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CO rr < Z<*sQvX S < XX \ Z < (V PSYCHE A Journal of Entomology Volume 85 Editorial Board Frank M. Carpenter, Editor W. L. Brown, Jr. E. O. Wilson B. K. HOlldobler P. J. Darlington, Jr. H. W. Levi Alfred F. Newton, Jr. R. E. SlLBERGLIED Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office: Biological Laboratories 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. The numbers of Psyche issued during the past year were mailed on the following dates: Vol. 84, no. 3-4, September-December, 1977: July 19, 1978 Vol. 85, no. 1, March, 1978: January 26, 1979 Vol. 85, no. 2-3, June-September, 1978: April 24, 1979 ISSN 0033-2615 PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club Vol. 85 March, 1978 No. 1 CONTENTS Webs of Miagrammopes (Araneae: Uloboridae) in the Neotropics. Y. D. Lubin, W. G. Eberhard, and G. G. Montgomery 1 Revision of the South Temperate Genus Glypholoma Jeannel, with Four New Species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae). Margaret K. Thayer and Alfred F. Newton, Jr 25 Aggregations of M alios and Dictyna (Araneae, Dictynidae): Population Characteristics. Robert R. Jackson and Sandra Smith 65 A Solitary Wasp that Preys upon Lacewings (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Howard E. Evans 81 Survey of Social Insects in the Fossil Record. Laurie Burnham 85 Parental Care in Guayaquila compressa Walker (Homoptera: Membracidae). T. K. Wood 135 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1977-1978 President Gary D. Alpert Vice-President JOHN A. SHETTERLY Secretary ROBERT ROBBINS Treasurer FRANK M. CARPENTER Executive Committee MARTHA FISHER Katherine Horton EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. CARPENTER (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University ALFRED F. Newton, JR., Curatorial Associate in Entomology, Har- vard University W. L. BROWN, JR., Professor of Entomology, Cornell University, and Associate in Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. DARLINGTON, JR., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. HOLLDOBLER, Professor of Biology Harvard University H. W. LEVI, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. SlLBERGLIED, Assistant Professor of Biology, Harvard University E. O. WILSON, Baird Professor of Science, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quaterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $8.00 for United States and Canada, $9.50 for other countries. Single copies, $2.50. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomo- logical Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Car- penter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $24.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustrations must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $ 1 8.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $30.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The September-December, 1977, Psyche (Vol. 84, Nos. 3-4) was mailed July 19, 1978 The Lexington Press, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 85 March, 1978 No. 1 WEBS OF MIA GRA MM OPES (ARANEAE: ULOBORIDAE) IN THE NEOTROPICS By Y. D. Lubin1, W. G. Eberhard2, and G. G. Montgomery1 Introduction Uloborid spiders ( Uloborus sens, lat.) typically construct orb webs composed of non-sticky threads (radii, frame threads, hub, and temporary spiral) which support a sticky spiral made of cribellar or hackled silk. Specialization of the web in the uloborid genus Miagrammopes has involved the reduction of its structural com- plexity together with changes in its operation as an insect trap. The one described web of an unidentified species from Natal, South Africa is reduced to a single horizontal capture thread (Akerman 1932). In this paper we describe the webs of six more species of Miagrammopes and the prey capture behavior of the spiders, re- vealing a substantial range of variation in simple web design within the genus. We studied M. simus on Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone during the wet season of 1976. At no time was this species common. In May and June, 1977, M, sp. 1 (ca. unipus) was studied in a bamboo ( Guadua angustif olia) thicket in the Cauca valley near Cali, Colombia where it occurred in abundance. In August, 1977, M. intempus Chickering and M. sp. 2 were found in Valle, Colom- bia. The former was common in some places on hanging moss on exposed roots and low branches near the Rio Anchicaya at 400 m elevation, while the latter was found in brush near the Rio Tulua at 1100 m elevation. A small tree in a clearing on Finca La Selva 1 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. Box 2072, Balboa, Panama Canal Zone. 2Departamento de Biologia, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, and Smith- sonian Tropical Research Institute. Manuscript received by the editor April 16, 1978. 1 2 Psyche [March near Puerto Viejo, Heredia Province, Costa Rica, had substantial populations of M. sp 3: M. sp. 4 was found on low vegetation in January and February, 1978, in mid-elevation wet forest in Guatopo National Park, Miranda State, Venezuela. Individuals of the last four species were observed in the field on only one or two days each, but in all cases more extensive observations had already been made on the other species, and it was thus possible to make critical ob- servations allowing comparisons among all six species. Miagram- mopes sp. 1-4 appear to be either undescribed species or females of species known only from males. Voucher specimens of these and of the two previously described species are deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. The Webs M. simus The web typically consisted of a single vertical capture thread about 1 m long, attached above to a short, horizontal resting thread strung under a leaf, and below to the ground or a leaf or twig (Fig. la). The capture thread was covered with sticky, cribellar silk along the central 50 to 60 percent of its length, and one or more very fine, more or less horizontal threads often connected it to other supports. Both end portions of the capture thread were non-sticky. For an individual whose webs were measured periodically, the lengths of sticky and non-sticky sections in new webs were (in cm; lengths of sticky portions underlined): 20:50:30, 4:50:30, 6:52:34, 7:60:32, and 7:60:34. One adult female which had been starved for seven days made a web with two vertical capture threads and several thin, non sticky lines between them. One M. simus was seen laying sticky, cribellar silk on a non- sticky, vertical thread which was already in place. The spider moved slowly up the thread, combing out silk with legs IV until it was about 5 cm below the resting thread, then ran up and assumed the resting posture. Individuals of M. simus rested under the horizontal thread and held onto the broken end of the capture thread with one leg I and one leg II, while the other legs held the resting thread (Fig. lb). Ten- sion was exerted on the vertical capture thread both by pulling it up with leg I and by backing up and pulling in the resting thread with the fourth pair of legs. The spider which constructed a web with two 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery Miagrammopes 3 Figure 1. a) Typical web of Miagrammopes simus, showing the horizontal rest- ing thread under a leaf, the vertical capture thread with sticky segment and thin, non-sticky, horizontal threads; b) posture of M. simus as it holds its web and waits for prey. capture threads rested in essentially the same position; the leg I holding the horizontal resting thread was in position to monitor vibrations from the second capture thread. When disturbed, or when hanging from a resting thread with no capture thread present, M. simus assumed a stick-like, cryptic pos- ture, orienting along the resting thread with the first and second pair of legs held straight forward and the fourth pair held straight behind. The small third pair of legs held the resting thread or the substrate, but were pressed close to the body and did not break the stick-like outline. 4 Psyche [March M. sp. 1 (ca. unipus ) The web of this species differed in that there was usually more than one capture thread attached to a single horizontal resting thread (Fig. 2). The average was 2.4 capture threads and some webs had up to five (Table 1). There was no apparent relationship between the number of capture threads in the web and the size of the spider that constructed it. The capture threads were usually not perfectly vertical and were often in different planes with angles of less than 90° between them. They were shorter and thinner than the capture threads of M. simus and it was necessary to powder them with corn- starch in order to count them. The horizontal resting thread was always under a thin twig rather than a leaf, as in webs of M. simus. In some webs of M. sp. 1 there were one or more very slack, non- sticky, horizontal threads connecting the multiple capture threads. Because of their looseness and their variable location and orienta- tion, these lines were at first thought to be incidental (perhaps float- ing threads made by other spiders), but their presence in many webs of both this species and M. simus argues otherwise. Web construction appeared to be similar to that of M. simus. One spider was seen laying cribellar silk while moving up along a vertical thread which was already in place. The spider advanced slowly, combing out silk continuously with legs IV and attaching it to the thread periodically with brisk dabs of the abdomen. Total construction time for one capture thread was about 3 minutes. At night, M. sp. 1 assumed a capture position similar to that of M. simus, resting under the horizontal thread and holding a cap- ture thread with legs I and II (Fig. lb). During the day it either held the capture thread in the same way, or, more often, assumed a more cryptic resting posture. The spider positioned itself near one end of the resting thread which it broke and spanned with its body. It held one end with one or both pairs of front legs, and then pulled in the line behind it with the hind legs (and, occasionally, the Table 1. Numbers of sticky capture threads in 66 webs of Miagrammopes sp. 1 (ca. unipus) and 22 webs of M. sp. 3. Number of Capture Threads Number of Webs 1 2 3 4 5 6 or more M. sp. 1 15 21 22 6 2 0 M. sp. 3 4 5 3 3 6 1 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 5 Figure 2. Typical web of Miagrammopes sp. 1 (ca. unipus ) showing horizontal resting thread under twig and three capture threads. line in front of it with legs I). The result was to draw the spider close to the twig. When adopting the cryptic posture, the spider reached out briefly with legs II and III to pull itself closer to the twig, then positioned legs II against legs I, holding the broken end of the resting thread, and legs III against the sides of the abdomen. In this position it was nearly invisible (see Fig. 3). M. sp. 2 The web of one adult female was found in the morning (the spider was without a web at 2100 the night before), and was similar to some of the webs of M. sp. 1. The spider rested pressed to the undersurface of a branch, at the end of a horizontal thread about 3 cm long that was strung under the branch (Fig. 3). She held the broken end of the horizontal thread with one leg II and kept it tense by pulling in the thread with her hind legs, as described for M. simus and M. sp. 1. A single, vertical, capture thread (invisible until powdered) was attached near the other end of the horizontal thread. The lengths of the non-sticky and sticky portions of the capture thread were 7:53:40. 6 Psyche [March Figure 3. Miagrammopes sp. 2 in cryptic posture as it feeds and holds the non- sticky resting thread. M. in temp us Webs of this species were variable and most were different from those of other Miagrammopes species. One mature female held both a horizontal and a vertical sticky thread with her front legs, and a single, short, non-sticky line with her rear legs (Fig. 4). A second female also held two capture threads, but both were at an angle rather than being either horizontal or vertical. The first spider was induced to move forward along the horizontal thread several times and her return to the waiting position was observed carefully (Fig. 4). Each time she tensed the sticky threads by pulling them in with her front legs; she did not move her hind legs. Another individual, on a web which was similar except that the horizontal thread did not appear to be sticky, held the sticky vertical thread in the same way that M. simus held the capture thread and tensed it by pulling thread with both front and hind legs. Still other in- dividuals with single, horizontal, sticky threads (Fig. 5) failed to pull in silk as they assumed the waiting position. One vertical thread had several very fine, loose, horizontal lines attached to it, similar to those shown in Fig. la for M. simus. 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 7 Figure 4. Movements of a female M. intempus, illustrating how thread attach- ments are manipulated. Letters mark spots on horizontal thread. The spider rested (a) holding both sticky lines with its front legs, and a third, short, non-sticky line with its hind legs at point * (the ends of the capture threads were not drawn as they could not be seen). When lured out onto the horizontal sticky line, the spider car- ried the vertical thread for some distance (b), then attached it to the horizontal line and continued on (c). When she returned, she shifted the point of attachment of the vertical thread again (d), then turned around and pulled in the line with her front legs and resumed her original position (e). The shifts in attachment were extremely rapid; the actual motions involved could not be followed, and the shifts were noticed only by comparing thread positions before and after the spider passed by. 8 Psyche [March M. sp. 3 The webs of this species were similar to those of M. sp. 1 in hav- ing variable numbers of capture threads (Table 1). The sticky lines were not all attached to a non-sticky line at one end, however, but rather radiated in several directions from a more or less centrally placed thread (Fig. 6). The spider rested on this thread, often break- ing one of the capture threads and holding it as described for M. simus (Figs, lb and 6). This position was also similar to that of M. intempus in that the spider held a non-sticky line behind it and a sticky line in front of it. In other cases the spider rested holding only the non-sticky thread with both front legs. The sticky threads differed from those of other species of Miagrammopes in being relatively short (all less than 25 cm) and sticky all the way to the lower end. The webs were found at night and were gone the next morning. M. sp. 4 Webs of M. sp. 4 had one or two capture threads (invisible until powdered or sprayed with water), 20 to 40 cm long each. The cap- tured threads were vertical or nearly vertical, but not necessarily parallel or in the same plane. Of 9 spiders found during the day, three had two capture threads each, three had a single capture thread, and three had no capture thread. As in M. simus, the rest- ing thread was generally under a leaf and often placed at an angle. Spiders with capture threads rested with one leg I holding a vertical thread (see Fig. lb) and adjusted the tension both by pulling in the resting thread with legs IV and the capture thread with leg I. Spiders without capture threads rested in a cryptic position sim- ilar to that of M. simus. Often after going into the cryptic posture (and particularly when disturbed), the spider bounced up and down on the resting thread in a rhythmic motion reminiscent of rocking motions of stick insects (Phasmidae). The significance of these movements is not known. Prey Capture We observed in detail prey captures made by four M. simus, two M. sp. 1, and one M. intempus. Insects that we gave to the spiders as prey included fruitflies (2-3 mm long), moths (3-7 mm long), and ants (3-5 mm long). In general, the sequences of prey capture behavior were similar, but the spiders moved so rapidly that stop- 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 9 Figure 5. Miagrammopes intempus female holding a single thread web. Note the loose line just anterior to the tip of leg IV(a), and leg II holding the end of the capture thread (b). action analysis of video-recording was needed to permit adequate analysis. Only M. simus was video-taped, using a SONY AV-3400 videorecorder and a macro lens. The descriptions below are based mainly on analyses of these video-recordings. Stage I: Prey detection — jerking the capture thread When an insect was placed on the capture thread, the spider re- sponded by jerking the thread, The spider quickly flexed her lower leg I, which held the capture thread, and immediately extended it again. The maximum distance travelled by the tip of the leg on an upward jerk was 0.3 leg length (about 2.8 mm), and the quickest jerks were accomplished in less than 1/60 second (the time span of a single “frame” of the video-recording). It is tempting to think that jerking functions in gauging the weight or size of the prey, as seems to be the case in other uloborids (Eberhard 1969). Spiders with multiple capture threads (both M. sp. 1 and M. simus) jerked only the thread on which prey had been placed. 10 Psyche [March Figure 6. Miagrammopes sp. 3 on its web, as seen from below and slightly to the side. The brighter threads are sticky (the web was not powdered). Note that the spider has broken the end of the capture thread and holds it with the front legs bent to the side in a manner similar to that shown for M. simus (Fig. 1 b). Stage II: Entanglement of the prey — sagging the line The spider sagged the capture thread by dropping the loose silk it had pulled in with its hind legs, and perhaps also letting out additional dragline. At almost the same time it manipulated the capture thread with a series of complex movements of leg I (Fig. 7a) which resulted in the prey being jerked rapidly back up and down again (Fig. 7b). Whereas the jerks in stage I displaced a fruitfly only 5-6 mm, sagging the capture thread caused the prey to drop 26-33 mm in less than 1/30 second. As the prey dropped, it was often displaced sideways as much as 6 mm (due to air currents?). Rapid and repeated sagging of the capture thread resulted in the formation of one or more loops of silk that enveloped the prey. Such loops were seen in the capture threads of both M. simus and M. sp. 1. The mechanism responsible for the formation of these loops is not clear. One possible explanation is that, due to the relatively higher air resistance and lower weight of the silk, the prey drops more rapidly than the silk during a sag, and therefore falls into the silk below it (Fig. 8a). An alternative explanation (Fig. 8b) is 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 11 that, at the end of a sag, when the spider jerks the line up again, the prey is “snapped” back upward and accelerated more than the silk just above it so that it “runs into” the thread above it. The second of these hypotheses is more appealing since 1) it would work with non-vertical capture threads whereas the first would not, and 2) we saw two instances in which a loop clearly formed in the thread just above the prey. In any event, the spider is somehow able to entangle the prey from a distance by manipulating the capture thread. Stage III: Immobilization of prey-wrapping After manipulating the capture thread to cause one or more sags, (a) (b) 8 Figure 7. a) Movements of the tip of leg I of a female Miagrammopes simus as she sagged the capture thread. Points are locations of the tip of leg I holding the capture thread, taken from a video-taped sequence with “frames” 1/60 sec apart. In frames 3-5 the tip of the leg remained in the same spot. In frames 9 and 1 1 the tip of the leg was not visible; these points are not shown in the figure, b) Movements of a prey on the capture thread while the thread is being sagged and jerked back up and down, taken from a video-taped sequence (as above). Numbers refer to segments of the path of movement of the prey on the line during consecutive 1/60 sec intervals. Scale marker represents 10 mm. 12 Psyche [March the spider attached a dragline to the resting thread and moved rap- idly down the capture thread, pulling in the capture thread and wadding it up loosely with legs II as it moved. It touched the prey one or more times with legs I, probably receiving tactile and chem- ical clues as to the identity of the prey, and then turned 180° and began wrapping. The wadded up capture thread was transferred to legs III and wrapped onto the prey, probably thereby increasing the effectiveness of the initial wraps. While wrapping, the spider faced away from the prey, holding the capture thread just above the prey with one leg I and the prey itself with legs II and III. After 20-30 seconds of wrapping, the spider cut the capture thread just above and below the prey. It then rotated the prey package rapidly with legs II (and the palps?) while continuing to wrap by pulling silk out from the spinnerets and throwing it onto the prey with legs IV (rotation-wrapping in the nomenclature of Robinson and Olazarri 1971). While wrapping the prey, the spider spanned the gap between the two ends of the capture thread, holding each end with one leg I as do other ulo- borids (Marples 1962). Stage IV: Transport of prey to the feeding site The wrapped prey was transferred to the palps, and the spider attached a dragline to the thread she had laid on her way down and then to the broken end of the capture thread. After thus re- pairing the web, she ran up to the resting thread, holding the prey in the palps. Once on the resting thread, the spider transferred the prey to the third pair of legs and again wrapped it. She wrapped as described above, rotating the prey package with legs II while hanging from the resting thread with legs I. After wrapping as long as 5 minutes, the spider transferred the prey back to the palps, turned facing away from the capture thread, and pulled the resting thread with legs I as though testing the tension. She then turned 180° and resumed a resting posture with one leg I monitoring the capture thread. As in other uloborids, the prey package was held “overhead” in the palps and chelicerae while the spider fed (Fig 3) and re-wrapped several times during the process of feeding. Feeding often lasted an hour or more. Variations in the prey capture sequence We saw several modifications of the basic prey capture sequence in M. simus. Small dolichoderine ants were rejected by a spider 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 13 B ? Y 1 'I tit l i W | w 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 8. Two possible mechanisms which could result in prey becoming en- tangled as a result of sagging behavior. A) The prey drops faster than the line below it, and thus becomes entangled. B) The prey’s momentum, acquired when the spider jerks the line up after a sag, causes it to become entangled in the line just above it. This hypothesis depends on the thread below the prey being extensible. on four occasions. Each time the spider jerked and sagged the cap- ture thread several times, ran a short distance down the capture thread, wadding it up as it went, and then cut the line above the ant and ran back up to the resting thread. These ants were thus recog- nized from a distance, perhaps by their strong alarm odor. After an ant was rejected, the wadded-up section of the capture thread was manipulated in the mouthparts for several minutes (feeding?), then dropped. Rejection of prey thus resulted in destruction of the capture thread. A new thread was often built within a few hours. Three other ants, two Camponotus sp. and one Ectatoma sp., all about the same size as the spider (6-7 mm long), were attacked successfully, but modifications of the capture sequence occurred in all three trials. In two, the spider dropped the lower portion of the 14 Psyche [March capture thread after wrapping the prey instead of re-attaching it to the dragline. In these trials, the spider did not rotate-wrap the prey, but cut it out after the initial wrap and carried it directly back to the resting thread. In all three trials, the ants were carried up to the resting thread dangling from the spinnerets on a 1.5 to 2 cm thread which was held with one or both legs IV. After reaching the resting thread, the spider pulled the prey in with legs IV and rotate- wrapped it. Live moths of about the same length as the spider escaped readily from the capture thread by fluttering down it, leaving behind a con- spicuous trail of scales stuck to the cribellar silk. We observed four complete prey capture sequences with moths and saw no major modifications in prey capture behavior, such as those seen with some araneids (Robinson 1969, Robinson et al. 1971). In three of the trials, the spider discarded the remaining capture thread after wrapping; as with the ants as prey, the rotate-wrap stage was omitted from these captures. These observations suggest that the decision to retain or discard the remaining capture thread is made early in the attack sequence, and is perhaps related to the size of the prey. If the capture thread is to be abandoned, it may be advantageous for the spider to delay rotation-wrapping until it reaches the resting thread, where it is less exposed to visual predators. This explanation is not entirely satis- factory, however, since if rotation-wrapping is not necessary at the capture site (it would seem most necessary for just those large prey for which it is omitted), it would seem advantageous to perform all rotation-wrapping at the more protected resting thread. Capture sequences with multiple prey Capture of small prey such as fruitflies caused little damage to the capture thread, because the repair of the thread left the remain- ing sticky portion intact. When presented with a second or third prey, the spider rushed down the capture thread holding the first prey in its palps, and attacked the new prey in the usual manner. Second prey were wrapped together with the first prey and carried up to the resting thread in the palps in one large package, or wrapped separately and carried up hanging from the spinnerets, then wrapped with the first prey. After only a few prey items were captured, the spider destroyed the remaining capture thread by dropping the lower end of the 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 15 thread after wrapping the prey instead of attaching it to the drag- line. The capture thread was destroyed even when a substantial portion remained undamaged, suggesting that the catching capa- city of the thread does not limit the number of prey items the spider will attack. Since Miagrammopes does not attach prey at the feed- ing site (this is also true of Uloborus diversus — Eberhard 1967), it is likely that the size of the prey package the spider can hold in its palps limits it to capturing only a few insects in succession. Prey capture in M. sp. 2, M. intempus, M. sp. 3, and M. sp. 4 Attack and prey capture behaviors of M. intempus, M. sp. 2, M. sp. 3, and M. sp. 4 were similar to those described above, in- volving dramatic sags of the capture thread as the spider ap- proached the prey, wrapping of the prey at the capture site, and continued wrapping after the spider returned to the resting thread. One M. sp. 3 responded to a vibrating tuning fork held nearby by quickly tightening the capture thread, either by pulling it in with leg I or by pulling in the resting thread with leg IV. Four attacks of M. intempus were observed, and in all cases the spider sagged the capture thread before encountering the prey, then attacked it by wrapping. One insect, an odorous pentatomid bug, was tapped repeatedly with the front legs before being wrapped and discarded. In one sequence it was possible to ascertain that the sticky capture thread was wadded up as the spider approached the prey, and was laid onto it as wrapping began. Prey species captured Prey taken from webs of an unidentified Miagrammopes sp. in Bayano, Panama which constructed a web with a single capture thread like that of M. simus included the following insects: 1 wasp, 1 winged ant, 2 nematocerous flies (1 psychodid), and 1 unidenti- fied. An additional 29 prey collected as M. sp 1 fed on them included 14 winged ants of two species, 3 wasps, 2 nematocerous flies, 2 other flies, 1 beetle, and 7 unidentified insects. Four flies were collected as M. sp. 3 fed on them: 2 nematocerans of probably different fam- ilies, a dolichopodid fly, and one acalyptrate. One small beetle was taken from an immature M. sp. 4. These lists make it clear that the spiders prey on a wide variety of insects, and are not specialists on any one group. 16 Psyche [March Reproduction The egg sac and its web The egg sacs of M. simus, M. sp. 1, M. sp. 3, and M. intempus were tubular and elongate, two to four times the length of the spider, and very similar in color to the adult female. The egg sacs of M. simus and M. sp. 1 were brown, while those of M. sp. 3 and M. intempus were lightly coated with green silk. The sacs were thin-walled, with no fluffy silk inside, and the outlines of the eggs, which were arranged in one or two rows, were clearly visible. The females stayed by the egg sacs during the day, either in a stick posture in line with the sac (Fig. 9) or holding one end of it with leg I, as seen in some M. sp. 1. In these positions both the spider and the egg sac were difficult to recognize; they looked like a dead twig. One M. simus female remained with an egg sac con- taining 52 eggs for 2 weeks in an outdoor cage. During this time she did not construct a capture thread. One M. sp. 1, however, nightly abandoned the daytime cryptic posture and laid several more or less horizontal, radial lines, suspending the sac by one end from the “hub” of this tiny web (Fig. 10). A single jagged loop of sticky silk was laid and the spider rested under the hub. When a Figure 9. Daytime posture of a Miagrammopes sp. 1 (ca. unipus) female with an egg sac. 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 17 Figure 10. Egg sac web spun at night by a Miagrammopes sp. 1 (ca. unipus) female. The horizontal web is seen from above, with the tubular egg sac hanging down from the “hub.” One end of the sticky “spiral” hung free and had probably been connected to the radius just to its right. The spider rested near the hub, out of contact with the egg sac. small insect was placed on the sticky silk, the spider attacked and fed on it. During the day this rudimentary orb was gone, and the spider was back in the cryptic posture at the end of the egg sac. Emergence of spiderlings We observed emergence of spiderlings from one egg sac of M. sp. 1. The spiderlings were first seen one evening easing themselves through several ragged holes in the sac. They left behind, inside the empty sac, empty egg shells each with a pink moulted skin stuck to it. These second instar spiderlings (terminology of Hite, et al. 1966) were relatively inactive and stayed on the sac itself, holding their anterior legs in an unusual position (Fig. 1 1). The next morn- ing, they had all moulted again, and the cast skins remained on the surface of the egg sac while the spiderlings wandered actively in the vial, holding their legs normally. These spiderlings (third instar) had fully developed cribella and calamistra. 18 Psyche [March Uloborids do not have functional cribella until after their first moult outside the egg sac (Wiehle 1931) and thus cannot produce sticky silk as newly emerged second instar spiderlings and cannot make functional, adult-type webs until after the second moult. Sec- ond instar spiderlings of Uloborus spp. spin orb webs made of dense sheets of fine threads, lacking the sticky spiral of the adult web (Wiele 1931, Szlep 1961, Eberhard 1977a). Spiderlings of M. sp. 1 solve the same problem by going through the second moult on the outside of the egg sac before dispersing; they thus have functional cribella before spinning their first webs. Discussion The webs of the Miagrammopes species in this study are basically similar in having one or a few simple, sticky capture threads that are held under tension, sometimes with a few additional fine, non- sticky threads attached to them. The spiders’ attack behaviors all involve suddenly sagging the capture thread. Details of placement of the capture and resting threads, and the spiders’ web tensing behavior are variable among the species, and even to some extent among individuals of some species. Two of the characteristics de- scribed for M. sp. 1 appear to be unique among spiders — the double moult of the young before leaving the egg sac, and the special feeding web of the female near her egg sac. The web of Miagrammopes species from Natal was similar to some of the webs of M. intempus and M. sp. 3 in having a single horizontal capture thread without a separate resting thread (Aker- man 1932). The presence of additional fine threads attached to the capture thread was not noted in webs from Natal, but they would almost surely have gone unnoticed unless the webs were powdered. Web construction behavior was similar in the Natal species. The spider sat at one end of the completed capture thread, facing it; the thread may have been broken with the spider bridging the gap with its body (e.g. Marples 1962), but Akerman’s drawing shows an intact line. The thread was held under tension by pulling it in with legs IV as do all six species of this study and was also quickly sagged when prey hit it. The single, horizontal, capture thread web may represent a further simplification of an already simple web, with a single sticky thread taking the place of both the horizontal resting thread and the vertical capture thread. 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 19 Figure 1 1. Typical leg positions of second instar Miagrammopes sp. 1 (ca. uni- pus) as they rested on the outside of the egg sac. Although uloborids in general seem to construct their webs in the early morning (e.g. Eberhard 1972, Lubin and Eberhard unpubl.), Miagrammopes are more variable. Thus, while M. simus, M. sp. 1, and M. sp. 4 tend to have webs up early in the morning, they, as well as the species from Natal (Akerman 1932) sometimes build at other times, and M. intempus and M. sp. 3 commonly build in the evening. An unidentified species in New Guinea which spins single, horizontal threads also tends to build at night (Robinson and Rob- inson 1974, M. Robinson, pers. comm.). Readiness to build at dif- ferent times of the day might be expected in view of the rapidity with which new webs can be made and the small investment of material which they represent. The tendency to discard webs sup- port this idea. Kaston (1964) suggested that the reduced web of Miagrammopes is derived from a Stegodyphus- type web (Eresidae) which consists of irregularly spaced radii with connecting sticky threads. A web similar to that of Sybota (Uloboridae) seems to us a more likely precursor of a Miagrammopes- type web. Sybota producta (Sim.) 20 Psyche [March lays cribellar silk directly on the radii and frame threads of orb- like webs which lack a sticky spiral (Wiehle 1931). The spider ap- parently does not manipulate tensions in the web once it is built (Wiehle 1931: Figs. 14 and 17). Such a web might conceivably become reduced to a web like that of M. sp. 1 by loss of frame and auxiliary spiral threads and reduction of the hub to a single resting thread. On the other hand, the jagged pattern of the sticky spiral found in the egg sac webs of M. sp. 1 suggests an affinity with Uloborus (sens, lat.) or Hyptiotes (Uloboridae). Spiders of both these genera commonly lay a jagged, sticky spiral on the periphery of the orb (McCook 1889, Eberhard 1972, Eberhard, unpubl.). An unidentified species of Uloborus (sensu strictu) builds an essentially identical egg sac web (Eberhard, in prep.), and Uloborus diversus also places sticky silk around its egg sacs (Eberhard 1969). The most likely adaptive advantage of a single thread capture web would seem to be its near invisibility to prey, since at least some flying insects can detect and avoid webs (Bristowe 1941, Rob- inson and Robinson 1970, 1973, Lubin 1973, Buskirk 1975, Eber- hard in prep., Lahman and Zuniga in prep.). This is apparently ruled out, however by the fact that at least two species (Af.sp.3 and the New Guinea species) and perhaps a third ( M . intempus) usually build their webs at night when visibility is probably unimportant. Another possible advantage would be that predators using webs as cues to the presence of prey would be unlikely to detect webs of Miagrammopes. Some predators may use webs in this way, though some are known not to (Eberhard 1970). The significance of the very thin, slack lines attached to the capture threads remains even more of a mystery. The obvious disadvantage of a single thread capture web is the low probability of a flying insect striking the web. Robinson and Robinson (1976) suggested that the numerous nematocerous flies which tend to rest on non-sticky spider threads might try to alight on Miagrammopes capture threads and thus become entangled. Indeed Akerman (1932) noted a number of “gnats” caught by the Miagrammopes species in Natal. Some nematocerous flies were among the prey collected in this study, but many other kinds of small insects were collected as well. Certainly the webs of Mia- grammopes are not specialized to the extent of exclusively or even principally capturing nematocerous flies which alight on them. Some other spiders with reduced webs use chemical attractants for spe- 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 21 cific kinds of prey (Eberhard 1977b), but the wide variety of cap- tured prey rules out this prey capture technique for Miagrammopes. Summary The webs of six species of Miagrammopes (Uloboridae) studied in Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Venezuela have only one or a few sticky capture threads. Miagrammopes simus and M. sp. 2 have one vertical capture thread attached to a non-sticky, hori- zontal resting thread. Miagrammopes sp. 1 (ca. unipus) builds from 1 to 5 near-vertical capture threads, and M. intempus, M. sp. 3, and M. sp. 4 use one or more capture threads that vary in their spatial arrangement. Webs are pulled taut by pulling in silk with either the front legs or the hind legs or both. The spiders as- sume highly cryptic postures during the day as they rest on their webs or near the egg sac. Attack and prey capture behavior in all species involves rapid jerking and sagging of the capture thread by the spider, resulting (in at least two species) in the prey becoming entangled in one or more loops of sticky thread before the spider arrives to attack. Second instar spiderlings of M. sp. 1 do not disperse, but moult a second time on the surface of the egg sac. Thus they construct webs only after they have fully formed calamistra and cribella and are capable of producing sticky silk. A mature female M. sp. 1 constructed nocturnal egg sac webs that were reminiscent of small uloborid orb webs. The adaptive advantage of the reduced web of Miagrammopes is unclear. Many species of small insects are taken as prey and chemical attractants do not seem to be used. Acknowledgements Brent Opell kindly identified the spiders and reviewed the manu- script. Larry Kirkendall provided records of prey from Bayano, Panama. We are grateful to the following institutions and persons for their help and cooperation: Central Hidroelectica Anchicaya and Dr. Victor Manuel Patino of the Jardin Botanico in Mate- guadua (Colombia), Dr. Carlos E. Valerio of the Universidad de Costa Rica, and the Ministerio de Recursos Naturales Renovables (Venezuela). This work was supported by the Smithsonian Tropi- cal Research Institute and the Comite de Investigaciones of the Universidad del Valle. 22 Psyche [March References Akerman, C. 1932. On the spider Miagrammopes sp. which constructs a single-line snare. Ann. Natal Mus. 5: 83-88. Buskirk, R. 1975. Coloniality, activity patterns and feeding in a tropical orb-weaving spider. Ecology 56(6): 1314-1328. Eberhard, W. G. 1967. Attack behavior of diguetid spiders and the origin of prey wrapping in spiders. Psyche 74: 173-181. 1969. The spider Uloborus diversus and its web. Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 214 pp. 1970. The predatory behavior of two wasps, Agenoides humilis (Pompilidae) and Sceliphron caementarium (Sphecidae), on the orb weaving spider Araneus cornutus (Araneidae). Psyche 77: 243-251. 1972. The web of Uloborus diversus (Araneae: Uloboridae). J. Zool., Lond. 166: 417-465. 1977a. The webs of newly emerged Uloborus diversus and of a male Uloborus sp. (Araneae, Uloboridae). J. Arachnol. 4(3): 201-206. 1977b. Aggressive chemical mimicry by a bolas spider. Science 198(4322): 1173-1175. Hite, J., W. Gladney, J. Lancaster, and W. Whitcomb 1966. Biology of the brown recluse spider. Agr. Expt. Sta. Univ. Ark. Bull. 711: 3-26. Kaston, B. J. 1964. The evolution of spider webs. Am. Zool. 4: 191-207. Lubin, Y. D. 1973. Web structure and function: the non-adhesive orb-web of Cyrtophora moluccensis (Doleschall) (Araneae: Araneidae). Forma et Functio 6: 337-358. Marples, B. J. 1955. A new type of web spun by the genus Ulesanis with the description of two new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 125: 751-760. 1962. Notes on spiders of the family Uloboridae. Ann. Zool. Agra 4: 1-11. McCook, H. C. 1889. American Spiders and their Spinningwork. I. Webs and nests. Phila- delphia: published by the author. Robinson, M. H. 1969. Predatory behavior of Argiope argentata (Fabricius). Am. Zool. 9: 161-173. Robinson, M. H. and J. Olazarri 1971. Units of behavior and complex sequences in the predatory behavior of Argiope argentata (Fabricius) (Araneae: Araneidae). Smith. Contrib. Zool. 65: 1-36. Robinson, M. H. and B. Robinson 1973. Ecology and behavior of the giant wood spider Nephila maculata (Fab- ricius) in New Guinea. Smith. Contrib. Zool. 149: 1-76. 1978] Lubin, Eberhard, & Montgomery — Miagrammopes 23 1974. A census of web-building spiders in a coffee plantation at Wau, New Guinea, and an assessment of their insecticidal effect. Trop. Ecol. 15: 95-107. 1976. A tipulid associated with spider webs in Papua New Guinea. Entom. Mon. Mag. 112: 1-3. Robinson, M. H., B. Robinson, and W. Graney 1971. The predatory behavior of the nocturnal orb web spider Eriophora fuliginea (C. L. Koch) (Araneae: Araneidae). Rev. Per. Entom. 14(2): 304-315. SZLEP, R. 1961. Developmental changes in the web-spinning instinct of Uloboridae: construction of the primary-type web. Behaviour 27: 60-70. Wiehle, H. 1931. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Fanggewebes der Spinnen aus den Familien Argiopidae, Uloboridae, und Theridiidae. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere 22: 348 400. REVISION OF THE SOUTH TEMPERATE GENUS GLYPHOLOMA JEANNEL, WITH FOUR NEW SPECIES (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE: OMALIINAE)* By Margaret K. Thayer and Alfred F. Newton, Jr. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 U.S.A. Introduction The southern temperate silphid genus Glypholoma Jeannel was transferred to the staphylinid subfamily Omaliinae by Newton (1975), and Lathrimaeodes Scheerpeltz (originally placed in the Omaliinae) was then synonymized with it. Newton (op. cit.) also presented additional descriptive information, a new locality record, and some discussion of the affinities of Glypholoma within the Omaliinae. Since that time, four new species of the genus have come to our attention, including one from Australia which greatly enlarges the known range of Glypholoma (previously only parts of Chile and Argentina). The discovery of these new species and the availability of a wealth of material of the type species , pustuliferum Jeannel, for detailed study led to our decision to revise the genus. Methods Measurements, made with an ocular micrometer in a Leitz binocular dissecting microscope, are defined as follows: Length: measured in lateral view from front of (closed) mandibles to apex of abdomen (excluding genitalia if exserted, and attempting to estimate “normal” degree of contraction of abdomen). Width: maximum body width, across closed elytra at widest point (usually near middle). Head width: in dorsal view, maximum width including eyes. Head length: measured along midline from anterior margin of labrum to level of centers of ocelli, viewed perpendicular to line of measurement. *Published with the aid of a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Manuscript received by the editor October 6, 1978. 25 26 Psyche [March Antennal length: from constriction between scape and its basal articulatory process to apex of last antennal segment. Ocellar diameter: measured antero-posteriorly in dorsal view. Pronotal width: maximum width. Pronotal length: along midline from base to apex, viewed per- pendicular to line of measurement. Elytral width: same as Width, above. Elytral length: measured along suture from apex of scutellum to a line tangent to elytral apices. Prosternal process length: measured along midline from a trans- verse tangent to the anterior margin of the procoxal cavities to apex of prosternal process. Procoxal length: measured in ventral view between transverse tangents to anterior and posterior faces of procoxae. Mesosternal length: along midline from anterior margin to apex of mesosternal process. Mesosternal process length: along midline from transverse tan- gent to anterior margin of mesocoxal cavities to apex of mesosternal process. Mesocoxal length: measured in ventral view between transverse tangents to anterior and posterior margins of mesocoxal cavities. Mesosternal procoxal cavity length: along midline from anterior margin of mesosternum to a line connecting the posterior edges of the cavities. Metasternal length: along midline between extremities of inter- coxal processes. Metasternal antecoxal sutures: measured from lateral limit to lateral limit. Metasternal width: between posterolateral corners of metaster- num. Hind coxal length: lateral edge to posteromesal corner. Hind femoral length: including trochanter, from posteromesal corner of coxa to most distal point of femur. Hind tibial length: along mesal side (not including any spines or setae). Hind tarsal length: from point of insertion of tarsus on tibia to tarsal apex, not including claws or empodial setae. The dividing line between the fourth and fifth hind tarsal segments was taken to be the point of insertion of the fifth segment on the fourth. 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 27 Abdominal segments are numbered according to their morpho- logical origin. (The first segment visible ventrally is therefore the third segment.) Mean length and width are given for each species, ± one standard deviation. Preparation of specimens for scanning electron microscope pic- tures consisted of clearing heads, mouthparts, and prothoraces in hot 1 N potassium hydroxide, critical-point drying all parts except elytra, and coating with gold-palladium mixture. Cleared and dissected specimens of pustuliferum and rotundulum and of the aedeagi of other species were examined under dissecting and compound microscopes. Drawings were made with the aid of a camera lucida attachment on a Leitz binocular dissecting microscope. Acknowledgements This study probably would not have come about were it not for S. B. Peck’s extensive collecting in Chile and his kindly making this material available to us; he later generously provided us with a multitude of Australian specimens as well. Specimens were borrowed from the following institutions (ab- breviated in the text as indicated) and we extend our thanks to the curators involved for their cooperation in lending specimens. CAS California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. (D. H. Kavanaugh) CNC Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (J. M. Campbell) MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. NMVM National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (A. Neboiss) Specimens are also deposited in the following collections: ANIC Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia ANMT A. F. Newton, Jr. and M. K. Thayer, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. SBP S. B. Peck, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 28 Psyche [March Figs. 1-4. Glypholoma spp. 1. G. pustuliferum. 2. G. pecki, holotype. 3. G. temporale, holotype. 4. G. tenuicorne, holotype. Scale lines = 1.0 mm. 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 29 The scanning electron microscope work done for this paper was made possible by National Science Foundation grants BMS-7502606 (J. F. Lawrence, principal investigator) and BMS-74 12494 (SEM operating grant) with the superb technical assistance of E. Seling. We also thank L. H. Herman for calling our attention to the Klinger and Maschwitz paper, H. S. Dybas for reading and commenting upon the manuscript, and N. Hinnebusch for typing the manuscript. Glypholoma Jeannel Glypholoma Jeannel, 1962: 482; Newton, 1975: 53. Type species: Glypholoma pustuliferum Jeannel, 1962: 483, by original designation and monotypy. Lathrimaeodes Scheerpeltz, 1972: 58; (placed in synonomy by Newton, 1975: 54). Type species: Lathrimaeodes pustulipenne Scheerpeltz, 1972: 59, by original designation and monotypy. Diagnosis: Separable from other known Omaliinae by the exca- vate hind coxae, each elytron with eleven more or less distinct striae, male genital segment with a small “button” internally at the anterior end of sternite 9, and visible dorsal pleural-coxal articulation in the Fig. 5. Glypholoma rotundulum. Scale line = 1.0 mm. 30 Psyche [March prothorax. In addition, the combined presence of all of the follow- ing characters serves to distinguish Glypholoma from other Omali- inae. (Some other genera share one or a few of these characters with Glypholoma, but no other genus examined possesses all of these characters as Glypholoma does.) 1 . Gular sutures widely separated, minimum separation equal to 0.12-0.18 times the head width. 2. Prothoracic pleural-sternal articulation present. 3. Procoxa with mesal articulating groove. 4. Mesosternal procoxal cavities long, 0.40-0.75 times the total mesosternal length. 5. Hind femur relatively short, ranging from 0.92-1.05 times hind coxal length. 6. Deflexed lateral portion of elytron short, only 0.64-0.67 times as long as total length of elytron (measured in lateral view). 7. Humeral margin of elytron serrulate. 8. Median lobe of aedeagus with membranous part of basal bulb allowing dorsal-ventral instead of lateral-lateral contraction and expansion. 9. Epistomal suture present and complete (although with or without median stem). Description: Ovoid (narrower posteriorly) to more or less oblong in dorsal view, slightly to strongly convex dorsally in cross section. Sparsely pubescent to nearly glabrous on dorsal surface, widely spaced macrosetae on alternate intervals of elytra in a fairly characteristic pattern (pattern varies some among the species; see figs. 26, 29). Microsculpture lacking on dorsal surface of head, pronotum, and elytra. Length 2. 1-3.5 mm, width 1.0- 1.5 mm. Head capsule about as in fig. 58, lacking postocular ridge, temples, and nuchal constriction except in temporale, which has temples and a lateral nuchal constriction (fig. 57). Head about 1.8 times as wide as long, about 0.58 times as long as pronotal length, with pair of distinct ocelli on dorsal surface (see especially fig. 6); no anteocellar grooves or pits. Epistomal suture with internal rein- forcing ridge present, angulate or arcuate, with or without median stem. Antennae usually about 1 to 1.5 times as long as head width, varying from filiform ( tenuicorne , about 2.2 times head width) to having a moderately developed club of about three to five segments; basal five to eight antennal segments glabrous except for a few 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 31 Figs. 6-9. Glypholoma pustuliferum. 6-7. Head, anterior oblique and ventral views, respectively. 8. Mandibles and epipharynx, ventral view. 9. Tenth antennal segment. Scale lines: fig. 9 = 0.01 mm; others = 0.1 mm. 32 Psyche [March Figs. 10-13. Glypholoma pustuliferum. 10. Apical antennal segments. 11. Base of fourth maxillary palpal segment, external view. 12. Hypopharynx and labium, dorsal view. 13. Left maxilla, ventral view. Scale lines: fig. 1 1 = 0.01 mm; others = 0.1 mm. 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 33 scattered long setae. Apical antennal segments simple, without apical gutters or invaginations (see figs. 9, 10), with fairly dense short setae in addition to scattered long setae (see fig. 10, compare basal segments, fig. 7). Labrum transverse, narrowly rectangular to slightly bilobed anteriorly, ventrally as in fig. 8. Mandible (of pustuliferum and rotundulum, at least) without preapical teeth, with a medial setose area about midway from base to apex and a well-developed molar lobe (see figs. 8, 14-17). Molar lobe apparently articulating dorsally and ventrally with mediobasal area of mandible proper. Maxilla more or less as in fig. 13, the palp generally filiform with fourth (apical) segment 2.5 to 5 times as long as third, a group of sensilla as in fig. 1 1 on its dorsolateral surface near the base. Hypopharynx (of pustuliferum and rotundulum, at least) about as in fig. 12. Labium apparently bilobed, with three-segmented palps arising from separ- ate palpigers; segments of palp subequal in length and width (see fig. 7, also Newton, 1975, fig. 3). Mentum large and trapezoidal; gular sutures separate, their minimum separation 0.12 to 0.18 times the head width (see fig. 7). Pronotum 1.5 to 1.8 times as wide as long, about 0.35 times as long as elytra; widest point variable, from posterior corners to just behind middle; with complete sharp lateral margins, explanate in at least basal half; lacking lateral foveae with internal pillars. Post- coxal process of pronotum acutely triangular, apparently a bar to coxal flexation (see figs. 18, 20). Prosternum with or without median longitudinal keel; prosternal intercoxal process extending one-half to two-thirds of the (antero-posterior) length of the procoxae. Procoxa with external longitudinal keel and mesal transverse articulating groove (see figs. 18-21). Protrochantin ex- posed, shorter than postcoxal pronotal process, dorsal pleural-coxal (trochantinal-coxal) articulation visible, pleural-sternal articulation present (the last possibly absent in tenuicorne), as in fig. 20. Mesosternum 0.5 to 0.6 times as long as metasternum, with a nearly acute process (except in rotundulum, see figs. 35, 37) extending between the mesocoxae for four to seven tenths of their length (figs. 34, 36). Mesosternal process not medially longitudinally carinate. Anterior part of mesosternum with cavities for reception of procoxae 0.4 to 0.75 times as long as whole mesosternum. 34 Psyche [March Figs. 14 17. Glvpholoma pustuliferum, right mandible. 14 15. Mesal view, whole mandible and molar surface, respectively. 16-17. Dorsal view, whole mandible and part of mola, respectively. Scale lines: figs. 14, 16 = 0.1 mm; figs. 15, 17 = 0.01 mm. 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 35 Figs. 18-21. Glypholoma pustuliferum. 18 19. Prothorax, ventrolateral view, with and without procoxa and trochantin, respectively. 20. Right procoxa and surrounding area, ventrolateral view, with coxa rotated anteriorly. 21. Prothorax and head, anteroventral view, dpc = dorsal pleural-coxal articulation; g = mesal articulating groove of coxa; k = external coxal keel; np = postcoxal process of pronotum; ps = pleural-sternal articulation; sp = prosternal intercoxal process. Scale lines = 0.1 mm. 36 Psyche [March Mesepisternal-mesepimeral suture present; mesosternal-pleural su- ture present posteriorly, but disappearing anteriorly, apparently with fusion of the two sclerites (except in tenuicorne, where it may be complete). Metasternum with short anterior process meeting mesosternal process between mesocoxae, short process with bifid apex between metacoxae, and antecoxal sutures as in fig. 59 ( temporale only) or 60. Metacoxae excavate, i.e. with posterior face vertical and entire postero-ventral margin explanate (fig. 38). Legs rather slender; tibiae only slightly, if at all, wider at apex than at base, usually with some small spines on the external surface (slightly fewer to slightly more than in fig. 23), meso- and metatibia generally with more spines than protibia, the sexes usually similar within each species. Hind coxa and femur subequal in length, hind tibia about 0.9 times as long as femur, hind tarsus 0.5-0. 7 times as long as tibia. All tarsi with five segments, hind tarsus with last segment one-third to two-thirds as long as first four together. Bisetose empodium between bases of tarsal claws (see fig. 39). Elytra together about three-quarters as wide as long, each with eleven punctate striae (most clearly delimited in the middle section, more confused anteriorly and posteriorly) which are impressed between the punctures except in tenuicorne; eleventh stria (adjacent to epipleural keel) somewhat irregular. Macrosetae present on alternate intervals, associated in some species with raised pustules and/or spots; (except perhaps in tenuicorne?) intervals finely punc- tate between macrosetae (see figs. 26, 27, 29). Elytron with epi- pleural keel complete, serrulate in humeral region, intersecting with upturned lateral edge of elytron at about two-thirds the distance from elytral base to apex. Elytron covering abdomen through segment 5 or 6, with apparent elytral-abdominal interlocking patches on the internal elytral surface just antero-mesal to the confluence of the epipleural keel and elytral edge (see figs. 30, 31) and on the lateral area of abdominal segment 3 (see fig. 46). (Whole complex seen in detail only in pustuliferum and rotundulum; elytral patch present in all species except possibly tenuicorne; because of the limited number of specimens available of three of the species, an exhaustive search for the abdominal patches could not be made.) Elytron with patch of small single or grouped teeth near apex of ventral surface (as in figs. 30, 32, 33). Wings covering abdomen through tergite 3 when folded, except in brachypterous individuals 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 37 Figs. 22-25. Glypholoma spp., prolegs. 22-24. G. pustuliferum; 22, male tarsus, oblique ventral view; 23, male left tibia, posterior view; 24, female tarsus, oblique ventral view. 25. G. rotundulum, male tarsus, oblique ventral view. Scale lines = 0.1 mm. 38 Psyche [March Figs. 26-29. Glypholoma spp. 26-28. G. pustuliferum, right elytron; 26, dorso- lateral view; 27, detail of fig. 26, including two pustules; 28, strial puncture (detail of fig. 26). 29. G. rotundulum, right elytron, dorsolateral view. Scale lines: figs. 26, 29 = 1.0 mm; fig. 27 = 0.1 mm; fig. 28 = 0.01 mm. 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 39 Figs. 30-33. Glypholoma spp., internal elytral surface. 30-32. G. pustuliferum; 30, overall view; 3 1 , detail of lateral area (“ 1 ” in fig. 30); 32, detail of apex (“a” in fig. 30). 33. G. rotundulum, same view as fig. 32. Scale lines: figs. 30, 31 = 0.1 mm; figs. 32, 33 = 0.01 mm. 40 Psyche [March of rotundulum, in which the wings only reach the apex of tergite 2 and are not folded. Distinct anal flap present on wings of pustuli- ferum and rotundulum, probably in other species also. Folding pattern of fully-developed hind wing similar to that illustrated for Anthobium (=Eusphalerum) sorbi by Forbes (1926: fig. 33), the first transverse fold being a hinge by which the costal margin is turned about 90°. (In an individual, the hinges of the two wings usually form slightly different angles.) Abdomen with most of segment 8 and part of genital segment exposed; first visible sternite is sternite 3. Tergites 4 or 5 to 8 fairly well to well-sclerotized, spiracles located in tergites 4 or 5 to 8, in membrane beside tergites 1 to 3 or 4; one pair of paratergites on each of segments 3 to 6 or 7, may be partly or entirely fused with sternites laterally (as almost complete fusion in fig. 47); tergite(s) 4 or 4 and 5 with paired patches of medially-directed microtrichia which cover about half to nearly all of the surface of the tergites (figs. 40-43); tergite 7 with an apical fringe (“palisade fringe” of some authors) as in fig. 45. Intersegmental membranes with a brick wall pattern of irregular plates as in fig. 44, some dorsal plates with posterior teeth as shown. Sternite 2 extending up around sides of abdomen slightly, but in tenuicorne appearing to be membranous, its limits therefore not determinable. Sternites 2 and 3 with small intimately associated intercoxal processes, more or less as in fig. 48, sternite 3 (at least in pustuliferum and rotundulum) with a trans- verse fold across its middle one-fourth to one-half about at posterior margin of intercoxal process (this area not visible in other species because of telescoping of abdomens). Sternite 3 without distinct coxal cavities, metacoxae simply protruding parallel to sternite’s surface; at least in some species with a ridge near basal margin and, like sternites 4 to 5 or 6, a curved ridge just inside each lateral margin. Sternite 8 with anterior median projection (see figs. 49, 61-65) associated with a gland system, similar to that described by Klinger and Maschwitz (1977). In at least three species ( rotundulum , pecki, pustuliferum ) gland reservoir extending anteriorly as far as anterior margin of segment 5. Male: Peg setae apparently absent from trochanters, femora, and tibiae; first four segments of protarsus slightly broadened, spatulate setae in pairs on segments 1 to 3 of protarsus (figs. 22, 25), and singly on first two (possibly three in pecki ) segments of mesotarsus 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 41 Figs. 34-37. Glypholoma spp., pterothorax. 34, 36. G. pustuliferum, ventral and oblique lateral views, respectively. 35, 37. G. rotundulum, ventral and oblique lateral views, respectively. Scale lines = 0.1 mm. 42 Psyche [March Figs. 38-41. Glypholoma spp. 38-40. G. pustuliferum; 38, metasternum and right metacoxa, lateral view; 39, male left mesotarsus, ventral view; 40, abdomen, dorsal view. 41. G. rotundulum, pterothorax and abdomen, dorsal view. t7 = tergite 7. Scale lines: figs. 38, 39 = 0.1 mm; figs. 40, 41 = 1.0 mm. 1978] Thayer & Newton — Revision of Genus Glypholoma 43 Figs. 42-45. Glypholoma pustuliferum, abdomen. 42-43. Microtrichial patch on tergite 5 (right side). 44. Intersegmental membrane between tergites 5-6. 45. Apical fringe of tergite 7, oblique anterior view. Scale lines: fig. 42 = 0.1 mm; others = 0.01 mm. 44 Psyche [March bo oo .a n- M o T "C o s-J bo cd c ^ VO ON "d- 1 I O ^ §) © ID M c/3 || ■O — ' ^ D £ O bo «S D sT cd ^ b (D Cd ’> ^ — C Cd « fc- JJ £ £ Cd (D X) X — <_. cd o T3 03 C cd ^ bo O T3 S § S 60 C % rs'% cd E I D « 8 i > cd .a T3 S £ o o Td .2? ^ ’ rtl oo ^ CN CN O £ £ £ > 42 X) O 3 -O © •£ C O- (D 3 £> O £ o £ O 0) X 2 8 * 3 > a 3 2 D C/D !> S ° 3 X 2 (d P 3 id 3 © »- 3 u < z 3 -3 0< 3 a, >' oo 3 Q cd So 3- .3 3 £ 8 c/3 *-H o 3 . 3 O « Z S 1978] Jackson & Smith — Mallos and Dictyna 71 Some of the larger communal webs of M. gregalis in the laboratory had surface areas and volumes estimated to be as large as 1300 cm2 and 1500 cm3. If the densities in these large webs were comparable to those in smaller webs, they can be estimated to have contained 300 to 700 spiders. Based on the descriptions of Diguet (1909a, b) and Burgess (1976), 4 m2 will be used as an approximate estimate for the surface area of larger communal webs on trees in Mexico. If densities in nature are comparable to those in the laboratory then these very large webs may have contained as many as 20,000 spiders. WEB OCCUPANTS Solitary species, including M. niveus , usually occurred one spider per web (Jackson, 1978a), and this was true of all censused webs in the aggregations of M. niveus. However, each occupied web unit of the three communal, territorial species usually contained a set of several spiders. These could be almost any combination of females, males, and immatures of varied sizes (Table 3), except that web units were never shared by two adults of the same sex. In the only instances in which male-male or female-female pairs were seen together in the same web units, aggressive interactions took place, after which one individual departed. In contrast, large numbers of M. gregalis belonging to all sex/ age classes shared the same communal webs without aggressive behavior or cannibalism. DISTRIBUTION OF WEB OCCUPANTS Large proportions of each sex/ age class of M. trivittatus occupied the nests (Tables 3 and 4); but adult females were especially prone to be inside nests, and there was a preponderance of immatures in the interstitial web. These data were consistent with more casual observations of M. trivittatus in other locations and of the other communal, territorial species. During the day, M. niveus and other solitary species were most often, but not always, inside nests. All M. niveus in censuses were inside nests. Many hours of casual observation in the laboratory gave the impression that adult males and immatures of M. gregalis were more prone to be on the outer surfaces of webs, and females were more prone to be in the interior. (Data related to this will be presented below.) 