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L ^rL\ y'fv r PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 80 March-June, 1973 Nos. 1-2 CONTENTS Notes on the Life Cycle and Natural History of Parides areas mylotes (Papilionidae) in Costa Rican Premontane Wet Forest. A. M. Young 1 Body, Web-building and Feeding Characteristics of Males of the Spider Araneus diadematus (Araneae: Araneidae). R. Ramousse 23 Annotations on Two Species of Linyphiid Spiders Described by the Late Wilton Ivie. P. J. van Helsdingen 48 Correlation Between Segment Length and Spine Counts in Two Spider Species of Araneus (Araneae: Araneidae). L. D. Carmichael 62 Ant Larvae of Four Tribes: Second Supplement (Hymenoptera : For- micidae: Myrmicinae). G. C. Wheeler and J. Wheeler 70 A New Species of Anacis from Northwest Argentina (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). C. C. Porter 83 Growth of the Orb Weaver, Araneus diadematus, and correlation with Web Measurements. J. Benforado and K. H. Kistler 90 The Cockroach Genus Calolampra of Australia with Descriptions of New Species (Blaberidae) . L. M. Roth and K. Princis 101 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1972-1973 President H. F. J. Nijhout, Harvard University Vice-President T. F. H la vac, Harvard University Secretary R. B. Swain, Harvard University Treasurer F. M. Carpenter, Ilarvard University Executive Committee A. F. Newton, Jr., Harvard University J. W. Truman, Ilarvard University EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. Carpenter (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History , Harvard University P. J. Darlington, Jr., Professor vf Zoology, Emeritus , Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology , Cornell University ; Associate in Entomology , Museum of Comparative Zoology E. O. Wilson, Professor of Zoology , Harvard University H. W. Levi, Professor of Biology and Curator of Arachnology , Museum of Comparative Zoology H. E. Evans, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University J. M. Burns, Associate Professor of Zoology, Elarvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $4.50 to Club members, $6.00 to all other subscribers. Single copies, $2.00. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Ento- mological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $13.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustra- tions must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $12.00 each, and the full page half-tones, $20.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The December, 1972, Psyche (Vol. 79, no. 4) was mailed April 25, 1973 The Lexington Press. Inc.. Lexington. Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 80 March-June 1973 No. 1-2 NOTES ON THE LIFE CYCLE AND NATURAL HISTORY OF PA RIDES ARCAS MYLOTES (PAPILIONIDAE) IN COSTA RICAN PREMONTANE WET FOREST* By Allen M. Young Department of Biology, Lawrence University Appleton, Wisconsin 5491 1 The “ Aristolochia- feeding” swallowtails of the New World tropics comprise a well-known group of butterflies famous for their roles in mimicry complexes (Brower and Brower, 1964). Although the adult stages of many congeneric species of notable genera such as Battus and Parides have been known for some time (Godman and Salvin, 1879-1901; Seitz, 1924), there is considerably less informa- tion concerning the immature stages of these butterflies. This is particularly the case for the Central American species of Parides , one of the three genera ( Battus , Parides , and the Old World Troides) of the Troidini, the tribe of pharmacophagous swallowtails (Ehrlich and Raven, 1965). While the Troidini are most abundant in the Old World tropics, it is apparent that New World genera in this tribe, such as Battus and Parides , have undergone extensive speciation in Central and South America. And with the exception of a few studies such as the recent study of Battus polydamus in Costa Rica (Young, 1971a) and another on the related Ornithoptera alexandrae on New Guinea (Straatman, 1971), the life cycles, behavior, and food plants of many species remain obscure. It is believed that the primarily neotropical distribution of the Aristolochiaceae (Pfeifer, 1966) is a major factor in accounting for the extensive adaptive radiation of Parides and Battus on these plants ( Brower and Brower, 1964; Ehrlich and Raven, 1965). It is the close and perhaps coevolutionary association of genera such as Parides with Aristolochia (in the Aristolochiaceae) and the co-occurrence of several sympatric congeneric species in lowland * Manuscript received by the editor March 26, 1973 I 2 Psyche [March-June tropical forests (Young, 1971b) that makes these butterflies suitable candidates for the study of butterfly community structure in the tropics. In the Caribbean premontane wet forests of Costa Rica, there occur at least three species of Parides whose adults are often found together on the same flowers in forests: P. areas mylotes, P. childrenae, and P. sadyattes. Another subspecies of P. areas , namely mycale , is also seen in association with these species. As an initial approach to determining the ecological factors responsible for the co-occurrence of these similar species as a functional Mullerian mimicry complex (Young, 1971b), studies have been conducted on the life cycle, food plants, and other aspects of butterfly biology, for all of these species in Costa Rica. To date, the biological data for P. areas mylotes (Bates) both in the laboratory (Young, 1972a) and held (Young, 1971b; 1972a) has been the most extensive for these species. This paper touches upon various aspects of biology in this species not covered in the previous studies. Other reports will subsequently appear concerning the biology of the remaining species. Godman and Salvin (1879-1901) mention that P. areas mylotes is common in the Pacific and Caribbean lowlands of Central America, ranging from southern Mexico to Costa Rica. Thus the widespread geographical distribution of the butterfly throughout Central America makes it an even more attractive species to study from the standpoint of the effects of local selection pressures on natural history and life cycle. Methods The studies summarized here are: habitat selection, life cycle, larval food plant acceptance, and behavior of immatures and adults. Life cycle and larval food plant acceptance were examined in the laboratory, while the other studies were conducted in the field at two localities. At various times between late 1968 and mid- 1970, field studies of P. areas mylotes were conducted at Finca la Selva, a region of relatively undisturbed premontane tropical wet forest (elev. about 90 m) located on the confluence of the Rio Puerto Viejo and Rio Sarapiqui. During the months of July and August 1972, the butter- fly was studied at Finca Tirimbina, a forest site located about 8 km west of Finca la Selva and at the basal belt transition zone (about 200 m. elev.) between montane and premontane tropical wet forest. Habitat selection was studied by observing feeding and egg-laying activities of adults at various places in the forest, both at “La Selva” and “Tirimbina”. At La Selva, habitat selection was studied spo- 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 3 radically several days each month over a 14-month period. At Tirim- bina, it was studied systematically 14 days over a two-month period. Life cycle studies consisted of the description of life stages and the estimation of egg-adult developmental time under “laboratory” conditions. These measurements were made on individuals reared on a natural food plant, and eggs were obtained in one of two basic ways. The first method was to collect eggs witnessed to be ovi- posited in the wild ; this method was employed primarily in the Tirimbina studies and to a lesser extent in the earlier La Selva studies. The second method was to obtain eggs by hand-pairing newly-emerged adults, using the technique of Clarke (1952) for Papilio machaon, or allowing mating to occur in pairs of adults confined to plastic bags. The latter technique is useful to obtain estimates of fecundity in this species (Young, 1972a). Both methods, obtaining eggs in the wild, and mating females in the laboratory with subsequent induction of oviposition, are very successful for this species, provide large numbers of eggs for rearing studies. Combining both methods, a large number of individuals were reared from La Selva (primarily through the laboratory mating method) and a lesser number were reared from Tirimbina. The “laboratory” for the La Selva studies consisted of a well-ventilated room in an apartment in San Jose, while the “laboratory” for the Tirimbina studies was a room in a different apartment, located about 1.5 km from the first. In both cases, air temperature usually varied between 2i-23°C and the humidity was about 45%. The techniques for rearing immatures of this butterfly are given in Young (1972a) for La Selva individuals, and essentially the same methods were employed for the Tirimbina studies. The larval food plant acceptance studies were conducted from individuals obtained at Tirimbina during 1972. This study consisted of offering first instar larvae immediately after hatching, in the laboratory, fresh clippings of several species of Aristolochia from various sources. The rationale was to offer separate small groups of young larvae various species of Aristolochia including species known to be natural food plants. Larvae on each food plant were then scored for survival rate and body size. There were five species of Aristolochia that were called “novel” food plants in addition to the two natural food plant species. Two experiments were con- ducted in San Jose: in each of these, 12 larvae were reared on the natural food plant and 13 were reared on each of two “novel” food plants collected from different localities in Costa Rica. The remain- ing three food plants were tested at Lawrence University during 4 Psyche [March-June September and October 1972. The three species of Aristolochia involved were already growing in a greenhouse tropical room for about two years, and the Parides eggs were transported (by air) from Costa Rica to Lawrence on September 6, 1972. Since the natural food plant was not in culture at Lawrence, enough cuttings of it were also brought to Wisconsin to sustain the larvae through the earlier instars. At Lawrence, 10 larvae were on the natural food plant, and 8 on each of the “novel” food plants. Field studies of larval and adult behavior consisted of making repeated observations on the feeding, resting, and defensive habits of larvae in different instars, and on the oviposition behavior of adults. Results 1 Habitat selection Adults of both sexes of P. areas mylotes are most commonly en- countered along paths, natural clearings, swamp edges, and other exposed areas that either border forest or those which are found in the forest interior. For example, the general study site at Tirimbina where adults were most frequently seen is between the edge of forest and a small river (Fig. 1). This small strip of dense secondary growth vegetation is the result of forest being cut back from the river edge for the original purpose of growing yucca and other veg- etables that form the major diet of these people. Here, the adults fly low over dense second-growth vegetation, seldom crossing the small river, and frequently flying several meters into the shaded forest understory and canopy. Excursions into the forest were most frequently done by mated females in search of oviposition sites while males and very fresh (presumably unmated) females generally lin- gered in the sunlight second-growth. The strip of second-growth between the forest and river is a major courtship area for this butter- fly at Tirimbina and extensive growths of the larval food plant vines are found hanging down from trees along the forest edge and grow- ing horizontally in the canopy within a few meters from the edge. A later paper (Young, et ah, in prep.) will demonstrate that mated females of this species are far more prone to dispersal than either males or unmated females. In the present paper, we can say that mated females cruise along extensive tracts of cleared forest edge in search of egg-laying sites, while males and unmated females remain close to their eclosion sites. Courtship encounters are generally con- fined to low sunlight vegetation very close to where the adults emerged from their pupae. Males precede females in emergence. 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 5 Fig. 1. A major habitat of adult Parides areas mylotes (Bates) at Finca Tirimbina, near La Virgen, Heredia Province, Costa Rica. An adult popu- lation is found along the forest edge, and males are active in the low secondary growth vegetation between the forest and small river (Rio Tirimbina) to the left. August, 1972. Thus habitat selection, which can obviously be exercised only by the adults (since eggs and larvae are relatively fixed through the oviposi- tion strategy), is molded strongly in this species by two factors: ( i ) establishment of optimal courtship sites by males in sunlight second-growth bordering forests or forest clearings, and (2) the response by mated females to become more prone to disperse in search for oviposition sites. Similar adult movement patterns have been seen at La Selva, and the lesser vagility of individual males was mentioned in Young (1971b). A courtship strategy in which males patrol an area of the habitat consistently day after day (Young, et al., in prep.) and mate with females as the latter emerge from their pupae, is optimal for butterflies in which males are shorter-lived than females, as is the case with Parides (Young, 1972a). But Cook et al., (1971) report a short life expectancy of about 10 days in P. anchises 6 Psyche [March-June and P. neophilus in a seasonal habitat on Trinidad where torrent rains may kill off the adults of both sexes. Although adult feeding preferences do not appear to be ,a major factor in dispersal patterns at Tirimbina, it is interesting to note that mimetic association with other species of Parides is most intense at nectaries at La Selva (Young, 1971b). At Tirimbina, P. areas mylotes is the only species of this genus seen consistently at the study site, and flower specificity is not apparent. At La Selva., this butterfly as a functional component of Mullerian mimicry complexes exercise a strong preference to visit a single species of flower {I~I amelia patens ) also visited by other Parides (Young, 1971b) ; judging from the amount of time spent daily at Hamelia flowers, there appear to be very few or no other preferred adult food sources of Parides at La Selva. In the absence of the other Parides at the Tirimbina study site, adult P. areas mylotes is found on a variety of flowers, usually ranging from red to purple. Thus in the absence of strong selection pressures favoring mimetic association, and where this mimicry is potentially most effective at a food source, flower specificity may break down for Parides in habitats where the species do not co-occur on a regular basis. Similar diurnal patterns of visitation at flowers between members of a tropical Battus mimicry complex in addition to the co-occurrence of several Parides at flowers at La Selva suggest strong selection pressures resulting in convergence of feeding habits to enhance mimicry (Young, 1971b; 1972b). Although courtship activity is generally limited to the sunniest hours of the morning (Young, et ah, prep.), adults of both sexes and various age-classes (distinguished by the extent of wing tatter- ing) generally forage throughout the day, and they are relatively unaffected by changes in local weather conditions. Even at a mon- tane tropical forest locality (Cuesta Angel) where a cloud forest occurs at about IOOO meters elevation, adults are seen foraging throughout the day at the bright red flowers of Impatiens sultani ( Balsaminaceae — “Touch-me-nots”), a small herbaceous plant that is imported from Africa and that grows in large numbers. As the day becomes less bright in terms of illumination from the sun, these flowers become even more conspicuous due to increased contrast of the red coloration with the misty air; to the human observer, the flowers are more conspicuous, and perhaps the butterflies respond in a similar fashion. In both lowland and mountain localities, adult activity drops off sharply after about 4:00 P.M. When there is short succession of unusually dry days in both lowland and mountain 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 7 localities, adults, especially males, are frequently seen visiting reced- ing mud puddles and moist patches of ground. Life cycle and developmental time The egg (Fig. 2-A-C) is deep rusty-brown and slightly flattened at the base. The diameter is i.i mm and the egg is covered with an irregular thick layer of an orange-red sticky substance, which at- taches it to the leaf surface and gives the entire surface of the egg a rough appearance. This sticky substance forms thin threads which hang down from the upper half of the egg and assist in attachment (Fig, 2-A). It is not known if the sticky substance is also defensive in function, in the sense of discouraging attack by ants and other leaf-wandering predatory arthropods. The apical region of the egg darkens considerably immediately before hatching. Eggs are gen- erally laid on the ventral surface of older leaves and occasionally in the crotches of small stems and petioles (Fig. 2-C). The amount or thickness of the sticky substance covering the eggs is apparently very variable, since other details of egg external morphology, such as deep grooves (Fig. 2-B, C) can be seen on some eggs while com- pletely obscured on others. Eggs are laid singly but usually in loose clusters of 2-5 eggs on a single leaf. At La Selva, the natural food plant is tf Aristolochia sp.” (this is a new species from northeastern Costa Rica soon to be described by H. W. Pfeifer based on my collection of it during March, 1970). At Tirimbina, the natural food plant is Aristolochia constricta Griseb. Both of these species occur in lowland forest on the Carib- bean side of the central Cordillera in Costa Rica. Pfeifer (1966) mentions that A. constricta is a forest species found from Costa Rica to Panama, the Lesser Antilles, and probably northern South America. The first instar is about 3.2 mm long when it hatches, and the ground color of the body is dark orange-brown. The head is shiny black. After the young larva begins to feed on leaf tissue, the body ground color becomes a deep wine red. All segments bear long tubercles of the same color as the body, but the lateral pair on the first segment are orange-white, and this color also characterizes the dorsal pairs of tubercles on segments two, seven, ten, and twelve (Fig. 2-D ) . The tubercles are fleshy for about one-third their length, with the apical two-thirds being stiff and bearing numerous tiny black spines (Fig. 2-D). The oSmeterium is bright orange- yellow throughout larval life. By the time of the first molt, the larva is about 9 mm long. 8 Psyche [March-June I ! ■ 1 jflj IlllMMiiiMil 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 9 The second instar is remarkably similar in appearance to the first instar, with the only major difference being a loss of the spines seen on tubercles in the previous instar. The larva (Fig. 2-E, F) retains the six rows of spines of the first instar, in addition to the shiny black head and true legs. The precise arrangement of the tubercles is very noticeable in this instar. The first four thoracic segments bear two pairs of lateral tubercles, and the uppermost pair disappears until the tenth segment where it is resumed until the twelfth seg- ment. The two pairs of lateral tubercles on these segments are not precisely in line: the tubercle of thoracic segment i are juxtaposed with those of thoracic segment 2 etc. The lateral tubercles of the thoracic segment i are considerably shorter than these tubercles on the remaining segments. The dorsal pair of tubercles on abdominal segments i and 4 are white, while the upper lateral pair of the fourth and fifth abdominal segments are also white. The highly reduced dorsal pair of the abdominal segment 1 1 are also white. This pat- tern of tubercle arrangement and coloration is retained throughout the rest of larval life. By the second molt, the larva is about 14 mm long. The third instar is an exact replica of the second instar except that the ground color of the body is a very deep purplish black. The third instar is shown in Fig. 2-G. By the time of the third molt, the larva is about 23 mm long. The fourth instar (Fig. 3-A) is identical to the third instar except that the skin is very shiny and reflective. It attains a length of 35 mm by the fourth molt. A dramatic change in the ground color occurs with the molt to the fifth instar (Fig. 3-B, C). The ground color is a dull, velvety purplish-brown mottled with irregular blotches of black. The black coloration is most extensive on the segments bearing white tubercles (Fig. 3-B, C). The wfrite ridge along the anterior edge of the osmeterial cuff behind the head is more prominent in this instar. As this instar continues to grow, the ground color becomes even lighter in coloration as extensive velvety grayish-tan areas replace the for- merly purplish-brown areas of the body. The coloration of the dark tubercles is also variegated during the fifth instar, with each tubercle bearing lines of white in addition to the mottled coloration of the Fig. 2. Life cycle and behavior of Parides areas mylotes (Bates). (A) dorsal view of two eggs on a leaf; note the rough surface and sticky strands on the eggs (B) single egg showing deep vertical grooves (C) sin- gle egg in crotch of stems (D) first instar, lateral view (E) two second instar larvae (one is feeding) (F) several second instar larvae living to- gether (G) third instar, dorsal view. IO Psyche [March-June 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 1 1 body ground color. By the time of pupation, the larva is about 45 mm long. The coloration of the larva remains unchanged at the time of pupation. The pupa (Fig. 3-D) is about 25 mm long and the color pattern consists of various light shades of green and yellow. The frontal portions of the thorax and abdomen are yellow while the rest of the body is light green. Godman and Salvin (1879-1901) and Seitz (1924) give good il- lustrations of wing color patterns of the adults (Fig. 3-E). The single light area of the dorsal surface of the forewing in the female is cream-colored while the dorsal bands on the hindwings are orange- red. This color pattern is very consistent in both laboratory-reared and wild-caught females of P. areas mylotes. Less stable is the fore- wing dorsal coloration in the male within a single local population. The large spot on each forewing (Fig. 3-E) is light green but with the apical portion being cream-colored. Considerable variation is apparent in this “two-component’ 5 spot on the dorsal surface of the male’s forewing; this variability concerns the presence, absence, and size of a second, very small two-component spot just inside the radial cell of each forewing, and almost touching the major spot (Fig. 3-E). Similarly, there is considerable variation in the discal cell spot. Godman and Salvin (1879-1901) mention the considerable variation in the forewing spotting pattern of male in the closely related species, P. iphidamas. Adults of both sexes of P. areas mylotes can be distinguished from the subspecies mycale by the presence of a thin light red marginal border of the wings in the former subspecies, while these markings are white in the latter sub- species. The red patch on the dorsal surface of the hindwings in male P. areas mylotes is more intense than in the female, and the distribution of the coloration is very different between the sexes (Fig. 3-E). In bright sunlight, the red patches of the male’s hind- wing are often iridescent, giving off a purple lustre; this is not seen in the female. The mean length of the forewing in the female is about 40 mm, while the same statistic of the male is about 38 mm. Thus, not only is there a striking color sexual dimorphism in this butterfly, but also a consistent wing length difference between the sexes. In the absence of crowding, laboratory-reared individuals often Fig. 3. Life cycle and behavior of Parides areas mylotes (Bates). (A) fourth instar, lateral view (B) fifth instar, lateral view (C) fifth instar, feeding on the tip of a young stem of Aristolochia (D) pupa, lateral view (E) adults, female above, male below. 12 Psyche [March-June bear the same wing-length as wild-caught individuals from the same locality. The egg-adult developmental time for P. areas mylotes in the laboratory for individuals reared on Aristolochia constricta is sum- marized in Table i. In a previous study (Young, 1972a), the egg- adult developmental time of this butterfly on Aristolochia sp. from La Selva was about 42 days. The developmental time in that study was measured on eggs obtained from La Selva adults. The develop- mental time for eggs obtained at Tirimbina, and reared on A. con- stricta is 53 days (Table 1). This difference in developmental time between the two populations is apparent in eggs, larvae, and pupae: the egg stage lasts 4 days in La Selva individuals as opposed to 6 days in Tirimbina individuals ; the total larval period for La Selva in- dividuals is 17 days as opposed to 33 days in Tirimbina individuals; the pupal stage lasts 21 days in La Selva individuals as compared to 14 days in Tirimbina individuals. Larval food plant acceptance Development from the egg stage on natural food plants is suc- cessfully completed in the laboratory (Young, 1972b; Table 1). When other species of Aristolochia are tested, differences in food plant acceptance by the larvae become apparent. Development is successfully completed, and without a change from the Tirimbina developmental time when larvae are reared from the egg stage on Aristolochia labiata Willd. in Costa Rica. But larvae die during the first instar when offered A. veraguensis Duchr. in Costa Rica. For Table 1. The developmental time of Parides areas mylotes on a natural food plant, Aristolochia constricta, under laboratory conditions.* INSTAR INSTAR INSTAR INSTAR IN STAR TOTAL EGG 1 2 3 4 5 PUPA EGG-ADULT MEAN DURATION (days) 6 5 5 6 6 11 14 53 ± S.E. ± 0.1 ± 0.3 ± 0.5 ± 0.3 ± 0.2 ± 0.8 ± 0.2 N 46 46 42 42 40 37 37 ^Laboratory conditions consisted of confining larvae to closed plastic bags containing clippings of food plant. Physical conditions around the bags were 21-23 °C and about 45% relative humidity. See text for further details of rearing techniques, laboratory conditions, etc. 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 13 the rearing studies at Lawrence, all the larvae died either in the first or second instar when reared on A. ringens Vahl, A. littoralis Parodi, and A. gigantea (Mart. & Zucc.). For the groups of larvae offered these species, survivorship was 0%. Thus, in addition to the two known natural food plants of P. areas mylotes , namely Aristo- lochia sp. from La Selva and A. constricta from Tirimbina, the butterfly only feeds successfully on A. labiata Willd. in Costa Rica. Behavior of adults and larvae Observations on adult behavior are limited to the oviposition strat- egy of this species, since a later report (Young et al., in prep.) will discuss other aspects of adult behavior, most notably, the spacing patterns of males and females, and the courtship strategy. Adults of both sexes generally cruise very low over second-growth vegetation. Mated females in search of oviposition sites exhibit extreme forms of cruising behavior in two ways : ( 1 ) they perform sudden, almost vertical darts into the canopy where Aristolochia lianas are found, and (2) they flutter through very dense second growth within a few inches of the ground, and often being obscured from view for several minutes. Such patterns of cruising behavior by egg-laying females are con- sistent with the observation of well-developed food plant specializa- tion in this butterfly. The usual situation locally is that eggs are laid on a single species of Aristolochia , and there is considerable site- selectivity exercised in terms of placing the individual eggs securely on the older leaves of an individual plant. The eggs are seldom laid on young leaves and occasionally on stems at crotches between two stems. Eggs are customarily laid on the dorsal surface of older, well-shaded leaves of the vine, and anywhere from one to five eggs may be laid in a loose cluster in this manner. Upon landing on a leaf for oviposition, the female exhibits considerable wing fluttering and drumming behavior with the antennae; an egg is usually laid within 12 seconds. Oviposition is most commonly seen during sunny hours throughout the day. While males may be cruising in the general vicinity of egg-laying females, there is virtually no observable interactions between the sexes. The less cohesive nature of the mated female portion of a local breeding population of P. areas mylotes (Young et al., in prep.) results in there usually being no more than one or two ovipositing females at a larval food plant patch on a given day. These individuals cover large tracts of habitat in searching for oviposition sites, but usually return repeatedly on the same day to a given food plant patch. While clustering of eggs in the field is generally loose and vari- 14 Psyche [March-June able, when mated females of this butterfly lay eggs in the laboratory, there is usually a tight clustering of eggs (Young, 1972a). Thus tight clustering of eggs (the arrangement of eggs into a group where the eggs touch each other) can be induced in the laboratory when females are confined individually or in low numbers to plastic bags containing clippings of the food plant. Such clustering, however, is seldom found in the wild in this butterfly and other species of Parides. The larvae of P. areas mylotes exhibit several behavioral patterns that warrant more intensive study. Upon hatching the larva in- variably eats its emptied egg shell, and then moves a considerable distance to the closest youngest leaves. Locomotor movement is ac- companied by the production of silken treadwork on which the larva crawls from one place to another. Although small groups of larvae are frequently found in the field (Fig. 2-E, F) there is no evidence for gregarious habits among the individuals in a group. All individ- uals on an individual vine generally feed at the same times of day, but there is no indication of coordinated locomotor movements among the individuals. Furthermore, single or doublets of larvae are also frequently encountered in the field. Larvae of all instars are gen- erally inactive at night. The extent of larval dispersion when several eggs are laid on a vine may be governed by the size of the vine. For example, it is not uncommon to find one or two fourth or fifth instar larvae present on a young vine ( 1-2 m tall) in the field, and in cases where there are two present, these individuals are often found to- gether on the same stem. Both in the field and laboratory, older larvae eat the stems of young Aristolochia vines (Fig. 3-C). On very large vines in which woody tissue is well-developed, older larvae are generally confined to feeding on leaves and it is unusual to find two or more individuals resting close together. Group formation is frequently encountered only in the younger larvae (first and second instars) and in cases where larger (older) larvae are clumped, this is most likely due to the fact that they are feeding on a young vine and the food supply is limited. It is not known if Parides larvae crowded on young Aristolochia vines will leave the vine in response to intense crowding. The osmeteria of the larvae of swallowtail butterflies are functional defense organs. Predatory attack on the larvae of P. areas mylotes in the wild has not been observed to date. The defensive strategy of the larvae against predators includes ( 1 ) possession of conspicuous body coloration in which the dark body and pattern of white tubercles stands out against the light green coloration of Aristolochia leaves, (2) possession of an apparently 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 15 functional and brightly-colored defensive organ, the osmeterium, and (3) probably the possession of generally toxic or poisonous systemic properties making the insect unpalatable, since they feed on vines reputed to have very toxic properties. Discussion Young (1971a) reported a developmental time for Battus poly- damus on Aristolochia veraguensis of about 14 days under similar laboratory conditions to those employed in the present study. Straat- man (1971) reported the developmental time of Ornithoptera alex- andrae Rothschild to be 13 1 days on Aristolochia schlechteri and 107 days on A. tagala, where the difference occurred during the larval period. The developmental time of Parides areas mylotes on Aristolochia sp. from La Selva is 42 days (Young, 1972a) while 53 days on A. constricta (Table 1.). Furthermore, the develop- mental time of Parides childrenae on Aristolochia pilosa at La Selva is about 42 days (Young, 1972a). Thus different genera in the Troidini have different developmental times on different species of Aristolochia. At La Selva there has been ecological divergence be- tween P. areas mylotes and P. childrenae with respect to the species of Aristolochia used for oviposition and larval food-consumption. Furthermore, two different strains of P. areas mylotes are evolving between La Selva and Tirimbina: the duration of all immature life cycle stages has been altered and the species feeds on a different species of Aristolochia at each locality. If this difference in develop- mental time was due solely to differences between the larval food plant species, we would expect to find only a change in duration of the larval period similar to that noted by Straatman (1971) in Ornithoptera alexandrae on New Guinea. But in the case of P. areas mylotes, there has been a change in the embryonic and post- embryonic developmental time which suggests genetic alterations. Strain-effect is not solely confined to food plant differences of the type noted for Victorina epaphus on the Pacific and Caribbean slopes of the central Cordillera in Costa Rica (Young, 1972c). Precisely what sorts of ecological factors are reshaping the developmental architecture of P. areas mylotes at different localities on the Carib- bean drainage of the central Cordillera in Costa Rica remain obscure at this time. One interesting hypothesis concerning this question would focus on a higher level of predation pressure on eggs and larvae in La Selva populations of the butterfly, which would favor an accelerated developmental period for these life stages. i6 Psyche [March-June The inability of young larvae of P. areas mylotes to survive on Aristolochia ringens, A. littoralis, A. gigantea, and A. veraguensis may be due to the lack of evolutionary contact (Ehrlich and Raven, 1965) with these plants. An alternative explanation is that extreme food plant specialization in the butterfly has resulted in the narrow restriction to only a few species of Aristolochia locally. Until more is known about the regional and geographical distribution of various species of Aristolochia in Central America, it will be difficult to resolve the question of larval food plant adaptability in Parides. Unfortunately eggs from La Selva have not been reared on A. con- stricta from Tirimbina nor the converse, namely, eggs from Tirim- bina reared on A ristolochia sp. from La Selva. The question of unpalatability is of considerable ecological and evolutionary interest. Brower and Brower (1964) have demon- strated that freeze-killed adult Parides neophilus L., which feeds on various species of Aristolochia on Trinidad, are very unpalatable to Scrub Blue Jays in the laboratory. Brower and Brower (1964), Ehrlich and Raven (1965) and Pfeifer (1966) cite previous studies which illustrate the toxic properties of various compounds derived from the vegetative portions of Aristolochiaceae. The question of palatabifity in genera of the Troidini ( Parides , Battus , Ornithop- tera, and Troides ) is of interest since the larvae are presumably unpalatable in addition to possessing a defensive organ (Eisner et. al., 1971). The larvae of these genera, as exemplified in the present study by P. areas mylotes , are generally conspicuous in appearance (Fig. 2, 3) to the human observer. The possession of a dual system of defense by Parides larvae and other troidines is related to the functional responses of each com- ponent (unpalatability and chemical defense secretion) to different kinds of predators that the larvae encounter in their habitats. Un~ palatability, as evidenced here by the conspicuous coloration of the larvae and the toxic properties of their food plants, is an adaptation for defense against vertebrate predators such as insectivorous birds, mammals, and reptiles. Brower and Brower (1964) have demon- strated that blue jays become ill after eating an unpalatable butterfly and that there is a subsequent modification in prey-selection behavior by such an experienced predator to avoid the prey on further visual contact with it. Thus, the flexible learning abilities of vertebrate predators makes unpalatability an effective defensive mechanism that increases the likelihood of survival of individuals in a prey popula- tion. An insectivorous bird foraging in forest edge second-growth or forest canopy has daily opportunity for visual contact with the 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 7 poisonous Parides larvae which stand out against the foliage back- ground during the day time when they are feeding. This is an ideal situation for unpalatability to be effective against vertebrate preda- tors. The bird does not have to make tactile contact with the poten- tial prey, but can recognize it from a distance. On the other hand, the added possession of a defensive organ that produces a volatile chemical secretion would be an adaptation primarily against inverte- brate (arthropodan) predators that make tactile or very close visual contact with Parides larvae and elicit a behavioral response. Such a defensive mechanism would be essentially ineffective against verte- brate predators since the larvae could not respond fast enough to the strike of the predator, and the larva would invariably be killed. This is especially true since lepidopterous larvae have low visual sensing ability but quick discriminatory ability for tactile stimuli. In a similar fashion, the generally instinctive nature of the be- havioral repertoire of invertebrate predators would make unpalata- bility an ineffective defense mechanism against these predators. Under such conditions, there is strong selection for the evolution with a dual system of defense, one adapted to vertebrate predators with developed learning abilities (unpalatability), and the other adapted to smaller invertebrate predators with instinctive behavior patterns (defense glands). Furthermore, the larvae would probably survive single attacks by invertebrates such as ants, even though the in- stinctive nature of the predator’s behavior results in repeated attacks on the prey. The small size of invertebrate predators and the ability of Parides larvae to survive individual attacks (in the form of small bites) reduces the threat of death from instinctive predatory be- havior patterns. Thus, in the absence of conclusive evidence, I sug- gest that the unpalatable properties of troidine butterfly larvae (Euw et al., 1968) are an adaptation to potential large vertebrate preda- tors, while their defensive organs comprise an adaptation to inverte- brate predators. This effect is even more pronounced in the adults, which are very unpalatable to birds (Brower and Brower, 1964), since there are ample opportunities for foraging birds which catch insects on the wing to recognize, at a distance, the butterflies through conspicuous coloration. Therefore, adult butterflies should possess unpalatability rather than defensive gland as an adaptive strategy against vertebrate predators. The studies of Euw et al. (1968) and Eisner et al. (1971) indicate that unpalatability and chemical de- fense secretions in troidine butterflies are due to very different kinds of chemical compounds. The oviposition behavior varies greatly for different genera of i8 Psyche [March-June troidine butterflies. Straatman (1971) found that Ornithoptera alex- andrae lays eggs singly, and Cook et al. (1971) comment that single oviposition also occurs in Parides neophilus and P. anchises on Trini- dad. But Young (1971a) found tight cluster oviposition in the held to prevail in Battus poly damns in Costa Rica. The oviposition in P. areas mylotes is very variable since eggs may be laid singly or as loose clusters of varying numbers of eggs per cluster. But oviposi- tion in the wild is never tightly clustered as seen in Battus polydamus (Young, 1971a). The P. areas mylotes pattern is basically single, but with a behavioral tendency to lay several eggs close together on a single leaf. This behavior results in first and second instar re- maining together in small groups and dispersing later, which is very different from the more well-defined gregarious behavior exhibited by the larvae of Battus polydamus (Young, 1971a). Larvae in the latter case are generally gregarious through all instars and presumably fitness is increased as noted in other studies (Ghent, i960). A similar oviposition pattern to that found in P. areas mylotes also occurs in P. childrenae and P. sadyattes (Young, in prep.). Thus the oviposition pattern of Parides in Costa Rica (and perhaps for all of the Central American mainland) is a variable one being basically single but typified by loose clusters of a variable number of eggs, usually ranging between two and five on a leaf. It is clearly not entirely single, nor is it the tight-cluster- ing pattern seen in Battus. As might be predicted, the larvae are semi-gregarious in P. areas mylotes (Fig. 2-E, F) as well as in P. childrenae and P. sadyattes (Young, in prep.) and perhaps in most Parides , while truly gregarious in Battus. These preliminary find- ings in different species suggest that there may exist distinct phylo- genetic patterns of type of oviposition and extent of larval gregari- ousness at the generic level in the Troidini, and perhaps within other tribes of Papilioninae. Superimposed upon evolutionary history will be the prevailing ecological conditions (Birch and Ehrlich, 1967) such as food plant specialization, patchiness of food plant populations, predation pressure on immatures, adult population cohesiveness, and several others, which mold the oviposition strategy in either direction (single versus clustering) and the likelihood of larval gregarious behavior. Summary In this paper concerning the life cycle and natural history of Parides areas mylotes (Bates) on the Caribbean side of the central Cordillera in Costa Rica, the following points were emphasized: 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 19 ( 1 ) The butterfly is a forest species which is most commonly encountered along forest edges associated with extensive borders of secondary growth vegetation or small forest clearings. (2) Habitat selection by adults is governed primarily by two factors: (a) the selection of optimal courtship sites by males ex- hibiting home range behavior, and (b) the search pattern of mated females for suitable oviposition on Aristolochia vines along forest borders and in the canopy. (33 The larvae of this species are probably warningly-colored, since they contrast greatly with the light green leaves of the food plant. The pupae are cryptically colored against the same back- ground. (4) The egg-adult developmental time varies on different natural food plants in different localities: on Aristolochia sp. from Finca La Selva the developmental time is about 42 days; on A . constricta from Finca Tirimbina 53 days. This difference is due to more than food plant difference since the egg stage is considerably shorter in individuals reared on Aristolochia sp. There appears to have been the evolution of different strains in different localities where different food plants are also exploited. (5) Development is successfully completed on A. labiata but unsuccessful on A. veraguensis , A. ringens , A. littoralis, and A. gigantea. The inability of young larvae to feed on these species may be due to either (a) a lack of contact with those species, or (b) the development of narrow food plant specialization. (6) The conspicuous coloration (contrast) of the larvae against the light green food plant leaves and the known toxic properties of the Aristolochiaceae indicate that the larvae are unpalatable to verte- brate predators with well developed learning abilities. The un- palatability of the larvae is inferred from the known unpalatability of the adults of a related species of Parides. The possession of an osmeterial defensive organ is interpreted here, on the other hand, as being primarily an adaptation of defense against invertebrate (ar- thropodan) predators with rather inflexible (instinctive) learning abilities. (7) The variable oviposition strategy of P. areas mylotes in the wild is not strictly single nor is it clustering. Eggs are generally laid in loose clusters of two to five eggs on a leaf, and this pattern appears to be a modified form of single oviposition. When mated females are confined to plastic bags in the laboratory, tight clustering of eggs can be induced. Previous studies show that at least one tropical species of Battus lays eggs in tight clusters in the wild, 20 Psyche [March-June while some species of Parides undoubtedly lay eggs singly and Ornithoptera lays eggs singly. It is suggested that there may exist phylogenetic differences in oviposition patterns at the generic level in the Troidini, and that secondary differences in these patterns are molded by contemporary ecological factors. Acknowledgements The La Selva portion of these studies was financed by N.S.F. Grant GB-7805, Daniel H. Janzen, principal investigator, with logistic support through the Organization for Tropical Studies, Inc. The Tirimbina studies were financed by Grant No. 12 1 of the Bache Fund of the National Academy of Science and partially by N.S.F. Grant GB-33060. Logistic support was provided by the Costa Rican program of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest. Roger Kimber and John Thomason assisted with rearing and food plant acceptance studies. Howard W. Pfeifer identified the species of Aristolochia and provided rooted cuttings of several species. Lee D. Miller confirmed the identification of the butterfly. The manu- script was read by Murray S. Blum. Literature Cited Birch, L. C., and P. R. Ehrlich. 1967. Evolutionary history and population biology. Nature 214: 349- 352. Brower, L. P. and J. V. Z. Brower. 1964. Birds, butterflies, and plant poisons: a study in ecological chem- istry. Zoologica 49: 137-159. Clarke, C. A. 1952. Hand pairing of Papilio machaon in February. Entomol. Record 64: 98-100. Cook, L. M., K. Frank, and L. P. Brower. 1971. Experiments on the demography of tropical butterflies. I. Sur- vival rate and density in two species of Parides. Biotropica 3 : 17-20. Ehrlich, P. R., and P. H. Raven. 1965. Butterflies and plants: a study in coevolution. Evolution 18: 586-608. Eisner, T. 1970. Chemical defense against predation in arthropods. In Chemical Ecology (ed. by Sondheimer, E. and Simeone, J. B.), pp. 157-218. New York: Academic Press. Eisner, T., A. F. Kluge, M. I. Ikeda, Y. C. Meinwald, and J. Meinwald. 1971. Sesquiterpenes in the osmeterial secretion of a papilionid butter- fly, Battus polydamas. J. Insect Physiol. 17: 245-250. 1973] Young — Parides areas mylotes 21 Euw, J. V., T. Reichstein, and M. Rothschild. 1968. Aristolochic acid-1 in the swallowtail butterfly Pachlioptera aristolochiae (Fabr.) (Papilionidae) . Israel J. Chem. 6: 659-670. Ghent, A. W. 1960. A study of the group-feeding behavior of larvae of the Jack pine Sawfly, N eodiprion pratti banksianae Roh. Behavior 16: 110-148. Godman, F. D. and O. Salvin. 1879-1901. Biologia centrali-americana, Insecta, Lepldoptera-Rhopalo- cera. Vol. I. Jordan, K. 1907-1908. Papilio. In The Macrolepidoptera of the world. Vol. 5. The American Rhopalocera. (Ed. by A. Seitz), pp. 11-45. Stuttgart: A. Kernan Verlag. Pfeifer, H. W. 1966. Revision of the North and Central American hexandrous species of Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) . Annals Missouri Botan. Gar- den 53 : 115-196. Straatman, R. 1971. The life history of Ornithoptera alexandrae Rothschild. J. Lepid. Soc. 25: 58-64. Young, A. M. 1971a. Mimetic associations in natural populations of tropical papilionid butterflies. I. Life history and structure of a tropical dry forest breeding population of Battus polydamus polydamus. Rev. Biol. Trop. 19: 211-240. 1971b. Mimetic associations in natural populations of tropical papilionid butterflies (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae). J. New York Entomol. Soc. 79 210-224. 1972a. Breeding success and survivorship in some tropical butterflies. Oikos 23: 318-326. 1972b. Mimetic associations in populations of tropical butterflies. II. Mimetic interactions of Battus polydamus and Battus bellus. Biotropica 4: 17-27. 1972c. The ecology and ethology of the tropical nymphaline butterfly, Victorina epaphus . I. Life cycle and natural history. J. Lepid. Soc. 26: 155-170. BODY, WEB-BUILDING AND FEEDING CHARACTERISTICS OF MALES OF THE SPIDER ARANEUS DIADEM ATUS (ARANEAE: ARANEIDAE) By Raymond Ramousse* Division of Research North Carolina Department of Mental Health P. O. Box 7532 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 INTRODUCTION Many investigators have observed female orb-web spiders in their natural habitats (Enders, 1972; Eberhard, 1971), but there have been relatively few scientific observations of males outdoors. A major reason for this is because after maturation males discontinue web- building and they seek mates and are difficult to follow in an un- confined setting. Males have also attracted less attention in labora- tory situations since they have shorter life spans than females and because they stop building webs after reaching maturity. The activity of spiders in laboratories has been observed primarily in relation to their web-building behavior (LeGuelte, 1966, Witt, 1963a, b), making the female a more frequent subject of study. Thus, with the exception of maturation on web-building (Witt et al.f 1972), only females have been comprehensively studied. The focus of this research is to explore the activities of the males of Araneus diadematus ’Clerck and their role in the female-male relationship which ultimately determines the continuity of the species. Two characteristics related to the females have already been identi- fied as possibly playing a part in the survival of the species. These include cocoon hatching and differential maturing. Cocoons have been observed hatching at two different times for a single species of spider — presumably providing an advantageous distribution of egg- production over a period of time (Potzsch, 1963). Also, within a set1 of spiderlings, different rates of maturation have been observed. Some females grow rapidly and die early while others grow slowly ^Present address of author: Laboratoire d’Ethologie experimentale, 1 rue Raulin, 69 Lyon 7e, France Manuscript received by the editor March 26, 1973 To avoid confusion with the designation of “family” used in nomencla- ture, offsprings from a single cocoo-n will be called a “set.” 22 1973] Ra?mousse — A raneus diadematus 23 and live at least four months longer (Reed & Witt, 1972). The related differential maturing rates may provide an advantageous distribution of spiderlings over a period of time. Together, these mechanisms would seem to help a species survive drastic or poten- tially destructive changes in environmental conditions. This research seeks to explore the male’s role in these phenomena. At what rate is he growing, maturing and dying during the female’s life cycle? This leads to the question of inbreeding. An observation of the maturation rates of spiderlings of the same set was conducted in an effort to determine if inbreeding is possible. Also, if the rate of growth is a factor in the rate of maturation (and spiders of the same set are known to present a considerable variation in size even under apparently optimal conditions), (Witt et al., 1968), is growth prenatally or genetically determined or a function of external factors? The effects of an even diet independent of manifest behavior (Witt et al. , 1972) and differential force-feeding on various schedules (Benforado & Kistler, 1972) have already been studied. What, however, would happen to the growth rate of male and female spiders if they could choose their food quantity through web-building frequency? The answers to some of these questions about the growth and maturation of male spiders should provide clues about their role in the reproductive cycle and, more generally, about their role in the continuity of the species. METHODS Two Araneus diadematus cocoons collected in the field, were placed in two different rearing boxes in the laboratory, where they hatched (February 23, 1972, one cocoon and 14 days later, March 6, 1972, the other). The offspring from the first cocoon will be called set I, and the offspring from the second cocoon, set II. The laboratory provided a cycle of long warm days and short cool nights throughout the lifespan of the animals. As the animals left the communal web to build individual webs, they were put in glass tubes. Five weeks after hatching for set I and three weeks after hatching for set II the spiderlings were caged in individual labeled frames (50 X 50 X 10 cm) where they could build webs without apparent limitation in size. All observations began at this moment; however, some molts were noticed inside the cocoon, and the spiderlings molted one or two times in the glass tubes. 24 Psyche [March-June In the rearing boxes as well as in the glass tubes they were pro- vided water and gnats ad libitum. In the frames the spiderlings were fed with de-winged houseflies. A weighed fly was given one time every three days only when a web had been built, thus rewarding the spiders for high frequency of building. The individual weights of the spiders (accuracy o.i mg) were recorded every week and web-building was recorded every day. Each web was photographed then collapsed by the experimenter, and ana- lyzed for size, shape, fine structure and regularity (Reed et al., 1965). The dates of the molts of each spiderling were recorded and the length of the first leg was measured on the molted limb (ac- curacy in mm.). In the following pages the initials FG and SG are used in place of fast growing males and slow growing males. Statistical com- parison between the two groups (SG & FG) where not specifically mentioned was made with the Wilcoxon test, adapted by White for unpaired measurements (White, 1952). RESULTS Of 31 spiderlings that reached maturity in set I, twelve were identified as males. There were 14 males out of a total of 29 animals in set II. The number of males in each set is significantly repre- sentative of the expected 50% probability of males in a population (Binomial test, p = 0.01 in each case). Some characteristics of the male The adult males of Araneus diadematus have enlarged black palps, relatively narrow elongated abdomens, and weigh about a fifth of the adult females. Adult females are characterized by long yellow palps and a globulous abdomen (Figure 1). Other characteristics of the males include banding of the legs that is generally darker, a lack of humps on the abdomen, and a modified second tibia that is stronger than in females and has short spines (Levi, 1971). The enlarged palps appear at the end of the next-to-the-last molt, whitish instead of black, and blacken between the two last molts. One animal exhibited enlarged palps prematurely two molts before the last one and four other animals after the last molt, but these were exceptions. After the last molt, when they reached sexual maturity and maxi- mum weight, the males stopped building webs. Sekiguchi (i955) reported that a male of Araneus ventricosus, in the laboratory, did 1973] Ramousse — A raneus diadematus 25 Figure 1. Outline of a male (left) and a female (right). Note the difference of size (female front leg: 16 mm, male front leg: 12 mm), of weight (female: 144.1 mg, male: 47.0 mg) and the difference of form of the palps (short and enlarged for the male, long and thin for the female). not spin a web after its last molt, and that the aggregate glands become vestigial in the adult males. Prior to this point the involve- ment of the aggregate glands in the formation of the catching area of a web was clearly shown (Peakall, 1964). We may suppose that adult males are unable to spin webs because their aggregate glands are no longer functional. The males ate scarcely, even when we attempted to induce prey catching by placing the flies in front of their mouths. While an immature male transformed a fly into a small compact ball through eating; the different parts of the body of a fly abandoned after eating by a mature male were easily recognizable. Even when they ate, the mature males used only a small amount of the food available. Males of Linyphia triangularis Clerck did not require food in the adult stage, and were still able to mate with females that later produced fertile eggs. When these males were provided with food, the rate of prey capture and the rate of food consumption dropped sharply 26 Psyche [March-June Figure 2. Body weight of four FG and seven SG littermate males in set I of Araneus diadematus, hatched in the laboratory from one cocoon on February 23, 1972. Dashed line: weekly mean body weights of the FG males. Dotted line: weekly mean body weights of the SG males. Numerals followed by an arrow indicate the number of animals molting for the last time during a week. Numerals surmounted on black circles indicate the number of animals dying during a week. The FG males reached their maximum weight the 13th week of post-hatching, the SG males reached their maximum the 29th week of post-hatching. Note that the SG animals need twice as much time to mature as the FG. (Turnbull, 1962). We may assume that the adult males, no longer able to build a web, do not neeed food to fulfill their mating role. Four males in this study continued to spin webs until they died; they built webs for a few days after the last molt was recorded, then stopped building for three or four weeks and generally built a final web six or seven days before death. These facts suggest that these four males were not able to go through an additional molt to com- plete their development. Also, these males presented enlarged palps only after the last molt recorded which is another confirmation of thir inability to complete their development. During the web building period the males are distinct from the females only between the two last molts (about 3 weeks). This explains why few studies have been made of the males either outdoors or in the laboratory. 1973] Ramousse — A raneus diadematus 27 W eight increase In each set, the individual weight curves follow two distinct pat- terns and no in between: a group with an early maximum (FG) and a group with a late maximum (SG). In set I the course of the growth of four males with early maxima (between 10th and 15th week post hatching) was compared to seven males with late maxima (between 22nd and 33rd week post hatching) (Figure 2). In the second set the growth of 1 1 males which reached their maximum weight between the 8th and 16th week post hatching was compared to three males reaching their maximum weight between the 19th and 23rd week post hatching (Figure 4). In both sets the SG animals needed approximately twice as much time to complete the last molt and to attain sexual maturity as did the FG animals. In each set the females could be divided into fast and slow growth groups in the same way as males. Figure 6 shows the body weight of the FG and SG males and females. The data from the two sets were combined forming four groups: FG and SG males and females. The weight gain per day until maturation, in both sets, was sig- nificantly higher for the FG males than for the SG males (set I: T = 6,P :: - 0.05; set II: T = 7, P = 0.05). The mean weight gain per day between the two last molts for each group was : set I set II FG 2.09 mg/d 1.59 mg/d SG 0.64 mg/d 1. 6 1 mg/d In each set, every animal showed a weight gain per day significantly higher between the two last molts than during the preceding period of observation (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed ranks test: set I: N = 9, T = 3, P = 0.02; set II : N feft 13, T = o, P — 0.01). Frequency of building Th® mean of webs built per day to reach the last molt were: set I set II FG 0.57 web/day 0.49 web/day SG 0.22 web/day 0.18 web/day week percentage web building 28 Psyche [March-June The FG males had a higher rate of building while they grew than did the SG males (set I: T = 6, P = 0.05; set II: T = 6, P — 0.01 ) . The differences in the rate of building appear clearly on the graphs (Figs. 3 and 5) obtained by plotting the mean fre- quency of building per week for each group in each set. The frequency of building is strongly correlated with the amount of food eaten per day (Kendall rank coefficient; set I: 7 — 0.59, P = 0.004; set II: 7 — 0.52, P = 0.005). This is the necessary consequence of the feeding schedule. We might suppose that this relation occurs in nature. A fresh snare probably increases the chances of capturing prey. F G males 'f?j set 1 F G males [ l 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 I". 1 1 1 1 r •. ; ; ; . rj— J -J ; .... j — 1 • : •••••• ..... • ...... . .r"* ! . 8 12 16 20 24 weeks post hatching Figure 3. Frequency of building of the FG and SG males of set I. Dashed line: weekly mean of frequency of building for the four FG males. Dotted line: weekly mean of frequency of building for the seven SG males. Note the similarity in the pattern between weight increase and web building frequency. (Compare with Fig. 2.) 1973] Ranvousse — A raneus diadernatus 29 Figure 4. Body weight of 14 male littermates in set II of Araneus diadernatus hatched in the laboratory on March 6, 1972. Dashed line: weekly mean body weight for the 11 FG males. Dotted line: weekly mean body weight for the three SG males. Numerals followed by an arrow indicate the number of animals molting for the last time during a week. The FG animals reached their maximum weight the 12th week post-hatch- ing, the SG males reached their maximum the 27th week post-hatching, when the FG males are dead. (Compare with Fig. 2.) The rate of building : set 1 set II FG 0.57 w/d 0.64 w/d SG O.31 w/d 0.30 w/d between the two last molts was significantly higher than the rate of building during the previous stages of growth in both sets (set I: N = 9, T = 2, P = 0.01 ; set II: N — 12, T = 1.5, P = 0.01 Wilcoxon test). What explanations are there for differences in frequency of build- ing? A multiplicity of factors have been found to have some in- fluences on web-building: a change from dark to light, a steep rise 30 Psyche [March-June Figure 5. Frequency of building of the FG and SG males of set II. Dashed line: weekly mean frequency of building for the 11 FG males. Dotted line: weekly mean frequency of building for the three SG males. Note similarity to Fig. 3. in temperature following a temperature minimum, weather condi- tions, barometric pressure, a full silk supply, hunger (Witt, et al ., 1968). In the laboratory, all the spiders were subjected to the same environmental conditions, therefore the differences in rate of building should be due to an internal state, such as hunger. There is a gen- eral agreement in the literature that hunger is a strong drive for web-building. Heavy feeding is followed by several days without web-building (Koenig, 1951; Wolf & Hempel, 1951; Wiehle, 1927; Peters, 1932). The interpretation is that the hunger drive is too low for releasers like temperature and light to operate. On the other hand, spiders deprived of food built almost every day (Peters, 1939) and built webs even at the expense of other body constituents (Witt, 1963b). We may assume that the FG males have a higher level of hunger than the SG males, which induces a higher rate of building. Pood consumption Each time a spider was fed, the fly was weighed before eating. Since only one or two percent of a fly was rejected by a spider after 1973] Ra?nousse — A raneus diadematus 3i eating, we assume that a fly was eaten entirely. The mean quantity of food consumed per day was : set I set II FG 2.44 mg/d 2.06 mg/d SG i.44mg/d 1.39 mg/d The FG spiders ate a significantly higher quantity of food per day than the SG ones (set I: T = 6, P ~ 0.05; set II : T = 8, P — O.05 ) . There was a significant difference in the amount of food consumed per day between FG males of the two sets (T = 8.5, P = 0.05). The mean quantity of food eaten between the last two molts was: set I set II FG 3-33 mg/d 2.61 mg/d SG 2.85 mg/d 3.54 mg/d In each set the mean quantity of food consumed per day between the last two molts was significantly higher than the mean amount of food eaten per day during the preceding observation period, (Wil- coxon test: set I : N = 10, T = o, P = 0.0 1 ; set II: N = 13, T = 1, P = 0.01). A relationship exists between the amount of food eaten per day and the growth rate in both sets, indicating that the growth rate is a function of the amount of food consumed (Kendall rank coefficient; set I: y = 0.55, P = 0.01 ; set II : y = 0.60, P = O.OOi). The foot eaten was used to sustain the basal metabolism, to make silk, and to build the body of the spiders. A rough estimate of the per- centage of food transformed into spider tissues was obtained by dividing the gain of body-weight per day by the quantity of food consumed per day: the FG males used about 57 % (set I) and 47% (set II) of the food they ate, while the SG males transformed only 33% (set I) or 32% (set II) of their food into spider tissues. The FG groups transformed a greater amount of food consumed into spider tissues than did the SG groups (set I : T = 6, P == 0.05; 32 Psyche [March-J une Figure 6. Body weight and number of molts of 25 males (15 FG, 10 SG), and 25 females (15 FG, 10 SG) from the two sets cocoons of Araneus diadematus studied. Each line connects mean body weights at one, two, five, seven and nine months post-hatching. Large black circles: FG females, large dashed line: early life of SG females; small black circles: FG males, small dashed line: SG males. Arrows indicate the number of molts to the time. Note the different growth rates and the related different speed of maturation in FG and SG males and females, and the similarities for both sets. set II: T = 14, P = O.05). As a result of having more food available for metabolism, an FG male was able to utilize more energy for other metabolic processes than basal metabolism, such as synthesis of silk, synthesis of body constituents, etc. This would assure a larger supply of silk for the FG spiders than for the SG, which could be an important drive for web-building (Peakall, 1967). The increased frequency of building in the FG spiders leads to a greater amount of food consumed which in time results in the rapid weight gain and growth. 1973] Ranvousse - — A ranens diadematus 33 Maturation Between the start of the observations and the time of sexual ma- turity (last molt) the mean number of molts recorded for each group was: set I set II FG 3.25 molts 3.27 molts SG 4.50 molts 3.66 molts The SG males in set I went through a significantly higher number of molts than did the FG males (T = 12, P = 0.05) and reached a higher weight (see below). In set II, we had only three SG males and one of them did not complete its development, this explains the difficulty to obtain a significant difference between SG and FG ani- mals in this set. For set I the mean time of maturation was 81.6 days for the FG spiders and 202.5 days for the SG spiders. In set II maturation was reached in a mean time of 78.0 days for the FG males and 163.0 days for the SG ones. The time of maturation was significantly longer for the SG animals (set I: T = 6, P — 0.05 ; set II: T = 6, P = 0.01). In addition the time of maturation was sig- nificantly longer for the SG in the first set than in the second set (T = 6, P = 0.05) . The rate of maturation, number of molts divided by the number of days necessary to complete these transformations, was significantly higher for the FG males than for the SG males (set I: T — 6, P = 0.0 1 ; set II: T — 6, P = 0.05). The Kendall rank coefficient between the gain of weight per day and the number of molts per day was 0.61 for set I and 0.66 for set II ( in both P — 0.001). A relationship exists between the rate of growth and the rate of maturation which is in agreement with the findings of Deevey (1949) with Latrodectus mactans (Fabri- cius) and of Benforado and Kistler (1973) with Araneus diadema- tus. We may assume that the maturation rate is correlated with the growth rate. The mean length of time in days between two con- secutive molts was determined. In 3 out of 4 groups, the last inter- molt was longer than the other intermolts (table 1); for the FG males, this last intermolt was significantly longer than the earlier (N — 10, T = 1.5, P = 0.01 ). 