Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/profilecharacterOOIunt Bulletin 342 September, 1932 s PROFILE CHARACTERISTICS OF NEW ENGLAND FOREST SOILS HERBERT A. LUNT N^cU 7o<»/; Of lM© tc0H0Wi\CS mm^ StRM^ XV* fieparttnetfj^ (Eatm?rttntt Agrtotltural izxpmmrtti i&tattntt CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency, Governor Wilbur L. Cross, ex-officio, President Elijah Rogers, Vice-President Southington George A. Hopson, Secretary Mount Carmel William L. Slate, Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Edward C. Schneider Middletown S. McLean Buckingham Watertown Charles G. Morris Newtown STAFF Administration. Analytical Chemistry. Biochemistry. Botany. Entomology. Forestry. Plant Breeding. Soils. Tobacco Substation at Windsor. William L. Slate, B.Sc, Director and Treasurer. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Librarian. Miss Dorothy Amrine, B.Litt., Editor. G. E. Graham, In Charge of Buildings and Grounds. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. C. E. Shepard 1 Owen L. Nolan Harry J. Fisher, Ph.D. > Assistant Chemists. W. T. Mathis David C. Walden, B.S. J Frank C. Sheldon, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Mrs. A. B. Vosburgh, Secretary. H. B. Vickery, Ph.D., Biochemist in Charge. Lafayette B. Mendel, Ph.D., Research Associate (Yale University) George W. Pucher, Ph.D., Assistant Biochemist. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist in Charge. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. A. A. Dunlap, Ph.D., Assistant Mycologist. A. D. McDonnell, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Secretary. W. E. Britton, Ph.D., D.Sc, Entomologist in Charge, State Entomologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr. "1 M. P. Zappe, B.S. Philip Garman, Ph.D. Roger B. Friend, Ph.D. Neely Turner, M.A. John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gipsy Moth Control. R. C. Botsford, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Elimination. J. P. Johnson, B.S., Deputy in Charge of Asiatic and Japanese Beetle Quarantines. Mrs. Gladys Brooke, B.A., Secretary. Walter O. Filley, Forester in Charge. H. W. Hicock, M.F. Assistant Forester. J. E. Riley, Jr., M.F., In Charge of Blister Rust Control. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Secretary. Donald F. Jones, Sc.D., Geneticist in Charge. W. Ralph Singleton, Sc.D., Assistant Geneticist. Lawrence C. Curtis, B.S., Assistant. Mrs. Catherine R. Miller, M.A., Secretary. M. F. Morgan, M.S., Agronomist in Charge. H. G. M. Jacobson, M.S., Assistant Agronomist. Herbert A. Lunt, Ph.D., Assistant in Forest Soils. Dwight B. Downs, General Assistant. Paul J. Anderson, Ph.D., Pathologist in Charge. T. R. Swanback, M.S., Agronomist. _ O. E. Street, M.S., Plant Physiologist. Miss Dorothy Lenard, Secretary. > Assistant Entomologists. CONTENTS PAGE Plan of Investigation 743 Description of the Regions 744 Connecticut 744 New Hampshire 745 Classification of the Profiles 746 Soil and Vegetation of the Localities Sampled 748 Strongly podzolized types, New Hampshire 749 Moderately podzolized, Connecticut 753 Raw humus types, Connecticut 755 Humus types, Connecticut 757 Mild humus types, Connecticut 757 Mull types ' 758 Summary list of profiles 763 Physical Properties 764 Total weight of forest floor 764 Volume weight 766 Color 772 Chemical Properties 774 Methods 774 Presentation of data 774 Biological Studies 797 Nitrogen transformation 797 Organic matter decomposition 815 Distribution of Tree Species and Lesser Vegetation by Profile Types '. . . 823 Discussion 825 Properties of podzol and mull soils 825 Profile development 826 Relation of forest type and soil properties 828 Summary 829 Plant Species Mentioned 832 Literature Cited 834 PROFILE CHARACTERISTICS OF NEW ENGLAND FOREST SOILS Herbert A. Lunt The study of the soil in the forest is a new phase of American soil science. To the early colonists and the westward-moving pioneers who followed, the vast areas of virgin forests were thought of largely as obstacles to the pursuit of agriculture, and much excellent timber was destroyed to make room for cultivated fields. It is natural, therefore, that the soil was first studied from the standpoint of its utilization in the production of farm crops. Interest in the perpetuation of our forests was awakened near the beginning of the present century after it had become clear that our timber resources were not inexhaustible. As the practice of forestry developed it was inevitable that such an important factor as the soil of the forest should be given consideration. The result has been a demand for knowledge regarding the nature and properties of the soil in relation to the growth of trees. It is in response to this demand that investigations of forest soils have been undertaken in America. Many years ago much of western Europe had reached the stage of forest depletion in which New England now finds itself and, as a result, Europeans have made excellent contributions to the study of forest soils. We find their work extremely valuable to us, but also it is imperative that we conduct our own research to deter- mine how our soils compare with those of Europe before we can be justified in applying European recommendations to our condi- tions. The first task confronting the American investigator, then, is to discover the characteristics and properties of our forest soils in their natural state. Some of the questions that immediately present themselves are : In what respect do the several forest soil types differ from each other? What factor or factors are respon- sible for the development of these different types ? What part does the forest and minor vegetation play in the development of the soil profile ? The objective of this research has been to gather some factual knowledge relative to the foregoing questions, and others, particularly as they may apply to Connecticut forests. PLAN OF INVESTIGATION The first systematic investigation of forest soils undertaken by this Station was a study of soil type as a factor in determining the composition of natural, unmanaged mixed hardwood stands. The results of this work together with that on a study of the relation 744 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 of soil factors to tree growth in red pine plantations appeared in bulletin form in 1931 (20). In 1928 investigations were started which had as their objective the ascertaining of some of the basic properties of forest soils as found under various stands in different parts of the state. This bulletin is a progress report on these studies. It deals with some of the important physical, chemical and biological properties and relationships, as observed in the field and measured in the labora- tory, of the soil in various kinds of pure and mixed natural stands and several pine plantations. Other studies initiated more recently, which are not published in this bulletin, include : 1. Effect of litter removal by raking and by burning and the effect of liming upon the soil and upon the growth of the trees in a red pine plantation. 2. Fertilization of coniferous seedlings in the nursery. 3. Fertilization of young red pine trees (5 to 6 feet tall at the beginning of the experiment). 4. Moisture distribution and other miscellaneous studies. DESCRIPTION OF THE REGIONS New England lies east of the State of New York and north of Long Island Sound and constitutes the extreme northeastern tip of the United States. The work reported in this bulletin was carried on in Connecticut, and in a few localities in New Hampshire — in the latter instance in cooperation with Northeastern Forest Experi- ment Station of the United States Forest Service. Connecticut Since the geology and the soils of Connecticut have been very ably described by Morgan (33) it will suffice here to state that Connecticut is divided into a western highland, a central lowland, and an eastern highland. Granitic and dioritic gneisses and schists constitute the bulk of the highland rocks, and red sandstones and shales that of the central lowland. Massive intrusions of basaltic trap rock are conspicuous features of the landscape in the central lowland. Elevations vary from sea level in the south to a maximum of 2355 feet in the northwest portion. None of the localities in Connecticut described in this bulletin occur at either extreme. The climate is characterized by relatively long cold winters and short rather humid summers. The mean annual temperature is 47-49° F. ; mean maximum in winter 31-38°; mean minimum in winter 15-20°; length of growing season 150-170 days; mean annual precipitation 44-46 inches, well distributed throughout the year. Description of the Regions 745 The forest vegetation of Connecticut has been classified by Lutz (28) into the following associations : Red cedar-gray birch associa- tion 20 per cent (of total forested area) ; hardwood association 70 per cent ; hemlock-hardwood association 5 per cent and swamp association 5 per cent. He describes the hardwood association as follows : "In the hardwood association there is great variation in composition, due to the large number of tree species in the region. An 'inferior hardwood' and a 'better hardwood' phase may be recognized ; but these two phases are merely developmental stages within the larger association. Very often during the early development of a hardwood association the inferior hardwoods predominate ; dogwood, hop hornbeam, blue beech, red maple, shad bush, choke cherry, sassafras, butternut, pignut hickory, bitternut hickory, and iarge-toothed aspen. In the early developmental stages of this association, red cedar and gray birch individuals are often present with the inferior hardwoods, representing relics from a preceding red cedar-gray birch association. As the hardwood association approaches maturity, the inferior hardwood species become subordinate and the better hardwoods attain domi- nance. Such species as the following are considered better hardwoods : red oak, scarlet oak, white oak, chestnut oak, black oak, white ash, shagbark hickory, mockernut hickory, black birch, paper birch, yellow birch, beech, yellow poplar, black cherry, white elm, sugar maple, and basswood. With the establishment of the better hardwoods, hemlock may begin to appear. This species presages the successional development of the association toward the hemlock-hardwood stage Over small areas pure stands of certain hard- wood species may occur, but as a rule the forest is a mixture. With the loss of chestnut, due to chestnut blight disease (Endothia parasitica (Murr.) Ander. and Ander.), the oaks have gained greatly in dominance as compared with the other hardwood species. In fact, at the present time the oaks as a group make up a predominant part of the southern New England hardwood association The density of the undergrowth, and also the composition, depend largely on the past treatment of the area and to a less extent, on the character of the soil. The herbaceous vegetation is rich, both in number of species and of individuals." The soils are quite sandy or gravelly in texture with fine sandy loam and loam constituting perhaps the largest percentage. Silt loams and clays are very limited in extent and are rarely forested. From the standpoint of soil profile development Connecticut lies on the border line between the gray brown soils to the south and west and the strongly podzolized soils to the north. Hence it is of considerable interest to know the controlling factor or factors that determine the kind of profile that is formed in this region. New Hampshire Lying farther north and generally at a higher elevation New Hampshire has a climate that is somewhat cooler than that of Connecticut. The Weather Bureau cites the following data as applicable to New Hampshire and its neighbor state on the west, Vermont : 746 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Mean annual temperature 41-42° F. ; mean maximum in winter 25-30° ; mean minimum in winter 4-10° ; length of growing season 120-132 days; mean annual precipitation 44-46 inches, fairly well distributed throughout the year. Due to the great differences in elevation — sea level to 6293 feet as the extremes — local climates vary greatly, and must be taken into consideration in each instance. Westveld (51) has described the following forest type in the White Mountains section of the state: (1) spruce-flat, (2) spruce- hardwoods, (3) spruce-slope, (4) spruce-swamp, and (5) old- field spruce. "Nearly all the so-called pure spruce stands have an admixture of hardwood species. Stands containing the highest per- centage of spruce and fir are usually found in the old-field and spruce-slope types." Morgan and Conrey (32) describe the origin of the soils of a typical area as follows : "The soils of the Cherry Mountain tract are formed from glacial deposits of crystalline rocks, of which a gray granite gneiss is the most important. For the most part these deposits are fairly deep, unstratified glacial drift (till), although on a considerable portion of Plot 1 a typical 'Kame' occurs." The samplings at Waterville were taken on similar glacial deposits. The samples at Keene collected for this study were obtained under white pine occurring on a level terrace not dissimi- lar to the terraces of central Connecticut. CLASSIFICATION OF THE PROFILES At the beginning of this study the classification of the profiles was based upon the one used by Hesselman. The inadequacy of this or any other previously developed system is well discussed by Romell and Heiberg in a recent paper (38) in which they present a new classification better adapted to American conditions. Although Hesselman's classification is more or less adhered to in this bulletin an effort has been made to apply Romell and Heiberg's nomenclature whenever practicable. The groupings we have employed are as follows : (1) Podzol type (Figure 69) in which a definite leached layer is present, usually one-half inch or more in thickness. This segregation is made irre- spective of the condition of the organic horizon, which, however, is usually of the raw humus type. (2) Raw humus type (with no gray podzolized layer, or at most with only a very thin layer) Figure 70. The F layer is frequently rather thin, matted and woven with mycelial threads. The H layer is usually thick (one-half inch to several inches), mouse gray or black, felt-like and rather tough. This probably corresponds to Romell and Heiberg's "Greasy Duff." Classification of the Profiles 747 (3) Humus type, in which there is a definite humus layer* unincor- porated with the mineral soil, but which is not felty. The nearest ap- proach in Romell and Heiberg's classification would probably be fibrous duff. (4) Mild humus type, a term not wholly satisfactory but fairly de- scriptive of the condition. It is characterized by the presence of a rather rapidly decomposing F layer but no H layer. This type is usually found Figure 69. Strongly podzolized soil. Profile No. 3. Cherry Mountain, New Hampshire. in young pine plantations on the better soils and is not considered by Romell and Heiberg. They speak of it as "Juncker's poorly humified type." (5) Mull type (Figure 71) which includes Romell and Heiberg's crumb mull and grain mull. It must be accepted, of course, that these designations are not sharp and absolute. Many border line conditions are observed that could be put into either of two types, and some are found that almost defy classification. 