A > i came 407 National Museums National Museum of Canada of Natural Sciences Ottawa 1973 Publications in Zoology, No. 8 A Phylogenetic Tree of the Animal Kingdom (Including Orders and Higher Categories) L’arbre phylogénétique du regne animal (groupant les ordres et les catégories supérieures) Jarmila Kukalova-Peck ~ CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES | MAR 28 1974 Publications de LIBRARY | zoologie, n° 8 Musées nationaux Musée national des du Canada Sciences naturelles Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from California Academy of Sciences Library http://www.archive.org/details/publicationsinzo81 nati A Phylogenetic Tree of the Animal Kingdom (Including Orders and Higher Categories) L'arbre phylogénétique du règne animal (groupant les ordres et les catégories supérieures) National Museum of Natural Sciences Publications in Zoology, No. 8 Published by the National Museums of Canada Staff editor Viviane Appleton © Crown copyrights reserved Available by mail from the National Museums of Canada Marketing Division Ottawa, Ontario K1A OM8 Catalogue No. NM95—10/8 National Museum of Natural Sciences National Museums of Canada Ottawa, Canada 1973 PO987654321 Y79876543 Printed in Canada Musée national des Sciences naturelles Publications de zoologie, n° 8 Publié par les Musées nationaux du Canada Rédacteur Norman J. Boudreau © Tous droits réservés au nom de la Couronne L'éditeur remplit les commandes postales adressées aux Musées nationaux du Canada Service de distribution Ottawa, Ontario K1A OM8 N° de catalogue NM95—10/8 Musée national des Sciences naturelles Musées nationaux du Canada Ottawa, Canada 1973 T0987654321 A79876543 Imprimé au Canada A Phylogenetic Tree of the Animal Kingdom (Including Orders and Higher Categories) L'arbre phylogénétique du règne animal (groupant les ordres et les catégories supérieures) Jarmila Kukalova-Peck Biographical Note Dr. Jarmila Kukalova-Peck was associate professor in paleontology at Charles University, Prague, from 1966 to 1970. Born in Prague, she received her Ph.D. from Charles University in 1962, specializ- ing in Paleozoic insects. In 1969 she was Alexander Agassiz Lec- turer in Zoology at Harvard University, and since 1970 has been associated with the Department of Geology, Carleton University, Ottawa. Dr. Peck has published over thirty scientific papers, includ- ing studies on Palaeodictyoptera, Protelytroptera, Ephemeroptera, and other insect orders from localities in Europe, the United States and the U.S.S.R. Introduction As part of the program to redesign the public exhibits in the Victoria Memorial Build- ing, Ottawa, Dr. Louis Lemieux, Director of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, and Dr. Arthur H. Clarke, Head of the Invertebrate Zoology Section, de- cided that a display of the phylogenetic tree of the animal kingdom would be the most effective way of illustrating the diversity of animal life. It was felt that the phylog- eny should use the orders and higher categories of classification to show the evolu- tionary relationship of the groups in time, with as much accuracy as is possible given the present level of knowledge. After the display data had been gathered the decision was made to publish the separate phylogenetic schemes in a manual that could serve as a useful summary of the animal kingdom for college students and higher-level educators in biology and paleontology. The users of this manual should be aware that phylogeny may be the subject of the most dramatic disagreements between specialists, and may undergo very abrupt changes because of differing interpretations of evolutionary trends. Consequently, there may exist many parallel or even drastically different schemes, and frequently only future investigations can determine which is the more correct. Moreover, the levels of knowledge of the various groups are very uneven. In some, the building of phylogenetic schemes is traditional, for example, in vertebrates. For many groups, however, the graphs presented here are the first ones that cover major categories and their ancestry. Since phylogeny, by definition, expresses the natural relation- ships of creatures, problematic groups such as conodonts or conulariids could not be included in the charts. Although there are many compendia that supply data for phylogenetic study, it would not have been possible for one person to cover this vast subject in the time allotted without consulting specialists in many groups. The scientists listed below reviewed the charts and some of them provided me with additional references and information. | am greatly indebted to them for their courtesy and very much appreci- ate the suggestions they made. This is in no way meant to imply that they are respon- sible for the schemes published here. Any errors are mine, but | hope they will be considered with generosity in view of the ambitiousness of the project. Protozoa: Mollusca—Stem Graph, Hyolitha, Dr. F.T. Banner Scaphopoda, Gastropoda: University College of Swansea, Wales Dr. E.L. Yochelson Dritetappansloeblich U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C University of California, Los Angeles Dr. V. Pokorny Charles University, Prague Porifera: Dr. R.M. Finks Queens College, Flushing, N.Y Archaeocyatha: Dr. V.J. Okulitch University of British Columbia, Vancouver Coelenterata: Dr. W.A. Oliver, Jr. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C ‘’Amphineura’": Dr. A.H. Clarke National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa Bivalvia: Dr. J. Pojeta, Jr. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C Nautiloidea: Dr. D.H. Collins University of Toronto Ammonoidea: Dr. E.T. Tozer Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa Phylogenetic Tree Coleoidea: Bryozoa: Dr. G.A. Jeletzky Dr. J.S. Ryland Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa University College of Swansea, Wales Dr. M. Gordon Dr. N.A. Powell U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa Annelida: Brachiopoda: Dr. D.G. Cook Dr. M.J.S. Rudwick National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa Cambridge University Onychophora, Trilobita: Echinodermata: Dr. W.T. Dean Dr. J.W. Durham Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa University of California, Berkeley Dr. W.H. Fritz Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa Hemichordata: Dr. M.J. Copeland Diplopoda, Chilopoda: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa Dr. R.L. Hoffman Dr. H. Jaeger Radford College, Virginia Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin Insecta: Dr. J. Kukalova-Peck ‘‘Fishes”’: Carleton University, Ottawa Dr. A.S. Romer Dr. F.M. Carpenter Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Harvard University Dr. D.E. McAllister Crustacea: National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa Dr. E.L. Bousfield Dr. B. Schaeffer National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa American Museum of Natural History, New York Dr. M.J. Copeland Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa Amphibia: Dr. V. Pokorny Dr. R.L. Carroll Charles University, Prague McGill University, Montreal Dr. P. Tasch Dr. Z.V. Spinar University of Wichita, Kansas Charles University, Prague Dr. H.K. Brooks are University of Florida, Gainesville Be paiia. Dr. R.L. Carroll Chelicerata: McGill University, Montreal Dr. M.J. Copeland Dr. A.S. Romer Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Dr. H.W. Levi Dr. D.A. Russell Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard : ‘ University National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa Introduction Mammalia: Aves: Dr. F.R. Parrington Dr. P. Brodkorb Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University of Florida, Gainesville University Dr. L. Van Valen University of Chicago Most of the data on geological occurrence were taken from the Foss// Record (Har- land, ed., 1967) and the 7reatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, ed., 1953- 70). The phylogenetic data are based largely on Barnes (1968), Hyman (1940-67), Kaestner (1967, 1970), and the 7reatise on /nvertebrate Paleontology. There are various other smaller works listed in the bibliography that threw light on problems of phylogeny. Since | attempted to synthesize and incorporate the latest knowledge, many of the schemes presented here do not exactly correspond to anything pub- lished before. The above-named specialists, who so graciously reviewed parts of the work, contributed some new ideas and arrangements not yet published. By pre- senting them, however, | am not trying to ‘‘claim-jump’’ or take the credit. Nor should | be considered as a first authority for these schemes. The previously unpub- lished novelties can become firmly based only when the facts or ideas to substantiate them are presented by the various specialists. Until based on data or presentation of reasons, many portions of the phylogeny are, of course, the author's logical deduc- tions or hypotheses. The purpose of this report is threefold. It will permit a wider distribution of the data presented in the Hall of Animal Life in the Victoria Memorial Building; for serious zoology students it will serve as an up-to-date and complete synthesis of animal evo- lution and phylogeny in the higher categories; and, hopefully, it may stimulate fur- ther research by the contributing specialists as well as by others interested in these problems. 4 June 1972 Note biographique Madame Jarmila Kukalova-Peck fut professeur adjoint de paléonto- logie à l'université Charles de Prague, de 1966 a 1970. Née à Pra- gue, elle reçut son doctorat de l'université Charles en 1962 se spé- cialisant en entomologie du paléozoïque. En 1969, elle fut confé- rencière Alexander Agassiz en zoologie à l'université Harvard et depuis 1970, elle est attachée à la faculté de géologie de l'univer- sité Carleton d'Ottawa. Madame Peck a publié plus de trente arti- cles scientifiques dont des études sur les paléodictyoptères, les protélytroptères, les éphéméroptères et certains autres ordres d'in- sectes d'Europe, des États-Unis et de l'U.R.S.S. Introduction Dans les cadres du programme de réaménagement des exhibits de l'édifice Victoria Memorial d'Ottawa, Messieurs Louis Lemieux, directeur du Musée national des Sciences naturelles, et Arthur H. Clarke, chef de la Division de la Zoologie des inver- tébrés, concurent le projet d'illustrer la diversité de la vie animale en montrant l'ar- bre phylogénétique du règne animal. Ils retinrent la phylogénèse des ordres et des catégories supérieures pour démontrer le lien évolutionnel des groupes, à travers le temps, le plus exactement possible étant donné l'état actuel des connaissances. Après avoir recueilli les données de base, on décida de publier séparément les ta- bleaux phylogénétiques en un manuel qui résume les ramifications du règne animal à l'intention des étudiants et des professeurs de biologie et de paléontologie. Les usagers doivent se rappeler que la phylogénèse est l'objet de nombreux désac- cords entre les spécialistes et peut subir des changements brusques par suite d'inter- prétations divergentes des courants évolutionnels. En conséquence, il peut exister plusieurs systèmes parallèles ou même totalement différents et, dans bien des cas, seulement les recherches futures pourront établir la primauté d'un système sur les autres. D'autre part, l’état de nos connaissances des différents groupes est très iné- gal. Dans certains cas, comme chez les vertébrés, le schéma phylogénétique est traditionnel. Chez d'autres groupes, par ailleurs, les présents tableaux sont les pre- miers qu on ait publiés sur leur classification et leur évolution. La phylogénèse trai- tant par définition des liens naturels des êtres, il était impossible d'inclure dans les tableaux certains groupes problématiques tels que les conodontes ou les conularides. Même s'il existe un grand nombre d'abrégés qui fournissent