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Brown, Jr. E. O. Wilson B. K. Holldobler H. W. Levi J. M. Burns R. E. SlLBERGLIED Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office: Biological Laboratories 1 6 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. The numbers of Psyche issued during the past calendar year (1974) were mailed on the following dates: Vol. 80, no. 4, December, 1973: February 20, 1974 Vol. 81, no. 1, March, 1974: May 21, 1974 Vol. 81, no. 2, June, 1974: September 26, 1974 CjLL- -f’&l Psyche A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 81 March, 1974 No. 1 CENTENNIAL ISSUE CONTENTS Centennial Issue 1 History of the Cambridge Entomological Club. J. R. Matthews 3 Supplementary Studies of Ant Larvae: T etramyrmex. G. C. Wheeler and J. Wheeler 38 Modification of the Intersegmental Region in the Pterothorax of Cry- phocricos (Heteroptera : Naucoridae). M. C. Parsons 42 The Polytypic Genus Celotes (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae: Pyrginae) from the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. J. Burns 51 A Remarkable New Island Isolate in the Ant Genus Proceratium (Hymenoptera : Formicidae). W. L. Brown , Jr. 70 Sexual Biology, Chromosomes, Development, Life Histories and Para- sites of Boreus, Especially of B. notoperates. A Southern California Boreus. II. (Mecoptera: Boreidae). K. W. Cooper 84 Emergence Pattern of the Subalpine Dragonfly, Somatochlora semi - circularis (Odonata: Corduliidae) . R. L. Willey 121 The Milliped Genus Bollmanella (Diplopoda, Choreumida, Conotyli- dae). W. A. Shear 134 A New Genus of Primitive Meloidae from West Texas (Coleoptera) F. G. Werner 147 Polymorphism in Stelopolybia areata (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) R. L. Jeanne and R. Fagen 155 Behavior of the North American Termite, T enuirostritermes tenuiros - tris, with Special Reference to the Soldier Frontal Gland Secretion, Its Chemical Composition, and Use in Defense. W. L. Nutting , M. S. Blum, and H. M . Fates 167 The Castianeirinae of Mexico. I. Castianeira dugesi (Becker) (Ara- neae: Clubionidae) . J. Reiskind 178 The Soldier of the Ant, Camponotus ( Colobopsis ) fraxinicola, as a Trophic Caste. E. (). Wilson 182 Chemical Defense and Sound Production in Australian Tenebrionid Beetles ( Adelium spp.). T. Eisner, D. Aneshansley, M. Eisner, R. Rutowski, B. Chong, and J. Meinwald 189 Synchronous Visualization of Video-taped Sounds and Motions of Insects. P. A. Wussow, R. B. Willey, and J. Steinberg 209 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1973-1974 President B. K. Holldobler Vice-President W. D. Winter, Jr. Secretary H. E. Nipson Treasurer F. M. Carpenter Executive Committee R. E. SiLBERGLlED L. P. Lounibos EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. Carpenter (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University J. M. Burns, Associate Professor of Biology, Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology , Cornell University , and Associate in Entomology , Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. Darlington, Jr., Professor of Zoology , Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. HoLLDOBLER, Professor of Biology , Harvard University H. W. Levi, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. Silberlied, Asssitant Professor of Biology , Harvard University E. O. Wilson, Professor of Zoology , Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $4.50 to Club members, $6.00 to all other subscribers. Single copies, $2.00. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $15.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustra- tions must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $12.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $20.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The December, 1973 Psyche (Vol. 80, no. 4) was mailed February 20, 1974 The Lexington Press. Inc.. Lexington. Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 8 1 March, 1974 No. 1 CENTENNIAL ISSUE The Cambridge Entomological Club, the second oldest of the entomological societies existing in the United States, was founded on January 8, 1874. A few months later, on May 8, the first issue of its journal, Psyche , was published. In recognition of this anni- versary, the Editorial Board of Psyche has designated this number of the journal, March, 1974, as the Centennial Issue. The leading article is a history of the Club, prepared by Janice R. Matthews and based on her careful study of the historical documents in the Club’s archives. The members of the Cambridge Entomological Club are indebted to Mrs. Matthews for making her manuscript available to the editorial board and for her permission to publish it in Psyche. The other articles in this issue are not directly related to the Centennial but it is worthy of note that all of them are authored, at least jointly, by members of the Cambridge Entomological Club. We are indebted to Ward’s Natural Science Establishment, Rochester, New York, for a helpful contribution towards the cost of printing this issue of Psyche. — Frank M. Carpenter, editor. I PSYCHE. ORGAN OF THE CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB. EDITED BY B. PICKMAN MANN. Vol. I.] Cambridge, Mass., May, 1874. [No. 1. Introductory. The Cambridge Entomological Club was formed January 9, 1874, by the following persons, who met at Dr. Hagen’s house, No. 7 Putnam Street, Cambridge, Massachu- setts, namely : Messrs. E. P. Austin, Edward Burgess, G. R. Crotch, of Cambridge, England, George Dimmock, J. H. Emerton, Dr. IT. A. Hagen, Messrs. Samuel Henshaw, B, P. Mann, H. K. Morrison, J. C. Munro, of Lexington; Dr. A. S. Packard, of Salem, Messrs. Eugene Schwarz, and S. H. Scud- der. It has since added to its number Messrs. J. A. Allen, Walter Faxon, A. W. Gould, Prof. C. E. Hamlin, Messrs. Holmes Hinkley, H. G. Hubbard, Baron C. R. Osten Sacken, Messrs. F. G. Sanborn, G. D. Smith, P. S. Sprague, Roland Thaxter, of Newtonville, and C. P. Whitney, of Milford, N. H. At the fourth monthly meeting, held April 10, 1874, the Club decided to undertake the publication of a monthly organ, to be called Psyche. This organ will contain such parts of the proceedings of the Club as seem to be of general interest, biological contributions upon Arthropoda from any competent person, lists of captures, with time and locality, miscellaneous entomological information, and especially a Bibliographical Record, in which last a list will be given of all writings upon Entomology published- in North America, and of all foreign writings upon North American Entomology, from the beginning of the year 1874, with a brief note of the' contents of each. For the greater perfection of this list, authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editor at the earliest date possible. Each number will contain at least four pages, and as soon as the returns are sufficient to make it possible, a greater number of pages will be given. The subscription price in FRONTISPIECE: Facsimile of page one of the first issue of Psyche, May, 1874. HISTORY OF THE CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB* By Janice R. Matthews Department of Entomology University of Georgia Athens, Ga. 30601 The Beginnings of the Cambridge Entomological Club On a Friday evening, January 9, 1874, Dr. Hermann A. Hagen, Professor of Entomology at Harvard College and Curator at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, invited a group of twelve men to his home at 7 Putnam Street in Cambridge, to consider the question of forming an entomological society. Most of them had been meeting informally for several years as a section of the Boston Society of Natural History, but some had more ambitious plans. Wanting to publish a journal, to meet outside of Boston, and to have members from all over the country, they desired to form “an organization independent of any other” — which was to be the Cambridge Entomological Club. Among the twelve present, probably the two most influential that first evening were Dr. Hagen and Samuel Scudder [1,2]. Dr. Hagen was the first professor of entomology in the United States; he had left Germany in 1867 at the invitation of Louis Agassiz to take charge of the entomological department of the Museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge, and had been appointed to his professorship at Harvard in 1870, at the age of 53. f But although *This article is based on a term paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Arts in Teaching from Harvard University, 1967. The secretaries’ records, minutes of the Club meetings, and other pertinent documents were placed at my disposal by the officers of the Club. In the present account, quoted passages without specific references are taken directly from the minutes of the meetings. The original manuscript has been placed on permanent file with other Cambridge Entomological Club historical documents in the Museum of Comparative Zoology; it was revised and updated for publication here by the editor, F. M. Carpenter. fEntomology had been recognized in America as a serious branch of science since the latter part of the eighteenth century, however. William Dandridge Peck [3], the first native born American entomologist, initiated the scientific study of insects at Harvard as that institution’s first professor of natural history; as early as 1837 his student, Thaddeus W. Harris, while acting as librarian of Harvard College, gave a course in entomology that included brief field excursions [3,4]. Following Hagen’s arrival in Cam- bridge, Harvard became a center of entomological activity, involving undergraduate and graduate students as well as more mature investigators. 3 Psyche [March Dr. Hagen had held his professorial position for four years now, his first course of lectures had been given only the previous summer, and its enrollment had been but one student, J. H. Comstock; when he did formally teach, Dr. Hagen’s courses consisted of “lectures, given at rare intervals to advanced students.” As this might indicate, Dr. Hagen’s principal work and real devotion were centered about the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and to him other interests were secondary. So although most influential in the formation of the Entomological Club, and an enthusiastic supporter of its activities, Dr. Hagen did not wish any responsibility toward running it. Thus, when at this first meeting Dr. Hagen declined to take the chair (as he declined, or resigned from every office for which he was ever pro- posed in the Club), Samuel Scudder was chosen as chairman. A graduate of Williams College and Harvard’s Lawrence Scien- tific School, Samuel Scudder had been an assistant to Agassiz, and at the time of the Club’s founding was nearly 38 years old. Once considered “the greatest Orthopterist America has produced,” he also worked on the diurnal Lepidoptera. and, as the foremost American student of fossil insects in his time, served as paleontologist to the U.S. Geological Survey from 1886 to 1892 [2]. Scudder was also a competent editor and a bibliophile; he served as assistant librarian of Harvard College and librarian of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Yet despite these and many other time consuming activities and before illness finally forced his withdrawal from active participation in 1903, he held various formal offices in the Cambridge Entomological Club for a total of eighteen years. Samuel Scudder having been appointed to the chair, the meeting moved on to the first order of business — the establishment of some guidelines for the new organization. Voting to keep it as informal as possible, “no more rules being made than are necessary,” the members decided that the new Cambridge Entomological Club should have only one permanent officer, a secretary; to fill this position, they wisely chose 26 year old Benjamin Pickman Mann [5]. The son of Horace Mann, well known as a teacher and advocate of public schools, Benjamin had graduated from Harvard College only four years previously. He was a conscientious researcher, a specialist in entomological literature and bibliography, who for many years to come would not only keep careful record of all Club proceedings, but serve as treasurer, librarian, and editor of the Club’s publication. After Mann’s appointment and the decision to hold the next meet- ing at Scudder’s home, the Scientific Communications of the evening 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 5 began. Dr. Hagen commented on the discovery of fossil galls, ap- parently caused by insects, preserved on a twig in amber from Mary- land; this was of special interest to Hagen, since he had published extensively on Baltic amber insects while he was still in Germany. There then ensued a general discussion of “the senses by which in- sects are caused to assembly for sexual or other purposes.” This must have been a particularly interesting discussion because of the varied backgrounds represented. For example, there was Dr. A. S. Packard, who had been one of Agassiz’s students and who had just finished his third year as State Entomologist of Massachusetts [6]. He and Scudder were nearly the same age and they had been close friends since their undergraduate days, but Packard’s experiences had been more varied: he had been a surgeon in the Civil War, a Cus- todian of the Boston Society of Natural History, a lecturer on ento- mology at Massachusetts Agricultural College and Bowdoin College; and he had studied marine life along the southeastern coast, and had published his well-known “Guide to the Study of Insects.” However, his active association with the Entomological Club was to be very brief, for he was appointed to a professorship at Brown University in 1878, a position which he held until his death in 1905. Then, in contrast, there was Edward Burgess, at the age of 26, a recent graduate of Harvard College and a former assistant in the Museum of Comparative Zoology; he was currently Instructor in Entomology at the College, giving the “course of elementary instruc- tion in the study of insects.” Although he became known in ento- mological circles for his published accounts of insect morphology, Burgess later won renown for his contributions to naval architecture [7]. At about the same age, there was James H. Emerton, who had already foretold his life interest by collecting spiders at over a hun- dred localities in New England [8]. A skilled artist, he had recently finished the first of innumerable illustrations he would make for A. S. Packard, S. H. Scudder, and many other zoologists. A trip to Europe and a position as curator in the museum of the Peabody Academy of Science at Salem soon removed him from the Cambridge scene for a few years but he continued to publish extensively on spiders and to take an active part in the Entomological Club until his death in 1931. Another member was Samuel Henshaw; at the age of 22 and without college training, he was at the time beginning to work on the insect collection at the Boston Society of Natural History; he subsequently became an assistant in entomology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology and later (1912- 1927) its director 6 Psyche [March [9]. Of nearly identical age was George Dimmock, a Harvard fresh- man who had a strong interest in insects, especially Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. Although on graduating from college he spent several years at the University of Leipzig in Germany, from which he re- ceived his doctorate, he later returned to Cambridge and for many years continued to be active in the Entomological Club [10]. Young- est of all the founders of the Club was Herbert K. Morrison, only 19 years old, an energetic and serious student of noctuid moths. His experience on the first of the Club’s excursions to the White Moun- tains in New Hampshire, a few months later, induced him to become a professional insect collector. During the next decade, he collected extensively in the United States, especially in such little-known re- gions as Washington Territory, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada, and he 'furnished countless specimens of many orders to specialists in this country and Europe. His death at the early age of 31 terminated a brilliant entomological career [ 1 1 ] . Also at this first meeting there was a European coleopterist, Eugene A. Schwarz. Born in Germany, he received his training at the Uni- versities of Breslau and Leipzig. In 1872, at the age of 28, he came to the Museum of Comparative Zoology as an assistant to Hagen. He was to stay in Cambridge only a few years, however, leaving in 1875 on several collecting trips and finally joining other entomolo- gists in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, where he remained until his death in 1928 [12]. Very little can be said about the two remaining members present at the meeting. E. P. Austin, who was in the mining business, was an amateur coleopterist and published several papers on beetles in the course of the next few years, but he was not active in the Club after 1882. Even less is known of J. C. Munro, who lived in Lexington; he appears not to have attended any other meetings of the Club. One individual, George R. Crotch, although not present at the first meeting, or in fact any other meeting of the Club, was regarded by all as one of the founders. He had become interested in insects, especially Coleoptera, while an undergraduate at Cambridge Uni- versity in England. He had collected extensively in Europe and in late 1872 he had come to this country to collect insects in the western states. He was a very energetic and enthusiastic entomologist and a prolific writer [13]. In late 1873, at the age of 31, he accepted a position as assistant at the Museum with Hagen. By the end of that Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 1974] drawing by J. H. Emerton in the C.E.C. archives.] 8 Psyche [March year, however, he had developed tuberculosis and was unable to attend the first meeting of the Club. He died six months later.* At the second meeting, held at Scudder’s house (156 Brattle Street), there were discussions of such topics as the identity of a borer destroying an elm tree at Henry W. Longfellow’s house (Hagen), of the metamorphosis of the Saturniidae (Morrison) and of the preparation of lepidopterous larvae for preservation (Hagen, Scudder, Morrison). Seven new members were elected: J. A. Allen, C. E. Hamlin, and C. R. Osten Sacken, all assistants at the Mu- seum; Dr. Walter Faxon, curator at the Museum; H. G. Hubbard and Roland Thaxter, both Harvard undergraduates; and C. P. Whitney, of Milford, New Hampshire, the first non-resident mem- ber. Osten Sacken began collecting insects, especially Diptera, when he was a boy in Russia; he was on the staff of the Russian Legation in this country for 27 years but at the age of 45, in 1873, he resigned to become an assistant to Hagen. He was an active participant in the Entomological Club for the entire period during which he was working at the Museum, but after experiencing two winters in Cambridge he moved to Rhode Island (a choice “influenced by the temperate winter-climate”) ; and in 1877, his work on the Diptera of North America finished, he returned to Europe [14]. Hubbard became acquainted with E. A. Schwarz at the meetings of the Club and shortly after they formed a collecting team, ultimately resulting in the famous “Hubbard and Schwarz” collection of Coleoptera [15]- The other undergraduate, Thaxter, started as an entomologist and was active in the Club for many years, his first ten papers being published in Psyche. However, his interest was directed by Pro- fessor Farlow towards fungi parasitic on insects, and he subsequently became Professor of Cryptogamic Botany at Harvard, with most of his research being on these parasitic fungi, especially the Laboul- beniales. After the third meeting, the Cambridge Entomological Club gathered at a little building nicknamed the “eritomologicon,” situated in the backyard of B. P. Mann’s residence at 19 Follen Street [16]. These early meetings had no planned program; at each meeting, a different member was chosen chairman and the minutes and acquisi- tions to the Club’s library were read. The remainder of the meeting was then opened to general discussion and the exhibition of new *The list of signatures of the founding members in the minutes of the first meeting includes a line that reads: “This was to have been the place for the name of George Robert Crotch, Cambridge, England.” 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 9 1ST e w - England. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. Boston, Mass., August 21, 1875. The Cambridge Entomological Club. Camt of the Cambridge Entomological Club, ) Mr. Washington, July, 1875. I Mr. Editor: — This is the first uncomfortable clay we have had. The clouds rise from the valley and descend from the summit by turns, driven by the shifting currents of air, and we get more of the fog and drizzly showers here on the middle of the mountain than they have either above or below us. Once in a while we catch a glimpse of Ml. Carter, with half a dozen little clouds play- ing a stately game of tag among his green ravines, or of the Glen House in the sunny valley, but it is only for an instant, and though we can hear the stage rattling along half a mile overhead, we have not seen the road above the trees since sunrise. Alter passing the five-mile post an extensive view is opened to- ward Conway, taking in several very picturesque mountains and lakes, the summit of Mt. Washington tower on the right, and in the middle distance the rugged sides of the south wall of Tucker- man’s ravine. Here is the beginning of the habitat of the Mount- ain UutterHy, a species peculiar to this locality and eagerly sought by nearly all our party. They have the curious habit of flattening their wings down upon the ground or rock when they alight tc avoid the wind, but such is the force of habit that they do so when it is a calm also, raising them slowly afterwards as if it were a sec- ond thought. The caterpillars live on a coarse kind of sedge which grows here. Proceeding to the summit we arrived in season to witness the ascent of the singular looking little engine and car. The engine being built for up-hill work seems, as one of the party aptly ex- pressed it, to “ tip down” as soon as it comes on the piece of level track in part of the platform. Most of us, after a rapid glance at three States and a hundred lakes and rivers, devoted our time to hunting Alpine beetles which abound under the rocks. Nearly all these are species peculiar to high mountains, but on fair days many butterflies, flies, and wasps wander up from the valleys. Return- ing by moonlight, we did ample justice to the fried hominy and syrup which the stay-at-homes had provided, and at ten o’clock when the rain came splashing down in torrents, most of us were too drowsy to think that the morrow’s projected trip to Tucker- man’s ravine must be abandoned. Yours truly, Walter IIoxie. Portion of a letter written by Club member Walter Hoxie while at the C.E.C. camp, Mt. Washington, July, 1875, and published in the New-England Journal of Education. [Copy in C.E.C. archives.] 10 Psyche [March materials and curiosities. For its first three years, the Club continued in this strictly informal manner, and included not only regular meet- ings but excursions to areas df entomological interest. At the 7th meeting, July, 1874, athe Chairman had to be con- tented with sitting on a rock instead of a chair, a. feat which he performed with sufficient grace and dignity, wrapped in a blanket.” This peculiar situation occurred because, during the summer of 1874, an “Entomologists’ Camp” was held on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, a “quarter of a mile below the Halfway House and far enough into the woods to be out of sight of the road.” The party, including members and non-members alike, left Boston by Portland steamer, and remained in New Hampshire for almost a month; the expenses, including round-trip fare from Boston, were about twenty dollars apiece, and provisions, tents, etc., were provided by the Club Excursion Committee — Dimmock, Austin and Mann. A regular Club meeting was held, although it was “several times disturbed by Mr. Morrison’s frantic attempts to capture the moths attracted by the sole luminary of the occasion, his own lantern.” But in the main, these summer excursions were light-hearted affairs, and when the next Mt. Washington announcement, for July, 1875, stated that “members may invite the attendance of ladies,” the ten men who appeared at the meeting had fourteen women with them. In the early years, there was no intention to limit place of meetings, which were often held outside the borders of Massachusetts. Nor was there distinction made between resident and non-resident mem- bers. Both of these policies speedily changed the Club from a local organization to one including members from many parts of the coun- try. By January, 1879, the secretary reported 47 members residing outside of New England, and only 19 within the area, most of them in the vicinity of Boston and Cambridge. The Beginnings of Psyche At the fourth meeting, on April 10, 1874, Samuel Scudder pro- posed that the Cambridge Entomological Club should begin publica- tion of a monthly journal. A lively and lengthy discussion followed this proposal, ending in the decision to undertake such a project. The title of this new “Organ of the Cambridge Entomological Club,” proposed by Scudder, was to be Psyche , derived from the Greek word for butterfly. B. P. Mann was elected as the editor for this new publication and “charged with the execution of all but the scientific 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 1 1 Camp of the Cambridge Entomological Club, HALF-WAY HOUSE, Mt. Washington, N. H. All matters relating to tents, their location, etc. will be atten- ded to by B. PICKMAN MANN, Camp Master, C. E. C. NO SUGARING OF TREES ALLOWED WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE CAMP!!! Memorabilia of the Mt. Washington camp of the Entomological Club, 1874 and 1875. Top: letterhead of camp stationery; middle and bottom: reproductions of signs posted at the camp. work, which latter the members were engaged to supply.” The first number, to consist of four pages, was to be ready by the next monthly meeting of the Club, and the subscription price was set at one dollar per year. The Club thus began Volume i of Psyche (which, as completed, covers the years 1874-1876), as a place for publishing “biological contributions upon Arthropoda from any competent per- son,” and miscellaneous entomological information, while assiduously avoiding “all discussion of vexed questions.” However, economic entomology and taxonomic descriptions were less ‘favored than con- tributions to general anatomy and biological entomology. But the most important part of Psyche , in the opinion of the founders, was to be the Bibliographic Record. Through this the Club set out ambitiously to record all writings upon entomology published in North America, and all foreign writings upon North American entomology, from the beginning of the year 1874, with a brief note on the contents of each. The original model for the Bibliographical 12 Psyche [March Record was clearly Hagen’s Bibliotheca entomologica, which ap- peared in two volumes in 1862 and 1863. The position of Psyche in the history of the Cambridge Entomo- logical Club was to be a paradoxical one, for while it brought the Club into a position of national renown, at the same time it led to financial problems. Accordingly, early in 1876, the Club voted to establish annual dues of $2 for New England members and also designated a committee to raise a publication fund for Psyche , “the principal of the fund to be invested in trust securities” and the income to be used for the publications of the Club. A year later, January 12, 1877, there being no financial improvement and nothing in the publication fund, it was decided that additional measures should be “taken to increase the effectiveness of the work of the Club and to obtain money to defray the expenses of the Club and of the publication of Psyche ” Scudder’s proposal, which was adopted, was that “an act of incorporation should be performed” and he ad- vised the adoption by the Club of a Constitution and By-laws, “which must be in force as a preliminary to the act of incorporation.” The Constitution and By-laws were promptly approved. At the following meeting, February 9, 1877, with a Justice of the Peace for Middle- sex County in attendance, Scudder was elected President and Mann was elected Secretary and Treasurer, and these officers and the mem- bers of the executive committee signed the agreement of association. The Secretary of the Commonwealth, Henry B. Pierce, formally signed the Certificate of Incorporation on March 9, 1877.* At the time of incorporation of the Club there were 48 members, half of the number being resident in the Boston-Cambridge area. The meetings were well attended, with an average of 1 1 members in addition to a few guests, and they were active affairs, having lively discussions. Most meetings were held at various members’ residences, though some were held at an office that Scudder used for editing his journal, Science . Many additional non-resident entomologists were *The Corporation was established according to the provisions of Chapter 375 of the Acts of the General Court of Massachusetts, passed in the same year as the founding of the Club, 1874. The incorporation apparently had no effect on the Club. No annual reports of the financial holdings of the Club were ever submitted to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, as re- quired by law, and on March 24, 1964, eighty-seven years later, the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth dissolved the Corporation, in accordance with Chapter 180, section 26A, of the General Laws. Revival of the Corporation is, however, provided for in the legislative actions — Editor 1974] Matthews - — Cambridge Entomological Club 13 Samuel Scudder’s study in the yard of his house, 156 Brattle St., Cam- bridge. Consisting of a single large room, it included an extensive cabinet of insect drawers on one wall, a fireplace, and book shelves on two walls. The Cambridge Entomological Club held virtually all of its meetings here from 1888-1901. [Photograph, probably taken about 1890, in M.C.Z. archives.] elected to membership, even some as officers of the Club, presumably as a means of increasing subscriptions to Psyche. One of the major interests of the members at this time, apart from Psyche , was the Club Library, the goal being to have in one place as nearly complete a collection of entomological publications as possible for the use of the members. This is not surprising, since both Scudder and Mann were bibliophiles. At first the secretary of the Club had the respon- sibility of recording all these accessions but in 1880 a librarian was elected. By 1886 the Club library included 1652 volumes and sepa- rates, which were at first housed in Mann’s office but later transferred to Scudder’s study. The Lean Years By 1890 the membership of the Club had changed greatly. Mann had left Cambridge permanently in 1887 to do bibliographic work for the Federal Department of Agriculture; and several other of the original members, including Austin, Dimmock, Morrison, Pack- ard and Schwarz, had moved away from the Cambridge area, most 14 Psyche [March of them beyond New England. Financial problems at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, following Agassiz’s death, reduced the funds available for assistants. Hagen, though he lived for another three years, was stricken with paralysis in 1890 and the February meeting of that year was the last he attended. During the period from 1890 to 1900, when the meetings were held in Scudder’s study, only five resident members were elected to the Club, but four of these were to play a most important part in the history of the or- ganization. One of them, A. P. Morse, then 28 years of age, was an assistant in the zoology department of Wellesley College; later he became associated with the Boston Society of Natural History, and still later with the Carnegie Institution of Washington, as a specialist in Orthoptera. He continued to be active in the Ento- mological Club for a total of 43 years, until his health failed in 19 35 [17]. Another of the new members was F. C. Bowditch, an amateur coleopterist with special interests in the Chrysomelidae ; in the course of his life he built up an extensive and important collection of the Chrysomelidae of the world, now at the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology [18]. The third of the members was J. W. Folsom, who was active in the Club while he was a graduate student at Harvard University. His early interests were in morphology and physiology of insects and he later taught entomology at the Univer- sity of Illinois before becoming associated with the U.S. Bureau of Entomology [19]. The fourth of this group was W. L. W. Field, who joined the Club at the age of 19, while he was a first year student in Harvard College. He was an enthusiastic lepidopterist and published several papers in Psyche on inheritance in butterflies.'* He attended meetings of the Club regularly and, as editor of Psyche from 1904-1909, was responsible for making significant improvements in its nature and content. Field did not continue in entomology, professionally, but taught biology at Milton Academy until 1917, when he became headmaster, a position that he held until 1942. These four members, in addition to Scudder, Henshaw and Roland Hayward (an amateur coleopterist who joined the Club in 1879 [20] ) , were the only individuals that attended the Club meetings *At the Club’s meeting in September, 1907, Professor William Bateson of Cambridge University, England, was scheduled to be the speaker; last minute changes prevented his coming, so W. L. W. Field “gave an inter- esting talk on the breeding experiments” that were being conducted by Bateson, who has “thus brought to the attention of the world again the long-neglected or forgotten Hereditary Laws discovered by Mendel.” 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 15 from 1900 to 1903. The average attendance at these meetings, also held in Scudder’s study, was between three and four. The Harris Club Just prior to 1900, another entomological club was formed, this time in the city of Boston. The moving force for this was Mr. H. H. Newcomb, an amateur lepidopterist and general insect collector. An organizational meeting was held on November 24, 1899, in his office on Court Street, Boston. The ten who were present were enthusiastic amateurs; most were in business or law, although a few were college students, not yet established professionally. W. L. W. Field, already a member of the Cambridge Club, was one of the ten and served as secretary of the new club for the three years of its existence. At their second meeting, the members decided on the name Harris Club, “in honor otf Thaddeus William Harris, eminent among early Ameri- can Entomologists, whose entire life was spent in the neighborhood of Boston.”* In many ways the Harris Club paralleled the earlier days of the Cambridge Club. From the beginning, the members agreed “that the organization should be as informal as possible.” The constitution generally expressed the same goals as that of the Cambridge Club. And as did its counterpart, the Harris Club had a library, but of a much less formal and extensive nature. They were an extremely enthusiastic group and held several field excursions — only in their case to Mt. Katahdin in Maine. By 1903 the Harris Club included 41 local members, although the average attendance at the meetings for the previous year had been only 12. As Field noted in one of his annual reports, there had been a progressive decrease in the per- centage of members attending as the total membership increased. Field undoubtedly provided a liaison with the Cambridge Club and was almost certainly responsible for the suggestion that the Harris Club merge with the olddr organization. On January 13, 1903, Field and Newcomb proposed: “That the Harris Club be merged in the Cambridge Entomologi- cal Club, all members of the Harris Club of record January 13, 1903, to be nominated on one ballot for membership in the Cam- bridge Entomological Club. The latter is an incorporated Club with a long and distinguished list of members, past and present. *This was not the same organization as the Harris Entomological Club, which was founded in 1864 as a section of the Boston Society of Natural History and which was discontinued in 1886. Psyche [March 1 6 It has a Publication Fund, and maintains a monthly journal, Psyche. It is believed by many local entomologists that one large club will be better than two small ones and that the members of the Harris Club will find many advantages in an alliance with the older or- ganization. If the plan is carried out, the Cambridge Entomological Club will hereafter hold regular meetings in Boston.” This was unanimously voted by the Harris Club and at the February 13 meeting of the Cambridge Club the 38 active members of the Harris Club were nominated by Field and Hayward for membership. At the next meeting, March 13, all were elected, with only Field, Hayward and Bowditch (all amateurs) representing the Cambridge Entomological Club, Scudder being unable to take part because of his paralysis. The change in the number and type of members rapidly led to a change in the nature of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The concept of a Club library very shortly came under critical examina- tion, in part because of Scudder’s illness and of the necessity of mov- ing the library from his study. In three months the library com- mittee, with Field as chairman, recommended that the Club library turn over whatever volumes the Boston Society of Natural History desired for its library, and to dispose of the rest among its members by auction. Thus, by a series of auctions presided over by H. H. Newcomb, most of the library was gradually disposed of at ridicu- lously low prices, until in 1909 the remaining works were sold for twenty dollars to a new member, W. M. Wheeler. At the October meeting, 1903, the members considered the future of Psyche, which had been edited since 1891 by Samuel Henshaw.* A committee chaired by A. P. Morse, and including Bolster, Field, and Henshaw, was appointed to consider whether or not to continue its publication. In December, Field reported that “the committee was thoroughly in favor of maintaining Psyche as the journal of the Club and was ready to assume charge of the journal if that was the pleas- ure of the Club.” It was and the editorship was assumed by W. L. W. Field; in November, 1906, the Club members discussed the Bib- liographic Record, which had been the main part of the journal under Mann and Scudder, and decided to discontinue it and to devote the space to contributors’ articles. Other changes also began to manifest themselves. After 1903 the Club began to possess a very local outlook; the attempt to maintain a wide non-resident membership appears to have been abandoned. The attention of the Cambridge Entomological Club from 1904 to 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 17 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB. Regular meeting of the Club Friday, 14 Dec. 1883, at 7.45 p. m. Mrs. A. K. Dimmock will show a collection of insects from Betula alba (the white birch). Mr. G. Dimmock will describe a new mode of making preparations to show the double nature of the wing-membrane of insects, and will show some micro- scopical preparations of other parts of insects. The meeting will be held at the Secretary’s house, 54 Sacramento street, Cambridge. [The Porters station horse cars of the Charles river road, or the North avenue or Arlington cars of the Cambridge road, pass Sacramento street.] | "gp* Annual election of officers at the meeting of 11 Jan. 1881. George Dimmock, Secretary. Notice of the Club meeting for December 14, 1883, to be held at Dimmock’s house on Sacramento St., with information about horse car transportation. 1909 seemed to focus almost totally upon its biggest project, the annual exhibitions of insect collections held in the late fall at the Appalachian Mountain Club, 1050 Tremont Building, Boston, and open to the general public. Several times, the announced topics for regular meetings were totally ignored, the entire program being de- voted to the arrangements of exhibits and informal conversation. Often, nearly every other member had a box of specimens with him, mainly Lepidoptera, and during this period, members regularly ex- hibited entomological curiosities at the meetings as well.1** The Bussey Institution In 1907 another event occurred which had great significance for the Cambridge Entomological Club. As far back as 1871, a few years before the Club was founded, Harvard College had established the Bussey Institution, located in Boston, as a place for courses in “practical agriculture,” and for some years after that time offered *Henshaw not only edited these volumes with great care but he personally covered all deficits resulting from their publication. At the meeting of March 8, 1901, the Club elected Henshaw a Life-Member, “as a token of the Club’s appreciation of his generosity.” **This is the origin of the tradition, still maintained, that notices of the meetings should include the statement: “Members are invited to bring speci- mens to the meeting for demonstration and discussion.” i8 Psyche [March The Bussey Institution, Forest Hills (Boston). The Club meetings were held in the library of this building from 1910-1929. This was the editorial office of Psyche and the official address of the Club. [Photograph in the Archives of the Harvard College Library.] 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 19 entomological instruction to undergraduates. The program was not very successful, however, and in 1907 the Bussey Institution was reorganized for graduate study and research in biology, including entomology. In 1908 William Morton Wheeler, a distinguished zoologist and entomologist, then curator of invertebrate zoology at the American Museum of Natural History, was appointed Professor of Economic Entomology at the Bussey Institution [21]. On his arrival he was elected to the Club and personally welcomed by President C. W. Johnson.* In the following year Charles T. Brues was added to the Bussey Staff as Instructor in Entomology; and in November the Club gained by his election another member who would have an immediate and lasting influence on its future [23]. At the very next meeting, Presi- dent Bolster reported the resignation of Field as editor of Psyche. “Mr. Brues, being called upon by the chair, said he would try to arrange things so that he could take up the work,” thus beginning his distinguished term as editor, which would span the next 37 years. The membership of Wheeler, Brues, and their graduate students served to draw the Cambridge Entomological Club closer to the Bussey Institution, not only intellectually but physically as well. Meetings during the post- Harris Club period had been held at various addresses around Boston: in the council room at the Boston Society of Natural History; at Emerton’s room, Clarendon Street; at the Appalachian Mountain Club, Tremont Building; and at Newcomb’s office, Court Street. At the February meeting, 1910, newly elected president Wheeler reported that certain rooms at the Bussey were being remodeled and he expressed his hope that future meetings of the Club might be held there. The suggestion was enthusiastically ac- cepted and the members voted to hold the next meeting at the Bussey Institution, in Boston. That was the place of meeting for the follow- ing 19 years. At this time a task of primary importance facing the Club and especially the new editor, C. T. Brues, was that of putting Psyche on a satisfactory financial basis; despite change in format, expenses continued to exceed subscription income and the contributions from *C. W. Johnson became a member of the Club in 1903, shortly after the election of the Harris Club members, when he arrived in Boston to be curator at the Boston Society of Natural History, as a specialist in Diptera. A genial personality, with youthful and vigorous enthusiasm, he was a true naturalist and helpful to all who consulted him. He was active in the Club until his death in 1932 [22]. 20 Psyche [March members were never great enough to give the Club working capital to use. Early in 1916 Brues recommended that the length of the articles be normally limited to eight pages and that articles of greater length should be paid for by the authors, who would also be required to bear the cost of the engravings for their illustrations and to pay the cost price for their reprints. Although this was approved, for many years the financial status of Psyche continued to fluctuate, primarily because of the lamentable absence of any substantial en- dowment to fall back upon in critical periods. Deficits did occur, sometimes amounting to several hundreds of dollars, but various members, notably Wheeler, Brues, Johnson, and Thomas Barbour,*' made sufficient personal contributions to balance the accounts. Never- theless, this was clearly the turning point in the history of Psyche ; never again did the journal pass through such a protracted period of financial struggle as between 1895 and 1915. The Club members had every reason to be pleased at the Annual Meeting of 1919 as they heard the report of the acting treasurer, A. C. Kinsey: “At the close of a year of increased cost o'f everything it would not have been surprising if a financial report for the Club had presented a deficit .... Contrary to this, however, the cash balance to date is $118.35. This improvement in conditions should be credited in part to the increased efforts in collecting money due, but in a larger part to the efforts of the editor of Psyche. An adoption of this report should include an expression of thanks to the editor for his careful management of the cost of publishing the magazine.” During the first decade (1908-1918) of meetings at the Bussey, the Club was very busy giving a cordial welcome to the many new members elected during the period — a total of 92. Many of these were graduate students at Harvard and they enlivened the programs with accounts of their research and especially of their collecting trips. Among these, for example, was W. M. Mann, who, as one of Wheeler’s students, collected extensively during his graduate years, even in such remote regions as the East Indies and South America. He published occasionally on ants after leaving the Bussey but for *Dr. Barbour was elected a member of the Club in November, 1909, along with Brues, while he was a graduate student at Harvard. A verte- brate zoologist, he was soon appointed curator of reptiles and amphibians in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and later served as Director of the Museum (1927-1946). However, he continued his membership in the Club and was very generous in his contributions towards the cost of pub- lishing Psyche . 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 21 most of his life he was Director of the National Zoological Park and had little time for entomological studies [24]. Another student, James W. Chapman, was also a myrmecologist ; in 1916, after grad- uating from the Bussey, he joined the staff of Silliman University, on the Island of Negros, Philippines, where he and Mrs. Chapman remained until the Japanese occupation in World War II [25]. A few of the Harvard faculty joined the Club and were active throughout this period, notably Nathan Banks, Curator of Insects at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and G. H. Parker, Pro- fessor of Zoology at Harvard and for many years chairman of that Department. During this time also the Club included among its members a substantial number of enthusiastic amateurs, who took an active and important part in the meetings. P. G. Bolster, a prac- ticing attorney, was a very effective collector, mostly of Coleoptera; he was president of the Club twice during this period, in 1909 and 1913 [26].'* Another amateur active at this time was L. W. Swett, a proprietor of a store in Lexington; he built up a very large and useful collection of geometrid moths, now housed in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and he was president of the Club in 19 11 [27]. One of the most active of all Club members at this time was C. A. Frost, a civil engineer in Framingham. He was almost “the last of the old-time general students of Coleoptera and was most helpful to other coleopterists” [28] ; he published about eighty papers, many of them in Psyche, and at various times served the Club as secretary and treasurer, and twice as president. Among the newest elements in the Club membership in this decade were eight of the entomologists employed at the Gypsy Moth Parasite Laboratory of the Federal Bureau of Entomology, in Melrose High- lands. Included was the head of the control program for the Gipsy moth, A. F. Burgess, president of the Club in 1916. As might be expected, the meetings were well attended, with an average attendance of about twenty. The programs were varied but usually included a main speaker and two or three shorter presenta- tions. The meeting of June 17, 1919, might well serve as an example of one of this period, as well as of the decade to follow. The main feature of the evening was an address by A. C. Kinsey, a graduate student, on the origin of some biological characteristics of gall wasps. *In 1909 Bolster prepared a manuscript on the history of the Club, the substance of which was read to the members on his retirement from the presidency in 1909. This was never published but is included in the ar- chives of the Club. 22 Psyche [March (Qanthriiiyc Eutnmuliujiral (5luli LECTURES ON INSECTS These lectures will treat in a popular way of the habits, growth and structure of Insects and their adaptation to their surroundings. They will he abundantly illustrated by the stereopticon and by motion pictures as far as they can be obtained. Saturday afternoons at 2:30, March 12 and 19, April 16 and 23. The lectures will be by the following well- known members of the Club: March 12. The Butterflies — by W. L. W. Field, Headmaster of Milton Academy. March 19. The Dragonflies — by R. Heber Howe, Jr., Master of Natural Science at the Middlesex School. April 16. Ants and the Social Life of Insects — by W. M. Wheeler, Professor of Entomology at Harvard University. April 23. Plant Galls and the Insects that Pro- duce them — by A. C. Kinsey, of Indiana University. Tickets for the course, $2.00, for sale at the Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Make checks payable to Cambridge Entomo- logical Club. Course and single tickets for sale at Tfemont Temple on days of lectures. Announcement of the public lectures given in Boston (1921) by members of the Cambridge Entomological Club. 1974} Alatthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 23 Mr. Emerton followed, speaking of his recent spider-collecting trip to Cape Cod; Dr. Wheeler exhibited specimens of the Japanese beetle, recently introduced into New Jersey, and a drawing of a “peculiar, elongate ant” from South America. Mr. Frost gave a number of collecting notes on beetles and spoke of his success in rearing sumac borers from dead twigs. The meeting concluded with a discussion of insects as food by a visiting entomologist from Bel- gium, Dr. J. C. Bequaert, his account being based on experiences in the Congo region of Africa; and Dr. Wheeler remarked on his observations of similar foods used by the Australian natives. One of the important projects of the Cambridge Entomological Club in the early twenties was a series of lectures given in Boston for the public at large. The first formal note of this idea was in October, 1920, when a committee of four was appointed to propose plans. In the course which these affairs often follow, three of the four ended up as lecturers as well — W. L. W. Field, R. H. Howe, and W. M. Wheeler; the fourth member of the committee, J. H. Emerton, having reached 72 years, preferred not to undertake a lec- ture, and A. C. Kinsey, then at Indiana University, was selected to take his place. All were to speak on their “well known specialities” at Tremont Temple, on four successive afternoons during the spring of 1921. The printed announcement of the lectures stated: “These lectures will treat in a popular way of the habits, growth and struc- ture of Insects and their adaption to their surroundings. They will be abundantly illustrated by the stereopticon and by motion pictures as far as they can be obtained.” The lectures were quite a success, with an average attendance of about 150 persons, and income from ticket sales ($2 for the entire course, or fifty cents per lecture at the door) nearly equalled the expenses. Inspired by this, the Club voted the following year to expand the series to six lectures. Post card notices were sent to the Audubon Society’s mailing list of 4,000 names, advertisements were placed in the Boston Transcript , and printed posters sent to libraries, schools and clubs. The lecturers included L. O. Howard, W. T. M. Forbes, J. C. Bradley, C. T. Brues, Miss Edith M. Patch, and even J. H. Emerton. However, the series of six lectures appears to have been too long, for only 41 course tickets were sold, more than half of each audience paying at the door, and attendance varied greatly from lecture to lecture. The average attendance was smaller than in 1921 as well, only between 50 and 100 persons. Because of its enthusiastic advertising campaign, the club went $230 in debt, 24 Psyche [March Seal of the Cambridge Entomological Club, designed by A. P. Morse and adopted by the Club in January, 1922. The White Mountain Butterfly ( Oeneis melissa semidea) is shown resting on rock-fragments, with Mt. Washington and the rest of the presidential range (New Hampshire) in the background. and, having no funds set aside for this, had to solicit for the deficit from its members. For this reason, the lecture series was discontinued and never revived. At the very same meeting at which the Club made the decision to hold their first public lecture series, they also (upon the motion of Dr. Wheeler) appointed a committee to look for a design for a Club seal. Emerton, Wheeler, and Morse were appointed, and for the next two years they examined and exhibited at meetings the numerous designs submitted by members. Finally, at the Annual Meeting, January, 1922, the committee recommended a design by A. P. Morse, showing the White Mountain Butterfly (then known as Oeneis semi- dea) , “perched characteristically on the dark grey, deeply weather- bitten rock-fragments of its mountain home, whose tints and texture its own so closely resemble, that when lying on its side with wings closed to escape the wind it becomes almost invisible. Beyond it at the right is suggested the sedgy slope of ‘Semidea plateau’ (so chris- tened by Scudder) with its rock-rivulets in whose crannies the but- 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 25 terfly often seeks shelter from the furious blasts which sweep over the summits even in midsummer. Beyond, from the depths of the Great Gulf, rise the slopes of the northern peaks, Mts. Jefferson, Adams, and Madison, with Mt. Washington suggested at the left. Over all float the summer clouds which often shroud the summit of Washington for days at a time even when the other peaks are free” [29]. The seal was used on the cover of Psyche for the next 37 years, until 1959, and is reproduced on page 24 of the present issue. During the second decade o'f the Bussey meetings 62 members were elected — less than in the previous period but a clear indication of the continuing vitality of the Club. Some of these new members were to have an active part in the future of the Club. For example, George C. Wheeler, one of W. M. Wheeler’s students, was elected in 1920; still an active member of the Club, he is a frequent con- tributor to Psyche. F. M. Carpenter, a high school senior who had been attending some of the meetings since 1920 as a guest of F. W. Dodge, was elected in April, 1922; he became associate editor of Psyche eight years later and then editor after B rues’ retirement in 1947. Dr. J. C. Bequaert, who had been a guest at several earlier meetings, was elected to membership in 1923, having been appointed in medical entomology in the Harvard Medical School ; later, he succeeded Banks as Curator of Insects at the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology and participated in the Club meetings until his retire- ment in 1956. At the meeting of January 8, 1924, P. J. Darlington, Jr., an undergraduate in the College, was elected to membership; he also took an active part in the Club’s affairs and followed Dr. Bequaert as Curator of Insects at the Museum. That particular meeting, incidentally, was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Club, although the minutes refer to it only as the 50th annual meeting. J. H. Emerton, still regularly attending the meetings, gave a brief account of the history of the Club from 1874 to 1910 [30] and W. L. W. Field spoke about the Harris Club and read letters from two of the original members of the Cambridge Club — B. Pickman Mann and E. A. Schwarz. Return to Cambridge Towards the end of the twenties, plans were made by the Harvard Administration to terminate the Bussey Institution as a graduate school and to centralize biological instruction and research in a com- plex of buildings near the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The 26 Psyche [March new building, first named the Biological Institute but later termed the Biological Laboratories, was to be ready for occupancy in 1931. Impatient to become established in Cambridge, Professor Wheeler moved to temporary quarters in the Museum of Comparative Zoology in 1929, bringing with him the rest of the entomological staff and their graduate students. At the October meeting, 1929, the members of the Club voted to hold future meetings in Cambridge and left it to the executive commitee to find appropriate quarters for the gather- ing. Since the privilege of smoking was apparently a requirement, satisfactory housing was found in the basement of the Peabody Mu- seum, adjoining the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Accordingly, on November 12, 1929, with President Carpenter in the chair, the Club met again in Cambridge. As the secretary of the Club, R. P. Dow, recorded in the minutes: “This was the first meeting of the Club in Cambridge since March, 1903, when the entire Harris Club was elected to membership.” For the next two years the Club met in the Peabody Museum, in an exotic-looking room, decorated with examples of ancient Indian cultures, until the Biological Institute was completed. On October 13, 1931, the 498th meeting of the Club was held in room B-455 of the Biological Institute, with Presi- dent C. A. Frost in the chair. Since that time, except for a short interval during World War II, the Club has met in that room, over a period of 43 years, and the formal address of the building, 16 Divinity Avenue, has been the official address of the Club. Two months later, December, 1931, a most unusual meeting was held — the 500th meeting, which apparently holds the record for Explanation of Photograph on Opposite Page Some members of the Cambridge Entomological Club in 1929. Front row (left to right), Charles W. Johnson, Curator at Boston Society of Natural History; Nathan Banks, Curator of Insects, Museum of Comparative Zool- ogy; Elizabeth Bryant, Assistant Curator of Insects, M.C.Z. ; J. C. Bequaert, then Associate Curator, later Curator of Insects, M.C.Z. Back row (left to right) : Albert P. Morse, Curator of Natural History, at Peabody Museum, Salem; Arthur Loveridge, then Assistant Curator of Herpetology, M.C.Z., and collector of African insects; Charles T. Brues, Associate Curator of Insects, M.C.Z., and later Professor of Entomology at Harvard; E. T. Learned, Boston physician and lepidopterist ; Samuel E. Cassino, Salem publisher (Naturalists’ Directory), engraver, and lepidopterist; Frank M. Carpenter, then postdoctoral fellow at Harvard and president of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The photograph was taken in one of the entomological rooms in the M.C.Z. [Original in archives of Cambridge Entomological Club.] 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 27 Some members of the Cambridge Entomological Club, 1929. For explanation, see opposite page. 28 Psyche [March length and variety. In recognition of the occasion, a special program and dinner at the Faculty Club of Harvard University were held for the 29 members and one guest present. W. L. W. Field was toast- master of the evening; he read the minutes from the first Club meeting in 1874, and a letter from Henshaw expressing regret at being unable to attend. The first after-dinner speaker was Nathan Banks, who “emphasized the need for specialization and the further- ance of systematic entomology.” Next, C. W. Collins, of the Parasite Laboratory in Melrose Highlands, brought the felicitations of the Bureau of Entomology and traced the. development of economic entomology during the Club’s existence. C. T. Brues gave a humor- ous account of “some of the peculiar and amusing incidents” con- nected with his editorship of Psyche. C. W. Johnson and A. P. Morse spoke on the history of the Club (with no extant record of their remarks) . Following these speeches, a motion picture on the life history of the yellow fever mosquito was shown. And then the regular scientific program of the evening began, a talk by Dr. Joseph Bequaert on “Some Problems of Medical Entomology in Guatemala.” When the 500th meeting finally adjourned, it was 1 1 :00 p.m. Between 1920 and 1940, there occurred a striking transition in the composition of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Through the early twenties, the Club consisted of “not-all-terribly-old amateurs, more or less old professionals, and a few young people” [31]. But it was the custom in those days to pass the presidency and vice-presi- dency of the club around among the senior people, and so rotated that every few years the same man would be president again. In 1929, however, the tradition was broken by the election of Frank M. Carpenter, then a research fellow, to the presidency. His address as retiring president at the end of the year was published in the next issue of Psyche [32]. Dr. Carpenter was reelected as president for the following year, thus once again breaking tradition, for he was only the third person in the history of the Club to hold two successive terms of this office.* From this time the Club began to have an increasing number of younger members, including graduate students, as its officers. *The others were Edward Burgess, 1879 and 1880; and J. H. Emerton, 1904 and 1905. In later years there were two other reelections: C. T. Brues, 1944 and 1945; and E. O. Wilson, 1954 and 1955. 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 29 World War II During the thirties, the Club meetings were enthusiastically at- tended, the average being about 22. But this situation was shortly to change with entrance of the country into World War II. The December, 1941, meeting was held only two days after Pearl Harbor. No recorded mention of the war was made, however, until the fol- lowing February, when a symposium on Insects and the War was held at the regular meeting. Discussions were presented by Dr. Bequaert of the Medical School, Dr. J. E. Gordon of the Harvard Medical Unit in England, Dr. A. Getty of the Massachusetts Bureau of Public Health, and Dr. C. B. Philip of the U. S. Public Health Service. These speakers considered the expected increase in insect-borne diseases among the public in general, as a result of the rapid transfer and movements of armed forces. The Second World War had many more direct effects on the Club than the First did. By 1943, attendance at meetings was down to 7 or 8 members and it was apparent that the situation was going to become worse in the days immediately ahead, as one after another of the Club’s members left to serve, directly or indirectly, in the war. In December, 1943, with only Carpenter, George Erickson (the Club’s secretary), and one other member present, the meeting was held at the Harvard Faculty Club library, “where they discussed possible means whereby an active nucleus of the Club might be main- tained during the War.” For all of 1944 this small group of three or four met at the library on the second Tuesday of each month to carry on the Club’s tradition. Some type of program was always included. At the meeting of February 15, for example, Private Floyd Werner (elected a member in 1939), on leave from the army, pre- sented a paper on the “Distribution of Certain Species of the Beetle Genus EpicautaC In another year, the war was coming to a close and members began returning; and by the end of 1945 the meetings reverted to their pre-war time, place and vigor. The “active nucleus’* had indeed been maintained, and the continuity of the Club insured. Recent Years Since 1950 the Club has continued with notable consistency, though with some obvious and distinctive trends. The attendance at meet- ings, for example, has been on the increase. The average attendance for the meetings of the decade 1953-54 to 1962-63 was 29, with the election of 62 new members; the average for the period from 1963-64 to 1972-73 was 38, with election of 133 new members. Although 30 Psyche [March many of the members elected were graduate students living in the vicinity of Cambridge, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of amateurs that have joined the Club and that have regu- larly attended the meetings. From 1903, when the Harris Club members were elected, through the Bussey meetings in the twenties, non-professionals made up about half of the membership in attend- ance. This may have been due in part to W. M. Wheeler’s en- couragement of amateur naturalists and his open expression of high regard for their contributions both to research and to the training of biologists.* However, during the thirties and forties, perhaps as a consequence of the depression and of World War II, the number of non-professional members in the Club dropped significantly. In the course of the past two decades, this trend has been reversed. Other trends in the nature of the membership during the past two decades are apparent. For example, more women have joined the Club and taken part in the programs than previously. In the late fifties the Club experienced the greatest infusion of feminine talent in the entire history of its administration, with the election of Ruth Lippet Willey as secretary (1955) and Margaret C. Parson as secre- tary (1957), vice-president (1958) and, in 1950, as the first lady president of the Entomological Club. Another striking change has been the increase in the number of arachnologists in the Club. The study of spiders was well repre- sented in the Club 'from the very beginning by J. H. Emerton, one of the founders; as shown by the minutes of the meetings, he often spoke on habits of spiders — flying spiders were his favorite topic — and he published many papers in Psyche. After his death in 1932, spiders were almost never mentioned at the meetings until 1956, when Dr. Herbert Levi was appointed at the Museum of Comparative Zoology and became a member of the Club. He was promptly joined by a series of enthusiastic students of spiders (and even of milli- pedes). Such was their productivity that in 1964 Dr. Carpenter, while exhibiting the December issue of Psyche , felt compelled to note “what he interpreted as a hopeful trend in the fact that the number *In his address, “The Dry-Rot of Our Academic Biology,” at the Boston meeting of the American Society of Naturalists in 1922 Wheeler advocated the “utilization by the instructor of competent amateur naturalists as oc- casional assistants” and he continued: “We have all known amateurs who could make an enthusiastic naturalist out of an indifferent lad in the course of an afternoon’s ramble, and, alas, professors who could destroy a dozen budding naturalists in the course of an hour’s lecture.” [33]. 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entojnological Club 3i of pages devoted to insects was greater than the number devoted to spiders.” In March of 1965 the meeting commemorated the hundredth an- niversary of Professor W. M. Wheeler’s birth. Miss Adeline Wheeler, his daughter, attended the meeting and made available an exhibit of some of his original drawings. A complete set of his publications was also shown and several members discussed his con- tributions to the study of social insects. Three of the members present, Dr. F. M. Carpenter, Dr. E. O. Wilson and Robert W. Taylor (president of the Club), represented three successive genera- tions of ant students that began with Professor Wheeler. The story of Psyche since 1950 has been one of slow but steady growth with respect to both its size and the number of subscribers. With the retirement of Professor Brues as editor in 1947, the Club elected as the new editor Frank M. Carpenter, who had been asso- ciate editor of Psyche since 1928. The journal now has the largest number of subscribers in the Club’s history; 115 of these are Club members, the rest being libraries or other institutions. The policy approved by the Club in 1916, i.e., requiring payment by authors for at least partial cost of printing of their articles, has prevented the occurrence of the deficits that plagued the journal in its earlier years. The more general acceptance o'f this policy by educational and other institutions, including the federal government, has allowed the publi- cation in Psyche of more articles than would otherwise have been possible. In the past twenty years the average number of pages per volume has increased from 130 to 370. The back issues of Psyche , now comprising 80 volumes, have created a storage problem. In 1930, when the editorial office moved to Cambridge, they were stored in the attic of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology. In 1964 space needs of the Museum staff neces- sitated the removal of the volumes and on April 14, 1964, the Club voted approval of a contract for the storage of the back issues with the Johnson Reprint Corporation in New York, which also was authorized to serve as the Club’s agent in selling the back issues. In 1972, however, as a result o'f a generally depressed economic situa- tion, the Reprint Corporation asked that the contract be terminated and that the volumes be disposed of in some way. Fortunately, very satisfactory space for them was found in the basement of the Mu- seum, along with its own publications, and early in 1973 the back volumes, weighing some 6,000 pounds, were returned to Cambridge and deposited in the Museum. 32 Psyche [March The Centennial of the Founding of the Club At the May meeting, 1973, the Club voted that the officers for I973_74 (including the elected members of the Executive Committee and the members of the Editorial Board of Psyche) constitute a Centennial Committee, with authority to make arrangements for appropriate recognition of the 100th anniversary of the Club. In October President Holldobler reported for the Committee that the centennial celebration was planned for April 8 and 9, 1974. Pro- fessor Thomas Eisner of Cornell University, a member of the Club since 1950, would present a public lecture on the first day, on a topic of general interest. The entomological and arachnological sec- tions of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and the Museum Laboratories would hold open-house on the afternoon of the second day, followed by a dinner and the Centennial Meeting at the Harvard Faculty Club. The March issue of Psyche was to be the Centennial Issue and would include an article on the history of the Club. These plans were effectively carried out. Dr. Eisner’s lecture, entitled On Insects and How They Live as Chemists , was given to a capacity audience in the main lecture room of the Biological Laboratories. At the open-house on Tuesday, the new entomological facilities and equipment in the Museum Laboratories were demon- strated by Professors Holldobler, Wilson and Levi, and the insect collections at the Museum were shown by Dr. John Lawrence. Photographs and documents from the Club’s archives were on display. The dinner at the Faculty Club was attended by fifty members and guests; among the guests were Dr. Miriam Rothschild of England and Dr. Clark A. Elliott of the Harvard University Archives. Following the dinner, Professor F. M. Carpenter spoke on the subject, Aspects of the History of the Cambridge Entomologi- cal Club — Somewhat Anecdotal. He discussed the general status of entomology and related fields of biology when the Club was begun, with examples from the Club’s records, and reviewed the achieve- ments of the thirteen men who founded the Club. In the course of the past century about 800 individuals have been members of the society. With a current membership of slightly more than a hundred members, mostly local, the Club continues to be vigorous and active. Psyche J with an accumulated pagination of about 20,000 in its eighty volumes, now has some five hundred individuals and institutions on its subscription list. In his final remarks, Professor Carpenter em- 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 33 phasized the close association that has existed between the Cambridge Entomological Club and the Museum of Comparative Zoology, beginning with the founding of the society by Professor Hagen and his associates at the Museum. He stressed the need for continuing this relationship. With this Centennial Meeting, the Club began its second century. References 1. Henshaw, S. 1894. Hermann August Hagen. Proc. Amer. Arts Sci. 29: 419-423. 2. Mayor, A. G. 1924. Samuel Hubbard Scudder. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. 17: 81-103. 3. Wheeler, W. M. 1936. Entomology at Harvard University. [In] Notes Concerning the History and Contents of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, pp. 22-32 [Tercentennial of the Founding of Harvard College]. 4. Grote, A. R. 1889. The Rise of Practical Entomology in America. 20th Ann. Report Ent. Soc. Ontario, pp. 75-82. 5. [Anon.] 1926. B. Pickman Mann. Psyche 33 : 172. 6. Cockerell, T. D. A. 1920. Biographical Memoir of Alpheus Spring Packard, 1839-1905. Nat. Acad. Sci. Biog. Mem. 9: 181-236. 7. Scudder, S. H. 1891. The Services of Edward Burgess to Natural Science. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 25 : 358-365; also: Anon., 1891. Edward Burgess. Psyche 6: 131. 8. Banks, N. 1932. J. H. Emerton. Psyche 39: 1-8. 9. Jackson, R. T. 1944. Samuel Henshaw. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 75: 167-169. 10. Emerton, J. H. 1930. George Dimmock. Psyche 37: 299. 11. Mann, B. P. 1885. Herbert Knowles Morrison. Psyche 4: 287. 12. Howard, L. O., H. S. Barber, and A. Busck. 1928. Dr. E. A. Schwarz. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 30: 154-183. 13. Edwards, H. 1874. A Tribute to the Memory of George Robert Crotch. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 5: 332-334. 14. Aldrich, J. M. 1906. Baron Osten Sacken. Ent. News 17: 269-272. Also, C. W. Johnson. Ent. News 17: 273-275. 15. Schwarz, E. A., L. O. Howard and T. N. Gill. 1901. Henry Guernsey Hubbard. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 4: 350-360. 16. Cambridge Entomological Club, secretary’s report for 1881. 17. Dow, R. 1937. The Scientific Work of Albert Pitts Morse. Psyche 44: 1-11. 18. Banks, N. 1927. The Bowditch Collection of Coleoptera. Ent. News 38: 79. 19. Davis, J. J. 1936. Justus Watson Folsom. Journ. Econ. Ent. 29: 1178-1179. 20. Henshaw, S. 1906. Roland Hayward. Psyche 13: 101-103. 34 Psyche [March 21. Brues, C. T. 1937. William Morton Wheeler. Psyche 44: 61-96. Also, M. A. and H. E. Evans, 1970. W. M. Wheeler, Biologist. Harvard Univ. Press, pp. 1-363. 22. Brues, C. T. 1933. Charles Willison Johnson, 1863-1932. Ent. News 44: 113-116. 23. Melander, A. L. 1955. Charles Thomas Brues. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 48 : 422-423. 24. Wilson, E. O. 1959. William M. Mann. Psyche 66: 55-59. 25. Chapman, J. and E. Chapman. 1947. Escape to the Hills. Cattell Press, pp. 1-247. 26. Darlington, P. J., Jr. 1933. Percy Gardner Bolster. Psyche 40: 87-88. 27. Johnson, C. W. 1930. Louis William Swett. Psyche 37: 300. 28. Darlington, P. J., Jr. 1963. Charles Albert Frost. Psyche 70: 3-6. 29. Morse, A. P. 1922. The Seal of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Psyche 29 : 42. 30. Emerton, J. H. 1924. Early History of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Psyche 31: 1-6. 31. From a transcription of an interview with Dr. P. J. Darlington, Jr., Dec. 13, 1968. 32. Carpenter, F. M. 1930. A Review of our Present Knowledge of the Geological History of the Insects. Psyche 37: 15-34. 33. Wheeler, W. M. 1922. The Dry-Rot of our Academic Biology. Ad- dress of the Retiring President of the American Society of Naturalists, December 29, 1922. Published in Science, 1923, 57: 61-71. 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 35 OFFICERS OF THE CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Date of Election President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Jan. 1874 B.P. Mann Jan. 1875 B.P. Mann Jan. 1876 B.P. Mann Feb. 1877 S.H. Scudder B.P. Mann B.P. Mann Jan. 1878 E.P. Austin B.P. Mann B.P. Mann Jan. 1879 E. Burgess B.P. Mann B.P. Mann Jan. 1880 E. Burgess B.P. Mann B.P. Mann Jan. 1881 E.L. Mark B.P. Mann B.P. Mann Jan. 1882 S.H. Scudder W. Trelease W. Trelease Jan. 1883 B.P. Mann G. Dimmock S. Henshaw Jan. 1884 S.H. Scudder G. Dimmock B.P. Mann Jan. 1885* S.H. Scudder G. Dimmock B.P. Mann Jan. 1886 S.A. Forbes R. Hayward B.P. Mann Jan. 1887 J.H. Emerton R. Hayward B.P. Mann Jan. 1888 W. Trelease R. Hayward S. Henshaw Tan. 1889 S.H. Scudder R. Hayward S. Henshaw May 1890 C.W. Woodworth R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1891 G.H. Snow R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1892 W.J. Holland R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1893 W.H. Ashmead R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1894 T.E. Beau R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1895 C.M. Weed R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1896 H.S. Pratt R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1897 H.G. Dyar R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1898 T.E. Beau R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1899 A.G. Mayer R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1900 J.W. Folsom R. Hayward S. Henshaw Jan. 1901* J.W. Folsom R. Hayward R. Hayward Jan. 1902* J.W. Folsom R. Hayward R. Hayward Apr. 1903 A.P. Morse W.L.W. Field R. Hayward Jan. 1904 J.H. Emerton W.L.W. Field R. Hayward Jan. 1905 J.H. Emerton J.W. Dow R. Hayward Jan. 1906 W.L.W. Field A.H. Clark R. Hayward Jan. 1907 H.H. Newcomb C.A. Frost F.C. Bowditch Jan. 1908 C.W. Johnson C.A. Frost F.A. Sherriff Jan. 1909 P.G. Bolster W.M. Wheeler C.A. Frost F.A. Sherriff Jan. 1910 W.M. Wheeler W.L. Fiske C.A. Frost F.A. Sherriff Jan. 1911 L.W. Swett W. Reiff C.A. Frost F.A. Sherriff Jan. 1912 C.T. Brues C.A. Frost W.M. Mann F.A. Sherriff Jan. 1913 P.G. Bolster J.W. Chapman W.M. Mann F.W. Dodge Jan. 1914 A.P. Morse J.W. Chapman W.M. Mann F.W. Dodge Jan. 1915 C.W. Johnson T. Barbour H.M. Parshley F.W. Dodge Jan. 1916 A.F. Burgess F.G. Carnochan H.M. Parshley F.W. Dodge Jan. 1917 F.G. Carnochan S.W. Denton H.M. Parshley C.A. Frost *No elections at the annual meeting; officers held over. 36 Psyche [March Date of Election President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Jan. 1918 W.M. Wheeler S.W. Denton A.C. Kinsey H.A. Preston Jan. 1919 S.W. Denton C.A. Frost A.C. Kinsey L.R. Reynolds Jan. 1920 C.A. Frost W.L.W. Field J.H. Emerton F.H. Walker Jan. 1921 N. Banks L.R. Reynolds J.H. Emerton F.H. Walker Jan. 1922 W.M. Wheeler L.R. Reynolds J.H. Emerton F.H. Walker Jan. 1923 A.P. Morse R.H. Howe J.H. Emerton F.H. Walker Jan. 1924 C.T. Brues R.H. Howe J.H. Emerton F.H. Walker Jan. 1925 J.H. Emerton C.W. Johnson J.C. Bequaert F.H. Walker Jan. 1926 W.L.W. Field O.E. Plath J.C. Bequaert F.H. Walker Jan. 1927 O.E. Plath S.M. Dohanian F.M. Carpenter F.H. Walker Jan. 1928 J.C. Bequaert F.M. Carpenter J.W. Wilson F.H. Walker Feb. 1929 F.M. Carpenter C.W. Collins J.W. Wilson F.H. Walker Feb. 1930 F.M. Carpenter C.W. Collins R.P. Dow F.H. Walker Jan. 1931 C.A. Frost C.W. Collins P.J. Darlington, J r. F.H. Walker May 1932 C.W. Collins C.W. Johnson J.W. Johnston F.H. Walker May 1933 A.P. Morse P.J. Darlington, J r. M. Bates F.H. Walker May 1934 P.J. Darlington, Jr. O.E. Plath R.P. Dow F.H. Walker May 1935 J.C. Bequaert O.E. Plath D. Davenport F.H. Walker May 1936 O.E. Plath F.M. Carpenter D. Davenport F.H. Walker May 1937 C.A. Frost J.C. Bequaert V.G. Dethier R.P. Dow Oct. 1938 W.S. Creighton C.H. Blake V.G. Dethier R.P. Dow May 1939 C.H. Blake F.M. Carpenter C.T. Parsons R.P. Dow May 1940 F.M. Carpenter P.J. Darlington, J r. R.P. Holdsworth R.T. Holway May 1941 P.J. Darlington, Jr. J.C. Bequaert C.M. Williams R.T. Holway May 1942 J.C. Bequaert L.G. Wesson G. Erikson T. Rhyder May 1943 N. Banks C.T. Brues G. Erikson J.C. Bequaert May 1944 C.T. Brues K. Arbuthnot G. Erikson F.M. Carpenter May 1945 C.T. Brues K. Arbuthnot G. Erikson F.M. Carpenter May 1946 P.J. Darlington, Jr. J.C. Bequaert N. Bailey F.M. Carpenter May 1947 G.A. Edwards C.L. Remington N. Bailey F.M. Carpenter May 1948 N. Bailey W.L. Brown, Jr. F.G. Werner F.M. Carpenter May 1949 F.G. Werner W.L. Nutting J. Woodland F.M. Carpenter May 1950 K. Christensen A.G. Humes R.J. Goss F.M. Carpenter May 1951 A.G. Humes F.Y. Cheng T. Eisner F.M. Carpenter May 1952 T. Eisner W.L. Brown, Jr. P.A. Adams F.M. Carpenter May 1953 W.L. Brown, Jr. S.K. Harris E.O. Wilson F.M. Carpenter May 1954 E.O. Wilson T. Eisner N.W. Gillham F.M. Carpenter May 1955 E.O. Wilson P.A. Adams R.H. Lippitt F.M. Carpenter May 1956 P.A. Adams B.R. Headstrom R.B. Willey F.M. Carpenter May 1957 R.B. Willey S. Duncan M.C. Parsons F.M. Carpenter May 1958 N. Gilham M.C. Parsons A.M. Stuart F.M. Carpenter May 1959 M.C. Parsons A.L. Bull A.M. Stuart F.M. Carpenter May I960 H.W. Levi N. Bailey G.L. Bush F.M. Carpenter May 1961 J.J.T. Evans C. Walcott A.R. Brady F.M. Carpenter 1974] Matthews — Cambridge Entomological Club 37 Date of Election President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer May 1962 L.M. Roth A.R. Brady E.G. MacLeod F.M. Carpenter May 1963 E.G. MacLeod J. Beatty J. Reiskind F.M. Carpenter May 1964 R.W. Taylor J. Reiskind H. Reichardt F.M. Carpenter May 1965 H. Reichardt S. Vogel C.C. Porter F.M. Carpenter May 1966 J. Reiskind C.C. Porter F.C. Coyle F.M. Carpenter May 1967 F.C. Coyle R.W. Matthews L. Pinter F.M. Carpenter May 1968 W.G. Eberhard C.F. Moxey S.B. Peck F.M. Carpenter May 1969 S.B. Peck R.E. Silberglied W. Shear F.M. Carpenter May 1970 R.E. Silberglied C.F. Moxey C.S. Henry F.M. Carpenter May 1971 C.S. Henry T.P. Webster III H.F. Nijhout F.M. Carpenter May 1972 F. Nijhout T.H. Hlavac R. Swain F.M. Carpenter May 1973 B. Holldobler W.D. Winter H.E. Nipson F.M. Carpenter EDITORS OF PSYCHE Volume Years 1 1874-76 B. Pickman Mann 2 1877-79 George Dimmock and B. P. Mann 3 1880-82 George Dimmock and B. P. Mann 4 1883-87 George Dimmock and B. P. Mann 5 1888-90 George Dimmock and Samuel Henshaw7 6 1891-93 Samuel Henshaw 7 1894-96 Samuel Henshaw 8 1897-99 Samuel Henshaw 9 1900-02 Samuel Henshaw 10 1903 Samuel Henshaw 11 1904 W. L. W. Field 12 1905 W. L. W. Field 13 1906 W. L. W. Field 14 1907 W. L. W. Field 15 1908 W. L. W. Field 16 1909 W. L. W. Field 17 1910 Charles T. Brues i i 53 1946 Charles T. Brues 54 1947 Frank M. Carpenter i 81 Present Frank M. Carpenter SUPPLEMENTARY STUDIES ON ANT LARVAE: TERATOMYRMEX1 By George C. Wheeler and Jeanette Wheeler Laboratory of Desert Biology Desert Research Institute University of Nevada System Reno 89507 The first collector of this Australian genus, T. Greaves, Esq. (in 1942), must have been surprised when he first viewed his specimens under magnification ; he probably thought he had collected diseased ants. The describer (J. J. McAreavey 1957) was evidently some- what astonished for he gave it the name T eratomyrmex , from the Greek teras ( teratos ) monster, marvel, wonder + myrinex ant. We have in English teratism the worship of monsters, teratology the study of monstrosities and teratoma a tumor derived from more than one embryonic layer and made up of a mixture of tissues. T eratomyrmex is certainly an appropriate name, for the worker looks as if it has a huge tumor on the top of its thorax (see Fig. 7 and 8). Aside from this unique peculiarity the genus is quite ordi- nary and belongs in the Formicini, an ordinary tribe of Formicinae, which includes such anatomically commonplace genera as Acantho- myops, Lasius and Formica. The first specimens of T eratomyrmex we have seen were a gift from Rev. B. B. Lowery (of Norwood, South Australia) in 1967. In the accompanying letter he wrote: “I have also taken the liberty of filling up the vacant spaces in the box with a few specially chosen mountings for your collection. Make sure you have a look at the T eratomyrmex and Epopostruma frosti under the microscope. Both these species, by the way, are very rare.” In a later note he wrote: “The species [T. greavesi] appears to be rare in the ranges near Murwillumbah NE. NSW. Forages on low shrubs and in leaf litter. Nests in very moist places, usually in white-rotten timber. It is very easily mistaken for a small black Iridomyrmex.” He also in- cluded a quotation from a personal communication he had received from Tom Greaves: “ ‘T. greavesi is a dominant ant in residual forest,’ i.e., in the Jackall Ranges, about 75 miles north of Brisbane.” ^ymenoptera : Formicidae: Formicinae. Manuscript received by the editor December 10, 1973 38 1974] Wheeler & Wheeler — Teratomyrmex 39 Recently Dr. W. L. Brown sent us a worker of T eratomyrmex (see Fig. 7 and 8) together with several larvae. Given such a weird worker could one reasonably expect its larva to be somewhat bizarre also? We hoped it would. And we were disappointed: the larva is quite ordinary. Its profile is pogonomyrmecoid, a character shared with 19 other genera in the Formicinae; its mandibles are campono- toid in common with 23 other formicine genera. In fact, in our key to the larvae of the Formicidae (1974), in which most ant larvae were differentiated to genera or at least to tribes, we could only add T eratomyrmex to the residual lump of 22 undifferentiated genera: “Tribes Formicini, Gesomyrmecini, Gigantiopini, Melophorini and Plagiolepidini.” The index of specialization (see our 1974) for T eratomyrmex is 14; that of the tribe Formicini is 14. [The most specialized ant larvae — the Leptanillinae — have an index of 35, while the Formi- cinae as a whole are less specialized with 17. The index for the family as a whole is 22.] Genus Teratomyrmex McAreavey Body pogonomyrmecoid. Entire integument spinulose. Body hairs long and moderately numerous; of 3 types: denticulate; long, smooth and flexuous; 2- or 3-branched, smooth with the branches long and flexuous. Head hairs moderately numerous; unbranched, denticulate throughout most of length. Labrum deeply bilobed. Mandibles camponotoid. Maxillae with paraboloidal apex; palp a paxilla; galeae digitiform. Labrum subrectangular in anterior view; palp a short paxilla ; opening of sericteries wide and salient. Teratomyrmex sp. (near greavesi McAreavey) Fig. 1-6. Length (through spiracles) about 3.7 mm. Shape pogonomyrmecoid (i.e., diameter greatest near the middle of the abdomen, decreasing gradu- ally toward head and more rapidly toward posterior end, which is rounded ; thorax more slender and forming a rather stout neck which is curved ventrally) but abdomen rather slender. Anus posteroventral and with 2 small lips. Wing and gonopod vestiges present. Ten pairs of spiracles. Entire integument spinulose, the spinules most promi- nent on the venter of T1-3 and AI-AIII, sparse and scattered else- where. Body hairs moderately numerous and long. Of 3 types: (1) 0.075-0.15 mm long, unbranched and with numerous short denticles, longest and most numerous on the thorax; (2) 0.2-0.33 mm long, unbranched, smooth, very long, slender and flexuous, none on Psyche [March 40 Textfigure 1-6, larva. 1, head in anterior view, X71; 2, left mandible in anterior view, X145; 3-5, three types of body hairs X267 ; 6, larva in side view, X 14. Textfigure 7 and 8, worker. 7, head and dorsum of pronotum in anterior view, X34; 8, head, thorax and petiole in dorsal view, X34. 1974] Wheeler & Wheeler — Teratomyrmex 41 Ti, more numerous on abdomen; (3) 0.09-0.15 mm long, 2- or 3- branched, with long slender tips, on all somites. Cranium suboctag- onal; broader than long. Antennae small, each a slight elevation with 3 sensilla, each of which bears a small spinule. Head hairs moderately numerous, rather long (0.05-0.09 mm) and rather stout, unbranched and with numerous fine denticles throughout length. Mouth parts large. Labrum bilobed; each lobe with 2 hairs about 0.05 mm long with small denticles and with 5 sensilla on and near the ventral border; posterior surface spinulose, the spinules in short to long rows, the rows radiating from each dorsolateral angle, and with 5 sensilla on each half near the midline. Mandibles camponotoid (i.e., subtriangular ; base broad, width 2/3 length; apex forming a round-pointed tooth; one small subapical tooth); anterior and pos- terior surfaces with numerous short longitudinal rows of minute spinules. Maxillae with the apex paraboloidal ; palp a paxilla with 5 (3 apical and bearing a spinule each, 1 subapical and encapsulated, 1 lateral and bearing a spinule) sensilla; galea digitiform, with 2 apical sensilla. Labium subrectangular in anterior view; anterior surface with minute spinules in short rows; palp a short peg with 5 (3 apical and bearing a spinule each and 2 lateral — 1 encapsulated and 1 bearing a spinule) sensilla; opening of sericteries wide and salient, with 2 ventral projections. Hypopharynx densely spinulose, the spinules minute and arranged in numerous subparallel rows; the rows grouped in 2 subtriangles which have their bases near the middle. Material studied: 14 larvae from Queensland: Cedar Creek Falls, Tamborine Mts., Ross & Cavagnaro, 1962; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown. Literature Cited McAreavey, J. J. 1957. [Teratomyrmex gen. nov.] Mem. Nat. Mus. Viet. No. 21, p. 54-56. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler. 1974. Ant larvae: review and synthesis. Mem. Entom. Soc. Washing- ton [in press]. MODIFICATION OF THE INTERSEGMENTAL REGION IN THE PTEROTHORAX OF CRYPHOCRICOS (HETEROPTERA: NAUCORIDAE ) * By Margaret C. Parsons Department of Zoology, University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1 Introduction In most Hydrocorisae (aquatic Heteroptera) the hindlegs are used for swimming, and their extrinsic muscles, which originate in the metathorax, are well developed. The tergal and pleural depressors of the metathoracic trochanter (Muscles 70 and 71, respectively, of Larsen, 1945) are especially large in many Hydrocorisae, including the Naucoridae (Larsen, 1945) and the closely related family Aphelocheiridae (Parsons, 1969). These muscles slant anterolaterally in the metathorax, their anteriormost fibers originating near its boundary with the mesothorax. In at least three genera of Naucoridae ( Limnocoris , Ambrysus, and Cryphocricos) the anterior part of the metathoracic episternum, on which Muscle 71 originates, usually projects into the cavity of the preceding segment. This makes it appear, at first glance, that the anteriormost fibers of the muscle attach on the mesothorax. The metapleural projection, which will be described in a later publication, appears to be produced by post-ecdysial growth of the skeleton, since it is absent in newly-moulted adults and is present only in older ones. Another example of post-ecdysial skeletal change occurs in the tergum of adult Cryphocricos barozzii and makes the anteriormost fibers of Muscle 70 appear to originate on the mesothorax rather than on the metathorax. This tergal modification seems to occur only in micropterous specimens, with reduced forewings. I have not ob- served it in macropterous Cryphocricos or in Ambrysus , Limnocoris , or Pelocoris, all of which possess forewings of normal length. Materials and Methods Cryphocricos barozzii Signoret, collected in Nova Teutonia, Brazil, and preserved in 70% alcohol, were dissected in 80% alcohol under * Manuscript received by the editor January 20, 1974. 