CO and Hy react with each other above 200°? in contact with finely divided nickel according the equation; CO + 3H, = CH, + H,0, ( 72 ) We must say a few words about their plausible explanation of the change from a wnimolecular to a bimolecular course, which they thought they had discovered. After having made the same supposition as we did for the uni- molecular course namely I. CO= C+ 0 LE CO - Oc= -CO, they say: Der Dissociation des Kohlenoxydes in seine Elemente wiirde dann ein Oxydationsvorgang folgen. Spielt sich der letztere, wie bei dem Sauerstoff im status nascens zu erwarten ist, mit sehr grosser Ge- schwindigkeit ab, welche die Dissociationsgeschwindigkeit iibertrifft, so findet man eine monomolekulare Reaction. Steigt bei hédherer Temperatur die Geschwindigkeit des Dissociationsvorganges verhalt- nissmassig mehr an als die des Oxydationsprocesses, so fallen schliesslich die Vorginge zeitlich zusammen, und wir erhalten den Eindruck einer bimolecularen ,gekoppelten” Reaction. Auf diese Weise lasst sich fiir die auffallige Erscheinung eine plausible Erklarung geben.” But what has been overlooked here is that in order that the reactions I and II shall give the impression of a unimolecular reaction, the second must take place with immeasurabie velocity. If this is true at a low temperature it is certainly so at higher temperatures and even if the velocity of the first reaction has in- creased this will be the only one which will be observed so long as it proceeds with measurable velocity. We are, therefore, inclined to contend that it is plausible to assume that if the reaction is a unimolecular one at a low temperature it cannot be expected that the order of the reaction will increase at a higher temperature. Summary of our conclusions: 1. The transformation of CO into CO, and C is unimolecular for all the temperatures at which we have experimented: 256°, 310°, 340° and 445°. 2. Contrary to the result obtained by Boupovarp the reaction is reversible at 445°. 3. The equilibrium constant could not be determined, as up to the present, we have found that the same condition of equilibrium is not attained starting from CO and from CO, + C. Amsterdam, Chem. Lab. University, May 1903. D a. “7? m - Physiology. — “A new law concerning the relation between stimulus and effect.’ By Prof. J. K. A. Werrtarm SaLromonson (6t Communication). (Communicated by Prof. C. Wriyxurr). (Communicated in the meeting of May 30, 1903) The numbers used for testing our law* concerning the relation of stimulus and effect, were for the greater part derived from lifting-heights in eases of zsotonical muscle-contractions. During each contraction the tension of the muscle is not perceptibly altered, likewise the tension remained the same for all contractions belonging to each single series. What is the influence of any change of weight on the magnitude of the constants? It is known already that the lifting-height changes whenever the tension is changed in any manner. In the formula, expressing the law for the relation between stimulus and effect pe A am OO the maximum lifting-height is represented by the constant A. As the lifting-height denotes at the same time the maximum quantity of external labour, we may state directly that the constant A will certainly be changed at any alteration in the magnitude of weight. As a matter of course nothing is known about the constant BZ, neither could I find any indication about the constant C, representing the threshold-value of the stimulus. It is thence of some importance to investigate what will happen to the constants B and C, if we alter the weight attached to the muscle. To this purpose I have recorded a series of isotonical contractions of frog-muscles at increasing stimulus. I generally used a gastroe- nemius-preparation, which was stimulated by means of the nerve. The experiments were made indifferently with muscles cut out or with muscles through which the blood circulated in the normal manner, these offering not the slightest difference between them. The stimulus employed, was the current of charge of a condensator of 0.001 microfarad. This was done by pushing down a morsekey mounted on ebonite, thus connecting the condensator with two points between which there existed a known potential difference; in so doing the current of charge of the condensator was led through the nerve of the preparation. When letting go the key the condensator was short-circuited and discharged. The variable difference of tension was obtained by means of a rheochord with platinum-iridium wire, calibrated with the utmost care, through which a constant current was sent by a large accumulator. By means of a variable steadying resistance care was taken that the P. D. at the ends of the wire, measuring one meter, & amounted to exactly 1 Volt. This P. D. was continually controlled by a recently calibrated precision-galvanometer of SreMENs and Hatske. In this way every millimeter of the wire represented 0.001 Volt. By means of a vernier 0.1 millimeter could be read without difficulty. Ever millimeter represented in this manner at the same time one millionth part of a microcoulomb. The shocks of the eurrent followed one another with intervals of 15 seconds. I have succeeded, not without some trouble, in obtaining two complete series, one of which I have entirely calculated and inserted here. It consists of five separate series, each including from eight to ten contractions, all taken from the same gastrocnemius, but in each succeeding series the weight was increased. Series. I. Weight 10 Gr. a 19.15 = 0.0204 @ — 356.3 R Ecaic. Emeas. P 375 6.073 6.4 + 0.027 400 41.297 11.0 — 0.297 425 14.435 ie tate — 0.035 450 16.318 16.6 + 0.282 475 17.450 17 2 — .250 500 18.129 18.0 — 0.129 595 18.537 18.5 — 0.037 550 18.782 19 0 + 0.218 600 19.017 19.4 + 0.083 650 19.102 19.9 + 0.098 Consequently the mean observation error of each single observation amounts to: py? Sey nu—3 Series II. Weight 30 Gr. A= 138.91 B= 020213 C = 361.6 R Feate. Eyneas. P 375 4,521 4.4 == 0.424 400 10-473 10.2 + 0.027 425 13 491 13.5 + 0.009 450 15.439 15.4 — 0.039 500 Li c200 3 by (Bi ——= 0). (a [550 17.883 18.3 + 0.417] 600 48.097 18.2 — 0103 800 18,206 18,2 — 0,006 enh ERLE E a 3 © re fo} 8) & q 3 a oOo b & E q@ f=] e = . i 3 na _ if heeee i iS ae 3 i ate job) = © | re i a He ay gees PG 2 | nee 7 4h J. K. Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam. Vol. VI. ( 75 ) The mean observation error amounts to 0,0876, if we neglect the observation placed in parenthesis, which was not used for the calculation. Series III. Weight 60 Gr. A = 16.68 B = 0.0202 C= 317.0 R Ecate. Ene. Pp 400 6.4199 6.3 + 0.101 425 10.359 10.3 — 0.059 450 12.863 13.0 +- 0.137 475 14,376 14.2 — 0.176 300 15.290 15.4 + 0.110 550 16.174 16.3 + 0.126 600 16.496 16.4 — 0.096 800 16.674 16.6 — 0.074 The mean observation error amounts to: 0.1457. Series IV. Weight 100 Gr. A = 14.52 B = 0.0209 CU = 391.0 R Petia eds: c 400 2.490 2.4 — 0.060 425 7.386 7.4 +. 0.014 450 40.055 10.3 4. 0.245 AT5 12.011 14.9 — 0.414 500 13.032 13.0 — 0.032 550 13.997 13.9 — 0.097 600 14.336 14.6 + 0.264 800 14.492 14.5 + 0.008 The mean error amounts to: 0.1793. Series V. Weight 160 Gr. A = 10.74 B= 0.0198 C = 394.4 R Ecate. Ema:. P 4L0 4S 427 AO — 0.127 425 4.880 wae + 0.220 450 7.168 oD — 0.168 AT5 8.563 8.7 + 0.137 500 9.413 9.2 — 0.213 500 10.247 10.4 + 0.153 600 10.557 10.6 + 0.043 800 10.737 1052 — 0.037 The mean error amounts to: 0.1916. Cie } These series may teach us in the first place that no change whatever in the general course of the curve is effected by the magnitude of weight. The constants only are altered. The following table will give an easier survey of the manner in which these changes are effected. The weight is therein represented by Z, whilst A, B and (’ stand for the three constants of our formula; in the third column under AL V is given in gram-millimeters the amount of work done multiplied by the writing-lever. This enlargement, which in our case took place in the ratio of 5 : 1 will be denoted by V. L A ALV B C 10 19.45 491.5 0.0204 396.3 30 18.21 546.3 0.0243 361 .6 60 16.68 1000.8 0.0202 377.0 100 14.52 1452. 0.0209 391.0 160 10.74 1718.4 0.0198 394.4 In this table we may observe: 1st. That at increment of weight the lifting-height diminishes, at first slowly, afterwards more rapidly, an already well-known fact. 24. That the work done increases at first rapidly, afterwards more slowly. As we know, the work would, if the weight were still further increased, attain at last a maximum value and finally diminish. 37, That to all practical purposes the coefficient B remains constant with imereasing weight. For its mean value amounts to 0.02052, the largest deviation being at the utmost 3.8 °/,, the most probable value being: 0.02052 + 0.000395. Furthermore the devia- tions are irregular in both directions, so we may conclude that under ideal technical conditions the merement-constant would have remained, to all probability, wholly unaltered by different weights. 4%. That the constant C, i.e. the minimum threshold-value augments at increment of weight. I did not yet find this fact mentioned in the literature within my reach. Still it may be easily verified even without writing the record of a complete series, and it was proved beyond any doubt within the limits of the experiment. With regard to the series here communicated, we ought to make mention of the fact that still another series was written, the weight therein being 200 Gr.; this last series however showed technical faults of too much importance, than that it could be employed for the calculation of the constants. desides the experiments on isotonical contractions with different weights, I also investigated isometrical contractions. I believe that the ee) communication of two of these series will suffice. The first was taken from the second gastrocnemius of the same frog that had supplied us with the preparation of the foregoing series. Series VI. Isometrical. Y, MN key Be 00251 C = 384.0 R Ee tc. EB’ cas 400 3.163 3.2 + 0.037 425 6.611 6.4 — 0.211 450 8.449 8.4 — 0.049 415 9.480 9.7 +. 0.290 500 410.059 a9 — 0.159 550 10.567 10.7 + 0.133 600 10.726 10.7 — 0.026 800 410.800 10.8 0.000 o- == O1675: Series VII. Isometrical. As AZ B = 0.0096 C = 487.0 R Ecate, Exmeas. P 500 4.433 1.6 40.117 550 5.546 5.5 — 0.046 600 8.091 8.3 +. 0.209 650 9.666 9.9 + 0.234 700 40.639 10.2 — 0.439 750 41.249 44.4 — 0.141 800 41.615 44.6 — 0.015 850 11.846 14.9 4. 0.054 900 41.989 12.0 + 0 014 950 42.077 12.0 — 0.077 The mean observation-error amounts to: 9 = 0.2190. Here again there is sufficient accordance to leave no room for doubt. Meanwhile it is of importance to remark that both the coefficient A and the effect H have in this series quite another signification as they did in cases of isotonical contractions. Here the maximum tension attained by a muscle during the contraction, is measured by Z, whilst the highest tension, attainable (78 ) for that muscle during any single twitch is indicated by A. And in this case again it is shown that our law concerning the relation between stimulus and effect enables us to represent with sufficient accuracy the increment of effect whenever the stimulus is increased. At present we only wish to state this fact without entering into any details about its theoretical significance for our knowledge of the course of isometrical contractions. Meteorology. — At the chairman’s proposal it was resolved to insert in the Proceedings the following Extract from the Report made in the extraordinary meeting held this day by the committee for awarding the Buys-Batuot Medal, consisting of Messrs. Junius, HaGa, ZEEMAN, VAN DER Stok and WInp. In the meteorological literature of late years one definite line of development in this science has come to the front in such a degree that, in the opinion of the committee, it is obvious to award the Buys-BaLLot Medal for this time to a representative of this peculiar branch of meteorological investigation. The branch referred to is one of mainly experimental investigation. In the opinion of some the material collected by the meteorologists during a long series of years grows so dangerously extensive that, for instance, Professor ScuustEer could not help in the last meeting of the British Association expressing a wish, that the meteorologists might stop their observations for some five years and during that time might unanimously try to assimilate the materials in store and to compose a reasonable programme. SCHUSTER in expressing a wish, as to stopping the observations, cannot have been in full earnest, as he will grant too that the series of observations, partly as material for climatic studies, partly as a basis and a test for future theories have a permanent value and should not be rashly interrupted. Nevertheless it is true that, in order to prevent waste of capital and labour and to avoid the loss of valuable data, it is very desirable, in continuing former series of observations, to constantly keep in view their value and not to plan others but on reasonable grounds. Yet, rather a short time ago the material referred to above, however extensive, showed an important deficit. Most obviously it did so, when considered as the foundation of a theory about the great problems of meteorology, the general circulation of the atmos- (79 ) phere and the nature of cyclones. When leaving out of consideration the mountain-stations, whose importance for the purpose in question is rather limited, the facts observed referred on the whole to the lower layers of air. This is the reason, why opinions about the movement of the air in its higher layers, and therefore about the entire mechanism of circulation, opinions long ago defended by Dove, Maury, Ferret, James THomson a.o. on the ground of their more or less incomplete theories, could hold their own by the side of each other, though in some respects not in keeping with each other. For the same cause incorrect ideas about the distribution of temperature in the atmosphere, closely connected with the circulation, could remain in existence, and important inferences respecting this distribution, derived from theoretical considerations — the Committee are in the first place thinking of the interesting thermodynamic investigations of von Bruzotp — could not yet be put to the test by direct observations. As an extremely important step in the right direction, therefore, may be considered the extension of the meteorological investigations to higher layers of the atmosphere. And so much the more, with a view to the remark made in connection with Prof. ScHusrEr’s opinion, should this step be applauded, because it was taken with the utmost care and with a sharply outlined purpose. This investiga- tion, entered upon in a former decennary, has in the last ten years been systematically set about and organized in an efficient way. If there were one investigator, who could be considered as the only proper founder and promoter of this new branch of meteoro- logical investigation, the Committee would not hesitate to design him for the Buys-BaLtLot Medal. This, however, being not the case, but there being many explorers, who in the higher ranks have contributed to its development, it seems advisable to award the medal to him among so many, who distinguished himself most by his work. Here, again, it was not easy to choose, the conditions, under which the labour was done, showing large differences and a decisive rate of comparison being wanting. On one side the attention was inmediately drawn to A. LAWRENCE Rotcu, the energetic director of Blue-Hil] Observatory, founded and maintained through private means. He was the first to make use, on a large scale and systematically, of kites, provided with registering instruments, to become acquainted with the values of meteorological elements several kilometers high in the air and to put beyond all doubt the practical usefulness and appropriateness of this method. Moreover he set the example of using steamships in the observations with kites, to overcome the difficulty of too great or too slight a force 6 Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam. Vol, VI. ( 80 ) of the wind, and finally planned an expedition with a purpose of trying by experiment with kites on board a steamship to make sure about the movement of the air above the regions of the trade-winds. Another investigator, working under similar conditions with no less skill and success, is LL. TrtsskrENc DE Bort, the founder and proprietor of the “Observatoire de Météorologie Dynamique” at Trappes. Having been already for a long time organising ascents for meteorological purposes this excellent investigator im later years started his ‘“ballons-sonde” in France and in foreign countries in large numbers, to record temperature and moisture of the atmosphere at a height of 10 to 15 kilometers. In the meanwhile he was inde- fatigably working at the improvement of the recording-apparatus. Now, for nearly a year, he is — supported by the Swedish and Danish Governments — very successfully engaged in a systematic examination, by means of kites and balloons, of the atmosphere above Jutland and the Danish Isles. On the other side much respect and admiration are due to the perseverance and talent, with which H. H. HipDxEBranpsson since 1873 has been trying by means of a large system of stations to make simultaneous observations of clouds and to get from these the knowledge of the movements of the upper air, necessary for a development of the theory of general circulation. He began with observations in Sweden, but knew by pointing to first results of obvious importance how to rouse gradually interest for the labour with the meteorolo- gists of nearly all nations, especially with the “International Meteoro- logical Committee.’ This led to the nomination of an international committee for the observation of clouds and in consequence to the publication of an international cloud-atlas, in which it was principally his nomenclature of the different forms of clouds that was adopted and elucidated by plain illustrations. Finally it led also to the issuing of simultaneous observations all over the civilised world during a whole year, the ‘“cloud-year” 1896/97. Very important are the results which have been derived by HILDEBRANDSSON from the materials gathered. Some current ideas about the movements of the upper air seem to be entirely subverted. They have shown e.g. that in the (northern) temperate zone both the upper and the lower air on an average perform a whirling movement in the sense of the earth’s rotation, round the pole as a centre, but with a centripetal component in the lower, a centrifugal component in the higher layers, a movement, therefore quite different, from the southwestern lower current and the northwestern higher ( 81 ) current, almost generally adopted hitherto. Of the Report about the cloud-year only a first part has yet appeared. Mention must also be made of Professor H. Hereuse.1, the impulsive and able chairman of the International aeronautic Committee. In this quality he has contributed much to promote a_ systematic examination of the higher air and has taken the initiative for the simultaneous international ascents of balloons, which since November 1900 are being undertaken on the first Thursday of each month from some ten stations. Moreover he has by his own investigations very suecessfully contributed to the common task. Though it would be easy to mention some more meteorologists, to whom the new branch of investigation owes nearly equally much, it seems to be difficult, after all these men of great merits, to indicate another who should more than one of them have advanced Meteorology by his labour in the line considered. Accordingly the Committee do not intend to name one person, but wish to recommend for the Medal two investigators — who are, however, one in their work — viz, the editors of “Die Wissenschaftlichen Luftfahrten des deutschen Vereins zur Foérderung der Luftschiffahrt, in Berlin’, RicHarD AssMANN and ArruurR Berson. The reason which has determined the Committee to hold these two explorers as more than any one else worthy of the distinction, is especially the high value of the said publication. There the editors have laid down the foundations, the course and the results of their highly important series of investigations, at the same time clearly showing their great perseverance and earnestness in their exertions, their great scrupulousness and punctuality in the accomplishment of their task. This publication, in which moreover numerous new instruments and resources are described and results communicated which immediately have appeared to be of great value, is undoubtedly a work of classic importance. The balloon-expeditions, described in this work, were made from 1888 to 1899 and are divided into 6 preparatory (1888—1891), 40 principal (1893—94) and 29 supplementary expeditions; besides experiments were made with a registering captive balloon and with registering free balloons. In reality the scientific aerial voyages, made at Berlin, have not been finished herewith. Among those not described in the work we mention the rightly well-known “Hochfahrt” of Berson and Sérinc, undertaken especially to verify the instruments of the registering free balloons by comparing their records with eye-observations made in a manned balloon started at the same time. The free balloons being meant for the greatest heights 6* ( 82 ) (twenty kilometers and more), the manned balloon, in which the parallel observations were made, had to rise as high as possible. It was planned to go as high as ten kilometers and reached even a height of nearly eleven. It is easy to see that expeditions to such a height cannot be free from danger, if we think of the atmospheric pressure of = 200 mM and of the temperature to below —40°C., which have been observed at these heights. The homage then, which the committee wish to be paid to BERSON, applies partly to the courage and the intrepidity, with which this explorer has frequently risked his life in behalf of the uncommon task, which he imposed upon himself in the service of science. The whole work, published in 1899/1900, consists of three big quarto volumes. The first of these is partly devoted to an historical and critical survey of the development of scientific aerial voyages, partly also it deals with the construction of balloons and instruments and with the methods of observation and reduction. Moreover it contains the data as to the tracks covered by the balloons and the figures got by the observations. The second volume offers an ample description of the separate aerial voyages. In the third the obser- vations are sifted and discussed, being treated under different heads as: temperature of the air, moisture, formation of clouds, velocity of wind, direction of wind, radiaton, atmospheric electricity. This volume winds up with a chapter, written by von Brzoxp, and entitled: “Theoretische Schlussbetrachtungen”. Here we should not omit mentioning the names of Bascuin, Born- stern, Gross, Kremser, StapE and Sitrinc, who have all of them contributed to the composition of the great work and also personally taken part in the scientific aerial voyages. A short survey of the provisional results of a more general tenor must not be left aside here. 1st. Formerly it has sometimes been thought that the temperature in the higher layers of the atmosphere approached a limit of — 35 to —50°C.; these investigations however do not at all point to the existence of such a limit. Temperatures also, considerably lower than the above, have come to light. 2-4 In the lower layers of the atmosphere the temperature, in rising, diminishes on the whole less rapidly than would answer to convective equilibrium. Above 4000 M, however, the rate of decrease grows larger and seems to approach that value of nearly 1° C. per 100 meters as a limit. This is in keeping with a supposition of von BrezoLbp based on theoretical grounds, whilst the behaviour in lower i. ( 83 ) layers can be accounted for by the influence of radiation, conden- sation and evaporation. The distribution of temperature found in this way, is satisfactorily in agreement with the one found by Trisserenc pe Bort, but dis- agrees considerably with that which was formerly determined by GLAISHER. 3°. The diurnal variation of temperature has at a height of 2500 M. shrunk down to less than ‘/,, of its amplitude at the surface of the earth. Of the annual variation of temperature the amplitude decreases rapidly in the lowest layer of 500 M. Higher on it is rather a retardation of the maximum and minimum of temperature than a decrease of amplitude, which is still obvious. At a height of 4000 M the highest and lowest temperatures seem to occur about the middle of September and March. The non-periodical changes of temperature in the higher layers are hardly less intensive than at the surface of the earth. 4th. Frequently low, but also sometimes higher in the atmosphere, there are layers in which the temperature increases instead of decreasing with the height. ‘“Inversions’ to an amount of even 16°C. have been observed. Not seldom there are also layers, in which the temperature in rising diminishes more rapidly than would answer to the convective equilibrium. It is very remarkable that these layers, which obviously tend to provoke a state of unstability in the atmosphere, are often of a great thickness, reaching even 2500 meter, for instance. 5't, In accordance with results which Hann came to in the Alps, it has appeared that above Middle-Europe, both in winter and in summer, the temperatures at equal heights in anticyclones are in general higher than in cyclones — this, at least, holding good for heights up to 8 KM. This result tends to corroborate the conviction of most meteorologists that the cyclones with their ascending and the anti-cyclones with their descending currents of air cannot as a rule simply owe their existence to differences of temperature. by still more recent investigations it has appeared that the rate of decrease of temperature above the anticyclones, though at first smaller, is at greater heights greater than the above cyclones, so that it remains possible that in the very high layers of the atmosphere the temperature above the anticyclones is lower than above the cyclones. 6th. In most of the cases several layers of a quite different nature and origin were clearly indicated in the atmosphere. 