les données de base des études phylogénétiques, il eût été impossible pour une seule personne de couvrir un sujet si Vaste en si peu de temps sans consulter un grand nombre de spécialistes. Les scientifiques dont les noms apparaissent ci-dessous ont révisé les tableaux et certains d'entre eux m'ont fourni quantité de références et de renseignements. J'ai hautement apprécié leur courtoisie et j ai largement profité des suggestions qu'ils m'ont faites. Je n’entends pas par là les rendre responsables des tableaux qui appa- raissent dans le présent ouvrage. Les erreurs qu'on pourrait y trouver sont les mien- nes, mais à cause de ma témérité face au projet, j'ose espérer qu'on se montrera clément à mon égard. Protozoaires: Coelentérés: M. F.T. Banner M. W.A. Oliver, fils University College of Swansea, Pays de Galles U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C Mme HT -Loeblich nie appan-Loeblic Tableau principal des mollusques, Université de la Californie, Los Angeles hyolithes, scaphopodes, gastéropodes M. V. Pokorny M. E.L. Yochelson Université Charles, Prague U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C Porifères: ““Amphineures”’: M. R.M. Finks M. A.H. Clarke College Queens, Flushing, N.Y Musée national des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa Archéocyathés: Lamellibranches: M. V.J. Okulitch M. J. Pojeta, fils Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C Arbre phylogénétique Nautilidés: M. D.H. Collins Université de Toronto Ammonitidés: M. E.T. Tozer Commission géologique du Canada, Ottawa Coleoides: M. G.A. Jeletzky Commission géologique du Canada, Ottawa M. M. Gordon U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C Annélides: M. D.G. Cook Musée national des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa Onychophores, trilobites: M. W.T. Dean Commission géologique du Canada, Ottawa M. W.F. Fritz Commission géologique du Canada, Ottawa Diplopodes, chilopodes: M. R.L. Hoffman Collège de Radford, Virginie Insectes: Mr J. Kukalova-Peck Universite de Carleton, Ottawa M. F.M. Carpenter Université Harvard Crustacés: M. E.L. Bousfield Musée national des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa M. M.J. Copeland Commission géologique du Canada, Ottawa M. V. Pokorny Université Charles, Prague M. P. Tasch Université de Wichita, Kansas M. H.K. Brooks Université de la Floride, Gainesville 10 Chelicérates: M. M.J. Copeland Commission géologique du Canada, Ottawa M. H.W. Levi Museum of Comparative Zoology, Université Harvard Bryozoaires: M. J.S. Ryland University College of Swansea, Pays de Galles M. N.A. Powell Musée national des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa Brachiopodes: M. M.J.S. Rudwick Université de Cambridge Echinodermes: M. J.W. Durham Université de la Californie, Berkeley Hémicordés: M. M.J. Copeland Commission géologique du Canada, Ottawa M. H. Jaeger Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin Poissons: M. A.S. Romer Museum of Comparative Zoology, Université Harvard M. D.E. McAllister Musée national des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa M. B. Schaeffer American Museum of Natural History, New York Amphibiens: M. R.L. Carroll Université McGill, Montréal M. Z.V. Spinar Université Charles, Prague Reptiles: M. R.L. Carroll Université McGill, Montréal Introduction M. A.S. Romer M. L. Van Valen Museum of Comparative Zoology, Universite Université de Chicago Harvard M. D.A. Russell Oiseaux: Musée national des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa M. P. Brodkorb Université de la Floride, Gainesville Mammifères: M. F.R. Parrington Museum of Comparative Zoology, Université Harvard La plupart des données géologiques locales ou temporelles proviennent de Foss// Record (Harland, ed., 1967) et de 7reatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, ed., 1953-70). Les renseignements phylogénétiques se fondent en grande partie sur Barnes (1968), Hyman (1940-67), Kaestner (1967, 1970), et sur Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. La bibliographie mentionne un certain nombre de travaux moins volumineux qui ont cependant servi a éclairer certains problemes. Puisque le présent ouvrage veut opérer une synthèse et tenir compte des découvertes les plus récentes, plusieurs tableaux diffèrent de tout ce qui a été publié jusqu'ici dans le même domaine. Les spécialistes nommés qui ont si généreusement révisé plu- sieurs parties du travail ont contribué plusieurs idées nouvelles et suggéré des arran- gements qu'on ne saurait retrouver dans aucune autre publication. Loin de moi la pensée d'usurper sur ces personnes ou de m'attribuer le mérite de ces innovations. Il ne faudrait pas non plus me croire l'autorité définitive en ces matières. Les nou- veautés inédites que comporte l'ouvrage n'auront de fondement véritable que lors- que les travaux des spécialistes en auront vérifié le contenu. Jusqu'à ce qu'on ait démontré l'application réelle de ces notions, certaines parties de cette phylogénèse ne sont en définitive que les hypothèses et les déductions logiques de l’auteur. Le présent ouvrage se fixe un triple but. Il veut assurer la dissémination de rensei- gnements contenus dans la galerie de zoologie de l'édifice Victoria Memorial; en ce qui concerne les étudiants, il veut leur présenter une synthèse complète et à jour de l'évolution animale et de la phylogénèse des catégories supérieures; et finale- ment, il est à espérer qu il stimule la recherche tant chez les spécialistes qui ont con- tribué à sa mise au point que chez les autres scientifiques qui s'intéressent au même sujet. 4 juin 1972 11 Note des éditeurs Pour des raisons d'économie, les Musées nationaux du Canada n'ont pas cru bon de publier une version française intégrale du présent ouvrage. Les désignations taxo- nomiques latines ont l'avantage d'être universelles et sont intelligibles pour l'ensem- ble des scientifiques. Les frais d'édition auraient doublé pour reproduire la série de tableaux avec une nomenclature à terminaisons françaises. Nous avons jugé que la taxonomie latine suffisait, et qu'on ne nous tiendrait pas rigueur des quelques mots anglais qui subsistent, tels que phylum, class, order, etc., auxquels le lecteur pourra facilement substituer les équivalents français. Au-delà du motif d'économie, l'adaptation d'un ouvrage tel que celui-ci multiplie le risque d'erreurs. L'avantage linguistique offre moins d'attrait si les renseigne- ments sont moins sûrs. Nous nous excusons auprès des lecteurs et les prions de nous accorder leur indulgence. Les notes et les explications nécessaires à la compréhension de l'ouvrage apparais- sent en français et en anglais. Nous n'avons ménagé aucune peine pour assurer la qualité technique de cette publication et nous espérons que tous pourront en tirer profit. Ottawa, juillet 1972 12 Bibliography / Bibliographie Barnes, R.D. (1968). /nvertebrate zoology. 2d ed. Saunders, Philadelphia. 743 pp. Brinkhurst, R.O., and B.G.M. Jamieson (1971). Aquatic Oligochaeta of the world. Oliver and Boyd, London. 860 pp. Brodkorb, P. (1963). Catalogue of fossil birds. Bull. Fla. State Mus. Biol. Sci. 7: 179-293. (1964). Ibid. 8: 195-335. (1967). Ibid. 11: 99-220. (1971). Ibid. 15: 163-266. Origin and evolution of birds, pp. 19-55. /n DS. Farmer and J.R. King, eds. Avian biology. Aca- demic Press, New York, 1971. Colbert, E.H. (1965). The age of reptiles. Weidenfeld, London. 228 pp. Copeland, M.J. (1957). The arthropod fauna of the Upper Car- boniferous rocks of the Maritime Provinces. Mem. Geol. Surv. Can. 286: 1-110. Durden, C., et al. (1969). Gnathostomulida: is there a fossil record? Science 164: 855-56. Filatova, Z.A., and L.A. Zenkevich (1969). The contemporary distribution of the an- cient primitive molluscs Monoplacophora in the oceans and the fossilized Pogonophora in the de- posits of the Cambrian seas. Okeanologia 9 (1): 162-71. Gordon, M., Jr. (1966). Classification of Mississippian coleoid ce- phalopods. J. Paleontol. 40 (2): 449-52. (1966). An Upper Triassic bactritoid cephalopod from California. J. Paleontol. 40 (5): 1220-22. Harland, W.B., ed. (1967). The fossil record. Geological Society of London. 827 pp. Hermans, C.O. (1969). The systematic position of the Archian- nelida. Syst. Zoo/. 18 (1): 85-102. Hopson, J.A. (1970). The classification of non therian mam- mals. J. Mammal. 51 (1): 1-9. Horny, R.J. (1965). Cyrto/ites Conrad 1838 and its position among the Monoplacophora (Mollusca). Sb. Nar. Mus. Praze 21B (2): 57-70. Huene, F. (1956). Pa/aontologie und Phylogenie der niederen Tetrapoden. Fischer, Jena. 716 pp. Hyman, L.H. (1940-67). The invertebrates. McGraw-Hill Publi- cations in the Zoological Sciences. McGraw-Hill, New York. (1940). Vol. 1: Protozoa through Ctenophora. 726 pp. (1951). Vol. 2: Platyhelminthes and Rhyncho- coela. 550 pp. (1951). Vol. 3: Acanthocephala, Aschelminthes, and Entoprocta. 572 pp. Vol. 4: Echinodermata, the coelomate bi- lateria. 763 pp. (1959). Vol. 5: Smaller 783 pp. (1967). Vol. 6: Mollusca 1. 792 pp. (1955) coelomate groups Jeletzky, J.A. (1965). Taxonomy and phylogeny of fossil Coleoi- dea (=Dibranchiata). Geo/. Surv. Can. Pap. 65 (2): 72-76. Kaestner, A. (1967-70). /nvertebrate zoology. Trans. and adapted from the German by H.W. Levi and Lorna R. Levi. Interscience, New York. (1967). Vol. 2: Arthropod relatives, Chelicerata, Myriapoda. 472 pp. (1970). Vol. 3: Crustacea. 523 pp. Loeblich, A.R. (1970). Ultramicroplankton, pp. 867-929. Part G of North American Paleontology Convention, Chicago 1969, Proceedings. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas. Martynov, A.V. (1940). Outlines of the geological history and phy- logeny of insect orders (Pterygota), 1: Palaeoptera and Neoptera-Polyneoptera. 7rans. Paleontol. Inst. 7 (4): 5-149. McAllister, D.E. (1968). Evolution of branchiostegals and asso- ciated opercular, gular, and hyoid bones, and the classification of teleostome fishes, living and fossil. Nat. Mus. Can. Bull. 221: 1-239. Moore, R.C., ed. (1953-70). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Prepared under the guidance of the Joint Commit- tee on Invertebrate Paleontology. Geological Soci- ety of America, New York (1953). Part G. Bryozoa. 253 pp. (1954). Part D. Protista 3, Protozoa. 195 pp. (1955). Part E. Archaeocyatha and Porifera. 122 pp. Part P. Arthropoda 2. 181 pp. Part V. Graptolithina. 101 pp 1956). Part F. Coe/enterata. 498 pp. 1957). Part L. Mollusca 4. 490 pp. 1959). Part O. Arthropoda 1. 560 pp. (1960). Part |. Mo/lusca 1. 351 pp. (1961). Part Q. Arthropoda 3. 442 pp. (1962). Part W. Miscellanea. 259 pp. Se 13 Bibliography / Bibliographie (1964). Part K. Mollusca 3. 519 pp. Part C. Protista 2. 2 vols. 900 pp. Part H. Brachiopoda. 2 vols. 927 pp. Part U. Echinodermata 3. 2 vols. 695 pp. Part S. Echinodermata 7. 2 vols. 650 pp. Part N. Mo/lusca 6 (1,2) 2 vols. 952 pp. Part R. Arthropoda 4. 2 vols. 651 pp. Part V. Graptolithina. 2d ed. 163 pp. (1965). (1966). (1967). (1969). (1970). Pearson, R. (1964). Animals and plants of the Cenozoic era; some aspects of the faunal and floral history of the last sixty million years. Butterworths, London. 236 pp. Pojeta, J., Jr. (1971). Review of Ordovician pelecypods. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 695: 1-46. (1972). Rostroconchia: a new class of bivalved mollusks. Science 177: 264-67. Rohdendorf, B.B., ed. (1962). Fundamentals of paleontology: Arthro- poda, Tracheata and Chelicerata. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. 560 pp. Romer, A.S. (1941). Man and the vertebrates. 3d ed. University of Chicago Press. 405 pp. (1956). The early evolution of land vertebrates. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 100 (3): 157-61 (1959). The vertebrate story. 4th rev. enl. ed. Uni- versity of Chicago Press. 437 pp. (1966). Vertebrate paleontology. 3d ed. University of Chicago Press. 468 pp. (1968). The procession of life. Weidenfeld, Lon- don. 323 pp Rudwick M.J.S. (1970). Living and fossil brachiopods. Hutchinson, London. 