PROCEEDINGS OF TlIF, TWESTY-EICIHTH AlUAl MEETISfi OF THE CTJ^lSrXJ^IE^Y 14, 1880. AVITH THE CHARTER, LISTS OF THE MEMBERS, AND AN ADDRESS TO THE MEMBERS. WASHINGTON, D. C: R. O. POLKINHORN, PRINTER. 1880. PROCEEDINGS TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING- UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SUCIETY. The United States Agricultural Society held its Tvventj^-eightli Annual Meeting at the office of its Secretary, 1319 F street, Washington, D. C, on the 14th of January, 1880. Ben: Perley Poore, Secretary of the Society, called the meeting to order at 9 o'clock, a. m., and in the absence of the President, in- vited Vice President Randolph, of Texas, the senior Vice President present, to take the chair. The minutes of the Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Lane, of Indiana, seconded Dy Mr. Hopkins, of West Virginia, the Society^ proceeded to the anmial election of its officers, and the Chair appointed Messrs. Lane, Hopkins, and French of New Hampshire, a committee to receive, sort and count the votes. Mr. Poore, of Massachusetts, stated that the Hon. Fred. Smyth, who had adhered to the Society in its adversity and its prosperity, declined a re-election as President. The committee appointed to receive, sort and count the votes for ofl&cers of the Societ}^ for 1880-81, reported that the following list had been elected : PRESIDENT, JOHN^MERRYMAN, of Maryland. VICE-PRESIDENTS : Alabama T. B. Tichner. California John Bidwell. Colorado Roger W. Woodbury. Connecticut E.'H. Hyde. Dacota John Pattee. Delaware Henry M. Ridgeley. District of Columbia W. W. CORCORAN. Florida George F. Drew. Georgia T. W. Avery. Illinois J. D. Gillett. Indiana Claude Matthews. Iowa John Scott. Kansas T. C. Henry. Kentucky C. M. Clay. Lonisiana J. Floyd King. Maine J. R. Bardwell. Maryland Ezra Wi^tman. Massachusetts Wm. Sutten. Michigan H. G. Wells. Minnesota C. W. Thompson. Mississippi James L. Alcorn. Missouri G. C. Swallow. Nebraska D. H. Wheeler. Nevada John P. Jones. New Hampshire Moses Humphrey. New Jersey George H. Cook. New Mexico W. F. M. Arny. North Carolina L. L. Polk. Ohio J. C. Stevens. Orego7i S. G. Reed. Pennsylvania -. . . .David Taggart. Rhode Island Elisha Dyer. Sotith Carolina D. Wyatt Aiken. Tennessee J. B. Killebrew. Texas AsHABEL Smith. Utah George Q. Cannon. Vermont J. Gregory Smith. Virginia Gilbert S. Weem. Washington Thomas H. Brknts. Wisconsin Chester Hazen. 3 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Fred. Smyth, of New Tlampsliire, Chairman, A. S. TowNSHENU, of Oliio ; Eobert Beverly, of Virginia; William S. King, of Minnesota ; N. M. Curtis, of New York ; A. L. Kennedy, of Pennsylvania ; A. M. B'ulford, of Maryland. Ex Officio Members. John Merryman; of Maryland ; Ben: Perley Poore, of Mass. secretary, BEN: PERLEY POORE, of Massackmetts, (Office; 1819 F Street, Washington.) TREASURER, WILLIAM M. FRENCH, of New Ilainpshire. (Office: 13iy F Street, Washington.) On motion of Mr. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, seconded by Mr. Powers, of Ohio, it was — Resolved, That the Presideut, Secretary, and Executive Committee talie such measures as they may deem expedient to revive tlie operations of the' United States Agricultural S(K;iety, which were interrupted by the civil war in 18G1, and especially to invite the co-operation of State, county, and local organizations for the advancement of agriculture. On motion of Mr. PooRE, of Massachusetts, seconded by Mr. HlL- DKETH, of Tennessee, it was — Residvcd. unanimously, That the congratulations of the United States Agri- cultural Society be tendered to its honored founder, Marshall P. Wilder, of Massa- chusetts, with the expression of the gratification of those of its members assembled at its