748 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 SOIL AND VEGETATION OF THE LOCALITIES SAMPLED Selection of most of the localities sampled was based upon in- formation furnished by Henry W. Hicock, Assistant Forester at this Station. Other areas were found by more or less random observation in the field. M. Westveld, silviculturist at the North- eastern Forest Experiment Station, located the areas sampled in the White Mountains. The accompanying map, Figure 72, shows the distribution of the localities sampled. Figure 70. Upper portion of a raw humus profile from a scarlet oak stand. Profile No. 13. Bethany, Conn. In all cases samples were collected by horizons from one or two pits dug in a representative portion of the forest. Identification of the vegetation was made for the most part by Henry W. Hicock, M. Westveld, or Henry Bull. In all cases the common name of the plants has been used in the text. The complete list of tree and ground vegetation together with their scientific names will be found just preceding the bibliography, page 832. In this descriptive material the following abbreviations are used : M = mycorrhiza R. D. = root development c. s. — coarse sand s. 1. = sandy loam f. s. 1. = fine sandy loam 1. s. = loamy sand 1. f. s. = loamy fine sand Localities Sampled 749 Strongly Podzolized Types, New Hampshire 1. Cherry Mountain Plot 1. Clear cut plot. Elevation range 1973 to 2002 feet. Laboratory Nos. 9 - 16. Sept., 1928. Soil. Northern counterpart of Hinckley s. 1. Hummocky topo- graphy; excellent to excessive drainage. F: 0 - Y> in. Readily decomposing soft and hard wood litter. Fair R. D. and good M. H: Yz - 2J4 in. Chocolate brown, powdery, fluffy raw humus, classified between a root duff and a greasy duff. Good R. D. but no M observed. $# wINS •■"j*^" Figure 71. Mull soil profile exhibiting almost no horizon differentiation. Simsbury, Conn. A2: 2Y-2. - 4 in. Light gray, structureless 1. s. Poor R. D. B^: 4 - 6 in. Very dark brown, dense, compact loam with fair R. D. B2: 6-9 in. Deep rust brown soft to firm s. 1. Fair R. D. B3: 9-22 in. Reddish vellow brown, loose and open 1. s. Fair R. D. C,: 22-30 in. Yellowish gray sand. Fair R. D. C2: 30 in. 4-. Gray sand. Some R. D. 750 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Forest cover. Spruce and fir had been cut to about 8 inches d. b. h. and the hardwoods to 10 - 12 inches d. b. h. At the time of sampling there were left scattered trees of yellow birch, spruce 6 inches to 30 feet high (although most of the taller ones had blown down), yellow birch, and balsam fir seedlings. Ground cover. Hobblebush, striped maple, and red maple seedlings. Rather sparse herbaceous growth with some moss. 2. Cherry Mountain Plot 2. Spruce-hardwood type Fig. 73. El. 1994- 2014 ft. Nos. 17-24. Sept., 1928. Soil. Bench type. Similar to Peru loam except for podzoliza- tion. Slope E. 15 per cent. Slow drainage. F: 0 - J4 in- Moderately decomposing litter. Fair R. D. and good M. H: Y4 - 6 in. Nearly black raw humus of the "greasy duff" type. Excellent R. D. and good M. A2: 6-8^2 in. Gray, structureless, soft 1. s. Very little R. D. Bj: 8^4 - 10 in. Dark brown, moderately compact loam. Fair R. D. B2:' 10- 14 in. Dark yellow brown, friable f. s. 1. Little R. D. B3: 14-20 in. Mottled dark brown and gray, firm, s. 1. C1: 20-26 in. Mottled olive and brown, compact f. s. 1. C2: 26 in. + . Slightly mottled grayish to olive structureless, firm, 1. s. Practically no R. D. Forest cover. Balsam fir, red spruce, red maple, mountain maple, striped maple, yellow birch, fire cherry. Ground cover. Reproduction of the above species, Clintonia, painted trillium, Indian cucumber, wood sorrel, Canada Mayflower, aster, spring woodfern, moss on rotting logs. 3. Cherry Mountain Plot 3. Spruce-hardwoods type. El. 2061-2100 ft. Nos. 25-31. Sept., 1928. Soil. Upland till type, probably Hermon f. s. 1. by present U. S. Soil Survey classification. A hill top with excellent drainage. F: 0 - 1 in. Loose, slightly matted material undergoing fair de- composition. Some mycelial growth. Excellent R. D. and M. H: 1 - 1^4 in. Mellow, slightly granular black raw humus with excellent R. D. and M. A2: 1% - ZYz in. Mouse gray, structureless, soft f. s. 1. Good R. D. Bit 3% -6 in. Dark brown, firm to soft f. s. 1. to loam. Excellent R. D. B2: 6-18 in. Reddish yellow brown, soft, mellow f. s. 1. Moderate R. D. Cj: 18-25 in. Yellow brown to grayish yellow, structureless, loose, 1. f. s. Slight R. D. C2: 25 in. +. Light yellowish gray, structureless, loose 1. s. and gravel. Forest cover. Yellow birch, beech, red maple, sugar maple. A ma- ture stand. Ground cover. Mountain maple and striped maple, fire cherry, hob- blebush, red-berried elder, sugar maple, beech, and yellow birch seedlings. Also spring woodfern, Canada Mayflower, raspberry, aster, wood sorrel. 4. Waterville, vicinity of Cascade Falls. Spruce-hardwoods tvpe, about 2000 feet. Nos. 185-191. Sept., 1929. Soil. Similar to Brookfield loamy sand of the Connecticut classifica- tion except for podzolization. Slope N. E. 30 per cent. Good drainage. Localities Sampled 751 73 ?e 71 70 l i y M ^\J 1 - CANADA I _ r r < ) \ 1 i 1 VERMONT r / i 1 ' MAINE i / j *lk 1 i | ( /' 1 i (' f 4 32 1 1 i ) NEW HAMPSHIRE \ i / i 1 K • 'v ^ * i V, / a: 1 \ / 1 / O i \ ' 1 / >- j \ / * Hi z 1 j / V; it3 -\- r'r .-■A / MASSACHUSETTS £ X / BOSTONC ( - 1 1 J 301? •to J *I2 ^9 •26( ' ! i CONNECTICUT ' ) RHODE \. . ^3 / ISLAND "l i •22a\. .24 •7 ' i 41 »d ,l\ •!* •20\ 1 i \ « (1*22 . \ •iVl \ 1 0 so 100 MILES 1 i 1 Figure 72. Map of New England (exclusive of Maine) showing the locations at which samples were taken. 752 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 F: 0 - 1 in. Moderately decomposing litter. H: 1 - 4 in. Dark brown raw humus. H: 4-5 in. Black, well decomposed material with good R. D. and some M. A2: 5 - 9 in. Gray, structureless, loose 1. s., some R. D. Bt: 9-10 in. Dark reddish brown (coffee brown) angular slightly compact s. 1. to loam. B2: 10-18 in. Dark reddish brown, granular, fairly compact s. 1. to 1. s. Some R. D. Q: 18 in. +• Yellowish brown, granular, fairly compact s. 1. Forest cover. Spruce, fir, hemlock, birch, beech, maple. Advance reproduction largely red spruce with scattering of fir. Ground cover. Hobblebush, wood sorrel, Clintonia, club moss, spring woodfern, and painted trillium. Figure 73. Spruce-hardwoods type of forest, Cherry Mountain, New Hampshire. The soil is podzolized. (U. S. Dept. Agric.) Waterville, vicinity of Greeley Ponds. Spruce slope type. El. about 2300 feet. Nos. 192-197. Sept., 1929. Soil. A shallow, very variable soil, somewhat similar to the Hins- dale series of the Connecticut classification, except for degree of podzolization. E. slope, 20 per cent, granite rock. Excellent drainage. Litter — freshly fallen leaves. F: 0-1J4 in. A somewhat matted raw humus with much mycelia. Fair R. D. and M. Localities Sampled 753 H: \y2 -7 in. Very dark brown, greasy duff with excellent R. D. and considerable M. H: 7-8 in. Black, smooth muck-like material quite high in mineral matter. A2: 8-11 in. Gray to brownish gray, loose, structureless, stony c. s. Very few roots. Bj: 11-13 in. Dark reddish brown (coffee brown) granular, fairly compact, med. to c. s. Fair R. D. B2: 12 in. +. Reddish j^ellow-brown granular, quite compact med. to c. s. Few roots. Extreme stoniness prevented deeper sampling. Forest cover. Nearly pure stand of mature, virgin red spruce 12-18 inches d. b. h. with small admixture of yellow and paper birch and red maple. Understory of spruce and fir reproduction. Ground cover. Hobblebush, some striped maple. Herbaceous: wood sorrel, gold thread, clintonia. Moderately Podzolized, Connecticut 6. Bigelow Brook, near Union, Hemlock-Hardwoods. Nos. 44-50. Soil. Brookfield loam. Fairly level, in a narrow valley bordered by much higher land. Good drainage. F: 0 - y2 in. Moderately decomposed leaf litter. Some white mycelial growth in spots, but no matting. Excellent R. D. Mycorrhiza. H: Y2-2Y2. in. Dark chocolate colored, mellow, porous, spongy pure humus. Not matted. Little or no mycelia. Very well inter- woven with fibrous roots. Good M. development. A2: 2^2-3^2 in. Mouse gray leached layer; f. s. 1., firm but not compact. Roots penetrate but with little branching. Bt: 3J/2 - 5 in. Brown to reddish yellow brown loam, slightly compact. Breaks into coarse angular lumps. Poor R. D. B2: 5-12 in. Reddish yellow brown loam to f. s. 1., less compact than Bj and more yellow in color. Fairly good R. D. Q: 12-20 in. Yellow fine s. 1. to loam. Soft, structureless. Fair R. D. C2: 20 in. -f-. Not examined but appeared to be fairly typical of Brookfield loam of a good depth for N. E. Connecticut. Forest cover. Hemlock 75-100 years old. with black birch, red maple, sugar maple and white birch. Fairly deep shade. Ground cover. Very sparse except in openings. Partridgeberry, whorl pogonia and some hemlock and red maple reproduction were present in vicinity of pit. 7. Voluntown (7 or 8 miles south of the village) mixed hardwoods. Nos. 51-59. Soil. Gloucester s. 1. to f. s. 1. Level, good drainage. F: 0 - J4 hi. Slightly matted material with but little mycelial growth. Fair R. D. and M. H: y^-Xy^'m.. Fairly open material, not felty, with good R. D. and very good M. Probably a fibrous duff. A2: \y-2 in. Purplish grav leached laver, 1. s. to sand. Very little R. D. Bj: 2 - 4 in. Dark reddish brown, friable f. s. 1. Some R. D. B2: 4-6 in. Reddish yellow brown, granular, friable f. s. 1. Prac- tically no R. D. in this horizon or below. B3: 6-13 in. Yellowish brown, granular f. s. 1. 754 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 B4: 13 - 19 in. Grayish yellow brown, granular, firm f. s. 1. Q: 19-23 in. Yellowish gray, structureless, slightly compact f. s. 1. C2: 23 in. +• Gray, compact f. s. 1. Forest cover. Black, scarlet and white oak, red maple, hickory, and chestnut sprouts. Reproduction of the foregoing and also chest- nut oak. Ground cover. Hazelnut, blueberry, shadbush, star flower, winter- green, and brake fern. 8. Lake Wintergreen, near New Haven, mixed hardwoods Nos. 119-125. Soil. Wethersfield f. s. 1. Gentle slope N. Fair to good drainage. F: 0 - Ys in. Slightly matted. Some mycelia. H: Y% - 1 in. Porous, black, spongy material; a fibrous duff ap- proaching a greasy duff. Good R. D. and fair M. A2: 1 - 2 in. Purplish gray s. 1. Bj: 2 - 4 in. Reddish brown f. s. 1. somewhat compact. B2: 4-12 in. Light purplish brown f. s. 1. compact. B3: 12-22 in. Same color but a little coarser and more compact. Cj." 22 in. +. Brownish purple very compact s. 1. There was some R. D. in Bj but practically none below that horizon. Forest cover. Red oak, white oak, chestnut oak, beech, gray birch. Ground cover. Laurel, huckleberry and low bush blueberry in great abundance, witch-hazel, male-berry, arrow wood. Red pine and white pine underplanting. 9. Eastford - Pomfret. Between Phoenixville and Abington on the Eastford - Pomfret town line. Oak stand. Nos. 180, 370-372, 175. July and Nov., 1929. Soil. Charlton f. s. 1., but not typical. Gently rolling, good drainage. Litter: y in. Loose, undecomposed leaves. H: 0-1^2 in. Raw humus, the upper part of which contains an admixture of charred organic matter. Aii \y2 - iy in. Mouse gray f. s. 1. A2: \y±-2y in. Dark gray leached f. s. 1. JSt: 2y - Ay2 in. Dark reddish yellow brown f. s. 1. B2: 4y> - 12 in. Yellowish brown f. s. 1. very granular. B3: 12-27 in. Light yellowish olive f. s. 1. very granular and lack- ing coherence. Q: 27-32 in. Light yellowish olive structureless f. s. 1. It should be noted that the thickness of the various horizons is very vari- able in this locality. A very definite "ortstein" was found in several places at depths of 28 - 34 inches. Forest cover. Chestnut, scarlet, and black oak. A severe burn oc- curred in this area in 1926, killing most of the trees. At the present time the new growth is beginning to add again to the forest floor. Ground cover. Mostly blueberry and young oak sprouts. 10. Mohawk Mountain. Mohawk State Forest, Cornwall. Worthington Lot. Conifer-hardwoods. Nos. 379-385. Nov, 1929. Soil. Hermon f. s. 1. Topography rolling, surface very rough due to boulders of granitic gneiss. Detailed information relative to the several horizons is lacking, although the following horizons were sampled: Litter, F, H, Bu B2, C1( and C2. Forest cover. Hemlock, white pine, yellow birch, black birch, red oak. A fully stocked stand, 150 years old. Localities Sampled 755 Raw Humus Types, Connecticut 11. Meshomasic Mountain, Meshomasic State Forest, Portland. Oak forest. Nos. 305-308. Oct., 1929. Soil. Gloucester f. s. 1. shallow phase. Nearly flat mountain top. Drainage good. Moderate amount of granitic gneiss rocks and boulders. Litter - current leaf fall. F: 0 - Y/2 in. Matted to fragmentary, slow decomposition. Good mycelia growth. Fair R. D. and very few M. H: ^2-3^4 in. Dark brown to black, very fibrous, quite felty, spongy raw humus. To be classed as fibrous duff. Good to very good mycelia growth with excellent R. D. Moderate M de- velopment. A2: Very thin. Brownish gray leached layer f. s. 1. Bj: 3^-6^4 in. Reddish yellow brown f. s. 1. Finely granular structure. Very good R. D. No M. B2: 6^4 _ ? in. Light yellowish brown f. s. 1., finely granular, firm. Fair to poor R. D. Bed rock reached at about 2 feet. Forest cover. Scarlet oak 98 per cent, occasional white oak. An ex- tremely open, ragged stand, 80 years, with practically no younger trees. Formerly much chestnut existed here. Ground cover. Huckleberry, smilax, brake fern, sheep sorrel, male- berry, red maple, sassafras, shadbush, high bush blueberry, low bush blueberry, chokeberry, mosses. Very little oak reproduc- tion. 12. Mansfield. On Route 109 just East of Houston Nurseries, Oak forest. Nos. 426 - 432. Sept., 1930. Soil. Probably Brookfield f. s. 1. Nearly level on top of rounding hill. Quite stony (gneiss). Excellent drainage. Litter - current leaf fall. F: 0 - Yz in. Slightly matted material undergoing decomposition at a moderate rate. Good development of mycelia and poor R. D. Very little M. H: 54-l.x4 in. Dark, moderately raw, somewhat felty. Mycelia, R. D., and M. well developed. A2: \% - 4% in. Dull reddish brown, granular, firm f. s. 1. with good R. D. and M. Bii 4% - 9% in. Bright reddish brown, with other characteristics similar to A2. . B2: 9l/2 - 16^> in. Yellowish red brown, granular, firm f. s. 1. Fair R. D. and no M. Ct: 16^4 in. +. Yellowish brown with grayish olive cast. F. s. 1. single grain structure, firm to slightly loose. R. D. poor. Forest cover. Black and scarlet oak with some white oak constitut- ing 98 per cent, about 22 years. Gray birch, large toothed aspen, mockernut hickory also present. Ground cover. Low bush blueberry, black cherry, oak and hickory seedlings, hazelnut, sarsaparilla, huckleberry, shadbush, arrow- wood, grasses, and mosses. 