THE PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF A HEXOKINASE FROM THE CORN SCUTELLUM By HERBERT CHARLES JONES HI A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTL^L FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEC»EE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA June, 1965 !l!he vriter vlshes to express sincere appreciation to Dr. T. E. HuEsihreys for his help, guidame, leadership, patience and for the tise of his laboratory facilities in the course of this rssearchj to Dr. G. Ray Hbggle who inspired tte vriter to pursue graduate study; to Drs. D. S. Anthony, R. H. Biggs and T. ¥. Steams for their aid and service on the committee j and to the Departoent of Botany and the Departnent of Health, Education and Welfare for financial support throu^ National Defense Education Act ELtle IV and Hational Institutes of Health feUxswships. JTTp AGRi- CULTURAl LIBPA'-V UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllilllilllllliilillllillll 3 1262 08552 5615 TABLE OF COOTEHTS li Lisa? OP TABLES v LIST OP FIGfUR^ vi HJTBCBUCTION 1 BSVim GF LZTSBATORE 3 MATERIALS AHD MEKIODS 36 Plant Materials Prepai^tion of the Enzyme Extraction Annnonimn sulfate fractioiation Absorption and elution froa alumina C-y gel Assajf }§3thods Method 1 Ifethod 2 Assay for phosphofruetokinase, phosphoglucomutsise and glucose -6-phosphatase activities Protein Determination Chemicals and £nz;yines Page RESULTS k2 Purification Substrate Specificity Nucleoside triphosphates Metal Activators Inhiljitozv Sugaars Nucleoside di- and triphosphates Sugar phosphates Anions pH and Temperature Optima DISCUSSION 7^ SUMMARY 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY 8l BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 89 ir LIST OF TABIDS 1. MtCHAELIS COSBTASITS {Km) AND RSLATIVS J^JAXIMAL RASES FOR BRAIN AM) YEAST HEXOiCCKASE 7 2. SFFECTS OP GLUC0SE-6-P AMD RELATEID COMPOUNDS OSS PHOSPHOSSLATIOHS BY BRAIN HSXOKDJASE 9 3. PURIPICATIOI OP ffiiXOKIHASE ^3 k, ATPASE ACnVTIY OP THE HEXDKIMSE PREPARATIONS 2^5 5. SUBSTRAOS SPSCIFIC33?3f OiP CORN SCOTELLUM EEKOKENABE 49 6. EFFECT OP !3W;LEX)SIDE35U[PH^mTSS AS SilBSTrRHSS FOR ATP 55 7. ACTIVATION OP HEXOKUmSE BY METAL IONS 60 8. EFFECT OF NUCLEOSIDE DI- AND TRIPHOSPHATBS AS INHBITOaS OP ATP IS THE HEXOKISASE REACnCU 68 UST QPFICRJRSS Figuare Page 1. Effect of glucose concentration on the rate of phosphorylation 52 2. Lii^T?eaver-Burk plot of the effect of glucose concentration on the rate of phosphorylation » ^ 3. Effect of ATP concentration on the rate of phosphorylation, and coJDpetitive inhibition by ADP and AMP 57 i^. Linaveaver-^nrk plots of the effect of ATP concentration on the rate of phosphorylation, and competitive inhibition by ADP and AMP 59 5. Effects of Co"*"*" and Mn++ concentrations on tl^ rate of phosphorylation fe 6. Effect of Mg"*^ concentration on the rate of phosphorylation 62 7. Line'v^aver-Burk plots of the effect of l^"^, Co"^ and Ifa"*^ concentration on the rate of phosphorylation 6h 8. Lineweaver-Burk plots of the competitive inhibition of glucose phosphorylation by xylose and H*- acetylglucosamine 6f 9. Effect of pH on the rate of phosphorylation escpressed as the per ceaat of the aaximuEi rate obtained 71 10. Effect of tamperature on the rate of phosphorylation 73 IHTRODUCnON The properties of plant enzymes, especially those of higher plants, are less veil known than those of similar enzymes isolated from animal tissues. It has been assvuoed that the properties associated vlth the characterized animal and lover plant (yeast) enzymes are the same for higher plants. This may be the case, but it is necessary that the plant enzymes be characterized in order to gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences in metabolism between plants and animals. The enzyme, hexokinase, which catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose in the presence of adenosine-5' -triphosphate and magnesium ion, occupies an important position in the metabolism of sugars in both plants and animals. Humphreys and Garrard {kl) have presented evidence which suggests that the hexokinase reaction may be important in control- ling the rate of glucose uptake by the com scutellumj an organ positioned between the root-shoot axis and endosperm of the com seed, where glucose absorbed from the endosperm is converted to sucrose which is subsequently translocated to the developing seedling during gennina- tion (28). Their data indicates that glucose -6-phosphate competitively inhibits an enzymatic step associated with net glucose uptake in scutelluia slices, and they suggest that the step might be the hexokinase-catalyzed phosphorylation of glucose. Since it has been demonstrated that brain hexokinase (15, I6) and to a small extent, yeast hexokinase (33), is inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate, although 1 2 noncompetltlvely. It seemed desirable to investigate the properties of com scutellum hexokinase. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Historical In 1927, Msyerhof (73) gave the naias, hexoMnase, to an alcohol precipi table fraction of autolyzed yeast vhich when added to extracts of aged frog or rabbit Dsusele greatly enhanced glycolysis. Independ- ently, in 1935^ Euler and Mler (29) and latwak-i'fejin and Mann (66), Isolated an enzyme from yeast— heterophosphatese— which catalyzed the following reaction in the presence of Mg "*"•": Hexose + ATP >Hexo3e-6-phosphate + ADP tfeyerhof (jk), in a description of the hexokinase reaction the same year, reported that the enzyme descrihed "by the two groups was the sazse one responsible for the activity of his original preparation. Kalckar (51), in 1939* demonstrated that kidney extracts phosphorylated glucose and fructose amd, in 1^, Gelger (36) obsei'ved that extracts from brain tissue phosphorylated fructose, mannose and glucose. Belitzer and Golovskaya (5), the same yeax, showed that muscle tissue contained hexokinase, which in the presence of glucose and creatnine catalyzed the phosphorylation of glucose to l«xose-6« phosphate. In 19*H> Ochoa (78) showed the presence of hexokinase in acetone powder of rat brain. The acetone partially Inactivated adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase). The hexokinase required l^ and transferred phosphate from A!H> to glucose without the liberation of free oirthoi^iosphate . 3 k Colowick et al. (l2), in 19^1, demonstrated that phosphorylation of glucose preceded the oxidation of glucose in heart muscle and kidney extracts and that hexokinase catalyzed phosphorylation of mannose to niannose-6-phosphate (M6P). The M6P was in turn converted to fructose-6-phosphate (F€P) by an isomerase. In 19'^6, Berger et ^. (6) and Rinitz and MacDonsuLd (57) succeeded in crystallizing hexokinase from, ysast, the only organism frcMa which it has been crystallized. The hexokinases from various sources have been recently reviewed by Crane (20) . Hexokinases of Vgarious Animal Tissues Ifammalian brain hexokinases* Colowick et al. (lU) prepared purified beef brain hexokinase by eluting acetone powder fran beef brain with water and f3rau;tional precipitation of the eluate with anaaonium sulfate. The hexokinase was precipitated between 30 and 50 per cent saturation with a two-fold increase in specific activity. The 30 to 50 per cent fraction could be purified further by refractionation between k3 and 50 per cent saturation with annaonium sulfate. The product of the beef brain hexokinase reaction was shown to be glucose -6-phosphate (Gr6P). Jfeyerhof and Wilson (75) observed that brain extracts catalyzed the phosphorylation of glucose and fructose at about the same rate at 0.020M concentrations of the substrates, while at concentrations of 0.0015M to 0.003M the rate was the san» for glucose and much lower for fructose. They observed the same difference relative to the AK» concentiration and there was a greater A2Pase activity in the presence of fructose than glucose. They suggested that there are actually two separate enzymes in brain extracts— a glucokinase and a fructokinase . 5 Wiebelhous and Lardy (icA) noted that dialyzed extracts of "beef brain showed different hexokinase activities with respect to glucose and fructose in the presence of inhibitory concentrations of sodium salts. Sodium salts inhibited phosphorylation of glucose^ but not of fructose, indicating the possibility of two different heMjlsinases. Iheir beef brain extracts promoted the phosphoxylation of glucose, fructose and to a lesser extent, mannose, but were not active with L-glucose, galactose, L-sorbose, D-gluconate, S-keto-O-glucoaate, D-ribose, D-arabinose, L-rhamnose and D-xylose. Inorganic pyrophosphate inhibited activity ^ to 80 per cent depending on its coTOentration. Magnesium ion, up to two times the concentration of the pyrophosphate, did jaot reverse inhibition. Orthophosphate was only slightly inhibitory. Long (63) found that of five rat tissues— brain, liver, kidney, steletal muscle, and intestine— brain had the greatest amount of hexokinase activity, while liver had the least. Crane and Sols (16, 17, 86) prepared particulate he:a>kinase from brain, which was free of interfering enzymes, by fractional centrifuga- tion and solubilization of the enzyme with lipase and/or deoxycholate . They obtained 35 per cent recovery. With this preparation, it was found (as V^il-M&Iherbe and Bone (102) had reported in 195X) that g6P inhibited hexose phosphorylation noncompetitively (15), while ADP behaved as a competitive inhibitor (85). They (86) examined the specificity of brain hexokinase toward thirty-five compounds structur- ally related to glucose in order to deteimine which groups of the glucose molecule were possibly involved in formation of a glucose- brain hexokinase complex. Sixteen of the analogs served as substrates 6 (Tab3je l), five behaved as competitive inhibitors, and the remainder vere inactive. They