twentj^-eighth annual meeting, that his valuable life has been spared, while so many of the older members have been removed from the field of their labors by the grim reaper. Death. After some informal conversation as to the best way for resusci- tating the active operations of the Society, On m.otion of Mr. Hayes, of California, the meeting was ad- . j'ourned sine die. THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Granted by Act of Congress in 1860. Be it. enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie United States of America in Congress assembled, That William W. Corcoran, Benjamin B. French, Benjamin Ogle Tayloe, Ben. Perley Poore, and John A. Smith, their associates and successors, be, and thej' lierebj^ are, made, declared, and constituted a cor- poration and body politic within and for the District of Columbia, in law and in fact, to have continuance forever, by the name and style of "The United States Agricultural Society ; " and by such corporate name, style, and title shall be here- after forever able and capable, in law and equity, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in any court or courts, or other places, and before any judge or judges, justice or justices, or other persons whatsoever, within the District of Columbia, in all and every manner of suits, actions, complaints, pleas, causes, matters, and demands of whatever kind or nature they may be, in as full and effectual a manner as any other person or persons, bodies politic or coi'porate, may or can do. Sec. 3. A)id be it further enacted, Tliat all and singular the goods, chattels, and other effects of wliat kind or nature soever, heretofore given, granted, or de- vised to the said society, or to any person or persons for the use tliereof, or that may have been purchased for or on account of the same, lie, and the said goods, chattels, and other eftects are hereby vested in and confirmed to said corporation j and the said corporation may take and receive any sum or sums of money, or any goods, chattels, or other effects of what kind and nature soever, which shall or may hereafter be given, granted, or bequeathed unto them by any person or per- sons, bodies corporate or politic, capable of making such gift, grant, or bequest; Provided, That the goods, chattels, and other effects vested in and confirmed to said corporation, and the moneys, goods, chattels, and other eftects which by this act the said corporation is authorized hereafter to receive, shall not in the whole exceed the value of one hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the annual meeting of the United States Agricultural Society' shall be held in the city of Washington, on the second Wednesday of January in each and every year, at which meeting there shall be elected, in such manner as the constitution or by-laws of the society may provide, a president; such a number of vice-presidents as may be fixed upon by the con- stitution or by-laws; an executive committee, to consist of seven members, in ad- dition to wliom the president and secretary shall be cv officio members, and of which the president sliall be chairman; a treasurer and secretary — all of whom shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors are elected. The dutjf of the president shall be to pr'^side over the deliberations of the society, and to have a general supervisi(m of its aftairs. The duty of the treasurer shall be to receive and keej) safely all the moneys of the society, and to disburse the same under the direction and supervision of the executive committee; he shall give bonds for the faithful perfornumce of his duties, in such penalty as may be fixed, and such surety as may be approved by the i)resident. The duty of the secretary shall be to keep all records