Ge of thie . Ay Pd > take ha a ’ te Oe . ; : : : Rite emaMer ole gf e Saas “\ Issued April, i9ts YALE eiveuan | YALE FOREST SCHOOL—Bulletin 2 “moiona, THE CUT OF _ SOUTHERN PINE | PARTI. POSSIBILITIES OF A SECOND CUT _ . By Herman H. Cuapman, ‘Professor of Forest Management -/PART Il: CLOSE UTILIZATION OF TIMBER | By Rapa C. Bryant, Professor of Lumbering ata New Haven e Yale University Press 1918 Seren fy Rae +t ri, Plate I Bul. 2, Yale Forest School AS SHORTLEAF ER IN A TEX STUDENTS OF THE YALE FOREST SCHOOL CRUISING TIMB PINE FOREST Issued April, 1913 YALE UNIVERSITY YALE FOREST SCHOOL—Bulletin 2 PROLONGING THE CUT OF SOUTHERN PINE PART I. POSSIBILITIES OF A SECOND CUT By Herman H. Cuarman, Professor of Forest Management PART II. CLOSE UTILIZATION OF TIMBER By Rapa C. Bryant, Professor of Lumbering New Haven Yale University Press 1913 CONTENTS Part I. Possipinitizs or a SEconp Cur DanC NUT 0) ns osc uid cides ag a eee ae ws andi ye OE Present policy, in the Sowmtla(iitid/c/\5 25's) wisi aie» eee vonegs a el ae Report on lands in Ashley County, Arkansas ................ Mapping the tract |e oe ay wlasen es nialeclt ws se ae Estimate and deseription () i, 0.02.0). O42 ete) eee ee Composition of the: forest: iV). )2014 6,4 <(s aiey as) tocnere lee Dearie oi. sate Che las a ican ecbe Mimic te level eee ee Age clasgeg es /o)h dt aii ebe hia vuelta avstaiee winlecae ly alee eee Reproduction: of pine 1.1, 5)... 3\5c w ale oie 's sew coke eee Growth, of poaume ioe e Wain’ s ola aaa Management of ‘the tract cin i ihe. 5. yap vo ei ee Agricultural: possibilities \ioF 0/0. 5: 'sj. eal ee Securing. a second yeut)of spine! \).4.. 74 een Condition of the jcut-over lands |).:.:'.).'.\g)< «n/4/4) siemens Proposed plan for securing a better second cut ...... Results of experimental marking for a second cut .... Necessity of marking trees tobe cut... 5.))-*!. save Growth in thinned ‘stands,\).. 2). .1i.s. 6). se. Growth in ivirgin ‘stands':), 2030). )uh- Wiis oleae Increase in value of second ‘cut... .).) 22.) .<|..\20 eee Brush’ disposal (4005 6/l.c ee 3 ee Kimancial tis pects’) (30122 )clo ss tela ea ee ee Arduains Strat 6's ie ] > Q ico} OO TH or BP BS OO 09 WH Tre 13.84.9923 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES r PaGE Pirate I. Students of the Yale Forest School cruising timber in a Texas shortleaf pine forest .......... Frontispiece TI. Fig. 1.—Top broken from falling on a stump ...... 33 Fig. 2.—Very crooked log ready for loading ...... 33 4II. Fig. 1—Example of very wasteful cutting of a POrmed CReRF Lh, SOs ee) «gad HUTS «ARM Res o 3 5 35 Fig. 2.—Unnecessary waste in log-making ........ 35 IV. Fig. 1.—Section below the top shown in Plate V .. 37 Bie. 2-3 Waste: ime top re ie Hs ER el 37 V. Waste in the top of the tree shown in Plate IV, Fig.1 39 Text Figures fam. 1. Method, of cutting: windfalls” 0)... 0... 0). ces ee Se 24 An) 2 Oleh bee TMpFOpeRly GUL... 6 < tke sels oe ve wc ale els 26 %. Forked trees improperly prepared ....)..63)..).5,2/... 27 4. Proper method of cutting rough tops .............. 29 TABLES Average growth in diameter breast high outside bark of shortleaf and loblolly pine in Ashley County, Arkan- CT RID REA AACN cM Pua RE HUMMER Te Ein AR 25% Average yield per acre of even-aged stands of shortleaf pine under ordinary conditions on large areas in Ash- ley; County, | Apkamsnis (45 \u/si simile ty btn te ora elite helen Stand of timber on average forty acres of mature and old shortleaf and loblolly pine in Ashley County, Arkan- sas, showing total number of trees, those to be removed and those that would remain ............. Stand of timber on average forty acres of mixed young and mature shortleaf and loblolly pine in Ashley County, Arkansas, showing total number of trees, those to be removed, and those that would remain .. Amount of timber in stump sections of various diameters and lengths, showing the waste in high stumps . Measurements on cut-over lands in Ashley County, Arkansas, showing the lack of close utilization .... Pacr 12 13 24 30 PROLONGING THE CUT OF SOUTHERN PINE PART I POSSIBILITIES OF A SECOND CUT By Herman H. CHAPMAN INTRODUCTION Since 1907 the Yale Forest School has conducted the field work and instruction of the Senior class in the spring term in codpera- tion with lumber companies located in the southern states. The companies which have extended this codperation are: 1907, Missouri Lumber and Mining Co., Grandin, Missouri. 1908, Kaul Lumber Co., Hollins, Alabama. 1909, Thompson Brothers Lumber Co., Doucette, Texas. 1910, Louisiana Central Lumber Co., Clarks, Louisiana. 1911, Thompson Brothers Lumber Co., Trinity, Texas. 1912, Crossett Lumber Co., Crossett, Arkansas. 