199 pp. Ryland, J.S. (1970). Bryozoans. Hutchinson, London 175 pp Salvini-Plawen, L. (1967). Kritische Bemerkungen zum System der Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aculifera). Z Zoo/. Syst Evolutionsforsch. 5 (4): 398-444 (1968). Uber Lebendsbeobachtungen an Caudofo- veata (Mollusca, Aculifera), nebst Bemerkungen zum System der Klasse. Sarsia 31: 105-26 Schaeffer, B. (1969). Adaptive radiation of the fishes and the fish-amphibian transition. Ann. New York Acad S@E WOW? Saih7/ Stensio, E.A. (1963). The brain and the cranial nerves in fossil, lower craniate vertebrates. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 120 pp 14 Stephenson, J. (1930). The Oligochaeta. Oxford University Press. 978 pp. Sterrer, W. (1972). Systematics and evolution within the Gnathostomulida. Syst. Zoo/. 21 (2): 151-73. Tappan, H., and A.R. Loeblich (1971). Geobiologic implication of fossil phyto- plankton evolution and time-space distribution. Symposium on palynology. Geo/. Soc. Amer. Spec. Pap. 127: 247-340. Taylor, D.W., and N.F. Sohl (1962). An outline of gastropod classification. Ma- lacologia 1 (1): 7-32. Teichert, C. (1967). Major features of cephalopod evolution, pp. 1-210. /n Teichert, C., and E.L. Yochelson, eds. Essays in paleontology and stratigraphy; R.C. Moore commemorative volume. Univ. Kansas Dept. Geol. Spec. Publ. 2. Lawrence, Kansas. 626 pp. Van Valen, L. (1970). Adaptive zones and the orders of mam- mals. Evo/ution 25 (2): 420-28. Whittington, H.B., and W.D.I. Rolfe, eds. (1963). Phylogeny and evolution of Crustacea. Pro- ceedings of a conference held at Cambridge, Mass., March 6-8, 1962. Harvard Univ. Mus. Comp. Zool. Spec. Publ. Cambridge, Mass. 192 pp. Yochelson, E.L. (1966). Mattheva, a proposed new class of mol- luscs. Geo/. Surv. Prof. Pap. 523B: 1-4. Excluded Phyla/Embranchements exclus List and geological occurrence of phyla so small or poorly known that phylogenetic diagrams have not been prepared. Les renseignements sur la distribution géologique de certains embranchements sont si minces qu on nena pas fait de tableau phylogénétique. C'est le cas des catégories ci-dessous. Radiata Phylum Ctenophora Rec Protostomes Acoelomates Phylum Rhynchocoela JurTith—Rec Phylum Mesozoa Rec Phylum Platyhelminthes Rec Phylum Gnathostomulida” Rec Protostomes Pseudocoelomates Phylum Entoprocta Rec Phylum Acanthocephala Rec Phylum Nematomorpha Order Gordioida TertEoc—Rec Phylum Nematoda Order Rhabditida TertOlig—Rec Phylum Kinorhyncha Rec Phylum Gastrotricha Rec Phylum Rotifera Rec Protostomes Schizocoelomates Phylum Priapulida Rec Phylum Sipunculida Camb M.Camb—Rec Phylum Echiurida Rec Phylum Tardigrada Rec Phylum Pentastomida Rec Protostomes Lophophorate Coelomates Phylum Phoronida Rec Deuterostomes Phylum Chaetognatha Camb M.Camb—Rec ‘Conodontophorida (Camb M.Camb—CretTuron) are possibly an extinct class of Gnathostomulida. Les conodontophoridés (Camb M.Camb—CretTuron) sont peut-étre une classe éteinte de gnathostomulidés. * Abbreviations of Geological Divisions in the Charts Abréviations des divisions géologiques apparaissant dans les tableaux Quat Quaternary Holo Holocene Pleist Pleistocene Tert Tertiary Plioc Pliocene Mioc Miocene Olig Oligocene Eoc Eocene Paleoc Paleocene Dan Danian Cret Cretaceous Maestr Maestrichtian Campan Campanian Santon Santonian Coniac Coniacian Turon Turonian Cenom Cenomanian Alb Albian Apt Aptian Barrem Barremian Haut Hauterivian Valang Valanginian Berr Berriasian Jur Jurassic MCE ‘’Tithonian Kimm Kimmeridgian Oxf Oxfordian Call Callovian Bath Bathonian Bajoc Bajocian Toarc Toarcian Pliens Pliensbachian Sinem Sinemurian Hett Hettangian Trias Triassic Rhaet Rhaetian Nor Norian Carn Carnian Ladin Ladinian Anis Anisian Olenek Olenekian Induan Induan Perm Permian Dzhulf Dzhulfian Guad Guadelupian Leonard Leonardian Sakm Sakmarian Assel Asselian Carb Carboniferous* U. Carb Upper Carboniferous Moscov Moscovian Bashk Bashkirian Namur Namurian Viséan Viséan Tourn Tournaisian Dev Devonian Famen Famennian Frasn Frasnian Givet Givetian Eifel Eifelian Ems Emsian Siegen Siegenian Gedinn Gedinnian Sil Silurian Ludl Ludlovian Wenl Wenlockian Lidov Llandoverian Ord Ordovician Ashg Ashgillian Carad Caradocian Lideil Llandeilian Llvirn Llanvirnian Arenig Arenigian Tremad Tremadocian Camb Cambrian U. Camb Upper Cambrian M. Camb Middle Cambrian L. Camb Lower Cambrian To relate the phylogenetic charts as closely as pos- sible to the geological divisions used in the Foss// Record, European division names have been used for the Carboniferous period. The Tournaisian, Vi- séan and Namurian ‘‘A of Europe correspond to the Mississippian of American stratigraphy, and the Pennsylvanian of America approximates the Bashkirian, Moscovian and Upper Carboniferous of Europe 16 Dans le but de relier les divisions des tableaux phy- logénétiques le plus intimement possible à celles de Fossil Record, nous avons employé, pour le Carbonifère, les dénominations européennes. Le Tournaisien, le Viséen et le Namurien “A” d'Europe correspondent au Mississippien de la stratigraphie américaine alors que le Pennsylva- nien d'Amérique se rapproche du Bashkirien, du Moscovien et du Carbonifère supérieur d'Europe. List of the Charts/Liste des tableaux Phylogenetic tree, as seen from the side Profil de l’arbre phylogénétique Phylogenetic tree, as seen from above Plan de l'arbre phylogénétique Phylum Protozoa Phylum Porifera Phylum Archaeocyatha Phylum Coelenterata Phylum Mollusca Phylum Mollusca Phylum Mollusca Phylum Mollusca Phylum Mollusca Phylum Annelida Stem Graph Ramifications principales Class Hyolitha Class Scaphopoda Class Bivalvia Class Gastropoda Class Cephalopoda Phylum Onychophora Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Bryozoa Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Stem Graph Ramifications principales Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Class Trilobita Subphylum Chelicerata Subphylum Pycnogonida Subphylum Crustacea Subphylum Tracheata Subphylum Tracheata Phylum Brachiopoda Phylum Echinodermata Phylum Pogonophora Phylum Hemichordata Stem Graph Fish-like Vertebrates Phylum Chordata Phylum Chordata Phylum Chordata Phylum Chordata Phylum Chordata Ramifications principales Class Amphibia Class Reptilia Class Aves Class Mammalia Class Insecta Vertébrés pisciformes Chart 1/Tableau n° 1 The entire phylogenetic tree, as seen from the side, with the time factor excluded. The categories are a mixture of superphyla, phyla, subphyla, and some classes. It is intended that the position of the categories in reference to each other show general degrees of evolutionary relatedness. Profil de l'arbre phylogénétique excluant le facteur temporel. Les catégories retenues sont les super-embranchements, les embranchements, les sous-embranchements et certaines classes. La position relative de chaque catégorie traduit le rapport évolu- tionnel qui les rattache l’une à l’autre. 18 à Bryozoa ee g Phoronida ‘Brachiopoda Mammalia _ a . Reptilia Aves Hemichordata So Amphibia a Cephalochordata Ctenophora DS . Radiata Coelenterata Archaeocyatha - : Porifera :. Sk ‘. Parazoa ogonophora Fish-like Echinodermata vertebrates ee, hordata pe He Chaetognatha :..:. Crustacea Chelicerata : \ Tracheata Trilobitomorpha Onychophora : : Tardigrada : Pycnogonida Annelida Lu Monoplacophora Sipunculida : Pentastomida Cephalopoda Caudofoveata is. Solenogastres SS Gastropoda SS Bivalvia Hyolitha-Scaphopoda Priapulida Acanthocephala’ Nematomorpha Entoprocta a AM 3 : Protostome Nematoda : _ © / 5 FRE = L PT Rs 4). at “nina if i ee El E < | : nl i] / be poke * ary - à 5 } ij \ \ iy LA ce \ NW # i ar Le | AS RS il # Amber s LÆ F "+ ” | ; r 4 -: Va WV / Pd F 7 y J Le / f-= SS. = > Fr viedr un nr, _ [est 4 st vi : acorte oo} ny ‘ - bot eeR pone, keer néturnents, lun Sige mr ar eae reel ou le Tapp # Chart 2 Phylogenetic Tree, as seen from above Tableau n° 2 Plan de l'arbre phylogénétique Chart 2/Tableau n° 2 The entire phylogenetic tree, as seen from above, with the time factor excluded. The phyla are mostly in relationship to each other, and are grouped into superphyla. The phylum Gnathostomulida (an acoelous protostome) is not included. Plan de l'arbre phylogénétique excluant le facteur temporel. Les embranchements sont presque tous en rapport successif et groupés en super-embranchements. L'embranchement des gnathostomulidés (protostomes dépourvus de coelome) est exclu. 20 | ophophoraté Coelomates % & © oy Z — LL Q CE, ZOz 262 == = ST — xX Sw EFA j “oy LS Be 282 =p= XS Lo RS ees SK pont, C7 Gy ZB, Æ = SS ER IT À Gy => he 50, Uy P= = à: HA] 2 Il nn My SEC IXIyAXVN te = Nes h 1 RQ KM FFT 1 era] Uf. —, as à HN TE ui in _ pie fe) ni ° sagas te => 1. : OL ARE 7] i - Are 3 © n DE ———— SEE S55 7) Manic! == Pion et yess LL M4, / vant \ ls epReOREN 7 1, 4 7 4, u PRET y fe) WW SON \ NE : NN : 2 Ve We \\ 2 A we X K EX SS SN 1, RS S Q > SX >» NXE XS %. Ww" LL 2. LL DL 3 LL SOL = ZZ ZZ 10,7 “ oh G Ss Th == LI Lo, Uy ALY eI — CZ, — 4 t 1 É - ON D =o= BEEK LL A CO mi ye 23 \ ZZ Uy Zs imi) =o= tg UY Zz, to MI = CLSC 8 y, GG = 9 = CD ONE Ey, GY == LESC OLA =o>= ES CIE 2 hes SS CSL 22 LE | Zz Bos = or AZ 49 == LS Re Y =o ZS LS ZQZ = LDLL EN —3— CDI ZB OZ — — Za OF oe —— BEM 292 ——$ LA OZ ZO = ——$= LS = = LL LDLC nee LSE KEN S BZ a? AES pro ed SZ Z CL wy \\ Acoelomates \ 2 \\ \ 23 POW iin En > AN th te 4 SPOR Hs} Lod set oe y ALTER EL ilteied Larry ioe CAT NA een LIN , eootaroiee | Meme Gae da | ‘ ASU Lis ñ (RTE MN Wi Hy À CAES LE DENON LE ET TEE ETTI 44" imate 4 ar CELETPCEREEEC EU Le À many mot 4 See = he HAE ie? 9 HAE SN plat A ton à We a téndan 1) LA TRES we youre Le Mireille yon) wi L 7 ‘ hrs port tit mn m4 4 OpPVarAH gers L | TA ele ILE ahi 5 i. - +. oral) ney i can : J cae Ames ike aay. pias 7 t i i + ft as i “i ! é 4 y à LA A , 2 A ) 1 , i Lite L oo! Chart 3/Tableau n° 3 Phylum Protozoa Subphylum Sarcomastigophora Superclass Mastigophora Superclass Opalinata (not included/ exclue) Superclass Sarcodina Class Rhizopodea Subclass Lobosia Order Amoebida Order Arcellinida Subclass Filosia Order Aconchulinida (not included/ exclu) Order Gromiida Subclass Granuloreticulosa Order Athalamida Order Foraminiferida Suborder Allogromiina Suborder Textulariina Suborder Fusulinina Suborder Miliolina Suborder Rotaliina Class Piroplasmea (not included/ exclue) Class Radiolaria Order Tripylea Order Spumellaria Order Nassellaria Class Acantharia Class Heliozoa Class Proteomyxidia (not included/ exclue) Subphylum Sporozoa Subphylum Cnidospora Subphylum Ciliophora Class Ciliatea Subclass Holotrichia Subclass Spirotrichia Order Heterotrichida Order Tintinnida Order Hypotrichida (Other orders not included/ Les autres ordres sont exclus) 22 Rec Rec QuatHolo CarbNamur—Rec Rec TertEoc—Rec QuatHolo Camb U.Camb—Rec Camb L.Camb—Rec OrdAshg—TriasRhaet ?JurTith— CretBerr SilLudl|—Rec ?CarbViséan PermGuad—Rec Rec TertMioc—Rec OrdLideil—Rec TriasAnis—Rec TertEoc—Rec QuatPleist—Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec TertDan—Rec OrdAshg—Rec TertEoc—Rec 3 Phylum Protozoa ! Maestr Campan Cretaceous SI Cc Pliens |Sinem _|Hett | | = | | | | s2 (8 Been es = Rhaet INor |Carn ‘Ladin [Anis ‘Olenek [Induan Triassic da | | m |) igophora Mast Amoebida pee ‘Arcellinida = Gromiida | | I na Allogromiina ‘Fusulinina LA ‘Rotali = 28 ee eS ee (8 (Heliozoa (| | | Acantharia D PP PP lt na) ett | bani = =p a ae Jesse nn lar ss Tripylea Spume oe ee eo | Sporozoa = © © où où Où Où © OÙ Où OÙ EN CD OÙ OÙ EN EN EN CN CN UN CUS EN UD GUN GO GE GR ON CN EN CN OÙ EN En Tintinnida Heterotr L 1] = oe oe oe ee oe oe Holotrichia Led NN ASS US RSS LL ol AR RE RÉ NN — Lobosia Filosia RCE EU N TUE Spirotgrichia Holotfrichia Llvirn Ordovician Arenig ~ i Rhizo Acantharia = = See eee See ese eee eee ee eS a [Tremas Ve 2 U. Camb E M cCamusarcomastigophora © |L. Camb | © + = oer eee Granuloreticulosa Ragiolaria E > — | | . | j | VA | i | | | | imo) dials 1h ae hw a