estimated the relative influence of each hydrojcyl group of glucose by (^mgaxing the Michaelis constants (Kia) and the relative maximal rates (VtaMc) of phosphorylation (Table l). The con- clusion was that the formation of a glucose -enzyme ccxuplex involved the ring structure and hydroxyl giroups at carbon atoms 1, 3, k and 6, and that each hydroxyl group had a specific quantitative influence on enzyme-substrate affinity. Crane and Sols (l6) investigated the specificity for inhibition of the brain hexokinase reaction by G6P and related compounds. They tested some twenty-five compounds and only six were inhibitory (Table 2). They concluded that the inhibitor complex involved the pyranose ring structure, the hydroxyl groups at carbon atoms 2 aad ^i- and the phosphate group at cart>on atom 6. They interpreted the lack of influence by carbon atoms 1 and 3* and the influence by carbon atom 2 as indicating that the enzyme possessed a third, specific binding site for G6P in addition to the two for ATP and glucose and that the data supported their hypothesis that inhibition by G6P, when present, was a part of an intrinsic cellular mechanism for the control of the rate of the hexokinase reaction. They found inhibition by the hexose phosphates to be reversible, independent of either glucose or ATP concentration EUid, therefore, nonconqpetitive . Maley and Lardy (67) tested the effects of a variety of N-substi- tuted glucosamines on brain hexokinase. All were powerful inhibitors (Ri»10"3M to 10"^) . Tbey interpreted their data (and from studying molecular models) as indicating that the substituted glucosamines 7 TABLE 1 MtCHAELIS CONSOMTS (Kn) AND RELATIVE MAXIMAL RATES FOR BRAIH AND YEAST HEXOKIRASE Data from references (86) suid (23) (1) Modifj (2) Led Coiirpound 1 (3) Brain (M (5) (6) Yeast at Carbor Kin (M/L) Rel. Max. Vel. Km (M/L) Rel. Max. Vel. glucose 8X10-^ 1.0 1X10-^ 1.0 1 1, 5-sorbitan 3X10"2 1.0 3X10-3 0.01 1,2 1, 5-mannitan 2X10-2 0.9 1 glucoheptulose pxio-'^ 0.006 1,2 mamaoheptulose 5x10-5 0.015 2X10-*''* 0.001 1,2 fructose 2X10-3 1.5 7x10-^ 1.8 1,2 2,5-sor'bitan 2X10"^ 0.08 1,2 arabinose S 0.1 >ixio-^ 0.02 1 methyl- oC-glucoside + + >ixio-^ <0.001 1 methyl- ^-glucoside + + 1 1-thloglucose + + 1,2 glucal + + 1 oC-glucose-1-P + + 1 glucono-1, 5-lactone + + 2 maimose 5x10-^ o.i^ 5X10*5 0.8 2 2-deoxyglucose 3X10*5 1.0 -1*. 3x10^ 1.0 2 glucosamine 8X10-5*** 0.6 2X10-3 0.7 2 II glucosone 1X10-5 0.08 2X10-5 0.2 2 N-£w:etylglucosamine 8X10-5** + ixio-3* <0.001 2 N-methylglucosamine 2X10"^** + ' (TABLE 1 continued next page) 8 TABLE 1 (continued) (1) Modifi (2) .ed Con5>ound I (3) Brain ih) (5) (6) Yeast at Carbon Km (M/L) Rel. Max. Vel. (M/L) Rel. Max. Vel. 2 2-OHBethylglucose + + 3 allose 7X10*3 0.5 >ixio*-'- 0.1 3,2 altrose 3X10-3 0.11 3 3-deoxyglucose 2X10-2 0.2 3 3-0-raethylglucose + + >1X10"^ <0.001 k galactose UQJO-^ 0*02 5x10-2 0.002 h,3 gulose + + 5,h 1,4-sorbitan + + >ixio'''"* <0.001 5,1 L-sorbose + + >ixio-^ <0.001 6 6-deoxyglucose 2X10"3»* + 6 xylose 2K10-3** + 1X10-2* <0.001 6,2 lyxose 2X10" ** + 6,3 ribose + + 6 6-deoxy-6-fluorogliicose 5X10-3* <0.001 1,2 l-methylfructose >ixio-^ < 0.001 2 2-C-hyaroxyinethylglucos e 2X10*3* <0.001 1,2,3 S-O-methylfructose >ixio"^ <0.001 sortitol + + glucoguloheptose + + i-inositol + + ^Inhibition constant (Ki) **Itetermined by competitive inhibition of fructose ***Detenained at pH 7*5 +Undetectable Psphosphate 9 TABLE 2 EFFECT OF (a.UCOSE-6-P AND RELATED COMPOUHDS ON PHOSPHORYLATIONS SI BRAIN HEXOKENASE Data from reference (l6) (1) (2) (3) (M (5) (6) Modified Ester Substrate Ester Per cent Ki at concen- inhibi- (M/L) Carbon No. tration tion 1 l,5-Sorbitan-6-P 2-Deoxyglucose 0.67 38 ixio'3 1 oC-Glucose-l,6-diP 2-Deoxyglucose 0.6 hi 7X10-^ 1 ^-Glueose-l,6-diP 2-DeoxyElucose 1.0 0 1 Glucoheptulose -7-P 2-Deoxyglucose 8.6 0 1 tfethyl-glucoside -6-P 2-Deoxyglucose 3.8 0 2 Mannose-6-P Mannose 8.5 0 2 2-Deoxyglucose -6-P Glucose 1.0 0 2 Glucosaiaine-6-P Glucose 1.5 0 2,1 Fructose-6-P 2-Deoxyglucose 2.5 0 2,1 2,5-Sorbltan-6-P 2,5-Sorbitan 13 0 2,1 Fructose-l,6-diP 2-DeoaQrglucose 1.8 0 2,1 l,5-Mannitan-6-P 1,5-Manm"tan k.O 0 2,1 Mannoheptulose-7-P Mannoheptulose 2.0 0 2,1 Arabinose-5-P Arabinose 5.5 0 2,3 Altrose-6-P 2-Deoxyglucose 7.5 0 2,3,1 Ribose-5-P 2-Deoxyglucose 2.0 0 2,3,1^,1 Xylose-5-P 2-Deoxyglucose 3.3 0 3 Allose-6-P 2-Deoxyglucose 9.2 58 7X10-3 3 3-Deoxyglucose-6-P Mannose 3.2 Ik 2X10-2 k Galactose-6-P Mannose 20 0 (TABLE 2 continued next page) 10 TABLE 2 (continued) (1) (2) (3) ih) (5) (^) Modified Ester Substrate Ester Per cent Ki at concen- inhibi- (M/L) Carbon Kb. tration tion 5,1 L-Sorbose-l-P 6,1 oC-Glucose-1-P No ring Gluconate -6-P No P Glucuronate 2-Deoxyglucose 0.if5 ^0 2-Deoxyslucose 2.5 0 2«Deoxyglucose 1 0 2-DeQxyglucose 2 0 7X10' ccmtoined vlth the active enzyme site aaad that the inhibition ffli^t "be through blocking of the site on the enzyme to ATP, since the substi- tvrted groups did not overlap the csaiAion 6 position on the sugar. By kinetics studies of the msehaaism of the brain hexokinase reaction, Fromm (31) and Eroran and Zswe (32) found that g6P acted as a conrpetitive inhibitor of ASP and as an uncompetitive iiihibitor vith respect to glucose. Inhibition by ADP was of a more ccaaplfix nature, but appeared to be noncon^etitive with respect to A1P and uncoB5>etitive vith respect to glucose. They concluded iSmt their results vere consistent with a nechanism involving either a phospho- or a gluco- enayce cooplex, but were at variance with any laechanism in which both substrates need to be present sitaultaneously on the enzyiae for the reaction to occur. OSiey also concluded that there seemed to be no reason for G6P occvipying a third site on the enzyms. They presented the following coc^julsory pathway type mechsmlsia for the brain hexo- kinase reaction: (1) EnzyE» + A!EP > Enzyaie-X coiaplex + ADP (2) Enzyne-X congjlex + glucose > Enzyne-Y coogplfix (3) Enzytne-y complex ^Enzyae + g6P The nature of the Enzyme-X and Enzyme-Y con^lexes was unknown. The mechanism is similar to that presented by Hamnes and Kbchavi (lf2) for the yeast hexofcLnause reaction, Kerly and Leaback (5^*) aaasured the specificity of hexokinase of the brain of several nonmammallan animals. They found that extracts of brain from pigeon, four-day-old chick, two elasmobranchs, two teleost fishes, frog and squid catalyzed the phosphorylation of 12 glucose and fructose. With pigeon train extract, phosphorylation of fructose was inhibited by mannose and K-acetylglucosamine, vhile phosphorylation of both fructose and glucose was inhibited by GoP and F6P. The affinity of pigeon brain hexo kinase for fructose was similar to that of the beef brain enzyme, except beef brain hexokinase was not inhibited by F6P (i6) . Muscle . Crane and Sols (iT) partially purified soluble skeletal muscle hexokinase by fractional precipitation with cold acetone and drying in vacuo. The enzyme was precipitated by 33 per cent acetone (v/v) with 50 per cent recovery and a specific activity of one. Skeletal muscle hexokinase catalyzed the phosphorylation of glucose, mannose, fructose, glucosamine and 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2 DOG). Kie Km for glucose and mannose of the muscle enzyme was about ten times higher than that for the brain enzyme. The Km for fructose was only slightly higher than that of bi^n hexokinase. Skeletal muscle hexokinase activity was optimum at pH 8.0. Crane and Sols (l?) partially purified particulate heart muscle hexokinase by fractional centrifugation and solubilization of the enzyme frcai the particulate fraction with 0.1 per cent Triton X-100. ADP inhibited heart muscle and skeletal muscle hexokinase competitively (KiADP » KmATP) and G6P inhibited noncompetitively. The inhibition constants (Ki) of G6P, l,5-sorbitan-6-P, and L-sorbose-1-P for heart muscle hexokinase were 25 per cent, or less, of those for the brain enzyme. Strickland (90) obsei^red that glycolysis by a muscle extract in the presence of added hexokinase could be inhibited by O.OO3M 13 glyceraldehyde, but the inhibition could be reversed by a small excess of TaexoMxiase, He concluded that glyceraldehyde Inhibition could be pin-pointed as inhibition of glucose phosphorylation by hexokinase. Walaas and Valaas (99) extracted an acetone powder of rat sksletal naxBcle vith trls-EDTA solution and obtained a five-foM increase in specific activity by firaetlonating the eliiate vith cold ethanol. The ethanol precipitate vas dried in vacuo* Fractionation of either the acetone powder eluate or the ethanol-precipitable fx-action with aBBoonium sulfate decreased recovery. EDSA, when added to the crude hosQOgenate from which the acetone powder was prepared, increased recovery. Added glucose or A3P only slightly stabilized the enzyme. Prolonged contact with 0.05M %Clg completely inhibited the enzyme. Chloride ion was without effect. Orthophosphate provided slight protection ajid O.03M pyrophosphate was very effective in stabilizing muscls he»)kinase. However, O.OO^M pyrophosphate strongly inhibited hexokinase during irwtJbatlon of the reaction mixture. Potassium chloride, in a narrow range of 0.02 to O.O5M, slightly activated the hexokinase during Incubation while orthophosphate inhibited. Tbs hexokinase had a pS optimum at 8.0 to 8.2 and one-third maximum activity at pB 7* Maximum activity of hexokinase was observed at a molar ratio %/ATP ■ 1 for several concentrations of ATP. Magnesltm ion in excess of ATP, except at relatively high concentrations, was not inhibitory. At a molar ratio ATP/Mg greater than k, ATP inhibited the reaction. Tbe !Qa for both ATP and Vlg was 1.7X10'3m. Inoarganic pyrophosphate ixihlbited the hexokinase reaction cooqpetitively with respect to VqATP when the molar ratio -was 1. At inhibitory concentrations of Mg"*^, Ik pyrophosphate had a small activating effect on the enzyme, which they inteirpreted as a release of Mg"^ inhibition. They suggested that inorganic pyrophosphate inhibited hexoMnase by forming a Mg "'^-pyrophos- phate complex vhich excluded MgATP from the enzyme -substrate complex and furthennore, that the MjgATP complex was the actual substrate (other than glucose) for muscle hexoklnase. Muscle hexoklnase was also activated by Ca++, Co "*"•■, Mn"*^ and, to a very small extent by Zn"*"^. The maximum activities for these activators were lower than that for Mg''^ euid the IQn for eswh was lower than that for Ife"*^. The molar ratio (metal/ ATP) for maximum activation by the ions was less than 1. Strong inhibition occurred as the concentrations of the metals were increased above those giving maximum activtition. Hiey explained the differences between these activators and Mg"*^ as being due to the different metal ions combining with different ligand centers on the enzyme. Walaas and Walaas (99) also reported that inosinetriphosphate (ITP), guanidine triphosphate (GTP) and uridinetriphosphate (UTP) would not substitute for ATP in the muscle hexoklnase reaction. Griffiths (l»-0) fovmd that O.OO5M alloxan inhibited muscle hexoklnase completely smd O.OO5M ninhydrin inhibited the enzyme 80 per cent. Inhibition by O.OO3M alloxan was reversed by O.OO5M cysteine, but O.OIM cysteine only partially reversed inhibition by 0.0025M ninhydrin. He interpreted the results as indicating that the inhibition probably amounted to more than Just thiol destruction since reversal required a molar ratio of cysteine to alloxan that was greater than 1. Liver hexoklnase. Long (63) measured levels of hexoklnase in several rat tissues and found that liver had the lowest level of hexoklnase. 15 Crane and Sols (l?) described a purification procedure for the soluble hexokinase of rat liver. They concentrated a 100,000XG super- natant fraction of liver extract vith ammonium sulfate up to 50 per cent saturation. Their liver preparation catalyzed phosphorylation of glucose, mannose, fructose, glucosamine and 2D0G. There was some evidence that fructose and glucose might have been phosphorylated by separate enzymes. Lange and Kohn (58) found that allose, talose and gulose vere also substrates of rat liver heaKJkinase . They studied hexokinase in rat intestine, Mdiwy and liver extracts and their data indicated that while the hexokinases from the three sources were similar, they were not identical. The Sn for glucose, 2DCXj and glucosamine were 4X10"5, 9x10*5 and 3.7X10"^, respectively, and the relative maximal velocities were in the same order. Vinuela et al. (98) detected two enzymes in rat liver extracts which catalyzed phosphorylation of glucose. One enzyme precipitated between 20 and 50 per cent saturation with amnonium sulfate, while the second enzyne precipitated between 60 and TO per cent saturation. The first enzyme had a low Kn for glucose, vas inhibited by g6P, and only moderately by N-acetylglucosamine . The latter enzyme had a higher IQn for glucose, was not inhibited by G6P, was strongly inhibited by N-acetylglucosamine, and had a low Km for mannose. Tbey interpreted the characteristics of the first enzyme as being those of a typical animal hexokinase. It was relatively stable and was present in small amounts in normal liver. They designated the second enzyme, a gluco- kinase. It showed a maximal rate for glucose phosphorylation of approximately 1.0 mlcron*ole per minute per gram liver at 21 to 23°C or 16 2 micromoles at 37°C vhich vas comjaiuble to the rate of glycogen synthesis from glucose in rat liver iO,k to 1 micromole per minute per g liver) . Tt^ activity also apparoached the maximum rate of glycogen synthetase (3 micromoles per minute per g at 3T^C). Kie glucokinase disappeared in stairved and diabetic animals. They sug- gested that the physiological instability of the glucokinase accounted for the inability of liver to synthesize glycogen from glucose and mannose in diabetic animals, while fructose and galactose, vhich vere incoirporated into glycogen, vers phosphorylated by other hexokinases specific for those sugars* The Ka for glucose of the hexoMnase and of the glucokinase were found to be IXIC^m and JX10"%, respectively. The glucokinase was not active on fructose to any extent. Their con- clusion was that the glucokinase was associated with the glycogen synthesizing system of the liver since: (l) its activity was compa- rable with the rate of glycogen synttesis, (2) it was not inhibited by its product and (3) UDPG-glycogen glucosyltransf erase is dependent on high levels of G6p for maximum activity. Walker and Rao (lOO) examined the effects of SDOG, glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine on the hexokinase and glucokinase of rat liver. Hhe three compounds inhibited both enzymes competitively, but the Ki for 2D0G was much higher for the glucokinase than for the other two compounds. The Ki for 2D0G was comparable to the Kin for glucose for the enzyme. Kidney hexokinase. Kalckar (51) shovred that kidney extracts catalyzed phosphorylation of glucose and fructose. Colowick et al. (l^) demonstrated phosphorylation of mannose by kidney extracts. Maxmose isomerase in the extract convearted MSp to p6p. 17 Laoge and Kbhn (58) fouiid the Kin for glucose^ 2D0G and glucosamine to be k.SXM)'^, 9X10*5m and O.IM, respectively. Allose and talose vere also phosphorylated, while altrose and N-acetylglucosamine were not. It appeared that kidney hexokinase differed from hexokinases of other rat tissues (and other animal and plant hexokinases) in its specificity towards modification at carbon atcsi 2 since glucosamine was such a poor substrate. Intestine hexokinase. Sols (Qj) examined the hexoldLnase of rat intestinal mucosa, and found fructose was phosphorylated at rates less than glucose, while galactose, 3^iethylglucose , L-sorbose, manno- heptulose, N-acetylglucosamine, xylose, rihose and L-arabinose were not idiosphorylated. G6P at 6X10"3m inhibited hexokinase activity by 50 per cent, which was ten times the concentration required to inhibit the brain enzyme to the same extent. All the sugars were phosphorylated by the same enzyme. The Kn for glucose and fructose were 2X10 M and l<0aO"3M, respectively. These results failed to support the hypothesis that the rate of phosphorylation of sugars limits the rate of s\agar absoirption by intestinal mucosa since galactose and 3-methyl glucose, which were not phosphorylated, were absorbed at faster rates than other sugars (except glucose). Fructose, whose rate of absorption vas inter- mediate, was phosphorylated at a rate greater thsm any of the other sugars. Lange and Kbhn (^) found the Kin for glucose, 2D0G and glucosamine of rat intestine hexokinase to be 6.5X10*5, 9X10"^ and 3.3X10"^, respectively. Allose and talose, as with kidney hexokinase, were also active. Changes at carbon atom 3 of glucose (allose) had considerably 18 greater effect on activity than changes at carbon atom 2(2D0G or glucosamine). Changes at either carbon atoms 2 and 3(altrose) or 3 and U(gulose) resulted in loss of all activity. They concluded that all the active substrates of kidney, liver and intestine l^xokinase were similar in at least two respects: (l) They had an available hydroxyl at carbon atom 6 and (2) they had a hydroxyl available at the anomeric position (carbon atom l). Erythrocyte hexokinase. Christensen et al. (U) found that the hexokinase of rat erythrocyte phosphorylated glucose, nannose and fructose at the relative rates 1.0:0.77:0.36, respectively. Galactose was not active. The activity of normal or diabetic rats was not affected by insulin or adrenal cortical extracts. Retina hexokinase. Hoare and Kerly (Uh) showed that extracts of rat retina phosphorylated glucose, fructose, mannose and glucosamine. Magnesium ion, manganese ion and to a lesser extent, cobalt ion activated dialyzed extracts. Glucose and glucosamine inhibited phosphorylation of fructose. Krebs - 2 ascites tumor hexokinase. McCcanb and Yushok (69) partially purified the hexokinase of Krebs -2 ascites tumor. The hexo- kinase had a pH maximum between 5 '6 and 7'8' The Kin for glucose and I4g++ were 1.7X10*^ and IXIO'^M, respectively. The Ki for G6P inhibition was 1*X10"^, while V^, SD0G6P and F6P were not inhibitory. Adenosine diphosphate was inhibitory. Glucosone (Mm » 8X10"%) was also phos- phorylated by the tumor enzyme. The hexokinase activity was localized in the mitochondria of both tumor and normal tissues. Dcaaestle fowl hexokinasea . llslsata et ^* (71) examined tissue extracts from several organs of domestic fowl (vhite leghorn hen) and found that the hea3rt and gizzard hexokinases vere active vith both glucose and fructose, vhile the enzyoe of liver phosphorylated fructose hut not glucose. Honey bee hexokinase* Ruiz-Amil (8l) partially pixrified hexokinase from hcmey bee by fractional precipitation of the enzyme between 50 and 70 per cent saturation vith aoDionium sulfate ai^L column'^haramatography on DEAE-cellulose. The yield vas 38 per cent of the original hea»kinase in the crude extract. The thorax contained the largest amount of hexo- kinase activity (75 per cent). She enzyme showed optimum activity between pH 7*5 ^ad 8.8. Glucose -6-ph0sphate behaved as a cai3>etitive inhibitor of glucose, while 2!iX)G6P and L-glycerophospliate did not inhibit the enzyme to any extent. The Ksa for MP and the KL for its coaigetitive inhibitor, ADP, were 7.5X10'^M and 9K10"^, respectively. 05^ KJQ for fructose (SXOX)"^) was similar to that of the mamnalian brain enzyme, while those for glucose (UXIC^m) and mannose (IXIO*^) Mere similar to those of yeast hexokinase. Ruiz-Amil concluded that Idle enzyme from honey bee vas similar to the hexokinase of other animals in most respects. Locust hexokinase. Ksrly and Leaback (53) studied the hexokinase in the thorax muscle and the salivary gland of locust (Locus ta migratoria) . Ihe properties of the enzyme were similar to those of the iMWtwHan brain enzyme vith respect to substrates and inhibitors* Glucose had a Km of 5.5X10"3m. Both G6P and P6P, at a concentration of 5X10**3m, coinplBtely inhibited hexokinase activity. 