42 1974] Parsons — Pterothorax of Cryphocricos 43 a stereoscopic microscope. The attachment of Muscle 70 was studied by cutting the tergum sagittally, with a razor blade; the cut Was made half way between the ventral phragmal process and the base of the mesothoracic wing. A few Pelocoris femoratus Palisot-Beauvois, preserved in Bouin’s fluid, were also examined for comparison. Most of the Cryphocricos were micropterous, lacking hindwings and indirect flight muscles and possessing forewings which reached only as far as the third abdominal segment. Only two of the rare macropterous forms, with forewings and hindwings extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen, were available for the investigation. Al- though they were not extensively dissected, their indirect flight mus- cles appeared to be either degenerate or absent. Newly-moulted Cryphocricos could be distinguished from older individuals by the thinness of their exoskeletons and by the distinct- ness and relative thickness of the underlying epithelial layer. In older specimens the epithelium was thinner, less distinct, and easily torn, and the thickened exoskeleton had a layered appearance, prob- ably owing to the deposition of successive internal layers of endo- cuticle after ecdysis, as Neville (1970) has observed in several in- sects. These layers could be peeled away from each other in an older specimen of Cryphocricos which had been immersed for 24 hours in a concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide. Observations Typical Naucoridae (figs. 1, 5) In most macropterous naucorids, such as Pelocoris, the posterior margin of the mesothoracic notum (fig. 1 ; N II) is evaginated, form- ing a double-walled scutellar lobe (SL). The opening into the lobe (OSL) extends anterolaterally to the base of the forewing (WB). Immediately ventral to this opening lies the well developed meso- thoracic postnotum (PN), which bears the second phragma (PH). The postnotum separates the metathoracic notum (N III) from the scutellar lobe and is mostly concealed by the latter externally. Only its most lateral part, which joins the mesothoracic epimeron (EM), forming a postalar bridge, is externally visible. The postalar bridge bears a large sensory membrane (SO), part of the mesothoracic scolopophorous organ (Larsen, 1957). The concealed medial portion of the postnotum forms a two- walled, vertical invagination, the second phragma (PH). The 44 [March Psyche Figures 1-4, Diagrammatic internal views of dorsolateral intersegmental region of pterothorax in various adult Naucoridae. Left side of body has been cut parasagittally through terga (cut edge), between ventral phragmal process (not shown) and wingbase (WB). Fig. 1. Typical macropterous Naucoridae (based on Pelocoris femoratus) . Fig. 2. Macropterous Crypho- cricos barozzii. Fig. 3. Newly-moulted micropterous C. barozzii. Fig. 4. Older micropterous C. barozzii (dotted line indicates approximate position of opening into scutellar lobe, which is no longer visible). 1974] Parsons — Pterothorax of Cryphocricos 45 phragma is especially pronounced on either side of the midline, where it bears a pair of large ventral processes (fig. 5; VP) upon which two of the mesothoracic indirect flight muscles attach (Muscles 30 and 31 of Larsen, 1945; present but degenerate in most Pelocoris) . According to Snodgrass (1935) the phragma represents the pri- mary boundary (antecosta) between the metathorax and mesothorax, and the mesothoracic postnotum is thus an intersegmental plate which is only secondarily associated with the mesothorax. This interpreta- tion, which has been challenged by Matsuda (1970), is supported by the fact that the posterior wall of the phragma is continuous with the metathoracic episternum (fig. 1 ; ES). Muscle 70 (fig. 1 ; M. 70) originates posterior to the phragma and postnotum, its fibers attaching only on the metathoracic notum. The latter forms a sharp angle with the posterior wall of the phragma. The angle is sclerotized medially (fig. 1) but contains a narrow membrane laterally (fig. 5; MEM). The membrane lies immediately anterior to the origin of Muscle 70. Macropterous Cryphocricos (fig- 2) Most of the typical structural relationships described above are also present in macropterous Cryphocricos. In the latter, however, the postnotum forms a definite, double-walled second phragma only near the midline, at and between the ventral processes (position same as in micropterous Cryphocricos , figs. 6, 7). Lateral to the ventral processes the postnotum does not seem to be invaginated, and appears merely as a transverse thickening (fig. 2, PN) just posteroventral to the opening into the scutellar lobe (OSL). Neither of the two available macropterous specimens were newly-moulted. It is thus possible that a low, double-walled phragmal invagination is present in this region immediately after ecdysis. As new layers of endocuticle are subsequently laid down, the structure of the phragma could become obscured, giving it the appearance of an uninvaginated thick- ening in older specimens. Laterally the anterior portion of the postnotal thickening forms a well-defined postalar bridge with the mesothoracic epimeron (EM). The bridge contains a large sensory membrane (SO) similar to that of typical naucorids. The posterior portion of the postnotal thicken- ing is continuous laterally with the metathoracic episternum (ES) and medially with the metanotum (N III). Its boundary with the 1974] Parsons — Pterothorax of Cryphocricos 47 latter is marked dorsolaterally by a narrow, unpigmented band of sclerotization, the homologue of the membrane (fig. 5; MEM) which is present in typical Naucoridae. Muscle 70 originates only on the metanotum, posterior to this band, as in other macropterous nau corids, and its fibers do not extend onto the postnotum (fig. 2). Micropterous Cryphocricos (figs. 3, 4, 6, 7) In short-winged Cryphocricos as in macropterous ones, a well- defined second phragma (figs. 6, 7; PH) is present only at and between the ventral phragmal processes (VP). In addition, the mesothoracic postnotum appears to be incomplete in micropterous Cryphocricos. These skeletal modifications are more easily observed in newly-moulted adults (figs. 3, 6) than in older ones in which parts of the thickened exoskeleton have coalesced (figs. 4, 7). In newly-moulted specimens the portion of the postnotum which usually lies immediately lateral to the ventral phragmal processes appears to have disappeared. The scutellar lobe (figs. 3, 6; SL) is shorter than in macropterous Cryphocricos , and its ventral wall is directly continuous medially with the metanotum (N III), upon which Muscle 70 originates. The junction between these two regions forms a fold (F) which projects anteriorly and is continuous with the phragmal process (fig. 6). Short, sclerotized struts connect its edge secondarily with the mesonotum (N II). The anteromedial fibers of Muscle 70 originate on the edge of this fold, immediately beneath the opening into the scutellar lobe (fig. 3; OSL). They thus attach farther anteriorly than in macropterous Cryphocricos (fig. 2), in which they originate well posterior to the opening. The more anterolateral fibers of Muscle 70 do not attach to the edge of the fold but are separated from it by a roughly triangular area which represents the lateral portion of the incomplete postnotum (fig. 3; PN). There is no membrane or unpigmented band marking its posterior boundary with the metanotum. It is ventrally continu- Figures 5-7, Diagrammatic internal views of intersegmental part of pterothoracic terga in various adult Naucoridae. Terga have been cut parasagittally, medial to wingbases, and removed from body; only left side, between ventral phragmal process (VP) and cut edge, is shown. Arrow indicates level at which anteriormost fibers of Muscle 70 originate. Fig. 5. Pelocoris femoratus (ventral phragmal process cut off at base). Fig. 6. Newly-moulted micropterous Cryphocricos barozzii. Fig. 7. Older micropterous C. barozzii. 48 Psyche [March ous with the mesothoracic epimeron (EM), and the postalar bridge contains a very reduced scolopophorous organ (SO). In older micropterous Cryphocricos skeletal boundaries are much more difficult to interpret, owing to the thickening of the cuticle, the differential growth of some regions, and the obliteration of folds, making them appear as solid thickenings rather than hollow invagina- tions or evaginations. Comparison of older specimens (fig. 4) with newly-moulted ones (fig. 3) indicates that during post-ecdysial de- velopment several changes have occurred in the lateral and dorso- lateral intersegmental region of the pterothorax. The scolopophorous sense organ is no longer visible on the internal surface of the postalar bridge. The cavity of the scutellar lobe (fig. 4; SL) has been reduced, and the opening into the lobe (fig. 4; dotted line) is no longer visible. The ventral wall of the lobe merges indistinguishably with the fold which borders on it ventrally. In newly-moulted Cryphocricos this well-defined fold (fig. 3; F) marks the boundary of the scutellar lobe with the metanotum medially (fig. 3; cut edge) and with the postnotum laterally (PN). In older adults these boundaries have become obscured. The fold and scutellar lobe appear as three separate layers only posteriorly; more anteriorly they appear as a single, somewhat thickened layer (fig. 4). In addition, the anteromedial fibers of Muscle 70, which origi- nate on the metanotum, attach considerably more anteriorly in older Cryphocricos than in younger ones (figs. 3, 4; M. 70; figs. 6, 7; arrows). This suggests that the fold (figs. 3, 6; F) between the scutellar lobe and the metanotum grows anteriorly as new layers of endocuticle are added to the internal surface of the skeleton. One older specimen, in which the muscle attached at the level indicated by the arrow in Figure 7, was treated in potassium hydroxide so that the more internal layers of endocuticle could be peeled away from the outermost ones. Although the inner layers lacked a fold, the more external ones showed a definite one which lay posterior to the level at which the muscle fibers had originated. Discussion In these descriptions I have taken the view that Muscle 70 origi- nates on the metanotum in all four types of Naucoridae. In the two macropterous forms (figs. 1,2) its origin is separated from the meso- scutellar lobe by the postnotum. In micropterous Cryphocricos (figs. 3, 4), however, a portion of the postnotum, immediately lateral to the 1974] Parsons — Pterothorax of Cryphocricos 49 ventral phragmal process, is absent. In this region, consequently, the part of the metanotum on which Muscle 70 originates borders directly on the scutellar lobe. This atypical intersegmental boundary appears to grow anteriorly during post-ecdysial development. Figures 3 and 4 could be interpreted in tWo other ways, either ( 1 ) that there are no post-ecdysial changes in skeletal boundaries and that in Figure 4 the anteriormost fibers of Muscle 70 have simply shifted anteriorly, onto the mesonotum, or (2) that a. post- notum is present lateral to the phragmal process and is represented by the fold (fig. 3; F) upon which the anteromedial fibers of Mus- cle 70 attach. According to this second view the origin of the muscle has shifted from the metanotum onto the homologue of the thickened postnotum of macropterous Cryphocricos (fig. 2; PN). Conse- quently, it is the boundary between the mesothoracic scutellum and postnotum (secondary intersegmental boundary of Snodgrass, 1935) which appears to grow anteriorly after ecdysis, rather than a primary intersegmental boundary. Neither of these two interpretations has been adopted here because in Cryphocricos and at least two other genera of Naucoridae post-ecdysial skeletal growth takes place in the pterothoracic pleuron (see p. 46) and almost certainly occurs along the primary intersegmental boundary between the metathoracic episternum and the mesothoracic epimeron. Degeneration or absence of the three mesothoracic indirect flight muscles, and consequent loss of the ability to fly, is a common oc- currence among Hydrocorisae (Larsen, 1950). Extreme alary di- morphism such as that of Cryphocricos is much less common. Larsen (1950) studied Aphelocheirus ( Aphelocheiridae) which has both micropterous and macropterous forms, and found that the size and shape of the ventral phragmal processes, upon which two of the indirect flight muscles attach, differ in the two types. Similar dif- ferences in the phragmal processes occur in flying and flightless Ilyocoris (Naucoridae; Larsen, 1970). Both forms of Ilyocoris possess forewings and hindwings of normal length, but most in- dividuals lose their indirect flight muscles soon after the final moult. Larsen did not, however, observe post-ecdysial skeletal changes, ab- sence of the lateral part of the second phragma, or loss of a portion of the mesothoracic postnotum in either Aphelocheirus or Ilyocoris. All these features appear to occur in micropterous Cryphocricos. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Fritz Plaumann (Nova Teutonia, Brazil) for 50 Psyche [March collecting the Cryphocricos , John Polhemus (Englewood, Colorado) for identifying them, my husband, Thomas Parsons, for examining the manuscript, and Donald Chant and the Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, for making available the laboratory facilities for this research. The investigation was made possible by a grant from the National Research Council of Canada. Literature Cited Larsen, O. 1945. Der Thorax der Heteropteren. Skelett und Muskulatur. Lunds Univ. Arsskr. 41(3): 1-96. 1950. Die Veranderungen im Bau der Heteropteren bei der Reduktion des Flugapparates. Opusc. Ent. 15: 17-51. 1957. Truncale Scolopalorgane in den pterothorakalen und den beiden ersten abidominalen Segmenten der aquatilen Heteropteren. Lunds Univ. Arsskr. 53 (1): 1-66. 1970. The flight organs of Ilyocoris cimicoides L. (Hem., Naucoridae). Ent. Scand. 1 : 227-235. Matsuda, R. 1970. Morphology and evolution of the insect thorax. Mem. Amer. Ent. Inst. 76: 1-431. Neville, A. C. 1970. Cuticle ultrastructure in relation to the whole insect. In: Insect Ultrastructure, A. C. Neville (ad.), Sympos. Roy. Ent. Soc. Lond. 5: 17-40. Parsons, M. C. 1969. Skeletomusculature of the pterothorax and first abdominal seg- ment in micropterous Aphelocheirus aestivalis F. (Heteroptera : Naucoridae). Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. Lond. 121: 1-39. Snodgrass, R. E. 1935. Principles of insect morphology. New York: McGraw-Hill. THE POLYTYPIC GENUS CELOTES (LEPIDOPTERA: HESPERIIDAE: PYRGINAE) FROM THE SOUTHWESTERN UNITED STATES AND NORTHERN MEXICO* By John M. Burns Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Although most species of American hesperiids are hard to deter- mine, some are not; and none is more immediately distinct than the “streaky skipper,” Celotes nessus (Edwards). Ever since it was described (in genus Pholisora) in 1877, nothing else like it has been known. Indeed, since the turn of the century — despite abortive attempts of various workers to jam it into polytypic genera (such as Pyrgus [then commonly called Hesperia ], Systaseaj and Antigonus) — it has properly stood alone in the monotypic genus Celotes (God- man and Salvin 1899). I feel, therefore, a measure of remorse in now describing a second species of Celotes that closely resembles the first. Although I have accumulated data on Celotes since New Year’s Eve of 1961, when I first recognized it as polytypic, I still see no clear clues to the evolutionary differentiation of C. nessus and the species to be described: they overlap fully in space and in time, and at least partly in choice of larval foodplants. The new species is a multivoltine mallow-eater occurring in a montane strip that runs northwest-southeast through the middle of the range of C. nessus. Because C. nessus is both peculiar and familiar, the following description is comparative. And because original descriptions can be too tedious for words, this one is largely visual. In preparing it, I have examined the genitalia o'f all specimens of Celotes available to me and possessed of an abdomen — a total of 529 individuals, of which 97 represent the new species. Wherever possible, I have also examined the metathoracic pouch of males. Each pinned specimen studied has received a sex-and-determination label. The new specific name is a noun in apposition. Celotes limpia new species Holotype. — cf, Limpia Canyon, 5000 feet, Davis Mountains, 4 miles WNW of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis County, Texas, May 2, * Manuscript received by the editor March 1, 1974. 51 52 Psyche [March 1959 (J- M. and S. N. Burns) [Museum of Comparative Zoology no. 31888]. Size. — On average, limpia is larger than nessus ; and, in both species, females are larger than males, although size varies consid- erably (table 1). In nessus , the wingspread of Texas specimens exceeds that of Arizona specimens by at least 1 mm. Table 1. Maximum wingspread in well-mounted specimens of Celotes from Texas. Species Sex Number measured Wingspread Mean (mm) Range nessus $ 35 23.7 22-26 $ 22 25.1 23-27 limpia $ 39 25.9 23-29 9 24 27.8 25-31 Facies. — Fig. iE-H. Very like nessus (fig. iA-D), but with slightly larger and more conspicuous hyaline spots and a generally paler aspect. Noteworthy in the latter connection is a set of pale areas between dark marks on the proximal 60% of the ventral secondary (i.e. from the three hyaline spots of the secondary inward) : these pale areas are enlarged and whitened in limpia and hence usually more pro- nounced than in nessus. In dorsal view, unworn (particularly reared) specimens of limpia may show considerable grayish overscaling on the body and adjacent wing bases. The usually paler shades of brown and tan in limpia tend to make it reflect more and appear colder and harder and sometimes more contrasty. All of these average differences involving color are perceptible chiefly when limpia is compared with nessus from Texas; nessus from Arizona (where limpia does not occur) often essentially duplicates the facies of limpia — except insofar as the remarkably small average size of Arizona nessus gives its pattern a special sharpness. Wear and fading Data for specimens in Fig. 1: A, B — Sitting Bull Falls, 4650 feet, Guadalupe Mountains, Eddy County, New Mexico, V-26-1959 (J. M. and S. N. Burns). C, D — Topotype. San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, VI-30-1963 (J. M. Burns). E, F — Holotype. Limpia Canyon, 5000 feet, Davis Mountains, 4 mi. WNW of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis County, Texas, V-2-1959 (J. M. and S. N. Burns) . G, H — Allotype. As for holotype, except V-l-1959. 1974] Burns — Polytypic Genus Celotes 53 Fig. 1. Facies of Celotes. C. nessus C. limpia l dorsal J A / c f E ( G B -» $ D -4 $ F -» $ H — > $ i ventral 54 Psyche [March raise additional hell with these subtle color characters, but no matter: the genitalia (q.v.) last and last. Male scent-spreading sex characters . — Males of limpia , like those of nessus, have a narrow costal fold on the primary and a metathoracic system of ventral pouch and tibial tufts. The meta- thoracic pouch of limpia (fig. 2B) bears short linear scales over most or all of its dorsal surface (except at the lateral margin). In nessus (fig. 2A), linear scales are altogether absent (particularly in Arizona males) or, if present (as in Texas males), are much less dense and/or proximal in distribution; even in extreme cases, they never attain the distal apex of the pouch, and the pouch is therefore clad — en- tirely or for its greater part — with much broader, flat-lying shingle- like scales (cf. figs. 2A and 2B). Because the linear scales of limpia are creamy, whereas some to all of the broad shinglelike scales of nessus are gray to brown, the general color of the dorsal surface of the metathoracic pouch differs in the two species. (Interior morphol- ogy of costal folds has not been studied.) Fig. 2. Metathoracic pouch of the male; abdomen removed, dorsopos- terior view. A. Celotes nessus from Austin, Travis County, Texas, V-26- 1966 (J. M. Burns). B. Celotes limpia, a paratype reared out IX-10-1966 from a larva collected on Abutilon malacum, 15 mi. SE Redford, 2500 ft., Presidio County, Texas, VIII-18-1966 (R. O. Kendall). Male genitalia. — Fig. 4. Although basically similar to nessus (fig. 3), there are abundant differences, of which the most salient include the following. ( 1 ) In limpia , a long thin flattened projection, like a curved spatula, arises from the dorsoposterior rim of the body of the valva and starts dorsad but at once curves caudad, extending far back to become the caudalmost valval element and to end in a 1974] Burns — Polytypic Genus Celotes 55 slightly flared tip with a peripheral array of fine sharp teeth (fig. 4A-C). Its homolog in nessus is a robust spike arising in a similar position, except that the distinctive high dorsal curvature of the body of the valva in nessus places the origin of the spike well down on the medial surface of the valva (fig. 3A-C) ; this tapering spike extends chiefly dorsad, but usually bends slightly caudad at its apex, which is pointed and often entire or bifurcate (fig. 3A,B), but sometimes trifurcate, or very rarely quadrifurcate ; although occasionally broad- ened or lengthened and bent strongly caudad apically, the spike never approaches the form of the spatula in limpid. (2) Anterior end of tegumen, in limpid , large and well-developed, projecting far cephalad (fig. 4E,F) ; but in nessus, extraordinarily reduced (fig. 3E,F). (3) In limpid, uncus broad, and the paired terminal prongs of the uncus heavy and stubby (fig. 4F) ; but in nessus, uncus relatively narrow, and its terminal prongs more delicate (fig. 3F). Femule genitdlid. — Fig. 6. Sterigma of limpid altogether more massive (fig. 6A,B) and, viewed ventrally, more nearly square in outline (fig. 6A) ; heavy central sclerotization in lamella postvagi- nalis like a wide triangle tapering quickly toward ostium bursae (fig. 6A). Sterigma of nessus (fig. 5) less massive (fig. 5A,B) and, in ventral view, narrower posteriorly, suggesting in outline a cau- dally truncated triangle (fig. 5A) more than a square; heavy central sclerotization in lamella postvaginalis limited to a comparatively narrow midventral strip that tapers but little toward ostium bursae (fig. 5A). Ostium bursae of limpid a relatively narrow curved slit, like a crescent bowed dorsad (fig. 6C), but that of nessus large and more or less round, like a manhole (fig. 5C). Spdtidl distribution. — A widespread species, nessus ranges from about the 97th meridian in southcentral Oklahoma and central Texas west to northwestern and southeastern Arizona and south in Mexico to at least southern Sonora, southern Chihuahua and Coahuila (fig. 7). By contrast, so far as known, limpid occurs only along the southern Rocky Mountain axis in Trans-Pecos Texas and along the Mexican counterpart of this axis, the northern segment of the Sierra Madre Oriental, as far south at least as southern Coahuila (fig. 8). Having been taken in numbers in the Guadalupe, Davis, and Chisos mountains of Trans-Pecos Texas, limpid may confidently be expected (1) in many other west Texan ranges — such as the Delawares, Chinatis, and Santiagos — that are more or less associated with the scattered southern Rocky Mountain system, (2) northward in at least the New Mexican extension of the Guadalupes, if not in the Sacramentos and more northern chains, and (3) southward in Chi- 56 Psyche [March Fig. 3. Male genitalia of Celotes nessus. A. Lateral view of right valva. B. Medial view of right valva. C. Dorsal view of both valvae. D. Dorsal view of aedeagus. E. Left lateral view of uncus, tegumen, gnathos, vin- culum, and saccus. F. Dorsal view of uncus, tegumen, vinculum, and saccus. [A and B, drawn from male from Palo Duro Canyon, 2800 feet, Randall County, Texas, V-10-1959 (J. M. and S. N. Burns) ; C to F, from male from Austin, Travis County, Texas, V-26-1966 (J. M. Burns).] 1974] Burns — Polytypic Genus Celotes 57 Fig. 4. Male genitalia of Celotes limpia. A to F as in fig. 3. [A and B, drawn from holotype; C to F, from paratype from type locality, V-4-1959 (J. M. and S. N. Burns).] 58 Psyche [March Fig. 5. Female genitalia of Celotes nessus. A. Ventral view of bursa copulatrix, sterigma, and ovipositor lobes. B. Right lateral view. C. Ven- troposterior view. [Drawn from female from Austin, Travis County, Texas, IV-18-1967 (J. M. Burns).] 1974] Burns — Polytypic Genus Celotes 59 Fig. 6. Female genitalia of Celotes limpia. A. Ventral view of bursa copulatrix, sterigma, and ovipositor lobes. B. Left lateral view. C. Ventro- posterior view. [Drawn from paratype from Limpia Canyon, 4700 feet, Davis Mountains, 5 mi. NE of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis County, Texas, V-4- 1959 (J. M. and S. N. Burns).] 6o Psyche [March Fig. 7. Spatial distribution (based on material examined) of Celotes nessus — southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Rivers and the borders of states are shown. Type locality indicated by arrow. huahua, as well as Coahuila, and, in all likelihood, beyond these states. Indeed, either limpia or nessus (see N omenclatural epilogue below) was long ago reported from Durango city (Godman and Salvin 1899), and both species probably range well down the Central Plateau of Mexico. The distribution of limpia appears to lie within that of nessus. Over its much broader distribution, nessus occurs from sea level to somewhere between 5000 and 6000 feet; limpia , with its strictly interior distribution, is now known from an elevational range of 1900-5700 feet. In montane regions of the southwestern United States, both skippers are species of alluvial fans, foothills, lower canyon reaches, and lower elevations generally; they avoid higher elevations. The distribution of nessus in the United States is not perfectly known. The skipper may conceivably occur in the New York and Providence mountain region of southeastern California, in southern Nevada, in southern Utah, possibly in extreme southwestern or south- eastern Colorado, and certainly in considerably more of New Mexico 1974] Burns — Polytypic Genus Celotes 61 Fig. 8. Spatial distribution (based on material examined) of Celotes limpia — Trans-Pecos Texas. Mountains and the borders of counties are shown. Type locality indicated by arrow. The range as plotted spans a north-south distance of about 220 miles; but, since preparing this map, I have examined one male from southern Coahuila, Mexico, about 250 miles southeast of the Big Bend. than fig. 7 indicates. On the other hand, this map probably gives a close approximation of the eastern distributional limit of nessus. This meridional eastern limit coincides neatly with that of many other organisms — including other pyrgine skippers of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico such as Pyrgus philetas Edwards (Burns and Kendall 1969) and Erynnis meridianus Bell (Burns 1964, and unpublished) — and reflects an important biogeographic barrier. There are two freaky records of streaky nessus east of the 97th meridian. The first [Burton, Georgia, V-21-1911 (J. C. Bradley) (Cornell University collection)] was published by Harris (1950) and repeated [as “Georgia (once!)”] by Klots (1951), but was not even mentioned later by Harris (1972) and should be discounted. The second [Tallulah, Louisiana, between VIII-1926 and X-1931 (collected in the day at an altitude of 20 feet by an airplane)] was published by Glick (1939) ; but though it has been repeated (Lam- bremont 1954; Mather and Mather 1958), the feat itself has not. 62 Psyche [March Temporal distribution. — Both limpia and nessus are multivoltine, and both fly at the same times. Nearly all of the dated wild-caught adults of Celotes that I examined were collected from March to September: in Texas, every half-month interval from the beginning of March to mid-September includes records of both limpia (N = 68) and nessus (N = 1 58 ) ; however, for Arizona nessus (N = 183), the months of May and June together yield but 3 records, which leaves a major gap between one large cluster of records in March and April and another in July, August, and the first half of Septem- ber. The only other dated wild-caught specimens examined are 5 nessus from far southern Arizona collected in mid-January and 5 nessus from the last half of September and the first half of October from central and, as might be expected, extreme southern Texas (the lower Rio Grande Valley). In the experience of Kendall (1965), nessus flies from early March to mid-November in Texas. The fact that temporal distribution is essentially continuous through the warm season for both limpia and nessus in Texas but distinctly bimodal for nessus in Arizona probably relates to the dif- ferent patterns of rainfall in the two states. For the most part, Texas has much more evenly distributed precipitation than does Arizona, where it occurs in two widely disjunct winter and summer periods. The second flight period of nessus in Arizona coincides with the summer rainy season, to which it is presumably geared. In the course of his field studies and laboratory rearings, Kendall (1965, and unpublished) has observed that full-grown larvae of Celotes are able to enter diapause (facultatively) to beat heat and drought, as well as to get through the cold of a winter season. Kendall has shown in the laboratory that such diapause can be broken by pro- viding moisture, whereupon larvae pupate and produce adults promptly. Given this capacity to be flexible, variable larval growth rates, and the usual vicissitudes of weather, individuals of a single generation must often get out of synchrony with the result that gen- erations overlap broadly and irregularly, forming no definite number per year in either species. There are no indications that limpia and nessus are temporally displaced with respect to each other where they spatially coexist in Trans-Pecos Texas. Rather, my records show that adults of both species have repeatedly been collected in association — unwittingly, of course, since the collectors were unaware of the existence of more than one species of Celotes. On nine occasions altogether, five dif- ferent collectors (or pairs of collectors) have caught a total of 37 1974] Burns — Polytypic Genus Celotes 63 limpia and nessus at the same place on exactly the same date — the places occurring in Jeff Davis and Brewster counties and the dates in March, May, June, July, and August. Many other records of both species at a single locality differ by only one to a few days. Larval foodplants. — Numerous studies in Texas by R. O. and C. A. Kendall show that both limpia and nessus feed on various species of Malvaceae. For both skippers, the Kendalls have witnessed oviposition — • directly on larval foodplants — in the wild, and have collected numerous eggs and larvae from which they have reared adults. In the field, limpia eats Abutilon malacum Wats., A . incanum (Link) Sweet, Sphaeralcea angustifolia var. lobata (Woot.) Kern., and Wissadula holosericea (Scheele) Gke., and, in the laboratory, also Malvastrum americanum (L.) Torr. and Althaea rosea Cav. In the field, nessus eats Abutilon incanum, Sphaeralcea angustifolia var. lobata, Wissadula holosericea , W. amplissima (L.) R. E. Fries, and Sida filipes Gray, and, in the laboratory, also Althaea rosea. Both skippers very likely. eat other mallows, as well. Documentation: Eggs and larvae of Celotes were found on Sphaeralcea angustifolia var. lobata at Davis Mountains State Park, Jeff Davis County, V-1-61, by R. O. and C. A. Kendall. At the laboratory in San Antonio, those larvae that were not preserved were reared perforce on Althaea rosea. One adult was obtained from a larva on V-28-61 and two from eggs on VI-6 and 9-61. Although all were reported as nessus (Kendall 1965), I find that only the adult that emerged VI-6 is nessus whereas those that emerged V-28 and VI-9 are limpia (paratypes). From 3 larvae found by the Kendalls on Wissadula holosericea in Musquiz Canyon on state highway 118, Jeff Davis County, VIII- 14-66, 1 adult (a paratype of limpia) was obtained on IV-14-67. From 2 larvae found by the Kendalls on Abutilon incanum near Rio Grande Village in Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, X- 1 2-67, 2 adults of limpia (paratypes) were obtained (after a lengthy diapause) on VI-19 and 22-68. At the same locality, III- 27-68, the Kendalls saw a female of Celotes oviposit on A. incanum but got only the egg and not the female; from this egg, an adult of limpia (paratype) was obtained on V-29-68. The Kendalls collected 23 larvae on Abutilon malacum, VIII- 18-66, at a point on ranch road 170 overlooking the Rio Grande, about 15 miles southeast of Redford, Presidio County; and, using A. incanum, Malvastrum americanum, and especially Wissadula 64 Psyche [March holosericea as larval food in the laboratory, they reared 22 adults of limpia (all paratypes) (one seemingly parasitized larva was pre- served). At exactly the same spot, X- 11-67, the Kendalls collected about 40 more Celotes larvae on A. malacum and reared 23 adults (apparently limpia , but none of them examined by me). Foodplant records for nessus are legion (Kendall 1959, 1965, and unpublished). Most of them are of Abutilon incanum; and these come from many counties in central Texas: Bexar (innumerable records), Blanco, Bosque, Comal, Crockett, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Maverick, McCulloch, Medina, Nueces, San Patricio, Travis, Uvalde, and Val Verde. I have examined much of the nessus ma- terial reared on A. incanum. The one valid record of nessus found as an egg on Sphaeralcea angustifolia var. lobata in Jeff Davis County, Trans-Pecos Texas, and reared to an adult in the laboratory on Althaea rosea was dis- cussed above; the other two adults reared from this lot of eggs and larvae on Sphaeralcea are actually limpia , though they, too, were reported (Kendall 1965) as nessus. Three larvae found on Sida filipes in San Antonio, Bexar County, V- 9-63, and kept on this plant, produced adults of nessus (not seen by me) on VI-8, 14, and VII-11-63 (Kendall 1965). A larva found by the Kendalls on Wissadula holosericea in San Antonio, Bexar County, V-24-65, yielded an adult of nessus (seen by me) on VI-i 1-65. Three larvae found on W . amplissima in extreme southern Texas at the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, Cameron County, IV-21-62, produced adults of nessus (all seen by me) on V-15, VI-4, and VIII-20-62 (Kendall 1965). Hypodigm. — Of limpia : the holotype cf specified earlier, an allo- type 9 with identical data (except V-1-59), and paratypes comprising 64 cf 30? from Trans-Pecos Texas and 1 cf from Mexico. Paratypic data arranged in the system described by Burns (1964: 19-20), with names of recurring collectors abbreviated: J. M. and S. N. Burns to B, H. A. Freeman to F, and R. O. and C. A. Kendall to K. MEXICO. Coahuila. 25 mi. N Saltillo, IX-19-69, 1 cf (J- A. Scott) . UNITED STATES. Texas. Brewster County: Alpine, V-20- 26, 1 cf (O. C. Poling) (MCZ) ; V-21-26, 1 cf (O. C. Poling) (MCZ) ; VI-4-42, 1 c? (F) ; VI-5-42, 1 P > 0.2. Nor is there a departure from equality among immature stages collected in mid-August and early September. For 47 such larvae and pupae we have: 29 late instar larvae and pharate pupae of which : 19 sexed by dissection of gonads, giving: I2cfcf, 7?? J 10 pupated, giving: 6 cf cf > 4$$ J 18 pupae when found, of which: 7 cT cT , n?$ ; which gives a sex ratio of 25 cf cf : 22 $ $ , for which 0.7 > P > 0.5. Now Striibing (1950) has shown from extensive field and lab- oratory observations that males of Boreus hyemalis (L.) do not tend to emerge earlier than females in the autumn. They do, however, tend to die off somewhat earlier than females, and this has been claimed or inferred by others both from field and laboratory observa- tions ( e.g Withycombe 1922, Syms 1934, Cotton 1971; and for B. westw'oodi Hagen, Brauer 1855; for an undescribed species?, Kolenati 1847)1. My own observations on B. notoperates are in 1Striibing (1950) gives strong reason to believe that Brauer’s species is almost certainly B. westwoodi, and not B. hyemalis as he and others have thought. Furthermore, Pliginsky (1930) states that Kolenati’s specimens, from the glacier of Aar (Kazbek, Kaukas), no longer can be found, and are very likely an undescribed species. From Kolenati’s comments, they fall among the species with a reduced antennal joint number (~20). 1974] Cooper — Boreus 87 agreement. But it has also been claimed, as early as Hardy’s (1848) and MacLachlan’s (1868) notes, that the sex ratio of Boreus is spanandrous, but only loosely in Marchal’s (1911) sense, namely that males regularly make up a minority of the population. Not surprisingly, small collections of Boreus may show a predominance of one sex. In general, however, collections of two dozen or more specimens at a locality, but not made at the season’s close when females do tend to predominate, give sex ratios which approximate equality, as do those for B. notoperates. There are, however, excep- tions. But for none of the following records is there a significant departure (namely, P < 0.05) from equality of the sexes: 1. B. brumalis Fitch 27cf c? 26$$ (Hanover, N. H., 'Cooper, unpubl.) 2. B. coloradensis Byers 21 20 (Byers 1955) 3. B. unicolor Hine 64 57 (Chapman 1954) 4. B. hy emails ( L. ) 39 4i (sifting, Druet & Le- gros, ex Lestage 1941) 33 45 (table 1, to Dec. 20, Strubing 1950) 103 no (table 4, not text p. 84, Strubing 1950) 19 1 1 (Schiirmann, ex Strub- ing 1950) 38 45 (pitfall traps, Cotton 1971) 5. B. westwoodi Hagen 60 64 (Martynova 1954) 24 25 (Martynova 1954) 12 14 (Martynova 1954) 6. B. bey-bienkoi Tarb. 56 49 (Tarbinsky i960) As exceptions, with probabilities < 0.02 to < 0.00 1 as random departures from equality of the sexes, we have: 7. B. nivoriundus Fitch 42 cf cf 23?? (Hanover, N. H. Cooper, unpubl.) 8. B. hy emails (L.) 398 123 (Steiner 1937) 9. B. westwoodi Hagen 97 67 (3 collections, data homogeneous, Fjellberg & Greve 1968) Judging by records 1-6, and from the proportions among im- mature stages which have been sexed, the records 7-9, all of which show a significant preponderance of males, may reflect a tendency for 88 Psyche [March males to wander widely at times in search of females, or true pecu- liarities of the particular populations, or perhaps of the mode or circumstances of collecting. Strubing’s (1950) laboratory rearings of B. hy emails gave 40c? cf, 36?$, and Fraser’s (1943) account implies that his collection (in September) of pupae of B. hy emails consisted of 296" cf , 21 (for which 0.3 > P > 0.2). My own collection of larvae, pharate pupae, and pupae of B. nlvoriundus in August, at the same site in Hanover, N. H., at which the adults scored in 7 above were later collected (December to mid-April), gave 30 cf cf , 33 ?$ . Pupae of B. brumalis collected (from October to mid-November) at Princeton, N. J., likewise do not depart from an equality of sexes: 40 cf cf , 46 $ ? . As Striibing (1950) concluded, the sex ratio in Boreus appears to be close to unity for both immature stages and adults, as is the case for B. notoperates. The answer to Lestage’s (1941) question “is there spanandry in Boreus?” must be: “not so far as known, and perhaps not at all,” as Lestage suspected. Indeed, the only significant departures so far recorded are in fact spangynous , not spanandrous. Mating Mated pairs of B. notoperates are found chiefly on patches of damp moss, free of snow, from early in November to near the middle of March. Although Fraser (1943) claimed B. hyemalis to be cre- puscular, there seems to be no special time of day that is favored for mating by B. notoperates if the temperature is mild ; nor is light a requirement, for B. notoperates mates readily in the dark (in an incubator, at 9°C). In but one case (of 33) has a mated pair been found on the snow, and that mated pair had most likely fallen a foot or so out onto the snow from a steep, moss-covered rock-face. Cer- tainly the suggestion that Boreus occurs on snow because it is easier to find mates there is implausible; the rule seems to be that mating generally occurs on or in moss, where they congregate when it is available to the insects. Nine complete matings of B. notoperates have been observed, namely from the first attempts of the male to gain a partner to the completion of intromission, as well as a good many partial sequences from all stages in the routine. B. notoperates is without a courtship, just as in the three species for which the course of events of mating have been described, namely B. westwoodl (Brauer 1855, 1863, 1974] Cooper — Borens 89 Sauer 1966, perhaps Svensson 19662), B. hyemalis (Withycombe 1926, Syms 1934, Steiner 1937), and B. brumalis (Cooper 1940, Crampton 1940). From its very onset the affair is between a “coy” female acting as though bent on escape, and an aggressive, though not necessarily persistent, male. An ardent male, when within some millimeters range, springs at the female, ensnaring her with his tong- like wings while seizing whatever he can of her extremities with one or both of his genital claspers (or gonostyles). If he fails to gain a hold, as he occasionally does, the female leaps away and is not directly pursued. Thereafter the male either takes a waiting stance on a sprig of moss, or courses about the moss, in both cases twitching his wings and opening and flexing his gonostyles from time to time.3 When chance again presents another or the same female, the male attempts once again to gain a firm hold of the female. When a mating spring has been successful, the male may have seized a female by a posterior femur (5 cases), a mid-tibia (2 cases), a pro- tarsus (1 case), or the antennae (1 case). In some other instances, in which only a part of the mating routine was followed, males had gained holds simultaneously of both a mid- and fore-tarsus, or a fore- tarsus and antenna, or a mid- and hind-tibia, and so on. The initial hold thus seems fortuitous and not limited to a particular appendage or to but one appendage at a time. Depending upon the particular grip of the gonostyles, and the appendage (s) seized, a male may either face opposite to the captured female (7 cases), and may even be chiefly behind her, or face in the same direction as his partner. When a female’s femur or tibia has been grasped, a male, without loosening or losing his hold, can generally draw his own body about to a position at right angles to that of the female by forcibly rotating her appendage, but he cannot wholly reverse the direction in which he faced without obtaining an entirely new hold, as he must when initially facing 180° away from his partner. Once seized, the female’s response is immediate and energetic, as though designed to free her from the clinging, intermittently passive, male. She drags the male on his back, his side, or even vertically on his hypopygium, over and through obstacles presented by the moss and debris. Occasionally the male acts to resist, splaying his legs outward as though a drag-anchor, or clutching at the moss, offering 2? Also Svensson (1966), whose account must refer to B. westwoodi, to B. hyemalis, or to both. Terminology referring to the external male “genitalia” follows Michener (1944). 90 Psyche [March such resistance to the female as he can. From time to time the female rests, and may even pause to feed at rosettes of young moss leaves. At such times the male becomes enlivened, rights himself, turns the length of his body at right angles to the female’s while still holding his original grip with his gonostyles, and swiftly (and repeatedly) arches backward over the female in an endeavor to gain firm grasp of her body with his wings. If he fails and rests, the rebellion of the female returns unabated and continues, as just described, until the male succeeds in subduing her, or she finally rids herself of him.4 Should the male succeed in gaining a firm hold with his stiff, spined and hooked wings, he deftly changes grip with his gonostyles so that he now faces in the same direction as the female. Once a position has been attained from which he can rear backward and to the side of the female, and grasp her between her head and mesono- tum with his wings, holding her body parallel to his own, he again quickly moves his gonostylar grip forward. Once a sufficiently for- ward grip with the gonostyles has been gained, the head of the female now being behind the male’s forebody, he rears strongly backward a number of times and rakes and manipulates the female’s rostrum and antennae with his spined wings as he falls forward again. Should he gain hold of the female’s pronotum with his wings, he may move his gonostylar grip from the female’s legs to clutch one or both antennae, and then briefly but smartly, drag her about by the anten- nae. Mauling of the antennae is quickly followed by a wholly passive state on the part of the female who thereafter stands as though mes- merized. Surprisingly, on the initial assault in one case, the male seized the female’s antennae with his gonostyles ; that female there- upon became submissive without a struggle. When the standing female has become passive, the male (still anterior to the female and gripping an appendage with his gonostyles) again bows backward repeatedly until his groping wings gain a secure hold behind her head, to each side of the pro- or mesonotum, with the female’s head pressed sharply and to the side by his flank. The gonostylar grip is then moved as far posteriorly as the male can manage, and the wing grip released. Once the male has the female again firmly gripped with his wings, and the gonostyles reach suffi- ciently far backwards, he tries to seize the ovipositor with his gono- styles; ordinarily several attempts are required, and after each failure 4Marechal (1939) misremembers Lestage’s (1920) account when he states “c’est la 9 qui saute sur le £, celui-ci cherchant a fuir et a s’en debaras- ser!”, and goes on to tell still more of female sexual aggressiveness. 1974] Cooper — Boreus 91 Fig. 1. Mating of Boreus notoperates. A, mated pair preserved in female perpendicular position; the medial tooth of the gonostylus has disengaged (at death) from the lateral basal notch of the gonapophysis. B, full union of male and female; medial tooth of gonostylus seated into the lateral basal notch of the gonapophysis ; C, semi diagrammatic representation of mated specimens cleared in clove oil ; as in A, the gonapophysis is partially with- drawn from the endandrium, and the lateral basal notch of the gonapophysis (at arrow) is clearly visible; dorsal proctigeral plate (closely, transversely lined) lies within epandrial notch; gonapophyses stippled; aedeagus (widely, transversely lined) partially inserted in common oviduct — note flap at anterior margin of female gonopore and paired ejaculatory ducts entering base of aedeagus; the sclerotized lamina that forms floor of endandrium is cross-hatched (see text). D, male terminalia with everted aedeagus, apical nipple of which bears the gonopore; upper left — inner face of right gono- style to show median tooth and stylocavernula. All from camera lucida sketches; scale: for A and B equals 1 mm, for C and D equals 0.5 mm. 92 Psyche [March the gonostyles are returned to a grip on the posterior legs, near the coxae, and the male rests. When at last the ovipositor has been grasped, the gonapophyses are pried down and slightly apart, the female holding them, as though plastic, in whatever position they were released by the gonostyles. The gonapophysis of each side is then engaged between the inner tooth and the tip of the corresponding gonostyle which, on adduction, directs and thrusts the tip of the gona- pophysis into a pocket ventral to the epandrium (see below). Ratchet- like, the two gonapophyses together are worked down and in by the gonostyles. Finally each gonostyle becomes securely seated on the cor- responding gonapophysis, for its inner tooth (figs. iD; 2A, B)5 engages the lateral notch of the gonapophysis near its base (fig. iB, compare with iA and C, arrow). The female is then released from the clasp of the male’s wings. Thereupon she rocks backward 90° or more, with rostrum and an- tennae folded between the forelegs, femora drawn up to the sides, tibiae adducted, tarsi drooping — the “death-feigning” posture that concludes the leap of a startled Boreus. Surprisingly, the female thereafter remains vertically in that posture, though her legs relax, and the male folds his wings to their usual rest position over the back, fig. iA). In side view it can be seen that the tip of the aedeagus has been fully inserted into the common oviduct (fig. iC). Despite the unbalanced appearance of a male and female united thus at a right angle, without any noticeable difficulty the male may run, climb, feed, and hop, landing without loss of balance. If startled, the male may leap several centimeters or more, landing in (or assuming) the death-feigning posture, motionless and resting on his flank; the female too death-feigns as before; after a few moments, the male returns to his feet. In all, ten cases have been timed from the first assault of the male to intromission; these took from 6 minutes to 18, with a mean of 13 minutes (all at i7°-20°C). The total duration of intromission has not been timed, but I have observed cases in which it was less than an hour, others of more than several hours. Both sexes mate repeatedly, with the same or different partners. °Esben-Petersen (1921) was unable to see this median tooth in specimens before him of B. brumalis and B. nivoriundus ; Lestage (1940) took the supposed absence of a median gonostylar tooth as presenting a cardinal character for Euboreus, a genus he erected for all American species. For discussion of Euboreus, see Cooper (1972). 1974] Cooper — Boreus 93 Discussion of Mating The events just described are different in a number of significant features from those in the matings of B. hyemalis , B. westwoodi and B. brumalis, which are alike. Once a female of those species has been seized by a male, it ordinarily becomes passive (but wot always, see Syms 1934, Aubrook 1939, Sauer 1966, Crampton 1940). The rested male then grips the female across the midbody with his wings (as does B. notoperates) , and with them and his gonostyles works her body over his dorsum so that it is axially symmetrical and paral- lel to his own. The gonapophyses are then pried down and inserted into the subepandrial pocket, the wing-hold is released and the female rocks back until perpendicular to the male. Intromission very likely occurs at this point, as it does in B. notoperates. The relative station of the two sexes just prior to intromission, or the “pose” (Lamb 1922), in all four species is truly a “female vertical pose” with (pre- sumably) an inverse correlation of the genital conduits of the two sexes.6 Now Lamb (1922) used “vertical” as a contrasting term to “linear” (or tail to tail) to denote arrangements of partners in which one partner is above the other. In the overwhelming majority of such cases, the body of the upper insect lies more or less parallel to that of its partner. Consequently I shall call the pose common to the four Boreus a “female perpendicular pose” to distinguish it. The final copulatory attitude of B. notoperates does not depart from the pose; accordingly it is a “female perpendicular position” (fig. iA).. In contrast, B. hyemalis, B. westwoodi , B. brumalis, B. calif ornicus (=var. fuscus Carpenter?) (Cockle 1908, 1914), B. nivoriundus Fitch (Carpenter 1936; Cooper, unpubl.), B. unicolor Hine (Byers 1954) and B. vlasovi Martynova (Vlasov 1950), namely in all other species for which the copulatory position has been recorded, the final attitude differs from the pose, being a female vertical position.7 6On intromission, the apparent dorsal wall of the aedeagus of Boreus lies in contact with the ventral wall of the common oviduct, hence in “inverse correlation”, which is unusual (fig. 1C). In most insects correlation is “direct”, or symmetrical, for contact is dorsal-dorsal and ventral-ventral ; in many insects having a vertical position, direct correlation is brought about by rotation of the male genital tract (see Lamb 1922). Tor original drawings, or photographs (reference in boldface), of copu- lating pairs in their final female vertical position, see: for B. hyemalis fig. 3, pi. 8, Withycombe (1922), fig. 1, Steiner (1937), fig. 7, Striibing (1958) ; for B. westwoodi, fig. 5, pi. 3, Brauer (1855), fig. 2, Sauer (1966) ; for B. brumalis, fig. 9, Cooper (1940), fig. 1, Crampton (1940). 94 Psyche [March On the basis of its morphology, B. notoperates (along with the similar B. brevicaudus Byers) has been adjudged the least primitive of all known species of Bore, us (Cooper 1972). Interestingly, its mating stands apart from that described for the other three studied species: at its onset (the enduring resistance by the female), at its midpoint (submission by the female only after antennal “abuse”), and at its very end (a female perpendicular position derived without change from a similar pose). In that last attribute, it differs from all seven other species of Boreus for which the position has been re- corded and, notably, that position is alike in all seven. The long period of female coyness and the need for manipulation of the fe- male’s antennae go hand in hand, but I cannot decide whether these are primitive aspects or not. But the female perpendicular position is almost certainly a specialization, the marked change from pose to position that occurs in other species of Boreus most likely being primi- tive. I suspect that the presumed loss of change is related to the unusually shortened ovipositor of B. notoperates and the relative depth to which the gonapophyses are inserted into the male; if that is so, B. brevicaudus may be expected to have a female perpendicular position, and possibly also the remote B. chadzhi-gireji Plikinsky as well. Because most Boreus follow closely similar mating patterns, as do B. brumalis and B. nivoriundus , with poses and final positions that are alike, the question quite naturally arises as to whether cross- matings occur or are even attempted. My own trials on this score were with smallish B. nivoriundus males and B. brmnalis females, two species quite frequently found within common areas in New Hampshire. They showed no mutual interest whatsoever. This was not to be attributed to lack of potential competence or sexual aggres- siveness on the part of the males for, when female B. nivoriundus were added, the males soon paired, or attempted to do so, with the females of their own species. Perhaps the scent or secretion claimed for female Boreus (Hardy 1848, Withycomb 1922, Marechal 1939) has a role as a species specific mating pheromone. The Anatomical Correlations in Mating The female vertical position is widespread among insects, yet not common. It has been recorded for Orthoptera (where it, or its equivalent, the “false male vertical position” of Richards, is the usual mode), Plecoptera, Mallophaga, Anoplura, Mecoptera, Siphonaptera, 1974] Cooper — Boreus 95 Diptera (as Empis) , and Coleoptera ( Lomechusa ) (Meisenheimer 1921, Richards 1927), as well as for aradids (Heteroptera) (Usinger and Matsuda 1959). For the majority there is little information on the correlation involved, but it is probably generally inverse, with the anus of the female unobstructed, as in Boreus . The similarities cease here, however, for so far as I am aware the species of Boreus are unique in their adaptation to, and practice of, a reciprocal intro- mission — namely a concurrent passage of the female’s gonapophyses into a specialized genital pocket within the male, and of the aedeagus into the common oviduct (fig. iC). This curious arrangement was first commented upon by Cockle (1908, 1914), and later by Steiner (I937) and Cooper (1940), but it has not properly been described. Projecting cephalad from the medio-dorsal aspect of the gono- coxites of the male, there are two sclerotized laterally flattened straps, the dorsal apophyses of the gonocoxite, that expand medially and unite to forjn a thin, broad, pigmented roofing plate that lies below the anus (figs. 2A, B ; fig. 4, Cooper 1972). The more dorsal anus is itself enclosed by sclerotized dorsal and ventral proctigeral plates (segments X + XI?) (fig. 2A; fig. 3, Cooper 1972). 8 Ventral to the gonocoxital roofing plate, or dorsal portion of the gonobase, there is a broad, sclerotized band overlying the dorsum of the aedeagus (figs. iC, 2A, B; also fig. 4 Cooper 1972). A wide, enclosed, shal- low but elongated pocket is thus formed between the dorsal gonobase, the muscles of the gonocoxites, and the sclerotized band over the aedeagus. In the unmated male at rest, this pocket (which I call the endandrium ) curves downward under the epandrium (fig. 2B). Just prior to insertion of the aedeagus, the gonapophyses (sternites- VIII, or “ventral valves of the ovipositor”) are thrust by the male into the endandrium. The main fields of caudally-directed spines on the bosses to each side of the epandrial notch (fig. 2A) catch on the outwardly directed denticles of the blades of the gonapophyses, pre- venting slippage outwards as the gonapophyses are initially forced, ratchet-like, more and more deeply into the endandrium. Once fully inserted within the endandrium, the gonapophyses are locked in place there by the gonostyles of the male. Not only is the blade of each gonapophysis grasped tightly between the apex and inner tooth of a gonostyle, but that inner tooth of each gonostyle is in turn engaged by being seated into the lateral basal notch of its corresponding gona- pophysis (fig. iB cf. A, C, arrow). That union so forcibly locks the 8The proctigeral plates (= segment-XI) in the female of Boreus notoper- ates are similar to those of B. brevicaudus, described by Byers (1961). Fig. 2. Genital anatomy of male Boreus notoperates. A, terminalia viewed obliquely from the right side. The epandrium (ep), or tergite-IX, has been separated from its articulations on the right, and reflected about 60° to the left. The anus, enclosed by proctigeral plates (cross-lined) lies immediately below the epandrial notch, the spined epandrial bosses to each side. Gonostyles abducted on right, displaying in profile the short, sharp medial tooth which engages the lateral basal notch of the gonapophysis. The dorsal gonobase (dg) extends anteriorly from the gonocoxites, flaring out as the roof of the anterior end of the endandrium. Median plaque (stip- pled) immediately over the aedeagus forms the floor of the endandrium; aed — partially everted aedeagus, ejr — right ejaculatory duct, hyp — hy- pandrium, r — rectum. B, partially exserted aedeagus (aed), right lateral view. Epandrium, proc- tiger, right gonocoxite and hypandrium have been removed. Above, dg, the left dorsal half of the gonobase; below, vg, the left ventral half of the gonobase. Sclerotized plaque (stippled) overlying the aedeagus joined by a fan of muscles to U-shaped sclerite (stippled) partially encircling the aedeagus ventrally. The genital chamber is the space enclosed between the dorsal and ventral gonobases, the endandrium lies between the dorsal gonobase and the sclerotized plaque, and the aedeagal chamber lies between the sclerotized plaque and the ventral retractor muscle attached to the ventral gonobase; ejr — right ejaculatory duct. Both figures from camera lucida drawings; scale equals 0.5 mm. 1974] Cooper — Boreus 97 mated pair together that, unless the male’s grip is loosened, the female cannot free herself. In all but B. notoperates , the female is then rocked forward into the final female vertical position. Although the spines of the epandrial bosses may once again act against denticles of the gonapophyses’ blades, preventing slippage, and the male’s wings give an added grip, the change in position seems a supererogation so far as security of the male’s mating grip is concerned. The aedeagus, at rest, lies within a chamber that may be distin- guished from the endandrium. The roof of the aedeagal chamber is the band-like sclerotization over the aedeagus which forms the floor of the endandrium; the side walls are in part defined by the internal faces and musculature of the gonocoxites, and the floor of the chamber by the cephalad-directed apodemal band from the antero-medial, ventral angle of each gonocoxite that joins its homolog as a broaden- ing, very thin strap, the ventral gonobase (fig. 2B) which, in some specimens, encloses a minute medial sclerotized plaque. The space enclosed between the dorsal and ventral gonobases, then, forms the genital chamber proper, and the endandrium and aedeagal chambers are thus dorsal and ventral subdivisions of it. The aedeagus itself is a heavily muscled tube containing the un- paired ejaculatory duct. At rest it is hook-shaped, with its hooked tip wholly withdrawn into the aedeagal chamber, resting upon the ventral adductor muscle (fig. 2B). The paired ejaculatory ducts separately enter the caudal end of the aedeagus (figs. iC, 2A, B), uniting within it. Above the aedeagus is the sclerotized band that serves as floor to the endandrium. Below, near the point at which the aedeagus bends back on itself in its distal third, there is a slender, sclerotized hoop which partially encircles the aedeagus on the ventral side, from which a fan of muscles extends dorsally and caudally to insert on the dorsal sclerotized band. In B. borealis Banks,9 and B. coloradensis Byers, there is both a dorsal and ventral sclerotized longitudinal band between which the aedeagus lies. The contraction of the muscles running from the ventral hoop to the floor of the endandrium both enables the aedeagus to be held and packed in retraction within the genital chamber and, when the aedeagus is everted, to reduce the space of the aedeagal chamber and thus force the aedeagus caudally outward. No doubt, to judge from the anatomical relations of the endandrium, the initial downward The Whitney’s field-notes suggest that Banks, when describing B, borealis, had but two of a total of four specimens that were captured; see records 129 and 157, pp. 136-137, in McAtee (1923). 98 Psyche [March thrust and pressure of the gonapophyses in the endandrium are addi- tional (perhaps necessary) factors in the eversion and erection of the aedeagus. Contraction of the annular musculature of the aedeagus itself additionally extends the organ and causes the tip to inflate into a bulb, bilobed dorsally, which abruptly terminates in a conical, or nipple-shaped tip upon which the ejaculatory duct opens (fig. iD). The fully extended aedeagus runs between, and is guided by, the smooth inner faces of the gonapophyses and the ventral surface of the ovipositor to enter the common oviduct, from the anterior ventral margin of the orifice of which extends a chitinous guiding flap that, at other times, closes the aperture (fig. i'C). Once entered into the oviduct, the apical bulb of the aedeagus is inflated within the vesti- bule of the common oviduct which opens at the junction of segments IX and X. In that position the ventral bulge of the bulb evidently blocks off the common duct of the tubular accessory glands of the oviduct, and the conical tip of the aedeagus enters the short sper- mathecal duct, within which there is a minute sclerotization (fig. 9, Cooper 1972). Insemination therefore takes place directly into the duct of the spermatheca. The account just given will very likely be found to agree in its main features with the complex “reciprocal intromission” of other B'oreus, even though Martynova’s (1954) figures 1-6 hint that the endandrium may differ in depth and conformation among different species. However it is at variance with Steiner’s (1937) description (or inference?) for B. hy emails in which the tips of the gonapophy- ses are said by him to be received directly and separately into the pockets of the epandrium. That is not the case in still other mated Boreus (B. hrumalis, B. nivoriundus) that I have studied, and in which endandrial insertion occurs. Nor is it likely that the condition observed by Byers (1954) in a preserved, mated pair of Boreus uni- color Hine is a normal state of affairs; namely that the tips of the gonapophyses are bent across one another, and are held thus by the gonostyles of the male at right angles across his epandrium. Nor does B. notoperates conform to Potter’s (1938b) description for B. hy- ejnalis of a coiled or folded ductus ejaculatorius (see her fig. 30) which, at rest, is thrown into three flexures within the genital cham- ber, and which is evaginated during coition. As Steiner said, the intromittant organ is strongly muscular, and as I have shown it is in effect erected without evagination comparable, say, to that of a true internal sac. The element which Potter figures in front of the first distal flexure, appearing continuous in her figure with the “ejacula- 1974] Cooper — Boreus 99 tory duct,” is very likely the large retractor muscle in my figure 2B which occupies that position in B. notoperates. Brief comment on the aedeagus of Boreus will be found in Fitch (1847), Kolenati (1847), Cockle (1908, 1914), and Byers (1954), as well as in Withycombe (1926) and Crampton (1918, 1920, 1923, 1931) who have figured it in an everted state. To judge from these figures and my own, species of Boreus may differ in the apical morphology of the aedeagus. Cytology Boreus notoperates has a diploid number of 20 in the female and 19 in the XO male. At spermatogenesis, the autosomes are conjoined by chiasmata (nearly always but one per bivalent) that are interstitial or proterminal at diakinesis, but for the most part terminalized by metaphase-I. There is only a moderate premetaphase stretch. The acrokinetic X is the largest chromosome of the set (from 7-9 jx long), being respectively two to five times the lengths of the largest and smallest autosomes. The X possesses a nucleolus organ- izer proximally in the long arm. Spermatogenesis is orthodox, the X segregating precociously and reductionally at anaphase-I. At ana- phase-II, as at anaphase in both spermato-and oogonial mitoses, the separating chromatids of X stretch and span the entire length of the elongating spindle before their distal tips disjoin. The chromosome number of B. notoperates is the lowest so far known for Boreus (B. bru?nalisJ, ncf — 11+ XiX2,Y; B. hy emails, ncf ' — ' 14 + X,0; B. nivoriundus ncf — 15 + X,0; Cooper 1951 and unpubl.) ; except possibly for a cytological form of Nannochorista dipteroides Till, (n = 9 ?, Bush 1967), it is indeed the lowest num- ber so far claimed for Mecoptera. A second strain of N. dipteroides (n — ca 14), Chorista australis Klug. (ncf = 14 + X,0) (both in Bush 1967), and three species of Bittacus (ncf — 13 + X,0; ncf — 14 + X,0; ncf = 15 + X,0) (Matthey 1950; Atchley and Jackson 1970), all lie within the range of Boreus. My prepara- rations of a single male of Merope tuber Newm. display chiefly very drawn-out early diakinetic chromosomes, and are sufficient only to establish that it is XO, chiasmate, and has a haploid number that is less than ncf = 12 + X,0 — possibly ncf — 10 + X,0. Though, at this time no more definite statement can be made for our most primitive mecopteran, it is nevertheless clear evidence that the chro- mosome number of Merope is not a relatively high one. On the other IOO Psyche [March hand, the seven species of Panorpa so far reported upon by Naville and de Beaumont (1934), Kichijo (1943), Ullerich (1961), and Atchley and Jackson (1970) stand apart, having the highest chro- mosome numbers known for Mecoptera; they are: ncT = 20 + X,0, ncf =21 + X,0, and ncf — 22 + X,0 (4 species, plus one with n? = 23). The cytology of Panorpa is thus characterized by two evolution- ary differences from most other Mecoptera now known: absence of chiasmata at meiosis in the male, as Ullerich (1961) first demon- strated, and unusually high diploid numbers. Whether or not male Nannochoristids and Choristids have chiasmata is not known, al- though Bush’s (1967) account indicates that male Nannochorista dipteroides , like Panorpids, may have a meiosis without chiasmata. Despite the strongly derived nature of the external morphology of Boreids, and especially of Boreus notoperates, therefore, their chro- mosome numbers and possession of chiasmata at meiosis in the male appear conservative. Congruent also with a primitive state is their possession of panoistic ovarioles, as is known also for B. hrumalis (Cooper 1940) and B. nivoriundus (unpubl.). It is likely that this is the case also for B. hy emails; Steiner (1937) could find no nurse cells in its ovaries, but was undecided as to whether the ovarioles are panoistic or meroistic. OviPOSITION As commented above, both male and female Boreus mate repeatedly and with varied partners. In B. notoperates the spermatheca of the female has some 24 sperm receptacles (fig. 9, Cooper 1972), all of which come to be filled with spermatozoa. The natural promiscuity may be seen as tending to reduce close inbreeding within the small, scattered populations. In the laboratory, females lay within two weeks following their first mating, and perhaps within a few days as is the case for B. hy emails (Striibing 1950, 1958). The large majority of the eggs at laying (which measure from 0.5 to 0.6+ X 0.3 + mm, length by width)10 by B. notoperates are placed singly, vertically, and ordinarily at such a depth that the apex of the egg lies from 0.1 to 0.3 mm below the surface of the sod of the moss, amid its rhizoids. Sixteen females, over a period of ten days at 2i°C, laid 186 eggs that I was able to locate — assuredly a 10The egg widths in Cooper (1972), p. 275, should of course be 0.31 mm and 0.30 mm respectively. 1974] Cooper — Boreus IOI minimal number — giving an average of 1.16 eggs per day per fe- male. The span of life of a female in such cultures was no more than four weeks. Were such a rate of laying maintained, a labora- tory-held female would be expected to lay about 32 eggs. At death, these females possess mature eggs in their ovaries, and so their poten- tial fecundity is higher than just estimated. These experiences are in line with those of Withycombe (1922) and Striibing (1950, 1958) for B. hyemalis , although their estimates that the average female lays a maximum of ten or so eggs in a lifetime I suspect to be much too low, considering the hazards of egg development, larval life, and the full two-year life cycle that must be met. Females of B. brumalis and B. nivoriundus which I have dissected at the close of their sea- sons in late February and March, still have a few mature eggs in their oviducts, as Striibing (1950) found for B. hyemalis but in some there is widespread involution of follicles within the ovarioles, the epithelium of the egg chambers incomplete, with many nuclei lying within large protoplasmic masses that simulate nurse cells. I have not witnessed oviposition, but Brauer (1855, see fig. 5, plate III), Aubrook (1939) and Marechal (1939) have described females, nearly perpendicular, with ovipositors buried in the soil. Only Svensson (1966), however, has witnessed actual oviposition (perhaps in B. westwoodi, as in Brauer’s case), and described the passage of the egg along the incomplete tube formed by the gona- pophyses and tergite-X. When the egg reaches the tip, the cerci are flexed ventrally, forcing the egg out onto the ventral surface of the gonapophyses. The egg is thereupon set down upon a moss stem, the whole process taking 3 to 4 minutes. It is to be noted that the female he observed laid 4 eggs within a period of two hours, lending some credence to the belief that females of Boreus may actually lay at least again as many eggs as Striibing estimates for the total production of a female B. hyemalis. Indeed Striibing (1950) records one clump of seven eggs, presumably laid by a single female. Certainly it is reasonable to assume that laboratory conditions are not ideal for ovi- position, and that such estimates do represent minima. Hatching Hatching occurred in laboratory samples of eggs of B. hyemalis within 8 to 10 days, at 8.8 °C, with about 50% mortality in Withy- combe’s (1922) series; in contrast, Striibing’s (1950) samples took from 3 weeks at approximately 2Q°C to as long as one and a half 102 Psyche [March Fig. 3. Immature stages of Boreus notoperates. A, freshly laid egg. B, egg just before hatching — note larval head, transverse band, margins of reflexed end of abdomen. C, rent chorion following hatching. D, first instar larva. E, first instar larva dissected from egg at stage comparable to B. F, last instar larva — especially note conformation of pigment under- lying stemmata (KOH preparation). G to I, pharate pupal heads — note change in both position and conformation of eye pigment, and its relation to the development of the imaginal eye. J, pharate adult female — note connections between imaginal fixed setae of gonapophyses and corresponding setae of pupal exuvium. Scale = 0.5 mm, applies to figs. F through I; scale = 1 mm for J ; for dimensions of eggs and first instar larvae, see text. months at 7°C, and 44 of 46 eggs of her series hatched. In the case of B. notoperates, two of four eggs kept at 20°C hatched in a period of 24 days; the other two were at the stage of hatching at that time, but the larvae died without perforating the chorions. The four freshly laid eggs of B. notoperates which I followed swelled, in the first 15 days, from 0.5 X 0.3 mm to 0.66 X 0.46 mm — 0.68 X 0.50 mm, at which time the larval head, pigmented eyes, jaws (mostly held open, but moving from time to time), and reflexed abdomen could be seen, as well as a grayish, transverse band that had appeared on or near the chorion below the larval head (figs. 3B, E). 1974] Cooper — Boreus I 03 By the next day (day 16) the larvae moved occasionally within the chorions. By day 18 the larval gut appeared swollen and gray. Over the next five days the larvae became very active, even reversing their positions within the eggs; at times the chorion of an egg would col- lapse inwards, only to reinflate once again. On the 24th day two of the larvae hatched by means of great rents torn through the chorion (fig. 3C). I did not observe the emergence, or how the chorion was torn open. As there is no egg burster such as Gassner (1963) has described for the first instar larva of Panorpa nuptialis Gerst., it is possible that infolding of the chorion, as earlier observed, enables the larva to seize and rip the chorion with its jaws, or that the gray band on the chorion is associated with a local weakness. Striibing (1950) has described the swelling of the developing egg (which also occurs in other Mecoptera, see Currie 1932, Setty 1940, Byers 1963), and the hatching of B. hyemalis which takes but 10-12 minutes; the events prior to hatching are similar to those of B. notoperates}1 The newly hatched larva of B. notoperates (fig. 3D) is dead white, except for the pale amber head capsule, darker jaws, and pig- "Some 127 developing eggs of B. notoperates were at hand when this passage was written (Feb. 1974). Subsequently they were divided into two lots of which one (of 88 eggs) was followed daily to hatching. All had been kept at 9°C, and were at a mean age of approximately 30 days when removed to 20°C for observation. They had all undergone swelling, but no other sign of development was discernible. The smallest egg was 0.58 X 0.44 mm, the largest 0.78 X 0.52 mm, and the most distended in girth was 0.64 X 0.56 mm. In what follows, day 0 is the day of removal (Jan. 14, 1974) to 20°C. At day +15 eyes were visible in nearly all eggs; at +21 heads pale testaceous, eyes black, mandibles very dark and active ; most eggs alike in stage — despite this, hatching spread out over a period of 36 days. Hatch was 93% (82 of 88 eggs; 2 did not mature, 3 failed to hatch but had had active larvae, 1 killed by mold). First egg to hatch was at +25 days, half of the eggs had hatched at +31, three-quarters at +33, 90% by + 38, and the last on +61. Unlike the mandible of the last larval instar, that of the unhatched larva has a sharp, falcate, apical tooth, a moderately long, sharp, subapical tooth, and two successively smaller, sharp denticles. When hatching commences, the turgid chorion is abraded, then penetrated, by the mandibles, whereupon it collapses somewhat and folds inward to a varying degree, owing to loss of fluid from the egg. Within an hour, or as long thereafter as several days, the larva emerges. It does so by cutting through the fold, and else- where, to produce a broad apical flap, or even a free cap to the egg. By peristaltic movements, especially of the thorax, the larva forces the flap and emerges through the gaping hole in the chorion in a matter of ten to twenty minutes. 104 Psyche [March merited eyes. It has a head width of 0.28 mm, widest girth across the thorax of 0.3 mm, and a body length of 0.9 mm. It is not pro- vided with abdominal prolegs, as described by Brauer (1855, fig. 7, pi. Ill; 1863, fig. 2, pi. XIV) for B. westwoodi, but the terminal abdominal segment does serve, and very effectively so, as a holdfast as he believed. The two hatched larvae were placed on a small mat of damp moss into the sod of which they speedily disappeared. Seventeen days later the larvae were torpid, stretched out and turgid, and remained so for the next four days. At that point the head capsule was 0.3 mm wide, the metanotal girth 0.38 mm (the broadest portion of the thorax), and the total body length 1.04 mm in one, 1.42 mm in the other. If, at this point, they were ready for the first larval moult, then the first instar is completed within 16 to 17 days at 20°C. Unfortunately observations had to be discontinued, and the larvae were preserved. Striibing (1950, 1958) has shown that the rate of development in B. hyemalis is strongly affected by temperature and, unlike the adult, eggs and larvae develop only very slowly, if at all, at the low tem- peratures of winter. Indeed the egg remains dormant through the winter months, normally hatching in the period from the end of March to mid-April. Hatching is almost certainly earlier in the case of B. notoperates for, by the close of January and February, air temperatures above 20°C and warm sunshine are not uncommon in its habitat on Mt. San Jacinto. Larva During the last two weeks of August and in September, larvae, pharate pupae (Hinton 1971, 1973), and pupae of B. notoperates are found in the sod of host mosses, amid the rhizoids. The apparent larvae are of two size classes : ( 1 ) with a mean head length from the tip of the labrum to the occiput of 0.49 mm, range 0.47-0.52 mm, and a coefficient of variation (V) of 5.7 (6 specimens), and (2) with a mean head length of 0.68 mm, range 0.59-0.87 mm, and a surprisingly large V of 9.7 (23 specimens). Though smaller larvae of the second class proved to be males, and the larger females, the size distribution is not bimodal. No doubt their high coefficient of variation is in part a consequence of two factors: a sexual difference in size at the last instar, and the consequences of the larval-pupal apolysis that closes the larval stage and which I did not detect until later. They proved a heterogeneous lot of last instar larvae and pharate pupae. 1974] Cooper — Boreus 105 Fig. 4. Head of last instar Boreus notoperates. A, frontal view. B, mouthparts in ventral aspect. For details see text. Full scale = 0.4 mm for A, = 0.2 mm for B. The number of larval ecdyses is not known for any species of Boreus , but it is very likely four as in other species of Mecoptera (Currie 1932, Setty 1940, Byers 1963). The ratio of the mean head length of the larger larvae and pharate pupae to that of the smaller larva is 1.38. This gives estimated head lengths for the two im- mediately preceding larval stages as 0.36 mm and 0.26 mm respec- tively. As the head length of the first instar larva is known to be O.32 mm, the series ends there and the number of instars is thus very likely four. The probable Dyar constant of 1.29 (which is low compared with Byer’s figure of 1.46 for Panorpa nuptialis) gives a calculated head length of 0.41 mm for instar-2, of 0.49 mm for instar-3, and of 0.68 mm for instar-4. Striibing (1950) left the matter of the number of larval instars of B. hyemalis open. Withy- combe (1922), also unable to find larval exuvia, judged from head capsule growth that there are at least four instars. Though Striibing’s measurements of larval head capsules are in fact heterogeneous, they are reasonably well satisfied by a Dyar constant of 1.34 and four instars. The full grown larva of B. notoperates is remarkably similar to the first instar larva (compare figs. 3D and F). The head is pale amber in color, the body white to pale yellow, and in life it ranges from 2. 6-3. 7 mm in length. In shape it is “scarabaeiform,” to use Peterson’s (1951) characterization of the larva of B. brumalis. As io6 Psyche [March illustrated (fig. 3F), the larva of B. notoperates has localized patches of denticles on the dorsum of the pronotum, a transverse row of setae on the mesonotum, two rows of setulae enclosing a row of setae on the metanotum, an oblique scattering of denticles on the flanks of the metanotum, and patches of denticles on each of the indistinctly 3-segmented legs. Abdominal tergite-i has a dorsal transverse patch of denticles behind which stands a row of setae. Abdominal tergites-2 through 5 have dorsal, transverse patches of denticles, and each seg- ment thereafter possesses only a transverse row of setae, except for segment- 10 which is encircled by a row of setae. Though not ap- pearing unusually modified, the apical abdominal segment serves, as in the first instar larva, as an adhesive holdfast. Denticles and setae alike are pale testaceous. As usual for Mecoptera, there are 9 spira- cles: one on the flank of the pronotum, and one on each of abdominal segments- 1 to 8. The larval head (fig. 4A) is convex and more or less ovoidal in face view. At the bases of the mandibles, lower halves of the antennal sockets, on the transverse sclerotized plaque on the proximal portion of the clypeus, the head is bright castaneous, as are the mandibles (except for their piceous tips and the cervical sclerites), all contrast- ing markedly from the pale ground color. The eyes possess three stemmata, the lower two of which have very convex lenses while the uppermost is smaller, flat and somewhat atrophied. Underlying and surrounding the stemmata is a distally attentuated patch of black pigment. The antennae have two obvious segments, and terminate in a bristle-like prolongation that may or may not be a true segment. Coronal, frontal and epistomal sutures are well marked and complete. The clypeus is roughly trapezoidal, the labrum apically emarginate; together they conceal the biting edges and tips of the closed mandibles. Almost all of the setae described and designated by Boese (1973) for the larval head of Panorpa species are to be found, similarly situ- ated, in B. notoperates. The differences between B. notoperates and Panorpa species lie in the absence in Boreas of a pair of setae (SO) immediately dorsal to the eye, the presence of but a single pair (in- stead of 2 pair) of setae (SI) on the labrum which, in addition, are not marginal as in Panorpa , the presence of but a single pair of setae on the mandibles (instead of 3), and the possession of an extra pair of setae, lacking in Panorpa , on the proximal edge of the medial third of the sclerotized clypeal band, just below the epistomal suture. In view of the notable differences between Boreas and Panorpa in 1974] Cooper — Boreus 107 other aspects of larval and adult anatomy, the complex setation of the larval head appears to have been remarkably stable. The mandibles of B. notoperates (fig. 4B) are massive, triangular, strongly sclerotized, and thrown apically into three, poorly demar- cated, blunt teeth. Maxillae and labium are membranous. The max- illary cardo is triangular, the stipes large and trapezoidal, the palpi- fer (which seems a basal palpal joint) cylindrical and surmounted by the subequally 2-jointed maxillary palps, the terminal joint of which is cylindrical and densely papillate apically. A brush of closely set long hairs is directed medially from each maxillary lobe. The 2- jointed labial palps are slender and very elongate. Like the maxillary palps, they are testaceous, and bear a cluster of small pegs at their tips. The prementum, which is strap-like and sclerotized, bears two stout, convergent setae medially at its anterior margin. The sub- mentum is large, trapezoidal, and broader posteriorly. The numbers and arrangements of setae on the submentum, pre- mentum, basal joint of the maxillary palpi, and possibly of the cardo, are similar to those figured by Potter (1938a) for B. hyemalis. B. notoperates , however, appears to have one less seta on both the palpi- fer and stipes, and the conformation of palps, maxillary brushes, prementum, and mandibular teeth differ strikingly from that species. It also differs from B. hyemalis in shape of head, the presence of a complete frontal suture, a distinct epistomal suture, a sclerotized clypeal band, emarginate labrum, and details of setal pattern. Brauer’s (1855, 1863) descriptions and figures of B. westwoodi do not permit a comparison with B. notoperates, but I agree with Potter (1938a) that there is no spinneret on the labium as Brauer considered possible and as Withycombe (1922) claimed. If Brauer is correct that the labial palps of B. westwoodi are 3 -jointed, that is a very striking dif- ference from B. hyemalis and B. notoperates. Peterson’s (1951) brief description and figures are sufficient to show that the larva of B. brumalis has notable differences from both B. hyemalis and B. notoperates in head shape, labrum, sutures (only an epistomal suture is figured), and setal distribution and lengths on both head and body. It is important to emphasize that presence of a distinct epistomal suture in the larvae of B. notoperates, B. brumalis, and B. westwoodi, because its supposed absence in Boreus is one of the characteristics emphasized by Hinton (1958) as a feature of Crampton’s (1930) suborder Neomecoptera, only diffidently suggested by Crampton, which Hinton elevated to ordinal status. Nor is it the case, as Hin- ton supposes, that the eleventh abdominal segment of adult female io8 Psyche [March Bore us differs from that of other Mecoptera by lacking cerci; Byers (1961) showed their presence in B. brevicaudus , and I confirm their presence in B. notoperates as well. As Hepburn (1970) has already said, attempts to remove Boreidae to an order separate from the Mecoptera seems unjustified at this time. Pupa The metamorphosis to the pupa occurs in mid-August and in Sep- tember in B. notoperates as in the other Boreus for which pupation has been recorded. Its onset is first recognizable by a separation, elongation, hypertrophy and migration of the pigment of the larval eye. The pigment becomes aligned and compacted as three nodes which, at 20°C, over a period of a week or more, move as a unit posteriorly and obliquely to the orbital region of the head (figs. 3F-I). For most of this period the larval jaws are functional, al- though feeding does not occur, and the larva moves about readily if disturbed. During migration of the pigment, the purplish compound eye de- velops as though its posterior edge, defined by the three nodes of black pigment, were its developmental origin of growth. By the time that the imaginal eye is nearly fully outlined (fig. 3I), the larval- pupal apolysis has been completed, and the pharate pupa no longer can move the larval mandibles. Evidently this remarkable sequence occurs in at least some beetles as well. The migration of the pigment of the larval eye to the rear of the head in Duvalius mallaszi subsp. chappuisi Jean., described and figured from preserved specimens by the puzzled Jeannel (1926), is certainly an example of the same phenomenon ; his specimens in which the pigment had separated from the stemmata are clearly pharate pupae. It is during the migration of the components of the developing pupal eye that spermatogenesis occurs in B. brumalis (Cooper 1940) and B. nmoriundus, and not in the last instar larva as I stated earlier. In B. notoperates , however, only spermatogonial divisions and early prophase stages of the first meiotic division occur in the pharate pupa,, the meiotic divisions and spermiogenesis taking place in the late pupa and pharate adult. Within one to several days following apolysis, the larval-pupal ecdysis ensues. Initially the pupa, in contrast to the greasy-yellow, late pharate pupa, is a translucent white with the tips of the mandi- bles brown, and the eyes a purplish brown. Within a week the body- 1974] Cooper — Boreus 109 yellows, the moveable mandibles become testaceous to their bases, the eyes brown, yet with the three contrasting black nodes at their caudal margins distinct, and ocelli purplish, the malpighian tubules brown, and the bristles amber-brown. Within two weeks the eyes have be- come black, the three pigment nodes are still discernible, the ocelli are dark sepia, and the malpighian tubules are a dark purplish-brown. At five weeks the jaws and body are still moveable, but the pupal- adult apolysis has occurred. It is interesting that in the pharate adult female, the heavy black fixed setae of the gonapophyses attenuate near their midpoints; their threadlike prolongations (which are lost at ecdysis) connect with the corresponding setae of the pupal cuticle (fig- 3 J)- The pharate adult stage, during which the entire body, wings and legs of the imago darken, may last from ten days to three weeks. The pupal to adult ecdysis thus takes place (in the labora- tory) from a month and a half to nearly two months after the onset of pupation. Unlike B. hyemalis (Withycomb 1922, Fraser 1943, Striibing 1950) and B. westwoodi (Brauer 1857, 1863), in which the newly eelosed adult requires from a number of days to as much as a week to reach full color, but like B. brumalis (Williams 1916), B. notoperates is fully colored within a half day following eclosion. Just how long the true pupal and adult stages last in other Boreus is not known. Until Hinton (1971, 1973) straightened out the matter, and called attention to it, the importance of dating the stages from their apolyses, rather than from their ecdyses, had not been appreciated. Striibing (1950, 1958) gives a duration for the “pupa” of B. hy emails (as from) 40 to 59 days. Habitat The larvae and pupae of B. notoperates are found in the sods of mosses growing on diorite boulders from moderate (2 ft. dia.) to gigantic size. The immature stages occur in a very scattered distribu- tion, and I have not been able to forecast, when the moss is of an appropriate species, whether or not a given moss-covered boulder will be found to be inhabited by Boreus. Ordinarily specimens are few amid the moss of a given boulder but, when found, tend to be clustered. Initially I was unable to find immatures in the dry summer months. Because the mosses and their sods are very compact, desic- cated and crumbly at that time, and frequently at a. temperature (when sunned) of 30°!C or more, it seemed likely that, following no Psyche [March melting of the snow, the young stages were washed to the ground, thereafter burrowing into the soil. Following that, they would forage as saprophiles, since Withycombe (1922) has found that larvae can feed on leaf mold. Promising moss-covered boulders, standing on a loose, fine and sandy soil, were therefore trenched on the run-off side to a depth off a foot or more, and the soil carefully sifted through Tyler screens down to 16 meshes to the inch (0.99 mm openings). This seemed a hopeful attack at the time because Strubing (1950) had found that B. hyemalis, during periods of drought, descend to a depth of as much as 20 cm below their mosses, which grow on soil, to reach a suitably humid surrounding. No Boreus were found. During one collecting period in mid-August there was a brief but heavy shower which, within 20 minutes, brought the mosses on the boulders to a fresh, expanded green state, and soaked their sods through. When the damp sods were broken or sliced open, there amid the rhizoids were the larvae and pupae within small ellipsoidal and cylindrical spaces that had readily cleaved open ! During dry periods these cells, which are only slightly larger than the stages enclosed, harden and act thereafter as a coherent whole, appearing as no more than larger, compact particles of the sandy soil and organic debris of the desiccated sod. When such sods are broken and crumbled, these cells remain intact, even under the stresses of sifting. Their inner walls are very smooth, and are perhaps cemented by salivary secretions, but not by silken threads as has been suspected or claimed for the pupal chambers of B. westwoodi (Brauer 1863) and B. hyemalis (Withycombe 1922, Syms 1934). It is possible that salivary secretions also make their walls impervious to water loss. Thereafter search became routine during the predominantly dry periods for the desiccated mosses on their boulders need only to be soaked with water. It is clear that B. notoperates is well adapted by its earthen cham- ber for survival during periods of drought. T he larva must do most of its foraging during the spring before the moss turfs become dry, and thereafter as infrequent opportunity permits following scattered storms on the mountain. Associated Mosses Records of the mosses with which Boreus is associated in one way or another have been made 'for only seven or eight of the twenty- seven or so species of Boreus known (species list in Svensson I972)> 1974] Cooper — Boreus 1 1 1 and for but four species are the mosses known upon which the larvae feed. I shall bring these records together and discuss them at another time. Suffice it to say that more than forty species of moss are in- volved, and that these are distributed among 9 orders, 19 families, and 28 genera. The families of mosses for which a. member (or mem- bers) is known to support the life history of a species of Boreus are Dicranaceae, Bryaceae, Mniaceae, Thuidaceae, and Polytrichaceae. Records which follow for B. notoperates now add two additional families: Grimmiaceae and Orthotrichaceae. The generic and specific names are those recognized by Crum, Steere and Anderson (1973). B. notoperates uses as food and habitat for its larval stages: Grim- mia apocarpa Hedw., G. montana B.S.G., Rkacomitrium sudeticum (Funck.) B.S.G., and Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich. ex Schwaeger. Each is widely distributed, being found in Europe, Asia, and North America. Adults have been collected on all of the above, as well as on the following: Grimmia laevigata (Brid.) Brid.; Tortula prin- ceps De Not. and T. ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertner (Pottiaceae) ; Homalothecium aeneum (Mitt.) Lawt., IT. nevadense (Lesq.) Ren. & Card., II. pinnatifidum (Sull. et Lesq.) Lawt., and Camptothe- cium amesiae Ren. & Card, (all Thuidaceae). The identifications of all of these mosses have been made by Professor Lewis E. Anderson of the Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, N.C., and voucher specimens have been retained in the herbarium at Duke University. Adult B. notoperates will browse in the laboratory on all of the mosses listed above. But of the mosses upon which only adults have been collected, only Grimmia laevigata and the two species of Tortula are widely distributed (Eur., Asia, N. A.), and by the nature of their rhizoids and sods are likely candidates as larval habitats and food. The sods of the mosses in which larval and pupal B. notoper- ates have been found are compact, but surprisingly thin, falling within the range from 5— 10 mm when dry, and from nearly 6-12 mm when thoroughly damp. The Thuidaceae, on the other hand, are all endemic species. Because their clumps are coarse, open, and gen- erally without a suitably fine rhizoid mat and sod, they are probably not used as larval habitat and food mosses. It is of particular interest that the mosses which serve as larval food for B. notoperates are very widespread; also that B. notoper- ates is not limited to a single species or genus of moss but in fact utilizes members of two families representing different orders (Grim- miales and Isobryales). Whatever limits the geographic distribution 1 12 Psyche [March of B. notoperates , it is certainly not the availability of a local or special moss. That generalization holds as well for those other species of Boreus for which associations with mosses have been specifically recorded; nearly all of the mosses concerned are widespread in Eu- rope, Asia and North America, and indeed quite a number have a still more extensive range than that. Variation Among Adults When B. notoperates was described (Cooper 1972), my series of 29 specimens was nearly uniform with respect to antennal joint number, namely 19 joints — a feature used as a specific character. The only apparent exceptions that I noted I did not take to be such; they were a male and female, each of which had an incomplete sep- aration of joints-3 from 4, but these joints were otherwise demar- cated by their apical swellings. Since then I have found that indi- viduals do occur with antennal joint numbers other than 19—19. In a series of 86 males and 83 females held to determine their relative lengths of life in the laboratory (me? = 16 days, m$ = 22 days; 0.05 > P > 0.02), the distributions of antennal joint numbers were : 18-18 18-19 19-19 19-20 20-20 Total cT c? 12 4 68 1 1 86 9 9 9 3 70 o 1 83 Thus about 12% of B. notoperates have a different antennal joint number than 19-19. When numbers of 19-19 individuals are com- pared with the lumped totals of the others, there is no evident dif- ference between male and female (0.8 >P >0.7). Males with antennal joints fewer than 19-19 do tend to die somewhat earlier than the other males (m = 11 days), the Wilcoxon rank sum test giving 0.02 > P > 0.01. Such females also die somewhat earlier (m = 19 days), but not significantly so, for 0.5 > P > 0.4. Attention is also called to new information on patterns of ab- dominal fusions in males (Cooper 1 973 ) • Predators, Parasites and Life Cycle Very little has been recorded regarding the use of Boreus as prey. Withycombe (1922) was of the opinion that the adult would be expected “to be speedily devoured” by birds, unless distasteful. Greve 1974] Cooper — Bore us 113 (196) holds Boreus to be acceptable to small birds as welcome sup- plement to their winter fare, and that Boreus ’ escape leap and thano- taxis perhaps offer it some protection against predation. No one seems to have observed birds feeding on Boreus, however, and McAtee’s extensive analysis of the stomach contents of birds provides no records. Lestage (1940), on the other hand, cites a unique record of the remains of Boreus from the stomachs of trout, even adding “[les] Truites ont montre celles-ci friandes des Boreus”! Other possible predators that have been mentioned are spiders, often abundant on snow during warmer days, and rapacious insects (Vlasov 1950, Greve 1966) — but none have been shown to be such. Definite information, however, can be given on actual and probable parasites of species of Boreus. In my own experience, I have but once found mites on Boreus. Four adult individuals of a species of Pediculaster (Pyemotidae; determined by Prof. Earle A. Cross) were in neat parallel array, lengthwise to abdominal sternites-i and 2, nearly concealed between the abdomen and the dorsal faces of the metacoxae, on which they were seated, of an adult male of B. brumalis (Hanover, N. H., Jan. 8, 1961, air temp. i.7°C). The record is of special interest for it is a likely, occasional parasite of Boreus. Insofar as the habits of species of Pediculaster are known, they are ordinarily phoretic on a number of diverse flies, and Vitzthum found that P. mesembrinae (Canestrini) drop off their hosts at oviposition sites, attacking there the developing fly larvae (see Cross 1965). A not surprising second parasite of Boreus is a Cor dy ceps (Sphae- riales, Clavicipitaceae) that in one case of 5 such emerged from the intersection of the frontal and coronal sutures, as well as from be- tween the 9th and 10th abdominal tergites of a mummified 4th instar larva of B. brumalis found erect in its vertical burrow just beneath the basal stems of the host moss, Dicranella heteromalla (Hedw.) Schimp. (Princeton, N.J., Nov. 19, 1939). The portion of the fungus from the head bifurcated into two fruiting bodies (each about 3-4 mm long), extending vertically upwards and nearly parallel. The limb from the abdomen bent sharply and vertically upwards, and was nearly 5 mm long. In all, the 5 Cordyceps-iniected larvae were among 25 + larvae collected that day from one large turf of the moss growing at the base of a tulip tree. Of 35 pupae collected at the same site and time, none were afflicted by the fungus. The only parasites that have been recorded from B. hyemalis are hymenopterous. The braconid Dyscoletes lancifer Haliday was shown Psyche [March 114 by Aubrook (1939) and Fraser (1943) to be a parasite of the larva. Withycombe (1922) had earlier reported hymenopterous parasites of the larva, but it is by no means certain that they were also Dyscoletes. Indeed, of the single larval parasite that Withycombe endeavored to rear, but which was destroyed by mold as a pupa, he says that it appeared to be that of an apterous form. At Princeton, N. J., I too obtained hymenopterous larvae from larval B. brumalis in the au- tumn, but was unable to rear them. From 13 B. notoperates larvae collected at Coldwater Canyon on Mt. San Jacinto (Aug. 22, 1973), 17 hymenopterous larvae emerged (3 from 1 larva, 2 from each of 3 larvae, and 1 from each of 8 larvae) ; one additional larva was obtained from a larval cell of Boreus containing the remains of the mecopterous larva. By Febru- ary 1, 1974, only 5 specimens (4?, 1 cf ) had transformed to adults. All are a megaspilid (Ceraphronoidea) , and are tentatively identi- fied as an undescribed species of Conostigmus.12 It is an interesting association, for so far as I am aware no ceraphronoid is known to have a mecopterous host, although there are records of neuropteroid hosts ( e.g Muesebeck 1959, Dessart 1967). Withycombe (1922), who thought — like many others — that Boreus has an annual cycle, was puzzled as to what alternative host a hymenopterous parasite of Boreus might attack from August to December. This, so that it could have a brood appearing early in the new year that could once again parasitize a new generation of Boreus. Syms (1934) and Aubrook (1939), however, conclude from their finding in the autumn, of two stages of the larva of B. hyemalis, that Boreus probably has a 2-year life cycle, and Syms actually showed this to be so for at least some larvae. That it does in fact have a 2-year cycle has been proven conclusively by Strubing (1950), and it is very likely that all Boreus have a cycle that normally takes 2 years — * assuredly that is so for B. notoperates , B. brumalis, and B. nivo- riundus, which I have studied. The problem that Withycombe posed thus vanishes, for the larvae of a second generation of Boreus are available at any time that the hymenopterous parasite emerges and is ready to oviposit. Such parasites of Boreus , therefore, could be specific parasites, having no other host. In the case of the larva of B. notoperates , confined as it is to hard earthen cells for perhaps half of its life, it is likely that the parasite 12Dr. Paul Dessart, Chef de Travaux, Entomologie, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, has very kindly confirmed the generic placement of Conostigmus (March 11, 1974). 1974] Cooper — Boreus 1 15 can attack its host only during periods of dampness when the larva of Boreus is free to move about; since the parasite pupates, or may enter diapause, enclosed within the cell of its host larva, parasite and host are thereby synchronized to the same periods of activity. The very means by which the larvae of B. notoperates withstands drought thus entrains the parasite to the host’s timetable. Acknowledgment I wish to thank those who have helped me in various ways during the course of this work. Especial thanks are extended to Prof. Lewis E. Anderson, of Duke University, for his cheerful acceptance of the numerous samples of mosses sent him over the years for identification. Other plants, still to be mentioned, were collected and identified by Mr. J. W. Stubblefield to whom I owe special thanks. Both he, and my wife, Dr. Ruth S. Cooper, gave me much help with field work that, at times, I could not otherwise have carried out. Prof. Earle A. Cross, of Northwestern State College, La., made the identification df the phoretic mite. Prof. G. W. Byers, of the University of Kan- sas, obtained for me Tarbinsky’s and Vlasov’s articles, not available in this country, from a Russian colleague. Prof. Peter Jorgensen, of the University of California at Riverside, helped me with the Scandi- navian articles, and as before I have been assisted with Russian works by both Prof. Anatole Forostenko, also of U. C. R., and my son Geoffrey K. Cooper. Errors of interpretation, if any, are however my sole responsibility. Finally, it is a pleasure to acknowledge my con- siderable indebtedness to Prof. Frank M. Carpenter, of Harvard University, whose unsolicited kindnesses in sending me specimens and literature otherwise unavailable to me, and in other ways, have been of such help in the work on Boreus and other studies. Literature Cited Atchley, W. R. and R. C. Jackson 1970. Cytological observations on spermatogenesis in four species of Mecoptera. Canad. Jour. Gen. Cytol. 12: 264-272. Aubrook, E. W. 1939. A contribution to the biology and distribution in Great Britain of Boreus hy emails (L.) (Mecopt., Boreidae). Jour. Soc. Brit. Ent. 2: 13-21. Boese, A. E. 1973. Descriptions of larvae and key to fourth instars of North Ameri- can Panorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 50: 163-186. Psyche [March 1 16 Brauer, F. 1855. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des inneren Baues und der Verwandlung der Neuropter.en.. Verh. zool.-bot. Vereins Wien. 5: 701-726. 1857. 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Williams, F. X. 1916. The pupa of Boreus brumalis. Psyche 23: 36-39. WlTHYCOMBE, C. L. 1922. On the life history of Boreus hyemalis L. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1921: 312-318. 1926. Additional remarks upon Boreus hyemalis L. Ent. Mo. Mag. 62: 81-83. EMERGENCE PATTERNS OF THE SUBALPINE DRAGONFLY SOMATOCHLORA SEMICIRCULARIS (ODONATA: CORDULIIDAE) By Ruth L. Willey* University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Introduction The genus Somatochlora is circumpolar and many of its species reach high into the subarctic and subalpine regions. S. semicircularis occurs in the Canadian and Hudsonian zones of the North American Western Cordillera from Alaska to Colorado. Towards the southern part of its range, this species is found at high altitudes in Colorado where adults have been recorded at 3000 to 3700 m (Gloyd, 1939; Walker, 1925; Carpenter, 1873). Larval habitats range from 2700 to 3600 m in shallow ponds and water meadows. These may well be the highest breeding localities for any odonate known. The alpine and subalpine habitats offer extremes in temperature and insolation during the short growing season which follows the late snow melt (Mani, 1968). The subalpine regions, particularly, pre- sent relatively the highest day and lowest night temperatures (Bill- ings and Mooney, 1968). Coupled with these factors, the frequent periods of drought and general unpredictability of climate contribute to the rigor of the high altitude habitat. Studies of life history strat- egies of insects which have adapted to high altitudes have revealed cold resistance and lowered temperature thresholds, a predominance of diurnal activity, a seasonal delay and shortening of the flight period, and a general increase in the length of the life cycle coupled with overwinter hibernation or diapause (Mani, 1968). In the dragonflies, the increased life cycle is accomplished by elongating the larval period to as much as three or four years (Paulson and Jenner, 1971; Robert, 1958). Somatochlora semicircularis larvae are also resistant to dessication when their ponds and water meadows dry up annually (Willey and Eiler, 1972). An ecologically sensitive part of the life history for a dragonfly is the emergence period during which the “aquatic” larva leaves the water, transforms into the ^Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, Illinois 60680; and The Rocky Mountain Biological Labora- tory, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224. Manuscript received by the editor February 7 , 1974. 2 122 Psyche [March Figure 1. Pond Nine (3416 m) on Galena Mtn. in the Mexican Cut Research Area owned by The Nature Conservancy. 7 September 1970. winged adult, and flies away as a reproductively immature (teneral) adult. The observations reported here are intended to correlate a late emergence season, a possible lowered temperature threshold, a com- plete shift to diurnal behavior, and an abbreviated, synchronized emergence period with the rigors of the high altitude habitat in Colorado. Habitat Two subalpine ponds were selected for study areas. They repre- sent the typical habitat where larvae of Somatochlora semicircularis are found. The emergence areas of both ponds are restricted to the shallow, sedge-filled margins. Pond Nine (3416 m) is one of a group of small ponds in the Mexican Cut Research Area on Galena Mountain (Gunnison Co., Colorado) owned by The Nature Conservancy and administered by the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. It is 10 m in diameter and 1 m deep in the center. About 50% of its shoreline is lined with Carex rostrata and C. aquatilis in the shallow bays which make up the emergence areas for the dragonflies. The center of the pond is 1974] Willey — Subalpine Dragonfly 123 lined with Isoetes bolanderi on the bottom. The pond is surrounded by a belt of forb-sedge meadow which is surrounded by an open association of spruce-fir ( Picea engelmanni and Abies lasiocarpa ) (Fig. 1). In the past eleven years of observation, Pond Nine has never totally dried up. Irwin Pond South (3141 m) lies near the edge of Lake Irwin (Lake Brennan) near Kebler Pass in Gunnison Co., Colorado. Its basin is 45 m in diameter, 1.2 m deep in June and dries up in late August and early September (observed 1968-1973). The shoreline and shallow areas where emergence takes place are lined with C. rostrata and C. aquatilis. The deeper areas support Potamogehon foliosus and P. illinoisensis and thin mats of Drepanocladus uncinatus. This pond has been described further by Willey and Eiler (1972). Materials and Methods The emergence of Somatochlora semicircularis was studied from 1968 to 1972. At first, the transforming larvae were marked by surveyor’s flags so that the transformation of each individual could be accurately timed. Considerable trampling of the habitat was un- avoidable so that the studies were repeated in 1971 by making daily collections of the cast skins left behind by the teneral adults. Fewer larvae were damaged during their transformation by this method. However, more larvae were lost through bird predation so that their cast skins could not be recorded. In order to verify the diurnal pattern of the teneral flight in an undisturbed habitat, continual observations by binoculars of the ponds were conducted from 100 feet away from the shoreline in 1972 during the peak of the emer- gence period. Water temperatures were measured 3 cm below the water surface in areas of highest emergence activity. Solar radiation was measured by a recording Belfort pyrheliograph with a 12-hour gear. Environ- mental air temperatures were measured with a YSI telethermometer shielded from radiation by thin, flat, double-layered shields, 46 cm square, which were set horizontally 8 cm above and below the tem- perature probe. The inner surface of each was painted flat black and the outer surface was glossy white (Platt and Griffiths, 1964). Observations About one month after the ice leaves the ponds, the first larvae of S. semicircularis leave the water, undergo transformation, and fly 124 Psyche [March Table 1. The annual emergence periods for S. scmicircularis 1st day of Total Emergence Days until Location Year emergence adults Total days 50% emergence Pond Nine 1968 15 July 543 14 3 1969 7 July 166 15 3 Irwin Pond S. 1971 3 July 1528 21 6 away from the ponds as teneral adults (maiden flight). At Pond Nine, emergence began on 15 July 1968, 7 July 1969, and 6 July 1970. At Irwin Pond South, slightly lower in altitude and more sheltered by spruce-fir, emergence began slightly earlier — 30 June 1970, 3 July 1971, and 27 June 1972. The total period during which emergence occurs each year is short (Table 1). The total annual production of adults occurs over an average of 16 days during which 50% of the adults emerge within the first three to six days. The 1969 emergence curve (Fig. 2) demonstrates a typical, highly synchronized pattern. The 1968 curve (Fig. 3) shows the effect of stormy weather and low temperatures on 17 and 18 July which delayed the emergence of some of the larvae and extended the emergence period. No secondary peak of emer- gence was ever observed later in either season. The distance flown during the initial flight of the teneral adults is unknown. However, they remain away from the ponds, presumably in the forest near the ponds or at lower altitudes, for one to two weeks. In 1968, the first tenerals left Pond Nine on 15 July and the first mature males were observed patrolling the edges of the pond on 22 July — 7 days later. By this time, 95% of the adults had emerged and flown away (Fig. 3). In 1969, the first tenerals left on 7 July and the first patrolling male was sighted on 22 July- — 2 days after the last teneral adult had flown (Fig. 2). These mature adults are individuals which emerged at the beginning of the emer- gence period, have matured, and returned to the pond for mating. Teneral adults and reproductively mature adults are considered here to be all part of the same emerging population. They are just tem- porally separated. On two occasions mature males were observed patrolling a pond when a newly emerged teneral flew up from the sedges on its maiden flight. On both occasions, the mature male harassed and tried to couple with the soft teneral before the latter could leave the pond. One of the tenerals was probably injured by 1974] Willey — Subalpine Dragonfly 125 10 15 20 July, 1969 Figure 2. Seasonal emergence pattern of S. semicircularis at Pond Nine, 1969. Vertical arrow marks day on which first reproductive male was observed patrolling the pond. Percent Total 126 Psyche [March the encounter because its subsequent flight was very erratic. The Somatochlora males are very aggressive and will try to grasp any other dragonfly — its own species, Cordulia shurtleffi / or even the much larger A eschna interrupta. Water and air temperatures are relatively low in ponds at high altitudes although the diurnal water temperatures are not as low as might be expected due to the heat absorbing qualities of the pond bottoms and the shallowness of the water. The water temperature averages I2°C. (varies from 90 to I4°C.) when the larvae first emerge in the morning, whereas the air temperatures, which rise very rapidly once the sun is up, average 9°C. (vary from 40 to I2°C.). The night air temperatures drop below freezing and, on many morn- ings, frost still lay on the ground when the first larvae appeared. The larvae climb up the sedges in areas where the water is seldom more than 30 cm deep and usually 3 to 8 cm deep. The larvae start to leave the water after sunrise (0700 to 0800 MDT). The maximum number of larvae leave the water between 0800 and 1100 hours (Fig. 4). By 1000 to 1700, they are ready to fly. In 1972, observations of undisturbed ponds indicate that 75% or more of the tenerals actually leave the ponds between 1100 tnd 1230 if the weather is fair and the air temperature varies between 160 and i8°C. The initiation of the flights appears to be temperature- dependent. On 1 July 1972, flights began at 1100 with an air tem- perature of i8°C. The flights stopped abruptly at 1230 when clouds covered the sun and the air temperature dropped to I4°C. Flights did not resume until 1430 when the sunshine returned and the air temperature rose to i6°C. All flights ended for the day at 1500 When a thunderstorm started and the air temperature dropped to I4°C. and below. Any adults which had not flown by this time had to remain on the sedges until the following morning. Birds are the main predators of Somatochlora during the actual transformation process. Spiders and ants will attack larvae near the shore but generally account for a very small proportion of the loss. Specific data are being assembled for a separate report on bird preda- tion and will not be presented here. However, a general summary is essential for the present argument. In general, bird predation does not begin until the second or third day of emergence. Under normal weather conditions, daily loss does not exceed 30 to 50% of the *In the studies on drought resistance in Somatochlora larvae, Willey and Eiler (1972) misidentified Cordulia shurtleffi larvae for those of Libellula quadrimaculata. 1974] fVilley — Subalpine Dragonfly 127 Figure 3. Seasonal emergence pattern of S. semicircularis at Pond Nine, 1968. Vertical arrow marks day on which first reproductive male was observed patrolling the pond. Percent Total Emergence 28 Psyche [March dragonflies until the second week of emergence. On cold and stormy days, loss may approach 100% at any time during emergence. Adults which have transformed but have been prevented from flying by low temperatures or rainy weather may remain clinging to the sedges for a day or more. Most of these adults fall prey to birds. Once the tenerals fly, they are reasonably free from bird predation. Only one teneral has been observed to be caught by a bird (Western flycatcher) during its maiden flight. Discussion Somatochlora semicircular is is a western cordilleran dragonfly whose adults normally appear between the middle of June and the middle of July (Walker, 1925). The Colorado ponds under in- vestigation occur at the southern limit of the species and yet the adults emerge in early July and appear as reproductives in mid-July near the end of the general emergence season. Such a relatively late season is probably correlated with the late snow melt and low tem- peratures of its high altitude habitat. Schiemenz (1952) has reported a similar delay of season correlated with altitude for Libellula quad- rimaculata. Dragonfly emergence has been shown to be temperature-dependent with the initiation of emergence primarily dependent on water temperature (Trottier, 1973; Corbet, 1963). The larvae of S. semicircularis in Colorado first leave the water when the water temperatures average I2°C. and the air temperatures average 9°C. Comparative data for other corduliid dragonflies are not available. The only data available come from the studies of the aeschnid dragon- fly Anax. Corbet (1957) found that A. imperator in England nor- mally left the water when the temperature reached 190 to 22°C. (air temperature, 12° to I5°C.). Trottier (1973) found that A. junius in Ontario, Canada, normally initiated emergence when the water temperature reached 24°C. (air temperature, 150 to 20°C.). At water temperatures below I7°C., the Anax larvae which had left the water would return to the water and delay emergence until the following day. The Somatochlora larvae were able to leave the water and undergo transformation at average temperatures 5°C. below the minimum for A nax larvae. Whether this difference is a specialization to high altitudes or is only a general family difference must be further investigated. In general, teneral corduliid dragonflies at lower altitudes and/or latitudes are ready to fly early in the morning. However, the emer- 1974] Willey — Subalpine Dragonfly 129 c Figure 4. Daily emergence pattern of S. semicircularis on 2 July 1970 at Irwin Pond South. Lower curve shows the number of nymphs leaving the water (solid line) and transformed teneral adults ready to fly (dashed line) at successive hours during the day. Middle curve shows water tem- perature 3 cm below the surface at two separate stations, 1 m apart, and air temperature 45 cm above the surface of the water in the emergence area. Top curve shows solar radiation. Nymphs recorded here completed the entire transformation process successfully. 130 Psyche [March gence pattern is variable and freshly emerged adults have been col- lected throughout the day and even in early evening on cold, cloudy, or rainy days (Lutz and McMahan, 1973; Corbet, 1963; Lutz, 1961; Taketo, i960; Kormondy, 1959; Robert, 1958; Lieftinck, 1932). The larvae of S. semicircular is, under normal conditions, do not leave the water until after sunrise and the tenerals generally fly at noon. A similar shift of the emergence pattern to the middle of the day has been described for Aeschna interrupta at high altitudes in California (Kennedy, 1925) and for Aeschna subarctica on the moors near Kiel, Germany (Schmidt, 1968). The emergence curve of Somatochlora in Colorado is characterized by brevity (16 days) and a high degree of synchrony (Fig. 2, Table 1). Similar synchrony has been described for other dragonfly species which have been categorized by Corbet (1963) as “spring” species. Only one of these species, Oplonaeschna armata, exhibits a shorter time for the total period ( 10 days) and for the 50% emer- gence time (2 days). Oplonaeschna inhabits the water-pocket streams of New Mexico and Arizona and is subject to flash floods and severe dessication (Johnson, 1968). The lower altitude corduliid, Tetra- gone.uria cynosura, averages a 23-25 day emergence period with 50% of the adults emerging by the 6th or 7th day in Michigan (Kor- mondy, 1959) and North Carolina (Lutz and McMahan, 1973; Lutz, 1961 and 1962). Tetragoneuria in Michigan also exhibits a bimodal curve in which a second peak of emergence occurs 10 days after the end of the first peak. This bimodality has been described for other dragonfly species (see Corbet, 1963) but is missing in the Somatochlora curve (Figs. 2 and 3). Selective pressures contributing to the synchrony of the single peak of the Somatochlora emergence curve may well involve the brevity of the season. Both in 1968 and 1969, 10 days after the end of the initial emergence peak at a time when T. cynosura (Kormondy, 1:959) and Anax imperator (Corbet, 1957) normally exhibit a small second peak of emergence, the shallow areas at Irwin Pond South and Pond Nine had largely dried up. Somatochlora larvae leave the water by climbing up the emergent sedges. They do not crawl out on the land. Lack of emergence sites or competition for the few remaining sites can be expected to be a factor in selecting for a tem- poral shift toward early emergence. Another contributing factor may involve intraspecific interference. The diurnal emergence pattern which is necessitated by the climatic character of the habitat creates problems which normally do not affect 1974] Willey — Subalpine Dragonfly 13 nocturnal or early morning emerging populations. Teneral adults which fly up during the middle of the day are subject to harassment and possible damage from the reproductive males. However, by the time the first Somatochlora reproductives return to the Colorado ponds, 95 to 100% of the annual production of tenerals have already left the pond (Figs. 2 and 3). The diurnally temporal separation of the reproductives and the nocturnal or early morning tenerals of the lower altitudes has been replaced by the seasonal separation of a 1 to 2 week teneral maturation period during which time the dragon- flies fly in the forest away from the ponds while the remainder of the population is emerging. The high altitude ponds of Colorado seem to be sufficiently isolated from each other to keep recruitment of reproductives from lower, and therefore earlier, ponds to a minimum. The diurnally transforming dragonflies are also exposed to preda- tion by birds. The highly synchronized emergence of Somatochlora, however, provides that the relatively large number of larvae which emerge during the first few days ensure that many tenerals get away from the pond. To what extent a synchrony of emergence provides selective advantage to the dragonfly population by ( 1 ) partially fore- stalling the results of a revised predator searching image and/or shift in prey preference or (2) saturating the environment with prey with a resulting early satiation of the predators is as yet undeter- mined. It is likely that both predation tactics are involved and thwarted by this mechanism. Summary Somatochlora semicircular is has been able to adapt to the rigors of the subalpine and lower alpine habitats of Colorado. The corduliid tendency toward a flexible, early morning emergence pattern has con- tributed to its shift to a full diurnal emergence pattern. In addition, it may be able to initiate emergence at relatively low water and air temperatures. The emergence pattern has been strongly synchronized, shortened and restricted to a single seasonal peak, possibly as a result of ponds drying up early in the season at high altitudes, predation pressure, which may be the same or worse than that at lower alti- tudes, and the effects of potential interference between the aggressive reproductive males and the soft-cuticled teneral adults. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Dr. Robert B. Willey for constant advice and encouragement. I appreciate the valuable critical reviews by Drs. 132 Psyche [March P. S. Corbet and T. Poulson. Dr. H. A. Miller kindly identified the moss for me. The National Science Foundation provided the following excellent students under the N.S.F. — U.R.P. Program : Philip Myers, Daniel Ewert, David DeHufif, Paul Deaton, and William Davis. The University of Illinois Graduate Research Board aided with two research grants, one of which funded the assistance of David Mucha. Literature Cited Billings, W. D. and Mooney, H. A. 1968. The ecology of arctic and alpine plants. Biol. Rev., 43 : 390-401. Carpenter, W. L. 1873. Report on the alpine insect-fauna of Colorado. Ann. Rep. U. S. geol. geogr. Survey of the Territories embracing Colorado, pp. 539-542. Corbet, P. S. 1957. The life history of the emperor dragonfly, Anax imperator Leach (Odonata: Aeschnidae). J. Animal Ecol., 26: 1-69. 1963. A Biology of Dragonflies. Quadrangle Books, Chicago. 247 pp. Gloyd, L. K. 1939. A synopsis of the Odonata of Alaska. Entom. News., 50: 11-16. Johnson, C. 1968. Seasonal ecology of the dragonfly Oplonaeschna armata Hagen (Odonata: Aeschnidae). Amer. Midi. Nat., 80: 449-457. Kennedy, C. H. 1915. Notes on the life history and ecology of the dragonflies (Odonata) of Washington and Oregon. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 49: 1-345. 1925. The distribution of certain insects of reversed behavior. Biol. Bull., 48: 390-401. Kormondy, E. J. 1959. The systematics of T etragoneuria, based on ecological, life his- tory, and morphological evidence (Odonata: Corduliidae) . Misc. Publ., Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 107: 1-79. Lieftinck, M. A. 1931. The life-history of Procordulia artemis Lieft. (Odon., Cordul.), with comparative notes on the biology of P. sumbawana (Forster). Int. Revue ges. Hydrob. Hydrogr., 28 : 399-435. Lutz, P. E. 1961. Pattern of emergence in the dragonfly T etragoneuria cynosura. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 77: 114-115. 1962. Studies on aspects of the ecology and physiology of T etragoneuria cynosura (Say) as related to seasonal regulation (Odonata: Cordulinae). Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill (University Microfilms, 63-3502). 64 pp. Lutz, P. E. and McMahan, E. A. 1973. Five-year patterns of emergence in T etragoneuria cynosura and Gomphus exilis (Odonata). Ann. Entom. Soc. Amer., 66: 1343- 1348. 1974] Willey — Subalpine Dragonfly 133 Mani, M. S. 1968. Ecology and Biogeography of High Altitude Insects. Dr. W. Junk N. V. Publ., Hague. 527 pp. Paulson, D. R. and Jenner, C. E. 1971. Population structure in overwintering larval Odonata in North Carolina in relation to adult flight season. Ecology, 52: 96-107. Platt, R. B. and Griffiths. J. G. 1964. Environmental Measurement and Interpretation. Reinhold, New York. 235 pp. Robert, P.A. 1958. Les Libellules (Odonates) . Delachaux et Niestle S. A., Paris. 359 pp. SCHIEMENZ, H. 1952. Die Libellenfauna von Sachsen in zoogeographischer Betrachtung. Wiss. Zeit. Techn. Hochsch. (Univ.) Dresden, 1: 313-320. Schmidt, E. 1968. Das Schliipfen von Aeschna subarctica Walker, ein Bildbeitrag. Tombo, 1 1 : 7-11. Taketo, A. 1960. An ecological study of Somatochlora clavata Oguma (Cordu- liidae). Tombo, 3: 8-15. Trottier, R. 1973. Influence of temperature and humidity on the emergence be- haviour of Anax junius (Odonata: Aeschnidae). Canaid. Entom., 105: 975-983. Walker, E. M. 1925. The North American dragonflies of the genus Somatochlora. Univ. Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser., 26: 1-202. Willey, R. L. and Eiler, H. O. 1972. Drought resistance in subalpine nymphs of Somatochlora semi- circularis Selys (Odonata: Corduliidae) . Amer. Midi. Nat., 87: 215-221. THE MILLIPED GENUS BOLLMANELLA (DIPLOPODA, CHORDEUMIDA, CONOTYLIDAE ) By William A. Shear1 Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 32611 Even while my recent (1970) revision of the milliped Family Conotylidae was in press, new data on the family had begun to accumulate. This paper is the first of a series of supplemental reports designed to update our knowledge of the conotylids, a group of milli- peds of considerable importance in biogeography. Like many other milliped genera and species, the genus Bvllman- ella , and its single species B. oregona, have remained enigmatic since they were described from a single male specimen by R. V. Chamber- lin in 1941. The description of the genus alluded mostly to body form and color, and even contradicted the specific diagnosis of the only included species. The description of B. oregona also contained errors, and no illustrations were provided. As if this were not enough, the type locality suggested an error of several hundred miles. The type of B. oregona was in the Chamberlin collection in Salt Lake City. The diplopod portion of the collection has remained uncurated since Chamberlin’s death and is in a confused state, but while my conotylid revision was in press, Mr. Thomas Lorenz, then in charge of the collection, found the holotype of B. oregona and loaned it to me. In 1973, I was fortunate in receiving a large number of Berlese extraction samples from Mrs. Ellen Benedict, Portland State Uni- versity, Portland, Oregon, and from Dr. David Malcolm, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. These samples were rich in millipeds of many groups previously known only from a very few specimens, and included literally hundreds of individuals of the related genera Taiyutyla and Bollmanella. Members of these genera must be among the more common humus animals in the area of coastal Oregon. As I mentioned earlier in reporting on part of these collections (Shear, 1973), northern California and the state of Wash- ington are much in need of the kind of thorough exploration by ^art of the work for this paper was done while a Richmond Fellow at Harvard University. Manuscript received by the Editor February 6, 1974. 134 1974d Shear — Milliped Genus Bolhnanella 135 Berlese extraction which Benedict and Malcolm have carried out in Oregon. It is now possible to do a number of things about Bolhnanella , which in 1970 I had to treat as a nomen dubium. 1) The genus can be characterized as fully distinct and valid, separate from, but related to, Taiyutyla and Conotyla, and more distant from Austrotyla and Achemenides , 2) some clear ideas of the distribution of the genus can be gained, and 3) seven new species can be described. The distribution of the eight known species of Bollmanella ranges from southern coastal Oregon to just above the Columbia River in Mason Co., Washington, with one species reported here from the Wallowa Mountains in extreme northeastern Oregon. The scattered nature of the localities suggests that species of Bollmanella , except for B. oregona, have small ranges, and we might expect many more to be discovered. In particular, the isolated mountain ranges of eastern Oregon need exploration. Ecologically, Bollmanella species have been collected exclusively from litter and duff derived from deciduous trees. Conifer duff and litter support species of Taiyutyla , though members of this latter genus are also found in deciduous duff, often syntopically with Boll- manella species. Although B. oregona ranges from sea level to around 2000' elevation, most of the other species seem to have been collected from forests or parkland between 900' and 1500' elevation. This contrasts again with some species of Taiyutyla , which (unpublished data) are known from quite high elevations. Species of an unrelated chordeumid genus, Rhiscosomides (Shear, 1973), are found at low elevations and seem to favor coniferous forests. This ecological data also represents information from many collections which did not contain specimens of Bollmanella , thus clearly suggesting which habi- tats are most favorable. All type specimens of new species have been deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Superfamily Heterochordeumatoidea Pocock Family Conotylidae Cook Genus Bollmanella Chamberlin Bollmanella Chamberlin, 1941, Bull. Univ. Utah Biol. Ser. 6(5): 12. Type species, B. oregona Chamberlin, by monotypy and original designation. Diagnosis: With the characters of the family. Small (ca. 6-7 mm long) conotylid millipeds with typical form, distinct in gonopod morphology. Anterior gonopods simple, usually acuminate, but may 136 Psyche [March be apically laminate, or may bear a basal mesal branch. Anterior gonopod sternum bandlike and well-sclerotized. Posterior gonopods three-segmented, coxal segment with large, prominent colpocoxites characterized by a basal flagellar branch usually more or less sheathed by a development from the main part of the colpocoxite. Apical two segments typical for family. Posterior gonopod sternum with a T- shaped process between the coxae in most species. Third and fourth legpairs of males enlarged, strongly bowed, but with, at most, small mesal femoral knobs. Legpairs 5-7 either normal in size and form, or decreasing from slightly enlarged to normal in size. Prefemora of male legpair 1 1 with mesobasal processes. Female genitalia without any useful taxonomic characters. Remarks: Bollmanella is clearly related to Taiyutyla, with which it is entirely sympatric, and often syntopic. However, the uniformly smaller size, the flagellar branch of the posterior gonopods, and the T-shaped process of the posterior gonopod sternum clearly set Boll- manella species apart as a distinct phyletic line. I would like to comment further on the Family Conotylidae as a whole, but several factors preclude it at this time. The genus Taiyutyla remains to be revised, and is affected by, as are any con- clusions about Conotylidae at this time, the description by Loomis and Schmitt (1971) of several extremely interesting new higher taxa related to conotylids, including new subfamilies and a new family. The Taiyutyla material I have examined so far will also enable me, in this projected future paper, to comment in detail on the functional aspects of the gonopod complex. I am still unable to find any taxonomically useful characters that will allow reliable separation of females of the various species of conotylids, and members of Bollmanella are no exception. However, in the hope that some usable characters might turn up in the future, I have designated bona fide female paratypes where possible. I do not present a key to the eight known species, as they can readily be sep- arated by reference to the illustrations of the gonopods. The gono- pods of these species are so small they must be mounted on slides temporarily (in glycerine) to see detail. Bollmanella oregona Chamberlin Figs. 1, 2 Bollmanella oregona Chamberlin, 1941, Bull. Univ. Utah Biol. Ser. 6(5) : 12, no illustrations. Type: Male holotype from “John Day Creek,” Douglas Co., Oregon, collected by J. C. Chamberlin, 19 November 1939. In 1974] Shear — Milliped Genus Bolbnanella 1 37 Figs. 1, 2. Bollmanella oregona. Fig. 1. Right anterior gonopod, posterior view. Fig. 2. Posterior gonopods, anterior view. Figs. 3, 4. B. reducta. Fig. 3. Left anterior gonopod, posterior view. Fig. 4. Right posterior gonopod, posterior view. Fig. 5. Sternal process between posterior gono- pods of B. laminata. 138 Psyche [March Chamberlin collection (now at U.S. National Museum?), examined. There is no John Day Creek in Douglas Co., but there is a town named Days Creek, and a stream of that name, a tributary of the South Umpqua River. Probably this is the type locality, and not the John Day River of Oregon’s semiarid northeast. Description: Male from io mi east, 6 mi north of Gold Hill, Jack- son Co., Oregon: Length, 7.0 mm. Ocelli 14 on each side (a series of males from several localities had ocelli numbers from 14-17). Legpair 3 much enlarged, femora swollen and bowed mesad, without obvious processes. Legpair 4 enlarged, but smaller than legpair 3, femora not strongly curved, bearing small fungiform basal knobs mesally. Leg- pairs 5-7 only slightly larger than postgonopodal legs, without pro- cesses. Anterior gonopods simple, subtriangular, acuminate, curved posteriolaterad (Fig. 1). Posterior gonopod colpocoxites appearing 3-branched (Fig. 2), flagellar branch (/) long, prominent; sheathing structure (s) reduced, completely separated from anterior process ( c ), which is simple and without branches. Posterior gonopod ster- num with a large T-shaped process (T). Pigmentation typical. Females similar to males, slightly larger and more robust. Distribution: (all collections by E. M. Benedict) OREGON: Josephine Co., 0.3 mi S, 2.5 mi E O’Brien, T4oS/R8W/Sec 28, elev. 1400', 18 December 1971, d cf ??• Coos Co., 3 mi N, 2 mi W North Bend, T24S/Ri3W/Sec 27, sea level, 15 January 1972, cf. Douglas Co., Island Campground, 0.5 mi S, 1.0 mi E Steamboat on Ore. Rt. 138, T26S/RiE/Sec 5, elev. 1200', Berlese of maple, dogwood dubb, 20 October 1971, d d ; Boulder Flat Campground, 3 mi E, 10 mi S Steamboat, T26S/R2E/Sec 13, elev. 1700', Berlese red alder, vine maple duff, 30 October 1971, d ; 4 mi S, 9 mi E Steamboat on Ore. Rt. 138, T26S/R2E/Sec 23, elev. 1600', Berlese conifer and oak duff, 30 October 1970, d d $?. Jackson Co., 10 mi NW Central Point on Ore. Rt. 234, T35S/R2W, elev. 1200', 22 January 1973, d d ?. Lewis Buckley Farm, 1 mi S Ruch on Ore. Rt. 238, T38S/R3W, elev. 1700', Berlese litter, duff, soil, 13 No- vember 1971, d ; Upper Applegate Grange, 6 mi S Ruch, T39S/ R3W/Sec 15, elev. 1600', Berlese mixed litter, 13 November 1971, d d $$; Buckley County Park Rest Area, 3.5 mi S Ruch on Upper Applegate Rd., 2 mi off Ore. Rt. 238, T39S/R3W/Sec 15, elev. 1600', Berlese white alder, willow duff, 13 November 1971, d d ; French Gulch, For. Ser. Rd. 420, 3 mi N Copper, T40S/R4W/ Sec 36, elev. 1900', Berlese Oregon oak duff, 13 November 1971, 1974] Shear — Milliped Genus Bollmanella 139 c? $; 15 mi SW Ruch on Upper Applegate Rd., T4oS/R3W/Sec. 8, elev. 1800', Berlese duff, debris, moss, bark, 13 November 1971, cf d ; 10 mi E, 6 mi N Gold Hill on Ore. Rt. 234, T35S/R1W/ Sec 17, elev. 1300', 22 January 1972, <$ c? 6 mi E, 3 mi N Gold Hill, T35S/R2W/Sec 27, elev. 1200', 22 January 1972, mean 3.88, SD 0.29, holotype 4.4. Surface generally shiny, but deep punctures dull it somewhat. Punctures on head uniform, flat-bottomed, ca. 0.04 mm across, 0.05 center to center, even across midline; midline indicated only as a notch on vertex. Antennal calluses distinct, grading into a small elevation over base of antenna, with punctures like rest of head. Head depressed across front between antennae, in region of fronto- clypeal suture, which is not visible, punctures extending evenly across whole region; clypeus ending in a smooth shelf ca. 0.04 mm wide and flat, over base of labrum. Eye facets almost exactly 0.03 mm in diameter, very regularly arranged. Punctures of pronotum just Figs. 1-12. Thambospasta howdeni. 1, dorsal view of holotype male; 2, head of holotype in front view ; 3, same in oblique lateral view ; 4, an- tenna of paratype male; 5, profile of abdominal sterna of holotype; 6, max- illa of paratype male; 7, labium of same; 8-9, pieces of tarsal claws of same; 10, tip of front tibia of same; 11, front tarsus of same; 12, detail of front tarsal claws, ventral view. 152 Psyche [March Figs. 13-17. Thambospasta howdeni. 13, hind wings of paratype male; 14, genitalia of paratype male in dorsal, lateral, and ventral views, with inset of details of median process; 15, aedeagus of same in dorsal and left lateral views; 16, ovipositor of allotype female; 17, anterior apodeme of abdominal sternum VIII of same; Figs. 14-17 at 60X magnification. 1974] W erner — Primitive Meloidae 153 perceptibly smaller, 0.03-0.04 mm across and not as distinctly flat- bottomed. Punctures of elytra deep across base, shallower behind, ca. 0.03 mm across and 0.05 center to center, round-bottomed, closer to 0.04 mm across near base, evenly distributed. Pubescence of upper surface slightly curved, decumbent, ca. 0.07 mm long, fairly incon- spicuous because it is not at all flattened and is concolorous with cuticle. Antennae with moderately dense suberect setae ca. 0.05 mm long from segment 2 to apex, a few such setae on first. Punctures of underside of thorax more rugulose, fairly shallow, ca. 0.02-0.03 mm across; those on abdomen smaller and finer, mose distinct from each other, ca. 0.02 mm across and 0.03 center to center. Female. Known only from allotype, 4.6 mm long. Antennae gen- erally shorter and less slender, without the suberect setae of the male. Unfortunately, most of antennae lost after description. Measure- ments in 0.01 mm, base to apex: 55/20, 34/16, 44/15, 50/15, 49/1 5> 46/15, 47/15, 42/15, 39/15, 32/15, 54/I5- Last segment with little indication of the change of thickness seen in the male. Eyes dis- tinctly smaller and noticeably narrower than in male. Maxillary palpi smaller, last segment 0.24 mm long, 0.29 in male holotype, which is slightly smaller. Holotype male, allotype female and 1 1 male paratypes, Big Bend Nfational] P[ark], TEX [AS], 1850', Boquillas, May 23, 1959, light; Howden & Becker; 3 male paratypes same but May 13. Holo- type, allotype, and 11 paratypes in Canadian National Collection, 3 paratypes in collection of author. Discussion. If this beetle is really a member of the family Meloi- dae, it is probably one of the most primitive yet discovered. Of the features that Selander (1966) lists as common to all meloids, in- cluding Eleticinae, Thambospasta conforms in only three: head with a well-developed vertex and narrow neck; pronotum not bordered laterally [with exceptions in Nemognathinae] ; and female gonostyli one-segmented. It resembles Eleticinae but not the other subfamilies in that the cuticle is more heavily sclerotized; abdominal sternum III is excavated and margined to accommodate the hind coxae; the female has a distinct ovipositor; and in the following characteristics of the venation of the hind wings: vein 2A2 present and joined to iA by a crossvein (also in Meloinae: Lyttini: Prolyttina) ; and 3AX con- nected to base of 3A (in Eleticinae except Spasticini: Protomeloina and in some non-eleticines, apud Selander). It is very similar to Eleticinae : Spasticini : Anthicoxenina in that the male gonostyli are fused dorsally at the base and have a median dorsal projection; this 154 Psyche [March feature is unknown elsewhere in the family. It is more like Meloinae and Nemognathinae than Eleticinae in that the apices of the elytra are not swollen and provided with a pit in the male (as they are in all Eleticinae but Spasticini: Anthicoxenina : Iselma). It would be difficult to associate Tha?nbospasta with Iselma in the Eleticinae on the basis of the similarity of the male genitalia and lack of elytral pits, because Thambospasta males have abdominal ter- gum VIII heavily sclerotized and would therefore become associated with Eleticini, the other tribe in the subfamily in Selander’s classi- fication. It differs from all Eleticinae in that vein 2A2 of the hind wings is joined to the base of 2 A, a condition approached in some Eleticinae, however, and in being nocturnal rather than diurnal, as the few Eleticinae for which records are available seem to be. If Selander’s 2A3 of the Nemognathinae: Nemognathini : Zonitina: Pseudozonitis were counted as a primitive vein, rather than a spe- cialization as he argues (1966), that genus would also have 2A2 joined to the base of 2A. Returning to the features that Selander lists as being shared by all subfamilies of Meloidae, Thambospasta differs in several probably important ways: fore coxal cavities open externally but closed in- ternally (open in all others) ; female abdominal sternum VIII with a long anterior apodeme (none at all in others) ; last segment of maxilliary palpi narrowly securiform (never securiform in others) ; and cross-vein r apparently present (never in others). It also is un- like most Meloidae in that the male genitalia lack a sclerotized ejacu- latory rod ( lacking also in Eleticinae : Eleticini : Eospastina : Eospasta and in many Nemognathinae) ; and in that the tarsal claws lack a process arising from the lateral side of the base (lacking also in some specialized Meloinae and Nemognathinae). A possible third feature is that the aedeagus lacks a hook on its ventral side at or near the apex, a condition that is universal in Meloinae and present also in part of the Eleticinae. A feature not mentioned by Selander that is probably universal in Meloidae is the lack of microspines on the tibial spurs such as are seen in Thambospasta. References Selander, Richard B. 1964. Sexual behavior in blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae). I. The genus Pyrota. Canadian Entomologist 96(8): 1037-82. 1966. A classification of the genera and higher taxa of the meloid subfamily Eleticinae (Coleoptera). Op. cit. 98(5): 449-81. POLYMORPHISM IN STELOPOLYBIA AREATA (HYMENOPTERA, VESPIDAE) By Robert L. Jeanne11 and Robert Fagen2 Polymorphism in the social Hymenoptera has been defined as the occurrence within a single colony of two or more distinct morpho- logical forms, or castes, belonging to the same sex (Wilson 1953). Wilson (1953) has pointed out that polymorphism arises out of the occurrence of allometry (differential rates of growth of two parts of the body) over a sufficient range of intranidal size variation to pro- duce morphologically distinct forms at the extremes of this size range. The underlying size variation is due in most cases to differences in larval nutrition (Michener 1961; Wilson 1971). Polymorphism is the morphological adaptation to the functional division of tasks among the members of a colony (Wilson 1953). The most fundamental polymorphism is the separation of the reproductive caste (queens) from the non-reproductive caste (workers). This is followed, most notably in the ants, by the evolution of more or less distinct castes among the workers. Among the wasps polymorphism appears to be limited to the queen- worker dimorphism, where it is most pronounced in the Vespinae (Wilson 1971). Among many of the Polistinae there is no detectable difference, either in size or in morphology, between functional queens and workers (Richards and Richards 1951). The present paper reports the occurrence of complete queen-worker dimorphism in colonies of the polistine species Stelopolybia areata (Say) from Mexico. Materials and Methods Stelopolybia areata ranges from Mexico south to northern South America (Ducke 1910). The four colonies available for the present study were collected near San Andres Tuxtla in southern Veracruz, Mexico, in January and February 1973. During these months the nests are occupied by adult females only. No brood or males are present. Population size and composition for each colony are given department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215. Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts 02138. Manuscript received by the editor February 20, 1974. 155 Psyche [March 156 Table I. Size and Composition of Adult Populations of Stelopolybia areata colonies. Estimated Colony No. Date Collected No. Adults Collected No. Queens Collected Percent Queens Total Adult Population 707 2 Feb. 1973 5884 716 12.2 7000 710 15 Jan. 1973 7950 515 6.1 8500 725 23 Feb. 1973 4711 257 5.5 6000 731 21 Feb. 1973 4227 503 11.8 6000 in Table I. A description of the nest of this species and notes on colony cycle are published elsewhere (Jeanne 1973). In a mass of anaesthetized adults, queens can readily be picked out by virtue of their larger size and distinctive morphology and coloration. Random dissections of queens and workers always showed that the former had well-developed ovaries and full spermathecae, while the latter had undeveloped ovaries and empty spermathecae. For the present study random samples of queens and workers from each colony were measured and compared. Length of alitrunk was chosen as a measure of body size. This was measured from the front of the humeral collar to the furthest posterior extension of the pro- podeal valves, as seen from the side. This dimension was preferred as a measure of body size for several reasons. First, the alitrunk is the longest rigid structure of the body, hence is not subject to error due to varying degrees of distension of the gut, or to differences in body position. Second, it is not likely to be an allometric growth center, unlike in the ants, since both queens and workers are winged. Any functional difference in use of wings by workers and queens is less likely to be reflected by allometric differences in size of the thorax than in differences in the wings themselves. Finally, it is preferred to wing length, used in other studies, because wings are subject to fraying at the tips in older workers, making them impossible to mea- sure, and thus biasing the sample against older workers. The most conspicuous morphologic difference between the two castes is the more bulbous first abdominal tergite (petiole) in the queens (Fig. 1). This is best reflected in its width at the widest point, as seen from above; hence this dimension was used as a measure of allometric growth. All measurements were made on specimens pinned while fresh using an ocular micrometer at a magnification of 25 X . 1974] Jeanne & Fdgen — Stelopolybia 157 Fig. 1. Strlopolybia areata queen (left) and worker (right). 158 Psyche [March Standard methods and tests (Hays 1963) were used for computa- tion and assessment of significance of regression slopes. Lewis (i960) presents techniques for the analysis of intersample differences between regression slopes; we used the following statistic to test the signifi- cance of intercaste regression slope differences. Let k(p = estimated regression slope for i*,h caste. <7(i> = sample variance in ith caste of In (tergite width) given In (alitrunk length). o-i(i) = sample standard deviation of In (alitrunk length) in ith caste. ni = number of individuals of ith caste sampled. i = 1 for workers and 2 for queens. Under standard assumptions of regression analysis (normality, homeoscedasticity, interindividual independence of measurements) the statistic k(i)q,Ki)\Avi ~ k(2) -X *bJD o k £ a a V C C cj 1) s ss ‘5 Q .5P“ CO o ON 1974] Jeanne & Fagen — Stelopolybia 165 example, figured by Evans and Eberhard (1970), have an enlarged petiole. Both of these species form large colonies. This is consistent with the conclusion of Richards and Richards (1951) that species which form larger colonies tend to have more distinctive queens. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr. Antonio Lot Helgueras of the Department of Botany, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, for making available the facilities of the Estacion de Biologia Tropical ‘Los Tuxtlas’ and to members of the staff of the Estacion for their help. Dr. Jose Sarukhan, Dr. Raul MacGregor, Dr. Arturo Gomez- Pompa, and Dr. Carlos Marquez Mayaudon, all of UNAM, also deserve thanks for their help in making arrangements for the field work. Mr. Mark Winston helped in the field and with the measure- ment of the wasps. Dr. O. W. Richards kindly confirmed the iden- tification of the wasp. Dr. E. O. Wilson provided helpful com- ments and advice in the preparation of the manuscript. The research was supported by the National Science Foundation (GB-33619) and by the Boston University Graduate School (GRS-303-B1 ) . References Blackith, R. E. 1958. An analysis of polymorphism in social wasps. Insectes Sociaux, 5 (2) : 263-272. Ducke, A. 1910. Revision des guepes sociales polygames d’Amerique. Ann. Mus. nat. Hungarici, 8: 449-544. Evans, H. E. and M. J. W. Eberhard 1970. The wasps. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, vi -f- 265 pp. Hays, W. L. 1963. Statistics. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, xvi -f- 719 pp. Jeanne, R. L. 1973. Aspects of the biology of Stelopolybia areata (Hymenoptera : Vespidae). Biotropica, 5 (3): 183-198. Knerer, G. and C. E. Atwood 1966. Polymorphism in some nearctic halictine bees. Science, 152(3726) : 1262-1263. Lewis, D. 1960. Quantitative methods in psychology. McGraw-Hill, New York, xii + 558 pp. Michener, C. D. 1961. Social polymorphism in Hymenoptera. Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 1: 43-56. Psyche [March 1 66 Richards, O. W. and M. J. Richards 1951. Observations on the social wasps of South America (Hymenop- tera; Vespidae). Trans. Roy. Entomol. Soc. Lond., 102: 1-170. Thomson, E. Y., J. Bell, and K. Pearson 1910. A second cooperative study of Vespa vulgaris . A comparison of the queens of a single nest with queens of a general population. Biometrika, 7: 48-63. 1911. A third cooperative study of Vespa vulgaris. Comparison of queens of a single nest with queens of the general population. Biometrika, 8: 1-12. Wilson, E. O. 1953. The origin and evolution of polymorphism in ants. Quart. Rev. Biol., 28(2) : 136-156. Wilson, E. O. 1971. The insect societies. Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., x + 548 pp. Wright, A., A. Lee, and K. Pearson 1907. A cooperative study of queens, drones and workers in Vespa vulgaris. Biometrika, 5 : 407-422. BEHAVIOR OF THE NORTH AMERICAN TERMITE TEN UIR OS TRI TERMES TEN UIROS TRIS,1 WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SOLDIER FRONTAL GLAND SECRETION, ITS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, AND USE IN DEFENSE2 By W. L. Nutting,3 M. S. Blum4 and H. M. Fales5 Introduction T enuirostritermes is a small genus of Neotropical termites with two species ranging northward into warm temperate, semi-arid areas of southwestern Texas \cinereus (Buckley)] or beyond into south- eastern Arizona [ tenuirostris (Desneux)]. As a member of the Nasutitermitinae, it is somewhat more primitive than the very large and well-known tropicopolitan genus, N asutitermes. The subfamily, containing the most highly specialized members of the Termitidae, is the largest in the order Isoptera. The major specialization within the subfamily has involved gradual reduction of the soldier mandibles to non-functional stubs with concomitant development of a small projection on the front of the head into a long, attenuated snout or nasus. The frontal gland, occupying most of the bulbous posterior of the head capsule, elaborates a defensive secretion which can be forcibly ejected through the frontal pore at the tip of the nasus by contraction of powerful mandibular muscles. This fontanellar gun represents the apex of sophistication among the varied chemical de- fense mechanisms of the termites. The zoogeography and affinities of the nasutitermitine genera have been discussed by Emerson (1955) and Krishna (1970) and their defensive behavior by Ernst (1959), Moore (1969) and Wilson (1971). Light and Weesner (1955) Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae. journal Paper No. 2269 of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station. The work on which this report is based was carried out as a part of the U.S./I. B.P. Desert Biome, and was supported (in part) by National Science Foundation Grant No. GB-15886. department of Entomology, University of Arizona, Tucson 85721. department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens 30601. 5Laboratory of Chemistry, National Heart and Lung Institute, Bethesda, Md. 20014. Manuscript received by the editor February 22, 1974. 167 Psyche [March 1 68 and Weesner (1953, 1970) have made the only major contributions on the general biology of T. tenuirostris , and Nutting (1970) has summarized the information on its foraging behavior. Materials and Methods Seven collections of the termites were made in early September, 1972, on the Santa Rita Experimental Range, elevation between 945 and 1220 m, ca. 45 km south of Tucson, Arizona. The area is a shrub-invaded desert grassland ecotone, characterized by scattered trees, shrubs and cacti. Four groups were taken from under stones during one afternoon and three nearly complete foraging groups were taken on the soil surface near midnight. Termites and a minimum of soil were quickly scooped up with a trowel and placed in a large enameled tray. A few hours later the termites were separated from soil and debris by sifting and hand-picking. To determine soldier/ worker ratios, these castes were counted in each of the two combined collections, those from under stones, and those taken on the surface. Several hundred of these soldiers and workers were reserved for chemical analyses. A small foraging group was collected later for behavioral studies. They were supplied with fine, dry native vegetation and survived reasonably well in the laboratory for about three weeks in a plastic petri dish of moist soil. A few minor workers of the myrmicine ant, P heul ole desertorum Wheeler, were also collected in the same area and maintained for the observation of termite-ant encounters. Al- though most species of Pheidole are reportedly seed gatherers rather than habitual predators, this was apparently of no consequence in the artificial situations described below. No encounters between termite foraging groups and small arthro- pod predators were seen in the field. A few random encounters were staged in the laboratory by introducing individual ants into the dish containing the small group of termites. The defensive behavior of the soldiers was observed in detail under low magnifications of a stereomicroscope, during individual soldier-ant encounters contrived as follows: Single living ants were mounted in a natural position on glass slides with a small drop of rubber cement. Slide and ant were then placed on the soil in the observation chamber with the termites. In this distinctly one-sided situation, one or more soldiers invariably located and attacked the ant within a few minutes. Attacks by five different soldiers were quite literally recorded on 1974] Nutting, Blum , £sf Bales — Tenuirostritermes 169 separate slides in the form of discrete threads of frontal gland secre- tion which they had fired in the general direction of the ants. The volume of most of these shots was calculated from measurements made of the threads with an ocular micrometer under a compound microscope. Drawings to illustrate the variation of individual shot patterns were made with the aid of a camera lucida on the same microscope. The fate of a few ant victims was followed until their death and compared with that of normal ants which were isolated and allowed to die of starvation and desiccation. For the chemical analyses 600 living soldiers were placed in re- agent rc-pentane. Although it had been determined that the heads of the soldiers were the primary source of the odorous defensive com- pounds, 400 living workers were also extracted for comparative purposes. The extracts were concentrated under vacuum and ana- lyzed on a gas chromatograph interfaced to an LKB-9000 mass spec- trometer. A 4-meter column of 10% SP-1000 on 80/100 mesh Supelcoport operated isothermally at 65 °C was employed for all analyses. Results Foraging behavior. — T. tenuirostris forages in the open on the soil surface, mainly at night in southern Arizona as we have recently established, but it is also active on cloudy days, at least in western Mexico (Nutting, 1970). The following account of its general foraging behavior is a synthesis of observations made on about 12 different groups at the Santa Rita Experimental Range during Sep- tember-October, 1972. Workers presumably open one or more access holes to the surface, but the soldiers are generally the first out and the last to return underground during bouts of surface activity. As many as 100 or more soldiers and very few workers may congregate within a 5- to 10-cm radius of the hole prior to foraging. Little organization is at first apparent except that many of the soldiers may be standing on the alert with heads pointed peripherally. One or more discrete for- aging columns eventually emerge from such unorganized, milling masses, perhaps after the soldiers are joined by a critical number of workers. Once in motion, columns up to six workers wide move quickly in an ant-like manner, and show very tight trail-following behavior. While soldiers move out with the workers, they eventually take up stations at 1- to 2-cm intervals on either side of, and ca. 1 cm 170 Psyche [March from, the worker traffic. Columns occasionally branch and have been observed as long as ca. 2 m. Irregular craters of soil, up to 8 cm in diameter and i cm high, are often thrown up around the holes during periods of surface activity. Ground-level runways radiating from the hole may be bridged over to transform a crater into a rough pile of soil 2 to 3 cm high. Since individuals of this species are relatively small (length of soldier, 3.0 mm; of worker, 4.5 mm), access holes as large as 5 mm in diameter probably provide for efficient, emergency re-entry of large numbers of foragers in a very short time. Workers have been observed to close the exposed holes shortly after the conclusion of surface activity and, although a few soldiers remain in and around the hole during closure, none was ever left outside. The same holes are apparently used repeatedly, at least for periods of several weeks. The high proportion of soldiers in the foraging groups indicates the relative importance of this caste in those species of termites which routinely forage on exposed trails. The four combined groups col- lected from colonies beneath stones contained 545 individuals with a soldier rworker ratio of 1:3.82 (20.7% soldiers). Three combined foraging groups contained 1,549 individuals with a soldier :worker ratio of 1:1.23 (44-9% soldiers). A single foraging group of 230, perhaps recently organized, had a ratio of 1 soldier to 0.40 worker (71-3% soldiers). Soldier behavior. — Whenever the laboratory group of soldiers and workers was disturbed by jarring or removing the cover of their container, several soldiers, with antennae raised and waving, congre- gated on the edges of objects and on elevated vantage points. In- dividual workers of the ant, Pheidole desertorum (ca. 3.5 mm long), introduced into this situation were quickly fired on at very close range by several soldier termites in rapid succession. The appendages of such victims were almost completely immobilized, within 10 sec or less, by the viscous, glue-like threads thrown over them. Further details of soldier defensive behavior are based on observa- tions made during encounters with living ant workers fixed to glass slides. Although blind, the soldiers presumably orient toward such threats by olfactory or auditory cues. An alerted soldier closes rapidly on any potential target and may actually touch it for an instant with its antennae before firing — from a distance of ca. 0.5-3.0 mm). As it fires, it may jerk forward or backward, in position, and may or may not then oscillate to-and-fro one or more times. This apparently insignificant bit of behavior greatly enhances the effectiveness of the 1974] Nutting , Blum , & Fales — Tenuirostritermes 171 Fig. 1. Patterns of the threads of frontal gland secretion fired by five different soldiers of Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris at living ants fixed to glass slides. Arrows show direction of target and scale of 1 mm. 172 Psyche [March Table 1. Measurements of shots or threads fired by four soldiers of T enuirostritermes tenuirostris at fixed, living ants in the laboratory. Soldier Number Shot Number Av. Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Volume (mm3) 1 1 0.020 19.650 0.0062 2 0.015 11.425 0.0020 3 0.015 10.475 0.0019 4 0.015 7.550 0.0013 5 0.015 5.100 0.0009 6 0.015 2.500 0.0004 2 1 0.020 9.025 0.0028 2 0.020 7.300 0.0023 3 1 0.020 7.200* 0.0023 2 0.020 4.625 0.0015 3 0.020 1.725 0.0005 4 1 * 2 0.020 0.900 0.0003 * Shot entirely on ant and not traceable, or partly on ant and measurement only approximate. soldier’s shot by throwing a bight, or even one or more loops, in the thread (Fig. i). Attacks by as many as six soldiers from different directions were invariably fatal to an ant. Soldiers often examined victims with their antennae for up to a minute, occasionally becoming temporarily entangled themselves. They were never seen to wipe the nasus on the substrate after any of this activity. In unstaged encounters, soldiers usually fired but once at an ant; however, by carefully prodding and exciting the fixed ants, individual soldiers were induced to fire from one to six additional shots at them. Data on the shots recorded on and near four such ants are summar- ized in Table i. It was impossible to determine the order of shots fired by individual soldiers, but those of greater diameter and length are probably the ones fired at or near the beginning of an encounter. Longer shots often began with a series of droplets, and occasionally contained short breaks in the thread. It would have been interesting to determine what percent of their glandular holding capacity had been spent in these individuals, but drought conditions during seasons of activity have since prevented further collections. Although the ant victims were physically immobilized within a few seconds, they also appeared to be adversely affected by some of the chemical components of the soldier secretion, probably the terpenes. 1974] Nutting , Blum, & Fales — T enuirostritermes 173 They lay very quiet, moving their appendages but little even when prodded. Their struggles were very feeble after 1.5 hr, while only occasional, slow contractions could be elicited after 4 hr. They ap- peared essentially dead after 5-6 hr. By comparison, normal ants, similarly confined without food or water, remained so for 5-10 hr, showed postural difficulties after 10-12 hr, responded vigorously to prodding for as long as 24 hr, and did not appear to be dead until 24-33 hr after confinement. Chemical A nalyses. — Three compounds accounted for over 90% of the low boiling volatile compounds which were detected in the extracts of the soldiers. Based on the congruencies of their gas- chromatographic retention times and mass spectra, the volatiles were identified as a-pinene, myrcene, and limonene. The mole percentages of the compounds were: a-pinene 62%, myrcene 27%, and limonene 11%. None of these monoterpene hydrocarbons was detected in the extracts of the workers. Discussion Ernst (1959) was inclined to believe that the frontal gland secre- tion of soldiers of a N asutitermes sp. from the Ivory Coast was essentially non-toxic and that it functioned primarily to entangle its enemies. He did not rule out the possibility of an insecticidal effect. Considering that normal worker ants survived without food or water 4 to 6 times as long as those immobilized by the T. tenuirostris sol- dier secretion, we feel that the terpenoid components of its secretion are definitely toxic. Ernst also observed that the secretion fired by one of his Nasuti- termes soldiers stimulated nearby soldiers to fire, thus suggesting that it contains volatiles which act as an alarm pheromone. On the basis of his own work with several Australian species of N asutitermes, Moore (1969) has suggested that a-pinene might serve as such a pheromone. This compound probably serves a similar function in T rinervitermes geminatus Wasmann (Nasutitermitinae) according to Quennedey (1973). Although we have not investigated this point, our observations suggest that any such alarm signal in the secretion of T. tenuirostris must act very briefly indeed. In a number of laboratory encounters between soldiers and free ants, several soldiers might fire once each on a single ant within a few seconds; however, late arrivals usually examined the resulting immobilized ants, but never fired on them. 174 Psyche [March Moore (1968) determined that both limonene and a-pinene were rather typical components of termitid soldier secretions whereas myr- cene was detected only in one species of Amitermes. Vrkoc et al. have recently reported the major volatile components in the soldier frontal gland secretion of Nasutitermes rippertii to be a- and /3- pinene and limonene, with myrcene among six minor constituents. Similarly, with N. costcilis they found a- and /?-pinene and limonene among six major constituents of the secretion, and myrcene again among three minor components. However, although it is evident that monoterpene hydrocarbons are rather characteristic defensive products of nasute soldiers, these compounds do not appear to have a wide- spread distribution in the Insecta. Indeed, with the exception of the myrmicine ant Myrmicaria natalensis F. Smith, which produces limonene in its poison gland (Griinanger et al., i960), monoterpene hydrocarbons have not been identified in any other insect taxa. By taking high speed motion pictures of Nasutitermes soldiers attacking vestigial- winged Drosophila , Ernst (1959) determined that they move rapidly forward and backward (only once?) in delivering the jet of frontal gland secretion. He also observed one soldier to move its head from side to side during an attack. Our tracings of the shot patterns (Fig. 1) show that either or both of these move- ments are also used by soldiers of T. tenuirostris to increase the effectiveness of their defense. The basic oscillatory behavior probably represents the jerking or rocking movements which termites com- monly exhibit in mild alarm situations. We have also shown that soldiers are capable of firing more than once, if sufficiently alarmed, and certainly do not deliver the entire contents of the frontal gland in a single discharge as Ernst suggested. Many authors have stated that ants are the chief predators of social insects, with the termites not the least among their prey (Wilson, 1971). There can be little doubt that the nasute soldier is a highly effective defender of the colony against arthropod predators close to the size range of the termites themselves. A large force of nasutes would seem to be of critical importance in protecting the workers on their food-gathering expeditions, particularly those that forage in the open as does T. tenuirostris. However, this common assumption apparently rests largely on casual, subjective observations and cir- cumstantial evidence of the type presented here. Quantitative data required to prove this assumption are not available and would be extremely difficult to obtain. 1974] Nutting , Blum, & Fales — Tenuirostritermes 175 The high proportion of soldiers maintained by T. tenuirostris, and presumably many other free-foraging termites, certainly attests to their great importance in the colony. Our figure of 20% soldiers in combined collections from four different colonies is in fair agreement with Light and Weesner (1955) who determined that incipient colonies of this species usually contained between 25 and 33% soldiers. Three of our foraging groups combined contained 44.9% soldiers, while a single group contained 71.3%. Ernst (1959) re- ported 70 to 90% soldiers in outer portions of his laboratory colony of N asutitermes sp. from the Ivory Coast. Although demands on the defensive capabilities of the soldiers underground must be trivial or rare, indeed, these figures show that a very high proportion of soldiers is mobilized for foraging parties. This situation is in striking contrast to that in another subterranean termitid, Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks) ( Amitermitinae) , which is very common over the range of T. tenuirostris in southern Arizona. This species forages widely on the surface under cover of thin, soil sheeting which it builds over all types of dead plant ma- terial (Collins et al., 1973). Based on 74 foraging groups, the average soldier rworker ratio is 1:89 (1.11% soldiers). Individual groups ranged from 1 to 1031 termites and contained from 0.0 to 9.10% soldiers (Nutting and Haverty, unpublished). During the few hours of field observations on the above-ground activities of T. tenuirostris , no encounters with ants or other small predators were seen. However, the presence of an impressive ant fauna in our study area lends further credibility to the importance of the soldier caste in the economy of this termite. In a preliminary study of the ants on the Santa Rita Experimental Range, Gaspar and Werner (unpublished) list 33 species, with high populations of Crematogaster coarctata vermiculata Emery and Forelius foetidus (Buckley), and estimate 1753 nests/ha for all species. About one fourth of the species are regular predators, while at least an addi- tional third are occasional predators or at least feed on animal matter. Many of them forage at night during the summer rainy season when T enuirostritermes is also most active on the surface. Although we have no estimates of colony size or density for the termite, its colonies are fairly common in the area and must contain several thousand individuals. 176 Psyche [March Acknowledgments We wish to thank Dr. Ch. Gaspar, Laboratoire de Zoologie generale et de Faunistique, Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques de l’Etat, Gembloux, Belgium, for identifying the ant used for our laboratory observations, and Mr. Michael I. Haverty, Research Associate, Department of Entomology, University of Arizona, for his assistance in collecting the termites. Literature Cited Collins, M. S., M. I. Haverty, J. P. LaFage and W. L. Nutting. 1973. High temperature tolerance in two species of subterranean ter- mites from the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Environ. Entomol. 2: 1122-1123. Emerson, A. E. 1955. Geographical origins and dispersions of termite genera. Field- iana: Zool. 37: 465-521. Ernst, E. 1959. Beobachtungen beim Spritzakt der Nasutitermes- Soldaten. Rev. Suisse Zool. 66: 289-295. Grunanger, P., A. Quilico and M. Pavan. 1960. Sul secreto odoroso del formicide Myrmicaria natalensis Fred. Accad. Nazion. Lincei 28: 293-300. Krishna, K. 1970. Taxonomy, phylogeny, and distribution of termites, pp. 127-152. In “Biology of termites,” vol. 2, (K. Krishna and F. M. Weesner, eds.). Academic Press, New York. Light, S. F., and F. M. Weesner. 1955. The incipient colony of T enuirostritermes tenuirostris (Desneux). Insectes Sociaux 2: 135-146. Moore, B. P. 1968. Studies on the chemical composition and function of the cephalic gland secretion in Australian termites. J. Insect Physiol. 14: 33-39. 1969. Biochemical studies in termites, pp. 407-432. In “Biology of termites,” vol. 1, (K. Krishna and F. M. Weesner, eds.). Aca- demic Press, New York. Nutting, W. L. 1970. Free diurnal foraging by the North American nasutiform ter- mite, T enuirostritermes tenuirostris (Isoptera: Termitidae). Pan-Pacific Entomol. 46: 39-42. Quennedey, A. 1973. Observations cytologiques et chimiques sur la glande frontale des termites. Internat. Union for the Study of Social Insects, Proc. Vllth Internat. Congress, London, 10-15 Sept., 1973. pp. 324-326. 1974] Nutting , Blum , & Bales — T enuirostritermes 177 Vrkoc, J., K. Ubik, L. Dolejs and I.Hrdy. 1973. On the chemical composition of frontal gland secretion in ter- mites of the genus N asutitermes ( N . costalis and N. rippertii; Isoptera). Acta Entomol. Bohemoslov. 70: 74-80. Weesner, F. M. 1953. The biology of T enuirostritermes tenuirostris (Desneux) with emphasis on caste development. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 57: 251-302. 1970. Termites of the Nearctic Region, pp. 477-525. In “Biology of termites,” vol. 2, (K. Krishna and F. M. Weesner, eds.). Aca- demic Press, New York. Wilson, E. O. 1971. “The insect societies.” The Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 548 pp. THE CASTIANEIRINAE OF MEXICO. I. CASTIANEIRA DUG ESI (BECKER) (ARANEAE: CLUBIONIDAE)* By Jonathan Reiskind Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 3261 1 Since the revision of the Castianeirinae of North and Central America (Reiskind, 1969) new collections have been made and studied. This is the first of a series of papers that will update the Mexican component of this subfamily. Castianeira dugesi (Becker) has been known from a single male described almost a century ago. Recent collections from locations within 50 miles of the type locality have produced additional speci- mens including the first females. C. dugesi is the nominal species in the dugesi species-group (which also includes C. nanella Gertsch and C. alfa Reiskind), a group restricted to the dry regions in south- western U. S. and northwestern Mexico and characterized by its moderately small size, lack of plumose setae, and distinctive genitalia (Reiskind, 1969). As is characteristic of many ant mimicking spe- cies of Castianeira with no distinct morphological separation of cephalic from thoracic region the cephalic region in C. dugesi is marked off by color pattern which we can assume reflects the color pattern of the model ant. Castianeira dugesi (Becker) Figures 1-3 Micariaulax dugesii Becker, 1879, Ann. Soc. Entomol. Belgium, 22: 83, pi. 2, fig. 9, 10, $, from Guanajuato, Mexico; in the Brussels Museum. Castianeira dugesii: Simon, 1897, Histoire Naturelle des Araignees 2(1) : 167. Castianeira dugesii: F. P.-Cambridge, 1899, Biol. Centrali-Americana. Arachnida 2 : 81. Castianeira dugesii: Reiskind, 1969, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 138(5): 223- 225, pi. 10, fig. 127, 128. FEMALE Measurements. Based on two females: carapace length 2.65- 2.70 mm; carapace width 1.70- 1.75 mm; carapace index (carapace width carapace length X 100) 64; sternum length 1.15 mm; * Manuscript received by the editor February 28, 1974 178 1974] Reis kind — Castianeirinae 179 Figures 1-3. Castianeira dugesi (Becker). Fig. 1. Dorsal aspect of fe- male. Pattern division of carapace shown by shading. (Vertical scale line = 1.0 mm) Fig. 2. External epigynum. Fig. 3. Internal epigynum, dorsal view. (Horizontal scale line for epigyma = 0.5 mm) i8o Psyche [March sternum width 0.95 mm; sternum index (width -i- length X 100) 80. Femur IV length 1.75-1.85 mm; femur IV width 0.45-0.55 mm; leg thickness index (femur IV width femur IV length X 100) 26-29; leg length index (femur IV length carapace length X 100) 67. Abdomen length 4.00 mm; abdomen width 2.30-2.35 mm; abdo- men index (width length X 100) 57-58. Description. Carapace orange-brown and hairless, with cephalic region dark brown (Fig. 1). Carapace moderately narrow in head region (width at level of second eye row 0.59-0.61 times the maxi- mum width of the carapace) and smoothly truncated anteriorly. Eyes moderately small, equal with posterior row somewhat wider than anterior. Distinct thoracic groove. Abdomen oval, grey-brown, with a large anterior dorsal dark red-brown scutum (about one-third the length of the abdomen) (Fig. 1); covered with sparce, fine setae. Epigastric and small in- framammiliary scuta red-brown. Both pairs of anterior abdominal setae hairlike. Sternum orange-brown with light, thin setae. Chelicerae dark-brown (like cephalic region of carapace) with two moderate retromargin teeth and two slightly larger promargin teeth. Pedipalps with red-brown femur and rest yellow. Coxa I yellow-brown, rest of coxae yellow. A small notch on trochanter IV. Femur I dark brown with yellow distal end, rest of leg I and leg II and III yellow; leg IV dark yellow with orange metatarsus. Tibia I ventral spination: 2 (prolateral) -2 (retrolateral) and small. External genitalia with a pair of wide, flared openings (Fig. 2). Internal structure with globose spermathecae drawn out into narrow straight posterior necks ( Fig. 3 ) . MALE Measurements. Based on two males: carapace length 2.05 mm; carapace width 1.25- 1.30 mm; carapace index 61-63; sternum length 0.95-1.00 mm; sternum width 0.75 mm; sternum index 73-77. Femur IV length 1.40- 1.45 mm; femur IV width 0.35 mm; leg thickness index 24-25 ; leg length index 69-71. Abdomen length 2.45-2.60 mm; abdomen width 1.15 mm; abdo- men index 45-47. Embolus length 0.06-0.07 mm; genital bulb length 0.63-0.65 mm; male genital index (embolus length bulb length X 100) 9.5-10. 1974] Reiskind — Castianeirinae 1 8 1 Description. Similar to female with the following differences: Only the anterior portion of carapace cephalic region dark-brown. Abdomen with a full scutum, granulose at anterior end and gradu- ally becoming smooth and shiny posteriorly. Tibia I ventral spina- tion: i-O and small. Genital bulb drawn out into a long neck ending with an embolus having a right angle near tip (illustrated in Reis- kind, 1969). Diagnosis. C. dugesi differs from other dugesi group members in its genitalia (right angle at end of male embolus and straight sper- mathecal necks) , distinct patterns of carapace and legs. Distribution. Apparently this species is restricted to a small region of central Mexico in northeastern Jalisco and Guanajuarto states. Records. Mexico. Guanajuarto. Jallisco: 10.8 mi. S. Talpa de Allende, 4900', 8-VIII-67 (R. E. Leech) ; 13 mi. SE. Lagos de Moreno, 6450', 7-IX-67 (R. E. Leech, G. E. Ball). The female of Castianeira dugesi would key out to couplet #36 in the Key to the Females of Castianeira in Reiskind ( 1969). It can then be separated from the other species included in that couplet by its dark abdomen and bicolored carapace. I wish to thank Dr. Robin E. Leech for the generous loan of the specimens studied in this paper. Literature Cited Reiskind, J. 1969. The Spider Subfamily Castianeirinae of North and Central America (Araneae, Clubionidae) . Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 138(5): 163-325. THE SOLDIER OF THE ANT CAMPONOTUS ( COLOBOPSIS ) FRAXINICOLA AS A TROPHIC CASTE* By Edward O. Wilson Museum o-f Comparative Zoology Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 U.S.A. Complete dimorphism, defined as the coexistence of a minor worker of ordinary proportions with a larger major worker or “soldier,” represents the pinnacle of the subcaste system within the ants. The soldier not only weighs more but also possesses a disproportionately larger head. By definition, intermediate forms are lacking. Complete dimorphism has originated independently at least seven times, within the following genera: the myrmicines Pheidole, Oligomyrmex , Acanthomyrmex, Paracryptocerus; the dolichoderine Zatapinoma; and the formicines Camponotus and Pseudolasius. The head shapes of the major workers of these groups are clearly modified either for fighting or for defense of the colony by blocking the nest entrances. These functions have been confirmed by direct observations of col- onies of Pheidole , Paracryptocerus , and Camponotus (Wilson, 1971). The behavioral repertory of the major workers is otherwise very limited in comparison with that of the minor workers, giving logic to their alternate designation in the literature as soldiers. The principal purpose of this article is to demonstrate that in at least one species, Camponotus ( Colobopsis ) fraxinicola M. R. Smith, the soldier caste also plays a key role in liquid food storage. Materials and Methods Colonies were collected at St. Mark’s Lighthouse and Tall Tim- bers, near Tallahassee, Florida. The taxonomic identification re- quires a brief note. Three forms of the southeastern United States, fraxinicola , impressus , and pylartes , are very similar to each other and may prove synonymous. The Tallahassee series fall closest to fraxinicola in the seemingly best character states of the major worker: a slightly more flattened mesonotum, more rounded posterior rim of the truncated portion of the head, and in other, more subtle details of head shape. But all of these characters vary widely within and among series 'from widespread localities, so that eventually only one *Manuscript received by the editor February 28, 1974. 182 1974] Wilson — Camponotus fraxinioola 1 8 3 species might be recognizable, which would then take the name impressus. The colonies were transferred to glass tubes 15 cm in length and 3-6 mm in inner diameter. The tubes were each plugged at one end with dry wads of cotton wool and placed in open plastic containers, the inner sides of which were lined with fluon to discourage climbing by the ants. Since the latter method does not always work with these highly arboreal ants, the containers were also supported by glass bottles set in petri dishes filled with heavy mineral oil. Water was made available in moistened cotton plugs at the bottom of test tubes placed next to the tubes housing the colonies. The ants were fed daily with honey and freshly killed insects. Entire colonies quickly habituated to strong light. They could be observed in toto with a swing-arm dissecting microscope without being disturbed in their new, highly simplified ( and fluon-lined ) universe. The Soldier as a Defensive Caste Since the time of Forel (1874) it has been known that soldiers of the subgenus Colobopsis of Camponotus use their oddly cylindrical heads to block the nest entrances. Minor workers returning from foraging trips identify themselves to the soldiers, presumably by colony odor. The soldiers then pull back to let them enter. C. frax- inicola, like most other Colobopsis , nest in the cavities of dead twigs. The nest entrances are neat, circular holes into which the heads of the soldiers fit snugly. By plugging glass tubes containing colonies with disks of cork, I was able to observe the excavation of the nest entrances on repeated occasions. The task was performed exclusively by the minor workers. This is somewhat surprising in view of the fact that the holes are cut to fit the specifications of the soldiers and not those of the minor workers. The soldiers also rested more con- sistently near the entrances of the glass tubes, with their heads point- ing outward in a high proportion of cases, even when they were not actively engaged in blocking the entrances. Undecane, stored in Dufour’s gland of the abdomen, is a general formicine alarm pheromone (Wilson and Regnier, 1971). When small quantities of this substance were allowed to evaporate near the nest entrance, all members of the fraxinicola colonies were thrown into the typical excited running movements of the fraxinicola alarm response. But some of the soldiers moved to the nest entrances, fill- ing those holes still unplugged at the start of the alarm reaction. 