34 Psyche Table i [March-June 1 2 3 4 set I FG 20.6 14.0 SG 63-3 37-5 46.1 29.6 set II FG 22.7 12.0 SG 26.5 54-0 55.0 17.0 Mean length of time in days separating two consecutive molts. The numerals designate each intermolt and its order in relation to the final one, i being the last. Increase in leg-length The mean length of the first leg as measured on the last molt was : set I set II FG 1 1 .0 mm 10.5 mm SG 14.3 mm 12.3 mm SG males, which were also heavier, had significantly longer first legs than FG males after the last molt (set I: T — io, P = o.oi ; set II : T = 7.5, P = 0.05 ) . The rate of leg growtdi is given by the ratio of the length gain in the number of days necessary to obtain this increase of length. The mean rate of leg growth during the entire observation was: set I set II FG 0.183 rnm/d 0.176 mm/d SG 0.069 rnm/d 0.069 mm/d The rate of length increase was significantly higher for the FG males than for the SG males (set I: T — 10, P = 0.01; set II: T = 7, P = 0.05). This points out the relationship existing be- tween rate of maturation and rate of lengthening. No correlation was found between the leg-growth between molts and the length of time of the intermolt. Maximum weight Body weight increased for all males to a maximum at the last molt, declining from this point onwards. This is in contrast to 1973] Ramousse — A raneus diadematus 35 female weight increase which continues after the last molt, possibly due to egg formation. The mean weight was : set I set II FG 62.95 mg 57.64 mg SG 88.52 mg 70.23 mg The maximum weight reached by the FG males, in both sets, was lower than for the SG males. This suggests that the maximum weight may be a function of the duration of development. In that case, rapid maturation would occur at the expense of weight growth. No correlation between initial weight and final weight was found in contrast to the findings of Benforado and Kistler (1972). A relatively small difference in initial weights and the low accuracy of the weights may explain the contrast. Mating The FG males of set I matured 81.6 days post-hatching (p-h.) and those of set II 78.0 days p-h. The FG females reached ma- turity 229 days p-h. in set I and 104 days p-h. in set II. In the first set all the FG males were dead before any of the FG females were mature, preventing them from mating. In the second set, the FG males survived 71 days after the last molt, so that some of them were still alive when the first FG females matured. But the females accepted the advances of the males only 60 days or more after the last molt, preventing the FG males from mating with their sisters. In summary, the FG males of both sets were sexually mature too early to mate with any of the females of the same set. The SG males reached maturity 202 days p-h. in set I and 163 days p-h. in set II. At this time the FG females of set II were already mature (104 days p-h.) and those of set I were almost ma- ture (229 days p-h.), as well as the SG females of set II (223 p-h.). In these conditions the SG males of both sets may have been able to mate with the FG females of their own set or the other set. Each of the nine SG males, when they were an average of 300 days p-h., were brought into the presence of three different females. All the males seemed to behave in the same way, but only three of them mated successfully with a single female, and one with two different females. These successful males were the biggest of the SG males. One male of each set was able to mate with a female of 3 6 Psyche [March-June his own set. Only the FG females of the set I accepted the males, while both FG and SG females of set II accepted the males. How- ever, the small number of males limited the number of trials and did not permit us to know statistically which of the females (FG or SG) were the most successful in mating. The FG males cannot mate with females of their own set, but we may assume that they can find females of other sets in a natural habitat which are mature at the same time. The SG males can mate with the FG females of their own set, permitting limited in- breeding. This is merely a possibility since different sets in nature may have mature females at the same time. Comparison of the webs of SG and FG spiders FFeb changes during development : Webs for the FG and SG males were compared on the basis of the spiral area, mesh size and thread length. The spiral area of all webs built by males in both groups and both sets showed a general increase until reaching a maximum area during the period between the last two molts. The spiral area decreased in size thereafter. Four males mentioned earlier, who did not follow the general web-building pattern (they built webs until they died), showed no decrease in spiral area in their final webs. This further supports speculation that they died before achieving full development through a complete series of molts. In contrast, the spiral area of the females of Araneus diadematus and Neoscona vertebrata in- creased until the last three months, after which time the catching area does not change significantly (Witt & Baum, i960). The catching area of the females of the golden garden spider, Argiope aurantia , showed a growth and decline, the peak size coinciding roughly to the time of last molt and sexual maturation (Reed, Witt & Scarboro, 1969). An essentially upward linear growth in mesh size throughout the lifetime occurred for 11 of the males studied. For the 12 other males the mesh size increased until reaching a plateau during the last intermolt. Witt, Rawlings and Reed (1962) have pointed out that the mesh size of the female webs of Araneus diade?natus show also an increase until the last molt, and then reach a plateau. But Argiope aurantia shows a linear growth in mesh size throughout the lifetime (Reed, Witt & Scarboro, 1969). The thread length fol’ows the same pattern as the two other pa- rameters with a peak during the last intermolt and then a decrease. Argiope aurantia and Araneus diadematus females have been shown 1973] Ranvousse — A raneus diadematus 37 Figure 7. Web built by a young male of Araneus diadematus. Young FG and SG males built webs with the same characteristics, small and fine- meshed. The vertical white lines of the scale are spaced 20 mm apart. 38 Psyche [March-June to change according to the same pattern for thread length (Reed, Witt & Scarboro, 1969; Witt, Rawlings & Reed, 1972). The de- crease of the thread length may be due to the thickening of the threads as the weight of the spider increases (Christiansen et al., 1962). The males follow the same pattern of web-changes as the females of the same species, except for the catching area. The gen- eral effect is that young Araneus diademcitus males build small, fine-meshed webs (Fig. 7) ; and during the onset of the last inter- molt build large, wide-meshed webs; males at the end of the last intermolt, without changing weight and leg-length significantly, build medium meshed webs. Therefore it appears that web size cannot simply be explained by the spider’s bodily dimensions (Witt, Rawl- ings & Reed, 1972; Reed, Witt & Scarboro, 1969). Comparison of the webs of the FG and SG males at the same age All the webs photographed between the 9th and 12th weeks post hatching of five FG males of both sets were measured. So were the webs of eight SG males of both sets during the same period of time. All these spiders were at the same age, but the five FG spiders were almost mature and the eight SG males were 100 days before reach- ing maturation. Table 2 shows the figures for spiral area, mesh size, thread length and a measure of the regularity of the spacing of the threads (standard error of median mesh size North). The two measures of the body, and the four measures of the web show sig- nificant differences between the FG and SG males, with the excep- tion of the variance of the mesh size: the webs of the two groups show similar regularity. Table 2 FG SG t P Body weight 50.1 ± 19.0 mg 22.6 ± 6.4 mg 3.58 0.005 Leg length 9.1 ± 1.70 mm 6.68 ± 1.48 m 2.49 0.05 Spiral area 42,138 ± 9,883 mm2 13,956 ± 8,178 mm2 4.88 0.001 Mesh size 58.60 ± 6.96 mm2 34.75 ± 10.08 mm2 4.05 0.005 Thread length 16,066 ± 4,111 mm 6,950 ± 3,282 mm 4.07 0.005 SE median mesh size North 0.114 ± 0.030 0.162 ± 0.062 1.47 Measures of webs of the FG and SG males at the same age. Only the regularity measures in the last line are not significantly different. 1973] Ranvousse — A raneus diadematus 39 Table 3 FG SG t P Body weight 60.14 ± 11.56 mg 79.37 ± 18.07 mg 0.11 Leg size 10.75 ± 1.22 mm 13.60 ± 1.41 m 4.90 0.001 Spiral area 33,931 ± 10,131mm2 28,766 ± 6,559 mm2 1.15 0.400 Thread length 15,546 ± 2,768 mm 10,425 ± 1,715 mm 3.66 0.005 Mesh size 46.46 ± 9.64 mm2 70.73 ± 15.95 mm2 3.99 0.005 SE median mesh size 0.900 ± 0.022 0.293 ± 0.068 8.78 0.001 Measure of webs of the FG and SG males at comparable stage of maturity. It is neither possible to relate the regularity measures to leg length — the FG’s legs were significantly longer than the SG’s legs — nor to maturation since the FG spiders were at the last stages of matura- tion and the SG males two or three stages before. We may assume that the size of the males’ webs but not their regularity is a function of the rate of growth and in consequence of the body dimensions. Comparison of the FG and SG males’ webs at the same stage of maturation All the FG webs photographed during the last stage were com- pared with all the SG webs photographed about ioo days later, during their last stage; this compares webs built at different times but comparable stages of maturity. Table 3 gives the figures for body weight, leg size, spiral area, thread length, me^h size and the variance of the mesh size. The webs of the FG (lighter) males had a spiral area larger, a significantly longer thread, smaller mesh size, and a higher regularity than the webs built by the SG males at comparable maturity (Figs. 8 and 9). The longer length of thread produced by the FG males than the SG males indicates that they have a better supply of silk or thinner thread. This may be sup- ported by the higher amount of food eaten per day and the higher rate of utilization of the food by the FG than SG males. The larger mesh size and irregularity of the SG webs is related to the larger body dimensions of these animals. The difference between the dimen- sions of the bodies of the FG and SG males coincides with a longer duration of development for the SG than for the FG males. We may assume that the regularity of spacing the spiral thread is related to the duration of the development in the two groups of males with different rate of growth, and is related to maturation within a group having a homogenous growth rate. 40 Psyche [March-June .s-s M M *s £ £ £ aT nj" t: a W) rt G »i cu b£ — o -d o C3 hG Oh C3 03 (jj o g : .bC .M ' O « fc rS white lines being originally spaced 20 mm apart. 1973] Ramousse — A raneus diadematus 4i Mortality The mean mortality in each group was : set I set II FG 1 6 1. 6 days post-hatching 146.5 days post-hatching SG 3 dead (mean 329.0 days post-hatching) 3 still living (342.0 days post-hatching) 308-6 days post-hatching The SG males lived significantly longer than the FG males (set I: T = 10, P — 0.01 ; set II: T gg 4, P = 0.05). Rapid growth occurs at the expense of endurance which is in agreement with the findings of Bonnet (1935), who found that the spiders’ lives short- ened with an increase in food supply, and the findings of Reed and Witt (1972), who found that the FG females of A raneus diade- matus lived shorter than the SG females. In our laboratory, the males matured from July 1972 to January 1973. But in North America males of Araneus diadematus can only be found in September and early October in the Boston area, (Levi, 1971) and in Southern France in August and September (Bonnet, 1935). Nevertheless some authors found Araneus diadematus in the field during different seasons even in winter, Bertkau (1885) in Germany and Termeyer (1791) in Italy. Millot (1926) also ob- tained, in the laboratory, the survival of young Araneus diadematus during the winter; they completed their development the following spring. The biological cycle of Araneus diadematus varies according to the environmental conditions it goes through, and a low rate of feeding with the stable laboratory conditions could allow a longer lifespan for the spiders reared in the laboratory than in the field. In that case, the lengthening of the development merely emphasizes the difference betwen FG and SG animals. The FG males survived an average of 80 days after the last molt in set I and 71.4 days in set II. These males grew and built webs approximately half their lives, then sought out mates. We can note equivalent facts for the SG males with their relatively long time scale. 42 Psyche [March-June General Discussion The males grow until the last molt, at which time they attain their maximum weight; weight decreases slowly thereafter. The females have a distinctly different course of growth; their weight increased long after the last molt, generally until they lay a cocoon. The males mature more rapidly than the females, but the females grow bigger than the males and live longer. The females and the males of each of the two sets of Araneus diadematus studied are clearly divided into FG and SG. The FG males are characterized by a higher frequency of building, rate of food consumption, rate of weight increase, rate of leg growth, rate of maturation as well as a smaller number of molts than the SG males, significant only for set I in the last instance. The positive correlation between the rate of building and the rate of food consumption for all males must be expected, since the spiders were fed only when they had built a web. The different frequency of building may be explained as a lower threshold for web-building through hunger in the FG than in the SG spiders. The number of prey captured is a function of behavior mechanisms of the spider and potential prey; among the former are the stimuli that induce the spider to attack, the efficiency of this attack, and also a number of other variables such as web-site, web-characteristics, and frequency of building. The hunger stimulus which induces both, the attack and web-building, has a lower threshold for the FG than for the SG spiders, suggesting that in a natural habitat the FG males would be able to capture and eat more food than the SG spiders. In addition, the usual effect of genes on animals with rigid patterns is to alter behavior in a quantitative, rather than a qualitative, fashion (Mann- ing, 1967). The environmental conditions being the same for all the animals, the difference in threshold of hunger may be the conse- quence of different genotypes. A relationship between the rate of food intake and the rate of growth indicates that the food was converted into spider tissues, in addition to maintain basal metabolism and to support the necessary activities like prey catching. The percentage of food converted into spider tissue was higher for the FG males than for the SG males, explaining the different growth rates. The same mechanism could provide a more ample supply of silk for the FG than for the SG males, which is suggested by the analysis of the web dimensions of 1973] Ramousse — A raneus diadejnatus 43 the two groups. Hunger is an important drive for web-building and prey catching, which in turn increases the amount of food available to the spider. As a consequence, a good supply of food permits the spider to use more energy to metabolize tissues and silk, and a full supply of silk lowers the threshold of web-building. So, the fre- quency of building may be controlled by a changed feed-back between hunger and amount of food eaten. A strong relationship exists between the rate of growth and the rate of maturation. But the number of molts was not constant, nor was the time separating two successive molts. The FG males went through fewer stages than the SG males (significant only in set I) and in less time. The rapid increase of the body weight of the FG spiders seems to force these spiders to change more often their rigid skins. Ecdysis is a crisis that requires extra energy to overcome; the heavy eating FG spiders could accumulate this extra energy in the form of reserves more rapidly than the SG spiders. The differential maturation may be attributed to nutrition. But nutrition is a func- tion of the amount of food eaten controlled through appetite, pro- ficiency in prey-catching, and web-building frequency. Similar rela- tions must explain the differences in development between males and females as well as between females of the same set. Different schedules of feeding result in differential growth and maturation for spiders of the same set (Benforado and Kistler, 1972), suggesting that the amount of food eaten is a determinant factor. But with the same amount of food available, the spiders of the same set show different growth rates and maturation rates (Reed & Witt, 1972). This indicates that prenatal or genetic conditions control the development and maturation. In our study, the spiders could choose the food quantity they need through their behavior. When the spiders are in identical environmental conditions, we may assume that the difference in behavioral patterns present at hatching time probably are genetically determined. One pattern induces some spiders (FG) to capture and eat more food than other spiders, and in turn this large amount of food eaten by these spiders, increases their rate of development and maturation. The rapid growth in the two sets occurs at the expense of endurance and maybe weight in- crease, the FG males are short livers and small weighers. The short life-span of the FG spiders prevent them from mating with females of the same set, while some SG males live 'long enough to mate with the FG females of their own set. 44 Psyche [March-June Poetsch has shown (1963), that cocoons of a. single species of spider hatch at different times. This presumably provides an ad- vantageous distribution of egg-production over a period of time. The two cocoons studied hatched at different times, and the males of set II, which hatched fifteen days later, grew faster than the males of set I (significant only for the SG males). Between the sets the rapid growth occurs also at the expense of endurance and maybe weight increase. Differential growth occurs between the sets as well as within the sets, favoring the distribution of mature animals over a period of time. This suggests that during the favorable season mature males and females can mate and produce cocoons at various times, providing the species with a better chance to survive any drastic crisis due to the environment. The relative quick maturation of males favors mating between animals of different sets and of different behavior instead of inbreed- ing. This allows the species to conserve a genetic pool with high selective potentialities, Dobshansky, 1951). During development the last intermolt was distinct from the other stages. During this period the males built more webs, ate more food per day, and grew faster than during the other stages. The time separating the last two molts was generally longer than the time separating any other two successive molts. Sexual differentiation also took place during this period, and we may assume gametogenesis too. This would explain why the males need more food and a longer time to complete the last stage of development. The importance of the requirements during this time must make it the most difficult for the males. Summary The offsprings from two cocoons of Araneus diadematus , hatched at different times and placed in individual frames, were studied in the laboratory during the life-span of the males. During this time, the characteristics of the body (weight and size), the frequency and the parameters of the webs, the number and date of the molts, and the amount of food eaten were recorded for each animal. The spiders could choose their feeding schedules through their building behavior. The males built and increased their weight only until the last molt, in contrast to the females which continued both building and increasing their weight long after the last molt. During the 1973] Raiwousse — A rcineus diadematus 45 building period the males were distinctly different from the females only during the last stage. The males lived shorter and grew less than the females. The last intermolt was distinct from the other stages: the males built more webs, ate more food, grew faster than during the other stages. Two different rates of development appeared among the males of each set, determining a fast and slow growing group. The fre- quency, the amount of food eaten, the rate of weight increase and the rate of maturation were higher for the fast growers than for the slow growers. As a consequence of the rapid growth, the life-span of the fast growing males was shorter and the maximum weight was lower (but not significantly) than for the slow growing males. Hunger and amount of food eaten determined the different growth rates and related maturation rates; a lower threshold is supposed for the fast growing males than for the slow growing males, and may be the consequence of a genetic difference. Maturation would be controlled by different patterns of behavior determined on a genetic level. The differential maturation, which occurs within animals of a set and between sets, results in a distribution of mature animals over various times of year. The relative quick maturation prevents the fast growing males from mating with a female of the same set, but limited inbreeding is possible between the slow growing males and the females of the same set. A potential high survival of the species is assured by the dispersion of the individuals of one set and the dis- persion of the sets over different seasons. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was carried out in the laboratories of the Division of Research, North Carolina Department of Mental Health and was supported by Grant Number GB-25274 from the National Science Foundation to Dr. Peter N. Witt. The author gratefully ack- nowledges the assistance of Dr. Witt during all stages, the assistance of Mrs. Mabel Scarboro for all technical and laboratory work, Mrs. Rubenia Daniels for her administrative assistance, and of Dr. John O. Rawlings with whom the statistical tests used were discussed. References cited Benforado, J. and Kistler, K. H. 1973. Growth of the orb weaver, Araneus diadematus, and correlation with web measurements. Psyche, 80: 90-100. 46 Psyche [March-June Bertkau, Ph. 1885. Ueber den Saisondimorphismus und einige andere Lebenser- scheinungen bei Spinnen. Zool. Anz. 8 : 459-464. Bonnet, P. 1935. La longevite chez les Araignees. Bull. Soc. Etomol. de France. 40: 272-277. Christiansen, A., Baum, R. and Witt, P. N. 1962. Changes in spider webs brought about by mescaline, psilocybin and an increase in body weight. J. Pharmac. ex. Ther. 136: 31-37. Deevey, G. B. 1949. The developmental history of Latrodectus mactans (Fabr.) at different rates of feeding. Amer. Midi. Nat. Notre Dame, 42: 189-219. Dobzhansky, T. 1951. Genetics and the origin of species. Columbia University Press. Eberhard, W. G. 1971. The ecology of the web of Uloborus dwersus (Aranea: Ulobori- dae). Oecologia (Berlin), 6: 328-342. Enders, R. 1972. Web site selection by Argiope aurantia Lucas and other orb weaving spiders (Araneidae). Thesis, N. C. State University, Raleigh. Koenig, M. 1951. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Netzbaus orbiteler Spinnen. Z. Tierp- sychol. 8 : 462-493. LeGuelte, L. 1966. Structure de la Toile de Zygiella-x-notata Cl. (araignees, Agri- opidae) et quelques facteurs qui regissent le comportement de 1’araignee pendant la construction de la toile. These, Nancy. Levi, H. W. 1971. The diadematus group of the orb-weaver genus Araneus north of Mexico (Araneae: Araneidae), Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 141 (4) : 131-179. Manning, A. 1967. Genes and the evolution of insect behavior. Jerry Hirscb- McGraw-Hill (Behavior-genetic analysis). Millot, J. 1926. Contribution a 1’ histophysiologie des Araneides. Bull. Biol. Fr. et Belg., Supp. 8: 1-238. Peakall, D. B. 1964. Composition, function and glandular origin of the silk fibroions of the spider Araneus diadematus Cl. J. Exp. Zool., 156: 345-350. 1969. Silk synthesis, mechanism and location. Amer. Zoologist, 9: 71-79. Peters, H. M. 1939. Uber das Kreuzspinnennetz und seine Probleme. Naturwissen- schaften 47: 776-786. Potzsch, J. 1963. Von der Brutfiirsorge heimischer Spinnen. Wittenberg, Ziemsen. Reed, C. F. and Witt, P. N. 1972. Growth rate and longevity in two species of orb-weavers. Bull. Brit. Archnol. Soc. 2(6) : 111-112. 1973] Raiwousse — A rcineus diadematus 47 Reed, C. F., Witt, P. N. and Jones, R. L. 1965. The measuring function of the first legs of Araneus diadematus Cl. Behavior 25 : 98-119. Reed, C. F., Witt, P. N. and Scarboro, M. B. 1969. The orb web during the life of Argiope aurantia (Lucas). Devel. Psychobiology 2(2): 120-129. Reed, C. F., Witt, P. N., Scarboro, M. B. and Peakall, D. B. 1970. Experience and the orb- web. Devel. Psychobiology 3 (4): 251-265. Sekiguchi, K. 1955. Differences in the spinning organs between male and female spiders. Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, 8: 23-32. Termeyer, R. M. de 1791. Richerche e sperimenti sulla seta dei Ragni e sulla loro gen- erazioni. Scelte d’opusculi interessanti 3 : 288. Turnbull, A. L. 1962. Quantitative studies of the food of Linyphia triangularis Cl. (Aranea: Linyphiidae) . Canad. Entomologist, 94(12) : 1233-1249. White, C. 1952. The use of ranks in test significance for comparing two treat- ments. Biometrics, 8: 33-41. Wiehle, J. 1927. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Radnetzbaues der Epeiriden, Tetrag- nathiden and Uloboriden. Z. Morpholog. u. Okolog. der Tiere, 8 : 468-537. Wolff, D. and Hempel, U. 1951. Versuche liber die Beeinflussung des Netzbaues von Zilla-x- notata durch Pervitin, Scopolamin and Strychnin. Z. vergl. Physiol., 33: 497-528. Witt, P. N. 1963a. Interrelationships between web-building behavior and amount of thread material in the spider Araneus diadematus Cl. Proceed, of XVI Intern. Cong, of Zool. 1963b. Environment in relation to behavior of spiders. Arch of environ. Hlth., 7: 4-12. Witt, P. N. and Reed, C. F. 1965. Spider web-building. Measurements of web geometry identifies components in a complex invertebrate behavior pattern. Science, 149: 1190-1197. Witt, P. N., Reed, C. F. and Peakall, D. B. 1968. A spider’s web. Problems in regulatory biology. Springer-Verlag, New York. Witt, P. N., Rawlings, J. O. and Reed, C. F. 1972. Ontogeny of web building behavior in two orb-weaving spiders. Am. Zoologist 12: 445-454. ANNOTATIONS ON TWO SPECIES OF LINYPHIID SPIDERS DESCRIBED BY THE LATE WILTON IVIE* By P. J. van Helsdingen Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histone, Leiden, Netherlands In December 1966 a short paper by Wilton Ivie was published in the Journal of the New York Entomological Society. In that paper the author described and illustrated two new species of Linyphiidae, Taranucnus durdenae from Pennsylvania, and Troglohyphantes ho-> koko, from Ontario. The latter was also recorded from the state of New York. In the course of my study of the North American Liny- phiidae it appeared that both were junior synonyms of North Amer- ican species, as will be discussed below. In a vast faunal region as North America such mistakes are quite understandable and not easily avoided, especially when a species originally was described in a rather ill-chosen genus, or when the older description of the species was based on the opposite sex. While correcting the names of the two species, I take the oppor- tunity to discuss their distributions, habitats, and affinities wherever I have something of presumed importance to add. To avoid con- fusion the two species will be discussed separately under their correct names. T aranucnus ornithes (Barrows) Figures 1-10 Lepthyphantes ornithes Barrows, 1940, Ohio J. Sci., 40: 134, figs. 7-7C (descr. $ $ ; Ohio, Tennessee). — Vogel, 1967, Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., 23: 93 (catal.) . Taranucnus durdenae Ivie, 1966, J. New York Ent. Soc., 74: 224, figs. 1-5 (descr. $ $ ; Pennsylvania). — Vogel, 1967, Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., 23: 100 (catal.). Vogel, 1968, J. New York Ent. Soc., 76: 102 (Penn- sylvania). NEW SYNONYMY. Types. — Lectotype cf of Lepthyphantes ornithes , by present desig- nation, from Sugar Grove, Ohio. There are two $ paralectotypes, from Sugar Grove, Ohio, and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee. All three specimens are in the Barrows Collection at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, and were examined. *Based on research done at the Museum of Comparative Zoology and published with a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Manuscript received by the editor March 25, 1973 48 1973] van Helsdingen — Linyphiid Spiders 49 Figure 1. Map showing distributions of Taranucnus ornithes (Barrows) (•) and Oreonetides recurvatus (Emerton) (★). The cf holotype and $ paratype of Taranucnus durdenae, from Rec- tor, Pennsylvania, should be in the American Museum of Natural History, New York, but they were not examined by me. In the Barrows collection, through kind cooperation of Dr. C. A. Triplehorn, one vial with Lepthyphantes ornithes was located. This vial contained one and two ? specimens, together with a label referring to the Ohio locality. A second vial, with the recorded ? from the Smoky Mountains, could not be found. It appears, that the single $ specimen from the latter locality has been added to the Ohio material. The original description mentions one $ from each locality (page 134, ninth line from bottom), while now two females are present in the Ohio vial. The description does not give any clue as to the sizes of the different specimens, and the mixed series there- fore cannot be separated again in accordance with the origin of the specimens. Name. — I vie dedicated his new species to Beatrice Vogel Durden. Barrows did not give any explanation of the derivation of the name ornithes , but his remarks on the female epigyne gives us a key: “The epigynum (Fig. 7A) appears as if made up of two gasteropod shells with the large openings toward the abdomen. When seen from be- hind the two parts appear as two bird heads placed beak to beak/' The name therefore appears to refer to the two birds, revealed in a 50 Psyche [March-June posterior view of the epigyne (' ornis is Greek for bird, ornithes is the plural form). It is, of course, pure coincidence that durdenae, de- rived from the name Beatrice Vogel obtained through her marriage, has to be discarded in favor of the older ornithes, a name that still links the species with Beatrice Vogel, but now through the plural form of her maiden name (Vogel is the Dutch and German word for bird, ornithes is Greek for birds). Distribution. — The number of available specimens has consider- ably increased during the years. The distribution (see map, Fig. i) now comprises, beside Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Ohio, also North Carolina, W. Virginia and Virginia. The species is probably not rare, but, in my own experience, is not easily collected because of its concealed habitat. Barrow’s Ohio specimens came from “under a log in a wooded ravine” (October), Ivies specimens from Pennsylvania were collected in July, and so was Vogel’s specimen, which came from the same locality in Pennsylvania. No other data, on the habitat are available from literature. I have collected a fair series (21? 2cJ ) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park along the trail to the Alum Cave Bluffs. This trail leads off the road from Sugarlands to Newfound Gap in northern direction to Mount Le Conte, and is on the Tennessee side of the park, though close to the North Carolina line. At the end of nearly three weeks of fruitless search for this species at both sides of the Smoky Mountains Range, we found a few speci- mens on what was planned to be our last day in this area. The next day we returned to the same spot and added a few more specimens to our collection. The species was found to inhabit small cavities and crevices in the steep rocky sides of the trail, and also in the dark hol- lows under and between the roots of trees. The forest at this height, between 1100 and 1300 m, has a heavy undergrowth of Rhododen- dron spec, and Dog-hobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana). The spiders were very difficult to collect. Even when we knew where to find them, many escaped by retreating from the entrances of their little caves into dark and impenetrable depths. The distribution, as presented in Figure 1, is based on specimens examined by myself as well as on data supplied by my colleague and friend Dr. William A. Shear. The collecting dates of the various samples range from May until October. There is only one other mention of the exact circumstances of collecting: William Shear collected i? by sweeping tall weeds near Athens in West Virginia, a situation that does not agree with the habitat described above (which may have been delimited too rigidly). 1973] van Helsdingen — Linyphiid Spiders 5i Figures 2-6. Taranucnus ornithes (Barrows). Figs. 2-3, epigyne, ven- tral and dorsal aspect, respectively. Fig. 4, vulva, route to be followed by embolus indicated by consecutively numbered arrows. Fig. 5, tegulum and median apophysis ( ma ) of male palp. Fig. 6, median apophysis, dorsal aspect. 52 Psyche [March-June The genus Taranucnus is represented in Europe by the type-spe- cies, T. setosus (O.P.-Cambridge) , which I have collected from sev- eral localities in The Netherlands, and by T. bihari Fage, a troglo- biontic species from Rumania, which I do not know. A diagnosis of the genus, as based on setosus and \ornithes, reads as follows. Small spiders (3.2 mm or less). Cephalothorax not much longer than wide. Eyes large, with PME closer to PLE than to each other. Chelicerae with stridulating files, dorsal margins with three teeth. Legs slender and very long (femur I ca. 2 times length cephalo- thorax, tibia I even slightly longer) . Legs spinose, including femora and metatarsi. Metatarsus IV without trichobothrium, Tm I 0.15- O.25. Abdomen with pattern, composed of blackish bars and areas but without white pigmented spots. Male palp with a short tibia, a rather flat and broadly rounded cymbium, which has a strongly modi- fied proximal part, and with a long, thin embolus; the embolus is supported by a well-developed embolic membrane. Epigyne with membraneous, coiled ducts leading to small receptacula; no socket or semi-covered depression visible for the reception of an apophysis of the male palp. Both species prefer dark, protected places for a habitat: T. ornithes in crevices and cavities, T. setosus under overhanging vegetation (e.g. thick layers of heath) at the border of fens. The habitat of T. bihari would very well fit into this picture. T aranucnus clearly fits into the tribe Linyphieae and seems very close to Labulla. T aranucnus ornithes and T. setosus j beside their occurrence on dif- ferent continents, differ from each other mainly in the genitalia. Also ornithes seems to be the smaller species with more slender legs and a slightly more proximal Tm I. The descriptions of T. ornithes by Barrows and Ivie can be sup- plied with the following data. Measurements (in mm). Male, total length 2.0-2. 7, length cephalo- thorax 1. 05-1. 3, width 0.9-1.05. Female, total length 2. 2-3.0, length cephalothorax 1.05- 1.2, width 0.85-1.0. Ratio length to width of cephalothorax ca. 0.85, which is high if compared with other, related genera (cf. Linyphia 0.65-0.75, Neriene °-55~o.75). Eyes large (diameter PME 0.09 mm) and close to- gether, the PME one-half diam. apart, and closer to each other than to PLE. AME not much smaller than PME. Chelicerae with dis- tinct stridulating files; three teeth in dorsal and three in ventral row. Legs very long and slender: femur I 2 times as long as cephalo- 1973] van Helsdingen — Linyphiid Spiders 53 Figures 7-10. T aranucnus ornithes (Barrows), male palp. Fig. 7, lateral aspect. Fig. 8, radix (r) with embolus (e). Fig. 9, paracymbium (pc) and basal section of cymbium, showing modifications, lateral aspect. Fig. 10, cymbium, dorsal aspect. 54 Psyche [March-June thorax ( cf ) or slightly less ($), tibia I 22-24 ( 6 ) or 20-22 ($) diameters of segment long. Tibia I (without patella) slightly longer than femur, metatarsus shorter than tibia. Femora I-III with a d- spine on one-fourth of length, femur I with an additional l'-spine. All tibiae with the usual d-spines (basal d'^-spine1 at 0.3-0.35) ; tibia I with a pair of v-spines, a 1' and a l"-spine, and a whorl of apical spines; tibia II with a v" and a l"-spine only, III and IV with- out ventrals or laterals, but apical spines present on all tibiae. Meta- tarsi all with a single d-spine on O.20-0.25. All spines long (3 times diameter of segment or more) and thin. Tm I 0.16-0.20. Abdomen as depicted by Ivie (1966: fig. 5), characterized by the inverted heart-shaped dark grey spot dorsally, followed by chevron and cross-bars of the same colour. The malp palp was depicted and described at some length by Ivie (1966: 224, figs. 3-4). I add the following remarks to his observa- tions (Figs. 5-10). Patella and tibia short and simple, the patella bearing a strong dorsal spine, the tibia with a number of hardly thickened spine-hairs. Cymbium (Figs. 9-10) with complexly modi- fied basal parts, but with a simple, elbow-shaped paracymbium with the tip of the free arm widened into a flat, rounded plate; cymbium proper with two sclerites, a mesal and a lateral one, which are more sclerotized than the distal part of the element, and which enclose, together with the distal part, a deep dorsal depression of the cym- bium ; mesal sclerite distinctly connected without seam along the sclerotized mesal brim of the cymbium, lateral sclerite apparently with membraneous connections only. Median apophysis (Figs. 5-6, ma) with slender base but broadening into a flat and thin plate-like structure; no tooth or sharp tip; spermduct leaving element at the inside of the curvature. Radix (Fig. 8, r) a short, centrally situated element, spermduct running through the element and showing a dila- tion in the middle (Fickert’s gland?). Embolus (Fig 8, e) with firm base, long and tapering to a thin, thread-like tip. Embolic membrane a flat but twisted membraneous structure with narrowly upturned brim, arising from connecting membrane between median apophysis and radix. Epigyne (Figs. 2-3) showing at either side a chitinous roof over the entrance of the duct, mesally separated by a narrow incision. Vulva (Fig. 4) showing the spirally coiled ducts, which run in loops in anterior direction but then turn backward again toward the thick- JAs usual, the directions of the individual spines are noted by means of single or double accents, e.g. d' for pro-dorsal, d" for retro-dorsal, l' for pro-lateral, l" for retro-lateral, etc. 1973] van Helsdingen — Linyphiid Spiders 55 walled portions close to the receptacula, the latter situated against the posterior wall at the outside of the entrances. Receptacula small. It is clear that the embolus is supported by the embolic membrane in the unexpanded palp, -and it is not unlikely that it also guides and supports the long embolus during the difficult process of introducing the long and flexible element into the vulva. The whole palp may find firm support against the epigyne by means of the intricate dor- sal modification of the cymbium. The median apophysis does not show any hook-shaped parts (cf. Linyphia Neriene , etc.) and, at the most, may serve the purpose of supporting the functioning palp during copulation by being pressed with its broad and flattened apical portion against the epigyne. The embolus of T. ornithes does not have the small, toothed apophysis at the base of the embolus as shown in the figures of T. setosus by Merrett (1963: 382, fig. 39). Oreonetides recurvatus (Emerton, 1913) Figures 1, 11-17 Bathyphantes recurvatus Emerton, 1913, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts Sci., 18: 218, pi. 2 fig. 8 (descr. $, Vermont). — Ivie, 1969, Amer. Mus. Novit., 2364: 7 (= Oreonetides r.) . Aigola recurvata ; Crosby, 1937, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 50: 40, pi. 1 fig. 10 (descr. $, New York). Troglohyphantes kokoko Ivie, 1966, J. New York Ent. Soc., 74: 226, figs. 6-7 (descr. $, Ontario; New York). NEW SYNONYMY. Types. — cf holotype of Bathyphantes recurvatus from Gore Mountain, Norton, Vermont, in MCZ (examined). ? holotype and 9 paratype of Troglohyphantes kokoko from Ko-ko-ko Bay, Lake Timagami, Ontario, reported to be in the AMNH (not seen). Additional material. — The specimens from Mt. Whiteface, New York, mentioned by Crosby (1937) have been examined in the AMNH. More recently collected specimens ( i9 3 cf ) come from George Lake, Alberta, Canada (CNC), 20.IX-1.X.1966 (Fig. 1). Oreonetides recurvatus is a small species with long, slender legs, which are well provided with spines on femora, tibiae, and meta- tarsi. Tibia I has, beside the dorsal spines, a 1', a 1" and 2 v-spines. The chelicerae have three teeth in the dorsal row. The abdomen shows a dorsal pattern of grey cross-bars. Taking all together, it is not very likely that the present species belongs to Oreonetides , but it is maintained there for the time being. The genus is due for re- vision, and it does not seem appropriate to create a new genus for recurvatus here without having studied the other species presently residing in Oreonetides. 56 Psyche [March-June Figures 11-14. Oreonetides recurvatus (Emerton). Fig. 11, epigyne, dor- sal aspect. Figs. 12-13, vulva, ventral (12) and dorsal (13) aspects. Fig. 14, radix (r), embolus ( e ) and embolic membrane (em) of male palp, mesal aspect. 57 1973] van Helsdingen — Linyphiid Spiders A first attempt to revise Oreonetides has been published recently (Saaristo, 1972). The paper contains a good characterization with excellent figures of the type-species, O. vaginatus (Thorell), but the many other, mostly Nearctic, species are not included. The diagnosis of the genus, therefore, might be too narrow to fit the other species, though it very well may be necessary to divide the genus into a num- ber of smaller units. The creation of Montitextrix by Denis (1963) for O. glacialis (L. Koch) was a first step in that direction. Oreone- tides flavus (Emerton) and O. rotundas (Emerton), both from the Nearctic region, are very close to M. glacialis in their genital struc- tures, but differ in the positions of the Tm I (0.65-0.70 in glacialis , 0.30-0.40 in flavus and rotundus) and the presence of a trichoboth- rium on metatarsus IV in glacialis (absent in all others). A few species are more closely related to — i.e. more closely re- semble— the type-species vaginatus, viz., filicatus, firmus and abnor- mis, and possibly also rectangulatus. I do not see the principal dif- ference between vaginatus on the one hand, and fir?nus and abnormis on the other (cf. Saaristo, 1972: 70). Oreonetides might constitute an example of transition from the still folded scapes (but how un- der-developed in comparison with the flexible and elaborately built scapes of Lepthyphantes species!) of vaginatus and filicatus to the rigid and unfolded scape of firmus and abnormis, where the narrow portion of the scape with the socket or semi-covered depression is not present. The absence of a well-developed median apophysis (Saaristo: suprategulum ) is, of course, correlated with this simple build of the epigyne, and should not be used as an independent character. Oreonetides filicatus is a good species and not a synonym of vaginatus as suggested by Saaristo (1972: 72). It is smaller than vaginatus, but both male palp and epigyne are resembling each other, though they differ in detail. Without question the species is con- generic with vaginatus. However, the anterior tibia does not bear the T-spine, which is one of the characters mentioned in the diagnosis of the genus by Saaristo (1972: 69). I put this forward here as a demonstration of my above remark on the too narrow delimination of the genus. Oreonetides rectangulatus (Emerton), of which I only know the male, is different in several respects. Most striking are the pecul- iarly shaped chelicerae, which bear a strong conical protrusion on their dorsal surface for three-fifths of their length. The palp also deviates from the true Oreonetides type. Oreonetides flavescens (Crosby), described in Aigola (Crosby, 1937: 39, figs. 7-8) from New York I have not seen, but judging 58 Psyche [March-June 17 0-5 mm Figures 15-17. Oreonetides recurvatus (Emerton), male palp. Fig. 15, lateral aspect. Fig. 16, cymbium, dorsal aspect. Fig. 17, tegulum with me- dian apophysis (ma) . 1973] van Helsdingen — Linyphiid Spiders 59 from the figures and description it was correctly placed with vagina- tus and related species. To the descriptions of O. recurvatus given by the various authors I add the following remarks. Measurements (in mm). Male, total length 2. 7-3.0, length cephalo- thorax 1.25- 1.43, width 1.05- 1.20. Female, total length 2.7 (Ivie, 1966: 2.8 mm), length cephalothorax 1.22 (1.3), width 1.05 (1.1). Ratio length to width of cephalothorax 0.85. PME large (0.09 mm), separated by their diameter, same distance to AME which are barely smaller; lateral eyes of posterior and anterior rows con- tiguous. Chelicerae showing sexual dimorphism; c? with three “teeth” on dorsal margin: a basal, round tubercle with a more slender and sharp tooth just dorsally of its tip, a second tooth at some distance of the basal tubercle, and with a small tubercle at the end of the row; ventral row with two small teeth; 9 also with three dorsal “teeth”, ventral row with five small teeth (three ventral teeth ac- cording to Ivie, 1966). Stridulating files well-developed, ridges fine and close together. Legs long and slender, femur I 1.8- 1.9 times length cephalothorax, tibia I 20-23 ( c? ) or 18 (9) diams. of segment long. Tibia I longer than femur I, metatarsus as long as femur ( cf ) or slightly shorter (9). Femora I-III with a d-spine (on 0.5), femur I with an addi- tional l'-spine. All tibiae with 2 d-spines (position basalmost d- spine 0.25-0.35), tibia I also with one 1', one 1", and 2 v-spines, tibia II with one v-spine and a 1 "-spine; apical spines on segments hardly developed; all metatarsi with a single d-spine (position ca. 0.20 ). Tm I 0.15-0.20, metatarsus IV without trichobothrium. Male palp (Figs. 14-17). Characteristic is the meso-proximal hook-like projection of the cymbium, which points laterad (Fig. 16). The paracymbium lacks the isolated ventral hair which occurs in O. vaginatus (see Saaristo, 1972), and also in O. filicatus and rotundas; only a small tubercle present on this spot. Median apophysis (Fig. 17, ma) well-developed, with slightly curved tip. Embolic section (Fig. 14) in general structure resembling vaginatus , but without lamella; ventro-lateral branch rounded-truncated, a slender, chiti- nous projection present between this branch and base of embolus, and a second, equally narrow, slightly larger, membraneous projection, arising from the dorsal surface of the radix. Embolus {e) short and squat, curved, with a sharp spermduct tooth, and well-protected by the embolic membrane {em) , which arises from the dorsal surface of the radix from the membraneous connection between median apophy- sis and radix (r). 6o Psyche [March-June Epigyne and vulva (Figs. 11-13). Epigyne as depicted by Ivie (1966: figs. 6-7). Scape folded and reappearing from below the main body of the scape with a rounded, membraneous tongue, which possesses a semi-covered depression. Entrances of ducts situated in the main body of the epigyne, laterally and behind the bend of the scape; ducts converging in forward direction, then curving outwards to turning-points and to the receptacula seminis, which lie close to the turning-points. The short fertilization-ducts curving to dorsal side and ending as open gutters. From the structures of palp and epigyne it is clear that the me- dian apophysis, in connection with the depression at the tip of the scape, serves as an important means of support during copulation. The scape of the epigyne looks rather rigid and probably cannot be pulled out of its resting position very far (cf. Lepthyphantes) , though the ventralmost part may get pushed away from the main body so as to allow the embolus to reach the entrance of the duct of the epigyne. The exact functions of the hook-like projection of the cymbium, the proximal, roughened extension of the paracymbium, and the lateral arm of the radix are not easily understood without the aid of actual observation of the pairing in one of the species of this group. Acknowledgements The present study is part of a general survey of North American Linyphiidae, supported by Public Health Service Research Grant AI-01944, from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to H. W. Levi. The help with types and other specimens by the following institu- tions and their curators is thankfully acknowledged : Dr. Herbert W. Levi, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A. (MCZ) ; Dr. John A. L. Cooke, American Museum of Natural History, New York (AMNH); Dr. C. A. Triplehorn, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Dr. Robin E. Leech, Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Canada (CNC). Thanks are also due to Dr. William A. Shear, Concord College, Athens, W. Virginia, for information on his collection. References Barrows, W. M. 1940. New and rare spiders from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park region. Ohio J. Sci., 40: 130-138, figs. 1-12. Crosby, C. R. 1937. Studies in American spiders: the genus Aigola Chamberlin. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 50: 35-42, pi. 1. 1973] van Helsdingen — Linyphiid Spiders 61 Denis, J. 1963. Araignees des Dolomites. Atti 1st. Veneto Sci. Lett. Arti, 121: 253-271, figs. 1-16. Emerton, J. H. 1913. New England spiders identified since 1910. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts Sci., 18: 209-224, pis. 1-2. I VIE, W. 1966. Two new North American spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae). J. New York Ent. Soc., 74: 224-227, figs. 1-7. 1969. North American spiders of the genus Bathyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Amer. Mus. Novit., 2364: 1-70, figs. 1-121. Merrett, P. 1963. The palpus of male spiders of the family Linyphiidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 140: 347-467, figs. 1-127. Saaristo, M. I. 1972. Redelimitation of the genus Oreonetides Strand, 1901 (Araneae, Linyphiidae) based on an analysis of the genital organs. Ann. Zool. Fennici, 9: 69-74, figs. 1-17. Vogel, B. R. 1967. A list of new North American spiders (1940-1966). Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., 23 : 1-186. 1968. Additional records of spiders from Western Pennsylvania. J. New York Ent. Soc., 76: 101-105. CORRELATION BETWEEN SEGMENT LENGTH AND SPINE COUNTS IN TWO SPIDER SPECIES OF ARANEUS (ARANEAE: ARANEIDAE)* By L. David Carmichael Museum of Comparative Zoology Abstract Observations made on several hundred adult male spiders of two species of Araneus indicate a highly significant correlation (p<0.ooi) between the length of a segment (tibia of the second leg) and the number of macrosetae (“spines”) present on the seg- ment. This result is further supported by observations on the first tibiae of about twenty male A. trifolium, one of the two species, and by a few observations on immatures of the two species. A short summary of the methods used in taking the measurements and mak- ing the calculations is followed by discussion of the implications of this correlation with reference to species determination and geo- graphic variation. Methods The study was done on two species of common North American spiders, Araneus trifolium (Hentz) and A . marmoreus Clerck. 185 male specimens of A. trifolium yielded 347 tibiae of the second leg (some specimens had lost one leg) ; the length of this segment was measured, and the number of spines on the segment was counted. In addition, lengths and spine counts were taken for the first tibiae of 23 of the spiders, yielding 41 observations. Similarly, 120 speci- mens of A. marmoreus yielded 210 second tibiae; the length was measured, and two spine counts were made: the total number on the tibia, and the number of modified, “dentiform”1 spines (see Figure 3). The samples of both species were museum collections, and represented almost the entire known range of each in North America, extending from coast to coast and roughly from the 35th to the 55th parallels. The spines of the second tibia, like all the spines of these spiders, are actually setae in the entomological sense ; they are set in a socket * Manuscript received by the editor January 10, 1973 Term used by Locket & Millidge (1953), pp. 120, 121. 62 1973] Carmichael — A raneus 63 Figures 1 and 2. A. trifolium tibia II, right leg. 1, anterior (prolat- eral) surface; 2, posterior (retrolateral) surface. Figures 3 and 4. A. marmoreus tibia II, right leg. The dentiform spines are blackened. 3, anterior (prolateral) surface; 4, posterior (retrolateral) surface. Note the difference in scale between 1, 2 and 3, 4. 64 Psyche [March-June of the cuticle, and are movable. Thus even when the spine itself becomes detached and lost, as is common with preserved specimens, its presence or absence can be determined unequivocally by the pres- ence or absence of the setal socket. In the two species examined, the spines are uniformly larger than the hairs which are also present, the former having a diameter at the base of roughly 0.03 to 0.06 mm, while the latter are five to ten times smaller. In A . marmoreus, there is a second type of spine, described as dentiform, which is roughly 0.07 to 0.10 mm at the base. Since this constituted a distinct group, it was counted sep- arately. Finally, the spines in both species are arranged in fairly constant patterns, particular to the species (see Figs. 1-4). This makes it possible to recognize each spine, which further eliminates any un- certainty as to the number of spines. These three factors, the clear difference between spines and hairs, the presence of a socket whether or not the spine itself has been lost, and the possibility of recogniz- ing each spine, make the spine counts unambiguous and as accurate as possible within the limits of observor error. The length of the tibia was measured along the dorsal midline of the segment, between points “a” and “b” as shown in Figures 1 and 3. A grid in the microscope eyepiece, each cell of which meas- ured 0.325 mm on a side (as determined with a stage micrometer), permitted accuracy to ± 0.02 mm, or about =+= 1%. The treatment of the data followed standard statistics texts; the actual calculations were performed by the Harvard SDS 940 digital computer. Results Table I presents the correlation coefficient for the number of spines versus the segment length in the four different samples, as well as the coefficient of regression (b) and the results of the t-test for b = o. These values indicate that in all four cases the correla- tion is highly significant (i.e. significant at the 0.1% level), b, the coefficient of regression, quantifies the relationship established here; it is the slope of the estimated regression line drawn in Graphs I and II. The line is: (number of spines) = a + b X (length of tibia) Table II gives the mean and variance for the two variables in both species, and the mean absolute difference between right and left legs of individual specimens. In general the results are very 1973] Carmichael — A raneus 65 Graph I. Scatter diagram and estimated regression line for A. trifolium. measurements, b = 2.75, a — 15.24, (expected number of spines) — a + b X (tibia length). Open circle, adult specimens; closed circle, immature specimens; triangles, mean spine counts for given tibia! length. 66 Psyche [March-June similar to those found by Beatty (1967) for Adriana : the spine count is quite constant within each species, though few specimens are actually identical. Furthermore, in the two species of Araneus j as in Ariadna , almost no individuals are completely symmetrical in pattern, and most are asymmetric in actual spine counts. Beatty attributed such differences within and between individuals to develop- mental “accidents”; it is clear, however, that in the case of Araneus some of the variation between individuals is specifically related to difference in size. But for any single specimen the difference in spine count (between left and right legs) seems not to be correlated with the difference in segment length. (This correlation is cal- culated as r2 in Table in II; the values, though positive, are not sig- nificant at the 5% level.) Thus Beatty’s assertion is correct for individual spiders; differences between left and right legs do seem to be due to developmental accidents, and quite independent of each other. This point will be important in the following discussion. Discussion It is important first to note that the above correlation does not in itself imply cause and effect; this is clear from the fact that for any individual, segment length and spine count are not correlated. It is likely that both the length of the segment and the number of spines are dependent on some other factor, such as general body size, etc. One obvious possibility is that both measurements are related to the degree of development, that is, to the number of molts the spider has undergone. In most spiders raised there is some variation in the number of preadult instars within a species. Furthermore, it is not known with certainty at what stage these spiders mature or how many molts occur after maturation, so this possibility cannot be ex- amined with the data available. All the calculations here are based on sexually mature specimens, but their ages cannot be determined more precisely. Consequently, part of the spine count variation may be dependent on this unmeasured variable; of course, size is some- what dependent on this variable too. On the basis of the data presented here, the best statement is simply that spine count is very significantly correlated with segment length, in these two species of Araneus. Then there is the question of geographic variation. The samples studied represent a pool of many local populations in North America, and it is possible that the relationship between segment length and spine count is different in different regions. (Preliminary examina- tion of the data with regard to this question indicate that this is in 1973] Carmichael — A raneus 67 Graph II. Scatter diagram and estimated regression lines for A. mar- moreus measurements. Upper part of graph (open circles) shows total spine counts: b = 4.43, a = 16.52. Lower part of graph (closed circles) shows dentiform spine counts only: b=1.44, a = 8.12. Triangles show mean spine counts for given tibial length. 68 Psyche [March-June TABLE I A. trifolium II Tibiae 347 0.54 2.75 ±0.60 12.0 Tibiae I 41 0.61 2-39 ± 1.36 4.8 A Total count 210 0.63 4.43 ± 1.00 11.6 marmoreus Dentiform only 210 0.42 1.44± 0.56 6.7 N n b t-test (for b — 0) Calculation of correlation and regression coefficients for spine counts versus lengths of first and second tibiae of A. trifolium and for total and dentiform spine counts versus length of second tibia of A. marmoreus. ri is the correlation coefficient for spine counts versus length ; b is the slope of the regression line, presented with its 99% confidence intervals. The significance of the correlation may be found either from the value of the coefficient r or from the t-test on the null-hypothesis b — 0. fact the case.) While this does not affect the validity of the results as they have been presented, it would modify the quantitative rela- tionship (expressed by b) significantly in separated areas. This ques- tion is open to further study; its significance will be mentioned below. Conclusion The correlation between the number of spines on a segment and the length of the segment is important to at least two aspects of Araneology: taxonomy and the study of geographic variation. Mac- rosetal counts have often been used to distinguish between different genera of spiders2, as well as between species of one genus such as Araneus. If the situation described in this paper is a general one, then clearly any character based on setal counts should be used for taxonomic purposes only after careful study. In general, it would seem from observations on these two species of Araneus that the number of spines alone is not highly reliable, but the pattern is quite constant within a species (or at least recognizable, though spines may be missing, or present in “unusual” locations). This is sup- ported by observations made on species of the genus Neoscona (Ber- man and Levi (1971), p. 467 ) . Secondly, in studying geographic variation, it is necessary at least in this case to consider the mean dimensions of local populations as well as the spine counts. A marked variation in spine count between 2For examples, see Kaston (1948), with reference to: Gnaphosidae (Drassodidae) pp. 347, 354; Clubionidae, pp. 367, 382; Thomisidae, pp. 410, 440; and Salticidae, p. 445. 1973] Carmichael — A raneus 69 TABLE II A. trifolium (N=166) A, marmoreus (N=98) tibial spine tibial total dentiform length (mm) count length (mm) spine count spine count mean 2.31 ± 0.06 21.59 ± 0.31 3.39 ± 0.09 3 1. 54 ± 0.66 13.01 ± 0.32 standard deviation 0.44 2.22 0.52 3.66 1.76 mean difference (absolute) * 1.25 ±0.23 1.82 ±0.43 r2 0.134 0.127 . — Self-explanatory: the means are presented with their 99% confidence intervals. See text for details. two regions might be obscured by the fact that specimens from one of the regions are generally smaller than those from the other (which itself might be due to significant geographic variation in size, or to differences in sampling techniques, etc.). Acknowledgments I wish to thank Dr. H. W. Levi, my advisor at the time this study was done, for his advice and patient help; Dr. S. J. Gould, who advised me on the interpretation of statistical data; and the late Mr. Ivie of the American Museum of Natural History, who loaned me specimens from that museum. While doing the research for this paper, I was supported until June, 1969 by a scholarship from the National Merit Foundation, and subsequently by an NDEA title IV fellowship. References Beatty, J. A. 1967. The Spider Genus Ariadna in the Americas. Doctoral Thesis, Harvard University, Dept, of Biology. Berman, J. D. and H. W. Levi 1971. The Orb Weaver Genus Neoscona in North America (Araneae: Araneidae). Bull. Mus. Comp, Zoo-1. 141 (8) : 465-500. Kaston, B. J. 1948. Spiders of Connecticut. Bull. Conn. Geol. Natur. Surv. Vol. 70 : 1-874. Locket, G. H., and A. F. Millidge 1953. British Spiders, 2. Ray Society (London). Simpson, G. G., A. Roe, and R. C. Lewontin 1960. Quantitative Zoology (2nd ed.). Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. Wetherill, G. B, 1967. Elementary Statistical Methods. Methuen & Co. ANT LARVAE OF FOUR TRIBES: SECOND SUPPLEMENT (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE: MYRMICINAE)* By George C. Wheeler and Jeanette Wheeler Laboratory of Desert Biology Desert Research Institute University of Nevada System Reno, Nevada 89507 Subsequent to the publication of our first supplement on the larvae of the subfamily Myrmicinae (1960a)1 we have received from other myrmecologists so much additional material that it has become neces- sary to publish additional supplements. Tribe Leptothoracini Genus Macromischa Roger Machromischa subditivci Wheeler Creighton 1965 — Life cycle: egg 30 days, larva 2 3 days, pupa 19 days. Genus Leptothorax Mayr2 Kempf 1959: 393 — “The morphological distinctness of the im- aginal stages and the distribution of the species may even suggest to accord Nesomyrmex full generic status. The larvae, however, are quite close to the holarctic subgenus Leptothorax s. str., according to G. C. & J. Wheeler (1955), who studied those of echinatinodis’1 Leptothorax carinatus Cole semipupa: Length (through spiracles) about 2.2 mm. Profile probably similar to L. amhiguus (1955: 22), otherwise differing in the following details. Body hairs (1) about 0.006 mm long; (2) 0.006-0.087 mm long; (3) about 0.14 mm long, four on the dorsum of each AI-AIII. Cranium transversely subelliptical. Head hairs 0.012-0.03 mm long, simple or bifid. Ventral border of each lobe of labrum with one isolated and three contiguous sensilla and a few minute spinules. Each labial palp a cluster of five sensilla. (Mate- *Manuscript received by the editor January 30, 1973 To save space we cite our own papers by year and page; the complete references are in Literature Cited. 2In 1950, M. R. Smith changed the well established subgeneric names Leptothorax and Mychothorax to Myrafant and Leptothorax respectively. Could more confusion be generated in less than two pages? The established names should have been conserved. We refuse to accept these changes. 70 1973] Wheeler Wheeler — Ant Larvae 71 rial studied: three semipupae from Texas, courtesy of Dr. A. C. Cole.) Leptothorax hispidus Cole worker semipupa. Length (through spiracles) about 3 mm. Similar to L. ambiguus (1955: 22) except as follows. No spinules on integument. Body hairs: (1) 0.013-0.025 mm long; (2) 0.025- 0.068 mm long; (3) about 0.2 mm long, four each on AI-AIIL Head hairs 0.01 5-0.038 mm long, with tip bifid. Labrum with about ten hairs, about 0.025 mm long, on the anterior surface; posterior surface with eight sensilla. Each maxillary palp a raised cluster of four sensilla; each galea a very short peg with two sensilla. Each labial palp with five sensilla. young sexual larva. Length (through spiracles) about 3.2 mm. Similar to the above larva except as follows. Body sac-like. Dorsal surface of posterior somites with a few minute spinules. Cranium transversely subelliptical. Anterior surface of labrum with four hairs. Material studied: four worker semipupae and two young sexual larvae from Texas, courtesy of Dr. A. C. Cole. Leptothorax nevadensis Wheeler Length (through spiracles) about 2.8 mm. Similar to L. ambiguus (1955: 22) except as follows. Integument with a few minute spi- nules on the venter of anterior somites and the dorsa of posterior somites. Body hairs: (2) 0.025-0.19 mm long; (3) about 0.25 mm long, on AI-AIV. Head hairs 0.013-0.03 mm long, generally dis- tributed. Each mandible with narrow blade and two medial teeth. Each maxilla with a ventral projection on the lateral surface; each palp a cluster of five sensilla. Each labial palp a cluster of five sen- silla. (Material studied: six larvae from Oregon, G. C. and J. Wheeler #8) Leptothorax niger fplendidiceps Urbani Urbani (1968: 460-464) described the larva and figured young and mature larvae and the head of the latter. Leptothorax nitens Emery Length (through spiracles) about 2.6 mm. Similar to L. ambiguus (1955: 22) except as follows. Thorax slightly more constricted and arched ventrally. Integument of venter of anterior somites and dorsa of posterior somites with a few minute spinules, isolated or in short rows. Body hairs: (1) 0.006-0.012 mm long; (2) 0.025-0.125 mm long; (3) about 0.2 mm long. Head hairs 0.013-0.05 mm long, 72 Psyche [March-June Fig. 1. Leptothorax (M.) provancheri. a, larva in side view, Xl7; b, head in anterior view, X67; c, very young larva in side view, Xl7; d, simple and branched body hairs, X169; e, surface view of dendritically branched body hair, X169; f, anchor-tipped body hair, Xl69; g, left mandible in anterior view, X163. Fig. 2. Rogeria procera . a, left mandible in anterior view, X169; b, head in anterior view, X 67 ; c and d, branched body hairs, X264; e, anchor-tipped body hair, X264; f, larva in side view,, X1B* 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 73 simple or bifid. Labrum with eight hairs on the anterior surface; posterior surface with eight sensilla. Each mandible with the blade narrow and bearing two teeth. Each maxillary palp a cluster of four sensilla. Each labial palp a cluster of five sensilla. very young larva. Length (through spiracles) about 1.3 mm. Similar to very young larva of L. ambiguus (1955: 23) in shape, otherwise similar to mature larva above except as follows. Cranium more rounded. Head hairs 0.013-0.038 mm long, all simple. Labrum more narrowed ventrally. Mandibles with narrower blade and sharper teeth. Maxillae very small ; each galea a slight elevation with two sensilla. Material studied: 15 larvae from Oregon, G. C. and J. Wheeler # 14. Leptothorax (Mychothorax) provancheri Emery (Fig. 1) Length (through spiracles) about 3.7 mm. Paraponeriform (i.e., shaped somewhat like a crookneck squash ; neck short and stout ; body elongate, stouter, straight and subcylindrical) ; posterior end rounded; a ventrally projecting boss on each lateral surface of T r; each thoracic somite and AI-AIII with a hairless midventral boss. Anus postero- ventral. Leg, wing and gonopod vestiges present. Diameter of spira- cles decreasing posteriorly. Integument of posterior somites with minute spinules in short rows dorsally and isolated ventrally. Body hairs rather sparse. Of three types: (1) 0.025-0.45 mm long, with straight or kinked shaft and branched (bifid to dendritic) all branches with denticulate tip, on all surfaces of all somites except venter of Ti; (2) 0.025-0.1 mm long, simple, on all surfaces of Ti, fewer on T2 and T3; (3) 0.25-0.375 mm long, anchor-tipped, with curled to kinked shaft, four in a row across the dorsum of each AI-AV (sometimes also one on AVI). Cranium subhexagonal, longer than broad ; sides of head nearly straight. Each antenna on a teardrop- shaped base; each a slight dome with three sensilla, each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs numerous, minute (0.003-0.019 mm long). Labrum paraboloidal in anterior view; anterior surface with 12 hairs (about 0.012 mm long), and two sensilla; ventral border with two isolated and two clusters of three sensilla each; posterior surface with about eight sensilla and a few minute spinules in short rows. Mandibles leptothoraciform (i.e., moderately narrow; taper- ing gradually and curving gradually to an apical tooth; anterior surface produced medially into a blade bearing two subapical teeth) ; all teeth subequal. Each maxilla with the apex conoidal ; each palp 74 Psyche [March-June a short skewed peg with five sensilla; each galea a short frustum with two apical sensilla. Labium narrowly paraboloidal ; sparsely spinulose, the spinules minute and in short transverse rows ; each palp represented by a cluster of five sensilla; an isolated sensillum be- tween each palp and the opening of the sericteries, the latter a short transverse slit. No spinules on hypopharynx. very young larva. Length (through spiracles) about 1.6 mm. Abdomen sac-like, thorax forming a stout neck. Integument of ven- ter of anterior somites and entire surface of posterior somites with minute spinules. Body hairs sparse. Of three types: (i) o.oi 3-0.1 mm long, on dorsal and lateral surfaces of thorax and on dorsa of AI-AIV; (2) about 0.006 mm long, on venter of Ti, few on AV : (3) about 0.1 mm long, four each on AI-AIV. Antennae minute, each with three sensilla. Head hairs about 1/3 as numerous, minute (0.002-0.005 mm long). Labium subrectangular ; anterior surface with about ten sensilla. Mandibles subtriangular in anterior view, with all teeth sharp-pointed. Each maxillary palp represented by a cluster of five sensilla; each galea represented by two contiguous sensilla. Otherwise as in the mature larva. Material studied : numerous larvae from Colorado, G. C. and J. Wheeler #16. The larva of L. provancheri resembles our other species of Mycho- thorax in profile and in mandible shape, but it differs markedly in the shape of the dominant type of body hair, in the shape of the head, in the shape of the labrum, and in the abundance and size of head hairs. Genus Rogeria Emery Because we had inadequate material previously (1955: 28) we are giving a complete description below. revised description. Profile solenopsidiform. Body hairs mod- erately abundant ; of two types — ( 1 ) short, generally distributed and variously branched and (2) anchor-tipped, on mesothorax, meta- thorax and first three abdominal somites. Head hairs moderately numerous, moderately long and bifid. Mandibles leptothoraciform. In our 1960b key Rogeria would go to “ Monomorium antarcti- cum” ( = Chelaner) , from which it cannot be distinguished generic- ally. Rogeria pro c era Emery (Fig. 2) Length (through spiracles) about 4 mm. Solenopsidiform (i.e., short and stout; head ventral, near the anterior end; prothorax bent 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 75 ventrally to form a very short stout neck ; remainder of body straight ; both ends broadly rounded. Anus ventral.) Dorsal profile long and C-shaped; ventral feebly sigmoid. Leg vestiges present. Spiracles small; diameter diminishing posteriorly. Integument of venter of thorax with relatively coarse spinules in transverse rows ; a few min- ute spinules on dorsa of posterior somites. Body hairs moderately abundant. Of two types: (i) 0.044-0.138 mm long, with tip short- bifid to long-branched, the branches variously denticulate or branched ; (2) about 0.25 mm long, anchor-tipped with flexuous shaft, six on the dorsum of each T2, T3, AI, All and four on AIII. Cranium subtrapezoidal, broadest dorsally; occiput nearly flat; clypeus bulg- ing. Antennae each with three sensilla, each of which bears a rather long spinule. Head hairs moderately numerous, 0.05-0.075 mm long, bifid with the branches short to long. Lab rum bilobed, narrowed dorsally ; each lobe with two hairs on the anterior surface about 0.006 mm long, ventral border with three isolated and two contiguous sensilla, posterior surface with six isolated and a cluster of three sensilla; entire posterior surface with a few short rows of minute spinules dorsally and with coarse isolated spinules ventrally. Mandi- bles leptothoraciform (i.e., moderately stout, tapering gradually and curving gradually to an apical tooth, anterior surface produced me- dially into a blade, which bears two medial teeth and a few denticles). Each maxilla paraboloidal, apex with coarse isolated spinules; each palp a cylinder with four apical and one subapical sensilla; each galea a short stout cylinder with two apical sensilla. Labium nar- row, anterior surface with coarse spinules, which are isolated or in short rows near each lateral surface; each palp a slight elevation with five sensilla; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries, the latter a transverse slit. (Material studied: 12 larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Drs. W. L. Brown and K. Lenko.) Tribe Ocymyrmecini Genus Ocymyrmex Emery Profile aphaenogastriform. Prothorax narrowed rapidly to the diameter of the head. Head small. Anus with a prominent poste- rior lip. Body hairs numerous, short, with frayed tip. Cranium subcircular. Antennae high on cranium, minute and in pits. Head hairs few, short, with bifid tip. Labrum paraboloidal, as long as broad. Mandibles vollenhoviform but with only one medial tooth. In our 1960b key this genus would fit under Group D but would require a new rubric: 6. Body aphaenogastriform (Di) ; mandibles vollenhoviform (Ilf). 