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AR I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iavaan w z , w z ^ i v*#* < Z K^v A JKsk Z X tn ,y | nmsNi NviNOSHiiws^sa i ava a n\i brar i es smithson ianjnstitution RARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iavaaiT m inmsNi nvinoshiiws S3 1 ava a n“u b rar i es'/>smithsonian_institution Z w z Mr ¥L Z ISSN 0033-2615 50- Hbi (r°OH ^ PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club Vol. 89 1982 No. 1-2 i JMH .1 i 'in. , J / IfiDADlP^ • **■* o ft A r\ 5 CONTENTS Dedication: Joseph C. Bequaert. Frank M. Carpenter 1 Communication, Raiding Behavior, and Prey Storage in Cerapachys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bert Hdlldobler 3 Designation of a Type-species for Cvclogaster Macquart, 1834, and the Result- ing Synonymy (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Norman E. Woodley 25 Orb Plus Cone-webs in Uloboridae (Araneae), with a Description of a New Genus and Four New Species. Y. D. Lubin, B.D. Opell, W. G. Eberhard, and H.W. Levi 29 Population Structure and Social Organization in the Primitive Ant, Amblyo- pone pallipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). James F.A. Traniello 65 The Biology of Nine Termite Species (Isoptera: Termitidae) from the Cerrado of Central Brazil. Helen R. Coles de Negret and Kent H. Redford 81 The Life History of the Japanese Carrion Beetle, Ptomascopus morio and the Origins of Parental Care in Nicrophorus (Coleoptera, Silphidae, Nicrophini). Stew art B. Peck 107 Tergal and Sternal Glands in Male Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bert Hdlldobler and Hiltrude Engel-Siegel 113 Termite-Termite Interactions: Workers as an Agonistic Caste. Barbara L. Thorne 133 Type Designations and Synonymies for North American Silphidae (Coleoptera). Stewart B. Peck and Scott E. Miller 151 Chemical Mimicry as an Integrating Mechanism for Three Termitophiles Asso- ciated with Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks). Ralph W. Howard, C.A. McDaniel, and Gary J. Blomquist 157 Parataruma, a New Genus of Neotropical Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Spheci- dae). Lynn S. Kimsey 169 Supplementary studies on ant larvae: Formicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) George C. Wheeler and Jeanette Wheeler 175 Morphological comparisons between the obligate social parasite, Vespula aus- traica (Panzer) and its host, Vespula acadica (Sladen). Hal C. Reed and Roger D. Akre 183 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1981-1982 President Barbara L. Thorne Vice-President Frances Chew Secretary Heather Hermann Treasurer Frank M. Carpenter Executive Committee John Shetterly Mary Hathaway EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. CARPENTER (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology, Cornell University and Associate in Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. DARLINGTON, Jr., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. HOLLDOBLER, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. LEVI, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University R. J. McGlNLEY, Assistant Professor of Biology, Harvard University Alfred F. NEWTON, Jr., Curatorial Associate in Entomology, Harvard University R. E. SlLBERGLIED, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama E. O. WILSON, Baird Professor of Science, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $11.00, domestic and foreign. Single copies, $3.50. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $27.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustrations must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $10.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $12.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. Psyche, vol. 88, no. 3-4, for 1981, was mailed May 28, 1982 The Lexington Press, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts Joseph Charles Bequaert This issue of Psyche is dedicated to the memory of Joseph C. Bequaert, who died in his 96th year in Amherst, Massachusetts, on January 12, 1982. Dr. Bequaert was born in Belgium in 1886 and was educated there, receiving his Dr. Phil, degree in botany in 1908 from the State University in Ghent. The next seven years he spent in the Belgian Congo (now Zaire), at first as Entomologist on the Belgian Sleeping Sickness Commission and later as head of botanical explorations in the Congo for the Belgian Colonial Government. During those years his main interest shifted from botany to entomology, in which he subsequently did the greater part of his research and teaching. In 1917 he was appointed Research Associate in Congo Zoology at the American Museum of Natural History. Six years later, after becom- ing a naturalized citizen of the United States, he joined the faculties of the Harvard School of Public Health and the Harvard Medical School, as an assistant professor in medical entomology, and remained there until 1945. He then accepted the position of Curator of Recent Insects in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, succeed- ing Nathan Banks. In 1951 he was appointed Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, a chair that he held until his retirement in 1956. Most of the remaining 26 years of his life were spent in Tuc- son, Arizona, where he was associated with the departments of entomology and zoology at the University of Arizona. He was internationally known for his publications, totalling more than 250, on medical entomology, mollusks, botany, and systemat- ics of several families of insects. Joe joined the Cambridge Entomological Club in 1923, as soon as he reached the Boston area, and he was very active in the society for the next 33 years. He was president in 1928, 1935-36, and 1942-43; vice-president in 1937, 1941, and 1946; secretary in 1925 and 1926; and treasurer in 1943. He also served on the editorial board of Psyche from 1947-1956. He gave many of the scheduled talks at our regular meetings and was chosen as the speaker for the 500th meet- ing of the Club on December 15, 1931. In recognition of his services and contributions to the activities of the society, he was elected an Honorary Member in 1961. 1 Joseph Charles Bequaert Photograph taken in Belgian Congo, 1934 I first met Joe at the September meeting of the Club in 1923, at which he was nominated for membership. His exuberance and his extraordinary enthusiasm for nearly every aspect of natural history were the most obvious traits of his personality. In 1956 he wrote the following statement of his scientific interests: ecology of flowers; taxonomy and ecology of Bryophyta; geography and ecology of African plants; relations of Arthropoda to disease; taxonomy and ethology of Diptera and Hymenoptera, particularly Vespidae; mala- cology; medical entomology. He was certainly one of the most dis- tinguished and respected entomologists of his generation. Frank M. Carpenter, editor PSYCHE Vol. 89 1982 No. 1 -2 COMMUNICATION, RAIDING BEHAVIOR AND PREY STORAGE IN CERA PA CHYS (HYMENOPTERA; FORMICIDAE)* By Bert Holldobler Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, MCZ - Laboratories Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138 U.S.A. Introduction The former subfamily Cerapachyinae was recently recognized by Brown (1975) as a tribe (Cerapachyini) within the subfamily Poneri- nae. All of the cerapachyine ant species investigated feed entirely on ants (see review in Wilson 1958; Brown 1975). During foraging cerapachyine workers engage in mass expeditions during which they raid the nests of the prey species, capturing preferably larvae and pupae, but also occasionally adults and returning them to the raid- ers’ nest. Although the detailed field observations on cerapachyine forag- ing raids reported by Wilson (1958) strongly suggest that the raiding expeditions follow chemical trails, this has not yet been experimen- tally investigated. In fact, almost nothing was hitherto known about the behavioral organization of the raiding expeditions and the under- lying communication mechanism. This paper presents the first ex- perimental analysis of the raiding behavior of a cerapachyine ant species. Materials and Methods Three colonies of Cerapachys (?) turneri (turneri group) (acces- sion #163a, b, c; voucher specimens in Australian National Insect * Manuscript received by the editor January 22, 1982. 3 4 Psyche [Vol. 89 Collection, ANIC, Canberra) were collected from nests in the soil in a sclerophyl scrub pasture near Eungella, North Queensland (Aus- tralia). One colony had a single ergatoid queen; the other colonies had two ergatoid queens apiece. Each colony was housed in separate glass tube nests (8cm X 0.6cm c />), with water trapped at the bottoms behind cotton plugs. Each nest tube was placed into arenas of varying sizes, depending on the experimental design. Histological studies were conducted according to the procedures described in Holldobler and Engel 1978. Additional methodological details will be given with the description of the individual experiment, as pre- sented below. Results Raiding behavior and paralysis of prey larvae Species of the genus Cerapachvs seem to preferably prey on ant species of the myrmicine genus Pheidole (Wilson 1958; Brown 1975). When 1 provided Cerapachvs with colonies or fragments of colonies of a variety of species of the genera Iridomyrmex, Meranop- lus, Monomorium, Crematogaster, Pheidole, Stigmacros, Polvrha- chis, Camponotus (placed in a 65 X 120cm arena) they preyed freely only on Pheidole. They also accepted Monomorium larvae as prey, but only when these insects were directly inserted into the Cera- pachys nest. When the Cerapachvs workers encountered workers of the other species, or came close to their nest tubes, they usually showed avoidance behavior. The reaction was very different, how- ever, when individual scouts of Cerapachvs discovered the nest tube of Pheidole (accession #209, voucher specimens in ANIC). The Cera- pachys worker vigorously vibrated its short antennae and moved slowly into the nest tube, which contained approximately 200 Phei- dole workers and soldiers and about 150 larvae and pupae. It did not venture very far into the foreign nest but left after a short while and ran, in a somewhat meandering route, back to its own nest, located 70cm away from the Pheidole nest. During honyng it appeared frequently to touch the ground with its abdominal tip, as if it were laying a chemical trail or depositing scent spots. Seconds after it had entered the nest of its own colony, its n^stmates became very excited. Many grouped around the scout ant, which repeatedly raised its gaster upwards. Within one minute the scout left the nest 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 5 again and moved in direction toward the Pheidole nest tube. It was closely followed by 17 nestmates. The leading scout ant continued to move with its abdominal tip close to the ground, but intermittently it paused or moved much slower while raising its gaster slightly upwards (Fig. 1). When the Cerapachys column arrived at the Phei- dole nest tube they invaded it and attacked the Pheidole workers and soldiers. Pheidole fought back but without any effect. The heav- ily sclerotized and specially protected Cerapachys (Fig. 2) were not at all affected by the mandibular grip of the Pheidole soldiers, even when they were attacked simultaneously by 3-5 Pheidole (Fig. 3). Although Pheidole outnumbered the Cerapachys invaders more than 10 times, they were rapidly disabled by the obviously very Figure 1. Recruiting Cerapachys worker, (a) Worker walking with its abdomi- nal tip close to the ground, (b) Worker raising the gaster upwards; arrow indicates the position of the opening of the pygidial gland. 6 Psyche [Vol. 89 Figure 2. Longitudinal section through the head and part of the thorax (a) and through part of the petiolus and gaster (b) of a Cerapachvs worker. Arrows indicate cuticle projections over intersegmental membranes (IM). 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 7 Figure 3. Cerapachys raiding group invading a Pheidole nest. effective stinging attack of the Cerapachys, during which the raiders grasped the Pheidole with their short mandibles, simultaneously bending their gasters forward, so that in each case the tip, where the sting extrudes, touched the opponent’s body. Each sequence usually lasted less than 1 second. Almost immediately after such an attack the Pheidole appeared to be immobilized. Only a few Pheidole workers escaped from the nest tube into the arena, some of them carrying brood. After approximately 15 minutes almost all Pheidole adults in the nest tube were disabled or killed but not a single Cerapachys worker was dead or visibly injured. Next the Cera- pachys began transporting the dead and immobilized Pheidole adults to their own nest. After the first workers of the raiding expe- dition had returned and unloaded the booty they returned to the Pheidole nest. Some of them raised the gaster repeatedly upwards, upon which several additional Cerapachys workers followed them to the Pheidole nest, where they participated in the retrieval of the prey. Only after most of the Pheidole adults had been retrieved did the Cerapachys begin to transport the Pheidole brood. Each larva and pupa was briefly stung before it was picked up and carried to the Cerapachys colony. Interestingly, after approximately half the brood had been retrieved, Cerapachys nest workers began discard- ing all the dead and disabled Pheidole adults, and the next day only 8 Psyche [Vol. 89 Pheidole brood was stored in the Cerapachvs nest. Apparently the booty of this raiding expedition was so abundant that Cerapachvs preferred to keep only the more valuable and better preservable brood of the prey species, and they discarded the less valuable cadavers of the adult Pheidole. In other instances, however, where Cerapachvs had only, adults of prey species available, I observed Cerapachvs feeding on the gasters of dead Pheidole workers and soldiers. This experiment was conducted on the 25th and 26th of October 1980. At this time there was no Cerapachvs brood in the colony. On November 10, 1980, I noticed the first large clutch of eggs in the Cerapachvs nest tube. On December 1 1, 1980, the colony had many large (presumably last instar) larvae, and another large cluster of eggs (Fig. 4). The colony still contained a very good supply of Pheidole larvae (Fig. 4), which did not grow or develop further but which were obviously alive. Under the microscope one could see that the prey larvae slightly moved their mouthparts. Workers, queens and larvae of Cerapachvs all fed on the Pheidole larvae. On December 26, 1980, there were still some prey larvae left. Many of the large Cerapachvs larvae had pupated; in addition the nest con- tained many medium sized larvae and another large clutch of eggs. On January 3, 1981, a Cerapachvs worker was observed leaving the nest tube and venturing out into the arena, for the first time since October 27, 1981. At this time I provided another fragment of a Pheidole colony with larval brood in the arena; and on January 5, 1981, Cerapachvs conducted another raid, very similar in details to that just described. The fact that the captured Pheidole larvae were kept alive inside the Cerapachvs nest chamber for a period of more than two months (but did not pupate or visibly increase in size) strongly suggested that they were sustained in a state of metabolic stasis. Recently Maschwitz et al (1979) provided experimental evi- dence that the ponerine species Harpegnathus saltator and Lepto- genys chinensis paralize prey objects by stinging and thereby are able to store prey a limited time. In one case the preserving paralysis effect was observed to last for two weeks, and in no instance did the stung prey object ever recover from the paralysis. Similar observa- tions have been made independently by Traniello (unpublished data) with the ponerine species Aniblvopone pal/ipes. 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 9 Figure 4. Fractions of a Cerapachys colony, with paralyzed prey larvae. Q: erga- toid queens; E: eggs; C: Cerapachys larvae; P: Pheidole prey larvae. 10 Psyche [Vol. 89 As just noted, Cerapachys workers apparently sting each Phei- dole larva and pupa during the raid, before they transport the vic- tims to their nest. This appears to be a very stereotyped behavior. For example when 1 shook a Cerapachys colony which contained Pheidole larvae out of the nest tube into the arena, so that they had to move back into the nest, Cerapachys workers picking up a Phei- dole larva almost invariably went through the typical stinging motion pattern. They did not do this, however, when they picked up their own larvae. Although stinging behavior did not frequently occur inside the nest, occasionally I observed a Cerapachys stinging several larvae while reshuffling a pile. The Pheidole larvae are small and tender and the powerful Cera- pachys sting (Fig. 5) could easily pierce the larva and thereby kill it. Thus the injections of a paralyzing secretion through the sting has to be very subtle in order not to kill, but to preserve the larva. Brown (1975) describes the differentiated pygidium (Fig. 6) with its denticu- late margins, being present in all workers and queens of cera- pachyine ants. Brown states that “the function of the denticle- bordered pygidial plate is not known from direct observations, but it is assumed to have something to do with helping the insects to force their way through passages and cracks in soil or rotten wood, perhaps in connection with their entry into nests of termites or ant prey species”. Our morphological and histological investigations have revealed that these denticuliform and spinuliform setae on the pygidium of Cerapachys turneri and Sphinctomyrmex steinhei/i are sensory setae and comprise probably mechanoreceptors (Fig. 7). It is most likely that during the stinging process these mechanoreceptors sig- nal the gaster tip’s touch of the prey larva and the extent of the stings’ protrusion is thereby regulated. Many of the nonsocial acu- leate Hymenoptera, which paralyze prey by stinging, are equipped with mechanoreceptors on the tip of the sting sheath (Oeser 1961, Rathmayer 1962, 1978). We did not detect similar structures on the tip of the sting sheaths of Cerapachys or Sphinctomyrmex. In addi- tional experiments I further confirmed the suggestion that the prey larvae, captured by Cerapachys, are preserved alive. Approximately 30 Pheidole larvae collected from a Pheidole colony were put with- out workers in a small test tube, which was kept moist by a wet cotton plug. A second similar test tube contained 30 Pheidole larvae which were taken from the Cerapachys nest. In two replications the 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 11 Figure 5. (a) SEM picture of the abdominal tip of a Cerapachys worker. The picture shows the partly extruded sting, surrounded by the sensory setae at the pygidium, and last exposed sternite. (b) Close-up of the two kinds of setae at the pygidium. 12 Psyche [Vol. 89 Figure 6. SEM picture of frontal view of pygidium of a Cerapachvs worker (a), and a worker of Sphinctomvrmex steinheili (b). Note the arrangement of the two kinds of setae on the truncated pygidial plate of both species. 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 13 Figure 7. Longitudinal section through pygidial plate (a) and last exposed ster- nite (b) of a Cerapachys worker. The structure and innervation of the setae suggest that they function as mechano receptors. 14 Psyche [Vol. 89 larvae taken directly from the Pheidole colony were all dead after two weeks. On the other hand all of the larvae from the Cerapachys colony were obviously still alive after two weeks, many of them moving their mouthparts slightly. These findings clearly demon- strate that Cerapachys can store living prey larvae for a considerable period of time. This food storage system appears to enable Cera- pachys to stay inside their nest for longer intervals. They evidently do not conduct raids as long as a good food supply is present. The following experiments were designed to test this hypothesis. One day after the Cerapachys colony B had conducted a raid on Pheidole all prey larvae were removed. As a control I manipulated colony A in the same way, but the prey larvae were immediately returned to colony A. A few days later I observed scouts of colony B in the arena, where I had provided a nest tube with a fraction of a Pheidole colony, and within a period of 4 (test 1) and 7 days (test 2) colony B had conducted another raid. In the control colony A I noticed a worker briefly leaving the nest tube only once and then without venturing far into the arena. Although a tube containing Pheidole workers and brood was also provided in the arena of colony A, this colony did not conduct another raid until its supply of prey had declined considerably. Emigration behavior Although it is still an open question whether the Cerapachyini are nomadic, Wilson (1958, 1971) and Brown (1975) suggested that nomadism in the ant-preying cerapachyine species could well be adaptive to avoid depleting the food supply in a given neighbor- hood, just as it is in the army ants. This assumption of a nomadic life style is further supported by Brown’s observations that the nests of many cerapachyine species appear to be impermanent, and that the “brood show a strong tendency to be synchronized, like those of army ants and nomadic Ponerinae”. Brown (1975) also pointed out that the larvae of the Cerapachyini have a slender and cylindrical shape (G. C. Wheeler and J. Wheeler 1964), which makes them easy to transport longitudinally under the bodies of workers in the manner of other predatory and nomadic ants, such as Eciton, Aenic- tus, Dorylus, Leptogenys and Onychomyrmex. Although I was unable to demonstrate periodic nomadic behavior of Cerapachys in 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 15 the laboratory, I could easily initiate nest emigrations by removing the waterplug and thereby causing the nest tube to quickly dry out. Individual workers soon ventured into the arena and eventually discovered a new moist nest tube located approximately 20-30 cm away from the old nest. After exploring the new nest site the scout moved back to the colony. When entering the nest tube it exhibited the same behavior as when recruiting to a raid, including a repetitive lifting of the gaster. When the scout left the nest again to return to the newly discovered nest site, it was usually followed by several ants. Most of these first recruits also showed the gaster raising behavior on their return to the colony, and soon the whole colony began to leave the old nest tube and move to the new one. The larvae and pupae were carried in the manner Brown (1975) pre- dicted, slung longitudinally under the bodies of the workers (Fig. 8). Adult transport was never observed; the ergatoid queens and even relatively freshly eclosed workers moved on their own to the nest site. The colonies did not contain males. After the workers had moved most of their own brood, they transported the prey larvae ( Pheidole ). Figure 8. Cerapachys worker carrying a larva during nest emigration. 16 Psyche [Vol. 89 From the ants’ orientation behavior it appeared that they were following chemical trails during the nest emigration. In fact, the recruitment behavior during nest emigrations and raiding appeared to be identical. The following experiments were designed to analyze further the communication mechanisms involved in both events. Communication during emigration and raiding Two distinct behavioral patterns were observed in Cerapachys ants during recruitment. (1) They seem to lay a chemical trail when returning from the target area (prey colony or new nest site) by frequently touching the abdominal tip to the ground; and (2) when close to or just entering the nest, they repeatedly raised their gaster upwards into a “calling position” and continued to do so when they moved back to the target area, usually being closely followed by a group of recruited nestmates. Since it was easier to initiate emigra- tions rather than raids, most of the experiments were conducted during colony emigration. Several new exocrine glandular struc- tures have recently been discovered in ponerine ants (Holldobler and Haskins 1977; Holldobler and Engel 1978; Holldobler et al. 1982; Maschwitz and Schonegge 1977; Jessen et al. 1979). The Cerapachyini were not included in these studies. We therefore con- ducted first a histological survey for possible exocrine glands that might be involved in the communication behavior of Cerapachys. Besides the known glands associated with the sting, we found a pygidial gland, which consists of a paired group of a few glandular cells under the 6th abdominal tergite. Each cell sends a duct through the intersegmental membrane between the 6th and 7th tergite (Fig. 9). The intersegmental membrane is laterally slightly invaginated, so that at each side it forms a small glandular reservoir. No particular cuticular structure on the pygidium is associated with the pygidial gland. In a first set of pilot experiments I dissected out of freshly killed Cerapachys workers poison glands, Dufour’s glands, hindguts, pygidial glands (6th and 7th tergites) and the last 3 sternites. For each test one organ of a kind was crushed on the tip of hardwood applicator sticks. These were then immediately inserted into the nest tube until the tip of the applicator was 2-3cm away from the colony, 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 17 Figure 9. (a) Longitudinal section through the gaster of a Cerapachys worker showing the location of the pygidial gland (PG). (b) Longitudinal section through the pygidial gland; GC: glandular cells; CH: glandular channels through inter- iegmental membrane. 18 Psyche [Vol. 89 which usually had gathered near the cotton plug. In the following 30 seconds I observed the reaction of the ants, and between each test I waited at least 10 minutes before another sample was inserted into the nest tube. These pilot tests (3 repetitions with each organ) clearly indicated that only crushed poison glands and pygidial glands eli- cited increased locomotory activity and attraction in Cerapachvs workers. The ants did not exhibit any particular behavioral reaction when sternites, hindgut or crushed Dufour’s glands were intro- duced.* For the next series of experiments I first initiated colony emigrations either by following the procedure described above, or by shaking the colony out of the nest tube onto the arena floor. Before each experiment the arena was provided with a new paper floor. A new nest tube was offered 15-20cm away from the old nest tube or the displaced colony. Once the colony emigration to the new nest tube had commenced, I covered the floor area between the colony and the new nest site with a cardboard, onto which I had drawn two artificial trails, one with a crushed glandular organ to be tested, and a second one with a drop of water (control). The trails were made to originate either from the entrance of the nest tube or from the periphery of the clustered colony. Each trail (test and control) diverged through an angle of 45° to either side from a possible natural trail (which was of course covered by a piece of cardboard). In addition the whole paper floor was rotated for 90°, in order to control for possible visual orientation (Fig. 10). During the following 2 minutes I counted the ants following the trails (10cm long) to the end. Only trails drawn with crushed poison glands elicited a precise trail fol- lowing behavior in Cerapachvs workers. There was some initial following response to trails drawn with crushed pygidial glands, but the ants followed only through the first 1-3 cm, then usually turned or meandered off the trail. Only once was it possible to conduct a similar test during raiding behavior of Cerapachvs. In this instance the ants followed only an artificial trail drawn with a crushed poison gland. Although pygidial gland secretions did not release trail following behavior in Cerapachvs, it clearly elicited increased locomotory *Cerapachvs has also a very well developed sting sheath gland. It was not possible to test whether or not secretions of the gland play a role in communication. 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 19 Figure 10. Schematical illustration of the experimental arrangement during trail tests. The colony was emigrating from nest NI to nest Nil along a natural trail a. During the trail tests, the whole arrangement was turned 90° (arrow). The natural trail a was covered by a cardboard, on which the test trail (T) and a control trail (C) were offered, each deviating from a in an angle of 45°. activity and attraction in the ants. I hypothesized therefore that the recruiting ant might discharge pygidial gland secretions when it exhibited the gaster raising behavior. The pygidial gland pheromone might function as an additional recruitment signal by which the recruiting ant keeps the raiding party stimulated when leading it to the prey colony. In order to test this hypothesis, I tried on four different occasions to close the opening of the pygidial gland by applying collophonium wax between the 6th and 7th tergites. Unfor- tunately these experiments failed; apparently the ants were too dis- turbed by the procedure. During two raiding expeditions of 20 Psyche [Vol. 89 Cerapachys we succeeded, however, in diverting individual ants from the raiding column over a distance of at least several centi- meters by presenting two applicators in front of them, one contami- nated with pygidial gland secretions and the other with water. Both applicators were slowly moved away from the columns in opposing directions. Of a total of 10 ants tested, 4 responded by following for a few centimeters behind the applicator with the pygidial gland secretions; no ant followed the control applicator. Although these results can be considered only preliminary, they do suggest that pygidial gland secretions might be involved in the recruitment pro- cess of Cerapachys. This suggestion was further supported by the results of a series of experiments in which I offered artificial trails drawn with crushed poison glands. I compared the trail following response of Cerapachys (within the first two minutes) successively either to trails drawn with poison gland secretions only or to poison gland trails offered simultaneously with pygidial gland secretions. For each kind a total of 6 experiments was carried out. Between each test at least one day had elapsed. The following response appeared to be stronger to poison gland trails when offered together with pygidial gland secretions (5.5 ± 2.9) than to those offered with- out pygidial gland secretions (3.0 ± 1.4) (0.1 > p > 0.05; Students t-test). Because of lack of material this series could not be extended, and thus the results remain only suggestive. The two final experiments demonstrated that a trail (10cm long) drawn with one crushed poison gland, was still effective as an orientation cue several hours after it had been drawn. Using the same experimental arrangement described above (Fig. 10), I was able to show that emigrating Cerapachys would follow poison gland trails, 2 and 6 hours old, when they were offered after the natural trail had been covered. On the other hand, crushed poison glands introduced into the nest tube after 2 and 6 hours, or poison gland trails offered 2 and 6 hours after they had been drawn, did not elicit excitement or spontaneous trail following behavior. From these results it appears that the poison gland material might contain a short lasting stimulating component as well as a longer lasting orienting component. 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 21 Discussion Raiding expeditions in Cerapachys turneri are organized by indi- vidual scout ants, that return to the colony after having discovered a nest of the prey species. The scout lays a chemical trail with secre- tions from the poison gland, which serve as recruitment and orienta- tion signals for the nestmates. Circumstantial evidence suggests that in addition the scout releases a stimulating chemical recruitment signal from the pygidial gland. This occurs probably when the scouts move with their gaster held slightly upwards in a calling position. Wilson (1958) reports the field notes made by H. Potter on the cerapachyine species Phvracaces potteri, which contain the only available description of the early stages of a complete raid observed in the field. Before the raid started Potter noted a few workers moving rapidly about, “each with its abdomen raised upwards”. These observations match closely my findings in the laboratory and lend further support to the hypothesis that in addition to the trails laid with poison gland secretions, another stimulating signal is dis- charged, presumably from the pygidial gland of the recruiting ants. Wilson (1958) observed groups of Phvracaces moving along a raiding trail laid down by a raiding party on the previous day. In this case no individual leadership was involved and the foragers seemed to emerge from the nest randomly without a special recruit- ment stimulation by scout ants. Obviously these ants were following an established foraging trail, leading to a previously raided Phcidole nest which appeared to be vacated this time. Small exploratory parties conducted brief excursions to the side, but in most cases they turned back to the main trail. No nest suitable for raiding was found during these explorations. These observations strongly suggest that chemical trails laid dur- ing raiding expeditions might still function as orientation cues one day later and that foraging parties can follow these established trails without the leadership of a recruiting scout ant. Indeed, my labora- tory experiments with Cerapachys have demonstrated that artificial trails drawn with poison gland material are effective as orientation cues at least for several hours. 22 Psyche [Vol. 89 Although the raiding cerapachyine ants are usually enormously outnumbered by the worker force of the prey species, not one Cera- pachys worker was lost during all the raiding experiments in the laboratory. As can be seen from Fig. 2, Cerapachys and Sphinc- tomyrmex are excellently protected by a heavily sclerotized cuticle. The intersegmental joints, that is, the joints between head and thorax, and between thorax, petiole and gaster, are covered by cuticular projections so that no intersegmental membrane is ex- posed, even if the ant is twisted and bent to an extreme degree. In addition, Cerapachys and probably all the other cerapachyine ants have a most powerful sting that immobilizes the opponents within seconds. Not only the adults of the raided colony, but also the captured larvae and pupae are stung by the raiders before they are retrieved to the Cerapachys nest. Observations and experiments demonstrated that the prey larvae are kept in a stage of metabolic stasis and can thereby be stored for a period of more than two months. This food storage system enables Cerapachys to adjust the raiding activities to food requirement and supply. From the labor- atory experiments we can conclude that Cerapachys does not con- duct daily or periodic raiding expeditions. The frequency of raiding expeditions depends on the food supply stored inside the Cera- pachys nest. I was unable to demonstrate periodic nomadic behavior in Cera- pachys in the laboratory. I assume that nest emigrations might occur relatively frequently in this species, but that they do not fol- low a periodic pattern. Instead, environmental factors such as food supply or physical conditions of the nest site are likely to play the important role in inducing a Cerapachys colony to emigrate. Acknowledgements Many thanks to H. Engel-Siegel for technical assistance, to E. Seling for the SEM work, and to W. L. Brown and R. W. Taylor for identifying the ants. I am most grateful to R. W. Taylor and the Division of Entomology, CSIRO, Canberra (Australia) for their generous hospitality. This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation BNS 80-021613, the National Geo- graphic Society and a fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. 1982] Holldobler — Cerapachys 23 References Brown, W. L., Jr. 1975. Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. V. Ponerinae, Tribes Platythyreini, Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini, Acanthostichi- ni, and Aenictogitini. Search‘5, 1-115. Holldobler, B. and C. P. Haskins 1977. Sexual calling behavior in primitive ants. Science 195, 793-794. Holldobler, B. and H. Engel 1978. Tergal and sternal glands in ants. Psyche (Cambridge) 85, 285-330. Holldobler, B., H. Engel and R. W. Taylor 1982. A new sternal gland in ants and its function in chemical communication. Naturwissenschaften in press. Jessen, K., U. Maschwitz and M. Hahn 1979. Neue Abdominaldriisen bei Ameisen. 1. Ponerini (Formicidae: Poneri- nae). Zoomorphologie 94, 49-66. Maschwitz, U. and P. Schonegge 1977. Recruitment gland of Leptogenvs chinensis: a new type of pheromone gland in ants. Naturwissenschaften 64, 589. Maschwitz, U., M. Hahn and P. Schonegge 1979. Paralysis of prey in ponerine ants. Naturwissenschaften 66, 213. Oeser, R. 1961. Vergleichend-morphologische Untersuchungen liber den Ovipositor der Hymenopteren. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 37, 1-1 19. Rathmayer, W. 1962. Das Paralysierungsproblem beim Bienenwolf, Philanthus triangulum F. (Hym. Sphec.) Z. Vergl. Physiol. 45, 413-462. Rathmayer, W. 1978. Venoms of Sphecidae, Pompilidae, Mutilidae, and Bethylidae. Hand- book of Experimental Pharmacology vol. 48, Arthropod Venoms (S. Bettini, ed.) pp. 661-690. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-New York, 1978. Wheeler, G. C. 1950. Ant larvae of the subfamily Cerapachyinae. Psyche 57, 102-1 13. Wheeler, G. C. and J. Wheeler 1964. The ant larvae of the subfamily Cerapachinae. Suppl. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 66, 65-71. Wilson, E. O. 1958. Observations on the behavior of the cerapachyine ants. Insectes Sociaux 5, 129 140. Wilson, E. O. 1971. The Insect Societies. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cam- bridge (Mass.). DESIGNATION OF A TYPE-SPECIES FOR CYCLOGASTER MACQUART, 1834, AND THE RESULTING SYNONYMY (DIPTERA: STRATIOMYIDAE)* By Norman E. Woodley Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 The generic name Cyclogaster Macquart (1834) has been used in combination with specific names for taxa of Stratiomyidae from diverse regions of the world. It has remained more or less in synony- my with Lasiopa Brulle (1832) since the time of Brauer (1882), although Pleske (1901: 336) described Cyclogaster caucasica (Palae- arctic) and Hutton (1901: 10) described C. peregrinus from New Zealand after Brauer’s work appeared. Kertesz (1908) also consid- ered the two names synonymous, and placed 15 species in Lasiopa. These species are placed in at least five genera at the present time. The purpose of this paper is to designate a type-species for Cyclo- gaster, which to my knowledge has never been done, in order to stabilize the generic synonymy as it is presently used by workers in the Stratiomyidae. A brief review of the history of the name Cyclo- gaster and generic names associated with it is necessary to under- stand the situation fully. Macquart (1834: 256) first proposed the name Cyclogaster in the Diptera, and included in that taxon two species, Nemotelus villosus Fabricius (1794: 270; Palaearctic) and Stratiomys at rata Fabricius (1805: 83; Neotropical). No single type-species was designated. The generic name Inermyia Bigot (1856: 82, 63) was proposed for the South African species Stratiomys edentula Wiedemann (1824: 29). Gerstaecker (1857: 322) and Loew (1860: 7) both considered Stratiomys edentula a member of Cyclogaster Macquart and Ker- tesz (1908: 30) listed Inermyia as a synonym with a query. Lindner (1972: 32) considered the species to be congeneric with the true, Palaearctic Lasiopa, and it is listed as such by James (1980: 260). Kirkaldy (1910: 8) noted that the name Cyclogaster was preoccu- pied in zoology by Cyclogaster Gronovius, in the fishes (this name will be discussed in more detail below). He proposed a replacement name for the name in the Diptera, Neotropicalias. No reference was made to any specific names, although one might infer he was think- 25 26 Psyche [Vol. 89 ing of the Neotropical species that Macquart had originally included in Cyclogaster. Enderlein (1914: 579, 615), without any reference to Kirkaldy (1910), but evidently realizing that the two species originally in- cluded in Cyclogaster were not congeneric, proposed the name Labocerina for Stratiomys at rat a Fabricius. In his paper, the new name was spelled Labocerina twice (pp. 579, 615), and “ Labacerino ” once (p. 615), and has subsequently been spelled “ Labocerino ” by James (1940: 124). These latter two spellings were regarded as errors by James (1973: 26.29). In the same paper, Enderlein considered Cyclogaster a synonym of Lasiopa. The name Cyclogaster Gronovius (1756: 9; 1760: 265; 1763: 55) was in dispute, as were all of his generic names, because many authors felt his work was not truly binomial. His Cyclogaster was first published in 1756, but this is pre-Linnean. The 1760 work is clearly not binomial, although this is the date of the name usually found in zoological nomenclators, being the first post-Linnean publi- cation of it. In 1954, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature formally ruled that Gronovius’ 1763 work, as well as an index of it subsequently published by Meuschen, be placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Works in Zoological Nomenclature. Thus Macquart’s Cyclogaster became the earliest valid use of the name in zoology. Lindner (1958: 432), while discussing “Cyclogaster” peregrinus Hutton from New Zealand, recounted most of the above briefly, and noted that no type-species had been designated for Cyclogaster Macquart, but was apparently not aware of the I. C. Z. N. ruling. He also mentioned that Nemotelus villosus Fabricius was the type- species of Lasiopa (as had Enderlein, 1914: 613, and several other authors), which is erroneous, as the only species name associated with Lasiopa in Brulle’s original description was Lasiopa peleteria, which was described concurrently and is still regarded as a valid species. As I interpret the situation, a type-species designation is necessary for Cyclogaster Macquart in order to stabilize generic synonymy, and as far as I am aware, this has never been done. In order to preserve the presently accepted generic synonymies, I hereby desig- nate Nemotelus villosus Fabricius, originally included in Cyclogas- ter by Macquart, as type-species for that genus. The following 1982] Woodley — Cyelogaster 27 synonymy for Lasiopa, the senior generic name, results: Lasiopa Brulle, 1832: 307. Type-species: L. peleteria Brulle, 1832: 308 (by monotypy). Cyelogaster Macquart, 1834: 256. Type-species: Nemotelus villosus Fabricius, 1794: 270 (by present designation). Inermvia Bigot, 1856: 82. Type-species: Stratiomys edentu/a Wiedemann, 1824: 29 (by original designation, op. cit. :63). Neotropiealias Kirkaldy, 1910: 8; replacement name for Cyelogaster Macquart, 1834, nee Gronovius, 1763. Type-species: Nemotelus villosus Fabricius, 1794: 270 (by autotypy). The above type-species designation thus stabilizes the long-used synonymy of Cyelogaster with Lasiopa, while retaining the name Laboeerina Enderlein for the Neotropical Stratiomys atrata Fabri- cius. The name Neotropicalias Kirkaldy became an unnecessary, and therefore invalid, replacement name when Cyelogaster Grono- vius was rejected by the I. C. Z. N. ruling. Acknowledgments I wish to thank Curtis W. Sabrosky and Margaret K. Thayer for critically reading the manuscript. Literature Cited Bigot, J. M. F. 1856. Essai d’une classification generale et synoptique de l’ordre des Insectes Dipteres. (4e Memoire.) Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (3)4: 51-91. Brauer, F. 1882. Zweifltigler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien. II. Denk- schr. Akad. Wiss. Wien 44(1): 59-1 10. Brulle, G. A. 1832. IVe Classe. Insectes. Pp. 64-395, in Bory de Saint- Vincent (ed. ), Expedition scientifique de Moree. Section des sciences physiques 3(1) (Zool. 2), Paris. 400 pp. Enderlein, G. 1914. Dipterologische Studien. IX. Zur Kenntnis der Stratio- myiiden mit 3astiger Media und ihre Griippierung. A. Formen, bei denen der I. Cubitalast mit der Discoidalzelle durch Querader verbunden ist oder sie nur in einem Punkte beriihrt (Subfamilien: Geosarginae, Analcocerinae, Stratiomyii- nae). Zool. Anz. 43: 577-615. Fabricius, J. C. 1794. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, de- scriptionibus. Vol. 4. Hafniae. 472 pp. 1805. Systema antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locus, observationibus, descriptionibus. Brunsvigae. 372+ 30 pp. Gerstaecker, A. 1857. Beitrag zur Kenntniss exotischer Stratiomyiden. Linn. Ent. 11: 261-350. 28 Psyche [Vol. 89 Gronovius, L. T. 1756. Musei Ichthyologici tomus secundus sistens Piscium indigenorum & nonnullorum exoticorum, quorum maxima pars in Museo Lau- rentii Theodori Gronovii, J. U. D. adservatur, nec non quorumdam in aliis Museis observatorum descriptiones. Accedunt nonnullorum exoticorum Pis- cium icones aeri incisae, et Amphibiorum Animalium Historia Zoologica. Lug- duni Batavorum. [i-viii] + 1-88 pp. 1760. Animalium in Belgio Habitantium centuria prima. Acta Helvet- ica 4: 243-270. 1763. Zoophylacii Gronoviani Fasciculus primus exhibens Animalia Quadrupeda, Amphibia atque Pisces, quae in Museo suo adservat, rite exami- navit, systematice, disposuit, descripsit, atque iconibus illustravit. Lugduni Batavorum. [i-iv] + 1 136 pp. Hutton, F. W. 1901. Synopsis of the Diptera brachycera of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 33: 1 95. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 1954. Opinion 261. Rejection for nomenclatural purposes of the Index to the Zoophylacium Gronovianum of Gronovius prepared by Meuschen (F. C.) and published in 1781. Opin. Decl. Int. Comm. Zool. Nom. 5: 281-296. James, M. T. 1940. Studies in Neotropical Stratiomyidae (Diptera). IV. The genera related to Cvphomyia Wiedemann. Revista Ent. 11: 119 149. 1973. Family Stratiomyidae, No. 26, in A catalog of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States. Sao Paulo. 95 pp. 1980. 20. Family Stratiomyidae, pp. 253-274, in Crosskey, R. W., ed. Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. London. 1437 pp. Kertesz, K. 1908. Catalogus Dipterorum. Volumen 111. Stratiomyiidae, Erin- nidae, Coenomyiidae, Tabanidae, Pantophthalmidae, Rhagionidae. Buda- pestini. 366 pp. Kirkaldy, G. W. 1910. On some preoccupied generic names in insects. Canad. Ent. 42: 8. Lindner, E. 1958. Uber einige neuseelandische Stratiomyiiden Osten-Sackens im Deutschen Entomologischen Institut in Berlin. Beitr. Ent. 8: 431-437. 1972. Uber einige Stratiomyidae des Transvaal Museums (Diptera: Bra- chycera). Ann. Transvaal Mus. 28: 27 34. Loew, H. 1860. Die Dipteren-Fauna Siidafrika’s. Erste Abtheilung. Abh. Naturw. Ver. Sachsen u. Thiiringen in Halle 2: 57-402. Macquart, J. 1834. Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Dipteres. Vol. 1. Paris. 578 pp. Pleske, T. 1901. Studien fiber palaearktische Stratiomyiden. I. Die Gattung Cyclogaster Macqu. Sitzungsber. Naturf. Ges. Univ. Jurjeff (Dorpat) 12: 335-340. Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1824. Munus rectoris in Academia Christiana Albertina aditurus Analecta entomologica ex Museo Regio Havniensi maxime congesta profert iconibusque illustrat. Kiliae. 60 pp. ORB PLUS CONE-WEBS IN ULOBORIDAE (ARANEAE), WITH A DESCRIPTION OF A NEW GENUS AND FOUR NEW SPECIES By Y. D. Lubin,1, B. D. Opell,2, W. G. Eberhard,3 and H. W. Levi4 Introduction Spiders of the genus Uloborus (Uloboridae) characteristically spin horizontal orb-webs with a sticky spiral of cribellar silk. We describe here the webs of U. conus, U. albolineatus, U. bispiralis, U. #2072, U. trilineatus, and Conifaber parvus which are modifications of this basic uloborid orb-web form and include cones composed of regular arrays of threads beneath the orbs’ lower faces. The web building and prey capture behaviors of U. conus (observations of YDL) are also described, and descriptions of Conifaber parvus new genus, new species and the new species U. conus, U. albolineatus, and U. bispiralis are provided (by BDO). Study Sites and Methods Uloborus conus was found at three localities in Papua New Guinea: 1) in lowland wet forest, Gogol Forest Reserve near Madang, Madang Province, 2) in a Pandanus swamp (freshwater) and a mangrove swamp (brackish) at Buso, Morobe Province, and 3) in the understory of klinki pine (Araucaria hunsteinii ) plantations at 1200 m elevation in McAdam Memorial Park near Wau, Morobe Province. Webs were built about 0.5 to 2.0 m above the ground in gaps formed by the uppermost, generally vertical branches of small shrubs and saplings. They were always found in humid, shaded 1. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Panama and Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611. 2. Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. 3. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria “Rodrigo Facio”, Costa Rica. 4. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu- setts 02138. * Manuscript received by the editor September 25, 1981. 