ah Op ag Jelimeto a aioe bee tT f PPPPPEr =p 3 ee ; ever TT pa be be h} 0 : + | \ | ” 7 | 1 ae | Fi Mat hb bet ad | | a: — \ADISÉR RNIRENNRARRERRRRRRRRRRT nl joonecehionkekene à « sed 6 0 © t ! ) dd À à @ à 4 Dhetimai qe pe He h Noms - be bench be | ALL bee aes A be be © - fe fds fe Sete pe pe tenes - RC an” r ao ae b Le ob Pa — Pape maar a meneame ae ne ba je rime = moine ere à en fun 26 dt TT te es re JE | r i | 1 ' | © « > i 1 q i à = eg - res eee - 4e _ bé nues es n a “ ew « ‘ a na sans. | | ane ee ae pire es whee me M miste à Dole od ve Le en Sehr aonme er a om = * É- bane iy - | À CA i) Ce ss cane PONS Ongrg Eas east) Hi ‘ lon. “4 tal! a, MR EM DENI TE rng etry , Er 7 y Li se m7. ge a “asathrtoe À $0 a p= ” + too ‘ mA tr ie ae Ad D î = LOUE 1,0 ah Cee at — rte CTENTL PE H > D mand en. 4 verter Bi Vig But vœu - — 14 id + . = +, tire 4 : ‘ ‘te ¥ | | ee Oe th4 ‘ ru | | = _ if ad 4 _ Chart 4/Tableau n° 4 Phylum Porifera Class Hexactinellida Order Amphidiscophora Order Hexasterophora Class Demospongia Order Keratosa Order Monaxonida Order Lithistida Order Choristida Class Heteractinida Class Calcarea Order Sphinctozoa Order Pharetrones Order Calcinea Order Calcaronea 24 Carb U.Carb—Rec Camb L.Camb—Rec Rec Camb M.Camb—Rec OrdArenig—Rec CarbViséan—Rec Camb L.Camb—PermLeonard CarbBashk—CretMaestr PermSakm—Rec Rec CarbViséan—Rec 4 , Phylum Porifera Holo Pleist [Quat Plioc | Mioc Olig | Eoc Tertiary | Paleoc | Dan “al Maestr Campan | Santon | Contac | Turon Cenom Alb Apt Barrem Cretaceous | Haut | Valang | Berr {EDEL emith: Kimm | Oxf Call | Bath F |Bajoc | Jurassic | Toarc Pliens [Sinem | Hert Rhaet |Nor Carn | Ladin Anis Olenek | Induan Triassic ae eeeeen zs a eee nee ee eesee es esses sees = =e | Dzhulf Guad | Leonard Sakm | Assel Permian Ee aretrones Ph CGalcaronea atosa Seam eae TZ 2 ee SS Se eee eee ee eee eee eee eee ees |Lithistida /Monaxonida | U. Carb Ef ACE Ta) |Moscov | Bashk Namur Viséan Carboniferous |Tourn | Frasn | Givet Eifel |Ems Devonian | Siegen Gedinn Famen _ ne Nd 2 = | mc. oe fw lou Len JE udl F urian = œ 2 a © < D ~_ EU | Ordovician >| C| 0 © 21141 Ale LS le = oO 3 o a Calcarea LCA CA Er = tinida Hexactinellida bo Lt , =~. a i ae es Fox Otonintgq?. ae a Be oh © Penh oyl eats “ee ae ore oe Lots MB ES 2. ae ss es)" CETIF EE? ‘ff ae a co awe ee Le © At ee wee ce whe à ate Shee ter un ; dsiadasnch } : E - À piotavetibléstezA Re nn hee dx ey ee mets nm a oe . af = TS Fe 10h02 1%)/4714 Rene mr ne Ce rns mm mt EE À cm ee re à A= — ¢ 4 7 gi 3 f CATILIIETRETE 21 RE ry et i ee “ Aaa” a LA Eee mnt «+ nw care Peli ly Dar i IE AC =" —— ER CRETE PA Em IR — Lo t ee © = 1 fone = à KL 4 . É 7% © ies 19 = E À es | À 7 = . 4 à % 2 + ‘ =. : Cine.) 2 19, stint AT we | ferurrmi b @ te #19 -y Mire oa tie ov Leg tod oo 7 - | dimes J dread Tie : > Oris Fa tei oo Chart 5/Tableau n° 5 Phylum Archaeocyatha Class Regulares Order Monocyathida Camb L.Camb Order Ajacicyathida Camb L.Camb Order Coscinocyathida Camb L.Camb Class Irregulares Order Archaeocyathida Camb L.Camb Order Syringocyathida Camb L.Camb Order Rhizacyathida Camb L.Camb D. Hill (in Curt Teichert, ed., Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, pt. E, vol. 1: Archaeocyatha, rev. ed., 1972, 158 pp.) has recently proposed a different system. D. Hill (dans Curt Teichert, éd. resp., 7reatise on invertebrate paleontology, partie E, vol. 1: Archaeocyatha, éd. rév., 1972, 158 p.) a récemment proposé un système différent. 26 5 Cretaceous 2 lon Phylum Archaeocyatha Triassic eg oa Q = MI Induan Dzhulf Guad | Leonard | Sakm | Assel Permian | Moscov Basnk® Namur Viséan Carboniferous | Tourn dh. LU. Carb Famen Frasn | Givet | Eifel Ems Devonian Siegen Gedinn Ludl | Wenl Lidov Silurian | il yathida Ashg Carad Lideil Livirn Arenig Tremad | Ordovician cyathida | | ida) U. Camb | M. Camb L. Camb Camb Rhizacyathida Archaeoc Coscinocyathida Syringo | | Monocyath + — = ne OY tes] refit 7 à | aren ‘ ‘ À nice eid. eniits ae | L if ‘ > Lg ‘ ‘ va 14 ? vad pel mt z ’ » e + fi 4 | j 7 {! | <4 f j f oi Li w = Le e ~ 2... = pd 4 Py — — ba È , : = - ” wy Pt r . ns” # a 5 e a À. = + CF v # € : = “ = ; = # ie + bad © “ = ON Ep RE a La ch > = b 9) ey a _ ne mn ee. or Aho tm pit Sn EE Eri eee x _ nal , if ot seus a TRNEE trim fini CN es L a any Un CPE LEFT, a PT ATEAR :EA2R rat LOT SPP eb Mei il Cite" * wall Mt ii sind: AE Chart 6/Tableau n° 6 Phylum Coelenterata Class Hydrozoa Order Trachylinida Order Hydroida Order Siphonophorida Order Spongiomorphida Order Milleporina Order Stylasterina Order Sphaeractinida Order Stromatoporoidea Class Scyphozoa Subclass Scyphomedusae Order Stauromedusida Order Carybdeida Order Coronatida Order Semaeostomatida Order Lithorhizostomatida Order Rhizostomatida Order Conchopeltida Class Anthozoa Subclass Ceriantipatharia Order Antipatharia Order Ceriantharia Subclass Octocorallia Order Stolonifera Order Telestacea Order Alcyonacea Order Trachypsammiacea Order Coenothecalia Order Gorgonacea Order Pennatulacea Subclass Zoantharia Infraclass Tabulata Order Favositida Order Syringoporida Order Sarcinulida Order Auloporida Order Lichenariida Order Tetradiida Order Halysitida Infraclass Heliolitoidea Order Protaraeida Order Heliolitida Order Proporida Infraclass Rugosa Order Streptelasmatida Order Columnariida Order Cystiphyllida Infraclass Heterocorallia Infraclass Scleractinia Order Astrocoeniida Order Fungjiida Order Faviida Order Caryophyllida Order Dendrophylliida JurBajoc—Rec Camb M.Camb—Rec Precambrian—Rec TriasOlenek—JurTith TertDan—Rec TertDan—Rec Carb U.Carb—CretCenom Camb L.Camb—TertEoc Rec JurTith—Rec Camb L.Camb—Rec JurTith—Rec JurTith JurTith—Rec OrdCarad TertMioc—Rec Rec Cret ?Berr—Rec Rec Jur ?Hett—Rec PermGuad Cret ?Berr—Rec Cret ?Berr—Rec Cret ?Berr—Rec OrdLldeil—PermDzhulf OrdCarad—PermDzhulf OrdCarad—SilWenl OrdAshg—PermDzhulf OrdArenig—SilLldov OrdLldeil—OrdAshg OrdCarad—DevEms OrdLlideil—SilLudl OrdLideil—DevFrasn OrdCarad—SilLudl OrdCarad—PermDzhulf OrdCarad—PermLeonard OrdCarad—DevGivet CarbViséan TriasLadin—Rec TriasAnis—Rec TriasAnis—Rec JurHett—Rec CretCenom—Rec 27 Chart 6/Tableau n° 6 Infraclass Corallimorpharia Rec Infraclass Zoanthinaria Rec Infraclass Actinaria Rec Dipleurozoa and Protomedusae were proved not to be coelenterates. Conulariida are referred to Phylum /ncertae sedis. On a démontré que les dipleurozoaires et les protoméduses ne sont pas des coelen- térés. Quant aux conularides, on n'a pas encore réussi à les classer de façon certaine. 28 Phylum Coelenterata Byueydsowysje105) Corallimorpharia s LA Li | hit en nr ser nrtnne) i je | | | | | 4 | | | ny | ane 1} |] | e | | | | ol | | | ery | | LT tl an | | an ob | ol | | WI | | x | wa | | Ps Lomomemmmmmsmmensenensmnenmemsms—— mms ———} © rT || eueuhov | 3 | 3 | | = | | < | | | ow | | | = | | | | | | ys | | | | =} oO | ||} B11182109201919Ha4 © | | | | | P| | | RAA | [© | El | es | | | | | | | || | | L 1 1 1 a t 1 s| BPI errr eee Zoanthinaria i peined suka s | | | epIAISAIEH| ! | epiipelyel ea Bplaeseyoug Heliolitoi EPIHIOIISH | | | | | | epi10do14 | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | = | | | | | SI BEES SS Sesser Sees ttt mm mm mm mm mm mm UE ee et | = | Bo9enjeuusd | Va || FE A ll A PP A POS | + N | | | | peageuobioy | | yy om mn mn mn COS | |ieoouyyoueo2 | | | | A | | | | eoseuoAs2]y | | — SS LL LLL LE) | bb whol oh co | | Octocorallia aw WaPpIUOolonS | | | | | | | eqmeyyediquy | te |e Ceriantipatharia wee een nee eee | | | = | | | eplyewoysoziyy | | || | | | L'icaausenmenmemmasems | uphewoiéozi4iou1IT | 1} |] = | | ÉPELTLLLLLITS | | || | | | | | FRIIP soda medusae Î Bplieu0109 | | eplepqhies| a lel plod ll ella | | SPranPe Moras | | 1} |] | | | | | | | } || | | Scypho | | | | | | | | | | —$—$—$—$—<$<—<$——— om a seee eee eee eee es see sees eee sees] BPIUIAU9 IL - | "| | eoploiodoje 011S BPI01PAH ÉLLLLELLERLE Lu | epiydiowoibuods mm mm mm mm mm mm en cos mme | | | | euriodalliw | | | Pie) ae oS oS OO a a me où | [eutelselArs | epiu1i9e19eu; s | eplioydououdis | | | | | | | } | | | {EN a | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | 2lele l~|Slelgicle El jel xlel=! | 2) 2) sle | < RIÉIEIE el | £ 5 © =| sl. SIS clsi-i- le lle 251813 A RHÉBEERRAPEREERAPPPPEPARRARERRPEEP RE BRE AAA RAR RME 228 2 £1218/3 E = 2/2) 5) 5|/2/4) 3 AE MS PSE SES Ss SiS 5 S/s\e) 8/0 relies res 2/5/8)5 )6)<) abiaitvaaet® pe qe mean me ee Ad de mu 4 + » Ae esessesnbvessthbhasstmbpus «ess & « hi « ediguh es ro à ai) moe em = oe ee oe = © nm ti ee ee ne © Dhs een Dee à 4 ‘ sblebdyint a eee one lenge een anse dé. sas fi L t mme . RME 2e a t. rm meme nt D ee mm (em. = + d P f =f? - mie 120: Hive ed em — ee eee eq + + — Rutt ts of S “à = Ps = + = es > + = < à! ye nr firm Qu t= a mm — com dé ” ‘és e . dog a 7 = a »s "4 = ay + i = o— ‘ yin Bebra @ fh : 4) ‘ in omy aw re ee ee ee ee ta sé Cp née Otto ee Mn € à à Chart 7 Phylum Mollusca Stem Graph Tableau n° 7 Phylum Mollusca Ramifications principales Chart 7/Tableau n° 7 Phylum Mollusca Stem Graph Ramifications principales Class Stenothecoida Order Cambridioidea Class Mattheva Order Matthevoida Class Monoplacophora Order Tryblidioidea Order Archinacelloidea Class Placophora Order Palaeoloricata Order Neoloricata Class Caudofoveata Class Solenogastres Class Rostroconchia (not included; related to and perhaps intermediate between Bivalvia and Scaphopoda/exclue; apparentée aux lamellibranches et aux scaphopodes et peut-étre a mi-chemin entre ces deux classes) Class Ribeirioda (not included; represents the transitional group between an unknown univalve and the Rostroconchia, Bivalvia, and Scaphopoda/exclue; représente le stade de transition entre un univalve inconnu et les classes des rostroconques, des lamellibranches et des scaphopodes) 30 Camb L.Camb Camb U.Camb Camb L.Camb-DevGivet—Rec Camb U.Camb—SilLldov Camb U.Camb—CretCampan OrdAshg—Rec Rec Rec OrdLideil—PermGuad Camb U.Camb—OrdAshg 7 Phylum Mollusca = Holo O _Pleist : Stem graph Plioc = 3 Le) Tertiary eux 9 S | Maestr | Campan | Santon retaceous Ô! Apt Jurassic | Pliens Sinem Hett | Rhaet Nor Carn Ladin | Anis | Olenek Induan _ Triassic Dzhulf | Guad Leonard Permian n iy km — —| 2\c|> lo à log Bashk arboniferous Tryblidioidea pea al © = 2 Devonian ar = Siegen Gedinn ul n | Ludi Wenl | Lidov | Siluria Ashg Carad Lideil Livirn Ordovician Arenig Tremad Palaeoloricata INeoloricata UT TT U. Camb M. Camb pt Carnb | wi PER | | {__cCambridioidea | _,Matth{eva ee to ‘Cephalopoda ' I I ! I = 7 a ee ee ee ee ee mn mm = | | | SVS LS SS FS SS SS SS eue eme mme my ce me ee pe ds ab EE )gastres Caudofoveata Solen. EUR \ Caudofoveata 1 _— 7 Solenogastres L ig (9 Bivalvia” i yolitha and Scaphopoda ep ee eS FO i sol EE | + + ne me or thé A Aly rotin. ry rere) | =. ae ci à = |! i at i + ' Era | CRETE “4 Cut Li Sift fe { j 1 1 | | AE Petnbaed. ‘ i. i} À » È Ed =. * = ‘< e = of. is FE in r= + > J: > œ- = Py - + = ~ 2 we À fe so 2 € Lei ; 7 = Æ 5 | | ere i | Le rat a fl | o ri . sl 7 ee" © Eh 7 ' Ta NE ©) Le 5 cata 51. omg PTT M i A RENNES AIO MIE di ire | oi de EME Chart 8/Tableau n° 8 Phylum Mollusca Class Hyolitha Class Scaphopoda Chart 8/Tableau n° 8 Phylum Mollusca Class Hyolitha Class Scaphopoda Class Hyolitha Order Hyolithida Camb L.Camb—PermGuad Class Scaphopoda DevSiegen—Rec 32 8 Phylum Mollusca Class Hyolitha Class Scaphopoda _Dan Maestr Campan Santon Cretaceous = lon Devonian Hyolithida Silurian = oO 2) Ordovician iS £ 3 Arenig — Cd Tremad Hyollitha scapihopoda Scaphopoda \ Va | } Hepa EL" 4 : _ + À | AR Di a — | Siig oti QUE ul bui Ft gt t bw? | + bot ue pli a “bon ' —§ Chart 9/Tableau n° 9 Phylum Mollusca Class Bivalvia Subclass Palaeotaxodonta Order Solemyoida Order Nuculoida Subclass Isofilibranchia Order Mytiloida Subclass Pteriomorphia Order Arcoida Order Pterioida Subclass Heteroconchia Order Actinodontoida Order Unionoida Order Trigonioida Order Veneroida Order Myoida Order Hippuritoida Subclass Anomalodesmata Order Pholadomyoida Order Praecardioida is not included. L'ordre des praecardioida est exclu. 