76 Psyche [March-J une Ocymyrmex arnoldi Forel (Fig. 3) Length (through spiracles) about 5.9 mm. Aphaenogastriform (i.e., stout and rather elongate; diameter greatest at AIV and AV ; slightly constricted at AI ; thorax stout and arched ventrally, but not differentiated into a neck; posterior end broadly rounded, anus ventral). Prothorax narrowed rapidly to diameter of head. Head small. Anus with a prominent posterior lip. Leg and wing vestiges present. About six differentiated somites. Spiracles small, dimin- ishing slightly posteriorly. Entire integument spinulose, the spinules minute and in short transverse rows, the rows longer and closer together on the venter of the anterior somites. Body hairs abundant, uniformly distributed, all short (0.025-0.075 mm long), with stout shaft and frayed tip. Cranium subhexagonal ; mouth parts rather large. Antennae minute, each in a small pit bounded medially by a high rim, three sensilla each bearing a tall spinule. Head hairs few, short (0.019-0.038 mm long), slightly curved, with short-bifid tip. Labrum paraboloidal, with three small ventral projections; anterior surface with six minute hairs; ventral border with two small sensilla on each ventrolateral projection and two groups of two larger con- tiguous sensilla ; posterior surface with 16 sensilla and scattered min- ute spinules. Each mandible vollenhoviform, but with only one medial tooth (i.e., slender, rather long and nearly straight, apex form- ing a moderately long slender tooth which is slightly curved medially ; with a narrow medial blade, from the edge of which arises one in- conspicuous medial tooth). Each maxilla with the apex paraboloidal and with minute isolated spinules; each palp a narrow frustum with four apical and one lateral sensilla ; galea digitiform with two apical sensilla. Labium paraboloidal, with a few short rows of minute spinules; each palp a skewed peg with five sensilla; an isolated sensil- lum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries, the latter a transverse slit. Hypopharynx with minute spinules in short rows. (Material studied: three larvae and one semipupa from Rhodesia, courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) Trire Tetramoriini Genus Tetramorium Mayr T etramorium caespitum (Linnaeus) Bruder and Gupta 1972 — Description p. 366; photographs of first, second and third instars and semipupa; drawings of mandibles and maxillae of first, second and third instars. Life cycle in incipient colony: egg 9-12 days, larva 8-14 days, semipupa 5 days, pupa 12-18 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 77 Fig. 3. 0 cymyrmex arnoldi. a, body hair, X167; b, larva in side view, Xl6; c, head in anterior view, X81; d, right antenna in anterior view, X376; e, left mandible in anterior view, X133. Fig. 4. Procry ptocerus adlerzi. a, head in anterior view, X67; b-d, three types of body hairs, X267; e, left mandible in anterior view, X185; f, larva in side view, X 14. 7§ Psyche [March-June days, total 36-45 days. Life cycle in mature colonies: egg 8-12 days, first instar 2-7 days, second instar 3-7 days, third instar 10-19 days, semipupa 5 days, pupa 12-18 days, total 43-63 days. Genus Triglyphothrxx Forel Triglyphothrix striatidens Emery immature larva. Length (through spiracles) about 2.2 mm. Dorsal profile C-shaped ; ventral feebly sigmoid ; thorax stout and curved ventrally but not differentiated from abdomen in diameter; abdomen bag-like. Spiracles small; diameter diminishing posteriorly. Integument of venter of anterior somites sparsely spinulose, the spi- nules minute and in short transverse rows. Body hairs very few: 6 on Ti, 2 each on T2-AIV; 0.008-0.033 mm long, longest and with multifid-tip on Ti, becoming shorter and simple posteriorly. Head large; cranium subpyriform. Each antenna with three sensilla, each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs minute (about 0.006 mm long) , simple, six only, near mouth parts. Labrum twice as broad as long, bilobed, lateral borders curved; each lobe with five sensilla on the anterior surface, two contiguous sensilla on the ventral bor- der, and one isolated and three contiguous sensilla on the posterior surface; entire posterior surface moderately spinulose, the spinules minute and in short rows which are arranged in longer subtransverse rows medially, laterally the spinules are coarser and isolated. Each mandible heavily sclerotized, narrowly subtriangular in anterior view; of two portions: lateral thick and terminating in a long slender apical tooth ; medial blade arising from the anterior surface and bearing two sharp-pointed medial teeth. Each maxilla with the apex conoidal and bearing a few spinules; palp a low rounded knob with five sensilla; galea a short frustum with two apical sensilla. Labium feebly bilobed, with minute spinules in subparallel rows; each palp a low rounded knob with five sensilla ; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries, the latter a short transverse slit. Hypopharynx densely spinulose, the spinules minute and in short arcuate rows which are arranged in long sub- parallel transverse rows, base with numerous heavily sclerotized long- itudinal ridges. (Material studied: numerous immature larvae from New South Wales, courtesy of Rev. B. B. Lowery.) Tribe Cryptocerini3 revision : Posterior surface of labrum usually without spinules. Hypopharynx usually without spinules. 3In 1949, M. R. Smith concluded that the well established name Crypto- cerus, which had been in use for 146 years, was a synonym of Cephalotes ; he changed Cryptocerini to Cephalotini, Cryptocerus to Paracryptocerus and subgenus Cryptocerus to Harnedia. In four pages could anyone intro- duce more confusion into stable nomenclature? The old names should have been conserved. We refuse to accept any of these changes. 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 79 Genus Cryptocerus Fabricius Cryptocerus rohweri Wheeler Creighton and Nutting 1965: 63 — “Worker brood developed from egg to adult in about three months (egg to larva ± 27 days; larva to pupa ± 33 days; pupa to adult ± 23 days).” Eggs de- veloped in about a month into male larvae, which overwintered. Cryptocerus ( Cyathomyrmex) pallens Klug immature larva. Length (through spiracles) about 3.4 mm. Similar to C. minutus (called Paracryptocerus rninutus in 1954: 155) except as follows. Head very large and covering approximately half of the anterior end. Integument of venter of anterior somites and all surfaces of posterior somites with a few minute spinules in short transverse rows. Body hairs: (1) 0.006-0.038 mm long, most nu- merous on the prothorax; (2) about 0.225 mm long. Head hairs very numerous, slightly longer (0.013-0.05 mm long). Anterior surface of labrum with eight hairs and/or sensilla. Mandibles moderately to feebly sclerotized. An isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries. very young larva. Length (through spiracles) about 1.6 mm. Body subellipsoidal, head on the anterior end (i.e., similar to 1.9 mm larva of C. minutus, 1954: 155). Otherwise similar to mature larva except in the following details. Entire integument spinulose, the spinules minute and in short transverse rows. Head hairs shorter (0.013-0.038 mm long). Labrum with ten hairs on the anterior surface. Mandibles sickle-shaped, no blade. Material studied: five larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko. Genus Procryptocerus Emery revision. Profile cataulaciform. Body hairs moderately numer- ous. Of three types: (1) simple with flexuous tip; (2) tip short- branched, multifid; (3) anchor-tipped. Head hairs of two types: (1) simple, with long flexuous tip; (2) with short-branched (multifid) tip. Mandibles cryptoceriform. Posterior surface of labrum with or without spinules. Maxillae adnate and rounded. Hypopharynx with or without spinules. Procryptocerus adlerzi (Mayr) (Fig. 4) Length (through spiracles) about 4.6 mm. Profile cataulaciform (i.e., straight, elongate-subelliptical ; segmentation indistinct; head applied to the ventral surface near the anterior end) ; no neck. Anus ventral, with a posterior lip. Leg, wing and gonopod vestiges present. 8o Psyche [March-J une Six feebly differentiated somites. Spiracles small ; decreasing in diam- eter posteriorly. Integument of ventral surface of anterior somites with minute spinules in short transverse rows, entire surface of poste- rior somites with scattered minute spinules. Body hairs moderately nu- merous. Of three types: (i) 0.013-0.036 mm long, simple, tip very fine and flexuous; (2) 0.022-0. 13 mm long, tip denticulate, a few on each somite; (3) about 0.2 mm long, with flexuous shaft and anchor- tip, four on each AI-AIV. Cranium subcircular in anterior view. Antennae moderately large; just below middle of cranium; each with three small sensilla, bearing a spinule each. Head hairs moderately numerous, short to moderately long. Of two types: (1) 0.01 9-0.03 mm long, simple, with long fine flexuous tip, the more numerous type; (2) 0.028-0.075 mm long, with short-branched tip. Labrum arcuate; with eight hairs 0.025-0.038 mm long; ventral border with four isolated and two clusters of three sensilla each ; posterior sur- face with four isolated and two clusters of three sensilla each; spi- nules lacking. Mandibles cryptoceriform (i.e., stout, subtriangular in anterior view; lateral portion thick and terminating in a sharp-pointed apical tooth ; medial blade arising from the anterior surface and bear- ing two subapical teeth, which are subequal to apical tooth). Max- illae rounded and adnate; each palp a short peg with five sensilla, larger than the galea, the latter a short cylinder with two apical sensilla. Labium small ; each palp a short stout peg with five sensilla ; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the seric- teries, the latter a short transverse slit. No spinules on hypopharynx. immature larva. Length (through spiracles) about 3.1 mm. Body relatively stouter. Head on anterior end. Integument of dorsal surface of posterior somites with rather coarse spinules. Body hairs (1) 0.025-0.05 mm long; (2) 0.0 19-0. 125 mm long; (3) about O.225 mm long, four on the dorsal surface of each AI-AIV. Other- wise similar to mature larva. very young larva. Estimated length about 1.4 mm. Similar to the immature larva except as follows. Body hairs sparse: (1) 0.002-0.025 mm long; (2) 0.024-0.05 mm long, with tip denticulate to flattened; (3) about 0.086 mm long, on AI-AVI. Head hairs sparse, all short spikes (about 0.003 mm long). Anterior surface of labrum with six hairs about 0.006 mm long. Each mandible with the apex turned medially; all teeth narrowly sharp-pointed. Each labial palp represented by a cluster of five sensilla. Material studied: 14 larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko. 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 81 Procryptocerus regular if Emery Length (through spiracles) about 5.4 mm. Similar to P. adlerzi except as follows. Body stouter; head relatively larger. Integument with few spinules on the anterior somites. Body hairs (1) 0.013- 0.05 mm long; (2) 0.038-0.1 13 mm long; (3) four on the dorsa of each AI-AIV. Cranium transversely subelliptical. Antennae larger. Head hairs numerous; (1) 0.007-0.05 mm long; (2) 0.038- 0.087 mm long. Labrum feebly bilobed, with eight hairs 0.01 3-0.05 mm long; each lobe with six isolated and two contiguous sensilla on and near the ventral border; entire posterior surface with a few transverse rows of minute spinules. Each mandible with apical tooth longer and basal teeth shorter. Each galea represented by two con- tiguous sensilla. Each labial palp represented by a cluster of five sensilla. Hypopharynx with a few transverse rows of minute spi- nules. young larva. Length (through spiracles) about 1.8 mm. Sim- ilar to mature larva except as follows. Entire integument with min- ute spinules, in short rows anteroventrally, elsewhere isolated, coarsest posteriorly. Body hairs sparse; (1) 0.003-0.044 mm long; (2) 0.013-0.088 mm long; (3) 0.125-0.188 mm long. Head hairs moderately numerous, 0.003-0.044 mm long, simple. Hairs on labrum about 0.003 mm long. youngest larva. Length (through spiracles) about 1 mm long. Similar to young larva except as follows. Body egg-shaped. Spiracles very small. Integument with spinules on the dorsal surface of abdo- men from spiracle to spiracle, more extensive on AIX and AX. Body hairs very sparse; (1) 0.003-0.025 mm long, few, none on AIX and AX: (2) 0.025-0.075 mm long, few, with short-bifid to short-multifid tip, on lateral surfaces; (3) 0.09-0.18 mm long, four on the dorsum of each AI-AVII, with straight shaft and smooth anchor-tip. Head hairs very few, about 0.003 mm long. Posterior surface of labrum lacking spinules. Each mandible with one apical and one medial tooth. Each maxillary palp represented by a cluster of sensilla. Labium and hypopharynx without spinules. MALE LARVA. Length (through spiracles) about 5.8 mm. Sim- ilar to worker larva except as follows. Thirteen feebly differentiated somites. Body hairs (3) about 0.15 m m long, four on the dorsal surface of each AI-AIV. Cranium subrectangular. Head hairs (1) 0.013 mm long; (2) about 0.38 mm long, with short-bifid tip, about eight on the cranium. Mandibles heavily sclerotized. Material studied : numerous larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko. 82 Psyche [March-J une Procryptocerus striata scabriuscula Emery Length (through spiracles) about 5.2 mm. Similar to P. adlerzi except as follows. Body stouter. Integument of venter of anterior somites and dorsa of posterior somites with minute spinules in short transverse rows. Body hairs (1) 0.003-0. 19 mm long, spike-like; (2) 0.013-0.05 mm long, very few on each somite. Cranium trans- versely subelliptical. Head hairs few. Lab rum with six hairs and six isolated and two clusters of three sensilla each on the anterior surface; posterior surface with six isolated and two clusters of two or three sensilla each and with minute spinules in short arcuate rows, the rows forming a reticulate pattern. Mandibles quadrilateral, heavily sclerotized, with all teeth straight and round-pointed. Each maxillary palp an ungula, with two apical and three lateral sensilla; each galea a very short stout peg with two apical sensilla. (Material studied: nine larvae from Mexico, courtesy of Roy R. Snelling.) Literature Cited Bruder, K. W., and A. P. Gupta 1972. Biology of the pavement ant, T etramorium caespitum . Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 68: 358-367. Creighton, W. S. 1965. The habits and distribution of Macromischa subditiva Wheeler. Psyche 72: 282-286. Creighton, W. S., and W. L. Nutting 1965. The habits and distribution of Cryptocerus roh'weri Wheeler. Psyche 72: 59-64. Kempf, W. W. 1959. A synopsis of the New World species belonging to the Nesomyr- mex-group of the ant genus Leptothorax Mayr. Studia Entomol. (Rio de Janeiro) 2: 291-432. Smith, M. R. 1949. On the status of Cryptocerus Latreille and Cephalotes Latreille. Psyche 56: 18-21. 1950. On the status of Leptothorax Mayr and some of its subgenera. Psyche 57: 29-30. Urbani, C. B. 1968. Studi sulla mirmecofauna d’ltalia. IV. La fauna mirmecologico delle isole maltesi ed il suo significato ecologico e biogeografico. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova 77: 408-559. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler 1954. The ant larvae of the myrmicine tribes Cataulacini and Cepha- lotini. J. Washington Acad. Sci. 44: 149-157. 1955. The ant larvae of the myrmicine tribe Leptothoracini. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 48: 17-29. 1960a. Supplementary studies on the larvae of the Myrmicinae. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 62: 1-32. 1960b. The ant larvae of the subfamily Myrmicinae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 53: 98-110. A NEW SPECIES OF ANACIS FROM NORTHWEST ARGENTINA (HYMENOPTERA, ICHNEUMONIDAE) By Charles C. Porter* Department of Biological Sciences, Fordham University, Bronx, New York 10458 In two previous contributions (Porter 1967, 1970), the author characterized the mesostenine ichneumonid genus Anacis, assigning to it four species from Chile and contiguous regions of southwestern Argentina. Meanwhile, Townes (1969, p. 176-177), as a result of his study of the world Mesostenini, enlarged the definition of A nacis to include also Cryptus exul (Turner, 1919, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (9)3: 558) from Tasmania. Consequently, Anacis seemed to emerge as pertaining to that zoogeographic category comprised of taxa restricted at the present time to the Nothofagus zone of south- ern South America and to similar areas of the Australian region. Now, however, discovery of a fifth Neotropic Anacis from sub- tropical wet forest in northwestern Argentina obliges us to modify our distributional concept of the genus. Thus, in South America Anacis appears to be of Andean rather than of strictly Neantarctic or Araucanian range and, quite possibly, extends to other areas on the continent. Its New World distribution, therefore, may be com- pared to that of several other ichneumonid genera — such as Macro - grotea , Trachysphyrus (sensu Townes), Picrocryptvides, Dotocryp- tus, Deleboea } Alophophion , and Thymebatis — all of which are well represented in Andean and temperate South America, including Chile, but which concurrently have a greater or lesser number of species on the peripheries of the lowland tropics. Taxa of this same distributional type which moreover have species in the Australian region are, of course, much rarer, but the ichneumonid genus Labena (two species also reach North America) and the seolioid family Thynnidae constitute approximate parallels. The present study offers a description of this new Argentine Anacis and a revised key to all known South American species of the genus. KEY TO THE SOUTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF ANACIS (Based on females) 1. Mesoscutum mat, finely granular; setae of second gastric ter- gite dense, mostly approaching or exceeding the length of their 83 84 Psyche [March-June interspaces; mesosoma pale red or reddish brown with white markings and black areas of variable extent 2 Mesoscutum silky shining with more or less fine punctuation; setae of second gastric tergite sparser, mostly shorter to much shorter than the length of their interspaces; mesosoma black with sparse to profuse white markings 3 2. Gaster black with white apical bands on tergites; flagellum with a white annulus; hind-tarsomeres 2-4 white; first flagellomere 8.5-10.0 as long as deep at apex; postpetiole weakly expanded, O.8-O.9 as wide apically as long from spiracle to apex; ovi- positor tip 0.18-0.20 as high at notch as long from notch to apex 1. A. f estiva Porter Gaster bright reddish brown with more or less prominent white apical bands on tergites; flagellum without a white annulus; hind-tarsus without white markings; first flagellomere 6. 2-7. 3 as long as deep at apex; postpetiole more strongly expanded, 1. 3-1. 4 as wide apically as long from spiracle to apex; ovipos- itor tip 0.26-0.31 as high at notch as long from notch to apex 2. A. tucumana n. sp. 3. Thorax and propodeum with profuse white markings; all gastric tergites with a complete white apical band ; apical margin of clypeus with a small subdentate median projection; dorsal mar- gin of pronotum without a definite submarginal groove 3. A. stangeorum Porter Mesosoma with white at most on anterior margin of pronotum, tegula, and subalarum; not all gastric tergites with a com- plete white apical band; no median projection on apical margin of clypeus; dorsal margin of pronotum with a conspicuous submarginal groove 4 4. Legs mostly black with white markings; gaster with the follow- ing white: median subapical mark on tergite 1, sometimes marks on 2 and 3, and broad apical bands on 4-7 ; sheathed portion of ovipositor 0.5-0.6 as long as fore-wing; nodus of ovipositor tip with an unusually large and deep notch 4. A. varipes Porter Legs mostly orange; gaster with white at most on tergites 6-8 and only on 7 sometimes with a complete white apical band; sheathed portion of ovipositor O.3-0.4 as long as fore-wing; nodus with a small but distinct notch 5. A. rubripes Spinola 1973] Porter — A nacis 85 2. Anacis tucumana new species ( fig. 0 Holotype: female, ARGENTINA ( Tucuman : Horco Molle, Dto. Tafi, October 24, 1970, C. C. Porter). (Tucuman). Para- types: 4 females, ARGENTINA ( Jujuy : Post a de Lozano, Octo- ber 26, 1969, December 8, 1969, C. C. Porter; Tucuman: Horco Molle, Dto. Tafi, September 9-1 1 & September 30, 1969, C. C. Porter). (Gainesville, Porter, Tucuman) . Female: Color: flagellum pale reddish brown with slight dusky staining, especially above on first segment; pedicel largely blackish brown above and pale reddish brown to yellowish below; scape largely blackish brown above and grading through reddish brown into yellowish below; head black with some brown staining toward apex on mandibles, sometimes in malar space, often around clypeus above, often irregularly on face, and on antennal sockets, as well as with the following white: most of basal 1/2 of mandible; very large transverse blotch on clypeus; and a complete or sometimes ventrally interrupted orbital ring, which is broadest below where it extends 1/2 to 3/4 or more the distance into malar space; mesosoma bright reddish brown with black on areas of variable extent includ- ing most of prothorax (which at most is irregularly reddish stained), mesoscutum slightly to entirely, mesopleuron slightly to on as much as dorsal 1/3 plus most of prepectus, many margins and sutures more or less broadly, as well as with the following white: broad anterior margin of pronotum except toward apex ; broad dorsal mar- gin of pronotum except for about median 1/4-1/3; tegula; most of subalarum; sometimes large spot toward lower anterior corner of mesopleuron; small area in upper hind corner of mesopleuron on mesepimeron; most of apical 3/4-778 of scutellum; and sometimes most of postscutellum ; gaster bright reddish brown with a prominent to dull and little contrasting white apical band on tergites 1 or 2- 8 ; fore-leg with coxa mostly white with a conspicuous dorso-apical brown blotch and some brown staining postero-basally ; trochanter white with a large pale brown blotch dorsally; trochantellus white with dusky to black staining on apex and above; femur bright red- dish brown grading into whitish below and with a little dusky to black staining on base; and tibia and tarsus somewhat duller brown with some faint dusky staining and with fifth tarsomere mostly dusky to blackish; mid-leg with coxa pale reddish brown with a large, pale to dark brown dorso-apical blotch and sometimes a less well defined ventral brownish area basad, as well as with white on 86 Psyche [March-June Fig. 1. Anacis tucumana Porter, female holotype. Lateral view of mesosoma and gaster, showing color pattern. most of dorso-basal 3/5 and on an extensive ventro-apical area; trochanter white with a large brown area dorsally; trochantellus white basally and below and blackish brown apically and above; femur bright reddish brown with base narrowly blackish; and tibia and tarsus a little duller reddish brown with last tarsomere dusky to blackish; hind-leg with coxa uniformly bright red brown, except sometimes for an obscure whitish area above near base; trochanter varying from white with reddish brown staining to almost uniformly reddish brown with white narrowly on apex, and sometimes with blackish l rown staining on about basal 3/4 above; trochantellus more or less blackish brown above and mostly reddish to brownish white or white below; femur bright red-brown with base narrowly blackish; and tibia and tarsus a little more dully red-brown with last tarsomere dusky to blackish; wings hyaline with very slight dusky staining apicad. Length of fore-wing: 5. 3-5. 7 mm. 1st fiagel- lomere: 6. 2-7. 3 as long as deep at apex. Clypeus: in profile high and asymmetrically convex to bluntly subpyramidal, with the apical face shorter than the basal and a little concavely declivous ; the apical margin practically straight, not produced or dentate medially. Malar space : 0.75-0.85 as long as basal width of mandible. Temple: 0.30- 0.36 as long as eye in dorsal view; gently rounded-off and strongly 1973] Porter — A Jiacis 87 receding. Fore-tibia: moderately stout but scarcely swollen. Pro- notum: dorsal margin a little swollen, especially anteriad, and with- out a submarginal groove; epomia sharp in scrobe but only faintly prolonged below; anterior margin not angled at mid-height below. Mesoscutum: notauli traceable about 1/2-2/3 the length of meso- scutum, well defined but not very sharp anteriad and becoming much weaker behind ; surface mat and finely granular with abundant, small, faint, subadjacent to confluent punctures and an area of con- trastingly coarser puncto- reticulation apicad between and beyond notauli. Mesopleuron: subalarum not unusually swollen or expanded; speculum swollen, mostly smooth and polished; surface otherwise more or less strongly shining with fine but moderately strong, rather uniform, obliquely longitudinal wrinkling, which becomes only slight- ly more irregular on lower 1/2, and with medium-sized, variably distinct intercalated punctures which are best defined on lower 1/2. Wing venation: radial cell 2. 8-3. 2 as long as broad; areolet large and broad, intercubiti strongly convergent above, 2nd abscissa of radius 0.6-0.7 as long as 1st intercubitus; 2nd recurrent vertical, at most weakly outcurved on upper 1/2; disco-cubitus broadly angled or simply arched, without or rarely with a vestige of a ramellus; nervulus at least slightly antefurcal ; mediella strongly arched ; axil- lus close to hind-margin of wing. Propodeum: moderately short and high in profile, basal face gently arched and sloping rearward to join the much more steeply declivous but not sharply discrete, subequal apical face ; spiracle round ; basal trans-carina sharp throughout, weakly to moderately bowed forward medially, rather far from base of propodeum; apical trans-carina more or less traceable throughout, but becoming a little to, often, very weak and irregular on its broad- ly bowed forward median portion, laterally well defined, forming very low, sub-crescentic cristae and continuing ventrad to pleural Carina; areola not defined; without lateral longitudinal carinae; surface basad of basal trans-carina shining with considerable fine wrinkling, especially mesad, and abundant, rather large, shallow, subadjacent or sparser to confluent punctures but distad of basal trans-carina uniformly mat with stronger, granularly reticulate wrinkling and puncto-reticulation. 1st gastric segment: with a low and weakly crescentic lateral flange at base; petiole moderately broad and flat; postpetiole strongly expanded and 1.3-1.4 as wide apically as long from spiracle to apex; ventro-lateral carina sharp on postpetiole and about apical 1/2 of petiole but sometimes more or less fading out toward base on petiole, or continuing sharp to base; dorso-lateral carina fine and sharp for a short distance near spiracle 88 Psyche [March-June and again toward base of petiole but otherwise faint or absent; dor- sal carinae absent or at most faintly suggested above spiracle. Cas- ter: moderately elongate fusiform; 2nd tergite dully shining to mat with fine, granularly reticulate wrinkling and abundant, medium sized to large, mostly obscure, densely intercalated punctures which emit numerous short setae that in great part approach or equal the length of their interspaces; the following tergites with somewhat longer and denser setae that mostly equal or exceed the length of their interspaces. Ovipositor: sheathed portion 0.2 as long as fore- wing; straight, moderately stout, strongly compressed; nodus high, with a small but sharp notch ; dorsal valve in profile with a straight to slightly concave taper between notch and apex; ventral valve on tip with fine, inclivously oblique ridges; tip 0.26-0.3 1 as high at notch as long from notch to apex. Male*, unknown. Types: The holotypes and two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Institute Miguel Lillo, San Miguel de Tucuman, Republica Argentina. One paratype has been donated to the Florida State Arthropod Collection (Gainesville, Florida, USA) and a fourth paratype is in the collection of Charles C. Porter (RFD 3, Cambridge, Maryland, USA). Discussion: Among South American species of its genus, Attach tucumana comes closest to the Araucanian A. f estiva, as shown by several common characters emphasized in the key. Nonetheless, that relationship is comparatively remote and tucumana has some features which set it apart from the other South American Anacis ; for ex- ample, its shorter notauli, shorter second radial abscissa, less elongate propodeum, weaker dorso-lateral and dorsal carinae of the first gas- tric tergite, and slightly shorter ovipositor. Indeed, the northwest Argentine and Araucanian populations of Anacis probably have been out of contact since the late Tertiary and early Pleistocene Andean uplift, although it may be surmised that this is an old genus which ranged throughout the climatically and biotically more uniform South America of Pre-Andean times. Worth noting also is the difference in abundance between the southern and northern Anacis. At least two of the southern species (A. f estiva and A. ruhripes ) are very common insects likely to be encountered in numbers almost any day during the growing season; whereas, A. tucumana only has been collected on five occasions. This circumstance coincides with the probable relict status of Anacis. Populations isolated in the Araucanian zone, where almost none of 1973] Porter — A nacis 89 the modern Neotropic ichneumonid fauna has penetrated, would be expected to flourish in the absence of aggressive competitors; whereas, populations in an area such as the Selva Tucumano-Boliviana, where occur scores of the Neotropic genera represented by hundreds of species, would form a much more inconspicuous part of the fauna and might have difficulty surviving at all. Field notes: All localities for this species belong to the wet subtropical forest community commonly designated Selva T ucumano- Boliviana. Horco Molle in Tucuman Province is located in the lower stratum of this forest (about 700 m.), while Posta, de Lozano in Jujuy Province is at 1600 m. in an area of transition between several types of environment, including many components of the Selva and some Chaco elements, as well as stands of alders ( Alnus joruliensis) . Specimens of A. tucumana were collected by sweeping in weedy areas both at the edge of the forest and in partially shaded places within the forest. Acknowledgements Part of the material covered in this study was collected while the author was working as Associate Investigator under a United States National Science Foundation Grant (GB-6925) awarded to Dr. Howard E. Evans of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har= vard University. The figure was inked by Miss Alicia Sandoval of the Instituto Miguel Lillo. References Porter, C. C. 1967. A Review of the Chilean genera of the tribe Mesostenini. Studia Ent. 10: 369-418. 1970. The Genus Anacis in Argentina. Acta Zoologica Lilloana 26(2) : 9-22. Townes, H. K. 1969. Genera of Ichneumonidae, Part 2, Gelinae. Mem. Amer. Ent. Inst. 12. GROWTH OF THE ORB WEAVER, ARANEUS DIADEM A TVS, AND CORRELATION WITH WEB MEASUREMENTS* By Jay Benforado and Kent H. Kistler Division of Research, North Carolina Department of Mental Health Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Introduction It is a well-known fact that within any population of spiders of similar age there is considerable variation in the size of individual spiders of the same species. In literature as early as 1890, McCook has observed this variation and repeated observations (Comstock, 1940; Savory, 1928) have verified this phenomenon. Although ob- servations are frequent, explanations are few. Bristowe (1958) cites differences in feeding as a reason for differential size, but the reference is made merely in passing and to the authors’ knowledge is not elaborated upon elsewhere. This paucity of explanation lends itself to further analysis of the factors contributing to the phenom- enon of differential size. Our purpose in this paper is to isolate some of the factors which contribute to differential size in Araneus diadematus Clerck (for identification of species, see Levi, 1971), and to elaborate upon cer- tain of these factors as we are able. Corresponding with differential size, in an orb-weaver such as Araneus diadematus , differential growth is also manifested in chang- ing dimensions of the web. That large differences in dimensions exist betwen the individual webs of spiders is also a well-known fact. An attempt to clarify some of the factors influencing web changes is also made. Method environment: The spiders used were from two cocoons of Ara- neus diadematus , obtained from Canastota, New York, which hatched on April 26, 1972. From the time of hatching and throughout the experiment, the spiders were kept in a room which was lighted 16 hours per day aand kept cool during the eight dark hours by an air conditioner. (See Witt, 1971). early rearing: At the time of hatching, the offspring from each * Manuscript received by the editor March 1 , 1973 90 1973] Benforado & Kistler — Araneus diadematus 91 cocoon were placed in a separate rearing box. The spiderlings were kept in these boxes, living on a communal web with a constant sup- ply of loose gnats in the box, until they began to build individual webs approximately three weeks after hatching. As each animal built her first web she was removed from the rearing box and placed in an individual glass tube, approximately 1X7 cm, with the ends of the tube stoppered with cotton. From the time the animals were placed in the tubes until onset of the experiment they were fed ap- proximately 10-15 gnats per week, by placing the gnats in the tube with the spiderling. The animals were watered by wetting the cot- ton with water daily. distribution: Seven weeks after hatching the two sets of spider- lings were each separated into three equal groups by means of a random numbers chart. No attempt was made to distribute males and females evenly. Although the growth (body weight) of males and females differs, it has been shown that the early growth of both sexes is alike (Witt et al., 1972). Because of the short duration of the experiment and the difficulty in identifying male spiders before the last molt, distribution of males and females was left to chance. At the time of initial grouping the two sets of spiderlings num- bered twenty and thirty respectively. It was decided to feed each of the three groups of each set according to a different feeding sched- ule: one group every day, one group twice weekly, and one group every ten days. Thus there were six groups, one for each set of offspring on each feeding schedule. After one week of this procedure, however, it was decided because of the small size of the groups to reduce the number of schedules to two, and the middle /schedule was dropped and its members distributed randomly between the lighter and heavier-fed groups. Data for animals that died or escaped during the course of the experiment were removed, so figures represent only animals observed for the duration of the experiment. weighing: Each spider in the heavy-fed groups was weighed once a week, to 0.1 mg, while animals in the light-fed groups were weighed on the day of feeding and the day after feeding. web analysis: After eleven days of controlled differential feeding in the tubes, the spiders were transferred to aluminum and glass laboratory cages, 50 X 50 X 10 cm. At this time the animals were eight weeks old. From this time on the spiders began to build webs. Photographs of webs were taken daily and analyzed (Reed et al., 1965). Daily records of web building were kept and the webs were 92 Psyche [March-June Figure 1. Mean weights of 19 light-fed and 15 heavy-fed Araneus diadematus with standard errors (vertical lines). Figures are for both sets of spiderlings combined. Sharp increases in weight in the light-fed group are due to the animals being weighed before and after feeding. Note the increasing difference in weight between the light-fed and heavy- fed group. 1973] Benforado & Kistler — Araneus diadematus 93 destroyed daily with the thread left in the cage for the spider to digest. feeding: While in the tubes, the spiders were fed by placing a previously weighed de-winged housefly in the tube daily or every ten days. Those spiders that would not eat a housefly had three to seven unweighed gnats placed in their tube. By visual inspection the following day it was determined whether the fly had been eaten. The remains of the eaten flies were then weighed to obtain an approxi- mation of the amount eaten by each spider. The spiders were watered by wetting the cotton every other day. After being placed in the cages, if the spider had a web, feeding was by means of placing the housefly in the web ; if there was no web, we attempted to induce the animal to eat by placing the fly in front of its mouth. The heavy-fed spiders were offered at least one fly per day and more, if they would accept it. The light-fed group was fed one fly once every ten days. If on the day of feeding of the light-fed group a spider would not eat, a note was made and the attempt repeated until successful. All spiders were watered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by spraying a small amount of water in each cage. molts: From the onset of the experiment molts were recorded by date of the molt to give an indication of the maturation of the animal. Results feeding AND weight increase: At the end of a period of five weeks the two feeding schedules resulted in two significantly differ- ent weight groups. This development is shown in Figure i, which illustrates the increasing difference in weight between the two groups. At the onset of differential feeding the mean weights of the two groups were alike, however, a T-test between the mean weights at the end of the experiment is significant at the o.i % level. An analysis of covariance was performed on the data.. Because the original data was non-homogeneous, a transformation [log (x + io) ] was made (Winer, 1962). The initial observation was used as a covariate in the analysis of covariance. Because the analysis of covariance indicated no significant difference in the behavior (growth) of the two families, all figures are for both families com- bined. For the heavy-fed group the mean weight changed from 7.93 mg db 1.04 on June 12 to 74.28 mg ± 10.93 on July 17. The mean weight of the light-fed group changed from 6.40 mg dz 0.98 94 Psyche [March-June on June 12 to 17.91 mg ± 2.56 on July 13; there was a significant interaction between time and feeding schedule below the 1% level. FEEDING AND Maturation: If the number of molts over time is taken as an indication of speed of maturation, then a relationship between feeding and rate of maturation can be seen. During the period of differential feeding the number of molts of the heavy-fed and light-fed groups differed significantly at the 5% level. The heavy-fed group had a mean number of 3.0 molts while the light-fed group had a mean number of 2.3 molts. These results are in agree- ment with the findings reported by Deevey (1949) with Latrodec- tus mactcins (Fabricius) and indicate that in the laboratory with only food quantity as a variable, a relationship exists between the rate of weight increase and the rate of maturation. INITIAL WEIGHT and rate of growth: From the beginning of the experiment we noted a wide variation of weights of the individ- ual animals. At the onset of differencial feeding individual weights ranged from 1.1 mg to 16.2 mg. In both the light-fed and heavy- fed groups there existed a positive correlation between initial weight and final weight. For the light-fed group r = 0.7713 and for the TABLE 1 Measurement Light-fed Early Late Heavy-fed Early Late Mean wt. (mg) of spiders 12.52 22.30 20. 1 4 59-34 Spiral area (cm2) 1 18.92 119.51 1 19.88 138.32 Center area (mm2) 7 1 1 .00 877.53 920.30 1424.30 Thread length (m) 7-35 7-47 7.56 8.47 Mesh width (mm2) 20.16 22.34 21.79 27.48 Angle regularity 4-25 4.16 5.52 4.62 # of oversized angles Relative deviation of 1.67 1.87 2.50 1.80 spiral turns (South) 0.34 0-33 0.41 0.35 Selected measurements of webs built by a group of light-fed and heavy-fed spiders. Because not all spiders built on the same day, early and late webs of both groups were chosen from two five day periods two weeks apart. Measurements are divided into those which measure size (above the broken line) and those which measure regularity. Note the difference between the light-fed and heavy-fed animals in measures of web size at the late date. While the heavy-fed group increased in all size measures (see Fig. 2), no web regularity measures changed. For an explanation of web measure- ments see Witt et al., A Spider’s Web. 1973] Benforado & Kistler — Araneus diadematus 95 Figure 2. Selected web samples from two spiders: one heavily-fed spi- der and one light-fed spider. Webs are from the periods measured in Table 1 and are all reproduced to the same scale. Note that while both the heavy-fed and light-fed animals began with webs of similar size, after two weeks of differential feeding the large, heavy-fed spiders’ webs had increased in size while the webs of the small, light-fed spiders remained the same size. 96 Psyche [March-June heavy-fed group r = 0.9m; both correlations are significant at the 0.1% level. In most instances those animals with the extreme weights at the beginning of feeding remained the extremes in their group. Reasons for the variation in initial weight are unknown. Different rates of growth for light and heavy hatchlings have re- cently been shown to occur in several species of spiders, apparently independent of food available, and appear correlated with different lengths of life (Reed and Witt, 1972). AMOUNT EATEN : An approximation of the amount eaten was ob- tained for a three week period. For nine heavy-fed animals the mean amount eaten during the three week period was 115.8 mg and for fifteen light-fed animals the mean amount for the same period was 35.O mg. Within each group, however, there was an enormous variation in the amount consumed : in the heavy-fed group the amount eaten by individual animals ranged from 209.0 mg to 42.6 mg while in the light-fed group the amount eaten ranged from 49.6 mg to 3 gnats weighing 18 mg. feeding and web changes: Table i gives a summary of web changes that accompanied the growth of the animals. In measure- ments of web size both groups increased, with the heavy-fed group having a much larger increase as illustrated in Figure 2. In measure- ments of web regularity both heavy-fed and light-fed groups re- mained constant, as shown in figures of Table 1. Discussion The observed differential growth and development in Araneus diadematus seems to be a function of several factors. Although an exposure to a greater than normal supply of food generally results in faster than normal growth and development, even within a group exposed to the same food supply there seems to be a great variation in growth rates. Evidence of these differences is expressed in the increasing standard errors in Figure 1, and seems to be dependent upon individual factors in the animals rather than environmental variations. Large differences in the amount eaten by individual animals in the laboratory existed and presumably exist in nature. These differences seem to correspond to differences in the rate of growth in agreement with the findings of Turnbull in other species of spiders (Turnbull, i960, 1965). However, whether these dif- ferences in the amount of food eaten are due to differences in pro- ficiency in prey-catching or to differences in appetite or some other factor in the animal is not clarified by our findings. 1973] Benforado & Kistler — - Araneus diadematus 97 Another important factor influencing differential growth is the initial weight of the animal. Variations in initial weights within a family are generally retained during the course of development. Al- though several possible reasons for different initial weights within a family have been given by others, the authors are reluctant to offer any explanations. In an orb web weaving spider such as Araneus diadematus the amount of food available to the animal is roughly equivalent to the number of prey which become entrapped in the web. The number of prey entrapped in the web is in turn determined by a number of variables such as web-site, size and fine structure of the web, and frequency of web building. Thus, it can be seen that the interaction of the variables resulting in differential size and growth is complex and can be divided into those factors which influence the amount of food available to the spider and those factors which influence the spider’s use of the food available to it. Repeated attempts have been made to explain web characteristics in terms of characteristics of the individual spider (Peters, 1936). More common, however, has been the notation of changes in the form of the orb web during the life of the spider (Tilquin, 1942; Savory, 1952) and the attempt to relate these changes to changes in the animal (Witt and Baum, i960; Witt, 1963; Reed et al.> 1969). Because influencing factors vary concurrently, it is frequently diffi- cult to assess the causes of changes in the form of the web. In our experiment we attempted to isolate the effect of one vari- able (weight) while minimizing the effect of a variable which nor- mally changes concurrently (time). All animals used hatched on the same date, however, one group (the heavy-fed) gained consid- erable weight over the period measured. The web changes accom- panying these weight increases are summarized in Table 1. Be- cause all of the animals were hatched on the same date, we conclude that increases in web size are due to differences in size of the ani- mals resulting from differential feeding rather than differences in age. If appetite were a factor influencing web size, it would appear that the hungrier, light-fed animals would build a larger web in an attempt to catch more food ; however, this is not the case. The relationship between food and the web of a spider is a deli- cate one. Without food, the spider’s web-building ability diminishes, but without a web there is no food (Peakall, 1968). Thus, like a businessman, the spider faces the law of diminishing returns. It appears that the hungry spider chooses to conserve its resources 98 Psyche [March-June rather than gamble on a larger web trapping more food. Early food deprivation experiments (Witt, 1963) show that the spider con- tinues to build the same size web when deprived of food, but with less thread until finally a decreasing in web size occurs. Because our hungry (light-fed) animals were kept on a diet closer to a main- tenance level than a deprivation level, we observed no decreases in web dimensions. Feeding conditions in a natural environment vary more than those imposed in a controlled laboratory. Yet the spider is able to survive in these naturally diverse conditions because of its adaptability. In situations where there is little food available, the spider is able to survive by growing at a slow rate and maintaining the same size web. Where food is abundant, the spider takes advantage of the situation, growing at a fast rate and increasing the size of its web. The spider has developed a method for coping with a wide range of feeding conditions. By varying its body and web growth, the spider can survive under the diverse conditions imposed by nature, thus minimizing the necessity of seeking new food supplies and re- locating the web. Our findings provide new insight into the spider as an example of an animal that adapts itself successfully to its en- vironment. Summary Spiders from two cocoons of Araneus diadematus were exposed to five weeks of two different feeding schedules: one group was of- fered large amounts (one housefly per day) of food, the other group scarce (one fly every ten days) amounts. Although both groups in- creased in weight, weight gains of the heavy-fed group were signifi- cantly greater than those of the light-fed group, regardless of cocoon origin. Within each group there was a wide variation in the growth of individual animals, indicating the presence of factors other than food supply; i.e. animals with extreme weights within a group at the onset remained the extremes. In conjunction with increases in weight, over the three week period of observation, webs of the heavy-fed spiders showed an increase in size but not in regularity and shape in comparison to webs of the smaller, light-fed animals of the same age which did not change. Such data suggest an increased chance of survival of the species through variations in rate of growth and maturation dependent on environmental factors. 1973] Benforado & Kistler — Araneus diadematus 99 Acknowledgements This work was carried out in the laboratories of the North Caro- lina Department of Mental Health and was supported by Grant Number GB 25274 from the National Science Foundation to Peter N. Witt. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Peter N. Witt during all stages and the assistance of Mrs. Mabel B. Scarboro during the period of laboratory work. References Cited Bristowe, W. S. 1958. The World of Spiders. Collins, London. Comstock, J. H. 1940. The Spider Book. Revised and edited by W. J. Gertsch. Corn- stock, Ithaca, N.Y. Deevey, G. B. 1949. The development history of Latrodectus mactans (Fabr.) at dif- ferent rates of feeding. Amer. Midland Naturalist. 42: 189-218. Levi, H. W. 1971. The Diadematus group of the orb-weaver genus Araneus north of Mexico (Araneae: Araneidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 141: 131-179. McCook, H. C. 1890. American Spiders and Their Spinningwork. Vol. 2, Published by the author, Philadelphia. Peakall, D. B. 1968. The spider’s dilemma. New Scientist, pp. 28-29. Peters, H. M. 1936. Studien am Netz der Kreuzspinne (Aranea diadema.) 1. Die Grundstruktur des Netzes und Beziehungen zum Bauplan des Spinnenkorpers. Z. Morphol. Okol Tiere, 32: 613-649. Reed, C. F. and P. N. Witt 1972. Growth rate and longevity in two species of orb-weavers. Bull. Brit. Arach. Soc., 2: 111-112. Reed, C. F., P. N. Witt and R. L. Jones 1965. The measuring function of the first legs of Araneus diadematus Cl. Behavior, 25 : 98-119. Reed, C. F., P. N. Witt and M. B. Scarboro 1969. The orb web during the life of Argiope aurantia (Lucas). Develop. Psychobiology, 2: 120-129. Savory, T. H. 1928. The Biology of Spiders. Sidgwick and Jackson, London. 1952. The Spider’s Web. Frederick Warne and Co., London and N.Y. Tilquin, Andre 1942. La Toile Geometrique des Araignees. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris. Turnbull, A. L. 1960. Quantitative studies of the food of Linyphia triangularis (Clerck) (Araneae: Linyphiidae) . Canad. Ent. 94: 1233-1249. I <30 Psyche [March-June Turnbull, A. L. 1965. Effects of prey abundance on the development of the spider Agelenopsis potteri (Blackwell) (Araneae: Agelenidae). Canad. Ent. 97: 141-147. Winer, B. J. 1962. Statistical Principles in Experimental Design. McGraw-Hill, N.Y. pp. 606-615. Witt, P. N. 1963. Environment in relation to behavior of spiders. Arch. Environ. Health, 7 : 4-12. 1971. Instructions for working with web-building spiders in the lab- oratory. BioScience, 21: 23-25. Witt, P. N. and Ricarda Baum 1960. Changes in orb webs of spiders during growth. Behavior, 16: 309-318. Witt, P. N., J. O. Rawlings and C. F. Reed 1972. Ontogeny of web-building behavior in two orb-weaving spiders. Am. Zoologist, 12: 445-454. Witt, P. N., C. F. Reed and D. B. Peakall 1968. A Spider’s Web. Springer Verlag, Berlin. THE COCKROACH GENUS CALOLAMPRA OF AUSTRALIA WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES (BLABERIDAE) By Louis M. Roth1 and Karl Princis2 Princis (1963) listed 23 species of Calolampra, thirteen of them from Australia and the others from Africa, India, Burma, China, Sarawak and the Philippines. Calolampra simlansis from the Hima- layas was described by Baijal and Kapoor (1966). Recently, the African species were placed in a new genus Pseudocalolampra (Roth and Princis, 1971) and Calolampra laevis (Brunner v. W. ) from Burma and China was assigned to the new genus Calolamprodes (Bey-Bienko, 1969). Of the other species, ‘‘Calolampra” brunneri (Brancsik) is a mislabeled Derocalymma cruralis, and “C.” punctosa (Walker) belongs to the genus Laxta (Princis, 1967, p. 7°8)- Calolampra truncata (Brunner v. W.) was listed by Princis (1967, p. 627) under the genus Rhabdoblatta. In this paper we describe 26 species of Australian Calolampra , of which 12 are new. Five species, C. gracilis (Brunner v. W.), C. atomifera (Walker), C. notabilis (Walker), C. signatura (Walker), and C. propria (Walker) have been considered to be synonyms of C. irrorata (Fabr. ) (Princis, 1963). Of these, propria is a synonym of C. atomifera (Walker) ; the other 4, we believe, are valid species. The genitalia of Calolampra consist of 3 major phallomeres (Fig. 1). An L2d (dorsal sclerite of the second left phallomere) is apparently absent. The prepuce is covered with microtrichia, curves upward and is fused to the L2vm. When well developed the prepuce is cup-shaped and with L2vm as a handle looks like a ladle; rarely is the prepuce unmodified (e.g. Fig. 82). Li (first sclerite of left phallomere) and R2 (hooked sclerite of the right phallomere) is well developed and lacks a subapical incision. The hypandrium (subgenital plate) is symmetrical and bears 2 small equal sized styli. All photographs of genitalia, supra-anal plate, and hypandrium are from specimens treated with 10% KOH, dehydrated, and mounted in Permount. Supra-anal plates were mounted dorsal sur- face upward and subgenital plates ventral side uppermost. One or ’Pioneering Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, Massachusetts 01760. Zoological Institute, Lund University, S-223. 62 Lund, Sweden. Manuscript received by the editor March 26, 1973. IOI 102 Psyche [March-June Figure 1. Calolampra confusa. Male genitalia, dorsal view (115 MCZ), A. (without exact locality). LI — first sclerite of left phallomere; L2vm — ventromedial sclerite of second sclerite of left phallomere; P — prepuce; R2 — hooked sclerite of right phallomere. R2 0.5 mm 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Galolampra 103 both cerci or styli may be missing from the figures, but it is the shape of the hind margins of the supra-anal and subgenital plates which are of some diagnostic value. Because the supra-anal and sub- genital plates were mounted on slides, their flattened shapes may differ from that seen in dried pinned specimens. For example, Rehn and Hebard (1927, p. 239, and plate XVIII, figs. 8, 9) described the supra-anal plate of Ccilolampra aliena as “. . . transverse, sub- rectangulate, distal margin weakly arcuate, . . .” and the subgenital plate (p. 240) as “. . . slightly asymmetrical distal margin mesad arcuato-emarginate . . .”. The shapes of these structures (from the same specimen) when cleared and mounted on a slide do not agree with the above description (Figs. 87, 88). The first tergite of some male Calolampra may have elevations or ridges which appear to be tergal glands (Figs. 15, 199) probably involved in sexual behavior (Roth, 1969). However, some males have slight ridges which do not appear to be glandular; regardless of the nature of these modifications, the pattern formed by them has some diagnostic value (Figs. 260-279). The following abbreviations are used for localities, and source (museums) of the specimens examined: A = Australia; (BMNH) == British Museum (Natural History), London; (L) = Lund Museum, Zoological Institution, Lund, Sweden; (MCZ) = Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. ; N.S.W. = New South Wales, Australia; N.T. — Northern Territory, Australia; Q = Queensland, Australia; (QM) = Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia; S.A. — South Australia; (SAM) — South Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australia; (SM) — Stockholm Museum, Stockholm, Sweden; (USNM) = United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. ; V. = Victoria, Australia; (VM) = Vienna Natural History Mu- seum, Vienna, Austria; W.A. = Western Australia; (WAM) Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia. The num- ber perceding some of the museum abbreviations refers to the num- ber assigned the specimen and its corresponding genitalia ( cf ) on a slide, which are deposited in their respective museums. The male genitalia of the Lund material were mounted between small cover slips and are attached to the pinned specimens. 1. C. elegans sp. n. (Figs. 2-5) cf (Fig. 2). Apterous, nitid. Head piceous, nitid, with transverse yellow band between eyes on vertex. Antennae with their basal 10-15 segments nitid, piceous, remainder fuscous. Pro-, meso-, and 104 Psyche [March-June Figures 2-5. Calolampra elegans. $ (269 L, in SM), holotype, Peak Downs, Q. 2. Adult. 3-5. Genitalia. Scale: Fig. 2 — 5 mm; Figs. 3-5 = 0.25 mm. 1973] Roth & Pr'incis — Genus Calolampra 105 metanotum bicolored, with evenly scattered impressed punctures. Pronotum with piceous disk on reddish-yellow ground, bordered all around with piceous. Meso- and metantotum piceous, with yellow maculae bordered with piceous and imitating vestigial tegmina and wings. First tergite unmodified piceous, the others mostly brown with yellowish flecks laterally on each side. Supra-anal plate sordid- yellowish, transverse, its posterior margin slightly emarginate mes- ally. Cerci brownish, hardly surpassing the posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Venter of abdomen piceous laterally, brownish mesally. Hypandrium transverse, symmetrical, provided with 2 short styles; posterior margin slightly emarginate mesally. Legs piceous to castaneous, only middle and posterior coxae margined posteriorly with yellow. Lower anterior marign of front femur armed with 1 distal, and 4 additional spines at the proximal half; lower posterior margin of same bearing 1 distal and 1 additional spine. Lower an- terior margin of middle femur with 1 distal and 3 additional spines; lower anterior margin of hind femur with 1 distal and 3 or 4 addi- tional spines. Lower posterior margin of mid femur with 1 distal spine only; same margin of hind femur unarmed. Caudal basitarsus decidedly longer than the succeeding tarsal joints together, with small apical pulvillus. Tarsal claws symmetrical, arolia very small. Genitalia as figured (Figs. 3-5) ; prepuce poorly developed (Fig. 3). Length of body 23 mm; length of pronotum 7 mm; width of pn> notum 10 mm. This new species differs from all known species of Calolampra by the absence of tegmina and wings in the male sex. 9- Unknown, but it is probably apterous. Material examined: cT (269 L in SM) (holotype) Peak Downs, Q. The type specimen is unique. 2. C. darlingtoni sp. n. (Figs. 6-13) cf (Fig. 8). Pronotum triangular, widest at posterior margin; disk speckled with black and with small reddish dots placed among the black speckles; lateral margins yellow with small reddish dots and larger dark ones ; the narrow yellowish hind margin with a series of black longitudinal striae. Head pale yellowish with a blackish patch in interocular-ocellar area. Antennae proximally yellowish, distally dull ferrugineous. Tegmina reduced to lateral pads hardly exceeding hind margin of mesonotum ; outer as well as sutural margin convex; sutural half speckled with dark brown (Fig. 9). Wings absent. Mesonotum, metanotum, and tergites speckled with black io6 Psyche [March-June Figures 6-13. Calolampra darlingtoni. 6. $ (136 MCZ), paratype. Alagate, Mt. Lofty Range, S. A. 7. Tegmen of 9 shown in figure 6. 8. $ (140 MCZ), holotype, The Creel, Mt. Kosciusko, N.S.W. 9. Tegmen of $ shown in figure 8. 10-11. Genitalia. 12-13. Supra-anal and subgenital plates. Scale: Figs. 6, 8 — 3 mm; Figs. 7, 9, 12-13 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 10-11 — 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 107 and dotted with reddish in the same fashion as pronotum; longi- tudinal striae present on their hind margins. First tergite unmodi- fied. Weakly emarginate supra-anal plate (Fig. 12) and cerci dull yellowish. Sternites yellowish with reddish dots and speckles; black stigmatic spots decided. Hypandrium dull yellowish with mesally incised hind margin (Fig. 13). Genitalia shown in figures 10-11. Legs yellow with deep brown spines; tarsal claws symmetrical, well developed arolia present. Length of body 17 mm; length of pro- notum 4.5 mm; width of pronotum 7.2 mm; length of tegmina 3 mm. $ (Fig. 6). Somewhat larger than male. Head pale brownish with a wide black band between eyes, extending decidedly beyond interocular space. Tegmina obliquely truncate (Fig. 7). Supra-anal plate and cerci speckled with dark. Subgenital plate almost entirely black except the reddish middle part. Very small arolia present. Length of body 18.5-20 mm; length of pronotum 4.5 mm; width of pronotum 7.5-8 mm; length of tegmina 3-4.5 mm. Material examined: cf (140 MCZ) (holotype, herewith desig- nated). The 'Creel, Mt. Kosciusko (3000 ft.), N.S.W. 14, 15. XII. 1 93 1, Darlington leg; $ (136 MCZ) (paratype), Alagate, Mt. Lofty Range, S.A., 29. XI. 1931, Darlington leg.; $ (SAM) S.A. (without exact locality). The species is named in honor of Dr. Philip Darlington, who collected the holotype. 3. C. truncata (Brunner v. W.) (Figs. 14-20) Epilampra truncata Brunner v. W., Nouv. Syst. Bl., 1865, p. 178, 9. c? (Fig. 14). Tegmina truncate, reduced, and extending only to about the hind margin of second tergite; sutural half of tegmen covered with large irregular shaped dark dots (Fig. 14) ; wings reduced to rounded “leathery” lappets which reach only to hind margin of first tergite (Fig. 15), and are completely hidden under the tegmina. Abdomen pale, speckled with black, each tergite and sternite with a pair of large sublateral dark blots, anteriorly. Ter- gite 1 modified (Fig. 15). Supra-anal (Fig. 18) and subgenital (Fig. 19) plates rounded. Male genitalia as figured (Figs. 16-17). Legs pale brown, arolia well developed. Length of body 16 mm; length of pronotum 4.6 mm; width of pronotum 7.2 mm; length of anterior margin of tegmen 5.6 mm; length of wing 3 mm. ? (Fig. 20). Head black, vertex brown. Pronotum testaceous io8 Psyche [March-June Figures 14-20. Calolampra truncata. 14-19. $ (85 MCZ), Salisbury Ct., N.S.W. 14. Male. 15. Modified (arrow) first abdominal tergite and wings (w). 16-17. Male genitalia. 18-19. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 20. $ (2VM), holotype, Sydney, N.S.W. Scale: Fig. 14 =: 2 mm; Figs. 16- 17 — 0.2 mm; Figs. 18-19 = 0.5 mm. Fig. 20 = 3 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 109 with disc fuscous; whole surface of pronotum furnished with small impressed punctures and among them larger fuscous flecks. Tegmina obliquely truncate, with sutural margin decidedly shorter than an- terior one; veins distinct, wings reduced to lateral pads hidden under tegmina. Abdomen brown speckled with black. Tergites pro- vided on their hind margins with longitudinal striae, distance be- tween them about 1 mm. Supra-anal plate rounded. Legs brown. Length of body 19 mm; length of pronotum 5.5 mm; width of pro- notum 8 mm; length of anterior margin of tegmina 5.3 mm; length of sutural margin of tegmina 3.8 mm. Material examined: 9 (2 VM) (holotype), Sydney, N.S.W. ; cf (85 MCZ) , Salisbury Ct., N.S.W., ex Wheeler Collection. 4. C. ignota sp. n. (Figs. 21-26, 278) Syn: C. fraserensis Princis (nec Tepper 1893), Lund Univ. Arsskr., N. F. Avd. 2, Vol. 50:13 (also: Kungl. Fysiogr. Salsk. i Lund, Handl., N. F. Vol. 65:13, 1954, p. 31, cf ?•) cf (Fig. 21). Head lacking (probably reddish). Pronotum el- liptical with yellowish lateral margins which are connected anteriorly and bear scattered blackish dots; disk with symmetrically arranged black and reddish-brown speckles and streaks; hind margin provided with black longitudinal striae. Tegmina somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, brown with whitish costal margins and black humeral streaks; the usual dark speckling is lacking and tegmina appear solidly colored throughout (the normally covered part of the right tegmen is somewhat darker). Wings as long as tegmina, brown with deep brown veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 278). Hind margins of supra-anal plate (Fig. 22) and hypandrium (Fig. 23) weakly emarginate mesally. Venter and legs yellowish. R2 of genitalia apically bifurcate (Fig. 24) (prepuce and Li accidentally lost). Arolia lacking. Length of body 18 mm; length of pronotum 4.8 mm; width of pronotum 6 mm; length of tegmina 18 mm. $ (Fig. 25). Head yellowish, with reddish-brown band between eyes; face regularly arcuate with occiput (no angulation). Pronotum transverse, but less than 2 times broader than long; disk provided with several impressed punctures (not numerous fine dots) ; hind margin of pronotum convex, at least in its middle part ; latero-caudal angles not produced backwards; dark longitudinal raised striae on hind margin of pronotum. Tegmina reduced to lateral lappets, their apices subacuminate (Fig. 26) ; edging of outer margin brown. I IO Psyche [March-June Figures 21-26. Calolampra ignota . 21-24. $ (1 WAM), holotype, Bu- long, W. A. 21. Adult. 22-23. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 24. R2 of genitalia. 25. $ (179 L), paratype, Norseman, W. A. 26. Tegmen of female shown in figure 25. Scale: Figs. 21, 25 — 3 mm; Figs. 22-23 — 0.5 mm; Fig. 24 — 0.1 mm; Fig. 26 — 1 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 1 1 1 Wings absent. Dorsum of abdomen with dark maculation on pale ground, underside reddish, laterally somewhat darker; the dark striae on hind margins of tergites usually reduced to raised acuminate tubercles, especially on the distal tergites. Legs yellowish; lower posterior margin of hind femora completely unarmed. Length of body 17.5-23 mm; length of pronotum 4.5-6 mm; width of pronotum 8.5-10 mm; length of tegmina 3.6-5 mm. Material examined: cf (1 WAM) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), Bulong, W. A. 1931. This specimen was recorded by Prin- cis as C. fraserensis; 9 (:79 L) (paratype), Norseman, W. A. 1940; 9 (SAM), Camp 23, 1894, Horn Explor. Exped. ; 9 (SAM) Murray Bridge, S. A., 12.XI.1909 (killed by ants), Tepper leg; $ (SAM) Adelaide, S. A. 8.VI.1895. 5. C. paula (Tepper) (Figs. 27-41, 261) Epilampra paula Tepper, Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. XVII, 1893, p. 60, $ only. cf (Fig. 27). Pronotum elliptical, whitish to yellowish with scattered black or reddish impressed dots; disk of pronotum with black symmetrical figure; hind margin with a row of dark rather long longitudinal striae. Tegmina with yellowish costal field and black humeral stripe, which beyond middle is divided into separate oblique streaks; remainder is either nearly uniform brownish or speckled with dark. Wings as long as tegmina, darkened and with brownish veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 261). Hind margins of supra-anal plate (Figs. 28, 33, 38) and hypandrium (Figs. 29, 34, 39) mesally emarginate. Genitalia as shown in figures 30-32, 35-37, 40, 41; R2 and prepuce somewhat variable (cf. Figs. 31, 36, 41). Legs yellowish; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Arolia present. Length of body 13-14 mm; length of pronotum 3.2- 3.6 mm; greatest width of pronotum 4.6-6 mm; length of tegmina 13-15 mm. 9. Clouded dull brown. Pronotum provided with numerous fine, impressed dots. Dorsal thoracic segments with black irregular mark- ings and black striae on their hind margins. Abdominal tergites likewise with raised longitudinal striae on hind margins; these striae are relatively long, equaling about Y to x/i of tergal length. Teg- mina reduced to lateral lappets, their apices subacuminate. Wings absent. Length of body 17-18 mm; length of pronotum 4.5 mm; width of pronotum 6.8-7 mm; length of tegmina 3 mm. 1 12 Psyche [March-June Figures 27-32. Calolampra Paula. 27-32. $ (2 SAM), lectotype, Ardros- san, S. A. 27. Adult. 28-29. Supra-anal and subgenital plates. 30-32. Geni- talia (Fig. 32 is a ventral view). Scale: Fig. 27 — 3 mm; Figs. 28-29 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 30-32 — 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra Figures 33-41. Calolampra paula. Male supra-anal plates, subgenital plates, and genitalia. 33-37. (21 SAM), Rudy Hole, N. T. 38-41. (20 SAM), Cunnamulla, Q. Scale: Figs. 33-34, 38-39 = 0.5 mm; Figs. 35-37, 40-41 — 0.1 mm. Psyche [March-June 114 Material examined: cT (2 SAM), (lectotype, herewith desig- nated), Ardrossan, S. A., II.1879, J. G. O. Tepper leg.; c? (20 SAM), Cunnamulla, Q., H. Hardcastle leg.; cf (21 SAM), Rudy Hole, N. T., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped.; 2 9$ (SAM) Rudy Hole, N.T., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped.; nymph (SAM), Para- ehilna Hale, Flinders Range, S. A.; nymph (SAM) Port Lincoln, S. A., Lea leg.;; 2 nymphs (SAM), Rudy Hole, N. T., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped.; nymph (SAM), Everard Rgs., S. A. to Warberton Rgs., W. A., A, Brumley leg.; nymph (SAM), near Fraser’s Hul, III. 1 950, 'C. G. Gross leg. 6. C. candidula Shaw (Figs. 42-49, 266) Calolampra candidula Shaw, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 50, 1925, p. 175, Fig. 3, $. cf (Fig. 42). Head yellowish with a transverse row of four black maculae between eyes. Antennae with the basal one-fourth pale yellowish and remainder ferrugineous. Pronotum elliptical, yellowish with a symmetrical black macula on disk and with hind margin black lined. Tegmina considerably exceeding the apex of abdomen, diaphanous with whitish veins which bear scattered brown- ish dots; black humeral stripe present. Wings as long as tegmina, pellucid with whitish veins. Abdomen above and below yellow. First tergite as figured (Fig. 266). Hind margin of supra-anal plate very slightly emarginate mesally (Fig. 43). Hind margin of hypandrium distinctly emarginate (Fig. 44). Genitalia shown in figures 45-47. Legs yellowish. Well developed arolia present. Length of body 22-23 mm; length of pronotum 5.3 mm; width of pronotum 7.5 mm; length of tegmina 23.5-28 mm. 9 (Fig. 48). Head yellowish with a black, medially interrupted, transverse band between eyes. Pronotum with disk thickly speckled with black and reddish; lateral margins yellow with small reddish dots and darker dots among the smaller ones ; the narow yellow hind margin provided with a series of black longitudinal striae. Tegmina lobiform, apex rounded (Fig. 49) reaching °f their length beyond hind margin of mesonotum; yellow with scattered reddish and dark brown dots which are concentrated in the sutural half. Mesonotum, metanotum and tergites speckled with black and reddish ; hind margins provided with series of black longitudinal striae. Cerci and supra-anal plate yellow, the latter dotted with small reddish and several larger dark brown dots among the smaller ones. Sternites 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 115 Figures 42-49. Calolampra candidula. 42-46. $ (1 QM), holotype, Bellevue, Q. 42. Adult. 43-44. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 45-47. Genitalia. 48-49. 9 (116 MCZ), Cairns, Q. 48. Female. 49. Tegmen of female shown in figure 48. Scale: Fig. 42 — 4 mm; Figs. 43-44 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 45-47 = 0.1 mm; Fig. 48 — 3 mm; Fig. 49 = 1 mm. Psyche [March-June 1 16 yellowish brown, subgenital plate deep brown. Legs yellowish with brown spines; tarsal claws symmetrical; very small arolia present. Length of body 21 mm; length of pronotum 7 mm; width of pro- notum 12 mm; length of tegmina 5 mm. Distribution: Aramac, Q. and northeast corner of S. A. (Shaw, 1925, p. 175). Material examined: c? (1 QM) (holotype), Bellevue, Q., 1917, E. C. Hurtridge leg.; ? (116 MCZ), Cairns, Q., Wheeler leg. 7. C. as per a (Tepper) (Figs. 50-68, 262) Epilampra aspera Tepper, Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia XVII, 1893, p. 62 $ 9. cf (Fig. 50). Head with a dark transverse interocular band which is continued on both sides towards clypeus. Pronotum almost elliptical, but with the greatest width beyond middle; whitish to yellowish with scattered brown impressed punctures; disk with dark symmetrical figure; the dark longitudinal striae of hind margin very short, mostly present on the edge of margin. Tegmina whitish or yellowish more or less distinctly speckled with brown (this speckling becoming indistinct in distal half of tegmina as well as in the nor- mally covered portion of the right tegmen) ; radius deep brown beyond middle breaking up into separate oblique lines. Wings as long as tegmina, pellucid with whitish to yellowish veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 262). Supra-anal plate (Figs. 51, 57, 59, 64) as well as hypandrium (Figs. 52, 58, 60, 65) mesally emargi- nate. Genitalia shown in figures 53-56, 61-63, 66-68. Legs yellow- ish; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Well de- veloped arolia present. Length of body 1 7-20.5 mm; length of pronotum 4.5-5 mm ; width of pronotum 6-7 mm ; length of tegmina 19-20 mm. 9. Pale ochraceous to dull brown. Head with a dark band be- tween eyes. Pronotum provided with numerous, fine, impressed dots. Tergites asperous or rugose, distally with short raised tubercles which are generally provided with recurved sharp points. Tegmina lobi- form, subacuminate. Wings absent. Length of body 19.5-25 mm; length of pronotum 4.5~5.2 mm; width of pronotum 7. 5-8. 5 mm; length of tegmina 3. 8-4. 5 mm. Material examined: cf (3 SAM) (lectotype, herewith desig- nated), Western Plains, S. A., 29.XI.1888, A. G. Percy leg.; cf (10 SAM), Clayton Crossing, S. A., 13.XI.1955 (at light), E. T. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 1 17 Figures 50-58. Calolampra aspera. 50-54. $ (3 SAM), lectotype, Western Plains, S. A. 50. Adult. 51-52. Supra-anal and subgenital plates. 53-54. Genitalia. 55-58. $ (11 SAM), Kingoonya, S. A. 55-56. Genitalia. 57-58. Supra-anal and subgenital plates. Scale: Fig. 50 — 5 mm; Figs. 51- 52, 57-58 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 53-56 = 0.1 mm. 1 1 8 Psyche [March-June Figures 59-68. Calolampra aspera. Male supra-anal and subgenital plates, and genitalia. 59-63. (10 SAM), Clayton Crossing, S. A. (R2 in figure 62 damaged). 64-68. (12 SAM), Muloorina Stn., S. A. Scale: Figs. 59-60, 64-65 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 61-63, 66-68 — 0.1 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 1 19 Giles leg.; cf (n SAM), Kingoonya, S. A., R. Harvey leg.; cf (12-19 SAM), Muloorina Stn., S. A., 18. II. 1956 (at light), G. F. Gross leg.; 2 cf cf (SAM) Muloorina Stn., S. A., 17. II. 1956 (at light), G. F. Gross leg.; 20 cf cf (SAM) Muloorina Stn., S. A., 1 8.II.1956 (at light), G. F. Gross leg.; cf (SAM) Ooldea, S. A., Tepper leg.; cf and 9 (SAM) Hermannsburg (McDonnell Ranges), Capt. S. A. White; cf (SAM), north western S. A., H. Basedow leg.; (SAM) Herrgott Springs, S. A., 1. XII. 1898, Blackburn leg.; 9 (28 SAM) ( paralectotype, herewith designated), Algebuckina, S. A., 23.V.1887, Driffield leg.; this specimen was labeled by Tepper in 1915 as type but he neither published nor designated it in the description in 1893; 9 (SAM), Lake Calla- bonna, S. A., A. Zietz leg.; 9 (SAM), Painta Swamp, Burt Plains, 1894, Horn Explor. Exped.; 9 and nymph (SAM) Oodnadatta to Todmorton, Capt. S. A. White leg.; 9 (SAM) Eyre Pen., S. A., XII. 1954, G. F. Gross leg.; nymph (SAM), Callington, S. A. 19.I.1886, Tepper leg.; Tepper labeled this specimen as the 9 type of C. paula in 1915, but his action is not valid; 3 nymphs (SAM), Ardrossan, S. A., 26, 27. XI. 1885, Tepper leg.; nymph (SAM), Oodnadatta, S. A., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped.; nymph (SAM), north western S. A., H. Basedow leg.; nymph (SAM), Eyre Pen., S. A., 4.IX.1889, W. Graham leg.; 2 nymphs (SAM), Sedan, S. A., 23.VIII.1888, Rothe leg.; 2 nymphs (SAM), Ooldea, S. A., R. T. Maurice leg.; nymph (SAM), Ellery’s Creek (McDonnell Ranges), Capt. S. A. White leg.; nymph (SAM), Hermannsburg (McDonnell Ranges), Capt. S. A. White; nymph (SAM), Finke Gorge, S. A., 1894, Horn Explor. Exped. 8. C. subgracilis sp. n. (Figs. 69-73, 275) cf. Pronotum triangular with lateral angles broadly rounded and with the greatest width at about the middle; lateral margins yellow- ish dotted with black; disk very thickly speckled with black. Teg- mina well developed, reaching distinctly beyond apex of abdomen, covered with dark speckles, distally becoming larger and paler; the normally covered part of the right tegmen solidly colored. Wings as long as tegmina, brownish with deep brown veins. Abdomen above deep brown, below yellowish. First tergite as figured (Fig. 275). Supra-anal plate with posterior margin entire (Fig. 73) ; hypandrium damaged. Genitalia shown in figures 71, 72. Legs yel- lowish with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora 120 Psyche [March-June Figures 69-78. Calolampra suhgracilis and C. confusa. 69-73. C. sub- gracilis. 69-70. $ (150 MCZ), paratype, A. (without exact locality). 69. Adult. 70. Tegmen of female shown in figure 69. 71-73. $ (86 MCZ), holotype, Melbourne, V. 71-72. Genitalia. 73. Supra-anal plate. 74-78. Calo- lampra confusa. $ (115 MCZ), holotype, A. (without exact location). 74- 75. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 76-78. Genitalia (arrow indicates lateral spur near base of L2vm in figure 76). Scale: Fig. 69 — 5 mm; Fig. 70 — 1 mm; Figs. 71-72 — 0.1 mm; Figs. 73-75 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 76- 78 — 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 121 unarmed; well developed arolia present. Length of body 16 mm; length of pronotum 4.2 mm; width of pronotum 6 mm; length of tegmina 17 mm. 9 (Fig. 69). Head brownish testaceous, with a blackish trans- verse band between eyes; face continuously passing into occiput (no angulation present). Antennae proximally brownish becoming dis- tally blackish. Pronotum edged with brown, feebly so in front, but strongly laterally; front margin regularly arcuate with undiffer- entiated lateral margins; disk of pronotum with scattered large im- pressed punctures and so thickly speckled with black that the brown- ish ground color almost disappears; hind margin convex in dorsal aspect and provided with the usual black striae which are rather short and indistinct. Tegmina lateral, lobiform, reaching beyond hind margin of mesonotum (Fig. 70), their edging of outer margin brown. Dorsum of abdomen thickly speckled with black. Lower posterior margin of anterior femora armed only with 1 distal spine; same margin of posterior femora completely unarmed. Length of body 17-19. 5 mm; length of pronotum 5-5.2 mm; width of pronotum 7. 5-8. 3 mm;; length of tegmina 3. 5-4.2 mm. Material examined: c? (86 MCZ) (holotype herewith desig- nated), Melbourne, V., H. Edwards leg.; 3 9? (145, 147, and 149 MCZ) (paratypes), same data as above; 9 (146 M'CZ) (paratype), A. (without exact locality); 9 (T5° MCZ) (paratype), A. (with- out exact locality), H. Edwards leg.; 9 (SAM), Ardrossan, S. A., 26. XI. 1885. Tepper leg.; Tepper designated this specimen as the type of Walker’s notabilis but his action is invalid. 9. C. confusa sp. n. (Figs. 1, 74-78, 269) cf. Pronotum nearly elliptical, with lateral margins sparsely dotted with dark; disk symmetrically speckled with black. Antennae damaged. Tegmina distinctly reaching beyond apex of abdomen, speckled with black, distally becoming brown; the normally covered part of the right tegmen solidly colored. Wings as long as tegmina, infumate. Abdomen above brown, below yellowish. First tergite as figured (Fig. 269). Posterior margin of supra- anal plate entire, truncate except for lateral corners (Fig. 74). Hypandrium very shallowly emarginate mesally (Fig. 75). Genitalia shown in figures 1, 76-78; L2vm with a lateral spur near its base (Fig. 76), a char- acter not found in any other Calolampra examined. The spur is reminiscent of the structure we called L2d in the male of Pseudo- 122 Psyche [March-June Figures 79-85. Calolampra fenestrata. 79. $ (298 L in SM), holotype, Mt. Tambourine, Q. 80. $ (178 L), paratype, Cabramatta, N.S.W. 81. Tegmen of 9 shown in figure 80. 82-85. Genitalia, supra-anal plate, and hypandrium of $ shown in figure 79. Scale: Fig. 79 — 6 mm; Fig. 80 — 4 mm; Fig. 81 — 1 mm; Figs. 82-83 — 0.1 mm; Figs. 84-85 — 0.5 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 123 calolampra pardalina (Roth and Princis, 1971, Figs. 9, 12, 15). Legs dull yellowish with pale brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Tarsal claws symmetrical; well developed arolia present. Length of body 20 mm ; length of pronotum 5 mm ; width of pronotum 7 mm ; length of tegmina 20 mm. 9. Unknown. Material examined : cf ( 1 1 5 MCZ) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), A. (without exact locality). 10. C. fenestrata sp. n. (Figs. 79-85) cf (Fig. 79). Head yellowish with brown interocular-ocellar area; the former area somewhat paler. Antennae pale brownish. Pronotum elliptical, encircled all around by narrow yellow margin ; thickly dotted and speckled with black ; hind margin provided with black longitudinal striae which are generally marked only by color and do not extend to the narrow outer edging. Tegmina reaching somewhat beyond apex of abdomen, brown with translucid fenestra, which however are lacking on the normally solidly (castaneous) colored part of the right tegmen. Wings as long as tegmina brown- ish with deep-brown veins and whitish cross-veinlets. Abdomen above dark brown, below yellow. Hind margin of supra-anal plate entire (Fig. 84). Hind margin of hypandrium notched mesally (Fig. 85). L2vm without a modified preputial attachment (Fig. 82) ; R2 shown in figure 83. Legs yellowish, lower posterior margin of hind femora usually armed with 3 or 4 spines. Length of body 20 ( ?) mm; length of pronotum 4.5 mm; width of pronotum 6 mm; length of tegmina 20 mm. 9 (Fig. 80). Head yellowish, with blackish interocular-ocellar area; another blackish patch reaches to clypeus. Pronotum, thickly speckled with black ; several impressed punctures present ; hind margin convex in dorsal aspect; the dark longitudinal striae of hind margin distinctly marked by darker color and only weakly raised. Tegmina lobiform (Fig. 81), edging of outer margins brown. Dor- sum of abdomen thickly speckled with black on pale ground color ; venter almost throughout solidly black; only several reddish patches present. Legs as in male. Length of body 23 mm ; length of pro- notum 5.8 mm; width of pronotum 9 mm; length of tegmina 4 mm. Material examined: cf (298 L in SM) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), Mt. Tambourine, Q., Mjoberg leg.; 9 (178 L) (paratype). Cabramatta, N. S. W., 19.XI.1961, M. Nikitin leg. 124 Psyche [March-June Figures 86-94. Calolampra signatura. 86-91. $ (61 BMNH), holotype, St. Helena. 86. Adult. 87-88. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 89-91. Genitalia (R2 in figure 90, is damaged). 92-94. $ (67 MCZ). Genitalia of holotype of Calolampra aliena, Haiti. Scale: Fig. 86 = 5 mm; Figs. 87- 88 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 89-91 % 0.1 mm; Figs. 92-94 — 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 125 11. C. signatura (Walker) (Figs. 86-94, 277) Pattchlora signatura Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. 5, 1871, Suppl. Blatt. p. 13, $ (St. Helena). Calolampra aliena Rehn and Hebard, Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 54-, 1927, p. 238, PI. XVIII, figs. 5, 7.-9, $. Calolampra signatura (Walker), Ann. Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr, in — 8°, Zool., 181, 1970, p. 170, $. cf (Fig. 86). Interocular-ocellar space with a solid dark area which is almost divided in two parts anteriorly by a triangular emargination. Antenna with basal joint yellow and the remainder fuscous. Pronotum thickly speckled and dotted with blackish and reddish; edge of lateral margins uniform yellow; hind margin with dark, radially arranged striae. Tegmina markedly extending beyond the apex of abdomen, covered by numerous dark small dots; costal margin yellow ; humeral streak broad and black, beyond middle breaking into separate maculations; the normally covered part of the right tegmen solidly brownish colored. Wings infumate, as long as tegmina, with deep brown veins. Dorsum of abdomen pale, banded transversely with brown; first tergite as figured (Fig. 277). Hind margins of supra-anal plate (Fig. 87) and hypandrium (Fig. 88) not emarginate. Venter yellowish with brown stigmata. Geni- talia shown in figures 89-94. Legs yellowish with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed; arolia normally developed. Length of body 16 mm; length of pronotum 5 mm; width of pronotum 6.6 mm; length of tegmina 21.7 mm. 9. Unknown. Material investigated : cf (61 BMNH) (holotype of signatura) , St. Helena; cf (67 MCZ) (holotype of aliena ), Haiti, P. R. Uhler leg. This species is probably an introduction from Australia to St. Helena and Haiti. St. Helena was an important station for slave ships as well as ships coming from Australia. C. signatura was pos- sibly introduced to St. Helena with Australian plants (there are many introduced Australian plants in St. Helena) . C. aliena is possibly a secondary introduction by slave ships from St. Helena to Haiti (Princis, 1970). 12. C. atra (Tepper) (Figs. 95-109, 279) Epilampra atra Tepper, Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. XVII, 1893, p. 65, only $ (not $ $ as given). Epilampra propria Tepper (nec Walker 1868), Ibid. XVII, 1893, p. 64, only o from Mannum (nec 2 = Calolampra teppcri Kirby). 126 Psyche [March-June cf. Head with broad black band in interocular-ocellar area. Antennae pale brownish. Pronotum elliptical in outline, with lateral margins pale yellowish dotted with brown; disk thickly speckled with black sometimes almost uniform black. Tegmina dull brown with somewhat darker dots which are sometimes obscured ; coastal area yellowish; humeral streak black, broad and short. Wings as long as tegmina, smoky brown with brown veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 279). Abdomen above deep brown, below yellowish. Supra- anal plate, cerci, and hypandrium yellowish. Hind margin of supra-anal plate almost straight (Fig. 95) or slightly emarginate (Figs. 100, 104). Hind margin of hypandrium weakly (Fig. 96) or distinctly (Figs. 101, 105) mesally emarginate. Genitalia shown in figures 97-99, 102, 103, 106, 107; R2 with apex beaklike (Figs. 98, 103, 107). Legs yellow with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora usually unarmed (distal spine is always lacking). Length of body 19-23 mm; length of pronotum 4.5-6 mm; width of pronotum 7-8 mm; length of tegmina 20.5-23 mm. 9 (Fig. 109). Shining blackish. Pronotum with lateral margins pale yellowish dotted with brown; latero-caudal angles not produced backwards. Tegmina lobiform bicolored, the outer part yellow, the inner solidly dark; extending to about the hind margin of mesonotum (Fig. 108). Length of body 23-27 mm; length of pronotum 6 mm ; width of pronotum 10-12 mm; length of tegmina 3-5 mm. Material investigated: 9 (1 SAM) (lectotype, herewith desig- nated), Sedan, S. A., XII. 1885, F. Rothe leg.; Tepper erroneously labeled this specimen as male; 9 (SAM) (paralectotype) , same data as above; cf (22 SAM), Mannum, S. A., 24.V.1890, R. Schroeder leg. ; this specimen was labeled by Shaw as the type of Kirby’s tepperi but the action is invalid; cf (29 SAM), Adelaide, S. A.; N. B. Tindale leg.; cf (30 SAM), Lucindale, S. A., Feuerheerdt leg. 13. C. gracilis (Brunner v. W.) (Figs. 110-136, 273) Epilampra gracilis Brunner v. W., Nouv. Syst. Blatt. 1865, p. 170, $ 2, Fig. 20 (2). cf (Figs, no, 130). Head yellow;; interocular-ocellar area with a transverse dark brown band which is interrupted in the latter area. Pronotum in dorsal aspect triangular, with the greatest width at its middle, thickly speckled and dotted with dark brown ; hind margin bearing a series of dark brown longitudinal striae. Tegmina some- what exceeding apex of abdomen, with scattered brown maculation 1973] Roth & Princis - — Genus Calolampra 127 Figures 95-109. Calolampra atra. 95-99. $ (22 SAM), Mannum, S. A. 95-96. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 97-99. Genitalia. 100-103. $ (29 SAM), Adelaide, S. A. 100-101. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 102-103. Genitalia. 104-107 $ (30 SAM), Lucindale. 104-105. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 106-107. Genitalia. 108-109. 9 (1 SAM), lectotype, Sedan, S. A. 108. Lateral view of pronotum, mesonotum, and tegmen. 109. Dorsal view. Scale: Figs. 95-96, 100-101, 104-105 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 97-99, 102-103, 106-107 = 0.2 mm; Fig. 108 — 3 mm; Fig. 109 = 4 mm. 128 Psyche [March-J une Figures 110-117. Calolampra gracilis. 110. $ (1 VM), lectotype, Ade- laide, S. A. 111-112. $ (139 MCZ) , Blue Mts., Hartley Vale, N.S.W. 111. Dorsal view. 112. Tegmen. 113-117. Supra-anal plate, hypandrium,, and genitalia of lectotype shown in figure 110. Scale: Fig. 110 = 5 mm; Fig. Ill — 4 mm; Fig. 112 — 1 mm; Figs. 113-114 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 115- 117 — 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 129 Figures 118-136. Calolampra gracilis. 118-121. $ (25 SAM), Mt. Bryan E., S. A. 118-119. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 120-121. Genitalia. 122-125. $ (26 SAM), Norwood, S. A. 122-123. Supra-anal plate and hy- pandrium. 124-125. Genitalia. 126-129. $ (27 SAM), Yardea, S. A. 126- 127. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 128-129. Genitalia. 130. $ (261 L), Cabramatta, N.S.W. 131-132. Genitalia of specimen shown in figure 130. 133-134. $ (260 L), same locality as 261 L. Genitalia. 135-136. $ (264 L), same locality as 261 L. Genitalia. Scale: Figs. 118-119, 122-123, 126-127 — 0.5 mm ;Figs.l20-121, 124-125, 128-129, 131-136 = 0.2 mm; Fig. 130 = 4 mm. 130 Psyche [March-June on yellowish ground ; broad dark brown humeral stripe present ; the normally covered part of right tegmen solidly brown colored. Wings as long as tegmina, infumated and with brown veins. Dorsum of abdomen yellowish brown, distally becoming darker; first tergite as figured (Fig. 273). Cerci and supra-anal plate yellowish, the latter with hind margin very weakly emarginate (Figs. 113, 118, 122, 126). Venter of abdomen yellow with dark brown stigmatic macu- lae. Hypandrium distinctly (Figs. 114, 123, 127) or weakly (Fig. 1 19) emarginate. Genitalia shown in figures 115-117, 120-12 1, 124- 125, 128-129, 131-136. Legs yellow with brown spines; lower pos- terior margin of front femora usually unarmed, the distal spine ex- cepted, only occasionally one additional spine present; same margin of hind femora totally unarmed. Length of body 19-22 mm; length of pronotum 5-6 mm; width of pronotum 7-7.5 mm; length of tegmina 21 mm. $ ( Fig. hi). Head generally as in male, but sometimes in dark individuals a blackish additional macula between interocellar area and clypeus present; face passing into occiput without angulation. Pronotum at most twice as broad as long, thickly speckled and dotted with dark brown (in dark individuals with blackish) ; disk with scattered impressed punctures; hind margin bearing a series of dark brown to blackish longitudinal striae; middle part of the hind margin weakly convex; lateral margins not differentiated, but regu- larly arcuate with anterior margin; edging of lateral margins in dorsal aspect not lined brown inside; latero-caudal angles slightly produced backwards. Tegmina reduced to lateral lappets (Fig. 112) ; edging of their outer margins dark brown (even in dark individuals not black). Dorsum of abdomen thickly speckled and dotted with dark brown to blackish on yellowish ground. Supra-anal plate yel- lowish, only weakly dotted with dark brown. Venter of abdomen dark brown to blackish with several reddish maculations. Legs yel- lowish brown with dark brown spines; lower posterior margin of front femora and same margin of posterior femora as in male. Length of body 18-21 mm; length of pronotum 5-5.5 mm; width of pro- notum 8. 5-8. 8 mm; length of tegmina 3-4 mm. Material examined: cT ( 1 VM) (lectotype, herewith designated), Figures 137-145. Calolampra marginalis. 137. $ (967 L), Rottnest Isl., W. A. 138. $ (180 L), Jandakot, W. A. 139. Tegmen of female shown in figure 138. 140-142. $ (45 BMNH), Yanchep (32 miles north of Perth), W. A. Genitalia (prepuce in figure 140 torn away from L2vm). 143-145. Genitalia of $ shown in figure 137. Scale: Fig. 137 = 4 mm; Fig. 138 — 3 mm; Fig. 139 — 1 mm; Figs. 140-145 = 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Ccilolcunpra I3i 145 132 Psyche [March-June Adelaide, S. A. ; 5 c? c? (260-264 L), Cabramatta, N.S.W., M. Nikitin leg.; c? (114 MCZ), A. (without exact locality); cf (59 MCZ), A. (without exact locality) ; cf (25 SAM), Mt. Bryan E., S. A., 13.XII.1886, Best leg.; cf (26 SAM), Norwood, S. A., 7. XII. 1885 (at light), Tepper leg.; cf (27 SAM), Yardea., S. A., 16.XII.1952, G. F. Gross leg.; 9 (L), Cabramatta, N.S.W., 12. XII. i960 (on trunk of Casuarina glauca) , M. Nikitin leg.; 9 (i39 MCZ), Blue Mts., Hartley Vale, N.S.W., 30.I.1932, Darlington leg. 14. C. mcirginalis (Walker) (Figs. 137-145, 274) Ischnoptera marginalis Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 119, $. cf (Fig. 137). Head yellow with partly suffused reddish mark- ings; face passing into occiput with an angulation between eyes. Pro- notum triangular in dorsal aspect; disk almost uniformly reddish brown, with suffused lyrate pattern which is indicated only by its darker color; lateral margins transparent and their outer edging yellow; the usual series of striae on hind margin almost completely obscured by base color. Tegmina somewhat exceeding apex of ab- domen, uniformly brownish (the darker maculation so usual in other species is here completely lacking); marginal field whitish; humeral stripe reddish brown, distally breaking up into branches directed to anterior margins of tegmina. Dorsum of abdomen brown- ish, distally becoming darker; first tergite as figured (Fig. 274). Supra- anal plate whitish. Venter of abdomen yellowish distally darker. Genitalia as shown in figures 140- 145; R2 beaklike (Figs. 1 41, 144). Legs yellowish; lower posterior margin of front femora with a distal and 3 or 4 additional spines; same margin of posterior femora with 0-2 spines. Length of body 17 mm; length of pronotum 4.5 mm; width of pronotum 5.8 mm; length of tegmina 17 mm. 9 (Fig. 138). Head as in male. Pronotum speckled with brown and dotted with reddish ; disk with suffused lyrate pattern ; hind margin convex in its middle part; la.tero-caudal angles not at all produced backwards. Tegmina reduced to lateral lappets (Fig. 139), their outer margins yellow. Dorsum of abdomen thickly speckled with dark brown and sparsely dotted with reddish among the dark speckles. Supra-anal plate with irregularly dentate hind margin. Cerci reddish brown with yellowish apices. Venter of abdomen red- dish brown with darker stigmatic maculae. Legs as in male. Length 1973 J Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra Figures 146-152. Calolampra solida. 1+6. S (268 L in SM), holotype, Peak Downs, Q. 147-148. 9 (4 L in SM), paratype, Peak Downs, Q. 147. Dorsal view. 148. Tegmen of $. 149-152. Genitalia, supra-anal plate, and hypandrium of $ holotype shown in figure 1+6. Scale: Fig. 146 — 6 mm; Fig. 147 — 4 mm; Figs. 148, 151-152 = 1 mm; Figs. 149-150 = 0.2 mm. 134 Psyche [March-June of body 17.5-22.5 mm; length of pronotum 4.2-5 mm; width of pro- notum 7. 5-8. 3 mm; length of tegmina 3-4.5 mm. Material examined: c? (BMNH) (holotype), Swan River, W. A., ex. Dr. Bacon’s coll.; cf (45 BMNH), Yanchep (32 miles north of Perth), W. A. 20-31.XII.1935. R. E. Turner leg.; cf (967 L), Rottnest Isl., W. A., 1940; 9 (180 L) Jandakot, W. A., 1950; P (137 MCZ), Kings Park, Perth, W. A., 7. IX. 1931, W. M. Wheeler leg.; 9 (L) Rottnest Isl., W. A., 1933; 9 (L), Kings Park, Perth, W. A., XII.1951, T. Gislen leg. 15. C. solida sp. n. (Figs. 146-152, 265) cf (Fig, 146). Head yellow; face black from interocular area to clypeus. Antennae with basal joint yellow, following 10-12 joints brownish, remainder blackish. Pronotum triangular in dorsal aspect; disk shining black, lateral margins yellow; the usual longitudinal striae on hind margin only indicated by their color, not raised; greatest width beyond the middle. Tegmina somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, semitransparent, rather sparsely furnished with small brown speckles which are present even on the normally cov- ered portion of right tegmen and are absent only in marginal field; solidly black humeral stripe present. Wings as long as tegmina, weakly infuscated and with brown veins. Dorsum of abdomen yel- lowish; first tergite as figured (Fig. 265). Supra-anal plate (Fig. 15 1 ) with rounded latero-caudal angles and almost straight hind margin. Hind margin of hypandrium weakly emarginate (Fig. 152). Venter of abdomen yellow with blackish stigmatic markings. R2 and Li of genitalia shown in figures 149- 150 (L2vm and prepuce accidentally lost). Legs pale brown to yellowish; lower posterior margin of front femora with 1 additional spine; same margin of hind femora unarmed or with one spine. Length of pronotum 6.6 mm; width of pronotum 8.8 mm; length of tegmina 25 mm. 9 (Fig. 147). Head and antennae as in male. Pronotum trans- verse; disk shining black, provided with several scattered impressed puntures; lateral margins yellow with blackish edging; the usual longitudinal striae of hind margin suffused, nearly completely cov- ered by black; middle part of hind margin convex; latero-caudal angles not produced backwards. Tegmina (Fig. 148) reduced to lateral vestiges; their outer margins with black edging. Wing ves- tiges absent. Mesonotum black with a yellow marginal spot on each lateral margin. Dorsum and venter of abdomen almost uniform 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 135 Figures 153-164. Calolampra irrorata. 153-157. $ (59 BMNH), lecto- type, A. (without exact location). 153. Adult. 154. Hypandrium. 155-157. Genitalia. 158-162. $ (192 USNM), Cairns, Q. 158-159. Supra-anal and subgenital plates. 160-162. Genitalia. 163. $ (2 L), Gayndah, Q. 164. Tegmen of female shown in figure 163. Scale: Figs. 153, 163 — 4 mm; Figs. 154, 158-159 = 0.5 mm; Figs. 155-157, 160-162 - 0.1 mm; Fig. 164 ~ 1 mm. 136 Psyche [March-J une black. Legs as in male. Length of body 28 mm ; length of pronotum 7.5 mm; width of pronotum 10.5 mm; length of tegmina 4.5 mm. Material examined: cf (268 L in SM) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), Peak Downs, Q., ex Mus. Godeffroy; 9 (4 L in SM) (paratype), same locality. 16. C. irrorata (Fabr.) (Figs. 153-164, 268) Blatta irrorata Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, p. 272, $. cf (Fig. 153). Pronotum triangular in dorsal aspect, with the greatest width beyond its middle; lateral margins hyaline with their edging lined dark brown inside; disk speckled with dark. Tegmina well developed, somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, covered with rather small brown speckles which are partly present also in the normally covered part of right tegmen. Wings as long as tegmina, infumated and with brown veins. Abdomen above and below yellow- ish. First tergite as figured (Fig. 268). Hind margins of supra- anal plate (Fig. 158), and hypandrium (Figs. 154, 159) shallowly emarginate mesally. Genitalia shown in figures 1 55- 1 57, 160-162. Legs yellowish with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora armed with O to 2 spines; arolia well developed. Length of body 23 mm; length of pronotum 5.5 mm; width of pronotum 8 mm ; length of tegmina 20 mm. 9 (Fig. 163). Pronotum transverse; disk thickly speckled with black forming a lyrate pattern; lateral margins yellow, their edging lined dark brown inside; hind margin straight in dorsal aspect and provided with the usual series of black longitudinal striae which are not raised but only marked by their color; latero-caudal angles dis- tinctly produced backwards. Tegmina reduced to lateral vestiges (Fig. 164) which are almost throughout yellow. Dorsum of abdo- men thickly speckled with black and reddish brown. Supra-anal plate yellow sparsely speckled and dotted with reddish. Venter of abdomen almost uniform reddish brown, distally becoming darker. Legs as in male but arolia very small. Length of body 23 mm; length of pronotum 6 mm ; width of pronotum 9 mm ; length of tegmina 4-4.5 mm. Material examined: cf (59 BMNH), (lectotype, designated by Roth and Princis, 1971, Figs. 27-29), A. (without exact locality), ex Banks’ Coll.; cf (192 USNM), Cairns, Q., at light, J. F. Illingworth leg.; 9 (2 L in SM), Gayndah, Q., ex. Mus. Godeffroy. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 137 Figures 165-175. Calolampra mjoebergi. 165. $ (296 L in SM), holo- type, Colosseum, Q. 166. $ (143 MCZ), paratype, Ravenshoe, Atherton Tab., Q. 167. Tegmen of $ shown in figure 166. 168-172. Supra-anal plate, hypandrium, and genitalia of holotype shown in figure 165. 173- 174. $ (297 L), Malanda, Q. Genitalia. 175. $ (105 MCZ), paratype, Ravenshoe, Atherton Tab., Q. R2 of genitalia. Scale: Fig. 165 — 5 mm; Fig. 166 — 3 mm; Fig. 167 = 1 mm; Figs. 168-169 — 0.5 mm; Figs. 170- 175 — 0.2 mm. 138 Psyche [March-June 17. C. mjoebergi sp. n. (Figs. 165-175, 260) cf (Fig. 165). Pronotum triangular in dorsal aspect, with great- est width beyond its middle; disk speckled with black; lateral mar- gins hyaline with their outer edging lined brown inside. Tegmina somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, furnished with scattered small dark speckles which are lacking in the normally covered portion of right tegmen. Wings as long as tegmina, weakly infumated and with brownish veins. Dorsum of abdomen brownish, venter yellow- ish. First tergite as figured (Fig. 260). Hind margin of supra-anal plate convex, entire (Fig. 168). Hind margin of hypandrium mesally very shallowly emarginate (Fig. 169). Genitalia shown in figures 1 70-1 75. R2 relatively uniform in width and slender throughout with rounded apex (Figs. 17 1, 1 74-1 75). Legs yellowish with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora armed with 1-2 spines; well developed arolia present. Length of body 20 mm; length of pronotum 5.5 mm; width of pronotum 6.8 mm; length of tegmina 19 mm. 9 (Fig. 166). Head pale brownish with a transverse black band between eyes. Disk of pronotum as well as mesonotum, metanotum, and tergites so thickly speckled with dark that they appear com- pletely black (only dose examination shows that there are spots of yellow ground color present among the dark speckles). Lateral margins of pronotum yellow with numerous small reddish dots which are crowded toward the disk; among these dots are several larger blackish spots; outer edging of the lateral margins lined brown in- side. Tegmina lobiform, yellowish with blackish dots, their apices exceeding hind margin of mesonotum (Fig. 167). Posterior mar- gins of pro- meso-, and metanotum as well as those of tergites pro- vided each with a transverse row of somewhat raised black striae. Supra-anal plate entire, yellow with numerous small reddish dots and several larger blackish spots among the former. Legs as in male but with very small arolia. Length of body 21-22 mm; length of pronotum 6 mm; width of pronotum 9-9.5 mm; length of tegmina 4-4.5 mm. Material examined: cf (296 L in SM) (holotype, herewith designated), Colosseum, Q., Mjoberg leg. ; cf (297 L) (paratype). Malanda, Q., Mjoberg leg.; cf (105 MCZ) (paratype), Raven- shoe, Atherton Tab., Q., 8000 ft., IV.1932, Darlington leg.; 2 99 (142-143 MCZ) (paratypes), same data. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 139 Figures 176-181. Calolampra propinqua. 176. $ (266 L), holotype, Wee Waa, N.S.W. 177. $ (267 L), paratype, Cabramatta, Blue Mts., N.S.W. 178. Tegmen of $ shown in figure 177. 179-181. Genitalia of $ holotype shown in figure 176. Scale: Fig. 176 — 4 mm; Fig. 177 — 3 mm; Fig 178 — 1 mm; Figs. 179-181 = 0.2 mm. 140 Psyche [March-June 1 8. C. propinqua sp. n. (Figs. 176-181, 271) cT (Fig. 176). Head yellowish, with a black patch in interocular- ocellar area. Antennae yellowish distally becoming somewhat darker. Pronotum triangular in dorsal aspect, widest beyond its middle ; disk speckled and dotted with black ; edging of lateral margins lined brown inside; hind margin with a series of black striae. Tegmina somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, covered with small blackish spots; costal field uniform pale yellow; humeral streak black, dis- tally broken up into separate flecks; the normally covered portion of right tegmen solidly colored. Wings brownish, as long as tegmina, with deep brown veins. Dorsum of abdomen dark brown; first ter- gite as figured (Fig. 271). Supra-anal plate transverse, distally weakly convex. Genitalia shown in figures 179-181. Venter of abdomen yellow with black stigmatic maculae. Legs yellow with brown spines ; posterior margin of hind femora unarmed ; well de- veloped arolia present. Length of body 16 mm; length of pronotum 4 mm; width of pronotum 5.4 mm; length of tegmina 15.5-16 mm. 9 (Fig. 177). Head and antennae as in male. Pronotum speckled and dotted with blackish and reddish; edging of lateral margins yellow, lined brown inside; hind margin in dorsal aspect slightly convex, with a series of black longitudinal striae; latero-caudal angles weakly produced backwards. Tegmina reduced to lobiform vestiges somewhat obliquely truncate (Fig. 178), edging of their outer margins yellow. Dorsam of abdomen thickly speckled with blackish. Supra-anal plate yellowish, provided with some dark dots. Venter of abdomen castaneous. Legs yellowish with brown spines; arolia absent. Length of body 16-18 mm; length of pronotum 44-5.2 mm; width of pronotum 6. 8-8. 2 mm; length of tegmina 3.5-4 mm. Material examined: cf (266 L) (holotype, herewith designated), Wee-Waa (at light), N.S.W., 21.I.1960, M. Nikitin leg.; $ (267 L) (paratype), Cabramatta, Blue Mts., N.S.W., 14.XII.1960, M. Nikitin leg.; 9 (144 M'CZ) (paratype), Melbourne, V., H. Edwards leg. $ (148 MCZ) (paratype), A. (without exact local- ity), H. Edwards leg. 19. C. frctserensis (Tepper) (Figs, 182-192, 263) Epilampra fraserensis Tepper, Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. XVII, 1893, p. 59, $. ' <$ (Fig. 182). Pronotum broadly triangular in dorsal aspect, with 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 141 Figures 182-192. Calolampra fraserensis. 182. $ (5 SAM), lectotype, Fraser Range, W. A. 183. $ (138 MCZ), Rottnest Island, W. A. 184. Tegmen of $ shown in figure 183. 185-188. Supra-anal plate, hypandrium, and genitalia of $ lectotype shown in figure 182. 189-192. $ (SAM), Mt. Bryan East, S. A. 189-190. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 191-192. Genitalia. Scale: Figs. 182, 183 — 5 mm; Figs. 184 — 1 mm; Figs. 185-186, 189-190 = 0.5 mm; Figs. 187-188, 191-192 = 0.2 mm. 142 Psyche [March-June greatest width beyond its middle; disk speckled with dark forming a lyrate pattern; lateral margins pale yellowish. Tegmina covered with brown blotches which are partly confluent, especially in anal area; the normally covered portion of right tegmen solidly colored. Wings blackish, about as long as tegmina. First tergite as figured (Fig. 263). Hind margin of supra-anal plate nearly straight (Figs. 185, 189), same margin of hypandrium emarginate (Figs. 186, 190). Genitalia shown in figures 187-188, 191-192. Venter of abdomen as well as legs pale yellowish ; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed; well developed arolia present. Length of body 19 mm; length of pronotum 5 mm; width of pronotum 7.5 mm ; length of tegmina 24 mm. $ (Fig. 183). Head reddish; face passing into occiput with a distinct transverse angulation between eyes. Pronotum nearly smooth, at most several large impressed punctures present; hind margin straight in dorsal aspect. Tegmina reduced to lateral vestiges, apices subacuminate (Fig. 184), edging of their outer margins dark brown. Dorsum of abdomen thickly speckled with blackish. Venter of ab- domen reddish in the middle, blackish laterally. Legs as in male. Length of body 22 mm; length of pronotum 5.1 mm; width of pro- notum 8 mm; length of tegmina 4.5 mm. Material examined : cf (5 SAM) (lectotype, herewith designated). Fraser Range, W. A., X.1891, R. Helms leg.; cf (24 SAM), Mt. Bryan East, S. A., 13.XII.1886, J. Best leg.; $ (138 MCZ), Rottnest Island, W. A., 23. X. 1931, P. J. Darlington leg. 20. C. notahilis (Walker) (Figs. 193-215) Epllampra notabilis Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 202, $. cf (Figs. 193, 200). Head yellowish, with a broad black trans- verse band between eyes extending to the imaginary line connecting antennae. Antennae with basal joint yellow and remainder fuscous. Pronotum thickly speckled and dotted with blackish brown and reddish; edging of lateral margins yellow; hind margin with dark, radially arranged striae. Tegmina decidedly exceeding apex of ab- domen, covered by numerous small dark dots; costal field yellow; humeral streak broad, but beyond middle is broken up into separate flecks; the normally covered portion of right tegmen solidly brown- ish. Wings as long as tegmina, brownish, with deep brown veins. Dorsum of abdomen pale, obscurely banded with brownish; first tergite modified (Fig. 199). Supra-anal plate pale, with convex 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calola?npra 14 3 Figures 193-199. Calolampra notabilis. $ (60 BMNH), holotype, A. (without exact locality). 193. Adult. 194-196. Genitalia. 197-198. Supra- anal and subgenital plates. 199. Modification of first tergite. Scale: Fig. 193 — .5 mm; Figs. 194-196 — 0.2 mm; Figs. 197-199 — 1 mm. Psyche [March-June ' a! ■ Figures 200-205. Calolampra notahilis. $ (295 L), V. (without exact locality). 200. Adult. 201-202. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 202-205. Genitalia. Scale: Fig. 200 = 4 mm; Figs. 201-202 = 1 mm; Figs. 203- 205 — 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 145 Figures 206-215. Calolampra notabilis. 206. $ (181 L), V. (without exact locality). 207. Tegmen of $ shown in figure 206. 208-211. $ (23 SAM), Warunda, Eyrie Pen., S. A. 208-209. Supra-anal plate and hy- pandrium. 210-211. Genitalia. 212-215. $ (151 MCZ), A. (without exact locality). 212-213. Genitalia. 214-215. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. Scale: Fig. 206 = 4 mm; Fig. 207 = 2 mm; Figs. 208-209, 214-215 = 1 mm; Figs. 210-213 - 0.2 mm. 146 Psyche [March-June hind margin (Figs. 197, 201, 214) or very weakly emarginate (Fig. 208). Venter of abdomen yellowish with black stigmata. Hypan- drium weakly emarginate (Figs. 198, 202, 209, 215), slightly ex- ceeding supra-anal plate. Genitalia as figured (Figs. 194-196, 203- 205, 210-213). Legs yellowish with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora usually unarmed. Length of body 16.5 mm; length of pronotum 5 mm; width of pronotum 6.5-7 mm;; length of tegmina 21 mm. $ (Fig. 206). Head generally as in male. Pronotum transverse, its hind margin slightly convex in dorsal aspect; edging at lateral margins uniform brown, not lined darker inside; latero-caudal angles not produced backwards. Tegmina vestigial (Fig. 207) edging of their outer margins yellow. Latero-caudal angles of metanotum rounded. Legs as in male with very small arolia. Length of body 22.5 mm; length of pronotum 6 mm; width of pronotum 9-10 mm; length of tegmina 4.5-5 mm. Material examined: c? (60 BMNH) (holotype), A. (without exact locality) ex Mr. Lambert’s Coll.; c? (295 L), V. (without exact locality); cf (151 MCZ), A. (without exact locality), ex S. H. Scudder’s Coll.; c? (23 SAM), Warunda, Eyrie Penin., S. A., 1 8.X. 1909, B. Zietz leg.; $ (181 L), V. (without exact lo- cality). 21. C. queenslandica sp. n. (Figs. 216-221, 270) cf (Fig. 216). Head yellow; interocular-ocellar area with a brown transverse band which in the latter area is medially inter- rupted. Pronotum in dorsal aspect broadly triangular with greatest width beyond its middle; disk with lyrate pattern formed by brown speckles and dots; lateral margins yellow rather sparsely dotted with brown; cephalic margin continuously arcuate with nondifferentiated lateral margins ; hind margin provided with the usual series of brown longitudinal striae. Tegmina somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, sparsely dotted with pale brownish; the normally covered portion of right tegmen solidly colored. Dorsum of abdomen pale brownish; first tergite as figured (Fig. 270). Venter of abdomen yellow with brown stigmatic maculae. Hind margin of supra-anal plate (Fig. 217) and hypandrium (Fig. 218) weakly emarginate mesally. Gen- italia shown in figures 2 19-221. Legs yellow with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Length of body 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 147 Figures 216-221. Calolampra queenslandica. $ (271 L in SM), holo- type, Q. (without exact locality). 216. Adult. 217-218. Supra-anal plate and hypandrium. 219-221. Genitalia. Scale: Fig. 216 = 5 mm; Figs. 217- 218 — 1 mm; Figs. 219-221 = 0.1 mm. Psyche 148 [March-J une 20 (?) mm; length of pronotum 5.4 mm; width of pronotum 8 mm ; length of tegmina 20 mm. ?. Unknown. Material examined: cf (271 L in SM) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), Q. (without exact locality). 22. C. atomiferci (Walker) (Figs. 222-248, 272) Epilampra atomifera Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 69, $. Polyzosteria propria Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. 1868, p. 161, $. Epilampra notabilis Tepper (nec Walker 1868), Trans. R. Soc. S. Aus- tral. XVII, 1893, p. 59, part. $ $. cf (Fig. 222). Pronotum broadly triangular in dorsal aspect, with greatest width beyond its middle ; disk speckled and dotted with reddish to deep brown. Antennae ferrugineous, except the pale yellowish basal joint. Tegmina somewhat exceeding apex of abdo- men, transparent, but sparsely dotted with reddish brown; the nor- mally covered portion of right tegmen solidly colored. Wings as long as tegmina, moderately infumate and with deep brown veins. First tergite as figured (Fig. 272). Supra-anal plate pale yellowish with slightly emarginate (Figs. 225, 233, 237, 245), or entire (Figs. 229, 241) hind margin. Cerci and hypandrium pale yellowish; hind margin of the latter almost straight (Fig. 226) or weakly concave (Figs. 230, 234, 238, 242, 246). Genitalia shown in figures 227- 228, 231-232, 235-236, 239-240, 243-244, 247-248. Legs yellowish with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Length of body 17-19. 5 mm; length of pronotum 4-5.2 mm; width of pronotum 6-7.5 mm; length of tegmina 17-19. 5 mm. 9 (Fig. 223). Pronotum at most provided with several scattered large impressed punctures (not with numerous, fine, impressed dots) ; hind margin straight in dorsal aspect, at least in its middle part. Tegmina reduced to lateral lappets; edging of outer margins of lappets brown (not black) ; apex of tegminal vestiges rounded (Fig. 224). Latero-caudal angles of pronotum slightly produced back- wards. Face regularly arcuate with occiput (no angulation present). Abdomen above thickly speckled with dark. Underside of abdomen reddish in the middle, black laterally. Legs yellowish; lower pos- terior margin of front femora armed only with 1 distal spine; same margin of hind femora usually completely unarmed. Length of body 17.3-20 mm, length of pronotum 5-5.2 mm, greatest width of pro- notum 8-9 mm; length of tegmina 3.5 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 149 Figures 222-232. Calolampra atomifera. 222. $ (64 BMNH), holotype, Nova Hollandia (without exact locality). 223. $ (65 BMNH), lectotype of Polyzosteria propria Walker, S. A. (without exact locality). 224. Tegmen of female shown in figure 223. 225-228. Supra-anal plate, hypandrium, and genitalia of $ holotype shown in figure 222. 229-232. $ (7 SAM), Ade- laide, S. A. Supra-anal plate, hypandrium, and genitalia. Scale: Figs. 222- 223 = 4 mm; Figs. 224, 225-226, 229-230 = 1 mm ; Figs. 227-228, 231- 232 — 0.1 mm. [March-June 150 Psycht Figures 233-248. Calolampra atomifera. Male supra-anal plates, sub- genital plates, and genitalia. 233-236. (6a SAM), Ardrossan Cliffs, S. A. 237-240. (8 SAM), Bordertown, S. A. 241-244. (9 SAM), Happy Valley (near Adelaide), S. A. 245-248. (4 SAM), Ardrossan. S. A. Scale: Figs. 233-234, 237-238, 241-242, 245-246 = 1 mm ; Figs. 235-236, 239-240, 243- 244, 247-248 = 0.2 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra I5i Material examined: cf (64 BMNH), (holotype of atomiferd) , Nova Hollandia (without exact locality), ex Mr. Hunter’s Coll. ; 9 (65 BMNH), (lectotype of propria ), S. A. (without exact lo- cality), ex R. Bakewell’s Coll.; cf (4 SAM), Ardrossan, S. A., I.1884, Cadd leg.; this specimen was labelled by Tepper as type of notabilis, but his action is invalid because the specimen did not be- long to the original material used by Walker; cf (6a SAM), Ar- drossan Cliffs (in moist dust), S. A., 26.XI.1885, Tepper leg.;. this specimen was labelled by Tepper as cotype of notabilis , but his action is invalid (see above) ; cf (7 SAM), Adelaide, S. A., Botan. Park (under bark) 17. XII. 1885, Tepper leg.; 9 (SAM) Callington, S. A., (under rubbish) 19.I.1886, Tepper leg.; cf (8 SAM), Bor- dertown, S. A., (under bark of Eucalyptus) , 8.1. 1878, Tepper leg.; 9 (SAM), Adelaide, S. A., 29.VI.1892, A. Zietz leg.; cf (9 SAM), Happy Valley (near Adelaide), S. A., 27.VIII.1903, Burs- lem leg. 23. C. obscura (Tepper) (Figs. 249-252, 264) Epilampra obscura Tepper, Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. XVII, 1893, p. 64, 9. Calolampra submarginalis Princis, Lund Univ. Arsskr., N. F. Avd. 2, Vol. 50, No. 13, (also K. Fysiogr. Sallsk. i Lund Handl. N. F. Vol. 65, No. 13, 1954, p. 32, $ and 9 nymph (not $ and $ as given), syn. nov. cf (Fig. 249). Head yellowish, interocular space piceous. An- tennae fuscous with basal joint yellowish. Pronotum thickly speckled with blackish on pale yellowish ground ; disk with symmetrical mark- ing of dark brown; hind margin furnished with dark longitudinal striae. Tegmina considerably exceeding apex of abdomen, thickly speckled with dark; costal margin pale yellowish. Wings blackish, as long as tegmina. First tergite shown in figure 264. Supra-anal plate subquadrate, with latero-caudal angles rounded. Venter pale yellowish with dark stigmatic dots on sternites. Hypandrium emar- ginate. Genitalia shown in figures 250-252. Legs pale yellowish; lower posterior margin of hind femora unarmed. Length of body 18-19 mm; length of pronotum 5 mm; width of pronotum 6.8- 7.2 mm; length of tegmina 18-18.5 mm. 9. Dull reddish brown. Pronotum furnished with many fine, impressed dots. Tegmina reduced to lateral lappets with rounded apices. Wings absent. Length of body 23 mm ; length of pronotum 5 mm; width of pronotum 10 mm; length of tegmina! vestiges 152 Psyche [March-June Figures 249-259. Calolampra spp. 249-252. C. ohscura. 249. $ (270 L), West Kimberly, W. A. 250-252. Male genitalia of specimen shown in figure 249. 253-256. $ C. insularis. (107 MCZ), holotype, Murray Island, Torres Strait. 253-254. Genitalia. 255-256. Supra-anal and subgenital plates. 257- 259. C. pernotabilis. (1 L in SM), $ holotype, Mt. Tambourine, Q. Geni- talia. Scale: Fig. 249 — 6 mm; Fig. 250 — 0.1 mm; Figs. 251-254, 257- 259 = 0.2 mm; Figs. 255-256 — 1 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 153 3 mm. The specimen described by Princis (1954, p. 33) as a female is in reality an immature individual (probably of last nymphal stage) . Material examined: 9 (SAM) (lectotype of obscura, herewith designated), N. T., 3.VIII.1886, Dr. Magarey leg.; 2 nymphs (SAM), same data; cf (L) (paratype of sugmarginalis) , West Kimberley, northern W. A., 1946; 2 cf cf (270 L and L in SM), Kimberley District, northern W. A., Mjoberg leg.; 4 nymphs, same data; nymph (SM), Noonkangah, northern W. A., Mjoberg leg.; nymph (SM), Derby, northern W. A., Mjoberg leg.; cf (SAM), Port Hedland, northern W. A., 8.VII.1953, N. B. Tindale leg. 24. C. insularis sp. n. (Figs. 253-256, 267) cf. Pronotum triangular in dorsal aspect with greatest width beyond its middle; disk with black lyrate pattern; lateral margins yellow speckled with some larger black punctures and dotted with many small reddish ones; lateral angles broadly rounded. Tegmina well developed, somewhat exceeding apex of abdomen, speckled with deep brown, however, distally becoming paler; the normally covered portion of right tegmen solidly colored. Wings as long as tegmina, infumate with brown veins. Abdomen above brown, below yellow- ish. First tergite as in figure 267. Genitalia shown in figures 253- 254. Hind margin of supra-anal plate (Fig. 255) and hypandrium (Fig. 256) distinctly incised mesally. Legs yellowish with brown spines; lower posterior margin of hind femora with one spine. Well developed arolia present. Length of body 20 mm ; length of pro- notum 5 mm; width of pronotum 7.5 mm; length of tegmina 20 mm. 9. Unknown. Material examined: cf (107 MCZ) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), Murray Island, Torres Strait, H. L. Clark leg. 25. C. pernotabilis sp. n. (Figs. 257-259, 276, 280-282) cf. Head yellow; interocular-ocellar area blackish, parted by a narrow pale median line into two parts. Pronotum in dorsal aspect triangular, with the greatest width at its middle; disk speckled with blackish and dotted with reddish brown, the blackish speckles form- ing a lyrate pattern ; lateral margins lined brown inside ; hind mar- gin bearing a series of dark brown longitudinal striae. Tegmina 154 Psyche [March-June Figures 260-279. Schematic outlines (not drawn to scale) of ridges found on the first abdominal tergites of Calolampra males. 260. C. mjoebergi . 261. C. paula. 262. C. aspera. 263. C. fraserensis. 264. C. obscura. 265. C. solida. 266. C . candidula. 267. C. insularis. 268. C. irrorata. 269. C. confusa. 270. C. queenslandica. 271. C. propinqua. 272. C. atomi- fera. 273. C. gracilis. 274. C. marginalis. 275. C. subgracilis. 276. C. pernotabilis. 277. C. signatura (67 MCZ, holotype of C. aliena) . 278. C. ignota. 279. C. atra. (drawings by K. Princis). 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 155 decidedly exceeding apex of abdomen, with scattered brown macula- tion on yellowish ground; broad dark brown humeral stripe present; the normally covered part of right tegmen solidly brown colored. Wings as long as tegmina, weakly infuscated and with brown veins. Dorsum of abdomen yellowsh-brown. First tergite as in figure 276, very similar to the modification of notabilis (cf. fig. 199). Genitalia shown in figures 257-259. Venter of abdomen yellow with dark brown stigmatic maculae. Legs yellow with brownish spines; lower posterior margin of front femora with 1 distal and 1 additional spint, same margin of posterior femora completely unarmed. Length of body 20 (?) mm; length of pronotum 5.1 mm; width of pronotum 6.6 mm; length of tegmina 21 mm. 9 (Fig. 280). Head generally as in male, but with an additional blackish brown macula between interocellar area and clypeus (Fig. 282). Pronotum less than twice as broad as long; disk bearing a blackish lyrate pattern and several scattered impressed punctures; lateral margins lined brown inside; hind margin straight in its mid- dle part and provided with a series of blackish longitudinal striae; latero-caudal angles slightly produced backwards. Tegmina reduced to lateral lappets (Fig. 281) ; edging of their outer margins yellow. Dorsum of abdomen thickly speckled with dark brown and dotted with reddish. Supra-anal plate yellowish, sparsely dotted with red- dish brown. Venter of abdomen dark to blackish brown with several included reddish maculations. Legs as in male. Length of body 16.5-17.5 mm; length of pronotum 3. 8-4. 5 mm; width of pronotum 7 mm; length of tegmina 3-3.5 mm. Material examined: c? ( 1 L in SM) (holotype, herewith desig- nated), Mt. Tambourine, Q., Mjoberg leg.; 9 (SM) (paratype, herewith designated) and nymph (SM), Gayndah, Q.; 9 (L) (paratype, herewith designated). 26. C. tepperi Kirby Epilampra propria Tepper (nec Walker 1868), Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. XVII, 1893, p. 64, part., only $ from Kangaroo Island (nec $ — Calo- lampra atra ). Calolampra tepperi Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) XII, 1903, p. 275, $ from Kangaroo Island. cf. Unknown. 9- Head yellowish with three reddish transverse bands between eyes, antennae, and clypeus. The band between the eyes is broken up into 4 indistinctly limited parts. Disk of pronotum is largely clouded with dark including some pale spots and lines; the usual Psyche [March-June 156 Figures 280-282. Calolampra pernotabilis. $ (SM), paratype, Gayndah, Q. 280. Dorsal view. 281. Tegmen. 282. Head, frontal view. Scale:. Fig. 280 — 3 mm; Figs. 281-282 — 1 mm. 1973] Roth & Princis — Genus Calolampra 157 lyrate pattern is vaguely indicated ; lateral and anterior margins are brown, contrastingly different from the yellow color which encircles the disk; hind margin in dorsal aspect weakly convex, bearing a series of dark striae which are not raised but only indicated by their darker color. Tegminal pads lateral, their apices somewhat exceeding the weakly concave hind margin of mesonotum. Meso-and metano- tum as well as abdominal tergites much the same color as disk of pronotum; their hind margins also bear similar longitudinal striae but their distal ends are generally raised and only the remaining portions are indicated by color. Hind margin of supra-anal plate arcuate and mesally weakly emarginate. Venter of abdomen brown with yellow maculations. Lower posterior margin of front femora armed with one distal and one additional spine, the same margin of hind femora completely unarmed. Length of body 19 mm; length of pronotum 5 mm ; width of pronotum 8 mm ; length of tegmina 4 mm. This species may prove to be identical with Brancsik’s Calolampra depolita (Jheft Naturw. Ver. Trencs. Comit. XIX-XX, 1898, P. 57, ?)• Material examined: $ (SAM) (lectotype of tepperi, herewith designated), Kangaroo Island, S. A., 1-6.III.1886, Tepper leg. Kirby proposed the name Calolampra tepperi for Tepper’s propria, however, without lectotype designation. Shaw selected a male and a female from Tepper’s material of propria and attached his type labels to these specimens using the name Calolampra tepperi. However, his action cannot be accepted as proper lectotype designation because he did not publish his designation; 2 nymphs (SAM), Kangaroo Island, 1-6.III. 1 886, Tepper leg.; nymph (SAM), Kangaroo Island (southern coast), 16. 1. 1906, O. Rail Leg. Acknowledgements We thank the following for the loan of museum material: Dr. David R. Ragge, British Museum (Natural History) ; Dr. E. C. Dahms, Queensland Museum ; Dr. Howard Evans, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; Dr. Ashley Gurney, United States National Museum; Dr. L. E. Koch, Western Aus- tralian Museum; Dr. G. F. Gross, South Australian Museum; Dr. A. Kaltenbach, Vienna Museum of Natural History. We thank Mr. Samuel Cohen for taking most of the photographs. 158 Psyche [March-June References Baijal, H. N. and Kapoor, V. C. 1966. On a new species of cockroach from northwest Himalayas. Agra Univ. J. Res. 15 (2) :5-8. Bey-Bienko, G. Y. 1969. New genera and species of cockroaches (Blattoptera) from tropical and subtropical Asia. Entomol. obozr. 48:831-862. (Russian: English trans. in Entomological Review, 84:528-548: 1970). Princis, K. 1963. Orthopterorum Catalogus, Edit. M. Beier. 4. ’s» — Gravenhage pp. 76-172. 1967. Orthopterorum Catalogus, Edit. M. Beier. 11. ’s-Gravenhage, pp. 616-710. 1970. La faune terrestre de l’lle de Sainte-Helene (Premiere partie). Ann. Mus. Roy. Afr., in -8°, Zool., 181: 167-176. Rehn, J. A. G. and Hebard, M. 1927. The Orthoptera of the West Indies 1. Blattidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 54:1-320. Roth, L. M. 1969. The evolution of male tergal glands in the Blattaria. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 6 2:176-208. Roth, L. M. and Princis, K. 1971. Pseudocalolampra, a new genus of cockroach from Africa (Dic- tyoptera :Blaberidae) . Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington, 73:329- 336. Shaw, E. 1925. New genera and species (mostly Australasian) of Blattidae, with notes, and some remarks on Tepper’s types. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1:171-213. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room B-455, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Ave., Cambridge. Entomologists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. The illustration on the front cover of this issue is of Dr. Hermann A. Hagen, Professor of Entomology and Curator in the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology at Harvard University from 1870-1893. Professor Hagen, along with S. H. Scudder, provided the initiative for the founding in 1874 of the Cambridge Entomological Club and its journal Psyche, now in their 99th year. [The illustration is a reproduction of an engraving in the Archives of the Harvard College Library.] BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Classification of Insects, by C. T. Brues, A. L. Melander and F. M. Carpenter, Published in March, 1954, as volume 108 of the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with 917 pages and 1219 figures. It consists of keys to the living and extinct families of insects, and to the living families of other terrestrial arthropods; and includes 270 pages of bibliographic references and an index of 76 pages. Price $9.00 (cloth bound and postpaid). Send orders to Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. / TV 7^ /z: PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 80 September, 1973 No. 3 CONTENTS The Evolution of Cryptic Postures in Insects, with Special Reference to Some New Guinea Tettigoniids (Orthoptera) . Michael H. Robinson 159 Cretaceous Aculeate Wasps from Taimyr, Siberia (Hymenoptera). Howard E. Evans 166 Paramuzoa (Nyctiborinae) , a New Cockroach Genus Previously Con- fused with Parasphaeria (Epilamprinae) . Louis M. Roth 179 The Milliped Family Rhiscosomididae (Diplopoda: Chordeumida: Striarioidea). William A. Shear 189 Supplementary Studies on Ant Larvae: Cerapachyinae, Pseudomyrme- cinae and Myrmecinae. George C . Wheeler and Jeanette Wheeler 204 Studies on Neotropical Pompilidae (Hymenoptera). IX. The Genera of Auplopodini. Howard E. Evans 212 Notes on Heteroonops and Triaeris (Araneae; Oonopidae). Arthur M. Chickering 227 The Utilization of Various Asclepias Species by Larvae of the Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus. James M. Erickson 230 Copulatory Pattern Supports Generic Placement of Schizocosa avida (Walckenaer) (Araneae: Lycosidae). Jerome S. Rovner 245 The Male Genitalia of Blattaria. X. Blaberidae. Pycnoscelus, Stilpno- blatta, Proscratea (Pycnoscelinae) , and Diploptera (Diplopterinae) . Louis M. Roth 249 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1973-1974 President . Vice-President . Secretary . Treasurer . Executive Committee B. K. Holldobler W. D. Winter, Jr, H. E. Nipson F. M. Carpenter R. E. SlLBERGLIED L. P. Lounibos EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. Carpenter (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History , Emeritus, Harvard University J. M. Burns, Associate Professor of Biology, Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology , Cornell University, and Associate in Entomology , Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. Darlington, Jr., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. Holldobler, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. Levi, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. Silberlied, Asssitant Professor of Biology, Harvard University E. O. Wilson, Professor of Zoology, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $4.50 to Club members, $6.00 to all other subscribers. Single copies, $2.00. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $15.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustra- tions must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $12.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $20.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The March-June, 1973 Psyche (Vol. 80, nos. 1-2) was mailed September 7, 1973 The Lexington Press. Inc.. Lexington. Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 80 September, 1973 No. 3 THE EVOLUTION OF CRYPTIC POSTURES IN INSECTS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOME NEW GUINEA TETTIGONIIDS (ORTHOPTERA)* By Michael H. Robinson Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. Box 2072, Balboa Panama Canal Zone Introduction A number of authors (see, for instance, Cott 1940, and de Ruiter 1952) have suggested that the structural adaptations to defense by concealment that are found in insects can only function efficiently if they are accompanied by appropriate behavior patterns. These behavior patterns include diurnal immobility and the adoption of complex resting positions. A resting position may involve both the selection of an appropriate location (background selection) and the assumption of a special resting posture. The latter may entail sys- tems that function to suppress signals that predators could use to locate the insect, and in addition may give rise to signals that convey false information about the edibility of the insect. The first category involves the strategy of concealment, the second category involves the strategy of mimicry. I have suggested (Robinson 1968, 1969a, 1969b, 1973) that the protraction of the anterior legs of stick-mimicking insects (particu- larly phasmids and mantids, but including insects of other orders) in line with the long axis of the body has, at the very least , a dual function with respect to the signals that are potentially detectable by the predator. Thus, this behavior may : (a). Conceal the legs, head and antennae of the insect, thereby suppressing signals that could be used as prey-detection cues by a predator. * Manuscript received, hy the editor June 6, 1973. 159 i6o Psyche [September (b). Enhance the general resemblance of the insect to a stick by increasing the apparent length of the body and providing it with a long tapering termination, thereby adding to the plant-part mimicry and signalling false information about edibility to (insectivorous) predators. Experiments that show that some predators can use the presence of heads and legs as prey-detection cues are described by Robinson (1973). It seems probable that the behavioral and structural devices that serve to conceal prey-detection cues and also have a mimetic function evolved in the first place as part of a strategy of concealment and then constituted important steps towards the specializations involved in stick- or leaf-mimicry. Thus, for instance, insects that rest against a substrate can achieve maximum concealment by suppressing ‘relief’ or profile. This can be achieved by flattening or elongation, or both. Flattening could be a starting point for leaf-mimicry and elongation a starting point for stick-mimicry (examples in Robinson 1969b, but see also the recent careful study of Ghanian praying mantids by Edmunds 1972). Two examples of cryptic postures in tettigoniids from New Guinea are detailed in this paper. Both involve adapta- tions that are clearly related to concealment and at the same time dead-ends in the sense that they do not lie on the path to leaf-mimi- cry as it has been achieved in the orthoptera. Both adaptations are complex and interesting in themselves. Both involve the concealment of cue-structures and both involve profile reduction. Materials and Methods The insects were observed at the Wau Ecology Institute, Wau, Morobe District, New Guinea during the period April 1970 to April 1971, as part of a comprehensive study of insect anti-predator adaptations. This mainly involved the rich phasmid fauna of the area.1 Both species were collected at night at the Institute and also at other localities in the Wau region. They were identified by Mrs. Judith Marshall of the British Museum (N.H.) London to whom the author is most grateful. Specimens are deposited with the Mu- seum. Behavioral observations were carried out both in the field and in a large screened insectary. More than ten specimens of each species were examined. Observations made on more than thirty species of phasmid will be pub- lished as soon as the insects can be identified. 