20 House fly hexokinase. Chefurlsa (lO) observed hexo kinase activity in a soluble extract of house fly (Musca domestic L.)« Sea urchin egg hexokinase. Krahl et al. (56) studied hexokinase in egg and enibryo homogenates of sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) . The enzyme was shown to have a pH optimum of 7« The substrate specificity of the enzyine was similar to that of the other animal hexokinases. The Kk for the substrates that were examined fell in about the same range (2 to 8x10-5m). Bivalve hexokinase. Mekata et al. (7I) observed that the hexokinase of the fresh-water mussel (l^rropsis schlegeli) phosphorylated fructose but not glucose. Worm hexokinase. Bueding and MacKinnon (7) purified the hexokinase of the parasitic worm. Schistosoma mansoni, 15- to 20-fold with the aid of calcium phosphate and alumina Cy gels. They found that the worm contained four distinct hexokinases: (l) glucokinase, (2) fructokinase, (3) mannokinase and (k) glucosamine kixiase . The glucokinase was inhibited by ADP, G6P, sorbose -1-phosphate (SIP), and glucosamine -6- phosphate. The inhibition of the glucokinase by ADP was noncompetitive with respect to ATP. The Km for glucose, Bfe++ and ATP were higher for worm glucokinase than for those of mammalian brain hexokinase. Worm fructokinase did not phosphorylate L-sorbose in contrast to fructo- kinase of mammalian liver and muscle. Worm glucokinase was inhibited by sulfhydryl inhibitors and such inhibition was reversed by glutathione. Bacterial Hexokinases Echinococcus hexokinases . Agosin and Aravena (l) partially purified the hexokinases of hydrated cyst scolices of Echinococcus 21 granulosus ♦ They isolated four separate hexoklnases: (l) glucokinase, (2) fructokinase, (3) maiuiokinase and (h) glucosamineklnase . 2-Deoxy-D-glucose was not phosphorylated by any of the hexoklnases. Gluco-, inanno- and fructokinase vere inhibited by g6P, while M6P inhibited gluco- and mannokinase. Phosphorylation of fructose by fructokinase was competitively inhibited by ADP. GlucokLnase was inhibited by p-chloromercuric benzoate (P(3MB) and the inhibition was reversed by cysteine. Spirochaeta hexokinase. Smith (84) examined a hexokinase of the particulate system of Spirochaeta recurrentis ♦ !I5ie enzyv^ showed maximum specificity toward glucose and mannose, while fructose and L-sorbose were phosphorylated to a lesser extent. Galactose was not active. Glucosamine and N-acetyl^lucosamine inhibited glucose phos- phorylation. The enzyme was quite sensitive to low concentrations of ADP. Pseudomonas hexoklnases. Klein (55) observed that extracts of Pseudomonas putrefaciens catalyzed phosphorylation of glucose and glucosamine. The hexokinase of the extracts slmwed a vei^ low affinity for fructose (O to 10 per cent relative to glucose) and mannose (O to 5 per cent). Phosphorylation was not inhibited by 0.012M g6p. Sulfhydryl (SH) poisons inhibited the hexokinase and the inhibition was reversed by cysteine . Hochster and Watson (45) reported that extracts of Pseudomonas hydrophila had a distinct pentokinase (a xylokinase) that catalyzed phosphorylation of xylose (iQa = 2.3X10"3m). 22 Escherichia hexokinase. Cardini (8) partially purified the hexokinases of Escherichia coll. Extracts of E. coll phosphorylated glucose, fructose and mannose at relative rates of 1.00:0.14:0.29, respectively. He observed that acetone or alcohol precipitation removed the phosphorylating ability of the extracts for fructose, while that for glucose and mannose remained constant, indicating that a separate kinase was responsible for fructose phosphorylation in the extracts. Staphylococcus hexokinase. Cardini (8) found the hexokinase of Staphylococcus aurens was active only with glucose as the substrate. He observed that normal cells of E. coll and S. aurens could be induced to phosphorylate galactose in the carbon 1 position by growing the cells on lactose. %cobacterlum phlei inorganic polyphosphate glucokinase. Szymona and Ostrowskl (92) isolated an inorganic polyphosphate glvicoklnase from Mbrcobacterium phlei which appeared to phosphorylate glucose by a direct transfer of phosphate from inorganic polyphosphates containing more than four phosphate residues. The apparent Km for inorganic poly- phosphate and glucose were l.T5X10~^ and 2.8XloAl, reppectively. Plant Hexokinases Yeast hexokinase. Berger et al. (6) and Kunitz and I'facDonald (5?) reported methods for crystallizing hexokinase of yeast at the same time. Both methods were based mainly on fractional precipitation of the enzyme with ammonium sulfate and ethanol from a toluene treated extract. The enzyme was crystallized from an ammonium sulfate solution and recrystalllzed up to six times. 23 Darrow and Colowick (23) reported a simpler method that gave a good yield and high purity. Their method employed fractional precipi- tation of the enzyme vith ammonium sulfate^ absorption and elutlon from hentonite gel and repeated crystallization from ammonium sulfate. The method gave about 150-fold increase in specific activity over the crude homogenate. The Km for substrates and Ki for inhibitors, as well as relative maximum velocities (compared to glucose) reported by Darrow and Colowick are given in Table 1. The specificity of the enzyme for substrates and inhibitors, except for G6P, was similar to that of brain hexokinase. However, the iOn's were a magnitude smaller and yeast hexokinase failed to phosphorylate mannoheptulose . Gottschalk (39) presented evidence that indicated that the furanose ring con- figuration of fructose might be the form which was active with yeast hexokinase . The Km for ATP and Mg"*^ were found to be 10X10-5 (68) and 260X10-5m (6), respectively. The enzyme was specific for ATP. Deoxy- ATP, ITP, UTP, CTP(cytosinetriphosphate), CTP, deoxy-CTP, deoxy-GTP and adenosine tetraphosphate were ineffective as substitutes for ATP (23) in the reaction. The requirement for Mg'*~'"was not replaced Or antagonized by Ca (2). Kaji et al. (50) showed that crystalline hexokinase, which was prepared by the method of Darrow and Colowick (23), had a weak ATPase activity which paralleled the hexokinase activity through six crystallizations. Hexokinase inhibitors such as N-acetylglucosamine 2fo and sorbose -l-phosphate inhibited the A!EPase activity of the hexokinase preparatioi^* They observed parallel inactivation of the A^EPase and hexokinase activities by various amounts of silver nitrate. Chromatography of the crystalline hexoMnase on DEAE-cellulose gave fractions in which the ATPase activity/iffixokinase activity was identical. 55ie Kia of the ATPase for ATP was 5X10"3m coc^>ared to 2X10"t;4 for that of the hexokinase. Ths hexokinase and AOPase were found to have distinctly different specificity towards nucleotides. Berger et al. (6) reported that thiol compounds pxvvided no protective action for their crystalline enzyme, while Bailey and Vfebb (3) reported that aH SH poisons, including Lewisite, were powerful inhibitors of crystalline yeast hexokinase. Dixon and Needham (2^) reported inhibition of yeast he«)kinase by mustard gas, while Stroninie (91) demonstrated that disulfiram was a potent inhibitor of the enzyme, as was diethyldithiocarbaiaate when oxidized to disulfiram by cyctochrode C. Baamard and Ramel (k) obtained results that indicated one to four -SH groups per molecvile were required for the active center (s) of yeast hexokinase and that these groups were not normally available for reaction with -SH reagents, but probably became available after a time-depeiident structural change occurring at 30°C. Berger et al. (6) found that fliroride at O.I25M did not inhibit crystauLline hexokinase when Mg^^ and phosphate were present in concentrations of 6.5 and 1X10-3M, respectively, but Bailey and Vfebb (3) observed that 0.(AM NaF inhibited hexokinase activity h6 per cent. Glucose -6-phosphate has been reported to be both inhibitory to (101) and without effect (l3, 102) on yeast hexokinase. Fromm and 25 Zewe (33) presented data that was interpreted as indicating that G6iP acts as a cisnpetitive inhibitor of both foirward reaction substii^tes. Tbey suggested that the concentrations of ASF used by other investi- gators aay have been too high to see inhibition. Trayser and Colowick (96) reported the dissociation constant of G^ to be itXlO'^M, vhile Haranes and Kbchavi (k2) found it to be 1X10"%. Stzmiss and Moat (89) reported that biotin stiioulEEted fermentation of glucose and fructose by air-dried yeast grown in a medium deficient in the vitatain. Biotin also stimulated hexokLnasa activity in extracts frcxa ceUs grown on deficient medium. Trayser and Colowick (9'<-) found fully active yeast hexokinase did not contain biotin. The results indicated that the enz^ne was not a metaUoprotein and did not contain a readily demonstrable prosthetic group. Crystalline yeest hexokinase has been reported to be a j?roibe±a of the a31)umin type with a maximian molecular weight (MW) of 9^,000 (3, 57) and a minimum MW of 30,000 (57)* Its isoelectric point and greatest stability is at pH 4.8 (3, 57). It has a pH optimum at pH 7.5 (88). It has a turnover number (TN) of 13,000 moles per 10^ g protein per minute at 30*^ and pH 7.5 (6). The Q.