1913, Southern Lumber Co., Warren, Arkansas. In no case has there been a formal contract between the com- pany and the School, but under verbal agreement the company has allowed the students the freedom of its mills and lands for purposes of instruction, built temporary wooden shacks for quar- ters in camp, instructed its employees to give such information as will be of assistance in instruction in logging and milling, and furnished commissary supplies at reasonable prices. The stu- dents maintain their own commissary in camp and pay all their own expenses. The work is conducted primarily with the object of instruction, but a large amount of information is collected and given to the company. This consists of a topographic map, an estimate and description of timber and young growth, data on the growth of the timber, suggestions for management of the tract for the pro- duction of wood, and studies of present utilization and waste in logging. It has been possible so to combine training and practi- cal work that although prepared by comparatively inexperienced students, the data and maps obtained have shown a creditable 4 PROLONGING THE CUT OF SOUTHERN PINE degree of accuracy and have in most instances proved of con- siderable value to the company. The tract studied in the spring of 1912 at Crossett, Arkansas, is exceptionally well adapted to forest growth, and illustrates in a striking manner the possibility which presents itself to lumber- men throughout the South of modifying their methods of logging so as to get a second cut. During the six years of investigation in different southern states, the School has ascertained that prob- ably over wide areas of longleaf and shortleaf pine the stand should be only partially removed in the first operation, leaving a fairly large percentage for a second cut in from fifteen to twenty years. If properly carried out this policy will secure a satis- factory rate of interest on the value of the timber left standing. This will be attained by rapid growth in volume and advance in stumpage values. Apparently it does not involve great expense at the present time. PRESENT POLICY IN THE SOUTH The present policy of most holders of stumpage in the South is clear cutting, which is followed by accidental or intentional broadcast burning of the slash, and sale of the land to settlers or land companies; and this is attempted in spite of the fact that there is at present no urgent demand for much of this pine land and that these timber companies still have ten to thirty years’ cut in sight. A few farsighted firms have attempted in places to limit the present cut to a certain diameter, reserving the small trees for a future crop. This is a move in the right direction, yet analysis shows that adherence to such a rigid diameter limit does not leave the most vigorous trees. It is not good business deliberately to leave an investment in the woods and secure only 3 per cent increase when, with the proper supervision, 6 or 7 per cent might be obtained on the same capital, yet that is just what is being done by most operators who are planning on a second cut. The others are neglecting an opportunity to prolong their business, lessen their annual depreciation charges, and secure future increase in stumpage values. Clear cutting may be justified by the relative inaccessibility of the tract, making it unprofitable to return for a small second cut. Again, the land may be needed at once for agriculture, or the stumpage may be purchased without the land and require cutting clear. In most instances, however, this practice is due to lack of confidence in the methods demanded and absence of authori- PossIBILITIES OF A SECOND CuT 3 tative information as to the growth and financial returns obtain- able by leaving a stand for later removal. While actual demonstration of results is the most convincing argument, it requires that some companies make the attempt, else the time will come when there will no longer be an incentive to existing firms to cut conservatively. A mill with twenty years’ cut ahead is in better position to try out the plan than one with but five years to run. Even without such a demonstration it is possible to predict with fair accuracy the growth that will occur after cutting and to outline measures which will assure a second crop. REPORT ON LANDS IN ASHLEY COUNTY, ARKANSAS The report of the Class of 1912, Yale Forest School, to the Crossett Lumber Company, on their tract in Ashley County, Arkansas, is presented herewith. This report deals with local con- ditions. Previous work of the School in Louisiana and Texas indi- cates that similar conclusions may be drawn for the better and more accessible areas of longleaf and shortleaf pine throughout the South. MAPPING THE TRACT The area covered by this report includes approximately 27,000 acres lying south of Crossett, partly in Arkansas and partly in Louisiana. The greatest difference in elevation is about 150 feet and the country is either flat or gently rolling, with occasional abrupt slopes. Logging roads can be laid out with little regard to topography. This greatly lessens the value of a topographic map, but for purposes of instruction one was prepared on a scale of 2,000 feet to the inch, with horizontal contours showing 5-foot differences in elevation. Upon this map streams, dry gulches and roads were shown. The timber areas were plotted on the map in distinctive colors, according to character of stand. The stands shown are as follows: (a) Mature pine timber chiefly of large size with insufficient young timber to justify a second cut. (b) Pine timber of all ages containing enough young timber to justify a second cut. (c) Brush land with hardwoods and scattered pine averaging less than 1,000 feet b.m. of pine per acre. (d) Cut-over pine land with practically all mature pine removed. 