1973] Robinson — Cryptic Postures 1 6 1 Psyche [September 162 Description of Defensive Behavior 1. A cauloplacella immunis Brunner (Fam: Pseudophyllinae) Specimens of this insect collected at Wau were a more-or-less uniform bright green in color. At night when actively moving about vegetation the insect looked like a ‘typical’ unspecialized tettigoniid. However by day the insect assumed a resting attitude on leaves (both upper and lower surfaces) that is shown in Figure 1. This posture involves fairly complex changes in the orientation of the tegmina, the alignment of the legs and also in the relationship of the head, thorax and abdomen to the substrate. The change in the orientation of the tegmina is the most striking. Note, from Figure 1., that the tegmina are kept together at their posterior margins (which lie approximately in the midline of the body) and that their anterior margins (which lie lateral to the insect) are closely applied to the substrate. In the attitude of the active insect the angle between the contiguous tegmina is less than 90° (i.e. between their internal surfaces) while it becomes very obtuse (closer to 180°) in the flat- tened cryptic posture. In the cryptic posture the tegmina form a carapace-like structure that covers the second and third leg pairs. This change in the orientation of the tegmina is achieved by slow transition. In effect as the insect moves from a locomotory stance into its resting posture it lowers the body against the substrate, re- orients the limbs, tucks the ventral part of the head beneath the prothorax and ‘feathers’ the tegmina outwards. In the resting pos- ture the insect has a very low profile and the anterior legs are pro- tracted side-by-side enclosing the antennae. The second and third leg pairs lie beneath the expanded tegmina: concealed completely or with part of the tarsi projecting. It seems probable that in order to achieve this position the mus- culature of the tegminal base must be modified in some way and that each tegmen would exhibit some structural modification at its base. Perhaps some of the movements involved in stridulation require muscles and a form of tegminal articulation that facilitate the step to this form of profile concealment. Figure 2. Stages A, B, and C in the assumption of the full cryptic posture (C) of Phyllophora sp. In A the major elements of the third leg are ap- posed and the leg is being moved towards the anterior margin of the left tegmen. In B the leg is about to be moved under the edge of the tegmen. In C the leg has been rotated at its base, moved under the tegmen and the tibia now lies closer to the midline of the body than the femur. Note the position of the head and antenna in the final stage. 1973] Robinson — Cryptic Postures 163 164 Psyche [September 2. Phyllophora sp. * (Fam: Phyllophorinae) Specimens of this robust dark-green insect assumed diurnal resting attitudes on small branches. In the process the long third legs were folded at the femorotibial joint so that the tibia was closely apposed to the femur (inside edge to inside edge) and the apparent unit formed in this way was then tucked beneath the lower edge of the tented tegmen (its anatomically anterior margin). On one occasion when we filmed the process the insect brought first one tarsus for- wards to the jaws, beneath the body, then the other. The tarsal region was groomed, in each case, and then the folding process was finished and the leg fitted into its cryptic stance. As the long hind legs are fitted into position beneath the tegmina the insect settles down so that its ventral surface is in contact with the substrate. At this stage legs I & II brace the resting insect. Interestingly enough the coloration of the outer margin of the tibia III was much paler (with pink overtones) than the rest of the joint. This coloration closely matches that of the ventral surface of the abdomen against which the folded unit is apposed. This coloration is visible only when the insect is viewed from below. Figure 2 shows the process of leg-folding and the final cryptic posture. We observed similar behavior in a very much larger phyllophorine that we did not collect. Discussion The Phyllophora sp. device can be regarded as primarily an adap- tation for concealing the large (“characteristic”) jumping legs of the orthopteran. This conclusion is based on comparison with function- ally similar devices in other insects and is supported by the fact that the posture is adopted during the period of diurnal immobility when the insect is presumably at risk from visually hunting predators. On the other hand it is not a form of cryptic behavior consistent with the main line of evolution of leaf-mimicry in the Tettigoniidae. In that line leaf-mimicry has been achieved by flattening in the sagittal plane and reduction in the length of the tegmina (examples in Chopard 1938, Robinson 1969b). The cryptic posture adopted by Acauloplacella immunis is a most interesting one in that it reduces profile and affords leg-concealment at the same time. It does not involve any marked dorso-ventral flattening in the active insect. It is an adaptation that is essentially more similar to the postural flattening of bark-living frogs and geckos (see Cott 1940) than other forms of crypsis found in the Orthoptera. ♦Close to P. cheesmanae and P. similis de Jong. 1973] Robinson — Cryptic Postures 165 Neither of the insects showed any of the forms of secondary de- fense that Robinson (1969a) suggested were consequences of escape- inhibiting cryptic postures. Both postures could be regarded as in- hibiting the possibility of immediate escape following the penetration of the first line of defense. Thus in the Phyllophora position the jumping legs are in such a position that immediate escape by jump- ing is not possible although the animal can push itself off the sub- strate and drop. Similarly with Acauloplacella. Despite this neither animal had a startle display, chemical secretion or was armed with defensive spines. Many of the orthopteroid insects that occur in this region of New Guinea have complex secondary defenses and in particular use strong spines in defense. This may be correlated with the fact that most of the mammalian predators of insects (marsupials) are noc- turnal and handle their prey. They may thus be less susceptible to visual defenses and more affected by mechanical counter-attack. References Chopard, L. 1938. La biologie des Orthopteres. Paris: Lechavalier. Cott, H. B. 1940. Adaptive coloration in animals . London: Methuen. Edmunds, M. 1972. Defensive behaviour in Ghanian praying mantids. Zool. Journal Linnean Soc. London. 51:1-32. Robinson, M. H. 1968. The defensive behavior of Pterinoxylus spinulosus Redtenbacher, a winged stick insect from Panama. Psyche. 75: 195-207. 1969a. The defensive behaviour of some orthopteroid insects from Pan- ama. Trans. Royal Entomological Soc. London. 121: 281-303. 1969b. Defenses against visually hunting predators. In Dobzhansky et al. Evolutionary Biology. 3 : 225-259. 1973. Insect anti-predator adaptations and the behavior of predatory primates. Actas del IV Congresso Latinamericano de Zoologia II. 811-836. Ruiter, L. de. 1952. Some experiments on the camouflage of stick caterpillars. Be- haviour. 4: 222-232. CRETACEOUS ACULEATE WASPS FROM TAIMYR, SIBERIA ( HYMENOPTERA) * By Howard E. Evans Mliseum of Comparative Zoology1 It seems incredible that only 16 years ago no aculeate Hymenop- tera were known from the Mesozoic. In 1957 Sharov described Cretavus from the Upper Cretaceous, an enigmatic form almost certainly belonging to the Scolioidea. Ten years later Wilson, Carpenter, and Brown described a beautifully preserved worker ant from Upper Cretaceous amber, and in 1969 I described two dis- similar wasps from the Upper Cretaceous and an undoubted aculeate wing from the Lower Cretaceous. Thus within a few years it be- came evident that the Aculeata were well diversified by the end of the Mesozoic. Recent finds in the U.S.S.R. have more than con- firmed that impression, and When fully described will document a radiation so pronounced that events in the Tertiary will appear anticlimactic. It is the purpose of this brief report to provide names and de- scriptions for several striking wasps occurring in Upper Cretaceous amber from the Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia. These specimens were kindly made available to me for study by Dr. A. Rasnitsyn of the Palaeontological Institute of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. All specimens have been returned for deposit in that in- stitution. All specimens bear the following data, as supplied by Dr. Rasnitsyn: North Siberia, Taimyr Peninsula, Maimetcha River [a branch of the Kheta River, Khatanga Basin], Yantardakh Hill [3 km up from mouth of the Maimetcha] ; amber of Upper Cre- taceous age, Coniacian-Santonian stage, Kheta formation. This material contains several relatively well-preserved, more or less complete specimens. As might be anticipated, some of them are quite generalized and difficult to place in the commonly accepted superfamilies. One of these I tentatively place in the Scolebythidae, a recently-described family that I consider annectant between the Scolioidea and Bethyloidea. Another I interpret as a probable gen- ®Published with the aid of a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Present address: Dept, of Entomology and Zoology, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Colorado 80521. Manuscript received by the editor , June 7 , 1973. 1973] Evans — Cretaceous A culeate W asps 167 eralized sphecoid wasp. One specimen is quite clearly a sphecoid, a pemphredonine probably related to Lisponema, described from Cre- taceous Canadian amber (Evans, 1969). The bulk of the material consists of Bethyloidea (26 of 29 specimens), including the first records of Bethylidae from prior to the Oligocene. As might be expected, all specimens are small (under 5 mm) and all represent forms likely to be associated with trees. Present-day Bethylidae attack larvae of Microlepidoptera and small Coleoptera, while Cleptidae (the most abundant Aculeata in Taimyrian amber) are parasites of sawfly larvae or the eggs of Phasmida. Many living Pemphredoninae are associated with woody plants, and since the Cretaceous forms lack spinose legs it seems a safe assumption that they were xylicolous. The absence of larger wasps and of fossorial forms is, I believe, merely an artifact, as such insects are unlikely to become fossilized in small pieces of resin. But the diversity of non- fossorial forms leads one to believe that the total aculeate fauna may have been surprisingly rich. ? FAMILY SPHECIDAE Taimyrisphex, new genus Known from a single male approximately 4 mm in length, fully alate [legs missing except coxae, front and middle trochanters, and front femur] (Figs. 1, 2). Head about as wide as thorax; lower part of front roundly prominent, overhanging bases of antennae, the latter 13-segmented, very short, approximately capable of reach- ing apices of front coxae, scape barely longer than thick, flagellar segments about as long as thick (except ultimate segment 1.5 X as long as thick) ; eyes large, reaching from close to top of vertex to base of mandibles, inner margins weakly emarginate; ocelli large, lateral ocelli removed from eye margins by less than their own diameters; occipital carina present at least laterally; labial palpi short, 4-segmented ; maxillary palpi slightly longer [probably 6- segmented; details of mandibles and clypeus not clearly visible]. Pronotum sloping smoothly to collar, with small, rounded posterior lobes which nearly reach the tegulae; dorsal and lateral faces of pronotum separated by a subcarinate ridge; posterior margin of pronotum forming a smooth arc between posterior lobes; meso- scutum long, weakly convex, the notauli deeply and broadly im- pressed on the posterior fourth, extending as weak lines almost to anterior margin of scutum ; parapsidal furrows present, linear, nearly complete; scutellum convex, with a transverse basal impres- Psyche [September 1 68 sion; metanotum rather long, but postnotum not visible; propodeum with smooth contours, posterior rim well developed; mesopleurum strongly convex, undivided by grooves; mesosternum simple; middle coxae contiguous; coxae subconical; front femur simple, elongate. Wing venation as figured. Metasoma sessile; tergite i convex, forming a weak constriction at junction with tergite 2; sternite I nearly flat in profile, hind margin nearly straight, thin, slightly overlapping base of sternite 2, which has a narrow basal constriction beyond which it is strongly convex [apical third of metasoma miss- ing]- Type-species. — - T aimyrisphex pristinus, new species. Remarks. — • This is an exceedingly generalized aculeate, without noteworthy features that would assign it unequivocally to any ma- jor group. I assign it tentatively to the Sphecidae (in the broad sense), largely on the basis of the rounded posterior lobes of the pronotum, which lie slightly below the tegulae and do not quite reach them. The wing venation is not inconsistent with that of a generalized sphecid, and is more generalized than that of Archisphex (Evans, 1969) with respect to the position of the recurrent veins. The venation might also be that of a generalized scolioid, although the lack of a constriction between the first two metasomal segments and of a crease beneath the stigma (1 r) would exclude it from most living families of Scolioidea. The general form of the prono- tum is suggestive of a pompilid, and the venation would not exclude it from that family, but there is no evidence of a transverse suture on the mesopleurum. Since we know from other evidence that the family Sphecidae was well represented in the Cretaceous, it seems best to assign T aimyrisphex to that family, at least tentatively, until such time as further pieces can be added to the puzzle. Taimyrisphex pristinus, new species Length about 4 mm; fore wing about 2.5 mm. Color dark brown, pronotum apparently with a pair of dorsal pale spots, first metasomal Fig. 1. T aimyrisphex pristinus, n. sp., wings of type. Fig. 2. Same speci- men, oblique-dorsal view of body, wings mostly omitted. Fig. 3. Mandible of Cretabythus sibiricus, n. sp. type. Fig. 4. Same specimen, body and wings. Fig. 5. Pittoecus pauper, n. sp., type, portion of fore wing. Fig. 6. Same specimen, front leg. Fig. 7. Same specimen, hind tibia. Fig. 8. Same speci- men, ventral surface of abdomen. Fig. 9. Protamisega khatanga, n. sp., type, lateral view of head. Dashed lines in Figures 4 and 5 indicate parts not clearly visible in specimens. 1973] Evans — Cretaceous A culeate Wasps 169 70 Psyche [September tergite with a pair of large pale spots barely separated medially [these maculations may be artifacts] ; antennae dark brown except scape paler; preserved parts of legs stramineous except hind coxae mostly fuscous; wings hyaline, with brown veins and stigma; wing membrane covered with microtrichiae, but body without visible setae or pubescence. Body surface smooth, without noticeable sculpturing. Front angle of ocellar triangle exceeding a right angle; lateral ocelli removed from eye margin by slightly less than half their own diameters, removed from the rounded vertex crest by somewhat more than their own diameters. Front femur 3 X as long as its maximum width. Holotype . • — ■ <$, Taimyr, N. Siberia, 1970, amber specimen no. 3130-16. FAMILY SPHECIDAE: SUBFAMILY PEMPHREDONINAE Pittoecus, new genus Known from a single female approximately 5 mm in length, fully alate but with a reduced wing venation resembling that of certain living Pemphredonini (Figs. 5-8). Head broad, with large eyes extending from base of mandibles to or close to top of head ; temples broad; antennae short, 12-segmented, somewhat coiled, arising from small elevations of the front; mandibles straight, tapered, without visible teeth on upper or lower margin [clypeus and other mouth- parts not clearly visible, top of head (including ocelli) missing]. Pronotum with rounded posterior lobes similar to those of living Pemphredoninae [thoracic dorsum largely missing] ; mesopleura somewhat convex, without visible grooves; legs fully preserved, with only a few small spines, front tarsus without a pecten, hind tibia with a group of very short spines basally and a few along the shaft ; tibia! spur formula 1-1-2; claws dentate. Wings imperfectly pre- served, fore wing apparently with two submarginal cells, as figured. Metasoma slender and tapered, sessile basally, with six distinct seg- ments and a well developed sting and sting-palps [dorsum of abdo- men missing]. Type-species . — Pittoecus pauper , new species. Remarks . — Although the only available specimen is incomplete, consisting of a hollow mold of the ventral half of the body (with complete legs and partially complete wings), the form is so similar to that of living pemphredonine wasps such as Passaloecus that it seems worthy of description. The form of the second submarginal cell and the unusual distance between the origin of the basal and 1973] Evans — ■ Cretaceous A culeate W asps 171 transverse median veins are suggestive of the Australian genus Har- pactophilus. Pittoecus pauper, new species Length 4.8 mm; estimated length of fore wing 2.5 mm. Colora- tion not preserved, specimen the color of amber. Scape barrel- shaped, about twice as long as wide; antennal segments 2-12 slightly longer than thick, 13 somewhat pointed, about 1.7 X as long as thick. Front femur 2.7 X as long as wide; segments of front tarsus in a ratio of 25:8:7:6:13, comparable measurements of hind tarsus 45:18:14:8:13; front basitarsus with two minute lateral spines as well as some small apical ones; hind tibia with short spines as fig- ured, hind tarsi also weakly spinose. Apical metasomal segment bearing numerous short bristles adjacent to base of sting. Holotype. — $, Taimyr, N. Siberia, 1970, amber specimen no. 3130-18. ? FAMILY SCOLEBYTHIDAE Cretabythus, new genus Known from a single male approximately 2.5 mm in length, fully alate but with a reduced venation, hind wing without closed cells (Figs. 3, 4). Antennae elongate, 13-segmented, all segments some- what longer than wide; maxillary palpi elongate [probably 6-seg- mented] ; mandibles short, with 4 sharp apical teeth; clypeus, short, with a low median keel ; malar space short, about one fourth as long as width of mandibles at their base; eyes and ocelli of moderate size, ocelli in a broad triangle close to the broadly rounded vertex; head contracted immediately behind eyes; occipital carina complete. Pro- notum short, its posterior margin broadly arched between the pos- terior lobes, which are small, rounded, slightly below and touching the tegulae; pronotum with a short, anterior collar; notauli and parapsidal furrows complete; scutellum large, rather flat; base of propodeum with a slightly elevated, transverse band ( ?metanotum) ,. disc with a basal, semicircular area with strong surface sculpturing, otherwise smooth, with a strong transverse carina margining the abrupt, posterior declivity. Propleura well developed, somewhat prolonged anteriorly, but posternum and proepimeron (as described for Scolebythus ) not evident; mesopleura rather smooth, without evident pits, ridges, or sutures; front and hind coxae contiguous, middle coxae slightly separated. Fore wings as figured, with one 172 Psyche [September closed submarginal cell and two closed discoidal cells (superficially resembling certain pemphredonine Sphecidae) ; hind wing not fully visible, but evidently with a strong vein on the basal, anterior mar- gin, without closed cells. Legs not spinose; tibial spur formula 1-2-2; claws dentate. Metasoma slender, sessile, with 7 visible seg- ments, without a constriction between first two segments and without unusual modifications. Type-species. — Cretabythus sibiricus, new species. Remarks. — This specimen is reasonably well preserved and nearly complete, but it presents a puzzling combination of characters. I had at first supposed it was a pemphredonine sphecid related to Pittoecus , but despite similarities in the wing venation there are several reasons for excluding it from this group : the broad, 4-toothed mandibles, pronotal lobes reaching the tegulae, two mid-tibial spurs, lack of closed cells in the hind wing, and so forth. The wing vena- tion appears closest to that of the Scolebythidae (though unfortu- nately one cannot be sure whether the anal lobe is developed) and there are other features in common with that group.2 However, there are also several major differences: e.g. lack of a distinct pros- ternum and proepimera, presence of an anterior pronotal collar and of a transverse carina on the propodeum, and differences in the form of the first metasomal segment. It is probable that modern Scole- bythidae are specialized for life beneath bark or in holes in wood, and the absence of such specializations in Cretabythus should not necessarily exclude it from this family. For the present I can suggest no better placement for this unusual wasp. Cretabythus sibiricus, new species Length 2.5 mm; fore wing about 1.9 mm. Fuscous, except pro- notum apparently somewhat lighter than remainder of body; legs stramineous; antennae stramineous basally, slightly infuscated toward apex; wings hyaline, stigma brown, veins light brown. Body with- out strong surface sculpturing and without noticeable setae. Anten- nal segments in the following ratio : 5 :4 .*5 :5 : 5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 ; segment three about 1.7 X as long as wide. Segments of front tarsus in a ratio of 8 14. :3 :2 :5 ; longer spur of hind tibia 0.4 X length of hind basitarsus. 2When I described the Scolebythidae (Evans, 1963) I had only females. I have since discovered a male Cly stops enella longiventris Kieffer and can state that there is no marked sexual dimorphism in this group. The family currently has a broadly discontinuous distribution in Brazil, Madagascar, and Australia (the Australian element has yet to be described). 1973] Evans — Cretaceous A culeate JVasps 73 10 II Fig. 10. Protamisega khatanga, n. sp., type, fore wing. Fig. 11. Hypo- cleptes rasnitsyni, n. sp., type, fore wing. Fig. 12. Archaepyris minutus, n. sp., type, fore wing. Fig. 13. Hypocleptes rasnitsyni , n. sp., lateral view of type. Fig. 14. Celonophamia taimyria, n. sp., head of type. Fig. 15. Archaepyris minutus, n. sp., head of type. Fig. 16. Celonophamia taimyria, n. sp., dorsal view of body and wings as preserved. Broadly dashed lines in Figures 10 and 12 indicate pale streaks in wing membrane, while finely stippled lines indicate weak veins. 174 Psyche [September Holotype. — cf, Taimyr, N. Siberia, 1970, amber specimen no. 3130-17. FAMILY BETHYLIDAE Archaepyris, new genus Wasps approximately 2 mm in length, fully alate, of fuscous coloration (known only from males) (Figs. 12, 15). Antennae simple, with 13 segments; eyes large, slightly protruding from sides of head, not noticeably hairy; mandibles short, broad, with several sharp apical teeth ; clypeus short, median lobe only slightly produced ; ocelli of moderate size, situated close to vertex crest. Pronotum moderately long, disc only slightly shorter than mesoscutum along midline; notauli and basal scutellar pits or groove not visible; pro- podeum short, with a more or less flat dorsal surface that is slightly wider than long, also with an almost vertical posterior declivity. Legs not spinose ; claws weakly dentate. Fore wing as figured, with a short vein arising from basal vein, the discoidal cell outlined by weak veins and outer part of wing with a series of fine creases that may mark the course of former veins. Metasoma sessile. Type-species. — Archaepyris minutus, new species. Remarks. — Since the classification of Bethylidae is based on struc- tural minutiae that require perfect preservation and close study under high power, placement of fossil material involves a large measure of guess work. Archaepyris I would judge to be a very generalized bethylid, combining features of the usually recognized subfamilies. Although Epyris-Wke in general form, the venation is suggestive of some Pristocerinae, while the vein arising from the basal vein sug- gests Bethylinae. Archaepyris minutus, new species Length 2 mm; fore wing 1.4 mm. Fuscous; wings hyaline, with brown veins and stigma. Front slightly narrower than eye height, with a weak median groove; sculpturing of front rather weak; antennae arising close to base of clypeus, the segments in the follow- ing ratio: 15:10:9:10:9:9:9:9:9:9:9:9:15. Segments of middle tar- sus in the following ratio: 16:7:7:5:9. Subgenital plate simple; parameres hirsute, somewhat rounded apically. 'Holotype. — ■ cf, Taimyr, N. Siberia, 1971, amber specimen no. 331 1-7. Paratype. — cf in fair condition, in amber from same source, no. 3130-21. 973] Evans — Cretaceous A culeate W asps 175 Celonophamia, new genus Wasps approximately 2 mm in length, fully alate, of fuscous coloration (known only from females) (Figs. 14, 16). Antennae simple, with 12 segments; eyes large, slightly protruding from sides of head, not noticeably hairy; palpi short; mandibles short, the apex broad, with several sharp teeth; front with a deep median groove. Pronotum short, its posterior margin broadly arched ; mesoscutum broad, notauli distinct. Legs simple, not spinose; front femur not swollen, about 3 X as long as wide ; claws simple. Wings extending well beyond middle of abdomen, rather evenly covered with micro- trichiae ; stigma and radial vein well developed ; basal vein reaching subcosta a short distance basad of stigma, not giving rise to a vein ; discoidal and subdiscoidal veins absent or weakly defined. Metasoma sessile, slightly flattened, bearing short bristles. Type-species. — Celonophamia taimyria , new species. Remarks. — This genus also occurs in Upper Cretaceous Canadian amber (specimen to be described later). The 12-segmented anten- nae suggest Cephalonomia and its allies (the generic name is ana- gram of Cephalonomia) . However, the wings are broader and have a fuller venation than in that genus. Possibly this genus is close to the ancestral stock of the Cephalonomiini, subfamily Epyrinae. Celonophamia taimyria, new species Length 2 mm; fore wing about 1.3 mm. Fuscous; wings hyaline, with brown veins and stigma. Front slightly wider than height of an eye, with a deep median sulcus reaching to anterior ocellus; ocelli of moderate size; sculpturing of front weak. Antennal seg- ments in the following ratio: 15:8:7:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:10. Segments of hind tarsus in the following ratio: 20:9:7:6:11. Holotype. — 9, Taimyr, N. Siberia, 1971, amber specimen no. 331 1-5. Paratypes. — Two specimens of indeterminate sex, in rather poor condition, nos. 3311-11 and 3311- 12. FAMILY CLEPTIDAE Hypocleptes, new genus Small wasps bearing much resemblance to living members of the genus Cleptes, although with a very simple wing venation (known only from females) (Figs. 11, 13). Antennae short, scape only about 2.5 X as long as wide, arising slightly below bottoms of 176 Psyche [September eyes; malar space moderately long; palpi simple, slender. Pronotum rather long, crossed by a deep transverse furrow, posterior lobes projecting well beneath sides of mesoscutum, the latter elongate, with strong, complete notauli ; propodeum strongly foveolate, some- what angulate but not really dentate on each side. Fore wing with very simple venation, as figured. Legs simple, slender, non-spinose; tibia! spur formula 1-2-2; claws apparently simple. Metasoma robust except apical three segments in the form of a slender (prob- ably extensible) tube. Body without strong surface sculpturing ex- cept for the large foveae on the propodeum. Type-species. — Hypocleptes rasnitsyni , new species. Remarks. — This genus differs from Procleptes (Evans, 1969) in lacking dentiform processes on the propodeum and apical processes on the front coxae; also, the scapes are much shorter. The wings of Procleptes are mostly missing, so this feature cannot be compared. Hypocleptes rasnitsyni, new species Length 2.8 mm; fore wing about 1.8 mm. Head, thorax, and appendages brown to black, abdomen much paler, rufotestaceous ; wings hyaline, veins and stigma brown. Antennae short, middle seg- ments very slightly longer than wide. Mesoscutum, measured along midline, about twice as long as pronotum, surface sparsely punctate; mesoscutum and scutellum separated by a transverse groove. Seg- ments of front tarsus in the following ratio: 22:5:5:4:10; middle and hind tarsi more elongate than front tarsi. Holotype. — ?, Taimyr, N. Siberia, 1971, amber specimen no. 3311-6. Paratypes. — 5 9$ in fair condition in other pieces of amber from same source, nos. 3130-20, 3130-22, 3311-8, 33 1 1 _9, and 3311-10. 4 additional 9? in Poor condition are also tentatively placed in this species. Protamisega, new genus Known from a single female only 1.9 mm in length, bearing much resemblance to living members of the genus Amisega (Figs. 9, 10). Eyes large, somewhat protuberant; antennae inserted far below bot- tom of eyes, scape very long, about 4 X as long as wide, about half as long as remainder of antenna. Pronotum moderately long, crossed by a transverse carina anteriorly, midline not impressed ; notauli deeply impressed, complete; scutellum with a transverse basal sul- cus; propodeum with a steep posterior slope, surface with a number 1973] Evans — Cretaceous A culeate TV asps 177 of ridges describing large foveae, ridges on sides converging to form a small, spinose projection. Legs simple, not spinose; claws appar- ently simple. Fore wing as figured. Metasoma robust on basal four segments, terminal segments forming a tube very much as in Hypo- cleptes. Body without noticeable setae and without strong surface sculpturing except for propodeum. Type-species. — Protamisega khatanga , new species. Remarks. — This genus differs from the preceding in having the wing venation less simplified and in having the scape longer and in- serted lower on the head. In the last feature it resembles Procleptes of Canadian amber (Evans, 1969), but the latter has stronger pro- cesses on the propodeum and much more obvious surface sculpturing. Protamisega khatanga, new species Length 1.9 mm; fore wing 1.2 mm. Body dark brown, scape and basal parts of legs also fuscous, but appendages fading to lighter brown apically; wings hyaline, veins and stigma light brown. An- tennae prominent, middle segments about as wide as long. Segments of hind tarsus in the following ratio: 17:6:6:5:9. First four meta- somal tergites in approximately the following ratio, measured from the side: 13:13:8:4. The terminal tubular portion appears to be made up of three segments, although the details are obscure. Holotype. — Taimyr, N. Siberia, 1970, amber specimen no. 3130-19. Discussion Ten additional pieces of amber from the same source contain un- identifiable specimens, all of which I would judge to be Bethyloidea; some of these probably represent additional specimens of species described above. The preponderance of Bethyloidea in this material doubtless reflects the fact that many are associated with trees and are small enough to be preserved in small pieces of amber, as mentioned earlier. Nevertheless it is difficult to escape the impression that Cleptidae, at least, were much more abundant than they are today, for the family is now represented by only a few genera containing species that are only rarely encountered. Since the Cretaceous Cleptidae have the general habitus of contemporary forms, it is per- haps a safe assumption that they, too, attacked Symphyta and Phas- mida, groups that may well have been more important parts of the fauna in the Cretaceous than they are today. 178 Psyche [September All of the Bethyloidea are clearly identifiable as to family, but more difficult to place in present-day tribes and subfamilies. The bethylid genus Archaepyris appears to have some features of each of the major subfamilies, while Celonophamia appears annectant between the Epyrini and Cephalonomiini. Cretabythus is a truly enigmatic form, with many bethylid-like features (particularly the mandibles) but with an unusual wing venation suggesting the Scole- bythidae. Taimyrisphex is perhaps the most generalized wasp yet described from the Cretaceous. Although I have placed it in the Sphecidae, one might argue that it is a scolioid or even a prototype of the Pompilidae. We do know that the Sphecidae underwent considerable evolution before the end of the Cretaceous, for two specialized forms of the subfamily Pemphredoninae have now been described. In conclusion, it may be useful to list the Aculeata now known from the Cretaceous, bearing in mind that this list will be con- siderably augmented when all recently collected material has been described : SCOLIOIDEA Cretavidae: Cretavus ?SCOLIOIDEA-BETHYLOIDEA PScolebythidae : Cretabythus BETHYLOIDEA Bethylidae : A rchaepyris Celonophamia Cleptidae: Procleptes Hypocleptes P rot amis ega References Evans, H. E. 1963. A new family of wasps. Psyche, 70: 7-16. 1969. Three new Cretaceous aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera) . Psyche, 76: 251-261. Sharov, A. G. 1957. First discovery of a Cretaceous stinging hymenopteron (Acu- leata). Dokl. Akad. Nauk., 112: 943-944. (In Russian). Wilson, E. O., F. M. Carpenter, and W. L. Brown, Jr. 1967. The first Mesozoic ants, with the description of a new subfamily. Psyche, 74: 1-19. FORMICOIDEA Formicidae: Sphecomyrrna ?SPHECOIDEA PSphecidae : A rchisphex Taimyrisphex SPHECOIDEA Sphecidae Pemphredoninae: Lisponema Pit to ecus PARAMUZOA (NYCTIBORINAE), A NEW COCKROACH GENUS PREVIOUSLY CONFUSED WITH PARASPHAERIA (EPILAMPRINAE)* By Louis M. Roth Pioneering Research Laboratory U.S. Army Natick Laboratories Natick, Massachusetts 01760 Kirby (1904, p. 194) placed Parasphaeria Brunner in the Peri- sphaeriinae, probably because Brunner (1865) stated that the genus was near Perisphcieria Biirm. Princis (1964) placed the genus in the Perisphaeriidae. While studying the male genitalia of genera which Princis assigned to the Perisphaeriidae, I found the phallo- meres of Parasphaeria ovata (Blanchard) (type of genus, Princis, 1964, p. 240) to be more typical of the genitalia of genera which belong to the Epilamprinae and that Parasphaeria linearis (Serville) is not a member of ovoviviparous Parasphaeria , but is an oviparous species. All ovoviviparous cockroaches belong to one family, the Blaberidae (McKittrick, 1964) and the arrangement of their male genital phal- lomeres are similar with the hook (R2) always on the right side (Fig. 10). The Plectopterinae ( Blattellidae) also have the hook on the right, but in the other 4 blattellid subfamilies ( Anaplectinae, Blattellinae, Ectobiinae, and Nyctiborinae) , the male genitalia are the mirror image of those of the Plectopterinae and Blaberidae, hav- ing the retractable hook on the left side (McKittrick, 1964). The hooked phallomere (L3) of Parasphaeria linearis (Fig. 9) is on the left and the phallomere L2d clearly shows a close relationship to members of the Nyctiborinae, in which subfamily I place this species. In this paper, I shall redescribe Parasphaeria ovata , and erect a new genus for Parasphaeria linearis, in part from specimens used by Brunner (1865) when he described the genus. I have examined the S and 9 types of Blatta ovata Blanchard, and Brunner was correct in his determination of his specimens of this species. Complete synonyms for these 2 species can be found in Princis (1964). Paramuzoa, n. gen. Type species: Blatta linearis Serville (present designation) Paramuzoa appears to be close to Muzoa Hebard, having sym- *Manuscript received by the editor October 2, 1973 179 8o Psyche [September Figs. 1-5. Adults of Paramuzoa linearis. 1. Male (Brazil). 2. Head ( cf ) (From specimen shown in Fig. 1). 3. Female (Brazil). 4. Left side of female mesonotum showing the deep, incomplete lateral incision (arrow) resulting in a tegmenlike lobe. 5. Supra-anal plate and cerci (dorsal) of £. (Figs. 4 and 5 from female shown in Fig. 3. (Both adults from Brunner s collection at the Natural History Museum, Vienna; scale: figs. 1, 3 = 5 mm, figs. 2, 4-5 = 1 mm) . 1973] Roth — Paramuzoa 1 8 1 metrical tarsal claws; in other genera of Nyctiborinae symmetrical claws are found only in Megaloblatta (Hebard, 1921, p. 132). Although the shape of L2d (Fig. 9) of Paramuzoa differs from that of Muzoa madida Rehn, both have this phallomere tapering to a sharp point directed to the left. In addition to specific differences which distinguish it from Muzoa , the male of Paramuzoa has an asymmetrical subgenital plate and the right and left styles differ markedly in size (Fig. 8) ; in Muzoa the subgenital plate is sym- metrical and the styles are equal. Femoral armament also differs between the 2 genera. The female of Paramuzoa is wingless and the mesonotum is modified laterally to form lobes which appear to be movable tegmina (Fig. 3) but anteriorly are actually part of the mesonotum (Fig. 4). The females of Muzoa are fully winged. Paramuzoa linearis (Serville), n. comb. (Figs. 1-9) Syn. Blatta linearis Serv. (Serville, 1831, Ann. Sci. nat. 22, P- 4F cf ) Parasphaeria linearis (Serv.) (Brunner, 1865; 314, cf and $) cf (Figs. 1, 6). — Violaceous black. Head black, except for a broad testaceous band above the labrum; surface pitted (Fig. 2). Last segment of labial and maxillary palps black, the others testa- ceous. Eyes wide apart, the interocular space larger than the width of one eye. Antennae black, except for about 6 distal yellowish segments terminating in several apical black segments (Fig. 6). Pronotum densely pitted, piliferous, anterior and posterior margins rounded, widest at posterior border, metallic blackish except for 2 smooth orange spots below the middle. Tegmina piliferous, the an- terior portion distinctly pitted. Wings infuscated (Fig. 6). Legs black. Ventral femoral margins: Front femur; anterior margin lined with small piliform setae, those on the distal half closer to- gether; distal spine present, genicular spine absent. Mid femur: piliform spines on both margins; hind margin with 1 large spine, absent on anterior margin, distal spines on both margins, the anterior larger than the one on the posterior margin, genicular spine present. Hind femur: anterior margin with piliform spines only, plus a distal spine; posterior margin with piliform spines and one large spine, distal spine absent, genicular spine present. Tarsi with large pulvilli on all segments; tarsal claws simple, equal, with large arolia. Supra- anal plate with sides straight, hind margin unevenly convex; cerci about 4 times as long as wide, piliferous (Fig. 7). Subgenital plate Psyche [September Figs. 6-8. Paramuzoa linearis. 6. Adult $ and left wing (Sao Paulo, Cipo, Brazil, 25-XI-1967, leg. V. N. Alin, U.S. National Museum; det. Gurney). 7. Supra-anal plate and cerci (dorsal). 8. Subgenital plate and styles (ventral). (Figs. 7 and 8 KOH preparations from specimen shown in Fig. 6; scale: fig. 6 = 5 mm, figs. 7-8 = 1 mm). 973] Roth — P aramuzoa 183 asymmetrical, the hind margin rounded ; styles slender, the left about 2.5X longer than the right (Fig. 8). Genitalia shown in figure 9; R2 with a subapical incision; L2d touching, but not attached to L2 vm, tapering to a sharp point directed to the left. Measurements (mm.) of Brunner’s specimen (Brazil) as follows: width and length of pronotum — 5.4 and 4.2 respectively; length and width of tegmen 17 and 4 respectively; body length 15. $ (Fig. 3) — Larger than and differs from male as follows: Head hidden under anterior margin of pronotum. Pronotum with hind margin slightly convex, the lateral corners curved backwards. What appear to be movable tegmina are actually a modification of the mesonotum which is deeply incised laterally forming a small lobe having a broad longitudinal convex swelling; anteriorly the meso- notum is entire and the mesad margin of the lobe continues as a groove in the mesonotal surface (Fig. 4) enhancing the impression of a freely moving tegmen (Fig. 3). Wings absent. Ventral hind margin of mid femur with 2 large spines. Tergites with fine recum- bent hairs, their insertions giving a finely pitted appearance. Sternites somewhat similar to tergites. Supra-anal plate piliferous, the hind margin strongly rounded with a shallow mesad indentation; cerci flattened dorsally, convex ventrally, about twice as long as wide, extending well beyond the hind margin of the supra-anal plate (Fig. 5). Mid portion of subgenital plate weakly convex, laterally strongly curved dorsad, hind margin rounded, laterally undulate. Measurements (mm.) of Brunner’s specimen (Brazil) as follows: Width and length of pronotum 8 and 5.6 respectively; width and length of tegmen 2.5 and 2.8 respectively; length of body about 19 mm. Parasphaeria ovata (Blanchard) (Figs. 10-19) cf (Figs. 11, 14). — Head brown, exposed beyond anterior mar- gin of pronotum; interocular space about i.6x width of an eye; interocellar space less than distance between eyes; labrum and clypeus testaceous; antennae brown, longer than body. Pronotum widest at about the middle, hind border convex, disk chestnut brown, impressed, resulting in an uneven surface; anterior and lateral borders testa- ceous. Tegmina very long, basally relatively narrow and expanding beyond, testaceous, nearly transparent; veins testaceous, prominent, especially on the basal half; Wings as long as tegmina, hyaline, veins testaceous. Front femur: basal half of ventro-anterior margin with Figs. 9-10. Male genitalia (dorsal). 9. Paramuzoa linearis (From speci- men shown in Fig. 6). 10. Parasphaeria ovata (From specimen shown in Fig. 14). Phallomeres numbered according to McKittrick (1964). (KOH preparations; the phallomeres have been separated somewhat, and flat- tened; Figs. 9 and 10 to same scale). Psyche [September Figs. 11-16. Adult males of Parasphaeria ovata. 11. Chile (U.S. Na- tional Museum, det. Gurney). 12. Supra-anal plate, cerci, and paraprocts (ventral). 13. Subgenital plate (ventral). (Figs. 12-13 from $ shown in Fig. 11). Chile (Brunner’s specimen from the Natural History Museum, Vienna). 15. Supra-anal plate (dorsal). 16. Subgenital plate (ventral). (Figs. 15-16, from $ shown in Fig. 14; scale: figs. 11, 14=5 mm, figs. 12- 13, 15-16=0.5 mm). 1973] Roth — P aramuzoa 86 Psyche [September widely spaced piliform spines followed by a row of smaller more closely spaced fine spines, small distal spine present, genicular spine absent. Mid and hind femora: ventro-anterior and posterior mar- gins unarmed (except for some small piliform spines), distal spines absent, small genicular spines present. Tarsal claws simple, equal, arolia and pulvilli well developed. Abdomen testaceous, lacking tergal glands; hind margin of supra-anal plate rounded and pilifer- ous; surface covered with small setae, more numerous on the pos- terior half (Fig. 15); right and left paraprocts bulbous (Fig. 12) ; subgenital plate asymmetrical, slightly indented on the right; styles absent (Figs. 13, 16). Genitalia shown in figure 10; R2 on right side, with a subapical incision; L2d separated from L2vm and with a lateral lobe which is directed dorsad; Li with a deep upturned cleft, heavily sclerotized along the margins; lower lobe (below cleft) without setae (what appears to be setae are actually on a membrane which overlaps the lobe). Table 1. Measurements (mm) of Parasphaeria ovata Overall Pronotum Tegmen body length length width length width $ Chile, Type (Paris Museum) 21 4.3 5.7 25.5 — Chile (Brunner’s specimen ; Vienna Museum) 0 22 4.4 5.8 26 Chile, Type (Paris Museum) 26 6.1 9 4.2 3.1 Peru (Brunner’s specimen; Vienna Museum) a 28 6.1 8.3 4.1 2.9 Ancud, Chiloe Island, Chile (2-7 April 1920, Cornell Univ. Exp.; Phila. Acad. Natural Sci., det. Hebard) 25 6.5 9.1 4.3 3.2 Araucana, S. Chile (R. M. Middleton, 1907-337; British Museum; det. Hebard, 1928) 23 5.6 8.3 4.2 2.9 Unlabeled specimen in British Museum 28 6.5 10.4 4.5 3.4 “Brunner (1865) lists Chile as the locality for his $ specimen, but th< label indicated it was from Peru. Rehn (1933) believed that P. ovata is limited in distribution to the southern half of Chile and he questioned the determination of Shelford’s record of a male from Ecuador. Two small nymphs, apparently of this species, at the British Museum had the following collection data: 1) L. Nahuel Huapi, Puerto Blest, 2-3. XII. 1926, Argen- tina, Terr. Rio Negro, F. and M. Edwards; 2) Casa Pangue, 4-10. XII. 1926, S. Chile, Llanquihue prov., F. and M. Edwards. 1973] Roth — Paramuzoa 187 Figs. 17-19. Adult females of Parasphaeria ovata. 17. Thorax and part of abdomen (Chile, U.S. National Museum; det. Gurney). 18. Peru (Brun- ner’s specimen from the Natural History Museum, Vienna). 19. Terminal segments of female shown in Fig. 18. (scale: tig. 17 — 4 mm, fig. 1 8 ~ 5 mm, 19 = 2 mm) . Male measurements are shown in Table 1. $ (Figs. 17, 18). — Dark brown, metallic. Head exposed beyond front margin of pronotum, largely black, shiny, with widely spaced fine dot-like impressions; labrum, lower border of clypeus, and area above and below antennal insertions testaceous; lower part of frons weakly wrinkled; antennae black, not quite length of body; last segments of maxillary palps darker than the others. Pronotum con- vex, widest at posterior border; uneven testaceous band borders the pronotum to the hind margin; posterior angles black. Tegmen lobi- form, lateral, reaching slightly beyond hind margin of mesonotum, testaceous except for a dark incomplete humeral stripe. Metanotum black with a testaceous spot at each of the 2 anterior angles and 2 other similar markings on the posterior border within the posterior 1 88 Psyche [September angles. Legs stout, short, testaceous, margined with brown; arma- ment as in cT. Abdomen convex, shiny black, slightly roughened; segments 2 to 7 with testaceous spots on the posterior angles, these spots decreasing in size from the anterior to the posterior tergites; a broad median testaceous band on sternites 1-5, the remainder blackish; supra-anal plate rounded, entire, cerci small, triangular (Fig. 19). Female measurements are shown in Table 1. Summary The Brazilian cockroach originally described as Blatta linearis by Serville has been referred to the genus P arasphaeria by Brunner ; it is not a member of this ovoviviparous genus ( Blaberidae) . P. linearis is oviparous with characters placing it in the subfamily Nyctiborinae (Blattellidae) , and Pararnuzoa n. gen. is erected for this species. The male genitalia, of P arasphaeria ovata (Blanchard) indicate that it is a member of the Epilamprinae and is not close to Perisphaeria (Perisphaeriinae) as suggested by Brunner. Acknowledgements I thank the following for the loan of specimens: Dr. M. Descamps, Museum of Natural History, Paris, for Blanchard’s types of P ara- sphaeria ovata ; Dr. A. Kaltenbach, Natural History Museum, Vienna, for Brunner’s specimens of P. ovata and P. linearis ; Dr. Ashley Gurney, U. S. National Museum, Dr. David Rentz, Phila- delphia Academy of Natural Sciences, and Dr. David R. Ragge, British Museum (Natural History), London, for additional speci- mens. I also thank Mr. Samuel Cohen for taking the photographs. References Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. 1865. Nouveau systeme des Blattaires. Vienna, 426 pp. Hebard, M. 1921. Studies in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Colombia. Second paper. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 47: 107-169. Kirby, W. F. 1904. A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera. 1 : 61-205. London. McKittrick, F. A. 1964. Evolutionary studies of cockroaches. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. St. Mem. 389, 197 pp. Princis, K. 1964. Orthopterorum Catalogus. Pars 6: 174-281. ’s — Gravenhage. Rehn, J. A. G. 1933. On the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Chile. Trans. Am. Ento- mol. Soc. 59: 159-190. THE MILLIPED FAMILY RHISCOSOMIDIDAE (DIPLOPODA: CHORDEUMIDA: STRIARIOIDEA) * By William A. Shear Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32601 Silvestri (1909) established the Family Rhiscosomididae for the single species Rhiscosomides miner i, from Oregon. Aside from the description of a second Oregon species by Chamberlin (R. josephi) from a female (Chamberlin, 1941), nothing further had been learned about the relationships or ecology of the millipeds of the family until my general review (Shear, 1972) of the North Ameri- can families of the Order Chordeumida. In that paper, I described a third species, R . acovescorJ from California, transferred Tingupa monterea Chamberlin to Rhiscosomides/ and established the relation- ship of the Family Rhiscosomididae to the Families Caseyidae, Uro- chordeumidae and Striariidae. Together, these four families make up the Superfamily Striarioidea. Beginning in late 1971, I received nearly 600 unsorted Berlese samples from Ellen M. Benedict, of the Department of Biology, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, and about 50 similar samples from Dr. David Malcolm, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. These samples were taken pursuant to studies of pseudo- scorpions, but also contained a large number of millipeds. The milli- peds from this material add enormously to our knowledge of the fauna of the northern Pacific coast of the United States, and I am extremely grateful to Mrs. Benedict and Dr. Malcolm for allowing me to examine them. This paper represents the first report based largely on the Oregon Berlese material, which now allows a more or less comprehensive revision of several little-known milliped fam- ilies. I am also grateful to Dr. Paul Arnaud, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, for allowing me to borrow that institution’s collection of unidentified millipeds. However, despite the rich material now available, a number of questions remain to be answered concerning the rhiscosomidids. ( 1 ) Chamberlin’s species R. montereum , the southernmost known representative of the genus, remains unstudied, since the types (the only known material) are no longer in existence. It appears to be a species distinct from R. acovescor , of Marin County. (2) The re- *Manuscript received by the editor July 5, 1973 89 190 Psyche [September lationship of the rhiscosomidids to the striariids is even more obvious than before. I think that when the striariids from the Benedict and Malcolm collections are thoroughly studied, it might prove desirable to even consider the Rhiscosomididae a subfamily of the Striariidae, despite the numerous differences in gross body form. (3) More material from California is needed, as there are probably several additional species occurring there. (4) Rhiscosomidids have not been collected in the state of Washington, where they may also occur, though numbers of Berlese samples from suitable habitats in that state contained no rhiscosomidids. The southern coastal region of Washington needs further exploration for millipeds. Ecologically, there do not appear to be any really significant dif- ferences in the habitats of the several known species. All have been collected most frequently from rotted wood, from conifer duff, and less frequently from deciduous duff and litter. Collections where elevational data is available are from 1100 ft. elevation or less. Nearly all were taken between November and March. However, the holotypes of R. montereum and R. trinitarium were collected in June and July respectively, and the latter was taken above 3400 ft. elevation. It should be emphasized that this data represents negative evidence from many samples from suitable habitats taken by Mrs. Benedict at much higher elevations and at other times of the year. Summer and early fall samples were poor in all types of millipeds; perhaps we are dealing here with a fauna adapted to low to nioderate temperatures and high humidity, individuals of which burrow deeper into the soil during unfavorable seasons. All type material for new species described below has been de- posited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, except for the holotype of R. trinitarium , which is the property of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California. Family Rhiscosomididae Silvestri Rhiscosomididae Silvestri, 1909, Rend. R. Accad. Lincei 18: 232; 1913, Boll. Lab. Zool. Portici 7: 307; Shear, 1972, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 144(4): 261. Type Genus: Rhisoosomides Silvestri, 1909. The family is mono- basic. Diagnosis: Distinct from species of Caseyidae in having broad segmental paranota, from species of Urochordeumidae in having the collum wider than the head, and from species of Striariidae in the 1973J Shear — Rhiscosomididae 191 body ornamentation (Fig. 4) : tiny, sharp, seta-tipped tubercles, rather than longitudinal ridges. Rhiscosomidids also resemble some- what the larger species of the genus Tingupa (Tingupidae) , but may be distinguished from them by the body ornamentation as well; tingupids are covered with short, longitudinal carinae. Description: Small, striarioid millipeds (Fig. 4) with 30 post- cephalic segments. Collum broader than head, only slightly reflexed ventrad laterally. Antennae clavate, short. Mentum of gnathochi- larium divided. Postcollum segments with strong paranota extending laterad, posterior lateral corners becoming strongly reflexed posteriad, segmental setae long, rather blunt. Surfaces of metazonites covered with closely set, sharply pointed tubercles bearing tiny branched setae. Sixth segment of males enlarged in some species. Epiproct trilobed. Legs normal, pregonopodal legs of males somewhat more crassate than postgonopodal legs. Gonopods of males (Figs. 2, 7, 10, 18) with sternum strongly sclerotized, two prominent groups of coxal processes. Anterior coxal processes partially fused in some species to form anterior plate. Posterior coxal processes usually fur- nished with fimbriate, membranous, or flagelliform branches and areas. Telopodites irregular, lobelike. Ninth legs reduced in size, with blunt coxal process, flattened, granular telopodite of one seg- ment (Figs. 9, 14, 16). Coxae of legs 10 with glands opening on anterior faces. Legs 1 1 normal. Cyphopods embraced by expansions of sternites and coxae of second and third legs, with postgenital structures of uncertain origin (Fig. 3). Distribution: Pacific coast region of the United States from the Monterey Penninsula north to the Columbia River, usually at ele- vations below 1 100 ft. Genus Rhiscosomides Silvestri Rhiscosomides Silvestri, 1909, Rend. R. Accad. Lincei 18: 232; 1919, Bull. Lab. Zool. Portici 7: 308; Shear, 1972, Bull. Mus. Comp Zool. 144(4) : 261. Type Species: Rhiscosomides mineri Silvestri, by monotypy. Description : The genus and family are coextensive, but the fol- lowing additional characters may be noted. Body generally dark brown in color, collum usually cream-white, bases of segmental setae marked with light spots. In species in which sixth segment of males is enlarged, that segment lighter in color dorsally than the others. General appearance is of parallel-sided polydesmiform animals, squared off anteriorly at collum, tapering abruptly to blunt epiproct from segment 25. Ocelli vary in number from 5 to 7, variable within species. 92 Psyche [September Gonopod Anatomy of Rhiscosomides Species The gonopods of Rhiscosomides species males conform well to the striarioid pattern. The sternum (Fig. 2, S) is heavily sclerotized and anteriorly margined, with deeply depressed openings from the tracheal spiracles. Laterally, the sternum is broadly expanded, con- cealing the bases of the coxal processes. The anterior coxal processes (Fig. i, AC) are closely appressed, and in the Acovescor Group of species are wholly or partially fused to form a broad plate. A strong lateral branch is usually present (Fig. 2, LB), but may be a broad flange (Fig. 7), or the largest part of the process (Fig. 18). The length of the anterior coxal process and the form of its terminal branches are of excellent taxonomic and diagnostic value. The pos- terior coxal process usually has three branches: the anterior branch (Fig. 7, AB), the mesal branch (Fig. 7, MB), usually the largest, and fhe generally much smaller posterior branch (Fig. 7, PB). The mesal and posterior branches are usually connected by a membranous or fimbriate area. There is also a flabelliform median structure arising from the heavily sclerotized part of the sternum that extends between the gonopods. This sternal flap (Fig. 10, SF) usually comes off with one or the other of the gonopods when they are sep- arated. The telopodites (Figs. 2, 10, T) are amorphous, lobelike structures that are usually displaced laterally, but may interlock basally with the lateral extensions of the sternum or of the anterior coxal processes. They are of little taxonomic value. The posterior gonopods are rather uniform throughout the genus (Figs. 9, 14, 16). In my 1972 description, I erred in calling the narrow anterior mesal coxal lobe the telopodite. The actual telopodite is flattened and irregular in outline and bears a more or less pointed process on the posteriomesal margin, which extends posteriad. This telopodite pro- cess and the coxal lobe protect and partially support the anterior gonopods, and in some animals, clasp between them the coxae of legs 10. In terms of gonopod anatomy and a few other characters, the six species known from males fall into two groups. In the Acovescor Group ( R . acovescor, R. trinit ariurn) , the anterior coxal processes tend to be fused or broadly contiguous mesally, and are rather short. Areas of highly branched, fine cuticular fibers are well developed on the posterior coxal processes. The sixth segment of the males is only slightly or not at all enlarged ; in R. acovescor the collum is colored like the other segments, instead of being white. Females have not been collected. Both species occur in California, and R. montereum will probably also prove to belong to the group. 1973] Shear — Rhiscoso?nididae 193 The Mineri Group includes R. mineri , R. josephi , R. malcolmi and R. benedictae. In these species, the anterior coxal processes are usually more rodlike, not at all fused mesally, and are more or less sharply curved anteriad. The fimbriate or membranous areas on the posterior coxal processes are of limited extent, and there is an area on the mesal branch that appears to be glandular. The sixth segment of males is enlarged; the collum is white. Females have postgenital bodies (Fig. 3) of uncertain origin immediately posterior to the cyphopods. These are of limited utility in diagnosis, though they cannot be used to separate some species. The four species occur along the Oregon coast and in the foothills of the Coast Ranges. Certainly, by the standards that have been applied in the past, these two species groups might have been recognized as genera, and I suggested (Shear, 1972) that R. acovescor might not be congeneric with R. mineri. However, R. mineri, the type species of Rhiscoso- mides , shows a degree of intermediacy in the form of the anterior coxal processes, particularly when compared to R. trinitarium, which, in turn, is intermediate between R. mineri and R. acovescor . In the light of these facts, and because of the small number of species in the family, it seems pointless to recognize a second genus at this time. Key to Species of Rhiscosomides (excluding R. montereum) 1 a. Sixth segment of males conspicuously enlarged (Fig. 4), lighter in color than other segments; anterior coxal processes of go no- pods usually rather rodlike (Figs. 7, 10, 15), touching mesally but not fused. 3 ib. Sixth segment of males not much larger, if at all, than other segments; anterior coxal processes of gonopods somewhat flat- tened to platelike, more or less contiguous mesally, or fused. 2 2a. Anterior coxal processes without lateral branches, fused into a broad plate (Fig. 17) ; Marin Co., Calif. acovescor 2b. Anterior coxal processes with elaborate branches; Trinity Co., Calif trinitarium 3a. Apical teeth or processes of anterior coxal process small, not directed posteriad (Figs. 7, 10, 15). 4 3b. Anterior coxal process with large apical branch directed ventro- posteriad (Fig. 2) mineri 4a. Anterior coxal processes bent sharply anteriad at nearly a right angle (Figs. 7, 15) 5 4b. Anterior coxal processes long, rodlike, evenly curved (Fig. 10) benedictae 194 Psyche [September 5a. Anterior branch of posterior coxal process broad, bladelike (Fig. 15) male ol mi 5b. Anterior branch of posterior coxal process narrow, more rod- like (Fig. 7) josephi Rhiscosomides montereum (Chamberlin) Tingupa monterea Chamberlin, 1910, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 3: 240-241, figs. 3-5, sex not specified. Rhiscosomides monterea, Shear, 1972, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 144(4): 262. Type: Holotype of unspecified sex from Pacific Grove, California, collected June, 1902, lost, presumed destroyed. Notes: Little more can be said about this form until males are discovered, but as I earlier pointed out (Shear, 1972), the detailed description of the nonsexual characters leaves no doubt that this species belongs to Rhiscosomides and not to Tingupa. There are eight ocelli. An immature Rhiscosomides female from San Mateo County, California, also has eight ocelli, and may be an example of R. montereum . The change in spelling of the specific epithet, which I did not ob- serve in my 1972 report, is made necessary by the gender of the generic name. Rhiscosomides mineri Silvestri Figs. 1-3 Rhiscosomides mineri Silvestri, 1913, Boll. Lab. Zool. Portici 7: 308-310, figs. 4-7, $ ; Shear, 1972, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 141(4): 261-262. Type: Male holotype from a rotting log, Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon; whereabout of specimen unknown, not examined. Silvestri’s excellent figures (Silvestri, 1913) leave no doubt about the identity of this species. Description: Male from 5 mi east of Yamhill, Yamhill Co., Ore- gon; length, 7.1 mm, width, 1.12 mm. Body of typical form, head broad, front somewhat flattened, depressed in anterior midline, su- prantennal swellings moderate. Antennae short, strongly clavate, reflexed along sides of head, reaching anterior margin of segment 4 when fully extended. Ocelli seven, in two rows of three and four. Collum broader than head, lateral margins only a little deflexed ventrad, posteriolateral corners rounded, curved anteriad, anterior margin sinuous, posterior margin arcuate. Segments with rather narrow, polydesmiform paranota at first curved forward, posterio- lateral corners becoming acute, reflexed posteriad, anterior and pos- 1973] Shear — Rhis cosomididae 195 Figs. 1-3. Rhiscosomides mineri. Fig. 1. Anterior coxal processes of anterior gonopods, anterior view. Fig. 2. Right anterior gonopod, lateral view. Fig. 3. Cyphopods, posterior view. Figs. 4-6. R. josephi. Fig. 4. Body of male, lateral view of anterior end. Fig. 5. Sternum and coxae of legs 2 of female, posterior view. Fig. 6. Left postgenital structure of female, posterior view. g6 Psyche [September terior margins of paranota evenly curved. Prozonites of segments with small, rounded granules becoming larger, acute on metazonites, bearing minute branched setae. Segmental setae along anterior mar- gin of metazonite, outermost at midpoint in lateral margins of para- nota. Epiproct trilobed. Legs short, femora clavate. Legs 7 with coxae somewhat enlarged. Anterior gonopods (Figs, i, 2) typical. Anterior coxal processes closely appressed in midline (Fig. 1), with large posteriorly directed apical branch (Fig. 2), blunt, spatulate lateral branch embracing posterior coxal process. Anterior branch of posterior coxal process long, acute, curved, sword- like; mesal branch nearly sigmoid, conforming to lateral branch of anterior coxal process; posterior branch apparently absent. Telo- podite lobelike. Posterior gonopod (ninth leg) typical, flattened, setose. 'Coxae of legs 10 enlarged, gland opening on anterior face. Other postgonopodal legs normal. Coloration: dark brown, prozonites and metazonites of sixth seg- ment lighter tan, collum cream-white, legs and venter white. Bases of segmental setae marked by light spots. Female from same locality: Size and body form much as in male, but sixth segment of normal size. Ocelli of 3 females: 2 specimens have 5 ocelli, one has 6. Cyphopods and postgenital structures as in Fig. 3. Distribution: OREGON: Yamhill Co., 5 mi east of Yamhill on Hwy 240, Berlese of litter and grass, 2 October 1971, E. Benedict, 5 $ $ ; Washington Co., 2 mi north of Helvetia on Bishop Road, Berlese of mixed conifer and deciduous duff, 21 January 1968, D. Malcolm, 9; Tillamook Co., 4 mi south of Blaine, elev. 50c/, Berlese of rotten wood, 15 March 1972, E. Benedict, $. Rhiscosomides josephi Chamberlin Figs. 4-9 Rhiscosomides josephi Chamberlin, 1941, Bull. Univ. Utah Biol. Ser. 6: 16-17, no figs.; Shear, 1972, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 141(4): 262. Type: Female holotype from “John Day Creek,” Douglas Co., Oregon, collected 18 November 1941, by J. C. Chamberlin; speci- men in Chamberlin Collection, now at U. S. National Museum. There is no “John Day Creek” in Douglas Co., but there is a town of Day Creek, and a small stream of that name flowing into the South Umpqua River. It is presumed that this is the type locality, and not the region of the John Day River to the northeast, semiarid country from which few millipeds have been collected. All subse- 1973] Shear — Rhiscosomididae 197 quent collections of R. josephi are from the Douglas Co. region. Admittedly, the assignment of this species name is somewhat arbi- trary, but no harm is done by using it for the commonest species of southwestern Oregon. Description: Male from Canyonville County Park, Douglas Co., Oregon; length, 7.0 mm, width, 1.10 mm. Body of typical form, nonsexual characters as described for R. mineri . Anterior gonopods (Figs. 7, 8): anterior coxal processes short, sharply curved anteriad, termination complex, somewhat variable (compare Figs. 7 and 8), usually with large lateral tooth, smaller mesal teeth, small anterior tooth; lateral branch of process a broad flange embracing posterior coxal processes. Posterior coxal processes with anterior and mesal branches bent sharply posteriad at right angles, posterior branch much reduced. Telopodites typical. Ninth legs (posterior gonopods) typical of genus (Fig. 9). Coloration as usual. Female from same locality; size and structure much as in male, sixth segment not enlarged. Sternite of second legs with blunt exten- sion between coxae (Fig. 5), postgenital structure similar to that of R. mineri (Fig. 6). Distribution: Oregon: Coos Co., 8 mi east, 2 mi south of Alle- gany, Weyerhauser Co. Millicoma Tree Farm, company road 5000, Berlese of Pseudotsuga bark flakes on clear-cut slope, 20 November 1971, E. M. Benedict, 2 ; Curry Co., 13 mi east of Gold Beach on road to Agness, elev. 600', Berlese of tan oak duff, 10 March 1972, E. M. Benedict, $22; Douglas Co., Canyonville County Park, 2 mi east of Canyonville off Rt. 227, Berlese of duff, moss, wood, soil, elev. 1000', 6 November 1971, E. M. Benedict, c? cT?9, 2 mi north of Melrose, elev. 400', berlese of rotted wood and duff, 7 February 1972, E. M. Benedict, $ , 0.7 mi west of Scottsburg, near Umpqua River, elev. 300', Berlese of rotted myrtle heartwood, 1 1 December 1971, E. M. Benedict, 8 2, Elliot State Forest, 1 mi south, 2 mi west of Ash, elev. 1 100', Berlese of mixed duff from conifers, bigleaf maples, 11 December 1971, E. M. Benedict, 2 , 2 mi southeast of Day Creek on Rt. 227, elev. 1000', berlese of oak and mad rone litter, 6 November 1971, E. M. Benedict, $ . Notes: Fig. 8, of the male from 2 mi southeast of Day Creek, and Fig. 7, of the described male from Canyonville County Park, though fairly close geographically, represent the extremes of variation in the termination of the anterior coxal process. Females are difficult to distinguish, except by locality (see Map 1) from those of R. mineri, as the postgenital structures are very similar (cf. Figs. 3 and 6). 98 Psyche [September Figs. 7-9. Rhiscosomides josephi. Fig. 7. Right anterior gonopod, lateral view. Fig. 8. Termination of gonopod of variant specimen, lateral view. Fig. 9. Left posterior gonopod, anterior view. Figs. 10-13. R. benedictae. Fig. 10. Right anterior gonopod, lateral view. Fig. 11. Termination of gonopod of variant specimen, lateral view. Fig. 12. Sternum and coxae of legs 2 of female, posterior view. Fig. 13. Left cyphopod and postgenital structure, posterior view. 1973] Shear — Rhiscosomididae 199 Map 1. Coastal Oregon, showing distribution of species of Rhiscosomides. Dots, R. mineri. Squares, R. josephi. Triangles, R. henedictae. Circles, R. malcolmi. 