34 DevSiegen—Rec OrdArenig—Rec OrdArenig—Rec OrdLldeil—Rec OrdCarad—Rec OrdTremad—OrdAshg—?Rec DevFrasn—Rec OrdArenig—Rec OrdCarad—Rec CarbTourn—Rec SilWenl—CretMaestr OrdCarad—Rec Quat Tertiary Cretaceous Jurassic Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Silurian Ordovician Camb 9 Phylum Mollusca Holo Pleist Plioc Mioc Olig Eoc Paleoc Dan Maestr Campan Santon Contac Turon Cenom Alb Apt Barrem Haut Valang Berr Tite Kimm Oxf Call Bath Bajoc Toarc Pliens Sinem Hett Rhaet Nor Carn Ladin Anis Olenek Induan Dzhulf Guad Leonard Sakm Assel U. Carb Moscov Bashk Namur Viséan Solemyoida Tourn Nuculoi Trigonioida Unionoida Famen Frasn Givet Eifel Ems Siegen Gedinn Ludl Wenl Lidov Ashg Carad TES Lideil Livirn ee me Arenig Tremad U. Camb M. Camb L. Camb Class Bivalvia As n Hi uritoida Veneroida Myoida Gem” ioida Pter | “Ze fa Pterio-morphia rent Arcoida A Lu T © œ £ L- © = =| 2 <= = o we Anom SS 24 |sofilibjranchia { ad todesmata Chart FY TaCinny NB “eee ena TT om te gas se: | \« ¢ ps Ot to?" fy! Lilia 207) 427 Crm) sey MUR i ih ST Chart 10/Tableau n° 10 Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Chart 10/Tableau n° 10 Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Subclass Prosobranchia Order Archaeogastropoda Order Mesogastropoda Order Neogastropoda Subclass Opisthobranchia Order Cephalaspidea Order Pyramidellacea Order Philinoglossacea Order Anaspidea Order Notaspidea Order Sacoglossa Order Thecosomata Order Gymnosomata Order Nudibranchia Order Rhodopacea Order Onchidiacea Subclass Pulmonata Order Basommatophora Order Stylommatophora Camb U.Camb—Rec OrdCarad—Rec JurKimm—Rec CarbViséan—Rec DevGedinn—Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec TertEoc—Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Carb U.Carb—Rec CretTuron—Rec Order Systellomatophora is not included. L’ordre des systellomatophora est exclu. 36 10 Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda ES ne mu manne SS SE SS SS SS SS ES SS SD SD ‘mma eadeIplyouoO N es2sedopoux ~ CTTTITTTTTIT TLL). ersdebaippay) |) TTT wan SE nS OO eyewosouw BJPWOSO99uL essojbooes TITT TTT TTT P77 eenideareny 11) LIDS RS SA ee ES Se EE Ce eapidseuy D A es eh a a er ci ee easessol|bouijiud nee ——— e99e||9piue1id4 = me ee oem mue mue mt mm mue ne je ue me me mue mue eut me mue ee ee eee me me ne te esoyudoyewwojAis \ ePloyudojewwoseg eS |S SS A. eS AS ce epodosjseboan x \ epodoisjsebosew epodoisjsebooeysiy ARAAAARE El |2 lie € z| sols) of] =| x) &| &| a) 0] S| C) PIC] oO) a) a/ Fi) EI) 3) o) 0] 2 Taka lS Ow la A/S 0 |H)/O F/O} L/L) 0/1) >| wo) ¥/ 0} SO} al oF) aH) Tle |Z2/o}/5\/<|6/£/0/0) 4) H/» o © Tv = oe ee © sé ee o © » Oo o © d € o = Oo — o © ° 6 < ol 2 Oo] = < Ww q gaaeugns o at Le Nautiloidea TT œ J ES EC = a] = oi 21 = Oo - ee ol € 2 of © =] ol « £| >] € a al qd see Ceratitida Prolecanitida Anarcestida Bactritida Ammonoidea Aulacocerida Belemnitida Sepiida Phragmoteuthida Ve CTRREUS | (] (] Coleoidea La 8 Teuthida Octopida See *. ro PTT rt - 4 . CET | as Pim Éenrute 1: | ae Ba : LEA 4 _ hi (D ee qu « = Monftint | ; y + i | Mic Livur | i 14 dre : À ‘ [Tint 7 | poet 4 | L i*- té it | “ii at ad iv vee a =1 wine 7 ,; “ 3 he à veer à! = a =e x E w CS jee . | TNT = CNUPIMANT ee in TENCE eiesres £k Pr 4 se À je + hae LL à FPE VF eee EE ie ed . + € — NE ss Trent wr or - L.4 ¢ ou AY (A jh al * o g 12 er + en rd ~ € ba L 2 à 4 ei A = ¢ erec "| LE ho i LA, a L a oo! 2 À » 7" À Ve de à oo æ © j = att S&S. . i La he? = ni sie == + 7 var [LA oe o 2s. ‘ - À ; Le Ps De a Sead ‘ » why oe @ * sl off 8 ia | i = = y _ oe {= o RS à V4 - o 15 AZ Ps ov * ; ae & ox 5 ” o 2 A ‘ Fy) nd ee) » w oe et pene eee: ree w e e x - REE oe ENT e @, » 9 à eu it ete taal, WW 4 Pe @ uf | (as = ry a nen - "gel a ty a wt oe on NE TU cla. LEFT TTL DR PEUT . = aU aT LS ni ee ti seit a > ee 1 4 bé: th D bé FD ai To UE = an L - kL. i À 7 eee à sente Cr: <> | DO) DUC UE) 7 | «dé om Chart 12/Tableau n° 12 Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Subclass Errantia Subclass Sedentaria Subclass Miskoiida ?Class Archiannelida Class Oligochaeta Order Plesiopora Order Prosopora Order Opisthopora ?Class Oligochaeta Aelosomatidae Brachiobdellidae Class Hirudinea Order Acanthobdellida Order Rhynchobdellida Order Gnathobdellida Order Pharyngobdellida 40 OrdTremad—Rec Camb M.Camb—Rec Camb M.Camb—OrdAshg Rec CarbBashk—Rec TertOlig—Rec TertOlig—Rec Rec Rec JurBajoc—Rec Rec Rec Rec Phylum Annelida 12 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sree ta eet LL fete epilapqobukieyg > 7 rd | | | D es a sn A A A A eplilapqouyieus 2,2 Hirudinea SEE LT eplilepqaououAuyy | | Pirépdoutesse | | | | el | | | | ar Peo once cet et cen ec | | | | [TT | | eepilII#pqoiyoeigl FN | | IQ | | en ee ee os eu em | | e1odoujsidg, 1 "A | e1odosoid | | —_———— \ 7 ©) ff a _ | [med J5 | |7 ig | T | e10d01S9|d / |= do A eepiiemososvy) | | | | | | | | | | | PTT T TT ET TT a a a | 1 | epijeuueiyoiy | e1se}uapas (Hi | | 5 einjueisy) | | | i | J = | | o| > | = Ble © = Sicio ce = a = | À x os a =| Oo Sc cie cle} =| cl2 a ~ 5 Q| 0) © r= r=" ol VY 4 E c w| O | 9 AA) SY Socle ©} | —) >} D|=|c 3 SES eee ERE CEE EEE PEEL CEE CEEEREEECEELCEEEECE LEER EREBELE ABUSÉ aia 19 S43 si sg la) S| SE] Sl al 8 S| 3) BS) Sl 2] BS 8] | §/ 3 3) §| 8] S| €) 2) 9) 8] S18] 2) 2/8) 5) §/ § IRIS IE OI LE) 6] 4) Of F/O} «| <] à x] > à mm ee AS 21212 PLE ÉRECÉBERSÉRRRE RS a ee ed Ea EE Ce ES sD Pc Us SL LS SE DÉS Le be d Mes Bay EI = A ENE | Pe ES EA A] CM PS a LE Reno. Aer1o sn029P}917 disseunr oisselds | ] ueILu134 snoia}iuoqie? UBIUOAd uen! UueIDIAOPIO, [Di bisapeees LE a | | " . Queen # i Joe ta ns: i | À a a de A i ‘i ) dE bon oA vu — =] ~ _ - — | L à | à nn 11 nica pie | ji ae ew A “mantqatiagnoreyt veprO Bean ee TN nad weds 7 . > a —— Chart 13/Tableau n° 13 Phylum Onychophora Order Protonychophora Order Euonychophora ?Order Xenusion 42 Camb M.Camb Rec ?Precambrian 13 Holo Phylum Onychophora Pleist Plioc Mioc Olig Eoc Tertiary Paleoc LE ED | | | | Dan Maestr Campan Santon Coniac Turon Cenom Alb Apt Cretaceous ter Barrem Haut | Valang Berr Oxf Jurassic Nor Carn Ladin Triassic Anis Olenek Induan Dzhulf be sean eae ee a ete See an amen aa Guad Leonard hor Sakm £ Assel Moscov Bashk wonyen Carboniferous Devonian Ordovician Protonychophora es AUS EE EU U. Camb M. Camb L. Camb on. vent | ass aie } LL i hionthoddieno)ort EL £ : H | hide Li CIE fitémamendudietandeusessss ne tadderedeasedidundedes &” F7 ee | Î | = L } : F1 & WE: P s S a elec w 3 oa ‘© mn rs - ia, & - { & bi Chart 14 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Stem Graph Tableau n° 14 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Ramifications principales Chart 14/Tableau n° 14 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Stem Graph Ramifications principales Class Trilobitoidea Subclass Marrellomorpha Order Marrellida Camb M.Camb Subclass Merostomoidea Order Limulavida Camb L.Camb—Camb M.Camb Order Emeraldellida Camb M.Camb Order Nectaspida Camb M.Camb Order Leanchoiliida Camb M.Camb Subclass Pseudonotostraca (Pseudocrustacea) Order Burgessiida Camb M.Camb Order Waptiida Camb M.Camb ?Subclass Order Opabiniida Camb M.Camb Order Cheloniellida DevSiegen ?Subclass ?Order Yohoia, Helmetia, Camb M.Camb Mollisonia, Houghtonites, etc. Class Trilobita (see next graph/ voir le tableau suivant) S. M. Manton (in The evolution of arthropodan locomotory mechanisms, Zool. J. Linnean Soc. 51: 203-400) has proposed grouping Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda into a separate phylum, Uniramia. S.M. Manton (dans The evolution of arthropodan locomotory mechanisms, Zool. J. Linnean Soc. 51: 203-400) propose de grouper les onychophores, myriapodes et hexapodes dans un embranchement particulier, celui des uniramia. 44 14 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobitomorpha ab | Holo Q é Cretaceous | Campan | Santon Coniac Turon Cenom Alb Apt | Barrem [ Haut | Valang Devonian | Siegen | | Cheloniellida Silurian feat ® 2. to Tracheata lm | Ordovician JE JE, eanchoiliida in ectaspida ——_ oe oe Burgessiida fee tt Opa biniida | | ------->10 Crustacea Yohoia L _N LE L | | sai ca "| c a Ss ÿo a » meraldellida Merostomoidea | = imulavida Marrellida DE 6 - ra 6 2 J . > é ~ a ust v Bri = + “ a Ca PT TNT TT mt ffrrtlocruntient Lam). Onc tars 46 Sa - er ONME = 7 | oe —— — arts A Cure PRIX ry ve =< BoA Bt 2.246 — av M Cent afin NL _ oy Serpe | lo [ Ait " 1 << be # ve iMnAT! eer of nt PITT Tt Ory Fea ace iat pronos Gate wre Orv s@hert.c Mere CET at ET = nary pa o - “yy ee er Tr TES LA , : i = Y , : - rier vo Jr y ale op =~ pds > ‘ wt y = AC ¢ fi F 4 Pia. C - b 4 e o : i> z 1 , j = 3 ' © 1. i = € = 1 A | - 7 i É ‘3. 3 = | ‘ ss ad 3 À { 2 = Le | : es _ # i] : = ‘ 2 2 ° j SF a j i - 3 =) | i i § F J } hrs ta! HUE : ‘ | de 1 ‘ sn L auf neural ET: Fil ln = ‘ri Al ACER TE D US cbinogdonsra yt we petal Chart 15/Tableau n° 15 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Chart 15/Tableau n° 15 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Class Trilobita Order Agnostida Suborder Agnostina Suborder Eodiscina Order Redlichiida Suborder Olenellina Suborder Redlichiina Suborder Bathynotina Order Corynexochida Order Ptychopariida Suborder Ptychopariina Suborder Asaphina Suborder lllaenina Suborder Harpina Suborder Trinucleina Order Phacopina Suborder Cheirurina Suborder Calymenina Suborder Phacopina Order Lichida Order Odontopleurida 46 Camb L.Camb—OrdAshg Camb L.Camb—Camb M.Camb Camb L.Camb Camb L.Camb—Camb M.Camb Camb L.Camb—Camb M.Camb Camb L.Camb—Camb U.Camb Camb L.Camb—OrdAshg Camb M.Camb—OrdAshg Camb U.Camb—PermDzhulf Camb U.Camb—DevFrasn OrdTremad—SilLudl Camb U.Camb—DevEifel OrdTremad—DevGivet OrdArenig—DevFamen OrdTremad—DevFamen Camb M.Camb—DevFrasn | | | | | 15 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobitomorpha Class Trilobita & Holo 2 O Pleist | Plioc Mioc Olig Eoc Tertiary | Paleoc Dan | Maestr Campan | Santon Coniac Turon Cenom Alb Apt | Barrem Haut [ Valang Cretaceous | Berr Re D Devonian m & Silurian! = oO 2 Ptychopariina Asaphina Illaenina Harpina Trinucleina Lichida ‘Odontopleurida Calymenina Cheirurina Phacopina ina Livirn Arenig Ordovician itensda SS 6 U. Camb Ww M. Camb = jee es? JL. Camb Corynexochida Redlichiina Bathynotina | Camb | Agnost SR | = Li Olenellina ae D ss at ? Bae: _ SHigvomotidolnT bb Le su shoaowihA oo | 7 —oplyeres* ptevheperrienpiae™ a : = Gare k Sart awry me + Dent L Qui eee a | Cra CE | | ane Lei. Sani MORE 7 [unt T CNE CNE Ai. À Geet Cocti a 7 os Cum L Cost Od as et Cant AT Caner 7 Lane bd De Tm Ver i MORT Cot eye = - = ré Tréremét…… 44 saad —-, as Ly Adee Bie as UE ar rer 7"! =e Soret ee _ sde …Deshon = OT ‘wril—- Dec'rrmme Æ = D BE SEE iERSIERE : ~ 2» 2S. la 10 7 s > Siseuee? tree | | = 2€ t 1 : | .