4 PROLONGING THE CUT OF SOUTHERN PINE (e) Pine in old abandoned fields, usually a dense stand. (f) Hardwood lands, usually bottomland with little pine. In addition to the areas mentioned above, cleared lands under cultivation or in pasture are shown. ESTIMATE AND DESCRIPTION A timber estimate and full notes on the stand were made for the area covered by the map. The work was done by the students after eight days of training in timber estimating, and allowances must be made for lack of experience and for variation in individ- ual ability of the men. ‘The method used was to count the trees in strips on half the area, correcting for differences in the stand where the timber stood unevenly on the remainder. One-third of the counted trees were measured by eye and tally kept of diameters and of the number of logs in each tree. The contents of these trees in board feet was derived from a table prepared from 300 felled trees on the tract. The stand on each “forty” was computed from this count and tally. A percentage was deducted for loss from rot, and where there was damage from insects or windfall it was stated in percentage of the standing timber. The character of the merchantable tim- ber was briefly described with reference to the size of the logs, clear length and percentage of grades under “uppers,” “No. 1 common,” “No. 2 common,” and lower grades, thus giving some idea of the relative value of the timber. The quantity and charac- ter of small or immature timber was noted, including its size and age and the area covered. The purpose of this description was to record the conditions on each “forty” so completely that no further examination would be necessary for any purpose. COMPOSITION OF THE FOREST The pine timber on this tract is composed of shortleaf and loblolly pine in almost equal mixture. This fact is unimportant from the market standpoint, because the two species are of practically equal value and not easily separated when manufac- tured into lumber. Loblolly grows almost pure on the lower flats and frequently forms pure stands on abandoned fields. It gradually gives place to shortleaf on drier soils and on the driest the shortleaf grows pure. Pine forms almost pure stands on all the higher lands. It has the ability to resist droughts, which are frequent and severe during the growing season, the months of April, May and June. PossIBILITIEs OF A SEcOND CuT 5 The droughts seriously interfere with the development of hard- woods on these soils and the only hardwood growth is a few very stunted and deformed oaks from which ‘some timber is cut. Better hardwoods, including white and black oaks and some sweet gum and hickory, appear near streams where the soil is fairly well drained, moist and deep. The true hardwood stands occupy the bottoms, which are subject to overflow and where there is com- paratively little pine reproduction. These lands were under water in the spring of 1912 during the unusual floods of that year and were not examined. DAMAGE The mature pine is fairly sound. Old stands show a large amount of red rot and a lesser amount of butt rot, although the cull seldom exceeds 10 per cent of the volume on any “forty” and averages less than 3 per cent. Fire has done very little injury to the timber. A small percent- age of the trees show scarred butts, often due to the burning out of faces chipped off to test the grain for shingle bolts. Most of the timber is sound at the base and escapes injury from ordinary surface fires. The greatest loss to the timber results from wind. This is due to the soil, which in many sections is underlaid with hardpan from two to five feet below the surface, into which the tap root of the pine cannot penetrate. In consequence the tree is entirely dependent on the spreading lateral roots for its support. In very wet seasons, like the spring of 1912, the soil becomes quite soft. Often a heavy wind will uproot many trees. Some sections are more subject to wind damage than others and, through repeated losses, the forest there has assumed a clump-like, many- aged form. This condition is doubtless due to the presence of hardpan nearer to the surface than on the tracts showing less windfall. Tornadoes are very rare, although there have been one or two instances of very heavy loss over a limited area, necessitat- ing immediate logging. More often scattered single trees, includ- ing young, small poles as well as older and larger timber, will go down here and there. Weak roots and resulting poor anchorage, rather than undue exposure to wind, seem to determine which trees blow over. Insect damage is present on almost all sections examined. The bark-boring pine beetles (Dendroctonus sp.) are continually killing trees, both among the old timber and crowded young stands. Occasionally 5 per cent of the trees may be killed within three or four years. The