200 Psyche [September Rhiscosomides benedictae n. sp. Figs. 10-14 Types: Male holotype and female paratype from woods behind Marine Biological Institute, Charleston, Coos Co., Oregon, col- lected from a Berlese sample of spruce, alder and cedar duff by E. M. Benedict, 30 April 1967. Description : Male holotype; size and nonsexual characters as described for R. mineri. Anterior gonopods: anterior coxal processes long (Fig. 10), slightly curved, terminating in lateral and dorsal teeth and blunt mesal lobe; lateral branch small lamella. Posterior coxal processes with anterior branch small, rodlike, mesal branch upright, of mod- erate size, posterior branch relatively large, membranous anterior face. Telopodites lobed, interlocking with lateral extensions of an- terior coxal processes. Ninth legs (Fig. 14) of usual form. Female paratype typical of genus; process from second sternite (Fig. 12) thin, postgenital structures as in Fig. 13. Distribution: Oregon: Lincoln Co., State Forest Camp east of Waldport, 30 October i960, D. R. Malcolm, $ ; Benton Co., Rt. 34 at Benton Co. line, Berlese of maple and alder duff, 30 October i960, Malcolm, $$99; Douglas Co., 3.2 mi northeast of Scotts- burg, elev. 400', Berlese of rotted wood and bark, 1 1 December 1971, E. M. Benedict, c?¥$; Coos Co., 4 mi east, 2 mi south of Allegany, Weyerhauser Co. Millicoma Tree Farm, company road 6000, Berlese of rotted wood from riparian zone of Fall Creek, between steep canyon walls, 21 November 1971, E. M. Benedict, $ $99. Notes: Fig. 11 illustrates a slight variation in the form of the termination of the anterior coxal process of the anterior gonopod of the Benton Co. specimen. Those from the Millicoma Tree Farm are similar to this; at that place R. benedictae is nearly syntopic with R. josephi, which was taken from bark chips on a clear-cut slope, while R. benedictae was taken from litter in a riparian zone. It would be interesting to further explore the ecological situation be- tween these two species. Rhiscosomides malcolmi n. sp. Figs. 15, 16 Types: Male holotype, female paratypes from 13 mi north, 5 mi west of Brookings, Curry Co., Oregon, collected 10 March 1972 1973] Shear — Rhiscosomididae 201 from Sitka spruce duff on bluff overlooking ocean, by E. M. Bene- dict. Description: Male holotype; length, 7.0 mm, width, 1.10 mm. Body form typical, as described for R. mineri. Anterior gonopods (Fig. 15) robust, with anterior coxal processes bent anteriad at right angle, lateral branch strong, irregular in form. Posterior coxal processes with anterior branch bent posteriad at right angle, blade-like, mesal branch large, upright, posterior branch relatively large, with extensive fimbriate anterior edge. Telopodites as usual. Posterior gonopods (Fig. 16) as usual for genus. Female paratype typical. Postgenital structures not distinguishable from those of R. bene diet ae. Distribution: OREGON: Curry Co ., 14 mi east of Gold Beach, elev. 600', berlese of rotted wood and fir duff, 10 March 1972, E. M. Benedict, $ S99. Notes: Just as R. josephi and R. mineri females are difficult to separate, so are those of R. malcolmi and R. benedictae. At the locality near Gold Beach, R. malcolmi is nearly syntopic with R. josephi , which was taken there from tan oak duff. A mile away, R. malcolmi was collected from rotted wood and fir duff. Rhiscosomides acovescor Shear Fig. 17 Rhiscosomides acovescor Shear, 1972, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 144(4): 262- 263, figs. 451-458, $. Types: Male holotype from Sequoia duff, S. P. Taylor State Park, Marin Co., California, collected 7 January 1962 by C. W. O’Brien, deposited in Museum of Comparative Zoology, examined. Description: Male paratype; length, 6.0 mm, width, 1.10 mm (specimen broken). Body form as described for R. mineri, except as follows: 5 ocelli; sixth segment not at all enlarged, collum pig- mented as other segments, not cream-white. Anterior gonopods : anterior coxal processes of each side completely fused distally, separated by slight suture proximally, forming broad anterior plate, simple, not branched (Fig. 17). Posterior oxal pro- cesses with anterior branch small, weak, mesal branch thick, heavy, posterior branch thin, laciniate. Telopodites relatively large. Pos- terior gonopods (ninth legs) typical for genus. Females unknown. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Notes: The female paratype I designated in 1972 was not dis- [September 202 Psyche Fig. 14. Left posterior gonopod of Rhiscosotnides benedictae, anterior view. Figs. 15, 16. R. malcolmi. Fig. 15. Right anterior gonopod, lateral view. Fig. 16. Left posterior gonopod, anterior view. Fig. 17. Right anterior gonopod of R. acovescor, lateral view. Fig. 18. Right anterior gonopod of R. trinitarium, mesal view. 1973] Shear — Rhiscosornididae 203 sected at that time and turned out to be immature. My interpreta- tion of the posterior gonopods in that paper was likewise in error; see above. I have examined the tiny gonopods at high magnification under phase contrast, but cannot determine for certain if the large branch on the anterior gonopod made of closely appressed cuticular fibers is attached to the anterior or posterior coxal process. In R. trinitarium (see below) this branch is definitely a part of the pos- terior coxal process, while when gonopods of R. acovescor are dis- sected, it always seems to go with the anterior coxal process. Rhiscosomides trinitarium n. sp. Fig. 18 Type: Male holotype from Butter Creek, elev. 3450', 12 mi south- east of Hyampom, Trinity Co., California, collected 22 July 1968, by H. Leech. Deposited in California Academy of Sciences. Description: Male holotype; length 7.1 mm, width 1.12 mm. Body form as described for R. acovescor , but sixth segment slightly larger than seventh, collum cream-white. Anterior gonopods: Anterior coxal process highly complex (Fig. 18), branches closely appressed in midline, but not fused; lateral branch large, blunt. Posterior coxal process with small, sharp an- terior branch, posterior and mesal branches fused (?), complexly laciniate. Telopodites bilobed. Posterior gonopods (ninth legs) typical. Female unknown. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Notes: This species is clearly intermediate between R. acovescor and the more typical northern group of species. Literature Cited Chamberlin, R. V. 1941. New southern millipeds. Bull. Univ. Utah. 32, Biol. Ser. 6: 1-19. Shear, W. A. 1972 Studies in the milliped Order Chordeumida (Diplopoda) : A re- vision of the Family Cleidogonidae and a reclassification of the Order Chordeumida in the New World. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 144(4) : 151-352. SlLVESTRI, F. 1909. Descrizioni preliminari di vari artropodi, specialmente d’America. Rend. R. Accad. Lincei 18: 229-233. 1913. Ulustrazione di due famiglie di Chordeumidea (Diplopoda) del Nord America. Boll. Lab. Zool. Portici 7: 303-310. SUPPLEMENTARY STUDIES ON ANT LARVAE: CERAPACHYINAE, PSEUDOMYRMECINAE AND MYRMICINAE* By George C. Wheeler and Jeanette Wheeler Laboratory of Desert Biology, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada System, Reno 89507 Subsequent to the publication of our first supplement on the ant larvae of the subfamily Cerapachyinae (1964), our first paper on Pseudomyrmecinae (1956) and several supplements on Myrmicinae (i960, 1972, 1973) we have received from other myrmecologists so much additional material that it has now become necessary to pub- lish a supplement. Genus Phyracaces Emery revision : The last sentence of our generic characterization (1964: 69) should read: Hypopharynx usually spinulose dorsally. Phyracaces elegans Wheeler (Fig. 2). Length (through spiracles) about 4.7 mm. Very similar to Ph. larvatus (1964: 69) except as follows. Body more slender. A pair of bosses on lateral surfaces of venter of AI-AVI. Spiracles small, AI largest, diameter decreasing posteriorly. Integument densely spinulose, spinules in short to long, subtransverse to arcuate rows. Body hairs less numerous and shorter (0.025-0.05 mm long). Head hairs shorter (0.009-0.019 mm long). Posterior surface of labrum with a ventrally directed medial boss bearing 6 sensilla, about 5 sensilla on each lateral surface. Mandi- bles with narrower base. No spinules seen on hypopharynx. young larva: Length (through spiracles) about 2.1 mm. Simi- lar to mature larva above except as follows. Neck curved, abdomen with straight ventral profile and C-shaped dorsal profile. Body hairs shorter (0.01-0.033 mm long). Integument spinulose, spinules mi- nute, isolated laterally and in short rows dorsally and ventrally. Antennae less distinct. Maxillae lacking spinules; galea a slightly raised pair of sensilla. No spinules seen on labium; opening of sericteries a short slit. very young larva: Length (through spiracles) about 1.5 mm. Entire body arcuate ventrally. Otherwise similar to young larva. Material studied: numerous larvae from New South Wales, courtesy of Rev. B. B. Lowery. * Manuscript received by the editor September 28, 1973 204 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 205 Fig. 1. Cerapachys {Sycia) australis: a, head in anterior view, X95; b, left mandible in anterior view, X314; c, larva in side view, X 22 ; d and e, two types of body hairs, X 444. Fig. 2. Phyracaces elegans: head in anterior view, X 74. Fig. 3. Tetraponera natalensis: left antenna in lateral view, X339. Phyracaces ficosus Wheeler. Length (through spiracles) about 4.4 mm. Very similar to Ph. larvatus (1964: 69) except in the following details. Spiracles on first abdominal somite slightly larger, remainder small and subequal. Body hairs shorter (0.013-0.063 mm long). Antennae with 2 sensilla each. Head hairs shorter (0.008- 0.025 mm long). Galeae digitiform. (Material studied: 14 larvae from New South Wales, courtesy of Rev. B. B. Lowery.) Genus Cerapachys F. Smith revision: Our generic characterization (1964: 67) should be replaced with the following: Leg vestiges small paraboloidal papillae. Body hairs usually simple. Head (including mouth parts) subpyri- form in anterior view. Head hairs usually short. Mandibles long, slender and with median border erose. Maxillary palp short; galea long and digitiform. Cerapachys (Syscia) australis Forel (Fig. 1). Length (through spiracles) about 3.2 mm. Body long and subcylindrical ; about 12 206 Psyche [September differentiated somites; head on anterior end; a small posteriorly projecting boss on AX. Anus ventral. Spiracles small. Entire integument densely spinulose, spinules minute and in short to long straight or arcuate rows. Body hairs short, uniformly distributed and moderately numerous. Of two types: (i) 0.025-0.063 mm long, mostly bifid, sometimes with one or both branches rebranched, on all somites; (2) 0.037-0.05 mm long, simple, a few on each somite. Cranium subhexagonal in anterior view, slightly longer than wide. Antennae large, each a low mound with 3 minute sensilla, each bearing a minute spinule. Head hairs few, 0.025-0.05 mm long, simple or bifid. Labrum subarcuate, about twice as wide as long; anterior surface with 8 sensilla on and near ventral border; posterior surface with about 6 sensilla ventromedially and with a few oblique arcuate rows of minute spinules. Mandibles narrowly subtriangular in anterior view; apex rather long, narrow and heavily sclerotized; medial border with 6-8 small denticles. Maxillae with apex para- boloidal and sparsely spinulose, spinules minute to short and in a few arcuate rows; palp a peg with 4 (2 encapsulated and 2 bearing a spinule each) apical and one lateral sensilla; galea digitiform with 2 apical sensilla, each bearing a minute spinule. Labium subtrape- zoidal, widest distally, anterior surface densely spinulose, spinules minute and in numerous short arcuate rows; palp a rounded elevation with 5 (2 encapsulated and 3 bearing a spinule each) sensilla; an isolated sensillum between each palp and opening of sericteries; the latter a slit in a shallow depression on anterior surface. Hypopharynx with minute spinules in long transverse sub-parallel rows. (Material studied: 10 larvae from Queensland, courtesy of Rev. B. B. Lowery.) Subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae We have never been able to key the genera of this subfamily. Except for head shape, where the difference in the species of Pachy- sima is greater than that between any two genera, some of the vari- ants of any character in any genus can be found in other genera. Bernard (1951: 1053) included larval characters in his character- ization of the subfamily, which he called family Promyrmicidae. Sudd (1967: 123) discussed the feeding of the larvae. He stated (erroneously) that the trophothylax was formed by the bases of the rudimentary legs; we have shown (1956: 375, 383) that it is “formed from the depressed ventral surface of the thorax and elab- oration of the first and second abdominal somites.” 1973] W heeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 207 Genus Pseudomyrmex Lund Janzen (1967: 344). Beltian bodies are cut up by the workers and fed to the larvae. The following species of Pseudomyrmex are compared with Ps. alliodorae 1956: 379); only differences are given here. Pseudomyrmex adustus Borgmeier. Length (through spiracles) about 4.8 mm; straight length about 4.6 mm. Body hairs: (2) 0.05-0.25 mm long, longest of AI-AV; (3) 0.2-0.25 mm long, 2 only on each T1-3 and AI-AIII. Head hairs more numerous and 0.05-0.25 mm long. Posterior surface of labrum with a cluster of 3 sensilla in the middle of each half. (Material studied: 7 larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko.) Pseudomyrmex belti fulvescens Emery (= Ps. ferrugineus F. Smith). Janzen 1967: Description p. 394; feeding of larvae p. 416- 417; handling of larvae p. 418. Similar information in Janzen 1966. Pseudomyrmex elongatus Borgmeier. Length (through spiracles) about 3.8 mm; straight length about 3.6 mm. Body hairs longer: (1) 0.006-0.018 mm long; (2) 0.018-0.2 mm long; (3) 0.175-0.22 mm long, 4 in a row across the dorsum of each T1-3 and AI-AIV. Head hairs more numerous and slightly longer (0.01-0.05 mm long). (Material studied: 15 larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko.) Pseudomyrmex schuppi Forel. Length (through spiracles) about 5.9 mm; straight length about 5.7 mm. Largest spiracles on AI. Body hairs longer: (1) 0.013-0.025 mm long; (2) 0.038-0.25 mm long; (3) 0.25-0.33 mm long, 4 in a row across the dorsum of each T1-3 and AI-AIII. (Material studied: numerous larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko.) Pseudomyrmex subtilissimus Emery. Length (through spiracles) about 4.3 mm; straight length about 3.9 mm. Body hairs ( 1) 0.006- 0.018 mm long; (2) 0.018-0.15 mm long; (3) about 0.15 mm long, 4 in a row across the dorsum of each T1-3 and AI-AIV. Head hairs slightly longer (0.025-0.05 mm long). (Material studied: 6 larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko.) Pseudomyrmex termitarius F. Smith. Length (through spiracles) about 5.1 mm; straight length about 4.7 mm. Body stouter. Body hairs about twice as numerous: (1) 0.013-0.05 mm long; (2) 0.05- 0.275 mm long; (3) 0.25-0.35 mm long, 4 in a row across dorsum of each T1-3 and AI-AIV. Head hairs more numerous, longer (0.013-0.05 mm long) and finely denticulate. Labrum with width twice the length, with anterior lobes more prominent and with 2 208 Psyche [September minute hairs on anterior surface. Mandibles with teeth stouter and blunter; lateral outline less curved; denticles on anterior surface more numerous. Maxillary apex less constricted and with spinules longer and covering a greater portion of the surface. Labium with more numerous spinules. (Material studied: 9 larvae from Brazil, courtesy of Dr. K. Lenko.) Genus Tetraponera F. Smith Tetraponera natalensis F. Smith (Fig. 3). Length (through spira- cles) about 8.2 mm; straight length about 6.2 mm. Similar to T. aitkeni (1956: 388) except as follows. Body slightly stouter at AV and AVI. Integument of AIX and AX with minute spinules. Body hairs: (1) 0.008-0.075 mm long; (2) 0.025-0.15 mm long, longest with tip branched or denticulate; (3) 0.175-0.3 mm long, 4 in a row across the dorsum of each T1-3 and AI-AVI. Each antenna represented by 3 individually raised sensilla on a small base. Head hairs longer (0.013-0.11 mm long) and less numerous, with or without alveolus and articular membrane, some with denticles near the tip. Labrum with breadth less than twice length ; borders sinu- ate; anterior surface with 6 sensilla and 2 hairs on each half; pos- terior surface with 9 sensilla on each half; spinules as in T. aitkeni. Anteromedial surface of mandibles with large spinules, which are isolated or in short rows of 2 or 3. Maxillae with rather numerous long spinules in short arcuate rows; palp represented by a cluster of 5 sensilla on a slight elevation. (Material studied: numerous larvae from South Africa., courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) Genus Pachysima Emery Pachysima latifrons Emery: Bernard ( 1 95 1 : 1054-1057) de- scribed and figured the young (after W. M. Wheeler). Genus V iticicola Wheeler Viticicola tessmanni (Stitz) : Bernard (1951: 1054) described and figured the larva (after W. M. Wheeler). Subfamily Myrmicinae Ettershank (1966: 161, 162): “The larvae of the Formicidae have not been used to any extent in taxonomic studies, although numerous descriptions and figures of scattered genera and species occur in the literature. The only wide-scale comparative larval study 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 209 that has been attempted is the series of papers by G. C. Wheeler (later with J. Wheeler), which constitute a fundamental contribu- tion to the subject that will be used for a long time.” “Reference to all the publications by the Wheelers on myrmicine ants are contained in a summary article (G. C. and J. Wheeler i960). In this paper, the authors conclude that three characters are of major importance: body profile, mandible shape, and setal form. They recognize 22 body profiles and 30 mandibular shape categories all of which are explained and illustrated.” Genus Messor Forel Messor capitatus Latreille: Delage (1968a) gave in a table the sizes and abundance of larvae throughout the year. She stated that only small larvae overwinter. She (1968b) discussed larval enzymes and digestion. Genus Pheidole Westwood Kempf (1972: 457): Ph. vallifica is the host of the eucharitid Orasema costaricensis Wheeler and Wheeler. Genus Melissotarsus Emery Delage-Darchen (1972a) : Hairs few, long, with bifid tips. Crude sketch of a larva on p. 219. Genus Crematogaster Lund Delage-Darchen (1972b) found only three larval stages in C. (N ematocrema) stadelmanni Mayr. Fig. 1 hairs enlarged; Fig. 2 and 3 larvae of various stages in side view; Fig. 4 head in anterior view. Pilosity is taxonomically worthless because of extreme vari- ation between colonies and even in the same colony. Genus Monomorium Mayr Cloudsley-Thompson (1962: 179): The calliphorid flies Ben- galia peuhi Vil. and B. minor Malloch fed on the larvae of M. salomonis (Linnaeus) in the central Sudan. Van Pelt and Van Pelt (1972: 978): Larvae of the syrphid Microdon baliopterus Loew fed upon the larvae of M. minimum ( Buckley) . 210 Psyche [September Genus Solenopsis Westwood Markin et al. (1972: 1053): Life cycle of Solenopsis invicta Buren in an incipient colony: egg 6-8 days, larva 14-15 days, pupa 20-24 days. Genus Tetramorium Mayr Tetramorium caespitum (Linnaeus). Donisthorpe (1927: 197): “The larvae were fed with disgorged liquid food as long as they were young and gathered together in groups, but when they grew older and were separated, the workers fed them with solid sub- stances.” Many larvae were hung on to the plaster walls of the nest by their anchor-tipped hairs. Literature Cited Bernard, F. 1951. Super-famille des Formicoidea. Traite de Zoologie, Tome X, Fasc. II: 907-1119, 1258-1263, 1272-1275. Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. 1962. A note on the association between Bengalia spp. (Dipt., Cal- liphoridae) and ants in the Sudan. Entomol. Monthly Mag. 98: 177-179. Delage, Bernadette. 1968a. Recherches sur la fourmis moissoneuses du Bassin Aquitain: ecologie et biologie. Bull. Biol. 100: 315-367. 1968b. Recherches sur les fourmis moissoneuses du Bassin Aquitain: ethologie. Physiologie de l’alimentation. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. Biol. Anim. (12) 10: 197-265. 1972a. Une fourmi de Cote-d’Ivoire : M elissotarsus titubans Del., n. sp. Insectes Sociaux 19: 213-226. 1972b. Le polymorphisme larvaire chez les fourmis N ematocrema d’Afrique. Insectes Sociaux 19: 257-277. Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 1927. British ants. Geo. Routledge & Sons, London. 436 pp. Ettershank, G. 1966. A generic revision of the world Myrmicinae related to Solenopsis and Pheidologeton. Australian J. Zool. 14: 73-171. Janzen, D. H. 1966. Coevolution of mutualism between ants and acacias in Central America. Evolution 20: 249-275. 1967. Interaction of the bull’s-horn acacia (Acacia cornigera L. ) with an ant inhabitant (Pseudomyrmex ferruginea F. Smith) in eastern Mexico. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 47: 315-558. Kempf, W. W. 1972. A study of some Neotropical ants of genus Pheidole Westwood. I. Studia Entomol. 15: 449-464. 1973] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant Larvae 2i i Markin, G. P., H. L. Collins and J. H. Dillier. 1972. Colony founding by queens of the red imported fire ant, Solenop- sis invicta. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 65: 1053-1058. Sudd, J. M. 1967. An introduction to the behavior of ants. St. Martin’s Press, New York. 200 pp. Van Pelt, A. F., and S. A. Van Pelt. 1972. Microdon (Diptera: Syrphidae) in nests of Monomorium in Texas. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 65: 977-979. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler. 1956. The ant larvae of the subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae. Ann. Ento- mol. Soc. Amer. 49: 374-398. 1960. Supplementary studies on the larvae of the Myrmicinae. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 62: 1-32. 1964. The ant larvae of the subfamily Cerapachyinae : supplement. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 66: 65-71. 1972. Ant larvae of the subfamily Myrmicinae: second supplement on tribes Myrmicini and Pheidolini. J. Georgia Entomol. Soc. 7: 233-246. 1973a. The ant larvae of six tribes: second supplement. J. Georgia Entomol. Soc. 8: 27-39. 1973b. Ant larvae of four tribes: second supplement. Psyche 80: 70-82. 1973c. Ant larvae of the myrmicine tribe Attini: second supplement. Entomol. Soc. Washington. (In press.) 1973d. The ant larvae of the tribes Basicerotini and Dacetini : second supplement. Pan-Pacific Entomol. (In press.) STUDIES ON NEOTROPICAL POMPILIDAE ( HYMENOPTERA ) . IX. THE GENERA OF AUPLOPODINI* By Howard E. Evans Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138, U.S.A.1 The posthumous paper of Hermann Haupt on the classification of the Macromerinae (Haupt, 1959) is an unworthy memorial to its author and an unfortunate step backward in the systematics of spider wasps. Working from very little material and a lack of awareness of research in other parts of the world, Haupt erected 12 new genera, few if any of which are likely to stand the test of time. Two of them actually belong in the subfamily Pompilinae, as synonyms of Priochilus Banks (Evans, 1966), while others will fall in the Pepsinae in most classifications ( Compsagenia , Anapriocnemis) . H is inclusion of such diverse elements in the Macromerinae suggests the difficulty in defining the group, which I would rank as a rather weakly characterized tribe of Pepsinae and call the Auplopodini, after the first genus to be used in a suprageneric sense, Pseudagcnia , now properly called Auplopus. I am not in a position to straighten out all the confusion caused by Haupt’s paper, but I wish to consider seven genera which he described from the neotropics, all of which can be promptly rele- gated to synonymy. There are, however, several remarkable new genera and subgenera of this tribe in South America, wdiich both Haupt and Banks (1946) were unaware of, and I shall use this opportunity to describe these taxa and to present a revised key to neotropical Auplopodini. I am much indebted to Professor J. O. Hiising, of the Zoolo- gisches Institut, Halle, for permitting me to borrow some of the specimens that Haupt studied, including several types. Pseudageniellci Haupt Pseudageniella Haupt, 1959, pp. 23, 46 (type-species: Pompilus rusticus Fabricius, 1804, monotypic and by designation). ^Published with the aid of a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Present address: Dept, of Entomology and Zoology, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Colo. 80521. Manuscript received by the editor > June 7 1 1973 . 212 1973] Evans — - Neotropical Pompilidae 213 I have not seen the type of rusticus, but the specimens that Haupt had before him agree perfectly with the type of Priophanes insolens Banks, 1946, and they are from the same locality. This is a well- marked and evidently common species, and these specimens agree well with Fabricius’ description. I therefore do not hesitate to con- sider insolens Banks a synonym of rustica Fabricius (new syn- onymy). Townes (1957) places insolens in Ageniella , subgenus Ameragenia , an assignment with which I concur; thus P seudageniella Haupt falls as a synonym of Ameragenia Banks, 1945 (new syn- onymy). In his key, Haupt states that this genus is from the Ne- arctic region, an obvious error, since he states on p. 46 that his material is from Brazil. Allageniella Haupt Allageniella Haupt, 1959, pp. 23, 46 (type-species: Allageniella obsoleta Haupt, 1959, monotypic and by designation). Haupt separated this genus from the preceding on exceedingly minor characters, and in fact his obsoleta and his specimens of rustica differ primarily in size and coloration. I have compared the type specimen of obsoleta Haupt with that of Priophanes plagosa Banks, 1946, and found them to be conspecific; again, both are from the same locality. Townes (1957) also places plagosa in Ageniella, subgenus Ameragenia. Thus Allageniella is to be regarded as a synonym of Ameragenia Banks, obsoleta a synonym of plagosa Banks (new synonymies). Brachyagenia Haupt Brachyagenia Haupt, 1959, pp. 25, 59 (type-species: Brachyagenia nigra Haupt, 1959, monotypic and by designation). By comparison of type specimens, B. nigra is to be regarded as a synonym of Ameragenia thione Banks, 1946 Brachyagenia thus rep- resents still another synonym of Ameragenia Banks (both new syn- onymies) . P ar ageniella Haupt Parageniella Haupt, 1959, pp. 26, 61 (type-species: Priocnemis rufofemoratus Taschenberg, 1869, monotypic and by designation). The type-species is a well-marked Argentinian form and I have little doubt that Haupt and Banks identified it correctly. Banks placed rufofemorata in Priophanes, but like most of Banks’ South 214 Psyche [September American Priophanes the species will run to Arneragenia in Townes’ ( 1 957 ) key. I would regard Parageniella as still another synonym of Arneragenia (new synonymy). Cosmagenia Haupt Cosmagenia Haupt, 1959, pp. 28, 63 (type-species: Agenia amabilis Tas- chenberg, 1869, by designation). I have studied Haupt’s material of amabilis and found it con- specific with Ageniella amoena Banks, 1946. Since Haupt presum- ably had access to Taschenberg’s types, it seems safe to place amoena in the synonymy of amabilis (new synonymy). This species is prop- erly placed in the genus Priocnemella Banks, 1925, and Cosmagenia can thus be relegated to the synonymy of that genus (new syn- onymy) . Compsagenia Haupt Compsagenia Haupt, 1959, pp. 29, 66 (type-species: Compsagenia laevipes Haupt, 1959, monotypic and by designation). Study of the type specimen of laevipes shows it to be conspecific with the type of Nannochilus ' obscurus Banks, 1946 (new syn- onymy). Townes (1957) has correctly placed Nannochilus in the synonymy of Minagenia Banks, 1934, and Compsagenia Haupt should now be added to the list (new synonymy). Since levipes Cresson, 1869, also belongs to this genus, Haupt’s laevipes is both a homonym and a synonym. Townes assigns Minagenia to the sub- family Ceropalinae, tribe Minageniini. I would assign it to the Pepsinae, but I do not pretend to understand how the genera should be grouped within that subfamily; at any rate Minagenia does not belong in the Auplopodini. Anapriocnemis Haupt Anapriocnemis Haupt, 1959, pp. 25-26, 60-61 (type-species: Pompilus flavipes Guerin, 1836, by designation). P. flavipes is a well known Chilean species which has been as- signed by Townes (1957) to the genus Priocnemis, subgenus Sphic- tostet fins Kohl, along with the other two species assigned by Haupt to Anapriocnemis. Since the type of Sphictostethus has a brachypter- ous female, it might be argued that flavipes is not correctly assigned to that subgenus (though I would not so argue) ; in any case Ana- priocnemis may be placed in the synonymy of Priocnemis Schiodte, 1973] Evans — Neotropical Pompilidae 215 which is placed in the Pepsini in Townes’ classification (new syn- onymy) . Mystacagenia, new genus Type-species. — M. variegata, new species Generic characters. — Females with the general features of Age- niella , including wing venation (shown in Fig. 2) ; males unknown. Length of known species 5. 5-8. 5 mm; variously colored, with banded wings. Maxillary palpi very long, capable of reaching apex of front coxa; mentum with a few thin setae; mandibles with a basal swell- ing just below which there is a group of long, pale setae which overly and partially conceal the mandible; mandibles slender apically, with a small tooth on the inner margin that is strongly set off from the shaft. Labrum partially exposed, with a deep median notch; clypeus about as wide as lower face ; malar space well developed, at least half as long as width of mandibles at their base; antennae unusually slender (Figs. 1, 3). Propodeum sloping evenly, its surface smooth and devoid of setae; legs devoid of setae except for very minute ones on the tibiae and tarsi; claws dentate. First abdominal segment hour- glass shaped at extreme base ; last segment bearing a number of setae, without a smooth pygidial area. Key to species ( females ) 1. Front of head, including mouthparts, white in color; vertex bearing several strong, curved, white setae just behind the ocelli (Fig. 3) ; hind wings with a subapical band al biceps , new spec:es Front of head largely ferruginous; vertex without prominent setae; hind wings hyaline 2 2. Abdomen largely fuscous except basal and apical segments white; fore wings hyaline, with a strong band below the stigma and a narrow band over the transverse median vein ; length of fore wing 5 mm bellula, new species Abdomen with all segments irregularly blotched with brown and white; fore wings opaque whitish, crossed by three brown bands, the outer two connected above; length of fore wing 7.5 mm variegata , new species Mystacagenia variegata, new species Holotype , — 9, Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 21 Jan. 1956 (Fritz Plaumann) [Coll. H. K. Townes, Ann Arbor, Mich.]. 2l6 Psyche [September Fig. 1. Anterior view of head of Mystacagenia variegata n. sp., type 2 . Fig. 2. Wings of same specimen, color pattern not shown. Fig. 3. Anterior view of head of M. albiceps n. sp., type 2 . Fig. 4. Wings of Dimorpha- genia naumanni n. sp., allotype 2. Fig. 5. Mandible of same specimen. Fig 6. Mandible of Ageniella ( Cyrtagenia ) innuba n. sp., type 2. Fig. 7. Lateral view of head of same specimen. Fig. 8. Subgenital plate of Pi- morphagenia naumanni n. sp., type $ . Fig. 9. Genitalia of same specimen, ventral aspect. 1973] Evans — Neotropical Pompilidae 217 Description. — Length 8.4 mm; fore wing 7.4 mm. Head light rufous, with a pair of black spots on upper front ; front and temples with a reticulate pattern of white; malar space, mandibles, and lab rum mostly white; thoracic dorsum mainly light rufous, sides with broad streaks of light rufous and white, also some black on posterior parts of mesopleura and metapleura ; propodeum white, with a pair of broad, longitudinal black bands ; abdomen mainly whitish or some- what cream in color, tergite 1 with a small amount of black latero- basally and medioapically, tergites 2-5 with much black basally, ter- gite 6 mostly pale; venter mostly pale, but all pale markings of abdomen irregularly tinged with brown ; antennae stramineous and partially infuscated on basal 0.3, again at basal vein, this band con- nected through the first submarginal cell with another band partially crossing the wing at the second submarginal ; hind wings hyaline. Body with pale, inconspicuous pubescence; erect setae absent except on clypeus, mouthparts, venter and apex of abdomen. Clypeus 3 X as wide as high, its apical margin sinuate, with a broadly rounded median lobe; front broad, middle interocular dis- tance .60 X head width ; upper interocular distance .70 X lower interocular distance; vertex very weakly arched between eye tops, subcarinate behind ocelli; postocellar line: ocello-ocular line = 4:5; antennae very slender, third segment 6.6 X as long as its apical width, 1.2 X upper interocular distance (Fig. 1). Pronotum rather flat dorsally, its posterior margin broadly angulate; postnotum widened at the midline; wing venation shown in Fig. 2. Mystacagenia bellula, new species H'olotype. — $, Avispas, 30 mi. from Marcapata, 'Cusco, Peru, 1 -1 5 Oct. 1962 (Luis Pena) [Coll H. K. Townes, Ann Arbor, Mich.]. Description. — Length 6.2 mm; fore wing 4.7 mm. Head testa- ceous to somewhat orange, with small dark blotches at center of inner eye margins and a larger dark blotch in front of anterior ocellus; temples, malar space, and area below antennal sockets more or less white; mandibles, labrum, and palpi white; thorax and pro- podeum rufous except propleura and anterior corners of pronotum white; abdomen dark brown except all of segments 1 and 6 and much of sternite 5 contrastingly white; scape white, flagellum white on basal half, testaceous on apical half, streaked with fuscous on lower surface throughout; legs white, with a complex pattern of dark brown and a small amount of rufous at base of middle and hind 2 1 8 Psyche [September coxae. Wings clear hyaline, fore wing with a brown band over transverse median vein (weakly extended along basal vein) and a much broader brown band nearly crossing wing at stigma. Body pubescence very fine and inconspicuous; body with scarcely any erect hairs except for those on mandibles, a few on clypeus, and some thin ones on apex and venter of abdomen. Clypeus 2.7 X as wide as high, shaped as in the preceding species; front less broad than in variegata , middle interocular distance .55 X head width; upper interocular distance .73 X lower interocular dis- tance; vertex very weakly arched above eye tops; postocellar line: ocello-ocular line — 6:7; antennae very slender, third segment 6 X as long as its apical width, 1.2 X upper interocular distance. Pro- notal disc rather flat, very short, posterior margin broadly angulate; metanotum angularly projecting backward medially; midline of pro- podeum weakly impressed; wing venation differing from that of variegata in no important details. Mystacagenia albiceps, new species Flolotypc. — $, Avispas, 30 mi. from Marcapata, Cusco, Peru, 1 -1 5 Oct. 1962 (Luis Pena) [Coll. H. K. Townes, Ann Arbor, Mich.]. Description. — Length 5.6 mm; fore wing 4.5 mm. Head and mouthparts entirely white except vertex and occiput blotched with testaceous; thorax and propodeum predominantly rufotestaceous, blotched with fuscous across much of pronotal disc, center of meso- scutum, base and apex of scutellum, along pleural sutures, and over most of venter; abdomen rufotestaceous, blotched with fuscous on sides of tergites 1-4, tergites 2 and 3 also with small lateral white spots; scape mostly white, flagellum brown, darkened toward apex; legs mostly rufotestaceous, coxae blotched with fuscous, apices of femora and most of tibiae blotched with fuscous and annulated with white. Wings hyaline except hind wing with a preapical brown band, apex clear; fore wing brownish at base, across basal and transverse median veins, and in a broad band below stigma, the last band ex- tended along radial vein. Pubescence delicate, inconspicuous; clypeus with several white setae in addition to the tufts on the mandibles, ocellar area also with several strong, curved, white setae; scutellum and apex and venter of abdomen with sparse, weaker setae. Clypeus 2.4 X as wide as high, apical margin weakly convex; head subcircular in anterior view; middle interocular distance .60 X head width ; upper interocular distance .68 X lower interocular dis- 1973] Evans — Neotropical Pompilidae 219 tance; vertex strongly elevated above eye tops, especially at ocellar triangle; postocellar line: ocello-ocular line — 2:1; third antennal segment 7.5 X as long as its apical width, 1.1 X upper interocular distance (Fig. 3). Pronotum short, disc sloping and with no flat dorsal surface; postnotum transverse, not projecting backward medi- ally. Wing venation similar to that of variegata but stigma unus- ually wide, third submarginal cell smaller, only 1.5 X as wide as high, removed from wingtip by twice its own width. Dimorphagenia, new genus Type-species. — D. naumanni, new species. Generic characters. — With the general features of the Auplo- podini, including the wing venation (shown in Fig. 4) and the form of the first abdominal segment; length 7-10 mm; wings unbanded, lightly tinged with brown. Female: maxillary palpi of moderate length ; mentum with a number of strong setae arising near base and directed forward, much as in Auplopus ; mandibles slender, with scattered, strong bristles (Fig. 5) ; labrum wholly concealed; clypeus not extending under lower margins of eyes; malar space about one third as long as width of mandibles at their base; temples well de- veloped, not strongly receding, nearly as wide as eyes; vertex ex- tended well above eye tops ; ocellar triangle located well before vertex crest; propodeum with smooth contours, slope low and even; legs relatively smooth, but middle and hind tibiae bearing numerous spines of moderate length ; claws dentate, tooth arising rather close to outer ray; apical tergite with a flat pygidial area which is devoid of setae but is minutely punctate and shagreened. Male (Fig. 10) : head remarkably enlarged, much wider than thorax, vertex far above eye tops and ocelli, temples much wider than eyes; malar space about half as long as width of mandibles at their base; antennae elongate, capable of reaching middle of abdomen; tarsal claws and spines of tibiae as in female; first abdominal segment much expanded from the base, but with no evidence of a lateral seam. Subgenital plate tongue- shaped, midline only weakly elevated (Fig. 8) ; genitalia with the basal hooklets absent, parameres elongate, digiti broad and abruptly truncate apically (Fig. 9). Remarks. — This genus is most closely related to Auplopus, dif- fering in the less strongly petiolate abdomen (especially in the male), the less well defined pygidial area, presence of a short malar space, broad clypeus with a slightly concave apical margin, and several other features. The male genitalia differ in no important details from those of Auplopus. 220 Psyche [September Dimorphagenia naumanni, new species Holotype. — c?, Limoncoche, Prov. Napo, Ecuador (oo° 24'S, 76° 36'W) 7 May 1971 (Martin G. Naumann, nest 2048) [Mus. Comp. Zool., no. 32105]. Description >of male type. — Length 7 mm; fore wing 6 mm. Entire body testaceous except center of front and (to a lesser degree) vertex blotched with medium brown ; legs wholly testaceous ; an- tennae testaceous darkened to medium brown beyond basal third, flagellar segments narrowly ringed with fuscous apically. Wings very lightly tinged with brown; stigma testaceous. Pubescence pale, inconspicuous. Body largely devoid of erect setae except for strong bristles on clypeus and mandibles, scattered setae on front, vertex, and thoracic dorsum (but not propodeum), and numerous short setae toward apex of abdomen. Clypeus 2.8 X as wide as high, apical margin weakly concave; middle interocular distance .68 X head width, 1.4 X eye height; upper and lower interocular distances subequal; postocellar line: 1973] Evans — Neotropical Pompilidae 221 ocello-ocular line = 2 :5 ; in lateral view, distance from eye tops to vertex crest .7 X eye height, temples about 1.5 X eye width; third antennal segment 4.3 X as long as wide, equal to slightly less than half upper interocular distance. Maximum width of thorax only .7 that of head ; pronotum weakly expanded dorsally, its midline de- pressed. Wing venation as in female; terminalia as figured (Figs. 8, 9) ; lateral view of body shown in Fig. 10. Allotype. — 9) same data as type except dated 3 July 1971 [Mus. Comp. Zool.]. Description of female allotype. — Length 10 mm; fore wing 8 mm. Head, thorax, and propodeum dark brown, somewhat shin- ing; abdomen rufous except base of first segment black; antennae dark brown; coxae, trochanters, and tarsi dark brown, femora and tibiae rufous. Wings tinged with yellowish brown; stigma light brown. Pubescence cinereous to light brown, rather conspicuous on coxae, pleura, and propodeum. Body with fairly numerous pale, erect hairs, including some on thoracic dorsum and pleura, pro- podeum, coxae, and especially the abdominal venter; hind femora with scattered short hairs. Clypeus 2.5 X as wide as high, its apical margin weakly concave; middle interocular distance .63 X 'head width, 1.1 X eye height; upper interocular distance very slightly exceeding lower interocular distance; vertex broadly rounded off well above eye tops, distance from posterior ocelli to top of vertex exceeding postocellar line; postocellar line : ocello-ocular line — 2:5; temples strong, although roundly contracted from behind the eyes, in lateral view not quite as wide as eyes ; antennae not especially elongate, third segment only about half the upper interocular distance. Maximum width of thorax only slightly less than that of head ; features of pronotum and post- notum as described for male ; wing venation as in Fig. 4 ; legs and abdomen as described under generic heading. Paratypes. — 2 9?> same data as allotype [U.S. Nat. Mus., Brit- ish Mus.]. Variation. — Both paratypes are slightly smaller than the allotype (fore wing 7.3, 7.5 mm) but there are no differences worthy of note. Remarks. — Despite the great difference in head structure in the two sexes, there is close agreement in all other essential features, and there can be no question that these are male and female of one species. This is the only case known to me in the Pompilidae in which sexual dimorphism involves a major difference in head size. In this connection the following notes provided by Martin G. 222 Psyche [September Naumann may be of interest (his nest no. 2048; see type designation for locality). This was a nest of Stelopolybia sp., a social vespid that typically nests in cavities. In this case the nest occupied several cavities inside a large carton ant nest ( Azteca sp.) attached to a tree trunk, 2 m above the ground. On May 7, a wasp was seen walking about on the surface of the ant nest. It was captured and proved to be a male pompilid (the type of this species). On June 21 both wasp and ant nest were heavily damaged by children, but on July 3 both wasps and ants were still active, and the nest was harvested by chloro- forming it and catching the contents in a sac. The three female pompilids were found among the vespids, the ants, and the rubble. Structure of the females suggests strongly that they build mud cells: this is the usual function of stiff bristles on the labium and a smooth pygidial plate. In this instance it seems probable that they were utilizing a part of one of the cavities inside the ant nest and being tolerated by the ants and the vespids. I suggest that the large head of the male may enable it to pass as a worker Azteca ant. These ants are polymorphic, and the larger workers commonly are macrocephalic. In this instance the workers were considerably smaller than the male Dimorphagenia , but they were of a similar pale color and the larger workers decidedly macrocephalic. Presumably macrocephaly does not occur in the female sex because it would render them unable to perform their usual hunting and nest-building activities. Macrocephaly in the male suggests that the male is more than a passive inhabitant of the nest; perhaps the presence of several such males inhibits attacks by ants and social wasps. One can only hope that the relationships of these insects can some day be worked out in detail. Genus Ageniella Banks Cyrtagenia, new subgenus Type-species. — Ameragenia fallax Aide. Subgeneric characters. — Females with the general features of Ageniella s. str. except as follows (males unknown). Mandibles un- usually broad, with a small tooth located close to the apex (Fig. 6) ; clypeus with rather sharp anterolateral corners and with a median, apical angulation; front, in lateral view, either abruptly subangulate a short distance above the antennal sockets, then flat to the vertex crest, or flattened all the way from the antennal sockets to the vertex (Fig. 7), in either case with a median prominence just above the 1973] Evans — Neotropical Pompilidae 22 3 sockets. Pronotum short, with a somewhat flattened dorsal part; pro- podeum with smooth contours, without erect setae or with a very few setae on each side; legs relatively smooth, but middle and hind tibiae with several rows of very small spines; brush on inner side of hind tibia continuous to apex. Third submarginal cell receiving second recurrent vein .4 the distance from the base; anal vein of hind wing reaching media well before cubital fork. Known species with the wings unbanded, the antennae dark but with a white annu- lus near the middle. Remarks. — -Arnold {1934) described a genus from Africa in which the female has the front more or less angulate in profile, Arpactomorpha. However, in this genus the angulate portion has a median groove, and below the angulation there is an oblique im- pression on each side of the face. Furthermore, in Arpactomorpha the mentum has a beard composed of four or five long bristles arising from the base, whereas in Cyrtagenia there are only a few weak setae arising along the length of the mentum, as usual in A geniella. I doubt if there is any close relationship between these two groups. Key to species ( Females ) Angulation of front well above antennal sockets; some of the ab- dominal tergites with lateral white spots; pubescence fine and relatively inconspicuous fallax (Arle) Front forming a nearly flat, oblique slope from the antennal sockets to the vertex (Fig. 7) ; abdomen without white spots; pubescence unusually coarse and hoary innuba, new species A geniella (Cyrtagenia) fallax (Arle) new combination Amerag enia fallax Arle 1947, pp. 426-428, figs. 23-25. Aide’s description and figures are excellent, and there seems no need to redescribe the species at this time. Arle had a single female, from near Rio de Janeiro. The species appears to be widely dis- tributed, as I have seen females from Teresopolis and Nova Teu- tonia, Brazil; Oran and Tucuman, Argentina; and Avispas, near Marcapata, Peru. These females are exceedingly variable in color. All have a pale annulation on the antennae and at least small spots on the sides of the abdomen, but the other maculations described by Arle may be much reduced or even absent. At the other extreme, the specimen from Peru is exceedingly ornate, having ivory spots over much of the head and thorax, as well as a median stripe on the 224 Psyche [September propodeum and lateral stripes on the first tergite. It is possible that more than one species is involved, but on the basis of presently avail- able material I am inclined to think not. Ageniella (Cyrtagenia) innuba, new species Plolotype. — ?, Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina, Brazil, Jan. 1966 (Fritz Plaumann) [Mus. Comp. Zool., no. 32106]. Description of female type. — Length 9 mm; fore wing 8.3 mm. Head black except marked with white as follows: apical .8 of cly- peus; narrow inner orbits, with extensions toward antennal sockets; a median streak before anterior ocellus; small spots at eye tops; lower outer orbits and malar space; mandibles white basally, then testa- ceous, with dark tips; palpi testaceous; basal 5 antennal segments black (except scape with a small white spot), next three segments mainly white, remainder dark brown above, light brown below. Thorax and propodeum black; abdomen rufous except first segment black basally; legs rufotestaceous except coxae, trochanters, and femora partially infuseated; tarsi in part whitish. Wings hyaline, veins and stigma dark brown. Pubescence coarse, cinereous, giving the body a somewhat hoary appearance; propodeum with a. few short erect hairs on each side and abdominal venter and apical tergite setose, but body otherwise without erect hairs. Clypeus 2.6 X as wide as high; malar space .2 X width of mandi- bles at their base; middle interocular distance .59 X head width; upper interocular distance .95 X lower interocular distance; posto- cellar line: ocello-ocular line = 2:3; vertex rather sharp, distance from posterior ocelli to crest about equal to postocellar line. Front rather flat from vertex crest to antennae, which arise from a pro- tuberance, as shown in Fig. 7 ; third antennal segment equal to .72 X upper interocular distance. Hind tibia with a faint longi- tudinal impression between the two uppermost rows of small spines. Paratypes. — BRAZIL : 1 ?, same data as type but collected January 1965 [U.S. Nat. Mus.]; 1 $, Teresopolis, 11 March 1966 (H. & M. Townes) [Coll. H. K. Townes]. Variation. — Both paratypes have a small white spot on each posterior pronotal lobe. The abdomen of the Teresopolis specimen is dusky ferruginous, the legs darker than in the type. The topo- typic paratype is slightly smaller than the type (fore wing 8 mm) and has a white spot on the third antennal segment as well as a large one on the scape. 1973] Evans — Neotropical Pompilidae 225 Key to Neotropical genera of Auplopodini ( Females ) (Modified from Banks, 1946, and Townes, 1957) 1. Apex of front tibia on outer side with a. strongly differentiated, curved, hooklike spine; clypeus large, extending well beneath bottoms of eyes 2 Apex of front tibia without a strong, curved spine that is well differentiated from the other spines 3 2. Last segment of middle and hind tarsi spined beneath ; lower part of mesopleurum with a projection; clypeus strongly emarginate Phanochilus Banks Last segment of all tarsi smooth beneath ; mesopleurum without a prominence; clypeus truncate Priocnemella Banks 3. Mandibles with a basal tuft of long, pale setae which cover much of the mandibles; malar space at least half as long as width of mandibles at their base (Figs. 1, 3) Mystacagenia , new genus Mandibles without such modification, simple and with scattered setae; malar space less than half as long as width of mandibles at their base, often nearly absent 4 4. Apical tergite covered with bristles and without a differentiated pygidial area; mentum with or without a few thin setae scat- tered along its length Ageniella Banks Apical tergite with a median area which is devoid of setae and more or less smooth, often polished ; mentum with a group of stout setae arising near the base and directed forward 5 5. Malar space about one third as long as width of mandibles at their base; temples prominent, nearly as wide as eyes; tooth of claws quite close to outer ray (males macrocephalic, Fig. 10) D im orp hagenia, new genus Malar space small or absent, mandibles and lower eye margins nearly in contact; temples narrow, receding; tooth of claws well separated from outer ray Auplopus Spinola Key to Neotropical subgenera of Ageniella ( Females ) 1. Propodeum with an abundance of erect hair 2 Propodeum without hair or with a few inconspicuous hairs on the sides 4 2. Mentum at most with a few short, inconspicuous setae; mostly small species, under 14 mm Ameragenia Banks Mentum with a number of rather long setae; larger species, mostly over 15 mm 3 226 Psyche [September 3. Hind tibiae serrate in profile, also quite strongly spinose; most species with a prominence on lower part of mesopleurum Alasagenia Banks Hind tibiae smooth, non-serrate, and with only small spines; mesopleurum without a prominence Lissagenitt Banks 4. Front, in lateral view, somewhat angulate (either at the antennal sockets or between sockets and ocelli), above the angulation quite flat; mandibles unusually broad, the tooth small (Fig. 6) Cyrtcigenia, new subgenus Front, in lateral view, more or less gently rounded; mandibles not modified as above 5 5. Hind tibia not at all serrate, smooth or with rows of very small spines Ageniella Banks Hind tibia serrate in profile 6 6. Brush on inner side of hind tibia with a subapical interruption; pronotum somewhat elongate N emagenia Banks Brush on inner side of hind tibia without a subapical interruption Priophanes Banks References Arle, R. 19+7. Nouvelles especes de Pompilidae du Bresil (Hymenoptera) . Rev. de Ent., 18: 416-428. Arnold, G. 1934. Psammocharidae of the Ethiopian region. Part 2. Ann. Trans- vaal Mus., 15: 283-399. Banks, N. 1946. Studies of South American Psammocharidae. Part 1. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 96 : 311-525. Evans, H. E. 1966. A revision of the Mexican and Central American spider wasps of the subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., no. 20, 439 pp. Haupt, H. 1959. Elemente einer systematischen Aufteilung der Macromerinae m. (Hymenoptera-Sphecoidea). Nova Acta Leopoldina, (9) 21, no. 141, 74 pp. Townes, H. 1957. Nearctic wasps of the subfamilies Pepsinae and Ceropalinae. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 209, 286 pp. NOTES ON I-IETEROONOPS AND TRIAERIS (ARANEAE; OONOPIDAE) By Arthur M. Chickering Museum of Comparative Zoology In this short note are some additions and corrections to my pre- viously published revisions. Eleteroonops spinimanus (Simon) Figures 1-4 Oonops spinimanus Simon, 1891: 563, fig. 6. The female holotype from St. Vincent, B. W. I. is in the British Museum (Natural History). Simon, 1892: 445; 1893: 294; Petrunkevitch, 1911: 128; 1929: 67, figs. 53-57; Gertsch, 1936: 8. Heteroonops spinimanus, — Dalmas, 1916: 203, 217; Bryant, 1940: 205; Roewer, 1942: 276; Bonnet, 1957: 2185; Chickering, 1969: 154, figs. 28-32. I have been much interested in Eleteroonops spinimanus (Simon) for many years. Simon (1891) described the species from females collected on St. Vincent, B. W. I. In 1892 he reported the species from Venezuela. Dr. Petrunkevitch, in his study of Puerto Rican spiders, (1929), stated that he had males and females for study in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History. These were collected in 1915 in San Juan, Cayey, Naranjito and Coamo Springs. He regarded the males, taken in these localities, as belong- ing with the females and described a male from San Juan as the male of Oonops spinimanus Simon. This identification has been widely accepted up to the present time. I have had the specimens that were apparently studied by Dr. Petrunkevitch also on loan from the American Museum of Natural History. It has been very dis- appointing to find almost all of the specimens, believed to be those studied by Dr. Petrunkevitch, in a very dismembered and almost useless condition. I think there is no question about the status of the females involved but I am obliged to regard the identification of the males as open to serious doubts. Dr. Petrunkevitch noted a con- siderable degree of variation among the males in respect to the appearance of the palpal conductor and embolus, indicating, perhaps, a mixture of species. I have spent much time in searching through my extensive collection of O'onops /or males which could be matched with the well established females but without success. I am of the opinion that the males identified as Oonops spinimanus Simon by 227 228 Psyche [September from above. Fig. 2. Right palpal patella; nearly dorsal view. Fig. 3. Right palpal femur; retrolateral view. Fig. 4. Epigynal area of female from St. Vincent; viewed from below. Dr. Petrunkevitch really belong with Oonops castellus Chickering, now believed to be rather widely distributed among the West Indies. I readily concede, however, that there is no certainty at the present time. Records. In addition to the records cited above the following should now be added in order to bring the record up to date: Dr. Gertsch recognized the species from Florida in 1936, where it is now known to be fairly common (Chickering, 1969). Miss Bryant (1940) reported the finding of females in Cuba. I have taken many females in the following localities during my collecting trips in 1954, 1957-1958, 1963-1964, 1965 and 1966: Jamaica, W. I. where the species seems to be abundant; St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands; Puerto Rico, W. I.; St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Nevis and St. Vincent, all in the British West Indies; Trinidad, W. I.; Panama Canal Zone and parts of Panama, particularly in the mountainous regions; and finally in Costa Rica. Triaeris pusillus (Bryant), new combination liytanis pusilla Bryant, 1942: 326, figs. 13-14. The female holotype from St. Croix, V. I. is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, examined. Triaeris reticulatus Chickering, 1968: 354, figs. 6-13. The male holotype from St. Croix, V. I. is in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, new SYNONYMY. 1973] Chickering — Heteroonops and Triaeris 229 The female, regarded by Miss Bryant as representing a new species of Hytanis, was completely overlooked during my study of the genus Triaeris (1968). At that time I believed that I had a new species of the genus represented by a male from St. Croix, V. I. Because of the close similarity of structure and coloration, I believed that a female from Nevis, B. W. I., belonged with the male from St. Croix, V. I. As a result of my examination of the holotype of Hytanis pusilla Bryant I think it is logical to believe that this female belongs with my male from the same locality and that it represents a species of Triaeris. This leaves the status of the female from Nevis in some doubt. This species may be a new one but I am not yet certain about this. Further careful collecting among the numerous West Indian Islands is obviously needed. References Bonnet, Pierre 1957. Bibliographia Araneorum. Toulouse. 2(3). Bryant, Elizabeth 1940. Cuban Spiders in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 86(7) : 249-532, 22 pis. 1942. Notes on the spiders of the Virgin Islands. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 89: 317-363. Chickering, A. M. 1968. The Genus Triaeris Simon (Araneae, Oonopidae) in Central America and the West Indies. Psyche, 75 (1): 351-359. 1969. The Family Oonopidae (Araneae) in Florida. Psyche, 76: 144- 162, 41 figs. Dalmas, Compte de 1916. Revision du Genre Orchestina E. Simon. Ann. Soc. Entom. France, 85: 203-258, 30 figs. Gertsch, W. J. 1936. Further Diagnoses of New American Spiders. Amer. Mus. Novi- tates, No. 852: 1-27, 4 pis. Petrunkevitch, Alexander 1911. A synonymic index-catalogue of spiders of North, Central, South America, etc. Bull. Amer. Mus. Natur. Hist., 29: 1-809. 1929. The spiders of Porto Rico. Pt. 1. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci. 30: 7-158, 150 figs. Roewer, C. Fr. 1942. Katalog der Araneae. 1 : 1-1040. Simon, E. 1891. On the spiders of the island of St. Vincent. Pt. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. of London, Nov. 17, 1891: 549-575. 1892. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela. Ann. Soc. Entom. France, 61 : 423-462, 1 pi. 1892-1895. Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme Edition. 1 Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris. THE UTILIZATION OF VARIOUS ASCLEPIAS SPECIES BY LARVAE OF THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY, DANA US PLEXIPPUS By James M. Erickson* Dept, of Entomology, Cornell University Ithaca, New York, 14850 Introduction Plants of the genus Asclepias are well known to contain high concentrations of cardiac glycosides (cardenolides) . It is generally surmised that such cardiac stimulants function to protect plants containing them against insect and vertebrate herbivores (Euw et ah 1967). In addition, some insects which are adapted to feed on Asclepias plants store cardiac glycosides apparently as a means of protection against vertebrate predators which find the compounds distasteful (Brower and Brower 1964, Brower 1969). It was by means of such an herbivore-predator interaction, bluejays feeding on monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus L. (Brower 1969, Brower et ah 1968), that a spectrum of palatability was detected among monarch butterflies reared on various species of milkweed. It is surmised that this spectrum of toxicity to a vertebrate predator reflects a spectrum of concentrations of cardiac glycosides in the different species of the insects’ larval food plants (Brower and Brower 1964, Brower et al. 1967, Brower 1969). However, quantitative and qualitative data for cardenolides in Asclepias leaves are at best in- complete (Reynard and Morton 1942, Kupchan et al. 1964, Duffey 1970, Singh and Rastogi 1970, Feir and Suen 1971, Duffey and Scudder 1972, Scudder and Duffey 1972, and Eggermann and Bongers 1972). The following experiments were undertaken to determine whether a differential response by D. plexippus larvae to their host plants could be detected by measuring their efficiency of food utiliza- tion and whether such a response would support the concept of a spectrum of toxicity. It seemed conceivable that detoxication or storage of cardiac glycosides might require expenditure of energy and could be detected by a lowered feeding efficiency. In addition, Brower et al. (1972) have speculated that there is a reduction in ^Present address: Dept, of Biological Sciences, California State Univer- sity, Hayward, California 94542. M anuscript received by the editor June 18, 1973. 230 1973] Erickson — Danaus plexippus 231 general viability of monarch adults which have stored higher con- centrations of cardiac glycosides. To test this hypothesis the fertility and fecundity of adult monarchs was determined. Methods and Materials Groups of intact larvae of D. plexippus 1 were taken from the second generation of a culture founded from wild insects taken near Ithaca, New York, and were reared in the laboratory on one of the following species of Asclepias 1 host plants: A. curassavica , A. syriaca, A. incarnata, or A. tuberosa. Newly molted 4th-instar larvae were placed individually in glass petri dishes (Pyrex, 100mm X 15mm) lined on the bottom with a piece of Whatman No. 1 filter paper. Mature and uninjured leaves of the native species were gathered in the field each day from plants growing in open sunlit areas, and leaves of A. curassavica were collected from plants grown in the greenhouse. All leaves were sealed in plastic bags and used within 2 hours. These randomly collected leaves were split along the mid- rib, one half weighed and offered to the larvae and the other half used to determine the percent dry matter in the leaf material (Waldbauer i960, 1964). Leaves were replaced and feces collected every 24 hours. All the larvae were placed in a controlled temperature room, except for the period of time each day during which new food was offered to the larvae and the feces collected. The room was kept relatively constant with day-night temperatures of 22° and 180, respectively, and with a relative humidity of approximately 55%. The photoperiod was regulated at a 16-8 hour light-dark cycle. The dry weight of food ingested was estimated following the techniques of Waldbauer (i960, 1964), except that plant material was lyophilized instead of oven-dried. The dry weight of the food utilized or assimilated was assumed to be the dry weight of the food ingested minus the dry weight of feces. An additional group of larvae was reared along with the experimental larvae, and these were sacrificed to determine the dry weights, and thus, the per- centage dry matter of the larvae. Indices of food utilization were determined following the methods of Waldbauer (i960, 1964, 1968). Many terms have been used both by ecologists and by physiologists to describe various measures and indices of food Specimens of the insects used in this research have been deposited in the Cornell University Insect Collection, Lot 1023, Sublot 14. Specimens of the plants have been deposited in the Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University. 