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H V H Q H LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIXflXIXSI uaestiones Entomolosicae A periodical record of entomological investigations, published at the Department of Entomology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. VOLUME 25 NUMBER 1-2 WINTER-SPRING 1989 Publication of Quaestiones Entomologicae was started in 1965 as part of a memorial project for Professor E.H. Strickland, the founder of the Department of Entomology at the University of Alberta in 1922. It is intended to provide prompt relatively low cost publication for compre- hensive accounts of entomological research of greater than average length. However, shorter papers about insects in the Prairie Provinces of Canada are acceptable. Page charges are normally levied, the rate determined by printer’s charges. For information about current page charges, consult the Editor. Copy for all types of papers should conform to the Style Manual for Biological Journals, published by the American Institute of Biological Sci- ences, Second Edition, 1964, except that title of periodicals should be given in full. For style of taxonomic papers, the Editor should be consulted. Two copies of a manuscript are requested. All manuscripts will be reviewed by referees. Abstracts are required, one in English and one in another language, prefer- ably French. Copy for illustrations must accompany the manuscript, and be of such char- acter as to give satisfactory reproduction at page size (less 1/2 inch, or 1.2 cm on plates of full page size [7 X 4 1/4 inches or 17.8 X 10.7 cm]). Reprints must be ordered when proofs are returned, and will be supplied at cost. Subscription rates are the same for institutions, libraries and individuals, $20.00* per volume of four issues, normally appearing at quarterly intervals; single issues $5.00**. Back volumes and issues are available at the same cost. These prices supersede those previously indicated, and are subject to change as required by inflationary pressure on the value of money. Communications regarding subscriptions should be addressed to the Subscription Manager, and regarding manuscripts to the Editor. * Same rate in US$ for non-Canadian subscriptions. ** Single issues of more than 100 pages: $10.00; exception: volume 21(4) - $20.00. Published quarterly by: Department of Entomology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G 2E3 Second Class Mail Registration Number 5222 Return Undeliverable mail to the address above. Return Postage Guaranteed Issued May 1989 QUAESTIONES ENTOMOLOGICAE ISSN 0033-5037 A periodical record of entomological investigation published at the Department of Entomology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Volume 25 Number 1 1989 CONTENTS O’Hara-Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini (Diptera: Tachinidae) 1 Commentary 231 Book Review 239 SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS GROUP TAXA OF THE SIPHONINI (DIPTERA: TACHINIDAE) James E. O’Hara Department of Entomology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Quaestiones Entomologicae T6G2E3 25:1-229 1989 ABSTRACT The Siphonini are a monophyletic tribe including 386 named species (including subspecies and nomina dubia, but excluding nomina nuda and misspellings ), of which 294 are recognized as taxonomically valid species. The genera and sub genera of the tribe are revised for the world fauna, based on study of adults of most described and more than 100 undescribed species, and first instars of 68 species. Seven genera are recognized, each hypothesized as monophyletic: Goniocera Brauer and Bergenstamm, Proceromyia Mesnil ( elevated from subgeneric status within Ceromya and including Nipponoceromyia Mesnil and Shima, n. syn.), Entomophaga Lioy, Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy (including new synonym Actinactia Townsend), Actia Robineau-Desvoidy, Peribaea Robineau-Desvoidy and Siphona Meigen. Ceromya is informally divided into Ceromya sensu stricto and the Ceromya silacea species group. The concept of Siphona is broadened to include the following nine subgenera, each previously recognized as a genus and each (except for one, as noted ) hypothesized as monophyletic: Actinocrocuta Townsend (new subgeneric status ), Aphantorhapha Townsend (new sub generic status ), Aphantorhaphopsis Townsend (new sub generic status; an unresolved and possibly polyphyletic group of Old World species, including Asiphona Mesnil, n. syn.), Baeomyia O’Hara (new subgeneric status), Ceranthia Robineau-Desvoidy (new subgeneric status), Pseudosiphona Townsend (new subgeneric status), Siphona Meigen sensu stricto, Siphonopsis Townsend (new subgeneric status) and Uruactia Townsend (new subgeneric status). Three species groups, and a group of unrelated and unplaced species, of undescribed New World Siphona s.l. species are reviewed but not formally named or described. New combinations resulting from reclassification of the Siphonini are: Nipponoceromyia pubioculata Mesnil and Shima moved to Proceromyia; Actia amblycera Aldrich, Actia comuta Aldrich, Actinactia lutea Townsend and Actia normula Curran moved to Ceromya; Actia stiglinae Bezzi moved to Peribaea; Actia panamensis Curran and Aphantorhapha pulla Reinhard moved to Siphona s.l. (and unplaced to subgenus); and the following 20 species are provisionally placed in S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) (most formerly placed in Asiphona, a junior synonym of S. 2 O’Hara (Aphantorhaphopsis)): Crocuta (Siphona) alticola Mesnil, Actia angustifrons Malloch, Actia brunnescens Villeneuve, Crocuta (Siphona) crassulata Mesnil, Siphona (Asiphona) fera Mesnil, Siphona (Asiphona) laboriosa Mesnil, Actia laticomis Malloch, Actia mallochiana Gardner, Siphona (Asiphona) nigronitens Mesnil, Actia norma Malloch, Asiphona picturata Mesnil, Siphona (Asiphona) pudica Mesnil, Actia samarensis Villeneuve, Actia selangor Malloch, Thryptocera selecta Pandelle, Gymnopareia siphonoides Strobl, Siphona (Asiphona) speciosa Mesnil, Actia starkei Mesnil, Actia verralli Wainwright and Siphona (Asiphona) xanthosoma Mesnil. Actia heterochaeta Bezzi, a nomen dubium, is left unplaced within the Siphonini. Removed from the Siphonini is Actia aberrans Malloch ( referred to Eurysthaea Robineau-Desvoidy by Crosskey, pers. comm.). The status of named species has, in general, been maintained as listed in current literature, though the following new synonymies were recognized and are herein proposed: Actia brevis Malloch synonymized with A. darwini Malloch, Peribaea subaequalis (Malloch) with P. orbata (Wiedemann), Actinocrocuta chaetosa Townsend with Siphona (Actinocrocuta) singularis (Wiedemann), and Siphona janssensi (Mesnil) with S. (Siphona) cuthbertsoni Curran. Elevated from subspecific to species status are: Ceromya similata Mesnil, Siphona (Siphona) infuscata (Mesnil) and S. (Siphona) nigrohalterata Mesnil. Lectotypes are designated for Ceromya cibdela (Villeneuve) and S. (Pseudosiphona) brevirostris Coquillett. A chapter about structural features of the Siphonini is followed by a key to genera and then by descriptions of genera and subgenera. Keys are also provided to the species of Proceromyia and Entomophaga and for the subgenera of Siphona s.l. A list of known siphonine hosts is included. A cladistic analysis based on ingroup ( Siphonini ) and outgroup (other Tachinidae) comparisons is used to partially reconstruct the phylogenetic history of the major siphonine lineages. Geographic distribution of siphonine genera and subgenera is discussed in relation to historical events during earth history and the presumed phylogenetic history of the Siphonini. RESUME La Siphonini est une tribu monophyletique qui comprends 386 especes nommees (y compris les sous-especes et nomina dubia, mais a V exclusion de nomina nuda et ses mauvaises epelations ). De ces especes, 294 sont reconnues comme etant taxonomiquement valides. Les genres et sous-genres de la tribu sont revises pour la faune mondiale, ce base sur une etude des adultes de la plupart des especes decrites, des adultes de plus de 100 especes non- decrites, et des larves de premier stade de 68 especes. On reconnait sept genres, et on hypothese que chacun de ceux-ci est monophyletique: Goniocera Brauer et Bergenstamm, Proceromyia Mesnil (eleve du statu sous-genre dans Ceromya et y compris Nipponoceromyia Mesnil et Shima, n. syn.), Entomophaga Lioy, Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy (y compris le nouveau synonyme Actinactia Townsend), Actia Robineau-Desvoidy , Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 3 Peribaea Robineau- Desvoidy et Siphona Meigen. A titre non-officiel, Ceromya est divise en deux groupes: Ceromya sensu stricto et le groupe d’especes Ceromya silacea. Le concept de Siphona est elargi pour inclure les neuf sous- genres suivants, chacun prealablement reconnu comme genre et chacun (a V exception dun tel, que note) etant par hypothese monophyletique : Actinocrocuta Townsend ( nouveau statu sous-generique), Aphantorhapha Townsend ( nouveau statu sous-generique), Aphantorhaphopsis Townsend ( nouveau statu sous-generique; un groupe irresolu et possiblement polyphyletique d’especes de Vancien monde, y compris Asiphona Mesnil, n. syn.), Baeomyia O’Hara ( nouveau statu sous-generique ), Ceranthia Robineau-Desvoidy (nouveau statu sous-generique), Pseudosiphona Townsend (nouveau statu sous-generique), Siphona Meigen sensu stricto, Siphonopsis Townsend (nouveau statu sous-generique). Trois groupes d’especes, et un groupe d’especes sans liens de parente et d’especes non-classees, de Siphona s.l. du nouveau- monde sont examines sans etre nommes ou decrits formellement. Les nouvelles combinaisons resultant de la reclassification des Siphonini sont: Nipponoceromyia pubioculata Mesnil et Shima passe a Proceromyia; Actia amblycera Aldrich, Actia comuta Aldrich, Actinactia lutea Townsend et Actia normula Curran passent a Ceromya; Actia stiglinae Bezzi passe a Peribaea; Actia panamensis Curran et Aphantorhapha pulla Reinhard passe a Siphona s.l. (et non-classe au niveau du sous-genre); et les 20 especes suivantes sont provisoirement placees dans S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) (plus anterieurement placees dans Asiphona, un synonyme junior de S. (Aphantorhaphopsis)): Crocuta (Siphona) alticola Mesnil, Actia angustifrons Malloch, Actia brunnescens Villeneuve, Crocuta (Siphona) crassulata Mesnil, Siphona (Asiphona) fera Mesnil, Siphona (Asiphona) laboriosa Mesnil, Actia laticomis Malloch, Actia mallochiana Gardner, Siphona (Asiphona) nigronitens Mesnil, Actia norma Malloch, Asiphona picturata Mesnil, Siphona (Asiphona) pudica Mesnil, Actia samarensis Villeneuve, Actia selangor Malloch, Thryptocera selecta Pandelle, Gymnopareia siphonoides Strobl, Siphona (Asiphona) speciosa Mesnil, Actia starkei Mesnil, Actia verralli Wainwright et Siphona (Asiphona) xanthosoma Mesnil. Actia heterochaeta Bezzi, un nomen dubium, demeure non-classe parmi les Siphonini. Actia aberrans Malloch est enleve des Siphonini (et rapporte a Eurysthaea Robineau-Desvoidy par Crosskey, comm, pers.). Le statu des especes nommees a ete maintenu en general, tel qu inscrit dans la litterature, a V exception des nouvelles synonymies reconnues et proposees comme suit: Actia brevis Malloch synonyme de A. darwini Malloch, Peribaea subaequalis (Malloch) synonyme de P. orbata (Wiedemann), Actinocrocuta chaetosa Townsend synonyme de Siphona (Actinocrocuta) singularis (Weidemann), et Siphona janssensi (Mesnil) synonyme de S. (Siphona) cuthbertsoni Curran. Les suivantes sont elevees de sous-especes a especes: Ceromya similata Mesnil, Siphona (Siphona) infuscata (Mesnil) et S. (Siphona) nigrohalterata Mesnil. Des lectotypes sont designes pour Ceromya cibdela (Villeneuve) et S. (Pseudosiphona) brevirostris Coquillett. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 4 O’Hara Un chapetre sur les traits structuraux des Siphonini est suivi d’une clef pour les genres, et ensuite par les descriptions des genres et sous-genres. Des clefs sont aussi incluses pour les especes de Proceromyia et Entomophaga et pour les sous-genres de Siphona s.l. Une liste des hotes reconnus pour les siphonines est incluse. Une analyse cladistique basee sur des comparaisons en groupe ( Siphonini ) et hors groupe (autres Tachinidae) est utilisee pour reconstruire partiellement I’histoire phylogenetique des lignees majeurs siphonines. La distribution geographique des genres et sous-genres des siphonines est discutee en relation avec les evenements historiques de revolution de la terre, et I’histoire phylogenetique presomptueuse des Siphonini. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 5 Materials and Methods 6 Materials 6 Methods 9 Structural features 13 Historical review 13 Structural features of the Siphonini 14 Classification of the Siphonini 34 List of major references to the Siphonini 34 Diagnosis of adults of Siphonini Rondani 34 Review of major keys to genera and subgenera of the Siphonini 36 Key to adults of the genera of the Siphonini 37 Notes about classification chapter 39 Goniocera Brauer and Bergenstamm 41 Proceromyia Mesnil 44 Key to adults of Proceromyia species 44 Entomophaga Lioy 47 Key to adults of Entomophaga species 48 Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy sensu lato 5 1 Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy sensu stricto 52 Ceromya silacea (Meigen) species group 63 Actia Robineau-Desvoidy 67 Peribaea Robineau-Desvoidy 77 Siphona Meigen sensu lato 84 Key to adults of the subgenera of Siphona sensu lato 84 Hosts 158 Introduction 158 Explanation of parasite-host list 158 Evolution of the Siphonini 168 Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 5 Introduction 1 68 Monophyly of the Siphonini 169 Monophyly of genera and subgenera 1 7 1 Monophyly of the Proceromyia Mesnil and Entomophaga Lioy lineage 178 Monophyly of the Peribaea R.-D. and Siphona Meigen lineage 178 Phylogenetics of non -Siphona s.l. siphonine lineages 179 Phylogenetics of Siphona subgenera 181 Historical zoogeography 189 Concluding remarks 200 Acknowledgements 200 Literature Cited 201 Postscript 218 Index 220 INTRODUCTION The Siphonini are a monophyletic tribe of about 300 described species and more than 100 undescribed species, of uncertain phylogenetic position within the Tachinidae (some authors favoring its placement in the Goniinae, others the Tachininae). Adultk are smaller than most tachinid flies, generally 3-5mm in length, and larvae are almost exclusively parasitoids of larval Lepidoptera. Siphonines are widely distributed throughout the world, with greatest diversity in non-rainforest areas of the tropics. Mesnil established the modem concept of the Siphonini (as Siphonina) in his illustrious tachinid contribution to “Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region” (1962-5). Prior to that time, several genera now relegated to the Neaerini were included because of their external similarity to members of the Siphonini (e.g. Mesnil 1939, 1954; van Emden, 1954). Herting (1957), in his interpretive survey of female genitalia in the Calyptratae, was first to recognize the error in this classification and his findings were subsequently incorporated into Mesnil’ s (1962-5) revision of the Palearctic Siphonini. Crosskey maintained Mesnil’ s concept of the tribe in his treatments of the tachinid faunas of the Australian (1973), Oriental (1976a) and Afrotropical (1980) regions, as did Andersen (1983) in his recent generic revision of the Old World Siphonini and Herting (1984) in his catalogue of Palearctic Tachinidae. In marked contrast to the recent attention conferred upon Old World siphonines, the New World fauna is without a modem treatment at any level. Townsend’s (1940) revision of the “Siphonini” and “Actiini” in his “Manual of Myiology” is an untenable classification comprising a heterogeneous and polyphyletic assemblage of genera. A valuable step toward a modem classification of North American Siphonini was achieved by Sabrosky and Amaud (1965). These authors brought together almost all the siphonine taxa of America north of Mexico within their subtribe of the Siphonini, the Siphonina, but included therein a number of unrelated genera. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 6 O’Hara Guimaraes (1971) catalogued the tachinids of America south of the United States, and though following the broad concept of the Siphonini advanced by Sabrosky and Amaud, he did not similarly recognize subtribes; consequently his genera of the Siphonini sensu Mesnil are interspersed with a variety of unrelated taxa. This study was undertaken with the aim of revising the supraspecific taxa of the Siphonini and in particular reclassifying the New World siphonines in light of recent advances concerning the Old World fauna. This aim has been tempered somewhat by the diverse and largely undescribed fauna of the Neotropics, which requires detailed study and description of species before a satisfactory supraspecific classification can be established. The results of a preliminary study of many undescribed Neotropical species are included here as an aid to future systematic research on the Neotropical Siphonini. In addition to revising the Siphonini and providing a framework about which future revisions of genera can proceed, this work is also an exploration into the phylogenetic relationships among the supraspecific taxa and character state diversity among species. To attain this goal, most available types and specimens of many undescribed species were examined. Included in this paper are lists of species names in the Siphonini, arranged according to a revised classification of the tribe. Descriptions of the genera and subgenera are provided along with keys to the genera of the Siphonini, subgenera of Siphona s.l. and species of Proceromyia and Entomophaga. Known hosts of the Siphonini are listed. Character state diversity is tabulated and discussed, and the phylogenetic and geographic history of the supraspecific taxa is analyzed. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials This paper is based on the morphological study of adult specimens of about 270 of the 294 described species of the Siphonini, more than 100 undescribed New World species, and numerous undescribed Old World species. Included among these specimens were 264 primary types and eight paratypes; types not examined include 31 known to be lost (22 of these being Robineau-Desvoidy nominal species) and 13 not located and possibly lost. Male genitalia of more than 250 species and female genitalia of about 90 species were examined. First instars of 68 species were also examined (see O’Hara in press “a”). Codes used in the text for designating institutions and private collections appear below with the names of their respective curators. AMNH Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024; the late P. Wygodzinsky and K.A. Schmidt. Biological Laboratory, College of General Education, Kyushu University, Ropponmatsu, Fukuoka 810, Japan; H. Shima. BLKU Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 7 BMNH Department of Entomology, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, England SW7 5BD; R.W. Crosskey and A.C. Pont. BPBM Department of Entomology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, P.O. Box 6037, Honolulu, HI 96818; N.L. Evenhuis. CAS Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118; P.H. Amaud, Jr. CEA Coleccion de la Estacion Experimental Agronomica, Universidad de Chile, Maipu, Chile (curator not named). CIE Coleccion del Centro de Investigacions Entomologicas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; J. Herrera. CNC Biosystematics Research Centre [formerly Institute], Central Experimental Farm, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6; D.M. Wood. DEI Institut fiir Pflanzenschutzforschung Kleinmachnow, [formerly the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut], Akademie der Landwirt- schaftswissenschaften, Bereich Eberswalde, 13 Eberswalde-Finow 1, Schicklerstrasse 5, German Democratic Republic; H.J. Muller and R. Gaedike. DPI Entomology Branch, Department of Primary Industries, Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, 4068, Queensland, Australia; B. Cantrell. ETH Entomologisches Institut, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland; W. Sauter. FRI Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh, India. (I was unable to establish contact with this institution.) FSF Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D-6000 Frankfurt 1 , Federal Republic of Germany; J. Rademacher. HDE Hope Department of Entomology, University Museum, Oxford, 0X1 3PW, England; M.J. Scoble. HNHM Zoological Department, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary; F. Mihalyi. INPA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Caixa Postal 478, 69.000 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil; J.A. Rafael. IRSN Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Rue Vautier 31, B-1040 Bruxelles, Belgium (curator not named). JEOH Private collection of the author. MBR Division Entomologfa, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Avenida Angel Gallardo 470, Buenos Aires, Argentina; A.O. Bachmann. MCSN Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, 20121 Milano, Corso Venezia 55, Italy; C. Leonardi. MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138; M.K. Thayer. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 8 O’Hara MNHN Entomologie, Museum National d’Historie Naturelle, 45 bis Rue Buffon, Paris Ve, France; L. Matile. MRAC Entomology Section, Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, B-1980, Tervuren, Belgium; E. De Coninck. MSU Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824; R.L. Fischer. MZF Museo Zoologico de “La Specola”, Universita Degli Studi, Via Romana, 17-50125 Firenze, Italy; S. Mascherini. NMBA Naturhistorisches Museum der Benediktiner-Abtei Admont, A-8911 Admont, Austria; B. Hubl. NMV Entomology Department, Naturhistorisches Museum, Zoologische Abteilung, A- 1014 Vienna, Burgring 7, Austria; R. Contreras-Lichtenberg. NRS Entomology Section, Swedish Museum of Natural History, S- 10405 Stockholm, Sweden; P.I. Persson. OSU Department of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331; M.D. Schwartz. PHA Private collection of P.H. Amaud, Jr., c/o CAS. PPRI Department of Agriculture, Plant Protection Research Institute, National Collection of Insects, Private Bag XI 34, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa; M.W. Mansell. SMNS Staatl. Museum fur Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, Federal Republic of Germany; B. Herting. SPHTM Entomology Section, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney University 2006, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; M.L. Debenham. UASM Department of Entomology, Strickland Museum, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3; G.E. Ball. UAT Department of Entomology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; F.G. Werner. UCB Division of Entomology and Parasitology, University of California, Berkeley 4, CA 94720; J.A. Chemsak. UCD Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616; R.O. Schuster. UCR Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521; S.I. Frommer. UCS Facultad de Agronorma, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile; R. Cortes. UKL Department of Entomology, Snow Entomology Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045; C.D. Michener and G.W. Byers. UNH Department of Entomology, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824; J.F. Burger. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 9 UNLP Division de Entomologia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina; L. de Santis. USNM Systematic Entomology Laboratory, SEA, U.S. Department of Agriculture, United States National Museum, Washington, DC 20560; C.W. Sabrosky (retired) and N.E. Woodley. USP Museu de Zoologia, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Avenida Nazare, 481, Caixa Postal 7172, 04263, Sao Paulo, sp, Brazil; J.H. Guimaraes. UZI Department of Zoology, Zoological Museum, Helgonavagen 3, S-223 62, Lund, Sweden; R. Danielsson. WLD Private collection of W.L. Downes, c/o MSU. WSUP Department of Entomology, James Entomological Collection, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164; W.J. Turner. ZIL Zoological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad 199164, USSR; V.A. Richter. ZMA Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Afdeling Entomologie, Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018 DH Amsterdam, Netherlands; T. van Leeuwen. ZMHU Museum fur Naturkunde an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Bereich Zoologisches Museum, DDR 104 Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, German Democratic Republic; H. Schumann. ZMU Division of Entomology, Zoological Museum of the University, SF-00100 Helsinki 10, Finland; B. Lindeberg. ZMUC Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark; S. Andersen. Methods Ranking of taxa. — Ideally a classification should be practical to the general taxonomist, informative to the specialist, and an accurate reflection of the hypothesized cladistic relationships among included taxa. In reality few groups can be so perfectly classified, as the three criteria are often to a greater or lesser extent at odds with one another. The problem is particularly acute when cladistic relationships are inadequately known, as in the Siphonini. In light of this problem, and in an effort to adhere as closely as possible to the three criteria given above, a classification for the Siphonini is proposed using the formal supraspecific categories of genus and subgenus and informal category of species group, with different criteria for each. In addition to the accepted criterion of being phenetically distinct from one another (an admittedly vague concept), genera recognized herein are hypothesized as monophyletic (holophyletic) lineages which are distinguishable by non-genitalic characters (except for a few species possessing key-character parallelisms). Though in combination these criteria are still subjective, they are stated here simply to give Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 10 O’Hara the reader some indication of the guidelines followed in erecting the Siphonini classification proposed herein; genera (like all taxa) are by nature subjective entities undefinable by objective criteria. Most significantly, the criteria used here have led to a broadening of Siphona to include a number of previously recognized genera (mostly of Townsend). This broadened concept of Siphona comprises a monophyletic group recognizable by the non-specialist; lower ranks within the genus are used (as explained below) to serve the needs of the specialist. The rank of subgenus has been used sparingly during the taxonomic history of the Tachinidae, particularly by the most prolific describer of New World tachinids, C.H.T. Townsend. Townsend had a very restricted generic concept, generally erecting new genera of questionable value for the inclusion of a very few species. As Townsend’s work is re-evaluated, most of his genera are being combined with others or his original generic limits expanded. With respect to the Siphonini, most of his genera proposed for non -Siphona s.l. species have been combined with other genera, leaving only his Siphona group genera, representing mostly New World taxa, unrevised. Whereas Townsend’s genera previously combined with non -Siphona genera required no change to the concepts of those taxa, the same is not true of his Siphona group names. Each of these names (i.e. Actinocrocuta, Aphantorhapha, Aphantorhaphopsis , Pseudosiphona, Siphonopsis and Uruactia) designate lineages of unknown relationship to one another. Either they must all be retained as genera or the generic limits of another genus broadened for their inclusion, if one is to follow the criterion of monophyly stated above for genera. In addition, most of these lineages are phenetically similar, and only distinguishable by male genitalic characters. A compromise position has been adopted here by reducing Townsend’s Siphona group genera to subgenera within a broadened concept of Siphona. Siphona s.l. is strictly monophyletic under this classificatory scheme, and lower units are given the equal rank of subgenus because of the unknown cladistic relationships among them. Thus such distinctive groups as Baeomyia and Ceranthia are also assigned subgeneric rank along with Townsend’s names because their exclusion would make Siphona s.l. paraphyletic. By retaining Townsend’s genera in a formal classification, albeit at lower rank, the taxonomic and phylogenetic unity of each of these taxa is retained, which would otherwise be lost if Siphona was broadened and no lower ranks recognized. Ideally, I would like to see some New World subgenera of Siphona s.l. combined with one another in the future, but at present no synapotypies are known upon which to base such action. More taxonomically and phylogenetically useful characters need to be discovered so that the numerous undescribed species of Siphona s.l. are not classified into new Siphona subgenera of unnecessarily narrow limits. All Siphona subgenera are considered strictly monophyletic except one. An exception has been made for S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) on practical grounds. Old World species of the Siphona group not belonging to Siphona s.s. or S. ( Ceranthia ) have been assembled together in S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) as a preliminary measure Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 11 until the group can be adequately revised. Many of its described species are known only from holotypes - some male, others female - severely restricting their detailed study. Given also the rich undescribed fauna that belongs within this group, a revision of this assemblage is not attempted within this work. Preliminary study of these species suggests they have few, if any, close relationships with New World Siphona s.l. species, and almost certainly no close relationships with the New World Siphona subgenera recognized here. The lowest supraspecific rank used is that of the informal species group. This rank is used for strictly monophyletic assemblages of species, and is used in two parts of the classification, once in Ceromya s.l. and again in Siphona s.l. The species of Ceromya s.l. are arranged in Ceromya s.s. and the C. silacea species group, each tentatively hypothesized as monophyletic. This arrangement is presently incomplete because each can only be recognized by examination of male genitalia and not all species of Ceromya s.l. were examined for male genitalic states. The two groups of Ceromya s.l. are referred to as above to reflect the tentative nature of these findings and to avoid premature changes to the classification. If future studies support the monophyly of each group and their sister group relationship, then both could be formally recognized as subgenera of Ceromya s.l. Nearly 100 undescribed siphonine species are known from the New World. More than half belong to such distinctive taxa as Actia, Ceromya and Siphona s.s., or are included in the revised concepts of such Siphona subgenera as Pseudosiphona and Siphonopsis. The remainder do not exhibit clear relationships with any of the named taxa, although relationships are evident among some of these species. To reflect these relationships, document diversity, and to guide future studies on the assemblage, three numbered species groups are separately discussed, and the remaining 20-odd species treated as a whole. Thus the assemblage of known but undescribed species of New World Siphona s.l. is discussed in as detailed a manner as possible at this time. The naming of new species and possibly supraspecific taxa awaits a more detailed systematic examination of this diverse and undescribed fauna. Treatment of undescribed species. — No new species is described in this work, though the characteristics of many are incorporated into the descriptions of the supraspecific taxa. I consecutively numbered (according to country or region of origin) undescribed species within each supraspecific taxon so that information obtained from these undescribed species could be usefully expressed herein. The examined specimens were appropriately labelled to permit their recognition in collections during future systematic studies of the Siphonini. The numbering of undescribed species includes two or more higher taxa in two groups. The first involves Ceromya s.l., in which undescribed species are numbered consecutively according to country or region of origin regardless of their placement in Ceromya s.s. or the Ceromya silacea species group. The second group involves species included in New World Siphona species groups 1 and 3 and unplaced Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 12 O’Hara species of New World Siphona s.l. : these were numbered together consecutively from 1 to 34. [Groups 1 and 3 were recognized after the original numbering system was adopted, so their numbers were not changed when the species were shifted to their present classification. Siphona species group 2 was recognized before the other groups, and includes ten species numbered from one to ten.] One species from the above series, sp. 31, was recognized as near S. ( Uruactia ) uruhuasi and transferred to S. ( Uruactia ) without a change in number. Due to other taxonomic changes, no species in the Siphona s.l. series is numbered 9, 11 or 18 (i.e. these numbers are not used to designate undescribed species). Terms. — Terms used here are those proposed by Me Alpine (1981), with several changes as discussed in O’Hara (1983a: 269-70). Two additional changes are made with respect to male genitalia because of conflicting theories about genitalic homology. Griffiths’ (1972, 1981) interpretation of homologies in male genitalia differs from that of Me Alpine (1981), so the neutral terms pregonite and postgonite here replace McAlpine’s controversial homology of these structures with, respectively, the gonopod and paramere. I also use the common terms epandrium and surstylus, though for descriptive purposes only and not in rejection of Griffiths’ periandrial hypothesis about development of these structures. The male abdominal sternum 5 is a sclerite of varied shape among siphonines. There do not appear to be standard terms available for detailed description of this structure, so I have chosen arbitrary terms for this purpose, and explain their meaning in the Structural Features chapter in characters 38 to 40. Features of this structure are labelled in Fig. 47. Many terms used for head features, thoracic and abdominal setation, and genitalic structures are labelled in figs. 1-12 in O’Hara (1983a: 345-8); wing veins are labelled here in Fig. 21, features of first instars in Figs. 157-158, and varied external and genitalic features are labelled on scanning electron photomicrographs. Figs. 23-46. Examination and illustration of specimens. — Adult specimens were examined with a Wild M5 stereoscopic microscope, with standard light source, at magnifications to 50X. Genitalia and first instars were studied with a Leitz SM-LUX compound microscope at magnifications to 400X. Though most genitalic features are visible at 50X with a dissecting microscope, there are certain taxonomically and phylogenetically important characters of the male genitalia, particularly those of the pregonite (characters 44-46), not readily discernible unless examined at 100X with a compound microscope or high resolution dissecting microscope (as discussed under appropriate characters in the Structural Features chapter). Structures were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida or drawing tube, as explained in O’Hara (1983a: 268-9). Certain structures were gold-coated and examined and illustrated using a Cambridge M-250 scanning electron microscope. Illustrations referred to in other works are cited as “fig.”, original illustrations shown Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 13 in this work are cited as “Fig.”. Genitalic dissections. — Male and female genitalia of siphonines provide some of the best character systems for taxonomic study and phylogenetic analysis. The genitalia of more than 600 siphonines were dissected during this study, following the method of O’Hara (1983a: 271-2). Briefly stated, this procedure involved removal of the abdomen from an adult specimen, partial clearing of the abdomen in 10% NaOH, dissection of genitalia, reattachment of abdomen to specimen, and storage of genitalia in glycerine. The abdomen generally changed little from its pre-dissection condition except for slight clearing and some shrivelling. Perhaps because of these minor changes, plus the time involved in preparation, most past workers have avoided study of siphonine genitalia despite the wealth of taxonomic and phylogenetic information they contain. Genitalic preparations were stored during this study in short vials of glycerine in specially designed trays (O’Hara and McIntyre 1984), permitting direct examination and comparison among genitalia. Each dissection was numbered such that adult specimens and genitalia could be stored and examined separately and later easily re-associated. Genitalia were placed in microvials and pinned below their respective adult specimens for return of institutional loans. Dissection tags were placed in each microvial and attached to each pin to help prevent future accidental dissociation of genitalia and adult specimens, and to allow particular dissections referred to, or illustrated, herein to be identified in collections and restudied. Each dissection was color-coded and numbered. The following colors were used, and a one letter abbreviation of each color identifies the appropriate dissection series in the text: blue (B), green (G), orange (O), red (R), white (W) and yellow (Y). STRUCTURAL FEATURES Historical review The very long geniculate proboscis of Siphona s.s. species was recognized as a fundamental feature of that genus from the earliest writings about the Siphonini, but it was not until publication of Mesnil’s (1954) work entitled “Genres Actia Robineau-Desvoidy et Voisins” that the concepts of other large siphonine genera reached their near-modem forms. Mesnil (op. cit .) perceptively recognized the diagnostic value of two structural features of siphonines that had been noted by previous authors but not used at the generic level. One was Villeneuve’s (1924: 22) discovery that the anal vein extended to the wing margin in certain species, which Mesnil used in the first couplet of his 1954 key (pp. 8-10) to distinguish Strobliomyia ( =Peribaea ), Ceranthia, Siphona s.s. and Siphona (Asiphona) (=S. (Aphantorhaphopsis)) from other siphonines. This state is now considered synapotypic of that group of taxa. Mesnil (op. cit.) also recognized the generic value of Malloch’s (1930b: 120) discovery that a group of species possesses a long, downwardly directed, lower proepimeral seta. Mesnil used this feature to differentiate Strobliomyia from other Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 14 O’Hara genera in which the anal vein is extended to the wing margin, and to separate what are now considered neaerine genera from other siphonines. Mesnil (op. cit.) further distinguished between two groups of genera based on basal setulation of wing vein R4+5. In one group R4+5 was setulose from base to crossvein r-m or beyond, in the other only a single setula was present basally. Within the former group Mesnil keyed out Goniocera and established the modem concepts of Actia (as Entomophaga, as explained in O’Hara 1985) (based on the presence of a row of hairs on the katepistemum), and Ceromya (based on absence of this row of hairs). Mesnil’s latter group was later transferred to the Neaerini by Herting (1957), based on study of female genitalia in the Calyptratae. Mesnil synthesized the contribution of Herting (1957) into his revision of Palearctic tachinids in “Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region” (1962-5). In that work Mesnil firmly established the modem concept of the Siphonini (as Siphonina), recognizing presence of a row of setulae on R4+5 as one of the fundamental features of the tribe. His generic classification, little changed from his 1954 publication, has become the touchstone of modem siphonine systematics. Characterization of the Siphonini sensu Mesnil suffered from one shortcoming, namely the lack of a single feature which could be considered synapotypic of the tribe. Such was the situation when this work began in 1981. By then Crosskey (1973, 1976a, 1980) had revised the siphonine fauna of all Old World non-Palearctic regions, but the siphonine fauna of the New World was essentially unrevised and the applicability of Mesnil’ s tribal concept to the Neotropical fauna, in particular, was untested. At the suggestion of D.M. Wood, Biosystematics Research Centre, Ottawa, I investigated the possibility of two spermathecae in the female reproductive system being synapotypic of the Siphonini. All dissections of females during this study suggests that this state is synapotypic, and the same conclusion was reached independently by Andersen (1983). This fundamental feature of adult female siphonines is used here to define the world Siphonini and supplement former external characterization of the tribe based on Old World members. Structural features of the Siphonini The two major revisions of the Siphonini are those of Mesnil (1962-5) and Andersen (1983). Both are primarily based on the Palearctic fauna, and hence do not provide detailed information about the distribution of character states throughout the tribe. Such information is desirable not only to provide a sound phylogenetic basis for supraspecific concepts and descriptions (and an accurate key), but also as an aid to future revisers of siphonine taxa. Here follows an explanation of the characters used in the descriptions of the supraspecific taxa of the Siphonini, with designation of the states as they appear in Table 1. Table 1 is primarily intended as a quick reference to the distribution of character states within the Siphonini, both to summarize similarities and differences among supraspecific taxa and to augment the phylogenetic analyses of these taxa in the Evolution chapter. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 15 Character 1. Length. — Adult siphonines are relatively small tachinids, ranging in total length from 2.0-6.5mm (as measured in profile from apex of flagellomere 1 in resting position to apex of abdominal tergum 5), with most species averaging between 3. 0-5. Omm. Like most tachinids, adult siphonines vary intraspecifically in size, probably because of nutritional constraints placed upon them during their parasitic larval stage. It is thus not unusual to observe a considerable size range among conspecifics. This notwithstanding, the size of most individuals is closely grouped about the mean of that species, such that each species has a characteristic size. Ranges in total length given in Table 1 represent the size range observed among examined specimens of each taxon, and are rounded to the nearest 0.5mm. Character 2. Proclinate orbital setae. — Two proclinate orbital setae are present on each side of the vertex of both male and female siphonines. Two states are recognized: one in which the anterior seta is longer than the posterior one (A), the other in which both setae are subequal in length (S). This character is not always useful taxonomically since some species possess both states and in others males and females differ (with the anterior seta larger in the female than in male in these species). There is also no evident trend toward one state or the other among the major siphonine lineages. In addition to the two states recognized here there is also marked variation, though difficult to quantify, in length and thickness of the proclinate orbital setae (particularly the anterior one) among siphonine lineages. Character 3. Frontal setae. — Siphonines have a row of reclinate frontal setae which extend from about pedicel height to the anterior reclinate orbital seta. The frontal setae alternate short and long in all species except Proceromyia pubioculata, in which they are all long and unusually thin (Fig. 3). Also unique to P. pubioculata are 8-12 frontal setae, as other siphonines have no more than five (rarely six in atypical specimens). In many siphonines the fifth (uppermost) frontal is very short, and in a few lost altogether (often intraspecifically varied); a few species among different lineages characteristically possess only three frontal setae, though a series of specimens is needed to determine the stability of this state. The number of frontal setae in each taxon is listed in Table 1, and an asterisk beside a five is used to indicate that three or four frontals occur in some species (either characteristically or as an aberration). Character 4. Eye vestiture. — Siphonines, as a rule, have bare (B) eyes (i.e. only a very few short and widely spaced hairs visible). The exception is Proceromyia pubioculata , which has a densely haired eye (D). Character 5. Male eye height. — Eye size is markedly varied among siphonines, and as such is one of the most useful external characters for species recognition. Variation among species renders this character of little value at the generic level. In some lineages males and females of a species are apparently very similar in eye size, in other lineages the male or female may have the larger eye; this distinction was difficult to document with accuracy because of interspecific variation and because both male and female specimens of a species were not always available for Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 16 O’Hara comparison. Therefore, I have made generalizations in the generic descriptions based on specimens available. Male eye size was selected as the standard for comparison among genera because males generally vary more in eye size interspecifically and possess the better characters for species identification ( i.e . features of the male genitalia). Overall eye size is difficult to measure, so eye height is used here for comparisons. Eye height is taken as the maximum vertical distance from top of eye to bottom, relative to vertical head height (excluding ocellar triangle; as in O’Hara 1983a). Some authors ( e.g . Andersen 1982) measure eye height on a diagonal axis, resulting in slightly greater values than given here. Ranges in eye height are recorded in Table 1 and in descriptions; qualitative differences as well are given in the latter as an aid for comparisons, according to this arbitrary guide: small, eye up to 0.65 head height; medium-small, 0.66-0.69; medium, 0.70-0.76; medium-large, 0.77-0.84; and large, 0.85 and greater. Character 6. Male flagellomere 1 length. — Characteristics of flagellomere 1 (termed third antennal segment by some authors), like eye size, are among the best external features by which to recognize species. One aspect that is easily quantified is that of flagellomere 1 length, as measured in profile from the suture on the pedicel to the most distant point apically, and expressed in relation to vertical head height (as in O’Hara 1983a). Male flagellomere 1 length has been used here for comparisons among genera because males of most species have the larger flagellomere 1 (i.e. longer and broader) and thus exhibit more interspecific variation in this character than females. As with eye height, a qualitative guide to flagellomere 1 length accompanies the numerical range given in descriptions, as an aid for comparisons among taxa. The following arbitrary length classes are used: short, less than 0.40 head height; medium-short, 0.41-0.48; medium, 0.49-0.60; medium-large, 0.61-0.69; and large, 0.70 and greater. Character 7. Special modifications of male flagellomere 1. — Though the majority of siphonines possess an average shaped (i.e. not lobed) flagellomere 1, males (and only males) of a few species have unusual modifications, the functional significance of which is unknown. Included in this category are: bilobed flagellomere 1 (B; e.g. figs. 3a, 4a and 5a in Shima 1970a); trilobed flagellomere 1 (T; e.g. fig. 2a in Shima 1970a); and pectinate flagellomere 1 (P; e.g. Fig. 11, and fig. la in Shima 1970a). Absence of such modifications is indicated by an A in Table 1. The bilobed condition of male flagellomere 1 is found in a very few other tachinids besides the Siphonini (e.g. some species of the neaerine genus Phytomyptera Rondani), and a similar type of pectinate flagellomere 1 is found in males of Borgmeiermyia Townsend (figs. 1-5 in Amaud 1963). Character 8. Shape of male flagellomere 1 . — Considered here is the general shape of male flagellomere 1 , excluding the extreme modifications discussed under character 7. It is difficult to characterize flagellomere 1 shape into classes because its shape varies from one form to another in a continuous, non-graded manner. The Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 17 following states are broadly defined to cover the range of observed variation in shape of male flagellomere 1, and the cited figures illustrate examples of each. The states are: L, linear (Fig. 14); A, average (Fig. 17); B, broad (Fig. 6); S, subquadrangular (Fig. 15); and T, large and triangular. Character 9. Aristomere 1 length. — The majority of siphonines have a short aristomere 1 (S), with a length half or less that of its width. Aristomere 1 is slightly elongate (E) - subequal in length and width - in a few species of several taxa. Most useful taxonomically and phylogenetically is state L (Figs. 4-5, 15), in which length of aristomere 1 is much greater than width (usually 2-4 X longer than wide). Character 10. Aristomere 2 length. — Aristomere 2 is elongate in siphonines and at least 1.5X longer than wide, with most species having an aristomere 2 in the range of 2-4X longer than wide. Length of aristomere 2 varies markedly within genera, and to a lesser degree even within some species, so this character is of limited taxonomic value above the species level. As a generalization, species with a very large flagellomere 1 also have a long aristomere 2, so there is some correlation in size between these structures in some lineages. Similarly, a long aristomere 2 generally accompanies a bilobed, trilobed or pectinate flagellomere 1. In Table 1 the range in size (length divided by width) of aristomere 2 is given for each taxon. Character 11. Aristomere 3 length. — Aristomere 3 is varied in overall length and also in the degree to which it is tapered along its length; with length, and thickness along length, generally correlated. For this reason I have taken a subjective approach to this character rather than a strictly numerical one, using states that are visually interpretable. However, the difference between one state and another in the following series is subtle and the cited figures should be referred to as a guide for their discrimination. The states are: V, very short and either evenly tapered to tip or thickened to near tip (Fig. 15); T, short and thickened to near tip (Fig. 8); S, rather short and usually evenly tapered to tip (Figs. 10, 16; a very subjective interpretation of an aristomere 3 intermediate in form between T and the next state); and L, long and evenly tapered to fine tip (most figures, e.g. Figs. 6, 12, 18). Clear differences in shape and length of aristomere 3 among some lineages are useful both taxonomically and phylogenetically, even though intermediate states are difficult to categorize. Character 12. Arista vestiture. — Amount of pubescence on the arista is constant within a few lineages and greatly varied in most. Lack of apparent pubescence is referred to as almost bare (B; most figures, e.g. Figs. 14-16). Other states form a graded series from micropubescent (M; Figs. 7, 20), pubescent (P; Figs. 10, 17), short plumose (S; Fig. 13), to medium plumose (L, long). Character 13. Clypeus. — The clypeus is visible as a small sclerotized structure above the maxillary palpi when the proboscis is at least slightly extended. It is varied in form from narrow and partially enclosed laterally in membrane (N), to slightly (S) or distinctly broadened (B), to U-shaped (U). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 18 O’Hara Character 14. Maxillary palpus. — Most siphonines have a rather short, apically clavate palpus (S; most figures, e.g. Figs. 13-15). Particularly in species with an elongate proboscis, the palpus is correspondingly longer (L; Figs. 9, 20) and also apically clavate (e.g. Siphona 5.5.). In S. (Ceranthia) species and two species of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) the palpus is cylindrical (C; Fig. 16) along its length and varied in length from very short (reduced) to average. Character 15. Prementum length. — Almost all species with padlike labella have a short (S; e.g. Figs. 1-2, 5-6) to medium length (M; e.g. Figs. 14, 18) prementum ( prem ). Species with elongate labella almost always have an elongate prementum (E; Figs. 9, 20) as well. I have not classed these states into discrete sizes, but as an approximate guide short is less than half head height, elongate approximates or exceeds head height, and medium is intermediate. Character 16. Labella. — Of considerable taxonomic and phylogenetic importance is the length of the labella (Ibl). The groundplan condition is padlike labella (P; e.g. Figs. 1-8), and this state is widely distributed throughout the Siphonini. A state common to many lineages but independently derived within most of them is slightly lengthened labella (S), which are slightly longer than wide. Less common are the following states: M (Figs. 13, 17), labella moderately lengthened and subequal to or slightly longer than half prementum length (characteristic of most S. (Pseudosiphona) species); E (Fig. 18), labella elongate and slightly shorter to slightly longer than three-quarters prementum length (typical of most S. (Siphonopsis) species); and L (Figs. 9, 20), labella as long as or longer than prementum (all Siphona s.s. species and a few species in other lineages). Character 17. Prosternum. — The prostemum of most siphonine species is setulose (S), generally with a single pair of setulae but in a few species with several pair. A bare prostemum (B) is characteristic of a few species, though more commonly a bare specimen belongs to a species in which the prostemum is typically setulose. Character 18. Lower proepimeral seta. — All siphonines have a strong, upturned seta (u prepm s) on the lower portion of the proepimeron. In addition, a strong lower seta (/ prepm s) is present and directed downward in Peribaea (state P; Fig. 27). In other taxa the lower proepimeral seta (prostigmatic seta of some authors) is hair-like or absent (A; Fig. 28). Character 19. Anepisternum. — The upper region of the anepistemum has a patch of hairs and one to three larger setulae (anepst s), as recorded in Table 1 (one large setula shown in- Fig. 32, two in Fig. 31). In most species the number of setulae is apparently constant, in others varied; as well, in certain genera there is a characteristic number of setulae while in others the number is varied. Character 20. Katepisternum anterior to mid coxa. — The katepistemum is considered bare (B) anterior to the mid coxa if several hairs are present along (and restricted to) the lower portion adjacent to the ventral midline (Fig. 34). In most Actia species and Entomophaga exoleta a row of hairs (kepst h) extend upward Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 19 anterior to the mid coxa from the ventral midline almost to the lower katepistemal seta (S; Fig. 33). Character 21. Lower katepistemal seta. — Three setae are in a triangular arrangement on the upper portion of the katepistemum. The lower seta (/ kepst 5) is varied in length, and compared with the upper anterior seta is shorter (S; Fig. 31), approximately equal in length (E), or distinctly longer (L; Fig. 32 [seta appearing equal in length to upper anterior seta due to perspective]). Character 22. Postsutural dorsocentral setae. — Three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae are present, as indicated in Table 1. As a generalization, the setae are longer and thicker (i.e. stronger) in species with three postsutural dorsocentrals than in those with four. Though the states of this character are constant within some species and lineages, they vary within a few species ( e.g . several species of Siphona s.s. ). Character 23. Preapical anterodorsal seta on fore tibia. — This seta is varied from apparently absent to long. As compared with the preapical dorsal ( d) seta on the fore tibia, it is either shorter (S) or approximately equal in length or longer (E). Character 24. Anterodorsal seta on mid tibia. — Most siphonines possess one strong anterodorsal seta (ad s) on the lower half of the mid tibia (Fig. 37). This seta is lacking from S. (Baeomyia) species (Fig. 38) and several species of Actia , and a row of ad setae is present in Goniocera. Number of ad setae present on the mid tibia is shown in Table 1. Character 25. Tarsomere 5 modification. — An average (A) tarsus is common to the groundplan of the Siphonini. One to several species in separate lineages possess a modification in tarsomere 5 of females (not known in males). Tarsomere 5 is enlarged in these species - broader and longer than in other siphonines (e.g. fig. 22 in Richter 1980 [female mislabelled as male]) and in most species with a dense patch of sensory haiis ventrally. This specialization is restricted to the fore leg in most species (F), but is present on all legs in a very few (L). Character 26. Tarsal claw length. — Claws and pulvilli are short in most siphonines (S; e.g. figs. 4 and 6 in O’Hara 1983a). In a few species the claws are large (L; e.g. fig. 5, op. cit.), and generally larger in males than females. M designates a medium or intermediate-sized tarsal claw. Character 27. Wing vein Rj dor sally. — - Setulation of vein Rx dorsally can be discretely divided into three states: B, bare (Fig. 22); D, setulose distally; and E, setulose along its entire length (Fig. 21). Species do not vary between states D and E, though many species vary between B and possessing one to several setulae distally near the costal margin. Character 28. Wing vein R} ventrally. — Vein R j ventrally is either bare (B) or distally setulose (D). As with character 27, some species vary between state B and possessing one to several setulae distally near the costal margin. Character 29. Wing vein R4+5 dorsally. — Setulation of vein R4+5 is the most useful wing character taxonomically other than character 33. It is setulose (with four Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 20 O’Hara to many setulae) in all siphonines and is one of the diagnostic features of the tribe. Two states are recognized, and only a very few species vary between one state and the other: P (proximal), R4+5 setulose between base (bifurcation of R2+ 3 and R4+5) and crossvein r-m (Fig. 22); and E, R4+5 setulose from base to beyond crossvein r-m (Fig. 21). Character 30. Wing vein CuA j dorsally. — Most siphonines have either a bare (B; Fig. 21) or partially setulose vein CuAx. This vein is either setulose from crossvein bm-cu outward (S; Fig. 22), or in a very few species is additionally setulose proximal to bm-cu (P). State P is constant in those species with that state, but a few species vary between state B and possessing several setulae on CuAx (a row of setulae on CuAx is a good species-constant state). Character 31. Setulation of other wing veins. — Setulation described in characters 27-30 are average for the Siphonini (A). Setulation on normally bare veins is noted here for several species: B, Ceromya Brazil sp. 5, with veins Sc and /?2+3 setulose ventrally; C, Actia ciligera , with veins R2+3, ^4+5 and M setulose dorsally and ventrally; F, Actia fallax, with vein M setulose ventrally; M, Peribaea modesta, with vein R2+ 3 setulose dorsally and ventrally; and S, some specimens of the S. ( Actinocrocuta ) singularis complex, with vein Sc setulose ventrally. Character 32. Loss of vein M distally. — Vein M is complete (C; i.e. extended to wing margin) in the majority of siphonines; in some species of Actia (involving several species groups) it fades out before its characteristic bend towards the wing tip in the apical one-fourth of wing (N). In a few Actia species the bend of M is faint but still visible. Character 33. Anal vein. — This is one of the most significant characters in the Siphonini. The anal vein either fades out before the wing margin (N; Fig. 21) or is extended to the wing margin at least as a fold (E; Fig. 22). The latter state is rare in other tachinids, and of great diagnostic and phylogenetic importance in the Siphonini. Character 34. Position of crossvein dm-cu. — The position of crossvein dm-cu is varied from near wing margin (Fig. 21) to relatively far removed from it (Fig. 22). A measure of dm-cu position was obtained by dividing the distal length of CuAx (distance from dm-cu to wing margin) by proximal length of CuAx (distance from crossvein bm-cu to dm-cu). The range in values for each taxon is given in Table 1 along with the number of species examined (generally one specimen measured per species), the mean, and standard deviation (SD). This character is discussed in detail in O’Hara (in press “b”). Character 35. Median marginal setae on abdominal terga 1+2. — Median marginal setae are considered absent (A) from abdominal terga 1+2 (Tx+2) if they cannot be distinguished from adjacent setulae. If they are slightly longer and thicker than adjacent setulae then they are considered weak (W), and if subequal in size to the median and lateral marginals on f3 they are strong (S) (states A and S are illustrated in figs. 7-8, O’Hara 1983a). Some species with state S are constant for Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 21 this state, while in other species all states are present among different individuals or some specimens have a strong median marginal on one side and lack one on the other. Character 36. Lateral marginal setae on abdominal terga 1+2. — States A (absent), W (weak) and S (strong) are the same as described for character 35 (see figs. 7-8 in O’Hara 1983a for states W and S). This character varies intraspecifically as in character 35. though generally such variation is between states A and W; most species with strong lateral marginal setae (S) rarely vary from this state. Character 37. Setation on abdominal terga 3 to 5.- — The average condition (A) is one in which tergum 3 (Tf) has a pair of strong median and lateral marginal setae and tergum 4 (T4) and tergum 5 ( T5 ) each have an evenly spaced row of six marginal setae (figs. 7-8 in O’Hara 1983a). Additionally, in some species T3-T5 have weak to strong lateral discal setae (D) and/or an extra pair of lateral marginal setae (L). Character 38. Posterior processes of male abdominal sternum 5. — Male sternum 5 ( S5 ) consists of an anterior (basal) plate ( bs p) and two posterior processes. The processes are separated from one another by a median cleft ( med c) and bordered anteromedially by a broad desclerotized area ( descl a) of varied size (Fig. 47). Shape of the processes is greatly varied, but two general areas are recognized on each process: the apical lobe (ap /) and median lobe ( med 1 ) (Fig. 47). In most Actia species the median lobes are undifferentiated and the apical lobes are long and broadly continuous with the processes, resulting in a more or less V-shaped S5 (A, Actia- type; Figs. 58-59). In a few other siphonines S5 resembles the A state of Actia except the median lobes are distinctly differentiated and partially enclose the median cleft (V; Figs. 61, 64). In most siphonines the apical lobe is more narrowed preapically, and in combination with a distinctly differentiated median lobe produces a sharply or broadly defined U-shaped posterior margin (U; e.g. Figs. 47, 50, 65-70) or one in which the angle between apical and median lobes is obtusely angled (O; i.e. an intermediate state between V-shaped and U-shaped, e.g. Figs. 48-49, 60). A few siphonines have an undifferentiated apical lobe and rounded median lobe, producing a more or less transverse sternal margin posteriorly (T; Figs. 51-52, 57). Character 39. Apical lobe of male abdominal sternum 5. — Within lineages possessing a preapically narrowed apical lobe and U-shaped S5 posteriorly (see character 38), there is a trend toward curving inward (i.e. medially) of the apex of the apical lobe. State A designates the average condition in which the apical lobe is directed posteriorly (e.g. Figs. 47, 50, 66-68); C, an apical lobe distinctly curved inward (Figs. 56, 62-63, 65, 69); and S, an intermediate state in which apical lobe is slightly curved inward (Figs. 53-54). Character 40. Median lobe of male abdominal sternum 5. — This feature of considerable variation is here defined as the region bordering the median cleft posteriorly, and continuous with the posterior process laterally. It is undifferentiated (U) in those species of Actia in which the sternal margin posteriorly is V-shaped and Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 22 O’Hara median cleft not bordered by lobes (Fig. 58). In the simplest developed form the median lobe is rounded along its median margin (R) and partially encloses the median cleft (e.g. Figs. 55, 64, 67). In more developed forms the median lobe is truncate (T; e.g. Figs. 63, 66) along its medial or posteromedial margin or very broad and longitudinally elongate (E; e.g. Figs. 53, 69). In Goniocera species and a few other species the median lobe forms a broad, truncated plate flattened in a more or less posteromedial plane (F; Figs. 47, 54). State F is a highly derived form of median lobe, and between it and state T are a range of intermediates here classed as state I, characterized by a truncate margin and rather flattened surface posteromedially (Fig. 68). Some species, particularly within Siphona s.l., have an accessory lobe on the median lobe posteriorly (A; Fig. 70). Character 41. Setulation of male abdominal sternum 5. — Sternum 5 is bare on the basal plate, anterior to the desclerotized area. The posterior processes are sparsely (S), moderately (M), or densely (D) setulose. The processes may also have one pair of setae distinctly larger than the surrounding setulae, but presence or absence of these setae has been interpreted as too intraspecifically varied to be usefully characterized here. Character 42. Size of male abdominal ter gum 6. — Male tergum 6 (T6) is separated from the epandrium by a narrow strip of membrane. In a few siphonines T6 is unsclerotized (A, apparently absent), while in most it is varied from tiny to small lateral sclerites (S), to larger lateral sclerites (L), to a narrow to broad dorsally continuous sclerite (D). Character 43. Width of ejaculatory apodeme. — The ejaculatory apodeme in the male genitalia has a bulbous base and a fan-shaped apical portion of varied size. Width of the fan-shaped portion is expressed herein as a function of the preapical width of the hypandrial apodeme (as measured dorsally). The relative width of the fan-shaped portion is given either as a measured range or expressed in relative terms in Table 1 and descriptions. The following states of the latter are recognized: N, ejaculatory apodeme slightly narrower than hypandrial apodeme; S, apodemes subequal in width; and W, ejaculatory apodeme slightly wider than hypandrial apodeme. Character 44. Shape of pregonite. — Pregonites are structures to either side of the aedeagus, articulated at their bases with the hypandrium. A thin membrane extends anteriorly from the apex of each pregonite to the ventral surface of hypandrium. Pregonite shape is varied in many and subtle ways and cannot be classified into states without grouping similar forms in a subjective manner. I have tried to select and describe states I perceive as most meaningful in a taxonomic and phylogenetic sense, though it must be noted that even a continuous transformation series cannot be hypothesized since most states could easily have been derived from one of several others. The following states are recognized, and are arranged alphabetically because of the complexity of this character: A, average, smoothly curved along posterior margin or bent rather sharply at midlength, and pointed or Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 23 rounded apically (Figs. 73-76, 89-94, 96-106); C, C-shaped (open side facing anteriorly) and broad at midlength (Figs. 87-88); F, fused basally with hypandrial apodeme (only observed in S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) nigronitensf J, broad subapically and more or less J-shaped (Figs. 85-86); L, linear and only slightly curved apically (Fig. 72); M, anterior membranous portion enlarged, apex of pregonite generally not curved anteriorly (Figs. 77, 79-81); O, ring-shaped (Fig. 78), though part of ring incomplete in a few species; P, elongate and curved posteriorly (unique to Ceromya lutea. Fig. 83); S, thin and sickle-like, with basal arm slightly extended anteriorly (Fig. 84); T, basally broad and apically truncate (Fig. 71); and W, broadened or wide along most of length, with short pointed apex (Fig. 95). Character 45. Pregonite modifications. — The pregonite has a smooth outer surface in the groundplan condition. Spines (sp) or spinules (spin) adorn the pregonite in a number of genera, and the size, pattern and location of these are classed into discrete, non-continuous states. However, not all of the following states can be seen with a dissecting microscope (at 50X), so it is necessary to examine the pregonite at a power of 100X or more with a compound microscope to discern with certainty whether small spinules are present or absent (A; e.g. Figs. 72, 76, 84, 87-88, 90-94). The spinose states are: L, longitudinal ridge on anterolateral surface with spines in single row along edge (Figs. 73-75, 103-105); M, anterior membranous portion ( memb p) of pregonite expanded, usually with field of spinules on lower portion (Figs. 39-40, 71, 83, 79-81; these spinules are too small to be seen with most dissecting microscopes in specimens of most species); E, similar to state M, but in addition has laterally directed spines on anterolateral portion of sclerotized area (Fig. 82); R, ring-shaped pregonite (state O in character 44) with spinules anteriorly (Fig. 78); S, sclerotized portion ( scl p) of pregonite with field of spines distally, with largest spines along apical margin (Figs. 41-42, 85-86); and T, sclerotized portion of pregonite with field of tiny spinules distally (Figs. 89, 95, 100; as with state M, these spinules are very small in specimens of some species, and not readily discernible with most dissecting microscopes). Character 46. Posterior seta on pregonite. — Some members of Siphona s.l. possess a tiny to long seta at about midlength on the posterior surface of the pregonite. Different setal size classes are recognized because certain lineages possess a seta with a characteristic length. However, setal length is varied among some species, and varied between absent and small to medium in a few. Given the varied nature of this character, the following imprecisely specified states are recognized: A, absent (e.g. Figs. 71-82); T, very tiny seta (Figs. 89, 93, 97-98, 103-104, 106; not readily discernible without aid of a compound microscope); M, short to medium-sized seta (Figs. 90-92); L, long, thick seta (Fig. 94; as characteristically present in species of S. ( Ceranthia )); and F, two to a few tiny to short setae (Fig. 95). Character 47. Epiphallus. — An epiphallus is a subbasal, posterior outgrowth of the aedeagus. A small epiphallus is best seen in dorsal or ventral view, where Quaest.Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 24 O’Hara unobstructed by epandrium or postgonite. The following states are recognized: A, absent; S, small (short); N, relatively large but narrow; and P (present), relatively large and average width. Character 48. Posterior margin of distiphallus. — The distiphallus is a cylindrical structure of varied size, shape and sclerotization. Several characteristics of the distiphallus appear to be more or less independent of one another, and three are considered here as characters 48 to 50. Character 48 describes the relative amount of sclerotization along the posterior margin of the distiphallus. The posterior margin is either entirely sclerotized to near apical margin of distiphallus (E; pos marg in Fig. 1 16), or is incised or desclerotized to varied degrees (I). The latter state can be recognized in lateral view in most species of Siphona s.l. by the presence of a pointed, sclerotized projection on the distiphallus posteriorly, below the narrowed attachment of basiphallus and distiphallus ( e.g . scl proj in Figs. 125, 127). Character 49. Posterolateral margin of distiphallus. — The lateral surfaces of the distiphallus, as viewed in profile, provide among the best features for species separation and recognition within the Siphonini. Shape of the distiphallus is too varied to be fully categorized at the generic level, but two aspects have been selected for description as characters 49 and 50. Character 49 refers to the posterolateral margin (apically) of the distiphallus. In some siphonines it is reduced (r lat marg in Fig. 108) or not differentiated ( i.e . not incised; undif p slat marg in Fig. 124) from the rest of the distiphallus (A; e.g. Figs. 108-111, 1 15-124). In other siphonines the posterolateral margin of the distiphallus is incised from the rest of the lateral margin and slightly to markedly elongate, mostly independently among different lineages. This is a difficult character to classify into states, though the following series gives a rough indication of the diversity of this character among the recognized siphonine lineages: S, posterolateral margin separated from lateral margin by narrow incision and not extended beyond apex of lateral margin (present in Goniocera io, but not visible in Fig. 107 because posterolateral margins are curved inward); M, moderate apical extension of posterolateral margin beyond rest of lateral margin (m pslat marg in Fig. 125) and usually pointed or spined (either continuous with lateral margin or incised from it; Figs. 125, 131, 134); and E, as in state M but apically extended well beyond apex of rest of distiphallus (/ pslat marg in Figs. 1 12 and 127) (Figs. 1 12, 1 14, 127, 133, 136). Character 50. Spines on lateral margin of distiphallus. — The lateral and anterolateral surfaces of the distiphallus are adorned with small spinules, especially conspicuous anteriorly and apically. In some siphonines no larger spines are present (A; Figs. 107, 115-118, 132-135), in others the lateral margins are armed with conspicuously larger, usually recurved, spines along anterior and/or apical margin (P; Figs. 108-111, 114, 121, 124, 128). The degree to which these spines are differentiated is very useful taxonomically, particularly at the species level, but is too varied to be categorized here. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 25 Character 51. Postgonite size. — Paired postgonites extend posteriorly from either side of the aedeagus basally. They are large (W, well developed) and conspicuous in most siphonines. Postgonites are short (S) in some siphonines (about as long as width of basiphallus subbasally), or reduced (R) to scarcely discernible lobes at base of basiphallus. Character 52. Sur stylus basally.- — Each surstylus articulates basally with the epandrium and cerci. In most siphonines it is attached membranously (M; Figs. 139-144), in a few there is a narrow sclerotized connection between the epandrium posteriorly and surstylus basally (F, epandrium and surstylus fused; Figs. 137-138). Character 53. Shape of surstylus. — The average condition (A) of the surstylus, as viewed in profile, is one in which it is narrowed at about midlength and either straight or slightly curved posteriorly near apex (Fig. 141). The following states are qualitative departures from the average condition (see cited figures for examples): S, short (Fig. 142); B, distinctly broader than average (Fig. 138); C, markedly curved posteriorly (Fig. 139); and L, elongate (Fig. 137). Character 54. Shape of male cerci. — The cerci of siphonines are fused medially and tapered to a single slender apex. Their shape is described in lateral view, with average (A) being slender on lower half, smoothly curved at midlength and curved anteriorly near apex (Fig. 141). The following shapes are recognized, relative to the average shape: S, short (Fig. 138); B, broadened; E, elongate (Fig. 140); L, linear or straight along posterior margin in profile; R, same as state L but short (Fig. 139); and I, sharply inflexed at midlength, short to long in length (Figs. 137-138, 140; state I may be accompanied by one of the former states). Character 55. Female ovipositor length. — The ovipositor, or female genitalia, is primitively short and only slightly extensible. More extensible ovipositors have evolved independently within different lineages, perhaps as an adaptation for depositing larvae directly upon hosts (as suggested by Andersen 1983). Extensible ovipositors are telescopic and characterized by broad regions of intersegmental membrane, and often elongated sclerites as well. Degree of extensibility is classed as follows: S, short and only slightly extensible (Figs. 43-46, 146-148, 151-153); M, moderately extensible (Figs. 145, 149-150, 154); E, elongate (Fig. 155); and V, very elongate (Fig. 156). Character 56. Shape of female sternum 6. — The most apparent modifications to the female genitalia, other than extensibility, involve shape of sterna 6 (S6) and 7 (S-j). Modification of S6 is not common among siphonines, and is apparently always accompanied by similar or more pronounced modification of S7. In the average (A) condition S6 is slightly rounded on its ventral surface (Figs. 43-46, 145-153). Several types of modification are recognized: W, weakly or slightly keeled ( kl ) posteromedially; S, sharply keeled posteromedially (Fig. 154); M, moderately elongate (Figs. 154, 156); and E, elongate (Fig. 155). Character 57. Size of female tergum 6. — Female tergum 6 ( T6 ) is varied in size as follows: A, absent; S, very small lateral sclerites (Fig. 152); L, moderate-sized Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 26 O’Hara lateral sclerites (Figs. 145, 148, 151, 155-156); M, dorsomedian sclerite, not extended laterally; D, single sclerite extended dorsally and laterally (Figs. 153-154); and N, as in state D but narrowly discontinuous dorsally (Figs. 146-147, 149-150). Character 58. Anterior apodeme on female sternum 7. — Female sternum 7 (S7) is without an anterior apodeme (A, absent) if its anterior margin is broadly rounded (Figs. 145, 149, 151-156). An apodeme is present if a sclerotized arm extends anteriorly from the anteromedian margin of S7, and is classed as either short (S; Fig. 150) or long (W, well developed; Figs. 146-148, ant apod in Fig. 147). Character 59. Shape of female sternum 7. — As mentioned under character 56, modifications to sterna 6 (S6) and 7 (S7) are the most conspicuous in female genitalia other than extensibility. The following states are similar to those given for character 56: A, average condition, S7 slightly rounded ventrally (Figs. 43, 45, 145-146, 148-153); W, weakly or slightly keeled ( kl ) posteromedially (Fig. 147); S, sharply keeled posteromedially (Figs. 44, 46); E, elongate (Figs. 155-156); and L, elongate and keeled posteromedially (Fig. 154). Character 60. Size of female ter gum 7. — Female tergum 7 (T7) is varied in size as follows: A, absent; S, very small lateral sclerites (Figs. 151-152); L, moderate-sized lateral sclerites (Figs. 145-150, 153); and F, lateral sclerites fused with S7 (Figs. 154-156). Character 61. Location of spiracle of segment 7. — The position of the spiracle of segment 7 is varied. In some siphonines it is located in segment 7, close to or in T7 or dorsal to margin of S7 (state P, posterior; Figs. 148, 153-156). In other siphonines the spiracle is located dorsolaterally in membrane between segments 6 and 7 (state I, intermediate; Figs. 145, 150-152) or anteriorly in segment 6 in or near T6 (state A, anterior; Figs. 146-147, 149). Character 62. Characteristics of female sternum 8. — Female sternum 8 (S8) is varied in several ways. In the average (A) condition it is a small sclerotized plate partially covered by S7, and sparsely haired posteriorly (Figs. 43-46, 146, 148-153; average condition but bare in Peribaea species). Other states are as follows: L, lacking or absent (Figs. 147, 154-156); R, reduced in size (Fig. 145); W, much wider than average; B, bare or almost so; and S, with thick setae posteriorly (setation not shown in figures). Character 63. Size of female tergum 10. — Tergum 10 (Tl0) is located dorsal to the cerci ( cer ). It is small and sparsely haired in most siphonines, and present as either a median sclerite (M) or as two slightly separated sclerites (P, paired; a few species possess both states). In a few siphonines T10 is unsclerotized (A, absent) or reduced in size (R). Character 64. Labrum of first instar. — The anterior end of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton of first instars of the Tachinidae is extended forward between the lateral sclerites, and is tentatively homologized with the labrum by Wood (1987: 1196) (often termed “mouth hook” by previous authors). As in other tachinids, the labrum of first instar siphonines varies from hook-like (N, narrow in Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 27 dorsal-ventral plane; Figs. 159, 161-162) to hatchet-like (B, broadened in dorsal-ventral plane; Figs. 158, 160, 163). In a few siphonines the labrum is intermediate between these states, and here termed slightly broadened (I). First instars of the Siphonini are described by O’Hara (in press “a”). Character 65. Dorsal cornu of cephalopharyngeal skeleton of first instars. — In most larval siphonines and other larval tachinids there are two cornua posteriorly on the cephalopharyngeal skeleton, one dorsal ( d corn) and one ventral (v corn ) (P; Figs. 158-159, 161-163). The dorsal cornu is absent (A) from all nine Actia species examined for this character (Figs. 160). The possible presence of a dorsal cornu in Actia dubitata, illustrated in Farinets (1980), is indicated by a “7P1” in Table 1. Character 66. Posteroventral margin of abdominal segment 6 of first instars. — First instars of the Siphonini are equipped with spinules or hooks externally. The greatest modification and variation in these structures are found on the last several abdominal segments, particularly the posteroventral margin of segments 6 and 7. Segment 6 is bare or has small spinules (B) posteroventrally (Figs. 157-161), or large spinules to hooks. If large spinules or hooks are present (Figs. 162-163), then their number is entered in Table 1 . Character 67. Posteroventral margin of abdominal segment 7 of first instars. — Segment 7 possesses ventrally a row or rows of spinules along its posterior margin, anterior to the anus. Two states are recognized: R, two or more even or uneven rows of spinules (Figs. 157-162); and S, a single dominant row of spinules (Fig. 163). Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) Table 1. Distribution of character states in the Siphonini. Refer to text for explanation of characters and states. (Superscripts indicate the number of species possessing a state, an asterisk denotes a state shared by most species in a taxon, an arrow signifies the presence of states intermediate to those on either side of arrow, and a diagonal slash (/) indicates that two states are present in the single examined species of that taxon.) 28 O’Hara £ E O k. £ ° ca ca a, vs S a . 1/5 t - t t ^ wo ' ^ wo ' C/5 C/5 C/2 C/5 C/2 t ca ca H ca ^ oa ca ^ S s w t * t H H H oo . ^ -J f oo H OO . */“> . ^ I • rs Cfl “ u W 73 . C/2 «► C/2 C/2 C/2 CQ_ c/5 00 H CQ_ ra m < < CQ t t < < < < J J J S. aa_ & H < < < < X * < < < < m < r*o vO 0 vO vr> w-1 CN *3- vp VO vr> rq WO WO o © o © O O © ©’ © Cn| rr oo oo o> ^1, ro ro VO ro ro ■ej" '3' © 0 o o O ©> © TT vO VO Ov © c*~> r- oo rq OO OO OO oo OO oo © © o o o o © © O oo oo m oo vo ro © WO r~ vo vO rq VO r~ r~- rq © © o ° o o © © O ca q CQ ca CQ CQ ca ca CQ C/2 ^ ^ C« H i i •4. on oo o/2 on f-nhcflhH < < J -J _J _j <<<<<<<<<<<<< T n \o <0 ' ~ VO WO VO » o o o (2 n Tf m t~~ oo wo /2 wo WO WO w W OO 00 < < < < < O vr> O O v/q O O VO l/“> VT> VO VT> VO VT> o o o o o vr> Tf rl r! rl ri m’ ri 5 | Ok ® P -C fc ca, ? o s I £ 5 wi wo wo wo 00 C/2 < < c/2 02 C/2 <-* < < < wo wo wo wo *“ < < < wowooowoowowooowo Troworowowovo^rwowo^J- wo O O © O O wo WO O O WO fOMn(N(OfSM(N^friM ^ ^ in 0,0.0. 00 00 oo c c W> a o .2 c c ^ ^ ^ cq (j WN.'s.'v C/i 12 td tO t/i g P £ S3 to ^ © © ■*; -c - - - - to to to cd io to -c -c ©. ©, 55 to c -5 £ o <-> i^|l f”s! wj 00 .Si a> 2 -E c? a> H . O < J2 lis^l S K k, O c 02 XZ o..£ > o i2>i 6 « a> .22 £ I|ls “cji 02 • « s^s .§•=* -s i- o c " E cLuT ^ c c •“« a> . C/3 cx O . ^ O) ^ 5 55 -a 2 .2 ■5^1-S'S , ° JJ c a> ^ j a> oo £ o. - c „ • * eg — oh"-* 8lJ ^ B i_o4>(L> — os^-oft k. — c C M* .go » a> 10 o . C SPh-w r-'i £ 5 -S' ^ “lojj 5^w-og. u "t S d-«^ « x « « ^ 5 2 >» (J « r £ — 55 i2 = eg.^: 3 « oo s » c 1/5 W3 >» o 'C © c is 3 o «/ _ 5 ui -o TJ « W3 * rrt rt Q 0 ° *S » 8-o ..c H-H 2C ■8 a> jcg CO 55 5 S>.'& «« « co r* T3 2 ^ W « « « § S 3 Clypeus Palpus Prementum Labeila Prostemal Proepimeral Anepisternal Katepistemum Postsutural ad seta ad seta Taxon shape shape length shape setation seta setation mid coxa setae dorsocentrals fore tibia mid tibia Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 29 PJ W W co co So C/0 CO * ^ 'T tfl w W W o) + C/2 VO CO CQ CQ * CQ OQ » CQ B3 CQ <<<<<< CLh CO CO ^ - CO CO * CO - CO ® pc 03 ft. ft, W. ft, to. UQ ^ CO CO CO CO CO + So CO , 3 cr 02 J=> oo O 3 Cj in ct< ^ve' „ - ■- i V rt j/ c 5 ■o 5 * o,b 5. Sg.85 OJ3 ► ^ L, ^C05»ia O o .. j-j ” w 3 w §6 S 8S 3jia> II w Ir^l - gs s1.. p^’ «N 5 6 “U w .Sm *8 2 o * c ”E1 u « « • £ u p. — E c 3 V w w rt iQ >> i: a. l— C bZ c Cu a> ^ U5»C« 2 15 2! J2 ^ ’5. 04 o £ •c » 2 5 03 o o o h Sc 03 w ^ O, _3 CO <2 — iJ pa* « £1. s^o r: © w S,*^ £ 2 00 C £ | u + e* 3 O —-2 S-2.4! Sj . -i fcJ s . . C" .. --u j= Ssl-gf u on n •" o -o c ^ — O ~d O D _ 3 t>0 co co ^ o co cb o*g 2 o S 3 w C JJ t D t ^ 2 2 s« t D + ^ 2 2 2 * 2 + zz2 2Z 2 2 z £w”g«2 •S | b.§ I * <3 0) <3 © © © >\ 5 S 5 o © o ft, ^ U U ^ On T ^ ^ oq ^ ^ 'v's, CO Co Co to 2 © © « » •« *c 2 2 5- 5- £ ft, to Co b a a a cd oo oo © a © © © © © _ _ _ _ -c -c ■« ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Co Co CO Co Co to to *8 " S * .2 •g 4J O0 _ o ul‘C w ° 2 « 2 C 2 j§ g ts rt luf* I <3*2 S « 3 Q. . •*« T> •o2£ ■ 3 2 -S £ -g * §D^-Sg 2 r-T ^ o o Quaes*. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 30 O’Hara a R t/i a> O « o o o o o o o © o o o o o © © 5 vo 4 vi i?i k. N (S N N N o © © © © oooooooo T k£> o o OO •'T v£> tJ- © © © © m © Hvor^rs m rq N N r>» cm 2 d c •s-^ls g “«£*! silfS | u g £ z 2 >>k©£ ^ £ MO® Vw, 5 eo = ^ Sf Z 2 Z Z Z 7* u uuuuuuuuuuuuu © c • * • C 60 O ° q .3 15 13 T3 W TJ t3 .y a>- ir-o C o. © co oo ?> to « > U to U to to u. (J z ooooououooouu & t: sag* O © E w © to. H E „ B. < < < - < u < J < a dq ca cfl i ffl CQ o J- CQ CQ 03 Q Q a Q W W U UJ ffl P3 b Q D Q O' 03* CQ* CQ* CQ* on c/3 So co < < tu < < J J „ tU < u.* ^ < < g S © © 1 ® to £ a 2. ? ft. © © © ”*> 5 5 5 2SS © © © i*a to to * CQ CQ 03 CQ CO • CQ CQ CQ * > CQ a cQ ca cq U Eg w W w. ^ UQ w tU tU BJ ®- Cl,* ft.* ft-* 0- Q_ ft.* Cu 0-*" ®« CQ Q. jp* CQ Q. CQ CQ CQ 03 Q. Q. Q. CQ QQ cQ CQ CQ CQ CQ - w W U m q q ?- d q q Q q d « QCQCQCQ5aI*,*CQ^CQ„'caU- “ CQ CQ ca ca C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 CO CO + CO CO 2 CO CO CO So w <<<<<<**<<<<<< < 52 h ft ft 7 a* in ^ §■ *§. 1L © © >s -C ! | 1 1 11 "cl © © x 7 «a to to to to Co Co «o © .2 | § a 5 a -c -c 2 ft, Co Co b © © © c © © ^ ^ ^ ^ .ft. ft, Co Co Co Co Co Co 5l “Is o> ou !3> « 0) ° > oU«Hz‘E •© • .8 7. 60 tt£*!i *5-^^ c &2 W W §T3 u. O o 2 ■*« 2 ft; s c « ;'S2 si8«r-s c* f.wg^-a, Iloilo 2 *° 7 © u £ X « “ o • • 5 p © 2 ti ^ 2 - c ^ a „ »s 31 SJ • » V3 _ © © W “ •■ 1/5 ~ o .£ co •-T © . O « ©fi v « c |U||£ on C _ £5 a> wT © ^ E g « « ^ rt C © © o i 8 o-§ "ft. "ft, ^ Co Co ©”0 3 k- © -j © c © c «« Table 1 (cont.). Distribution of character states in the Siphonini Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 31 o s» g? .© 2 E o H H •» ^ bj> •t e3 H E <<<<<<< - - i-J ^ < 1/5 < < < JL 0- El ■ c/3 H- < < q bJ * < 2 00 £ ^ ^ ®? P £ c/3* > > *0 2 ^ ♦ ^ o ° « Q Q Q Q Q Q f M t t on J on ■2 2 2 2 - Q ? + 2 2 fc c* oi w ~ of BJ d Si < < < D O !T- q q q < < < C/3 t w w < on t < < q ®- ?- a * < < * < < c/3 c/5 «» «« t t * * < < < < < < < < , .8 £ £ <3 a I i 3 H S £ ^ q R 2 ? 2 H 2 * t 2 h - ‘■H < t < t + + < i/-> o o QQ^Q'fQD Q Q Q Q + t Q ,• t t < t t t t < cn — 1 < *£ _) j on Jj on 2 2 2 5 k 2 2 S- 2 S- 2 C/3 C/3 cn < < i. < < < q q < q a! a! H Di h - h h H- H oi ol w q q tu Of? * * Bi ¥ q V < < ^ = §?: < v &L S ■? < < < < < < < < «3, a o a -c -c S -5 -5 © o a .2 o ,s 3 »s < 111 II © cl © © ^ ^ X ft? O V u u U 2 - u < ** ** < ** < < < < < -* D. D D D D D o“ > O <*'<<<*-< < < J. & * * «? ? < ? <<<<<< < <*+<<<<<< < •g C C *3 ^ © © © ? •«: -c S $ 5- 5- 5 ^ to on wtocotototncotototdS?^ © © c c © © ■§, ■§. Sn £n < $ t- © ,e . i S 2 3-oij a-gl Is Sc;5'b-s^|&&" CT3 b. T3 « © J= E cs ” ” — i 55 “■ ea .C©’Cc 'c'® U«"BC -“B « lO -r- C c3 it ca • *0 T3 0) ? I. o ■ • J sa’SSi>*32«-o to ^5 > © ^ rt c © CO-g 3 ^co i-^’S-S^KSg - to OX) S rt^_ © C i£ © ;e => " o © aE *8 2 o «■ 0 © c o s — a2o < — -T tl Ji B J O U © Ci cr>o «« ^ 5 W © © r- 3 ^ ,2 w. o."5 x> • * n. © 3 « c >• -•0^3 © ‘"■g ^ S -S «j i! y £ t/i 1 ■o n “ © c ct © 2,* © © ^ • - . c H •2 tj n g *-» © J= ■o (« ^ E ..*2 xs © ^ « o g S o §. g x> -s JS ■ V m ‘ © o, © g| “ © tj . 60T3 © O 3 CT3 -O - - ™ i-.<-> O >■ tx> •o % H ©< ©U--2 S _ © © ..b"ssST« © £ «j= © 3 w g. © Sc 3 S © O0T3 <- in u- CL t-t C . CL— 1/5 « Qc m ■ © 2 7. ©5 c *3 © 2 C^-g MO 3 < E — ' oH ^ s 5 © © © c 1*11*1 CJ « 9 £ © > CL 3 ^ D > ^ cd v s||h'H. ^ s ^ i* •§ & Z^T ff _ 1 ni C a> .. • * a> ,2 • ~ ■gc© ;2u « L, « © E --3 r- r * w JC r \ G «i5K oyW r * T 3 • *r-T T3 t: C O.© co «o c -r J= . o > “Cfl'S c o .2 >> CL - g X -o 2 © © ' © >> Q> ^ cl o g _>>q to to •- — — - © © 33 CO to to T3 w © zJ C to pi — 3 , O © °zSZ “ *> g. 0.-& =s SO "5^2 « 1/5 - <2 2^ © « © j=*3 e ...§ § a -■ssg-s a^-s fll-S isV < oo 4-T ril »§o Ei ^.2 2 Sfi'g g © ^ 2 ^ -E •= c 5 — © co.c^^5u ©^ 00 *4_> w-« ^ 5o © T3* -5 © as *3 O ‘C CL •3 -O C S ca 5P o © ^ o C to ^ g,.s .SJrf gu CO ’82g'gbS©§Ju- © 2 > o =2 P— •-© Ssiaiuiocs © he © © £f»a 04 8 -E -j -3 © CO CL x> CL Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) Epiphallus Male distiphallus Postgonite Male surstylus Cerci Female Female Taxon size posterior posterolateral lateral shape basally shape shape ovipositor sternum 6 32 O’Hara <<<<<< 2 oo So t w w ^ * GO £<<<£*£<< i < < < 5 < < u s 2 M M t to O CO | 00 00 ^r, GO • - •a n o « o t: - . Sco a c ..t) _ a> o id a> O 4> 3 w ^ >> ^ 4> O XI U3 C . . fli — o* « <2 ci M «- ®r <-j rJ [I] o g « 3 J J ^r OO 00* < “* < "I - Sa_ DC < =ft* «e B^‘u, CO < < < u4 • t < < - OQ < U 2 »-o < 00 oo_ < o 2^ o' 0> . ^ J _l J J i-J oo* U CO J U U ^ u CJ < CQ* CQ* < GO* <* 00 CQ* * < - < 00^ < < < < S. ^ S ^* £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ®i 1 SL * - # < < < < w tu co < < t t < < < < ? z. z z < z < oo sa, o a © ^ S 5 S 2 5 5 8? © QJ t*j u u 2 a 3 S ^ £ x. - u <*l U < or)* « < ** < 22^-2222222 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ >l W“ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0.. Cu ®H O- £ ®“l 2 Cu J ~T .* < 5" ^ ** < CU < < ^ *“ <<< < < < < < W Si % 2 w W << t < > < ^. < - < t < t < 2 < < < < CU < < < < < Z < <<<<<< rs ro ft a ft u baa 2 § § t: -c «c u ft ft ^ ^ ^ tO CO O c j- ^3 g ^ O O W ^ 2 2 -s •§. § 2 «n u3* >. sr U to Co b o ' ' *5* to to to to Co Co Co •o II « O •o « w £ .S t3 S-°.5"S ^ 1 ^ ta ^ Sj 22 J= s S >» o> « n ox: — > ..Wx «« Jg .£ • " - ob bn‘£?}jw ..i w S ..£ * > E o. a) o ^ > _ 00 w w g • - ° 73 .. 52 5 X OW cd o-sin a> ^ E®&uE" ^ w . « cd J© “lips 4_> >» C S . „ u C « rt ^ v-1 m oX* u CD >> x-do . g M 0> C t-, J (U x; >< 1,5 "c • •> co !? « BU « s g* ^ rj O. cd 5 £ o l* « 5P^ -X C >> _ C !U O . "5 O 2 oo o •£ *5 £? « .. « S . g> r-= >>« -o W > U= 3 a> . * • 2 C ^ w ‘5. o> a> • « S-wCCJJ JS <2 c a> ^ 0= Ofl S) « o g g K£ S 45 8& O cd rl!" .S o» tsu °9« geo* CQ tj ti oS 1/3 c o_ c 2 u) z; o . » x -§a® Co 2 ^ 3 Jr S g«| e.c“ o * SsS^r E gU^m £ 5/5 • O b> tj *->* ■o’g-SaS <3 o ^ 2 J= tj C es U $Z' 5 posteromedially; M, moderately elongate; E, elongate. Female Female sternum 7 Female Segment 7 Female Female 1st instar Dorsal Posteroventral margin Taxon tergum 6 apodeme shape tergum 7 spiracle sternum 8 tergum 10 labrum cornu abd. seg. 6 abd. seg. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 33 OO 00 * I * £ * Ss‘ * I n S CQ 5h I i cL O- < s a, 2 < < 2 S, 2 a! CQ OC < J < < < < < < 2- 5- -* Oh cC <-r „ oo i j < ? ■ < % K < < < * < £ £ z z J z J a 00* _f < D. 3 O 00 a •2 go “» to: S 5 la, « a o IIHIs! O fc. C O ft, 10 o ri a> |«> S 8.3 off •SslarSl-s r -u|w* 2 « ^ >. § CD - o3 T: CD ZooV g S"..f g S 31-1 S' .2 .s o • » 7 « 2U o il!*i|I .x- ..’o-Z-c E Jl3 2 K --a* .. 2 n 3 W iu o to o . . C _ "3 C w w u O — O (U L- T3 S ss«-s^r. ^ .c faj ~ pq -O DC 2 g a> o "3 2 QO • - t3 .2 ^ a> 2 « £ 7*° « Js w 75 ^ E 7 3 ^ 2 g & o u, c o « t ^ j= j=U t7 ca S - w * • 4> C q. - t- > oo C/D Jo 2i b? S | - k'Ql 2s ‘=-&. s-s >-iS.Z:5 ■£; in '5. iS 3 •• Ci w «« n 5 . U1* “ ^ m .2 ”0 9J O "1 3 k, 2 ^ W DC « X5 fill is“ 5-g 6 w sj -'S s " U" J 7j w « « o 2 “ 2 0> £3 Q-*^ CD T3 ^ "•S«7 > a- o •§ « « .* C « u .ft, a> « S >.£*< ^ ~ js •• fi w » O £ ■“ N •" . = -h » e s a l- ■aH^&gsS i*gs3li. a> 5? w ~U S - •a c l, c/3 &, o > u o> •• gO . g £ ..vo c5 . . < s «'o ta m " • • n rt U " S r Ov . 3 w l, 5 ^ •* M J ti £ j= t? £ e ^ EU 3 E g g ° • - - > ^ -3 00 :u.E Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 34 O’Hara CLASSIFICATION OF THE SIPHONINI List of major references to the Siphonini Thryptoceratae Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 82-102 (unavailable name). Siphonae Rondani 1845: 31 (original description). Siphonina Rondani 1856: 59 ( Siphona ; other siphonine genera in Tachinina). Siphoninae Rondani 1859: 9-11 (Italian species of Siphona; other siphonines in Tachininae). — [Muscidae], Schiner 1862: 517-522 (early classification; species of Austria). Ceromydes and Thryptocerides, Robineau-Desvoidy 1863: 665-728 (early classification). Thryptoceratidae, Brauer and Bergenstamm 1889: 101-106 (early classification). Section Thryptocera , Brauer and Bergenstamm 1893: 148-152 (early classification). — , Bezzi and Stein 1907: 381-392 (early Palearctic catalogue). Section Thryptocera, Villeneuve 1924: 34 (Palearctic reclassification). Group Thryptocera, Stein 1924: 123-148 (reclassification and revision of mid-European species). — [Eutachininae, Group 3], Lundbeck 1927: 448-476 (species of Denmark). — [Tachininae], Wainwright 1928: 203-209 (species of Britain). Actiini, Malloch 1930a: 303-310 (species of Australia, all as Actia). Actiini, Malloch 1930b: 120-148 (species of Malaysia, all as Actia). Actiini and Siphonini, Townsend 1936: 129-152 (tribal descriptions and generic keys; very broad tribal limits). Crocutini, Mesnil 1939: 35-36 (reclassification). Actiini and Siphonini, Townsend 1940: 187-299 (generic descriptions following 1936 classification). Siphonini, Emden [van Emden] 1954: 62-68 (species of Britain). Siphoninae, Mesnil 1954, 41 pp. (reclassification and species of “Congo Beige”). Siphona group, Herting 1957: 454, 458 (female genitalia). Siphonini, Herting 1960: 58-63 (biology of Palearctic species). Siphonina, Mesnil 1962-1965: 795-879 (reclassification and revision of Palearctic species). Siphonina, Sabrosky and Amaud 1965: 1061-1064 (list of New World species north of Mexico). Siphonini, Mesnil and Pschom-Walcher 1968: 163-164 (list of species of Japan). Siphonini, Guimaraes 1971: 164-171 (list of New World species south of United States; broad tribal concept). Siphonini, Crosskey 1973: 80-81, 136-138, 176 (species of Australia). Siphonini, Mesnil 1975: 1399-1400 (changes to 1962-1965 Palearctic revision). Siphonini, Crosskey 1976a: 1 12-113, 21 1-214, 291 (species of Oriental region). Siphonini, Crosskey 1976b: 99-100 (list of British species). Siphonini, Crosskey 1980: 852-855 (list of Afrotropical species). Siphonini, Dear and Crosskey 1982: 134-139 (species of the Philippines). Siphonini, Andersen 1983: 1-15 (revision of Old World genera). Siphonini, Crosskey 1984: 261-262 (key to Afrotropical genera). Siphonini, Herting 1984: 120-126 (list of Palearctic species). Siphonini, Tschorsnig 1985: 88-89 (male genitalia). Siphonini, Rognes 1986: 72-73 (list of Norwegian species). Diagnosis of adults of Siphonini Rondani The most convincing synapotypy, and hence best diagnostic feature, of the Siphonini is the presence of only two (rather than three) spermathecae in the female reproductive system.' This state seems to be universal among siphonines, and is known to be shared with only one other (unrelated) tachinid genus, Phaenopsis Townsend (Andersen 1983). The following combination of character states separates adults of this tribe from other tachinids: Generally 3. 0-5. 0mm in length, but varied from 2.0-6.5mm. Head (Figs. 1-20) with little sexual dimorphism. Two proclinate orbital setae in both sexes. Eye bare or almost so and three to five frontal setae except in Proceromyia Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 35 pubioculata (eye densely haired and 8-12 frontals; Fig. 3). Aristomere 2 longer than wide, elongate in most species. Proboscis varied from short to long, labella padlike to more than 2X head height. Thoracic dorsum illustrated in O’Hara (1983a, fig. 2). Prostemum with one to several pair of setulae in most species, bare in a few (intraspecifically varied in a few species). Katepistemum with three setae arranged in triangle (Figs. 31-32), lower seta varied from hairlike to slightly longer than upper anterior seta. Row of katepistemal hairs anterior to mid coxa present (Fig. 33) or absent (Fig. 34). Three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae. Scutellum with strong basal, lateral and subapical setae, subapicals longest and convergent to crossed, apicals short in most species. One ad seta on mid tibia (Fig. 37) in most species, seta absent from a few species (Fig. 38) and row of setae present in Goniocera species. Wing relatively short and broad (Figs. 21-22), vein Rx partially incised at midpoint, vein R4+5 setulose dorsally from bifurcation of R2+ 3 and R4+5 to crossvein r-m or beyond, vein m smoothly curved in apical sector and ending in wing margin near wing tip (ending close to end of /?4+5), anal vein extended to or not extended to wing margin. Abdomen (O’Hara 1983a, figs. 7-8) ovoid to elongate, with T1+2 excavate on basal half. Median discal setae absent from Tl+2 to ^4- ^1+2 with 0-1 pair of lateral marginal setae in most species, additional pair present in a few species, pair of median marginal setae present in a few species of Goniocera and Siphona (Siphona). T3 to T4 with strong pair each of lateral and median marginal setae, additional marginals present in a few species. T5 with row of marginal setae and in a few species with row of weak discal setae. Male genitalia (O’Hara 1983a, fig. 9) with tergum 6 unsclerotized to moderately broad and sclerotized. Terga 7+8 well developed. Epandrium saddle-shaped. Pregonite (Figs. 39-42, 71-106) well developed, with membrane anteriorly between apex and basal articulation with hypandrium (possibly synapotypic of the Siphonini, as suggested by Tschorsnig 1985 and discussed in Evolution chapter). Ejaculatory apodeme well developed. Aedeagus with or without an epiphallus. Distiphallus (Figs. 107-136) narrowly connected to basiphallus, in most species approximately cylindrical in shape and well sclerotized laterally. Postgonite well developed to markedly reduced. Surstylus (Figs. 137-141) linear, relatively unmodified, and basally free or connected with epandrium by a narrow strap-like connection. Cerci (Figs. 142-144) medially incised basally, fused apically. Female reproductive system with two spermathecae (synapotypic of the Siphonini). Female genitalia (Figs. 43-46, 145-156) unmodified to long and extensible (telescopic), without piercing ability. Tergum 6 absent to dorsally continuous. Tergum 7 absent to present as two moderate-sized lateral sclerites. Spiracle of segment 6 associated with ventrolateral margin of tergum 6, spiracle of segment 7 varied in position from segment 7 to segment 6. Tergum 8 represented by two lateral sclerites, sternum 8 relatively narrow in most species, absent from a few. Segment 9 without external sclerites (O’Hara 1983c: 380). Tergum 10 unsclerotized Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 36 O’Hara or represented by small median sclerite or two small sclerites. Sternum 10 and paired cerci unmodified. Review of major keys to genera and subgenera of the Siphonini Keys to genera and subgenera of the Siphonini are available for each of the biogeographic regions of the world except the Neotropics. Each key reflects a classification different from the one adopted here, so each also differs from the keys presented in this work: i.e. key to the genera of the Siphonini, keys to the species of Proceromyia and Entomophaga , and key to the subgenera of Siphona s.l. To avoid confusion between those keys and mine, the major differences are summarized here. Specific information about differences in the placement of species can be obtained by comparing the species lists accompanying most of the works cited below with the descriptions and species lists contained herein. Differences in phylogenetic interpretation are not discussed in this section, but rather in the Phylogenetics section of each supraspecific taxon described. Recent keys to species are cited in the Geographic Distribution section of each supraspecific taxon. The keys considered here are those published in major works since Mesnil’s revision of the Palearctic Siphonini in “Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region” (1962-1965). The most geographically comprehensive is Andersen’s (1983) generic revision of the Old World Siphonini. This work is broad in scope and contains important new findings about the Siphonini. Andersen’s key (pp. 13-14) is easy to use and his classification is similar to the one presented herein. His key differs from mine in the following respects: the two species of Entomophaga are split between Actia and Ceromya, Proceromyia macronychia is included in Ceromya, Proceromyia pubioculata (type species of Nipponoceromyia) was not examined and hence excluded, Actia species with atypical features key to Ceromya or Asiphona, taxa here considered subgenera of Siphona s.l. are considered genera, Siphona (Aphantorhaphopsis) is called Asiphona, a few species of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) key to Ceranthia , and S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) and S. (Siphona) [his Asiphona and Siphona, respectively] not adequately differentiated. Most of these differences stem from the relatively few species examined by Andersen during his study. Most of the species which key differently have limited known ranges (mostly non-Palearctic) and/or are rarely collected, so despite the differences in our keys probably 90% of Old World siphonine species will key to the same taxon. Because my keys attempt to provide for accurate generic placement of all species examined (see Materials and Methods), they are necessarily longer and more complex than Andersen’s. Other keys to Old World siphonine genera and subgenera are regional in coverage. The most comprehensive is Mesnil’s Palearctic revision cited above (1962-1965), in which all the then known species of Palearctic Siphonini are keyed and described. Mesnil’s revision restructured the concept of the Siphonini into its modem form and still provides the only means for identification of most species of Palearctic Siphonini. With respect to the Palearctic fauna, Mesnil’s keys to the Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 37 Siphonini (1962: 797) and subgenera of Ceromya (1963a: 829) differ from mine as follows: Peribaea called Strobliomyia, Siphona (Aphantorhaphopsis) called Siphona (Asiphona), Ceranthia accorded generic rank, Proceromyia as Ceromya (Proceromyia), Entomophaga exoleta in Actia, Ceromya monstrosicornis as type species of Ceromya ( Stenoparia ) and Entomophaga nigrohalterata as C. (Stenoparia) nigrohalterata. Nipponoceromyia (here synonymized with Proceromyia ) was described after Mesnil’s revision. Atypical species of Actia and S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) are non-Palearctic in distribution. The remaining Old World regions have received recent treatment by Crosskey. These include a conspectus of Australian Tachinidae (1973), conspectus of Oriental Tachinidae (1976), review of the Tachinidae of the Philippines (Dear and Crosskey 1982), catalogue of Afrotropical Tachinidae (1980, including Madagascar) and key to genera of Afrotropical Tachinidae (1984, excluding Madagascar). Excluded from these works is a treatment of the Tachinidae of the Australian region outside Australia. These works follow the same classification of the Siphonini, so their keys are here compared as one with the keys herein: atypical Actia species key to Ceromya , Siphona s.s. not then recorded from Australia, S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) generally not recognized so most of its species are placed in Ceromya and a few (those with elongate labella) in Siphona s.s., and ranking of subgenera of Siphona s.l. as genera. These differences in classification are mitigated by Crosskey’s comprehensive species lists for each region, without which the initial stages of almost any revision of a non-Palearctic tachinid group would be an arduous task. Wood’s (1987) recent key to tachinid genera of the Nearctic region provides a valuable and much needed guide to the identification of Nearctic Tachinidae. Wood separates tachinid genera in the first couplet of his key according to presence or absence of setulae on the prostemum. Goniocera io (the only New World species of the genus) is varied for this character, though it keys as having a bare prostemum. Other siphonines key as having a setulose prostemum, though a few of these species are also intraspecifically varied for this character (especially species of Siphona ( Baeomyia )). Wood’s Siphona and Baeomyia are equivalent to my Siphona ( Siphona ) and S. (Baeomyia), and his Ceranthia includes all Nearctic Siphona s.l. species exclusive of the last two subgenera. Key to adults of the genera of the Siphonini 1 Lower proepimeral seta strong and directed downward (Fig. 27) (Old World) Peribaea R.-D., p. 77 T Lower proepimeral seta absent or hair-like (Fig. 28) 2 2 (T) Anal vein not extended to wing margin (Fig. 21); lower katepistemal seta shorter than upper anterior one (Fig. 31) 3 2' Anal vein extended to wing margin at least as fold (Fig. 22); lower katepistemal seta subequal to or longer than upper Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 38 O’Hara anterior one in most species (Fig. 32) 10 3 (2) Mid tibia with row of three or more ad setae and setulae (four species; Europe and northeastern North America) Goniocera B. & B., p. 41 3' Mid tibia with one ad seta in most species (Fig. 37), seta reduced or absent in a very few (Fig. 38) 4 4 (3') Aristomere 1 distinctly longer than wide (Figs. 4-5) and fore tibia with preapical ad seta as long as or longer than d seta (two European species) Entomophaga Lioy, p. 47 4' Most species with aristomere 1 distinctly shorter than wide and fore tibia with preapical ad seta shorter than d seta, a few species with one (but not both) of above states 5 5 (4') Katepistemum with row of hairs directly anterior to mid coxa, extended upward almost to lower katepistemal seta (Fig. 33) (cosmopolitan) most species of Actia R.-D., p. 67 5' Katepistemum almost bare directly anterior to mid coxa, except for several hairs in posteroventral comer (Fig. 34) 6 6 (5') Male sternum 5 with posterior margin approximately V-shaped (Figs. 58-59); pregonite with outer, sclerotized portion short spinose on apical half or less (Figs. 41-42, 85-86); upper part of anepistemum with two setulae (Fig. 31) (presently known only from Malaysia and eastern Australia) several species of Actia R.-D., p. 67 6' Male sternum 5 with posterior margin U-shaped, obtusely angled or almost transverse (Figs. 48-49, 52-57); pregonite bare or with tiny to distinct, uniformly-sized spinules (Figs. 39-40, 73-74, 77-84) (spinules, if present, restricted to membranous portion of pregonite except in several species with extensively sclerotized, ring-shaped pregonite, Fig. 78); upper part of anepistemum with one setula in most species (Fig. 32) 7 7 (6') Dorsal surface of wing vein R4+5 setulose from base to beyond crossvein r-m (as in Fig. 21) (cosmopolitan) most species of Ceromya R.-D. sensu lato 8 T Dorsal surface of wing vein /?4+5 setulose between base and crossvein r-m (as in Fig. 22) (Old World) 9 8 (7) Distiphallus bearing unique, infolded and sclerotized structure formed from posterior surface (Fig. 112); pregonite bare (Fig. 84) (Old World) Ceromya silacea (Mg.) species group, p. 63 8' Distiphallus without infolded and sclerotized structure (Figs. 113-116); pregonite bare in a few species (Fig. 77), with tiny to distinct spinules in most species (Figs. 78-83) (spinules, if present, restricted to membranous portion of pregonite except Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 39 in several species with extensively sclerotized, ring-shaped pregonite - Fig. 78); (cosmopolitan) Ceromya R.-D. sensu stricto, p. 52 9 (7') Fore tibia with preapical ad seta as long as or longer than d seta; male genitalia with distinctive sternum 5 (Figs. 48-49), pregonite (Figs. 73-74) and distiphallus (Figs. 108-109) Proceromyia Mesnil, p. 44 9' Fore tibia with preapical ad seta shorter than d seta; male genitalia not as above in C. cephalotes and C. natalensis, not examined in C. monstrosicornis (these species discussed in Phylogenetics section of Ceromya s.s .) three known species of Ceromya R.-D. sensu stricto , p. 52 10 (2') Katepistemum with row of hairs directly anterior to mid coxa, extended upward halfway to lower katepistemal seta (type specimen of A. completa from Malaysia) or almost to lower katepistemal seta (as in Fig. 33; A. fulvicauda from Malaysia and A. chrysocera from the Seychelles Islands) three known species of Actia R.-D., p. 67 10' Katepistemum almost bare anterior to mid coxa, except for several hairs in posteroventral comer (Fig. 34) Siphona Meigen sensu lato, p. 84 [Subgenera keyed in section on Siphona s.l. ] Notes about classification chapter Notes about lists of included species. — The present classification of the Siphonini includes 386 named species (excluding nomina nuda and misspellings), of which 294 are recognized as taxonomically valid species. Each description of a supraspecific taxon of the Siphonini is followed by a list of included species. Names of species treated as valid are preceded by a letter indicating the region of occurrence of the species, and all named species are followed by full bibliographic and type information (sex, type locality and depository, and whether type examined). Synonyms are listed in chronological order according to date of description. The following letters are used to denote region(s) of occurrence of each species: A Afrotropical, sensu Crosskey and White (1977). N Nearctic, sensu Griffiths (1980). O Oriental, sensu Crosskey (1976a). P Palearctic, as delimited by the Afrotropical and Oriental regions. S Neotropical, sensu Griffiths (1980). U Australian. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 40 O’Hara Lists of included species were originally compiled from regional catalogues by Sabrosky and Amaud (1965), Guimaraes (1971), Crosskey (1973, 1976a, 1980) and Herting (1984). This information was then checked and where necessary augmented, many of the types personally examined, and the species and genera reclassified into the present scheme. Changes to previous classifications are listed in the next section and are indicated in the lists in bold face. In general, I avoided decisions about species synonymies and followed current placements. This is particularly true of the older Palearctic names that have been authoritatively re-evaluated in the works of Herting (1969-1984). For each listed synonym I have included a recent reference to its synonymic status rather than attempt to determine the author who first proposed the synonymy. In a few instances I have recognized new synonymies or have changed the status of subspecies. Each change of this sort is discussed in the taxonomic portion of this revision under the appropriate genus. Not discussed are new combinations, unless the species involved possesses a combination of character states unusual or atypical of the genus into which it is placed. Type designations of Coquillett and Townsend. — The type concept became increasingly popular among taxonomists in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and it was not unusual for workers of that period to adopt the concept at some point in their careers. Coquillett and Townsend were two such workers, and it is the status of the type series of their earlier species that is of concern here. It is evident that Coquillett, by the time of his 1897 “Revision of the Tachinidae”, was not only choosing type specimens for new species but for his previously described species as well. He assigned type numbers to each of his USNM types, though only published numbers for species he described as new in the “Revision” (Sabrosky, pers. comm.). For previously described species Coquillett generally appended his redescription with the statement “From the type specimen”. For the purposes of nomenclatural stability, and because Coquillett’s intent is clear, I accept his reference to a type specimen in the redescription of a species described from syntypes as a valid lectotype designation. (This was also the interpretation of Sabrosky and Amaud 1963.) Similarly, I accept Coquillett’s citation of a type number in the description of a new species as sufficient for a holotype designation, provided specimens were labelled appropriately. Under the first situation two siphonines are involved, S. (Siphonopsis) plusiae and Ceromya palloris, and under the second S. (Ceranthia) flavipes and S. (Pseudosiphona) brevirostris. In the text that follows I accept Coquillett’s lectotype designations of S. plusiae and C. palloris and his holotype designation of S. flavipes. I have had to designate a lectotype for S. brevirostris because Coquillett’s original holotype designation refers to a pin bearing two specimens, neither of which was specifically chosen as the type. There is only one siphonine described by Townsend, Actinocrocuta chaetosa, for which a holotype was not designated in the original description. However, in his 1940 redescription of the genus (which is herein considered a subgenus of Siphona ), Townsend cites the “Ht male” of A. chaetosa , clearly indicating his choice of the Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 41 only male of the type series as the type. I accept this citation as a lectotype designation. Genus Goniocera Brauer and Bergenstamm Figs. 1, 47, 71-72, 107, 137, 145, 158 Goniocera Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891: 354. Type-species, G. schistacea Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891 (monotypy). Euthryptocera Townsend, 1916: 624. Type-species, Tachina latifrons Meigen, 1824 (original designation) = Tachina versicolor Fallen, 1820. Euchaetactia Villeneuve, 1921: 47 (as subgenus of Actia Robineau-Desvoidy). Type-species, Actia {Euchaetactia) montium Villeneuve, 1921 (monotypy). Cartocometes Aldrich, 1929: 9. Type-species, C. io Aldrich, 1929 (original designation). Recent synonymy by Wood (1987: 1258) in key to Nearctic tachinid genera. Recognition This genus of four described species belongs to the group of siphonine genera in which the anal vein does not extend to the wing margin (i.e. all genera except Peribaea and Siphona s.l.), and is distinguished from other members of this group by the presence of several ad setae on the mid tibia. Other siphonines have one ad seta (Fig. 37) or none (Fig. 38), with the known exception of two undescribed African species of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) which have two setae - these two species have the anal vein extended to the wing margin and other Siphona s.l. characteristics. The distinctive shape of the distiphallus is probably autapotypic of Goniocera (Fig. 107; refer to Description and Phylogenetics sections). Three of the four Goniocera species have a densely setulose parafacial (Fig. 1). The other species, G. versicolor , has the lower parafacial bare (i.e. the region of the parafacial adjacent to the lower margin of the eye) as in most other siphonines (several siphonines have hairs on lower parafacial, but fewer hairs than in the three Goniocera species). Other features shared by species of Goniocera , though only collectively unique to the genus, include ( cf . Table 1): wing vein R4+5 setulose from base to beyond crossvein r-m and other veins bare, prominent and flattened median lobe on male sternum 5 (Fig. 47; similar appearance in a few Ceromya species), surstylus long and basally fused with epandrium (Fig. 137), and reduced female sternum 8 (Fig. 145). The male and female genitalia of G. montium and the female genitalia of G. versicolor were not examined, so it is unknown if these species share the genitalic features of the other species. Description Length: 4.0-6.0mm. Head (Fig. 1). — Five frontal setae, normal arrangment. Proclinate orbital setae subequal in size in most species. Lower parafacial bare in G. versicolor, densely setulose in other species. Eye of male small to medium, 0.58-0.71 head height; eye of female slightly smaller than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male medium-short to medium-long, 0.42-0.67 head height; shape from linear to slightly broadened; not bifid. Flagellomere 1 of female slightly smaller than in male. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 2-4X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 almost bare to micropubescent, rather short (G. montium) to long and tapered. Clypeus Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 42 O’Hara U-shaped. Palpus short to medium, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short, labella padlike. Thorax. — Prostemum bare or setulose. Lower proepimeral seta weak, not directed downward. Katepistemum bare anterior to mid coxa. Lower katepistemal seta shorter than upper anterior seta. Three postsutural dorsocentral setae, except four in G. montium. Upper part of anepistemum lacking, or with single, setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta varied: short in G. montium, half to subequal length of d seta in G. schistacea, and at least length of d seta in G. io and G. versicolor. Mid tibia with row of ad setae, two to seven long and one to three shorter in most taxa. Tarsomeres normal in size, claws small to medium. Wing: CuA] with distal portion 0.26-0.47 length of proximal portion (i.e. dm-cu near wing margin; mean 0.34); anal vein not extended to wing margin. Wing setulae: /?, bare dorsally and ventrally; R4+5 setulose from base to beyond r-m\ CuAi bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. Setae varied in length intraspecifically: some specimens with median and lateral marginal setae on 7j+2 and lateral discal setae on Tl+2-T5, others without long setae on 7j+2 and with normal setation on TyTs. Male genitalia (Figs. 47, 71-72, 107, 137). — S5 (Fig. 47) little varied, posterior margin approximately U-shaped; processes with apical lobes clearly differentiated, at least as long as wide; median lobe unusually prominent, in form of broad, truncate plate flattened posteromedially; processes moderately setulose. T6 in form of single, narrow to broad, dorsally continuous sclerite. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion subequal to or slightly wider than hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite in profile either narrow and linear (Fig. 72), or broad and truncate with membranous portion spinulose (G. io. Fig. 71). Epiphallus present, narrow (not absent as stated in Andersen 1983 and shown in his fig. 22). Distiphallus (Fig. 107) large, in profile more or less truncate apically and evenly tapered basally, posterolateral margin with short pointed sclerite (not extended beyond apex of distiphallus) separated from broad lateral margin by narrow incision (posterolateral margin curved toward midline and thus pointed sclerite not visible in Fig. 107), anterior margin distinctly developed; apex at least as long as broad in ventral view. Postgonite apically narrow or broad, turned outward. Surstylus long, thin and straight; fused basally with epandrium (Fig. 137). Cerci elongate, sharply inflexed at midlength; thickly covered with long setae on basal half (Fig. 137). Examined male genitalia of: G. io, G. schistacea and G. versicolor (last species shown in Andersen 1983, fig. 22). Female genitalia (Fig. 145). — Moderately extensible. S6 with very long hairs. T6 distinctly developed, enclosing spiracles of segment 6; discontinuous dorsally. S7 without anterior apodeme; pointed posteriorly, with (G. schistacea) or without (G. io) posteromedial keel. T7 present as two lateral sclerites; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane between segments 6 and 7. S8 small, haired. 7j0 present as two small sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: G. io. Female reproductive system of G. schistacea shown in Andersen (1983, fig. 3). Hosts Hosts are known for three of the four species, and these are all parasites of Malacosoma species (tent caterpillars) (Table 2). Phylogenetics The only externally autapotypic feature of Goniocera is the row of ad setae on the mid tibia, though similarities in the male genitalia, specifically sternum 5 and distiphallus, in three of the four species (male genitalia of G. montium not examined) provide additional evidence supporting monophyly of the genus. With respect to male sternum 5, the median lobe is unusually prominent, and flattened on its posteromedial surface (Fig. 47). A trend in several siphonine groups is toward a flattened median lobe ( e.g . Figs. 54, 68), but only in a few Ceromya s.s. species is its shape similar to that in Goniocera species. Considering this trend, and the presumably derived phylogenetic position of these Ceromya s.s. species within that genus, it is probable that the characteristic shape of sternum 5 among Goniocera Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 43 species is a synapotypy, and its similar appearance in Ceromya s.s. is the result of convergence. Shape of the distiphallus is similar among examined Goniocera species (Fig. 107). In particular the posterolateral margins are curved toward the midline, and incised to form two short sclerotized projections (one per side) - as these projections are only seen in posterior view they are not visible in Fig. 107. The only other siphonines known to share this feature are two species of the Ceromya palloris group, C. flaviseta and C. Ontario , which are not otherwise similar to Goniocera species. The male genitalia of G. montium were not examined, but it is predicted that they have the same states here suggested as synapotypies of the genus. The pregonite of G. io differs from those of G. schistacea and G. versicolor by the presence of tiny spinules on the membranous portion (Fig. 71). This feature is in most Ceromya s.s. species, and is considered synapotypic of that group. The presence of spinules on the pregonite of G. io can be interpreted in several ways, as discussed in the Evolution chapter. These different interpretations of the pregonite in G. io lead to different phylogenetic senarios regarding Goniocera (Figs. 166-169), but none challenges the well established monophyly of the genus. Adult females of G. io and G. schistacea have a small sternum 8 (Fig. 145), which is a derived state among siphonines. The size of this sclerite is unknown in G. montium and G. versicolor , but if also small, then would represent another synapotypy of the genus. Tent caterpillars ( Malacosoma species, Lasiocampidae) are the only known hosts of Goniocera species (Table 2). Since G. montium is the only Goniocera species for which a host is unrecorded, and Malacosoma species are not known hosts for any other siphonines, I hypothesize that this parasitic specialization is a synapotypy of Goniocera species. Geographic distribution This genus includes three sympatric species in the Palearctic region, all western in distribution (Mesnil 1963a, Herting 1984): G. montium (a rarely collected species only known from France), G. schistacea (Denmark and Middle Europe) and G. versicolor (ranging from southern Sweden to England, France, Germany, Austria and Poland). The single Nearctic species, G. io, is recorded from eastern Canada and northeastern USA (Sabrosky and Amaud 1965). List of described species included in Goniocera N io (Aldrich), 1929: 10 ( Cartocometes ). Holotype female, USA: New York, Riverhead (USNM). P montium (Villeneuve), 1921: 47 ( Actia ( Euchaetactia )). Holotype male, France: [Col du] Lautaret (CNC). Holotype examined. P schistacea Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891: 354. Holotype female, Austria (not Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 44 O’Hara located). syn. enigmatica Villeneuve and Nielsen in Nielsen, 1917: 32. Holotype female, Denmark: Tisvilde (not located). — Mesnil, 1962: 800. P versicolor (Fallen), 1820: 19 ( Tachina ). Syntypes, Sweden: Sk&ne (NRS). syn. latifrons (Meigen), 1824: 365 (Tachina). Holotype female, Austria (lost).— Herting, 1984: 120. hartigii (Ratzeburg), 1844: 172 ( Musca (Tachina)). Type, Germany (lost). — Herting, 1982: 8. ludibunda (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1850: 195 (Ceromya). Syntypes, France (lost). — Herting, 1974: 18. Genus Proceromyia Mesnil Figs. 2-3, 48-49, 73-74, 108-109, 146. Proceromyia Mesnil, 1957: 35 (as subgenus of Ceromya). Type-species, Ceromya ( Proceromyia ) macronychia Mesnil, 1957 (monotypy). Nipponoceromyia Mesnil and Shima, 1978: 324. Type-species, N. pubioculata Mesnil and Shima, 1978 (original designation). New synonymy. Recognition The two described species of Proceromyia are only recorded from Japan and the Kuril Islands. One, P. pubioculata , is markedly autapotypic in external head features, differing from other siphonines in having a densely haired eye and 8-12 frontal setae (Fig. 3). The other species, P. macronychia , is less distinctive and easily mistaken externally for a Ceromya species (head shown in Fig. 2). Both species share externally the following unique combination of character states (cf. Table 1): narrow vertex (apparently unique, but not quantitatively assessed in this study), prostemum bare (rare among siphonines), fore tibia with preapical ad seta subequal in length or longer than d seta (as in Entomophaga species and several other species), large tarsal claws (only as large in some Siphona s.s. species), wing vein R4+5 setulose between base and crossvein r-m and other veins bare, and anal vein not extended to wing margin. Features of the male genitalia, particularly shape of sternum 5 (Figs. 48-49), pregonite (Figs. 73-74) and distiphallus (Figs. 108-109) are also diagnostic for the genus, though the latter two structures closely resemble those in the sister genus Entomophaga (Figs. 75-76 and 110-111). Proceromyia species are distinguished externally from those of Entomophaga by their short aristomere 1 (cf. Figs. 2-3 and 4-5), bare prostemum and larger tarsal claws. Key to adults of Proceromyia species (See section entitled “Review of major keys to genera and subgenera of the Siphonini” for information about how other authors have keyed (and classified) the following species.) Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 45 1. Eye densely haired; 8-12 frontal setae (Fig. 3, eye hairs not shown) (Japan) Proceromyia pubioculata Mesnil & Shima 1' Eye almost bare; five frontal setae (Fig. 2) (Japan and Kuril Islands) Proceromyia macr onychia Mesnil Description (Note: female of P. pubioculata unknown.) Length: 3.0-5. 5mm. Head (Figs. 2-3). — (Head of P. pubioculata also shown in Mesnil and Shima 1978, fig. 10.) Generally five frontal setae in P. macr onychia, 8-12 in P. pubioculata, rather fine in both. Proclinate orbital setae thin but average length, subequal in most specimens. Eye almost bare ( P . macronychia) or densely haired (P. pubioculata). Eye of male and female subequal, medium-large, 0.78-0.84 head height. Flagellomere 1 of male short to medium-short, 0.34-0.43 head height; shape average in width; not bifid. Flagellomere 1 of female usually slightly smaller than in male. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 1.5-3X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 almost bare, slightly short to normal length, evenly tapered to tip or abruptly narrowed on apical two-thirds. Clypeus U-shaped in P. macronychia, not examined in P. pubioculata. Palpus short to medium, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short, labella padlike. Thorax. — Prostemum bare. Lower proepimeral seta weak, not directed downward. Katepistemum bare anterior to mid coxa. Lower katepistemal seta shorter than upper anterior seta. Three postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula in P. macronychia, with three setulae in single examined specimen of P. pubioculata. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta subequal to or longer than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Tarsomeres normal in size; claws large. Wing: CuAl with distal portion 0.24-0.32 length of proximal portion (i.e. dm-cu near wing margin; mean 0.27); anal vein not extended to wing margin. Wing setulae: R] bare dorsally and ventrally; /?4+5 setulose between base and r-m\ CuA] bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. T]+2 without median marginal setae; lateral marginal setae strong. T3-T5 average or with lateral discal setae on one or more segments. Male genitalia (Figs. 48-49, 73-74, 108-109). — S5 (Figs. 48-49) little varied, posterior margins of processes obtusely angled; apical lobe slightly differentiated; median lobe rounded, relatively unmodified; processes moderately setulose. T6 forming single, broad, dorsally continuous sclerite. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion slightly wider to about 1.5X wider than hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Figs. 73-74) in profile smoothly curved anteriorly and more or less pointed apically, with small spines along anterolateral ridge. Epiphallus small in P. pubioculata, absent from P. macronychia. Distiphallus (Figs. 108-109) with posterior margin partially reduced, laterally incised, anterior margin reduced except for long, spined anterolateral arm; apex broader than long in ventral view. Postgonite apically broad and turned outward. Surstylus average length, broadened at midlength, straight; basally free from epandrium. Cerci rather short (P. macronychia) to average length (P. pubioculata), smoothly curved at midlength; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: P. macronychia and P. pubioculata (latter shown in Mesnil and Shima 1978, fig. 11). Female genitalia (Fig. 146). — (Only P. macronychia examined.) Short. S6 with short hairs. T6 distinctly developed, enclosing spiracles of segment 6; narrowly discontinuous dorsally. S7 with long anterior apodeme; without posteromedial keel. T7 present as two lateral sclerites; spiracles of segment 7 displaced anteriorly and enclosed in posterior margin of T6. S8 distinctly developed, haired. Tx0 present as small median sclerite. Examined female genitalia of: P. macronychia. Hosts. Unknown. Phylogenetics Mesnil described P. macronychia in 1957 (p. 35) as a new species in new subgenus Ceromya ( Proceromyia ), basing the new taxon primarily on the presence of large claws and narrow vertex. At that time Ceromya s.l. was recognized as a Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 46 O’Hara siphonine genus in which the anal vein did not extend to the wing margin and from which the derived features of Actia and Goniocera were lacking. Mesnil later completely revised the Palearctic Ceromya species (1963a: 829), and recognized two primary divisions within the genus: Ceromya (Ceromya) characterized by wing vein R4+5 setulose from base to beyond crossvein r-m, and both C. (Proceromyia) and C. (Stenoparia) characterized by vein R4+5 not setulose beyond r-m. I discuss here the monophyly of Mesnil’ s C. (Proceromyia) - status of C. (Stenoparia) and placement of its type species C. monstrosicornis are discussed in the Phylogenetics section of Ceromya s.s., while the other C. (Stenoparia) species recognized by Mesnil, C. nigrohalterata, is placed in Entomophaga and discussed in the Phylogenetics section of that genus. The second species here included in Proceromyia is a siphonine of unusual appearance, P. pubioculata. This species was described in its own genus, Nipponoceromyia Mesnil and Shima (1978), primarily because of its uniquely haired eye and numerous frontal setae (Fig. 3). The authors commented that P. pubioculata seemed related to Proceromyia macronychia (1978: 325), citing as evidence the shared possession of weak proclinate orbital setae, narrow vertex and short distal section of wing vein CuAx. I doubt that the first character state is uniquely shared by these two species, the last certainly is not, but the narrow vertex might be a synapotypy of these species. Both species also have unusually large tarsal claws. The male genitalia of Proceromyia macronychia and Nipponoceromyia pubioculata were apparently not compared by Mesnil and Shima, but corroborate their phylogenetic hypothesis and as discussed below provide better evidence for a sister species relationship between these species. Similarities in the male genitalia of Proceromyia macronychia and Nipponoceromyia pubioculata belie the external differences between these species, leading to the conclusion that the autapotypic features of N. pubioculata are the result of divergence from a more P. macronychia-like ancestor. In support of this are the remarkable similarities in male sternum 5 (Figs. 48-49), pregonite (Figs. 73-74) and distiphallus (Figs. 108-109) - similarities which also attest to a close relationship with Entomophaga (see the Phylogenetics section of that genus and the Evolution chapter for a discussion of these intergeneric relationships). Given the general external similarities between P. macronychia and P. pubioculata (listed in Recognition section) and diverse shapes of male genitalia among siphonines in general, I regard the shared similarities in male genitalia of these two species as synapotypies. I propose the following classification to reflect this hypothesized relationship between P. macronychia and N. pubioculata : N. pubioculata is moved to Proceromyia , and Proceromyia is ranked at the generic level because of its sister group relationship with Entomophaga , and its lack of known synapotypies with Ceromya. Both Proceromyia and Nipponoceromyia were ranked as monobasic genera by Herting (1984: 121-2) before the male genitalia of the two included species were compared (in contrast, Andersen 1983 placed Proceromyia as a Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 47 synonym of Ceromya and did not study Nipponoceromyia pubioculata). It seems appropriate to modify Herting’s classification of these two species by combining them under one generic name now that their genitalic features are known to be so similar. Geographic distribution The known ranges of the two included species are very limited: P. macronychia was described from Hokkaido, Japan, and has since been recorded from the Kuril Islands, USSR (Richter 1976b). P. pubioculata is only known from male specimens collected from Honshu Island, Japan. List of described species included in Proceromyia P macronychia (Mesnil), 1957: 35 ( Ceromya {Proceromyia)). Holotype male, Japan: Hokkaido, Obihiro (CNC). Holotype examined. P pubioculata (Mesnil and Shima), 1978: 325 {Nipponoceromyia). Holotype male, Japan: Honshu, Kawaragoya (BLKU). Paratype examined. New combination. Genus Entomophaga Lioy Figs. 4-5,50-51,75-76, 110-111, 147. Entomophaga Lioy, 1864: 1332. Type-species, Tachina exoleta Meigen, 1824 (by designation of Coquillett, 1910: 538). Recognition Entomophaga comprises two described European species, E. nigrohalterata and E. exoleta. The former is commonly collected while the latter is known from very few specimens. A diagnostic combination for these species is the possession of an elongate aristomere 1 (Figs. 4-5), fore tibia with preapical ad seta subequal in length or longer than d seta, wing vein R4+5 setulose between base and crossvein r-m and other veins bare, and anal vein not extended to wing margin {cf. Table 1). In addition, features of the male genitalia are distinctive, and are similar only to the male genitalia of the externally very different appearing Proceromyia species {cf. head profiles in Figs. 2-5, sternum 5 in Figs. 48-51, pregonite in Figs. 73-76 and distiphallus in Figs. 108-111). Entomophaga exoleta has been considered an Actia species by some authors because of its row of hairs on the katepistemum anterior to the mid coxa (as in Fig. 33), but is clearly misplaced there based on other features (see Phylogenetics section and Evolution chapter). Likewise, E. nigrohalterata has been mistaken for a Ceromya species because its phylogenetically important character states have been misinterpreted. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 48 O’Hara Key to adults of Entomophaga species (See section entitled “Review of major keys to genera and subgenera of the Siphonini” for information about how other authors have keyed (and classified) the following species.) 1 . Three postsutural dorsocentral setae; katepistemum with row of hairs directly anterior to mid coxa, extended upward almost to lower katepistemal seta (as in Actia spp., Fig. 33); male sternum 5 U-shaped, apical lobe distinctly differentiated (Fig. 50); pregonite spined along anterolateral margin (Fig. 75); distiphallus with lateral margin markedly reduced (Fig. 110) (Europe; very rarely collected) . Entomophaga exoleta (Meigen) 1'. Four postsutural dorsocentral setae; katepistemum almost bare directly anterior to mid coxa, except for several hairs in posteroventral comer (Fig. 34); male sternum 5 with apical lobe slightly differentiated (Fig. 51); pregonite bare along anterolateral margin (Fig. 76); distiphallus with lateral margin partially reduced (Fig. Ill) (Europe; commonly collected) Entomophaga nigrohalterata (Vill.) Description Length: 3.0-5. 0mm. Head (Figs. 4-5). — Four or five frontal setae, in normal arrangement. Anterior proclinate orbital seta longer than posterior one in E. exoleta, setae subequal in length in E. nigrohalterata. Eye bare. Eye of male small to medium, 0.63-0.77 head height; eye of female slightly larger than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male medium to medium-long, 0.58-0.66 head height; shape broad to subquadrangular; not bifid. Flagellomere 1 of female slightly smaller than in male. Aristomere 1 elongate, 1.5-5X longer than wide. Aristomere two 3-4X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 almost bare, slightly shorter than average, evenly tapered to tip. Clypeus U-shaped. Palpus long, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short, labella padlike. Thorax. — Prostemum setulose. Lower proepimeral seta weak, not directed downward. Katepistemum bare {E. nigrohalterata) or with row of hairs anterior to mid coxa (E. exoleta). Lower katepistemal seta shorter than upper anterior seta. Three (E. exoleta) or four (E. nigrohalterata) postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta subequal to or longer than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Tarsomeres normal in size, claws small to medium-large. Wing: CuAx with distal portion 0.25-0.43 length of proximal portion (i.e. dm-cu near wing margin; mean 0.33); anal vein not extended to wing margin. Wing setulae: Ri bare dorsally and ventrally; R4+5 setulose between base and r-m; CuA] bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. 