insects first attack trees which are sickly or 6 PROLONGING THE CuT OF SOUTHERN PINE weakened and those tend to become centers of infection. If con- ditions are favorable, the insects may increase very rapidly and destroy the pine timber over wide areas. Under ordinary condi- tions their natural enemies, such as woodpeckers, keep the insects from doing excessive damage. Areas badly infested with beetles should be logged as soon as possible in order to lessen the danger of the beetles spreading to adjacent areas. AGE CLASSES The age of the pine timber in this vicinity rarely exceeds 150 years, although occasional very old trees may reach 200 years. Much of it is approximately even-aged, but seldom continuous over very large areas. It is more likely to be broken up into different age classes, clumps of large, overmature trees being interspersed among groups of young timber, small poles or seedlings. On much of the pine land old timber occupies the soil to the exclusion of young growth. The spread of the roots of very large trees is much greater than that of their crowns, due in part to the great demand of old trees for moisture. Owing to this wide spread of the roots, old stands, even when fairly open, do not contain much young timber until the old trees begin to disappear from weakness due to rot, or destruction by insects, wind or lightning. The final form of such a stand is a few scattered old trees of large size in a forest of young timber of various sizes and ages. REPRODUCTION OF PINE Pine seedlings spring up readily everywhere, provided the seed reaches mineral soil. Surface fires are a great help in preparing a suitable seedbed. Seeds seldom, if ever, germinate on pine litter or hardwood leaves and not readily in grass. Abandoned fields that have been cultivated afford an excellent seedbed, but old pastures reforest very slowly. The conditions after logging, where the ground has been torn up by skidding, are excellent for pine reproduction. The only reason there are not more seedlings in the forest before logging is that they cannot live under the old timber. They often require more light than is available, but the most important factor is the soil moisture. The seedlings are killed in dry seasons by the old trees, which deprive them of mois- ture. Reproduction on cut-over lands is either destroyed by fire or prevented from starting through lack of seed trees. PossIBILITIES OF A SECOND CuT % Old-field stands constitute an important part of the forest. Many of them are about forty-five years old and already large enough to cut. These stands are dense with sixty to eighty trees per acre, and the timber is frequently very limby because it has grown on open fields and with full crown development. This and the rapid growth of the timber reduce the quality and make it a poor logging proposition compared with the better grades and sizes of the older timber. These old-field stands will, in time, however, yield large crops of timber and of very good quality. A large percentage of the trees are, through crowding, already cleared of branches and from now on will, if thinned out, and the remaining trees given room to grow, add clear material at a rapid rate. At present many old-field stands are so densely stocked that the trees are making slower growth than they should. GROWTH OF PINE The rate of growth of both shortleaf and loblolly pine in this locality is rapid; it exceeds that found elsewhere the School has studied it. TaspLeE 1.—AVERAGE GROWTH IN DIAMETER BreEAST HIGH OUTSIDE BARK OF SHORTLEAF AND LOBLOLLY PINE IN ASHLEY CouNnTy, ARKANSAS. (Basis 200 Trees) Diameter, breast high. 2.0 4.7 7.3 9.5 1.6 3.6 5.6 7.5 9.2 0.6 We See Table 1 gives the average diameter outside the bark at breast height (414 feet) of trees of different ages from 10 to 100 years. It is based upon the measurement of 200 trees. Since these species grow in mixture over most of the tract, it was thought best to obtain an average figure for both species rather than to determine the growth separately for each. This rate of growth of about an inch every four years during the first forty years or an inch every five years for the entire 100 8 PRoLoNGING THE CuT oF SOUTHERN PINE years is for average trees, and shows that timber reaches mer- chantable dimensions from seed in from forty to fifty years. This is borne out by the growth of old-field stands. Six plots of five acres each measured in old-field stands showed yields of from 7,500 feet b.m. to 14,200 feet b.m. per acre, with ages from forty to forty-seven years. The more rapidly growing trees reach merchantable size in thirty years and old-field stands will yield 2,000 to 3,000 feet b.m. per acre when thirty-five years of age. In the next few years the yield of merchantable timber rapidly increases as the trees attain merchantable size. TABLE 2.—AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE OF EVEN-AGED STANDS OF SHORTLEAF PingE, UNDER ORDINARY CONDITIONS, ON LARGE AREAS IN ASHLEY COUNTY, ARKANSAS. (Doyle Rule) Average v4 alee Stand, | Yield per Acre, Growth per é Year, Board Feet. Board Feet. Dense stands with a large number of trees per acre, such as occur on old fields, cannot maintain both numbers and rapid growth. The increasing demands of larger trees for soil moisture during the growing season cause the number of trees which can continue to thrive on an acre to diminish rapidly. When most of the trees are of nearly the same age and height, the crowding out of the weaker trees does not take place as rapidly as it should, and the growth of all the trees may be seriously retarded. In the ordinary forest the same crowding and loss of numbers occur, but the more broken and irregular character of the stand makes it less pronounced. Under average conditions yields of timber can be depended on to equal or exceed the results given in Table 2. In fact, better yields per acre than this are obtained in the virgin forest on many “forties,”’ and with any sort of management which secures good reproduction and affords protection, these yields should be increased by one-half, as is shown by the yields PossIBILITIES OF A SECOND CuT 9 actually obtained on old-field stands. In other words, these are in no sense maximum yields, but may be obtained under almost any circumstances and without expensive measures. These yields, shown in Table 2, may be increased from 50 to 100 per cent under proper management. MANAGEMENT OF THE TRACT The company desires to maintain as long as possible the present output. The estimate of merchantable timber indicates a cut of approximately eighteen years. The company believes that growth and the increase on old-field stands will extend the cut two years. The depreciation charge and investment in the plant have, there- fore, only twenty years to run. If it can be shown that, by a different procedure, growth may be more fully utilized and the cut extended even two or three years, this policy would have much to recommend it from a financial standpoint. AGRICULTURAL POSSIBILITIES The land will not be kept permanently in forest by the present company and it is planned ultimately to dispose of it as farm lands. Old settlers do not consider the pine ridges suitable for continuous cropping and favor the lower lands, not overflowed, along small streams. These soils have better depth, more loamy texture and produce fair crops of corn, cotton or cane, while the pine ridges are likely to dry out and result in crop failures. With proper fertilization, improved methods of cultivation, better mar- kets and the advent of truck crops, small fruits and orchards, much of this land will prove valuable for agricultural use. The company is probably pursuing the proper policy in plan- ning to dispose of the entire tract at some future time. But this by no means proves that it is unwise to encourage a crop of seed- ling pine on cut-over lands. In twenty years such seedlings will be five inches in diameter and with increasing scarcity of pine, and the small percentage of lands elsewhere that are coming up in young forest, this small timber will give the land a prospective value that may equal or exceed its value for agriculture and would aid greatly in its sale. By that time purchasers will be keenly alive to the value of young timber on land, even if desired for agri- culture. Such portions of the farm as are not under cultivation should be in growing forest. 10 PROLONGING THE CuT oF SOUTHERN PINE SECURING A SECOND CUT OF PINE The desire of the company to secure some return from growth has taken the form of instructions not to cut trees smaller than fourteen inches on the stump, equal to about twelve inches breast high. The carrying out of this rule is left entirely to the sawyers, under the rather hurried and indifferent inspection of the team boss. ‘The method is an almost complete failure, for the following reasons : (1) There is lack of proper inspection of the saw crews, who do practically as they please about taking or leaving trees. (2) & NUMBER OF TREES LEFT. Below 20 inches, d. b. h 20 inches and over........ Bie etevatleletete rs tersie bist TOtal.: sicis's als Hanerice eee aiofatelateiataroreteiaseiecstehs On areas adapted to a second cut, tabulation of actual marking on 200 acres shows the following results: average stand per acre, 8,129 feet b.m.; on forty acres, 347,292 feet b.m.; average stand per acre to be left after cutting, 1,805 feet b.m.; on forty acres, 79,300 feet bm. Thus 22.2 per cent of the stand or 1,800 feet b.m. would be left as against 7.5 per cent or 1,050 feet b.m. in mature timber. The younger stands contained 1,051 trees 12 PossIBILITIES OF A SECOND CuT 13 inches and over, “breast high,” on an average “forty,” or 26.2 trees per acre. Stands composed wholly of young timber would have about 50 trees per acre. In the mixed stands, 457 trees would be left on a “forty” or 11.4 trees per acre, which is 43.5 per cent of the total number but only 22.2 per cent of the volume. How wide a departure from the rigid diameter limit the proper selection of trees makes is shown for an average “forty” in Table 4. In the method of individual selection it is seen that about one-third of the trees below 15 inches, one-half of those between 15 and 17 inches, and