of the doings of the society; to conduct the corre- spondence especially appertaining to his office; to keep the seal and make certifi- cates under the same; to issue medals, certificates, and diplomas; and to super- intend all i)ublications emanating from the society. All these officers, and tlie executive committee, shall perform such duties and additional duties as may be prescribed hy the constitution or by-laws of the society, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. And if said election shall not be made at the time pre- scribed herein, it may be held at some subsequent time within the year. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That tlie said society shall have full power and authority to make, have, and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter, and renew at pleasure; to make, ordain, establish, and execute such consti- tution and by-laws as they may think proper, and the same to alter, amend, or abrogate at pleasure: to fix the salaries or pay of their officers, and to fix the sum that shall ])e paid for life or annual membership. Sec. 5. And he it further enacted, That any i)erson may become a life or an- nual member of said society by paying into the hands of tlie treasurer such sum as may be prescribed in the constitution or by-laws as the fee for life or annual membership. Honorary members may be elected at the will of the society. It shall require the presence of at least fifteen members of the society to constitute a quorum for the ti'ansaction of business, but a less number maj^ adjourn from time to time. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the secretary of said corporation shall keep his business office in the city of Washington, and he sliall make up a com- plete record of all the doings of the society annually. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the constitution, bydaws, and regula- tions of said society as. they stand at the time of the passage of this act, shall be and remain in fin-ce until altered or al)rogated at a regular annual meeting of the corporation; and the officers who were elected at the annual meeting of the soci- ety in January preceding the passage of this act, shall remain in their several offices, and exercise their several duties, until the annual meeting in the January succeeding the passage of this act, and until their successors are elected. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That Congress may at any time alter, amend, or annul this act. Approved, April 19, 1860, nONOEARY MEMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. [Those marked with an asterisk are deceased.] *Samuel An^LETOiN Boston, Massachusetts. William W. Cokcoran Washington, of CoL *MiLLARD Fillmore Buffalo, New York. *Abraham Lincoln Springfield, Illinois. *Thomas H. Perkins Boston, Massachusetts. ^Jonathan Phillips. Boston, Massachusetts. *Franklin Pierce Concord, New Hampshire. JosiAH QuiNCY Boston, Massachusetts. *Edmund Ruppin Malbourne, Virginia. *RoBERT G. Shaw Boston, Massachusetts. Marshall P. AVilder Boston, Massachusetts. LIFE MEMBEES OF THE UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY [Some of the following list are dead, and in the next edition their names, so ftir as ascertained, will be marked with an asterisk.] Abbe, R. M.. Tlioinpsonville, Conn. Adams, Daniel, Nt;wburyport, Mass. Adams, Jonathan S., Bordenstown, N. J. Adams, William, Boston, Mass. Affleck, Thomas, Brenhaui, Texas. Alston, Benjamin, G-eorgetown, S. C. Armory, Thomas. Boston, Mass. Amy, W. F. M., Hyatt, K.ansas. Aycrigg', Thomas G., Passaic, N. J. Bailey, Dndley H., Boston, Mass. Bailey, Eben Carter, West Newbury, MasSv Bailey, Lewis, Fairfax Co., Va. Baker. Abijah R., West Needham, Mass-. Baker, S. C., Blair Co., Penn. Balch, Wesley P., Jr., Boston, Mass. Baldwin, Harvey, Syracuse, N. Y. Ballance. Charles, Peoria, 111. Ballon, Maturin M., Bo.