13. Bethany, on Rainbow Road. Oak stand (Figs. 74 and 70.) Nos. S358-361. June, 1931. Soil. Gloucester f. s. 1. Level area on top of hill. Similar in many respects to the Meshomasic locality with elevation considerably higher at the latter place. Drainage good. 756 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 F: 0-1 in. Matted material containing considerable mycelia. Fair R. D. and some M. H: 1 - 2y2 in. Black, felty, raw humus with good R. D. and some M. A fibrous duff. A2: Very thin, slightly grayish leached layer. Hardly more than a trace. A3: 2^4-5 in. Medium brown with yellowish cast. Granular, firm f. s. 1. Bj: 5-10 in. Yellowish brown with slight reddish cast f. s. 1. Granular, firm. Some rocks. B2: 10- 17 in. Yellowish brown f. s. 1. Quite rocky. Figure 74. Slow growing stand of scarlet oak, Bethany, Conn. Profile No. 13. The soil is a typical raw humus. (Figure 70.) Forest cover. Scarlet oak and chestnut oak, with some red and black oak, wild black cherry. Ground cover. Reproduction of the above species, arrow-wood, huckleberry, spikenard. 14. Devil's Hop Yard State Park, East Haddam. Hemlock-hardwoods. Nos. 32 - 37. 1928. Soil. Brookfield loam to f. s. 1. Nearly level, on a bench considerably above a stream. Excellent drainage. Localities Sampled 757 F: 0-^2 in. Normally decomposing mixed hardwood and hem- lock leaves. H: Yz- 2>Y2 in. Dense, very dark brown, slightly felty. Consid- erable mycelia present, but few roots. At: 2>y2 - 5 in. Brown, light loam, firm. A2: 5-10 in. Light brown f. s. 1. Mellow. B±: 10- IS in. Yellowish brown with dull red cast. B2: 15-21 in. Yellowish brown with bright reddish cast. Forest cover. Hemlock about 100 years, black birch, aspen, laurel, witch hazel. Dense shade. Ground vegetation. Ground pine, rattlesnake plantain, partridge- berry, Canada mayflower, sweet pepperbush. Humus Types, Connecticut 15. Maltby Lakes. West of New Haven, red pine plantation of New Haven Water Co. Nos. 112-118. Aug., 1928. Soil. Hollis f. s. 1. Nearly level, considerable small stone, good drain- age. F: 0 - 3/i in. Rather open needle layer containing considerable mycelia. Good R. D. and M. H: % - 1% in. Matted with roots and red moss. A tendency to become raw humus. Some mycelia present; excellent R. D. and M. Some evidence of earthworm activity. At: \y$-\y-i in. Dark gray-brown f. s. 1. Fine crumb structure, mellow. Good R. D. and M. Some worms. A2: \y2 -6 in. Brown f. s. 1., same characteristics otherwise. B: 6 - 22 in. Light to yellowish brown f. s. 1. Single grain, firm. Very few roots and no M. or earthworms. d': 22-26 in. Yellowish brown sandy loam. C2: 26 in. -f. Grayish yellow-brown 1. s., slightly compact. Forest cover. Pure red pine, 18 years. Site index 18. No ground cover. 16. Peoples Forest, Barkhamsted. Beech-hemlock stand 100-150 years old, with a little maple reproduction. Full stand. Nos. 317, 318, 319. Oct., 1929. Soil. Beckett f. s. 1. Gentle slope. Litter, H and A, sampled. 17. Cockaponset State Forest, Haddam, Beaver meadow district, Com- partment 7. Hemlock-hardwoods. Nos. 367-369. Nov., 1929. Soil. Haddam s. 1., on a steep S. W. slope. Considerable gray sand- stone and granite present. Excellent drainage. F: 0-1 in. ±. A mixture of hardwood leaves and needles. H: 1 - 2 in. ±. Black, well decomposed humus, fairly open. A3: Trace. Dark gray podzolized s. 1. A3: 2 - 8 in. Reddish brown, loose sand. B: 8 in. -|-. Brownish red, loose sand. Forest cover. Hemlock, beech, 70 - 90 years, butternut, black birch, white oak, mountain laurel, red maple. Ground cover not re- corded. Mild Humus Types, Connecticut 18. Rainbow Red pine plantation, Windsor. Block 24. Unthinned. 30 years. Site index about 8. Sept., 1928. 758 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Soil. Merrimac c. s., level terrace, very uniform. Excessive drainage. F: 0 - Yi in. Slightly matted needle accumulation. Some mycelia present. Very few M. Fair to good R. D. Ax: J^-1 in. Brownish gray c. s., single grain loose. Fair R. D. Aa: 1 -8 in. Grayish brown c. s. B,: 8-20 in. Yellowish brown with reddish cast, c. s. Poor R. D. B2: 20-28 in. Yellowish brown, c. s. Q: 28 in. +. Yellow-gray brown c. s. Some fine gravel present. Forest cover. Red pine pure stand, planted 1902. No ground cover. 19. Peoples Forest, Barkhamsted. Old field white pine immature. 35 years full stocking. Oct, 1929. Nos. 311, 311J4, 312. Soil. Merrimac 1. s. nearly level, excellent drainage. F, H and A2 sampled. 20. Cockaponset State Forest, Haddam. Ponsett pine lot. Pine-hard- woods. Nos. 363 - 366. Nov., 1929. Soil. Hinsdale f. s. 1. Gentle slope S. W. near summit of hill. Good drainage. Very little stone. F: 0 - Y in. ±. Moderately rapid decomposition. Some mycelia. No R. D. or M. H: Y - 1 in. ±. Open, rather loose structure with some mycelia. Good R. D. and M. A2: Trace. Gray f. s. 1. A3: % - 7 in. Yellowish brown, mellow f. s. 1. B: 7 in. +. Reddish yellow-brown f. s. 1. Forest cover. Old field white pine 35 - 40 years, full stand. Consid- erable gray birch, some dogwood, red maple and black oak. Ground cover. Ground pine. This was formerly a cultivated soil. The pine is becoming stunted. Growth has decreased from ap- proximately 1^2 feet per year to less than 1 foot during the past 5 or 6 years. Mull Types 21. Bethlehem, N. H. W. of village 1 mi. El. 1400 feet. Nos. 400 - 403. June, 1930. Soil. Loam, not named. Gentle slope W. Fair to good drainage. Litter - Rapidly decomposing leaves of rather unequal distribution. Ax: 0 - 7 in. Black, mellow crumb mull, loam. Excellent R. D. but no M. observed. B: 7-17 in. Dark yellowish brown, granular, firm, s. 1. to loam. Good R. D. d: 17 in. +. Grayish brown, coarsely granular, firm, s. 1. Few roots. Forest cover. Beech, yellow birch, sugar maple, 40-80 years; bass- wood, white ash, spruce, striped maple, American hop hornbeam. Ground cover. Adders tongue, clintonia, spring woodfern, twisted stalk, painted trillium, violet, Canada mayflower. 22. Groton, between old Mystic and New London. Mixed hardwoods. Nos. 60-65, Oct, 1928. Soil. Gloucester f. s. 1. Nearly level, excellent drainage. Some stone and gravel. Each annual leaf fall decomposes within the year, so no accumulation takes place. Aji 0 - 1 in. Brown with slightly grayish cast. A good earthworm mull. Crumb structure, mellow. Good R. D. Few M. Localities Sampled 759 A2: 1 - 7 in. Brown f. s. 1. Crumby and mealy. B1: 7-13 in. Reddish brown s. 1. Granular and friable. Fair R. D. No M. B2: 13 - 19 in. Yellowish brown s. 1. B3: 19-23 in. Grayish yellow-brown, very f. s. 1. slightly compact. G: 23 in. +. Yellowish gray to gray very f. s. 1. slightly com- pact. Figure 75. Vigorous growing stand of mixed hardwoods. Middlefield, Conn. Profile No. 23a. The soil is an excellent mull. Compare with Figure 74. Forest cover. Red oak, black oak, white oak and hickory 75-100 3rears with understory of sugar maple, blue beech, white ash, and American hop hornbeam. Ground cover. Reproduction of forementioned species together with black cherry, arrow-wood, chestnut, blueberry, huckleberry, golden rod, spotted wintergreen, greenbrier, aster. 22a. Middlefield. Property of Beseck Fish and Game Club, near Dur- ham Town Line. Mixed hardwoods, Fig. 75. Nos. S362 - 363. 760 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Soil. Cheshire f. s. 1. to loam. Slope E. 10 per cent. Fair drainage. The block is subject to some seepage from adjacent higher land. An excellent mull. Litter - current year's leaf fall. At: 0-3 in. Dark brown with reddish cast, mellow f. s. 1. to loam. Very good R. D. Fair M. A2: 3 - 8 in. ±. Pale reddish brown to medium brown, mellow f. s. 1. to loam. B : 8 - 24 in. ±. Light reddish to yellowish brown coarsely gran- ular firm to compact f. s. 1. Forest cover. Red, black, chestnut and white oaks (70 - 80 per cent) basswood, pignut and bitternut hickories, white ash, beech, sugar maple, tulip-tree, black birch, sassafras. A high forest with abundant small trees and large shrubs. Ground cover. Tall dogwood, arrow-wood, witch-hazel. Asters, grasses, partridgeberry, several ferns, and a number of small herbs. This is an excellent stand containing some fine timber. 23. Middlebury, Whittemore property, red pine plantation. Nos. 76-81. Oct., 1928. Soil. Charlton f. s. 1. to loam on a 5 per cent slope E. Some stone. Drainage moderate to good. F: 0 - 1 in. Red pine needle litter undergoing moderate decompo- sition. Fairly open. Considerable mycelia. Very good earth- worm activity. Fair F. D. and some M. A1: 1 - 5 in. Very dark brown f. s. 1. to loam. An excellent crumby mull, very mellow. Good R. D. and M. A2: 5-8 in. Dark brown mellow mull with good R. D. and M. Bj: 8-13 in. Reddish yellow-brown, granular, friable. Fair R. D. Poor M. B2: 13-17 in. Light reddish yellow-brown, granular but firm. Poor R. D. and no M. B3: 17-23 in. Yellowish brown with reddish cast, f. s. 1. d: 23 -25 inches. Olive gray, heavily mottled with reddish brown. Firm. Very f. s., micaceous. C3: 25 in. +. Olive gray, slightly mottled. Forest cover. Pure red pine, about 19 years. Site index 21. No ground cover. This profile is characterized by the exceptionally good mull con- dition of Ai and A2. 24. Devil's Hop Yard State Park, Haddam. Hemlock. Nos. 38 - 43. 1928. Soil. Hinckley f. s. 1. on a 50-60 per cent slope E. Small boulders present and much coarse gravel. Drainage excellent. F: 0 - J4 in. Rather loose, rapidly decomposing needle and leaf litter, showing some earthworm activity. A1: % - 2J4 in. Dark gray brown f. s. 1. An excellent crumb mull, very mellow. Good R. D. and fair M. Much earthworm activity. A2: 2y2 - 5 in. Dark brown f. s. 1. Fair crumb mull, mellow. Fair R. D. A3: 5-10 in. Light brown with yellowish cast, granular, friable. B : 10-20 in. Yellowish brown f. s. 1. Co.: 20 in. +. Bright yellowish brown sandy and gravelly loam. Forest cover. Hemlock 75 - 100 years. Reproduction of sugar maple. Ground cover. A sparse covering of ferns and some partridgeberry. Localities Sampled 761 25. South Coventry, Pine Lake Shores, real estate development, Coven- try. Red pine. Nos. 373-376. Nov., 1929. Soil. Hinsdale f. s. 1. on the lower end of a long rather steep slope. Excellent drainage. The forest floor was an average plantation accumulation undergoing moderately rapid decomposition. F, Au B„ and B2 sampled. Forest cover. Red pine 18 years old making exceptionally rapid growth. Site index 22, which is the highest recorded in the state (20, p. 745). Ground cover. None. 26. West Hartford. Hartford Water Board land; near block No. 42. Mixed hardwoods. Nos. 178, 179. Aug., 1929. Soil. Holyoke f. s. 1. to loam on gentle slope. Good drainage. Lit- ter and Aj sampled. An excellent mull. Forest cover. Red oak, sugar maple, white ash, white oak, bitternut hickory. Ground cover. Reproduction of the above; dogwood, hobblebush. 27. Farmington, about 2.5 miles N. of the village. Mixed hardwoods. Nos. 377, 378. Nov., 1929. Soil. Holyoke f. s. 1. to loam, very similar to profile 26. A very good mull. Litter and Aj sampled. Forest cover. High forest of red, black and white oaks, sugar maple. Some white ash, pignut hickory, black birch, shagbark hickory and American bop hornbeam. Ground cover. Dogwood, arrow-wood, Christmas fern, grape fern, aster, bittersweet, grasses, woodbine, and many herbs. 28. Middletown - Middlefield. Mr. Comp's property near the town line. Oak. Nos. 309, 310. Oct., 1929. Soil. Cheshire f. s. 1. Nearly level upland. Good drainage. An ex- cellent mull. Litter and Aj sampled. Forest cover. White oak 90 per cent, black oak, shagbark hickory, sugar maple. Ground cover. Seedings of the above, dogwood, huckleberry, high bush blueberry, low bush blueberry, sassafras, toothed viburnum, grasses, small herbs and some ferns. 29. Peoples Forest, Barkhamsted, North of Whittemore camp ground. Young hardwood stand of mixed oaks 30 - 35 years. Full stand. Nos. 313, 314. Oct., 1929. Soil. Merrimac 1. s. Litter and A± sampled. 30. Peoples Forest, Barkhamsted. Pure beech stand, 100-150 years, full stand. Nos. 315, 316. Oct., 1929. Soil. Litchfield f. s. 1. on a nearly level portion of a long slope. Lit- ter and A, sampled. 31. Eastford, 0.6 mile west of Phoenixville on road to Mansfield. Oak stand. Nos. 419-425. Aug., 1930. Soil. Hinsdale f. s. 1. Upland, 8 per cent slope S. F: 0 - % in. Flaky, fragmentary material. H : %. - y2 in. Very thin and not uniformly present. Crumby, black fine grained material with very good root development. Few M. 762 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Ai'. */> - 1*A in. Very dark to blackish brown mellow f. s. 1. with good R. D. A2: 1^2 - 5J/2 in. Brown with reddish yellow cast, f. s. 1., mealy and mellow with very good R. D. B: Sy2 in. + . Yellowish brown with slight reddish cast, finely granular friable f. s. 1. This soil is not a true mull, but it scarcely fits into any other classification. Forest cover. White, red, black and scarlet oaks 40 years. Occa- sional hickory. Ground cover. Witch-hazel, oak seedlings, arrow-wood, dogwood, wintergreen, partridgeberry, dewberry, low bush blueberry, red maple, grasses, mosses, some herbs. In addition to the foregoing profiles, some additional ones were sampled for volume weight and associated determina- tions. These are briefly described as follows (the sampling depths of the various horizons are given in Table 3) : 32. Waterville, N. H., between Mad River Farm and Waterville. White birch, yellow birch and sugar maple with an understory of spruce. A strongly podzolized profile overlaid by a six inch greasy duff layer. B2 very compact; d firm to compact; C2 firm c. s. with some fine gravel. 33. Keene, N. H. Five Mile Drive. El. about 530 ft. White pine stand probably 100 years old with some hemlock and maple. This is a well developed podzol profile in sandy terrace material similar to the Merrimac sand at Rainbow, Conn., though not as coarse. Ortstein occurs at a depth of 15-18 in. Q is very compact. 34. Keene, N. H. Another part of the same stand described in No. 33. The leached layer is 6 in. thick instead of 3 in. and no "ortstein" was encountered to the depth of the excavation (17 in.) although the B2, 10- 17 in., was very compact. 35. Norfolk, on Windrow Road, a short distance east of Toby Pond. On the edge of a terrace. Merrimac f. s. Sampled at a road cut. A most unusual condition as will be seen by the following de- scription: Aja: 0-5 in. Dark brown, f. s., crumb structure. Axb: 5-10 in. Medium brown, f. s., fine crumb. A2: 10- 17 in. Grayish white structureless leached 1. s. B: 17-33 in. Reddish yellow, somewhat compact 1. s. Q: 33 in. -)-. Brownish yellow sand. Grass is the only cover. The above measurements are subject to great variation, the A2, for example, varying from 0 to 12 in. in thickness, while the over- laying brown Aj is between 5 and 17 in. thick. According to Professor R. F. Flint of the Department of Geology, Yale Uni- versity, there is no evidence that the brown surface soil was deposited mechanically upon the leached layer. 36. Norfolk. Sample taken on opposite side of the road from No. 35. A scrubby growth of gray birch and some smaller shrubs re- sulted in the At being a fairly good mull. Here it was only 5 in. thick, with the leached A2 only 4 to 5 in. Localities Sampled 763 37. Windsor Locks, Conn., on road to East Granby. Hardwood stand of white oak, red oak, maple, ash, cherry. Ground cover of oak, maple and chestnut reproduction, huckleberry, vaccinium, hazel- nut, ferns, wintergreen. The soil is Merrimac sand similar to Profile 18 except that the forest has brought about a greater modification of the upper layers. There is a definite H layer, overlaying a slight podzolization. The former agricultural A horizon is thinner, somewhat lighter in color and shows a defi- nite trend away from an agricultural soil profile. The F is *4 in. in thickness, H 24 m-, A2 (leached) trace to % hi-, and A3 5 to 6 in. 38. Lake Wintergreen. Hardwoods, mull, located further up the slope than No. 8. Younger trees and a larger percentage of gray birch present. Otherwise similar to No. 8. 