184 Psyche [March Figure 1. Portion of a laboratory colony of Camponotus ( Colobopsis ) fraxinicola housed in a glass tube. The large soldiers use their cylindrical heads to block the circular nest entrances, which are cut by the minor workers. This colony has been fed ad libitum, and consequently both soldiers and minor workers are in replete condition. In the center, a soldier and minor worker exchange food by regurgitation. When twigs containing fraxinicola colonies are first broken open, both minor workers and soldiers rush out. Many attack any accessible alien object, such as the observer’s hand or a bit of cloth offered to them, biting it and spraying it with formic acid. The same response was obtained in the laboratory by permitting fire ant workers ( Sol - enopsis invicta) to invade the nests. Individuals of both castes were about equally aggressive and effective in repelling these invaders. On the other hand, the total population of minor workers, by virtue of its greater size, was more effective than that of the soldiers. To sum up the results, the fraxinicola soldiers are indeed a defen- sive caste, but their specialization makes them superior in only one aspect of this role. The Soldier as a Trophic Caste The fraxinicola major worker is also anatomically distinguished by its proportionately larger abdomen. All individuals dissected from two laboratory colonies had large fat bodies and well developed ovaries containing one to seven eggs, some of which were of very 1974] Wilson — Camponotus fraxinicola 185 large size. A few minor workers with distended abdomens taken from within the nest had similar abdominal contents, but the ma- jority from both within and outside the nest had proportionately much smaller fat bodies and reduced ovaries. Thus the soldiers store substantially more food in the form of fat than do the minors. The nature of their eggs has not been ascertained. Should they prove to be trophic eggs, this form of storage would be primarily the province of the soldier caste. The following data reveal that the soldiers also store dispropor- tionately large quantities otf liquid food in their crops. When colonies are fed ad libitum with saturated sucrose solution or honey, most of the workers in both subcastes become repletes. Repletism has been defined for purposes of this analysis as distention of the abdomen to the extent that the intersegmented membranes are exposed, permitting the interior of the crop to be seen when light is transmitted from below. It has been repeatedly observed in our laboratory colonies that a higher proportion of the major workers — sometimes all of them — become repletes when the colony is offered a superabundance of liquid food. But when the colony is starved, the proportion of repletes among the majors drops below that off the minors. Two examples are presented in Figure 2. The amount of liquid stored by each major is substantially greater than that stored by each minor, on both an absolute and per-unit- weight basis. This difference, which was first guessed by simple in- spection, was proved by the following series of measurements. Twenty minors and 11 majors were selected at random and weighed from a colony anesthetized after two weeks of starvation. Then the colony was fed to satiety over a 24-hour period and anesthetized again; 20 minors and 16 majors were next selected at random from among the replete individuals and weighed. The mean weight of the starved minors was 1.62 mg (range 1.29-2.42 mg) ; after feeding, their mean weight was 2.44 mg (range 1.75-3.33 mg), a gain of 0.82 mg or 50.6 percent. The mean weight of the starved majors was 3.44 mg (range 2.38-4.65 mg); after feeding, their mean weight was 5.62 mg (3.14-7.34 mg), a gain of 2.18 mg or 63.4 percent. The disparity in storage capacity can be seen even more clearly by examining the colony as a whole. The colony labelled No. 1 in Figure 2 can be taken as typical; it contained 139 minors, 26 majors, and a single queen. Using the data on weight gain and percentage of repletism during a single experimental run, the following storage capacities were estimated: the entire minor population stored 88.52 FREQUENCY OF REPLETES FREQUENCY OF REPLETES 1 86 Psyche [March Figure 2. The frequency of repletes among the soldiers and the minor workers respectively in two colonies of Camponotus ( Colobopsis ) fraxini- cola. The ants were fed to satiation with sucrose solution on three occa- sions ten days apart and starved in the intervening periods. The soldier caste consistently achieved a higher level of repletion when the colony was fed but surrendered it to a greater extent when the colony was starved. 1974] Wilson — Camponotus fraxinicola 187 mg, and the entire major population stored 54.59 mg. Thus although the majors made up a little less than 16 percent of the population and contained 28.43 percent of the wet weight in the non-replete condi- tion, they stored 38.15 percent of the liquid at repletion. A distinctive history of liquid flow unfolds when a colony dis- covers a single rich source of food and then endures a period of starvation — the circumstance simulated by the laboratory experi- ments. When the food is first discovered, the flow during the first one or two hours is from the foraging minor workers to other minors and majors encountered back at the nest. After saturation is attained, and 90 percent or more of the adults are replete, regurgitation con- tinues at a high rate. The two castes participate at about the same per- worker rate, with no apparent difference between the majors and minors in the frequency of donation as opposed to that of reception. Within 2-3 days after the food is cut off, majors have begun to feed minors larger quantities than they receive. Data on exchanges show that the major-to-major donations are fewer than would be expected by chance alone. This is due at least in part to the fact that the majors are relatively sluggish in their movements. The minors are much the more active caste, passing from one nestmate to another to collect and pass along the dwindling supply of liquid food. Acknowledgement This article is part of a continuing study on caste systems sup- ported by Grant Number GB-40247 from the National Science Foundation. Summary (1) The major worker, or “soldier,” of Camponotus ( Colobopsis ) fraxinicola , helps to defend the nest by blocking the entrance holes with its head, a behavior pattern reported by previous authors in other members of the genus. However, when the nest is breached and combat ensues, the soldier is no more aggressive or effective than the minor worker. (2) The nest entrances are constructed entirely by the minor workers, which cut them to fit the cylindrical heads of the majors. (3) Major workers respond to undecane, a general formicine alarm substance, by moving to block those nest entrances still open at the beginning of the episode. 1 88 Psyche [March (4) Major workers also serve as a storage caste. Their abdomens are partially filled with exceptionally large fat bodies. They also store a disproportionate share of sugary liquids collected by the col- ony. When this food is superabundant, the majors reach a higher level of repletion. When the colony is subsequently starved, the majors regurgitate the liquid back to the rest of the colony faster than they receive it. Literature Cited Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Societe Helvetique des Sciences Natu- relles, Zurich, iv + 452 pp. Wilson, E. O. 1971. The insect societies. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, x + 548 pp. Wilson, E. O. and F. E. Regnier. 1971. The evolution of the alarm-defense system in the formicine ants. American Naturalist, 105: 279-289. CHEMICAL DEFENSE AND SOUND PRODUCTION IN AUSTRALIAN TENEBRIONID BEETLES ( ADELIUM SPP.)* By Thomas Eisner, Daniel Aneshansley, Maria Eisner, Ronald Rutowski, Berni Chong, and Jerrold Meinwald Section of Neurobiology and Behavior, and Department of Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca,, N. Y. 14850 Introduction Girdled eucalyptus trees, felled to make room for grazing pasture, are a common sight in rural Australia. In the dead and decaying stumps that are strewn through the countryside, many insects flourish. Two of these, the congeneric tenebrionid beetles Adelium percatum and A. pustulosum (subfamily Adeliinae) possess interesting defense mechanisms that we here describe. Both have eversible abdominal glands such as are commonly found in Tenebrionidae (Roth, 1945), but some features of the chemistry and biology of the glands are anomalous. Moreover, A. pustulosum has a stridulatory apparatus that may function for acoustical reinforcement of the chemical de- fense. Materials and Methods Both species of Adelium are black and, lacking hindwings, are flightless. Several dozen specimens were taken singly and in small groups in and under pieces of decaying eucalyptus wood in sheep pasture near Gudgenby, Australian Capital Territory, in mid-April, 1973 (Fig. 2). They were maintained in plastic containers, and given water, sucrose, and a variety of cereal-based foods. Initial behavioral and electronmicroscopic studies were done at the laboratories of the Division of Entomology, C. S. I. R. O., Canberra, where T. E. and M. E. were guests. Secretion was shipped to B. C. and J. M. for chemical analysis at the University of California, San Diego. Some beetles survived travel to Cornell, where acoustical studies were made by D. A., R. R. and T. E. Scanning electronmicrographs were made with a JEOL (JSMU- UE) instrument. Preservation of beetles with everted glands was *Paper no. XXXIX in the series Defense Mechanisms of Arthropods. Manuscript received by editor March 5 , 1974. 89 190 Psyche [March effected by first immersing them in cold ( — I95°C) liquid Freon (while held in forceps to cause eversion) and then transferring them to a tissue freeze-dryer for desiccation. Instruments for chemical analyses included conventional gas chro- matographs and an LKB-9000 gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Sound recordings were made at 23-25°C with a condenser micro- phone from a Holgate Ultrasonic Receiver MK.V [frequency re- sponse ± 12 db from 1 to 100 kHz; sensitivity at preamplifier out- put 268 mv (rms)//ibar at 60 kHz (determined by substitution)], an Ithaco Amplifier Model 225 [variable amplification range from O to 80 db; flat frequency response (within 3 db) in range of 0.5 Hz to 100 kHz] and a Lockheed Magnetic Tape Recorder/Repro- ducer Model 419 [recording speed set at 30 inches/sec; flat fre- quency response (within 3 db) in range from 0.2 to 100 kHz; input sensitivity of 1.4 volt (1.0 volt rms) for ± 40% deviation]. Sound intensity was measured with a Briiell and Kjaer Precision Sound Level Meter Type 2203 and a Briiell and Kjar Condenser Micro- phone Cartridge Type 4145. The intensity measurements were limited to audio frequencies due to limitations in the frequency response of the Briiell and Kjaer Microphone [flat frequency re- sponse (within 2 db) in range from 2.6 Hz to 18.5 kHz]. Instruments used for displaying and recording temporal patterns of the sound included a Tektronix storage oscilloscope (Model 4103N) with differential amplifier (Model 5A22N) and Polaroid camera, and a Tektronix dual beam oscilloscope (Model 502 A) with a Grass Kymograph camera (Model C4N). Timing marks were generated on the oscilloscope with a Hewlett-Packard function gen- erator (Model 3310A). Sound spectograms were made with a Kay Elemetrics Sonograph (Model 7029A). Low frequency background noise was filtered as needed during playback of the recordings with a Krohn-Hite filter (Model 3550). Chemistry of the Secretion It was clear from the outset that the secretion of both species was quinonoid in nature. The beetles responded typically to rough hand- ling by protruding their glands, and the oily golden-brown fluid that visibly coated the everted structures had the unmistakable pene- trating odor of benzoquinones, and the characteristic quinonoid 1974] Eisner et al. — Tenebrionid Beetles 191 0 0 0 0 a b c Fig. 1. Compounds in defensive secretion of Adelium percatum and A. pustolosum. a; 2-methyl-l,4-benzoquinone ; b; 2,3-dimethyl-l,4-benzoquinone ; c; 1-pentadecene. property of tanning human skin. Our fingertips were always darkly mottled after handling a quantity of the beetles. Secretion for analysis was obtained by seizing and squeezing in- dividual beetles in forceps and wiping the fluid from the everted glands with small pieces of filter paper. The chemical procedure and the findings were the same for both species. Extraction of the papers with methylene chloride, followed by gas chromatography of the extract (1% OV-i on Gas Chrom. Q, 4' X 50° to 240°C), revealed the presence of three major components. Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed two of the components to have mass spectra identical to the published spectra ( Budzikiewicz et al., 1967) of 2-methyl- 1,4-benzoquinone and 2, 3-dimethyl- 1,4- benzoquinone (Fig. 1 a, b). The third component had a mass spec- trum matching that of i-pentadecene (Stenhagen et al., 1969) (Fig. 1 c). Definitive confirmation of the position of the double bond in this compound was obtained by ozonolysis. A small sample of the third component was collected from the gas chromatograph and dissolved in methylene chloride, and the cooled solution ( — 70°C) was subjected to a slow bubbled stream of ozone in oxygen until the blue color persisted. Addition of a small crystal of triphenylphos- phine, followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, showed the higher molecular weight product to have a mass spectrum identi- cal to that of tetradecanal (Stenhagen et al., 1969). One interesting point in connection with these analyses was the observation of a fourth component in the initial sample of secretion obtained from both species. This component was guessed to be 1,2- dichloropentadecane on the basis of its mass spectrum, and the iden- tification was confirmed by direct comparison of the isolated material with an authentic sample prepared by addition of chlorine to i-penta- decene. However, since additional milkings taken from the same 192 Psyche [March beetles four months later into carbon disulfide rather than methylene chloride failed to show this component, it is apparent that the diha- lide is an artifact derived from the olefin. Structure and Defensive Operation of the Glands Although the two beetles differ slightly in size and appearance — A. percatum is less rotund and longer (i. 5-1.9 cm) than A. pustu- losum ( 1 .3-1.5 cm) — their glandular apparatuses are essentially identical. No dissections of fresh beetles were made, but judging from what could be discerned from specimens somewhat inadequately preserved in ethanol, the glands are anatomically similar in both species and probably homologous to eversible glands such as have been described for other tenebrionids (Lengerken, 1925; Roth, 1945; Tschinkel, 1972). Such glands are basically cuticular sacs, ordinarily withheld in inverted condition within the body cavity, and presumably everted by blood pressure. What is unusual about the Adelium glands is that they extrude to such great lengths. For example, gland length in a specimen of A. percatum 1.8 cm long that was freeze-dried with its glands everted, was recorded at 0.8 cm. Relative to body size, the glands of these beetles must rate among the largest eversible glands known for insects. Examination of a glandular sac of A. percatum , treated with warm aqueous potassium hydroxide to remove all soft cellular parts, re- vealed a conventional membranous cuticular lining, with typical cuticular organelles attached (Fig. 8). Such organelles are a diag- nostic feature of many insect gland cells (references in Eisner, 1970), and the ones of Adelium resemble closely those described from cell type 1 in the defensive gland of the tenebrionid Eleodes longicollis (Eisner et al.> 1964). The organelles were distributed along the full length of the glandular sac, indicating that the secretory tissue is not restricted to a limited portion of the gland. Gentle handling of Adelium usually induced no gland eversion at all. Only when the animals were more forcibly stimulated, as when they were grasped by the body or an appendage and squeezed, did Figure 2. Pasture land near Gudgenby, A. C. T., Australia, where both species of Adelium were taken. Figs. 3-4. Adelium percatum responding to pinching of individual hindlegs by everting the gland of the side stimu- lated. Figs. 5-6. A. percatum responding to pinching of left midlegs. In Fig. 5 the gland has been maximally everted and has come into contact with the leg stimulated. In Fig. 6 the gland, on eversion, discharged part of its content as an anteriorly-directed spray (reference bar = 5mm). 1974] Eisner et al. — T'enebrionid Beetles 193 194 Psyche [March eversion occur with some consistency. Reluctance to employ the glands in these animals is undoubtedly related to their possession of a particularly tough integument, which may in itself provide an ef- fective first line of defense. In order to observe more precisely the method of employ of the glands, individual A . percatum were affixed to wire tethers with wax, and stimulated by pinching their legs with forceps. The beetles were Sometimes placed over filter paper impregnated with an acidified aqueous solution of potassium iodide and starch, a mixture that dis- colors darkly on exposure to benzoquinones (Roth, 1943) and pro- vides a good visual means for detecting secretory emissions. The results were identical with all nine specimens tested. Stimulation of a single leg generally caused extrusion of only the gland of the corre- sponding side (Figs. 3-6). Simultaneous stimulation of two legs caused bilateral eversion. The extent and rapidity of extrusion varied, and seemed to depend on the intensity of stimulation. A brief squeeze of a hindleg or midleg, for example, usually induced only a partial eversion of the ipsilateral gland. Protracted or more vigorous squeez- ing elicited more complete and usually sustained eversion, and the extruded gland commonly extended outward far enough to contact the seized leg or forceps (Figs. 3-5). The target was usually visibly wetted by the gland. The beetles can apparently exercise some con- trol over the direction of extrusion. Thus, when distal parts of a hindleg were stimulated, the gland usually extended outward at a greater angle relative to body axis than when more proximal parts of the leg were grasped. The gland is apparently aimed by flexion at its base rather than along its length, as evidenced by the fact that its shape is relatively fixed irrespective of its angle of protrusion. When gland eversion occurred abruptly rather than gradually, as was generally the case in response to vigorous pinching, the sudden extension of the gland sometimes caused secretion to be ejected forcibly as a spray. (Figs. 6, 7). Ejections ranged from 1 to 5 cm, but in one instance droplets were shot to as far as 25 cm from the beetle. Forelegs and such other parts on the front of a beetle as are ordinarily inaccessible to the glands were inevitably doused by such ejections. Only beetles with replete or nearly replete glands tended to spray. However, animals with partly depleted glands could still effectively administer secretion to their front end. They did this by relaying secretion from one pair of legs to another, following initial wetting of the hindlegs by the glands. Even the antennae and the head itself were eventually wetted with secretion if they had been 1974] Eisner et al. — T'enebrionid Beetles 195 Fig. 7. Response of Adelium percatum to pinching of its right midleg. The animal everted its right gland abruptly, causing secretion to be sprayed forward. The droplets of secretion are shown as black spots on the indi- cator paper that served as substrate (filter paper impregnated with acidified aqueous solution of potassium iodide and starch). Far-ranging discharges as shown here occurred only when beetles had fully replete glands. Fig. 8. Cuticular organelles from secretory cells of gland of A. percatum , isolated by treatment of gland with warm 10% aqueous potassium hydroxide (Nomarski interference contrast; reference bar = 30/*). Fig. 9. Scanning electronmicrograph of hairs on exposed surface of everted gland of A. percatum (reference bar = 5/i) . jg6 Psyche [March seized in forceps. The initial contact of hindlegs and glands appeared at times to be deliberate rather than fortuitous. Thus, when glands were insufficiently everted to effect automatic contact with the hind- legs, the legs sometimes reached back toward the glands and brushed against them. Wiping of midlegs against hindlegs, and of forelegs against midlegs, quickly followed. In cases where the beetles had been placed on indicator paper, the legs left dark markings on the substrate as evidence of their contamination. Some experiments comparable to the preceding were also done with A. pustulosum, with essentially similar results. However, forcible gland eversion with spray ejection was never seen in this species. Scanning electronmicroscopic examination of the surface of everted glands of A. percatum revealed a covering of slender curved hairs (Fig. 9). Whether these are spaced closely enough to act as a mat- ting remains uncertain. But it is conceivable that they function in this capacity, providing perhaps for the maintenance of uniform secretory wetness over the surface of the glands when they are everted and for spontaneous re-spreading of secretion over areas wiped clean by defensive action of the glands. Dispensation of secretion onto target surfaces might also be facilitated by the hairs. Stridulatory Mechanism When seized or pinched, A. pustulosum produced a distinctly audible sound. The response took precedence over gland eversion, and could persist for seconds if the disturbance was sustained. Two serrate ridges on the last (visible) abdominal tergite (Figs. 10-13) are responsible for engendering the sound. By rhythmic downward deflection of the abdominal tip — a motion depicted in Figs. 10 and 11 — the beetles scrape the ridges back and forth across the sharp overhanging elytral margins, thereby inducing a repetitive bi-syllabic chirp. Intensified stimulation eventually caused gland extrusion, which silenced the sound, since during gland eversion abdominal deflection is apparently precluded. A. percatum lacks the ridges and is soundless. Stridulatory mechanisms are common in insects, and have been repeatedly noted. In the leaf-cutting ant, Atta cehpalotes , which pro- duces sound by scraping a file in much the same manner as does Adelium, acoustical output and sound generation have been master- fully analyzed (Markl, 1968). Since this analysis is essentially applicable to Adelium, we will here describe only the properties of 1974] Eisner et al. — Tenebrionid Beetles 197 Figs. 10-11. Dorsolateral view of rear of body of Adelium pustulosum, showing the abdominal tip in the undeflected (Fig. 10) and deflected (Fig. 11) positions that mark the limits of the stridulatory motion. The arrow points toward the left serrated ridge (reference bar = 1 mm). Figs. 12-13. Scanning electronmicrographs of the left stridulatory ridge. The elytral margin against which the ridge is scraped extends across the top of Fig. 12 (reference bar Fig. 13 = .05 mm). Psyche [March 198 the beetle’s sound, without detailed consideration of the physical basis of sound production. Only two live females and one male of A. pustulosum were avail- able for sound studies. The animals were affixed to wire tethers glued to their pronotum with wax, and induced to stridulate by pinching their legs individually with forceps. Sound recordings were made with the beetles held at 1 cm from the microphone. An oscillo- gram of a typical chirp sequence is shown in Fig. 14A. The bi- syllabic composition of each chirp, indicative of the bi-directional movement of the ridges across the elytral margins, is clearly evident. Measurements made from oscillograms, of chirp repetition rates, chirp and syllable durations, and duration of inter-chirp and inter-syllable intervals, are summarized in Table 1, together with measurements of tooth counts and tooth spacings made from the serrate ridges. These parameters are evidently remarkably constant for any one beetle, although they differ somewhat between beetles. The Table does not give an indication of the gradual decline in the chirp repe- tition rate that characteristically took place with time following onset of pinching of a given leg (e.g. in a female, the rate declined from 2.25 to 1.63 chirps/sec over a period of 4.5 seconds). The decline occurred by a lengthening of the inter-chirp interval, rather than by prolongation of the syllables or inter-syllabic interval of the chirp itself. Accelerated chirping (or gland eversion) always occurred when pinching was shifted to a new leg or increased in intensity. As was to be expected by analogy with the stridulatory chirps of Atta, and shown clearly by the oscillograms (Fig. 14B, C), the syllables are essentially trains of sound pulses, generated by impact of the elytral margins with the sequence of teeth on the ridges. Figs. 14D and 14E show oscillograms of individual pulses from a first and second syllable respectively. Spectrograph analysis (Fig. 15) of the chirps revealed a frequency composition ranging broadly from below 1 kHz to 60 kHz. The frenquency distribution pattern was essentially similar in the first and second syllables, and differed little in spectrographs made with broad- band (Fig. 15 top) and narrow-band (Fig. 15 bottom) filters. Since broad-band filtration essentially analyzed the pulses one at a time, rather than in groups of three to five as in narrow-band filtration, it follows that the pulses themselves contain essentially the full range of the beetle’s sound frequencies. Apparatus for measuring sound intensities became available only after the beetles had died. Intensities therefore had to be measured 1974] Eisner et al. — - Tenebrionid Beetles 199 Fig. 14. Sound oscillograms of Adelium pustulosum. A, chirp sequence (2.8 sec. of $ no. 1) ; note bisyllabic composition of chirps (time interval = 200 msec). B-C, Expansion of the first ( B ) and second ( C ) syllables of chirp shown lettered in A ; the pulsed nature of the sound is clearly resolved (time interval = 20 msec). D-E, Individual pulses of first (D) and second ( E ) syllables. (0.0625 msec/division). 200 Psyche [March A B C 50 ~ ~ 100 i&0 200 250 TIME (msec) Fig. 15. Sound spectrograms of one chirp of Adclium pustulosum (the chirp is that lettered BC in Fig. 14 A, and shown expanded in Fig. 142? and C) . In each spectrogram the first syllable is on left and second syllable on right. Spectrograms were made from recorded sounds replayed at x/% speed. Top spectrogram: wide band analyzing filter (effective bandwidth 2400 Hz, with effective time response of 0.375 msec); bottom spectrogram: narrow band analyzing filter (effective bandwidth 360 Hz, with effective time response of 2.75 msec). Beside the top spectrogram are shown energy distribution profiles, corresponding to time transects lettered on the spec- trogram itself. indirectly, from the tape-recorded sounds of the beetles. This was done by monitoring the playback of the recordings with a microphone pickup and oscilloscope (the same microphone as used previously for recording of the chirps), and adusting the intensity of the playback until the induced oscilloscope signal matched that initially elicited by live beetles held i cm from the microphone. The intensity of the adjusted playback was then measured with the Sound Level Meter positioned at the site of the microphone, and found to be 65 db (relative to 0.0002 dynes/cm2). Detailed analysis of the oscillograms showed that the beetles ap- parently do not scrape both ridges with equal consistency during stridulation. In fact, stridulation appears to involve predominant scraping of only one ridge during downward deflection of the ab- 1974] Eisner et al. — T'enebrionid Beetles 201 dominal tip (first syllable), and of both ridges with somewhat unequal force during the upward movement of the tip (second syl- lable) . This conclusion rests on the observation that the syllables contain, in addition to a consistent major pulse (which in total num- ber per syllable corresponds to the number of teeth per length of file estimated to be scraped during a syllable)1, a subsidiary pulse of varying lesser amplitude, which appears sporadically in the first syl- lable, and fairly consistently in the second syllable. These lesser pulses, when they appear, result in a doubling of the pulse repetition rate. Moreover they bear a shifting rather than fixed temporal rela- tionship to the primary pulses, suggesting that they are not subsidiary acoustical concomitants of single tooth scrapings, but a consequence of scraping of a second set of teeth of somewhat unmatched spacing relative to the first. The near absence of secondary pulses in the first syllable suggests that the beetle might not press the abdominal tip as vigorously against the elytral margins during downward abdominal deflection as during the return motion. Discussion Defensive glands that produce quinones are widespread among arthropods. They have been reported not only from other Tene- brionidae (references in Jacobson, 1966; Roth and Eisner, 1962; Weatherston, 1967; Weatherston and Percy, 1970), but also from certain termites (Moore, 1968), earwigs (Eisner and Blumberg, 1959; Schildknecht and Weis, i960), cockroaches (Roth and Stay, 1958), grasshoppers (Eisner et al., 1971a), carabid beetles (Anes- hansley et al., 1969; references in Moore and Wallbank, 1968; Schildknecht et al., 1968), staphylinid beetles (Blum et al., 1971; Brand et al., 1973), millipedes (references in Jacobson, 1966; Roth and Eisner, 1962; Weatherston, 1967; Weatherston and Percy, 1970) and opilionids (Fieser and Ardao, 1956; Eisner et al., 1971b). As is often the case with arthropod defenses, they exist as close counterparts in plants: glandular hairs that secrete a benzoquinone have been described for Primula obconica (Schildknecht et al., 1967). Contrary to claim (Schildknecht et al., 1964), not all Tenebrionidae JFrom photographs such as Figs. 10 and 11, which depict the motion of the abdominal tip during chirping, it was estimated that this motion has a maximum amplitude of ca. 2/3 the length of a serrated ridge. This cor- responds to about 130 teeth, a figure in line with the counted maxima of major pulses in the syllables. 202 Psyche [March have defensive glands (e.g., Tentyriinae and Asidinae). But the glands are frequently present, and when they are, they are either exclusively abdominal as in Adelium , or supplemented by a second pair of glands in the prothorax (Roth, 1945; Tschinkel, 1969). Only relatively few tenebrionid secretions have been studied chem- ically. Most produce benzoquinones, including />-benzoquinone, and its alkylated derivatives 2 -methyl- 1,4-benzoquinone and 2-ethyl- 1,4- benzoquinone (references in Jacobson, 1966; Roth and Eisner, 1962; Weatherston, 1967; Weatherston and Percy, 1970). Naphthoqui- nones have been reported in one species (Tschinkel, 1972) and in another the prothoracic glands produce phenols instead of quinones (Tschinkel, 1969). 2, 3-Dimethyl- 1,4-benzoquinone itself has not been found in a tenebrionid secretion, but it is produced by the de- fensive glands of certain opilionids (Fieser and Ardao, 1956; Eisner et al.j 1971b). The presence of an alkene in Adelium is no novelty. Hydrocarbons, both saturated and unsaturated, are known from arthropod secretions, and although i-pentadecene as such has not been reported, shorter chain homologs of the substance are present in Tenebrionidae (Hurst et al., 1964). We made no effort to evaluate the defensive effectiveness of the secretion of Adelium. However, judging from the proven deterrency of other quinonoid mixtures to predators (references in Eisner, 1970, 1972; Eisner and Meinwald 1966), there can be no doubt that the glands of Adelium are protective in function. The presence of the alkene may be of more than incidental significance. It has been argued (Blum and Crain, 1961), and in one case proven (Eisner et al 1961), that lipoidal additives promote spreading and penetra- tion of defensive secretions on target. Defensive glands of arthropods vary greatly in structure and oper- ation, and several characteristic types have been recognized (Eisner, 1970). The glands of Adelium appear to combine features of two of these types. Basically, by virtue of their extrusibility, they clasify as conventional eversible glands, but since they occasionally eject their Table 1. Adelium pustulosum: Temporal characteristics of the chirps and morphological features of the stridulatory ridges. Temporal measure- ments were made from oscillograms and are given as mean ± standard error; sample size (N) is given in parenthesis. Morphological measure- ments were made from microscopic preparations of the last abdominal tergite of the beetles ; tooth spacing was calculated by dividing ridge length by tooth number. (The tergite of $ no. 1 was damaged in preparation, hence the omission of measurements from one ridge.) Table 1974] Eisner et al. — T'enebrionid Beetles 203 204 Psyche [March contents, they also qualify as spraying glands. We know of no other tenebrionid glands that operate in this way. Eversible glands are common, but they are generally shorter than those of Adelium and do not eject spray on extrusion. Spraying does occur, but only from non-eversible glands, as in Eleodes (Eisner, 1966). The peculiar habit of Adelium of relaying secretion by way of its appendages is not unique. Other tenebrionids are also said to use their legs for administration of secretion (Tschinkel, 1972), and comparable be- havior has been reported for opilionids (Eisner et al., 1971b) and Hemiptera (Remold, 1962). Many insects produce chirps or other “disturbance” calls when they are molested. Cerambycid beetles, for example, very generally show this property, as do other beetles, cockroaches, Hemiptera, adult and immature Lepidoptera, and members of most other groups, including non-insectan arthropods (references in Alexander, 1967; Haskell, 1961; Roth and Hartman, 1967; Tuxen, 1967). The sounds are generally believed to be defensive, but it is by no means clear how precisely they act in this capacity. Convincing evidence has been advanced to account for the function of the calls in arctiid moths. These insects are chemically protected (Bisset et al., i960) and hence presumably distasteful, and they emit sounds, rich in ultra- sound, in response to the echolocating chirps of bats (Blest et al., 1963). Bats turn away from the calls, presumably because they have learned on the basis of previous experience with the moths that a prospective meal that “protests” audibly is distasteful (Dunning and Roeder, 1965; Roeder, 1967). The sounds, then, act as acoustical aposematic signals, operative in the dark just as visual aposematic adornments supposedly operate in the light. Defensive calls generally, to the extent that they are produced by chemically or otherwise pro- tected insects and induced by encounters with predators, may function in this way. They might certainly do so in Adelium pustulosum, a furtive animal most likely to meet its enemies in darkness. But the calls need not only serve for acoustical reinforcement of a concomi- tant defense. They could also be intrinsically deterrent to predators, perhaps only to some, or they might function socially — as do “alarm” sounds in termites and ants (Howse, 1964; Markl, 1967, 1969; Markl and Fuchs, 1972) — to alert conspecifics to states of emer- gency. But these possibilities, like so many other functional sug- gestions that have been advanced for disturbance calls, remain to be proven. One wonders what predators might be affected by the chirps of Adelium, although criteria for compiling a list of enemies are lack- 1974] Eisner et al. — Tenebrionid Beetles 205 ing. It seems clear, however, that the chirps are of sufficiently broad frequency composition to be at least potentially audible to virtually any acoustically sensitive predator. Summary The black flightless tenebrionid beetles Adelium percatum and A. pustulosum from Australia possess a pair of eversible abdominal glands that secrete a mixture of 2-methyl- 1,4-benzoquinone, 2,3- dimethyl-i,4-benzoquinone, and i-pentadecene. The tubular glands are unusually large, and when everted may be nearly half as long as the beetles themselves. In A. percatum , the replete glands may, on extrusion, spray their contents forcibly, to a recorded maximum dis- tance of 25 cm. Defensive administration of secretion is also effected by the beetles’ legs. A. pustulosum , unlike A. percatum , produces an audible “disturbance sound” when molested. The sound is engendered by the scraping of two serrated ridges on the last abdominal tergum across the elytral margins. The morphology of the stridulatory ap- paratus, and the acoustical properties of the sound, which contains frequencies ranging from below 1 kHz to 60 kHz, are presented. It is argued that disturbance sounds, when produced by chemically or otherwise protected animals, act as acoustical aposematic signals, operative primarily in darkness. Acknowledgements We thank the staff of the Division of Entomology, C.S.I.R.O., for much help and hospitality during the Eisners’ stay in Canberra. The beetles, which were first shown to us in the field by Dart Linsley, were identified by E. B. Britton. Electronmicrographs were made at the laboratories of Barry Filshie, Colin Beaton, and Margaret Kovaks, who were most generous with time and facilities. Robert Capranica provided acoustical equipment and technical advice. The study was supported in part by Grant AI-02908 from the National Institutes of Health, and was carried out while T. Eisner was a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow. References Cited Alexander, R. D. 1967. Acoustical communication in arthropods. Annual Rev. Entomoh 12: 495-526. 206 Psyche [March Aneshansley, D., T. Eisner, J. M. 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Zeitschr. Vergl. Physiol. 76: 204-225. Moore, B. P. 1968. Studies on the chemical composition and function of the cephalic gland secretion in Australian termites. J. Insect Physiol. 14: 33-39. Moore, B. P. and B. E. Wallbank 1968. Chemical composition of the defensive secretion in carabid beetles and its importance as a taxonomic character. Proc. Roy. Entomol. Soc. (London) B37: 62-72. Remold, H. 1962. Uber die biologische Bedeutung der Duftdriisen bei den Land- wanzen (Geocorisae) . Zeitschr. Vergl. Physiol. 45: 636-694. 208 Psyche [March Roeder, K. D. 1967. Nerve Cells and Insect Behavior. Harvard Univ. Press, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. Roth, L. M. 1943. Studies on the gaseous secretion of Tribolium Confusum Duval. II. The odoriferous glands of Tribolium confusum. Ann. En- tomol. Soc. Amer. 36: 397-424. 1945. The odoriferous glands in the Tenebrionidae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 38: 77-87. Roth, L. M. and T. Eisner 1962. Chemical defenses of arthropods. Ann. Rev. 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Z. Naturforsch. 156: 755-757. Stenhagen, E., S. Abrahamsson and F. W. McLafferty 1969. Atlas of Mass Spectral Data, vol. 2, pp. 1503, 1514. Interscience, New York. Tschinkel, W. R. 1969. Phenols and quinones from the defensive secretions of the tene- brionid beetle, Zoophobas rugipes. J. Insect Physiol. 15 : 191-200. 1972. 6-Alkyl-l, 4-naphthoquinones from the defensive secretion of the tenebrionid beetle, Argoporis alutacea. J. Insect Physiol. 18: 711-722. Tuxen, S. L. 1967. lnsektenstimmen. Springer Verlag, Berlin. Weatherston, J. 1967. The chemistry of arthropod defensive substances. Quart. Rev. (London) 21: 287-313. Weatherston, J. and J. E. Pepcy 1970. Arthropod defensive secretions. In Chemicals Controlling Insect Behavior (Ed. by M. Beroza) pp. 95-144. Academic Press, New York. SYNCHRONOUS VISUALIZATION OF VIDEO-TAPED SOUNDS AND MOTIONS OF INSECTS By Paul A. Wussow, Robert B. Willey, and June B. Steinberg1- 2 The University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, P.O. Box 4348, Chicago, IL 60680; and the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224. High-speed cinematography with synchronized oscillography has been used to analyze accurately the sound production by a rapidly moving structure during communicative behavior of insects (Walker & Dew, 1972; Willey, 1973, 1974). However, this method involves expensive equipment and perhaps kilometers of film containing only a few hundred feet of analyzable sequences. Nevertheless, the ac- curacy and resolution of audio-visual synchrony by this method has been exceeded only by the use of minute magnetometers using the Hall-effect (Eisner, 1970; Eisner & Huber, 1973) and by an in- genious method of flash-photography (Morris & Pipher, 1972). On the other hand, studies needing an average synchrony accuracy of only ± 5 msec (essentially equivalent to motion picture framing rates of 60 pictures per sec) can utilize inexpensive or already available video-systems used commonly as educational tools. Video has several advantages over cinematographic methods: 1) sound and picture are routinely recorded synchronously, 2) video- tape can be erased and reused, 3) some video-cameras have great sensitivity and can be used even for nocturnal insects at very low light levels, and 4) the system can be used to monitor behavior for hours and then sequences can be selected, duplicated on another tape and then the original tape can be used again. There are disadvan- tages of video for high resolution work and these will be discussed in the Analysis (q.v.). J JMailing address for reprints: R. B. Willey, Assoc. Prof., Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, P.O. Box 4348, Chicago, IL 60680. 2P. A. Wussow is Data-Systems Analyst with NSF Grant GB-35594, and Computer-Aided Instruction Specialist, Office of Instructional Resources Development, University of Illinois; Mrs. J. B. Steinberg is doctoral candi- date and Teaching Assistant in Biological Sciences. Manuscript received by the editor March 1, 1974. 209 210 Psyche [March MONI TORS Fig. 1. Block schematic diagram of the equipment connected for line- by-line synchronization of a video field with a simultaneous full sweep of the cathode ray gun of the oscilloscope. The CRO is laid on its side so that the horizontal sweep passes from top to bottom of the superimposed field in VTR2 (see text, sect. 8, Analysis). For ordinary horizontal sweep, the CRO is in normal position and the external trigger on the vertical sync is disconnected. It seems strange that, with the exception of publications from our laboratory (Steinberg & Conant, 1974; Steinberg & Willey, 1974), we have found only a few studies of insect behavior which have involved the analysis of video-taped sounds and motion (Loher & Chandrashekaran, 1970, 1972; Hoeg-Guldberg, 1972). Moreover, even these studies have neglected to capitalize on the audio-recording and electronic potential of the video-tape system. We have devised a simple method to superimpose the oscillographic trace of the sound already recorded on any pre-existing video-tape on a duplicate record- ing. Extensions of this method to synchronous oscillography trans- duced from any mode will make video monitoring of insect behavior amenable to more versatile and precise analysis. Method A sequence was video-recorded with the following sound-related 1974] W ussow et al. — Sounds and Motions of Insects 211 parameters noted : i ) distance from the microphone to the subect, and 2) the average temperature of air between subject and micro- phone. Then we played the recorded sequence on a compatible video-tape reproducer (VTR.!) which was linked by a multichannel synchronizing circuit (SWITCHER) to another video-recorder (VTR2) which preferably used at least one-inch tape. Figure l diagrams the set-up schematically. The audio circuit of the VTRa was linked also to the input of an oscilloscope (CRO), the screen (CRT) of which has an image persistence on the order of micro- seconds (Pi i phosphor coating). A video-camera (CAM) focused on the CRT image which was positioned so that it would not mask the image of the subject in the superposition. If the trace was to be positioned along the bottom of the frame, the horizontal sweep of the CRO was set at io msec/cm so that a single sweep of 12.5 cm will encompass at least eight video fields (q. v., sect. 7 & 8, Analysis and Fig. 1 for further explanation and an alternative method). We also masked the negative potentials with opaque tape. The video- camera is connected with the VTR2 by the vertical interval switcher and the CRT screen is shielded by an improvised hood from the room lights. The results of superposition are simultaneously video- monitored.3 The resulting video-tape, minus all the inactive time, can be played on a VTR which has stop-action and single-field forwarding capabil- ity (or the tape can be moved forward by hand). The audio signal can still be heard as well as seen as an oscillo-trace when the VTR is running at normal speed. At low speed the audio circuit auto- matically turns off and, although an adustment can be made in the machine’s circuitry to enable the sound to be heard, with the oscillo- graphic trace this is neither necessary nor desirable. With the VTR stopped on a single field, we marked with a wax crayon the positions of the moving parts on the projection screen of the monitor and made measurements of the angle changes with a protractor ( a better method will be outlined later in section 9, Analysis). Equipment used: “Quiet Room” (Suttle, Inc., Chicago), Audiometric Room, double-walled (Industrial Acoustics, New York), Sony EV-310 25 mm videocorder, Scotch Brand MT 20568 video-tape, General Electric model 4TE33D1 TV camera with a Soligor 10 cm, lens, Sony AVC 3200 TV camera with Angenieux 7.5 cm lens with a +1 diopter auxiliary lens, AKG shotgun microphone model D900, vertical interval switcher-sync generator with sync lock capability (Shintron 360), Tektronix 502A os- cilloscope with Pll phosphor, Panasonic video-monitors (3-inch), one 50W electric spot bulb. 212 Psyche [March Analysis Analysis of audio-visual synchrony must consider the following factors : 1 ) A video field is scanned from top of the screen to the bottom once in 16.67 msec at a maximum resolution of 262.5 lines per field; the horizontal sweep time for a line is 0.0635 msec. The vertical blanking interval (retrace time for the electron-gun to move from bottom of the screen to the top) requires up to 21 lines, and sub- tracted from the maximum resolution leaves a net resolution of 241.5 lines per field with a net duration of 15.5 msec, and a vertical blank- ing interval of 1 to 1.2 msec. 2) A video frame consists of two interdigitating video fields with a total net duration of 31 msec and a total net resolution of 483 lines. 3) Transduction of light and electronic impulses can be regarded as instantaneous, however the speed of sound in air is a variable. Near sea level, at 37 C and no greater than 10 cm from the micro- phone, one can calculate that the maximum time interval between sound production and electronic transduction is no greater than 0.4 msec and can be neglected as an important factor. 4) A crucial discrepancy in visual-acoustic synchrony and visual analysis of movements is the time taken by the electron-gun of the video camera to trace any action within a field. This factor causes three time-related distortions in the image which must be considered in the analysis, namely (a) vertical loss of resolution, (b) excessive curvature of a rotating image, and (c) inability to record events which occur after a scanning trace has passed until the next field scan. 5) Vertical loss of resolution: the image formed during a single field has a maximum vertical resolution of only 241.5 lines per field whereas a 16 mm optical-film frame has 50-60 lines of resolution per mm (at the center) or about 700 to 800 lines of resolution overall (allowing for loss of about 20 lines of resolution at the front and rear edge of the frame). On the other hand, the horizontal resolution of a good video system probably approaches that of a comparable optical- film system. However evaluation of information content of a video field and an optical film frame encompassing 15 msec is obscured by the next considerations. 6) Excessive curvature of rotating image: the time required for scanning a single field naturally produces a distorted image in any movement having lateral components. Plate ia-e illustrates this 1974] W ussow et al. — Sounds and Motions of Insects 213 PI. 1. A portion of a stridulation (chirp) by Chortophaga viridifasciata, showing a pulse of sound in five photographs of consecutive fields (a-e). The male which is chirping is outlined in (a), (b) and (c) show the right femur blurred as it makes the downward stroke (left femur is missing). The two vertical black lines drawn on the trace in (d) bracket the portion of the oscillotrace which was scanned at the time the leg was moving in this field. To the right of the lines is the base of a trace which really was much higher, but its peaks will not be scanned until the next field (e). The image persistence is due to retention by the video-camera pick-up tube and is about equal to one field (= 16 msec). The image in (f) is the result of triggering and synchronizing the CRT sweep with the “front porch” of the vertical field (set up as in Fig. 1). The field is identical to (e), but only the most intense peaks were registered. (See text, sect. 8) 214 Psyche [March problem with the oscillographic trace and a barely detectable clock- wise curvature of the femur tip relative to the base in ib and ic. This is caused by the fact that a video field is a metachronic series of 241.5 lines each representing a “shutter speed” of 1/15,750 sec. The scanning time of the femur image in PI. ia is about 45 lines of 2.86 msec. In other words, the tip of the femur, which is moving in an arc to the left, is imaged nearly 3 msec earlier than that of the femur base. Further magnification on the screen would result in greater temporal displacements and greater artifact in the shape of the organ. Any attempt to measure angles of rotation or points of displacement must take into account the video scanning time of the specific image and its vector relative to the vertical trace. 7) Inability to record events after passage of the scanning trace: it is usually desirable to superpose the oscillotrace along the bottom of the video field (PI. ia-e) where the action is less likely to be obscured. However, the lower portion of the field will be scanned milliseconds after the action in the center. Nevertheless, visual- acoustic synchrony can be computed as shown in PI. id. The selec- tion of the horizontal sweep setting of the CRO is determined by the duration of the longest acoustical signal and should be about 40 or 50 msec longer, so that the oscillotrace of the entire action can be visualized in one sweep, and traces in successive frames can be cross- referenced. The additional time allows some time before and after the signal on the screen so that the beginning or the end of the signal and its causative motion aren’t lost in the CRT retrace time, the vertical blanking interval, nor at the sometimes distorted edges of the monitor screen. Sometimes traces are badly reproduced or oriented, but constant inspection of the VTR2 monitor will allow such mistakes to be corrected immediately by duplicating the sequence again. 8) An alternative method to achieve visualization of motion-sound synchrony is shown in Fig. 1 and PI. if. Here the CRO is laid on its side so the oscillotrace will sweep from top to bottom of the camera pickup tube. The external trigger of the CRT electron-gun is triggered on the electronic transition from the vertical sync to the start of the first horizontal scanning line of the video field. The hori- zonal sweep of the CRT is set to equal the time constant of the video field (15 msec per sweep or 1 cm/msec), thus only the sound re- corded during the video scan will be oscillographed. The oscillotrace peaks appearing at the same horizontal plane as the video-recorded movement will be relatively synchronous with that movement, with 1974] W ussow et at. — Sounds and Motions of Insects 215 allowance for the time lag induced by the speed of the original sound in air (PL if, arrows). 9) Close examination of CRTs can be a health hazard and the thickness of the protective cover can induce parallax error. There- fore, if exact angle and displacement measurements are desired the fields should be photographed with careful focussing on the video lines. Such photographs will form a permanent working record of key fields of the rather fragile video-tape which can be damaged or destroyed by the constant friction of scanning in the stopped position. Discussion and Conclusions This method allows relatively synchronous visualization of motions and the sounds produced by the movements if the actions are rela- tively slow. For example, it is possible to determine whether the stri- dulation by a single up-down motion of a grasshopper’s hind femur rubbing against the fore-wing is produced during the up-stroke or down-stroke, provided the entire motion has a duration of >60 msec. In the case of oedipodine grasshoppers, the chirps produced by males during courtship usually are produced by motions which last at least 60 msec and often 100 msec (Willey, 1974). Since many such sig- nals are complicated by being segmented into pulses within a single up-down motion, normal-speed cinematographic and audiospectro- graphic investigations of Oedipodinae (Otte, 1970; Willey & Willey, 1969) have concluded that the first pulse must be produced on the up-stroke. However, high-speed motion analysis (Willey, 1974) shows that Arphia sulphur ea produces the definitive chirp on the downstroke only. A very weak signal was produced on the up-stroke but was of such low amplitude that it had never been audiospectro- graphed. Video-tapes of Chimarocephala (Loher & Chandrashekaran, 1970) and Chortophaga (Steinberg & Willey, 1974) also show that stridulations are produced only on the downstroke of the femur in these species. However, the mechanism for production of two-pulsed chirps must be analyzed by the higher speed methods (Willey, 1974). Further refinements of this system can involve direct synchrony of oscillotrace with the initial video-tape recording. Also the use of a light-emitting diode (LED) and a small high speed digital clock in the background, synchronized with each video field, would simplify identification of particular fields. However, the method we have reported can be used for improving the analysis of already existing tapes. 2l6 Psyche [March Summary Oscillographic traces of sounds recorded on videotapes can be superimposed easily and synchronously on a duplicate of those tapes. The audio recording remains intact in the duplicate and the oscillo- trace allows rather precise analysis of slower movements and the sounds they produce. This system was tested on pre-existing tapes of courtship in the grasshopper Chortophaga viridifasciata (De Geer). The method promises to be useful in analysis of tapes used for monitoring behavior and also as a teaching device. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Prof. Gershon Berkson for sponsoring our use of the television facilities of the Small Groups Laboratory of the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. David Mucha helped prepare the photographic figures. Dr. Ruth Willey gave helpful advice during preparation of the manu- script. Technique development and publication were aided by NSF Grant GB-35594 to RBW through the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Literature Cited Elsner, N. 1970. Die Registrierung der Stridulationsbewegungen bei der Feld- heuschrecke Chorthippus mollis mit Hilfe von Hallgeneratoren. Zeitschr. vergl. Physiol., 68: 417-428 Elsner, N. and F. Huber 1973. Neurale Gundlagen artspezifischer Kommunication bei Orthop- teren. Fortschr. Zool., 22: 1-48. Hoegh-Guldberg, O. 1972. Pupal sound production of some Lycaenidae. Jour. Res. Lepid., 10: 127-147. Loher, W. and M. K. Chandrashekaran 1970. Acoustical and sexual behaviour in the grasshopper Chimaro- cephala pacifica pacifica (Oedipodinae) . Entom. Exp. & Appl., 13: 71-84. 1972. Communicative behavior of the grasshopper Syrhula fuscovittata (Thomas) (Gomphocerinae) with particular consideration of the male courtship. Zeitschr. Tierpsychol., 31: 78-97. Morris, G. K. and R. E. Pipher 1972. The relation of song structure to tegminal movement in Metriop- tera sphagnorum (Orth., Tettigoniidae) . Can. Entomol., 104: 977-985. 1974] W ussow et al. — Sounds and Motions of Insects 217 Otte, D. 1970. A comparative study of communication in grasshoppers. Misc. Publ., Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, 149: 1-168. Steinberg, J. B. and R. Conant 1974. An informational analysis of the intermale behaviour of the grasshopper, Chortophaga viridifasciata. Anim. Behav., 22: in Press. Steinberg, J. B. and R. B. Willey 1974. Visual and acoustical social displays by the grasshopper Chorto- phaga ‘viridifasciata (Acrididae: Oedipodinae). In preparation. Walker, T. J. and D. Dew 1972. Wing movements of calling katydids: fiddling finesse. Science, 178: 174-178 and cover picture. Willey, R. B. 1974. Slowed motion studies of sound production in the grasshopper genus Arphia (Acrididae: Oedipodinae). In preparation. Willey, R. B. and R. L. Willey 1969. Visual and acoustical social displays by the grasshopper Arphia conspersa (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Psyche, Cambridge, 76: 280-305. Willey, R. B. and P. A. Wussow 1973. The flight dances of grasshoppers (Acrididae: Oedipodinae) (motion picture). Amer. Zool., 13: Abstr. no. 2. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room B-455, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Ave., Cambridge. Entomologists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Classification of Insects, by C. T. Brues, A. L. Melander and F. M. Carpenter, Published in March, 1954, as volume 108 of the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with 917 pages and 1219 figures. It consists of keys to the living and extinct families of insects, and to the living families of other terrestrial arthropods; and includes 270 pages of bibliographic references and an index of 76 pages. Price §14.00 (cloth bound and postpaid). Send orders to Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. No, 2 "psyche A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 81 June, 1974 CONTENTS Social Carrying Behavior and Division of Labor During Nest Moving of Ants. M. Moglich and B, Holldobler 219 Temporal Activity Patterns in Two Competing Ant Species (Hymenop- tera: Formicidae). J. H. Hunt 237 Relationship of Larval Food-plants and Voltinism Patterns in Temper- ate Butterflies. F. Slansky 243 Variations in Cleaning Between the Sexes of Sinella coeca (Collembola: Entomobryidae) . E. S. Waldorf 254 Centennial of Entomology at Cornell University 257 Notes on Necrophoric Behavior in the Archaic Ant Myrmecia vindex (Formicidae: Myrmeciinae) . C. P. Haskins and E. F. Haskins 258 The First Recent Species of Protomutilla (Hymenoptera : Mutillidae: Myrmosinae) D. J. Brothers 268 Life History of Abedus herberti in Central Arizona (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae) . R. L. Smith 272 Prey Capture by Drymusa dinora (Araneae, Scytodidae). C. E. Valerio 284 A New Cockroach Genus {Gurney a) Previously Confused with Pina- conata (Blaberidae: Epilamprinae) . L. M. Roth 288 Merope tuber (Mecoptera) : A Wing-body Interlocking Mechanism. T. F. Iilavac 303 The Unusual Web of Spilasma tubulofaciens, with Taxonomic Notes of the Species. D. Quintero, Jr. 307 Wing-folding in the Paleozoic Insect Order Diaphanopterodea (Paleop- tera), with a Description of New Representatives of the Family Elmoidae. J. Kukalovd-Peck 315 Observations on the Nesting Behavior of Rubrica surinamensis (De- Geer) (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). H. E. Evans, R. W. Matthews, and E. McC. Callan 334 A New Species of Opithes from Mexico, with a Key to the Species. I. Moore 353 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1973-1974 President , Vice-President . Secretary . Treasurer . Executive Committee B. K. Holldobler W. D. Winter, Jr, H. E. Nipson F. M. Carpenter R. E. SlLBERGLIED L. P. Lounibos EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. Carpenter (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University J. M. Burns, Associate Professor of Biology, Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology , Cornell University, and Associate in Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. Darlington, Jr., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. Holldobler, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. Levi, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. Silberlied, Asssitant Professor of Biology, Harvard University E. O. Wilson, Professor of Zoology, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $4.50 to Club members, $6.00 to all other subscribers. Single copies, $2.00. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $15.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustra- tions must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $12.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $25.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The March, 1974 Psyche (Vol. 81, no. 1) was mailed May 21, 1974 The Lexington Press. Inc.. Lexington. Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 8 1 June, 1974 No. 2 SOCIAL CARRYING BEHAVIOR AND DIVISION OF LABOR DURING NEST MOVING IN ANTS By Michael Moglich* and Bert Holldobler Biological Department, MCZ-Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 02138 Social carrying behavior is one of the most remarkable social ac- tivities in ant societies. Not only eggs, larvae and pupae, but also adult workers, queens and males are frequently carried by worker ants to various target areas. Although carrying behavior has been observed in many ant species (see review in E. O. Wilson 1971), only a few analytical investigations have dealt with the biological significance of social carrying behavior in ants. Kneitz (1964) reports that in Formica polyctena special “storage workers” are passively moved between the summer nest and winter nest. Arnoldi (1932) observed that during the slave raids Rossomyrmex proformi- carum uses the carrying technique to recruit sister workers to the nest of the slave ants. In Camponotus herculeanus social carrying behavior serves as a “social timer” during the nuptial flight activi- ties: males that tend to take off too early or too late during the daily flight periods are carried back into the nest by their worker nestmates (Holldobler and Maschwitz 1964). Most frequently, however, carrying behavior is employed during emigration from one nest site to another. If a nest becomes too small and cannot be extended, or if the microclimatic conditions change, the colony searches for a better site. Although the communication signals used by different ant species to organize nest movings vary considerably, adult transport seems to be the basic recruitment tech- nique of most. ^Present address: Fachbereich Biologie, Frankfurt, W. Germany. Manuscript received by the editor June 28, 1974. 219 220 Psyche [June Fig. 1. Primitive adult transport in A) Odontomachus (worker carries worker) B) Pogonomyrmex badius (worker carries “soldier” caste). 1974] Moglich &f Holldobler — Nest Moving of Ants 221 The Specificity and Stereotypy of Carrying Behavior Escherich (1917) and Arnoldi (1932) pointed out that the be- havioral patterns of adult transport in ants are very stereotyped and are often specific for certain taxonomical groups. These assumptions are confirmed by the following brief survey of adult transport be- havior in ants. Myrmeciinae : In one of the most primitive genera of the myrmecoid complex, the Australian Myrmecia Haskins and Haskins 1950 observed adult transport. However, the behavioral patterns are apparently not stereotyped. One worker grasps another at the mandibles or any other part of the body and drags it over the ground. Dorylinae : According to Rettenmeyer (1963) workers of the New World army ants (tribe Ecitonini) carry other adults like larvae and pupae slung beneath the body and between the legs of the transporting worker. Ponerinae: An unstereotyped carrying behavior, similar to that described for Myrmecia , was observed by the present authors in Bothroponera tesserinoda. It occurs only rarely; nestmates are primarily recruited by the tandem running technique (see Maschwitz, Holldobler and Moglich, in press). Somewhat more advanced is the adult transport behavior of Odontomachus. The transporter ant simply grasps a nestmate on a leg, the petiole or some other part of the body, lifts it up and carries it away. Although there is no general, stereotyped response, the transported individual usually folds its appendages tightly to the body (Fig. ia). Much more elaborate and stereo- typed behavior is displayed by Rhyditoponera metallica. When the transporting worker approaches a nestmate head on, it repeatedly grasps the ant at the head and jerks it slightly forward. The move- ment lasts only 1-2 seconds. The nestmate responds by turning its bodyaxis slightly sideways, whereupon the transporting ant seizes the nestmate with a firm grip. After turning through an angle of ap- proximately 1800, the transportee is lifted and curled over the head of the carrying ant. During transportation the gaster is bent in- wards and the appendages folded tightly to the body. Myrmicinae : Although Escherich reports that in myrmicine ants the transported ant is grasped at the petiole and carried with the head and legs 222 Psyche [June Fig. 2. Adult transport technique in myrmicine ants: A) Leptothorax nylanderi (worker carries worker). B) Pogonomyrmex maricopa (worker carries worker). C) Novomessor cocker elli (worker carries worker). 1974] Moglich & Holldobler — Nest Moving of Ants 223 pointed forward, in fact this seems to be the exception and has been specifically observed only in Crematogaster (see Wilson 1971). Generally, however, the stereotyped adult transport behavior of many myrmicine species, which has been repeatedly described since Escherich’s time, resembles that of Rhyditoponera. The transportee is either seized at the mandibles or at the “neck” or “cheeks” and curled over the head of the transporting worker (Fig. 2). But there are a few other exceptions: we found, for example, that the harvest- ing ants Pogonomyrmex badius , P. rugosus and P. barbatus employ a rather primitive carrying technique. As in Odontomachus the transportee is grasped at any part of the body, lifted up and carried away. During transportation the carried individual folds its ap- pendages to the body (Fig. ib). This primitive transporting behavior is especially remarkable, because in some other Pogonomyrmex spe- cies, for example P. maricopa, we found the typical highly stereo- typed adult transport behavior described above for other myrmicine ants (Fig. 2) . Formicinae: The most uniform and stereotyped social carrying behavior can be observed in the subfamily Formicinae. In several species we have analyzed the behavioral patterns that initiate and guide carrying be- havior and found them to be virtually invariant. For the following, more detailed description of this behavior we have chosen Campono- tus sericeus, a common species on Ceylon. The description is based on single frame analyses of slow motion pictures (Fig. 3). When a recruiting ant faces a nestmate head on, it conducts a jerking behavior for 2-3 seconds, grasping the nestmate at the mandi- bles and subsequently pulling it forward. Usually the recruiting ant responds by turning around for 180°. The nestmate is thereby slightly lifted, and this elevation evidently causes it to fold its legs tightly to the body and to roll the gaster inward. In this “pupal” posture it is then carried to the target area. Identical stereotyped adult transport behavior has been observed in many formicine ants and has been described in particular detail in Formica rufa (Zahn 1957), F. polyctena (Kneitz 1964, Moglich I97I)> Cataglyphis (Wehner and Lutz 1969), Camponotus socius (Holldobler 1971) and several other species. Sex specific carrying postures Reproductive females are sometimes carried like workers (Fig. 4). But in cases where the size difference is too large, workers merely 224 Psyche [June Figure 3 1974] Moglich & Holldobler \ — Nest Moving of Ants 225 grasp the females at the mandibles and pull them to the target area (Fig. 5). The first behavioral steps that lead to this pulling be- havior are usually similar to those which initiate carrying behavior in workers. The methods by which males are transported are notably different, however. These individuals are sometimes picked up at any part of the body and dragged or carried to the target area. In a few species workers apply specific stereotyped carrying methods for males. In several Camponotus species we observed that most of the males are grasped at the “neck” and lifted into an oblique position in which they are carried away (Fig. 6a). During transportation the males remain motionless with the antennae and legs folded to the body. As Fig. 6 b and c shows, there are occasionally exceptions of this carry- ing technique. In some other species, as in N ovomessor cocker elli and Aphaeno- gaster floridanus , workers grasp the males between the thorax and gaster and carry them beneath their body between their legs (Fig. 7). Division of Labor During Nest Movings Social carrying behavior in ants can serve many purposes; it is, however, most frequently employed during nest emigrations. To- gether with the tandem running technique it can be considered to be a rather primitive recruitment method. In both cases, each recruiting ant can only recruit one nestmate at one time. This leads to the question: Do all workers of a colony have the same carrier or tan- dem-leader potential, or is there instead a group of specialists, who organize nest movings. To investigate this matter we chose two formicine species, one which moves almost exclusively by using the adult transport method ( Formica sanguinea) and another which primarily employs the tandem running technique ( Camponotus seri- ceus) . Nest emigrations can be induced in the laboratory by keeping the Fig. 3. The behavioral sequences that initiate carrying behavior. 1. The recruiter ant (black) approaches a nestmate (white) and conducts the jerking response for 2-3 seconds. 2. The recruiter grasps the nestmate at the mandibles and pulls it back for about 2-20 cm. 3. When the recruiter turns, it holds the nestmate with a firm grip. The nestmate is thereby slightly lifted. 4. The nestmate folds its legs and antennae tightly to the body and rolls its gaster inward. 5. In this posture it is carried to the target area. The arrows indicate the direction of the movements. These sequences were based on a film analysis. (After Holldobler, Moglich, Maschwitz 1974; illustrations by Turid Holldobler). 226 Psyche [June Fig. 4. Adult transport technique in formicine ants: A) Formica rufa worker carries a sister worker. B) Formica rufa worker carries a queen. 1974] M oglich w '■3 « c -£ g> « •- ‘jz S S sis £ C3 s-c 3 o 'M "O „ on Pj p on -a £ « £ > u ^ P o »1 CJ 5h • •— P3 CU -C « e g ^ s.2 C J3 *E s « 3 Cu X 1) — C3 cJ e J* o 2 G £ £ o 4= >- -a cu c X — w « on ii C -c c ™ E « 3 -a 1974] Moglich & Holldobler — Nest Moving of Ants oc .JS V V 03 *-■ w « § 2 £. a O X u * « <-> C a S © 3 a o <=> o ■a, ~ G s H bt)_ C3 m • C3 bi) E .- C3 a, 233 CL CL total number of recruitment acts during which the ant led a nestmate by tandem running to the new nest. The number of dashes inside the columns indicates in how many experiments the ant was active as a recruiting in- dividual. In Rp the height of the columns expresses the total number of recruitment procedures during which the ant was led, while the number of dashes indicates in how many nest emigrations this was the case. 234 Psyche [June Fig. 10. Individual ants were ranked according to their relative indices. The rank positions (abscissa) are plotted against the index values (ordinate, logarithmic). The steepness of the curve directly represents the degree of specialization of the worker group. Dotted line: Camponoius sericeus ; solid line: Formica sanguinea. 1974] Moglich & Holldobler — Nest Moving of Ants 235 A cknowledgements We would like to thank E. O. Wilson for critically reading the manuscript. The research has been supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation GB-38789X1. Literature Arnoldi, K. 1932. Biologische Beobachtungen an der neuen palaarktischen Sklaven- halterameise Rossomyrmex proformicarum K.Arn., nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber die Beforderungsweise der Ameisen. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere 24: 319-326. Escherish, K. 1917. Die Ameise. Schilderung ihrer Lebenweise. Braunschweig, Friedr. Vieweg & Son. Haskins, C. P. and E. F. Haskins 1950. Notes on the biology and social behavior of the archaic ponerine ants of the genera Myrmecia and Promyrmccia. Ann. Entom. Soc. Amer. 43: 461-491. Holldobler, B. 1971. Recruitment behavior in Camponotus socius. Z. vergl. Physiol. 50: 551-568. Holldobler, B. and U. Maschwitz 1964. Die Hochzeitsschwarm der Rossameise Camponotus herculeanus. Z. vergl. Physiol. 50 : 551-568. Holldobler, B., U. Maschwitz and M. Moglich 1974. Communication by tandem running in the ant Camponotus seri- ceus. J. Comp. Physiol. 90: 105-127. Kneitz, G. 1964. Saisonales Trageverhalten bei Formica Polyctena Foerst (Formi- cidae). Ins. Soc. 11 (2): 105-130. Maschwitz, U., B. Holldobler, and M. Moglich In press. Tandemlaufen als Rekrutierungsverhalten bei Bothroponera tesserinoda Forel (Formicidae: Ponerinae). Z. Tierpsychol. Moglich, M. 1971. Nestumzugs- und Trageverhalten bei Ameisen. Staatsexamens- arbeit an der Universitat Frankfurt. Otto, D. 1958. tiber die Arbeitsteilung im Staate von Formica rufa rufo - pratensis minor Gossw. und ihre verhaltensphysiologischen Grundlagen. Wiss. Abh. Deutsch. Akad. Landwirschaftswissen- schaft. Berlin, Nr. 30. Rettenmeyer, C. 1963. Behavioral Studies of Army Ants. Sci. Bull. Univ. Kansas. 44: 281-465. 236 Psyche [June Wehner, R. and P. Lutz 1969. Orientierungsmechanisraen beim Nestbauverhalten der Wiiste- nameise Cataglyphis bicolor Fab. Natur und Museum 99: 177- 189. Wilson, E. O. 1971. The Insect Societies. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Zahn, M. 1957. Temperatursinn, Warmehaushalt und Bauweise der Roten Wal- dameise Formica rufa L. Zool Beitr. 3 : 127-194. TEMPORAL ACTIVITY PATTERNS IN TWO COMPETING ANT SPECIES (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE)1 By James H. Hunt Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of California Berkeley, CA 947202 3 Most ant species are known to exhibit some degree of patterning in foraging rate. Interspecific differences in foraging rate can be noted both temporally and, in temperate latitudes, seasonally. Such differences can contribute to an effective partitioning of resources among coexisting species. The following set of observations documents a difference in foraging pattern that may be the significant component of coexistence of the two closely competing species observed. The system will be described, and possible implications of the observations will be discussed. The species observed were Dorymyrmex antarcticus and Tapinoma antarcticum* , both members of the subfamily Dolichoderinae. Obser- vations were made at Fundo Santa Laura, near Til Til, Santiago Province, Chile, during October and November of 1971 and 1972. The site was at 1,000 m elevation on the east-facing slope of the low coastal cordillera. Vegetation was mixed shrubs and annuals forming the community known as matorral, which is characteristic of the Mediterranean climate zone of central Chile. On visits to the site in 1971 I noted that the two species- compete strongly for baits. A bait of honey on a small wad of cotton would attract Dorymyrmex antarcticus workers when it was placed on the ground in the early morning. These workers recruited a. small number of nestmates, and activity would continue until midmorning when the first few workers of Tapinoma antarcticum appeared. These workers, once they located the bait, would quickly recruit many of their nestmates, and the many small T. antarcticum workers aggressively repelled the fewer, larger, less aggressive workers of 1A Contribution of the Structure of Ecosystems Subprogram, International Biological Program. 2Present address: Dept, of Biology, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri 63121. 3Generic placement of this species in Tapinoma is almost certainly in- correct. Ecologically, the species is similar to Iridomyrmex pruinosum of the southwestern U. S. Manuscript received by the editor May 2, 1974. 237 23B Psyche [June o CO c c o o sunrise noon sunset Time of Day Figure 1. Activity patterns of the two ant species as observed in 1971. Solid line — solar intensity; dotted line — T apinoma antarcticum foraging activity; dashed line — Dorymyrmex antarcticus foraging activity. D. antarcticus. The Tapinoma workers continued on the bait throughout the midday, whereas the Dorymyrmex workers retreated to their nests, apparently to avoid the high midday temperatures. Late in the afternoon, as temperatures dropped, the Tapinoma workers would retreat to their nest leaving the bait to be reoccupied by Dorymyrmex workers. Activity at the bait seemed in general to parallel the apparent activity patterns of the species, which I illus- trated as in Figure i. The apparent tolerance of cooler temperatures granted an exclusive period of foraging activity to D. antarcticus ; aggressive dominance yielded foraging success for T. antarcticum during the period when both species were active simultaneously. In 1972 I documented these patterns quantitatively. Closely adja- cent nests of each species were chosen, and counts of workers passing the nest entrance during a two-minute period each half-hour were tallied with hand counters. Soil surface temperatures were monitored with a bulb-type thermometer placed touching the soil near the nests. Solar intensity values were taken from a pyroheliometer (Belfort Inst. Co.) stationed 150 m from the study nests. The pattern docu- mented for one nest of each species on 4 October is illustrated in Figure 2a. On the following day I returned to the same nests to document the early morning activity missed the preceding day. The patterns for 5 October are shown in Figure 2b. The day was cloudy and cool, and differences in foraging activities of the ants are of interest. The D. antarcticus continued active all day. The T. antarcticum workers emerged later and were out in fewer numbers than on the 1974] Hunt — Competing Ant Species 239 Figure 2. Activity patterns of the two ant species as documented in 1972; A = 4 October, B ~ 5 October. Triangles = Dorymyrmex antarcticus ; circles = Tapinoma antarcticum (both in ants per minute passing nest opening); dotted line = soil surface temperature (°C) ; dashed line — solar intensity (cal/cmVmin) . Soil surface temperature (°C) ( *) Soil surface temperature (°C) (• 240 Psyche [June Hour of day Figure 3. Activity patterns of Dorymyrmex antarcticus on 19 October with and without experimental shading of nests; A = an unshaded nest, B — a shaded nest. 1974] Hunt — Competing Ant Species 241 Hour of day Figure 4. Activity patterns of T apinoma antarcticum with and without experimental shading of the nest; A = 1 November (unshaded), B == the same nest on 2 November (shaded). Ants / minute 242 Psyche [June preceding day, with activity peaks corresponding to peaks of soil warmth. It seemed that foraging rates of the species were mediated by soil surface temperatures. On 19 October I tested this hypothesis by using a Thermos Brand Space Blanket (a highly reflective material) to shade a nest of D. antarcticus on a hot, sunny day. Figures 3a and 3b show activity patterns at two neighboring nests of similar size. Workers of the unshaded nest illustrate the expected pattern, but workers from the shaded nest continued foraging throughout the day. Figures 4a and 4b show a similar test with T. antarcticum. Figure 4a illus- trates activity of a single colony on 1 November; Figure 4b is the same nest, shaded, on 2 November. The shading yielded a marked reduction in foraging rate. The late afternoon peak is of workers carrying larvae and pupae and emigrating to a new nest site under unshaded stones about 1 m from the shaded site. Discussion The two species studied have similar food and foraging site prefer- ences. The observed differences in temporal foraging pattern are hypothesized to contribute significantly to the species’ coexistence. Soil surface temperature seems to be the proximate factor by which the foragers regulate their activity. Endogenous activity rhythms, often keyed to environmental factors, are known for many species. This study illustrates how variation in environmental factors can yield alteration of the activity rhythms. During the course of a year at this temperate latitude (33° S) it seems probable that Dorymyrmex antarcticus would have more foraging hours available to it, especially during spring, fall, and winter days, than would Tapinoma antarcticum. Perhaps the aggres- sive dominance of Tapinoma is a necessary requisite for survival in competition with other species. The rapid recruitment of a large number of rather small workers in Tapinoma may illustrate com- ponents of a foraging strategy that must yield successful foraging returns during activity periods that are more limited than those of a coexisting competitor. Acknowledgments This research has been supported by NSF grant GB 31 195 to R. K. Colwell. This paper is a contribution from the Structure of Ecosystems Subprogram, International Biological Program. I thank R. R. Snelling, who taxonomically determined the species studied, and E. Reid, who prepared the illustrations. For review of the manuscript I am grateful to R. K. Colwell, B. Holldobler and E. O. Wilson. RELATIONSHIP OF LARVAL FOOD-PLANTS AND VOLTINISM PATTERNS IN TEMPERATE BUTTERFLIES* By Frank Slansky, Jr.** Department of Entomology, Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14850 An interesting aspect of phenology is the number of broods that a species produces in the growing season. Even among a fairly uniform group like the butterflies within a restricted geographical area, voltin- ism patterns of the different species may vary considerably. Explana- tions of possible causes of, and ecological implications of these pat- terns have apparently seldom been attempted. It might be expected that voltinism patterns are often genetically determined and are regulated by some environmental clue (cf. Wig- glesworth, 1967), but knowing the proximate reason does not reveal the ultimate causes that brought the voltinism patterns under such control. Obviously, the presence of a food source for the larvae (and, although less well studied, for the adults as well) will have a major influence on these patterns. The exclusive use of the vernal herb Dentaria by larvae of the West Virginia white, Pieris virginiensk, precludes any more than one brood per season. As an adaptation to feeding on this ephemeral food-plant, the larvae upon entering the pupal stage undergo obligate diapause, even though the genetic mechanism for multivoltinism exists in this species (Shapiro, 1971). A more subtle explanation of voltinism patterns may emerge from examining larval growth rates on different plants (e.g. Dowdeswell & Willcox, 1961 ; Hovanitz & Chang, 1962; Sharifi & Zarea, 1970). Nutritional (including water) differences (Soo Hoo & Fraenkel, 1966; Waldbauer, 1968; Feeny, 1970; J. M. Scriber and P. P. Feeny, ms. in prep.; Slansky, 1974) and differences in secondary chemical content (Gupta & Thorsteinson, i960; Nayar & Thorstein- son, 1963; Feeny, 1970) of different plant species and of the same plant species at different stages of growth in large part determine the growth rates of larvae feeding on the plants, and thus perhaps for *This work was supported by Hatch Grant NYC-139413 and NSF Grant GB-33398. **Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242. Manuscript received by the editor April 12, 1974. 243 244 Psyche [June some species, voltinism patterns as well. The purpose for this work is to examine the hypothesis that, of the butterflies in particular climatically similar areas, those which have larval food-plants that are apparently nutritionally unsuitable for much of the growing sea- son will exhibit in general fewer broods per season than those butter- flies which have larval food-plants that are apparently nutritionally adequate throughout the season. Methods In order to examine the hypothesis the number of broods produced per year by, and the larval food-plants of, eighty-six species of but- terflies were tabulated for three transition zone areas in eastern and mid-western United States (Forbes, 1906; Saunders, 1932; Ebner, 1970). Additional food-plant records were obtained from Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1961) and Shapiro (1966). The voltinism patterns of selected species of these butterflies were then related to changes in the nutritional suitability of their larval food-plants. Results and Discussion That differences in larval growth rates are reflected in the voltin- ism patterns of butterflies is seen in the following example. Under similar temperature and humidity conditions the duration of the larval stage of the imported cabbageworm, Pieris rapae , is about 15 to 20 days on some of its food-plants (Slansky, 1974), while that of the Eastern tiger swallowtail, Papilio glaucus, is about 35 to 45 days on some of its food-plants (J. M. Scriber, unpublished data). As a consequence, P . rapae generally exhibits one brood more than P. glaucus in the areas where they occur together (Table 1).* Further support for the hypothesis is found when the voltinism patterns of selected butterfly species are examined in relation to sea- sonal changes in the nutritional suitability of larval food-plants. For example, species whose larvae feed on oaks (Quercus) , such as the hairstreaks Satyrium edwardsii, S. liparops , and S. calanus , and the skippers Erynnis brizo , E. horatius, and E. juvenalis, usually have ^Although P. glaucus is generally considered to have two broods in the areas surveyed in this study, it may be that there is only one ‘true’ brood. It appears that a high percentage of the pupae from the previous season emerge in the early summer, constituting the ‘true’ first brood, and that the remaining pupae emerge later in the summer, constituting an ‘appa- rent' second brood (i.e., not the progeny of the first brood of that season) (Scudder, 1889; R. Lederhouse and J. M. Scriber, unpublished data). 1974] Slansky — Temperate Butterflies 245 TABLE 1. Number of broods, larval food-plants, and hibernating stages for several butterflies in three transition zone areas. Data from Forbes (1906), New England (A) ; Saunders (1932), Allegany State Park, N.Y. (B) ; and Ebner (1970), Wisconsin (C). E — egg; L = larva; P = pupa; A = adult. Number Hiber- of Broods nating Species A B C Larval food-plants Stage HESPERIIDAE Amblyscirtes samoset l _ 1 Gramineae ? A. vialis 2 - 1 Andropogon P Euphyes dion - - 1? Scirpus, Carex? ? E. conspicus - - 1 Car ex ? Poanes massasoit 2 - 1 Carex ? P. hobomok 1 1 1 Poa, Panicum L,P P. viator - - 1 Zizania, Phragmites? ? tV allengrenia otho - 1 1 Panicum, Digitaria L Polites coras 1 - 2 Gramineae ? P. themistocles - - 1-2 Panicum ? P. mystic 2 2? 1 Poa L Hesperia metea 1 - 1 Andropogon ? H. sassacus 1 1 1 Panicum ? H. leonardus 1 - 1 Panicum, Erogrotis L Ancyloxipa numitor 3 3 2-3 Poa L,P Pholisora catullus 2 - 1 Chenopodium, Amaranthus , Ambrosia, Marrubium L Pyrgus communis - 3 2 Althaea, Malva L,P Erynnis icelus 1 1 1 Populus, Betula L E. brizo 1 - 1 Ouercus, Castanet L E. lucilius 3 - 2 Aquilejia L E. horatius 2 - - Quercus ? E. juvenalis 2 - 1 Quercus L Thorybes bathyllus 1 - 1 Leguminosae P T. pylades 2 2? 1 Lespedeza, Trifolium, Medic ago P Epargyreus clarus 1 2 1-2 Robinia, fVistaria P PAPILIONIDAE Battus philenor 2 2 _ Aristolochia P,A Papilio polyxenes 2 2 2 Umbelliferae P P. glaucus 2 2 1-2 Fraxinus, Prunus, Betula, Populus, others P P. troilus 2 2 - Lindera, Sassafras, Persea P 246 Psyche [June Number Hiber- of Broods nating Species A B C Larval food-plants Stage PIERIDAE Pieris protodicr 3 _ 3 Cruciferae P P. napi 3 - 3 Cruciferae P P. virginiensis - - 1 Dentaria P P. raPae 3 3 3 Cruciferae P Colias eurytheme 3 3 3 Medicago, Trifolium P C. philodice 4? 3 3 Trifolium L? C. interior 1 - 1 V accinium ? Anthocaris midea 1 Cruciferae, esp. buds, flowers, P seeds LYCAENIDAE Harkenclenus titus l 1 1 Prunus E Satyrium liparops 1 1 1 Quercus, Salix, Rubus, Malus, E Prunus, V accinium, others S. calanus 1 1 1 Quercus, Carya, Castanea E,L S. edwardsii 1 - 1 Quercus E,L S. acadica 1 1 1 Salix E Callophrys irus 1 — — Babtisia, Crotalaria, Lupinus, P esp. flowers, fruit C. henrici 1 — 1 V accinium, Prunus, Cercis, P bores into flowers C. augustinus 1 1 V accinium, Kalmia, Arbutus, P Arctostaphylus, Ceanothus, esp. flowers and berries C. niphon 1 - 1 Pinus P C. gryneus 1-2 - 2 Juniperus P Strymon mclinus 2 2 Polygonum, Phaseolus, Malva, ? Hypericum, Humulus, others, bores into bud, fruit Lycaena thoc 2 2 3 Rumex, Polygonum E L. epixanthe 1 - 1 V accinium E L. phlaeas 3 2 3 Rumex P,L? Everes comyntas 3 3 3-4 Leguminosae, foliage, buds, L flowers Celastrina argiolus 2 2 2 Cornus, Rhus, V accinium, P Cimicifuga, Ceanothus, others NYMPH ALIDAE Asterocampa celtis 2 - 2 Celtis L A. clyton 2? - 2 Celtis L Limenitis arthemis 1-2 1-2 2 Salix, Betula, Populus, Tilia L 1974] Slansky — Temperate Butterflies 247 Species L. astyanax 1 L. archippus Vanessa atalanta V. virginiensis V. cardui Junonia coenia Nymphalis vau-album i N. milberti N. antiopa Polygonia interrogationis P. comma P. faunas P. progne Chlosyne nycteis C. harrisii Phyciodes tharos P. batesii : Euphydryas phaeton Botaria selene B. toddi Speyeria idalia S. atl antis S. cybele S. aphrodite DANAIDAE Danaus plexippus SATYRIDAE Lethe portlandia L. eurydice Euptychia cymela Cercyonis pegala Oeneis jutta Number Hiber- of Broods nating B C Larval food-plants Stage -2 2? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2? 2? 2? 3 2 3 2 2 2 Prunus, Malus, Pyrus, L Crataegus, Salix, Populus Salix, Populus, Prunus, Malus L Urticaceae P,A Artemisia, Gnaphalium, P,A Antennaria, others Cirsium, Carduus A,P? Plantago, Gerardia, Sedum, A? Antirrhinum Betula, Salix, Populus A Urtica A Ulmus, Celtis, Salix, Populus A 2 2 2 2 1 2 2? 