-^ton, MasSi Bancroft, .Tames. Charleston. S. C Barrett, J. W., St. Louis, Mo. Barrows, Henry D., Los Angelos, Cal. Becker, Barney S.. Syracuse, N. Y. Beekman, J. S., Kinderhook, N. Y. Benson. Samuel P.. Winthrop, Maine. Berekman, Emile C. Plainfield, N. J. Berckman, Louis E.. Plainfield, N. J. Bovckman, Prosper .T., Plainfield, N. J. Billinsi's. Hammet, Boston, Mass. Billini>-s, H. M.. Hisi-hland. Wis. Billing-s. .Toscph H., West Roxbury, Mass. Blake, Geora-e B.. Boston, Mass. Blake, .Tohn'R., Boston, Mass. Bolmas. A. J.. Westchester, Penn. Bowie. W. W. W., Governor's Bridge, Md. Bradford, A. C, Stockton, Cal. Bradford, S. S., Culpepper C, H., Va. Brand, A. H., Lexington. Ky. Brewer. Francis, Sprin;i;fie!'i, Mass. Bridiz'es, B. R.. Edsiecomb, N. C. Brooks. DeLorma. Beloit, Wis, Brooks, John, Princeton. Mass. Brown, I). .Jay, Vv^ashington, D. C. Brown, James N., Springfield, 111. Brown, Lewis B., New York City. Brown, Simon, Concord, Mass. Brown, William Young. Omaha City, Neb; Buckelen. .Tames, Jamesburg, N. J. Buckey, ,Tacob M., Fi'cderick, Md. Buckley. J. L., .Tr., Boston, Mass. Bull, E, W., Concord, Mass. Bunckle, W. D., Philadelphia, Penn. Burgess, Edward P., Dedham, Mass. Burgin, Geo. S., Philadelphia, Penn. Burgroyu, H. R.. Oarysbiirg, N. C. Burnett, .T. B.. Syracuse. N. Y. Butman, George F., Boston, Mass. Byington, A. Homer, Norwalk, Conn. Bvington, Le Grand, Iowa City. Iowa. Calvert, Charles B. Washington, I). C. (^mnon. John M., Baven]iort, Iowa, .. College Hill, Ohio. Case, Eliphalct. Patriot. Ind. Cantluir, Bcnj. F.. Louisville, Ky. ChafTee. t/alvin, Springfield, Mass. Chamberlain, Daniel, Boston, Mass. Champion, Thomas Washington, D. C, Chapman, Alfred, Staunton, Va. Chase, Albion, Athens, Ga. Clapp, Henry W., Gi-reenfield, Mass. Clement, Aaron, Philadelphia, Penn. Coleman, Thomas M.. Philadelphia, Penn. Colvin, B., F., Syracuse. N. Y. Comins, Linus B., Boston, Mass. Conger, A. B., Rockland Co., N, Y. Conklin, E, K., Philadelphia, Penn. Connolly, Thomas C, Washington, D, C. Converse, James C, Boston, Mass. Cook, A. P., Brookline, Mich. Cook, G-eorge Lewis, Warren, R, I. Cook, John L., Syracuse, N. Y. Cooke, Joseph L., Providence, R. I. Cooper, S., Boston, Mass. Copeland, R. Morris. Boston, Mass. Cojjenhagen, Arnold W., Dorchester, Mass, Corcoran, W. W.. Washington, D. C. Cornell, E., Ithica, N. Y. Cornell, Isaac R.. Weston, N. J. Cowing, Henry, Corpus Christi. Texas. Co.xe. Richard S., Washington, D. C, Crippen, J. B., Cold Water. Mich. Crockett, Selden, Boston, Mass. Cunningham, C. Loring. Boston, Mass. Curtis, Thomas B., Boston. Mass. Curtlss, D. S., Madison, Wis. Cushmau, Henry W,, Bernardstown, MasSi Custis, Geo. W.P., Arlinii,-ton, Va. Dana, J. B., Syracuse, N. Y. Darlington, J. L.. West Chester, Penn. David, Isaac, Worcester, Mass. Davis, James, Boston, Mass. Davy, James. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Delano. Charles, Northamijton, Mass; DeMott, M., New York City. Denny, Reviben S., Leicester, Mass. Dick, Robert, Q-anestown, Md. Dodge, Allen, Georgetown, I). C. Dodge. B., Warsaw" Ind. Dodge, Harvev, Sutton, Mass. Dodge, J. H., Boston, Mass. Doughty, William. Berrien Si)i-ings, Mich. Durfee. 'Nathan, Fall River. Mass. Dyer, Elisha, Providence, R. I. Dver, Henry A., Brooklvn. Conn. Eastman, Arthur M.. Manchester, N. H. Ediierton, E. W.. Milwaukie Wis. Ellis, James M., Svracuse, N. Y. Ellison, Thomas.. Newburgh, N. Y. Emerson, Ralph, Jr., Rocklbrd, 111. rivuns. David. Faile, Edward Q., W. Farms, Woodside, Nv Y. Fletcher. Gardner. Chelmslbrd, Mass. Flint. Charles L., Boston. Mass. Foot, Solomon, Rutland, \t. Forbes, R. B., Boston, lAIass. Fowler, W. C, Amherst, IMass. Francis, John Brown, Provid^ncCj R. I. Frazee, .T. H.. New Brunswick, IN. J. Frisbee, Russell. Maryland, D. C. / French. B. B., Washint-ton, D. C Freneh; Benjamin V., Hraiutvee, Maw. French, Hciiry T., Exeter. N. H. French, Jonathan, Roxbiiry, Mass French William i\I., Washinirton, U. «... Fuller. 