232 Psyche [September utilization and efficiency. Relationships between many of these terms are discussed by Kozlovsky (1968) and Waldbauer (1968). As an index of digestibility the ratio of the amount of food assimilated to the amount of food ingested, referred to as the ‘Assimilation Efficiency’ (Odum, 1971) or the ‘Coefficient of Di- gestibility’ (Waldbauer 1964, 1968, House 1965), was used. In practice, this measure is only an approximation since the numerator (as determined by the standard gravimetric technique) does not quite represent the amount of food actually assimilated (Waldbauer 1968). This slight error is due to the presence of metabolic wastes in the feces in addition to the undigested food (Lafon 1951), but Hiratsuka (1920) and Waldbauer (1964, 1968) point out that this difference between true and measured assimilation efficiencies is negligible. The efficiency with which ingested food is converted to biomass is calculated by dividing the dry weight of food ingested into the dry weight gained by the larva. This index, referred to by physiolo- gists as the ‘Efficiency of Conversion of Ingested Matter’ (Wald- bauer 1968) and by ecologists as the ‘Ecological Growth Efficiency’ (Odum 1971), is an overall measure of an animal’s ability to utilize for growth the food ingested. The efficiency with which digested food is converted to biomass is calculated by dividing the dry weight of food assimilated into the dry weight gained by the larva. This index, referred to by Wald- bauer (1968) as the ‘Efficiency of Conversion of Digested Matter’ and by Odum (1971) as the ‘Tissue Growth Efficiency’, decreases as the proportion of digested food metabolized for energy and main- tenance of physiological functions increases (Waldbauer 1968). The relative growth rate is calculated by dividing the mean dry weight of the larva times the duration of the instar in days into the dry weight gained by the larva during the stadium (Waldbauer 1968). This index reflects the rate at which biomass is added by a larva corrected for any size differential between groups of larvae. The ‘Respiratory Coefficient’ (Lindeman 1942) is described as the ratio of respiratory and maintenance loss to the net secondary production or biomass increase. This coefficient is calculated by dividing the total calories lost through respiration and maintenance by the total calories added to the insects’ biomass. This ratio is what may be termed an ‘Energy Production Cost Ratio’ ; the smaller the coefficient or ratio, the more efficient the larva is at allocating energy to biomass, the larger the coefficient, the greater the number 1973] Erickson — Danaus plexippus 233 of calories lost through respiration and maintenance per calorie allocated to biomass. Of general interest to ecologists is the ‘Principle of Allocation’ described by Cody (1966). Organisms have a limited amount of energy to spend and will be selected to partition this energy in dif- ferent ways depending upon changing physiological or environmental conditions. Any activity of an organism, or more precisely, the energy expenditure for that activity, can be viewed only in relation to all other demands for energy. To descry any increased ‘cost’ of detoxifying or incorporating cardenolides by D. plexippus larvae when reared on Asclepias host plants with known toxicity spectrum, a larval energy budget based on dry weights was constructed. Calo- rific values of the larval food plants, feces and larvae were deter- mined by means of a Phillipson non-adiabatic microbomb calorimeter (Gentry and Wiegert Inst. Inc., Aiken, C.S.) (Phillipson 1964). The lyophilized plant material was subjected to five replications whereas lyophilized larvae and feces were subjected to three replica- tions for the determination of calorific values. The nitrogen content of the leaf material was determined by the Kjeldahl method for total nitrogen (Williams 1964). A minimum of three replicate samples were obtained for each of the plant species. For the purposes of food utilization and efficiency determinations, the experiment was concluded when the larvae molted into the ultimate instar. The larvae were then reared through to the adult stage on the same experimental plants that they fed upon in the utilization experiments. All adult females were hand paired and placed individually in a 1 meter square screen cage with one A. curassavica and one A. syriaca plant of approximately the same age and condition. Records were kept each day of the number of eggs layed per female and the percentage of these eggs which were fertile. The data are generally presented as a mean and standard error for the larvae in any particular treatment group. The various experimental parameters and indices were subjected to one-way analysis of variance to determine differences in efficiencies or develop- mental rates among the various larval food plants. Results Various plant parameters differed greatly among the four Asclepias species offered to the monarch larvae (Table 1). The leaves of A. tuberosa were significantly higher in dry matter content than the other three species. No significant difference in caloric content could Table 1. Dry weight, calorific values and nitrogen content of Asclcpias species offered to the larvae of the 234- Psyche © +1 II g 2 m +i II o 'O +1 II O +1 II o +1 II ° z © so +i ii J= bC £ *5 +l a * « S *c •c -5 £ o _ « § £ 03 W . © © © Os SO © Ov ^ © CO © «o +1 <0 b/j •5 .S s - W o 'o *-3 m ^ W o *F.o5 (df 3,28) =2.96 1973] Erickson — Danaus plexippus 237 A. curassavica to 117.2 for females reared on A. syriaca. The mean per cent of eggs hatching ranged from 87.3% (A. incarnata ) to 93.2% (A. tuberosa). Discussion One of the major concerns of modern ecology is the description and explanation of the energetic relationships between and within various communities. A knowledge of the food utilization efficiency of insects is thus of particular importance to ecology since insects exert a substantial influence and impact on almost all terrestrial or fresh water communities. The ecological significance of such energy utilization studies have been extensively reviewed (Englemann 1966, Phillipson 1966, and others). It seems apparent that adaptive nutritional differences in host plants must be sought on a quantitative level and that meaningful comparisons of food utilization and nutrition will not emerge until quantitative studies are carried out. The determination of absolute requirements for dietary constituents depends upon the measurement of food or nutrient intake. Differences in food efficiency can be demonstrated only be measuring intake and growth. Measurement of the food intake and the utilization of this food elucidates to a great degree the physiological processes occurring in an insect since patterns of utilization may be different although food sources are similar in their ability to support growth. For instance, low food intake may be offset by a high utilization of ingested or digested food and a very high food intake may well lead to a very low efficiency in the utilization of ingested or digested matter. In this experiment, the assimilation efficiency of the larvae did not vary significantly among the various Asclepias host plants except for larvae reared on A. syriaca which had an efficiency about 8% higher than larvae on the other host plants. This means that the larvae reared on the various host plants were digesting and excreting ap- proximately equal amounts of food. The efficiency with which ingested food and digested food are utilized varied significantly with larvae reared on A. curassavica and A. syriaca having the highest efficiencies and larvae reared on A. tuberosa the lowest (Table 2). The efficiency with which digested food is utilized for growth will vary not only with the maintenance and respiration requirements for energy but also with the balance of nutrients in the food source. Larvae reared on A. tuberosa ingested almost twice as much food during the 4th instar as larvae reared on the other three host plants Table 3. The allocation 238 Psyche c a H- u s: n £ -a 2 to VO © O 00 © OS Cs © so 2 ^ <4H "O O 3J Vi ^ 2 2 o vi ^ •££-g S 2 S ri « u B •£ .a ^ "-S Mh “ « > ■5 c bC 0 c -o •r « o 2 S 73 © Z a c ^ a> ^ 2 .2* J3 c o •= rt E fl) cu . *-« U ® Q 2 « - _ o .2d T « -*-> T Z, a. O (U s 5 2 « M s u-s £"§ 2o in <-5 3 W a Cj [September 973] Erickson — Danaus plexippus 239 (see Table 3). As the ingestion rate increases, there is a negative correlation with the efficiency with which ingested or digested matter are utilized (Waldbauer 1968). This reduction in overall gross and net efficiency has been shown for Prodenia larvae (Soo Hoo and Fraenkel 1966) and by House (1965). The larvae reared on A. tuberosa may be viewed as being extremely ‘wasteful’ of the potential caloric content of their food, most likely passing great quantities of food through the digestive tract to secure a supply of some limiting nutrient or substance. The leaf material does not vary to any sig- nificant degree among the Asclepias species tested in terms of caloric content (Table 1), whereas the leaves of A. tuberosa contain a little more than one half the nitrogen content of the other three species. It has been suggested that the water content of food material will greatly affect the utilization of this material. It is generally the case with the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes , that the efficiency of utilization of food decreases as the dry matter content of the food plant increases (Erickson and Feeny, in preparation). In this ex- periment, there is a significant difference in the dry matter content of the leaves, with A. tuberosa having the highest dry matter con- tent at approximately 21% and A. incar nata and A. syriaca the lowest dry matter content at about 17% (Table 1). It has been shown in this laboratory, that by varying the water content of leaf material, the utilization of food by the cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia is greatly affected (J. M. Scriber, in preparation). The effect is shown not in an increased intake rate, as occurs in monarch larvae, but in lengthened larval development times, in which the total food intake is increased but the rate of this intake remains relatively constant. It thus appears that the dry matter content of Asclepias leaves may have some influence on the utilization efficiencies but not to the degree found in this experiment. In keeping with Cody’s (1966) ‘Principle of Allocation’, I at- tempted to descry any increased ‘cost’ for D. plexippus larvae to detoxify or to incorporate cardenolides. It is well known that A. curassavica is highly toxic and contains at least 15 cardenolidies (Kupchan et al. 1964, Duffey 1970), three of which have been isolated from distasteful D. plexippus larvae (Parsons 1965, Reich- stein 1967) incorporated there as a defense against vertebrate preda- tors (Brower and Brower 1964, Brower et al. 1967, Brower 1969). Asclepias syriaca has been found to be only slightly toxic to verte- brates and to contain at least seven cardiac glycosides (Reynard and Morton 1942, Duffey 1970, and others). Asclepias incarnata and A. tuberosa are known to contain cardenolides but in much lower 240 Psyche [September Table 4. Length of pupation, fecundity and fertility of monarch butterflies raised on various plants of the genus Asclepias. Host plant Number of animals Mean length of pupation (days) Mean total number of eggs per female ± SE12 Mean percent of eggs hatching ± SE13 A. curassavica 12 10.31 105.7 ± 8.7 91.6 ± 4.9 A. syria ca 17 10.67 117.2 ± 10.6 89.1 ± 5.7 A. incarnata 12 11.02 110.3 ± 9.4 87.3 ± 6.3 A. tuberosa 9 10.57 106.0 ± 9.6 93.2 ± 4.8 T.os (df 3,20) = 3.10 F.oi (df 3,20) =4.94 2F = 1.13 3F = 0.73 concentrations ( Duffey 1970, Singh and Rastogi 1970) and only marginally toxic (Hansen 1924, Heal et al. 1950). It is found, however, that contrary to expected results, larvae reared on the highly toxic A. curcissavica gained more biomass per day, spent the shortest time in the 4th instar, and were the most efficient at utilizing and converting digested matter into biomass (Table 2). In addition, larvae reared on A. curassavica utilized approximately 65% of the assimilated energy to produce biomass whereas only 32% of the assimilated energy was allocated to biomass for larvae reared on A. tuberosa (Table 3), and larvae reared on A. curassavica had the lowest ‘Respiratory Coefficient’ at 0.53 compared to larvae reared on A. tuberosa which had a value of 2.16. This means that larvae reared on the A. curassavica host plant were allocating about 2 calories for biomass for every calorie lost through respiration and maintenance, wJhereas larvae reared on A. tuberosa allocated ap- proximately 0.5 calorie to biomass for every calorie lost through respiration and maintenance. It thus appears that there is little measurable ‘cost’ to detoxify or incorporate caridac glycosides by monarch larvae since the larvae grew and developed most rapidly on the most toxic Asclepias food plant tested. 1973] Erickson — Danaus plexippus 241 Recently, Brower et al. (1972) have shown a general decrease in cardiac glycoside content of migrating monarch butterflies as the specimens are collected farther south. They feel selection may be operating against high cardiac glycoside content (larvae reared on A. curassavica or A. humistrata ) since, although high concentrations of cardiac glycosides in the butterfly confer greater protection from predators, these authors surmise that these high concentrations de- crease the viability of the insect. In this experiment, there was no significant difference in either the number of eggs deposited or the number of these that were fertile among the adult females reared on the four Asclepias species (Table 4). It does not appear at least over a couple of generations, that larvae reared on A. curassavica are any less viable than larvae reared on much less toxic Asclepias species. The importance of nitrogen for larval growth and development cannot be overemphasized. House (1961, 1962) and Dadd (1973) have discussed the qualitative requirements of proteins and amino acids for larval development. There appears to be an optimal nitro- gen level, which varies from species to species, that produces maximal larval growth (Dadd 1961, House 1959, Vanderzant 1958). The fecundity of Dacus dorsalis Hendel increased with an increase in the protein content of the diet (Hagen 1958), whereas low protein levels greatly prolonged the developmental period of Drosophila melanogaster (Sang 1956). In this experiment, larvae reared on A. tuberosa had the second fastest developmental time of the 4 groups of larvae, yet this plant species contained a little more than one half the nitrogen content in the leaves than was contained in the other leaves of the other host plants. Larvae of the monarch butterfly appear, therefore, to have an adaptive strategy which al- lows them to best utilize a resource that is in limited supply. Al- though ‘wasteful’ in the caloric sense, these larvae are able to secure the necessary supply of nitrogen needed for the later adult stage by increasing their total intake of food (Table 3). A similar situation has been demonstrated in this laboratory involving the utilization of crucifer plants by Pieris rapae (Slansky and Feeny, in preparation). This ability of an insect to compensate for decreased nutrient con- tent of its food is discussed by House (1965) and McGinnis and Lasting (1966). It thus appears that the low nitrogen content of A. tuberosa has a somewhat limiting effect on the monarch larvae but this low nutrient content only limits or regulates the efficiency with which food is utilized by the larvae and does not limit the larval growth or consumption rates to a significant degree. ^42 Psyche [September Acknowledgments The author wishes to thank Drs. L. P. Brower, P. P. Feeny and J. G. Franc! emont for reading the manuscript and offering helpful suggestions. Many thanks also go to Ms. Sherry Rehr for technical help and also offering suggestions on the manuscript. The work was supported in part by Hatch Grant NY (C) 1 3941 3 of Dr. Paul Feeny. Literature Cited Brower, L. P. 1969. Ecological chemistry. Sci. Amer. 220: 22-29. Brower, L. P., and J. V. Z. Brower. 1964. Birds, butterflies, and plant poisons: A study of ecological chem- istry. Zoologica 49: 137-159. Browter, L. P., J. V. Z. Brower, and J. M. Corvino. 1967. Plant poisons in a terrestrial food chain. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 57: 893-898. Brower, L. P., W. N. Ryerson, L. L. Coppinger, and S. C. Glazier. 1968. Ecological chemistry and the palatability spectrum. Science 161: 1349-1352. Brower, L. P., P. B. McEvoy, K. L. Williamson, and M. A. Flannery. 1972. Variation in cardiac glycoside content of monarch butterflies from natural populations in Eastern North America. Science 117: 426-428. Cody, M. L. 1966. A general theory of clutch size. Evolution 20: 174-184. Dadd, R. H. 1961. The nutritional requirements of locusts. V. Observations on es- sential fatty acids, chlorophyll, nutritional salt mixtures and the protein or amino acid components of synthetic diets. J. Insect Physiol. 6: 126-145. 1973. Insect nutrition: Current developments and metabolic implica- tions. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 18: 381-420. Duffey, S. S. 1970. Cardiac glycosides and distastefulness: some observations on pal- atability spectrum of butterflies. Science 169: 78-79. Duffey, S. S., and G. G. E. Scudder. 1972. Cardiac glycosides in North American Asclepiadaceae, a basis for unpalatability in brightly colored Hemiptera and Coleoptera. J. Insect Physiol. 18: 63-78. Eggermann, W., and J. Bongers 1972. Die Wirtswahl von Oncopeltus fasciatus Dali. (Heteroptera : Lygaeidae) : Bindung an Asciepiadaceen durch wirtsspezifische Glykoside. Oecologia (Berl.) 9: 363-370. Englemann, M. D. 1966. Energetics, terrestrial field studies, and animal productivity. IN: Advances in Ecological Research, ed. J. B. 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Effects of low levels of the nutrient content of a food and of nutrient imbalance on the feeding and the nutrition of a phyto- phagous larva, Celero euphorbiae (L.) (Lepidoptera : Sphingidae). Can. Ent. 97 : 62-68. Kozlovsky, D. G. 1968. A critical evaluation of the trophic level concept. I. Ecological efficiencies. Ecology 49: 48-60. Kupchan, S. M., J. R. Knox, J. E. Kelsey, and J. A. Saenz Renauld. 1964. Calotropin, a cytotoxic principle isolated from Asclepias curas- savica L. Science 146: 1685-1686. Lafon, M. 1951. Quelques documents sur l’appetit et la consommation alimentaire chez les insectes. Ann. Nutr., Paris, 5: 485-504. Lindeman, R. L. 1942. The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology. Ecology 23 : 399-418. McGinnis, A. J., and R. Kasting. 1966. Comparison of tissues from solid- and hollow-stemmed spring wheats during growth. IV. Apparent dry matter utilization and nitrogen balance in the two-striped grasshopper, M clanoplus bivittatus (Say). J. Insect Physiol. 12: 671-678. Odum, E. P. 1971. Fundamentals of ecology. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. 3rd edition, 574 p. Phillipson, J. 1964. A miniature bomb calorimeter for small biological samples. Oikos 15: 130-139. 1966. Ecological energetics. William Clowes and Sons Ltd., London. 57 p. Reynard, G. B., and J. B. S. Norton. 1942. Poisonous plants of Maryland in relation to livestock. Maryland Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. A 10. 244 Psyche [September Scudder, G. G. E., and S. S. Duffey. 1972. Cardiac glycosides in the Lygaeinae (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Can. J. Zool. 50: 35-42. Singh, B. and R. P. Rastogi. 1970. Cardenolides — Glycosides and Genins. Phytochemistry 9: 315-331. SooHoo, C. F. and G. Fraenkel. 1966. The consumption, digestion, and utilization of food plants by a polyphagous insect, Prodenia eridania (Cramer). J. Insect Physiol. 12: 711-730. Vanderzant, E. S. 1958. The amino acid requirements of the pink bollworm. J. econ. Ent. 51: 309-311. Waldbauer, G. P. 1960. Feeding and growth on solanaceous and non-solanaceous plants by normal and maxillectomized larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Protoparce sexta (Johan.) (Lepidoptera : Sphingidae). Ph.D. thesis. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. 134 p. 1964. The consumption, digestion, and utilization of solanaceous and non-solanaceous plants by larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Proto- parce sexta (Johan.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ent. exp. & appl. 7: 253-269. 1968. The consumption and utilization of food by insects. Adv. Insect Physiol. 3 : 229-282. Williams, P. C. 1964. The colorimetric determination of total nitrogen in feeding stuffs. Analyst 89: 276-281. COPULATORY PATTERN SUPPORTS GENERIC PLACEMENT OF SCHIZOCOSA A VIDA ( WALCKENAER ) (ARANEAE: LYCOS ID AE)1 By Jerome S. Rovner Department of Zoology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701 The wolf spider genus Schizooosa was established in 1904 by Chamberlin. He subsequently (1908) transferred several species (bilineata, crassipes, and saltatrix ) from their former placement in the genus Lycosa to the genus Schizocosa. Such a transfer was also recommended for Lycosa avida Walckenaer by Gertsch and Wallace (r937)* Their designation was accepted by some workers (e.g., Fitch, 1963; Dondale, 1969) but not by all (e.g., Kaston, 1948, 1972). In a recent paper (Rovner, in press) I noted that the pattern of palpal insertions during mating in the species of Schizocosa studied so far is qualitatively distinct from that seen in Lycosa spp. Through- out most of the copulation in Schizocosa spp., one palp is inserted a number of times prior to each shift to the opposite palp. At the beginning of copulation the number of insertions in a series by each palp is relatively small. The number of insertions per series soon reaches a maximum and then, for the remainder of the copulation, gradually declines. In Lycosa spp., on the other hand, alternation of palps typifies the entire copulation. Re-insertions of the same palp are uncommon, constituting only a small percentage of the total number of insertions (Rovner, 1972). Quantitative differences in copulatory behavior also may aid in characterizing these two genera. The duration of copulation and the total number of palpal insertions are much greater in Schizocosa saltatrix than in Lycosa spp. (Rovner, in press) . With these parameters in mind, I observed mating behavior in Schizocosa avida. The data obtained supported Gertsch and Wal- lace’s (1937) reclassification of this species from Lycosa to Schizo- cosa. Methods Penultimate individuals of S. avida were collected during early May, 1973, in a field near Amesville (Athens Co.), Ohio, USA. JThis study was supported in part by grant no. GB 35369 from the National Science Foundation. Manuscript received by the editor July 23, 1973 245 246 Psyche [September Molting to the adult instar occurred during early June, and ob- servations were made during late June and early July. Spiders were housed separately and visually isolated from each other. They were fed mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio rnolitor ) weekly and had a constant water supply. Virgin spiders were paired in arenas for observation under fairly constant temperature (23-25°C) and humidity (60-65% RH) con- ditions. After observing one pair in a preliminary trial, I filmed portions of copulation in a second pair. The palpal insertion patterns of five other pairs were recorded for later analysis. Results Copulatory behavior was similar in all seven pairs of S. avida observed. Throughout most of copulation, each palp was inserted repeatedly a number of times prior to a shift to the opposite palp. The length of such series showed the same pattern of variation in nearly all cases : few insertions per series at the beginning, increasing shortly thereafter to a maximum number of insertions per series, then a gradual decrease, eventually ending with a minimal number of palpal insertions. (In one male, insertions of the left palp began at the maximum series length; i.e., several “introductory” series of relatively short length were not shown by this male’s left palp, al- though they did occur in the right palp.) In the five recorded matings, each palp was inserted an average of 158 times, for a mean total of 316 insertions per copulation. These copulations lasted 2.8 ± 1.63 (SD) hours. Other data are sum- marized in Table I. Table I. Palpal insertions during copulation in five pairs of Schizocosa avida. Total no. Total no. Insertions per series Pair no. of series of insertions Mean ± SD Range 1 21 241 11.5 ± 14.7 2-60 2 11 254 23.1 ± 9.4 4-35 3 31 213 6.9 ± 5.0 1-21 4 34 371 10.9 ± 10.6 1-48 5 37 501 13.5 ± 10.4 1-39 Mean 26.8 316.0 13.2 ± 15.1 1973] Rovner — Schizocosa avida 247 Discussion The copulatory pattern observed in Schizocosa avida was similar to that described in S. bilineata and S. crassipes (Montgomery, 1903) and S. saltatrix (Rovner, in press). The occurrence of a series of insertions of one palp prior to a shift to the other palp differs from the rather strict alternation of palps seen in Lycosa chaperi (Bhat- nagar and Sadana, 1965), L. gulosa (Kaston, 1936), L. helluo (Kaston, 1936; Nappi, 1965), L. punctulata (Rovner, unpublished data), and L. rabida (Montgomery, 1903; Kaston, 1936; Rovner, 1972). Furthermore, the pattern of variation in series length, which seems typical of Schizocosa spp. (Rovner, in press), was also present in S. avida. Thus, Gertsch and Wallace’s (1937) placement of the former Lycosa avida into the genus Schizocosa on the basis of morphology has been strengthened by these behavioral data. The large number of palpal insertions (about 300) and the relatively long duration of copulation (about 2-3 hours) in S. avida also indi- cate a greater affinity to Schizocosa spp. than to Lycosa spp. (Rov- ner, in press). Another aspect of behavior may be worth investigating in this regard. Knost and Rovner (in prep.) found that post-immobilization tying down of prey occurred in L. punctulata and L. rabida but not in S. crassipes. Whether this distinction is -genus-specific or not must await studies of feeding behavior in other members of these two genera. Literature Cited Bhatnagar, R. D. S. and G. L. Sadana 1965. Sexual behaviour in Lycosa chaperi Simon (Arachnida: Ara- neida). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 62: 568-573. Chamberlin, R. V. 1904. Notes on generic characters in the Lycosidae. Canad. Ent. 36: 173-178. 1908. Revision of North American spiders of the family Lycosidae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 60: 158-318. Dondale, C. D. 1969. Two new species of the spider genus Schizocosa (Araneida: Lycosidae) from the Great Lakes region. Canad. J. Zool. 47: 751-758. Fitch, H. S. 1963. Spiders of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation and Rockefeller Experimental Tract. Misc. Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. U. Kansas No. 33. 202 pp. Gertsch, W. J. and H. K. Wallace 1937. New American Lycosidae with notes on other species. Amer. Mus. Nov. No. 919: 1-22. 248 Psyche [September Kaston, B. J. 1936. The senses involved in the courtship of some vagabond spiders. Entomol. Amer., n. s. 16: 97-167. 1948. Spiders of Connecticut. Bull. State Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Hart- ford No. 70. 874 pp. 1972. How to Know the Spiders. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. 289 pp. Knost, S. J. and J. S. Rovner In prep. Feeding behavior in wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) : multiple-prey capture and tying-down. Montgomery, T. H., Jr. 1903. Studies on the habits of spiders, particularly those of the mating period. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 55: 59-149. Nappi, A. J. 1965. Notes on the courtship and mating habits of the wolf spider Lycosa helluo Walckenaer. Amer. Midi. Nat 74: 368-373. Rovner, J. S. 1972. Copulation in the lycosid spider Lycosa rahida Walckenaer: a quantitative study. Anim. Behav. 20: 133-138. In press. Copulation in the lycosid spider Schizocosa saltatrix (Hentz) : an analysis of palpal insertion patterns. Anim. Behav. THE MALE GENITALIA OF BLATTARIA. X. BLABERIDAE. PYCNOSCELUS , STILPNOBLATTA , PROSCRATEA (PYCNOSCELINAE), AND DIPLOPTERA (DIPLOPTERINAE) * By Louis M. Roth Pioneering Research Laboratory U.S. Army Natick Laboratories Natick, Massachusetts 01760 McKittrick (1964) grouped the Pycnoscelinae, Diplopterinae, Panchlorinae, and Oxyhaloinae, in the Panchloroid Complex of Blaberidae. The male genitalia of the latter two subfamilies have been described (Roth, 1971a, 1971b). In this paper I shall illustrate the male genitalia of several species of Pycnoscelinae and two species of Diplopterinae. Materials and Methods The genitalia were treated with 10% KOH and mounted in Permount. The source of each of the specimens illustrated is given using the following abbreviations: (ANSP) — Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; (BMNH) = British Museum (Natural History); (L) = Zoological Institute, Lund, Sweden; (MCZ) = Museum of 'Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; (VM) — Vienna Museum Natural History, Vienna, Austria. Geographical collection data and the names of specialists who identified the speci- mens, if known, follow these abbreviations. The number preceding the abbreviation refers to the number assigned to the specimen and its corresponding genitalia (on a slide) which are deposited in their respective museums. Results and Discussion Pycnoscelinae Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linn.) is the type species but it is parthenogenetic and normally only exists as females. P. indicus (Fab.) is bisexual and apparently the parent stock from which surinamensis arose. Occasionally parthenogenetic males occur in cultures of surinamensis but they are non-functional when mated to parthenogenetic females (Roth, 1967). * Manuscript received by the editor August 27, 1973 249 250 Psyche [September 1973] Roth — Blattaria 251 The arrangement of the male genital phallomeres is shown in figure 1. In Pycnoscelus indicus all 3 phallomeres are well devel- oped and sclerotized (Figs. 7-9). The L2d is separated from L2vm; the obliquely more or less truncate ends of these 2 sclerotized struc- tures (Figs. 7, 10, 21, 24, 31) have the appearance of having been broken off and separated from L2vm. The outer lower curved por- tion of L2d is spicular (Figs. 1, 7, 10-13), and the underlying prepuce is densely “hairy” but otherwise not unusually shaped (Fig. 7, P). The curved genital hook (R2) lacks a subapical incision, is heavily sclerotized, somewhat truncate at the apex, the inner curved margin with (Figs. 8, 14-18) or without (Figs. 19-20) small projections. The Li is very well developed with the cleft turned upward and its margins heavily sclerotized (Figs. 1, 9). The genitalia of Pycnoscelus surinctmensis (Figs. 21-25), and Pyncoscelus nigra (Brunner) (Figs. 31-33) are indistinguishable from those of P. indicus. Habitus photographs of P. indicus and P. nigra are shown in figures 2 and 4. The shapes of the L2d and R2 (Figs. 26, 27, 29, 30) of Pycnos- celus semivitreus Princis (Fig. 3) differ from those structures in P. indicus ; P. surinamensis , and P. nigra; however, the shape of Li in all 4 of the above species is similar (cf. Figs. 9, 23, 28, 33 (dis- torted in preparation)). Two of the genital phallomeres of Pycnos- celus striata (Kirby) are distinguishable from those of the other species of the genus. Its I>2d (Fig. 34) differs in shape, lacks the spicular surface characteristic of the outer lower curved region and is only slightly separated from L2vm (cf. Fig. 31). The curved portion of R2 (Fig. 35) of striata is more elongate and slender than in semivitreus (Figs. 27, 29) and more uniform in width than in P. indicus (Figs. 14-20) or nigra (Fig. 32). Princis (1964) included Stilpnohlatta in the Pycnoscelidae and the genitalia of S. opaca (Walker) (Figs. 37-39) tends to support this conclusion, though I relegate his family to subfamily rank (McKittrick, 1964). Especially notable is the marked similarity in appearance of the Li of Stilpnohlatta (Fig. 39) with those of Pycnoscelus (Figs. 23, 36). The L2d (Fig. 37) of S. opaca is greatly reduced and irregular in outline and is widely separated from Fig. 1. Male genitalia (dorsal view). Top. (106 MCZ). Pycnoscelus indicus. Zamboanga, Philippine Islands, (det. Roth). Bottom. (70 BMNH). Proscratea complanata. Sao Gabriel, Rio Negro, Brazil, 27.IX.1927, J. F„ Zikan. (LI — first sclerite of left phallomere; L2d — dorsal sclerite of L2 'r L2vm — ventromedial sclerite; M — saclike membrane above L2d; R2 — hooked sclerite of right phallomere). 252 Psyche [September Figs. 2-6. Males of Pycnoscelinae. 2. Pycnoscelus indicus. Sakaerat District, Thailand. From a laboratory colony. 3. (100 MCZ). Pycnoscelus semivitreus. Manila, Philippine Islands, (det. Princis). This species was described (Princis, 1967, p. 148) from 2 $ $ rom Java, Depok. 4. (25 BMNH). Pycnoscelus nigra. Southwest China, Yunnan, Ho-an (leg. J. W. Gregory, 26.Y.1922). 5. (1447 L). Pycnoscelus striata. Kariorang, Borneo, (det. Princis). 6. (144 ANSP). Stilpnoblatta opaca. Butawa, Modera, S. P. Ceylon (det. by Hebard as S. bengalensis (Sauss)). (scale — 5 mm). 1973] Roth — Blattaria 253 Figs. 7-20. Male genital phallomeres of Pycnoscelus indicus. 7-9. L2d, R2, and Ll from a specimen originating from Hawaii (laboratory culture). P = prepuce. 10-13. L2d’s. 10. Sakaerat District, Thailand (laboratory culture). 11. (101 MCZ). Pasay, Philippine Islands. 12-13. Hawaii (lab- oratory culture). 14-20. R2’s. 14. Sakaerat District, Thailand (laboratory culture). 15-19. Hawaii (laboratory culture). 20. (101 MCZ). Pasay, Philippine Islands, (scale — 0.2 mm; figures 10-13 magnified to scale shown in fig. 7; figures 14-20 magnified to scale shown in fig. 8). 254 Psyche [September Figs. 21-30. Male genital phallomeres of Pycnoscelus spp. 21-25. P. surl- namensis. Two males which occurred in a culture originating from Fraser Island, Australia. 26-30. P. semivitreus. 26-28. (102 MCZ). Manila, Philip- pine Islands (det. Princis). 29-30. (100 MCZ). From $ shown in figure 3. (scale — 0.2 mm; figures 25, 27, 29 magnified to scale shown in fig. 22). 1973] Roth — Blattaria 255 Figs. 31-39. Male genital phallomeres of Pycnoscelinae. 31-33. (25 BMNH). Pycnoscelus nigra ; LI (Fig. 33) was distorted in preparation, (from 3 shown in figure 4). 34-36. (1447 L). Pycnoscelus striata (from $ shown in figure 5). 37-39. (144 ANSP). Stilpnoblatta opaca (from $ shown in figure 6). (scale — 0.2 mm). 256 Psyche [September L2vm. The R.2 (Fig. 38) is broad, relatively short and, as in Pycnoscelus , lacks a subapical incision. Princis (1964) lists 4 valid species of Proscratea: peruana Sauss., inequalis (Walker), funebris Burmeister, and complanata (Perty). Brunner (1865) synonymized P. peruana with P. complanata with, a (?) and Kirby (1904) listed them as synonyms. Hebard (1926) placed funebris as a synonym of complanata , but Rehn (1932) felt that this was not warranted until additional information became available. Princis (1963) concluded that the above synonymies were incorrect, and showed differences in pronotal shapes and color mark- ings of the 4 species. I have examined the type of P. inequalis and find that its genitalia are so different from those of P. complanata (type of genus) that it undoubtedly does not belong to this genus. I collected P. complanata (det. by Gurney) in Brazil and estab- lished a colony which was maintained for several years at the Natick Laboratories. Habitus figures of adults and a nymph (from the cul- ture) are shown in figures 40-44. The adult pronotal markings may vary (Figs. 40-42) (see Rehn, 1932, p. 71) and the pattern of the specimen shown in figure 42 resembles that shown by Princis (1963, p. 148) for funebris. The specimen provisionally determined by Rehn as peruana has pronotal markings (Fig. 45) similar to complanata. Princis (1964) placed Panchlora, Proscratea, and Phortioecoides in the Panchloridae. Male genitalia clearly place Phortioecoides in the Zetoborinae (Blaberidae) (Roth, 1970a). The male phallomeres of the Panchlorinae (5 genera) are notable for their marked reduc- tion or absence (Roth, 1971b, Gurney and Roth, 1972). The geni- talia of Proscratea are not characteristic of the Panchlorinae. Hebard (1926) and Rehn (1932) believed that Proscratea be- longed to that section of the Perisphaeriinae which included Para- nauphoeta Brunner and its allies. I have examined the male genitalia of 6 species of Paranauphoeta and all 3 phallomeres differ markedly from those of Proscratea. McKittrick (personal communication) placed Proscratea in the Diplopterinae. However, the shape of the L2d and R2 in Proscratea are more like those of Pycnoscelus and I tentatively place Proscratea in the Pycnoscelinae. McKittrick (1964) shows Diploptera , Leuro- lestes, and Pycnoscelus , as arising from a common stock. Phoetalia (= Leurolestes) which she placed with Diploptera in the Diplop- terinae belongs to the Blaberinae (Roth, 1970b). The shape of the spermatophore of Proscratea complanata looks like a bowling pin and strongly resembles the spermatophore of Diploptera suggesting a relationship between these 2 genera. However, other genera in 1973] Roth — Blattaria 257 Figs. 40-45. Proscratea spp. 40-44. P. complanata. From laboratory colony which originated from Serra Tamendaui, Rio Negro, Amazonas. 40. Bra- chypterous male. 41-42. Macropterous males. 43. Brachypterous female. 44. Female nymph. 45. (129 ANSP). P. “ peruana ” $, Hacienda San Juan, Colonio Perene, Peru, June 23, 1920; Cornell Univ. Exped. (det. Rehn). (scale = 5 mm; scale for figures 40-44 shown in fig. 43). Figs. 46-57. Male genital phallomeres of Proscratea spp. 46-48. (129 ANSP). P. “ peruana ” (from $ shown in figure 45). 49-57. P. complanata. 49-51. Tapurucuara, Rio Negro, Amazonas. 53, 56. Urucurutuba, Rio Madeira, Amazonas. 54, 57. Serra Tamendaui, Rio Negro, Amazonas, (scale — 0.2 mm). 1973] Roth — Blattaria 259 different subfamilies (e.g., Capucina [Zetoborinae,] Nauphoeta and Gromphadorhina [Oxyhaloinae] ) have spermatophores ( Graves, 1969) somewhat similar in shape to those of Diploptera and Pros - crated. The L2d of Proscratea is well developed, somewhat crescent- shaped (but variable) and widely separated from L2vm (Figs. 46, 49, 52-54). The membrane above L2d is modified to form a sac-like projection whose surface is covered with microspicules; this structure is not found in the other Pycnoscelinae. The R2 is short, stout, and lacks a subapical incision (Figs. 47, 50, 5 5_5 7 ) * The shape of the cleft in the Li of Proscratea does not curve upwards (Figs. 48, 51) as it does in Pycnoscelus (Fig. 9) or Stilpnoblatta (Fig. 39). The genitalia of Proscratea oomplanata (Figs. 46-48) are indistinguishable from the specimen provisionally determined by Rehn (1932, pp. 71- 72 ) to be Proscratea peruana ( Figs. 49-5 1 ) . Because of the differences between the Li and the presence of the modified membrane over the L2d of Proscratea , I suggest 2 tribes in this subfamily: 1. Pycnoscelini : Pycnoscelus , Stilpnoblatta 2. Proscrateini : Proscratea Diplopterinae Princis (1965) placed the genera Diploptera and Diplopterina in the Diplopteridae. The genitalia of Diplopterina are closer to cer- tain members of the Perisphaeriinae (unpublished observations) and I consider it to be a member of this subfamily. McKittrick (1964) included 2 genera, Diploptera and Phoetalia {— Leurolestes) in Diplopterinae. As indicated above, the genitalia of Phoetalia place it in the Blaberinae (Roth, 1970b). Diploptera punctata (Esch- sdholtz) is the only viviparous cockroach known and, at present, I consider this genus to be the only member of the Diplopterinae. Other members of the Blaberidae, whose reproduction has been in- vestigated, are ovoviviparous. Princis (1965) lists 7 species of Diploptera and it would be of interest to determine if those, other than punctata, are viviparous also. The arrangement of the phallomeres of Diploptera minor Brunner is shown in figure 78. The male genital phallomeres of D. punctata (type of genus) are shown in figures 60-62. The curved hook (R2) lacks a subapical incision, is more slender and elongate, and more strongly curved (Fig. 61) than in most of the species of Pycnos- celinae. The inner margin of the curved portion of the hook has 26o Psyche [September Figs. 58-67. Supra-anal and subgenital plates, and genital phallomeres of male Diploptera spp. 58-62. D. punctata (from laboratory colony originating in Hawaii). 58. Supra-anal plate (dorsal). 59. Subgenital plate (ventral). 60-62. Genital phallomeres. 63-67. (67 BMNH). D. sp., Honolulu, Hawaii. 63. Supra-anal plate (dorsal). 64. Subgenital plate (ventral). 65-67. Genital phallomeres. (scale: supra-anal and subgenital plates — 0.5 mm; phallo- meres — 0.2 mm) . 1973] Roth — Blattaria 261 Figs. 68-77. Supra-anal and subgenital plates, and genital phallomeres of Diploptera spp. 68-72. (68 BMNH). Samoa Island. 68. Supra-anal plate (dorsal). 69. Subgenital plate (ventral). 70-72. Genital phallomeres. 73- 77. (69 BMNH). Henderson Island, South Pacific. 73. Supra-anal plate (dorsal). 74. Subgenital plate (ventral). 75-77. Genital phallomeres. (scale: supra-anal and subgenital plates = 0.5 mm; phallomeres — 0.2 mm). Figs. 78-79. (17 VM). Diploptera minor. Type $, Philippines. 78. Genitalia and subgenital plate (SP) (ventral). P = prepuce; other abbre- viations as in figure 1. 79. Supra-anal plate (dorsal). The terminal seg- ments of the cerci were missing. The paraprocts are visible beneath the supra-anal plate in the cleared specimen, (scale — 0.5 mm). Psyche L2vm 1973] Roth — Blattaria 263 minute undulating irregularities reminiscent of some specimens of P. indicus (cf. Fig. 61 with Figs. 14-15, 18). The L2d is apparently represented by a small sclerotized region of the prepuce widely sep- arated from the apex of L2vm (Fig. 60). The vertical downward curvature of the cleft and indentation on the outer margin of the lower lobe of Li (Fig. 62) is unique for this phallomere in the Blaberidae; the lower lobe of Li lacks setae. The supra-anal and subgenital plates of D. punctata are shown in figures 58-59. The genital phallomeres of 3 other undetermined specimens of Diploptera (Figs. 65-67, 70-72, 75-77) are indistinguish- able from D. punctata. The subgenital plates of these specimens (Figs. 64, 69, 74) are similar to D. punctata (Fig. 59), but the shapes of the supra-anal plate of 2 of the specimens differ somewhat. In the specimen shown in figure 63, there is a deep invagination on the posterior margin ; however because of the slight asymmetry of the indentation this may be an aberrant punctata. This specimen is from Hawaii and although D. punctata is widespread in the Pacific it is the only species of the genus recorded from Hawaii (Princis, 1965). Except for size, the phallomeres (fig. 78) of D. mimr are almost indistinguishable from D. punctata; the sclerotization (L2d) of the prepuce found in D. punctata is absent in minor. The supra-anal plate of D. minor is slightly more rounded (fig. 79) than that of punctata (fig. 58). Acknowledgements The writer thanks Dr. David Rentz, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Dr. David Ragge, British Museum (Natural History), London; Dr. Karl Princis, Zoological Institute, Lund, Sweden; Dr. Howard Evans, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- sity; and Dr. A. Kaltenbach, Vienna Museum of Natural History, Austria, for the loan of museum specimens. I am grateful to Mr. Samuel Cohen for taking the photographs. I collected Proscratea complanata as a member of Phase C of the Alpha Helix expedition to the Amazon in 1967. I thank the National Science Foundation for support on the Amazon expedition under Grant NSF-GB-5916. References Brunner, von Wattenwyl, C. 1865. Noveau systeme des Blattaire. Vienna, 426 pp. Graves, P. 1969. Spermatophores of the Blattaria. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 62: 595-602. 264 Psyche [September Gurney, A. B, and L. M. Roth. 1972. A generic review of the cockroaches of the subfamily Panchlori- nae (Dictyoptera, Blattaria, Blaberidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer, 65: 521-532. Hebard, M. 1926. The Blattidae of French Guiana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 78: 135-244. Kirby, W. F. 1904. A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera. Vol. I. London, pp. 61-205. McKittrick, F. A. 1964. Evolutionary studies of cockroaches. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mem. No. 389, 197 pp. Princis, K. 1963. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Blattarien und ihrer Verbrei- tung. VII. Opusc. Entomol., 28: 147-155. 1964. Orthopterorum Catalogus. Edit. M. Beier. Pars. 6. Blattariae: Subordo Blaberoidea. ’s - Gravenhage, pp. 174-281. 1965. Orthopterorum Catalogus. Edit. M. Beier. Pars. 7. Blattariae: Subordo Blaberoidea. ’s - Gravenhage, pp. 284-400. 1967. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Blattarien und ihrer Verbrei- tung. X. Opusc. Entomol., 32: 141-151. Rehn, J. A. G. 1932. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen entomologischen Reisen des Herrn Dr. A. Roman in Amazonas 1914-1915 und 1923-1924. Arkiv for Zoologi, 24A: 1-71. Roth, L. M. 1967. Sexual isolation in parthenogenetic Pyconoscelus surinamcnsis and application of the name Pycnoscelus indicus to its bisexual relative (Dictyoptera: Blattaria: Blaberidae: Pycnoscelinae) . Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 60: 774-779. 1970a. The male genitalia of Blattaria. III. Blaberidae: Zetoborinae. Psyche, 77: 217-236. 1970b. The male genitalia of Blattaria. IV. Blaberidae: Blaberinae. Psyche, 77: 308-342. 1971a. The male genitalia of Blattaria. VI. Blaberidae: Oxyhaloinae. Psyche, 78: 84-106. 1971b. The male genitalia of Blattaria. VIII. Panchlora, Anchohlatta, Biollcya, Pelloblatta, and A chroblatta (Blaberidae: Panchlorinae) . Psyche, 78: 296-305. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room B-455, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Ave., Cambridge. Entomologists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. The illustration on the front cover of this issue is of Dr. Hermann A. Hagen, Professor of Entomology and Curator in the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology at Harvard University from 1870-1893. Professor Hagen, along with S. H. Scudder, provided the initiative for the founding in 1874 of the Cambridge Entomological Club and its journal Psyche, now in their 99th year. [The illustration is a reproduction of an engraving in the Archives of the Harvard College Library.] BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Classification of Insects, by C. T. Brues, A. L. Melander and F. M. Carpenter, Published in March, 1954, as volume 108 of the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with 917 pages and 1219 figures. It consists of keys to the living and extinct families of insects, and to the living families of other terrestrial arthropods; and includes 270 pages of bibliographic references and an index of 76 pages. Price $14.00 (cloth bound and postpaid). Send orders to Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. No, 4 PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 80 December, 1973 CONTENTS The Mating Behavior of Brochymena quadrapustulata (Fabricius) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) . George Gamboa and John Alcock .... Patterns of Abdominal Fusions in Male Boreus (Mecoptera). K. JV. Cooper Speocolpodes, a New Genus of Troglobitic Beetles from Guatemala (Coleoptera, Carabidae). T. C. Barr, Jr The Stabilimenta of Nephila clavipes and the Origins of Stabili- mentum-building in Araneids. M. H. Robinson and B . C. Robinson The Larva and Pupa of Carpelimus debilis Casey (Coleoptera: Staphilinidae). Ian Moore and E. F. Legner Generic Diversity in Phase Rhythm in Formicine Ants. E. S. McCluskey The Male Genitalia of Blattaria. XI. Perisphaeriinae. L\. M. Roth New Species, Records, and Synonyms of Chilean Theridiid Spiders (Araneae, Theridiidae) . IV . C. Sedgwick Latitudinal Gradients in Larval Feeding Specialization of the World Papilionidae (Lepidoptera) . J. M. Scriber The 100th Anniversary of the Cambridge Entomological Club Author and Subject Index for Volume 80 265 270 271 277 289 295 305 349 355 374 375 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1973-1974 President . Vice-President . Secretary . Treasurer . Executive Committee B. K. Holldobler W. D. Winter, Jr. H. E. Nipson F. M. Carpenter R. E. SlLBERGLIED L. P. Lounibos EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. Carpenter (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University J. M. Burns, Associate Professor of Biology, Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology , Cornell University, and Associate in Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. Darlington, Jr., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. Holldobler, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. Levi, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. Silberlied, Asssitant Professor of Biology, TTarvard University E. O. Wilson, Professor of Zoology, TTarvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $4.50 to Club members, $6.00 to all other subscribers. Single copies, $2.00. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $15.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustra- tions must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $12.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $20.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The September, 1973 Psyche (Vol. 80, no. 3) was mailed December 16, 1973 The Lexington Press. Inc.. Lexington. Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 80 December, 1973 No. 4 THE MATING BEHAVIOR OF B ROC HYMEN A QUADRA PUSTULATA (FABRICIUS)* By George Gamboa and John Alcock Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281 Pentatomid reproductive behavior has been the subject of a number of papers (e.g. Kullenberg, 1947; Teyrovsky, 1949; Sou thwood and Hine, 1950; Leston, 1955; Kaufmann, 1966; Mitchell and Mau, 1969; Tostowaryk, 1971; Alcock, 1971; Fish and Alcock, 1973). These studies have revealed considerable diversity and complexity in the courtship activities of male pentatomids, raising questions about the evolution and ecological significance of these behaviors. Answers to these questions ' will require additional comparative data. We present information here on Brochymena quadrapustulata ; loose aggregations of this cryptic species were observed on grapefruit ( Citrus paradisi ) and desert broom ( Baccharis sarothroides ) in suburban Tempe, Arizona, from 25 February to 17 May 1973. In addition to written records of field observations of eight courtships, super-8 films of three separate courtships leading to copulation were utilized for detailed analysis of the mating behavior of B. quadra- pustulata. Results Eight complete and three incomplete courtships were observed between 1145 and 1540 hrs. The components of mating are out- lined chronologically below and illustrated in Fig. 1. (1) The male approaches the female (she may be moving or im- mobile at the time) and touches her with his antennae. If moving, the female may freeze with her abdomen held close to the branch on which she was walking or escape by running away. * Manuscript received by the editor October 9, 1973 265 [December 266 Psyche Figure 1. A diagram of the courtship of Brochymcna quadrapustulata. A. The male’s crab-like movements on the anterior dorsum of the female. B. The male moves to the rear of the female. C. The view from above and from the side of the male antennating the venter of the female’s abdomen. D. The view from above and from the side of the male about to achieve genital linkage. E. Genital linkage in an end-to-end position. F. The male drumming on the side of the female with its hindlegs. 1973] Gamboa & Alcock — Brochymena 267 (2) The male seizes the anterior or posterior dorsum of the female with his legs. Unreceptive females respond by breaking away from the male or by moving off with their partner clinging to them. (3) If the female is immobile, the male moves so as to face his mate while continuing to grasp the dorsum of her body. He then begins a rapid crablike walk from side to side over the anterior female dorsum. Receptive females gradually raise their abdomen in response to this activity. The male’s back and forth movements varied from 20-34 in number and lasted from 23-43 seconds in four filmed courtships. (4) At some point the male moves off the anterior dorsum of the female and continues out along the side of his mate while con- stantly antennating her lateral surface. (5) The male, upon reaching the posterior of the female, sweeps his head under her elevated abdomen ; his antennae move rapidly up and down in alternating strokes touching the female’s abdominal venter. The male may prod and lift the body of unresponsive females which have not voluntarily raised their abdomens. (6) As the male’s head passes under the body of the female he begins a tight 180° turn that brings him into the end-to-end precopulatory position. Unreceptive females may dash off down a branch as the male executes this maneuver. (7) The male elevates his abdomen while sweeping the aedeagus in a zig-zag pattern against the venter of the female’s abdomen. Each sweep brings the male aedeagus progressively closer to the female genitalia; linkage occurs when mutual genital con- tact occurs. (8) Upon linkage, the insects’ bodies jerk violently from side to side for several minutes. The coupled pair may move a short distance during this time. (9) The male rapidly drums the sides of the female’s abdomen with his hindlegs (also abserved by Ruckes, 1938, for B. sulcata ). Spells of drumming are interrupted by pauses during which the male rests its hind legs on the dorsum of the female’s abdomen. This continues as long as the partners are linked. One pair of stinkbugs remained in copulo for at least 75 min but had sepa- rated when observed 45 min later. Discussion This report provides additional evidence that among the Penta- 268 Psyche [December tomidae it may not be uncommon for males to initiate copulation while facing directly away from the female. This behavior is rare among the Heteroptera (Weber, 1930). Below we have summarized the major methods by which pentatomids achieve genital linkage. Genital linkage initiated in an end-to-end position Brochymena (this paper), Euschistus (Alcock, 1971), Nezara (Mitchell and Mau, 1969), Chlorochroa and Cosmopepla (Fish and Alcock, 1973), Perillus (Esselbaugh, 1948), Podisus (Olsen, 1910) Genital linkage initiated with male above female, both facing in same direction Brochymena (Ruckes, 1938), Dolycoris (Teyrovsky, 1949), Calidea (Kaufmann, 1966) Genital linkage initiated with female above male, both facing in same direction Podisus (Tostowaryk, 1971) We also have records of end-to-end matings in Phyanta pallido- virens. Males of this species, upon making contact with a female, begin antennating the surface of her body while moving to the tip of her abdomen. There they may prod and lift the female’s body with their head before turning away from her. The female, if receptive, raises her abdomen slightly. Unlike other species which initiate copulation in a dismounted position, the male’s body often forms a right angle with the female instead of a 180° angle. The male then kicks lightly at the rear of its partner’s wingcovers and abdomen with its hind legs before inserting the aedeagus into the female’s genital opening. As Fish and Alcock (1973) have noted, species which employ -the end-to-end method have highly similar courtship routines. Common characteristics include (1) male antennation of the female, (2) at- tempts by the male to lift the female’s abdomen with its head, (3) abdominal elevation by receptive females, and (4) tactile stim- ulation of the venter of the female’s abdomen with the antennae and aedeagus of the male. The male’s “goal” in courtship appears to be to induce the female to adopt a position that will make insertion of the aedeagus relatively easy. The unusual feature of the courtship of B. quadrapustulata is the rapid crab-like movement of the male over the head and thorax of the female, a behavior that may have evolved from efforts of males in the past to prevent physically the escape of females. Now the action may serve as a releaser of abdominal elevation by receptive 1973] Gamboa & Alcock — Brochymena 269 females. Interestingly, very similar behavior has been reported for the distantly related African pentatomid Calidea dregii, a member of the Scutellerini (Kaufmann, 1966). Finally the fact that different members of the same genus (e.g. Brochymena , Podisus) may exhibit basically different methods of initiating genital linkage suggests that this component of reproduc- tive behavior is evolutionarily labile. The reasons for evolutionary changes of this sort remain obscure. Acknowledgments We thank Elinor Lehto for the identification of the plants men- tioned in the paper. Alan R. Hardy of the California Department of Agriculture provided the identifications of Brochymena and Thyanta for which we are grateful. This research was supported in part by NSF grant GB-35269. References Alcock, J. 1971. The behavior of a stinkbug, Euschistus conspersus Uhler (Hemip- tera, Pentatomidae) . Psyche 78: 215-228. Esselbaugh, C. O. 1948. Notes on the bionomics of some midwestern Pentatomidae. En- tomol. Americana 28: 1-73. Fish, J. and J. Alcock 1973. The behavior of Chlorochroa ligata (Say) and Cosmopepla bimaculata (Thomas), (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). In press, Entomol. News. Kaufmann, T. 1966. Notes on the life history and morphology of Calidea dregii (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Scutellerini) in Ghana, West Africa. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 59: 654-659. Kullenberg, B. 1947. Uber Morphologie und Funktion des Kopulationsapparats der Capsiden und Nabiden. Zool. Bidrag Fran Uppsala 24: 217-418. Leston, D. 1955. The function of the conjunctiva in copulation of a shieldbug, Peizodorus lituratus (Fabricius) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae).. J. Soc. Brit. Entomol. 5: 101-105. Mitchell, W. C. and R. F. L. Mau 1969. Sexual activity and longevity of the southern green stinkbug Nezara viridula. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 62: 1246-1247. Olsen, C. E. 1910. Notes on breeding Hemiptera. J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 18: 39-42. Ruckes, H. 1938. Courtship and copulation in Brochymena sulcata Van D. Bull. Brook. Entomol. Soc. 33: 89-90. 270 Psyche [December SOUTHWOOD, T. R. E. AND D. J. HlNE 1950. Further notes on the biology of Sehirus bicolor (L.). Entomol. Mon. Mag. 86: 299-301. Teyrovsky, V. 1949. Praeconnubia and courtship in terrestrial bugs. Acta Acad. Nat. Hist. Moravo-Silesiacae, Brno 21: 1-16. Tostowaryk, W. 1971. Life history and behavior of Podisus modestus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in a boreal forest in Quebec. Can. Entomol. 103: 662-674. Weber, H. 1930. Biologie der Hemipteren. Julius Springer, Berlin. Patterns of Abdominal Fusions in Male Boreus (Mecop- tera). — Since publication of my comments on the fusion of terminal tergal and sternal abdominal plates in male Boreus (Psyche, yg: 277, 1972), I have examined two males of Boreus vlasovi Martynova (determined by Dr. Martynova) from Ashkhabad, Turkmeniya, U. S. S. R., through the kindness of Prof. F. M. Carpenter. Contrary to my listing based on the original description, these males do not have the 9th tergum fused to its sternum. Both have their 8th and 9th terga and sterna free, namely (0,0), just as in the North American Boreus brevicaudus Byers, B. brumalis Fitch, B. nivoriundus Fitch, and B. noboperates Cooper. Byer’s figure (Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 47 : 491, fig. 15, 1954) shows the North American B. reductus Carpenter also to be (0,0). — K. W. Cooper, Dept, of Biology, University of California, Riverside, Calif., 92502. SPEOCOLPODES , A NEW GENUS OF TROGLOBITIC BEETLES FROM GUATEMALA (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE)* By Thomas C. Barr, Jr. School of Biological Sciences University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky, U. S. A. 40506 In early January, 1973, Mr. Henry Frania and Mr. Michael Shawcross visited Seamay Cave, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, and discovered two specimens of a remarkable troglobitic carabid beetle. “One was collected after dusk running over flowstone near pools of water several hundred yards into the cave. The second was found the next morning, less than 200 yards from the entrance under a rock in a dry, silt-covered flowstone pool, but still well within the dark zone.” (H. Frania, in litt.). Subsequently Mr. Frania referred the specimens to me for study. The Seamay Cave beetle is of special interest for two reasons: 1 ) It is the first troglobitic beetle known from Guatemala, and the cave is the farthest south of any troglobitic beetle type locality in North America. 2) The beetle clearly belongs to the Agonini and in body form resembles the species of Rhadine LeConte, but the possession of long setae on the underside of the tarsi and conspicuous lobes on the fourth tarsal segments indicates that its affinities lie not with Rhadine but with the large, heterogeneous group of agonines currently placed in Colpodes M’Leay. Only one other group of colpodines is known to regularly inhabit caves and to include apparent troglobites, — the various species of Mexisphodrus Barr, from the uplands of central Mexico. These have recently been described by Barr (1965, 1966) and Hendrichs and Bolivar (1966, 1973). Although the sphodrine appearance of some of the first species of Mexisphodrus which came to my attention led me to consider them primitive sphodrines, more recent study of the material now available suggests that they are not true sphodrines at all, but a specialized, rather distinctive-looking line of colpodines. The status of the name Mexisphodrus will depend upon future taxonomic revisions of the colpodines, but I believe it will be useful * Manuscript received by the editor November 4, 1973. 271 272 Psyche [December at least at the subgeneric level because of the distinctive habitus of its component species. The Seam ay Cave beetle does not appear to be close to Mex- isphodrus despite their cavernicolous habitats and despite their in- clusion within the colpodines. In Mexisphodrus there are well-formed eyes or eye rudiments, the head is rounded, the pronotum is more or less cordiform with very broadly reflexed sides, the elytral humeri are well developed and prominent, and the color is dark violaceous- ferruginous. In the Seamay Cave beetle the eye rudiments are minute, the head is twice as long as wide and its sides are subparallel, the pronotum is barrel-shaped, the elytral humeri are completely rounded, and the color is rufotestaceous. Speocolpodes, new genus Slender, elongate, rufotestaceous cave beetles with minute vestiges of eyes and wings; front and middle tarsi with penultimate segment deeply and asymmetrically bilobed ; head twice as long as wide, sides subparallel ; pronotum widest at middle, hind angles blunt and obtuse. Integuments generally glabrous; microsculpture on dorsum of head obsolete, obsoletely transverse on pronotal disc, finely and densely transverse on elytra. Eye rudiment visible only as minute, translucent spot beneath cuticle ; labrum with anterior margin broadly convex, 6-setose ; two clypeal setae; clypeofrontal groove joining postantennal groove and terminating in lunate depression between anterior and posterior supraorbital punctures. All mouthparts elongate and slender; mandi- bles falcate, right mandible with large tooth ; maxillary palps with terminal segment fusiform, a little shorter than penultimate segment; glossa with apex broadly rounded and bisetose; labial palps bisetose; mentum tooth grooved, truncate; two prebasilar setae each side of submentum behind suture. Pronotum barrel-shaped, longer than wide, widest at middle, apex slightly narrower than base; two pairs of marginal setae; hind angles obtuse and somewhat rounded, not produced. Metepisterna short, 24 as wide as long. Elytra elongate-elliptical, humeri completely rounded, subapical sinuation absent ; scutellar stria very brief, obsolescent ; scutellar puncture setiferous; two disca.1 punctures in apical half, on third interval against second stria; umbilicate series 6 + 2 + 6, seventh and eighth punctures rather widely spaced ; a single puncture near apex of seventh stria. 1973] Barr — Speocolpodes 273 Antenna very long and slender, attaining apical fourth of elytra; pubescence beginning near base of fourth segment. Tarsi with first four segments densely setose beneath, last segment glabrous beneath, claws smooth ; fourth segment bilobate, conspicuously so on pro- and mesotarsi, inner lobe longer than outer, fourth metatarsal segment feebly bilobate; two or three basal segments of meso- and metatarsi with feeble lateral ridge. Male unknown. Type species: Speocolpodes franiai, new species. Speocolpodes franiai, new species Etymology : Patronymic honoring Mr. Henry Frania, codiscoverer of the species. Diagnosis: The genus is at present monobasic; the single species is distinguished from all other known species of North American Anchomeninae by the combination of bilobed fourth tarsal segments, vestigial eyes, rufotestaceous color, and slender, elongate body form. Description : Length 9.5-10.2 mm. Rufotestaceous, shining, pol- ished ; integuments generally glabrous except for fixed setae ; micro- sculpture obsolescent on dorsum of head, evanescently transverse on pronotal disc, finely and densely transverse on elytral disc. Body form slender and elongate, appendages all slender and elongate. Head 2.1 times longer than wide (excluding mandibles), sides subparallel, feebly convergent at neck; eye vestigial, represented only by minute rudiment seen as translucent spot through cuticle, about 0.09 X 0.15 mm. in holotype; labrum 0.4 as long as wide, anterior margin evenly convex; clypeofrontal grooves short, divergent behind level of antennal bases, joining feebly impressed postantennal groove at anterior supraorbital puncture and ending in lunate depression between anterior and posterior supraorbitals ; mandibles elongate, slender, falciform, left mandible 1.40 mm. long in holotype; maxil- lary palps with terminal segment fusiform, about 0.85 as long as penultimate segment, total length of palp (holotype) 1.77 mm., segments in ratio of 1.0 : 4.0 : 3.6 : 3.0; labial palps with two setae on basal half of penultimate segment (distal seta possibly irregular: short or broken on two of four palps examined, absent on other two palps), total length of palp (holotype) 1.23 mm., segments in ratio of 1:4:3; mentum tooth prominent, grooved, truncate at apex; submentum with two prebasilar setae each side behind suture. Pronotum 1.25 times longer than wide, apex width 0.8 times base width and 0.67 times maximum width, which occurs near middle; 274 Psyche [December Figure 1. Speocolpodes franiai, new genus and species. Holotype female, length 9.5 mm,, Seamay Cave, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. [Second antennal segment inadvertently omitted on left side of figure; this segment is shown correctly on right side.] 1973] Barr — Speocolpodes 275 disc convex, a little deplanate toward sides ; anterior angles depressed, sides rounded but shallowly sinuate before middle and before hind angles, which are obtuse, moderately rounded and reflexed ; base unmargined ; marginal setae placed in margin, anterior pair at mid- dle, posterior pair before hind angles. Prosternum slightly flattened along mid-line; posterior process truncate, but not very sharply so. Elytra 1.8 times longer than wide, humeri completely rounded, sides slightly sinuate in basal fourth, subapical sinuation obsolete; disc convex, striae deep and uninterrupted, intervals convex; scutellar stria very short, obsolescent; first stria either truncating or joining second stria at base, fourth and fifth striae joining in apical fourth and not attaining apex; scutellar puncture setose; two discal punc- tures on third interval touching second stria, anterior puncture be- hind middle, posterior puncture in apical fifth; umbilicate series 6 + 2 + 6, spacing between punctures 6 through 9 wide and a little irregular; whips apparently (some broken?) in punctures 1, 9, and 13, but not excessively long; seventh stria with a single preapical puncture. Metathoracic wings vestigial, about 0.7 mm. long (holotype). Abdominal tergites pale, unpigmented, translucent (as in troglobitic Trechinae). Metepisterna short, anterior margin 0.75 as long as lateral margin. Appendages all slender and elongate. Antenna 0.85 times total body length, first three segments glabrous, pubescence beginning at basal sixth of fourth segment; fourth segment one-third longer than third segment; beginning with scape, segments in length ratio as follows: 1 .00 : 0.44 : 1.10 : 1.52 : 1.27 : 1.22 : 1.14 : 1.10 : 1. OO : 0.87 : 0.79 (holotype). Tarsus with fourth segment bilobate, inner lobe longer than outer, lobes prominent on pro- and mesotarsus but inconspicuous on metatarsus; first four segments with long setae beneath, fifth segment glabrous beneath; meso- and metatarsi with feeble ridge on outer side of basal two or three segments ; total length of protarsus 1.20 mm. in holotype, segments in length ratio of 1.00 : O.55 10.48 : 0.29 (excluding lobes) : 1.55. Male unknown. Holotype: Female (American Museum of Natural History, New York), Seamay Cave, near, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, January 9, 1973, collected by Henry Frania. Approximate elevation 3000 fett; approximate coordinates of type locality as furnished by Mr. Frania, 89° 50' X 150 23'. Paratype: Female, same locality, January 8, 1973, collected by Michael Shawcross. Deposited in T. C. Barr collection, University of Kentucky. 276 Psyche [December Measurements of Holotype: total length 9.5 mm., head (excluding mandibles) 2.32 mm. long X 1.08 mm. wide, pronotum 1.95 mm. long X 1.55 mm. wide, elytra 5.53 mm. long X 2.99 mm. wide, antenna 8.13 mm. long. Discussion Speocolpodes was presumably derived from a colpodine stock with eyes and wings, possibly from a troglophile ancestor which frequented moist, dark microhabitats. Its exact position among the hundreds of species of colpodines inhabiting Mexico and Central America is difficult if not impossible to determine until the taxonomy and phylogeny of the group is better understood. Seamay Cave, located on the Finca Seamay near Senahu, is one of three caves in which the catopine leiodid beetle Ptomaphagus giaquintoi Jeannel (1949) is known to occur (Peck, 1970). P. giaquintoi has small though probably functional eyes and apparently functional metathoracic wings, and is at most a troglophile, even though it shows certain cave adaptations such as long antennae. Although Peck visited Seamay Cave and collected P. giaquintoi there (in June and August), he did not find Speocolpodes in that cave or in nearby Cueva Sepacuite, the largest of three caves on Finca Sepacuite. It is conceivable that the carabids appear seasonally in the cave, and that concentrated search during January or February would yield more specimens. Literature Cited Barr, Thomas C., Jr. 1965. A new cavernicolous sphodrine from Veracruz, Mexico (Coleop- tera: Carabidae). Coleopterists’ Bulletin, 19: 65-72. 1966. New species of Mexisphodrus from Mexican caves (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Psyche, 73: 112-115. Hendrichs S., Jorge, and C. Bolivar Y Pieltain 1966. Hallazgo de un nuevo Mexisphodrus cavernicola en el Estado de Hidalgo (Mexico): M. gertschi nov. sp. Ciencia, 25: 7-10, pi. 1. 1973. Un nuevo esfodrino ciego del Sotano de San Agustin, Oaxaca, Mexico (Coleopt., Carab.). Ciencia, 28: 37-41. Jeannel, R. 1936. Monographic des Catopidae. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat., n. s., 1: 1-473. Peck, Stewart B. 1970. A systematic revision and the evolutionary biology of the Ptomaphagus (Adelops) Beetles of North America (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Catopinae). Harvard University, unpublished doc- toral dissertation. THE STABILIMENTA OF NEPHILA CLA PIPES AND THE ORIGINS OF STABILIMENTUM-BUILDING IN ARANEIDS* By Michael H. Robinson and Barbara C. Robinson Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. Box 2072, Balboa, Canal Zone Structures of multi-strand (ribbon) silk are built into the webs of certain araneid and uloborid spiders. These devices are widely known as stabilimenta (following Simon 1895). Marples (1969) has objected to the functional connotations of the term and has called such structures decorations. However, we feel that there is no point in abandoning a term that has acquired a. designatory value largely independent of functional implications. The stabilimenta built by araneids differ, from species to species, in form, complexity and disposition within the web. There can also be differences between the stabilimenta built by different develop- mental stages within the same species. Some species build disc stabilimenta at one stage in the life cycle and linear stabilimenta at another (almost always later) stage. Despite these differences (ex- amples in Robinson & Robinson 1970, Ewer 1972, general discussion with references in Kaston 1964) araneid stabilimenta have construc- tional features in common. With the exception noted below, all the stabilimenta that have been described consist purely of silk that is laid down between structural elements of the web in a zig-zag manner. In linear stabilimenta, the subject of this paper, the zig- zags bridge the gap between adjacent radii. An exception to this common constructional feature occurs in the stabilimenta built by some species of Cyclosa in which the devices incorporate discarded remnants of prey and other debris, and may also contain egg sacs. These stabilimenta are perhaps best regarded as a special case and could be described as ‘composite.’ As far as we are aware, there has been no record of stabilimentum building by spiders of the genus Nephila prior to its discovery in Nephila maculata (Fabricius) by Robinson & Robinson (1973). These authors found that N. maculata builds a perpendicular linear stabilimentum in very rare instances. The structure is built only by immature females and shares the constructional features described * Manuscript received by the editor November 4, 1973. 277 278 Psyche [December Table 1. Results of web census of Nephila maculata (July 1973) at localities in southwest Canal Zone, between Rodman and Arraijan. Adults Immatures* Totals Number with stabilimenta Perfect 0 Skeleton 0 Perfect 0 Skeleton 12 12 Number with ribbon silk at hub 52 0 152 18 222 Total number of webs in the census 65 0 188 22 275 % of all webs with hub silk 80.7% % of all webs with stabilimenta 4.