72 Psyche [March Table 2. Data from complete disassembly of 19 M. gregalis webs or subunits of webs (census Method No. 1, see text). Area and volume are estimates, since borders of webs were irregular. Small immature: ca. 1 mm in body length (color: uniformly brown). Large immature: body length ca. 2 mm (gray markings present on body). Adult females: ca. 3 mm. Adult males: ca. 3 mm. Web class A: 3-D and lacking evidence of deserted areas. B: 3-D and containing conspicuous deserted areas. C: 2-D and lacking conspicuous deserted areas. D: 2-D (but not as flat as C) and containing conspicuous deserted areas. E: 3-D, small discrete web on irregular substrate. A-D: census areas were subunits of large webs, except for some of C that were discrete webs. 3-D: web occupies relatively much space in each of 3 dimen- sions. 2-D: web confined predominately to 2 dimensions (“flat”). “Deserted” areas: no longer occupied by M. gregalis, not substantially adhesive, and covered by fly carcasses and dust. Note: as population size increases, composition of population shifts toward decreasing percentages of females and increasing percentages of im- matures. Kendall rank correlation (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969) for increasing percent- ages of small immatures with increasing population size (P < 0.001). Popu- Area Volume lation (cm2) (cm3) 1 144 144 2 144 144 3 105 300 4 150 300 5 144 144 6 75 150 7 70 150 8 70 350 9 150 150 10 70 350 11 144 144 12 70 350 13 64 320 14 150 600 15 155 155 16 100 300 17 400 800 18 45 225 19 150 600 Sex/ Web Popu- lation Adult Class Size Female C 5 60.0 C 7 71.4 c 9 0.0 D 10 90.0 D 10 30.0 B 11 27.3 B 21 19.0 A 23 65.2 B 25 4.0 A 27 48.2 C 31 12.9 E 34 11.7 B 40 27.5 A 47 23.4 D 53 32.1 A 74 17.5 A 82 9.7 A 114 7.0 A 288 9.3 Age Class Composition (%) of Population Large Small Adult Imma- Imma- Male ture ture 0.0 20.0 20.0 0.0 14.2 14.2 11.1 44.4 44.4 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 60.0 0.0 27.3 45.4 0.0 19.0 61.0 17.4 17.4 0.0 4.0 8.0 84.0 18.5 7.4 25.9 0.0 0.0 87.0 5.8 32.3 50.0 0.0 40.0 32.5 6.3 21.3 48.9 0.0 20.7 47.2 1.3 22.2 55.4 2.4 7.3 80.4 0.0 12.3 80.4 2.0 9.7 78.8 1978] Jackson & Smith — Mallos and Dictyna 73 SEX/AGE CLASS RATIOS Based on the spiders in the two censuses in the culvert at E. Turkey Creek, this large web complex was estimated to have had a population consisting of 27% adult females, 9% adult males, and 64% immatures. The adult sex ratio (Male: Female) was approxi- mately 1:3. Based on the censuses at Chapala, populations of D. calcar ata in web complexes on buildings were composed of 14% adult females, 5% adult males, and 81% immatures; and the adult sex ratio was 1:3, as for M. trivittatus. No males were found in the censuses of M. niveus. Generally only small numbers of males of the solitary species were found, and these were predominantly ones in webs with females (Jackson, 1977b). Based on the 19 censuses of M. gregalis by Method No. 1 (disassembly), population composition was 29.8 ± 25.49% adult females, 4.1 ± 5.97% adult males, 17.6 ± 12.17% large immatures, and 48.2 ± 27.41% small immatures. Immatures comprised a greater proportion of the spiders in webs with large population size (Table 2). The average adult sex ratio was approximately 1:7. For the 33 transect censuses (Method No. 2), population composition was 12.3 ± 7.44% adult females, 3.0 ± 3.85% adult males, 38.0 ± 12.96% large immatures, and 46.2 ± 13.11% small immatures (adult sex ratio, ca. 1:4), with a total of 16.8 ± 2.34 spiders occurring in each census. The three sections of the web were comparable. Discussion AGGREGATION SIZE AND DENSITY — EVOLUTIONARY CONSIDERATIONS The occurrence in certain areas of very large populations of some species, especially M. gregalis and M. trivittatus, and the great densities of spiders within these populations contrast markedly with the majority of Dictyna and Mallos species. Most species are solitary, with individuals living in relatively widely spaced indi- vidual webs on stems and leaves of vegetation (Jackson, 1978a); and although density censuses were not carried out for these, our impression is that an area of 50 to 100 m2 in a population of a solitary species would usually contain fewer than a dozen indi- viduals. In contrast, the largest web complex of M. trivittatus occupied approximately this much space and contained more than 10,000 individuals. 74 Psyche [March A related comparison can be made by looking at the amount of web area or volume per individual spider for different species. There is a trend toward decreasing web surface per spider as one goes from solitary to communal species. Individual webs of solitary species tend to have a surface area of 35 cm2 (Jackson, 1978a). Since each web unit in web complexes of communal, territorial species tends to contain 2 or 3 spiders (Table 3), and since web units tend to have a surface area of 4 to 21 cm2 (Jackson, 1978a), there tends to be 1 to 7 cm2 of surface area per spider in these species. In the laboratory, in communal webs of M. gregalis, there tends to be a surface area of 2.1 cm2 and a volume of 6.4 cm3 of web per spider. (Volume was not calculated for other species since their webs tended to be largely 2- dimensional; Jackson, 1978a.) The influence of prey availability on these trends deserves atten- tion. Diptera of the same approximate size relative to the spider seem to predominate in the diet of species of Dictyna and Mallos Table 3. Percentages of web units (in web complexes) occupied by different sex/ age class combinations. Data based on nests alone ( M . trivittatus ) given in paren- theses. More than one immature sometimes occurred together in same web unit. More than one adult of same sex never occurred together. N: No. of web units sampled, including ones in Table 1 plus others (ones not occupied by dictynids excluded). M. trivittatus D. calcarata D. albopilosa Females' 33.33 (34.15) 30.30 39.13 Males' 7.58 (4.07) 24.24 21.74 Immatures' 84.09 (75.61) 77.24 65.22 Female Only 14.39 (20.33) 7.58 21.74 Male Only 0.76 (1.63) 9.09 8.70 Immatures Only 61.36 (61.79) 56.06 47.83 Female plus Immatures Only 16.67 (13.82) 12.12 8.70 Female plus Male Only 0.76 (0.00) 9.09 8.70 Male plus Immatures Only 4.55 (2.44) 7.58 8.70 Female, Male, and Immatures 1.52 (0.00) 1.52 0.00 No. of Spiders per Web Unit2 3.1 ± 4.83 (20) 1.6 ± 0.91 (4)3 1.3 ± 0.47 (2)3 N 132 (123) 66 23 'Regardless of other sex/ age classes present. 2Mean ± S.D. (maximum). 3Larger maxima were seen during more casual observations. 1978] Jackson & Smith — Mallos and Dictyna 75 (Jackson, 1977a). Thus large prey populations would seem neces- sary to support some of the larger aggregations of dictynids. Diguet (1909a, b, 1915) and Burgess (pers. comm.) noted numerous adult Diptera in the vicinity of M. gregalis webs in Mexico during the rainy season. Studies are needed to determine whether Diptera populations are larger and/or more predictable in habitats con- taining communal webs of M. gregalis compared to neighboring areas without communal webs. Great numbers of Diptera were noted in the metal culvert in Arizona that contained the enormous web complex of M. trivittatus. Another consideration in this case is that flies entering the culvert may be especially vulnerable to capture, since inside the culvert they were almost completely surrounded by web. Great masses of nematocerous flies were active in the vicinity of web complexes of D. calcarata in Chapala, emerging from nearby Lake Chapala in the late afternoon and early evening. Diptera were also numerous in the vicinity of web com- plexes of D. albopilosa at San Anton Falls. In general, wherever there were web complexes, there were also numerous Diptera. However, the question of why some species live in large, dense populations, while others do not, cannot be answered simply on the basis of prey densities in the habitats of different species. Riechert and Tracy (1975) have shown relationships between density within spider populations and prey availability. However, they found prey availability to depend not only on the absolute abundance of prey but also on factors that influence how the spider experiences prey abundance, especially its thermal relations with its environment. Another consideration is that species of Dictyna and Mallos with differing aggregating tendencies may occur side-by-side in the same habitats (Jackson, 1978a). For example, M. niveus were found in individual webs on the same trees with web complexes of M. trivittatus in the Chiracahua Mountains. It would seem that dictynid species that routinely occur in aggregated states (communal, terri- torial and communal, non-territorial) and those that generally live more widely dispersed (solitary) are somehow adapted to exploit different sets of resources, but we have no clear insights at this time concerning what these different resources might be. The adaptive advantages and disadvantages for animals related to living in groups have been subjects of considerable interest in recent years (see Wilson, 1975). For a review of ideas concerning spiders, 76 Psyche [March Table 4. Distribution of sex/ age classes of M. trivittatus within web complexes. Based on occupied web units. No. of spiders: means ± S.D. Females, Immatures, Males: percentages of the total found for each that were in each part of the web complex. Total: Number of spiders — mean ± S.D. for spiders — per web unit (spiders in interstitial web included with nearest web unit); Females, Immatures, Males — percentage of total number of spiders belonging to each sex/ age class. Number of Spiders Females Males Immatures Inside Nest 1.5 ± 1.88 93.33 50.00 52.49 Inside Mesh Less than 2 cm from Nest 0.1 ± 0.47 6.67 30.00 4.32 More than 7 cm from Nest 0.1 ± 0.38 0.00 20.00 5.98 Inside Interstitial Web 0.9 ± 2.19 0.00 0.00 37.21 Total 3.1 ± 4.83 12.64 2.81 84.55 see Buskirk (1975) and Lubin (1974). With the dictynids, we need to compare the varied species with respect to the importance of each potential advantage and disadvantage, given the nature of the resources each species exploits. PHENOLOGY Most Dictyna and Mallos probably have an annual life cycle in nature, with adult females and males present during spring, summer and/or fall (Chamberlin and Gertsch, 1958). The mating season for Mallos species generally seems to be later than that of Dictyna species, although the season for some species may last many months. Since both adult males and adult females were found, evidently each census was carried out during the mating season of the species involved, although not necessarily during the peak of the season for all species. No doubt, if censuses had been undertaken at different times of the year, different ratios of each sex/ age class would have been found for each species. Seasonal changes in the ratios of the different sex/ age classes in laboratory populations of M. gregalis apparently occur, although data have not been collected. Each sex/age class was found throughout the year, but males were less numerous in winter than in other seasons. The differences in adult sex ratios in the two types of censuses of M. gregalis may be a reflection of the tendency, noted during casual observation, for females to predominate in the interior of webs, with males predominating on the exterior. How- 1978] Jackson & Smith — M alios and Dictyna 77 ever, another factor that must be considered is that the two types of censuses were made at different times of the year, and differences may be influenced by phenology. CAUSES OF DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS WITHIN WEBS In all species, eggs tend to be oviposited in the vicinity of the nests, and the tendency for females to be found in nests is probably at least partly related to this. Also, nests may be optimal resting sites with respect to protection from predators and parasites (Jackson, 1978a). If obtaining space within a nest is accompanied by aggres- sive behavior, which seems likely in the communal, territorial species, then females may have an advantage related to their larger size. Females in each species have the largest body size of any sex/ age class. Compared to males, females may be more sedentary; and a stronger tendency to occupy nests may be related to this. This might also apply to comparison of females with immatures if the immatures are the dispersal phase in the life histories of these spe- cies. Also, by virtue of their smaller size, young immatures may be safer from predation on the mesh or interstitial web than females, since they might take refuge under strands of silk, particles of debris, etc., which are too small to be effective for females. As a result, there might be lesser selection pressure against immatures that remain outside nests compared to larger females that remain outside nests. Since females seem to be prone to be in the interior of webs of M. gregalis, we might expect males to spend considerable time search- ing for and courting females in the interior of webs. Instead, more males seem to be on the exterior surfaces of the webs. In M. gregalis, unlike M. trivittatus and D. calcarata, the presence of females and silk spun by females are not releasers of courtship behavior. Instead, males seem to have an advertising routine, as part of their daily activity pattern, in which they perform behavior referred to as “pluck-walking.” Females seem to indicate their receptivity to pluck-walking males by failing to run away (Jackson, 1978b). We do not know the factors that determine female receptivity, but perhaps receptive females are more likely to be on the outer surfaces of webs. For example, females might be unreceptive near the time of oviposition, and oviposition takes place in the interior of the web. Although the difficulty of observing behavior of spiders in the interior of webs should be kept in mind, it is of interest that the 78 Psyche [March majority of observed instances of pluck-walking involved males on the surfaces of webs. We have no information at this time concerning how new communal webs are formed by M. gregalis. One possibility is that new webs are founded by single adult females or by groups of several adult females. In the laboratory web censuses (method 1), the webs with fewer spiders (predominantly adult females) may have been ones that were newly founded. Those with more spiders and a greater proportion of smaller immatures may have been older webs in a period of rapid growth. Further study, especially in the natural habitats of these spiders, is necessary. Information is also lacking on the formation of web complexes by M.trivittatus and D. calcarata. CAUSES OF SKEWED SEX RATIOS The causes of the relative rarity of males in all species investigated are unknown. We do not know the sex ratios at hatching. If maternal investment in progeny of the two sexes is equal, we would expect a 1:1 ratio (Fisher, 1930; but see Hamilton, 1967; Trivers and Willard, 1973). There are a number of factors that might skew the adult ratio in favor of females even if the ratio at hatching is 1:1. Earlier studies (Jackson, 1978b) suggested that adult males of solitary and com- munal, territorial species are relatively nomadic, expending con- siderable time and energy wandering about searching for females. As a result, a sizeable proportion of the males in populations of these species might not be found in censuses of webs. Also, the nomadic character of males might subject them to earlier mortality from predation, starvation, and other factors. Shorter male longev- ity would skew the adult sex ratio in favor of females. However, mortality factors such as predation would seem less important for M. gregalis populations in the laboratory; yet the sex ratio was skewed in favor of females here also, suggesting that mortality factors of a more intrinsic nature might be involved. Females of each investigated species oviposited several batches of eggs over a period of time. In contrast to females, males may be adapted to a lifestyle that emphasizes courtship, mating, and searching for females, in conjunction with greater vagility and smaller size, at the expense of maintenance functions that would serve to prolong survival. 1978] Jackson & Smith — M alios and Dictyna 79 Acknowledgements For comments on the manuscript, we thank P. N. Witt, and M. C. Vick. Special thanks go to W. J. Gertsch for his assistance in the identification of spiders. C. E. Griswold, P. S. Jackson, and V. D. Roth are gratefully acknowledged for assistance in the field. The assistance of the Southwestern Research Station of the American Museum of Natural History is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported in part by the North Carolina Division of Mental Health Services, Research Section and by N.S.F. grant number BMS 75-09915 to P. N. Witt. Summary Three types of social organization and three corresponding types of webs occur in the Dictynidae: solitary (individual webs); com- munal, territorial (web complexes); communal, non-territorial (communal webs). Solitary (M. niveus ) and communal, territorial (M. trivattatus, D. calcarata, and D. albopilosa) species were censused in nature; for M. gregalis (communal, non-territorial), free-living populations in communal webs in the laboratory were censused. Web surface area per spider decreases as one goes from solitary (ca. 35 cm2) to communal, territorial (ca. 10 cm2) to communal, non-territorial (ca. 2 cm2) species. Very large popula- tions may occur on single web structures of communal species (estimates of maxima: M. trivittatus, 10,000 spiders; M. gregalis, 20,000). There is a tendency for adult females to occupy nests and the interior of webs, with males and immatures occupying the exterior and the interstitial areas. Sex ratios (male:female) are skewed in favor of females (M. gregalis 1:7; communal, territorial species, 1:3; males of solitary species are infrequently found). References Burgess, J. W. 1976. Social spiders. Sci. Amer. 234: 100-106. 1978. Social behaviour in group-living spider species. Symp. Zool. Soc. London (In Press). Buskirk, R. E. 1975. Coloniality, activity patterns and feeding in a tropical orb-weaving spider. Ecology 56: 1314-1328. 80 Psyche [March Chamberlin, R. V. and W. J. Gertsch. 1958. The spider family Dictynidae in America north of Mexico. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 116: 1 152. Diguet, L. 1909a. Sur l’Araignee mosquero. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 148: 735-736. 1909b. Le mosquero. Nid d’Araignee employe dans certaines regions du Mexique comme piege a mouches. Bull. Soc. Acclim. France 56: 368-375. 1915. Nouvelles observations sur le mosquero ou nid d’Araignees sociales employe comme piege a mouches dans certaines localites du Mexique. Bull. Soc. Acclim. France 62: 240-249. Hamilton, W. D. 1967. Extraordinary sex ratios. Science (N.Y.) 156: 477-488. Fisher, R. A. 1930. The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection. Clarendon, Oxford. Jackson, R. R. 1977a. Comparative studies of Dictyna and Mallos (Araneae: Dictynidae): III. Prey and feeding behavior. Psyche 83: 267-280. 1977b. Web sharing by males and females of dictynid spiders. Bull. Brit. Arach. Soc. 4: 109-112. 1978a. Comparative studies of Dictyna and Mallos (Araneae, Dictynidae): I. Social organization and web characteristics. Rev. Arach. 1: 133 164. 1978b. Male mating strategies of dictynid spiders with differing types of social organization. Symp. Zool. Soc. London (In Press). Krafft, B. 1970. Contribution a la biologie et a l’Ethologie d 'Agelena consociata Denis (Araignee sociale de Gabon). Premiere Partie. Biol. Gabon. 6: 197-301. Kullmann, E. 1972. Evolution of social behavior in spiders (Araneae; Eresidae and Theridiidae). Amer. Zool. 12: 419 426). Lubin, Y. D. 1974. Adaptive advantages and the evolution of colony formation in Cyrto- phora (Araneae: Araneidae). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 54: 321-339. Riechert, S. E. and C. R. Tracy. 1975. Thermal balance and prey availability: bases for a model relating web- site characteristics to spider reproductive success. Ecology 56: 265 284. Shear, W. A. 1970. The evolution of social phenomena in spiders. Bull. Brit. Arach. Soc. 1: 65 76. SOKAL, R. R. AND F. J. ROHLF. 1969. Biometry. Freeman, San Francisco. Trivers, R. L. and D. E. Willard. 1973. Natural selection of parental ability to vary sex ratio of offspring. Science (N.Y.) 179: 90-92. Wilson, E. O. 1975. Sociobiology. Belknap, Cambridge. A SOLITARY WASP THAT PREYS UPON LACEWINGS (HYMENOPTERA: SPHECIDAE; NEUROPTERA: CHRYSOPIDAE)* By Howard E. Evans Department of Zoology and Entomology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 The tendency of solitary wasps to restrict predation to members of specific groups of arthropods is well known. There are several hundred records for diverse species of Bembix, for example, which suggest that all Northern Hemisphere species of this genus prey only upon Diptera. This includes 16 of the 19 species occurring north of Mexico; the remaining three have remained unstudied. Two of these, gillaspyi Evans and Matthews (1968) and frommeri Bohart (1970) were described only recently, while the third, stenebdoma Parker (1917) was described long ago but has remained one of the most infrequently encountered members of the genus. Although stenebdoma was placed in the belfragei species-group by Evans and Matthews (1968), largely on the basis of the partially preserved ocellar lenses, the species fits poorly in that group on most features and in fact is unique in the genus in having the first intercubital vein straight rather than angulated. Evidently this species is also unique in the genus, indeed among all digger wasps, in that the prey consists of lacewings (Chrysopidae). The use of Neuroptera is not, however, unknown among Bembi- cini. Evans and Matthews (1973) presented a record of the Aus- tralian species Bembix wilcannia Evans and Matthews preying upon adult ant lions (Myrmeleontidae), and Alcock (1975) found Xeros- tictia longilabris Gillaspy preying upon adult ant lions as well as flatid buds in southern Arizona. Thus the record of Bembix stenebdoma using Chrysopidae seems less unusual than it would have seemed a few years ago. Why this species appears so rare when it has apparently entered a new and unexploited adaptive zone remains a mystery. * Manuscript received by the editor October 10, 1978. 81 82 Psyche [March My observations on B. stenebdoma involve a single female seen plunging into an open hole in a small draw 1 .5 km SW of Bernardo, Socorro Co., New Mexico, at 1000 hours on 2 August 1978. The soil in this area was coarse, stony, and hard, with sparse desert vegetation, but the draw was sandy and bordered by Croton plants which were in bloom and attracting many bees and wasps. Despite several hours of intensive collecting in this area by Kevin M. O’Neill and myself, we took no other specimens of B. stenebdoma. This female was captured as she left the nest, and the nest was excavated. Burrow diameter was about 8 mm, and there was no obvious mound of soil at the entrance. The burrow was straight and oblique, 30 cm long, terminating in a single cell at a vertical depth of 20 cm. The cell was horizontal, 10 mm in diameter by 20 mm in length. It contained 10 paralyzed lacewings, all lying on their sides with their heads facing the entrance to the cell. The egg of the wasp had been laid on the side of one of the lacewings deep in the cell. The egg was elongate and curved, measuring 2.2 mm in length; it was Figure 1 . Prey and egg of Bembix stenebdoma. The cell contents have here been removed to an artificial cell and the lacewing bearing the egg moved to the top of the pile for purposes of photography. 1978] Evans — Solitary Wasp that Preys on Lacewings 83 attached between the middle and hind coxae of the prey and extended over the wing base and well above the dorsum (Fig. 1). This egg position is similar to that of many Bembix which prey upon flies. That there were 10 prey in the cell, with the female still provisioning, indicates that this species mass-provisions its cells. Mass provisioning is uncommon in Bembix, B. hinei Parker being the only other North American species for which this has been reported (Evans, 1957). The lacewings proved to belong to three species: Eremochrysa tibialis Banks (2), E. punctinervis (McLachlan) (5), and Chrysoperla comanche (Banks) (3) (det. Phillip A. Adams). Dr. Adams writes that all three species are common in the Southwest. Although some Chrysopidae release odorous substances from thoracic glands, this is not notably true of members of these genera. It will be of interest to discover if B. stenebdoma consistently uses lacewings in other areas and whether predation is restricted to species of Eremochrysa and Chrysoperla. Acknowledgments This paper is part of a study of the comparative behavior of solitary wasps, supported by the National Science Foundation, grant BNS76-09319. The assistance of Dr. Phillip A. Adams of California State University, Fullerton, in identifying the Chrysopi- dae is gratefully acknowledged. References Alcock, J. 1975. The behavior of some bembicine wasps of southern Arizona (Hymen- optera: Sphecidae, Microbembex, Glenostictia, Xerostictia). Southwest- ern Nat. 20: 337-342. Bohart, R. M. 1970. New species, synonymy and lectotype designations in North American Bembicini. Pan-Pac. Ent. 46: 201-207. Evans, H. E. 1957. Studies on the Comparative Ethology of Digger Wasps of the Genus Bembix. Comstock Publ. Assoc., Ithaca, N.Y. 248 pp. Evans, H. E., and R. W. Matthews 1968. North American Bembix, a revised key and suggested grouping. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 61: 1284-1299. Evans, H. E., and R. W. Matthews 1973. Systematics and nesting behavior of Australian Bembix sand wasps. Mem. Amer. Ent. Inst., no. 20. 387 pp. 84 Psyche [March Parker, J. B. 1917. A revision of the bembicine wasps of America north of Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52: 1-155. SURVEY OF SOCIAL INSECTS IN THE FOSSIL RECORD* By Laurie Burnham Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A. Biologists have long been intrigued by the complex social systems of various insects. Despite a voluminous literature dealing with the evolution of these systems, immense gaps remain in our understand- ing of insect sociality. Several theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of social behavior in certain groups of insects (e.g., Hamilton, 1964), but none consider this problem with respect to geological time. The present paper does so by examining the fossil record for clues not only on the antiquity of sociality, but also on the nature of these early social insects. Included in this survey are those insects recognized as eusocial: the Isoptera, and three super- families of the Hymenoptera: Vespoidea, Formicoidea, and Apoidea. ISOPTERA The termites are remarkable in two regards: 1) as a group, they are fully eusocial, exhibiting a wide range of behavioral modifica- tions and sophistications, and 2) their record in the geological past, although sparse, is highly indicative of an Early Mesozoic origin. This latter point is of particular significance if one considers sociality among insects as a pinnacle of evolutionary success. Wilson (1971, p. 1) states that “[insect societies] best exemplify the full sweep of ascending levels of organization, from molecule to society.” The possibility that termites evolved a social organization as far back in geological time as the Jurassic (roughly 190 million years ago) is of great interest, particularly when attempting to draw parallels with the evolution of sociality in the Hymenoptera, a group phylogenetically very remote from the termites. * Manuscript received by the editor July 7, 1978. 85 86 Psyche [March Five of the six families1 of termites recognized by Emerson (1955) have a fossil record extending at least as far back as the Tertiary. In 1967, Cretatermes carpenteri (Hodotermitidae) was found in an Upper Cretaceous deposit in Labrador (Fig. 1), a discovery which immediately placed the origin of the Isoptera no later than the Mesozoic — an extension of 45 million years from previously known specimens. In addition, the advanced phylogenetic position of Cretatermes provides evidence for a much earlier origin of the order than has formerly been recognized (Emerson, 1967). An examination of various fossil localities reveals a widespread termite fauna during the Tertiary Period (Table 1). The Termitidae are found in Miocene deposits of California and Germany; the Rhinotermitidae, Hodotermitidae, and Kalotermitidae are found at various Tertiary deposits throughout the United States and Europe; and the Mastotermitidae have the most widespread Cenozoic distribution of all, having been found at localities in the United States, Europe, South America, and Australia. This latter finding is highly intriguing because the family Mastotermitidae today has but one species, Mastotermes darwiniensis, which is restricted to north- ern Australia.2 Emerson (1955) postulates that this widespread 'The sixth family is the Serritermitidae — an aberrant taxon known from only one species. 2A look at past climatic shifts provides additional insight into the redistribution of the termites, particularly with respect to the Mastotermitidae, now solely restricted to Australia. Reconstructions of paleo-climatic patterns may be made fairly accurately on the basis of floral analyses (Reid and Chandler, 1933). The presence of Sequoia stumps in the Florissant Shales of Colorado provides evidence for warmer tempera- tures during the Oligocene (Emerson, 1969). Tiffney (1977) postulates on the basis of fossil angiosperm assemblages that temperatures in New England during the Oligocene were much more equable than at present — the temperatures ranging from 26° C to 9° C in contrast to today’s 21° C to -10° C. Furthermore, extended frosts and hard freezes were unknown. In the more tropical climate of the Oligocene, colony activities were presumably carried out year round in a relatively warm, moist environment, explaining the widespread distribution of the Mastotermitidae during the Lower to Middle Tertiary. By the Late Miocene or Early Pliocene, the earth’s climate began shifting towards cooler temperatures with the rising level of the continental land masses and increasingly large polar ice caps. My hypothesis is that, unable to adapt to an increasingly colder climate, and possibly to a concomitant change in predator pressures, the Mastotermitidae began to die out during the Tertiary. And, because at this time the Termitidae were undergoing tremendously successful radiation in Africa and South America, the Mastotermitidae became geographically restricted to northern Australia, represented today by only one relict species, Mastotermes darwiniensis. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 87 Figure 1. Cretatermes carpenteri Emerson from lower part of Upper Cretaceous of Labrador. Note humeral suture at wing base. Original photograph of holotype in Princeton Museum. Length of wing, 7.5 mm. geographical distribution provides strong evidence to support a Mesozoic origin of the order. He argues (1975) that the breakup of the united land mass Pangaea in the Permian or Lower Triassic must have occurred subsequently to the origin of the Isoptera to explain their distribution in the southern and northern continental land masses and that all five families must have been present in the Late Mesozoic to explain their diversity and distribution by the Tertiary. In 1971 he looked at a variety of primitive and derived characters of each family and analyzed the geographical distribution of the groups, using plate tectonics to provide the following estimates on the geological origin of the families: Mastotermitidae — possibly Early Mesozoic. Hodotermitidae — Triassic, or Early Jurassic before the breakup of southern continents. Kalotermitidae — mid-Jurassic, or Lower Cretaceous, before the separation of Africa and South America. Rhinotermitidae — Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous. Termitidae — Cretaceous. Because termites are such poor fliers and do not mate until the adults have cast their wings, he considers water gaps of more than 50 miles capable of preventing termite dispersal. While I am supportive of the theory that places great importance on the role of a unified land mass in animal dispersal, I do not agree that this can effectively be used to date the origin of the Isoptera. TABLE 1 ISOPTERA IN THE FOSSIL RECORD. 88 Psyche [March vO VO ov as c c o o C/5 C/5 l_ u. > >> c c cd cd £ £ i— i_i 5 c cd £ C/5 C/3 u, >5 lo cd c s ’£ OJ _cd bb 3 JS 2 0 _cd ’bb 3 C/5 O 0 2d 0 2d O O 0 2d H O 2 DC O O UJ GO UJ E OQ DQ Oi c* PQ ~ r ' W O ^ Z w T3 * O DC U S O ^ w D, 3 :cd DC 5 60 0/ 5 5 ^ c i- S a cd X cd DC v — ' C be S 3 C C! cu -s: a -0 a Co .5 be § Q c Xl § S I ~Cs ^3 Si c 5 3 SC b ^ be - 2 i: 1 3 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 89 £2 oo oo ON ON ON ■o -o -o ^ >,>,>, o C C C O M C/3 73 U s s w w t — r — ■ t — r — On On On On On c/3 C/3 C/3 (U 1) 0/ o sees w w w w *sQ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO On On On On On On On On C/5 C/5 C/5 C/5 C/5 c c o o C/3 C/3 6 S - &i U aT o c >> cd s 'T' D T3 T3 c 3 £ w s I .1 i 5 ^ Si ,3 .3 cd e n S3 -8 2 & ca C/3 3- ^3 dj <4/ QQ <4, Q- Q- SHE ^ ^ ^ ^ UJ c .«, o a PQ .5 *3 _NJ ^ .o 5 w £ ^ ^ w * u o §3 § 'T'n O 8 * x c w o > ^ 3 I a> X § r § 3 s- 3 CU ^ 5 5 S O O O d/ « S 3 3 2 ^ I I o o S i§ 1 3 -3 ? > 2 c 60 £ c 6 J3 u £ o £ ^ c3 x> c« .Si «j .2 ea 2 s u- u- O O 60 • ~ CS X O 05 O 3 3 . 4> c « g on DC 2 w 4> bo ** 5 45 3 a •3 Q N S £ 2 2 2-0 3 3 'C ®-< ^ ‘c * * c 3 crj ~3 g 45 U O w 3 >> bo 3 3 3 2 t I S I I [March 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 91 Simpson (1952) has made some insightful remarks on the matter. He contests the premise that if a given group of organisms requires a land connection, then disjunctive areas occupied by the group must have been once connected by continuous land. His contention is that there is no group of organisms that cannot be dispersed over water. Given a probability of only one chance in a million that an organism can cross a stretch of water, when geological time is considered the chance that the event will actually take place (over tens of millions of years) becomes significantly greater. It is further argued that successful colonization is dependent on successful invasion and the ability of the intruder to compete with existing species. Chances for survival are much higher when there are numerous, simultaneous arrivals of individuals. In my opinion, the termites support such reasoning, and this can be argued in several ways. Firstly, termites are relatively light- bodied, winged insects. Studies by Simberloff and Wilson (1969) and Glick (1933) on the repopulation of an island by wind trans- ported insects strongly support the possibility that termites are capable of being carried considerable distances in the upper atmos- phere. Furthermore, because termites swarm in such large numbers prior to reproduction, a reasonable possibility exists that they will be dispersed to a new habitat as either a group or at least as a male/ female pair. A wind current strong enough to blow one individual into the upper atmosphere should be equally capable of carrying multiple individuals, and, according to windflow, of trans- porting them in the same directional pathway. Secondly, termites are ideally suited to dispersal over large bodies of water via floating logs. The more primitive families construct their extensive nesting colonies in wood and logs; as a consequence, it is entirely plausible that a dead tree falling into a body of circulating water could be carried extended distances. Furthermore, this mode of transportation provides the termites with a source of food during their sojourn, and travel en masse obviates the prob- lems of reproduction upon arrival. In addition, as Simpson points out, the larger the number of individuals, the more likely it is that they will be successful competitors in the new habitat. I am not presenting this as evidence that the termites did not evolve while the earth’s land masses were still contiguous, but am merely pointing out the problems in arguing that land dispersal was essential for termites. 92 Psyche [March The Isoptera exhibit strong affinities to the Blattodea; evidence linking the two groups to a common ancestor is well marked between the Mastotermitidae, an archaic termite family, and the Cryptocercidae, a family of generalized cockroaches. This theory of common ancestry is supported by several comparative morphologi- cal and behavioral studies (Emerson, 1965; McKittrick, 1965; Ahmad, 1950; Cleveland, 1934; Hill, 1925). McKittrick (1965) goes so far as to incorporate both groups into the Dictyoptera, an order which also includes the Mantodea. The gut fauna, female genitalic structures, anal expansion of the hind wing, morphology of the proventriculus, and deposition of eggs in ootheca-like masses are much alike in Mastotermes and Cryptocercus. Furthermore, both groups inhabit similar habitats. As a consequence, termites have often been referred to as merely social cockroaches. This degree of relatedness becomes immediately interesting in view of the extensive geological record of the cockroaches. Fossil cockroaches are first found in deposits from the Upper Carboniferous, which makes them among the oldest insects known. Furthermore, they comprise 80 percent of the fossil insect fauna during that period (Carpenter, 1930) — an indication that they have not only existed, but have flourished, for three hundred million years. If the similarities between termites and cockroaches are indeed the result of monophyletic, rather than convergent or parallel evolution, one might speculate on a much earlier origin for the Isoptera than is shown by the fossil record. McKittrick (1965) admits that the flagellate gut fauna essential for cellulose digestion in both groups may have arisen independ- ently in each; however, she believes that the similarities in two important morphological characters, the female genitalia and the dental belt of the proventriculus, represent primitive characters and are therefore indicative of a common origin for Mastotermes and Cryptocercus. On the other hand, Tillyard (1926, 1936), Cleveland (1934), Imms (1919), Carpenter (personal communication), among others, believe that the termites were derived from more ancient stock and may have evolved during the Late Paleozoic. Hamilton (1978) supports the view that social termites arose from “roach-like ancestors” in the habitat of dead phloem, and suggests that the invasion of Cryptocercus into the same type of habitat was inde- pendent of the ancestral termite. The possibility of termite “evolu- 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 93 tion under bark” seems immensely feasible; not only is isolation (and, hence, inbreeding) possible, but selective pressures leading to dependence on a cellulose diet would also be high. It seems an excellent explanation for the early separation of the termites and cockroaches from a common protorthopteran (protoblattoid) an- cestor as long ago as the Late Paleozoic. More definite conclusions on the origin of the Isoptera must wait until termites or termite-like insects have been found in pre-Cretaceous strata. HYMENOPTERA The Hymenoptera belong to the major subdivision of the Insecta known as the Endopterygota. There are no clues elucidating the nature or precise age of the earliest endopterygote insects, but the fossil record does provide insight into the history of the group as a whole. Representatives of two endopterygote orders, Neuroptera and Mecoptera, are found as far back as the Early Permian, some 280 million years ago. This occurrence suggests an origin of the Endopterygota approximately 100 million years after the origin of the true insects.3 The earliest known Hymenoptera have been found in Triassic beds of Central Asia (Rasnitsyn, 1964) and Australia (Riek, 1955). These fossils establish a minimum age for the order of about 220 million years. All the specimens known from this period belong to the suborder Symphyta, and surprisingly enough belong to the existing family Xyelidae. A major advance in the evolution of the Hymenoptera occurred with the development of a constriction between the first and second abdominal segments; this presumably had the selective advantage of increasing the flexibility of the abdomen, important for both oviposition and defense. Hymenoptera which possess this adapta- tion, a diagnostic character of the suborder Apocrita, are first known from Upper Jurassic deposits of Central Asia (Rasnitsyn, 1975, 1977). These specimens have been assigned to the more primitive division of the Apocrita known as the Terebrantia or 3The oldest known insects, found in Upper Carboniferous deposits, comprise 11 orders and include the Apterygota (Thysanura), Paleoptera and Exopterygota. It should be noted that here the use of the term insect does not include the Collembola, Protura or Diplura. 94 Psyche [March Parasitica; the other division within this suborder is the Aculeata.4 Members of the latter are characterized by modifications of the ovipositor that have enabled its use not only for oviposition, but also as a transport vessel for defensive and prey-paralyzing com- pounds. This structure unquestionably plays an important role in colony defense and might provide an explanation for the restriction of eusociality within the Hymenoptera to the Aculeata. The oldest known aculeate hymenopteron, Cretavus sibericus, was discovered in an Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) deposit in Siberia in 1957. Although placed by Sharov (1962) in an extinct superfamily Cretavidea, related to the Scolioidea, it has recently been transferred to the existing family Mutillidae by Rasnitsyn (1977, p. 109). Since 1967, species representing 10 families and 19 genera of aculeate Hymenoptera have been found in Upper Cretaceous deposits in Central Asia (Rasnitsyn, 1977) (Table 2). Evans (1966) believes that such diversity by the Late Cretaceous is indicative of an earlier origin and postulates that the group may have evolved during the Jurassic. However, it must be pointed out that the Cretaceous is one of the longer periods in the earth’s history, having a duration of roughly 70 million years, and may have been of sufficient length to account for such diversification. Vespoidea Included in this group are the three families considered to be “true wasps”: The Masaridae and Eumenidae, both of which are solitary, and the Vespidae, where one finds behavioral modifications ranging from subsocial to highly advanced eusocial (Richards, 1953, 1971). It is the Vespidae, by virtue of their sociality, with which I am primarily concerned in this paper. There are many gaps in our record of the early social wasps and of the Vespoidea in general. Most striking, perhaps, about the fossil record of the wasps is their lack of representation (see Table 3). The 4The classification of the Aculeata has recently undergone a major revision by D. J. Brothers (1975), in which the seven previously recognized superfamilies (Bethyloidea, Scolioidea, Pompiloidea, Formicoidea, Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, and Apoidea) are now combined into three: the Bethyloidea, Sphecoidea (subdivided into the Spheci- formes and Apiformes), and Vespoidea (subdivided into the Vespiformes and Formiciformes). However, since this revised classification has not been generally accepted in its entirety, I am employing here the more conventional classification (sensu Riek, 1970; Richards, 1971). 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 95 Table 2. Genera of aculeate Hymenoptera known from Cretaceous deposits (based on Rasnitsyn, 1977, and Evans, 1973). All genera are extinct. SCOLIOIDEA Mutillidae Cretavus Sharov, 1962; Rasnitsyn, 1977 7SCOLIOIDEA Scolioidae Angarosphecidae Falsiformicidae Oryctopterus Angarosphex Falsiformica Rasnitsyn, 1977 Rasnitsyn, 1977 Rasnitsyn, 1977 7SCOLIOIDEA-BETHYLOIDEA ?Scolebythidae Cretabythus Evans, 1973 BETHYLOIDEA Bethylidae Archaepyris Celonophamia Evans, 1973 Evans, 1973 Cleptidae Procleptes Hypocleptes Protamisega Evans, 1969 Evans, 1973 Evans, 1973 Dryinidae Cretodryinus Rasnitsyn, 1977 POMPILOIDEA Pompilidae Pompilopterus Rasnitsyn, 1977 FORMICOIDEA Formicidae Sphecomyrma Cretomyrma Paleomyrmex Wilson and Brown, 1967 Rasnitsyn, 1977 Rasnitsyn, 1977 SPHECOIDEA Sphecidae Lisponema Pittoecus Evans, 1969 Evans, 1973 7SPHECOIDEA ?Sphecidae Archisphex Taimyrisphex Evans, 1969 Evans, 1973 VESPOIDEA Masaridae Curiovespa Rasnitsyn, 1975 96 Psyche [March absence of Vespidae from Baltic Amber (Lower Oligocene) and other fossil resins, in which ants are abundant, is probably due to their relatively large size, which reduces the likelihood of their entrapment in the sticky tree resin. Spradbery (1973, p. 316), attributes their scarcity in sedimentary deposits to “the behavioral characteristics and paper nest structures which do not lend them- selves to fossilization.” As with any other fossil, the absence of an insect in the paleontological record provides no proof as to its actual occurrence in the past; one can only reconstruct and evaluate paleofaunas on the basis of those organisms that are represented. Therefore, it is conceivable that wasps were present earlier than the record indicates, but that conditions conducive to their preservation were lacking. The following does, however, provide information on the diversity of the group as we know it. Cretaceous The earliest record of the Vespoidea extends back to the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian). Two species of vespoid wasp have been found in a deposit of this age in the USSR — both assigned to the genus Curiovespa (Rasnitsyn, 1975). Unfortunately, nothing is known about the body structure of these insects but on the basis of their wing venation they are placed in the family Masaridae. The presence of two distinct species in the same deposit suggests that some diversification of the Vespoidea had taken place as early as the Upper Cretaceous, although nothing is known about the morphological character of these early wasps. Paleocene No Vespoidea from this period are known. Eocene The Eocene beds of Green River have yielded a surprisingly diverse assemblage of aculeates, but most of these belong to the Terebrantia or Sphecoidea; the only vespoid recovered from this deposit, Didineis solidescens, is of uncertain systematic position (Evans, 1966, p. 393). Scudder (1890) described this specimen as a sphecid of the subfamily Nyssoninae. However, Evans (1966) examined the type and concluded that it did not belong to the family Sphecidae, but was probably a eumenid, and tentatively assigned it to the genus Alastor. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 97 Figure 2. Vespoid wasp from Eocene of British Columbia. Original photograph of specimen in Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. Length of forewing, 12 mm. Piton (1940), in a thesis on the Eocene fossil beds of Menat, France, described an assemblage of Vespoidea found in this sedi- mentary deposit. However, because the six specimens he described are all assigned to extant genera, and do not show the characters essential for such generic designation, Piton’s taxonomic determina- tions are perforce questionable. Particularly dubious is his place- ment of one specimen in the family Vespidae, genus Polistes. Because the morphological features necessary for accurate taxo- nomic placement are obscured in this fossil, I prefer to place it in Vespoidea incertae sedis. The remaining five specimens are assigned to the Eumenidae incertae sedis. Another vespoid species was recently recovered from a Middle Eocene deposit in British Columbia (M. V. H. Wilson, 1977). Al- though not formally described, the fossil clearly shows the charac- teristic venation of the vespoid complex (see Fig. 2), but could be either a vespid or a eumenid. Of course, one has no way of stating 98 Psyche [March with certainty that these early vespids were social. Within the Vespidae, divisions into subfamily and tribe are based primarily on behavioral rather than morphological characters. Furthermore, the morphological differences between the castes in any given species are often not obvious in the preserved fossils. Oligocene True vespids are first found in the Upper Oligocene shales of Florissapt, Colorado and Rott, Germany, two highly productive fossiliferous deposits. These beds and other various localities listed in Table 3 have turned up an assemblage comprised of four genera and 14 species. It is quite remarkable that three of the four genera represented are extant and this supports the possibility that the Vespidae were essentially modern by the Oligocene. Furthermore, the diversification of taxa suggests a much earlier origin for the family than is evidenced by the fossil record. Miocene Scarcely any Vespidae are known from the Miocene, although this is most likely due to the overall dearth of deposits from this epoch. One vespid has been described from a deposit in Germany. This is Polistes kirbyanus and clearly belongs to the subfamily Polistinae. Other wasps from Miocene deposits have yet to be discovered, but one can assume that the wasp fauna of this age would be barely distinguishable from the wasp fauna of today. Formicoidea The following review of the fossil history of the Formicidae provides important information on their dominance, distribution, and supposed habits during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. In contrast to the Vespoidea, ants are the most abundant insects in Tertiary formations. This may be attributed to their foraging behavior on and around trees, which enhances their chances of preservation in amber. A rough total of 20,000 specimens represent- ing some 200 species of ants has been studied (Table 4); this massive amount of work far exceeds the paleontological investigations carried out on any other family of insects. Several comprehensive monographs on the subject have been written, including The Ants of the Baltic Amber (Wheeler, 1914), and The Fossil Ants of North America (Carpenter, 1930), which are drawn on extensively in the following pages. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 99 Cretaceous The Cretaceous Period has, without question, provided more information on the early evolution of the ants than any other period, primarily because of the discovery in 1967 of two perfectly preserved worker ants in a New Jersey amber deposit. No doubt exists as to the primitive nature of these Cretaceous ants — both are members of the same species, Sphecomyrma freyi Wilson and Brown, and possess a mixture of wasp and ant characters. The petiole is distinctly ant-like, although the mandibles, which are short and bidentate, are very wasp-like (see Fig. 3A). A new subfamily, Sphecomyrminae, was named to accommodate S. freyi (Wilson, Carpenter, and Brown, 1967), and is considered ancestral to all known formicid subfamilies (see Taylor, 1978). Since the discovery of Sphecomyrma, several other Cretaceous ants have been found, and these provide strong evidence that the family was widespread during this period. Dlussky (1975) described two new genera and three species, Cretomyrma arnoldii, C. uni- cornis, and Paleomyrmex zherichini (from a Late Cretaceous amber deposit in Yantardak, USSR) which he assigned to the Sphecomyr- minae. It is of interest that the type of P. zherichini is the first winged male ant to be found in a Cretaceous deposit and provides the only indication of wing venation in the Sphecomyrminae (Fig. 3B). The figured specimen of Cretomyrma unicornis raises doubts as to its position in the Formicidae for it is a badly mangled, poorly preserved specimen and might be better assigned to Hymenoptera incertae sedis.5 A fifth specimen, apparently a worker, has recently been discovered in the Cretaceous amber of Manitoba, Canada. Although not yet described, it undoubtedly belongs to the subfamily Sphecomyrminae (Wilson, personal communication). Paleocene No ants from the Paleocene are known, undoubtedly because so few fossiliferous beds containing insect remains from this epoch 5Dlussky (1975) also described several other “ants” which were found in Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Kzyl-Zhar of Russia. Three genera (3 species) were placed in the subfamily Ponerinae: Petropone petiolata, Cretopone magna, and Archaeo- pone kzylzharica. These are all fragmentary specimens, and, as figured by Dlussky, present no characters which would place them unequivocally in the Formicidae. They much more obviously belong in Hymenoptera incertae sedis, as does Dolichomyrma longiceps from the Upper Cretaceous of Kzyl-Zhar, which Dlussky put into Formicidae incertae sedis. TABLE 3. VESPOIDEA IN THE FOSSIL RECORD. 100 Psyche at m in r- r- Os Os at at o o o o o ^ t 't 't t Os OS Os Os Os s e c c c c J5 o o o o o w £ £ £ £ £ cd t"- OS Tt r*"i O —i Os O' Os ? ”3 13 Cd 1_ 1-H X> n- 0< CU .ft CJ ^3 C o c *i o 5 =5 ’S ft S -2 ft ^ su -ft) > > 3 £ ^ * 3 »3 »3 •n. > >f -ft sr sr Cj o o CQ ffl oa PQ u U so so VO co co co OV Ov O' „ ID 00 „ N M M N N N 3 o o ^ 3 3 c/5 U U t/a f/5 iya , os r» = rt SO (U oo 00 '5b c c So W W C ,j> 2 so 3 g 60 so ft ft ft > > > OOO Ju 4) 4) 3 3 3 ft, ft, ft. So So c c cd cd e s 000 OOO O O £ £ U o4 P2 OOO 04 o4 o4 3 ^ ^■S ft * 3 S cd ?S cd s 6 2 E ft cd <0 « o o 0 u a a> . » cd U C/3 JO ”- TO S ’> ■_? cd .3 Q ^ c c o .2 S •55 H 2 a ft c 3 1 § o> ^ 0 .2 c ^3 3 a O I ♦Extinct genera. TABLE 3. VESPOIDEA IN THE FOSSIL RECORD. § Kazakh, U Kazakh, U Evans, Piton, Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Rott, Germany lorissantia Cockerell cudderi Cockerell ■elecia Cockerell 'tallica Cockerell vilsoni Cockerell Polisi rius Theobald Polisles signata Statz I Poly bia anglica Cockerell Polybia oblita Cockerell Vespa bilineata Statz Vespa cordifera Statz Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Florissant, Colorado Rott, Germany Isle of Wight, England Isle of Wight, England Rott, Germany Rott, Germany Bequacrt, 1930 Bequaert, 1930 Bequaert, 1930 Bequaert, 1930 Cockerell, 1909b Cockerell, 1914 Theobald, 1937 Statz, 1936 Cockerell, 1921a Cockerell, 1921b Statz, 1936 Statz, 1936 Statz, 1936 Oeningen, Germany Parschlug, Germany Radoboj, Croatia Cockerell, 1914 Heer, 1849 Heer, 1867 min 102 Psyche [March Figure 3 A. Sphecomyrma freyi Wilson and Brown from the lower part of Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey. Drawing of holotype worker in Museum of Comparative Zoology, modified from Wilson, Carpenter, and Brown (1967). Length of body, 3.5 mm. Figure 3B. Paleomyrmex zherichini Rasnitsyn from the lower part of the Upper Cretaceous of U.S.S.R. Drawing of holotype male in Paleontological Institute, Moscow, from Rasnitsyn, 1977. Length of body, 5.4 mm. have been discovered. Mention is made by Brues (1936) of a piece of petrified wood containing what he considers ant borings, highly resemblant of borings made by Camponotus today. Although there is no clear-cut evidence that these borings represent Camponotus activity, or insect activity of any kind, it is conceivable that Camponotus was present in New Mexico during the Paleocene; several species have been dscribed from the Florissant Shales, Colorado (Upper Oligocene), and one from the Baltic Amber 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 103 (Lower Oligocene). In addition, it must be remembered that the Paleocene did not begin for at least 40 million years after the appearance of Sphecomyrma freyi. Eocene Very few fossil ants have been found in deposits of this age, and the determinations of many of these ant species are in doubt. Scudder (1877, 1878) described four supposed ants from the Green River formation, and five ants (1877) from the Quesnel Beds in British Columbia. Generic identifications on all of these fossils are to be considered dubious at best, and more likely incorrect (Car- penter, 1930). In 1920, two species, Oecophylla bartoniana and Formica heter- optera, were described by Cockerell from an Eocene deposit in Bournemouth, England. Wheeler (1928) considered these ants for- micines, but because the descriptions were based on wing fragments, he questioned their generic determinations. Similarly, Cockerell’s Formica eoptera (1923a) from the Eocene of Texas is of uncertain position at both the generic and subfamily levels. Archimyrmex rostratus (Cockerell, 1923b) from the Eocene shales of Colorado is probably a myrmicine (Carpenter, 1930), and is the only Green River ant that can be placed with any certainty in a subfamily. Carpenter (1929) described Eoponera berryi from the Wilcox formation of Tennessee, and placed this ant in the subfamily Ponerinae. He suggests that it may be closely allied to the Neotrop- ical genus Dinoponera. This is of interest because Eoponera berryi is the oldest known ant (Lower Eocene) to be assigned to a living subfamily of Formicidae. Wilson (personal communication) mentions the recent discovery of three ants in a Middle Eocene amber deposit near Malvern, Arkansas, each belonging to a different subfamily. One belongs to the Dolichoderinae, genus Iridomyrmex; one is a formicine closely allied to the genus Paratrechina, and considered a relatively primi- tive, or “typical euformicine”; the last is a new genus of myrmicine, unique by virtue of its inflated postpetiole. These ants have yet to be formally described but they are nevertheless of paramount interest. The presence of these subfamilies in North America in the Eocene is strongly suggestive of their rapid evolution and dispersal during the Paleocene and perhaps during the Cretaceous. 104 Psyche [March O/igocene The Baltic Amber is, most certainly, the best studied of all Tertiary insect deposits, and has revealed a great deal about the nature and diversity of Oligocene ants.6 As of 1928, 1 1,71 1 ants (93 species) were examined from this deposit. Of this number, 1461 were studied by Mayr (1868); 690 by Andre (1895); and 9,560 by Wheeler (1914, 1928). An examination of the ant fauna reveals wide representation at the subfamily and generic levels. All extant subfamilies of Formici- dae are found in the amber with the exception of the Dorylinae and Leptanillinae. The absence of the Dorylinae is probably not due to selective exclusion on the part of the amber, but more likely indicates their absence from that part of the European continent during the Oligocene. Wheeler (1914) speculates that the foraging behavior of doryline ants should readily lead to entrapment in tree resin, but, in all probability, this group was then, as it is now, confined to the tropics. It is not surprising that the Leptanillinae are absent from the Baltic Amber; this is a small subfamily once considered a tribe of the Dorylinae, consisting of one genus and a few species; and although pantropical is hypogaeic and rarely encountered. The Dolichoderinae and Formicinae together constitute 97 per- cent of all specimens and evidence indicates that these amber ants were already extraordinarily specialized. Workers of Iridomyrmex goepperti were found in a piece of amber (originally in the Konigs- berg collection) with several aphids. On the basis of this discovery, Wheeler (1914) concludes that Homoptera were attended by ants then much as they are today. The finding of several genera of paussid beetles (e.g., Arthropterus, Cerapterites and Eopaussus) in the Baltic Amber (Wasmann, 1929) suggests that myrmecophiles were established at this time. Perhaps most remarkable of all was the discovery of two Lasius schiefferdeckeri workers — each found with a mite attached to the base of the hind tibia, in precisely the 6Because the Baltic Amber was secondarily deposited in a clay bed of Lower Oligocene age, it is necessarily older than the glauconitic sand (“blue-earth” clay) in which it lies. How much older is uncertain. In some published accounts it is referred to as Eocene. However, since the composition of the Baltic Amber ant fauna is very similar to that of the Florissant Shales and other bona fide Oligocene deposits, I am following Zeuner (1939, p. 26) in referring to the amber as Lower Oligocene. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 105 same position on each. This demonstrates almost certainly that by the Lower Oligocene mites had acquired distinct preferences for attachment on specific regions of their host’s integument. Almost as valuable as the Baltic Amber in providing a large and diverse assemblage of fossil ants is the Upper Oligocene deposit in Florissant, Colorado, studied by Carpenter (1930). The ant fauna of this deposit is strikingly similar to that of the Baltic Amber in many respects. It is interesting to note that roughly the same percentage of extant genera is found in both places; in the Florissant Shales this figure is given as 60 percent (Carpenter, 1930), in the Baltic Amber 56 percent (Wheeler, 1914). Iridomyrmex is clearly a dominant genus in the Baltic Amber, and although not so common in the Florissant Shales, a closely allied genus, Protazteca, comprises more than 25 percent of all specimens (Brown, 1973). Another similarity between the two deposits is the relative percentages of the various subfamilies. As in the amber, the Dolichoderinae are predominant, comprising 60 percent of the total number of ants. The Formicinae comprise another 25 to 30 percent, and the Myrmicinae in each deposit are represented by five percent or less of the total specimens. This suggests that the ant fauna in the northern hemisphere was essentially homogenous during the Oli- gocene. The remaining deposits of Oligocene age from which ants have been described are of relatively minor importance. Most of the specimens are fragmentary and the determinations dubious; never- theless, a mention of them is certainly necessary. Specimens from Gurnet Bay, Isle of Wight, England, have been studied by Cockerell (1915) and Donisthorpe (1920). Cockerell described eight species of ants from this deposit but, because his generic determinations are based chiefly on highly variable measurements of wing fragments, they are of dubious significance. Donisthorpe examined a total of eight genera and fourteen species belonging to the subfamilies Ponerinae, Dolichoderinae, and Formicinae. Surprising is the large number of Oecophylla workers recovered (245); this genus is now restricted to Africa, India, and Australia, and is much more numerous in the Gurnet Bay deposit than in the Baltic Amber or Florissant Shales. This might be due to the difference in latitude between the deposits which would account for a warmer climate at Gurnet Bay later into the Tertiary than at the more northern deposits. 106 Psyche [March Another Lower Oligocene deposit which has provided beautifully preserved fossil ants is Aix-en-Provence, France. Several species have been described by Theobald (1937), who recognized four subfamilies: Myrmicinae (1 species); Ponerinae (1 species); Doli- choderinae (1 genus, 2 species); and Formicinae (3 genera, 9 species). Also described by Theobald (1937) is an Oligocene collec- tion from Haut-Rhin, France, in which he recognizes the same four subfamilies (16 genera, 34 species). This fauna is very similar to that found in the Baltic Amber; in fact, Theobald has found five species which he considers identical to species in the Baltic Amber. In a deposit in Gard, France, Theobald (1937) describes two species, one a myrmicine, the other a dolichoderine. Meunier (1917) has described four ant species from an Upper Oligocene deposit in Rott, Germany. These have been assigned to three genera: Formica, Ponera, and Myrmica. The specimens are well-preserved, as may be seen in Meunier’s photographs, but his generic determinations are questionable. In 1957, two female reproductives of the same species were discovered in an Upper Oligocene deposit in Argentina. The authors described the species as Ameghinoia piatnitskyi and placed it in the subfamily Ponerinae (Viana and Haedo-Rossi, 1957). E. O. Wilson (personal communication) is highly sceptical of the placement of A. piatnitskyi in the Ponerinae, and thinks that it is very clearly a myrmeciine. This is quite extraordinary because no other fossil ants have been recovered from South America, and more importantly, if Wilson is correct, this is the first indication that the Myrmiciinae were so widespread by the Oligocene. Miocene The deposits of Miocene age which have provided the greatest number of ant specimens have been the Oeningen beds in Germany, and the Radoboj formation in Croatia. Approximately 60 species of ants from these places were described by the Swiss myrmecologist Heer (1849, 1856, 1867), but his generic assignments are necessarily questionable in terms of present-day concepts of a formicid genus. Regrettably, the type specimens which are essential to a revision of this fossil fauna are believed to be lost. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 107 A few species were described by Emery (1891) in Sicilian ambej, presumed to be Miocene, but these, like the specimens studied by Heer, are of questionable generic position.7 Another Miocene amber deposit has been found in Chiapas, Mexico, from which some one hundred ants have been recovered. Unfortunately, the majority of these are fragmentary, or otherwise too poor for determination. The assemblage does, however, suggest that the ant fauna in Mexico during the Miocene was essentially the same as might be found in that region today (Brown, 1973). Fujiyama (1970) described a single ant from the Chojabaru formation in Japan (middle Miocene) which he named Aphaeno- gaster axila, thought to be closely allied to the subgenus Dero- myrma. This is not particularly unusual inasmuch as Aphaenogaster is a world-wide genus, and several species are found in Japan today. Perhaps the most interesting of all Miocene material is an ant colony of Oecophylla leakeyi found in Kenya (Wilson and Taylor, 1964). This is the first record of an actual, although fragmented, ant colony and contains a total of 366 specimens: 197 larvae, 105 worker pupae, and at least 64 workers. No Nearctic fossils of Oecophylla are known, but the species is well represented in European Tertiary deposits. Wilson and Taylor suggest on the basis of these fossil specimens that Oecophylla is a morphologically stable paleotropical genus which has persisted through most of the Tertiary with very little specialization. Apoidea The Apoidea form an interesting complex of social insects. Unlike the other social insect groups that are consistent in their degree of social achievement at the ordinal level (Isoptera), family level (Formicidae), and virtually the subfamily level (Vespinae), the Apoidea present a wide spectrum of social behavior at the generic level. Evidence suggests that eusociality has arisen in the bees at least eight times (Michener, 1962; Wilson, 1971), which may explain this variance. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that of roughly 20,000 existing species of bees only a small minority are thought to be presocial and eusocial (Wilson, 1971). Why sociality in the Apoidea 7These generic determinations are currently being reviewed by Dr. W. L. Brown, Jr. TABLE 4. FORMICOIDEA IN THE FOSSIL RECORD. 108 Psyche [March VO ra , ON E ° & o U w a - T3 - c c c O 03 O VI ^ IT) t — r — C/3 C/3 C/3 it* gJ cd ctf ^ c* d d E ® § ® ° Ov 2 °N c/i „ , - „ 03 ed £ fi O ed Si d d d C/3 C/3 c/3 C/3 C/3 00 ^ ID >, >. >> E E E >* > , H H H x) c -5 "3) w < < ■£ ^ o P E f— 1 4> ftfl < a C/3 o W u < f— 1 _ W &H u 1 1 >> o E O O, o co d 2 c« £ a a 2 a ^ S I | o 5 8 2 -c ^ £6 >> M % &o 3 & d 5? •gi 5 -2 o jv* o 2 Is ■§ E ■s u o a £ £ ’2 .o d •2 o O' ^ ^ i— - o 8 ■£ 73 .2 2 o £ Q r- £ "fr On — h — 1 ON T) Id 8 O 8 2 x (N ON 0\ H £ o o c c cd cd U U o T3 cd l-H O u 8 , X s J cd < s s < < E 6 < < §1 x „ 2 -p .5? c "2 .2? ^ 5 < ? .2 .o .o _o _o o o .2 o T3 C _cd 73) a ►. w c •> E .a? 8 ^ . r O T3 T3 C C jd _cd 73) 7b C c W W x cd tu oq 0Q CQ PQ 0Q DQ PQ P .2 o i2 * -3 H o J* ^ ffi OQ M Oh ^2 S 2 ^ •** g x (50 ao O < J Z u .2oo o Is J* .2 04 OQ >2 £ c o O. cd U — o 8 K #— • OJ Ah ,-h ^ £ S IS 5 5 I § ^ j> c -c cj o a Q g, Bh <3 S3 8 73 2 5 £ 2 Z If « 8 O "O pH 73 ’5 H P c~ & § 2 o o ^ Ph Ph P, « 5 §, S 1 2 1 5 ^ t*q -o -5 s~ 2 ^ ^ ? c S» It c III k) ftn t*q •- c ^ -o 5 -2 o ao «s a (3 a 2 S 2 -S s»8§ 1^5 & § s Q 3 5 , | 1 1 1 I 9 -S § Sj Oh o 1- X £.22 S § ■22 O C a <3 a a cs O b Cj S 5 o cu 2 25 bo S ?3 Q kp kp c c c c c o o o o o k, Ph Ph Ph Ph a 511 S c & o 2 k, kq ^ 5 CU Cli 2 2 ^ c 5 3 | c t g I 2: c 3 c 5 cu ^ O «n Co -o P, S 2 Oh Cd u b x I«3| U ^ J, ~s o a o| c .g I- § ^ s Qj Qj c3 ^ ^3 q a q bo bo bo OOO c c c a a a -c -s: P, P, Ph X X X Aphaenogaster maculata Theobald Aix-en-Provence, France Theobald, 1937 Aphaenogaster sommerfeldti Mayr Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 Aphaenogaster oligocenica Wheeler Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 TABLE FORMICOIDEA IN THE FOSSIL RECORD. CRETACEOUS Sphccomyrminac ^ ^ 1*Sphecomyrma sp. •Creiomvrma arnoldii Dlussky •Cretomyrma unicornis Dlussky • Paleomyrmex zherichini Dlussky EOCENE yT*ArMmyrmex rostratus Cockerell Oecophylla bartoniana Cockerell Formica eoptera Cockerell , Formica heieropiera Cockerell l Parat rechina sp. *Eoponera berryi Carpenter Dolichoderinae Taymyr, U.S.S.R. Taymyr, U.S.S.R. Taymyr, U.S.S.R. Bournemouth, England Texas, U.S.A. Bournemouth, England r, 1929 .-Rossi, 1957 r= * Electoponera dubia Wheeler Euponera calcarea Theobald Euponera succinea (Mayr) Euponera crawleyi Donisthorpe Euponera globivenlris Theobald Aphaenogasier mayri Carpenter Aphaenogasier donislhorpei Carpenter Aphaenogasier maculipes Theobald Aphaenogasier maculata Theobald Aphaenogasier oligocenica Wheeler Florissant. Colorado Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Haut-Rhin, Germany Isle of Wight, England Haut-Rhin, Germany Baltic Amber Isle of Wight, England Rott, Germany Isle of Wight, England Rott, Germany Baltic Amber Isle of Wight. England Isle of Wight, England Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Haut-Rhin, Germany Donisthorpe, 1920 Meunicr, 1923 Cockerell, 1915 Meunier, 1917 Wheeler, 1914 Donisthorpe, 1920 Donisthorpe, 1920 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Theobald, 1937 Theobald, 1937 Wheeler, 1914 Wheeler, 1914 TABLE 4. (CONTINUED) 110 Psyche [March Tt Tt Tt Os Os Os Os Os Os r~- r- r- Os Os Os Os Os Os Os Os Os Os Os Os Os Os „ , „ „ . ^ ~0 ~0 - - * "O l-H l— I &-■< ' ' * i-N l— I l— I k* 1-4 l»4 f— I l-H U* (-H l— l l— t 4>4>4J4JUl>334jaj03DajflJU04jUaj04>U4> 2 13 "a> 13 13 "5 ££££££ J2 3 3 ■<-> -t-* ->-> tj *-> ■•-• <-> 2 0 Q "cd CQ "cd OQ "cd CQ "cd QQ 3 DC 3 O "cd OQ "cd CQ 2 CQ «2 «s DC cq "cd CQ "cd CQ "3 CQ 2 CQ 2 CQ 0 ot 2 QQ "3 OQ "3 CQ 2 QQ "cd CQ 00 < 3 i- c M ‘3 'G £ O .3 g * 3 3 «3 <3 Q <3 <3 .5 5 .5 5 O5 Co Co Co Co .00 o 1 i .1 1 Co ^ 2 "ZT 3 >. X 3 O £ J* w H a _ .Is 11 a a 5 5 V ?n 5 5 o o <1 -c £ kl kq 2 S (U cd u s ■§ r < ■JC w .a ^ ^ -3 'll N. -O Cl, .« .« > > O O ~c -c c c .a _a £ £ >s £ 2 £ Co k) >, t- cd o> 2 e 3 C3 X X £ £ £ £ m O' r- r- r- r- r- o o Tt m m m m m m ON O' O' o ON O' O' O' O' O' Cl ON ON ON ON — 1 ~ — •--1 — < cc O 2 2 2 2 2 2 4) 4> 4) L. X U W U* u jj 03 2 2 2 2 2 2 c 4) •S3 13 o 13 O 13 4) 13 4) X O X o X o X o X o X o 4> CL 4) CL O o U o Q J3 £ pC £ X £ X £ 4) X H 4) X H 4) X H 4> X H 4) X H 4> X H l_ 3 u 03 u o o o o m rn r*-> m O' O' O' O' C 3 C G > >, c c c S S S U Ui l_ 4) 4) 4> o o o gooooooo X X X X & & c* oti p4 oC O .y .y .y .y -i -i -i *-* -i -2 -2 C/3 03 C/3 C/3 ! 03 c/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 <73 C/3 C/3 « 'CS HH CQ 3 3 a3 o3 X DC 3 3 3 3d X X £ X X s s < < _ , Cl, JU X x £ £ 4) —I 4) 4) 4) 4> X 4) _e — < | 3 § I £ I? "So -2 H X 3 3 o o -a -a 3 3 O 'T' £ >* os o3 IE Q 3 $u 3 ■X O ?s -Ji a, H X 3 3 o o -a o o ?, K ■3 3 o a, 3 3 4/ -S* 8 8 § I -a ?\ u s | a A to I I .§ § fc, g & | a b 3 | 2 o 1.1 s % >> ZZ Cd 4) S g a £ 1 1 8 s I I ^ 2 2 4) 03 4> C Cl. 4> Cl, 4j »3 s a. § | C -Si c5 5 c ex 4> 3 &«3 <-> 3 •2 « £ § 8 -S 4j ,4/ ^ o *t X 2 4) 3 C <-> « CO & 5 cd « °"§ a o 4/ 3 a §2 * z l:s a S -a -a -a 4/ .4/ a: ^ o s a g go -a *S 23 L 5 (3 Ill ►3 u * Paraneuretus longipennis Wheeler Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 * Mianeuretus mirabilis Carpenter Florissant, Colorado Carpenter, 1930 Dolichoderus oviformis Theobald Haut-Rhin, Germany Theobald, 1937 Dolichoderus coquandi Theobald Haut-Rhin, Germany Theobald, 1937 TABLE 4. (CONTINUED) Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 Wheeler. 1914 Haut-Rhin, Germany Haut-Rhin, Germany Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Florissant, Colorado Haut-Rhin, Germany Haut-Rhin, Germany Wheeler, 1914 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 d, 1937 d, 1937 OLIGOCENE Dolichoderinae (continued) 112 Psyche [March co c*~) ro 2 2 2 2 X) x o o H — — »-»— I -»— < I ( f-S “ « ^ - o3 D oS U Q H £ >> >, c c 03 03 6 S Ih u 4) 4) o o c c X X c * & o c >s 2 g « fe a o S .5 2 X cu °f c 4) 3 * 3C < x c C 03 £ •- < pH „ x 2 | 03 •< "O -O T3 -O C C C C o3 03 o3 o3 2) 2b 2b 2b c c a c w w w u X X X X XXXXXXX 00 00 00 00 B S £ £ £ £ £ € ■< -Jr £ <<<<<<<>^>^ 0^ ^ I . ” . ” ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03 5 GQ O 2 w Ph pq o o ^ ^ p tr a J2 03 £ 5 r ) 03 ^ UUW 2 2 4) 4) a -c ■C «H > 2 ^ ^ 4> * ^ 5 > 5 ^ o a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 'c 5 ^ I S a Q O ^ 3 05 >1 05 3 3 3 >H Ih !s. ”3 “3 -3 O O O -3 -3 -3 «J 05 05 ^5 65 3 3 3 3 ■s ■§ -s O O O -3-3-3 O O O QQQ 30000000 QQQQQQQQ a o, S 3 W 3 os S 3 a* c A -2 03 c*3 3 3 v. 1^. ~3 "g O O -3 -3 L- -2 -3 too o •§6 o ^ x a i-§ C (U O X Q H .03 H. H. 3 3 3 3 3 "3 "3 O O -3 -3 3 3 OOOO QQQQ ^ "3 o o -3 -3 .3 .3 "o "o q q x 2s 2 o ^ (U 03 £ s ^ .5 .5 0 4^ ho t>o 6< H H 4> 5 5 5 N N ?3 ?3 ^3 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 113 ,^oo oooo ooo ooo o\®'5'323a'0'0'0'3a'a'0'««0'(J'3' On On On On On On r «-T t-T ” '"H i.' J C uT ” C in tT i-T i-T t-T 3<0 0..'.*'.''4>0 0 0..'0 0 0 - •'OOO CCC^^CCC UUUuuUUU 0.0,n,io o 0.0.0. C 4> « « O O u u u O O as X 0 0,0. (U Uh r* x:cjdi;r!^cdcdcdcdt!^^^s!!s!cdcdcd HU0£££0UU0£UUU££UU0 2 2 2 2 2 On On On On On o 0-) , „ 2 6 6 £ 6 < < < as as o o ■a ~o as as k- k- o o o o U U o o •c c -a -a \c o O — — *3 53 Pu u. as as PQ PQ 6 6 6 6 6 < < < ooo < < as as PQ PQ cd as PQ PQ o ^ u g IS s 1 O. OS 6 £ i Si u ys "3 c O O. k- kH u ! I :r o ^ ° ^ W -B 3 3 3- C C o u o, . no <0 5 5 10 « >>5 fl 5 3 ^ &! 5 -| 1 | 3N -S 2 -2 bo &o a J3 •2 -2 -2 bo bo bo -2-2-2 ft, ft, ft. o u. * Plagiolepis solitaria Mayr Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 Rhopalomyrmex pygmaeus Mayr Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 Dimorphomyrmex theryi Emery Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914, 1929 Dimorphomyrmex mayri Wheeler Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 TABLE 4. (CONTINUED) Iridomyrmex breviantennis Theobald Iridomyrmex florissantius Carpenter Iridomyrmex obscurans Carpenter Iridomyrmex samlandicus Wheeler Iridomyrmex oblongiceps Wheeler Proiazieca elongata Carpenter Protazteca quadraia Carpenter Liomeiopum miocenicum Carpenter Liometopum oligocenicum Wheeler Liomeiopum scudderi Carpenter Elaeomyrmex gracilis Carpenter Elaeomyrmex coloraderisis Carpenter Asymphylomyrmex balticus Wheeler Pilyomyrmex tornquisii Wheeler Miomyrmex impacius (Cockerell) Miomyrmex striatus Carpenter Formicinae Plagiolepis klinsmanni Mayr Plagiolepis kuenowi Mayr Plagiolepis squamifera Mayr Plagiolepis singulars Mayr Plagiolepis soliiaria Mayr Haul-Rhin, Germany Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Wheeler, 1914 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Wheeler, 1914 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Wheeler, 1914 Wheeler. 1914 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Carpenter, 1930 Wheeler, 1914 Wheeler, 1914 >3 Wheeler, 1914 ; Wheeler, 1914 Wheeler, 1914, 1929 Wheeler, 1914 OLIGOCENE Formicinae (continued) 14 Psyche [March t"- r- ON ON x 2 2 2 x x o o cd 8 O *■> o ' XI r- o „ _ ^ N ^ N n? £ 2 ,OOn — -h— . — On^-J -«aa>ONON-ir°' “ “ — ^ * x " M 8 § £ Tp Tp ON ON — in On On M — ON „ TJ cn ^ 2 2 iS wT i-T i-T — C >> C u J t-,l- p- U. 2 o g 2 o o U c* 2 cd B U. . C cd s l_ t- a II o z 2 ^ cd « cq DC XXX c c c W fl fl 2b 2b 2) c c c WWW k. k* *_T «_T *_T l_ k» Ui k- _c_c,£; hj q c3 a> u, M >■> o ed 0 5 u ^ C3 3 - 1 ^ ^ ^ >> l_ «J >N 5 cd -5T ^ & o o ^3 ^3 ^3 <43 o o b b -c ~s: o o O O §■ § sj S <3 <1> Cj Q ^3 £? ^ss. a, > •a -5 Cl ^ X C 2 2 O QU -2 S 3 I a i» o c 1 ■§ « 5. . N kH , X % * ^ 2 S ^ ci N 3 a _ o « 0 S3 U M w v 1 <3 3 Q S .g 5 -2 o c <43 333333. 3 3 <3 3 3 w <1 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 15 ■'fr Z} ■'fr —i ON — « On — 1 ON - 72 ~ U tS o 13 ”5 13 ^ ! js S H «: O^ On t — : — t — r — r~- r~~ r*ft co c*ft <■«■> rn co ro "'t ON ON m m iu oj O\0\0n^j3„£7, — — — 1 — • ~ k k k Tf Tfr ON ON 43 J3 £ £ £ £ k k 2 2 2 2 43 43 o o 4) 1) 43 43 GOG 4> g 43 G G r- — Os ON — - jU U G 8 o _g > G G s 1— <3 > ~s S £ I -5: -c> k ^ 2 o 2 2 4> >N r* 2 ^ T3 2 2 ■£ 2 o X) « o 3 k 43 £ a 2 3 ft- k) >i C 3 5 o 2 k r-e § « ■33 «o 2 3 3 <3 3 <3 a S 1 ?> o h ■§ § -2 3 Q r° r° r° k k k r° r° k k r° r° k k r° r° k k 2 T3 2 2 o 2 5 43 k H -2 2 3 -2 3 3 2 ft) 3 f\ 3 —-■GO G 43 O c « -2 a c j; v- O a G ft rJd U - U as U 3 oj ^ -2 3 4* -Cl o o 3 ‘2 3 3 3 3 3 i i i i i i i r° r° k k r° r° k k 3 r13 r*3 k k k r° r° r° k k k 2 2 43 , 2 2 k j§ 1 ^ g 2 Oh 2 2 ■i 5 s R 8 K •& H O ^ -3 K 3 5 3 3 3 k ~3 4) 3 _ 2 T3 3 H H H H ed ed ed u u u > o Oh o CU 6 ed >> 'o’ PU 2 2 x o N 2 % g « fe § O u .8 2 X CU * C o o c c 2 2 Ph PU o o C C > o o u- u* eu cu ed .2 X < < < o o o C/3 ed u e U U U X D *“5 2 t p <-» -i-i 60 s £ c ed c c ed ed s c/T O \- ed CJ C/5 C/5 •c C/5 C/5 C/5 C/5 •c 'C 'o ed o X ed cd C/5 t-4 ed C o o o 2 3 ed (U • z 2 = •§ 2 ed P-) Cd ed X) t- O 2 « c :° o Pu >W 3 Cj ed c/5 <-> '2 *, o a O u> — . <3 2 a, <5 i>> << 3 3 > O CU o CU 3 -© £ ed _>> 'S' Pu U I v 3 111 2 3,0 £^| ^ ° S Pu *5 « 3 3 2 5 •S P 3 3 © © 3 3 © © & & 5 5 r3 o o 2 I B Ph 03 Formica cantalica Piton Joursac, France Piton and Theobald, 1935 Lasius crispus Piton Joursac, France Piton and Theobald, 1935 Lasius martynovi Popov Caucasus, U.S.S.R. Popov, 1933 Oecophylla leakeyi Wilson and Taylor Kenya Wilson and Taylor, 1964 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 117 is so highly polyphyletic remains unanswered, and is a problem unlikely to be resolved by the geological past. However, the fossil record does provide intriguing information on the evolution of the bees and indicates that their sociality may well have been established prior to the Oligocene. The following survey of the fossil Apoidea is indicative of the diversity of bees which have been found (Table 5). Those species which were described by early 19th century entomologists (Latreille, Heer, Heyden, etc.) are excluded from this coverage because these were uniformly assigned to modern genera.8 Cockerell (1909) claims that most of these species actually belonged to quite different and extinct genera. Oligocene The earliest bees in the fossil record are found in the Baltic Amber, of Lower Oligocene age. The bees in this deposit are well- diversified (Zeuner and Manning, 1976), and the most prevalent apoid genus in the amber, Electrapis, is thought to have been social. Cockerell (1909) based this conclusion on the occurrence of many specimens of Electrapis meliponoides crowded together in a small piece of amber, a suggestive but certainly not conclusive deduction. Zeuner (1944, 1951), however, believed Electrapis to be social based on its pollen collecting apparatus. The extent to which social behavior was developed in this genus nevertheless remains a matter of conjecture. Electrapis is considered by some to be directly ancestral to the highly eusocial Apis, although Kelner-Pillault (1974) disagrees with this relationship. She suggests that Electrapis is actually a long extinct genus which possessed many primitive characters and represents an evolutionary side-line of the Apoidea. Both hypotheses are highly conjectural. The presence of long-tongued bees such as Electrapis suggests that the Baltic Amber bees were rather specialized. Tongue structure is assumed to have evolved in response to various morphological changes (i.e., longer corollas) which took place during the evolution of the angiosperms (Michener, 1974). Short-tongued bees such as the colletids are considered the more primitive members of the Apoidea and are representative of bee radiation that occurred at a time when most of the angiosperms had shallow flowers (Michener, 1974). For a listing of these specimens, see Zeuner and Manning (1976). 118 Psyche [March In Late Oligocene deposits, the Apoidea are extremely well represented. Six major families of bees are known from this epoch: Halictidae, Andrenidae, Melittidae, Megachilidae, Anthophoridae, and Apidae. A total of 29 genera are represented, many of which are extant. Several specimens belonging to Chalcobombus and Bombus are described from deposits in both Europe and North America suggesting widespread radiation of this specialized group of bees by the Early Oligocene. In the Late Oligocene, bees very similar to Apis mellifera are found. Manning (1952) feels that some species from the Rott Shales possess almost all the necessary characters for place- ment in the genus Apis (Fig. 4). Moreover, in the Dominican Amber of Oligocene-Miocene age, several Trigona workers are found, providing convincing proof that social behavior was well established at this time (Michener, 1974). Figure 4. Apis henshawi Cockerell from Upper Oligocene of Rott, Germany. Original photograph of holotype in Museum of Comparative Zoology. Length of body, 15 mm. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 119 Miocene By the Miocene, the bee fauna is essentially modern. In Chiapas Amber from Mexico, bees have been discovered that are so similar to an existing Neotropical species that they have been assigned to the same subgenus, Trigona ( Nogueirapis ), and are scarcely different at the specific level (Wille, 1959). Fujiyama (1970) mentions the discovery of a fossil bee in a Japanese Miocene deposit and states that, “There is no room for doubt that this is a species of honeybee.” A review of the fossil record reveals the following about the evolution of the bees. 1) We know that the Early Oligocene fauna is a mixture of primitive and advanced genera, although it appears to be dominated by fairly advanced species. By the end of this epoch, the fauna is modern in overall character. 2) We know that sociality had clearly arisen by the end of the Oligocene, and possibly much earlier. And 3) by the Miocene, the bees were virtually indistinguish- able from the bees of today. Six families of bees are represented in the Oligocene: including the phylogenetically advanced Apidae with six genera and 22 species. Such diversity of relatively advanced bees is indicative of either a much longer history of the group than is evidenced by the fossil record, or a fairly short history characterized by the rapid speciation and explosive radiation of the group. The bees are clearly derived from the spheciform wasps, al- though nothing is known about the nature of this sphecid ancestor (Wilson, 1971; Michener, 1974). In 1964, just prior to his death, F. J. Manning was investigating a sphecid from the Jurassic beds of Lerida Province, Spain, which “he thought might be (or be closely related to) the ancestor of the bees” (Zeuner and Manning, 1976, p. 155). This would be an astounding find if true, and it is unfortunate that nothing more is known — either about the specimen or about Manning’s reasons for thinking it ancestral to the bees. The distinction between the Sphecoidea and the Apoidea is sufficiently subtle as to make determinations of fossil compressions extremely difficult. The presence of plumose hairs and enlarged basitarsi, characters which are important apoid features, rarely survive preservation unless the insect is preserved in amber. The origin of the bees remains a subject of much speculation. It is believed that “insect-plant interactions played a key role in the origin of the angiosperm flower and component structures” (Hickey 120 Psyche [March and Doyle, 1977, p. 92). Conversely, angiosperms have been instrumental to the evolutionary success of the Apoidea. On the basis of the evolutionary dependence of the two groups, can anything be said about their relationship in geological time? Two possibilities present themselves: 1) the angiosperms evolved first and were initially wind pollinated9 or pollinated by arthropods other than Hymenoptera (e.g., Coleoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera, pos- sibly spiders); and 2) the first bees evolved from sphecid wasps prior to the origin of the angiosperms by adapting themselves to feeding on pteridosperm pollen or reproductive organs. A closer look at these possibilities is warranted. Coleoptera and Diptera are found in the fossil record at least by the Triassic. This supports the argument that they could have served as vectors for dispersal of angiosperm pollen. The question arises, if these insects were capable of performing essential roles as pollinators, why didn’t angiosperms arise earlier in the Mesozoic than the Cretaceous? Regal (1977) suggests that the limiting factor to angiosperm dis- persal was the presence of seed-carrying birds and mammals. He argues that this method of seed dispersal, acting in conjunction with insect pollination, provided the selective advantages behind the subsequent primary radiation of the angiosperms. This is a sound argument, but says little about the insects which may have been pollinating these early plants. It would seem that successful dispersal of flowering plants is dependent on efficiency at two levels — pollination and seed dispersal. The explosive radiation of the angiosperms during the Cretaceous indicates that the more special- ized insect pollinators, the bees, may have been present in order to explain this success. This might support the possibility that pollen collecting bees had already evolved by the time the first angiosperms appeared. Accord- ing to Wilson (1971, p. 75), the “Apoidea can be loosely character- ized as sphecoid wasps that have specialized in collecting pollen instead of insect prey as larval food.” The possibility, however speculative, exists that bees evolved in response to the food source presented by the pteridosperms but subsequently abandoned this resource when the angiosperms appeared. Certainly one way of accounting for the explosive radiation of the angiosperms would be 9Stebbins (1970, p. 323) suggests that the earliest angiosperms were not wind pollinated. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 121 TABLE 5. APOIDEA IN THE FOSSIL RECORD.10 Geological Age Locality EOCENE ?Apidae Probombus hirsutus Piton Menat, France OLIGOCENE Halictidae *Cyr tapis anomalis Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Halictus ruissatelensis Timon-David Marseille, France Halictus florissantellus Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Halictus miocenicus Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Halictus scudderiellus Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Andrenidae Andrena wrisleyi Salt Baltic Amber Andrena clavula Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Andrena grandipes Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Andrena hypolitha Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Andrena lagopus Latreille Florissant, Colorado Andrena percontusa Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Andrena sepulta Cockerell Florissant, Colorado * Lithandrena saxorum Cockerell Florissant, Colorado * Pelandrena reduct a Cockerell Florissant, Colorado * Libellulapis antiquorum Cockrell Florissant, Colorado * Libellulapis wilmattae Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Melittidae *Ctenoplectrella dentata Salt Baltic Amber *Ctenoplectrella viridiceps Cockerell Baltic Amber *Ctenoplectrella splendens Kelner-Pillault Baltic Amber *Glyptapis fuscula Cockerell Baltic Amber *Glyptapis mirabilis Cockerell Baltic Amber *Glyp tapis neglecta Salt Baltic Amber *Glyptapis reducta Cockerell Baltic Amber *Glyp tapis reticulata Cockerell Baltic Amber Melitta willardi Cockerell Baltic Amber Megachilidae Anthidium mortuum (Meunier) Rott, Germany Anthidium exhumatum Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Anthidium scudderi Cockerell Florissant, Colorado * Dianthidium tertiarium Cockerell Florissant, Colorado * Lithanthidium pertriste Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Heriades bowditchi Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Heriades halictinus Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Heriades laminarum Cockerell Florissant, Colorado Heriades mersatus Cockerell Florissant, Colorado 10See Zeuner and Manning (1976) for reference citations. 122 Psyche [March TABLE 5. (CONTINUED) Geological Age OLIGOCENE Megachilidae (continued) Heriades mildredae Cockerell Heriades priscus Cockerell Heriades saxosus Cockerell Megachile praedicta Cockerell Osmia carbonum Heyden Anthophoridae Ceratina disrupta Cockerell Xylocopa friesei Statz Tetralonia berlandi Theobald Anthophora melfordi Cockerell * Anthophorites gaudryi Oustalet * Protomelecta brevipennis Cockerell Apidae * Chalcobombus hirsutus Cockerell *Chalcobombus humilis Cockerell * Chalcobombus martialis Cockerell Bombus florissantensis (Cockerell) *Sophrobombus fatalis Cockerell Trigona dominicana Wille and Chandler Trigona eocenica Kelner-Pillault * Elec tr apis apoides Manning *Electrapis meliponoides (Buttel-Reepen) * Electrapis indecisus (Cockerell) *Electrapis tristellus (Cockerell) * Electrapis palmnickenensis (Roussy) * Electrapis minuta Kelner-Pillault * Electrapis bombusoides Electrapis proava (Menge) Electrapis tornquisti Cockerell Apis cuenoti Theobald Apis he ns ha wi Cockerell Apis henshawi dormitans (Cockerell) Apis henshawi kaschkei (Statz) Apis aquitanensis de Rilly Locality Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Florissant, Colorado Rott, Germany Florissant, Colorado Rott, Germany Gard, France Florissant, Colorado Corent, France Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Florissant, Colorado Baltic Amber Dominican Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Baltic Amber Cereste, France Rott, Germany Rott, Germany Rott, Germany Aix-en-Provence, France 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 123 TABLE 5. (CONCLUDED) Geological Age Locality MIOCENE Halictidae Halictus schemppi (Armbruster) Randeck, Germany Andrenidae Andrena primaeva Cockerell Oeningen, Germany Megachilidae Lithurge adamitica (Heer) Oeningen, Germany Megachile amaguensis Cockerell Siberia, U.S.S.R. Osmia antiqua Heer Oeningen, Germany Osmia nigra Zeuner and Manning Oeningen, Germany Anthophoridae Xylocarpa jurinei (Heer) Oeningen, Germany Xylocopa hydrobiae Zeuner Biebrich, Germany Xylocopa senilis Heer Oeningen, Germany * Anthophorites thoracica Heer Radoboj, Croatia * Anthophorites longaeva Heer Radoboj, Croatia * Anthophorites mellona Heer Oeningen, Germany * Anthophorites titania Heer Oeningen, Germany * Anthophorites tonsa Heer Oeningen, Germany * Anthophorites veterana Heer Oeningen, Germany Apidae Bombus abavus Heer Oeningen, Germany Bombus proavus Cockerell Latah, Washington Trigona succini (Tosi) Sicilian Amber Trigona sicula (Tosi) Sicilian Amber Trigona silacea Wille Chiapas, Mexico Trigona devicta Kerr and Maule Burma Amber Apis armbrusteri armbrusteri Zeuner Wiirttemburg, Germany Apis armbrusteri scharmanni (Armbruster) Wiirttemburg, Germany Apis armbrusteri scheeri (Armbruster) Wiirttemburg, Germany Apis armbrusteri scheuthlei (Armbruster) Wiirttemburg, Germany Apis catanensis avolii Roussi Sicilian Amber Apis melisuga (Handlirsch) Italy * Extinct genera. 124 Psyche [March the explanation that the insect pollinators so important to their success were pre-adapted as pollination vectors. It is interesting to note at this point that bees have been observed foraging on conifer pollen in areas where other food resources are scarce. Ray Angelo (personal communication, May, 1978) reports observing Colletes sp. foraging in high numbers on Juniperus virginiana pollen cones. This is noteworthy in two respects: 1) this conifer is the only readily available pollen source in the particular habitat where observations took place (Concord, Mass.), and 2) the bees foraging on the tree are members of the primitive bee family Colletidae. This suggests that they are generalized enough to have retained the ability to forage on gymnosperm pollen. Nevertheless, the hypothesis that bees evolved before the advent of the angiosperms is highly speculative, and remains a difficult theory to prove. The possibility of a pre-angiosperm origin for the bees implies that the Apoidea, and possibly sociality in the Apoidea, may be older than indicated by the fossil record. An inherent problem, of course, is whether or not these early bees would be recognizable as such, or would be mistaken for sphecid wasps. The discovery of additional Cretaceous amber might well provide valuable insight into this problem. SUMMARY Wheeler writes in his 1928 book, “from the lowest to the highest forms in the series, all animals are at some time in their lives immersed in some society.” It is the elaboration or evolution of these habits that leads to the eusocial behavior found in the Isoptera and certain groups of the Hymenoptera. The preceding account has examined insect sociality from a paleontological perspective in the hope that it will provide insight into the antiquity of this behavioral phenomenon. In addition, it has provided information on certain aspects of the evolution of the four major groups of social insects. The Isoptera are highly eusocial at the ordinal level and evidence suggests an ancient origin for the group. The oldest fossil termite known is from a Late Cretaceous deposit in Canada. The presence of a distinct humeral suture at the wing base indicates that social behavior was developed in the Isoptera at this time. It is further- more presumed that the termites arose in the early Mesozoic or possibly earlier, and from “protoblattoid” or blattoid stock. The hypogaeic lifestyle of most termites is not conducive to their 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 125 preservation as fossils and this may explain their absence in pre- Cretaceous deposits. The first Hymenoptera appear in the Triassic and belong to the primitive family Xyelidae (Symphyta). Social Hymenoptera are not, however, found in the fossil record until the Upper Cretaceous. The ant species discovered in deposits of this age are more primitive than any now existing and have been of paramount importance in our understanding of ant phylogeny. By the mid-Tertiary, the ant fauna was extremely diverse; by the Miocene, the genera were essentially modern, and geographic distribution of the ants was apparently similar to that of today. The Vespoidea although not very numerous in fossil deposits, have been found as far back as the Late Cretaceous, represented by one specimen assignable to the Masaridae. The presence of several vespoids in Eocene deposits strongly supports the possibility that social wasps evolved during the Late Cretaceous or Early Paleocene. Apoidea extend into the fossil record only as far as the Oligocene, although it is speculated that they may have evolved much earlier. This is suggested by the fact that the bee fauna was essentially modern by the end of the Oligocene and also because the inter- dependence of angiosperms and bees suggests a co-evolutionary relationship beginning sometime in the Cretaceous. Any discussion of sociality in the geological past must necessarily involve a certain amount of speculation. Morphological characters play an essential role in the analysis of an insect’s social status, an example of this being the presence of the humeral suture in Cretatermes. In those social insect groups possessing very little morphological variation between castes, recognition of such social distinctions in the fossils is virtually impossible. It is generally assumed that extinct species belonging to extant genera possessed a similar type of social behavior in the past as is exhibited by the group today. To speculate further about the social habits of fossil insects is simply not possible. The mechanisms behind the evolution of eusociality in the insects remain unknown, yet the success of this form of social behavior is unquestioned. Only the recovery of additional material will provide evidence to further elucidate our understanding of the paleontological record of these insects. As the record now stands, it is possible to state with a fair degree of certainty that insect sociality had evolved by the middle of the Cretaceous and perhaps much earlier. 126 Psyche [March I ■ ■ ■ 3Bpidy SBpuoqdoipuy 3Bpil|ipB§3J/\I 3Bpijppp\ aBpipqBj-i 3BpiU3jpuy 3BUI3IUIJOJ 3BUIJ3poq3I|OQ 3BUI3IUIjAj/yi 2im SBupsiujAuJopnssj 3BUU3UOJ 3BuiuijAiuo33qds ■ ■ ■ ■ 3BpidS3y\ HHm 3BpiU3Uin^ SBpiJBSBpAl 3BpUIUIJ3^L E58 3Bp[JILUJ3J0Uiq>j 3BpiJtLU J3JOpo }-| 3Bpi}IlUJ3JO|B')j 3BpiJIUU3JOJSBp\l UBn£) AJBIJJ3X 3IOZON33 DIOZOS3f\I Figure 5. Geological time scale showing the distribution of twenty social insect families found in the fossil record. Dotted lines represent age extensions based on specimens of questionable taxonomic assignment. 1978] Burnham — Social Insects in Fossil Record 127 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was originally intended as a brief survey of the social insects in the fossil record but underwent rapid expansion shortly after its initiation. This is partly due to my burgeoning interest in the subject matter, partly due to the vast amount of material requiring my attention, and partly due to the stimulation and encouragement received from friends in the academic community at Harvard. It is to the following friends that I extend my thanks and appreciation: K. M. Horton, Paul Strother, Robert E. Silberglied, Kenneth Miyata, and N. E. Woodley. Special thanks are given to F. M. Carpenter for his continuous guidance and advice, for his patience as my photographic assistant; and most of all, deep appreciation is extended to him for providing the inspiration integral to the success of this study. The Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, is gratefully acknowledged for the loan of the Eocene vespoid. In addition, partial financial support is acknowledged to National Science Foundation Grant DEB 78-09947 — F. M. Carpenter, principal investigator. Literature Cited Ahmad, M. 1950. 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In the Homoptera, only females in the Membracidae (Hinton 1976, Wood 1974, 1976a, b, 1977a) and closely related families (Brown 1975) provide parental care of offspring. My studies (unpublished) and those by Hinton (1977) indicate female parental care is common in this family, particularly in the new world tropics. My studies of 3 membracid species provide evidence for 2 major types of parental care in the family. In the 1st type, exemplified by Umbonia crassicornis Amyot and Serville and Platycotis vittata F., females remain on eggs until hatch and make a series of feeding slits for nymphs in the branch of the host plant. First instars move off the egg mass and aggregate along these slits with the female positioned below. Parent females actively maintain aggregated nymphs and defend them from potential predators such as adult coccinelids. Successful maturation in the field depends on both nymphs and the parent female remaining together on the same branch until offspring become adults (Wood 1974, 1976a, b). Entylia bactriana Germar exemplifies the 2nd type of parental investment where the role of the parent female is reduced to the protection of eggs and the 1st two instars. Presumably, reduction of female investment is brought by mutualistic ant associations in this species. Although females are capable of protecting eggs and 1st to 2nd instar offspring, protection is enhanced if ants are in attendance. When females desert 1st to 2nd instars, nymphal maturbation in the field depends on protection provided by ants (Wood 1977a). * Manuscript received by the editor July 26, 1978. 135 136 Psyche [March Haviland’s (1925) observations suggested females of Guayaquila compressa Walker may protect eggs. Although detailed observa- tions were not reported, she clearly indicates females relocate offspring and that nymphs readily disperse when disturbed. Such reports require detailed confirmation before attempting a systematic analysis of the types of parental investment within Membracoidea. Methods The study site was a lowland wet forest at Finca, LaSelva, a field station of the Organization for Tropical Studies in the province of Heredia in Costa Rica. G. compressa was always found in succes- sional or edge areas along the forest on the following host plants: Alchornea sp., Pterocarpus officinalis, Theobroma cacao, Eu- phorbiaceae and an unidentified vine. Branches or leaves with insects were marked and observations were made daily for 2 to 16 days. Observations of 17 different females on eggs or with nymphs were made during 2 separate trips in August 1976 and 1977. Extensive attempts to increase numbers were made, but individuals tended to be on isolated trees some distance from each other. Results Females on egg masses — Eggs are deposited by females in masses surrounded or embedded in a sticky, white matrix on top of plant tissue (Figs. 1 and 2). Two egg masses contained 78 and 88 eggs. Ovipositional sites varied; 6 females placed eggs on the underside of mature leaves on top of the main midrib, while 4 others placed egg masses on branches 6 to 12 inches from the apical meristem. Females sat on egg masses and usually faced the leaf petiole or the apex of the branch. In 1 egg mass, eggs hatched 12 days after deposition, while 9 others were observed for 7 to 10 days before eggs hatched. All egg masses which hatched had females present, while 1 egg mass where the female was removed failed to hatch. A portion of this egg mass without a female was damaged (as if eaten by a predator) the following day and developed mold growth during the subsequent 6 days of observation. This egg mass, deposited within 3 days of an egg mass which hatched, was followed long enough that if there were viable eggs, they should have hatched. 1978] Wood — Parental Care in Guayaquila compressa 137 Figure 1 . Photograph of female G. compressa on egg mass deposited on plant tissue on the underside of leaf (X7). Females on eggs are sensitive to disturbances and will fly off egg masses. In several cases, touching the branch or leaves caused flight, while other females had to be repeatedly poked with a pencil before taking flight. Six females were disturbed to the point of flight in 12 separate trials. Some of these females simply dropped from the egg mass, but most flew off, landing on plants 5 to 15 feet away or made a circular flight back to the host. In all 12 trials, these 6 females found their way back to egg masses. In 5 trials, females returned within a 24-hour period, while in the remaining 7 trials they returned within 5 to 80 min. Females which could be observed often moved to several plants before locating the tree with the egg mass. Once on the host, they walked up and down branches until finding an egg mass. As they approached egg masses, females appeared to make fewer movements away from the egg mass, suggesting some ability to orient to cues associated with the egg mass (chemical or visual). Parent female — offspring interaction — First instars associated with 5 parent females averaged 51.8 (range 37 to 60) individuals with 138 Psyche [March nymphs forming tight clusters occupying 2 to 5 linear cm of plant surface. Egg hatch observed for 3 egg masses on the underside of the leaf midrib was completed within a 24-hour period. In 1 egg mass, 15 nymphs after egg hatch lined up along the leaf midrib between egg mass and leaf petiole facing the female next to the egg mass. When the leaf was turned over, all nymphs moved toward the female and clustered together under the egg mass until the leaf was returned to its normal position. During the subsequent 24 hrs, the remaining eggs hatched and all 60 nymphs with the parent female had moved 1 foot from the depleted egg mass on the leaf to the main woody branch. The behavior of nymphs and females on 2 other leaves was similar. One group moved 27 inches to another large branch within 24 hrs of egg hatch. Females which deposited eggs on branches moved with their nymphs away from the old egg mass to the apex of the branch, where they became associated with new leaves. Relocation movements of parent females and nymphs is not only restricted to the 24 hr period after egg hatch. Four aggregations during a 4 to 7-day observation period relocated naturally 1 to 2 times. Relocation is not simply a matter of moving to an adjacent leaf or new shoot, but involves distances up to 3 feet in a 24-hr period. For example, one female and apparently all her offspring were observed to move down a main branch to a fork, then up the 2nd branch to the tip of a lateral twig. The escape response of parent females and nymphs is different from other treehoppers. Six marked females and their offspring on isolated plants were disturbed by either moving the branch or probing the female with a pencil. Each of 5 females was tested 2 to 5 times and 1 female was tested once for a total of 18 trials. Only 1 trial for a female was done each day, but some females were tested on consecutive days. The amount of “violence” necessary to pro- voke flight by the female varied from trial to trial. My approaching the branch or touching it was sometimes effective, while in others, females had to be pushed with a pencil 5 to 30 times before taking flight. Distances females flew varied from 1 to 15 feet. Females relocated nymphs in 9 trials within 24 hrs; in 2 trials in 1 .5 to 4.5 hrs, but in 7 trials, they returned within 50 min. (range of 12 to 50 min.). No one female consistently returned faster than others. Females sometimes simply dropped down into the tree, flew off making a 1978] Wood — Parental Care in Guayaquila compressa 139 Figure 2. Female of G. compressa on egg mass [Original drawing by Sarah Landry], circular flight back, or flew to adjacent trees with a series of short flights back to the host. One undisturbed female was observed to desert and relocate offspring, but whether this was triggered by a predator could not be determined. Nymphs dispersed almost immediately in 12 of 18 trials after the female was disturbed. Nymphs moved distances of up to several feet and often reaggregated on new branches. In one trial, when the female was probed once, she fanned her wings which produced an audible clicking while nymphs dispersed up and down the branch. This female did not fly off until all nymphs had dispersed. Careful hand removal of 2 other females triggered immediate nymphal dispersal and reaggregation within a 40-min period. When the female was removed from 3 aggregations, nymphs remained to- gether for 3 days. When an injured or crushed nymph was presented, both siblings and female responded. In 1 case, as 7 of 56 1st instars moved past the female, she responded by a rapid twisting motion and followed the nymphs for 6 inches. When the female started to move, the 140 Psyche [March remaining nymphs dispersed within a minute and walked past her. Lead nymphs stopped at a petiole 12 inches from the original site. After nymphs dispersed from the petiole, the female followed them up the branch, but then returned to the original site where 2 nymphs remained. After a total of 10 minutes, all nymphs were on 9 leaves on 3 different shoots. During the next 8 minutes, the female walked back and forth at the original site before moving to the main branch. Nymphs were still on several leaves but several groups were increasing to the point where 1 leaf had 29 of the 56 nymphs. In the next 70 minutes, the female repeatedly twisted laterally or walked up and down the branch and nymphs continued to consolidate into larger groups. Three groups were formed, one at the tip of shoot, one at its base, and one on the next shoot up the branch. The female after this period positioned herself below the group of nymphs at the base of the shoot. These nymphs then moved to the tip of the shoot, followed by the female. Within 2 min, all but 2 nymphs from the shoot above joined the aggregation. This aggregation then remained in the same place for 24 hours. Single females on eggs or with offspring were typically the only conspecifics on most host plants. However, 1 host plant about 6 feet high had 2 females with offspring which were observed daily for 9 consecutive days. Initially, the eggs of 1 female had just hatched and nymphs had lined up along the midrib of a mature leaf, while the 2nd female with 50 1st instars was located on the same trunk, but 12 inches below the leaf with the 1st female. During the next 24 hr, nymphs with the 2nd female moved 2 feet up the trunk to new leaves on the apical shoot. The 1st female and her 60 nymphs moved off the leaf to the trunk while 10 nymphs remained on the leaf petiole. On the 3rd day of observation, both females and their broods had merged together on the terminal growth tip where they remained for the next 5 days. On 2 separate days during this 5-day period, leaves were touched with a pencil, triggering immediate movement of several nymphs down the petiole toward the females. One or both females responded to these nymphs by lateral twisting, back and forth walking, or walking backwards. In both trials, some nymphs went past females, but others which followed were stopped by tapping movements made by a female’s prothoracic legs. In neither trial was there massive dispersal and within 5 min., all nymphs had reaggregated at the original site. 1978] Wood — Parental Care in Guayaquila compressa 141 On the 8th day of observation, both females were probed with a pencil until they flew off and nymphs immediately dispersed from the petiole to the main trunk of the plant. Within 23 min., all nymphs had moved down the plant 2{/i feet and reaggregated along the midrib of 3 mature leaves. Consolidation into 1 aggregation took place during the next 17 minutes without the presence of either parent female. Both females made a series of short flights back to the host and at the end of 1 hr, one female had located nymphs while the other was rapidly walking up and down branches off the main trunk. This last female, during a 6-min. period, walked to 5 different branches within 12 in. of nymphs. After 24 hrs, both females were with nymphs, but had relocated 18 inches away from the previous observation. Adult aggregations — One aggregation of 34 teneral adults was observed for 10 days before dispersal. I could not determine if the parent female was present since coloration of teneral adults was similar to that of other parent females. The number of adults decreased during the first 5 days to 28, then to 15 during the next 4 days, with all individuals gone on the 10th day of observation. In the first 5 days, 2 females deposited eggs, one on the same host, the other on a host 15 feet away. I failed to locate other females on eggs in the surrounding area during a 7-day period after complete dispersal. This adult aggregation was more sensitive to disturbance than females on eggs or with nymphs. On the first day of observation, all adults were together on the petiole of the leaf. When I accidentally moved the tree trunk, there was an explosive, almost synchronous dispersal with 3 individuals observed 10 feet away. In the following 60 min., individuals moved back to the host and began to form 2 aggregations near the original site. Once on the host, individuals walked up and down branches or flew short distances until coming to the one of the 2 groups where they stopped. At the end of 1 hr, 30 insects were in the 2 groups. In the next 48 hrs, 1 aggregation attracted all but 5 insects from the other. When this aggregation was disturbed again, dispersal occurred with all 28 adults back together at a new site on the same plant within 24 hrs. Without further disruptions, this aggregation remained in the same place for 3 days. 142 Psyche [March Discussion Female parental investment is well developed in the subfamily Membracinae (classification of Dietz 1975), particularly the tribes Hoplophorionini ( U . crassicornis and P. vittata) and Aconophorini ( G . compressa). Although the behavior of G. compressa is similar in most respects to species in the Hoplophorionini, certain aspects of nymphal behavior are similar to E. bactriana in the subfamily Smiliinae (tribe: Polyglyptini). Placement of eggs by female G. compressa on top of plant tissue and held together by an accessory secretion is typical of the Aconophorini (Hinton 1977), while in the Hoplophorionini or Polyglyptini, eggs are inserted into plant tissue. Although all females sit on egg masses, the insertion of eggs into, as opposed to on top of, plant tissue may offer more protection from desiccation, parasites or egg predators due to less exposed egg surface area. Female G. compressa as with some Pentatomids with similar ovipositional habits, may not be able to protect peripheral eggs from parasites (Eberhard 1975). Female G. compressa on egg masses are extremely sensitive to disturbances while females of U. crassicornis and P. vittata usually do not desert egg masses, even when given more violent treatment. Physically displaced females of the latter 2 species can relocate egg masses (Wood 1976b, Wood in preparation), but female U. crassi- cornis do not recognize individual egg masses (Wood in prepara- tion). Whether individual female P. vittata or E. bactriana recognize their own egg masses has not been tested. Female G. compressa return to egg masses, but this may be an artifact of this species’ patchy distribution and low population densities. A dislodged female, which flew 10 or so feet, may encounter an egg mass which has a high probability of being her own through random flights or walking, but whether females recognize their own egg masses must wait until choice tests can be made. Activity which results in egg mass relocation by female G. compressa is adaptive since females appear to be necessary in preventing mold growth, protection from egg parasites or predators, and maintaining offspring aggregations. Protective or defensive adaptations of female U. crassicornis on eggs are cryptic coloration and lack of movement, but also involve the shape and hardness of the pronotum (Wood 1975, 1977a). Although mature female P. vittata are not physically protected by 1978] Wood — Parental Care in Guayaquila compressa 143 the pronotum, their cryptic coloration and lack of movement make them difficult to find on woody branches of the host plant (Wood 1976b). The pronotum of female G. compressa is similar in shape and hardness to that of mature P. vittata, but the black females provide contrast to the green leaf background. Thus, rapid female dispersal producing a startle response in a predator such as an arboreal anole would be a viable alternative for an otherwise unprotected female. Herding of offspring by parent females within a host plant is unique to G. compressa. Female U. crassicornis and P. vittata remain with their offspring on the woody branches where eggs were deposited until nymphs reach maturity. Eggs of E. bactriana are deposited in leaves on herbaceous plants but nymphs move from these leaves and reaggregate on new ones after being deserted by females (Wood 1977a). Herding in G. compressa may permit enhanced exploitation of the host plant by reducing localized feeding damage. Alarm or escape behavior actively involves both female G. compressa and offspring, differing significantly from that of U. crassicornis or P. vittata. Alarm displays by females of the latter species are produced in response to injured nymphs or predators, but nymphs do not disperse from the feeding site, nor are they deserted by parent females (Wood 1976a, b). E. bactriana females place themselves between predator and offspring. Nymphs remain with females initially, but upon prolonged exposure to alarm pheromones or injured females, nymphs disperse from the leaf. Escape behavior of nymphs is also modified by the behavior of various ant species which provide predator protection (Wood 1977a). Thus, the startle response produced by female G. compressa provides time to permit nymphal dispersal. Dispersed nymphs reaggregate with or without parent females and maintain an effec- tive nymphal escape response if the parent female is captured or dies from other causes. Females in a number of membracid species deposit eggs close to each other on a branch even when there appears to be an abundance of oviposition space, suggesting cooperative brood care (Wood, unpublished). G. compressa provides the first evidence to suggest an hypothesis for the adaptive nature of this cooperation. Normal herding behavior on a small host plant means 2 aggregations have a 144 Psyche [March high probability of contacting each other. Even if the females were not related, it could be adaptive to merge aggregations to increase the effectiveness of the startle response since 2 females dispersing together or slightly out of phase may provide more time for nymphal dispersal. Even if 1 female is captured, the remaining female can facilitate reaggregation and maintenance of the aggrega- tion. The interaction of 2 or more females may also facilitate normal maintenance of nymphal aggregations, promoting increased feeding efficiency and maturation. Adult G. compressa maintain stable aggregates as do U. crassi- cornis and P. vittata. In both of the Hoplophorionini species, aggregations are stable for 15 to 20 or more days. During this period, individuals within the aggregation become progressively more sensitive to disturbances. Individual teneral adult U. crassi- cornis are unpalatable to Anolis lizards, but in addition, employ both an individual and collective cataleptic behavior to reduce predation (Wood 1975, 1977b). Older aggregations disperse explo- sively about the time of sexual maturity, but do not appear to reaggregate. The explosive dispersal and subsequent reaggregation of adult G. compressa is an extension of nymphal behavior and appears to be an effective response to predators such as anoles which are often seen walking or sunning themselves on branches similar to those where treehoppers are found. Acknowledgments My thanks to Dr. Glenn Morris and Frank Hale for their help with the field work, and Dr. Gary Hartshorn for the host plant identifications. The faithful and useful criticisms by Dr. David Horn on the manuscript were, as usual, very helpful. Mrs. Carole Kenney typed several manuscript drafts and, as usual, kept her sense of humor. Research funding was provided by NSF grants BNS 74-19764 and BNS 74-19764 A01 . I thank Ms Sarah Landry for the excellent drawing in Figure 2. Literature Cited Bequaert, J. 1935. Presocial behavior among the Hemiptera. Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 30: 177-191. 1978] Wood — Parental Care in Guayaquila compressa 145 Brown, R. L. 1976. Behavioral observations on Aethalion reticulatum (Hem., Aethalioni- dae) and associated ants. Insect. Soc. 23(2): 99-107. Deitz, L. L. 1975. Classification of the higher categories of the New World treehoppers (Homoptera: Membracidae). Tech. Bui. No. 225, N. Carolina Agr. Exp. Station, pp. 1-177. Eberhard, W. G. 1975. The ecology and behavior of a subsocial pentatomid bug and two scelionid wasps: Strategy and counterstrategy in a host and its parasites. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, No. 205. pp. 1-39. Haviland, M. D. 1925. The Membracidae of Kartabo. Zoologica. 6: 229-290. Hinton, H. E. 1977. Subsocial behavior and biology of some Mexican membracid bugs. Ecological Entomology 2: 61-79. Melber, A., and G. H. Schmidt. 1975. Sozialverhatten zweier Elasmucha-arten (Heteroptera: Insecta). Z. Tier- psychol. 39: 403-14. 1977. Sozialphanomene bei Heteropteren. Sonderdruck aus Zoologica. 127: 19-53. Nault, L. R., T. K. Wood, and A. M. Goff. 1974. Tree hopper (Membracidae) Alarm Pheromones. Nature (London). 149 (5444): 387-388. Ralston, J. S. 1977. Egg guarding by male assassin bugs of the genus Zelus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Psyche. 84: 103-107. Smith, R. L. 1976. Male brooding behavior of the water bug Abedus herberti (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 69: 740-747. Wood, T. K. 1974. Aggregating behavior of Umbonia crassicornis (Homoptera: Membraci- dae). Can. Ent. 106: 169-173. 1975. Defense in two presocial membracids (Homoptera: Membracidae). Can. Ent. 107: 1227-1231. 1976a. Alarm behavior of brooding female Umbonia crassicornis (Membraci- dae: Homoptera). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 69: 340-344. 1976b. Biology and presocial behavior of Platycotis vittata F. (Homoptera: Membracidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 69: 807-811. 1977a. Role of parent females and attendant ants in the maturation of the tree- hopper, Entylia bactriana (Homoptera: Membracidae). Sociobiology 2 (4): 257-272. 1977b. Defense in Umbonia crassicornis: The role of the pronotum and adult aggregations (Homoptera: Membracidae) Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 70: 524-528. The illustration on the front cover of this issue of Psyche is a reproduction of the published figure of the minute diapriid, Solen- opsia americana (1.3 mm. long), described by C. T. Brues in Psyche (1936, vol. 43, p. 17). The insect was taken in the nest of an ant, Paratrechina parvula, in eastern Tennessee. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room 154, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Ave., Cambridge. Entomolo- gists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 ISSN 0033 2615 QU nei PVH Ent A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club Vol. 85 June-September, 1978 No. 2-3 PSYCHE t CONTENTS Geographical Distribution and Biological Observations of Cyphoderris (Or- thoptera: Haglidae) with a Description of a New Species. Glenn K. Morris and Darryl T. G wynne 147 Description of the Ergatoid Queen of Pogonomyrmex mayri with Notes on the Worker and Male (Hym., Formicidae). Charles Kugler 169 Notes on Bryothinusa with Description of the Larva of B. catalinae Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Ian Moore and R. E. Orth 183 Grooming Behavior in Diplura (Insecta: Apterygota). Barry D. Valentine and Michael J. Glorioso 191 The Dacetine Ant Genus Pentastruma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). William L. Brown, Jr., and Ronald G. Boisvert 201 Observations on a Population of Sialis itasca Ross in West Virginia (Meg- aloptera: Sialidae). C. K. Lilly, D. L. Ashley, and D. C. Tarter 209 Structure and Relationships of the Upper Carboniferous Insect, Prochoroptera calopteryx (Diaphanopterodea, Prochoropteridae). Frank M. Carpenter and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. 219 Division of Labor within the Worker Caste of Formica peripilosa Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Carlos Roberto F. Brandao 229 Culture Techniques for Acanthops falcata, a Neotropical Mantid Suitable for Biological Studies (with Notes on Raising Web Building Spiders.) Michael H. Robinson and Barbara Robinson 239 Searching Behavior of Hippodamia convergens Larvae (Coccinellidae: Coleop- tera). Kenneth W. Hunter, Jr 249 Further Studies of the Myrmicine Sting Apparatus: Eutetramorium, Oxyo- pomyrmex, and Terataner (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Charles Kugler . . 255 An Unusual Ascalaphid Larva (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) from Southern Africa, with Comments on Larval Evolution within the Myrmeleontoidea. Charles S. Henry 265 The Evolutionary Significance of Redundancy and Variability in Phenotypic- Induction Mechanisms of Pierid Butterflies (Lepidoptera). Arthur M. Shapiro 275 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1978-1979 President John A. Shetterly Vice-President Barbara Thorne Secretary Norman Woodley Treasurer Frank M. Carpenter Executive Committee Jo B. Winter Margaret Thayer EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. CARPENTER (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University ALFRED F. Newton, Jr., Curatorial Associate in Entomology, Harvard University W. L. BROWN, Jr., Professor of Entomology, Cornell University and Associate in Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. DARLINGTON, JR., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. HOLLDOBLER, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. LEVI, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. SlLBERGLIED, Assistant Professor of Biology, Harvard University E. O. WILSON, Baird Professor of Science, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $9.50, domestic and foreign. Single copies, $3.50. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomo- logical Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $24.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustrations must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $18.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $30.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The March, 1978, Psyche (Vol. 85, No. 1) was mailed January 26, 1979 The Lexington Press, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 85 June-Septernber, 1978 No. 2-3 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS OF CYPHODERRIS (ORTHOPTERA: HAGLIDAE) WITH A DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES By Glenn K. Morris1 and Darryl T. Gwynne2 Introduction With the exception of Prophalangopsis obscura (F. Walker) from India, Cyphoderris are sole survivors of a primitive orthopteran family, the Haglidae, abundant in the Triassic and ancestral to modern Ensifera (Zeuner, 1939; Ander, 1939; Ragge, 1955; Sharov, 1968). There are presently two recognized species of Cyphoderris: C. monstrosa Uhler and C. buckelli Hebard. Their most dramatic distinguishing feature is the presence in C. monstrosa, and the absence in C. buckelli, of a prominent ventrally-directed sternal process, shaped like the claw of a hammer and located on the IXth sternum (Hebard, 1934). Specimens of both species have been extensively collected from mountainous areas of the North Ameri- can northwest. When Uhler established Cyphoderris in 1864 he had before him two adult male specimens. He published body measurements for both of these and there is a substantial size difference e.g. body length 22 mm for one specimen and only 16 mm for the other. These specimens are in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University and we have examined them. The larger has a prominent ‘Erindale College and Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Missis- sauga, Ontario, L5L 1C6, Canada. department of Zoology and Entomology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80523, U.S.A. Manuscript received by the editor November 15, 1978. 147 148 Psyche [June-September sternal process and is C. monstrosa of present usage; the smaller specimen lacks the process and is C. buckelli of Hebard. It is the C. buckelli specimen which bears a red ‘Type 792’ label. Uhler’s description concentrates on the larger specimen. Thus monstrosa is said to have a “pointed keel-like elevation, projected backwards upon the segment, grooved and emarginated at tip”, i.e. a sternal process. He does not indicate that such a structure is absent from the other specimen. Caudell (1904) described a variety of C. monstrosa which he called Cyphoderris monstrosa piperi. His types, which we have seen, are a male and a female from Mt. Rainier, Washington, housed in the U.S. National Museum. The male has a sternal process identical with that of Uhler’s larger specimen and the female has Ander’s organs (see below). In 1922 Fulton collected a series of males in Oregon about 30 mi. southwest of Crater Lake (Fulton, 1930). He compared these with specimens furnished him by E. R. Buckell from southern British Columbia and found that Buckell’s specimens lacked a genitalic process. Drawings were sent to Nathan Banks and to Caudell who compared them with the types of monstrosa and piperi. It might now have become apparent that Uhler’s types differed in their genitalia and that only the larger was of the same species as piperi. Since the published description applied substantially to the larger specimen one would then have expected it to be designated as monstrosa. But for some reason piperi was given specific status by Fulton and applied to the taxon with the sternal process while Uhler’s name was conferred upon the smaller of Uhler’s two species. Probably it was at this point that the red type label was appended at Harvard. Hebard (1934), responding to Uhler’s published description, recognized piperi as a synonym of monstrosa and gave the name buckelli to the species without the sternal process. It is clear that he did not examine Uhler’s types and was unaware that one of these was his new species. Uhler did not designate a holotype and so in accordance with Article 74 of the code and in the interest of taxonomic stability, we here designate as lectotype the larger of the two specimens in his type series, that possessing the sternal process. This ensures that application of the name monstrosa continues in conformity with present custom. 