- > $ 4 | : [ \ L nt | | 7 x + de De à a? a é I - =. ce j = i ; ! ‘ x + = — = 1 j | = a ts Ÿ Sabir vila: ost r CUMIN TOL co alte alin, = : ; nf Mig Chart 16/Tableau n° 16 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Chart 16/Tableau n° 16 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Class Merostomata Subclass Xiphosura Order Aglaspida Order Chasmataspidida Order Synziphosura Order Limulida Subclass Euryptera Order Eurypterida Class Arachnida Order Scorpiones Order Pseudoscorpiones Order Opiliones Order Architarbi Order Acari Order Haptopoda Order. Anthracomarti Order Trigonotarbi Order Palpigradi Order Uropygi Order Kustarachnida Order Amblypygi Order Araneae Order Solifugae Order Ricinulei Order Schizomida 48 Camb L.Camb—OrdCarad OrdLlvirn SilWenl—DevSiegen DevGedinn—Rec OrdArenig—PermLeonard SilWenl—Rec TertEoc—Rec CarbMoscov—Rec CarbBashk—CarbMoscov DevEms—Rec CarbBashk CarbBashk—Carb U.Carb DevEms—Carb U.Carb JurTith—Rec CarbBashk—Rec CarbMoscov CarbBashk—Rec DevEms—Rec CarbMoscov—Rec CarbBashk—Rec TertPlioc—Rec 16 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Holo. sa Pleist Quat + Plioc | | Mioc | Olig Eoc Tertiary | Paleoc. Dan | | | | t Maestr F Campan Santon Coniac Cretaceous >|» ale eee ee ee ee — omida | | | Li Schi orpiones | Pliens } | Sinem Hett | Rhaet Nor | Carn | Ladin | Anis Olenek Done men ee one ie en nt es em eme que de mie Cd Triassic ‘Scorpiones Palpigradi ‘Amblypygi Araneae |Pseudosc |\Opiliones Ricinulei IKustarachnida Trigonotarbi ‘Haptopoda Anthracomarti >= = ee es ee ee ee oe ee oe ee nn (ee un ee ee ee es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee er ee ee Se See de = hosura LEE EP 2 I I Nl LL EL ER PE Devonian Te a D DE EE ee eee ip {Siegen | Gedinn Hi Ludi E | Wenl al dov | Ashg — Carad Lideil Livirn Aglaspida Sa = — — —- 545 = = ———_——————— Synz ol me ee ee | Arachnida Ordovician Arenig Tremad Solifugae abliemis. — = DE | oa | lai 7 a + = shines : : * 2: awe : (ee Pepe à —— - mb eh a - 4 i M à où 7: (EO ee Pe eee ee - = ee pa a -_ 7 » : ° ; a i + 7 - = » ¥ ogre eae — — à + - —_—s = eS 2 dt te 7 LE = mé CES L2 PL'ITULILES abibiqdalamegnd A | . = LA k mit EN À ; & = ' À 1.2 it = à ar 3 “etqer!g ACT “aa a | | CES: 4 Pi 2 À peut 1 MD 6touivus a2 EVE i. of - iu rs + 1 ht or Te + | —_ + : = > EC Ms ‘ ad Le ec 1 2 À » | à a | + = = V a ‘ ) e À. : $ See aGIiata oe % Ld I LA A CE AE a ce ey eae = <<; 1 stimort#os a À ù rm RE 6 A eS eg ee oe dl Æ 4 PPT - qu nd » — i € 2g AE No 16 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Paleoc. Dan Cretaceous | Maestr blo Pliens |s inem Hett = | Silurian ILES Carboniferous Devonian b | | Cam Ir Ordovician Rhaet |O | Induan i = lenek | Famen Frasn } G ivet |Eifel | Ems Si egen | Gedinn Lud! | Wenl L Idov Ashg Cc arad Lideil Livirn Arenig | Tremad TU. Camb M. Camb Camb Synziphosura Limulida Eurypterida © T mo) a n Lo <= © = a- œ £= O LL | | Schizomida Ce Palpigradi “s--------++4---- Soe SEE Araneae Opiliones Ricinulei Solifugae Pseudoscorpiones Wea a a sc ms ce ee ee ee LT Acari IScorpiones Kustarachnida Amblypygi Trigonotarbi Haptopoda es ee ee ees (NN Le) > ©. (°] = 2 Anthracomarti i all | ~ = ——— = = de sus me ee ~ » ~ s \ ss 7 a A —_——— me gl. ——— ee co rt ms Arachnida Merostomata mg st I a us sd ss ms ee i NN ee NY 21) Chart 17/Tableau n° 17 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Pycnogonida Chart 17/Tableau n° 17 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Pycnogonida Order Pantopoda Rec Order Palaeopantopoda DevSiegen 50 Cretaceous > ion Jurassic ‘Silurian Devonian = m oO nm 2 cy Ordovician i= £ 3 Arenig Tremad U. Camb — 2 — M. Camb & OO 17 Phylum Arthropoda | Pantopoda pantopoda Palaeo = Shaman le el \ Fycnoqonida Subphylum Pycnogonida ray ARIANE = ue, ‘3 5 Gb eae Pan a ie ” Nr pe on ren Tu ‘ i > "#0 etvighogs ete ne ee ee ee eee ' ( A / shame TT ciobege Chart 18/Tableau n° 18 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Crustacea Class Cephalocarida Order Brachypoda Class Branchiopoda Subclass Sarsostraca Order Anostraca Order Lipostraca Subclass Calmanostraca Order Notostraca Order Kazacharthra Order Acercostraca Subclass Diplostraca Order Conchostraca Order Cladocera Class Ostracoda Order Archaeocopida Order Leperditicopida Order Palaeocopida Order Myodocopida Order Podocopida Class Euthycarcinoidea Order Euthycarcinida Class Mystacocarida Class Copepoda Order Calanoida Order Harpacticoida Order Cyclopoida Order Notodelphyoida Order Caligoida Order Lernaeopodoida Order Monstrilloida Class Cirripedia Order Thoracica Order Acrothoracica Order Ascothoracica Order Rhizocephala Class Branchiura Order Arguloida Class Malacostraca Subclass Phyllocarida Order Archaeostraca Order Leptostraca Order Hymenostraca Rec DevSiegen—Rec DevSiegen—DevEifel CarbNamur—Rec JurHett—JurToarc DevSiegen DevGedinn—Rec CretCenom—Rec Camb L.Camb—OrdTremad OrdTremad—DevFamen OrdArenig—PermGuad—?Rec OrdLivirn—Rec OrdLideil—Rec TriasOlenek—Trias ?Ladin Rec Rec TertMioc—Rec TertMioc—Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec SilLudl|—Rec Carb U.Carb—Rec CretTuron—Rec Rec Rec OrdTremad—TriasCarn PermGuad—Rec. Camb ?L.Camb—Camb M.Camb— OrdArenig 51 Chart 18/Tableau n°18 ?Class ?Class 52 Subclass Eumalacostraca Superorder Hoplocarida Order Palaeostomatopoda Order Stomatopoda Superorder Eocarida Order Eocaridacea Order Pygocephalomorpha Superorder Eucarida Order Euphausiacea Order Decapoda Superorder Peracarida Order Anthracocaridacea Order Mysidacea Order Cumacea Order Tanaidacea Order Isopoda Order Amphipoda Order Spelaeogriphacea Order Thermosbaenacea Superorder Syncarida Order Anaspidacea Order Stygocaridacea Order Bathynellacea Order Palaeocaridacea Order Bostrichopodida (not included/ exclu) ?Order Cycloidea (not included/ exclu) DevEifel—CarbNamur JurTith—Rec DevGivet—CarbBashk CarbTourn—PermLeonard Rec PermGuad—Rec Carb Tourn—CarbBashk TriasOlenek—Rec PermGuad—Rec PermGuad—Rec CarbBashk—Rec TertEoc—Rec Rec Rec Trias ?Olenek—Rec Perm ?Assel—Rec Rec CarbViséan—Perm ?Dzhulf Carb ?Tourn CarbTourn—TriasNor 18 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Crustacea “tT i i Li ' - & Hote Û Li IE NN 1 L 1 n 8 i] ' Sher i en oe | 1 1 4 0 1 6 Pleist ao — = 1 1 1 1 1 pige = H L oe 1 [I : H H t n 1 1 > Mioc t n Qi) i] _ | | ' ' i H 5 Olig H = ess EE ou ' 1 H 1 1 a 1 É lEcc Q n 3 1 1 À Pateoe ' ese CS ea aca ca a ' ! 1 1 1 : : 1 1 4 oo. 1 nl i I 1 ar — Sa ES cor aay À 1 1 1 : = i 1 H Cannan 1 ! Ur TT : my ©: 1 1 . : : : : Santon 1 a . : 1 ; n Lu : L r 1 1 4 1 1 = 1 g ten H s! Ne es Pe a à aa os 1 |: 2 = 1. L t 1 = gc 5 1 1 J ' om us | Set — es 33 Bia rt) 1 1 1! ot a a a ° S rar 5 os! (| : ; D : : 1 : x ' ' : ; M of Dy Dy N of ® Haut 1 an t it = t 1 = 1 1 | i 1 5 of =I 1 1 4 4 Valang 1 £4 Sy p 8 Oy I I n 1 i] Lo 0 oe O1 Berr 1 C4 i T 8 © û = G © : : of MEG 4 c! ct œ ET Tah 1 H 3} of CCE t 3! =! ut S o4 ol slo 1 of 28 q £ el ! Fr H 3 21 =: DST Doi Or y, lnc Fi 3 Sa 04 er ol 6 ot ot [ra 9 = —al— si 0 se «a "| ry Of} Oy 1 7! 1 Fe £1Ss a! ou CL a on al © =; r= | bons Us 5 28 a] of © = 2 - ï o Cal 21: ecole at EH ali ol! DRE o! 2]: ols} 0 ato} gf of cfs} 6 os eed eee s 2 [4 =) on ° a= FLE a wo bel | EN c [ID = = § © of 5 = =} Bath 1 ° = - u a] s) = ee) < 1 B ban Hi RER Sie sréisrel its) Dose el let Dole s Stet ct erect sel so] 9 1 © 5 Tosre © CR = ol of Sp Cyr ci © a, © = ot el © © o} at =i o ô o + c Pliens ol -| of .f=t Vos -t I c ol © 2: s of Sa oy} £} 9 Eg >} ct =) op dl 5 o ole Sinem _ - cf] Of of PE oi oF a. ener SE SE = of a} © ot £ alwys my nl «| © ys] rt Of og tr} - inn SF mere me ¥ : nes . - ;, RSR it à Be: 7 od th det ba att) . ù VIMETRSRRERR FN | Shrehernbrire rene fm a eee fe eee em Le à à © | fis! = hei Wa | SEA TRAME hhrephnbmmnhnnbonnnns 4 4 : os [4e gp te vvrvÉéess fi ue ; ; cd — | a] a Chart 19/Tableau n° 19 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Tracheata Chart 19/Tableau n° 19 Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Tracheata Class Pauropoda Order Hexamerocerata Order Tetramerocerata Class Arthropleurida Class Archipolypoda Order Euphoberiida Class Diplopoda Subclass Penicellata Order Polyxenida Subclass Pentazonia Order Glomerida Order Sphaerotherida Order Glomeridesmida Order Amynilyspedida Subclass Helminthomorpha Order Stemmiulida Order Julida Order Spirostreptida Order Spirobolida Order Polyzoniida Order Siphonophorida Order Platydesmida Order Chordeumida Order Callipodida Order Polydesmida Class Chilopoda Subclass Epimorpha Order Geophilida Order Scolopendrida Subclass Anamorpha Order Lithobiida Order Scutigerida Class Symphyla Order Scolopendrellida Class Protura Class Collembola Class Diplura Class Insecta (see next graph/voir le tableau suivant) 54 Rec Rec CarbBashk—Carb U.Carb SilLud|—Carb U.Carb TertOlig—Rec TertOlig—Rec Rec Rec CarbBashk—Carb U.Carb Rec TertOlig—Rec CarbMoscov—Rec Carb U.Carb—Rec TertOlig—Rec Rec Rec TertOlig—Rec TertOlig—Rec TertOlig—Rec CretBerr—Rec TertOlig—Rec TertOlig—Rec TertOlig—Rec TertOlig—Rec Rec DevEifel—Rec TertOlig—Rec 19 eyOasu; 0} > _. ~ as 9 | g à | 5 | =) ee en june des aie ele ent eh ced eue lens Que due cine mie cute nés ent en unie de ue aD ee np Fs ot es a Len Las Le TC dE ot «| ete ete tente AL IT einidiqa a 2 Stole | | | É > e10qW21109 | Sys \ ee ee me me ee ee ee me ue ae mnt et ee mme de ee ee, | © IN a ae Tete EAN ae hal Binvoddl | | | | | TS Nh ee STEERER SY TTP mm | SIN epii|s1puadoio9S | Pa Ta SEE | Mal TN TM OA | | NE — SIN | © > Lee die Re el A £ VV nn ee fe ee oe ore re re | epi1261n9S | TN 5 El \ il! | PE me em sf fn ct RE OS fe a ot is ah £ >\ Nil ee ee — =-— à, n \ 1] | Æpiiqou111 | EN Hat ee ee ee jeu ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee —— ee ee ne ee ee mu STN | ( M à 1 (| | gprliudaes || | | lo) | EN me dun mme mie me mue mn) eu een —-—-—— == = —— ne os a \ AA I | eplapuadoio9s | | | FL s 1] ! | | Vy ee em eue jeu eus eS eS mn) SS uns Ge mens eee ee ae is 1 | [e] f epiwsaphkjog To. B 3 A | un den de ee de et mm) ans ion dem ee ee ee ue me ee ee eee | FE a EE EE epipodiied FA N ü RER PROS we ee ee ee ee en eee mms | \ \ epiwunspiou) \ | 1 | | | ee ct es ee ee ee ee eue ce mnt em ous (ann ee INRA ERP Nes ISERE AI | Pyles | epiusepAIeId el | | | | | | | DS PTT TT ET TT epiveudowpudis) | 11111. in È 1-7 SEZ Helminthomorpha “i \ enicellata “al 4 A — ——— —. XS ! > da . Pentazonia 7 \ A : Diplopoda | 5 TIENNE EEE EEE = _—_ | | | | | | ee ss eue uns ces cs ee es ce se es es es es ee jun den ee eme Ge ets eu Ge co | | epiiniuwe}s | | | epipedsAiuruy v< 1 = ee Se Se ee eee ne ee ee | | epPIWSepI12W0ID -\ mme meme — Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Tracheata SN eee ee SEE EE ———— it mme | 7 NQ | | eplisuyioiseuds | | | | | | À de tn me Re à ee = = = = ee ee ue ee nn en —— es ee ne me ee ee mm en ee œ—— | i =| 7 Pliawoly | | | EEE ++ ee | | epiuaexA[od | 9 Tom 0 | | ePilieqoudnz | a 5 | | epiineido els Ro | | ! 4 4 = a | | 4 Vl < © = | | œ — ew ww wr er ewe ee ee wee oe ee oe ot en ne ee ae ES oP de eh ds ed nl Hee Sie eee << =: | lie e]2199019wW81)9 ‘sl iS RS = | | | | 4 Oe a a Lin EE == memes — he em jme er ee ce ut eer eee ee ee seen © | 8}2199019wWeX9H = | | | i) | | | | o | | | | | = | | ¢ o | sci. - 212 ele c rat o) =| g |e 8 ssa & Elle) (le el el el El ls cl | 3] S| S/o) 8] el —} 8] Six! als] El si cl<|— €|_|—}2).,)/3/=| ¢|-2 8 2) 8) 8) 2) o| 8 s| 8) €| 5 8 oln|5|3|8| Sle | £ |x| =| S| S| 8/8| 215/21 515/2| 2] 5) 3] 5| 3] 8/21 SIC] S| a] le] 25/8) 2/S/ El 218) $)Si2/a\ sie) 5 2 [Fale sous asd 4 8 dacalrsalF vio da aFia are 2d\5\ BEEE o 8) |Ss/8I5181SlE El 14 lee viele el le NE Sl cl cla] 5) 8) SPS el Stele sé > =l £la SE) 5 2/88 elles ES eos sss sexes Ss sisi, asi Ses slg sP esse sss cesses ssiase sce PeestouecasdédASeSecarsalrvosaarrarezssS eotaagsh&essqa2zsFFcoGGrgo5ts52¢655¢F5 54 eno Auenuay sn0292)939 aisseang oisseiay ueiwdeag = snodajiuoques ueiuonaq UeunjiS Uel1A0PIO | que) RE tre | + MAL Ci @t) ‘ leu; baited hé FA ve LAS "i Û ' pese { © | Bray Shieh oc aude cadenas aed teed ae ee pu, j abe ined Pert) nn ie a € “ +9 ae sued d ieee eae eee: + SAS % O12 4 es heed | | LP ’ ' fin | 6ee s eae io æ | Linie men PEL ; + ts y e = wien 7 AA RFARES AUS sasafataius i | ; LL PRE ET UT SERRE TES ) I ns. | | ’ Lp te ee datés eee Se et dé 0 + … af i CL 1617 ligne ms 47 a 5 8 L i € CS re og mn state nes agci ~ > Lu «-= x ) PE a Hi? af woe 7 , 4 À | bielaamren. } Fr rasta ts een LS DS 1S Oe en ete ds dr dr © À 2 © à [moe ne TS ee ee Oe 22hiritenaiM an T | 1 exer Mo | ref À earner 1 1 LA TL TIR a Li Ru dors 40 wen Ponte 7 TT e RITES AL + IN wei = Chart 21/Tableau n° 21 Phylum Bryozoa Class Stenolaemata Order Cyclostomata OrdCarad—Rec Order Cystoporata Camb U.Camb—PermDzhulf Order Trepostomata OrdArenig—PermDzhulf Order Cryptostomata OrdLlvirn—TriasOlenek Class Gymnolaemata Order Ctenostomata OrdArenig—Rec Order Cheilostomata CretApt—Rec Class Phylactolaemata Rec 58 21 Phylum Bryozoa Holo Pleist Quat Plioc Mioc Olig Eoc Tertiary Paleoc Dan Maestr Campan Santon Coniac Turon Cenom Alb Apt Barrem Cretaceous Haut Valang Cheilostomata = Berr Smith: Kimm Oxf Call Bath Bajoc / Jurassic Toarc Pliens Sinem Hett Rhaet Nor Carn Ladin Anis Olenek Induan Dzhulf Guad Leonard Sakm Assel U. Carb Moscov Bashk Namur Triassic Permian Carboniferous Viséan