7, In rising, the moisture of the atmosphere generally decreases ( 84 ) more than Hann had derived from observations of mountain-stations and from those made by GLaIsHER. sth. Important data have been acquired about the formation and origin of clouds, in connection with the distribution of the meteoro- logical elements. gth. The velocity of wind increases with the height, strongly in the layers below 1000 and above 3000 M, less so between these two heights. At a height of 5000 M it was on an average 4.5 times as large as at the surface of the earth. Important data were also acquired about the difference in the direction of the wind between the lower and higher parts of the atmosphere. 10%, Thermally and electrically the surface of a layer of clouds has a similar effect upon the region above it as the surface of the earth. 11». The rate of decrease of electrical potential seems to diminish, when rising, and even to vanish entirely in the. higher regions of the atmosphere. This result, arrived at from only few observations, has afterwards been corroborated. It is not only the initiative in and the organisation, guidance, partly also execntion of, this interesting investigation, which are mainly due to Assmann. We also owe to him the construction of the aspiration-thermometer and -psychrometer, which has first rendered possible trustworthy observations as to temperature and moisture under the most different circumstances. It has appeared that in former balloon-expeditions (of GLAISHER e.g.) errors to the extent of even 15°, owing to radiation, must have occurred in the indications of the thermometers. Finally we ought to mention the introduction by Assmann of the highly appropriate ‘Platz’-balloons made of caoutchoue, which as free registering-balloons can reach even a height of 20 to 30 kilo- meters; there they burst and, provided with a parachute, return to the earth very slowly with the instrument they convey. Whrat is said above may be a sufficient reason for awarding the medal to AssMANN and Brrson; yet the committee cannot omit referring to the excellent work which is being done in the aero- nautie observatory at Tegel near Berlin, founded by AssMann in 1899 and being directed by him. Here daily observations are made for the examination of the upper air with the aid of kites, kite- and Platz- balloons. The results are published daily and, since the beginning of this year, as graphic reviews also monthly. If an examination of the higher layers of air can furnish many important data more for our insight into the mechanism of atmos- pherie phenomena — which is hardly to be doubted — such a i ~ ( 85 ) systematic train of working as is adopted at Tegel seems above all things to be conducive to that purpose, especially if the example given there be followed in a sufficient number of stations elsewhere. In the Tegel observatory Berson as “stiandiger Mitarbeiter’ is stea- dily cooperating with its director. One of the more recent results, arrived at in the Tegel obsery- atory, may still be mentioned here. In the spring of 1902 registering balloons recorded between 12 and 16 kilometers an inversion of temperature to an amount of 9°. This seems to point to an equatorial current in those parts of the atmosphere which, even higher than the region of the cirrus-clouds, could not but eseape HILDEBRANDSSON’S Observations. Almost simultaneously an inversion was observed above France by TEISSERENC DE Bort at a height of more than 10 kilometer. The above will certainly be sufficient to give an idea of the nature and the importance of the new field and the new methods of invest- igation and to convince you that the development of these methods owes very much indeed to the two investigators, to whom we last drew attention. Concluding the Committee beg to report that in their unanimous opinion the Buys-BaLLot Medal should be awarded to RicHarp Assmann, Director of the Aeronautic Observatory at Tegel, and Arruur Berson, permanent collaborator to the same institution, as a homage to the great services they have rendered to the development of Meteo- rology, not only in their just mentioned qualities, but also and especially as editors of the work entitled: ‘Die Wissenschaftlichen Luftfahrten des deutschen Vereins zur Férderung der Luftschiffahrt”’, and as those who have had the greatest share in the investigations described in this principal work. Botany. — “On a Sclerotinia hitherto unknown and injurious to the Cultwation of Tobacco” (Sclerotinia Nicotianae Ovp. et Koning). (Postscript). By Prof. C. A. J. A. OupEmans and C. J. Konine. With regard to the small dimensions of the cups (apothecia) of Selerotinia Nicotianae, as sketched in our essay (breadth 0,8, depth 0,2 millimetres) we think it worth while to point out that much stouter cups were obtained from sclerotia which on the 9" of March ult. were sown out afresh in the known manner in different ( 86 ) kinds of earth (forest-humus, garden-earth, sand, pounded autumn- leaves of Quercus and Fagus). After the experimental dishes, covered with glass, had been placed on a windowsill outside and for 8 weeks had shown no sign of life, stemmed cups were found on the sclerotia in ail of them, differing from those obtained formerly in having greater dimensions. Instead of 0.8 mill. wide and 0.2 deep, the cups were now 1.4—5 mill. wide and 0.2—0.3 mill. deep; the stems on the other hand were much shorter, varying between 1.5 and 9 mill. against 4—6 cent. in March. The new numbers agree more with those of other species of Sclerotinia and can only, we think, have been produced by the influence of a milder temperature and corresponding increased metabolism. The greatest number of cups, sprung from one sclerotium, was 12, as may be seen in the illustration. The special features of cups and stems, among which the swelling under the cups, resembling an apophysis, and the rough surface of the stems, were present in the newly gained specimens as in the former ones. Finally it must be stated that the sclerotia with which the new experiments were made, originated from pure cultures and that between the microscopical structure of the former and the new cups and stems no difference was found. Physiology. — “The cause of sleep.’ By Dr. A. Gortmr. (Com- municated by Prof. C. Wink LER). The different well-known theories about the origin of sleep have hitherto not furnished us with a satisfactory explanation either for the want of sleeping or for the sleeping state. By anaemia of the brain quite other symptoms are often presented than by want of sleep, and the former has been recognised as a phenomenon of repose even without sleep. The interruption of continuity in the conduction from the brain to the remaining part of the nervous system was considered already by Purkinje as the primal cause of sleep and has been treated of afterwards by Lovis MaurHner in an essay on ona. In the latter the hypothesis was put forward that the interruption of the contact occurred in those places where, in cases of Polio- encephalitis haemorrhagica, the focusses of disease were found *), This theory has more recently found a powerful supporter in Duvat, 1) Wien. Med. Wochenschrift 1890 no 23--97, ‘gthss ( 87 ) who in 1895 defended the thesis that the interruption of contact is caused by retraction of the end-arborisations of the neura. This retraction of the end-arborisations however has never yet been observed, and might be, if oceurring, a consequence of sleep, but the investigations of Apatuy and Betuer (1894), who hold that the fibrils of different neura pass into one another, have rendered it probable that the causation of sleep is not to be found in this domain. By the third theory the origin of sleep is ascribed to the effect of so-called fatigue-substances, which are presumed to be produced by different functions during the waking state. Injections of lacteal acid, the sole known fatigue-substanee, mean- while offered only a negative result, moreover this theory is not quite in accordance with the facts: 1st. Because during sleep principally such functions are disturbed as are dependent on momentaneous stimuli, i.e. the psychical fune- tions, whilst other functions dependent on stimuli (nutrition ete.) received during the waking state, e.g. respiration, heart-movement, secretion of sweat and urine, digestion ete., are influenced in a lesser degree and may be brought likewise to decreased intensity by repose without sleep. 2nd. Because the want of sleep and the duration of sleep are neither of them adequate to the performed psychieai and physical labour. 3'4, Because sleep may be interrupted at any time by a strong stimulus, the functions operating immediately afterwards in a perfectly normal manner. 4th. Because among psychical functions those, originating partly in preceding stimuli, still remain possible (dreams). 5th, Because in the case of a new-born babe the want of sleep and the duration of sleep both diminish with increasing functions. The insufficiency of these different theories about eS origin of sleep have led the physiologist Leonarp Hitt to the conclusion: the causation of sleep must still be regarded as metaphysical °), Meanwhile physiological psychology had taught us that the waking state is consequent on the conduction of stimuli from the surround- ings to the central nervous system, and as regards man to the psychical centra, a fact in perfect accordance with the experience that the originating of sleep is favoured by darkness, monotonous sounds and silence. The famous experiment of Stritmpriy *), who 1) The Lancet 1890. I. p. 285. 2) Deutches Archiv. fiir Klin, Medicin, 1878 No. 22. ( 88 ) transported an almost wholly anaesthetical woman into instantaneous sleep by shutting her one eye and her one ear still capable of seeing and hearing, and who caught from another similar patient the expression : ,Wenn ich nicht sehen kann, dann bin ich gar nicht”, furnished another inducement to seek in cessation of stimuli the causation of sleep. The well-known manner in which patients are transported into hypnotical sleep, and the fact that by eliminating all external stimuli, animals may be brought to a state closely resembling sleep, both point to the same conclusion. Ziznen schreibt:') .Wahrscheinlich ist das Wesentliche bei dem Zustandekommen des Schlafs, der Abschluss ausseren Reize und die Ermiidung der Rindenzellen.” Hermann 2) Die naihere Ursache welche die Grosshirnrinde ausser Thiitigkeit setzt ist unbekannt. Die meisten Angaben itber Verande- rungen im Gehirn sind unbewiesene und zum Theil héchst unwahr- scheinliche Vermutungen. Die oben angegeben Thatsachen zeigen dass Sehlaf und Wachen im engsten Zusammenhang mit den Sinnesein- driicken ‘stehen und man k6nnte sagen dass zur Erhaltung der gewohn- lichen Thiitigkeit der Rinde d. h. des wachen Zustandes bestandige Sinneseindriicke ndthig sind, womit aber das Rathsel keineswegs gelst ist.” SprUMPELL concludes his well-known article in the Deutsches Archiv *) with these words: Eine Reihe von Erseheinungen wie das mégliche Kinschlafen trotz stiirkeren dusseren Reize, die Periodicitat u. a. bediirfen zu ihrer Erkla- rung noch andere Voraussetzungen.” Sleep by intoxication (narcotics), and sleep in some cases of brain- disease, may be explained by the interrupting of the conduction of stimuli towards and within the psychical centra. The almost un- interrupted sleep of the new-born babe also may find a similar explanation in the still unfinished cortex. It becomes moreover difficult to continue searching for the causation of sleep in a peculiar state of the cortex, since dogs, whose brain had been taken away, have been found to present a_ relatively reeular alternating of sleep and waking. Sleep therefore may be said to be caused cither by disease, by intoxication, or by cessation or decrease of stimuli from the sur- roundings. 