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 149 A third species of Cyphoderris, C. strepitans, is described here. Its distribution lies southeast of both monstrosa and buckelli (Figure 5), populations of strepitans being originally considered as southern range extensions of monstrosa (Alexander, 1935; Willey and Willey, 1963). C. strepitans appears to be most similar in morphology and calling song to buckelli but is readily distinguished from the latter species by the structure of the male terininalia. We have made use of the following abbreviations: ROM/ Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada; UMMZ/ University of Michi- gan, Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor; ANSP/ Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; CNC/ Canadian National Collection, Ot- tawa, Canada; MCZ / Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; USNM/ National Museum of Natural History, Smith- sonian, Washington, D.C. Cyphoderris strepitans new species Figures 1 and 2 The specific name refers to the calling song: strepitans (Latin) ‘making a great noise’. SYNONOMY: Cyphoderris monstrosus, Thomas (not Uhler), 1876. Proc. Davenp. Acad. Nat. Sci. I, p. 263. Wind River, Wyo. Cyphoderris monstrosa, Hebard (in part not Uhler), 1934. Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 59, p. 374. Pearl, Col. Cyphoderris monstrosa, G. Alexander (not Uhler) 1935. Ent. News 46, p. 30. Park Range (Pearl) Col.; ibid 1941. Univ. Col. Studies 1, p. 136. Cyphoderris monstrosa, Willey & Willey (not Uhler) 1963. Ent. News 74, p. 200. Los Pinos Pass, Col. Cyphoderris monstrosa, Evans (not Uhler) 1970. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 140, p. 484. Jackson Hole, Wyo. Holotype. Adult o. Park Range 24.7 mi. west of Cowdrey via Pearl, nr Big Creek Lakes, Jackson Co., Col., U.S.A.; 19 June 1976; Coll. G. K. Morris & D. T. Gwynne (Deposited ROM). Description of male type. Body length (fastigium to para- procts in dorsal view) 18.6 mm; pronotum inid-line length 7.2 mm; caudal pronotum width 7.8 mm; maximum exposed tegminal length in dorsal view 8.2 mm; length in lateral view of left metathoracic femur 8.3 mm. 150 Psyche [June-September Figure 2. Adult female C. strepitans (both antennae broken). 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 151 Allotype. Adult o. Los Pinos Pass, Saguache Co., Col., U.S.A.; 17 June 1977; Coll. D. T. Gwynne (Deposited ROM). Description of female allotype. Body length (fastigium to extremity of epiproct in dorsal view) 21.5 min; pronotum mid-line length 5.9 mm; caudal pronotum width 5.4 mm; length of ovipositor 2.0 mm; length in lateral view of left metathoracic femur 9.6 mm. Diagnosis. Adult males of strepitans are similar in size and coloration to buckelli, but readily distinguished by the presence of the sternal process (Figures 3 & 4). Males of both strepitans and buckelli are generally smaller than males of monstrosa. In life they usually lack the vivid pink coloration of monstrosa" s venter, their venters being instead cream white. The styli of the IXth sternum are strongly depressed in monstrosa; viewed from above each stylus is sublanceolate and broadest at its base; they are inserted on the lamellate dorsal projection of the IXth sternum at a distance slightly greater than the stylus length. By contrast the styli of strepitans are distally dilated and broadly rounded (mitten-like), gently arcuate and tapering slightly to the base; they are inserted close together immediately adjacent to the inid-line with less than one stylus length between their bases. The sternal process of monstrosa, viewed in lateral outline, follows a broadly concave arc beyond the base of the styli to where it turns abruptly downward; in strepitans this arc is shorter and much shallower. From the end of the arc the process of monstrosa is more strongly reflexed than in strepitans and is often bent sharply forward at its extremity. We are unable at present to distinguish between females of buckelli and strepitans but both of these species may be separated from monstrosa by their lack of the ‘stridulatory’ organs of Ander (1938). In C. monstrosa these structures are located dorsolaterally at the junction of abdomen and thorax (Ander, 1938; Kevan, 1954; Duinortier, 1963). Each organ consists of a row of robust posteri- orly-directed recurved teeth on the slightly swollen posterolateral edge of the metanotum. The teeth contact a patch of transverse ridges on the first abdominal tergite during telescoping of the abdominal segment. Ander’s organs are present in both sexes and are readily seen in later stadia of immatures. While buckelli sometimes possesses weak thoracic teeth, it never exhibits the ridged 152 Psyche [June-Septernber Figure 3. Posterior views of terminalia. A) C. strepitans, B) C. monstrosa, and C) C. buckelli. Symbols: VIIIT, 8th tergum; IXT, 9th tergum; XT, 10th tergum; Cer, cercus; Eppt, epiproct; Papt, paraproct; Sty, stylus; IXS, 9th sternum; sp, sternal process. 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 153 Figure 4. Lateral view of IXth sternum, A) C. strepitans, B) C. monstrosa, and C) C. buckelli. patch. No stridulatory function has been established for these structures. Paratypes. 9 adult same data as holotype (ROM, MCZ, & UMMZ); 1 adult $, same data as holotype (ROM); 4 adult Cowdrey, 8.8 mi. west on road to Pearl, 4 June 1978 (G. K. Morris & D. T. Gwynne) (ROM & Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins); 1 adult (J, Park Range nr Pearl, Col., 17 Aug. 1932 (G. Alexander) (ANSP); 1 adult $, Pearl, Col., 17 Aug. 1932 (G. Alexander) (Museum of University of Colorado, Boulder, Col.); 7 adult Los Pinos Pass, Col., 17 June 1977 (D. T. Gwynne) (USNM & CNC); 1 irmn. Los Pinos Pass, Col., 17 June 1977 (D. T. Gwynne) (ROM); 1 adult $, Dunraven Pass, Yellowstone Nat. Pk, Wyo., 25 June 1930 (E. C. Van Dyke) (UMMZ); 1 adult $, Jackson Hole Res. Stn, Grand Teton Nat. Pk, Wyo., Aug. 1967 (H. E. & M. A. Evans) (USNM); 1 irmn. $, Jackson Hole Res. Stn, Grand Teton Nat. Pk, Wyo. (H. E. & M. A. Evans) (USNM); 1 adult 9, Stratton Exp. Watershed, nr Saratoga, Wyo. (J. M. Schmid) (USNM). 154 Psyche [June-September Key to Cyphoderris Species (Males only) 1. Subgenital plate (IXth sternum) with prominent ventrally- directed process (Figures 4a, b) 2 Sternal process absent (Figure 4c) C. buckelli Hebard 2. IXth sternum strongly produced posteriorly; sternal process with an angularly forward-bent tip, often appearing terminally cleft and toothed; styli of IXth sternum depressed, sublanceo- late (Figure 3b); Ander’s organ ridge-patch present and thoracic teeth robust; fastigiurn often weakly rugose C. monstrosa Uhler Posterior of sternal process not angular but rounded, never terminally cleft and toothed (Figure 3a); Ander’s organ absent or if present, only as weak thoracic teeth; styli of IXth sternum mitten-like; fastigiurn smooth ... C. strepitans new species Geographical Distribution C. strepitans, as presently known, is confined to the mountains of Colorado and Wyoming (Figure 5). Its distribution is disjunct from that of buckelli and monstrosa. The broad valley of the Snake River isolates it on the northwest from the most southerly populations of Idaho monstrosa; if overlap occurs it must be north of Yellowstone in southern Montana. C. monstrosa is found from the Canadian Rockies in the south- west corner of Alberta, west through southern British Columbia. It reaches much farther north than buckelli, to Quesnel and to Sinithers B.C. (This latter record exceeds the northern extent of our map and could not be plotted; Sinithers is about 700 miles north of the Canada/ U.S. border.) A western arm of monstrosa extends down the Cascades, reaching almost to northern California. A less documented eastern arm crosses western Montana to a cluster of localities in the Salmon River Mts of central Idaho. C. buckelli has a more restricted range. It lies between these arms, overlapping broadly with monstrosa in southern B.C. and extending south through northern Idaho. There are interesting isolated rec- ords from Columbia Falls, Montana and from near Seneca in east central Oregon. Though their distributions overlap substantially we have not found monstrosa and buckelli together at the demic level. 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 155 Figure 5. Geographical distribution of Cyphoderris. 156 Psyche [June-September However Buckell (1924) states that both species have been seen at Nicola, B.C. “in large numbers during late May feeding together upon flowers of Amelanchier . . .”. We have examined about 300 specimens of monstrosa and 200 of buckelli. In addition to the type, allotype and paratypes of strepi- tans, we have seen 20 or so alcoholic specimens supplied by Dr. R. Willey of the Univ. of Chicago. Dr. Willey’s material is from Los Pinos Pass, Col., a locality which he discovered in 1962 (Willey & Willey, 1963). All plotted localities are based upon actual examination of specimens excepting Wind River, Wyo. This record is taken from Thomas (1876) on the strength of his illustration of an adult male. Though the drawing is small the shape of the sternal process is apparent and marks the specimen as strepitans. A listing of localities is given below for each species. C. strepitans: WYOMING: Dunraven Pass, Yellowstone N. Pk; Jackson Hole, Grand Teton N. Pk.; Wind River, Fremont Co.; Stratton Exp. Watershed, nr Saratoga, Carbon Co. COLORADO: Park Range, nr Big Creek Lks, Jackson Co.; Cowdrey, 8.8 mi. west, Jackson Co.; Los Pinos Pass, Saguache Co. C. monstrosa: BRITISH COLUMBIA: Smithers; Quesnel; Chilcotin nr Williams Lk; Lac La Hache; Clinton; Lillooet; Whistler Mt., Garibaldi Prov. Pk; Salmon Arm; Field, Yoho N. Pk; Glacier N. Pk; Monck Prov. Pk; Merritt; Lumby; Peachland; Fish Lk, nr Surmnerland; Manning Prov. Pk; Hedley. ALBERTA: Jasper N. Pk; Mt. Eisenhower Cpgrd, Banff N. Pk; Sulphur Mt., Banff N. Pk; Bragg Creek, w. of Calgary; Barrier Lk, Kananaskis Valley; Ka- nanaskis Lks, Kananaskis Valley. Montana: Belton, Flathead Co.; 2 mi. s. Elliston, Powell Co. IDAHO: McCall, Valley Co.; Challis, Custer Co.; Beach Cr., nr Bull Trout Lk, Custer Co.; Red Fish Lk, Custer Co.; Centerville, Boise Co.; 22 mi. ne. Idaho City, n. fork Boise R., Boise Co.; Camas Co.; Arco, Butte Co. WASHINGTON: Lk. Wenatchee St. Pk, Chelan Co.; Entiat R. Trail, Chelan Co.; 2 mi. se. Easton, Kittitas Co.; Stampede, King Co.; Paradise Valley, Mt. Rainier N. Pk.; Berkeley Park, Mt. Rainier N. Pk; Gooseprairie, Yakima Co.; Trout Lk Cpgrd, Klickitat Co. OREGON: Mt. Hood, Hood R. Co.; Hat Point, Wallowa Co.; Middle Sister, Lane Co. & Deschutes Co.; McKenzie Pass, Lane Co. & Deschutes Co.; Salt Creek Falls, Lane Co.; Waldo Lk, Lane Co.; Lost Lk, Willamette Nat. For., Linn Co.; North Santiam R., Linn Co.; Pinehurst, 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 157 Jackson Co.; Union Creek, Jackson Co.; Crater Lk N. Pk, Klamath Co.; Douglas Co.; Olallie Lk, Marion Co.; Mt. Jefferson, Jefferson Co. C. buckelli: BRITISH COLUMBIA: Chilcotin; Paul Lk Prov. Pk; Squilax; Salmon Arm; Nicola Lk; 2 mi. s. Merritt; Aspen Grove; Vernon; Lumby; Kelowna, nr airport; 3 mi. se. Rutland; Okanagan Falls; Rock Creek; Yahk; Ainsworth; Rosebery Prov. Pk; Cran- brook; Boswell, Kootenay Lk. IDAHO: Reeder Bay, Priest Lk, Bonner Co.; Sandpoint, Bonner Co.; 10 mi. s. Coeur d’Alene, Kootenai Co.; Moscow Mt., Latah Co.; Moscow, Latah Co.; Karniah, Lewis Co. WASHINGTON: Newport, Pend Oreille Co.; Palouse, Whitman Co.; Pullman, Whitman Co. MONTANA: Colum- bia Falls, Flathead Co. OREGON: 3 mi. e. Seneca, Grant Co. Habitat and Feeding Behavior The distribution of Cyphoderris corresponds roughly with the Cordilleran forest province (Gleason & Cronquist, 1964). In south- ern British Columbia C. buckelli occurs in the Dry Forest biotic area (Cowan & Guiguet, 1965) characterized by yellow pine ( Pinus ponderosa) and at higher elevations, by interior Douglas fir ( Pseu - dotsuga menziesii). Amelanchier (serviceberry), Balsamorhiza (ar- row-leaf balsam-root) and Berberis (tall Oregon grape) are common understory plants in this association. In spring the nymphs and adult females of C. buckelli feed upon the flowers of these plants; night collecting at blooms is a good way to obtain specimens. C. buckelli is also found in the Columbia Forest biotic area, the so-called interior wet belt of British Columbia. In 1977 we located large populations adjacent to Kootenay Lake near Boswell and at Rosebery on Slocan Lake. C. monstrosa does occur in Dry Forest e.g. at Monck Prov. Park in southern British Columbia, but it is typically encountered in Sub- alpine Forest. Lodgepole pine {Pinus contorta) and Englemann spruce ( Picea engelmannii ) are characteristic of the Sub-alpine biotic area. In the Kananaskis Valley of southern Alberta we observed nymphs and adults to feed upon staininate cones of lodgepole pine (this before the cones reach a ‘loose pollen’ stage). Consumption was established by identifying cone bracts in the feces of field-caught specimens. Also caged insects were given cones and in most cases overnight they ate large portions. 158 Psyche [June-September It is presumably to feed upon staminate cones that C. monstrosa nymphs and adult females are observed at dusk climbing high into the trees. A useful method of collection is to search tree trunks with a flashlight just after sunset. The insects are always discovered oriented head upward. More often than not they occur in groups of 2 to 4 on the same trunk, which suggests that they may aggregate during their daytime stay in the leaf litter of the forest floor. David Lightfoot of Oregon State University has studied C. monstrosa at Three Sisters in the central Oregon Cascades. He found this species abundant there in drier, more open stands of lodgepole pine and mountain hemlock ( Tsuga mertensiana) above 5000' elevation. In contrast to our observations of ascent as the evening progresses Lightfoot notes that the singers begin high in the trees (about 6 in) and gradually occupy lower and lower perches until singing at ground level. C. strepitans is found in both subalpine forest and high altitude sagebrush prarie. The holotypic site near Big Creek Lakes is an open forest of subalpine fir (Abies concolor ) and lodgepole pine at an altitude of 8800'. At Los Pinos Pass, Colorado, strepitans is found in aspen woods adjacent to open areas of prairie. The mature aspen (Populus tremuloides ) has an understory of subalpine fir and englemann spruce (altitude 10,200'). Two predominant ground cover plants at both sites are kinnikinik (Arctostaphylos spp.) and a shrubby juniper (Juniperus communis). In the high altitude (8400') sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata) prairie of North Park, Colorado, the density of singing males appeared to be much greater than in the nearby pine forest of the holotypic site to the east. C. strepitans is also very numerous in the sagebrush areas (altitude 6700') of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. In late June, 1978, aggregations of singing males were easily heard while we drove along park roads at night. Thus, C. strepitans may be considered a predominantly sagebrush species although occurring in open forest habitats in the vicinity of sagebrush prairie. Acoustic Behavior Males of all three species produce a succession of short musical trills, beginning in late evening and continuing well past midnight if weather permits. C. buckelli invariably sing near the ground from low shrubs (knee-height), the bases of tree trunks or on the forest 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 159 floor itself. The same is true of C. strepitans. Only C. monstrosa climb high into the trees as the night’s signalling progresses. At Monck Park singing heights in excess of 5 m were common and an hour after sunset collection without climbing trees becomes im- possible. The calling songs are generated by tegminal stridulation. As in Gryllidae the tegmina are morphological mirror-images, both left and right bearing a functional file and scraper. Unlike gryllids however, which maintain a characteristic ‘right above’ forewing overlap, the overlap of a Cyphoderris male may change during his lifetime and both files take part in his stridulation. Certain Tettigoniidae also have mirror-image tegmina and two functional files: Megatympanon speculatum Piza (Listroscelinae) (Riek, 1976), Neduba macneilli Rentz & Birchim, Neduba sierranus Rehn & Hebard (Decticinae) (Morris et al., 1975). Most tettigoniids have structurally distinct left and right forewings and overlap them ‘left above’. In the Neduba species some individuals show left above, some right above. Unlike Cyphoderris they appear to maintain their particular overlap as individuals through life. Both overlaps were represented by Riek’s two (pinned) specimens of M. speculatum. Spooner (1973) analysed the calling song of C. monstrosa and describes it as a trill of grylloid (sinusoidal) pulses at a carrier frequency of 13 kHz. He noted substantial variation in the intensity and frequency of pulses and suggested that these changes “reflect irregular switching of tegmina from top to bottom position”. He refers to this habit as “switch-wing singing” and regards it as occurring several to many times in the course of a single trill. Overlap at rest (i.e. between singing bouts) is very infrequently changed in C. buckelli. The overlap of 16 individually-caged males was monitored by examining them once a day during almost 2 weeks. Of 141 checks, only 4 reversals from the immediately previous overlap were observed; the incidence of resting overlap reversal was less than 3%. Thirteen of these males never showed an overlap reversal. Four C. monstrosa males checked over 5 days, gave similar results: two were never found with reversed overlap (checked respectively 5 and 6 times), one was reversed once in 5 checks and one twice in 6 checks. If Cyphoderris alter overlap several times within a single trill, it is strange that individuals end up so consistently at the same overlap with which they began. 160 Psyche [June-September We recorded the calling song of a C. monstrosa specimen (Figure 6, 75-6) before and after damaging with a scalpel, several teeth in the central region of his right tegmen file. In oscillograms of post- mutilation recorded song, his use of the damaged file (i.e. right above overlap) was apparent as a drastic mid-pulse drop in ampli- tude. In one oscillogram, a portion of which makes up Figure 6 (second trace from bottom), 20 pulses in succession were ‘right above’. Switch-wing singing as suggested by distinctive pulse envelopes within the same trill was only evident in our records on one occasion. A male of C. monstrosa had been released in the immediate vicinity (i.e. within antennal range) of a mature female on the observer’s hand. He began to sing while walking about on the hand and directing his attention toward the female. His song was recorded and on analysis found to be a trill in which every other pulse was identical in envelope and distinctly different from the intervening pulse i.e. there were two pulse types occurring in alternation without break in the sequence of the trill (Figure 6, bottom trace). This was apparently a courtship song. It is clear that pulse envelopes are highly variable in the genus, though usually quite consistent for a particular recording session of a particular individual. Switch-wing stridulation is probably not an everyday feature of C. monstrosa calling song but it may occur under special circumstances such as courtship. Oscillograms of normal calling songs are given in Figure 6. The pulses of C. strepitans and C. buckelli are apparently indistinguish- able. They are usually wedge-shaped: each begins with a steep rise to maximum amplitude, then falls steadily to the pulse’s end. The pulses of C. monstrosa also have a steep onset but are usually of longer duration. They are drawn out in an uneven envelope near their maximum amplitude before dropping away to silence. Carrier frequency spectra of all three species are highly similar. Specimens were analysed ‘live’ (i.e. without tape-recording) by directing the output of a Bruel & Kjaer sound level meter (2204) fitted with a !4" microphone (4135) into a Tektronix 3L5 spectrum analyser. This system will detect ultrasonic frequencies up to 100 kHz. No substantial sound energy exists in the ultrasonic range for any of the Cyphoderris species. The sinusoidal nature of the waveform is apparent in the narrowness of the dominant frequency 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 161 Figure 6. Oscillograms of Cyphoderris calling song. From top trace downward: C. strepitans 76-8, 17.8° C; C. buckelli 76-14, 25.0° C; C. monstrosa 75-6, 24.5°C, intact file; C. monstrosa 76-2, 8.7° C, field-recorded, Monck Prov. Pk B.C.; C. monstrosa 75-6, 24.0° C, file teeth of right forewing damaged; C. monstrosa 75-10, 23.1°C, male recorded singing in immediate presence of female. 162 Psyche [June-September peak, suggesting the operation of a sharply-tuned (high Q) tegminal resonator (Sales & Pye, 1974). In the figured C. strepitans male (Figure 7), the dominant peak centers on 12.7 kHz and there are very weak second and third harmonics near 25 and 38 respectively. The C. buckelli specimen has its principal peak near 13.3 kHz and a lesser peak occupies the range 28-30 kHz. Like Spooner (1973) we obtained 13 kHz as the dominant carrier frequency of C. monstrosa. Sound level measurements were obtained with the ‘/^'microphone and the 2204 meter, the latter on ‘linear, fast’ setting. At 5 cm dorsal aspect, the sound level of C. strepitans (76-7) was between 100.5 and 101.0 dB. A specimen of C. buckelli (76-3) was 102 ± 2 dB at 6.5 cm dorsal. Pulse rate varies linearly with temperature (Figure 8) as in other acoustic Ensifera (Walker 1962, 1975). Both field and laboratory recordings of calling song contributed to the regression lines. One C. monstrosa plotted point is from Spooner (1973) (S in Figure 8); 5 Figure 7. Calling song frequency spectrograms traced from photographs. 1978] Morris & G wynne — Cyphoderris 163 different males provide the other 6 points. C. bucked? s regression is based on 12 different individuals, 3 at two different temperatures each. Each of the 13 C. strepitans pulse rates derives from a different individual; all those at temperatures of 8°C and below are field recordings. Pulse rates were calculated from an oscilloscope display in which a single beam sweep embraced 3-13 pulses. Successive, single-sweep samples (3-6), were averaged to obtain each plotted value. The coefficients of determination indicate a very good fit to the calculated regression lines. Although the C. monstrosa regres- sion line is different from the strepitans and buckelli lines the slopes and Y intercepts of the latter two species are not significantly different. C. strepitans males stridulate at very low temperatures. Previous reports cite minimal singing temperatures for acoustic Orthoptera of about 7°C [e.g. Fulton (1925) for the tree cricket Oecanthus fultoni (under the name of O. niveus) and Frings and Frings (1957) for the katydid Neoconocephalus ensiger ]. On May 17, 1977, at the holotypic site, one of us (D.T.G.) heard three of four males singing from branches and logs near the ground when the air temperature at waist level was —0.5° C. On June 4 and 5, 1978, tape recordings were made of males singing at temperatures as low as 2° C (see Figure 8). Following the recording the thermometer bulb was placed close to the singing male’s perch. There is a suggestion in the plotted rates in Figure 8 of a departure from linearity at very low temperatures. In conclusion, the song of C. monstrosa differs from the other two species in both the shape of the pulse amplitude envelope and in pulse rate, both these parameters being useful diagnostic features. C. buckelli and C. strepitans, however, have virtually identical calling songs: song intensities, carrier frequencies, and pulse ampli- tude envelopes provide no basis for human discrimination; the pulse rates, especially, are indistinguishable at any given temperature. It is interesting to note that Alexander (1969) has questioned the traditional interpretation that reproductive isolating mechanisms evolved to prevent “mating mistakes” between species. He suggested (citing evidence from acoustical insects) that species differences have most likely arisen as a result of the different selection pressures operating on populations while they are in allopatry. He reasoned that if this is so, among other things, we should rarely find identical pair forming signals among allopatric or allochronic species. C. strepitans and C. buckelli are allopatric (Figure 5) and by the above 164 Psyche [June-September 1“ 1 1 1 1 T" 5 10 15 20 25 30 TEMPERATURE °C Figure 8. Relation of pulse rate and temperature in Cyphoderris calling song (S is from Spooner, 1973). 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 165 reasoning their songs should have diverged yet this is not the case. Any difference between these two species (including the above mentioned habitat differences) apparently have not affected their pair forming signals. Acknowledgements These studies were supported by operating grant 4946 from the National Research Council of Canada. Appreciation is extended to the many persons who provided us with access to specimens: R. D. Alexander (Univ. of Michigan), W. F. Barr (Univ. of Idaho), D. R. Davis & A. B. Gurney (Smithsonian, Washington), K. Goeden (Oregon Dept, of Agriculture), J. D. Lattin & D. C. Lightfoot (Oregon State Univ.), J. E. H. Martin (Biosystematics, Ottawa), D. Otte (Acad. Nat. Sciences Philadelphia), G. G. E. Scudder (Univ. of B.C.), Margaret Thayer (Harvard), W. J. Turner (Washington State Univ.), Bob Willey (Univ. of Chicago), S. M. Ulagaraj and V. R. Vickery (Macdonald College) and G. B. Wiggins (Royal Ontario Museum). We are grateful for the help of the staff of the Kananaskis Environmental Centre in Alberta (Univ. of Calgary). Jim Fullard, Darlene Morris and E. J. Morris helped with field studies. T. J. Walker (Univ. of Florida) and T. Alloway (Univ. of Toronto) transported specimens. Dr. Howard E. Evans criticized the manu- script. Beyond all others we acknowledge the help of Ron Aiken of the Univ. of Toronto. References Alexander, R. D. 1969. Comparative animal behavior and systematics. Syst. Biol. Proc. Internat. Conf. Nat. Acad. Sciences, pp. 494-517. Alexander, G. 1935. Orthoptera new to Colorado. Entomol. News 46: 30. Ander, K. 1938. Ein abdominales Stridulationsorgan bei Cyphoderris (Prophalangopsi- dae) und iiber die systematische Einteilung der Ensiferen (Saltatoria). Opuscula Entomol. 3: 32-38. 1939. Vergleichend-anatomische und phylogenetische Studien iiber die Ensi- fera (Saltatoria). Opuscula Entomol. Suppl. II, 306 pp. (Unpublished translation by T. H. Hubbell.) 166 Psyche [June-September Buckell, E. R. 1924. Additions and corrections to the list of British Columbia Orthoptera. Proc. Entornol. Soc. British Columbia 21: 7-12. Caudell, A. N. 1904. The genus Cyphoderris. J.N.Y. Entornol. Soc. 12: 47-53. Cowan, E McT. and C. J. Guiguet. 1965. The Mammals of British Columbia. Handbook No. 11, British Colum- bia Provincial Museum, 3rd ed., 414 pp. Dumortier, B. 1963. Morphology of sound emission apparatus in Arthropoda. In Busnel, R.-G., ed.. Acoustic Behaviour of Animals. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 277-345. Evans, H. E. 1970. Ecological-behavioral studies of the wasps of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 140: 451-51 1. Frings, H. and M. Frings. 1957. The effects of temperature on chirp-rate of male cone-headed grasshop- pers, Neoconocephalus ensiger. J. Exp. Zool. 134: 411-425. Fulton, B. B. 1925. Physiological variation in the snowy-tree cricket, Oecanthus niveus DeGeer. Ann. Entornol. Soc. Arner. 18: 363-383. 1930. Notes on Oregon Orthoptera with descriptions of new species and races. Ann. Entornol. Soc. Arner. 23: 611-641. Gleason, H. A. and A. Cronquist. 1964. The Natural Geography of Plants. Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 420 pp. Hebard, M. 1934. Cyphoderris, a genus of katydid of southwestern Canada and the north- western United States. Trans. Am. Entornol. Soc. 59: 371-375. Kevan, D. K. McE. 1954. Methodes inhabituelles de production de son chez les Orthopteres. In Busnel, R.-G., ed., L’Acoustique des Orthopteres. Ann Epiphyt., Fasc. Special, pp. 103-141. Morris, G. K., R. B. Aiken and G. E. Kerr. 1975. Calling songs of Neduba macneilli and N. sierranus (Orthoptera: Tet- tigoniidae: Decticinae). J.N.Y. Entornol. Soc. 83: 229-234. Ragge, D. R. 1955. The Wing-venation of the Orthoptera Saltatoria with Notes On Dicty- opteran Wing-venation. British Museum Natural History, London, 159 pp. Riek, E. F. 1976. The Australian genus Tympanophora White (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Tyrnpanophorinae). J. Aust. Entornol. Soc. 15: 161-171. Sales, G. and D. Pye. 1974. Ultrasonic Communication by Animals. Chapman and Hall, London, 281 pp. 1978] Morris & Gwynne — Cyphoderris 167 Sharov, A. G. 1968. Phylogeny of the Orthopteroidea. Trans. Paleontol. Inst. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. 118: 1-216. (English ed., Israel Prog. Sci. Transl. 1971, pp. 1-251.) Spooner, J. D. 1973. Sound production in Cyphoderris monstrosa (Orthoptera: Prophalan- gopsidae). Ann. Entornol. Soc. Arner. 66: 4-5. Thomas, C. 1876. A list of Orthoptera, collected by J. Duncan Putnam, of Davenport, Iowa, during the summers of 1872-3-4 & 5, chiefly in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming Territories. Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci. 1: 249-264, pi. 36. Uhler, P. R. 1864. Orthopterological contributions, Gryllodea. Proc. Entornol. Soc. Phil. 2: 543-555. Walker, T. J. 1962. Factors responsible for intraspecific variation in the calling songs of crickets. Evolution 16: 407-428. 1975. Effects of temperature on rates in poikilotherm nervous systems: evidence from the calling songs of meadow katydids (Orthoptera: Tet- tigoniidae: Orchelimum ) and re-analysis of published data. J. Comp. Physiol. 101: 57-69. Willey, R. B. and R. L. Willey. 1963. Range extension of Colorado Cyphoderris (Orthoptera: Prophalangop- sidae). Entornol. News 74: 200-201. Zeuner, F. E. 1939. Fossil Orthoptera Ensifera. British Museum Natural History, London, 321 pp. DESCRIPTION OF THE ERGATOID QUEEN OF POGONOMYRMEX MAYRI WITH NOTES ON THE WORKER AND MALE (HYM., FORMICIDAE)* By Charles Kugler Department of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 Introduction During a recent stay in Santa Marta on the north coast of Colombia, I had the opportunity to study Pogonomyrmex mayri, the sole member of the subgenus Forelomyrmex, whose entire range is the desert and dry deciduous forest below 200 m. on the northwestern, western, and possibly southern skirts of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. This ant was described by Forel (1899: 61-62, footnote) from worker(s) and male(s) he collected. Neither he nor subsequent entomologists, including P. J. Darlington, found females. The reason females were unknown became clear as I worked in the area and later began to look at the biology of P. mayri more closely. Though I collected males from vegetation nearly year around (3 Sept, to 30 June), no winged females were seen in two years. Furthermore, only after thoroughly excavating 10 nests were any females found at all, one in each of 2 nests dug by my coworker, Maria del Carmen Hincapie, and her assistant. Both were ergatoid nest queens. This paper presents a formal description of those queens, notes on the worker and male supplementing Forel’s original description, and a discussion of the taxonomic status of Pogonomyrmex mayri. Notes on the biology of P. mayri will be reported later. *A report of research of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853. Manuscript received by the editor October 20, 1978. 169 170 Psyche [June-September Queen (Figs. 1-4, Table 1) Two specimens (Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University) taken by Maria del Carmen Hincapie from nests in soil behind the beach at Bahia Gairaca, about 20 km. by road east of Santa Marta, Colombia, in Parque Nacional Tayrona, on 2 dif- ferent days, April 22, 1978 (#780422-6) and April 26, 1978 (#780426-9). The following description is based primarily on the first specimen, with occasional remarks on the second if they differ in some way. For each measurement, that of the first specimen is followed by that of the second. Mandibles subtriangular; basal and masticatory borders meet at obtuse angle; outer border gently convex, slightly flattened mid- length; masticatory border with 5 teeth increasing in size apically, the second tooth with a denticle on its distal edge (second specimen with denticle reduced on one mandible, absent on the other). Palpal formula 3,3 as determined from undissected specimens; neither palp reaching posterior margin of buccal cavity. Labrum with rounded lobes on either side of a sharp median emargination. Head (fig. 4) about as wide as long; in full face dorsal view occiput broadly V- shaped, with distinct occipital lobes; sides of head gently convex on temples to small bulge behind the eye, then indented to flat cheeks. Middle of clypeus weakly convex overall, both transversely and longitudinally; sculpture stops a weak median carina short of reaching apron; apron narrow, leading edge convex with median tooth bracketed by low rounded lobes; lateral arms form low narrowly rounded ridges in front of antennal fossae. Frontal triangle reduced to a narrow, deep Y-shaped sulcus separating clypeus from posterior % of frontal lobes. Frontal lobes short, well separated; carinae convex. Eyes small, convex, ringed by a round- bottom sculptured groove. Antennae 12-merous. Scape short and rather thick, not reaching vertex of head; bent at a nearly right angle within basal !4 of length and largely flat beyond (extensor surface viewed from side). First 2 segments of flagellum longer than wide, L 0.21, 0.20; 0.18, 0.18; segments 3-7 wider than long; segments 8-1 1 about as long as wide. Apical segment much longer than any other, L 0.34, 0.37; apex narrowly rounded. Last 4 segments constitute a weakly defined 1978] Kugler — Pogonomyrmex mayri 171 Figs. 1-3. Queen of Pogonomyrmex mayri. Fig. 1, dorsal view. Fig. 2, lateral view. Fig. 3, lateral view of trunk and waist (waviness of some hairs is an artifact of charging). 172 Psyche [June-September antennal club. Width of flagellar segments increases uniformly from first (0.13, 0.12) to last (0.18, 0.20). Trunk in full dorsal view (fig. 1) with complete, fine, immobile, promesonotal suture; mesonotum bisected at about 2/3 of length by a faint shallow sulcus (probable remnant of scutoscutellar suture) which drops out at lateral margins; metanoturn reduced to a sharp groove between mesonotum and propodeuin. Propodeal spines robust, acute, their bases widely separated by a broad concavity. Propodeal spiracles prominent; their orifices circular, facing pos- terolaterad. From the side (figs. 2, 3) dorsal profile convex; mesonotum set off by grooves, its outline higher and more convex than pronotum and propodeum. Distinct sutures separate pronotum and mesonotum from mesopleura; metapleura delimited by weak sulci scarcely distinguishable from the sculpture, expecially in areas anterior to the spiracle. Metapleural gland bulla well developed. Inferior pro- podeal plates broad, blunt. Dorsal face of propodeum curves broadly into declivous face. Petiole robust (figs. 1-3), with broadly conical anterior peduncle and weakly differentiated posterior peduncle. Venter seen from below with 3 longitudinal ridges running from short acute tooth to posterior peduncle. Node in side view with flat anterior face (except for 2 low undulations) joining anterior peduncle at about a 135° angle, meeting dorsal face of node at an acute angle; dorsal face flat, broadly curving into short posterior face. Outline of node from above ovoid, slightly wider than long, widest just caudad of midlength. Anterior edge sharp (with low upturned burr in second specimen), gradually softening to broadly rounded along sides. Postpetiole large, inflated; connection with gaster broad. In lateral view, dorsum strongly and evenly convex; venter much shorter than dorsum, profile undulate, anterior lip broadly rounded. From directly above (not as in fig. 1) node subtrapezoidal; posterior edge a broad convex arc somewhat flattened mesad, posterior corners broadly rounded, sides flat, tapered to corners of weakly concave anterior edge. Gaster greatly enlarged, subglobose, heavily sclerotized, slightly longer than wide and slightly wider than deep; widest at midlength. Sclerites not fused, but rigidly articulated. Measured from side along axis, first tergum covers 90% of length of gaster; first sternum 53%. 1978] Kugler — Pogonomyrmex mayri 173 Legs neither long and slender nor very robust. Femur lengths front to back 1.48, 1.50; 1.45, 1.45; 1.64, 1.65 rnm., not incrassate (W/L 18, 18; 17, 18; 16, 16%). Hind tibia length 1.33, 1.48 min. Middle and hind tarsi each with one short simple apical spur. Hind metatarsus 1.16, 1.29 mm.; tarsal claws simple. Most of body with fine dense punctulate striae overlain by a coarse broken wavy sculpture (figs. 1-4): clypeus, top, sides and back of head, trunk (except those areas listed below), petiolar node and postpetiole. In other places the overlying sculpture is much reduced or absent, leaving largely flat surfaces of fine, punctulate striae: gula (some weakly undulate sculpture present), anterior face of pronotum, prosternum, forecoxae, dorsomedial surfaces of meta- pleural gland bullae, declivous face of propodeum (striae coarser, less dense), most of first gastric segment (striae weaken caudad). Striation much reduced, leaving predominately fine, densely punc- tate surfaces on: antennae (striae present but finer than elsewhere and not predominate), legs except first coxae, and end of first and most of succeeding segments of gaster (narrow coriaceous margins on each). Mandibles finely longtitudinally striate, without punc- tures. Inner surface of mandibles, peduncle and venter of petiole smooth and shining; the latter with scattered punctures. Striation more or less longitudinal on mandibles, antennae, clypeus, dorsum and sides of head, mesonotum, sides of trunk (though much confused in parts), coxae, anterior face and sides of petiolar node, sides and venter of postpetiole, and gaster. Striation essentially transverse on gula (bisected by median longitudinal ridge), pro- notum, basal and declivous faces of propodeum (striae converge on apices of spines from all sides), dorsal surface of petiolar node, anterior and dorsal faces of postpetiole (transversely arcuate). Whole body, except peduncle of petiole, covered with short, stiff, erect, acute golden hairs, interspersed with shorter, more flexuous recurved hairs. Apron of clypeus with longer flexuous hairs; hair on mandibles more decumbent. No psainmophore of any sort. Color uniformly dark ferruginous brown, except for brown to yellow apical antennomere. Worker (Figs. 6-8) The worker is most strikingly different from the queen in its jet black color, its larger head, and smaller waist and gaster. It appears 174 Psyche [June-Septernber Figs. 4-5. Fig. 4, Head of queen of P. mayri, nearly full dorsal view. Fig. 5, side of head and trunk of P. mayri male. 1978] Kugler — Pogonomyrmex mayri 175 as if there is a longitudinal gradient of allornetric growth in the queen such that the anterior half grows slower than, and the posterior half faster than in the worker. A detailed description of how the worker differs from the queen follows (see also table 1). Head much larger, more elongate (fig. 6). Mandibles longer, with 6 distinct teeth and a low basal angle. Papal formula 4, 3. Median carina complete to marginal tooth, but low; seen best from postero- dorsal view. Eye smaller relative to size of head. Trunk more completely fused; profile evenly convex, with poorly differentiated Figs. 6-8. Worker of P. mayri. Fig. 6, head in full dorsal view. Fig. 7, trunk and petiole in lateral view. Fig. 8, dorsal view of petiole. 176 Psyche [June-September neck and declivous propodeal face (fig. 7). Propodeal spiracle not prominent; orifice oval, facing caudad. Superior propodeal spines longer, spiniform; their bases narrowly separated. Inferior pro- podeal plates short, spiniform. Petiole (figs. 7, 8) low, narrow; anterior peduncle very slender in dorsal view, dorsoventrally cunei- form; no posterior peduncle; venter with 2 longitudinal ridges. Anterior ridge of petiolar node drawn out into an acute, dorso- ventrally flattened, somewhat upturned tooth; sides of node seen from above parallel, flat in anterior half, weakly convex in posterior half. Postpetiole smaller than in female, especially in width and height; more conical in dorsal view. Gaster much smaller in all dimensions. Legs longer, more slender; middle and hind tibial spurs finely pectinate. Sculpture on dorsum of trunk not broken by sutures; transverse striae on anterior pronotum become longitudinal on mesonotum, then transverse again on propodeum. Striation on first tergum of gaster fades at about midlength; much of caudal half smooth and shining. Color uniformly dull black in mature workers; callows dark ferruginous brown. Petiole, postpetiole and gaster less densely hairy than in female; color of erect hairs can vary from black to golden on any one individual. The sting apparatus of the worker is most like those of P. ( Ephebomyrmex ) naegeli and P. ( E .) imberbiculus (Kugler, 1978): anterior apodeme of spiracular plate wide and of uniform width along entire length of plate; lancets with 2 distinct barbs and no dorsal ridge; triangular plate without dorsal and medial tubercles; other parts as shown in Kugler (1978) figs. 1.8, 19, 21, 22, and 26. Male (Fig. 5) Measurements (ranges from 5 individuals, including the largest and smallest available from 7 collections) TL 7.29-8.10; HL 1.56- 1.74; HW just behind eyes 1.10-1.25 (Cl 70-73); eye L 0.31-0.34; scape L 0.34-0.42; combined L of 2nd and 3rd flagellar segments 0.81-0.90; ML 0.12-0.19; WL 2.17-2.40; front wing L 4.00-4.10; hind femur L 1.86-2.00; petiole L 0.80-0.94; postpetiole L 0.72- 0.93; gaster L 1.74-2.10. Head remarkably elongate and flattened behind (fig. 5). Clypeus rather long, broadly convex in both dimensions, middle subsiding evenly to sides; free margin broadly arcuate except for slight median 1978] Kugler — Pogonomyrmex mayri 177 flattening or ernargination, which possesses in some specimens a very small acute or rounded tooth that is a continuation of a weak median carina running the length of the clypeus. Frontal triangle triangular, with a broad, shallow, V-shaped impression. Frontal carinae reduced to rims encircling the sockets of the antennae. Palpal formula 4, 3. Scape much shorter than combined length of Table 1. Measurements and indices of Pogonomyrmex mayri females and workers. Data for the first female specimen are listed first, followed by those of the second. Worker data are ranges from 6 individuals selected to include the largest and smallest available from 7 collections. Measurements are expressed in millimeters; indices in percentages, and both follow the standard definitions (see Brown, 1953: 11-14; 1975: 3-4). Head width was measured just behind the eyes. Postpetiolar and gaster measurements were taken separately, and from dorsal view. Table 1 Measurements TL HL HW ML Eye L Scape L WL Petiole L Petiole W Postpetiole L Postpetiole W Gaster L Gaster W Fore femur L Fore femur W Hind femur L Hind femur W Indices Cl MI SI Scape W/L Fore femur W/L Hind femur W/L Petiole W/L Postpetiole W/L Gaster W/L Queens 8.21, 8.49 1.57, 1.58 1.45, 1.52 0.25, 0.27 0.25, 0.25 1.12, 1.20 2.02, 2.00 0.90, 0.90 0.72, 0.68 0.94, 0.94 1.25, 1.20 2.53, 2.80 2.18, 2.14 1.48, 1.50 0.27, 0.27 1.64, 1.65 0.27, 0.26 92, 96 16, 17 73, 77 15, 13 18, 18 16, 16 80, 75 133, 128 108, 107 Workers 7.85-9.04 2.00- 2.24 1.73-1.96 0.26-0.35 0.26-0.30 1.67-1.82 2.20-2.54 0.90-1.00 0.36-0.43 0.68-0.80 0.59-0.70 1.80-2.24 1.38-1.67 2.00- 2.20 0.30-0.35 2.32-2.62 0.30-0.34 85-88 13-16 90-96 11-12 15-16 12-13 39 54 79-88 70-78 178 Psyche [June-September second and third flagellar segments. Scape and flagellum fairly densely covered with short erect hairs; segments 2-12 of flagellum also very densely endowed with fine appressed pilosity. Trunk uniquely shaped and proportioned, as if the propodeum has grown forward, compressing the mesoscutum and pronotum, and rotating the neck and head to a more ventral position (fig. 5). Pronotum very constricted mesad. Mesonotum very short (meso- scutal L/WL 20-23%);* seen from the side evenly and rather strongly convex, from above nearly equilaterally triangular; with 2 short black lines that indicate underlying apophyses of the notauli. Middle of scutellum and metanoturn raised into a prominent subcircular bulge. Propodeum elongate (propodeal L/WL 49-52%),* dorsal face curving insensibly into declivous face; unarmed. Petiole long, cylindrical, nodeless. Legs long and slender (hind femur L/ WL 83-86%); front coxae long, compressed front to back (fig. 5). Wings evenly covered with fine hairs. Venation of fore wing variable. Of 154 wings (77 individuals) from 7 collections, the most common venation had a small closed discoidal cell with subequal sides, a hexagonal cubital cell with a narrow opening to the costal cell and sinuate lower edge (Rs), radial cell open distad, and veins Rs and M unjoined by a cross vein beyond the discoidal cell (121 wings). In 1 1 wings the discoidal cell was open distad, but otherwise the same. In 20 wings the discoidal cell was closed, but a cross vein (r-m) connected the Rs and M veins, creating a second cubital cell. That cross vein joined the Rs well proximad of the end of the first cubital cell, except in one wing where it was almost even with the end of the cell. Two wings had both open discoidal cells and the r-m cross vein. Wings of different venation commonly appear on the same individual. Hypopygium in ventral view subtriangular; apex broadly rounded, proximal corners square with slender truncate lateral projections, middle of base with a long slender truncate anterior process. Gonostyli (=parameres) of genital capsule tapered in side view, but with apices broadly rounded; setae occur only around apices. Digitus long, slender, blunt, strongly down-curved; not reaching to apex of gonostylus. Cuspis short, pollicate when seen from the side. 'Mesoscutal and propodeal lengths measured from lateral view by taking their maximum length along lines parallel with Weber’s length. 1978] Kugler — Pogonomyrmex mayri 179 Aedeagus fairly slender, with serrate ventral margin; serrations decrease in size to apex. Apex narrow, blunt; half smooth, half finely serrate. Inner dorsal margins of gonocoxites form a long narrow, gently convex V. Sculpture like that of worker and female, with the following exceptions: Striation on head largely transversely arcuate caudad of antennae, clypeus without coarse undulations. Trunk and petiole without overlying broken wavy sculpture; all but pronotum longi- tudinally striate. Striation on postpetiole gives way to purely punctate sculpture in caudal half. Gaster, first and second anten- nomeres, and legs smooth and shining, except for weakly striate fore coxae. Discussion Pogonomyrmex mayri clearly belongs to the genus Pogono- myrmex as presently constituted; and is most closely related to members of the subgenus Ephebomyrmex. It is most like Ephebo- myrmex in 15 of the 22 characteristics used by Cole (1968) to distinguish males and workers of the subgenera Ephebomyrmex and Pogonomyrmex, the sting apparatus most resembles that of the Ephebomyrmex species I have examined (Kugler, 1978), and some of its most unusual characters, such as the elongate head of the male, the Y-shaped frontal triangle of the queen and worker, and the circumocular groove, may be seen as the extreme development of characteristics of Ephebomyrmex species. Nevertheless, it is remarkably different from any known Pogonomyrmex, with a number of novel characters, and consequently has been placed in its own subgenus ( Forelomyrmex Wheeler) since its description. The following shows how other Pogonomyrmex species compare with mayri9 s most distinctive features.2 The clypeus in most Pogonomyrmex has a concave leading edge except in angustus, darlingtoni, odoratus, schmitti and townsendi (all Ephebomyrmex ), none of which has a median tooth. The frontal triangle is usually broadly triangulate, but is somewhat elongate, laterally compressed, and except for a median carina, depressed 2Except where indicated, based on the MCZ collection containing 51 of the estimated 67 presently standing species, subspecies and varieties of the subgenera Ephebomyrmex and Pogonomyrmex. 180 Psyche [June-Septernber below the level of the clypeus only in darlingtoni, saucius and schmitti. In none of these, however, is the front so narrow as in mayri, nor is it at all Y-shaped. The back of the head in full dorsal view is broadly and shallowly concave in most Ephebomyrmex species, but is only excavated to such a degree that it has definite occipital lobes in the majors of some subgenus Pogonomyrmex species, e.g., badius. The cephalic index approaches that of mayri only in cunicularius (84), an undetermined species near cunicularius 3 4 (84, 87), odoratus (85-87), and angustus (86-89). Only in the latter is the occiput at all concave. In some species the sculpture is flattened at the edge of the eye, but only in darlingtoni does it become at all impressed, and then it is shallow, only weakly defined, and limited to the dorsal half of the eye. All species examined have much larger eyes, relative to the size of the head, than mayri. The petiolar node in most Pogonomyrmex species is well rounded on top, sides and apex, and has a distinct posterior peduncle. A few species have a broad subacute to acute apex, but only in the sp. near cunicularius does the node even superficially resemble that of mayri. On closer examination, it also is quite distinct. Sculpture in the subgenus Ephebomyrmex tends to be “coarsely rugo-reticulate” (Cole 1968: 35), but no species examined has the overlying broken, undulate pattern of mayri. Ergatogyny has occasionally been reported in Pogonomyrmex, but most specimens are only occasional aberrations in species with normal queens, e.g., comanche, maricopa, subnitidus, calif ornicus (Cole 1968: 175), and pima (MCZ). Only one female has been reported for cunicularius, and it is ergatoid (Santschi, 1931), but the description indicates nothing more remarkable about it than a more or less distinct scutellum. Ergatogyny seems to be the rule in laticeps. Kusnezov (1951: 273-275) describes the range of ergatoid forms, but makes no mention of enlarged waists or gasters, or of reduced heads. Those characters are evidently unique to mayri. The bizarre form of the P. mayri male is also apparently unequalled in this genus (Cole, 1968; Creighton, 1952; Gallardo, 1932; Kusnezov, 1949, 1951). Some males of Aphaenogaster species have elongate heads constricted behind. In the other Pogonomyrmex 3Two specimens collected by W. L. Brown in Argentina: Catarnarca, Cat. (airport), 4 Feb. 1967; Prov. Tucurnan, Krn 1333, Rte. 9, N. of Tapia, 25 Jan. 1967, bosque chaqueno. 1978] Kugler — Pogonomyrmex mayri 181 species I was able to examine directly, the head is at best only slightly longer than wide in some species (Cl range of 4 Ephebo- myrmex species 89-97). The mesoscutum is long (mesoscutal L/WL 33-50%), propodeum short (propodeal L/WL 26-37%) and the petiole has a distinct node. The legs are shorter than in mayri (hind femur L/WL 61-76%), and the front wing usually has a r-rn crossvein that joins the Rs at or distal to the end of the first cubital cell (see Cole, 1968: 25-26, plate 1 fig. 1). If the r-m vein is absent, the first cuboidal cell is open. Pogonomyrmex mayri may in fact deserve full generic status, but for the present it seems prudent not to create a monotypic genus before Pogonomyrmex is completely revised. The most recent revisions (Kusnezov, 1951; Cole, 1968) have been regional in scope and thus inadequate to address the question of whether the sub- genera Pogonomyrmex and Ephebomyrmex are really two distinct genera. Should such a split occur, mayri would no doubt be placed in the separate genus Forelomyrmex. Acknowledgements I thank Norman F. Johnson for taking the SEM photographs, Janet M. Hahn for helping prepare various stages of the manuscript, W. L. Brown, Jr. for his advice and constant support, and E. O. Wilson for the loan of specimens from the MCZ. This research was supported by the NSF grant DEB-22427 (W. L. Brown, Jr., principal investigator). References Brown, W. L. 1953. Revisionary studies in the ant tribe Dacetini. Am. Midi. Nat. 50: 1-137. 1975. Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. V. Ponerinae, tribes Platythyreini, Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini, Acanthostichini, and Aenictogitini. Search, Agrculture, Cornell Univ. 5(1): 1-116. Cole, A. C. 1968. Pogonomyrmex Harvester Ants, A Study of the Genus in North America. Univ. of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. 222 pp. Creighton, W. S. 1952. Studies on Arizona ants (3), the habits of Pogonomyrmex huachucanus Wheeler and a description of the sexual castes. Psyche 59: 71-81. Forel, A. 1899. Biologia Cent. -Am., Insecta, Hym. 3 (Formicidae), pp. 1-169 + 4 pi. 182 Psyche [June-September Gallardo, A. 1932. Las Hormigas de la Republica Argentina, subfarnilia Mirmicinas, segunda seccion Eurnyrmicinae, Genero Pogonomvrmex Mayr. An. Mus. Argent. Hist. Nat. 37: 89-170. Kugler, C. 1978. A comparative study of the myrmicine sting apparatus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Stud. Entornol. 20: 413-548. Kusnezov, N. 1949. Pogonomyrmex del grupo Ephebomyrmex en la fauna de la Patagonia. Acta Zool. Lilloana 8: 291-307. 1951. El genero Pogonomyrmex Mayr. (Hym., Formicidae). Acta Zool. Lilloana 11: 227-333. Santschi, F. 1931. L’etude des fourmis de l’Argentine. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 112: 273-282. NOTES ON BRYOTHINUSA WITH DESCRIPTION OF THE LARVA OF B. CATALINAE CASEY (COLEOPTERA: STAPH YLINIDAE)* By Ian Moore and R. E. Orth Division of Biological Control, University of California Riverside, 92521 A number of insects are restricted to special marine habitats along the California seashore. At least one of these habitats is intertidal in the sense that its fauna is regularly submerged by the tides. This is the fauna of the reefs. Several species of staphylinids are known from this region. Members of the staphylinid genera Liparocephalus, Amblopusa and Diaulota are found on the rocky shores of northern California; while in southern California only members of the genera Diaulota and Bryothinusa are known. Several studies have dealt with these insects including Chamberlain and Ferris (1929) and Moore (1956a, 1956b). Larvae of some of the species have been described. The larva of Bryothinusa catalinae Casey is described and illustrated for the first time in this paper. Bryothinusa catalinae (Fig. 1), the type species of the genus, was described by Casey in 1904. Sawada (1955, 1971) described four species from Japan under the name Halaesthenus. Several species were described from the harbor at Hong Kong by Moore and Legner (1971) and Moore, Legner and Chan (1973). Finally, another species was made known by Moore and Legner (1975) from the Gulf of California, bringing the total number of known species to eleven. All but one of these is restricted to an intertidal habitat; the exception being B. fluenta Moore et al. which was found by Tai- Din Chan in a strictly fresh water habitat in a stream emptying into Hong Kong harbor. Bryothinusa catalinae is not common in collections probably because of its restricted habitat. Derham Giuliani collected ten adult specimens of this species incidental to other work in October, 1976, near White Point, San Pedro, California, and presented the speci- mens to us. We made two trips to the area in November and December, 1977, where we found both adults and larvae fairly common. This special habitat may be described as follows: * Manuscript received by the editor September 15, 1978. 183 184 Psyche [June-September 1 2 Figures 1-2. Bryothinusa catalinae Casey. Fig. 1, Habitus of imago; California, Los Angeles Co., White Point, Dec. 6, 1977, R. E. Orth. Fig. 2, Habitus of larva; same locality data as imago. 1978] Moore <& Orth — Bryothinusa 185 White Point City Park, San Pedro, Los Angeles, California (Fig. 9, photograph), occupies approximately a mile of a narrow strip of cliff and rocky beach along the Pacific Ocean just a few miles north of Point Firmin. Access to the beach is by a steep road down the cliff which joins a road along the beach. The beach area consists of four rocky embayrnents between five short points. The second embayment from the south is somewhat protected from the open ocean by a 6 foot to 10 foot high ledge along the seaward side of which is the ruin of a concrete wall. Between the concrete wall and the road at the base of the cliff is a shallow reef which is exposed at low-water and under water at high tide. The area is largely a field of boulders two or three feet across with smaller stones and gravel in sand. The staphylinids and their larvae were found beneath and on the stones in an association with dense worm tubes, chitons, limpets, small abalones, flat worms, small crabs and brittle stars. They were most readily collected by a flotation method in which stones were agitated in a bucket of seawater. The insects floated to the surface where they were lifted with a camel’s hair brush and transferred to a vial of alcohol. Collecting in the intertidal zone is best done in the fall and winter when low tides occur during daylight. The larva of Bryothinusa catalinae Casey * (Fig. 2) Color. Semitransparent-white except the apices of the mouth- parts and the larger setae which are nebulously brown, and black eye-spots on the head. Head round, widest just behind the eye-spots, neck absent. Ocelli apparently absent. With an ovoid heavily pigmented eye spot on each side near the base of the antenna. Clypeal margin (Fig. 6) with four small teeth. Antenna three-segmented (Fig. 5); first segment wider than long; second segment about as wide as first, almost twice as long as wide, apex with two articulated processes, each about one-third as wide as apex of second segment; one process an “acorn- like seta”, bears no seta on its surface, is almost twice as long as the other and is somewhat sinuate; the other process which is the actual third antennal segment, bears several ordinary setae and is about twice as long as wide. Maxilla (Fig. 7) with the stipes longer than the palpus, outer half of inner margin with closely placed short teeth. Maxillary palpus three-segmented; first segment about as long as 186 Psyche [June-September Figures 3-8 Larva of Bryothinusa catalinae Casey. Fig. 3, left mandible; Fig. 4, labium; Fig. 5, right antenna; Fig. 6, anterior margin of clypeus; Fig. 7, right maxilla; Fig. 8, urogomphi and pseudopod. 1978] Moore & Orth — Bryothinusa 187 wide; second segment somewhat narrower and almost as long as first; third segment narrower and longer than second, tapered to bluntly pointed apex. Mandible (Fig. 3) curved, pointed, with a large internal apical tooth followed by four blunt denticles in the apical half. Ligula (Fig. 4) rounded at apex, about as long as wide, about as long as first segment of labial palpus. Labial palpus (Fig. 4) two-segmented, segments longer than wide, second segment a little narrower than first, tapered to bluntly pointed apex. Gular sutures most approximate in the middle, widely divergent ahead and behind. Thorax. — Pronotum almost twice as wide as long, apical margin straight, sides gently arcuate, base straight, angles narrowly rounded, with a few scattered setae. Mesonotum and metanotum very similar to pronotum. Abdomen with the first six segments nearly parallel sided, seventh segment narrower than sixth, eighth segment narrower than seventh. First six segments with two discal setae, a row of about eight setae along the basal margin and scattered setae at the sides. Eighth segment with distinct raised opercula for an osineteriuin, the area Figure 9. Low tide at White Point City Park, Los Angeles County, California, habitat of Brythinusa catalinae Casey. 188 Psyche [June-September not pigmented. Urogornphus (Fig. 8) two-segmented, first segment broadly triangular, second segment slender, nearly cylindrical, about as long as the first segment. Membrane of apex of pseudopod (Fig. 8) with four small dark hooks, each with a bifid base. Length 3.0 mm. Material examined. Two specimens 9 November 1977 and three specimens 6 December 1977, White Point, San Pedro, Los Angeles, California, associated with numerous adults under stones in coarse sand and gravel on the seashore at about the 1 or 2 foot tide level collected by R. E. Orth. In company with these specimens were adults of Diaulota harteri Moore, the only other staphylinid genus known from this habitat. Notes. The larvae of Bryothinusa can be distinguished from those of Diaulota , the only other staphylinid genus known from this habitat in southern California, by the presence of four small chitinized pigmented hooks with a bifid base imbedded in the apical membrane of the pseudopod. Specimens of larvae examined by us associated with adults of B. sawadai Moore et al., B. Hongkongen- sis Moore et al., B. sinensis Moore et al. and B. chani Moore and Legner all have pseudopodal hooks. Similar pseudopodal hooks have been reported in the larvae of Alianta incana Erickson by Paulian (1941). Paulian’s illustrations indicate they may be present in other genera. Literature Cited Casey, T. L. 1904. On some new Coleoptera including four new genera. Can. Ent. 36: 312-324. Chamberlain, J. C. and G. F. Ferris 1929. On Liparocephalus and allied genera (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Pan- Pac. Ent. 5: 137-143, 153-162, illus. Moore, Ian 1956a. A revision of the Pacific Coast Phytosi wirh a review of the foreign genera (Coloptera: Staphylinidae) Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 12: 103-152, illus. 1956b. Notes on some intertidal Coleoptera with descriptions of the early stages (Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Malachiidae). Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 12: 207-230, illus. Moore, Ian and E. F. Legner 1971. Bryothinusa chani, a new species of marine beetle from Hong Kong (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopt. Bull. 25: 107-108. 1978] Moore & Orth — Bryothinusa 189 1975. A study of Bryothinusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), comparing a tabular key and a dichotomous key to the species. Bull. So. Cal. Acad. Sci. 74: 109-112, illus. Moore, Ian, E. F. Legner and T. Chan 1973. A review of the genus Bryothinusa with descriptions of three new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Ent. News 84: 73-81, illus. Paulian, Renaud 1941. Les premier etats des Staphylinoidea. Etudes de morphologie comparee. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur. Paris, n. ser. 15: 1-361, illus. Sawada, K. 1955. Marine insects of the Tokara Islands. VIII. Family Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 5: 81-87, illus. 1971. Aleocharinae (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera) from the intertidal zone of Japan. Publ. Seto Marine Biol. Lab. 19: 81-109. GROOMING BEHAVIOR IN DIPLURA (INSECTA: APTERYGOTA) By Barry D. Valentine and Michael J. Glorioso Departments of Zoology & Entomology respectively, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Insect grooming studies are adding an important new dimension to knowledge of comparative behavior and evolution. Recent advances include an overview of a few selected movements of insects and myriopods (Jander, 1966), studies of the functional morphology of grooming structures (Hlavac, 1975), extensive reports about individual orders (Coleoptera: Valentine, 1973; Hymenoptera: Far- ish, 1972), quantitative studies at species levels (Chironomidae: Stoffer, in preparation; Drosophila: Lipps, 1973), and many less inclusive works. All such studies have difficulties which include the inability to know when an observed sequence is complete, the enormous number of potential taxa, the problem of generalizing about families and orders from small samples of individuals or species, and the absence of data from primitive or odd groups which may be critical for interpreting evolutionary sequences. The first three difficulties can be partially solved by increasing sample sizes and combining observations; however, the fourth can be solved only by availability. Grooming in the apterygote order Diplura is a good example because we can find only incomplete reports on one species. Recently, we have studied ten live specimens representing two families and three species; the data obtained provide an important picture of grooming behavior in one of the most primitive surviving orders of insects. Our observations greatly extend the limited discussion of grooming in the European japygid Dipljapyx humberti (Grassi, 1886) reported by Pages (1951, 1967). Data on Dipljapyx are incorporated here, but have not been verified by us. Initially we asked two questions: The first concerned whether a very primitive insect would enable us to observe a primitive grooming repertory; what we actually observed were primitive insects with grooming behavior beautifully tuned to a special and restricted environment. The second question concerned the effects *Manuscript received by the editor September 26, 1978. 