29 30 Psyche [Vol. 89 locations. Several individuals were kept and observed in an insect- ary at the Wau Ecology Institute (WEI). Uloborus albolineatus and U. bispiralis were found on the Gazelle Peninsula, East New Britain (ENB), Papua New Guinea. The webs of U. bispiralis were observed on the Lowlands Agricultural Experi- mental Station (LAES) at Kerevat, ca. 100m elevation, in cocoa plantations and in secondary growth lowland forest and near Malasat (ENB) at ca. 600m elevation. One web of U. albolineatus was observed at LAES in secondary-growth forest along a river. A single mature female of Uloborus #2072 (numbers refer to specimen numbers placed in vials) was found (by WGE) near Dan- deli, Karnataka, India, in the foliage of a bush growing in a teak forest. Uloborus trilineatus is common in undergrowth of gallery forest in eastern Colombia where WGE worked extensively. The webs described here were found at Finca Chenevo, about 20 km SW of El Porvenir, Meta, and Finca Mozambique, about 15 km SW of Puerto Lopez, Meta. Conifaber parvus was also found at Finca Mozambique (by WGE) where it occurred in periodically flooded forest but not in surrounding savanna. Webs were first dusted with cornstarch or talcum powder using either the method described by Eberhard (1977a) or Carico’s (1977) modification of this method, and then measured and photographed. All specimens mentioned in this paper are deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Observations Uloborus conus * The Web The web of U. conus has three parts: the inner orb, the rim, and the cone (Fig. 1). The inner orb and rim are in nearly the same plane and are more or less horizontal. The inner orb consists of a closed hub, radii and a few loops of non-sticky spiral, while the rim has several loops of sticky, cribellar spiral which end where the rim radii join those of the inner orb. Rim radii are continuous with those of the cone, and those of the inner orb are attached to them. Cone radii are attached in groups of two or three to a central guy thread which ♦This is a new species decribed below. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 31 Figures 1-2. Web of Uloborus conus. 1. Side view showing the rim sticky spiral (RS), inner orb (I), cone (C) with jagged sticky spiral (CS) on a framework of radii and non-sticky spiral, and cone radii (CR) converging toward a central guy thread. Note that 2-3 cone radii are attached together to form one thread which attaches to the cone guy thread, and that these attachments are dispersed along the guy thread so that there is no single apical point to which all cone radii attach. 2. Top view showing typical Uloborus- type hub and non-sticky spiral of the inner orb. The cone with its jagged sticky spiral (CS) is seen through the plane of the orb. Note the gap between the non-sticky spirals of the cone and inner orb on the one hand and the rim sticky spiral on the other. The cone sticky spiral can be seen as a continuation of the rim spiral (arrow points to beginning of cone sticky spiral). 32 Psyche [Vol. 89 is in turn attached distally to a leaf or branch. The cone has a non- sticky spiral and a few irregularly-spaced, jagged turns of cribellar silk. This jagged sticky spiral is a continuation of the innermost sticky spiral loop in the rim (Figs. 2, 4). The hub of the inner orb (Fig. 2) is similar to that of other uloborid orbs, e.g. U. diver sus (Eberhard, 1972), and its spiral continues outward to form the non-sticky spiral of the inner orb. There is always a large gap between the last turn of this spiral and the innermost loop of sticky rim spiral (Figs. 1, 2). Sticky spiral loops in the rim are more tightly spaced than are either the non-sticky spiral loops of the inner orb and cone or the cone’s sticky spiral. The outermost loop of rim spiral often follows a zigzagging path, with some segments of the sticky silk found on the radii (Figs. 2, 3). This zigzagging was more pronounced in some webs than in others and was generally most evident on the side of the orb which was larger (the orbs were rarely perfectly symmetrical). Variations on this basic pattern were seen. Webs of immatures frequently had only a narrow rim, sometimes with only a single loop of sticky spiral. Some webs had a few loops of sticky spiral on the inner orb, with the non-sticky spiral left intact (Fig. 4). Webs of two adult females and several immatures had thin linear stabilimenta at their inner hubs. Adult males were found sitting on webs similar to those of immatures, but it was not determined if these were of their own construction. Adult males did not build webs in captivity. Web Building Behavior Web building by two adult females was observed from start to finish and various stages of web construction were seen on four other occasions. Durations of different stages of construction were noted for one of the adult females. Web construction began late at night or in early pre-dawn hours. The inner orb and cone of the old web were probably removed early in the night, but this behavior was not observed. One WEI female was found sitting at the center of a rudimentary web consisting of a partly collapsed rim and a few radii, and had a ball of silk in her mouthparts which shrank visibly as it wasj(presumably) ingested. This spider removed the rest of the rim and added the material to the ball of silk in her chelicerae before building the new web. Reusing frame threads from the previous web, the spider began construction by laying new radii. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 33 Figures 3-4. Web of Uloborus conus. 3. Detail of first (outermost) loop of rim sticky spiral showing zigzag path with sticky silk laid directly on the radii. 4. Top view of web with 1 x/i loops of sticky spiral (IS) in the inner orb (IS). Also visible is the cone sticky spiral (CS) continuing in from the rim spiral (RS) and the zigzag outer loop of rim sticky spiral. 34 Psyche [Vol. 89 Radii and non-sticky spiral were laid as in U. diversus (Eberhard, 1972) and their construction lasted 5 and 1.5 minutes, respectively. Radii were laid by walking out from the hub on an existing radius with a dragline, attaching the dragline to a frame thread, and then doubling it by walking back to the hub with another dragline. At the hub the dragline was attached to a succession of adjacent radii (forming the closed hub spiral) before the next radius was laid. When most of the radii were completed, the spider continued the hub spiral outward to form the non-sticky spiral, laying occasional “tertiary radii” (Le Guelte, 1966) during the process. This non-sticky spiral did not reach the frame threads. At the start of the sticky spiral even very faint light falling on the spider caused her to cease spinning and bounce up and down on the web. Consequently, observations of sticky spiral construction were made only sporadically, using indirect lighting. The first (outer- most) loop of non-sticky spiral was completed in 13 min. During sticky spiral construction the spider reversed directions five times in the larger part of the web. The sticky spiral was attached to each radius that it crossed, and the spider broke non-sticky spiral loops as she laid the sticky spiral. One immature female was observed laying a zigzag outer loop of sticky spiral. The sequence of attachments of the cribellar silk to produce the zigzag loop (Fig. 5a) was distinct from that involved in laying the normal sticky spiral loops (Fig. 5b). After meticulous, slow sticky spiral construction, which in one case lasted 3 hrs. 6 min., the spider suddenly began spinning out cribellar silk in a rapid and seemingly reckless fashion while moving inward toward the hub at an angle of about 25° to the last turn of the regular sticky spiral (Figs. 2, 4). After completing half a loop, the spider reversed direction and continued spiralling toward the hub, laying a jagged and irregularly spaced sticky spiral. The jagged spiral was attached to only a few radii, crossing 3-7 radii and, in some cases, several non-sticky spiral loops between attachments. The non-sticky spiral was left intact. This entire phase was very rapid and in one case the four jagged loops were completed in just 6 min. This jagged spiral was to become the sticky spiral of the future cone. After completing the cone sticky spiral, the spider moved to the hub and slowly turned in a circle, pulling on successive radii with the first legs. After 2 min. she went out to the end of a radius and 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 35 Figure 5. Construction of U. conus web. (a) Sequence of attachments of sticky silk to produce the outer zigzag loop of rim sticky spiral. The spider started at the junction of the radius (Rl) and frame thread (F), attaching the cribellar thread at point A, walked along Rl toward the hub and attached the cribellar thread at point B, about half way between the frame thread and outer loop of non-sticky spiral (NS). The spider then continued inward along Rl, combing out cribellar silk, reached the non-sticky spiral and ran rapidly across it and 2/3 of the way out on R2 without combing out additional silk. It then continued to walk out on R2, combing out cribellar silk and attached the thread at point C, the junction between R2 and the frame thread. The sequence was then repeated, walking in along R2, attaching cribellar thread at point D, etc. (b) Sequence of attachments of cribellar silk to produce the normal sticky spiral. The spider attached cribellar thread at point A on radius Rl, walked in on Rl, combing out cribellar silk, until it reached the temporary, non-sticky spiral loop (NS), then ran along the non-sticky spiral and out on radius R2 without combing out cribellar silk and attached the cribellar thread to R2 at point B. dropped from it to a leaf below, attached her dragline to the leaf, and went back up the dragline and across the web to its hub on a radius, attaching the new dragline from the leaf to the hub. This formed the central guy thread of the cone. The spider then went down the guy thread, broke it, reattached it to a different point on the leaf, and then returned to the hub. By this time the hub was al- ready drawn down under tension, and the web formed a shallow cone. The cone was then elongated by cutting radii at their attachment to the hub, lowering their tension and then attaching them to the central guy thread by the sequence of behaviors shown in Fig. 6a, b. 36 Psyche [Vol. 89 Figure 6. Construction of U. conus web. Sequence of thread attachments in forming the cone (web viewed from the side). Arrows indicate direction of movement of the spider. Dots are points where attachments were made or broken, (a) The spider went to point X on radius R1 at the edge of the hub, cut the radius, attached its dragline to the inner broken end and then let out additional dragline as it faced away from the hub. This was then attached to the outer broken end which had now moved to point Xi. Usually adjacent radii were also broken and attached to radius Ri at point Xi (see also Fig. 1). (b) The spider then walked back toward the hub to point Y, attached a dragline, ran to the hub and down the central guy thread (G), attaching the dragline at point Z. Radius Rl was thus pulled down toward the apex of the cone to form the cone radius YZ while the thread HY formed a temporary inner orb radius, (c) To move the temporary inner orb radius up on the cone, the spider walked out on temporary radius HY and broke it at its attachment to the cone at point Y. The spider then attached a dragline to the broken end and walked out on radius Rl, reattaching it at point A at the inner edge of the rim sticky spiral. (d) The completed cone radius is indicated by line AZ and the new inner orb radius by line HA. The section AY of the cone radius bears the cone sticky spiral. The upper portion of the guy thread (HZ) was absent in the completed web, but it is not known when it was removed. After forming the cone, the spider cut most of the temporary inner orb radii, thus collapsing the hub and leaving only a bit of silk to which a few temporary radii were attached. The spider then began replacing these temporary inner orb radii and at the same time completing cone formation by incorporating into the cone the 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 37 section of the original orb containing the jagged sticky spiral (Fig. 6c, d). This stage followed initial cone formation without interrup- tion, and it was difficult to determine when cone building ended and replacement and construction of new inner orb radii began. The spider went out to the cone along a temporary radius, broke the attachment to the cone and attached her dragline to the inner end of the temporary radius, then carried the radius upward by walking along radii and non-sticky spiral loops on the inner surface of the cone, and finally reattached it at or just inside (below) the innermost loop of the rim sticky spiral. She then walked back to the hub on the new radius, thereby doubling the thread. Upon reaching the center, she made attachments to form a new hub. The upper portion of the guy line was absent in finished webs, but it was not determined how it was removed. Additional new inner orb radii were constructed in much the same manner as “normal” orb radii. The spider went out on an existing radius (or temporary radius) with a dragline, reached the cone non-sticky spiral, walked across it to the next cone radius, attached the dragline to the cone radius just below (inside) the rim spiral, and return to the hub on the new radius (doubling it). Consecutive radii were always laid with angles of more than 90° between them, perhaps serving to reduce differences in tension on all sides of the orb (Eberhard, 1981). The last stages of web building, beginning with attachment of the dragline and ending with completion of the inner web, lasted 23 min. Resting Postures The spider normally sat under the hub with legs I and II slightly flexed and holding separate radii. When disturbed, the spider adopted a cryptic posture with legs I and II held together and flexed and legs III and IV pressed close to the body (Figs. 2, 4). This posture was adopted either at the hub or under a short “dragline” thread beneath the hub, which was attached to the hub at one end and to a radius at the other. When disturbed repeatedly, or when sunlight struck the web and made it visible, the spider dropped from the hub onto the dragline thread and bounced up and down on it. Spiders also bounced while wrapping prey and sometimes while going out to attack an insect or upon returning to the hub. This 38 Psyche [Vol. 89 bouncing may be an anti-predator behavior similar to the bouncing flight of craneflies and the rapid vibrating of opilionids and pholcids. Prey Capture Behavior. Successful captures of five fruitflies ( Drosophila-sizQ ), one 4 mm long dolichopodid fly, one unidentified 1 mm fly, three 3^t mm ants, and one 5 mm lepidopteran larva were observed (by YDL). Of these, seven were trapped in the rim and three in the cone. All but one sequence conformed to the description given below. Like other uloborids (Marples, 1962; Eberhard, 1969; Lubin et al., 1978) U. conus and U. bispiralis immobilize all insects by wrapping in silk. Spiders ran out to the cone on an inner orb radius to reach insects trapped in the rim sticky spiral, squeezed through the cone (often turning sideways to do so) and continued out onto the undersurface of the rim. If an insect was trapped on the cone sticky spiral, the spider went through the cone and ran down the outer surface of the cone. Upon reaching the insect, the spider often tapped it with legs I, turned 180° so that it faced the hub (or upward on the cone) and began to wrap. Initially the prey was wrapped from a distance by throwing sheets of silk backwards with legs IV. Later the spider moved into contact with the prey and held it with legs II and III while wrapping. The spider interrupted wrapping to cut sticky spiral attachments, then cut the inner radius attachment (toward the hub) and continued to wrap while holding the end of the radius with one leg I. Finally, the outer (distal) end of the radius was cut and the prey was held free of the web in legs II and III while the spider hung from the broken radius by legs I, bridging the gap with its body, and wrapped the prey with legs IV while rotating it occasionally with the palps or legs. All prey were carried to the hub in the palps (with the aid of the chelicerae), held “overhead” in characteristic uloborid fashion. After transferring the prey package from the legs to the palps, the spider attached a dragline to the distal end of the broken radius and then to the proximal end, thus closing the gap. At the hub the spider again transferred the prey from the palps to legs II and III and wrapped it while hanging from the dragline thread beneath the hub. In most instances the dragline thread appeared to be broken and the spider spanned the gap with its body. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 39 Prey Capture Sequences With Different Prey Types. The only case not conforming to this description was that of a fruitfly caught on the inner orb; the spider wrapped it, secured it by reattaching it to the radius and fed on the prey in situ. U. conus rejected or ignored a number of insects offered as prey. Five small orthopteran nymphs 3-4 mm long (probably newly emerged) where given to adult females and all were rejected. On two occasions, the spiders approached and tapped the insects with legs I and then returned to the hub. In other instances the spider pulled the radii in the direction of the orthopteran, shook the web and then ignored it. The same individuals readily attacked fruitflies offered as prey after the orthopterans. Fruitflies were not attacked on three occasions when they were offered while the spider was already wrapping a prey or feeding at the hub. Two ants ( Anopolepis longipes, 4mm long) were rejected under the same circumstances. Sequences With Multiple Prey. On six occasions spiders feeding at the hub attacked second or third prey thrown into their webs. These included two ants, two fruitflies, a dolichopodid fly and an unidentified small fly. On all but one occasion the spider carried the first prey in its palps as it ran out to attack the second. In one instance a spider that had been wrapping the first prey at the hub attached this insect to a dragline thread below the hub before going out to attack the second insect. The second prey was immobilized in the same manner as the first, but rather than cut this insect out and carry it to the hub, the spider secured the second prey at the capture site and returned to the hub to resume feeding on the first prey. While performing immobili- zation wrapping, the spider usually broke the radius attached to the prey on the inner side (toward the hub), but not on the outer side. Before leaving it at the capture site, the spider reattached the prey to the broken end of the radius, thus securing it at both ends. Eggsac and Eggsac Web. The eggsac of U. conus is about 8mm long by 3mm wide, with angular projections along the edges (Fig. 7). It is suspended in an eggsac web on a strengthened radius of a former web, where the hub of the inner orb had been. The web is similar to those of U. diversus (Eberhard, 1969) and Miagrammopes sp. near unipus (Lubin et al. 1978) and consists of frame threads, a few radii and one or more 40 Psyche [Vol. 89 zigzag loops of sticky silk, with some sticky silk laid directly on the radii. The radii are attached to the main eggsac radius or to the eggsac itself. One female had a three-dimensional eggsac web consisting of a rudimentary cone and inner orb radii (Fig. 7) with sticky silk in both the plane of the orb and the cone. Unlike the eggsac webs of Miagrammopes, these webs were retained both day and night. Insects that became entangled in the sticky threads were attacked in the usual manner. Females guarded their eggsacs (one per female) until the young emerged (13 days for one eggsac). Newly emerged spiderlings remained on the eggsac web for one or two days, then moved away and constructed typical Uloborus-type “baby webs”, consisting of radial threads connected by a thin sheet of very fine, non-sticky silk (Szlep, 1961; Eberhard, 1977b) without any cone. One immature, however, had an orb plus cone-web with a filmy “baby web” sheet where the rim sticky spiral would normally be found and also some “baby web” sheet on the cone. Structural spirals were present in the rim and inner orb; there was no sticky spiral. Uloborus bispiralis* The cone web of U. bispiralis (Fig. 8) is similar to that of U. conus in that the cone sticky spiral is continuous with that of the rim, and the outer loop(s) of rim spiral follow a zigzag path, with some sticky silk laid on the radii. Unlike webs of U. conus , the inner orb non- sticky spiral extends right up to the innermost (last) loop of rim sticky spiral and all webs had a few loops of sticky spiral in the inner orb. Most webs also had a thin, linear stabilimentum of white silk across the inner orb, with a spider-size gap at the hub. Webs of juvenile females were similar in all respects to those of adults. None of the webs observed showed signs of repairs. Like those of U. conus, they are probably renewed daily. On one occasion only, a juvenile female was seen hanging inside the cone while an adult male fed on prey at the hub. Another adult male was observed sitting at the edge of an adult female’s web and a third male was found sitting in a small cone-web (no sticky spiral was observed). This is a new species, described below. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 41 Figures 7-9. Uloborus. 7. Eggsac and three-dimensional eggsac web of Ulo- borus conus. The female spider can be seen sitting in a cryptic posture to the left of the eggsac. Sticky threads (heavy white lines) occur in the plane of the former orb and on the rudimentary cone. 8. Web of Uloborus bispiralis. 9. Tubular eggsac of Uloborus bispiralis with female sitting in cryptic posture at one end of the eggsac (arrow). 42 Psyche [Vol. 89 The long, tubular eggsacs of U. bispiralis (34-40 mm long and 1 .5 mm wide) have no angular projections (Fig. 9) and resemble those of Miagrammopes (Lubin et al. 1978). They are suspended along the radius of a former web of which only a few radii and frame threads remained intact. There was no evidence of sticky silk in the four eggsac webs examined. Spiders sat in line with the eggsacs, with legs I and II extended forward and legs IV grasping the eggsac, and were reluctant to move even when prodded. Uloborus albolineatus* One individual of U. albolineatus was observed on a cone web similar to that of U. bispiralis. The rim spiral had one or two zigzag outer loops, and both the cone and inner orb had jagged loops of sticky spiral. The inner orb non-sticky spiral extended almost to the rim spiral. The female sat at the hub with legs I and II extended forward and held together and legs IV extended backward. Uloborus sp. (2072) Only a single web was seen. It consisted of a somewhat inclined orb (43° with horizontal) with a cone underneath it which contained loops of sticky spiral (Fig. 10a, b). This web differed from those of U. Conus in having sticky spiral threads near the center of the horizontal orb (Fig. 10c) as well as near its edge, as well as having some of the “radial lines” of the cone attached directly to the frame of the orb while others ended on radii as in U. conus webs. At the hub the spider sat in a “crouched” position (Fig. 10a) similar to that of Philoponella (Opell and Eberhard in prep.), and was reluctant to move away when disturbed. Uloborus trilineatus Keyserling Most of the many webs of mature and immature U. trilineatus individuals observed were typical, more or less horizontal orbs like those spun by other Uloborus species (e.g., Szlep, 1961; Wiehle, 1927; Eberhard, 1972). Webs of mature males were similar to those of newly emerged uloborid spiderlings (Szlep, 1961; Eberhard, ♦This is a new species, described below. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 43 Figure 10. Web of Uloborus sp. (#2072). A. Side view with spider (arrow) at hub. B. Top view. C. Enlargement of the hub. Both cone and orb spirals are sticky. Most cone radii are attached to orb radii, but some end on frame lines. The cone sticky spiral seems not to be continuous with the orb spiral. 44 Psyche [Vol. 89 1977b). However, at both Finca Chenevo and Finca Mozambique one immature was found at the hub of a web like that shown in Figs. 11a, b. Each web consisted of a small, more or less horizon- tal orb which had only a non-sticky spiral. Below this was a cone which also had a non-sticky spiral. Only one of these spiders was collected, the other was left on its web, and the next day the web was deserted and an exuvium was found clinging to its hub. Identity of the collected immature specimen is not certain, but abundance of U. trilineatus at these sites plus the failure of extensive collecting of orb weavers to reveal similar species in these habitats indicates that these immatures were U. trilineatus. Conifaber parvus * This species was fairly common in a periodically flooded forest on Finca Mozambique. Only mature females were found with webs. The webs all had an “orb” similar or identical to those spun by most newly emerged uloborid spiderlings (Szlep, 1961; Eberhard, 1977b), having radii, hub, frames, and a non-sticky spiral as in typical orbs but lacking a sticky spiral and having instead a dense mat of very fine threads (so fine that in Figs. 12a, b they do not show up as individual threads, and one only sees the grains of cornstarch). Below this orb was a conical web consisting of radii which converged below to a single downward-directed line, and a more or less regularly spaced spiral, also of non-sticky silk. The hubs were often decorated with linear stabilimenta. The spider crouched at the hub with its legs I folded ventrally in the typical Philoponella posture (Opell and Eberhard in prep.). Sometimes when a spider was disturbed she let herself fall from the hub and hung suspended inside the cone on her dragline and bounced actively there. On other occasions spiders bounced on their orbs. Attack behavior was observed twice and seemed to be typical for uloborids. The spider turned to face away from the prey and threw silk over it with her legs IV, gradually cut it loose as she wrapped it, then held it with the palps and/or chelicerae as she reattached the ends of the broken radii, took it to the hub, and then resumed These are a new genus and species, described below. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 45 Figure 11. Web of penultimate female of Uloborus trilineatus Keyserling. A. Side view. B. Top view. Most (or all?) of the cone radii are attached to frame lines. The central area of the cone has fewer radii than the upper portion, and gives the impression of having been partially dismantled, perhaps during the process of being connected to the central thread as in U. consu. 46 Psyche [Vol. 89 wrapping while hanging there by her spread legs I. The eggsacs were different from those described for any other uloborid. They were pure white, 2-3 mm diameter spheres with projecting spikes, and resembled the heads of maces; they were suspended in the plane of the orb portion of the web on a radial line (Figs. 13a, b). Discussion While the webs of all five species are similar in having more or less horizontal orbs with cones below, the details are strikingly different. The cones of U. conus, U. albolineatus, U. bispiralis, and U. #2702 have a sticky spiral while those of U. trilineatus and C. parvus do not. In U. albolineatus, U. bispiralis, and U. sp. #2702 both the outer (rim) and inner portions of the orb have sticky spirals, while in U. conus the main capture surface is the rim sticky spiral and only occasionally is a sticky spiral present in the inner orb. The “orbs” of Conifaber parvus have no sticky spiral, but the dense mat serves as a trapping surface, as in uloborid “baby webs”. Orb-plus-cone webs of U. trilineatus have no sticky silk at all. The function of the cone in webs of all four species is probably primarily defense of the spider at the hub against predators and parasites. The cone forms a “cage” of threads around the spider, and a defense function is suggested both by the fact that U. conus and Conifaber parvus drop from the orb and hang inside this cone when disturbed or when the web becomes visible in sunlight, and by the fact that construction of conewebs by U. trilineatus occurs only when the spiders are about to enter the particularly vulnerable moulting period. The sticky threads in the cones of U. conus and U. albolineatus and U. #2702 sometimes trap prey (some U. conus webs have almost no other sticky lines), but the fact that the cones of U. conus, U. albolineatus, and U. bispiralis have only a few, irregularly spaced sticky spiral loops while those of U. trilineatus and C. parvus lack sticky threads suggests that prey capture is a secondary consequence rather than a primary function of at least some of the cones. Placement of sticky threads in cones could have evolved as an additional defense of the spider against predation or parasitism. The uloborid cones resemble the barrier meshes made by the araneid Nephila maculata (Robinson and Robinson, 1973) at one or both sides of their more-or-less vertical orbs; in young N. maculata 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 47 Figure 12. Conifabar parvus web. A. Side view showing framework threads, radii, mat of non-sticky spirals, and cone radii. B. Top view showing non-sticky spiral mat, two stellate eggsacs, and the female (arrow) resting at the web’s hub. Figure 13. Conifaber parvus web hub and eggsacs. A. Female (arrow) resting at hub. Two stellate eggsacs and some of the horizontal web’s fine, non-sticky threads are visible. B. Female (arrow) resting in crouched posture at the hub of a web decorated with linear stabilimenta. 48 Psyche [Vol. 89 the mesh is a cone-shaped, rudimentary orb with no sticky spiral. The Robinsons attributed a defensive function to these structures, and indeed the arguments developed here suggest that barrier meshes made by a number of other araneids ( Metepeira , Leucauge, Argiope, Arachnura, Gasteracantha, and Phonognatho) may also function defensively. The evolutionary origin of the orb-plus-cone web designs in uloborids is not clear. At least two other uloborid orb-plus-cone webs are known. Workman (1896) described the orb-plus-cone web of Uloborus quadrituberculatus (Thorell). His apparently schematic drawing shows a horizontal orb lacking spiral lines and a cone with a 14 loop spiral (he did not note whether or not the spiral was sticky). The cone is attached on all sides to surrounding vegetation by short lines. In Sembrong Jungle near Layang-Layang, Johore, Malaya, Frances Murphy photographed the orb-plus-cone web of a specimen matching Workman’s (1896) description of U. quadri- tuberculatus. This web was constructed about 1.5 m above the ground and had a zigzag outer loop and an irregular cone spiral. An unidentified species of Tangaroa collected in mesophyll rainforest in the Iron Range, northeastern Queensland, Australia had an orb-plus cone web with a zigzag outer loop of rim sticky spiral (V. Todd Davies, personal communication). It is not known if the cone spiral was sticky. However, a small, unidentified Tangaroa species from Yap, Caroline Islands constructed a horizontal orb-web in both the field and lab (Joseph Beatty and James Berry, personal communica- tion and BDO unpublished observations, respectively), indicating that the cone-web is not characteristic of all members of this most primitive uloborid genus (Opell, 1979) and, therefore, does not represent the “original” uloborid web design. We do not know if the cones of the five species studied here are constructed in the same manner. Certain behaviors associated with cone construction in U. conus (and probably U. albolineatus and U. bispiralis ) including the laying of a jagged sticky spiral with few attachments to the radii, formation of a cone by cutting and reattaching radii to a central line, replacement and reposition of radii, and pulling the orb into a cone, have not been seen in other uloborids. When one takes into account the webs of other uloborids such as Philoponella vicina (Peters 1953, 1955), P. semiplumosa (Lahmann and Eberhard 1979), P. oweni (Eberhard 1969), P. divisa (Opell 1979), and P. para (Eberhard, unpub.) which are more or less 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 49 reduced and modified planar or domed orbs in the midst of meshes which include sticky as well as non-sticky threads ( P . oweni also spins orbs without meshes— Eberhard, 1969), the “orb” of Polenecia ( =Sybota ) which lacks sticky spirals and has instead sticky radii (Wiehle 1931), the orbs cum sheet webs spun by young spiderlings and mature males of several species (Szlep, 1961; Eberhard, 1977b), and the various simplified webs of Hyptiotes (Wiehle 1927, Marples and Marples 1937) and Miagrammopes (Akermann 1932, Lubin et al. 1978), it becomes clear that there is an extraordinary diversity of web forms in the relatively small family Uloboridae. It is likely that, in conjunction with morphological studies, a fuller understanding of the webs and behavior of uloborids will shed more light on relation- ships within the family. Systematic Section Conifaber new genus* Figures 14-15, 20-29 Type. The type species of Conifaber is Conifaber parvus, new species. The genus name is a masculine noun derived from the Latin nouns conus and faber and means “cone craftsman”. Diagnosis. Conifaber contains the smallest known uloborids, females being 2.0 mm and males 1 .5 mm long. Because of their small size members of this genus are more likely to be confused with those of Ariston and Siratoba than with Zosis, Octonoba, and Purumitra, to which they are more closely related. Conifaber males and females are distinguished from those of Ariston and Siratoba (Opell, 1979; figs. 41, 72) by having a strongly recurved anterior eye row whose median eyes are located on a slight anterior carapace extension and have a diameter twice that of the other eyes (Figs. 20-23). Unlike Ariston and Siratoba females whose first femora are 1.5 and 2.0 times the carapace length, respectively, and whose thoracic grooves are in the carapace’s posterior two-fifths, Conifaber females have first femora equal in length to the carapace and have a centrally located thoracic groove. Like Ariston, but unlike Siratoba, Coni- *For nomenclatural purposes B. D. Opell is the author of the genus Conifaber and the species C. parvus. 50 Psyche [Vol. 89 faber females lack dorsal abdominal tubercles. Like Siratoba but unlike Ariston, their clypeus height in anterior view is equal to the AME diameter. Conifaber males lack first femoral macrosetae present in Ariston and Siratoba males (Opell, 1979, figs. 39, 70) and, like Ariston, lack abdominal tubercles. Using Opell’s (1979) keys to uloborid genera, Conifaber males key to couplet 10, which separates Octonoba and Purumitra, and females key to couplet 10, which separates Octonoba and Uloborus. Conifaber males are distinguished from those of Octonoba and Purumitra by having first femora whose lengths are equal to rather than 1.5 to 2.0 times as long as the carapace, by lacking femoral macrosetae present in these genera (Opell, 1979; figs. 181, 183), and by having a longer, more conspicuous tegular spur than these genera (Fig. 14; Opell, 1979; plate 6-c, fig. 157). Conifaber females lack dorsal abdominal tubercles present in Octonoba and Uloborus (Opell, 1979; figs. 132, 140) and have inconspicuous, anteriorly directed epigynal lobes (Figs. 24-26) instead of conspicuous poste- riorly directed lateral epigynal lobes (Opell, 1979; figs. 137, 145, 178, 184). Description. Maximum carapace width 0.84 carapace length, attained in posterior half of female carapace and in posterior third of male carapace (Figs. 21-22). Female carapace slopes up to a point just behind PLE and then down to AME (Fig. 20). Male carapace slopes more steeply up to a point slightly forward of its center and then down to PME (Fig. 23). Shallow, transverse female thoracic groove at carapace center; deep, U-shaped male thoracic groove in posterior quarter of carapace. In both sexes anterior eye row strongly recurved so that a line across AME’s posterior margins passes in front of ALE’s by a distance equal to one ALE diameter. Posterior eye row slightly recurved so that a line across PME’s posterior margins passes along PLE’s anterior margins. Median ocular area’s length and posterior width 0.8 its anterior width. Female AME diameter 0.75 that of male AME, remaining eyes equal to 0.66 female AME and 0.50 male AME. AME’s 1.3 as far from one another as from ALE’s, PME’s 1 .7 as far from one another as from PLE’s. Sternum 0.80 as wide as long, widest between first and second coxae. Female endite 0.80 and male endite 1.00 as wide as long. Labium 1.40 as wide as long. First femur equal in length to carapace. Male first tibia with six or seven short and one long 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 51 Figures 14 and 15. Apical (14) and retrolateral (15) views of Conifaber parvus n. sp. holotype male left palpus. The arrow in 15 shows the normal position of the tegular spur (TS) embolus (E) guide as it rests in the grooved tegulum (T). MAB = median apophysis bulb, MAS = median apophysis spur, MH = middle hemato- docha. Scale lines are 100 yum long. 52 Psyche [Vol. 89 dorsoprolateral macrosetae, two or three long proximodorsal macrosetae, and two or three distoretrolateral macrosetae (Fig. 28). Abdomen without tubercles or abrupt peak (Figs. 20-23). Female abdomen 0.98 as wide and 1.38 as high as long, male abdomen 0.70 as wide and 0.93 as high as long. Distance between cribellum and epigastric furrow 0.44 abdomen length. Abdomen and cephalo- thorax were separated when the epigynum was removed. Examina- tion of the severed petiole revealed no large tracheal trunks, indicating that, as in Philoponella and Daramuliana (Opell, 1979 fig. 1), no tracheae extend into the cephalothorax or, as in Zosis, Purumitra, and Octonoba (Opell, 1979; fig. 2), only fine tracheoles extend into the cephalothorax. Male Palpus. Femur without ventral tubercles. Like Zosis, Puru- mitra and Octonoba (Opell, 1979; plates 6-c,d, 7-c,d, fig. 157), Conifaber male palpi have a tegular spur which acts as an embolus guide (Figs. 14-15). This tegular spur is proportionately larger than those of other genera and rests in a tegular groove unique to Conifaber. Members of Zosis also have a large, grooved tegular spur, but the median apophysis bulb of Conifaber is a plate rather than a hemisphere, and its median apophysis spur a grooved plate rather than a hook. The tegular spur’s tip may rest in the median apopysis spur’s distal groove. Epigynum. Two posterior lateral epigynal lobes extend anteriorly a short distance, concealing a pair of weakly sclerotized, anteriorly directed oval areas (Figs. 24-25). In posterior view the epigynum’s posterior plate is 0.6 as high as broad and has slightly curved and rounded ventral rim about one third the height of the posterior plate (Fig. 26). A highly coiled duct leads from each weakly sclerotized oval to a spherical spermatheca whose short fertilization duct appears to connect to the vagina’s ventrolateral margin (Fig. 27). Distribution. This genus is known only from the type localities in eastern central Colombia. Conifaber parvus new species Figures 14-15, 20-29 Types. Male holotype, male paratype, and female paratype from Finca Mozambique, 15 km S.W. of Puerto Lopez in the 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 53 Colombian department of Meta; collected 1978 by W. G. Eberhard, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The specific epithet is a Latin noun in apposition, referring to the small size of members of this species. Description. As most features of this species are presented in the genus description, only those of color and size are given here. Total length of female 1.92 mm, of males 1.50 mm. Female carapace 0.72 mm long, male carapace 0.66 mm long. Female sternum 0.44 mm long, male sternum 0.38 mm long. Female AME diameter 60 jum, male AME diameter 80 ^m, remaining eyes of both sexes 40 pm in diameter. Female leg length (I— IV): 2.86, 1.78, 1.52, 2.42 mm. Male leg length: 2.70, 1.56, 1.33, 1.94 mm. Female calamistrum composed of 10 setae and 0.22 mm long, extending 0.52 the metatarsus length. Female cribellum 180 wide, 60 ^m long. Female anterior spinnerets 0.30 mm long, male 0.16 mm long. Female posterior spinnerets 0.27 long, male 0.18 mm long. Female anal tubercle 0.14 mm long, male 0.10 mm long. Except for dark circles around the eyes (Figs. 21-22) members of neither sex have conspicuous color markings. The thoracic groove is slightly darker than the rest of the carapace, and white guanine deposits under the abdomen’s integument are interrupted by the cardiac area which creates a tan median stripe (Figs. 21-22). Lacking these deposits, the anterior third of the female’s abdomen is also tan rather than white. Distribution. Known only from the type locality in eastern central Colombia. Uloborus conus new species* Figures 16-19, 30-35 Types: All types from Papua New Guinea. Female holotype and paratype from Madang Prov., 40 km south of Madang, collected 21 March 1979 by H. W. Levi and Y. D. Lubin. Two male and three female paratypes from Morobe Prov., Buso Forest Reserve, col- lected 25 Oct. 1979 by Y. D. Lubin. Four female paratypes from *For nomenclatural purposes B. D. Opell is the author of this species. 54 Psyche [Vol. 89 Figures 16-19. Uloborus conus n. sp. 16. Retrolateral view of holotype male left palpus (a trilobed piece of debris is lodged at the upper right). 17. Retrolateral view of MAS. 18. Apical view of MAS. 19. Ventral view of female paratype epigy- num. C = conductor; other abbreviations as in Figures 14 and 15. Scale lines are 100 jum long. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 55 Central Prov., along Brown River, near Port Moresby, collected 29 April 1980 by Y. D. Lubin. One male and one female paratype deposited in the American Museum of Natural History, the remain- ing types are deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The specific epithet is a Latin noun in apposition, referring to the conical web produced by members of this species. Diagnosis. Males and females are distinguished by a carapace length of less than 1.00 and 1.30 mm, respectively. Males have a long, lobed palpal femoral tubercle, a reduced, flattened median apophy- sis, a long, broad conductor, and a blunt median apophysis spur (Figs. 16-18). Length of female femur I less than 1.2 carapace length rather than 1.4- 1.5 carapace length as in other uloborids. Central region of epigynum from which lobes arise about one third rather than half as wide as the posterior plate (Figs. 19, 34). Description. Female. Total length 2.80-3.40 mm (X = 3.20), carapace length 1 .00-1.30 mm (X = 1 .09), maximum carapace width 0.90-1.00 (X = 0.96), carapace width at PLE’s 0.58-0.64 mm (X = 0.60), area. All eyes except AME’s surrounded by small black circles (Fig. 30). PLE nearer midline than in other Uloborus species. Sternum tan. Leg I of most specimens as shown in Fig. 33, but nearly black in two dark specimens. Dorsum of femur I of all specimens black. Abdomen of most specimens light tan or white. Abdomen of two dark specimens with white dorsum, black venter and two broad, white lateral stripes extending from anterior apex to posterior tips. Epigynum consists of two small, weakly sclerotized posterior lobes (Fig. 19) whose combined basal width is one-third that of the posterior plate (Fig. 34). An epigynal opening found dorsal to each lobe leads to a large, irregular spermatheca from whose posterior lateral margin a short fertilization duct extends (Fig. 35). Male. Total length 2.00-2.20 mm, carapace length 1.00 mm, maximum carapace length 0.85 mm, carapace width at PLE’s 0.66 mm, sternum length 0.56 mm. Carapace and sternum coloration similar to that of female except that broad gray streaks extend anteriorly from the posterior eyes (Fig. 31). Legs light tan, tibiae II-IV with light gray dorsal tip. Femur I with three prolateral, one dorsal, central; and one distal, retrolateral macrosetae (Fig. 32). 56 Psyche [Vol. 89 Figures 20-27. Conifaber parvus n. sp. 20. Lateral view of female. 21. Dorsal view of female. 22. Dorsal view of male. 23. Lateral view of male. 24. Anterior view of epigynum. 25. Ventral view of epigynum. 26. Posterior view of epigy- num. C = conductor. D = other abbreviations as in Figures 14 and 15. Scale lines are 100 jum long. 1982] Lubin, Ope 1 1, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 57 Tibia I with eight prolateral, seven dorsal, and three retrolateral macrosetae. Sternum and abdominal venter with orange setae. Abdomen gray with a pair of thin, white, lateral longitudinal stripes running nearly its full length. Palpal femur with a large, lobed retrolateral tubercle and a very small prolateral tubercle (Fig. 16). Median apophysis bulb small and flattened (Fig. 16); median apophysis rectangular with a blunt apex (Figs. 17-18). Conductor long and broad, extending from median apophysis spur to area of palp adjacent to patella. Distribution. Known only from the type localities in Papua New Guinea. Uloborus albolineatus new species* Figures 36-39. Type. Female holotype from Lowlands Agricultural Experimental Station, Kerevat, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, collected 6 July 1980 by Y. D. Lubin, deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition, referring to the species’ white median abdominal stripe. Diagnosis. Males are unknown. The female is distinguished by having reddish brown median eyes, a very convex sternum (Fig. 37), white guanine deposits in the cardiac region (Fig. 36), and weakly sclerotized epigynal lobes rising from the center rather than poste- rior of a transparent epigynum (Fig. 38). Unlike many Uloborus species, the carapace lacks a conspicuous median light stripe. Description. Female. Total length 2.40 mm, carapace length 0.92 mm. maximum carapace width 0.74 mm, carapace width at PLE’s 0.50 mm. Carapace tan with gray, reticulate lateral markings (Fig. 36). Median eyes reddish brown. AME’s on a more conspicuous tubercle than most Uloborus species. Sternum tan, widest at coxae I rather than between coxae I and II as in other Uloborus species. Legs light tan with faint gray distal rings on most segments. Tibia I with very sparse distal setal brush. Abdomen height and width 0.9 its length, dorsum with a pair of centrolateral tubercles, posterior For nomenclatural purposes, B. D. Opell is author of this species. 58 Psyche [Vol. 89 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 59 tip projecting slightly posterior to anal tubercle’s base and separated from anal tubercle by a distance one third the abdomen’s height. White guanine deposits extend both in a narrow transverse band across the abdomen’s anterior ventral surface and along the cardiac area. A broader, more diffuse median guanine deposit extends from the abdomen’s humps to its posterior tip. A pair of large guanine spots is found anteriolaterally to the spinnerets. Epigynum convex with broad posterior extension, a pair of low, weakly sclerotized median lobes, and a transparent integument through which a single pair of spherical spermathecae is clearly visible (Figs. 38, 39). Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Papua New Guinea. Uloborus bispiralis new species* Figures 40-48. Types: Female holotype, three male and seven female paratypes from Fowlands Agricultural Experimental Station at Kerevat, East New Britian Prov., collected 2, 4, and 6 July 1980 by Y. D. Fubin. Male and two female paratypes deposited in the American Museum of Natural History, remaining types in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The specific epithet is a latin noun in apposition, referring to the male’s doubly coiled embolus. Diagnosis. Females are distinguished by having a single, narrow median, posterior epigynal lobe (Figs. 42, 43) rather than a pair of posterior epigynal lobes, and by each epigynal duct making five rather than the usual single loop (Fig. 44). Males are distinguished by an embolus which loops twice rather than once around the *For nomenclatural purposes B. D. Opell is the author of this species. Figures 28 and 29. Conifaber parvus n. sp. 28. Dorsal view of male left first tibia. 29. Retrolateral view of expanded male left palpus (R = radix, BH = basal hematodocha, other abbreviations as in Figs. 14 and 15). Figures 30-35. Uloborus conus n. sp. 30. Dorsal view of female carapace. 31. Dorsal view of male carapace. 32. Prolateral view of male first femur, patella, and tibia. 33. Retrolateral view of female leg I. 34. Posterior view of epigynum. 35. Dorsal view of cleared epigynum. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 61 median apophysis and by a flattened, elongate median apophysis bulb which bears a broad conductor (Figs. 45, 46). Both males and females have a gray lateral abdominal stripe (Fig. 48). Description. Female. Total length 3.28-3.68 mm (X = 3.47, S, 0.14, N = 8), carapace length 1.10-1.20 mm(X= 1.15, SD = 0.04), maximum carapace width 0.94-1.04 (X = 0.98, SD 0.04), carapace width at PME’s 0.54-0.58 mm (X = 0.56, SD 0.01). All eyes except AME’s surrounded by small black circles (Fig. 41). Carapace with light lateral margins, light posterior median stripe, and central gray patch. Sternum tan. First and second legs light gray with tan proximal ring on tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus. Tibia I without a conspicuous setal brush. Third and fourth legs tan with gray distal rings on tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus. Abdomen without humps, dorsal and lateral surfaces densely covered by white guanine spots except in cardiac region and along a faint lateral stripe similar to but not as sharply defined as that shown in Fig. 48. Venter tan with only sparse guanine spots. Epigynum a raised mound with single median lobe (Figs. 42, 43), probably representing a pair of fused lateral lobes. Under normal light microscopy a clove oil-cleared epigynum showed only a pair of oval spermathecae with a fertilization duct leading from the posterior lateral margin of each and a short, broad duct extending from the median surface of each to epigynum’s posterior margin. Examination with Nomarski optics revealed the more extensive system of thin-walled ducts shown in Figure 44. It was not possible to determine precisely where the ducts opened externally, but this appears to be between the spermathecae and near the base of the epigynal lobe. Male. Total length 2.32-2.40 mm, carapace length 0.98-1.00 mm, maximum carapace width 0.78-0.80 mm, carapace width at PLE’s 0.50-0.52 mm. Carapace and sternum coloration similar to that of Figures 36-39. Uloborus albolineatus n. sp. 36. Dorsal view of female holotype. 