1) Tu. Zienen. Leitfaden der Physiologischen Psychologie p, 218 2) Hermann, Lehrbuch der Physioiogie, p. 460, 3) D, Archiv f. klin, Medicin, No 22 p, 350, iia ee i‘ . ( 89 ) Normal sleep is not caused by disease, neither, fo our knowledge at least, by intoxication, consequently it may be caused by cessation or decrease of stimuli from the surroundings, and in examining these surroundings, we observe the periodically operating cause of sleep in all nature, in The settiny of the sun with which numerous stimuli either disappear or cease to operate. The peculiar characteristic of sleep, the disturbed funetions, may be satisfactorily explained by the decrease of stimuli occasioned by the setting of the sun. Many functions of the living organism depend on sunlight, and when sunlight dissappears, their intensity diminishes or they may even cease altogether. The assimilation of plants, the search for nourishment by animals, the receiving of stimuli by which psychical functions are originated, all these are dependent on sunlight. The phenomena of sleep having been once recognised as symptoms of decreased functions, all researches for the species of animals in which sleep begins, must necessarily remain fruitless, because most functions of both plants and animals in general are subject to a change, corresponding to the alternation of day and night. These stimuli which still continue, operating during sleep, partially entertain all functions, the psychical ones included, as we are made to know by experience when dreaming. The want of sleep in man is a quality inherited from the animal, and it does not appear so directly dependent on the setting of the sun as is the case in vegetal and animal kingdom, only because man continues his struggle for life with the aid of artificial light. In my opinion, the setting of the sun suffices to explain the periodicity of sleep, and going to sleep notwithstanding the excita- tion of still extant powerful stimuli, must be accounted for by heredity, and I think the solution of the enigma mentioned by HERMANN, is found here. The simplicity of this answer to the question about the causation of sleep, presenting itself as a matter of course and reminding one of the egg of Columbus, is only an apparent one, because the results of years of psychological researches have taught us to seek for this causation outside the functions, physiology having sought vainly for an explanation to be furnished by the functions themselves. The existence of night-animals may be explained in this way that ( 90 ) in the struggle for life the dangers threatening them in the day-time, have led certain species of animals to shorten the day and adequately to lengthen the night, in the course of which process qualities were slowly developed, enabling them to carry on with more surety that struggle at night, whilst the want of sleep was satisfied during day-time. | As regards the phenomena of winter-sleep and summer-sleep, both may be considered as a state of torpor, being no real sleep, and in all probability originated again in the struggle for life by certain animals digging themselves into the earth, after their having been driven away by stronger species to regions, either too cold or too hot. Only the strongest individuals survived, and after the lapse of a long period, their progeny may have gradually attained to the power of remaining alive, for a definite space of time, almost entirely without functions, as an hereditary quality, no longer dependent on the influences of heat and cold. As impossible as it would be for modern man to be kept from sleeping for a somewhat longer period by means of artificial light, as impossible it would be to keep a winter- or summersleeper out of its state of torpor by means of heat or cold, once the season for that state having returned. It is not known to us whether amongst animals living under- ground or in the deep of the sea, there exist any species capable of living without sleep. Until a period not so very long ago, sleep for the greater part of humanity was wholly determined by the sun. During summer man slept little, during winter much, and even in our modern times the peasant does not consult science about the term of duration of his sleep, as his period of sleeping is determined by the sun. The stimuli that keep him awake (issuing from his soil, his cattle and his machinery), all cease to operate with the setting of the sun, consequently he goes to sleep and is awakened again by the stimulus of the sunlight, either directly or indirectly by intermediary of animals. In modern times the way in which by far the greater majority of men are living, gives rise to the question whether the want of sleep in man may not perhaps wholly or partially disappear in the course of the struggle for life, because we know that inherited qualities tend to disappear, when they are no longer of use in that struggle. Parily at least this want of sleep has already been conquered in many instances: numerous men are night-animals, sleeping only for a short period in the day-time, others continue to enjoy unimpaired » be re. ( 91 ) health, whilst sleeping only for three or four hours out of the twenty-four. Whether in coming generations sleep may be destined to vanish altogether, cannot be predicted with any certainty, because we don’t know the exact significance of sleep in the struggle for life in its connection with the longer or shorter term of duration of human life, and because on the other hand we are not sure whether some physiological process does not perhaps continue to operate in the human organism, parallel with and dependent on the alternating of day and night. The fact may be simply stated that man is the only creature living upon the surface of the earth, capable of making himself no longer dependent on the setting of the sun, by means of artificial light, thus foreing the most intense stimuli to act without interrup- tion on his nervous system. From the point of view of modern science therefore the possibility cannot be excluded, that in some remote future a race may exist, descended from man that will have conquered the want of sleep, the term of duration for indivi- dual life, however, having become shortened. In this way the knowledge of the primal cause of sleep in nature, opens a distant prospect of the entire disappearance of sleep in man, who nevertheless, because of reasons mentioned already, will never be able to pass the first weeks of his life in a state of waking. Leiden, June 1903. Chemistry. — “The condition of hydrates of nickelsu’phate in methylaleoholic solution.” By Prof. C. A. Lopry pr Bruyn and C. L. Junerus. 1. It is known that the old question of the relation between a dissolved substance and a solvent has been answered from two points of view. Whilst particularly of late years, some have defended the theory that the solvent is, as it were, merely a diluent which keeps the dissolved molecules apart without entering into a closer relation with them, others have upheld the view that the molecules of the dissolved substance are most decidedly more or less strongly united to those of the solvent. Owing to the development of the ionic theory, the first assumption is now the more universal one particularly for solutions of salts and their hydrates. On the other hand it must be acknowledged that no strong evidence has ever been brought forward to show the existence of hydrates of salts in an aqueous solution even though it seems natural to presume that to a certain extent ( 92 ) hydrates are already present as such in solutions from which they crystallise and which are in equilibrium with them, 2. It might be expected that the study of solutions of hydrates of salts in a solvent other than water would contribute to the eluei- dation of the problem. In view of this, one of us *) had already been engaged some ten years ago with determinations of the elevation of the boiling point caused by the introduction of hydrates of nickel- sulphate into absolute methylalechol. The preliminary conclusion then arrived at, led to the assumption that a definite quantity of the water (about 3 mols.) remained in combination with the NiSQ,. In calculating the results of the experiments no notice was taken of certain jfuctors, the importance of which was unknown or but little appreciated in 1892, namely the occurrence of electrolytic disso- ciation, even in alcoholic solution and the influence of a dissolved volatile substance on the elevation of the boiling point. For this reason the former experiments were recalculated and partly extended. 3. In view of the last mentioned fact, we started with the deter- mination of the change in the boiling point caused by the introduction of small quantities of water into absolute methylalecohol. The fol- lowing result was obtained (Barometer constant). Evelation of Elevation CH,OU. HO: Boiling point for 1 pCt. 5d.16 Grm. 0.5720 Grm. 0.291 0.281 54.89 0.6799 0.353 0.285 54.62 0.7866 0.416 0.289 54.3 0.8877 0.457 0.280 Average 54,08 1.0378 0,528 0.275 0.281 53.81 | OAD 7 0.627 0.278 33.04 1.3831 0.725 0.281 53.27 1.5565 0.819 0.280 These experiments, therefore, confirm the conclusion that water added to methylalcohol causes an elevation of the boiling point from the commencement and that no minimum boiling-point occurs here as in the case of ethylaicohol and water (containing about 96 percent of alcohol) *). ') Lopry pve Bruyn, Handelingen 4e Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres, Gro- ningen, 1893, p. 83. > 2) W. A. Noyes and Warre.t. J. Amer. Ch. Soc. 23. 463 (L901). Sypney Youne and Emity Fortey, J. Ch. Soc. 81. 717 (1902). The addition of 20 milligrs. of water to 50 grms of methylalcohol caused a perceptible elevation of the boiling-point, oe ( 93 ) 4. As regards the extent of the electrolytic dissociation we observe that although we have not succeeded in determining the amount ‘) the experiments have shown that it is very small. Its existence, moreover further strengthens the conclusion to which the experiments have led, namely that a certain proportion of the water remains in combination with the nickelsulphate. 5. The experiments have been made as before, in the first place with the hydrates NiSO,, 6 aq. and NiSO,, 7 aq.; a single experiment was made with NiSO,, 3 H,O 3 CH, OH. The manner in which the calculation was conducted will be seen from the following example: « represents here the number of mols. of water abstracted from the hydrate ’). 59.9 gr. CH,OH, 0.7723 gr. NiSO, 6 aq. (mol. elevation of b. p. of meth. alc. 8.8. Mol. weight NiSO, 6 aq. = 262) observed elevation of boiling point = 0*.165 Calculated elevation of boiling point supposing all the water 0.7723 100 ad remal in combinati - 8.8 — 0°.0438 had remained in combination 269 x< 506 x 8.8 0°.043 elevation of b. p. caused by water delivered by the salt = 0°.122 0,122 With this corresponds a quantity of water in solution of Waal al Pe The abstraction per mol. of dissolved hydrate is, therefore, __ 0,122 262 1 0,599 — = 4.9 mol. H,O. = 987 = as 0,7723 4s 18 . The results of the following experiments were Methylale. NiSO,6aq. Elevationofb.p. z. 58.5 gr. 0.608 gr. 0°.143 5.4 60.5 » 0.694 » 0.146 4.9 60.5 » 0.551 » 0.125 ee Average from four experiments 5.1 NiSO,, 7 aq. gave the following results: Meth. ale. NiSO,4, 7 aq. Elevation of b. p. 2. 60.7 0.432 0.9102 6.25 60-7 0.463 0.109 6.2 60.3 0.449 0.110 6.45 60.6 0.481 0.105 5.65 61.7 0.341 0.080 6.3 61.7 0.560 0.120 3.7 Average 6.1 1) See next communication. 2) Strictly speaking, the elevation of the boiling point caused by the same amount of water will be modified in a slight degree by dissolving the salt in methylaleshol. This influence was not taken into account; the slight amount of electrolytic dissociation (see next article) was also disregarded. ( 94 ) From both experiments the conclusion may be drawn that the hydrates of nickelsulphate when dissolved in methylaleohol only . retain one mol. of water of crystallisation. An experiment made with NiSO,3 H,O 3 CH,O gave as result # = + 2 and thus confirmed the above conclusion. 6. If now in a one per cent solution of the hydrates of nickel- sulphate in methylaleohol the salt still retams one mol. of water notwithstanding the extreme dilution, it may in our opinion be taken for granted that such is also the case in aqueous solutions. And now proceeding to concentrated and saturated solutions of hydrates we arrive at the notion that the salt-molecule enters into a more or less fixed combination with the water molecules and that, there- fore, the hydrates (several simultaneously) are already present as such to a certain extent in the solutions from which they crystallise. Probably there exists in such a system a highly complicated condition of equilibrium. Some years ago PickERING has proved by determinations of the freezing points of solutions of sulphurie acid (of different concen- trations) in glacial acetic acid that a definite amount of water remains in combination with the sulphuric acid. Amsterdam, June 1908. Organ. Chem. Lab. University. Chemistry. — “The conductive power of hydrates of nickelsulphate dissolved in methylalcohol.” By Prof. C. A. Lopry pe Bruyn and Mr. C. L. Juneius. The determination of the conductivity of hydrates of nickelsulphate dissolved in methylaleohol is important for two reasons. Firstly, in order to ascertain whether the condition of the dissolved substance is modified after a shorter or longer period; secondly to ascertain if possible (in connection with the preceding paper) to what extent the salt is dissociated electrolytically. I. As regards the first point we recall the phenomenon that after dissolving the sulphates (of Cu, Zn, Co, Mg, Ni) in absolute methyl- ulcohol the solutions (some rapidly, others slowly) deposit ') lower hydrates or mixed alcoholhydrates ; for instance from a solution of 1) Losry pe Bruyn, Recueil, 14, 112 (1892) and Handelingen, 4c Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres, Groningen, 1893, p. 83. ed a ee i a ( 95 ) NiSO,7 aq. or NiSO,6aq.a@ we obtain after some time crystals of NiSO,3H,0.3CH,O. It is however not impossible that, after dissolving, the hydrate loses water with a certain rapidity and com- bines with the methylalcohol so that a definite stationary condition is not attained immediately. If such were the case we might expect that this modifieation in the condition of the solution would become evident, say, by a change in the conductive power. In carrying out the experiments the conductive power was first determined as quickly as possible after preparing the solution (after about 7 minutes). A portion of the solution (which contained about 5°/, of the salt) was set aside at the ordinary temperature or boiled for 15 minutes. In the Jatter case the solution was made up again to its original weight. In no cases was a change of the conductivity observed. The same applies to the methylaicoholic solutions of the sulphates of copper and magnesium. The latter exhibits the peculi- arity of becoming turbid on heating to 60° and of clearing again on cooling; it was again proved that after heating at 60° for 7 minutes and subsequent cooling the conductive power remained unchanged. From these experiments we may therefore draw the conclusion that a stationary condition has very probably set in immediately after the sulphates have dissolved in the methylaleohol and that the crystallisation of lower hydrates or of alcoholhydrates, which sometimes occurs after a long time, must be looked upon as a phenomenon of retardation. 