Phylactolaemata alle Trepostomata Cyclostomata Cystoporata Cryptostomata Ctenostomata Tourn Famen Frasn Givet Eifei Ems Devonian Siegen Gedinn Lud! Wenl Lidov Ashg Carad Lideil Livirn Silurian Ordovician Arenig Tremad U. Camb \ M. Camb \ \ L. Camb \ = Gÿmn ww. Stenolaemata SYmnolaemata Phylactolaemata ——- 1 ae Camb lor P 1/7 Lei 6° 29 eer Sryaron émise Fins Ctasblhéshdsh rer CPO Tints wal Là Js "aia tes To parece banrey ate Cries trypirrwieir "à Cay very sads ni Vis ET roma lp Viley Lite arte Lo linge Pt ALT sar hit éd PRE ue. | iia tt # w 2 : a2 : 2 > je ph te te din gee ee) Chart 22/Tableau n° 22 Phylum Brachiopoda 60 Class Inarticulata Order Lingulida Order Acrotretida Order Obolellida Order Paterinida Order Kutorginida Class Articulata Order Orthida Order Strophomenida Order Pentamerida Order Rhynchonellida Order Spiriferida Order Atrypida Order Terebratulida Camb L.Camb—Rec Camb L.Camb—Rec Camb L.Camb—Camb M.Camb Camb L.Camb—OrdLideil Camb L.Camb—Camb M.Camb Camb L.Camb—PermDzhulf OrdArenig—Rec Camb M.Camb—PermDzhulf OrdLlvirn—Rec SilLldov—JurBajoc OrdLideil—TriasRhaet DevGedinn—Rec 22 Phylum Brachiopoda Cretaceous {Santon ’ Jurassic Pliens | ‘Sinem t Hett Triassic + Rhaet Nor Carn Ladin [Anis lOienek {Induan £ <= |Dzhulf Guad Devonian |Gedinn _ Lingulida Acrotretida tan {Silur | Ludl |Wenl Lidov Ordovician M. Camb L. Camb inida Pater inida utorg K ferid Strophomenida Orthida ee irl |Sp | 7 Rhynchonellida Atrypida Terebratulida Crean 227/Ta\wad (07 TF ee PT wa Inacdicis "rage | wey aliens i L Qrikar 1 Cure ar Viet ah L (erry Bie 7 + Dette Tivoli Loree oil Crear Or laal card ett. Sites Hhiscboustnas ad œ + M am Rs 2 ae — = en —— ie fe + ame 12 4 ra « a yee Se ae : À Û = t=} — ee ER Sy Ra on i FN | Chart 23/Tableau n° 23 Phylum Echinodermata Chart 23/Tableau n° 23 Phylum Echinodermata Subphylum Homalozoa Class Ctenocystoidea Class Homoiostelea Order Soluta Class Homostelea Order Cincta Class Stylophora Order Cornuta Order Mitrata Subphylum Haplozoa Class Cycloidea Class Cyamoidea Subphylum Crinozoa Class Blastoidea Order Fissiculata Order Spiraculata Class Crinoidea Order Coronata Subclass Inadunata Order Hybocrinida Order Disparida Order Cladida Subclass Flexibilia Order Taxocrinida Order Sagenocrinitida Subclass Camerata Order Diplobathrida Order Monobathrida Subclass Articulata Order Isocrinida Order Comatulida Order Millecrinida Order Uintacrinida Order Roveacrinida Order Cyrtocrinida Class Cystoidea Order Rhombifera Order Diploporita Class Edrioblastoidea Order Pentacystida Class Eocrinoidea Class Parablastoidea Class Paracrinoidea Order Varicata Order Brachiata Class Lepidocystoidea 62 Camb M.Camb Camb U.Camb—DevGedinn Camb M.Camb Camb M.Camb—OrdAshg OrdTremad—DevGivet Camb M.Camb Camb M.Camb SilWenl—PermGuad SilWenl—PermGuad Camb M.Camb—Rec OrdLideil—SilLudl OrdLivirn—Silludi OrdArenig—PermGuad OrdLideil—TriasRhaet OrdCarad—CarbNamur SilLldov—PermGuad OrdLldeil—CarbViséan OrdCarad—PermGuad Triasinduan—Rec JurBajoc—Rec Trias ?Olenek—Rec CretSanton TriasCarn—CretCampan JurHett—Rec OrdArenig—DevFrasn OrdTremad—DevEifel Ord ?LIvirn Camb L.Camb—SilWenl OrdArenig—OrdLideil OrdElvirn OrdElvirn Camb L.Camb Chart 23/Tableau n° 23 Subphylum Asterozoa Class Stelleroidea Subclass Somasteroidea Order Goniactinida Subclass Asteroidea Order Platyasterida Order Paxillosida Order Valvatida Order Spinulosida Order Forcipulatida Subclass Ophiuroidea Order Stenurida Order Oegophiurida Order Phrynophiurida Order Ophiurida Subphylum Echinozoa Class Cyclocystoidea Class Helicoplacoidea Class Edrioasteroidea Class Ophiocistioidea Class Echinoidea Subclass Perischoechinoidea Order Bothriocidaroida Order Echinocystitoida Order Palaechinoida Order Cidaroida Subclass Euechinoidea Superorder Diadematacea Order Echinothurioida Order Diadematoida Order Pedinoida Order Pygasteroida Superorder Echinacea Order Salenioida Order Hemicidaroida Order Phymosomatoida Order Arbacioida Order Temnopleuroida Order Echinoida Order Plesiocidaroida OrdTremad—Rec OrdCarad—Rec OrdArenig—Rec OrdLlvirn—Rec OrdCarad—Rec OrdLlvirn—Rec OrdArenig—DevFrasn OrdArenig—Rec DevSiegen—Rec Silludi—Rec OrdArenig—DeveEifel Camb L.Camb Camb L.Camb—CarbNamur OrdArenig—DevEifel OrdCarad—OrdAshg OrdAshg—PermAssel SilWenl—PermAssel DevEifel—Rec JurOxf—Rec Trias ?Nor—Rec TriasRhaet—Rec Jur ?Pliens—Cret ?Cenom JurHett—Rec Trias 2Nor—Cret ?Maestr Jur ?Hett—Rec JurBath—Rec Jur ?Pliens—Rec CretCenom—Rec TriasCarn Superorder Echinacea ? or Diadematacea ? Order Orthopsida Superorder Gnathostomata Order Holectypoida Order Clypeasteroida Superorder Atelostomata Order Cassiduloida Order Holasteroida Order Spatangoida Order Neolampadoida Jur ?Bajoc—Cret ?Maestr JurPliens—Rec CretMaestr—Rec JurToarc—Rec Jur ?Sinem—Rec CretBerr—Rec TertEoc—Rec 63 Chart 23/Tableau n° 23 Class Holothuroidea Subclass Dendrochirotacea Order Dendrochirotida Order Dactylochirotida Subclass Aspidochirotacea Order Aspidochirotida Order Elasipodida Subclass Apodacea Order Apodida Order Molpadiida ?Subclass ?Order Arthrochirotida Class Camptostromatoidea 64 Ord ?Tremad—Rec Rec Jur ?Hett—Rec Camb M.Camb—Rec Carb ?Tourn—Rec Jur ?Hett—Rec Dev ?Gedinn Camb L.Camb Plioc Pliens Sinem _ Het Rhaet Nor 2 Carn 3 Ladin f Anis Olenek Induan Dzhull & Guod E Leonard 5 ©! Livirn Arenig Tremad 2 U.Camb E M. Camb OL Camb 23 Phylum Echinodermata Uintacrinida Isocrinida Comatulida Millecrinida Samo Roveacrinida Cyrtocrinida i i i] i § i ‘oo ‘a Pe a oO Tv ol « = si © sl = œ cel RES 3 vo] £ o Sse te El 6 = o œ = = oO re ° © 2 2 = o © © € £ © Of «li © 5! °l © re a 5 ol 2 of 5 a ° co =| > = © s Hs ss) à «net tl PM © L-] 3 - E o = n 2 of =| of © © o > ol S| of © © oO 2 : / CE - Sr 0 se 8 y, eS © SHomoiosteleal © € A NZ ug Flexibilia A £ | if © o (| — 1 l'E Le = 8 ) re ce. Connie on a Coigga Um lomalozoaUtyy, aplozoa tt, Um | Lepidocystoidea Diploporita Rhombifera HP tI! qu (D LI ! 1 ! | | 0 : el « vo] ©! = =| =! = = O EH el o | = © a=} ed oc} cf co =| = OÙ Ob =] af 21 6 of à ol of OF 5 h _ a) ol = © | © 4 Of ©! ol — El oF —| of Gi al ©] wi Of of S] g a ar =] <] wi < 1 1 t 1 | 1 ! | ! 1 . ! ! 1 ! i i 1 1 i . i] Q i i 1 1 t 0 | t i ! | à Apodacea ! . 4 L Dendrochirotacea ! û ry (] 1! i] SES o 0 o = !: 1 ! = = = 1 | 1 sl © © re LT ! a} © a 2 der H sl = - a} =] 5 a o i rf H A le) ne o 0 1 i _| of - 7. © ° i ! (] el 212 = ©! = 7 i Suis als eo > v 'e@ ! Cane IEC ICE Oo wi Las [ —= 2 «@ ' i PET 1 Lao + - = @ 1 | ke i ra > ns + las =" 5 Edrioasteroidea ce ms iL: L a aor lect s 1 t Edrigbla one | { =» 7 Blastoideay! 7 7 5 TTS othe 1 Holothuroidea i Paracy{noidea El I Echinozoa DT LME Arthrochirotida TT i Camptostromatoidea Lu : 3 - °° © 2 v © œ - a o œ Es ® Sy o a = v 5 2 > ®y el © =| S| ay =z’ a œ C] bd | © ol 2] - Sr cle D 3 s a) Tv = = o J Diol © 21 oof ©) Gl © A = es © a) of =] © Sie | 21-3 =] cf =] of = = a) ©! s) = 2 a} ©] of | ET sl 2 of of 2 of of =] of 2] € 5 UD of 2! Si =] 2 ol 5 Dl oof -1 > of ©] 5 sf of af ‘| = = ° ol =} of El of & =| =| of 51 of Os = -| c] © =] al 2] 2] ol © =} | cl of ch © oOo] cl cl © cs 0 ol sl > of —| = =] © lS CA =| il | | = aol el_ ell oe 1 i i >] eo} =] 2 5] = = = = = = = TU st ol 2] of - =] al of of <| o © of al « al ol al ©! wl © œ of a! of of ul OF 5 <|ulr| zx) of uw x xj ol © >] ul wf of of © ° 5 ‘ = © (] T ie. ° bos 1 i So | 1 52 a 1 L ~~ Atelostomata Û CIC = Grfathostomatag e va 1 ¢S\|/———|S==--" et” Echinacea = | | ® 1 e of i OC e of F as) 1,e7 PL de Diadematacea = 48 7” se CAEN FEES Qñ==="" get LS ER FE 1 ! | a of sofia & at = Woleeigeas ee w LE: Xe 4. a ee Li Lie ë al = e* Euechinoidea Tv =o} © © = ol = = vo els - =| > oc) of 5 ol o of 5 Fe 1 ©) = ELA | le = £ | < a 8 silo n a 3 le] — OF w a ® = = v © £ CL A ~ - | ° a | 1) e re el 17 > = Ophiuroid SY aa a 5 7 Somasteroide P Perischoechinoidea 8 Sy | x | _ Le + = Le * | sae o “secs: Sey jus? = np . e Echinoidea 7" s er . Helicoplacoidea ‘ Cl Phrynophiurida Ophiurida papieinpen es, oan) ee : ee aed — i. & '£ ee i A0 >| pane a Ÿ i | - ee pee nt Tite. y LE 11 mb tait: foe ceed aot “| L eae a a - i= i SOlpiziyore noe = duintiseeroñ" ; po tre cPaesraen re mp nn 4 L 94 4 | 4 = : I 7% ad LEE L ps 4 Car | à tes te babes sm | "La in igh) ‘ ; : A = 0/44 Los ie — À / ‘ LATE | mir ~* fee ihn gleam maaan Sa en beta ei es me aus Free ù | D | L re, à « gs DS a 4 ge LG BI NE ni AE FU iit Te ih mb | Ke f ñ _ fe ee aig U a2 | sinon Hi i Panis a eo Lita qhe sis a ne Chart 24/Tableau n° 24 Phylum Pogonophora Order Sabelliditida Order Hyolithelminthes Order Thecanephria Order Athecanephria 66 Camb L.Camb Camb L.Camb—Camb M.Camb Rec Rec fo Pleist | | : | Holo Plioc 24 Phylum Pogonophora Mioc Olig = Eoc Paleoc — Dan Maestr i I 1 ——__— — — Cretaceous Jurassic Devonian Carboniferous | Permian Triassic Silurian Ordovician Camb Campan Santon Coniac Turon_ Cenom nes Alb Apt Barrem | Haut er | | | | | | | Valang | | | Berr “Tith’’ Kimm Oxf Call | Bath Bajoc Toarc | Pliens Sinem a Hett Rhaet Nor - Carn FR — mm = = = mn eme ee Ladin vs Anis Olenek 1 Induan Dzhulf Guad Leonard Sakm hecanep Assel U. Carb Moscov Th Bashk Namur Viséan Tourn Famen Frasn Givet Eifel Ems Siegen Gedinn Lud! Wenl da inthes Lidov Ashg | Carad dit Lideil Livirn Sabell yoli >. ee ee ee he = eue = un mue (us de ue ee ee mn en de = | 7 Li Ld 7 7 ——<— me Pogonophora sort 24/ Table ne ie Phi ALT LA ‘phos mt + a te = tif ony ge Le, Soin... —— Te sive 2 er “tewitheininihed =o r der Tiecanechra@.. T7 LL oierder that ir: ve | f hi i 7 Papen AF aa | ' 4 | nt ge qe ln mp VÙ dé md FT INT TITI) | | ee te ee ty ee ty Saat . m+ | rr TT siPecduabps A > LA — ' 7 æ . j + + ' ‘ = Ru ne | tf ne —| s i am - 1 À So à mn ns 0 ' _* ae mn LAN Sol ns + vortgon 20 NUE 4 miel doigetD i aoniods reach 4 el a al ume nt rmbt ewe. = arr? vif) 4 Re a whit} 1 = ae ; ‘ à —_ i . ni re nih. worth), al ne ar 0 + aa 7 gir: te oran ti = — N a [ALLAN ELLE b) We! 7 210 a | | pryind tess . ¥ ' * APRIL | TE ; (viper) Pe met j | erat = By 1! ( PT Wile £ 7 | À vot À n ~ | | f ' j ance) L Chart 25/Tableau n° 25 Phylum Hemichordata 68 Class Graptolithina Order Dendroidea Order Tuboidea Order Camaroidea Order Stolonoidea Order Crustoidea Order Graptoloidea Suborder Didymograptina Suborder Glossograptina Suborder Diplograptina Suborder Monograptina Class Graptolithina Incertae Sedis (not included/ exclue) Group Graptoblasti Group Acanthastida Group Graptovermida Class Pterobranchia Order Rhabdopleurida Order Cephalodiscida Class Enteropneusta Class Planctosphaeroidea (not included/ exclue) Camb ?M.Camb—Camb U.Camb— CarbNamur Camb ?U.Camb—OrdTremad— SilWenl OrdTremad OrdTremad—OrdCarad OrdArenig—OrdLideil OrdArenig—DevEms OrdArenig—OrdAshg OrdLlvirn—OrdAshg OrdLlvirn—SilLudl SilLldov—DevEms OrdTremad—OrdLideil OrdTremad OrdTremad OrdTremad—Rec OrdTremad—Rec Rec Rec Quat Tertiary Cretaceous Jurassic Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Silurian Ordovician Camb Maestr 25 Phylum Hemichordata Holo Pleist Plioc Mioc Olig Eoc Paleoc Dan Campan Santon Contac Turon Cenom Alb Apt Barrem Haut Valang Berr ATEN Kimm Oxf Call Bath Bajoc Toarc Pliens Sinem Hett Rhaet Nor Carn Ladin Anis Olenek Induan Dzhulf Guad Leonard Sakm Assel U. Carb Moscov Bashk Namur Cephalodiscida Enteropneusta se SS SS SSS SF SSF FFF SSF SSP BFS SSS SS SSS SF SS SS SS SS SS SSS SSS FF SSS SSS SF SF Fes Viséan Tourn Famen Frasn Givet Eifel Ems Siegen Gedinn Ludl Wenl Lidov Ashg Carad Lideil Livirn Arenig Tremad U. Camb M. Camb L. Camb Enteropneusta Pterobranchia Rhabdopleurida Dendroidea Crustoideg Stolonoidea Tuboidea e—cCamaroidea Didymograptina Glossograptina Diplograptina = i] Monograptina oe th oi "a Chert: BA fap'as n° 2% Fuplut Machen an nue tt: 7 1 | = | F + ee | { RAR TUE re ‘a@ Dia dur i - eta aus ihe? sata dias Cine SemAartidén vt Cr Siri to ae — ome nr RS Ne: Cray tpn, oe mitpa ODPTUR TE LOUE BRAIN CASE Seta dus (hpmratiiéé - “Sain RENONCE 2 Cent Ormes en ine erie Oe Ptr EU See. selon) Gieon Mrerarest 4M 4 2c 20 > weil. | a) fe ® | owy og LL] re 4 » | a 4 4 a x à Rew f at | - a | % - i] (Demy Pepe er drssetarheg +e . { rT’ i ows, oo es a oe rut ache,’ para DE L — ' ‘tt 5 » - 2 = Ê . a 72 3 . 