'a. a., Sioux City, Uakotah. aat>-e Adison, West Cambridge, Mass. Gauo, Alva, Charleston. S. C Garber, Jacob B., Columbia, Penn. G-arcelon, A., Boston. Blass. Garrison. Ira, Syracuse, N. Y. Gay, Mr., Svra.ense, N. Y. Gibson, John, Kinsessing-, Penn. Giessenliainer, T. W., New York, N. Y. Gill William, Columbus, Ohio, (filuian, Hon. Charles J., Brunswick, Maine. Gilnioiv, Robert A., Chicago, 111. Glover, Townsend, Washington, D. O. Gould. J. Stanton, Hudson, N. Y. Gould, James, Lexington, Mass. Greeley. Horace, New York, N. Y. Greenway. George, Syracuse, N. Y. Greenway, John, Syracuse, N. Y.. Grondvke. A. T., Washington, Ind. Hale, Joseph, Boston, Mass. Hallis. John W., Brighton, Mass Hammond, Hon. J. H., Beach Island, S. C. Hanchett, W. T., Natick, Mass. Hardcastle. E. L,. F., Easton. Md. Harris. W. A., Boston Mass. Harris, W. H., Nashville, Tenn. Harrison, Charles W., Andalusia, Penn. Harrison, N . H . JMacon. Miss . Harword, Peter, Barre, Mass. Hartshorne, George, Rah way, N.J. Haskins, J. P., Syracuse, N. Y'. Hastings, G. D , Tolland, Conn. Hatch, A. P., Newbern, Ala. Haven, Franklin. Boston, Mass. Han F. M., Q,ueen Anns, Md. Healy, Waldo, Dudley, Mass. Herling, W. H., Sylvania, Ohio. Hening, B. S., Oshkosh, Wis. Hickok, W. O. Higgings, James, Baltimore, Md. Hobbs, Ebenezer, Waltham, Mass. Hobbs, Edward I)., Louisville, Ky. Hodges, George T.. Rutland. Vt. Hodges, Samuel W., Stoughton, Mass. Hollowav, Hon . D . P . , Richmond, Ind . Holmes,"Ezekial, Winthrop. Maine. Holmes. J. N., Hastings Centre, N. Y. Holmes, K. G., Westboro', Mass. Hopkins. Joseph, Wheeling, W. Va. Hosmer, George. Sjracuse N. Y. Hough. Arnos, Syracuse, N . Y . Hoyh, J. W., Madison, Wis. Hubbard. William B., Columbus, Ohio. Hughes, George W.. AVest River, Md. Hunnewell, H. H., Boston, Mass. Hunt, Freeman, New York, N. Y. Hunt, Wm. M.. Syracuse, N. Y. Huntington, Ben]amin N.,-Rome, N. Y. Hughlett. Thomas, Trappe, Md. Ingersoll, Harrv. Philadelphia, Penn. Jaques, Samuel. Somerville, Mass. Jav, John, New' York, N. Y. Jenks, William, Alexandria Co., Va. Johnson, B. P., Albany, N. Y^. Jones, John, Middletown, Delaware. .Tones, John T.. Ottawa Creek, Kansas. Keith, C. T.. Providence, R. I. Kelly, J. R., Davton. Ohio. Kellv, William, Rhineback, N. Y. Kenip. Lewis G., Frederick. Md. Kennedy, Alfred L., Philadelphia, Penn. Kenniciit, John A., West Northfield, 111. Kimmel. Anthony, New London, Bid. King, .John A., Jamaica, N. Y. King, William. Philadelphia, Penn. Kuhn, Hartman, Jr., Philadelphia, Penn. Kupp, Henry S., Reading, Pa. Lane. G. W.. Indianapolis, Indiana. Lawrence, Wm. B., Newport, R. I. Lawrence. Samuel. Boston, Mass. lyawton, William, New Rochelle, N. \ . Leavilt. David, Great Barrington, Mass. Leavilt. David. Jr., Great Barrington Mass. Leavilt, Stieldon. Great Barrington, Mass. Lee, .iVrtemas, Teiupleton, Mass. Lee, David, Barre, Mass. Lewis, A. S., Frainingham, Mass. Lewis, Joseph C, Washington, I). C. Lewis, W. G., Farminghani, Mass. Lincoln, Levi, Worcester Mass Livingston, Anson, New York. N. Y. Lloyd, Edward, .Ir., Easton, Md. Lyon, Henry, Charlestown, Mass. Mackall, Louis, Georgetown, D. C. Mallorv, Robert, Louisvile, Ivy. Mamice, DeForest, Brushville, N. Y. Mann, T. J., St. Paul, Minn. Manning, James, Syracuse, N. Y. Manny, Pells, Freeport, 111. Martin, George, Philadelphia, Penn. McCarthy, D., Syracuse, N. Y. McDougall, , Syracuse, N. Y. McGowan. George J., Philadelphia Penn