^q of the reaction between 0 and 30°C has been reported to be appsroximately 1.9 (6) and is rapidly inactivated at temperatures above 55-60°C (88). Six-times crystallized l^xokinase was separated into at least two major cca^nents by either starch gel electrophoresis or DEAE-cellulose column chromatography (23) . The forms, A and B, obtained by column chromatography were reported by Darrow and Colowick (22) to be indistinguishable in specific activity, in Kn values for siibstrateB 26 and in sensitivity to Inhibition by various substrates. However, Trayser and Colowick (97) reported that the crystalline enzyme vas separated into six molecular fonns (isozymes) of equal specific activity by DEAE chromatography. The isozymes showed different catalytic properties with respect to Km, %jax, pH optima, ATPase activity and sensitivity to inhibitors. Berger et al. (6) found that the crystalline enzyme showed a loss of activity when highly dilute, which could be prevented by diluting the enzyms in the presence of small amounts of insulin (6 micrograms per ml) or serum albumin (60 micrograms per ml). Glucose, fructose and to some extent mannose, prevented inactivation of the enzyme in crude preparations and by trypsin. Insulin also protected against inactivation by dilute alkali. Several investigators (35* 52, 8o), have denranstrated the reversibility of the hexokinase reaction by measuring exchange of either C -labeled glucose between G6P and glucose or P-^ -labeled ADP between ADP and AOP. However, the equilibrium greatly favored G6P synthesis. Agren and Engstrom (2) isolated phosphoserine from an acid hydrolyzate of purified yeast hexokinase incubated in P^^.iabeled ATP or G6P. They suggested that the hexokinase reaction involves the formation of a stable phosphoenzyme intermediate. Najjar and McCoy (77) ruled out the phosphoenayme hypothesis for yeast hexokinase when they found no exchange of phosphorus between C-'-^-labeled glucose aiid C-'^- labeled Gk5P (or vice versa) in the presence of the enzyme. They then postulated the following mechemism for the reaction: m (1) Glucose-enzyioe +AtIlP^-> 6-phospho6lucose-enzyaie + ADP (2) 6-Phosphoglucose-en3z;yiae + glucose — ^glucose -enzyme + GQ? They argued that the formulation accounted for: (a) tte lack of exchange of phosphoroi^ between glucose and G6P, (b) laSseling of the enzyiae vith g6p32 or ATp32 on the assuanption that labeling of phosphoserine might hscve been due to the transfer of phosphorous during acid hjrdrolysis of the protein, (c) the marked inhibition of the enzyjae by G6P, and (d) C-'-^-glucose labeled the enzyne. They con- tended that vhen G6P accianulates, the greater part of the enzyiae ■irould exist in the phosphoglucose -enzyme fonu, thereby bringing about a corresponding areduction in the glucose-enzyme concentration vhleh. vould retard tte forward rate of the first reaction and cwisequently inhibit the overall reaction. They reported that C-'-^-labeled glucose labeled 3O-6O per cent of -ttie enzysne. One flav in their foranLLation is that there is no report in -tias literature that G6p laarbedly inhibits yeast hexokinase. Froosn and Zeve (33) examined the kinetics of the yeast hexokinase reaction and they interpreted their results as being consistent vith the "classical" mechanisn in which glucose and ASP add randomly to the enzyne and equilibrium kinetics prevail. Their data indicated that participation of either a phosphoenzyme con^plex or a glucoenzyme complex was unlikely. Their results showed that nannose and PSXP behaved as coinpetitive inhibitors of glucose and ATP, respectively. Inhibition by AMP was competitive with respect to ATP and noncompeti- tive with respect to glucose. Trayser and Colowiek (95> 9^) come to essentially the conclusions as Fronaa and Zewe (33) sirwe they coiOd not detect either a ^osphoenzyae conrplex or a glucoenayiue coagplex in their kinetic studies of the yeast hexokinase reaction. Hanmes and Kbchavi (4l, k2, k3) did a detailed study of the kinetics of the yeast hexokinase reaction. They derived from -ttieir data what they considered to be the most probable mechanism for the reaction. It involved the ccaabination of HgAlEP and a glucoenzyme coniplex to foira two quaternary intenaediates which in turn decomposed to MgADP and a dissociable 6-ph03phoglucoenzyiae ccxaplex. Ihey pire- sented the following compulsory pathway mechanism which is similar to that postulated for brain hexokinase: (1) Jfe-H- + AIP yMfeATP (2) E + G — ^-E - G coj^plex (3) E - G + ffeAaSP yXj^ yXg — >E - G6B + JfeAKP (k) E - G6P >-E +G6P (5) %ADP — >-Ms++ + ADP where E, G, Xi, Xg and g6P are enzyme, glucose, first quaternary com- plex, secoQd quaternary coniplex, and glucose -6-phosphate, respectively. They did point out, however, that it is possible that both substrates may have to be present at the same time in order for the enzyme to have the correct conformation for phosphate transfer. Their data revealed that lfe++may not be a very ingportant factor for binding of the substrate to the enzyne, but that the primary rele of Mg++most likely is to polarize the oxygen-phosphate bond that is being broken, while anchoring the phosiftiate group of A3P to the enzyme. Kuclear 29 aagnetie resonance studies indicated that binding of IfeAlEP to the enzyme might occur through the adenine and/or rihose portion of A3P. Haajncs and Kbchavi (^2) observed a large difference in the binding constants ft>r glucose and G6P by the enzyme and interpreted it as indicating that either the hydroxyl group at casrbon atom 6 of glucose VBS in5»ortant in the binding process or that the electrostatic effect of the charged phosphate group inhibited binding of g6P to the enzyme. They further concludfid that g6P brolse binding of %A!EP very effectively. It can be seen from the foregoing that the sechanism of the yeast hexoMnase reaction is unclear, and Frtxm and Zeve (33) point out that the differences may be in the assun^tions made and in the interpretation of data. Aspergillus bexokinase. Davidson {2k) purified the hexoklnase of Aspergillus parasiticus 225-fold. He employed fractional precipitation with aanonium sulfate (50-70^), followed by fractionation tilth cold acetone (38-U6?6) , negative absorption to alumina C-^ gel, and refractiona- tion with ammoniun sulfate (60-80^) . The purified enzyme phosphorylated D-glucose, D-galactose, D-glucosamine, D-galactosamius, D-mannose and D-fructose at the relative rates (based on glucose) of 1.00:0.86:0.58: 0.1tO:0.67:0.36, respectively. L-sorbose and L-arabinose were active to a very small extent. The enzyme phosphorylated galactose and galactosamine to yield the respective 6-phosphates . The iOn for glucose and galactose were almost identical (l.6X10-^M con^ared to 4.3X10-%!). They interpreted their data as indicating that all the substrates were phosphorylated by the saias enzyne and that the substrate specificity suggested that the hexolsinase was different from that of either the yeast or brain enzyme. 30 Neurospora hexoldnase. Msdina aad Nicholas (70) purified the hexokinase of Neurospora craasa 60-fold. The enzyme phosphorylated glucose and at a lower rate, mannose, fructose and glucosamine. The enzyme vas noncompetitively inhibited by G6P and was competitively inhibited by N-acetylglucosamine. lodoacetate, EDTA and PCMB vere also inhibitors of the enzyme. Higher plants. Saltman (82) demonstrated the occurrence of hexokinase in several plants and purified the soluble hexokLnase of wheat germ 5-fold. The hexokinases of the plants that were examined were distributed between insoluble and soluble fractions. The distri- bution depended on the tissue and the method of preparation of the tissue. An insoluble hexokinase preparation was used for chaiwsterization of the enzyme. Saltman 's results, however, showed that the soluble and insoluble enzymes vere almost identical in their properties. The enzyn^ phosphorylated glucose, fructose, mannose and glucosamine, in the presence of ATP and Mg++, at the relative rates 1.00:0.62:0.68:0.52, respectively. The Kia for glucose was U.^XlO'Sl and that for ATP was 8.7X10"'^M, while the Km for glucose by the soluble enzynte was U.6X10"^. Galactose, ribose, arabinose, ribulose, adenosine, glyceraldehyde, dihydroxyacetone , mannitol and glucose -1-phosphate (GIP) were inactive as substrates. Inosinetriphosphate (ITP) was 35 per cent as effective as ATP. Magnesium ion activation was optimum at a concen- tration of the ion equal to the concentration of ATP. Activation by Mn''"'' was 80 per cent as effective as Mg++ at O.OIM, while Co++ was ineffective. Cupric, zinc and mercuric ions strongly inhibited the 31 enzyme. Potassium, sodium and afflmonium ions neither activated nor inhibited the enzyme. Substaiices vbich influence -SH groups had little efftect on either the soluble or insoluble hezokinase. Zinc ion inhibited the enzyme nonc(a5)etitively. Dinitrofphenol (5X10"3m) inhibi- ted phosphorylation 70 per cent, while G6P (5X10"%) only inhibited 17 per cent. !Ehe vheat germ hexokinase was found to be similar to yeast hexDkinase. Hekata et al. (71) demonstrated the occurrences of heasoldnase in a variety of higher plscits. Itoh (48) partially purified hexokinase from homogsnates of soybeans, Ozuki beans and mung bean by frswitional p2?ecipitation of the ciTide homogenates with ammonium sulfate. The hexokinase of soybean precipitated at about 60 per cent saturation. The highest activity of soybean J^xokinase appeared ttiree days after germination at 26®C. Itoh and Znouye (4-9) sepaxuted three different hexokinases of soybean by fractional precipitation with ammcmium sulfate. Ihey identified: (l) a glucokinase, specific for glucose and glucosamine, (2) a fmictokinase and (3) a galactokinass, specific for galactose and galactosamine. Comparison of Animal and Plant Hexokinases It appeal^ that aniaal and plant hexokinases are similar in substrate specificity and, in many cases, Rn. The principal differences a^ppear to be tte following: (1) Hexose-6-ph08phates produce a more marked inhibition of aTTtnt^] than of plant hexokinases. 