2 = - + EE : æ : # ° h. y : > D.» 2 a ft? e -» H 15 se a a oe = 4 y à 3 + = s > bol : € ed RER = 2.3 rie 1 te SS H 3 LE alt = le © , 3 Pi | S| | ae | — no | . CN 4 : + mn d'u el OA TNT 4 AR APE 1 il Chart 26 Phylum Chordata Stem Graph Fish-like Vertebrates Tableau n° 26 Phylum Chordata Ramifications principales Vertébrés pisciformes Chart 26/Tableau n° 26 Phylum Chordata Stem Graph Fish-like Vertebrates Ramifications principales Vertébrés pisciformes Subphylum Urochordata Rec Subphylum Cephalochordata (Acrania) Rec Subphylum Craniata (Vertebrata) Divisio Agnatha Class Monorhina Superorder Mixini Rec Superorder Petromyzonida CarbBashk—Rec Superorder Anaspida SilWenl—DevFrasn Superorder Osteostraci Sillldov—DevFrasn Superorder Galeaspida DevSiegen Class Diplorhina Superorder Heterostraci Superorder Thelodonti OrdCarad—DevFrasn Silludl—DevEifel Divisio Gnathostomata Class Placodermi Class Acanthodii Class Holocephali Class Elasmobranchii Superclass Osteichthyes Class Actinopterygii Subclass Chondrostei Subclass Holostei Subclass Teleostei Class Dipneusti Class Crossopterygii Subclass Coelacanthi Subclass Rhipidistia 70 DevGedinn—CarbTourn SilLldov—PermLeonard CarbTourn—Rec DevEms—Rec DevGivet—Rec PermDzhulf—Rec JurTith—Rec DevSiegen—Rec DevGivet—Rec DevSiegen—PermAssel 26 Phylum Chordata stem graph-Fish-like vertebrates ! Holo Pleist Quat Plioc Mioc Olig Eoc Tertiary Paleoc Dan Maestr Campan Santon | Coniac Turon | Cenom Alb Apt Cretaceous Barrem | Valang Teleostei Jurassic Pliens Sinem RQ ee ee ee EE ee OO JHert _ Rhaet t Nor | | i] | ! ! I J | | ! ! | | ! ! | | Haut E I | ! I ! | | | | | l I I I 1 I | | Ut en eee ee ee Petromyzonida Mixini Holocephali ‘Elasmobranchii Acanthodii Chondrostei Holost Dipneusti Coelacanthi \Rhipidistia ——_——— Dem mm ida JA ee ee to the land vertebrates (Cephalochordata Placodermi nian à | | Urochordata | QE se ee ere ER --------------- 'Galeaspida ‘Osteostrac \Heterostraci | — = | \Anas Thelodonti ee SE) (Silurian) = oO =) | | 4 | | | Ashg Osteichthyes li Ordovician = £ 3 | | | | eke al oa e / Cephaloschordata 1 7 | JL l'atemotodu ai | i 7 7 i) Meo oa i D i Le A : 1 A 1 Lun 7 À i | | 3 | ' é F + 7 | ‘ a t + || me ke : + | 1 4 "4 ebiqak str ©’ ; in? Se isntisotes0C ae re—e — men, bd “5 ns bs hg + ine soe vf i LE a a $ LATE UT ten if htm. ne thé + sha of | - a * On | = be réa be ~~ — — Tr © 7 P 1g Sf CI tiatgpooteH s on i" Eh TT ma Ge dm *~ = 34 1MGa EI ah man ts ee ue ee esterdunev exit-dert-riqeiy mele. ’atébrofà Port iach ee — e = = Tee Vee er mr, if = = sn —_ : S à : Sn = : à À : | x > À Ù ‘ i ee eee IE LEE Se ES LE. F 2}, mp pré 2 — # = | le 7 Lee | 7 | ve | ton Aire PES | LA Æ nm: ne | Fy — | = j = * = c +7 a _ Le FF | t— À =. 5 . | sats 5 te oa = H Æ-Z: = - ge = — re #1 ae (De } cs } M L Auriane oi umtfleant heen Vera? ivonoqsarinns ~ a VAE tearti Bahrain es ‘ bv tOrmat—nrveVead — 7 ad 7 - 7 3 pou 1 5 as 6 EN woe imrve4.—ngh var D AL tyts sinned driest : ' = EX in ds dû ) i . Hvar i + ~~ Chart 27/Tableau n° 27 Phylum Chordata Class Amphibia Subclass Labyrinthodontia Order Ichthyostegalia DevFamen—CarbTourn Order Temnospondyli CarbViséan—TriasRhaet Order Plagiosauria PermDzhulf—TriasRhaet Order Anthracosauria CarbViséan—PermDzhulf Subclass Lepospondyli Order Aistopoda CarbViséan—PermLeonard Order Nectridia CarbBashk—PermLeonard Order Microsauria CarbViséan—PermLeonard Order Lysorophia CarbMoscov—PermLeonard Subclass Lissamphibia Order Anura Triasinduan—Rec Order Urodela CretBerr—Rec Order Apoda TertPaleoc—Rec 72 Quat Tertiary Cretaceous Jurassic Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Silurian Ordovician Camb 27 Phylum Chordata Holo Pleist Plioc Mioc Olig Eoc Paleoc Dan Maestr Campan Santon Coniac Turon Cenom Alb Apt Barrem Haut Valang Berr Th” Kimm Oxf Call Bath Bajoc Toarc Pliens Sinem Hett Rhaet Nor Carn Ladin Anis Olenek Induan Dzhulf Guad Leonard Sakm Assel U. Carb Moscov Bashk Namur Aistopoda Viséan Tourn Famen Frasn \ Givet Eifel Ems Siegen Gedinn Lud! Wenl Lidov Ashg Carad Lideil Livirn Arenig Tremad U. Camb M. Camb L. Camb Nectri Microsauria eo SSS SS SS SSS SSS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SE Class Amphibia | | | | a al w! ol ol 5 Qa =| € igi Si of ® © a — rot ol er 2 2 | + = Lissamphibia 2 | D = u | +===| bro i] | ! 7 A (ES IEP: EM abyrinthodontia Len AS HAUOE Ray Visdartes Fatima i! i) 7 Ps a DRE Fermlemit = à 14 Ai ts ME P porn are =. | vaut dntbhioweuy “Poon A -e #4 rai anya - fée : 4 “TRY tiriet2 re ~~ aah RS Bas ; ae = < = wv ie | = & 3 - : (1) vod 2 G € 1 ~~ ate ° > © Le | œ © 0er Le ] CR + 2 * e rs Ld # 5 19 tes | 9. 2 em ue 7 — qu + pr. | bad 7 Ss = nn = > @ t ‘ o br ale p is © Ed | * i 4 * i ee a e ss is tx { ; D Fe ' pe = iam ioe bd = : }- |" 2 À I 5 ‘ + P “az 4 i Lomme © L j ) | de a a nn ee 4 ans me ss. | eu TE 7 pom nest Ce u - EDEN ES 7 we f= nine Jeol) — a 0 4 ssfFior)- Dh to if “ f et | D * | i | ‘aileron ash aes qe] 1 ’ sbi 0 (DEN TR res 1 ré TL STE Mra) LE RL Vee. ae adic | 18510 ' 10 ‘vi ste) LES » Phylum Chordata Chart 28/Tableau n° 28 Subclass Anapsida Order Captorhinomorpha Order Chelonia Subclass Archosauria Order Thecodontia Order Crocodilia Order Saurischia Order Ornithischia Order Pterosauria Subclass Lepidosauria Order Eosuchia Order Rhynchocephalia Order Squamata Subclass Synapsida Order Pelycosauria Order Therapsida Subclass Sauropterygia Order Nothosauria Order Plesiosauria Subclass Placodontia Order Placodontia Subclass Ichthyopterygia Order Ichthyosauria Subclass? Order Procolophonia 74 Class Reptilia CarbBashk—PermLeonard TriasNor—Rec PermDzhulf—TriasRhaet TriasCarn—Rec TriasLadin—CretMaestr TriasCarn—CretMaestr JurSinem—CretSanton PermGuad—TriasLadin TriasInduan—Rec TriasNor—Rec CarbBashk—PermGuad PermGuad—JurBath Triasinduan—TriasCarn TriasLadin—CretMaestr TriasOlenek—TriasRhaet TriasOlenek—CretMaestr PermGuad—TriasNor 28 Phylum Chordata Holo |i oe |Plioc |Mioc | Olig | Eoc | Paleoc ha | Maestr | Campan Santon | Coniac Turon Cenom Alb Apt | Barrem Haut Valang Cretaceous Class Reptilia SSS) EL pate Kimm _ | Oxf Call Bath (GC [Toarc_ Jurassic {Pliens Sinem —Hett = — Rhaet Nor 2 | Carn 3s Ladin | Anis Olenek hynchocephalia Squamata. Eosuchia rocodilia a ee ae ee oe ES ee me C pp | Saurischia Pt © Moscow Bashk _ Namur Visean |Carbonife u Tourn— Thecodontia À EE TRE = Lepidosauria~———— 7 ! TT N | | Ne to Aveb Ornithischia Captorhinomorpha = = cb =: | Famen LFrasn- Givet Estel_ Ems Devonian Siegen | Gedion oe — § Ludi 5 Wen! BF ATTA œ rm = = © Py LB = 6 es (= o LE LU Pye) = == h =; os x 5 5 3] ef Sl a 5-1 mo ©! of 1 6 ail = of 2] © S| — EE .7 of SF of 2] 0 =; 3 £Ù oi of £] 2 ©; «@ =] of «| <| ° £j © oO} —;-—t go! - 0 © zi o; al —| © H 0 1 I I | I I | | Sa / F7 1 - | =’ | =| _ == Nee | ee | Placodontiaj Procolophonia ol ls | = es | = ropterygia 7ichthyopterygia ‘8 P= ET mn ‘4 f en ied n De 2" Pod is ui rat vu Li Re (ie goiscvls A » N a) Shai _ Class Aves vds Cu | or mevtod.> TL ine: satel ; : LA we 7 AY ts > Soe is Neen” | | . un 1.) Mint F . = “mngerestrer) —saitw ° Chart 29/Tableau n° 29 Phylum Chordata Class Aves Subclass Sauriurae Order Archaeopterygiformes Subclass Odontoholcae Order Hesperornithiformes Subclass Ornithurae Superorder Ratitae Order Rheiformes Order Struthioniformes Order Aepyornithiformes Order Casuariiformes Order Dinornithiformes Order Apterygiformes Superorder Dromaeognathae Order Tinamiformes Superorder Carinatae Order Gaviiformes Order Podicipediformes Order Sphenisciformes Order Procellariiformes Order Pelecaniformes Order Ardeiformes Order Anseriformes Order Accipitriformes Order Ichthyornithiformes Order Galliformes Order Ralliformes Order Charadriiformes Order Columbiformes Order Cuculiformes Order Psittaciformes Order Strigiformes Order Caprimulgiformes Order Coraciiformes Order Trogoniformes Order Coliiformes Order Apodiformes Order Piciformes Order Passeriformes JurTith CretConiac—CretCampan TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertPlioc—Rec TertPlioc—Rec QuatPleist—Rec TertPlioc—Rec CretAlb—Rec CretConiac—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec CretMaestr—Rec CretValang—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertDan—Rec CretConiac TertEoc—Rec CretMaestr—Rec CretMaestr—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertMioc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertMioc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec This graph was prepared by Dr. P. Brodkorb in May 1972. M. P. Brodkorb a préparé ce tableau, en mai 1972. 76 29 Class Aves Phylum Chordata sew1071188$8 d\ A | SeW10}I91d Sowsojipody Sew10}lI|09 ie >. sawioy;u0H011\; Ls Re ER CR EU We S9W10}I192109D \ \ \ \ \ \ sawisoj!6jnwisded\ 7™ \ sSow10}16/11S ù —— A \ SoW10}I2B}}ISd \ . ~ Carinatae SOWIOJIININD\ \ Vf aM sawiojiqunjod SOWIOJINIPese YD \ >—- oe, sowW10}I|IeH > 2 Wii dt LE mt ——— sew10}I||29 \ = \ Sow10}l11Id199V \ \ \ Sawsojliasu \ \ ÿ \ \ ; à! SS eS RER ER sawiojlapiy ‘J ————————E— ——_—_ a, SOWIOJIUBISI9d BZ Fai Ren Onno acini pig SeW10J1118118901d\- (ee sawsojylosiuayds Sawsojipedioipod \ FOO ACD ead. | 7 7 / Ce: 4 $ Sowio}iy}iuioiodso @. S2W10}IWEBUIL + sawioy Dre FSU Op Sus ouiq Ss 7 ee — o saw10}I1I18NSETN,7 _/ sow104[uyu10 À dov | / SOWIOJIUOIYINAYS / sowiojloyuy gnathae = nn \ \ Ratitae Dromaeo Holo Pleist Plioc Mioc Dan Maestr Campan Santon Coniac Turon Cenom 2 Alb Apt Barrem Haut Valang Berr 12ND Aseijaa | sn0392)919 9 Ornithurae \ ow10}IBA1s]dosey21vy Tttti o oO nn =) = 2 © [49] £ Leonard = Assel 8 Viséan seniniainoba Tne - di) tou ER “hy Tiggseiaqgoesr ts. nr : 55 te É rug te nl = ae 5 : { , M ne L J? ae free rs er 7 viens à. : ein 1 | ve A OU: te sine 1 ~y — . Phylum Chordata Chart 30/Tableau n° 30 Subclass Prototheria Infraclass Eotheria Order Triconodonta Order Docodonta Infraclass Ornithodelphia Order Monotremata Infraclass Allotheria Order Multituberculata Subclass Theria Infraclass Trituberculata Order Symmetrodonta Order Pantotheria Infraclass Metatheria Order Marsupialia Infraclass Eutheria Order Insectivora Order Primates Order Rodentia Order Chiroptera Order Edentata Order Pholidota Order Lagomorpha Order Taeniodonta Order Hyaenodonta Order Carnivora Order Condylarthra Order Cetacea Order Tubulidentata Order Pantodonta Order Artiodactyla Order Dinocerata Order Litopterna Order Astrapotheria Order Pyrotheria Order Notoungulata Order Perissodactyla Order Proboscidea Order Sirenia Order Desmostylia Order Embrithopoda Order Hyracoidea Class Mammalia TriasRhaet—CretCampan JurKimm—JurTith TertPlioc—Rec JurKimm—TertEoc TriasRhaet—CretCampan JurBajoc—CretBerr CretAlb—Rec CretAlb—Rec CretMaestr—Rec TertPaleoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertPaleoc—Rec TertPaleoc—Rec TertPaleoc—Rec TertDan—TertEoc TertPaleoc—TertPlioc TertPaleoc—Rec CretMaestr—TertMioc TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertPaleoc—TertOlig TertEoc—Rec TertPaleoc—TertEoc TertPaleoc—QuatPleist TertEoc—TertMioc TertPaleoc—TertOlig TertPaleoc—QuatPleist TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertEoc—Rec TertMioc TertOlig TertOlig—Rec 30 eoplooeskH\, epodoyiiquiag », \ He e1jAysowseq~\ il dl \ eIU91IS "Al EU en ES À e9pI2S0q01d | e1AJ28PpOSSI19d \ I el19u)0d81]Sy eu19}d0}171 eyeiao0ulg - —— em mm cu om om me 0 E Leonard & Sokm eyuopojyued HH 7 ces | eyeyuspljnqny I me = me 2998199 2 © o oc ep cae 2 -= 5 Lan ns ———— | Lu BIOAIUIET i ne ell eyuopouaeky ——e ——~ [ol ejuopoiuse] iM SS DE i ee Ce 1 eydiowobe 1 — ee (| eopiioud À Ml 1 1 Ca 1 ne ei | eyejuepa } i a ee ae +} I esaydosyd I ee 1 erjuepoy \ ! mA I sayewlid I I | —" - OWOH lo Il 2 œ 4/15 0 D — T ererdnsiew s E s £ Ke = elsayyoyued ne 8 | EST à RE RES PES RE AG SR AR AUDE Fe] p eyuoposjawmwis Js = = oO S Ce ByUOpOUOdI © 7 = © Cab à = = 7 f= ds O1 a] © wy = T D = S 5 ——— 5 = a fe G.-- 2 3 E = 3 Ez episdeioul a = | g > & § 8 E § = alel ele! le AGE PP A A slebsae PEBLE RAGE EE De ee Vo pimped ol El oh | oe l'E Lo l