McGowau, John, Phila. Co., Bridesbur;i-. Penn. McHenry, J. Howard, Pikesville. Maryland. McHenry, Ranisev, Baltimore, Md Mcllvain, Husii, Piiiladelphia, Pean. McKelden, J. C. Washington D. C Merrick, George, Northumberland, Penn. Merryman. John, Cockeysville, Md. Miles, James, Girard, Penn. Miles, J. Y., Hazlewood, S. C. Milton, W. S.. Louisville, Ky. Mitchell, James L., Albany, N. Y. Moore, D. D. T., Syracuse. N. Y . Morrill, J. E., StrafTord, Vermont. Morrill, J. S.. Straflord, Vermont. Morris, Lewis G., Mt. Fordhara, N. Y. Moseley, David, Westlield, Mass. Motley, Thomas, Jr., West Roxbury, Mass. Mowry, Sylvester, Tucson, Arizona. Munrbe, Allen, Syracuse, N. Y. Myers, A. H., San Fi-ancisco, Cal. Nash, J. A.. New York. N. Y. Newell. Moses, West Newbury, Mass. Newhall, Josiah, Lynnfleld, Mass. Newhall, Moses, Springfield, Mass. Newborn, Anthonys., Philadelphia, Penn. Nichols, Charles, Syracuse, N. Y. _ Nightingale, P. M., Albany. Georgia. Nottingham, G., Syracuse, N. Y. Olmstead, Henry. East Hartford. Conn. Olcott, Henry S.. New York, N. Y. Patton. M. M.. Hendersonville, N. C. Peabody, George. London, England. Penfield, George H , New York. N. Y. Perham, Jonathan. Phillip, Jonathan, Boston, Mass. Pierce, Joshua, AVashington, D. C. Poore Ben : Perlev, Newberryport, Mass. Poore Walter S., San Francisco, California. Prince, Wm. R., Flushing, N.Y. Preston. William T., Frederick, Md. Q,uincy, Josiah, Boston, Mass. Randall, L., Syracuse, N. Y. Randolph, J. H., Galveston, Texas. Reese, John L., Baltimore, Md. Reynolds. John J., Wickford, R. I. Rhodes, B. M., Baltimore, Md. Rice. John. Philadelphia, Penn. Rice, Lewis, Boston, Mass. Ridgeley, Charles, Hampden, Md. Ridgelev, John, Hampden, Md. Robinson, E. W., Dorchester, Mass. Rockwell, John A., Norwich, Conn. Rodgers. Henry, Ferrisburg, Vermont. Rogers, Richard S.. Salem, Mass. Ross, Marcellus, Pittsfleld, 111. Sabin, Alva, Georgia, Vermont. Salesbury, Stephen. Worcester, Mass. Sanderson, David, Somerville, N. J . Sanford, O. S., Cordaiville, Mags. Sawyer, N. P., Pittsburg, Penn. Scott, R. W., Springfield. Ohio. Sedgewick, E. B.. Syracuse. N. \ . Sergennt, Nathan, Washington, D. C. Sherman. Duncan. Sich, John H., Alviso, California. Silsby, D. H., Boston, Mass. Simes, Joseph. Boston, Mass. Smith, A. L., S.vracuse. N. Y. Smith, G-eorge C., Boston, Mass. Smith, G. P., Nashville, Tenn. Smith, Samuel P.. Cumberland, Md. Smyth. Frederick. Manchester. N. H. Spe'nce, William A., Montross, Virginia. Spooner, William H., Boston, Mass. Stearns, Charles, Springtield, Mass. Stephens. Paren. Boston, Mass. Stevens, E. L.. Cleveland, Ohio. Stephens. Hon. Isaac J., Olympia. AV. T. Stewart. William D . Svrawise. N. Y. Stoekweil, S. N.. Boston, .^lass. Stone, F. W., Guelph, Caniida West. Stewart, William D., Syracuse, N. Y. Stihvoll, Miller C, Springfield, Mass. Sutton, William, Salem, Mass. Talbot, A. G., Danville, Ky. Tapiian, John, Boston, Mass. Tavloe, B. O., Washington, D. C. Tayloe. H. A., .Jr., Warsaw, Va. Taylor, A. J., Syracuse, N. Y. Taylor, Howell, Somerville, Tenn. Thaver, Adin, Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Thayer. J. S., New York, N. Y. Tliompson, James, Nantucket, Mass. Thompson, James W.. Wilmington, Del. Tilghman, Tench. Oxford, Md. Todd, AYilliam Bi. Washington, D. C. Traeev, Charles. Norwich. Conn. Treadwell. Alfred M. Twitchell. Generv, Boston. Mass. Tyler, Philos B., "Springfield, Mass. Underhill, R. T., Croton Pt. Vineyard. N. Y. Underwood, Warner L., Bowling Green, Ky. Vinson, Cornelius M., Jamaica Plains. Mass. Wagner, Henry, Rome, N. Y. Wainwright, I'eter. Boston, Mass. Walley, Samuel H., Roxburv, Mass. Walsh. John Carroll, Hartford Co., Md. Ware, Josiah W., Berry ville. Va. Waring, G-eo. E., .Jr.. New York, N. Y. Walton, Hon. E. P., Montpelier, Vt. Waters, Richard P., Salem, Mass. Watdes, John O.. Moneka. Kansas. Watson, Winslow I\I.. Wa.