39. Lake Wintergreen. Red pine plantation, 18 years. Not very distant from the previous locality. A mull type. 40. West River. Porter Hill Road, Bethany. Red pine plantation. Brookfield f. s. 1. A mull. 41. Lake Chamberlain, Bethany. Red pine plantation. Hollis f. s. 1. to loam. A mull. 42. Middlebury. Whittemore property, opposite big bend in road. Red pine plantation. Charlton v. f. s. 1. to loam. A mull type. 43. Middlebury pasture. Across road from No. 36. Similar soil but in pasture instead of forest. 44. Salisbury, East side of Miles Mountain between the summit and the Housatonic River. Pasture land. Probably Dover f. s. 1. Summary List of Profiles Strongly Podzolized, New Hamp- Mild Humus Types, Connecticut shire 18. Rainbow 1. Cherry Mountain, Plot 1 19. Peoples Forest 2. Cherry Mountain, Plot 2 20. Cockaponset State Forest 3. Cherry Mountain, Plot 3 4. Waterville, Cascade Falls M"H Types 5. Waterville, Greeley Ponds 21- Bethlehem, New Hampshire . 22. Groton, Connecticut Moderately Podzolized, Connecticut 22a. Middlefield 6. Bigelow Brook 23. ' Middlebury 7. Voluntown 24. Devil's Hop Yard b. Lake W intergreen 25. South Coventrv 9. Eastford - Pomfret 26. West Hartford" 10. Mohawk Mountain 27. Farmington Raw Humus Tvpes, Connecticut 28- Middletown - Middlefield 11. Meshomasic Mountain 29- Peoples Forest 12. Mansfield 30- Peoples Forest 13. Bethany 31. Eastford 14. Devil's Hop Yard u,v i r> ci Additional Profiles Humus Types, Connecticut 32. Waterville, New Hampshire, 15. Maltby Lakes Podzol 16. Peoples Forest 33. Keene, Podzol 17. Cockaponset State Forest 34. Keene, Podzol 764 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 35. Norfolk, Connecticut, Podzol 36. Norfolk, Podzol 37. Windsor Locks, Podzol 38. Lake Wintergreen, Mull 39. Lake Wintergreen, Mull 40. West River, Mull 41. Lake Chamberlain, Mull 42. Middlebury, Mull 43. Middlebury, Pasture 44. Salisbury, Pasture PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Total Weight of Forest Floor One outstanding characteristic of forest soil, particularly in the northern forests, is the layer of organic debris upon its surface. Measurements of the amount of this material on the ground were made in a number of stands. The procedure was to collect carefully all of the debris in one square foot, using a hollow iron square of this dimension. The material was then dried, weighed and the amount calculated to an acre basis. From two to four samplings were made of each profile. Since thickness was noted also, it was possible to calculate the approximate weight per acre inch. These results are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Weight of Forest Floor Pounds per acre Forest type F layer H layer Profile s& m K « Su^ ° « g S£ o° hh.2? >* o s Q 2 £ o Ih ,0 X TJ 2^-c -i-S-2 to s •n hJ»H CO > lOON In ^CM i-i 4» rt £ CM O00 CM On ^h i—i oo to n i-HOi-H a m Oifno 143 i-i— i CM O CM 1 1 1 NOOCM i-i CM > ^ rt in U.J3 _, J-< a! d w '>>-* >> >> £ c3 b l- Ih O »h rt 4) ww.ij rt 1- u u rt rt ojd-o-o ^ >,>> h h h rt a; a> Q>> T3 S rt tO 00 NO On *-n^r>» s 3 ■a oooo V i— i tJ-On ti CM CM i-h o N 'tf-NO— i X) Tl-00 co a "*■ corf (U c CM00O n. 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Ml ^^-^•a -s rt o QSrt o __• on cm no oq co COlOVOK m-; .-hcmcm eg CO "o qoiots K CiinNiO uiioinui 3 S CO Tt-_ ON CO NO tri CM CO H O O CO CM NO CO rf CM LTt CM CM CM CM co > coo'ta 3 to \o CM co o tJ-tJ-tJ-co ;3 rt J3 CO 00 CO CO U oo r^ o tj- —cr-iCM CM ^ 3 6 .— c OON to 0\--rtTj-CM CD* c CO co OO COOOOCM A ON NO CM CM u 3 tJ-I^OnnO :/ O^l-CONO — r-^\o ^h o i — 1 i— t t— 1 i-H s CM tJ-OCMVO Tl- co co to ^r t"^ On co to O OO^H ^H £ « "«J- ON ON t^ CJJ r-iCM O rt III! O tJ- On On <> rt 1-4 a "3 CU CM o , co od <-< CM 1-1 6 — 2 NO NO 6 od CO CO CO o u M-H •o oo > »— < rt CM O t>I o u CM Q CO >, CO O 3 u r>» rt o CJ lO J3 NO rt CM O rt r-i V u 3 CO rt ON CD ON rt >o 3 CO CO rt >> rt u 3 >■, -O CM 3 NO •5 "* ja On »3 CO S rt CO On Tf _ ■* CO tJ- Tl- ^ CO 6 w— 1 d r-I fc 2 cu ■^- « ■<+ C3 c3 O . O u rt O rt o < < - - £ 3 £ c 2 ^ ^ o % -^ rtO co O g CU V> 0J3 '"' t»jH^ c-.S2 cs o S-2 >> 3-H H CO CO o f-H>> ON t^ i-H NO lOriLfJlO *Nh« O CO r-< io r-l CM r-H in co CO ■* OONCON t^CM ^OO onooo lOr-l^f 1 r-l O <0 1 N^N ■* -h On" 1 oo-^t- o 1 NOr-!CM 1 U-ytv! CO CM u-> 00 1 NO CM CM | CO to NO T— 1 I— 1 I-H 00 CM t-i <0 1 1 tO O ' ' i—i co d ^ cm co ^r £ 772 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 t 10 • X • LOSS ON IGNITION XCARBON k -6- O ■* e O 6 ■ X f> i3 « >J • • k X =>4 ■ ki O X «: Uj X . a 2 ii i ' ' • • X X X -1 1 1 1 o 3 .7 .8 .9 1.0 I. VOLUME WEIGHT 1.2 1.3 {.WATER -• Figure 76. Relation between loss on ignition, organic carbon and volume weight. (Each point is a group average.) To present the density of forest soils a little more concretely, Table 4 gives the total weight per acre of the several horizons making up some typical profiles. The value of the foregoing data will be more apparent in another part of the bulletin where the chemical data are presented. Color Included in Table 3 are the colors of the various soils collected. All color observations were made on air dry soil in the laboratory Table 4. Total Weight per Acre of Some Typical Forest Soil Profiles to a Depth of 24 Inches Strong Podzol Moderate Podzol Mull Profile No. 2 Profile No. 6 Profile No. 23 Horizon Thickness Thickness Thickness inches pounds inches pounds inches pounds F 3/4 15,000 y2 7,500 1 15,000 H 5Va 210,000 2 80,000 — A, — — 4 724,800 A2 2y2 707,800 1 260,500 3 679,500 B, iy2 305,800 1^ 322,800 4 1,177,900 B2 4 996,600 7 1,585,600 5 1,585,600 B3 6 1,766,800 8 2,718,100 6 1,970,700 c3 4 1,359,100 4 1,359,100 1 339,800 Total 5,361,100 6,333,600 6,493,300 Physical Properties 773 under natural daylight from a north window. Most of the samples, particularly the browns and yellows, were compared directly with a set of standard samples that Morgan had previously collected and analyzed for color by the Munsell color disk method (33). Others were compared with a portion of a set of standard soils furnished by the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Washington. 20 O ly 10 I s* 5 .8 1. 7 1.8 .9 1.0 U f.2 13 1.4 1.5 1.6 VOLUME WEIGHT (WATER = /) Figure 77. Correlation of moisture equivalent and volume weight. The remaining samples, which differed from any of the soils in either set of standards, were analyzed for color by the writer with results given in Table 5. Table 5. Color Analysis of Certain Soils Found in New England Yellow Black Descriptive term White (Neutral 9) (Yellow 8/8) Red (Red 4/9) (Neutral 1) Light gray 34 7 10 49 Brownish purple 20 10 42 28 Light yellowish olive 15 33 6 46 Brownish yellow 2 16 23 59 Reddish yellow brown 2 12 20 66 Very dark reddish yellow 1.5 9 11 78.5 Very dark reddish brown 5 7 10 78 (coffee brown) Do 2 5 7 86 Very dark brown with 5 7 8 80 reddish cast Very dark brown 5 6 5 86 Grayish black 5 3 3 89 Black 0 2 2 96 774 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Methods All total analyses were made on 100 mesh air dry soil, while unground soil passed through a two-millimeter sieve was used for the determination of pH and the elements in the exchangeable or water soluble form. Acid soluble iron, R2O3 (oxides of Fe, Al, P, Mn), and calcium were obtained by digestion of the soil in HC1, sp. gr. 1.115 on a steam bath for 10 hours. Separation was made by a modification of several published methods (14, 39, 42). The iron in an aliquot portion was reduced to the ferrous condition by stannous chloride and then oxidized by a standard solution of potassium dichromate. The R2O3 constituents were precipitated and weighed as the hydroxide by the usual methods. Reaction was determined with the quinhydrone electrode, and often checked by the Lamotte-Morgan colorimetric test. Nitrogen and calcium were run by the usual methods ; organic carbon was determined by means of the Parr apparatus (3, 6). Exchangeable calcium and magnesium were obtained by leaching the soil with normal ammonium acetate solution, and exchangeable potassium by leaching with 0.5 normal acetic acid. Truog's magnesium nitrate method was used for total phosphorus, while soluble phosphorus was determined by a modification of Truog's method in which the soil was treated with 0.004N H2SO4 (47). Exchangeable hydrogen and total adsorptive capacity were estimated by the method of Pierre and Scarseth (37). Presentation of Data Reaction One of the outstanding characteristics of a northern forest soil is the high acidity of its upper horizons, particularly the H layer. Generally speaking, the thicker the humus and the more nearly it approaches the raw or greasy state, the greater its acidity. Stated in another way, such a state is indicative of maximum unsaturation, the bases being replaced by hydrogen. The reaction of the soils investigated is given in Table 6. It will be observed that the pH of the Q layers varies but relatively little in the different profiles. The relatively low pH of the podzol En horizon is quite noticeable. In practically all of the profiles re- ported by Tamm (45) the pH of the Bi layer is greater than that of the A2. Hesselman (19) found the raw humus types to be more acid as a rule than the better humus and mull types. After discussing the pH values found in different forest types he says, "While it is Chemical Properties 775 important to know the reaction of forest soil, yet by no means is that the controlling factor. Mull and raw humus may be of the same pH and a good, highly productive beech forest soil can be decidedly acid (pH about 4). Such acidity is no hindrance there- fore to good production or a favorable soil condition, but on the contrary it is characteristic of very highly productive soils. A change in acidity in an alkaline direction is generally favorable, however, since a marked acid reaction, as has been observed, is detrimental, not in itself, but in conjunction with other factors." Table 6. Reaction Expressed as pH Strong podzol type Moderate podzol type 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. 6 7 8 9 10 Ave. Litter . 4.2 3.9 4.4 4.2 F 5.7 4.7 5.4 4.5 3.9 4.8 4.7 4.3 4.4 — 4.6 4.5 H 3.7 4.4 5.8 3.3 3.8 4.2 3.9 3.9 3.7 4.6 3.9 4.0 A2 3.8 5.8 5.0 3.7 3.7 4.4 3.5 4.0 3.8 — — 3.8 Bx 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.2 4.5 4.0 4.3 B2 4.5 4.8 4.8 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.6 5.1 4.3 4.7 4.5 4.6 B3 4.8 5.7 — — — 5.3 — 4.7 4.4 — — 4.6 Q 5.0 5.8 6.7 4.3 — 5.5 5.1 5.1 4.8 5.3 5.3 5.1 c2 5.1 6.0 6.7 — — 5.9 5.5 5.3 — — 5.5 5.4 Raw humus type Humus type Mild humus type 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 Ave. 18 19 20 Ave. Litter 4.0 4.4 4.7 4.4 _ F 4.0 4.7 4.6 4.3 4.5 — 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.4 4.9 4.7 H 3.5 4.4 4.1 3.9 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 — 3.8 4.5 4.2 A, — — — 4.1 4.2 — — 4.2 4.6 — — — A2 — 4.8 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.8 4.4 4.5 4.9 4.3 5.0 4.7 Bx 4.4 4.9 — 4.6 — — — 4.6 4.8 — — _ B2 — 4.8 — 4.6 5.0 — — 4.8 5.4 — 5.0 5.2 Q — 5.2 — — 5.2 — — 5.2 5.5 — — — c2 — — — — S.2 — — — — — — — Mull type 21 22 22a 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ave. Litter 4.8 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.6 5.1 4.6 4.6 F — — 4.8 5.5 5.3 4.9 5.3 5.2 Ax 4.5 4.6 5.1 4.9 5.5 5.0 3.9 5.2 4.8 4.6 4.7 5.6 4.9 A2 — 4.7 — 5.1 5.6 — — — — — — 5.2 5.2 Bx — 4.8 — 5.2 — 5.3 — — — — — 5.6 5.2 B2 5.3 4.9 — 6.0 5.5 5.7 5.5 5.5 B3 — 5.0 — 5.6 — — — — — — — — 5.3 Cx 5.3 4.9 — 5.8 5.6 5.9 5.5 c2 — — — b.O — — — — — — — — — Romell and Heiberg (38) found a rather wide range of pH values in the various humus classes, but the greasy and fibrous duffs were all more acid than 5.5 and their twin and crumb mulls 776 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 less acid than 4.1. The average pH values for Danish heath podzol soils, according to Weis (50) are as follows: Raw humus 3.6 (3.5—3.6) Bleached sand 3.9 (3.7—4.5) Humus hardpan 4.1 (3.9—4.3) Iron hardpan 4.5 (4.0—4.7) Subsoil 4.8 (4.4—5.9) The relatively small variation in this group of 12 profiles studied by Weis was due to the fact that all were located adjacent to one another where the land was level and quite uniform. Iron, R203, and Insoluble Matter No analysis of forest soils is more interesting than that show- ing the vertical distribution of iron, RaOa and insoluble matter (Table 7). The data on several of these profiles are shown graphically in Figure 78. Note the definite accumulation of iron in the B horizon of the podzols, with B2 possessing a higher percentage than Bi. Even in the mull types a slight accumulation is apparent. The insoluble matter generally decreases with the increase in iron content. In the case of the mull types, on the other hand, the insoluble matter increases with depth regardless of iron content. These data furnish the laboratory sanction for the horizonal designation given to the soils in the field — the B layer being the zone of accumulation. This point will be brought out further on in connection with the carbon data. An interesting comparison may be made with some data obtained by Tamm (43). An average of five or six of his profiles (profiles Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 12 and 13) is as follows: FeO Al ,0, "Humus" a 3 2 3 (loss on ignition) A2 • 1.8 9.8 2.19 B 4.0 12.0 2.32 C 3.2 12.0 0.56 All these profiles are quite strongly podzolized, the B horizon being either "orstein" or "orterde." Note that the iron content of the C horizon is higher proportionally in relation to B than are the strongly podzolized soils in New England (profiles 1, 2, 3). The same may be said for ALOs It will be observed also that the humus content of the A2 in relation to that of the B is higher in the Swedish soils than it is in our New England podzolized soils. All of Tamm's soils considered above are what he calls iron podzols. The A2 of his humus podzols (45) is much higher in humus — seven profiles (Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) averaging 6.70 per cent, B horizon 6.28 per cent, and C horizon 0.90 per cent (data on B and C given on first three profiles only). Chemical Properties 777 PER CENT SESQUIOXIDES f«,o. mmm oxides other than Fet o3 0 5 10 15 PROFILE I PODZOL PROFILE 6 PODZOL PROFILE 8 PODZOL PROFILE 14 RAW HUMUS PROFILE 2 2 MULL PROFILE 2 3 MULL Figure 78. Vertical distribution of sesquioxides in six typical profiles. (Table 7.) In this connection Jenny (23) studying alpine soils reports the following analyses. Iron podzol Humus podzol Fe203 Humus Fe2°3 Humus + A1203 + A1203 A2 3.99 2.87 1.79 4.61 B 17.00 3.51 4.56 11.22 C 9.70 2.68 2.91 6.12 778 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 o, "3 4) > < NMOHIOO * + mdoio **■ * **" ^ * co* d to o w _> J3 «1* *j* »o to to to s *o C sO O 00 "1 N io vo Q CO vo VO IO t^ 00 00 00 00 00 CM 4.58 5.04 4.92 4.23 7.64 3.59 6.51 4.77 73.8 78.0 83.5 87.0 CM 4.65 3.67 4.78 3.88 4.34 5.70 80.5 82.0 85.6 CM Os oo io oo eg co o tt Os sq o\ t-N. os eg rj" tj" -^ tJ-' Tf co co cm co eg co o t^ eg cq co r>. oo cq tj- t^ ■rt IT) LO Tf so so so' vq p eg eg o eg p co oo eg" vrj vo so' so' t^ t^ oo oo oo co oo CM CM .