37. Lateral view of female carapace. 38. Ventral view of epigynum. 39. Dorsal view of cleared epigynum. Figures 40-48. Uloborus bispiralis n. sp. 40. Male carapace. 41. Female holo- type carapace. 42. Ventral view of holotype epigynum. 43. Posterior view of epigynum. 44. Dorsal view of cleared epigynum. 45. Retrolateral view of male palpus. 46. Apical view of male palpus. 47. Prolateral view of male first femur, patella, and tibia. 48. Lateral view of male abdomen. 62 Psyche [Vol. 89 females except for absence of central gray carapace spot (Fig. 40). Legs reddish brown. Femur I with three or four prolateral macro- setae, tibia I with nine prolateral, six or seven dorsal, and three retrolateral macrosetae (Fig. 47). Abdomen with fewer guanine spots than female, dorsum and lateral surface tan; gray lateral stripe, gray venter and gray posterior tip (Fig. 48). Palpal femur with a large proximal retrolateral tubercle and small prolateral tubercle. Median apophysis bulb flat and elongate (0.16 mm long), terminating in a bent median apophysis spur (Figs. 46, 47). Unlike other members of the genus, the embolus loops twice around the median apophysis bulb before passing into a broad, weakly scle- rotized conductor. Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Papua New Guinea. Acknowledgements YDL and HWL thank the Wau Ecology Institute for use of the facilities in Wau, and S. Smith for making available the facilities at LAES (Kerevat). A portion of this study was supported by a Smithsonian Institute Scholarly Studies Research Award (to M. H. Robinson and YDL). A Small Projects Grant from the College of Arts and Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ. (to BDO) made the S.E.M. work possible. WGE thanks Carlos Rod- rigues, the Dixon Stroud family. Dr. Luis Arango, Dr. Madhav Gadgil, and A. J. T. Johnsingh for help and hospitality in the field and the Comite de Investigaciones of the Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia and the Vicerectoria de Investigaciones of the Universidad de Costa Rica for financial support. HWL thanks National Science Foundation grant DEB 76-15568 and DEB 79-23004 for support and M. H. Robinson and B. Robinson for being instrumental in getting him to New Guinea and flavoring his stay with their hospitality and enthusiasm. We thank Frances Murphy, V. Todd Davies, Joseph Beatty and James Berry for allowing us to use their unpublished observations and M. H. Robinson and B. Robinson for their comments on and criticism of the manuscript. 1982] Lubin, Opell, Eberhard, Levi — Uloboridae 63 Literature Cited Ackermann, C. 1932. On the spider Miagrammopes sp. which constructs a single-line snare. Ann. Natal mus. 7:137-143. Carico, J. E. 1977. A simple device for coating orb webs for field photography. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 4:100. Eberhard, W. G. 1969. The spider Uloborus diversus Marx and its web. PhD. thesis, Harvard Univ. 1972. The web of Uloborus diversus (Araneae: Uloboridae). J. Zool., Lond. 166:417-465. 1977a. Photography of orb webs in the field. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 3(7):200-204. 1977b. The webs of newly emerged Uloborus diversus and of a male Uloborus sp. (Araneae: Uloboridae). J. Arachnol. 4:201-206. 1981. Construction behaviour and the distribution of tensions in orb webs. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 5(5): 189-204. 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Beitrage zur vergleichenden Ethologie und Okologie tropischen Web- spinnen. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere 42:278-306. 1955. Contribuciones sobre la etologia y ecologia comparada de las aranas tejedoras tropicales. Comm. Inst. Trop. Inv. Scient. 4:37-46. 64 Psyche [Vol. 89 Robinson, M. H. and B. Robinson 1973. Ecology and behavior of the giant wood spider Nephila maculata (Fabricius) in New Guinea. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 149:1-76. Szlep, R. 1961. Developmental changes in web-spinning instinct of Uloboridae: con- struction of the primary-type web. Behaviour 27.60-70. Wiehle, H. 1927. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Radnetzbaues der Epeiriden, Tetragnathiden, und Uloboriden. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere 9:468 537. 1931. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Fanggewebes der Spinnen aus den Familien Argiopidae, Uloboridae, und Theridiidae. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere 22:348-400. Workman, T. 1896. Malaysian Spiders, volume F Published by the author. Belfast. POPULATION STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION IN THE PRIMITIVE ANT AMBLYOPONE PALLIPES (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDA E) By James F. A. Traniello1 Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology Laboratories Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A. I INTRODUCTION The genus Amblyopone contains the most morphologically and behaviorally primitive species in the poneroid complex of ants, and a detailed examination of their social structure could significantly contribute to the reconstruction of social evolution in the Formi- cidae. But because of their cryptic habits and distribution, the biol- ogy of the majority of species of Amblyopone and the related genera Mystrium, Myopopone, Prionopella, and Onychomyrmex remains almost entirely unknown. Previous investigations have provided information on colony foundation (Haskins, 1928; Haskins and Enzmann, 1938; Haskins and Haskins, 1951), ecology, behavior, and taxonomy (Wheeler, 1900; Brown, 1960; Gotwald and Levieux, 1972; Baroni Urbani, 1978), and physiology (Whelden, 1958). Still, many of the details of social organization in Amblyopone are lack- ing. I present in this paper the results of a two-year study on the behavior and ecology of Amblyopone pallipes. Material and Methods Study areas and nest collection Thirty-one colonies of A . pallipes were collected under stones in a damp, white pine woodland in Westford, Massachusetts. A single colony was taken under the bark of a rotting log. Nests generally consisted of one or two shallow (6-10 mm) depressions in the soil immediately beneath the stone, from which a single gallery opened to subterranean chambers. Gentle excavation usually revealed one or two additional loosely structured chambers. Workers, queens, •Present address: Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Manuscript received by the editor February 18, 1982. 65 66 Psyche [Vol. 89 sexuals, and brood were found at all levels of the nest and were quickly aspirated. Distribution and natural history A. pallipes has been found in the eastern United States and in the St. Lawrence Valley in Canada in cool, moist, forested areas (Brown, 1960). General references on the natural history of this species are given by Wheeler (1900) and Haskins (1928). Laboratory arrangements Colonies were housed in artificial nests composed of a thick, moist filter paper bottom with cotton sides approximately 6 mm high covered with a glass plate. The nests were placed in 15 X 22cm plastic boxes in which the humidity was kept high. The total nest area was roughly 10cm2. A second chamber, similar in structure but somewhat larger, was connected to the nest as a foraging arena, where live prey were offered. Colonies were fed on whole, live geo- philomorph and lithobiid centipedes; in addition, elatyrid, bupres- tid, and tenebrionid beetle larvae were acceptable to the ants. This method of culture proved successful and greatly facilitated studies of social interaction since the activity of an entire colony could be monitored on the stage of a dissecting microscope. Ethogram data were compiled in this manner, and were analyzed using the methods of Fagen and Goldman (1977). Results and Discussion 1. Life cycle and population structure. Nest distribution and colony size. The spatial distribution of col- onies at the principal study site in Westford is presented in Fig. 1. An interesting feature of this population, in addition to its clumped distribution pattern is that three colonies were collected under stones in 1978 precisely where colonies were found the year before. This suggests that the colonies that were collected represented sub- units of a large, subterranean population. Each unit is small (modal size class = 9-16 workers). Complete collection data are presented in Fig. 2. Although distributional data are not given, a population of seemingly comparable density was discovered by Wheeler (1900), who uncovered 30 nests in a three hour period. Also, the colony size data correspond closely to the data of Francoeur (1965, 1979, and personal communication). 1982] Traniello — Amblyopone pallipes 67 Queen number. The frequency distribution of the number of queens in a colony is given in Fig. 3. Of 19 queenright colonies, 10 (52%) contained more than one dealate female. Observations of multiple queened colonies in the laboratory revealed that in at least some of these colonies each queen was functionally reproductive. However, many queens in apparently polygynous colonies did not lay eggs, and engaged primarily in worker tasks. Life cycle, colony reproduction, and population structure. Be- cause colonies were collected and censused throughout the spring and summer of 1977 and 1978, it is possible to outline the life cycle of A. pallipes (Fig. 4). Eggs are laid in late April or early May and larvae hatch and develop throughout June and July. Mature larvae pupate in mid-July and early August, and adults eclose approxi- mately two to three weeks later. Although small numbers of eggs and larvae are present in most colonies throughout the spring and summer, it appears that only one brood matures per year. The large number of eggs found in colonies collected in August hatch before September and overwinter as larvae (Talbot, 1957). It is possible that the winter chilling results in the determination of these larvae as sexuals. In late August and early September workers and sexuals simultaneously eclose unassisted from their pupal cases. The adults which eclose at this time are predominantly workers. In four colo- 68 Psyche [Vol. 89 15 -« CO LU O CD CD CD 10 - t — i — i — i — r 1 2 9 8 16 32 NO, WORKERS PER COLONY Fig. 2. — Frequency distribution of colony sizes for 35 nests. nies collected in late August which reared brood in the laboratory, the ratio of <5:$: $ ? was as follows: 2:1:36; 0:5:13; 3:0:7; and 0:4:19. In all cases the worker population of a colony was at a maximum at this time. If this is considered in conjunction with the available information on nuptial flights in A. pallipes, then it is possible to speculate on colony reproduction and population structure. 1982] Traniello — Amblyopone pallipes 69 NO. OF QUEENS PER COLONY Fig. 3. — Frequency distribution of the number of dealate females in 19 queenright colonies. Although the complete sequence of colony reproduction has not been observed, the studies of Haskins (1928, 1979) and Haskins and Enzmann (1938) provide some evidence of its organization. Early in September, winged females leave the nest and disperse over short distances, finally alighting on the ground or low vegetation. Then, with gaster arched and sting partially extruded, they “call” males with a chemical sexual attractant. Males quickly locate females, copulation ensues, and soon after insemination females shed their wings and re-enter the soil; perhaps they return to the parent nest. 70 Psyche [Vol. 89 At this point in the life cycle, the worker/ queen ratio is highest, as described above, yet colonies collected in the late spring are much smaller in size (approximately 50%). Therefore, colony reproduc- tion by budding may occur if one or more fecundated queens depart with a portion of the worker force. This hypothesis has previously been considered by Wheeler (1900) and Brown (1960), and is sup- ported by my data on colony growth, nest distribution, and nest structure. An additional feature of the nest distribution pattern sup- ports the hypothesis of limited dispersal. The most dense population of colonies occurred on the south side of an early stone wall (< 1 m high), although nest sites were abundant on both the north and south sides, and soil, vegetational, and exposure parameters ap- peared to be identical. Also, laboratory observations indicate that alate females may shed their wings before mating occurs. On several occasions newly eclosed females left the nest, shed their wings, and returned to the nest. Because mating occurs on the ground, such behavior does not exclude the possibility that these individuals could eventually become inseminated. These females may then return to the parent nest or may be adopted by a nearby colony. In several laboratory experiments queens were introduced into other queenright nests or orphaned colonies. In all cases they were accepted by both workers and queens. Similarly, workers could be transferred from one colony to another without aggression. There- fore, populations of A. pallipes appear to be unicolonial and secon- darily polygynous. Ecologically, the patchy distribution of this ant correlates with this type of population structure. 2. Social organization The social ethogram. Social ethogram data were gathered from five colonies which were observed for a total of 73 hours, during which 6,500 individual acts were recorded. The behavioral catalog of a single colony of A. pallipes (2 queens, 18 workers, brood) that was studied for 25.7 hours is given in Table I. The total number of acts observed was 42 (95% confidence interval for catalog size [27, 47]), and the sample coverage was 0.9992. Behaviors listed in the ethogram having a frequency of 0 were observed in other colonies and are included as part of the species repertory. The majority of activities are common to many ant species; those that are unusual will be discussed briefly. Antennal tipping is a behavior previously described in Zacryptocerus varians (Wilson, 1975) which occurred WORKERS 1982] Traniello — Amblyopone pallipes 71 CD aooaa do inhd N3d 72 Psyche [Vol. 89 Table I. — The social ethogram. N = number of acts observed in each caste. Behavioral Act Workers (16) N=2525 Queens (2) N=158 1 . Self-groom 0.3303 0.4114 2. Allogroom queen 0.0044 0 3. Allogroom worker 0.0384 0 Brood care: 4. Lay egg 0 0.0127 5. Carry egg or egg pile 0.0123 0.0696 6. Lick egg 0.0305 0.1013 7. Lick larva 0.0950 0.1139 8. Carry, drag, or role larva 0.0337 0.0633 9. Bank mature larva with soil 0.0048 0 10. Carry pupa 0.1200 0 1 1. Lick pupa 0.0824 0.0127 12. Place larvae on prey 0.0032 0 13. Assist removal of meconium 0.0004 0 14. Assist larval molt 0.0012 0 15. Lick ecdysial skin 0.0063 0.0380 Aggressive display: 16. Undirected 0.0250 0 17. To worker 0.0051 0.0127 18. To queen 0.0004 0 Predatory behavior: 19. Forage 0.0158 0 20. Sting prey 0.0040 0 21. Drag prey to nest 0.0019 0 22. Drag prey within nest 0.0048 0 23. Lick prey 0.0578 0 24. Handle prey within nest 0.0051 0 Nest maintenance and defense: 25. Guard 0.0083 0 26. Handle nest material 0.0190 0 27. Repair nest wall 0.0277 0 28. Lick nest material 0.0012 0 29. Excavate nest 0.0111 0 30. Bury noxious object 0.0004 0 3 1 . Carry or drag dead worker 0 0 32. Carry or drag live worker 0.0004 0 33. Extrude sting 0.008 0.0190 34. Remove empty pupal case 0.0008 0 35. Jitter 0.0055 0.0190 36. Jolt body 0.0135 0.0633 37. Lick meconium 0.0008 0 38. Tip antennae 0.0008 0 39. Flick antennae 0.0099 0.0127 1982] Traniello — Amblyopone pallipes 73 Behavioral Act Workers (16) N=2525 Queens (2) N=158 40. Pinch larvae 0 0.0063 41. Cannibalize larva 0.0170 0.0380 42. Discharge subpharyngeal pellet 0 0.0063 Totals: 1.0 1.0 infrequently in A. pallipes. During this behavior the body is raised, the gaster is curved forward, and with the mandibles agape the antennae are held forward with their terminal funicular segments slightly inclined toward each other. The significance of antennal tipping is unknown, but it appeared to be part of a grooming sequence. Vibrational displays were given by workers if the nest wall was breached or if an individual was mechanically disturbed. If the stimulus was intense enough, other workers would show the same vigorous jittering behavior, consisting of rapid vertical movements of the head and thorax. This behavior had the effect of producing a general arousal within the colony and resulted in an increase in the number of workers appearing at the source of stimulation. In the case of nest damage, building behavior eventually occurred but did not immediately follow. This signal appears to be a primitive form of mechanical communication, in which alarm is propagated di- rectly through body contact. A similar vibratory display has been documented in A. australis (Holldobler, 1977). Workers and queens of A. pallipes have retained a number of behaviors that appear to reflect their wasp ancestry. Queens were seen grasping larvae and squeezing them in the neck region with their mandibles, thus causing them to regurgitate a droplet of clear liquid which they then consumed. Workers were never observed to regurgitate with other workers, queens, or larvae, and all individuals fed directly on prey. Aggression was observed between workers and queens. An aggressive display typically consisted of opening the mandibles and rising up on the extended legs. This behavior was usually exhibited by queens in the area of the egg pile and seemed to produce avoidance in contacted workers. These observations raise the question of whether queens maintain their reproductive status through behavioral dominance or inhibitory pheromones. Polyethism. Studies on the division of labor within the worker caste have revealed that temporal castes are absent in the species. A 74 Psyche [Vol. 89 complete account of polyethism in relation to the life history of A. pallipes is given by Traniello (1978). Predatory behavior. Prey were found in only three of the colonies collected. In two colonies larvae were found clustered around litho- biid centipedes (length = 1.5-2. Ocm), and in the third colony a carabid beetle larva was taken. In the laboratory, colonies were offered a variety of live arthropods that workers might encounter in leaf litter, soil, or rotting wood. Wood lice ( Oniscus ), house centi- pedes ( Scutigera ), and various millipedes were consistently rejected while small elatyrid, tenebrionid, and buprestid beetle larvae were carried to the nest and fed upon. The diet of A. pallipes appears to be restricted to live, linear-shaped arthropods that can be captured by workers. A related species, A. pluto, is entirely specialized on geophilomorph centipedes (Gotwald and Levieux, 1972). When large, robust-bodied centipedes ( Lithobius sp.) were offered to col- onies of A. pallipes, workers were unable to grasp the prey due to its escape movements and body diameter. It is difficult to imagine a condition under which large prey could be captured, even if they were “cornered” in a narrow gallery. When Lithobius of similar size were held with forceps, workers were still unable to subdue the centi- pede. Freshly killed centipedes were not accepted. It is therefore difficult to support the hypothesis of a nomadic life style for A. pallipes. Although this species of Amblyoponini does not appear to move its colonies to the location of large, previously captured prey, other species, such as Onychomyrmex do provide evidence linking group predation and nomadism in this primitive group of ants (Wilson, 1958). Prey capture and retrieval is very stereotyped, and solitary hun- tresses stalk prey in a highly methodical manner. As prey are approached, workers advance cautiously, apparently orienting to odors or air microcurrents produced by the prey. When within strik- ing range (2-3 mm) the mandibles are opened and the head is oriented orthogonal to the long axis of the prey. Then in a single motion the mandibles close around the prey, the legs elevate the body, and the gaster is swung forward. The prey is then repeatedly stung and the venom soon shows its paralytic effects. Initially, only the area adjacent to the cuticle penetrated by the sting is immobi- lized, and stinging continues until escape movements stop. Subse- quently, the retrieval of the prey begins after a brief period of self- 1982] Traniello — Amblyopone pallipes 75 grooming. The retrieval process varies in duration depending upon prey size, but even long (4. 0-5. 0cm, 2. 0-2. 5 mm in diameter) geo- philomorph centipedes are easily dragged to the nest. A number of orientation trips made between the prey and the nest generally pre- ceded retrieval. During these orientation runs, which were made throughout the retrieval process, workers continually checked their position relative to the nest. The prey was then dragged several centimeters; the worker then stopped, released the prey, and con- tinued homeward until she contacted the nest entrance. She then returned to the prey and repeated this sequence, alternating prey movement with orientation trips. Once the prey was in the nest, other workers approached and began vigorously licking the areas of the prey’s body opened during capture. Larvae were either carried to the prey or, if close enough, moved toward it and adjusted their position on its body on their own accord. At times workers assisted in positioning larvae. Additional details of feeding behavior are nearly identical to those described by Gotwald and Levieux (1972). Communication during foraging. At times, two or three ants attempted to jointly carry prey, but cooperative efforts were hap- hazard and inefficient. But cooperative retrieval seems unnecessary due to the physical capabilities of individual ants. The critical ele- ment in prey capture is probably not retrieving, but subduing rela- tively large arthropods. Often after a worker began stinging a prey item, a second or third worker approached and assisted in para- lyzing the prey. The fact that workers were attracted to the point of prey capture suggested that additional ants may be recruited over short distances by orienting to prey odor, air currents, or some signal produced by the forager. To test the hypothesis that phero- mones are involved in this process I stimulated foragers to grasp and attempt to sting the tip of a pair of forceps and then lowered the worker, still attacking the forceps tip, in front of the nest entrance. The response of workers in the nest was dramatic. In five replicates, 5.8 ± 2.3 workers/0.5 min approached the nest entrance under the experimental conditions. Only 0.2 ± 0.1 workers/0.5 min were attracted to the nest entrance in controls (agitated forceps alone). This difference is statistically significant (.001 < p < .01; t = 6.1, Student’s t-test). Although the possibility that stridulatory signals might be involved could not be ruled out, the results of these experi- ments suggest that chemical cues are involved in the attraction 76 Psyche [Vol. 89 response. Subsequently, crushes of the head, thorax, and gaster were offered on applicator stick tips at the nest entrance. Also, crushes of dissected poison and pygidial glands (Holldobler and Engel, 1979) were offered. Only head crushes produced attraction. Whelden’s (1958) studies, in addition to our own histological investi- gations, revealed a group of large glandular cells at the base of the mandible. The indirect evidence described above suggests that dur- ing prey capture the contents of these cells are released, attracting workers in the vicinity to assist in subduing prey. 3. Ecology and social evolution The results of this study and previous investigations suggest that populations of A. pallipes are unicolonial. Workers from different subnests within a population show no aggression toward each other. Such worker compatibility has been demonstrated in Rhytidopon- era metallica (Haskins and Haskins, 1979), whose populations appear to be structurally similar to those of A. pallipes, but occupy larger area geographically. Workers taken from nests three miles apart were not mutually hostile. The lack of aggression was consist- ent within, but not between populations. Ambylopone pallipes col- onies appear to be similarly viscous, but do not occupy as extensive an area. Observations in the laboratory are in accord with Brown’s (1960) position which states that after mating, females “always or usually return to the parent nest”. Secondary polygyny in this species, in addition to its patchy distribution, indicates that this species is in the terminology of Holldobler and Wilson (1977) a habitat specialist. The characteristic A. pallipes habitat is cool, damp, heavily shaded woodland. Nest site and prey abundance are also important fea- tures. Populations apparently grow slowly, and through reproduc- tion by budding, eventually saturate the habitat. Such a scheme does not rule out the occurrence of dispersal flights, which have been witnessed on occasion (Haskins, 1928). As colonies become more populous within a habitat, dispersal flights should occur more frequently in order to colonize additional areas. Once a founding queen locates a preferred habitat, colony reproduction again is accomplished through budding. The strategy may be similar to that of the mound building species Formica exsectoides. However, it must be noted that in laboratory situations, A. pallipes queens have never been observed to successfully found colonies (Haskins, per- 1982] Traniello — Amblyopone pallipes 11 sonal communication). But it is difficult to determine whether this is an abnormality which occurs only in the laboratory or represents an inability of A. pallipes queens to found a colony alone. Newly inseminated queens of A. australis found colonies in the partially claustral mode (Haskins and Haskins, 1951). However, A. australis is monogynous. Within a habitat, A. pallipes escapes competition with the more advanced groups of ants by additional specializations on micro- habitat and diet. This is in contrast to other unicolonial species which are broad generalists. Behaviorally, A. pallipes exhibits both primitive and advanced social traits, and many of the primitive characters are more conserva- tive than those of Myrmecia. Age polyethism is lacking, and commu- nication between individuals is primarily mechanical, although a rudimentary short-range recruitment system that is mediated by pheremones exists. Among the primitive trophic characteristics is the use of the sting to paralyze prey, which are subsequently fed directly to the larvae without prior dismemberment. Employing the sting to paralyze prey appears to be widespread in the Ponerinae, and recently Maschwitz et al. (1979) have demonstrated that the venom of the oriental ponerine species Harpegnathus saltatus and Leptogenys chinensis indeed has paralytic, and not toxic, effects. Prey paralyzation also occurs in Daceton armigerum and Paltothy- reus tarsatus (Wilson, 1962; Holldobler, pers. comm.). This is con- trasted to myrmicine species which use the sting as a defensive weapon. The importance of paralyzing but not killing arthropod prey in Amblyopone pallipes is obviously related to the direct provi- sioning of larvae; prey must be kept from decomposing until they are consumed. Also, immobilization is necessary for successful retrieval, and energetically it is more efficient for solitary foragers to carry paralyzed prey. The absence of regurgitation which is charac- teristic of the Ponerinae, also is a primitive trait. Although one of the more distinctive features of A. pallipes and other Amblyoponini, prey specialization, appears to be a conservative formicid trait, it is also possible that specialization was a response to competition. Finally, based on the theories of Malyshev (1968), Wilson (1971) has speculated that the Amblyoponini may have approached euso- ciality in a way very different from the partially claustral colony founding route assumed by Haskins and Haskins (1951). Because 78 Psyche [Vol. 89 these ants appear to be specialized on large arthropods, they may have passed through a phase of subsociality similar to that of the bethylid wasp Scleroderma. Although the evolution of ants from Scleroderma- like ancestors has been ruled out on morphological grounds, the possibility remains that the Amblyoponini represent an independent venture into eusociality. The present study, which sug- gests that A. pallipes is not dependent upon large arthropod prey, and the studies of Haskins (1928) and Haskins and Haskins (1951) on colony foundation, do not support or refute this theory. Addi- tional studies must be carried out on the behavior of newly insemi- nated females, their prey preferences during colony foundation and their reproductive physiology to test this hypothesis. Acknowledgements This research was carried out while the author was a doctoral candidate at Harvard University, and was supported by the Ander- son and Richmond Funds, NSF Grant BNS 80-02613 (B. Holl- dobler, sponsor), and NSF predoctoral grant DEB 78-16201. Drs. Gary Alpert, Bert Holldobler, and Edward Wilson provided useful comments on the manuscript. I would especially like to thank Dr. Caryl Haskins for sharing with me his great wealth of knowledge of primitive ants. Finally, I thank Michelle and Eric Scott, who were indispensable in the field. Summary 1. The behavior of ecology of the primitive ponerine ant Amblyo- pone pallipes was studied in the laboratory and the field. Thirty- three colonies were collected over a two-year period, 94% of which were excavated from one locality where 68% of the colonies were strongly clumped in their spatial distribution. Workers and queens could be transferred between these nests without hostility. 2. The inability of workers to recognize members of other colo- nies within a population, the colony life cycle, limited dispersal, the presence of multiple queens in nests, and circumstantial evidence on the adoption of newly inseminated females by their parent nest suggest that A. pallipes is secondarily polygynous and unicolonial. Although dispersal flights do occur, colony reproduction seems to be accomplished through budding. 1982] Traniello — Amblyopone pallipes 79 3. Studies on the ethology of A. pallipes show that this species has retained many conservative behavioral traits. Among these are the absence of age polyethism and the provisioning of larvae with whole prey (chiefly chilopods and beetle larvae). Observations of preda- tory behavior do not support the hypothesis that colonies are nomadic. Prey are paralyzed by stinging and are then retrieved. Larvae feed directly on the body of the prey. 4. A primitive form of alarm communication, presumably trans- mitted through body contact, is mediated by a vibratory display. Workers show attraction to head crushes, and mandibular gland pheromones appear to be involved in a weak form of recruitment. 5. Because of the lack of precise information on the behavior of colony founding queens, the question of whether sociality in the Amblyoponini arose in a manner different from the partially claus- tral colony founding mode of Myrmecia remains an enigma. References Baroni Urbani C., 1978. — Contributo alia conoscenza del genere Amb/vopone Erichson (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bull. Soc. Entomol. Suisse, 51, 39-51. Brown W. L., 1960. — Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. III. Tribe Amblyoponini (Hymenoptera). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, 122(4), 230 pp. Fagen R. M., Goldman R. N., 1977. — Behavioral catalogue analysis methods. Anim. Behav., 25, 261-274. Francoeur A., 1965. — Ecologie des populations de fourmis dans un bois de chenes rouges et d’erables rouges. Nat. Canadien, 92, 263-276. Francoeur A., 1979. — Les fourmis du Quebec. A nn. Soc. Entomol. Quebec, 24, 12-47. Gotwald W. H., Levieux J., 1972. — Taxonomy and biology of a new west African ant belonging to the genus Amblyopone. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 65, 383-396. Haskins C. P., 1928. — Notes on the behavior and habits of Stigmatomma pal- lipes Haldeman. J. New York Entomol. Soc., 36, 179-184. Haskins C. P., 1979. — Sexual calling behavior in highly primitive ants. Psyche, 85,407-116. Haskins C. P., Enzmann E. V., 1938. — Studies of certain sociological and physiological features in the Formicidae. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 37, 97-162. 79. — Worker compatibilities within and between populations of Rhvtidoponera metallica. Psyche 86, 301-312. Holldobler B. K., 1977. — Communication in social Hymenoptera. In Sebeok T., ed.. How Animals Communicate. Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington, Indiana, pp. 418-471. Holldobler B. K., Engel H., 1979. — Tergal and sternal glands in ants. Psyche, 80 Psyche [Vol. 89 85, 285-330. Holldobler B. K., Wilson E. O., 1977. — The number of queens: an important trait in ant evolution. Naturwissenschaften, 64, 8-15. Malyshev S. I., 1968. — Genesis of the Hymenoptera and the phases of their evolution (tr. from Russian by B. Haigh; Richards O. W., Uvarov B., eds.). Methuen and Co., London, viii +319 pp. Maschwitz U., Hahn M., Schoenegge P., 1979. — Paralysis of prey in ponerine ants. Naturwissenschaften, 66, 213. Talbot M., 1957. — Populations of ants in a Missouri woodland. Ins. Soc., 4, 375-384. Traniello J. F. A., 1978. — Caste in a primitive ant: absence of age polyethism in Amblvopone. Science, 202, 770-772. Wheeler W. M., 1900. — The habits of Ponera and Stigmatomma. Biol. Bull., 2, 43-69. Wilson E. O., 1958. — The beginnings of nomadic and group-predatory behavior in the ponerine ants. Evolution, 12, 24-31. Wilson E. O., 1962. — Behavior of Daceton armigerum (Latreille), with a classifi- cation of self-grooming movements in ants. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, 127, 403-421. Wilson E. O., 1971. — The Insect Societies. Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 548 pp. Wilson E. O., 1975. — A social ethogram of the Neotropical arboreal ant Zacrvp- tocerus varians (Fr. Smith). Anim. Behav., 24, 354-363. THE BIOLOGY OF NINE TERMITE SPECIES (ISOPTERA: TERMITIDAE) FROM THE CERRADO OF CENTRAL BRAZIL By Helen R. Coles de Negret1 and Kent H. Redford2 Introduction The Neotropical region is second to the Ethiopian in numbers of described termite species (Araujo 1970). However, little is known of their biology. The literature on Brazilian termites is largely re- stricted to isolated taxonomic descriptions of species from the Amazon Basin and southern states of Brazil (Araujo 1961, 1969, 1977 and Fontes 1979). Exceptions to this include information re- lating termite species and their distribution to vegetation types in Mato Grosso State (Mathews 1977), the effect of deforestation on termites in the Amazon (Bandeira 1979) and data on the ecology and defense of termites in the cerrado vegetation of the Distrito Federal (Coles 1980). The present study was done in conjunction with a study on mammalian termite predators, in particular the giant anteater, Myymecophaga tridaetyla (Coles 1980 and Redford in prep.). Six aspects of termite biology of importance in defense by termites against mammalian predators were studied for nine of the most common mound-building termite species in the Distrito Federal, Brazil. Reported here are individual weights, morphology of soldier castes, worker-soldier ratios, mound sizes and forms, mound hard- nesses and nest materials, distributions and abundances of nests and feeding habits for these nine species. All species studied were from the family Termitidae (see Fig. 1 for comparison of soldier heads), subfamily Apicotermitinae, Grigioter- mes metoecus (Matthews); subfamily Nasutitermitinae, Armitermes •Laboratoria de Zoologia e Ecologia Animal, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia D. F. 80910, Brazil. 2Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138; and Department of Zoological Research, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institu- tion, Washington, D.C. 20008. Manuscript received by the editor March 3, 1982. 81 82 Psyche [Vol. 89 euamignathus (Silvestri), Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar), Cortariter- mes silvestri (Holmgren), Nasutitermes sp., Procornitermes araujoi (Emerson), Syntermes dirus (Burmeister), Velocitermes paucipilis (Mathews); subfamily Termitinae, Orthognathotermes gibberorum (Mathews). Methods and Results This study was conducted primarily in the Distrito Federal, Brazil (15 47'S 47 56'W) with supporting work done in Emas National Park, Goias State (18 19'S 52 45'W). Both areas are located within the cerrado sensu latu vegetation type. Cerrado (sensu latu ) is a semi-deciduous xeromorphic savanna vegetation found in the inter- mediate rainfall (750-2000 mm/ yr) area of Brazil. It is characterized by woody plants with thick bark and coreaceous leaves and a sea- sonal ground layer of grasses and herbs. Although geographically and floristically the cerrado vegetation zone is very uniform, physi- onomically it shows considerable variation (Eiten 1972). The types of cerrado sensu latu which were examined in this study are campo limpo (grassland), campo sujo (grassland with shrubs), cerrado sensu strictu (woodland) and cerradao (dense, tall cerrado). Within the cerrado zone, gallery forest vegetation is found on the wet, more fertile soils along river courses; however this was excluded from the present study as it supports a termite fauna which differs greatly from that of the other vegetation types (Coles 1980). I. The Termites A. Comparative Morphology Figure 1 depicts soldiers of the eight species of termites examined in this study, with a worker head of the soldierless species Grigio- termes provided for comparison, while Tables 1 and 2 provide information on the fresh weights and total body lengths. Table 2 also provides measurements of mandible length, nasus length, head length, head width and head depth for the soldiers (position of measurements depicted in Figure 2). As can be seen from these data, the termite species in this study can be placed along a spectrum based on soldier and head shape. The two ends of this spectrum are ‘well-developed nasus/ vestigial mandibles’ (such as Nasutitermes) and ‘no nasus /verv well-devel- 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 83 Figure 1. Soldier heads of eight of the species of termites studied; Grigiotermes metoecus worker included for comparison: a, Grigiotermes metoecus; b, Armiter- mes euamignathus ; c, Cornitermes cumulans; d, Cortaritermes silvestri; e, Pro- cornitermes araujoi; f, Nasutitermes sp.; g, Syntermes dir us; h, Velocitermes paucipilis; i. Orthognat hotermes gihberorum. 84 Psyche [Vol. 89 loped mandibles’ ( Orthognathotermes ). Intermediate positions are occupied by forms with ‘slight nasus development /well-developed mandibles’ (such as Cornitermes ) and ‘well-developed nasus/ well- developed mandibles’ ( Armitermes ). Grigiotermes, with no soldier caste, cannot be placed on this spectrum. These data also show that soldiers with very well- to well- developed mandibles and poorly developed nasi are both heavier and longer than soldiers with vestigial mandibles and well-developed nasi, Armitermes once again occupying an intermediate position. Complete taxonomic descriptions for Grigiotermes metoecus, Armitermes euamignathus, Cortaritermes silvest ri, Velocitermes paucipilis, and Orthognathotermes gibberorum can be found in Mathews (1977). Procornitermes araujoi is fully described in Emer- son (1952). Samples of Cornitermes cumulans collected during the study in Brasilia were identified following Emerson (1952). Al- though the general head and mandible forms were consistent with the published description, head length and width measurements were much lower than those previously described for this species. However, Emerson indicated that there is considerable variation in mean measurements between colonies from different localities. The samples from Brasilia were compared with various other species in the Museu Zoologia de Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZSP). The most closely related species was C. villosus which was clearly differ- ent in that it had a greater number of setae and differently shaped mandibles. As a result of this divergence the best classification appears to be C. cumulans. Specimens from Brasilia have been deposited in the MZSP and the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Samples of Nasutitermes sp. collected from the Distrito Federal were compared extensively with material in the MZSP but differed from all species examined. N. coxipoensis most resembled the Nasu- titermes we studied but differed in being smaller and in having a more oval shaped head. Further studies on these two forms are necessary to determine whether these differences are sufficient to warrant calling it a new species. B. Weights Fresh weights were measured on a Mettler balance. Fifty workers and fifty soldiers from each of three different nests were weighed, except for Syntermes for which only fifteen individuals of each caste 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 85 from the three nests were weighed and Nasutitermes for which five nests were sampled. The results are presented in Table 1 and are ordered from heaviest soldiers to lightest soldiers. Syntermes dims has workers and soldiers much heavier than the next heaviest spe- cies, Cornitermes. The termite species with soldiers possessing strong or long mandibles are heavier than those termites whose soldiers have vestigial mandibles, and well developed nasi. These latter soldiers are also lighter than their workers, a relationship reversed in the other termite species. Table 1. Individual wet weights of termites (measurements expressed in micro- grams; mean with standard deviation in parentheses). Species Workers Soldiers Syntermes dims 42.75a 117.3 (2.34) (11.1) Cornitermes cumulans 9.30 19.83 (0.36) (1.07) Orthognathotermes gibberorum 6.91 19.09b (0.75) (0.69) Procornitermes araujoi 6.63 8.26 (0.76) (0.40) Grigiotermes metoecus 6.27 (0.95) — Armitermes euamignathus 3.48 4.19 (0.15) (0.52) Cortaritermes silvestri 3.23 2.08 (0.12) (0.20) Nasutitermes sp. 3.46c 1.56 (1.06) (0.42) Velocitermes paucipilis 2.52c 1.31b (0.55) (0.09) a Equal number of all three morphs weighed, b Only major soldiers weighed, c Mixture of two worker types weighed. 86 Psyche [Vol. 89 C. Morphology of Soldiers The positions of measurements taken on soldier heads are indi- cated in Figure 2 (adapted from Coles 1980). Total body length was measured from tip of mandible or nasus, whichever extended further, to the end of the abdomen. The figures presented in Table 2 are the averages of 15 individual soldiers and are ordered from greatest to least mandible length. As can be seen, these five morpho- logical measurements are, on the whole, positively correlated with each other, with total body length and with weight (Table 1). The major exception is Orthognathotermes, which has mandibles and a nasus of a different shape than the other species. D. Worker-Soldier Ratios Worker-soldier ratios were calculated by counting all of the workers and soldiers in a piece of termite mound. The piece was rapidly removed from the surrounding mound so as to prevent a change in the normal worker-soldier ratio. For all species except P. araujoi, A. euamignathus, S. dims and C. silvestri, five pieces of mound from at least three different mounds were counted. The result obtained from a piece of mound was not used if the piece contained less than 600 individuals. Because of the large variation obtained in the first five counts for P. araujoi, an additional three pieces were counted. The fifth count used for A. euamignathus was an average of 45 samples and was taken from Domingos (1980). Only four counts were taken for C. silvestri. The large diffuse mounds inhabited by S. dims and the rapid retreat of soldiers and workers made it impossible to obtain worker- soldier ratios from populations within the mound for this species. Instead, the value presented in Table 3 is an average of counts made on eleven foraging parties. The method used (Coles 1980) was to plug the exit at least one hour after foraging had begun. After spraying with pyrethrin aerosol insecticide all soldiers and workers were collected and counted. Table 3 presents the data on worker- soldier ratios ordered from greatest to least percent soldiers. Those termite species with soldiers having chemical-based defen- sive systems have fewer workers per soldier than the other termite species. In fact, for these species, Velocitermes, Nasutitermes and Cortaritermes, there is little variation between species in this worker-soldier ratio. Similarly, Cornitermes and Procornitermes, Figure 2. Positions of morphological measurements of soldier heads: lh= Lat- eral head length; ln = nasus length; lm = mandible length; Wh = maximum head width; dh = head depth including postmentum. 88 Psyche [Vol. 89 Table 2. Morphological measurements of soldiers (measurements expressed in millimeters; mean with standard deviation in parenthesis). Species Mandible Length Nasus Length Lateral Length of Head Maximum Head Width Head Depth Total Body Length Orthognathotermes 2.96 0 3.06 2.09 1.83 9.25 gibberorum (0.11) — (0.08) (0.06) (0.05) (0.40) Svntermes 2.45 0.16 5.20 5.15 3.17 15.57 dirus (0.11) (0.02) (0.19) (0.15) (0.14) (0.65) Cornitermes 1.36 0.36 3.90 2.67 1.95 9.55 cumulans (0.78) (0.03) (0.11) (0.09) (0.07) (0.42) Proeornitermes 1.14 0.45 2.46 1.98 1.57 7.47 araujoi (0.05) (0.03) (0.03) (0.04) (0.05) (0.21) Armitermes 0.58 0.91 2.05 1.10 1.04 5.35 euamignathus (0.02) (0.05) (0.05) (0.04) (0.05) (0.20) Nasutitermes 0.17 0.63 1.65 1.05 0.82 4.32 sp. (0.03) (0.02) (0.64) (0.35) (0.34) (0.14) Velocitermes 0.15 0.80 1.65 1.05 0.82 4.32 paucipilis (0.18) (0.03) (0.64) (0.35) (0.34) (0.14) Cortaritermes 0.15 0.61 1.64 1.08 0.80 3.95 silvestri (0.02) (0.03) (0.06) (0.06) (0.06) (0.25) Note: Grigiotermes is excluded for it has no soldiers. two similar species have very similar workers-soldier ratios. Armi- termes occupies an intermediate position while Orthognathotermes has a large number of workers per soldier. II. The Mounds A. Mound size and form Table 4 presents data on mean heights, widths and lengths of ten mounds for each of the nine species of termites. Figure 3 (a-r) con- sists of two photographs of each species mound, one of an entire mound and the other of a mound in transverse cross-section. As can be seen from the data and the photographs, the shapes of these mounds range roughly from an inverted cone ( Cornitermes ) to a low dome ( Orthognathotermes ). 1982] N egret & Redford — Termite Species 89 Table 3. Proportion of workers in nests (mean with standard deviation in parentheses). Species Worker- Soldier % Soldiers Velocitermes paucipilis 4.00 25.80 (0.72) (4.23) Nasutitermes sp. 4.06 25.50 (0.83) (5.56) Cortaritermes silvestri 5.12 21.20 (1.64) (6.90) Svntermes dir us* 9.66 11.10 (2.72) (3.02) Armitermes euamignathus 13.82 7.68 (3.79) (2.57) Procornitermes araujoi 30.12 5.10 (18.30) (3.76) Cornitermes cumulans 30.23 3.48 (7.61) (3.14) Orthognathotermes gibberorum 80.75 1.30 (18.18) (0.32) ♦Figures derived from foraging parties. See text. Grigiotermes excluded as it has no soldiers. The nature and form of individual mounds vary greatly and the characteristics listed below are generalized descriptions of mounds found in the Distrito Federal and Emas Park. Cornitermes cumulans (Fig. 3 a,b): The mound has a very hard outer shell of soil surrounding a soft inner core of carton (fecal material, communited plant material add bits of soil) which often extends below ground as much as 40 cms. The galleries are large and unlined. Nasutitermes sp. (Fig. 3 c,d): The mound is domed with the outer several centimeters softer than the inner core (as in arboreal Nasuti- termes and Constrictotermes) and often extends 25cms under- ground. The internal structure consists of thin-walled, convoluted. 90 Psyche [Vol. 89 Table 4. Dimensions of the epigeal portion of termite mounds (measurements expressed in centimeters; mean with standard deviation in parentheses). Species Height Length Width Cornitermes cumulans 91.6 92.8 79.5 (16.7) (17.1) (14.5) Nasutitermes sp. 78.1 100.1 85.9 (14.3) (18.2) (16.4) Syntermes dims 51.7 173.0 150.7 (19.4) (26.5) (20.5) Velocitermes paucipilis 31.2 27.3 22.6 (4.5) (7.0) (5.8) Grigiotermes metoecus 2.96 60.2 47.2 (4.5) (7.9) (7.2) Procornitermes araujoi 28.8 69.5 60.0 (12.0) (33.9) (34.4) Armitermes euamignathus 26.7 59.5 52.8 (5.1) (8.8) (8.1) Cortartiermes silvestri 15.8 24.8 20.5 (4.7) (3.2) (2.6) Orthognathotermes gibberorum 15.0 35.9 40.4 (3.0) (11.3) (13.6) irregular galleries with a mottled black and soil-colored lining of fecal origin. Syntermes dims (Fig. 3 e,f): This species builds low-domed termi- taria, the major parts of which are below ground level (often to depth of 1.5 m.). The galleries are large and diffuse, often containing grass stores and are lined with regurgitated soil in which individual pellets are clearly visible. Velocitermes paucipilis (Fig. 4 g,h): The mounds are pyramidal, very soft, crumbly and are generally built around a grass tussock. They often extend several centimeters underground in a series of very diffuse galleries which are lined with a discontinuous layer of black material of fecal origin. Large amounts of cut plant material are found inside the mound. 1982] TV egret & Redford — Termite Species 91 Figure 3. Mounds of the termite species studied; external view and longitudinal section: a and b, Cornitermes cumulans; c and d, Nasutitermes sp.; e and f, Syntermes dims. 92 Psyche [Vol. 89 Grigiotermes metoecus (Fig. 4 i,j): These medium-sized domed mounds are often occupied by other species of termites and ants. The galleries are distinguished by smooth, shiny soil-colored floors and by small pieces of stone incorporated into the ‘ceilings.’ Indi- vidual deposits of fecal material used in construction are visible on the mound surface. Procornitermes araujoi (Fig. 4 k,l): These medium-sized, rounded mounds are often characterized by a thin layer of loose soil covering the outer shell. These mounds are quite brittle and homogenous and have galleries with a mottled lining of black soil and colored parti- cles, probably of fecal origin. They rarely extend below ground. Armitermes euamignathus (Fig. 5 m,n): This species builds very characteristic slightly domed mounds. The walls are very hard but the mound itself is only loosely held to the substratum with a cavity frequently occurring between it and the soil. The internal structure consists of large irregular chambers connected by very small galler- ies. During the alate flight season mounds of this species are charac- terized by earthen turrets several centimeters high built on the outer surface and serving as ‘launching platforms’ for alates. Cortaritermes silvestri (Fig. 5 o,p): This species builds soft, low rounded mounds with large irregular galleries. The mounds are fre- quently built around grass tussocks and extend several centimeters underground as in Velocitermes. Orthognathotermes gibberorum (Fig. 5 q,r): The low mounds built by this species are covered with loose soil and bound together by living grass stems. The galleries are regular and homogenous throughout. The mound frequently extends several centimeters underground but can be separated easily from surrounding soil when pried up. B. Mound hardness and nest material The ‘hardness’ of a mound was measured using a soil penetrome- ter which measures the force necessary to push a metal cone into the soil. The resistance to penetration is obtained by dividing the load of penetration (force applied) by the area at the base of the cone, which was 637.939 mm3. The resistance to penetration was taken as a measure of hardness of the mound surface. A termite mound is not a solid structure but consists of a complex system of galleries and chambers. The outer wall is often thick enough for penetration of the whole cone. However, at times, the 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 93 Figure 4. Mounds of the termite species studied; external view and longitudinal section: g and h, Velocitermes paucipilis; i and j, Grigiotemies metoecus; k and 1, Procornitermes araujoi. cone pushed into a gallery and a low reading was obtained. In order to obtain a representative figure for the whole mound ten measure- ments were taken, each from different positions, e.g. base, middle, top. The hardness of any mound varies considerably throughout the year with the amount of rainfall. To reduce these variations all the 94 Psyche [Vol. 89 Figure 5. Mounds of the termites species studied; external view and longitudinal section: m and n, Armitermes euamignathus; o and p, Cortaritermes silvestri; q and r, Orthognathotermes gibberorum. measurements were made in one month (April) at the end of the rainy season. Some variation in hardness occurs from day-to-day and so on any one day of recording, one mound from each of the eight species was examined. Ten mounds from each species were examined and ten measurements were made from each mound. Care was taken to select approximately the same size of mound for the ten mounds of any one species. The mean values for the hardness of termite mounds in each species are shown in Table 5. As the range is large (15.24-0.11 Newtons/ mm3) the data were transformed (\f~x) and the differences 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 95 Table 5. “Hardness” of outer mound and materials used in mound construction (In column 1, any two means not followed by the same letter are significantly different at p = 0.05. In columns 3 through 6, ++ = usually used; + = occasionally used). Resistance to Penetration (Newtons mm3) Nest Construction Material Species Termite Mound Soil at Base Soil Regurgitated Soil Fecal Material Saliva Velocitermes 0.11a 0.48 ++ ++ paucipilis (0.05) (0.16) Nasutitermes 0.25b 0.42 ++ ++ ++ sp. (0.05) (0.15) Cortaritermes 0.25b 0.44 ++ ++ silvestri (0.04) (0.18) Procornitermes 0.36b 0.42 ++ . ++ ++ ++ araujoi (0.11) (0.14) Orthognat hotermes 0.48 — ++ ++ gibberorum * (0.15) — Syntermes 0.57c 0.42 + ++ + dims (0.13) (0.14) Grigiotermes 1.25d 0.70 + ++ metoecus (0.17) (0.18) Armitermes 4.66e 0.36 ++ + euamignathus (1.08) (0.10) Cornitermes 15.241 0.37 + ++ ++ cum u Ians (5.36) (0.16) * Determined for only 4 mounds so no statistics performed. between these means tested for significance using Hartley’s multiple range test. The ranking obtained from this analysis is shown in Table 5 with the mean values of the raw data. Velocitermes, Nasuti- termes, Cortavitermes and Procornitermes had the softest nests while Cornitermes had the hardest nest, 140 times harder than the softest, Velocitermes. The composition of material used to build mounds was deter- mined by direct observation of workers. Observations were made on at least ten mounds per species, at different times of the day and year. The results are presented in Table 5. Four types of material 96 Psyche [Vol. 89 were observed to have been used by termite workers in nest construc- tion: soil, regurgitated soil, fecal material and saliva. In some cases, such as Procornitermes nests, all four were used. Soil and/or re- gurgitated soil were always the most common forms of building material. C. Distribution and Abundance of Nests Information on the distribution and abundance of termite mounds in each vegetation type was collected from a variety of sources and the results are presented in Table 6. Different sampling methods can produce different results, depending on the spatial distribution of the termite mounds, the size of area sampled and the number of areas sampled. It is often difficult to interpret figures on termitaria densities because investigators do not report whether all termitaria examined contained the mound-building species. Thus, the specific methods used to obtain each of the densities reported in Table 6 are detailed below. Method a: (Coles 1980); method b (Domingos 1980); method e (Coles de Negret et al. in prep.). Blocks of 50 X 50 meters were selected randomly in each of the four vegetation types studied in the Distrito Federal. As some of the termite species in the present study were occasionally found in mounds built by other species, in these methodologies, all the epi- geal mounds in the area were completely excavated. The abundance of each species was thus expressed in numbers of nests per hectare. In order to exclude sites with only foraging termites, a “nest” was defined as a structure in which termite nymphs and larvae were present. Method d: (Redford in prep.). Twelve separate transects, each of 100 by 20 meters were marked out in the campo limpo vegetaton of Emas National Park, Goias. All the mounds built by Cornitermes cumulans in each transect were counted. The figure in Table 6 is the mean calculated from these twelve transects (standard deviation = 16.1). Method e: (Brandao in prep.). Two blocks, 100 by 100 meters were marked out in separate areas of campo sujo and two others, of the same size, in areas of cerrado vegetation in the Distritb Federal. All the Syntermes dims mounds present in each area were counted. As this species frequently con- structs small soil domes, apparently for storing food, nests were 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 97 Table 6. Distribution and densities of termite nests/mounds per hectare in four vegetation types (Letters correspond to different sampling methods — see text for details). Species Campo Limpo Campo Sujo Cerrado Sensu Stricto Cerradao Grigiotermes 40a 28a 24a 48a metoecus 4c Armitermes 84a 1 12a 1 16a 124a euamignathus 236b 116b 152b 120b 4 1 f 156c Cornitermes 0a 12a 32a 0a cumulans 58d 0c Cortaritermes 40a 12a 4a 0a silvestri Nasutitermes 48a 32a 0a 0a sp. 16c Procornitermes 4a 12a 52a 4a araujoi 12c Syntermes dirus 4a 20a 0a 0a 33e Oe 54e 8e Velocitermes 40a 96a 32a 0a paucipilis lOlf 24c 27g Orthognat hotermes 12a 0a 16a 4a gihberorum again defined as structures in which termite nymphs and larvae were present. Method f: (Curado et al. in prep.). All the mounds built by Armitermes euamignathus and Ve/oci- termes paucipilis in an area of campo sujo ( 100 by 100 meters) in the Distrito Federal were sampled and counted. Method g: (internal report. University of Brasilia). Mounds of Velocitermes paucipilis present in a transect 230 by 10 meters extending from campo limpo to campo sujo in the Distrito Federal were counted. 98 Psyche [Vol. 89 III. Feeding Habits and Foraging Behavior Feeding habits were deduced from field observations, examina- tion of worker mandibles and gut contents, information in the liter- ature and in some cases, from laboratory food preference experiments. Results are summarized in Table 7. Details of foraging behavior, methods of investigation and food sources are given below. Grigiotermes metoecus Field observations and examinations of worker mandibles and gut contents indicate that this species is entirely geophagous. It excavates subterranean galleries in the soil surrounding its mound and is also frequently found in old, disused termite workings, pre- sumably rich in organic material. A rmitermes euamignathus In the cerrado and cerradao vegetations foraging workers can be found under the bark of living trees and sound, dead trees. How- ever, this species also occurs with equal frequency in campo limpo where few or no woody shrubs exist. Field observations on the foraging behavior of 100 colonies of this species show that in the absence of woody vegetation they can exploit the root systems of grasses (Domingos 1980). Laboratory food preference experiments carried out by the same author on five colonies of A. euamignathus indicates that when presented with a range of food sources, all colonies selected wood in preference to bark, litter and grass roots. Further field observations confirmed that this species selects dead, sound wood in preference to live and to dead, decomposed wood. The workers forage diurnally and reach the food source via subter- ranean galleries. On average, mounds are 0.4 and 0.3 meters from their food sources in cerradao and cerradao respectively and 1.2 and 1.0 meters in campo sujo and campo limpo, respectively (Domingos op. cit.). Cornitermes cumulans Field observations on foraging parties indicate that workers of this species feed on living and dead grasses and herbs, which they reach through subterranean tunnels, occasionally foraging under a fine layer of soil-sheeting. Small pieces of grass are cut from stand- ing grass tussocks and carried to the mound. Feeding in situ has been observed occasionally. Preliminary food preference experi- 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 99 Table 7. Modal feed consumed). ing habits (+ + = commonly consumed; + = occasionally SPECIES FOOD SOURCE Grass & Sound Decomposing Herbaceous Humus Wood Wood Litter Grigiotermes ++ metoecus Armitermes ++ _|_ euamignathus 1 Cornitermes ++ cum u Ians Cortaritermes si Ivest ri +(?) + (?) Nasut iterates sp.n. + ' ! + ' ++ Procornitermes ++ araujoi Svntermes dirus ++ Velocitermes paucipilis -++ Orthognat hotermes gihherorum ++(?) ments carried out on laboratory colonies showed that workers col- lect dead grass in greater amounts than live. When presented with only dead roots or dead grass blades, they fed more on the latter. Cortaritermes si /vest ri Field observations made in the Distrito Federal and information presented in Mathews ( 1977) indicate that this species feeds in grass tussocks among the roots and stems. It is not clear, however, whether it feeds on the organic residues in the soil or on the grass roots themselves. Nasutitennes sp. These termites have not been observed foraging in the open and rarely construct runways over the ground as do many other species in this genus. It is probable that they excavate underground tunnels to their food source, the exact nature of which is not known. Recent 100 Psyche [Vol. 89 experiments on laboratory colonies have shown that this species can feed on a range of plant material including sound wood and both living and dead grass. Procornitermes araujoi Field observations have been made on above-ground foraging parties in the open and under soil sheeting. Workers cut and collect grass litter, generally at night, but occasionally on dull, humid days. Svntermes dims This species forages above ground in the open, at night, and crepuscularly. Workers and soldiers leave the tunnels from small exit holes which are plugged with several millimeters of soil during inactive periods. These foraging holes may be on the mound or at distances of up to 20 meters from it. The above-ground foraging parties consist of major workers and soldiers. At the end of a partic- ular trail the workers spread out over several centimeters and start cutting grass. Some climb up stands of vegetation and cut long pieces of grass which drop to the ground. Other workers cut these into smaller pieces and carry them to the nest. Consumption in situ has not been observed. Ve/ocitermes paucipiiis These termites feed on grass and surface litter which they collect at night in the open. The workers form trails to the food source where they spread out to cover a large area, cut small pieces of grass and leaves, and return with them to the nest. The workers are flanked at regular intervals by soldiers oriented with their raised heads pointing outwards. Orthognathotermes gibber ovum Examination of worker mandibles and gut contents together with information from Mathews (1977) suggests that this species feeds on organic residues in the soil. Observations of foraging behavior have not been made. Food sources were divided into four categories: humus, sound wood, decomposing wood, and grass and herbaceous litter. The few termites eating sound wood and the many eating grass and herba- ceous litter probably reflect the fact that most of the vegetation types included in this study were open with few trees. Examination of the termite fauna within the gallery forests would reveal many 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 101 more wood-eating species. The predominance of grass-eating ter- mites is understandable because of the large biomass and rapid turnover of their food source. Of the 54 species of termites in the cerrado vegetation of the Distrito Federal (excluding gallery forests) only nine mound- building species were examined in this study. Many of the other species do not build mounds and are found instead living within mounds built by one of these nine species. It is probable that many of these non-mound-building species will be found to be geophagous or humivorous, feeding in or near the mounds they inhabit. Discussion The cerado vegetation of the Distrito Federal, Brazil has a diverse termite fauna with at least 54 species present (excluding those found in gallery forest vegetation) (Coles 1980). Estimates of the termite density in savanna areas in other continents are much lower with only 19 species in the Sahel, Senegal, 19 in northern Guinea, Nige- ria, 23 in southern Guinea, Nigeria and 36 in savannas of the Ivory Coast (Wood and Sands 1978). A survey by Coles (1980) indicated that most cerrado species were present in all the physionomic vegetation types; however, in terms of abundance, certain species were more common in one particular type of vegetation. This is clearly illustrated by the data in Table 6. Nests of Nasutitennes sp., Velocitermes paucipilis, Cortaritermes si/vestri, Syntermes dirus and Cornitermes cumulans were all more abundant in the open vegetation types (campo limpo and campo sujo). Grigiotermes metoecus and Armitermes euamignathus were equally common in all types while Procornitermes araujoi was more common in woodland areas. Orthognathotermes gibberorum had an irregular distribution being less common in the cerrado sensu strictu of the Distrito Federal but more common in the campo limpo of Emas Park. These preferences for particular vegetation types can, to some extent, be related to the feeding habits of each species (Table 7); however, abundance of a species is also influenced by other species present. In some areas conditions were particularly favorable for one species, an example of which was found in Emas National Park where populations of Cornitermes cumulans were exception- ally high, with other species much less common. The variation in abundance of a species in different regions can be 102 Psyche [Vol. 89 accompanied by variations in mound form and size. Howse (1979) gives several different examples of termite species which build very different mounds in different regions. Macrotennes subhvalinus in western Uganda builds mounds with very thick walls and no open- ings but on the Serengeti Plains, where the soil is volcanic ash, the mounds are low with many pit-like openings. In the semi-arid regions of eastern Africa they are different again, being steeple- shaped and constructed around a central chimney. Even though regional differences can exist, the characteristics of mounds investi- gated in this study showed a remarkable consistency throughout the cerrado region reinforcing observations by Emerson (1938). In constructing a mound, galleries are excavated within the soil by the termites and particles are often transported from considera- ble depth and incorporated in the epigeal portion of the mound. This not only increases aeration of the soil but can also alter its chemical composition (Lee and Wood 1971). Soil used in building is reinforced with excreta and in some instances wood and other plant material. Studies on the chemical composition of termite mounds in the cerrado have recently been started in Brasilia. Preliminary results indicate that both Ve/ocitermes and Armitermes mounds have much higher concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and alu- minum than the soil surrounding the mound (Curado et al. in prep.). However, an analysis of Table 5 shows that the materials used in mound building are not directly related to the hardness of the outer layer of the mound. Such factors as the way in which the material is deposited by the workers at the actual site of construc- tion as well as the size and arrangement of galleries and the thick- ness of walls also contribute to the overall hardness of the mound. The mounds are constructed entirely by the worker caste. This caste takes little active role in the defense of the mound, a role performed by the soldier caste. The proportion of these two castes varies with the species and is apparently finely regulated by phero- mones produced by the queen and the soldiers (Luscher 1961). Haverty (1977), in a comprehensive work, summarized the data available on the relative proportion of workers and soldiers in 1 12 species of termites. Unfortunately, many of these data, gathered by different investigators, are not strictly comparable because of differ- ences in sampling techniques and types of groups sampled. The 1982] N egret & Red ford — Termite Species 103 homogeneity in methodology used in calculating worker-soldier ratios in this study allows for precise comparison between species within the limits of accuracy of this method. The worker-soldier ratios were found to vary greatly between nests in some species (i.e., Procornitermes ) and remain quite constant in others (i.e., Velocitermes). The behavior of nasute soldiers, which respond to a break in the nest by rapidly recruiting to the break, can greatly alter the worker- soldier ratio calculated. As an example of this, on one occasion the number of soldiers counted from a piece of Nasutitermes mound, which had been excised from the surrounding mound but left in place for 30 seconds, was almost half again the number of soldiers counted from a piece taken from the same mound but removed immediately following excision. Although comparison can be made between the nine species of termites it must be noted that these data were taken during one period of the year and present a static picture of the proportions of workers and soldiers in given nests. It seems probable that in the species examined, as in other species (Sands 1965), the worker-soldier ratio varies seasonally and possibly also with the age and size of the nest. It is evident from the data that some species have proportionally many more soldiers than other species. Even though the proportion of soldiers in a colony varies, in all cases (when there is a soldier caste) the soldier caste is largely responsible for the defense of the colony and has morphological features which allow it to do this. The type of defense used by soldier termites tends to be based on chemicals, mechanical defense or a combination of both. The sol- dier type using a chemical-based defense has vestigial mandibles (Table 2), is lighter than its workers (Table 1), and produces poten- tially toxic and repellent secretions which are ejected from the tip of a long tube or nasus at the front of the head (Nutting et al. 1974, Eisner et al. 1976; Howse 1975; Prestwich 1979). Of the termites studied in this work, Velocitermes, Nasutitermes and Cortaritermes fall into this category. The soldier type using a mechanical-based defense rarely produces defensive secretions and has a large head, and strong, sharp mandibles. Orthognathotermes is the only species within those here studied that has no development of the nasus, relying solely on its mandibles for defense. Syntermes, Cornitermes and Procornitermes all have strong mandibles which can pierce human skin, drawing blood, together with a greatly reduced level of 104 Psyche [Vol. 89 chemical defense (see ‘nasus length’ Table 2 as one indicator of the extent to which chemicals are used in defense). Armitermes stands in an intermediate position between the principally chemical and the principally mandibulate type soldiers, with a long nasus and mandi- bles which can pierce human skin but not draw blood. Grigiotermes is very interesting in that it has no soldiers; the workers however produce a large drop of liquid on either side of the abdomen when disturbed, which may serve a defensive purpose. Termites are probably the dominant form of animal life in many areas of central Brazil, both in number of species and biomass. They play major roles in herbivory, decomposition, soil formation and alteration, and as an important source of food for other animals. Ants are probably the major predators of termites, but in central Brazil mammals are common and important predators as well. The aspects of termite biology reported in this study are all important in defense by termites against mammalian predators. The small size of termites, the type of soldier defense and the proportion of soldiers to workers are all factors influencing feeding by mammals once the termite mound has been opened. The shape, size and hardness of a mound influence the ways in which a mammalian predator can break into a nest while the distribution and abundance of nests are a measure of the spatial availability of termites as a food source. Lastly, the feeding habits of termites are important in determining when, and if, termites are available outside of the mound. Food preference tests with large and small mammalian predators and observation of wild giant anteaters (Redford in prep.) have shown that all of these aspects of termite biology interact in determining which species of termites are preferred as food and how available they actually are to mammalian predators. Acknowledgements Helen Coles de Negret would like to thank the Trustees of the Royal Society Leverhulme Scholarships and the Science Research Council-Shell Research CASE award for financing this research. The data form part of a Ph.D. thesis submitted to Southampton University in 1980 under the supervision of Dr. P. E. Howse. Kent Redford would like to thank the National Geographic Society, the Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Organization of American States and Sigma XI for help in financing this research. 1982] Negret & Redford — Termite Species 105 Special thanks to the members of the Order of Saint Benedict and the Laboratory of Ecology, University of Brasilia. Both authors thank Barbara L. Thorne, Alan E. Mill, James F. A. Traniello and Bert Holldobler for reading and criticizing the manuscript. Literature Cited Araujo, R. L. 1961. New genus and species of Brazilian termite. Revta. Bras. Biol. 21, 105-111. 1969. Notes on Dentispicotermes with description of a new species. (Isoptera, Termitinae). Revta. Bras. Biol. 29, 249-254. 1970. Termites of the Neotropical Region. In: Biology of Termites, Vol. II, (Ed. by K. Krishna and F. M. Weesner) pp. 527-571, Academic Press, N. Y. 1977. Catalogo dos Isoptera do Novo Mundo. Academia Brasileira de Cien- cias. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Bandira, A. G. 1979. 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Rosen), pp. 345-374. Academic Press, New York. Lee, K. E. and Wood, T. G. 1971. Termites and Soils. Academic Press, New York. Luscher, M. 1961. Social control of polymorphism in termites. In: Insect Polymorphism (Ed. by J. S. Kennedy), pp. 57-67. Roy. Entomol. Soc., London. Mathews, A. G. A. 1977. Studies on termites from the Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Academia Bra- sileira de Ciencias, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 267 pp. Nutting, W. L., Blum, M. A. and Fales, H. M. 1974. Behavior of the North American termite Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris with special reference to the soldier frontal gland secretion, its chemical composition and use in defense. Psyche, 81, 167-177. Prestwich, G. D. 1979. Chemical defense by termite soldiers. J. Chem. Ecol. 5, 459-480. Sands, W. A. 1965. Mound population movements and fluctuations in Trinervitermes ebenerianus Sjostedt (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutermitinae). Insect. Soc. 12, 49-58. Wood, T. G. and Sands, W. A. 1978. The role of termites in ecosystems. In: Production biology of ants and termites (Ed. by M. V. Brian), pp. 245-292. Cambridge University Press. THE LIFE HISTORY OF THE JAPANESE CARRION BEETLE PTOMASCOPUS MORIO AND THE ORIGINS OF PARENTAL CARE IN NICROPHORUS (COLEOPTERA, SILPHIDAE, NICROPHORINI).* By Stewart B. Peck Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada Introduction The subject of the origin and evolution of sociality in insects has a rapidly growing literature. Most of this pertains to the Hymen- optera. Within the Coleoptera, presocial or subsocial parental care and division of labor are known in at least nine families (Wilson, 1971). The most advanced form of parental care known in beetles is that of the Nicrophorus carrion or burying beetles (tribe Nicro- phorini). This generalization is based on the study of six European species by Pukowski (1933, 1934) which has since been abstracted and popularized by many (e.g., Balduf, 1935; Milne and Milne, 1944, 1976; Wilson, 1971, 1975). Briefly, a male and female form a conspecific pair at a carcass of a mouse or other small vertebrate. They work cooperatively to exclude competitors, to bury the carcass, and to shape it into a ball in a crypt. The male leaves after oviposition but the female tends the developing larvae, calling them to the carrion by stridulation, and repeatedly feeds them by regurgitation. Such behaviors do not exist in the other tribe of silphid carrion beetles, the Silphini. The only work on the life cycle of a North American Nicrophorus is a short note by Leech (1934) on N. defodiens (under the name N. conversator). Thus, it is not really known how general or wide- spread is the phenomenon of parental care in the genus, nor if all species are equally advanced behaviorally. There are about 20 species in the New World, and at least 65 species in all the world, in several lineages within the genus. As part of a series of studies on the comparative biology and evolution of silphid beetles, I undertook a study of the life history of Ptomascopus morio Kraatz of Japan, to learn something of the * Manuscript received by the editor October 29, 1981. 107 108 Psyche [Vol. 89 origin of parental care in Nicrophorus. Ptomascopus is the only other genus in the tribe Nicrophorini and contains only two Asian species, P. morio being more common and widespread than P. plagiatus Menetries (Hlisnikowski, 1942). It is illustrated in many general Japanese insect books such as Esaki et al. (1932, 1956), Nakane et al. (1963), and Nakane (1980). The larvae are illustrated by K. Kurosa in Kawada (1959). The genus shares with Nicrophorus many derived morphological characters relative to the Silphini: adults with stridulatory files, reduced second antennal segment, fused gular sutures, sexually dimorphic membranous anticlypeus; larvae with abdominal para- notal projections and cuticular sclerotization reduced, and with only one pair of ocelli. The main morphological characters in which Ptomascopus is more primitive than Nicrophorus are in its possession of a normally clavate antennal club, rather than with a strongly capitate club formed from the last four segments, and in its less fossorial tibiae. Methods and Materials Four pairs of P. morio were collected in August, 1980, at carrion baits in a warm-temperate mixed mesophytic forest in the Omogo Valley of Mount Ischizuchi Quasi-National Park, Shikoku, Japan. They were brought to Ottawa, Canada, and placed in culture at 18° C, with a normal daylight regime, from September to December. The pairs were kept in separate seven cm deep boxes of clear plastic, floored with five cm of coarse damp sand. Two cm cubes of chicken neck were given as carrion food at required intervals. Observations were made daily. The data gained are variable in quantity and quality and are usually not abundant enough for tests of signifi- cance. Only simple means, sample sizes, and ranges are reported, but these are sufficient for comparative purposes. Results Both sexes dug irregular tunnels in the sand but not in direct association with the carrion. Most of their time was spent in these tunnels. They fed at the carrion and sporadically dug under it, but there was no direct indication of digging with the intention of burying the food, or of manipulating the food into a food ball, or of forming a crypt for it. Mating was observed occasionally but no indication of a courtship ritual was noted. 1982] Peck — Life History of Ptomaseopus morio 109 Eggs were laid singly in the sand several cm to the side of the carrion. A mean of 13 eggs (N = 9, r = 9-16) were laid per female in 6 days (N = 9, r = 5-8), and a new clutch was started after a refractory period of 6 more days (N = 8, r = 5-8). The eggs hatched in 5 days (N = 30, r = 4-7). Frequent adult attempts to fly and leave the culture containers after the egg clutch was laid may indicate that post-mating (for the male) or post-oviposition dispersal is normal, and that the adults are normally not present with their young. The larvae fed together under and directly on the carrion. There was no indication of parental attendance to, or feeding of, the larvae. The adults and larvae may feed on fly larvae or other insects associated with carrion in nature, but carrion alone is adequate for complete development of larvae in culture. There were 3 larval instars; the first lasted 1 day (N = 30, r = 1-2), the second 2 days (N = 30, r = 2-3). The third instar larvae fed for 7 days (N = 30, r = 6-9) before crawling away from the carrion and burrowing into the sand to form pupal cells. In total, over 300 larvae were pro- duced, of which about 50 were preserved for morphological study. Prepupae had a high mortality due to a fungal contamination. The prepupal phase seems to be about 30 days in duration (N = 7, r = 28-40). The pupal phase also seems to last about another 30 days before emergence of the adult (N = 2, r = 25-35). At culture temperatures the parental generation adults died by early Decem- ber, for a longevity of at least four months. This could be con- siderably different in the field depending on their sensitivity to cool fall temperatures and whether or not they overwinter as adults. Discussion There was no indication of any subsocial or other behavioral association between the larvae and the adults as known in Nicro- phorus. The brood size, reduced fecundity, and shorter larval developmental times are similar to those reported in Nicrophorus , but otherwise the life cycle characteristics are generally similar to those reported for the carrion-feeding Silphini (Balduff, 1935; Brewer and Bacon, 1975; Cole, 1942; Cooley, 1917; and Ratcliffe, 1972). It should be noted that some Silphines appear to have derived feeding characteristics, being strict predators and phytophages. How this may have changed behavior and life cycle characteristics is not known. 110 Psyche [Vol. 89 The results were verified by Dr. Kazuyoshi Kurosa of Tokyo (pers. comm.) who reared the beetle some 30 years ago in Oita Prefecture, Japan, but did not publish the results. He found no parental care, no sign of burying the food, and no parental attendance on the larvae, which grew well on fresh beef. Still, further observations with a natural forest soil substrate and natural food items like mouse or shrew carcasses would be desirable. How the beetles survive and “partition resources” in the face of what seemed to me to be severe competition from the diverse fauna of Japanese carrion beetles remains unknown. Conclusions It appears that the origin of parental care of larvae did not occur in an ancestor common to Ptomascopus and Nicrophorus, but seemingly in Nicrophorus itself, after the differentiation of the genus. If the origin was sometime after that of the genus itself we may expect a wider range of parental care and related behaviors in Nicrophorus than is generally assumed in the recent literature on these beetles. A greater number of Nicrophorus species should be studied to investigate the questions of the origin and evolution of sub-sociality within the genus, and the results should be evaluated with reference to a cladistic (phylogenetic) analysis of the evolution of morphological characters. Acknowledgments I thank Dr. Shun-Ichi Ueno of Tokyo and Dr. Kazuo Ishikawa of Matsuyama for making my Japanese field work possible and exceptionally informative. Field support was from operating grants of the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Coun- cil. The manuscript was read and helped by comments from R.S. Anderson, A.F. Newton, K. Kurosa, R.B. Madge, and D.S. Wilson. Literature Cited Balduf, W. V. 1935. The bionomics of entomophagous Coleoptera. J. S. Swift Co., St. Louis. 220 pp. Reprinted in 1969 by E. W. Classey, Hampton, England. Brewer, J. W. and T. R. Bacon 1975. Biology of the carrion beetle Silpha ramosa Say. Ann Entomol Soc Am 68: 786-790. 1982] Peck — Life History of Ptomaseopus morio 111 Cole, A. C., Jr. 1942. Observations of three species of Silpha (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Am Midi Nat 28: 161-163. Cooley, R. A. 1917. The spinach carrion beetle. J Econ Entomol 10: 94-102. Esaki, T., H. Hori, S. Hozawa. 1932. Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum. Hokuryukan, Tokyo. 4404 pp. Esaki, T., T. Ishii, T. Kawamura. 1956. Iconographic Insectorum Japonicorum. Editio Secunda, Reformata. Hokuryukan, Ltd., Tokyo. 1737 + 203 pp. Hlisnikowski, J. 1942. Coleopterologische Notizen. Mitteil Miinchner Entomol Gesells 32: 578-579. Kawada, A. 1959. Illustrated Insect Larvae of Japan. Hokuryukan Co., Ltd., Tokyo. 712 pp + indexes. Leech, H. B. 1934. The family history of Nicrophorus conversator Walker. Proc British Columbia Entomol Soc 1934: 36-40. Milne, L. J. and M. J. Milne 1944. Notes on the behavior of burying beetles ( Nicrophorus spp.). J New York Entomol Soc 52: 311-327. Milne, L. J. and M. J. Milne 1976. The social behavior of burying beetles. Scientific American, 235: 84-89. Nakane, T., K. Ohbayshi, S. Nomura, and Y. Kurosawa 1963. Iconographic Insectorum Japonicorum, Colore naturali edita, Volumen II (Coleoptera). Hokuryukan, Tokyo. 443 pp. Nakane, T. 1980. Coloured illustrations of the insects of Japan, vol. I, Coleoptera. Enlarged and revised, edited by the Japan Coleopterological Society. Hoikusha Pub., Osaka. 275 pp. Pukowski, E. 1933. Okologische Untersuchungen an Necrophorus F. Zeit Okol Morph Tiere 27: 518-586. Pukowski, E. 1934. Die Brutpflege des Totengrabers. Entomol Blatter 30: 109 113. Ratcliffe, B. C. 1972. The natural history of Necrodes surinamensis (Fabr.) (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Trans Am Entomol Soc 98: 359-410. Wilson, E. O. 1971. The Insect Societies. Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, Cam- bridge, Mass. 548 pp. Wilson, E. O. 1975. Sociobiology, the new synthesis. Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 697 pp. TERGAL AND STERNAL GLANDS IN MALE ANTS* By Bert HOlldobler and Hiltrud Engel-Siegel Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, MCZ-Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Introduction: Several recent morphological investigations have uncovered a variety of hitherto unknown or neglected exocrine glandular struc- tures in ant workers (Holldobler and Haskins 1977; Holldobler and Engel 1978; Kugler 1978; Jessen et al 1979; Holldobler et al 1982; Holldobler 1982; Jessen and Maschwitz in press). The behavioral functions of several of these glands have already been determined (For review see Holldobler 1982). These studies dealt almost exclusively with ant females and except for the results of Janet’s (1902) classical histological investigations of the internal anatomy of males of Myrmica rubra, nothing is known about exocrine glandular structures in the gaster of ant males. Since we consider this information important not only for a further analysis of the behavior of ant males, but especially for our understanding of the evolution of pheromone glands and chemical communcation in ants, we have undertaken a histological study of exocrine glandular structures in ant males. In this paper we present a survey of the abdominal glands not directly associated with the gonads. The purpose of this paper is not to give detailed descriptions of each gland found, but rather to present a comparative account of abdominal glands detected in representative species in the different subfamilies. Materials and Methods: For histological investigations live specimens were fixed in alco- holic Bouin or Carnoy (Romeis 1948), embedded in methyl methac- rylate, and sectioned 8 /x thick with a D-profile steel knife on a Jung Tetrander I microtome (Rathmayer 1962). The staining was Azan (Heidenhain). Especially small objects were embedded in a water soluble plastic (JB-4 embedding kit. Polysciences, Inc., Pennsyl- * Manuscript received by the editor May 1, 1982 113 114 Psyche [Vol. 89 vania) and sectioned 4-6^u thick with glass knives on a rotary micro- tome. In this case the staining was Hematoxylin-Eosin (triple strength). The SEM pictures were taken with an AMR 1000 A Scanning Electron Microscope. In a few cases only specimens were available which had been preserved in 70% ethanol. Results: The major results are summarized in table I. In the following we will discuss some of the details of our findings. Penis and subgenital plate glands: Janet (1902) described in males of the myrmicine species Myrmica rubra two major glandular structures directly associated with the copulatory apparatus. ( 1 ) The first comprise the penis glands, paired clusters of glandular cells located inside the penis valves (Fig. 1). Each cell sends a duct through a membrane into the lumen formed by the valves (sperm gutters). This gland was also detected in males of Formica rufa (Clausen 1938) in Conomyrma brunnei and Fore- lius sp. (Marcus 1953; cit. in Forbes 1954), in Camponotus pennsyl- vanicus (Forbes 1954), in Neivamyrmex harrisi (Forbes & Do-Van- Quy 1965) and we found it in representative species of all major subfamilies of ants. The size of the paired penis gland clusters (which are also called aedeagal gland, Forbes 1954) varies greatly among different species. In some it is a major gland (Fig. 1). In others it is represented only by a few glandular cells, and sometimes we were unable to identify the opening of the glandular ducts. (2) The other major gland, associated with the copulatory apparatus is located in the 9th sternite, which together with the coxopodites comprise the subgenital plate (Weber 1954). We therefore named these paired clusters of glandular cells “subgenital plate gland”. Each glandular cell sends a duct through the intersegnental mem- brane into the ventral part of the genital chamber (Fig. 1,2). The subgenital plate gland was found in representative species of all subfamilies studied. Tergal glands: In his study of the workers and males of Myrmica rubra, Janet (1898, 1902) discovered a pair of clusters of a few glandular cells under the 6th abdominal tergite. Each cell is drained by a duct that penetrates the intersegmental membrane between the 6th and 7th 19821 Holldobler & Engel-Siegel — Glands in Male Ants 115 A Fig. 1 A. Schematic drawing of a longitudinal section through the gaster of a Novomessor B. Longitudinal section through 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th abdominal segments of a Novomessor albisetosus 51. A=anus; P=part of penis with penis gland; PG=pygidial gland; PPG=post-pygidial gland; SPG=subgenital plate gland. 116 Psyche [Vol. 89 Fig. 2 A. Longitudinal section through pygidial gland of Novomessor a/bisetosus (5- B. Longitudinal section through subgenital plate gland of N. albisetosus ft. CS= cuticular structure; GC=glandular cells; DO=openings of glandular ducts. 1982] Holldobler & Engel- Siegel — Glands in Male Ants 1 17 abdominal tergites. In recent investigations this gland was found in workers of representative species belonging to all subfamilies, except in the Formicinae. Although the structure and size of the gland varies greatly, its wide distribution led us to conjecture that this gland might be a primitive monophyletic trait in ants generally, perhaps reaching back to the typhioid (or mutilloid) wasp ancestors of ants. In fact, we have recently found first indications that this gland is also present in some living typhiid wasps. Since this gland is anatomically closely associated with the last exposed tergite in female ants (7th abdominal tergite = pygidium) Kugler (1978) suggested that it be called the pvgidial gland. Of the several tergal glands recently discovered, the pygidial gland appears to be the most frequent in occurrence. Moreover, in several species its secretions have been found to serve as pheromones (Holldobler et al 1976; Holldobler and Haskins 1977; Maschwitz and Schonegge 1977; Kugler 1979; Holldobler and Traniello 1980 a,b; Traniello and Jayasuriya 1981). The pygidial gland seems to be homologous with the “anal glands” of the dolichoderine ants described by Pavan and Ronchetti (1955). As we pointed out previously (Holldobler and Engel 1978) the term “anal gland” is misleading, because the gland does not exit from the anal or cloacal opening of the gaster, but between the 6th and 7th abdominal tergites. We therefore suggested to refer the dolichoderine structure to the pygidial gland. Recently Jessen and Maschwitz (in press) proposed to name the pygidial gland in honor of its discoverer Charles Janet. Thus we have now three names for this tergal gland: anal gland, pygidial gland and Janet’s gland. Because the anatomical designation of the organ in ant workers (a criterion we prefer) has been used in several recent publications, we will continue to call the tergal gland opening between the 6th and 7th abdominal tergites pygidial gland. Table 1. (Following pages) List of species that were investigated histologically, and of the types of tergal and sternal glands found. When the histological series was incomplete and we could not make a definite statement, or when we could not clearly identify glandular ducts, the column is marked with a “?”. r=with reservoir; c=with cuticular structure. TABLE 1 Subfamily / species Collector and Locality M YRMECIINAE Myrmecia pilosula PONERINAE B. Holldobler, Brindabella Ranges, Australia Diacamma australis Ectatomma ruidum B. Holldobler, Townsville, Qld., Australia J. Traniello, BCI, Panama Ectatomma tuberculatum J. Traniello, BCI, Panama Leptogenys diminuta B. Holldobler, Kuranda, Qld., Australia Pachycondyla apiacalis Pachycondvla obscuricornis J. Traniello, BCI, Panama J. Traniello, BCI, Panama Paltothvreus tarsatus B. Holldobler, Shimba Hills, Kenya Rhvtidoponera metallica DORYLINAE B. Holldobler, Brindabella Ranges, Australia Eciton A. Aiello, R. Silberglied, BCI, Panama Neivamvrmex A. Aiello, R. Silberglied, BCI, Panama PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Pseudomvrmex pallidus P. Ward, Texas, USA MYRMICINAE Catalacus intrudens Leptothorax ( Macromischa) alardvcei B. Holldobler, Shimba Hills, Kenya B. Cole Florida Keys, USA Novomessor a/bisetosus B. Holldobler, Arizona, USA Novomessor cockereUi B. Holldobler, Arizona, USA Orectognathus versicolor Pogonomyrmex barbatus B. Holldobler, Eungella, Queensland, Australia B. Holldobler, Arizona, USA NOTHOM YRMECIINAE Nothomvrmecia macrops R. W. Taylor, Eyre Peninsula, Australia ANEURETINAE Aneuretus simoni DOLICHODERINAE Anula Jayasuriya, Sri Lanka Iridomyrmex purpureus B. Holldobler, Canberra, Australia Liometopum apiculatum B. Holldobler, Arizona, USA FORMICINAE Formica perpi/osa Mvrmecocystus mendax Oecophvlla longinoda B. Holldobler, Arizona, USA B. Holldobler, Arizona, USA B. Holldobler, Shimba Hills, Kenya Intersegmental tergal glands Intersegmental sternal glands IX VIII VII VI V IV IX VIII VII VI V/ IV VIII VII VI V IV III VIII VII VI V IV III + + r 9 9 r + r,c + r,c 9 r,c + r,c + + + + r + + + + r TABLE ! (continued) Subfamily 1 species MYRMECIINAE Mvrmecia pilosula Other tergal glands PONERINAE Diacamma austra Us Ectalomma ruiclum Ectafomma tuberculatum Eeptogenys dim inula Pachycondyla apiacal is Pachycondyla obscuricornis glandular cells in 7th and 8th segment ducts open dorsally into genital chamber Pa It othyrei is tar sat i is Rhytidoponera metaUica IXth tergite; ducts open into genital chamber DORYLINAE Eciton lllrd Neivamyrmex PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Pseudomyrmex pallidus MYRMICINAE Catalacus intrudens Leptot borax (Macromischa) alardycei lllrd N o \ 'omessor alb isetosus Novomessor cockerel! i Orectognathus versicolor Pogonomyrmex bar bat us NOTHOM YRMF.CIINAE Not homy rmecia macrops ANEURETINAF, A new el us simoni DOLICHODFRINAF. Iridomyrmex purpureus l.iometopum apiculatum FORMICINAF Formica perpilosa Myrmecocystus mendax Oecophylla bnginoda postpetiole gland opens between lllrd tergite and postpetiole postpetiole gland Other sternal glands Tergo-sternal glands Sub- genital plate Penis Anus gland gland gland VUIth + + Between 4/5; 5/6; + 6/7 segments Between 4/5; 5/6; + 6/7 segments Between 4/ 5;5 / 6; + 6/7 segments glandular cells in petiole; ducts + open ventrallv through cuticle VII Ith ? + Vlllth ? + Between 4/5; 5/6; ? 6/7; 7/8 segments 9 9 9 9 IMrd Vlllth IXth + + Illrd Vlllth IXth + + + + + 9 9 122 Psyche [Vol. 89 As mentioned before Janet found this gland not only in workers of M. rubra but also in males. Ant males differ from the workers in having one more exposed segment (8th segment); often even part of the 9th segment is visible. Thus in ant males the pygidial gland does not open at the last exposed tergite (Fig. 1). As can be seen from tab. 1 we found a pygidial gland in species of the subfamilies Myrmeciinae, Ponerinae, Dorylinae, Pseudomyr- mecinae, Myrmicinae, Nothomyrmeciinae and Dolichoderinae. In Aneuretus simoni (Aneuretinae) we detected a few glandular cells, but we could not clearly see glandular ducts. In the males, as in the workers, there exists a considerable variation in the morphology of the pygidial glands, even within a single subfamily. In some species large clusters of glandular cells are associated with a special cuticu- lar structure on the 7th tergite (Fig. 1, 2, 6c). Some species possess more or less developed reservoirs, composed of an invagination of the intersegmental membrane (Fig. 3). In other species there are only a few glandular cells that send dorsolaterally ducts through the intersegmental membrane. In ant males a post pygidial gland is almost as common as the pygidial gland (Fig. 1). It also consists of paired clusters of glandu- lar cells that open through the intersegmental membrane, but between the 7th and 8th tergites (Tab. 1). This gland is especially well developed in Nothomyrmecia macrops males, where the inter- segmental membrane forms a large reservoir. There it closely resembles the pygidial gland found in workers. Interestingly, the males of this species have only a few glandular cells between the 6th and 7th tergites. Thus in comparison with Nothomyrmecia females (including queens) the major tergal gland in the males is shifted one segment posteriorly. In most other ant species examined, however, the gland between the 6th and 7th tergites (pygidial gland) is the major tergal gland in both workers and males. The doryline males are a remarkable exception. They, too, have large pygidial glands, consisting of paired complex glands and a large reservoir. But the same structure is present in the next 3 seg- ments anteriorly (6th-5th; 5th-4th; 4th-3rd) (Fig. 4, 5). In addition, intersegmental glandular cells were found between the 7th and 8th tergites. In the 3rd tergite we also found paired groups of glandular cells, the ducts of which penetrate the sclerotized cuticle of the 3rd tergite dorsolaterally. 1982] Holldobler & Engel- Siegel — Glands in Male Ants 123 Fig. 3 Longitudinal section through pygidial gland of Pogonomyrmex barbatus S- GC=glandular cells; R=reservoir. Sternal glands: More than in any other subfamily, the males of the doryline ants are also richly endowed with sternal glands (Tab. 1; Fig. 4). We found major complex glands with intersegmental reservoirs between the 3rd and 4th, 4th and 5th, 5th and 6th sternites. Glandular clus- ters are also present between the 6th and 7th sternites — but without a pronounced reservoir. In addition, clusters of glandular cells whose ducts penetrate the sclerotized cuticle were found in the 3rd sternite, they are also strongly developed in the 8th and 9th sternites (Fig. 4). Similar sternal glands were found in the 8th sternite of males of Myrmecia pilosula, Pachycondvla apiaealis and P. obscuri- cornis. In both Pachycondvla species the glandular ducts open in bundles into cuticular cups located in the 8th sternite (Fig. 7a). In the ponerine species Leptogenys diminuta the males possess a huge intersegmental sternal gland between the 7th and 8th sternites. This gland consists of large paired clusters of glandualr cells. Each cell sends a duct into wider collecting channels which lead into a paired large reservoir, consisting of ventro-lateral invaginations of the intersegmental membrane (Fig. 6). There is a second paired sternal gland between the 8th and 9th sternite; but this gland is 124 Psyche [Vol. 89 A Fig. 4 A. Schematic drawing of a longitudinal section through the gaster of a Neivamyrmex spec. illustrating the segmental glandular structures. B. Longitudi- nal section through a intersegmental complex-gland (between IVth and Vth tergites). C. Longitudinal section through a intersegmental sternal gland of Eciton spec. Q. A=anus; GC=glandular cells; P=part of penis with penis gland; R= reservoir. 