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 Ulmaceae, Urticaceae A 2 Ulmaceae, Urticaceae A 1 Betula, Salix, Alnus, Ribes A 2 Ribes A 1 Helianthus, Actinomeris , Aster L 1 Aster L 2 Aster L 1 Aster L? 1 Chelone L 2-3 Viola L 2 Viola L 1 Viola L 1 Viola L 1 Viola L 1 Viola L 2 2 2 Asclepias Migratory 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 Gramineae, Cyperaceae? Gramineae, Cyperaceae? Gramineae Gramineae esp. Tridens Gramineae, Cyperaceae L L L L L 248 Psyche [June one, or at most two, broods, and most hibernate in the larval and/or egg stage (Table 1). This may be due to the presence in the oak leaves of tannins that restrict protein utilization and hinder larval development, in many cases limiting consumption of the foliage to spring and early summer when the protein content is highest and the tannin content lowest (Feeny, 1970). In addition, the leaves of many species of shrubs and trees contain substantially lower percentages of water than the leaves of many annual and perennial herbs (Way, 1853; Fagin & Watkins, 1932; Soo Hoo & Fraenkel, 1966; Slansky, 1974; J. M. Scriber, unpub- lished data). Since the percentage of water in most lepidopterous larvae appears to be about 80 to 90% (Evans, 1939a; 1939b; Wig- glesworth, 1967; Slansky, 1974; J. M. Scriber, unpublished data), the growth of larvae feeding on plants with a percentage of water lower than their own tissue may be limited by the availability of water so that they exhibit slower growth rates in comparison to larvae feeding on plants that have a percentage of water equal to or greater than that of the larvae (Southwood, 1972; J. M. Scriber & P. P. Feeny, ms. in prep.). The fact that a number of tree and shrub feeders exhibit but one or two broods (Table 1) supports this contention. Along these lines Feeny (1974) has suggested that plant species that are abundant and/or persistent have apparently evolved “quantitative” defenses (low nutrient contents, tough leaves, high contents of unspecific chemicals like tannins) that act as significant ecological barriers to phytophagous insects, in contrast to plant spe- cies that are rare and/or ephemeral that have apparently evolved “qualitative” defenses (specific secondary chemicals) that act as only slight ecological barriers to adapted insects although having consid- erable impact as evolutionary barriers to non-adapted insects. The majority of grass- and sedge-feeders (all Satyridae and sev- eral Hesperiidae) , with characteristically sluggish larvae (Scudder, 1889), exhibit but one brood (Table 1). In view of the low moist- ure and high fiber content of many grasses (Way, 1853; Watson, 1951), it is not surprising that larval development might be slow on such plants. The hibernation of many of these satyrids and hesperiids as early instar larvae (Table 1) may be an adaptation for the avoid- ance of nutritionally poor, mature grass plants and for the maximum utilization of the spring flush of succulent growth when moisture and nitrogen levels are high and fiber content low (Watson, 1951). Thus, the voltinism patterns of several butterfly species are given an ecological meaning, and the hibernation of many butterfly species as eggs, larvae, and perhaps fertile adults (Scudder, 1889), when 1974] S/ansky — Temperate Butterflies 249 viewed as a means of utilizing tender, nutritious plant tissue in the spring, is seen as an adaptive strategy (c.f. Morse, 1971; Schoener, 1971). Of course, it is not suggested that the nutritional quality of the larval food-plant is of sole importance in determining voltinism patterns. For example, larvae of both the Tawny crescent, Phyciodes batesii, and the Pearl crescent, P. tharos, feed on Aster; the former exhibits one brood and the latter two or three (Table 1). Larvae of two Bolaria species and of four Speyeria species all feed on Viola; the former exhibit two to three broods, the latter one brood (Table 1). There may be differences in the nutritional quality of different species of plants within these genera, but other factors appear to be causing these differences in voltinism patterns. The Least skipper, Ancyloxipa numitor, larvae of which feed on what might be characterized as ‘nutritionally poor’ grass plants, exhibits two or three broods while the Eastern black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes, larvae of which feed on what might be characterized as ‘nutritionally adequate’ plants in the Umbelliferae, exhibits but two broods (Table 1 ). Obviously, the interaction of several other factors (e.g. larval size, larval mortality rates, and the presence of adult nectar sources) with the nutritive and secondary chemical contents of the larval food-plants influences the voltinism patterns. For example, the slow growth rates of larvae of P. glaucus may only be ‘permitted’ because the combination of the patchy distribution and warning coloration of the larvae may reduce mortality losses from predators and para- sitoids (J. M. Scriber, personal comm.). On the other hand, the rapid growth rates of larvae of P. rapae may be a ‘necessity’ because of the nature of its food-plants (i.e., mostly early successional species) and because of the high mortality losses of the larvae to predators, parasitoids, and disease (Richards, 1940; Pimentel, 1961; Dempster, 1969; Parker, 1970). The more rapid growth rates of lepidopterous larvae from ‘geographical races’ occurring in regions with short growing seasons in comparison to those of larvae from regions with longer growing seasons (Goldschmidt, 1940) provides another example of the ecological importance of differences in larval growth rates. Such considerations of the interrelationship of life history phe- nomena and population dynamics (e.g. Cole, 1954; Murdock, 1966; Istock, 1967; Gadgil & Bossert, 1970; Morse, 1971 ; Schoener, 1971 ; Willson, 1971) raise a number of ecologically relevant and as yet insufficiently answered questions, such as : 250 Psyche [June 1 ) What are the advantages of monophagous and polyphagous larval feeding habits (c.f. Brues, 1920; 1924; Buxton, 1923; Deth- ier, 1954; Brower, 1958; Schoener & Janzen, 1968; Levins & MacArthur, 1969) ? 2) Why do some butterflies exhibit a long-lived adult stage (e.g. almost a full year in the Tortoise shell, N ymphalis vau-album ) (c.f. Murdoch, 1966; Howe, 1967; Gadgil & Bossert, 1970)? 3) What selective forces cause the complex voltinism pattern ex- hibited by a number of butterfly species in which part of a brood becomes dormant while the remainder continues normal development (Scudder, 1889; Oliver, 1972)? Perhaps this may allow these spe- cies to exploit marginally favorable periods while maintaining a. re- serve population for the usually favorable season and/or may aid in reducing losses to temporally restricted predators and parasitoids (c.f. Baltensweiler, 1968; Waloff, 1968). 4) Why do some butterflies exhibit multivoltinism ? Perhaps this is a means of building up large populations to withstand high mor- tality losses in the summer, especially because of biological causes, and in the winter, especially because of physical causes, such as is seen in several pierid butterflies that start out with low population levels in the spring and become more abundant as the summer pro- gresses (Scudder, 1889). Detailed ecological studies of a taxonomically and geographically well-known group like the butterflies will help to answer such ques- tions and will aid in making meaningful predictions about such im- portant phenomena as the population buildup of a potential or actual pest species. Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank J. Mark Scriber and William Blau for reading the manuscript and for their helpful suggestions. Literature Cited Baltensweiler, W. 1968. The cyclic population dynamics of the grey larch tortrix, Zeira- phera griseana Hubner (=Semasia diniana Guener) (Lepi- doptera: Tortricidae) , p. 88-97. In T. R. E. Southwood (Ed.). Insect abundance. Symp. Royal Ent. Soc., London #4. Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford. Brower, L. P. 1958. Bird predation and foodplant specificity in closely related pro- cryptic insects. American Nat. 92: 183-187. 1974] Slansky — Temperate Butterflies 251 Brues, C. T. 1920. The selection of food-plants by insects, with special reference to lepidopterous larvae. American Nat. 54: 313-332. 1924. The specificity of food-plants in the evolution of phytophagous insects. American Nat. 58: 127-144. Buxton, P. A. 1923. Animal life in deserts. Edward Arnold and Co., London. 176 p. Cole, L. C. 1954. The population consequences of life history phenomena. Quart. Rev. Biol. 29: 103-137. Dempster, J. P. 1969. Some effects of weed control on the numbers of the small cabbage white ( Pieris rapae L.) on brussels sprouts. J. Appl. Ecol. 6: 339-345. Dethier, V. G. 1954. Evolution of feeding preference in phytophagous insects. Evolu- tion 8: 33-54. Dowdeswell, W. H., and H. N. A. Willcox 1961. Influence of the food-plant on growth rate and pre-imaginal mortality in the green-veined white butterfly Pieris napi (L.) The Ent. 94: 2-8. Ebner, J. A. 1970. The butterflies of Wisconsin. Milwaukee Public Mus., Popular Sci. Hdbk. #12. 205 p. Ehrlich, P. R., and A. H. Ehrlich 1961. How to know the butterflies. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. 262 p. Evans, A. C. 1939a. The utilization of food by the larvae of the buff-tip, Phalera bucephala (Linn.) (Lepidopt.). Proc. Royal Ent. Soc. London 14(A) : 25-30. 1939b. The utilization of food by certain lepidopterous larvae. Trans. Royal Ent. Soc. London 89: 13-22. Fagan, T. W., and H. T. Watkins 1932. The chemical composition of the miscellaneous herbs of pastures. Welsh J. Agr. 8: 144-150. Feeny, P. 1970. Seasonal changes in oak leaf tannins and nutrients as a cause of spring feeding by winter moth caterpillars. Ecology 51: 565-581. 1974. Biochemical coevolution between plants and their insect herbi- vores. In L. E. Gilbert and P. H. Raven (Eds.). Coevolution of animals and plants. Symp. 1st Intern. Congr. Syst. & Evol. Biol., Boulder, Colo. Univ. Texas Press, Austin, (in press) Forbes, W. T. M. 1906. Field tables of Lepidoptera. Stanhope Press, Boston. 141 p. Gadgil, M., and W. H. Bossert 1970. Life historical consequences of natural selection. American Nat. 104: 1-24. 252 Psyche [June Goldschmidt, R. 1940. The material basis of evolution. Yale University Press, New Haven. 436 p. Gupta, P. D., and A. J. Thorsteinson 1960. Food plant relationships of the diamond-back moth ( Plutella maculipennis (Curt.)). I. Gustation and olfaction in relation to botanical specificity of the larva. Ent. Exp., et Appl. 3 : 241- 250. Hovanitz, W., and V. C. S. Chang 1962. The effect of various food plants on survival and growth rate of Pieris. J. Res. Lep. 1: 21-42. Howe, R. W. 1967. The influence of age of the parents on some characteristics of the offspring of insects bred in the laboratory. J. Stored Prod. Res. 3: 371-385. Istock, C. A. 1967. The evolution of complex life cycle phenomena: an ecological perspective. Evolution 21: 592-605. Levins, R., and R. MacArthur 1969. An hypothesis to explain the incidence of monophagy. Ecology 50: 910-911. Morse, D. H. 1971. The insectivorous bird as an adaptive strategy. Ann. Rev. Ecol. and Syst. 2: 177-200. Murdoch, W. W. 1966. Population stability and life history phenomena. American Nat. 100: 5-11. Nayar, J. K., and A. J. Thorsteinson 1963. Further investigations into the chemical basis of insect-host plant relationships in an oligophagous Insect, Plutella maculipennis (Curtis) (Lepidoptera : Plutellidae) . Can. J. Zool. 41: 923-929. Oliver, C. G. 1972. Genetic and phenotypic differentiation and geographic distance in four species of Lepidoptera. Evolution 26: 221-241. Parker, F. D. 1970. Seasonal mortality and survival of Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Missouri and the effect of introducing an egg parasite, Trichogramma evanescens. Ann. Ent. Soc. America 63: 985-994. Pimentel, D. 1961. An evaluation of insect resistance in broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards, and kale. J. Econ. Ent. 54: 156-158. Richards, O. W. 1940. The biology of the small white butterfly ( Pieris rapae), with special reference to the factors controlling its abundance. J. Animal Ecol. 9: 243-288. Saunders, A. A. 1932. Butterflies of the Allegany State Park. Univ. St. N.Y., Albany. 270 p. 1974] Slansky — Temperate Butterflies 253 SCHOENER, T. W. 1971. Theory of feeding strategies. Ann. Rev. Ecol. and Syst. 2: 369- 404. SCHOENER, T. W. AND D. H. JANZEN 1968. Notes on environmental determinants of tropical versus temperate insect size patterns. American Nat. 102: 207-224. Scudder, S. H. 1889. The butterflies of the eastern United States and Canada. Publ. by author, Cambridge. Vols. 1 and 2. Shapiro, A. M. 1966. Butterflies of the Delaware Valley. Special Publ. American Ent. Soc. Cushing-Malloy, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich. 64 p. 1971. Occurrence of a latent polymorphism in Pieris virginiensis (Lepi- doptera: Pieridae). Ent. News 82: 13-16. Sharifi, S., and N. Zarea 1970. Biology of the citrus butterfly, Papilio demoleus demoleus (Lepi- doptera: Papilionidae) . Ann. Ent. Soc. America 6 3: 1211-1213. Slansky, F., Jr. 1974. Energetic and nutritional interactions between larvae of the im- ported cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae L., and cruciferous food- plants. Ph.D. thesis, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. Soo Hoo, C. F., and G. Fraenkel 1966. The consumption, digestion, and utilization of food plants by a polyphagous insect, Prodenia eridania (Cramer). J. Insect Physiol. 12: 711-730. Southwood, T. R. E. 1972. The insect/plant relationship — an evolutionary perspective, p. 3-30. In H. F. van Emden (Ed.). Insect/plant relationships. Symp. jf: 6, Royal Ent. Soc., London. Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford. Waldbauer, G. P. 1968. The consumption and utilization of food by insects. Recent Adv. Insect Physiol. 5: 229-288. Waloff, N. 1968. A comparison of factors affecting different insect species on the same host plant, p. 76-87. In T. R. E. Southwood (Ed.). Insect abundance. Symp. Royal Ent. Soc. London, #4. Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford. Watson, S. J. 1951. Grassland and grassland products. Edward Arnold and Co., London. 200 p. Way, J. T. 1853. On the relative nutritive and fattening properties of different natural and artificial grasses. J. Royal Agr. Soc., England 14: 171-186. Wigglesworth, V. B. 1967. Principles of insect physiology. Methuen and Co., Ltd., London. 6th ed. 741 p. Willson, M. F. 1971. Life history consequences of death rates. Biologist 53: 49-56. VARIATIONS IN CLEANING BETWEEN THE SEXES OF SINELLA COECA (COLLEMBOLA: ENTOMOBRYIDAE)* By Elizabeth S. Waldorf Department of Zoology Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 With the widespread and frequent occurrence of pheromones among insects, it is easy to appreciate the significance of cleaning and grooming behaviors. However these behaviors are as yet poorly known. Among springtails two papers by Simon (1961, 1963) present the most thorough reports. These describe the types of cleaning in representatives of several families, noting the widespread, though infrequent, use of cleaning droplets released from the mouth. My work examines Sinella coeca (Schott) (Family Entomobryidae) for behavioral differences between the sexes. In particular, I have determined the frequency of cleaning and the duration of bouts of cleaning behavior. The initial expectation is that the sexes will spend about equal time cleaning. However, since males are more active, moving about most of the time, their bouts of cleaning are probably shorter. To compensate, I expected males to have more frequent cleaning sessions. An experiment was carried out to test these expectations. Methods Sinella coeca was reared in mass culture as described previously for Sinella curviseta (Waldorf, 1971). Cultures were maintained at room temperature (230 ± i°C) and supplied commercial yeast as food. Males and females were isolated in individual glass vials with plastic caps. The vials, measuring 18.1 mm in inner diameter, contained a moist plaster of paris-charcoal substrate (to maintain high humidity) and food. After 24-26 hours of isolation, each animal was observed for five minutes, and the number of bouts of cleaning and the total time (out of 5 minutes) engaged in cleaning recorded. This procedure was followed for 50 males and 50 females. To prevent bias the vials were mixed so that during the observation periods the sex of test animals was usually unknown. * Manuscript received by the editor May 20, 1974. 254 1974] Waldorf — Sinella coeca 255 Table 1. Characteristics of male and female bouts of cleaning behavior. Number of bouts/animal Length of bouts (in sec) X n SD X n SD Males 1.88 50 1.33 29.4 94 38.6 Females 1.38 50 1.23 23.8 69 29.5 Results The data in Table i present the overall characteristics of males and females. Comparison of the lengths of bouts using a t-test shows that these are not significantly different (t = 1.049). However the number of bouts is significantly larger in males than in females (t = 1.949; .05>P>.0i). Rather than the expected differences, it appears that male sessions of cleaning are of equal length and more frequent than those of females. At times of observations some individuals were pharate, some vials contained exuviae and others eggs. These allowed the animals to be subdivided into groups corresponding approximately to position in instar. Among the males only two ecdysed within the 24 hour isola- tion period, a sample too small to be meaningful. However among the females, the categories were sufficiently large to permit evaluation. Table 2 gives the data for females of different types. Of the four pharate females, none exhibited any cleaning behavior. Com- parison of recently ecdysed females and females with eggs to remain- ing females revealed no significant differences in bout length. In contrast, comparisons of cleaning frequency among these females showed that females with eggs clean significantly more often (t = 2.488; 25df; P .01) than other females. Discussion As Simon (1961) has noted, the antennae, the location of im- portant sensory receptors, are cleaned most often. There is possibly a positive correlation between frequency of cleaning and the required sensitivity of receptors. In pharate females the old receptors have presumably lost their nervous connections, so that there is no adaptive advantage in cleaning them. In contrast, females that have recently deposited eggs are sensitive to the required stalked spermatophores on the substrate. If this species has alternate reproductive and non- 256 Psyche [June Table 2. Characteristics of cleaning bouts by females of various types. X Number of bouts/animal n SD X Length of bouts (in sec) n SD Pharate females 0 4 0 — — — Recently ecdysed females 1.63 19 1.34 22.4 31 29.0 Females with eggs 2.1 9 1.05 20.8 19 28.9 Other females 1.05 18 1.00 29.1 19 31.7 reproductive instars with oviposition confined to early in the repro- ductive instar as Sinella curviseta (Waldorf, 1971), newly ecdysed females are possibly a mixture of two types: sensitive ones early in the reproductive interval and indifferent, or less sensitive ones, early in the nonreproductive instar. Although the distribution of numbers of cleaning bouts per female is not bimodal, the mean of this category is 1.63, approximately the average (1.57) of the sensitive group with eggs and the remaining females. Note also that the variance of the number of bouts of recently ecdysed females is 1.796 and that of females with eggs and remaining females are 1.102 and .998 respectively. Considering males, Mayer (1957) has reported that males of Sminthurides aquaticus Bourlet clean more frequently when clasping the antennae of females than when alone. This is consistent with the hypothesis that these males are highly sensitive to olfactory stimuli. The data indicate that males engage in more total cleaning than females. My recent studies of Sinella curviseta (Waldorf, in manu- script) demonstrate that females of this species produce a sex pheromone. This stimulates spermatophore deposition by males in the reproductive instar. Of the males in the present study 48 of 50 were in the reproductive instar at observation time. By frequent cleaning, these maintain their sensitivity to olfactory stimuli including possible pheromones. Literature Cited Mayer, H. 1957. Zur Biologie und Ethologie einheimischer Collembolen. Zool. Jahrb. abt. Syst. Okol. Geogr. Tiere 85: 501-570. 1974] Waldorf — Sinella coeca 257 Simon, H. R. 1961. Beobachtungen zum Verhalten arthropleoner Collembolen (Aptery- gota). Deutsch Entomolog. Z., N. F. 8: 216-221. 1963. Zum Putzverhalten arthropleoner Collembolen (Ins., Apterygota). Entomolog. Z., 73 : 221-228. Waldorf, E. S. 1971. The reproductive biology of Sinella curviseta (Collembola: Entomobryidae) in laboratory culture. Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol 8: 451-463. Centennial of Entomology. Cornell University has announced a Centennial of Entomology, celebrating John Henry Comstock’s graduation and the founding of studies in entomology at the Uni- versity. A symposium on Insects , Science and Society will be held on October 14 and 15, 1974. The speakers at the symposium will be as follows: Howard E. Evans, Colorado State University: The Comstock Heritage. John J. McKelvey, Jr., The Rockefeller Foundation: Insects and Human JV elf are. Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University: Insect and Hu?nan Societies. John S. Kennedy, Imperial College Field Station, Ascot, England: Insect Dispersal. Richard D. Alexander, University of Michigan: Insect Communi- cation — A coustical. Wendell L. Roelofs, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva: Insect Communication — Chemical. Mano D. Pathak, International Rice Research Institute, Philip- pines: Patterns of Interaction between Plants and Insects. T. R. E. Southwood, Imperial College Field Station^ Ascot, Eng- land: The Dynamics • of Insect Populations. Powers Messenger, University of California, Berkeley: Parasitoids , Predators and Population Dynamics. Waldemar Klassen, U.S.D.A., ARS-Plant Industry Station, Maryland: Pest Management — Organization and Resources. L. Dale Newsom, Louisiana State University: Pest Management — Concept to Practice. Further information can be obtained from the Chairman, Depart- ment of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 1485a. — Editor NOTES ON NECROPHORIC BEHAVIOR IN THE ARCHAIC ANT MYRMECIA VINDEX (FORMICIDAE: MYRMECIINAE)* By Caryl P. Haskins and Edna F. Haskins 2100 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Introduction Ants of the Australian and New Caledonian genus Myrmecia apparently include the most archaic living Formicidae. Brown (1954) suggested that the genus may represent a relatively late evolutionary offshoot, specialized but fundamentally conservative, from a line of extremely generalized archaic forms represented as fossils by the genus Prionomyrmex of the Baltic amber and by the living Australian Nothomyr/necia macrops , of which only two workers have ever been found. Species of Myrmecia , therefore, may well illustrate the earliest patterns of Formicid social organization, and embody the most archaic patterns of Formicid social behavior, that we are likely to be able to study in detail in the laboratory or the field. The bodily habitus of Prionomyrmex and Nothomyrmecia — not to mention of the far more archaic Mesozoic fossil genus Spheco- myrma first described by Wilson, Carpenter, and Brown (1967) which may well represent, as Wilson (1971) suggests, an antecedent of the Myrmecioid complex of ants — all suggest active, epigeicallv foraging insects: a characteristic virtually universal in contemporary species of Myrmecia. This, combined with the fairly large size of the communities of many species of Myrmecia — specific counts of 1586 workers and over 2000 in total colony personnel have been made from larger colonies of M. gulosa (Haskins and Haskins, 1950) — raise the interesting question of how far these archaic forms may have evolved any pheromone-mediated patterns of community- integrating behavior so conspicuous in many higher ants. This is an interesting and complex area of inquiry, the answers to which are far from obvious, as the recent investigations of Robertson suggest. A prior question may be significant in this context. Do ants of the genus Myrmecia exhibit characteristic behavioral responses to particular chemical substances normally encountered in the external * Manuscript received by the editor March 28, 1974. 258 1974] Haskins & Haskins — Myrmecia vindex 259 environment: substances which commonly evoke specific behavioral responses in higher ants? And if so are the responses elicited in Myrmecia essentially like those of higher ants? We have recently described one such set of reactions: the stimulus to attack behavior in Myrmecia gulosa elicited by formic acid, a normal exocrine defense product of its common prey-genus Campo- notus , but not, so far as can be determined, of M. gulosa itself (Haskins, Hewitt, and Haskins, 1973). The present investigation is concerned with the reactions of workers of a species of Myrmecia to substances which commonly stimulate necrophoric behavior in higher ants, such as oleic and related fatty acids. Wilson (1958) and Wilson, Durlach, and Roth (1958) demon- strated that when groups of workers of the Myrmicine ant Pogono- myrmex badius come into contact with formic acid, ethylamine, triethanolamine, phenol, n-butyric acid, n-valeric acid, n-caproic acid, or n-caprylic acid, absorbed on centimeter-square patches of filter paper, they exhibit weak to moderate alarm behavior, sometimes passing into digging behavior, concentrated about the squares. In the case of oleic acid — and of that substance alone — the ants transported the paper squares away from the nest to the kitchen middens. A fatty acid component — quite probably oleic acid — obtained from the decaying bodies of P. badius workers also elicited necrophoric behavior in Solenopsis saevissima. Blum, Doolittle, and Beroza (cf. Blum, 1970) fractionated dead workers of Solenopsis saevissima and determined that the releasers of necrophoric behavior were restricted to the rich free fatty acid fractions. Myristoleic, palmitoleic, oleic, and linoleic acids were present in these fractions, and all these acids possessed necrophoric activity in this species. Such a reaction to chemicals like oleic acid has obvious adaptive advantage for any ant, or indeed for any social insect inhabiting a closed nesting situation. Such chemicals can serve as sensitive “indi- cators” of objects in the nest — whether prey or remains of adult or immature members of the community — which are dangerously decomposed and should be removed. It seems plausible, therefore, that this behavior pattern may have been established very early in the social evolution of the Formicidae. Hence it seemed of particular interest to investigate it within the Myrmeciinae. Necrophoric Behavior in Myrmecia vindex The species Myrmecia vindex was chosen for several reasons. It is a common and wide-ranging form in western Australia, where 2bo Psyche [June it prefers open, partially xerophytic woodland habitats, but ranges much further, to South Australia and probably New South Wales and Victoria as well. It is an unusually hardy species and its colonies can be maintained in laboratory culture for many years. The pri- mary reason for choosing it for this investigation, however, was that, in the populations from which nests were selected for both field and laboratory work, even mature colonies are typically quite small.1 This and other characteristics suggest that the species is one of the socially less-evolved members of the genus and thus lend particular interest both to the reactions of its workers to necrophoric substances and to pheromones of higher ants. Laboratory Tests Reactions of workers of Myrmecia vindex to Oleic Acid A portion of a colony of M. vindex consisting of approximately 30 workers, 20 cocoons, and 25 larvae, collected at Kings Park, Perth, West Australia, on December 28, 1961, and long established in the laboratory in an earth-containing Lubbock type glass nest of dimensions 7" X 12" and Y\r in depth, was set up in a foraging arena consisting of a rectangular plastic box, 48" X 24" X 6.5" in inside dimensions, to which the ants had free access. The bottom of the arena was covered with clean brown paper. After the colony had become thoroughly conditioned to the en- vironment, piles of brood which had been impregnated with 1 to 2 drops of various substances were placed on cardboard sheets, 6" X 8", at some distance from the nest entrance. There was early indi- ^ounts of four completely excavated apparently mature colonies from this population were made in January, 1964, with the following results: Colony 1 21 typical brood female callow subalates (apparent female-worker intermediates) 211 workers Colony 4 1 typical brood female 176 workers Colony 6 1 typical brood female 187 workers Colony 7 1 typical brood female 149 workers This compares with a population count of a study nest of M. vindex reported by Douglas and McKenna (1970) as follows: 1 typical brood female 38 alate virgin females 38 dealate virgin females 210 workers 224 males 1974] Haskins Haskins — Myrmecia vindex 261 cation that larvae were only marginally suitable for this work. Treated larvae were sometimes returned to the nest, as though larval odor, even when overlaid by that of oleic acid, still dominated behavior. With cocoons, however, worker reactions were more consistent. At 5:30 p.m. two piles of 10 larvae and 10 cocoons each were placed on top of the Lubbock nest. The larvae were quickly restored to the nest. By 6:15 p.m., 5 cocoons of the untreated group had been transported to the nest, together with 3 from the fraction treated with oleic acid. By 6:38 p.m. all cocoons from the untreated pile had been transported to the nest, while no further oleic-acid-treated cocoons had been removed. By 8:55 the following morning, how- ever, 4 of the oleic-acid-treated cocoons had been deposited in refuse middens in the arena, 2 being deposited 45" from the nest entrance and 2, 10" away. Three were still in original position on the card- board, but had been well covered with earth. Earth grains obtained from inside the nest had also been deposited on spots of oleic acid which had drained from the cocoons to the cardboard. The experiment was then repeated more precisely in the pattern of the work reported with P. badius. Ten squares of paper, y2n X yy* , were soaked with ole’c acid and scattered at random over the surface of the nest, together with 10 identical but untreated squares, appropriately identified. Two larvae, likewise treated with oleic acid, were included. The trial was begun at 9:10 a.m. Workers coming into contact with the treated objects immediately executed marked cleaning movements and a rubbing of the gular surface of the head against the substrate. At 9 :20, 1 larva was picked up by a worker after much hesitation and held in the mandibles for 4 minutes, when it was grasped by a second, and then deposited by both at the nest entrance, but not taken inside. The impression of a conflict of drives was strong. One minute later this larva was again picked up, carried about 3" from the nest entrance, and dropped. By 9:53, it had been brought into the nest, while the second larva was held within y^' of the nest entrance. Two minutes later it also was brought into the nest. At 10:00 a.m. a worker was beginning to deposit earth grains on the oleic-acid-treated papers, and by 10:53, 4 papers carried earth grains. By 1 :oo p.m., one of the treated larvae had again been brought out of the nest, and a worker was preparing to drop it on the midden located 45" from the entrance. By 5 :0O p.m. both treated larvae were on this midden. Burying of the oleic acid squares continued but they were not moved toward the middens. 262 Psyche [June At 5:10 p.ni., 2 Tenebrionid larvae, 1 treated with oleic acid and the other untreated, were placed outside the nest entrance. At 5:13 p.m. the untreated larva was carried into the nest, and 1 minute later the treated larva also was seized and carried in. At 5 130 p.m., however, the treated larva was brought out, carried to a distance of 34", and discarded. The untreated larva was retained within the nest and shortly consumed. These trials gave strong evidence that patterns both of burying and of rejection of objects impregnated with oleic acid are exhibited by M. vindex. It then seemed of interest to compare the reactions to oleic acid with those of other substances tested by Wilson et al. in their work with P. badius. Reactions of workers of Myrniecia vindex to Methyl benzylamine; Caproic acid; Oleic acid; Formic acid Using the same colony and with the same experimental arrange- ments as above, 14 cocoons, ranging from freshly spun to nearly ready to eclose, were impregnated as follows: Methylbenzylamine (3 drops) Caproic acid (3 drops) Oleic acid (3 drops) Formic acid 2 cocoons were retained as controls. All these cocoons were placed on cardboards, and mounted on top of the Lubbock nest as before, at 2:04 p.m. At 2:19 p.m. the 2 controls and the 3 cocoons treated with formic acid had been permanently returned to the nest. At 5 140 p.m., 1 cocoon from the caproic acid group had been removed 40.5" from the nest and deposited on a refuse midden. All other cocoons remained untouched. At 8:45 a.m. on March 31, no further cocoons had been removed from the cardboards, but a few grains of earth had been deposited on the cardboards of the caproic- and oleic-acid treated objects. During the night the caproic-treated cocoon deposited on the refuse midden had been retrieved into the nest, but at 8 155 a.m. it was again brought out and carried to the midden, 44" from the nest entrance. Almost immediaeely it was again retrieved and returned to the nest. At 9:10 a.m., it was once more removed and dropped about 9" from the nest entrance. By 2 103 p.m. this cocoon had been carried to a midden 36" from the entrance, but 1 minute later 3 cocoons 3 cocoons 3 cocoons 3 cocoons 1974] Haskins csf Haskins — Myrmecia vindex 263 it was returned to the nest once more, only to be finally removed by 2:33 p.m. and dropped about 32" from the nest entrance. At this time the 3 cocoons treated with oleic acid, the 3 treated with methylbenzylamine, and the remaining 2 treated with caproic acid were still in place on the cardboards, and a few grains of earth had been deposited about each. They were permanently ignored. Reactions of workers of Myrmecia vindex to Triethanolamine: n- Valeric acid; Oleic acid The same experimental arrangement was set up, using another colony of M. vindex , taken from the same population in Kings Park, Perth, West Australia, on January 10, 1965. Cocoons were treated as before: Triethanolamine (3 drops) 3 cocoons n-Valeric acid (3 drops) 3 cocoons Oleic acid (3 drops) 3 cocoons 3 cocoons were retained as controls. The 12 cocoons were arranged radially about the nest entrance, the control and the oleic acid groups furthest from it. Exposure was begun at 2 :47 p.m. Triethanolamine proved a powerful attractant, and the cocoons treated with it aroused immediate and intense attention. Within 3 minutes, 1 was dragged into the nest. At 2:51 a second trietha- nolamine-treated cocoon was dragged to the nest enerance and dropped. At 2 :52 the third was carried to the oleic-acid-treated group outside the nest and dropped there. Two control cocoons were carried into the nest at the same time. A spot of triethanolamine stain on the containing card was repeatedly examined by workers. The second triethanolamine-treated cocoon, which was deposited initially near the nest entrance, at 2 :56 p.m. was carried to a midden 45. 5" away; it was then picked up almost immediately and re- deposited at a distance of 40". At 3 :02 the triethanolamine-treated cocoon which had first been brought into the nest was taken out, carried to a point about 9" away, and dropped. Earth grains had been deposited about the n-valeric acid group. The 3 oleic-acid- treated cocoons had not been moved nor buried. By 4:00 p.m. all three triethanolamine-treated cocoons had been discarded in a group 39" from the nest entrance; 1 control cocoon was still in place; and all 6 cocoons treated with n-valeric and oleic acid remained in their initial position. At 4:50 p.m. there had been no further change and the run was terminated. 264 Psyche [June On April 2, 1965, the same experiment was repeated, substituting n-butyric for n-valeric acid. Results were essentially the same. Fifty- five minutes after the start, 3 of the 4 triethanolamine-treated cocoons had been transported for distances of 40", 21", and 25.5" from the nest entrance and dropped ; although none of the n-butyric or oleic acid cocoons had been moved, there was a considerable deposit of earth particles about them. One control cocoon had been moved about 27', but none had been carried into the nest. Twenty minutes later, the triethanolamine group was still being moved at frequent intervals, and the oleic acid group was being heavily banked with earth grains. No attention was paid to the n-butyric acid groups. The strong impression left by these trials, and others like them, was that oleic acid, and to a lesser degree caproic acid stimulate in Myrmecia vindex both a burying reaction and sometimes the trans- port of objects so contaminated to refuse middens. No evidence of overt digging was seen. Formic acid seemed without effect. Tri- ethanolamine, however, functioned as an efficient excitant and at- tractant in higher concentrations. In lower concentrations it stimu- lated necrophoric behavior. The “conflict” behavior exhibited in the handling of some larvae and cocoons treated with several of these substances, when immatures were repeatedly taken into the nest, brought out again and discarded on a midden, then returned to the nest, sometimes through three or four cycles, was in several cases striking. Field Tests Reactions of workers of Myrmecia vindex to Oleic acid ; Caproic acid ; Formic tcid ; Methylbenzylamine It was of interest to conduct essentially similar tests with wild colonies in the field. A large and active colony of M. vindex in Kings Park, Perth, West Australia (a part of the same population from which the colonies had been taken for laboratory tests), was selected. It included approximately 200 workers, had a single large entrance-hole, and a well-defined crater. Since workers of this population show a predominantly crepuscular and nocturnal foraging pattern in warm weather, tests were begun in the evening. At 7:25 p.m., as dusk was gathering, 5 white cards, of dimensions 3” X 5", were mounted on the nest crater, approximately equi- distant from the entrance. Twenty-five cocoons, obtained from a neighboring colony, were impregnated with 3 drops of test substance, with 7 retained as untreated controls. The arrangement and treat- ments were as shown below: 1974] Haskins & Haskins — Myrmecia vindex 265 Card Marking No. of Cocoons Substances Impregnated C 7 Caproic acid F 6 Formic acid M 7 Methyl benzylamine O 5 Oleic acid L 7 Control Immediately on exposure a worker on the crater seized one control and dragged it inside the nest. A second worker, encountering an oleic-acid-treated cocoon, started away. At 7 132, 1 caproic-acid- treated cocoon was dragged into the nest, followed at 7 :35 by a second control cocoon. At 7 :37 a cocoon from the formic acid group was taken to the nest. Between 7:37 and 7:40, 3 additional formic- acid-treated cocoons were taken into the nest, and one-half minute later the last control cocoon was taken in. One of the remaining two formic acid cocoons was inadvertently toppled into the nest by another worker, leaving 1 on the card. The other groups were untouched. At 8:02 p.m., when darkness forced cessation of observa- tion, all cocoons treated with oleic acid, methylbenzylamine, and five of those with caproic acid remained in place on the cards. One cocoon treated with caproic acid had been deposited with the oleic- acid-treated group. At 6:00 a.m. the following day, 3 of the caproic-acid-treated co- coons had been removed, but it was not possible to determine whether they had been taken into the nest or discarded. Some grains of earth had been scattered on the caproic-acid-treated card. Observations were continued throughout the day, but no further attention was paid to the remaining cocoons. However, when the cards were removed from the crater at 7 :oo a.m. on the third day, it was found that a new entrance-hole had been excavated under the card carrying the oleic-acid-treated cocoons. It was clear that oleic acid, caproic acid, and methylbenzylamine effectively inhibited return of the cocoons to the nest by the workers, in marked contrast to those treated with formic acid and the controls, which were brought in promptly. Digging behavior was observed in the vicinity of oleic acid. In these experiments, however, the oleic acid objects were not buried nor transported to kitchen middens — - perhaps because such middens of M. vindex are often located near the nest entrance. Indeed, it is an interesting behavioral characteristic of M. vindex , at least in this population that, at the seasons of maximum brood production, empty cocoons and pupal exuviae are frequently piled near the nest entrance. That this disposition may be more than accidental is suggested by the behavior of some colonies 266 Psyche [June in the laboratory (not those with which the above-mentioned tests were conducted), where such exuviae, originally scattered about a foraging arena, may be gathered into dense craters about the entrances to Lubbock nests. Summary and Conclusions In a parallel series of experiments to those reported by Wilson (1958) and Wilson, Durlach, and Roth (1958) with Pogonomyrmex badiuSj the effects of oleic acid, caproic acid, methylbenzylamine, n-butyric acid, n-valeric acid, formic acid, and triethanolamine as behavioral releasers in the ant Myrmecia vindex were investigated both in the laboratory and the field. The comparison was deemed particularly interesting because of the archaic character of the Myrmeciinae and their societies. As with Pogowomyrmex and other higher Formicid genera, oleic acid was found to act as a releaser of both necrophoric and digging behavior, suggesting the early establishment of this set of reaction patterns in Formicid social evolution — a not unexpected situation in view of the highly adaptive character of this pattern in ridding the nests of dangerous animal decomposition products, perhaps in response to the bacterial production of oleic and related fatty acids. In Pogonomyrmex , n-butyric acid, n-valeric acid, and n-caproic acid stimulated weak to moderate alarm behavior, passing over into digging behavior. In Myrmecia , caproic acid stimulated mildly necrophoric behavior, associated with some digging and burying behavior. Exposure to filter papers of cocoons impregnated with 11-butyric acid resulted in deposition of earth grains on the treated object. No reaction was observed to n-valeric acid. Thus responses to these substances were of the same general quality as those reported for P. hadius. There were, however, very marked differences in the responses of M. vindex to two presumed releasing substances: formic acid and triethanolamine. Formic acid neither stimulated necrophoric nor digging behavior nor prevented immediate transport into the nest of formic-acid-treated cocoons. This result was somewhat surprising to the authors in view of the highly positive and specific attack reactions stimulated by formic acid in Myrmecia gulosa mentioned earlier, which have been reported elsewhere (Haskins, Hewitt, and Haskins, 1973). The most marked contrast between behavior patterns of P. badius and M. vindex , however, occurred with those released by triethanolamine. With M. vindex , vapors of this compound consistently stimuated the most conspicuous necrophoric behavior of any substance tested, while also acting as a 1974] Haskins £sf Haskins — Myrmecia vindex 267 decided attractant. In P. badius on the contrary, the reaction to triethanolamine was reported to be virtually neutral. In this connection it is interesting to note that, in the populations studied, M. vindex commonly piles discarded cocoons and pupal exuviae on the crater of the nest, near the entrance, where they characteristically accumulate in some numbers, rather than trans- porting them far afield. Similar behavior has been described for P. badius (Wilson, Furlach, and Roth, 1958), though in the latter case, removal of the discards is quickly accomplished by other foraging ants. The situation with M. vindex, however, appears more specific. Indeed established colonies in the artificial nest may collect discarded cocoons and pupal exuviae scattered about the foraging area to form a crater about the entrance. It may be that subtle behavioral balances are involved, depending on the nature and “mix” of the included decomposition products, as suggested by the reversal of behavior, apparently in response to vapor concentration, released by trietha- nolamine. References Blum, Murray S. The chemical basis of insect sociality. From Chemicals Controlling Insect Behavior. Academic Press, New York, 1970, pp 61-94. Brown, William L., Jr. Remarks on the internal phylogeny and subfamily classification of the family Formicidae. Insectes Sociaux. 1, 1, 1954, pp 21-31. Douglas, Athol M. and L. M. McKenna. Observations on the bull-dog ant, Myrmecia vindex. The IV estern Australian Naturalist, 11, no. 6, pp 125-129, 1970. Haskins, Caryl P., Richard E. Hewitt, and Edna F. Haskins. Release of aggressive and capture behavior in the ant Myrmecia gulosa by exocrine products of the ant Camponotus. Jour. Ent. (Royal Ent. Soc., Great Britain) (A), 47 (2), pp 125-139, 1973. Haskins, Caryl P. and Edna F. Haskins. Notes on the biology and social behavior of the archaic Ponerine ants of the genera Myrmecia and Promyrmecia. Ann. Ent. Soc. of Am. 43, 4, December, 1950, pp 461-491. Robertson, Phyllis L. Pheromones involved in aggressive behavior in the ant Myrmecia gulosa. Jour. Insect Physiol. 17, 1971, pp 691-715. Wilson, Edward O. A chemical releaser of alarm and digging behavior in the ant Pogonomyrmex badius (Latreille). Psyche 65, 2-3, June- September, 1959, pp 41-51. Wilson, Edward O. The Insect Societies. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1971, pp 31-32. (Origin of Ants, Sphecomyrma and Myrmecioid complex). Wilson, Edward O., Frank M. Carpenter, and William L. Brown, Jr. The first Mesozoic ants. Science, 15 7, September, 1967, pp 1038-1039. Wilson, Edward O., N. I. Durlach, and L. M. Roth. Chemical releasers of necrophoric behavior in ants. Psyche, 65, 4, December, 1958 pp 108-114. THE FIRST RECENT SPECIES OF PROTOMUTILLA (HYMENOPTERA: MUTILLIDAE ; MYRMOSINAE)1 !: By Denis J. Brothers2 During a recently completed study of the higher classification of the aculeate Hymenoptera (Brothers, 1974), my attention was drawn to a female specimen from India representing a species of Myrmo- sinae (considered a subfamily of Tiphiidae by many authors, e.g., Krombein, 1940) but showing marked similarities to Nanomutilla (a member of the Mutillidae often included in the Myrmillinae) . This situation is reminiscent of that found by Bischoff (1915) for seven female specimens in Baltic amber. All of these have the well- developed pro-mesonotal suture characteristic of the Myrmosinae, but in addition “die Tiere weisen Beziehungen zu verschiedensten Gattungen auf, so zu Myrmilla, Nanomutilla , Mutilla s. str. etc.” Bischoff described the genus Protomutilla to include these seven species, and considered it best placed in the “Mutillinae”, although intermediate between this taxon and the “Myrmosinae” (which he considered to be a member of the Mutillidae). He listed the most characteristic features of the genus as: the distinctly developed pro- mesonotal suture, the transverse first abdominal (metasomal) seg- ment, the lack of a pygidial area, the usually longitudinally striate sculpturing of the mesonotal region, and the absence of long pubes- cence. In addition, all of his specimens have the posterolateral angles of the mesosoma acute or dentate. The Indian specimen possesses all these characters except for that of the mesonotal sculpturing (absent in some of Bischoff’s species also). The form of the postero- lateral angles of the propodeum differentiates this genus from the others with a well-developed pro-mesonotal suture, so that the Indian specimen seems best considered to represent a modern species of Protomutilla. Placement of this genus in the Myrmosinae is sup- ported by the almost straight and well-differentiated hind margin of the pronotum and also by the presence of a well-developed carina dorsally on the hind coxa (a character not mentioned by Bischoff), although this is not as markedly lamellate as in most other myrmosines. Contribution number 1538 from the Department of Entomology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. 2Present address: Department of Entomology, University of Natal, Pie- termaritzburg, South Africa. Manuscript received by the editor January 21, 1974. 268 1974] Brothers — Protomutilla 269 Figs. 1-2. Protomutilla microsoma, sp. nov., $. 1, dorsal view, legs omitted; 2, head, lateral view, antenna and palpi omitted. Fig. 3. Nano- mutilla microsoma Andre, 9 , dorsal view, legs omitted. Scale — 1.0 mm. 270 Psyche [June Protomutilla microsoma sp. nov. (Figs. 1-2) female : Length 2.6 mm. Body finely and evenly punctate with sparse, short, pale pubescence ; black except clypeus, antennal tubercle, antenna, mandible, ventral third of pronotum laterally, legs, fifth and sixth metasomal segments and apical margins of other metasomal segments testaceous, and palpi stramineous. Head almost prognathous, 1. 1 times as wide and 0.7 times as high as long, 1.1 times as wide as mesomoma; sides weakly converging behind eye, about 0.3 times length of eye ; ocelli absent ; eye broadly oval, with many short setae ; frons evenly swollen, produced between barely differentiated antennal tubercles; malar space 0.4 times as long as eye; weak genal carina present; clypeus flattened, anteriorly produced with strongly convex apical margin; antenna with scape 3.0 times as long as wide, pedicel about as long as first flagellar segment which equals second in length, flagellum widest at third segment; mandible approximately parallel- sided, obliquely tridentate, the apical tooth strongest. Mesosoma 1.4 times as long (excluding anterior collar) as wide; width at humeral angle 0.9 times that at propodeal angle. Pronotum (ex- cluding collar) 0.3 times as long as wide; hind margin shallowly concave; lateral margins slightly convergent posteriorly; humeral angle pronounced. Mesonotum approximately parallel sided, 0.9 times as wide as pronotum. Propodeum with lateral margins divergent posteriorly, forming a strong dentiform angle on each side; disc and declivity barely differentiated. Mesosomal pleura differentiated from nota by a longitudinal carina; concave except convex posteriorly forming propodeal angle. Legs unmodified ; foretarsus without spines (i.e., pecten undeveloped) ; hind coxa with obtuse lamellate tooth dorsally ; hind tibia without spines externally, only a very few minute spines apically. Metasoma about 1.7 times as long as wide, 1.25 times as wide as mesosoma; first tergum 0.4 times as long as wide, about as wide as and 0.4 times as long as second ; sixth tergum sparsely punctate, without differentiated pygidial area; first sternum with single blunt anteriorly-directed midventral tooth. male: Unknown. holotype: ?, [India, Orissa Prov.], Nilgiri Hills, 3500 ft. (H. L. Andrewes) ; in Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford, England. (No date of collection given.) The specimen is unfortunately damaged, and lacks the apical three segments of the left foretarsus, the left mid- and hind and right mid-tibiae and tarsi; the left antenna is glued to the card bearing the “minuten” 1974] Brothers — Protomutilla 271 pin. Since the specimen has been remounted from a glued card mount, some features of the venter and appendages remain somewhat obscured by glue. Although Bischoff’s (1915) descriptions are very short, P. micro- soma seems clearly to differ from all the amber species. It may be most similar to P. nana, but the head undoubtedly differs in form from that species. The resemblance of P. microsoma to Nanomutilla (Fig. 3) is quite remarkable, the most basic difference being the form of the pro-mesonotal suture. In addition to gross body form, these species have highly similar coloration and puncturation, and all are rather small in size. Nanomutilla even has a weakly developed carina on the hind coxa as well as pubescent eyes, characters lacking in the higher Mutillidae. These marked similarities tend to support my conclusions (elaborated in Brothers., 1974) that the Myrmosinae should be considered a subfamily of Mutillidae. Acknowledgements I should like to thank Mr. Christopher O’Toole of Oxford for bringing this specimen to my attention, and also Mr. W. L. Overal of the Univesitv of Kansas for his help with preparation of the manuscript. References Bischoff, H. 1915. Bernsteinhymenopteren. Schrift. Phys.-Oekon. Ges., Konigsberg 56: 139-144. Brothers, D. J. 1974. Phylogeny and classification of the aculeate Hymenoptera, with special reference to Mutillidae. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull, (sub- mitted). Krombein, K. V. 1940. Studies in the Tiphiidae (Hymenoptera Aculeata). IV. A re- vision of the Myrmosinae of the New World with a discussion of the Old World species. Trans. American Ent. Soc. 65: 415- 465, pi. 24. LIFE HISTORY OF ABEDUS HERBERTI IN CENTRAL ARIZONA (HEMIPTERA: BELOSTOMATIDAE)* * By Robert L. Smith Department of Zoology Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 85281 Introduction Torre Bueno in 1906 noted the meagerness of information on the biology and immature stages of aquatic Hemiptera. Although this condition has changed somewhat in the more than 60 subsequent years, complete life histories for representatives of only two of the five genera belonging to the subfamily Belostomatinae (Lauck and Menke 1961) are available. Belostoma is represented by B. flu- mineum Say (Torre Bueno 1906), B. oxyurum (Dufour), B. bi- foveolatum Spinola (Schnack 1971), and B. malkini Lauck (Cullen 1969). The Old World genus Limnogeton is represented by L. fieberi Mayr (Voelker 1968). Menke (i960) was successful in bringing a single individual Abedus dilatatus (Say) to its fifth instar, at which time it died. Life histories for representatives of the genus Lethocerus include: L. americanus (Leidy) (Rankin 1935), L. cor- dofanus Mayr (nec. L. niloticus Stal) (Tawfik 1969), L. mazzai De Carlo (De Carlo 1962), and L. maximus De Carlo (Cullen 1969). Nothing is known of the immature stages of 1 Horvathinia (subfamily Horvathiniinae, Lauck and Menke 1961). The tax- onomy and distribution of Abedus herberti , as well as a behavioral and ecological sketch of the genus, is provided by Menke (i960). Methods and Materials I collected adult bugs, including males encumbered with eggs, with the aid of a gasoline lantern at night from the following central Arizona localities: Sycamore Creek, Maricopa County, near Sun- flower; Camp Creek, Maricopa County, near Carefree; and Tule Creek, Yavapai County, in the Bradshaw Mountains.1 Plastic bags containing stream water isolated individuals for transport to the Henke’s 1960 revision recognizes polytypy in A. herberti. The central Arizona specimens studied in this paper belong to “subspecies herberti ” in contradistinction to “subspecies utahensis.,y * Manuscript received by the editor July 1 , 1974. 272 1974] Smith — Life History of Abedus herberti 273 laboratory. Plastic washbasins (15 by 26 by 30 cm) containing clean gravel and deionized water housed bugs in the laboratory. Finger bowls (10.5 by 4.5 cm), provided with aquarium gravel and deion- ized water to a depth of about 4 cm, received hatchlings obtained from eggs of field-captured encumbered males. Gravid females, paired with unencumbered males, produced fresh eggs for incubation studies. First and second instar nymphs were fed on cultured vesti- gial winged Drosophila which were floated on the water’s surface. Third and fourth instars received legless crickets ( Acheta domestica) , and fifth instars ate intact crickets. I renewed food and water every other day, and recorded molts which had occurred each day. Cast skins were preserved in seventy percent alcohol, one percent glycerin for study and measurement. Open water temperature in the labor- atory was a reasonably constant 18 C (± 0.5 C). I observed hatching and used still and motion picture photography to record this event for analysis. I measured eggs, first, second, and third instar nymphs and the legs of fourth and fifth instars using a stereoscope ocular micrometer, and the bodies of fourth and fifth instars with a dial caliper. Eggs, Incubation, and Hatching eggs The eggs of Abedus are always laid on the back of the male (Fig. iA). Oviposition, which continues for 12-48 hours in the laboratory, alternates with copulation. Encumbered males are found throughout the year in Arizona. A detailed study of courtship and male brooding behavior in A. herberti will be presented elsewhere (Smith, in prep.) . A mucinous glue is secreted by the female prior to the deposition of each egg starting at the apex of the male’s hemelytra and pro- ceeding forward, uniformly covering the male’s back up to and some- times including the pronotum. It is usually the case that males carry the eggs of only one female, but polygynous matings apparently do occur (Menke i960). I inferred from data on hatching, that of seven encumbered field captured males, only one individual had con- sorted with two females to acquire his load of eggs. In this instance, 72 eggs hatched over a five day period, this followed by three days during which no eggs hatched. The remaining 15 eggs hatched over a 24 hour period. In all other cases, hatching occurred more or less continuously over a three to five day period. Freshly laid eggs begin swelling immediately. Swelling has the 274 [June Psyche Figure 1. Encumbered male Abcdus herberti and hatching of eggs. A. Encumbered male Abedus herberti. Inset. Enlargement of hatching nymphs. B. Rupture of the chorion around cap. C. Resting position. D. Newly emerged nymph. 1974] Smith — Life History of Abedus herberti 275 ultimate effect of compacting the mass, enhancing its structural in- tegrity and conformity to the male’s back. The resulting gelatinous plate with its embedded eggs is strong, flexible and adheres tena- ciously to the male’s hemelytra so long as it is kept moist. If exposed to air for 60 minutes or longer, the gelatinous pad becomes brittle, loses its adhesive properties and on prolonged exposure will eventu- ally fall off. Eggs increase in size from mature oviducal (3.064 db .022 mm by 1.732 ± .017 mm, n = 50) to those containing nymphs ready to hatch (4.983 =±= .036 mm by 2.001 d= .017 mm, n = 50). This represents a 59 percent mean increase in length and a 15.5 percent mean increase in width. The initial swelling of the egg (during the first 48 hours) may be due to imbibition of water, however later increase in size seems to be due to the development of the embryo. Both Hungerford (1925) and Tawfik (1969) noted dramatic in- creases in egg size during the development of Lethocerus eggs which are laid above the water on emergent vegetation. Cobben (1968) provides a synthesis of what is known about belostomatid eggs and embryology. Mature oviducal and freshly laid eggs are variable in shape, usually imperfect oval with one nearly straight side, yellow in color and irregularly hexagonal microreticulate. Soon after occlusion, eggs darken to tan. The cap (upper 3/3) differentially darkens and re- mains several shades darker until just prior to eclosion of the nymph at which time it becomes grayish white in color. As development proceeds the shape of the egg comes to resemble an elongate “printed comma” ; that is broad and rounded at the free end, narrow and pointed at the attached end, with one convex and one concave side. The concave side seems always to face the posterior of the mass. Cobben (1968, Fig. 232) shows the head of the embryo (of Sphae- rodema — Diplonychus ) facing the attached end, but embryonic rotation must occur prior to hatching. I observed one instance of egg failure due to nonrotation of the embryo. INCUBATION Male brooding of eggs, a complex of behaviors, is necessary for achievement of the greater than 95 percent survival observed for eggs of field-captured encumbered males. I never observed any type of egg parasitism. Egg failure, in every case but the one, seemed due to insemination failure; usually a few eggs on each plate did not de- velop. Open spaces in the laying pattern in Figure iA are undevel- oped eggs. Harvey (1906) reported that infertile eggs of Pedino- 2j6 Psyche [June 1974] Smith — Life History of Abedus herberti 277 Figure 2. Individual molt records for 31 laboratory reared nymphs of A. herberti. Open circles indicate molts. Closed circles indicate the death of that nymph. coris macronyx (= Abedus indentatus Haldeman) drop off and are replaced (presumably by the original or another female) by others as late as the sixth or eighth day of incubation, but in every instance I observed, nonviable eggs were retained in the nidus through incu- bation and hatching of the viable eggs. Incubation periods from lay- ing of the first egg to hatching of the first ranged from 21 to 23 days in the laboratory. Voelker (1968) has shown developmental time for eggs of Limnogeton fieberi to be directly correlated with temperature, the optimal temperature being 32-33 C. He reports an 8 day development time at optimal temperatures, which seems to be more in agreement with the results obtained by the majority of other workers for belostomatids (Torre Bueno 1906, Harvey 1906, Hun- gerford 1925, and Tawfik 1969). Menke (i960) found the incu- bation time for A. dilatatus to exceed 30 days in the laboratory, but we both (Menke, personal communication) suspect that development 278 Psyche [June of eggs for Abedus could be substantially accelerated by increasing the temperature of the incubation water. Open water temperature in my laboratory (18 C) fell within the range of spring, fall and winter stream temperatures in Arizona. HATCHING Twenty-four hours prior to hatching, the free end of the egg swells dorsally. Pressure from within eventually causes a rupture in the chorion around the cephalic cap (Fig. iB). Invariably, nymphs hatch facing the brooding male’s posterior. I can’t explain this con- stant orientation of hatching nymphs, but its effect is that adjacent eggs can hatch simultaneously with a minimum of interaction be- tween eclosing nymphs. The cap is lifted by the head as the nymphal thorax emerges, but remains hinged to the egg on the side of the latter which faces the ventral surface of the emerging nymph. The nymph’s head slips from under the operculum as peristaltic contrac- tions free one half of the body. When the nymph is two thirds re- moved, it rests in a position perpendicular to the plane of the egg plate (Fig. iC). Moments later it arches backward and stretches its legs which are employed in final extraction when the nymph again leans forward. A newly emerged bug generally lingers on the back of the male for several minutes to inflate its laterally constricted abdomen (Fig. iD). This accomplished, it moves off in search of cover among aquatic plants or debris where it assumes the predatory stance characteristic of nymphs and adults alike. Freshly emerged nymphs are light honey yellow in color and translucent, but darken within one hour. Nymphal Development and Nymphs DEVELOPMENT Of 31 nymphs reared in the laboratory, 26 survived to adulthood. Individual developmental records are illustrated in Fig. 2 and mean developmental periods are presented in Table 1. These results com- pare favorably with those of Voelker (1968) for Limnogeton and probably reflect critical minimum periods required for morphogenesis between molts under optimal conditions. That availability of food is an important factor related to intermolt time for these sedentary hunters was demonstrated in a simple experiment. Ten of 20 sibling first instars, fed Drosophila daily, all molted in under eight days while the other ten, fed every fourth day, did not begin to molt until the nineteenth day. Thirty additional sibling first instars were di- 1974] Smith — Life History of Abedus herberti 279 30 - 25- 10 20 30 40 50 60 MEAN MOLT TIME (days) Figure 3. First through fifth instar nymphs of A. herberti. Mean length and mean duration of instars illustrated graphically. vided into three groups of ten individuals. Each group was kept at a different temperature (18 C, 22 C, and 31 C) and all nymphs re- ceived Drosophila daily in numbers exceeding that which they could consume. All molted at approximately the same time (on the sixth or seventh day), suggesting that temperature is relatively unimpor- tant. These experiments were not intended to be conclusive and it is probable that a food-temperature interaction could be detected with more sophisticated experimentation. NYMPHS There are five nymphal instars for A. herberti. Dorsal views of the five are figured (Fig. 3) and mean morphometric data for fifteen characters of each instar are presented in Table 2. The wide (.001) confidence limits around each mean should encompass interpopulation variation for central Arizona. Mean size of bugs seems to be stream specific, perhaps due to low dispersal of these animals and reduced gene flow between their populations. A. h. herberti intergrades with Table 2. Confidence limits* on mean nymphal instar morphometry of Abedus herberti. 280 Psyche NO o N no OO OO ON NO rH C^ tO ^ On i— 1 vo ON 1— 1 ON NO CM y-4 00 to 00 O to O to 00 to o +1 +1 o 00 CM ON On no CM i-H +1 +| +1 +1 ON ,4- 00 O CM — ^ CM 1-H cm 00 *0 +1 +1 +1 +1 t-H 00 NO +1 +1 +1 +1 o CM NO CM On On no vo ^ ON ON CM o © to t-5 o o o mo NO U-, O to to ^ o OO N CM + vo 10 O0 NO no CM O NO no o OO N CM ^ ON NO ON tO O +1 +1 +1 +1 +| +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 NO tj- OO no 00 CM O to 10 O NO to O NO 00 CM o to 00 ON © NO rt- CM NO NO to 00 O O NO to to s 00 t'' CM © VO O 00 NO to CM H o CM NO vo CM to h 00 N no tj- CM O +1 +1 +1 +| +| +| +| +| +| +| +| +| +| +| +| NO O On On i-H 00 CM NO y-i ON CM 1-1 On NO OO rj- to CNJ OO OO NO tO N OO CM 00 i— < VO tt" NO -h to 1—1 On to -t NO 00 On v-J . H NO tJ" o On ts -t un O 00 O O 1— I H NO NO i- 1 to CM CM H i-l y* © CM VO NO ON N N N if 1-1 CM O O +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 NO rj- CM OO VO NO 1— I ON It vo NO CM •f NO NO *t- O ^ 1-t o -t- O On to CNJ CM N N t t O N H rf On ON CM to b D -a ji £ 3 s 3 t* h H u 3 .2 M k. S -Q J: a aj y y — fe H H u I .2 « * C _Q CJ ct i> y — < fe H E-1 u >1 -o o CO fa/D [June I ^Confidence level = 99.999 around means of measurements from 10 laboratory reared specimens. 1974] Smith — Life History of Abedus herberti 281 a smaller subspecies A. h. utahensis in northern Arizona and south- ern Utah. The first through the fourth instars all have two segmented an- tennae and one segmented pro-, and two segmented meso- and meta- tarsi. The beak is four segmented from the first instar to imago. One antennal segment is added in the fifth instar and usually another in the adult. All tarsi add one segment in the adult molt. The most noteworthy changes through instars are the allometric development of the wing pads (Fig. 3) and of the protarsal claws. Torre Bueno (1906) states that there is a progressive diminution in size (through the instars) of the anterior (external) protarsal claw of Belostoma flumineum and that the external claw finally disappears in the adult. This statement is erroneous on at least one count, but nevertheless focuses attention on an ontological aspect of phylogenetic significance. It is now known (Lauck and Menke 1961) that both Belostoma and Abedus have vestigial external protarsal claws. The other three genera in the Belostomatinae have two well developed protarsal claws as does the genus Lethocerus. In Abedus herberti and probably Belostoma as well, only the magnitude of the size difference between the external and internal protarsal claws increases with each molt due to nondevelopment of the external claw and continued growth of the internal. In the first instar relative length of the ex- ternal claw is 50 percent of the internal. This is reduced to about 38 percent in the second, 30 percent in the third, 23 percent in the fourth, and 19 percent in the fifth instar. Curiously, in the adult the external is proportionally slightly longer than in the fifth instar and the internal claw is shorter and broader in the adult. This re- sults in an increase in the relative length of the external claw to about 28 percent that of the internal in the adult bug. Longevity A. herberti is a relatively large animal and is a sedentary hunter, both of which characteristics suggest that it might be long lived. This seems to be the case; several specimens have lived in the laboratory for up to one year and one in particular, a female collected on Octo- ber 14, 1972, lived until November 30, 1973 during which time she produced four sets of eggs totaling 344. Nymphs from the first through the third instars are probably subject to predation by other aquatic organisms. I have found first instar nymphs in the stomachs of trout taken at three forks of the Black River, Apache County, Arizona. Nymphal instars seem to play an important role in the 282 Psyche [June food economy of the species during periods of low stream produc- tivity; I commonly find nymphs and adults feeding on smaller nymphs of their own species. After the second instar, cannibalism seems to be far the most common cause of fatality among nymphs. Ecdysal failure and physical catastrophes (flood and drought) also regulate populations. Lethocerus adults, which are seasonally common but never abundant in Sonoran streams, may regularly take adult Abedus but I have observed only one instance of this. In general, A. herberti adults are at the pinnacle of the aquatic food chain, and, having reached adulthood, stand an excellent chance of surviving to produce or brood several clutches of eggs. Discussion The life history of Abedus herberti seems to follow closely the pattern reported for other genera belonging to the subfamily Belo- stomatinae. Allometric development of the protarsal claws closely relates Abedus to Belostoma, and suggests their common ancestry with the two clawed genera. Five instars is the number characteris- tic of acquatic Hemiptera (Hungerford 1920). Acknowledgements I wish to thank Dr. M. Parsons, Dr. A. S. Menke, and Dr. J. Alcock for review. Literature Cited Cobben, R. H. 1968. Evolutionary trends in Heteroptera. Part I Eggs, architecture of the shell, gross embryology and eclosion. Center for Agricul- tural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp. 206-209. Cullen, M. J. 1969. The biology of giant water bugs (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae) in Trinidad. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. (A) 44: 123-137. De Carlo, J. M. 1962. Consideraciones sobre la biologia de Lethocerus mazzai De Carlo. Physis, 23 : 143-151. • Harvey, G. W. 1906. A ferocious water-bug. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 8: 72-75. Hungerford, H. B. 1920. The biology and ecology of aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., 11: 1-328. 1925. Notes on the giant water bugs. Psyche, 32: 88-91. 1974] Smith — Life History of Abedus herberti 283 Lauck, D. R. and A. S. Menke 1961. The higher classification of the Belostomatidae (Hemiptera). Ann. Entomol. Soc. America, 54: 644-657. Menke, A. S. 1960. A taxonomic study of the genus Abedus Stal (Hemiptera, Belo- stomatidae). Univ. Calif. Pub. in Entomol., 16: 393-440. Rankin, K. P. 1935. Life history of Lethocerus americanus (Leidy) (Hemiptera, Belo- stomatidae). Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., 15: 479-491. Schnack, J. A. 1971. Las ninfas del genero Belostoma Latreille (Hemiptera, Belosto- matidae) (I) Belostoma oxyurum (Dufour) y Belostoma bifoveo- latum Spinola. Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg., 33: 77-85. Tawfik, M. F. S. 1969. The life history of the giant water-bug Lethocerus niloticus Stael (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae). Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte, 53: 299- 310, Torre Bueno, J. R. 1906. Life history of North American water bugs. I. Life history of Belostoma flumineum Say. Can. Ent., 38: 189-197. Voelker, J. 1968. Untersuchungen zu Ernahrung, Fortpflanzungsbiologie und Ent- wicklung von Limnogeton fieberi Mayr (Belostomatidae, Hemip- tera) als Betrag zur Kenntnis von natiirlichen Feinden tropishen Siisswasserschnecken. Entomologishe Mitteilungen, 3 (60): 1-24. PREY CAPTURE BY DKYMUSA DINORA (ARANEAE, SCYTODIDAE) By Carlos E. Valerio* Departamento de Biologia. Universidad de Costa Rica Introduction The family Scytodidae includes at present three genera, of which Scytodes and Loxosceles are well known because of their specialized prey-capturing strategies. Scytodes species eject a sticky substance (perhaps similar to the silk from the spinnerets) from the chelicerae at a considerable distance to trap the prey (Bristowe, 1931; Mc- Alister, i960). The species of Loxosceles have developed a very effective venom capable of subduing strong prey almost instantly (Hite et al ., 1966). This venom affects even vertebrate tissues, including those of man (Bucherl, 1961). The genus Drymusci, a small and poorly studied group, is morpho- logically more closely related to Loxosceles than to Scytodes. It lacks the high carapace, and possesses a colulus ; also the male bulbus is located at the tip of the tarsus (Valerio, 1971). The forest-dwell- ing species of D. dinora Valerio, which lives exclusively under logs utilizing crevices and horizontal tunnels in the decomposed wood (Valerio, 1971), exhibits highly specialized behavioral patterns never observed in other spiders. The permanent web, composed of a few tangled threads, seems to alert the spider to the presence of prey and to restrict the movement of prey. Clearly, this type of construction represents a very primitive conditon in the phylogeny of the web (Kaston, 1966). Materials Several mature and immature specimens of D. dinora , of both sexes, were collected in a wet lowland forest in southwestern Costa Rica and kept individually isolated in 12-dram vials ( 100 X 22 mm), at IOO percent humidity and 24.5 zb 0.2°C. Observations This species is remarkable in two aspects of its attack behavior, departing from all known patterns: for large prey the spider spins *1 wish to thank Dr. Herbert W. Levi (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University) for his critical review of this manuscript. Manuscript received by the editor January 5, 1974. 284 1974] Valerio — Drymusa dinora 285 a trap after the prey’s arrival in the web, and prey-wrapping is car- ried out exclusively by movements of the abdomen and without using the appendages. Prey is treated in a different manner according to size and perhaps other qualities, as also occurs in other groups of web-building spiders (Eberhard, 1967; Robinson, 1969; Shear, 1969). Attack on small prey: The spider rests in the center of the web ( B in figure 1 ) near the superior edge of the crevice or tunnel. When small prey (less than % the size of the spider) enters the tangled threads, the spider moves and attacks directly with the cheli- cerae and holds on firmly until the prey stops moving. Usually the prey is then carried to the resting site and feeding starts immediately without previous wrapping in silk. The arrival of a second item of prey does not elicit a response from the spider. Attack on large prey: When large prey penetrates at one side (C in Figure 1), the spider runs to A and starts immediately spin- ning a horizontal partition. The prey then moves through the tangles of the center towards the trap web. If the prey cannot cross this barrier of dry silk and starts heading back, the spider moves ahead of it to C where it builds another vertical web, thus enclosing the prey in a silken trap. Then, the direct attack begins. The spider approaches its victim with certain caution and suddenly strikes five or six times with the chelicerae at intervals of one second. Some- times, some chasing is involved. After the envenomation the prey may move around the web but the spider usually ignores it. Once the prey slows down (apparently due to the effect of the venom), it is wrapped in silk. The silk is distributed by oscillatory movements of the whole body, reinforced by more pronounced side movements of the abdomen (with conspicuous flexions of the pedicel), changing position at intervals to deliver silk to different parts around the prey. No appendages (other than the spinnerets) are involved in the process. The prey- is carried in the chelicerae to the upper portion of the web where wrapping continues for a few seconds. This post-immobilization wrapping seems to facilitate transportation of the prey to the resting site and attachment to the web for later feeding (Robinson et ah, 1969). Once the prey is wrapped, the spinnerets are carefully cleaned by back and forth movements of the distal third of the fourth metatarsus. Later, the fourth metatarsi, are, in turn, cleaned by the chelicerae. Very large or very strong prey items entering the web do not produce an aggressive response from the spider. It simply lies flat 286 Psyche [June Figure 1. Spider Drymusa dinora in the resting area (B) in the center of the web. A trap is built at site A after prey enters through site C; later a second trap web is built at C to corral prey. against the substrate while the prey passes through the area and moves on. Females carry the egg-sac in their chelicerae much like the species of the genus Scytodes (and the structure of the sac itself resembles that of Scytodes also). The sac is temporarily abandoned when a suitable prey enters the web. Discussion In the attack on small prey the species behaves like the very primitive spiders, including their relatives of the genus Sicarius (Sicariidae) (Levi, 1967), attacking and subduing the prey solely by the use of the chelicerae (Eberhard, 1967). Large prey is caught by trapping webs and is subdued by biting, but neither holding nor wrapping is involved in the immobilization process. The trapping is a remarkable adaptation to the species’ habits, since the web is frequently exposed to prey too large to be captured (e.g., passalid beetles). An extensive capturing web, often destroyed without reward for the spider, would represent a significant loss of energy (through the production of silk). During the post-immobilization wrapping the spinnerets are ap- plied directly to the prey in a fashion similar to that observed in the diguetids (Eberhard, 1967). The capturing behavior of Drymusa dinora suggests the presence of an effective venom mdicating a closer relationship with Loxosceles. 1974] Valerio — Drymusa dinora 287 The three genera in the family Scytodidae share in common the small size of the permanent web and the specialized technique for subduing of prey. Conclusions The species should be considered very primitive since no wrapping is involved in the immobilization of prey. There seems to be a tendency for the economy of silk through the reduction of the perma- nent web and the overcoming of small prey without the use of trap webs. These behavioral observations, along with the morphological evi- dence, indicate that it might be best to keep the three genera ( Drymusa , Loxosceles and Scytodes) within one family, the Scyto- didae. References Bristowe, W. S. 1931. Spitting as a means of capturing prey by spiders. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 10(8) : 469-471. Bucherl, W. 1961. Aranhas do genero Loxosceles e loxoscelismo na America. Ciencia y Cultura 13 (4): 213-224. Eberhard, W. 1967. Attack behavior of diguetid spiders and the origin of prey wrapping in spiders. Psyche 74(2): 173-181. Hite, J. M., Gladner, W. J., Lancaster, J. L., and Whitcomb, W. H. 1966. Biology of the brown recluse spider. Bull. Agr. Exp. Sta. 711: 1-26. K ASTON, B. J. 1966. Evolution of the web. Nat. Hist. 75 (4): 27-32. Levi, H. W. 1967. Predatory and sexual behavior of the spider Sicarius (Araneae: Sicariidae). Psyche 74(4): 320-330. McAlister, W. H. 1960. The spitting habit in the spider Scytodes intricata Banks. Texas J. Sci. 22(1-2) : 17-20. Robinson, M. H. 1969. Predatory behavior of Argiope argentata (Fabricius). Am. Zoologist 9: 161-173. Robinson, M. H., Mirik, H., and Turner, O. 1969. The predatory behavior of some araneid spiders and the origin of immobilization wrapping. Psyche 76(4): 487-501. Shear, W. A. 1969. Observations of the predatory behavior of the spider HyPochilus gertschi Hoffman. Psyche 76(4): 407-417. Valerio, C. E. 1971. The spider genus Drymusa in the New World (Araneae, Scytodiadae) . Florida Ent. 54(2): 193-200. A NEW COCKROACH GENUS (GURNEY A) PREVIOUSLY CONFUSED WITH PINACONOTA (BLABERIDAE: EPILAMPRINAE ) .* By Louis M. Roth Pioneering Research Laboratory U.S. Army Natick Laboratories Natick, Massachusetts 01760 Princis (1967) listed 2 species of Pinaconota , viz. bifasciata (Saus- sure) and obliqua (Walker). Ischnoptera (?) sicca Walker was synonymized by Kirby (1904) with bifasciata, but I (1973a) showed that Kirby was incorrect in his interpretation of the species and placed sicca in the new genus Alphelixia. The male genitalia and other morphological characters of obliqua indicate that this species is not a Pinaconota and a new genus is erected for it (see below). In describing Pinaconota, Saussure (1895) simply stated that the hind metatarsi were very short, with a fringe of long hairs, and a large apical pulvillus. Shelford’s (1910) characterization of the genus is as follows: Form depressed. Pronotum trapezoidal, an- teriorly and posteriorly sub-truncate, deeply punctate. Scutellum exposed. Tegmina and wings fully developed, extending beyond the apex of the abdomen. Femora moderately spined beneath. Tarsi very short, fimbriate, and entirely unarmed beneath ; posterior meta- tarsus equal in length to the two succeeding joints, its pulvillus large. Arolia very large. In this generic description, Shelford was appar- ently influenced by his belief that Ischnoptera ( ?) obliqua Walker was a Pinaconota. Pinaconota can be recharacterized as follows: Pinaconota Saussure Type-species: Blatta bifasciata Sauss., Monotypy (1895, p. 337) Both sexes with tegmina and wings abbreviated, or extending slightly beyond the end of the abdomen. Ventro-anterior margin of front femur with 2 or more, small, heavy spines, followed by a row of small uniformly spaced slender setae, terminating in a large distal spine; ventro-anterior margins of mid and hind femora with 2 or 3 widely spaced spines, with or without distal spines; hind metatarsus short with 2 rows of fine ventral setae; pulvilli and arolia very * Manuscript received by the editor January 15, 1974. 288 1974] Roth — Cockroach Genus Gurneya 289 Figs. 1-5. Pinaconota bijasciata. 1-4. Male, from Brazil. 2. Pronotum. 3. Head. 4. Terminal abdominal segments (dorsal). 5. Male from S. Cath., Brazil, (scale: figs. 1 and 5 = 5 mm; fig. 2 = 2 mm; figs. 3 and 4 = 1 mm). 290 Psyche [June large. Supra-anal plate rounded with a mesal indentation. Cerci short, reaching to about the hind margin of supra-anal plate. Sub- genital plate ( cf ) asymmetrical, broadly, but weakly concave on right side; styli about equal. Male genitalia: L2d a small irregu- larly shaped sclerotized plate separated from L2vm ; prepuce densely spicular in part, with or without large spines on the free margin (Figs. 15, 17, 20, 23, 29, 30; see Fig. 29 for naming of parts), a light sclerotized plate present ventral to the L2vm. The membrane lying above the L2vm may have a number of small spines (Fig. 15) but in the flattened KOH preparations are not shown in their normal position (Figs. 20, 23). R2 unique in having a finger-like basal projection directed toward the inner curved margin of the hook (Figs. 16, 18, 21, 31). Right paraproct considerably more developed than the left (Figs. 13, 27-28). The presence of large spines on the prepuce is, as far as I know, unique for a member of the Epilamprinae, and has only been found in the Blaberinae. However, in that subfamily the spines usually closely surround the L2d (Roth, 1970a). Because of the unusual genital structures, I place Pinaconota in the tribe Pinaconotini. The following is a redescription of Pinaconota bifasciata supple- menting that of Saussure: Pinaconota bifasciata (Saussure) (Figs. 1-23) Blatta bifasciata Saussure (Rev. Mag. Zool., 1862, p. 165; Mem. Hist. nat. Mexique, Geneve, 1864, 4, p. 98, $ 9). Phyllodromia bifasciata (Saussure) (Brunner, Nouv. Syst. Blatt. Vienne, 1865, p. 94). Epilampra bifasciata (Saussure) (Miss, scient. Mexique, Rech. zool. Paris, 1870, pt. 6, p. 84, pi. 2. Figs. 44, 44A). Pinaconota bifasciata (Saussure) (Rev. suisse Zool. 1895, 3, p. 337). cf. (Figs, i, 5, 7). Face smooth with scattered small setae, vertex exposed. Pronotum semi-circular, somewhat flattened but with sides slightly deflexed, hind margin subtruncate or weakly curved. Tegmina abbreviated, reaching to about the middle of fourth ter- gite (Fig. 7) or fully developed extending beyond the end of the abdomen (Figs. 1, 5), rounded apically; plical furrow strongly arched, the furrows from both tegmina meeting to form a semi-ovoid anal field, anal veins of left tegmen shallowly punctate; veins of right tegmen punctate only in that portion not covered by the over- lapping left tegmen; many veins on other parts of the tegmina also shallowly punctate. Abdomen broad. Supra-anal plate rounded, mesally indented. Cerci not extending beyond hind margin of supra- 1974] Roth — Cockroach Genus Gurneya 291 Figs. 6-12. Pinaconota bifasciatia. 6. Brachypterous female. 7. Bra- chypterous male. 8. Pronotum of female shown in fig. 6. (both $ and $ from Ilha das Alcatrazes, S. Paulo, Brazil.) 9. Pronotum of macropterous $ taken at quarantine on a plane in Miami, Florida (with bromeliads), Jan. 20, 1972. 10-12. Three nymphs: 10 and 12. From Brazil, in plane at San Francisco, Nov. 17, 1970 (with bromeliads). 11. From Brazil, at Hoboken, Oct. 30, 1940 (with orchids), (scale: figs. 6-7 = 5 mm; figs, 8-12 = 2 mm). 292 Psyche [June anal plate (Figs. 4, 13), flattened dorsally with few scattered setae, somewhat convex ventrally covered with many short and a few long setae. Subgenital plate asymmetrical, apex of hind margin subacute, the right side shallowly concave, styli about equal, not extending beyond the apex of the plate (Fig. 14). Leg armament as described for genus: Antero-ventral margin of front femur with 2-6 small but stout spines followed by a row of very small setae. Pulvilli very large, apical on the metatarsi, and covering practically the entire ventral surfaces of the other tarsal segments; arolia very large. Genital phallomeres shown in figures 15-23: L2d an irregu- larly shaped sclerotized plate separated from L2vm (Figs. 15, 17, 20, 23); preputial membrane modified into a densely spicular area with 3 or more large spines; a pale sclerotized plate continues beyond the dense spicular area (Fig. 15) ; the membrane above L2vm with many small spines; Li with a deep, heavily sclerotized, upcurved cleft, the upper lobe smaller than the lower lobe which lacks setae (Figs. 19, 22). R2 strongly curved, the apex partly membranous, enlarged, a large finger-like projection extending from the base toward the inner margin of the curved portion (Figs. 16, 18, 21). Measurements (mm): Total length, 15-16.5; pronotum length X width, 4.1-4.2 X 5. 9-6. 2 ; tegmen length, 12-12. 5 (macropterous) . 7.6 (brachypterous) . Coloration: Face (Fig. 3) brownish to black, followed by a broad testaceous band just above the antennal sockets, then a broad brownish to black band connecting the tops of the eyes and followed again by testaceous; basal half of clypeus testaceous. Antennae more or less unicolorous throughout, or with basal segments yellowish brown, the remainder darker. Pronotum and tegmina semi-hyaline to subopaque, the less transparent specimens whitish-yellow, the others testaceous. Pronotum with an irregularly shaped, arched, longitudinal, light to dark brownish band on each side of the mid-line, not reaching the borders, but converging posteriorly; surface sprinkled with a few to many brownish dots of variable size (Figs. 1, 2, 5, 7). Humeral vein with a brownish stripe of variable length, the stripe solid (Fig. 5) or pale with dark lines on either side (Fig. 1); right tegmen dark on the portion covered by the left tegmen (Fig. 1). Tergites mostly dark, either solidly dark brown or interspersed with some pale areas, laterally with a broad testaceous or yellowish-white border, sprinkled with small brown dots; in the subopaque c? the seventh segment has a round brownish spot on each side (Fig. 4). Sternites dark brown with or without a lateral testaceous border 1974] Roth — Cockroach Genus Gurneya 293 Figs. 13-23. Pinaconota bifasciata. Male structures. 13-14. Supra-anal plate (dorsal) and subgenital plate (ventral; left style missing), re- spectively. From male taken at Miami (with orchids from Brazil), 26 July, 1971. 15-23. Genital phallomeres: 15-16. L2vm, L2d, and prepuce (15) and R2 (16), from $ shown in fig. 5. 17-19. L2d and prepuce (17), R2 (18), and LI (19) from $ shown in fig. 1. 20-21. L2d, and prepuce (20), and R2 (21), from $ shown in fig. 7. 22-23. Ll (22), and L2d and prepuce (23), of male whose supra-anal and subgenital plates are shown in figs. 13 and 14. (scale: figs. 13-14 = 0.5 mm; all others = 0.3 mm; all figures from KOH cleared, flattened preparations). 294 Psyche [June (if present, continuing around the margin of the subgenital plate). Legs testaceous with some brownish areas, especially on front femora. 9- (Figs. 6, 8, 9). Similar to male except that the subgenital plate is symmetrical and rounded. Measurements (mm): Total length, 17-21; pronotum length X width, 4. 2-5. 5 X 6. 5-8.2 ; tegmen length, 14-16 (macropterous) , 8.9 ( brachypterous ) . Nymphs: Nymphs are brownish, and yellowish brown, the mark- ings differing with different instars (Figs. 10-12). Young and older stages have the characteristic head markings of the adult. The pro-, meso-, and metanotum are sprinkled with variable sized raised dots, a row of several elongated ones along the mid-posterior border just above the margin. A similar row of elongated granules along the hind margins of the abdominal tergites, the granules decreasing in size laterally, and smaller on the posterior segments. Material examined (All specimens from the U.S. National Mu- seum) : cf, 9 nymph, 2 cf nymphs, Brazil (at San Francisco, 17. XI. 1970, with bromeliads) ; 9, cf nymph, Brazil (at Hoboken, 29, 30. X. 1940, with bromeliads); cf and 9. Corupa (Hansa Humboldt), S. Cath., Brazil, XI. 1944 (9)> XI. 1945 ( cf ) (A. Mailer leg) ; 9, Brazil; 9, Brazil 20. I. 1972 (on plane at Miami, with bromeliads); cf, Brazil, 26. VII. 1971 (at Miami, with or- chids) ; brachypterous cf and 9> Ilha das Alcatrazes, S. Paulo, Brazil. I was not able to obtain Saussure’s type 9 but the available macropterous specimens in general fit his description and figure. The pronotal markings of the brachypterous specimens were of a much lighter brown than the long-winged forms and the male preputial modification differed slightly (Fig. 20) from the others (Figs. 17, 23). It is possible that more than one species is represented in the above material but additional specimens, particularly of brachypterous forms are needed before this can be decided. Walker (1868) described the male of Panchlora inaequalis which Kirby (1904) listed under Tribonium, and which was placed in Proscratea by Princis (1958). The male genitalia of Panchlora (Roth, 1971a), Tribonium spp. (Roth, 1970) \ and Proscratea com- The following changes should be made in the explanation of figures in my Zetoborinae paper (Roth, 1970) : p. 223, Fig. 18, Tribonium conspersum (Guerin) should be Tribonium spectrum (Eschtz.) ; Fig. 19 should be 20; Fig. 20 should be 19 and Tribonium sp. should be Tribonium conspersum (Guerin); page 234, shown in Fig. 19 should read 20; Tribonium conspersum should read Tribonium spectrum; p. 235, Tribonium sp. should read Tribonium conspersum and shown in Fig. 20 should read 19). 1974] Roth — Cockroach Genus Gurneya 295 planata (Perty) (Roth, 197 3; type of genus, Princis, 1964), are so different from inaequalis that it is unwarranted to place this species in any of these genera. The most unusual features of the genitalia of inaequalis are the R2 (Fig. 31) with a basal projection extend- ing toward the inner margin of the hook, and the densely setose preputial modification (Figs. 29, 30). The R2, L2d, and Li (Figs. 29-32) of inaequalis are remarkably similar to these structures of Pinaconota bifasciata (Figs. 15-23). The prepuce in both have a large faintly sclerotized plate which lies under the L2vm; the pre- puce of inaequalis differs in lacking some large spines on the border and smaller ones on the membrane above L2vm. Although the color markings and size of Panchlora inaequalis differs from Pinaconota bifasciata (cf. Figs. 1 and 24), the marked similarity in their genitalia and other characters indicates that the former species should be placed in Pinaconota. The following is a redescription of Panchlora inaequalis supple- menting that of Walker. Pinaconota inaequalis (Walker), n. comb. (Figs. 24-32) Panchlora inaequalis Walker (1868, 33, $ not 9 as indicated). Tribonium inaequalis (Walker) (Kirby, 1904, 157). Proscratea inaequalis (Walker) (Princis, 1958, 70, $). cf holotype (Fig. 24). Interocular space about twice the width of one eye. Prothorax widest below middle, arched anteriorly, disk flat, slanting laterally; lateral angles rounded, posterior margin slightly convex. Supra-anal plate broadly rounded with a distinct mesal invagination. Cerci reaching to about the hind margin of supra- anal plate (Fig. 25). Subgenital plate asymmetrical, roughly tri- angular, rounded on the left side and broadly incised on the right; styles absent, but these apparently had been broken off (Fig. 26). Costa of tegmina slightly and regularly curved. Anterior margin of front femur with 5 or 6 heavy spines, more or less uniform in size, followed by about a dozen small uniformly spaced piliform setae, terminating in a large distal spine (Type B) ; posterior margin with 1 stout spine about distance from apex; distal spine present; genicular spine absent; anterior margins of mid and hind femora with 2 or 3, and posterior margins with 3 widely spaced, small stout spines; genicular spines present as well as distal spines 296 Psyche [June Figs. 24-32. Adult $ of Pinaconota inaequalis (Walker) (holotype of Panchlora inaequalis Walker). 