2. Secondly, the conductive power was determined of NiSO, 7 aq., NiSO, 6 aq., NiSO, 3aq, 3CH,O and NiSO, 1 aq. dissolved in absolute methylaleohol and at decreasing concentrations. As observed, these determinations were made with the object of studying the extent of the electrolytic dissociation of nickelsulphate in methylalcohol (in connection with the contents of the preceding article). Previous re- searches, particularly those of Carrara, had led to the result that, at least with salts composed of univalent ions, the electrolytic dissociation is very considerable, in many cases about */, to */, of that in aqueous solution. In the case of salts with a bivalent ion the conductive power in methylaleohol is considerably smaller *); that of salts composed of two bivalent atoms has, as far as we are aware, not yet been investigated in methylalcohol solution. The experiments were made at 18° according to the usual method of KonLrauscH—OstwaLp; the methylalcohol (sp. gr. 0.7397 at 18°) 1) Correrti, Gazz. Chim. 33, 56. ~] Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam. Vol. VI. Was again fractionated after addition of some sulphurie acid; the ws have been corrected for the small remaining conduetivity of the alcohol. With NiSO,6aq. pure methylaleohol was used as diluting agent in one series; in a second series an alcohol was used containing the same amount of water as that generated by the hydrate on dissolving. The methylaleohol used for the experiment with NiSO, 1 aq. had been purposely rectified over anhydrous coppersulphate. The following table contains the results of the measurements. NiSO,3 M. | Ni SO, 7 aq. Nif£O, 1 aq. Ni SO, 6 aq. | Ni SO, 6aq. Anhydrous C Ha on tea Anhydrous Anhydrous CH; OH 0/9 He O. CH; OH CH; OH. CH OH. b BH | Ap] p | Ap | #& | Au] # | Au fe Au | ee ee ee Se eee 8. 13.92 3.01 | a Se) ao — 0.66 | — 0.58 = — 0.66 = fae 2 56.| 263%) 2.54 2.56 — — 0.63 | — 0.55 — 0.60 | —0.65 - 32 1.93 2.08 | 4.94 1 354 2.14 == (037) | — 0.30 — 0.32 — 9.38 —- 0,32 64 164° | 1.78 1.62 1D Delo | — 0.13 — 0.06 —0A3 —0.15 — 0.09 128 1.48 | dale 149 1.38 1.70 '+0.02 | + 0.15 + 0.02 + 0.05 + 0.06 956 | 1.50 4.87 454 1.43 4116 + 0.21 | 10.43 +017 SI). 10.95 AD, del 771 2.30 | 1.68 1.63 2.01 +04 | +- 0.75 + 0.20 +0 64 + 0.55 1024 | 2.42 3.05 1.88 O07 2.56 + 0.52 |-- 443 + 0,24 +0.42 + 0.80 2048 | 2.64 4.18 | 240 | 2.69 3.36 0.97 2.44 } — — a 4096 | 8.01 st | 6.02 5 | = | — | ~- From the figures given it will be seen that the object of the inves- tigation, that is to say the determination of the extent of the elec- troiytie dissociation, has not been attained because we meet with the peculiar phenomenon that the conductive power at first decreases and that for »=128 a minimum for uw occurs; on further dilution the conductivity again increases but a uo cannot be determined. We cannot, at present, account for this occurrence of a minimum which appears in the case of all the hydrates at the same concentration (vy = 128) and is consequently a definite property of nickelsulphate. We further notice also that the conductivity of nickelsulphate in methylalcohol (also when this contains a few per cent of water) aK is very small, many times smaller than that of salts with univalent ions, and at least 20 times smaller than in water. It is for this reason that we have thought proper to disregard the influence of the ionie dissociation on the results given in the preceding communication. Moreover, this influence would only strengthen the conclusion arrived at in that paper. Amsterdam, June 1903. Organ. Chem. Lab. University. Chemistry. — “Do the lons carry the solvent with them in electro- lysis?” By Prof. C. A. Lopry pr Bruyn. It is generally known that the behaviour of electrolytes in solu- tion has in many respects not yet been elucidated. We know, for instance, that strongly dissociated electrolytes do not conform to OstwaLp’s law of dilution. In view of this, H. JAHN ') some time ago developed a theory in which he attributes this ‘‘deviation” to a mutual interaction of the ions, whilst Nernst?) also assumes interac- tion between the ions and the non-dissociated molecules. A priori it did not appear to be impossible that the ions might exert an action on the molecules of the solvent which would cause them to earry the solvent with them during the electrolysis. If this were found to be the case, it would have to be taken into account in the study of the phenomena of electrolysis. The question whether the ions carry with them during electro- lysis one or more molecules of the solvent cannot as a matter of fact be studied by using purely aqueous solutions, but it can be done by means of solutions of an electrolyte, say, in mixtures of water and methylaleohol. Then if one of the ions carried with it one of the solvents, this would be found out by the difference in the pro- portion of the two solvents at the cathode and the anode both by comparing them with each other and with the original solution *). In the research an apparatus of the usual kind was employed such as is used for the determination of the transport numbers of 1) Z. ph. Ch. 36. 458, 37. 490, 38. 125. 2) Ibid. 38. 487. 2) When the experiments were already in progress Prof. Aspraa told me that Prof. Nernst had already made similar experiments using water -+ mannitol as sol- vent. These experiments, which only appeared in the Géttinger Nachrichten [1900. 68] had not led to a definite conclusion; Prof. Nernsr confirmed this statement. J. Trause (Chem. Zt. 1902, 90) also thinks it probable that each ion is in unstable combination with one molecule of the solvent. 7% ( 98 ) ions (capacity 150 ec.); a few experiments were made with a larger pattern (capacity 450 cc.) As solvent a mixture of methylalcohol and water was used of three different concentrations. As electrolyte, cuprichloride was first used; when this substance appeared to be unsuitable for the purpose (owing to formation of cuprouschloride) silvernitrate was taken. This salt was sufficiently soluble in the diluted methylalcohol and did not seem to affect it during the electrolysis. The electrodes were made of silver, the cathode was placed in the uppermost limb of the apparatus and the anode, around which the increase of concentration of the silvernitrate takes place, in the other. After placing the apparatus in the waterbath a eurrent of 70 volts was passed for 3 to 4 hours; the strength of the current was determined by means of a milli-ampere-meter. Separate experiments had shown that the methylaleohol could be very accurately determined by distillation. The liquid to be ana- lysed (25 ec. of the cathode- and anode solutions) was mixed with 25 ec. of water and of this mixture 25 cc. were very carefully redistilled into a weighed measuring flask. The amount of silver- nitrate was found by titration and the silver deposited on the cathode was weighed. From the following particulars of the experiments, we may draw the conclusion that under the circumstances of the expe- riments there is no question of a transference of the solvent along with one of the ions. It was found previously that on dissolving AgNO, in dilute methylaleohol the volume of the liquid is scarcely affected. Methylalcohol of 25 pCt. by weight. Weight of measuring flask after distillation from solvent 36.838 36.872 , solution n. AgNO ) Sete I. Meth. ale. of 25 pCt. by weight. Small apparat. Curr. 0.386 ampéres. Time: 3'/, hours. Silver on the cathode: 4.50 grams. Cone. Ag NO, before the experiment: normal. ; anode 1.30 normal Cone. Ag NO, after \ eit j i ! cathode 0.54 " | solution at anode 386.876 Weight of measuring flask after the distill. » qeathodle. 36.875 II. Meth. ale. 85pCt. by weight. Large apparatus. Current 0.32 ampere. Time: 4 hours. Silver at cathode: 4.1 grams. Ber ( 99 ) Cone. of AgNO, before the experiment: normal. { anode 1.37 normal ! cathode 0.94 original solution 36.498 Weight of measuring flask after the distill. ; solution at anode 36.508 | i" , cathode36.503 i " " after ! Ill. Meth. ale. of 64 °/, by weight. Small apparatus. Current 0.15 ampere. Time: 3'/, hours, Silver on the cathode: 1.80 gr. Cone. of silver before the experim. : normal. ( anode: Ag NO, crystal. out after ae, ae a: " "1 cathode: 0.73 normal. original solution 35.100 Weight of measuring flask after the distil. ; solution at anode 35.100 y at cathode 35.094 By an easy calculation we now find that if for instance, the Ag- or NO,-ion had carried with it one molecule of the solvent, for every 4 grams of silver an increase or decrease of 0,6 to 0,7 gr. of water or of about 1.2 grams of methylalcohol at the anode or cathode would have been stated. This would have been plainly detected by the analysis even though the amount had been largely diminished by diffusion *). I have to thank my assistants Messrs. C. L. Junaius and §. Tymstra for their assistance rendered in these experiments. Chemistry. — Prof. C. A. Lopry pe Bruyn presents communication N°. 5 on Intramolecular Migrations: C. L. Juneis. “The mutual transformation of the two stereo-isomeric methyl-d- glucosides.” 1. When in 1893 Emm Fiscusr *) discovered the glucosides of the alcohols and proposed for these substances a formula deduced by him from the glucose-formula of ToLLENs, namely CH,O —CH—CHOH—CHOH—CH—CHOH—CH,OH, Peace. "Sui Ge sake 2 oo he suggested that on account of the appearance of a new asymmetric 1) It is possible of course that the two ions act in the same manner and carry with them equal quantities of one of the solvents or of both. 2) Ber. 26. 2409. © 100 ) carbon-atom two stereo-isomeric glucosides ought to be capable of existence. These two isomers would then be comparable to the two penta-acetates then known. About a year afterwards, ALBERDA VAN EKernsTgIN ') sueceeded in obtaining this second isomer 3-methylglucoside. He found that if the reaction between glucose and methylalcohol (with hydrochloric acid as catalyser) was stopped the moment that all the glucose as such had disappeared, the two isomers were both present, the e-form being predominant. They could be separated by fractional eystallisation. He further noticed that the 3-form passes into the «-form in presence of a solution of hydrochloric acid in methylaleohol; if, therefore, the reaction is continued for a long time, we observe that the rotation increases [the [¢]p of the a«-isomer is +- 158°, that of the j-isomer—32°| whilst the 3-methylglucoside disappears more and more. The p-isomer therefore appeared to be the metastable and the a-isomer the stable form.. The observations of ALBERDA lead to the conclusion that, as in so many analogous cases, the so-called metastable form is here the first product of the reaction and that the isomer is produced from this afterwards. It now became important to further investigate the transformation of the one isomer into the other with a view both to its velocity and to the influencing factors. The view propounded by Emi. FiscHEer*) that glucosedimethylacetal CH, OH- (CHOH), CH (OCH,)? may be the intermediate product in the formation of the two glucosides might be tested by an investigation of this kind. This acetal is a syrupy liquid which occurs as the first product of the action of methyl- alcoholic hydrochloric acid on glucose ; it does not react with phe- nylhydrazine or Frxiine’s solution and is very readily reconverted into glucose by the aqueous acids; it was however not obtained pure and not analysed. As this substance, supposed to be the dimethyl- acetal, was converted into the two glucosides on warming with methyl- alcoholic hydrochloric acid, the transformation being however not complete and as moreover the two other substances were obtained when starting from one of the two glucosides, Fiscuer concluded: ydass der Vorgang welcher vom Acetal zum Glucosid fiihrt, umkehr- bar ist, dass ferner die Verwandlung der Glucoside in einander iiber das Acetal fiihrt and dass mithin die drei Verbindungen als Factoren 1) Recueil 18. 183. 2) Ber. 28, 1146. a a an a ».¥j ; 4 ( 101 ) eines Gleichgewichtzustandes resultiren’’; a-methylglucoside is then always present in the largest quantity. 2. My research has now led to the following results. If we start on the one hand from pure e- and on the other hand from pure §-methylglucoside’) the methylalcoholic solution of HCl arrives in both cases at the same condition of equilibrium in which the a-and f8-compounds are both present. After removing the HCl. with PbCO, and evaporating the solvent a crystalline mass was left which was extracted with acetic ether. This on evaporation yielded an extremely small quantity of a non-crystallisable product [at most 10 milligr. from 2.5 gram of e-glucoside] which may possibly be FisHer’s dimethylacetal. Its concentration is, therefore at any rate exceedingly small in comparison with those of the two glucosides. 