-hinirton. D. C. Watts, Arthur, Chillicdtlie, Ohio. Webster, .Toshua, Maiden, Mass. Welch, A. J.. Syracuse, N. Y. Weld, Arnold D., Ro.xbury. Mass. Wellinarton, Andrew, East I^cxington, Mass. Wheeler. William F., Grallon. Ma.«s. Wheelock, J. R., Mendon. Mass. White. Hamilton. Syracuse. N. Y. White. J. W.., Wisconsin. Wliiting, David V., Santa Fe New Mexico. Whiton, Paul, Whitinville, Mass. Whitman, E., Baltimore, Md. Whitmore. Charles O., Boston, Mass. Whitall, Thomas G-., West Ro.xbury, Mass. WilliaTns. Aaron D., Ro.xbury. Mass. Williams, Willoughby, Nashville, Tenn. Wilson, W. Duane, Des Moines, Iowa. Winthrop, Robert C, Boston, Mass. Wood, Walter A., Hoosic Falls. N. Y. AVoodruff, Jason, Syracuse, N. Y. Woodward, Joseph A., Philadelphia, Penn, Worthington, James S., Chillicothe, Ohio. Wright. Eben. Dedham, Mass. Wyekofr, N., Williamsburg, N. Y. ADDRESS TO THE LIFE MEMBERS OF THE Ui\ITED STATES AGRKJULTURAL SOCIETY. The United States Agricultural Society was organized in 1852, by a National Agricultural Convention, which had met on the 14th of June, 1851, at the Smith- sonian Institution, in Washington City, under a call issued by the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture ; Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society ; Maryland State Agricultural Society ; New York State Agricultural Society ; Southern Central Agricultural Society ; Ohio State Board of Agriculture ; American Insti- tute, New York ; Massachusetts Society for the promotion of Agriculture ; Indi- ana State Board of Agriculture ; New Hampshire Agricultural Society ; Vermont Agricultural Society ; and the Rhode Island Societj' for the encouragement of American Industry. The convention was composed of 153 delegates, representing 23 States and Territories. Among those who were present during its sessions, were the Hon. Millard Fillmore, President of the United States, and the Hon. Daniel Webster, Secretary of State. ' The following gentlemen composed the committee who drafted the constitution of the United States Agricultural Society : Messrs. Holcomb, of Delaware ; Douglas, of Illinois ; J. A. King, of New York ; Steele, of New Hampshire ; Thurston, of Rhode Island ; Hubbard, of Connecticut ; Stevens, of Vermont ; Elwyn, of Pennsylvania ; Calvert, of Maryland ; Campbell, of Ohio ; Hancock, of New Jersey ; Callanof the District of Columbia ; Gr. W. P. Custis, of Virginia; Burgwyn, of North Carolina ; Taylor, of Alabama; De Bow, of Louisiana ; Spen- cer, of Indiana; Mallory, of Kentucky; Bell, of Tennessee; Weston, of Wiscon- sin; McLane, of California ; Pickhard, of Maine; Dawson, of Georgia; French, of Massachusetts ; and Seaman of, Michigan. ANNUAL MEETINGS. The Society having been organized, held its first annual meeting at Washing- ton, in February, 1853, since when they have been regularly continued. Up to 1862, when the war between the States forced the Society to suspend active op- erations, these annual meetings constituted, in reality, the central "Board of Ag- riculture," recommended by the Farmer ot Mount Vernon. Gentlemen from almost every State in the Union, (many of them delegates from Agricultural As- sociations,) annually assembled to discuss such topics as were presented, calcu- lated to advance the cause of agricultural improvement ; interesting and valuable lectures were delivered by practical and scientific farmers; reports were submit- 10 ted by committees specially appointed to examine new inventions and theories, and by delegates who were accredited to the agriculturists of other lands ; and there was a general interchange of opinion. NATIONAL EXHIBITIONS The Society held its first annual exhibition at Springfield, Massachusetts, on the 17th