practically all 20 inches and over are to be removed. & Co Cxiosz UTILIZATION oF TIMBER 25 BREAKAGE OF BOLES IN FELLING The loss through breakage is largely due to the carelessness of the individual saw crews in felling trees on stumps and across down timber. A further loss usually occurs in cutting broken timber into logs, by making the saw-cut too far below the break. Where the break is not square across, it is often possible to obtain added material by cutting the log so as to include a portion of the broken end. This should always be done on large timber where the extra section that can be secured is at least equal to one-half the diameter of the log. (See Plate II, Fig. 1.) CROOKED TREES Crooked trees are common in yellow pine forests and greater care than is generally the rule should be given to cutting them into logs. The tree should be divided into log lengths so that slight crooks will come on the ends of logs. If the sweep is pronounced, a section containing it should be cut from the tree and left in the forest. Crooked logs are not only more difficult than straight ones to load and unload from cars, but they require several times longer to get them onto the carriage and to saw. As a result the output is often reduced from 20 to 75 per cent, thereby materially increasing the cost of the lumber to the manufacturer over that from straight logs. The loss in sawing at the mill due to crookedness is greater on small than on large logs because a higher percentage of the small log is wasted in squaring. FORKED TREES Waste which usually accompanies the cutting of logs from forked trees is due largely to the following causes: (1) Felling so that one fork of the tree is bedded in the ground, in which case the sawyers follow the line of least resist- ance and leave the log uncut. (Plate III, Fig. 1.) This can be avoided in most instances by felling the timber so that the forks will fall flat. (2) Cutting too far below the crotch. This is well illustrated in the trees shown in Plate III, Fig. 1, where the cut could have been made seven feet nearer the crotch; in Plate III, Fig. 2, and 26 PROLONGING THE CuT oF SOUTHERN PINE Plate IV, Fig. 1, four feet nearer. The sawyers in each case dis- regarded their employer’s interests and made the cut at the point where the least labor was involved. Although cutting at the proper point would, because of the swelling, have required more work, the value of the extra time consumed would have been only a small part of the worth of the timber saved. (3) Cutting too far above the crotch. In the tree shown in Plate III, Fig. 1, the cut should have been made three feet lower on the tree and in Plate IV, Fig. 1, two feet lower, thereby saving 42 feet log scale in the first and 21 feet in the second case without additional expense for labor. The further waste of an 18-foot log fourteen inches in diameter (103 board feet log scale), shown in Plate III, Fig. 1, as partly bedded in the ground, can be explained as due to insufficient inspection. The stumpage value of the waste in this tree alone, at $4.50 per thousand feet, is $1.60. . Le [> fy ato nce EEE A — 3'0 18” FIG 2. FORKED TREE IMPROPERLY CUT. The waste of stumpage was not the only loss, since close obser- vation of forked logs showed that in all cases the transportation and handling from the stump through the mill was accompanied by greater labor and expense than straight logs of the same diameter. An extreme case is illustrated in Fig. 2. The log was 12 feet long and 18 inches in diameter at one end, and because of its form was exceedingly difficult to handle. The yield of sawed lumber was not determined, but was estimated to be only 40 per cent of the full content of a straight 18-inch log. The following time was consumed in handling: from mill pond to mill deck, 12 minutes; throwing log out of log trough, 4 minutes; sawing, 13 minutes, a total of 29 minutes. So much time was consumed in getting this log onto the mill deck that the band mill was out of logs for five minutes. The gang saw also ran out of cants and was idle for three minutes because of the stoppage of the band which was slabbing logs for it. The thirteen minutes required for sawing was six times greater than the average for a straight 18-inch log 12 feet, and the Cxiose UTILIZATION oF TIMBER et? | lumber yield was 60 per cent less, so that it would require fifteen times longer to cut a given amount of lumber from logs of this character than it would from sound straight ones. The loss in wages of the mill crew alone was greatly in excess of the value of the lumber secured from this particular log. Although this is an extreme case, losses occur every time crooked or forked logs are handled. The cut of a single band mill may easily be reduced from 25 to 50 logs daily when many crooked and forked ones are handled, which means a reduction in output of from 3,000 to 6,000 board feet. ee oe 40° ee ugh ge B FIG 8. FORKED TREES IMPROPERLY PREPARED. Further illustrations of logs actually observed on the skidways, in the woods, and on the decks of sawmills are given in Fig 3. These logs are not only difficult