32 (2) ADP inhibition of plant hsarokinases appears to be coanpetitive with respect to ATP, while in animals it appears to be of a more con^ilex nature. (3) The hexokinase reaction catalyzed by brain hexokinase from animals seems to follow a corapulsoiy pathway mechanism involving a stable phospho- or glucoenzyme coniplex(es) . Although there is disagreement, it appears that the enzyme in plants might pixnaote a random interaction of glucose and ATP in the presence of Mg''"'", without the formation of stable phospho- or glucoenzyne congolexes (33, 95) • Hexokinase and Sugar Uptate The subject of sugar uptalfie by various animal tissues has been thoroughly reviewed (18, 72) and will not be gone into in detail, except to point out a few findings conceiTiing the role of hexokinase in sugar t5>takB. Lundsgaard (65) first proposed that the active absorption of sugars depended upon the sequential phosphorylation and dephosphoryla- tion of the actively absorbed sugar. He later abandoned the hypothesis. Drabkin (26) revived the hypothesis and proposed that the driving force of active absorption involved the phosphorylation of the sugar outside the cell by hexokinase and dephosphorylation inside the cell by glucose- 6-phosphatase . Sols (87) and Crane and Krane (22) have studied the specificity of intestinal hexokinase and sugar absorption, respectively, and have demonstrated the specificity of the enzyme to be contrary to that of absorption. Dratz and Handler (27) have reported that the labeling of 33 the sia^cr-phosphate pool vith p32 is inconsistent with the phosphorylation-dephosphorylation hypothesis. Landau and Wilson (61) concluded from their data that absorbed glucose does not pass through the G6P pool of hamster intestine. Crane (18) points out that, in the intestine, aH actively abso3rbed sugars have the ooaama stxw:ture: DH Suga3rs that are not actively absorbed have a large (3-0-butyl-D-glucose) or ionized substituent on some part of the structure or lack one of the essential features of the glucose molecule (2-deoxy-D-glucose or fructose). It also appears that the pyranose form is essential; specifically the CI chair foim. fe also points out -ttiat the configura- tion specificity at caaA>on atoia 2 doesn't vBcessaxlXy hold for other aniinal tissues. He obsesrved that the process of sugar ahsorption hy the intestine follows Mtchaelis-Jfenten kinetics, requires the presence of the free sugar, and doesn't depend on the gross sastabolism of the substrate since 3-0-Eethyl-D-gl'acose, which is absorbed at a great rate, is not netabolized. CraiK et al. (19) and Crai^ (21) observed that sugar uptalae by the intestine depends vqsod. the presence of Ma+ ions and that the extent of accumulation depends on the external concentration of Na+. Eiey proposed that glucose, on entering the brush border cells of the intes- tine, combines with a carrier-Wa+ complex. The coc5>lfix moves through the diffusion barrier to the interior of the cell ^&ere the Jfe+ portion 31^ of the complex is extruded "back through the diffusion barrier in the reverse dii«ctlon "by an energy requiring process, vhich is inhibited by strophanthidin, leaving the glucose "trapped" in the cytoplasm (e.g. the so-called sodium "pump" involving the menibrane ATPase system). Cirillo (9) has shown that the yeast cell transports various nonfermentable sugars across the cell membrane and that both nonfer- mentable and fermentable sizgars appear to share a common membrane transport mechanism. Morgan et ^. (76) have demonstrated, from their studies of glucose transport and phosphorylation in the perfused heatrt of normal aiid diabetic rats, that glucose uptaloe is controlled by the combined opera- tion of two sequential steps, nembrane transport and intracellular phosphorylation, and that in the steady state the net rate of membrane transport and intracellular phosphorylation ai^e equal. In the absence of insulin, glucose uptaJse is limited by membrane transport. In the presence of insulin, glucose uptake is accelerated and glucose phos- phorylation is increased. Phosphorylation becomes increasingly limiting as the external concentration of glucose is raised and provides the major limitation to glucose uptake. They point out that the apparent iOa for glucose phosphorylation by hexokinase in diabetic heart muscle is at least 7 times higher than in normal tissvie. 03iey found insulin in vitro to have no large, immediate effect on glucose phosphorylation. Randle (79) reported that the uptake of glucose and the accxanulation of D-xylose in isolated rat diaphragm sire accelerated by inorganic phosphate, G6P, GIF, F6P, FDP, AMP and ATP. He points out that the effect is not marked and that perhaps it is the phosphate 35 group which is responsible for the acceleration. Anoxia and 2,l»-dinitrophenol were also found to accelei^te glucose uptalse, but such treatment also increased the rate of uptaise of substances (soAitol) which are not ordinarily absorbed by diaphragm tissue. He suggests that uptake might be regulated by phosphorylation and dephos- phorylation of a mentorane carrier. Horecker et al. (k6) observed that a mutant strain of E. coli ()0i6), which utilized galactose much more rapidly than glucose, in contrast to the wild type, has a galactokinase that has a much higher affinity for ATP than the glucokinase of the cell. Bie galactokinase is easo inducible in the wild type cells, \lhen AW is limiting in extracts of either strain, galactose is a strong inhibitor of glucose phosphorylation. The inhibition also occurs in_ vivo in the mutant, but doesn't in the wild type. The findings of Humphreys and Garrard (kj) with respect to glucose t5>take by com scutellum slices are reviewed in the introducti<»i and discussion sections of this dissertation. Glasziou (37, 38) has reported detailed studies of sugar uptake and transfonnation in immature sugar cane intemodal disks. His results do not indicate a role for hexokinase in sugar uptake by that tissue. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant Materials Com grains (Zea mays L., var. Funk's G-76) vers soaked tventy-four hours in running tap vater and planted, scutellum-side i^, on four layers of moist filter paper on trays. The trays -were covered with alvmiinum foil and placed in the dark at 23°C for five days. The scutella vere removed from the germinated grains and placed in ice-cold glass distilled vater until all the scutella vere harvested. All sub- sequent steps vere carried out in the cold or in an ice -vater bath. Preparation of the Enzyme Extraction. The scutella vere veighed and then ground in a chilled Waring Blendor for one and a half minutes in four volumes (v/v) of ice-cold O.OO5M ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), O.CXJJM magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and O.OIM potassium chloride (KCl), pH 7.0. The use of either tvo volumes or six volumes of extracting solution decireased recovery of the hexokLnase. Cysteine (O.OO5M) or glutathione (O.OlM) did not inc3rease recovery. The homogenate vas scLueezed through tvo layers of cheesecloth and the filtrate vas centrifuged at 0°C and 2,000XG for one hour. The supernatant fraction vas filtered thixjugh glass wool to remove the fatty layer and was then centrifuged at 0°C and 32,0OOXG for one hour. The supernatant fraction vas filtered through glass vool and saved. This fraction vas designated "crude homogenate." 36 37 AmiK3nlum sulfate fractionation. The crude homogenate vas made 50 per cent saturated in ammoniuin sulfate ((HHi^)2S0l^) "by slov addition of the salt to the magnetically stirred solution. The solution was allowed to equilibrate, with stirring, for fifteen tainutes after the addition of the salt. The solution was centrifuged at 12,000XG for twenty minutes at 0°C. The precipitate was dissolved in a minimum amount of O.O5M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.O, and was dialyzed against several four liter changes of the same buffer for forty-eight hours. This fraction was designated "F-l". The 50 per cent saturated supernatant fraction from the above centrifugation was made 75 per cent saturated in ammonium sulfate and hand]£d in the same manner as F-l. After dialysis the dissolved protein fraction was designated "F-2" and the supernatant fraction, "F-3" . The F-2 fraction contained most of the recoverable activity (Table 3) and was further purified by three successive trea-baents with alumina Cy gel. The first two treaianents absorbed substantial amounts of the ATPase (Table h) and the final treatment absorbed the hexoklnase which was used for this research. The following paragraph describes the procedure that was used to purify the enzyme with alumina Cr gel. Absorption and elution from alumina Cy^ gel. The F-2 fraction was treated with solid alumina C^ gel (7.^ per cent solids, Sigma Chemical Company) as follows: (l) The F-2 fraction was treated with 0.0137g gel per ml (equivalent to 2.U mg solids per ml). The gel was dispersed by stirring with a ground-glass homogenizer and was allowed to stand, with occasional stirring, for about thirty minutes. The 38 mixture vas centrifuged at 0°C and 12,000XG for tventy minutes. The supernatant fraction was decanted and saved for further treatment. The precipitate was dispersed and eluted for four hours with a volume of O.SfL ammoniiim sulfate equal to one-third the volume of the F-2 fraction. The mixture was centrifuged at 0°C and 12,000XG for twenty- minutes. The supernatant fraction was decanted, adjusted to pH 7-7 '5 with solid tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane base (tris base), portioned among several plastic centrifuge tubes and frozen at -20°C until needed. 