1982] Holldobler & Engel- Siegel — Glands in Male Ants 125 Fig. 5 A. SEM micrograph of the tergite with the attached intersegmental mem- brane of a Neivamyrmex B. Larger magnification showing clearly the glandular duct openings in the cuticle (GO) and the intersegmental membrane which consists of a mat of bristle-like structures. This mat-membrane forms the intersegmental glandu- lar reservoir. See also Fig. 4B. 126 Psyche [Vol. 89 much smaller, and no pronounced reservoir could be detected. Lep- togenvs workers have two well developed sternal glands between the 5th and 6th, and the 6th and 7th sternites respectively (Holldobler and Engel 1978; Jessen et al 1979). Leptogenvs males lack these structures but do possess sternal glands in the 7th and 8th sternites. In males of the ponerine ant Palt hot hy reus tarsatus we found large paired clusters of glandular cells in the 8th sternite. The glandular ducts open through the intersegmental membrane between the 8th and 9th sternites. In addition Paltothvreus males possess unpaired intersegmental sternal glands, similar to those found in Paltothvreus workers (Holldobler and Engel 1978), but smaller, between the 5th and 6th, and 6th and 7th sternites. Other abdominal glands; As indicated in table 1 we found several other abdominal glands in males which cannot directly be assigned to the group of tergal or sternal glands. In a few species ( Novomessor , Leptogenvs) we detected glandular cell clusters in the petiole. In Ectatomma, Dia- camma, Paltothvreus we found small tergo-sternal glands. The ducts of the glandular cells composing them open laterally through the pleural membrane. We found similar small glandular cell bunches in males of Pachycondvla and Rhvtidoponera, but we could not clearly identify the glandular ducts. These tergo-sternal glands resemble closely similar structures described by Jessen et al (1979) in workers of several ponerine species. Finally we found small groups of glandular cells directly at the anus of males in Pachycondvla, Ectatomma, Neivamyrmex, Eciton, Mvrmecocystus and Liometopum (Fig. 7b). These anus glands vary considerably in size, and it is possible that they are present in more species than we were able to document. We first found them in workers of Dorv/us (Holldobler and Engel 1978). The anus glands should not be mis- taken for the rectal gland, an invagination of a glandular epithelium of the rectum, recently discovered in Oecophvlla workers by Holl- obler and Wilson (1978). It is interesting to note that males of Oecophvlla also possess a small rectal gland. Discussion: Except for the glands associated with the ovipositor and sting apparatus, which the males lack, ant males are as richly endowed with exocrine glands as the females. In many species of ants the males have well developed mandibular glands, pro- and post- 1982] Holldobler & Engel-Siegel — Glands in Male Ants 127 Fig. 6 A. Longitudinal section through gaster of a Lepidgenys ciiminuta show- ing the reservoir ( R) of the large sternal gland between 7th and 8th sternites. A=anus. B. Section through the large cluster of glandular cells of the sternal gland, opening into the reservoir between 7th and 8th sternite. S=secretion in reservoir. C. Longi- tudinal section through the pygidial gland of Leptogenys ciiminuta Note that the glandular cells (GC) are considerably larger than the glandular cells of the sternal gland (Fig. 6B). CS=cuticular structure 128 Psyche [Vol. 89 pharyngeal glands, maxillary glands, salivary glands, and meta- pleural glands, although the size of these various structures can vary considerably between the female castes and males. In this paper we surveyed specifically the abdominal sternal and tergal glands in ant males. In almost all species studied we encountered two major glandular structures that Janet (1907) had already described in Myrmica rubra, the penis glands and the subgenital plate glands. Also quite generally present in males (except in the Formicinae) are the pygi- dial glands. The males share these organs with the females, although less well developed in some species. An interesting case is Notho- myrmecia: here the males have a rudimentary pygidial gland but a weil developed postpygidial gland (between the 7th and 8th tergites). The males of the doryline ants are unusually well endowed with abdominal glands, in which they differ markedly from the workers. Although doryline workers have well developed pygidial- and post- pygidial glands (Holldobler and Engel 1978), the males have mas- sive glandular structures in each segment. In this context the findings by Whelden (1963) are of considerable interest. Whelden described a series of exocrine glands in the gaster of Eciton queens as follows: “Each of the segments of the gaster, including those telescoped together in the posterior part, contains a pair of these glands which are smaller in the anterior segment than those in the following segments”. We were not yet able to section a doryline queen and therefore cannot compare the queen organs with those we found in males. It appears, however, that the males possess a glandular equipment very similar to that of the queens. Presumably in doryline queens these massively developed exocrine glands play an important role in the queen’s chemical control of the worker ants and in her high attractiveness to workers, (Watkins and Cole 1966). We hypothesize that the males imitate queen pheromones, which might enable them to penetrate a foreign colony in order to get access to the wingless virgin female reproductives (Franks and Holl- dobler unpublished). In fact, this might also be the function of the massively developed sternal gland in Leptogenvs males. In this genus, as in the dorylines ergatoid reproductive females presumably mate in the nest, so that males flying in from other nests have to penetrate a foreign colony. 1982] Holldobler & Engel-Siegel — Glands in Male Ants 129 Fig. 7 A. Longitudinal section through sternal gland in 8th sternite of a Pachy- conciyla apiacalis D=glandular duct; CU=cuticular cup. B. Longitudinal sec- tion through 8th tergite of a Ectatomma ruidum A=anus; AG=anus gland. 130 Psyche [Vol. 89 But these are speculations. We know nothing about the function of the abdominal glands in ant males. Jessen and Maschwitz (in press) suggested that some of the numerous intersegmental glands they discovered in workers of the ponerine Pachyeondyla tridentata might function as lubrication glands, reducing the friction between the segments when the workers bend the gaster during the act of stinging. In ant males some of the intersegmental glands could pro- duce lubricants in order to keep the abdomen flexible during mating behavior or to assist the extrusion of the copulatory apparatus. On the other hand some of the well developed tergal and sternal glands seem almost certainly to produce allomones or pheromones. The recent morphological investigations of glandular structures in ants have opened a new phase in the study of chemical communication in ants. A cknowledgments: We would like to thank all the collectors mentioned in Table 1, and W. L. Brown, R. Snelling, R. W. Taylor for helping us with the identification of many species, and Ed Seling for his assistance during the SEM work. This work was supported by NSF grant BNS80-02613. References Clausen, R. 1938 Untersuchungen iiber den mannlichen Copulationsapparat der Ameisen, speziell der Formicinae. Mitteil. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 17: 1 1 15. Forbes, J. 1954 The anatomy and histology of the male reproductive system in Campo- notus pennsvlvanicus DeGeer (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). J. Morphol. 95: 523-556’ Forbes, J. and D. Do-Van-Quy 1965 The anatomy and histology of the male reproductive system of the legionary ant, Neivamvrmex harrisi (Haldeman) (Hymenoptera: Formi- cidae). J. New York Entomol. Soc. 73: 95-1 1 1 . Holldobler, B. 1982 The cloacal gland, a new pheromone gland in ants. Naturwissenschaften 69: 186. 1982 Chemical Communication in ants: New exocrine glands and their behav- ioral function. Proceeding 9th International Congress Int. Union Study of Social Insects, Boulder 1982. Holldobler, B. and H. Engel 1978 Tergal and Sternal glands in ants. Psyche 85: 285-330. 1982] Holldobler & Engel-Siegel — Glands in Male Ants 131 Holldobler, B., H. Engel and R. W. Taylor 1982 A new sternal gland in ants and its function in chemical communication. Naturwissenschaften 69: 90. Holldobler, B. and C. P. Haskins 1977 Sexual calling behavior in primitive ants. Science 195: 793-794. Holldobler, B , R. Stanton and H. Engel 1976 A new exocrine gland in Novomessor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and its possible significance as a taxonomic character. Psyche 83: 32-41. Holldobler, B., and J. F. A. Traniello 1980 Tandem running pheromone in ponerine ants. Naturwissenschaften 67: 360. Holldobler, B., and J. F. A. Traniello 1980 The pygidial gland and chemical recruitment communication in Pachy- condyla (Termitopone) laevigata. J. Chem. Ecol. 6: 883-893. Holldobler, B., and E. O. Wilson 1978 The multiple recruitment system of the African weaver ant Oecophyl/a longinoda (Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Behav. Ecol. Socio- biol. 3: 19-60. Janet, Ch. 1898 Etudes sur les Fourmis, les Guepes et les Abeilles, Note 17: Systeme glandulaire tegumentaire de la Myrmica rubra. Observations diverses sur les Fourmis. Paris, Georges Carre et C. Naud, Editeurs pp. 1-30. Janet, Ch. 1902 Anatomie du gaster de la Myrmica rubra. Paris, Georges Carre et C. Naud Editeurs pp. 1-63. Jessen, K. and U. Maschwitz Abdominaldrtisen bei Pachycondvla tridentata (Smith) (Formicidae, Ponerinae). Insectes sociaux in press. Jessen, K., U. Maschwitz and M. Hahn 1979 Neue Abdominaldrtisen bei Ameisen 1. Ponerini (Formicidae: Poneri- nae). Zoomorphologie 94: 49-66. Kugler, Ch. 1978 Pygidial glands in myrmicine ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Insectes sociaux 25: 267-274. 1979 Alarm and defense: a function for the pygidial gland of the myrmicine ant, Pheidole biconstricta. Annales Entomol. Soc. America 72: 532-536. Marcus, H. 1953 Estudios mirmecologicos. Folia Universitaria, Cochabamba, Bolivia 6: 17-68. Maschwitz, U. and P. Schonegge 1977 Recruitment gland of Leptogenvs chinensis. Naturwissenschaften 64: 589-590. Pavan, M. and G. Ronchetti 1955 Studi sulla morfologia esterna e anatomia interna dell’ operaia di Irido- myrmex humilis Mayr e richerche chimiche e biologiche sulla iridomir- mecina. Atti Soc, Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano 94: 379-477. 132 Psyche [Vol. 89 Traniello, J. F. A. and A, K. Jayasuriya 1981 Chemical communication in the primitive ant Aneuretus simoni: The role of the sternal and pygidial gland. J. Chem. Ecol. 7: 1023-1033. Watkins, J. F. and T. W. Cole 1966 The attraction of army ant workers to secretions of their queens. Texas J. Sci. 18: 254-265. Weber, H. 1954 Grundriss der Insektenkunde, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. Whelden, R. M. 1963 The anatomy of adult queen and workers of the army ants Eciton bur- chelli Westwood and Eciton hamatum Fabricius. New York Entomol. Soc. 71: 90-1 15. TERMITE-TERMITE INTERACTIONS: WORKERS AS AN AGONISTIC CASTE* By Barbara L. Thorne Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Termite soldiers are a defensive caste. Their heavily sclerotized head capsules can be equipped with hard mandibles capable of crushing, pinching, piercing, or slashing predators. Soldier castes of many phylogenetically advanced species have well-developed fron- tal glands and are capable of exuding or spraying chemical secre- tions. Such chemical armaments are toxic, irritable, or oily fluids which can impair physiological, sensory and/or mechanical facul- ties of the recipient (Prestwich, 1979). Termite soldiers are thus formidable opponents for ants and vertebrate predators. Soldiers are fed by workers and their behavior within the colony is generally limited to signaling alarm, participating in defense, and organizing foraging expeditions (Stuart, 1969; Traniello, 1981). Despite their specialization, however, soldiers are not the only defensive caste in a termite colony: worker termites of some species (from four families) are known to be able fighters in termite-termite aggressive interactions [Kalotermitidae (Grassi and Sandias, 1 896— 1897; Dropkin, 1946); Hodotermitidae (Nel, 1968); Rhinotermitidae (Pickens, 1934; Clement, 1978); Termitidae (Dudley and Beaumont, 1889a, b; Andrews 1911)]. This paper explores intra- and interspe- cific agonistic encounters among termites, and focuses on the roles of workers and soldiers in such conflicts. The report is presented in two sections, corresponding to two sets of experiments on this topic. Section A describes a field manipula- tion inducing intraspecific encounters among colonies of Nasuti- tennes corniger in Costa Rica. Section B presents data on laboratory experiments examining intra- and interspecific interac- tions among four species of Panamanian termites. * Manuscript received by the editor February /, 1982 133 134 Psyche [Vol. 89 A. Intraspecific Field Experiment: Nasutitermes corniger Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) is a common arboreal ter- mite ranging through much of Central and northern South America (Thorne, 1980). Large carton nests contain up to 800,000 termites (Thorne and Noirot, 1982) and, with the addition of foragers, total colony size may exceed a million individuals. Distinct foraging trails, covered by carton galleries, are visible issuing from a nest and proceeding along tree branches, trunks, and the ground surface. The termites also travel underground and in galleries located within trees^ or fallen logs. N. corniger foraging trails can radiate many meters from the parent colony. Given the density of N. corniger colonies in primary forest (7.0 ± 1.8 per hectare in the Hubbell Plot of Barro Colorado Island, Panama, N = 4 hectares) and in areas of young second growth (27 in one hectare in Frijoles, Panama) (Thorne, unpub. data), it is likely that, at least occasionally, foraging parties from different colonies encounter one another in the midst of exploring or exploiting a local food source. Observation of a natural inter-colony encounter would be difficult. It would require tracking single foraging trails, which would undoubtedly result in disturbance as one cleared away the forest litter to locate foragers. Even if trails could be accurately followed without disruption, it would be rare to view simultaneous interception with an active trail known to be from a second colony. Because the odds of witnessing such a natural event are low, I forced an encounter through a transplant experiment. METHODS On the morning of 18 August, 1978 three Nasutitermes corniger nests were collected from separate areas of second growth near Sirena headquarters of Corcovado National Park, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. The nests measured 29.8, 52.7, and 41.9cm in height and 26.0, 29.8, and 26.0cm in diameter, respectively. Nests were sawed from their host trees and hand-carried to the experimental site. Each colony was suspended on a wire from one of two branches of a large tree (Fig. 1). The nests were hung in an equilateral triangle such that the distance from their base to the ground was 60cm, the distance from the edge of each colony to each neighbor was 50cm, and the original compass orientation of each colony was main- 19821 Thome — Termite-Termite Interactions 135 Figure 1. Field set-up for intraspecific encounter experiment involving Costa Rican Nasutitermes corniger. tained. A coat of tanglefoot was placed at the base of each wire strand (near the point of attachment to nest support branches) to prevent termites from crawling up the wires. A 3.5 X 3.5 m2 plot beneath the nest triangle was completely cleared of leaf litter, forest debris and herbaceous plants so that movement patterns of the termite trails could be monitored. At 7:30 p.m. that evening stick “ramps” (90cm in length, 1 cm in diameter) were installed to connect the nests to the ground. The tips of the sticks were shallowly inserted into both the nest carton and ground surface for support. Bases of the ramps also ended in vertices of an equilateral triangle on the ground, 20cm from tip to tip. RESULTS Hanging above the ground from a single strand of wire, each nest was an island in mid-air: no escape routes were open for the ter- mites. By dusk of the day of collection, soldiers and workers from all colonies were crawling over the peripheries of their nests. This activity gained participants and momentum: at 7:30 p.m. each nest was a seething mass of termites. The stick ramps were embedded to 136 Psyche [Vol. 89 connect the nests to the ground. Immediately following implanta- tion termites swarmed onto the ramps, soldiers in the lead followed by a mixture of soldiers and workers. Only four white immatures were seen leaving the nests throughout the experimental period. As they reached the ground groups fanned out: termites from a single colony divided into several ribbons heading in different direc- tions. Because of the close proximity of the ramp exits, it was inevi- table that encounters occur between trails from different colonies. The meetings were not passive. Soldiers oriented towards (and apparently squirted) termites from other colonies, but this did not seem much of a deterrent to recipients. The major defense stemmed not from the soldiers, but from the Nasutitermes workers. Workers from different colonies grabbed each other with their mandibles and locked in one-on-one conflict. Pairs of workers squirmed and bent with vigor, often until the death of both. Occa- sionally a third or fourth worker would join the engagement, but usually only temporarily. Workers avidly attacked soldiers as well, grabbing at the legs and occasionally biting the abdomen. The next morning worker carcasses littered the arena over an area of approximately 1,500cm2, with some battle “patches” as far as 1.5 m from the center of the ramp triangle. The density of bodies was often quite high (25-50 dead in a 4.0cm2 area). Surviving termites did not appear to cannibalize the dead. Ants, flies, staphylinid bee- tles, and wasps began scavenging the termite carcasses. How were foraging trail routes influenced by the intersection bat- tles? Agonistic confrontations were instigated when at least one colony was in the process of establishing or changing a foraging route, i.e. in a scouting phase. Preliminary observations (Fig. 2) suggest that both colonies’ foraging pathways were displaced by encounters — trails were repulsed from the meeting site following battles lasting 10-30 minutes. One colony may maintain a trail tangential to the “battle field”, but I did not see one continuing through an area of dead termites. It is difficult to determine the effect of agonistic encounters on final foraging path location. In isolation a colony establishes forag- ing routes by scouting in a broad network, but several hours later this highly branched fan collapses into a single actively travelled ribbon with few side trails. Thus the fact that termites have trav- ersed a given area in no way assures that route as the path of a final 1982] Thorne — Termite-Termite Interactions 137 .m 10-20 am 8/20/78 3 '"•••••..I. I • n •rti 2d5 pm 8/20/78 4 i U ..... . 7:00 pm 8/20/78 5 I n 7 : 1 0 am \ 8/21/78 6 -•••I m f if 9-2 0 am 8/21/78 Figure 2. Periodic maps of ground foraging trails departing from the tips of exit ramps attached to suspended Nasutitermes corniger colonies (Section A). Central dots indicate positions of the ramps. Maps are 3.5 X 3.5 m2. 138 Psyche [Vol. 89 foraging trail. Battles may be a deterrent to formation of a given path, but their influence is difficult to assess independently. Foraging path trajectories from the three nests were monitored for two and one half days following initiation of the experiment (see Fig. 2 for the final 24 hour period). Once a scouting fan condensed into a single pathway the positions were relatively stable. Minor adjustments in path locations did occur periodically, and activity on specific trails varied from day to day and even hour to hour. Occa- sionally (usually in the evening) new scouting parties would emanate from the ramp tip or as a tributary of the main trail network. Construction of trail covers varied from colony to colony. Colony III began covering both its ramp and ground trails quickly (a total of 64cm of trail covered by 7 am, 20 August). In contrast. Colonies I and II had only 19cm and 3.2cm of covering, respectively, at 7 a.m. on 20 August. These same relative speeds were repeated when the initial experiment was replicated from 21 to 22 August. Building behavior also showed distinct inter-colony variation, mainly in the amount of advance siding deposited before the trails were roofed. To replicate the first nights’ encounters, I removed the three ramps and scraped clean the entire 3.5 X 3.5 m2 grid at noon on 21 August. This caused attrition of those individuals on the ground and out foraging, but the established trails had to be destroyed to induce active scouting. New ramps (90cm long) were installed at 6:30 p.m., with ends touching the ground in an equilateral triangle of side length 25 cm. Members of Colony I came down their ramp fairly rapidly and began three major paths from its tip, one to the southeast, one to the north, and one due west. At 7 p.m. termites from Colony II began coming down their ramp and immediately began to fight with Col- ony I’s southeast-bound foragers. When the first workers from Col- ony III came down their ramp and encountered foreigners, they rapidly reversed direction and returned en masse to the mouth of their nest, after which a large group of Colony III termites stormed down the ramp. The possibility of worker recruitment in these cir- cumstances should be investigated. The battle between Colonies I and III was vehement for 20 minutes; after 30 minutes Colony I’s southeast trail was abandoned. Colony III established a new trail 180° away from the direction of original interference with Colony I. 1982] Thome — Termite-Termite Interactions 139 c jd o U s- cu C/3 s- 2 o c/d O U o3 u 03 CU £ o U e2 < O c/3 ^ * s 1- w g g 5 “ « O h- >* I * 2 ^ pj 3. Q X < £r uj Q U 2 E 2 5 s H ■? £ 2 .'S 1 1 '2 .!> o oo — o r-~ ■o ‘7 ^ oo 2 ii c* c 03 •2 E -a 7 ^ '•o *5 £ c — - ^ -O d I £ in §+l s ■& E 6b | 03 •£ O a. • - b 2 £ 7? Q. frt T3 1) ■>, 00 -C> 5 ^ ^ t g % £ 2 03 5 D> ^ £ S S i 1 1 U- u O T3 140 Psyche [Vol. 89 In these and several other encounters that night, aggressive interac- tions among colonies were similar to those described earlier. B. Intra- and Interspecific Laboratory Experiments: Termite-Termite Interactions Among Four Panamanian Species To examine conflicts among colonies and species of sympatric termites I staged laboratory encounters in pairwise tests: soldiers vs soldiers, soldiers vs workers, and workers vs workers. Characteris- tics of the four species used in these experiments are summarized in Table I. Amitermes beaumonti soldiers have curved mandibles; Armitermes chagresi soldiers have long, curved mandibles and a prolonged nasus; and soldiers of Nasutitermes corniger and N. ephratae are nasutoid with vestigal mandibles (Fig. 3). METHODS Experimental trials were conducted in March and April, 1981 in the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute laboratory on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama (9° 09' N, 79° 51' W). All Ami- termes beaumonti and Armitermes chagresi were collected from nests on BCI; samples of Nasutitermes corniger and N. ephratae were from colonies in Frijoles, Panama (4km east of BCI). Pairwise encounters were staged in petri dish arenas (4.6cm diameter) lined with moist filter paper. Equal numbers of termites, soldiers or workers, from each colony were introduced to an arena simultane- ously. Dishes were then covered and left undisturbed in darkness for 12 hours. After the interaction period survivors were counted: con- spicuously injured individuals were considered as dead. Most worker-worker trials involved 50 individuals from each colony (only large workers ($) were used from Nasutitermes colonies; Amitermes and Armitermes have monomorphic worker castes). When soldiers of Amitermes or Armitermes were involved in a trial, and in occa- sional trials involving Amitermes or Armitermes workers, fewer individuals were available so experiments proceeded with less than 50 termites from each colony. In Table II the number of individuals from each colony used in each trial is indicated in parentheses fol- lowing the survival percentages. A minimum of three trials were conducted for each intra- and interspecific interaction. Each such 1982] Thorne — Termite-Termite Interactions 141 Figure 3. Termite-termite interactions (Section B). a. Nasutitermes corniger workers (dark heads) vs Armitermes chagresi soldiers (light heads), b. N. corniger soldiers vs Amitermes foreti workers, c. N. corniger intraspecific worker-worker encounter, d. Amitermes fore/i soldier vs N. ephratae worker, e. Armitermes cha- gresi soldier vs N. ephratae worker. 142 Psyche [Vol. 89 trial pitted termites from different colonies. After the 12 hour encounter all dead termites from selected trials were collected and examined for injuries under a dissecting microscope. RESULTS Survival percentages of termites involved in each trial are pre- sented in Table II. For conspecific interactions among members of a single caste (soldier vs soldier or worker vs worker), it was not possible to differentiate colony affiliation so a single survival per- centage is indicated. These figures indicate whether or not a fight ensued, although it is impossible to determine if one colony suffered more or less mortality than the other. Variability within and between blocks of Table II is high. Among some replicates mortality is low for both groups of interacting ter- mites (signified by a at the base of the block). Some encounters suggest consistent “victors”, represented by an arrow pointing in the direction of that party. Other groups of interactions indicate agonis- tic behavior on both sides (‘+’), without clear assignment of a “winner” or “loser”. All interspecific worker-worker encounters resulted in a fight, often with a trend suggesting a “dominant” species but with sufficient variation among trials to prevent assigning a “winner”. Such varia- tion may result from relative differences in individual colony nutri- tion, age, health, and history. For example, an interaction between two strong colonies may be quite different from a similar encounter between members of a weak and a strong colony. It should be noted that soldiers are absent during worker-worker trials, which may affect the excitability and response of workers. Intraspecific worker-worker engagements demonstrated variable aggression within Nasutitermes corniger and N. ephratae, and no lethal attacks in any of the Amitermes or Armitermes trials. Fight- ing among conspecific Nasutitermes colonies is variable and appar- ently influenced by as yet uninvestigated factors. In these experi- mental trials, aggressive interactions generally occurred, although in all but one 1 V. corniger trial well over half of the workers survived the 12 hour meeting. I have previously observed both extremes in conspecific Nasutitermes corniger encounters: 100% mortality and 100% survival, even among colonies from distant locations. Dudley & Beaumont (1889a,b) report that mixing two N. corniger colonies 1982] Thorne — Termite-Termite Interactions 143 resulted in lethal fights. Variance in response may be due to experi- mental protocol, particularly isolation of a colony’s soldiers and workers. Under natural conditions a colony’s soldiers and workers may interact with one another in recognition of and response to foreign termites. The soldier secretion has been demonstrated an alarm pheromone in N. exitiosus, although workers showed little reaction to fresh secretion presented on an applicator (Eisner et al. 1976). In these experiments soldiers and workers from different N. cor- niger or Armitermes chagresi colonies did not fight, while soldier- worker conflict did occur in N. ephratae and Amitermes beaumonti conspecific encounters. In the field manipulaton involving Costa Rican N. corniger (Section A), soldier-worker battles were observed. Summarizing other general trends, N. ephratae workers scored relatively well in worker-worker inter-specific encounters, although they were not consistent victors over Armitermes workers. Both Amitermes and Armitermes soldiers faired relatively well in most encounters while Nasutitermes soldiers were less successful. In intra- specific Armitermes chagresi interactions, only soldier-soldier con- flict was observed; among Amitermes beaumonti, only meetings between soldiers and workers stirred fighting. Such patterns imply species differences in communication, meaning, and recognition of any colony-specific odors. Injuries suffered by the dead during the interaction experiments were scored for several trials, and are summarized in Table III. Presence or absence of damage to the abdomen was scored, though no analysis of extent of abdominal injury was recorded because the exact number of wounds or punctures was difficult to assess. The percentage of dead with abdominal wounds is generally high. Table II (Following pages): Survival Percentages of Panamanian Termites in Paired Laboratory Encounters Paired encounters were staged matching equal numbers of termites (number of individu- als from each colony given in parentheses following trial results). The total percentage of individuals surviving the 12 hour meeting is given for intraspecific soldier-soldier and worker-worker interactions: inability to identify colony affiliation prevented comparative percentages. All other trials report the survival percentage of the termites listed to the left over that of termites listed on top. Arrows at the base of a block point in the direction of a consistent “winner”: arrows in parentheses note a less pronounced tendency, indicates few deaths on either side (no fight): '+' signifies lethal interactions among the termites but with no consistent trend toward a victor. Table 11: Survival Percentages of Panamanian Termites in Paired Laboratory Encounters SR 85 SR o o o "3- OO O in i/"} SR SR SR o o o o o o (N © © SR jR JR SR SR O © n © oo © >n © 8? £R £R © © r- 00 © © CN © OO SR SR tR © r- n © SR SR SR mo© r-~ oo «n r~~ m m © © © m 00 OO © 00 SR SR SR SR SR © © © o © © SR SR SR © © © o o © © in m SR SR SR CNl O o ■^- c- oo SR SR SR SR © oo rsi tj- — © oo n r~ c~- r- SR SR SR © © ^j- oo © r-~ SR SR SR © © oo s? SR S? SR ^ CN 00 O © 00 + © m SR iR SR jR SR IN ^ (N © O SR SR SR © © © © © © o o o o m in m m (N OO ij O Tf r-~ o O' sO O n m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ O Tt O oo o oc oo r- n m m ^ ^ ^ § 8 § ^ gc VO lO O (N it oo >n £R g$ g? oo nj o 'd- > > > > ■> ■> ■> ■> ■> 3 3 3 3 3 S£ g? ^ ^ ^ O OO O' SO rn O Tt so O 00 o o o >n in m ££ g? Os OO Os Os Os Os workers 146 Psyche [Vol. 89 Table 111: Analysis of Injuries for 7 Paired Worker-Worker Interactions Percentage of Individuals with Abdominal Wounds Antennal Legs Heads Mean Number of Non-Abdominal Wounds Per Individual A rmitermes chagresi ( 10 of 12) 100% 5 6 1 1.20 vs Nasutitermes ephratae ( 16) 87.5% 7 6 2 0.94 Armitermes chagresi (20 of 21) 3 13 3 1.00 vs Nasutitermes ephratae (43) — 41 61 0 2.37 Nasutitermes ephratae (8) 87.5% 2 6 1 1.12 vs Nasutitermes corniger (41) 78.0% 30 125 1 3.83 Nasutitermes ephratae (12) 100% 3 13 0 1.25 vs Nasutitermes corniger (43) 90.7% 27 169 0 4.56 Amitermes beaumonti (32 of 38) 65.6% 36 32 20 2.75 vs Nasutitermes ephratae (46) 82.6% 39 46 0 1.85 Nasutitermes corniger (19) 73.7% 12 25 1 2.05 vs Amitermes beaumonti (38) 50.0% 24 35 19 2.05 Nasutitermes corniger (37) 67.6% 47 113 0 4.32 vs Amiterme (38) 50.0% 24 35 19 2.05 Nasutitermes corniger (37) 67.6% 47 113 0 4.32 vs Amitermes beaumonti (39) 35.9% 28 53 16 2.51 Numbers in parentheses following species names are the number of individuals exam- ined (killed). The colony with the fewest deaths is listed first for each interaction. Descrip- tions of the injury categories and criteria are described in text Section B under Results. 1982] Thorne — Termite-Termite Interactions 147 Damage to each antennae and leg was scored separately, and a pierced or decapitated head was scored as one head injury, even if multiple punctures were present. Thus for 10 dead termites, a max- imum of 20 antennal, 60 leg, and 10 head injuries were possible. That number of cumulative injuries divided by the total number of termites examined yielded the mean number of non-abdominal injuries per individual. This index gives some indication of the intensity of attack. The frequency of antennal, leg, and head injuries shows that Ami- termes beaumonti heads appear relatively vulnerable (at least when faced by Nasutitermes ), and that N. corniger was prone to numerous leg injuries. DISCUSSION Worker termites of some species join in aggressive encounters with members of other colonies and are often adept fighters, partic- ularly against other workers. Intensity and outcome of agonistic encounters is variable depending on the species, colonies, and castes involved. Soldiers also participate in termite-termite conflicts. This study suggests that mandibulate soldiers are more effective one-on-one inter-specific antagonists than are Nasutitermes sol- diers, although nasute soldiers are generally present in higher numbers per colony and may be more effective in groups. Research on termite-termite encounters has not been extensive, but is of interest because the recognized defensive caste, the soldiers, are not the sole participants, and may not join in such interactions at all. After viewing the attack of an introduced Termes worker by nymphs and larvae in a Calotermes colony, Grassi and Sandias write in their 1896-1897 account (p. 283), . .similar observations have been made several times, and show. . .that the soldiers purpose- fully reserve themselves for more important foes.” Pickens (1934) noted that workers of established Reticulitermes hesperus colonies will attack and kill founding pairs and incipient colonies which settle nearby. Andrews (1911) did an extensive series of intra-specific interac- tion experiments with Nasutitermes ripper tii. Nearly all staged encounters resulted in immediate conflict involving both soldiers and workers, although occasionally two colonies were completely docile towards each other. Andrews also came to the conclusion 148 Psyche [Vol. 89 that “different communities (colonies) have different grades of hos- tility” (p. 218). Studying Coptotermes acinaciformis, Howick and Creffield (1980) similarly report inter-colony variance in degree of aggression. The mechanism by which termites recognize non-colony mem- bers, and the associated stimuli for aggressive response, are not understood. Termites of some species quickly discriminate between colony-mates and foreigners; other species seem oblivious to “ali- ens”. Certain treatments have been shown to interfere with recogni- tion or aggressive behaviors: water washes (Andrews 191 1), chilling termites to immobilization (Dropkin 1946; Howick & Creffield 1980), and laboratory rearing (Nel 1968). Unpigmented immatures of some species appear immune from attack (Andrews 1911, Sands & Lamb 1975). Dudley and Beaumont (1889a) postulated that col- ony members bear like “odors”, and that they can thereby differen- tiate colony-mates from foreigners. This idea of what is now termed colony-specific recognition pheromones is still viable (reviewed by Stuart 1970), perhaps involving cuticular hydrocarbons as recogni- tion cues (Howard et al. 1978, Blomquist et al. 1979). The degree of intraspecific pheromone variation, the environmental components of response, and the mode of aggressive stimulus remain unknown. Workers may be particularly useful as a capable, defensive unit in termite-termite encounters because they are the numerically domi- nant caste and although they are accompanied by soldiers on forag- ing forays, they are vulnerable to predation and competition while foraging. Termite mounds and arboreal nests have few exposed openings, and any which exist are guarded, usually by soldiers. In contrast, worker foragers cannot rely on nest protection, and their armada of soldier escorts may be insufficient to stay competitors. Mandibulate soldiers are normally in low proportion relative to workers (Haverty 1977). The ratio of termite soldiers to workers in Nasutitermes is relatively high (Haverty 1977), but the soldiers have vestigal mandibles and their chemical sprays are apparently not a complete defense against other termites. Soldiers may be especially proficient at repelling ant and vertebrate attacks (although workers may assist, eg. Eisner et al. 1976), while worker castes are adept at joining with soldiers to defend resources against other termites. 1982] Thorne — Termite-Termite Interactions 149 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank C. Justine Allen and Kent H. Redford for special assist- ance, and the Organization for Tropical Studies and the Smithso- nian Tropical Research Institute for logistical support. Kenneth P. Sebens, James F. A. Traniello, and Edward O. Wilson read earlier versions of this paper. This research was funded by NSF disserta- tion improvement grant DEB-80-16415 and a predoctoral fellow- ship from the American Association of University Women. References Andrews, E. A. 191 1. Observations on termites in Jamaica. J. Anim. Behav. 1: 193-228. Blomquist, G. J.; R. W. Howard and C. A. McDaniel. 1979. Structures of the cuticular hydrocarbons of the termite Zootermospis angusticollis (Hagen). Insect Biochem. 9: 365-370. Clement, J. 1 978. L’agression interspecifique et interspecific des especes frangaise du genre Reticulitermes (Isoptere). C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris. 286: 351 354. Dropkin, V. H. 1946. The use of mixed colonies of termites in the study of host-symbiont relations. J. Parasit. 32: 247-251. Dudley, P. H. and J. Beaumont. 1889a. Observations on the termites, or white-ants of the Isthmus of Panama. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 8: 85 1 14. 1889b. The termites or so-called “white-ants” of the Isthmus of Panama. J. N. Y. Microscop. Soc. 5: 59-70 and 1 1 1-1 12. Eisner, T.; I. Kriston and D. J. Aneshansley. 1976. Defensive behavior of a termite ( Nasutitermes exitiosus). Behav. Ecol. and Sociobiol. 1: 83-125. Grassi, B. and A. Sandias. 1896-1897. The constitution and development of the society of termites: Observations on their habits: with appendices on the parasitic protozoa of Termitidae, and on the Embiidae. Quart. J. Microsc. Sci. 39: 245-322; 40: 1-82. Haverty, M. I. 1977. The proportion of soldiers in termite colonies: a list and a bibliography (Isoptera). Sociobiology 2(3): 1 19-216. Howard, R. W.; C. A. McDaniel and G. L. Blomquist. 1978. Cuticular hydrocarbons of the eastern subterranean termite, Reticuli- termes flavipes ((Collar) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). J. Chem. EcoL 4(2): 233-245. 150 Psyche [Vol. 89 Howick, C. D. and J. W. Creffield. 1 980. Intraspecific antagonism in Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) (Isop- tera: Rhinotermitidae). Bull, of Ent. Res. 70: 17-23. Nel, J. J. C. 1968. Aggressive behaviour of the harvester termites Hodotermes mossambi- cus (Hagen) and Trinervitermes trinervoides (Sjostedt). Ins. Soc. 15(2): 145-156. Pickens, A. L. 1934. The biology and economic significance of the western subterranean ter- mite Reticulitermes hesperus. In: Termites and Termite Control (C. A. Kofoid, ed.) Ch. 14 pp. 157-183. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley. Prestwich, G. D. 1979. Chemical defense by termite soldiers. J. of Chem. Ecol. 5(3): 459-480. Sands, W. A. and R. W. Lamb. 1975. The systematic position of Kaudernitermes. gen. n. (Isoptera: Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) and its relevance to host relationships of termitophi- lous staphylinid beetles. J. of Ent. Series B Vol. 44 Pt. 2, pp. 189-200. Stuart, A. M. 1969. Social behavior and communciation. In: Biology of Termites (K. Krishna and F. M. Weesner, eds.). Vol. I pp. 193-232. Academic Press, N. Y. 1970. The role of chemicals in termite communication. In: Advances in Chemoreception Vol. I: Communication by Chemical Signals (J. W. Johnson, Jr.; D. G. Moulton & A. Turk, eds.). pp. 79-106. Appleton- Century-Crofts, N. Y. Thorne, B. L. 1980. Differences in nest architecture between the Neotropical arboreal ter- mites Nasutitermes corniger and Nasutitermes ephratae (Isoptera: Ter- mitidae). Psyche 87: 235-243. Thorne, B. L. and C. Noirot. 1982. Ergatoid reproductives in Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky): Isoptera, Termitidae. International J. of Insect Morph, and Embryol., in press. Traniello, J. F. A. 1981. Enemy deterrence in the recruitment strategy of a termite: Soldier- organized foraging in Nasutitermes costalis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 78(3): 1976-1979. TYPE DESIGNATIONS AND SYNONYMIES FOR NORTH AMERICAN SILPH IDAE (COLEOPTERA) By Stewart B. Peck1 and Scott E. Miller2 The purpose of this paper is to provide type data and lectotype and neotype designations for North American Silphidae described by J. L. LeConte, Thomas Say, M. H. Hatch, and J. W. Angell, and new synonymies of other species. We are engaged in ongoing revi- sionary work on North American silphids (e.g. Miller and Peck, 1979) and have found considerable nomenclatural confusion be- cause of varying interpretations of poor descriptions and names not fixed to types. Publication of these data is also necessary for their inclusion in the forthcoming fascicle on this family in “A Catalog of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico”, U.S. Dept. Agric. Handbook 529 (J. M. Kingsolver, editor-in-chief). Improved identi- fication keys and characterizations of all United States and Cana- dian silphids are given in Peck (1982a). In the LeConte and Horn collections of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, the specimens that bear “type” labels have not been formally validated, and these were placed on the assumed types (supposedly the first in each series) during routine curation early in this century. The Say neotypes were selected from the LeConte collection because it is generally agreed that the original Say material is lost, and that LeConte had the opportunity to compare his specimens with those in Say’s collection (see Lindroth and Freitag, 1969; Miller and Peck, 1979). The speci- mens designated do not differ in characters from the original pub- lished descriptions. Primary types from the Hatch collection have been deposited by Oregon State University in the United States National Museum of Natural History (USNM). Types have recently been designated for Silpha aenescens Casey, Silpha raniosa Say, Agvrtes longulus LeConte, and Necrophilus pettitii Horn (Miller and Peck, 1979; Peck, 1974 and 1982b). 'Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6. 2Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. 151 152 Psyche [Vol. 89 Herman (1964) has shown that the correct spelling of the genus of the sexton or burying beetles is Nicrophorus Fabricius, 1775, and not Necrophorus Thunberg, 1789 (see Madge, 1980). Type Specimens of Nominal Species Necrophorus lunatus LeConte 1853: 277. lectotype (here desig- nated), a male with a yellow disc and a red square label with white dorsal margin “Type 3144” and white label “N. sayi Lap/ lunatus Lee.,” and our designation label, in MCZ. The yellow circle in LeConte’s code is supposed to mean “Central Valley or Western States (Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Western Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, and southern Great Lakes)”. However, the spe- cies localities were published by LeConte as New York and Geor- gia. The name is a junior synonym of Nicrophorus sayi Laporte, 1840; and a junior homonym of Nicrophorus lunatus Fischer, 1842, of Eurasia. Harold ( 1868) supplied Necrophorus luniger as a replacement name for Necrophorus lunatus LeConte. Necrophorus confossor LeConte 1854: 20. Described from a single specimen, the holotype: a male with a dark blue disc (indi- cating Oregon and Washington), and a red square label with white dorsal margin “Type 3146” and white label “N. confossor/ Cooper Lee.”, and white label “maratimus 4”, in MCZ. The pub- lished type locality is Prairie Paso, which is in Washington. The species is a synonym of Nicrophorus investigator Zetterstedt, 1824. Necrophorus pollinctor LeConte 1854: 19. lectotype (here desig- nated) a male with dark blue disc (meaning Oregon and Washing- ton), red label with white dorsal margin “Type 3145”, white label “N. pollinctor/Cooper Lee.”, white label “vespilloides 9”, and our designation label, in MCZ. Accompanied by male paralectotype with blue disc, red label with white dorsal margin “Type/2/ 3145” and white label “vespilloides 10” and male paralectotype with blue disc and red label with white dorsal margin “Type/2/3145” and white label “vespilloides 1 1”, both in MCZ. The published distri- bution is from Fort Vancouver to the Yokolt Plain. The species is a synonym of Nicrophorus clefodiens Mannerheim, 1846, and a junior homonym of Necrophorus pollinctor Mannerheim, 1853 (which is a synonym of Necrophorus investigator Zetterstedt, 1824). 1982] Peck & Miller — North American Silphidae 153 Necrophorus orbicollis Say 1825: 177. neotype (here designated), a male in LeConte collection with white label “N. orbicollis/ Say/ Hallii Kirby”, and our designation label, in MCZ. Published localities are from “the N. W. Territory” (which at the time meant Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan), and “very rare in the Middle States”, and “one specimen from Dr. T. W. Harris of Milton, Massachusetts”. The Harris collection is preserved in the MCZ and was examined but no specimens of the species were found that would help to validate Say’s species concept. Nicrophorus hecate immaculosis Hatch 1957: 15. The name was validated by this use as a subspecies, not by its earlier use as an aberration (Hatch 1927: 362) according to Article 10b of the ICZN. The holotype, which we have not seen, is a specimen from “California” in the I nstitut fur Pflanzenschutzforschung Zweig- stelle Eberswalde, East Berlin (formerly Deutsches Entomolo- gisches Institut). Our examination of much west coast material (and unpublished data of R.S. Anderson) shows that immaculosis represents part of a range of variation in elytral patterning within N. hecate Bland 1865, and, furthermore, that hecate represents a portion of variation within N. guttu/a Motschoulsky 1845. We therefore propose immaculosis as a new synonym of hecate, and hecate as a new synonym of guttula. Necrophorus maritimus Eschscholtz, in Guerin-Meneville 1835, Iconographie, plate 17, fig. 8. This name was last used by Hatch (1957: 14) as Necrophorus investigator maritimus, for material mostly from coastal islands of British Columbia with reduced elytral fascia. It was originally described from Sitcha Island, Alaska, but we have not seen authentic type material. Our exami- nation (and unpublished data of R. S. Anderson) of much west coast material shows this to be one part of variation, which is not geographically coherent, of N. investigator Zetterstedt 1824, and we therefore propose maritimus as a new synonym. Necrophorus grandior Angell 1912: 307. lectotype (here designated), a male with labels “California”, “Janson”, “Original/ type”, “Necrophorus / grandior / Angell”, “Necrophorus / grandior / 2917 Ang./Det. M. H. Hatch 1925”, “Necrophorus/germanicus/ ab. bipunctatus/<3 Kr./M. H. Hatch-1926” and our designation label, in USNM. Hatch (1927) cited this as the “type” (holotype), but it was published as a syntype. The species is a synonym of Nicro- 154 Psyche [Vol. 89 phorus germanicus (Linnaeus), 1758. The location of the second syntype, a specimen of N. humator (Gleditsch) 1 767 (according to Hatch 1927) is unknown. It is not in the Hatch collection at Oregon State University (G. L. Peters, pers. comm.). Si/pha truncata Say 1823: 193. neotype (here designated), a male with dark green disc (meaning New Mexico) and white label “S. truncata Say.”, and our designation label, in MCZ. The pub- lished locality is “Arkansa” and “near the Rocky Mountains”, which we take to mean the upper reaches of the Arkansas River in eastern Colorado. Say collected the single specimen while he was a naturalist on Major Long’s 1819 party exploring the upper reaches of the Platte, Arkansas, Canadian, and Red Rivers, of the southern Great Plains and foothills of the Rockies (Weiss and Ziegler, 1931). The species is now Thanatophi/us truncatus (Say). Si/pha bituberosa LeConte 1859b: 6. Described from a single specimen, the holotype: a female with pale green disc (meaning Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana), and red label with white dorsal margin “Type 8952” and white label “S. bituberosa/ Drexler Lee.”, in MCZ. The published type locality is “near Fort Bridger”, now in SW Wyoming. The species is now in the genus Aclypea (in some literature as Blitophaga ), but the former name is given priority, following Seidlitz (1888: 31 1) as the first reviser in accordance with article 24 (a) (i) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Si/pha caudata Say 1823: 192. The species was described from material collected by Thomas Nuttall “on the upper Missouri” River and by Say from “near the Rocky Mountains.” LeConte (1859c) recognized this species as a synonym of Si/pha lapponica Herbst, now Thanatophi/us lapponicus (Herbst), and this has been accepted ever since. We do not designate a neotype for this name, for it is not necessary in the interests of stability of nomenclature. Necrophi/us tenuicornis LeConte 1859a: 84. Described from a single specimen, the holotype: a female with dark blue disc (meaning Oregon and Washington), and red label with white dor- sal margin “Type 3 147” and white label “N. tenuicornis/ P. Sound Lee. ’’and white label “Pt./tenuicorne/(Lec)’\ in MCZ. The pub- lished type locality is Puget Sound, Washington. The species is now Aptero/oma tenuicorne (LeConte). 