+% % of skeleton webs with stabilimenta 54.5 ^Females above 10mm in size. above. It is of multi-strand silk laid down between adjacent radii (see Robinson & Robinson 1973, Figure 5). In this paper we describe examples of stabilimenta built by imma- ture females of Nephila clavipes (L.) and discuss the functional and evolutionary implications of the rare phenomenon of stabilimentum building by Nephila species. The stabilimenta of Nephila clavipes Nephila clavipes is widely distributed in the New World tropics and extends into subtropical regions to the north and south (see Bonnet 1958). Notes on the web structure and ecology of this species appear in studies by Peters (1953, 1954, 1955). In Panama the species is relatively common in most lowland areas where trees and bushes persist. Our preliminary studies of seasonal abundance suggest that it becomes rare towards the end of the dry season (April-May). Populations build up again during the wet season with adults becoming numerous by July-August. We first discovered a stabilimentum in the web of N. clavipes in a garden at Rio Indio, Arraijan, Republic of Panama in July 1973. After this discovery we censussed 275 webs of adults and immatures (Table 1) in forest- edge areas in the southwestern part of the Canal Zone around the Interamerican Highway. As a result of the census we discovered 12 stabilimenta, all of which were in skeleton webs (see below) of immature females. Thus stabilimenta were present in only 4.4% of the webs examined. The census included 65 adult webs and 210 webs of immature fe- males. Of the latter 22 were without viscid elements and are referred to as skeleton webs. Fifty-four percent of the skeleton webs 1973] Robinson & Robinson — Nephila 279 Fig. 1. Stabilimentum in perfect web of juvenile female Nephila clavipes. Dimensions in text. 28o Psyche [December contained stabilimenta. The original stabilimentum discovered at Arraijan was in a functional web and differed in detail from those found in skeleton webs. No stabilimenta of this type were encoun- tered during the census. We photographed the first-found stabili- mentum and one of the type found in skeleton webs and also col- lected several of the latter on black paper to analyse in detail. The accompanying photographs were made without coating the web to enhance its visibility since this could have obscured the detail of the stabilimenta by rendering structural members differentially more conspicuous than in the natural state. Web photography was ac- complished by using two flash units, one placed at right angles to the web and one discharging along the plane of the web from below. Figure i shows the stabilimentum in the complete web. The immature female was ca. 17mm in length and occupied a web ap- proximately 29cm in height (between upper and lower foundation threads). The web was in a shaded location surrounded by bushes and had a dense and complex barrier web dorsal to the spider (below the sloping main sheet) and a second less dense barrier web above the web, ventral to the spider. The zig-zags of stabilimentum silk were laid down across three inter-radial gaps and in the lower part also followed a branched radius, but were mainly concentrated between two radii. The whole structure, of golden ribbon silk, formed a somewhat imperfect perpendicular stabilimentum, quite dense over 22mm of its length, and about 33mm in total length. As can be seen from the figure, the stabilimentum extended from the hub region into the viscid spiral zone. The stabilimenta found in skeleton webs all consisted of much longer structures in which silk was deposited between much more widely spaced radii with the attachment points more widely dis- persed on the structural elements. Figure 2 shows a section of one such stabilimentum in which stabilimentum silk was deposited en- tirely on a single radius for part of the length of the structure. All these stabilimenta were relatively inconspicuous and could have been overlooked in casual examination of the webs. One skeleton web stabilimentum that we collected had zig-zags of multi-strand silk extending over seven inter-radial spaces and was 30mm wide (maxi- mum) and over 75mm long. The structure and function of skeleton webs Several species of araneid spiders that we have studied cease to build complete webs at some stage and rest for one or more days on skeleton webs. We noted this phenomenon, without explanation, in 1973] Robinson £sf Robinson — Nephila 28 Fig. 2. Part of stabilimentum (ca. 8.5 mm long) from skeleton web of N. clavipes. 282 Psyche [December the case of Argiope argentata (Fabricius) during a study involving the examination of 2614 adult webs of this species (Robinson & Robinson 1970: 644). Examination of our unpublished data on the nature of skeleton webs shows that they were not simply old webs but constructions with a small number of radii, no viscid spiral and no well-defined structural spiral. Stabilimenta in such webs were extremely long, had widely spaced zig-zags and frequently had areas where the stabilimentum silk was deposited on top of a single radius. Thus the constructional details of these stabilimenta were strikingly parallel to those seen in the stabilimenta found in skeleton webs of N. clavipes. This can be seen by comparing Figure 2 herein with Figure 3 of Robinson & Robinson (1970: 646). In our study of Nephila maculata we found adult females ceased web renewal several days before egg-laying but remained on old, or skeleton, webs (Rob- inson & Robinson 1973). We now suspect that the examples of skeleton webs that we found in Argiope argentata were constructed by females that were about to lay eggs and that in both cases these webs function as resting platforms at a stage when food capture has become unnecessary. In the case of Nephila clavipes the skeleton webs of immature females almost certainly function as moulting platforms. (We were fortunate to see one female ecdyse whilst on a skeleton web and found two others with cast cuticles still present.) The spider moults below the web, hanging on a silk line attached to its hub. When moulting is complete, the spider eventually swings back onto the skeleton web and assumes a normal predatory stance. The skeleton webs of Nephila clavipes that we examined (22) were characterized by small area (compared with the perfect webs of the same developmental stage) and the small number of radii that were present. The hub regions appeared to be normal and barrier webs were present in all cases. Strong (thick) bracing threads connected the hub region to one or other of the barrier webs, or sometimes to both of these structures. Such threads are present in most of the webs of Nephila clavipes and produce a conical distortion of the hub above the spider’s resting area. In this region there are often deposits of sheet silk laid down irregularly over the hub ele- ments and base of the bracing line(s). Of the 275 webs that we censussed, 80.7% had conspicuous silk deposits on this region. The significance of this aspect of web structure is discussed below. Discussion Three central (and related) questions result from our study of the stabilimenta of Nephila clavipes and N. maculata: 1973] Robinson & Robinson — Nephila 283 1 . What is the function of these devices ? 2. Why are they built so rarely? 3. Why are they found only in the webs of juveniles? There have been numerous functional interpretations of the ribbon stabilimenta of araneids. These are briefly summarized in Table 2 and expounded in more detail by Robinson & Robinson (1970) and Ewer (1972). The assumption that a unitary explanation is neces- sary for all the structures that are semantically united by being described as stabilimenta is invalid on logical grounds alone, as Robinson & Robinson (ibid, 654) point out. (It is also important to stress that spiders at different stages in development may be sub- jected to attacks by different spectra of predators, because of size differences or different web-site preferenda. For this reason juvenile and adult stabilimenta could differ in both mode of operation and overall function.) In exploring the possible function (s) of Nephila stabilimenta we will treat the two basic forms described above separately. The stabilimenta built in skeleton webs differ strikingly from the single ribbon stabilimentum found in a perfect web. The latter and the rare stabilimenta of Nephila maculata are essentially similar. We believe that most of the forms of defensive function listed in Table 2 can be securely rejected in the case of the stabilimenta found in skeleton webs, for the reasons set out below : 1. Direct concealment can be rejected because the device does not cover the region where the spider rests. Table 2. Hypotheses of stabilimentum see Robinson & Robinson 1970) Antipredator function 1. Direct concealment of spider 1. (requires that the device covers the spider) 2. Disguise (requires that the device appears continuous with the body or legs of the spider) 3. Deflection (requires that the 1 predator attacks the device rather than the spider) 2. 4. Advertisement (requires that the predator seeks to avoid the web that is advertised by the device) 5. Shielding (requires that the device strengthens the hub 3. against penetration by predators) function (for unattributed sources Mechanical function The device in some way allows the spider to adjust the state of the completed web after it has applied its own weight to the hub region. Other functions The device acts as a visual attraction to insects (Ewer 1972) The device protects the web against damage by large insects (which the spider could not subdue) by making it conspicuous (Ewer 1972) The device acts as a sunshield thereby eliminating the need for costly postural thermoregulation. 284 Psyche [December 2. Disguise can be rejected because the structure is by no means conspicuous and, in any case, is separated from the spider by a wide gap. 3. Deflection can be rejected because of this same lack of con- spicuousness (resulting from the wide dispersal of the opaque silk deposits). The same argument applies to advertisement. All these forms of defense operate visually and it is necessary to be cautious about conclusions concerning the visual acuity of predators. One of the lessons of ethological studies is that in many situations animals actually attend to relatively simple stimuli even when they are quite capable of discriminating more complex ones. There is an excellent treatment of this subject in Hinde (1970: 57-80). Despite this qualification, we feel that a visually-operating function for the skeleton-web stabilimenta of N. clavipes is highly improbable. The defensive function of reinforcing the hub against penetration by predators that strike through the web can be rejected because the silk is simply not deposited in the hub region. The structure could conceivably form a barrier to spider-hunting insects that might other- wise fly through the skeleton web and attack the spider from below. This function is improbable in view of the limited area covered by the device. A function as an insect attractant is highly improbable, not only because the device is inconspicuous but also because the web has no viscid spiral and cannot, therefore, trap prey. (In addition, the spiders do not feed in the period immediately prior to moulting.) Web protection is probably achieved by the barrier webs and this function of the stabilimentum can be rejected for this reason. The structure is not sufficiently dense to act as an effective sunshield and, furthermore, is in the wrong place. (Note that some araneids adopt complex postures, at times, in order to minimize heat absorption, Krakauer 1972, Robinson & Robinson 1973.) The fact that the stabilimentum occurs most commonly in skeleton webs could be correlated with a mechanical function. The laying down of zig-zags on those radii that are immediately below the point at which the moulting spider attaches itself to the hub may stabilize this attachment. This would ensure a secure moulting base within an area protected by the barrier webs. From this base the spider could safely go through the fairly vigorous process of withdrawing from the old cuticle. The moulting process involves much pulling and jerking and if the spider loses connection with the web, and drops to the ground, the result may be fatal. The reinforcement of 1973] Robinson & Robinson — Nephila 285 the skeleton web could also strengthen the platform on which the spider assumes its normal stance as the new cuticle hardens. If these are the mechanical functions of stabilimentum building at this stage, it is necessary to explain why this solution to the problem of building a strong moulting platform has been adopted. The omission of the viscid spiral is explicable on the grounds that if insects were trapped in a moulting platform, their struggles could dislodge the moulting spider at a critical moment. In addition, feeding seems to be in- hibited at this stage and expenditure on prey-capture systems would be wasteful. (It is also possible that silk production is inhibited prior to moulting, perhaps because of the urgent biosynthetic priority of moulting itself.) If the viscid spiral is omitted, the platform could still be stabilized by the deposition of structural silk in the form of a temporary spiral. Constructing a spiral is probably a more expensive process than simply reinforcing the relevant radii by the act of ‘over- stitching’ them with zig-zags. The latter involves only a small num- ber of excursions from the hub region. Studies of the building of skeleton webs could provide a more detailed basis for further specu- lation about this problem. A function related to strengthening a moulting platform would account for the virtual restriction (see Table 1) of stabilimentum building to the skeleton webs of immature Nephila clavipes. The dense perpendicular stabilimenta found in perfect webs of Nephila maculata (and the single example from N. clavipes shown in Figure 1.) could function defensively by disguise or deflection. In this case it is only necessary to assume that some predators are in- hibited from attacking large spiders to explain the restriction of the devices to the webs of immatures. Thus if the stabilimentum in- creased the apparent size of the juvenile spider (disguise) or was itself mistaken for a small spider (deflection) it could inhibit or deflect attacks on the otherwise attack-eliciting juvenile. This ex- planation is plausible but unsatisfactory in view of the extreme rarity of the stabilimenta. A mechanical function for such infrequently-built structures could only be justified if webs required additional strengthening (tension- ing or bracing) on rare occasions. This is possible but we have no evidence that it is probable. It is possible to assume that the rare phenomenon of stabilimentum building in perfect webs is an aberrant expression of a behavior that is functional in the context of the skeleton web. (We do not know whether Nephila maculata builds stabilimenta in such webs.) If this were so, the greater density of the structure could result from the 286 Psyche [December fact that radii are separated by much shorter distances. This possi- bility could have interesting implications from the evolutionary stand- point (see below) . Rarity of a functional structure (and behavior) could be explained by assuming that the present state of the two species represents an early stage in the evolution of stabilimentum-building. Conversely, if the structures are regarded as presently non-functional, they could be looked on as vestigial. Although no definite conclusion is possible about the function of the stabilimenta in perfect webs, it is worth exploring the implications of these two assumptions. If it is assumed that the behavior is vestigial, it must be concluded that it has lost its original function (s). If it is assumed that the original function was defensive, then either it is no longer an effective defense against predators or the spider has evolved more effective defenses. The first possibility could result from a change in the spectrum of predators exerting selection pressure on defensive de- vices or from an advance in the behavior of the predators that rendered the device ineffective. Nothing useful can be said about these two possibilities. If the spider has evolved more effective de- fensive adaptations these should be detectable at present. The most obvious present-day defensive devices of Nephila species are the spider’s escape behavior and its barrier webs. Escape behavior is, we think, unlikely to be a recent specialization. Kaston (1964) regards the barrier webs as primitive on grounds that seem reasonably secure. We conclude that the probability that the structure is a vestigial defensive device is extremely low. Similar arguments suggest a rejection of the hypothesis that the stabilimenta are vestigial bracing devices. Presentday Nephila spp. brace the hub regions of their webs with strong lines attached to the barrier webs. These structures are probably a primitive feature of web construction and would seem to make a bracing stabilimentum redundant. The contrary assumption that these Nephila species are at a stage close to the origins of stabilimentum-building behavior may have greater heuristic value. As far as we know, there has been no at- tempt to explain the origins of ribbon stabilimenta. Since the struc- tures are added on to structural members and are not simply addi- tions of structural silk, any theories of derivation must take this into account. Most (if not all) araneids use ribbon silk for a. variety of pur- poses (see Kaston 1964). Given this faculty, the first stage in the evolution of stabilimenta could be the use of this silk to reinforce 1973] Robinson CSf Robinson — Nephila 287 moulting platforms (to minimize constructional effort as suggested above). Once this behavior has evolved, lines of further variation (and selection) are possible. The step(s) to the production of a dense perpendicular band in a functional web could follow several evolutionary paths. Nephila species often renew the radii and viscid elements of one side of the web while leaving the other side un- touched (see Peters 1955). This process frequently results in the formation of a perpendicular renewal line. If this renewal line were reinforced with zig-zag silk (an extension of skeleton web rein- forcement behavior) a rudimentary stabilimentum could result (in a functional web). Such an origin for the perpendicular stabilimentum is at least possible. Assuming that the mechanical function of over- stitching could be exploitable in further situations (other than the partial renewal of a web) the behavior would be a potential starting point for further selection. In addition, behavior such as this, with a function originally re- lated to the mechanisms of web renewal, might incidentally have an anti-predator effect. A conspicuous junction line might be margin- ally concealing, deflecting, advertising or disguising. Selection ex- erted by predators on further variations in this behavior might then result in transformation of the structure and function of the device. This means that stabilimenta could have evolved under different selection pressures to fulfill different functions in different species of spiders. This view seems to us to be at least as probable as the assumption that all stabilimenta have a common function. Summary 1. The stabilimenta built by Nephila clavipes (and N. maculata ) are characterized by being laid down as zig-zags of ribbon silk between adjacent radii. 2. Such devices are rare in complete webs but relatively common in the skeleton webs of immature N. clavipes that are built as moult- ing platforms. The situation with regard to skeleton webs built by N. maculata is not known. 3. A functional explanation of the stabilimenta built into such skeleton webs is that they reinforce an otherwise reduced, simpli- fied and possibly unstable structure. A secure base for moulting is regarded as essential to the development of the spider. 4. Defensive or other non-mechanical functions for the stabilimenta in skeleton webs are, we think, highly improbable. 5. Perpendicular stabilimenta in complete Nephila webs are so rare as to make functional explanation difficult. 288 Psyche [December 6. The hypothesis that Nephila stabilimenta are vestigial seems to be largely untenable. 7. We suggest that the devices built into skeleton webs could repre- sent a primitive stage of stabilimentum construction. Hypothetical steps leading from this stage to the evolution of the perpendicular stabilimentum could include one at which zig-zag ‘overstitching’ was used to reinforce a line of junction between old and new sections of a partially renewed web. The further evolution of stabilimenta from this stage could have followed different func- tional pathways in different species. References Bonnet, P. 1958. Bibliographia Araneorum Vol. II. N-S. Douladore, Toulouse. Ewer, R. F. 1972. The devices in the web of the West African spider Argiope jlavipalpis. J. nat. Hist., 6 : 159-167. Hinde. R. A. 1970. Animal Behaviour. McGraw Hill Book Co. N.Y. 2nd ed. Kaston, B. J. 1964. The evolution of spider webs. Amer. Zool., 4: 191-207. Krakauer, T. 1972. Thermal responses of the orb-weaving spider Nephila clavipes (Araneae: Argiopidae). Am. Midi. Nat., 88: 245-250. Marples, B. J. 1969. Observations on decorated webs. Bull. Br. Arachnological Soc., l: 13-18. Peters, H. M. 1953. Beitrage zur Vergleichenden Ethologie und Okologie Tropischer Webenspinnen. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere., 42: 278-306. 1954. Estudios adicionales sobre la estructura de la red concentrica de las aranas. Comun. Inst. Trop. El Salvador, 1: 1-18. 1955. Contribuciones sobre la etologia y ecologia comparada de las aranas tejedoras tropicales. Comun. Inst. Trop. El Salvador, 1-2: 37-46. Robinson, M. H. & B. Robinson. 1970. The stabilimentum of the orb web spider, Argiope argentata: an improbable defence against predators. Can. Ent., 102: 641-655. 1973. The ecology and behavior of the giant wood spider Nephila maculata (Fabricius) in New Guinea. Smith, cont. Zool., 149: 1-76. Simon, E. 1892-1895. Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Roret, Paris. THE LARVA AND PUPA OF CARPELIMUS DEBILIS CASEY (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE)* By Ian Moore and E. F. Legner Division of Biological Control, Department of Entomology University of California Riverside, California 92502 On a number of occasions Carpelimus debilis Casey has been found to be numerous at a marine salt marsh at La Salina, near La Mision de San Miguel, Baja California Norte, Mexico. This salt marsh was described in some detail by Moore (1964) and its Coleoptera discussed, a key was given by Moore for the separation of larvae of some of the Staphylinidae found there but no detailed descriptions or illustrations were presented, nor were pupae men- tioned. We are now taking this opportunity to describe and illustrate the larva and pupa of one of those insects. In July and August, 1971, a very large colony of C. debilis was found in an area about two meters square in Moore’s Zone One. The substrate was a mixture of sand and mud of a consistency which would support the weight of a person with slight sinking. Present with the Carpelimus but in much lesser numbers were Tachys vittiger Le Conte, Thinobius frizzelli Hatch and Ochthebius sp. and large numbers of larvae, almost entirely Carpelimus. Thousands of adult C. debilis , hundreds of larvae and three pupae were collected. The pupae were staphylinid pupae of about the size of Carpelimus so it seems very likely that we have properly assigned them. A few meters away in Zone One was another small area of similar material but too wet to support the weight of a person. That area contained large numbers of the same species of Ochthebius but few, if any, other insects. Insects were collected in these areas by the water flotation method in which a shovel of substrate is placed in a pail of water and the insects removed as they surface (Moore, 1954). This method brings adults and some active larvae to the surface but the inactive pupae probably do not surface readily, so few were en- countered. Carpelimus is a large genus of wo rid- wide distribution with sev- eral species often found together. Over 352 species were described * Manuscript received by the editor September 10, 1973 289 290 Psyche [December through 1969. Because of their small size and generally uniform appearance, members of the genus are difficult to identify. Larvae of Staphylinidae are notoriously difficult to associate with adults except in rare circumstances such as the present one. They are not easy to rear, the larvae often being canabalistic when confined in close quarters. Only twice before have larvae of this genus been made known. Paulian (1941) described and illustrated the larva of the Holarctic species C. bilineatus Stephens and Kasule (1968) illus- trated parts of a British species (as Trogophloeus sp.). No pupa of the genus has been described. Larva of Carpelimus debilis Casey Length 3.25 mm. (largest spms.). Body elongate, somewhat con- vex, parallel, pale cream-colored with the sclerites pale piceus and the extremities somewhat darker. Head oval, about as wide as long; with three ocelli in an uneven row on each side ; epicranial suture about one-half the length of head. Labrum longer than wide, nar- rowed and truncate in front. Antennal fossae located at sides of head above bases of mandibles. Antennae three-segmented ; first seg- ment about as long as wide; second segment a little wider than first and about twice as long as wide with the modified acorn seta near the apex nearly as large as third segment, born at an obtuse angle ; third segment less than half as wide as second, about as long as wide, with a small modified acorn-like seta at apex. Mandibles arcuate, with three small equal teeth arranged in a triangle at apex. Maxil- lary palpi three-segmented ; first segment about twice as long as wide ; second segment a little narrower than first, narrowed from base to pointed apex. Lacinia triangular, widest at base, spinose or inner edge. Labial palpi two-segmented ; first segment longer than wide ; second segment narrower than first, about as long as wide. Pro- notum, mesonotum and metanotum wider than long, the last two each wider than preceding. Abdominal tergites each wider than metanotum, more than twice as wide as long, fifth tergite widest, pseudopod subcylindrincal, slightly longer than wide, slightly nar- rowed from base to apex. Urogomphus one-segmented, pointed, slightly longer than pseudopod. Many specimens, La Salina, Baja California Norte, Mexico, Salt Marsh, August 3, 1971, Ian Moore collector. The only noticeable difference between this larva and Paulian’s description of that of C. biliniatus is that in debilis the apex of the mandible is formed of three small teeth arranged in a small triangle whereas in biliniatus Paulian’s illustration shows two small subequal 1973] Moore & Legner — Carpelimus 29 Figures 1-4. Carpelimus debilis. Fig. 1, larva; Fig. 2, venter of pupa Fig. 3, side of pupa; Fig. 4, dorsum of pupa. 292 Psyche [December Figures 5-8. Carpelimus debilis. Fig. 5, antenna of larva; Fig. 6, max- illa of larva; Fig. 7, urogomphus and pseudopod of larva; Fig. 8, mandible of larva. 1973] Moore & Legner — Carpelimus 293 teeth, one before the other, with a minute denticle between, and his description states that the apex of the mandible is bidentate. The pupae of Coleoptera are so poorly known that it is difficult to choose with certainty characters which will be of diagnostic value. However, studies by Jerome Rozen (1959, 1963a, 1963b) indicate that location of tuberculate setae on various parts of the body, length and shape of elytra, wings and urogomphus are probably most useful so those characters have been given the most attention in the follow- ing description. 1 Pupa of Carpelimus debilis Casey Pupa exarate, elongate, pale, not chitinized in any part; various parts of the body with long slender setae, each arising from a sur- face so slightly elevated that it can hardly be said to be tuberculate. Head venterally reflexed so that only a small part is visible from above; with three ocelli in a row on each side; on each side with two setae at front margin, one discal seta and three setae at lateral margin. Pronotum irregularly ovoid, on each side with two setae at front margin, one at lateral margin and two at posterior margin. Elytra very little longer than wide, standing at right-angles to body, posterior margin, when viewed from above, with an obtusely angu- late projection in the middle, without setae. Wings narrower than and about twice as long as elytra, held away from the body at an angle of about 45 degrees, without setae. Mesothorax and meta- thorax without setae. First abdominal segment on each side with one discal and one lateral seta. Abdominal segments two through six on each side with a single lateral seta. Urogomphus minute, with a tuft of hair at apex. Three specimens from La Salina, Baja California Norte, Mexico, Salt Marsh, August 3, 1971, Ian Moore collector. Acknowledgments We are grateful particularly to Robert E. Orth of the University of California at Riverside for laboratory help with this and other studies. Literature Cited Kasule, F. K. 1968. The larval characters of some subfamilies of British Staphylini- dae (Coleoptera) with keys to the known genera. Trans. Royal Entomol. Soc. London 120: 115-138; 116 figs. 294 Psyche [December Moore, Ian 1954. An efficient method of collecting dung beetles. Pan-Pac. Entomol. 30: 208. 1964. The Staphylinidae of the marine mudi flats of southern California and northern Baja California (Coleoptera). Trans. San Diego Soc. Natur. Hist. 13 : 269-284, 4 figs. Paulian, Renaud 1941. Le premier etats des staphylinoidea. fitude de morphologie com- paree. Mem, Mus. Hist. Natur. Paris, N. ser., 15: 1-361, 1365 figs., 3 pt. Rozen, Jerome G. 1959. Systematic study of the pupae of the Oedermeridae (Coleoptera). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 52: 299-303, 28 figs. 1963a. Two pupae of the primative suborder Archostemata (Coleop- tera). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 65 : 307-310, 7 figs. 1963b. Preliminary systematic study of the pupae of Nitidulidae (Co- leoptera). Amer. Mus. Novitates. 2124: 1-13, 30 figs. GENERIC DIVERSITY IN PHASE OF RHYTHM IN FORMICINE ANTS By E. S. McCluskey Departments of Physiology and of Biology Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California 92354 Ants are abroad through most of the day and night. But the species composition of this 24-hour patrol changes from one part of the day to the next (Talbot 1953; Wilson 1971). For example, in Michigan the maximum foraging activity of Lasius neoniger is at night, of Myrmica americana in the early morning and late after- noon, and of Formica pallidefulva nitidiventris in the middle of the day (Talbot 1946, 1953). Likewise the mating flights of ants occur at different hours for different species (Kannowski 1963; Talbot 1945). The flight times may be similar for closely-related species (Kannowski 1959a). If one were to look at many species of one genus, would he find them to be similar as to time of day of foraging or of mating flight? Or does each genus span the 24 hours in terms of its various species? The aim of this report is to quantitatively compare species diversity with generic diversity of such phase relationships in one tribe of ants, the Formicini. The biosystem atics of much of this group, particu- larly of the genera Lasius, Acanthomyops, and Formica, is relatively well known on morphological and zoogeographic grounds (Wilson and Regnier 1971). The comparisons are based on a compilation of literature records for as many species and genera as possible in this tribe (Figs. 1 and 2). A genus was included if there were records for three or more species. About a third of the species of Acanthomyops, of Cataglyphis, of Lasius, and of Myrmecocystus are represented in the records cited here, but a smaller fraction of the large genus Formica. These genera are all from North Temperate latitudes. (For a preliminary report see McCluskey, 1972.) The workers could be classified as nocturnal, diurnal, etc. But in the absence of single or definite beginning points or midpoints of activity in most of the literature records, another method was used to reduce each rhythm to one point for comparison with other species: If the ants do not normally come above ground at all (e.g., Acan- thomyops species), the species is plotted as an X at the extreme left (Fig. 1) ; if nocturnal only, one position farther to the right; if out 295 296 Psyche [December as late as sunrise, another position to the right; etc. As far as pos- sible, only summer records were used so as to make directly com- parable. It can be seen that the species in Acanthornyops , in Formica , and in Cataglyphis are closely grouped within each genus. The species in Lasius appear less so, but they barely overlap those of Formica or Cataglyphis. (none) night sunrise morning midday X X x Acanthomyops X X X Lasius X X X (X) X X X X Myrmecocystus (X) X (X) X (X) X X (X) X X X X X X Formica * 5 XXX X Cataglyphis X x X (X) X Figure I 1973] McCluskey — Generic Diversity 297 Scoring an X in the leftmost column of Fig. i as “i”, next to the left (“night”) as “2”, and finally the rightmost column as “5”, permits an analysis-of-variance comparison of the variation within a genus with the variation between the genera : ss df ms F P< among genera 66.1 4 16.5 16.5 .001 within genera 36.9 37 1.0 Thus the likeness within genera is greater than that between genera. A different type of analysis confirms this conclusion. The “none” aboveground activity was now omitted, since that is not really a time character (thus eliminating Acanthomyops and some Lasius species) ; the “night” species were arbitrarily considered as (out until) 5 AM, “sunrise” 7 AM, “morning” 10 AM and “midday” 1 PM. These hours were treated as angles of a circular distribution, and the mean angles of the different samples (genera) were compared by Watson Fig. 1. Worker surface activity (limited mainly to summer records, for most direct comparison of species). Each X represents one species and shows its nearest approach to midday; those based on the most limited cited records are enclosed in (). The leftmost column “NONE” indicates that the species does not usually come above ground at all. Following are species and literature sources represented: FORMICA : bradleyi (Wheeler and Wheeler 1963), dakotensis (Talbot 1971), exsectoides (Andrews 1927, 1929; McCook 1877), fusca (Morisita 1939), fusca lemani (Brian 1955), lasioides (Wheeler and Wheeler 1970), neogagates (Talbot 1953), ob- scuripes (Weber 1935), pallidefulva nitidwentris (Talbot 1946, 1953, 1965), polyctena (Bruns 1954; Chauvin 1965a, b), pratensis (Stebaev 1971; Stebaev and Reznikova 1972), Sibylla (Wheeler 1917), subintegra (Talbot and Kennedy 1940), subnitens (Ayre 1958, 1959), subpilosa (Stebaev 1971; Stebaev and Reznikova 1972), subpolita (Mallis 1941), ulkei (Holmquist 1928). LASIUS: emarginatus (Tohme 1969), flavus (Bernard 1968; Odum and Pontin 1961; Talbot 1965; Wilson 1955), fuliginosus (Wilson 1955), minutus (Kannowski 1959b; Talbot 1965), neoniger (Talbot 1946, 1953, 1965) , niger (Eidmann 1926; Morisita 1939), sitiens (Wilson 1955), sitkacnsis (now pallitarsis ) (Talbot 1965; Wilson 1955), speculiventris (Talbot 1965), umbratus (Starcke 1937; Talbot 1965; Wilson 1955). ACANTHOMYOPS : claviger, interjectus , latipes, and murphyi (Talbot 1963; Wheeler and Wheeler 1963). MYRMECOCYSTUS: lugubris (Cole 1966) , mclliger orbiceps (now placodops) (Wheeler 1908b), mexicanus (Cole 1966; LaRivers 1968), mexicanus hortideorum (McCook 1882), mimicus (Cazier and Statham 1962; Leonard 1911), mojave (Cole 1966; LaRivers 1968; Leonard 1911), pyramicus (Smith 1951), wheeleri (Snelling 1971). CATAGLYPHIS: albicans (Delye 1968), albicans viaticoides (Tohme 1969), altisquamis (Tohme 1969), bicolor (Delye 1968; Pickles 1944; Tohme 1969; Wehner and Duelli 1971), bicolor setipes (Gupta 1970), bombycina (Delye 1968), frigida (Tohme 1969), lucasi (Baroni Urbani 1969; Delye 1964). An annotated table giving the details of support for Figs. 1 and 2 is available from the author. 298 Psyche [December AM HOURS PM 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 F (f) F F [ Formica (f) F F F F F F F F F (F) (f) F Lasius f F (f) F F >F F F F F (F) (F) Acanthomyops f F F F Fig. 2. Flight hours. Each F represents for one species the halfway point between the earliest and latest literature records of flight; () indicate the most fragmentary records. The following are represented: FORMICA : dakotensis (Talbot 1971), fusca (Kannowski 1959a; Talbot 1965), montana (Kannowski 1963; Kannowski and Johnson 1969), neogagates (Talbot 1966), obscuripes (Clark and Comanor 1972; Talbot 1971), obscuri'ventris (Talbot 1964), opaciventris (Scherba 1961), pallidefulva nitidiv entris (Tal- bot 1948), pergandei (Kannowski and Johnson 1969), pratensis (Eidmann 1928; Wheeler 1908a), rufa (Donisthorpe 1927; Standen 1909), rufibarbis (Forel 1874a), sanguinea (Forel 1874b), subintegra (Kannowski 1963; Talbot and Kennedy 1940), subnitens (Ayre 1957), ulkci (Scherba 1958; Talbot 1959). LASIUS: alienus (Gosswald 1932; Hall 1887), brunneus (Forel 1874b; Schenck 1852), carniolicus (Kutter 1946), cmarginatus (Forel 1874b, 1928), flavus (Donisthorpe 1927; Forel 1874b; Talbot 1965; Wilson 1955), fuliginosus (Wilson 1955), ininutus (Kannowski 1959a; Talbot 1965), nearcticus (Wilson 1955), neoniger (Kannowski 1963; Talbot 1945, 1965; Wilson and Hunt 1966), nevadensis (Cole 1956), nlger (Donisthorpe 1927; Forel 1874b), pallitarsis (Medler 1958; Talbot 1965), speculiventfis (Kan- nowski 1959a; Talbot 1965), subumbratus (Kannowski 1971), umbratus (Crawley 1913; Forel 1874a, 1875; Kannowski 1963; Rau 1934)*. ACANTHOMYOPS: clavigcr (Talbot 1963, 1973), inter jectus (Talbot 1963), latipes (Gregg 1963; Talbot 1963, 1973), murphyi (Talbot 1963), subglaber (Talbot 1973). *The morning record (Rau 1934) is most unusual for this species (Kan- nowski 1963) and I omitted it in plotting the midpoint in the graph. Craw- ley (1913) and Forel (1874a, 1875) may possibly refer to a sibling species of umbratus (cf. Wilson 1955). 1973] McCluskey — Generic Diversity 299 and Williams’ (1956; cf. Batschelet 1965, but only for a two- sample case) test: if the samples are considered random, Fql N_q — [ (N-q) (2R-R) ] / [ (q— 1 ) (N-2R.) ] = 3.58 and P ’ W 3 * t « CO a H fa .S o fa £ £ o Q W < w fa pq fa < O H 1-1 D £ pq =s I-J tUD fa £ pq C^'OOH-'-Ow-iOs'O NN'ONiflvooON -H ^ r-( (M r-, h«MO\NO\NwH C-loQuioNOinost^. t- < Cl t— ( cn co NN'OvnHMosHKto M w « w + fq OJ©l^u~tC\lrv.ONi- e s ° a> — s e g a *5 .2 >-< :s p <« ”5 ."2 t> Q £ o on ^ Ih * —* a « ^ « N ^ o -* V ~P ^ g> « B fa 1 1 : cx a, 03 03 fa fa V] 03 o C O lH C 03 3 fa N N N 2 ^ ^ co co* CO* CO* CO* SS00000®^© "fltl-tONHHNtOtfin 0©©0 O © © © + tONrt©OHOJtO + & tJ *» o b -O tw Jh « « fa * * * *- pq U 358 Psyche [December Fig. 1. Latitudinal gradients in species richness for the New World Fapilionidae (Modified from Slansky, 1972) were simplified considerably. As explained in the discussion, it was not desired to use degree of morphological correlation with feeding specialization as an index of niche breadth. Because larvae generally remain upon the host plant throughout most of their existence, the food-plant is especially likely to be the key factor in the niche of most butterfly species since, to a large extent, it is also the shelter, substrate, or habitat upon which allelo- chemical co-evolution (Ehrlich and Raven, 1965; Whittaker and Feeny, 1971) of the entire ‘component community’ (Root, 1973) takes place. In this sense it is essentially difficult to differentiate between ‘niche’ and ‘habitat’ (Whittaker, Levin, and Root, 1973), and their term ‘ecotope’ might be more appropriate since it entails the inter-community as well as the intra-community variables. I have compiled range maps of each of the 538 species of Papil- ionidae of the world (Munroe, i960) using the techniques of Slansky (1972). I used Goode’s Atlas (Espenshade, i960) and locality data recorded in the literature, primarily in Rothschild (1895), Rothschild and Jordan (1906), Aurivillus (1908-1910), 1973] Scriber — Papilionidae 359 Bollow (1929), Fruhstorfer (1908), Jordan (1907, 1908-1909), von Rosen (1929), Seitz (1906), Stichel (1906), Shirozu (i960), D’Almeida (1966), and Common and Waterhouse (1972). The number of species known to occur in each ten degree latitude belt was recorded. The worldwide data were divided into the three geographical sections in figures 1, 2, and 3 to simplify the analysis. The components of each of these figures are shown in tabular form (Table 1). The species of known larval food-plants were compiled from the literature, although care was used in interpreting recorded host plant records (see Ehrlich and Raven, 1965; and Shields, Emmel, and Breedlove, 1969). The plant classification follows Willis (1973). A supplementary table with each species of Papilionidae with its latitudinal range, food-plant families fed upon, and citations for these food plant records is available from the author and at the following libraries: Cornell University (Entomology), Harvard (M.C.Z.), and the U.S.N.M.1 With those species feeding on more than one taxonomic family of plants as my “generalists” or wide-niche species, a species was counted in all parts of its range as being a wide-niche species, or generalist, if it feeds on more than one plant family anywhere in its range. Latitudinal gradients in niche breadth were prepared by enumer- ating the species for each ten degree belt of latitude and calculating the percentage of species exhibiting a “general” feeding strategy. Although the foodplants of the Papilionidae are probably as well known as those of any other taxon of similar magnitude, there are still gaps in the record. In the case of a species of unknown food- plant preference I have assumed that the host plant family range utilized is, in general, similar to those of closely related species of the group. There are, for example, many tropical Troidini for which the precise species of Aristolochia utilized are not known. Longitudinal and altitudinal variations in species richness are an important and interesting part of distributional patterns, but were: not considered in this study. Results Species richness is greatest in the tropical latitudes for each of the- three geographical regions (Figures 1, 2, 3). The significance of this trend for Papilionidae in the New World is discussed by Slansky The Grace Griswold Fund of the Department of Entomology of Cornell University assisted with the expense of having the supplementary tables of data copied. 36o Psyche [December Fig. 2. Latitudinal gradients in species richness for Eurasian and Afri- can Papilionidae. (x973)- The smaller number of species of Papilionidae occurring in the 20-30 degree North latitude belt of figure 2 is presumably due to the Sahara and Arabian deserts. The great number of species in the 20-40 degree North latitude belts in figure 3 is correlated to a large degree with the strong radiation especially of the Parnassiinae and also of the Papilioninae subfamilies in the mountainous Hima- laya region and the Tibetan Plateau. (See Table 1.) There is a relatively sudden drop in species richness south of 10 degrees South latitude in figure 3, the biogeographical relevance of which is un- certain. Figure 4 shows the overall pattern of latitudinal gradients in the number of species of Papilionidae, corrected for distributional over- lap of certain species that occurred in more than one of the earlier three figures. Also the number of species for each tribe of Papilioni- dae feeding on two or more plant families and the overall percentage of generalized feeders for each latitudinal belt are shown in relation 1973] Scriber — Papiliomdae 36i to this pattern. Note that there is a considerable decrease in the per- centage of generalists toward the lower tropical latitudes (Figure 5). Discussion Although the absolute number of generalists is not strikingly dif- ferent, it is readily apparent that the percentages are considerably less in the lower latitudes. This fact appears to support the premise that there are relatively fewer generalists in the tropics and relatively more in the higher latitudes. There is, however, no sharp division, but instead a gradient of increasing relative degree of specialization from the extremes of latitude to the equatorial regions. It is not known whether increased competition could be the cause or the result of the increasing diversity gradients toward the lower latitudes, nor is it certain whether the observed gradients in feeding niche breadth are due to ecological release from competition in higher latitudes or just the inability to specialize in their unpredictable and unstable environmental conditions. It was assumed throughout this study that the niche breadth as measured here is that of the ‘realized’ niche as opposed to the ‘funda- mental’ (Odum, 1971). This study of feeding niche breadths in- volves a cross section of both ‘evolutionary’ and ‘ecological’ time (Slobodkin, 1962) and the differentiation at both intra- and inter- population levels. That is, there are probably areas of active compe- tition where we are not viewing only the neat results of evolutionary processes that have already and permanently narrowed the realized hostplant ranges from those plant families which are physiologically exploitable, but there are also the currently unfolding consequences of ecological interactions that someday may or may not result in more specialized herbivores. It should be noted that the relative merits of either specializing or generalizing may involve ‘qualitative’ and ‘quantitative’ chemical defense of the host plants (Feeny, 1974) as well as other ecological factors besides competition alone. Emmel and Emmel (1969) have shown that for Papilio indra (Reakirt) and Papilio rudkini (Comstock) direct competition of sympatric populations is avoided most of the time by temporal isola- tion and utilization of mutually exclusive food-plant families. In one instance however they found that food did become the limiting resource and the separate host preferences broke down when the favored food became scarce. In this situation both Umbelliferae and Rutaceae were then utilized by the insects of these populations. Further evidence that competitive interactions leading to adaptations 362 Psyche [December Fig. 3. Latitudinal gradients in species richness for Indo-Australian and Eastern Asian Papilionidae. that permit the coexistence of several species of butterflies should probably be sought in the larval rather than the adult stages has been obtained by Young (1972). The critical dimension of the niche (or ecotope) may in fact be something other than the range of larval hostplants utilized ; however, as well as being one that is rela- tively easy to measure, it is assumed here to be a crucial parameter in most cases. In a relatively recently speciated group of swallowtails in the U.S., the polyphagous Papilio glaucus (L.) is apparently entirely excluded geographically by three species which are sympatric and which have subdivided the range of plant families utilized by P. glaucus (Brower, 1958a; 1959). Besides their specialized feeding habits, isolating mechanisms such as seasonality, coloration, and mating preferences appear to have been involved in the Pleistocene specia- tion. There is no clear cut distinction between ecological and evolu- tionary time, and the importance of trophic specialization is uncertain 1973] Scriber — P apilionidae 363 in this and similar cases such as the four species of the P. demodocus (Esper) group of swallowtails that have evolved on Madagascar, or the three species of the P. nireus (L.) group in West Africa that are presumed to have speciated during the Tertiary when the climate and vegetation were rapidly changing (Owen, 1971). Furthermore, because the author is in this study to a large degree uncertain of regional food plant preferences that might distinguish a polymorphic population of specialized individuals from a monomorphic population of generalized individuals, no attempt has been made to differentiate any components of niche breadth as described by Roughgarden (1972). It is probably fair to assume that neither the latitudinal gradients in diversity nor those for trophic niche breadth remain constant for any long periods of time. The phylogenetic histories of the Papilioni- dae are certainly intertwined with the zoogeographical movement and changes in the flora of major continents (Hovanitz, 1958; Carcas- son, 1964; and Kostrowicki, 1969), and this paper is merely an attempt to look at the present state of these continually changing phylogenies. Besides regional preferences there can be temporal changes in food- plant preferences and these are frequently accentuated by human agri- culture. Owen (1971) points out that several species of African papilionids have recently expanded their ranges and seasonal abun- dance by switching from their wild Rutaceous foodplants onto culti- vated varieties of Citrus which, unlike the wild plants, maintain their leaves throughout the dry season and are spreading rapidly with agricultural development. The extent to which members of the Papilionidae have become secondarily polyphagous on completely new plant families or else by revitalized usage upon re-exposure to ances- tral hostplant families is uncertain. It is very likely that besides the general ecological pressures such as competition with more specialized herbivores, there may well be both ‘fixed’ and ‘variable’ metabolic ‘cost’ associated with any extension of the normal range of food plants utilized by a species (Feeny, 1974). In Papilvo demoleus for example the principal natural foodplants for Papilio demoleus stheneles (Macleay) in Australia are Psoralea tenax and P. patens which are members of the Leguminosae family (D’Abrera, 1971 ; McCubbin, 1971; and Common and Waterhouse, 1972), while in Ceylon and India the presumed ancestral P. demoleus demoleus (L.) feed primarily upon various Rutaceae, such as Aegle , Clausenia, Gly- oosmis, and Citrus (Woodhouse, 1950; and Igarashi, 1966). Al- though the females of P. d. stheneles oviposit upon Citrus in Queens- 364 Psyche [December Number of Generalized Feeders * latituc Number of Species e A B c Percentaae . Generalized i Feeders e World Papiltonida D tota 60-70 4 2 1 3 ! 42.86 % 50-60 ^19 2 7 9 47.37 % 40-50 2 10 2 14 26.42 % 30-40 ifiM- 1 4 17 4 26 22.61 % 20-30 125 5 13 5 23 18.40 % 10-20 A 160 7 9 5 21 13.13 % 0-10 iiifif - J224 8 9 6 23 10.27 % 0-10 iiifiP 256 8 11 4 23 9.02 % 10-20 155 10 10 3 23 14.84 % 20-30 j 89 1 10 7 2 19 21.35 % 30-40 > 3 6 1 10 38.46 % 40-50 f2 1 1 1 50.00 % 1 50 ' 150 250 Fig. 4. Latitudinal gradients in species richness and percentage of gen- eralized species of Papilionidae of the world. A — Parnassini ; B = Lep- tocircini; C = Papilionini ; D = Troidini. land (Australia), the larvae are unsuccessful and eventually die when left to feed upon leaves of this relatively recent introduction (Ed- wards, 1948; and Straatman, 1962). It appears thus that in at least some populations metabolic specializations or adjustments may have coevolved along with the regional restriction in food-plant choice such that Citrus is perhaps in some way no longer physiologically suitable for those individuals. It should be pointed out that individuals fiom some Australian populations can and do successfully utilize the native rutaceous Alicrocitrus australis (D abrera, I970> and those in New South Wales can be reared successfully upon Citrus (see Stiaatman, 1962) . It is interesting that in Africa Papilio demodocus (Esper), a spe- cies which is very closely related to and once consideied a race of P. demoleus, is primarily a Rutaceae-feeder over most of its range. It is however polymorphic (Clarke, et al. 1963) and also utilizes the Umbelliferae in South Africa w^here the richness of this plant family is relatively high (Dethier, 1941). Similarly, the P. machaon group of Umbellifer feeding species in Sardinia, East Asia, and North America are also close to P. demoleus in ancestry (Munroe, i960). 1973] Scriber — Papilionidae 365 Further speciation has apparently taken place in those regions where Umbelliferae are most diverse. Several of these species, however, are still able to utilize rutaceous food plants. Feeding patterns of the Papilionidae and phytophagous insects in general, range from strict monophagy (stenophagy) , in which a single species of foodplant is utilized, to wide polyphagy (euryphagy) in which many species, genera, or families may be utilized (Brues, 1920; Dethier, 1954). The exploitation of a particular hostplant involves many adjustments on the part of the insect to the plant’s micro- community. This includes host-specific predators (Brower, 1958b) and parasites (Read et al., 1970). Facultative polyphagy in some Papilio larvae, conveying the ability to take advantage of oviposi- tional mistakes of the adult, may allow some escape from the intense mortality rates that can result from host-specific parasitism (Stride and Straatman, 1962). Polymorphisms in larval color patterns can also be involved (Clarke et al., 1963), but perhaps the most im- portant factor in this coevolving community is the metabolic adjust- ments on the part of the insect to the secondary chemistry of the plant (Fraenkel, 1959; Jermy, 1966; and Thorsteinson, i960). As pointed out by Ehrlich and Raven (1965), the plasticity of the chemoreceptive response and the potential for physiological adjust- ments to secondary plant chemicals may be very important factors in determining the potential for evolutionary radiation in a phytopha- gous species. Since the possibility exists that taxonomically general- ized feeders may in fact be allelochemical specialists that cue in on one key set of chemicals in the plants, feeding niche breadth may well take on new meaning. Increased specialization by a species is generally presumed to in- crease the competitive ability of a species largely because the species utilizes its resources more efficiently (Emlin, 1966; MacArthur and Levins, 1964; MacArthur and Pianka, 1966; Morse, 1971; Rosen- zweig, 1966; and Schoener, 1971). Presumably, the less efficient species should be completely eliminated (MacArthur, 1972) or crowded to the periphery to become a specialist on another niche dimension (McNaughton and Wolf, 1970). In this sense, the rela- tive efficiencies of exploiting a critical limiting resource may in large part determine the niche breadth. Previous attempts to measure niche breadths have had varying de- grees of success. Various works in the literature attempt to relate morphological characters, behavioral repertoires or habitat selection response with niche breadth or overlap (Klopfer, 1962, 19675 Schoener, 1969; Van Valen, 1965; and Wellington, 1968). Upon 366 Psyche [December Fig. 5. Latitudinal gradients in feeding specialization for the Papilioni- dae of the world. ecological release from competition upon islands (MacArthur and Wilson, 1967), various workers have found some evidence that spe- cies niches do appear to broaden in the sense that there is increased morphological variance, behavioral plasticity, and dominance (Grant, 1967; Lack and Southern, 1949; Patrick, 1967; Vaurie, 1957; Wil- liams, 1969; and Wilson, 1961). There is, however, some question whether these measures actually reflect niche breadth of the species (Soule and Stewart, 1970 ; Willson, 1969). I have employed a somewhat different measure here, and by altering the number of families or genera used as a criterion for ‘generalist’, the amplitude of the observed latitudinal gradient would vary but probably not the overall pattern. Other studies have described a ‘generalist’ in some- what different terms as those species able to maintain populations over a broad range of environmental types or substrates (McNaugh- ton and Wolf, 1972), or those exhibiting a greater variance or breadth of morphology or feeding behavior (Levins, 1968; Rough- garten, 1972; Schoener, 1971). These also may or may not reflect actual niche breadth as such, but latitudinal comparisons within a taxocene would probably be possible to prepare in these terms as well. It is interesting that many species of Papilionidae are relatively specialized on certain tropical and sub-tropical plant families (Sian- 1973] Scriber — Papilionidae 367 sky, 1972). In the higher latitudes where fewer species of most major families of host plants occur there has probably been some breakdown of the phylogenetic larval host plant preferences that tie some species to these major evolutionary host plant groups, perhaps favoring polyphagy at the plant family level. The Papilio troilus L. and P. glaucus L. groups, for instance, have expanded their diets considerably from the Lauraceae and Magnoliaceae they are thought to have originally fed upon. Thus, besides ‘ecological release’ and the inability to specialize in unpredictable and unstable environments as possible explanations of the observed gradients in feeding special- ization, a third possibility exists. Perhaps there was a necessary alteration of those allelochemical specializations developed over a long period of evolutionary time, either as species of Papilionidae extended their ranges into the higher latitudes where their usual host plant families never existed, or as they remained in higher latitudes where their ancestral hosts had since been eliminated, perhaps by climatic changes. The precise reason for Papilionidae being more specialized in their feeding habits in tropical latitudes is uncertain and will probably remain largely as such. One contributing factor for this is that no one knows whether polyphagy in general is the ancestral condition from which more specialized feeding habits arose or not. The fact exists, however, that there are greater percentages of feeding special- ists in the tropical latitudes, and that this percentage decreases as one moves toward the higher latitudes. These data do not suggest that species are more specialized in the tropical than temperate latitudes, but that more species are specialized. Summary Latitudinal gradients in food plant specialization are examined for the swallowtail butterflies of the world (Papilionidae). It is found that the absolute number of generalized feeders existing in each ten degree belt of latitude is fairly constant, but the relative percentage of generalized species is significantly higher in the higher latitudes. This fact is discussed in terms of trophic niche breadth and species diversity of the Papilionidae in tropical and temperate regions. Acknowledgements This work was supported by N.S.F. Grant #GB 33398 (P.P.F.). I wish to thank Drs. Paul Feeny, J. G. Franclemont, Robert Poole, and Frank Slansky, Jr. for reading the manuscript or supple- 368 Psyche [December ment and offering instructive criticisms. Special thanks are extended to Frank Slansky, Jr. for helpful data concerning certain Papilioni- dae, to J. G. Franclemont for generous amounts of his time and as- sistance, and to Kathleen Scriber for assistance in the preparation of parts of the manuscript and supplement. Literature Cited Aurivillius, C. 1908-10. Papilio. In (A. Seitz ed.) The Macrolepidoptera of the world. The African Rhopalocera. Alfred Kernen. Stuttgart. 13: 11-28. Bollow, C. 1929. Parnassius. In (A. Seitz edi.) The Macrolepidoptera of the World. The Palearctic Butterflies. Alfred Kernan. Stuttgart. Suppl. 1 : 20-83. Brower, L. P. 1958a. Larval foodplant specificity in butterflies of the Papilio glaucus group. Lepid. News 12: 103-114. 1958b. Bird predation and foodplant specificity in closely related Pro- cryptic insects. Amer. Nat. 92: 183-187. 1959. Speciation in butterflies of the Papilio glaucus group. Parts I and II. Evol. 13 : 40-63; 212-228. Brues, C. T. 1920. 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VanValen, L. 1965. Morphological variation and width of ecological niche. Amer. Nat. 99: 377-390. Vaurie, C. 1957. Systematic notes on palearctic bird. No. 25. Motacillidae : the genus Motacilla. Amer. Mus. Novitates 1832: 1-16. Wellington, W. G. 1968. Qualitative changes in populations in unstable environments. Canad. Ent. 96: 436-451. Whittaker, R. H. and P. P. Feeny. 1971. Allelochemics : Chemical interactions between species. Science 171: 757-770. Whittaker, R. H., S. A. Levin and R. B. Root. 1973. Niche, habitat and ecotope. Amer, Nat. 107: 321-338. Whittaker, R. H., R. B. Walker and A. P. Kruckeberg. 1954. The ecology of serpentine soils. Ecol. 35: 258-288. Williams, E. E. 1969. The ecology of colonization as seen in the zoogeography of Analine lizards on small islands. Quant. Rev. Biol. 44: 345-384. Willis, J. C. 1973. A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. 8th ed. Cam- bridge Univ. Press. Cambridge. 1245 p. Willson, M. F. 1969. 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On Tuesday at 4 p.m. the entomological section (4th floor) of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and the new M.C.Z. Laboratories will hold open house for Club members and visiting entomologists. The Centennial Meeting on Tuesday will be held at the Harvard Faculty Club, Quincy Street, Cambridge, at 6 p.m. Visiting entomologists are cordially invited to attend both the Lecture and the Meeting, provided that arrangements are made in advance with the secretary of the Entomo- logical Club. The March number of the Club’s journal, Psyche, which began publication in May, 1874, has been designated the Centennial Issue and will contain, among other articles, a history of the Club. — F. M. Carpenter, editor PSYCHE INDEX TO VOLUME 80, 1973 INDEX TO AUTHORS Barr., T. C., Jr. Speocolpodes, a New Genus of Troglobitic Beetles from Guatemala (Coleoptera, Carabidae). 271 Benforado, J. and K. H. Kistler. Growth of the Orb Weaver, Araneus diadematus, and Correlation with Web Measurements. 90 Carmichael, L. D. Correlation Between Segment Length and Spine Counts in Two Spider Species of Araneus (Araneae: Araneidae). 62 Chickering , A. M. Notes on Heteroonops and Triaeris (Araneae; Oonopi- dae). 227 Cooper, K. IV. Patterns of Abdominal Fusions in Male Boreus (Mecop- tera). 270 Erickson, J. M. The Utilization of Various Asclepias Species by Larvae of the Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus. 230 Evans, H. E. Cretaceous Aculeate Wasps from Taimyr, Siberia (Hymen- optera). 166 Evans, H. E. Studies on Neotropical Pompilidae (Hymenoptera). IX. The Genera of Auplopodini. 212 Gamboa, G. and J. Alcock. The Mating Behavior of Brochymena quad- rapustulata (Fabricius) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) . 265 McCluskey, E. S. Generic Diversity in Phase Rhythm in Formicine Ants. 295 Moore, /. and E. F. Legner. The Larva and Pupa of Carpelimus debilis Casey (Coleoptera: Staphilinidae) . 289 Porter, C. C. A New Species of Anacis from Northwest Argentina (Hy- menoptera, Ichneumonidae). 83 Ramousse, R. Body, Web-building and Feeding Characteristics of Males of the Spider Araneus diadematus (Araneae: Araneidae). 22 Robinson, M. H. The Evolution of Cryptic Postures in Insects, with Special Reference to Some New Guinea Tettigoniids (Orthoptera) . 159 Robinson, M. H. and B. C. Robinson. The Stabilimenta of Nephila clavipes and the Origins of Stabilimentum-building in Araneids. 277 Roth, L. M. Paramuzoa (Nyctiborinae) , a New Cockroach Genus Previously Confused with Parasphaeia (Epilamprinae) . 179 3 75 Roth, L. M. The Male Genitalia of Blattaria. X. Blaberidae. Pycnoscelus, Stilpnoblatta, Proscratea (Pycnoscelinae), and Diploptera (Diplopteri- nae). 249 Roth, L. M. The Male Qenitalia of Blattaria. XI. Perisphaeriinae. 305 Roth, L. M. and K. Princis. The Cockroach Genus Calolampra of Aus- tralia with Descritions of New Species (Blaberidae). 101 Rovner, J. S. Copulatory Pattern Supports Generic Placement of Schizo- cosa avida (Walckenaer) (Araneae: Lycosidae). 245 Scriber, J. M. Latitudinal Gradients in Larval Feeding Specialization of the World Papilionidae (Lepidoptera). 355 Sedgwick, IV. C. New Species, Records and Synonyms of Chilean Theridiid Spiders (Araneae, Theridiidae) . 349 Shear, IV. A. The Milliped Family Rhiscosmididae (Diplopoda: Chor- deumida: Striarioidea) . 189 van Helsdingen, P. J. Annotations on Two Species of Linyphiid Spiders Described by the Late Wilton Ivie. 48 Wheeler, G. C. and J. Wheeler. Ant Larvae of Four Tribes: Second Sup- plement (Hymenoptera : Formicidae: Myrmicinae). 70 Wheeler, G. C. and J. Wheeler. Supplementary Studies on Ant Larvae: Cerapachyinae, Pseudomyrmecinae and Myrmecinae. 204 Young, A. M. Notes on the Life Cycle and Natural History of Parides areas mylotes (Papilionidae) in Costa Rican Premontane Wet Forest. 1 376 INDEX TO SUBJECTS All new genera, new species and new names are printed in capital type. A New Species of Anacis from Northwest Argentina (Hymenop- tera, Ichneumonidae) , 83 Ageniella (Cyrtagenia) fallax, 223 Ageniella (Cyrtagenia) innub a, 224 Anacis tucumana, 85 Annotations on Two Species of Liny- phiid Spiders Described by the Late Wilton Ivie, 48 Ant Larvae of Four Tribes: Second Supplement (Hymenoptera : Formi- cidae: Myrmicinae), 70 Araneus, 22, 62, 90 Araneus diadematus, 22, 90 Archaepyris minutus, 174 Body, Web-building and Feeding Characteristics of Males of the Spider Araneus diadematus (Ara- neus: Araneidae), 22 Boreus, 354 Brochymena quadrapustulata, 265 Calolampra CONFUSA, 121 Calolampra darlingtoni, 105 Calolampra elegans, 103 Calolampra fenestrata, 123 Calolampra ignota, 109 Calolampra insularis, 153 Calolampra mjoebergi, 138 Calolampra pernotabilis, 153 Calolampra propinqua, 140 Calolampra queenslandica, 146 Calolampra solida, 134 Calolampra subgracilis, 119 Cambridge Entomological Club, 374 Carpelimus debilis, 289 Celonophamia taimyria, 175 Chilean theridiid spiders, 349 Cockroach Genus Calolampra of Australia with Descriptions of New Species (Blaberidae), 101 Copulatory Pattern Supports Generic Placement of Schizocosa avida (Walckenaer) (Araneae; Lycosi- dae), 245 Correlation Between Segment Length and Spine Counts in Two Spider Species of Araneus (Araneae: Araneidae), 62 Cretabythus sibiricus, 172 Cretaceous Aculeate Wasps from Taimyr, Siberia (Hymenoptera), 166 Cryptic Postures in Insects, 159 Cryptocerus, 79 Dimorphagenia naumanni, 219 Diploptera, 249 Dipoena cartagena, 353 Evolution of Cryptic Postures in In- sects, with Special Reference to Some New Guinea Tettigoniids (Orthoptera) , 159 Formicine ants, 295 Generic Diversity in Phase Rhythm in Formicine Ants, 295 Growth of the Orb Weaver, Ara- neus diadematus, and Correlation with Web Measurements, 90 Heteroonops s pinimanus , 227 Hypocleptes rasnitsyni, 176 Hundredth Anniversary of Cam- bridge Entomological Club, 374 3 77 Latitudinal Gradients in Larval Feeding Specialization of the World Papilionidae (Lepidoptera) , 355 Larva and Pupa of Carpelimus de- bilis Casey (Coleoptera: Staphi- linidae), 289 Leptothorax , 70 Linyphiid Spiders, 48 Macromischa, 70 Male Genitalia of Blattaria. X. Blaberidae. Pycnoscelus , Stilpno- blatta, Proscratea (Pycnoscelinae) and Diploptera (Diplopterinae) , 249 Male Genitalia of Blattaria. XI. Perisphaeriinae, 305 Mating Behavior of Brochymena quadrapustulata (Fabricius) (Hemiptera, Pentatatomidae) , 265 Milliped Family Rhiscosmididae (Diplopoda: Chordeumida: Stria- roidea), 189 Monarch Butterfly, 230 Mystacagenia albiceps, 218 Mystacagenia bellula, 217 Mystacagenia variegata, 215 Nephila clavipes, 2 77 New Species, Records, and Syno- nyms of Chilean Theridiid Spiders (Araneae, Theridiidae) , 349 Notes on HeteroonoPs and Triaeris (Araneae: Oonopidae), 227 Notes on the Life Cycle and Natural History of Parides areas mylotes (Papilionidae) in Costa Rican Premontane Wet Forest, 1 Ocymyrmex, 75 Orb Weaver, 23, 62, 90 Or eon elides recurvatus, 55 Papilionidae, 355 Paras pacria, 183 Paramuzoa (Nyctiborinae), a New Cockroach Genus Previously Con- fused with Parasphaeia (Epilam- prinae) , 179 Parides areas mylotes, 1 Patterns of Abdominal Fusions in Male Borens (Mecoptera), 354 Phoroneidia pennata, 353 PlTTOECUS PAUPER, 171 Pompilidae, 212 Procryptocerus, 79 Proscratea, 249 Protamisega khatanga, 177 Pycnoscelus , 249 R h i s c oso m id es, 191 Rhiscosomidcs trinitarium, 203 Rogeria, 74 Schizocosa avida, 245 Speocolpodes, a New Genus of Trog- lobitic Beetles from Guatemala (Coleoptera, Carabidae), 271 Speocolpodes franiai, 272 Stabilimenta of Nephila clavipes and the Origins of Stabilimentum- building in Araneids, 277 Stilpnoblatta, 249 Studies on Neotropical Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) . IX. The Genera of Auplopodini, 212 Supplementary Studies on Ant Larvae: Cerapachyinae, Pseudo- myrmecinae, and Myrmecinae, 204 Taimyrsphex pristinus, 168 T aranuenus ornithes, 48 T etramorium, 76 Theridion elli, 352 Theridion whitcombi, 350 Triaeris pusillus, 228 Triglyphothrix, 78 Utilization of Various Asclepias Species by Larvae of the Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus, 230 378 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room B-455, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Ave., Cambridge. Entomologists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. The illustration on the front cover of this issue is of Dr. Hermann A. Hagen, Professor of Entomology and Curator in the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology at Harvard University from 1870-1893. Professor Hagen, along with S. H. Scudder, provided the initiative for the founding in 1874 of the Cambridge Entomological Club and its journal Psyche, now in their 100th year. [The illustration is a reproduction of an engraving in the Archives of the Harvard College Library.] BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Classification of Insects, by C. T. Brues, A. L. Melander and F. M. Carpenter, Published in March, 1954, as volume 108 of the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with 917 pages and 1219 figures. It consists of keys to the living and extinct families of insects, and to the living families of other terrestrial arthropods; and includes 270 pages of bibliographic references and an index of 76 pages. Price $14.00 (cloth bound and postpaid). Send orders to Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. :^y — O X/^osh£>' __ r> - 2 _J 2 IBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NV1N0SH1IINS S3 Id' 2 r* 2 r~ 2 >^wj f»r^y cn ~ J0linXliSNrNVlN0SHllWSWS3 I 8 V8 8IVLI B R AR I ESSMITHSONIAN~INSTli 2 : cm 2 cm -*■ rS 5 , „ ft *4fis* 5 x5S^> < cm cn :SAY jjfiiW cm " cm [* „ f IMf i "111 f § (; | Vo^pc^ | | ^ g .! B RAR I Es“sMITHS0NIAN_INSTITUTI0N%0IXnXIXSNI_NVIN0SHXWSS3 I y\ - .x ,, .«§ /jSSsSk li! w ,#^x ^ ^ o 2! 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