of October, 1853, and its subsequent exhibitions at Springfield, Ohio ; Boston, Mass. ; Philadelphia, Pa, ; Louisville, Ky. ; Richmond, Va. ; Chicago, 111.; and Cincinnati, Ohio; besides a National Trial of Reapers and Mowers at Syracuse, New York. Generally self-sustaining; the receipts on these occasions enabled the Society to disburse upwards of two hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars for premiums and expenses; and they not only increased the efficiency of State and Local Associations, but called together larger assemblages of people than have ever been convened upon other occasions; embracing not only our most intelligent yeomanry, biit gentlemen of every art and profession from every portion of the wide-spread Union, evincing that the national pulse beat in unison with our own, and that the public voice was responsive to the call. PUBLICATIONS AND OFFICE. When the operations of the Society were suspended it published a Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, and it had at Washington a Secretary's office and reading- room, where the members of the Society and others interested in agricultural im- provement could meet as brothers at a common home, and find a collection of objects in which they have a common interest. Many State and County socie- ties contributed their published transactions, premium -lists, the names of their of- ficers, and other information, which were registered, and they received the publica- tions of the Society in return. A majority of the agricultural and numerous other publishers contributed their periodicals and newspapers, and thus aided in forming a. Free Agricultural Library at the National Metropolis. FINANCIAL CONDITION. The preparations made by the Society for an exhibition at Washington in 1861, which could not beheld, exhausted the small balance in the Society's treas- ury at that time. The Society has not, however, a dollar of indebtedness. Up- wards of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars was received and disbursed by it between 1852 and 1862, and of this the highest sum ever received by anj"^ one of its officers in a year was six hundred dollars, which barely defrayed his personal ex- penses while attending to the business of the Society. PROPOSITIONS TO BE CONSIDERED. With this brief review of what the United States Agricultural Society has ac- complished, its officers respectfully ask its life members to consider the following propositions, and to attend the next annual meeting prepared to vote upon them, or any similar questions that may be submitted : I. Shall the active operations of the Uniled States Agricultural Society be re- sumed ; and shall steps be taken to make it, with the co-operation of State and 11 Local organizations, worthy of the great iiiturost ui)on whicii the {jrosperity and happiness of our country is dependent? TI. Shall the officers of the United States Agricultural Society confer with the officers of the recently founded American Agricultural Association, with a view to the consolidation of the two organizations? Til. Shall the officers of the United States Agricultural Society surrender its charter to the Congress of the United States, which granted it in 1860 — deposit its archives in the Library of Congress — and declare the Society dissolved? Trusting that you will give these propositions an earnest consideration, and bring them to the attention of all interested parties, so that at the annual meet- ing, in January next, there may be an unmistakable declaration of opinion, We remain yours, veiy faithfully, JOHN MERRYMAN, President, Fred. Smyth, A. S. Townshend, Robert Beverly, William S. King, N. M. Curtis, A. L. Kennedy, A. M. Fulford, Executive Committee. Ben: Perley Poore, Secretartj. ^