1982] Peek & Miller — North American Silphidae 155 New Subgeneric Synonymy Our studies, as well as those of R. S. Anderson, R. B. Madge, and A. F. Newton (all unpublished), have not provided data to support retention of the monotypic subgenus Neeroeharis Portevin 1923 for Nicrophorus carolinus (Linnaeus 1771). Therefore we consider Neeroeharis a new synonym of Nicrophorus Fabricius 1775. Acknowledgements We thank A. F. Newton (MCZ), T. J. Spilman (USDA c/o USNM), M. D. Schwartz and G. L. Peters (both Oregon State University) for their courtesy in allowing study of specimens under their care. A. F. Newton and R. B. Madge reviewed the manuscript and have provided much helpful advice throughout our silphid stud- ies. R. S. Anderson (and his unpublished Masters thesis at Carleton University on distribution and biology of Silphidae in Canada and Alaska) helped clarify questions of species identities. Miller’s work was done while at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian Institution. Literature Cited Angell, J. W. 1912. Two new North American species of Necrophorus (Coleop.). Ent. News, 23: 307. Guerin-Meneville, M. F. E. 1835. Iconographie du Regne Animal de G. Cuvier. Insects, vol. 7. Bailliere, Paris. 576 pp, 104 plates, (plate 17 dated January, 1835 by Cowan, 1971, J. Soc. Bibliog. Natur. Hist., 6: 18-29: text dates to 1844). Hatch, M. H. 1927. Studies on the Silphinae. J. New York Ent. Soc., 35: 331-371. 1957. The beetles of the Pacific Northwest. Part II: Staphyliniformia. Univ. Washington Publ. Biol., 16. 384 pp. Univ. Washington Press, Seattle. Herman, L. H., Jr. 1964. Nomenclatural consideration of Nicrophorus (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Coleop. Bull., 18: 5-6. LeConte, J. L. 1853. Synopsis of the Silphales of America, north of Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 6: 274-267. 1854. Descriptions of some new Coleoptera from Oregon, collected by Dr. J. G. Cooper of the North Pacific R.R. Expedition, under Gov. J.J. Stevens. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 7: 16-20. 1 859a. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Fort Tejon, California. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1859: 69-90. 156 Psyche [Vol. 89 1859b. The Coleoptera of Kansas and eastern New Mexico. Smithsonian Cont. to Knowledge, 11(6): 1-66, 3 plates. 1859c. The complete writings of Thomas Say on the entomology of North America. S.E. Cassino and Co., Boston. Two volumes, XXIV + 412 pp. + 54 plates and IV + 814 pp. Lindroth, C. H. and R. Freitag 1969. North American ground-beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, excluding Cic- indelinae) described by Thomas Say: designation of Lectotypes and Neo- types. Psyche, 76: 326-359. Madge, R. B. 1980. A catalogue of type-species in the family Silphidae (Coleoptera). Ent. Scand., 11: 353-362. Miller, S. E. and S. B. Peck 1979. Fossil carrion beetles of Pleistocene California asphalt deposits, with a synopsis of Holocene California Silphidae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Silphi- dae). Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 19: 85-106. Peck, S. B. 1974. A review of the Agyrtes (Silphidae) of North America. Psyche, 81: 501-506. 1982a. Silphidae and the associated families Agyrtidae and Leiodidae, in D. Dindal, ed., Soil Biology Guide. Wiley and Sons, in press. 1982b. Distribution and biology of flightless carrion beetle Necrophilus pettitii in eastern North America (Coleoptera; Silphidae). Ent. News, 92: 181-185. Say, T. 1823. Descriptions of Coleopterous insects collected in the late expedition to the Rocky Mountains, performed by order of Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the command of Major Long. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia, 3: 139-216. 1825. Descriptions of new species of Coleopterous insects inhabiting the Uni- ted States. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 5: 160-202. Seidlitz, G. 1887-1891. Fauna Baltica. Die Kafer (Coleoptera) der Deutschen Ostseepro- vinzen Russlands. Zweite neu bearbeitete Auflage. Konigsberg: Har- tungsch Verlagsdruckerei. (Silphidae issued in 1888) Weiss, H. B. and G. M. Zeigler 1931. Thomas Say, Early American Naturalist. Charles C. Thomas Pub., Springfield, 111. 260 pp. CHEMICAL MIMICRY AS AN INTEGRATING MECHANISM FOR THREE TERMITOPHILES ASSOCIATED WITH RETIC ULITERMES VIRGINICUS (BANKS)12 By Ralph W. Howard,34 C. A. McDaniel,* 2 3 4 5 and Gary J. Blomquist6 Introduction The mechanisms by which termitophiles integrate themselves into the social life of termite colonies have long intrigued entomologists (Kistner, 1979). Various authors have suggested that plausible inte- gration mechanisms might include the using of “appeasement chem- icals” (Wilson, 1971), passing as morphological mimics (Kistner, 1968), or engaging in behavioral mimicry (Kistner, 1979). We recently reported (Howard et al., 1980a) that the host-specific, highly integrated termitophile Trichopsenius frosti Seevers asso- ciated with Retieulitermes flavipes (Kollar) possesses the same com- plex mixture of cuticular hydrocarbons as its termite host. We suggested that this was an example of chemical mimicry which func- tioned to integrate this beetle into the termite society. Retieulitermes virginicus (Banks) is sympatric with R. flavipes throughout much of its range and, as predicted (Howard et al., 1978; Blomquist et ah, 1979), the two species possess distinctly dif- ferent cuticular hydrocarbons which function as species recognition cues (Howard et ah, 1982). They also have different termitophilous cohorts. Thus, T. frosti is associated only with R. flavipes whereas T. depressus Le Conte, Xenistusa hexagonalis Seevers (both Sta- phylinidae: Trichopseniinae), and Philotermes howardi Kistner and Gut (Staphylinidae; Aleocharinae) are associated only with R. vir- ginicus. We now report that the three R. virginicus staphylinids also appear to use chemical mimicry as an integrating mechanism; i.e.. 'Manuscript received by the editor June 3, 1982. 2Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae. 3 Forestry Sciences Laboratory. Southern Forest Experiment Station, P. O. Bo x 2008 GMF, Gulfport, MS 39503. 4 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 5 National Monitoring and Residue Analysis Laboratory, VS DA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, P. O. Box 3209, Gulfport, MS 39503. 6 Department of Biochemistry, University of Nevada- Reno, Reno, NV 89557 157 158 Psyche [Vol. 89 they have the same complex mixture of cuticular hydrocarbons as their host termite. In addition, we report that at least one of these beetles (X. hexagonalis ) biosynthesizes its hydrocarbons. Methods and Materials Portions of several colonies of R. virginicus were collected in 1979 from pine logs in Harrison, Jackson, and Stone Counties, Missis^ sippi. The beetles were separated from the termites, counted by species, and stored at — 20° C until used. A total of 230 beetles was collected: 10 P. howardi, 140 T. depressus, and 80 X. hexagonalis. Cuticular hydrocarbons from pooled samples (by species) were iso- lated and separated as previously described (Howard et al., 1978). Hydrocarbons were characterized by gas-liquid chromatography (GC) retention times and by electron impact (El) and chemical ioni- zation (Cl) mass spectrometry (Howard et al., 1980b; Jackson and Blomquist, 1976). Double bond stereochemistries were determined by comparison with standards using argentation thin-layer chroma- tography (AgNCE-TLC) (Kates, 1972). In vitro biosynthesis experiments were conducted as previously described {Howard et al., 1980a) using 60 X. hexagonalis collected from a single colony of R. virginicus in September 1979. Radioactivity was assayed by liquid scintillation counting for 10 minutes at about 85 percent counting efficiency. All counting was done with a standard deviation of less than 5 percent. A portion of the isolated hydrocarbons was assayed for total radioactivity. The remainder of the material was separated by AgN03-TLC into satu- rated, monounsaturated, and diunsaturated components, which then were assayed for radioactivity. Results The retention times of all peaks present in the GC profile of cuticular hydrocarbons from R. virginicus (Fig. 1) match those from the GC profile of the cuticular hydrocarbons of P. howardi (Fig. 2), T. depressus (Fig. 3), and X. hexagonalis (Fig. 4). Confirmation of the chemical identity for each of the hydrocarbon components in most of the GC peaks was obtained by El and Cl mass spectrometry (MS). In every instance, the GC-MS retention times and mass spec- tra of the beetle hydrocarbon components were identical to those 1982] Howard, McDaniel, Blomquist — Three Termitophiles 159 previously obtained from R. virginicus cuticular hydrocarbons (Howard et al., 1982). Likewise, concurrently obtained AgN03 TLC retention values (Rf) were identical for all beetle derived alkenes and R. virginicus alkenes. Components which were identified include n-alkanes, 2-, 3-, 1 1-, 13-, and 15-methylalkanes, 1 1, 15-dimethylalkanes, Z-9-alkenes, Z,Z-7,9-dienes, and E/Z-6,9- dienes ranging in carbon number from C2] to C40 (Table 1). Double bond location and stereochemistries of the beetle derived alkenes were inferred solely from GC and GC-MS retention time data, and AgN03-TLC Rf data, since insufficient sample was available for infrared analysis and methoxymercuration-demercuration (Blom- quist et al., 1980). Early eluting components not identified by a number in Figures 1 to 4 are unidentified, but have retention times consistent with a homologous series of /7-alkanes. The relative abundance of individual hydrocarbon components varied from species-to-species, but no more so than that of their termite host, whose percent composition varies considerably by caste (Howard et al., 1982). The in vitro radioisotope incorporation experiment was con- ducted with X. hexagonalis to determine if this species can biosyn- thesize its cuticular hydrocarbons de novo. Howard (1978) reported that this species engages in frequent allogrooming with its termite host, with the resulting possibility of acquiring host hydrocarbons by mechanical transfer rather than by de novo biosynthesis. A com- bination of these two alternatives is also possible. After 2 hours of incubating beetle cuticular tissues with 10 ^uCi of [1— 14C]-acetate, 19.6 ± 8.8 pmole (mean ± SD) of [1— 14C]-acetate was incorporated into hydrocarbon. About 87.8 ± 5.3 percent of the radioactivity was in the alkane fraction, 10.2 ± 4.0 percent was in the alkene fraction, and 1.9 ± 1.3 percent was in the alkadiene fraction. This closely approximates the distribution of alkanes and olefins in X. hexago- nalis, suggesting that this species can de novo biosynthesize its cuticular hydrocarbons. In vitro biosynthesis experiments were not conducted with T. depressus and P. howardi because we were unable to collect enough beetles simultaneously. Discussion The striking mimicry of hydrocarbon components observed among these three beetles (representing two subfamilies) and their 160 Psyche [Vol. 89 Fig. 1 . GC trace of total cuticular hydrocarbons of Reticulitermes virginicus. GC conditions: 1.83 m X 3 mm i.d. Stainless steel column packed with 3 percent (w/w) SP-2100 on 100/120 mesh Supelcoport; temperature programmed from 150° to 325°C at 5° C/ min. Fig. 2. GC trace of total cuticular hydrocarbons of Philotermes howardi. GC conditions same as for Fig. I. 1982] Howard, McDaniel, Blomquist — Three Termitophiles 161 Fig. 3. GC trace of total cuticular hydrocarbons of Trichopsenius ciepressus. GC conditions same as for Fig. 1. Fig. 4 GC trace of total cuticular hydrocarbons of Xenistusa hexagonalis. GC conditions same as for Fig. 1. 162 Psyche [Vol. 89 termite host is strongly suggestive for their role as integrating fac- tors. It also supports our earlier hypothesis that cuticular hydrocar- bons may serve as species recognition cues (Howard et al., 1978; Blomquist et al., 1979; Howard et al., 1980a; Howard et al., 1982). Behavioral evidence for this interpretation comes from the finding (Howard, unpublished observations) that live T. depressus placed into laboratory colonies of R. flavipes were killed by the termites within a 24-hour period (five observations). Similarly, the placing of live T.frosti into laboratory colonies of R. virginicus results in their being killed (five observations). Beetles can be freely exchanged among different colonies of their hosts however. These two Tri- chop senius spp. are nearly identical morphologically and behavior- ally, but differ markedly with respect to cuticular hydrocarbons. Similar transplants of workers or soldiers of R. flavipes or R. virgi- nicus into colonies of the other species also resulted in the death of the alien individual (five observations). Transplants of conspecific termites into different colonies did not produce agonistic interac- tions (five observations). As with the beetles, the two termite species are morphologically and behaviorally quite similar. We have shown that R. virginicus workers are antagonistic towards neutral, critical- point dried (CPD) conspecific workers treated with R. flavipes cuticular hydrocarbons (Howard et al., 1982), but are not aggressive toward CPD workers treated with R. virginicus cuticular hydro- carbons. While we cannot exclude the possibility of other biochemi- cal differences among either the beetles or their host termites, GC comparisons of total body extracts revealed none. The termitophiles associated with R. virginicus (in common with other termitophiles) possess many epidermal glands (Kistner, 1979) which have often been postulated to be a source of chemicals which in some manner aids in the integration of the beetles into the termite society. While we cannot rule out this interpretation, we would like to suggest an alternative hypothesis for the function of these glandu- lar products. Termitophiles are never found in great abundance (Wilson, 1971; Kistner, 1979), and the nature of termite nest-galley systems is such as to present substantial problems in the location and recognition of conspecifics. Perhaps these glands are producing pheromones directed at conspecifics rather than kairomones directed at their host. Since pheromones are usually produced in extremely 1982] Howard, McDaniel Blomquist — Three Termitophiles 163 small amounts, such an interpretation would explain the lack of GC evidence to date for beetle derived biochemicals different from those of their termite host. An experimental test of this hypothesis must await the development of suitable bioassays. Reticu/itermes virginicus and its termitophiles have been co- evolving for a long period of time (Kistner, 1968, 1979). The beetles are totally integrated into the social life of the colony and appear to be chemically indistinguishable from the termites (chemical mim- icry) vis-a-vis their cuticular hydrocarbons. Most known termite- termitophile associations, however, occur within the family Termiti- dae (Kistner, 1979). These associations are characterized by termito- philes ranging in status from nonintegrated to totally integrated. If our hypothesis is correct regarding the integrating role of cuticular hydrocarbons then a corresponding spectrum of congruences of hydrocarbon profiles would be predicted among the termitophiles of these communities. We are presently testing this hypothesis. Many species of ants are known to have inquilines associated with them, but unlike termitophiles, these myrmecophiles are seldom host specific (Wilson, 1971). In addition, myrmecophiles seem to show a wider range of integration (or lack thereof) than do termito- philes. A correspondingly greater range of integrating mechanisms might therefore be expected, and have been found. These include body color, appeasement substances, trichomes, unicellular epi- dermal glands, physogastry, exudatoria and grandular antennae. All have been superbly reviewed by Wilson (1971) and Kistner (1979). The most recent addition to this plethora of mechanisms is the finding that the scarab beetle Myrmecaphodius excavaticollis (Blanchard) associated with various Solenopsis spp. (“fire ants”) has a cuticular hydrocarbon composition which closely mimics that of its current ant host (Van der Meer, personal communication in Howard and Blomquist, 1982). The mechanism by which the beetles achieve this is unknown. Each of the four ant hosts that the scarab beetles is found with, however, has a unique hydrocarbon profile. Perhaps ants, like subterranean termites, also use cuticular hydro- carbons as species-recognition cues. Clearly a great deal remains to be learned before we achieve an adequate understanding of the diversity of relationships between social insects and their guests. Table 1. Cuticular hydrocarbons of Reticulitermes virginicus, Philotermes howardi, Trichopsenius depressus and Xenitusa hexagonalis. 164 Psyche [Vol. 89 O £> ■e 1 cS ~ U 2 y - ° £ m — m — O 00 tj- oo 66 -2 S3 | 0 Tt O m «n Os OS r-- n O si 00 00 O si fN fN O fN 00 SO 00 Os O 0 «n «n OO 00 OO O m m m si sl- sl- rn fN — fN — — m m «n ■ p • p 00 n m m O m fN fN fN m fN fN m fN m O fN m fN Si u + T? n > U I QJ 73 C 03 N .22 >' O ejj <*> c ll 5 S. t> s 5 t 3 o O O ^ 73 1) g £ o g 03 l« 73 (L> ■£ 4J 2 3 -3 •I- C s-Z tr I w 5 S ^ S s ^ .2 8 J-iSu C/2 Q tu UJ C 166 Psyche [Vol. 89 Summary The three highly integrated staphylinid termitophiles ( Philo - termes howardi Kistner and Gut, Trichopensius depressus Le Conte, and Xenistusa hexagonalis Seevers) associated with Reticuli- termes virginicus (Banks), possess the same cuticular hydrocarbons as their host. This congruence is hypothesized to be a form of chem- ical mimicry and is postulated to function as a major way these beetles achieve integration into the termite society. Acknowledgement G. J. Blomquist acknowledges the support of the Science and Education Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture under grant 7801064 from the Competitive Research Grant Office. Literature Cited Blomquist, G. J., R. W. Howard, and C. A. McDaniel. 1979. Structures of the cuticular hydrocarbons of the termite Zootermopsis angusticollis (Hagen). Insect. Biochem. 9: 365-370. Blomquist, G. J., R. W. Howard, C. A. McDaniel, S. Remaley, L. A. Dwyer, and D. R. Nelson. 1980. Application of methoxymercuration-demercuration followed by mass spectrometry as a convenient microanalytical technique for double-bond location in insect-derived alkenes. J. Chem. Ecol. 6(1): 257-269. Howard, R. W. 1978. Proctodeal feeding by termitophilous Staphylinidae associated with Re- ticulitermes virginicus (Banks). Science 201: 541-543. Howard, R. W., and G. J. Blomquist. 1982. Chemical ecology and biochemistry of insect hydrocarbons. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 27: 149-172. Howard, R. W., C. A. McDaniel, and G. J. Blomquist. 1978. Cuticular hydrocarbons of the eastern subterranean termite, Reticuli- termes fiavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). J. Chem. Ecol. 4(2): 233-245. Howard, R. W., C. A. McDaniel, and G. J. Blomquist. 1980a. Chemical mimicry as an integrating mechanism: cuticular hydrocar- bons of a termitophile and its host. Science 210: 431-433. Howard, R. W., C. A. McDaniel, D. R. Nelson, and G. J. Blomquist. 1980b. Chemical ionization mass spectrometry: application to insect-derived cuticular alkanes. J. Chem. Ecol. 6(3): 609-623. 1982] Howard, McDaniel Blomquist — Three Termitophiles 167 Howard, R. W., C. A. McDaniel, D. R. Nelson, G. J. Blomquist, L. T. Gelbaum and L. H. Zalkow. 1982. Cuticular hydrocarbons of Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks)1 and their role as potential species- and caste-recognition cues. J. Chem. Ecol. 8: 1227-1239. Jackson, L. L., and G. J. Blomquist. 1976. Insect waxes. P. 201-233. In Chemistry and Biochemistry of Natural Waxes. P. E. Kolattukudy (ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Oxford, and New York. 459 p. Kates, M. 1972. Techniques of Lipidology: Isolation, Analysis and Identification of Lip- ids. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, and American Elsevier Publishing Company, New York. 610 p. Kistner, D. H. 1968. Revision of the African species of the termitophilous tribe Corotocini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). I. A new genus and species from Ovambo- land and its zoogeographic significance. J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 76: 213-221. Kistner, D. H. 1979. Social and evolutionary significance of social insect symbionts. P. 339-413. In Social Insects. Vol. 1. H. R. Hermann (ed.). Academic Press, New York, San Francisco, and London. 437 p. Wilson, E. O. 1971. The Insect Societies. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 548 p. PA RATA RUM A, A NEW GENUS OF NEOTROPICAL CRABRONINI (HYMENOPTERA, SPHECIDAE)* By Lynn S. Kimsey Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA Crabronini are a diverse group of wasps that are found world wide. Typical members of this tribe can be recognized by the single forewing submarginal cell, large cuboidal head and ventrally con- verging eyes. The new genus, Parataruma, is found in lowland neotropical forest in widely separated localities. This distribution can probably be explained in several ways. Most of the neotropical lowland forest has been poorly collected, and much of it has been destroyed. In addition, these wasps are small and darkly colored, making them difficult to observe. Specimens were obtained from the following institutions: British Museum of Natural History, London (BMNH); Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (MCZ); Entomology Museum, University of California, Davis (UCD), and the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. (USNM). Parataruma Kimsey, new genus Generic diagnosis Head (figs. 3, 4): Eyes asetose, inner orbits converging strongly below; scapal basin smooth or finely sculptured, laterally margined by carinae; genal carina well-developed, following ocular margin to vertex; orbital foveae absent; occipital carina well-developed, flanged and foveate; antennal sockets touching each other and ocu- lar margin; male flagellomeres II— III modified; palpal formula 6:4; mandibles with a tooth on inner margin and single apical notch; ocelli large, 1.5 times as wide as antennal sockets, forming an iso- lateral triangle. Thorax (fig. 1): Pronotal collar with transverse anterior and posterior carinae, sharply angulate laterally; scutum longitudinally *Manuscript received by the editor March 22, 1982 169 170 Psyche [Vol. 89 ridged without anterior transverse carina; notauli indicated by cari- nae; admedian lines absent; scutellum with deep prescutellar sulcus; metanotum simple; postspiracular carina well developed; omalus well-developed, continuous with acetabular carina; verticaulus short, ending in a ventral depression; hypersternaulus and meso- sternaulus absent; forewing recurrent vein joining submarginal cell almost medially; jugal lobe subequal in length to submedial cell; legs simple; propodeum finely sculptured, dorsal enclosure limited by foveate sulcus, lateral propodeal carina present. Abdomen: Sessile; female pygidium forming a sharp, straight medial ridge, with deep submedial notch, terminating in a sharp process, surrounded by stout setae (figs. 7-9). Generotype: Parataruma leclercqi Kimsey, original designation. Discussion. Parataruma most closely resembles Foxita and Taruma, based on the carinate scapal basin, wing venation, narrow female pygidium, apically notched mandible and absence of the sternaulus. In fact, this genus will key out to Taruma in Bohart and Menke (1976:374). However, several characteristics of Parataruma are unusual and immediately distinguish members of this genus from all other crabro- nines, including Foxita and Taruma. These characteristics are the well-developed genal and scapal carinae, the lack of any transverse carinae on the face and the peculiar female pygidium, which has been reduced to a narrow convex ridge and pointed apical projec- tion surrounded by papillae-like setae. Parataruma leclercqi Kimsey, new species Figures 1-3, 5-8 Holotype female: Length 5 mm; head finely and densely punctate, except along occipital and genal carinae; face with bulging brow, scapal basin punctation obscured by pubescence; clypeal margin medially produced into a rounded lobe subtended beneath by a tuft of setae on either side; flagellomeres I— II 1.3 times as long as wide; flagellomere III as long as wide; flagellomeres IV-IX wider than long; flagellomere X 1.5 times as long as wide; mandible with tooth on inner margin longer than diameter of antennal socket (fig. 3); pronotum foveate along anterior and posterior carinae; scutum finely punctate-striate with medial and lateral carinae and raised 1982] Kimsey — Genus Parataruma 171 Figs. 1-3, 5-8 Parataruma leclercqi. Figs. 4, 9. Parataruma tropicauda. Fig. 1. Lateral view of female. Fig. 2. Male antenna. Figs. 3-4. Complete and partial front view of female face. Figs. 5-6. Lateral and dorsal views of male genital capsule. Figs. 7-9. Female pygidium, dorsal (7) and lateral (8, 9) views. 172 Psyche [Vol. 89 notauli; scutellum punctate-striate with anterior margin foveate, pos- terior margin with 13 evenly spaced ridges; mesopleuron with fine punctures, 1-2 puncture diameters apart, upper half with 9 lon- gitudinal ridges; hypoepimeron ridged; propodeum finely striate laterally, enclosure with deep medial groove, foveate above, punctate-striate medially, transversely ridged and foveate below; terga I V densely and finely punctate, punctures 0.5 puncture diameter apart or less; tergum VI with large, contiguous, almost foveate punctures; pygidial ridge sharp, abruptly notched sub- medially, terminating in a sharp apical projection, nearly obscured by dense papillae-like setae (figs. 7, 8); sternum 1 integument rough, irregular; sternum II punctures about 1 puncture diameter apart laterally, almost impunctuate medially, sterna III-V impunctate, except transverse subapical punctate strip; sternum VI triangular, basal half impunctate, apical half densely punctate. Body black, except yellow scape, flagellum beneath, medial mandibular spot, pronotal lobe and sublateral dorsal spots, scutellum laterally, metanotum medially, T II lateral spot, apices of fore and mid- femora, most of tibiae and tarsi. Pubescence sparse and pale, except dense silvery appressed pubescence on clypeus, scapal basin and gena on both sides of carina. Male: Length 4.5 to 5.5 mm; same as female, except F-I slightly wider than long; flagellomere II slightly longer than wide, deeply indented beneath; flagellomere III about as long as wide (fig. 2); scutum with longitudinal ridges, densely punctate; sterna closely punctate, punctures 1 puncture diameter apart or less. Male geni- talia as in figs. 5-6. Holotype female: Barro Colorado Island, Zona del Canal, Pan- ama, August 30, 1978, R.B. and L.S. Kimsey (USNM). Paratypes, 13 females: same data as type, except July 17, 1976 (UCD), Sep- tember 12, 1978 (UCD) and C. and M. Rettenmeyer, April 20, 1963 (UCD); Costa Rica, Turrialba (MCZ, USNM); Colombia, Magda- lena, 10-15 km e Santa Marta, November 26, 1974, M. Cooper (BMNH); Venezuela, Zulia, Rosario, June 14, 1976, A.S. Menke and D. Vincent (USNM); Trinidad: St. George, St. Augustine, June and August 1976, F.D. Bennett and J.S. Noyes (BMNH); St. Andrew, Oropuche, June 28, 1976, J.S. Noyes (BMNH). Two males, which I am not designating as paratypes, were from: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, January 7, 1968. G.E. Bohart (UCD); 1982] Kimsey — Genus Parataruma 173 and Mexico, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, April 22, 1959, H.E. Evans (UCD). The diagnostic features of this species are the yellow female antennae; yellow spots on the mandibles, metanotum and tergum II; extensive silvery appressed setae on the scapal basin, gena and meso- pleuron; large tooth on the inner margin of the mandibles and the dense setae obscuring the pygidial ridge. In addition leclercqi tends to be slightly larger than tropicauda, 5-7 mm versus 4. 5-5. Omm for tropicauda. I have named this species after Jean Leclercq for two reasons: first, to acknowledge the tremendous amount of work he has done on the Crabronini. Second, and most important, because he sent me 10 specimens of this genus to describe even though he recognized them as new. Parataruma tropicauda Kimsey, new species Figures 4 and 9 Holotype female: Only diagnostic characteristics are listed below. Length 5 mm; scapal basin coarsely and irregularly punctate; meso- pleuron with 5 or more longitudinal ridges, polished with sparse punctures; mandible with tooth on inner margin shorter than diameter of antennal socket. Body black, with yellow on: underside of scape; pronotal lobes, two pronotal dorsal spots; scutellum lat- eral spots; fore and midfemora apically; tibiae apically, basally and inner surfaces; tarsi. Pubescence sparse and pale, except silvery appressed setae on clypeus and ocular side of genal carina. Holotype female: 10-15 km e Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colom- bia, November 26, 1974, M. Cooper (BMNH). Paratype female: same data as type (BMNH). This species can be distinguished from leclercqi by the lack of yellow markings on the mandibles and metanotum, half black scape and dark flagellum; the sparse or absent silvery pubescence on the scapal basin and mesopleuron and sparse setae surrounding the pygidial ridge. The species name tropicauda, “ridge-tail”, refers to the peculiar pygidial ridge of the female. Reference Cited Bohart, R.M. and A.S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid wasps of the world. 695 pp. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. SUPPLEMENTARY STUDIES ON ANT LARVAE: FORMICINAE (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE)1 By George C. Wheeler2 and Jeanette Wheeler2 Introduction This article describes formicine larvae received since the prepara- tion of our most recent supplement (1980). The larva of Proformica has not been previously described. Also included are references to formicine larvae in the literature and a discussion of the status of Colobopsis. The terms describing body profile and mandible shape are explained in our 1976 monograph. Our own contributions are cited by year and page only. Tribe 4. Formicini Genus ACANTHOMYOPS Mayr The larvae are very active and can quickly change their posture from circular to linear or reverse. Genus FORMICA Linnaeus Alpert and Ritcher 1975:289. Adults of the scarabaeid beetle Cremastochilus armatus feed on larvae of Formica fusca and Formica obscuripes. Genus LASIUS Mayr Lasius sitkaensis Pergande Akre and Hill 1973. The pselaphid beetle Adranes taylori Wick- ham possesses trichomes (tufts of golden hairs) on the abdomen, tips of elytra and venter. These trichomes are highly attractive to half-grown or smaller ant larvae, less so to larger larvae and workers. The beetles are fed by the larvae through trophallaxis and obtain other nutrients by feeding on dead larvae and workers. Beetles are often seen walking about with larvae actively holding on to the trichomes with their mouthparts; Fig. 4 (p. 531) shows a larva so attached. 'Manuscript received by editor June 10, 1982. 2Adjunct Research Associates, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV; present address: 326 Laurel Ridge Road, San Antonio, TX 78253. 175 176 Psyche [Vol. 89 Genus MYRMECOCYSTUS Wesmael Snelling (1976:22) quoted our characterization (1968:211) of the genus and compared the larvae of this genus with those of Lasius. Page 23: “I provided some erroneous identifications to the Wheel- ers. These may be corrected: dugubris— cr eight oni; * mojave’=testa - eeus; ‘ semirufus'—kennedyi (Calif.) and depilis (Ariz.)” Page 7: “These data, albeit fragmentary, seem to indicate that protein, such as that derived from the tissues of other insects is essential for larval development.” Page 6: “The insect fragments are placed among the larvae and these must fend for themselves. I have seen no indication that larvae of these species are fed by tro- phallaxis.” Page 8: Larvae are subject to desiccation; hence they are to be found in the upper chambers of the nest only in the evening and early morning. When the surface begins to warm up the brood is removed to deeper chambers. Genus PROFORMICA Ruzsky Profile pogonomyrmecoid. Integument of venter of anterior body somites and of portions of labium, maxilla and labrum papillose. Body hairs mostly with bifid tip. Antenna large. Head hairs few, with 2- or 3-branched tip. Labrum large and subrectangular. Mandible ectatommoid, with one medial tooth. The specialization index is 18. Proformica ferreri Bondroit Length (through spiracles) about 3.7 mm. Profile pogonomyrme- coid (i.e., diameter greatest near middle of abdomen, decreasing gradually toward anterior end and more rapidly toward posterior end, which is rounded; thorax more slender than abdomen and forming a neck, which is curved ventrally). Anus posteroventral and with a small posterior lip. Leg, wing and gonopod vestiges present. Spiracles small and decreasing in diameter posteriorly. Integument of venter of anterior somites papillose; dorsal surface of posterior somites sparsely spinulose, the spinules minute and in short to long transverse rows. Body hairs sparse, moderately long (0.024-0.07 mm), with simple, bifid or multifid tip. Cranium suboctagonal, slightly broader than long. Antenna large, with 3 (or 2) sensilla, each bearing a spinule. Head hairs few, short (0.013-0.04 mm long), unbranched or with bifid tip. Labrum large, subrectangular, slightly 1982] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant larvae 177 Figure 1. Proformica ferrari. a. Head in anterior view, XI 00; b, larva in side view, X33; c, two body hairs, X320; d, left mandible in anterior view, X320. broader than long, with ventral border erose; anterior surface with 12 sensilla; with minute papillae near ventral border; ventral surface papillose and with 6 sensilla; posterior surface densely spinulose, the spinules minute and arranged in rows which radiate from the dorsolateral angles, the rows continuous near the base but broken distally; posterior surface with about 6 sensilla. Mandible large; ectatommoid (i.e., subtriangular; with a medial blade arising from the anterior surface and bearing a small medial tooth; apex curved medially to form a tooth); anterior and posterior surfaces with longitudinal rugae. Maxilla rather large; with paraboloidal apex; integument papillose, the papillae bearing minute spinules; palp a short rounded knob bearing 5 (1 encapsulated and 4 bearing a spinule each) sensilla; galea digitiform with 2 apical sensilla. Labium prominent; integument papillose; with a dorsal transverse welt bearing minute spinules in transverse rows; palp a low knob with 5 178 Psyche [Vol. 89 (1 encapsulated and 4 bearing a spinule each) sensilla; an isolated sensillum medial to each palp; opening of sericteries wide and with a sclerotized projection at each side. Hypopharynx with minute spinules in transverse rows. (Masterial studied: 16 larvae from Huesca, Spain, courtesy of X. Espadaler.) Tribe 7. Oecophyllini Genus OECOPHYLLA F. Smith Hinton 1951: 169. The larvae of Wurthia aurivillii Kemner and W. myrmecophila Roepke (Pyralididae) feed on the brood of ants of this genus. Tribe 9. Plagiolepidini Genus ACANTHOLEPIS Mayr Acantholepis frauenfeldi Mayr Tohme and Tohme 1975: 136-138. “Les 5 stades larvaires sont identifies grace a leur forme, leur dimension et surtout leurs poils.” Fig. 3 (p. 136). Tribe 10. Brachymyrmecini Genus BRACHYMYRMEX Mayr Brachymyrmex admotus Mayr Length (through spiracles) about 1.6 mm. Very similar to Bra- chymyrmex depilis (1953: 139) except in the following details. Type 2 body hairs twice as long (0.15 mm). Head hairs 2- or 3-branched: 0.038-0.075 mm long. Mandible with apical tooth slightly more curved medially. Palp and galea subequal in height; galea more slender. Labial palp taller. (Material studied: 6 larvae from Costa Rica, courtesy of Jack Longino.) Tribe 12. Camponotini When we defined “praesaepium” (1953:180) we had overlooked the first description (without a name) of the structure by W. M. Wheeler and Bailey (1920:270-271): — “In a study undertaken by the senior author and Mr. George C. Wheeler of the larvae of a large number of other ant genera, no structure .comparable to the Pseu- domyrmine trophothylax has been found, except in certain species 1982] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant larvae 179 of Camponotus of the subgenus Colobopsis. In all the species of the latter subgenus examined the larva is very hypocephalic and the ventral portion of the first abdominal segment projects considerably beyond the thoracic segments and presents a pronounced concavity or basin in the mid-ventral region precisely in the position of the trophothylax of the Pseudomyrminae. A feeble vestige occurs in many Camponotus larvae belonging to other subgenera. No solid pellet is deposited in the basin of Colobopsis, but it may, perhaps, be used to hold a supply of the liquid food regurgitated by the workers or of the saliva secreted by the larva itself for the benefit of its attendants.” We later found pellets in the praesaepium of Colo- bopsis (1970:650). Genus CAMPONOTUS Mayr Camponotus rasilis W. M. Wheeler Petralia and Vinson 1979. Venter — description and SEM. Genus COLOBOPSIS Mayr Colobopsis was established by Mayr in 1861 as a genus. In 1889 Emery “reduced it to a subgenus under Camponotus, owing to the existence of forms intermediate between these two groups and the relatively unimportant distinguishing characters of Colobopsis ” (W. M. Wheeler 1904:139). And there it has remained through W. M. Wheeler’s “Key to the Genera and Subgenera of Ants” (1922), Emery’s “Genera Insectorum” (1925), Creighton’s “The Ants of North America” (1950). Brown (1973:179) did not employ subgen- era; so he had to synonymize it with Camponotus or raise it to generic rank; he chose the former. However, we have noticed of late a tendency among myrmecolo- gists to elevate Colobopsis to generic rank (e.g., Snelling 1981:404). Although we have some doubts about adult characters, we can cer- tainly support the elevation by larval characters. In 1953:181 we wrote: “The genera of this tribe are so similar that we cannot distin- guish them; hence we have not attempted to key them. Colobopsis is, however, exceptional; differences of generic magnitude separate it not only from the other subgenera of Camponotus but also from the other genera of Camponotini.” 180 Psyche [Vol. 89 Tribe Camponotini 1. Posterior x/i of venter of All raised to form transverse welt, and, on either side ridges from the welt extend forward 2. Body hairs numerous 3. Body hairs of 5 types: ( 1) 2- to 6-branched; branches all in same plane, the most numer- ous type; (2) simple, short, slightly curved; (3) few, sim- ple, long and whip-like; (4) few, denticulate (5) few, un- cinate 4. Antenna small 5. Head hairs numerous, long Colobopsis 1. Praesaepium formed from ventral surface of Till and AI: anterior border of All forms ventral wall; no side walls 2. Body hairs sparse 3. Body hairs of 3 types; mostly (1) simple or (2) bifid; few (3) very long and whip-like; none uncinate. 4. Antenna minute, peg-like 5. Head hairs moderately numer- ous, short Colobopsis pylartes W. M. Wheeler Petralia and Vinson 1979. Venter — description and SEM. Genus POLYRACHIS F. Smith Hinton 1951 : 169. The larvae of Wurthia aurivillii Kemner and W. myrmecophila Roepke (Pyralididae) feed on the brood of ants in this genus. Polyrhachis dives F. Smith Hinton 1951: 167. The larvae of Batrachedra myrmecophila Snell. (Cosmopterygidae) feed on the brood of this ant. Literature Cited Akre, R. D., and W. B. Hill. 1973. Behavior of Adranes tavlori, a myrmecophilous beetle associated with Lasius sitkaensis in the Pacific Northwest. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 46:526-536. Alpert, G. D., and P.O. Ritcher. 1975. Notes on the life cycle and myrmecophilous adaptations of Cremastocheilus armatus. Psyche 83:283-291. 1982] Wheeler & Wheeler — Ant larvae 181 Brown, W. L. 1973. A comparison of the Hylean and Congo-West African Rain Forest ant faunas. Pages 161 185 in “Tropical Forest Ecosystems in Africa and South America: a comparative review.” Eds. B. J. Meggers et al., Smithsonian Press, Washington. Creighton, W. S. 1950. The ants of North America. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 104:1 585, 57 pi. Emery, C. 1889. Intorno ad alcune formiche della fauna palearctica. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova 27:485 520. Emery, C. 1925, Hymenoptera, fam. Formicidae, subfam. Formicinae. Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 183, 302 p., 4 pi. Hinton, H. E. 1951. Myrmecophilous Lycaenidae and other Lepdoptera: a sum- mary. Proc. South London Entomol. and Nat. Hist. Soc. 1949-1950, 1 1 1-175. Mayr, G. 1861. Die europaeischen Formiciden. Wien I Vol. Petralia, R. S., and S. B. Vinson. 1979. Comparative anatomy of the ventral region of ant larvae and its relation to feeding behavior. Psyche 86:375 394 Snelling, R. R. 1976. A revision of the honey ants, genus Myrmecocystus. Natur. Hist Mus. Los Angeles Co. Sci. Bull. 24, 163 p. Snelling, R. R. 1981. Systematics of social Hymenoptera. Pages 370 453 in “Social Insects” Vol. II. Ed. H. R. Hermann. Academic Press, New York. Tohme Henriette and G. Tohme. 1975. Description des castes d'Acantholepis frauenfelc/i Mayr et des differents stades larvaires. Bull. Soc. Entomol. Egypte 59:131-141. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler. 1953. The ant larvae of the subfamily Formicinae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 46:126-171, 175 217. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler, 1968. The ant larvae of the subfamily Formicinae: supplement. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 61:205-222. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler. 1970. Ant larvae of the subfamily Formicinae: second supplement. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 63:648-656. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler. 1976. Ant larvae: review and systhesis. Entomol. Soc. Washington Mem. No. 7: 108 p. Wheeler, G. C., and Jeanette Wheeler. 1980. Supplementary studies on ant larvae: Ponerinae, Myrmicinae and Formicinae. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 106:527-545. Wheeler, W. M. 1904. The American ants of the subgenus Colobopsis. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 20:139 185. Wheeler, W. M. 1922. Key to the genera and subgenera of ants. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 45:631 710. Wheeler, W. M., and I. W. Bailey. 1920. The feeding habits of pseudomyrmine and other ants. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. (Philadelphia) (Art.4):235 279. MORPHOLOGICAL COMPARISONS BETWEEN THE OBLIGATE SOCIAL PARASITE, VESPULA AUSTRIACA (PANZER), AND ITS HOST, VESPULA ACADICA (SLADEN) (HYMENOPTERA: VESPIDAE)' By Hal C. Reed and Roger D. Akre* 2 Department of Entomology Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164 Introduction Obligate social parasites (inquilines) show a vast array of be- havioral and morphological adaptations to their unique mode of life (Wilson 1971). The hazards of colony invasion, usurpation, and subsequent subjugation of members of the host colony (queen and/or workers) require special features in order to overcome col- ony defenses and to become integrated within the host’s society. Not only do these species have adaptations for colony takeover, but they also lack certain social characteristics, the most notable being the absence of a worker caste. Such traits are exemplified in the workerless ant inquiline, Tel- eutomyrmex sehneideri Kutter, that has enlarged tarsal claws and a gaster with a concave venter which enables this parasite to ride on the dorsum of its host (Wilson 1971). Among the parasitic bumble bees ( Psithvrus spp.) a number of characteristics, such as strong development of the sting and exoskeleton, are adapted for success- ful colony takeover, while other social traits, such as a pollen- collecting apparatus on the hind leg, are lacking (Alford 1975). Similarly, vespine inquilines are distinct from their hosts in possess- ing stronger exoskeletons, a closer fitting of their abdominal seg- ments, stouter and more recurved stings, broader heads, more powerfully built mandibles, and sharp bidentate clypei (Weyrauch 'Scientific Paper Number 6233, Washington State University, College of Agriculture Research Center, Pullman. Work done under Project 0037. 2Research Assistant and Entomologist, respectively. Department of Entomology, Washington State University, Pullman 99164. Manuscript received by the editor May 10, 1982. 183 184 Psyche [Vol. 89 1937, Beaumont 1958). These traits are presumed to function in preventing sting penetration by host defenders and in facilitating stinging or injuring the hosts. Investigators have noted these unique traits primarily among the European vespine inquilines and their hosts (Beaumont 1958, Bischoff 1931, Carpenter and Pack-Beresford 1903, Eck 1979, Rob- son 1898, and Weyrauch 1937). One of these inquilines, Vespula austriaca (Panzer), has only recently been found in colonies of a Nearctic species [ V. acadica (Sladen) Reed et al. 1979] and behav- ioral interactions with members of the host colony have been docu- mented (Reed 1982). Although researchers have discussed the external morphology of V. austriaca in relation to the European host, V. rufa (L.), no comparisons have been made between the Nearctic host and V. austriaca. Consequently, the objectives of this paper are: (1) a morphometric comparison between the V. acadica queen and the parasite; (2) descriptions of certain external features such as the stings, mandibles, femora, and abdominal sclerites; and (3) a survey of exocrine glands of the two species. Materials and Methods Seven external body parts were measured in pinned specimens of the host queen and parasite using a dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer. These characters have been commonly used in other biometrical studies of vespid wasps (Blackith 1958, Eck 1979, Eickwort 1969). Specimens were obtained from local col- lecting sites (Reed 1982) and from several North American entomo- logical museums (Acknowledgements). Measurements of the inter- ocular distance, mesonotal length, hind tibial length, and forewing length followed the description and diagrams of Eck (1979). Also, the length of the front femur was measured from the base to the apex in the same manner as the hind tibial length, while the width was taken at its widest point. Head width was measured in dorsal aspect, behind the eyes along the vertex, and between the upper edges of the genae. The mesonotal length was measured along the midline from the anterior prescutal suture to the posterior trans- scutal suture. The length and midline width of the first gastral ter- gum were also determined in dorsal view. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of the sting apparatus of the host and three parasite species were prepared. Dissected stings were 1982] Reed & Akre — Vespula austraica and V. aeadiea 185 dehydrated in 100% ethanol, critical point dried, and then coated with gold. Photographs of femora and Dufour’s glands, which had been preserved in ethanol, were taken using conventional macro- photographic techniques. Exocrine glands and certain other internal features (e.g., ovaries, ganglia) were examined in specimens preserved for dissection by injecting Kahle’s solution under an anterior abdominal tergum until the gaster swelled. Specimens were subsequently stored in 70% ethanol. Seven V. aeadiea queens and 19 V austriaca females were examined to establish the occurrence and size of the 14 known vespine glands (Landolt and Akre 1979). Dissections were conducted using a binocular dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer. Gland size and conditon were compared with previous measurements (Landolt and Akre 1979). In a few cases, exocrine glands were inspected in freshly killed specimens. Abdominal plates, mandibular features, and front femora were also studied in the pre- served specimens. Results The morphometric analysis of selected characters revealed that although both species are very similar in terms of overall body size (i.e., as indicated by the width of the mesonotum and gastral tergum I), certain body parts of V austriaca are significantly larger than those of the host (Table 1). The head and interocular distance of the parasite is slightly wider than that of V aeadiea. The mesonotum of the two species are comparable with only the mesonotal length being significantly larger in the parasite. Also, the length of the hind tibia and the forewing are longer than the corresponding parts in the host, although forewing length is extremely variable in both species. The first gastral tergum, like the mesonotum, only differs signifi- cantly in its length. One of the more unique morphological differences is the larger front femora of V austriaca (Fig. 1). This femur is consistently wider and longer in the parasite females than in host queens. Fur- thermore, the femur is quite robust in the parasite, while it is slender and more concave on the innner side in V. aeadiea. 