-; o r>. t>. •* oq | ■^ Tt rt co co e-i so o CO oo -rt-m I sq tv. m in *t oo co tJ- "^- rr ^f tj" sq o ■* tv. co •<* | ■* eg' vo t< co co t^oo co oo oo oo HI o. ;►> en 3 & 3 K > < r-> 0\ vo i>. vo vq <" O* CO 00 00 00 00 CT> 00 "*CM Tf Tf 1 00 , OssOON "-J r-! »-" eg r-< rl so eg os so i m | o co os p | sq | eg co eg' eg' »-< Tf vq so Os I vq 1 •— i i CO co i vo so Os Os Os O- Os 2 2.94 2.76 2.46 2.50 2.02 3.34 3.44 4.24 3.38 2.6U 78.3 83.3 90.6 91.9 93.6 V "5 rt N^J-Ot i 00 , qaoio Os . p oq vo | Os Os Os O sot^r^oo o N O P. V T3 O s > < 1 HOO + 00 00 | t>» »q p vq CN 3j i-H ^* "d" vN CO CO VO **• ,-t VO VO 00 eg vq >q p p *t IH co' * **" to -a" q to 00 VO ^- !>. CO VO O th co O* 00 00 Oi 00 00 00 00 00 CO , eg ooegt^ •* , j ihsONsO so t-J eg eg eg eg , -h(s!OOON , | tj- Os eg io eg | i-I rj-' rf rf' rt 1 vosOCt p | ^ ■* O O 1-" Os 00 OsOv Os tN. , OS(Mt-HtrH | 00 so o ^ *♦ CO r-n' eg' co eg' eg .-I i co i-H oeg os o | cq Tf tv. oq os sq »-" eg' ■* Tf co eg' 1 O CO O O vq CO vo vo 00 Os O co' 00 00 O0 00 Os Os SO 2.13 8.21 6.75 4.77 5.14 1.01 3.58 4.54 6.92 6.35 | ooosco | cqoq eg -3- esi co co" Ost^r^ oo oo 1.09 2.64 5.35 3.14 2.55 1.21 "o N T3 O a be c o < 1.58 5.40 4.82 3.06 2.68 2.96 OJ vq 0\ p p "i; co * co r-^ Q vo Ott^ r^. oo os d ™ | VOVO Tf , .— < VO | co eg tj- | sq eg i-< co uS co' to 1.43 1.55 6.11 3.70 0.15 | p tj- cq 1 eg vq Os' t< so t^ 00 00 so t^ 00 Os CM 1 i— i so vo .— < co 00 | io so cq o eg os i-H Tf rf' eg' eg t-h 1 NrtUlONN | oo Os "* eg t^. eg o i-i co eg eg' eg | corfsop p cq ■* <-I oo oo' o eg Os 00 IN. 00 Os Os - 1 NOOOOOssO | cq eg Os >-< rt so rt'rOTf^Csirt | OsTf tt o ^h eg O'tsDTfMrt | »-j oq on cm p Tt Vo' Tf so' t~^ T^ LO OsNsOOOOsOs 3 3 < p. "o N 13 O P. V rt V ~0 o ii > < ©©Tj-Ott^vrjCJiCMCM I>-CMC~«CJiVO00iiCMCM OjKjNOHqoqq OHrtddo'odo 3 £ a 1 < 1.018 1.327 0.067 0.023 u p. "3 V > < Tj-O\CMf^00CM©'*- VO00«")C0©VOcOt-~ J>-©C0CMi-i©©p ©iioddooo' o 1.028 1.233 1.606 0.204 0.164 0.035 0.028 o CH 1.016 1.495 0.089 0.041 " co O Tf CM i-O co CM oomONioio | co t\^tqNqo 1 o © —i © © © d d o c*3 0.842 0.291 Ol 0.913 1.400 0.116 0.044 0.017 3-. 0.901 1.159 0.083 CN1 0.705 0.240 X O CM CM CO Tf CM m 1 oo cm r^ m tj- n o 1 I NO On O n © © O 1 T-Hododdd 00 r^ -— i co t^ no ■* CO iNNrnOO 1 i-i 1 opoop r-5 ddddd oc CNI 0.703 0.239 1 . rfoOCOCOOMONONO I lOTf-CMONCOCMnO 1 NOCMnnp©©© r-li-^dddddd 0) a :>. 3 E 3 > < lOHNONlOOO ©cO00ON©Tt-T}-CM 00 Tf CM CM CM i-i p O © »i' ,4 d © d o" d CNJ 0.604 0.232 — NO 1.512 1.194 0.097 0.170 0.133 0.038 0.032 tN. 0.792 1.228 0.056 o eg 0.680 0.312 u P. >, "o -a o p. be S3 o a! > < vooNTj-ir>.r^ON 1 NOOn CM CM | 1 I 1 COOCM CM 1 I 1 E*3 CM O 00 00 NO o ^t I in no oo o no co n 1 ii u-) co CM_ O O O iidd d odd O co On 00 co UTvO 1 ONinOOONO 1 00 co 1 00 — < T-t -t: ; »-< 1 p p rt'foddd do a 1.843 1.373 0.228 1.072 0.139 OOOOt^ONONCOCMON 1 "trttOvONfOOOt- 1 1 (OOV-JTtHlHOO t-ii-iddddd© CH ©©u-j NOcOirjTj- CM ii CM 1 t^J^Tj- CM t^ NO 00 I n p o o © n" © dddd CM , cm oocMr^ on in f^ -3" 00 CM CM CM 1 1 co i ii O O O n do dodo ~ t^ NO i— i CO l-O <-0 Tf 1 CM On O CM CO p O 1 cm" —id © © © © - 0.828 1.624 1.517 0.218 CM 1.033 0.575 0.141 0.125 J fa <o "*■ CO rnNin 00 ■— i (\i CM* 0\ ' lo -^ OrnN00\0 ts -t oq ^t q \o t>.' i-I ro ,-! I I OOtlONtJ-N Nfgqc>o\N cvi .-I vo o r>! cj OON^DiO'l-CO-t CMLOCOCOCCCMco^f; r-i C\ iH NO lO CO rM 6 OCOOOONON i-j CM "* cq is. u-j ro 0\MrH06i-i6 JfcUKfflBffl u u ID I LOCO --I I CM^ q oq oq t-. -h o 06 t> «i * LO Tj" CO ^H in (NJ tv. LO CO oo LO 00 I^lo ■*(- CO oooo i-jovq O CM \o lO lO Tj" j fe ffi < o ' ^r oor^ ON-* mm I cm >-o O CO ' i-^ o LO 00 VO CO 1— 1 LO ■<* LO CO HKOioco^ ^ t-H t~>. LO TJ- CO C\ Tf' <-< o o cm" o o ^ "■+ T-i CM CM 1 1 ■* 1 ^ oo ~ 1 cm" 1 o hjfc<. iO\ls oq oq o\ r>.. < NO\>0 CM ■ CM CM CMCM< in on ono v o\ddd( CM CO rf CM i I I ■* tq*■ CO CO t^.CM 1 °° XT} CO 1 co CN) coqiocotN co t-C c5 ^- CM VO CO CM CM CM I ■ • I NO CO coonoono CO NO ON t^ COCM r-i-H vdoNodrH I iqooo I I i-j ocm'o I I co VO CO CO CM jttHffi<. cq co-ndd ^O CO CM CM sigi NO CM "■> i CM d vo t^ Tt 1 t^ CM CM' co I "* CO iru-i r-lCM ■* CM t^. ON t>j on u-i io r->! od CMtJ- CO CM On NO CM t>. iri 00 •-< CO NO CO CM CM CM »-i *-h CM rf ,-h i-i J fc < < pq eq cq U Chemical Properties 785 The graphs in Figure 79 were constructed from data in which the foregoing factors were used. Note the large quantity of organic matter present in the B horizons of the podzolized soils. There is a marked similarity between these graphs and those in Figure 78 showing the distribution of iron. Nitrogen-Carbon Ratio One characteristic of the majority of soils in the forests of New England is their wide carbon-nitrogen ratio as compared with agricultural soils. In no case have we found the ratio of the A horizon to be narrower than 13:1 (Table 10). This is no doubt due to the less rapid breaking down of the duff in the podzol types. The material — present in all stages of decomposition — remains on the surface for the most part. In the mull type, on the other hand, as fast as the material breaks down it is incorporated into the mineral soil primarily through the activity of earthworms. The table shows also in the case of the B layers a wider ratio in the podzol types than in the mulls. Inspection of the data on Danish heath soils presented by Weis (50) reveals that the proportion of C to N is invariably higher in the leached layer than in any other horizon. This is not true in the case of our New England soils. Calcium The data on total calcium is shown in Table 11. Based on the dry weight of the soil, the H, Ai, and A2 layers are lowest in calcium content, and either the F or the litter the highest. As a rule the percentage of calcium increases from A2 downwards. This distribution of calcium is more or less characteristic of all except very immature soils. In podzol profiles the calcium distribution does not coincide with that of iron or of organic matter, since the calcium must first be displaced before the podzolization process can take place. In this displacement the calcium is not concentrated in the B layer, but apparently is diffused throughout the whole of the subsoil. In a few cases there is a somewhat larger amount in the C horizon. The entire profile at South Coventry, Conn., (profile 25) analyzes rather high in calcium, higher than any other profile studied. It will be recalled (page 761) that the red pine growing at this locality had the highest site index in the State. 786 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 V f~. CO i-H •* o\ VO a\ t-» ro •«*• **• t-~ *-H CO i ID o < o o o o o o 1 6-4 o CM iOO\ ON On CO | \OtN i oono OOO oo I-H i— 1 O | MO 1 OnO 1 Tf CO ^ 1 —i o Or-C o ■ NO CM 00 On >— i 00 On | OOrnOOHNrt 6666666 OOO— ih ooooo N i-H ir) VO CTi CTi O I Ol ■* CM CO CO vO vo ' 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 00 Tt- 00 -rj- On r^ "O CO ^J- t— i O r— i dddddd 00 -h t-h CM CM I CM ddddd 6 rH N CM (N N fO ro 00 CO CO ■* "* ■* IN. ddddddd co-tTftsvqoNoooN i-iddddddd I QOl | CO i y- 1 | «q co oo | ui 6 6 6 6 u-j co On m 66 ooooo OOOOOOOQ NO CO co^f dd On I NO I 00 I I I OOOOO OOOOOO 00 O co .i— iNONOO oq co no vo no r^ oq Oi-Io dodo oot^-HcoTi-oot-.^ n o, « io "> tN * oq ^^dddddd CM CM co NO co t^ CO CM NO CM CM CM y- (THoddd ld ,_, _ _ o ono oo t^t^ CO 6 66 ooooooo ■* ON co CM NO 00 tONDNOtsNONO dddddd *-H rH CM —I j fc K < m pq eq u u j h K < < mm u h4tH<U-J 1 qsB uo (vj ^ rid CM psseq bq «-n ■<*■ , oo e — . "5 qsy 1 I OS 1 ^^ 1 § 30 I co -* t< § t^> 0\ ON •jm Xap uo r-r ■ CO CM | CO 1 co o | O CO paseq bq CM .-H qsB uo iO CM .-H NO 1 On in-* CM CM CM 1 VO paseq bq ^ _; 1 odd ' -a o o. O ">* | OOlO^H | 11 qsy Tt CO ■* coco | rt CO t^ uind t* 1— 1 1 — 1 On On On •a o •}M Xjp UO 0\ ON ■ NO CM CO CO CM i CM CM CM | pasBq B3 o o odd qSE uo rHrHW rH co co no r^.-*--; h CM CM. CM pasBq bq uS co id dodo -3- >—i O ■a o o. CO IT* co co co ■"*■ to qsy **i-jON inNsqoq c o u u-it^ O oo uSuS no CM on coco on 35 •}AV Xjp uo lO T)- CO ,-H-^-Tj-m CO CM O h CM CM CM, paseq eq odd d odd LffiK<-< ft >> 3 £ id io *-;**- oq vo io aq ui d id ai n n d CM CO Tj- NO l l l l l l l CO !<*> 1 1 II LONO I-l • ' ' 00U-3CM I nOOnOn I 1 NO -"3- III J3 . 1 CO 1 O -h 1 1 1 CM CM COCOCM | 1 OntJ- in > 3 ft o rt o ooqio o o 00 00 CM' On on I 00 10 On CM CM ' o o m h on «-h r^ t^ ON O 00 CO C*5 i-H NiocO a W ^t CM O NO o< |o h H to CM in NO On od od cd 1 loo Tt-CM ' ' S3 l-i xK W 48.6 141.1 2.6 33.6 28.0 6.4 in On O m i-h m 00 od o' t< 06 -rt cm' o CM co CM ^1 CM i Mrt-tvOO ^J- | lOrtr-lrH<\] - ONO 1 1 "* 1 1 3d o rt HO co ir> o\ CM 00 CM O rr" r~> ' u-> u-> id Cm' no t^ O CM CM y-i IJ-JVO CM 1 NO | 1 U to X CD WW .-< 1 'tNNOOtN. r-J 1 cd C\i cd CM' t-! CO 52.9 51.0 0.4 J3 W CM CM. lO in CM CM co . 3 £ 3 M o W < a >> 6 _ u ^ p 0 CM (N hCsIhh CM MINI co io ■— i t>. oo ■* oo SO SO so CM CM Tj- io £s3 OM-O O | cm' od •<* | io so so so 00 co ■* 't 00 ts >-< CO •* CO t^.so CM <-< MINI ts ^- oq csi th o\ q O Tt SO to i-i t^ CM- W oq cm oq ■* n - o 5 & < « [/> H .C = fc o w o s o « CO H t> !Z! 3 3H o o :±i OOOWO't On tx CO "<*•* o OrHN t-hu-jIx. u-> © .— I <=>«=> I 1 ^ 1 1 s ©' © CO © © © ©Oco' oo ' ' uS 1 1 d I— 1 d iz; o 15 "= CM CM «-h 00 -h tx. ON On CO Niomm 00©r-H rt 00 tx no oo o *3- Tf CO * ON 00 i ©CO , ^^t 1 "1^1 1 ^ 1 1 V ^'^ 1 Tf^r 1 tu U CM ■*-* 4J no— o ^ X c . © © Coo S oo £ °^-3 j 3 3 U •— LO x'-g-c u *j « +t/)'o i- G o o K N toffiKfcKK feffiK feKKffi < < < . ml? CM CO CO 00 On ON 'tlOlO ^h CM CM CM ©©© tOf^tOfOfOtO "^-ft IOIDIOIO NO NO NO en 1 Classi- fication 3 O *o N -3 O Ph N -3 O On *3 V *£ o ^- tJ- NO t-x CM ££ -h CM CM Ph 231 •?~^o O o« •o* » « ,| §•§!§;§ QQO £ 800 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 before inoculation resulted in somewhat less ammonia and almost no nitrates. The second experiment ran from March to June, 1929, on a different set of soils. Ten, twenty-five or fifty grams of soil were used, depending upon its bulkiness. The results are recorded in Table 23. In general the results are similar to the first experiment. Partial sterilization of No. 77 appeared beneficial to NH3 production but hindered NOa formation. Inoculation of a partially sterilized sample with about one-ninth by weight (W. F. basis) of No. 98 decreased the NIL somewhat. Inoculation of sample 85 with No. 126, which by itself am- monified strongly, brought about only a slight increase. Dextrose PARTS PER MILLION 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 SOIL "a F LAYERS PODZOL .^i^MM^^^Hi 5 i^^mm—^^^^^^^^mmmmm—^K RAW HUMUS32WKmmmmmm^^^mm^^^mmm^^i^^ MULL 38\ PODZOL 45l 521 RAW HUMUS 3 31 NH3 -N H LAYERS —N03'N MINERAL SOIL (A,) MULL 3 9 ■« Figure 81. Amount of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in the soil after a three-month incubation. (Table 22.) First set, soil not previously dried. added in addition had practically no effect. The inoculation of No. 120 with No. 85 and the further addition of lime brought about an enormous increase in nitrates. The sample was not tested for NHa. Lastly, inoculation of No. 126 with No. 85 greatly increased the NOa content, and the use of lime in addition more than doubled the nitrates. Samples previously air dried. In the winter of 1929-30 a third experiment was carried out, this time on previously air-dried material. No inoculations or other treatments were applied. Table Biological Studies 801 24 and Figure 82 contain the data. Ammonia was determined at the end of one month as well as three months. Nitrates were run only after three months. The ammonia content of the Cherry Mountain samples, particu- larly the F layers, was quite high at the beginning of the experi- ment but the increase during the incubation period was large, SOIL NO. P0DZ0L3-4* 7* 9 • 17 * 25 i 185* 192.H 306* HUMUS 3th 3/7* 363 ■ 367' 313 t PODZOL 8 l ro\ 18 I T86\ I93\ 307* HUMUS 311 '/z\ 3/8l 3641 368 i 500 PARTS PER MILLION 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 F LAYERS NH3_ - N NOj - N H LAYERS MULL I77\ 3/0 i 374i 198 l MINERAL SOIL (A.) (ROTT/NG LOG) Figure 82. Amount of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in the soil after a three-month incubation. (Table 24.) Third set, soil previously dried. nevertheless. As a rule the litter samples yielded little or no am- monia and, of course, no nitrates. This is due to the very wide car- bon-nitrogen ratio of this material. All the available nitrogen present is used immediately by the decomposing organisms. In order to provide an accumulation of ammonia it would be neces- sary to add a large quantity of readily available nitrogen, as will be seen in later experiments. 802 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 tfci CO 1-4 © o> ■* ON o> lO lO 1 1 ^ On VO lO 1 i 1-n on 0 00 rH V) On ON ■<* ci © © 1 1 -* On Tf ■* 1 1 ^ CM O 1-1 i—i c CM CM CO VO CO CM VO oo oo io o NO iO rr to h in a vo o IT) r^ t^ LTJ IT; On 1 "^ Tf ^H ON I 1^ rt oo —i t o CM 1^ 1 »J-) CM l-H CO o »-< '— I »- • o" X, -0 ■* Tf © CM ■* CM VO 00 00 CM oo Tf CM —i O O VO O c vo O o -t 00 i^ 1^ CM CM VO 1 ""> "0 CO i-l CM w OO r-l ~r »—H o CM r^ CM 1 io CM 1-1 ■* *"* 1 ' 1—1 ^ rt CM CM CM vo VO O o O O ""J 1 oo cc t^ t^ fO i-i i-i i—i W CM CM CM CM VO 1 l-H >— 1 ON CM id p cm 1 vq 1 I t>. ON | 1 ^ | <= 1 1 r>. | o ON vo vd 1 ,—i 1 1 vo' to 1 1 ^ 1 r-l | ON oo 1 o u "—i »— 1 i—i w a 3 i — , s on rt- vo VO © VO VO N 00 CM iO iO CM Ninn s -* o CO rf -1- CM 00 —i co 1 1 ^ no (ON o d o <-> CO 1 CM 1 1 1 1 CO CM 1 1 1 r^ .c d — rt '« VO CM 00 o VO CM CM "3- ON CO co 00 CM CM lO i-H ^ " Td 10 r^ 1 CO 1 r^ rt O VO CM 1 t -tf tJ- Tf CM CM CM On 1 CM 1 i-i ro C/S iO CM *t 1 "t 1 1 ^r S-I 3 OG On (U u * O E + "S H o o O © s 3 o 4> s 3 © s 4> CD NO CM + + o VO CM 0) s 3 i) o S o O S H^ ^J '-2 "-2 ^ rt 1- l-H c c3 rt CM to + ca XI a o c 1— 1 o o to ffi K to fe <<<<<<< to fc r-; 1 1 «5 I 'I 2 O 1 T-i O 1 co o CM* T-i t< od oo CJ T~t i-i CM i — i \o o O iO o o in NO O OiOtO CO ON \0 t-i NO- CM -T CM CM 00 VO ON CM !5 -r CO rtrli- CM On lM — -H TI- «-■ CM O 15 -c t^ o O in o O in VO o ^H r- 1 O CO CO CS N vo -1 NO CM -r t-H CM CM 00 vo ON CM — -r CO *-H T-l ■<*■ CM ON *~ ' rH Tfr <-c CM -H O o o o o o o o o CM O O o o o o O O W ON CM ON IB VO CO »n I c -1- , en on I CM r-J On 1 1 °i 1 ! 1 _o in ON r>! 1 vo' cm ' VO CO 1 t-1 VO CM 1 1 CM I CM 1 1 v ' i >—. z O ON CM co vo On t^ in co in On CO ■* cm t^ [ rvj t^ I CO CO VO On ON 1 1 CO m 1 1 ■ 5 O £ a 00 1 CO o 1 co r>» 1 VO ro 1 1 co CM en 1 1 1 i s -= 15 1^ - u a n-' 03 -r O m CM PO M On co in co in in co 1 ^ «" TT CM t^ I CM Tj- O0 t^ r^ vo vo 1 1 r^ co 1 1 £ O 1 oo »-< — ■ o co in cm 1 1 vo 1 1 £ r~i 1—1 CM «-h 1-1 CO P "S - w O ^ O- VO O O CM O vo o o o VO vo o\ 1 ^ 1 O CO 1 — t^ r^ | CO CO 1 1 o 1 1 CO CM 1 CM — 1 r-l 1 CM CM 1 1 h co '73 t/> £ iJ « 3 t^ H g t^ g s + in m O 5-1 "S 0J oo 00 "»H £ o . O o CO co O- -t C u ^ t^ OM fOO\ NO NO co CM m f^O '3 >« c CO NO NO t^ co CM VO CM 71 i in oco Oco Oo g CO t-h cm cm CM i-c co 1 1 lO CNJ cocni ~.s ■* GOtJ- r-HVO TflO CO cm t^r>. co in C0>-0 in co on COiO co co NO On NO 1-1 T-l -5J- CO u-j r^ ^■CM HO 00 -ICO i-o r^ co CM CM 1 CM 1 1 CM CO NiO J3 CM oo ON \oo\ On 'O co cot^ -* CM O co CM in co £ CO ■*tt^ CO CO in co CM co m oco Tf CO o CM m cm -t-^t- co CM CO CM ^ro co no ft ft g "~ ' r-H H CM i-i co CM CM 12! 