191 192 Psyche [June-September of endognathous mouthparts on grooming. The invaginated, non- condylar mandibles and maxillae of Diplura might reduce their effectiveness in oral cleaning, and result in an increased importance of leg rubbing movements. In fact, leg rubbing was seldom observed. The rarity of rubbing has two possible explanations: either en- dognathy does not significantly modify grooming or else most leg rubbing movements have not yet evolved in Diplura. Material Examined Campodeidae (seven specimens and seven hours of recorded observations plus about five additional hours of non recorded observation which add no new data) Ohio, Franklin Co., Columbus, Upper Arlington, 20 September, 1975, B. D. Valentine family, in soil in back yard (1 specimen). Same data except 5 November, 1977, in soil under boards and logs in back yard (6 specimens). Many additional specimens were seen and collected by breaking up clods of dirt in a garden. Japygidae (three specimens and nine hours of recorded observa- tion plus about four more hours which duplicate previous data). Alabama, Butler Co., 2 mi. N.W. McKenzie on U.S. rte. 31, 7 December, 1975, B. D. Valentine, R. L. Stoffer, A. J. Penniman, in rich humus under leaf litter (1 specimen). Ohio, Franklin Co., Columbus, 23 October, 1977, M. J. Glorioso, under large flat rock at base of overgrown hill (1 specimen). Same data except 24 October, 1977 (1 specimen). The campodeids key to the genus Campodea subgenus Campodea Westwood, 1842, in Paclt (1957). Silvestri (1933a) and Pack (1957) list two species of this subgenus occurring east of the Mississippi River, Campodea (C.) fragilis Meinert, 1865, and Campodea (C.) plusiochaeta Silvestri, 1912. Both are illustrated and described by Silvestri (1912). Our specimens more closely match C. plusiochaeta because the cereal setae are fairly long on all segments, as opposed to the long basal and shorter distal cereal setae of C. fragilis, and because there are bifurcate antennal setae, as opposed to the serrate or plumose setae of C. fragilis. Nevertheless, the determination is not firm and the specimens should be listed as Campodea ( Campo- dea) ? plusiochaeta Silvestri, 1912. The Ohio japygids key in Pack (1957) to the genus Metajapyx Silvestri, 1933. Using Smith and Bolton (1964) they key to Metajapyx subterraneus (Packard, 1874) 1978] Valentine & Glorioso — Grooming in Diplura 193 which is recorded from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and District of Columbia. It is the only species recorded from Ohio; our Franklin County specimens constitute a new northern-most record in the state, and are one of the very few American records of the genus in glaciated territory. The Alabama japygid keys (in Paclt, 1957, and Smith and Bolton, 1964) directly to Metajapyx steevesi Smith and Bolton, 1964, known from Mississippi, Alabama, Geor- gia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Our record is especially noteworthy because it marks the southernmost limits of both the species and the genus in North America. Results CLEANING. Involves grooming with the mouthparts. Antenna Clean. Passage of the antenna through the mouth is accomplished in two major modes: unassisted and assisted. In unassisted, which is the usual mode in Diplura, the antenna deflects into the mouth due to its intrinsic musculature, and the legs are not involved. In Campodea this movement is vertical to the substrate, the antenna is curled ventrally under the head and is chewed by the mouthparts; in japygids the movement is rarely vertical, the antenna usually is curled along a more horizontal plane from an initial position lateral of the head, and is usually drawn rapidly through the open mouthparts; less frequently it is chewed by the maxillae. In the much rarer assisted mode, the ipsilateral foreleg pulls the antenna into the mouth and in both families is either returned to the substrate or held in mid-air; in addition, the japygids were occasion- ally observed using the ipsilateral foreleg to help hold the antenna in the mouth by placing the leg crosswise in front of the mouthparts. Pages (1967) points out that in Dipljapyx the foreleg holds the antenna during chewing by the maxillae, but is not used when the antenna is drawn through the maxillae without chewing movements. Palp Clean. A maxillary palp is passed unassisted through the mouthparts in the anterior mode in which the palp tip projects posteriad and is drawn anteriad out of the mouth. This was observed clearly in Metajapyx. (In Campodea, maxillary palpi are one segmented and the labial palpi are vestigial.) Foreleg Clean. A foreleg is raised and extended forward while the head turns to the side to reach it; the leg is essentially in a ventro- lateral position during cleaning, and is drawn posteriorly through 194 Psyche [June-September the mouth, tarsal claws last. This occurs in both families and all three genera. Midleg Clean. A midleg is brought forward alongside the body and the head turns and dips to reach it, the limb moving posteriorly through the mouth, tarsal claws last. There are three modes: under L\, in which the foreleg is raised out of the way, in both families; L\ pull, in which the raised foreleg is used to pull the midleg into the mouth, seen rarely in Campodea and reported in Dipljapyx by Pages (1967); and over L\, where the foreleg remains on the substrate and the midleg crosses above is, seen in Metajapyx. Hindleg Clean. A hindleg is brought forward alongside the laterally arched body and the head turns and dips to reach it, the limb moving posteriorly through the mouth, tarsal claws last. There are three modes in Diplura: under L\+2, where fore and mid legs are raised out of the way, in both families; under L\, over L2, which is self-explanatory and occurs in both families (in this mode both families usually raise and partly extend Li, and japygids some- times flex Li and position it under the body); and L\ pull, in which the foreleg helps pull the hindleg to the mouth, in Campodea and Dipljapyx. Fore-Midleg Clean. Ipsilateral fore and midlegs are passed simultaneously through the mouth in anterior-posterior sequence. This infrequent action occurs in both Campodea and Metajapyx. Sometimes both tarsi are involved, but usually the fore tarsus and mid tibia are the parts cleaned. Fore-Hindleg Clean. As above, the ipsilateral limbs moving posteriorly through the mouthparts, observed rarely in Campodea. Mid-Hindleg Clean. As above, except that the movement seems to be a rare continuation of Hindleg Clean, under L\+2, where the midleg becomes involved; in no case was the movement initiated independently of Hindleg Clean. This movement was observed rarely in Metajapyx. Body Clean. Both families can bend double and use their mouth- parts to groom body surfaces from the thorax to the cerci. These movements are less frequent than other grooming, so it is not known if the differences between the two families are real or sampling error. Watching these animals, the observer rapidly gets the impression that they can probably reach any body part they wish except the pronotum. At present, the campodeids have been seen cleaning all three coxae with the head directed ventro-posteriad; 1978] Valentine & Glorioso — Grooming in Diplura 195 they also clean the lateral edge of the body, the styli, and the cerci with the body curled laterally. Cereal grooming techniques appear to be very diverse and are more controlled by position and substrate irregularities than by a stereotyped program. For example, the cerci can be held by Li, or by Li+i, or by Li+2, in each case the remaining ipsilateral legs are under the cercus; other variants involve L3 raised out of the way, L2 raised out of the way, and the cercus positioned over all three ipsilateral legs. Body cleaning in japygids extends at least from the mesonotum or mesosternum to the cerci, including dorsal, lateral, and ventral surfaces; during cereal grooming, the mouth can work the outer margin of a forceps from base to apex, around the tip, then the inner margin to and across the anal area, and out the inner margin of the contralateral forceps to its tip; the far outer margin is not groomed until the insect straightens and bends to the opposite side. In Dipljapyx Pages (1967) reports that the thoracic legs hold the abdomen when the body is tightly curved to clean from the mesothorax to the fifth abdominal segment. rubbing. Involves progressive contact of body parts with each other or with the substrate. In Diplura, all rubbing is of low frequency. Antenna- Foreleg Rub. The fore tarsus or tibia is used to rub the dorsal surface of the ipsilateral antenna. This occurs in Campodea where the movement is confined to the basal antennal segments, and is sometimes combined with and precedes Antenna Clean, assisted. Head-Foreleg Rub. In Campodea, the fore tarsus is used to rub the venter of the head and the mouthparts; in Dipljapyx, Pages describes head capsule rubs but does not indicate the areas involved. Head-Midleg Rub. Also in Campodea, a midleg is used to rub the venter of the head. Head-Substrate Rub. Dipljapyx was observed rubbing the labial region of the head on the substrate with a sideways motion. Body-Midleg Rub. In Metajapyx, the midleg is used to rub the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the thorax. Body- Midleg- Midleg Rub. Also in Metajapyx, this is the bilat- eral version of the previous movement, both midlegs rubbing different thoracic regions simultaneously. Body-Hindleg Rub. In Metajapyx, the hindleg is occasionally used to rub the dorsal or lateral surfaces of the thorax. Body Rubs can be combined, for on one occasion the thorax was rubbed 196 Psyche [June-September simultaneously by a mid and hind leg from opposite sides. Body-Substrate Rub. Pages (1967) reports that Dipljapyx rubs the thoracic sternum and abdominal base energetically on the substrate. He recognizes that this may be territorial marking, but believes that grooming is more probable. Discussion The grooming patterns of Campodeidae and Japygidae are basically similar with one major exception. In Antenna Clean, campodeids chew the antenna with the maxillae during passage through the mouth, while japygids usually open the mandibles and then scrape the antenna rapidly through the open maxillae without chewing motions. Japygids can also chew the antenna but do so less frequently. The differences in grooming suggest different maxillary structures. Dissection of Metajapyx reveals an extraordinarily complex lacinia with five pectinate lamellae along the mesal face. Since we believe that these lamellae are the structures with which the antennae are cleaned; their distribution and function should be considered in future dipluran studies. Illustrations of these struc- tures can be seen in the following works. Japygidae: (note that the last genus is sometimes listed in a separate family). Indjapyx crivellari (Silvestri) as Parindjapyx (Silvestri, 1932, fig. XXXI, 4). Burmjapyx major (Grassi) as Japyx (Silvestri, 1922, fig. IV). Metajapyx confectus Silvestri (Silvestri, 1947, fig. 2). Monojapyx simplex profusa Silvestri as Japyx (Silvestri, 1932, fig. XXI, 2). Catajapyx confusus (Silvestri) as Japyx (Silvestri, 1929, fig. 2-5). Heterojapyx gallardi Tillyard (Snodgrass, 1935, fig. 79). Evalljapyx hubbardi (Cook) as E. sonoranus (Silvestri, 1947, fig. 3). Parajapyx isabellae (Grassi) (Paclt, 1957, fig. 37). Anajapygidae: Anajapyx vesciculosus Silvestri (Silvestri, 1905, fig. 4). Anajapyx hermosus Smith (Smith, 1960, fig. 9). Projapygidae: Symphylurinus stangei Smith (Smith, 1960, fig. 7). 1978] Valentine & Glorioso — Grooming in Diplura 197 The general localities of these twelve species are, in sequence: Is. Rhodes; Mediterranean; Washington, D.C.; Greece; Greece; Aus- tralia; se. Arizona; semi-cosmopolitan; Italy; California; Mexico; Mexico. The remaining two families of Diplura: Procampodeidae and Campodeidae are described by Paclt (1957, p. 5) as having tongue- like processes (“languettes”) on the lacinia, but lacking pectinate lamellae, while Smith (1960) simply states that the two campodei- form families are without “pectens”. In Procampodea the lacinial apex has a mesal row of 4 projections, one of which is bifid; these structures are illustrated by Silvestri (1905b: pi. XII, fig. 21). The functional morphology of dipluran mouthparts is further compli- cated by another feature: the presence of an antebasal serrate prostheca (sometimes called a “lacinia mobilis”) on the mandibles of campodeids (see Paclt, 1957, fig. 7), anajapygids and projapygids (see Smith, 1960, figs. 10, 13 respectively), and anteapically on procampodeids (see Silvestri, 1905b, pi. XII, fig. 19, 20). The functions of these maxillary and mandibular structures have not been demonstrated, but based on our observations, grooming is one of the most probable uses of the pectinate lamellae. Jander (1966-842) states that grooming “. . . the antennae and all of the legs with the mouthparts ... is ... to be regarded as the primordial mode of grooming . . .” in tracheate arthropods. It is true that oral cleaning movements predominate in diversity and fre- quency in primitive taxa, but it is also true that virtually all primitive arthropods have rubbing movements too. In most cases it is impossible to decide objectively which came first. Many factors affect grooming, and all act on both primitive and derivative taxa. For example, grooming movements have con- straints imposed by body flexibility and degree of leg movement. The configuration of a coxa and its cavity can be primitive or derivative, but superimposed on this basic structure are the results of selection for plane of leg movement, rotation, strength, speed, body height, and grooming requirements. The resolution of these diverse pressures must result in a morphological compromise which affects grooming capability, but has little to do with primitiveness. Additional examples are numerous. An elongate, flexible, soft- bodied organism has different grooming patterns from a fatter, more rigid, sclerotized organism; one with easily abraded scales will 198 Psyche [June-September be different from one with firm setae; and an interstitial inhabitant will be different from a subcortical or leaf-litter inhabitant. The point is that all of these kinds of organisms occur in Apterygota and all are among the most primitive known hexapods. In Diplura, grooming of the antennae, mid- and hindlegs involves at least fourteen cleaning positions, all of which appear to be satisfactory. This diversity is quite remarkable and is unequaled in other insects (Valentine, unpubl.). The grooming of dipluran fore- legs involves only one mode. The stereotypy of foreleg grooming contrasts sharply with the diversity of antennal, mid- and hindleg grooming. The logical explanation is that the single foreleg tech- nique works in most or all situations, while no one technique works for the other appendages. Environmental constraints appear to require that the insect reach and groom its antennae, mid- and hindlegs in several alternate ways. Diplura are basically interstitial organisms. Almost all specimens were found in the soil under undisturbed stones or boards, or in soil clods in gardens. A standard technique for finding campodeids was to break up the damp clods in a freshly plowed field or while digging potatoes. The very fine tunnels and cracks in this unyielding substrate are inhabited prin- cipally by small myriapods, Collembola, and Diplura. Since cam- podeids do not burrow and japygids do so very weakly (Pages, 1967), they primarily use the interstices already present. In such a habitat body configurations are subject to an infinite diversity of living spaces. A grooming behavior possible in one crack may be impossible in another; however, a modification may work. We believe that the unequal grooming diversity in Diplura is a response to the problems of an interstitial life style. Foreleg grooming, where the leg is simply raised to the mouth, does not require any special bending or movement, so one technique does the job. Antennal, mid- and hindleg grooming require unusual movements of the appendage or of the body. Such movements may be limited by the varied configurations of the crawl space, and must accommodate to those configurations; thus, a variety of alternate positions appears to be a necessity. It is important to contrast the remarkable freedom of grooming positions of Diplura, with the very high degree of stereotypy in such orders as Diptera and Hymenoptera. The point is that a discussion of insect grooming based on Diptera or Hymenoptera is as biased towards stereotypy as a discussion of Diplura is biased towards lack 1978] Valentine & Glorioso — Grooming in Diplura 199 of stereotypy. Present literature emphasizes the stereotyped aspects of grooming, but it should be obvious that generalizations based on highly derivative or primitive orders are not valid for the entire class and may be skewed in opposite directions. The order Thysanura would be a heuristic study because of the diversity of surface textures. There are scaly lepismatids, campodeid-like nicoletiids, and sclerotized, non-scaly lepidotrichids. Grooming in these three families may further clarify why the degree of stereotypy varies from taxon to taxon. Literature Cited Farish, D. J. 1972. The evolutionary implications of qualitative variation in the grooming behavior of the Hymenoptera (Insecta). Anim. Behav., 20: 662-676, fig. 1-2, tab. I-III. Hlavac, T. F. 1975. Grooming systems of insects: structure, mechanics. Ann. Ent. Soc. Arner., 68(5): 823-826, fig. 1-2. Jander, Ursula. 1966. Untersuchungen zur Stammesgeschichte von Putzbewegungen von Tracheaten. Zeitschr. Tierpsychol., 23(7): 799-844, fig. 1-21, tab. 1-4. Lipps, K. L. 1973. Comparative cleaning behavior in Drosophila. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis. Paclt, Jiri. 1957. Diplura. In Wytsman, Genera Insectorum, fasc. 212: 1-23, fig. 1-37, tab. 1. Pages, Jean. 1951. Contribution a la connaissance des Diploures, Bull. Sci. Bourgogne, 13: Suppl. rnecan. 9: 1-97, fig. 1-149. 1967. Donnees sur la Biologie de Dipljapyx humberti (Grassi). Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol, 4(2): 187-281, fig. 1-26, tab. 1-15. Silvestri, Filippo. 1905a. Nuova contribuzione alia conoscenza dell 'Anajapyx vesciculosus Silv. (Thysanura). Annali della R. Scuola Superiore d’Agricultura in Portici, 6: 1-15, fig. 1-12. 1905b. Materiali per lo studio dei Tisanuri VII. Dexcrizione di un nuovo genere di Campodeidae delTtalia meridionale. Redia, 2: 115-119, 120, pi. XII. 1912. Contribuzione alia conoscenza dei Campodeidae (Thysanura) d’Europa. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoolegia Generale e Agraria della R. Scuola Superiore d’Agricultura in Portici, 6: 110-147, fig. I-XXXI. 1929. Zoologische Forschungsreise nach den Jonischen Inseln und dem Peloponnes von Max Beier, Wien III. Teil Japygidae (Thysanura). Sitzungsberichte d. mathem-naturw. Klasse Acad. Wissensch. Wien, Abt. I, 138(9-10): 457-461, fig. 1-4. 200 Psyche [June-Septernber 1932. Nuovi contributi alia conoscenza della fauna delle isole Italiane dell’- Egeo II. Thysanura-Entotropha (Insecta). Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria del R. Instituto Superiore Agrario in Portici, 27: 61-111, fig. I-XLIV. 1933a. Quarto contributo alia conoscenza dei Carnpodeidae (Thysanura) del Nord America. Ibid 27: 156-204, fig. I-XXX1I. 1933b. Sulle appendici del Capo degli “Japygidae” (Thysanura Ehtotropha) e rispettivo confronto con quelle dei Chilopodi, dei Diplopodi e dei Crostacei. Ve Congres Internatl. Entorn., Paris, 1932: 329-343, fig. I-VII. 1947. On some Japygidae in the Museum of Comparative Zoology (Dicellura). Psyche, 54(4): 209-229, pi. 17-19, text-fig. 1-6. Smith, L. M. 1960. The family Projapygidae and Anajapygidae (Diplura) in North America. Ann. Ent. Soc. Arner., 53: 575-583, fig. 1-25, tab. 1. Smith, L. M. and C. L. Bolton. 1964. Japygidae of North America 9. The genus Metajapvx. J. Kansas Ent. Soc., 37(2): 126-138, fig. 1-10. Snodgrass, R. E. 1935. Principles of Insect Morphology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York and London, ix + 667, fig. 1-319. Valentine, B. D. 1973. Grooming behavior in Coleoptera. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 27(2): 63-73. $ THE DACETINE ANT GENUS PENTASTRUMA (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE)1 By William L. Brown, Jr. and Ronald G. Boisvert Department of Entomology Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 The genus Pentastruma was established by Forel ( loc . cit. infra) on the basis of a single Taiwanese worker specimen that he described (P. sauteri ) as having 5 antennal segments, a very unusual number even for a member of the Dacetini, to which tribe he indicated that it belonged. In several ways, the description read as though based on a depilated species of Smithistruma, and when, several years ago, Dr. Masao Kubota sent specimens of a nearly hairless short-mandibulate dacetine from Japan, WLB suspected that it might be close to Pentastruma sauteri, despite the fact that its antennae displayed the 6-merous condition usual in strumigenite dacetines. Now we have finally discovered the location of the Hans Sauter Collection of Taiwanese ants, in the Institiit fur Pflanzenschutz- forschung (BZA) der Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der Deutsche Demokratik Republic in Eberswalde. Through the kind offices of Dr. G. Morge we have been able to borrow some critical formicid types from the Sauter material, among them the unique specimen of Pentastruma sauteri. This worker proves to be close to the Japanese species received from Dr. Kubota, but it is specifically distinct. It does also have 6 antennoineres, with the normal strumigenite proportions, and not 5 as stated by Forel. In its general form, P. sauteri is a rather typical Smithistruma, except for its complete lack of standing or other conspicuous hairs on head, trunk and petiole, and the new Japanese species matches it in these respects. It seems logical that Pentastruma should eventually be merged with Smithistruma, but the latter genus is itself not stable at this *A report of Research from the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant GB-31662. Manuscript received by the editor September 15, 1978. 201 202 Psyche [June-Septernber time, because new species have been discovered (mostly unpub- lished) that seem likely to link it with such senior genera as Trichoscapa and Codiomyrmex. Until more of these new species have been formally described and properly analyzed, no firm classification of the short-mandibulate strumigenites is practicable. It seems best to retain some of the available generic names for now, if only to avoid excessive combina- torial changes as the classification develops. Accordingly, we retain the name Pentastruma for the time being. We figure for the first time the type species, P. sauteri, and supplement its original description, and we describe a second species, P. canina, from Japan, based on all 3 castes. Measurements and proportions, and their abbreviations, are those standard in papers on Dacetini, e.g., Brown, 1953, Arner. Midi. Nat. 50: 7 ff., and 1973, Pacific Insects 15: 259. Pentastruma > Pentastruma Forel, 1912, Ent. Mitt. 1: 50. Type species: Pentastruma sauteri Forel, monobasic. Worker: Like Smithistruma in size, and form of head, mandibles and remainder of body, including the 6-merous antennae; small funicular segments II and II separate and distinct. Clypeus with median tumulus and broadly extended anterolateral apron; anterior margin concave in outline. Mandibles depressed, porrect, with rounded basal lamella and no diastema, up to 15 acute teeth and denticles of varying length, including small apical tooth. Labrum with 2 long, tapered lobes, as in Smithistruma. Body densely reticulate-punctulate and opaque (feebly shining in some views), but postpetiolar disc and gaster smooth and shining, except for basigastric costulae. Head, trunk, petiole and appendages without erect hairs, and even the pubescence reduced to a virtually invisible (at 50X) dilute vestiture of minute, appressed to decumbent hairs. The under-mouthparts have some small standing hairs. Postpetiole and gaster with a few short, blunt-tipped or remiforrn, standing hairs, mostly arranged symmetrically. Color testaceous to light ferruginous. Queen: Like the Smithistruma queen, but with differences cor- responding to those of the worker. Thoracic dorsum with a few 1978] Brown & Boisvert — Ant Genus Pentastruma 203 short, slender but stiff, erect hairs. Pronotum with a flat, C-shaped, marginate dorsal platform; scutum rising abruptly above this. Male: As in Smithistruma. Distribution as known: Japan (Honshu and southward); Taiwan. Almost certainly occurs on the Asian mainland, but not yet collected there. Pentastruma sauteri Fig. 1 Pentastruma sauteri Forel, 1912:51, worker. Type loc.: Pilarn, Taiwan. Holotype worker: TL 2.2, HL 0.62, HW 0.43, ML 0.06, WL 0.55 rnm; Cl 69, MI 10. The figure shows well the full-face outline view of head and mandibles. The head is shorter, with vertex more convex, than in P. canina, and the mandibles are shorter and more “set into” the anterior clypeal concavity. Although we have been unable to view the mandibular dentition directly and in detail in the lone holotype specimen, it seems that a rounded basal lamella is present, and that a series of sharp teeth follows without a diastema. The number of teeth (12?) may be slightly smaller than in P. canina, and the sizes of the teeth seem to be more evenly graded. Viewed from the side, P. sauteri is much as shown in the side view of P. canina (Fig. 4), except that in sauteri, the upper vertex is more prominent, so that the head is thicker at this point dorsoventrally, and the transition from frontal to occipital faces of vertex more abrupt. The truncal dorsum is more strongly sinuate in side view; the propodeal teeth are also shorter and less acute than in canina, and the propodeal lamella wider. The erect pilosity of the gastric dorsum and apex is even more reduced, in hair number and size, than in canina. In the sauteri type, the middle of the mesopleura is weakly shining, though still sculptured, and the dorsolateral mar- gins of the trunk are completely lacking. P. sauteri still remains known only from this single specimen from Taiwan. Pentastruma canina new species Figs. 2, 3, 4 Holotype worker: TL 2.9, HL 0.77, HW 0.55, ML 0. 16, WL 0.72, petiole L 0.30, eye L 0.05, scape L 0.32, hind femur L 0.46, hind tibia L 0.35 mm; Cl 71, MI 21. 204 Psyche [June-September Figures 1-4. Pentastruma spp., workers. Fig. 1, P. sauteri holotype, head in full- face dorsal view. Fig. 2, P. canina new species, paratype from type nest series, head in full-face dorsal view. Fig. 3, same, side view. Fig. 4, same, another paranidotype, mandible greatly enlarged. Figs. 1-3 to same scale; scale line = 0.2 mm. Drawings by Ronald G. Boisvert. 1978] Brown & Boisvert — Ant Genus Pentastruma 205 Habitus as shown for the paratype in Figs. 2 and 4. Note the depressed, flat mandibles and the 6-inerous antennae, with segments proportioned as in Smithistruma, and also the broadly extended, sharp-edged, lamelliform, free lateral margins of the clypeus, trans- lucent in bright light. Mandibular armament shown in detail in Fig. 3. After the broadly rounded basal lamella there follow without a diastema 15 teeth, of which the first, fifth, and ninth are the longest. Between these, 2 groups of 3 smaller teeth each, in each such triplet, the middle tooth a little longer than the 2 flanking it. A similar triplet follows the ninth tooth, and after this 2 small subapical teeth and a robust apical tooth. Labral lobes at rest extending beyond the midlength of the mandibles. Mandibular surface very finely sculp- tured, weakly sericeous-shining. Pronotum with rounded, strongly marginate anterior margin (excluding cervix), faintly indicated but rounded humeri, feebly marginate or submarginate dorsolateral margins, widest (W about 0.31 mm) behind midlength, tapering caudad into subparallel-sided posterior half of trunk (W about 0.16 mm across propodeal dorsum), which even widens again very slightly caudad. Meta- notal groove obsolete or nearly so as viewed from above; pro- podeal teeth approximately parallel. Faint margins extend the length of the dorsolateral borders of the trunk, but these are visible only in certain views and lights. Petiolar node subquadrate (rounded in front), slightly wider (W about 0.15 mm) than long, its dorsal surface with sculpture partly effaced, weakly shining. Postpetiolar disc transversely elliptical, nearly twice as wide as long (L 0.15, W 0.27 mm), smooth and shining, with a widely spaced pair of inclined hairs near posterior border. Gaster with weak basidorsal costulae, effaced mesad, the longest extending about a quarter of the length of the first terguin. Erect, feebly enlarged hairs: 4 near base of first gastric tergite, a pair near midlength, and a pair near posterior border of first tergite; remaining segments with 2 or 4 hairs each on tergites, and a few fine ventral, erect hairs also on apical half of gaster. The fine, short, extremely dilute, appressed and decumbent pubescence is invisible except at high magnifications (over 50X) and in special, strong lights, and is best developed on mandibles, antennae, vertex, legs, and gaster, though nowhere evident without a special effort to find it. Color medium testaceous; spongiform apendages sordid whitish- testaceous. 206 Psyche [June-September Type deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- vard University. Queen (Based on 7 specimens from 4 localities, including type nest series): TL 3.0-3. 3, HL 0.77-0.80, HW 0.57-0.59, ML 0.17- 0.18, WL 0.80-0.84, forewing L (3 specimens) 2. 4-2. 6 mm; Cl 73-75, MI 22-23. Largest specimen (from Kiyosumiyama, HL 0.80 mm) with scape L 0.33, eye L 0.13 mm. With the usual differences from the worker. Pronotum with flat dorsal pronotal platform, as seen from above, markedly constricted before it joins the inesothorax. Scutellum rounded and bulging caudad. Petiolar node broader than in worker, and tending to be medially sulcate in front. Scutum irregularly reticulate-punctate, its surface weakly shining in some lights, opaque in others. Color testaceous to medium ferruginous, usually slightly darker than worker. Male (3 specimens from Manazuru and Shirahaina): TL 2.7-2. 8, HL 0.56-0.60, HW including eyes 0.45-0.47, eye L 0.20-0.22, WL 0.82-0.83, forewing L 2. 3-2. 4 mm. Color blackish-brown, gaster dark reddish-brown, legs and an- tennae sordid, pale, dull brown; wings hyaline. Mandibles slender, each with a weak tooth-like angle apicad of midlength, only slightly curved, probably not opposable, tapered to a very acute apex. Labrurn broad, the 2 lobes short and separately rounded. Antennal scape broader and longer than pedicel, and about as broad as the apical antennal segment; segments III through XII slender and cylindrical, all longer than scape or pedicel. Pronotum forming a flattened, C-shaped platform, something like that of female. Mesonotum large and bulging; notauli present but short, and not meeting behind to form a V or Y; parapsidal lines present. Scutellum bulging, rounded caudad. Propodeal teeth low, subacute, with narrow, concave infradental lamellae. Mesokatepisternum and a patch on the side of the propodeuin with sculpture effaced, nearly or quite smooth and shining. Petiole claviform, with low, rounded, scarcely differentiated node that is mainly smooth and shining above; spongiform appendages reduced to a narrow mid-ventral strip and a fine, cariniform posterodorsal collar. Postpetiole broader than long, rounded, smooth and shining, with a narrow, posterior collar of transparent lamella and an anteroventral spur trimmed narrowly with trans- parent lamella. Gaster unadorned at base, smooth and shining, with an extremely sparse, inconspicuous sprinkling of tiny, appressed 1978] Brown & Boisvert — Ant Genus Pentastruma 207 pubescence hairs, and a very few obliquely erect, short, fine hairs on terguin of basal segment, plus some more of these nearer the gastric apex. Legs with dilute, fine, inconspicuous, decumbent and ap- pressed pubescence. Head, trunk, antennae, legs and sides of petiole predominantly finely reticulate-punctulate, opaque, with the excep- tions noted above. Paratypes: 38 workers, 8 queens (alate and dealate) and 2 males, all from JAPAN. HONSHU: Manazuru, Kanagawa Pref. (type local- ity), 3 nest series; 4 April 1968 (with males), 20 Oct. 1968, 5 Jan. 1973 (with winged queens), all leg. M. Kubota. Hamaoka, Shizuoka Pref., 15 Nov. 1976, leg. R. Egawa. Kiyosumiyama, Chiba Pref., 17 Aug. 1976, leg. T. Kannari. Shirahama, Wakayama Pref., 6 Jan. 1971 (with males), leg. M. Kubota. KYUSHU: Miyazaki-jingu, Miyazaki Pref., 18 July 1971, leg. M. Shindo. Deposited in the collection of Dr. Masao Kubota, at Odawara, Kanagawa Pref., Japan; in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; and in the Department of Entomology, British Museum (Natural History), London. The variation of worker paratypes is most marked in body size, relative head width, acuteness and width of propodeal teeth and trailing lamellae, and in depth of ferruginous coloration, often varying to faded straw color (in callows?). TL 2. 5-2. 9, HL 0.68- 0.78, HW 0.48-0.56, ML 0.14-0.16, Eye L 0.04-0.06, WL 0.62-0.72 mm; Cl 66-74 (mean 71 for n = 16), MI 19-22. P. canina, widespread in central and southern Japan, is readily distinguishable from P. sauteri by the form of the head and mandibles (Figs. 1 and 2). From the known Smithistruma and Trichoscapa species of eastern Asia, the canina worker may be separated by its head shape and by the total lack of standing pilosity on head, scapes and trunk. Dr. Masao Kubota, of Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, deserves thanks, not only for the opportunity to study the many excellently prepared specimens of P. canina, but also for notes on the biology of the species summarized below. P. canina is an uncommon species, found in the Kanto District and southward. It inhabits the floor of coastal evergreen broadleafed forest, which is generally subtropical. Nests are found in small pieces of rotten wood, rotten fallen branches, under moist leaf litter, or at a slight depth in the humus. The largest colony censused contained one queen and 57 workers. OBSERVATIONS ON A POPULATION OF SIALIS ITASCA ROSS IN WEST VIRGINIA (MEGALOPTERA: SIALIDAE) By C. K. Lilly1, D. L. Ashley2, and D. C. Tarter2 Observations on the ecology of each species in an aquatic community are necessary for the total understanding of community dynamics. Several authors, including Davis (1903), Ross (1937), Townsend (1939), Flint (1964), Azam and Anderson (1967), Wood- ruin and Tarter (1973), Pritchard and Leischner (1973), Tarter and Woodrum (1973), Tarter (1973), Tarter et al. (1976), and Tarter et al. (1978) have reported on the taxonomy, distribution, life history, and ecology of several Sialis spp. Other authors, including Roback and Richardson (1969), Warner (1971), Nichols and Bulow(1973), Tarter and Woodrum (1972) and Woodrum and Tarter (1973), have noted the extreme tolerance of Sialis to acid mine drainage. The primary objectives of this investigation were: (1) to make observations on the life history and ecology of the alderfly S. itasca in a small farm pond and (2) to determine the pH tolerance of this population under laboratory conditions. Materials and Methods The population of S. itasca inhabits a small farm pond, 0.1 hectare, near Shoals, West Virginia which is 8 km south of Huntington, West Virginia. This pond is located in the north-central region of Wayne County. It is located at 82°29'40"W longitude and 38°21'50"N latitude. This investigation was initiated in May 1975 and continued until April 1976. Monthly samples were taken by a small seine (0.25 inch mesh). The seine was placed in the water vertically and the mud and debris on the bottom of the pond between the seine and the bank were disturbed. The seine was then moved toward the bank while dragging the bottom of the net on the bottom of the pond collecting ■Present address: 4074 - 40th Street, Nitro, WV 25143 2Dept. of Biol. Sci., Marshall Univ., Huntington, WV 25701 Manuscript received by the editor August 1, 1978. 209 210 Psyche [June-September mud and debris in the net. The larval alderflies were collected and preserved in 70 percent ethanol. Temperatures were taken with a Taylor maximum-minimum thermometer placed on the pond bottom 0.5 meter below the water surface. They were recorded in degrees Celsius once per month at the time benthic samples were taken. Water chemistry tests were performed in the field with a Hach chemical kit, Model AL-36- WR. All tests were completed within one hour. Hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) was measured colorimetrically. Dissolved oxy- gen, carbon dioxide, hardness (magnesium and calcium), phenol- phthalein and methyl orange alkalinity, free acidity, and total acidity were measured and recorded in mg/1. Size classes were determined by length frequency distributions arranged in 1 mm length groups. Total length (exclusive of the caudal filament) was measured under 7X magnification with calipers and a plastic ruler (nearest 0.5 mm). Head width was measured with an ocular micrometer between the inner edges of the eyes (nearest 0.01 mm). Differences in head width of 124 larvae were determined to show the mean, range and standard deviation. A total of 84 foreguts were examined to determine food habits. The head was removed and the abdomen was split open to remove the intestine. The contents of the intestine were removed and examined under a dissecting microscope and a compound micro- scope to identify their contents. The percent frequency of occur- rence of each item was determined, and the monthly and seasonal averages and various sizes were compared. For the pH tolerance test, forty mature larvae collected from the pond in April were taken to the laboratory for acclimatization over a 24 hr period. The larvae were placed in groups of 10 in 4 finger bowls. One bowl was filled one-third of the way with pond water. A one molar solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2P04) was diluted approximately into the other three bowls, to set pH values at 5.5, 4.0, and 2.5. The pH value of the control was 7.0. A Model 5 Corning Scientific pH meter was used to determine pH values. Oxygen was constantly supplied with air stones. The temper- ature did not change significantly during the experiment and averaged 12 C. The 96 hour TLm (median tolerance limit) test (APH A, 1965) was used to measure the effect of low pH. The pH value at which 50 percent of the alderfly larvae died after 96 hours was determined by straight-line graphical interpolation. 1978] Lilly, Ashley, & Tarter — Population of Sialis itasca 211 Fifteen larvae were collected in April and returned to the laboratory for rearing in vials containing pond water. These vials were connected to vials containing sand by a short section of rubber tubing (Pritchard and Leischner, 1973). Wire mesh and strips of foam rubber were placed in the vials and rubber tubing to enable the larvae (one per vial) to move freely between the vials. The vials were kept at room temperature which was approximately 70 F. Fecundity was determined by a direct count of ovarian eggs under a compound microscope. The ovaries of 3 adults were removed and a total of 1616 eggs were counted. The diameters of 90 eggs were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm with an ocular micrometer using a Bausch and Lomb compound microscope. Results and Discussion Pond Environment Temperature. — The average annual temperature for the pond was 18.1 C. The extreme monthly temperatures were 0.5 C in February and 35.0 C in August and September. Water Chemistry. — The average annual pH was 8.4 (7.5 to 9.0). The average annual dissolved oxygen was 8.5 mg/ 1 (6.5 to 10.0). The average annual total hardness was 139.6 mg/ 1 (102.6 to 153.9). The average annual carbon dioxide concentration was 9.6 mg/ 1 (5.0 to 25.0). The average annual alkalinity was 110.5 mg/ 1 (68.4 to 145.4). The average annual total acidity was 12.4 mg / 1 (5.7 to 28.5). Larval Stage Development. — Length-frequency histograms indicated that the population of S. itasca contained one size class (Fig. 1). Hatching occurred at the end of May. There were 18 egg masses located in the field at the end of May. The egg masses were found on the leaves of hornbeam and buckeye trees. Three egg masses which were returned to the laboratory hatched within 2 days. In July all the egg masses were empty but no larvae were located. The earliest and smallest larvae were collected on August 2, 1975. Their average length was 6.45 mm, and their average head width was 1.02 mm. The last and largest larvae were collected on April 6, 1976. Their average length was 13.67 mm, and average head width was 1.59 mm. Head width was used to show the monthly variation in growth rate and the percent increase in growth rate (Fig. 2). Due to the 212 Psyche [June-Septernber >- o z yj 3 a yj s U g U1 a. 0- o- o- 50f ot 50f ot 50 p Ot 50 P O^ *°i ofc 50r> O^ 50 p ot 50 p ot 50p O* GO _dk-_ D. JO - 10 . M-0 - A-lsJ _IM-20] F'6l >■*} D I8 | 14 N-23 019 I S-I7 1 A-4 1 20 BODY LENGTH (mm) Figure 1 . Length-frequencies at monthly intervals of S. itasca larvae from a farm pond near Shoals, W. Va. The number of larvae is given for each month. 1978] Lilly, Ashley, & Tarter — Population of Sialis itasca 213 small sample size (4) in August, no statement can be made concerning the growth rate from August to September. An eighteen percent increase in growth rate was recorded from October to November. There was a decrease in growth rate in December. Small sample sizes in January (2) and February (6) prevented any growth rate information. There was a six percent growth rate from March to April. The largest mean head width was measured in April at 1.59 mm and ranged between 0.95 and 1.86 mm September and Novem- ber, respectively. No larvae were located in May, June and July. Woodrum and Tarter (1973) also found a decrease in growth during the winter months in S. aequalis. Azam and Anderson (1969) found a decrease in the growth rate for S. rotunda and S. californica during the winter months. 0 1 M 5 Figure 2. Monthly variation of the head width in S. itasca larvae. Vertical lines = ranges, horizontal lines = means, open rectangle = one standard deviation, numbers = sample sizes, and dotted lines = temperature (C). 214 Psyche [June-September Food Habits. — This population of S. itasca was found to feed almost exclusively on the ostracod, Cyclocypris sp. The only other food items were 3 midges, Chironomus sp., which were found on 3 different occasions. Of the 84 foreguts analyzed, 21 percent were empty and 79 percent contained food. Ostrocods were found in 71 percent of the foreguts, and midges were found in 4 percent of the foreguts. Excluding the month of August when a very small sample size (4) was used, the largest number of empty foreguts occurred in January (50%). The percent of empty foreguts increased again in April supporting the findings of Woodrum and Tarter (1973) in S. aequalis that the larvae probably do not feed just before pupation. Azam and Anderson (1969) reported S. rotunda and S. Cali- fornia to be indiscriminate feeders and reported cannibalism to be frequent. Woodrum and Tarter (1973) found S. aequalis to be more restricted in its feeding due to the limited choices of organisms found in the acid mine stream in which they were located. They also reported cannibalism to occur to a lesser extent. The S. itasca in this investigation were found to be more restrictive feeders preying almost exclusively on ostracods while having an abundant supply of other organisms upon which they could feed. Cannibalism was observed in the laboratory when larvae were confined for three days without food. Predation. — The stomachs of 18 odonates and 10 sunfish were examined. No alderfly remains were found in the sunfish and only one alderfly head was found in the odonates. Schwiebert (1973) noted that the hellgrammite and trout are predators of the alderfly. pH Tolerance. — The 96 hour TL™ value for S. itasca was found to be 3.1. All ten larvae survived the 96-hour period at pH values of 7.0 and 5.5, 70 percent survived in a pH of 4.0, and 30 percent survived at a pH of 2.5. Tarter and Woodrum (1972) found S. aequalis from an acid mine stream to have a TLm value of 2.1. These values would indicate that S. itasca and S. aequalis are quite tolerant of low pH. Sialis spp. have been noted to be tolerant to low pH conditions in western Pennsylvania streams (Roback and Richardson, 1969), Roaring Creek in eastern West Virginia (Warner, 1971), and in the East Fork of the Obey River in Tennessee (Nichols and Bulow, 1973). 1978] Lilly, Ashley, & Tarter — Population of Sialis itasca 215 Pupal Stage Larvae placed in the laboratory rearing chambers moved to the sand for pupation within 2 to 4 days. The pupal stage lasted for approximately 2 weeks. The adults emerged during the night. No pupae could be located in the bank of the pond. Azam and Anderson (1969) reported S. rotunda and S. calif ornica to pupate during April, May and June. Pritchard and Leischner (1973) reported that S. cornuta pupated from May to mid-June. Woodrum and Tarter (1973) found S. aequalis to crawl 1.5 to 5 m out of the water onto a moist sandbank when the water temperature reached 11 to 13 C and pupated in an earthen cell 1 to 7 cm below the surface. They found the pupae to respond to a disturbance but otherwise remained rather dormant. Adult Stage Number and Size of Eggs. — Fecundity of 3 adult alderflies showed a range of 454 to 587 eggs per female; the average was 539 eggs. The eggs were cylindrical, rounded on the ends, had a curved micropylar tubercle on one end, and averaged 0.31 mm in length by 0.14 mm in width. The number of eggs found in S. itasca was similar to those of S. aequalis (657) (Woodrum and Tarter, 1973), S. rotunda (300-500) and S. californica (400-700) (Azam and Ander- son, 1969), and S. cornuta (615) (Pritchard and Leischner, 1973). Egg masses of S. itasca were found on the underside of hornbeam and buckeye leaves 0.5 to 3 m above the water surface. The eggs are laid in rows in a nearly vertical position much like those of S. rotunda (Azam and Anderson, 1969). Mating. — Although copulation was not observed, a courtship behavior was observed in the laboratory much like that described by Azam and Anderson (1969) for S. rotunda and by Woodrum and Tarter (1973) for S. aequalis. Longevity. — Adults in the laboratory lived for 4 to 6 days. Only one adult was captured in the field on 3 May 1975. Sialis rotunda was first seen in mid-April and reached their peak in May (Azam and Anderson, 1969) while S. californica was seen in May but did not peak until mid-June (Azam and Anderson, 1969). Sialis aequalis was observed in the field between April 21 and May 4 (Woodrum 216 Psyche [June-September and Tarter, 1973). Since the adults serve only to reproduce the species, it is apparent that they have a brief life span to perform this function. Azam and Anderson (1969) observed the female of S. rotunda laying eggs within a day after emerging. References American Public Health Association, Inc. 1965. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (12th Ed.). New York, N. Y. 744 pp. Azam, K. M., and J. H. Anderson. 1969. Life history and habits of Sialis rotunda and Sialis calif ornica in western Oregon. Ann. Ent. Soc. Arner. 62: 549 558. Davis, K. C. 1903. Sialididae of North and South America. Aquatic insects of New York State. No. 7. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 68: 442-486. Flint, O. S., Jr. 1964. New species and new state records of Sialis (Neuroptera: Sialidae). Ent. News 25: 9-13. Nichols, L. E., Jr., and F. J. Bulow. 1973. Effects of acid mine drainage on the stream ecosystem of the East Fork of the Obey River, Tennessee. J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 48(1): 30-39. Pritchard, G., and T. G. Leischner. 1973. The life history and feeding habits of Sialis cornuta Ross in a series of abandoned beaver ponds (Insecta: Megaloptera). Can. J. Zool. 5: 121-131. Roback, S. S., and J. W. Richardson. 1969. The effects of acid mine drainage on aquatic insects. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 121: 81 107. Ross, H. H. 1937. Studies of nearctic aquatic insects. I. Nearctic alderflies of the genus Sialis (Megaloptera: Sialidae). 111. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 21: 57-78. SCH WEIBERT, E. 1973. Nymphs. Winchester Press. 339 pp. Tarter, D. C., and J. E. Woodrum. 1972. Low pH tolerance of the larvae of the alderfly, Sialis aequalis Banks, under controlled conditions. Proc. W. Va. Acad. Sci. 44: 85-88. 1973. First record of the alderfly, Sialis joppa Ross (Megaloptera: Sialidae), in West Virginia. Proc. W. Va. Acad. Sci. 45: 163-164. 1973. Distribution and new record of the alderfly Sialis (Megaloptera: Siali- dae) in West Virginia. Ent. News 84: 147-148. Tarter, D. C., D. L. Ashley, and C. K. Lilly. 1976. New record of the alderfly Sialis itasca Ross for West Virginia (Meg- aloptera: Sialidae). Ent. News 87: 32. Tarter, D. C., W. D. Watkins, D. L. Ashley, and J. T. Goodwin. 1978. New state records and seasonal emergence patterns of alderflies east of the Rocky Mountains (Megaloptera: Sialidae). Ent. News 89: 231-234. 1978] Lilly, Ashley, & Tarter — Population of Sialis itasca 217 Townsend, L. H. 1939. A new species of Sialis (Megaloptera: Sialidae) from Kentucky. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 41: 224-226. Warner, R. W. 1971. Distribution of biota in a stream polluted by acid mine drainage. Ohio J. Sci. 71: 202-216. WOODRUM, J. E., AND D. C. TARTER. 1973. The life history of the alderfly, Sialis aequalis Banks, in an acid mine stream. Amer. Midi. Nat. 89: 360-368. STRUCTURE AND RELATIONSHIPS OF THE UPPER CARBONIFEROUS INSECT, PROCHOROPTERA CALOPTERYX (DIAPHANOPTERODEA, PROCHOROPTERIDAE) By Frank M. Carpenter1 and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr.2 Prochoroptera calopteryx was described by Handlirsch (1911) from a single specimen in a concretion from the Francis Creek Shale (Pennsylvanian) in northeastern Illinois. Although poorly preserved, the fossil showed several unusual features. Because of these and its very incomplete preservation, the insect’s relationships have been decidedly controversial. Fortunately, after a lapse of nearly seventy years following the publication of Handlirsch’s account, three more specimens have recently been found in concretions from the same deposit. These additional fossils, which have been turned over to us for study, provide considerably more information about the insect than the type and enable more reliable conclusions about its relations with other Paleozoic insects, even though much of its body structure still remains unknown. It clearly belongs to the extinct order Diaphanopterodea and is only the second species of that order known from Pennsylvanian strata in North America. Descriptive accounts of all four specimens of calopteryx are included below, with a discussion of the relationships of the family Prochorop- teridae. For the opportunity of studying these new specimens we are indebted to Helen and Ted Piecko of Chicago, and Mr. J. J. Fagan of Burbank, Illinois. Handlirsch’s type of calopteryx has been placed at our disposal by Jean S. Lawless, Division of Invertebrate Paleontology, Peabody Museum, Yale University. Partial support of this research is gratefully acknowledged to the National Science Foundation, Grant No. DEB 78-09947, F. M. Carpenter, Principal Investigator. 'Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu- setts 02138. 2Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois 60605 Manuscript received by the editor, November 25, 1978. 219 220 Psyche [June-September Order Diaphanopterodea Diaphanopteroidea Handlirsch, 1919, p. 575. Diaphanopterodea Rohdendorf, 1962, p. 69; Carpenter, 1963, p. 253. [= Palaeohyrnenoptera Haupt, 1941, p. 99.] Family Prochoropteridae Prochoropteridae Handlirsch, 1911, p. 375. Fore wing: similar to that of the Elmoidae but with SC extending much farther beyond the origin of RS than in Elmoa; stem of R without a prominent bend at the point of divergence of CUA; cross veins weakly developed, without branching. Hind wing: similar to the fore, so far as known, but relatively broader and with its hind margin more curved; coalescence of RS with MS apparently less than in the fore wing. Thorax large, but prothorax small and conical; head small (from above). Type-genus: Prochoroptera Handlirsch. A second genus, Eu- choroptera Carpenter (1940), from the Pennsylvanian of Kansas (Stanton Formation), also appears to belong to this family; little is known of its wing venation, but the body structures are like those of other Diaphanopterodea. Genus Prochoroptera Handlirsch Prochoroptera Handlirsch, 1911, p. 376. Since this genus is monospecific, its characteristics can only be suggested. In all probability the coalescence of MA with RS and the distal forking of MP are in this category. Prochoroptera differs from Euchoroptera in having the branching of RS pectinate, instead of dichotomous. Type-Species: Prochoroptera calopteryx Handlirsch. Prochoroptera calopteryx Handlirsch Figures 1-3 Prochoroptera calopteryx Handlirsch, 1911, p. 376; 1919, p. 586; 1920, p. 172. Haupt, 1941, p. 99. Laurentiaux, 1953, p. 444. Carpenter, 1940, p. 638; 1947, p. 45; 1963, p. 248. The fore wing is known to a length of 20 mm; estimate of complete length (based on Euchoroptera ), 36 mm; maximum width, 6 mm. Hind wing: known to a length of 20 mm; maximum width, 6 1978] Carpenter & Richardson — Prochoroptera calopteryx 221 ■' 'L: 1 1 Figure 1. Prochoroptera calopteryx. Photograph of reverse of specimen HTP 12523 (X 3.8). 222 Psyche [June-Septernber rnrn. The details of venation are shown in figure 2. Body length, from front of mesothorax to end of abdomen, 25 mm; length of abdomen, 18-19 mm; width, 4-5 mm. Holotype: no. YPM67, Peabody Museum, Yale University (ob- verse and reverse). As shown in Handlirsch’s figure, this fossil includes the thorax, abdomen, and parts of both pairs of wings, which rest obliquely backward. His figure of the wings is essentially accurate, although his attempted restoration of the complete wing turns out to be incorrect, at least to the extent that we now know it. The body is also satisfactorily represented in his figure, although the prothorax is too large. The abdominal segments of this specimen possess paired lateral expansions, apparently strongly sclerotized and simi- lar to those present in at least some Palaeodictyoptera. Handlirsch’s figure depicts these as membranous areas bordering the terga, but there is nothing in the fossil to support that interpretation. The 9th abdominal segment bears a pair of longitudinal ridges, converging distally, as shown in Handlirsch’s figure. These are almost certainly the basal portions of the valves forming the ovipositor. Cerci are not preserved.3 The dimensions of this specimen are as follows: fore wing, length (as preserved), 20 mm; width uncertain; hind wing, length (as preserved), 20 mm. Body length (from front of meso- thorax to end of abdomen), 25 mm; pterothorax, length, 6.3 mm; width, maximum, 6 mm; abdomen, length, 18 mm; width, maxi- mum (3rd segment), 4.5 mm; prothorax, length, 3.5 mm; head absent. The three recently discovered specimens of calopteryx are as follows: 1. No. JJF-IL1 1-007, collected by J. J. Fagan in Pit 11 (strip mine in Will and Kankakee Counties, 3 to 5 miles south of Braidwood, Illinois).4 This specimen is preserved in almost the same position as the type. The prothorax and the wing veins are clearer than in the type. Its dimensions are as follows: fore wing, length (as 3Most of the “whole” specimens of insects preserved in these concretions lack the distal parts of the wings and the distal anterior and posterior appendages, such as antennae and cerci. The insect’s body is ordinarily in the center of the concretion, which is usually too small to include the distal portions of these appendages. 4Mr. Fagan has now deposited this specimen in the Field Museum of Natural History, where it bears the number PE 25667. 1978] Carpenter & Richardson — Proehoroptera calopteryx 223 Figure 2. Proehoroptera calopteryx. Drawing of fore and hind wings, as known; based mainly on specimen HTP 12523, with some details added from the holotype and specimen JJF 1 LI 1-007. SC, subcosta; Rl, radius; RS, radial sector; MA, an- terior media; MP, posterior media; CUA, anterior cubitus; CUP, posterior cubitus; 1A, first anal vein; +, convex vein; — , concave vein. preserved), 18 inm; width, 6 mm; hind wing, length (as preserved), 18 mm; width, 6 mm. Body length (from front of inesothorax to end of abdomen), 25 mm; pterothorax, length, 6.3 mm; width, 4.8 mm; abdomen, length 19 mm; width, 4.8 mm; prothorax, length, 2.5 mm; width at posterior edge, 3 mm; head absent. 2. No. HTP 12523, Helen and Ted Piecko collection. This is the best specimen known. The obverse half represents a ventral view of the insect and the reverse (figure 1), a dorsal view.5 The wings, 5In our terminology, the obverse is the counterpart that shows the topography of the veins as seen on the dorsal surface of the living insect (i.e., SC, concave; Rl, convex, etc.); the reverse shows the veins in the opposite topography. Generally speaking, the reverse shows the dorsal surface of the insect, and the obverse shows the ventral surface. 224 Psyche [June-Septernber pterothorax, and abdomen are especially clear, but the prothorax and head are not preserved. The wings on one side, although lacking the apical portions, are very clearly preserved; those on the other side are twisted and folded together. Widely spaced pits in the impressions of the veins and cross veins indicate the original presence of trichia or small setae. The segmentation of the abdomen is especially clear and the lateral extensions of the segments, mentioned above in the type, are faintly preserved in the obverse half of the fossil. Also, in that counterpart, which shows the ventral view of the abdomen, the bases of the ovipositor valves can be seen in the 8th and 9th segments. The ovipositor appears to be about 5 mm long before disappearing at the edge of the concretion. The cerci are not preserved. The following are the dimensions of this fossil: fore wing (as preserved), 15 mm; width, uncertain; hind wing, length (as preserved), 15 mm; width, 6 mm. Body, length (from front of mesothorax to end of abdomen), 25 mm; pterothorax, length, 5 mm; width, 4.8 mm; abdomen, length, 18.5 mm; width, maximum, 4.6 mm. 3. No. HTP 415, Helen and Ted Piecko collection. This is a poorly preserved specimen, resting in the same position as the previous one. The venation is clear enough for identification of the species, and the prothorax and even the head, which is not shown in other specimens, are discernible. Neither the ovipositor nor the cerci are visible. The dimensions of this specimen are as follows: fore wing (as preserved), 20 mm; width, uncertain; dimensions of hind wing uncertain. Body length (from front of mesothorax to end of abdomen), 25 mm; pterothorax, length, 6 mm; width, maximum, 4 mm; abdomen, length, 20 mm; maximum width, 4.5 mm; pro- thorax, length, 3.3 mm; posterior width, 2.5 mm; anterior width, 1.5 mm; head, length, 3 mm; width 3 mm. The head as preserved shows somewhat protuberant eyes; the head is obviously seen in dorsal view, with no indication of the beak. Discussion of Structure The wings of calopteryx, as far as they are known at present, are shown in figure 2, which is based mainly on specimen HTP 12523, with some details added from the other specimens. The figure shows more of the basal parts of both wings than was known to Hand- lirsch. The homologies of the veins are obvious, the convexities and concavities being clearly preserved. Handlirsch (191 1) confused MA 1978] Carpenter & Richardson — Prochoroptera calopteryx 225 with a branch of the media, but his interpretations were the conventional ones at the time. In all four specimens the amount of coalescence between MA and RS is distinctly less in the hind wing than in the fore wing, but in other respects the venational patterns are nearly identical, so far as they are known. The shape of the hind wing, as preserved, suggests that it may have been slightly shorter than the fore wing, the hind margin having a greater curvature. The fore wing was apparently somewhat more elongate than indicated in Handlirsch’s figure. Figure 3, showing all of the known parts of the insect, is based mainly on HTP 12523, with the prothorax and head as preserved in HTP 415. The wings have been added to the figure to show their size relative to the body, which appears to be surprisingly robust compared to the wings (See figure 1). The prothorax, which is preserved in HTP 415 and the holotype, is clearly conical in shape and unusually small with respect to the rest of the thorax. The Figure 3. Prochoroptera calopteryx. Drawing of wings and body, as known; based mainly on specimen HTP 12523 (reverse) with prothorax and head added from specimen HTP 415. TH2, mesothorax; TH3 metathorax; Al, first abdominal segment. 226 Psyche [June-September outline of the head is faintly indicated in specimen HTP 415. Handlirsch’s drawing (1911) of the type includes a suggestion of the head or part of it, but we have been unable to discern the structure that he has drawn. However, the head as shown in specimen HTP 415 is very small with respect to the rest of the insect, although of course the head as preserved in the fossil is seen from above and does not show its full length. The meso- and metathorax, on the other hand, appear large relative to the rest of the insect. The abdominal segments are virtually homonomous, with only a slight reduction in the width posteriorly. Affinities of the Prochoropteridae Opinions of the affinities of calopteryx, based on the type, have been diverse. Handlirsch (1911, 1919, 1920) considered it to belong to the Megasecoptera. Carpenter (1940), following the discovery of another and apparently related Pennsylvanian insect ( Euchoroptera longipennis), concluded that the family Prochoropteridae had close affinities with the Permian family Asthenohymenidae, then con- sidered to be the most highly specialized of the Megasecoptera. However, Haupt (1941), basing his conclusions on Handlirsch’s brief account of Prochoroptera, designated a new order, Palaeo- hymenoptera, for the family Prochoropteridae, assigning it to his “Legion Hymenopteroidea”, which also included the Hymenoptera. Unaware of that publication6 Carpenter (1947, 1954) proposed that the families Prochoropteridae and Diaphanopteridae (Cormnentry, France), along with two other Permian families, be placed in a separate suborder of the Megasecoptera. However, Rohdendorf in 1962 adopted the ordinal name Diaphanopterodea for that series of families, since the taxon had been named by Handlirsch (1919) for the Diaphanopteridae. That term has subsequently been generally accepted. The order Diaphanopterodea is now recognized as belonging to the Palaeoptera and as allied to the Palaeodictyoptera and Mega- secoptera, all of their members possessing haustellate mouthparts and long cerci. Alone in this series, however, the Diaphanopterodea had the ability to “fold” their wings at rest along the abdomen. The 6The journal containing Haupt’s 1941 paper (Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften, Halle) was not received by the library at Harvard University until January, 1958. 1978] Carpenter & Richardson — Prochoroptera calopteryx 227 most distinctive feature of their venation is the coalescence of CUA and M basally, and, except in the Diaphanopteridae, the coalescence of CUA and M further basally with R. In all the families of the order, M appears to arise at the point of divergence of R and CUA. Although the body structure of Prochoroptera is very incom- pletely known, the wing venation clearly shows the diagnostic features of the order Diaphanopterodea, and of course, as noted above, in all known specimens the wings are folded along the abdomen. However, the position of the Prochoropteridae within the order is still uncertain. As far as known, the most obvious evolu- tionary changes within the Diaphanopterodea are the narrowing of the wing base and the consequent increased coalescence of M A with RS and ultimately with R itself (See Carpenter, 1963, plate 10, figs. 1-6). However, it now seems probable that these changes occurred independently within several lines of the order (Kukalova-Peck, 1974). As a result, diagnoses of some families are very difficult to make, especially of those in which the wings are not completely known, such as the Prochoropteridae. However, it seems advisable to retain the family Prochoropteridae as valid and as distinct from such Permian families as Elmoidae and Martynoviidae on the basis of its venational features as presently known. References Carpenter, F. M. 1940. Carboniferous insects from the Stanton Formation, Kansas. AMER J SCI 238: 636-642. 