15iis adjustment was necessary because the enzyme was inacti- vated during storage at pH's below approximately 7* ^is eluate was designated "A". The precipitate was eluted a second time with the same volune of O.l^M aimaonium sulfate and treated in the same manner as the previous eluate. It was designated "A-l". (2) More gel (0.063 g per ml, equivalent ix> h.J ros solids per ml) was added to the supernatant fraction from the prior gel treatment. The mixture was handled as before and the two eluates designated "B" and "B-1". (3) To the supernatant fraction of the second gel treatment was added 0.0951 g per ml of gel (equivalent to 7*1 njg solids per ml) and the mix- tare centrifuged and eluted as before. The two eluates were designated "C" and "C-1". Fractions C and C-1 were the preparations used to obtain the results reported in this paper. Both preparations had identical Kn for glucose, ATP and Mg"*^ and were considered to be the same enzyme. They contained some adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) and phosphoenolpyruvic phosphatase (PEPase) activity. Sodium molybdate (Na2Mo20Y), 0.002M, completely inhibited the PEPase. Fractionation of C and C-1 with solid ammonium sulfate, which resulted in 80 to 39 90 per cent recovery, did not remove the two interfering enzymes and only succeeded in concentirating them along vith the hexokinase. Assay Methods Two methods were used for the assay of hexokinase activity and fbr characterizing the enzyme. Method 1. The rate of glucose -6-phosphate (g6p) formation at 25°C was measured by following nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (KADP) reduction in the presence of excess glucose -6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G^»D) spectrophotometrically at 3^ millimicrons. The standard reaction cuvette contained the following: glucose, 20 micro- moles; ffeCl2, 20 micromoles; Adenosine-5' -triphosphate, 20 micro- nKJles; NADP, 1 micromole; Tris buffer, pH 8.0, l8o micromoles; G6PD, lEU; hexokinase preparation and water to 3*2 or 3.3 ml. The blank cuvette did not contain G6pd. This method wsis used to measure: (l) the rate of phosphorylation of glucose and fructose (coupled to phosphoglucoiscanerase), (2) competitive inhibition by nons'ibstrates and glucose-1-phosphate (GIP), (3) nucleotide activation and inhibi- tion, (k) metal sictivation, and (5) pH and teaiperatui^ optima, which were examined by running the hexokinase reaction at the various pH's and tempeiratures in a total volume of 6 ml with twice the above ingredients, except for KADP and C16PD. The reaction was stopped at the end of 10 min by placing the reaction tube in a boiling water bath for 2 min. A 3 ml aliquot was assayed for G6P with KADP and G6PD. Method 2. The rate of adenosine-5' -diphosphate (ADP) production at 25°C by hexokinase was determined by measuring the oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) in the presence of ko excess phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), pyruvic kinase (PK) and lactic dehydrogensise (LD) spectarophotometrically at 3^*0 miHifflicrons . The standard inaction cuvette contained the following: Tris buffer, pH 8.0, 180 micromoles; NADH, 0.282 micromolesi PEP, 10 micromoles; Na2Mo20Y, 6 micronrales; MSCI2, 20 micrranolesj ATP, 10 micromoles; PK, 1 EU; LD, 1 EU; hexokinase preparation and water to 3»2 or 3*3 ml. The blank cuvette contained no KADH and a control was included, which contained no sugar, to measure ATPase activity. This method was used to measure: (l) the rate of phosphorylation of mannose, 2-deoxy-D- glucose, L-glucose, L-mannose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, ribose, xylose, emd galactose, and (2) inhibition by nonsubstrates and the hexose-6- phosphates, namely, G6P, 2-deoxy-D-gluco3e-6-phosphate (2D0G6P) and mannose -6-phosphate (M5p). Mannose -6-phosphate inhibition could not be measured by the G6PD areaction because it contained fructose -6- phosphate (f6p) which was converted to G6P by phosphoglucoisoaerase in the scutellum hexokinase pareparation. Activity determinations by the two methods gave identical rates for glucose after correcting for ATPase activity. With both methods the observed rates were constant over at least sixteen minutes after an initial one or two minute lag period. Assay for phosphofructokinase, phosphoglucomutase and glucose-S- phosphatase activities. Phosphofructokinase was assayed by coupling the phosphorylation of F6P to NADH oxidation in the presence of excess aldolase, triosephosphate isoinerase (TPl), and oC -glycerophosphate dehydix)genase (arent hexokinase activity of scutellum, attempts vere made to increase the yield. Reduced glutathione or cysteine in concentratiorffi of 0.005M and O.OIM in the extracting solution did i»t increase the yield of hexokinase. Including glucose in concentrations of either 1 or 10 per cent in the extracting solution or in the crude homogenate also did not increase the yield. Detergents such as deoxycholate (0.026 per cent) and Triton X-100 (O.l per cent) not only failed to increase the yield, but also increased the solxibility of lipid in the crude hcaaogenates so that it coxild not be removed by centrifugation followed by filtering through glass wool. The lipid interfered with protein precipitation in the subsequent salt fractionations by causing the protein to float to the top of the centrifuge tubes with the lipid. The floating material was difficult to collect quantitatively and the hexokinase activity in this netericLL was lower than that obtained by the method described in the materials and xnethods section. Dialysis of the floating layer did not solubilize the enzyme and treatment vith cold acetone or ethauol at -7°C to remove the lipid destroyed the hexokinase activity. Itoh {k8) vas able to use the floating layer to study the hexokinase of soybean. Dime thylsulf oxide (DMSO) at concentrations of 0.1 and 1.0 per cent in the extx-acting solution did not affect the yield. Extracts of acetone povdei^s prepared fran scutella yielded smaller amounts of hexokinase activity. The endosperm of the germinated com grains did not contain detectable hexokinase activity. Substrate Specificity a^gars. The specificity of scuteHtoa hexokinase for sixteen sugars vas examined. !Ihe Michaelis constants (Ka), maximum velocities (Vtaiax) wad relative Vhiax vith xespeet to glucose are given in Table ^. The enzyme phosphorylated D-glucose, D-mannose, D-finctose, 2-deoxy-D- glucose and D-glucosamine . Glucose had the lowest Km ("5M) and the greatest Vinax. The substrate concentration versus rate curve for glucose and the corresponding Lineveaver-Burk plot (62) are presented in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Nucleoside triphosphates. The IQa for ATP vas found to be 8X10"lated Lineweaver-Burk plot. Actual observed relative Vinax was 38 per cent. Figure 5. Effects of Co++ and Mn++ concentirations on the rate of phosphorylation. Ihe standard reaction mixture was used, except the concentration of ATP vas 10 ndcrcapaoles per cuvette. Figure 6. Effect of Mg"^ concentration on the rate of phosphorylation. The standard reaction mixture vas used except: for the first two concentrations of Mg^^, 2.0 micro- moles ATP were used and for the last four concentrations, 7*5 micromoles AOP were used. 62 ' — . etitive inhibitoz^ of ATP with Ki of ltalO"5M and 1X10"^, respec- tively. Figures 3 and k show the curves for inhibition by 0.003M ADP and 0.006m A?ffi>. UTP, GTP, TIP, (SEP, UDP and (HJP were found to have little inhibitory activity with respect to A!SP at the concentrations that were examined (Table 8). The slight inhibition of hexokinase by these six ccaiipounds was not increased by increasing the concentration of the nucleotides. Sugar phosphates. Ifo inhibition of glucose ^diosphorylation was dbserved with G6P, F6p, itSP, G3P, galactose-6-phosphate (Gal6P) or ribose-5-phosphato (R5P) at concentrations of the sugar phosphate up to 0.03324. The concentration of glucose in these e:5>eri3aents was that which resTilted in about half maviTnal velocity (6O.0"5m). Anions. Fluoride in concentrations of 0.002 to 1.2M did not inhibit scutellum hexokinase. MgCl2 and MgSO],. were equally effective in activating the enzyote. ^^isl 67 rO - C\J ^ o o 3 o ^// TABLE 8 BSfBCT CSF NUCLEOSIDE DI- AND TKEPHOSPHATES AS IKHIBITORS OF ATP IN THE HEXOKEMSE REACTION* Nucleotide Concentration** (MX103) i, of Rate Relative to 1.5X10-3M ATP Alone 3.1 5 1.5 3.1 % 3.1 80 3.1 96 UTP GTP TTP CIP ASP 3.1 1.5 3.1 1.5 3.1 80 80 90 90 *t^++ concentration constant at 6X10*^ **ATP concentration was 1.5X10"3m 69 pH and Temperature Optiina A pH optimum (Figure 9) was observed at pH 8.0, vhile the optimum temperatxire for scutellum hexokinase was found to be k9°C (Figure lO). TOiis optimxan is similar to that observed for wheat gena hexo- kinase (82) , muscle hexokinase (99) and honey bee hexokinase (81) . The scutellum l^xokinase lost activity rapidly when stored at ixH's below 7. The temperatvure optimum (Figure lO) is much higher than that reported for other hexokinases. Hexokinase isolated by Saltman (99) froo wheat germ had a temperatxare optlxman of 37®C but Steha and El-Towesy (93) reported that phytases frcxn several seeds including bar- ley and wheat, had ten^ierature optima in the vicinity of 51°C. Berger et al. (6) found that the Q^q ^°^ yeast hexokinase was close to 2 over the range of 0-30°C. The Q;j^q of the hexokinase fraa the com scutellum (Figure 10) is 2 between 20 and 30°C but falls off at temperatures above and below this range. The Q^q n>iSh* vary vith the enzyme, the coti- ponents of the reaction Hdxtxare and at higher temperatures can be a reflection of the rate of denaturation and the rate of the reaction. CO g ^ og III! •u CO CJ $3 S H Q nj I O 0) ? «i^ 73 O o u!l/\i OI/d-9-D Sdjoi^r/ MSCIBSIOH !Hm results indicate that the pattern of substrate specificity of Bcutellum hexoMnase is similar to that of yeast hexoMnase. The Km of the scutellum enzyoe for D-glucose, D-mamiose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose and ATP are of the same order of laognitiide as those of the yeast enzyme (Table l) . The Kia for D-f ruetose is an order of Bagnitude larger. However, (Sottschalk (39) has shown that the furanose ring configuration of fructose is the true heaookinase 8ubst3?ate and, at equilibrium, about 20 per cent of a fructose solution is in the furanose fora. If this is the case with