24. Adult. All structures shown in the following figs, are from this $. 25. Supra-anal plate and cerci (dorsal). 26. Subgenital plate (ventral). 27. Right paraproct. 28. Left paraproct. 29- 32. Parts of the genitalia ; fig. 30 shows the entire preputial modification, which is only partly shown in fig. 29. (L2vm = ventromedial sclerite (onl)r apex is shown) ; L2d = dorsal sclerite of second left phallomere; P = preputial membrane). 31. R2 (second sclerite of right phallomere). 32. LI (first sclerite of left phallomere). (scale: fig. 24 = 10 mm; figs. 25-26 = 1 mm; figs. 27, 28, and 32 = 0.5 mm; fig. 29 — 0.4 mm; figs. 25-32 from KOH cleared, flattened preparations on 2 slides labeled 66 BMNH). 1974] Roth — Cockroach Genus Gurneya 297 on both margins of mid and hind femora.2 Tarsal claws equal, arolia and pulvilli well developed. Right and left paraprocts shown in figures 27 and 28. Genitalia as shown in figures 29-32; L2d is a flat unevenly sclerotized plate separated from L2vm (Figs. 29-30) ; prepuce highly modified with an area of densely packed small setae leading into a large smooth, banana-shaped (when flattened) sclero- tized plate (Fig. 30). R2 with an elongated process extending upward toward the curved inner margin of the hook (Fig. 31); Li with a curved, heavily sclerotized cleft, lower lobe lacking setae, with an unevenly broad, sclerotized marginal area (Fig. 32). Measurements (mm) : Overall length about 21 ; length and width of pronotum, 5.6 X 8.6. Coloration: Head black. Pronotum brownish yellow, semi-hya- line; a broad black inverted Y-shaped band extends from the anterior arched border to the disk; a broad black, undulating band extends along the posterior border between the two lateral angles. Abdominal tergites and sternites piceous. Tegmina reddish tawny, costal area testaceous and corciaceous towards base, with a dark humeral line; right tegmen with a large blackish region where it is covered by the left tegmen. Wings brownish. Material examined : Holotype cf of Panchlor a inaequalis Walker, locality unknown. From Mr. Argent’s Collection. Type in British Museum (Natural History). Shelford (1907) stated that Ischnoptera (?) obliqua Walker “appears to be undoubtedly referable to the genus Pinaconota, Sauss. ; it can be distinguished from the only other species in the genus P. bifasciata, Sauss., by its much larger size.” P. obliqua differs markedly from bifasciata in femoral armature, relative length of cerci, bulging eyes, and cf genital phallomeres. Because of the morphological differences, especially in the 3 genital phallomeres, I am placing obliqua in a new genus characterized as follows: Gurneya n. gen.3 Type-species: Ischnoptera (?) obliqua Walker (1869, p. 148) (present designation). 2Princis (1958) placed inaequalis in Proscratea. The femoral armament of a female of Proscratea complanata was as follows: Anterior and posterior margins of front femur unarmed except for 1 distal spine on each ; genicular spine absent. Both margins of mid femur unarmed; distal spines lacking; genicular spine present. Anterior margin of hind femur unarmed; hind margin with 3 widely spaced heavy spines; distal spines absent, genicular spine present. The genus is named in honor of Dr. Ashley Gurney, orthopterist at the United States National Museum, who has helped me considerably in my taxonomic studies of the Blattaria. 298 Psyche [June cf. Vertex, face, and pronotum deeply punctate (Figs. 34-35). Entire ventro-anterior margin of fore femur armed with a row of small, bimarginally serrated, closely spaced spines, lacking a large distal spine (Fig. 36) ; ventro-anterior margin of mid femur similarly armed but the spines fewer and not uniformly spaced. Tarsi very short, fimbriate, unarmed beneath. Supra-anal plate rounded, entire. Cerci long, extending well beyond hind margin of supra-anal plate (Fig. 38). Subgenital plate asymmetrical, with a broad shallow incision on right side (Fig. 39). Styles equal, not extending beyond hind margin of subgenital plate (Fig. 39). Genital phallomeres; L2d absent, prepuce spiculate, otherwise unmodified (Fig. 40). R2 with a deep subapical incision which extends to about the middle of the hook (Fig. 41); Li with the upper lobe (above the cleft) elongate and more narrow than the lower (Fig. 42). In obliqua, the absence of an L2d and shape of the spicular sur- face of the prepuce (though lacking some long “silky” hairs on one side) resembles the same structure in Alphelixia (see Figs. 21 and 23, in Roth, 1973a). The hooked phallomere (R2) resembles this structure in certain genera of Epilamprinae (e.g. Litopeltis, see Fig. 37, in Roth, 1971) and Blaberinae (e.g. Blaptica, see Fig. 57> in Roth, 1970a). The shape and sclerotization of the Li differs from that found in the other genera with similar appearing R2’s. Gurneya obliqua (Walker), n. comb. (Figs. 33-42) Ischnoptera (?) obliqua Walker (1869, 148, $). Pinaconota obliqua (Walker) (Shelford, 1907, p. 496, $ ). cf . (Fig. 33). Vertex and face (Fig. 34) deeply punctate, clypeus nearly smooth. Eyes large, bulging, their upper margins raised above the margin of the vertex, wide apart, the distance between them only slightly less than the distance between the antennal sockets (Fig. 34). Pronotum with scattered deep punctures, transversely elliptical, an- terior margin almost straight, not covering vertex of head, posterior margin nearly straight, sides deflexed (Fig. 35). Tegmina with basal fourth punctate, covering the abdomen. Scutellum exposed, punctate. Supra-anal plate entire, rounded, its surface and hind margin covered with small fine setae; cerci more than twice the length of supra-anal plate (Fig. 38). Subgenital plate slightly asymmetrical, the right side weakly indented; styli about equal, short, not extending beyond hind margin of subgenital plate (Fig. 39). Legs short, front and mid tibiae shorter than their corresponding femora. Front femur: entire ventro-anterior margin armed with about 30 small, bimargin- 1974] Roth — Cockroach Genus Gurneya 299 Figs. 33-42. Gurneya obliqua (Walker). Holotype $ of Ischnoptera (?) obliqua Walker. All structures shown in figs. 34-42 are from the type. 33. Adult. 34. Head (frontal view). 35. Pronotum. 36. Front femur (an- terior surface). 37. Tarsal claws and arolium of prothoracic leg (end view). 38. Supra-anal plate and cerci ; the dark structures are paraprocts seen through the cleared tergite (dorsal). 39. Subgenital plate (ventral). 40-42. Genital phallomeres: 40. Apex of L2vm, and preputial membrane. 41. R2. 42. LI. (Specimens shown in figs. 38-42 are KOH treated, cleared, flattened preparations on a slide); (scale: fig. 33 — 5 mm; figs. 34-35 ~ 1 mm; figs. 36, 38-39 = 0.5 mm; fig. 37 = 0.25 mm; fig. 40 — 0.1 mm; figs. 41-42 = 0.2 mm). 300 Psyche [June ally serrated, close-set row of spines (Fig. 36) ; enlarged distal spine absent; posterior margin with 5 larger bimarginally serrated spines, 2 of them relatively close together basally, the others much wider apart; distal spine present; genicular spine absent. Mid femur: entire ventro-anterior margin with about 13 bimarginally serrated spines, those on the distal third somewhat closer together than the others; distal spine obsent; posterior margin with 5 spines plus a small distal spine; genicular spine present. Hind femur: anterior ventral margin with 7 spines; enlarged distal spine absent; ventral posterior margin with 3 or 4 larger spines; distal spine absent; minute genicular spine present. Tarsi short, unarmed beneath, both tibiae and tarsi fimbriated ; all metatarsi shorter than the remaining segments combined, of their respective tarsi. Tarsal claws simple, about equal or one slightly smaller (possibly broken or worn) than the other; arolia large, roughly triangular in end view (Fig. 37) ; pulvilli very large and, except for those on the metatarsi, cover the entire ventral surface of the segments. Genitalia shown in figures 40-42. Li with a deep sclerotized cleft; the upper lobe (above cleft) elongate, relatively narrow, roughly rectangular extending slightly beyond margin of lower lobe; lower lobe much larger than upper, and without setae (Fig. 42). L2d absent, preputial membrane spicu- lar, unmodified (Fig. 40). R2 broadened at base, a deep subapical incision extends to about the middle of the hook (Fig. 41). Measurements (mm): Overall length, 21; body length, 18; teg- men length, 17; pronotum length X width, 3.9 X 6.2. Coloration: Pale testaceous. Head castaneous, fuscous band be- tween eyes; clypeus, mouthparts and antennae testaceous. Two angulate black stripes on the pronotum extend from anterior to posterior margins; anteriorly the stripes are narrow and converge; posteriorly the stripes are broader and diverge (Fig. 35). Tegmina with a short humeral castaneous stripe. Scutellum marked with castaneous. Abdomen and legs pale testaceous. 9. Unknown. Material examined: Holotype d* of Ischnoptera (?) obliqua Walker. Brazil. Type in Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford Museum, England. Summary The genus Pinaconota is redescribed together with 2 species, P. bifasciata (Sauss.) and P. inaequalis (Walker). A new genus Gurneya is erected for Ischnoptera (?) obliqua Walker which Shelford had incorrectly assigned to Pinaconota. 1974] Roth — Cockroach Genus Gurneya 301 Acknowledgements I thank Dr. David Ragge, British Museum (Natural History), London for the loan of the type of Panchlora inaequalis Walker, Dr. M. W. R. de V. Graham, Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford, for the loan of the type of Ischnoptera (?) obliqua Walker, Dr. Ashley Gurney, U.S. National Museum for specimens of Pina- conota bifasciata (Saussure), and Mr. Samuel Cohen for taking the photographs. References Kirby, W. F. 1904. A synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera. Vol. I. London, pp. 61- 205. Princis, K. 1958. Revision der Walkerschen und Kirbyschen Blattarientypen im British Museum of Natural History, London II. Opusc. Entomol. 23: 59-75. 1964. Orthopterorum Catalogus. Pars 6: 173-284. ’s-Gravenhage. 1967. Orthopterorum Catalogus. Pars 11: 616-710. ’s-Gravenhage. Roth, L. M. 1970. The male genitalia of Blattaria. III. Blaberidae: Zetoborinae. Psyche 77: 217-236. 1970a. The male genitalia of Blattaria. IV. Blaberidae: Blaberinae. Psyche 77: 308-342. 1971. The male genitalia of Blattaria. VII. Galiblatta, Dryadoblatta, Poroblatta, Colapteroblatta, Nauclidas, Notolampra, Litopeltis , and Cariacasia (Blaberidae: Epilamprinae) . Psyche 78: ISO- 192. 1971a. The male genitalia of Blattaria. VIII. Panchlora, Anchoblatta, Biolleya, Pelloblatta, and Achroblatta. (Blaberidae: Panchlori- nae). Psyche 78: 296-305. 1973. The male genitalia of Blattaria. X. Blaberidae. Pycnoscelus , Stilpnoblatta, Proscratea (Pycnoscelinae) , and Diploptera (Di- plopterinae) . Psyche 80: 249-264. 1973a. Brazilian cockroaches found in birds’ nests, with descriptions of new genera and species (Dictyoptera : Blattaria: Blaberidae and Blattellidae) . Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 75: 1-27. Saussure, H. de 1862. Orthoptera Nova Americana. Diagnoses preliminares, III series Rev. Mag. Zool. 14: 163-171. 1864. Orthopteres de L’Amerique Moyenne. Mem. Soc. Phys. et d’Hist. Nat. Geneve, 279 pp. 1895. Revision de la Tribu des Panesthiens et de celle des Epilampriens. Insectes Orthopteres de la famille des Blattides. Rev. suisse Zool. 3: 299-364. 302 Psyche [June Shelford, R. 1907. Studies of the Blattidae (continued). Trans. Entomol. Soc. London. Part IV.: 487-519. 1910. Genera Insectorum. Orthoptera. Fam. Blattidae. Subfam. Epi- lamprinae. Fasc. 101: 1-21. Walker, F. 1868. Catalogue of the specimens of Blattariae in the collection of the British Museum. London. 239 pp. 1869. Supplement to the Blattariae of the British Museum. London, pp. 119-156. MEROPE TUBER (MECOPTERA) : A WING-BODY INTERLOCKING MECHANISM By T. F. Hlavac1 Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 As an insect pushes its dorsal surface against obstacles while moving through a substrate, the wings will tend to be forced apart. In many Coleoptera, such divergence is prevented by a complex of devices interlocking the elytra with the thorax and abdomen. A common interlocking mechanism involves intermeshing of parallel arrays of setae angled towards the potentially disrupting force (Fig. 2). A similar high friction binding system on the mesojugum and metascutellum of Merope tuber provides additional evidence for the ground dwelling habits of this rare mecopteran. The fore-jugal lobe of Merope is highly modified relative to its counterpart on the hind wing and as compared with the jugal regions of other panorpoids (Fig. 1 ; JL2, JL3). It does not bear setae and does not appear to function in wing coupling. More importantly, the mesojugal lobe is much thicker, more heavily sclerotized than the wing proper, is quite rigid, yet capable of slight movement about the third anal vein, but does not fold over as the wing comes to rest. The ventral surface is completely covered with uniformly small (.007 X .003 mm) flat topped carinae, angled posteriorly and organized in rows perpendicular to the long axis of the wing (Figs. 1, JL2; 3, 4). The metascutellum bears two patches of anteriorly projecting ridges about twice as long (.017 X .003 mm) but about as high as those on the fore wing (Figs. 1, R, S3; 5). In rest position, the jugal lobes lie close together and directly above the striate metathoracic areas. When so placed, a small ventral movement will cause the slanting nearly parallel ridges to intermesh. Two functions, which may be combined, may be served by the jux- taposition of parallel carinae: stridulation and interlocking. Stridu- lation is an unlikely function for these structures. As the wing moves medially to rest, the ridges move parallel to one another, not Research supported by NSF grant GB 31173, F. M. Carpenter, Harvard University, Principal Investigator. Manuscript completed at Cornell where E. H. Smith kindly made necessary facilities available. Manuscript received by the editor June 15, 1974. 303 304 Psyche [June Figs. 1-2. Wing-body interlocking mechanism of Merope. Fig. 1. Left half of pterothorax, dorsal view. As the fore-wing moves medially (a) ; parallel ridges, indicated by two heavy lines, on the jugal lobe (JL2), and on the metascutellum (R, S3) are brought into contact. Fig. 2. Model of interlocking system, posterior view. Small arrow (a) indicates direction of emplacement as wing comes to rest, see Fig. 1 ; large arrow (b) the direc- tion of intermeshing of the slanted ridges. 1A, 2A, 3A, anal veins; JL2, JL3, meso- and metajugal lobes; R, ridge bearing patch of metascutellum, S3; a, direction of wing movement; b, direction of interdigitation. perpendicularly as in many sound producing structures (Fig. 2, a). Stridulatory mechanisms are not known in Mecoptera (Riek 1967). The geometry of ridge interdigitation, however, is precisely that required to resist postero-lateral wing displacement during locomo- tion within a substrate or interstitial spaces. The unique jugal lobe and metascutellar structures of Merope may serve then as a wing- body interlocking mechanism which increases structural integrity during crawling within a matrix. Other structural features and meagre biological data suggest that Merope is a substrate inhabitant not a surface dweller as are other winged Mecoptera. The body is dorso-ventrally flattened ; the pleural axes of the undifferentiated thoracic segments are sharply inclined from the vertical (Mickoleit 1967). The fore wing is somewhat tegmenized, being thicker and more heavily sclerotized than the hind wing. Antennae and legs are short; pterothoracic appendages may operate almost entirely within the outlines of the flattened wings. Little membrane is exposed between tagmata and between abdominal segments. These characters result in greatly reduced cross section area !g!&» 1974] Hlavac — Merope tuber 305 <" bb D 4h o o 1966). On the other hand, Janvier (1928) found that the fly predator Zyzzyx chilensis (Eschscholz) occasionally takes a skipper (Hesperiidae). Manfredo A. Fritz has informed us (in litt.) that he has taken skippers from the nests of the fly predator Trichostictia guttata (Taschenberg) in Argentina. It should be noted that Lepi- doptera form the normal prey of members of the genera Edit ha and Stictiella. Use of Odonata as prey is more unusual, but two Aus- tralian species are now known to prey on damselflies, at least one of them also on flies (Evans and Matthews, 1973). Evidently there is enough similarity in the flight characteristics of Lepidoptera and Odonata to those of Diptera that the switch-over is not difficult. Lin (1971) recently discovered that some members of an aggre- gation of 2000 females of Stictia Carolina Fabricius in Oklahoma preyed not only upon skippers but upon small brown cicadas (Ho- moptera), although flies constitute the usual prey of this species. He postulated that competition for food in this dense population caused females to accept unusual prey. (3) Cell cleaning by flying from the nest and dropping the debris some distance away is well marked in Argentinian populations, but it has not been observed in northern South America. It is perhaps 350 Psyche [June no coincidence that dipterous nest scavengers appear much more prevalent in Trinidad, Venezuela, and Colombia than they are in Argentina. We assume that cell cleaning has evolved in response to these nest associates, which probably often cause the female to bring in additional flies and thus prolong the nesting cycle. Cell cleaning is known in several species of Bembix (Evans, 1966, pp. 358, 451), although none of these wasps are known to carry the debris as far as Rubrica carries it. (4) The mature larva constructs 4-6 pores in the walls of the cocoon, but these pores are complex, each consisting of a bilobed elevation containing several minute perforations. The construction of these pores has not been observed in Rubrica , and the function of the pores has not been clearly demonstrated in any bembicine wasps. (5) Females spend the night away from the nest, and they have been reported to cluster on vegetation, although we have not ob- served this. Clustering is known in several genera of Bembicini, especially Steniolia and Zyzzyx. Species of Stictia and Bicyrtes also spend the night on vegetation, although in all known species of Bembix the female sleeps in the nest, and in Microbembex the female sleeps in a short burrow apart from the brood nest. Thus on the whole behavioral and larval features present a some- what ambiguous picture as to the relationships of Rubrica to other genera, although they do emphasize that it is a distinctive taxon not closely related to Bembix. Of particular interest is the intraspecific variation in the behavior of R. surinamensis. The occasional use of non-dipterous prey suggests a loosening of the stereotypy of hunting behavior, in the direction of the broad-spectrum prey selection of some species of Glenostictia or of the total lack of specificity of all species of Microbembex. Cell cleaning in R. surinamensis appears to be an example of geographic variation in behavior, populations in the southern parts of the range apparently having evolved a mechan- ism for reducing the success of nest scavengers that northern popu- lations have not evolved (at least so far as presently known). Nest depth and number of cells are probably related to hardness of the substrate, shallow nests with several cells being an adaptive response to very hard soil, reducing the time and wear involved in nest con- struction. All of these points are deserving of further study by per- sons with aggregations of the species at their disposal. Rubrica surinamensis is evidently one of the most successful of South Ameri- can solitary wasps, and a more thorough knowledge of its biology may teach us much about the origin and adaptiveness of behavioral attributes. 1974] Evans , Matthews & Callan — Rubrica surinamensis 351 Acknowledgments We are indebted to various specialists of the Systematic Ento- mology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, for identifying the Diptera: R. Gagne, L. Knutson, C. W. Sabrosky, A. Stone, and W. W. Wirth. Dr. H. de Souza Lopes, of Rio de Janeiro, kindly identified the Raviniopsis spinosa. J. C. Bequaert identified some of the Trinidad Tabanidae, and the late R. C. Shannon made pre- liminary identifications of many of the Trinidad Diptera. The dragonfly (Odonata) was identified by D. C. Geijskes, the Hes- periidae by J. M. Burns. Evans and Matthews would like to ex- press their indebtedness to Drs. William and Mary Jane Eberhard, who served as their hosts in Colombia, and to Dr. A. Willink, who assisted in many ways during their research in Argentina. The wasps, prey, and associates collected during these studies have been deposited at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- versity. Evans and Matthews’ studies were supported by the Na- tional Science Foundation, U.S.A., grant GB 8746. Literature Cited Belt, T. 1874. The Naturalist in Nicaragua. John Murray, London. 403 pp. Bequaert, J. C. 1944. Further studies of the Tabanidae of Trinidad, B.W.I. Psyche 51: 12-21. Bodkin, G. E. 1917. “Cowfly tigers”, an account of the hymenopterous family Bem- becidae in British Guiana. Jour. Bd. Agri. Brit. Guiana 10: 119- 125. Brethes, J. 1902. Notes biologiques sur trois Hymenopteres de Buenos Aires. Rev. Mus. La Plata 10: 193-205. Callan, E. McC. 1945. A wasp preying on house-flies and stable-flies. Nature 155: 146. 1950. Observations on tropical wasps in Trinidad. Proc. 8th Internat. Congr. Ent. Stockholm pp. 204-206. 1954. Observations on Vespoidea and Sphecoidea from the Paria Peninsula and Patos Island, Venezuela. Bol. Ent. Venez. 9: 13-27. Evans, H. E. 1957. Studies on the Comparative Ethology of Digger Wasps of the Genus Bembix. Comstock Publ. Assoc., Ithaca, N.Y. 248 pp. 1966. The Comparative Ethology and Evolution of the Sand Wasps. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 526 pp. Evans, H. E., and R. W. Matthews 1973. Systematics and nesting behavior of Australian sand wasps. Mem. Amer. Ent. Inst. 20: 1-387. 352 Psyche [June Fairchild, G. B., and T. H. G. Aitken 1960. Additions to the Tabanidae (Diptera) of Trinidad, B.W.I. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 53: 1-8. Janvier, H. 1928. Recherches biologiques sur les predateurs du Chili. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (10)11 : 67-207. Lin, C.S. 1971. Bionomics of Stictia Carolina at Lake Texoma, with notes on some neotropical species (Hymenoptera : Sphecidae). Texas Jour. Sci. 23: 275-286. Llano, R. J. 1959. Observaciones biologicas de insectos bonaerenses. Supl. Rev. Educ. Prov. Buenos Aires, La Plata, Argentina. 136 pp. Vesey-Fitzgerald, D. 1940. Notes on Bembicidae and allied wasps from Trinidad (Hym. : Bembicidae and Stizidae). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. London 15(A): 37-39. A NEW SPECIES OF OPITHES FROM MEXICO WITH A KEY TO THE SPECIES (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE ) * By Ian Moore Staff Research Associate Division of Biological Control University of California, Riverside The generic name Ophites was validated by Erichson ( 1839, P* 29) by inclusion in a key to the genera of the tribe Paederini. In the second half of the same work (1840, p. 627) Erichson described in detail the genus and three included species from Colombia. Sharp (1876) added a new species from Brazil and Lynch-Arribalzaga (1884) added another from Argentina. In 1901 Fauvel described a sixth species from Colombia. In 1952 Blackwelder called attention to the fact the name Ophites was preoccupied by Wagler, 1830, and proposed the substitute name Opithes. In 1904 Fauvel described from Brazil two genera, Mimophites and Bolbophites , which closely resemble Opithes. Members of each of these genera have the slender neck and narrow pronotum of Opithes. Blackwelder in 1944 placed the former next to Ophites ( — Opithes) and the latter far removed in the subtribe Echiasteres. Seevers (1965) reviewed Mimophites and Bolbophites. He stated “Mimophites appears to belong to Casey’s (1905) subtribe Stilici, a group included in Blackwelder’s (1944) Lathrobii.” In Opithes the first antennal segment is as long as the next six combined, more than one-third of the length of the entire antenna; the gular sutures are narrowly but distinctly separate; the neck is about one-fourth the length of the head and the last segment the maxillary palpus is not subulate but is almost as wide at base as the apex of the third segment and is conical. Mimophites differs from Opithes in that the first antennal segment is short, no longer than the next two com- bined, and the antennae are not anteriorly flexile; the neck is short; the gular sutures are united and the last segment of the maxillary palpus is subulate and quite slender. Bolbophites differs from Opithes in that the first antennal segment is no longer than the next three together; the gular sutures are united and the last segment of the maxillary palpus is subulate. *Manuscript received by the editor June 10, 1974. 353 354 Psyche [June Bolbophites is placed in the subtribe Echiasteres because the pro- sternum is produced posteriorly and thence expanded laterally to the hypomera, a character which is usually concealed by the anterior coxae and consequently difficult to see. It is readily distinguished by the pronotum and elytra being provided with large, conspicuous knobby protrusions. Mimophites includes several species. Borgmeier (1949) reviewed the genus and provided a key to the species. Fauvel (1904) included two species in Bolbophites at the time he described the genus. No species have been added since. Blackwelder (1939) included Ophites { — Opithes) in a key to the genera of the subfamily Paederinae where he indicated its close relationship to Homaeotarsus by the presence of geniculate, anteriorly flexile antennae. Specimens of Mimophites and Bolbophites ap- parently were not available to Blackwelder as he did not include them in his key. In this work I describe a new species of Opithes from Mexico and for the first time present a key to the species of the genus. Nothing has been recorded concerning the habits of the various species nor of the habitats in which they are found. Unfortunately, Mr. Crandall cannot recall the circumstances under which he cap- tured the specimen described here from Mexico. 1. 2. 5- 6. Key to the species of Opithes Blackwelder Head and pronotum ferrugineus. 2 Head and pronotum black or piceus 3 Surface of head anterior to eyes with two foveae, length 12mm.; Mexico. c ran dalli new species Surface of head anterior to eyes with three foveae, length 10 mm. ; Argentina. fauveli Lynch-Arribalzaga Head and pronotum opaque. 4 Head and pronotum shining. 5 Abdomen densely opaque; Brazil. stilicoides Sharp Abdomen semi-shining; Columbia. velitarsis Erichson Tibiae in part pale. 6 Tibiae entirely black; Columbia. versatilis Erichson Elytra black; Columbia. raphidioides Erichson Elytra aeneus; Columbia bugnioni Fauvel Opithes crandalli new species Description of holotype. Color . — • Head, pronotum and first four and one-half abdominal 1974] Moore — New Species of Opithes 355 segments bright ferrugineus with the head slightly darker. Elytra deep black with the humeri and base piceus and the apices narrowly flavate. Apical two-thirds of fifth tergite black. Antennae and mouth parts ferrugineus. Legs pale flavate with the apices of the femora and the bases of the tibiae piceus, tarsi ferrugineus. Beneath largely ferrugineus with the mesasternum and metasternum piceus, apical half of fifth and most of sixth sternites black, the narrow apex of the latter flavate. Head. — Head three-fifths as wide as long, widest across the eyes, the posterior margins of which are a little less than half the distance from the apex to the base; subparallel in anterior half, thence, rapidly narrowed to a cylindrical neck which is about one-fifth the length and one-fourth the width of the head. Anterior margin of head straight. Supra-antennal ridge prominent. Eye prominent, one- fifth the length of head. Antenna three-fifths longer than head, densely pubescent from the third segment, first segment as long as next six together, second segment twice as long as wide, narrower than apex of first, third through fifth segments each about two and one-half times as long as wide, about as wide as second, sixth through tenth segments each slightly shorter and just perceptibly wider than the preceding so that the tenth is only about one-fifth longer than wide, eleventh about as long as wide, pointed in apical third. Upper surface of head shining, with barely perceptible reticulate ground sculpture, finely, evenly, sparsely punctured throughout with a fine short pubescence interspersed with less numerous longer setae; at the base of each antennal ridge with a prominent fovea between which is a slight cntral impression, otherwise evenly convex. Each side of head behind the eyes with two large umbilicate punctures, the first on the upper surface one-third of the length of the eye from it, the other on the lower surface about the length of the eye from it. Under surface of the head impunctate except for about two dozen scattered fine punctures bearing fine long setae. Gular sutures widely separated in front, rapidly converging and thence very narrowly but distinctly separate to the neck where they diverge slightly. Maxil- lary palpus four-segmented, the first segment short, second long and slender, slightly arcuate, widest at apex, third slightly longer than second, hardly wider, widest at apex, almost straight, fourth segment semi-membranous, almost as wide at base as apex of third, almost as long as wide, conical with apex rather abruptly acuminate and mem- branous. Labial palpus three-segmented, first segment about twice as long as wide, second segment about as wide but half again as long as first, third segment about as long as first, acicular. Mandibles 356 Psyche [June Figure 1. Opithes crandalli Moore, dorsal view. 1974] Moore — New Species of Opiihes 357 long, slender, falcate, each with two large internal teeth, those of the left of nearly equal size, those of the right with the proximal tooth smallest. Thorax. — Pronotum four-fifths as long as head, a little less than half as wide as long, widest near the middle, rapidly constricted to the front where it is about twice as wide as neck, rounded at the middle and narrowed posteriorly for a short distance, then straight and nearly parallel to the narrowly rounded basal angles ; base straight, about one-fifth narrower than widest point; surface evenly convex, highly polished, impunctate on disc with large scattered umbilicate punctures along the base and for a short distance forward along each side. Superior lateral line short, about half the length of the pronotum, evanescent at each end. Prosternum longitudinally carinate with a few fine scattered setae. Lateral prosternal carina obliterated. Mesosternum narrow, not produced between the coxae. Metasternum long, broad, with an impressed longitudinal central line, very finely, very sparsely pubescent. Elytra hardly wider than head, conjointly almost one and one-half times as long as wide, humerus obtusely angulate with a minute tooth at the angle, sides nearly straight and nearly parallel, outer apical angles rounded, apices oblique, inner apical angles obtuse, sutures elevated, disc with six or seven irregular rows of crowded coarse punctures, interspaces shining. Legs very long and slender, anterior tarsus not dilated, without dense spatulate setae beneath. First segment of posterior tarsus longer than last segment, segments two, three and four de- creasing in length. Abdomen. — Parallel, finely, sparsely, punctured, the punctures set with fine black setae with a few scattered larger setae particularly along the posterior margin. Last two segments somewhat more densely punctured than the others. Apical margin of sixth tergite about one-third of distance on each side produced in a large blunt tooth, the margin between the teeth broadly evenly arcuately emargi- nate. Vestiture beneath similar to above. Apex of sixth sternite arcuate with a very slight emargination in the central eight. Length. — 12 mm. Sex unknown but probably a female because of the condition of the sixth sternite, other species in the male have a deep incision in the apex of that sclerite. Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazatlan, December 1966, R. H. Crandall, Jr., collector. Disposition of type. — California Academy of Sciences, San Fran- cisco. Figures 2-6. Opithes crandalli Moore. 2, left mandible; 3. right man- dible; 4, posterior tarsus; 5, sixth tergite ; 6, fourth segment of maxillary palpus. 1974] Moore — New Species of Opithes 359 Notes. — This species is very similar in color to fauveli Lynch- Arribalzaga from Argentina but is without the central fovea on the disc of the head and has the abdomen more regularly marked with- out splotches of black. This striking species is named for its collector, R. H. Crandall, Jr., who with his father has added many fine specimens to our col- lection. Literature Cited Blackwelder, R. E. 1939. A generic revision of the staphylinid beetles of the tribe Pae- derini. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 87: 93-125. 1944. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, The West Indies, and South America, part 1. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 185: 1-188. 1952. The generic names of the beetle family Staphylinidae with an essay on genotypy. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 200: i-iv, 1-483. Borgmeier, T. 1949. Neue Gatungen und Arten termitophiler Staphyliniden aus Bra- zilien, nebst einem Katalog aller bischer aus der neotropischen Region beschriebenen Arten (Col. Staph.). Revista Ent., 21: 625-676, illus. Erichson, W. F. 1839. Genera et species staphylinorum coleopterorum familaea. (part 1), PP- 1-400. Berlin. 1840. Genera et species staphylinorum coleopterorum familaea. (part 2), pp. 401-954. Berlin. Fauvel, C. A. 1901. Voyage ide M. de Dr. Ed. Gugnion au Venezuela, en Colombie et aux Antilles. Staphylinides. Revue d’Entomologie, 20: 251-252. 1904. Staphylinides myrmecdphiles du Bresil Revue d’Entomologie, 32: 276-283, illus. Lynch-Arribalzaga, F. 1884. Los Estafilinos de Buenos Aires. Bol. Acad. Nat. Sci. Cordova, 7: 5-392. Seevers, C. H. 1965. The systematics, evolution and zoogeography of staphilinid beetles associated with army ants (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Fieldiana: Zoology 47: 138-351, figs. 14-37. Sharp, D. 1876. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1876: 27-424. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room B-455, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Ave., Cambridge. Entomologists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Classification of Insects, by C. T. Brues, A. L. Melander and F. M. Carpenter, Published in March. 1954, as volume 108 of the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with 917 pages and 1219 figures. It consists of keys to the living and extinct families of insects, and to the living families of other terrestrial arthropods; and includes 270 pages of bibliographic references and an index of 76 pages. Price $14.00 (cloth bound and postpaid). Send orders to Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. >;V- Co * c^cr # PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 8 1 September-December, 1974 No. 3-4 CONTENTS Host-plant Utilization by Pieris napi Populations in California (Lepi- doptera: Pieridae). A. M. Shapiro 361 New Protonemura (s.l.) from Nepal (Plecoptera: Nemouridae). P. P. Harper 367 The Eyeless Catopocerus Beetles (Leiodidae) of Eastern North Amer- ica. S. B, Peck 377 Post-immobilization Wrapping of Prey by Lycosid Spiders of the Herbaceous Stratum. J. S. Rovner and S. J. Knost 398 Erratum. M. Moglich and B. H oil dob l er 415 Pteralia of the Paleozoic Insect Orders Palaeodictyoptera, Megasecop- tera, and Diaphanopterodea (Paleoptera) . J. Kukalova-Peck 416 Systematics of the Trapdoor Spider Genus Aliatypus (Araneae: An- trodiaetidae). F. A. Coyle 431 A Review of the Agyrtes (Silphidae) of North America. S. B, Peck 501 Application of the Transmission Electron Microscope to the Examina- tion of Spider Exuviae and Silk. R, F. Foelix 507 Plastral Respiratory Devices in Adult Cryphocricos (Naucoridae: Heteroptera) . M. C. Parsons and R. J. Hewson 510 Home Ranges of Male Cerceris simplex macrostricta (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). J. Alcock and G. Gamboa 528 Additional Notes on Stephanitis takeya in New England (Heterop- tera: Tingidae). N. S, Bailey 534 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1974-1975 President . Vice-President . Secretary . Treasurer . Executive Committee W. D. Winter, Jr. R. B. Swain M. L. Corn F. M. Carpenter P. Miliotis R. A. Metcalf EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. Carpenter (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History , Emeritus, Harvard University J. M. Burns, Associate Professor of Biology, Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology , Cornell University, and Associate in Entomology , Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. Darlington, Jr., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. Holldobler, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. Levi, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. Silberlied, Asssitant Professor of Biology, Harvard University E. O. Wilson, Professor of Zoology, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $4.50 to Club members, $8.00 to all other subscribers. Single copies, $2.50. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge. Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $15.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustra- tions must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $14.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $25.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The June, 1974 Psyche (Vol. 81, no. 2) was mailed September 26, 1974 The Lexington Press. Inc.. Lexington. Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 8 1 September-December, 1974 No. 3-4 HOST-PLANT UTILIZATION BY PIERIS NAPI POPULATIONS IN CALIFORNIA (LEPIDOPTERA: PIERIDAE) By Arthur M. Shapiro1 Department of Zoology, University of California, Davis, Calif. 95616 Oligophagous or polyphagous insects frequently exhibit ecologi- cally or geographically complex patterns of host-plant utilization. Such patterns have recently been documented for the butterflies Colias alexandra Edwards (Pieridae) (Ellis, 1974) and Euphydryas editha Boisduval (Nymphalidae) (White and Singer, 1974). This paper reports a similar situation among California populations of the Gray- Veined White, Pieris napi Linnaeus (Pieridae) and notes its potential significance in interspecific competition. Pieris napi is a circumpolar species; in its extensive boreal and temperate range it has been recorded on a great variety df plants of the family Cruciferae. In California it is widely distributed in foothill and lower montane (Yellow Pine-Incense Cedar-Douglas Fir) environments in the Coast Ranges south to San Luis Obispo County and in the Sierra Nevada at least as far south as Yosemite, but its host preferences have been very poorly documented. In their survey of Yosemite butterflies, Garth and Tilden (1963) listed in an Appendix “some plants on which Yosemite butterflies feed as larvae.” Unfortunately these records, which are mostly not at- tributed, do not appear to be limited to Yosemite populations. Garth and Tilden list four Crucifer genera as hosts of P. napi: Barbarea (winter cress, yellow rocket), Brassica (mustard), Raphanus (rad- ish), and Dentaria (milkmaids, crinkleroot, toothwort). Of these, all but Raphanus are known hosts of P. napi in the northeastern United States. Tilden (1965) recorded P. napi in the “San Fran- cisco Bay area” on Dentaria only. This research was financed in part by grant D-804 from the Committee on Research of the Academic Senate, U.C. Davis. Manuscript received by the editor August 16, 1974. 36l 362 Psyche [September-December Figure 1. Locations of California Pieris napi populations. 1974] Shapiro — Pieris napi Populations 363 During 1974 a number of Sierran and Coast Range populations of P. napi were sampled for photoperiodism studies, resulting in the incidental accumulation of data on host selection. The locations of these populations are shown in figure 1. The pattern of host selection proved to be of considerable interest, as reported below. San Andreas Reservoir , San Mateo County. — This is a coastal, facultatively bivoltine population from a gully (elevation about 200 feet) subject to summer fog. On 10 April 1974, 58 ova of P. napi were found by searching 86 plants of Barbarea verna (Mill.) Asch., and three females were observed ovipositing on this plant. No ova were found on 25 plants of Dentaria californica Nutt, growing nearby in the same canyon. Ova on B. verna were placed on leaves (mostly on lower surfaces), stems, and pedicels. Most of the Bar- barea plants had only cauline leaves and were in the early stages of flowering. Dentaria were in the advanced stages of flowering and had some green siliques. Mix and Gates Canyons , Solano County. — This is a strictly uni- voltine population from summer-arid canyons of the east slope of the Vaca Mountains, central Inner Coast Ranges, open to the Sacra- mento Valley (elevations 500 to 2000 feet). On 4 April 1974, 39 ova of P. napi and 21 of Anthocaris sara Reakirt were found on 66 plants of Barbarea verna; the sara ova were mostly in the in- florescence and on the upper surfaces of leaves, while the napi ova were scattered as described for San Mateo County, but seldom on the upper surfaces of leaves. No Pierid ova of any kind were found on 40 Dentaria californica near the Barbarea. On 19 May 1974, 14 larvae of P. napi were collected on B. verna. They were feeding on leaves, and the green siliques had not been damaged although most of the plants were nearly or quite defoliated; only one napi larva was found feeding on siliques, and this was on a plant whose leaves and petioles had been entirely consumed. Seven larvae of A. sara were found on five plants of Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop, (hedge mustard) and two on B. verna. All of these were feeding on green siliques only, on plants whose leaves were undam- aged. Four of 20 Dentaria examined had been defoliated, appar- ently by Pierid larvae, but no larvae were collected. Near Washington, Nevada County. — Located in the South Yuba River canyon at about 2600 feet on the west slope of the Sierra, this is also a univoltine population. On 3 May 1974, 78 ova of P. napi were collected by the author and S. R. Sims from about two dozen immature Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. (tower mustard). The ova 364 Psyche [September-December had been laid on both upper and lower surfaces of rosette leaves, lower surfaces of the (oppressed ) cauline leaves (often near the point of attachment, as was also true on Barbarea verna ), and on stems. One larva (3rd instar) was found, and two ovipositing females were observed. On 22 May, 16 additional ova and 5 larvae were found at the same spot on the same plants, which were now mature and beginning to set fruit. Abundant evidence of larval feeding was found on the rosettes and lower cauline leaves, but the flowers and siliques were undamaged. Fourteen plants of flowering Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb. were found in a grassy meadow 0.7 mile up the canyon, within the area where adult P. napi had been seen, but no ova, larvae, or feeding damage could be located on them. Lang Crossing , Nevada County. — This population is at about 4500 feet in the South Yuba River canyon, at or near the upper altidudinal limit of Sierran P. napi; it is also univoltine. On 22 May 1974, 3 ova of P. napi were found in a stand of 30 immature Arabis glabra and none on 20 flowering Barbarea orthoceras growing immediately adjacent to them. On 2 June the same stand was again searched, producing 11 ova of P. napi , 20 of P. rapae Linnaeus, 3 of i. sara and 2 of Anthocaris lanceolata Lucas from A. glabra, and 8 of A. sara from B. orthoceras. An additional 34 ova of P. napi were collected from A. glabra elsewhere in the vicinity. Four larvae of P. napi were found feeding on rosette leaves of A. glabra, and two of A. sara on inflorescences and siliques of B. orthoceras. On 26 June four mature A. sara and two immature A. lanceolata larvae were found on siliques of A. glabra and one mature A. sara larva on siliques of B. orthoceras. Many A. glabra plants showed feeding damage to the rosettes, but only seven P. rapae larvae were found; probably most napi had already pupated. Pieris rapae, which is multivoltine, was flying in abundance at Lang Crossing on 19 July. Despite the large number of Pierid species and individuals, the visible impact of feeding on the Crucifers at Lang Crossing was quite small. In particular, Arabis glabra plants often produced several hundred siliques on leafy, two- to four-foot stems. Discussion There are ten species of obligate Crucifer-feeding Pierids in California, occurring in various combinations at different localities. Some of these are spring-univoltine, a few are spring-bivoltine, and some are multivoltine. How they partition the available Crucifers among themselves may shed valuable light on the broad problems 1974] Shapiro — Pieris napi Populations 365 of niche differentiation, competitive exclusion, and species packing. Emmel (1974) reported three species of inflorescence feeders ( Pieris protodice Boisduval and LeConte, A. sara and A. lanceolata ) on Arabis glabra in Riverside County, 2 June 1973. Shapiro (1974) described five- and six-species Pierid assemblages in two high Sierran localities and concluded that competition is reduced by behavioral mechanisms (habitat selection) . Pieris napi occurs with up to six other Crucifer-feeding Pierids at the four localities described above. Based on adult collections, the Crucifer-feeding Pierid faunas of the four localities are (inflorescence feeders are marked “I”; others primarily leaf feeders) : San Andreas Reservoir: P. napi, P. rapae , A. sara (I), Euchloe ausonides Lucas ( I ) . Mix and Gates Canyons: P. napi , P. rapae, P. sisymbrii Boisduval ( I ? ) , A . sara ( I ) , E. ausonides ( I ) . Washington: P. napi, P. rapae, A. sara (I), A. lanceolata (I), E. ausonides (I) . Lang Crossing: P. napi , P. rapae, P. sisymbrii (I?), A. sara (I), A. lanceolata (I), E. ausonides (I), E. hyantis Edwards (I). Not all of these breed in the same microhabitats. At Lang Cross- ing, for example, P. sisymbrii and E. hyantis are found only in exposed rocky situations and appear to breed only on Streptanthus, and are thus not in competition with the woodland species. In examining the fauna of particular plants in particular habitats, the division of Pierids into a leaf-feeding and an inflorescence/silique feeding guild seems paramount. At Mix and Gates Canyons, where Barb area is obviously in “short supply” and frequently completely defoliated, at least one species from each guild (P. napi, A. sara) can occur on this plant. At Lang Crossing the combined visible impact of four species — two of each guild — on A rabis glabra is so small that it is tempting to speculate that the populations are regulated by other factors below the level at which interspecific competition would be significant. Despite the potential for interspecific competition, at each of the study areas one plant received the bulk of the attention from Pierids while another appeared largely or wholly unutilized. It remains to be seen whether this reflects nutritional or toxicological unsuitability of certain Crucifer species. (In unpublished laboratory studies, Shapiro and F. Slansky ( pers . comm.) have found variation in the suitability of native and weedy Crucifers as hosts of Pieris rapae 366 Psyche [September-December and other species.) It is also possible that host selection by ovi- positing females is closely tied to host plant phenology, and that flowering condition of the plants, and possible correlated changes in mustard oil concentrations, may determine the patterns observed. References Ellis, S. L. 1974. Field observations on Colias alexandra Edwards (Pieridae). J. Lepid. Soc. 28: 114-125. Emmel, J. F. 1974. in R. L. Langston. Zone 1. Season Summary, Lepid. Soc. News, 25 June, p. 3. Garth, J. S. and J. W. Tilden 1963. Yosemite Butterflies. J. Res. Lepid. 2: 1-96. Shapiro, A. M. 1974. Ecological and behavioral aspects of coexistence in six Crucifer- feeding Pierid butterflies in the central Sierra Nevada. Amer. Midi. Naturalist, in press. Tilden, J. W. 1965. Butterflies of the San Francisco Bay Region. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 88 pp. White, R. R. and M. C. Singer 1974. Geographical distribution of host plant choice in Euphydryas editha (Nymphalidae) . J. Lepid. Soc. 28: 103-106. NEW PROTON EMURA (S. L.) FROM NEPAL (PLECOPTERA; NEMOURIDAE )* By P. P. Harper Departement des Sciences biologiques Universite de Montreal C. P. 6128, Montreal, Que. Described below are the stoneflies of the genus Protonemura (Nemouridae) collected in 1967 by the Canadian Nepal Expedition organized by the Entomological Research Institute of the Canada Department of Agriculture in Ottawa. The genus Protonemura is understood here in its widest sense (sensu lato) as used by Kimmins (1946, 1950) and Aubert (1967) ; the genus is obviously in need of a revision as it contains a wide assemblage of forms some of which bear larval gills and some which do not. The species considered here are apparently gill-less as far as can be ascertained from the adults. The material examined comes from six localities: Godavari at altitudes of 50°° ft and 6000 ft, Bhurunche at an altitude of 8500 9500 ft, and four localities known only from their geographical co- ordinates and altitudes: 27°56'N, 85°oo'E at 9900 ft and 10100 ft, 27°57/N, 84°59'E at 10100 ft, 27°58'N, 85°oo' E at moo ft, and 28°oo'N, 85°oo'E at 9900 ft. Most of the specimens were collected in Malaise traps and therefore the collection dates indicate the period between visits to the traps. All the specimens are preserved in alcohol and are deposited in the Canadian National Collection of Insects in Ottawa. The drawings have been prepared from cleared specimens. Only the species repre- sented by male specimens have been named, the others have been designated by letters to prevent useless future synonymy. Protonemura mira, n. sp. Figures 1-4 Length of body 11 ( c? )_I4 (?) mm, to tips of wings 16 ( c? )- 19 ( $ ) mm. General coloration dark reddish brown; antennae black; anterior and lateral margins of pronotum light ; wings uniformly brown ; legs brown, tarsi and distal end of femora darkened ; metafemora also with a subapical dark ring. Abdomen mostly membranous except for the genital segments and a pair of sclerotized tergal plates on each segment in the male. Genitalia reddish brown. * Manuscript received by the editor November 18, 1974. 367 368 Psyche [September-December Figures 1-4: Protonemura mira Harper, n. sp. 1. Terminal segments of male with paraprocts slightly pulled out (dorsal). 2. The same (ventral). 3. Epiproct (lateral). 4. Terminal segments of female (ventral). Male genitalia: median lobe of sternum IX long and narrow, ventral vesicle short. Paraproct: median lamella small, slightly curved, extending just beyond sternum IX; subanal plate wide, its process forming two dark heavy hooks ; subanal vesicle short ; external appendage finger-like, heavily sclerotized and gradually curved. Cerci long and membranous. Tergum IX with a few spinules on its posterior margin. Epiproct long and slender with an expanded tip bearing a double row of ventral spinules. Female genitalia: subgenital plate sclerotized, wide, with rounded corners, but not produced posteriorly. Vaginal structures as in Fig- ure 4, somewhat reminiscent of Protonemura A of Aubert (1967? Fig. 99), but the subgenital plates are different. 1974] Harper — New Protonemura 369 Holotype: cT , Godavari, 6000 ft, 17-20. VII. 1967 (CNC type no. 13430). Allotype: 9, and paratype: 9> same data. Diagnosis: P. mira clearly belongs to the P. indie a Kimmins group as defined by Aubert (1967) ; the shape of the process of the para- procts of the male and the subgenital plate as well as the vaginal structures of the female will easily separate mira from the other known species of the group. Protonemura godavariensis, n. sp. Figures 5-8 Length of body 10-13 mm, to tips of wings 13-15 mm. General coloration dark brown. Wings uniformly brown. Legs brownish, femora with two subapical dark bands. Abdomen brown- ish, genitalia dark brown. Figures 5-8: Protonemura godavariensis Harper, n. sp. 5. Terminal seg- ments of male (dorsal). 6. The same (ventral). 7. Epiproct (lateral). 8. Terminal segments of female (ventral). 370 Psyche [September-December Male genitalia: median lobe of sternum IX narrow and of mod- erate length; ventral vesicle reaching beyond middle of sternum. Paraproct: median lamella short and pointed, heavily sclerotized; subanal plate wide, triangular, with broadly rounded angles; distal process forming a long curved trough-like appendage; external ap- pendage finger-like, heavily sclerotized externally and bearing a subapical lateral tooth; the external appendage extends just beyond the subanal plate. Cerci long and membranous. Terga IX and X bearing small fields of spinules. Epiproct long and slender, its tip expanded laterally and bearing ventrally a short double row of heavy teeth. Female genitalia: subgenital plate well sclerotized, prolonged pos- teriorly into a trapezoidal lobe which is broadly and regularly emarginate. Vaginal structures as in Figure 8. Holotype: cf, Godavari, 5000 ft, 20-23.VII.1967 (CNC type no. 1 3431); allotype: $, same data; paratypes: cf, $, same locality, 20.VII.-4.VIII. 1967. Diagnosis: as the preceding species, P. godavariensis belongs to the P. indica group. The trough-like process of the subanal lobe of the male as well as the vaginal structures of the female are good diagnostic characters. The species is very close to P . assami Aubert and may eventually prove to be the same. Protonemura funicula, n. sp. Figures 9-1 1 Length o'f body, 11-12 mm, to tips of wings, 18-19 mm. General coloration brown ; head and disk of pronotum dark brown. Wings clear, veins of the front wings marginated with brown. Legs banded : femora with a median and distal dark band, tibiae narrowly darkened at base and darkened again distally, tarsi dark. Abdomen mostly membranous except the genital segments; in the male a pair of small ventral sclerites and a pair of larger dorsal sclerites are borne at the base of each abdominal segment. Male genitalia: sternum IX long with a short rounded median lobe; ventral vesicle large reaching three quarters of the length of the sternum. Paraproct: median lamella narrow; subanal plate partly membranous, irregularly triangular, prolonged distally into a heavily sclerotized process which is slightly recurved dorsally; this process is pointed apically and bears a sharp subterminal spine; ex- 1974] Harper — New Protonemura 371 Figures 9-11: Protonemura funicula Harper, n. sp. 9. Epiproct (lateral). 10. Terminal segments of male (dorsal). 11. The same (ventral). ternal appendage moderately sclerotized, finger-like, and reaching out as far as the process. Cerci long and membranous. Terga IX and X with small median fields of spinules. Epiproct narrow and flat, asymmetrical distally and prolonged by a very long whip-like process. Female: unknown. Holotype: cT , 27°57'N, 84°59'E, 10100 ft, 26-31.V.1967 (CNC type no. 13432) ; paratypes: cf , 27°56'N, 85°oo'E, 10100 ft, 23-29. V.1967; cf1, 27°58'N, 85°oo'E, moo ft, 25.V.1967; 3 cT , 28°oo/N, 85°oo'E, 9900 ft, 27.V.-22.VI.1967. Diagnosis: P. funicula can be placed in the P. filigera (Kimmins) group of Aubert ( 1 967 ) . The shape of the subanal lobes and the particularly long appendage of the epiproct are distinctive. 372 Psyche [September-December Protonemura adunca, n. sp. Figures 12-14 Length of body 10-11 mm, to tips of wings, 13-14 mm. General coloration dark brown; antennae and disk of pronotum nearly black. Wings amber, veins darker. Legs particularly the hind pair banded; femora with a median and a distal band. Abdomen membranous except the genital segments; in the male there is also a pair of small sclerites at the base of each tergum. Male genitalia: sternum IX broadly pentagonal, prolonged into a long and tapering median lobe; this median lobe bears distally an apical expansion which is outturned at a right angle from the lobe and forms a beak-like extension ending in two sharp points. Para- proct: median lamella narrow and rounded apically; subanal plate sclerotized at base, divided distally into three lobes, the inner lobe short and rounded, the intermediate lobe membranous, and the outer lobe long and digitiform, fused laterally with the external appendage; external appendage fused with subanal lobe for most of its length, terminating distally in a beak-like point. Cerci long, membranous, and expanded slightly at tips. Tergum IX emarginate centrally, the emargination bearing short spinules. Tergum X excavated anteriorly, and prolonged into two short median lobes covered with spinules. Epiproct cylindrical, asymmetrical beyond middle, and terminating in a short curved lobe; a short irregular group of spinules at base of epiproct. Female: unknown. Holotype: cf , 27°57'N, 84°59'E, 10100 ft, 26-31. V.1967, (CNC type no. 13433); paratypes: cf , same data; cf, 27°58'N, 85°oo'E, moo ft, 18.V.1967; 4cf, 28°oo'N, 85°oo'E, 9900 ft, 21.V.-22.VI. 1967; 2 cf j Bhurunche, 8500-9500 ft, 23.V.1967. Diagnosis: P. adunca probably fits into the P. filigera group on the basis of its epiproct. The shape of the distal end of the median lobe of sternum IX is quite distinctive and unique. Protonemura mastigophora, n. sp. Figures 15-17 Length of body 10 mm, to tips of wings, 13 mm. General coloration dark brown. Head nearly black (antennae missing). Wings brownish with some darker clouds. Legs banded, particularly the hind pair; femora with a dark distal band and a paler median one. Abdomen membranous except for the genital seg- ments. 1974] / larper — New Protonemura 373 Figures 12-14: Protonemura adunca Harper, n. sp. 12. Terminal seg- ments of male (dorsal). 13. The same (ventral). Figures 15-17: Proto- nemura mastigophora Harper, n. sp. 15. Epiproct (lateral). 16. Terminal segments of male (dorsal). 17. The same (ventral). 374 Psyche [September-December Male genitalia: sternum IX long and pentagonal; median lobe short and inconspicuous; ventral vesicle large. Paraproct: median lamella long, thin, and extending backwards as far as the subanal plate; subanal plate terminating in two finger-like lobes, a shorter median lobe, and a larger lateral lobe; external appendage fused to lateral lobe of subanal plate and extending three quarters of its length. Tergum IX produced posteriorly into two asymmetrical lobes separated by a large median excavation ; each lobe bears a distal patch of spines. Tergum X normal. Epiproct short and stocky, remark- ably asymmetrical, and bearing a terminal whip-like appendage. Female: unknown. Holotype: cf, 27°56'N, 85°oo'E, ioioo ft, 23-29.V.1967 (CNC type no. 13493)- Diagnosis : another member of the P. filigera group, P. mastigo- phora is close to the species filigera (Kimmins 1946), parafiligera Aubert 1967 and metafiligera Aubert 1967. It can be best dis- tinguished from the others by the shape and the sclerotizations of its epiproct; these are not as well produced in P. filigera the species it resembles most; Kimmins’ (1946) drawing shows no detail of the inner structure of the epiproct, but a specimen in the United States National Museum (det. R. W. Baumann) does not possess the structures described here for mastigophora. Protonemura A Figure 18 In general structure and coloration, this female agrees with P. funicula and P. adunca; it could be the female of either. Female genitalia: the subgenital plate is very slightly trilobed. Vaginal structures as in Figure 18. Material examined: ? , 27°56'N, 85°OOrE, 9900 ft, 23-29.V.1967 ; 6$, 27°57'N, 84°59'E, ioioo ft, 19-31.V.1967 ; 5$, 27°58'N, moo ft, 8-24.VI.1967 ; 4?, 28°oo'N, 85°oo/E, 9900 ft, 14.V.-22.VI.1967. Protonemura B Figure 19 Total length 10 mm, to tips of wings, 13 mm. General coloration brown. Wings uniformly amber. Legs banded in the usual manner. 1974] Harper — New Protonemura 375 Figures 18-22: Terminal segments of unassociated females (ventral). 18. Protonemura A. 19. Protonemura B. 20. Protonemura C. 21. Proto- nemura D. 22. Protonemura E. Female genitalia: subgenital plate small, and rounded posteriorly. Sternum VII sclerotized medially. Vaginal structures indistinct. Material examined: $ , 28°0O/N, 85°oo'E, 9900 ft, 27.V.-22.VI. 1967. Protonemura C Figure 20 Total length 11-12 mm, to tips of wings, 15-16 mm. General coloration brown. Wings yellowish-brown, veins dark brown, marginated with brown. Legs brown with a subterminal white band. Female genitalia: subgenital plate short, slightly bilobed. Sternum VII heavily sclerotized bearing an important posterior nipple-like protuberance. Vaginal structures indistinct. Material examined: 22$, 27°58/N, 85°oo'E, moo ft, 2-24.VI. 1967. 376 Psyche [September-December Protonemura D Figure 21 Total length 15 mm, to tips of wings, 18 mm. General coloration dark brown. Wings blackish. Pro- and meso- femora light brown with an apical darkening, meta-femora brown with a subapical light ring. Female genitalia: sternum VII lightly sclerotized medially. Sub- genital plate forming posteriorly two pairs of lobes separated by a wide emargination. Vaginal structures very characteristic, as in Figure 21. Material examined: 2?, Godavari, 6000 ft, 14-20.VII.1967. Remarks: This species evidently belongs to the P. indica group; it can be separated from P. indica Kimmins 1946 and P. quadridentata Kimmins 1950 (see Figures 18, 29 & 30 in Aubert 1967) the species it resembles most by the shape of its vaginal structures and by its medially pigmented (and sclerotized) seventh sternum. Protonemura E Figure 22 Total length 13 mm, to tips of wings, 16 mm. General coloration similar to that of Protonemura D. Female genitalia: subgenital plate produced into two rounded pos- terolateral lobes. Vaginal structures very distinctive, as in Figure 22. Material examined: $, Godavari, 6000 ft, 17-20.VII.1967. Acknowle d gm en ts I thank Mr. J. E. H. Martin of the Canada Department of Agri- culture in Ottawa for .allowing me to study this material and Dr. R. W. Baumann of the United States National Museum for the loan of material and the comparison of specimens. References Aubert, J. 1967. Les Nemouridae de l’Assam (Plecopteres) . Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 39: 209-253. Kimmins, D. E. 1946. New species of Himalayan Plecoptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11) 13: 721-740. 1950. Some Assamese Plecoptera, with descriptions of new species of Nemouridae. Ibid. (12)3: 194-209. THE EYELESS CATOPOCERUS BEETLES (LEIODIDAE) OF EASTERN NORTH AMRICA* By Stewart B. Peck Department of Biology, Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KiS 5B6 The Leiodid beetle genus Catopocerus Motschoulsky 1869 is composed exclusively of small (1.8-4. 5 mm body length), eyeless, wingless, partially depigmented inhabitants of moist forest soil and duff, and occasionally of caves. The genus, the only member of tbe subfamily Catopocerinae, is known to occur only in North America. The distribution of the genus is principally the unglaciated mountain forests of the eastern and western portions of the continent. Hatch ( 1957) has reviewed the nine described species from western North America. These range from the San Francisco area northward in coastal forests to Sitka, Alaska. Undescribed species occur in this region and also in southern California, Arizona, and Colorado (per- sonal data). The known and new western species will be covered in a future paper which will also include data from an assemblage of over 2000 specimens collected throughout Oregon by Ellen Benedict of Portland State University. This paper reports on the two described eastern North American species, and describes three new eastern species. The genus possesses a character common to the family; the eighth antennal segment is smaller than either the seventh or ninth segments (except in C. pusio Horn of California in which the seventh and eighth segments are equally small). They may be distinguished from other leiodids by a combination of the 'following characters: eyeless- ness, winglessness, oval shape, dorsal-ventral flattening, open procoxal cavities, five segmented abdomen, and separated metacoxae (Peck, 1973:50). Methods In the field, series of specimens were taken from moist forest litter, soil, and well-rotted logs. The debris was sifted in the field through a one-half inch mesh screen to remove large objects. The sifted debris was carried and stored in large plastic bags until it could be processed in “Berlese” funnels. When processed, three liters of litter were placed in each funnel (45 cm high, 30 cm across the top, with the * Manuscript received by the editor December 17, 1974. 377 378 Psyche [September-December screen io cm from the top) on a double layer of cheesecloth sup- ported by the screen. A 40 watt bulb was used over the litter. Two thin wood strips held the top o'f the funnel above the rim of the bottom and provided ventilation and for the escape of excess moisture. Beetles stopped falling into the collecting bottle at the bottom of the funnel in less than 12 hours. During periods of maximum operation, up to 24 funnels were used, each holding three liter samples of sifted litter for twelve hours. Thus, up to 144 liters of sifted litter could be processed each day. From 1967 to 1974, in search of Catopocerus and other leiodid beetles, I have extracted the fauna in the above method from 4361 kg of sifted forest litter from the eastern United States. Most of the beetles extracted have been deposited with the CNCI and FMNH, and the arthropod residues are in the FMNH. Barber’s Fluid (Valentine, 1942) was used as a preservative under the funnels. Species determination can be reliably made only by examination of the male genitalia. This examination is facilitated bv the Barber’s Fluid which does not harden the tissues of the beetles as does alcohol. The few specimens found under rocks were collected into Barber’s Fluid. Some specimens were collected in caves at rotted pig liver bait, and in carrion baited pitfall traps (Peck, 1973). Specimens were cleaned of adhering debris by an ultrasonic cleaner. Dry material was relaxed in boiling water. Dissections were made with minuten needles, in alcohol. Genitalia were observed in alcohol, as temporary glycerine mounts, and dry. Specimens were mounted on points using an alcohol soluble glue. Illustrations were prepared from temporary glycerine mounts. Measurements are given in millimeters, and were made using a calibrated ocular micrometer disc. The following abbreviations are used in the paper: HW, head width; PW, pronotal width; PL, pronotal length ; EL, elytral length ; and EW, elytral width. Lengths were measured along the midline. Elytral lengths are from the apex of the scutellum. Widths are maximum widths. Rounded surfaces are measured as chords of arcs. The following abbreviations are used to indicate the sources of the material examined: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History; ANSP, Academy Natural Sciences Philadelphia (Horn colln., now in MCZ) ; CAS, California Academy of Sciences; CM, Carnegie Museum; CNCI, Canadian National Collection of Insects; FMNH, Field Museum of Natural History; INHS, Illinois Natural History Survey; MCZ, Museum Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; SBP, Stewart B. Peck; SVAM, St. Vincent Archabbey Museum 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 379 Collection, Latrobe, Penn.; UK, University of Kansas, Entomology Collection; USNM, United States National Museum. Bionomics The general collector may occasionally encounter Catopocerus under large rocks and logs in mountain forests. Large series are most usually taken in the spring and fall and only by extraction from soil and litter with the Tullgren modification of a Berlese funnel. Some species have been found in caves in the eastern interior low plateaus. Here they are usually under rocks in organic soil near cave entrances. The use of carrion bait has been useful in attracting the beetles in caves. Food probably consists of organic debris and associated yeasts and fungi. Several species of Catopocerus have been repeatedly taken on subterranean fungi in Oregon and Washington (Fogel and Peck, in MS) and the eastern species may have similar habits. A laboratory colony of the beetles reproduced and developed on bakers yeast on moist soil. C. hamiltoni was taken congregated around a dead beetle larva, and the many beetles taken on carrion bait in caves were un- doubtedly attracted to the carrion for the purposes of feeding and/or oviposition. Only one certain case of sympathy is known. Thirty-four C. ulkei and 1 1 C. appalachianus were taken together in io kg of litter near Whitmer, W. Va. Reproduction may occur throughout the year in caves, but in forest litter is probably most active in the spring. Larvae and teneral adults have been found most commonly in early spring in litter. One species has been reared from eggs. At I5°C, the egg stage lasts about 17 days, the larval stage about 29 days, and the pupal stage 20 days. Three species have been found in caves in Alabama and Tennessee. However, this association with caves is only facultative, for these soil- inhabiting (edaphobitic) beetles probably accidentally enter caves, but once there can survive and reproduce. One of these species, C. appalachianus is found at higher elevations in the Appalachians near the soil surface under rocks and in litter. If the preferred environment of the beetles is a montane type of stable, cool, and moist environment, this will be found at lower elevations deeper in the soil. Collecting of surface soil and litter has never taken the beetles at the lower elevations of the Cumberland Plateau or Highland Rim of Alabama or Tennessee. Thus, in the cave region, the beetles’ normal soil habitat must be too deep to be [September-December 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 381 normally sampled, and this deep soil habitat will bring the beetles into frequent contact with rock crevices filled and partly filled with soil, which may open into caves with their cool and moist conditions. Hence, in the southern Appalachians, caves can be a more convenient sampling site for soil inhabitants which are usually hidden under a concealing thickness of soil. Other such montane soil inhabitants that are infrequently found at lower elevations except in caves are Anil- linus carabids (Barr, 1969) and Arianops pselaphids (Barr, 1974). Collecting in prolonged wet weather or during winter months might find all of these beetles closer to the surface in the Cumberland Plateau or Highland Rim regions of Alabama and Tennessee. Artificial key to the Catopocerus 1 a. Body length 4mm or over C. hamiltoni ib. Body length 3mm or under 2 2a. Hind tibia with setal bearing excavation on dorsal posterior sur- face (fig. 2) C. alabamae , n. sp. 2b. Hind tibia with setae only, no excavation on dorsal posterior surface 3 3a. Third antennal segment clearly longer than second, five clearly larger than four and six; northeastern Alabama C. jonesi, n. sp. 3b. Third antennal segment as long as or only slightly longer than the second, five the same size as four and six; widely distributed 4 4a. Tip of aedeagus curved downward, forming 8o° to iOO° angle with ventral surface of aedeagus (Fig. 4) C. ulkei 4b. Tip of aedeagus only slightly curved downward, angle with ven- tral surface of aedeagus 1350 or greater (Fig. 6) C. appalachianus , n. sp. Catopocerus hamiltoni (Horn) Fig. 3 ; Map 2 Pinodytes hamiltoni Horn, 1892:45. Lectotype here designated as female in MCZ, Horn colln. (no. 3027), seen. Type locality: “vicinity of Allegheny City”, Pennsylvania. Figures 1-11. 1, habitus of Catopocerus appalachianus. 2, metatibia of C. alabamae. 3, aedeagus of C. hamiltoni. 4, side of aedeagus of C. ulkei. 5, ventral tip of aedeagus of C. ulkei. 6, side of aedeagus of C. appala- chianus. 7, ventral tip of aedeagus of C. appalachianus. 8, side of aedeagus of C. jonesi. 9, ventral view of aedeagus of C. jonesi. 10, side of aedeagus of C. alabamae. 11, ventral view of aedeagus of C. alabamae, tip incom- plete because of damage in dissection. Scale line for figs. 3-11 only. 3^2 Psyche [September -December Diagnosis. The large size, the third antennal segment which is i.'5 times or more the length of the second segment, and the shape of the aedeagus serve to distinguish this species. Redescription. Measurement of lectotype: HW, 0.85. PW, 1.63. PL, 1.23. EW, 1.63. EL, 2.74. Length 4. 1-4.7 mm. Width 1.66-1.73 mm. Color uniform dark reddish-brown, shining. Shape oblong, moderately elongate, not very convex. Head without trace of eyes; sparsely punctate. Antennae well supplied with long hairs throughout length, last three segments with dense vestiture; segment III 1.5 X or more the length of II; III slightly wider than II; IV, V, VI as wide as II, subglobose, slightly longer than wide; VII, IX, X cup shaped; VII longer than but nar- rower than IX and X; VIII shorter than but slightly wider than VI ; XI conical. Pronotum widest at middle, sides evenly arcuate; narrower at front than back ; hind angles rectangular ; front angles rounded ; front margin evenly emarginate to receive head; hind margin weakly convex ; disc finely but not closely punctate ; covered with fine strigae. Elytra fused ; at base slightly wider than base of pronotum ; widest at middle; sides slightly arcuate; narrowing in apical third; each with seven striae of close punctures, less distinct at sides and apex, intervals flat, sparsely punctate. Protibia gradually widening to apex; setose on apical half of inner margin. Mesotibia gradually widening to apex; sharply outward flaring in outer margin at apex; spinose on outer concave margin; inner margin sinuous; setose on apical half of inner margin. Meta- tibia gradually widening to apex; inner and outer margin slightly sinuous; setae on apical half of inner margin. Penultimate abdominal segment, 'fourth, with transverse depression on either side. Male protarsomeres not dilated. Abdominal segment five truncate. Aedeagus poorly sclerotized ; thin and straight in lateral view ; wide and straight in dorsal view; tip dorsoventrally flattened, slightly up- turned at edge, smoothly rounded in dorsal view, 14 setae along edge; parameres separated, longest on ventral surface but not reach- ing tip of aedeagus, partially covering anterior ventral surface and dorsal median surface of aedeagus (fig. 3). Female abdominal segment five rounded. Note on lectotype. The specimen is damaged. It possesses only two prothoracic and one metathoracic legs. One antenna is missing its terminal segments. 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 383 Distribution. Southwestern Pennsylvania (map 2). The type locality, Allegheny City, lying on the north shore of the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers, was incorporated into the city of Pittsburgh near the beginning of this century. Material examined. Pennsylvania. Allegheny, 1 female, lectotype 3027 (ANSP) ; 2, (ANSP, CM). Beatty, 1 female (USNM). Charleroi, 2 (MCZ, UK). Jeannette, vi. 1901, 2 (CM). Pitts- burgh, ix, 2 (CM). St. Vincent, 3 (Ulke colln. in CM; MCZ). Washington Co., 1 female (Fall colln. in MCZ). State label only, 1 paratype no. 3027 (ANSP); 1 (UK). Biology. The available information on the species has been pre- sented by Hamilton (1897). He found the first specimen in Decem- ber, 1872, “about a foot under ground beneath a large impacted boulder in a wild mountainous place.” Several individuals were seen but only one was collected because the pale color and remarkable swiftness led Hamilton to believe they were young roaches. This and a second specimen found dead by Hamilton the following June on a wooded hillside were those which Horn had for description. Other specimens were taken later by other collectors in winter months under bark, under stones, and by sifting decaying leaves. A group of twelve was taken in late November under a log in a wooded ravine around a large dead elaterid beetle larva upon which they were prob- ably feeding. I have not seen specimens taken since the turn of the century. Catopocerus ulkei Brown Fig. 4, 5 ; Map 1 Catopocerus ulkei Brown 1933 ; 215. Holotype female in CNC, seen. Type locality; District of Columbia. Pinodytes cryptophagoides Mannerheim (in part), Horn, 1880: 249; 1892: 46; Hamilton, 1894: 16. Misidentified. Diagnosis. The species is separated from others by its small size, the subequal second and third antennal segments, and the flattened, downward curved tip of the aedeagus. Redescription. Length 1.4-2. 2 mm. Width 0.71-0.94 mm. Color uniform dark reddish-brown, shining. Shape oblong. Head with trace of eyes as depigmented spot on side of head in some pale specimens ; vertex finely punctulate, finely striolate. Anten- nae well supplied with hairs throughout length; segments VII, IX, X supplied with dense vestiture of long and short hairs; I stout; II and III equally long; III narrower at base than II; IV, V, VI equal, globose; VII as long as broad; VIII smaller than VII, larger than 384 Psyche [September-December Range Mean Standard Deviation males females males females males females HW 0.44-0.51 0.44-0.54 0.49 0.50 0.024 0.034 PW 0.81-0.91 0.80-0.91 0.85 0.88 0.034 0.054 PL 0.54-0.63 0.54-0.64 0.59 0.60 0.30 0.047 EL 1.08-1.20 1.10-1.28 1.15 1.12 0.052 0.071 EW 0.80-0.92 0.84-0.99 0.88 0.90 0.034 0.045 PW/PL 1.41-1.58 1.41-1.54 1.48 1.46 0.05 0.05 EL/EW 1.28-1.36 1.29-1.38 1.32 1.34 0.03 0.03 PW/HW 1.72-1.86 1.70-1.86 1.77 1.77 0.05 0.04 EW/PL 1.42-1.56 1.45-1.60 1.50 1.51 0.05 0.06 Table 1. Variation in a sample of : a population of Catopo cerus ulkei topotypes from the District of Columbia. 10 males and 10 females. Measurements in millimeters. VI; IX smaller than X, larger than VII; IX and X broader than long; XI conical. Pronotum widest just behind middle; sides evenly arcuate; nar- rower at front than back; hind angles slightly obtuse; front angles rounded ; front margin slightly concave ; hind margin straight ; disc finely and sparsely punctulate; finely striolate. Elytra fused ; at base slightly wider than base of pronotum ; widest at middle ; sides slightly curved ; narrowing in apical third ; surface finely punctate, some punctures vaguely indicating striae; finely striolate; apical declivity smooth. Protibia widening to apex in distal 2/3; setose on apical half of inner margin; mesotibia gradually widening to apex in apical 2/3; inner margin setose in apical third, faintly sinuous; outer margin spinose; outer apical angle truncate. Metatibia gradually widening to apex; outer margin smooth; inner margin smooth to serate; outer apical angle slightly truncate. Male first four protarsomeres dilated and supplied with long lateral hairs; first three mesotarsomeres feebly dilated. Aedeagus in lateral view arcuate; ventral surface of anterior end projecting for- ward and curved downward ; tip dorsoventrally flattened and turned downward forming 8o°-ioo° angle with ventral surface of aedeagus; parameres long and thin, exceeding tip of aedeagus, hinged at aedea- gus base to ventrally deflected elongate basal pieces (figs. 4, 5). 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 385 Female tarsomeres not expanded ; abdominal segments as in male. Variation. Table 1 presents meristic variation for the topotypic population. All populations examined which are assigned to this species have aedeagi of the males identical to aedeagi of the topotypic population but for two exceptions. The two samples from south- western North Carolina are 220 air miles to the southwest of the next nearest locality from which males have been collected. These southwestern collections differ in the angle of deflection of the aedea- gal tip, A distinct acute angle of about 8o° is formed between the ventral surface of the aedeagus and the tip of the aedeagus. All other populations possess aedeagi in which the angle is usually slightly obtuse. Only rarely is it a right angle. The variation of measurements for a sample of four males and eight females from Joanna Bald, Cherokee County, North Carolina, when compared to that in table 1, showed that the size of the south- ern populations is larger, but there is a great deal of overlap within the range of the measurements. Variation of the ratios, when com- pared to the topotypic population shows less difference, and that which does exist is contained within an overlap of one standard deviation from each mean. This numerical data demonstrates little or no difference from the topotypic C. ulkei. Since there is a large gap in knowledge of the range of the species between western Virginia and southwestern North Carolina, I am unwilling to interpret the taxo- nomic significance of the greater curvature of the tip of the aedeagus in the southwestern North Carolina populations. It may be a distinct subspecies if its distribution is geographically separated from typical C. ulkei. Or the population may represent one end or segment of a cline of gradual deflection of the aedeagal tip. Further collecting may tell. Distribution. The species is known to occur in southwestern and southeastern Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia (map 1). Future col- lecting might show it to be continuously distributed along the Pied- mont and eastern edge of the Appalachians to the southern known locality in Cherokee County, North Carolina. Material examined and habitat data. District of Columbia: no other data, 32. Washington, D. C., 1 ; 1.5, 1; 5.3, 1; Hubbard & Schwarz. Maryland: Garrett Co.; Deer Park, 4.7, 1, Hubbard & Schwarz; 2 mi. E. Keysers Ridge, 2500' elev., 18.vi.1968, S. Peck, 3 in 220 lbs. log-stump litter. North Carolina: Cherokee-Graham County; Andrews, Joanna Bald, 4700' elev., 26.vii.1967, S. Peck & A. Fiske, 13 in 89 lbs rotted chestnut log; Joanna Bald, 5.viii.i96o, 386 Psyche [September-December Map 1. East central United States and Catopocerus distributions. Closed dots, C. ulkei. Open dot, C. alabamae. Closed triangles, C. jonesi. T. C. Barr, i male. Clay-Macon County; Tusquitee Bald, q.viii. i960, T. C. Barr & M. C. Bowling, 1 male. Pennsylvania: x, 1. Allegheny County; Pittsburgh, x, 3. St. Vincent, 9. Cambria County; Nicktown, M. Wirtner, 3. Philadelphia County; 28. vi. 1 9 1 1 , G. M. Greene, 1. Westmoreland County; Chestnut Ridge, E. of Youngstown, 27.vi.1961, W. Suter, 1 in litter under Rhodo- dendron; 11.vii.1961, W. Suter, J. Wagner, D. Reichle, 1 in forest litter. Jeannette, vii, 2; ix, 3; x, 1. Virginia. Caroll County; Groundhog Mt., 2900' elev., Blueridge Parkway, 23.vii.1967, S. Peck & A. Fiske, 1 female in 46 lbs. rotted stump and log litter in Rhododendron thicket. Giles County; Mountain Lake, 1-5.vii.1970, W. B. Muchmore, 8. Madison County; Shenandoah National Park. Dark Hollow Falls, 2.W.1967, S. Peck, 1 under rocks. Lewis Mt., 2000' elev., 10.vi.1967, S. Peck, 104 in rotted logs. Page County; Shenandoah National Park. Hawksbill Mt., 17.x. 1954, D. G. Kis- singer, 1. Stony Man Overlook, 2.W.1967, S. Peck, 3 under rocks and 6 in litter. West Virginia. Greenbrier County; outside Ar- buckle Cave, 14.vii.1970, W. B. Muchmore, 1 in litter. Mercer County; 5.5 mi. N. Princeton, Brush Creek Falls, 13.V.1971, W. Shear, 1 in cliffside litter. Pocahontas County; W. side Cranberry Glades, base of mountain, streamside, under rock, 28.vi.1967, T. C. 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 387 Barr, 1 female. Hills Creek Falls, 6.V.1970, W. Shear, 1; ig.vi. 1971, Shear and Platnick, 2. Randolf County; Bickle Knob, 3800' elev., E. of Elkins, ig.vi. 1968, S. Peck, 34 in 179 lbs. of log litter. 5 mi. S. Whitmer, 18.vii.1971, S. Peck, 3000' elev., 34 in litter. (AMNH, CAS, CM, CNC, FMNH, INHS, SBP, SVAM, UK, USNM). Catopocerus appalachianus New Species Fig. 6, 7 ; Map 2 Holotype male (MCZ no. 32228) from Balsam Gap, 5500' elev., Mt. Mitchell, Yancey Co., North Carolina, 9.VK1967, S. Peck. Paratypes: all material listed in section on material examined. Diagnosis. Most similar to C.~ ulkei~ but differing distinctly from it and all other species in the shape of the aedeagus. Usually differ- ing from C. ulkei in its larger size and greater EW/PL ratio. Description. Length 2.14-2.86 mm. Width 0.83-1.10 mm. Color uniform dark reddish-brown, shining. Shape oblong. Head with faint trace of eyes as depigmented spots on side of head in pale specimens ; vertex finely punctulate, finely striolate. Antennae with long hairs throughout length; segments VII, IX, X with dense vestiture of long and short hairs; segment I stout; II stouter and only slightly shorter than III; IV, V, VI subglobose and subequal; VII as long as broad, widest at apical third; VIII as long as and wider than VI, smaller than VII and IX ; IX and X of equal length, X wider; XI conical. Pronotum widest at basal third; sides evenly arcuate; narrower at front than back ; hind angles slightly obtuse ; front angles rounded ; front margin slightly concave; hind margin straight; disc finely and sparsely punctulate; finely striolate. Elytra fused ; at base slightly wider than base of pronotum ; widest near middle, sides slightly curved ; narrowing in apical third ; surface finely punctate, punctures indicating striae; finely striolate; apical declivity smooth. Protibia widening to apex in distal 2/3; setose on apical half of inner margin ; a few spines on apical half of outer margin. Mesotibia straight along outer margin ; expanding gradually along inner margin to apex from proximal third; inner margin setose in apical third, faintly sinuous; outer margin spinose; outer apical angle rounded. Metatibia gradually widening to apex; outer margin smooth; outer apical angle slightly truncate, possessing two large spines; dorsal surface of apical end with patch of setae; slight downward bow in middle in lateral view. 388 Psyche [Septembe r-December Range Mean Standard . Deviation males females males females males females HW 0.49-0.70 0.48-0.63 0.60 0.55 0.070 0.054 PW 0.81-1.15 0.84-1.08 1.01 0.95 0.097 0.080 PL 0.58-0.80 0.55-0.75 0.70 0.68 0.072 0.064 EL 1.15-1.55 1.19-1.54 1.40 1.34 0.131 0.107 EW 0.84-1.14 0.89-1.10 1.00 0.98 0.094 0.074 PW/PL 1.36-1.55 1.43-1.60 1.44 1.49 0.05 0.04 EL/EW 1.34-1.44 1.32-1.42 1.36 1.38 0.04 0.04 PW/HW 1.58-1.82 1.69-1.80 1.66 1.74 0.06 0.04 EW/PL 1.90-2.09 1.98-2.24 1.99 2.10 0.06 0.07 Table 2. Variation in a sample of a population of Catopc icerus appalachianus from Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina. 15 females and 15 males. Measurements in millimeters. Male first four protarsomeres expanded and with long hairs; first three mesotarsomeres feebly dilated ; metatibia with inner edge weakly to strongly serrated. Aedeagus in lateral view robust and arcuate; ventral surface of anterior end projecting forward; from base nar- rowing slightly for 2/3 length, narrowing markedly in distal third, tip slightly downcurved ; in ventral view sides expanding slightly for 2/3 length, then evenly converging to tip; tip flattened; parameres gradually tapering to thin point which extends beyond aedeagus tip; basal piece of parameres pointing forwards along sides of aedeagus (figs. 6, 7). Female tarsomeres not expanded; abdominal segments as in male; inner margin of metatibia smooth. Variation. Table 2 presents meristic data on the topotypic popu- lation. In some specimens the outer margin of the elytra at the an- terior angles bears a few coarse, low teeth. The males of the species variably possess a saw-toothed inner margin of the hind tibia, ranging from absent to highly developed. The variation in size and proportions within this species overlap in some measured populations with C. ulkei size and proportions. Hence, care should be used in separating the species using external criteria. A sample of four males of C. appalachianus from Whitetop Mt., Virginia is composed of noticeably smaller individuals. Their 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 389 PL mean corresponds to that of the topotypic population of C. ulkei. The Whitetop Mt. sample EW/PL mean also corresponds to that of topotypic C. ulkei and not the topotypic C. appalachianus sample. This size overlap demonstrates the clear value of using the distinct and less variable features of the aedeagus. Because of these size similarities some female specimens may be difficult to indentify. Lo- cality records for these two species in their zone of overlap may be treated with certainty only when males are present. Etymology. The name refers to the Appalachian region in which the beetle is found. Distribution. The species has roughly a linear range of 480 miles along the Appalachian Mts. from Madison County, Alabama north- eastward to Pocahontas County, West Virginia (Map 2). It is known from a few intermediate areas in Virginia, Tennessee, and especially from North Carolina in the vicinity of Mt. Mitchell. One collection has been made in the Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky and one in the Shawnee Hills of Southern Illinois. Material examined and habitat data. Alabama. Madison County: Barclay Cave, 26.vii.1965, S. & J. Peck, 1 in trap; 18.viii.1965, S. Sc J. Peck, 1 in trap; 20.viii.1965, S. Sc J. Peck, 1 in trap; i.ix.1965, S. Sc J. Peck, 2 in trap; 2.vii.i967, S. Peck and A. Fiske, 1 at car- rion bait; 24.viii.1971, S. Peck, 1 at bait; io.v.72, S. Peck, 4 at bait; 13.vii.1973, S. Peck, 1 at bait. New Hope, Cave Spring Cave, 23. viii. 1971, S. Peck, 3 at bait in side chamber 400' in cave. Ellis Cave, 5 .vii. 1 967 , S. Peck and A. Fiske, 2 at carrion bait; ix.1968, S. Peck, 8 at carrion bait; 2 reared from eggs laid in culture 3.viii.i969, S. Peck. Illinois. Union County; Pine Hills Field Station, 15.V. 1967, J. M. Campbell, 1 at malt trap site #9. Kentucky. Harlan County; Big Black Mt., 4000' elev., 11.vii.1968, S. Peck, 1 in 302 lbs. log and stump litter. Jackson County; The Rises, S. Fork Sta- tion Camp Creek, 16.ii.1967, T. Marsh, W. Andrews, 1 in log berlese. North Carolina. Avery County: Beech Mt., 15.vii.1960, Barr and Bowling, 10; Grandfather Mt., 22.viii.1960, Barr and Bowling, 1 male. Blowing Rock to Linville, 3000-4000', 7UX.1930, P. Darlington, 1. Buncombe County: Asheville, A. P. Jacobs, 1. Blue Ridge Parkway, 5 mi. W. Craggy Gardens, 3500' elev., 22. vii. 1 967, S. Peck and A. Fiske, 6 in 63 lbs. Chestnut stump litter; Craggy Dome, 22.vii.1960, Barr and Bowling, 9. Haywood County; Richland Balsam, 1. viii. i960, Barr and Bowling, 3. Henderson County; 0.3 mi. S.W. of Bat Cave, 1000' elev., 22.vii.1967, S. Peck and A. Fiske, 2 in 39 lbs. of log and leaf litter. Madison County; Rich Mt., 3000' elev., 25.vii.1967, S. Peck and A. Fiske, 4 in 85 lbs. 390 Psyche [September-December Map 2. East central United States and Catopocerus distributions. Open dots, C. hamiltoni. Closed dots, C. appalachianus. of rotted stump. Mitchell County; Blue Ridge Parkway, mile 326.8, 3200' elev., 22.vii.1967, S. Peck and A. Fiske, 2 in 64 lbs. of litter at base of large dead pine tree: Roan Mt., 5000' elev., 25.vii.1967, S. Peck and A. Fiske, 2 in 72 lbs. of litter along rotted beach log. Round Knob, 27.6, Hubbard and Schwarz, 1. Yancey County; Hamrick, 3000-3100' elev., 30.xii.1946, Hairston, 1 in leaf litter: Mt. Mitchell, Balsam Gap, 5300' elev., 9.VL1967, S. Peck, 9 in birch-beech litter: Mt. Mitchell, 5500' elev., 9.VL1967, S. Peck, 10 in birch-beech litter and 1 in basal tree hole: Mt. Mitchell, 4000'- 6000' elev., June 1939, E. D. Quirsfeld, 10 : Mt. Mitchell, 26 with no other data: Valley of Black Mts., July 28, 1906, W. Beuten- muller, 3; August 19, 1906, W. Beutenmuller, 1. Black Mts., vi- vii.1902, Van Dyke colln., 14. Tennessee. Coffee County. Beech Grove, Burke Cave, 24.V.73, S. & J. Peck, 1 male, 1 female, at carrion bait. Great Smoky Mt. National Park; Chimneys, 3000' elev., ix. 1 9. 1 944, A. Nicolay, 2 females. Newfound Gap, 5000- 5200', August 31, 1930, P. Darlington, 1 female. Clingmans Dome, 7.VH.1960, T. C. Barr. Unicoi County; Unaka Mtn., 5.vii. 1 953 , H. & A. Howden, 1. Virginia. Grayson County; Whitetop Mtn., 4000' elev. 24.vii.1967, S. Peck and A. Fiske, 10 in 77 lbs. of log 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 39i and stump litter; Whitetop Mtn., 13.vii.1960, T. C. Barr, M. C. Bowling, 4. West Virginia. Mercer County; Athens, 6.vi.i97i, W. Shear, litter, 1. Randolf County; 5 mi S. Whitmer, i8.vii. 1971, S. Peck, 3000', 11 in litter. Pendleton County; Spruce Knob, 4000' elev., 26.viii.1964, S. Peck & T. 