1947. Lower Permian insects from Oklahoma. Part 1. Introduction and the orders Megasecoptera, Protodonata, and Odonata. PROC AMER ACAD ARTS SCI 76: 25-54. 1954. Extinct families of insects, in Classification of Insects (C. T. Brues, A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter). BULL MUS COMP ZOOL 108: 777-827. 1963. Studies on Carboniferous insects from Commentry, France. Part V. The genus Diaphanoptera and the order Diaphanopterodea. PSYCHE 70: 240-256. Handlirsch, A. 1911. New Paleozoic insects from the vicinity of Mazon Creek. AMER J SCI 31: 297-377. 1919. Revision der Palaozoischen Insekten. DENKSCHR ACAD WISS 96: 1-82. 1920. Palaeontologie, in Handbuch der Entomologie (ed. C. Schroder) (3) 7: 117-306. 228 Psyche [June-Septernber Haupt, H. 1941. Die altesten geflugelten Insekten und ihre Beziehungen zur Fauna der Jetztzeit. ZEIT NATURWISS HALLE 94:60-121. Kukalova-Peck, J. 1974. Wing-folding in the Paleozoic insects of the order Diaphanopterodea (Palaeoptera), with a description of new representatives of the Elmoidae. PSYCHE 81: 315-333. 1974b. Pteralia of the Paleozoic insect order Palaeodictyoptera, Megasecop- tera, and Diaphanopterodea (Palaeoptera). PSYCHE 81: 416-430. Laurentiaux, D. 1953. Classe des insectes, in Traite de Paleontologie (ed. J. Piveteau) 3: 397-527. Rohdendorf, B. B., et al. 1962. Osnovi paleontologii [Principles of Paleontology], Moscow (ed. B. B. Rohdendorf), Arthropoda: Tracheata and Chelicerata. Pp. 1-560. DIVISION OF LABOR WITHIN THE WORKER CASTE OF FORMICA PERPILOSA WHEELER (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE)* By Carlos Roberto F. Brandao Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo, Brasil Introduction Polymorphism, in the study of social insects, is defined as the existence within an individual colony of two or more phases or castes belonging to the same sex, without particular regard to their genetic or environmental origin (Wilson, 1953). The adaptive result of the development of female polymorphism is the division of labor within the colony. In most ants this division is clearly seen between reproductive and non-reproductive caste, but less evident within the worker caste (Oster & Wilson, 1978). The present article utilizes the Fagen & Goldman (1977) method for estimating the total repertory size of behavioral categories of each worker subcaste listed on an ethogram or behavioral catalog. Ethograms are the essential first step of the comparative study of behavior (Wilson, 1974). A behavioral catalog of Formica perpilosa Wheeler, a weakly polymorphic species of the neogagates group (Buren, 1968), was constructed in order to investigate behavioral differences between the major size groups, defined here arbitrarily as three worker subcastes. Formica perpilosa is a common ant in the southern United States and northern Mexico (Gregg, 1963). It feeds mainly on plant exudates and tends membracids of the genus Pubilia (LaBerge, 1952). Its physiology has been relatively well studied by Schumacher & Whitford (1974), Kay & Whitford (1975), Whitford, Kay & Schumacher (1975) and Schumacher & Whitford (1976). The genus Formica is of unusual interest because its species are either monomorphic or weakly polymorphic and thus span the early stage of caste evolution. Yet close studies of the polymorphic species have not been undertaken. * Manuscript received by the editor October 10, 1978. 229 230 Psyche [June-September Material and Methods Founding queens were collected near Portal, Arizona, in May, 1975, by B. Holldobler and individually placed in test tubes, 14.8 cm long by 23 mm inner diameter, kept moist by compact cotton plugs that trap water at the bottom of the tubes. As the selected colony grew the tube was moved to a plexiglass box 28 cm X 45 cm and 15 cm deep, the sides of which were coated with Fluon GP-1 (Northeast Chemicals Co., Woonsockett, R.I.) to prevent escape, and four similar tubes added. The colony has since been maintained on an artificial diet for ants (Bhatkar & Whitcomb, 1970) and honey water three times a week and fed freshly killed cockroaches ( Nauphoeta cinerea ) once a week. Before the first set of observations the colony was moved to a glass nest made of two square plates 12.5 cm on a side, held apart by small pieces of non-toxic plasticin and taped on three sides. This simple nest permits close observation of the behavior of the entire colony. The assemblage was put on the floor of the original container next to the water tubes. The remainder of the floor served as foraging space and was kept clear for observation. The container was small enough to be placed under a swinging arm dissecting microscope. During a period of 4 weeks, a total of 18 hours were dedicated to cataloging behavior; 2809 separate be- havioral acts were recorded. The observation hours ranged ran- domly from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.; no differences in level or pattern of activity were noted, related to time of day. This species is polymorphic in the sense of Wilson (1935); for the purpose of this investigation the workers were classified in 3 groups, minors, medias and majors. Samples of 15 specimens of each group were selected later for head width measurements in order to check the adequacy of the classification. Specimens that could not be readily placed in one of the size classes were not included in the ethogram. Results The behavioral catalog of Formica perpilosa is presented on Table 1. Twenty-eight behavioral categories were observed in the minor category, 34 in the media, and 1 1 in the major. By fitting the frequency data to a lognormal Poisson distribution (Fagen & Goldman, 1977), the total numbers of categories, including those 1978] Brartdao — Worker Caste of Formica perpilosa 231 Table 1. Relative frequencies of behavioral acts by the three worker categories of a single colony of Formica perpilosa. (N, total number of behavioral acts recorded for each caste). Approximate population of the nest: one nest queen, 150 minor workers, 270 media workers, 30 major workers, 50 eggs, 7 larvae and 5 pupae. Behavioral Acts A — Grooming 1 — Autogrooming head, 1st pair of legs 2 — Autogrooming 2nd pair of legs 3 — Autogrooming abdomen, 3rd pair of legs 4 — Allogrooming minor workers 5 — Allogrooming media workers 6 — Allogrooming major workers 7 — Allogrooming nest queen B — Brood Care 8 — Standing at the brood pile 9 — Carry egg (or eggs in succession) 10 — Lick egg (or eggs in succession) 1 1 — Carry larva (or larvae in succession) 12 — Feed larva 13 — Lick larva (or larva in succession) 14 — Carry pupa 15 — Lick pupa 16 — Assist eclosion to adult C — Regurgitation Behavior 17 — Regurgitation with minors 18 — Regurgitation with medias 19— Regurgitation with majors 20 — Donating to the Queen 21 — Lay trophic egg 22 — Feed queen trophic egg 23 — Feed larva trophic egg 24 — Carry infrabucal pellet 25 — Feed on infrabucal pellet D — Working 26 — Foraging outside the nest 27 — Feed on diet 28 — Feed on honey 29 — Feed on cockroaches 30 — Carry live nestmate 31 — Carry dead nestmate 32 — Drag the nest Queen 33— Handle nest material 34 — Carry debris 35 — Lick nest wall 36 — Excavating E — Other Behaviors 37 — Antennal tipping 38 — Jittering Total no. behavioral categories observed per caste minor media major workers workers workers N = 996 N = 1679 N = 134 .167 .131 .224 .060 .062 .052 .023 .022 0 .054 .019 0 .043 .095 .052 .007 .012 .030 .011 .049 .022 .066 .077 .134 .033 .055 0 .016 .053 0 .009 .024 0 0 .004 0 .011 .031 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .002 .024 0 .070 .024 .052 .040 .165 .291 .007 .021 .045 0 .009 .008 0 0 0 0 .001 0 0 .001 0 .003 .009 .090 .007 .011 0 .082 .021 0 .022 .004 0 .029 .025 0 .020 .007 0 0 .001 0 0 .003 0 0 .001 0 .018 .005 0 .033 .003 0 .059 .034 0 .092 .012 0 .001 .002 0 .016 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 28 34 11 232 Psyche [June-Septernber not seen, were estimated to be respectively 29, 36 and 1 1, with 95 per cent confidence intervals of (25, 33) (25, 47) and (5, 19). Comments on Table 1: Some behavioral categories deserve special mention: 1 . Carry pupa or lick pupa: Care of pupae consisted exclusively of assisting eclosion to adult. The pupae remained in the brood chamber and only when the colony was disturbed (which did not happen during the drawing of the catalog) media workers carried them to the new nest. 2. Lay trophic egg: The actual laying of trophic eggs was not seen, but 3 times media workers were seen offering the larvae and the queen small, round, shiny objects, looking like eggs, but different from the normal ones laid by the nest queen. It is not impossible that the laying of trophic eggs is a real but rare event. 3. Recruitment behavior: In order to determine whether the workers utilize any kind of food recruitment, the colony was deprived of food for one week and the nest connected to an arena by a bridge of round sticks. Honey water was presented on the arena floor. Two periods of one hour observation were recorded. Initially all ants that reached the food source were collected and not allowed to return by the bridge. Between the two experiments the honey source, the bridge and the arena floor were changed to avoid recognition by the ants. In the first period 35 ants reached the food source, in the second 262. This experiment clearly shows that this species uses food recruitment. Returning ants were observed to rub the tips of the abdomen on the bridge sticks (probably laying a scent trail) and to display no nestmates. During the construction of the catalog, however, no recruitment behavior was noted, probably because the colony was kept fed to saturation. 4. Jittering and antennal tipping: These behavioral categories were described by Wilson (1976), but nothing is known about their meaning. 5. Defensive behavior: Our perpilosa colony was not stressed to ellicit defensive behavior. However, a stray individual of the ant Novomessor cockerelli was found on the nest floor being attacked by media and minor workers of Formica perpilosa: not even in this situation the majors were observed outside the nest. This of course does not mean that majors cannot play a role in defending the nest against predators or raids by other ants, but it is apparent defense is not their characteristic behavior. A more detailed account of the defensive behavior of this species should be useful. After the behavioral catalog was drawn, 50 specimens had their head widths and lengths measured and plotted. The linear ana- morphosis afforded a linear regression of head length on head width, where the coefficient of determination is r2 = .964. When logarithmically plotted, in order to compare with Wilson’s model 1978] Brandao — Worker Caste of Formica perpilosa 233 (1953), the log-log anamorphosis afforded a linear regression of head length on head width. The equation is log L = .2795 - .8602 log W or, alternatively, L = 1.9033 W"8602 The coefficient of determination, r2 is also .964, showing of course an excellent fit. I have chosen the following criteria for the definition of the categories of workers: minors, head width 1 mm or less; medias, 1 to 1.4 mm; majors, larger than 1.4 mm. The majors represent only 6.6% of the nest population and their behavioral catalog comprises merely 1 1 behavioral categories. Their behavior, as seen in Table 2, is mostly directed toward grooming and regurgitation with nestmates. Discussion and Conclusion The behavioral catalog and the head shape curve of our Formica perpilosa colony show that the worker caste is strongly polyethic, in spite of being only slightly polymorphic. The media category is responsible for most of the behavioral categories. The majors are specialized in regurgitation with nestmates and may act as a trophic subcaste as in Camponotus (Colobopsis)fraxinicola (Wilson, 1974). F. perpilosa majors also possess a relatively large abdomen and Table 2. Relative frequencies of groups of behavioral acts listed on Table 1 by the three worker subcastes in a single colony of Formica perpilosa. (N. total number of behavioral acts recorded for each subcaste.) Groups of behavioral acts (from Table 1) A — Grooming B — Brood Care C — Regurgitation D — “Working” E — Jittering & Antennal tipping minor media major workers workers workers N = 996 N = 1679 N = 134 .365 .390 .380 .137 .248 .134 .127 .241 .486 .355 .116 0 .017 .002 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 234 Psyche [June-September were never observed performing any defensive or “working” be- havior. They were recorded as using almost half of their time doing trophallaxis or offering infrabucal pellets to minors and medias. King and Walters (1950) have found a very similar situation in “Formica rufa melanotica” (=F. obscuripes) in natural nests. They were able to prove a correlation between polymorphism and polyethism, showing that minor workers were specialized in attend- ing aphids. The major workers again remained inside the nest most of the time. On Table 2 one can notice that all the categories of F. perpilosa spend the same amount of time performing grooming behavior. The minors are almost exclusively responsible for several tasks grouped as “working” and the medias spend a more uniform amount of time performing each group of behavioral acts. Wilson (1953) proposed a model for the origin and evolution of polymorphism in ants. In 1971 he reviewed the ant caste system and said that five steps can be recognized in the evolution within the worker caste: monomorphism, monophasic allometry, diphasic allometry, triphasic allometry and complete dimorphism. Age polyethism is the responsible phenomenon for caste structure in monomorphic species, and the polyethic classes are sometimes referred to as physiological classes. Traniello (1978) reported an apparent lack of temporal division of labor in the primitive ponerine ant Amblyopone pallipes, which appears to have the most primitive caste system yet documented in ants. Monophasic allometry is the commonest manifestation of non- isometric growth. Studies on the division of labor in weakly polymorphic species showed a “by preponderance” division of labor, i.e., any given worker should be capable of performing any given normal task. In Formica polyctena size variation is weakly correlated with division of labor. The behavioral variation observed by Otto (1958) consisted mainly of age polyethism and individual peculiarities. Although the F. perpilosa subcastes were not divided using age parameters, I believe that age does not account for a large fraction of the total behavioral variation. Majors of advanced polymorphic ant species, especially com- pletely dimorphic species, where intermediates no longer exist and the two remaining classes are remarkably different in morphology, 1978] Brandao — Worker Caste of Formica perpilosa 235 usually act as soldiers. This is not true in the present case, where another kind of specialization was revealed. In the complete dimorphic species there is no behavioral overlap between the castes. Each category can be easily distinguished from the others morphologically and behaviorally. Majors of Zacryptocerus varians (members of one of the nine genera in which complete dimorphism is easily recognized) function primarily in defense (Wilson, 1976) and deserve the title of soldiers. Yet they sometimes wash and manipulate larvae and pupae. But during a high intensity attack, majors block the nest entrance with their saucer-shaped heads and are more persistent and effective than minors in forcing the enemy back to the entrance and finally out of the nest. Dr. Edward O. Wilson, reviewing the manuscript, was kind enough to suggest that F. perpilosa majors represent an early stage in the evolution toward repletes, as seen in Proformica and Myr- mecocystus (Wilson, 1971). The specialization shown by perpilosa majors (see Table 2) agrees with this view. F. perpilosa seems to occupy, from the viewpoint of evolution of division of labor, an intermediary position between monomorphic and completely dimorphic species. Acknowledgments I am indebted to the “Fundagao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo” for a scholarship (Biologicas 77/1208). I wish to express my appreciation to my parents for supporting my visit to Harvard University; and to Prof, and Mrs. B. Patterson, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown, Jr., and Dr. E. E. Williams for their kind hospitality. I am specially grateful to Dr. E. O. Wilson for the opportunity to learn ant rearing techniques, for the suggestion of the problem, assistance and uses of facilities during the research and critically reviewing the manuscript. I thank Dr. and Mrs. B. Holldobler, Gary Albert, Hiltrud Engels and specially Katherine Horton and James Traniello for advice and help with the ethogram method, and also the latter for showing me his unpublished data on Amplyopone behavior; Mr. O. Schmidt for conducting the repertory estimations; Dr. Francisca C. do Val for critically reading the manuscript. 236 Psyche [June-September Finally, I am grateful to Dr. P. E. Vanzolini for the helpful suggestions during the elaboration of this paper. References Bhatkar, A., and W. H. Whitcomb. 1970. Artificial diet for rearing various species of ants. Florida Entornol. 53: 229-232. Buren, W.F. 1968. Some fundamental taxonomic problems in Formica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Georgia Entornol. Soc., 3(2): 25-40. Fagen, R. M., and R. N. Goldman. 1977. Behavioral Catalogue Analysis Method. Anim. Behav., 25(2): 261-274. Gregg, R. E. 1963. The ants of Colorado. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, Colorado, xvi + 792 pp. Kay, C. A., and W. G. Whitford. 1975. Influences of temperature and humidity on oxygen consumption of five Chihuahuan desert ants. Comp. Biochem. Psysiol. A., 52: 281-286. King, R. L., and F. Walters. 1950. Population of a colony of Formica rufa melanotica Emery. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 57: 469-473. LaBerge, W. E. 1952. Locality records of two ants found in Kansas. J. Kansas Entornol. Soc. 25: 59. Oster, G. E., and E. O. Wilson. 1978. Cast and Ecology in the Social Insects. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey (in press). Otto, D. 1958. Uber die Arbeitsteilung im Staate von Formica rufapratensis minor Gosswald und ihre. Verhaltensphysiologischen Grundlagen: Ein Beitrag zur Biologie der Roten Waldarneise. Wiss. Abh. Deutsche Akad. Landw. — Wiss Berlin 30: 1-169. Schumacher, A. M., and W. G. Whitford. 1974. The foraging ecology of two species of Chihuahuan desert ants: Formica perpilosa and Trachymyrmex neomexicanus (Hymenoptera: Formici- dae). Ins. Soc. 21: 317-330. 1976. Spatial and temporal variation in Chihuahuan desert ant faunas. South- west Natur. 21: 1-8. Traniello, J. F. A. 1978. Caste in a primitive ant: Absence of age polyethism in Amblyopone. Unpublished manuscript. Whitford, W. G., C. A. and A. M Schumacher. 1975. Water loss in Chihuahuan desert ants. Physiol. Zool. 48: 390-397. 1978] Brandao — Worker Caste of Formica perpilosa 237 Wilson, E. O. 1953. The origin and evolution of polymorphism in ants. Quat. Rev. Biol. 28: 136-156. 1971. The Insect Societies. Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ix + 548 pp. 1974. The soldier of the ant Camponotus (Colobopsis) fraxinicola as a trophic caste. Psyche 81(1): 182-188. 1976. A social ethogram of the neotropical arboreal ant Zacryptocerus various (Fr. Smith). Anirn. Behav. 24(2): 354-363. CULTURE TECHNIQUES FOR ACANTHOPS FALCATA, A NEOTROPICAL MANTID SUITABLE FOR BIOLOGICAL STUDIES (WITH NOTES ON RAISING WEB BUILDING SPIDERS)* By Michael H. Robinson and Barbara Robinson Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. Box 2072, Balboa, Canal Zone (Panama). Introduction “It is both expensive and difficult to maintain a year-round colony of mantids and a continuous supply of living insects upon which to feed them. Because of their cannibalism, mantids must be raised in individual containers, and the smaller males are invariably in short supply.” Roeder, 1963, p. 141. We think that we have found the solutions to these problems. We have devised a simple and inexpensive culture regime and found a species that is easy to manage in captivity. This species, Acanthops falcata Stol, is small enough to raise in large numbers in a modest amount of space and large enough to be convenient for a wide number of biological investigations. Females that are sexually receptive can be triggered to mate by a dark/ light transition and males also become sexually active following such a transition. Matings are thus readily manipulate by the experimenter. In addition, the species is fecund and hardy. Our interest in solving the problems of raising predatory arthro- pods began in 1971, when we needed naive predators in order to investigate instinctive behavior. We used two species of araneid spiders, Argiope argentata and A. aemula, feeding them on dead drosophiloid flies (Robinson & Robinson, 1976a). Since then we have raised several generations of A. argentata and successfully hand reared two other species of web building spiders from egg cocoons, without the restriction of using dead prey, which makes the problem simpler. * Manuscript received by the editor September 8, 1978. 239 240 Psyche [June-September Later we became interested in the developmental biology of sexual size dimorphism and intrasexual size poymorphism (Robin- son & Robinson, 1976b, Robinson, B. & M. H. Robinson, 1978). However, orb-weaving spiders are not easy subjects for this type of study, and we turned our attention to mantids, in particular to the dead leaf mantid, Acanthops falcata. A. falcata proved to be an ideal subject and could become a most useful laboratory'animal. It is an extremely efficient predator, attacking, at all instars, any live prey from drosophiloid flies up to insects of almost its own size. In captivity it becomes very ‘tame’ and will wait for food to drop when the cage lid is raised, and will often take food directly from the forceps. Although the species has to be raised in separate cages, the containers we used were small, inexpensive, readily available and easily manageable. We think that A. falcata has great potentialities as an experi- mental animal. It has an extensive behavioral repertory, with an efficient predatory strike and a complex startle display (first de- scribed by Crane, 1952). We have demonstrated (Robinson & Robinson, in prep.) that receptive females secrete an attractant to which males fly. The pheromone remains to be isolated. The female has a relatively large head capsule and brain and the large eyes have excellent movement detection and depth perception. It should be an excellent subject for neurophysiological studies. Our success rate of rearing nearly 1,000 individuals over several generations has been about 95%, and out methods should prove of interest to ethologists, neurophysiologists, biochemists and developmental biologists wish- ing to work with this mantid. Culture Methods THE INSECT. Acanthops falcata is a small neotropical mantid of the family Hymenopodidae. For a mantid it has an unusual degree of sexual dimorphism. The flightless female (Figure 1) resembles a curled dead leaf and weighs 400-500mg. The male, which flies well, resembles a flat dead leaf, and weighs under 200mg. A brief summary of the life history is given here. Details of instar duration, sizes and weights at each instar, variability of number of instars and mating behavior are to be published separately (Robin- son & Robinson, in prep.). 1978] Robinson & Robinson — Acanthops falcata 241 Figure 1 . A female Acanthops falcata hanging from a twig in its cryptic posture. Body length ca 45mm. In captivity the females have a life expectancy of about 6 months. They lay long slender oothecae which may contain as many as 60 eggs, but more usually, 25-35. Eggs can be produced every 8 days and hatch in 16-19 days. We have records of females, that after one mating, laid 16 fertile oothecae. In Panama, at ambient temperature (about 25°C-30°C), development from egg to adult is usually accomplished in 7 molts, including the molt from pronymph to first instar, that takes place at eclosion. Postembrionic development takes about 2 months, depending on food supply. We have kept males alive for over a month and for most of this time they remain sexually active. Even old males can be effectively mated. Unmated females secrete a pheromone for a limited period each day until they are mated. The period of secretion coincides with the brief daily period when males fly. In the wild, this period is immediately after dawn, but in the laboratory will occur after a dark/ light transition (Robinson & Robinson, in prep.). 242 Psyche [June-September Cannibalism does not appear to be part of the mating behavior, as it is in many other species of mantids (Roeder 1935, 1963). Although males fall within the prey range of females, they seem to escape readily unless conditions are overcrowded. Copulations last from 20 minutes to 1 hour. After mating, the male drops from the female and usually survives to inseminate several females. THE CAGES. To raise large numbers of mantids in individual cages we made use of materials that are readily available and inexpensive. Trans- parent plastic party “glasses” need only a loose fitting cover to make a single plastic container into a cage. We found that the covers of plastic (disposable) petri dishes would fit one brand of 6oz shot “glasses” while the bottoms would fit another. These lids can be drilled to take a cotton ball insert that can be wetted to provide a high humidity within the cages. (In Panama’s 80-100% relative humidity, this is not necessary.) The plastic cages can be stored on wooden trays, and stacked so that several hundred mantids occupy relatively little space. Fiber-tipped pens, sold as freezer markers, are excellent for marking index numbers and other data on the plastic cages. In natural conditions, A. falcata rests hanging from a thin twig. To provide a perch, we placed a piece of bamboo in each cage, resting diagonally from the top at one side to the bottom of the opposite side (Figure 2). 6oz shot “glasses” are large enough for an adult female, but occasionally prove too small for an adult female to emerge success- fully from the final molt. Ecdysis is diurnal, quick and usually without complications, taking about 30 minutes for all but the final molt, which takes about twice as long. As the majority of the insects ecdyse between 10am and 3pm, we solved the cage size problem by watching individuals that were due to molt and removing them from the cage. Once molting had started, the stick with the molting mantid on it was placed in a piece of florists’ clay or Play-Doh. Here the mantid ecdysed, turned and extended its wings. After a success- ful molt we returned the mantid, on its stick, to the cage. We used several different cages in which to introduce males and females for mating. Out of doors we used a 2m X linX lm screened cage which was placed over several shrubs. Pheromone secretion by females, male flights and mating occurred only in the first 15 minutes after dawn. We also used a twelve gallon glass aquarium as 1978] Robinson & Robinson — Acanthops falcata 243 Figure 2. Left. Rearing cage for Acanthops falcata. (See text) A is a plastic petri dish and B a 6oz shot “glass”. The female is shown in her resting posture on a piece of bamboo (C). Right. A larger cage, suitable for spiders and large mantids. (See text) D is a cylinder of transparent acetate sheeting, lOcrn high, joined with cellulose tape. E shows the double lid made from a plastic petri dish and cover. The inner section has a hole of 5 cm diameter cut from it. The outer section, which is plugged with a moist cotton ball, can be raised to introduce food, without disturbing the animal. The positions of the cylindrical toothpicks which provide web attachment points and footholds are indicated. a mating arena. This was fitted with a screen top and held two or three potted plants. In the enclosed space males seemed to have difficulty locating a secreting female and if males and females were left together in such a container outside the mating period, males were eaten. Several males can be left together, however, and females can be introduced when they are secreting. The aquarium had the advantage that the mantids could be kept in it in the dark, and we could initiate mating behavior without disturbing them, by bringing them into a lighted area. Later we developed a lin X lm X .5m screened cage as a mating arena. Mantids from the dark phase of a controlled light regime can be brought into the light and released into such a cage, where they immediately become sexually active. Results are better if the light intensity is low. Since secreting females maintain a specialized posture (Robinson & Robinson, in prep.) it is easy to determine when they are receptive. 244 Psyche [June-September Females produce perfectly normal oothecae in the rearing cages. These are long and they hang down from the substrate to which they are attached by a long stalk. We removed oothecae from rearing cages, dated them and put them in 8oz clear plastic tunblers to hatch. To allow the pronymphs to emerge normally and complete their first molt on the outside, the ootheca must be attached to the lid of the hatching cage so that it can hang downwards, surrounded by free space. We tried various methods of attaching the ootheca stalk to the lid. This can be done with adhesive tape, but the small, fragile nymphs may stick to the exposed edges of the tape. It is more satisfactory to pass the stalk through a small hole and tape it to the outside of the lid. No additional moisture was necessary for most of the year in Panama, but during the dry season eggs were sprayed towards the end of the developmental period. The pronymphs develop within the ootheca and at eclosion ecdyse to the first instar. They stand on the ootheca for several hours before dispersal and are easier to transfer to individual rearing cages at this stage. During the first instar they are not cannibalistic and can be kept communally but should be separated soon after the next molt. CULTURE TECHNIQUES. Normally mantids will not strike at motionless prey. The first three instars were fed exclusively on live drosophiloid flies. Some- time during the 4th instar the diet was changed to include live domestic crickets, Acheta domestica, supplied by Fluckers Cricket Farm, and by the 5th instar, only live crickets were fed. The Drosophila sp. were caught over a massive outdoor fruit culture in a fine meshed net, which was then placed in a freezer. By trial and error we determined the length of time necessary to immobilize the flies without killing them, and how long it took for them to become active again. The fastest way of introducing the flies into the cages was also the simplest. We transferred a quantity of immobile flies from the net onto a sheet of paper, and lifting each lid in turn, we shook the required number of prey into each cage. At the first instar this number was only two or three; towards the end of the fourth instar it was about ten. We quickly learned by experience how many mantids we could feed before the flies recovered on the paper, and, by looking at the cage debris, could tell if the mantids were under or overfed. The stage at which we changed the diet to crickets 1978] Robinson & Robinson — Acanthops falcata 245 depended on the size of the crickets which were available. A. falcata will reach maturity entirely on a diet of Drosophila, but the developmental period is longer, and the adults that we raised on this diet were abnormally small (Robinson, B. & M. H. Robinson, in prep.). To make the crickets easier to handle, they too were placed in a freezer for a short time, or stored in a refrigerator before being dropped into the cages from forceps. Uneaten crickets left in cages will eat ecdysing mantids or oothecae. The former is not a serious problem with A. falcata which molts during the day, as it is with species which molt at night, or whose molting time is longer. We have raised two other species of mantid, Phyllovates chlorophaea (see below) and Chaerododis rhombicollis (see Robinson 1969). Both these species were vulnerable to cricket attack for about two hours during each molt, which takes place at night. We had to remove live crickets from their cages at the end of each day. In the humid tropics drinking water does not seem to be necessary for mantids that are fed daily. However, when they were transferred to the mating cages containing wet plants, they were observed to drink, males more than females. In air-conditioned or heated laboratories, it may prove necessary to supply moisture. As de- scribed above, cotton balls can be inserted into holes in the lids of the cages. These can be sprayed to keep them moist. Care should be taken that water does not form in droplets in the cages of first instar nymphs, as they will not be able to escape from the surface tension. We always use rainwater rather than tap water for spraying insects or providing moisture in cages. CAGES AND CULTURE TECHNIQUES SUITABLE FOR OTHER ARTHROPODS. We have also raised several other species of mantids successfully, using the above methods for small species. For larger species we used these techniques for early instars adapting them as necessary as the mantids grew too large for the cages. Phyllovates chlorophaea is a large, long-legged mantid, which we have raised successfully. For this large insect 6oz shot glasses were suitable until the 4th-5th instar. This species hangs below a leaf rather than from a twig. In order to give it a foothold on the lid of the cage, we attached a piece of masking tape, approx. 3cm - 5cm to the undersurface. The cages that we used for later instars and adults are adaptations of lepidoptera rearing cages, designed by R. Silberglied and A. Aiello. 246 Psyche [June-September These consisted of a cylinder of metallic hardware cloth, 10cm high and with a diameter very slightly larger than that of a plastic petri dish. The petri dish fitted snugly inside the cylinder as a base, and a cover was placed over this, enclosing the bottom of the cylinder between the two. The top was bound with masking tape, and a second petri dish cover was used as a lid. Screened cages cannot, of course, be used until the mantid has transferred to a diet of crickets. For the final molt, when the mantid hangs from its exoskeleton until the legs harden, a 20cm high cage was needed. Rather than build new cages for this very short period, two cages were joined together, by removing the base of the upper one and attaching it to the top of the lower one with masking tape. After ecdysis, the double cage was disassembled and the adult mantid was returned to its original cage. Feeding procedures were exactly the same for P. chlorophaea as those described for A. falcata (above). However, either P. chloro- phaea attacks smaller prey, or domestic crickets are not preferred prey. It was necessary to feed several small crickets daily, and to remove any uneaten prey at the end of each day. We raised P. chlorophaea to study its life history. It needs more care, more space and more complex cages than A. falcata. In addition, its mating behavior is similar to that of Mantis religiosa (Roeder, 1935), where males frequently do not survive to inseminate more than one female. The lepidoptera rearing cage (above) can be modified so that live Drosophila can be fed, if the cylinder is made of transparent acetate sheeting. With the following modifications we found that they made excellent cages for raising web-building spiders, particularly those with horizontal webs. (See Figure 2.) The acetate cylinder was made to fit tightly into a plastic petri dish base. An inner lid was made by cutting a circle of 5cm diameter out of a second petri dish, using an electric soldering iron. A petri dish cover was used as an outer lid. The outer lid, which was plugged with a cotton ball to keep the cage humid, could be raised for feeding the spiders, without disturbing web foundation lines. To give the spiders web attachment points, four cylindrical toothpicks were pushed through the acetate until they almost met in a cross, 2cm from the top and 2cm from the bottom of the cage. We initially kept web building spiders in glass vials with snap caps (Robinson & Robinson, 1976a). These are not ideal, as the web is often attached to the cap, and the spider cannot be fed without the web being damaged. Later we discovered the 1 inch diameter transparent plastic storage tubes, supplied by Forestry Supplies Inc. 1978] Robinson & Robinson — Acanthops falcata 247 These come in 18 inch lengths, with separate plugs. They can be cut to the required size and fitted with a removable plug at each end. One cap was fitted with a moist cotton ball and either cap could be used to introduce food. Webs were rarely attached to both caps. FEEDING SPIDERS. Drosophila, the most readily available food, are probably larger than the natural prey of 2nd instar spiderlings of most species and when used live usually break the fragile web and escape. Dead Drosophila placed in a spiderling’s web are usually found and eaten soon after being introduced. If they are ignored at this stage, the spider feeds on them when the web is taken down. For later instars, prey of an appropriate size, immobilized in the freezer, can be placed or dropped in the webs. Spiders drink water from their webs, and even in the humid tropics, once the spider has been transferred from a vial to a cage we spray the webs with rain water daily. We are (September 1978) presently undertaking a long research trip to Papua New Guinea and have given our culture of Acanthops falcata to the Insect Zoo, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, who hope to maintain it. References Crane, J. 1952. A comparative study of innate defensive behavior in Trinidad mantids (Orthoptera, Mantoidea), Zoologica, N.Y., 37: 259-263. Robinson, B. & M. H. Robinson. 1978. Developmental studies of Argiope argentata (Fabricius) and Argiope aemula (Walckenaer). Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond., 42: 31-40. Robinson, M. H. 1969. The defensive behaviour of some orthopteroid insects from Panama. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 121: 281-303. Robinson, M. H. & B. Robinson. 1975. Techniques in the field study of spiders. Bull. Brit. Arach. Soc., 3: 160-165. 1976a. Discrimination between prey types: an innate component of spider predatory behaviour. Zeit. f. Tierpsychol. 41: 266-276. 1976b. The ecology and behavior of Nephila maculata: a supplement. Smith- sonian Contrib. Zool. 218: 1-22. Roeder, K. D. 1935. An experimental analysis of the sexual behavior of the praying mantis ( Mantis religiosa L.), Biol. Bull. 69: 164-184. 1963. Nerve Cells and Insect Behavior, Harvard Univ. Press. SEARCHING BEHAVIOR OF HIPPODA MIA CONVERGENS LARVAE (COCCINELLIDAE: COLEOPTERA)* By Kenneth W. Hunter, Jr. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Introduction Survival and development of predaceous Coccinellidae depend in large part on their ability to find food (Hodek, 1973). Coccinellid larvae exhibit different searching patterns before and after finding prey; the path of a larva just after consuming a prey item is generally more tortuous than before the encounter (Banks, 1954; Banks, 1957; Kaddow 1959). When the prey are gregarious, this type of altered searching behavior is thought to increase the chance of finding additional prey (Banks, 1957). In the present study I describe the searching behavior of larvae of the convergent lady beetle, Hippo- damia convergens (Guerin), before and after feeding on the spotted alfalfa aphid, Therioaphis maculata (Buckton). Materials and Methods Adult H. convergens were collected from a field of alfalfa located at the Arizona State University Experimental Farm, Tempe, AZ. Copulating pairs were isolated for 48 hrs, then the females were removed and placed in six-dram plastic vials lined with paper toweling. The toweling was moistened periodically. Isolated females were supplied daily with thirty fourth-instar or adult T. maculata (Nielson and Currie, 1960) collected from the alfalfa field by sweep netting. The vials were incubated at 32° C for 4 or 5 days during which time the fertilized females deposited clusters of eggs on the toweling; then the female beetles were removed and the brood chambers incubated for another two days. After hatching, the first instar larvae remain clustered around the egg shell, but because of cannibalism it was necessary to immediately separate the newly hatched larvae. Individual larvae were transferred to new vials, by * Manuscript received by the editor October 17, 1978. 249 250 Psyche [June-September the use of a fine camel-hair brush, together with five immature aphids. After moulting to the second instar and thereafter the larvae were provided thirty aphids per day. Following the third molt the new fourth instar larvae were used for experimentation. To study searching behavior before and after feeding, an artificial searching arena was constructed similar in design to the arenas of Fleschner (1950) and Banks (1957). A twelve inch square plywood board was covered with buff-colored art paper and surrounded by an electrically heated wire. The arena was uniformly illuminated by a fluorescent light suspended two feet above the center, and all tests were performed at room temperature. Tracks of the larvae were recorded by tracing lightly with a pencil, and 30 sec intervals were noted on the tracks. Track diagrams were enlarged with an over- head projector. The number of degrees of each turn, whether to the right or left, was measured with a protractor. The data were expressed as the total number of degrees turned, which was a function of the number and type of turns the larvae made. Statistical analysis was done with Student’s t-test. Results Sixteen fourth instar H. convergens larvae were starved for 4 hrs prior to testing. Each larva was placed in the center of the arena under a vial, and timing commenced when the vial was removed. The larva was followed by a pencil tracing and 30 sec intervals were recorded on the track for a total test period of 5 min. At this time an adult T. maculata was placed directly in front of the larva; the aphid was seized and rapidly consumed. The track was again traced when the larva began to move after feeding, and 30 sec intervals were recorded for 5 min. This test procedure was repeated for each of sixteen larvae. The movements of larvae before feeding were less tortuous and a much larger portion of the arena was searched; after feeding the larvae concentrated their search in the vicinity where the aphid was discovered. The track consisted of numerous turns and frequently areas previously searched were revisited several times. Analysis of the tracks confirmed these observations (Fig. 1). For three minutes following the consumption of an aphid the larvae made more turns than they did prior to feeding, but in the final two minutes of observation the fed larvae appeared to revert to their pre-fed 1978] Hunter — Hippodamia convergens Larvae 251 MINUTE INTERVALS Figure 1. Searching movements of fourth instar H. convergens larvae during a five minute interval before and after consuming one adult T. maculata. The bar represents the cumulative mean ± one standard deviation of the numbers of degrees turned by larvae for five 1 -minute-intervals prior to feeding. 252 Psyche [June-September searching pattern. The total number of degrees turned was 6200.3 ± 992.0 before feeding and 12058.8 ± 1798.8 after feeding(p< 0.001). Discussion The searching movements of fourth instar H. convergens larvae before finding prey generally consist of wide sweeping turns. After consuming one adult T. maculata the searching movements are modified; initially movements consist of many small turns in the immediate vicinity of the previously consumed prey. With time the movements become more characteristic of the pre-fed state. Banks (1957) noted a similar searching behavior in a study of Adalia bipunctata (L.) and the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulz.), and Kaddow (1959) found the same searching movements in larvae of Hip- podamia quin que si gnat a (Kirby) fed pea aphids, Macrosiphum pisi (Kaltenbach). Modification of turning movements after finding the first host is common to other entomophagous and parasitic insects (Fleschner, 1950; Laing, 1937). It appears that coccinellid larvae lack sophisticated sensory apparatus and do not discover their prey until actual contact occurs (Hodek, 1973). Furthermore, this undirected searching is very inefficient in that much time and energy are wasted revisiting areas previously searched (Banks, 1957). If one assumes that the searching behavior of coccinellid larvae is indeed undirected, then the number of encounters between predator and prey would be merely a function of their respective population densities. However, this assumes that the chance of finding a second prey is the same as that for the first. On the other hand, if after the first prey encounter the predator alters its pattern of search in such a way as to increase the likelihood of capturing additional prey, then the predator has become more efficient even though its searching is still undirected (in terms of sensory capability). T. maculata are colonial and not uniformly dispersed throughout their habitat. With this character- istic in mind it would seem advantageous for H. convergens larvae, having encountered a single T. maculata, to modify their searching behavior in order to exploit the gregarious nature of their prey. Since survival and reproduction of predators like H. convergens is dependent upon finding adequate food (Hodek, 1973), a strong selection pressure probably exists for behaviors which improve food finding capabilities. Therefore, it is suggested that the change of 1978] Hunter — Hippodamia convergens Larvae 253 searching pattern by H. convergens larvae after finding one prey item is adaptive. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Drs. John Alcock and Gordon Bender of the Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, for their encouragement of this study. Publication costs were covered by funds from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Department of Defense. References Banks, C. J. 1954. The searching behavior of Coccinellid larvae. Br. J. Anim. Behav. 2: 37-38. 1957. The behavior of individual Coccinellid larvae on plants. Br. J. Anim. Behav. 5: 12-24. Dixon, A. F. G. 1959. An experimental study of the searching behavior of the predatory Coccinellid beetle Adalia decempunetata (L.) J. Anim. Ecol. 28: 259- 281. Fleschner, C. A. 1950. Studies on the searching capacity of the larvae of three predators of the citrus red mite. Hilgardia. 20: 233-265. Hodek, I. 1973. Biology of Coccinellidae. Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslo- vak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1973, 260 pp. Kaddow, I. 1959. The feeding behavior of Hippodamia quinque signal a (Kirby) larvae. Univ. Calif. Pubs. Entomol. 16: 181-228. Laing, J. 1937. Host finding by insect parasites. I. Observations on the finding of hosts by Alysia manducator, Mormoniella vitripennis, and Trichogramma evanescens. J. Anim. Ecol. 6: 298-317. Nielson, M. W., and W. E. Currie 1960. Biology of the convergent lady bird beetle when fed a spotted alfalfa aphid diet. J. Econ. Entomol. 53: 257-259. FURTHER STUDIES OF THE MYRMICINE STING APPARATUS: EUTETRAMOR1UM, OXYOPOMYRMEX, AND TERATANER (HYMENOPTERA, FORMICIDAE)* By Charles Kugler Department of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 Introduction In an earlier investigation (Kugler, 1978, 1979) I described the sting apparatus of representatives of 63 genera of myrmicine ants. In so doing, it was shown that this complex structure has clear potential for defining myrmicine genera and perhaps generic group- ings. Furthermore, its morphology may have played an important role in the evolution of some genera. Here I present descriptions of members of 3 genera that could not be included in that work. Structural affinities with the sting appa- ratus of other genera are discussed in order to assist those reclassify- ing this taxonomically problematical subfamily. Methods The materials and methods used are described in detail in Kugler (1978). For the sake of brevity, figures from that earlier study are cited here in italics; new figures of this paper are cited in Roman type. Voucher specimens are deposited in the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, labeled “Kugler study 1978.” Scale lines in the figures are in millimeters. Eutetra morium Species examined: E. mocquerysi, 2 workers. Spiracular plate: (Fig. 1) Body subtriangular, only slightly longer than wide. Anterior apodeme wide along nearly whole length, end- ing abruptly near dorsal margin of plate. Ventral and posterior *A report of research of the Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853. Manuscript received by the editor September 15, 1978. 255 256 Psyche [June-Septernber Figures 1-4. Sclerites of the sting apparatus of Eutetramorium mocquerysi. Fig. 1, spiracular plate, side view. Fig. 2, apical !4 of lancet, side view. Fig. 3, sting and furcula, side view. Fig. 4, sting and furcula, ventral view. Abbreviations: AAP, anterior apodeme; ALP, anterolateral process of sting base; BD, body; BR, basal ridge; DA, dorsal arm of furcula; DR, dorsal ridge; HE, hernocoel; IAP, internal apodeme; LA, lateral arm of furcula; PAP, posterior apodeme; SBLB, sting bulb; SS, sting shaft; VC, valve chamber; VR, ventral ridge. apodemes present, well sclerotized. No dorsal notch or posterodor- sal lobe. Spiracle relatively small, located caudad of center. Quadrate plate: Body and apodeme both subrectangular, equal in width; body extends well ventrad of apodeme. Dorsal edge of plate convex, with moderately wide medial and lateral lobes terminating in an acute anterodorsal corner. Anal plate: Very poorly sclerotized, ill-defined; no sensilla. 1978] Kugler — Myrmicine Sting Apparatus 251 Oblong plate: Posterior arm with narrow, well sclerotized apo- derne, body widens abruptly just caudad of articulation with fuicral arm, a lightly sclerotized ventral ridge arcs from intervalvifer articulation to opposite fuicral arm. Anterior apodeme wide, promi- nent, bluntly rounded. Ventral arm wide, broadly spindle-shaped fuicral arm meets posterior arm perpendicularly, postincision deep. Gonostylus: Two-segmented as indicated by bimodal sensilla pattern and ill-defined membranous region; evenly tapered to end, neither long and slender nor short and wide, not strongly dorso- ventrally compressed. Distal segment with 7 long setae and isolated dorsoterminal chaeta; proximal segment with 10 setae of varied lengths. Distal segment grades evenly into terminal membrane. No distal notch or basiconic sensilla. Triangular plate: Body wide, basal portion abruptly tapered; ventroapical process a distinct extension from body, narrowly rounded apically. Dorsal and medial tubercles present. Lancet: (Fig. 2) Straight, acute, well sclerotized, with distinct ventral ridge and, distally, a dorsal ridge. Each lancet with 2 valves of moderate size; the caudal one smaller, less sclerotized. No barbs present. Sting: (Figs. 3, 4) Long, slender, well sclerotized; sting bulb, valve chamber and sting shaft regions distinguishable in profile. Sting base not arched, anterolateral processes present. Valve chamber internally much lower than sting bulb. Sting shaft with distinct hemocoel throughout length, height of hemocoel greater apically than subapically. No terminal flange. Campaniform sensilla present on sting shaft and distal 2/3 of valve chamber. Index of reduction 26.8. Furcula: (Figs. 3, 4) T-shaped in anterior view, lateral arms wrap around sting base, dorsal arm well developed. Discussion The sting apparatus of Eutetramorium mocquerysi seems most closely related to those of the Tetramoriini and the Leptothorax genus group (see Kugler, 1978). Some common characters are: the wide anterior apodeme and overall shape of the spiracular plate (Fig. 57); the medial and lateral lobes, and shape of the anterodorsal corner of the quadrate plate (Fig. 58); the shape of the anterior apodeme, ventral ridge and body of the posterior arm of the oblong 258 Psyche [June-September plate (Figs. 52, 59); much of the shape of the sting (Figs. 55, 56). The gonostyli are much like those of Leptothorax (Fig. 53), but not as long and narrow, and they lack the companion seta. The sting base and furcula have characteristics of those of Liomyrmex cf. aurianus (Figs. 69, 70). In spite of its similarities with the Tetramoriini, E. mocquerysi lacks the dorsal flange on the end of the sting and the character- istically stubby gonostyli of that tribe. On the basis of the flange character and other external characters Bolton (1976) removed Eutetramorium from its traditional association with the Tetra- moriini. He prefers to place it in the Myrmicini, but as an alternative hypothesis, based admittedly on one character system, I would suggest a position nearer Leptothorax and related genera. OXYOPOMYRMEX Species examined: O. tuneticus, 1 worker; O. tuneticus var. thoraci- cus, 1 worker. Spiracular plate: Body subrectangular, with straight anterior edge, slightly concave posterior edge and convex dorsal and ventral edges. Anterior apodeme forms a square anteroventral corner, then a thin margin along anterior edge to dorsad of body of plate; medial connection membranous. Large V-shaped dorsal notch present; no distinct posteroventral tubercle or posterodorsal lobe. Quadrate plate: Subtriangular, both body and apodeme much narrowed at base. Dorsal edge straight, anterodorsal corner broadly rounded. Anterior edge poorly sclerotized, expecially dorsad. Anal plate: Weakly sclerotized, longer than wide, with 4 long setae on terminal edge in O. tuneticus, 2 setae in O. t. var. thoracicus. Oblong plate: Dorsal ridge and body of posterior arm long and narrow, uniform in width, without ventral ridge. Anterior apodeme very long and slender. Ventral arm tapered and subtruncate distally; fulcral arm slender, weak, diffuse dorsad, forming acute angle with posterior arm. Gonostylus: In O. t. thoracicus, narrow from side view, with no indication of segmentation; 17-20 setae scattered more or less evenly along distal 2/3 of ventrolateral surface. Dorsoterminal chaeta, companion seta and terminal membrane present. No basi- conic sensilla. Gonostyli of O. tuneticus lost in preparation. 1978] Kugler — Myrmicine Sting Apparatus 259 Figures 5-6. Sting and furcula of Oxyopomyrmex tuneticus. Fig. 5, O. tuneti- cus, side view. Fig. 6, O. tuneticus var. thoracicus, ventral view. Triangular plate: In O. tuneticus body and ventroapical process very slender and distinct; in O. t. var. thoracicus body wider dorsad and merging more with ventroapical process. In both specimens, body evenly tapered to ramus; neither dorsal nor medial tubercle present. Lancet: Long, weak, and spatulate distally, with broadly rounded apex; about twice as deep as end of sting shaft. One large lancet valve per lancet. Sting: (Figs. 5, 6) Sting bulb large with weak basal ridge and distinct anterolateral processes. Valve chamber well developed, clearly distinguishable from sting bulb and sting shaft in profile and in ventral view; internal apophysis long. Sting shaft short, very slender and weak; no dorsal flange. Index of reduction 21.9 for O. tuneticus, 20.4 for O. t. var. thoracicus. Furcula: (Figs. 5, 6) Slender arch, uniform in diameter; no dorsal arm. Discussion The sting apparatus of Oxyopomyrmex tuneticus and O. t. var. thoracicus are very similar to those of Messor and Aphaenogaster. The large dorsal notch and thin anterior apodeme of the spiracular 260 Psyche [June-Septernber plate (Fig. 130)', the subtriangular quadrate plate (Fig. 131)', the long slender posterior arm and anterior apodeme and the inclined fulcral arm of the oblong plate (Figs. 132, 133)', and the shape of the sting bulb, valve chamber and furcula (Figs. 138, 139) are common characteristics of the species so far examined in these 3 genera. The Oxyopomyrmex species, however, are distinct in two important respects: the sting shaft has no dorsal flange (Fig. 138), and the lancets are spatulate and broadly rounded apically, rather than acute (Fig. 137). The close affinities of Oxyopomyrmex, Messor and Aphaeno- gaster as suggested by the sting apparatus are consistent with the views advanced by Emery (1922) and Wheeler (1910: 139-140, 268; 1922). Terataner Species examined: T. alluaudi, 2 workers. Spiracular plate: (Fig. 7) Body subrectangular. Anterior apodeme narrow, well sclerotized, continues dorsad to make completely sclerotized connection with opposite side. Dorsal notch and ventral and posterior apodemes present. Quadrate plate: (Fig. 8) Apodeme subtriangular, no medial or lateral lobes, anterodorsal corner rounded. Body subrectangular, extending below apodeme. Anal plate: Wider than long, clear suture between plate and anal arc; moderately well sclerotized proximally, posterior and lateral borders unsclerotized, undefined. Thirty-one long setae cover plate; no sensilla basiconica. Oblong plate: (Fig. 9) Posterior arm short and straight, dorsal ridge strong, ventral ridge weak, ill-defined. Ventral arm wide apically with narrow fulcral arm perpendicular to posterior arm; postincision deep. Anterior apodeme rather short, acute. Gonostylus: One-segmented. Dorsal surface free of sensilla, broadly triangular. Lateral surface narrower, uniformly and densely covered with long thin setae along distal Vi of length, longest setae proximad; small dorsoterminal chaeta embedded among setae; no obvious companion seta; no basiconic sensilla. Short terminal membrane present. Lancet: Long, slender, weak and flagelliform. Two intermediate- sized valves per lancet, caudal valve smaller. Figures 7-11. Sclerites of the sting apparatus of Terataner alluaudi. Fig. 7, spiracular plate, side view. Fig. 8, quadrate plate, side view. Fig. 9, oblong plate, side view. Fig. 10, sting and furcula, side view. Fig. 11, sting and furcula, ventral view. Abbreviations: AAP, anterior apoderne; ADC, anterodorsal corner; AP, apoderne; BD, body; DN, dorsal notch; FA, fulcral arm; IVA, intervalvifer articulation; PA, posterior arm; PI, postincision; VA, ventral arm; VR, ventral ridge. Sting: (Figs. 10, 11) Sting bulb wide, with heavy basal ridge. Valve chamber small, indistinguishable from sting shaft in profile; topped by heavy internal ridge; 2 large ventrolaterally projecting prongs seem to originate on the internal apophysis. Sting shaft long, slender, tapering to weak apex; hemocoel clearly visible in basal 2/3. Index of reduction 20.1. Furcula: (Figs. 10, 11) A simple low arch, no dorsal arm; extremities dilated at articulation with base of sting. 262 Psyche [June-September Discussion The sting apparatus of Terataner alluaudi bears most resemblance to several genera normally considered unrelated by most modern inyrmecologists. It has a variety of derived characters in common with Atopomyrmex mocquerysi, such as: shape of the anal plate; form of the gonostyli; long, flagelliform lancets (Fig. 215 ); form of the bulb, valve chamber and shaft of the sting, including 2 prongs extending into the sting bulb from the internal apophysis (Figs. 216, 217). These species, however, differ markedly in the shapes of the spiracular and oblong plates, and in the lack of a furcula and anal setae in A. mocquerysi. With the Cephalotini, T. alluaudi shares the following characters: complete medial connection of the anterior apodeme of the spiracular plate (may not be derived); anal plate wider than long and with numerous dorsal sensilla; long, well- defined fulcral arm of the oblong plate; gonostylus shape and setation (Fig. 192); shape of the lancets (Fig. 194); sting bulb shape, low valve chamber and flagellate sting shaft as in Procryptocerus scabriusculus (Figs. 196, 197). The main differences are the shape of the spiracular plate (Fig. 198); and in T. alluaudi the lack of the long pollicate anterodorsal process of the quadrate plate (Figs. 189, 198), the furcula not appressed to the sting base, the more elongate sting shaft containing a hernocoel, and the prongs in the sting bulb (cf. Figs. 190, 191, 196, 197). With Cataulacus tardus, T. alluaudi shares the medial connection of the spiracular plate anterior apodernes; the shape and setation of the gonostyli; flagelliform lancets (though much shorter in C. tardus); and prongs in the sting bulb (the number of which is different, Figs. 203, 204). Such prongs are known only from Terataner, Atopomyrmex and Cataulacus. Both Emery (1922) and Wheeler (1922) placed Terataner in the tribe Myrinecinini with Podomyrma, Lordomyrma, Atopomyrmex, Myrmecina, Pristomyrmex and Acanthomyrmex, along with other genera, the stings of which have not yet been examined. Emery more specifically placed it with the first 3 genera in the subtribe Podo- myrmiti after earlier creating the genus Terataner from some of the species then in Atopomyrmex (Emery, 1912). The sting apparatus does not support the groupings of the above genera into tribe Myrmecinini (see also discussions in Kugler, 1978), but the view of Terataner and Atopomyrmex as distinct, related genera is seen here as likely. Sting apparatus morphology also suggests a relationship 1978] Kugler — Myrmicine Sting Apparatus 263 between Terataner, the Cephalotini and possibly Cataulacus that should be considered in future classifications of the Myrmicinae. Acknowledgements I thank W. L. Brown for supplying the specimens for dissection, and for commenting on the manuscript. Research was supported by the NSF grant DEB-22427 (W. L. Brown, Jr., principal investiga- tor). References Bolton, B. 1976. The ant tribe Tetrarnoriini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), constituent genera, review of smaller genera and revision of Triglyphothrix Forel. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Entornol., 34(5): 283-378. Emery, C. 1912. Etudes sur les Myrmicinae. Ann. Soc. Entornol. Belg., 56: 94-105. 1922. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. Gen. Insect. 174: 1-397, 7 pi. (1921-1922). Kugler, C. 1978. A comparative study of the myrmicine sting apparatus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Stud. Entornol., 20: 413-548. 1979. Evolution of the myrmicine sting apparatus. Evolution, in press. Wheeler, W. M. 1910. Ants, Their Structure, Development and Behavior. Columbia Univ. Press, New York, xxv + 663 pp. 1922. Keys to the genera and subgenera of ants. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 45: 631-710. AN UNUSUAL ASCALAPHID LARVA (NEUROPTERA: ASCALAPHIDAE) FROM SOUTHERN AFRICA, WITH COMMENTS ON LARVAL EVOLUTION WITHIN THE MYRMELEONTOIDEA* By Charles S. Henry Biological Sciences Group, University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Ascalaphidae is a fairly large family of planipennian Neuroptera that has received little attention from taxonomists since Weele’s 1908 monograph. Life history and behavioral studies of the group have suffered even greater neglect; what is known has been sum- marized in a previous work (Henry, 1977). As an order, Neuroptera is taxonomically intractable, largely due to difficulty in interpreting wing venation: extreme convergence is common in distantly related families, yet divergence often occurs within a single subfamily or genus. For this reason, the immature stages have proven to be more reliable indicators of relationship than the adults, and our present understanding of evolution within the order is based more on larval than adult features (Withycombe, 1925; MacLeod, 1970). Since such considerations apply as strongly to Ascalaphidae as they do to other Neuroptera, all larval or life-history data are of paramount importance to phylogenetic studies of the family. Described here is a peculiar ascalaphid larva from Mkuze Game Park, Natal, collected in November of 1967 by J. A. Slater and T. Schuh. Although it shows all the diagnostic features of the family, certain details of its setal morphology and of the form and distribution of its thoracic and abdominal extensions (scoli) are unique and of great phylogenetic importance. As the larva is (necessarily) unassociated with an adult, I will describe its major features informally and compare them critically with those of larvae of known taxa in an attempt to deduce the general systematic position of the insect. In addition, I will summarize what is known of larval morphology in the superfamily Myrmeleontoidea, so that conclusions concerning the Mkuse specimen can be placed in perspective. * Manuscript received by the editor December 12, 1978. 