the scutelluzQ enzyme, the tarue fin would be about five timss smaller than the value given in lEable 5. The Kn for glucosamine is an order of magnitude smaller than that of yeast The most significant difference between the hexokinase frcm the scutellum and tliat froaa brain or yeast is the arelative rate of phos- phoarylation of the other four substrates ca^pared to glucose. Glucose is phosphorylated at a rate greater than any of the other substrates, i^parently the scutellxm enzjnne shows a greater specificity with respect to differences at carbon atom 2 of the glucose molecule than does the yeast or biain hexokinases. Sols and Crane (86) suggest that the coefficient of phosphorylation (■ Vmax substrate x Sa glucose ) ±q a true measure of the physiological Vmax glucose IQn substrate suitability of a substrate for hexokinase. With the scutellum enzyme the coefficients of phosphorylation for D-glucose, D-manno8«, 7^ 75 2-deoxy-D-glucose, D-glucosamine and D-fructose are 1.00:0.iH:0.30: 0.11:0.0U, respectively. !Riese values iiadicate that D-glucose is tl^ nost suitable physiological svOastrate for the scuteUioa hexokinase. Correcting for the furanose configuration of fructose voalA place fructose closer to (about the same as 2-deo3Qr-D-glucose ) , but still lower than, glucose in suitability as a substrate. The results from the limited studies of the si&strate specificity and of inhibition by the various nonsubstrates are essentially in agreement vith the findings of Sols et al. (88) for yeast hexokinase and of Sols and Crane (86) for brain hexoMnase. The scutellum hexo- kinase is specific for the D-configuration since the L- forms of the substrates are neither phosphorylated nor are they inhibitory. The five-carbon sugars (ribose and xylose) are not phosphorylated but xylose is a ccanpetitive inhibitor. The enzyme also shows specificity for hydroxyls at caxtoon atoms 1(G1P and oc-methyl-D-glucoside) and 3(3-0-inethyl-D-glucose) and for inversion of the hydroxyl group at carbon atom k since galactose and galactosamine vere not active as sxjb- strates or inhibitors. Inversion of the l^droxyl at carbon atom 2 might account for the low rate of phosphorylation of mannose and the inversion at carbon atom 3 would account for ribose being noninhibitory. No analogs of glucose which lack hydroxyls at carbon atom 6 were tested except for the hexose-6-phosphates and the fact that they were not inhibitory suggests that scute Hum hexokinase requires a hydroxyl at that position for binding. This is supported by the fact that xylose is a weak congetitive inhibitor. Activation of the scutellum hexokinase by Hg"*"*"* Co^ and lfa++ closely resembles that observed by Walaas and Walaas (99) for muscle 76 hexokinaae, althou^ inhibition by Vig^ and Co"++ vas not observed at the concentrations used in the experiments. Saltoan (82) observed that Mn++ vas 80 per cent as effective as Mg*^ for activating the insoluble hexokinase of wheat germ while Co"*^ was coo5>lBtely ineffective. The Kin (2X10*^) for activation of the scutellum hexokinase by Hg^ is a magni- tude SBBller than that reported by Walaas and Walaas (99) for the muscle enzyme and by Berger ejb al. (6) for tte yeast enzyme. TbB results show that ADP and AIS> appear to act as competitive inhibitors of AOP. The Ka for ATP and the Ki for ADP suggests that the enzyme shows similar affinity for both nucleotides. Similar inhibition has been demonstrated for yeast hexokinase (33) and hoi»y bee hexokinase (81) . Inhibition by ADP with respect to ATP for brain hexokinase has been reported to be noncon^etitive (27) or of a coniplex nature (32). In the e^qperiments reported in this investigation the magnesiim ion concentration was maintained at levels equal to, or greater than, the concentration of substrate (ATP) plxis Inhibitor (ADP or AMP) so that there would be no inhibition caused by competition for magnesium ion. Inhibition of the scutellum hexokinase reaction by G6P or by other hexose-6-phosphates, as suggested by Humphreys and Gaarrazd (kf) from their studies of glucose -uptake by scutellum slices, was not observed in these investigations. The levels of ATP used in these esqperiments, 0.003 and O.OO6M, may have masked inhibition, as has been suggested by Promm and Zewe (33) for yeast hexokinase, but such inhibition must not have been very large. It may be that there is another glucose- phosphorylating enzyme in the scutellum but the results indicate that there are none. When one conBlders that the role of the scutellum in the germinating seedling is essentially that of a "sucrose factory" and that it ia capable of absorbing and utilizing glucose at a rapid rate (l micromole/min/g fresh weight at 30°C) it seems reasonable that the sucrose and energy synthesizing systems of the scutellum should be efficient ones and laay be arialogous to the glycogen synthesizing sys- tem of rat liver studied by Vinuela et al. (98) . Haey demonstrated that there was a glucokinase in the liver which was distinguishable froa the typical animal hexokinase of that organ. The glucokinase had a higher Km for glucose, was not inhibited by g6P and phosphorylated glucose at a rate which was comparable to tlte rate of glycogen synthesis in the liver. Leloir et al. (60) repoarted that uridine diphosphoglucose- glycogenglucosyltransf erase was activated by high levels of G6P. The system might also be similar to starch synthesizing system in seeds Tdiich appear to be highly specific towards stibstrates (30) . Also, the hexokinase of yeast, an organism which utilizes sugars as its principal source of energy, is not inhibited to any extent by its products (13, 33, 83, 102). Euniphreys and Garrard (If?) observed that preincubation of scutellum slices in water prior to introduction of glucose into the bathing nedium, increased the rate of glucose uptake by the slices. Biere was a concomitant decrease in G6P in the slices with the length of preincuba- tion which they interpreted as indicating that g6P was acting as a com- petitive inhibitor of glucose phosphorylation and thereby limiting glucose -uptake. They observed similar inhibition with preincubation in mannose solutions, which could be partially reversed by washing the 78 mannose from the slices. The residual inhibition was attributed to the high level of M5P. The resvilts reported in this paper suggest that Gr6P and M6P are not inhibitoirs of scute Hum hexokinase, aiid the factors controlling glucose uptake in the scute llvm nwst be other than inhibition of the hexokinase reaction by hexose-6-phosphates. M6P has not been found to be an inhibitor of brain (l6) or yeast hexokinase (83), but might veil be inhibiting some step in the utilization of G6P. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose has been shown to be a cooipetitive inhibitor of G6P for the lihosphoglucoisanerase of rat kidney (IO3). Both the availabil- ity of ATP at the site of the hexokinase reaction and ADP inhibition could affect the rate of glucose phosphorylation and consequently the rate of glucose uptake. Preincubation might cause sa ioeirease in available AOP and removal of inhibitory ADP. At the sazne time, ASP availability and nucleosidediphosphate inhibition could be affecting the utilization of G6P by limiting the rate of uridinediphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase tha-ough the nucleoside diphosphokinase reaction, and preincubation would reflect increases in high-energy phosphate compounds at these sites with an accompanying decrease in G6P. Various investi- gators (30, 3^) have demonstrated strcmg interrelationships between nucleotides and between nucleotide-sugar compounds in starch and sucrose synthesis. Morgan et al. (76) have shown that glucose -uptake in the heart of rat is controlled by both transport and intracellular phos- phorylation. When membrane transport is not limiting (i.e. sufficient insulin is available) the rate of phosphorylation limits the rate of glucose -uptake at high levels of exogenous glucose. 79 It is belie-wd that the jresults presented in this paper support the conclusion that the hearakiixase of the com scutellum is more correctly a glucokinase vhich is not inhibited by its product, G6P. SUMMARY A hexofcLnase was extracted from the scutellum of com and purified with an "apparent" 70-fold increase in specific activity. It was free of interfering enzyne activities and appeared to be the only soluble hexoldnase of the scutellioa. The enzyme showed greatest specificity towards glucose as the substrate and tlK data supports the concliision that the hexokLnase is more specifically a glucokinase. The enzyme phosphorylated D-glucose, D-mannose, D-fructose, D-glucos- amine and 2"deoxy-D-glucose . It was specific for ATP as the phosphate donor. 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After tw3 yeaars of active duty vith the Air Force he returned to the Ifaiversity of Florida and was graduated August, i960, vith the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Forestxy. In Septeaiber, 196O, he be^ua graduate study at the University of Florida, majoring in Botany. In June, 1965* the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy vas conferred on him. He is the father of three children: Catherine Anne, Winifred Gail and Herbert Charles. . Be is a member of tte f&llowing honoiury societies: Xi Sigma Pi, Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta and Phi Siesta. This dissertation vas prepared under the direction of the chainoan of the candidate's supervisory caamittee and has been approved by all laembers of that coBanittee. It vsis submitted to the IJean of the C!ollege of Agriculture aad to the Graduate Council^ and was approved as partial fulfil2meafc of tbe requirements fov the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. June 22, 1965 Supervisory Ctonmittees ^A. Chairman Dean> College of Agriculture Dean, Gi-aduate School 80 23 t