3. From the rotation of the solution, after equilibrium is attained, it may be found by calculation that 77 °/, of the glucoside is present in the a- and 23°/, in the 3-form. From the change in rotation with the time the velocity, with which the transformation takes place, may be calculated. It appears that the formula for a non-complete unimolecular reaction is appli- cable here; dx ee =) [a anda’ are the concentrations of the two glucosides at the moment the measurement begins, z is the quantity converted after the time f}. By integration this formula gives ae ag, ae t Lv x, is the total quantity converted from t=O to f=o. k+k’ remained satisfactorily constant during the reaction both when the «- and when the #-glucoside was used, and led in both eases to the same figure. With a 1.34 normal solution of HCl in methylaleohol £-+ k’ at 25° was found to be 0.0051 ; (the time expressed in hours); the transformation at that HCl-concentration therefore proceeds tolerably slowly; the equilibrium is practically attained after about 20 days. 4. The result of the velocity determinations is most simply expressed by supposing that the reciprocal transformation of the two isomers represents an intramolecular migration, in this way: «<>. The in- 1) I have to thank Mr. Atserpa van Exenstew for kindly supplying me with a certain quantity of these two substances. 2) This formula has been first applied by Kistiakowsky to esterification. ( 102 ) termediate occurrence of acetal is improbable; we should then have the reaction: a acetal > 2. The quantities measured being the velo- cities with which e or p disappears and 8 or @ appears. It would satisfy the formula for the reversible unimolecular transformations only if the acetal was converted with an immeasurably great velocity into 8 or a. An attempt was made to elucidate this question by means of a separate experiment. Supposing the mechanism of the transformation to be really: a-glucoside = acetal = @-glucoside we should then have two equilibrium reactions for which there would exist four velocity constants. k:, for e-gluc. acetal, 4’, for acetal = a-glue. ! boty “ER een oy aay ps pa As it had, however, been ascertained that in the condition of equili- brium, acetal is practically absent, the limit for the two equilibrium reactions is situated close to the two glucosides; from this follows a cae that the ratios Band must be very large. This is only possible if 1 Le) k, and k, are very small or in other words if the transformation, setting out from either of the glucosides, proceeds very slowly, or if &', and #', are very large, that is to say if the acetal is converted with extraordinary rapidity into the two glucosides. From the results of the velocity determinations already given, it follows that the first possibility does not exist; to test the second supposition, the non- crystallisable substance, which Fiscurr reservedly considered to be the possible dimethylacetal of glucose was prepared according to his directions. The syrup obtained by extraction with acetic ether was laevorotatory [it however still reduced Frntine’s solution slightly | ; it was dissolved in 2 7. methyl alcoholic hydrochloric acid (about 2,5 er. in 25 ¢.c.m.) and the change at the ordinary temperature was observed. This took place by no means rapidly. totation: t= 0 —1°.0 t#=19 hours + 17°.5 —p Ricci + 0°.7 26.5 4 19° =2 hours +5°.5 43 ” 22°.9 67 r 26°.0 Everything considered it must be assumed to be very improbable that the syrupy substance {perhaps the acetal] occurs as an intermediate product in the reaction 8- = a-glucoside. The traces of a syrup which oes Ss ( 103 ) were found are then due to a secondary reaction which does not interfere with the study of the main reaction. The conclusion should therefore rather be that the two glucosides are directly converted into each other. 5. The point in question would be solved with complete certainty if the reciprocal transformation of @ into B were observed in another solvent than methylalcohol. Except in water these elucosides are also slightly soluble in ethylalcohol. As aqueous hydrochloric acid causes a resolution into sugar and methylalcohol the behaviour of ethylalcoholic hydrochloric acid was investigated. In this solvent the transformation also proceeded according to the formula for reversible reactions, the same limit being reached as when methylalcohol was used as solvent '*). 6. The concentration of hydrochloric acid necessary to cause the mutual transformation of the two isomers to take place with mea- surable velocity, is tolerably large; much larger than is usually the case in catalytic reactions. The possibility is therefore not exclu- ded that HCl takes part in some unknown way in the reaction. This theory is supported by the strongly retarding influence of water on the mutual transformation. For a HCl-conecentration of L.O7 norm. & +4" is about 0.0040. In the presence of 1 mol. of H,O to 1 mol. of HCl. [about 2 vol. °/, water] in the solution £+4' was found to be reduced to 0.0012. If to 1 HCl, 5 H,O was added [about 10 vol. °/, of water], the transformation took place exceedingly slowly, & + &' = 0.0001; in this case a little glucose was also formed. Finally, the constants which have been calculated by means of the il az : ; formula —1——*—\ for different HCl-concentrations, point to a more v ie av rapid increase of £-+ %' with the HCl-concentration than that required by simple proportionality : ran ee Concentration HCl | k++ | 7 Hoe n. 1.34 (inCH,OH) | 0.005: | 0.0038 » 2.06 ( » ) 0.0091 0.0044 » 2.98 (in CoH,OH) | 0.0130 0.0057 »4A€ > oy |: 0.0384 0.0082 1) The product obtained was syrupy and crystallised very slowly. Apparently, a little ethylacetal or ethylglucoside must have been formed. ( 104 ) 7. With a view of ascertaining whether a transformation was also possible without HCl, the 3-glucoside was kept for a long time in a fused condition. After cooling the ap appeared to be quite unchanged. Zinechloride in methylaleoholic solution is also incapable of causing the transformation. 8. In conclusion it may be mentioned that the rotatory power of a solution of methylmannoside [of which glucoside only one form is known as yet] in a solution of hydrochloric acid in methylalcohol gradually decreases without formation of mannose. It seems natural to assume that this is caused by a partial change into a B-isomer which may, perhaps, also be isolated. These investigations are being continued. Org. Chem. Lab. University. Amsterdam, Jane 1908. Chemistry. “Vhe electrolytic conductivity of solutions of Sodium m mixtures of ethyl- or methylaleohol and water.’ By Mr. S. Tumstra Bz. (Communicated by Prof. C. A. Lopry pr Bruyn). In his study of the velocity of substitution of one nitro-group in o- and p-dinitrobenzene by an oxyalkyl*) Srecer arrives at the result that the reaction constants of o-dinitrobenzene and the two alcoholates Na OC,H, and Na OCH, are not changed by dilution or by addition of a sodium salt. On the other hand, in the formation of ethers, these constants are increased by dilution, as shown by Hrecut, Conrap and Brickner, and decreased by addition of a sodium salt as demon- strated by STEGER. Lopry DE Bruyn pointed out that it would be necessary to inves- tigate the conductivity of Na OC,H, in alcoholic solution. In a further investigation of the influence of water on the substi- tution of the NO,-group in o-dinitrobenzene by an oxyalkyl*) and on the formation of ethers *) it appeared; 1st. that the velocity coefficients of these reactions remained constant when water was added up to an amount of 50 per cent by weight; 2°¢. that the addition of water decreased the velocity of reaction of Na OC,H, but increased that of Na OCH, (at least at the commencement, afterwards the velocity 1) Dissertation, Amsterdam, 1898. Receuil 18, 13. (1899). *) Lopry pe Bruyn and Apu. Stecer, Receuil 18, 41. ’) Lopry pE Bruyn and Aupx. Srecer, Receuil 18, 311. — ( 105 ) diminishes again); 8'¢. that in mixtures of water and alcohol in which Na is ‘dissolved, the sodium alcoholates are still present. This last conclusion seems at first sight strange. But previous observations had been made which justified the belief that Na OC,H, is present in an aqueous-alcoholic solution of sodium. HENRIQUES ') for instance showed that in the saponification of fats with aqueous-aleo- holic soda the fats are not directly decomposed by the NaOH (the alcohol would then only play the part of a solvent) but that at first the ethyl esters of the fatty acids are formed. The well-known reaction of BauMANN—ScuHOTTEN leads to a similar conclusion. Some three years after the above mentioned memoirs appeared, Lunors *) studied the action of sodium alcoholate on chloro- (bromo- or iodo-) dinitrobenzene (1, 2, 4), and observed the influence of dilution with both absolute and dilute alcohol. It was then shown that the reaction constants are really affected by the concentration which was not the case in STEGER’s experiments; decrease of the concentration increases the constant, addition of a salt with a common ion, such-as Nabr, decreases the constant both in absolute and dilute ethylaleohol. Here again the water seemed to exert an in- fluence, for in the case of ethyl alcohol a fali in the reaction constants took place whilst with methyl alcohol first a rise and then a fall was noticed. Why all this occurred could not be explained. From the above facts it was evident (and it was repeatedly pointed out in the papers in question) that it was necessary to study the conductivity of sodiumethylate and -methylate in mixtures of water and alcohol. For this reason I decided to undertake this investigation. A short review of the results is given in the following tables and the graphical representations connected therewith. A fuller description of the experiments will be given elsewhere. As starting pomt I always used solutions which were about ‘7, normal, determined their resistance and from the diluted solutions prepared therefrom, I calculated the w’s for those dilutions and deter- mined by interpolation the w’s for the dilutions of 1 molecule in 1,-2, 4, 8,.,.. 512 Litres. The experiments were all done ata temperature of 18°. In the following tables, the figures are represented graphically in Fig. I, I, HI and IV, where the w’s are taken as ordinates and the logarithms of the dilutions as abscissae. by using the logarithms the seale of the drawing is reduced. The alcoholic percentages are 1) Z. f. angew. Ch., 1898, 338, 697. ) Dissertatie, Amsterdam, 1901. Recueil 20, 292. (1901). ( 106 ) by weight and have been determined by means of the specific gravity bottle. , [It is to be noticed that Fig. HI is not reproduced on the same scale as Fig. I; since the methyl alcohol curves wouid intersect and the. figure would therefore become confused, the scale of the abscissae has been taken four times larger]. Sodium in Ethyl Alcohol + Water. ‘of ieoner 99.44 96.54 88.85 86.50 78.83 70.40" 48-18 ~ oes by weight. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. Po — 5.32 6.866 7.737 ¢11459 - MGSe > iordo 70.05 pak 7.602 8.916 44.43 ° 42.44 » 47220 293 289 2) Ato aoe Boma AO aO th 99 ret. 7 16.87 22.44" 29.70 49272." Semas [So 1 PO am 2) aaeaiae W a 20.77 26.38 3454 5446 94:62 Be, =, 15.79 47.95. 22.04 24.29 30.10 = 38.67 58.07 99.80 Petes Sede, £21 24 25 .27 27.66. 33.48. 4QA9 “161,34 Alaa Pye 22.148 24.53 28.59 30.86 36.60 4.22 63.68 10792 P93 20-4 Zig VW SteDSs 3.10 8923 27368) 64°89 0S 956 28.54 DOpS2.) ated 36.54 44.52 49.67 65.40 141.2 P—sjg 31.30 33.62 37.04 38.97 43.00 50.81 64.54 442.0 Sodium in Methylalcohol + Water. Percentage 400 93.09 87.72 81.40 74.70 69.99 HORo7 of alcohol. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. pCt. yy 21.49 22.77 23.89 25.72 27.85 30.24 33.48 Ay 9 31.18 32.66 33.59 35.02 36 92 38.80 42,75 er 40.38 40.97 AA 21 4A 97 43.43 45.26 49.01 Pg 48.13 47.90 47.03 47,24 48 36 49.93 53.60 P16 54.78 53.63 52.07 51. Ad bao! 54 O4 57.30 ae 60.77 58.65 5645 55,08 © 55.73 | 57.307 .s ame #84 65.97 63.08 59.64 58.43 58.68 59.79 62.87 Bale 70.42 66.98 69.62 60.98 61.00 62.07 64.99 ees 74.50 70.09 64.73 62.12 62.60 63.57 66.40 Py 519 77.92 72.44 66.49 62.99 63.72 64.55 67.01 From these figures we obtain the important result that methyl- alcohol differs from ethylalcohol in its behaviour. This is seen at once from the graphical representation in Fig. [IV (showing the changes of the ws, namely of the f.