7j+2 without median marginal setae; lateral marginal setae strong. T3-T5 average or with lateral discal setae on 1 or more segments. Male genitalia (Figs. 50-51, 75-76, 110-111). — S5 with apical lobe of processes slightly differentiated (posterior margins almost transverse, Fig. 51) in E. nigrohalterata, distinctly differentiated and posterior margin approximately U-shaped in E. exoleta (Fig. 50); median lobe rounded, relatively unmodified; processes moderately setulose. T6 forming single, broad, dorsally continuous sclerite. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion slightly wider to almost 2.0X wider than hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite in profile smoothly curved anteriorly, pointed apically; either bare (E. nigrohalterata. Fig. 76) or spined along anterolateral margin (£. exoleta. Fig. 75). Epiphallus present: very short in E. nigrohalterata, long and narrow in E. exoleta. Distiphallus (Figs. 110-111) with posterior margin partially reduced, laterally incised, anterior margin reduced except for long, spined anterolateral arm; broader than long in ventral view. Postgonite apically broad and turned outward. Surstylus average length, straight (E. nigrohalterata) or Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 49 curved posteriorly ( E . exoleta); basally free from epandrium. Cerci rather short, smoothly curved at midlength; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata (latter shown in Andersen 1983, fig. 24). Female genitalia (Fig. 147). — (Only E. nigrohalterata examined.) Short. S6 with very short hairs. T6 distinctly developed, enclosing spiracles of segment 6; narrowly discontinuous dorsally. S7 with long anterior apodeme; slightly keeled posteromedially. f7 present as two lateral sclerites; spiracles of segment 7 displaced anteriorly to very near or associated with T6. S8 absent. Tl0 absent or present as two small sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: E. nigrohalterata (also see Andersen 1983, fig. 9). Hosts. Unknown. Phylogenetics Herting (1975: 4) revised the standard classification of E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata by removing the former from Actia and the latter from Ceromya, and uniting them under a newly defined Entomophaga Lioy (cf. Mesnil 1963a). Herting based his concept of Entomophaga primarily on two characteristics shared by E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata : an elongate aristomere 1 and long preapical ad seta on fore tibia. The second feature is shown in this study to be shared with related taxa (see Evolution chapter), but the first is accepted here as a synapotypy of Entomophaga, though not unique to the genus (Table 1). Recently Andersen (1983: 12) reviewed the Old World Siphonini and re-assigned E. exoleta to Actia and E. nigrohalterata to Ceromya. Andersen returned E. exoleta to Actia because he considered its row of katepistemal hairs to be clear evidence of its membership in Actia. He interpreted the elongate aristomere 1 of E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata as autapotypies of each species, consequently returning the latter to Ceromya because “it does not differ significantly from other Ceromya species in external characters” (1983: 12). However, Andersen noted that the male and female genitalia of E. nigrohalterata were different from the Ceromya- type. Andersen’s classification of the two species here placed in Entomophaga and Proceromyia was based on external characters, since only the genitalia of E. nigrohalterata were examined. I hypothesize that characteristics of the male genitalia of the four Entomophaga and Proceromyia species indicate that these species form a monophyletic lineage, based on shape of the pregonite (Figs. 73-76) and distiphallus (Figs. 108-111), which are derivable from a common groundplan and lack synapotypies with the Actia and Ceromya lineages. The two Proceromyia species are not only remarkably similar in male genitalic features (Figs. 48-49, 73-74, 108-109) but share unique external similarities as well, so are certainly sister species. The male genitalia of Entomophaga species are more equivocal: they clearly indicate a close relationship with Proceromyia, but not a sister species relationship between E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata. However, given the general external similarities between E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata, particularly head habitus (Figs. 4-5) and derived state of aristomere 1, these species most probably form a monophyletic group. If these external similarities are not synapotypies then Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 50 O’Hara Entomophaga might be paraphyletic with respect to Proceromyia (i.e. either E. exoleta or E. nigrohalterata being more closely related to the Proceromyia lineage than to its congener). Features of the male genitalia of E. exoleta not only corroborate its placement in the Entomophaga+Proceromyia lineage, but provide the best evidence for removing this species from Actia. Actia species share the synapotypies of a more or less V-shaped sternum 5 (Figs. 58-59) and apically spinose pregonite (Figs. 85-86), and these states are lacking from E. exoleta. It is concluded that the row of katepistemal hairs that are found (among siphonines) only in E. exoleta and most Actia species is the result of convergence; convergence certainly accounts for the presence of this row of hairs in Actia and some non-siphonine tachinids. E. exoleta also has one seta on the upper portion of the anepistemum while almost all Actia species have two (cf. Figs. 31 and 32). E. nigrohalterata has not been shown to share any synapotypies with Ceromya, either here or by previous authors. Spinules on the membranous portion of the pregonite in most Ceromya s.s. species, here considered a synapotypy of Ceromya s.s., are absent from E. nigrohalterata. Further research is needed to resolve relationships within Ceromya s.l., and will not only provide information relevant to the placement of E. nigrohalterata , but to other species of Entomophaga and Proceromyia as well. Adult females of E. nigrohalterata are atypical in their lack of a sclerotized abdominal sternum 8 (Fig. 147). Study of the female genitalia of E. exoleta has not yet been possible, but if sternum 8 is lacking then a sister species relationship between E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata would be corroborated (otherwise this loss might be autapotypic of E. nigrohalterata). Similar in some respects to the species of Entomophaga is Ceromya monstrosicornis. Its placement is discussed in the Phylogenetics section of Ceromya s.s. Geographic distribution Entomophaga exoleta is a rarely collected species, recorded from a few localities in France (type locality, and a female in SMNS), Hungary (Andersen, pers. comm.) and England (Crosskey 1976b). E. nigrohalterata is a relatively common species in Europe, with records from England, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria and Switzerland (Mesnil 1963a, Herting 1967b, 1984, Draber-Moriko 1978, 1981). E. exoleta and E. nigrohalterata are at least narrowly sympatric, with the former slightly more southern in distribution. List of described species included in Entomophaga P exoleta (Meigen), 1824: 353 ( Tachina ). Syntypes, France: Provence (MNHN). syn. anicula (Meigen), 1824: 409 (Tachina). Holotype female, Europe Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 51 (MNHN).— Herting, 1975: 2. P nigrohalterata (Villeneuve), 1921: 45 ( Actia ). Holotype male, Denmark (CNC). Holotype examined. syn. articulata (Stein), 1924: 131 {Actia). Syntypes, Copenhagen, Denmark and Lobauer Berg, German Democratic Republic (ZMUC; not located, possibly lost). — Lundbeck, 1927: 465. sufferta (Villeneuve), 1942b: 133 {Actia). Holotype male, Germany: no locality given (CNC). — Herting, 1981: 8. Holotype examined. Genus Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy sensu lato Figs. 6-7, 35, 37, 39-40, 52-57, 77-84, 112-116, 138, 148-150, 157, 159. Note about classification of Ceromya s.l. species No known features are clearly interpretable as synapotypic of Ceromya s.l., and as a result the monophyly of this diverse and cosmopolitan genus has not been positively established. However, features of the male genitalia suggest that Ceromya s.l. comprises two monophyletic lineages. These are here called Ceromya s.s. (including type species C. bicolor) and the C. silacea species group (an informal species group in which C. silacea is the most derived species and has the oldest name), and are treated individually throughout this paper. The unusual division of Ceromya s.l. into two categories of different rank is adopted for practical and nomenclatural reasons. Firstly, male genitalia were not studied in all Ceromya s.l. species, so characterization of the lineages may be incomplete, as well as assignment of described species to the C. silacea species group. Secondly, recognition of the C. silacea species group as a subgenus or genus would require erection of a new genus-group name, which is premature on the basis of available evidence. Ceromya s.s. could equally well be called the C. bicolor species group, but the former designation was chosen to clearly identify the group that would be called Ceromya if the C. silacea species group is later removed from Ceromya s.l. Recognition Ceromya s.l. belongs to the group of siphonines in which the anal vein is not extended to the wing margin (Fig. 21). This characteristic separates all known Ceromya s.l. species from species of Peribaea and Siphona s.l. Additionally, the lower katepistemal seta is shorter than the upper anterior one in all but a very few Ceromya s.l. species (Fig. 31) while subequal in length or longer in most Peribaea and Siphona s.l. species (Fig. 32; see Table 1). New World species of Ceromya s.l. are easily separable from other New World siphonines by the following combination of states: anal vein not extended to wing margin (Fig. 21), absence of row of hairs on katepistemum (Fig. 34; row present in all New World Actia species, Fig. 33) and only one ad seta on mid tibia (Fig. 37; Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 52 O’Hara row of ad setae in Goniocera io, the only New World Goniocera species). Four Old World genera - Goniocera, Actia, Entomophaga and Proceromyia - are characterized along with Ceromya s.l. by an anal vein not extended to the wing margin. All Goniocera species have a row of ad setae on the mid tibia (0-1 seta in Ceromya s.l. species, as in Figs. 37-38) and are separable from Ceromya s.l. species by this feature. The diagnosis given above for New World Ceromya s.l. species will not separate Old World members of this taxon from species of Entomophaga or Proceromyia, or several Actia species. It is therefore necessary to diagnose Old World Ceromya s.l. species by the presence of at least six of the following seven states: 0-1 anepistemal setula, lower katepistemal seta shorter than upper anterior one, katepistemum lacking row of hairs, fore tibia with short preapical ad seta, mid tibia with 0-1 ad seta, wing vein R4+5 setulose beyond crossvein r-m and anal vein not extended to wing margin. Similarities and differences among Old World Ceromya s.l. species and Old World Actia, Entomophaga and Proceromyia species are discussed below. Most Old World Actia species are distinguishable from Ceromya s.l. species by presence of a row of katepistemal hairs (Fig. 33), but a very few Old World Actia species lack this row of hairs and must be recognized by other features (externally by presence of two anepistemal setulae, though characteristics of the male genitalia provide the best means by which to recognize Actia species - see Recognition section of Actia). The four species of Entomophaga and Proceromyia share two states which in combination distinguish them from Ceromya s.l. species: fore tibia with preapical ad seta subequal in length or longer than d seta (only shared with two Ceromya species: Nepal sp. 1 and Australia sp. 3) and wing vein R4+5 not setulose beyond crossvein r-m (same in three Ceromya species: C. cephalotes, C. monstrosicornis and C. natalensis ). Features of pregonite and distiphallus are also unique to the Entomophaga+Proceromyia lineage. Male genitalic features of Ceromya s.l. species are discussed in the Recognition sections of Ceromya s.s. and C. silacea species group. The possible monophyly of Ceromya s.l. is discussed in the Evolution chapter. Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy sensu stricto Figs. 6-7, 39-40, 53-57, 77-83, 113-116, 138, 149-150, 157. Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 86. Type-species, C. testacea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (by designation of Coquillett, 1910: 520) = Tachina bicolor Meigen, 1824. Ceromyia. Variant spelling of Ceromya. Polychaetoneura Walton, 1914: 90. Type-species, P. elyii Walton, 1914 (original designation) = Thryptocera americana Townsend, 1892. Recent synonymy by Wood (1987: 1239) in key to Nearctic tachinid genera. Xanthoactia Townsend, 1919: 585. Type-species, Lasioneura palloris Coquillett, 1895 (original designation). Recent synonymy by Wood (1987: 1239) in key to Nearctic tachinid genera. Stenoparia Stein, 1924:5'. (Siphona) 128. Type-species, 5. monstrosicornis Stein, 1924 (monotypy). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 53 Schizoceromyia Townsend, 1926b: 542. Type-species, Schizotachina fergusoni Bezzi, 1923 (original designation). Actinactia Townsend, 1927: 248. Type-species, A. lutea Townsend, 1927 (original designation). New synonymy. Schizactiana Curran, 1927b: 356 (as subgenus of Actia). Type-species, Actia ( Schizactiana ) valida Curran, 1927 (original designation). Pseudactia Malloch, 1930b: 124 (as subgenus of Actia). Type-species Actia ( Pseudactia ) hirticeps Malloch, 1930 (monotypy). Recognition Features of the male genitalia provide the only means for placing Ceromya s.l. species into Ceromya s.s. or the Ceromya silacea species group. The following characteristics of the male genitalia distinguish species of Ceromya s.s. from those of the C. silacea species group: pregonite with enlarged membranous area anteriorly, with tiny spinules in most species (Figs. 39-40, 77-83; similar in Goniocera io (Fig. 71), otherwise unique to Ceromya s.s. species); and distiphallus without infolded, sclerotized structure posteriorly (Figs. 113-116; cf. C. silacea , Fig. 112). External features of specimens of most described Ceromya s.l. species were examined during this study, but male genitalia were examined in specimens of only a portion of these species (as listed in descriptions of male genitalia of Ceromya s.s. and C. silacea sp. grp.). Possibly a complete study of the male genitalia of all species listed in Ceromya s.s. will reveal several species that should be reassigned to the C. silacea species group. The evidence available at this time is insufficient to permit a thorough reclassification of Ceromya s.l. species into Ceromya s.s. and C. silacea species group. Description Length: 3.0-6.0mm. Head (Figs. 6-7). — Five frontal setae in most species, three or four in a very few; normal arrangement. Anterior proclinate orbital seta longer than posterior one in most species. Eye size of male medium-small to large, 0.68-0.86 head height; eye of female slightly smaller to slightly larger than in male, in most species eye size of sexes subequal. Flagellomere 1 of male markedly varied in length, 0.38-0.80 head height; shape from linear to subquadrangular, bifid in C. fergusoni, C. invalida and C. valida, normal in others. Flagellomere 1 of female smaller than in male; not bifid. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 1.5-6X longer than wide in species with normal antenna, up to 10X in species with bifid flagellomere 1. Aristomere 3 short and thickened to near tip, to long and evenly tapered; almost bare, micropubescent, or rarely short plumose. Clypeus U-shaped in most species, narrow and enclosed in membrane in a few. Palpus short in most species, medium to long in a few; enlarged apically in females of a few species; clavate. Proboscis with prementum short, labella padlike (labella very slightly lengthened in C. luteicornis). Thorax. — Prostemum setulose in most species, bare in a very few. Lower proepimeral seta weak, not directed downward except in a very few species (though not long as in Peribaea species). Katepistemum bare anterior to mid coxa. Lower katepistemal seta much shorter than upper anterior seta in most species, slightly shorter or subequal to it in two closely related species: C. flaviseta and C. Ontario. Three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta in almost all species, known to be as long as d seta only in Nepal sp. 1 and Australia sp. 3. Mid tibia without ad seta in C. fergusoni, one ad seta in other species. Tarsomeres normal in size in most species, with tarsomere 5 of fore leg elongate and broadened in female of several species; tarsomere 5 of all legs elongate and dilated in female of Australia sp. 3; claws short in most species, medium Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 54 O’Hara in a few. Wing: CuAx with distal portion 0.24-0.67X length of proximal portion (mean 0.40); anal vein not extended to wing margin. Wing setulae: /?, dorsally bare, or distally or entirely setulose, ventrally bare or distally setulose; R4+5 setulose from base to beyond r-m in most species, not beyond r-m in C. cephalotes, C. natalensis and C. monstrosicornis. CuAx bare or setulose, with basal section setulose in C. americana complex, C. languidula, Brazil spp. 1 and 4 (bare in other siphonines). Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape in almost all species, slightly elongate in a very few. ri+2 without median marginal setae; lateral marginal setae absent to strong. T3-T5 average in most species, with weak lateral discal setae (T3-T5) and/or extra pair of lateral marginal setae (T3 and T4 only) in a few. Male genitalia (Figs. 39-40, 53-57, 77-83, 113-116, 138). — S5 markedly varied, inner (or posterior) margins of processes obtusely angled (Fig. 55) to transverse (Fig. 57), in most species U-shaped (Figs. 53-54, 56); apical lobe usually undifferentiated (Fig. 57) to narrowly pointed, in a very few species distinctly differentiated and apically curved inward (Fig. 56); median lobe markedly varied, from rounded (Figs. 55-56) or elongate (Fig. 53) to flattened plate of varied forms (Fig. 54; rarely similar to shape in Goniocera), and with or without accessory lobe; processes sparsely to densely setulose. T6 varied from two very small lateral sclerites to a single, broad, dorsally continuous sclerite. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion 0.5-1.5X width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite in profile extremely varied: membranous anterior portion of pregonite enlarged in most species and usually with spinules anterolaterally (Figs. 39-40, 79-83; these often tiny and visible only at higher magnifications, 100-400X); in one species (C. lutea. Fig. 83) pregonite elongate and curved posteriorly (unique within the Siphonini); in one Old World group pregonite ring-shaped and spinules borne anteriorly on sclerotized portion (Fig. 78). Epiphallus present or absent. Distiphallus (Figs. 113-116) extremely varied: in most species anterior margin incised, posterior margin entire in C. lutea (Fig. 116) and Nepal sp. 1, at least partially incised in other species, in profile distiphallus laterally incised to varied degrees in most species (Figs. 114-116), lateral margin entire apically in a few (Fig. 113). Postgonite large, apically rounded, curved ventrally, or bilobed. Surstylus short to long, thin to broad (Fig. 138), straight or curved posteriorly; with long hairs along length in C. languidula (and in C. varichaeta of Ceromya silacea sp. grp.); basally fused with epandrium in most species (Fig. 138), free in others. Cerci short to average length, deeply inflexed at midlength in some species (Fig. 138), smoothly curved in others; moderately to densely (Fig. 138) setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: C. amblycera, C. americana complex, C. cornuta, C. flaviceps, C. flaviseta, C. invalida, C. languidula, C. lavinia, C. lutea, C. natalensis, C. Ontario, C. palloris, C. nr. punctipennis, Australia spp. 1-2,5, Brazil spp. 1,3-4, Chile spp. 1-2, Mexico spp. 2-5, Nepal sp. 1, New Guinea spp. [numbered by Shima] 4,6,11,15,18, Peru sp. 1 and U.S. sp. 1. Examined published figures of: C. bicolor (Andersen 1983, fig. 23) and C. pruinosa (Shima 1970c, figs. 3f, 6). Female genitalia (Figs. 149-150). — Short to relatively long and extensible. S6 with short to average length hairs, though species with short hairs usually sparsely haired on most of stemite with longer row of hairs along posterior margin. T6 varied from two small lateral sclerites to distinctly developed and narrowly discontinuous dorsally; spiracles of segment 6 near or enclosed within anteroventral portion of T6. S1 without anterior apodeme in most species, with apodeme in a few; a few species slightly to (rarely) sharply keeled posteromedially. T1 absent from a few species, present as two small to large lateral sclerites in most species; spiracles of segment 7 in most species in membrane between segments 6 and 7, in a few species enclosed within T6 or near T1. S8 distinctly developed, haired. F10 absent to distinctly developed as a median plate or two sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: C. americana complex, C. bicolor (Andersen 1983, fig. 10), C. cornuta, C. lavinia, C. lutea, C. Ontario, Australia sp. 3 and Nepal sp. 4. Taxonomic changes Lectotype designation for Ceromya cibdela (Vill.). — Ceromya cibdela was described in Actia by Villeneuve in 1913 from an unspecified number of specimens collected from Oshogbo, Nigeria, during October and November of 1910. While studying siphonine collections in the BMNH and CNC, I found a specimen in each labelled as the type of C. cibdela and bearing appropriate locality data. Each specimen bears a type label characteristic of the institution: a round, red-bordered “Type” label on the BMNH specimen, and a red, rectangular “TYPE” label on the Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 55 CNC specimen (of the sort used in the CNC to denote types in the Mesnil collection). Both additionally have attached a Villeneuve determination label with the designation “Typ.”. Both specimens fit Villeneuve’s brief description of the species and by all indications are syntypes (no holotype designation was published). They are not, however, conspecific. The CNC specimen belongs to Ceromya and agrees with the current interpretation of C. cibdela (Mesnil 1954, 1963a, Crosskey 1976a), while the BMNH specimen belongs to Siphona (Aphantorhaphopsis). To retain C. cibdela in its current usage I hereby designate the CNC specimen as lectotype. The condition of the CNC specimen also favors its selection as lectotype because it is a male in good condition while the BMNH specimen lacks its abdomen. Notes about Ceromya fergusoni Bezzi and two related nominal species. — Three named species of Ceromya from eastern Australia have flagellomere 1 bilobed: C. fergusoni (Bezzi 1923b; type-species of Schizoceromyia ), C. valida (Curran 1927b; type-species of Schizactiana) and C. invalida (Malloch 1930a). These are unquestionably at least closely related, and as discussed below, perhaps conspecific. I dissected a male paratype (USNM) of C. invalida , and the presence of spinules distally on the membranous portion of the pregonite confirms its placement in Ceromya s.s. As noted by Crosskey (1973: 137), the type of C. fergusoni is missing. Amaud (1982) cites a paratype in MCSN, but this is in error. The MCSN specimen (examined by me in 1986) bears a collection label of “Sydney, 3.12.23 [December 3, 1923], Health Dept.”, and stands in the MCSN collection under the label “ Schizotachina fergusoni parat. Bezzi”. Bezzi did not name a paratype, and his paper describing the species was read on November 28, 1923, about a week before the “paratype” was collected. The specimen is nonetheless important, for reasons given below. Two characters given by previous authors separate C. fergusoni, C. valida and C. invalida. One is length of aristomere 2: in the description of C . fergusoni it is much longer than length of aristomere 3, in holotype of C. valida the articles are subequal in length, and in holotype of C. invalida it is slightly more than half length of aristomere 3. The second diagnostic character is presence or absence of an ad seta on mid tibia (character 24). C . fergusoni is cited as lacking this seta, it is long in the type of C. valida and short though stout in type of C. invalida. In all other respects the three named species seem not to differ significantly. Malloch (1930a) knew about both Bezzi’s C. fergusoni and Curran’s C. valida when he described C. invalida, but finding Curran’s description lacking information about the mid tibial ad seta, he divided all his material between C. fergusoni and C. invalida. Malloch apparently did not see any specimens with an aristomere 2 subequal in length to aristomere 3, as decribed for Curran’s C. valida 7 The labelled holotype of C. valida agrees in all respects with its description, but was collected from Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 56 O’Hara I strongly suspect that the character states used to separate the three nominal species are unreliable within this species complex. Length of aristomere 2 is subject to some variation in some other siphonines, particularly those in which it is elongate. Under different circumstances, I would consider the mid tibial ad seta as reliable, but several factors suggest it may not be here. Firstly, Malloch’s (1930a) specimen’s of “C. fergusoni ” and “C. invalida ” were collected from the same locality (Sydney), and between the same months (Sept, to Dec.). Secondly, the MCSN specimen identified (by Bezzi?) as C. fergusoni lacks the mid tibial ad seta as described for that species, but has an aristomere 2 as described for C. invalida (also note that this specimen is labelled similarly to the specimens of “C. fergusoni ” and “C. invalida ” studied by Malloch). Thirdly, the types of the three nominal species vary in relative length of the mid tibial ad seta, suggesting a pattern of intraspecific variability. Fourthly, a BMNH specimen from South Australia has an aristomere two 0.8X length of aristomere 3 and a long mid tibial ad seta, placing it closest to C. valida, or by Malloch’s criteria in C. invalida. I have not examined enough material to firmly establish the conspecificity of the three nominal species discussed above. Neither have I examined the male genitalia of specimens of all three forms to determine if there are genitalic differences among them. Also the correlation between aristomere 2 length and presence/absence of a mid tibial ad seta needs to be studied to determine if these characteristics are distributed as uniformly as suggested by Malloch. The evidence now available casts doubt on the correctness of recognizing all three named species as valid species, but I reserve any change in nomenclature until more specimens can be examined and my above concerns addressed. Hosts Ceromya s.s. species mostly parasitize Macrolepidoptera, without apparent preference for a particular family (Table 2). A single record for a rearing from a tenthredinid for Ceromya bicolor (a common European species also recorded from the Arctiidae and Lasiocampidae) is, if accurate, the only known record of a siphonine parasitizing a hymenopteran. Phylogenetics Species of Ceromya s.s. are not known to possess any synapotypic character states externally. The group, in addition to members of the C. silacea species group, is defined externally by the lack of derived features found in other siphonine lineages (see Recognition section of Ceromya s.l.), and Ceromya s.s. species are only separable from species of the C. silacea species group by features of the male '(cont’d) Palmerston on Sept. 1908 by Lichtwardt, and not (as cited by Curran) collected from Palmerston in 1910 by Fred P. Dodd. There is no other indication that this specimen is not the one selected by Curran as holotype of this nominal species. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 57 genitalia. Though members of Ceromya s.s. do not share known synapotypies externally, one derived characteristic of the male genitalia suggests the group is monophyletic, i.e. the more or less enlarged membranous area on the anterior surface of the pregonite, which in most Ceromya s.s. species is partially covered with tiny spinules (Figs. 39-40 and 77-83; in some species these spinules are only visible at magnifications of 100X-400X). These spinules are a derived state within the Siphonini, and so far as known are only present in Ceromya s.s. species and Goniocera io. The phylogenetic significance of this apotypic state in G. io is discussed in the Evolution chapter, though for the purposes of this discussion the state is interpreted as independently derived in G. io and Ceromya s.s. The size and number of spinules on the pregonite of Ceromya s.s. species varies from species to species, and they are entirely absent from a few (cf. Figs. 77-83). Species which lack spinules are, with rare exceptions (as discussed below), assignable to species groups which possess them (for example, the pregonite is bare in C. flaviceps and spinulose in several closely related species), so presence of spinules is here interpreted as the groundplan condition, or is an underlying synapotypy (as defined in Evolution chapter), of Ceromya s.s. Several Ceromya s.s. species show modification from the simple spinulose condition, such as New Guinea sp. 6 (Fig. 78) and Brazil sp. 3 (Fig. 82), but the pregonite of these species is traceable to the primitive condition through species with intermediate states. More specifically, the pregonite of certain species suggests that the ring-shaped pregonite of New Guinea sp. 6 is derivable from a bilobed pregonite of a C. flaviceps-Wkt ancestor, and the enlarged spines on the pregonite of Brazil sp. 3 are derivable from an ancestor with a spinulose condition similar to Mexico sp. 5 (Fig. 81; note that the spined condition of the pregonite in Brazil sp. 3 is distinctly different from the Actia- type, Figs. 85-86). The pregonite of C. lutea (Fig. 83) is unique in curving posteriorly. No other siphonine is known to share this condition, and along with the derived shapes of its male sternum 5 (Fig. 57) and distiphallus (Fig. 116), this seems to indicate that this species is not closely related to other known Ceromya s.s. species. C. lutea is interpreted as a member of Ceromya s.s. because it has tiny spinules on the anterior (membranous) portion of the pregonite. Setulation of wing vein R4+5 is a markedly labile character within siphonine lineages (Table 1), though all Ceromya s.l. species except C. cephalotes, C. natalensis and C. monstrosicornis have R4+5 setulose beyond r-m. The placement of these three species in Ceromya was carefully evaluated because the monophyly of Ceromya s.l. is not well established, and Entomophaga and Proceromyia species are also characterized by R4+5 not setulose beyond r-m. The male genitalia of C. cephalotes and C. natalensis were examined, and though spinules are absent from the pregonite, other features of the male genitalia indicate that the former belongs to the C. bicolor group and the latter is closely related to C. languidula. Both species Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 58 O’Hara are therefore retained in Ceromya s.s. The placement of C. monstrosicornis in Ceromya s.s. is more equivocal because the male genitalia were unavailable for study and for other reasons discussed below. Stein described C. monstrosicornis in 1924 in a new monobasic genus, Stenoparia. Mesnil (1963a) classified Stenoparia as a subgenus of Ceromya , adding C. nigrohalterata to the taxon. Species of C. (Stenoparia) and C. (Proceromyia) were separated from those of Ceromya s.s. by not having wing vein R4+5 setulose beyond crossvein r-m , and the latter (with single species C. macronychia) was separated from the former by its larger tarsal claws and several other minor differences (1963a: 829). In the classification adopted here, C. macronychia and Nipponoceromyia pubioculata (described after Mesnil’ s Palearctic revision) are included in the genus Proceromyia , and C. nigrohalterata is included in the genus Entomophaga with E. exoleta (see Phylogenetics sections of Proceromyia and Entomophaga). There is insufficient evidence to place C. monstrosicornis in Entomophaga or Proceromyia (it certainly is not a Goniocera species). This species lacks the elongate aristomere 1 of Entomophaga or large tarsal claws of Proceromyia , and does not have a long preapical ad seta on the fore tibia which is common to both. Yet C. monstrosicornis is the only Ceromya s.l. species with a bare prostemum (as in Proceromyia ), one of only three Ceromya s.l. species with R4+5 not setulose beyond r-m , and has a dark, uniformly pruinose abdomen as in Entomophaga and Proceromyia. Unfortunately, a male specimen of C. monstrosicornis could not be located in North American or European collections (and the male type could not be located in the ZMHU), so the phylogenetically important characters of the male genitalia could not be studied. C. monstrosicornis is left in Ceromya s.s. (not in Ceromya s.l., as it is certainly not a member of the C. silacea sp. grp.) until its male genitalia are studied and its relationship to Ceromya , Entomophaga and Proceromyia established. The placement of two undescribed species, Australia sp. 3 and Nepal sp. 1, in Ceromya s.s. also requires explanation. These species differ from other Ceromya s.l. species in having a long preapical ad seta on the fore tibia. They share this state with Entomophaga and Proceromyia species and some species of Goniocera and Actia, so the phylogenetic interpretation of this state in these Ceromya species is relevant to their placement. These species are certainly not close to Actia, so the discussion which follows focuses on their possible affinities with the other three genera. Australia sp. 3 is known only from adult females and first instars, so pertinent characters of the male genitalia are unknown. Females of this species are unusual among Ceromya species in having enlarged tarsomere 5 on all legs and a sharply keeled sternum 7, while the first instar has an uncharacteristically broad labrum. These states are evidently autapotypies as they are not shared with the non -Ceromya genera mentioned above. External characteristics of the female favour the placement of Australia sp. 3 in Ceromya s.s., though it is noted that examination of the male Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 59 genitalia would provide valuable information about this species’ affinities. The placement of Nepal sp. 1 is enigmatic, as it appears to belong in Goniocera, Entomophaga, Proceromyia or Ceromya, but lacks the synapotypies of any of these. Its placement is complicated further by its unusual combination of character states: (1) haired parafacial (with several larger setulae) in common with all but one Goniocera species (though the parafacial is more heavily setulose in those species than in Nepal sp. 1; Fig. 1), Proceromyia pubioculata and Ceromya monstrosicornis (both with hairs only on parafacial; Fig. 3), (2) long preapical ad seta on fore tibia (as mentioned above), (3) haired prostemum (shared with most siphonines, but not Proceromyia and some Goniocera species), (4) R4+5 setulose beyond r-m (as in Goniocera species and almost all Ceromya species, but not Entomophaga and Proceromyia species), and (5) uniformly pruinose abdomen (as in Goniocera, Proceromyia and Entomophaga species, and C. monstrosicornis but not other Ceromya species). I have been unable to polarize these states with confidence, so cannot interpret their phylogenetic significance (see also Evolution chapter under Phylogenetics of non -Siphona s.l. siphonine lineages). The male genitalia of Nepal sp. 1 do not closely resemble those of the aforementioned non -Ceromya genera, but similarly lack the typical spinules on the pregonite possessed by most Ceromya s.s. species (male genitalia of C. monstrosicornis unavailable for study) and has an aedeagus which cannot be placed into a Ceromya s.s. species group (though very different from the typical shape in the Ceromya silacea species group). Such an array of character states in Nepal sp. 1 is not easily interpretable, and any placement at this time is tentative at best. This species seems to share more states with species of Ceromya s.s. (see description of Ceromya s.s., which includes Nepal sp. 1) than with species of the other genera discussed, so is placed here for the present. A possible relationship with C. monstrosicornis needs to be investigated. Geographic distribution Thirty-nine described species are assigned to Ceromya s.s., of which only eight are New World in distribution (see Sabrosky and Amaud 1965 for ranges of species north of Mexico, Guimaraes 1971, Cortes 1967, and Cortes and Hichins 1969 for ranges of species south of the United States). However, preliminary study of specimens of New World Ceromya s.s. indicates that the number of described species is a significant underestimate of the true diversity of the group in the New World. I estimate from examined material that there are about 15 undescribed New World species, almost all Neotropical in distribution. Most accurately known are the British (Crosskey 1976b) and European (Draber-Moriko 1981, Herting 1984) faunas, consisting of five described species. A key for recognition of all of these species has not been published, though they are treated in part in Mesnil (1963a) and Herting (1977). The fauna of Asia is less well documented, and appears to be depauperate. C. bicolor is the only Ceromya s.s. species recorded from central Asia (Richter 1971, 1975, 1980), and the only other Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 60 O’Hara described eastern Palearctic species, C. pruinosa, is apparently restricted to Japan (though Herting 1984 cites this species as a possible synonym of C. bicolor). However, I have seen specimens of several undescribed species of Ceromya s.s. collected from Nepal. Greatest diversity of described Ceromya s.s. species in the Old World is recorded from the tropics: eight species in the Afrotropical region and 13 in the Oriental region (distributions given in Crosskey 1980, 1976a, respectively; key to Philippine species in Dear and Crosskey 1982, though these authors include S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) in their concept of Ceromya). Only three species are described from Australia (Crosskey 1973). Still, the described portion of the Old World fauna of Ceromya s.s. belies its true diversity: Shima (pers. comm.) has tentatively recognized close to 20 new species in the Oriental region, and I have seen specimens of numerous undescribed species from Australia and Africa. From a cosmopolitan perspective Ceromya s.s. can best be considered a tropical group, with relatively few species in the Nearctic and Palearctic regions. The genus still requires a great deal of descriptive work, especially with respect to its tropical elements. List of described species included in Ceromya sensu stricto S amblycera (Aldrich), 1934: 132 ( Actia ). Holotype male, Argentina: Bariloche (USNM). Holotype examined. New combination, moved from Actia. N americana (Townsend), 1892: 69 ( Thryptocera ). Holotype male (not female), USA: D.C., Washington (UKL). Holotype examined, syn. elyii (Walton), 1914: 91 ( Polychaetoneura ). Three female syntypes, USA: Connecticut, East River (USNM). — Curran, 1933a: 5. Syntypes examined. A amicula Mesnil, 1954: 40. Holotype male, Zaire: Bambesa (MRAC). Holotype examined. O apicipunctata (Malloch), 1926: 510 {Actia). Holotype male, Philippines: Luzon, Benquet (USNM). Holotype examined. O bellina Mesnil, 1957: 44. Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. P bicolor (Meigen), 1824: 354 ( Tachina ). Holotype male, no locality data (MNHN). syn. testacea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 88. Type(s), France: Lille (lost). — Herting, 1974: 18. rufina (Zetterstedt), 1838: 641 {Tachina). Holotype female, Sweden: Dalecarlia (UZI). — Herting, 1984: 121. fasciata (Stein), 1924: 132 {Actia). Lectotype female (by designation of Herting, 1977: 10), Yugoslavia: Sarajevo (NMBA). — Considered a possible color variant of bicolor Mg. by Herting, 1977: 10. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 61 A buccalis (Curran), 1933c: 163 ( Actia ). Holotype male, Zimbabwe: Gatooma (AMNH). Holotype examined. O capitata Mesnil, 1957: 42. Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. O cephalotes Mesnil, 1957: 40. Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. A cibdela (Villeneuve), 1913: 35 (Actia). Lectotype male (by designation in text), Nigeria: Oshogbo (CNC). Lectotype examined, syn. cibdella. Incorrect subsequent spelling of cibdela Villeneuve (Curran, 1927a: 323). S cornuta (Aldrich), 1934: 131 (Actia). Holotype male, Chile: Angol (USNM). Holotype examined. New combination, moved from Actia. P dilecta Herting, 1977: 10. Holotype male, Switzerland: Gordola (SMNS). Holotype examined. O dubia (Malloch), 1930b: 146 (Actia). Holotype female, Malaysia: Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. A femorata Mesnil, 1954: 38. Holotype male, Zaire: Bambesa (MRAC). Holotype examined. U fergusoni (Bezzi), 1923b: 657 (Schizotachina). Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney (type missing according to Crosskey, 1973: 137). syn. fergussoni. Incorrect subsequent spelling of fergusoni Bezzi (Curran, 1927b: 355-356). P flaviceps (Ratzeburg), 1844: 172 (Musca (Tachina)). Type, Germany (lost). syn. flaviceps (Stein), 1924: 134 (Actia). — Objective synonym; see Herting, 1982: 8 and 1984: 190 (note 94), cf. Herting, 1977: 9. P flaviseta (Villeneuve), 1921: 45 (Actia). Male syntype from Berlin, Germany, female syntype from Samara, USSR (CNC). Syntypes examined. O hirticeps (Malloch), 1930b: 146 (Actia (Pseudactia)). Holotype male, Malaysia: Kedah Peak (BMNH). Holotype examined. U invalida (Malloch), 1930a: 305 (Actia (Schizoceromyia)). Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney (SPHTM). Holotype examined. A languidula (Villeneuve), 1913: 36 (Actia). Two male syntypes, Nigeria: Oshogbo (BMNH and CNC). Syntypes examined. A languidulina Mesnil, 1977b: 178. Holotype female, Madagascar: Ambohitantely (MNHN). O latipalpis (Malloch), 1930b: 145 (Actia). Holotype female, Malaysia: Kedah Peak (BMNH). Holotype examined. A lavinia (Curran), 1927a: 324 (Actia). Holotype female, South Africa: Natal, Clan Syndicate (PPRI). Holotype examined. O longimana Mesnil, 1957: 38. Holotype female, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. S lutea (Townsend), 1927: 283 (Actinactia). Holotype male, Brazil: Sao Paulo Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 62 O’Hara (USNM). Holotype examined. New combination. A luteicornis (Curran), 1933c: 162 ( Actia ). Holotype male, southern Zimbabwe (BMNH). Holotype examined. O maculipennis (Malloch), 1930b: 141 {Actia). Holotype male, Malaysia: Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. P monstrosicornis (Stein), 1924: 128 ( Stenoparia ). Holotype male, German Democratic Republic: Mecklenburg (ZMHU; not located, possibly lost), syn. monstruosicornis. Incorrect subsequent spelling of monstrosicornis Stein (Mesnil, 1963a: 829, 831). A natalensis (Curran), 1927a: 325 {Actia). Holotype male, South Africa: Natal, Cramond (PPRI). Holotype examined. N Ontario (Curran), 1933a: 4 {Actia). Holotype female, Canada: Ontario, Lake of Bays, Norway Point (CNC). Holotype examined. N palloris (Coquillett), 1895b: 50 {Lasioneura). Lectotype male (by designation of Coquillett, 1897: 58), USA: New Hampshire (USNM). Lectotype examined. O portentosa Mesnil, 1957: 43. Holotype female, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. P pruinosa Shima, 1970c: 188. Holotype male, Japan: Hokkaido, Berabonai (BLKU). Paratype examined. O punctipennis (Malloch), 1930b: 140 {Actia). Holotype male, Malaysia: Kedah Peak (BMNH). Holotype examined. O punctum (Mesnil), 1953: 107 {Actia). Holotype male, China: Canton (BMNH). Holotype examined. O rotundicornis (Malloch), 1930b: 145 {Actia). Holotype male, Malaysia: Pahang, Fraser’s Hill (BMNH). Holotype examined. S subopaca (Aldrich), 1934: 133 {Actia). Holotype male, Argentina: Bariloche (BMNH). Holotype examined. S unicolor (Aldrich), 1934: 133 {Actia). Holotype male, Argentina: Bariloche (BMNH). Holotype examined. U valida (Curran), 1927b: 356 {Actia {Schizactiana)). Holotype male, Australia: Queensland, Palmerston (DEI). Holotype examined. Nomen dubium P erythrocera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 87. Type(s), France (lost). List of examined, undescribed, species included in Ceromya sensu stricto Ceromya nr. punctipennis: Two males from se. Popondetta, New Guinea (BLKU). Ceromya Australia sp. 1: Two males from Queensland (CNC, DPI). Ceromya Australia sp. 2: Three males, one female from Queensland (DPI). Ceromya Australia sp. 3: One female from Mt. Glorious, Queensland (DPI). Ceromya Australia sp. 5: One male, two females from Mt. Glorious, Queensland (DPI). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 63 Ceromya Brazil sp. 1: Males and females from Nova Teutonia (CNC, USP). Ceromya Brazil sp. 3: One male from Amazonas (INPA). Ceromya Brazil sp. 4: One male from Nova Teutonia (CNC). Ceromya Chile sp. 1: One male and one female from Magellanes (CNC). Ceromya Chile sp. 2: One male from Isla de Chiloe (CNC). Ceromya Mexico sp. 1: Three males and two females from Durango (CNC). Ceromya Mexico sp. 2: One male each from Colima (UCB) and Chiapas (CNC). Ceromya Mexico sp. 3: One male from Chiapas, one female from Veracruz (CNC). Two possibly conspecific males from SE Brazil (CNC). Ceromya Mexico sp. 4: One male from Chiapas (CNC). Ceromya Mexico sp. 5: One male from Veracruz (CNC). One male and several females possibly conspecific from SE Brazil (CNC, USP). Ceromya Nepal sp. 1 : Males and females from Nepal (CNC). Ceromya Nepal sp. 3: Two males, one female from 28°00’N 85°00’E (CNC). Ceromya Nepal sp. 4: One female from 28°00’N 85°00’E (CNC). Ceromya Nepal sp. 5: One male, one female from Kathmandu (CNC). Ceromya New Guinea sp. 4: Two males from se. Popondetta (BLKU). Ceromya New Guinea sp. 5: One male each from se. Popondetta and Nabire (BLKU). Ceromya New Guinea sp. 6: Two males from Wau (BLKU). Ceromya New Guinea sp. 11: Two males from Mt. Kaindi (BLKU). Ceromya New Guinea sp. 15: One male from Mt. Kaindi (BLKU). Ceromya New Guinea sp. 18: One male each from Mt. Kaindi and se. Mt. Giluwe (BLKU). Ceromya Peru sp. 1: One male from Quincemil, Cuzco (CNC). Ceromya U.S. sp. 1: One male from Adair Co., Missouri (MSU) Ceromya silacea (Meigen) species group Figs. 35, 37, 52, 84, 112, 148, 159. Recognition Male genitalic features provide the only characteristics by which members of the Ceromya silacea species group (a strictly Old World taxon) can be distinguished from Ceromya s.s. species. Species of C. silacea species group are unique within the Siphonini in possessing posteriorly on the distiphallus an infolded and sclerotized structure (Fig. 112) - in other siphonines the posterior margin is sclerotized or membranous (the latter in all but a very few species), but not infolded. Ceromya silacea is one of the species with greatest development of the infolded structure on the distiphallus. As shown in Fig. 112, this structure is extended anteriorly to near the anterior margin of the distiphallus (note too that the distiphallus is extensively membranous anteriorly and laterally in this species) and projects posteriorly from between the posterolateral margins. In some other species of this species group the infolded structure is smaller. The pregonite of species of the C. silacea species group is long and sickle-like in most species (Fig. 84) and shorter and apically rounded in others; the membranous portion is not expanded and spinules are absent (cf. Ceromya s.s. section and Figs. 39-40, 77-83). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 64 O’Hara Description Length: 3. 0-5. 5mm. Head. — Five frontal setae in most species, three (C. silacea) or four in a very few; normal arrangement. Anterior proclinate orbital seta longer than posterior one. Eye size of male medium-large to large, 0.77-0.86 head height; size in female subequal to that of male. Flagellomere 1 of male medium-short to medium length, 0.47-0.56 head height; shape from linear to large and almost triangular, not bifid. Flagellomere 1 of female smaller than in male. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 1.5-5X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 rather short to long and evenly tapered; micropubescent to pubescent. Clypeus U-shaped. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short, labella padlike. Thorax (Figs. 35, 37). — Prostemum setulose. Lower proepimeral seta weak, not directed downward. Katepistemum bare anterior to mid coxa. Lower katepistemal seta much shorter than upper anterior seta in most species, subequal in length to it in three closely related species: C. normula, C. similata and C. varichaeta. Three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Mid femur with pilose patch on anterior surface from about midlength to distal end in males of C. normula and C. varichaeta (Fig. 35). Tarsomeres normal in size, claws small. Wing: CuA] with distal portion 0.29-0.47X length of proximal portion (mean 0.36); anal vein not extended to wing margin. Wing setulae: R t dorsally bare, or distally or entirely setulose, ventrally bare or distally setulose; /?4+5 setulose from base to beyond r-m\ CuAx bare or setulose. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. T]+2 without median marginal setae; lateral marginal setae absent to strong. T3-T5 average or with weak lateral discal setae. Male genitalia (Figs. 52, 84, 112). — S5 with, inner (or posterior) margins of processes obtusely angled to almost transverse (Fig. 52 and Shima 1970c, figs. 3d,e); apical lobe undifferentiated to rounded; median lobe rounded or pointed in most species, slightly flattened medially in C. varichaeta (but not to degree found in Goniocera)-, without accessory lobe; processes very sparsely setulose (most species) to densely setulose (C. varichaeta). T6 present as pair of small lateral sclerites. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion half to subequal width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite in profile long and sickle-like in most species (Fig. 84), apically rounded in C. varichaeta-, bare. Epiphallus absent from most species, present in C. varichaeta. Distiphallus (Fig. 112) broad in profile, with short to long posterolateral arm except in C. varichaeta, and unique infolded and sclerotized structure formed from posterior surface (large in most species, very small in C. varichaeta ) which is deeply U-shaped in posterior view. Postgonite large, apically bilobed. Surstylus average length to long, straight in a few species {e.g. Shima 1970c, fig. 5b), thin and curved posteriorly in most (e.g., op. cit., fig. 5a); with long hairs along length in C. varichaeta (also found in C. languidula of Ceromya s.s .); basally fused with epandrium or free (C. varichaeta). Cerci rather short to average length, posteriorly deeply inflexed at midlength (e.g., op. cit., fig. 5b) to gently curved or almost straight (e.g., op. cit., fig. 5a); moderately to densely setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: C. mellini, C. silacea, C. varichaeta, Australia sp. 4 and Nepal sp. 2. Examined published figures of: C. dorsigera and C. silacea (both in Shima 1970c, figs. 3d,e, 5). Female genitalia (Fig. 148). — (Only C. silacea examined.) Medium length (slightly extensible). S6 with average length hairs. T6 present as two lateral sclerites; enclosing spiracles of segment 6 in anteroventral portion. S7 with anterior apodeme; without posteromedial keel. T7 present as two lateral sclerites; spiracles of segment 7 enclosed within anterior portion of T7. S8 distinctly developed, haired. 7j0 present as two distinct sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: C. silacea. Taxonomic changes Status of Ceromya similata Mesnil. — Mesnil described Ceromya similata in 1954 as a sympatric subspecies of C. varichaeta (Curran), noting that it differs from the nominal subspecies primarily in having Rx distally rather than entirely setulose dorsally. As explained elsewhere (e.g. Taxonomic changes section of Siphona (Siphona)), I do not accept the concept of sympatric subspecies; therefore, C. varichaeta similata must either be elevated to species status or declared conspecific with C. varichaeta. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 65 I have examined the holotypes of C. varichaeta and C. similata , and a closely related species C. normula (the latter placed in Peribaea by Crosskey, 1980). C. varichaeta and C. normula are based on males which share a striking synapotypy: a pilose patch anteriorly on the mid femur (Fig. 35). The types differ little except that /?! is dorsally setulose entirely in C. varichaeta and only distally in C. normula. This difference in Rx setulation is very reliable as a species specific character (in contrast to the states Rx distally bare or setulose), so I accept C. varichaeta and C. normula as valid species. Setulation of R{ in the holotype of C. similata matches that of C. normula , not C. varichaeta , and might be conspecific with that species. However, the type of C. similata is female (thus lacking the male-linked pilose patch on mid femur), so is difficult to compare critically with the male types of the other two nominal species. Though C. similata has been associated with C. varichaeta in publications, it is more likely conspecific with C. normula or a valid species. I treat C. similata here as a valid species pending examination of additional male and female specimens of the three nominal species. Hosts Hosts have only been recorded for two species, and both belong to the Noctuidae (Table 2). Phylogenetics Adults of the C. silacea species group are similar to those of Ceromya s.s. externally, but differ in two important male genitalic characteristics. First, they lack spinules on the membranous anterior portion of the pregonite, which are present in most Ceromya s.s. species and are interpreted as synapotypic of that group. Second, they have a uniquely infolded posterior margin on the distiphallus (Fig. 112), which is interpreted as synapotypic of the C. silacea species group (monophyly of Ceromya s.l. discussed in Evolution chapter). In C. silacea, C. mellini, Australia sp. 4 and Nepal sp. 2, the infolded region of the distiphallus is very large (Fig. 1 12). In C. varichaeta the infolded region is small and nearer the apex, and perhaps represents a more primitive condition. The male genitalia of the other species placed in this group were not examined, but these species are thought to belong here because they appear very similar externally to certain well established members of this group. These species should be removed from the C. silacea group if they are found to lack the synapotypy (of the distiphallus) of this group. The labrum is hook-like in the first instar of C. silacea (Fig. 159) and hatchet-like or intermediate in other examined Ceromya s.l. species (see O’Hara in press “a”). It remains to be determined whether this feature is another synapotypy of the C. silacea species group. Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 66 O’Hara Geographic distribution The eight described species of the Ceromya silacea species group are exclusively Old World in distribution. The centre of diversity is the Old World tropics (see Crosskey 1976a and 1980 for ranges of Oriental and Afrotropical species; none described from Australia), with only three species recorded from the Palearctic region: C. dorsigera (described from Switzerland and recorded from Japan by Shima 1970c), C. silacea (widespread, with records from England (Crosskey 1976b), Eurasia (Mesnil 1963a, Shima 1970c, Richter 1971, 1976b, 1980, Draber-Moriko 1981), and southern India (examined specimens from CNC)), and C. pendleburyi (SE Asia and Japan, Mesnil 1963a and Shima 1970c). The three Palearctic species are keyed in Shima (1970c). In addition to the described species I have seen specimens of a new species from Nepal (Nepal sp. 2) and another from Australia (Australia sp. 4) [numbers used here for new species refer to Ceromya s.ll List of described species included in the Ceromya silacea species group P dorsigera Herting, 1967a: 8. Holotype male, Switzerland: Gordola (SMNS). Holotype examined. O mellina (Mesnil), 1953: 109 ( Actia ). Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. A normula (Curran), 1927a: 322 {Actia). Holotype male, South Africa: East London (PPRI). Holotype examined. New combination, moved from Actia. O patellicornis Mesnil, 1957: 40. Holotype male, India: Darjeeling (BMNH). Holotype examined. 0,P pendleburyi (Malloch) 1930b: 144 {Actia). Holotype male, Malaysia: Pahang (BMNH). Holotype examined. 0,P silacea (Meigen), 1824: 355 {Tachina). Holotype male, no locality data (MNHN). syn. siebeckii (Sintenis), 1897: 151 {Thryptocera). Holotype female, Estonia: Pamu (not located).— Herting, 1984: 121. A similata Mesnil, 1954: 39 (as subspecies of Ceromya varichaeta (Curran)). Holotype female, Zaire: Tshumba (MRAC). Holotype examined. New status. A varichaeta (Curran), 1927c: 6 {Actia). Holotype male, Zaire: Faradje (AMNH). Holotype examined. List of examined, undescribed, species included in the Ceromya silacea species group Ceromya Australia sp. 4: One male, one female from Queensland (DPI). Ceromya Nepal sp. 2: Males from 28°00’N 85°00’E (CNC). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 67 Genus Actia Robineau-Desvoidy Figs. 8-10, 21, 23, 29, 31, 33, 41-42, 58-59, 85-86, 1 17-119, 151-152, 160. Actia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 85. Type-species, Roeselia lamia Meigen, 1838, by designation of I.C.Z.N., 1987: 71 (Opinion 1432). Thryptocera Macquart, 1834: 310. Type-species, T. bicolor Macquart, by designation of Townsend, 1916: 624) = Tachina crassicornis Meigen, 1824. — Herting, 1976: 3. Tryptocera. Variant spelling of Thryptocera. Gymnophthalma 1838, Lioy, 1864: 1341. Type-species, Tachina crassicornis Meigen, 1824 (monotypy). Gymnopareia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889: 103 (35). Type-species, Tachina crassicornis Meigen, 1824 (monotypy). Gymnoparia. Variant spelling of Gymnopareia. Actiopsis Townsend, 1917: 121. Type-species, A autumnalis Townsend, 1917 (original designation). Setasiphona Townsend, 1934: 248. Type-species, Actia siphonosoma Malloch, 1930 (original designation). Recognition Actia is a diverse genus of cosmopolitan distribution. With few exceptions, members are recognized externally by the presence of a row of hairs on the katepistemum anterior to the mid coxa {cf. Figs. 33 and 34). Among other siphonines, only the European species Entomophaga exoleta shares this state, and is distinguished from Actia by its elongate aristomere 1 (Fig. 4), long preapical ad seta on fore tibia, and features of the male genitalia (especially sternum 5 - cf. Figs. 50 and 58-59). Five Actia species, A. completa and A. magnicornis from Malaysia and A. parvis eta, A. nr. parviseta and Australia sp. 5 from eastern Australia, either lack this row of katepistemal hairs or the number of hairs is reduced. These species have two setulae on the upper portion of the anepistemum (see below), and males are additionally recognized as members of Actia by their V-shaped sternum 5 (similar to Figs. 58-59) and spined pregonite (similar to Figs. 85-86). The upper portion of the anepistemum has two setulae in almost all Actia species (Fig. 31; one setula in most other siphonines. Fig. 32). Two setulae are present in a few Peribaea species and a few species in different Siphona s.l. lineages, but this state seems to be restricted to Actia among siphonines in which the anal vein does not extend to the wing margin (Table 1). Three Actia species, A. completa and A. fulvicauda from Malaysia and A. chrysocera from the Seychelles Islands, are the only known siphonines other than Peribaea and Siphona s.l. species to have the anal vein extended to the wing margin. A. fulvicauda and A. chrysocera possess a row of katepistemal hairs as in most other Actia species, but A. completa has an incomplete row. A. completa is recognized as an Actia species by its V-shaped sternum 5, spined pregonite and two anepistemal setae (as mentioned above). Males of most Actia species have a more or less V-shaped sternum 5, with little or no constriction of the median lobes above the median cleft (Figs. 58-59). Sternum 5 departs slightly from this shape in a few species, but even in these it more closely resembles the sternum 5 of other Actia species than non-congeneric siphonines. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 68 O’Hara The only feature apparently universal among (and unique to) Actia species is a J-shaped, spinose pregonite (Figs. 41-42 and 85-86). All examined male genitalia of Actia species were of this type, including species mentioned above as having atypical external features. Description Length: 2.5-6.0mm. Head (Figs. 8-10). — Five frontal setae (rarely four), normal arrangement. Anterior proclinate orbital seta longer than posterior one in almost all species. Eye of male small to large, 0.65-0.89 head height; eye of female subequal to or slightly smaller than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male markedly varied in length, 0.43-0.75 head height; linear to broad; bifid in only one known species, A. yasumatsui (Shima 1970b, fig. 1). Flagellomere 1 of female smaller than in male or subequal in size; not bifid. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere 2 varied from 1.5-5X longer than wide, relatively short (2-3X) in most species. Aristomere 3 short and thickened to near tip, to long and evenly tapered; almost bare to short plumose. Clypeus varied from narrow and enclosed in membrane to broadened or U-shaped. Palpus short in most species, long in some species with elongate proboscis; enlarged apically in females of a few species; clavate. Prementum short to long, in a few Old World species of latter slender and elongate like typical Siphona species (Fig. 9). Labella also markedly varied, padlike or slightly lengthened (like in Siphonopsis) in most species, quite elongate (half head height or longer) and with numerous pseudotracheae and flexible in life in a few species (e.g. A.fallax, A. jocularis, A. longilingua ); in a very few Old World species labella as in Siphona species (Fig. 9): about head height in length, basal portion inflexible in life, with reduced number of pseudotracheae apically (e.g. A. malaisei). Thorax (Figs. 21, 23, 29, 31, 33). — Prostemum setulose in almost all species (apparently bare only in A. nigra). Lower proepimeral seta weak or absent. Most species with row of hairs on katepistemum directly anterior to mid coxa extended upward almost to lower katepistemal seta (Fig. 33); several hairs in lower comer only (i.e. groundplan condition of Siphonini) in A. parviseta and A. nr. parviseta, and several hairs in lower comer to row extended halfway to lower katepistemal in A. completa, A. magnicornis and Australia sp. 5. Lower katepistemal seta shorter (in most species much shorter) than upper anterior seta (Fig. 31). Four postsutural dorsocentral setae in most species, three in a few. Upper part of anepistemum with two setulae in most species (Fig. 31), with single setula in a very few. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta in most species, ranging to about 0.75 length of d seta in a few species (known in A. infantula, A. lamia and A. nudibasis), and subequal to d seta in a few species (known in A. eucosmae, A. nigriventris, A. parviseta , and several undescribed Australian species). Mid tibia with one ad seta in almost all species (markedly reduced or absent from A. eucosmae, A. parviseta, A. perdita and Australia sp. 3). Tarsomeres normal in size, or tarsomere 5 of fore leg broadened (known only in female of A. tarsata, though slightly larger than average in females of a few other species), tarsomere 5 of all legs slightly enlarged in female of A. nigriventris ; claws short. Wing (Fig. 21) with vein M complete in most species, slightly developed or absent after bend in some (e.g. A eucosmae, A. exsecta, A. lamia, A. munroi, A. nigriventris, A. perdita, A. pulex, A. rufescens and A. takanoi)', vein CuAx with distal portion 0.25- 1.6X length of proximal portion (in most species short, 0.3-0.7; mean 0.56); anal vein not extended to wing margin, except in A. completa, A. fulvicauda and faintly in A. chysocera. Wing setulae: /?, dorsally bare, or distally or entirely setulose, ventrally bare or distally setulose; R4+5 setulose from base to or beyond r-m\ CuAl bare or setulose; unusual patterns in a few species with additional veins setulose: A. ciligera (R2+ 3, R4+5 and M setulose dorsally and ventrally) A.fallax (M setulose ventrally) and A. gratiosa (Sc setulose dorsally). Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape in most species, slightly elongate in a very few. Tx+2 without median marginal setae; lateral marginal setae absent from most species, strong in a few. TyTs average in most species, with weak lateral discal setae in a few (particularly among species in Holarctic region). Male genitalia (Figs. 41-42, 58-59, 85-86, 117-119). — S5 little varied, processes elongate, rounded or pointed posteriorly, inner margins approximately V-shaped in most species (Fig. 58), obtusely angled in a very few (Fig. 59; rarely as much as in other siphonines); median lobe undifferentiated (Fig. 58) or scarcely differentiated (Fig. 59); median cleft scarcely constricted posteriorly by median lobes in most species (Fig. 58), distinctly constricted by rounded (Fig. 59) to elongate median lobes in a few; processes moderately setulose with several pair of large setae. T6 slightly sclerotized, generally continuous dorsally. Ejaculatory Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 69 apodeme varied from small to very large (0.5-2.0X width of hypandrial apodeme), in most species width of fan-shaped portion subequal to width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Figs. 85-86) broad subapically and approximately J-shaped, outer surface short spinose on apical half or less; asetose. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Figs. 117-119) with posterior margin partially developed in some species, absent from others; not laterally broadened as in Peribaea species; in profile from broad and truncate apically to very narrow and sharply pointed apically (Fig. 119), with numerous forms between. Postgonite in most species apically broad, rounded or truncate, in a few species narrow or intermediate in width. Surstylus short to long, shape varied relatively little, narrow or broad in a few species, intermediate in most; medium to long hairs basally in some species of an Old World group; basally free from epandrium. Cerci varied little, short to average length, sharply inflexed at midlength in some species, smoothly curved posteriorly in most; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: A. autumnalis, A. brevis, A. completa, A. diffidens, A. infantula, A. interrupta, A. lamia, A. longilingua, A. magnicornis, A. malaisei, A. nitidella, A. nudibasis, A. parviseta, A. pilipennis, A. rufescens, Australia spp. l-2,4-5, Jamaica sp. 1, Liberia sp. 1, Mexico sp. 1, Nepal spp. 1-2, New World spp. 1-19 and Uganda sp. 1. Examined published figures of: A. lamia (Andersen 1983, fig. 25), A. darwini, A. painei (both in Crosskey 1962, figs. 1-6), A.jocularis, A. nigra (both in Shima 1970c, figs. 2, 3b,c, 4), A. pokharana and A. yasumatsui (both in Shima 1970b, fig. 2). Female genitalia (Figs. 151-152). — Short and markedly uniform and unspecialized, with only minor differences among species. S6 with average length hairs. Spiracles of segment 6 enclosed in T6; in some species T6 forming a broad sclerite narrowly discontinuous dorsally, in others represented by two small lateral sclerites, in a few species unsclerotized. S7 without anterior apodeme except for short projection in A. crassicornis (Andersen 1983, fig. 12); without posteromedial keel. T7 absent or present only as two small lateral sclerites; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane between segments 6 and 7. S8 distinctly developed, haired, with lateral edges curved inward. T10 distinctly developed as median sclerite, in most species subequal in size to S8. Examined female genitalia of: A. diffidens, A. interrupta, A. lamia, A. malaisei, A. nr. parviseta, Australia sp. 1, New World spp. 4-5 and Zaire sp. 1. Examined published figures of: A. crassicornis and A. lamia (both in Andersen 1983, figs. 11, 12). Taxonomic changes Synonymy of Actia brevis Malloch with Actia darwini Malloch. — The male holotypes of these nominal species were examined and compared. They differ primarily in abdominal coloration and setulation of vein CuA{, but these characteristics vary within some species and the degree of difference present here is not unusual among conspecifics. I also examined other specimens from several localities in eastern Australia, and these exhibit states intermediate between those in the A. brevis and A. darwini types. I conclude that these types belong to the same species, and here synonymize Actia brevis Malloch (1930a) with Actia darwini Malloch (1929b). Actia parviseta Malloch (Fig. 10). — Malloch described this species in 1930 and placed it in his widely defined Actia. Later Crosskey (1966: 109) shifted it to Ceromya, presumably because it lacks a row of hairs on the katepistemum anterior to the mid coxa - a characteristic usually diagnostic for Actia. Dissection of the male genitalia of the type revealed that they possess two Actia synapomorphies: a V-shaped S5 and spinose pregonite. Furthermore, the female reproductive system of a specimen of a closely related species (A. nr. parviseta) was examined and contained first instars of the Actia type (i.e. dorsal cornu lacking from the cephalopharyngeal skeleton; Fig. 160 and O’Hara in press “a”). It thus appears that Actia parviseta and a few other species (A. completa, A. magnicornis, A. nr. Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 70 O’Hara parviseta and Australia sp. 5) have a bare or sparsely haired katepistemum anterior to the mid coxa, while still possessing all other known synapomorphies of Actia. Hosts The hosts of Actia are better known than those of other siphonines, with records for about 20 Actia species (Table 2). Hosts belong predominantly to the Tortricidae, but a variety of other Microlepidoptera and a number of Macrolepidoptera are also parasitized. Host larvae vary in habit from small leaf miners and rollers to large, bare to hairy caterpillars which feed openly on vegetation. There is one record of an Actia species parasitic on a pyrrhocorid bug, Dysdercus sp. This record is doubtful, as Hemiptera are almost exclusively parasitized by phasiines among the Tachinidae. Phylogenetics A row of hairs on the katepistemum anterior to the mid coxa has long been considered a diagnostic feature of Actia. It is now apparent that several species belonging to the Actia lineage lack this row of hairs (see Recognition and Description sections). The relationships of these species to other Actia species is unknown, so the absence of a row of katepistemal hairs from these species cannot be positively polarized as primitive or derived. If derived, then these species must be descended from ancestors possessing a row of katepistemal hairs, and I consider this explanation the more reasonable at this time. This explanation is hypothesized because: 1) no other character states support the primitive position of these species within Actia, and 2) several of these species have a variable number of katepistemal hairs, ranging from a few to a nearly complete row; the varied extent of this row is more parsimoniously interpreted as a reversal from a complete to incomplete row rather than as an independent gain from an incomplete to complete row. Thus a row of hairs on the katepistemum is here considered a synapotypy of Actia species, with absence of this row in several Actia species interpreted as resulting from reversal(s) from the apotypic state. Almost all Actia species have two setulae on the upper portion of the anepistemum (Fig. 31). Most other siphonines have one (Fig. 32), though two are present in a few species of Peribaea and a few species of most supraspecific taxa of Siphona s.l. (Table 1). This distribution suggests that two anepistemal setulae is the derived state within the tribe, though its many independent acquistions weaken its value as a synapotypy of Actia. Several species of Actia have the anal vein extended to the wing margin (see Recognition and Description sections), but possess the derived genitalic states of Actia, and all but one of these (A. completa ) have a katepistemal row of hairs. Extension of the anal vein to the wing margin probably arose independently in Actia and the Peribaea-Siphona s.l. lineage. Sternum 5 is approximately V-shaped in most Actia species, and derivable from that shape in the others. The pregonite is J-shaped and spinose, and these states Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 71 appear to be universal among Actia species. It is hypothesized that these characteristics of the male sternum 5 and pregonite are synapotypies of Actia (the spinose pregonite proposed as an Actia synapotypy by Andersen 1983), and in combination are better diagnostic features of the genus than the row of katepistemal hairs discussed above and previously used to define the genus. Another possible synapotypy of Actia species is lack of a dorsal cornu from the cephalopharyngeal skeleton of first instars (Fig. 160). First instars of all nine examined Actia species share this state, though the illustration of Actia dubitata by Farinets (1980) seems to indicate that a distinct dorsal cornu is present in that species (O’Hara in press “a”). Lack of a dorsal cornu is therefore either a synapotypy of Actia or a derived subgroup of Actia. Previous placement of Entomophaga exoleta in Actia is discussed in the Phylogenetics section of Entomophaga Lioy. Geographic distribution Compared to 56 described species in the Old World, the Actia fauna of the New World (four described species in the Nearctic region and one in the Neotropical region) at first seems but a minor component of the world fauna. However, this paucity of describ9d Actia species gives a false impression of the true diversity of this genus in the New World. I have examined specimens of several new Nearctic Actia species, and from relatively meagre collections of Neotropical Actia , have recognized close to 20 undescribed species. The Actia fauna of the Old World is much better known than its New World counterpart, though undescribed species undoubtedly live in all regions, particularly the Australian. Distributions are listed in Crosskey (1973, 1976a, 1980) for species of Australia and the Oriental and Afrotropical regions, respectively. There are no adequate keys to aid in the identification of the numerous species of these three regions except for Dear and Crosskey’s (1982) key to Philippine species. Malloch’s (1930b) key to the Oriental species is long outdated and Mesnil’s (1954) key to Actia (as Entomophaga ) species of the upper Congo area only includes about half of the described Afrotropical species. Palearctic Actia are the best studied: most European species can be identified using Mesnil’s keys (1963a, 1975: 1399), though species described later by Shima (1970c) and Richter (1974, 1976a, 1980) from Japan and central Asia must be identified from descriptions. Known distributions of several Palearctic Actia species have been extended beyond Europe to Israel by Kugler (1979) and to central or eastern Asia by Herting (1968b, 1973), Richter (1971, 1975, 1976a,b, 1980, 1981, 1986) and Richter and Khitsova (1982). The ranges of all 13 Palearctic species are summarized in Herting (1984) and Norwegian Actia are listed in Rognes (1986). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 72 O’Hara List of described species included in Actia A antiqua (Mesnil), 1954: 31 ( Entomophaga ). Holotype male, Zaire: Bambesa (MRAC). Holotype examined. N autumnalis (Townsend), 1917: 122 (Actiopsis). Holotype female, USA: Maryland, Grove Hill (USNM). Holotype examined. O brunnea Malloch, 1930b: 136. Holotype female, Malaysia: Malaya, Kedah Peak (BMNH). Holotype examined. A chrysocera Bezzi, 1923a: 96. Holotype male, Seychelles: Long Island (BMNH). Holotype examined. A ciligera (Mesnil), 1954: 29 ( Entomophaga ). Holotype female, Zaire: L. Kivu (MRAC). Holotype examined. O completa Malloch, 1930b: 139. Holotype male, Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. P crassicornis (Meigen), 1824: 351 ( Tachina ). Holotype male, no locality data (MNHN). syn. bicolor (Macquart), 1834: 312 ( Thryptocera ). Type, France: Lille (lost). — Herting, 1976: 3. flavipalpis (Macquart), 1848: 135 ( Thryptocera ). Holotype female, Switzerland: near Zurich (ETH). — Herting, 1976: 5. nigripalpis (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1851: 182 ( Thryptocera ). Holotype female (not male), France (MNHN). — Herting, 1974: 19. palpalis (Rondani), 1859: 14 ( Thryptocera ). Lectotype female (by designation of Herting, 1969a: 198), Italy: Parma (MZF). — Herting, 1969a: 198. claripennis (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1863: 716 ( Thryptocera ). Holotype female, France (MNHN). — Herting, 1974: 19. scutellaris (Rondani), 1865: 195 ( Thryptocera ). Holotype male, Italy: Parma (MZF). — Herting, 1969a: 200. A cuthbertsoni Curran, 1933c: 162. Holotype male, Zimbabwe: Gatooma (AMNH). syn. cuthbersoni. Incorrect subsequent spelling of cuthbertsoni Curran (Mesnil, 1977a: 83). U darwini Malloch, 1929b: 334. Holotype male, Australia: Northern Territory, Darwin (SPHTM). Holotype examined. syn. brevis Malloch, 1930a: 309. Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney (SPHTM). Holotype examined. New synonymy. O deferens Malloch, 1930b: 130. Holotype female (head lost), Malaysia: Malaya, Kedah Peak (BMNH). Holotype examined. N diffidens Curran, 1933a: 5. Holotype male, Canada: Nova Scotia, Kentville (CNC). Holotype examined. P dubitata Herting, 1971: 12. Holotype female, Switzerland: Delemont (SMNS; Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 73 not located, possibly lost). Paratype examined. U eucosmae Bezzi, 1926: 239. Holotype female, Australia: Queensland, Milton Farm (published as “Brisbane”) (BMNH). Holotype examined. A exsecta Villeneuve, 1936: 416. Two male syntypes, Uganda: Kampala (1 in BMNH). Syntype examined. A fallax (Mesnil), 1954: 29 ( Entomophaga ). Holotype female, Zaire: near Rweru (MRAC). Holotype examined. O fulvicauda Malloch, 1935: 680. Holotype male, Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. A gratiosa (Mesnil), 1954: 34 ( Entomophaga ). Holotype male, Zaire: L. Kivu (MRAC). Holotype examined. A hargreavesi Curran, 1933c: 160. Holotype female (head missing), Uganda: Kampala (BMNH). Holotype examined, syn. comitata Villeneuve, 1936: 416. Four male and 2 female syntypes, Uganda: Kampala (BMNH). — Crosskey, 1980: 852. Syntypes examined. P infantula (Zetterstedt), 1844: 1047 ( Tachina ). Six syntypes, Sweden: Sk&ne (UZI). syn. antennalis (Rondani), 1859: 16 ( Thryptocera ). Four syntypes, Italy: Appennines (MZF). — Herting, 1969a: 190. aristalis (Rondani), 1865: 194 ( Thryptocera ). Two syntypes, Italy: Appennines (MZF). — Herting, 1969a: 190. villeneuvii (Strobl in Czemy and Strobl), 1909: 221 ( Thryptocera (. Actia )). Syntypes, Spain: Elche (NMBA).- — Mesnil, 1963a: 817. villeneuvei. Incorrect subsequent spelling of villeneuvii Strobl (Mesnil, 1963a: 817). N interrupta Curran, 1933a: 6. Holotype male, USA: New York, Tuxedo (AMNH). Holotype examined. P jocularis Mesnil, 1957: 47. Holotype male, Japan: Tokura (CNC). Holotype examined. P lamia (Meigen), 1838: 254 ( Roeselia ). Neotype male (by designation of O’Hara, 1985: 95), France: Saint-Sauveur (MNHN). Neotype examined, syn. pilipennis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 86 (junior homonym of A. pilipennis (Fallen); replaced by A. lamia (Meigen) under Article 60 of the I.C.Z.N.). Lectotype male (by designation of O’Hara, 1985: 95), France: Saint-Sauveur (MNHN). Lectotype examined. frontalis (Macquart), 1845: 289 ( Thryptocera ). Replacement name for A. pilipennis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (objective synonym). obscurella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851: 187. Syntypes, France (MNHN).— Herting, 1974: 19. vitripennis Rondani, 1859: 19. Replacement name for A. pilipennis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (objective synonym). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 74 O’Hara lamina. Incorrect subsequent spelling of lamia Meigen (Schiner, 1862:518). U lata Malloch, 1930a: 307. Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney (SPHTM). Holotype examined. A linguata Mesnil, 1968: 10. Holotype male. South Africa: Cape Town (BMNH). Holotype examined. A longilingua (Mesnil), 1954: 36 (. Entomophaga ). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. O magnicornis Malloch, 1930b: 133. Holotype male, Malaysia: Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. P maksymovi Mesnil, 1952b: 153. Holotype male, Switzerland: Engadine (not located; a female paratype from same locality is mislabelled as holotype in CNC). Paratype examined. syn. maxymovi. Incorrect subsequent spelling of maksymovi Mesnil (Richter, 1975: 644 and Richter, 1976a: 572). O malaisei (Mesnil), 1953: 110 ( Crocuta ( Siphona )). Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. O mimetica Malloch, 1930b: 143. Holotype female, Malaysia: Malaya, Kedah Peak (BMNH). Holotype examined. P mongolica Richter, 1976a: 572. Holotype male, Mongolia: Eastern aimak (ZIL). Holotype examined. A munroi Curran, 1927a: 322. Holotype female, South Africa: Barberton (PPRI). Holotype examined. P nigra Shima, 1970c: 184. Holotype male, Japan: Hokkaido, Mt. Satsunai, Pirikapetanu (BLKU). Paratype examined. A nigrapex Mesnil, 1977a: 83. Holotype male, Madagascar: Amber Mtn. (MNHN). O nigriventris Malloch, 1935: 680 (as variety of Actia eucosmae Bezzi). Holotype female (abdomen lost), Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. P nigroscutellata Lundbeck, 1927: 462. Two male and 2 female syntypes, Denmark: Tisvilde (ZMUC). Syntypes examined. A nitidella Villeneuve, 1936: 417. Holotype female, Uganda: Kampala (BMNH). Holotype examined. S nitidiventris Curran, 1933a: 4. Holotype female, Panama: Barro Colorado Is. (AMNH). Holotype examined. P nudibasis Stein, 1924: 135. Four syntypes, German Democratic Republic: Crimmitschau (ZMHU). syn. ? resinellae (Schrank), 1781: 478 ( Musca ). Type(s), Austria (lost). — Mesnil, 1963a: 825. O oblimata Mesnil, 1957: 45. Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 75 U painei Crosskey, 1962: 173. Holotype male. New Britain: Rabaul (BMNH). Holotype examined. A pallens Curran, 1927a: 322. Holotype female, South Africa: Natal, Durban (PPRI). Holotype examined. P pamirica Richter, 1974: 1268. Holotype male, USSR: Pamir, Debastia (ZIL). Holotype examined. U parviseta Malloch, 1930a: 308. Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney (SPHTM). Holotype examined. O pellex (Mesnil), 1953: 111 ( Crocuta ( Siphona )). Holotype female, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. O perdita Malloch, 1930c: 333. Holotype male (head lost), Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. O philippinensis Malloch, 1930b: 134. Holotype female (head and abdomen lost), Philippines: Luzon, Benguet (USNM). Holotype examined. A picipalpis (Mesnil), 1954: 33 ( Entomophaga ). Holotype female (not male), Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. P pilipennis (Fallen), 1810: 273 (Tachina). Lectotype male (by designation of Crosskey, 1974: 302), Sweden (NRS). syn. broteas (Walker), 1849: 763 {Tachina). Holotype male, England (BMNH). — Crosskey, 1974: 277. Holotype examined. flavisquamis (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1851: 181 {Thryptocera). Syntypes, France (MNHN). — Herring, 1974: 19. humeralis (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1851: 183 ( Thryptocera ). Holotype female, France (lost). — Herring, 1984: 123. exscensa (Walker), 1853: 66 {Tachina). Holotype female, England (BMNH). — Crosskey, 1974: 283. Holotype examined. nigrifrons (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1863: 714 {Thryptocera). Holotype male, France (MNHN). — Herring, 1974: 19. bigoti (Milliere), 1864: 385 {Morinia). Type(s), France (lost). — Herring, 1984: 123. reducta Villeneuve, 1920: 66 (as variety of A. pilipennis (Fallen), though Villeneuve’ s description of A. pilipennis actually refers to A. nudibasis (Herring, in litt.)). Type(s), no locality given (not located). O pokharana Shima, 1970b: 275. Holotype male, Nepal: Pokhara (BPBM). U pule x Baranov, 1938: 410. Lectotype male (by designation of Sabrosky and Crosskey, 1969: 35), Solomon Islands: Tulagi (BMNH). Lectotype examined. U quadriseta Malloch, 1936: 20. Holotype female, Australia: New South Wales, Nyngan (SPHTM). Holotype examined. A rejecta Bezzi in Bezzi and Lamb, 1926: 569. Holotype male (not female), Rodriguez Is. (BMNH). Holotype examined. A rubiginosa (Mesnil), 1954: 35 {Entomophaga). Holotype male, Zaire: Mokoto (MRAC). Holotype examined. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 76 O’Hara N rufescens (Greene), 1934: 34 ( Actiopsis ). Holotype female, USA: South Dakota (USNM). Holotype examined. A russula Mesnil, 1977a: 84. Holotype male, Madagascar: Joffreville (MNHN). O siphonosoma Malloch, 1930b: 136. Holotype male, Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. O takanoi Baranov, 1935: 557. Lectotype female (by designation of Sabrosky and Crosskey, 1969: 35), Philippines: Luzon, Los Banos (USNM). Lectotype examined. P tarsata Richter, 1980: 541. Holotype female, USSR: Chitinskaya Oblast, Adriano vka (ZIL). Holotype examined. A triseta (Mesnil), 1954: 32 ( Entomophaga ). Holotype male, Rwanda: near Rweru (MR AC). Holotype examined. A vulpina (Mesnil), 1954: 34 (, Entomophaga ). Holotype male, Zaire: Bambesa (MRAC). Holotype examined. O yasumatsui Shima, 1970b: 273. Holotype male, Hong Kong: Kowloon, Taipokau (BPBM). Nomen dubium P rubrifrons (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 87 ( Ceromya ). Type(s), France (lost). — see Herting, 1974: 18. Nomina nuda N labellata Kamran, 1980: 52. N pauciseta Kamran, 1980: 52. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Actia Actia nr. parviseta : One female from SE Queensland, Australia (DPI). Actia Australia sp. 1 (=A. darwinil ): Males and females from Queensland (DPI). Actia Australia sp. 2: One male from Mt. Lewis, Queensland (DPI). Actia Australia sp. 3: One male, one female from Rockhampton, Queensland (DPI). Actia Australia sp. 4: Two males, one female from Mt. Tamborine, Queensland (DPI). Actia Australia sp. 5: Males and females from Queensland (CNC, DPI). Actia Jamaica sp. 1: Males and females from St. Catherine (USNM). Actia Liberia sp. 1: One male from Liberia (USNM). Actia Mexico sp. 1 : One male from San Cristobal, Chiapas (CNC). Actia Nepal sp. 1: Males from Nepal (CNC). Actia Nepal sp. 2: One male from Kathmandu (CNC). Actia New World spp. 1-19: These species are presently under revision by O’Hara and Shima. Actia Uganda sp. 1 : One male from Ankole (USNM). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 77 Genus Peribaea Robineau-Desvoidy Figs. 11-12, 27, 60-61,87-88, 120-121, 139, 153-156, 161. Herbstia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851: 184 (junior homonym, preoccupied by Herbstia Edwards, 1834). Type-species,//, tibialis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851 (monotypy). Peribaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 720. Type-species, P. apicalis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863 (by designation of Coquillett, 1910: 587). Strobliomyia Townsend,, 1926c:31. Type-species, Thryptocera fissicornis Strobl, 1910 (original designation). Eogymnophthalma Townsend, 1926a: 35. Type-species, E. orientalis Townsend, 1926 (original designation) = Tachina orbata Wiedemann, 1830. Talaractia Malloch, 1930a: 305 (as subgenus of Actia). Type-species, Actia ( Talaractia ) baldwini Malloch, 1930 (original designation). Tarar actia. Incorrect subsequent spelling of Talaractia Malloch (Malloch, 1930a: 305). Uschizactia Townsend, 1934: 248. Type-species, Actia uniseta Malloch, 1930 (original designation). Recognition Species of the genus Peribaea are widely distributed throughout the Old World, and are easily recognized among siphonines by their possession of a strong, downwardly directed, proepimeral seta (Fig. 27). Species of Chaetostigmoptera Townsend and the Neaerini, and several other tachinids, also have a distinctly developed, downwardly directed, proepimeral seta (varied from weak to strong), though other differences indicate that this similarity is due to convergence. Together, Peribaea and Siphona s.l. are distinguishable from all but a very few other siphonines (and almost all other tachinids) by having the anal vein extended to the wing margin. Description Length: 2.5-5.0mm. Head (Figs. 11-12). — Five frontal setae, normal arrangement. Anterior proclinate orbital seta longer than posterior one in most species. Eye of male and female subequal in size, medium to large, 0.73-0.86 head height; size in female subequal to that of male. Flagellomere 1 of male markedly varied in length, 0.39-0.75 head height; shape from linear or broad to bifid ( e.g . figs. 3a, 4a and 5a in Shima 1970a), trifid (P. jepsoni and P. trifurcata; e.g. fig. 2a, op. cit.), or pectinate (P. baldwini, P. cervina and P. pectinata; Fig. 1 1 and fig. la, op. cit.). Flagellomere 1 of female simple, not bifid. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 1.5-12X longer than wide (2-4X in most species). Aristomere 3 long and evenly tapered in most species, short and thickened to near tip in a few; almost bare to short plumose, in most species micropubescent. Clypeus U-shaped in most species, only slightly broadened in a few. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short to medium (not elongate), labella padlike. Thorax (Fig. 27). — Prostemum setulose. Lower proepimeral seta strong and directed downward (Fig. 27). Katepistemum bare anterior to mid coxa. Lower katepistemal seta slightly shorter than or subequal in length to upper anterior seta in most species, slightly longer in a very few. Four postsutural dorsocentral setae (apparently never three). Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Tarsomeres normal in size, or tarsomere 5 of fore leg elongate and broadened (only known in female of P. lobata)\ claws short in most species, medium in a very few. Wing: CuAl with distal portion 0.63- 1.3X length of proximal portion (mean 0.84); anal vein extended to wing margin. Wing setulae: /?, dorsally bare, or distally or entirely setulose, ventrally bare or distally setulose; R2+3 bare except setulose dorsally and ventrally in P. modesta; R4+5 setulose from base to beyond r-m; CuA} bare in almost all species (a few sparsely setulose). Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in most species, markedly elongate in a few, and very elongate in P. ugandana. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 78 O’Hara Tl+2 without median marginal setae; lateral marginal setae absent from most species, strong in a few. T3-T5 average in most species, with extra pair of lateral marginal setae on T3 in a few, weak lateral discal setae on T4-T5 in P. discicornis. Male genitalia (Figs. 60-61, 87-88, 120-121, 139). — S5 markedly varied, inner (or posterior) margins of processes obtusely angled (Fig. 60) to almost transverse in most species, in a very few species V-shaped (Fig. 61; resembling typical Actia shape except median cleft more distinct); apical lobe undifferentiated to slightly differentiated; median lobe slightly to broadly rounded in most species, rather elongate and/or flattened medially or posteromedially in a few; processes moderately setulose, with three to six pair of large setae in most species. T6 varied from small pair of lateral sclerites to single, broad, dorsally continuous sclerite. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion wider than hypandrial apodeme in most species, subequal in width in a very few; some species with weak ring-like sclerotized sheath basally (e.g. P. apicalis). Pregonite (Figs. 87-88) in profile approximately C-shaped, broad at mid length; bare. Epiphallus present or absent, where present generally narrow. Distiphallus (Figs. 120-121) large, posterior margin complete, variously incised laterally, distinctly broader than long in ventral view. Postgonite apically rounded, pointed, or turned outward. Surstylus (Fig. 139) average length to long, broad in a few species, straight to curved posteriorly; basally free from epandrium in most species (Fig. 139), fused with epandrium in a few (e.g. P. trifurcata)', apically enlarged in some species, greatly swollen in a few, in one (?undescribed) species from Australia subapically with small medially-directed lobe. Cerci short in most species (Fig. 139), average length in a few, in profile straight along posterior margin or smoothly curved at midlength; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: P. apicalis, P. fissicornis, P. repanda, P. ?similata, P. tibialis, P. ugandana , Africa spp. 1-4, Australia spp. 1-3, Nepal sp. 1 and Sri Lanka sp. 1. Examined published figures of: P. fissicornis (Andersen 1983, fig. 18), P. hirsuta, P. illugiana, P. pectinata, P. sedlaceki, P. trifurcata (all five in Shima 1970a, figs. 1-5), P. insularis (Shima 1970c, figs. 1, 3a), P. alternata and P. orbata (both in Shima 1981, figs. 1 and 3). Female genitalia (Figs. 153-156). — Varied from short and unmodified (Fig. 153) to extremely elongate (Figs. 155-156). S6 bare or with very short hairs; in primitive forms S6 and S7 flat and wider than long, in derived forms both sterna slightly to sharply keeled medially and pointed posteriorly in most species, in very specialized forms both sterna elongate and tip of S7 extended over cerci, with intersegmental membrane similarly elongate (Figs. 155-156); S7 without anterior apodeme. T6 distinctly developed and enclosing spiracles of segment 6; dorsally continuous or discontinuous. T7 present as lateral sclerites in unmodified forms, fused with S7 in some derived forms with S7 elongate (Figs. 154-156); enclosing spiracles of segment 7. 58 bare, absent (particularly in elongate forms) to average-sized, flat sclerite. 7j0 absent from some species, present as a small to medium median sclerite in others. Examined female genitalia of: P. fissicornis, P. tibialis, P. ugandana , Africa spp. 2-5 and Australia spp. 1,3. Examined published figures of: P. alternata, P. orbata (both in Shima 1981, fig. 2) and P. tibialis (Andersen 1983, fig. 4). Taxonomic changes Identity of Tachina orbata Wiedemann. — The type of Tachina orbata Wiedemann (1830: 336) is lost. Crosskey (1967) designated a neotype for this species, believing T. orbata to be a widespread Old World species of Peribaea. According to Mesnil (in litt.), the original description of T. orbata refers to a neaerine. If one were to accept this opinion and invalidate Crosskey’s neotype (on the basis of an incorrect neotype designation), then P. aegyptia would become the valid name for this Peribaea species. However, in the interests of nomenclatural stability, Crosskey and Shima plan to submit a proposal to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature requesting that Crosskey’s (1967) neotype be retained for the name Tachina orbata Wiedemann (Crosskey in litt.). Current usage of orbata as a valid species of Peribaea is followed herein. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 79 Status ofPeribaea subaequalis (Malloch). — Malloch described P. monticola, P. rotundipennis and P. subaequalis from specimens collected in the Cuemos Mts. on Negros Island in the Philippines. The first two names were synonymized with P. orbata by Crosskey (1966: 107), while the third has continued to be cited as valid (Crosskey, 1976: 214). I examined all three of Malloch’s types along with specimens of P. orbata , and found no substantial difference among them. Unfortunately, Malloch’s type specimens are not ideal for comparison because all three lack heads, and two are females while the third is a male. Nevertheless, the fact that Malloch’s types were collected from the same locality (dates unknown) and are similar to one another and to specimens of P. orbata in such important characteristics as wing vein setulation and abdominal coloration strongly suggests that they are all conspecific. (Even Malloch stated that his specimens “may ultimately prove to be mere variations within a single species” (1930b: 142).) The one difference, anal vein not extended to wing margin in the type of P. subaequalis, is very rare in Peribaea and not typical of any known species, so probably represents an aberration in this specimen (even the paratypes of P. subaequalis have the anal vein reaching wing margin). For all these reasons I feel confident in adding P. subaequalis to the list of synonyms of the widespread species P. orbata. Hosts Hosts of Peribaea species belong to several families of Microlepidoptera and Macrolepidoptera (Table 2). The most commonly parasitized group is the Noctuoidea, accounting for half the total records. Adult females of Peribaea species are thought to larviposit directly on their hosts (Herting 1957). Presumably the elongate ovipositor of some Peribaea species is an adaptation to this behavior. Phylogenetics The monophyly of Peribaea is well established (Andersen 1983: 10). Adults possess externally a strong, downwardly directed, proepimeral seta (Fig. 27). This state is unique to Peribaea among siphonines, though is convergently, and often more weakly, developed in species of Chaetostigmoptera Townsend and the Neaerini, and several other tachinids. The distiphallus is varied in shape among Peribaea species, though its sclerotized posterior surface is a shared characteristic and is hypothesized as a synapotypy; the partially unsclerotized posterior surface in all but a very few other (unrelated) siphonines (see Table 1) is interpreted as plesiotypic. Sternum 8 in the female genitalia is bare in all examined Peribaea species, though several derived species lack this sclerite entirely (Figs. 154-156). A bare, unsclerotized sternum 8 is considered synapotypic of the genus, and absence of sternum 8 is interpreted as a more derived condition (sternum 8 convergently lost in a few other siphonines; see Table 1). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 80 O’Hara First instars of Peribaea species are characterized by an apically narrowed or hook-like labrum (Fig. 161; also see O’Hara in press “a”). A hatchet-like labium characterizes more primitive siphonines (with the known exception of Ceromya silacea, Fig. 159), so the shape of the labrum in Peribaea species is interpreted as derived. Geographic distribution Forty-five described species are recognized in Peribaea , all are restricted to the Old World. Greatest diversity, accounting for almost half the described species, is recorded from the Afrotropical region (particularly the upper Congo area, as a result of Mesnil’s work on the siphonines of that area; distributions in Crosskey 1980). More modest diversity is found in the three other Old World regions. Oriental species are listed in Crosskey (1976a; Philippine species keyed in Dear and Crosskey 1982) and Australian species in Crosskey (1973) and Shima (1970a, with key to Papuan species; 1981). Most Palearctic Peribaea species are redescribed and keyed in Mesnil (1963a; also key to separate P. apicalis and P. tibialis in Herting 1968a). Other records for Palearctic species are given in Mesnil and Pschom-Walcher (1968), Herting (1968b, 1969b), Crosskey (1976b), Kugler (1979), Karczewski (1983), Mihalyi and Weinberg (1984), Richter (1971, 1975, 1976a, 1980, 1981, 1986) and Rognes (1986), and summarized in Herting (1984). I suspect that the preponderance of described species in the Afrotropical region accurately reflects the true pattern of Peribaea diversity. Presence of ten species in the Australian region (including one on the Solomon Islands), seven species on Madagascar (Mesnil 1977a) and one each on Mauritius and Seychelles Islands, indicates that the dispersal power of some members of this genus are as great as in other siphonine genera that are distributed worldwide. It is therefore puzzling that Peribaea has not reached the New World. Hosts do not seem to be the limiting factor, as many host genera are Holarctic or cosmopolitan in distribution. List of described species included in Peribaea U alternata Shima, 1981: 445. Holotype male, New Guinea: Wau, Mt. Kaindi (BPBM). Paratype examined. A annulata (Mesnil), 1954: 21 ( Strobliomyia ). Holotype male, Zaire: Rwankwi (MRAC). Holotype examined. A anthracina Mesnil, 1977a: 81. Holotype male, Madagascar: Belazao (MNHN). P apicalis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 721. Holotype male (head and abdomen lost), France: Saint Sauveur (MNHN). U argentifrons (Malloch), 1930a: 309 ( Actia ). Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney (SPHTM). Holotype examined, syn. angustifrons. Incorrect subsequent spelling of argentifrons Malloch (Hardy, 1959: 213). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 81 U baldwini (Malloch), 1930a: 306 ( Actia { Talaractia )). Holotype male, Australia: Queensland, Palm Is. (SPHTM). Holotype examined. A cervina (Mesnil), 1954: 18 ( Strobliomyia ). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (IRSN). Holotype examined. A clara (Mesnil), 1954: 21 ( Strobliomyia ). Holotype male, Zaire: Katanga, Kalabi (MRAC). Holotype examined. A compacta (Curran), 1927a: 324 {Actia). Holotype male (head lost). South Africa: East London (PPRI). Holotype examined. P discicornis (Pandelle), 1894: 109 {Thryptocera). Holotype male, France: Pyrenees, Tarbes (IRSN). A ferina (Mesnil), 1954: 17 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Rwanda: Kibga (MRAC). Holotype examined. P fissicornis (Strobl), 1910: 139 {Thryptocera). Holotype male (not female), Austria: “Styria” (NMBA). A gibbicornis (Mesnil), 1954: 19 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (IRSN). Holotype examined. U hirsuta (Shima), 1970a: 269 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, New Guinea: Popondetta (BPBM). O hyalinata (Malloch), 1930b: 138 {Actia). Holotype female (not male), Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. U illugiana (Shima), 1970a: 265 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, New Britain: Gazelle Peninsula, Illugi (BPBM). O insularia (Shima), 1970c: 179 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Japan: Ryukyu Islands, Amami Is., Tokunoshima (BLKU). A jepsoni (Villeneuve), 1937: 2 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Mauritius (CNC). Holotype examined. P leucopheae (Mesnil), 1963b: 33 {Strobliomyia). Holotype female, USSR: Tadjikistan, Varzoba (ZIL). Holotype examined. A lobata Mesnil, 1977a: 80. Holotype male, Madagascar: Manjakatatompo (MNHN). A longiseta (Villeneuve), 1936: 417 {Actia). Holotype female, Uganda: Kampala (BMNH). Holotype examined. O malayana (Malloch), 1935: 678 {Actia). Holotype male (abdomen lost), Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. A mitis (Curran), 1927a: 323 {Actia). Syntypes, South Africa: Barberton (PPRI). Syntypes examined. A modesta (Mesnil), 1954: 14 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. 0,P,A,U orbata (Wiedemann), 1830: 336 {Tachina). Neotype female (by designation of Crosskey, 1967: 106), India: Assam, Azra (BMNH). Lectotype examined. syn. aegyptia (Villeneuve), 1912: 508 {Gymnopareia {Actia)). Lectotype Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 82 O’Hara male (by designation of Crosskey, 1966: 108), Egypt: Qaliub (BMNH). — Crosskey, 1976a: 214. Lectotype examined. orientalis (Townsend), 1926a: 35 ( Eogymnophthalma ). Lectotype male (by fixation of Townsend, 1940: 213), Indonesia: Sumatra, Fort de Kock (ZMA). — Crosskey, 1966: 107. Lectotype examined. nigripes (Curran), 1927c: 6 ( Actia ). Holotype male, Zaire: Boma (AMNH). — Crosskey, 1980: 853. Holotype examined. nigritula (Malloch), 1930a: 309 {Actia). Holotype female, Australia: Queensland, Cairns (SPHTM). — Crosskey, 1966: 107. Holotype examined. subaequalis (Malloch), 1930b: 142 {Actia). Holotype male (head lost), Philippines: Negros, Cuemos Mtns. (USNM). Holotype examined. New synonymy. monticola (Malloch), 1930b: 143 {Actia). Holotype male (head lost), Philippines: Negros, Cuemos Mtns. (USNM). — Crosskey, 1966: 107. Holotype examined. rotundipennis (Malloch), 1930b: 143 {Actia). Holotype female (head lost), Philippines: Negros, Cuemos Mtns. (USNM). — Crosskey, 1966: 107. Holotype examined. sororcula (Mesnil), 1954: 16 {Strobliomyia). Holotype female, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). — Crosskey, 1976a: 214. Holotype examined. P palaestina (Villeneuve), 1934: 57 {Actia). Holotype female, Israel: Rehoboth (SMNS). Holotype examined. syn. alipes (Villeneuve), 1942b: 134 {Actia). Holotype female, Egypt: Assuan (CNC). — Herting, 1982: 8. Holotype examined. U pectinata (Shima), 1970a: 261 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, New Britain: Gazelle Penn., Illugi (BPBM). U plebeia (Malloch), 1930a: 310 {Actia). Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Coramba (SPHTM). Holotype examined, syn. plebia. Incorrect subsequent spelling of plebeia Malloch (Hardy, 1959: 213). A pulla Mesnil, 1977a: 82. Holotype male, Madagascar: Ambato-Boeni (MNHN). A repanda (Mesnil), 1954: 16 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Zaire: nr. Rwindi, Ndeko (MRAC). Holotype examined. A rubea Mesnil, 1977a: 82. Holotype female, Madagascar: Amber Mtn. (MNHN). U sedlaceki (Shima), 1970a: 267 {Strobliomyia). Holotype male, New Guinea: Popondetta (BPBM). O setinervis (Thomson), 1869: 519 {Thryptocera). Holotype female, China (NRS). 0,P similata (Malloch), 1930b: 137 {Actia). Holotype male, Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. A spoliata (Bezzi), 1923a: 95 {Actia). One male and 1 female syntype, Seychelles Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 83 Islands (BMNH). Syntypes examined. U stiglinae (Bezzi), 1928: 204 ( Actia ). Holotype male (not female), Fiji: Lautoka (BMNH). Holotype examined. New combination, moved from Actia. O, A suspecta (Malloch), 1924: 409 (Actia). Holotype male (not female), India: Bihar, Pusa (BMNH). Holotype examined, syn. nana (Curran), 1928: 237 (Actia). Holotype female, Uganda: Kampala (BMNH). — Crosskey, 1976a: 214. Holotype examined. P, A tibialis (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1851: 185 (Herbstia). Holotype male, France: Saint Sauveur (lost). syn. flavicornis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 721. Holotype female, France: Lozere (MNHN). — Herting, 1974: 19. minuta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 722. Holotype female, France (MNHN).— Herting, 1974: 19. A timida (Mesnil), 1954: 18 (Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. U trifurcata (Shima), 1970a: 263 (Strobliomyia). Holotype male, New Guinea: Popondetta (BPBM). A ugandana (Curran), 1933c: 161 (Actia). Holotype male, Uganda: Kampala (BMNH). Holotype examined. O uniseta (Malloch), 1930b: 129 (Actia). Holotype male (head lost), Malaysia: Malaya, Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. P ussuriensis (Mesnil), 1963a: 807 (as subspecies of Strobliomyia hyalinata (Malloch)). Holotype male, USSR: Ussuri, Sucan (ZIL). Holotype examined. A vidua (Mesnil), 1954: 15 (Strobliomyia). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Peribaea Peribaea Africa sp. 1: Two males from Ngong, Kenya (USNM). Peribaea Africa sp. 2: One male and one female from Ankole, Uganda (USNM). Peribaea Africa sp. 3: One male and one female from Archer’s Post, Kenya (CAS). Peribaea Africa sp. 4: Males and females from Natal, South Africa (USNM). Peribaea Africa sp. 5: One female from Kruger Nat. Pk., South Africa (USNM). Peribaea Australia sp. 1 : Males and females from Queensland (DPI). Peribaea Australia sp. 2: One male and one female from Kairi, Queensland (DPI). Peribaea Australia sp. 3: Males and females from Queensland (DPI). Peribaea Nepal sp. 1 : Three males from Lothar (CNC). Peribaea Sri Lanka sp. 1 : One male from Colombo (CAS). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 84 O’Hara Genus Siphona Meigen sensu lato Figs. 13-20, 22, 24-26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 43-46, 62-70, 89-106, 122-136, 140-144, 162-163. Recognition Siphona Meigen, as considered here in the broad sense, is a diverse, monophyletic group of cosmopolitan distribution. Adults are morphologically varied, but all are characterized by the anal vein extended to the wing margin at least as a sharply creased fold (Fig. 22). This state is also shared by Perihaea species, but these are easily recognized by their two strong and opposed proepimeral setae (one strong proepimeral seta in Siphona s.l. species and other siphonines, cf. Figs. 27 and 28). Three known Old World Actia species are easily confused with Siphona s.l. species because they have the anal vein extended to the wing margin. They differ from members of Siphona s.l. in their possession of a partial to complete row of katepistemal hairs and distinctive Actia- type male genitalia (see Recognition section of Actia). Though not very useful for general identification purposes, two features of first instars are diagnostic (and synapotypic) of Siphona s.l. species; both on the ventral surface of the abdomen on segments 6 and 7 (see O’Hara in press “a”). Segment 6 in Siphona s.l. species is equipped posteriorly with from two, to a row of about 10, large spinules or hooks (Figs. 162-163). Other siphonines are bare in this region or have tiny spinules (Figs. 158-161) with the exception of Ceromya Australia sp. 3. S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) Uganda sp. 1 is the only known Siphona s.l. species without the typical condition of the genus. The spinulose condition on the ventral surface of segment 7 posteriorly also distinguishes almost all Siphona s.l. species from other siphonines. With the exception of a few species (see Table 1), Siphona s.l. species (Figs. 163) have a single dominant row of spinules in this position and other siphonines (Figs. 158-161) have two or more even or uneven rows of spinules (S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species have the latter condition, as exemplified here by S. (P.) sp. 14, Fig. 162). Key to adults of the subgenera of Siphona sensu lato (See section entitled “Review of major keys to genera and subgenera of the Siphonini” for information about how other authors have keyed (and classified) the following taxa.) 1. Mid tibia lacking ad seta (Fig. 38); aristomere 1 at least 2X longer than wide, subequal in length to aristomere 2 (Fig. 15); 2-3mm long (five species; western North America) S. (Baeomyia O’Hara), p. 97 T. Mid tibia with one or two ad seta on lower half (Fig. 37); Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 85 aristomere 1 shorter than aristomere 2, in most species shorter than wide (Figs. 13-14, 16-20); average-sized specimens of all but a very few species longer than 3mm 2 2. (T) Maxillary palpus cylindrical to tip, markedly reduced to average length (Fig. 16) 3 2'. Maxillary palpus clavate apically, short to long (Figs. 1-15, 17-20) 4 3. (2) Distiphallus laterally incised and posterolateral arm clearly developed (Fig. 127); pregonite bare in Mauritius sp. 1, with long seta posteriorly in other species (Fig. 94) (Afrotropical, Nearctic, Palearctic and Oriental regions) S. (Ceranthia R.-D.), p. 99 3'. Distiphallus not laterally incised and without posterolateral arm; pregonite bare (two Australian species, Australia sp. 1 and New Guinea sp. 1) two undescribed species of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis Tnsd.), p. 92 4. (2') Proboscis with prementum and labella elongate, labella slightly longer than prementum and in most species longer than eye height (Figs. 25-26); pregonite of male genitalia without seta posteriorly and lacking spinules apically (Fig. 96); female genitalia unmodified (Figs. 43, 45) except in S. melanura (over 80 described species; cosmopolitan) ....S, (Siphona Mg.), p. 108 4'. Proboscis with prementum and labella varied in length, labella in most species padlike to slightly lengthened (Figs. 13-15, 17-19, 23-24), in a very few species as long as prementum (Fig. 20); male genitalia varied, in almost all species in which labella are as long as prementum the pregonite has a seta posteriorly and/or tiny spinules apically (Figs. 89-95, 97-98, 100, 102-106); female genitalia varied 5 5. (4') Old World in distribution (a polyphyletic group of 21 described and many new species) S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis Townsend), p. 92 5'. New World in distribution 6 6. (5') Distiphallus in profile with parallel anterior and posterior margins, with or without spines apically (Figs. 122-123); pregonite long and slender with tiny spinules apically (Fig. 89); cerci broadened in posterior view (Fig. 142); head as in Fig. 13, with labella varied from padlike to moderately lengthened; body mostly yellow with sparse abdominal pruinosity; wing vein R4+5 setulose from base to beyond crossvein r-m ( S . singularis complex and one new species; Neotropical) S. ( Actinocrocuta Townsend), p. 87 6'. Male genitalia varied, with not more than one of above states; Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 86 O’Hara externally varied, but a very few species with above states 7 7. (6') Distiphallus in profile narrow on apical half and with or without enlarged spines apically or anteriorly (Fig. 130); pregonite without spinules anterolaterally (Figs. 97-98); male sternum 5 with apex of apical lobe curved inward (similar to Figs. 62-63); proboscis with labella elongate, 0.7-0.9 prementum length (Figs. 18, 24); wing vein R4+5 not setulose beyond crossvein r-m (three described and at least 13 new species; western United States and Neotropics) S. (Siphonopsis Townsend), p. 120 7'. Distiphallus in profile broader on apical half than in Fig. 130 and with or without enlarged spines apically and/or anteriorly; pregonite with or without tiny spinules anterolaterally; male sternum 5 with or without apex of apical lobe curved inward; externally varied, but a few species with above states 8 8. (7') Pregonite (Fig. 95) with tiny spinules anterolaterally, broad with two or more tiny setae posteriorly in most species, a few species with J-shaped pregonite or only one tiny seta posteriorly; distiphallus triangular in profile in most species (Fig. 128); cerci sharply inflexed at midlength in most species (Fig. 140); head habitus varied, but most species with row of short parafacial hairs extended to lower half of eye, arista haired and proboscis with labella slightly more than half prementum length (Fig. 17) (one described and at least 18 new species; United States to northern Argentina) S. (Pseudosiphona Townsend), p. 103 8'. Pregonite more slender than in Fig. 95, with not more than one seta posteriorly and with or without spinules anterolaterally; distiphallus varied, but not triangular as in Fig. 128; cerci smoothly curved to sharply inflexed; externally varied, but a very few species with above states 9 9. (8') Male genitalia with median lobe of sternum 5 flattened (Fig. 68), pregonite bare (no spinules or posterior seta; Fig. 99), distiphallus smoothly tapered in profile (Fig. 131), and cerci sharply inflexed at midlength; body relatively large, 4.0-5. 0mm in length; also see Recognition section (one described and one new species; Ecuador and Peru) S. (Uruactia Townsend), p. 123 9'. Male genitalia varied, but with not more than two of the four states above 10 10. (9') Male genitalia with pregonite lacking spinules anterolaterally (Fig. 90; posterior seta present or absent), distiphallus tapered Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 87 in profile (Fig. 124), and cerci not sharply inflexed at midlength and of average shape (similar to Fig. 144) to slightly broadened (Fig. 143) in posterior view; body relatively small, 2.0-3. 5mm in length and dark-colored; also see Recognition section (two described and at least four new species; SW United States to SE Brazil) S. (Aphantorhapha Townsend), p. 89 10'. Male genitalia without above combination of states; externally varied (two described and over 40 new species; New World, mostly Neotropical) ...New World Siphona s.l. species unplaced to subgenus, p. 125 [See descriptive sections on three species groups and unplaced species of New World Siphona 5./.] Siphona (subgenus Actinocrocuta Townsend) Figs. 13,62, 89, 122-123, 142. Actinocrocuta Townsend, 1935: 228. Type-species, A. chaetosa Townsend, 1935 (original designation) = Tachina singularis Wiedemann, 1830. New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Recognition Adults of this Neotropical group of few species cannot be distinguished from all other Siphona s.l. species except by features of the male genitalia, though the following external characteristics are shared by the known species: yellow overall except for varied amounts of reddish brown at femoral-tibial articulations, surrounding marginal setae on abdomen, and along abdominal midline; abdomen very sparsely pruinose; lower katepistemal seta at least length of upper anterior seta; three postsutural dorsocentral setae; wing vein R4+5 setulose from base to beyond crossvein r-m\ and anal vein extended to wing margin. The following combination of male genitalic states is unique to S. (Actinocrocuta) species: pregonite slender, apically rounded and covered with tiny spinules (Fig. 89; more curved than in Fig. 100); distiphallus in profile slender, nearly parallel-sided, varied apically (Figs. 122-123); and cerci in posterior view broadened to near tip (Fig. 142; more broadened than in some S. ( Aphantorhapha ) species [Fig. 143], though similar in shape in a very few other Siphona s.l. species). Description Length: 3.5-4.5mm. Head (Fig. 13). — Anterior proclinate orbital seta longer than posterior one. Eye of male and female subequal in size, medium to medium-large, 0.76-0.81 head height. Flagellomere 1 of male and female subequal, medium-short to medium length, 0.41-0.52 head height; average width. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere 2 relatively short, about 1.5X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 long and evenly tapered, pubescent to short plumose. Clypeus narrow and enclosed in membrane to slightly broadened. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis with prementum medium in length (slightly over half head height in length), labella padlike to moderately lengthened. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 88 O’Hara Thorax. — Prostemum setulose. Lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta. Three postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Claws short. Wing vein CuA] with distal portion 0.35-0.49 length of proximal portion (mean 0.42). Wing setulae: Sc ventrally setulose in some specimens; R] dorsally distally or entirely setulose, ventrally bare; /?4+5 setulose from base to beyond r-m\ CuA{ bare or setulose. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. 7j+2 without median marginal setae, lateral marginal setae absent to weak. TyT5 with average setation. Male genitalia (Figs. 62, 89, 122-123, 142). — S5 (Fig. 62) with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped; apical lobe distinctly differentiated, apex curved inward in some specimens of 5. singularis complex; median lobe pointed to narrowly rounded, relatively unmodified; processes moderately setulose. T6 apparently absent. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion subequal to 2.0X wider than width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Fig. 89) in profile rather slender and elongate; outer surface short spinose apically, tiny seta posteriorly in 5. singularis complex, seta absent from single specimen of S. (A.) sp. 1. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus reduced posteriorly, not incised laterally, in profile rather narrow basally, nearly parallel-sided to tip, in S. singularis complex with or without (Fig. 122) apical hook anteroventrally, in S. (A.) sp. 1 with several hooks radiated from apex ventrally and anteroventrally (Fig. 123). Postgonite rounded apically in S. singularis complex, short in S. (A.) sp. 1. Surstylus rather short to average length, more or less straight; basally free from epandrium. Cerci average length, in profile rather straight at midlength, in posterior view broadened to near apex (Fig. 142); moderately setose on basal half in S. (A.) sp. 1, varied in members of 5. singularis complex from state in S. (A.) sp. 1 to densely setose along length. Examined male genitalia of: S. singularis complex, S. (A.) sp. 1. Female genitalia — Moderately extensible. S6 bare to sparsely haired posteromedially; slightly keeled posteromedially. T6 absent; spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to lateral margins of S6. S7 with long anterior apodeme; slightly keeled posteromedially. T7 absent; (spiracles not located). S8 much broader than average, haired. 7j0 present as two sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: S. singularis. Taxonomic changes Synonymy of S. (Actinocrocuta) chaetosa (Townsend) with S. (Actinocrocuta) singularis (Wiedemann). — The primary types (both male) of S. chaetosa (type locality “Trinidad”) and S. singularis (type locality “Brasilia”) are externally very similar, with no significant differences. The male genitalia are less similar, differing particularly in features of the distiphallus and degree of setation on posterior surface of cerci. In the absence of additional material I would be inclined towards retaining both names, but additional material has been examined and includes not only specimens with clearly intermediate states but also specimens with more extreme states. I have not been able to sort these specimens into distinct morphological groups because the apparent differences seem continuous and are not clinally distributed. There is either one very morphologically varied species, or two or more sibling species. Because of the range of observed variation and presence of intermediates, I synonymize the name S. chaetosa with S. singularis , and refer to this varied taxon as the S. singularis complex. Hosts. Unknown. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 89 Phylogenetics Siphona (Actinocrocuta) here comprises the S. singularis complex and S. (Actinocrocuta) sp. 1. Adults of these taxa are similar in external appearance and coloration (see Recognition section), but these characteristics alone are not good indicators of monophyly because convergence in such features is common among Siphona s.l. species. Monophyly of this subgenus is better supported by three characters of the male genitalia: broadened cerci (Fig. 142), slender distiphallus (Figs. 122-123) and slender and apically spined pregonite (Fig. 89). These states are individually present in a few other Siphona s.l. species, in species unrelated to one another. The states are therefore homoplastic, though the presence of all three in S. ( Actinocrocuta ) species is better explained by monophyly of the subgenus than by independent development of these states in the two included species. The sister group to S. ( Actinocrocuta ) cannot be established with confidence (it is certainly to be sought among other Neotropical Siphona s.l. taxa), so S. ( Actinocrocuta ) is retained as a narrowly defined subgenus of Siphona s.l. Geographic distribution The S. singularis complex is widely distributed throughout the Neotropics, with records from Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Manaus and southeastern region) and Trinidad. A single male specimen of a new species, referred to above as S. (A.) sp. 1, was collected at 400m from Avispas, Madre de Dios, Peru (1-15.X.1962), along with several specimens of the S. singularis complex. List of described species included in Siphona {Actinocrocuta) S singularis (Wiedemann), 1830: 335 ( Tachina ). Holotype male, Brazil (FSF). Holotype examined. syn. chaetosa (Townsend), 1935: 228 {Actinocrocuta). Lectotype male (by fixation as “holotype” by Townsend, 1940: 275 [see explanation under “Type designations of Coquillett and Townsend”]), Trinidad (USNM). Lectotype examined. New synonymy. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Siphona {Actinocrocuta) S. ( Actinocrocuta ) sp. 1 : One male from Peru (CNC). Siphona (subgenus Aphantorhapha Townsend) Figs. 14, 63, 90, 124, 143. Aphantorhapha Townsend, 1919: 586. Type-species, A. arizonica Townsend, 1919 (original designation). New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 90 O’Hara Recognition As presently conceptualized, S. ( Aphantorhapha ) comprises two described and four undescribed New World species, and is one of the more difficult Siphona subgenera to diagnose. Adults are rather small (2.0-3. 5mm in length) and dark-colored, with more or less average-sized eye and flagellomere 1, three postsutural dorsocentral setae, lower katepistemal seta subequal to or longer than upper anterior seta, crossvein dm-cu slightly removed from wing margin, and anal vein extended to wing margin. As these external characteristics are shared by some other species of Siphona s.L, the male genitalia of specimens must be examined for a reliable identification. One of the two distinctive features of the male genitalia of S. ( Aphantorhapha ) species is the shape of the distiphallus (Fig. 124), which in profile has a characteristically tapered appearance and rounded to pointed tip. The other distinctive feature, though not present in all species (absent from single examined male of S. atoma and some specimens of S. arizonica), is the slightly broadened cerci (Fig. 143; broadened at midlength rather than to near tip like in S. ( Actinocrocuta ) species, Fig. 142). Like many other Siphona s.L species, the pregonite (Fig. 90) is of average shape, apically bare, and with or without a seta posteriorly. Description Length: 2.0-3. 5mm. Head (Fig. 14). — Proclinate orbital setae subequal in length or anterior one longer. Eye of male medium to medium-large, 0.71-0.83 head height; eye of female slightly smaller to slightly larger than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male medium-short to medium length, 0.43-0.54 head height; shape from linear to broadened. Flagellomere 1 of female shorter than in male. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 2.0-4.0X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 long and evenly tapered to short and thickened to near tip, micropubescent to short plumose. Clypeus narrow and enclosed in membrane to slightly broadened. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short to medium in length (about half head height in length), labella padlike in most species, slightly lengthened in S. (A.) sp. 2. Thorax. — Prostemum setulose. Lower katepistemal seta subequal in length or longer than upper anterior seta. Three postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Claws short. Wing vein CwA, with distal portion 0.44-0.85 length of proximal portion (mean 0.64). Wing setulae: /?, dorsally bare or entirely setulose, ventrally bare or distally setulose; /?4+5 setulose to or beyond r-m; CwA, bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. 7j+2 without median marginal setae, lateral marginal setae absent to weak. T3-T5 with average setation. Male genitalia (Figs. 63, 90, 124, 143). — S5 (Fig. 63) with posterior margins of processes slightly obtuse to approximately U-shaped; apical lobe distinctly differentiated, apex curved inward in some species; median lobe rounded to broadly truncate, relatively unmodified; processes moderately setulose. T6 absent or present as two lateral sclerites or broad dorsally continuous sclerite. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion subequal to 1 .5X wider than width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite in profile smoothly curved anteriorly (Fig. 90) to rather sharply bent anteriorly at midlength, and more or less pointed apically; posteriorly bare in single specimen of S. (A.) sp. 2, with tiny to medium-sized seta in 5. arizonica , short seta in single examined specimens of S. atoma and 5. (A.) spp. 3 and 4 and medium-sized seta in single examined specimen of S. (A.) sp. 1. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus reduced posteriorly, not incised to slightly incised laterally, with enlarged teeth anterolaterally in S. arizonica (Fig. 124) and to lesser extent S. atoma , teeth not enlarged beyond size of adjacent spinules in S. (A.) spp. 1 to 4, in profile tapered to rounded or pointed tip. Postgonite apically rounded. Surstylus short to rather long and straight; basally free from epandrium. Cerci Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 91 in profile short in S. arizonica and S. atoma, average length in S. (A.) spp. 1 to 4; straight to smoothly curved along posterior margin; slightly broadened at midlength in posterior view in some specimens of S. arizonica and single dissections of S. (A.) spp. 1-4 (Fig. 143), smoothly tapered to tip in some specimens of S. arizonica and single dissection of S. atoma (similar to Fig. 144); moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: S. arizonica, S. atoma and S. (A.) spp. 1-4. Female genitalia. — Short. S6 with average length hairs. T6 absent or present as median sclerite; spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to lateral margins of S6. S7 with long anterior apodeme; not keeled posteromedially. T7 absent or present as small lateral sclerites; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane between segments 6 and 7. SH distinctly developed, haired. Tw present as two sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: S. arizonica. Hosts. Unknown. Phylogenetics Adults of this subgenus of six species (two described and four undescribed) share a number of external characteristics (see Recognition and Description sections), but none is considered synapotypic of the group. Monophyly of S. (Aphantorhapha) is weakly supported by two slightly derived, but apparently unique, states in the male genitalia. One is the tapered shape of the distiphallus (Fig. 124). The other is the broadened cerci (Fig. 143), which were observed in the single dissections of S. (A.) spp. 1-4 and some dissections of S. arizonica specimens (i.e. S. arizonica with cerci varied from average to broadened). Though the cerci of the single dissected male of S. atoma are of average shape, this species is very similar in all other respects to other members of S. ( Aphantorhapha ). In fact, the short cerci and toothed distiphallus of S. atoma suggests it is sister species to S. arizonica. Siphona pulla, described by Reinhard in Aphantorhapha , is known only from the female holotype. The type does not agree in all respects with the present concept of S. ( Aphantorhapha ). and cannot be placed into another supraspecific taxon of Siphona s.l. without study of male genitalic characters. S. pulla is therefore left as an unplaced species of Siphona s.l. Siphona ( Aphantorhapha ) is admittedly not very distinctive, and is only recognized as a subgenus because it is apparently monophyletic and because synapotypies between it and other Siphona s.l. groups (which would permit a larger and more broadly defined subgenus to be recognized) are unknown. Geographic distribution The two described species of S. ( Aphantorhapha ) and S. (A.) spp. 3 and 4 are primarily southern Nearctic in distribution. S. arizonica is the most widely distributed, ranging from Arizona and western New Mexico through Durango, Chihuahua and Oaxaca to San Cristobal, Chiapas. S. atoma is only known from the type series collected from College Station, Texas. S. (A.) sp. 3 is known from one male collected from Grant Co., New Mexico, and S. (A.) sp. 4 from two males collected near La Ciudad, Durango. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 92 O’Hara Two new species of S. (Aphantorhapha) are recognized from the Neotropics. Siphona (A.) sp. 1 is known from a single male collected from Ibarra, in the Imbabura province of Ecuador (2200m, 2-4. VI. 1977). The other species, S. (A.) sp. 2, is known from several specimens collected over several years from Nova Teutonia, SE Brazil. List of described species included in Siphona (. Aphantorhapha ) N,S arizonica (Townsend), 1919: 586 (. Aphantorhapha ). Holotype male, USA: Arizona, Chiricahua Mtns. (USNM). Holotype examined. N atoma (Reinhard), 1947: 19 ( Aphantorhapha ). Holotype male, USA: Texas, College Station (CNC). Holotype examined. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Siphona (Aphantorhapha) S. ( Aphantorhapha ) sp. 1: One male from Ecuador (BMNH). 5. ( Aphantorhapha ) sp. 2: Three males from SE Brazil (CNC, USP). S. (Aphantorhapha) sp. 3: One male from New Mexico, USA (JEOH). S. (Aphantorhapha) sp. 4: Two males from Durango, Mexico (CNC). Siphona (subgenus Aphantorhaphopsis Townsend) Figs. 64,91-92, 125. Aphantorhaphopsis Townsend, 1926a: 34. Type-species, A. orientalis Townsend, 1926 (original designation). New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Asiphona Mesnil, 1954: 9, 10 (as subgenus of Siphona). Type-species, Thryptocera selecta Pandelle, 1894 (original designation). New synonym of Aphantorhaphopsis Townsend. Recognition This taxon was called Asiphona Mesnil previously (e.g. Andersen 1983), but Aphantorhaphopsis has priority and is used here. It comprises a probably non-monophyletic assemblage of Old World Siphona s.l. species not belonging to Siphona s.s. or S. (Ceranthia) [other Siphona subgenera are strictly New World in known distribution]. The rationale for recognizing such an unsatisfactorily-defined group in the formal classification of the Siphonini is explained below in the Phylogenetics section. Species of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) have a short aristomere 1, lower proepimeral seta undeveloped, lower katepistemal seta at least length of upper anterior one, katepistemum without row of hairs anterior to mid coxa, and anal vein extended to wing margin. These states distinguish S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) species from all Old World non -Siphona s.l. species. Siphona s.s. species have a characteristically elongate proboscis, with labella rigid basally and at least as long as the prementum. Most S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) species have padlike labella, and are thus easily separated from Siphona s.s. species Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 93 by this state. The labella of a few S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) species are lengthened, and in a very few as long as prementum, but only in Nepal sp. 1 are they also inflexible along basal half (in life) and with reduced number of pseudotracheae as in Siphona s.s. species. Nepal sp. 1 is distinguished from Siphona s.s. species by its possession of a seta posteriorly on the pregonite (this seta is absent from Siphona s.s. species and present in, or absent from, S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) species). S. ( Ceranthia ) species are characterized by a cylindrical palpus (Fig. 16), long seta posteriorly on the pregonite (Fig. 94) and distinctive shape of the distiphallus (Fig. 127). Two S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) species, Australia sp. 1 and New Guinea sp. 1, have a cylindrical palpus like in S. ( Ceranthia ) species, but these do not have the male genitalic states of that taxon (they have a bare pregonite and the distiphallus is not laterally incised). Description Length: 3. 0-5. Omm. Head. — Anterior proclinate orbital seta subequal to or longer than posterior one. Eye of male medium-small to large, 0.69-0.89 head height; eye of female smaller than or subequal to eye of male. Flagellomere 1 of male short to medium-long, 0.38-0.63 head height; shape linear to broad in most species, subquadrangular in a few. Flagellomere 1 of female subequal or smaller than in male. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 1 .5-4X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 long and evenly tapered in most species, short and thickened to near tip in a few; almost bare to short plumose. Clypeus narrow and enclosed in membrane to U-shaped. Palpus short and clavate in most species, long in some species with an elongate proboscis, reduced and cylindrical (as in S. ( Ceranthia ) spp.) in Australia sp. 1 and New Guinea sp. 1. Proboscis with prementum short in most species, slightly lengthened to elongate in a few; labella padlike in most species, slightly lengthened to subequal prementum length in a few with more than basal half flexible in life (e.g. S. alticola, S. crassulata, S. fera, Nepal sp. 2 and New Guinea sp. 3), very long and Siphona- like (i.e. labella inflexible over at least basal half and number of pseudotracheae reduced) in Nepal sp. 1 (proboscis 2.6X head height). Thorax. — Prostemum setulose, except bare in Nepal sp. 3. Lower katepistemal seta subequal in length to, or longer than, upper anterior seta. Three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with one setala in most species, two in a few. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta in almost all species, known to be as long as d seta only in S. laticornis. Mid tibia with one ad seta in most species (short in Australia sp. 1), two ad setae in Kenya sp. 1 and South Africa sp. 1. Claws short. Wing vein CuAx with distal portion 0.26- 1.4X length of proximal portion (mean 0.47). Wing setulae: R] dorsally bare or distally setulose, ventrally bare in most species, distally setulose in a few; R4+5 setulose between base and r-m in most species, known to be setulose beyond r-m only in Australia sp. 2; CuA] bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. 7j+2 without median marginal setae, lateral marginal setae absent to strong. T3-T5 average or with weak lateral discal setae. Male genitalia (Figs. 64, 91-92, 125). — S5 with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped in most species, obtusely angled in a few, almost V-shaped in Nepal sp. 1 (Fig. 64, resembling typical Actia shape except median cleft more distinct); apical lobe distinctly differentiated, apex slightly to markedly curved inward in several species; median lobe narrowly to broadly rounded or truncate, relatively unmodified; processes moderately setulose. T6 varied from two small lateral sclerites to single, narrow to broad, dorsally continuous sclerite. Hypandrial apodeme lengthened in New Guinea sp. 1, very elongate in Nepal sp. 4. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion 0.5-1.5X wider than hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Figs. 91-92) in profile curved anteriorly and pointed apically in most species, in others varied from short and broad to long and thin, in S. nigronitens expanded basally and fused with hypandrial apodeme, in Kenya sp. 1 expanded ventrolaterally; bare or with small seta posteriorly in most species, large seta present in S. nr. fera (absent from holotype of S. fera). Epiphallus present or absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 125) reduced posteriorly, markedly varied in profile, laterally incised or complete, apically pointed or rounded or truncate, with or without recurved spines along anterior and/or lateral margin, in about half the Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 94 O’Hara species with long posterolateral arm. Postgonite long and pointed in Australia sp. 2, very reduced in S. nigronitens and Nepal sp. 4, rounded or truncate in other species. Surstylus markedly varied, short to long, thin to broad, straight to curved posteriorly; basally fused with epandrium in Nepal sp. 4, free from epandrium in other species. Cerci average length and smoothly curved in most species, rather short in a few species, slightly inflexed at midlength in a few species; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: S. alticola, S. brunnescens, S. crassulata, S. fera, S. nr. fera, S. nigronitens, S. orientalis, S. starkei, S. xanthosoma, Australia spp. 1-2, Kenya sp. 1, Nepal spp. 1-4, New Guinea spp. 1-3 and Uganda sp. 1. Examined published figure of: S. siphonoides (Andersen 1983, fig. 19). Female genitalia. — Short. S6 with average length hairs. T6 absent (not examined in Australia sp. 1 and Nepal sp. 4); spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to lateral margins of S6. S7 with long anterior apodeme; not keeled posteromedially. Tn absent from most species, present as two small lateral sclerites in Nepal sp. 1; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane between segments 6 and 7. S8 distinctly developed, haired, broader than average in a few species, large and rather pointed in Australia sp. 1. T10 absent from Uganda sp. 1, present as lightly to distinctly sclerotized pair of sclerites or median sclerite in other species. Examined female genitalia of: Australia sp. 1, Kenya sp. 1, Nepal spp. 1,4, South Africa sp. 1 and Uganda sp. 1. Examined published figure of: S. samarensis (Andersen 1983, fig. 5). Hosts Known hosts of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) comprise a diverse assemblage of Macrolepidoptera, as might be expected of a grade-based taxon such as this (Table 2). Five host families are represented, of which two, the Noctuidae and Geometridae, are commonly recorded among other siphonines. The three remaining families, the Hesperiidae, Liparidae and Arctiidae, are virtually unreported as hosts of other siphonines (a single record being that of an arctiid host for Ceromya bicolor). One European species, S. samarensis , is recorded from an economically important pest, the gypsy moth ( Porthetria dispar ), though its level of parasitism is apparently very low. Given the possibly polyphyletic nature of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) and the meagre extent to which both its species and hosts are known, the diversity of hosts here recorded is probably far from representative for the taxon. Phylogenetics The present grouping of Old World species under S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) is one of taxonomic convenience, as too little is known about these species to formulate a phylogenetically-based classification. Adults have the derived features of Siphona s.l., and are assignable within the genus to S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) by their lack of the apotypic states defining the other Siphona subgenera. It is inferred that this group lacks autapotypies because it is composed of several (numerous?) lineages. This taxon is probably either paraphyletic or polyphyletic, depending upon the true relationships of these species with those of other Siphona subgenera. The diverse assemblage of species comprising this group can only be adequately reclassified by a thorough study of at least external and male genitalic characters. Even a revision of described species is apt to be inadequate for both classificatory and identification needs, as many undescribed species are known. The description above of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) is based upon the study of specimens of as many species as were available. Though this characterization of S. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 95 (Aphantorhaphopsis) is recognized as an interim measure until a thorough revision is undertaken, it is nevertheless useful, as it is the first comprehensive review of the included species. Its concept is the same as that of Andersen’s (1983) Asiphona Mesnil, over which the name Aphantorhaphopsis has priority. Andersen similarly diagnosed this taxon as a group of Old World siphonines belonging to the Siphona lineage and lacking the derived states of the other taxa (in his case Siphona s.s. and S. (Ceranthia) because his revision dealt strictly with Old World siphonines). Andersen found no autapotypies of Asiphona, but retained the taxon as a genus and hypothesized a sister group relationship between it and Ceranthia. He based this hypothesis on the shared possession in these taxa of a seta on the posterior surface of the pregonite, which is absent from Siphona s.s. species. However, the present study has shown that some species of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) lack this seta and many New World Siphona s.l. species possess it, so presence of a seta is not synapotypic of this taxon and S. ( Ceranthia ). The significance of this seta, with respect to the phylogeny of the supraspecific taxa of Siphona s.l., is discussed in the Evolution chapter. An attempt was made while revising the supraspecific taxa of Siphona s.l. to discover species of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) which might have close New World relatives. None was found, perhaps because New World subgenera are mostly Neotropical and southern Nearctic in distribution and are thus likely to be too old to have easily recognized Old World members, if indeed any exist. It was not clearly established whether or not some of the unplaced Siphona s.l. species of the northern Nearctic region are closely related to any Old World S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) species, though this is a possibility. Geographic distribution The 21 described species of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) are fairly evenly distributed throughout the Palearctic, Afrotropical and Oriental regions, with six species described from each of the first two regions and eight from the third. Only one species is described from Australia. Examination of material from the Old World indicates that at least several, perhaps many, undescribed species exist in each region, particularly in the Oriental and Australian regions. The six described Palearctic species are apparently restricted to Europe (Herting 1984 [species included under broad concept of Ceranthia ]; no records in publications of Richter) and are keyed and redescribed in Mesnil (1963a- 1964: 843-853). Species of the other regions are catalogued in Crosskey (1973, 1976a, 1980), mostly in the genus Ceromya. Dear and Crosskey (1982) key three species occurring in the Philippines, S. angustifrons , S. orientalis and S. nr. selangor (all keyed as Ceromya species), and species of central Africa and Madagascar are keyed in Mesnil (1954 and 1977b, respectively). The distribution of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) species cannot be historically interpreted until the phylogenetic relationships among these species are better Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 96 O’Hara known, as well as their relationships with other subgenera of Siphona. List of described species included in Siphona {. Aphantorhaphopsis ) O alticola (Mesnil), 1953: 110 ( Crocuta {Siphona)). Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. New combination. O angustifrons (Malloch), 1930b: 131 {Actia). Holotype male, Malaysia: Kedah Peak (BMNH). Holotype examined. New combination. P brunnescens (Villeneuve), 1921: 46 {Actia). Holotype male, German Democratic Republic: Oberlausitz, Niederoderwitz (CNC). Holotype examined. New combination. O crassulata (Mesnil), 1953: 112 {Crocuta {Siphona)). Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. New combination. A fera Mesnil, 1954: 26 (described in subgenus Asiphona). Holotype male, Zaire: Nyongera (MRAC). Holotype examined. New combination. O laboriosa Mesnil, 1957: 48 (described in subgenus Asiphona). Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. New combination. O laticornis (Malloch), 1930b: 131 {Actia). Holotype male (not female), Malaysia: Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. New combination. O mallochiana (Gardner), 1940: 178 {Actia). Type(s) puparia, India (?FRI). New combination. syn. perispoliata (Mesnil), 1953: 108 {Actia). Holotype male, China: Canton (BMNH). — Crosskey, 1976a: 213. Holotype examined. A nigronitens Mesnil, 1954: 25 (described in subgenus Asiphona). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. New combination. U norma (Malloch), 1929a: 116 {Actia). Holotype male, Australia: New South Wales, Como (USNM). Holotype examined. New combination. O orientalis (Townsend), 1926a: 35 {Aphantorhaphopsis). Holotype male, Indonesia: Sumatra, Fort de Kock (ZMA). Holotype examined. A picturata (Mesnil), 1977b: 179 {Asiphona). Holotype male, Madagascar: Belazao (MNHN). New combination. A pudica Mesnil, 1954: 27 (described in subgenus Asiphona). Holotype male, Zaire: Eala (MRAC). Holotype examined. New combination. P samar ensis (Villeneuve), 1921: 46 {Actia). Holotype female, Russia: Kujbysev [Samara] (CNC). Holotype examined. New combination. O selangor (Malloch), 1930b: 132 {Actia). Holotype male, Malaysia: Selangor (BMNH). Holotype examined. New combination. P selecta (Pandelle), 1894: 112 {Thryptocera). Syntypes, France: Var, Hyeres (MNHN). New combination. P siphonoides (Strobl), 1898: 235 {Gymnopareia). Holotype male, Austria: Steiermark, Gesause (NMBA). New combination, syn. brunneipalpis (Villeneuve), 1921: 45 {Actia). Holotype male. Federal Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 97 Republic of Germany: Harz (CNC). — Mesnil, 1963a: 848. Holotype examined. A speciosa Mesnil, 1954: 28 (described in subgenus Asiphona). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. New combination. P starkei (Mesnil), 1952b: 155 ( Actia ). Holotype male, German Democratic Republic: nr. Bautzen, Hennerstadt (CNC). Holotype examined. New combination. P verralli (Wainwright), 1928: 208 {Actia). Holotype male, Scotland: Sutherlandshire, Mound (HDE). Holotype examined. New combination. A xanthosoma Mesnil, 1954: 28 (described in subgenus Asiphona). Holotype male, Zaire: Rwindi (MRAC). Holotype examined. New combination. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Siphona (Aphantorhaphopsis) S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Australia sp. 1: One male, three females from Queensland (DPI). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Australia sp. 2: One male from Karumba, Queensland (DPI). S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) Kenya sp. 1: One male and several females from Kenya (CAS, USNM). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Nepal sp. 1: Males and one female from Nepal (CNC). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Nepal sp. 2: One male, one female from Kathmandu (CNC). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Nepal sp. 3: Two males from Nepal (CNC). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Nepal sp. 4: One male, one female from Nepal (CNC). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) New Guinea sp. 1: Males and one female from New Guinea (BPBM). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) New Guinea sp. 2: Three males from ne. Mur Mur P. (BPBM). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) New Guinea sp. 3: One male from se. Mt. Saint Mary (BPBM). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) South Africa sp. 1: Two females from Cape Good Hope Nat. Res. (USNM). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Uganda sp. 1: Males and females from Uganda, one female from Rhodesia (CNC, USNM). Siphona (subgenus Baeomyia O’Hara) Figs. 15,22, 38, 93, 126. Baeomyia O’Hara, 1984: 1390. Type-species, Aphantorhapha hurdi Reinhard, 1959 (original designation). New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Recognition Adults of S. ( Baeomyia ) species are among the smallest of siphonines, measuring 2-3mm in length. They are only recorded from western North America and are easily recognized among New World siphonines by the absence of an ad seta on the mid tibia (Fig. 38) - a state only shared with several Old World Actia and Ceromya s.s. species. Also diagnostic is the elongate aristomere 1, which is subequal in length to aristomere 2 (Fig. 15; only as long in a few Old World siphonines). S. ( Baeomyia ) species are also characterized by padlike labella, three postsutural dorsocentral setae, wing vein R4+5 not setulose beyond crossvein r-m, anal vein extended to wing margin, and crossvein dm-cu far removed from wing margin (Fig. 22). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 98 O’Hara Description Length: 2.0-3.0mm. Head (Fig. 15; also see head profiles in O’Hara 1984, figs. 1-5.). — Anterior proclinate orbital seta subequal in length to posterior one. Eye of male and female subequal, small to medium-large, 0.65-0.83 head height. Flagellomere 1 of male short to medium length, 0.39-0.56 head height; shape average to broadly subquadrangular. Flagellomere 1 of female smaller than in male or subequal in size. Aristomere 1 elongate, subequal in length to aristomere 2, each 2.4-4.6X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 almost bare, very short, evenly tapered or thickened to near tip. Clypeus U-shaped. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short, labella padlike. Thorax (Fig. 22). — Prosternum bare or sparsely setulose. Lower katepistemal seta shorter than or subequal in length to upper anterior seta. Three postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia lacking ad seta. Claws short. Wing (Fig. 22 and O’Hara 1984, fig. 10); CwA, with distal portion 0.64- IX length of proximal portion (i.e. dm-cu far removed from wing margin; mean 0.85). Wing setulae: /?, dorsally bare or with one setula apically on bend, ventrally bare; R4+5 setulose between base and r-m\ CuAl bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. T]+2 without median or lateral marginal setae. TyTs with average setation, setae weakly to strongly developed. Male genitalia (Figs. 93, 126 and O’Hara 1984, figs. 6-9). — S5 with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped; apical lobe distinctly differentiated; median lobe rounded, relatively unmodified; processes sparsely to moderately setulose. T6 narrow to broad, dorsally continuous. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion 1.0-1.5X wider than hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Fig. 93) in profile curved anteriorly, pointed apically; with tiny seta posteriorly (not shown in O’Hara 1984). Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 126) reduced posteriorly, not incised laterally, without enlarged teeth anteriorly or ventrally, in profile apically truncate. Postgonite short to average in size, apically rounded. Surstylus almost straight to sharply curved posteriorly; basally free from epandrium. Cerci short to average length, smoothly curved (O’Hara 1984, figs. 7-9) or sharply inflexed at midlength (O’Hara 1984, fig. 6); moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: S. hurdi, S. juniperi, S. sonorensis and S. xanthogaster (all shown in O’Hara 1984, figs. 6-9). Female genitalia. — Short. S6 with average length hairs. T6 absent; spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to lateral margins of S6. S7 with long anterior apodeme; not keeled posteromedially. T7 absent; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane between segments 6 and 7. S8 distinctly developed, haired. 7j0 absent. Examined female genitalia of: S. antennata, S. hurdi, S. sonorensis and 5. xanthogaster (all shown in O’Hara 1984, figs. 1 1-14 [fig. 14, S. antennata, mislabelled as B. juniperi]). Hosts Hosts of two S. (Baeomyia) species are known, and are larvae belonging to the geometrid genus Semiothisa (Table 2 and O’Hara 1984). Phylogenetics S. (Baeomyia) is a monophyletic taxon based on several synapotypies (see O’Hara 1984: 1388-1389). These include absence of an ad seta on the mid tibia (this seta independently lost in a few Old World Actia and Ceromya s.s. species), aristomere 1 subequal in length to aristomere 2 (a rare state present in a few, unrelated, Old World siphonines), very small-sized adults, very short aristomere 3 (figs. 1-5 in O’Hara 1984), and crossvein dm-cu far removed from wing margin (Fig. 22). The last state is possibly not autapotypic of S. ( Baeomyia ) because it is shared with some other Siphona s.l. species (see Table 1); the position of dm-cu is such a labile character among siphonines that it is difficult to establish among which lineages its derived state (i.e. far removed from wing margin) is synapotypic, and Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 99 among which it is convergent (O’Hara 1984: 1388). Geographic distribution S. (Baeomyia) species are restricted in distribution to western North America. Known distributions are shown and discussed in O’Hara (1984). List of described species included in Siphona (. Baeomyia ) N antennata (O’Hara), 1984: 1393 {Baeomyia). Holotype male, USA: Arizona, Graham Co., near Marijilda canyon (CAS). Holotype examined. N hurdi (Reinhard), 1959: 161 ( Aphantorhapha ). Holotype male, USA: California, Panamint Mtns. (CAS). Holotype examined. N juniperi (O’Hara), 1984: 1395 {Baeomyia). Holotype male, Canada: British Columbia, Williams Lake (CNC). Holotype examined. N sonorensis (O’Hara), 1984: 1393 {Baeomyia). Holotype male, USA: Arizona, Graham Co., 2.4km. west on Hwy. 366 from Hwy. 666 (CNC). Holotype examined. N xanthogaster (O’Hara), 1984: 1394 {Baeomyia). Holotype male, Canada: British Columbia, Vermilion (CNC). Holotype examined. Siphona (subgenus Ceranthia Robineau-Desvoidy) Figs. 16, 44, 46, 65,94, 127. Ceranthia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 88. Type-species, C. fulvipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (by designation of Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 685) = Ceromya abdominalis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830. New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Recognition Members of this subgenus are widely distributed, and with few exceptions are easily recognized. Adults are characterized externally by a cylindrical palpus (Fig. 16), a derived state within the Siphonini. This state is also present in S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) Australia sp. 1 and New Guinea sp. 1, but these species do not have S. (Ceranthia)- like male genitalia (see below), and seem more closely related to certain species of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ). Two derived features of the male genitalia are also characteristic of S. ( Ceranthia ) species. The posterolateral margins of the distiphallus are incised to varied degrees, with distinct posterolateral arm (one per side; Fig. 127). In addition, a seta projects posteriorly from the pregonite (Fig. 94), and is larger than in all but a very few other Siphona species. Atypical in this respect is S. ( Ceranthia ) Mauritius sp. 1 , in which this seta is absent. This species possesses a cylindrical palpus and S. (Ceranthia)- like distiphallus, and is recognized as a member of this subgenus by these features. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 100 O’Hara Adult females of S. (Ceranthia) species have a posteromedially keeled (Figs. 44, 46) sternum 7, and though this state is not unique to species of this subgenus, it is apparently universal among its members. Description Length: 3.0-5.5mm. Head (Fig. 16). — Anterior proclinate orbital seta subequal in length to posterior one in most species. Eye of male medium-small to large, 0.69-0.88 head height; eye of female usually smaller than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male medium-short to medium-long, 0.42-0.66 head height; shape broad to subquadrangular. Flagellomere 1 of female shorter and narrower than in male. Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 2.0-8. OX longer than wide, generally less than 4X. Aristomere 3 almost bare to micropubescent, rather short and evenly tapered. Clypeus varied from narrow and enclosed in membrane to U-shaped. Palpus short or reduced, cylindrical (not apically clavate). Proboscis with prementum short, labella padlike. Thorax. — Prostemum setulose. Lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta. Three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula in most species, with two in a few. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Claws short. Wing vein CwA, with distal portion 0.30-0.51 length of proximal portion ( i.e . dm-cu near wing margin; mean 0.42). Wing setulae: /?, bare dorsally and ventrally in most species, distally setulose dorsally in a few, distally setulose dorsally and ventrally in S. terrosa; R4+5 setulose between base and r-m in most species, beyond r-m in S. pallida-, CuA] bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. Ti+2 without median marginal setae; lateral marginal setae strong. T3-T5 average in most species, with extra pair of lateral marginal setae on T3 in a few species. Male genitalia (Figs. 65, 94, 127). — S5 (Fig. 65) little varied; posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped; apical lobe large and distinctly differentiated, in most species apex curved inward; median lobe rounded, relatively unmodified; processes sparsely to moderately setulose. T6 narrow to broad, dorsally continuous or narrowly discontinuous. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion 1.0-1.5X wider than hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Fig. 94) in profile curved anteriorly, more or less pointed apically; large seta posteriorly (except bare in Mauritius sp. 1). Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 127) reduced posteriorly, laterally incised to form posterolateral arm extended slightly to markedly beyond anterior margin; anterior margin spinulose or toothed. Postgonite apically rounded or truncate. Surstylus straight, extended slightly beyond tip of cerci; basally free from epandrium. Cerci average length, smoothly curved at midlength; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: S. abdominalis (fig. 20 in Andersen 1983, as Ceranthia fulvipes ), S.flavipes, S. plorans, S. scutellata, Ethiopia sp. 1, Mauritius sp. 1 and U.S. spp. 1-5. Female genitalia (Figs. 44, 46). — Short to elongate (e.g. U.S. sp. 7). S6 with average length hairs, ventrally flat or slightly keeled posteromedially. T6 absent; spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to lateral, or anterolateral, margins of S6. S7 with long anterior apodeme; distinctly keeled posteromedially, in a few species posterior margin narrow and elongate and covering S8. T7 absent; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane dorsal to anterolateral margins of S7. S8 distinctly developed, haired. T]0 present as two sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: S. abdominalis, S.flavipes and U.S. spp. 1-7. Examined published figure of: S. tenuipalpis (Andersen 1983, fig. 6). Hosts The hosts of four S. ( Ceranthia ) species are known, and these all belong to the Geometridae (Table 2). Phylogenetics S. ( Ceranthia ) is a clearly defined, monophyletic lineage of Siphona s.l. The cylindrical palpus of adults (Fig. 16) has long been recognized as the distinguishing feature (and synapotypy) of this group, and to this are added two genitalic states Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 101 which further support monophyly of the subgenus: the distiphallus is characteristically incised posterolaterally, with distinct posterolateral projection (Figs. 127), and the pregonite possesses a large seta posteriorly (Fig. 94). Females possess a posteromedially keeled (Figs. 44, 46) sternum 7, and larvae (so far as known) are parasitic only on larval geometrids, but these characteristics may not be autapotypic of S. (Ceranthia) species. Two species assigned to S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) also have a cylindrical palpus - Australia sp. 1 and New Guinea sp. 1 . These species do not possess other derived states of S. ( Ceranthia ), and seem to have developed a cylindrical palpus independently of S. ( Ceranthia ) species. Other characters suggest that they are closely related to species with a normal palpus belonging to the broadly defined S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ). With exclusion of these species from S. ( Ceranthia ), no species of this subgenus are known from the Australian region. S. ( Ceranthia ) Mauritius sp. 1 has the derived states of the palpus and distiphallus found in other S. ( Ceranthia ) species, but lacks the large seta on the pregonite which is present in other known species of this taxon. I hypothesize that this seta was present in the groundplan of S. ( Ceranthia ) because at least a small seta is widely distributed among other Siphona lineages (Table 1). Therefore lack of this seta from Mauritius sp. 1 is interpreted as a secondary loss. Geographic distribution Eight described S. ( Ceranthia ) species are in the Palearctic region, five in the Afrotropical region and one in the Nearctic region. Five of the eight Palearctic species are apparently very limited in distribution, with one each in England ( S . lichtwardtiana ), northern France ( S . tristella) and Algeria ( S . jocosa ), and two in Japan ( S . japonica and S. sulfurea). More widespread are S. abdominalis (common throughout Europe and collected from Mongolia and Chita region (Herting 1973 [as “ Ceranthia sp. aff. anomala Zett.” - perhaps a new species], Richter 1975, 1980), S. tenuipalpis (described from Berlin, and Zlatoust in the Ural Mtns.) and S. pallida (described from Austria, and if correctly identified then also found on the Kuril Islands (Richter 1976b)). A key to the described Palearctic species of S. ( Ceranthia ) is presented in Mesnil (1975: 1399-1400), and distributions are summarized in Herting 1984 (with species of S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) included in Ceranthia ). I have seen specimens of a new Palearctic species from Ethiopia. Known ranges of the five described Afrotropical S. ( Ceranthia ) species are given in Crosskey (1980). All were described by Mesnil, and their distributions reflect his work on the fauna of the upper Congo area (four species) and Madagascar (one species). I suspect that the S. ( Ceranthia ) fauna of the Afrotropical region is much more diverse than presently recognized. There are no described S. ( Ceranthia ) species in the Oriental and Australian regions. I have not seen any specimens of S. ( Ceranthia ) species among borrowed Australian siphonines, but examined one female belonging to the subgenus from Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 102 O’Hara Coimbatore in southern India (CNC specimen). The New World S. (Ceranthia) are very inadequately known. The single described species, S. flavipes, is recorded from eastern Canada and northeastern USA. Approximately six undescribed S. ( Ceranthia ) species occur in North America, and are mostly eastern or western in distribution. The most southern record for S. ( Ceranthia ) in the New World is southwestern New Mexico, USA. List of described species included in Siphona (I Ceranthia ) P abdominalis (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 87. ( Ceromya ). Type(s), France (lost). syn. fulvipes (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 88 ( Ceranthia ). Holotype male, France: Saint Sauveur (lost). — Herting, 1974: 18. microcera (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 88 {Ceromya). Type(s), France: near Paris (lost). — Mesnil, 1963a: 840. anomala Zetterstedt, 1849: 3213, 3221. Two syntypes, Denmark (UZI).— Herting, 1974: 18. vivida (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1850: 196 {Ceromya). Types, France: near Paris (lost). — Herting, 1974: 18. grisea (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1850: 198 {Ceromya). Type(s) male, France: near Paris (lost). — Bezzi and Stein, 1907: 389. flavipes (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1850: 200 {Ceranthia). Unjustified emendation of C. fulvipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830. N flavipes (Coquillett), 1897: 58 {Thryptocera). Holotype female, USA: New Hampshire, White Mtns. (USNM). Holotype examined. P japonica (Mesnil), 1963b: 33 {Ceranthia). Holotype male, Japan: Kyushu (CNC). Holotype examined. P jocosa (Villeneuve), 1942b: 134 {Actia). Holotype male, Algeria: Algiers (CNC). Holotype examined. A lacrymans (Mesnil), 1954: 24 {Ceranthia). Holotype male, Zaire: Karisimbi (MRAC). Holotype examined. P lichtwardtiana (Villeneuve), 1931: 61 (as variety of Actia anomala (Zetterstedt)). Type, locality not given (ZMHU; not located, possibly lost). A livoricolor (Mesnil), 1977b: 178 {Ceranthia). Holotype female, Madagascar: Anjavidilava (MNHN). P pallida (Herting), 1959: 423 {Ceranthia {Actia)). Holotype female, Austria: Aflenz, Dorfmeister (NMV). Holotype examined. A plorans (Mesnil), 1954: 24 {Ceranthia). Holotype male, Rwanda: Sabinyo (MRAC). Holotype examined. A scutellata (Mesnil), 1954: 22 {Ceranthia). Holotype male, Zaire: Rweru (MRAC). Holotype examined. P sulfur ea (Mesnil), 1971: 72 {Ceranthia). Holotype female, Japan: Hokkaido, Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 103 Nukabira (CNC). P tenuipalpis (Villeneuve), 1921: 46 ( Actia ). Two male syntypes: Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany and Zlatoust, USSR (CNC). Syntypes examined. A terrosa (Mesnil), 1954: 23 ( Ceranthia ). Holotype male, Rwanda: Kundhuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. P tristella (Herting), 1966: 5 ( Ceranthia ). Holotype male, Switzerland: Wallis, Tanay (ETH). Holotype examined. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Siphona ( Ceranthia ) S. ( Ceranthia ) Ethiopia sp. 1: One male from Addis Abbaba (AMNH). S. ( Ceranthia ) Mauritius sp. 1: Two males from Les Mares (CNC). S. ( Ceranthia ) U.S. sp. 1: One male, females ranging from Washington state to California, USA (PHA, WSUP). S. ( Ceranthia ) U.S. sp. 2: Two males, females from northeastern North America (CAS, CNC, MSU). S. (Ceranthia) U.S. sp. 3: One male, one female from New Mexico, USA (JEOH). S. ( Ceranthia ) U.S. sp. 4: Males and females from northeastern North America (CNC, PHA, USNM, WLD, WSUP). S. ( Ceranthia ) U.S. sp. 5: Males and females from California, USA (CAS, JEOH, PHA, USNM). S. ( Ceranthia ) U.S. sp. 6: Two females from British Columbia, Canada (CAS, CNC). S. (Ceranthia) U.S. sp. 7: One female from Nevada, USA (USNM). Siphona (subgenus Pseudosiphona Townsend) Figs. 17, 66, 95, 128, 140, 162. Pseudosiphona Townsend, 1916: 622. Type-species, Siphona brevirostris Coquillett, 1897 (original designation). New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Recognition This taxon is one of the more diverse subgenera of New World Siphona s.l., despite the fact that only its type species, S. brevirostris , is described. It comprises two species north of Mexico and approximately 18 south of the United States. Adults of most S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species have a characteristic habitus, distinctive male genitalia, and unique larval cephalopharyngeal skeleton. However, interspecific variation is common and certain species depart from the average condition in one or more states. Because variation from the typical features is particularly prevalent among external characters, and some other Siphona s.l. species appear externally similar, examination of male genitalia is essential for the recognition of members of this subgenus. The following diagnosis includes a suite of characteristics shared by most species of S. (Pseudosiphona), though some species deviate from it in one or more states: adults are light colored with mostly yellow legs, light brown thoracic dorsum, and generally heavy pruinosity on the anterior fourth of abdominal terga and very sparse pruinosity over rest of abdomen (in contrast to the more evenly pruinose abdomens of most other New World Siphona s.l. species). Head features are markedly varied, but the following Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 104 O’Hara combination of states is common to most S. (Pseudosiphona) species (Fig. 17): row of short hairs extended from parafrontal to halfway down parafacial, medium-sized flagellomere 1 , arista distinctly haired, eye medium-large, and proboscis with labella slightly more than half length of prementum. S. ( Siphonopsis ) is a very diverse Neotropical taxon and its members can generally be distinguished externally from those of S. ( Pseudosiphona ) by their more pruinose abdomen, shorter row of parafacial hairs, almost bare arista and slightly longer labella. Some members of these taxa are rather similar despite these differences between most species, but features of the male genitalia reliably separate them. S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 15 is the least typical of the subgenus in head characteristics, having an elongate prementum and labella like in Siphona s.s. species. The male genitalia of this species deviate slightly from the average condition (described below; not resembling the male genitalia of S. ( Siphona ) species), but features of the first instar confirm its placement here. The male genitalia of most S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species are very distinctive. In most species the pregonite (Fig. 95) is broadened, anterolaterally spinulose, and has one to several tiny setae posteriorly; possession of all three of these states is apparently unique to S. ( Pseudosiphona ). In a few species the pregonite is more J-shaped. Spinules are present in all examined specimens, but this state is shared with other taxa (though these other taxa have a more slender pregonite). The possession of more than one posterior seta on the pregonite is apparently unique to S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species, though at least one species has only one seta as in some other Siphona s.l. species. The distiphallus of most S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species is unusually uniform in shape (Fig. 128). It is triangular and apically pointed in profile and anterolaterally spined in all but a very few species, and this shape is unique to S. (Pseudosiphona). Few species have an apically truncate distiphallus, but these have the typical states of the pregonite. The cerci of most S. (Pseudosiphona) species are sharply inflexed at midpoint (Fig. 140). This state can be seen during external examination of most males and is not present in many other New World Siphona s.l. species (see Table 1). This state is not diagnostic of S. (Pseudosiphona) since some of its species have smoothly curved cerci. S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 15, mentioned above as having a Siphona s.s. head habitus, is easily recognized as a S. (Pseudosiphona) species by its male genitalia. The pregonite is J-shaped rather than broadened, but has two tiny setae posteriorly as in most other S. (Pseudosiphona) species. The distiphallus is of the typical S. (Pseudosiphona) shape, though the cerci are smoothly curved in profile. The cephalopharyngeal skeleton of first instars provides one of the best character states by which to recognize S. (Pseudosiphona) species, though is not likely to be routinely examined. The labrum is elongate and hook-like in most (but not all) Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 105 species (Fig. 162), and this state is unique to S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species among Siphona s.l. species (see O’Hara in press “a”). Description Length: 2.0-5.0mm. Head (Fig. 17). — Proclinate orbital setae subequal in length or anterior one longer. Eye of male medium to large, 0.73-0.86 head height; eye of female slightly smaller to slightly larger than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male short to medium-short, 0.38-0.48 head height; shape rather linear in most species, average to subquadrangular in a few. Flagellomere 1 of female subequal or smaller than in male. Aristomere 1 short in most species, as long as wide in at least one species. Aristomere 2 relatively short, 1.5-2X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 short to long and evenly tapered, micropubescent to medium plumose. Clypeus narrow to slightly broadened, enclosed in membrane. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis with prementum short to elongate (up to head height in length), between 0.5-0.7 head height in most species, labella slightly to moderately lengthened, in most species between 0.6-0.7 prementum length, quite elongate (0.8- 1.0 prementum length) with basal half flexible or inflexible in life (latter state Siphona- like) in a few species. Thorax. — Prostemum setulose. Lower katepistemal seta subequal in length or longer than upper anterior seta. Three postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with one or two setulae. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Claws short. Wing vein CuAx with distal portion 0.36-0.74 length of proximal portion (mean 0.60). Wing setulae: /?, dorsally bare, or distally or entirely setulose, ventrally bare. R4+5 setulose to or beyond r-m\ CuAx bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. Tl+2 without median marginal setae, lateral marginal setae absent from most species, weakly developed in a few. T3-T5 with average setation. Male genitalia (Figs. 66, 95, 128, 140). — S5 (Fig. 66) with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped (except almost V-shaped in 5. (P.) sp. 11, and resembling typical Actia shape except median cleft more distinct); apical lobe distinctly differentiated in most species, rather short in S. (P.) sp. 19, apex curved inward in a few species; median lobe broadly rounded to truncate and relatively unmodified in most species, with accessory lobe slightly developed in a few species; processes moderately setulose. T6 absent or present as two lateral sclerites. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion subequal in width to width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite in profile broad along most of length and apically rounded or pointed in most species (Fig. 95), rather J-shaped in a few; outer surface short spinose on apical half or less and one to several (in most species several) tiny setae posteriorly. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 128) reduced posteriorly, not incised laterally, with enlarged spines anterolaterally in almost all species, in profile triangular and apically pointed in most species, subquadrangular and apically truncate in S. (P.) spp. 18 and 19, deeply incised anteriorly in most species. Postgonite apically rounded. Surstylus (Fig. 140) varied from average length to elongate, narrow to broad, in most species straight, in a few curved posteriorly; basally free from epandrium. Cerci varied from short to elongate, in profile average width to thick and smoothly curved (a few species) to sharply inflexed at midlength (most species, Fig. 140); moderately (most species, Fig. 140) to densely (a few species) setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: S. brevirostris, S. (P.) spp. 1-13,15,17-19. Female genitalia. — Short to moderately extensible. S6 with short to long hairs apically, ventrally flat in most species, slightly keeled posteromedially in S. (P.) sp. 15, sharply keeled posteromedially in S. (P.) sp. 17. T6 absent; spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to lateral margins of S6. S7 with anterior apodeme rather short in 5. (P.) sp. 17, long in other species; flat or slightly to markedly keeled posteromedially, average length to elongate, in S. (P.) sp. 1 elongate and posteromedially pointed and keeled. T7 absent or present as two tiny to small lateral sclerites; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane between segments 6 and 7 in most species, in membrane dorsal to posterior margin of S6 in S. (P.) sp. 17. S8 distinctly developed, almost bare in S. (P.) sp. 3, with thick setae in S. (P.) sp. 17, average setation in other species. ri0 present as median sclerite or paired sclerites. Examined female genitalia of: S. (P.) spp. 1-4,14-17. Taxonomic changes Lectotype designation for Siphona brevirostris Coquillett. — Siphona ( Pseudosiphona ) brevirostris was described in Siphona s.s. by Coquillett in his Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 106 O’Hara “Revision of the Tachinidae” (1897: 76). In that work Coquillett routinely published USNM type numbers for his new species and appropriately labelled his holotypes in the collection (see general discussion of Coquillett’s type designations near the beginning of the Classification chapter). Coquillett’s type series of S. brevirostris consists of three specimens (two females and one male - not three females as published), two of which (both females) were attached to the same pin. The pin with the male specimen bears a paratype label and the other pin, with the two females, bears a type label and a handprinted Townsend label: “Pseudosiphona brevirostris Coq. Gnt. mss.” [Gnt. = Genotype, referring to Townsend’s selection of S. brevirostris as type species of Pseudosiphona Tnsd.]. It is evident that both Coquillett and Townsend intended one of the females on the double-mounted pin to be the holotype of S. brevirostris , but it is not clear which one. It seems appropriate to consider all three specimens as syntypes, and to select one of the females as lectotype. Accordingly, the two female specimens have been removed to separate pins and one selected, and here designated, lectotype of Siphona brevirostris Coquillett. A red bordered label has been attached to the pin bearing the lectotype, and reads: “LECTOTYPE/ Siphona/ brevirostris Coq./ O’Hara designation” (the diagonal slashes indicate separate lines on label). The lectotype also bears the following labels: (1) From Miss/ Murtfeldt, (2) 6, (3) Type/ No. 3574/ U.S.N.M. [red USNM label], (4) Siphona/ brevirostris/ Coq. [Coquillett’s handprinted label], (5) Pseudosiphona/ brevirostris Coq./ Gnt. mss. [Townsend’s handprinted label]. The lectotype is pinned with a minuten dorso-ventrally through the thorax, and is in good condition except for loss of the right mid leg and tarsi of the left mid and hind legs. The remaining two specimens of the type series, a male and female, are labelled as paralectotypes. Hosts Two new host records are known for S. (Pseudosiphona), based on label data accompanying adult specimens in the USNM: one from caterpillars of a lycaenid butterfly (collected in Costa Rica), and the other from larvae of Chloropteryx sp. (collected in Trinidad) (Table 2). Amaud (1978) records Siphona brevirostris from Oidaematophorus homodactylus (Table 2), citing the work of Schaffner (1959). This record is probably in error because specimens of S. brevirostris are extremely scarce in collections, and their proper identification is very difficult (so few identified specimens are known that comparison with type specimens is almost essential for reliable determination - see discussion concerning the geographic distribution of S. brevirostris below). Phylogenetics Most S. (Pseudosiphona) species have a characteristic habitus (see Recognition section), but some species deviate from it and a few other Siphona s.l. species Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 107 approximate it, so no external synapotypies of S. ( Pseudosiphona ) are proposed here. Other character states, in the male genitalia and first instar, provide better evidence for monophyly of this group. Two structures of the male genitalia, the pregonite and distiphallus, have states unique to S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species. Three characters are recognized on the pregonite: shape, presence or absence of spinules anterolaterally, and presence or absence of a seta(e) posteriorly. Though spinules are on the pregonite of all examined S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species, their presence in some other New World Siphona s.l. species indicates this state is not unique to this subgenus. States for the other two characters are unique to S. ( Pseudosiphona ) and are interpreted as synapotypies. The first is the characteristically broadened shape of the pregonite, and the second is the presence of more than one seta posteriorly. A few S. (Pseudosiphona) species lack one or the other of these states, but not both. A triangular and anterolaterally spined distiphallus (Fig. 128) is hypothesized as another synapotypy of S. (Pseudosiphona) species. The few species which depart from this shape are interpreted as derived for this character as they have the derived states of the pregonite. First instars of five of the seven examined S. (Pseudosiphona) species have an elongate, hook-like, labrum (Fig. 162). This state is interpreted as apotypic because other Siphona s.l. species have a hatchet-like labrum. Two species of S. (Pseudosiphona) have a slightly broadened labrum (in dorsal-ventral plane), but this state is considered secondarily (and independently) derived in these species for reasons given in O’Hara (in prep.). Geographic distribution Siphona (Pseudosiphona) is primarily a Neotropical group, for which I am aware of only two species north of Mexico: S. brevirostris and undescribed species S. (P.) sp. 3. The known range of the latter is from California to east Texas, and southward into northcentral Mexico. The range of S. brevirostris is not well documented because of a paucity of collected specimens and a problem with the location of the type locality. The type locality is cited by Coquillett (1897) as Kirkwood, Missouri, but Sabrosky and Amaud (1965) consider the type locality to be Rhode Island because one of the syntypes bears a label inscribed with “In box with micro-larvae from R.I.”. Perhaps Sabrosky and Amaud are correct, as the only unquestionably conspecific specimen of S. brevirostris that I examined was collected in 1983 near Durham in Strafford Co., New Hampshire (CNC). A possibly conspecific specimen (unforunately a female and hence less easily identified) was collected from southwestern New Mexico (USNM). From such information it is apparent that S. brevirostris is at least present in northeast USA, and may range southwestward to Missouri or even New Mexico. Of the other approximately 18 undescribed species of S. (Pseudosiphona) known to me, all are Neotropical, with greatest diversity in Chiapas (Mexico), southeastern Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 108 O’Hara Brazil, and southern Peru (this pattern is due at least in part to collecting bias). Several species seem to have very wide ranges, extending from Middle America to southeastern Brazil. Unworked material includes specimens from Colombia, Venezuela, British Guiana, Bolivia, and the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Jamaica. Records from southeastern Brazil and northern Argentina mark the known southern distributional limit of S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species. List of described species included in Siphona C Pseudosiphona ) N brevirostris Coquillett, 1897: 76. Lectotype female (by designation in text), USA: Missouri, Kirkwood (USNM). Lectotype examined. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Siphona {Pseudosiphona) S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 1: Males and females from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. ( Pseudosiphona ) sp. 2: Males and females from SE Brazil (CAS, CNC, USP), males from Ecuador (CNC), Peru (CNC) and El Salvador (CAS). One possibly conspecific male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 3: Males and females from California, USA (AMNH, CAS, CNC, MCZ, UCB, UKL, USNM), single males from New Mexico, USA (JEOH) and Durango, Mexico (CNC), single female from Texas, USA (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 4: Males and females ranging from Sonora to Chiapas, Mexico (CAS, CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 5: Males from SE Brazil (CAS, CNC, USP) and Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 6: Two males from Belize (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 7: One male from SE Brazil (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 8: Males from Ecuador and Peru (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 9: One male from Peru (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 10: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 11: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 12: Three males from Peru (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 13: One male from SE Brazil (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 14: One female from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 15: Males and one female from northern Argentina (CNC). S. ( Pseudosiphona ) sp. 16: One female from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 17: One male, three females from SE Brazil (AMNH, BMNH, USP). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 18: Males and females from SE Brazil (CNC, USP), single males from Ecuador (CNC), Costa Rica (USNM) and Nicaragua (USNM). S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 19: Three males from Amazonas, Brazil (INPA). Siphona (subgenus Siphona Meigen sensu stricto) Figs. 25-26, 28, 32, 34, 36, 43, 45, 67, 96, 129, 141, 144, 163. Crocuta Meigen, 1800: 39/ Type-species, Musca geniculata De Geer, 1776 (by designation of Coquillett, 1910: 528). Suppressed by I.C.Z.N., 1963: 339 (Opinion 678). Siphona Meigen, 1803: 281. Type-species, Musca geniculata De Geer, 1776, by designation of I.C.Z.N., 1974: 157 (Opinion 1008). Bucentes Latreille, 1809: 339. Type-species, B. cinereus Latreille, 1809 (monotypy) = Stomoxys minuta Fabricius, 1805. Phantasiosiphona Townsend, 1915: 93. Type-species P. tropica Townsend, 1915 (original designation). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 109 Recognition Siphona geniculata is the type species of Siphona s.s., and its name literally means “geniculate siphon”. The name refers to the long prementum and labella of that species, but it could just as accurately have been applied to any Siphona s.s. species, as all are characterized by a long proboscis, with the labella at least as long as the elongate prementum. This state has generally been regarded as unique to Siphona s.s. species, but is shared with some other siphonines. Many non-Siphona s.s. species have slight to moderate elongation of the labella, but only in a few are they as long as the prementum. These can be discerned as non-Siphona s.s. species by the characteristics they share with other siphonine lineages. The several Actia species of this type are easily recognized by their row of katepistemal hairs and the anal vein not extended to the wing margin. The few species of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) with the labella almost as long as, to slightly longer than, the prementum have fully flexible labella (not inflexible on basal half in life as in Siphona s.s. species) and/or a seta posteriorly on the pregonite (absent from Siphona s.s. species). S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) Nepal sp. 1 has a very long proboscis of the typical Siphona s.s. appearance and is the most easily misplaced species of this taxon, but can be correctly placed by its seta on the pregonite. The proboscis of S. (Pseudosiphona) sp. 15 is also S. (Siphona)- like, and several other Neotropical species of that subgenus approach this state, but these species are readily recognized by characters in the male genitalia (see Recognition section of S. (Pseudosiphona)). The few species of Neotropical Siphona s.l. species in which the labella approach the Siphona s.s. condition are recognized by the presence on the pregonite of a seta posteriorly and/or spinules apically. Description Length: 2.5-6.5mm (rarely less than 3.0mm). Head (Figs. 25-26; ten Palearctic species shown in Mesnil 1965, figs. 150-159; North American species shown in O’Hara 1983a, figs. 1, 18-59). — Proclinate orbital setae weak to strong, subequal in length or anterior orbital longer. Eye of male small to very large, 0.62-0.91 head height; eye of female smaller than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male markedly varied in length, 0.40-0.75 head height; linear to large and almost triangular. Flagellomere 1 of female smaller than in male. Aristomere 1 short in most species, 1-2X longer than wide in some species with long flagellomere 1, 3X longer than wide in S. trichaeta. Aristomere 2 varied from 2.0-10.0X longer than wide, (most species between 2.5-6.0). Aristomere 3 almost bare to micropubescent, long and evenly tapered in most species, short and thickened to near tip in a few. Clypeus narrow and enclosed in membrane. Palpus long, clavate. Prementum and labella each slender and elongate; latter at least as long as prementum, inflexible on basal half or more, with pseudotracheae concentrated apically and reduced in number. Proboscis length (prementum + labella) varied from 1.3-4.8X head height (most species between 2.0-3.0). Thorax (Figs. 28, 32, 34, 36). — Prostemum setulose or bare, varied within some species. Lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta in most species (Fig. 32), subequal in length to it in a very few. Three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula in most species (Fig. 32), with two in a few. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Tarsomeres normal in size in most species, tarsomere 5 of fore leg slightly to moderately broadened in females of a very few; claws short in most species, medium to large in a few. Wing vein CuAx with distal portion 0.26-0.67 length of proximal portion ( i.e . dm-cu near wing margin; mean 0.41). Wing setulae: in most species Rx dorsally bare or with one or two setulae distally, in a very few entirely setulose; Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 110 O’Hara ventrally bare (most species) or distally setulose (a very few); ^4+5 setulose between base and r-m in most species, beyond r-m in a few; CuA{ bare in almost all species, with setulae in a very few ( e.g . S. lutea and S. bevisi). Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape in most species, markedly elongate in several Afrotropical species. Tl+2 with or without median marginal setae (present primarily in members of S. geniculata group - see O’Hara 1983a: 323-4); one pair (rarely two pair) strong lateral marginal setae in most species, weak or absent in a few (weak or absent primarily in S. maculata group - see O’Hara 1983a: 321-322). TyT5 average in most species, with extra pair of lateral marginal setae on T3 in a few species. Male genitalia (Figs. 67, 96, 129, 141, 144). — S5 little varied (Fig. 67; also Andersen 1982, figs. 3-5), posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped in most species, obtusely angled in a few; apical lobe distinctly differentiated, in a very few species apex curved inward (known only in S. cuthbertsoni, S. mesnili (Andersen 1982, fig. 4) and S. oligomyia (O’Hara 1983a, fig. 11)); median lobe rounded, relatively unmodified; processes sparsely to moderately setulose. T6 thin to broad and dorsally continuous in most species, almost absent from a few (apparently not reduced to two lateral sclerites as in some other siphonines). Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion 1.0-2.0X wider than hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Fig. 96) in profile little varied, curved anteriorly and more or less pointed apically; bare. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 129) reduced posteriorly, spined anterolaterally in a few species, in profile apically rounded, truncate or pointed posteriorly; laterally incised in a very few species (e.g. Philippines sp. 1). Postgonite apically rounded. Surstylus (Fig. 141, 144) average length to slightly elongate, more or less straight; basally free from epandrium. Cerci (Fig. 141, 144) average length, smoothly curved at midlength; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: S. akidnomyia, S. brunnea, S. collini, S. confusa, S. cristata, S. cuthbertsoni, S. flavifrons, S. futilis, S. geniculata, S. illinoiensis, S. ingerae, S. intrudens, S. kairiensis, S. longissima, S. lurida, S. lutea, S. macronyx, S. maculata, S. medialis, S. multifaria, S. nigricans, S. oligomyia, S. pacifica, S. paludosa, S. pauciseta, S. pisinnia, S. rizaba, S. setosa, S. tropica, S. unispina, Ecuador spp. 1-3, Kenya spp. 1-2, Nepal sp. 1, Philippines sp. 1 and Taiwan sp. 1. Examined published figures of: S. hungarica (Andersen 1984, figs. 1-3), S. kairiensis (O’Hara 1983b, figs. 3-5), North American Siphona species (O’Hara 1983a, figs. 60-80), and European Siphona species (aedeagus only, Andersen 1982, figs. 2, 18-28, and Andersen 1983, fig. 21). Male reproductive system of S. cristata shown in Andersen (1983, fig. 1). Female genitalia (Figs. 43, 45). — Short. S6 with average length hairs. T6 absent; spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to anterolateral margins of S6. S7 with long anterior apodeme; not posteromedially keeled. Tn absent; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane dorsal to anterolateral margins of S7. S8 distinctly developed, haired. T10 absent or very slightly sclerotized. Female genitalia of S. melanura (examined externally but not dissected) are uniquely modified, in marked contrast to the conservative features in other members of the subgenus. S6 is longer than wide, shovel-like, extremely smooth and shiny black, apically rounded, with hairs confined to single row on membrane along posterior edge of sternum. S6 in form of flap-like covering over similarly-shaped, apically more sharply-rounded, blade-like S7. Examined female genitalia of: S. nr. intrudens, S. lutea, S. maculata, S. nigricans, S. pisinnia and S. nr. tropica. Examined published figures of: S. hungarica (Andersen 1983, fig. 4), S. nigricans (fig. 12 in O’Hara 1983a, as S. hokkaidensis ) and S. setosa (Andersen 1982, fig. 6, and Andersen 1983, fig. 7). Female reproductive system of S. ingerae shown in Andersen (1983, fig. 2). Taxonomic changes Siphona nigrohalterata Mesnil. — Among the new siphonines described by Mesnil in his 1959 paper about tachinids of East Africa were Siphona amplicornis amplicornis and Siphona amplicornis nigrohalterata (pp. 21-22). The types (both male) were collected from West Kibo, Nigeria - the former at 2800m between 17-22.IV. 1952 and the latter at 3500m between 23-30.IV. 1952. These “subspecies” do not seem to be geographically or temporally isolated, as a paratype of S. a. amplicornis bears the same locality data as the type of S. a. nigrohalterata. I infer from this that these sympatric “subspecies” either freely interbreed (i.e. cannot be Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 111 regarded as separate subspecies) or are reproductively isolated ( i.e . represent two species). Examination and comparison of the holotypes suggest the latter; the type of S. a. nigrohalterata has a slightly longer proboscis, less elongate abdomen, shorter abdominal setae, and markedly different coloration (particularly on the abdomen). These differences are not major, but in total are not atypical of closely related Siphona species. Thus I conclude that S. nigrohalterata is probably a valid species reproductively isolated from S. amplicornis. Synonymy of Siphona janssensi (Mesnil) with Siphona cuthbertsoni Curran. — S. cuthbertsoni is more easily recognized than most African Siphona species because of its very large eye, rather short flagellomere 1, proboscis length less than 2.5X head height, and generally dark color (including abdomen entirely dark in ground color). It is probable that Mesnil was unfamiliar with this species of Curran’s, except perhaps by name, as he did not mention it in his work about the Siphona of the “Belgian Congo”. Specimens of S. cuthbertsoni identified by direct comparison with the male holotype of that species were later compared with the male holotype of S. janssensi. On the basis of these comparisons, the name S. janssensi is here synonymized with that of S. cuthbertsoni. Note about use of the subspecific category . — Subspecies have rarely been described in the Siphonini, though Mesnil occasionally used this category for taxa displaying slight morphological differences. Mesnil’ s concept of subspecies was not based on geographic (and hence I assume not reproductive) isolation. I examined the types of most of Mesnil’ s subspecies and have reclassified their names as synonyms or separate species. However, I was unable to examine the types of several subspecies of Siphona fuliginea Mesnil and Siphona reducta (Mesnil). I leave these taxa as classified by Mesnil pending study of the types. Status of Siphona unispina ( Mesnil ) and Siphona unispina infuscata (Mesnil). — In 1952 Mesnil revised the Siphona species of the “Belgian Congo”, naming many new species and one pair of subspecies: S. unispina unispina and S. unispina infuscata (Mesnil 1952a). As was Mesnil’ s practice, these subspecies were recognized exclusively on morphological criteria without the now standard requirement of at least partial spatial or temporal separation. Type localities of these taxa are separated by less than 150km, with paratypes of both collected at one intermediate locality. This suggests that the subspecific category is inappropriate, and that the names S. u. infuscata and S. unispina are synonyms or S. u. infuscata is specifically distinct. Crosskey (1980) chose the former, but upon comparison of the types of both taxa I have decided to recognize Siphona infuscata as a valid species, based upon three characteristics that differ between the types: 1) proboscis length of S. unispina is 3.5X head height as compared with 4.3X head height in S. infuscata, 2) thorax of S. unispina is bluish gray, in S. infuscata mostly brown, and 3) R4+5 is setulose beyond r-m in S. unispina and not beyond r-m in S. infuscata. Abdominal characteristics and especially male genitalia cannot be compared between types Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 112 O’Hara because the abdomen of the type of S. unispina is missing. Paratypes were not examined, but a male specimen from the Bwamba river area (SE Zaire) identified by Mesnil as S. unispina fits the description of that species and possesses the three characteristics listed above for distinguishing S. unispina from S. infuscata. Hosts Most hosts of Siphona s.s. are species of the Noctuidae, and all known lepidopteran hosts belong to the Macrolepidoptera (Table 2). Some members of the S. geniculata group are parasites of crane fly larvae (Tipulidae), and are unique in this habit in the Siphonini and among the few tachinids that parasitize other Diptera. Phylogenetics The long, geniculate proboscis of Siphona s.s. species, with labella at least as long as the elongate prementum, is synapotypic of the subgenus. Elongation of the proboscis has occurred independently in many siphonine lineages, but only in Siphona s.s. species are the labella rigid (in life) on basal half or more and at least as long as the prementum in all species. Hence this condition is considered the groundplan (and synapotypic) state of Siphona s.s., and a shorter (with a few exceptions padlike) labella the groundplan state of other siphonine lineages. Andersen (1983) also considered the reduced number of pseudotracheae in Siphona s.s. species as a synapotypy of the subgenus, but this state is not treated separately here because for many species it is (in siphonines) directly correlated with elongation of the labella. For example, padlike labella may have about 15 pair of pseudotracheae, elongate labella of S. (Siphonopsis) species (Fig. 18) about eight pair, and the long labella of Siphona s.s. species about four pair. This correlation is not constant as certain species of S. (Aphantorhaphopsis), for instance, with elongate labella have relatively numerous pseudotracheae. The trend is nevertheless evident, and because of this the number of pseudotracheae on the labella is not treated as a separate character in this study. No other synapotypies of Siphona s.s. species are known. The included species have a number of shared characteristics, of which male genitalic similarities are particularly marked (see figs. 60-80 in O’Hara 1983a), and these are congruent with the hypothesis of monophyly of this group. The few other siphonines with a S. (Siphona)- like proboscis are recognized as non-members of that group by synapotypies they share with other taxa, and their non-S. (Siphona)- like male genitalia. Andersen’s (1982) revision of European Siphona s.s. species went to press at about the time I completed a revision of the North American Siphona s.s. species (O’Hara 1983a). Therefore my comparison of Nearctic and Palearctic species of Siphona s.s., and discussion of species groups, did not include the four new European Siphona s.s. species described by him. Here I briefly mention the species groups to which Andersen’s species belong: S. ingerae is a member of the S. maculata group, and is closely related to the North American species S. intrudens; S. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 113 martini is now considered conspecific with S. nigricans (Andersen, pers. comm.), and is a member of the S. geniculata group; and S. mesnili and S. variata are placed in the S. geniculata group (formerly called the S. cristata group), because these species were considered by Andersen {op. cit .) to be close to S. confusa. Andersen’s new species from Hungary, S. hungarica (Andersen 1984), is closely related to S. ingerae and S. intrudens , and belongs to the S. maculata group. Geographic distribution Siphona s.s. is widely distributed, with 84 described species. Forty-one of these are Afrotropical in distribution (see Crosskey 1980 for ranges; partial key in Mesnil 1952a), with more species recorded from Madagascar than any other siphonine taxon (Mesnil 1977a). Three apparently endemic species are on Madagascar and five species are shared with the mainland (Crosskey 1980), suggesting that Siphona s.s. includes some markedly vagile members. This suggestion is further evidenced by the presence of Siphona s.s. species on the Juan Fernandez Islands west of Chile, the Canary Islands, and four species with Holarctic distributions (excluding S. geniculata , introduced by man to North America). It is therefore rather surprising that Siphona s.s., with 41 species in the Afrotropical region and 20 in the Palearctic region, has only three described species in the Oriental region (Crosskey 1976a) and one in the Australian region (O’Hara 1983b). From examined material (and Shima, pers. comm.), the Oriental region and probably islands of the Indoaustralian archipelago north of Australia contain at least a modest number of undescribed species. There is as yet no indication of more than one Siphona s.s. species in Australia. Palearctic Siphona s.s. species are best known in England (Crosskey 1976b) and Europe, and are keyed in Mesnil (1964) and Andersen (1982). Additional records are cited in Mesnil and Pschom-Walcher (1968), Herting (1968b, 1969b, 1973), Draber-Mohko (1978, 1981), Kugler (1979), Richter (1971, 1975, 1976a,b, 1980, 1986), Richter and Khitsova (1982), Chao and Shi (1982), Karczewski (1983), Mihalyi and Weinberg (1984) and Rognes (1986), and distributions are summarized in Herting (1984). Twenty-one Siphona s.s. species are in North America (including “Middle America”). These were recently revised and their distributions discussed in O’Hara (1983a). Only two exclusively South American Siphona s.s. species are described, but there are specimens of at least ten undescribed species among material I have examined. List of described species included in Siphona {Siphona) A abbreviata (Villeneuve), 1915: 199 {Bucentes). Female syntypes, Madagascar: Sikora (NMV). Syntypes examined. N,S akidnomyia O’Hara, 1983a: 311. Holotype male, Mexico: Chiapas, Mt. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 114 O’Hara Zontehuitz (CNC). Holotype examined. A albocincta (Villeneuve), 1942a: 55 ( Bucentes ). Holotype female, Zaire: Nylragongo (CNC). Holotype examined. A amoena (Mesnil), 1952a: 12 ( Crocuta ). Holotype male, Zaire: Karisimbi (MRAC). Holotype examined. A amplicornis Mesnil, 1959: 21. Holotype male, Tanzania: West Kibo (SMNS). Holotype examined. A angusta Mesnil, 1959: 22. Holotype male, Tanzania: West Kibo (SMNS). Holotype examined. A antennalis (Mesnil), 1952a: 9 (Crocuta). Holotype male, Zimbabwe: Salisbury (CNC). A atricapilla Mesnil, 1959: 20. Holotype male, Tanzania: West Kibo (SMNS). Holotype examined. A bevisi Curran, 1941: 7. Holotype male, South Africa: Natal, Durban (AMNH). Holotype examined. A bilineata (Mesnil), 1952a: 10 (Crocuta). Holotype male, Rwanda: Niabirehe (MRAC). Holotype examined. P boreata Mesnil, 1960: 190. Holotype male. Federal Republic of Germany: Amsberg (CNC). Holotype examined. S brunnea O’Hara, 1983a: 308. Holotype male, Mexico: Chiapas, Mt. Zontehuitz (CNC). Holotype examined. A capensis Curran, 1941: 7. Holotype female, South Africa: East London (PPRI). Holotype examined. P collini Mesnil, 1960: 188. Holotype male. Great Britain: Cambridgeshire, Burwell (HDE). Holotype examined. P confusa Mesnil, 1961: 201. Holotype male, Sweden: Granna (CNC). Holotype examined. A cothurnata (Mesnil), 1952a: 17 (Crocuta). Holotype male, Rwanda: Burambi (MRAC). Holotype examined. A creberrima (Speiser), 1910: 142 (Crocuta). Syntypes, Tanzania: Kilimanjaro (NRS). Syntypes examined. P,N cristata (Fabricius), 1805: 281 (Stomoxys). Holotype female, Denmark: Zealand (ZMUC). Holotype examined. syn. palpina Zetterstedt, 1859: 6064. Holotype female, Sweden: Lindholmen (UZI). — Mesnil, 1964: 861. chetoliga Rondani, 1865: 194. Holotype female, Italy (MZF). — Herting, 1969a: 192. chaetolyga. Incorrect subsequent spelling of chetoliga Rondani (Herting, 1969a: 192). A cuthbertsoni Curran, 1941: 7. Holotype male, Zimbabwe: Salisbury (AMNH). Holotype examined. syn. janssensi (Mesnil), 1952a: 4 (Crocuta). Holotype male (abdomen Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 115 missing), Rwanda: Kibga (MRAC). Holotype examined. New synonymy. P ejflatouni Mesnil, 1960: 188. Holotype female, Egypt: Mariout (CNC). Holotype examined. P flavifrons Staeger in Zetterstedt, 1849: 3211. Lectotype female (by designation of Andersen, 1982: 167), Denmark: North East Zealand, Ordrup (ZMUC). Lectotype examined. N floridensis O’Hara, 1983a: 288. Holotype male, USA: Florida, Orlando (AMNH). Holotype examined. O foliacea (Mesnil), 1953: 113 ( Crocuta ( Siphona )). Holotype male, Burma: Kambaiti (ZMU). Holotype examined. A fuliginea Mesnil, 1977a: 77. Holotype male, Madagascar: Ambatolahy (MNHN). ssp. cerina Mesnil, 1977a: 76. Holotype male, Madagascar: Amber Mtn. (MNHN). rubea Mesnil, 1977a: 77. Holotype male, Madagascar: Manjakatompo (MNHN). N,S futilis Wulp, 1890: 125. Lectotype male (by designation of O’Hara, 1983a: 305), Mexico: Guerrero, Omilteme (BMNH). Lectotype examined, syn. ceres (Curran), 1932: 14 ( Bucentes ). Holotype female, Guatemala: Antigua (AMNH). — O’Hara, 1983a: 305. Holotype examined. O gedeana Wulp, 1896: 109. Holotype female, Indonesia: Java, Goenoeng Gedeh (lost, see Crosskey, 1976a: 214). syn. nigripalpis (de Meijere), 1924: 223 {Bucentes). Lectotype male (by designation of Crosskey, 1969: 89), Indonesia: Java, Pangrango (ZMA). Lectotype examined. P,N geniculata (De Geer), 1776: 38 ( Musca ).2 Three syntypes, Sweden (NRS; types erroneously listed as lost in Andersen 1982 and O’Hara 1983a). syn. urbanis (Harris), 1780: 153 {Musca). Type, England (lost). — Crosskey, 1976b: 100. minuta (Fabricius), 1805: 282 {Stomoxys). Holotype female (head missing), Denmark (ZMUC). — Herting, 1984: 125. Holotype examined. cinerea (Latreille), 1809: 338 {Bucentes). Type(s), France: Paris (not located). — Herting, 1984: 125. cinerea Meigen, 1824: 156. Holotype female, Europe (MNHN). — Herting, 1972: 4. tachinaria Meigen, 1824: 156. Holotype male, Federal Republic of Germany: Nordrhein, Aachen (MNHN). — Herting, 1972: 13. Page 20 is cited by various authors for the description of S. geniculata , but this apparently refers to the German translation of De Geer’s work by Goeze in 1782 (Herting, in lift.). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 116 O’Hara analis Meigen, 1824: 157. Holotype male, Europe (MNHN). — Herting, 1972: 3. nigrovittata Meigen, 1824: 157. Holotype male (MNHN). — Herting, 1972: 11. meigenii (Lepeletier and Serville in Latreille, et al.), 1828: 501 (. Bucentes ). Replacement name for S. cinerea Meigen, 1824 (objective synonym). — Herting, 1984: 125. A gracilis (Mesnil), 1952a: 13 ( Crocuta ). Holotype male (head missing), Rwanda: Kibga (MRAC). Holotype examined. P grandistylum Pandelle, 1894: 108. Holotype male, France: Pyrenees (MNHN). P griseola Mesnil, 1970: 118 (as subspecies of 5. maculata Staeger). Holotype male, Israel: Tel Aviv (CNC). Holotype examined. P hungarica Andersen, 1984: 5. Holotype male, Hungary: Hortobagy N.P. (HNHM). Paratype examined. N illinoiensis Townsend, 1891: 368. Lectotype male (by designation of O’Hara, 1983a: 307), USA: Illinois (UKL). Lectotype examined. A infuscata (Mesnil), 1952a: 14 (as subspecies of Crocuta unispina Mesnil). Holotype male, Zaire: Tshamugussa (MRAC). Holotype examined. New status. P ingerae Andersen, 1982: 161. Holotype male, Denmark: North East Zealand, Bagsvaerd, Sm^rmose (ZMUC). Holotype examined. N intrudens (Curran), 1932: 14 (Bucentes). Holotype male, USA: Pennsylvania, Castle Rock (AMNH). Holotype examined. U kairiensis O’Hara, 1983b: 79. Holotype male, Australia: Queensland, Tinaroo Lake (CAS). Holotype examined. S kuscheli (Cortes), 1952: 110 (Phantasiosiphona). Holotype male, Juan Fernandez Islands: Masatierra (CIE). Holotype examined. A laticornis Curran, 1941: 9. Holotype male, South Africa: Pretoria (PPRI). Holotype examined. A lindneri Mesnil, 1959: 22. Holotype male, Tanzania: Msingi (SMNS). Holotype examined. N,S longissima O’Hara, 1983a: 311. Holotype male, Mexico: Chiapas, San Cristobal (CNC). Holotype examined. N,P lurida Reinhard, 1943: 20. Holotype male, USA: Oregon, Rainier (CNC). Holotype examined. N lutea (Townsend), 1919: 584 (Crocuta). Lectotype female (by designation of O’Hara, 1983a: 296), USA: New Hampshire, Franconia (USNM). Lectotype examined. syn. tenuis Curran, 1933b: 10. Holotype male, Canada: Ontario, Timagami (AMNH). — O’Hara, 1983a: 296. Holotype examined. N macronyx O’Hara, 1983a: 313. Holotype male, USA: Washington, Pullman (WSUP). Holotype examined. P,N maculata Staeger in Zetterstedt, 1849: 3212. Lectotype male (by designation of Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 117 Andersen, 1982: 162), Denmark: North East Zealand, Charlottenlund (ZMUC). Lectotype examined. N medialis O’Hara, 1983a: 303. Holotype male, Canada: Nova Scotia, Cranberry Island (CNC). Holotype examined. A melania (Bezzi), 1908: 58 (. Bucentes ). Holotype female, Ethiopia (not located). A melanura Mesnil, 1959: 23. Holotype female, Tanzania: West Kibo (SMNS). Holotype examined. P mesnili Andersen, 1982: 163. Holotype male, Denmark: North East Zealand, Gribskov, Harager Hegn (ZMUC). Holotype examined. N multifaria O’Hara, 1983a: 293. Holotype male, Canada: Yukon, Dempster Hwy., mi. 87 (CNC). Holotype examined. A munroi Curran, 1941: 6. Holotype female. South Africa: Fort Jackson (PPRI). Holotype examined. A murina (Mesnil), 1952a: 15 ( Crocuta ). Holotype male, Zaire: Nyongera (MRAC). Holotype examined. P,N nigricans (Villeneuve), 1930: 100 {Bucentes). Holotype male, Sweden: Gallivara (CNC). Holotype examined. syn. hokkaidensis Mesnil, 1957: 36. Holotype female, Japan: Hokkaido, Obihiro (CNC). — Herting, 1982: 8. Holotype examined. silvarum Herting, 1967a: 9. Holotype male, Federal Republic of Germany: Freiburg (CNC). — Herting, 1982: 8. Holotype examined. martini Andersen, 1982: 169. Holotype male, Sweden: Scania, Hyllstofta (UZI). — Andersen (pers. comm.). Paratype examined. A nigrohalterata Mesnil, 1959: 22 (as ssp. of S. amplicornis Mesnil). Holotype male, Tanzania: West Kibo (SMNS). Holotype examined. New status. A nigroseta Curran, 1941: 8. Holotype female, South Africa: Pretoria (PPRI). Holotype examined. O nobilis (Mesnil), 1953: 112 ( Crocuta ( Siphona )). Holotype male, Philippines: Mont Palis (ZMU). Holotype examined. A obesa (Mesnil), 1952a: 8 (Crocuta). Holotype male, Zaire: Rwindi (MRAC). Holotype examined. A obscuripennis Curran, 1941: 8. Holotype female, Zimbabwe: Vumba Mts. (AMNH). Holotype examined. N oligomyia O’Hara, 1983a: 297. Holotype male, Canada: British Columbia, Keremeos (CNC). Holotype examined. N pacifica O’Hara, 1983a: 291. Holotype male, USA: Washington, Dartford (WSUP). Holotype examined. P paludosa Mesnil, 1960: 188. Holotype male, USSR: Tolmatschevo, Luga (ZIL). Holotype examined. A patellipalpis (Mesnil), 1952a: 10 (Crocuta). Holotype male, Zaire: Mt. Sesero (MRAC). Holotype examined. P pauciseta Rondani, 1865: 193. Eight syntypes, Italy (MZF; mixed series Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 118 O’Hara according to Herting, 1969a: 198). syn. oculata Pandelle, 1894: 108. — Lectotype male (by designation of Herting, 1978: 6), France (MNHN). delicatula Mesnil, 1960: 190. Holotype male. Great Britain: Chippenham (HDE). — Herting, 1969a: 198. Holotype examined. A phantasma (Mesnil), 1952a: 7 ( Crocuta ). Holotype male, Rwanda: Gahinga (MRAC). Holotype examined. A pigra Mesnil, 1977a: 78. Holotype female, Madagascar: Moramanga (MNHN). N,S pisinnia O’Hara, 1983a: 298. Holotype male, USA: New Mexico, 21km. n. Silver City (CNC). Holotype examined. S pseudomaculata Blanchard, 1963: 233. Syntypes, Argentina: Santa Fe (MBR). Syntypes examined. A reducta (Mesnil), 1952a: 18 {Crocuta). Holotype male, Zaire: Tshamugussa (MRAC). Holotype examined. ssp. ludicra Mesnil, 1977a: 78. Holotype male, Madagascar: Manjakatompo (MNHN). N,S rizaba O’Hara, 1983a: 310. Holotype male, Mexico: Veracruz, Orizaba (MSU). Holotype examined. P rossica Mesnil, 1961: 202. Holotype male, USSR: Leningrad, Lugsk (ZIL). Holotype examined. A rubrapex Mesnil, 1977a: 79. Holotype female, Madagascar: Perinet (MNHN). A rubrica (Mesnil), 1952a: 11 {Crocuta). Holotype male, Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. A setinerva (Mesnil), 1952a: 16 {Crocuta). Holotype male, Rwanda: Kibga (MRAC). Holotype examined. P setosa Mesnil, 1960: 191. Holotype male, USSR: Tolmatschevo, Luga (ZIL). Holotype examined. P seyrigi Mesnil, 1960: 189. Holotype male, Canary Islands: Tenerife (MNHN). Holotype examined. A simulans (Mesnil), 1952a: 18 {Crocuta). Holotype male, Rwanda: Kundhuru-ya-Tshuve (MRAC). Holotype examined. A sola Mesnil, 1959: 21. Holotype male, Tanzania: Usangi (SMNS). Holotype examined. A spinulosa (Mesnil), 1952a: 12 {Crocuta). Holotype male, Zaire: Ngesho (MRAC). Holotype examined. A trichaeta (Mesnil), 1952a: 18 {Crocuta). Holotype male, Rwanda: Karisimbi (MRAC). Holotype examined. N,S tropica (Townsend), 1915: 93 {Phantasiosiphona). Holotype male, Mexico: Veracruz, San Rafael (USNM). Holotype examined. A unispina (Mesnil), 1952a: 14 {Crocuta). Holotype male (abdomen missing), Zaire: Rutshuru (MRAC). Holotype examined. P variata Andersen, 1982: 164. Holotype male, Denmark: Frederikshavn Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 119 (ZMUC). Holotype examined. A vittata Curran, 1941: 8. Holotype male, Zimbabwe: Salisbury (AMNH). Holotype examined. A vixen Curran, 1941: 9. Holotype female, Zimbabwe: Salisbury (AMNH). Holotype examined. A wittei (Mesnil), 1952a: 5 (Crocuta). Holotype male, Rwanda: Karisimbi (MRAC). Holotype examined. Nomina dubia P analis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 92. Type(s), France (lost). P clausa Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 209. Holotype male, France (lost). P consimilis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 205. Holotype male, France (lost). P fuscicornis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 205. Syntypes, France (lost). P humeralis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 207. Syntypes, France (lost). P maculipennis Meigen, 1830: 365. Holotype, Portugal: Algarve (lost). P melanocera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 206. Holotype female, France (lost). P pusilla Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 92. Type(s), France: Paris (lost). syn. persilla. Incorrect subsequent spelling of pusilla Robineau-Desvoidy (Coquillett, 1897: 76). P quadrinotata Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 203. Holotype female, France (lost), syn. quadricincta. Incorrect subsequent spelling of quadrinotata Robineau-Desvoidy (Rondani, 1859: 10). P silvatica Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 208. Holotype male, France (lost). P testacea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 207. Holotype male, France (lost). P tristis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850: 203. Holotype female, France (lost). Nomina nuda S anthomyformis Lynch Arribalzaga in Brauer, 1898: 505 (13). P dorsalis Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891: 410. P pauciseta Mesnil, 1964: 856 (as ssp. of S. geniculata). O taiwanica (Baranov in Hennig), 1941: 195 {Crocuta). List of examined, undescribed, species included in Siphona {Siphona) S. (Siphona) nr. intrudens : Females from Alberta, Canada (JEOH). S. ( Siphona ) nr. tropica : One female from Coquimbo, Chile (CNC). S. (Siphona) Ecuador sp. 1: One male from sw. Alausi, Chimborazo (CAS). S. (Siphona) Ecuador sp. 2: One male from Cerro Pelado, Carchi (CNC). S. (Siphona) Ecuador sp. 3: One male from sw. Banos (CAS). S. (Siphona) Kenya sp. 1: One male from Mt. Kenya, Nanyuki (CAS). S. (Siphona) Kenya sp. 2: Males and females from Kenya and Tanzania (CAS). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 120 O’Hara S. (Siphona) Nepal sp. 1: One male from 28°00’N 85°00’E (CNC). S. (Siphona) Philippines sp. 1: One male from Mt. Apo, Mindanao (BLKU). S. (Siphona) Taiwan sp. 1: One male from Mt. Alishan (BLKU). Many undescribed species of S. (Siphona) examined from South America. Siphona (subgenus Siphonopsis Townsend) Figs. 18, 24, 30, 97-98, 130. Siphonopsis Townsend, 1916: 622. Type-species, Siphona plusiae Coquillett, 1895 (original designation). New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Recognition This homogeneous group of three described and approximately 13 undescribed species is New World in distribution, with greatest diversity in the Neotropics. The male genitalia of S. ( Siphonopsis ) species possess the only states which are unique to this taxon, though the following external characteristics distinguish adults of this taxon from those of most other New World Siphona s.l. species: abdomen generally dark in ground color on T4 and T5 and medially on T3, with moderate pruinosity (sparse pruinosity in a few species, and resembling abdomen of most S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species); (head of S. plusiae shown in Fig. 18) parafacial with several hairs below lowest frontal seta (as in most Siphona s.l. species, but different from the more haired parafacial of most S. (Pseudosiphona) species); arista almost bare in most species (also in contrast to the haired arista of most S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species); labella of proboscis elongate, varied from two-thirds prementum length to slightly less than prementum length; three postsutural dorsocentral setae; lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior one; wing vein R4+5 not setulose beyond crossvein r-m and CuAx bare. The most import; nt diagnostic feature of S. ( Siphonopsis ) species externally is labella length. As mentioned above, it varies from two-thirds prementum length to slightly less than prementum length. This feature distinguishes members of this taxon from those of Siphona s.s ., in which the labella are at least as long as the prementum. Of several minor external differences between members of S. ( Siphonopsis ) and S. (Pseudosiphona) ( cf . Recognition sections), one of the better is the slightly shorter labella of most (though not all) S. (Pseudosiphona) species. Since several other Siphona s.l. species have labella as elongate as in S. (Siphonopsis) species, it is necessary to examine the male genitalia of S. ( Siphonopsis )-\ike specimens for a reliable identification. It is not possible to reliably identify adult females of all New World Siphona s.l. species. Adult males with the above external characteristics are recognized as members of S. (Siphonopsis) by the following genitalic states: sternum 5 with apex of apical lobe curved inward; pregonite (Figs. 97-98) slender to average in width, lacking spinules anterolaterally, with (most species) or without (a few species) tiny seta posteriorly (medium-sized seta in a few species); distiphallus little varied, in profile Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 121 tapered to narrow truncate tip in most species (Fig. 130), more elongate and lateral apices separated in a few species; cerci not sharply inflexed at midpoint. The unique shape of the distiphallus of S. ( Siphonopsis ) species readily separates males with the above external characteristics from males of other Siphona s.l. lineages. Most likely to be confused externally with S. ( Siphonopsis ) species are several species of S. ( Pseudosiphona ), but features of the pregonite, distiphallus and cerci unequivocally separate males of these subgenera. Similarly, the few other Siphona s.l. species with S. (Siphonopsis)- like labella (see Table 1) differ in male genitalic states (most important of which is distiphallus shape). Description Length: 2.5-4.5mm. Head (Figs. 18, 24, 30). — Proclinate orbital setae subequal in length or anterior one longer. Eye of male medium to medium-large, 0.73-0.84 head height; eye of female subequal to slightly larger than in male. Flagellomere 1 of male short to medium-long, 0.37-0.65 head height; shape from average width to large and triangular. Flagellomere 1 of female smaller than in male in most species, subequal in a few. Aristomere 1 short in most species, as long as wide in at least two species. Aristomere two 1.5-6X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 short to long and evenly tapered, almost bare to short plumose. Clypeus narrow and enclosed in membrane. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis (Figs. 18, 24, 30) with prementum short to medium in length, between 0.6-0.7 head height in most species (not more than about 0.75 head height), labella elongate, 0.7-0.9 prementum length and inflexible in life on about basal third. Thorax. — Prostem'um setulose. Lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta. Three postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with single setula. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Claws short. Wing vein CuAl with distal portion 0.29-0.55 length of proximal portion (mean 0.43). Wing setulae: R{ dorsally bare, or distally setulose, ventrally bare; R4+5 setulose between base and r-m\ CuAx bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. T]+2 without median marginal setae, lateral marginal setae absent or weakly developed. T3-T5 with average setation. Male genitalia (Figs. 97-98, 130). — S5 with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped; apical lobe large and distinctly differentiated, apex curved inward; median lobe broadly rounded to truncate and relatively unmodified in most species, with accessory lobe slightly to distinctly differentiated in a very few species (distinctly differentiated only in S. conata)-, processes moderately setulose. T6 varied from two lateral sclerites to single dorsally continuous sclerite. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion 1.0-2.0X width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite (Figs. 97-98) in profile curved anteriorly and more or less pointed apically, in a few species rather slender (Fig. 98); tiny to medium seta posteriorly in most species, seta absent from at least two species. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 130) reduced posteriorly, not incised laterally, without enlarged spines anteriorly or laterally, in profile tapered to a narrow truncate tip, in a few species distiphallus elongate and very narrow, with apex deeply incised anteriorly and posteriorly (i.e. distiphallus with two long arms in posterior view). Postgonite reduced in S. conata, short to average length in other species, apically rounded or pointed. Surstylus about average length in most species, elongate in 5. conata , straight in most species, slightly curved posteriorly in a few; basally free from epandrium. Cerci average length in most species, rather short in a few, in profile average width to thick; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: S. conata, S. plusiae, S. (Siphonopsis) spp. A-I,K-N. Female genitalia. — Short. S6 with average length hairs. T6 absent, or present as two tiny to small lateral sclerites or a single median sclerite; spiracles of segment 6 in membrane dorsal to lateral margins of S6 or in lateral sclerites of T6. S7 with long anterior apodeme in most species, short in a few; flat and unmodified in most species, in S. conata elongate and keeled posteromedially and apically incised. T7 absent in most species, present as two tiny lateral sclerites in S. conata ; spiracles of segment 7 in membrane between segments 6 and 7. S8 distinctly developed, haired. 7j0 present as median sclerite in most species, as two sclerites in a very few. Examined female genitalia of: S. conata, S. plusiae, S. ( Siphonopsis ) spp. A,B,E,M and N. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 122 O’Hara Hosts S. conata and S. plusiae attack a serious pest of oak, the California oakworm (Phryganidia californica). S. plusiae is also recorded from two other insect pests in California, the cabbage looper ( Trichoplusia ni) and alfalfa looper (Autographa californica ) (Table 2). Though attacking economically important pest species, S. conata and S. plusiae do not parasitize their hosts at sufficient densities to be considered good biological control agents. S. brasiliensis is listed as a parasitoid of two noctuid species in South America (Table 2). However, the name might be a misidentification because S. (Siphonopsis) is very diverse in South America and S. brasiliensis is the only described species. Phylogenetics The distiphallus of males of S. ( Siphonopsis ) species is narrowed to a truncate tip (Fig. 130). The uniqueness of this state within the Siphonini, and its uniformity thoughout the subgenus, provides the best evidence for monophyly of this taxon. A number of other similarities externally and in the male genitalia also suggest that the included species are closely related; however, none can be defended as synapotypic of S. ( Siphonopsis ). For instance, adults of S. ( Siphonopsis ) species have characteristically elongate labella (Fig. 18), which are shorter (relative to prementum length) than in Siphona s.s. species and longer than in most S. ( Pseudosiphona ) species. However, because this state is also present in several other Siphona s.l. species belonging to several lineages (see Table 2), it is possible that this state is not independently derived in S. ( Siphonopsis ) but rather synapotypic of this taxon and one of these lineages. Much convergence has occurred among Siphona s.l. lineages in the development of elongate labella, so this character can not be used reliably for the grouping of the supraspecific taxa of this genus. Geographic distribution Three described and at least 13 undescribed species are included in S. ( Siphonopsis ). S. plusiae is the most widely distributed of the described species, ranging in the west from Oregon to southern Mexico. A closely related, undescribed, species is sympatric with S. plusiae , but restricted in known range to California and Arizona. S. conata is the only other species of this subgenus known north of Mexico; it is recorded from the San Francisco Bay area, Santa Cruz Island and San Bernardino Mtns. of California. As in S. ( Pseudosiphona ), the greatest diversity of S. ( Siphonopsis ) species is in the Neotropics, particularly southern Mexico and southeastern Brazil (the latter area includes the type locality of the only described Neotropical species, S. brasiliensis ). At least two species range from southern Mexico to southern Brazil. Several species are recognized from western South America from specimens collected in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and as far south as central Chile. Specimens have also been collected from Jamaica and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 123 List of described species included in Siphona ( Siphonopsis ) S brasiliensis (Townsend), 1929: 374 {Siphonopsis). Holotype female, Brazil: Sao Paulo (USNM). Holotype examined. N conata (Reinhard), 1959: 162 {Siphonopsis). Holotype male, USA: California, Marin Co., Mill Valley (CAS). Holotype examined. N plusiae Coquillett, 1895a: 125. Lectotype male (by designation of Coquillett, 1897: 76), USA: California (USNM). Lectotype examined. List of examined, undescribed, species included in New World Siphona {Siphonopsis) S. ( Siphonopsis ) sp. A: Males and females ranging from Oregon, USA, to northern Mexico (CAS, CNC, JEOH, MSU, PHA, UCB, UCD, UCR, UKL, USNM, WSUP). [Specimens of this “species” are noticeably and consistently different from those of S. plusiae , but have been frequently collected along with the latter - including at aggregation sites - so may represent variants of S. plusiae .] S. (Siphonopsis) sp. B: Males and females ranging from Durango to Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. ( Siphonopsis ) sp. C: Males from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. ( Siphonopsis ) sp. D: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). S. ( Siphonopsis ) sp. E: Males and females from SE Brazil (BMNH, CAS, CNC, USP). Males from southern Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica are possibly conspecific (CNC, MSU, UCB, USNM). S. ( Siphonopsis ) sp. F: One male from Veracruz, Mexico (CNC). S. (Siphonopsis) sp. G: Two males from Ecuador (CNC). S. (Siphonopsis) sp. H: Two males from Peru (CNC). S. (Siphonopsis) sp. I: One male from Peru (CNC). [No S. (Siphonopsis) sp. J.] S. (Siphonopsis) sp. K: Males from southern Mexico and SE Brazil (BMNH, CNC, UCB, USP). S. (Siphonopsis) sp. L: Males from SE Brazil (CNC). S. (Siphonopsis) sp. M: Males and females from Brazil (CAS, CNC, USP) and Argentina (BMNH), and possibly Ecuador (CNC) and Peru (AMNH, USNM). S. (Siphonopsis) sp. N: One male from Ecuador, males and two females from Chile (CNC). Unstudied material includes specimens from the Caribbean: Puerto Rico (USNM) and Jamaica (USNM). Siphona (subgenus Uruactia Townsend) Figs. 68, 99, 131. Uruactia Townsend, 1927: 256. Type-species, U. uruhuasi Townsend, 1927 (original designation). New subgeneric status in Siphona Meigen. Recognition This taxon of one described and one undescribed species is known only from three male specimens collected in Ecuador and Peru. Adults are relatively large, 4.0-5. Omm in length, with mostly yellow legs, rather dark thoracic dorsum, wings slightly darkened, abdomen yellow laterally on Tl+2 and T3 and rest reddish brown, and sparse abdominal pruinosity. The prementum is about half head height in length, and labella are padlike. These external features help in the recognition of S. ( Uruactia ) species, but examination of the male genitalia is necessary for a positive Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 124 O’Hara identification. The distiphallus of S. (Uruactia) species is the most distinctive feature of this taxon. It is smoothly tapered in profile, and with (Fig. 131) or without apical spines. It is similar in appearance to the distiphallus of S. (Aphantorhapha) species, but these taxa differ in other genitalic features and externally ( cf ’. Recognition sections). Other male genitalic states of S. ( Uruactia ) species include the flattened median lobe of sternum 5 (Fig. 68), bare pregonite (Fig. 99), and inflexed cerci. These states complement the characteristic shape of the distiphallus and help to distinguish members of this taxon from other Siphona s.l. species. The two known species of S. ( Uruactia ) are distinguished from one another by number of postsutural dorsocentral setae, setulation on wing vein R4+5, relative development of lateral marginal setae on abdominal Tl+2, and slight differences in male genitalia (as indicated in description below). Description Length: 4.0-5. Omm. Head. — Proclinate orbital setae subequal in length or anterior one longer. Eye of male medium-large, 0.84 head height (same size in all three examined specimens). Flagellomere 1 of male medium-short to medium, 0.48-0.50 head height; shape average (sp. 31) or broad ( S . uruhuasi). Aristomere 1 short. Aristomere two 2X longer than wide. Aristomere 3 long and evenly tapered, micropubescent. Clypeus narrow and enclosed in membrane or slightly broadened. Palpus short, clavate. Proboscis with prementum medium in length, slightly longer than half head height, labella padlike. Thorax. — Prostemum setulose. Lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta. Three (S. uruhuasi ) or four (sp. 31) postsutural dorsocentral setae. Upper part of anepistemum with one or two setulae. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta much shorter than d seta. Mid tibia with one ad seta. Claws short. Wing vein CwA, with distal portion 0.26-0.46 (mean 0.36). Wing setulae: /?, distally setulose dorsally, ventrally bare; ^4+5 setulose between base and r-m in sp. 31, beyond r-m in S. uruhuasi ; CuA] bare. Abdominal terga 1-5. — Abdomen ovoid in shape. Tl+2 without median marginal setae, lateral marginal setae absent from S. uruhuasi , strong in sp. 31. T3-T5 with average setation. Male genitalia (Figs. 68, 99, 131). — S5 (Fig. 68) with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped; apical lobe distinctly differentiated; median lobe flattened posteromedially, more prominently so in sp. 31 (Fig. 68); processes moderately setulose. T6 apparently absent. Ejaculatory apodeme with fan-shaped portion subequal in width to width of hypandrial apodeme. Pregonite in profile apically pointed, smoothly curved anteriorly in S. uruhuasi, only slightly curved anteriorly in sp. 31 (Fig. 99); bare. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus reduced posteriorly, entire laterally in S. uruhuasi, slightly incised laterally with short posterolateral arm in sp. 31 (Fig. 131), in profile rather narrow and apically pointed, apical margin with small (5. uruhuasi) to large (sp. 31) spines. Postgonite average. Surstylus long and straight, basally free from epandrium. Cerci average length, in profile sharply inflexed at midlength; moderately setose on basal half. Examined male genitalia of: 5. uruhuasi and sp. 31. Female genitalia. — Not examined. Hosts. Unknown. Phylogenetics The two species are interpreted as sister species on the basis of shared states in the male genitalia (particularly shape of median lobes on sternum 5 and shape of distiphallus) and concordant external similarities. This taxon is retained as a Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 125 subgenus because its sister group within Siphona s.l. is unknown. Geographic distribution The type species of S. (Uruactia) is known only from the male holotype, collected from Uruhuasi, Peru, on 3.II.1910, at an elevation of 1980m, on flowers of Baccharis sp. The only other species, sp. 31 (originally numbered in series of unplaced New World Siphona s.l.), is represented by two male specimens, one with the same label data as the type of S. uruhuasi (USNM) and the other collected from Cerro Tinajillas in the Azuay province of southern Ecuador (18-21. III. 1965 at 3100m; CNC). List of described species included in Siphona ( Uruactia ) S uruhuasi (Townsend), 1927: 364 {Uruactia). Holotype male, Peru: Uruhuasi (USNM). Holotype examined. List of examined, undescribed, species included in Siphona {Uruactia) S. (Uruactia) sp. 31: One male each from Peru (USNM) and Ecuador (CNC). New and described New World species unplaced to subgenus in Siphona s.l. New World Siphona species group 1 Figs. 69, 100-101, 132. This group of approximately nine known species (all undescribed) is Neotropical in distribution, ranging from southern Mexico to southeastern Brazil. They are typical members of Siphona s.l., with no external features interpretable as synapotypic of the group. They include spp. 19,21,24-303, and are diagnosed as follows (also see Table 1): male eye medium-small to medium-large; male flagellomere 1 medium-short to medium-long, markedly varied in shape from linear or broadened to very broad and subquadrangular or almost triangular; aristomere 1 as long as wide in spp. 26 and 27, short in others; proboscis with labella varied from padlike (a few species) to almost length of prementum (most species), flexible in life on apical half or more; three or four postsutural dorsocentral setae; lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta; postscutellum unusually narrow and projected in spp. 29 and 30; Rx and R4+5 with setulation varied, CuAx bare; crossvein dm-cu near wing margin in most species, moderately removed from it in a few. Male genitalia of all nine species examined. Similarities in male genitalic features (particularly of the distiphallus) suggest monophyly of the group. S5 (Fig. 69) with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped; apical lobe 3 Numbering of species is explained in Methods chapter. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 126 O’Hara distinctly differentiated, apex curved inward in a few species; median lobe markedly varied from narrow to elongate, rounded to truncate, or rather flattened posteromedially; slightly differentiated accessory lobe in sp. 27, others without. Pregonite (Figs. 100-101) in profile slender to average width, apically rounded to pointed; patch of small spines on apical half or less of sclerotized portion in most species (Fig. 100), spines absent from others (Fig. 101), tiny to moderate-sized seta posteriorly in a few species (absent from most). Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 132) relatively distinctive, not incised laterally, without enlarged teeth, in profile nearly parallel-sided on apical half or more and truncate apically. Postgonite markedly reduced in most species, average in a few. Surstylus varied from short to long, narrow to broad, straight to curved posteriorly; basally free from epandrium. Cerci thick on apical half in sp. 21, average in others, smoothly curved at midlength. Female genitalia (examined in spp. 24,27,30) short, unmodified except sternum 8 broader than average in sp. 30. List of examined, undescribed, species included in New World Siphona species group 1 Siphona species group 1, sp. 19: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). Siphona species group 1, sp. 21: Males and females from SE Brazil, one male from Colombia (CNC). Siphona species group 1, sp. 24: Males and females from northern Argentina (CNC), one male from Ecuador (USNM). Siphona species group 1, sp. 25: One male from northern Argentina (CNC). Siphona species group 1, sp. 26: Males from Ecuador (BMNH, CNC). Siphona species group 1, sp. 27: One male and one female from Ecuador (CNC). Siphona species group 1, sp. 28: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC), possibly conspecific males from Guatemala (USNM) and Costa Rica (USNM). Siphona species group 1 , sp. 29: Males and one female from Ecuador (CNC). Siphona species group 1, sp. 30: Males and females from Ecuador (CNC). New World Siphona species group 2 Figs. 19, 70, 102-103, 133-134. This group comprises about ten species4 distributed between southern Arizona and southeastern Brazil. They are typical members of Siphona s.l., with the following characteristics (also see Table 1): (head of sp. 1 shown in Fig. 19) male eye medium-large to large; male flagellomere 1 medium-short to medium, linear to subquadrangular in shape; aristomere 1 short; proboscis with labella about two-thirds length of prementum in sp. 8, padlike in others; three postsutural dorsocentral setae; lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta; wing setulation varied; crossvein dm-cu slightly removed from wing margin in most species. These species are numbered from one to ten, separately from those of species groups 1 and 3 and unplaced New World species, as explained in Methods chapter. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 127 Male genitalia of all ten included species examined. S5 (Fig. 70) with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped; apical lobe distinctly differentiated, apex curved inward in a few species; median lobe markedly varied from broadly rounded to elongate, and truncate or flattened posteromedially, with accessory lobe distinctly differentiated in a few species. Pregonite (Figs. 102-103) varied in profile, smoothly to sharply curved anteriorly, average to broad on basal half; with or without patch of small spines on apical half or less of sclerotized portion and in sp. 2 (Fig. 103) with longitudinal row of spines, bare posteriorly or with tiny to moderate-sized seta. Epiphallus absent. Most included species are recognized as members of this species group by features of the distiphallus: most possess posterolaterally on each side a ventrally or anteroventrally directed projection or hook (Figs. 133-134); a few species lack this feature of the distiphallus but are included in this species group (with varied degrees of confidence) because of other external and genitalic similarities; posterior margin of distiphallus entire in sp. 2, incised in others. Postgonite markedly reduced in spp. 3 and 10, short in sp. 2, average in others. Surstylus average length to elongate, straight to curved posteriorly; basally free from epandrium. Cerci rather short to average length, straight to smoothly curved. Female genitalia (examined in spp. 3 and 6) short, unmodified except sternum 8 broader than average. The conservative external features of members of Siphona species group 2 make this group difficult to recognize. In addition certain species are less apotypic than most in their male genitalic features, so their inclusion here is tentative and is based on general similarities. List of examined, undescribed, species included in New World Siphona species group 2 Siphona species group 2, sp. 1: Males and females ranging from southern Arizona, USA, to Chiapas, Mexico (CAS, CNC, UAT). Siphona species group 2, sp. 2: One male from Michoacan, Mexico (USNM). Siphona species group 2, sp. 3: Males and females from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). Siphona species group 2, sp. 4: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). Siphona species group 2, sp. 5: One male from Panama (USNM), males and one female from Peru (CNC). Siphona species group 2, sp. 6: Males and females from SE Brazil (CNC, INPA, USP). Siphona species group 2, sp. 7: Males from Peru (CNC). Siphona species group 2, sp. 8: Males from Peru (CNC). Siphona species group 2, sp. 9: One male from Costa Rica (USNM). Siphona species group 2, sp. 10: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). New World Siphona species group 3 Figs. 104-105, 135. Five undescribed New World species are recognized as belonging to a monophyletic lineage possibly related to Siphona species group 1 (see below). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 128 O’Hara Included are spp. 3, 4, 6, 12 and 22 (SE Brazil)5. Externally these flies are quite varied, particularly in head features and wing setulation, and for this reason specimens of some of these species appear more externally similar to excluded species than to their own group members. As a rule, male genitalic characteristics are more reliable indicators of relationship within Siphona s.l. than are external features (species of S. (P seudo siphona) and S. (Siphonopsis) being good examples), so little weight is given here to such homoplastic external similarities. Siphona species group 3 is diagnosed as follows (also see Table 1): male eye medium to medium-large; male flagellomere 1 markedly varied, medium-short to long; shape linear to very broadly triangular; proboscis with labella slightly lengthened in some specimens of sp. 22, padlike in others; three postsutural dorsocentral setae; varied wing setulation; position of crossvein dm-cu varied; legs and abdomen average; (male genitalia examined in all five species) sternum 5 with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped, apical lobe not apically curved inward, median lobe rounded to elongate and truncate, distinctly differentiated accessory lobes in sp. 4; pregonite (Figs. 104-105) in profile rather sharply curved at midlength or smoothly curved anteriorly, with longitudinal ridge of spines laterally (resembling pregonite of Entomophaga and Proceromyia except possessing tiny to moderate-sized seta posteriorly in most specimens \i.e. of two examined specimens of sp. 22, one has tiny seta and the other is bare, Fig. 105] - this seta only present among Siphona group taxa); pregonite without group of small spines apically; epiphallus absent; distiphallus (Fig. 135) not incised laterally, characteristically squared-off basally, with short, parallel-sided apical portion ending in truncate tip, moderately developed spines anteriorly in sp. 22, only spinules present in others; postgonite average to reduced; surstylus and cerci average; female genitalia short and unmodified (examined only in sp. 3). Two members of Siphona species group 1 (spp. 26 and 27) have similar distiphallus structure to species of group 3, but differ in features of the pregonite. Species of group 3 possess a spined longitudinal ridge on the outer surface of the pregonite, a state not found in other species of Siphona s.l. except in Siphona sp. grp. 2, sp. 2 (Fig. 103). There are both external similarities and dissimilarities between members of both groups 1 and 3, but these involve such homoplastic characters that their phylogenetic interpretation is difficult. I have not studied the groups in sufficient detail to offer any definite views about the interrelationships of groups 1 and 3, but I suggest that certain male genitalic similarities may indicate that the species of group 3 are derived members of group 1 or the groups are sister groups. I have presented the information above about Siphona group 3, as I have elsewhere for groups 1 and 2, to provide a tentative framework upon which a formal taxonomic investigation of the numerous undescribed and unplaced New World 5 Numbering of these species is explained in Methods chapter. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 129 Siphona s.l. species can be built. These notes about undescribed New World siphonines ought to prove useful in the eventual revision of this large and unworked assemblage of Siphona species. List of examined, undescribed, species included in New World Siphona species group 3 Siphona species group 3, sp. 3: Males and females ranging from Washington state to southern California and Arizona, USA (CAS, CNC, PHA, UCB, UCR, USNM, WSUP). Siphona species group 3, sp. 4: One male each from Veracruz and Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). Siphona species group 3, sp. 6: One male from Florida, USA (AMNH), one possibly conspecific male from Chiapas, Mexico (USNM). Siphona species group 3, sp. 12: Two males from Iowa, USA (PHA), one male from Ohio, USA (CNC) and one female from Ontario, Canada (CNC). Siphona species group 3, sp. 22: Males from SE Brazil (CAS, CNC, USP). Unplaced New World species of Siphona sensu lato Figs. 20, 106, 136. I have left two described species unplaced within New World Siphona s.l.: Siphona panamensis (Curran) and Siphona pulla (Reinhard). Though typical members of Siphpna s.l., these species cannot be associated with any of the subgenera here recognized nor the three additional species groups discussed. Both are difficult to place because they are only known from female holotypes, and if males were available then unequivical placement of these species might be possible. Specimens of many undescribed species were examined during the course of this revision. Those belonging to relatively easily recognized genera are incorporated into the descriptions of those genera and not themselves described or specially treated. This practise is more difficult within Siphona s.l. because monophyletic lineages are difficult to recognize and many species cannot be associated with the lineages that are. The complexity is all the more difficult to discuss since most of the species are undescribed. As this work is primarily a generic level revision it is impractical at this time to describe these new species, though discussing them in an informal manner will convey some idea of their diversity. Where possible, descriptions of certain subgenera (particularly S. (Pseudosiphona) and S. ( Siphonopsis )) have been modified for inclusion of appropriate undescribed species, but even though this has been done and Siphona groups 1 to 3 informally diagnosed, at least 15 undescribed New World species remain that I have studied but not been able to place. I outline below some of the diversity contained within this group of mostly unrelated species because they may remain undescribed for some time. As new groups or subgenera are erected for some of these species and other species identified as related to groups recognized here, the descriptions of the latter will have to be modified for such inclusions. For the present I have retained a rather conservative approach toward recognition of New World Siphona subgenera in order to keep them as monophyletic lineages (and thus, I believe, more meaningful Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 130 O’Hara entities) in the midst of a plethora of undescribed forms. The species discussed here include S. panamensis, S. pulla , and 15 numbered species: spp. 1,2,5,7,8,10,13-17,20,23,32 and 346. Their range of variation is given in Table 1 under the heading of “ Siphona s.l., unplaced”, and the assemblage is briefly diagnosed here: (head of sp. 23 shown in Fig. 20) male eye medium-small to very large; male flagellomere 1 short to medium, shape linear, broadened, subquadrangular or broad and triangular; proboscis with labella padlike in most species, slightly lengthened in a few, about as long as prementum in spp. 13 and 23 (Fig. 20); three postsutural dorsocentral setae in most species, four in a few; lower katepistemal seta longer than upper anterior seta in most species, subequal in length in a few, shorter in spp. 14 and 17; R j and i?4+5 with setulation varied, CuAx bare; crossvein dm-cu positioned near or removed from wing margin; legs average. Male genitalia of 14 species examined (spp. 1-2,5,7-8,10,13-17,23,32,34). S5 with posterior margins of processes approximately U-shaped in most species, obtusely angled in a few, nearly V-shaped in spp. 7 and 15 (though median cleft more distinct than in Actia species); apical lobe distinctly differentiated, apex curved inward in some species; median lobe varied, rounded, elongate, truncate, or slightly flattened posteromedially, accessory lobe present in sp. 5; pregonite (Fig. 106) varied, in profile slender to broad, apically pointed to rounded, small spines on sclerotized portion apically in a few species, with tiny to moderate-sized seta posteriorly in most species, seta absent from a few. Epiphallus absent. Distiphallus (Fig. 136) markedly varied, laterally incised or complete, with or without enlarged spines apically, in profile varied apically from pointed or rounded to truncate. Postgonite average in most species, reduced in spp. 32 and 34. Surstylus and cerci average in most species, surstylus basally free from epandrium. Female genitalia examined in seven species (spp. 1-2,5,10,14,20,23), short; S6 sharply keeled posteromedially in sp. 20, flat in others; T6 absent, or present as lateral sclerites or (in sp. 3) as a dorsally continuous sclerite; S7 with rather short anterior apodeme in sp. 20, long in others, sharply keeled posteromedially only in sp. 20; S8 average in most species, very broad in sp. 5, with thick setae in sp. 20. The highest concentration of species (six) is in southern Mexico, with seven other species distributed throughout North America from Alaska to northcentral Mexico and four species distributed between southeastern Brazil and lower Central America. Hosts are known only for New World species 7 and 8, and include larvae of several species of the Geometridae and one of the Noctuidae. Species 7 and 8 are recorded from southern British Columbia, Canada. 6 Numbering of these species is explained in Methods chapter. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 131 List of described species unplaced to subgenus in New World Siphona sensu lato: S Actia panamensis Curran, 1933a: 3. Holotype female, Panama: Barro Colorado Is. (AMNH). Holotype examined. (Removed from Actia.) N,S Aphantorhapha pulla Reinhard, 1974: 1157. Holotype female, Mexico: Morelos, Cuernavaca (CNC). Holotype examined. (Removed from Aphantorhapha. ) List of examined, undescribed, species unplaced in New World Siphona sensu lato Unplaced Siphona sp. 1: Males and females from western North America (CNC, PHA, UCB, USNM, WSUP). Unplaced Siphona sp. 2: Males and females ranging from Alaska to Wisconsin, USA (CNC, USNM). Unplaced Siphona sp. 5: Males and females from southern Mexico (CNC), one male from El Salvador (USNM). Unplaced Siphona sp. 7: Males and females from southern British Columbia, Canada, one male from California, USA, and one possibly conspecific male from Arizona, USA (CNC). Unplaced Siphona sp. 8: Males and females from southern British Columbia, Canada (CNC). Unplaced Siphona sp. 10: One male from Ontario, Canada (CNC) and one female from New Brunswick, Canada (JEOH). Unplaced Siphona sp. 13: One male from Florida, USA (CNC). Unplaced Siphona sp. 14: Males and females from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). Unplaced Siphona sp. 15: One male from Oaxaca, Mexico (JEOH). Unplaced Siphona sp. 16: One male from Durango, Mexico (CNC). Unplaced Siphona sp. 17: One male from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). Unplaced Siphona sp. 20: One female from Chiapas, Mexico (CNC). Unplaced Siphona sp. 23: Males and females from SE Brazil, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Canal Zone (AMNH, BMNH, CNC, USNM, USP). Unplaced Siphona sp. 32: Males from SE Brazil (USP). Unplaced Siphona sp. 34: Males and females from SE Brazil (CNC, USNM, USP), one male from Ecuador (CNC) and one female from Costa Rica (USNM). Actia heterochaeta Bezzi, unplaced species of the Siphonini I have been unable to locate the female type of this species, described from Ethiopia by Bezzi (1908: 59). The type apparently does not reside in Milan (MCSN) with many of the other Bezzi types (Amaud 1982). Actia heterochaeta was described by Bezzi under a concept of Actia now equivalent to the entire Siphonini. The original description fails to mention a single generic characteristic that would help in the placement of this species. Bezzi compares A. heterochaeta with A. bicolor (now in Ceromya ) in his original description, and then with A. stiglinae (now in Peribaea) in a later publication (1928: 204). It is clear that Bezzi’s concept of “allied species” was based on shared similarities and not commonality of descent, so his species comparisons provide no clue about the correct placement of A. heterochaeta. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 132 O’Hara I examined a male specimen in the BMNH collected from Nigeria and identified by Villeneuve as A. heterochaeta. This specimen is probably the one mentioned by Crosskey (1980: 855) as a questionable new locality record for the species. However, Villeneuve’ s identification is probably in error because the specimen (a Peribaea species) differs from the description of A. heterochaeta in two important respects: Rx is bare in A. heterochaeta and distally setulose in Villeneuve’s specimen, and coloration differs markedly (even given that Bezzi’s specimen was a female and Villeneuve’s specimen a male). Without any concrete indication of the generic characteristics of A. heterochaeta , I must leave this species unplaced in the Siphonini, as did Crosskey (1980: 855). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 133 Figs. 1-4. Head profiles of male siphonines (vestiture of postcranium omitted). Scale bars = 0.5mm: 1, Goniocera io; 2, Proceromyia macronychicr, 3, Proceromyia pubioculata\ 4, Entomophaga exoleta. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 134 O’Hara Figs. 5-8. Head profiles of male siphonines (vestiture of postcranium omitted). Scale bars = 0.5mm: 5, Entomophaga nigrohalteratcr, 6, Ceromya flaviceps-, 7, Ceromya New Guinea sp. 15; 8, Actia lamia. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 135 Figs. 9-12. Head profiles of male siphonines (vestiture of postcranium omitted). Scale bars = 0.5mm: 9, Actia Nepal sp. 1; 10, Actia parviseta (from holotype, proboscis reoriented); 11, Peribaea cervina (from holotype, vibrissae missing); 12, Peribaea tibialis. Quaesl. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 136 O’Hara Figs. 13-16. Head profiles of male siphonines (vestiture of postcranium omitted). Scale bars = 0.5mm: 13, Siphona (Actinocrocuta) singularis complex; 14, Siphona ( Aphantorhapha ) arizonica; 15, Siphona ( Baeomyia ) xanthogaster (from holotype); 16, Siphona (Ceranthia) flavipes. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 137 Figs. 17-20. Head profiles of male siphonines (vestiture of postcranium omitted). Scale bars = 0.5mm: 17, Siphona (Pseudosiphona) brevirostris\ 18, Siphona (Siphonopsis) plusiae\ 19, Siphona s.l., sp. grp. 2, sp. 1; 20, Siphona s.l., unplaced sp. 23. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 138 O’Hara i i 21. Actia interrupta 22. S. (Baeomyia) xanthogaster Figs. 21-22. Right wings of siphonines. Scale bars = 0.5mm: 21, Actia interrupta, with wing veins labelled; 22, Siphona (Baeomyia) xanthogaster. 139 Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini Figs. 23-26. Comparison of proboscis structure. Scale bars = 200pm: 23, Actia diffidens , with padlike labella; 24, Siphona (Siphonopsis) plusiae, with elongate labella; 25, Siphona (Siphona) maculata, with long labella; 26, Siphona ( Siphona ) pisinnia, with very long labella (Ibl, labella; prem, prementum). Figs. 27-28. Left lateral view of prothorax, for comparison of proepimeral setae. Scale bars = 100pm: 27, Peribaea sp., illustrating two strong and opposed proepimeral setae (a spr , anterior spiracle; / prepm s , lower proepimeral seta; u prepm s, upper proepimeral seta); 28, Siphona (Siphona) maculata, illustrating single strong proepimeral seta (upper and lower setae indicated by arrows). Figs. 29-30. Comparison of labella of proboscis. Scale bars = 100pm: 29, labella of Actia diffidens, illustrating padlike condition and numerous pseudotracheae; 30, labella of Siphona (Siphonopsis) plusiae, illustrating elongate condition and relatively few pseudotracheae. Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 140 O’Hara Figs. 31-32. Left lateral view of thorax, for comparison of katepistemal and anepistemal setae. Scale bars = 250pm: 31, Actia diffidens, illustrating short lower katepistemal seta (/ kepst s) and two anepistemal setulae (anepst s); 32, Siphona (Siphona) maculata, illustrating long lower katepistemal seta and single anepistemal setula (indicated by arrows). Figs. 33-34. Ventral view of mesothorax, for comparison of posteroventral region of katepistemum. Scale bars = 200pm: 33, Actia diffidens, illustrating row of hairs on katepistemum ( kepst h) anterior to mid coxa; 34, Siphona (Siphona) maculata, illustrating presence of several hairs on katepistemum restricted to midline region (indicated by arrow). Figs. 35-36. Comparison of anterior surface of mid femur. Scale bars = 200pm: 35, Ceromya varichaeta, illustrating patch of tiny hairs on anterior surface of mid femur (fem h)\ 36, Siphona (Siphona) maculata, illustrating typical condition of anterior surface of mid femur. Figs. 37-38. Comparison of anterior surface of mid tibia. Scale bars = 200pm: 37, Ceromya varichaeta, illustrating presence of strong anterodorsal seta (ad 5) on mid tibia; 38, Siphona (Baeomyia) xanthogaster, illustrating absence of anterodorsal seta on mid tibia. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 141 Figs. 3 — n — o — 6 — 6—4 — 6 — Q — 6 — 4 6 — 6 — 6 — 6 — 6 — 6 — 4 Characters and unpolarized states Length of preapical ad seta on fore tibia [character 23] O short [state S] • long [slate E] © polytypic long seta in C. Australia sp. 3 and C. Nepal sp. 1 ©' long seta in several Actia species Q ! long seta in one S. ( Aphanlorhaphopsis ) species Spinules on membranous portion of pregonite [character 45] O absent • present [state M] Q polytypic Shape of median lobe on male sternum 5 [character 40] O not flattened 9 rather flattened [state I] in some species, most with state O • prominently flattened [state F] © most species with state O, few with ©or# Articulation between surstylus and epandrium [character 52] O membranous [state M] • sclerotized (fused) [state F] © polytypic ©’ sclerotized in one specie ‘ Shape of cerci in profile [character 54] O not sharply inflexed • sharply inflexed [state I] © polytypic Figure 165 Fig. 165. Distribution of states for five characters relevant to the interpretation of the cladistic relationships of Goniocera B. & B. The male genitalia of Goniocera montium were not examined. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 187 E o a. i/5 .2 £ o ra 00 CTJ x: o. o c/) cd cd * CO >> E o a-i CX o cd o ‘3 o a E o Fh E o i-i 6 Fh CD CD O Fh Ou, E o c w Actia JO CD Oh G O x: •S' (75 Fig. 168. Spinules on pregonite interpreted as synapotypic of Goniocera and Ceromya s.s. Fig. 169. Spinules on pregonite interpreted as synapotypic of Goniocera and Ceromya s.s., with the former a derived subgroup of the latter. Figs. 166-169. Varied interpretations of the cladistic relationships of Goniocera B. & B. See Fig. 165 for explanation of character states and text for discussion. Open circles indicate plesiotypic states, solid dots indicate apotypic states, and half solid dots indicate the presence of both states within a taxon: 166, cladistic relationship of Goniocera based on long preapical ad seta on fore tibia as an apotypic state; 167, cladistic relationship of Goniocera based on independent evolution of spinules on the male pregonite of Goniocera io and Ceromya s.s. species; 168, Goniocera and Ceromya s.s. as sister groups based on spinules on male pregonite as synapotypy; 169, Goniocera as derived subgroup of Ceromya s.s., based on one interpretation of spinules on male pregonite as synapotypy. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 188 O’Hara E o O? rt < PQ cti 2 G. xi u o -2 L! C C m S ° ° ca u a ft M U i/J 55 D 3 G (X E «=>- o ^ 00 170, One interpretation of the cladistic relationships within Siphona s.l., based on presence of a seta posteriorly on male pregonite as synapotypy. 171, One interpretation of the cladistic relationships within Siphona s.l., based on presence of spinules on the sclerotized portion of male pregonite as synapotypy. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 189 Historical zoogeography The Siphonini are not ideal for zoogeographic analysis because they are unknown from fossils, their sister group has not been determined and their phylogenetic history is not well resolved. It is therefore necessary to take a general approach to interpreting their zoogeographic history. Accordingly, I draw very heavily upon the studies of others concerning both physical and biotic aspects of earth history to help infer a little about how siphonines came to be distributed as they are. In this section emphasis is placed on interpreting the geographic history of New World siphonines. The geographic distribution of the major lineages of the Siphonini are detailed in the species lists and Geographic Distribution sections of the Classification chapter, and summarized by region in Fig. 164. Eight patterns of distribution are evident among these lineages: (1) cosmopolitan — Ceromya s.s., Actia and S. (Siphona). (2) widespread Old World-Nearctic — S. (Ceranthia). (3) widespread Old World — Ceromya silacea species group, Peribaea and S. ( Aphantorhaphopsis ) (the latter is polyphyletic or paraphyletic with respect to other Siphona s.l. species, but is apparently without close affinities with New World Siphona s.l. species). (4) Holarctic — Goniocera. (5) Palearctic — Proceromyia and Entomophaga. (6) Nearctic — S. (Baeomyia). (7) Nearctic-Neotropical — S. (Aphantorhapha), S. ( P seudo siphona ), S. (Siphonopsis) and New World Siphona species groups 2 and 3. (8) Neotropical — S. (Actinocrocuta), S. (Uruactia) and New World Siphona species group 1 . Absent from the above patterns is any taxon of widely, and strictly, Southern Hemisphere distribution. Similarly, no such pattern is evident among species groups of the three cosmopolitan taxa. This negative evidence suggests that the Siphonini did not diversify in the Southern Hemisphere until after the breakup of Gondwanaland, either because they were initially of Laurasian distribution or they evolved somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere after South America, Africa and Australia drifted apart. Breakup of Gondwanaland began with the separation and northward movements of Africa and India from the other southern continents, followed by separation of South America and then Australia from Antarctica. Timing of each of these events is inexactly known, though most workers agree that South America and Africa were in close proximity until the Late Cretaceous, and South America and Australia were narrowly jointed via Antarctica (or only narrowly separated) into the Early Tertiary (Adams 1981, Smith et al. 1981). Not only is the geologic timing of these events important to the zoogeographer, but also are the varied dispersal abilities of different organisms and the changing environmental conditions of the Cenozoic. All of these Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 190 O’Hara factors affected the probability of particular organisms reaching new habitations. Siphonines are moderately good dispersers, as judged from their limited species numbers on Madagascar and islands of the Caribbean and southeast Asia, and their virtual absence from mid-oceanic islands. This ability to cross moderate water gaps implies that siphonines cross barriers more readily than most terrestrial vertebrates, and can doubtfully cross such large distances as those now between South America, Africa and Australia. I infer from the lack of a Gondwanaland distribution pattern among siphonines, the timing of the breakup of Gondwanaland and the dispersal powers of siphonines, that the history of the Siphonini in the Southern Hemisphere is entirely Cenozoic in age. This age could be extended to the Late Cretaceous if southern continents were farther apart at the beginning of the Cenozoic (or siphonines poorer dispersers) than here suggested. I noted above that siphonines might have originated in Laurasia prior to the breakup of Gondwanaland (i.e. during the Cretaceous). This possibility cannot be corroborated or rejected by an analysis of siphonine relationships and present day distributions (Fig. 164). Instead, such an early age for the Siphonini is considered highly unlikely because fossil Calyptratae are virtually unknown from pre-Tertiary deposits, and extant calyptrates show few and suspect Gondwanian distributions (O’Hara 1983a: 329). In summary, no evidence supports a pre-Tertiary origin of the Siphonini. Therefore, in the ensuing discussion, all aspects of the zoogeographic history of the Siphonini are couched in terms of Cenozoic events. Large and small scale Cenozoic changes in earth climate, sea level, biotic associations and position and topography of continents must have produced a shifting array of physical and ecological barriers to the dispersal of siphonines. The interpretation of siphonine distribution patterns is inferred from a comparison of siphonine distribution (and hypothesized relationships) with major changes in earth history. As an introduction to the analyses of siphonine distributions, some of the major physical and ecological changes that are thought to have occurred during the Cenozoic are outlined. Most of this account is summarized from Adams (1981), with additions as noted. Europe and Asia became separated by the Turgai Strait during Early Tertiary time, while the Tethys Sea slowly narrowed as Africa and India drifted northward. South America, severed from Africa in the Cretaceous and from Antarctica in the Late Paleogene, remained isolated from other land masses until the Pliocene. North America was in land contact with both Europe and Asia in the Early Tertiary. Two or three land bridges spanned the North Atlantic during the Paleogene, providing good avenues for biotic exchange between North America and Europe during most of this period. Though the histories of these land bridges are geologically complex and difficult to interpret, remnants of a North Atlantic corridor might have persisted even into the Miocene (Matthews 1979, Eldholm and Thiede 1980, McKenna 1983). Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 191 However, scanty fossil evidence of a functional Miocene corridor implies that it was, at best, a weak filter bridge at that time (also, Beringian interchange at that time could have produced similar fossil distributions). Beringia probably provided a land corridor between Asia and North America throughout most of the Cenozoic until periodically submerged during the Quaternary (McKenna 1983). However, Beringia occupied a more northerly position with respect to the earth’s rotational pole during the Early Tertiary, so probably experienced a more extreme climate at that time than its North Atlantic counterpart. Hence, Beringia might have functioned more as a filter bridge than a land bridge in the Early Tertiary before assuming a relatively more southern position (McKenna 1983). The climate during the Paleogene was considerably warmer than now even at high latitudes, peaking during the Early Eocene after several warm-cool fluctuations (Wolfe 1978, 1980, Axelrod 1983, Romero 1986). By Middle Eocene the earth’s climate had begun to deteriorate, causing retreat of paratropical forests ( sensu Wolfe 1978) from high latitudes and their replacement with more temperate adapted elements. By the end of the Paleogene a seaway opened between Antarctica and Australia, and the Turgai Straits closed between Europe and Asia. Climatic cooling continued, with periodic fluctuations, in the Neogene. Faunal exchange increased between Africa and Eurasia as the Tethys Sea narrowed, though changes in sea level alternately facilitated and hindered such exchange, as it did also as the Australian plate converged upon the island archipelago of southeast Asia (Martin 1982). Large scale climatic and biotic changes took place as the Tethys Sea closed and major mountain building occurred, particularly between Asia and the Indian subcontinent and along the western edge of the Americas. Antarctica grew progressively colder, with development of a polar ice cap in the Late Miocene (Mercer and Sutter 1982). Marked increase in exchange between North and South America began in the Pliocene with the emergence of a land corridor between these continents, which has persisted under changing ecological regimes to the present day. Most dramatic of all were the wide scale changes to the earth’s climate and biota during the ice ages of the Pleistocene. The following discussion about the zoogeographic history of the Siphonini is partly based on three important assumptions: (1) siphonine evolution and diversification took place under the general Cenozoic conditions just described, (2) siphonines were more likely to shift geographically than ecologically in the face of changing climatic conditions (in the same way as most species are thought to have responded to Pleistocene climatic changes, for example), and (3) general patterns of siphonine distribution have not been profoundly limited by host availability (one might expect that siphonines, as parasitoids, have been constrained in their ability to diversify in newly invaded regions by lack of suitable hosts, yet no such constraints appear to have affected siphonine distributions). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 192 O’Hara Two patterns of distribution are recognized among strictly Old World siphonines - one Palearctic and the other widespread (see list of patterns at beginning of section). The Palearctic pattern is shared by sister genera Proceromyia (with two eastern species) and Entomophaga (with two western species). A past vicariance of a widespread ancestor into an eastern Proceromyia and western Entomophaga lineage is the most obvious explanation for this pattern. However, these lineages may be relatively basal to siphonine phylogeny, so might once have been more diverse (and possibly more widespread) than at present. This might also account for the marked external differences among the extant species. On the other hand, the restriction of extant species to the Palearctic region, and a temperate environment, is suggestive of a more recent origin (perhaps during the Miocene when temperate forests reached their maximum extent; Graham 1972, Axelrod 1983). Belonging to the second Old World distribution pattern are Peribaea, the Ceromya silacea species group and S. (Aphantorhaphopsis). Peribaea is widespread throughout all Old World regions, with more described species in the Australian region than any other siphonine lineage (partly, but not entirely, a reflection of recent taxonomic work by Shima 1970a). Peribaea species are also recorded from such islands as Fiji, Seychelles, Mauritius and Madagascar, so it is paradoxical that this highly vagile and speciose group has not reached the New World. Little can be written about the distributions of the Ceromya silacea species group and S. (Aphantorhaphopsis) except that they, like other widespread taxa except Peribaea , have depauperate faunas in the Australian region. This pattern undoubtedly reflects the isolation of Australia, New Guinea and associated islands from Asia during most of the Cenozoic. Two distribution patterns, those of Goniocera and S. ( Ceranthia ), have Nearctic-Old World elements. The former is known from four temperate species, one in eastern North America and three in Europe. The phylogenetic relationships among these species are unknown, though the presence of possible sister groups to Goniocera in the Old World suggests that the genus arose there. Later dispersal to, and differentiation in, the New World probably occurred when temperate forests were widespread at high latitudes and continuous between North America and Eurasia. Such conditions developed during the Early Neogene, presumably after severance of a functional North Atlantic land bridge (though Axelrod (1983) hypothesizes exchange of temperate forest elements across both Beringia and a North Atlantic corridor in the Miocene). Therefore, barring long range dispersal from Europe, entry to the New World was probably through Beringia. The restricted ranges of the extant species, all far removed from Beringia yet cool adapted, are best accounted for by either an Early Neogene vicariance of a Holarctic species (with changes in range due to Miocene mountain building and global climatic changes), or a more recent vicariance followed by Pleistocene displacements (Fig. 172). The subgenus S. (Ceranthia) also has a Nearctic-Old World distribution pattern. Old World species of this subgenus are almost equally split in number between the Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 193 Palearctic and Afrotropical regions, while the Nearctic element is strictly temperate. As with Goniocera, the temperate element of S. (Ceranthia) in the Nearctic region probably resulted from dispersal from the Old World during the Neogene (Fig. 172), possibly during the Miocene judging from the moderate number of Nearctic species (mostly undescribed). Among the remaining distribution patterns are four Siphona lineages only recorded from either the Nearctic ( S . (Baeomyia)) or Neotropical ( S . (Actinocrocuta), S. (Uruactia) and New World Siphona species group 1) region. In patterns such as these where all members of a lineage are within one region, it is most parsimonious to postulate that each lineage evolved from an ancestral species in that region. This is almost certainly true of the three Neotropical lineages, since S. ( Uruactia ) is only known from two species in Peru and Ecuador, and S. ( Actinocrocuta ) and N.W. Siphona sp. grp. 1 are members of a monophyletic group (Fig. 171) of almost entirely Neotropical distribution. The history of Neotropical siphonines is discussed in more detail further on. Three siphonine lineages have cosmopolitan distributions: Ceromya s.s., Actia and S. (Siphona). The zoogeographic history of S. (Siphona), with special emphasis on the North American fauna, was treated elsewhere (O’Hara 1983a). I hypothesized that periodic exchange between the Old and New World took place among S. (Siphona) species groups from the Eocene to the Pleistocene. In general, Holarctic elements were hypothesized as Middle Tertiary to Quaternary in age (Fig. 172) and more tropically distributed taxa with Old World-New World affinities of older ancestry (Fig. 173). I predict that similar hypotheses can explain the distributions of Ceromya s.s. and Actia species groups when these are phylogenetically analyzed. It would appear from lists of described species that cosmopolitan lineages of the Siphonini are low in species diversity in both the Neotropical and Australian regions. Though this is so for the Australian region, it is not for the Neotropical region. The pattern of low diversity in the Australian region is the same as for most Old World siphonine lineages with Australian members, reflecting the relative isolation of that region from Asia for most of the Cenozoic (see above). South America was also isolated from other continents for most of the Cenozoic, so the high diversity of siphonines in that region poses an especially interesting zoogeographic problem. The Neotropical region has three endemic siphonine taxa (S. (Actinocrocuta), S. (Uruactia) and New World Siphona species group 1), five lineages shared only with the Nearctic region (S. (Aphantorhapha), S. (Pseudosiphona), S. (Siphonopsis) and New World Siphona species groups 2 and 3), and elements of three cosmopolitan groups ( Ceromya s.s., Actia and S. (Siphona)). How can this high diversity of Neotropical siphonines be explained? Whether the ancestors of most Neotropical lineages originated in that region or in the Old World is of minor importance, as the major pathways of movement ( i.e . between the Americas and between North Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 194 O’Hara America and Eurasia) would be the same even if the direction were reversed. The phylogenetic relationships are presently too inadequately known in Ceromya s.s., Actia or S. (Siphona) to strongly argue for or against an Old World origin of each (cf. O’Hara 1983a, in which an Old World origin was favored partly because the high diversity of these taxa in the Neotropical region was unknown). However, the possibly basal lineages of the Siphonini are Old World in distribution, so for the purpose of this discussion an Old World origin will be assumed for these three taxa. Certain lineages of Siphona s.l. are certainly New World in origin, as the distributions in Fig. 164 and possible relationships in Fig. 171 illustrate. It follows from the review above about Cenozoic events and general assumptions about siphonine evolution, that the only route to (or from) South America during the Cenozoic would have been through North America. It is well known on the basis of both geologic and fossil evidence that South America was physically isolated from other continents during most of the Cenozoic. However, there were two periods of faunal and floral exchange with North America. The first is hypothesized as Paleocene (and Late Cretaceous), as evidenced and/or postulated from geologic evidence (Coney 1982) and distributions of angiosperms (Gentry 1982), herpetofauna (Savage 1982, Estes and Baez 1985), atherinid fishes (White 1985), colubrid snakes (Cadle 1985) and mammals (Gingerich 1985, Webb 1985a). The exact nature of the Paleocene connection is uncertain, though there is general agreement that it was probably an island chain and functioned as a filter bridge. Certain organisms evidently crossed this bridge more readily than others. The suggestion that this filter bridge persisted into the Eocene is not well documented. The second period of biotic exchange between the Americas is very well corroborated and the subject of a recent multi-authored book, “The great American biotic interchange” (Stehli and Webb 1985). This interchange began in the Pliocene (about 3mybp [million years before present] according to most sources, but 5mybp according to others) with the emergence of a complete land corridor between the Americas. This corridor has alternately functioned, from that time to the present, as a route of dispersal for certain organisms and a barrier to others, as global climate fluctuated throughout the ice ages of the Pleistocene. It is extremely doubtful that the diversity of Neotropical Siphonini can be entirely accounted for by immigrations since the Pliocene, though it is clear that present day siphonine sister species and sister groups distributed between Middle and South America are evidence of siphonine participation in the “great biotic interchange”. The important question to be addressed here is whether earlier siphonine arrivals to South America were over a water gap or across a filter or land bridge. Assuming (as above) that siphonines originated in the Old World during the Cenozoic and have generally maintained their ecological affinities during periods of major climatic change, it follows that ancestors of extant Neotropical siphonines entered North America from Eurasia at a time during the Tertiary when land bridges Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 195 between the continents were subtropical to tropical in nature. As the only such land bridges were at high latitudes (Beringia and across the North Atlantic), and the climatic optimum of the Early Eocene was the only time during the Tertiary that these corridors supported such conditions, it is hypothesized that an ancestral stock of Neotropical Siphonini entered the New World at that time. (Webb, comparing mammal faunas of Europe and North America, called the warm period of the Early Eocene “the most intensive intercontinental interchange between any two continental mammal faunas before the Great American Interchange.” (1985a: 207)) Then, as global climate cooled in the latter part of the Paleogene and temperate forests began to replace the retreating tropical forests, siphonines became increasingly more southerly distributed in North America (Fig. 173). This sequence of events was proposed to explain Mexican elements of S. (Siphona) (O’Hara 1983a), and to explain some elements of the Central American herpetofauna (Savage 1982). The zoogeographic scenario has thus far tended toward a vicariant explanation of siphonine history. However, only dispersal events over a wide water gap or across a weak filter bridge can account for the earliest siphonine entries into South America (Fig 173). Even if siphonines colonized North America in the Eocene and reached the southern part of the continent shortly thereafter, they would still have arrived too late to cross the Paleocene filter bridge into South America. There is no evidence from the Eocene to the Miocene of a land corridor between the Americas, and little evidence for an even weak filter bridge until the Late Miocene. (An intermittent filter bridge is mostly hypothesized to explain the first appearance of certain organisms in the fossil record of either North or South America - e.g. Stehli and Webb 1985, Chapter 1.) Whether or not a filter bridge existed from time to time during this interval, there is nevertheless a suggestion of faunal and floral exchange, as inferred from cricetine rodents (Hershkovitz 1966, 1972), angiosperms (Raven and Axelrod 1975), carabid beetles (Ball 1978, Allen and Ball 1980, Ball and Shpeley 1983, Noonan 1985), mammals (Webb 1985b), ectoparasites of mammals (Wenzel and Tipton 1966), primates and caviomorph rodents (Wood 1985 [though the zoogeographic interpretations of these groups are highly controversial]) and herpetofauna (Vanzolini and Heyer 1985). Siphonines, like these taxa, seem to have preceded, as well as participated in, the “great biotic interchange” in their colonization of South America. When, and how often, is uncertain. The large clade of Neotropical Siphona s.l. species (Fig. 171) suggests at least a moderate history in South America (Oligocene or Miocene?). The high species diversity of Ceromya s.s. , Actia and S. (Siphona) in the Neotropics also suggests that members of these lineages reached South America before formation of the Pliocene land bridge (Fig. 173). A minor element of the Nearctic siphonine fauna is possibly derived from tropical adapted siphonines. Two sources are hypothesized: Firstly, differentiation of temperate adapted taxa from tropical adapted taxa as subtropical to tropical Quaest. Ent ., 1989, 25 (1,2) 196 O’Hara conditions over most of the region were replaced by warm temperate to boreal conditions after the climatic deterioration of the Eocene. (Similar to the hypothesis that the vegetation of the Sonoran Desert is mostly derived from contiguous, less arid adapted, taxa; Axelrod 1979.) It has been assumed throughout this section that the evolution of new ecological affinities such as this have played a minor role in the history of New World Siphonini - an analysis of relationships among North American S. (Siphona) suggests this is a valid assumption (O’Hara 1983a). Secondly, a few Nearctic taxa are likely derived from reinvasion of the region from Middle or South America (Fig. 172). Most of these taxa are southerly distributed in the Nearctic region. Perhaps as more organisms are studied, particularly vagile organisms like many insects, vicariance biogeographers will recognize biotic exchange between North and South America as a zoogeographic problem demanding of both dispersal and vicariant explanations. Cracraft (1975), for instance, considered the patterns of distribution between the Americas as inadequately interpretable by vicariant events alone. It must be realized that in certain areas dispersal cannot be ignored in favor of the “rigorous” method of vicariance biogeography. Erwin, discussing how vicariance biogeographers interpret distributional data, wrote: “The major flaw of the entire Croizat school [vicariance biogeography] is that their method is no more “general” [meaning “vicariance ... is to be assumed and dispersal only explains special cases”] than that of the dispersal or centrist’s school, because biological organisms are not generalists! All groups and subsets of groups have their own unique powers of movement or lack of movement and each group must be dealt with on its own merits with full knowledge of powers of dispersal, passive or active, or lack thereof.” (1979: 357) Summary of the zoogeographic history of the Siphonini (1) The Siphonini are hypothesized as originating during the Cenozoic, because of the virtual absence of Mesozoic fossil Calyptratae and lack of recognizable Gondwanian distributions among extant siphonines. (2) The present distributions of sister genera Proceromyia and Entomophaga in eastern and western Palearctic, respectively, suggest a past vicariance of a widespread Palearctic ancestor. However, the possibly rather basal position of this clade in the Siphonini might reflect an older ancestry than otherwise suspected. (3) A general pattern of low diversity is noted in the Australian region for most siphonine lineages. This pattern is explained by the relative isolation of Australia and associated islands from southeast Asia during most of the Tertiary, which prevented rapid dispersal of siphonines into the region, and Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 197 hence limited the opportunity for speciation therein. (4) It is assumed from largely inferential evidence that the Siphonini originated in the Old World, so the high diversity of New World siphonines must be explained by northern routes of entry (across Beringia and the North Atlantic) from Eurasia (Figs. 172-173). (5) Most Nearctic siphonines are descendants of Old World taxa that became widespread in the Holarctic region since the Middle Tertiary, as temperate and boreal conditions replaced the more tropical conditions of the Eocene (Fig. 172). A minor component of the Nearctic fauna is derived from tropical adapted siphonines. These either differentiated in situ from tropical adapted siphonines as global climate cooled and temperate forests expanded, or reinvaded the Nearctic region from Middle or South America (Fig. 172). (6) It is assumed that siphonines have generally maintained their ecological affinities through periods of climatic change. Therefore, Neotropical siphonines are hypothesized as descendants of Old World, tropical adapted, siphonines that became widespread in the Holarctic region during the climatic optimum of the Eocene. Subsequent deterioration in climate and periodic crossing of a water barrier (weak filter bridge?) between the Americas during the Middle to Late Tertiary, and speciation in South America, accounts for the high diversity of some siphonine lineages in the Neotropical region (particularly the large clade of Neotropical Siphona s.l. species) (Fig. 173). (7) Sister species and groups distributed on either side of the Isthmus of Panama (mostly Middle America-South America) are evidence of siphonine participation in the “great American interchange” of the Pliocene and Quaternary. Predictions and tests of zoogeographic hypotheses (1) No Gondwanian distribution patterns will be recognized among siphonines. (2) More resolved phylogenies of both higher taxa and species groups of the Siphonini will more firmly establish the Old World origin of most lineages and corroborate the suspected affinities between Nearctic and Palearctic Siphonini (, i.e . similar relationships are expected to those hypothesized for S. (Siphona)', O’Hara 1983a). (3) The largely endemic nature of Neotropical Siphonini will become apparent as relationships to faunas of other regions are resolved, reflecting the old origin of the fauna from Early Eocene, North American, ancestors. (4) Indirect corroboration will be forthcoming from similar interpretations of Neotropical elements of similarly distributed taxa, and corroboration or refutation of aspects of earth history herein reviewed. Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 198 O’Hara Fig. 172. General zoogeographic history of Nearctic elements of the Siphonini. Three ancestral sources are hypothesized as contributing to the siphonine fauna of the Nearctic region: (1) most taxa are derived from Old World ancestors crossing Beringia from the Middle Tertiary to the Pleistocene. These taxa evolved in association with warm temperate to boreal biomes. (2) a minor component is derived from in situ differentiation, as tropical adapted siphonines shifted southward, and temperate forests expanded, following the climatic deterioration of the Eocene. (3) another minor component, mostly southern Nearctic in distribution, are taxa that reached the Nearctic region from Middle or South America. Taxa reaching North America from South America did so either before (very few taxa) or after a land corridor was established between these continents in the Pliocene. Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 199 Middle Tertiary southward shift Middle and Late Tertiary over-water dispersal Pre-Pliocene history of Neotropical elements of the Siphonini Actia Ceromya s.s. S. ( Actinocrocuta ) S. ( Aphantorhapfa ) S. ( Pseudosiphona ) S. ( Siphona ) S. (Siphonopsis) S. ( U ruactia ) New World Siphona sp. grp. 1 New World Siphona sp. grp. 2 New World Siphona sp. grp. 3 Fig. 173. Pre-Pliocene zoogeographic history of Neotropical Siphonini. An ancestral stock of tropical adapted siphonines are hypothesized to have reached North America across Beringia and/or North Atlantic land bridges during the climatic optimum of the Early Eocene. These taxa became more southerly distributed as global climate deteriorated. In the absence of a land bridge between the Americas for most of the Cenozoic, ancestral siphonines of several major lineages crossed a water gap (weak filter bridge?) to reach South America. Exchange was facilitated between the Americas after establishment of a land corridor in the Pliocene (as siphonines participated in the “great American interchange”). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 200 O’Hara CONCLUDING REMARKS I have set forth in this paper a revised classification of the supraspecific taxa of the Siphonini. For the first time, the markedly different classifications of the Old and New World Siphonini have been meshed. Relatively few taxonomic changes are proposed as a result of this action, except for a number of changes in rank to update and balance the classification (particularly with respect to genus group names among New World Siphona group taxa) and several new higher level combinations required on phylogenetic grounds. Considerable effort was made to classify - and provide a key for identification of - Neotropical siphonines, even though most of the known species are undescribed. However, this effort is but a preliminary attempt, and apt to be inadequate for some taxa. Present categories will need to be modified, and new subgenera of Siphona s.l. will almost certainly need to be erected, when the diverse siphonine fauna of the Neotropical region is more completely studied and the species described. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a pleasure to thank my supervisor, G.E. Ball, for his constant encouragement, superior judgement and unfailing support throughout the course of this project. His personal and professional integrity and dedication to science has been inspirational. I am grateful to all curators and individuals - listed in the Materials and Methods chapter - who loaned me specimens or made collections available to me during this study. My knowledge of the Tachinidae was much improved by frequent visits with D.M. Wood, who also provided unlimited access to the Canadian National Collection, gave freely of his time and his extensive knowledge of the Tachinidae, and made many valuable suggestions for the improvement of this thesis. I am also indebted to the following individuals for discussions about siphonine and tachinid systematics during visits to their institutions: S. Andersen, R.W. Crosskey, B. Herting, C.W. Sabrosky and H.P. Tschorsnig. Their hospitality during my visits is much appreciated. The following tachinidologists were also particularly helpful regarding loan of siphonines or other information related to my study: P.H. Amaud, Jr., B.K. Cantrell, R. Cortes, H. Shima and N.E. Woodley. I am grateful to the members of my Advisory Committee and the external examiner for their critical review of my Ph.D. thesis: G.E. Ball, B.S. Heming, C.W. Sabrosky, D.H. Vitt, M.V.H. Wilson and D.M. Wood. I also thank B.V. Brown and D.C. Currie for their review of the zoogeography chapter. For review of this manuscript based on that work for publication, I thank R.W. Crosskey and an anonymous reviewer. My ideas about systematic theory have developed over the years, influenced in part by discussions with G.E. Ball, G.C.D. Griffiths and fellow graduate students: Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 201 R.S. Anderson, J.S. Ashe, J.M. Gumming, D.C. Currie, G.A.P. Gibson, J.-F. Landry, D.R. Maddison and R.E. Roughley. G. Braybrook provided technical assistance with the Scanning Electron Microscope, and J. Scott and K.P. Fennie assisted with the production of the photographic plates. Financial support for this study was provided by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Grant A- 1399, held by G.E. Ball. LITERATURE CITED Adams, C.G. 1981. Chapter 14. An outline of Tertiary palaeogeography. Pp. 221-235. In Cocks, L.R.M., ed.. The evolving earth. 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Diptera Scandinaviae. Disposita et descripta 8: 2935-3366. Lund. Zetterstedt, J.W. 1859. Diptera Scandinaviae. Disposita et descripta 13: Sup. 4, pp. v-xvi, 4943-6190. Lund. POSTSCRIPT Several papers dealing with siphonines have recently been published while this paper was in press. These are listed below. O’Hara, J.E. 1988. Survey of first instars of the Siphonini (Diptera: Tachinidae). Entomologica scandinavica 18: 367-382. This paper is cited as “In press ‘a’” in the text and references above. O’Hara, J.E. 1988. Correlation between wing size and position of a hind crossvein in the Siphonini (Diptera: Tachinidae). Journal of Natural History 22: 1141-1146. This paper is cited as “In press ‘b’” in the text and references above. Herting, B. 1987. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der palaarktischen Raupenfliegen (Dipt. Tachinidae), XVII. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde (A) 408: 1-14. A new siphonine species, Ceranthia impropria Herting, is described in this work. Dr. Herting kindly allowed me to examine the only known specimen of that species when I visited him in 1985. I provisionally follow Herting ’s placement of the species in Ceranthia ( i.e . Siphona ( Ceranthia ) in my classification); however, I need to examine a male specimen (particularly the male genitalia) before placing the species with confidence. Cantrell, B.K. 1988. The comparative morphology of the male and female postabdomen of the Australian Tachinidae (Diptera), with descriptions of some first-instar larvae and pupae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 2: 81-221. First instars and the male and female genitalia of some Australian siphonines are described and illustrated. I discuss in the text a nomenclatural problem involving the name Peribaea orbata Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 219 (see Peribaea Section). The matter is thoroughly reviewed by R.W. Crosskey and H. Shima (1988) in a case before the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature: Case 2632. Tachina orbata Wiedemann, 1830 (currently Peribaea orbata; Insecta, Diptera) : proposed confirmation of neotype designation. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 45: 199-201. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 220 O’Hara INDEX TO NAMES OF TAX A (Synonyms in italics) FAMILY GROUP TAX A Actiini, 34 Ceromydes, 34 Calyptratae, 5, 14 Clausicellini, 172 Crocutini, 34 Diptera, 158 Emestiini, 179 Eutachininae, 34 Geometridae, 158 Goniinae, 5 Hemiptera, 158 Hymenoptera, 158 Lasiocampidae, 43 Lepidoptera, 5 Muscidae, 34 Neaerini, 5, 14, 77, 79, 172 Noctuidae, 158 Pyrrhocoridae, 158 Siphonae, 34 Siphonina, 5, 14, 34 Siphoninae, 34 Tachinidae, 5, 178 Tachininae, 5, 34 Tenthredinidae, 158 Thryptocerides, 34 Thryptoceratae, 34 Thryptoceratidae, 34 Tipulidae, 158 GENERA AND SUBGENERA Actia Robineau-Desvoidy, 14, 18-21,27, 36-39,41,43,49, 51-52, 58, 60-61,67-71, 80-81,84, 158, 173-174, 179, 189, 193-195 Actinactia Townsend, 53, 61 Actinocrocuta Townsend, 10-11, 85,87, 89, 175, 182-183, 189, 193 Actiopsis Townsend, 67, 72 Aphantorhapha Townsend, 10, 87, 89-91, 175, 189, 193 Aphantorhaphopsis Townsend, 10, 18,36-37,41,55,85,92, 94-95,99, 109, 175-176, 181, 189, 192 Asiphona Mesnil, 13, 36-37, 92, 95, 178 Baeomyia O'Hara, 10, 19, 37, 84, 97-98, 176, 189, 193 Borgmeiermyia Townsend, 16 Bucentes Latreille, 108, 1 13-1 15 Cartocometes Aldrich, 41, 43 Ceranthia Robineau-Desvoidy, 10, 13, 18, 23,37, 85, 93,95, 99-101, 175-176, 178, 182, 189, 192-193,218 Ceromy a Robineau-Desvoidy, 11, 14, 36-37, 46, 49, 52, 57, 59, 95, 175, 178 Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy sensu lato, 1 1, 38, 45, 50-53, 57, 172-173, 179 Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy sensu stricto, 11, 39, 46, 50-53,55-56, 58, 173, 180, 189, 193-195 Chaetostigmoptera Townsend, 77, 79 Crocuta Meigen, 108, 114 Entomophaga Lioy, 14, 36, 38, 44, 46^17, 50, 52, 58-59, 71-72, 128, 171-172, 178-179, 189, 192, 196 Eogymnophthalma Townsend, 77 Euchaetactia Villeneuve, 41, 43 Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 221 Euthryptocera Townsend, 41 Goniocera Brauer and Bergenstamm, 14, 19, 22, 35, 38, 41 — 42, 52, 54, 58-59, 171, 178-180, 189, 192-193 Gymnopareia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 67 Gymnophthalma Lioy, 67 Herbstia Edwards, 77 Herbstia Robineau-Desvoidy, 77 Lasioneura Coquillett, 62 Nipponoceromyia Mesnil and Shima, 36-37, 44, 46 Peribaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 13, 18, 26, 37, 69, 77, 79, 158, 174-175, 178, 189, 192 Phaenopsis Townsend, 34, 169 Phantasiosiphona Townsend, 108 Phytomyptera Rondani, 16 Polychaetoneura Walton, 52, 60 Proceromyia Mesnil, 36-37, 39, 44-47, 49-50, 52, 59, 128, 171, 178-179, 189, 192, 196 Pseudactia Malloch, 53, 61 Pseudosiphona Townsend, 10-11, 18, 86, 103, 106-107, 120-122, 129, 177, 182-183, 189, 193 Schizactiana Curran, 53 Schizoceromyia Townsend, 53, 61 Setasiphona Townsend, 67 Shizotachina Walker, 61 Siphona Meigen, 84, 97, 108, 174-175, 178, 182 Siphona Meigen sensu lato , 10-11, 22-24, 36, 39, 77, 84, 95, 121, 125-126, 128-129, 175, 178, 181-183, 194, 197 Siphona Meigen sensu stricto, 10-11, 13, 18, 35,37, 85, 104, 108, 112, 115, 177, 183, 189, 193-196 Siphonopsis Townsend, 10-11, 18, 68, 86, 104, 112, 120-122, 129, 177, 189, 193 Stenoparia Stein, 37, 46, 58 Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1 14 Strobliomyia Townsend, 13, 37, 77.81 Tachina Meigen, 44, 50, 60-61, 66, 72-73, 75,81,89, 205 Talaractia Malloch, 77, 81 Thryptocera Macquart, 34, 60, 67, 72.81 Uruactia Townsend, 10, 12, 86, 123, 125, 177-178, 182-183, 189, 193 Uschizactia Townsend, 77 Xanthoactia Townsend, 52 SPECIES AND SUBSPECIES abbreviata (Villeneuve), Siphona, 113 abdominalis (Robineau-Desvoidy), Siphona, 101-102, 162 aberrans Malloch, Actia, 2 aegyptia (Villeneuve), Peribaea, 78.81 akidnomyia O'Hara, Siphona, 1 13 albocincta (Villeneuve), Siphona, 114 alipes (Villeneuve), Peribaea, 82 altemata Shima, Peribaea, 80 alticola (Mesnil), Siphona, 93, 96 amblycera (Aldrich), Ceromya, 54, 60 americana (Townsend), Ceromya, 54, 60, 159 americana Townsend, Thryptocera, 52 amicula Mesnil, Ceromya, 60 amoena (Mesnil), Siphona, 1 14 amplicomis amplicomis Mesnil, Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 222 O’Hara Siphona, 110 amplicomis Mesnil, Siphona, 110, 114, 117 amplicomis nigrohalterata Mesnil, Siphona, 1 10 analis Meigen, Siphona , 1 16 analis Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 119 angusta Mesnil, Siphona, 114 angustifrons (Malloch), Siphona, 95-96 annulata (Mesnil), Peribaea, 80 anomala Zetterstedt, Siphona , 102 antennalis (Mesnil), Siphona, 114 antennalis (Rondani), Actia, 73 antennata (O'Hara), Siphona, 98-99 anthomyformis Lynch Arribalzaga, Siphona, 1 19 anthracina Mesnil, Peribaea, 80 antiqua (Mesnil), Actia, 72 apicalis Robineau-Desvoidy, Peribaea, 77-78, 80 apicipunctata (Malloch), Ceromya, 60, 162 argentifrons (Malloch), Peribaea, 80, 162 aristalis (Rondani), Actia , 73 arizonica (Townsend), Siphona, 90-92, 176 arizonica Townsend, Aphantorhapha, 89 articulata (Stein), Entomophaga, 51 atoma (Reinhard), Siphona, 90-92, 176 atricapilla Mesnil, Siphona, 1 14 autumnalis (Townsend), Actia, 72 autumnalis Townsend, Actiopsis, 67 baldwini (Malloch), Peribaea, 77, 81 baldwini Malloch, Actia, 77 bellina Mesnil, Ceromya, 60 bevisi Curran, Siphona, 110, 114 bicolor (Macquart), Actia , 72, 131 bicolor (Meigen), Ceromya, 51, 54, 56-57, 59-60, 94, 131, 162 bicolor Macquart, Thryptocera, 67 bigoti (Milliere), Actia, 75 bilineata (Mesnil), Siphona, 1 14 boreata Mesnil, Siphona, 1 14 brasiliensis (Townsend), Siphona, 122-123, 162 brevirostris Coquillett, Siphona, 40, 103, 105-108, 162 brevis Malloch, Actia, 69, 72 broteas (Walker), Actia, 75 brunnea Malloch, Actia, 72 brunnea O'Hara, Siphona, 1 14 brunneipalpis (Villeneuve), Siphona, 96 brunnescens (Villeneuve), Siphona, 96 buccalis (Curran), Ceromya, 61 capensis Curran, Siphona, 114 capitata Mesnil, Ceromya, 61 cephalotes Mesnil, Ceromya, 39, 52, 54, 57, 61 ceres (Curran), Siphona, 115 cervina (Mesnil), Peribaea, 77, 81 chaetosa Townsend, Actinocrocuta, 40, 87 chaetosa Townsend, Siphona, 88-89 chetoliga Rondani, Siphona, 1 14 chrysocera Bezzi, Actia, 39, 67-68, 72 cibdela (Villeneuve), Ceromya, 54, 61, 162 ciligera (Mesnil), Actia, 20, 68 cinerea (Latreille), Siphona, 1 15 cinerea Meigen, Siphona, 115 cinereus Latreille, Bucentes, 108 Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 223 clara (Mesnil), Peribaea, 81 claripennis (Robineau-Desvoidy), Actia, 72 clausa Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 119 collini Mesnil, Siphona, 114, 162 comitata Villeneuve, Actia, 73 compacta (Curran), Peribaea, 81 completa Malloch, Actia, 39, 67-70, 72 conata (Reinhard), Siphona, 121-123, 162 confusa Mesnil, Siphona, 113-114, 162 consimilis Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 1 19 comuta (Aldrich), Ceromya, 54, 61 cothumata (Mesnil), Siphona, 1 14 crassicomis (Meigen), Actia, 72, 159 crassicomis Meigen, Tachina, 67 crassulata (Mesnil), Siphona, 93, 96 creberrima (Speiser), Siphona, 1 14 cristata (Fabricius), Siphona, 113-114, 162 cuthbertsoni Curran, Actia, 72 cuthbertsoni Curran, Siphona, 110-111, 114 darwini Malloch, Actia, 69, 72 deferens Malloch), Actia, 72 delicatula Mesnil, Siphona , 1 1 8 diffidens Curran, Actia, 72, 159 dilecta Herting, Ceromya, 61 discicomis (Pandelle), Peribaea, 78,81 dorsalis Brauer and Bergenstamm, Siphona, 1 19 dorsigera Herting, Ceromya, 66 dubia (Malloch), Ceromya, 61 dubitata Herting, Actia, 27, 71-72 efflatouni Mesnil, Siphona, 1 15 elyii (Walton), Ceromya, 60 elyii Walton, Polychaetoneura, 52 enigmatica Villeneuve, Goniocera, 44 erythrocera Robineau-Desvoidy, Ceromya, 62 eucosmae Bezzi, Actia, 68, 73-7 4, 159 exoleta (Meigen), Entomophaga, 18, 37,47-50, 58, 67,71, 172, 174 exoleta Meigen, Tachina, 47 exscensa (Walker), Actia, 75 exsecta Villeneuve, Actia, 68, 73 fallax (Mesnil), Actia, 20, 68, 73 fasciata (Stein), Ceromya, 60 femorata Mesnil, Ceromya, 61 fera Mesnil, Siphona, 93, 96 fergusoni (Bezzi), Ceromya, 53, 55-56,61, 162 fergusoni Bezzi, Schizotachina, 53 ferina (Mesnil), Peribaea, 8 1 fissicomis (Strobl), Peribaea, 8 1 , 162 fissicomis Strobl, Thryptocera, 77 flaviceps (Ratzeburg), Ceromya, 54, 57, 61 flaviceps (Stein), Ceromya, 61 flavicornis Robineau-Desvoidy, Peribaea, 83 flavifrons Staeger, Siphona, 1 15 flavipalpis (Macquart), Actia, 72 flavipes (Coquillett), Siphona, 40, 102 flavipes (Robineau-Desvoidy), Siphona, 102 flaviseta (Villeneuve), Ceromya, 43,53,61, 171 flavisquamis (Robineau-Desvoidy), Actia, 75 floridensis O'Hara, Siphona, 1 15 Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 224 foliacea (Mesnil), Siphona, 115 frontalis (Macquart), Actia, 73 fuliginea cerina Mesnil, Siphona, 115, 180, 189 fuliginea Mesnil, Siphona, 111, 115 fuliginea rubea Mesnil, Siphona, 115 fulvicauda Malloch, Actia, 39, 67-68, 73 fulvipes (Robineau-Desvoidy), Siphona , 102 fulvipes Robineau-Desvoidy, Ceranthia, 99 fuscicomis Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 1 19 futilis Wulp, Siphona, 115 gedeana Wulp, Siphona, 1 15 geniculata (De Geer), Siphona, 109-110, 112-113, 115, 162 geniculata De Geer, Musca, 108 gibbicomis (Mesnil), Peribaea, 8 1 gracilis (Mesnil), Siphona, 116 grandistylum Pandelle, Siphona, 116 gratiosa (Mesnil), Actia, 68, 73 grisea (Robineau-Desvoidy), Siphona , 102 griseola Mesnil, Siphona, 116 hargreavesi Curran, Actia, 73, 159 hartigii (Ratzeburg), Goniocera, 44 heterochaeta Bezzi, Actia, 131-132 hirsuta (Shima), Peribaea, 8 1 hirticeps (Malloch), Ceromya, 61 hirticeps Malloch, Actia, 53 hokkaidensis Mesnil, Siphona, 110, 117 humeralis (Robineau-Desvoidy), Actia, 75 humeralis Robineau-Desvoidy, O’Hara Siphona, 119 hungarica Andersen, Siphona, 113, 116 hurdi (Reinhard), Siphona, 99 hurdi Reinhard, Aphantorhapha, 97 hyalinata (Malloch), Peribaea, 81, 162 illinoiensis Townsend, Siphona, 116 illugiana (Shima), Peribaea, 8 1 infantula (Zetterstedt), Actia, 68, 73, 159 infuscata (Mesnil), Siphona, 111, 116 ingerae Andersen, Siphona, 112-113, 116 insularia (Shima), Peribaea, 81 interrupta Curran, Actia, 73, 159 intrudens (Curran), Siphona, 112-113, 116 invalida (Malloch), Ceromya, 53-56,61 io (Aldrich), Goniocera, 24, 37, 42 — 43, 52-53, 57, 162, 172, 180 io Aldrich, Cartocometes, 41 janssensi (Mesnil), Siphona, 111, 114 japonica (Mesnil), Siphona, 101-102 jepsoni (Villeneuve), Peribaea, 77, 81 jocosa (Villeneuve), Siphona, 101-102 jocularis Mesnil, Actia, 68, 73, 159 juniperi (O'Hara), Siphona, 98-99, 162 kairiensis O'Hara, Siphona, 1 16 kuscheli (Cortes), Siphona, 116 labellata Kamran, Actia, 76 laboriosa Mesnil, Siphona, 96 Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 225 lacrymans (Mesnil), Siphona, 102 lamia (Meigen), Actia, 68, 73, 159 lamia Meigen, Roeselia, 67 languidula (Villeneuve), Ceromya, 54, 57,61,64 languidulina Mesnil, Ceromya, 61 lata Malloch, Actia, 74 laticomis (Malloch), Siphona, 93, 96 laticomis Curran, Siphona, 116 latifrons Meigen, Goniocera, 44 latifrons Meigen, Tachina, 41 latipalpis (Malloch), Ceromya, 61 lavinia (Curran), Ceromya, 54, 61 leucopheae (Mesnil), Peribaea, 81 lichtwardtiana (Villeneuve), Siphona, 101-102, 162 lindneri Mesnil, Siphona, 1 16 linguata Mesnil, Actia, 74 livoricolor (Mesnil), Siphona, 102 lobata Mesnil, Peribaea, 77, 81 longilingua (Mesnil), Actia, 68, 74 longimana Mesnil, Ceromya, 61 longiseta (Villeneuve), Peribaea, 81 longissima O'Hara, Siphona, 1 16 ludibunda (Robineau-Desvoidy), Goniocera , 44 lurida Reinhard, Siphona, 116 lutea (Townsend), Ceromya, 23, 54, 57,61 lutea (Townsend), Siphona, 110, 116 lutea Toensend, Actia, 53 luteicomis (Curran), Ceromya, 53, 62, 162 macronychia Mesnil, Ceromya, 44, 58 macronychia Mesnil, Proceromyia, 36, 44-47, 58 macronyx O'Hara, Siphona, 116 maculata Staeger, Siphona, 1 1 0, 112-113, 116, 162 maculipennis (Malloch), Ceromya, 62 maculipennis Meigen, Siphona, 119 magnicomis Malloch, Actia, 67-69, 74 maksymovi Mesnil, Actia, 74, 159 malaisei (Mesnil), Actia, 68, 74 malayana (Malloch), Peribaea, 81 mallochiana (Gardner), Siphona, 96, 162 martini Andersen, Siphona , 112, 117 medialis O'Hara, Siphona, 117 meigenii Lepeletier and Serville, Siphona , 116 melania (Bezzi), Siphona, 1 17 melanocera Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 119 melanura Mesnil, Siphona, 85, 110, 117 mellina (Mesnil), Ceromya, 64-66 mesnili Andersen, Siphona, 110, 113, 117 microcera (Robineau-Desvoidy), Siphona , 102 mimetica Malloch, Actia, 74 minuta (Fabricius), Siphona , 115 minuta Fabricius, Stomoxys, 108 minuta Robineau-Desvoidy, Peribaea , 83 mitis (Curran), Peribaea, 81 modesta (Mesnil), Peribaea, 20, 77,81 mongolica Richter, Actia, 74 monstrosicomis (Stein), Ceromya, 37, 39, 46, 50, 52, 54, 57-59, 62, 172-173 monstrosicomis Stein, Stenoparia, 52 monticola (Malloch), Peribaea , Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 226 O’Hara 79, 82 montium (Villeneuve), Goniocera, 41 — 43, 171 montium Villeneuve, Actia, 41 multifaria O'Hara, Siphona, 117 munroi Curran, Actia, 68, 74 munroi Curran, Siphona, 117 murina (Mesnil), Siphona, 117 nana (Curran), Peribaea , 83 natalensis (Curran), Ceromya, 39, 52, 54, 57, 62 nigra Shima, Actia, 74 nigrapex Mesnil, Actia, 74 nigricans (Villeneuve), Siphona, 110, 113, 117, 162 nigrifrons (Robineau-Desvoidy), Actia, 75 nigripalpis (de Meijere), Siphona, 115 nigripalpis (Robineau-Desvoidy), Actia, 72 nigripes (Curran), Peribaea, 82 nigritula (Malloch), Peribaea, 82 nigriventris Malloch, Actia, 68, 74 nigrohalterata (Villeneuve), Entomophaga, 37, 46-50, 58, 172 nigrohalterata Mesnil, Siphona, 111, 117 nigrohalterata Villeneuve, Ceromya, 46 nigronitens Mesnil, Siphona, 23, 93-94, 96 nigroscutellata Lundbeck, Actia, 74, 159 nigroseta Curran, Siphona, 117 nigrovittata Meigen, Siphona, 116 nitidella Villeneuve, Actia, 69, 74 nitidiventris Curran, Actia, 74 nobilis (Mesnil), Siphona, 117 norma (Malloch), Siphona, 96, 162 normula (Curran), Ceromya, 64-65 nudibasis Stein, Actia, 68, 74-75, 159 obesa (Mesnil), Siphona, 1 17 oblimata Mesnil, Actia, 74 obscurella Robineau-Desvoidy, Actia, 73 obscuripennis Curran, Siphona, 117 oculata Pandelle, Siphona, 1 18 oligomyia O'Hara, Siphona, 1 10, 117 Ontario (Curran), Ceromya, 43, 53, 62, 162, 171 orbata (Wiedemann), Peribaea, 79, 81, 162,218-219 orbata Wiedemann, Tachina, 78 orientalis (Townsend), Peribaea, 82 orientalis (Townsend), Siphona, 95-96. orientalis Townsend, Aphantorhaphopsis, 92 orientalis Townsend, Eogymnophthalma, 77 pacifica O'Hara, Siphona, 117 painei Crosskey, Actia, 75, 159 palaestina (Villeneuve), Peribaea, 82, 162 pallens Curran, Actia, 75 pallida (Herting), Siphona, 100-102, 162 palloris (Coquillett), Ceromya, 40, 43, 54, 62, 162 palloris Coquillett, Lasioneura, 52 palpalis (Rondani), Actia, 72 palpina Zetterstedt, Siphona, 1 14 paludosa Mesnil, Siphona, 1 17 pamirica Richter, Actia, 75, 159 panamensis Curran, Siphona, 129-131 parviseta Malloch, Actia, 67-69, Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 227 75, 159 patellicomis Mesnil, Ceromya, 66, 162 patellipalpis (Mesnil), Siphona, 117 pauciseta Kamran, Actia, 76 pauciseta Mesnil, Siphona, 119 pauciseta Rondani, Siphona, 1 17 pectinata (Shima), Peribaea, 77, 82 pellex (Mesnil), Actia, 75 pendleburyi (Malloch), Ceromya, 66 perdita Malloch, Actia, 68, 75 perispoliata (Mesnil), Siphona , 96 phantasma (Mesnil), Siphona, 1 18 philippinensis Malloch, Actia, 75 picipalpis (Mesnil), Actia, 75 picturata (Mesnil), Siphona, 96 pigra Mesnil, Siphona, 118 pilipennis (Fallen), Actia, 75, 159 pilipennis Robineau-Desvoidy, Actia , 73 pisinnia O'Hara, Siphona, 118 plebeia (Malloch), Peribaea, 82, 162 plorans (Mesnil), Siphona, 102 plusiae Coquillett, Siphona, 40, 120, 122-123, 162 pokharana Shima, Actia, 75 portentosa Mesnil, Ceromya, 62 pruinosa Shima, Ceromya, 60, 62, 162 pseudomaculata Blanchard, Siphona, 118, 162 pubioculata (Mesnil & Shima), Proceromyia, 15, 34, 36, 44-46, 58-59 pubioculata Mesnil and Shima, Nipponoceromyia, 44, 46-47 pudica Mesnil, Siphona, 96 pulex Baranov, Actia, 68, 75 pulla (Reinhard), Siphona, 91, 129-131 pulla Mesnil, Peribaea, 82 pulla Reinhard, Aphantorhapha, 131 punctipennis (Malloch), Ceromya, 54, 62 punctum (Mesnil), Ceromya, 62 pusilla Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 119 quadrinotata Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 119 quadriseta Malloch, Actia, 75 reducta (Mesnil), Siphona, 111, 118 reducta ludicra Mesnil, Siphona, 118 reducta Villeneuve, Actia , 75 rejecta Bezzi, Actia, 75 repanda (Mesnil), Peribaea, 82 resinellae (Schrank), Actia , 74 rizaba O'Hara, Siphona, 118 robertsonii (Townsend), Neaera, 179 rossica Mesnil, Siphona, 118 rotundicomis (Malloch), Ceromya, 62 rotundipennis (Malloch), Peribaea , 79, 82 rubea Mesnil, Peribaea, 82 rubiginosa (Mesnil), Actia, 75 rubrapex Mesnil, Siphona, 118 rubrica (Mesnil), Siphona, 118 rubrifrons (Robineau-Desvoidy), Actia, 76 rufescens (Greene), Actia, 68, 76 rufina (Zetterstedt), Ceromya , 60 russula Mesnil, Actia, 76 samarensis (Villeneuve), Siphona, 94, 96, 162 schistacea Brauer and Bergenstamm, Goniocera, 41-43, 162 Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 228 scutellaris (Rondani), Actia, 72 scutellata (Mesnil), Siphona, 102 sedlaceki (Shima), Peribaea, 82 selangor (Malloch), Siphona, 95-96 selecta (Pandelle), Siphona, 96, 162 selecta Pandelle, Thryptocera, 92 setinerva (Mesnil), Siphona, 118 setinervis (Thomson), Peribaea, 82 setipennis (Fallen), Triarthria, 179 setosa Mesnil, Siphona, 118, 162 seyrigi Mesnil, Siphona, 1 1 8 siebeckii (Sintenis), Ceromya, 66 silacea (Meigen), Ceromya, 11, 51-53,56, 59, 63-66, 80, 162, 173, 192 silvarum Herting, Siphona, 1 17 silvatica Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 1 19 similata (Malloch), Peribaea, 82 similata Mesnil, Ceromya, 64, 66 simulans (Mesnil), Siphona, 118 singularis (Wiedemann), Siphona, 20, 88-89 singularis Wiedemann, Tachina, 87 siphonoides (Strobl), Siphona, 96, 162 siphonosoma Malloch, Actia, 67, 76 sola Mesnil, Siphona, 118 sonorensis (O'Hara), Siphona, 99 sororcula (Mesnil), Peribaea, 82 speciosa Mesnil, Siphona, 97 spinulosa (Mesnil), Siphona, 118 spoliata (Bezzi), Peribaea, 82 starkei (Mesnil), Siphona, 97 stiglinae (Bezzi), Peribaea, 83, 131, 162 stiglinae Bezzi, Actia, 131 subaequalis (Malloch), Peribaea, O’Hara 79, 82 subopaca (Aldrich), Ceromya, 62 sufferta (Villeneuve), Entomophaga, 5 1 sulfurea (Mesnil), Siphona, 101-102 suspecta (Malloch), Peribaea, 83, 162 tachinaria Meigen, Siphona, 1 15 taiwanica (Baranov), Siphona, 1 19 takanoi Baranov, Actia, 68, 76 tarsata Richter, Actia, 68, 76 tenuipalpis (Villeneuve), Siphona, 101, 103 tenuis Curran, Siphona, 1 16 terrosa (Mesnil), Siphona, 100, 103 testacea Robineau-Desvoidy, Ceromya, 52, 60 testacea Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 1 19 tibialis (Robineau-Desvoidy), Peribaea, 80, 83, 162 tibialis Robineau-Desvoidy, Herbstia, 77 timida (Mesnil), Peribaea, 83 trichaeta (Mesnil), Siphona, 109, 118 trifurcata (Shima), Peribaea, 77-78, 83 triseta (Mesnil), Actia, 76 tristella (Herting), Siphona, 101, 103, 162 tristis Robineau-Desvoidy, Siphona, 119 tropica (Townsend), Siphona, 118 tropica Townsend, Phantasiosiphona, 108 ugandana (Curran), Peribaea, 77, 83 unicolor (Aldrich), Ceromya, 62 uniseta (Malloch), Peribaea, 83 Systematics of the Genus Group Taxa of the Siphonini 229 uniseta Malloch, Actia, 77 unispina (Mesnil), Siphona, 111, 118 unispina infuscata (Mesnil), Siphona, 1 1 1 unispina unispina (Mesnil), Siphona, 111 urbanis (Harris), Siphona, 115 uruhuasi (Townsend), Siphona, 12, 124-125 uruhuasi Townsend, Uruactia, 123 ussuriensis (Mesnil), Peribaea, 83 valida (Curran), Ceromya, 53, 55, 62 valida Curran, Actia, 53 variata Andersen, Siphona, 1 13, 118 varichaeta (Curran), Ceromya, 64-66 verralli (Wainwright), Siphona, 97 versicolor (Fallen), Goniocera, 41-44, 162, 171 versicolor Fallen, Tachina, 41 vidua (Mesnil), Peribaea, 83 villeneuvii (Strobl), Actia, 73 vitripennis Rondani, Actia, 73 vittata Curran, Siphona, 119 vivida (Robineau-Desvoidy), Siphona, 102 vixen Curran, Siphona, 1 19 vulpina (Mesnil), Actia, 76 wittei (Mesnil), Siphona, 119 xanthogaster (O'Hara), Siphona, 99, 162 xanthosoma Mesnil, Siphona, 97 yasumatsui Shima, Actia, 68, 76 Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) . ■ Commentary 231 COMMENTARY [Commentary is a section of Quaest. Ent. that appears from time to time, and will contain expressions of opinions about general items, controversial or otherwise, that ought to be of interest to many of our readers. These contributions will not be refereed because they are intended to be free expressions of opinion. Changes by the Editor might be made to the form of presentation, but not to its substance. Remarks that are deliberately abusive or insulting will not be published. Rebuttals to previously expressed views will be considered, but the journal is under no obligation to publish them. The Editor] Following is an extended book review. Because of the potentially controversial nature of some of the comments, it seems more appropriate to place the review in a section of the journal that invites dialogue— hence its location in “Commentary”. LIEBHERR, J. K. (Editor). 1988. Zoogeography of Caribbean Insects. Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, xi + 285 pp. Price, $39.95 (U.$.) Printed on acid-free paper, this volume is attractively hardbound, with dark green covers. On the front cover is a figure illustrating the geographical distribution and reconstructed phylogeny of the drosophilid genus group Pseudiastata and an adult of the West Indian Mayagueza argentifera, a member of this taxon. It is an excellent illustration and provides a focus on the subject matter of the book. The lighter green end-papers inside the covers contain a useful map of the Caribbean Basin, including the islands of the West Indies and adjacent portions of the North, Middle, and South American mainland, complete with scale and indications of longitude and latitude. The volume includes a preface, list of contributors, and 1 1 chapters. Subject and taxonomic indices end the volume. Chapter 1 is a general discussion of Caribbean zoogeography. Chapter 2 treats geological aspects; and Chapter 1 1 is a critique of biogeographical methods in general, and of work of the other authors of this volume, in particular. Chapters 3 to 10 contain analyses of taxa, as follows: Lygaeidae, by J.A. Slater; auchenorrhynchous Homoptera of the Greater Antilles, by J.A. Ramos; scaritine Carabidae, by S.W. Nichols; platynine Carabidae, by J.K. Liebherr; polycentropodid caddisflies, by S.A. Hamilton; relict Drosophilidae, by D.A. Grimaldi; ants, by E.O. Wilson; and halictid bees, by G.C. Eickwort. Each taxon-based chapter is a rich source of clearly presented information, containing extensive lists of included taxa and their distributions. Most of the chapters contain very well executed illustrations of the insect group treated, or of their work, and maps and diagrams are also provided that amplify the text. The chapter by Ramos is not illustrated, and overall seems rather perfunctory. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 232 Ball As a carabid specialist, I was impressed especially with the execution of the distribution maps in Nichols’ chapter: each with a photograph illustrating habitus of one or more species whose range is indicated by dots, etc. Much care went into the preparation of these figures, and collectively they are a valuable source of data. Recurrent themes in the text are: occurrence of old relicts on Puerto Rico (noted by Slater, Nichols, Liebherr, and Grimaldi): and incomplete knowledge of the biota, because of insufficient collecting by appropriate specialists. The analyses of various taxonomic groups are inconsistent in delimitation of the study area. In his concept of the West Indian Biogeographic Region, Nichols includes the Greater and Lesser Antilles, the Bahamas, Barbados (as a separate entity). South Florida, and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Wilson does not include the mainland in his treatment of the ants, but does include Trinidad and Tobago. This inclusion increases the size of the ant fauna of the West Indies by about a third. The other authors confine their study areas to the Bahamas, and Greater and Lesser Antilles, with Barbados included in the last-named island group. Such differences in definition of study area must be taken into account by those who might wish to compare taxonomic diversity of the various taxa in the West Indies. The Editor claims in the title of the Introduction (Chapter 1) that the Caribbean area is a “fertile ground for zoogeography”. He provides a clear, even-handed discussion of the history of ideas about assembly of the West Indian biota; first, postulation of land bridges to make possible movement of the ancestral terrestrial biota from mainland to islands; second, carefully reasoned dispersal theory, without invocation of land bridges; and third, plate tectonic theory, with its pieces of land, originally close to mainland Central and South America, that drifted eastward, and brought an essentially mainland biota to the development of the present Greater Antilles. Liebherr indicates that this basic question of the mechanism of faunal assembly has not been settled, and maintains (p. 10) that “geologic data often cannot provide unequivocal answers about the history of areas, making biological data of utmost importance in the interpretation of faunal histories”. He advocates use of vicariance biogeography in this endeavour. However, I doubt that conclusions drawn from biological data can be more compelling than geological data, by whatever means the former are interpreted. The Editor makes a convincing case that the Caribbean area is fertile ground for zoogeographers. He concludes his opening chapter by indicating the great potential of data derived from insects, as follows: 1 . Insects are apt to help clarify old patterns of faunal relationships, because the West Indies have a fair number of taxa that exhibit relations with Africa rather than with New World taxa, and this implies Gondwanian connections. Liebherr implies that such relationships are direct, i.e., without extinct New World mainland intermediates, or even Commentary 233 intermediates that have yet to be discovered. 2. Many taxa in the Antilles are conspecific with or very closely related to mainland Neotropical species. These taxa indicate overwater dispersal between mainland and islands. 3. There is a rich endemic fauna in the islands, which provides an “extensive potential data base for intra-island analyses”. He notes, however, that the insect fauna of the Antilles is not well known, and that much field work is required to elucidate “species distributions and habitat requirements”. Mindful of the destruction of habitats that is taking place in the islands and the effect that such will have on distribution patterns before there is the chance to study them, he advocates activity in protection of the biota. Thomas W. Donnelly, a geologist and dragon fly specialist with extensive experience in the Caribbean area, and thus sympathetic to the requirements of biogeographers in interpreting geological history, provides important background information in his chapter entitled “Geologic Constraints on Caribbean Biogeography”. Reviewing the evidence on the basis of plate tectonic theory, Donnelly argues that an island arc formed between Central and South America, providing a tenuops connection between these land masses. In latest Cretaceous and early Cenozoic times, this arc was broken into fragments as a “flood basalt moved eastward” (p.33). These fragments, or terranes, formed the present Greater Antilles, but some (such as proto- Jamaica) were totally submerged for extended periods. Cuba was formed in the late Cretaceous by diverse terranes that were “swept northward” with the opening of the Yucatan Basin. In the Middle Cenozoic (Oligocene to early Miocene), the continued eastward movement of the Caribbean Plate closed the gap that separated Central and South America and another island arc system served as a limited filter bridge for terrestrial organisms, between the two continents. The lesser Antilles, during mid-Cenozoic, was a series of separate fragments more distant from South American than from the Greater Antilles. The volcanic arc that formed during the late Cenozoic provided a filter bridge for dispersal from South America, but geological evidence minimizes the probability of an earlier Cenozoic connection of the mainland and the Lesser Antillean arc. For most of late Mesozoic and Cenozoic time, faunal movements into the proto-Antilles and Greater Antilles would have required overwater dispersals in the order of tens of kilometers. For brief periods, the water gaps might have been “relatively narrow”, and there could have been terrestrial connections with northern Central America, and between the islands. Overwater dispersal must be emphasized, though geologists are beginning to find evidence for “limited vicariant interchange”. Donnelly emphasizes that changing climatic conditions during the Cenozoic must have had profound influence on distribution of the biota. Using evidence of lateritic soils in the Greater Antilles, he postulates less moderate climates during the middle Cenozoic than at present, with markedly alternating wet and dry periods. The Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 234 Ball development of the Central American isthmus during the Pliocene must have led to profound climatic change, and during the Pleistocene there is strong evidence for aridity during the glacial maxima. The main point of all this is that biogeographers must be very cautious about invoking interruptions of continuous land connections to explain present-day vicariant distributions of related taxa. One might think that Donnelly’s paper would have caused all of the other symposiasts to emphasize dispersal theory in explaining extant distribution patterns. In fact, this did not happen, with the resulting biogeographic analyses forming two groups: those postulating dispersal theory as the principal means of explaining extant distribution patterns; and those postulating elimination of former land connections and subsequent establishment of new connections as the basis for vicariant patterns. Of course, vicariant distribution patterns result, whatever mechanism gives rise to geographically isolated descendants of an originally continuously distributed ancestral stock. Consequently, it is incorrect to use “vicarism” as a term for a process. However, for want of a better term, I will use vicarism as is accepted by some biogeographers to designate postulation of interruptions of continuous parental ranges as the normal cause of subsequent vicariant distribution patterns of descendants. Authors adopting dispersal as the principal cause of vicariant distributions in the Caribbean area are Slater, Nichols, Wilson, and Eickwort. Vicarists are Liebherr, Hamilton, and Grimaldi. Wilson hardly acknowledges the existence of the vicarist school, and interprets the Antillean ant fauna mainly in terms of island biogeographic theory. An interesting age correlation emerges. Of the dispersalists, three (Slater, Wilson, and Eickwort) are appreciably older than the vicarists. Nichols is the exception. As the youngest and least experienced of the symposiasts, perhaps he was the most inclined to pay attention to Donnelly. The older individuals had their ideas formed before the heyday of the vicarists, whereas the others have been developing their careers during the vicarism period, and thus perhaps they were influenced by recent events, not to mention forceful protagonists. Slater argues that congruence of distribution patterns of different groups may not be applicable in establishing vicariance explanations to islands located relatively close to different source areas. Taking exception to the late D.E. Rosen’s expressed antipathy to using dispersal to explain biotic complexity, Slater (p.39) notes that “if wind patterns, ocean currents, similarity of habitats, and relative proximity of areas persist over a reasonable period of time, congruent patterns could be developed by dispersal as well as by vicariance”. He proceeds to establish the high probability of several mainland-Greater Antillean faunal connections being the result of over-water dispersal. He concludes by noting the need for improved analyses using cladistic methods and having more complete collections with which to work. Commentary 235 Wilson’s analysis is a generally satisfying outline of the geographical history of the West Indian ant fauna. Based on fossil as well as living taxa, dynamic principles involving dispersal and possible radiation in situ of certain dispersants, the only discordant element in Wilson’s account seems to be the presence of the poor - dispersing Ecitoninae in the fossil record of Hispaniola. Wilson points out as defects in knowledge of West Indian ants the probable under-collecting of some islands, particularly Cuba and Jamaica, as well as lack of knowledge of certain West Indian taxa that are markedly speciose. To this list of imperfections must be added the absence of phylogenetic analysis of the West Indian ants. Without this information, the details of geographical history of the relatively luxuriant Antillean ant fauna will remain obscure. Nichols supports the argument that the Greater Antilles function as oceanic islands, using three arguments: first, values derived from Preston’s Similarity Index indicate that the islandic scaritine fauna is “in a state of flux”: second, the genus Pasimachus (adults are large, flightless scaritines) is confined to Middle and North America, with a few species in South Florida and the Yucatan Peninsula: and third, many of the endemic genera of Coleoptera in the West Indies are borers or live under bark. Had there been land connections between the islands and mainland, presumably Pasimachus would be represented in the Greater Antilles. Similarly, because a preponderance of endemic and thus older genera of the West Indies live in situations suitable for transport by rafting (i.e., logs) their disproportionate representation in the islands is argument for overseas dispersal. The “state of flux” argument based on the Preston Similarity Index seems to indicate that faunal composition is being determined by forces working on an ecological time scale, and if so, strength is added to Nichols’ more general argument. However, the pattern might be an artifact of the method of analysis. As Connor points out (p. 258) this index emphasizes the effects of forces working on an ecological time scale, and these may outweigh historical relationships. Thus, the disturbance of the general order in the fauna implied by its being “in a state of flux” or kaleidoscopic, may not reflect an older underlying reality. Be that as it may, the present pattern of scaritine distribution does seem to me to be rather unordered. Evidence presented by the vicarists for their hypotheses is interesting but less than convincing. In fact, Hamilton shows, in his phylogenetic reconstruction of the Polycentropus nigriceps group (Figs. 7-9, notes G and H, p. 159), that only the terminal clades fit the pattern required by the Rosen model. He concludes that “this cladistic analysis.... gives no clear evidence of disjunct inter-island patterns of relationship”, and calls for cladistic analyses of other Greater Antillean groups to search for a common pattern. Taken at face value, however, the data presented do not fit the Rosen model, and the author is left in the uncomfortable position of having to question the value of the data presented, thus: “A cladistic analysis of the nigriceps group based on the semaphoront [read holomorph] (not just adult male). ..would undoubtedly test and enhance the results I have presented here”. Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 236 Ball Accepting the analysis presented as preliminary, therefore, I would be more encouraged to test the Rosen model further if it were supported by the preliminary data. It seems to me that the pattern of Polycentropus is suggestive of inter-island dispersal, and accordingly, it is a dispersalist hypothesis that ought to be tested with a more complete set of data about the species of this genus. Grimaldi’s reconstruction of the geological history of the Greater Antilles calls for a close connection of the proto- Antillean land mass with Africa, following near separation of the former from the American mainland. This seems to be required because of the relationships of some old lineages of Drosophilidae with Old World, rather than with New World, extant lineages. On two counts, I find the argument unconvincing: first, Donnelly’s account of Caribbean geological history does not support Grimaldi’s hypothesis (in fact, there is no reference to it), and second, just because relicts with African affinities occur in the West Indies, it is not necessary to postulate a direct former connection between the two areas. Puerto Rico could be the last area in the New World where a former widespread lineage has been able to survive. Of the larger Antillean islands, that one is farthest from the mainland, and thus might be expected to accumulate relicts, under the strictures of a dispersalist hypothesis as developed by P. J. Darlington, Jr. In Liebherr’s treatment of Platynus, the fauna of each island is discussed, with emphasis on cladistic relationships, and problems therewith. The major problem with the phylogenetic analysis is lack of characters in which one can have confidence. Liebherr recognizes one assemblage (the wingless group) that is based on wing loss (character 40) and displacement of the setae of the posterior angles of the pronotum (character 14). Neither of these features is very reliable as an indicator of relationships, and for the setal feature, this instability is highlighted by the necessity to hypothesize a reversal within the wingless clade, at the base of the P. jaegeri group (Figs. 6-7 and 6-8). In that same clade, character 17 (width of pronotal margins) is used to relate the P. cinchonae and P. jaegeri groups. I have no doubt about the value of this character for determining relationships of similar adjacent allopatric taxa that differentiated comparatively recently, but I am skeptical that such a feature is useful to establish relationships of geographically widely separated clades including a total of 18 species. Nonetheless, Liebherr uses the hypothesized relationships of the flightless clade in his geographical analysis, suggesting that Rosen’s vicariance model “adequately explains taxon relationships among species on Cuba and south and central Hispaniola, and implying that island vicariance and hybridization have been at work along the northern edge of the Caribbean plate’’. If, in fact, the extreme mobilist hypothesis were established, or if relationships of the Platynus species involved in testing the model were more convincingly demonstrated, one would have cause to accept the underlying theory of vicariance biogeography as applied to the West Indies. Under the circumstances, I find little basis for use of Rosen’s model in interpreting the history of the West Indian biota. Commentary 237 By accepting at face value the result of the numerical analysis that relates several montane lineages with brachypterous adults, Liebherr is not in a position to consider the possibility that each of these lineages came from lowland winged ancestors which invaded montane habitats on their respective islands, with subsequent extinction of the lowland ancestors and loss of wings among the upland survivors. Such an interpretation may be contrary to the principle of parsimony as practiced by numerical cladists, but the resulting picture might make at least as much sense biogeographically as the interpretation based on the Rosen vicariance model. Although I am not persuaded of the Rosen model of vicariance nor of the details of relationships and historical interpretation of the distribution pattern of the Platynus taxa as presented by Liebherr, I am impressed by the clarity of the presentation and appreciate the value of this contribution in highlighting phylogenetic and zoogeographic areas for further investigation. Discussion of causal relations between brachyptery and diversity, and between climatic change and origin of the bromeliad-inhabiting fauna of Jamaica are insightful, valuable contributions to the more general aspects of West Indian biogeography. The concluding chapter (No. 1 1), by Edward F. Connor, outlines mathematically acceptable procedures for inferring historical biogeographic relationships. His principal conclusions are two: first, none of the other authors of this volume used methods acceptable to mathematicians for inferring historical biogeographic relationships: two, “it is best to examine the biogeographical evolution of the Caribbean biota independently of geologic hypotheses concerning area relationships”. I suppose that systematists should pay attention to the pronouncements of their more mathematically inclined brethren, and in a logical sense, I can appreciate why one might want to analyze biogeographical data independently of geological hypotheses. However, I believe that, in the absence of the required mathematical precision that plagues most types of biogeographical data, Hennig’s principle of reciprocal illumination can be applied to the available geological and phylogenetic biogeographic data, with reasonable approximations to the truth thus being obtained. I suspect it will be more useful for biogeographers to improve the quality of their taxonomic and phylogenetic information than to invest too much effort in elaborate statistical treatment of what is now available. Connor’s negative assessments aside, based on study of this volume I conclude that in view of clear evidence of past crossing of sea barriers by insects, flying or otherwise, and in the absence of clear evidence for the geologic basis of a vicariance hypothesis, little is to be gained by developing a research program to test further the tenets of that hypothesis. Gains are to be made, first by improving the data available for analysis (i.e., more complete collections of the islandic faunas; better information about way of life and local distribution of the species), and second by undertaking phylogenetic analyses of the taxa, to be interpreted using a dispersalist theory, which takes into account the tenets of the theory of island biogeography and the Darlington- Wilson-Erwin theory of taxon cycles or pulses. If such analyses fail Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 238 Ball to provide a satisfactory account of the biota and its history, then it will be time to seek other explanatory means. In conclusion, I found this volume to be enlightening and interesting, and a valuable contribution both to entomology and to the growing knowledge of the West Indian biota. My principal negative comment about the presentation, as such, is the lack of a concluding chapter that could have discussed and perhaps attempted to resolve the different interpretations of biotic history by the various authors. It would have been desirable for each author to have used the same definition of the study area, so that the resulting data could be compared more easily. This volume ought to be owned and studied by anyone interested in West Indian biogeography. Otherwise, various chapters can be read with profit by taxonomists interested in the taxa treated therein, though not interested in the West Indian fauna, as such. George E. Ball Department of Entomology January, 1989 Book Review 239 BOOK REVIEW IVES, W. G. H. and H. R. WONG. 1988. Tree and shrub insects of the prairie provinces. Information Report NOR-X-292. Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forestry Service. Edmonton, Alberta. T6H 3S5. 