1 a" £ _C r^ QOOJ OOt^ GOON m ,_! O o i— i m On CM 'rt o ON ^H LO ntN ^■K ■* NO CM -f CM r- 1 CO 1 ^1- 1 CO 1 1 ON CO 1 NC 1 1 © ONJ^ LO Tf ©LO o *o © © ©© COLO ©LO ©"* NO LO © CM 1 w CO LO CM CO ^1 W CO W —•o NO -Tf ^_ 1 ■Tj- LO CM t^ CO 1 1 '"O 1 1 I ■* T"1 1 ON 1 1 CM — ' w LO no ©CO O NO © © LO LO CO LO ©© lo o NO LO © ON f>» ON NOLO ,— i CO r-t ^r ■* —- TT CM CM CO CO -r w LO CM ON now © n-Cs O CO © co t^Tf ©ON ©ON © On © LO CO © cmcg 1 ^r CM ON CO CM -r CO CM ^h rr oc t CM co lO i— ' CM 1 CO 1 1 ir, 1 CM CM 1 1 1 1 co «N CM NO W ©CO © CM "1 O OO o -r lOro © io w j^ ©O 1 ^ oo CO LO - CO T W ^r CO w — ' T CO LO CO CN1 CM ©o ©CM © CO ©© © © LO uo ©© — LO LO ■* © ©© t^ CO CM co CO CO NO -T W CMlo Tlo -r cm CM O lo no Jfe Ek J< feW J l Jffi feffi ■-- fa< J Jb ^ CO »o\o W CO ON© CO LO WOO CO TT woo cotJ- W On© ON ©© ©© ©^ NONO NO NO W W W WOO co CO CO TO ro CO CO co CO CO coco co co co co CO CO CO co co &fl 3 C/J o be o t/; ~ ir. , , c -O p ~ 3 0 ffi N +J h— "O ^ *0 ~ — JZ ~ ~ •c "O o jV^" — S S ^ W S = s s o Cm 1 CO On ON © NO © W LO w © 1 CM CM CO CM CM CM X()(, Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Sample 198 is a rotting spruce log that was collected and pre- served in a moist condition. Spruce seedlings survive and seem to grow quite vigorously on these rotting logs. In the foregoing experiment ammonification was not especially marked although the initial ammonia content is fairly high. Further consideration of this material is postponed for the present. Inoculation Experiment A special inoculation experiment was carried out in 1930 to supplement rather incomplete tests of a similar nature that had been previously made. This was done with air dried materials made up to optimum moisture, and inoculated with a water extract rather than with soil itself. The samples used were from the same group as those of the 1929-30 experiment. The plan was to inocu- late a sample that normally did not ammonify with an extract of a sample that by itself yielded a large quantity of ammonia. Also the opposite was tried, inoculating a high ammonia sample with material from a low ammonia sample. The results, shown in Table 25, indicate very little influence of inoculation. It is concluded, therefore, that if these materials contain any substances that either stimulate or inhibit ammonifica- tion such substances are not soluble in water. Table 25. Nitrogen Transformation, Inoculation Experiment, 1930 Soil No. Horizon NH-N p.p.m. Previous analysis 1 month incubation 178 Lit. Plus extract of 318 0 6.7 18.7 192 Lit. Plus extract of 185 41 13.3 26.6 185 F Plus extract of 178 896 680.0 608.0 317 Lit. Plus extract of 318 52 23.0 5.0 318 H Plus extract of 31 51 569 588.0 593.0 367 F Plus extract of 3682 Plus extract of 185 40 40.0 0.0 8.0 ■'Previous analysis of No. 315, 32 p.p.m. ^Previous analysis of No. 368, 274 p.p.m. Biological Studies 807 Effect of Treatment A fifth experiment was carried out in the winter of 1930-31 in which several treatments were used. In connection with another greenhouse experiment, samples were collected from a scarlet oak stand in Bethany, Conn., under which there was a rather thick layer of raw humus, a typical poor condition for this locality and from a healthy, rapidly growing mixed hardwood stand near Lake Beseck in Middleneld, Conn, which had an excellent crumb mull. These samples were taken as follows : Bethany (Profile 13) Beseck (Profile 22a) S 358 F layer S 362 Litter 359 H layer 363 A, 360 Aa 364 Composite 361 Composite The composite consisted in each case of a mixture of the hori- zons in question in their natural proportions similar to what one would have were he to plow the soil to include about 4 inches of mineral soil. In addition there were included in the experiment samples from a mull type and a raw humus type in eastern Connecticut and a mull in Woodbridge, Conn. (Lake Chamberlain). Treatments when specified consisted of the following materials : Lime = precipitated chalk ; nitrogen = bloodmeal calculated to yield 800 to 1000 p. p. m. of nitrogen as used ; PK = KtLPO. 20 mg. per sample. From 20 to 100 grams of soil were used, depending upon its bulkiness. These data are presented in Table 26. The following points are worthy of note. 1. The large accumulation of ammonia in S 358 untreated, and the marked loss of ammonia in S 362. This again is identified with the differences in C-N ratios. 2. The striking decrease in ammonia and in most cases the resulting increase in nitrates where lime was used. 3. The increase in ammonia where nitrogen was added. In no case, how- ever, did the whole of the added bloodmeal nitrify. Observe the rather close relation between the percentage of added N nitrified and the C-N ratio. 4. The NPK treatment giving slightly better results than N alone, except in the case of S 362. 5. LNPK causing a very marked increase over lime alone in samples S 360 and S 363, both mineral layers, but not in the other three samples so treated. 6. In sample S 362 none of the treatments had any appreciable effect in overcoming the handicap of a wide carbon nitrogen ratio. In the green- house it was necessary to add large quantities of soluble nitrogen in order to grow a crop on this material. 7. Comparing the check with the lime treatment, it is evident that in the F layers lime resulted in a much lower accumulation of soluble nitrogen than was the case in the untreated sample ; in the H layers there was a slight reduction, but in the mineral horizons lime increased the soluble 808 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 o £ g P 2 flN MOrtfOO TTOOOO i-> NOOO^OTf In. cm tN. no in on r>. co i-h cm toooof^'t cm o\ oq oq m oo NO InI NO NO NO TJ-' NO in in NO in irj in in in in in In! no" ^O t^ Total Gain NH3-N NO.rN c CM J^ m m CM CM r^ 00 CM »-< MWtOi-i CM 10 m u-> o m B 00 CM CM ON r>* NNioaO rnNrHMOO in OVOK^O O.0\0't'*00 OnOncOCOOO i-i>-i\ONO00 rt tOfONMt^ drt_CMCM t-i^h 1 1 1 1 1 1° g'ONO'OO rN, O CO r^ 00 MOsph^O, cm oo .oo B \o ^- rt^tro(MO\ HO\NVOO\ '-i «-■ ft O ri r-t ON rHrtrilfl £_( (£,1-1 «-H l-H 15 1 a' c NOiOiOM mtoiOi^N OvOfONM O ifliflinoifl s M-*■ OvOKOO ft ON CM ■* "* CM OnCMcoco^h rH |-*f"*CM <-i CO CO CM CM CO O.^ 1 CMCM | | ~~ | 1 1 1 1 1 J3 a o s _; cm o m m cm o cm o O oo o tj- co cm co o in m m o m tiNuii- 1 00 CM OcoIn.1— i-^- CO r^Oi-i O NnOCftN Q, CM t^JN. CM ITJNO ■— ' tTltjco CM t-h dCM CMCM -H ,-i^ 1 °' 1 oC 1 CO' 1 CM 1 1 1 1 CM 1 -- i 1 ' cm to 1 CM ' CM ' CM ' CM ' CM ' OOiomO lO rJ-00 ooo in O oo—i NO HN lO © VO VO CM VO ON oo on 1 I ^o\ vo^ co vo TJ- CO m^t ; tj- uivdinin\o -* io vd 1 1 to vd VON vo'vd ION von to \Ou^'-|0\'o .o CO O ooo COO VO Os OnN co vo tO ^CM 00 CO CM 00 i- oo t-h On Tf T-H VO-H ON rtt^Tfoo CO TfV© CM H ON CM -4--H ,-H -HrtfCtf5 eg om OMO CM CM oo N co VOCM COOO 00 rHinmiria io CON IT) 00 CM VO^H m cm op NO N00 Tf 1 vovOt-h 1 —ceo 1 1 — 1 £7 — ICC 1 1 1 Noting 00 Oto - oo o^ioo o ooo OSO o CO q «N OsOtsN o OsOO cO«-h £ "t u-j rtirj cou-j. cor>; POLO CO 1— J u-> ^ 1 | ^j Tf' \d to so co'vd to so "* ' ^ ' < OCMiOMin ,-h ^ co --i Os o>oio lOCM cti om co 0 &f » f3 CM fc io in o r^ o > P P £ u P 1> p£ X Ih £ >s >> -if JU JS ed O "3. E rt W of '> u V u P u o u S a o c V bo ^o bf|00 .s2 a a P U ° U as P o o" «25 812 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 1 1 i ■ T— i r — \ a?o. 1 \ i \ 1 v / \ o ' v «o o ; v - Vj2 ' \ > • 1 \ o 1 \ ' OQ 1 \ / VO ^ ^ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ l I l o / . 1 . I 3§ / \ ^•/ < \ i 1 1 V 08 / \ °/ \ / «*)' O \ ^/ I > <•> / / \ * 1 / v & \ i / ^y\ / \ 1 \ i / y \ N$ / / \ 1 • \ i o§ 1 1 ' 1 1 (Vj o -I » i V 'SU 1 1 .-*-. v \ » 1/ : \ ill ' \ < £•--< > f#---*" \ /// C \ .'/ / / O 3 - ,.]--. 1 • ' 1 2? )7 193 186 8 10 18 SOIL NUMBER Figure 84. Relation of ammonia content after a three-month incubation to other soil properties. Podzol soils, H layers only. 25, which correspond to plots 1, 2, and 3 of the Cherry Mountain series, we note that plot 2 is poorly drained and the stand contains a much larger proportion of conifers than plot 3. This would account for the more acid reaction and the lower Ca content. In the case of the H layers of podzol types (Figure 84) excellent agreement is found between NFL-N, calcium, and pH. Total N does not correlate nearly so closely. The ammonia formed in mild humus (twin mull) samples is correlated fairly well with total nitrogen content and also calcium as far as it goes (Figure 85). It may be mentioned here that the 814 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 exchangeable calcium of sample No. 126 is considerably in excess of any of the other samples concerned in this group. Apparently reaction is of less consequence in this case. All of the factors involved agree excellently with the ammonia nitrogen of the H layers of the mild humus type (Figure 86). Correlations with Phosphorus and Potassium The ammonia content of two groups of samples was compared with total phosphorus, soluble phosphorus, and replaceable potas- sium. The correlations were practically nil, hence no data are given. Table 28. Correlation of NH3-N + N03-N and pH Organic layers pH 3-3.5 3.5-4.0 4.0-4.5 4.5-5.0 5.0-5.5 5.5-6.0 465 563 10 0 622 728 633 736 677 25 1025 2819 892 1129 823 43 1141 1032 1232 845 1025 1331 1279 1307 1439 1543 1680 897 940 1005 1073 1148 1217 1545 1886 2057 2082 2215 2235 3862 1215 1403 1845 2172 2272 2520 2715 3359 2920 Ave. 860 1204 1442 1550 1408 1773 Mineral layers 56 62 157 72 86 157 142 101 116 160 182 272 374 Avera ge 90 169 157 133 266 200 Biological Studies 815 Table 29. Relation of NH3~N to C-N Ratio Organic layers C:N , . 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 573 244 188 0 0 0 0 26 563 280 75 0 8 12 892 992 465 845 10 10 1032 583 1025 15 71 1073 633 1148 15 1200 ■ 736 1543 25 1215 823 43 1232 897 1439 940 1545 1845 1875 2075 2235 2272- 2486 2625 .2828 3675 1017 1120 1279 1295 1403 1656 1675 2045 2172 2189 3359 Ave. 1708 1238 773 15 22 6 459 Organic Matter Decomposition The kind and amount of duff on the forest floor are dependent among other things upon the rate and completeness of decomposi- tion. The best method of making comparisons in this respect is by taking the samples to the laboratory and measuring the rate of decomposition under uniform conditions. Perhaps the most satis- factory measurement is the amount of carbon dioxide evolved in a given time.__ Results Over a. 46 Day Period The samples' wereprepared "as" described for the nitrogen trans- formation experiments and put into 12 ounce wide mouth bottles connected with some suitaM"e;device (to be described) for meajsurf ing the CO*. ; :■":.? - • ---- '■---* ^-: ■■- --" '-"-- For the first test, carried out in the "winter of 1928-29, the amount of soil used was governed by its carbon content, the object being to have the same amount of organic carbon in each sample, 816 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 using 10 grams of soil containing 40 per cent C as a basis. In other words each sample as used contained a total of 4 g. of carbon. The bottles were equipped with a two-hole stopper in the one of which was inserted a soda-lime tube. In the other hole was placed a glass tube bent at right angles, the horizontal end of which was connected to the bulb end of a Meyer absorption tube. A battery of 12 such sets was connected to a water pump. Aeration at a slow rate was carried on for one hour each day. The CO2 was absorbed 69 97 NUMBER Figure 85. Relation of ammonia nitrogen content after a three-month incubation to other soil properties. Humus type profile, F layers, only. by standard KOH, the carbonates precipitated with BaCL and the whole titrated with HC1. The data are given in Table 30. The F layers in all cases evolved considerably more CO* than did the H or Ai layers. This is to be expected since the C - N ratio is wider in the F portion. In the H and the organic portion of the Biological Studies 817 Ai the more readily decomposed portions have already been broken down, leaving the more resistant substances of which lignin is the best known. The most rapid decomposition occurs during the first few days, with a gradual dropping off with the passage of time. Sample No. 38, however, not only has a higher initial evolution but maintains a higher rate throughout, dropping off but little. Were the experi- ment to continue for a longer period of time, all samples would Table 30. Organic Matter Decomposition as Measured by Evolution of Carbon Dioxide. (Samples Not Previously Dried) Mgms. of CO, Average per Day Days Profile No. 14 Devil's Hop Yard Raw humus Soil No. 32 F Soil No. 33 H Profile No. 24 Devil's Hop Yard Mull Soil No. 38 F Soil No. 39 A Profile No. 6 Bigelow Podzol Soil Soil No. 44 No. 45 F H 2 4 7 11 14 20 25 32 39 46 Accum. total W. F. wt. soil gtn. Ave. per gm. soil Percent. CO„ evolved 28.3 10.8 24.2 8.3 24.8 8.6 17.5 5.9 18.1 6.8 16.3 6.2 17.0 7.7 16.7 9.5 15.9 12.5 13.2 10.7 805.9 410.7 8.98 10.13 89.7 40.5 d 5.5 2.77 38.3 11.9 28.9 33.6 9.1 25.5 35.4 8.8 24.0 25.3 6.5 17.3 29.9 8.1 18.3 27.3 6.9 14.5 31.9 7.2 14.4 32.2 7.4 15.3 31.9 6.9 17.2 24.3 5.3 15.7 1381.4 332.4 799.8 13.64 50.9 9.79 100.6 6.5 84.9 9.42 2.27 5.48 11.1 9.4 9.1 6.5 7.5 6.3 6.1 6.1 6.2 5.3 306.4 10.34 29.5 2.08 drop off to a much lower level. Observe that the amount of COa evolved in percentage of the total amount originally present, varies considerably in the F layers, but is more constant in the H and Ai horizons. Seven Day Experiments It was observed that the results obtained at the end of one week were comparable to the total for the full 46 day period as far as the relation of one soil to another was concerned. The next two experiments were therefore limited to 7 days each. The samples 818 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 consisted primarily of litter only, although several F layers were included. Preparation was carried out as already described. Titration was made,, every day excepting the sixth. The results are shown in Tables 31 and 32. 