to handle, but in “A” one end is worthless and should have been left in the woods. It would have been far easier to handle log “B” had the lower fork been cut as shown by the dotted line. TRIMMING LENGTH OF LOGS Out of 1,000 logs measured on the skidways of a yellow pine operation, only 426 had the right trimming length, that is, from 3 to 4 inches. Of the remainder, 141 logs had a trimming length of less than 2 inches; 100 logs, 2 inches; and 333 logs, 5 to 15 28 PRoLONGING THE CuT OF SOUTHERN PINE inches. This variation was due either to carelessness in handling the marking stick or to the use of a stick of incorrect length. The ends of marking sticks are often accidentally cut off, and unless a new stick is at once secured, few of the measurements by the crew will be accurate. The results of incorrect trimming lengths are readily apparent in watching the lumber pass over the trimmer in the mill. Boards that have a trimming length less than 2 inches are usually reduced 2 feet in length because the setter pulls the board past the fixed saw to secure a trimming edge and the far end usually falls short and is cut back to the next even 2 feet. The total of the superfluous trimming lengths on the logs in a given tree when taken in connection with the merchantable mate- rial left in the top, is often sufficient to yield 2 or more feet of log length per tree over that actually secured. SELECTION OF LOG LENGTHS Every tree before being measured should be carefully examined and as far as possible the bole so divided that all high grade material is confined to certain logs and all low grade material to others. . Log-makers do not pay sufficient attention to cutting up boles on which punk knots and other indications of rot appear on the surface, often dividing them so that these defects come in the middle of logs instead of on the end. In the former case, if the rot has not extended more than a few feet in either direction from the defect, the log will have sound wood on both ends, which, how- ever, is of little value because a high percentage of the board will be low grade or rotten. If the defect is on the end of the log, the unsound portion of the boards can be cut off in the mill and lumber of merchantable quality and length secured. It should also be the rule in log-making to divide the bole so as to separate the knotty top sections from the clear portions, so that the latter can be worked up to the best advantage. A 12-foot log free from knots is of more value than a 16-foot one that has numerous large knots, and there are instances where it is more profitable to leave the upper part of the tree in the woods if the logs thus secured yield a high percentage of the better grades. Camp foremen frequently are not thoroughly familiar with the grades of lumber that logs with given classes of visible defects will produce, consequently their rules for the guidance of fallers in determining the extent to which unsound and knotty logs shall Ciosrz UTinizaTION oF TIMBER 29 be utilized, are often very indefinite. As a result fallers cut trees that are too poor to be brought out at a profit, and on the other hand, leave logs that should be utilized. WASTE IN THE TOP A common form of waste is shown in Fig. 4. Fallers in measur- ing up the bole of the tree reach a point where there may be one to several large limbs on one side, as “A” and “B,” and they make their cut at “X,” eliminating the rough portion of the bole. If the other side of the bole is free from limbs, as is often the case, the cutting point should have been extended 2 or 4 feet further, say to “Y,” if that affords the proper log length. The object is to secure the added 2 or 4 feet of clear length on the lower half of the section, material that otherwise is wasted. If necessary, the large knots on the lumber secured from the upper half may be cut off on the trimmer. The clear half of the section will not lower the quality of the lumber secured, but, on the other hand, may slightly increase the percentage of the better grades and, in addition, the lumberman benefits by the greater amount of material secured. The added cost of handling the log in the woods and mill because of the extra 2 or 4 feet will be very small in comparison to the value secured. FIG. 4. METHOD OF CUTTING ROUGH TOPS. Sections of merchantable timber partly or wholly free from knots, and from 1 to 12 feet long, are often left in the tops, due to inadequate supervision. (See Plate IV, Fig. 2, and Plate V, Fig. 1.) In order to determine the waste from this cause, a detailed study was made on 19.5 acres of logged lands belonging to a careful operator. This showed that 3.51 per cent of the total merchantable stand on the area had been left in the tops. The data were secured by measuring every felled tree on the area, great care being taken to scale only such part of each top as was considered merchantable by the owner. No length less than 2 feet was measured and the minimum diameter taken was 8 inches. In many cases where the length left in the top was in odd feet it would 30 PROLONGING THE CuT oF SOUTHERN PINE have been possible to have