—1, we ete. with the amount of water). At the gas concentration (v = 22) a minimum occurs . Laie ( 107 ) with methylaleohol. This minimum is not present in the higher concentrations but at the larger dilutions it becomes more and more evident. This minimum is found precisely in the neighbourhood of those dilutions (v= 22 and higher) at which Losry pr Breyn and Steger and Lunors have worked in the experiments referred to above and the amount of water in the alcohol is also the same as that for which these investigators have found the maximum of reaction velocity, namely in 60 to 80 per cent alcohol. There is therefore parallelism between the two phenomena; for methyl] alcohol + water + sodium a maximum of the reaction velocity corresponds with a minimum of conductivity. The experiments are being continued up to pure H,O and also extended to mixtures of ethyl- and methylalcohol. Amsterdam, June 1903. Org. Chem. Lab. University. Physiology. — The string galvanometer and the human electro- cardiogram. By Professor W. Einrnoven. (Physiological labo- ratory at Leyden.) In the Bosscha-celebration volume of the “Archives Néerlandaises”’ *) the principle of a new galvanometer was mentioned and the theory of the instrument dealt with. The practical usefulness of the instrument especially for electrophysiological measurements may be judged from what follows. It may be remembered that the instrument consists principally of a silvered quartz thread which is stretched like a string in a strong magnetic field. When an electric current is passed through the thread, this latter deflects perpendicularly to the direction of the magnetic lines of force and the amount of the deflection can directly be meas- ured by means of a microscope with an eye-piece micrometer. What is the sensitiveness that can be obtained in this manner? Since the above-mentioned publication a number of material impro- vements have been made in the instrument by which it is possible, for instance, to give a very feeble tension to the string, now a quartz thread 2.4 uw thick, with a resistance of 10000 Ohms. If the tension is so regulated that a deflection takes place in from 10 to 15 seconds depending on its amount, every millimetre of the displacement of the image of the string corresponds to a current of 1O—'! Amp. when a 660-fold magnification is used. As under these circumstances a 1) W. Erntuoven. Un nouveau galvanométre. Archives Néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Sér. Il. Tome VI. p. 625. 1901. ( 108 ) displacement of 0,1 mm. is still noticeable, as will appear from the discussion of the plates, currents of 10—'!? Amp. can consequently be detected. As far as is known to the writer, no other galvanometer is capable of demonstrating with certainty such feeble currents. In practical work the string galvanometer must consequently be placed on a line with the most sensitive galvanometers of other construction and must be distinguished from so-called oscillographs which only react on much stronger currents. The force which deflects the string in a field of 20000 C.G.5. with a current of 10~—!? Amp. is very small and works out for a length of 12.5em. at 2.510—'! grammes i.e. four times less than one ten millionth part of a milligramme. By giving the string a greater tension its movements become quicker but its deflections for equal currents less. It is easy to give the string exactly such a tension that a current of given intensity causes a predetermined deflection, as may appear from the photograms of the two accompanying plates. These pbotograms were obtained in the same way as the formerly described capillary-electrometric curves *). The 660-fold enlarged image of the middle part of the string is projected on a_ slit, perpendicular to the image. Before the slit a cylindrical lens is placed, the axis of which is parallel to it; behind it a sensitive plate is moved in the direction of the image of the string. While the movements of the string are thus registered, at the same time a system of coordinates is projected on the sensitive plate by the excellent method of Garren *). Of these coordinates the hori- zontal lines are obtained by mounting a glass millimetre-scale close before the sensitive plate so that the sharp shadows of the scale- divisions fall on the plate, while the vertical lines owe their origin to a uniformly rotating spoked disc which intermittently intercepts the light falling on the slit. The distance of the vertical as well as of the horizontal lines has in our photograms been taken about one millimetre, every fifth line being somewhat thicker. This latter pecu- liarity can easily be introduced into the coordinate system by drawing every fifth line in the glass millimetre-scale before the sensitive plate slightly thicker and by also making every fifth spoke of the rotating dise somewhat broader. 1) See various essays in ‘Pruiticer’s Arch. f. d. gesammte Physiol.” and in “Onderzoekingen physiol. laborat. Leyden.” 2nd series. *) Dr. Stearriep Garten. Ueber rhythmische elektrische Vorgiinge im querge- streiften Skeletmuskel. Abhandl. der Kénigl. Sachs. Gesellsch. der Wissensch. zu Leipzig. Mathem. phys. Classe, Bd. 26, No, 5. S. 331. 1901. _—" ( 109 ) The first photogram, fig. 1 plate I represents the deflections of the string when currents of 1,2 and 3><10 -? Amp. are successively passed through the galvanometer. In the coordinate system a length of 1 mm. of the abscissae has a value of 0.1 second, an ordinate of 1 mm. representing 10-'© Amp. Although the image of the string has considerable breadth and has no perfectly sharp outlines — as must be expected with a magnification of 660 times — yet its displacement in the coordinate system can easily be determined with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. For if one of the margins of the image before and after the deflection is observed, observation with the unaided eye or with a magnifying-glass will show that the deflection differs from the tabulated amount by less than 0.1 mm. Hence the currents are measured in the photogram with an accuracy of 10—!! Amp. One notices that the deflections are accurately proportional to the intensity of the eurrent, that they are dead-beat and that they are accomplished in 1 to 2 seconds according to their magnitude. The strong damping must be ascribed to the resistance of the air, for during the registering of the curves a resistance of one Megohm was put into the galvanometer circuit by which the ordinary electromag- netic damping was almost entirely suppressed. If the tension of the string is made ten times less, the galvano- ‘meter becomes ten times more sensitive and, as stated above, currents of 10—'? Amp. may still be observed. But with this greater sensi- tiveness the deflections are no longer proportional to the current and the movements of the string are difficult to record, as the quartz thread no longer moves exactly in a plane. Yet the instrument can still be used then for direct observation with the microscope. Figure 2 plate I shows that the deflections to the right and to the left — in the tigure corresponding to upward and downward deflections, are equal. The velocity of the sensitive plate has remained the same so that again an abscissa of one millimetre corresponds to a time of 0.1 second. But the tension of the string is 200 times stronger so that one millimetre of the ordinates repre- sents 210-8 Amp. A current of 4<10—7 Amp. is alternately sent in opposite directions through the galvanometer and hence causes deviations of 20 mm. to the right and also to the left. It is easy to ascertain that these deviations are equal to each other up to 0.1 millimetre. The movement of the string is very quick so that during the deflection the string can only cast a feeble shadow on the sensitive plate. The ascending and descending nearly vertical lines which in the original negative are still visible as very thin streaks have become invisible in the reproduced photogram. ( 110 ) In fig. 3. plate I a movement of the string is represented when a current of 3><10-8 Amp. is suddenly made and broken. The sensitive plate has been moved along with a tenfold velocity and the string has ten times more tension than in fig. 1, consequently one mm. abse. = 0.01 second and one mm. ord. = 10-9 Amp. The gal- vanometer circuit contains again one Megohm so that the same causes of damping exist as in fig. 1. The movement is still dead-beat, but on account of the 10 times greater force on the string it is 10 times quicker, as can easily be ascertained by comparing the great descending curve of fig. 1 with one of the curves of fig. 3 or better still by superposing diapositives of the curves of both figures. They will then be seen to cover each other exactly and since in one figure the velocity of the moving plate is ten times greater than in the other, the deflection of the string must in one case take place ten times more quickly than in the other. At the same time the resistance of the air is proved in our case to increase proportionally to the velocity of the string itself. In recording the curves of fig. 4 and 5 of plate I the velocity of the moving plate has been increased to 250 mm. per sec. so that 1 mm. of the abscissae is 0.004 sec. The plate at first moves slowly and reaches the mentioned velocity only when it has travelled through a distance of 4 or 5 centimetres, whereas the spokes of the rotating dise always cast their shadows on the plate accurately every 0.004 second. Hence the coordinate system is in the first sixth part of the photogram compressed in the direction of the abscissae. In fig. 4 one mm. ord. = 210-SAmp., while in fig.5 one mm. ord. = 310-8 Amp. These two figures together show us the limit- value of the sensitiveness for which the movement of the string is still dead-beat. In fig. 4 a current of 4<10—7 Amp., in fig. 5 a current of 610-7 Amp. has been transmitted through the galvanometer and interrupted. One sees that the deflection in fig. 4 is still dead-beat and is completed in about 0.009 sec., whereas in fig. 5 the motion begins to become oscillatory and for a single oscillation takes 0.006 sec. The sensitiveness with which the motion of the string is on the border between aperiodic and oscillatory motion is consequently such that a deflection of one millimetre corresponds to a current between 2 and 3 10-5 Amp. In the tracing of fig. 4 and 5 only an insignificant resistance is put into the galvanometer circuit so that here besides the viscosity of the air also the ordinary electromagnetic damping checks the motion. Now some particulars may be mentioned referring to the 5 photo- grams of plate 1 in common. em BE os In order to obtain the image of the string equally sharp in all parts of the visual field, the string must move in a plane perpen- dicular to the optical axis of the projecting microscope. A displace- ment of the string of 0.5m in the direction of the optical axis suffices to cause a noticeable indistinctness of the image with the magnifica- tion used. The photograms show that such a displacement does not take place. The great constancy of the zero point and the equality of the deflections deserve notice and also — which is especially important for practical work with the instrument in electro-physiological measurements — the possibility of accurately fixing beforehand the sensitiveness of the instrument. The unaided eye can already observe in nearly all the figures of plate I that this can be done successfully with an error of less than 0.1 mm. for deflections of 30 or 40 mm., i.e. with an error of less than 2.5 or 3 per thousand. Only fig. 5 shows a real deficiency of about 0.1 mm. which some greater care might have avoided. It is hardly necessary to point out that the galvanometer is not affected by variations in the surrounding magnetic field. Moreover it is not to any extent affected by tremors of the floor. It stands on the same stone pillar on which a large tin dise with spokes is rapidly rotated by an electromotor. This electromotor is only at a few centimetres’ distance from the galvanometer, while another motor, coupled with a heavy fly-wheel, for moving the sensitive plate, is clamped to the same pillar at a somewhat greater distance. Yet no trace of mechanical vibrations appears in the photograms. The first electro-physiological investigation made with the string galvanometer was one concerning the shape of the human electro- cardiogram discovered by Ave. D. Water’). Until now this could only be obtained by means of the capillary electrometer. But the curve traced by that instrument gives, when superficially observed, a quite erroneous idea of the changes of potential differences actually occurring during the registering. In order to know these they have to be calculated from the shape of the recorded curve and the pro- perties of the capillary used. This leads to the construction of a new eurve, the form of which is the correct expression of the actual variations of potential. 1) Avevstus D. Watter. On the electromotive changes, connected with the beat of the mammalian heart and of the human heart in particular. Philosoph. Trans- actions of the Royal Society of London, vol. 180 (1899), B, pp. 169—194. 8 Proceedings Royal Acad, Amsterdam. Vol. VI. An example may explain this *). The following fig. 1 represents the curve traced for the electro- cardiogram of Mr. vy. bp. W. when the current was derived from the right and left hands, whereas fig. 2 is the constructed curve. The differences are obvious. Especially the tops C’ and JP in the registered curve should be compared with the corresponding tops Rand T in the secondary curve which latter alone truly represents the ratio of the heights of the tops. We shall now try to compare the string galvanometer as a research instrument with the capillary electrometer and must first of all bear in mind that the deflections of the string galvanometer measure a current, that of the capillary electrometer an electromotive force. But it must be remarked that whenever variations in current or tension are measured, the mercury meniscus as well as the string moves. And during this movement the capillary must be charged or discharged by an electric current, whereas the string in the magnetic field develops an opposed electromotive force. Moreover, when there is a constant considerable resistance with negligeable self-induction, such as commonly occurs in electro-physiological investigations, the - l) See Priiicer’s Arch. Bd, 60. 