364 NUMBER Figure 86. Relation of ammonia nitrogen content after a three-month incubation to other soil properties. Humus type profile, H layers only. The greatest evolution occurred the second or third day. Ob- serve that the initial evolution and also the total evolution is greater than it was in the first experiment. This is due to the fact that the samples in the second and third experiments were previously air/ dried. It is easily demonstrated that drying greatly stimulates the decomposition that occurs following moistening. Biological Studies 819 Other Experiments In February, 1931, a number of samples were incubated at 28° and the CO* measured on the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth days. Through an error the bottles were first plugged with cotton, which resulted in such complete diffusion that practically no CO2 accumu- Table 31. Organic Matter Decomposition as Measured by Evolution of Carbon Dioxide. (Samples Previously Air Dried.) Mgms. of CO,, Average per Period Profile 9 11 11 22a 26 28 No. Podzol R. H. R. H. Mull Mull Mull Soil No. 180 305 3061 176 178 309 Days 1 59 41 79 48 53 39 2 124 131 102 123 105 110 3 124 196 88 122 94 112 4 97 177 73 100 70 89 5 75 143 64 76 55 62 7 62 113 64 66 45 46 Accumulated 540 806 470 535 418 457 Total *F layer; all others litter. Table 32. Organic Matter Decomposition as Measured by Evolution of Carbon Dioxide. (Samples Previously Air Dried.) Mgms. of C02, Average per Period. Profile No. 10 Mod. Podzol 16 Humus 17 Humus 27 Mull 29 Mull 30 Mull Soil No. 379 317 3671 377 313 315 Days 1 2 3 70 83 65 90 130 81 55 92 66 41 85 98 66 160 181 114 158 91 4 47 56 45 73 128 64 5 38 45 33 53 95 51 7 39 46 42 47 83 47 Accumulated Total 332 448 333 398 715 525 JF layer; all others litter. lated. After the third day the bottles were kept stoppered except during the hour of incubation. In addition to the foregoing, CO2 was measured after one month and three months on some samples set to incubate in a nitrogen transformation experiment previously described. At the periods stated a vial containing standard KOH was suspended in each 820 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 bottle of soil for three days (with one interruption). The results of both of the above tests calculated on a relative basis are given in Table 33. Table 33 C02 Evolution, Relative Values1 Mgms. CC 2 Profile No. Soil No. Horizon 4th Day 7th-10th Day Total 4th- 10th Days 1 Month 3 Months 13 S358 S359 S360 F H A2 100 31 IS 100 23 14 100 29 17 100 23 8 100 40 4 22a S362 S363 F A, 88 156 140 112 11 121 7 31 419 420 421 422 Lit. F H A2 102 16 113 178 55 123 160 54 128 24 18 98 19 13 12 426 427 428 429 Lit. F H A2 110 127 53 125 142 57 135 150 58 116 55 9 91 74 0 11 305 Lit. 220 205 224 — — — Lake Chambe F rlain 120 138 140 — — lValues based on organic carbon content of original samples. Table 34. C02 Evolution, Relative Values on Treated Soils Profile No. Soil No. Horizon Treatment 1 Month 3 Months 13 S358 F o 100 100 L 78 77 N 113 89 NPK 108 85 LNPK 84 71 S359 H O 25 62 N 23 54 NPK 24 53 LNPK 32 59 S360 A2 O 3.3 8 N 6.6 8 NPK 5.9 8 LNPK 17 8 22a S362 Lit. O 112 121 N 124 108 NPK 126 104 LNPK 119 123 Biological Studies 821 Effect of Treatment Carbon dioxide was measured after one month and three months on the samples treated with fertilizers and described under the section on nitrogen transformation, page 807. These results are presented as relative values in Table 34. No allowance has been made for the CO2 coming from the lime (CaC03) itself. Appar- ently lime has not been particularly stimulating to decomposition when used either alone or in conjunction with a complete fertilizer. The beneficial effect of nitrogen at one month has disappeared at three months. Natural Moist Condition versus Previous Drying Finally, measurements were made on CO2 evolution in the ex- periment designed to determine the effect of air drying on nitrogen transformation. Vials of KOH were suspended in the bottles of soil and titrations were made at the end of 1, 2, 7, and 14 days with the results given in Table 35. Here we see that the use of lime has increased very markedly the CO2 evolved. Since these soils Table 35. Effect of Previous Drying Upon the Evolution of Carbon Dioxide Horizon Previous condition Treatment Mgms. C02, average per day Location Nov. 24 1st day Nov. 25 2d day Dec. 1 7th day Dec. 3-8 9th- 14th day Total Waterville, H, Dry O 62 53 18 4.3 154 N. H. Lime1 203 90 30 6.4 355 Wet O 28 19 14 3.6 78 Lime 155 51 29 6.4 267 H2 Dry O 32 21 8 1.2 67 Lime 176 48 13 2.4 249 Wet O 10 4 3 0.9 22 Lime 204 . . 30 11 2.8 258 N. Cole- brook H Dry O -/■ Lime .73 238 54 101 20 36 3.8 11.0 166 431 Wet O 13 10 9 2.3 44 Lime 204 56 34 9.6 341 M g. CaCO which is equivalent to 440 Mgm. CO . 822 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 are quite acid the bulk of the increase must be due to a decomposi- tion of the lime itself. In every case previous drying resulted in a very definite increase in rate of decomposition. This stimulation of the dry samples drops off rapidly, however, and by the end of two weeks has almost disappeared. Correlations and Relationships Efforts to find a correlation between decomposition and other properties are somewhat disappointing. Without further discussion it must be said that there is practically no correlation between CO2 and total nitrogen ; nor is there with the amount of nitrogen trans- formed. With pH, total calcium, and exchangeable calcium the correlation is contradictory, being direct in some cases and inverse in others. Some correlation was observed between CO2 and car- bon-nitrogen ratio, although it is far from perfect. Reference to Table 31 shows that the litter from Meshomasic Mountain (No. 305) decomposed far in excess of any of the other samples in the experiment. It may or may not be significant that within this particular group of samples No. 305 was most acid in reaction, contained the lowest amount of total and exchangeable calcium, and the greatest amount of soluble nitrogen. On the other hand, sample 313 gave off the largest amount of CO2 of the group in which it was included, but this sample was second highest in total calcium and highest in exchangeable cal- cium. Therefore we are hardly justified in placing too much sig- nificance on the correlations mentioned in the case of No. 305. In this connection we must turn to the work of Melin (31) who found a parallelism between total nitrogen content and ratio of decomposition within a given species (working with leaves from various species) but "as regards leaves from different species, there was no direct correlation between total N content and the rate of the first decomposition." Joffe (24) believes that the speed of decomposition and quantity of organic matter are closely associated with the process of podzolization and the resultant effect upon the soil profile. We know from observation in the field that duff from mull types breaks down more rapidly than does that from any of the other types. (Shortly after this manuscript had gone to press, there appeared a paper by L. G. Romell, "Mull and Duff as Biotic Equilibria'^ (Soil Science 34: 161-188, 1932), in which he upheld Muller's view that the decomposition of organic matter in duff and mull types differed in kind but not in rate. The present author made no measurements of CO2 of the soil in situ and cannot, therefore, offer any evidence to substantiate or disclaim Romell's thesis. In the light of his paper, however, the above sentence in the text might be altered to read, "We know from observation in the Distribution of Vegetation 823 field that duff (litter) on mull types disappears as a surface cover- ing more quickly and completely than does that from any of the other types.") In the laboratory studies some indication of this was apparent but there was an insufficient number of samples to demon- strate such results with absolute certainty. DISTRIBUTION OF TREE SPECIES AND LESSER VEGETATION BY PROFILE TYPES In this work no attempt at a detailed frequency distribution study of the vegetation was attempted. However, in Tables 36 and 37 the vegetation is listed by profile types. It is seen that some Table 36. Distribution of Tree Species Pod :ol Species All humus Mull N. H. Conn. types Ash, white — — — 5 Aspen — — 1 — Aspen, large tooth — — 1 — Basswood — — — 2 Beech 2 1 2 3 Blue beech — — — 1 Birch, black — 2 2 2 Birch, gray — 1 2 — Birch, paper 1 1 — — Birch, yellow 5 1 — 1 Butternut — — 1 — Cherry, wild black — — 1 — Cherry, fire 1 — — — Chestnut — 1 — — Dogwood, tall — — 1 1 Fir, balsam 2 — — — Hickory, pignut — — — 2 Hickory, bitternut — — — 3 Hickory, shagbark — 1 — 3 Hickory, mockernut — — 1 — Hemlock 1 2 3 1 Hop hornbeam, American — — — 3 Maple, mountain 1 — — — Maple, red 4 2 2 — Maple, sugar 1 1 1 7 Maple, striped 1 — — 1 Oak, black — 2 3 6 Oak, chestnut — 3 — 1 Oak, red — 2 1 6 Oak, scarlet — 2 3 2 Oak, white — 2 3 7 Pine, red — — 2 2 Pine, white — 1 2 — Sassafras — — — 1 Spruce, red 3 — — 1 Tulip-tree — — — 1 Witch-hazel — — 1 — 824 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Table 37. Distribution of Shrubs and Other Vegetation Podzol Species All humus Mull N. H. Conn. types Adder's tongue 1 Arrow-wood — — 1 4 Aster 2 — 3 Bittersweet — — 1 Blueberry, low bush — 2 2 3 Blueberry, high bush — — 1 1 Chokeberry — — 1 — Clintonia 3 — — 1 Dewberry — — — 1 Dogwood — — — 4 Elder, red-berried 1 Fern, brake — 1 1 3 Fern, Christmas — 1 Fern, grape — — — 1 Golden rod — — 1 Goldthread 1 — Grasses — — 1 4 Greenbrier — — 1 Ground pine — — 2 — Hazelnut — 1 1 i_ Herbs — — 3 Hobblebush 4 1 Huckleberry — — 2 2 Indian cucumber 1 — — Laurel, mountain — 1 2 Male-berry — — 1 Mayflower, Canada 2 — 1 1 Moss 2 — 2 1 Moss, shining club 1 — — Partridgeberry — 1 1 3 Plantain, rattlesnake — 1 Pogonia, whorl — 1 Raspberry 1 — Sarsaparilla — — 1 Shadbush — 1 2 Sheep sorrel — — 1 — Smilax — 1 Star flower 1 " Sweet pepperbush — 1 _ Trillium, painted 2 Twisted stalk — ■ Viburnum, toothed Violet Wintergreen — 1 Wintergreen, spotted — Woodbine Woodfern, spring 3 Wood sorrel 4 — — Discussion 825 of the trees such as hemlock, red maple and beech are to be found in all locations. The oaks, hickories, and ash are not present in the strongly podzolized region, but are quite abundant in Southern New England. Of the oaks, the scarlet and chestnut are quite apt to be associated with the raw humus and moderately podzolized groups, while the white, red, and black oaks are associated with the mull types. In the case of the shrubs and other lesser vegetation the data are not sufficiently complete to permit the drawing of any definite conclusions. Hobblebush and wood sorrel appear to be more abundant in the northern region, while arrow-wood and dogwood seem to be confined to the mull groups in Connecticut. DISCUSSION Properties of Podzol and Mull Soils Our investigations have indicated that podzolized soils of New England are characterized by a moderately thick F layer that weighs about 22,000 pounds per acre inch, and a thick humus, usually raw, felty or greasy in texture, that weighs about 50,000 pound per acre inch. Frequently the Ai horizon is either entirely lacking or is present only as a very thin layer. A2, the leached layer, being mostly silica, has a volume weight of from 1.1 to 1.4, while that of Bi is always less, usually 0.8 or 0.9. In B2 there is an increase that continues into the d, being about 1.5 in the latter. These differences are more closely associated with the organic matter than they are with colloidal content, although silt plus clay is generally somewhat low in A2 and rather high in Bi. Clay alone exhibits on the whole even less variation in this respect than does silt plus clay. Similar studies on the mull types reveal a thickness and weight of the F not dissimilar to what was found in the podzols, but the H layer is lacking. The volume weight is lowest in Ai (about 0.8) and increases regularly with depth, being in the C horizon practical- ly identical to the corresponding horizon of podzol. Silt plus clay and clay alone tend to be higher in the Bi than in the horizons either above or below Bi. Volume weight is closely associated with carbon content, as was true in the podzols. Color. The color of New England soils is influenced very considerably by the parent rock material, particularly in the red sandstone region where all of the soils are red or purplish red. Podzolization, of course, modifies the colors of the A and B horizons, resulting in a gray A2 and usually a very dark reddish brown (coffee brown) Bi. B2 may be of the same color as Bi or it may be more yellowish than Bi. In the red sandstone region the whole profile, even though podzolized, may possess a purplish hue. 826 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 Chemical relations. Chemically the podzol profile differs from the mull type in possessing a greater acidity in all but the C horizons, a definite leached layer high in silica and low in iron, aluminum, organic matter, nitrogen, and calcium content and very low in buffer capacity ; and a B horizon relatively low in silica and high in the other constituents. In the mulls, this accumulation in the B is not present or, in any event, only to a very slight degree. The properties of the humus types lie intermediate between those of the podzol and the mull types. Biological relations. Nitrogen transformation in the duff of forest soils is dependent upon the properties of the material itself rather than upon the type of profile with which it was associated. Variations within a type are as great or greater than differences between types, other conditions being equal. In other words the type of profile is in indirect rather than direct control of the biological processes. Decomposition of the duff from the mull types appeared to be more rapid than that from the humus and podzol types. Evidence of this is greater and more convincing in the forest than it is in the laboratory. Dissimilarity in environmental conditions exert an influence in the field that is not obtained in the laboratory under uniform conditions. Light, temperature, wind movement, nature of the underlying soil, activity of earthworms, and other macro- scopic organisms are apt to be sufficiently different to exert an effect not obtained in an artificial environment. Therefore one is not justified in applying to the field, without caution, results on decomposition obtained in the laboratory. Profile Development In a pedological sense, all of the soils of New England are relatively young. Zones of eluviation and illuviation are not well defined in the majority of agricultural soils and forested soils of the mull type. This is shown not only in the data in the latter part of Tables 3 and 7 but also in the study of seven profiles from Connecticut mixed hardwood stands given in Bulletin 330 of this Station (20, p. 687). Studies at the Harvard Forest in Massachu- setts (15) lead to similar conclusions. Under certain conditions, notably where older hemlock or white pine are growing and where other factors are suitable, this soil forming process is accentuated and greatly hastened, which results in a mature soil or one approaching that condition. The relative coarseness of the soil aids this process through rapid leaching. Here we find some concentration of silt and clay in the B horizon, but the principal movement is confined to the iron, aluminum, organic matter and calcium. So long as the present stand of timber Discussion 827 exists or is replaced by a similar stand, the soil profile will retain its mature characteristics. A radical change in forest type or treat- ment or a full clearing of the land and devoting it to agricultural uses would alter the soil profile and very probably cause a tendency towards the mull type. Tourney states (46) that: "Each stage in succession is ac- companied by a corresponding change in the environmental com- plex but primarily in the soil. It is this change in the soil that makes possible the next stage in succession .... So long as succession takes place change in the soil takes place. So long as change in the soil takes place there must be corresponding change in the vegetation. . . . There is no climax in vegetation except when the soil weathering processes are complete and the soil is fully developed. There is no succession except when the soil weathering processes are in progress and the soil not fully developed." This appears to be sound reasoning, yet does it not credit to the vegetation a degree of sensitivity to soil properties greater than that which actually exists ? A change in vegetation probably always brings about a change in soil — certainly it does in some