utilized completely the entire merchant- able part of the bole had the log lengths been carefully marked off. The table gives a very conservative estimate of the waste in felling and log-making because it does not cover loss from high stumps, excessive trimming lengths, or of logs so cut that the best quality of material was not secured. The yearly waste in tops on this operation, based on the annual cut for 1911,’ was 1,937,795 feet bm. (Doyle rule), and adding 25 per cent increase for overrun at the mill, it shows a loss of 2,422,243 feet bm. Assuming stumpage is worth $4.50 per 1,000 feet b.m., the annual loss is $8,770. The profit secured from the sale of the sawn material, say $3 per thousand feet, should be included with this, which brings the total to $14,533.? A gain of one year’s cut (based on the cut of 1911) could be secured every 22.7 years, if the total merchantable timber on the lands were utilized. On the basis of a 20-year cut, the life of the operation would be prolonged 10.5 months. TABLE 6.—MEASUREMENTS ON CUT-OVER LANDS IN ASHLEY COUNTY, ARKANSAS, SHOWING THE LACK OF CLOSE UTILIZATION. (Doyle Rule) Log scale Log scale Total merch. utilized. left an ree contents. bd. ft. Area in No. of trees Per cent of merchantable timber wasted in tops equals 3.51. The price of lumber 20 years hence will be far greater than it is to-day and the character of material that can be utilized will undergo a change; therefore, every year the operation can be extended will mean increased profits per thousand board feet of lumber manufactured. Closer utilization will not mean an increase in the percentage of lower grades, but on the contrary the tendency should be the 1. The data was secured in 1912. : aed f 2. The Joss is in reality greater than this because the added expense of skidding, loading, hauling and sawing logs with an added 2 or 4 feet length is only slightly in excess of the cost * Pending the shorter logs, and the operator really secures this added timber at a very slight additional cost. Cxioszt UTiuizATION oF TIMBER $1 reverse, because timber left in the tops is of as high grade as much of the material now taken; and the cutting of a tree for quality as well as quantity will increase the percentage of “uppers.” SUGGESTIONS The successful solution of this problem can only be brought about by thorough inspection of felling and log-making. Where ten or more saw crews are employed, the proper supervision of this work will require the services of a saw boss, who should be responsible to the team boss in order that close codperation may exist between felling and skidding crews. A man to be a competent saw boss must understand thoroughly the mill requirements for logs, in order that the timber may be cut into the most desirable and profitable lengths; should be an expert log scaler; and must have the ability to teach and handle men successfully. DUTIES OF THE SAW BOSS (1) The distribution and care of all tools issued to fallers and log-makers. Economy is effected by a system of accounting for tools and other equipment. Special attention should be given to checking up the length of measuring sticks each day. (2) Culling all trees and logs that are not worth handling. (3) The instruction of the workmen in marking off log lengths on felled trees in order to enable them to secure the maximum quality and quantity of timber. (4) The thorough inspection of the work of the felling and log-making crews to point out mistakes for the purpose of avoid- ing them in the future. (5) The scaling of all timber that is felled. Difficulties will be experienced at the start, but instruction by a saw boss for three or four weeks will result in a marked improve- ment in the work. Careful supervision, however, will be required constantly, for it is easy for workmen to fall back into old habits. The saw boss should, after a few weeks, have sufficient time to scale the timber at the stump, since his inspection duties will require him to visit every felled tree. The wages of a scaler can thereby be saved. The salary of a competent saw boss should be at least $100 per month, because a man without proper conception of the work would be of little value. 32 PROLONGING THE CuT OF SOUTHERN PINE The successful inauguration of a scheme of this sort should involve some reward for the laborer who does his work well, inas- much as he is called upon to exercise greater care and intelligence, and the additional profits accruing to the lumber company should, in part, be shared with him. This reward might assume the form of a bonus of a few cents per thousand feet of timber cut, or a slight increase in the daily wage. Plate II Bul. 2, Yale Forest School 1—TOP BROKEN FROM FALLING ON A STUMP Ie FIC ERY CROOKED LOG READY FOR LOADING V a 4 FIG. 1a Plate III Bul. 2, Yale Forest School a se ae la leer Cueto ¥ lala ass ee ee Fai iy ithe ak a AMPLE OF VERY WASTEFUL CUTTING OF A FORKED TREE —EX 1 FIG 2—UNNECESSARY WASTE IN LOG MAKING FIG Bul. 2, Yale Forest School Plate IV FIG. 2—WASTE IN A TOP I ‘Old “Al ALVId NI NMOHS AAUL AHL AO dOL AHL NI ALSVM A 7d Jooyos ysaiog areA “B “ING oH iii oo00885