186 Psyche [Vol. 89 Table 1. Measurements of seven external body parts of V. acadica queens (N = 57) and V. austriaca females (N = 44). Mean and standard deviation (mm) Body part V austriaca V. acadica Head width** 4.31 ±0.14 4.09 ± 0.09 Interocular distance** 1.90 ±0.08 1.78 ±0.06 Mesonotum width 4.91 ±0.19 4.86 ±0.19 length** 3.80 ±0.17 3.67 ±0.19 Hind tibia length** 3.91 ±0.16 3.45 ±0.16 Forewing length** 13.6 ±0.50 13.0 ±0.56 Gastral tergum I width 4.48 ± 0.20 4.39 ±0.19 length** 1.70 ±0.11 1.41 ±0.1 1 Front femur width** 0.89 ±0.07 0.81 ±0.06 length** 3.16 ± 0.10 2.78 ±0.10 **Means are significantly different using the t test at 0.01 level of significance. The mandibles of both species are roughly triangular when view- ing the mesal (inner) face. The dimensions of the three sides are approximately the same in each species; however, the mandible of the parasite is more robust, especially at its base. This stoutness is apparent when viewing the ventral edge of the mandible. The ventro-basal area is distinctly wider in V austriaca, and the mesal face lacks the concavity that is typical of the mandibles of the host queen. The mandibles of both species have three primary or margi- nal teeth along the truncated, cutting margin with two alternating, secondary teeth and a molar shelf behind the margin as is character- istic of vespines (Duncan 1979). Most yellowjackets (including V acadica) also have a rounded projection immediately beyond the notch on the cutting margin (see Fig. 6 in Landolt and Akre 1979, Duncan 1939); however, this projection in V austriaca is pointed and more tooth-like. Thus, the parasite actually has a fourth margi- nal tooth near the dorsal edge. 1982] Reed & Akre — Vespula austraiea and V. aeadiea 187 Figure 1. Front legs of a V. austriaca parasite (left) and V. acadica queen (right). The femur of the parasite is thicker and longer than that of the host queen. The black line indicates 1 mm. The terga and sterna of the gaster of the parasite are more diffi- cult to dissect apart than those of the host. This “tough armature” is often mentioned in regard to vespine parasites. The gastral sclerites appear to overlap very tightly which undoubtedly prevents sting penetration during usurpation attempts. However, the close fitting of the abdominal segments does not appear to be due to a reduction of intersegmental membranes or because of more sclerotization. Instead, V. austriaea has better developed muscles (i.e., larger bun- dles) in the abdominal sterna and terga than are present in the same segments of a V. acadica queen. For example, the three pairs of intersternal retractors (Duncan 1939) of a fat-laden, fall parasite are about 1.5 times as wide as these same muscles in a fall V acadica queen. Consequently, this parasite should be able to retract the gastral sclerites more tightly than a host queen. The stout, recurved sting of vespine parasites is one of the most important morphological adaptation to their mode of life. The two North American vespine inquilines, V austriaca and Dolichoves- 188 Psyche [Vol. 89 pula arctica (Rohwer), have large and highly curved sting shafts in comparison with those of nonparasitic queens such as V. acadica (Fig. 2). However, a facultative social parasite, V squamosa (Drury), does not have a recurved sting shaft, but has a large abrupt curve at the distal end (Fig. 2E). V. austriaca and D. arctica stylets have a similar configuration, except only the extreme tip of the stylet is abruptly hooked (Fig. 2C). However, this condition is entirely lacking in the V. acadica queen (Fig. 2D). Both parasite and host have barbs on the sting lancets. In conjunction with the curved sting, the distal tip of the seventh abdominal sternum of V. austriaca turns down more sharply than does the same sternum of the V. acadica queen. In addition, this sternum has prominent lateral carinae on the ectal surface, whereas, this ridge is less developed in the host queen. The seventh sternum in V austriaca is a ca 0.40 mm longer along the midline than that of V. acadica. The exocrine glands of four late summer and two spring foun- dresses, and one fall V acadica queen were examined and measured. Thirteen of the 14 known glands in Vespula were present, and their size and development fell within the ranges reported by Landolt and Akre (1979). The endostipal gland was lacking. In contrast, only 12 glands were located in two aged and 17 preusurpation, summer parasites since the sixth sternal and endostipal glands were absent. The head glands, except for the hypopharyngeal, were comparable in size to those of V acadica and other vespines (Landolt and Akre 1979). The two distinct clusters of cells of the hypopharyngeal gland were nearly in contact with each other in the center of the suboral plate of the labrum-epipharynx (see Fig. 5, Landolt and Akre 1979). The clusters were on the average larger than those in V acadica, but were usually within the size range found in V pensylvanica (Saus- sure) (0.03 0.8 mm3). However, two parasites had clusters about 0.12 mm3. The thoracic or salivary glands were also present in V austriaca and were similar in size to those in nonparasitic queens. Although the seventh sternal gland, eighth tergal gland, and poi- son gland reservoir are similar in size and development to those of other vespines, evident differences exist between the two species in the other gastral glands. The sixth sternal gland and the associated sternal brush (i.e., tuft of hairs) are absent in V. austriaca. This gland (but not the brush) is present in V. acadica, other members of 1982] Reed & Akre — Vespula austraica and V. aeadiea 189 Figure 2. The sting shaft of three social parasites and one host species ( V. acadica). The sting shaft of V. austriaca is larger and curved (A) as compared to the smaller, straight shaft of the host queen (B). In V. austriaca the distal tip of the stylet is distinctly curved (C, upper right) unlike the distal end of the stylet in V. acadica (D). The facultative, social parasite, V. squamosa, does not have a curved sting shaft, but it is sharply bent at the distal end (E). The other Nearctic inquiline, D. arctica, also has a recurved sting (F). The measurements are given in microns. 190 Psyche [Vol. 89 the V rufa species group, and V. squamosa, but is absent in queens of Dolichovespula and the V. vulgaris group (Landolt and Akre 1979). The seventh sternal gland and associated brush are present and well developed in both species. The Dufour’s gland of V austri- aca is considerably larger than in most other yellowjacket queens (Fig. 3) and averaged 5.8 mm long (range = 4.8 - 7.5 mm, N = 15) and 0.5 to 0.8 mm wide. In contrast, this gland was less developed in V acadica (x = 2. 1 mm long, 0.3 - 0.5 mm wide) and other nonpara- sitic queens (Landolt and Akre 1979, 1.5 - 2.5 mm long). The same gland was found to be enlarged in the facultative social parasite V squamosa, as it was ca. 0.2 mm wide and 6 mm long (Landolt and Akre 1979). However, the most well developed Dufour’s gland is found in the other Nearctic vespine inquiline, D. arctica. One D. arctica female had a Dufour’s gland 14 mm long and 0.3 mm wide (Landolt and Akre 1979) and in two parasites dissected by Jeanne (1977) this gland was 12.8 mm and 27.2 mm long. In this study three, early summer, D. arctica parasites were found to have very long glands (16.5, 20.0, 20.5 mm) greatly folded around themselves and the alimentary canal. In these three parasites and 16 other preusurpation individuals the gland was flattened and did not con- tain any material in the lumen. In contrast, the gland was fully distended and filled with an oily substance in summer, preusurpa- tion V austriaca. It was empty and flattened in new fall parasites, while in the aged parasites the gland was only partially full and appeared collapsed. The gland contained a yellow oily substance in preserved specimens, but instead had a clear, oil-like material in three V austriaca specimens killed and immediately dissected. The ovaries consist of 12 ovarioles as do most Vespu/a and Dolichovespula (Kugler et al. 1976). The ovaries did not fill the entire gaster in the two aged parasites as they did in later summer foundresses of V. acadica. Preusurpation parasites and early summer host queens had a slight ovarian development with 1 to 6 eggs greater than 1.0 mm in length and thus probably ready to be laid. Both species have six gastral ganglia. Discussion This study confirms the results of a previous morphometric analysis of V. austriaca (Eck 1979). Eck (1979) compared the inquiline with the European host, V rufa, and found that although both were 1982] Reed & Akre — Vespula austraica and V. acadica 191 Figure 3. Reproductive organs of a preusurpation V austriaca. The Dufour’s gland (Dg) is filled with a clear oil material and was 6.5 mm long when fully extended. Ov= ovaries, Ps = poison sac or poison gland reservoir. nearly equal in overall body size, V austriaca had a wider head and interocular distance, longer hind tibia, and longer forewing. Some researchers (Beaumont 1958, Bischoff 1931, Weyrauch 1937) stressed the robust mandible of V austriaca, while others (Bequaert 1916, Carpenter and Pack-Beresford 1903, Robson 1898) found only minor differences in size and did not consider the man- dible of V austriaca to be significantly larger. The mandible of V austriaca is definitely robust as it is wider at the base than that of the host. Weyrauch (1937) discussed and diagrammed the robust nature of the mandible of the parasite Pseudovespula ingrica (Birula [= D. ingrica (Birula)]. He stated that the mandible of the inquiline was less triangular in shape than that of the host queen; a comparison that was not evident in this study. Weyrauch (1937) also illustrated the relatively pointed fourth marginal tooth in P. ingrica. The wider head and genae of V austriaca and other vespine inquilines (Bischoff 1931, Weyrauch 1937) undoubtedly house larger mandibu- lar muscles. These muscles in conjunction with the stout mandibles. 192 Psyche [Vol. 89 make these appendages a formidable, offensive weapon, probably as effective as the sting during colony invasions (Reed 1982). Indeed, Weyrauch (1937) concluded that the powerful mandibles of vespine inquilines were adapted for fighting with the host. Another adaptation for combat with host queens and defending workers is the enlarged femora of the front legs. The only reference to this feature is found in the original description of Vespa arborea Smith (= V austriaca) (cited in Robson 1898) in which he stated that the legs of this species were “stouter and longer” than in V rufa. The robust front legs are not only an advantage during colony invasion, but also are likely an adaptation for the frequent mauling and grabbing of host workers which occurs during early occupation of the colony (Reed 1982). The sting is greatly curved in vespine inquilines presumably to facilitate penetration between the vulnerable intersegmental mem- branes of defending colony members. The sharp downward bend of the seventh sternum, likely an accommodation for the recurved sting, was also noted by Bischoff (1931). The abrupt curve at the distal tip of the stylet in the inquilines, as well as in V. squamosa, would appear to impede the thrusting of the two lancets. However, the distal end may be curved to hook a sclerite and thus enlarge the intersegmental membrane for further penetration by both the stylet and lancets. There is no obvious glandular degeneration in V austriaca, but a hypertrophy of one exocrine gland exists. Evidently this enlarge- ment of the Dufour’s gland has some role in vespine social parasit- ism, but unfortunately the function in any vespine is still unknown (Landolt and Akre 1979). Several different functions, such as sting lubrication, have been ascribed to the gland (Spradbery 1973, Maschwitz and Kloft 1971). The secretion is not considered toxic, although Barr-Nea et al. (1976) found some lethality to honey bees. Jeanne (1977) suggested that in D. arctica this gland may produce an allomone that has some pacifying effect upon the host queen and or workers. However, the mode of usurpation in D. arctica differs from that in V austriaca, suggesting a different function for the gland in the latter. D. arctica usually passively invades queen nests and coexists with the queen prior to the emergence of the host workers (Evans 1975, Greene et al. 1978, Jeanne 1977), while 1982] Reed & Akre — Vespula austraiea and V. aeadiea 193 V austriaea forcibly invades a host colony after worker emergence and does not coexist with the host queen (Reed 1982). Thus, the secretion of the Dufour’s gland does not appear to act as a pacifying agent in V austriaea parasitism, and may function as an alarm or dispersing chemical (Reed 1982). The possibility of differing func- tions of this gland is indicated by the condition of the gland in the two species prior to usurpation. In freshly dissected, preusurpation D. arctica parasites the gland was clearly empty, whereas in preus- urpation V austriaea females the gland was filled with a clear oil substance. A similar relationship between an enlarged Dufour’s gland and social parasitism is found among the slave-making ants of the subfamily Formicinae (Parry and Morgan 1979, Regnier and Wilson 1971) and the dulotic ant Harpagoxenus canadensis M. R. Smith (Buschinger and Alloway 1978). In some of these slave- makers the gland discharges a chemical that disperses the defending host workers and attracts other slave-making workers (Regnier and Wilson 1971). In conclusion, V austriaea possesses morphological features significantly different from the host species. Some, such as the pow- erful mandibles and front legs, and large curved sting, function as important offensive weapons during colony invasion. Other charac- teristics, such as the large gastral retractor muscles that enable the parasite to tightly hold the sclerites together, serve as an important defense against stinging host workers. The function of the large Dufour’s gland in vespine inquilines remains obscure; however, it probably plays a key role in usurpation and control of the host colony. Acknowledgements Appreciation is extended to the following institutions and researchers for generously supplying specimens for the morpho- metric study: American Museum of Natural History (M. Favreau); California Academy of Sciences (P. H. Arnaud); Florida State Col- lection of Arthropods (W. V. Weems); Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard (S. M. Foster); Oregon State University (G. Fer- guson); University of Alberta (D. Shpeley); University of British Columbians. G. Cannings); University of California-Davis (L. S. Kimsey); and University of Minnesota (P. Clausen). 194 Psyche [Vol. 89 We gratefully acknowledge Larry Wright (Irrigated Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Prosser, WA) for his help and time in preparing the scanning electron micrographs of the sting apparatus. Justin Schmidt, Richard Zack, A1 Greene, and Howard Evans are thanked for their reviews of the manuscript. Financial support for the research was also provided by a Sigma Xi Research Grant and a Washington State University Graduate School Travel Grant. Literature Cited Alford, D. V. 1975. Bumble bees. Davis-Poynter Press, London. 352 p. Barr-Nea, L., P. Rosenberg and J. Ishay. 1976. The venom apparatus of Vespa orient alis: morphology and cytology. Toxicon 14: 65-68. Beaumont, J. de. 1958. Le parasitisme social chez les Guepes et les Bourdons. Bull. Soc. Entomol. Suisse 31: 168-176. Bequaert, J. 1916. On the occurrence of Vespa austriaca Panzer in the northeastern United States. Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 11: 101-107. Bischoff, H. 1931. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Pseudovespa. Sitz-Berlin Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berline (1930), p. 329-346. Blackith, R. E. 1958. An analysis of polymorphism in social wasps. Insectes Soc. 5: 263-272. Buschinger, A. andT. M. Alloway. 1978. Caste polymorphism in Harpagoxenus canadensis H. R. Smith (Hy- menoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Soc. 25: 339-350. Carpenter, G. H. and D. R. Pack-Beresford. 1903. The relationship of Vespa austriaca to Vespa rufa. Entomol. Mon. Mag. 39: 230-242. Duncan, C. 1939. A contribution to the biology of North American vespine wasps. Stan- ford Univ. Publ. Biol. Sci. 8: 1-272. Eck, R. 1979. Biometrische Untersuchung zur Klarung der Artunterschiede bei sozialen Faltenwespen (Hymenoptera: Vespinae). Entomol. Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresden 42: 315-344. Eickwort, K. R. 1969. Differential variation of males and females in Polistes exclamans. Evolu- tion 23: 391 -405. 1982] Reed & Akre — Vespula austraica and V. aeadiea 195 Evans, H. E. 1975. Social parasitism of a common yellowjacket. Insect World Dig. 2: 6-13. Greene, A., R. D. Akre and P. J. Landolt. 1978. Behavior of the yellowjacket social parasite, Dolichovespula arctica (Rohwer) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Melanderia 29: 1-28. Jeanne, R. L. 1977. Behavior of the obligate social parasite, Vespula arctica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 50: 541-577. Kugler, J., T. Orion and J. Ishay. 1976. The number of ovarioles in the Vespinae (Hymenoptera). Insectes Soc. 23: 525-533. Landolt, P. J. and R. D. Akre. 1979. Occurrence and location of exocrine glands in some social Vespidae (Hymenoptera). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 72: 141-148. Maschwitz, U. W. J. and W. Kloft. 1971 . Morphology and function of the venom apparatus of insects — bees, wasps, ants, and caterpillars. Chap. 44, In Bucherl, W. and E. Buckley (eds.). Venomous Animals and Their Venoms, Vol. III. Venomous Inverte- brates. Academic Press, N. Y. 537 p. Parry, K. and E. D. Morgan. 1979. Pheromones of ants: a review. Physiol. Entomol. 4: 161 189. Reed, H. C. 1982. Biology and behavior of the forest yellowjacket, Vespula acadica (Sladen) and the obligate social parasite, Vespula austriaca (Panzer) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Ph.D. dissertation, Washington State Uni- versity. 206 p. Reed, H. C., R. D. Akre and W. B. Garnett. 1979. A North American host of the yellowjacket social parasite, Vespula austriaca (Panzer) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Entomol. News 90: 1 10 1 13. Regnier, F. E. and E. O. Wilson. 1971. Chemical communication and “propaganda” in slavemaker ants. Science 172: 267-269. Robson, C. 1898. Vespa austriaca, a cuckoo wasp. Sci. Gossip (n.s.) 5: 69-73. Spradbery, J. P. 1973. Wasps. An Account of the Biology and Natural History of Solitary and Social Wasps. Univ. Wash. Press: Seattle. 408 p. Weyrauch, W. 1937. Zur Systematik und Biologie der Kuckuckswespen Pseuclovespa, Pseudo - vespula und Pseudopolistes. Zool. Jahr. (Syst.) 70: 243 290. Wilson, E. O. 1972. The Insect Societies. Belknap Press of Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. 548 p. CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB A regular meeting of the Club is held on the second Tuesday of each month October through May at 7:30 p.m. in Room 154, Biological Laboratories, Divinity Avenue, Cambridge. Entomolo- gists visiting the vicinity are cordially invited to attend. BACK VOLUMES OF PSYCHE Requests for information about back volumes of Psyche should be sent directly to the editor. F. M. Carpenter Editorial Office, Psyche 16 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02138 FOR SALE Reprints of articles by W. M. Wheeler The Cambridge Entomological Club has for sale numerous reprints of Dr. Wheeler’s articles that were filed in his office at Harvard University at the time of his death in 1937. Included are about 12,700 individual reprints of 250 publications. The cost of the reprints has been set at 5c a page, including postage; for orders under $5 there will be an additional handling charge of 50c. A list of the reprints is available for $1.00 from the W. M. Wheeler Reprint Committee, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Checks should be made payable to the Cambridge Entomological Club. QL H6i PH 74 EhT, ISSN 0033-2615 PSYCHE A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY :/j£^ / loo jj OQ ! 2S> i ^0 co Vol. 89 founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club 1982 No. 3-4 CONTENTS Leptothorax faberi n.sp., an Apparently Parasitic Ant from Jasper National Park, Canada (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Alfred Buschinger .. 197 Redescription of the Type Species of Myopsocus, M. unduosus (Hagen), and Resulting Nomenclatural Changes in Genera and Species of Myopsocidae (Psocoptera). Edward L. Mockford 211 Parsivoltinism in Three Species of Osmia Bees. P. F. Torchio and V. J. Tepedino 221 A Review of the Genus Mallada in the United States and Canada, with a New Species (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Phillip A. Adams and J. Allan Garland 239 Polygyny and Polydomy in Three North American Species of the Ant Genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Thomas M. Alloway, Alfred Buschinger, Mary Talbot, Robin Stuart, and Cynthia Thomas . . . 249 A New Colonial Anelosimus Spider from Suriname (Araneae: Theridiidae) Herbert W. Levi and Deborah R. R. Smith 275 Biology and Systematics of the Bee Genus Crawfordapis (Colletidae, Diphaglossinae). Card W. Otis, Ronald J. McGinley, Lyn Garling, and Luis Malaret 279 The Life Cycle of Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus) (Araneae: Heteropodidae). John Ross, Davis B. Richman, Fadel Mans our, Anne Trambarulo, and W. H. Whitcomb 297 Description of a New Species of Krombeinius (Hymenoptera: Perilampidae) from the Philippines, and the Phylogenetic Relationships of the Genus. D. Christopher Darling 307 A Description of the Ectal Mandibular Gland in the Paper Wasp, Polistes fuscatus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). H. A. Downing and R. L. Jeanne ... 317 Spiders Living at Wasp Nesting Sites: What Constrains Predation by Mud- Daubers? Martin S. Obin 321 Agathidiodes Portevin, New Synonym of Stetholiodes Fall (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Anistomini). Alfred F. Newton, Jr 337 Fossil Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae): Review and New Quaternary Records. Christopher D. Nagano, Scott E. Miller, and Alan V. Morgan 339 Predation on the Western Honey Bee, Apis mellifera L., by the Hornet, Vespa tropica (L.). Michael Burgett and Pongthep Akratanakul 347 The Guild of Sawgrass-Inhabiting Ants in the Florida Keys. Blaine J. Cole 351 Defensive Spray Mechanism of a Silphid Beetle (Necrodes Surinamensis). Thomas Eisner and Jerrold Meinwald 357 Index 371 CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB Officers for 1982-1983 President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Executive Committee Frances Chew Edward Armstrong Margaret Thayer Frank M. Carpenter John Shetterly Ronald McGinley EDITORIAL BOARD OF PSYCHE F. M. CARPENTER (Editor), Fisher Professor of Natural History, Emeritus, Harvard University W. L. Brown, Jr., Professor of Entomology, Cornell University and Associate in Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology P. J. Darlington, Jr., Professor of Zoology, Emeritus, Harvard University B. K. HOLLDOBLER, Professor of Biology, Harvard University H. W. Levi, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University M. D. Bowers, Assistant Professor of Biology, Harvard University Alfred F. Newton, Jr., Curatorial Associate in Entomology, Harvard University E. O. WILSON, Baird Professor of Science, Harvard University PSYCHE is published quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club, the issues appearing in March, June, September and December. Subscription price, per year, payable in advance: $1 1.00, domestic and foreign. Single copies, $3.50. Checks and remittances should be addressed to Treasurer, Cambridge Entomological Club, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Orders for missing numbers, notices of change of address, etc., should be sent to the Editorial Office of Psyche, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. For previous volumes, see notice on inside back cover. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Manuscripts intended for publication should be addressed to Professor F. M. Carpenter, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. Authors are expected to bear part of the printing costs, at the rate of $27.50 per printed page. The actual cost of preparing cuts for all illustrations must be borne by contributors: the cost for full page plates from line drawings is ordinarily $10.00 each, and for full page half-tones, $12.00 each; smaller sizes in proportion. Psyche, vol. 89, no. 1-2, for 1982, was mailed December 17, 1982 The Lexington Press, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts PSYCHE Vol. 89 1982 No. 3-4 LEPTOTHORAX FABERI N. SP., AN APPARENTLY PARASITIC ANT FROM JASPER NATIONAL PARK, CANADA (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE)* By Alfred Buschinger Fachbereich Biologie, Institut fur Zoologie, der Technischen Hochschule, D 6100 Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstr. 3 (FRG) 1. Introduction The myrmicine tribe Leptothoracini comprises an astoundingly rich variety of socially parasitic genera and species. Guest ants (Eormicoxenus, Leptothorax provancheri), as well as slave-making genera (Harpagoxenus, Chalepoxenus, Epimyrma) and inquilines (Doronomyrmex) have been described (Buschinger, 1981); however, we may suspect that only a minor fraction of the existing species is already known to science. New species can be found nearly every- where when populations of independent species are closely examined. In August, 1979, I collected leptothoracine ants in several locali- ties of Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. The main object was to find additional material of Doronomyrmex pocahontas, origi- nally described from this locality (Buschinger, 1979). On August 19, when inspecting rotten sticks in the coniferous forest along Mt. Edith Cavill Road near Jasper, I found a colony of a Leptothorax species belonging to the “L. muscorum ” group sensu lato. Among the nearly black ants I saw a dealate female which was considerably smaller than the ordinary queens, and more brownish in color. Its general appearance was that of a Leptothorax kutteri queen, an inquiline of L. acervorum in Europe (Buschinger, 1965). * Manuscript received by the editor June 30, 1982 197 198 Psyche [Vol. 89 The colony was kept alive for four subsequent brood periods in artificially shortened annual cycles (Buschinger et al., 1975), and produced (besides alates and workers of the black “ muscorum ”) a total of 56 males, 5 females and 1 worker of the small species. From a second colony that was established with one of the young females, I got an additional 4 males, 2 females, and one worker. This new, apparently parasitic species will now be described. 2. Description of Leptothorax faberi n. sp. Figs. 1-5 Holotype female: total length 3.45 mm, head length 0.67 (exclud- ing mandibles), head width 0.59 (behind eyes), scape length 0.49, greatest diameter of eye 0. 16, thorax length 0.98, thorax width 0.58, length of petiole in lateral view 0.27, width of petiole 0.22, length of postpetiole 0.20, width of postpetiole 0.32, length of forewing 2.89, hind wing 1.90, length of hind femur 0.58, hind tibia 0.46. The end of the gaster is somewhat curved down so that its length (1.3mm) cannot be determined with precision. Paratype females (selected measures of two females): total length 3.2/3.47 mm, head length 0.68/0.79 mm, thorax length 0.97/1.18 mm, thorax width 0.50/0.66 mm. Habitus in general similar to the queens of the genus Leptothorax, subgenus Leptothorax sensu Smith (1950) ( —Mychothorax Ruzsky). Mandibles with 5 or 6 teeth of normal size; one or two tiny teeth may be present between the normal ones in the middle of the masti- catory border. Maxillary palps 5-segmented, labial palps 3-seg- mented. Antennae 1 1-jointed with a 3-jointed club. Anterior border of clypeus with a feeble notch (fig. la). Three ocelli present. Thorax (fig. lb) as in Leptothorax muscorum. Epinotal spines of moderate size, acute; epinotal spine index (Buschinger, 1966) between 1.5 and 1.8. Wings as in L. muscorum (fig. 2). Petiole (fig. lb) not peduncu- lated; viewed from above, the outline is nearly quadrate, with a slight convexity of the sides. In lateral view the anterior face is slightly concave, the posterior face distinctly so. The summit is flat, descending backward and forming a right angle with the anterior face, and an obtuse angle with the posterior one. A conspicuous ventral spine forms the anterior end of a ventral, concave, triangular field, the sharp, ventrolateral edges of which diverge towards the postpetiole. J982] Buschinger — Leptothorax faberi 199 Fig. 1. Head in front view, and head, thorax, and petioles in lateral view of females of Leptothorax. a,b, L. faberi n. sp.; c,d, its host species, “L. muscorum ”, large black form; e, f, “L. muscorum", small brown form, for comparison. Postpetiole (fig. lb) from above about 1.4 times broader than the petiole, kidney-shaped with a slight anterior concavity. In lateral view, the anterior face is slightly convex, nearly perpendicular. Summit rounded, posterior face slightly concave, descending to- wards the gaster. The seemingly distinct ventral spine is formed by a sickle-shaped, transverse protuberance with a sharp anterior edge. Head, thorax, petiole, and postpetiole mostly coarse and rugu- lose, gaster smooth and shining. Body sparsely covered with erect, short and stiff hairs; legs and antennal scapes with abundant, appressed hairs; funiculus with dense, suberect hairs. Maximal length of hairs in head, thorax and gaster 0.06-0.08 mm. Coloration: yellowish-brown with head, dorsal parts of thorax, petiole, postpetiole and gaster somewhat darker brown. Legs uni- formly brown, antennae brown with a blackish-brown club. 200 Psyche [Vol. 89 One alate female was dissected. She had 6 ovarioles, a compara- tively large poison gland, a Dufour’s gland of ordinary size for most independent Leptothorax species, and an empty receptable also of ordinary size and shape. Allotype male: total length 3.44 mm, head length 0.63 (excluding mandibles), head width 0.65 (behind eyes), scape length 0.26, great- est diameter of eye 0.28, thorax length 1.21, width 0.70, length of petiole 0.32, width 0.25, length of postpetiole 0.24, width 0.29, length of forewing 3.09, hind wing 2.04, length of hind femur 0.79, hind tibia 0.55, length of gaster ca. 1.05 mm. Paratype males (selected measures of two males): total length 3.46/3.58 mm, head length 0.60/0.65 mm, thorax length 1.22/ 1.28 mm, thorax width 0.67/0.70 mm. Habitus in general like that of other males of the subgenus Leptothorax. Mandibles without teeth, masticatory bor- der rounded or straight. Maxillary palps 5-segmented, labial palps 3-segmented. Antennae 12-jointed, without club. Clypeus promi- nent, vaulted, its anterior border straight. Eyes and the ocelli as large as usual for the subgenus Leptothorax. Thorax with Mayrian furrows. Epinotum without distinct spines, but their place marked by two low ridges (fig. 3). Petiole not pedunculated, with nearly straight anterior and poste- rior faces of the rounded node. A small ventral spine is present, with two diverging ventrolateral edges, as in the female. Postpetiole sim- ilar to that of the female, except that the anterior face is less steep and more convex, and the ventral spine or transverse edge is smaller (fig- 3). Male genitalia: see fig. 3. Head, sides of pronotum and of petiole coarse, dorsal and extended lateral parts of thorax, node of petiole, postpetiole and gaster smooth and shining. Body moderately covered with tapering, curved hairs of variable length, in the thorax reaching 0.10 mm, on the petiolar node 0.14 mm. Head and particularly the mandibles with abundant, long, tapering hairs. Antennae and legs with abun- dant, appressed or suberect hairs. Coloration: whole body black or blackish-brown with the scutel- lum, the metanotum, sometimes the pronotum, the mandibles and legs somewhat lighter brown. In most males the scutellum differs so markedly in coloration from the surrounding parts of the thorax that this was the most valuable character for identifying the new species’ males when they were still alive in the nest. 1982] Buschinger — Leptothorax faberi 201 Fig. 2. Wings of females of Leptothorax. a, L. faberi n.sp.; b, "L. muscorum’\ large black form; c, “L. muscorum’’, small brown form. The dotted lines in the L. faberi fore wing (a) indicate veins that are present in the left, and absent in the right wing of the same specimen. Wing venation is variable in all species of this group. 202 Psyche [Vol. 89 b a d 1mm 0,5 mm Fig. 3. Epinotum and petioles of males, and male genitalia (subgenital plate, volsella with lacinia, and sagitta) of Leptothorax. a,b, L. faberi n.sp.; c,d, its host species, “L. muscorum" , large black form; e,f, “L. muscorum”, small brown form. The shapes of the sagitta and volsella with lacinia vary considerably in all 3 species. Allotype worker: total length 3.02 mm, head length 0.66 (exclud- ing mandibles), head width 0.58, scape length 0.46, greatest diame- ter of eye 0.16, thorax length 0.91, width 0.43, length of petiole 0.24, width 0.20, length of postpetiole 0.17, width 0.30, length of hind femur 0.51, hind tibia 0.42, length of gaster approximately 1.05 mm. Habitus similar to an ordinary worker of L. muscorum, but somewhat more stout and clumsy (fig. 4). Mandibles with 6-7 teeth, palps with 5 and 3 joints, as in the female. Eyes of moderate size, ocelli absent, anterior border of clypeus with a notch as in the female. Thorax with a deep meso-epinotal suture, and the pro- mesonotal suture clearly visible. Pronotum comparatively wide. Epinotal spines as in the female, epinotal spine index 1.6. Petiole and postpetiole as in the female, as well as the appendages. Head and whole body coarse and rugulose except for the gaster, which is 1982] Buschinger — Leptothorax faberi 203 Fig. 4. Head, thorax, and petioles of workers in lateral view, a, L. faberi n.sp.; b, its host species, “L. muscorum”, large black form; c, “L. muscorum ”, small brown form, for comparison. 204 Psyche [Vol. 89 smooth and shining. Pilosity as in the female. Coloration yellowish- brown with the head, the antennal club and the gastral tergites darker brown. The karyotype (fig. 5) was determined from 8 male pupae, follow- ing the method of Imai et al. (1977). In 68 metaphase plates a haploid number of 15 chromosomes was found, 13 of which are metacentric or submetacentric and two are subtelocentric. The second-largest chromosome exhibits a very characteristic banding. In 7 metaphase plates one additional, subtelocentric chromosome was found; this, however, may be an artefact. The host species, on the contrary, has a haploid chromosome number of 17 as does the second, smaller “L. muscorum ” from Jasper Park, and as occurs in European L. muscorum. Type locality: Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada, a few meters above the road from 93A to Mt. Edith Cavill parking lot, in about 1500 m elevation. Numerous nests of the host species and also of a smaller kind of “L. muscorum” were found inhabiting the rot- ten sticks and logs lying on the ground of a rather open coniferous forest. Derivatio nominis: The ant is dedicated to my late friend, Dr. Walther Faber, from Vienna, Austria, whom I admired for his excellent studies in social parasitic ants. Differential diagnosis: The new species closely resembles the European inquiline ant Leptothorax kutteri, particularly with re- spect to size, coloration, and the ventral spines in petiole and post- petiole. It differs from that species through the lack of erect hairs in the antennal scapes and the tibiae. Also, the characteristic sculpture of the head of L. kutteri females is absent in L.faberi. The remarka- ble light coloration of the male’s scutellum and metanotum is, as far as I know, unique among leptothoracines belonging to the subgenus Leptothorax and their social parasites. The host species (fig. 1) and L.faberi are easily distinguished by the latter’s smaller size and lighter coloration (female). They also differ with respect to the karyotypes. L. faberi could only be con- fused with the second, smaller Leptothorax " muscorum ” form in Jasper Park (fig. 1), which is the host species of Doronomyrmex pocahontas. However, this species differs in the shape of petiole and postpetiole from L.faberi, and it has a karyotype which is identical to that of the large, black L. “ muscorum ”, host species of L.faberi. 1982] Buschinger — Leptothorax faberi 205 < i t »**««• «* (JtKU JtUn i « » * IfCltlM***** * * Fig. 5. Karyotype of Leptothorax faberi n.sp. The normal karyotype has n = 15 chromosomes, but 2 of 18 individuals had n = 16 in 2 out of 25 and 5 out of 18 metaphase plates respectively (center line). 3. Biological observations All observations were made under laboratory conditions, and, due to the restricted material, they must be fragmentary. However, a few interesting facts could be recorded, particularly with respect to reproductive behavior. Sexuals of L. faberi were observed to leave the nest and to become sexually active in the morning, about 3 to 4 hours after the morning rise in temperature in our artificial 15/25°C temperature rhythm. Copulation was seen twice, the behavior being identical to that of Leptothorax kutteri, Doronomyrmex pads and other social parasites of this group (Buschinger, 1971, 1974, 1975). A distinct sexual-calling behavior, resembling that of L. kutteri, was not seen, but poison gland secretion seems to serve as sexual pheromone as in the species mentioned above. The poison gland of one female was squeezed onto a small piece of filter paper, and the paper then put into a nest with L. faberi males. The males suddenly became excited, and a few began to mount the host species workers. 206 Psyche [Vol. 89 Mounting attempts of males on L. faberi females could also be released by gently squeezing a female within a swarming cage with males flying and crawling around. One mated and dealate female was placed into a nest of the host species; however, it had to be removed quickly because it was seriously attacked by the workers. This same female then was put together with two workers from the mother colony, and with a few larvae from another host species colony, into an artificial nest. The faberi queen became fertile, and after a hibernation I increased her host worker stock using 25 worker pupae of Leptothorax acervo- rum. I used L. acervorum pupae because the normal host species colonies did not produce sufficient worker pupae: L. acervorum is an ideal “replacement host species” for several parasitic species. Thus, we succeeded in breeding Formicoxenus nitidulus, guest ant of Formica, with L. acervorum (Buschinger, 1976). After a second hibernation the original host species workers were dead, and the colony produced 1 L. faberi male. Further acervorum worker pupae were added, and in the third artificial brood period a total of 4 faberi males, 2 females, and 1 worker was produced. During this period the faberi queen died. The second laboratory-mated faberi queen was placed into the mother colony, where it was accepted, apparently became fertile, and survived for two artificial annual cycles alongside its mother queen. Both died at the end of the third laboratory brood period of this colony. The host species of L. faberi is a comparatively large, nearly black form which is related to L. muscorum Nyl., but it differs markedly from this European species. I cannot identify this form yet. A second, smaller species with more brownish coloration occurs sym- patrically with the black form in Jasper Park. This smaller “L. muscorum” is the host species of Doronomyrmex pocahontas (Buschinger, 1979). It looks more similar to L. muscorum from Europe than to North American specimens, but it seems also to represent a distinct species. Besides the morphological differences of size and coloration, the two Canadian “muscorum” also differ markedly with respect to their sexual behavior. The “small brown” species’ females exhibit a characteristic sexual calling behavior (Locksterzeln) similar to European L. muscorum Nyl. and most social parasites of this group. I was able to breed this species over several generations in the laboratory. The “large black” species on 1982] Buschinger — Leptothorax faberi 207 the contrary, seems to make a mating flight. As with European L. acervorum, I could never induce mating in any kind of flight cage in the laboratory. 4 Discussion The biology of Leptothorax faberi deserves to be discussed with respect to several features. First of all, I am fairly convinced that this species represents an obligatorily parasitic ant. It seems unreasonable to assume that the one queen originally found should have run into the “muscorum” nest by chance during collecting, that it would have been accepted there, and that it could reproduce within the foreign nest. The very low number of only two workers produced in two colonies is another datum in favor of the opinion that L. faberi is a parasitic ant. Finally, the presence of a postpetiolar ventral spine also supports this hypothesis, since most parasitic species among the Feptothora- cini have it. The production of host species sexuals within the parasitized col- ony even in its third laboratory brood period indicates that a host species queen must have been present. This was not checked by dissection, but several dealate host species females were living in the nest when it was collected. Thus, L. faberi seems to live as an inqui- line ant alongside the fertile host colony queen(s), as do Dorono- myrmex pads, Leptothorax goesswaldi, L. kutteri, and others. Inquilines, however, are usually workerless. In Doronomyrmex pads and Leptothorax kutteri, the worker caste is completely lack- ing in the vast majority of all the colonies we ever collected or kept in the laboratory, this being several dozen of D. pads and about 100 of L. kutteri. However, a total of 2 or 3 workers of both species have been produced in laboratory culture, and one L. kutteri worker was found in a field colony (Bruckner, in litt.). At present, it is impossi- ble to decide whether the two L. faberi workers represent such rare exceptions, or whether the species usually will produce some more workers. I also doubt that the exceptionally high ratio of males/ females in the offspring of L. faberi represents the natural condition. Addi- tional material must be collected in the field to clarify these problems. 208 Psyche [Vol. 89 With respect to systematic relationships, the new species clearly supports “Emery’s rule,” under which socially parasitic ants are always closely related to their respective host species group. No characters linking L. faberi with European Doronomyrmex pads or Leptothorax kutteri could be found. The new species shares a characteristic structure in the petiole with the host species and with Doronomyrmex pocahontas. The Canadian species have two dis- tinct small teeth at the base of the anterior face of the petiole just above its articulation with the epinotum (fig. 1). These teeth are lacking in their European relatives. The holotype female, 2 allotype males and 1 worker, and voucher specimens of the host species are deposited in the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (no. 32758). 5. Summary Male, female and worker of an apparently parasitic ant, Lepto- thorax faberi n. sp., are described. The new ant species was found in a queenright colony of Leptothorax muscorum (sensu lato) in Jasper National Park, Canada. It differs from the host species in its smaller size, in the shape of the petioles (figs. 1, 3, 4), in sculpture and coloration. The karyotype with a haploid number of 15 chromo- somes (fig. 5) is also different from that of the host species, which has n = 17 chromosomes. Very few workers have been raised in two laboratory colonies. Thus, L. faberi seems to represent an inquiline species. 6. Acknowledgments I am grateful to my student, Karl Fischer, who assisted me during the collecting trip, and who also carried out the karyotype studies. I also thank the Jasper Park authorities for having tolerated our collecting activities. I am indebted to R. H. Crozier for critically reading the English text. References Cited Buschinger, A. 1965. Leptothorax (Mychothorax) kutteri n. sp., eine sozialparasitische Ameise (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Ins. soc. 12: 327-334. 1982] Buschinger — Leptothorax faberi 209 1971. “Locksterzeln” und Kopula der sozialparasitischen Ameise Leptothorax kutteri Buschinger (Hym., Form.). Zool. Anz. 186: 242-248. 1974. Zur Biologie der sozialparasitischen Ameise Leptothorax goesswaldi Kutter(Hym., Formicidae). Ins. soc. 21: 133-144. 1975. Sexual pheromones in ants. In Pheromones and Defensive Secretions in Social Insects. Proc. Symp. IUSSI Dijon 1975, pp. 225-233. 1976. Eine Methode zur Zucht der Gastameise Formicoxenus nitidulus (Nyl.) mit Leptothorax acervorum (Fabr.) als “Wirtsameise” (Hym., Form.). Ins. soc. 23: 205-214. 1979. Doronomyrmex pocahontas n. sp., a parasitic ant from Alberta, Canada (Hym., Formicidae). Ins. soc. 26: 216-222. 1981. Biological and systematic relationships of social parasitic Leptothoracini from Europe and North America. In Biosystematics of Social Insects, ed. P. E. Howse and J.-L. Clement (Academic Press, London, 1981), pp. 211-222. Buschinger, A., Frenz, G. und M. Wunderlich 1975. Untersuchungen zur Geschlechtstierproduktion der dulotischen Ameise Harpagoxenus sublaevis (Nyl.) (Hym., Formicidae). Ins. soc. 22: 169-182. Imai, H. T., Crozier R. H., and R. W. Taylor 1977. Karyotype evolution in Australian ants. Chromosoma 59: 341-393. Smith, M. R. 1950. On the status of Leptothorax Mayr and some of its subgenera. Psyche 57: 29-30. REDESCRIPTION OF THE TYPE SPECIES OF MYOPSOCUS, M. UNDUOSUS (HAGEN), AND RESULTING NOMENCLATURAL CHANGES IN GENERA AND SPECIES OF MYOPSOCIDAE (PSOCOPTERA)* By Edward L. Mockford, Department of Biological Sciences Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 61761 The assignment of species to the major genera in the Family Myopsocidae has been hampered by lack of detailed morphological information about the types of these genera. The genera involved are Myopsocus Hagen, Lichenomima Enderlein, Phlotodes Ender- lein, and Rhaptoneura Enderlein. Enderlein’s (1910) genera were based entirely on wing venational characters. Some of these have later proven to be variable and of questionable value (Badonnel 1967). Roesler (1944) synonymized Phlotodes and Rhaptoneura at the generic level but maintained them as subgenera. Badonnel (1955) stated that genitalic characters justify the maintenance of Rhaptoneura and Phlotodes as genera but did not show what characters were involved. Smithers (1964) assigned all species which might fall in the genera Myopsocus, Lichenomima, Phlotodes, and Rhaptoneura to Myopsocus until the types could be studied. Badonnel (1967) following Enderlein (1910) and Roesler (1944) assigned to Myopsocus all species with Rs and M joined by a crossvein in the hindwing, thus synonymizing Lichenomima with Myopsocus, and assigned all species in which Rs and M in the hindwing are fused for a distance to Phlotodes, thus synonymizing Rhaptoneura with Phlotodes. The present paper reports diagnostic features of the type of Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen), the type species of Myopsocus (Enderlein 1910). Genus Myopsocus is re-diagnosed on the basis of this examination, and an augmented diagnosis of Lichenomima is included. Generic synonymies are revised, and the species now assigned to Myopsocus and Lichenomima are listed. * Manuscript received by the editor August 15, 1982. 211 212 Psyche [Vol. 89 Myopsocus unduo sus (Hagen) Psocus unduosus Hagen 1859:201. Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen) Hagen 1866:210. Type material and its examination. — Types consist of two males, originally pointed, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. Each bears a type label with MCZ number 10118 and the label “Ceylon, coll. Nietner.” I first examined these types in January 1970, ascertained that both are males of the same species, and selected one as lectotype. I then soaked the lectotype off the point, placed it in 80% ethanol, mounted the right wings on a slide in euparal, and cleared and figured the external genitalia. Early in 1982, I borrowed the wing slide and made figures from it. Measurements (mm). — Forewing length = 3.94; hindwing length = 3.22; posterior tibial length = 1.72; least distance between com- pound eyes = 0.27; transverse diameter of compound eye = 0.42. Color characters. — Forewing (Fig. 1) with fairly distinct, mottled crossband in basal half of wing; a distinct stigmasaum darkly marked in middle; entire margin and most of veins with alternating dark and light marking. Hindwing (Fig. 2) unmarked except for brown clouding at base and along anterior margin and alternating dark and light marking along margin from distal end of Rj to distal end of R4+5. All femora dark brown with a narrow yellowish-white preapical ring. Structural characters. — Forewing (Fig. 1) with relatively long Rs-M fusion, short M-Cuj fusion. Hindwing with Rs-M fusion slightly longer than segment of Rs before it. Hypandrium (Fig. 3) elongate, tapering distally, with slightly bulging, shagreened area on each side at about distal two-thirds of length; distal end on each side with field of heavy setae, each seta tapering toward end and base. Phallosome (Fig. 4) elongate, slender; median style separate from lateral arms at about two-thirds distance from base to tips of arms and extending beyond tips of arms. Epiproct (Fig. 5) semicircular except truncated distally, the distal end beset with minute tubercles. Paraproct (Fig. 6) bearing bluntly rounded distal process; sense cushion with 28 trichobothria, all with basal florets. Diagnostic Features and Synonymy of Myopsocus Hagen Various authors have noted the constancy within and among spe- cies of the two character states Rs and M joined by a crossvein 1982] Mockford — Myopsocus 213 Figs. 1-6. Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen) male lectotype. Fig. 1. Forewing; scale = 1.0 mm. Fig. 2. Hindwing; scale of Fig. 1. Fig. 3. Hypandrium; scale = 0.2 mm. Fig. 4. Phallosome (dorsal view); scale of Fig. 3. Fig. 5. Epiproct; scale = 0.2 mm. Fig. 6. Right paraproct; scale of Fig. 5. 