265 266 Psyche [June-September Methods and Materials The larva was preserved in 70 percent ethanol. Wild™ M5 and M5A stereoscopic dissecting microscopes were used to observe the specimen, while drawings were made by means of integral camera lucida attachments for these instruments. Description of Larva The African specimen is a typical ascalaphid immature in most respects (Fig. 1), displaying robust jaws with three mandibular teeth, large squarish head with pronounced occipital angles, prom- inent ocular tubercles each bearing six dorsal and one ventral sternrnata, and compact, lightly sclerotized body fringed by numer- ous finger-like, setigerous extensions. It measures about 7 mm from labral margin to anal spinneret and is probably a partially grown second instar. Previous studies of ascalaphid immatures (Henry, 1976) indicate that important features of the mature larva that may be absent or distorted in the first instar are expressed quite clearly by the second stadium; for this reason, the following description can be compared with existing descriptions of third instar larvae. The head capsule is of the generalized ascalaphid type in shape, more square than cordate, without extreme dorso-ventral flattening. Ocular tubercles (Fig. 2-A) are cylindroid, and the ventral sternma on each is but slightly reduced compared with the dorsal ones. The antennal tubercles are poorly developed. Jaws are straight-shanked, each tapering smoothly from proximal tooth to tip; the distal tooth is markedly smaller than the others. Ventrally, sclerites of the mouthpart bases and the pieces of the labium (Fig. 2-B) have a generalized form and relationship to one another (Henry, 1976). The manner of ventral articulation of the mandibles to the head capsule is also relatively unspecialized: each condyle bears against a median lobe at the end of the subgenal ridge rather than being retained more positively by a U-shaped socket. The body of the specimen also exhibits several apparently primitive traits. Twelve pairs of long primary scoli fringe the body from mesothorax to eighth abdominal segment (Fig. 1); in addition, a pair of equally prominent ventro-lateral secondary scoli occurs on abdominal segments I-VII (Fig. 3). All scoli are slightly flattened dorso-ventrally and possess a border of specialized setae (see below). The eight pairs of abdominal spiracles are situated laterally 1978] Henry — Ascalaphid Larva 267 Figure 1 . Mkuze ascalaphid larva, probably second instar. ScMs = mesothoracic scoli, ScMt = metathoracic scoli, ScAbdi = scoli of first abdominal segment, Dol = dolichasterine seta. 268 Psyche [June-September in a linear arrangement between the primary and secondary series of scoli; the eighth abdominal segment, lacking ventral scoli, bears its spiracles beneath the primary scoli. Nearly all setae are highly modified (Figs. 1-3). Those clothing most of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the head, body, and scoli are very short and flattened into round discs or scales. Large, dorso- ventrally flattened dolichasters project from the labral margin and fringe the ocular tubercle and each primary and secondary scolus. Spoon-shaped dolichasters occur dorsally in a double row down the mid-line of the body and in a triple series on each side of the head capsule. Long setae of conventional shape are present in small numbers on the tips of the first and third scoli of the thorax and singly on the tip of each scolus of the ventral abdominal series; the last primary scolus also bears a few terminal setae of this type. The pigmentation pattern of the specimen is due primarily to the scale-like setae that cover nearly all parts of the body. In general the insect has a mottled appearance, as though adapted for crypsis in a relatively exposed or open microhabitat; however, its true colors are of course unknown. The ocular tubercles are conspicuously darker and the tips of the scoli lighter than other parts of the larva; otherwise, mottling is quite uniform. Discussion The Ascalaphidae is one of six families in the superfamily Myrmeleontoidea, a complex defined by a common larval type exhibiting an array of cephalic traits that apparently evolved together to provide structural support for the large muscles and condyles of the jaw “trap” mechanism (MacLeod, 1964, 1970). In contrast to the hemerobiiform larva of other Planipennia, that of Myrmeleontoidea (=Infraorder Myrmeleontiformia) displays 1) maxillary blade lance-like, never as broad as mandible; 2) robust, sickle-shaped mandibles; 3) ventral surface of large quadrate head convex and heavily sclerotized, with sclerites of maxillae and labium confined to medial anterior region; 4) pronounced anteriad migra- tion and torsion of the tentorium so that it assumes a dorso-ventral orientation connecting the anterior tentorial pits above to the )OSterior ones directly below; 5) relatively short antenna with thick .cape but filiform distal portion; and 6) two- to four-segmented labial palps each arising from the tip of a large, palpimere-like structure that actually represents half of the divided prelabium. 269 1978] Henry — Ascalaphid Larva Figure 2. Mkuze larva, details of head capsule. A = anterior dorsal aspect, B = anterior ventral aspect. Cd = maxillary cardo, Dol = dolichaster, ER = epistomal ridge, Gu = gular area, Gul = gular line, LmM = labral margin, MdCV = ventral mandibular condyle, OT = ocular tubercle, Plb = postlabium, Prlb = prelabial lobe, Pip = labial palp, Scl = scale-like seta, SgR = subgenal ridge, St = maxillary stipes, TAP = anterior tentorial pit, TPP = posterior tentorial pit. 270 Psyche [June-September Psychopsidae appears to be the most generalized of myrmeleon- toid families with respect to these larval features (Fig. 4). Basic specializations that have originated within the assemblage include the development of mandibular teeth (all families except Psychopsi- dae), elaboration of setigerous tubercles or scoli on the sides of the body (all except Psychopsidae and Nemopteridae), increase in the number of pairs of stemmata to seven (all except Psychopsidae and most Nymphidae), appearance of distinct ocular tubercles (Asca- laphidae, Stilbopterygidae, and Myrmeleontidae), fusion of tarsus with tibia in the metathoracic leg (same three families), and great enlargement of hind tarsal claws (Stilbopterygidae and Myrmeleon- tidae). Available evidence suggests a sister-group relationship be- tween Nymphidae and all other families except Psychopsidae (MacLeod, 1970); Ascalaphidae in turn is probably the sister-group to Myrmeleontidae (Riek, 1976), while the stilbopterygids — at least, those from Australia — may prove to be nothing more than specialized ant-lions (manuscript in preparation). As discussed in an earlier paper (Henry, 1976), several larval specializations appear within the Ascalaphidae (Fig. 4). For ex- ample, New World ascalaphine (split-eyed) forms of the genus Ululodes Currie and Colobopterus Rambur manifest extensively modified cordate heads and a complex of mouthpart specializa- tions, all relating to an extreme 270° “trap” position of the jaws; these larvae also possess fewer and longer body scoli (ten pairs) than other taxa, show no trace of a ventral scolus series, and bear al « — 1 mi" i SpAbda Figure 3. Mkuze larva, lateral view. SpAbds = spiracle of fifth abdominal segment. 1978] Henry — Ascalaphid Larva 271 ■ MYRMELEONTIFORMI A - no scoli on abd. seg.3Znr uj w < < o a o pi 2 O ■ASCALAPHIDAE NEUROPTVNGINAE .dorso-ventral flattening; all scoli co-planar; loss of dorsal abd. scoli I+H; abd. spiracles I+H dorsally located r ASCALAPHINAEn greatly enlarged hind claws head specialization for 270° jaw trap position; loss of all abd. scoli of ventral series-, loss of I pair of scoli each on meso- and metathorax ^'reduction of ventral scolus series on abdomen; littering of dorsum ^-fJcute occipital angles on head capsule ocular tubercle; 7 stemmata, tibio- tarsal fusion in meta- leg complete dorsal and ventral series of abdominal scoli 6 or 7 stemmata; mandibular teeth Jr-* distinct \' o or r siemmaia; manaiDuiar reein N head and jaw specializations; 5 stemmata /side-, dolichasterine setae suctorial mouthparts Figure 4. Cladogram of myrmeleontoid families of planipennian Neuroptera, based upon larval features. abdominal spiracles ventrally. In contrast, New World neuroptyn- gine (entire-eyed) forms like Ascaloptnyx Banks and Byas Rambur (Henry, 1978) show extreme dorso-ventral flattening and a much larger number of scoli — twelve primary and six secondary (smaller) pairs, the latter placed just anteriad of the former on abdominal segments III-VIII. In addition, abdominal spiracles I and II are dorsally located in these neuroptyngines, and specialized scale-like dolichasters predominate on their body surfaces. Known Old World ascalaphines, on the other hand, resemble Nymphidae in possessing both a dorsal and ventral series of scoli on the abdomen and laterally located abdominal spiracles; however, at least in Ascala- phus Fabricius,1 the ventral series is largely vestigial and the first 'Tjeder (1972) points out that Ascalaphus as used here and as previously understood should be replaced for nomenclatural reasons by Libelloides Schaffer; Ascalaphus Fabricius then replaces Helicomitus McLachlan. 272 Psyche [June-September two pairs of abdominal spiracles show signs of dorsal migration (Henry, 1976, Fig. 10). Finally, the Oligocene Neadelphus protae MacLeod displays ventral spiracle location and is devoid of ventral scoli, vestigial or otherwise, but those it possesses number twelve rather than the ten of Ululodes and its relatives; it also shows no setal modification (MacLeod, 1970; Henry, 1976, Fig. 9). MacLeod (1970) interprets the secondary abdominal scoli of New World neuroptyngines as having migrated from the ventral series of a non-flattened nyinphid-like ascalaphid ancestor. My own view, based on analysis of changes in spiracle location and comparison of scolus shapes, is that the primary rather than secondary scoli of these neuroptyngines have been derived from the ventral series, and that the primary abdominal scoli of Neuroptynginae and Ascala- phinae are therefore not homologous (Henry, 1976). The Mkuze specimen described here shares its general head capsule morphology and its twelve pairs of primary body scoli with Neadelphus and known extant Neuroptynginae and Old World Ascalaphinae; in both respects, it is a primitive or generalized ascalaphid. Its most remarkable feature, however, is the double row of scoli on each side of its abdomen with spiracles placed laterally between the rows: although Ascalaphus shows traces of the ventral series and New World neuroptyngines bear the latter in the same plane as the dorsal series, no larva possesses such a fully developed double series nor so closely approaches MacLeod’s hypothetical nymphid-like ancestor as this specimen. The setal patterns on the scoli of the specimen may help to homologize these protuberances in this and other ascalaphid larvae. For example, it is not known which (if either) of the two pairs of scoli on the mesothorax or on the metathorax represent the dorsal series, since spiracles are not present on either segment and all known taxa showing the condition bear both pairs in the same plane. The Mkuze larva possesses sharp-tipped setae on the tips of the first and third pairs of thoracic scoli and on all ventral scoli, suggesting a ventral origin for the more anteriorly placed pair of scoli on each thoracic segment. Actually, the same relationship is also present in Ascaloptynx: the first and third thoracic scoli resemble in shape those deduced to belong to the ventral abdominal series (Henry, 1976, Fig. 5). It then follows that, in neuroptyngine larvae bearing all acoli in a common plane, the anterior scoli on each thoracic segment did not originate from the same series as did 1978] Henry — Ascalaphid Larva 273 the anterior ones on each abdominal segment. This conclusion should be tested further. Although the African specimen is primitive or generalized in most respects, its scale-like setae and flattened dolichasters are a signifi- cant specialization shared only with New World Neuroptynginae. Based upon this single apomorphy, the larva could be classified with the Neuroptynginae, for which no larvae are known from the Old World; the dorsal location of abdominal spiracles I and II of New World forms could then be interpreted as an additional specializa- tion within a subgroup of the subfamily, associated with scolus migration in response to dorso-ventral flattening and exposed living habits. Acknowledgements This work was made possible by grants to the author from the Research Foundation of The University of Connecticut (Storrs) and from the National Science Foundation (DEB77-1 2443). I thank Dr. James A. Slater (University of Connecticut) for loan of the Mkuze specimen from his personal collection and for his constructive comments on the manuscript. Ms. Marian Gergler kindly typed and edited the manuscript, while Ms. Mary Jane Spring prepared the cladogram reproduced in Fig. 4. References Henry, C. S. 1976. Some aspects of the external morphology of larval owlflies (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae), with particular reference to Ululodes and Ascaloptynx. Psyche 83(1): 1-31. 1977. The behavior and life histories of two North American ascalaphids. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 70(2): 179-195. 1978. The egg, repagulum, and larva of Byas albistigma (Neuroptera: Asca- laphidae): morphology, behaviour and phylogenetic significance. Syst. Entomol. 3: 9-18. MacLeod, E. G. 1964. A comparative morphological study of the head capsule and cervix of larval Neuroptera (Insecta). Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. 1970. The Neuroptera of the Baltic Amber. I. Ascalaphidae, Nymphidae, and Psychopsidae. Psyche 77: 147-180. Riek, E. F. 1976. The family Stilbopterygidae (Neuroptera) in Australia. J. Aust. Entomol. Soc. 15: 297-302. 274 Psyche [June-September Tjeder, B. 1972. Two necessary alterations in long-established genus nomenclature in Ascalaphidae (Neuroptera). Entomol. Scand. 3: 153-155. Weele, H. W. van der. 1908. Ascalaphiden: Monographisch Bearbeitet. Coll. Zool. Selys-Long- champs fasc. 8: 1-326. WlTHYCOMBE, C. L. 1925. Some aspects of the biology and morphology of the Neuroptera. With special reference to the immature stages and their possible phylogenetic significance. Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. London. 72: 303-411. THE EVOLUTIONARY SIGNIFICANCE OF REDUNDANCY AND VARIABILITY IN PHENOTYPIC-INDUCTION MECHANISMS OF PIERID BUTTERFLIES (LEPIDOPTERA)* By Arthur M. Shapiro Department of Zoology University of California Davis, California 95616, U.S.A. One of the major discoveries in the study of seasonal polyphenism in butterflies was the role of larval photoperiodic exposure (Dani- levskii, 1948). Following this discovery, experiments on two Pierid species — Colias eury theme Bdv. (Watt, 1969; Hoffman, 1974) and Pieris protodice Bdv. & LeC. (Shapiro, 1968) — appeared to establish that temperature played no role in the seasonal polyphen- isms of that family. This was clearly not the case in at least one Nymphalid, Araschnia levana (L.): Siiffert (1924) had shown a temperature effect, and later work by Danilevskii (1948), Muller (1955, 1956, 1960), Reinhardt (1969, 1971), and Muller and Rein- hardt (1969) showed that photoperiod and temperature interact in a characteristic way. Long-day larvae or young pupae, normally destined to produce the summer form prorsa, if experimentally cooled will produce either the winter form levana or an intermediate form {porima). Short-day larvae give rise to diapause pupae which always give levana, regardless of temperature. Thus photoperiod, acting on 4th- and 5th-instar larvae, can irreversibly determine the vernal phenotype, but not the estival one, which can be overridden by temperature acting on the young pupa. Shapiro (1977) established that pupal diapause and adult pheno- type, normally tightly coupled in the Pieris napi (L.) group of Pieridae, could be decoupled in P. n. venosa Scudder. In napi generally, diapausing pupae give rise to vernal phenotypes and non- diapausing ones to estival phenotypes. Populations consist of a mixture of obligate diapausers, apparently determined genetically, and facultative ones responsive to daylength. In some but not all populations, inducing photoperiods can be overridden by high * Manuscript received by the editor December 30, 1978. 275 276 Psyche [June-September developmental temperatures, but low temperatures cannot induce diapause in long-day animals. (This system was first demonstrated for P. rapae (L.) by Barker, Mayer, & Cohen (1963).) When non- diapause, long-day pupae of P. n. venosa are chilled, they produce vernal phenotypes; thus diapause is not necessary to produce them. However, it is not known whether all diapause individuals are irreversibly determined phenotypically, because they have a manda- tory chilling requirement and break diapause in mid-winter, thus assuring that every individual will receive some post-diapause chilling. The entire system is summarized in Fig. 1. Although the necessary experiments to clarify this point have not been completed with P. n. venosa, they have been in the literature for 50 years in a very important paper which has been universally overlooked by English-speaking workers (Lorkovic, 1929). Lorkovic worked with P. rapae and, to a lesser extent, Pontia daplidice (L.). It is worth quoting at some length from a translation of the summary (“homodynamic” pupae are non-diapausers; “heterody- namic” are diapausers): “Not only the homodynamic but also the heterodynamic pupae of P. rapae are strongly influenceable in respect to the butterfly’s markings. If the homodynamic pupae are put in heat (25-30° C) during the sensitive period (which at 25° sets in about 12 hours after pupation), they produce strongly black-spotted butterflies, while cold (5° C) brings about a disappearance of these spots as well as a densely dark powdering of the hindwing underside. Naturally there are formed at corresponding temperatures also all intermediates between the two extremes. The hetero- dynamic pupae produce as a whole intermediate forms . . . but, contrary to the results of Siiffert (on A. levana — A.M.S.), the heat form can also be produced by a high temperature of 32° C; but the black marking of the fore- wing always approaches the heat form more than the hind- wing underside, which can never attain the extreme grade of the heat form. At lower temperatures the spotless form is occasioned. The influencing of the heterodynamic pupae by temperature is successful only during the last section of development; pupae which for 3 months were kept at lower temperatures (—5° to +10°) produced heat forms after 6-8 days of exposure to higher temperature (32°). , . diapause post-diapause chilling? (genetic — ** ► vernal adult pupa diapauser 1978] Shapiro — Pierid Butterflies 277 1. Schematic representation of developmental and phenotypic options available to Pieris napi. Not all options in all populations, but all except those queried have been demonstrated in the laboratory. 278 Psyche [June-September (Lorkovic used pupal weight to estimate time of breaking of diapause. — A.M.S.) It must therefore be taken that the “heterodynamic sensitive period” sets in only after the completed latency. (Compare Papilio zelicaon Lucas, Shapiro, 1976. — A.M.S.) There are species in which the duration of the pupal dormancy shows great lack of uni- formity, varying from 1-8 years, without the difference being reflected at all in the markings of the butterflies . . .” Indications of the same phenomena are apparent in temperature- manipulation experiments with the aforementioned P. protodice and C. eurytheme, which had been thought to employ photoperi- odic cues alone. In both species vernal phenotype is irreversibly determined by short days (actually long nights), regardless of temperature and with no linkage to diapause (there are no obligate diapausers in P. protodice, and C. eurytheme has no diapause at all). However, as in both A. levana and P. n. venosa, long-day animals can be induced to develop the full vernal phenotype by pupal chilling. Examples are shown in Fig. 2. That these responses have been missed in the past is not surprising; they are difficult to work with. In a given group of sibs a few individuals will respond strongly to a given treatment, while others respond slightly or not at all. It is difficult to keep track of precise pupation times for large numbers of individuals and to obtain statistically meaningful num- bers of even-aged pupae for treatment, and the precise characteriza- tion of the responses will take several years, just as it did for the Nymphalid Nymphalis urticae (L.) (history reviewed in Shapiro, 1976). However, it is already clear that there is considerable intrapopulational variability in the timing of the “sensitive period,” that it is quite short (there is no statistical difference in the distribution of phenotypes in batches of P. protodice chilled at the same age and held for 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks), and that the mean responses among geographic conspecific populations differ. Precisely the same phenomena emerge in previous studies of phenotypic plasticity which is not involved in regular seasonal polyphenism: Aricia spp. (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1974a, b; Jarvis, 1974) (Lycaenidae); various moths (Kettlewell, 1963); and especially the “elymi” series of aberrations in Vanessa spp., and similar aberra- tions in Nymphalis spp. (all Nymphalidae; see Shapiro, 1976). These temperature-induced variations are “morphoses” (Schmalhausen, 1978] Shapiro — Pierid Butterflies 279 Fig. 2. Examples of redundant mechanisms in phenotypic induction. Ventral surfaces of males of Pieris protodice (left) and Colias eury theme (right). Top: estival phenotypes, 24 L:0 D, 25° C, pupa unchilled. Center: vernal, same conditions, young pupa chilled. Bottom: vernal, 10L: 14D, 25° C, pupa unchilled. 280 Psyche [June-September 1949), nonadaptive developmental reactions. But the reactions of Pierids are the same as those regularly produced by photoperiod, and are presumably adaptive. Probably most or all individuals of P. protodice and C. eury theme can be switched from an estival to a vernal phenotype by some degree of chilling at some time in the first 24 hours after pupation. If this is true, then temperature can reinforce photoperiod in pro- ducing seasonally appropriate adult phenotypes in multivoltine species. For diapaused individuals of P. protodice and the closely related P. occidentalis Reak., the irreversibly determined vernal phenotype may be reinforced by post-diapause chilling, producing the characteristically greater phenotypic expression than is seen in lab-reared animals. The same is perhaps true for the (non-diapaus- ing) late winter pupae of C. eurytheme. The period of post-diapause or late-winter chilling is so prolonged in the wild that virtually all overwintered animals will be affected. This process will tend to smooth over, or conceal, not only the aforementioned genetic variance in “sensitive period” but that which characteristically occurs for chilling requirement (strength of diapause), as well. Yet all of this variance is potentially adaptive in fluctuating environ- ments, particularly when the suitability of spring weather for butterflies is highly uncertain, and we should expect selection to match norms of reaction to environmental uncertainty in popula- tions with sufficient genetic integrity. Does it? Hoffman (1978) reports that Rocky Mountain Colias philodice eriphyle Edw. differs from both C. eurytheme and C. p. philodice Godart in having adult phenotype decoupled from photoperiodic control (though it may be temperature-sensitive). He attributes this to high environmental uncertainty which renders photoperiod a poor seasonal predictor. Similar predictions about developmental phenology were made by Bradshaw (1973) and Istock (1978). Similarly, Shapiro (1973) found phenotype less reliably cued by photoperiod in the montane Pieris occidentalis than in P. protodice, a lowland species. Crosses of C. p. philodice X C. p. eriphyle would be informative as to how simple or complex genetic control of photoperiodic coupling can be. Right now everything which is known points to a definite evolutionary sequence in the history of insect polyphenism: a pre-existing phenotypic response to tempera- ture which happens to be adaptive in some environments but not others is subject to selection for modifiers which affect threshold of 1978] Shapiro — Pierid Butterflies 281 expression and ultimately couple it to a reliable seasonal predictor, normally a pre-existing photoperiodic control of diapause. This postulated evolutionary sequence can be further rationalized by noting that the pattern of interaction among genetics, photo- period, and temperature is completely in accord with Darwinian predictions. For multivoltine species, which in Pieridae are weedy colonizers, photoperiodic determination of diapause can be over- ridden by high temperature in some individuals, allowing them to gamble on an extra generation in an unusually warm autumn. But photoperiodic determination of vernal phenotype is absolute; this makes sense insofar as autumn is colder than summer and any direct-developing butterflies will be aided in their feeding and repro- ductive activities by the thermoregulatory properties of the vernal phenotype. Estival phenotypes are not irreversibly determined by summer photoperiods. Cold can act on the young pupa just a few days before hatch to produce more or less of the vernal phenotype, giving rise to darker animals on short notice in unseasonably cold conditions. Hoffmann’s Rocky Mountain C. p. eriphyle and Sha- piro’s coastal P. n. venosa are commonly exposed to unseasonable cold and switch readily without regard to photoperiod. But lowland C. eurytheme and P. protodice, which rarely face such conditions, are arcane enough in their “sensitive period” characteristics that they were missed altogether in laboratory experiments for years. Acknowledgements I thank Sydney Bowden for bringing Lorkovic’s paper to my attention and for sending me a translation of the German summary, and Prof. Dr. Z. Lorkovic for lending me an original copy of the paper, for amplifying on its contents, and for, in his words, feeling “content to live so long to see that I was discovered after 49 years, indeed!” Literature Cited Barker, R. J., A. Mayer, and C. F. Cohen. 1963. Photoperiod effects in Pieris rapae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 56: 292-294. Bowden, S. R. 1978. Seasonal polyphenism in Artogeia napi (L.) (Lep.: Pieridae). Ent. Rec. 90: 176-180. 282 Psyche [June-September Bradshaw, W. 1973. Homeostasis and polymorphism in vernal development of Chaoborus americanus, Ecology 54: 1247-1259. Danilevskii, A. S. 1948. Photoperiodic reactions of insects in conditions of artificial illumina- tion. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S., N.S. 60 (3): 481. Hoegh-Guldberg, (Z). 1974a. Natural pattern variation and the effect of cold treatment in the genus Aricia. Proc. Trans. Brit. Ent. Soc. 7: 37-44. 1974b. Polymorphism in Ariciae (Lep., Rhopalocera) in the field and labora- tory. Natura Jutlandica 17: 99-120. Hoffmann, R. J. 1974. Environmental control of seasonal variation in the butterfly Colias eurytheme: effects of photoperiod and temperature on pteridine pig- mentation. J. Ins. Physiol. 20: 1913-1924. 1978. Environmental uncertainty and evolution of physiological adaptation in Colias butterflies. Amer. Nat. 112: 999-1015. Istock, C. A. 1978. Fitness variation in a natural population, in H. Dingle, ed., Evolution of Insect Migration and Diapause. Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 171 — 190. Jarvis, F. V. L. 1974. The biological relationship between two subspecies of Aricia artaxerxes (F.) and temperature experiments in an F2 generation and on A. artaxerxes ssp. salmacis. Natura Jutlandica 17: 121-129. Kettlewell, H. B. D. 1963. The genetical and environmental factors which affect colour and pattern in Lepidoptera, with special reference to migratory species. Entomolo- gist 96: 127-130. Lorkovi<5, Z. 1929. Razlike izmedu homodinamskoga i heterodinamskoga razvitka insekata. Godisnjak Sveucilista kraljevine jugoslavije u Zagrebu. Za skolske godine 1924/25-1928/29. pp. 283-297. Muller, H. J. 1955. Die Saisonformenbildung von Araschnia levana, ein photoperiodisch gesteuter Diapause-Effekt. Naturwiss. 42: 134-135. 1956. Die Wirkung verscheidener diurnaler Licht-Dunkel-Relationen auf die Saisonformenbildung von Araschnia levana. Naturwiss. 43: 503-504. 1960. Die Bedeutung der Photoperiode im Lebenslauf der Insekten. Z. angew. Entomol. 47: 7-24. Muller, H. J. and R. Reinhardt. 1969. Die Bedeutung von Temperatur und Tageslange fur die Entwicklung der saisonformen von Araschnia levana L. Entomol. Berichte 1969: 93-100. Reinhardt, R. 1969. Uber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Saisondimorphismus von Araschnia levana L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) nach photoperiodi- scher Diapause-Induktion. Zool. Jb. Physiol. 75: 41-75. 1971. Modifizierung der photoperiodisch bedingten Saisonformen von Arasch- nia levana L. durch Temperaturveranderungen. Limnologica 8: 538. 1978] Shapiro — Pierid Butterflies 283 SCHMALHAUSEN, I. I. 1949. Factors of Evolution. Blakiston, Philadelphia. Shapiro, A. M. 1968. Photoperiodic induction of vernal phenotype in Pieris protodice Bois- duval & LeConte. Wasmann J. Biol. 26: 137-149. 1973. Photoperiodic control of seasonal polyphenism in Pieris Occident alis Reakirt. Wasmann J. Biol. 31: 291-299. 1976. Seasonal polyphenism. Evol. Biol. 9: 259-333. 1977. Phenotypic induction in Pieris napi L.: role of temperature and photo- period in a coastal California population. Ecol. Ent. 2: 219-224. SUFFERT, F. 1924. Bestimmungsfaktoren des Zeichnungsmuster beim Saisondimorphismus von Araschnia levana/ prorsa. Biol. Zentralb. 44: 173-188. Watt, W. B. 1969. Adaptive significance of pigment polymorphisms in Colias butterflies. II. Thermoregulation and photoperiodically controlled melanin varia- tion in Colias eurytheme. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 63: 767-774. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room 154, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Avenue, Cambridge. Entomolo- gists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Reprints of articles by W. M. Wheeler The Cambridge Entomological Club has for sale numerous reprints of Dr. Wheeler’s articles that were filed in his office at Harvard University at the time of his death in 1937. Included are about 12,700 individual reprints of 250 publications. The cost of the re- prints has been set at 5c a page, including postage; for orders under $5 there will be an additional handling charge of 50c. A list of the reprints is available for SI. 00 from the W. M Wheeler Reprint Committee, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Checks should be made payable to the Cambridge Entomological Club. ISSN 0033-2615 PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club Vol. 85 December, 1978 No. 4 CONTENTS Tergal and Sternal Glands in Ants. Bert Holldobler and Hiltrud Engel . . 285 Life History of Dynastor darius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Brassolinae) in Panama. Annette Aiello and Robert E. Silberglied 331 A Close Relationship Between Two Spiders (Arachnida, Araneidae): Curimagua bavano Synecious on a Diplura Species. Fritz Vollrath 347 Systematics and Evolution of Forest Litter Adelopsis in the Southern Appa- lachians (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Catopinae). Stewart B. Peck 355 External Sex Brand Morphology of Three Sulphur Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Richard S. Vetter and Ronald L. Rutowski 383 Intrasexual Aggression in the Stick Insects, Diapheromera veliei and D. covilleae, and Sexual Dimorphism in the Phasmatodea. John Sivinski . . . 395 Sexual Calling Behavior in Highly Primitive Ants. Caryl P. Haskins 407 A Restudy of Two Ants from the Sicilian Amber. William L. Brown, Jr. and Frank M. Carpenter 417 Index to Authors and Subjects 425 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1978-1979 President John A. Shetterly Vice-President Barbara Thorne Secretary Norman Woodley Treasurer Lrank M. Carpenter Executive Committee Jo B. Winter Margaret Thayer EDITORIAL BOARD OL PSYCHE F. M. CARPENTER (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University ALFRED F. Newton, Jr., Curatorial Associate in Entomology, Harvard University W. L. BROWN, Jr., Professor of Entomology, Cornell University and Associate in Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. DARLINGTON, Jr., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. HOLLDOBLER, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. LEVI, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. E. SlLBERGLIED, Assistant Professor of Biology, Harvard University E. O. WILSON, Baird Professor of Science, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $9.50, domestic and foreign. Single copies, $3.50. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomo- logical Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $24.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustrations must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $18.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $30.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. The June-Sept., 1978, Psyche (Vol. 85, No. 2-3) was mailed April 24, 1979 The Lexington Press, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 85 December, 1978 No. 4 TERGAL AND STERNAL GLANDS IN ANTS* By Bert Holldobler and Hiltrud Engel Department of Biology MCZ Laboratories, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Introduction Chemical signals, or pheromones as they are generally called, play a central role in the complex communication system of ant societies. During the last 20 years a number of exocrine glands have been identified as the anatomical sources for a diversity of pheromones which mediate sexual and social behavior in ants (for reviews see Wilson 1971, Blum 1977, Holldobler 1978). In recent years, however, several hitherto unknown exocrine glandular structures have been discovered in ants and the behavioral functions of some of them have already been determined. In this paper we will review these findings and will report the new results of our comparative morphological study of tergal and sternal glands in ants. Material and Methods For histological investigations live specimens were fixed in alco- holic Bouin (Dubosqu Brasil) or Carnoy (Romeis 1948), embedded in methyl methacrylate, and sectioned 8 /i thick with a Jung Tetrander I microtome (Rathmayer 1962). The staining was Azan (Heidenhain). The SEM pictures were taken with an AMR 1000 A Scanning Electron Microscope. For some of the species which could only be identified to the generic level, the respective number is given of the voucher specimens, which are deposited in the ant collection of the MCZ (Harvard University). * Manuscript received by the editor May 3, 1979. 285 286 Psyche [December Results Tergal glands a. Pygidial gland In a detailed anatomical study of Myrmica rubra Janet (1898) described a pair of clusters of a few glandular cells, located under the third gastric tergum. Each cell sends a duct through the intersegmental membrane between the third and fourth gastral terga. We discovered a similar, but considerably larger paired glandular complex at the same anatomical position in Novomessor cockerelli and N. albisetosus (Holldobler et al 1976). Kugler (1978) recently investigated a number of myrmicine ants and in many of them he found the gland, which had “distinct reservoirs, produced by invagination of the intersegmental membrane between abdomi- nal tergum 6 and tergum 7 (pygidium)”. Kugler suggested that these glandular organs be called pygidial glands. We accept this terminol- ogy, because it describes the anatomical designation of the organ more precisely than the term “dorsal gland” or “tergal gland”, originally suggested (Holldobler et al 1976, Holldobler and Haskins 1977). However, it has to be pointed out that the pygidium of the ants (the last exposed tergum) is the 7th abdominal tergum and is not homologous to the pygidium of the Coleoptera (8th abdominal tergum). Hence, the pygidial glands of ants are not homologous to the pygidial glands of Coleoptera. In a previous study (Holldobler and Haskins 1977) we found pygidial glands with large reservoirs in several ponerine and myr- meciine ants ( Amblyopone , Paraponera, Ectatomma, Odontoma- chus, Pachycondyla, Platythvrea, Rhytidoponera, Myrmecia ) and we demonstrated that the virgin females of Rhytidoponera metallica attract males by the release of a pheromone from these glands. In his anatomical studies of Rhytidoponera metallica and R. convexa, Whelden (1957, 1960) described a pair of cell clusters each com- prising 8-15 glandular cells. Each cell sends a duct through the membrane connecting the 6th and 7th abdominal segments. We are now certain that Whelden already had discovered the pygidial gland in Rhytidoponera; his histological methods, however, may not have enabled him to detect the large reservoirs associated with the glandular cell clusters. Similar paired glandular structures were found by Whelden (1957) in the ponerine species Stigmatomma (= Amblyopone) pallipes. 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 287 Finally, independently of our investigations, Maschwitz (pers. communication) found a pygidial gland in Leptogenys chinensis, which he called the “dorsal gland” (Maschwitz and Schonegge, 1977). The new anatomical investigations presented in this paper reveal that the pygidial glands are much more common in ants than previously assumed. Usually the organ consists of a pair of lateral clusters of glandular cells, each cell sending a duct through the intersegmental membrane between the 6th and 7th abdominal terga. Depending on the species, the intersegmental membrane can be invaginated to different degrees, so that it can form a more or less voluminous reservoir (Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4). If no reservoir is present, the glandular structures can easily be missed during the dissection and histological sectionings are therefore required to determine whether or not the pygidial gland is present. As we have already indicated for Novomessor and as confirmed by Kugler (1978) for several other myrmicine species, the pygidial gland can be associated with a special cuticular structure on the pygidium (7th tergum), (Fig. 5, 6, 7). Our histological studies demonstrated, however, that the absence of such structures does not necessarily indicate the absence of Figure 1. Schematic illustration of glandular cells that send ducts through the intersegmental membrane. When the membrane is increasingly more invaginated, it forms an increasingly larger reservoir (a to c). 288 Psyche [December pygidial glands. Thus, in several myrmicine species, in which we (Holldobler et al 1976) and Kugler (1978) previously assumed the pygidial gland to be absent, we find that we now detect this organ by histological methods. Tables la and lb list the species of the major subfamilies that we investigated histologically and indicate the type of tergal glands found. b. Postpygidial gland Dorsal glandular structures which open posteriorly to the py- gidial gland, between the 7th and 8th abdominal terga (spiracular plate), we call postpygidial glands (Fig. 8). Whelden (1957, 1960) described glands in the 5th gastral segment of Rhvtidoponera convexa and R. me tallica. For R. convexa he writes: “Even the largest of these is less than half the size of the fourth-segment glands .... In the extreme case, there may be but a single gland cell on each side. It is often difficult to distinguish such a unicellular gland from an oenocyte, despite the usually distinct difference in size of the two cell types. Only the identification of a duct certainly distinguishes such a gland from the ductless oenocyte. In many individuals this second pair of glands could not be found”. Whelden (1960) makes similar statements for R. metaUica. Our results are somewhat different. We found well developed postpygidial glands in the 4 species of Rhvtidoponera investigated (Table la). In all specimens we found a pair of clusters of glandular cells. Each cluster contains about 15-20 cells and each cell sends a duct through the interseg- mental membrane close to the spiracular plate (Fig. 9, 10). In some ant species the postpygidial gland consists of only a few glandular cells, in others the postpygidial gland is associated with a well developed reservoir (Table la, lb). Sterna! glands In several species we discovered intersegmental sternal glands (Table 2). They can consist of a few glandular cells that send their channels through the intersegmental membrane, or of large clusters of glandular cells associated with voluminous reservoirs. These reservoirs are formed by invaginations of the intersegmental mem- branes (Fig. 8). In several Leptogenys species (Fig. 12) we found two large sternal glands with reservoirs between the 7th and 6th, and 6th and 5th sterna. The latter glandular organ is usually associated with a special cuticular structure on the 6th sternum (Fig. 12). In Paltothyreus 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 289 tarsatus we found well developed sternal glands between the 7th and 6th, 6th and 5th, and 5th and 4th sterna, but no reservoirs. Instead, the duct openings are associated with filament-like protrusions of the intersegmental membrane (Fig. 13, 14). Other abdominal glands The glandular venom apparatus of ants is composed of the Dufour’s gland (alkine or accessory gland) and the poison gland. Although the venom apparatus of ants is very well studied (see reviews by Maschwitz and Kloft 1971, Blum and Hermann 1978 a, b), other glands, such as Koschevnikov’s gland (sting gland), Bordas’s gland and sting sheath glands, known from other Hymen- optera, have not been firmly established in ants. Koschevnikov (1899) found in honeybees and Vespa paired clusters of glandular cells located laterally near the intersegmental membrane between the quadrate plate and the spiracular plate. Each individual cell sends channels into gathering ducts, which connect with the intersegmental membrane. Altenkirch (1962) found similar glands in most Apidae that she had studied. There are indications that this gland might also be present in some species of the primitive ant subfamilies Myrmeciinae and Ponerinae. Whelden (1957) described a pair of clusters of gland cells, located slightly dorsally on each side of the sting of Stigma- tomma ( =Amblyopone ) pallipes. Each cell sends a “rather tortuous duct . . . down and inward, to open through a membrane which is above the sting”. Robertson (1968) found “sting glands” in Rhy- tidoponera “toward the region of the triangular plate, where they are attached to the intersegmental membrane”. She described similar glands in Bothroponera sp. ( —Pachycondyla ), Leptogenys sjostedji and Myrmecia gulosa. In the latter species the glands are described as “two well formed masses of gland cells, each cell attached to the intersegmental membrane in the region of the triangular plate by a long, simple, cuticular duct”. Table 3 (A) lists the species in which we found paired glandular structures, closely resembling the “sting glands” described by Robertson. In all cases the glandular cells are located near the triangular plate, and from each cell a rather long duct leads downwards and opens through a membrane near the base of the sting (Fig. 15). Although we could not precisely locate the openings of the ducts, we assume they opened in the sting chamber. 290 Psyche [December Altenkirch (1962) and Maschwitz (1964) discovered a so-called sting sheath gland in several bee species. It consists of a palisade epithelium located in the sheath valves. In some ant species we found a distinct palisade epithelium in the sheath valves and/or single glandular cells with long individual ducts (Table 3 (B), Fig. 16, 17). Janet ( 1 898) describes similar single gland cells, located near the sheath valves, in Myrmica rubra. Bordas’s glands, as they were described by Bordas (1895) in Terebrantia and reexamined by Rathmayer (1962) in several sphecid wasps, could not be identified in ants, although some of clusters of the single gland cells which send their ducts through the membrane of the sheath valves could be related to the Bordas’s glands. It is obvious to us that the glandular structures, associated with the sting apparatus of ants, need to be investigated in greater detail in future studies. In several ant species (Table 3 (C)) we found a highly developed palisade epithelium in the 7th sternum (Fig. 8). It is especially conspicuous in several Leptogenys species and in the army ants Eciton and Neivamyrmex, but it is not strongly developed in Dorylus. In the dolichoderine species and in Aneuretus this epithe- lium seems to be closely associated with the sternal gland (Pavan’s gland). In the African weaver ant ( Oecophylla longinoda ) we discovered a sternal gland under the 7th sternum, which is quite different from the glandular epithelium described above (Holldobler and Wilson 1976, 1978). This structure consists of an array of single glandular cells that send short channels into cuticular cups on the outer surface of the sternite. In none of the other formicine species investigated, listed in table 1 b, did we find this type of sternal gland. But in Camponotus sericeus we detected different clusters of glandular cells in the last sternum. Each cell sends a long channel through the intersegmental membrane near the vagina into the ventral part of the “sting chamber”. We discovered similar paired glandular cell clusters in most myrmicine species we investigated. The gland is especially distinct in Novomessor and Veromessor, where the glandular cell channels penetrate the membrane near the vagina (Fig. 18). The function of the intersegmental glands: The functions of most of the glandular structures described in this paper are not yet known, but in a few species the function of the 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 291 pygidial gland has already been identified. In Novomessor cockerelli and N. albisetosus the strongly smelling secretion of the pygidial glands releases a “panic alarm” response in workers, apparently specifically designed against army ant predation (Holldobler in prep.). Kugler (in press) demonstrated that in Pheidole biconstricta the pygidial glands produce an alarm-defense secretion. A quite different function has been discovered in Rhytidoponera metallica. Here the wingless virgin females attract males by the release of a pheromone from the pygidial gland (Holldobler and Haskins 1977). Since Rhytidoponera workers also have a well-developed pygidial gland and are attracted to its secretions, we believe we have not yet discovered the whole functional spectrum of this organ. In Lepto- genys chinensis, Maschwitz and Schonegge (1977) demonstrated that the pygidial gland secretions serve together with poison gland substances as a recruitment trail pheromone. We obtained similar results when we recently reexamined the anatomical source of the trail pheromone of Paehycondvla ( =Termitopone ) laevigata. This ant species conducts well organized predatory raids on termites. During raiding the workers move in a single file, one closely behind another, along a powerful trail pheromone laid down by leading scout ants. Blum (1966) has identified the hindgut as the source of this recruitment trail pheromone. We cannot confirm his findings. In our experiments with artificial trails laid with extracts from several abdominal glands, only the pygidial gland secretions re- leased massive trail-following behavior in P. laevigata (Holldobler and Traniello in prep.). A careful observational study of the trail- laying behavior of P. laevigata workers revealed that not the anus but rather the pygidial gland is dragged over the ground. Although the pygidial gland of P. laevigata has no definite reservoir, it is very well developed and is associated with an elaborate cuticular struc- ture on the 7th tergum (Fig. 19, 20). The glandular secretion is apparently stored in the many cavities of this structure. When trailing, the ants rub this structure with its special applicator surface over the ground and deposit thereby the trail pheromone. Traniello (pers. communication) observed species of Odontomachus during nest emigrations performing the same trail laying behavior. We suspect that in Odontomachus also the pygidial gland secrets a trail pheromone (Fig. 21). In Bothroponera ( —Pachycondyla ) tesserinoda we previously analyzed the signals involved in the tandem running recruitment technique (Holldobler et al 1973, Maschwitz et al 1974). We 292 Psyche [December discovered that the cues responsible for “binding” the follower behind the leader ant include both a surface pheromone and mechanical stimuli. Although we could extract this surface phero- mone, we were not able to identify its anatomical source; all experiments with secretions from the known exocrine glands had negative results. After the recent discovery of the pygidial gland in Pachycondyla we have begun to conduct tandem running experi- ments with Pachycondyla crassa* and P. harpax*, using dummies contaminated with pygidial gland secretions. Our preliminary re- sults strongly indicate that pygidial gland substance might be the source of the tandem running pheromone in these species. In the doryline army ants raiding and emigrations are conducted along chemical trails deposited by workers. For Neivamyrmex, Watkins (1964) and Watkins et al (1967), and for Eciton hamatum, Blum and Portocarrero (1964), identified the hindgut as the source of the trail pheromone. In addition, Chadab and Rettenmeyer (1975) and Topoff and Mirenda (1975) demonstrated that besides the relatively long-lasting hindgut trail-substance, other signals (possibly more volatile secretions) are involved in the organization of “mass recruitment” in Eciton and Neivamyrmex. We believe that our morphological investigations provide new possibilities for the analysis of chemical communication in army ants. Both Neivamyrmex and Eciton have large pygidial glands with distinct reservoirs (Fig. 22, 23). The postpygidial gland is smaller, but still considerably larger than in most of the other investigated speciesf . In both army ant species the 7th tergum is relatively small. Therefore, the reservoirs of the pygidial gland and postpygidial gland open directly above the anus at the abdominal tip (Fig. 23). In workers (all castes) of Eciton the dorsal membrane near the exits of the reservoir of the pygidial glands is conspicuously modified to a brush-like structure (Fig. 24). These morphological features strongly * P. crassa was observed tandem running by W. L. Brown, Jr. (pers. communica- tion) at the western base of Ubombo Mts., Zululand, and by B. Holldobler in Shimba Hills Reserve (Kenya). P. harpax was observed tandem running by S. Levings (pers. communication) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. t Whelden (1963) described two glands at the extreme posterior end of the gaster of Eciton burche/li workers. Although the description is not very accurate, from his drawings we can conclude that he found the pygidial gland and postpygidial glands. 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 293 suggest that the tergal glands might be involved in the chemical trail communication of army ants. We have begun to test this hypothesis with Eciton hamatum. The pygidial gland secretion of E. hamatum has a strong, characteristic smell. The secretion is probably skatole (Traniello pers. communication), the substance that gives army ants their typical “fecal odor”. Recently Brown et al (1978) demonstrated that skatole is an effective growth inhibitor for bacteria and fungi and repels insectivorous snakes (Watkins et al 1969). Our first, preliminary tests demonstrated that Eciton workers follow artificial trails drawn with crushed pygidial glands. When we simultaneously offered trails drawn with hindgut contents and pygidial gland secretions, the latter were significantly preferred during the first minute. When we used trails drawn with secretions of the poison gland or Dufour’s gland as controls, the ants always followed the pygidial gland trails. We have to stress, however, that these experiments must be considered pilot tests. The preliminary results, however, are striking enough to warrant a more detailed investiga- tion in the future. It is interesting to note that the anatomy of the pygidial gland in the African army ant, Dorylus molesta, is quite different from that of Eciton and Neivamyrmex (Fig. 25). In this species the 7th tergum is considerably larger than in species of the latter genera, and the reservoirs of the pygidial glands do not open at the abdominal tip. In Dorylus, however, we found single glandular cells with channels opening directly at the anus, a feature we have not detected in other ant species (Fig. 25, 26). Finally, our morphological study of the pygidial gland of Ve- romessor pergandei has led to results that are suggestive of the function of this organ. In this species the 7th tergum is relatively small, and as a result the large reservoirs of the pygidial glands open at the tip of the gaster (Fig. 27). Veromessor forages in well- organized columns (Went et al 1972; Wheeler and Rissing 1975; Bernstein 1975). Several observations suggest that these foraging columns are organized by a trail pheromone, though no trail pheromone gland has yet been identified. Clearly, the large pygidial gland has to be considered as a possible source for the trail pheromone. The function of most of the newly discovered sternal glands is unknown. Only in Paltothyrcus tarsatus could we demonstrate experimentally that foragers lay a recruitment trail with sternal gland secretions (Holldobler in prep.). 294 Psyche [December Conclusions Since we first found the pygidial gland widespread in the sub- families Myrmeciinae and Ponerinae, we speculated that this gland might be a primitive monophylogenetic trait in ants generally (Holldobler and Haskins 1977). The results reported in the present paper fully confirm this assumption. A well-developed pygidial gland was found in the most primitive ant, Nothomyrmecia ma- crops, and in representatives of all major subfamilies except in the Formicinae (Table lb). We agree with Kugler (1978) that the “anal glands” of the Dolichoderinae and Aneuretinae are homologous to the pygidial glands of other ant subfamilies. Considering the variation in the morphology of the pygidial glands, even within a single subfamily, we think that the morphological variation of the “anal glands” of dolichoderine and aneuretine species does not warrant a separate terminology. In fact the term “anal gland” is misleading, because the glands do not exit from the anal opening of the gaster, as is sometimes inferred, but between the 6th and 7th abdominal terga (Fig. 28). This was clearly demonstrated by Pavan and Ronchetti (1955). It is our view and also Kugler’s (pers. communication) that the “anal glands” should be called pygidial glands. Kugler (1978) concluded from his comparative studies of myrmi- cine species that usually those species that have reduced or modified stings also have well-developed pygidial glands. He assumes that the pygidial gland replaces the sting apparatus as a chemical defense device. Our finding that well-developed pygidial glands occur in Pogonomyrmex, a genus with a very effective sting apparatus, and in many stinging ponerine species, does not support Kugler’s conclusions. Acknowledgements This paper would not have been possible without the help of many people. We would like to thank all the collectors mentioned in Table 1, including Donald W. Windsor, who helped finding the acacias in the Canal Zone. Special thanks to Robert W. Taylor, who sent us the precious Nothomyrmecia. Barry Bolton, William L. Brown, Jr., William H. Gotwald, Jr. and Roy Snelling identified many species for us. We are grateful to Ed Seling for his superb assistance during the SEM work. Frank M. Carpenter’s many suggestions improved the manuscript greatly. This work was sup- ported by NSF grant BNS 77-03884. 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 295 Table la List of species of the poneroid complex (Taylor 1978) that were investigated histo- logically, and the types of tergal glands found. When the histological series was incomplete and we could not make a definite statement, the column is marked with When the cuticular structure on the pygidium was only slightly sculptured, we marked the column with JC 3 O JS * E W 3 Subfamily/ Species Collector and % .3 ■§ i JS % DO Lh 2 - -o K Locality 13 , .-3 V- CX £ ts >■, > 3 D, o a? -3 O .13 CL £ Myrmeciinae Myrmecia R. J. Bartell + + pilosula R. W. Taylor Brindabella Ranges, Australia PONERINAE Amblyopone C. P. Haskins + australis Manjimup, W. Australia Amblyopone J. Traniello + - - - pallipes Carlisle, Mass. Platythyrea K. Horton + - + cribinoda R. Silberglied Shimba Hills, Kenya Rhytidoponera C. P. Haskins + - + metallica Blackwell Range, Queensland, Australia Rhytidoponera C. P. Haskins + - + perthensis Boddington, W. Australia Rhytidoponera C. P. Haskins + - + purpurea Black Mountain, Kuranja, Queensland 296 Psyche [December Collector Subfamily/ Species and Locality 3 O -C £ .!= H I iS % DO U ■ - c DO ^ u Cl tj -o c 00 .2 ■5 'do >> CL E 3 "O 'do o. c o 3 o 3 C/2 ■a c 3 00 !_ •— , n. o •- CL £ Rhytidoponera violacea Paltothyreus tarsatus Pachycondyla crassa Pachycondyla laevigata ( = Termitopone ) C. P. Haskins + Kings Park, W. Australia B. Holldobler Shimba Hills, Kenya B. Holldobler + Shimba Hills, Kenya N. Franks J. Traniello BCI, Panama + + + + + ? ? Plectroctena strigosa Leptogenys neutralis B. Holldobler + Shimba Hills, Kenya C. P. Haskins + Manjimup, W. Australia + + + + Leptogenys pavesii B. Holldobler Shimba Hills, Kenya + Leptogenys B. Holldobler + nitidia Shimba Hills, Kenya Leptogenys B. Holldobler + regis Shimba Hills, Kenya Odontomachus haematoda C. P. Haskins BCI, Panama + + + + + + + + + Table la Continued Postpygidial gland without reservoir 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 297 % -- '% •- ‘ob Collector ■§ 1 ja « 1 l a u ? 3 £ a — c Subfamily/ Species and oo u — c n 00 »•§ z Locality cd % .- t- CL £ tS Dorylinae Neivamyrmex nigrescens B. Holldobler Arizona + Eciton hamatum A. Aiello R. Silberglied J. Traniello BC1, Panama + Dorylus molesta B. Holldobler Shimba Hills, Kenya + + PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Pseudomyrmex ferruginea A. Aiello R. Silberglied Canal Zone, Panama + Pseudomyrmex pallidus Tetraponera spec. (78/26) M. Moglich Florida B. Holldobler Shimba Hills, Kenya + + Myrmecinae Myrmica americana J. Traniello Carlisle, Mass. + Tetramorium caespitum J. Traniello Carlisle. Mass. + — Pogonomyrmex desertorum B. Holldobler Arizona + -(+) Pogonomyrmex californicus B. Holldobler Arizona + "(+) -o c oo u. • — ' p C_ *“ o CL £ + + + + ? Table la Continued Postpygidial gland without reservoir 298 Psyche [December sz £ .S: 3 O SZ £ .i= u E CT3 3 3 i ■ ^ DO 73 C aj Collector n ! JS 2o 1 i ■§ 3 & cd "ti ^ "ob u. 15 © Subfamily/ Species and 00 .12 fc Locality 15 4) j§ 'E CL TD 15 4) ii 'E 00 IZ £ -a 2 a 3 .■2 “ i 00 ~ 3 >>.-!_ Cl ^ to 8 a. to O •- CL £ Pogonomyrmex badius B. Holldobler Florida + - - Veromessor pergandei G. Alpert Mexico + - — Novomessor cockerelli B. Holldobler Arizona + + - Novomessor albisetosus B. Holldobler Arizona + + — Aphaenogaster rudis J. Traniello Concord, Mass. + - - Aphaenogaster huachucana B. Holldobler Arizona + - - Pheidole militicida (worker & soldier) B. Holldobler Arizona + -(+) — Pheidole desertorum B. Holldobler Arizona + + — Atta sex dens (several castes) N. Weber Timehri, Guyana - - - - Table la Concluded Postpygidial gland without reservoir 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 299 Table lb List of species of the formicoid complex (Taylor 1978) that we investigated histo- logically, and the types of tergal glands found. G o ^ £ '% .1= -C a p 3 TJ 3 'So G jd Collector "O > -a > TD g £ Subfamily/ Species and c C £ % 1 § G r- cd o .2 1 Locality 60 - .— (U bO c« 73 . 3 • s 60 <- >. <3 3 '£ GO .3 “ o 60 S =S »- Cl, ^ to O . - CU -o cu -o CU £ to CU £ Nothomyrmeciinae Nothomyrmecia R. W. Taylor + macrops Eyre Peninsula S. Australia Aneuretinae Aneuretus E. O. Wilson + simoni Ratnapura, Sri Lanka Dolichoderinae Liometopum B. Holldobler + _ apiculatum Arizona Conomyrma B. Holldobler + - - bicolor Arizona Iridomyrmex B. Holldobler + - - pruinosus Arizona Formicinae Oecopylla B. Holldobler longinoda Shimba Hills, Kenya Pachycondyla spec. R. Silberglied Nairobi Arboretum, Kenya Myrmecocystus B. Holldobler - - - - mexicanus Arizona Myrmecocystus " - - - - mimicus Myrmecocystus mendax — — — Formica perpilosa " - ~ - - Camponotus M. Moglich - - - sericeus Sri Lanka Postpygidial gland without reservoir 300 Psyche [December Table 2 List of species of the poneroid complex in which we found intersegmental sternal glands. Species Location of glands between abdominal segments 7 and 6 6 and 5 5 and 4 reservoir reservoir reservoir yes no yes no yes n Myrmecia pilosula + Rhvtidoponera purpurea + Paltothvreus tarsatus + + Pachyeondyla crassa + + Leptogenys neutralis + + Leptogenys pavesii + + Leptogenys nitida + + Leptogenys regis + + Tetraponera sp. (78/26) + + sternum ( C) were found . 1978] Holldobler & Engel — Glands in Ants 301 iS iS 3 3 1 T3 "O e c 3 |S| f * -a > (U C I! 4 0) 4-1 BO £ ?> .£ 4> '« *5 ’ex 3 £ *o O g. c 32 ° 3 53 <3 <3 £ ^ V c a o o £ ^ l>5 >> S» £. 03 03 o. o Xi !:§ q c: •2 o O sT' s £ -£ -2 3 3 ^ 1 i a g £C a, 0.3 0 25. 5a fractional values indicates a male whose sex brands differed with respect to this variable. scales had been removed with a small brush. The area of the wing represented in each micrograph was corrected for the fact that all specimens were photographed from an angle of 45°. Scale attach- ments intersecting the bottom and left hand borders of each micrograph were tallied while those intersecting the top and right hand borders were not. This procedure reduced the possibility of inflated density estimates. Results The sex brand of N. iole Males of N. iole have an orange, ovoid sex brand (about 0.5 X 1.5 mm) on each hindwing between the subcostal and the radius veins near the wing base (Figure 1 B). The brand is surrounded by a bar of 1978] Vetter & Rutowski — Sulphur Butterflies 387 melanic scales that runs along the leading edge of the hindwing from the wing base to the outer margin. The most unique aspect of the sex brand in N. iole is that it is frequently devoid of scales (Table 1, Figure 1C). This condition is not a result of wear as it occurs in many newly-emerged lab-reared males (Table 2). When scales are present in the sex brand (Figure ID) they may cover up to 100% of the brand and vary in form from a scale that is tan, flat, and similar to other scales on the wing to one that is black, shrivelled, and contorted (Figure 2A-C; Table 2). Within an individual male the form of the sex brand scales and the extent to which they cover each sex brand is usually uniform. Scale attachments in the sex brand differ from those on other areas of the wing in appearance and in density. Unlike those in other areas, a typical sex brand scale attachment has fewer ridges running up its side, is more rounded, and has a pronounced swelling or bulge immediately behind the opening of the attachment (com- pare Figure 2C and D). This bulge is distinctly collapsed in air dried specimens compared with those that are critical point dried. The density of scale attachments in the sex brand is almost twice that of scale attachments in the immediately adjacent discal cell of the wing (Table 3; t = 40.4, p < 0.001; df = 7). Examination of descaled wings or wings whose scales had been cleared in a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite reveals that the color of the sex brand in live males is due to an orange pigment in the integument of the wing. This orange pigment typically extends little if at all beyond the edges of the sex brand. The pigment is visible under the light microscope in the space between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of wings that were crudely sectioned with a razor blade. Scanning electron microscopy of these same prepara- tions reveals an ill-defined matrix of material, probably pigment, in this space that is restricted to the sex brand (Figures 2E and F). As pointed out by Clench (1976) the orange color changes to pale yellow after the death of the butterfly. The complete transition takes about 6 weeks (Table 1) and does not occur at a uniform rate throughout the sex brand. Splotches of orange pigment remain in some areas while others have changed to yellow (“mottled”). We also made the unexpected observation that sex brand color changes with male age (Table 1). All newly-emerged, lab-reared males (n = 52) have dark orange sex brands while older males, as evidenced by wing condition, have significantly higher frequencies of mottled and yellow sex brands (Table 1). 