'C. Barr, 2 under rocks and 2 in litter. (AMNH, CAS, CNC, FMNH, MCZ, SBP, USNM). The Illinois collection, separated from the rest of the species’ range, is also of special interest because of the unusual nature of the habitat. The collector, Dr. J. M. Campbell, has supplied me with more detailed data on the locality, and I quote from a letter; “Malt trap no. 9 was set in a small stand of Pin, us echinata on a very dry site on the S. W. slope near the top of a ridge. There was very little litter on the soil ; what little litter there was consisted of pine needles. This entire area of S. Illinois is characterized by having very small stands of pine scattered on the S. W. slopes of dry, rocky ridges. It is possible that any beetles found in this site live in the more mesic ravines which are nearby.” This species may also exist in Missouri. One female labeled “St. Louis, Mo., iv.28” from the Liebeck collection is in the Fall collec- tion in the MCZ. The measurements of the specimen fall into the range of variation of C. ulkei, but the Illinois record of C. appa- lachianus suggests that it might more likely occur in Missouri if we accept the accuracy of the specimen label Life Cycle Data. Eight adult C. appalachianus , captured Septem- ber 1, 1968 in Ellis Cave, Madison Co., Alabama, were kept alive in laboratory culture at I5°C in plastic dishes of moist soil from Ellis Cave. All adults had died by May 1969. Two beetles becom- ing adults in May 1969 died in June and July 1970, suggesting that full adult life may be about one year. Copulation occurred in cul- ture. A total of 37 eggs were laid on the soil surface, with soil crumbs stuck to their sides. The number of females producing these eggs is not known. The month of egg laying and number of eggs were as follows: October, 10; November, 5; December, 3; January, 2; March, 14; April, 3. Reproduction may thus occur throughout the year, especially under favorable temperature conditions such as in caves or deep rock crevices. The eggs were white and oblong, a sample of six measured .35-.60 mm (mean .48 mm) by .5 5~-75 mm (mean .63 mm). A sample of 8 eggs hatched 13 to 20 days (mean 17 days) after being laid. A sample of 7 larvae had a total life span in this stage of from 26 to 30 days (mean 29 days). The first instar lasted 8 days for 1 larva. The total number of instars was not determined 392 Psyche [September-December but may be three. Approximately the first 20 days of larval life were spent feeding on the soil surface or in shallow burrows at the edge of the yeast. Approximately the last ten days (6 to n recorded) of larval life were spent in deepened vertical burrows which were made into pupation chambers. The larvae in these cells became more plump and swollen. Pupation lasted from 16 to 22 days (mean of 20 in a sample of 7). After ecdysis the adults remained in their cells for about a week before emerging. When the adults became reproduc- tively active is not known. Some of the larvae and pupae were preserved for a study of im- mature characteristics. They are in the MCZ beetle larva collections and will be described in a later paper. Catopocerus jonesi New Species Figs. 8, 9 ; Map 1 Holotype male (MCZ no. 32229) from Eudy Cave, 1 mi. S. Oleander, Marshall County, Alabama, 23.vi.1942, W. B. Jones leg. Paratypes, in SBP collection: Alabama. Morgan County, Shine Cave (in Newsome Sinks) 7.vii. 1957, L. Varnedoe, 1 female; Van- dever Cave, 3 mi. S.S.W. Laceys Spring, 22.V.1972, S. & J. Peck, 1 male and 1 female in rotten sticks at back of cave. Jackson County; House of Happiness Cave, 4 mi. S.W. Scottsboro, 23.V. 1972, S. & J. Peck, 2 males and 1 female at carrion bait near en- trance. Diagnosis. The species can be distinguished by the third antennal segment being longer than the second, and the fifth being longer than the fourth and sixth, and by the conspicuous toothed ventral projection of the aedeagus. Description. Holotype measurements, HW, 0.62. PW, 1.12. PL, 0.80, EL, 1.56. EW, 1. 1 7. Length 2.54-2.65 mm. Width 1. 15- 1.23 mm. Color uniform dark reddish-brown, shining. Shape oblong, sides parallel. Head with no indications of eyes; clypeus slightly truncate; frons punctate; vertex punctate and finely striolate. Antennae well sup- plied with long hairs; segments IX, X, XI, possessing dense mat of long and short hairs; segment I robust; II cylindrical, shorter than III by 1/4; III conical, as broad as II; IV, VI longer than broad, shorter than V; VII distinctly longer than broad, slightly wider than VIII and longer than VIII by a third; IX slightly narrower than X, a third wider than VIII ; XI conical at tip. Pronotum widest at middle; sides evenly arcuate; narrower at front than back; hind angles slightly obtuse; front angles rounded; 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 393 front margin slightly concave; hind margin slightly concave; disc finely punctulate ; finely striolate. Elytra fused; at base slightly wider than base of pronotum; widest near middle; anterior margins subparallel; surface punctate, punc- tures indicating striae; finely striolate; sides and apex smooth. Pro- tibia straight on outer margin ; sinuous on inner margin ; widening to apex in apical 2/3; setose on apical half of inner margin; spinose along outer margin ; two large spines at outer apical angle ; two shorter spines on inner margin at origin of tarsus; comb of short spines below origin of tarsus. Mesotibia straight and spinose along outer margin; curved and setose along inner margin; expanding to apex in apical 2/3; outer apical angle sharp, possessing two spines; one large spine along ventral edge of apical margin. Metatibia stout, gradually widening to apex ; outer and inner margin smooth ; curved slightly so that apex is deflected outward ; straight in lateral view; one large spine at outer apical angle and one in middle of apical margin; dense patch of setae along upper and inner margin of apex. Fifth abdominal segment evenly rounded. Male first three protarsomeres widely expanded and supplied with a dense mat of hairs; first three mesotarsomeres less expanded and hairy. Aedeagus in lateral view bent near base, basal anterior pro- jection deflected downward, body of aedeagus slightly sinuous and tapering, ventral surface projecting posteriorly to form shelf under genital orifice, dorsal surface curving downward slightly; in ventral view robust, sides parallel, dorsal surface tapering only at apex and smooth in outline, ventral surface with apical tooth-like projection; parameres gradually tapering to point, terminating close to aedeagal apex, basal pieces thin (figs. 8, 9). Female tarsomeres not expanded. Variation. No noteworthy variation is evident in the seven known specimens. Etymology. I am pleased to name this species for Dr. Walter B. Jones, retired State Geologist of Alabama, in recognition of his as- sistance to me and to other students of Alabama cave fauna. Distribution. Known only from Morgan, Marshall and Jackson Counties in northeastern Alabama (map 1 ). Catopocerus alabamae New Species Figs. 10, 1 1 ; Map 1 Known only from Holotype male (MCZ no. 32230) from Cave Spring Cave, Chapman Mtn., 1 mi. N.E. Huntsville, Madison Co., 394 Psyche [September-December Alabama, found in the stomach of a plethodontid salamander Eurycea Iucifuga, captured 8.ix.i965, S. Peck leg. Diagnosis. Most similar to C. jonesi but differing from it and all other species in the shape of the aedeagus, the very widely ex- panded male tarsal segments, and the distinct setal bearing excavation on the inner and upper margin of the hind tibia. Description. Measurements of the Holotype. HW, .70. PW, 1.25. EL, 1.78. EW, 1.30. Color uniform dark reddish brown, shining. Shape rectangular, rounded at front and back. Head with no traces of eyes; vertex finely punctulate; frons coarsely punctate. Antennae with hairs on all segments; segments IX, X, XI also supplied with dense cover of short hairs at their apical margins; segment I stout; II shorter than III, III slightly conical; IV, VI larger than broad, shorter than V; VII larger than wide, larger than VIII, smaller than IX; IX longer than wide; X as long as wide; XI conical at tip. Pronotum widest at middle; sides evenly arcuate; narrower at front than back ; hind angles slightly obtuse ; front angles rounded ; front margin slightly concave; hind margin slightly concave; disc finely puntulate, coarsely set with punctures. Elytra fused ; at base slightly wider than base of pronotum ; widest near middle; surface finely punctulate, with larger punctures indi- cating 5 distinct and a sixth indistinct stria. Protibia widened at apex, protarsi conspicuously expanded and setose. Mesotibia widened at apex, mesotarsi conspicuously expanded and setose. Metatibia with setae bearing excavation in posterior third of dorsal and inner sur- face. Metatarsi not expanded. Fifth abdominal segment evenly rounded. Aedeagus in lateral view (fig. 10) wide, without ventral projec- tion, expanded in posterior half. In ventral view (fig. 11) wide and slightly expanded toward posterior. Parameres gradually tapering, terminating close to aedeagal apex, basal pieces thin. Notes on holotype. The tip and left side of the aedeagus were damaged in dissection. The illustrations are reconstructed except for the dorsal tip whose full size and shape are not known. Etymology. The name refers to the state of Alabama. Distribution and habitat notes. The species is probably a deep soil inhabitant, limited to northeastern Alabama. The type locality is a small cave under the sandstone cap of Chapman Mountain. A seep spring in the cave gives the cave its name. I have visited the cave many times since 1965 in unsuccessful attempts at obtaining more specimens by searching by hand under rocks and litter and by 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 395 using bait. The salamander which obtained the beetle as food un- doubtedly did so from a small and/or inaccessible population in or near the cave. Catopocerus are not commonly eaten by terrestrial cave salamanders. I have examined the digestive tract contents of 433 salamanders from caves within the range of Catopocerus in the southeastern U. S. (Peck, 1974: Richardson and Peck, in MS) and no other Catopocerus have been found. Evolution and Distribution We may assume that the genus had a past transcontinental range. The present division of the generic range into the ecologically iso- lated eastern and western forested regions may date from the Mio- cene when drying conditions caused a retreat of the Neotropical flora from western North America. This range division was probably widened with the later Pliocene arid trend associated with the north- ward invasion of the Madro-Tertiary geoflora which gave rise to the recent xerophytic vegetation (Axelrod, 1958). Since this division, there is little that can be said of speciation and distributional events for the eastern species. A more rich history is evident in the western species, but will be discussed in a later paper. The three eastern species with limited distributions ( C . hamiltoni, C. alabamae, and C. jonesi ) probably experienced a contraction to their present ranges, from a wider ancient range, in connection with Pleistocene climatic events. None of these species is closely related to the other. C. applachianus and C. ulkei, however are similar enough to have been derived from a single common ancestral species which may have inhabited the Appalachians from at least Pennsylvania to North Carolina. A division of the range into two main units during an early interglacial may have allowed C. ulkei to diverge in the north from Virginia perhaps to Pennsylvania, and allowed C. appalachianus to diverge in the south in North Carolina. C. ulkei may have then dispersed southward during the Illinoisan glaciation to southwestern North Carolina. These populations may have become isolated and somewhat divergent during the Sangamon interglacial. Other overlap of the ranges of the two species may have occurred by dispersal in the Illinoisan, as well as the Wisconsinan. However, judging from the lack of other geographic variation, most of the present distributions were probably gained in the Wisconsinan. This was the time when the larger and perhaps more vagile C. appalachianus moved north into Virginia and West Virginia. The populations of this species in 396 Psyche [September-December the Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky and Alabama, the Highland Rim of Tennessee, and the Shawnee Hills of southern Illinois are probably not remnants of an ancient distribution but also date from the Wisconsinan glaciation when more wet and cool montane-type climatic conditions prevailed in the Interior Basins, favoring the distribution and dispersal of “montane” beetles. The comparatively large ranges and low levels of geographic vari- ability in C. ulkei and C. appalachianus are remarkable in the light of an assumed low dispersal potential resulting from the beetles’ winglessness, eyelessness, and soil habitation. Other ecologically similar beetles, for instance Anillinus and Arianops (Barr, 1969; 1974) in the eastern United States have much smaller ranges and are more highly speciated. In contrast then, it must be that the vagility of some Catopocerus is higher than would seem likely at first, because of an incompletely understood ability to withstand various mechanisms of long distance dispersal, similar to that of some European soil Colydiid beetles (Peck, 1972). Acknowledgements I thank the following persons and their institutions for allowing examination of specimens: M. G. Emsley, ANSP; L. H. Herman, AMNH ; H. B. Leech, CAS; J. M. Campbell, CNCI; H. Dybas and R. Wenzel, FMNH ; M. W. Sanderson, INHS; P. J. Darling- ton and J. F. Lawrence, MCZ; J. M. Kingsolver, USNM; Fr. Jerome Rupprecht, SVAM ; G. E. Wallace, CM; and G. Byers, UK. Thomas C. Barr, University of Kentucky, and Henry F. Howden have provided specimens from their personal collections. Collections made in regions administered by the National Park Ser- vice were permitted by Ernest G. Whanger, Blue Ridge Parkway, and V. R. Bender, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. A debt of gratitude is due to many persons who assisted me in collecting, especially James H. Peck in 1965, Alan Fiske in 1967, and Jarmila Kukalova-Peck. Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Jones of Huntsville, Ala- bama, are thanked for their hospitality in providing a base for field work conducted intermittently in and near Alabama over seven years. My wife, Jarmila, prepared the final illustrations. My specimens were collected during field work supported by National Science Foundation Grants GB 3167 and GB 7346 (Professor Reed C. Rollins, principal investigator, Biological Laboratories, Harvard Uni- versity) and by Canadian National Research Council operating grants. John Lawrence and Ernst Mayr kindly read an early ver- sion of the manuscript. 1974] Peck — Catopocerus 397 Literature Cited Axelrod, D. 1958. Evolution of the Madro-Tertiary gloflora. Bot. Rev., 24: 433- 509. Barr. T. C., Jr. 1969. Evolution of the (Coleoptera) Carabidae in the southern Appala- chians, 67-92 in P. Holt ed., The distributional history of the biota of the southern Appalachians, part I: Invertebrates. Re- search Div. Mono. 1, Virginia Polytech. Inst., Blacksburg, Va. 295 pp. 1974. The eyeless beetles of the genus Arianops Brendel (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae) . Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 154(1): 1-51. Brown, W. J. 1933. Two undescribed species of the old family Silphidae with notes on some characters that have been used to divide the group. Can. Ent., 65: 213-215. Hamilton, J. 1894. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Alaska with the synonymy and distribution. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 21: 1-38. 1897. Pinodytes hamiltoni and Anthicus formicarius. Ent. News, 8: 34-35. Hatch, M. H, 1957. The beetles of the Pacific Northwest; part II: Staphyliniformia. University of Washington Press, Publications in Biology, vol. 16, Seattle, 384 pp. Horn, G. H. 1880. Synopsis of the Silphidae of the United States with reference to the genera of other countries. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 8: 219-322. 1892. Random studies in North American Coleoptera. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 14: 40-47. Peck, S. B. 1972. The eyeless European soil Colydiid, Anommatus duodecimstriatus , in North America (Coleoptera; Colydiidae). Coleop. Bull., 26: 19-20. 1973. A systematic revision and the evolutionary biology of the Ptomaphagus ( Adelops ) beetles of North America (Cole- optera, Leiodidae; Catopinae), with emphasis on cave-inhabiting species. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 145(2): 29-162. 1974. The food of the salamanders Eurycea lucifuga and Plethodon glutinosus in caves. Nat. Speleol. Soc. Bull., 36(4):1-10. Valentine, J. M. 1942. On the preparation and preservation of insects, with particular reference to Coleoptera. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 103(6): 1-16. POST-IMMOBILIZATION WRAPPING OF PREY BY LYCOSID SPIDERS OF THE HERBACEOUS STRATUM1 By Jerome S. Rovner and Susan J. Knost Department of Zoology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701 The use of silk for wrapping prey is generally associated with those spiders that construct trapping webs; nevertheless, there are indications in the literature that wandering spiders sometimes use silk for this purpose. In some of the latter cases the silk is applied after the prey has been subdued by biting, a use corresponding to that of the diguetid and linyphiid web-weavers studied by Eberhard (1967). Post-immobilization wrapping in the latter two families was suggested to prevent the prey from falling out of the web during subsequent attacks (ibid.), and in araneid spiders to have the same and additional roles, depending on species and prey size (Robinson et al., 1969). The function of this behavior in the non-web-weaving ctenids (Melchers, 1963), theraphosids (Eberhard, 1967), and lycosids (Rovner, 1971) remained unknown and was the subject of the present study. Our findings suggested that post-immobilization wrapping by wandering spiders serves the same general function that it probably does in web-weavers — to prevent prey from dropping from the spider’s elevated location down to the ground whenever it is released from the chelicerae during feeding, grooming, or subse- quent capture attempts. Methods We observed individuals of Lycosa rabida Walckenaer (females — 12-19 mm), Lyoosa punctulata Hentz (females = 13-15 mm), and Schizocosa crassipes (Walckenaer) (females — 8-10 mm) for the presence of and nature of prey wrapping. Whereas S. crassipes was collected during spring on forest leaf litter, both species of Lycosa were found in grassy fields, L. rabida during the summer and L. punctulata during early fall. The spiders were collected in Athens Co., Ohio, USA. Spiders were housed individually in plastic cages (70 X 125 X 70 mm high) with water available ad lib., and given mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio molitor) for maintenance feedings. Laboratory ^This study was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant GB 35369 to J. S. Rovner. Manuscript received by the editor September 20, 1974. 398 1974] Rovner Knost — Wrapping of Prey 399 temperatures averaged 25.8 zb 2. 7° (SD) over the entire investi- gation. Initial observations were made on spiders in boxes identical to their bousing cages. Each individual had been food-deprived for up to 7 days. In this phase of our study we used the following types of prey: terrestrial isopods ( Armadillidium sp.), 6-8 mm; Japanese beetles ( Popillia japonica)} 10-12 mm; mealworm larvae, 18-20 mm; small grasshoppers (Cyrtacanthacridinae) , 6-8 mm; small ground crickets (Nemobiinae) , 10-13 mm; and vestigial-winged fruit flies ( Drosophila ?nelanogaster) , 2 mm. We offered three prey at time — O, and additional single prey at + 10 and +20 min (all of the same species) in most of these tests. (For fruit flies, groups of eight were added at each of the three times.) Observation periods were at least 30 min in duration. The spider then was returned to its home cage with its captured prey. To determine the functions of the various spinnerets in wrapping, we sealed pairs of spinnerets with paraffin while female L. rabida were under C02 anesthesia. Two females underwent sealing of the anterior spinnerets; two had the anterior and median spinnerets sealed; and two, the median and posterior spinnerets. These spiders were subsequently observed and filmed (Bolex Macrozoom Super 8 mm camera, Model 160) during prey-wrapping. We also exam- ined the silk on the prey and substratum, after chasing away the female from her just-wrapped prey. To study the preference of L. rabida (and, to some extent, L. punctulata) for the ground vs. the herbaceous stratum, we con- structed artificial “field habitats” in three terraria (0.2 X 0.4 X 0.2 m high). Cardboard “foliage” was fixed in a plaster base which provided the “ground surface” on 24 of the terrarium bottom. The remainder of the glass bottom was left uncovered to provide an alternative ground surface in case the plaster had a repellent effect on the spiders (which turned out not to be the case). Vertical and sloping surfaces projecting into space were provided by the artificial foliage (Fig. 1). Spiders could climb to a height (limited by a glass lid) of 0.19 m. Three female L. rabida (tagged with non-toxic enamel) were housed in each terrarium. (Three individuals were cannibalized in the course of this experiment and were replaced with equivalently tagged substitutes.) To prevent possible conditioning effects, we fed the spiders on the ground as often as on the foliage. (Feeding was done at times other than the daily observation periods.) We observed the nine spiders for 2-hr blocks of time each day for 10 days during 400 Psyche [September-December Fig. 1. Female Lycosa rabida (with prey) on artificial foliage. the afternoon (on most days, 1300-1500), and recorded the duration of time each spider spent on the ground vs. the foliage. At ^-hr intervals we also measured the height of those spiders that were on the foliage. After completing this phase of our study, we observed and filmed prey capture and wrapping by spiders on the artificial foliage. Analysis of these and other films was aided by use of a Bell & Howell Super 8 mm Multi-motion projector. Field observations were made on L. rabida during daylight hours (usually 1300-1500), and during both day (1300-1500) and night (2030-2200) conditions on L. punctulata. The spiders were detected at a distance and their location within the habitat noted. By ap- proaching carefully, we were able to film undisturbed L. rabida in the field. Prey-wrapping Behavior Whereas individuals of S. crassipes did not use silk after prey capture, those of L. rabida and, to a lesser extent, L. punctulata did so. In the latter two species, silk was not used to immobilize the prey, since wrapping began after the prey had ceased most of its struggling, usually several min after capture (Table 1). 1974] Rovner & Knost — JV rapping of Prey 401 Table I. Bouts of prey-wrapping by female Lycosa rabida {*) and Lycosa punctulata (f) when offered multiple prey during a 30-min period. A total of 12 spiders was tested on each type of prey. (Sample sizes in parentheses.) Prey Bouts/ captures Mean revolutions/ bout Mean duration (sec) Mean onset after bite (min) ^Mealworms 16/40 4.5(15) 36(13) 11.4(8) ^Grasshoppers 28/27 4.4(27) 34(22) 2.7(9) ^Crickets 50/40 3.2(48) 26(39) 1.1(8) fCrickets 6/32 2.2 ( 6) 16 ( 6) 9.3(3) When beginning a bout of wrapping, the spider spread and wiggled its spinnerets, flexed its abdomen ventrad, and then pressed its anterior spinnerets to the substratum. (Sometimes additional attachment disks were placed on the substratum in this manner within an arc of 6o° or less.) Then the spider began to pivot above the prey. In about 10% of the cases the spider pivoted ^4 revolution (or sometimes revolution), fixed an attachment disk to the substratum, and then began to turn in the opposite direction. However, in most cases the spider pivoted in only one direction, while remaining cen- tered above the prey. During the first revolution, the silk was attached to the substratum at 2-5 points, the number perhaps de- pending on the prey’s bulk. Fewer attachment disks were placed during the next turn or two, and usually only one or none during later revolutions. During the first two or three turns, the spider usually held the prey in its chelicerae (Fig. 2). Consequently, as the spider revolved, the prey animals beneath it pivoted around with the spider. (Very large animals, while not held in the chelicerae during wrapping, and therefore not having their weight supported by the spider, were contacted by the palps, chelicerae, and sternum of the spider pivoting above.) If, as was the case with most prey, the spider held the prey in its chelicerae during early revolutions, it then released the prey during a subsequent turn and continued to pivot for one or more revolutions (Fig. 3). Throughout the process, the palps were used to contact or manipulate the prey. In L. rabida 80% of the wrapping bouts involved four or fewer revolutions (mean = 3.3 ± 2.1 SD; range = 1-14; n — 106). Some views of one such bout are sketched in Fig. 4. All three pairs of spinnerets were used during prey-wrapping. Data obtained from experimental animals indicated the same roles 402 Psyche [September-December Fig. 2. Female Lycosa rabida placing an attachment disk on the sub- stratum during the early phase of prey-wrapping. The multiple prey are held in her chelicerae and palps. Fig. 3. Female Lycosa rabida during the later phase of prey-wrapping. The prey have just been released from her cheliceral grasp. (Her palps continue to contact the prey.) Swathing silk issues from her posterior spinnerets. 1974] Rovner & Knost — W rapping of Prey 403 for the spinnerets in lycosids as in other spiders that wrap prey. When the anterior spinnerets were sealed, no attachment disks were produced. The prey was wrapped but not fixed to the substratum. The same was true when the anterior and median spinnerets were sealed. When the median and posterior spinnerets were sealed, attachment disks were fixed to the substratum and dragline laid around the prey, but no swathing silk. In this case wrapping was not effective. Multiple prey were not tied together; indeed, the prey items were often pushed apart by the legs of the pivoting spider. As the result of normal wrapping behavior, silk was placed around the bodies of the prey animals and attached to the substratum at intervals. Although the pivoting spider had pulled the threads taut, the silk was not dense enough to produce a very tightly wrapped package, as is produced by orb-weavers, for example. Indeed the wrapping was so sparse that it would be unnoticed by the casual observer. Nevertheless, the prey group did form a more compact mass than it had prior to wrapping. When the spider resumed feed- ing, it lifted the prey away from the substratum a. short distance (rather than lean down to feed) ; however, the lines running to the substratum generally remained intact due to their elasticity. After prey-wrapping, the spider sometimes groomed its chelicerae and palps, while remaining directly above the prey, and then resumed feeding. Additional prey that approached within reach were often captured; and one or more bouts of wrapping followed. However, regardless of whether further captures were made after the first bout of wrapping, subsequent bouts on the previously wrapped prey occurred later in the observation period in many cases. Table II. Number of Lycosa rabida making single vs. multiple captures when offered multiple prey during a 30-min period (second figure) and the number of those captures in which wrapping occurred (first figure). Twelve spiders of each sex were tested on each type of prey. Males Females Prey Single capture Multiple capture Single capture Multiple capture Isopods — / 0 — /o 1/ 4 — / 0 Beetles 0/ 1 — /O' 2/ 6 — / 0 Mealworms 0/ 9 — /o 1/ 3 8/ 9 Grasshoppers 2/ 7 2/2 1/ 1 11/11 Crickets 0/ 4 2/3 — / 0 12/12 Totals 2/21 4/5 5/14 31/32 404 Psyche [September-December D H 1974] Rovner & Knost — Wrapping of Prey 405 L. rabida wrapped various types of prey, especially in situations in which multiple prey were captured (Table II). While only 19% of the males captured multiple prey, 68% of the females did so. Considering both sexes together, wrapping occurred in 20% of the cases in which only single captures were made, and in 95% of the cases in which two or more prey were captured. Such correlations meant that females wrapped prey much more often than males, performing at least one bout of wrapping in 78% of the observation periods in which they captured prey (single or multiple), while males did so only 23% of the time. None of our spider species wrapped fruit flies. As shown in Table I, individuals of L. punctulata wrapped prey much less often than L. rabida and did so less intensively (fewer turns and shorter bout duration). Furthermore, it was only four of the twelve females that did so; none of the twelve males wrapped prey. Stratum Selection Field observations. — We watched penultimate and adult L. rabida on sunny, calm days (early July) in a grassy field near the edge of a woods. Undisturbed individuals rested motionless on the leaves and stems of grasses and other vegetation. The spiders typically were on horizontal or sloping surfaces (rather than vertical ones). Those individuals we happened to observe were on the upper leaves of relatively low vegetation or part-way up the stems and leaves of taller vegetation. In response to mild disturbance, the spiders walked or climbed a short distance and then resumed their motionless stance. Strong disturbance (as that which resulted from our walking near them during our collecting efforts) caused the spiders to run and climb Fig. 4. [Opposite page]. Sketches, based on a Super 8 mm film, showing dorsal views of prey-wrapping by a female Lycosa rabida. The several items of the multiple prey-capture are drawn as an homogenous mass (stippled) for convenience, and should not be regarded as a wrapped bundle. Lighting conditions permitted seeing the silk in views B, E, and G. Times were rounded to the nearest sec. A. Placing 1st attachment disk (Time=0). B. One-quarter into the 1st revolution ( + 4 sec). C. Near end of 1st revolution (+ 7 sec). D. One-third into 2nd revolution (+9 sec). E. Near end of 2nd revolution (+ 12 sec). Prey were released from the chelicerae at the beginning of the next revolution. F. One-third into 3rd revolution ( + 14 sec). G. Beginning of 4th revolution ( + 18 sec). H. End of 4th and final revolution (+21 sec). 406 Psyche [September-December swiftly through the foliage, sometimes breaking into a series of leaps and dashes that carried them long distances along the top of low- growing vegetation in a few seconds. Thus, these animals usually remained in the herbaceous stratum; only occasionally did an in- dividual plunge downward and hide near the ground. Penultimate L. punctulata were seen in the fall in the same fields, and typically traveled through the herbaceous stratum when dis- turbed. At night these spiders were seen resting on or moving slowly upon the vegetation or, much less frequently, upon the ground. Laboratory studies. — The results of our study of diurnal stratum selection by undisturbed female L. rabida in an artificial habitat are summarized in Fig. 5. (Temperature was 25-26° and relative hu- midity > 60% throughout the 10 days.) During the 20-hr survey, the spiders were on the cardboard foliage 73% of the time. Most of that time the animals rested motionless on one of the “leaves” at an average height of 0.12 m, i.e., more than half-way up the “plant.” The long axis of their bodies was usually in a plane ranging from nearly horizontal to a slope of about 6o° from the horizontal. In the latter situation the spider faced up- or downward. In those cases in which the spider rested vertically on a “stem” the spider INDIVIDUAL Fig. 5. Stratum selection by female Lycosa rabida in an artificial habitat. During 20 hr, spread over 10 days, we recorded the proportion of time spent on cardboard foliage (solid bar) vs. on the ground. At half- hr intervals within observation periods, we also measured the height of those spiders that were on the foliage (hatched bar). 1974] Kovner & Knost — Wrapping of Prey 407 typically faced downward. Individuals rested more often in an upright position on the upper surface of the leaf (illumination — approx. 400 lux) than they did in an inverted position beneath the leaf (illumination = approx. 130 lux). We considered each spider’s behavior within the 2-hr periods of observation and noted that each remained within the “herbaceous stratum” during the entire 2 hr in 5.3 (range = 4-7) of the ten periods. Each spider remained on the ground throughout the 2-hr period in only 1 .6 ( range = 0-3 ) of the ten periods. The spider moved from the ground to the foliage or vice versa in the remaining 3.1 (range = 2-4) of the ten periods. Some observations made on several female L. punctulata in the artificial habitat indicated that these spiders also tended to spend their time resting on the foliage. However, we did not quantify this part of our study. After completing the 1 0-day survey of stratum selection by L. rabida, we observed and filmed prey-wrapping by these spiders on the artificial foliage. The behavior resembled that performed on the floors of the housing containers, as we described above. Wrapping Fig. 6. Female Lycosa rabida wrapping prey on artificial foliage. This leaf sloped at an angle of about 60° to the horizontal. 408 Psyche [September-December usually was performed at the capture site and therefore was carried out in all planes, including the vertical. The spiders behaved on sloping leaves and vertical stems in a manner similar to that seen on the horizontal cage floors; however, pivoting was slower on the narrow surfaces, apparently due to the spider’s having to seek foot- holds as it revolved “above” the prey (Fig. 6). In some cases, we intentionally disturbed the spider before or after prey-wrapping. In the former situation, the prey sometimes was released from the chelicerae and dropped to a lower leaf or to the ground. On the other hand, if wrapping already had occurred, they prey did not 'fall from the capture site when released from the chelicerae, even on a vertical surface. When multiple prey were wrapped on a sloping surface, they : ( i ) remained together rather than roll apart and (2) hung at the wrapping site rather than drop to the ground, when the spider was chased away. A further bit of evidence for the adaptedness of L. rabida to the herbaceous stratum was provided later by the construction of a “shelter web” (about 50 mm3) and, within it, an egg sac (infertile) by a female on a nearly horizontal leaf 0.13 m above the ground in the artificial habitat. Discussion Preference for herbaceous stratum. — S. crassipes is well-known as an inhabitant o'f woodland leaf-litter (Kaston^ 1948; Fitch, 1963) ; indeed, lycosids are generally regarded as ground-dwellers (Lowrie, 1968). However, L. rabida and L. punctulata can be collected by sweeping grass and shrubs (Kaston, 1948). Kuenzler (1958) also found L. rabida on the lower trunk and branches of trees in open woodland. Whitcomb et al. (1963) describe finding L. rabida in cotton fields on the ground during the day, but at night “. . . half- way up the cotton stalks feeding on bollworm or cabbage looper moths . . .” as well as on noctuid moths. At night, Eason and Whitcomb (1965) collected 80% of their specimens of L. rabida 2/3 m or more above the ground in tall grass and bushes. According to Eason and Whitcomb (1965), " L . punctulata is mostly captured on or near the ground, since it has less tendency to climb into bushes than does L. rabida ” While finding both species in grassland, Fitch (1963) reported that L. punctulata preferred “. . . relatively open or barren situations as compared to L. rabida , which prefers a tail-grass habitat.” Kaston (1948) stated simply that both species have the same habits. 1974] Kovner & Knost — Wrapping of Prey 409 Our field and laboratory observations are in agreement with the general idea expressed above — L. rabida and L. punctulata are adapted for spending a significant part of their life in the herbaceous stratum, rather than being, like most lycosids, ground-dwellers. (Obviously, stratum selection may vary during the life of an in- dividual under different conditions, both external (temperature, humidity, wind, etc.) and internal (hunger, sexual state, etc.)). A difference between the species in regard to habitat or stratum selec- tion, suggested by some authors, was not examined by us, but might be revealed by quantitative field and laboratory studies. The rela- tively longer legs of L. rabida suggests a greater adaptation to the herbaceous stratum than that of L. punctulata, as does the stronger tendency of L. rabida to wrap prey. While these lycosids are often seen running about, perhaps mi- grating from one habitat to another in response to micro-climatic conditions, or perhaps merely reacting to the collector’s movements, most of their time is probably spent at rest on the foliage. This seemed to be the case in the field, and was certainly the situation in the artificial habitat. As has been noted elsewhere (Edgar, 1969), lycosid spiders generally remain motionless and wait for their prey to come within reach. Like the web-weaving spiders, the wandering spiders of the herbaceous stratum are resting on a medium that pro- vides effective transmission of vibrational cues from the prey. Function of prey-wrapping. — We hypothesize that post-immo- bilization prey-wrapping in L. rabida and L. punctulata is a be- havioral adaptation for life in the herbaceous stratum. It reduces the possibility of losing the prey items when the spider releases them from its cheliceral grasp between bouts of feeding. The spider may release its grasp to make an additional capture, to groom, to drink, or to locate another point on the prey’s body for further feeding. Also, when startled by another animal or by shaking of the sub- stratum due to wind, the spider’s momentary release of the prey would often result in its loss. No such problem exists for ground- dwelling forms. Our hypothesis is supported by the absence of wrapping after the capture of small prey, which are easily held in the chelicerae and ingested in a relatively short time. It appears, then, that post-immo- bilization wrapping serves the same primary function in wandering spiders as it does in web-weavers — to prevent the prey from dropping to the ground from the spider’s elevated location. Also, it is im- portant when multiple prey are captured by a wandering spider, 4io Psyche [September-December since the number of prey that the spider can hold in its chelicerae during feeding is limited. As to the functions of the components of prey-wrapping, we sug- gest the following. The swathing silk serves to enclose the prey, a role that is not only important for holding multiple prey together, but which is also of value in holding together the pieces that often result from the process of ingesting a single prey item. This latter function may be one reason for the occurrence of additional bouts of wrapping during the course o'f feeding. The dragline may be entangled in the swathing band and serve to attach the prey package to the substratum via the attachment disks, although it seemed that the swathing band itself was connected to the attachment disks. Since attachment to the substratum seems to be of prime value in preventing loss of acquired food material, the re-anchoring that occurs in additional wrapping bouts during the course of feeding probably makes up for the breakage of lines that accompanies the physical and chemical processing of the prey by the feeding spider, and thus may be another reason for extra bouts of wrapping. The temporal pattern is one of providing multiple attachment points, along with swathing, during the early phase of each bout (while the prey is held in the chelicerae) and then devoting most of the remaining time to swathing (after the prey has been released from the chelicerae). The early phase (attachment) may be im- portant for effective wrapping, since it enables the spider to release the prey and pivot around it, pulling the swathing lines taut. Role of aciniform and other silk glands. — Comstock (1912) and others have described the aciniform glands of web-weaving spiders as the source of the swathing silk used for prey-wrapping, as well as the fine fibers of egg sacs. These glands are present in lycosids, but their function had remained unknown (Richter and Van der Kraan, 1970). On the basis of histological data, Richter (1970a) suggested roles for the aciniform glands in lycosid spiders - — - in producing silk involved in molting, egg sac construction, and sperm web construction. Our data indicate that the aciniform glands also have one of the same functions in lycosids as they do in the web-weavers — produc- tion of swathing silk for wrapping prey. When the spigots for these glands were closed experimentally (by sealing the median and posterior spinnerets), wrapping behavior was ineffective. Such spiders pivoted, fixed attachment disks, and laid a dragline; however, no broad bands of silk were placed on the prey. Indeed, the several items of multiple prey were often pushed apart by the legs of the pivoting spider. 1974] Rovner & Knost — W rapping of Prey 411 Our sealing of the anterior spinnerets (site of spigots for the piriform glands) prevented attachment disk production, as was well- known in the literature. Such spiders could wrap the prey but not attach it to the substratum. This was also the case with spiders that had their anterior and median spinnerets sealed, with the further limitation of being incapable of producing draglines. In summary, for complete wrapping of the prey, these lycosids are using all three pairs of spinnerets and employing silk from three types of silk glands (the third being the ampullaceal glands — for production of drag- lines— whose spigots are on the anterior and median spinnerets). This agrees with observations made by Melchers (1961) on prey- wrapping by normal individuals of Cupiennius salei , a large ctenid spider. Since the wrapping of prey by lycosids (and at least some other wandering spiders) probably correlates with a. preference for the herbaceous (or higher) stratum, we hypothesize that the size of the aciniform glands, source of swathing silk, would also. This expecta- tion is based on Richter’s (1970^) demonstration of such a corre- lation between ampullaceal gland size (dragline silk) and preferred vegetation structure in Pardosa spp. Indeed, we should expect lyco- sids with larger ampullaceal glands to have larger aciniform glands, based on our hypothesis and on Richter’s findings. Stimuli releasing prey-wrapping. — The correlation between the frequencies of prey-wrapping and multiple prey-capture suggests that the latter event provides a stimulus situation to release prey-wrap- ping. The value of wrapping for retaining multiple prey has been discussed above. However, wrapping certainly occurs after single prey are captured, if these prey are about as large or larger than the spider’s body size. It seems, then, that the stimulus for post-immo- bilization wrapping is that of ,a relatively large volume or mass of prey material beneath the spider, not the absolute number of prey captured. We suspect volume rather than weight to be the stimulus, since very large prey are wrapped without being held in the cheli- cerae following a capture in which the bite was maintained without the spider supporting the weight of the prey resting on the sub- stratum. Prey-wrapping was initiated after the prey had ceased most or all of its struggling. Groups of small crickets or grasshoppers, each member of which succumbed quickly to the spider’s bite, were wrapped within a minute or two after capture. Mealworms, which performed active twisting of the free end of their body for a long time, were not wrapped until about 10 min after capture. Very 412 Psyche [September-December large, single prey were wrapped only after a lengthy period, i hr or more, had elapsed. It appears that the absence of vigorous movements by the prey is a necessary part of the stimulus situation for the onset of wrapping. Post-immobilization wrapping in other wandering spiders. — Our two species of Lycosa performed post-immobilization wrapping, whereas Schizocosa crassipes did not. We modified our original speculation that this behavior might be characteristic of the Lycosidae to the notion that it might be at least genus-specific. Even this is no longer tenable, in light of our preliminary observations on other species as well as data obtained by R. J. McKay (personal commu- nication). We now regard post-immobilization prey-wrapping as a behavioral adaptation that may be included in the repertoire of various unrelated wandering spiders that have specialized for spend- ing part or most of their time some distance above the ground on vegetation. Post-immobilization wrapping occurs after the prey has stopped struggling, occupies a relatively brief amount of time during the lengthy feeding process, and is used for prey only when the total volume exceeds some threshold value. These are the probable rea- sons why this behavior has not yet been reported in many species in which it is likely to occur. Authors specifically studying feeding behavior have seen post-immobilization wrapping in two other fam- ilies of wandering spiders — ctenids (Melchers, 1961, 1963) and theraphosids (Eberhard, 1967), although neither of these authors determined the function. A personal communication from E.-A. Seyfarth, that wrapping occurred in Cupiennius salei , called our attention to the work of Melchers (1961, 1963) on this ctenid species. (Comparison with our species was facilitated by our being able to view Melchers’ (1961) film of this behavior.) Post-immobilization wrapping by C. salei is very similar to what occurs in our Lycosa spp. as to the sequence of events and movements, stimuli releasing the behavior, etc. However, two differences are obvious : ( 1 ) C. salei waits for prey on a vertical surface. If it tumbles to the ground during prey capture, it carries the prey back up to an elevated point on the vertical surface — the glass wall of the terrarium in Melchers’ study. Individuals of our species never did the latter, but readily stayed on the ground to feed if the capture ended there. (2) The density and breadth of the swathing bands are much greater in C. salei than in our Lycosa spp. Points 1 and 2 are probably interrelated and suggest that this ctenid 1974] Rovner & Knost — Wrapping of Prey 413 spider is even more specialized for living on vegetation than are our Lycosa spp. Scopula hairs, which enable spiders to climb smooth surfaces, have been studied in lycosids, theraphosids, and other wandering spiders (Foelix and Chu-Wang, 1974). Since these structures are an im- portant adaptation for many of the spiders which spend their life on vegetation, they may serve as a morphological indicator of behavioral correlates o'f this life style, including post-immobilization prey-wrap- ping. Indeed, a scopula is present in those species in which this behavior has been seen. On the other hand, since scopula hairs on the tarsus and metatarsus are probably important for the capture and manipulation of prey (Rovner and Knost, in preparation), their presence may not always be indicative of habitat preference and related behaviors. Experimentally modified male L. rabida that are unable to achieve palpal insertions “tie-down” females during attempted copulation (Rovner, 1971), a behavior resembling post-immobilization wrapping of large prey. Male thomisid spiders perform a similar behavior as part of their normal pre-copulatory activity. (In neither case does the wrapping have any restraining effect on the female, who easily tears the threads and departs when the copulation is completed.) Perhaps the pre-copulatory wrapping in thomisids is a ritualized behavior derived from a present or past use of silk for wrapping prey in this family. Eberhard (1967) associated post-immobilization wrapping with certain primitive types of aerial web-building, similar to that ex- hibited by the present-day diguetid spiders. The behavior shown by our Lycosa spp. of the herbaceous stratum, and by other wander- ing spiders, suggests that the evolution of post-immobilization wrap- ping may not be as closely associated with the building of aerial webs as Eberhard had hypothesized. Summary Post-immobilization wrapping of large, single prey and groups of smaller prey occurs in Lycosa rabida and, to a lesser extent, Lycosa punctulata. Observation of these spiders in both the natural habitat and an artificial habitat indicated their preference for the herbaceous stratum. Post-immobilization wrapping is probably an adaptation for life in this stratum, since it reduces the possibility of losing prey when it is released from the cheliceral grasp. The swathing bands, at- tachment disks, and draglines involved in wrapping are produced 414 Psyche [September-December with silk from the aciniform, piriform, and ampullaceal glands re- spectively. Post-immobilization prey-wrapping, well-known in web- weavers and now known in ctenids, lycosids, and theraphosids, is likely to be found in other wandering spiders that live on foliage. Literature Cited Comstock, J. H. 1912. The Spider Book. Garden City, N. Y. : Doubleday, Page. 725 pp. Eason, R. and W. H. Whitcomb 1965. Life history of the dotted wolf spider, Lycosa punctulata Hentz (Araneida: Lycosidae). Proc. Arkansas Acad. Sci. 19: 11-20. Eberhard, W. 1967. Attack behavior of diguetid spiders and the origin of prey wrapping in spiders. Psyche 74: 173-181. Edgar, W. D. 1969. Prey and predators of the wolf spider Lycosa lugubris. J. Zool., Lond. 159: 405-411. Fitch, H. S. 1963. Spiders of the University of Kansas Natural History Reserva- tion and Rockefeller Experimental Tract. Misc. Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Kansas 33: 1-202. Foelix, R. F. and I. W. Chu-Wang 1974. Scopula hairs in spiders. Proc. Sixth Int. Congr. Arach. In press. Kaston, B. J. 1948. Spiders of Connecticut. Bull. State Geol. Natur. Hist. Surv., Hartford 70: 1-874. Kuenzler, E. J. 1958. Niche relations of three species of lycosid spiders. Ecology 39: 494-500. Lowrie, D. C. 1968. The spiders of the herbaceous stratum of the Jackson Hole region of Wyoming. Northwest Sci. 42: 89-100. Melchers, M. 1961. Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) Einspinnen der Beute und Nahrung- saufnahme. Encycl. Cinemat., E 421. 1963. Zur Biologie und zum Verhalten von Cupiennius salei (Keys- erling), einer amerikanischen Ctenide. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. System. 91: 1-90. Richter, C. J. J. 1970a. Morphology and function of the spinning apparatus of the wolf spider Pardosa amentata (Cl.) (Araneae, Lycosidae). Z. Morph. Tiere 68: 37-68. 1970#. Relation between habitat structure and development of the glandulae ampullaceae in eight wolf spider species ( Pardosa , Araneae, Lycosidae). Oecologia (Berl.) 5: 185-199. Richter, C. J. J. and C. Van Der Kraan 1970. Silk production in adult males of the wolf spider Pardosa amen- tata (Cl.) (Araneae, Lycosidae). Neth. J. Zool. 20: 392-400. 1974] Kovner & Knost — Wrapping of Prey 415 Robinson, M. H., H. Mirick, and O. Turner 1969. The predatory behavior of some araneid spiders and the origin of immobilization wrapping. Psyche 76: 487-501. Rovner, J. S. 1971. Mechanisms controlling copulatory behavior in wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Psyche 78: 150-165. Rovner, J. S. and S. J. Knost Prey capture by lycosid spiders. In preparation. Whitcomb, W. H., H. Exline, and R. C. Hunter 1963. Spiders of the Arkansas cotton field. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 56: 653-660. ERRATUM. — In our paper on “Social 'Carrying Behavior and Division of Labor During Nest Moving in Ants”, Psyche , Vol. 81, No. 2, pages 219-236, the last line of the caption of Fig. 10 should read: Dotted Line: Formica sanguinea; Solid Line: Camponotus sericeus. — Michael Moglich and Bert Holldobler (Biological Dept., MCZ-Laboratories, Harvard University). PTERALIA OF THE PALEOZOIC INSECT ORDERS PALAEODICTYOPTERA, MEGASECOPTERA AND DIAPHANOPTERODEA ( PALEOPTERA) * By Jarmila Kukalova-Peck Department of Geology, Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, Canada For an understanding of insect evolution the structure of the wing base is of major significance. However, the fossil record of pteralia in extinct orders is extremely scanty. This paper is concerned with the wing bases of certain Paleozoic Paleoptera, namely, Palaeodictyop- tera, Megasecoptera and Diaphanopterodea from the Upper Carboni- ferous (Namurian) of Czechoslovakia, the Upper Carboniferous (Stephanian) of France, and the Lower Permian of Czechoslovakia and Kansas. Independently of the Neoptera, the Diaphanopterodea acquired the ability to flex the wings backwards over the abdomen. In this respect, the order is of special interest, and an attempt is made here to compare the pteralia of the Diaphanopterodea with those of extant Ephemeroptera. Our present knowledge of the wing base in Paleozoic Paleoptera is restricted to the axillary plate of several palaeodictyopteran adults (Kukalova, i960, 1969-70), and palaeodictyopteran nymphs (Woot- ton, 1972; Sharov, 1971) [See figures 1, 2 and 4]. Recently, the wing base has been described in the Diaphanopterodea, Family El- moidae (Kukalova-Peck, 1974) (fig. 8). In the present paper, the axillary plates in Martynoviidae and Asthenohymenidae of the Order Diaphanopterodea are included, and for the first time the axillary sclerites in Megasecoptera are described. The interpretation and terminology of the pteralia in extinct Pale- optera are necessarily dependent upon the detailed functional mor- phology of extant Ephemeroptera and Odonata. At the same time, the wing base structures found in extinct orders provide an evolu- tionary view and might be helpful in unraveling the enigmatic archi- *This research has been aided in part by a Publication Grant from Carleton University and in part by a National Science Foundation Grant, GB 39720, F. M. Carpenter, Principal Investigator, Harvard University. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Carpenter for his assistance in finding speci- mens and for placing them at my disposal at the Museum of Comparative Zoology. I also wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. R. J. Wootton (University of Exeter, England) and Dr. P. A. Adams (California State University at Fullerton) for their valuable critical comments. Manuscript received by the editor December 15, 1974. 416 1974] Kukalova-Peck — Pteralia 417 Fig. 1. Partially fused axillary plate of Boltopruvostia nigra (Palaeo- dictyoptera, Homoiopteridae) . Enlarged base of fore wing. Redrawn from Kukalova, 1960. API — anal plate; bg — basal groove; CuPl -— cubital plate; MP1 — median plate; ScRPl — subcosto-radial plate. Upper Namurian, Czechoslavakia. tecture of extant Paleoptera. In the Odonata, the thorax and pteralia have been discussed in detail by Tannert (1958), Neville (i960), and Hatch (1966), but interpretation of these structures is still subject to debate. The axillary plate is considered either as the fused radio-anal plate, or as a compound structure, with the radio-anal plate, axillary sclerites, and subalare incorporated. However, the wings of the Odonata are highly specialized and possess many unique features and therefore are less suited for comparison with Paleozoic orders than the more primitive wings of the Ephemeroptera. The pteralia in Ephemeroptera have been recently studied by Brodskyi (1970), Matsuda (1970), and Tsui and Peters (1972) (fig. 5), but the axillary plate was not described in functional terms; it was mostly referred to as “median plate”. In this paper, the terminology is derived from Tannert’s (1958) account on the Odonata and the respective axillary plates are called by the terms of incorporated basal plates of the veins. Since the fossil specimens do not contribute to our knowledge of whether the other pteralia are fused with the axillary plate, this problem should be considered as fully open to future emendations based upon a detailed study of functional mor- phology. 418 Psyche [September-December Fig. 2. Palaeodictyopteran nymphal wing pad with partially separate basal plates. Idoptilus onisciformis (Graphiptilidae). After Wootton, 1972, F — -deep furrow along the thorax; PI — basal plates. Westphalian, England. Palaeodictyoptera and Ephemeroptera In the most primitive, yet unknown, Paleoptera all main veins probably originated at the wing base from the separate basal plates. In the process of evolution, the basal plates gradually became fused. The intermediate stage of partial fusion is documented in the primi- tive palaeodictyopteron, Boltopruv ostia nigra (Namurian 'C of Czech- oslovakia, fig. i ) . In this species the subcostal and radial plates are fully grown together (forming the subcosto-radial plate), the median plate is separate, and the cubital plate is fused with the small anal plate (forming the cubito-anal plate). The partially separated basal plates are also indicated in the wing pad of the nymph Idoptilus h onisciformis (Wootton 1972, Westphanian of England) (fig. 2). Within the evolutionary history of Palaeodictyoptera, full fusion of the plates was acquired in the more specialized forms. Basal plates fused together into a single subcosto-anal plate but still retaining an indication of individual outlines, have been found in Moravia con- vergens (Lower Permian of Czechoslovakia, fig. 3). In Palaeodicty- optera from the Upper Carboniferous of France (fig. 4), the sub- costo-anal basal plate is fully fused and its subcostal part becomes reduced in size. In the primitive Ephemeroptera (Siphlonuridae, fig. 6), the costal brace in the fore wing starts at the anteroproximal angle of the axillary plate ; in the hind wing, it sometimes starts from a transverse elevation on the axillary plate, forming a convex hook directed against the stem of M. The costal brace is, in all probability, homologous to the postcostal vein of Palaeodictyoptera (fig. 4B, pv), plus the cross vein between Sc and R. The base of ephemeropteran wings is weakly sclerotized and the stems of the main veins adjacent to the axillary plate are mostly not discernible. However, if the vein stems 1974] Kukalova-Peck — Pteralia 419 in primitive mayflies are thoroughly examined, their connection with the axillary plate can be traced. This is true in many Siphlonuridae, especially in the hind wings (fig. 6B). In the fore wing of Siphlonu- rus inirus (fig. 6A), the axillary plate is domed in the middle. At the anteroproximal angle, there is a short groove, which is also present in Palaeodictyoptera (fig. 1, 3). Expanded stems of Sc and R (which might in this Siphlonurus be represented by the fused R + M + Cu stems) meet at a suture and clearly penetrate the axillary plate. In the hind wing of the same species, the groove at the anteroproximal angle is reduced to a small pit. R is located at the anterior part of the dome and is closely followed by the short stem of M, from which MA and MP diverge almost immediately. The short stem of Cu basal groove; pa — precostal area; ScAPl — subcosto-anal plate; tf — transverse furrow. Lower Permian, Czechoslovakia. 420 Psyche [September-December meets MP and instantly splits into CuA and CuP. As described above, all main veins, with the exception of the anal veins, start in the hind wing directly and separately from the domed part of the axillary plate, as in more advanced Palaeodictyoptera (fig. 4). The main difference between the axillary region of the Palaeo- dictyoptera and that of the Ephemeroptera is in the attachment of the anal veins. In the Palaeodictyoptera, the anal veins probably always originated directly from the subcosto-anal plate (figs. 3, 4), or the anal plate was closely attached to the cubital plate (fig. 1). The anal area in Palaeodictyoptera is often crossed by diverse convex ridges, which are sometimes V-shaped ( Homaloneura , Kukalova 1969), and by transverse grooves (figs. 3, 4A), or the anal veins start from a cuticular thickening ( Dunbaria , Kukalova-Peck 1971). As pointed out by Wootton (1974, personal communication), these structures are in the place of the anal brace of Ephemeroptera. In the primitive mayflies, the anal veins start at the anal brace, which is basally attached to a small plate, separated from the large axillary plate. It seems possible that while the axillary plate originated by fusion of the subcosto-cubital plates, the anal plate stayed detached. This condition is partially reminiscent of Diaphanopterodea and Megasecoptera, as will be shown below. The anal brace in Ephem- eroptera is followed, both anteriorly and posteriorly, by two concave furrows. By location and, very probably, by function for flight, the furrows may be compared with the concave transverse furrow, cross- ing the anal area in almost all Palaeodictyoptera (figs. 3, 4A). The weak sclerotization of the axillary plate in Ephemeroptera and the vanishing of the adjacent stems are probably the changes which Fig. 4. Fused subcosto-anal plates of Palaeodictyoptera. A. Dictyop- tilus sepultus (Eugereonidae) , enlarged base of the fore wing. B. Steno- dictya parisiana ( Dictyoneuridae) , enlarged base of the hind wing. After Kukalova, 1970. pa — precostal area; pv — postcostal vein; ScAPl — sub- costo-anal plate; tf — transverse furrow. Upper Carboniferous, France. 1974] Kukalova-Peck — Pteralia 421 occurred later in evolution. This conclusion is supported by the morphology of primitive Permian mayfly families, the Protereismati- dae and the Misthodotidae. In both, the stems of main veins were strong, reaching the wing base, and the anal brace was less pro- nounced than in extant mayflies (fig. 7). It should be noted that the adult life span in Permian Ephemeroptera was probably longer than in Recent species; the presence of large and apparently fully func- tional mouthparts in the adult Permian Misthodotidae (Tschernova, 1965) is very suggestive that these particular mayflies, at least, were active feeders. Flight was presumably important in obtaining food, as well as in courtship activities. According to Brodskyi (1970), the second axillary sclerite in Recent Ephemeroptera is firmly fused with the axillary plate, al- though this opinion is not shared by some other specialists; the sche- matic figure of the axillary region in extant mayflies (Leptophle- biidae) in the interpretation of Tsui and Peters (1972) is shown in figure 5. In the fossil material described, no remnants of the axillary region have been mentioned so far. Fig. 5. Axillary region of fore wing of ephemeropteron, Aprionyx tricuspidatus (Leptophlebiidae, adult male). After Tsui and Peters, 1972. AxPl — axillary plate; Ax 1, 2, 3 — axillary sclerites; HP — humeral plate; T — tegula. Recent. Diaphanopterodea The Diaphanopterodea have mouthparts, genitalia and wing vena- tion pattern very similar to those of Palaeodictyoptera, from the primitive forms of which they were probably derived (Carpenter, 422 Psyche [September-December Fig. 6. Subcosto-cubital plate of ephemeropteron, Siphlonurus mirus (Siphlonuridae) . A. Fore wing; B. Hind wing. Original. Anb — anal brace; API — anal plate; bg — basal groove; Cb — costal brace; ScCuPl — ^subcosto-cubital plate; tf — transverse furrow. Recent. 1974] Kukalova-Peck — P ter alia 423 1963). In comparison with the average size of Palaeodictyoptera, they are much smaller and they developed the ability to flex the wings backwards over the abdomen. The axillary plate of the wing base and the basal fold were recently described by Kukalova-Peck (1974) in Permodiapha carpenteri of the family Elmoidae (fig. 8A). Here, the axillary plate is compared with that of the related family Marty- noviidae as preserved in Martynovia protohymenoides (specimen No. 4600, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University) from the Lower Permian of Kansas (fig. 8B). In both forms, the general patterns of the wing base structure are similar. The larger part of the axillary plate in Martynovia is formed by the fused medio-cubital plate, or perhaps by the cubital plate itself. Different is the development of the anal plate, which is distinctly outlined and two-lobed, located anteriorly to the basal fold. The anal plate is firmly connected by the anterior margin with the axillary plate. The basal fold encircles the axillary plate anteriorly and distally and separates it from the sclerotized region, extending between CuP and the posterior wing margin (fig. 8B, S). The axillary plate in both Martynovia and Permodiapha is obliquely crossed by a convex strut, which perhaps participated in the folding of the wings. The incompletely preserved axillary sclerite contacts ,-C Fig. 7. Fore wing base of Permian mayfly, Protereisma permianum (Protereismatidae). After Carpenter, 1933. Lower Permian, Kansas. 424 Psyche [September-December Fig. 8. Medio-cubital plate of Diaphanopterodea. A. Permodiapha car- penteri (Elmoidae), hind wing. After Kukalova-Peck, 1974. B. Marty- novia protohymenoides (Martynoviidae) , fore wing. Original. API — anal plate; Ax — axillary sclerite; B — basal fold; MCuPl — medio- cubital plate; S — sclerotized region. Lower Permian, Czechoslovakia and Kansas. 1974] Kukalova-Peck — Pteralia 425 Fig. 9. Incomplete wing base of Asthenohymen dunbari (Diaphanop- terodea, Asthenohymenidae) . Fore wing. Original. B — basal fold; S — sclerotized region. Lower Permian, Kansas. with the proximal margin of the axillary plate and with R. It is in the position of 2 Ax in Recent Ephemeroptera ( sensu Tsui and Peters 1972, fig. 5). In Asthenohymenidae, the incompletely preserved wing base, in- cluding only the basal fold and part of the sclerotized region, is known. The structure of the wing base, as preserved in Asthenohy- men dunbari (specimen No. 3835, Museum of Comparative Zoology, fig. 9) seems to be basically similar to that of Martynovia and P ermodiapha. The fused axillary plate of Diaphanopterodea is homologous only to the posterior part of the subcosto-anal plate of Palaeodictyoptera. The subcostal, radial, and possibly also the median basal plates be- came completely reduced, perhaps in connection with narrowing of the wing base, coalescence of veins and with acquisition of wing folding ability. Megasecoptera The Megasecoptera and Palaeodictyoptera have very similar mouth- parts, genitalia and wing venation pattern, and undoubtedly developed from common ancestral stock. The Megasecoptera differed, accord- ing to our previous understanding, only in the shape of the wings and in the more pronounced crowding of Sc and R towards the costal margin. However, the study of the wing base has revealed a 426 Psyche [September-December — anal plate; Axe — convex axillary sclerite; Axe — elongated axillary sclerite; np — narrow plate; ScPl — subcostal plate. Lower Permian, Kansas. major difference in the pteralia, not only with respect to Palaeodicty- optera, but also to all other paleopterous orders. The well preserved wing bases with axillary sclerites were found in specimens of two comparatively small species: Protohymen permi- anus (specimen No. 3060) and Protohymen readi (holotype No. 3258), in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Since the structures in both specimens are similar, only the wing bases of Protohymen permtanus, which is better preserved, are described (fig. 10). 1974] Kukctlova-Peck — Pteralia 427 Towards the base, the wing narrows markedly in the posterior part, while the anterior margin remains almost straight. Shortly before the base, the posterior margin curves posteriorly to form a prolonged axillary lobe parallel with the tergal margin. The serrated costa is attached at the very base to a long narrow plate on the lateral margin of the tergum. This plate is connected anteriorly with a prominent, darkly colored lobe. The subcosta is convexly bent near the base. Both costa and subcosta terminate on a triangular, highly convex basal plate, which is posteriorly connected to R + M and proximally to the small, convex axillary sclerite. This is associated with the tergal margin, the basal plate, the costa, the narrow plate on the tergum, and the anterior arm of the large elongated sclerite. The cubitus is concavely bent towards the very end of R shortly before the base, so that it creates the mirror image of the subcosta. The anal vein originates from a small anal plate, which is divided by a perpendicular suture into two small equal sections. The anal plate is directed obliquely and posteriorly against the posterior arm of a large, anteroposteriorly elongated sclerite. This closely contacts the tergum along almost its entire proximal margin. The elongated sclerite is highly convex posteriorly from the level of the end of the anal plate. In the anterior, flatter part, the axillary sclerite divides into two arms. The proximal arm is longer and slightly bent to at- tach to R + M and to the small axillary sclerite; the distal arm is shorter and directed to connect the curved end of the anal plate. This sclerite is markedly larger in the hind wing. The megasecopteran pteralia, as described above (figs. 10, 11), are so highly specialized that homology at our present level of knowledge is nearly impossible. The narrow plate laterally on tergum (np) and the elongate sclerite (Axe) as well seem to be compound struc- tures in which several elements might be incorporated. The small convex sclerite (Axe) is approximately in the position of iAx of Ephemeroptera ( sensu Tsui and Peters 1972; fig. 5). The little basal plate (ScPl) at the beginning of Sc is perhaps homologous to the subcostal basal plate of hypothetical primitive Paleoptera. The highly specialized character of megasecopteran pteralia shows that the construction of the wing attachment in Paleoptera was even more varied and diverse than it has been assumed. However, it should be taken into consideration that the pteralia of Protohymen may not be typical for the whole order Megasecoptera because of its relatively small size. In small insects, reduction and other modification of axillary sclerites sometimes occur. 428 Psyche [September-December Fig. 11. Reconstruction of Protohymen (Megasecoptera, Protohymenidae) . All structures shown are preserved in specimens of Protohymen permianus and P. readi, except for the meso- and metathoracic legs, which are re- stored on the basis of the prothoracic legs. Original. Lower Permian, Kansas. 1974] Kukalova-Peck — Pteralia 429 Summary In the several paleopterous orders, the “axillary plates” are by no means to be considered as fully homologous structures. They are formed by fusion of various basal plates, which can eventually vary in the degree of fusion and in the individual size within a single order (for instance in Palaeodictyoptera, and in Diaphanopterodea). There is little doubt that in the hypothetical primitive ancestor of Paleoptera the main veins originated from the separate basal plates. From this condition, the axillary plate was derived by fusion of the following plates : in Palaeodictyoptera, of subcosto-anal plates ; in Ephemeroptera, of subcosto-cubital plates; in Odonata, of radio- anal plates ; in Diaphanopterodea, of medio-cubital plates ; in Megase- coptera, only small subcostal plate remained. In spite of the variability mentioned above, the general plan of the axillary region and adjacent part of the wings is shared by all paleop- terous orders, and certain structures, functionally significant for the flight, repeat many times throughout Paleoptera. For instance, sep- arated or semi-separated anal plates occur in Magasecoptera, Dia- phanopterodea, and Ephemeroptera. A deeply concave furrow cross- ing transversely the anal area is found in almost all Palaeodictyop- tera and in the Ephemeroptera. Transverse reinforcement of the proximal half of the wing formed by coalesced veins and supporting cross veins, cuticular thickenings and pigmented stripes is present in Odonata and in “odonatoid” (dragonfly-convergent) Palaeodictyop- tera, etc. These structures will not be understood until more study of the functional morphology has been done, particularly on extant mayflies, dragonflies, and on wings in general. References Brodskyi, A. K. 1970. Organisation of the Flight System of the Mayfly Ephemera vulgata L. (Ephemeroptera). Ent. Rev. Wash., 49: 184-188. Carpenter, F. M. 1933. The Lower Permian Insects of Kansas. Part 6. Delopteridae, Protelytroptera, Plectoptera and a New Collection of Protodonata. 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SYSTEMATICS OF THE TRAPDOOR SPIDER GENUS A LI A TY PUS (ARANEAE: ANTRODIAETIDAE)* By Frederick A. Coyle Department of Biology, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina, 28723 Introduction Aliatypus species are all rather stocky mygalomorph spiders (Figs. 45-49) which construct a burrow with a trapdoor entrance from which they capture prey. In general morphology and behavior, Aliatypus bears striking resemblance to the distantly related trapdoor spider family Ctenizidae, but this similarity is clearly the result of convergent, or at least parallel, evolution; Aliatypus is an atypoid mygalomorph taxon most closely related to Antrodiaetus, Atypoides, and the Mecicobothriidae. Aliatypus species appear to be restricted to California and Arizona (Maps 1-4) where they live in ravine banks, road banks, or other slopes in habitats ranging from hot, dry sagebrush scrub communities to wet coast redwood forests and cool California red hr mountain forests. They are among the most abundant trapdoor spiders in California. Aliatypus has been badly neglected; only one species has been described (Banks, 1896; Smith, 1908) and little natural history information has been published (Smith, 1908; Gertsch, 1949; Coyle, 1971). During the last seven years a concerted collecting effort, largely by Wendell Icenogle and myself, has increased the availability of adult specimens from a dozen to 330 and has thereby made pos- sible this revision. My chief goal in this study has been to define accurately the species limits by means of an analysis of variation. The methods employed are essentially those of my earlier studies (Coyle 1968, 1971) and are summarized in the Methods section of this paper. Discussions of variation patterns are included in order to improve our understanding of geographic variation in mygalo- morph spiders and guide future research on Aliatypus. The consid- erable amount of behavioral and ecological data which has been collected will be published separately in a paper on Aliatypus natural history. * Manuscript received by the editor January 1, 1975. 431 432 Psyche [September-December I hope that these studies of Aliatypus will stimulate others to investigate these fascinating spiders. Considerably more collecting is necessary before Aliatypus systematics can be confidently under- stood. As pointed out in the discussions of variation, small sample sizes and sizeable geographic gaps from which no samples are avail- able have greatly limited the strength of some of my conclusions. The variation discussions, locality records, and distribution Maps 2-4 (Map 4 marks the distribution of unidentifiable Aliatypus speci- mens.) should help direct future collecting efforts. Acknowledgements Willis Gertsch first recognized the potential diversity within Aliatypus and suggested that I revise the genus. Wendell Icenogle deserves tremendous credit for the hours he labored collecting about 55 percent of the specimens upon which this study is based. He was the first collector of five new species. Without his field work this study would be very incomplete. Jim Horton, my department head during most of this research, provided needed space and release time. I thank the following individuals and institutions for loans of Aliatypus specimens: William Azevedo, Michael Bentzien, Patrick Craig, Willis Gertsch (American Museum of Natural History), Wendell Icenogle, Herbert Levi (Museum of Comparative Zoology), Patrick Marer, Robert Schick (California Academy of Sciences), and Mel Thompson. This research and its publication have been supported by a grant (GB-34128) from the National Science Foundation. Evolution PHYLOGENY Aliatypus Antrodiaetus, Atypoides , the Mecicobothriidae, and the Atypidae form a distinct monophyletic taxon (Coyle, 1971). Aliatypus is probably an old group, so that the details of its relation- ship to these other atypoid mygalomorph taxa are not now clear. The question of whether Aliatypus is more closely related to Antro- diaetus and Atypoides or to the mecicobothriids was discussed earlier (Coyle, 1971), but will remain unresolved until after the completion of a careful comparative study of all atypoid mygalomorphs. In Figure 1 I have presented a hypothetical phylogeny of the genus Aliatypus. This speculation is based upon a comparison of character states in living Aliatypus species and related genera. It is 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 433 Figure 1: Suggested phylogeny of Aliatypus species. 1. Character states of hypothetical ancestral stock: No ICS keel or OCS keel. Seminal receptacles with moderately long, sinuous, non-tapering stalks and medium sized bulbs. Posterior sigilla small and well separated. Legs of moderate length. Thoracic groove a deep pit. Leg I setation as in majority of species. Moderately lar,ge body. 2. Seminal receptacle stalks become short and straight. Legs become proportionately shorter. 3. Posterior sigilla enlarge. Thoracic groove lost. Leg I setation changes. 4. Pos- terior sigilla enlarge. Legs become proportionately shorter. Become adapted to dryer habitats. 5. Become adapted to more humid and cooler habitats. 6. ICS keel develops. 7. Seminal receptacle stalks become tapered. 8. Con- ductor tip changes form. Body size reduced. 9. Seminal receptacle stalks become less elongate and less sinuous. Body size reduced. 10. Body size reduced. meant to be a useful working hypothesis, subject to revision. Char- acters which were relied upon most heavily are palpus form, seminal receptacle form, and posterior sigilla size and placement. The actual direction of evolution in some characters may well be the reverse of those suggested. It is certain that Aliatypus contains two distinct groups of closely related species — A. calif ornicus, A. janus , A. iso- latus, A. aquilonius , and A. gnomus on the one hand and A. tro- phonius, A. erebus , A. plutonis, and A. torridus on the other — and two distinct species, A. gulosus and A. thompsoni , each rather dis- tantly related to all the others. 434 Psyche [September-December GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION AND SPECIATION As is the case in Antrodiaetus (Coyle, 1971), Atypoides (Coyle, 1968 ), and probably most other burrowing mygalomorph genera (See, for example, Main, 1957 ; Loksa, 1966; and Forster and Wilton, 1968.), there is considerable geographic variation in some species of Aliatypus. Detailed descriptions of these geographic vari- ation patterns can be found in the Taxonomy section. My purpose here is to consider some of the causes of these patterns. The environmental tolerance ranges and dispersal ability of a species are key factors in determining what environmental conditions constitute barriers which can fragment and isolate its populations so that genetic divergence can take place. Little pertaining specifically to Aliatypus dispersal can be added to my earler discussion of dis- persal ability in antrodiaetids (Coyle, 1971). In summary, the prob- ability of successful colonization of distant localities by long distance aerial dispersal is extremely low ; aquatic rafting, short distance spiderling dispersal, and male wandering are probably the only im- portant means of dispersal under natural conditions. As in Antro- diaetus and Atypoides, environments with very low humidity, such as deserts or semiarid grasslands, are the outstanding barriers to dispersal and thus gene flow in Aliatypus. However, some species of Aliatypus, notably A. plutonis and A. torridus, are less well restricted by dry barriers than are most other antrodiaetids. The following discussions, although partly speculation, should, like any working hypotheses, help direct further research. Frequent refer- ral to Map 1 will help to understand them. The Central Valley of California, a semiarid grassland in its recent natural state, appears to be a strong barrier to gene flow between coastal and Sierran populations of both Aliatypus calif ornicus and Aliatypus erebus. The genetic discontinuity between these popu- lations may even be great enough to merit calling them incipient species. A similar situation exists in Atypoides riversi (Coyle, 1968 and 1971). Apparently, during Pleistocene glacial periods when the climate was wetter and cooler, dispersal of these species occurred across favorable wooded parts of the Central Valley. The recent discovery of isolated A. calif ornicus and A. riversi populations in the Sutter Buttes of the Central Valley indicates that this was once part of such a corridor allowing gene flow across the valley. Similar dis- persals across the Central Valley during Pleistocene glacial periods are also indicated by distribution patterns of the salamander genera Ensatina and Taricha, which, like Aliatypus, require rather mesic habitats (Stebbins, 1949; Riemer, 1958). I suspect that the antro- 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 435 Map 1. Known distribution ranges of Aliatypus species in relation to present major arid habitat barriers which formed during the retreat of the Wisconsin glaciation. diaetid trans-valley connections existed during the most recent (Wis- consin) glacial period and consequently became severed as recently as 13,000 years ago. Perhaps the A. calif ornicus population at Mari- posa, which is phenotypically more distinct from the coastal popula- tion than is the north Sierran population, was last connected with the coastal population during an earlier glacial period ; or perhaps its trans-valley connections were simply severed earlier during the retreat of the last (Wisconsin) glacial period than were those of the north Sierran populations. Perhaps continued expansion of habitat barriers during the present post-glacial period has tended to restrict gene flow between the morphologically divergent northern populations of A. erebus and its south Sierran populations. There is much geographic variation in Aliatypus janus, but the samples are so small and scattered that it is difficult to recognize important barriers to gene flow. The northernmost samples probably 436 Psyche [September-December represent the kind of semi-isolated, genetically divergent, peripheral populations found in many species. Aliatypus thornpsoni variant populations are also at the periphery of the species range, where suitable habitats are probably uncommon and semi-isolated. The Tehachapi Mountains apparently provide (or recently provided) an east- west corridor of favorable habitats for the dispersal of A. janus and A. thornpsoni between the southern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the coastal mountain ranges. The morphologically divergent nature of the A. thornpsoni samples at Tehachapi and in the southern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountains indicates that this corridor is not currently supporting much dispersal. The phenotypic differences between the two known Aliatypus isolatus populations in Arizona are almost certainly caused by the disruption of gene flow after the recent (Wisconsin) glacial period as desert and grassland barriers expanded all over the Southwest to isolate various mesic mountain habitats. Pollen analyses (Martin and Mehringer, 1965) demonstrate that during the Wisconsin glacial period (which apparently lasted in that area until about 13,000 years ago), woodland and forest habitats favorable for A. isolatus extended continuously throughout western and northern Arizona. Thus the similar geographic variation patterns in A. isolatus and Antrodiaetus apachecus (Coyle, 1971) probably have a common cause. The extreme similarity of allopatric Aliatypus janus and Aliatypus isolatus , when viewed with Southwest pollen analyses (Martin and Mehringer, 1965) in mind, leads to the conclusion that these two species were formed when a recent interglacial expansion of the Sonoran and Great Basin Deserts severed a previously widespread ancestral population. Convincing evidence that 17,000 to 23,000 years ago (during the Wisconsin glacial period) woodland extended continuously from current A . isolatus localities to the present range of A. janus , strongly indicates that these sister species may be only 15,000 years or so old. Indeed, it is possible that genetic divergence has not even progressed far enough for the development of repro- ductive isolating mechanisms. There are three other pairs of closely related Aliatypus species — A. janus and A. aquilonius , A. calif ornicus and A . gnornuSj and A. erebus and A. trophonius — which are not as similar as A. janus is to A. isolatus. It is possible that each of these pairs originated from a trio of ancestral species fragmented by arid barriers, such as the present Central Valley, during an earlier Pleistocene interglacial. Interestingly, each of these pairs consists of a large and a small species. 1974] Coyle — Genus A liatypus 437 Methods COLLECTING METHODS Because of their covert behavior, A liatypus spiders are rarely col- lected except when one concentrates on special collecting strategies. Banks and slopes of promising habitats (to be described thoroughly in a paper on A liatypus natural history) are best searched in daylight by carefully examining suitable microhabitat surfaces for the out- line of a closed trapdoor. However, whenever the trapdoors are sealed, such as during dry periods, they may become covered with loose soil particles or other debris; carefully shaving away the top layer of soil may then be the only way to locate burrows. Night collecting is usually less satisfactory than daytime collecting since even unsealed Aliatypus doors are only cracked open at night and not easily located with artificial light. At night it is sometimes pos- sible to trap active spiders at their burrow entrances by thrusting a knife blade into the soil and across the burrow lumen just below the spider, but frequently the soil is too hard. More information can be gained by careful excavation of the burrow in daylight. An army trench shovel, a small, chisel-head, rock hammer, a large pocket knife, and pruning shears are all useful for excavating in the often hard and root-bound soil. Penultimate males, easily recognized by their swollen pedipalpal tarsi, will often molt to adulthood if kept in a cool, humid, and dark environment. Just before and during the mating season (usually during the wet fall and winter months) recently matured males may be found in their burrows prior to abandoning them. Wandering males are best collected at night by hand or with pitfall traps in dense burrow aggregations during opti- mum mating weather. ANALYSIS OF VARIATION I have examined the taxonomy of Aliatypus by means of an analy- sis of variation nearly identical to the analysis employed in my re- visions of Antrodiaetus (Coyle, 1971) and Atypoides (Coyle, 1968). Such an analysis largely overcomes difficulties posed by the relatively simple reproductive anatomy, by the instar heterogeneity of adult female samples, and by heightened geographic variation, difficulties which appear to be common to most mygalomorph spider taxa. The material analyzed consists of 252 adult females and 78 adult males. The sample size for each species is indicated in Tables 1 and 2. Initially, variation in a large number of qualitative and quantita- tive characters was briefly surveyed, and from these characters the diagnostically most promising were selected and their variation studied 438 Psyche [September-December in depth. Variation of the quantitative characters (measurements, meristic characters, and ratios formed from these) was analyzed with the aid of an IBM 360 Model 30 computer. A Fortran IV program directed the computer to calculate the mean and standard deviation of each character for each local population sample of each sex and for certain groupings of local samples into larger infraspecific samples or species samples. The computer then compared these samples pair- wise in any desired combination, giving for each character for each comparison a value of the distinctness of the two samples. This “distance” value equals the difference between the means of the two samples divided by the sum of their standard deviations. This variation analysis was performed with the following number of characters: 23 measurements, one meristic character, and 39 ratios for males; 20 measurements, six meristic characters, and 50 ratios for females. The measurements and meristic characters were defined so as to be clearly delimited. Their abbreviations and definitions are as follows (see Figs. 2-7) : Figures 2-7: Measurements used in Aliatypus revision. See text for definitions. Figures 8-9: Macrosetae types. 8: ensiform. 9: attenuate. CL Maximum length of carapace measured as distance (along median longitudinal axis) between lines tangent to anterior- most and posteriormost edges of carapace, with lateral border of carapace in horizontal plane. PCL Length of pars cephalica measured as distance from anterior edge of thoracic groove along median longitudinal line. CW Maximum width of carapace along line perpendicular to median longitudinal axis. 1974] IFL ITL IML ITarL IVFL, PFL PPL PTL PTX PTT PED PCA SL SW PSS PSL OQW ALS ALD AMS Coyle — Genus A liaty pus 439 Length of femur I taken as length of straight line connect- ing the proximal and distal points of articulation. All leg and pedipalp segment length measurements were made in side view along retrolateral surface of appendages after removing them from spider. Length of tibia I taken as length of straight line connect- ing proximal and distal points of articulation. Length of metatarsus I taken as length of straight line con- necting proximal point of articulation with distalmost point of segment. Length of tarsus I taken as length of straight line connect- ing most proximal exposed point of tarsus with distalmost point of dorsal surface. IVTL, IVML, IVTarL Leg IV segment lengths meas- sured in same manner as corresponding leg I segments. Length of pedipalpal femur measured same as IFL. Length of pedipalpal patella measured as straight line dis- tance from proximal to distal end along dorsal surface. Length of pedipalpal tibia measured same as ITL. Distance from proximal point of articulation on tibia to point where PTT line intersects PTL line. Maximum diameter, taken perpendicular to line defining PTL, of pedipalpal tibia in lateral view. Straight line distance from base of embolus to tip of con- ductor. Maximum distance from PED line to outer edge of OCS along line perpendicular to PED line. Maximum length of sternum on line parallel to median longitudinal axis. Anterior border of sternum is its pointed anterior extension lateral to labium. Maximum width of sternum perpendicular to line defining SL. Minimum distanoe between posterior sigilla. Maximum diameter of right posterior sigillum. Maximum width of eye group (ocular quadrangle) on line perpendicular to median longitudinal axis of carapace. All eye measurements are made in dorsal view with lateral border of carapace horizontal. Minimum distance between anterior lateral eyes. Maximum diameter of left anterior lateral eye. Minimum distance between pupils (light colored saucer- shaped central area of eye) of anterior median eyes. [September-December 440 Psyche AMD Transverse diameter of left anterior median eye pupil. EGS Number of epiandrous gland spigots. These are located just anterior to genital opening on abdomen of adult males. CTP Number of cheliceral teeth in prolateral macrotooth row on left chelicera. CTR Number of cheliceral teeth in retrolateral row of smaller macroteeth on left chelicera. CMT Number of cheliceral microteeth between these two rows on left chelicera. PTSP Number of ensiform macrosetae on prolateral surface of tarsus of female pedipalp. PTSR Number of ensiform macrosetae on retrolateral surface of tarsus of female pedipalp. IMS Number of ensiform macrosetae on metatarsus of leg I of female. All measurements and counts were performed by myself with the same Wild M-5 stereomicroscope with 20 X eyepieces and an eye- piece micrometer scale. The measurements are accurate to one mi- crometer unit for each of the three different powers of magnification used. One micrometer unit had the following values for the follow- ing characters: 0.0770 mm for CL; 0.0385 mm for PCL, CW, SL, SW and all leg and pedipalp segment lengths; and 0.0092 mm for PTT, PED, PCA, PSS, PSL, and all eye measurements. A female specimen was included in a population sample only if it was reproductively active (with maturing eggs in abdomen or brood in burrow) or had a longer carapace than the smallest reproductively active female in that sample. Many first adult instar females, a few older adult instar females, and rarely a large immature female make up the portion of a sample which is not reproductively active. MORPHOLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY Setae. Postocular setae form a longitudinal row or longitudinal cluster along the median longitudinal axis of the pars cephalica just behind the eye group. A macroseta is a very large seta. Called spines by many authors, these macrosetae are attached to the exoskeleton proper by means of an obvious socket which allows for some move- ment. An ensiform macroseta is one which tapers rather abruptly at its terminal end and is therefore rigid for its entire length ( Fig. 8 ) . An attenuate macroseta tapers gradually and is therefore very slender distally (Fig. 9) . 