214 Psyche [Vol. 89 versus fused for a distance in the hindwing of the Myopsocid genera under consideration. Enderlein (1910:68) stated about M. unduosus : “im Hinterfliigel ist der Radialramus und die Media durch eine Querader mit einander verbunden.” Obviously, the statement is not correct. Rs and M are fused for a distance in the hindwing; however, following Enderlein’s erroneous statement, Roesler (1944) and Badonnel (1967) mis-assigned these two character states. Thus Lichenomima (Rs and M joined by a crossvein) was synonymized under Myopsocus and Rhaptoneura (Rs and M fused for a distance) was synonymized under Phlotodes. On the basis of examination of the type, it is evident that Myopsocus has as synonyms Phlotodes and Rhaptoneura. Lichenomima is probably tenable as a distinct genus. Characters correlating with the fusion of Rs and M for a distance in the hindwing are the following: 1) phallosome generally with a median style (known exceptions: M. aldabrensis (New), M. minor (New and Thornton), M. pallidus (Smithers), M. speciosus (Smith- ers), M. splendidus (Badonnel)); 2) female subgenital plate terminat- ing in a process tapered distally and with two large setae at the tip plus smaller setae in some species. Assignment of Species to Myopsocus Given the above definition and synonymies, Myopsocus includes the following species, grouped according to their nomenclatural history: 1) Species originally placed in Psocus and subsequently trans- ferred to Myopsocus: australis Brauer 1865, Australia, Melanesia unduosus Hagen 1859, Sri Lanka 2) Species originally assigned to Myopsocus, all subsequently transferred, in effect, to Phlotodes, or Rhaptoneura, or both in sequence: clunius Thornton, Lee, & Chui 1972, Micronesia eatoni McLachlan 1880, Europe, North Africa furcatus Smithers 1964, Australia griseipennis McLachlan 1866, Australia hickmani Smithers 1964, Tasmania incomptus Smithers 1964, Australia *kolbei Enderlein 1903 (type of Phlotodes ), New Guinea 1982] Mockford — Myopsocus 215 novaezealandiae Kolbe 1883, New Zealand palauensis Thornton, Lee, & Chui 1972, Micronesia punctatus Thornton, Lee, & Chui 1972, Micronesia 3) Species originally assigned to Phlotodes: aenulus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar aldabrensis New 1977, Aldabra alticola Thornton 1981, Fiji ambiguus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar amicus Thornton 1981a, Tonga angolensis Badonnel 1955, Angola, Madagascar anomalus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia antillanus Mockford 1974, Cuba, Hispaniola, Florida ascoides Thornton 1981, Fiji bellus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Caledonia bipunctatus Thronton 1981, Fiji bomasus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea brunneigenus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia clarki Turner 1975, Jamaica congolensis Badonnel 1949, Zaire corticosus Smithers 1964a, Madagascar cubanus Mockford 1974, Cuba dentatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea fenestratus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea graptus Thornton 1981, Fiji, Tonga gregarius Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia gressitti Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea hoskinsi Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia inocellatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea lichenosus Enderlein 1931, Seychelles, Madagascar lineatus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia lyriferus Smithers 1964a, Madagascar maculatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea, Melanesia marginatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea megops Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia minor New & Thornton 1975, Brazil minutus Mockford 1974, Cuba, Mexico mjobergi Karny 1925, Sarawak, Borneo napuka Thornton 1981, Fiji obscurus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar 216 Psyche [Vol. 89 peltatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea pennyi New 1979, Brazil personatus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar pilipes Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea placidulus Smithers 1975, Australia platyvalvulus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia preclarus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea punctatoides Thornton 1981, Fiji, Tonga quadrisetosus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Caledonia rastafari Turner 1975, Jamaica reptus Thornton 1981, Fiji rimosus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea samoanus Karny 1932, Samoa scabiosus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea splendidus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar thecatus New & Thornton 1975a, Malay Peninsula toxeres Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea venustus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea vilazi Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Caledonia zimmermani Thornton 1981, Fiji 4) Species originally assigned to Rhaptoneura : africanus Badonnel 1955, Angola ciliiferus Smithers 1964a, Madagascar cryptus Smithers 1957, Natal * dispar Enderlein 1910 (type of Rhaptoneura ), Paraguay magnificus Smithers 1957, South & East Africa muscosus Enderlein 1931, Seychelles pallidus Smithers 1964a, Madagascar setosus Smithers 1964a, Madagascar speciosus Smithers 1957a, Madagascar 5) Species incertae sedis, originally assigned to Myopsocus and best left there until they are re-examined: bakeri Banks 1916, Philippines, Guam cinereus Navas 1932, Argentina enderleini Banks 1913, Philippines fraternus McLachlan 1866, Assam (originally assigned to Psocus ) pluviosus Navas 1934, India taurus Banks 1941, Santo Domingo 1982] Mockford — Myopsocus 217 Relationships of Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen) Badonnel (1967) constructed a classification of the species from Madagascar, and Smithers and Thornton (1974) augmented it to include many of the Old World species. M. unduosus, being known only from the male, and presenting such unique male characters as the phallosome with its basal half a simple rod, and the hypandrium with two distal fields of heavy setae, does not seem to fit into any of the groups that have been proposed. Smithers and Thornton (1974) noted that numerous other species could not be placed in their classification due to paucity of information. Augmented Diagnosis of Lichenomima Enderlein Species assigned to Lichenomima (assigned to Myopsocus by most authors since Badonnel 1967) have veins Rs and M joined by a crossvein in the hindwing. Correlated with this character are absence of a median style of the phallosome (possible exception: L. ariasi New) and female subgenital plate distally with a transverse sclerite, more or less separate from the main plate, and never termi- nating in a single process tapering posteriorly. Species assignable to Lichenomima appear to be those listed by Smithers (1967) plus the following: ampla Smithers & Thornton 1974 (from Myopsocus ), New Guinea ariasi New 1979 (from Myopsocus ), Brazil capeneri Smithers 1973 (from Myopsocus ), South Africa chelata Thornton & Woo 1973 (from Myopsocus ), Galapagos Islands clypeofasciata Mockford 1974 (from Myopsocus ), Cuba coloradensis Banks 1907 (from Myopsocus ), Colorado elongata Thornton 1960 (from Myopsocus ), Hong Kong machadoi Badonnel 1977 (from Myopsocus ), Angola medialis Thornton 1981 (from Myopsocus ), Fiji posterior Navas 1927 (from Psocus), Costa Rica pulchella New & Thornton 1975 (from Myopsocus ), Brazil sanguensis New 1973 (from Myopsocus ), Nepal varia Navas 1927 (from Amphigerontia ), Costa Rica Note. — Myopsocus medialis Thornton (1981), assignable to Lich- enomima on the basis of hindwing venation, appears to be so differ- ent in several other features as to merit a distinct genus. 218 Psyche [Vol. 89 Summary Examination of the type of Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen), the type species of Myopsocus, allows the genera Phlotodes Enderlein and Rhaptoneura Enderlein to be synonymized with Myopsocus. The species now assigned to Myopsocus are listed according to their nomenclatural history. Species assigned to Myopsocus by most recent authors are re-assigned to Lichenomima Enderlein. Acknowledgments I wish to thank the officers of the Museum of Comparative Zool- ogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts for the privilege of examining the type material of M. unduosus. Literature Cited Badonnel, A. 1949. Psocopte!4res de la Cote d’Ivoire. Rev. Fr. Entomol. 16:20-46. 1955. Psocopte!4res de l’Angola. Diamang Pub. Cult. 26:1-267. 1967. Faune de Madagascar XXIII. Insectes Psocopte!4res. Office de la Re- cherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, pp. 1-237. 1977. Psocopte'/ires de l’Angola V. Diamang Pub. Cult. 89: 103-152. Banks, N. 1907. New Trichoptera and Psocidae. J. N.Y. Entomol. Soc. 15: 162-166. 1913. On a collection of Neuropteroid insects from the Philippine Islands. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 15: 170-181. 1916. Neuropteroid insects of the Philippine Islands. Philipp. J. Sci. Dll: 195-217, pis. I, II. 1941. New Neuropteroid insects from the Antilles. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 15: 385^402, pis. 43^*5. Brauer, F. 1865. Neuropteren. Novara-Expedition, Zoologischer Theil. 1: 1-104, pis. I, II. Enderlein, G. 1903. Die Copeognathen des Indo-Australischen Faunengebietes. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 1: 178-344, pis. III-XIV. 1910. Eine Dekade neuer Copeognathengattungen. Sitz. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl. 2: 63-77. 1931. Die Copeognathen-Fauna der Seychelles Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 19:207-240, pis. 14-16. Hagen, H. A. 1859. Synopsis der Neuropteren Ceylons II. Verh. Zool. Bot. Vereins Wien 9: 199-205. 1982] Mockford — Myopsocus 219 1866. Psocinorum et Embidinorum Synopsis Synonymica. Verh. Zool. Bot. Vereins Wien 16: 201-222. Karny, H. H. 1925. On the Copeognatha from Mt. Murud and Mt. Dulit, Sarawak. Sarawak Mus. J. 3: 63-74. 1932. Psocoptera. Insects of Samoa. Part VII, Fasc. 4: 1 17-129. Kolbe, H. J. 1883. Ueber das Genus Myopsocus und dessen Species. Entomol. Nachr. 9: 141-146. McLachlan, R. 1866. New genera and species of Psocidae. Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. Ser. 3, 5: 345-353. 1880. Notes on the entomology of Portugal II. Pseudo-Neuroptera (in part) & Neuroptera-Planipennia. Entomol. Mon. Mag. 17: 103-104. Mockford, E. L. 1974. Records and description of Cuban Psocoptera. Entomol. Am. 48: 103-215. Navas, L. 1927. Communicaciones entomologicas 8. Socopteros del Museo de Ham- burgo. Rev. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Quim. Nat. Zarogoza 11: 37-52. 1932. Insectos de la Argentina y Chile. Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 5: 80-82. 1934. Insectos Suramericanos. Rev. Acad. Cienc. Madrid 31: 155-184. New, T. R. 1973. Some Psocoptera from Nepal. Orient. Insects 7: 1-10. 1977. Psocoptera from Aldabra and the Chagos Archipelago. Orient. Insects 11: 89-112. 1979. New and little-known Psocoptera from the Reserva Ducke, Amazonas. Acta Amazonica 9: 773-781. New, T. R. and I. W. B. Thornton 1975. Psocomorpha (Psocoptera) collected on recent expeditions to South America. J. Entomol. Ser. B, 44: 27-80. 1975a. Psocomorpha (Psocoptera) from the Malayan Peninsula. Orient. Insects 9: 375-418. Roesler, R. 1944. Die Gattungen der Copeognathen. Stett. Entomol. Zeit. 105: 117-166. Smithers, C. N. 1957. Three new species of Myopsocidae (Psocoptera) from Natal. Proc. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. Ser. B, 26: 1 1-16. 1957a. Notes et descriptions sur les Psocopteres de Madagascar. Naturaliste Malgache 9: 273-280. 1964. The Myopsocidae (Psocoptera) of Australia. Proc. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. Ser. B, 33: 133-138. 1964a. On the Psocoptera of Madagascar. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 70: 209-294. 1967. A catalogue of the Psocoptera of the world. Aust. Zool. 14: 1-145. 1973. Two new records of Myopsocidae (Psocoptera) from South Africa. J. Entomol. Soc. South. Afr. 36: 131-132. 220 Psyche [Vol. 89 1975. Additions to Australian Myopsocidae (Psocoptera). Aust. Entomol. Mag. 2: 51-54. Smithers, C. N. and I. W. B. Thornton 1974. The Myopsocidae (Psocoptera) of New Guinea and New Caledonia. Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 126: 91-127. 1979. Psilopsocidae and Myopsocidae (Insecta: Psocoptera) of the Bismark Archipelago, Solomon Islands and New Hebrides. Rec. Aust. Mus. 32: 513-545. Thornton, 1. W. B. 1960 New Psocidae and an aberrant new Myopsocid (Psocoptera) from Hong Kong. Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 112: 239-261. 1981. Psocoptera of the Fiji Islands. Pac. Insects Monogr. 37: 1-105. 1981a. Psocoptera of the Tongan Archipelago. Pac. Insects Monogr. 37: 106-135. Thornton, I. W. B., S. S. Lee, and W. D. Chui 1972. Insects of Micronesia: Psocoptera. Insects of Micronesia 8(4): 45-144. Turner, B. D. 1975. The Psocoptera of Jamaica. Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 126: 533-609. PARSIVOLTINISM IN THREE SPECIES OF OSMIA BEES* By P. F. Torchio and V. J. Tepedino Bee Biology & Systematics Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Utah State University, UMC 53, Logan, Utah 84322 Individuals of most insect species follow a relatively inflexible tempo of immature development and adult emergence that includes a single period of diapause in one generation per year at a specific stage in the life cycle. A few species depart from this pattern in that a small proportion of individuals of an age cohort require an addi- tional year or more to complete development to the adult stage (Waldbauer 1978, Beck 1980). Among bees, for example, there are brief reports of delayed emergence for several species (Davidson 1896, MacSwain 1958, Krombein 1967, Torchio 1975, Parker 1980, Rust 1980) but none of these studies provides quantitative evidence to demonstrate that delayed emergence is an integral part of the life cycle. In this study we supply quantitative evidence to document pat- terns of delayed emergence in three species of megachilid bees ( Osmia montana Cresson, O. californica Cresson, O. iridis Cocke- rell and Titus). Individuals of these species complete development in either one or two years, i.e., the emergence pattern of each age cohort is bimodal. Waldbauer (1978) used the term “type c” to describe bimodal ahd polymodal emergence patterns in which the peaks of emergence of an age cohort occur in different years. Here we introduce the more descriptive term, “parsivoltine”, to refer to this phenomenon. “Parsi” is adapted from the Latin pars for part or partial; -voltine, from the Italian volta for time or cycle is used in its usual entomological sense, as generations (cycles) per year. Our study addresses the following questions: 1) Does the propor- tion of one- and two-year individuals in a cohort differ between the two years of study and/or between the two sampling sites? 2) Is there an association between sex and time required to complete development? 3) How are one- and two-year forms distributed * Manuscript received by the editor September 9, 1982 221 222 Psyche [Vol. 89 between and within individual nests? 4) Are inter-individual differ- ences in the time required to complete development due to environ- mental factors or to a genetic polymorphism, or both? The three Osmia species are restricted to the western U.S. where they are sympatric and at least partially synchronic (late spring- early summer). Each nests gregariously in pre-existing holes, usually in wood. The biologies of O. montana and O. californica are sum- marized by Rust (1974); the biology of O. iridis is currently under study (Torchio, unpub.). Briefly, nests of each species are composed of a linear series of cells. Each cell is provided with pollen, nectar and an egg; cells are separated by partitions constructed of macer- ated leaf material (O. montana, O. iridis ) or mud mixed with macer- ated leaf material ( O . californica ), and nests are plugged with one or more partitions. Osmia montana and O. californica are oligoleges of the Compositae; O. iridis is restricted to a non-composite host plant. Methods Nests of these Osmia species were obtained from trap blocks placed at two field locations (Torchio 1976). Trap blocks of sugar pine contained 49 drilled holes to accommodate paper soda straws measuring 14.5 cm long and 7 mm inside diameter. One hundred nest blocks were placed at each of two study sites during both study years (1979-1980). The Faust trapping site was located 42 km south of Logan, Cache Co., Utah at 1800 m elevation. This location is on a hillside with a SW exposure and is covered by large stands of mature aspen ( Popu - lus tremuloides Michx.) trees surrounded by open, grassland mead- ows. The Mendon site is located 24 km west of Logan at 1500 m elevation on a hillside having a SE exposure. Solid stands of maple (Acer glabrum Torr.) or aspen trees surrounded by open meadows were characteristic of the area. During both study years, nest blocks were attached individually to standing trees during mid-May prior to Osmia flight and returned to the laboratory in early July where they remained at room illumi- nation and temperature. All nests were dissected in early September; individual cocoons were opened to determine sex ratios of adults (one-year forms) and position of larvae (two-year forms) in nests. Larvae of two-year forms were weighed on an electrobalance (0.1 1982] Torchio & Tepedino — Osmia Bees 223 Figure 1. Percent of total offspring of O. montana (a) and O. californica (b) that were one-year forms (solid lines), and males (dashed line) at two northern Utah sites over two years. Dotted and dashed line represents the expected sex ratio as percent males. mg) and all individuals were then inserted into clear, #000 gelatin capsules. Capsules were then placed in a constant 4 degrees C temperature cabinet on September 30 of each study year and trans- ferred to a 26 degrees C temperature cabinet on June 1 of the subsequent year. A photoperiod of OL:24D was maintained throughout these treatments. Capsules containing two-year forms (now adults) were removed from the temperature cabinet on August 30 and reweighed. Results Osmia montana Almost 1 100 nests were available for examination from the four site-years of sampling (Table 1). Nest utilization was higher in 1979 than in 1980 at both sites, and higher at Faust than at Mendon in both years. There were differences between sites and years in the proportion of offspring that were one-year forms (Fig. la). At Faust a signifi- cantly higher proportion of one-year forms was produced in 1979 224 Psyche [Vol. 89 than in 1980 (X2 = 19.1, P < 0.001) whereas at Mendon a signifi- cantly higher proportion of one-year cells were produced in 1980 than in 1979 (X2 = 6.3, P < 0.025). However, the Faust site yielded a significantly greater proportion of one-year cells than did Mendon during both years (1979, X2 = 214.1, P< 0.001; 1980, X2 = 47.4, P< 0.001). An association between sex and the number of years required to complete development was found (Table 1). For all site-years, there were significantly more males than females among one-year forms, and fewer than expected males among two-year forms (Faust 1979, X2 = 9.8, P < 0.005; 1980, X2 = 22.6, P < 0.001; Mendon 1979, X2 = 13.9, P < 0.001; 1980 X2 = 8.8, P < 0.005). Thus the sex ratio (5/9) of one-year forms was always higher than that of two-year forms. However, the sex ratio of one- or two-year forms (taken separately) was not always the same from year to year or from site to site. At Faust the proportion of both one- and two-year males decreased in 1980 (Table 1; one-year forms, X2 = 7.4, P < 0.01; two-year forms, X2 = 1 1.9, P < 0.01) and, as a consequence, the combined sex ratio of offspring declined significantly from 1 .3 (1979) to 0.96 (1980) (X2 = 21.4, P < 0.001). Conversely, no such changes occurred at Men- don (P > 0.75 all comparisons). The incidence of one- and two-year forms appears to be con- trolled by a genetic polymorphism rather than by the action of environmental variables upon individual offspring. If environmen- tal cues such as photoperiod, thermoperiod, oxygen levels, etc. act either indirectly on the mother or directly on the progeny to deter- mine the developmental fate of offspring, then a consistent pattern of distribution of one- and two-year forms in mixed nests (those containing both one- and two-year forms) should be evident. To examine this possibility we classified mixed nests as follows: 1) one- year forms in inner cells; two-year forms in outer cells; 2) a reversal of 1; 3) a double switch, i.e., nests having one-year forms positioned as bottom and top cells with a two-year form between; or, two-year forms sandwiching a one-year form. Only mixed nests that could be categorized with surety were counted; thus, nest totals in Table 2 are fewer than totals listed in Table 1 because some nests were not counted. Such a categorization of nests assumes that all nestmates are siblings. In general this is a valid assumption; supercedure of the nest of one female by another female is an infrequent occurrence. Table 1 . Number of live one- and two-year male and female offspring of Osmia montana reared from two sites in two years. Offspring are grouped by nest type, i.e., 1-yr nests contained only 1-yr offspring etc. SR = sex ratio. Number of dead cells shown in parenthesis next to total live cells. No. No. 1-yr. No. 2-yr. No. Site, year and nest type nests $ 9 SR $ 9 SR cells 1982] Torchio & Tepedino — Osmia Bees 225 m m - r- in on m r- o Tfr vi — 1 — — m i o — — CN — — «/"> no — no n m NO Tt Tj- — — m © at c/3 r- r- ON Of Of at C/3 "Nt OO > >>._ ~ s •— ** ? — 0.10; Mendon 1979, X2 = 1 1 .8, P > 0.001 ; 1980, X2 = 2.0, P > 0. 10). Between-year differences in the proportion of males and females among one- and two-year forms at each site were less evident than for O. montana (Table 4). At Mendon the combined sex ratio of offspring declined significantly from 4.2 (1979) to 1.8 (1980) (X2 = 30.0, P< 0.001) but no such change was evident at Faust (X2 = 0.0, P > 0.90). The decline in the sex ratio at Mendon was due to a significantly greater proportion of female progeny produced in 1980 for both one-year (X2 = 15.5, P < 0.001) and two-year forms (X2 = 7.5, P > 0.01). These results are the reverse of those found for O. montana. The distribution of one- and two-year forms within mixed nests were similar to results obtained for O. montana (Tables 2, 4). Thus, nests having double switches were most numerous and transitions from one- (inner cells) to two-year forms (outer cells) were inter- mediate. As with O. montana, a substantial proportion of two-year forms were ‘’doomed” (range 37.0-56.5%, Table 3) because cells contain- ing one-year forms were often constructed lower in the nest. The Table 4. Number of live one- and two-year male and female offspring of Osmia californica reared from two sites in two years. Offspring grouped as in Table 1. SR = sex ratio. Number of dead cells shown in parenthesis next to total live cells. No. No. 1-yr. No. 2-yr. No. Site, year and nest type nests $ $ SR $ 9 SR cells Faust 1979 1982] Torchio & Tepedino — Osmia Bees 229 I " m w-i r- tT O vO — — m m - | ON rn r-' n sq sO Tf rn so fN o sd m | o fN | m 1 I C/3 E .o oo m O' fN fN r- — fN — fN Of Ch- oc* £ «o C/3 B u- O *o C« B i— .o •“ O' <✓) r- *12 >> >s — fN E ■o ca u -s x 2 2 ^ T3 ^ , >, * 3 S — (N E s o oo O' f ^ I I 1 .S c- | 1 -C CU c/2 ii C/2 C 4 o • o X u- u X II | at 3 C/2 ^ 3 3 H H -S c/5 O — 2 Of <=o Of *o | - vo r- O CO On Tf T3 , , > >v •- 2 - (N E £ x co I I 2! oo NO NO Co’ 5 I CO C/2 a: , C/2 o NO M m oo ci co Of — CM CM Of Of , Of Tf c-' CM c- . .2 C i i c - >. V ^ x c . c « £ X) 1 1 00 c cd X o X M E g £ § 00 c cd X o x QJ fc 1) C 3 o cr cd T3 '£ O £ 2 Gl X) o| W O C/3 rj ■8 ° ■o £ g -2 -3 >! § l-s - S = O cd cd -a c C/5 &0 t/5 fll 8 £ , _ C/5 x: ? £ " I | .1 S ^ X jU cd O X 2; o o ^ x ■ b 3 cr o sL •= O -O O « ^ u. g < id w O ° 2 Z X Z £ Q 4) > T3 cl 2 I " ^ >3 12 u u £ u 3 -o ^ 2 2 s s £ 3 S £ c/3 O aj £ « -5 ° srs §> «P O CL i- 3 U o> Jr 3 c- P M H u i-S « S C -O -C I = - ° c/3 c = 3 4> c/s o e _r- c s | .■§ ■§ < os -E £ « II i| x: -■3 O * E S £ C * u. uj £ ~ 8 .£ <5 x o c © o O -c « ^ X) 5 u- O N \3 ■2 '3 y D. >, * ^3 eel • - o TJ E «> Id O X > GO 3 O.S « 5/3 . ^ > -O ^ y u u 00 £. £ s - g c cd ^ cd >- ° J= (Ik ^ N o. © 2 3 TD £ £ cx ■o C I- C o « cd •- T3 cx 2 3 53 © ed T3 ■53 c 2 X Oi C/3 & n 50J 3 3 IS I S qo £ «5 .S -S I 2 ^ ° -1 ~o ' '5. • ° T? 2 ^ -a a -s «« J2 ° M U c .£ _ o o 5- .-2 60 O. u- 7 i j* « v gv a, 6« . ? O £ U. 3 k. o C *■* x; a o o C o L-l GO C be C/3 o u at -3 3 1) "E cS U 3 CL u U 6i T3 < C/3 'S < < < < C/3 C/3 l_l C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 D P H 3 D 3 D X o o s e s < < < > 5 c u „ ... „ a 3 03 OQ OQ OQ c c c a> t> » Lh 3 c l_ > 3 C * .G -J <3 O C -G 3 g o £ 2 os: C/3 I a •2 -2 -S -5 G G c/3 CL O !c J3 ■£ U £ 3 3 » J3 •g U !§ i o c 6 i c c E E a> S* rN o o S* o pj JD .O o O L. ifl »1 O U - O O U >% ca o - CQ u 3 >> «3 2 £ £ c £ fe ^ Ip J £ O L Q< L, £ 1/3 ^ ^ -2 -2 IN ■$ a .c .c ^ C C G G G C/3 C/3 *4 34 3 3 3 c/j J= g u £ LS cfl J J J 344 Psyche [Vol. 89 oo t~- 73 Os 3 — co co 6J0 £r cm O oo OS < ^ Cn ^ - 4> X s Q ud ■§ 5 §•.§ t? -s: » co <5 u, O « 43 o o o o c/5 .22 '_S J3 CU Du 4> ' >2 T3 Uh w cu 2 cu e c0 i_ .22 o -O **- (U CO CU X CO ^ Cu * *3 2 c c .§) ? ® 43 O a* 43 1 ■§ * § «» c > 73 3 cO .2 .2 2 a> X g c/T * 43 X c 43 O O O c/9 o C C s CO 3 c c O O cO CO 73 73 ’2 O "cO u O £ o x -5 cO 73 S --S ^ 73 CO C t :§ C/5 d S c a> c ^ 5. 73 t c o 2“ 2 u ^ 00 £ r : C 3 3 7 c. c, « £ £ :s -s = c 22 < G S { CO .2 C u 52 " -C> ■> l 43 73 CU g o c £ & o £ r_ 3 J3 cu £ c "c - CO *-* p O S s s cO to X) 43 c 43 73 C/5 oo rt1 t: « o E O u si c/5 g “ o X C/5 c (U 32 *?? O C/5 sO 10ca. 13,000 yrs. B.P. ■>ca. 12,500 yrs. B.P. >2ca. 12,500-1 1,500 yrs. B.P. i3Ca. 12,100 yrs. B.P. 1982] Nagano, Miller & Morgan — Fossil Tiger Beetles 345 Acknowledgements We would like to thank C. L. Hogue, P. C. Owen, C. A. Shaw and E. C. Wilson (all of LACM), J. V. Matthews Jr. (Geological Survey of Canada), A. Morgan (University of Waterloo), R. E. Nelson (University of Seattle) and D. P. Schwert (North Dakota State University) for providing specimens and data. Literature Cited Ashworth, A. C., Schwert, D. P., Watts, W. A. and H. E. Wright, Jr. 1981. Plant and Insect fossils at Norwood in south-central Minnesota: A record of Late- glacial succession. Quaternary Res. 16: 66-79. Blair, K. G. 1927. Insect remains from oil sand in Trinidad. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 75: 137-141. Bogachev, A. 1948. Fauna of the Binagady asphalt deposit: beetles-Coleoptera. Trudy Estestvenno-Istoricheskii Muzei, Baku 1-2: 137-160. [in Russian]. Cockerell, T. D. A. 1920. Eocene insects from the Rocky Mountains. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 57: 233-260. Coope, G. R. 1959. A Late Pleistocene insect fauna from Chelford, Cheshire. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. B. 151: 70-86. Coope, G. R. 1977. Fossil coleopteran assemblages as sensitive indicators of cli- matic changes during the Devensian (Last) cold stage. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. B. 280: 313-340. Coope, G. R. 1979. The Carabidae of the glacial refuge in the British Isles and their contribution to the post glacial colonization of Scandinavia and the North Atlantic Islands, pp. 407-424 in Erwin, T. L. et al. (ed.), Carabid beetles: their evolution, natural history, and classification. Junk, The Hague. Coope, G. R. and J. A. Brophy. 1972. Late Glacial environmental changes indi- cated by a coleopteran succession from North Wales. Boreas 1(2): 97-142. Coope, G. R. and C. H. S. Sands. 1966. Insect faunas of the last glaciation from the Tame Valley, Warwickshire. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. B. 165: 389-412. Horn, G. H. 1876. Notes on some coleopterous remains from the bone cave at Port Kennedy, Pennsylvania. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 5: 241-245. Horn, W. 1906. Ueber das verkommen von Tetracha Carolina L. im preufsischen bernstein und die phylogenie der Cicindela- arten. Deut. Ent. Zeit. pp. 329-336. Horn, W. 1907. Brulle’s “ Odontochila aus dem baltischen Bernstein” und die Phylogenie der Cicindeliden. (Col.). Deut. Ent. Zeit. pp. 461-466. Kurten, B. and E. Anderson. 1980. Pleistocene mammals of North America. Columbia Univ. Press. Larsson, S. G. 1978. Baltic amber — a palaeobiological study. Entomonograph 1: 1-192. Matthews, J. V., Jr. 1976. Insect fossils from the Beaufort Formation: Geologi- cal and biological significance. Geol. Surv. Can., Paper 76-1B: 217-227. 346 Psyche [Vol. 89 Matthews, J. V., Jr. 1977. Tertiary Coleoptera fossils from the North American Arctic. Coleop. Bull. 31: 297-308. Miller, R. F., Morgan, A. V. and S. R. Hicock. 1982. A pre-Vashon insect assemblage from the Fraser lowland, British Columbia. Abs. Vol. VII, AMQUA Conf. Seattle, Wash., 141. Miller, S. E. and S. B. Peck. 1979. Fossil carrion beetles of Pleistocene Califor- nia asphalt deposits, with a synopsis of Holocene California Silphidae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Silphidae). Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 19: 85-106. Morgan, A. V. and A. Morgan. 1980a. Beetle bits — the science of paleoentomol- ogy. Geoscience Canada 7: 22-29. Morgan, A. V. and A. Morgan. 1980b. Faunal assemblages and distributional shifts of Coleoptera during the Late Pleistocene in Canada and the Northern United States. Can. Ent. 112: 1 105-1 128. Morgan, A. V. and R. Freitag. 1982. The occurrence of Cicindela limbalis Klug (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in a late-glacial site at Brampton, Ontario. Coleop. Bull. 36:105-108. Morgan, A. V., Morgan, A. and J. Motz. 1982. Fossil insect assemblages from the base of a late-glacial sequence near Brampton, Ontario. Prog, with Abs. Geol. Assoc. Can. Annual Meeting, Winnipeg 67. Nelson, R. E. and G. R. Coope. 1982. A pre-Vashon (Late Pleistocene) insect fauna from Seattle, Washington. Abs. Vol. VII, AMQUA Conf. Seattle, Wash., 146. Osborne, P. J. 1972. Insect faunas of Late Devensian and Flandrian age from Church Stretton, Shropshire. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. B. 263: 327-367. Osborne, P. J. 1980. The Late Devensian-Flandrian transition depicted by serial insect faunas from West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England. Boreas 9: 139-147. Pierce, W. D. 1947a. Fossil arthropods of California. 13. A progress report on the Rancho La Brea asphaltum studies. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 46: 136-138. Pierce, W. D. 1947b. Fossil arthropods of California. 14. A progress report of the McKittrick asphalt field. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 46: 138-143. Schwert, D. P. 1978. Paleoentomological analyses of two postglacial sites in Eastern North America. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Waterloo. 250 p. Willis, H. L. 1967. Bionomics and zoogeography of tiger beetles of saline habi- tats in the central United States. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 47: 145-313. PREDATION ON THE WESTERN HONEY BEE, APIS MELLIFERA L., BY THE HORNET, VESPA TROPICA (L.) By Michael Burgett1 and Pongthep Akratanakul2 Hornets of the genus Vespa are recognized as efficient and devas- tating predators of honey bees, especially in tropical and sub- tropical biomes. Of the four species of honey bees in the genus Apis only A. dorsata Fabr., the giant honey bee, appears free from attack by hornets (Seeley et al. 1982). De Jong (1978) reviewed the records of Vespa predation on A. mellifera and A. cerana Fabr. Matsurra and Sakagami (1973) provided a detailed description on V. man- darinia Smith attack behavior on A. mellifera in Japan. We observed the predation and ultimate destruction of a small A. mellifera colony by V. tropica (L.) on the Kamphaeng Saen campus of Kasetsart University, Nakorn Pathom, Thailand, during a four day period in December 1981. The honey bee colony consisted of four standard frames with a comb area of ca. 7,000 cm2 in a hive body with a volume of 21 1. The colony entrance was restricted to an area of ca. 3.5 cm2. The colony possessed one comb approxi- mately one-half full of capped honey, two empty combs, one comb with an active brood nest and an estimated 0.5 kg of worker bees which occupied two combs. The brood nest was infested with the parasitic brood mite Tropilaelaps clareae Delfinado and Baker. Uninterrupted observations of hornet behavior at the colony were conducted on December 21 and 23 for a total of 19 h and 50 min. To facilitate the observations eight individual hornets were tagged on their thoraces with color and number coded discs. Observations were begun at 0730 h on the 21st and 0715 on the 23rd and con- tinued until after 1700 h on both days. The ambient temperature was 16°C at the start of observations on both days and reached a maximum of 25° C by mid-afternoon. We estimate that 25 to 35 hornets were involved in this predatory episode. One of us (P. A.) first noted the presence of a few hornets at 'Department of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 department of Entomology, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand Manuscript received by the editor September 9, 1982. 347 348 Psyche [Vol. 89 the colony some ten to 12 days prior to the 21st. This would corres- pond to what Matsuura and Sakagami (1973) describe as the hunt- ing phase for V. mandarinia. By the 21st the attack had escalated to the slaughter phase where nearly two score of hornets were concen- trating upon the now weakened honey bee colony. The hornet attack was a campaign of slow attrition for the honey bees. Usually two to five hornets would position themselves at the colony entrance. They would engage any honey bee entering or exiting the hive. The large hornets had no difficulty in seizing the bees and would maul them with their strong mandibles. The hornets would normally drop the disabled bees to the ground and only rarely was a moribund bee observed to be eaten by a hornet. The guard hornets would frequently position themselves in the entrance passageway with only their abdomens visible to the observer. These hornets would engage individual guard bees just inside the entrance and after seizing a bee, quickly drag it out and drop it off the landing board to the ground. A separate cadre of hornets would enter the colony and position themselves on the comb containing capped honey. This peripheral comb was without bees which were concentrated on the brood comb. Honey scavenging hornets would spend long periods of time within the colony uncapping honey stor- age cells and engorging themselves on the contents. On the 21st the average time spent by a hornet inside the colony was 22.9 ±17.7 min (n = 64). Upon emerging from the hive the scavenger hornets were frequently antennated by the guard hornets, and an exchange of alimentary fluid would usually result. Continuous observation at the colony was not conducted on December 22. However, a one m2 piece of plywood was placed directly in front of the hive to facilitate an estimate of adult honey bee mortality. Between 0930 and 1415 h 119 dead honey bees had been deposited on the plywood by guard hornets. At 1420 h the colony absconded and within ten minutes had clustered on a small shrub ca. 15 m north of the hive. For the remainder of the afternoon hornets were observed for the first time exiting the hive with larvae and pupae scavenged from the brood nest. At 1930 h on the 22nd we reintroduced the swarm cluster and queen back into the hive. Observations on the 23rd began at 0715 h. At 0834 h the colony 1982] Burgett & Akratanakul — Apis mellifera 349 once again absconded. Several guard hornets were at the hive entrance during the exodus of the bees. The hornets physically engaged scores of worker bees, mauling and tossing them to the ground. The queen was seen emerging from the hive at 0838 h. She was immediately approached by a hornet which attacked her. She was able to disengage herself from the hornet at the cost of the tarsi from her left front leg. She flew to the branch of a small tree ca. three m from the hive and the worker bees began clustering around her. With the abandonment of the hive the hornets began to concen- trate on the undefended brood nest. From 0845 to 1705 h hornets were observed on 109 occasions to exit the hive with brood as prey. The time individual hornets spent inside the hive was significantly shorter, ave. 13.1 ±1 1.3 min (n = 127), than on the 21st when bees were present to mount a defense of the colony. The number of foraging events by individual hornets showed a corresponding increase with the departure of the bees. On the 21st, with the bees present, eight marked hornets were observed to conduct 94 com- plete forays upon the colony for an average of 10.6 ±6.4 trips per hornet. On the 23rd eight marked hornets completed 171 trips for an average of 21.4 ±6.0 trips per hornet. An examination of the hive interior on December 24 revealed that the hornets had completely removed all larvae and pupae from the brood comb. The honey storage comb contained less than an esti- mated 500 g of honey. Hornet traffic at the hive was considerably reduced from the previous three days. Occasional observations of the hive throughout the day revealed at most, six hornets still engorging on the remaining honey. Apis mellifera is an introduced species to Southeast Asia (Akra- tanakul 1976). The colony we observed came from stock originally imported from California in 1979. Absconding by A. mellifera in temperate climates is an unusual phenomenon. However, abscond- ing by other species of tropical Apis is a common defensive strategy (Seeley et al. 1982). It is interesting to note that A. mellifera from temperate origins still retains absconding as a defense mechanism in the face of severe predation. 350 Psyche [Vol. 89 REFERENCES CITED Akratanakul, P. 1976. Honey bees in Thailand. Amer. Bee. J. 116: 120-121, 124, 126. De Jong, D. 1978. Insects: Hymenoptera (ants, wasps and bees), pp. 138-157. In: Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases. R.A. Morse, Editor, Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY. Matsuura, M. and S. F. Sakagami 1973. A bionomic sketch of the giant hornet Vespa mandarinia, a serious pest for Japanese apiculture. J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (Ser. Zool.) 19: 125-162. Seeley, T. D., Seeley, R. H. and P. Akratanakul 1982. Colony defense strategies of the honeybees in Thailand. Ecol. Mono. 52: 43-63. THE GUILD OF SAWGRASS-INHABITING ANTS IN THE FLORIDA KEYS* By Blaine J. Cole Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT84112 A guild is a group of species using similar resources in a similar manner (Root 1967). The guild of ants on which I report here uses, as nest sites, the hollow stems of sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense). The primary objectives of this study were to examine this guild for the purposes of: 1. ascertaining the extent to which there is evidence of competition for nest sites. 2. determining the extent to which available nest sites are filled. 3. determining whether Solenopsis picta (Emery) nests in association with other species. Materials and Methods I examined 119 dead, erect culms of sawgrass, Cladium jamai- cense, on Sugarloaf Key in Monroe County, Florida. Data were collected between 7/29/81 and 8/3/81. Each stem had seven or more internodal regions. For the ants in sawgrass stems the following data were recorded: the species present, the inside diame- ter of the internodal segments occupied and the internodal segment in which the colony was housed. For Pseudomyrmex pallida (F. Smith) the number and location of queens were also recorded. The inside diameter of a culm was measured with a micrometer to the nearest 0.1 mm. The internodal segments were numbered with the lowest segment numbered one. The numbered segments indicated relative height on the culm. Due to individual variation in the height of C. jamaicense, this does not translate directly into absolute height. Results Out of 119 sawgrass culms examined, 34 (29%) did not have a colony of any species. The occurrences of various species as well as * Manuscript received by the editor September 10, 1982 351 352 Psyche [Vol. 89 their co-occurrences with other species is given in Table 1. Pseudo- myrmex pallida is by far the most frequent ant, found in 57 culms or 48% of the total. Tapinoma littorale (Wheeler) and Solenopsis picta are each found in approximately 10% of the total. The co-occurrence of series are also given in Table 1. Solenopsis picta is found frequently with other species including P. pallida, Zacryptocerus varians (F. Smith), and Camponotus planatus (Roger). No other ant species co-occur with P. pallida. T. littorale is the only species frequent enough to examine statistically. If P. pallida and T. littorale assorted into culms independently of one another, the expected number of co-occurrences would be 5.75. T. littorale never co-occurs with P. pallida, a difference that is statistically significant (X2 = 11.0, p< 0.001). It is possible to calculate the probability that S. picta should be the only species that co-occurs with P. pallida. This calculation can be done independently of our knowledge that T. littorale is negatively associated with P. pallida (p = 0.002) or contingent on our knowledge of this relationship (p = 0.02). In either case, it is shown that if any species occurs with P. pallida it is likely to be S. picta. It is not possible to statistically demonstrate the stronger statement that S. picta is positively associated with P. pallida. Indeed, this seems not to be the case due to co-occurrence of 5. picta and other species. If one combines the data of Z. varians, C. planatus, Leptothorax allardvcei (Mann) and Pseudomyrmex elongatus (Mayr), one can also demonstrate that this aggregate is negatively associated with P. pallida (X2 = 12.0 p < 0.001). Due to the relative rarity of these species, one cannot test each species individually. This result must be considered tentative. Table 2 gives some characteristics of the nests of the guild of sawgrass inhabiting ants. The average inside diameter and standard deviation of internodes occupied by P. pallida is calculated sepa- rately for that subset of the colonies that occupy a single internode and for that subset that occupy more than one internode. Nests of P. pallida that occupy a single internode have an inside diameter of 2.38 mm. The inside diameter of internodes occupied by P. pallida that are found in two internodes are 2.45 and 2.03 for the lower and upper chamber respectively. The diameter of the single nest chamber does not differ from that of the lower nest chamber of a P. pallida colony that occupies two chambers (ts = 0.53, p > 0.5). 1982] Cole — Sawgrass-Inhabiting Ants 353 Table 1. Co-occurrence of Sawgrass Ants. Species found: no other ant P.p. Co-occurring T.l. S.p. with: Z.v. c.p. Total Pseudomyrmex pallida 52 _ 0 5 0 0 57 Tapinomla littorale 10 0 — 0 1 0 12 Solenopsis picta 2 5 0 — 3 1 11 Zacryptocerus varians 2 0 1 3 — 0 7 Camponotus plantus 3 0 0 1 0 4 Leptothorax allardycei 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 Pseudomyrmex elongatus 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Unidentified spider 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Nothing — — — — — — 34 Table 2 . Nest Characteristics of Sawgrass Ants Species Nest Characteristics Inside Diameter Internode mean (sdev, n) Occupied # internodes occupied/ culm Pseudomyrmex pallida sgl. chamber 2.38 (.41, 39) 3.7 1.4 lower 2.45 (.41, 13) 3.7 dbl. chamber upper 2.03 (.37, 13) 4.7 Solenopsis picta 3.41 (1.04, 12) 2.2 1.2 Tapinoma littorale 2.45 (.63, 15) 4.3 1.15 Camponotus planatus 4.73 (.82, 7) 2.3 — Zacryptocerus varians 3. 13 (.61, 8) 3.6 — The average inside diameter is greatest for C. planatus (4.73), surprisingly large for S. picta, which is such a minute ant, and smallest for P. pallida (2.38, single chamber). The average diameter of internodes occupied by P. pallida and T. littorale does not differ significantly (t-test, ts = .70, p > 0.5). As shown in Table 2 the internode occupied by the nest parallels the results of internode diameter. Since larger internodes are lower 354 Psyche [Vol. 89 on the culm, species that inhabit internodes with large diameter also inhabit low internodes. The number of internodes occupied per culm is given in Table 2 for P. pallida, S. picta, and T. littorale. P. pallida has a tendency to occupy more internodes per culm ( 1 .4) than does either S. picta ( 1 .2) or T. littorale (1.15). In most P. pallida nests a queen was located. However, in 19% of the nests a queen was not seen. It is conceivable that the queen could have been overlooked in these nests. In the 46 nests in which a queen was noted, 31 (67%) had a single queen, 8 (17%) had two queens, 6 (13%) and one had four queens. When multiple queens are found in nests occupying multiple chambers, there is no tendency for the queens either to be found in a single chamber or to disperse to separate chambers. When a single queen is found in a nest occupy- ing multiple internodes there is a tendency for the queen to occupy the higher internode. Discussion The guild of sawgrass inhabiting ants is a collection of species for which there is evidence that certain pairs of species compete for nest sites and certain pairs of species do not. P. pallida and T. littorale are strongly negatively associated. This pair of species was not encountered inhabiting the same sawgrass culm. P. pallida and T. littorale occupy internodes of similar physical characteristics (inside diameter, and relative height on the culm). It is less likely that the two species compete for an internode of particular character than they compete for the space of an entire culm (Levings and Traniello 1981, Cole 1982). P. pallida shows no evidence of competition for nest sites with S. picta. The distributions of S. picta and P. pallida are independent of one another. These two species are found in the same sawgrass culm with S. picta occupying larger and lower internodes. There is little evidence to suggest that S. picta is found in association with other species of ants. It seems to be found frequently in association with P. pallida simply due to the fact that P. pallida is common. S. picta has been referred to as a thief ant which nests in close proximity to other ants and specializes in stealing brood from them. In approxi- mately half of the cases in which S. picta is found in a sawgrass culm 1982] Cole — Sawgrass-Inhabiting Ants 355 with another species of ant, there is at least one intervening, empty internode between S. picta and the other species. Of the total sawgrass culms, 71% are occupied by at least one species. Let C be the average probability that a species will colonize a sawgrass culm and E be the average probability that a colony will go extinct. Then the equilibrium fraction of sawgrass culms occu- pied is C/ C+E = 0.7 1 . One can then obtain an estimate of the rate of extinction relative to the rate of colonization as C = 2.5E. If colonization takes place on an annual cycle, then one can esti- mate that the average lifespan of a colony which becomes estab- lished is about 2.5 years. This estimate assumes that the occupancy of sawgrass culms is at equilibrium. In addition, data from several species, each of which may not have the same demographic charac- teristics, are combined. This is not as bad as it seems, however, due to the fact that the bulk of the species’ occurrences are of P. pallida. The estimate of average colony longevity is principally an estimate based on P. pallida. The inside diameter and position of the lower nest chamber of P. pallida colonies that inhabit two internodes is comparable to the inside diameter and position of the internode occupied by P. pallida in a single nest chamber. This suggests that P. pallida move up to occupy a second internode. The fact that the queen of P. pallida tends to be found in the upper chamber suggests that the queen moves into the newer, smaller or higher nest chamber. The average inside diameter of sawgrass culms occupied by Z. varians (3.13 mm) is not significantly different from the average inside diameter of hollow stems of red mangrove occupied by Z. varians (2.95 mm, Cole 1979, n = 1 14, ts = 0.94, p > 0.2). The major workers of Z. varians are morphologically modified for passive col- ony defense (Wilson 1976, Cole 1980). It is reasonable to suppose that there is selective pressure of Z. varians to choose, as nest sites, hollow stems that are of a suitable size to allow the major workers to block off the stem and bulldoze out intruders. This research supported, in part, by a grant from Sigma Xi. References Cole, B. J. 1979. Assembly of mangrove ant communities. Ph.D. dissertation. Princeton University, vi + 123 pp. 356 Psyche [Vol. 89 Cole, B. J. 1980. Repertoire convergence in two mangrove ants, Zacryptocerus varians and Camponotus (Colobopsis) sp. Insectes Sociaux 27: 265-275. Cole, B. J. 1982. Assembly of mangrove ant communities: patterns of geographi- cal distribution. J. of Anim. Ecol. (in press). Levings, S. C. and J. F. A. Traniello. 1981. Territoriality, nest dispersion and community structure in ants. Psyche 88: 265-319. Root, R. B. 1967. The niche exploitation pattern of the blue-gray gnatcatcher. Ecol. Monogr. 37: 317-350. Wilson, E. O. 1976. A social ethogram of the neotropical arboreal ant, Zacryp- tocerus varians (Fr. Smith) Anim. Behav. 24: 354-363. 2 r* Z r- m RAR I ES SM ITHSONIAN^~l NSTITUTI ON^ NO IlflillSN I ""nVINOSHJLIWS S3 I 8V8£ Z y CO z CO inilXSNI NVINOSHIIIAIS^ S 3 I 8 V8 8 II^LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN ^INSTITUTI CO __ = CO “ Kxi/^ RAR I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIXIUIXSNI NVINOSHXIHS S3 I HVHf 2 r . 2 r- . z ^vASO\>v ~ rn ifUUSNI NVIN0SHimS^S3 I 8 V8 8 ll^L I B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUT Z __ CO Z -y . 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