388 Psyche [December Table 2. Differences between lab-reared and wild males of N. iole with respect to the presence and condition of scales in the sex brand. Scales in sex brand Lab-reared Wild % No. observed % No. observed present 67 82 52 95 absent 33 18 X2 = 3.81, p > 0.05 withered 53 49 half-withered 23 35 18 77 flat 24 33 II © p > 0.4 The sex brand of E. nicippe In E. nicippe, the sex brand appears as an orange, triangular patch of scales about 3 mm across on the ventral surface of each forewing between the second branch of the cubitus and the second anal vein (Figure 3A). The scales in the brand are typically brilliant orange in color in contrast with the white to light-orange scales that surround the brand. Orange pigment extends through the base of each scale in the wing integument where it can be seen as an amorphous blob underlying each scale attachment in the sex brand. Unlike that of N. iole, the sex brand of E. nicippe is always covered with scales that occur at about twice the density of scales in the discal cell of the ventral forewing (Table 3; t = 78.4, p < 0.001, df = 7). The scales in the sex brand and their attachments are quite different in form from those found on other areas of the wings (Figures 3B and C). The scales are shorter (60 ^um as compared to 80 /im for scales in discal cell) and they extend from the wing surface at a greater angle. Other differences in scale shape are evident in Figures 3B and C. The sex brand scale attachments are much larger than those in the discal area of the wing and as in N. iole have a pronounced bulge or swelling behind the opening. The orange color of the sex brand is not constant in all specimens (Table 4). Older specimens, as measured by wing wear, typically have a bright white sex brand. In males in intermediate ages, one often finds an intermediate coloration, with the upper half of the sex 1978] Vetter & Rutowski — Sulphur Butterflies 389 brand white in color and the lower half a light orange. The sex brand color does not change with death. The sex brand of Colias cesonia Colias cesonia males have a sex brand on the dorsal hindwing between the subcosta and radius veins near the wing base (Figure 3D). The color of the brand ranges from lemon yellow to a light yellow with no consistent changes with age or death that we have observed. The color is solely attributible to the scales as the Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs of N. iole wings. A-C, variation in the structure of sex brand scales; D, a scale from the discal cell; E, crude cross section through the sex brand showing pigment between the dorsal and ventral wing surfaces; F, crude cross section of the wings in the discal cell. See text for details. Scale lines: A-D, 20 /jl\ E and F, 5/j,. 390 Psyche [December Figure 3. Eurema nicippe: A, male ventral forewing (note sex brand under tip of arrow); scanning electron micrographs of male scales from the sex brand (B) and the discal cell (C). Colias cesonia: D, male dorsal hindwing (note sex brand under tip of arrow); scanning electron micrographs of male scales from the sex brand (E) and the discal cell (F). Scale lines: A and C, 5mm; B, 1 0/x ; C and F, 20 E, 30yu. integument of the wing under the scales is clear. The scales surrounding the sex brand are of a color similar to that of the brand. However the sex brand is still distinct from the rest of the wing in that the density of scales is twice as high (Table 3; t = 42.9, p < 0.001 , df = 4). In fact, the scales in the brand are almost perpendicu- lar to the wing surface. The scales are also unique in form (Figures 3E and F). In particular, the pedicel of each scale arises from the surface of the scale against the wing rather than projecting from the base in the 1978] Vetter & Rutowski — Sulphur Butterflies 391 same plane as the scale. The base of each scale in the sex brand extends beyond the point where the pedicel emerges and partially overlies the scale socket on the wing surface. The spacing of the longitudinal and transverse ridges on these scales also appears more variable than it is on other types of scales. Discussion Detailed information is now available about the sex brand morphology of five species of sulphur butterflies in the pierid tribe, Coliadini. They include Eurema lisa (Rutowski, 1977) and Colias philodice (Rutowski, 1979) as well as the three species discussed in this report. Several generalizations have appeared. 1) All male sex brands are located in the friction areas of the wings, that is, the area of overlap between the forewings and hind wings. Rutowski (1979) has suggested that this placement of the sex brand helps to minimize evaporation from an otherwise exposed and non-eversible scent producing struc- ture. 2) The scales observed in the sex brand are not greatly differenti- ated from those found in other areas of the wings. This contrasts with the scent scales found in many eversible scent- producing organs that are very hair-like (e.g. danaids (Pliske and Salpeter, 1971), noctuids (Birch, 1970)) and with the presumed scent scales on the wings of some pierids and nymphalids which have fringed distal borders (Barth, 1950; Bergstrom and Lundgren 1973; Tinbergen et al., 1942). 3) The scales are associated with cells in the integument of the wing that reside in a swelling in the wing immediately behind the scale socket. Presumably these cells are secretory trichogen cells like those found in scent-producing structures that are histologically better known, (e.g. danaids (Pliske and Salpeter, 1971)). These similarities reflect not only the phylogenetic affinities of these species but also the action of similar selection pressures. The behavior of the male during courtship is similar in all five species. The male buffets the female with his wings while she flies or perches on vegetation (Rutowski, 1978; Silberglied and Taylor, 1978; pers. obs.). Selection has not acted to favor any divergence from this pattern among these species and hence there have been no major 392 Psyche [December Table 3. Scale attachment densities for the wings of three pierid butterflies. Attachments/ mm2 Area/ sample (mm2) Sample Species Area X SD X SD size N. iole sex brand 662.9 156.9 0.050 0.003 5 discal cell 393.1 22.4 0.144 0.106 4 E. nicippe sex brand 974.3 142.2 0.048 0.003 5 discal cell 427.2 63.2 0.234 0.031 4 C. ce sonia sex brand 411.3 40.5 0.231 0.012 3 discal cell 216.3 21.1 0.216 0.016 3 changes in the basic structure of the sex brands. Still, there are some striking differences in their fine structure for which there is no ready explanation. These differences include: 1) placement of sex brand (forewing vs. hindwing), 2) scale density (some species have sex brands in which there is no apparent increase in sex scale density compared to surrounding areas), 3) presence or absence of scales in the sex brand, and 4) changes in color with male age or death. The biological rationale for these differences will have to await more detailed information on the chemistry and cellular structure of these sex brands. This study was supported by funds from NSF Grant BNS 78-11211 and an Arizona State University Faculty Grant-in-Aid, both to R. L. Rutowski. We thank Dr. D. J. Pinkava for identifica- tion of plant specimens and Mr. L. Marshall for helpful comments on the manuscript. Table 4. The relationship between sex brand color and wing condition in E. nicippe. Sex brand color (no. of males) Wing Condition Orange Half orange, Half white White Fresh 6 14 3 Worn 0 3 9 Very worn 0 0 X2 = 20.8, p < 0.0005 5 1978] Vetter & Rutowski — Sulphur Butterflies 393 References Barth, R. H. 1950. Vergleichend morphologische Studien iiber die Duftschuppen der Pieri- den Pieris brassicae und Pieris rapae und der Satyrine Coenonympha pamphilus. Zool. Jahrb. (Anatomie) 70: 397-426. Bergstrom, G. and L. Lundgren. 1973. Androconial secretion of three species of butterflies of the genus Pieris (Lep., Pieridae). ZOON Suppl. 1: 67-75. Birch, M. C. 1970. Structure and function of the pheromone-producing brush-organs in males of Phlogophora meticulosa (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 122: 277-292. Chapman, R. F. 1971. The Insects: Structure and Function. American Elsevier, New York. Clench, H. K. 1976. Fugitive color in the males of certain Pieridae. J. Lep. Soc. 30: 88-90. Pliske, T. E. and M. M. Salpeter 1971. The structure and development of the hairpencil glands in males of the queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus berenice. J. Morph. 134: 215-242. Rutowski, R. L. 1977. Chemical communication in the courtship of the small sulphur butterfly, Eurema lisa (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). J. comp. Physiol. 115: 75-85. 1978. The courtship behaviour of the small sulphur butterfly, Eurema lisa (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Anim. Behav. 26: 892-903. 1979. Male scent-producing structures in Colias butterflies: Function, localiza- tion, and adaptive features. J. Chem. Ecol., in press. SlLBERGLIED, R. E. AND O. R. TAYLOR, JR. 1978. Ultraviolet reflection and its behavioral role in the courtship of the sulphur butterflies Colias eury theme and C. philodice (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 3: 203-243. Tinbergen, N., B. J. D. Meeuse, L. K. Boersma, and W. W. Varossieau. 1942. Die Balz des Samtfalters, Eumenis (=Satyrus) semele (L.) Z. Tierpsy- chol. 5: 182-226. INTRASEXUAL AGGRESSION IN THE STICK INSECTS DIAPHEROMERA VELIEI AND D. COVILLEAE AND SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN THE PHASMATODEA* By John Sivinski Department of Entomology and Nematology University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 Introduction Pairing1 in the Phasmatodea is notable for its duration. The Indian stick insect Necroscia sparaxes may remain coupled for up to 79 days (a record for insects) and accounts of matings lasting days or weeks are commonplace (LeFeuvre 1939; Korboot 1961; Gan- grade 1963; Gustafson 1966; Clark 1974). Intromission may occur only initially or intermittently. In either case, a substantial propor- tion of male time-investment is not spent in ejaculate transfer. In captivity, Diapheromera veliei and D. covilleae pair for 3 to 136 hours and the penis may be inserted and removed up to 9 times. The genitalia are not in contact for ca. 40% of this period, and attachment is maintained by a male clasping organ. According to the best current explanation, males remain with females when not actively engaged in insemination to guard against the introduction of rival ejaculates and so avoid sperm competition (the competition of sperm from 2 or more males for the fertilization of an ovum; Parker 1971, 1974). Male aggression for possession of mating females has been described in a variety of insects (Parker 1970). In the only account known to me of attempted mate theft by a stick insect, an intruding male Orxines macklotti made several futile efforts to engage his genitalia, climbed off and walked away (Robinson 1965). Also indicative of a passive defense was a congregation of Carausius alluaudi collected in the Seychelles Islands consisting of 6 males clasping a female’s abdomen at various points (a seventh male was nearby) (Bolivar and Ferriero 1912). While sedentary guarding of the female might be typical, lack of any * Manuscript received by the editor January 27, 1979. 'The vocabulary describing attachment between male and female is often inade- quate for insects. In this paper mating, coupling, and pairing imply continuous attachment and not constant intromission. 395 396 Psyche [December observed aggression may result from a paucity of observers, a consequence of the Phasmatodea being . . less studied than any other order of the Orthopteroidea . . (Bradley and Galil 1977). This paper describes conflict between males in the walkingsticks Diapheromera veliei and D. covilleae. Results of an experiment are presented relating male size to ability to monopolize females. Data on sex-related size-dimorphism in the 2 species are compared to published values for other members of the order to reach tentative correlations between population structure, mating strategies and the relative size of males. Materials Adult Diapheromera veliei were obtained in Bernalillo Co., New Mexico, from the legume Dalea scoparia, and specimens of D. covilleae from creosote bush ( Larrea tridentata ) in Dona Ana Co., New Mexico. Observations were made on insects contained with the appropriate host plant in 10-gallon aquaria. Densities within aquaria varied from 3 to 10 adults. These densities, while high, were not unnatural. Up to 7 adult males and a single female have been found on a bush whose greatest dimension was 1.5 meters. Insects are often unevenly distributed in nature, and it was not unusual to see several adult males within 30 cm. of a mating pair. The effect of size on the ability of male D. veliei to maintain attachment to females was examined by keeping a small (x = 67 mm.) and a large (x = 87 mm.) male with a female in each of ten 10- gallon aquaria. Tandem duration was recorded by checks at 2-hour intervals between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. To determine the distribution of sexual size-dimorphism within the Phasmatodea, body lengths of 155 species were obtained and a male-over-female ratio calculated for each (data from material deposited in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gaines- ville, Florida; random selections in Brunner Von Wattenwyl and Redtenbacker 1908; the whole of the relevant material in Leigh 1909; Hebard 1923; Rehn and Rehn 1939; Gurney 1947; Salmon 1955; Korboot 1961; Bedford and Chinnick 1966; Gustafson 1966; Stroheker 1966; Paine 1968; Moxey 1971; Clark 1974). Many of the specimens were dried, and the possibility of differential shrink- age of the sexes was examined with specimens of D. veliei. Shrinkage in both sexes was 0 to 3% of live length after a drying period of 2 weeks. The sexual dimorphism of D. veliei and D. 1978] Sivinski — Stick Insects 397 covilleae was determined by measurement of freshly killed speci- mens ( D . veliei — 48 males and 34 females; D. covilleae — 20 males and 19 females). Results and Discussion Mating in both species is initiated by the male mounting the female dorsally and gripping her body and legs with his tarsi. Females seldom attempted to dislodge a suitor, and were never successful. The male abdomen curves underneath the female and his clasping organ attaches just anterior to the vulva (sometimes attachment is initially well above the vulva). The resulting position is typical of the order (Key 1970; Bedford 1978). Some male copulatory postures may aid in avoiding takeovers. Alexander’s (1964) phylogenetic scheme of orthopteroid mating positions initi- ates with female above which then radiates to include a number of male above or end to end arrangements. These derived postures are conceivably more effective for male control of the area around the mating pair. In Diapheromera the dorsal position blocks the length of the female abdomen and facilitates additional means of prevent- ing attachment by a second male. At the approach of another walkingstick the consort almost invariably bends the tip of the female abdomen down upon itself with his clasping organ. The angle is sometimes sufficiently acute to bring the ventral surfaces of the female abdomen on both sides of the claspers into contact. A large part of the typical site of attach- ment is thereby denied to competitors. Less frequently, mating males strike out at approaching males with their forelegs. Striking motions and manipulation of the abdomen are effective defenses and most attempts of intruding males to attach to a mating female were futile. Occasionally second males clasped the female abdomen and sometimes succeeded in inserting their genitalia into the vulva. This usually occurred when the consort was no longer in a dorsal position but had moved to the side of the female to feed. For periods of a few minutes to an hour, such “menages a trois” were maintained with incident. In 6 of over a score of double couplings and combats observed in D. veliei the entire sequence was recorded from approach of the second male to resolution of the competition. On one occasion the intruder left in less than an hour without harassment. In all other cases, fights occurred which followed a similar pattern. 398 Psyche [December The males lean backwards, pulling at each other and often anchoring themselves by grasping foliage. Eventually, both become freely suspended, held only by their clasping organs. They then direct rapid sweeping blows against their opponent (Fig. 1). The forelegs are used in a boxing manner. After a few seconds to several minutes, one of the antagonists releases his grip and the victor shortly regains the dorsal position. Once attachment of the second male to the female is accomplished, takeover attempts are often successful. In the 5 fights in which the original male was known, he was displaced 3 times. In D. veliei and D. covilleae, a spine is present on the mid femora of both sexes. Those of the male are enlarged and hooked. In D. covilleae combats, the opponent’s thorax is held in the joint of the mid tibia and femur. By flexing the legs, the spine is brought against the body, and it was once seen to puncture the integument, drawing blood. Spines used in defense by stick insects are invariably more highly developed in males (Lea 1916; Robinson 1968; Bedford 1975) possibly because of their significance in male fighting. Well-developed male clasping organs (as in Diapheromera spp.) are not universally present in the order. In reviewing the Australian Phasmatodea, Key (1970) found male cerci only occasionally modi- fied into claspers. Perhaps varied cereal design is due to differing probabilities of takeover. The mean male over female length ratio of a sample of 155 phasmid species (approximately 8% of described species) is .727. The average male D. veliei is .922 of the mean female length. This is an unusually slight difference in body lengths (see Fig. 2), with 94% of the sample having relatively smaller males (D. covilleae has a similar male/ female ratio: .916). It might be generally expected that males would be smaller than females when fecundity is dependent on size. By spending less time in development or consuming less food, males take fewer risks in reaching maturity. Even tiny males in species with internal fertilization are capable of producing an adequate ejaculate. Given that the niches of the sexes are similar, the degree of sexual dimorphism is apt to result from a balance of reproductive pressures acting on the male. These forces might include maximizing female encounter rates (mobility, material reserves affecting life span), the ability to invest materially in the success of progeny, and maintaining copulations by aggression. 1978] Sivinski — Stick Insects 399 Figure 1 . The combat of two male D. veliei both attached to a female by their clasping organs (drawing from 35 mm prints of captive specimens). 400 Psyche [December MALE/ FEMALE LENGTH RATIO Figure 2. Male length/ female length frequency distribution for the order Phas- matodea (generated from citations in materials section). Dots along the curve represent midpoints of categories spanning 5% on the male/ female length axis and the number of species occupying these categories. The dashed vertical line represents the position of D. veliei (.922), the solid vertical line the mean dimorphism of high density species (.814, see text). The positive relationship between copulatory success and size is well established for some polygynous vertebrates (citations in Trivers 1972). The great male bulk and armature of the dynastine scarab beetles are agonistic adaptations (Beebe 1944; Eberhard 1977). Larger males of the bibionid fly Plecia nearctica are more often found copulating than smaller males (Thornhill 1976). Potter et al (1976) showed size to be a critical factor in the outcome of combats between male mites. In the 2 observed fights between male D. veliei of markedly disparate size, the larger won. Two males from the extremes of the size continuum were placed in 10 aquaria with single females and 924 hours of coupling were recorded. Large males accounted for 608 1978] Sivinski — Stick Insects 401 hours (62%). The difference in the mating durations between the size classes borders on significance (.10 > p > .05). Density and sex ratio are major components of the sexual environment and affect the extent of intrasexual competition (Parker 1974). Unlike the majority of walkingsticks, which are uncommon and widely dispersed (Key 1970; Craddock 1972), D. veliei and D. covilleae are locally abundant (as many as 22 individuals in a 1.53 meter bush). Strongly male-biased adult sex ratios (up to 4:1) persist until late in the season, and are perhaps due to a combination of earlier male maturation and selective predation by birds during the early summer nesting period (Sivinski 1977). In 9 other phasmids known to exist consistently or occasionally at high densities (numerous enough to cause defoliation of trees or at least 5 individuals occupying a bush or refuge), the mean male length/female length ratio is .814 (Wattenwyl and Redtenbacher 1908; Bedford 1975; Lea 1916; Gurney 1947; Wegner 1956; Stockard 1908; Hetrick 1949; Severin 1911; Key 1970; Paine 1968; Wilkins and Breland 1951). Over % of the complete sample is more sexually dimorphic (p = .2201) (see Fig. 2). Kentromorphic phases, morpho- logically distinct forms existing at different densities, exist in several stick insects. As in locusts with density phases, dimorphism usually declines as populations reach their greatest concentrations (Key 1957; Uvarov 1966). Individuals of Eurycantha spp. and Dryococelus australis are found in the closest spatial proximity of all known stick insects. Both congregate in tree hollows during the day (Gurney 1947). Aggregation sex ratios vary enormously and as many as 68 phas- mids have been found in a single cavity (Lea 1916; Bedford 1975). Length dimorphism is minimal (.908) and males have massive hind femora studded with spines of sufficient magnitude to have been used as fishhooks (Balfour 1915). Sexual dimorphism in some phasmids is exaggerated in compari- son to other orthopteroid taxa. Species with below average di- morphism engage in the longest matings recorded in the order ( Acrophylla tessellata, male/ female = .493, duration 11 days, Korboot 1961; Anisomorpha buprestoides, .612, 3 weeks; Clark 1974; N. sparaxes, .700, 1-79 days, Gangrade 1963; Timema calif ornica, .700, 5 weeks, Gustafson, 1966). Protracted couplings might contribute to selection for male diminution. Disruption of crypticity may be lessened and male maintenance cost kept to a 402 Psyche [December minimum. Since the mating female bears much of the male’s weight, a dwarfed male may be more fit in two additional contexts: 1) By allowing the female greater activity, the rate at which additional females are encountered is increased. A potentially polygynous male can search for mates while in copulo (blocking the female genitalia until the opportunity for another copulation arises). Mating durations in D. veliei are shorter when unmated females are present (Sivinski 1977). 2) By relieving the female’s copulatory burden resources could be invested in ova the consort might fertilize. The longer the pairing the more likely this circumstance. Summary Intrasexual combats, while common in the Orthopteroidea, have apparently not been previously recorded in the Phasmatodea. Fights between males in Diapheromera veliei and D. covilleae are described. The minimal sexual size-dimorphism of the two species in comparison to other walkingsticks may be due to a high level of intrasexual competition brought about by atypical population parameters (high density, male-biased sex ratios). It is suggested that extreme dimorphism in the order relieves the burden an attached male places upon female resources during lengthy copula- tions. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Randy Thornhill, James Lloyd, Thomas Walker, Bruce Woodward, and Pat Sivinski for their numerous criticisms and suggestions which led invariably to improvements. I am grateful to Joan Martin and Susan Wineriter for the illustra- tions. References Alexander, R. D. 1964. The evolution of mating behavior in arthropods. Insect Reproduction Symposium No. 2, Roy. Ent. Soc. Lond. 78-94. Balfour, H. 1915. Note on a new kind of fishhook from Goodenough Island d’entrecas- teaux group New Guinea. Man. 15: 171. 1978] Sivinski — Stick Insects 403 Bedford, G. O. 1975. Defensive behavior of the New Guiana stick insect Eurycantha (Phas- matodea: Phasmatidea: Eurycanthinae). Proc. Linn. Soc. of New South Wales. 100(4): 218-221. 1978. Biology and ecology of the Phasmatodea. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 23: 125-49. Bedford, G. O., and L. J. Chinnick. 1966. Conspicuous displays in two species of Australian stick insects. Anim. Behav. 14: 518-521. Beebe, W. 1944. The function of secondary sexual characteristics in two species of Dynastinae (Coleoptera). Zoologica. 29(3): 53-58. Bolivar, I., and C. Ferriero. 1912. No. XVII Orthoptera, Phasmidae of the Seychelles. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 15(2): 293-300. Bradley, K. C., and B. S. Galil. 1977. The taxonomic arrangement of the Phasmatodea with keys to the sub- families and tribes. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 79(2): 176-208. Brunner von Wattenwyl, K., and J. Redtenbacher. 1908. Die insektenfamilie der phasmiden. Leipzig. Clark, J. T. 1974. Stick and leaf insects. Barry Shurlock and Co., Winchester. Craddock, E. 1972. Chromosomal diversity in the Australian Phasmatodea. Aust. J. Zool. 20: 445-462. Eberhard, W. G. 1977. Fighting behavior of male Golofa porteri beetles (Scarabeidae:Sp. Dynastinae). Psyche 84(3-4): 292-293. Gangrade, A. 1963. A contribution to the biology of Necroscia sparaxes Westwood (Phas- midae: Phasmida). The Entomologist. 96: 83-93. Gurney, A. B. 1947. Notes on some remarkable Australian walkingsticks including a synop- sis of the genus Extatosoma (Orthoptera: Phasmidae). Ann. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 59(1): 59-61. Hebard, M. 1923. Studies in the Mantidae and Phasmidae of Panama (Orthoptera). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 48: 327-361. Hetrick, L. A. 1949. Field notes on a color variant of the two-striped walkingstick Aniso- morpha buprestoides (Stoll). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 51: 103-104. Key, K. H. L. 1957. Kentromorphic phases in three species of Phasmatodea. Aust. J. Zool. 5: 247-284. Key, J. H. L. 1970. Phasmatodea. In CS1RO, The Insects of Australia. Melbourne Univ. Press. Melbourne, pp. 348-359. 404 Psyche [December Korboot, K. 1961. Observations on the life histories of Acrophvlla tessellata Gray and Extatosoma tiaratum Macleay (Phasmida). Univ. of Queensland papers. 1: 161-169. Lea, F. E. S. 1916. Notes on the Lord Howe Island Phasma and on an associated longicorn beetle. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Aust. 40: 145-147. Le Feuvre, W. P. 1939. A phasmid with spermatophore. Proc. Royal Ent. Soc. Lond. (A)14: 24. Leigh, H. S. 1909. Preliminary account of the life history of the leaf insect Phyllium cruri- folium Serville. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 8: 103-113. Moxey, C. F. 1971. Notes on the Phasmatodea of the West Indies: two new genera. Psyche. 78: 67-83. Paine, R. W. 1968. Investigations for the biological control in Fiji of the coconut stick insect Graeffea crouanii (Le Guillon). Bull. Entom. Res. 57(4): 567-604. Parker, G. A. 1970. Sperm competition and its evolutionary consequences in the insects. Biol. Rev. 45: 525-567. 1974. Courtship persistence and female guarding as male time investment strategies. Behavior. 48: 157-184. Potter, D. A., D. L. Wrensch, and D. E. Johnston. 1976. Aggression and mating success in male spider mites. Science. 193: 160-161. Rehn, J. A. G., and J. W. H. Rehn. 1939. The Orthoptera of the Philippine Islands. Part 1 — Phasmatidea:Sp. Olriminae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 90: 389-487. Robinson, M. H. 1965. The Javanese stick insect Orxines macklotti De Haan (Phasmatodea: Phasmidae). Entomol. Mon. Mag. 100: 253-259. 1968. The defensive behavior of the stick insect Oncotophasma martini (Griffin) (Orthoptera: Phasmatidae). Proc. Royal Ent. Soc. Lond. ( A)43( 10—12): 183-187. Salmon, J. T. 1955. The genus Acanthoxyla (Phasmidae). Trans. Royal Soc. N. Zeal. 82(5): 1149-1156. Severin, H. H. P. 1911. The life history of the walkingstick Diapheromera femorata. J. of Econ. Entomol. 4: 307-320. Sivinski, J. M. 1977. Factors affecting mating duration in the walkingstick Diapheromera velii Walsh (Phamatodea: Heteronemiidae) M.S. Thesis Univ. of New Mexico. 1978] Sivinski — Stick Insects 405 Stockard, C. R. 1908. II Habits, reactions and mating instincts of the “walking stick”: Aplopus mayeri. Papers from the Tortugas Lab. of the Carn. Inst, of Wash. 2: 43-59. Strohecker, H. F. 1966. New Timema from Nevada and Arizona. The Pan-Pac. Entomol. 42: 25-26. Thornhill, R. 1976. Reproductive behavior of the lovebug, Plecia nearctica (Diptera: Bibi- onidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 69(5): 843-847. Trivers, R. L. 1972. Parental investment and sexual selection. In P. Campbell (ed.). Sexual selection and the descent of man, 1871-1971. Aldine-Atherton, Chicago, pp. 136-179. Uvarov, B. 1966. Grasshoppers and locusts: A handbook of general acrid ology, vol. 1, 481 pp. Cambridge University Press. Wegner, A. M. R. 1955. Biological notes on Megacrania wegneri Willemse and M. alpheus Westwood (Orthoptera, Phasmidae). Treubia 23(1): 47-52. Wilkins, O. P., and O. P. Breland. 1951. Notes on the giant walking stick Megaphasma dentricrus (Stal) (Orthoptera: Phasmatidae). The Texas J. of Sci. 2: 305-310. SEXUAL CALLING BEHAVIOR IN HIGHLY PRIMITIVE ANTS* By Caryl P. Haskins Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 In recent years an interesting mating pattern has been discovered in a number of socially parasitic and dulotic Myrmicine ants, including the related genera Leptothorax, Doronomyrmex, and Harpagoxenus, and in the guest ant Formicoxenus nitidulus (Buschinger, 1968, 1971a, 1971b, 1974; 1975). Typically the alate or ergatoid young female leaves the parent colony, crawls to a prominent position, and settles there motionless for a long period — sometimes amounting to hours — with gaster raised, legs extended, and sting extruded. Sooner or later males assemble about the “calling” female, and mating takes place. Buschinger, who first observed it in these genera, has described the pattern in detail for the slave-making Harpagoxenus sublaevis (1968), and in the perma- nently socially parasitic Doronomyrmex pads, Leptothorax kutteri, and L. goesswaldi (1975). He also observed the pattern in fine detail in populations of F. nitidulus (1975) maintained in the laboratory as guests of Leptothorax acervorum, and found it generally similar to the others, though differing in detail in ways to which we will later allude. Buschinger was able to demonstrate that in all these forms a sex-attractant pheromone was released from the poison gland, as Holldobler (1971) had been the first to demonstrate in the Myrmi- cine ant Xenomyrmex floridanus. Recently Moglich, Maschwitz, and Holldobler (1974), in a par- ticularly provocative study, have presented the results of detailed analyses of “tandem-calling” behavior in the independently-living Leptothorax acervorum, L. muscorum, and L. nylanderi, a pattern by which workers of these independently-living species recruit sisters to newly discovered food sources, one recruiter guiding only one follower to the source at a time. A component of the initial behavior of the recruiting worker is described as essentially identical with the “calling” behavior in Harpagoxenus females, and the authors call attention to the interesting hypothesis posited earlier by Holldobler (1971) that, in at least some Myrmicine ants, sex * Manuscript received by the editor May 15, 1979. 407 408 Psyche [December attractants and recruitment pheromones may have had a common evolutionary origin. In view of these findings and this challenging suggestion, it becomes unusually interesting to query how early in Formicid evolution the “calling” behavior may have originated. For this reason we are led to put on record some observations of a similar behavior pattern made several years ago in the highly archaic Ponerine genus Amblyopone, and also to elaborate some further observations of the same kind in the genus Rhytidoponera, a part but not all of which has been noted priviously (Haskins and Whelden, 1965), but without particular reference to this context. The Genus Amblyopone The Ponerine genus Amblyopone includes a rather large group of species widely distributed over the world. In anatomy, colony structure, and behavior patterns they must certainly rank among the most archaic of surviving ants, rivalling or even exceeding in their primitiveness, the very different but also immensely archaic genus Myrmecia, as Wilson (1975) has recently emphasized. It was thus of interest to observe what clearly seems to be “calling” behavior in virgin females of two species — the North American A. pallipes and the Australian A. australis, both widely distributed and fairly common forms in their respective habitats. Amblyopone pallipes: From 1924 to 1927 an extensive and continuous series of observations was undertaken in the laboratory and field in an attempt to elucidate the nuptial flight and colony- founding behavior patterns in A. pallipes. This species appears to be ordinarily completely hypogeaic in habit, foraging entirely under- ground to satisfy its wholly entomophagous and highly specialized dietary requirements, normally if not invariably confined to a very limited range of Myriopoda. During late summer in the regions of New York State and Massachusetts where the work was done the galleries and chambers of the colonies are concentrated near the surface of the soil, commonly under logs or stones, and are characteristically crammed with cocoons of both sexes and castes. The alate females and males eclose there, and shortly escape aboveground, singly or in small groups. The males, fully pigmented, fly off at once. The females, still of the red callow coloration, climb prominent objects in the vicinity. They may or may not make short 1978] Haskins — Highly Primitive Ants 409 flights from these vantage points before coming to rest. They then adopt a posture closely similar to that described for the Leptothora- cine ants, resting motionless with legs and antennae extended, gaster arched, and sting protruded or slowly alternately exserted and withdrawn. Characteristically, the arched gaster is rubbed by the tibia of one or the other of the third pair of legs. At the height of the flight season in the localities investigated (typically shady wood- lands) numbers of low-flying males soon appeared, landed on vegetation near the female in a high state of arousal, and after some running, one quickly copulated. Often, as in cases described by Buschinger, males attempted to mount one another. Following copulation, females characteristically exhibited reversed photo- tropism and geotropism and promptly retired underground. This behavior was observed repeatedly both with alate females naturally emerging from wild colonies, and with females reared in the laboratory and subsequently released in appropriate localities. Unfortunately, no determinations were made of the source of the pheromone. The prominence of the sting movements suggest that the source may well, as in Leptothorax, have been the sting gland, but the Dufours gland has not been experimentally ruled out at this time, as the source. Amblyopone australis: A. australis, widely distributed in Aus- tralia and in the Pacific Islands as far as New Zealand, is larger and “bolder” in demeanor and habitus than A. pallipes, but in general resembles it quite closely. It is, however, partly epigeaic and a much more generalized Arthropod feeder. In this species colony founda- tion by isolated dealated females has been demonstrated (Haskins and Haskins, 1951). During this period the foundresses forage episodically from their frequently-opened cells in the general pattern of colony-founding females of Myrmeeia. In the course of work designed to delineate the details of this pattern, alate young females eclosing from pupae collected in the wild were released under observation in appropriate locations. Some of these released fe- males flew briefly, but all soon adopted the “calling” pattern, although, on the occasions of the experiments, no males appeared. The Genus Rhvtidoponera Rhytidoponera is a generalized Ectatommine genus widely dis- tributed in Australia (its apparent headquarters), but extending to [December 410 Colony no. 2 Colony no. 3 (Male flights in this colony only) Psyche Table I Date of 77mc of Number of Observation Observation Workers Involved 4/29/68 4/ 8/75 7:45 a.m. 1 15 8:45 a.m. 11 8:55 a.m. 2 4/12/75 7:00 a.m. 11 4/16/75 5:30 a.m. 10 4/21/75 7:25 a.m. 6 4/29/75 7:05 a.m. 2 4/30/75 7:05 a.m. 1 5/ 2/75 7:00 a.m. 2 5/ 6/75 7:10 a.m. 6 5/ 7/75 7:10 a.m. 2 5/ 8/75 6:30 a.m. 3 5/13/75 7:40 a.m. 2 5/14/75 5:50 a.m. 5 5/15/75 6:55 a.m. 9 5/16/75 7:00 a.m. 2 5/22/75 8:00 a.m. 2 6/ 3/75 6:45 a.m. 2 6/ 7/75 6:45 a.m. 2 7/22/75 6:30 a.m. 9 10/ 1/75 7:50 a.m. 1 1/17/76 7:00 a.m. 6 3/22/76 7:25 a.m. 3 3/23/76 5:55 a.m. 2 3/25/76 6:25 a.m. 3 Dare of Time of Number of Observation Observation Workers Involved 5/22/75 8:10 a.m. 1 4/16/75 5:30 a.m. 5/14/75 5:50 a.m. 1978] Haskins — Highly Primitive Ants 411 Table 1 ( continued ) Date of Time of Number of Colony no. Observation Observation Workers Involved 4 4/ 8/75 7:45 a.m. 3 8:45 a.m. 2 8:55 a.m. 3 4/12/75 7:25 a.m. 3 4/29/75 7:05 a.m. 1 4/30/75 7:05 a.m. 3 5/ 6/75 7:10 a.m. 4 5/ 8/75 6:35 a.m. 2 5/13/75 7:40 a.m. 2 5/14/75 5:50 a.m. 1 5/15/75 6:40 a.m. 5 6/ 3/75 6:45 a.m. 3 New Guinea, to neighboring regions of Melanesia, and to Timor, the Moluccas, the Solomon Islands, and the Philippines (Brown, 1958; Wilson, 1958; 1959). The genus is a large one, and ranges from tropical rain-forest environments at one latitudinal extreme of its range to temperate and relatively wet habitats in southern Victoria and Tasmania and the extreme Australian southwest, while one group within the genus has invaded highly xerophytic environments i n the Australian inland. A large number of species are particularly interesting in that normal alate females are either absent or rare and apparently do not take a normal part in colony functions. Instead a proportion of workers, externally morphologically indistinguish- able from their fellows, possess functional spermathecae, are fertilized by the active, low-flying males, and serve as multiple worker-producing reproductives in the colony (Whelden, 1957; 1960; Haskins and Whelden, 1965). Rhytidoponera is a fairly dominant genus where it occurs, and, as Brown (1958) has pointed out, its more abundant members appear to occupy in 'Australia the ecological niche of such relatively primitive general-feeding Myrmicines as the genus Myrmica in palearctic and nearctic environments. Indeed, it has been suggested that the primitive Ectatommines may be fairly close to the ancestral stirp of the Myrmicinae. The commonest and best-known member of the genus Rhytido- ponera is R. metallica, the Australian “greenhead” ant. It is fairly 412 Psyche [December ubiquitous in eastern Australia, even commonly invading parks and gardens. It is readily obtainable, easy of culture, and in general a nearly ideal laboratory animal for the study of behavioral patterns in that section of the genus in which normal alate females are usually lacking. In the course of a ten-year study of this species in the laboratory and the field, particular attention was paid to the mode of mating of the fertilized workers, and of the founding of new colonies. In the course of this investigation, numerous observations have been made of worker behavior closely resembling the “calling” pattern in Leptothorax. The earliest of these observations were recorded several years ago (Haskins and Whelden, 1965) but as they have been considerably expanded since, and as they seem to “fit” so accurately the pattern described for Leptothorax and its congeners, it has seemed appropriate to expand the record. In R. metallica males are produced irregularly throughout the year, both in the laboratory and in the field. They are characteristi- cally low-flying, and W. L. Brown, Jr. some years ago observed them coursing closely over the ground, and entering the nests of other colonies (unpublished observations). In laboratory colonies, as earlier described (Haskins and Whelden, 1965) groups of workers were observed in September, 1952, to emerge from the artificial nests and rest quietly grouped near their entrances, with head and thorax closely appressed to the substrate and gaster raised and arched. At the same time, the sting was characteristically exserted. This immobile “pose” was usually main-tained only briefly, but in the longest interval recorded, for over twelve minutes. It was commonly interrupted eventually by other foraging or recently “calling” workers nearby. During this process, copulations might occur with recently emerged males, although there was no clearly exhibited preference of males for “calling” workers over those that were wandering or foraging normally.1 Since these observations were published, this pattern has been observed repeatedly in further colonies of R. metallica housed in laboratory nests. The sets of observations shown below are typical. They involved three colonies in all, originally collected at Nam- 'See Holldobler, B. and C. P. Haskins ( Science 195, 793-794) for illustrations of this behavior. 1978] Haskins — Highly Primitive Ants 413 hours, Northern Queensland, in December of 1963, and maintained under constant conditions in the laboratory since that time. Several details of interest emerged from this range of observa- tions. The first was the virtually seasonally-independent nature of the events. In 1952 ‘ calling” workers were seen in September and October, in 1953 in July and November, in 1975 in April, May, June, July, and October, in 1976 in January and March. Thus every month was represented except February, August, and December. This is particularly noteworthy since the observations of 1952 and 1953 were made on colonies from a population taken near Suther- land, N.S.W. in essentially a temperate location, while those for 1975-76 were derived from a population in the vicinity of Nam- bours, Queensland, many miles to the north and in essentially a tropical rain forest area. Flights of males, as noted both by Brown (1958) and ourselves (1965), are likewise highly non-specific with respect to season. Worker “calling” and male flights both appear to take place predominantly during early to mid-morning hours. It is of interest, also, that the presence of males in the nest, much less their emergence, is not a prerequisite for worker “calling”. During the observations of “calling” made in January, 1957 and May 1975 males were present in the nests, and in at least one case there was simultaneous male emergence. However, worker “calling” took place in the absence of male flights in October, 1952 and July 1953 (involving the same colonies in which males were present during “calling” in 1957) and in all of the 34 instances recorded for Colonies 1 and 3. In both those colonies males had long been absent, and examination of samples of pupae present in Colony #1 (3) made during the height of the “calling” period in that small community revealed only workers to be present in the brood. The length of time of the “calling” behavior of workers of R. metallica is typically brief, averaging 1-2 minutes (although one record period of more than 12 minutes has been noted). Usually, however, workers moved about after a short period, commonly resuming the behavior at another location. In this respect, the pattern resembled that observed by Buschinger for Formicoxenus nitidulus. It seems probable that this behavior in R. metallica (observed also in three other species of the genus: R. tasmaniensis; R. inornata, and R. violacea) does indeed correspond quite closely with 414 Psyche [December the typical “calling” pattern in Leptothorax and the related Myrmi- cine genera where it has been observed. As in those cases, the sting is clearly exserted during the “calling” process, but Holldobler (Holl- dobler and Haskins, 1977) has clearly demonstrated that here the newly-described tergal gland, strongly developed in Rhytidoponera is an important, if not the sole, source of the pheromone.2 With Rhytidoponera, as with Amblyopone, the behavior is evidently only of sexual significance. No evidence of any worker- worker recruiting has been obtained for either genus. It seems of real interest that the “calling” behavior seems to be well established, entirely in a sexual context, at so primitive a grade of Formicid evolution. It is particularly interesting that it should be so clearly demonstrated within the Ectatommini, a division of the Ponerinae which, on morphological grounds, is thought to be fairly close to the main evolutionary stem leading from the Ponerinae to the Myrmicinae. Finally, the nature of the colonies and the nuptial flights of both Amblyopone and Rhytidoponera emphasizes a reflection of Buschinger, who has suggested (1975) that there may well be a correlation between the “use” of male mandibular-gland- derived sex pheromones in the mediation of highly coordinated massive mating swarms and of female sex pheromones, derived from sting or Dufours glands, in smaller, poorly coordinated “straggling” colony flights. The former are characteristic of ant species forming large closely-knit communities, the latter of those existing in smaller, more diffuse, less highly integrated communities of species which are often more rare. Though none of the species considered here is especially rare, all do form typically scattered, rather feebly integrated communities having inconspicuous and essentially uncoordinated nuptial flights. Literature Cited Buschinger, A. 1968. “Locksterzeln” begattungsbereiter ergatoider Weiber von Harpagoxenus sublaevis NYL. (Hymenoptera Formicidae). Experientia 24: 297. 1971a. “Locksterzeln” und Kopula der sozialparasitischen Amiese Leptothorax kutteri Buschiner (Hym., Form.). Zool. Anz. 186: 242-248. 1971b. Weitere Untersuchen zum Begattungsverhalten sozialparasitischer Amei- sen ( Harpagoxenus sublaevis Nyl. und Doronomyrmex pads Kutter, Hym., Formicidae). Zool. Anz. 187: 184-198. 2An extensive paper by B. Holldobler and H. Engel on tergal and sternal glands in ants is included in this issue of Psyche. 1978] Haskins — Highly Primitive Ants 415 1974. Zur Biologie der sozialparasitischen Ameise Leptothorax goesswaldi Kutter (Hym., Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 21: 133-143. 1975. Sexual pheromones in ants. International Union for Study of Social Insects, Proc. of Symposium on Pheromones and Defensive Secretions in Social Insects, September, 1975, Dijon, pp. 225-233. Brown, W.L., Jr 1958. Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae: II. Tribe Ectatommini (Hymenoptera). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 118(5): 175-362. 1954. Systematic and other notes on some of the smaller species of the ant genus Rhytidoponera. Breviora: Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 33: 1-11. Haskins, C.P. and E.F. Haskins 1951. Note on the method of colony foundation of the ponerine ant Amblyo- pone australis. Amer. Midland Naturalist 45(2): 432-445. Haskins, C.P. and R.M. Whelden 1965. Queenlessness, worker sibship, and colony versus population structure in the formicid genus Rhytidoponera. Psyche 72: 87-111. Holldobler, B. 1971. Sex pheromone in the ant Xenomyrmex floridanus. J. Insect Physiology 17: 1497-1499. Holldobler, B. and C.P. Haskins 1977. Sexual calling in a primitive ant. Science 195: 793-794. Moglich, M., U. Maschwitz and B. Holldobler 1974. Tandem calling: a new kind of signal in ant communication. Science 186: 1046-1047. Whelden, R.M. 1957. Anatomy of Rhytidoponera convexa. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 50: 271-282. 1960. Anatomy of Rhytidoponera metallica. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 53: 793-808. Wilson, E.O. 1958. Studies on the ant fauna of Melanesia III. Rhytidoponera in western Melanesia and the Moluccas. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 119(4): 303-320. 1959. Adaptive shift and dispersal in a tropical ant fauna. Evolution 13(1): 122-144. 1975. Sociobiology. Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press. Cam- bridge, Massachusetts 02138. A RESTUDY OF TWO ANTS FROM THE SICILIAN AMBER By William L. Brown, Jr.1 and Frank M. Carpenter2 Introduction The ants of the (presumably Miocene) Sicilian Amber were mono- graphed by Emery (1891), and, except for corrections published by Emery himself (1913), this faunule has not again been subjected to critical study. Since 1891, of course, formicid taxonomy has under- gone radical changes, some of them affecting genera found in this amber. Ectatomma gracile, for example, was described from a male specimen that would not today be placed in Ectatomma , but in- stead, as based on Emery’s description ( 1 89 1 :57 1 ) and figures (PI. 1 , fig. 1, 2) is assignable to Gnamptogenys (Kugler and Brown, in prep.). It is not our purpose here, however, to review all of Emery’s Sicilian Amber ants. Rather, we want to present the results of our study of just two of his type specimens that are particularly signifi- cant for ant taxonomy. The specimens, in two separate pieces of amber belonging to the Museo Mineralogico dell’Universita degli Studi, Bologna, Italy, were lent through the kindness of Prof. Gianfranco Simboli, Director of the Museo Mineralogico, who has our thanks. The new preparation of the specimens and their photo- graphs were done by FMC, while WLB is responsible for the taxonomic interpretation of the material. Hypopomyrmex bombiccii Emery, 1891:574-575, pi. 1, fig. 10, 11, alate queen. This specimen (figs. 1, 2) is a badly collapsed winged queen closely involved in the same piece of amber with a worker specimen of Cataulacus planiceps. Emery, in his fig. 10, and especially fig. 11, portrays the H. bombiccii specimen as a Strumigenys-like individ- 1 Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853. Study aided by National Science Foundation Grant GB-31662. 2Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Study aided by National Science Foundation Grant DEB78-09947, F.M. Carpenter, Prin- cipal Investigator. Manuscript received by the editor May 30, 1979. 417 418 Psyche [December Figure 1 . Hypopomyrmex bombiccii, type queen viewed from left side. Dark mass below queen is the curled type of Cataulacus planiceps. The view is essentially the same as portrayed by Emery (1891: pi. 1, fig. 10). Length of fore wing, 3.7 mm. 1978] Brown & Carpenter — Ants from Sicilian Amber 419 Figure 2. Hypopomyrmex bombiccii, type queen viewed from right side. Length of fore wing, 3.7 mm. 420 Psyche [December mm. 1978] Brown & Carpenter — Ants from Sicilian Amber 421 Figure 4. Sicilomyrmex corniger, type worker, dorsal (facial) view of head, tilted slightly forward. 422 Psyche [December ual; a small eye is shown arising from beneath a scrobe-like head groove, and elongate mandibles are suggested in vague outline. The 10-segmented antenna is depicted by Emery with a clearly 2-merous club and an apically thickened and sharply bent scape. The amber piece has now been cleaned, partly re-ground, and somewhat cleared by injection of a small amount of Canada balsam. Figures 1 and 2 are photographs of the Hypopomyrmex bombiccii type, a winged queen, in the new preparation. The specimen is badly shrivelled and compressed, especially from side to side, and the petiolar and postpetiolar nodes are strongly compressed anteropos- teriorly. It can now be seen that the Strumigenys-\ike cranial shape portrayed by Emery is really only his free interpretation of the crumpled head; the deformed left eye protrudes from the dorso- lateral margin of the head, not from any scrobe, and the mandibles do not extend as Emery’s figure 11 vaguely suggests they do. The right side view (fig. 2) of the head now available shows the right compound eye also distorted, but larger, more elliptical and less protruding than the left eye. The right antennal scape has its apex flattened, but not sharply bent like that of the left scape, indicating that the latter was distorted after death. Hypopomyrmex is clearly not a member of tribe Dacetini . Habi- tus, wing venation and the form of the waist do place it in the subfamily Myrmicinae. The 10-merous antennae with 2-merous club, the forewing venation and the propodeal teeth make it most likely a member of the group of genera near Pheidologeton, and it may be regarded as a doubtful synonym of Oligomyrmex. The taxonomy of the living forms of this group is still so poorly known, and the fossil is in such poor condition that formal synonymy here would be premature. It may be noted, however, that Oligomyrmex sophiae ( —Aero - myrma sophiae ), based on male specimens, was described by Emery from the Sicilian Amber in the same (1891) paper. With the removal of Hypopomyrmex from the Dacetini, that tribe loses its entire known fossil history. Sicilomyrmex corniger Gesomyrmex corniger Emery 1891:581, pi. 3, fig. 33-35, worker. This extraordinary formicine is portrayed in the photographs (figs. 3 and 4). Emery originally assigned it to Gesomyrmex, but the bicornuate head and two-spined propodeum clearly put it into a 1978] Brown & Carpenter — Ants from Sicilian Amber 423 separate genus, as W.M. Wheeler realized in 1915, when he applied a new generic name in the combination Sicelomyrmex corniger. Unfortunately, the new genus name was one of several misspelled in this German wartime publication, which Wheeler apparently did not see in proof. He published the name in the emended form Sicilomyrmex in 1926, and again in 1928, but by 1929 he had reverted, perhaps absent-mindedly, to the spelling Sicelomyrmex, and even suggested for it a new tribe, Sicelomyrmicini. The tribal name was in any case improperly coined, since the stem involved is myrmec-, not myrmic-. It would seem proper to recognize the emended spelling Sicilo- myrmex of 1926 and 1928, since it is clear that Wheeler in 1915 was alluding to the provenience of the specimen from the Sicilian Am- ber, and that the original spelling Sicelomyrmex was therefore either a lapsus calami or a printer’s error, according to Article 33(a)(ii) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The necessary emendation of the tribal name thus results in Sicilo- myrmecini. Whether this tribe is worth retaining can only be de- cided after full revisionary study of the tribal classification of sub- family Formicinae. Emery’s original drawings of S. corniger were good ones, but we think that the first photographs of the type specimen (figs. 3 and 4) give an excellent idea of its habitus. References Cited Emery, C. 1891. Le formiche dell’Ambra Siciliana. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna (5)1:568-591, pi. 1-3. 1913. Le origini e le migrazioni della fauna mirmecologica d’Europa. Rend. Accad. Sci. Bologna, 1912-1913:29-46. Wheeler, W. M. 1915. The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schrift. Phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg 55:1-142. 1926. Les societes d’insects. Paris, G. Doin et Cie; xii + 468 pp.; cf. p. 136. 1928. The Social Insects. New York; Harcourt, Brace and Co., xviii + 378 pp.; cf. pi. 18, fig. 27, facing p. 107. 1929. The identity of the ant genera Gesomyrmex Mayr and Dimorphomyrmex Ernest Andre. Psyche 36:1-12. PSYCHE INDEX TO VOLUME 85, 1978 INDEX TO AUTHORS Aiello, Annette and Robert E. Silberglied. Life History of Dynastor darius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Panama. 331 Ashley, D. L. See Lilly, C. K. Brandao, Carlos Roberto F. Division of Labor within the Worker Caste of Formica peripilosa Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 229 Brown, William L., Jr. and Ronald G. Boisvert. The Dacetine Ant Genus Pentastruma (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 201 Brown, William L., Jr. and Frank M. Carpenter. A Restudy of Two Ants from the Sicilian Amber. 417 Burnham, Laurie. Survey of Social Insects in the Fossil Record. 85 Carpenter, Frank M. See Brown, William L., Jr. Carpenter, Frank M. and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. Structure and Relationships of the Upper Carboniferous Insect, Prochoroptera calopteryx (Diaphonoptero- dea, Prochoropteridae). 219 Eberhard, W. G. See Lubin, Y. D. Engel, Hiltrud. See Holldobler, Bert. Evans, Howard E. A Solitary Wasp that Preys upon Lacewings (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae; Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). 81 Glorioso, Michael J. See Valentine, Barry D. Gwynne, Darryl T. See Morris, Glenn K. Haskins, Caryl P. Sexual Calling Behavior in Highly Primitive Ants. 407 Henry, Charles S. An Unusual Ascalaphid Larva (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) from Southern Africa, with Comments on Larval Evolution within the Myrmeleontoidea. 265 Holldobler, Bert and Hiltrud Engel. Tergal and Sternal Glands in Ants. 285 Hunter, Kenneth W., Jr. Searching Behavior of Hippodamia convergens Larvae (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera). 249 Jackson, Robert R. and Sandra Smith. Aggregations of Mallos and Dictyna (Araneae, Dictynidae): Population Characteristics. 65 Kugler, Charles. Description of the Ergatoid Queen of Pogonomyrmex mayri with Notes on the Worker and Male (Hym. Formicidae). 169 427 Kugler, Charles. Further Studies of the Myrmicine Sting Apparatus: Eutetra- morium, Oxyopomvrmex, and Terataner (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 255 Lilly, C. K., D. L. Ashley, and D. C. Tarter. Observations on a Population of Sialis itasca Ross in West Virginia (Megaloptera: Sialidae). 209 Lubin, Y. D., W. G. Eberhard, and G. G. Montgomery. Webs of Miagrammopes (Araneae:Uloboridae) in the Neotropics. 1 Montgomery, G. G. See Lubin, Y. D. Moore, Ian and R. E. Orth. Notes on Brvothinusa with Description of the Larva of B. catalinae Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 183 Morris, Glenn K. and Darryl T. Gwvnne. Geographical Distribution and Bio- logical Observations of Cyphoderris (Orthoptera: Haglidae) with a Description of a New Species. 147 New' ton, Alfred F. See Thayer, Margaret K. Orth, R. E. See Moore, Ian. Peek, Stewart B. Systematics and Evolution of Forest Litter Adelopsis in the Southern Appalachians (Coleoptera: Leiodidae). 355 Richardson, Eugene S., Jr. See Carpenter, Frank M. Robinson, Barbara. See Robinson, Michael H. Robinson, Michael H. and Barbara Robinson. Culture Techniques for Acanthops falcata, a Neotropical Mantid Suitable for Biological Studies (with Notes on Raising Web Building Spiders). 239 Rutow'ski, Ronald I. See Vetter, Richard S. Shapiro, Arthur M. The Evolutionary Significance of Redundancy and Variability in Phenotypic-Induction Mechanisms of Pierid Butterflies (Lepidoptera). 275 Silberglied, Robert E. See Aiello, Annette. Sivinski, John. Intrasexual Aggression in the Stick Insects, Diapheromera veliei and D. covilleae, and Sexual Dimorphism in the Phasmatodea. 395 Smith, Sandra. See Jackson, Robert R. Tarter, D. C. See Lilly, C. K. Thayer, Margaret K. and Alfred F. New'ton, Jr. Revision of the South Temperate Genus Glvpholoma Jeannel, with Four New Species (Coloptera: Staphylini- dae). 35 Valentine, Barry D. and Michael J. Glorioso. Grooming Behavior in Diplura (Insecta: Apterygota). 191 Vetter, Richard S. and Ronald /. Rutowski. External Sex Brand Morphology of Three Sulphur Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). 383 Vo/lrath, Fritz. A Close Relationship Between Two Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei- dae): Curimagua bavano Synecious on a Diplura Species. 347 Wood, T. K. Parental Care in Guavaquila compressa Walker (Homoptera: Mem- bracidae). 135 428 INDEX TO SUBJECTS All new genera, new species and new names are printed in capital type. A cant hops falcata, 239 Adelopsis alleghenyensis, 363 A de lop sis alta, 373 Adelopsis appalachiana, 366 Adelopsis bedfordensis, 369 Adelopsis cumberlanda, 369 Adelopsis fumosa, 371 Adelopsis joanna, 374 Adelopsis jonesi, 367 Adelopsis mitchellensis, 361 Adelopsis nashvillensis, 371 Adelopsis orichchalcum, 376 Adelopsis pisgahensis, 376 Adelopsis richlandensis, 365 Adelopsis scottboroensis, 370 Adelopsis steevesi, 362 Adelopsis suteri, 363 Adelopsis, systematics and evolution, 355 Amblyopone, 408 Ants, tergal and sternal glands, 285 Apoidea, fossil, 107 Ascalaphid larva, 265 Behavior in primitive ants, 407 Bembix stenebdoma, 81 Biology of Cyphoderris, 147 Bryothinusa catalinae, larva, 183 Calling behavior in primitive ants, 407 Chrvsoperla comanche, 83 Colias cesonia, 383 Curimagua bayano, 347 Cyphoderris, 147 Cyphoderris buckelli, 154 Cyphoderris monstrosa, 154 Cyphoderris strepitans, 149 Dacetine ant genus Pentastruma, 201 Diapheromera covilleae, 395 Diapheromera veliei, 395 Dictyna albopilosa, 65 Dictyna calcarata, 65 Diplura (Arachnida), 347 Diplura, grooming behavior, 191 Dynastor darius, life history Eremochrysa punctinervis, 83 Eremoehrysa tibialis, 83 Eurema nicippe, 383 Eutetramorium, 255 External sex brand morphology of butterflies, 383 Forest litter Adelopsis, 385 Formica perpilosa, 229 Formicidae, fossil, 98 Glands in ants, 285 Glypholoma pecki, 50 Glypholoma pustuliferum, 46 Glypholoma, revision, 25 Glypholoma rotundulum, 54 Glypholoma temporale, 49 Glypholoma tenuicorne, 53 Grooming behavior in Diplura, 191 Guayaquila compressa, parental care, 135 Hippodamia convergens, larvae, 249 Hypopomyrmex bombiccii, 417 Intrasexual aggression in stick insects, 395 429 Isoptera, in fossil record, 85 Lacewings, 81 Life History of Dynast or darius, 331 Mallos and Dictvna, aggregations, 65 M alios gregalis, 67 Mallos niveus, 68 Mallos trivittatus, 68 Mantid, 239 Myrmeleontoidea, 265 Myrmicine sting, 255 Nathalis iole, 383 Observations of Cvphoderris, 147 Oxypomyrmex, 255 Parental care in Guavaquila, 135 Pentastruma, 203 Pentastruma can in a, 203 Pentastruma sauteri, 203 Phasmatodea, 395 Phenotypic-induction mechanisms, Pieridae, 275 Pierid butterflies, 275 Pogonomvrmex mayri, ergatoid queen, 169 Population of Sialis itasca, 209 Prochoroptera calopteryx, 219 Relationship between two spiders, 347 Restudy of two Sicilian amber ants, 417 Rhytidoponera, 409 Searching behavior of Hippodamia, 249 Sex brand morphology of Pieridae, 383 Sexual dimorphism in the Phasmatodea, 395 Sialis itasca, 209 Sicilomyrmecini, 423 Sicilomyrmex corniger, 422 Social insects in fossil record, 85 Stick insects, 395 Studies of the myrmicine sting appa- ratus, 255 Sulphur butterflies, 383 Terataner, 255 Tergal and sternal glands in ants, 285 Vespoidea, fossil, 94 Web building spiders, 239 Webs of Miagrammopes, 1 430 The illustration on the front cover of this issue of Psyche is a reproduction of the published figure of the minute diapriid, Solenopsia americana (1.3 mm. long), described by C. T. Brues in Psyche (1936, vol. 43, p. 17). The insect was taken in the nest of an ant, Paratrechina parvula, in eastern Tennessee. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room 154, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Avenue, Cambridge. Entomolo- gists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Reprints of articles by W. M. Wheeler The Cambridge Entomological Club has for sale numerous reprints of Dr. Wheeler’s articles that were filed in his office at Harvard University at the time of his death in 1937. Included are about 12,700 individual reprints of 250 publications. The cost of the re- prints has been set at 5c a page, including postage; for orders under $5 there will be an additional handling charge of 50c. A list of the reprints is available for $1.00 from the W. M Wheeler Reprint Committee, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Checks should be made payable to the Cambridge Entomological Club. 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