327 pages, 117 full page colored plates. Available at no charge to persons in the forest industry and educational institutes. ISBNO-662- 15770-2. Even though I am acknowledged in this book as one of the scientific reviewers, my contribution consisted primarily of proof-reading several drafts of computer-processed text that did not at all resemble the very attractive-looking finished product. I feel justified, therefore, in publicly reviewing it, particularly now that I have had a chance to browse through it and, more importantly, to use it. After the title page, the contents are succinctly described in an abstract , which is worth quoting directly,: “More than 600 species of insects and mites that feed on trees and shrubs in the prairie provinces are discussed in terms of their distribution, hosts, and importance. There are approximately 1 100 color photographs; the life cycle and damage of major pest species are illustrated, and for common species, primarily the larval stage is shown. Pests attacking coniferous hosts are separated from those attacking hardwoods, and each group is subdivided according to the type of feeding damage and type of insect involved. An extensive bibliography is provided. In addition to a taxonomic index listing the order and family of each insect and mite, there is a diagnostic index listing the host species, feeding site of the pest, and species of insect or mite involved and an insect index”. Obviously, this is a major scientific work that should appeal to a wide cross-section of users such as students, professional entomologists and ecologists, anyone associated with forestry activities, and even the general public; hopefully, favorable responses from this large audience will generate a lot of good will for the Canadian Forestry Service. Restrictions of support for insect identification services for provincial agencies prompted the need for this insect guide. However, it took the combined talents of an insect ecologist (W. G. I. ) and an insect taxonomist (R. H. W.) to successfully surmount the nomenclatural problems that are bound to arise when dealing with so many species of insects and plants, and to bring together a formidable knowledge of tree and shrub insects of the prairie regions of Canada. No attempt was made to emphasize economically important insects so what we have here is an ecological check list of insects and mites, with descriptions and photographs, associated with native and introduced trees and shrubs of parklands, shelter belts, urban areas of the prairies and parts of the Boreal forest and sub-montane prairie. No claim is made that all insects are included but I believe that a very small proportion have been Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (1,2) 240 Book Review missed; after all, both authors have had considerable experience in forest entomology and have had the time to build up large collections, make countless rearings, and record insect occurrences, over many years. Even a cursory glance at the contents makes it apparent that a tremendous effort went into the production of this book. The two-column layout on standard letter-sized glossy paper is pleasing to the eye and individual species names stand out in bold type. The color plates are on the left hand page and refer only to the species covered on the right hand page, making this one of the easiest to use technical insect identification books I have encountered. All photographs are, in general, faithful renditions of the actual subjects. Text references consist of numbers that refer to items in a bibliography of 657 citations preceding the indices at the end of the book, and are given for species covered in each plate and discussed in the text. I would quibble about the correctness of the word “pest” as it is sometimes used, and I think that the inclusion of a photograph of an adult of a representative looper would have been useful, but these are minor points. The soft covers, though beautifully illustrated on the front with a full color painting of a Malacosoma disstria larva, will probably not hold up for very long; in any case, a valuable reference like this should be bound in hard covers. Unbelievably, there is no charge for this publication. Yet most of my colleagues and myself would have gladly bought it for the $75.00 or so per copy that it took to produce. It is a book to be looked at for its illustrations, read for its interesting biological information, and used as an identification guide. It should be on the bookshelf of every entomologist interested in ecological diversity, the beauty of insects and natural history, recommend it highly. W. G. Evans Department of Entomology University of Alberta I 'Quaestiones. Entomolosicae A periodical record of entomological investigations, published at the Department of Entomology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. VOLUME 25 NUMBER 3 SUMMER 1989 Publication of Quaestiones Entomologicae was started in 1965 as part of a memorial project for Professor E.H. Strickland, the founder of the Department of Entomology at the University of Alberta in 1922. It is intended to provide prompt relatively low cost publication for compre- hensive accounts of entomological research of greater than average length. However, shorter papers about insects in the Prairie Provinces of Canada are acceptable. Page charges are normally levied, the rate determined by printer’s charges. For information about current page charges, consult the Editor. Copy for all types of papers should conform to the Style Manual for Biological Journals, published by the American Institute of Biological Sci- ences, Second Edition, 1964, except that title of periodicals should be given in full. For style of taxonomic papers, the Editor should be consulted. Two copies of a manuscript are requested. All manuscripts will be reviewed by referees. Abstracts are required, one in English and one in another language, prefer- ably French. Copy for illustrations must accompany the manuscript, and be of such char- acter as to give satisfactory reproduction at page size (less 1/2 inch, or 1.2 cm on plates of full page size [7X4 1/4 inches or 17.8 X 10.7 cm]). Reprints must be ordered when proofs are returned, and will be supplied at cost. Subscription rates are the same for institutions, libraries and individuals, $20.00* per volume of four issues, normally appearing at quarterly intervals; single issues $5.00**. Back volumes and issues are available at the same cost. These prices supersede those previously indicated, and are subject to change as required by inflationary pressure on the value of money. Communications regarding subscriptions should be addressed to the Subscription Manager, and regarding manuscripts to the Editor. * Same rate in US$ for non-Canadian subscriptions. ** Single issues of more than 100 pages: $10.00; exception: volume 21(4) - $20.00. Published quarterly by; Department of Entomology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G 2E3 Second Class Mail Registration Number 5222 Return Undeliverable mail to the address above. Return Postage Guaranteed Issued September 1989 TROSIEME CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DES ENTOMOLOGISTES D’EXPRESSION FRANCAISE Gembloux, 9 - 14 juillet 1990 Cette conference - ouverte a tous les entomologistes, arachnologues, acarologues, professionnels ou amateurs de toutes disciplines fondamentales ou appliquees - se tiendra a Gembloux (Belgique) a la Faculte des Sciences agronomiques de 1’Etat. Elle donnera lieu a des conferences plenieres, communications, tableaux de demonstrations (’’posters”), ateliers. Elle comprendra aussi des sessions speciales dans d’autres villes de Belgique et sera suivie d’excursions. Les conferences, les differentes communications et ateliers devront s’inspirer du theme general de la conference: Methodes et responsabilites des entomologistes d?aujourd’hui Les communications s’inscriront dans le cadre de sections qui ont ete definies par le Comite organisateur. Elies ne sont pas encore definitives. En voici la liste provisoire: 1. Entomologie culturelle; 2. Entomologie medicate, veterinaire et medico-legale; 3. Insectes, amateurs et grand public; 4. Entomologie agricole; 5. Entomologie agricole dans les pays en voie de developpement; 6. Role des arthropodes dans la qualite et la fertilite des sols; 7. Insectes sociaux; 8. Mediateurs chimiques; 9. Entomologie des milieux forestiers; 10. Tendances actuelles de la systematique; 11. Zoogeographie; 12. Systemes tegumentaires (cuticule, mue et metamorphoses,...). La langue officielle de la conference (exposes thematiques, communications et tableaux de demonstrations) sera le fran^ais. Cependant les participants auront Lentiere liberte de s ’exprimer dans la langue de leur choix au cours des discussions qui suivront les exposes ex-cathedra et lors des presentations et discussions des affiches. Si vous souhaitez participer ou assister aux travaux de Tune ou 1’autre des sessions de cette conference, veuillez rapidement prendre contact ave le Secretaire general: Monsieur Charles VERSTRAETEN Zoologie generate et appliquee Faculte des Sciences agronomiques de l’Etat B-5800 Gembloux (P ique). Le Comite organisateur P.S.: Veuillez diffuser cette circulate autour de vous. QUAESTIONES ENTOMOLOGICAE ISSN 0033-5037 A periodical record of entomological investigation published at the Department of Entomology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Volume 25 Number 3 1989 CONTENTS Freitag and Bames-Classification of Brazilian Species of Cicindela and Phylogeny and Biogeography of Subgenera Brasiella, Gaymara new subgenus, Plectographa and South American Species of Cylindera (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) 241 Book Review-Schwalm, F.E. 1988. Insect Morphogenesis 387 CLASSIFICATION OF BRAZILIAN SPECIES OF CIC1NDELA AND PHYLOGENY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY OF SUBGENERA BRASIELLA , GAYMARA NEW SUBGENUS, PLECTOGRAPHA AND SOUTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF CYLINDERA (COLEOPTERA: CICINDELIDAE) Richard Freitag Barbara L. Barnes Department of Biology Lake head University Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada P7B 5 El Quaestiones Entomologicae 25:241-386 1989 ABSTRACT Brazilian tiger beetles of the tribes Cicindelini, Ctenostomatini, and Megacephalini, subtribes Cicindelina, Odontocheilina and Prothymina, and taxa of the genus Cicindela are distinguished in identification keys. Diagnoses based on adult characteristics, including genitalia of males and females, new for most species, are provided for four subgenera, 12 species groups, and 29 species of Brazilian Cicindela. Species sections consist of nomenclature, recognition, synonyms and types, description, geographical variation, relationships, habitat and period of activity, geographical distribution, lists of localities of examined specimens, distribution map, and figures illustrating taxonomically important external and internal structures. A classification of 61 Brazilian and related Neotropical species of Cicindela is established based on a reconstructed phylogeny employing the methods of Hennig. Brazilian taxa are arranged in sequence according to the reconstructed phylogeny. The four subgenera, species groups, and species recognized are: subgenus Brasiella Rivalier, argentata group- C. argentata Fabricius, C. obscurella Klug, C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff; aureola group- C. amaenula Chaudoir, C. aureola Klug; misella group- C. dolosula Rivalier, C. misella Chaudoir; minarum group- C. hamulipenis Horn, C. brevipalpis Horn, C. banghaasi Horn, C. minarum Putzeys; new subgenus Gaymara (type species: C. chlorosticta Kollar); chlorosticta group- C. chlorosticta Kollar, C. staudingeria Horn, C. nigroreticulata Horn, new species C. paranigroreticulata ( type locality.— Tramandai, Rio Grande do Sul); anulipes group- C. anulipes Horn; subgenus Plectographa Rivalier; suturalis group- C. suturalis Fabricius, C. nivea Kirby; melaleuca group- C. melaleuca Dejean, C. patagonica Brulle; nigrovittata group- C. nigrovittata Horn; apiata group- C. apiata Dejean; subgenus Cylindera Westwood; morio group- C. kollari Gistl, C. confluentesignata 242 Freitag and Barnes Horn, C. morio Klug, C. marquardti Horn; friedenreichi group- C. piligera Horn, C. obsoletesignata Horn, C. friedenreichi Dokhtouroff. Seven new synonymies are proposed with the senior synonym of each combination listed first: C. argentata argentata Fabricius = Brasiliella pseudoargentata Mandl; C. obscurella Klug = C. obscurella constricta Rivalier = Brasiella chrysocollis Mandl = Brasiella pallidipes Mandl; C. suturalis Fabricius = C. trifasciata boliviana Mandl. A reconstructed phytogeny of Cicindela subgenera which have Brazilian species indicates the following relationships: Brasiella as sister group of Gaymara/Cylindera lineage, Gaymara as sister group of Plectographa/Cylindera lineage, and Plectographa as sister group o/Cylindera. Relationships among species groups in each subgenus are indicated as follows: for Brasiella, argentata group sister of ancestral lineage of sister groups viridicollis/hemichrysea, aureola group sister of cubana/pretiosa lineage, misella group sister of cubana/horioni lineage, monobasic stamatovi group taxon of uncertain relationships, and minarum group sister of cubana/venezuelensis lineage; for Gaymara, chlorosticta group sister of monobasic anulipes group; for Plectographa, monobasic halophila group taxon of uncertain relationships, suturalis group sister o/melaleuca group, monobasic nigrovittata group as taxon of uncertain relationships, apiata group sister of siccalacicola/nigrovittata lineage; and for Cylindera, morio group as sister of friedenreichi group. Relationships among species of Brasiella are: viridicollis group, C. cubana Leng and Mutchler sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. acuniai Mutchler/C. viridicollis Dejean, C. wickhami Horn sister of cubana/viridicollis lineage; hemichrysea group, C. hemichrysea Chevrolat sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. mendicula Rivalier! C. sphaerodera Rivalier; argentata group, C. argentata Fabricius sister of venustula/pretiosa lineage, C. venustula Gory sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. obscurella Klug/C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff; aureola group- C. rivalieri Mandl sister of amaenula/horioni lineage, C. amaenula Chaudoir sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. aureola Klug/C. horioni Mandl; misella group, ancestral lineage of sister species C. dolosulaffinis Mandl/C. tippmanni Mandl sister of dolosula/venezuelensis lineage, C. venezuelensis Mandl sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. dolosula Rivalier! C. misella Chaudoir, stamatovi group, C. stamatovi Sumlin relationships uncertain, minarum group, hamulipenis/banghaasi lineage sister of minarum/balzani lineage, C. banghaasi Horn sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. hamulipenis Horn/C. brevipalpis Horn, C. balzani Horn sister of minarum/insularis lineage, C. minarum Putzeys sister of nebulosa/insularis lineage, C. nebulosa Bates sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. mandli Brouerius van Nidek/C. insularis Brouerius van Nidek. Relationships among Gaymara species are: anulipes group, C. anulipes Horn sister to chlorosticta/paranigroreticulata lineage; chlorosticta group, ancestral lineage of sister species C. chlorosticta Kollar/C. staudingeria Horn sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. nigroreticulata Horn/C. paranigroreticulata Brazilian Species of Cicindela 243 n.sp. Relationships among Plectographa species: halophila group, C. halophila Sumlin relationships uncertain; suturalis group, C. siccalacicola Sumlin sister of sinuosa/nahuelbutae lineage, ancestral lineage of sister species C. sinuosa Brulle/C. suturalis Fabricius sister of hirsutifrons/nahuelbutae lineage, ancestral lineage of sister species C. hirsutifrons Sumlin/C. nivea Kirby sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. ramosa Brulle/C. nahuelbutae Pena; melaleuca group, C. mixtula Horn relationships uncertain, ancestral lineage of sister species C. ritsemai Horn/C. drakei Horn sister o/melaleuca/chiliensis lineage, ancestral lineage of sister species C. melaleuca Dejean/C. patagonica Brulle sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. gormazi Reed/C. chiliensis Audouin and Brulle; nigrovittata group, C. nigrovittata Horn relationships uncertain; apiata group, C. eugeni Castelnau sister of C. apiata Dejean. Relationships among South American Cylindera species: morio group, ancestral lineage of sister species C. kollari Gistl/C. malaris Horn sister of confluentesignata/marquardti lineage, ancestral lineage of sister species C. confluentesignata HornIC. granulipennis Bates sister of C. morio Klug/C. marquardti Horn; friendenreichi group, C. friedenreichi Dokhtouroff sister of ancestral lineage of sister species C. piligera Horn/C. obsoletesignata Horn. The subgenera Brasiella, Gaymara, Plectographa and Cylindera are hypothesized to have originated in western Gondwana prior to the formation of South America. Neotropical diversification within subgenera occurred mainly in the northern half of South America during the Tertiary and Pleistocene. Major centers of species concentration of Brasiella, Gaymara, and Cylindera are in open country in the eastern and central Brazilian highlands and that of Plectographa in northern Argentina. These centers appear to have been long-standing and the chief sources of dispersal during hospitable climatic and geophysical periods, and into which taxa retreated during climatically hostile periods. Important centers of taxa diversification are eastern and southeastern Brazil, northern Argentina and the Amazon River basin. Vegetational changes in the Amazon basin during the Pleistocene appear to have been the major causes of taxa formation. RESUME Les coleopteres Bresiliens de la tribue des Cicindelini, Ctenostomatini, et Megacephalini, du sous-tribue des Cicindelina, des Odontocheilina et des Prothymina, et de la taxa du genre Cicindela sont classes en groupes distinctes. Les diagnoses, bases sur les caracteristiques des adultes, males et femelles inclus, sont nouveaux pour la plupart des especes et seront donnes pour quatre sous-especes, 12 groupes d’ especes et 29 especes de Cicindela Bresiliennes. Le classement des especes est base, sur une nomenclature, une identification, des listes de synonymes et de types, une description, une variation geographique, les relations, 1’ habitat et les periodes d’activites, la distribution geographique , les differentes localisations des especes examinees, une carte des repartitions, et des chiffres illustrant de fagon taxonamicale les importantes structures exterieurs et interieurs. Une classification de 61 especes de Cicindela Bresiliennes et Neotropicales apparentees est etablie grace a une phylogenie reconstitute en utilisant les methodes de Hennig. Les taxa Bresiliennes sont Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 244 Freitag and Barnes regrouptes selon la phytogeny reconstitute. Les quartre sous-genres (groupes d especes), et les organisations des especes sefont comme suit: sous-genre Brasiella Rivalier, (groupe argentataj, C. argentata Fabricius, C. obscurella Klug, C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff, ( groupe aureola), C. amaenula Chaudoir, C. aureola Klug, (groupe misella), C. dolosula Rivalier, C. misella Chaudoir, (groupe minarum), C. hamulipenis Horn, C. brevipalpis Horn, C. banghaasi Horn, C. minarum Putzeys; nouveau sous-genre Gaymara (type d’ especes.— C. chlorosticta Kollar), (groupe chlorosticta), C. chlorosticta Kollar, C. staudingeria Horn, C. nigroreticulata Horn, la nouvelle espece C. paranigroreticulata (type localite.-Tramandai, Rio Grande do Sul), (groupe anulipes), C. anulipes Horn; sous-genre Plectographa Rivalier, (groupe sutural is), C. suturalis Fabricius, C. nivea Kirby, (groupe melaleuca), C. melaleuca Dejean, C. patagonica Brullt, (groupe nigrovittata), C. nigrovittata Horn, (groupe apiata), C. apiata Dejean; sous-genre Cylindera Westwood, (groupe morio), C. kollari Gistl, C. confluentesignata Horn, C. morio Klug, C. marquardti Horn, (groupe friedenreichi), C. piligera Horn, C. obsoletesignata Horn, C. friedenreichi Dokhtouroff. Sept nouveaux sy steme s de synonymes sont proposes avec I’ancien synonyme de chaque combinaisons donates auparavent: C. argentata argentata Fabricius = Brasiliella pseudoargentata Mandl; C. obscurella Klug = C. obscurella constricta Rivalier = Brasiella chrysocollis Mandl = Brasiliella pallidipes mandl; C. suturalis Fabricius = C. trifasciata boliviana Mandl. Une phylogtnie reconstitute des sous-genres Cicindela qui comprant les especes Brtsilienne indique les relations suivantes: Brasiella comme groupe soeur de la lignte Gaymara/Cylindera, Gaymara comme groupe soeur de la lignte Plectographa/Cylindera, et Plectographa comme group soeur de Cylindera. Les relations entre les groupes d’ especes dans chaque sous-genres sont indiqutes comme suit: la Brasiella, le groupe argentata soeur de la lignte ancestrale des groupes soeurs viridicollis/hemichrysea, le groupe aureola soeur de la lignte cubana/pretiosa, le groupe misella soeur de la lignte cubana/horioni, le groupe monobasique stamatovi taxon de relations incertaines, et le groupe minarum apparentt de la lignte cubana/venezuelensis; la Gaymara, le groupe chlorosticta soeur du groupe monobasique anulipes; la Plectographa, le groupe monobasique halophila taxon de relations incertaines, le groupe suturalis soeur du groupe melaleuca, le groupe monobasique nigrovittata taxon de relations incertaines, le groupe apiata soeur de la lignte siccalacicola/nigrovittata; et la Cylindera, le groupe morio soeur du groupe friedenreichi. Les relations entre les especes Brasiella sont: (groupe viridicollis), C. cubana Leng et Mutchler soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. acuniai Mutchler/C. viridicollis Dejean, C. wickhami Horn soeur de la lignte des cubana/viridicollis; (groupe hemichrysea), C. hemichrysea Chevrolat soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. mendicula Rivalier! C. sphaerodera Rivalier; (groupe argentata), C. argentata Fabricius soeur de la lignte des venustula/pretiosa, C. venustula Gory soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. obscurella Klug/C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff; (groupe aureola, C. rivalieri Mandl soeur de la lignte des amaenula/horioni, C. amaenula Chaudoir soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. aureola Klug/C. horioni Mandl; (groupe misella), la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. dolosulaffinis Mandl! C. tippmanni Mandl soeur de la lignte des especes soeurs C. dolosula Rivalier! C. misella Chaudoir, (groupe stamatovi), C. stomatovi Sumlin relations incertaines, (groupe minarum), la lignte hamulipenis/banghaasi soeur de la lignte des minarum/balzani, C. banghaasi Horn soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. hamulipenis Horn/C. brevipalpis Horn, C. balzani Horn soeur de la lignte des minarum/insularis, C. minarum Putzeys soeur de la lignte nebulosa/insularis, C. nebulosa Bates soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. mandli Brouerius van Nidek/C. insularis Brouerius van Nidek. Les relations entre les espece Gaymara sont: (groupe anulipes), C. anulipes Horn soeur de la lignte des chlorosticta/paranigroreticulata; (groupe chlorosticta, la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. chlorosticta Kollar/C. staudingeria Horn soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. nigroreticulata Horn/C. paranigroreticulata n.sp. Les relations entre les especes Plectographa; (groupe halophila), C. halophila Sumlin relations incertaines; (groupe suturalis), C. siccalacicola Sumlin soeur de la lignte des sinuosa/nahuelbutae, la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. sinuosa Brullt/C. suturalis Fabricius soeur de la lignte des hirsutifrons/nahuelbutae, la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. hirsutifrons Sumlin! C. nivea Kirby soeur de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. ramosa Brullt/C. nahuelbutae Pena; (groupe melaleuca), C. mixtula Horn relations incertaines, la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. ritsemai HornIC. drakei Horn soeurs de la lignte des melaleuca/chiliensis, la lignte ancestrale des espece soeurs C. melaleuca Dejean/C. patagonica Brullt soeurs de la lignte ancestrale des especes soeurs C. gormazi ReedIC. chiliensis Audouin et Bruellt; (groupe nigrovittata), C. nigrovittata Horn relations incertaines; (groupe apiata), C. eugeni Castelnau soeur de C. apiata Dejean. Brazilian Species of Cicindela 245 Les relations entre les Cylindera d’Amerique du sud: (groupe mono, la lignee ancestrale des especes soeurs C. kollari Gistl/C. malaris Horn soeur de la lignee des confluentesignata/marquardti, la lignee ancestrale des especes soeurs C. confluentesignata Horn/C. granulipennis Bates soeur des C. mono Klug/C. marquardti Horn; (groupe friendenreichi), C. friedenreichi Dokhtouroff soeur de la lignee ancestrale des especes soeurs C. piligera Horn/C. obsoletesignata Horn. Selon une hypothese les sous-genres Brasiella, Gaymara, Plectographa et Cylindera proviennent de I’ouest du Gondwana avant la formation de VAmerque du sud. La diversification Neotropicale d’ une meme sous-genres se trouve surtout dans la partie nord de VAmerique du sud pendant 1’ ere Tertiaire et le Pleistocene. Les principaux centers de concentration des Brasiella, Gaymara, et Cylindera sont la pleine campagne et lest et central pays de montagnes Bresiliennes et ceux du Plectographa en Argentina du nord. Ces centers semblent avoir ete pendant longtemps les principaux points de dispersion des periodes climatiques et geophysique hospitalieres et de points de retraite pour les taxa durant les periodes hostiles. D’ important centers de diversifications des taxa se situent a lest et au sud-est du Bresil, en Argentine du nord et dans le bassin Amazonien. Les transformations de la vegetation du bassin Amazonien pendant le Pleistocene semblant etre a I’origine de la transformation des taxa. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 246 Materials and Methods 246 Classification 248 Notes about taxonomic characteristics 248 Taxa of the Brazilian Cicindelidae 248 Key to adults of tribes of Brazilian Cicindelidae 248 Key to adults of subtribes and subgenera of Cicindela of Brazilian Cicindelini 248 Key to the Brazilian species of Cicindela 249 Subgenus Brasiella Rivalier 254 Subgenus Gaymara , new subgenus 278 Subgenus Plectographa Rivalier 289 Subgenus Cylindera Westwood 317 History of South American species of subgenera Brasiella, Gaymara, Plectographa, and Cylindera 332 Introduction 332 Phylogeny 332 Biogeography 346 Expected geographical patterr 350 Distribution and historical interpretation - subgenera 350 Distribution and historical interpretation - species groups and species 35 1 Geographical history 363 Summary 372 Problems and Predictions 372 Acknowledgements 373 References 374 Index 383 Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 246 Freitag and Bames INTRODUCTION Brazilian species of Cicindela have not been reviewed as a geographical entity, though they have been treated as part of broad systematic works. Horn (1915, 1926a, 1938) in studies of the world fauna established a preliminary classification based mainly on form, colouration, and pubescence of the exoskeleton of adults. He also included synonymies and geographical distributions. In a ‘catalogue’ on the evolution of Cicindela , Schilder (1953) placed almost all Brazilian species into one genus, Cicindosa Motschulsky. Rivalier (1954, 1955) demonstrated relationships among Neotropical species by comparisons of the internal sac of the median lobe, and divided Brazilian forms of Cicindela into Brasiella Rivalier and Cylindera Westwood. Vidal Sarmiento (1966a, b) also conducted studies of female and male genitalia of genera and species of the Cicindelidae of Argentina, but did include some taxa from Brazil. More recently in a synopsis of the genera of Neotropical Carabidae Reichardt (1977) presented a brief systematic history of Cicindela , and recognized nine ‘genera’ of Rivalier, two of which are principally Brazilian. Sumlin (1979) reviewed Argentine species of Cicindela in which a few Brazilian members were noted and included in a key. Our study was conducted to develop a taxonomic system and hi orical synthesis for Brazilian and related Neotropical species of Cicindela. The fc lowing account includes identification keys, descriptions of taxa, classification and evolutionary history. Determinations of species, species groups, and their relationships, are based on external structures, male genitalia as described by Rivalier (1954, 1955) and Vidal Sarmiento (1966b), and female genitalia which are described herein for the first time for most species. Descriptions of male genitalia not studied by Rivalier (1954, 1955) are included. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was based on adults of Cicindela , those tiger beetles which occupy open habitats, such as bare patches of soil in grasslands, roads and footpaths, river banks, margins of standing fresh water, and sea beaches. About 1200 adult specimens of Neotropical species of Cicindela were examined, including Horn types. W.G. Graham and the senior author collected some specimens in the Manaus area. The great majority of specimens were received on loan from private collections and institutions, for which the following codens after Arnett and Samuelson (1969) and Heppner and Lamas (1982) are used in the text. BMNH British Museum (Natural History), Oomwell Road, London, England SW7 5BD. BRI Biosystematics Research Institute >..W. Neatby Bldg. Room 3125, Brazilian Species of Cicindela 247 CASC HFHC ICCM INPA IOC IPZE LEPC MMKC MNHP MNRJ MZSP RRMC USNM ZSMS Research Branch, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0C6. California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 941 18. Henry H. Howden Collection, Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Section of Entomology, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 15213. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Caixa Postal 478, Manuas - 69000, Amazonas, Brazil. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der DDR, Institut fur Pflanzenschutzforschung Zweigstelle, Abt. Taxonomie der Insekten, Kleinmachnow, Bereich Eberswalde, 13 Eberswalde-Finow 1, Schicklerstrasse 5, Germany. Luis E. Pena Collection, P.O. Box 2974, Santiago, Chile. Michael M. Kaulbars Collection, Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Entomologie, 45 rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. Museu Nacional, Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, RJ-20,000, Brazil. Museu de Zoologie, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Avenida Nazare, 481 (Agencia Ipiranga), 04263 Sao Paulo, SP- Brazil. Robert R. Murray Collection, Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. 76107. United States National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 20560 Zoologische Staatssammlung, Maria-Ward Strasse lb, D-8000 Munchen 19, Germany. The various methods and concepts applied in this study have been fairly well established. Structures examined, drawings and measurements, dissections of the male and female genitalia, distribution maps and localities, criteria for species and subspecies, diagnosis of the genus Cicindela and reconstruction of phylogenetic system relationships based solely on derived characteristics, have been described elsewhere (Freitag, 1979). We use special terms that have been applied to features of the male and female genitalia by Rivalier (1954, 1955), Freitag (1965, 1966, 1972), and Vidal Sarmiento (1966a, b, 1967), as shown in Figures 34, 36, 46, 72, 108. A new term, “right bar”, is given to a small sclerite which seems to be an extension of the arciform piece on the right side of the internal sac. Asterisks (*) listed in the Localities sections indicate place names for which the localities are unknown, and an exclamation mark (!) notes that several specimens were examined but that their sex was not determined. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 248 Freitag and Bames CLASSIFICATION Notes about taxonomic characteristics Characteristics common to adults of Brazilian species of Cicindela are those typical of the genus (Horn, 1915; Willis, 1968; Freitag, 1979) as well as the following which characterize most species: scape of antenna with one apical seta; tooth of mentum well developed; pronotum with lateral and front portions setose; lateral portions of metastemum and metacoxa setose; procoxa and mesocoxa setose; and elytra with isodiametric microsculpture and apical microserrulations. Taxa of the Brazilian Cicindelidae The following keys to the taxa of Brazilian Cicindelidae are constructed from personal examinations of specimens, and diagnostic characteristics given in descriptions, keys and figures by Horn (1915, 1926a, 1938), Rivalier (1954, 1955), Freitag (1966, 1972, 1979), Vidal Sarmiento (1966a, b), Pena (1969), Reichardt (1977), and Sumlin (1979). Key to Adults of Tribes of Brazilian Cicindelidae 1 Metepistemum narrow, sulcate for entire length; mesepistemum short; lacinia of maxilla without articulated tooth Ctenostomatini 1' Metepistemum plate-shaped, not entirely sulcate; mesepistemum elongate; lacinia with articulated tooth 2 2 (T) Pronotum with anterior lateral angles prominent, projected further forward than anterior margin of prostemum, head wide, eyes small; maxillary palpamere 4 in most members of most taxa shorter than maxillary palpamere 3; body without pubescence Megacephalini 2' Pronotum with anterior lateral angles not prominent; head with large prominent eyes; maxillary palpamere 4 longer than maxillary palpamere 3; body with pubescence in members of most taxa Cicindelini Key to Adults of Subtribes and Subgenera of Cicindela of Brazilian Cicindelini 1 Pubescence generally present on head, thorax, and abdomen in members of most taxa; or posterior 0.33 of elytron with pale markings subtribe Cicindelina; genus Cicindela 3 T Pubescence generally absent from head, thorax, and abdomen in members of most taxa; posterior 0.33 of elytron without pale markings 2 2 (1') Elytral epipleuron and free lateral margin of hind coxa glabrous Brazilian Species of Cicindela 249 subtribe Prothymina 2' Elytral epipleuron glabrous or pubescent, and free lateral margin of hind coxa pubescent subtribe Odontocheilina 3 (1) Pale maculations of elytra various, from complete and narrow to reduced and incomplete; labrum tridentate in most species; median lobe of male with apical hook in specimens of most species 4 3' Pale maculations of elytra broad to extensive in specimens of most species, or depressed, or absent, or discontinuous giving spotted appearance; labrum unidentate or multidentate in specimens of most species; median lobe of male tapered, without hook 5 4 (3) Body size small, most adults less than 7.5 mm long; labrum with five to 10 (most commonly eight) submarginal setae; pronotum narrow; membrane in place of oviduct sclerite; ventral sclerite of bursa without posterior projections subgenus Brasiella Rivalier, p. 254 4' Body size large, most adults 8.0-12.0 mm long (C. anulipes is 7. 0-7. 5 mm); labrum with four to six (seven in a few specimens) submarginal setae; pronotum broad; oviduct sclerite present; ventral sclerite of bursa with setose lateral posterior projections subgenus Gaymara n. subg., p. 278 5 (3') Pale maculations of elytra broad to extensive, or depressed, or absent; head glabrous in specimens of all but one species (gena sparsely pilose in C. confluentesignata)’, thoracic pleuron and sternum glabrous or moderately pilose; labrum unidentate or multidentate; internal sac of median lobe of male lacking dorsal spatulate sclerite subgenus Cylinder a Westwood, p. 317 5' Pale maculations of elytra well developed in specimens of most species, tendency to be discontinuous, appearance spotted; head with setae (glabrous in C. suturalis)\ thoracic pleuron including proepistemum and sternum densely pilose; internal sac of median lobe of male with dorsal spatulate sclerite subgenus Plectographa Rivalier, p. 289 Key to the Brazilian species of Cicindela 1 Head with setae on either the vertex, frons, clypeus or genae, fine in some specimens and not obvious or abraded 2 1' Head glabrous (except for one or two supraorbital setae near the inner margin of each eye) 8 2 (1) Dense appressed setae on vertex, frons, clypeus, genae and most of the rest of the body; elytra completely or almost Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 250 Freitag and Bames without ground colour (Figs. 91a, b); body size 9.0-13.5 mm; distributed from Espirito Santo, Brazil, south to Argentina C. nivea Kirby, p. 300 2' Combination of characters not as above 3 3 (2') Body length 8.5-1 1.0 mm; elytra with ground colour very dark brown to black, dull, maculations broad, continuous away from lateral margin, row of large foveae with umbilicate centers near suture (Fig. 92); distributed in coastal regions in southernmost portion of Rio Grande do Sul, Argentina, and Chile C. melaleuca Dejean, p. 302 3' Combination of characters not as above 4 4 (3') Labrum of most specimens with seven to nine submarginal setae 5 4' Labrum of most specimens with fewer than seven submarginal setae 6 5 (4) Body length 6. 5-7. 5 mm; elytra with ground colour brown, dull, marginal band and apical lunule broad, middle band broad, oblique (Fig. 32); coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female deep round pit; distributed in Matto Grosso C. banghaasi Horn, p. 276 5' Body length 9.0-10.0 mm; elytra with ground colour brown, glossy, maculations broad, continous along lateral margin (Figs. 93a, b); coupling sulcus deep groove; distributed from Rio Grande do Sul south to Patagonia C. patagonica Brulle, p. 303 6 (4') Dorsum coppery brown, slightly glossy; elytra with broad and continuous pale maculations (Figs. 130a-c); genae sparsely setose, frons and clypeus glabrous; antennae with articles 5-1 1 pale; labrum with margin irregular, unidentate in most specimens; in some, seven dentate, with margin incised by setiferous punctures (Figs. 116a-c); distributed in Minas Gerais, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay C. confluentesignata Horn, p. 319 6' Combination of characters not as above 7 7 (6') Ground colour dull (matte) black; one or two small pale spots on elytra (Fig. 94); vertex, frons, and genae sparsely setose; coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female shallow, wide, almost absent; distributed in Minas Gerais C. nigrovittata Horn, p. 304 7' Ground colour black (not matte); maculations of elytra reduced (Figs. 65a-c); vertex, frons clypeus, and genae sparsely setose; tuft of setae on front inner margin of each eye; coupling sulcus Brazilian Species of Cicindela 251 elongate groove with deep middle; distributed in Rio Grande do Sul C. paranigroreticulata new species, p. 287 8 (1') Labrum edentate or with very small single tooth (Figs. 2, 3, 5) 9 8' Labrum either unidentate or multidentate 1 1 9 (8) Labrum with anterior margin broadly protruded in center (Figs. 3a-c); elytra dark brown, purplish reflections in few specimens, with short wide transverse middle band, small subapical spot of humeral lunule present in most specimens, and with subapical spot, (Figs. 25a-c); distributed in Amazon basin C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff, p. 269 9' Labrum with anterior margin straight (Figs. 2, 5); pattern of elytral markings as in Figures 24, 27 10 10 (9') Dorsum bright to dark red-coppery, elytral pattern with humeral spot, middle band and subapical spot (Fig. 27); distributed in inland southern Brazil C. aureola Klug, p. 271 10' Dorsum black to dark brown; elytral pattern almost effaced (Figs. 24a, b); distributed in northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, southern Brazil C. obscurella Klug, p. 267 1 1 (8') Labrum at least 5-dentate 12 1 1 ' Labrum at most tridentate 1 5 12 (11) Body length 6.0 mm; body dull black; labrum indistinctly five dentate with six submarginal setae, with middle four setae close to margin (Fig. 9); elytron without shoulder, pattern absent (Fig. 31); distributed in Matto Grosso, C. brevipalpis Horn, p. 276 12' Combination of characters not as above 13 13 (12') Ground colour dull brown to black with green head and pronotum; elytra with broad apical and humeral lunules (Figs. 132a, b); tooth of mentum short; labrum 5-dentate (Figs. 118a, b); distributed in Matto Grosso C. marquardti Horn, p. 321 13' Ground colour black; elytra various, from immaculate to fully maculate (Figs. 131, 133); labrum seven to 12 dentate (Figs. 1 17, 1 19); tooth of mentum well developed 14 14 (13') Elytra with maculations reduced to three spots, each in depression, large punctures along suture, large depression in basal 0.33 (Figs. 133a, b); articles 5-6 of antenna dark; labrum seven dentate with six marginal setae (Figs. 119a, b); coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female in form of groove with central pit; distributed in Minas Gerais C. piligera Horn, p. 322 14' Elytra various, from immaculate to fully maculate (Figs. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 252 Freitag and Bames 15' 16 (15') 16' 17 (16) 131a-e); articles five or six of antenna pale; labrum elongate, seven to 12 dentate with eight to 10 marginal setae (Figs. 117a-e); coupling sulcus broad groove; distributed from Amazon River to Matto Grosso C. morio, Klug, p. 320 15 (IF) Elytra with dark lines in form of reticulated pattern against lighter brown and coppery ground colour, humeral lunule short, middle band markedly curved (Figs. 64a, b); labrum unidentate or weakly tridentate with four submarginal setae (Figs. 54a, b); distributed in inland Rio Grande do Sul C. nigroreticulata Horn, p. 286 Combination of characters not as above 16 Head and pronotum deeply rugose and bright coppery with faint green reflections in some specimens; elytra with middle band narrow and strongly oblique as in Figures 62, 63 17 Head and pronotum not deeply rugose and bright coppery; elytra with middle band not oblique 18 Body length 8. 0-8. 5 mm; pattern of elytral maculations as in Figures 62a, b; distributed in central and southeastern Brazil, northeastern Argentina, Paraguay C. chlorosticta Kollar, p. 284 17' Body length 10.0-12.0 mm; pattern of elytral maculations as in Figures 63a, b; distributed in southeastern Brazil, northern Argentina, Uruguay C. staudingeria Horn, p. 285 18 (16') Labrum elongate, convex, with three small teeth, and four submarginal setae (Fig. 56); proepistemum with deep and evenly distributed punctures; elytra with reduced maculations (Fig. 66); distributed in Goias, Matto Grosso, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul C. anulipes Horn, p. 288 18' Combination of characters not as above 19 (18') Labrum distinctly tridentate (Figs. 1, 4, 6, 7) 19' Labrum unidentate or obscurely tridentate 20 (19) Labrum distinctly narrow throughout, central portion of front margin not protruded, central tooth small (Figs. 7a, b); humeral spot of elytron small, on latero-ventral side of shoulder, not evident in dorsal view; distributed in southern Matto Grosso near the Bolivian border, Central America and northwestern South America (probably east of the Andes) south to southwestern Brazil and Argentina C. misella Chaudoir, p. 274 20' Combination of characters not as above 21 21 (20') Elytra slightly glossy brown, maculations broad, middle band slightly oblique (Fig. 26); labrum with broadly rounded teeth. 19 20 23 Brazilian Species of Cicindela 253 21' 22 (21’) 22' 23 (19’) 23' 24 (23') 24' 25 (24') 25’ 26 (25’) 26' 27 (26) 27' eight submarginal setae (Fig. 4); distributed inland from Matto Grosso north to Amazon River ....C. amaenula Chaudoir, p. 270 Elytra dull, brown to black, maculations narrower or more reduced; teeth of labrum narrower (Figs. 1 , 6) Elytron with humeral spot, subhumeral spot distinct (Figs. 23a-e); small bell-shaped unpigmented area on posterior margin of sternum 5 of females distributed from Brazil north to Mexico, south to Argentina C. argentata Fabricius , p. 265 Elytron with humeral spot absent, subhumeral spot tiny (Fig. 28); bell-shaped unpigmented area on posterior margin of sternum 5 of females absent; distributed from eastern Brazil west to Colombia C. dolosula Rivalier, p. 273 Elytra with pale maculations widely expanded, continuous in some specimens, humeral lunule oblique, punctation very large and deep (Figs. 129a, b); articles 5-11 of antennae pale; body pubescence moderately dense; labrum distinctly unidentate with five or six sub-marginal setae (Figs. 115a, b); distributed in central Brazil C. kollari Gistl, p. 317 Combination of characters not as above Elytra black, maculations obsolete and depressed, with broad punctures near median suture and shoulders (Fig. 134); labrum unidentate, dark at base, six submarginal setae (Fig. 120); distributed in Santa Catarina, northern Argentina C. obsoletesignata Horn, p. 323 Combination of characters not as above Body length 6.0 mm; elytra dull dark brown, maculations largely effaced (Fig. 30); labrum unidentate with five to seven submarginal setae (Fig. 8); distributed in Goias C. hamulipenis Horn, p. 275 Combination of characters not as above Elytra with maculations complete and continuous or broad (Figs. 90, 95) Elytra with maculations reduced (Figs. 33, 121) Elytra with ground colour dull dark brown, maculations broad, lacking marginal band (Figs. 95a-d); labrum unidentate, tooth prominent, or obscurely tridentate, seven to 13 submarginal setae (Figs. 83a-d); coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female broad groove; distributed in coastal and inland Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Matto Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul, northern Argentina C. apiata Dejean, p. 305 Elytra with ground colour glossy, with coppery, green and blue (in some specimens) reflections, maculations complete and 22 24 25 26 27 28 Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 254 Freitag and Bames continuous, middle band sinuate (Figs. 90a-e); labrum unidentate, with 8-10 submarginal setae (Figs. 78a-e); coupling sulcus deep sinuate groove; distributed from southern Brazil north to Trinidad and southern Caribbean Islands C. suturalis Fabricius, p. 298 28 (26') Elytra dull, black, apical lunule with recurved hook at distal end (Figs. 33a, b); labrum short almost tridentate, with seven to 12 submarginal setae (Figs. 11a, b); coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female deep groove with central pit; distributed in Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Matto Grosso, Sao Paulo C. minarum Putzeys, p. 277 28' Elytra slightly glossy, black, middle band, especially apical end, depressed (Figs. 135a, b); labrum unidentate with seven of eight setae almost marginal (Figs. 121a, b); coupling sulcus long sinuate groove; distributed in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina C.friedenreichi Dokhtouroff, p. 324 Subgenus Brasiella Rivalier Genus Brasiella Rivalier, 1954: 261 (TYPE SPECIES, Cicindela argentata, by iginal designation). Rivalier, 1955: 79. Reichardt, 1977: 374. Brasiliella Mandl, 1963: 581; 1973: 270 (incorrect subsequent spelling). Recognition. — Adults of this subgenus are distinguished by the five characters given in couplet 4 of the key. In addition the head is glabrous (except for C. banghaasiy, labrum tridentate, unidentate, edentate, or indistinctly five dentate; pale maculations of elytra are complete and narrow in most species or reduced or completely absent; middle of abdominal sterna pubescent; apex of median lobe of the male is hooked in most species, and central plate and flagellum are absent in the internal sac; the spermatheca and duct of the female together are approximately 1.0- 1.5 mm long. Species groups. — This subgenus has seven species groups that include 29 species. Six groups are found in South America, of which four are in Brazil, argentata group, aureola group, misella group, and minarum group. Geographical distribution. — The geographical range of this subgenus extends from northern Argentina northward to southwestern United States and the West Indies. In Brazil most taxa in this subgenus are concentrated south of the Amazon River in the Brazilian Highlands and southern parts of the Amazon basin. Phylogenetic relationships. — Subgenus Brasiella is sister to the lineage that gave rise to subgenera Gaymara, Plectographa , and Cylindera. Figs. 1-11. Labium, dorsal aspect. 1, Cicindela argentata Fabricius: (a) female, Estac, S.P.; (b) female, Ypiranga, S.P.; (c) male, Arinos, M. Gerais; (d) male, 40 km w. Manaus, Am.; 2, C. obscurella Klug, Montevideo, Uruguay: (a) female; (b) male; 3, C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff, Manaus, Am.: (a) female; (b), (c) male; 4, C. amaenula Chaudoir, female, near Amazon River; 5, C. aureola Klug, female: (a) Sao Paulo, S.P.; (b) Vacaria, M. Grosso; 6, C. dolosula Rivalier, male, Chapada, Go.; 7, C. misella Chaudoir, Bugaba, Colombia: (a) female; (b) male; 8, C. hamulipenis Horn, male, Dianopolis, Go.; 9, C. brevipalpis Horn, male, Vacaria, M. Grosso; 10, C. banghaasi Horn, female, Cuyaba, M. Grosso; 1 1, C. minarum Putzeys: (a) female, Vacaria, M. Grosso; (b) male, Espirito Santo. Figs. 12-22. Pronotum, dorsal aspect. 12, C. argentata Fabricius: (a) female, Ypiranga, S.P.; (b) male, Arinos, M. Gerais; (c) male, 40 km w. Manaus, Am.; 13, C. obscurella Klug, Montevideo, Uruguay: (a) female; (b) male; 14, C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff, Manaus, Am.: (a) female; (b), (c) male; 15, C. amaenula Chaudoir, female, near Amazon River; 16, C. aureola Klug, female; (a) Sao Paulo, S.P.; (b) Vacaria, M. Grosso; 17, C. dolosula Rivalier, male Chapada, Go.; 18, C. misella Chaudoir, Bugaba, Columbia: (a) female; (b) male; 19, C. hamulipenis Horn, male, Dianopolis, Go.; 20, C. brevipalpis Horn, male, Vacaria, M. Grosso; 21, C. banghaasi Horn, female, Cuyaba, M. Grosso; 22, C. minarum Putzeys; (a) female, Vacaria, M. Grosso; (b) male, Espirito Santo. Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 256 Freitag and Bames Figs. 23-33. Elytron, dorsal aspect. 23, Cicindela argentata Fabricius; (a) female, Estac, S.P., apical lunule (. al ), humeral spot (hs), middle band (mb), marginal band or lunule (ml), subhumeral spot (sh)\ (b), (c), female, Ypiranga, S.P.; (d) male, Arinos, M. Gerais; (e) male, 40 km w. Manaus, Am.; 24, C. obscurella Klug, Montevideo, Uruguay: (a) female; (b) male; 25, C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff, Manaus, Am.: (a) female; (b), (c) male; 26, C. amaenula Chaudoir, female, near Amazon River; 27, C. aureola Klug, female: (a) Sao Paulo, S.P.; (b) Vacaria, M. Grosso; 28, C. dolosula Rivalier, male, Chapada, Go.; 29, C. misella Chaudoir, Bugaba, Colombia: (a) female; (b) male; 30, C. hamulipenis Horn, male, Dianopolis, Go.; 31, C. brevipalpis Horn, male, Vacaria, M. Grosso; 32, C. banghaasi Horn, female, Cuyaba, M. Grosso; 33, C. minarum Putzeys: (a) female, Vacaria, M. Grosso; (b) male, Espirito Santo. Brazilian Species of Cicindela 257 Figs. 34—37. Female genitalia: (a) sternum 8 ( s8 ), second gonocoxa (sg), second gonapophyses (sgp), ventral aspect; (b) syntergum 9 and 10 ( t9&10 ), dorsal aspect; (c) bursa copulatrix (be), median ridge (mr), oviduct sclerite (os), oviduct ( ov ), spermatheca ( sp ) and duct ( sd ), ventral sclerite (vs), ventral aspect; (d) bursa copulatrix left lateral aspect; (e) bursa copulatrix dorsal aspect. Cicindela argentata Fabricius: 34, Estac, S.P.; 35, Ypiranga, S.P.; 36, 37, C. obscurella Klug, Montevideo, Uruguay. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) Figs. 38 — 4 1 . Female genitalia: (a) sternum 8, second gonocoxa, second gonapophyses, ventral aspect; (b) syntergum 9 and 10, dorsal aspect; (c) bursa copulatrix, median ridge, oviduct sclerite, oviduct, spermatheca and duct, ventral sclerite, ventral aspect; (d) bursa copulatrix left lateral aspect. 38, Cicindela pretiosa Dokhtouroff, Manaus, Am; 39, C. amaenula Chaudoir, near Amazon River; C. aureola Klug, 40, Sao Paulo, S.P.; 41, Vacaria, M. Grosso. Brazilian Species of Cicindela 259 Figs. 42-44. Female genitalia: Female genitalia: (a) sternum 8, second gonocoxa, second gonapophyses, ventral aspect; (b) syntergum 9 and 10, dorsal aspect; (c) bursa copulatrix, median ridge, oviduct sclerite, oviduct, spermatheca and duct, ventral sclerite, ventral aspect. 42, Cicindela misella Chaudoir, Bugaba, Columbia; 43, C. banghaasi Horn, Cuyaba, M. Grosso; 44, C. minarum Putzeys, Vacaria, M. Grosso. Figs. 45 — 46. Male genitalia: median lobe (a) right lateral aspect; (b) dorsal aspect; (c) left lateral aspect; (d) internal sac, arciform piece (ap), setal brush ( sb ), shield ( sh ), stylet (st), tooth (to). 45, C. hamulipenis Horn, Dianopolis, Go.; 46, C. brevipalpis Horn, Vacaria, M. Grosso. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 260 Freitag and Bames Fig. 47. Map showing the geographical distribution of the species Cicindela argentata Fabricius. Open circles represent state records. Brazilian Species of Cicindela 261 Fig. 48. Map showing the geographical distribution of the species Cicindela obscurella Klug (•), and C. pretiosa Dokhtouroff (■). Open circles represent state records of C. obscurella Klug. Quae st. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 262 Freitag and Bames Fig. 49. Map showing the geographical distribution of the species Cicindela amaenula Chaudoir (•), and C. aureola Klug (■). Open circle and square represent state recor for C. amaenula Chaudoir and C. aureola Klug respectively. Brazilian Species of Cicindela 263 Fig. 50. Map showing the geographical distribuiton of the species Cicindela dolosula Rivalier (•), and C. misella Chaudoir (■). Open circle and square represent state records for C. dolosula Rivalier, and C. misella Chaudoir respectively. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 264 Freitag and Bames Fig. 51. Map showing the geographical distribution of the species Cicindela hamulipenis Horn (•), C. brevipalpis Horn (■), C. banghaasi Horn (A), and C. minarum Putzeys (▼). Brazilian Species of Cicindela 265 The argentata group Adults of this group are characterized by elytral foveae not obvious, and unpigmented bell-shaped spot on abdominal sternum 5 of the female. The group has four species, three of which are found in Brazil, C. argentata, C. obscurella, and C. pretiosa. The geographical range of the argentata group extends from northern Argentina northward to northern South America and the Lesser Antilles. The argentata group is a close relative of the viridicollis and hemichrysea groups. Cicindela (Brasiella) argentata Fabricius Figs. 1, 12, 23,34,47 Cicindela argentata argentata Fabricius, 1801: 242 (TYPE LOCALITY, in America meridionali). - Herbst, 1806: 208. - Dejean, 1825: 147; 1831: 215. Kirsch, 1873: 125. - Bates, 1881: 14. - Horn, 1896a: 354; 1903: 334; 1904: 86; 1906: 87-91; 1915: 406; 1923: 111; 1926a: 308: 1938: 52. Varas Arangua, 1925: 37. - Barattini, 1929: 1218. - Blackwelder, 1944: 17. - Cazier, 1954: 286. - Rivalier, 1954: 261-263; 1955: 79-80; 1970: 857. Brouerius van Nidek, 1956: 320. - Mandl 1956: 389; 1963: 581; 1964: 16; 1967: 437, 439; 1973: 290. Vidal Sarmiento, 1966a: 256-257; 1966b: 32-33. - Balazuc and Chalumeau, 1978: 22. - Sumlin, 1979: 102. Cicindela guerin Gory, 1833: 178 (TYPE LOCALITY, Cayenne). - Horn, 1896a: 354; 1915: 406; 1926a: 308. - Blackwelder, 1944: 17. Cicindela lucorum Gistl ,1837: 71 (TYPE LOCALITY, in Cayenna). - Horn, 1915: 406; 1926a: 308. - Blackwelder, 1944: 17. Cicindela egaensis Thomson, 1857: 130 (TYPE LOCALITY, Ega, Amazone super.).) - Horn, 1915: 406; 1926a: 308. - Blackwelder, 1944: 17. Brasiliella pseudoargentata Mandl, 1963: 582 (TYPE LOCALITY, Jacare P.N. Xingu, M. Grosso, Bras.). NEW COMBINATION AND SYNONYMY. Cicindela argentata pallipes Fleutiaux and Salle, 1889: 359 (TYPE, sex undetermined, in the MNHP general collection bearing the following label: “Guadeloupe Delauney/C. argentata F., v. pallipes (ch2)/Museum Paris Box collection Fleutiaux/Type” (black letters on red label); (TYPE LOCALITY, Guadeloupe). -Horn, 1903: 334; 1915: 406; 1926a: 308. - Leng and Mutchler, 1916: 696. - Blackwelder, 1944: 17. - Rivalier, 1955: 80. Cicindela argentata umbrogemmata Horn , 1906: 87 (TYPE LOCALITY, Posorja, Ecuador (Campos)); 1915: 407; 1926a: 308; 1938: 52. -Blackwelder, 1944: 17. Cicindela argentata macella Rivalier , 1955: 80 (TYPE, a male in the MNHP general collection bearing the following label: “Museum Paris de la Mana Leschor/ penis 873 Rivalier /argentata s.s. macella mihi. E. Rivalier det/TYPE” (black letters on red label); TYPE LOCALITY, Bresil). Cicindela argentata semicircumscripta Mandl , 1958: 23 (TYPE LOCALITY, Santiago del Estero, El Pinto). - Sumlin, 1979: 103. Cicindela argentata ecuadorensis Mandl , 1973: 290 (TYPE LOCALITY, Ecuador, San Anton. Curaray). Recognition. — Specimens of C. argentata are distinguished from those of the similar species C. obscurella by a combination of the following characteristics: in most specimens maculations of elytra well developed with complete marginal band and humeral spot, subapical spot and apical lunule (Figs. 23a-e); labrum of average length and obsoletely to strongly tridentate with middle tooth well developed in most specimens (Figs, la-d); sides of inside of bursa copulatrix in females lightly sclerotized and brushes of setae absent (Figs. 34c, 35c). In addition, the shapes of the sclerites of the internal sac of the median lobe of the two above species differ (Rivalier, 1955: 81,84; Vidal Sarmiento, 1966b: 33). Also see Recognition section Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 266 Freitag and Bames for C. misella and C. dolosula. Synonyms and Types. — We have not seen types of the C. argentata complex except for that of C. argentata macella Rivalier and C. argentata pallipes Fleutiaux and Salle. Names are based upon comparison of original descriptions with specimens on loan. Rivalier (1955: 80) is correct in stating that C. taitiensis Boheman is a cicindelid from Tahiti which is not an element of the American fauna. The name C. pseudoargentata Mandl has been assigned to small specimens of C. argentata. Description. — Body length. 6.0-8.0 mm M and F. Body color. Head, pronotum and elytra dull to slightly glossy, black to coppery brown, elytra of some specimens with green reflections. Venter, pleuron and sides of head with green, blue, and coppery reflections. Body setae. Proepistemum and mesepistemum sparsely setose, metepistemum more densely setose; lateral margins of abdominal sterna 1-6 setose. Other external features. Labrum of average length, tridentate, with eight submarginal setae, ranging in number from five to 12 (Figs. la-d). Pronotum narrow, sutures shallow (Figs. 12a-c). Coupling sulcus of female shallow to moderately deep groove, with deeper pit in middle. Apex of front trochanters with one seta. Apices of elytra slightly to not recurved. Pattern of elytral maculations with humeral lunule discontinuous, humeral spot on shoulder in most specimens, humeral subapical spot present; marginal band in most specimens; middle band complete or discontinuous; apical lunule complete or discontinuous (Figs. 23a-e). Punctures of elytra large, shallow, with green (mainly) and coppery reflections. Female genitalia. Sternum 8 with deep and broad V-shaped posterior emargination; apices moderately rounded, each with three short stout setae (Figs. 34a, 35a). Second gonapophyses broad, medial portion almost as long as lateral portion (Figs. 34a, 35a). Syntergum 9 and 10 as in Figures 34b, 35b. Ventral sclerite broad, lightly sclerotized, median ridge absent; inside lateral walls of bursa slightly sclerotized (Figs. 34c, 35c). Thick membrane in place of oviduct sclerite (Figs. 34c, 35c). Length of spermatheca and duct ca 1.0 mm. See also Vidal Sarmiento (1966a; 256). Male genitalia. Male genitalia have been described by Rivalier (1955: 81) and Vidal Sarmiento (1966b: 33). Geographical Variation and Subspecies. — Variable elytral maculations include the humeral spot almost absent or very well marked, and marginal band absent or reduced (few specimens) or well marked (most specimens). The middle band is discontinuous in some specimens. A complete apical lunule is the general condition, though a few specimens with a discontinous one are present throughout the species range. Geographical patterns in these characteristics are not clearly discernible, though maculations of the elytra are broader and more frequently complete in specimens from northern Brazil. Specimens in southern Brazil tend to have discontinuous or absent portions of the elytral maculations. Specimens of C. a. macella Rivalier have elytral maculations much reduced. Whether or not they are the predominant form in well defined geographical populations remains to be seen. We follow recent authors in recognizing subspecies of non-Brazilian forms. Relationships. — Cicindela argentata is sister to the lineage that gave rise to C. venustula Gory (northern S. America) and sister species C. obscurella and C. pretiosa. Habitat and Period of Activity. — Label data indicate a period of activity from December to April. Adults live in moist open areas in grassy vegetation. They Brazilian Species of Cicindela 267 occasionally occur along river beaches but usually near clumps of grass (Pearson, 1984). Geographical Distribution, Localities, Examined Specimens. — Inland and near coasts, from northern Argentina, Uruguay to northern Brazil and French Guiana (Fig. 47), and Guadeloupe. Argentina. Cordoba : no locality, 1M, MZSP. Formosa : Guaycolec, 2F, MZSP. La Rioja : Patquia, 1M, IF, MZSP. Tuouman : no locality, 1M, IF, MZSP. Bolivia. Prov. del Sara*, 6M, 9F, ICCM; Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bol., 1M, ICCM. Brazil. Amazonas : Arima (on Rio Purus), 1M, ICCM; Beruri (on Rio Purus), 4M,5F,MZSP; Caninde (50 km e), 4M, 3F,MZSP; Hyutanaham (on Rio Purus), 31M, 18F, ICCM; Itacoatiara (30 km w. on Rio Urubu), 2F, ICCM; Manaus, 3M, 4F, INPA; Manaus (Reserva Ducke, km 26 on Itacoatiara Hwy), 1M, BRI; Manaus (30 km ne), 3M, INPA; Manaus (40 km w. at Lago Janauaca), 1M, BRI: Manaus (60 km n), 1M INPA; Rio Cavaburi, 3F, MZSP; Rio Preto, 1M, MZSP; Santo Antonio do Iga, IF, MNRJ; Sao Gabriel, 1M 2F, IOC;, Tapuruquara (on Rio Negro), IF, MZSP; Tefe, IF IOC. Ceara : Aracati, IF, MZSP; IOC, 1M, IF, MZSP; Jaquaribe, 1M, MZSP; Russas, 1M, 2F, MZSP . Espirito Santo : Guandu*, I'M, IF, IOC; no locality IF, MNRJ. Goias: Cabeceiras (Lagos Formosa), 1M, 2F, MZSP; Chapada, 6M, 6F, ICCM; Jatai, 17M, 6F, MZSP; Pirineus*, IF, MZSP; Vianopolis, IF, MZSP. Matto Grosso : Barra do Tapirape, 3M, IF, MZSP; Bodoquena, !, IOC; Camisao*, IF, MZSP; Corumba, 1M, MZSP; Jacare Pq. Nac. Xingu, 1M, MZSP; Murtinho*, 1M, MZSP; Vacaria, 6M, IF, MZSP; Salobra (Rio?), !, IOC; Tres Lagoas, 1M, MZSP; Urucum, IF, MZSP, 1M, MNRJ; Xingu, 1M, MZSP. Minas Gerais: Buritis, 1M, IF, MZSP; Ipatinga, 1M, MZSP; Mar de Espanha*, 1M, MNRJ; no locality, IF, MZSP; Serra Caraca, IF, MZSP. Para: Cachimbo, !, IOC, 12!, MZSP; Oriximina, 2M, 2F, MZSP; Santarem, 7M, 5F, ICCM. Paraiba: Corema, 1M, MZSP. Parana: Ponta Grossa, 1M, IF, MZSP. Santa Catarina: Joinville, 1M, MZSP; Nova Teutonia, 2M, IF, MZSP. Sao Paulo: Alto da Serra*, 1M, MZSP, Avanhand (Garbe Lake)*, 1M, MZSP; Barueri, 4M, 5F, MZSP; Boraceia*, 1M, 3F, MZSP; Campos do Jordao, IF, MZSP; Cantareira, IF, MZSP; Caraquatatuba, IF, MZSP; Embu, IF, MZSP; Estac, IF, MZSP; Iporanga, 3F, MZSP; Itu, 2M, MZSP; Mairipora, 1M, MZSP; 1M, MZSP; Onda Verde*, !F, MZSP; Pindamonhangaba, 1M, IF, MZSP. Pirassununga, 1M, MZSP; Rincao, 1M, MZSP; Sao Paulo, 2M, 2F, MZSP; Sapuchui, 1M, MZSP; Ypiranga, !, MZSP. French Guiana. Oiapoque River, 3M, 5F, ICCM. Paraguay. Asuncion, 2F, ICCM. Peru. Huancayo, !, IOC; Rio Ampiacu*, 1M, IF, MZSP. Uruguay. Paysandu (on Rio Uruguay), 1M, MNRJ. (Note: Ecuador; C. a. umbrogemmata Horn, 1906: 87. Venezuela; C. argentata and C. a. pallipes Horn, 1903: 334. Cicindela (Brasiella) obscurella Klug Figs. 2, 13, 24, 36, 37, 48 Cicindela obscurella Klug, 1829: 3 (TYPE LOCALITY, Sud-Brasilien). - Dejean, 1831: 268. - Horn, 1891: 324; 1906: 89; 1915: 407; 1926a: 308; 1938: 52. - Barattini, 1929: 1219. - Fernandez, 1936: 105. - Blackwelder, 1944: 17. - Rivalier, 1954: 263; 1955: 82. Vidal Sarmiento, 1966a: 256-257; 1966b: 32. Sumlin, 1979: 103. Cicindela tripunctata Dejean , 1831: 267 (TYPE LOCALITY, les parties meridionales du Bresil). - Horn, 1915: 407; 1926a: 308. Blackwelder, 1944: 17. - Vidal Sarmiento, 1966b, 32. Cicindela celeripedestris Horn, 1896b: 357 (TYPE LOCALITY, Minas Geraes); 1938: 52. Blackwelder, 1944: 17. - Rivalier, 1955: 84. Vidal Sarmiento, 1966b: 32. Cicindela obscurella constricta Rivalier, 1955: 83 (TYPE, a male in the MNHP general collection bearing the following labels: “Bresil (Minas) Sertao de Diamantina Faz Das Melancias E. Gounelle 10-11 1902/Museum Paris Bresil coll. E. Gounelle 1913/ B. obscurella ssp. constricta mihi E. Rivalier det/TYPE” (black letters on red label)/ “penis 974 Rivalier”; TYPE LOCALITY, Minas Geraes). NEW SYNONYMY. Brasiliella chrysocollis Mandl, 1963: 585 (TYPE LOCALITY, Jacare P.N. Xingu, M. Grosso, Bras.). NEW COMBINATION AND SYNONYMY. Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 268 Freitag and Bames Brasiliella pallidipes Mandl, 1963: 589 (TYPE LOCALITY, Sta. Catarina, Brasil). NEW COMBINATION AND SYNONYMY. Recognition. — The elongate and edentate labrum (Figs. 2a, b) combined with the almost effaced elytral maculations. (Figs. 24a, b) separates C. obscurella from other species of the argentata group. Adults of C. obscurella are generally larger than adults of its sister species C. argentata. Two dark finger-like brushes of setae in the bursa copulatrix of females also distinguish C. obscurella from other related species (Figs. 36d, 37d, e). In addition the shapes of sclerites in the internal sac of the median lobe of males characterize this species (Rivalier, 1955: 84). Synonyms and Types. — Except for the holotype and allotype of C. o. constricta Rivalier, we have not seen the types of this complex. The names are based on comparison of original descriptions with specimens on loan. In treating C. celeripedestris Horn as a junior synonym we follow Horn (1938: 53) and Vidal Sarmiento (1966b: 32). We have examined specimens from Uruguay which conform to the description of C. o. constricta Rivalier. They do not appear to form a single geographical population. Brasiliella chrysocollis Mandl appears to be a coloured form of C. o. constricta Rivalier. We consider Brasiliella pallidipes Mandl to be a small form of C. obscurella in view of the fact that the labrum is edentate and that it is found within the range of C. obscurella. Description. — Body length. 8.0 mm M, 8.5 mm F. Body colour. Head and pronotum slightly glossy, black with coppery reflections; elytra dull, black with coppery reflections, some specimens with green, blue or purple reflections. Venter glossy, black with green, blue, purple and coppery reflections; pleuron mainly coppery, green and blue. Body setae. Pronotum and proepistemum sparsely setose, mesepistemum with a few setae at ventral end, metepistemum more densely setose; abdominal sterna one to six setose mainly on lateral margins. Other external features. Labrum elongate edentate, median portion almost tooth-like in some females, with eight submarginal setae, ranging in number from six to 10 (Figs. 2a, b). Pronotum narrow, sutures shallow (Figs. 13a, b). Coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female a long and sinuate groove. Apex of front trochanters with one sensory seta, middle of trochanters glabrous. Elytra with recurved apices; maculations discontinuous or almost effaced; punctures large, shallow, with green (mainly) and coppery reflections (Figs. 24a, b); a few erect setae present near shoulder; microsculpture isodiametric, bead-like; apical microserrulations very small, almost obsolete. Female genitalia. Sternum 8 with wide V-shaped shallow emargination in apical end; apices broadly rounded, each with a group of four short stout setae (Fig. 36a). Second gonocoxa with setae along medial margin (Fig. 36a). Second gonapophyses with medial portion 2/3 length of lateral portion (Fig. 36a). Syntergum 9 and 10 rectangular (Fig. 36b). Ventral sclerite strongly sclerotized, median ridge well developed with two finger-like brushes on inside of bursa (Figs. 36c, d, 37c-e). Membrane in place of oviduct sclerite (Figs. 36c, 37c). Spermatheca and duct ca 1.5 mm. Male genitalia. Male genitalia have been described by Rivalier (1955: 84). Geographical Variation. — Within populations, the elytral maculations, especially the middle band, vary from diffuse to almost effaced (Figs. 24a, b). A few adults with almost complete middle bands are present in Sao Paulo and can be confused with C. argentata adults. Relationships. — Cicindela obscurella and C.pretiosa are sister species. Habitat and Period of Activity. — Adults have been collected in December in Brazil, and in February in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Habitat unknown. Brazilian Species of Cicindela 269 Geographical Distribution, Localities, Examined Specimens. — Inland northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay to south Brazil (Fig. 48). Argentina. Salta: San Lorenzo*, 1M, IF, MNRJ. Tucuman: no locality, 1M, 2F, IOC. Brazil, no locality, IF, BMNH, IF, USNM. Minas Gerais : Pocos de Caldas, 6F, RRMC. Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia, 6!, RRMC. Sao Paulo: Campos do Jordao, 3M, 10F, MZSP. Paraguay. Loma*, IF, IOC; no locality, 2M, IF, IOC, Puerto Bertoni*, 1M, IF, IOC, Villarrica, 1M, IOC. Uruguay. Maldonado, 1M, MNRJ; Montevideo, 4F, CASC, 1M, MNRJ, 4M, 7F, 1!, USNM; Rocha, 1M, MNRJ; Tacuarembo, IF, MNRJ. Cicindela (Brasiella) pretiosa Dokhtouroff Figs. 3, 14, 25,38, 48 Cicindela pretiosa Dokhtouroff, 1882: 276 (TYPE LOCALITY, l’Amazone). Horn, 1915: 407; 1926a, 309; 1938: 52. Blackwelder, 1944: 19. Rivalier, 1954: 263; 1955: 97. Recognition. — The protruded central portion of the front margin of the labrum (Figs. 3a-c) together with pattern of elytral maculations distinguish adults of C. pretiosa from those of all other South American tiger beetles. Synonyms and Types. — We have not seen the type specimen of C. pretiosa. The name is based on comparison of specimens on loan with the original description and the drawings of the elytra by Horn (1938: 52) and Rivalier (1955: 97). Description. — Body length. 7.0 mm M, 9.0 mm F. Body colour. Head and pronotum slightly glossy, dark brown to black with coppery reflections; elytra dull, dark brown with coppery reflections. Venter black with blue, green, and coppery reflections. Body setae. Pronotum with front and lateral margin moderately setose, and a few setae medially; proepistemum and mesepistemum with a few setae near ventral margin; metepistemum moderately setose throughout; metastemum and abdominal sterna setose laterally. Other external features. Labrum edentate (or obsoletely tridentate), with front margin broadly protruding in center (Figs. 3a-c), and eight to 10 submarginal setae. Pronotum broader anteriorly (Figs. 14a-c). Coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female a deep sinuate groove. Elytra apices slightly recurved with small apical spine; humeral lunule represented by a small subapical spot, with a small humeral spot present in some specimens, middle band short, sinuate and broad, and apical lunule reduced (Figs. 25a-c); punctation broad, shallow with green and coppery reflections; microsculpture isodiametric, bead-like. Female genitalia. Sternum 8 with broad V-shaped posterior emargination, apices each with a group of three stout setae (Fig. 38a). Second gonocoxa with medial setae. Second gonaphophyses with medial portion 0.75 length of lateral portion (Fig. 38a). Syntergum 9 and 10 as in Figure 38b. Ventral sclerite broad, slightly sclerotized, with two apical setiferous brushes; median ridge absent. Membrane in place of oviduct sclerite (Fig. 38c). Spermatheca and duct ca 1.5 mm in length. Male genitalia. Unknown. Geographical Variation. — The pattern of the elytral maculations varies, particularly in the shape of the middle band and the presence or absence of the humeral and subhumeral spots (Figs. 25a-c). Relationships. — Cicindela pretiosa and C. obscurella are sister species. Habitat and Period of Activity. — Adults have been collected in January and February. Habitat unknown. Geographical Distribution, Localities, Examined Specimens. — Amazon Basin (Fig. 48). Quaest. Ent., 1989, 25 (3) 270 Freitag and Bames Brazil. Amazonas : Itacoatiara (km 244), 1M, INPA; Manaus (1 km w. Taruma Falls), 1M, IF, ICCM; Manaus (30 km. n), 1M, INPA; Manaus (60 km n.), 2M, IF, INPA; Manaus (Reserva Ducke), 2M, IF, INPA. The aureola group Adults of this group are characterized by bright coppery with some green on the head, pronotum and elytra, and unpigmented bell-shaped spot in abdominal sternum 5 and setae present in the bursa copulatrix of the female. The group has four species, two of which are found in Brazil, C. amaenula and C. aureola . The geographical range of the aureola group extends from northern Argentina northward to Venezuela. This group is a distant relative of the argentata, hemichrysea and viridicollis groups. Cicindela ( Brasiella ) amaenula Chaudoir Figs. 4, 15, 26, 39,49 Cicindela amaenula Chaudoir , 1854: 120 (TYPE LOCALITY, les rives du fleuve des Amazones). - Horn 1906: 88; 1915: 407; 1923: 112; 1926a: 308; 1938: 52. Blackwelder, 1944: 17. - Rivalier, 1954: 263; 1955: 89. Mandl, 1963: 588, 591. Recognition . — Specimens of C. amaenula are characterized by teir very broad elytral maculations (Fig. 26). As Rivalier (1955: 90) observed so e C. amaenula specimens have narrow maculations and may be confused witii C. argentata specimens, but the former are distinguished by their more obliquely directed middle band (Fig. 2 cf Fig. 23a) combined with poorly developed marginal teeth of the labrum (Fig. 4). Female genitalia (Fig. 39) and male genitalia (Rivalier, 1954: 262; 1955: 90) are also specifically distinct. Synonyms and Types. — The name C. amaenula is based on comparisons of the original description with specimens on loan. Description. — Body length. 8.0 mm F. Body colour. Head and pronotum slightly glossy brown to black with green and coppery reflections; elytra slightly glossy brown with coppery reflections. Venter glossy, black with coppery green and blue reflections pleura with mainly coppery and green reflections. Body setae. Pronotum moderately setose, proepistemum sparsely setose; mesepistemum with a few setae at ventral end; metepistemum more densely setose; metastemum setose laterally; abdominal sterna 1-6 setose, more densely so on lateral margin. Other external features. Labrum obsoletely tridentate with eight submarginal setae (Fig. 4). Posterior end of pronotum narrow (Fig. 15). Coupling sulcus of mesepistemum of female a long sinuate moderately deep groove. Apices of front trochanters with one seta. Elytra of female with slightly recurved apices, apical spine not well developed; humeral lunule reduced to shoulder and apical spots, middle band, marginal band and apical lunule well developed and broad (Figs. 26); punctation broad, shallow and with green (mainly) and coppery reflections. Female genitalia. Sternum 8 with shallow broad V-shaped posterior emargination; apices broadly rounded each with a group of four stout setae (Fig. 39a). Second gonocoxa moderately setose near medial margin (Fig. 39a). Second gonapophyses with medial porti 0.75 length of lateral portion (Fig. 39a). Syntergum 9 and 10 as in Figure 39b. Ventral sclerite bro