cases — but does it necessarily follow that a change in vegetation is de- pendent upon a change in the soil (exclusive of fire and the activities of man) ? Tamm (44) states that according to the Russian point of view if a steppe vegetation gave way to a forest type of vegetation, the soil would gradually but very slowly change. The new soil type would retain some of the characteristics of its former character for a long time. He says, ". . . . the conversion which takes place in the soil after the change of the vegetation goes much slower than the change of the forest vegetation itself." It may be well to include Coffey's (9) statement on the subject. "There is no doubt that a change in native vegetation is usually indicative of a change in soils, but there are striking exceptions. In many instances where there is a marked difference in the natural timber growth it is possible to find differences in the soils to explain it, but in other instances markedly different soils will show the same character of timber growth. ... A fundamental essential of scientific classification is that it must be based upon inherent and invariable properties of the materials classified. Classifying soils according to native vegetation is therefore going at the matter backwards; it is putting the effect before the cause. It is better to determine the cause of the change in vegetative covering, and, if found to be due to a variation in the soil, base the classification upon this ; otherwise the destruction of the vegetation will destroy the foundation of the system." The system of soil classification followed is in harmony with the foregoing quotation. We describe the properties of the various 828 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 soils as they are found irrespective of the vegetation, but our chief aim is to attempt a correlation of soil properties and environmental factors associated with various forest types. With respect to cultivation of a former podzol forest soil, Tamm (43) states that in the north country one frequently sees clumps and streaks of bleached soil and orterde in a cultivated field, indicating the marked resistance it is offering to the loss of its original characteristics. A similar thing has been observed in New Hampshire, and in at least two localities in Connecticut. Period of Time Required to Podzolize a Soil Observations in Sweden by Tamm (43) indicate that in a young soil under Scotch pine one to two cm. of leached soil are formed in about 100 years. Podzolization develops at a much slower rate in moss heath with thin raw humus than in forests rich in raw humus and moss. Observations by Griffith, Hartwell and Shaw (15) led them to believe that a leached horizon appeared under white pine after about 60 years, and at 80 years the upper margin of the B2 had risen from a 9 inch depth to about 1 inch. Upon cutting the white pine and allowing hardwood to come in, the level of the B2 gradually lowers again. One must bear in mind that these measurements were made simultaneously on stands of various ages occurring on soils presumed to be uniform originally. The changes just described unquestionably do occur, and, in this country at least, the method used by these investigators is the only one at our disposal at the present time. The foregoing studies together with our own observations lead us to conclude, therefore, that where podzolization occurs in Connecticut it is a slow process and has not been formed by one generation of trees. Altitude Although the altitude in this State varies from sea level to 2355 feet the variation is not sufficiently great to be a main controlling factor. In the higher altitude one is more apt to find podzolization, but other factors such as forest species and soil have a greater influence than altitude has. On the other hand, in New Hampshire latitude and altitude directly and indirectly are the most contributory factors in effecting podzolization. Relation of Forest Type and Soil Properties Studies similar to those of Cajander (8) if carried out in New England would not yield the fruitful results that he obtained in Finland and Central Europe. In New England we have many more Summary 829 species with which to deal and the forests are in most cases much more heterogeneous in composition. Associations of tree and ground cover are not nearly so well denned. The factors involved that bring about this heterogeneity may be assigned partly to climate and partly to the activities of man through his repeated cutting of the timber, in many cases before it had been allowed to reach a profitable size for lumber. Nevertheless we do find some correlations. Raw humus, and humus approaching such a condition, is generally more apt to be found on poor droughty soils such as the Gloucester series, and particularly on the hill tops and knolls. Podzols in Connecticut are more likely to be found under hem- lock. Even in hemlock-hardwood mixtures, the podzol may be confined to a local area immediately below the hemlock tree. In fact podzol in this State occurs in most cases only in very localized areas, confined to one or two trees, or mere patches beneath a few individual trees. It is always restricted to the immediate forest or woodlot. Perhaps the most uniform distribution and largest area in Connecticut is the large burn at the Eastford — Pomf ret location (profile No. 9), although even here it varies considerably in thickness. Mull is much more common than is podzol as would be expected from a consideration of climate and forest species which occur here. Under certain conditions the mull is more fully developed than in others. It is quite evident that the controlling factors are soil and topography, the latter greatly influencing the moisture relations and hence the stand. A good mull is found under a thrifty hardwood stand, and the stand is there because of the favorable soil. On poor soils only the more hardy species such as pitch pine, scarlet oak, and chestnut oak survive. Under these conditions, due both to species and soil, a raw humus develops. As one goes north podzol becomes more common until in the White Mountain region podzol is the rule. There mull is to be found only in woodlots or other favorable localities where moisture conditions are favorable and the soil quite fertile. SUMMARY The data presented in this bulletin were obtained in a study of soite in the_ forests of Connecticut and New Hampshire. Connecticut lies in the transition zone between the gray brown soils to the south and west and the definitely podzolized soils to the north. New Hampshire is located at the southern portion of the latter group. The forests from which these soils were taken included pure hardwoods, hemlock-hardwoods, pine plantations, spruce hard- woods and nearly pure spruce. 830 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 For this study profiles were grouped into the following types:, Podzol, Raw Humus, Humus, Mild Humus, and Mull. The weight of the F layer varied from 9200 to 28,000 pounds per acre inch, and averaged 19,800 pounds, while the H layers varied from 35,800 to 107,700 pounds and averaged 53,100 pounds per acre inch. There was very little difference in the weight per acre inch between Connecticut and New Hampshire profiles, altho the total amount was greater in the latter. A soil density of 1.0 or less (water ^1.0) was found in the case of the Ai horizon of the mulls and Bi horizon of the podzol profiles. Below Bi the density always increased with depth. All orstein samples possessed a high volume weight. Volume weight was correlated more closely with organic matter content than with clay content or any other physical property studied. The deposition of organic matter in the B horizon of podzol soils causes quite a marked reduction in the total weight per acre of the soil to a depth of 24 inches. All of the soils are quite acid, with the H layer, where present, being the most acid portion of the profile. The upper horizons of the podzol and raw humus types are definitely more acid than the corresponding horizons of the mild humus and mull types. Differences between the podzol and non-podzolized profiles are most strikingly shown in the distribution of iron, aluminum, nitro- gen and organic carbon in the two types. Based upon the analyses, the podzol types in New England are of the iron-humus type with no distinct separation of the iron from the humus. This is in distinction from the podzols of the Scandinavian countries which are usually either iron or humus podzols or the iron-humus type in which most of the iron is in a layer separate from the humus. Forest soils are characterized by a wide C - N ratio. Calcium is not concentrated in the B horizons as is the iron, but is more or less diffused throughout the whole lower profile. New England soils appear to be more deficient in lime than are the soils of Sweden reported by Tamm. Although the percentage composition of calcium in the duff is high, on an acre basis it is quite insignificant in amount when compared with that in the lower mineral horizons. The proportion of calcium in the exchangeable form is high (30-75 per cent) in the duff layers, and low (less than 5 per cent) in the B and C. On the whole the proportion is much less in forest soils than it is in good agricultural soils. Magnesium equals or exceeds the calcium in amount present. Summary 831 Exchangeable hydrogen is highest in the H and Bi layers of the podzols, and is closely associated with the organic matter content. j $.j£i Soluble phosphorus and exchangeable potassium are very largely confined to the organic portions of the profile. Ammonification occurred in practically all samples, but nitrifica- tion was generally very poor. The addition of lime caused the formation of nitrates at the expense of ammonia. Nitrogen trans- formation was greater in the F layer than in the H or Ai horizons as a rule. Inoculation had but little effect, which indicated that if any stimulating or inhibiting substances exist in the inoculating material they are not extracted with water. Where treatments were used some benefit was observed. In no case did all of the added bloodmeal nitrify. Samples possessing a very wide C-N ratio required a large amount of nitrogen to permit the accumulation of ammonia or nitrates. A positive correlation exists between nitrogen transformation and pH, C-N ratio, calcium and in some cases total nitrogen. As would be expected the more completely the organic portion of the forest soil profile is decomposed the less CO* is evolved. Evolution is most rapid during the first few days ; after this period it rapidly falls off to a low level, which persists for a long period. Air drying a soil before incubation had no effect on nitrogen transformation except to increase slightly ammonia formation. Such treatment is, however, stimulating to the initial evolution of CO*. Practically no correlation was found between the rapidity of decomposition and chemical properties of the soil. Some correlation between tree species and type of soil profile is apparent, but only to a limited degree. In the case of the lesser vegetation such a relation is even less evident. The type of profile that develops in the forests of Southern New England appears to be controlled to a large extent by the soil and related environmental factors and only indirectly by the vegetation growing thereon. Podzolization is a slow process and is not brought about within one generation of trees. Podzolization in the forest soils of the mountainous sections of New Hampshire is the rule rather than the exception and results from a combination of factors, the greatest being climate and soil. Assuming that it would be possible to produce and maintain a good mull condition and still retain the forest type now present, would or would not the tree growth be favored? Presumably it would. Such a question at the present time is largely an academic one. 832 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 PLANT SPECIES MENTIONED1 Common Name Ash, white Aspen Aspen, large toothed Basswood Beech Beech, blue Birch, black Birch, gray Birch, paper Birch, yellow Butternut Cherry, wild black Cherry, fire Chestnut Dogwood, tall Fir, balsam Hickory, pignut Hickory, bitternut Hickory, shagbark Hickory, mockernut Hemlock Hop hornbeam, American Maple, mountain Maple, red Maple, sugar Maple, striped Oak, black Oak, chestnut Oak, red Oak, scarlet Oak, white Pine, pitch Pine, red Pine, white Sassafras Spruce, red Tulip-tree Witch-hazel Trees Scientific Name Fraxinus americana Populus tremuloidcs Populns grandidentata Tilia americana Fagus grandifolia Car pinus caroliniana Be tula lenta Be tula populifolia Betula alba papyrifera Betula lutea Juglans cinerea Primus serotina Prunus pennsylvanica Castanea dent at a Cornus florida Abies balsamea Carya glabra Carya cordiformis Carya ovata Carya alba Tsuga canadensis Ostrya virginiana Acer spicatum Acer rubrum Acer saccharum Acer pennsylvanicum Quercus velutina Quercus prinus Quercus rubra Quercus coccinea Quercus alba Pinus rigida Pinus resinosa Pinus strobus Sassafras variifolium Pice a rubra Liriodendron tulipifcra Hamame lis virginiana Shrubs and Other Lesser Vegetation Adders tongue Arrow-wood Aster Bittersweet Blueberry, low bush Blueberry, high bush Chokeberry Clintonia Dewberry Dogwood Erytlironium americanum Viburnum acerifolium Aster sp. Celastrus scandens Vaccinium vacillans or pennsylvanicum Vaccinium corymbosnm Pyrus arbutifolia Clintonia borealis Rubus hispidus Corn-us sp. 'Checked according to Gray's Manual, Seventh Edition. Plant Species Mentioned 833 Common Name Elder, red-berried Fern, brake Fern, Christmas Fern, grape Goldenrod Goldthread Grasses Greenbrier Ground pine Hazelnut Hobblebush Huckleberry Indian cucumber Laurel, mountain Male-berry Mayflower, Canada Moss, club Partridgeberry Plantain, rattlesnake Pogonia, whorl Raspberry Sarsaparilla Shadbush Sheep sorrel Smilax Star flower Sweet pepperbush Trillium, painted Twisted stalk Viburnum, toothed Violet Wintergreen Wintergreen, spotted Woodbine Woodfern, spring Wood sorrel Scientific Name Sambuscus racemosa Pier is aquilina Polyslichimi acrosticho ides Botrychium sp. Soli-dago sp. Coptis trifolia Gramineae Smilax rotundi folia Lycopodium complanatum Corylus sp. Viburnum ahiifolium Gaylussacia baccata Medeola virginiana Kalmia latifolia Lyonia ligustrina Maianthemum canadense Lycopodium sp. Mitchella repens Epipactis sp. Pogonia verticellata Rubus idaeus Aralia nudicaulis Am-elanchier canadensis Rumus acetosella Smilax sp. Trent alis americana Clethra alnifolia Trillium undulatum Streptopus sp. Viburnum dent a turn Viola incongnita Gaultheria procumbens Chimaphila maculata Psedera quinquefolia Aspidium spinulosum Oxalis acetosella Acknowledgment The writer is greatly indebted to M. F. Morgan, Agrono- mist, for his guidance and helpful criticism throughout the work ; to Henry Hicock, Assistant Forester, for assistance in locating stands and identifying vegetation ; to Raymond Kien- holz, Plant Physiologist, for reviewing and criticizing the manuscript; and to Dwight B. Downs for assistance in the field and laboratory work. 834 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 342 LITERATURE CITED 1. Aarnio, B. Brown soils in Finland. Internatl. Rev. 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