1974] Coyle — Genus A liatypus 441 Palpus. The conductor of the Aliatypus palpus (Fig. 97) consists of an inner conductor sclerite (ICS) and an outer conductor sclerite (OCS) which lies outside and partly cradles the ICS and the em- bolus. The ICS base is forked, with the more well developed of the two branches being called the proximal branch. Female genitalia. In Aliatypus the bursa copulatrix , which opens just anterior and ventral to the uterus opening in the epigastric fur- row, is bilobed and weakly sclerotized. The four seminal receptacles (Fig. 163) are functionally paired so that the two on the right side open close to one another into the right lobe of the bursa copulatrix and the other two open together into the left lobe. Each seminal receptacle is weakly sclerotized and consists of a narrow stalk and a distal expanded bulb. The seminal receptacle is either homogeneously sclerotized or the bulb is slightly less sclerotized than the stalk. Aliatypus stalks are usually sinuous, frequently even highly looped or coiled. These loops and coils are not confined to a single plane and are often irregular so that the degree of looping or coiling is very difficult to quantify. It is, however, possible to make a rough quanti- tative comparison by counting the number of bends per stalk, as is done in Figure 163, when the stalk is treated as a two-dimensional structure. Abdominal tergites. The anterior portion of the abdominal dorsum of Aliatypus is provided with one or more segmentally arranged, rather heavily sclerotized patches which are presumably vestigial ter- gites (Figs.45-49) . These tergites are numbered from anterior to posterior, tergite I , ter git e II , and ter git e III. Tergite II is always present in both sexes and is always larger than tergites I or III. METHODS OF PRESENTATION Type specimens. The holotypes of all species described in this paper are deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. All paratypes are from the type locality and are labeled as paratypes. The paratypes for each species are deposited in about equal numbers in the Museum of Comparative Zoology and the American Museum of Natural History. Quantitative character values are given for each holotype in Table 3. Key. Whenever quantitative characters are used in the key, the known range of values is used. Proceed cautiously when these ranges are based upon very small samples. Sample size for each spe- cies is given in Tables 1 and 2. Diagnoses. Each diagnosis lists, in the approximate order of their usefulness, those characters most useful in identifying a given species. 442 Psyche [September-December Proceed cautiously when using diagnoses based upon very small samples. In Tables i and 2 the diagnostically most useful character values are circled for each species or group of species. Descriptions. The quantitative character values recorded in Tables i and 2 are an essential part of each species description. Each descrip- tion is a composite of all adult specimens at hand. Only characters of at least some diagnostic value are included. Colors are described from fully sclerotized specimens dead for two months to six years and immersed in alcohol under strong fluorescent light. Illustrations. Illustrations were carefully drawn in pencil on translucent paper over a squared grid template with the aid of a squared grid reticle in the eyepiece of the Wild M-5 stereomicro- scope. The penciled drawings were then traced in ink on heavier paper. Nearly all figures of seminal receptacles are drawn from re- productively active females. Variation discussions. For each species, variation of all 63 male quantitative characters, all 76 female quantitative characters, and a number of qualitative characters was examined, and all characters which show marked variation are discussed. The sizes of all popula- tion samples discussed can be found in the modified Dice-Leraas dia- grams or in the records section. Records. Only specimens which I have examined are listed. Within each county citation, all records from a given locality are separated from those of other localities by a dash. Collection dates are listed only for males. When a male symbol is surrounded by parentheses, it means that the specimen was collected when immature on the date given and matured later in captivity. When no male or female symbol follows a record, this means that only immatures were collected. Taxonomy AL1ATYPUS Smith, 1908 Aliatypus Smith, 1908, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 1(4): 231. Type species by monotypy Atypoidcs californica Banks, 1896, Jour. New York Ent. Soc., 4(4): 88 — Bonnet, 1955, Bibliographia Araneorum, 2:225. — Coyle, 1971, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 141 (6): 372. Descriptive diagnosis. Carapace: Figs. 45-53. Thoracic groove a deep pit which varies greatly in shape (from transverse to slightly longitudinal; borders rounded or angular); may be absent or re- duced to a shallow depression. A large seta on ocular prominence 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 443 between anterior median eyes. Chelicerae: Figs. 39-40, 45-49. Fe- male with row of 6 to 13 macroteeth on prolateral edge; another row of 2 to 7 smaller macroteeth on retrolateral side of closed fang; and 4 to 68 microteeth between these rows. Male also with retro- lateral row of cheliceral teeth. Anterior dorsal outline of chelicerae evenly rounded in both sexes. Female with rastellum. Pedipalps: Figs. 78-91, 96-120. Femur, patella, and tibia of male very elongate. Male tibia swollen at least ventrally near distal end. Embolus very long and slender. Outer (convex) edge of OCS folded over to cradle embolus. ICS extends to but not beyond OCS tip, and is intimately combined distally with OCS. Ridge runs most of length of ICS. Legs: Figs. 92-95. One to 4 (rarely more than 1) tricho- bothria dorsally near distal end of metatarsus IV. Male tibia and metatarsus I each with macrosetae distributed in scattered but con- sistent pattern ventrally over most of length. Spinnerets : Figs. 43-44. Three pairs (AL, PM, PL); all functional (with spigots). AL spinnerets 2-segmented with at least several spigots clustered at tip of distal segment. PM spinnerets unsegmented. PL spinnerets 3- segmented ; distal segment shorter than other two together. Geni- talia: Figs. 12 1- 1 94. Bursa copulatrix bilobed and usually very weakly sclerotized. Seminal receptacles paired, each pair opening into one lobe of bursa copulatrix. Stalks weakly sclerotized and usually relatively elongate and sinuous. Bulbs as sclerotized or slightly less sclerotized than stalks. Behavior: Burrow entrance a trapdoor. Egg sac pendulous and occludes burrow lumen. The following features of Antrodiaetus and Atypoides readily dis- tinguish them from Aliatypus: Thoracic groove very narrow and longitudinal. No row of large cheliceral teeth on retrolateral side of closed fang. Male pedipalp, especially patella, relatively short. ICS tip distinctly separated from OCS tip. Metatarsus IV with 5 to 21 trichobothria dorsally near distal end. AL spinnerets absent or un- segmented with at most one spinneret apically. Burrow entrance a collar or turret. Egg sac attached to one side of wall and does not occlude burrow lumen. The following features of the Mecicobothriidae readily distinguish it from Aliatypus: Thoracic groove very narrow and longitudinal. No single large seta between anterior median eyes. No row of large cheliceral teeth on retrolateral side of closed fang. No rastellum. Male pedipalp, especially patella, relatively short. Metatarsus IV with more than 4 trichobothria dorsally near distal end. PL spin- nerets very elongate; distal segment as long or longer than two basal segments combined. Sheet web retreat without trapdoor. 444 Psyche [September-December Discussion. As I have said earlier in this paper and before (Coyle, I97I), Aliatypus may be as closely related to the Mecicobothriidae as to the other antrodiaetid genera, Antrodiaetus and Atypoides. However, it is best to retain Aliatypus within the family Antrodiaeti- dae until a careful comparative study of all atypoid mygalomorph taxa demonstrates otherwise. As discussed earlier, A. calif or nicus , A. ]anus, A. isolatus, A. aqui- lonius, and A. gnomus form a group of closely related species, A. trophonius , A. erehus, A. plutonis, and A. torridus form another group of closely related species, and A. gulosus is quite distinct from all other Aliatypus species. I will not formally designate species groups, however, because the placement of A. thompsoni, which ap- pears to be intermediate in its relationship to the two groups of spe- cies, would be rather arbitrary. Key to Species of Aliatypus Males 1. Palpus unique (Fig. no); sperm reservoir looped very loosely, and embolus base close to ICS base. Pedipapal tibia (Fig. 85) banana shaped and elongate; PTX/PTL = 0.37-0.45 gulosus Palpus otherwise (Figs. 96-109, m-120); sperm reservoir much more tightly coiled, and embolus base distant from ICS base. Pedipalpal tibia (Figs. 78-84, 86-91) not banana shaped; PTX/PTL = 0.64-0.82. 2 2. PSL/PSS = 1.28-2.38. CL/IML = 1.02-1.24. Tibia and metatarsus I (Fig. 93) with short ensiform macrosetae and strongly appressed background setae. Thoracic groove nearly always absent or shallow. thompsoni PSL/PSS = 0.14-1.17. CL/IML = 1.37-2.07. Tibia and metatarsus I (Figs. 92, 94-95) with more elongate macrosetae and suberect or erect background setae. Thoracic groove a deep pit. 3 3. Weakly sclerotized, finger-like extension at tip of conductor (Fig. 106). PTL/PPL = 1.03-1.06 and CL/PSS = 4.80- 5.3 1 . aquilonius No such extension at tip of conductor (Figs. 96-105, 1 07-1 20). PTL/PPL = 1.10-1.46 or CL/PSS = 5.50-10.34. 4 4. ICS forms at least a weak keel distally (Figs. 96-101) 5 Conductor either without a keel (Figs. 102-113, 119-120), or, if keel present, then it is an extension of the OCS and is closer to the conductor tip (Figs. 114-118). 6 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 445 5. PFL = 3-07-3.54 mm. CL/PPL = 1.66-1.67. ICS keel weak and conductor tip quite slender (Fig. 101). gnomus PFL = 4.08-6.73 mm. CL/PPL = 1.33-1.61. ICS keel stronger and conductor tip not as slender (Figs. 96-100). .... calif ornicus 6. Distal one-fourth of conductor slender and tapers evenly (Figs. 102-105, 107-109), and PTX/PTL = 0.73-0.82. 7 Either the distal one-fourth of conductor at least moderately broad and keel-like and tapers suddenly to point at end (Figs. 114-118), or PTX/PTL = 0.64-0.68 8 7. CL/ALS = 7.70-8.08. Known only from Arizona. .... isolatus CL/ALS — 8.70-1 1. 1 1. Known only from California. . janus 8. PTX/PTL = 0.64-0.68. PTL/PPL = 1.31-1.32. Distal half of pedipalpal tibia venter not much more swollen than proxi- mal half (Fig. 91). Palpus as in Figs. 119 and 120. torridus PTX/PTL = 0.72-0.78. PTL/PPL = 1. 02-1. 22. Distal half of pedipalpal tibia venter much more swollen than proxi- mal half (Figs. 87-90). Palpus as in Figs. 114-118. 9 9. CL/IFL = 1.03-1.08. plutonis CL/IFL = 1.25-1.33 10 10. CL/PCA = 6.64-6.96. CL/AMD = 21.7-22.5. CL = 2.9- 3.7 mm. Palpus as in Fig. 116. trophonius CL/PCA = 9.17-9.56. CL/AMD = 25.2-34.8. CL = 4.4- 6.6 mm. Palpus as in Figs. 114-115 erebus Females 1. Seminal receptacle stalks straight and short (Figs. 151-154). gulosus Seminal receptacle stalks sinuous (Figs. 1 21-150, 1 55-194). .. 2 2. Thoracic groove absent or only a shallow depression (Figs. 52- 53). IMS/PSS = 33.3-116.6. thompsoni Thoracic groove a deep pit (Figs. 47, 49). IMS/PSS = 6.1- 34-7 3 3. CL/IVTL p 2.29-2.86. SW/PSL = 6.19-20.00. PSL/PSS — 0.13-0.67. 4 CL/IVTL = 2.88-3.52. SW/PSL = 3.81-6.56. PSL/PSS = 0.55-2.00 8 4. AMD/AMS = 1.36-1.71. Seminal receptacle stalks weakly sinuous (Figs. 149- 150). gnomus AMD/AMS — 0.39-1.06. Seminal receptacle stalks strongly sinuous (Figs. 121-148). 5 4+6 Psyche [September-December 5. Known only from Arizona. isolatin' Known only from California. 6 6. IFL/IVFL — 0.96-1.02. ITarL — 0.46-0.80. aquilonius IFL/IVFL = 1. 02- 1. 1 3. ITarL = 0.92-1.38. 7 7. Seminal receptacle stalks about equal diameter throughout length (Figs. 121-131) californicus Seminal receptacle stalks usually much thicker basally than at distal end (Figs. 132- 143). janus 8. IVFL/IVML =1.02-1.08 plutonis IVFL/IVML = 1. 1 1-1.23 9 9. IFL = 1.84-2.84. CL/PTSR := 0.98-1.31. Seminal recep- tacle stalks proportionately long and with 3-5 bends; bulbs small to medium sized (Figs. 172- 173). trophonius IFL = 3.27-5.38. CL/PTSR — 1.39-3.03. Seminal recep- tacle stalks proportionately shorter, with 1-3 bends; bulbs medium sized to very large (Figs. 174-187, 192-194). .... 10 IO. CMT = 4-1 1. CL/OQW = 3.43-3.99 torridus CMT = 11-68. CL/OQW = 4.05-4.93 erebus Aliatypus californicus (Banks) Figures 10-17, 39, 45-4$, 54, 65, 78-79, 92, 96-100, 121-131. Map 2. Atypoides calif ornica Banks, 1896, Jour. New York Ent. Soc., 4(4) : 88. Holotype a penultimate male from Black Mountain, California, 23 October, in Museum of Comparative Zoology; examined. Aliatypus californicus : Smith, 1908, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 1 (4): 232. — Comstock, 1912, The Spider Book, p. 251. — Gertsch, 1949, American Spiders, p. 132. — Bonnet, 1955, Bibliographia Araneorum, 2: 225. — Coyle, 1971, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 141 (6): 372. — Kaston, 1972, How to Know the Spiders, p. 60. Comments on the type locality and previous descriptions. Banks (1896) wrote only “Black Mtn., Calif.” for the type locality. Other species described in the same paper were collected by the same col- lector (R. W. Doane) from the Palo Alto area. This implies that the type locality of A. californicus is Black Mountain in northwest- ern Santa Clara County. Smith (1908), who knew Doane well, states confidently that the type was collected on Monte Bello Ridge of this mountain. The following species description is based partly upon a male and a female collected on Montebello Road, presumably very close to the type locality. Banks’ (1896) description is based upon an immature specimen, is brief, and does not include characteristics which distinguish A. californicus from some other Aliatypus species. Smith’s (1908) de- 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 447 scription is more thorough, includes illustrations, and describes a crucial diagnostic feature, the ICS keel. This shows up in Fig. 4a of Smith’s Plate XV. Although Smith correctly states that the pedipalpal tibia is longer than the patella, he erred in drawing it shorter (Smith’s Fig. 3, Plate XV). The specimens upon which Smith based his description were placed in the Stanford University collection but have since been lost. Having closely examined the type specimen and Smith’s description, I am confident that the material upon which the following description is based is conspecific with that described by Banks and Smith. Diagnosis. Males: The presence of a keel on the ICS together with the shape of the conductor tip (Figs. 96-100) distinguish this species from all others. Closely related A. janus differs from A. calif ornicus in the ratio IML/ITarL (Table 1). A. isolatus, also closely related, is distinguished by the ratios IML/ITarL, PPL/ PFL, and PTL/PPL (Table 1). Any of the other species can be separated from A. calif ornicus with the appropriate ratio selected from the following: CL/IML, CL/PSL, and PTL/PPL (Table 1). Females: A. calif ornicus females are difficult to distinguish from those of A. janus and A. isolatus. A. calif ornicus seminal receptacle stalks are of about equal diameter throughout (Figs. 121-131), un- like those of A. janus (Figs. 132- 143) and A. isolatus (Figs. 144- 146) which are much narrower distally than at the basal end. In A. isolatus the postocular row of cephalic setae extends to a point one-half or more of the distance from the anterior edge of the cara- pace to the thoracic groove; in A. calif ornicus it extends to a point less than one-half the distance to the thoracic groove. A. aquilonius and A. gnomus, both closely related to A. calif ornicus, can be dis- tinguished from the latter by their small body size (Table 2; espe- cially ITarL). A. aquilonius has distinctively smaller CL/PTSR and IFL/IVFL values (Table 2) and seminal receptacles with more swollen stalk bases (Figs. 147-148) than A. calif ornicus (Figs. 12 1- 1 3 1 ) . A. gnomus has a distinctively larger AMD/AMS value (Table 2) and shorter, less sinuous seminal receptacles (Figs. 149- 150) than A. calif ornicus (Figs. 121-131). All other species can be separated from A. calif ornicus by either seminal receptacle form or appropriate ratios chosen from the following (Table 2): CL/IFL, CL/ITL, CL/IML, SW/PSL, and PSL/PSS. Description. See Tables 1-3. Male: Carapace. Figs. 45-46. Thoracic groove a deep pit; usually rounded anteriorly, elongate, and tapering posteriorly ; sometimes nearly circular or triangular. Postocular setae form a narrow longi- 448 Psyche [September-December tudinal row. Sternum. Fig. 54. Posterior sigilla small to medium sized and well separated. Pedipalps. Figs. 78-79, 96-100. Tibia strongly swollen ventrally near distal end. Embolus base well sep- arated from ICS base. ICS ridge distally develops into thin keel which then disappears so that conductor tip is pointed. Inner (con- cave) edge of OCS nearly smooth to rough. Leg I. Fig. 92. Tibia and metatarsus with ventral, suberect, mostly attenuate macrosetae. Rest of metatarsus setae mostly long, slender, and suberect. Abdo- men. Figs. 45-46. Tergites I and III reduced to small patches or spots at bases of macrosetae. Coloration. Pars thoracica light yellow to pale yellow-brown. Pars cephalica darker ; light brown to medium brown; darkest along margin and median longitudinal line. Cheli- cerae like pars cephalica. Pedipalpal femur and patella dorsally a darker orange-brown or red-brown. Females: Carapace. Figs. 47-48. Thoracic groove a relatively small deep pit of varying shape; usually rounded anteriorly and tapered posteriorly; sometimes circular, elongate-oval, transverse- oval, or triangular. Postocular setae form narrow row which ex- tends back to a point Y to almost V2 of distance from anterior edge of carapace to thoracic groove. Sternum. Fig. 65. Posterior sigilla small to medium sized and well separated. All or nearly all per- ipheral sternal setae slender; a few may be moderately stout. Long- est setae scattered all over sternum, but more abundant anteriorly. Chelicerae. Figs. 39, 47-48. Genitalia. Figs. 121-131. Seminal re- ceptacle stalks weakly sclerotized, nearly constant diameter through- out length, long, and with 3 to 9 bends (usually 6 to 9 bends). Bulbs relatively small to medium sized, slightly less sclerotized than stalks. Coloration. Pars thoracica light yellow to light grey-yellow. Pars cephalica darker; often especially dark around margin and median longitudinal line; darker parts medium brown to darker red- brown ; lighter parts light yellow-brown to orange-brown. Chelicerae match darker parts of pars cephalica. Variation. Males: The coastal population samples average con- siderably larger in body part dimensions than the Sierran population samples, with the sharpest discontinuity being in PED, PTT, and ITarL (Fig. 10). Somewhat discontinuous geographic variation is found in the ratios CL/PPL (Fig. 11), CL/PTX (Fig. 12), and PPL/PFL. This and weaker variation in other characters show a recurrent pattern: some phenotypic discontinuity between the rather homogeneous coastal populations on the one hand and the Sierran populations on the other; considerable discontinuity between the two Sierran populations, with the coastal populations more similar to the 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 449 Mariposa Coloma ♦ Aukum coastal 1—3 1 ^ Mariposa 1 — 3 Coloma* | 4 Aukum i 1 coastal i_. — j|_ j 7 10 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 ITarL 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 12 CL/PTX Mariposa Coloma * Aukum coastal -f-4 1 3 11 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 CL/PPL A. janus Mariposa Coloma * Aukum coastal — R 25 — 1—3 13 2.120 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 CL/ITL A. janus 25 Mariposa Coloma* Aukum coastal A. janus Mariposa Coloma ♦ Aukum coastal 25 4-3 - "|" 3 35 14 1.30 1.40 1.50 CL/IFL 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 15 IFL/EFL Figures 10-17: Geographic variation of Aliatypus calif ornicus. Map of sample localities and modified Dice-Leraas diagrams. (Horizontal line represents the observed range, vertical line the mean, open rectangle the standard deviation, and number to right of range line the sample size.) 10-12: males. 10: ITarL (in mm) variation. 11: CL/PPL variation. 12: CL/PTX variation. 13-17: females. 13-15: A comparison of coastaL A. calif ornicus, Sierran A. calif ornicus, and A. janus. 13: CL/ITL varia- tion. 14: CL/IFL variation. 15: IFL/IVFL variation. 16: CL/IVTL variation. 17: IVFL/IVTarL variation. 450 Psyche [September-December northern Sierran (Coloma-Aukum) population than to the Mariposa population. Noteworthy geographic variation also occurs in thoracic groove shape, pedipalpal femur shape, and conductor form. Almost all coastal specimens have an elongate thoracic pit which narrows pos- teriorly (Fig. 45). The Coloma-Aukum specimens have roughly circular or slightly transverse pits. The Mariposa specimens have slightly elongate pits which narrow posteriorly and have a roughly triangular shape. Coastal specimens have rather strongly bowed pedipalpal femurs (Fig. 79), Mariposa pedipalpal femurs are less strongly bowed, and Coloma-Aukum ones are nearly straight (Fig. 78). Most of the Sierran specimens have less well developed ICS keels and relatively wider conductor tips (Figs. 98-100) than do coastal specimens (Figs. 96-97). However, there is considerable variation among Sierran populations, with Coloma males having a rather well developed keel and narrow conductor tip (Fig. 98), and Mariposa males having smaller keels and proportionately wider con- ductor tips (Figs. 99-100). Females: There is a moderate amount of geographic variation among the coastal populations. Although some individual population samples (especially the Mt. Diablo and Soquel area samples) are quite different from another sample in a few ratios (Figs. 16-17), no population sample is distinct from the rest of the entire coastal sample in any character. The three northern Sierran (Coloma- Aukum) specimens are quite similar to the coastal populations in all characters with the exception of seminal receptacle form. Variation in the number of stalk bends in the northern Sierran receptacles (Figs. 1 27- 1 29) spans the gap between the more sinuous coastal stalks (Figs. 1 21-125) and the less sinuous Mariposa stalks (Figs. 130-131). Northern Sierran females tend to have proportionately large receptacle bulbs (Figs. 128-129). The Mariposa sample differs rather strongly from the coastal samples in four characters (Figs. 13-15) : IFL/IVFL, IVFL/IVTL, CL/IFL, and CL/ITL. It likewise differs markedly from the northern Sierran sample in these plus a fifth, CL/IVTL (Fig. 16). In summary, male and female variation patterns indicate that there is little, if any, gene flow between coastal and Sierran populations across the unfavorable Central Valley, that there is little gene flow between the northern and more southern Sierran populations, and that the coastal population is genetically more similar to the northern Sierran populations than to the Mariposa population. I do not feel that the variation discontinuities between coastal populations and the 1974J Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 451 Coloma-Aukum population are great enough to indicate that repro- ductive isolation would develop if the populations were brought to- gether. The recent discovery in the Sutter Buttes area of the Central Valley of a moderately large immature female A. calif ornicus (Fig. 126) supports this conclusion by suggesting that gene flow could have occurred rather recently across the Central Valley. The female sample from Mariposa is quite divergent from all other A. calif ornicus samples. However, without an analysis of more and larger Sierran samples, I am reluctant to conclude that this Mari- posa population is a different species. It is possible but unlikely that this Mariposa female sample is conspecific with A. janus. The com- puter analysis shows that this sample is more similar to A. janus than to the rest of the entire A. calif ornicus sample. If this popula- tion is conspecific with A. janus, its variation patterns shown in Figures 13-15 could be the result of character displacement with the sympatric A. calif ornicus population. However, the collection of three A. calif ornicus males in the same location with the Mariposa females argues strongly against this possibility. Distribution. Mountains and foothills of the San Francisco Bay region, western foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and at least one area in the Central Valley (Map 2). Records. California, coastal populations: Contra Costa Co.: 0.5 mi. E of South Gate of Mt. Diablo St. Pk., 1300 ft., 3$. — Orinda Village. San Mateo Co.: Butano State Park, 9 . — Huddart Park, 9 • Santa Clara Co.: Montebello Rd., 4 mi. W of junc. with Stevens Canyon Rd., 2300 ft., 10 Oct. 1971, cT, 9* — Mt. Loma Prieta, 9 mi. W of Morgan Hill, 1800 ft., 10 Oct. 1970, cf, 4$- — Marsh Rd., 0.5 mi. S of Calaveras Reservoir, 900 ft., 7 Oct. 1970, 2 cf j 3 ? . — Alum Rock Park, 600 ft., 11 Oct. 1970, cf , 9 ; 23 Oct. 1970, cf, 39 ; 79- Santa Cruz Co.: 4.5 mi. N of Soquel Center, 300 ft., 12 Oct. 1971, cf, 49 ; 29- — Bates Creek, 3 mi. NE of Soquel, 200 ft., 3 9 • — Henry Cowell St. Pk., Redwood Loop Nature Trail, 250 ft., 9 • — 1.7 mi. W of Felton on Felton Empire Rd., 1000 ft., 9* — 4-3 mi • W of Felton on Ice Cream Grade Rd., 1600 ft. sierran populations: El Dorado Co.: Omo Ranch Rd., 1.5 mi. NE of Aukum, 2200 ft., 9 Nov. 1972, cf , 29 • — 0.5 mi. SE of Coloma, 750 ft., 8 Nov. 1972, 3 cf » 9 • Mariposa Co.: 0.5 mi. NW of Mariposa on rt. 49, 2000 ft., 14 Oct. 1969, (cf ), 9 ; 8 Oct. 1971, 2 cf , 39 ; 29* central valley popula- tion: Sutter Co.: Moore Canyon of Sutter Buttes, 4.5 mi. NW of Sutter, 200 ft. 452 Psyche [September-December Aliatypus janus new species Figures 18-24, 55, 66, 83-84, 102-105, 132-143. Map 2. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from 5 mi. south of Hume Lake, Fresno Co., California, 16 October 1973 (W. R. Icenogle). One male and three female paratypes. Janus was the Latin god of gates and doors. Diagnosis. Males: A. janus is very similar to A. isolatus; CL/ ALS (Table 1) is useful in separating these two allopatric species. A. janus is distinct from closely related A. calif ornicus in the absence of an ICS keel (Figs. 102-105) and in IML/ITarL (Table 1). A. janus is distinct from A. aquilonius in palpus tip form (Figs. 102- 105), SW/PSS, CL/PSS, and CL/ALS (Table 1). A. janus differs from A. gnomus in CL/ALS, CL/AMD, and body size (Table 1). Sympatric A. erebus differs from A. janus in CL/ PTT, PSL/PSS, CL/IFL (Table 1), and palpus form (Figs. 102-105). A thompsoni, also sympatric with A. janus, is distinct in PSL/PSS, CL/IML (Table 1), thoracic groove form, and leg I setation. Other species can be separated from A. janus with an appropriate ratio from the following (Table 1): CL/ALS, PTX/PTL, and PTT/PTL. Females: The only really helpful character to use in separating A. janus from closely related A. isolatus is SL/SW (Table 2). Only seminal receptacle form ap- pears useful in separating A. janus from closely related A. cali- f ornicus (See A. calif ornicus diagnosis). A. janus has a larger IFL/IVFL, longer ITarL, and more IMS (Table 2) than does A. aquilonius. A. janus is distinct from A. gnomus in AMD/ AMS, IFL/IVFL, body size (Table 2), and seminal receptacle form (Figs. 132- 143). A. janus is distinct from sympatric A. erebus in seminal receptacle form (Figs. 132-143), CL/PSL, SW/ PSL, and IFL/IVFL (Table 2). A. janus is distinct from sym- patric A. thompsoni in thoracic groove form, seminal receptacle form (Figs. 132-143), CL/PSS, and PSL/PSS (Table 2). The remaining Aliatypus species can be separated from A. janus by either CL/IFL or IFL/IVFL (Table 2), and by seminal receptacle form (Figs. 1 32- 1 43). Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep pit; usually roughly triangular or T-shaped. Postocular setae form moderately long nar- row row. Sternum. Fig. 55. Posterior sigilla small to medium sized and well separated. Pedipalps. Figs. 83-84, 102-105. Tibia markedly swollen ventrally near distal end. Embolus base distant from ICS 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 453 base. Conductor tapers evenly to narrow tip which is sharp or an- gularly truncate; tip may be bent or straight. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth to somewhat rough. Leg. I. A few to all ventral macrosetae on tibia and metatarsus are ensiform ; background setae long, slender, not appressed, and very densely distributed. Abdomen. Tergites I and III reduced to small patches or spots at bases of macrosetae. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow to light brown. Pars cephalica markedly darker; medium to dark red-brown or chestnut. Chelicerae usually slightly darker red-brown than pars cephalica. Dorsal surface of pedipalpal patella and tibia same as chelicerae or darker. Females: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep pit; usually roughly triangular or T-shaped; rarely a transverse furrow, transversely oval, or circular. Postocular setae form a very narrow longitudinal row. Sternum. Fig. 66. Posterior sigilla medium sized and well separated. Great majority of peripheral sternal setae slender; usually a few to many stout ones on anterior-lateral margins. Longest setae scattered over most of sternum, but slightly more abundant anteriorly. Genitalia. Figs. 1 32-1 43. Stalks of seminal receptacles very weakly to moderately heavily sclerotized ; almost always much thicker at base than at distal end; weakly to strongly sinuous (3-9 bends). Bulbs small to medium sized ; less sclerotized than stalks. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow to rather dark yellow-gray. Pars cephalica slightly to much darker; pale brown to chestnut; median longitudinal band and posterior border darker than rest. Chelicerae orange- brown, red-brown, or chestnut; slightly darker than dark part of pars cephalica. Variation. Males: Although the male population samples are very small, they should provide at least an indication of the geographic variation patterns within this species. The strongest geographic variation occurs in pedipalpal tibia shape and conductor tip form. As Figures 18, 21, 83, and 84 indicate, the Yosemite and Briceburg specimens have markedly more elongate and slender pedipalpal tibiae than do the other samples. However, because of a relatively short pedipalpal patella, the Hume Lake and Sequoia specimens exhibit a PTL/PPL ratio similar to the Yosemite and Briceburg specimens and distinct from the other samples (Fig. 19). Although conductor tip shape varies considerably, the variation is rather continuous and clinal (Figs. 102-105). The Yosemite conductor tips (Fig. 103) are rounded in ventral view and strongly bent dorsad. The Briceburg conductor tip is very similar except that it is not as strongly bent dorsad. The Benton Station conductor tip is like the Yosemite tips. 454 Psyche [September-December Yosemite Briceburg Benton Sta. Hume L Pinehurst Sequoia Glenville Squaw Flat 18 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 CL/PTL Yosemite Briceburg Benton Sta. Hume L Pinehurst Woodlake Glenville Squaw Flat 20 2.10 IML/lTarL Yosemite Briceburg Mammoth L Hume L Pinehurst Woodlake Sequoia Glenville 22 6.00 700 CL/PSS Yosemite Briceburg Mammoth L Hume L Pinehurst Woodlake Sequoia Glenville 23 4.00 5.00 6.00 CL/HTarL Yosemite Briceburg Mammoth L. Hume L Pinehurst Woodlake Sequoia Glenville 600 700 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 24 sw/psl Yosemite . Briceburg . Benton Sta. . Hume L . . Pinehurst • • Woodlake • Sequoia . Glenville • Squaw Flat • 19 1,0 " 1.20 1.30 PTL/PPL Yosemite •• Briceburg • Benton Sta. • Hume L •• Pinehurst • Woodlake • Sequoia • Glenville • Squaw Flat • 21 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 PTT/ PTL Figures 18-24: Geographic variation of Aliatypus janus. Modified Dice- Leraas diagrams and map of sample localities. 18-21: males. 18: CL/PTL variation. 19: PTL/PPL variation. 20: IML/ITarL variation. 21: PTT/ PTL variation. 22-24: females. 22: CL/PSS variation. 23: CL/IVTarL variation. 24: SW/PSL variation. 1974] Coyle — Genus A liatypus 455 The Hume Lake conductor tips (Fig. 102) are blunt or slightly angularly truncate, and bend dorsad almost as strongly as the Yosemite conductor tips. The Pinehurst conductor tips (Fig. 1O4) are slightly broader and thicker, are angularly truncate, and bend only very slightly dorsad. The Woodlake, Glenville (Fig. 105), and Squaw Flat conductor tips are similar to those at Pinehurst, but are more angularly truncate and completely unbent. Rather strong variation occurs in the ratio IML/ITarL (Fig. 20), with Yosemite and Briceburg specimens distinct from Hume Lake and Pinehurst specimens. Tibia and metatarsus I setation varies geographically with Yosemite, Briceburg, Benton Station and Hume Lake specimens having 10 to 50 percent of the ventral macrosetae ensiform and relatively long densely distributed background setae. All other specimens have Jo to 100 percent of the ventral macrosetae ensiform, and shorter, less erect, less densely distributed background setae. The Yosemite and Briceburg specimens differ from the rest in that the pars thoracica is not markedly lighter than the pars cephalica. The Yosemite and Benton Station specimens differ from the rest in that the postocular setae extend back to a point at one-half or more of the distance from the anterior edge of the cephalothorax to the thoracic groove. Fe?nales: The female population samples also show a considerable amount of geographic variation, which is not surprising for such a widespread species. The chief variation pattern is that most samples (Hume Lake, Pinehurst, Woodlake, Sequoia, and Glenville) are quite similar, but that the northern samples (Yosemite, Briceburg, and Mammoth Lakes) do not form as homogeneous a grouping and each differs almost distinctively from most other samples in a few characters. The very small sample sizes limit the strength of any conclusions. Discontinuous geographic variation in quantitative characters in- volves those ratios incorporating PSS and PSL (Figs. 22 and 24). In these ratios the Mammoth Lakes population, with its smaller, more widely spaced posterior sigilla, is quite divergent. CL/IVTarL (Fig. 23) exhibits rather strong geographic variation with the Yosemite specimen very divergent. Other quantitative characters exhibit less geographic variation. Variation in seminal receptacle form is illustrated by Figures 132- 143. All samples except those from the Yosemite-Briceburg area have very similar seminal receptacles. In both the Yosemite and Briceburg specimens, the stalk base is not much thicker than the distal end, a condition similar to that of A. calif ornicus. Additional 456 Psyche [September-December noteworthy variation among female samples is as follows: the Mam- moth Lakes, Pinehurst, Woodlake, and Glenville specimens are lighter colored than most specimens from other localities; the Wood- lake and Glenville specimens have zero to two stout peripheral sternal setae (nearly all other specimens have many more) and fewer post- ocular setae than nearly all other specimens. Variation in both sexes indicates, not surprisingly, that gene flow is restricted in portions of this species’ geographic range. Gene flow between the more northern populations (Yosemite, Briceburg, Ben- ton Station, and Mammoth Lakes) and those to the south may be especially restricted. Possible competition or hybridization with A. calif ornicus in the area of sympatry around Mariposa may have an important effect upon the genetics of these northern populations. The Yosemite and Briceburg specimens are especially divergent and may eventually prove to represent a distinct species. Obviously, more and larger samples must be collected in order to obtain an accurate picture of geographic variation and of factors affecting gene flow within this species. Distribution. Central and southern Sierra Nevada Mountains and part of the Coast Range Mountains north of Los Angeles (Map a). Records. California. Fresno Go.: Loop road 5 mi. S of Hume Lake, 6000 ft., 16 Oct. 1973, 2cf, 9$. — Hwy. 245, 1 mi. E of Pinehurst, 4300 ft., 18 Oct. 1973, 2cf, 3$. Kern Co.: Glenville, 15 Nov. 1969, cf- — 10 mi. SW of Glenville, 2$. Madera Co.: 7 mi. W of Mammoth Lakes, 8700 ft. 2?. Mariposa Co.: near Briceburg, 1300 ft., cf. — 4 mi. N of Briceburg on Hwy. 140, 1300 ft., $. — Yosemite Nat’l Pk., 3.4 mi. E of Yosemite Cr. bridge on Hwy. 120, about 8000 ft., 10 Aug. 1972, 2cf • — Yosem- ite Nat’l Pk., 20 mi. E of Crane Flat on Hwy. 120, about 8000 ft., ?. Mono Co.: Benton Station, 26 Oct. 1941, cf. Tulare Co.: Sequoia Nat’l Pk., Congress trail near General Sherman Tree, 6800 ft., 13-14 Aug. 1972, cf, 5$. — 14 mi. N of Woodlake on Hwy. 69, 1200 ft., 10 Nov. 1972, cf, 3$. Ventura Co.: 5.5 mi. S of Squaw Flat, 29 Nov. 1970, cf • Aliatypus isolatus new species Figures 56, 67, 80, 107-109, 144-146. Map 3. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from Cave Springs Campground, about 9 mi. north of Sedona in Oak Creek Canyon, Coconino Co., Arizona, 19 August 1972 (F. A. Coyle). One male and four female paratypes. The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning isolated. 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 457 Diagnosis. The geographic range of this species (Map 3) is well separated from those of all other Aliatypus species. Males: Because of its proportionately long metatarsus I, short tarsus I, and short pedipalpal patella, A. isolatus is best distinguished from most of its congeners by the ratios IML/ITarL, PPL/PFL, and PTL/PPL (Table 1). The palpus structure (Figs. 107-109) of A. isolatus is distinctly different from that of most species. CL/ALS (Table 1 ) is the best character for distinguishing A. isolatus from closely related A. janus. Females: A. isolatus is extremely similar to A. janus and A. calif ornicus ; refer to diagnoses of these species. A. isolatus differs from similar A. aquilonius in having a transverse thoracic pit rather than a rounded or elongate one, and in its larger body size (especially longer tarsi; Table 2). A. isolatus can be separated from A. gwomus by seminal receptacle form (Figs. 144-146), AMD/AMS and CL/AMD (Table 2), and body size (Table 2). CL/IVTL, CL/IFL' and PSL/PSS (Table 2) clearly distinguish A. isolatus from all other species. Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep transverse pit or groove. Postocular setae form a relatively long narrow row. Sternum. Fig. 56. Posterior sigilla small and far apart. Pedipalp. Figs. 80, 107-109. Tibia swollen ventrally near distal end. Embolus base distant from ICS base. Conductor tapers rather evenly to narrow, sharp, angularly truncate tip which is bent. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth. Leg I. Tibia and metatarsus with all or nearly all ventral macrosetae attenuate; background setae elongate, slender, densely distributed, and not appressed. Abdomen. Tergite I small. Tergite III absent. Coloration. Pars cephalica and chelicerae light brown to dark brown ; much darker than light grey-yellow pars thoracica. Pedipalps darker than pars cephalica; medium orange- brown to dark red-brown. Females: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep transverse pit or groove. Postocular setae row extends to point at least one-half of distance from anterior edge of carapace to thoracic groove. Sternum. Fig. 67. Posterior sigilla small and far apart. Peripheral setae slender. Longest setae scattered all over sternum. Genitalia. Figs. 144-146. Seminal receptacles weakly sclerotized. Base of stalk rela- tively thick and nearly straight. Stalk becomes much narrower distally; long; 4-7 bends; often very irregularly looped. Bulbs small. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow to pale yellow-brown. Pars cephalica darker; light yellow-brown to medium brown. Chelicerae slightly darker than pars cephalica. 458 Psyche [September -December V aricition. Males: A comparison of the two small samples of two males each indicates rather strong geographic variation. The Oak Creek Canyon sample has a markedly larger body size ( CL = 4.8 mm, 4.9 mm), a proportionately longer pedipalpal patella (CL/ PPL = 1.53, 1.64), and darker coloration than the Santa Catalina Mountain sample (CL = 3.5 mm, 3.8 mm; CL/PPL = 1 .75, 1.77)* The conductor tip is proportionately a bit narrower and is bent more strongly (Figs. 107-109) in the Oak Creek Canyon males. Females: No marked geographic variation occurs in any of the ratio characters. The Oak Creek Canyon sample averages larger in body size, but the ranges of the two samples overlap. Seminal receptacle stalks are more irregularly sinuous in the Santa Catalina Mountain sample than in the Oak Creek Canyon sample (Figs. 144-146). The two samples show broadly overlapping color variation. Distribution. Arizona ( Map 3 ) . Records. Arizona. Coconino Co.: 0.2 mi. S of Manzanita Camp- grd. in Oak Creek Canyon about 6 mi. N of Sedona, 4400 ft., 9 • — Cave Springs Campgrd. in Oak Creek Canyon about 9 mi. N of Sedona, 4900 ft., 19 Aug. 1972, 2 cf, 4 $. Pima Co.: Molino Basin Campgrd. in Santa Catalina Mtns., 4500 ft. — 1.5 mi. below Bear Cr. Picnic Area along Hwy. to Mt. Lemon, 54°° ft., 27 March 1970, 2 (d*), 5 $. — Bear Cr. Picnic Area in Santa Catalina Mtns., 5800 ft. — General Hitchcock Picnic Area in Santa Cata- lina Mtns., 6000 ft. Aliatypus aquilonius new species Figures 57, 68, 81, 106, 147-148. Map 2. Type specimens and etymology . Holotype male from Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park, Humboldt Co., California, 8 August 1972 (F. A. Coyle). One male and 14 female paratypes. The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning northern. Diagnosis. Males: The weakly sclerotized, finger-like extension at the tip of the palpus (Fig. 106) is distinctive. The pedipalpal patella is proportionately long (Fig. 81), so that appropriate ratios from among the following distinguish A. aquilonius from any other species (Table 1): PTL/PPL, PPL/PFL, CL/PPL, CL/ PSS, SW/PSS. A. aquilonius males are markedly smaller than those of coastal A. calif ornicus and some other species (Table 1). Females: The following characters best distinguish A. aquilonius from similar species: smaller AMD/AMS (Table 2) and more strongly coiled seminal receptacle stalks (Figs. 147-148) than in 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 459 A. gnomus; smaller CL/PTSR and IFL/IVFL (Table 2) than in A. calif ornicus ; smaller IFL/IVFL and fewer IMS (Table 2) than in A. janus ; fewer IMS and smaller CL/ITL (Table 2) than in A. isolatus. Because of its small widely spaced posterior sigilla (Fig. 68) and proportionately long tibia IV, A. aquilonius is easily separated from the rest of the species by the following characters (Table 2): CL/IVTL, CL/PSS, CL/PSL, SW/PSS, SW/PSL, and PSL/PSS. Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep longitudinal groove or a deep rounded pit. Postocular setae form a relatively short and narrow longitudinal band. Sternum. Fig. 57. Posterior sigilla faint, small, and far apart. Pedipalp. Figs. 81, 106. Distal half of tibia ventrally moderately swollen. Embolus base distant from ICS base. Palpus tipped with weakly sclerotized finger-like extension. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth. Leg I. Tibia and metatarsus with most of ventral macrosetae attenuate ; background setae long, slender, erect, and rather sparsely distributed. Abdomen. Tergites I and III reduced to small patches or spots at bases of macrosetae. Coloration. Cephalothorax and chelicerae nearly homogeneous light yellow-brown. Pedipalps slightly darker. Females: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep pit; circular, irregular, or longitudinal. Postocular setae few; form a moderately long, roughly single row. Sternum. Fig. 68. Posterior sigilla small and far apart. Peripheral setae slender. Longest setae absent from large central area. Genitalia. Figs. 147-148. Seminal receptacles very weakly sclerotized. Base of stalk relatively thick, elongate, and nearly straight. Stalk long, becomes much narrower distally, 3-6 bends. Bulbs very small. Coloration. Cephalothorax homogeneous light yellow-brown. Chelicerae darker light brown to medium brown. Variation. There is very little variation among the four males. Females: The Grizzly Creek sample (n — 12) has a markedly larger mean body size (CL m 4.60 zb .74 mm; range = 3-4 mm-5.8 mm) than the Redway sample (n == 14) (CL =fi 3.40 zb .41 mm; range — 2.8 mm-4.1 mm). Generally, the larger the specimen the more heavily sclerotized and elongate the posterior sigilla; the posterior sigilla are round in the smallest specimens and twice as long as wide in the largest specimens. There is continuous variation in the degree of coiling of seminal receptacles; all specimens fall between, or are similar to, the conditions illustrated by Figures 147 and 148. Distribution. Humboldt Co. in northwestern California (Map 2). 460 Psyche [September-December Records. California. Humboldt Co.: Grizzly Creek Redwoods St. Pk., 400 ft., 8 Aug. 1972, 2 ( cT ) , 12 $. — 1.4 mi. W of Red- way on road to Briceland, 400 ft., 7 Aug. 1972, ( cf ), 14? . — 2 mi. W of Briceland, 400 ft., 15 Sept. 1971, cf, ?. Aliatypus gnomus new species Figures 49, 58, 69, 82, 101, 149-150. Map 2. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Santa Cruz Co., California, 3 August 1972 (F. A. Coyle). One male and four female paratypes. The specific name is a Latin noun meaning dwarf. Diagnosis. Males: At least one of the following ratios (Table 1) will separate this species from any one of the other species: CL/PPL, CL/PSL, PSL/PSS, and PTL/PPL. The palpus, with an ICS keel and a slender conductor tip (Fig. 101), is quite distinct from that of all species. The ICS keel is narrower and the conductor tip more slender than in closely related A. calif ornicus. These palpus features, CL/PPL, CL/PSL, and body size (Table 1) are the best characters for separating A. gnomus from A. calif ornicus. In all of these characters, A. gnomus is more distinct from coastal A. cali- f ornicus populations than from the Sierran A. californicus popula- tions. Females: A. gnomus has distinctively large, close set AME’s, so that one ratio, AMD/AMS (Table 2), clearly separates this species from all other species. Also, the weakly sinuous seminal receptacles (Figs. 149- 150) are distinctive. A. gnomus is distinctively smaller (Table 2) than most other species. Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep rounded pit. Post- ocular setae form rather short narrow row which is broadest an- teriorly. Sternum. Fig. 58. Posterior sigilla small and far apart. Pedipalp. Figs. 82, 101. Distal half of tibia ventrally swollen. Embolus base distant from ICS base. ICS with a thin narrow keel distallv. Conductor tip slender and tapers evenly to fine point. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth. Leg I. Tibia and metatarsus with most of ventral macrosetae attenuate; background setae long, slender, moderately densely distributed and more or less appressed on tibia but suberect on metatarsus. Abdomen. Tergites I, II, and III all well developed; II largest. Coloration. Pars cephalica and chelicerae pale brown. Pars thoracica pale yellow. Pedipalps darker than pars cephalica. 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 461 Females: Carapace. Fig. 49. Thoracic groove a deep circular or longitudinally oval pit. Three or four large postocular setae form single, moderately long, row; sometimes additional tiny setae. AME’s relatively large and separated by less than diameter. Sternum. Fig. 69. Posterior sigilla small and far apart. Peripheral setae slender. Longest setae less common centrally than toward the pe- riphery. Genitalia. Figs. 149- 150. Seminal receptacle stalks ex- tremely weakly sclerotized, weakly sinuous (1-4 weak bends), and same diameter throughout length. Bulbs almost transparent and proportionately small to medium sized. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow. Pars cephalica and chelicerae a darker pale brown. Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Map 2). Record. California. Santa Cruz Co.: Henry Cowell Redwood St. Pk., along Hwy. 9, 3.3 mi. S of Felton center, 400 ft., 3 Aug. 1972, 2 ( cf ) , 4 ? • Aliatypus gulosus new species Figures 25-26, 59, 70, 85, no, 151-154. Map 2. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from Salt Creek, 1.5 miles north of Dana Point, Orange Co., California, 6 December 1968 (W. R. Icenogle). Three males and 17 female paratypes. The species name is a Latin adjective meaning gluttonous. Diagnosis. Males: The palpus (Fig. no) of A. gulosus is dis- tinctively different from that of all other species. The very loosely looped sperm reservoir, the closeness of the embolus base to the ICS base, the jagged, serrate inner (concave) edge of the OCS, and the evenly tapered conductor tip are some of the more distinctive palpus features. The distinctive, long banana shape of the pedipalpal tibia (Fig. 85) is expressed quantitatively by the excellent diagnostic ratios (Table 1) PTX/PTL and PTL/PPL. Females: The semi- nal receptacles (Figs. 1 51-154) of i. gulosus are distinctively dif- ferent from those of all other species. The stalks are short and straight and the bulbs are relatively large. The appropriate ratio selected from among the following will clearly distinguish A. gulosus from any other species (Table 2) : CL/IFL, CL/IML, CL/PSS, SW/PSS, SW/PSL, PSL/PSS, and IMS/PSS. Any of the last five ratios distinguish A. gulosus , with its small, widely spaced pos- terior sigilla, from the other southern California species (A. thomp- soni, A. plutonis, and A. torridus) . Description. See Tables 1-3. 462 Psyche [September-December Chetsworth Crescenta Park Sierra Madre Eaton Can. Salt Cr Chatsworth . Crescenta Park • Sierra Madre • Eaton Can. — f— 1 7 Salt Cr — 25 1.60 1.70 1.80 cl/ivfl 26 1.70 1.80 1.90 CL/IFL Figures 25-26: Geographic variation of Aliatypus gulosus females. Modified Dice-Leraas diagrams. 25: CL/IVFL variation. 26: CL/IFL variation. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep, roughly circular pit. Postocular setae form a roughly triangular grouping. Sternum. Fig. 59- Posterior sigilla small and well separated. Pedipalps. Figs. 85, 1 10. Tibia banana shaped. Sperm reservoir large and loosely looped. Embolus base very close to ICS base. Distal half of conductor tapers evenly to tip. Inner (concave) edge of OCS with minute jagged serrations. Leg. I. Very similar to A. plutonis leg I in proportions and setation. Most ventral macrosetae on tibia and metatarsus are ensiform. Abdomen. Tergites I, II, and III all well developed; II largest and I smallest; sometimes II and III are fused together or nearly so. Coloration. Carapace light yellow-brown to medium red-brown; margins of pars cephalica often slightly darker. Chelicerae like lightest parts of carapace or slightly darker. Pedi- palps dorsally like lightest parts of carapace or lighter. Females: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep transverse pit; slightly to much wider than long. Postocular setae form a roughly double row. Sternum. Fig. 70. Posterior sigilla rather small and far apart. Usually, all or most peripheral sternal setae slender; stout setae most likely found near anterior-lateral margins of sternum. Longest setae scattered rather evenly over sternum. Genitalia. Figs. 151-154* Seminal receptacles very weakly sclerotized. Stalks short and straight. Bulbs relatively large. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow to medium brown. Pars cephalica centrally about same color; darker (light brown to chestnut brown) around margin. Chelicerae like darker portion of pars cephalica. Variation. While the total male sample (one male from Eaton Canyon and five from Salt Creek) is remarkably homogeneous in all characters, the female samples exhibit patterns of geographic variation which indicate some limitation to gene flow between the Salt Creek and the Los Angeles area populations. Females: Three characters exhibit marked geographic variation. The Salt Creek and Eaton Canyon samples differ somewhat markedly in two ratios, CL/IFL and CL/IVFL (Figs. 25-26). Also, Salt Creek specimens possess 1974] Coyle — Genus A liatypus 463 fewer stout peripheral sternal setae than most Los Angeles area specimens; a few of the latter possess many stout setae scattered along the entire sternal margin. The Chatsworth specimen is markedly variant. All its peripheral sternal setae are stout, the very long sternal setae are almost completely limited to the anterior half of the sternum, the sternum is exceptionally wide (SL/SW == 1*02), and femur I is longer than femur IV (IFL/IVFL — 1.05). Some minor and non-geographic variation occurs in the relative positions of the seminal receptacles (Figs. 1 51-154). Distribution. The Los Angeles Basin of southern California (Map 2) . Records. California. Los Angeles Co.: Eaton Canyon Park, 3 Jan. 1965, cT i 7$- —Sierra Madre, Bailey Canyon, $. — Crescenta Valley Park, 9- — Chatsworth, . Orange Co.: Salt Creek, 1.5 mi. N of Dana Point, 60 ft., 6 Dec. 1968, 2cf, 4$ ; 5 Sept. 1969, cf ; 12 Nov. 1969, CL/SW A. janus Mariposa A. thompsoni erf— 1 — 66 A. janus Mariposa Kernville Tehachapi Squaw Rat Santa Ynez Placenta Chatsworth Limekiln Can. Pac. Palisades Baldwin Hills Las Barras Can. Henninger F Eaton Can. Sierra Madre -^-11 fT't 1 . — 15 E=j^3 12 8 31 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 . 1.70 cl/pcl Kernville Tehachapi Squaw Flat Santa Ynez Placerita Chatsworth Limekiln Can. Pac. Palisades Baldwin Hills Las Barras Can. Henninger F Eaton Can. Sierra Madre 6 I 3 ■12 33 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 CL/PSL ~~ 160 1.80 2.00 2.20 cl/sw Figures 27-32: Geographic variation of Aliatypus thompsoni. Motdified Dice-Leraas diagrams and map of sample localities. 27-30: males. 27: CL (in mm) variation. 28: CL/PCL variation. 29: CL/ITL variation. 30: CL/SW variation. 31-32: females. 31: CL/PCL variation compared with that of A. janus and the enigatic Mariposa population. 32: CL/SW variation. Figure 33: Modified Dice-Leraas diagram showing CL/PSL variation of females of Aliatypus thompsoni, A. janus, and the enigmatic Mariposa population. 466 Psyche [September-December Thoracic groove form is correlated with pars cephalica shape. Those specimens (Sierra Madre and Henninger Flats) with an exception- ally elongate pars cephalica lack any vestige of a thoracic groove (Fig. 51). Specimens with a more normal pars cephalica possess at least a vestigial thoracic groove in the form of a shallow depression (Fig. 50). Tehachapi Mountain specimens have slightly to markedly deeper thoracic grooves than other specimens. Tehachapi Mountain males have two or three trichobothria dor- sally near the distal end of metatarsus IV. All other A. thompsoni males as well as all other Aliatypus males have only one tricho- bothrium in that position. Variation in palpus conductor tip form is illustrated by Figures 111 to 113. The Tehachapi Mountain con- ductor tips (Fig. hi) are slightly but consistently different from those in all other samples. Tehachapi Mountain males tend to have a darker pars cephalica and chelicerae, and redder pedipalps than do other specimens. The Las Barras Canyon specimens have noticeably more elongate legs (Fig. 29) than most others. Fe?nales: A few female characters exhibit strong geographic vari- ation. These are characters which also vary strongly in the male sample, and the geographic patterns of these variations are like those in the male sample. The pars cephalica is markedly more elongate in the Sierra Madre, Eaton Canyon, and Henninger Flats samples than in all other sam- ples (Figs. 31, 52-53). These same three southeastern samples have on the average a considerably broader sternum than most other sam- ples (Figs. 32, 71-73). The thoracic groove is completely absent in these three samples with an elongate pars cephalica (Fig. 53), and is only a faint depression (slightly more heavily sclerotized than its immediate surroundings) (Fig. 52) in all other samples except the Tehachapi Mountain and Kernville samples. These latter specimens have a slightly deeper depression or a shallow pit. The Tehachapi Mountain and Kernville specimens have two to four trichobothria dorsally near the distal end of metatarsus IV. All other females of A. tko?npsoni and all other Aliatypus species have only one such trichobothrium. Variation in seminal receptacle form is illustrated by Figures 155 to 171. The Tehachapi Mountain and Kernville specimens have shorter receptacle stalks and fewer loops per stalk than other specimens elsewhere. The centrally located popu- lations (Baldwin Hills, Pacific Palisades, Las Barras Canyon, Lime- kiln Canyon, Chatsworth, and Placerita) all have a dense cluster of short stout setae at the anterior median edge of the carapace, while 467 1974] Coyle — Genus A liaty pus all other populations have at most only a few very small or moder- ately stout setae here. The similar geographic variation patterns for both sexes of A. thompsoni indicate two areas of reduced gene flow; one between the northeastern populations (Tehachapi Mountain and Kernville) and the rest of the species, and the other between the southeastern popu- lations (Sierra Madre, Eaton Canyon, and Henninger Flats) and the rest of the species. In the former area it is likely that there is a paucity of suitable habitats. It is not as apparent why there might be reduced gene flow in the latter area. One female that was col- lected with the Tehachapi Mountain population looks suspiciously like a product of interbreeding between A. thompsoni and A. torridus or A. plutonis. If hybridization has occurred in this area, it could be responsible for some of the variant nature of the Tehachapi and Kernville populations. A possible central Sierran population of A. tho?npsoni. Seven A liaty pus females with only a faint depression for a thoracic groove were collected at Mariposa, California (0.5 mi. north of town limits on Hwy. 49). These are similar to A. thompsoni in all characters execpt posterior sigilla size and separation and PTSR. The posterior sigilla of the Mariposa sample are markedly smaller (Fig. 33) and farther apart than in A. thompsoni. The PTSR of the Mariposa sample ranges from four to six with a mean of 4.3, while that of A. thompsoni ranges from five to eight with a mean of 6.2. Except for CL/PC L (Fig. 31) and the condition of the thoracic groove, this sample is even more similar to the sympatric species, A. janus. It is less similar to sympatric A. calif ornicus and very unlike sym- patric A. ere bus. There are a number of possible explanations for this situation. Perhaps this Mariposa sample is conspecific with A. thompsoni. Per- haps it is a reproductively isolated northern derivative of A. thomp- soni. Perhaps it is a variant population of A. janus which has undergone a drastic shift in pars cephalica and thoracic groove struc- ture. Perhaps it is a product of hybridization between A. thompsoni and A. janus. Intensive field work in the Mariposa area is required to solve this problem. Distribution. Foothills of the Los Angeles area north into the Santa Ynez Mountains in the west and the southern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the east (Map 4). Records. California. Kern Co.: Piute Mtns. S of Kernville, $. — along Water Canyon Rd., 4500-5500 ft., Tehachapi Mtns. S of 468 Psyche [September-December Tehachapi, 7 Sept. 1967, (d) ; 10 Oct. 1968, 2 d, 2 9 ; 16 Jan. T97°) d ; 9 • Los Angeles Co.: Sierra Madre, 900 ft., 4 Feb. 1973, d ; 9 • —Eaton Canyon Park near Altadena, 8 9- — Henninger Flats near Altadena, 15 Nov. 1968, 2 d , 2 9 ; 10 Jan. 1968, d ; 16 Jan. 1970, d ; 10 9- —Las Barras Canyon, 2 mi. SE of Tujunga, 1500 ft., 12 Oct. 1972, 2 d, 9* — Baldwin Hills, 2 9. — Pacific Palisades, Feb. 1945, d, 9- — Chatsworth, 1000-1200 ft., 2 Oct. 1966, d ; 9 Oct. 1966, d, 2 9 ; 28 Oct. 1967, d , 9 ; 25 Nov. 1967, d, 3 9 ; 9 9- — Limekiln Canyon, 2.5 mi. NW of Granada Hills, 1300 ft., 3 9- — Placerita Canyon St. Pk., 31 Oct. 1968, 3 cf, 5 9 ; 6 9 . Santa Barbara Co.: Santa Ynez Mtns., Stagecoach Rd., 200 yds. W of junc. with Hwy. 154, 2200 ft., 5 9* — Santa Ynez Mtns., Paradise Rd. 2.1 mi. E of junc. with Hwy. 154, 9 • Ventura Co.: 5 mi. S of Squaw Flat, 2 9 • Aliatypus trophonius new species Figures 61, 74, 87, 95, 116, 172-173- Map 4. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from 4.5 mi. north of Soquel, Santa Cruz Co., California, 13 October 1971 (W. R. Icenogle). One male and nine female paratypes. Trophonius was a Boetian oracular god who snatched inquirers underground to give them revelations. Diagnosis. Males: The palpus of this species (Fig. 116) is quite different from that of all other species, except A. erebus and A. plutonis. The OCS is quite broad to near the tip where it suddenly tapers to a fine point. Because of proportionately short appendage articles, a strongly swollen pedipalpal tibia (Fig. 87), and relatively large close-set anterior median eyes, any one of the following ratios (Table 1) will separate A. trophonius from nearly all other species: CL/IFL, CL/ITL, CL/IML, CL/PPL, PTT/PTL, CL/PTT, CL/AMD. A. trophonius is small, so that many dimensions, espe- cially PFL and PTL (Table 1) are useful diagnostically. The most similar species, A. erebus , can be separated from A. trophonius best with the following ratios (Table 1) CL/PCA, CL/ITarL, and CL/AMD. Also, A. trophonius has a proportionately shorter prox- imal branch of the ICS base (Fig. 116) and a relatively broader conductor just proximal to the conductor tip than does A. erebus. Females: A. trophonius has relatively short leg I articles and rela- tively large, close spaced, posterior sigilla, so that it can be separated from any species by using the appropriate ratio from among the following (Table 2) : IFL/IVFL, CL/IFL, CL/ITL, CL/IML, 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 469 SW/PSS, SW/PSL, and PSL/PSS. Small A. trophonius is easily separated from large species by IFL, ITL, and I ML (Table 2). Closely related A. erebus can be distinguished from A. trophonius by the ratios (Table 2) CL/IMS, CL/AMD, and CL/PTSR, by body size (CL and other measurements in Table 2), and by the proportionately longer A. trophonius seminal receptacle stalks with more bends and relatively smaller bulbs (Figs. 172- 173). A. tro- phonius seminal receptacles are also markedly different from those of several other species. Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep circular to elongate- oval pit. Postocular setae form roughly triangular grouping. Ster- num. Fig. 61. Posterior sigilla medium sized and rather well sep- arated. Pedipalps. Figs. 87, 116. Articles relatively short. Tibia greatly swollen ventrally, especially near distal end. Embolus base well separated from ICS base. OCS broad to near its tip where it suddenly tapers to fine point. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth. Leg I. Fig. 95. Majority of ventral macrosetae on tibia and meta- tarsus are ensiform ; background setae fairly sparse, long and slender, more erect on metatarsus. Abdomen. Tergites I and III reduced to spots at bases of macrosetae. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow. Pars cephalica darker; light brown to medium brown around mar- gins and along median longitudinal line, lighter elsewhere. Chelicerae and pedipalps dorsally like pars cephalica. Females: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep pit; roughly circular or slightly transverse. Postocular setae form longitudinal triangular band. Sternum. Fig. 74. Posterior sigilla moderately large and somewhat elongate. Peripheral sternal setae slender. Longest setae scattered rather evenly over sternum. Genitalia. Figs. 1 72-1 73. Stalks of seminal receptacles very weakly sclerotized, only slightly more sclerotized than bulbs. Stalks moderately long and slender; about same diameter throughout length; with 3 to 5 bends. Bulbs proportionately small to medium sized. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow to pale yellow-brown. Pars cephalica darker ; light brown to medium red-brown around margins and along median longitudinal line, lighter elsewhere. Chelicerae like darkest part of pars cephalica. Distribution. Known only from the low foothills of the Coast Range just west and south of San Francisco Bay (Map 4). Records. California. San Francisco Co.: San Francisco, 9 • Santa Cruz Co.: 4.5 mi. N of Soquel center on Soquel-San Jose Rd., 300 ft., 13 Oct. 1971, 2 cf , 9 9 . 470 Psyche [September-December Aliatypus erebus new species Figures 34 -38, 62, 75, 88, 114-115, 174-187. Map 4. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from Fossil Ridge on south side of Mt. Diablo, Alameda Co., California, 24 November to 5 December, 1970 (W. E. Azevedo). Three male and two fe- male paratypes. Erebus was the Latin god of darkness. Diagnosis. Males: The ratios CL/PED and CL/PCA (Table 1) will separate A. erebus males from those of the closely related species, A. trophonius, A. plutonis, and A. torridus. For other characters useful in separating A. erebus from each of these species, see their diagnoses. A. erebus ’ conductor form (Figs. 114-115) and strongly swollen pedipalpal tibia (Fig. 88) are distinct from that of most other species. The ratios PTT/PTL, CL/ITarL, CL/IFL, CL/ PED, and CL/PSL (Table 1) best distinguish A. erebus from the less closely related species. Females: A. erebus’ seminal receptacles, with large bulbs and short stalks with normally only two (at most three) bends (Figs. 174-187), are distinct from those of all species except A. torridus. CL/PSL, SW/PSL, or PSL/PSS (Table 2) will separate A. erebus specimens nicely from distantly related spe- cies. CL/I MS, IMS/PSS, CL/PTSR, PTSR, or IMS (Table 2) distinguish A. erebus from A. thompsoni. CL/IMS, CL/AMD, CL/PTSR, CL, and IVTarL (Table 2) distinguish A. erebus from closely related A. trophonius. IVFL/IVML and CMT (Table 2) best distinguish A. erebus from closely related A. plutonis. CMT, CL/OQW, CL/CMT, and IMS/CMT (Table 2) are the most helpful characters when separating A. erebus specimens from those of very similar A . torridus. Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep circular or elongate oval pit; somewhat narrowed posteriorly. Postocular setae numerous and form a roughly triangular grouping. Sternum. Fig. 62. Pos- terior sigilla large and well separated. Pedipalps. Figs. 88, 114-115. Pedipalpal tibia robust; greatly swollen ventrally near distal end. Embolus base well separated from ICS base. Proximal branch of ICS base elongate. OCS rather broad to near its end where it quickly tapers to a fine point. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth to very rough. Leg I. Ventral tibia and metatarsal macrosetae attenuate and ensiform ; background setae rather elongate and not closely appressed. Abdomen. Tergites I and III reduced to patches or spots at bases of macrosetae. Coloration. Pars thoracica grey- yellow. Pars cephalica markedly darker; medium brown to dark 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 471 red-brown. Chelicerae match pars cephalica. Pedipalps dorsally like or slightly lighter than pars cephalica. Females: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep pit; elongate or trans- verse; rounded or triangular. Postocular setae numerous; form an elongate, roughly triangular grouping. Sternum. Fig. 75. Posterior sigilla large and rather well separated. Stout setae usually distributed around entire periphery of sternum; always common along anterior lateral margins. Most of central setae extremely elongate. Genitalia. Figs. 174-187. Seminal receptacles very weakly sclerotized. Stalks rather short; with 1 to 3 strong bends; same diameter throughout length. Bulbs large to very large. Coloration. Pars thoracica grey- yellow to pale brown. Pars cephalica darker; pale brown to dark chestnut brown ; darkest along margins and median longitudinal line. Chelicerae light brown to dark chestnut brown. Variation. Males: The two male samples, which are separated by the Central Valley, differ considerably in body size and EGS num- ber but are very similar in most ratio characters. The male from Tuolumne Co. is markedly larger (CL = 6.6 mm), has a propor- tionately longer pedipalpal patella (CL/PPL = 1.57; PTL/PPL — 1.02) and metatarsus I (CL/IML = 1.76; IML/ITarL = 1.96), and proportionately closer posterior sigilla (SW/PSS — 5.41) than does the Mt. Diablo sample (CL = 4.4 mm-4.9 mm; CL/ PPL = 1.94-2.03: PTL/PPL = 1. 13-1.16; CL/IML = 1.94- 2.07; IML/ITarL = 1.66-1.71; SW/PSS = 3.30-4.35). The only marked difference in palpus form is in conductor tip shape (Figs. 114-115). Females: The four population samples from the southern half of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Sonora, Mariposa, Shaver Lake, and Pinehurst-Miramonte) are similar in all characters. Each of the other three samples (Mt. Diablo, Wilbur Springs, and Nevada City) are divergent from this homogeneous south Sierra grouping in some characters. Of these divergent samples, the Mt. Diablo sample is less divergent than either the Wilbur Springs or Nevada City sam- ples. The Mt. Diablo sample is divergent from the south Sierra grouping in body size (Fig. 34), IFL/IVFL, and IFL/ITarL, and is some- what divergent from all samples in CL/CMT (Fig. 35) and IMS/ CMT. The Wilbur Springs sample is divergent from the south Sierra grouping in body size (Fig. 34), CL/SL (Fig. 38), CL/SW, ITL/IML, and IMS/PSS (Fig. 36), and is divergent from all samples in CL/SL (Fig. 38), CL/SW, and IMS/PSS (Fig. 36). T^? Nevada City sample is divergent from the south Sierra group- 472 Psyche [September-December Mt. Diablo Wilbur Spgs. • Nevada City Sonora Mariposa Shaver L. Pinehurst < Miramonte 34 6.0 Mt. Diablo Wilbur Springs Nevada City Sonora Mariposa Shaver L. Pinehurst * Miramonte 35 0.10 •2 1 3 1 4 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 CL/CM T Mt.' Diablo • 2 Wilbur Spgs. • • Nevada City • • Sonora } 3 Mariposa i |; 8 Shaver L. 1 3 Pinehurst + i 4 Miramonte 36 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 IMS/PSS Mt. Diablo Wilbur Spgs. Nevada City Sonora Mariposa Shaver L. Pinehurst + Miramonte 37 +3 "iso 1 ioo ' 200 N FL/'EZ’TL Mt. Diablo Wilbur Spgs. Nevada City Sonora Mariposa Shaver L. Pinehurst + Miramonte 38 -H3 1.50 1.60 CL/SL 1.80 Figures 34-38: Geographic variation of Aliatypus erebus females. Modi- fied Dice-Leraas diagrams and map of sample localities. 34: CL (in mm) variation. 35: CL/CMT variation. 36: IMS/PSS variation. 37: IVFL IVTL variation. 38: CL/SL variation. ing in IVFL/IVTL (Fig. 37), IFL/IVFL, IVTL/IVML, and ITL/IML, and is divergent from all samples in IVFL/IVTL (Fig. 4) and ITL/IML. Mt. Diablo, Sonora, Mariposa, Pinehurst, and (two of three) Shaver Lake specimens have stout setae dis- tributed all around the margins of the sternum. The Wilbur Springs, Nevada City, Miramonte, and (one of three) Shaver Lake specimens have only a few stout marginal setae, and these only at the anterior lateral sternal margins. In addition, the Wilbur Springs specimens are unique in not having short stout setae scattered oyer the periphery of the central region of the sternum. The range of Color variation is considerable, with the Sonora specimens darkest, the Pinehurst and 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 473 Miramonte specimens a bit lighter, and all other specimens noticeably lighter than these. Variation in seminal receptacle form (Figs. 174- 187) is continuous with no divergent populations. Bulb size and stalk diameter seem to be the most variable aspects of seminal re- ceptacle form. More and larger samples are needed before firm conclusions can be made about the genetic relationships of these populations. I feel that the best working hypothesis suggested by this analysis of varia- tion is that the Mt. Diablo, Wilbur Springs, and Nevada City popu- lations are, because of distance and ecological barriers to gene flow, markedly different genetically from the south Sierra populations, but that this isolation is either incomplete or has not been of long enough duration for reproductive isolating mechanisms to develop. A thorough search for more populations is especially needed in central and northern California in the eastern part of the Coast Range, the Central Valley, and the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Distribution. Eastern edge of the Coast Range in central Cali- fornia and western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Map 4). Records. California. Butte Co.: 16 mi. E of Oroville on Lump- kin Rd., 1300 ft., $. Colusa Co.: 3 mi. SE of Wilbur Spgs. on Bear Cr. Rd., 1250 ft., 2 9- Contra Costa Co.: south side of Mt. Diablo, Fossil Ridge, 31 Oct.-6 Nov. 1970, cf ; 24 N0V.-5 Dec. 1970, 2 cf \ 5 Dec. 1970-20 Feb. 1971, cf. —0.5 mi. E o'f South Gate of Mt. Diablo St. Pk., 1300 ft'., 2$. Fresno Co.: Shaver Lake, 2$. — Hwy. 168, 1.5 mi. S of Dinkey Cr. Rd., near Shaver Lake, 5400 ft., 9 • — Hwy. 245, 1 mi. E of Pinehurst, 4500 ft.. 3 9- — Mt. Miramonte, 9* Mariposa Co.: 0.5 mi. NW of Mari- posa along Hwy. 49, 2000 ft., 89- Nevada Co.: Hwy. 49, 10.7 mi. S of Grass Valley, 1300 ft. — Hwy. 20, 2 mi. NE of Nevada City, 3000 ft., 2 9- Tuolumne Co.: Draper Mine Rd., 6 mi. E of Sonora, 2700 ft., 39- — probably near Sonora, summer 1968, cf- Aliatypus plutonis new species Figures 63, 76, 89-90, 94, 117-118, 188-191. Map 4. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from University of California at Riverside campus, Riverside Co., California, 31 Octo- ber 1968 (W. R. Icenogle). One male and four female paratypes. The specific name is the genitive of Pluto, the Latin god of the nether world. Diagnosis. Males: A. plutonis can be distinguished best from closely related and sympatric A. torridus by pedipalp and palpus 474 Psyche [September-December characters. The pedipalpal patella of A. plutonis is distinctively more elongate (Figs. 89-90; PPL/PFL and PTL/PPL in Table 1), its pedipalpal tibia has a distinctively different shape (Figs. 89-90; PTX/PTL in Table 1), and its OCS is drawn out into a broad thin lateral keel just below the tip (Figs. 117-118). A. plutonis can be distinguished from closely related but allopatric A. erehus by the following characters (Table 1) : CL/PCA, CL/PED, CL/IFL, and the broad, thin OCS keel (Figs. 117-118). The following ratios will separate A. plutonis specimens from those of the other species: PSL/PSS, CL/PSL, CL/ITL, and CL/PPL (Table 1). Females: A. plutonis females are distinct from those of all other species by virtue of their low IVFL/IVML value (Table 2). This is the best character to use in separating A. plutonis from its closest relatives, A. erehus and A . torridus. The seminal receptacle stalks of A. plu- tonis are more elongate and more slender (Figs. 188-191) than those of A. torridus or A. erehus. SW/PSS and PSL/PSS (Table 2) are useful in separating A. plutonis from most of the other species. Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep pit, longer than wide; anterior border rounded ; narrow posteriorly. Postocular setae usually form a double row anteriorly. Sternum. Fig. 63. Posterior sigilla large and moderately well separated. Pedipalps. Figs. 89-90, 117- 1 1 8. Tibia strongly swollen ventrally near distal end; slightly swollen more proximally. Embolus base distant from ICS base. Conductor tip very sharp. Thin lateral keel-like extension of con- ductor (OCS) just proximal to tip so that conductor is markedly narrower just proximal of this keel. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth to slightly rough. Leg I. Fig. 94. Tibia and metatarsus with ventral, erect, elongate, attenuate and ensiform macrosetae; background setae elongate and not closely appressed. Abdomen. Tergites I and III reduced to small patches or spots at bases of macrosetae. Coloration. Pars thoracica grey-yellow to light brown. Pars cephalica darker, at least along margins and median longitudinal line; pale brown to medium brown. Chelicerae match lighter or darker portion of pars cephalica. Pedipalps dorsally like pars thora- cica. Female: Carapace. Thoracic groove a large deep pit; usually roughly triangular with front wall straight or procurved. Postocular setae distribution variable; single or roughly double longitudinal row or long narrow triangular grouping. Sternum. Fig. 76. Pos- terior sigilla large and moderately well separated. Stout setae dis- tributed around entire periphery of sternum. Most of central setae 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 475 extremely elongate. Genitalia. Figs. 188-191. Seminal receptacles very weakly sclerotized. Stalks rather short, with a few strong loops (3-5 bends), moderately thick, and same diameter throughout length. Bulbs rather large. Coloration. Pars thoracica grey-yellow. Pars cephalica darker; light brown to medium brown; darkest along mar- gins and median longitudinal line. Chelicerae match darkest parts of pars cephalica. Variation. Males: Both Riverside males have a more slender pedi- palpal tibia (Fig. 90) than all other specimens, which are all similar to Figure 89. The palpus form of most specimens is like Figure 118 or intermediate between this and the Palomar Mountain specimen (Fig. 1 17). Females: As illustrated (Figs. 188-191), there is a small amount of largely intrapopulation variation in bulb size and stalk diameter. Distribution. Southwestern California south of the San Bernardino Mountains (Map 4). Records. California. Riverside Co.: U. of Calif, at Riverside campus, 1250 ft., 27 Oct. 1967, cf ; 31 Oct. 1968, cf ; 4? • — S of Banning on Hwy. 243, 5.4 mi. S of junc. with I-iO, 3300 ft., 21 Aug. 1968, (2cf ), $ ; 3 ? • San Diego Co.: Hwy. 395, 4 mi. E of Fallbrook, 800 ft.; 20 Sept. 1971, cf. — Palomar Mtn., Nate Harrison Grade Rd., 2350 ft., 6 Jan. 1972, cf. Aliatypus torridus new species Figures 64, 77, 91, 1 19-120, 192-194. Map. 4. Type specimens and etymology. Holotype male from Mountain Center, Riverside Co., California, 3 October 1968 (W. R. Ice- nogle). One male and four female paratypes. The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning dry and hot. Diagnosis. Males: The pedipalpal tibia (Fig. 91) of this species has a distinctive shape and the pedipalpal patella is relatively short so that PTX/PTL and PTL/PPL (Table 1) together distinguish A. torridus from all other species. For other characters which also distinguish A. torridus from closely related A. trophonius , A. erebus, and A. plutonis, see these species’ diagnoses. Females: A. torridus is difficult to distinguish from A. erebus; CMT number, CL/OQW, CL/CMT, and IMS/CMT (Table 2) are the most helpful diag- nostic characters. A. torridus is distinguished from closely related and sympatric A. plutonis by IVFL/IVML, PSL/PSS (Table 2), and its shorter, thicker seminal receptacle stalks (Figs. 192- 194). Among the following characters can be found at least one that will 476 Psyche [September-December distinguish A. torridus from any one of the other Aliatypus species (Table 2) : PSL/PSS, CL/PSL, CL/IFL, and seminal receptacle form (Figs. 192- 194). Description. See Tables 1-3. Males: Carapace. Thoracic groove a deep pit with front wall broad and procurved ; transverse to slightly longer than wide ; nar- rowed posteriorly. Postocular setae grouped in form of narrow triangle. Sternum. Fig. 64. Posterior sigilla rather large and well separated. Pedipalp. Figs. 91, 1 19-120. Tibia swollen ventrally over most of its length. Embolus base distant from ICS base. Inner (concave) edge of OCS smooth to slightly rough. Leg I: Tibia and metatarsus setation very similar to that of A. plutonis. Abdomen. Tergites I and III reduced to small spots at bases of macrosetae. Coloration. Pars thoracica grey-yellow to pale brown. Pars cephalica darker; light brown to medium brown; darkest along margin and median longitudinal line. Chelicerae match either lighter or darker portion of pars cephalica. Pedipalps dorsally like pars thoracica. Females: Carapace. Thoracic groove a large, deep, roughly tri- angular pit with transverse anterior wall ; usually wider than long. Postocular setae form a long slender triangular grouping. Sternum. Fig. 77. Posterior sigilla large and well separated. Stout setae dis- tributed around entire periphery of sternum. Most of central setae extremely elongate. Genitalia. Figs. 192- 194. Seminal receptacles weakly to very weakly sclerotized. Stalks short, with 1 to 3 bends, thick, and same diameter throughout length. Bulbs rather large. Coloration. Pars thoracica pale yellow to pale brown. Pars cephalica darker; grey-yellow to medium brown; darkest along margins and median longitudinal line. Chelicerae medium brown. Variation. Males: Considering the large geographic distance sep- arating the two population samples, there is surprisingly little differ- ence in pedipalp and palpus form (Figs. 1 19-120). Moderately strong differences between these two small samples show up only in the following ratios: CL/ALS (El Paso Mountain sample with higher mean), CL/ITL (Mountain Center mean higher), and IFL/ITarL (El Paso Mountain mean higher). Females: Seminal receptacle form is remarkably similar throughout all three population samples (Figs. 192- 194). Noteworthy geographic variation occurs in five ratio characters. The Yucaipa sample (n = 2) has markedly smaller mean values of IMS/CTP and CL/CTP than both the Mountain Center (n = 4) and El Paso Mountain (n = 2) samples. In three other characters, CL/OQW, 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 477 CL/AMD, and IFL/ITL, the Mountain Center and El Paso samples are markedly different from one another and the Yucaipa sample is intermediate. Distribution . Interior southern California from the San Jacinto Mountains north to the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains (Map 4). Records. California. Kern Co.: NE edge of El Paso Mtns., i mi. W of Hwy. 395, 3800 ft., 3 Jan. 1969, 2 c? ; 2$. — ■ NE of El Paso Mtns., spring 1963, c?* Riverside Co.: Mountain Center, 300 yds. W of junc. of Hwys. 243 and 74, 4400 ft., 3 Oct. 1968, 2c? ; 4$ . San Bernardino Co.: Yucaipa, 2800 ft., 2? . Literature Cited Banks, N. 1896. New Californian spiders. J. New York Ent. Soc., 4(4) : 88-91. Coyle, F. A. 1968. The mygalomorph spider genus Atypoidcs (Araneae: Antro- diaetidae). Psyche, 75: 157-194. 1971. Systematics and natural history of the mygalomorph spider genus Antrodiaetus and related genera (Araneae: Antrodiaeti- dae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 141 (6): 269-402. Forster, R. R., and Wilton, C. L. 1968. The spiders of New Zealand. Part 2. Otago Mus. Bull. No. 2: 1-180. Gertsch, W. J. 1949. American Spiders. Princeton, D. Van Nostrand Co., 285 pp. Loksa, I. 1966. Nemesia pannonica O. Herman (Araneae: Ctenizidae). Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Biol., 8: 155-171. Main, B. Y. 1957. Biology of aganippine trapdoor spiders (Mygalomorphae : Cteni- zidae). Australian J. Zool., 5(4): 402-473. Martin, P. S. and Mehringer, P. J., Jr. 1965. Pleistocene pollen analysis and biogeography of the Southwest. Pp. 433-451. In H. E. Wright and D. G. Frey (eds.), The Quaternary of the United States. Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press. Riemer, W. J. 1958. Variation and systematic relationships within the salamander genus Taricha. Univ. of California Publ. Zool., 56: 301-390. Smith, C. P. 1908. A preliminary study of the Araneae Theraphosae of California. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, 1 (4): 207-249. Stebbins, R. C. 1949. Speciation in salamanders of the plethodontid genus Ensatina. Univ. of California Publ. Zool., 48: 377-526. are defined in Methods section. 478 Psyche [September-December =3 C O CL 03 *r— CD +-> 03 CM T d 03 O • H r— r— \ r— I LO CM CO O'* o o CO O* CO LO O I CM I Or— |\ CO CM CO • — CD CU < 0)5- C jQ M— 03 -O O CC 03 00 CO CO I <3- r— cn CO CO CM CO O CM CM r— r— O'* cm co CM -H CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO -+i CO -n r— O CO CM CM O CO CM CM CM CM CM CM > — CO S- 4-> 03 03 CD (JOE •r- C -»-> 03*0 LO CO CM CM I CO LO CO CO CO CO -fl CO I co 10 o co cm o co co co co co CD (D CO CL E •r- CO CD I CO LO 03 CM CM CM -f| CM I CO I CM 00 o ^ CM CM CM CM <3- *3- CO 1 3.956 californicus 4.08-6.73 2.34-4.31 2.65-4.92 1.92-3.77 0.62-1.07 0.81-1.36 0.36-0.75 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 479 VO CO CO LO d d o cr> d d vo o CO d o co co d d co co o o I ID CO *3- <3- CO^t LO d d LO LO d d cr> cm o r— o I CO LO CO CO LO d o LO LO d d 1 LO cr> lo cx* o CT> O d -H cr> o o CO CO d d LO LO d d LO LO o d cn o d -h co co d d C\J 41 i o cr> lo co LO co co f'oj \ I LO od o lo co LO O CM CO CO o r^s cm CO -H I LO LO ^ I— CO CO CO i .168 Table 1 (continued) 480 Psyche [September-December cal ifornicus 0.10-0.21 0.12-0.18 6-34 1.03-1.15 1.56-1.78 1.57-1.73 2.69-3.22 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 481 D CO r> r— (co 'N •3- 1 CO vo 00 LO O 'co~~"\ CO O f oo\ CO LO 10 0 VO CO - -H 1 0 CT» sJ LO 1 co LO LO T in co co T LO LO LO VO LO T cr> LO 00 C\J co T CO lo CM CO CM 1 0 CM LO CM 1 VO 0 lo cr> r~ " -H 1 cr» 00 co *3* 1 1 — *3* vo 1 n- r- ■- [cm CM *- ■- I CM cn co o «— o 1 co o r— r— O 1 o I CO CM CO I — o O -H I 00 O CM CO O'! I— •— o O -H I r— 10 o o 00 00 00 00 00 00 LO CO o o Table 1 (continued) 482 Psyche [September-December PSL/PSS PPL/PFL PTL/PPL PTX/PTL PTT/PTL IML/ITarL SW/PSS 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 483 0.655 Table 2. Measurement (in mm), meristic character, and diagnostic ratio values for adult females of Aliatypus species. For each species or group of species, the most useful diagnostic characters are circled. Range, mean, and standard deviation given for measurements and ratios. Range and mean given for meristic characters. Number of females containing maturing eggs or with brood is in parentheses after N. Character abbreviations are defined in Methods section. 484. Psyche [September-December CT> r— — +1 ■ — -H i — -H I I CO I r— ID CD in 1 o 1 in r-* co in in ov r— +» 00 o O -fl 1 in in «— *3- m 1 in in 00 o 73 CVJ *3- ov o - r- O r— OO \ody (p 0 J 00 0- Vpoj 0 r— O r— 0 0 . / 0 .229 .00 .318 .84 .363 cn •3- LO 00 co cvj inis *5f r- r— in 1 — in co *5}- m ^•1— CO r— 0 CD CO in co 0 0 in CO 1— in 00 ov co 0 ov co . — CVJ CO +1 I CVJ co r-*. co CVJ -fl »— CVJ ± 1 1 01 1 o o co 00 CVJ r — o inoi co 1 — in cvj CVJ -H I cd CO 00 o Or- r— . CO CO -H in cvj cvj -H co -h 1 in o cd co CVJ -H r— 1 cvj 1 in 1 o 00 00 r— cvj o in co *3* m o co o r— CVJ r- CVJ -fi I CVJ CD CVJ -fi I CD CO co r— CVJ f— I— r— . ^ CO OV *5j- CO CVJ inN in in -f< 1 in cvj in r— 5* 00 *3- m -f| cvj -h in -h *=i* -h 10 1 in 1 cvj 1 in m co co *5i-oo »— in 1 — o coco co in o in -H 1 co (D in -n ± l CD 10 *5i- *3- CO CO CVJ o in -fi 1 co 00 r— in in -h in -H I Ol I ID in cd ino co cvj cvj co in *5i* in 73 in «5i- r— co cn o in ^1- co o o o CVJ O CD CO CO LO -fi (O -H 1 in 1 r— in ^1- in co cd CVJ co in +1 <0 -fi in -n 1 01 1 1 — 1 in • — cvj in 01 in in r— 10 in o CO «5f I CD 00 in co cvj »— r- 1 — f— CVJ 3.656± californicus 3.61-5.23 2.07-3.07 3.11-4.46 1.15-1.53 3.31-5.23 2.69-4.15 0.79-1.49 1974] Coyle — Genus Aliatypus 4^5 r— CO r— 4! r— -H in isA\ cj co 10 10 d* d- o mo r— r— r- 41 O r- co co n in in 00 00 r— O r- in CO CO t— I o o 00 00 00 I CO I 00 O 00 O CJ O r— O CJ co 41 cj ro 41 d 41 1 1 co cl- O'* NfO ino in co CJ 41 1 m in 1 00 1 o d cr» d • — o cr> co 01 co co co co co -h d- 00 00 co CJ 41 1 d CJ CJ o in m r— CJ 41 1 d cr> cj CJ 41 • — cj o 1 — in in ci- in co in co O CO co d CJ CJ o m CJ CJ Table 2 (continued) 486 Psyche [September-December O CO CM • I C\J CO CO co M- LO LO 1 co co r— CO C\J I I CO CO CO <4 co 10 1 CM CM LO CO co co *4 CO CO CO I— CO I co 00 o 1 co >4 co co cr> 00 CTl CO co c- co cm 1— o +1 I CO CM LO OO OO OO OO OO O O 00 00 10 CO «4 CO O d -H I 10 CO CM I— CM C TV CM CM CM O CM O d -h o cti >4 o CM co co CO o O -H o 41 I CTl l .— 1— CO CM CM O + I CTl LO CTl CM CM O O 00 CC CO CO o co co co co o CO CO CM CM O i — 1 — co co COCO CM CO COCO CO CM coo *3- o coo coo CO CO CM CO o o • CO CO CM CO O I CM «4 o CM CO o 4< I CO LO 00 CM CM 1 1 — 1 r-. 1 ■ — 1 co CM CTl LOO CM CO CTl CO CM CM CM CO CM CM CM CO O O OO o o o o LO I — d d I 00 1 — l-~ LO CO d d O 41 1 co CO o co 10 .— 41 041 041 r— 41 L CM I 00 I LO I CTl 1 — CTl CO CM LO LO CTl CTl ION LON LOCO r-'.CTl I CO co r-. 00 cn 00 CTl d d o o 00 00 00 I co 00 r— CO CTl I CM co r-s 00 00 1—41 1 — 41 ■ H CM-jH 1 cm 1 co 1 10 CM CO CTl LO 00 *4 COLO •— <4 o co cn.— co r-~ .— .— o I—.— OO OO cal i form cus 4-9 4-7 12-20 1.28-1.53 2.16-2.61 2.60-3.22 487 1974] Coyle — Genus A liatypus LO CO r— r— . 00 OJ CO ID 1— O CO -fl CO LO OJ CXI OJ LO OJ OJ OJ -fl OJ -H I CO 1 LO IS CO O VO ^ LO LO VO OJ 1 cr> 1— co LO LO OJ OJ ) 00 -h I CX» VO CO 00 I— r— r— VO I— VO r— VO O'* O OJ O'* OJ OJ OJ CO CO OJ CO O OJ CO CO VO VO 00 00 o ^ LO Cj* roo oj] lo o i LO VO/ CO I— 00 I LO VO 00 OJ o I LO VO VO VO O-* r— CO OJ VO vo o ^ VO vo cr* I LO LO o vo vo Table 2 (continued) 488 Psyche [September-December *d" r— CsJ CM o VO CVJ 1 CM r— CO /00 CM r— 41 I CO CO CO I CsJ o r— CM OO r— O * T & CM IO r- -H I to CM VO O O I LO r— CM o o o> cn o o •— 41 r- 41 I CM I O vo nJTN LO O LO CM O CM vo 00 CO CO Z~^\ fo ^ sj «d- co lo 0 41 VO 41 < — «d- 10 41 CO LO LO 41 cn 1 CM , LO vo 41 cn vo LO 41 cm co 41 LO vo vo 4l cm LO 41 co csj -H 0 CO O O 00 CM «d* cm LO O lo O'* LO CM CT\ cn 0 CO 1— I— 0 *d* lo CO co co 0 oi co co co ^CM CMj vo vo O') «d- LO LO co *d- CT) CM \cmco/ CM r— \^d~ LO^ CO LO co d VO CTt \cp coj CTv I— I VO cn o co vo cm r— CO I LO . — CM VO CO SL/SW SW/PSS SW/PSL PSL/PSS AMD/AMS IMS/CMT IMS/PSS 489 1974] Coyle — Genus Aluttypus californious janus isolatus aquilonius gnomus gulosus thompsoni tvophonius erebus plutonis torridus Psyche [September-December 490 00 l~-~ <3- I-', o O co o 10 o co *3- CM CO ro C\l CM s 00 in ^ lo CM N I — CO 03 r-. I— 00 CM CXI 1 — O . — O CO CO LO o in cn m in n 1 — O CM r— O O M- M- in cc M- 1 — CO CM 1 — 1 — CVJ I— O O O O CM •3- CO CO 00 ■— o n in r^. Ml Ml 1 — CO CM 1 — r— o> OO.— OOO Or— CM CO (O) O') CO (\J N CM N O CM >3 CO >3 CO LO r— CD 1m 1m O') LO CD CD Im COr— CO Ml |M Ml !m O 1 — CDLnCO CO LO LO O LO CM t— r— <3 CM CO COCMCMr— COCMCMCMr— OOCMCMOO 1— O O O O CM LO Ml (MLOCMLOLOCDCMCOi — COCOOOOOCDCOLOLOCO r^. D^r— CO r^COOlr— COCOCDCOCOCOLOOCO^l-CMCDLOCMr— r— CO CM CM CM I — I — I — CM I — I — I — OOOCMi — OOOOOO O CM Ml CO CO Ml r — CM LO Ml O O CO Ml- CM CO LO CO CO N N W CO to 00 o 1 — co 00 r— Ml- CO CO CM O co o o o r — co CM N CO O CM Ml 1 — O CM CM O O O) CD LO LO CO O Ml" CM r- 1— CM 1— O O O O CM LO Ml- COCOCOi — LOOCOi — Ml" Ml" r — LO Ml" CM CO CO) CD LO Ml" CO tM 1— O N O Mf CD 1 — LO LO CO CO CO CO 1 — COD^i — CD ML CM 1 — 1 — CO CM CO COCMCMr— Ml- CM CO r- OOOCMr— OOOOOO O CM Cm Ml- CM CO ID [X N CO r — COCOCOCmCOCMCMCOOCMCM i — 1— I'm LO CDCDCDOOCOCMCOLOI'^COrMCOCOt— COMlCMr— r— COr— CM CMr— r— r— COr— CMr— OOOr— r— OOOOOO O CD CO CD CM r-M 1m CO LO 1m 1 — CDCOCOCDCOMlCDOOCMOCD CM 1 — co mi- r— cnoocMr — cmcomicococococooimmIcmo r — CO rr CM COr— CMr— COCMCMr— OOOr— r— OOOOOO Or— cm 00 lo o co I'm 1 — 01 — r^OLor^Mj-or^LOCMCMLOLO co oicdo coocMLncoor-r''.cncMLOcooor'.CMCMCocMr— r— LO Ml- W Mf MtCOCOr— LOCOCOCMOr— OCMCMOOr— OOO O CM LO r — LO LO O LO r — CO r— , — LO LO CO Mf LO CO CO CO CM CM r— Ml- Mf IM Ml CT) CO 03 01 r— LO CM CO CM O CO 1 — 1 — r — CO CO CM LO CO CO 00 CO r— O OO CM O O CM r— CD 00 CM t CO CM t — r — CD r— O O O O CM r— CO O CO o 00 LO CO r O C OOO LO CO Ml Ml CM CM I — 00 D 01 CO cl N r- O Cm COr^COCMCMCOCOCM r— COCMOOr— OOO O _I _J _J X Li_ CL. I— t— O- Cl. CL Cl. O