1895 and *Onderzoekingen”. Physiol. Laborat. Leyden. 2nd series, vol. 2. (113) intensity of the current will at any moment be proportional to the active electromotive force, so that the fundamental difference between the electrometer and the galvanometer is no obstacle to a comparison of both instruments. The string galvanometer has several advantages over the capillary electrometer. First the deflection of the string galvanometer will in many cases and especially in the case of tracing a human cardiogram be greater and quicker than the deflection of the capillary electro- meter. Then the capillary electrometer is less accurate in the constancy of its indications, their proportionality to the potential differences and their equality in opposed directions. A highly magnified image of the mercury meniscus cannot be so sharply projected as that of a fine thread and one cannot regulate the sensitiveness of the capillary electrometer to a predetermined amount. The electrical insulation of the string galvanometer is much easier than of the capillary electrometer and a phenomenon like “creeping”’ does not occur with the galvanometer. In the capillary electrometer the movement of the meniscus is damped by the friction of the mereury and sulphuric acid when streaming through a narrow tube. Invisibly small traces of impu- rities may hinder or even entirely stop the movement of the mer- cury meniscus. Many a capillary had after a relatively short time to be replaced by a new one because there was a “hitch” in the movement of the meniscus. In the string galvanometer, on the other hand, we have air-damping as well as electromagnetic damping, both of which work with perfect regularity. The electromagnetic damping can moreover be varied at will by changing the intensity of the field and the resistance in the galvanometer circuit. Plate II] contains the electrocardiograms of some six persons, traced by means of the string galvanometer. In the coordinate system an absciss of one millimetre has a value of 0.04 see., while an ordinate of one mm. represents a P.D. of 10-4 Volts. By choosing these round numbers the curves satisfy generally the requirements of the inter- national committee for the unification of physiological methods. The movement of the quartz thread, as may be seen from the normal curves at the end of each photogram, was dead-beat and very quick, so that the traced electrocardiogram is a fair representation of the oscillations in the potential difference existing between the right and left hands of the experimental person. As a rule this may be admitted for the lower tops P, Q, S and 7 without any noticeable error. But for the high and sharp top # a correction should be applied especially in photograms 8 and 9, a correction by which Q¥* ( 114 ) the extremity of the top would be shifted a little to the left and upwards. The necessary correction is small however and its amount may be approximately estimated at less than 0.2 mm. for the shiftmg to the left and less than one mm. for the shifting upwards. Photogram 8 represents the electrocardiogram of the same person whose capillary-electrometric curve is shown in the text. When the registered curve of fig. 8 plate Il is compared with the formerly plotted curve of fig. 2 in the text, it is evident that. both curves have great similarity. The tops P, Q, R, S, and T are not only present in both curves, but have also the same relative height in both. In the plotted curve 1 millivolt of ordmate has been made equal to 0.1 sec. of absciss, while in the galvanometer curve 1 millivolt of ordinate corresponds to 0.4 sec. of absciss. Hence the galvano- meter curve is compressed in the direction of the abscissae, as a superficial inspection will reveal. besides the galvanometer curve, on account of the gradual transitions of ome top to another, gives the impression of being in its minor details a more faithful represent- ation of nature than the plotted curve. It is obvious that of this latter curve only a limited number of points could be accurately calculated, while for the rest the calculated points had to be joined by the curve that fitted them best. But these small differences are immaterial. It may give some satisfaction that the results formerly obtained hy means of the eapillary electrometer and more or less laborious caleulation and plotting have been fully confirmed in a different and simple manner by means of the new instrument. For this affords usa twofold proof, first of the validity of the theory and of the practical usefulness of the formerly followed methods and secondly of the accuracy of the new instrument itself. The six electrocardiograms of plate Il were selected among a ereater number and arranged after the dimensions of the downward top S (see the figure in the text). In 6 and 7 the curve remains, at the spot where S ought to be, above the zero-line of the diastole, in 8 and 9 S is only small, in 10 and 11 great. The numbers 6 and 11 mark in this respect the extremes which occur in our collection of electrocardiograms, whereas N°. 8, that of Mr. v.p. W. represents a sort of norm with which the other numbers may all be easily compared. The constancy of shape of the curve for a certain person is remarkable. This shape seems even to change so little in course of time, that with some practice one may recognize many an individual by his eleetrocardiogram. We conclude this essay with a remark on the (115 ) small irregular vibrations occurring in most electrocardiograms, where they sometimes reach a height of 0,1 to 0.5 mm. and more, but are sometimes entirely absent, as e.g. in N*®. 6 of Mr. Ap. These vibrations are not caused by tremors of the floor or other irregularities which should be ascribed to an insufficient technique as is easily shown by the vibrationless normal curves at the end of almost every series of electrocardiograms. Hence they must be caused by electromotive agents in the human body itself and the question arises whether they find their origin in the action of the heart or of other organs. We may expect that an investigation undertaken with this object will give a definite answer to this question. Physics. — Dr. J. E. Verscuarret. “Contributions to the knowledye of VAN DER WAALS’ w-surface. VII. The equation of state and the w-surface im the immediate neighbourhood of the critical state for binary mixtures with a small proportion of one of the components.” (part 4). Supplement N°. 6 (continued) to the Communications from the Physical Laboratory at Leyden by Prof. KAMERLINGH ONNEs. (Communicated in the meeting of May 30, 1903). g y ) 17. The a, B-diagram. In the previous communications the different phenomena in the neighbourhood of the eritieal point in substances with small propor- tions of one component have, according to our plan set forth at the beginning, entirely been expressed by means of the @ and # and the co-efficients that can be derived from the general empirical reduced equation of state. For shortness, and to avoid the constant repetition of the same factors (comp. §1) I have used till now, instead of the differential quotients of the general empirical reduced equation of state, the co-efficients 4, where the m’s (comp. form. 19) have been expressed by means of a@ and f, but henceforth, as the numerical values are more important I shall make use again of the differential quotients of the reduced equation of state itself, used in equation (1). It seemed important to me to completely determine by means of the numerical values of @ and 8 the different cases which, according to the formulae found by Krrsom (Comm. N°. 75) and by me (loc. cit.), may present themselves in the relative situation of the different critical points. To illustrate this I intend to divide an a, (?-diagram into fields in which there is a definite relative situation, by means ( 116 ) of lines, as Kortewsc has done in another diagram (the x, y-diagram)’). This investigation showed that the last of the eight cases distin- guished by KortewrG of which the inconsistency was demonstrated by him for one special case only, did not exist in general, at least for all the equations of state which satisfy the law of corresponding states. Not to make the investigation too elaborate I have compared the situation of the plaitpoint only with that of the critical state of the pure substance, that is to say I have considered the fields within which 77: > or < Tk, pri > or < pe and Uzpi > or 7), is separated from that where Tiel <. T;. by a line of which the equation is: (8: =p; a) to oe — 0: This line, a parabola, represented on the annexed plate *) by 1) Proc. Royal Acad., Jan. 31, 1903. The » and y are connected in a simple linear way with 2 and 6 (comp. the previous communication p. 666). 2) For we have (comp. form. (19): Pk 1 Pk m,, = p(B — },, a), m,, = ——)p,, a, m,, = — Bis [y., ¢+Y,, (a—A)],--- Ui; UE 1 py hp m are Bigs bet? Mg = 5A a Peay elé:s For the definition of Cy comp. Kamertinau Onnes (Arch. Néerl. (2), 5, 670, 1901; Comm. no. 66). 3) The figure is drawn by using the values of p,), p)) ete. which will be calculated in the next section. For clearness | have represented the «’s in a 5 times larger scale than the #’s. ( 147) bAODb’ corresponds to Kortewsa’s first boundary *). Outside the parabola T»1 > Ty, inside Tait < Pe. The plaitpointpressure. From form. (60) we derive that p,,) > or < peas Po, (2 — Py, a)? > or << C,Y,, B®. The equation of the boundary Por (3 — Po a)? Ti C, Pia B = 0, is that of a parabola represented in the figure by cOLc’. Outside the parabola py, > pe; inside < pr. The plaitpointvolume. The manner in which v,,; depends on a and may be derived from form. (61); it is expressed by KgxEsom’s formula (2c), which I borrow from him in my notations: (F—Po @)rne C*ParPao Hence the boundary is here: O=— P11 (BP ©)? + CaP 31 (BP @)? + 36,071 a(B- rae) +e, * PrP ao (4-8). This is a curve of the third degree, like Korrewse’s third boundary, with which it corresponds in this diagram. In order to investigate this curve I introduce, following the example of KorTEwrG, a parameter z, by putting Vapl == Vk - vpe(a-B)ax ae Ly, i(3-, 1a)’ a CY, i(3-¥, 1a) — 3C “P* n@]. Fas Bae a and I find that @ and 8, by means of that parameter are expressed thus: a= lott t Chane — CP Pol oo >) ae Po Pua 2° =e C, auPn Por <2 ee iz ra Cr Pua mee where a C* Pia Bao (Poi Fane 1) ee C, Po e- As a and @ are single valued functions of z, all lines which are parallel to the straight line P=vy,, @ (Oa of the figure) intersect the curve at one single point at a finite distance. If we put: CP s0(Por— 1) 2) ae the straight line 8 = p,, a + z,, being a dotted line in the figure (CD), ~ —— aa 1) To avoid mistakes I use here the word boundary, instead of the expression border curve used by Kortewee; for in our demonstrations the word border curve has a very special meaning, viz. that of a boundary between stable and unstable states. dy 2) As y is also equal to the direction-cosine (F) of the tangent to the re- adi Jk duced vapour tension curve at the critical point, and as it follows from the form dp i of that line that (3) > 1, % must necessarily be positive. Pal = ( 118 ) is an asymptote of the cubic curve. It has two branches, of which the one (dGEu') situated above the asymptote, is given by values of z, which are larger than 2,, the other (d'’OHFd"), below the asymptote for z< Z,. a becomes equal to zero not only for z=0O, but also for two other real values of z, of which the one is positive, the other negative; I shall call the positive root z,, the negative one z,. In the same manner 8 vanishes for z= 0 and also for two other real values of z, of which again one (z,) is positive, the other (¢,) negative. We can prove that always z,>z,; for z, and z,, three cases are possible: both. are larger than z,, and then z, >z,, or both are equal to z,, or both are smaller than z, and then z,< z,. With the values of the derivatives, to be introduced presently, the order of the roots is: ‘ 2, Deg Se ee and hence follows the form of the cubic curve as it is drawn in the figure '). One can easily see that v,,; >v,~ above the branch z >z,, and within the branch z>vz,. According to form. (41) and (26) UT > UTr When m,, and m,, + RT,m,, have the same sign ; m',, + RT; m,, is positive outside the parabola bAOb' and negative inside, while im,, is positive above the straight line Oa and negative below it. Hence we have v7, > v7, and retrograde condensation of the second kind: 1st. inside the parabola )AO#' and below the straight line Oa, 24. outside the parabola and above the straight line; at all other points v7,,< vz,and the retrograde condensation is of the first kind. Here follow the physical characteristics of the fields into which the figure is divided by the boundaries under consideration : Field 1: Trpl = Ty, 9 Papl > Pk > Vxpl = Uk 9 UTpl = UTr ce. Hie 2: Pet > Tr » Papl SPE a Gat Ua eee II 3: Top) > Tk + Papi > Pk Orpl So UE se CRpl < 7, toe I As Top > Te, Papl > PR's Mal > Me eT — OTe, ee 5S. Lap > Te Punt

Tr, tT Il he T'zpl Pxpl << Pk » Vapl im Ve y UTpl ae UTr 5 Y. C. I Ss Pryl < hk: y Paral < Pk » Vzpl